Missouri S&T Magazine, October 1982

Page 1

Alumnus Paul Piech

University of Missouri-Rolla

October, J982


MSM-UMR Alumni Association Telephone (3 14) 341-41 7 1; (314) 341 -4172 OFF ICE RS Presiden l ........... Roben D. Bay. '49 .

Alumnus MSM ·U MR Alumni Association Un iversity of Missouri·Rolia Rolla , Missouri

Preside nt Ekct ...... Lawrence A. Sranier. ·50 ...... . . 5 Pett it Dri ve .. . ............ . " " 1982 Dix Hills, NY 11 746 .. P.O. Box 1991 . Vi ce Presidenl ....... Fran k C. Arpleyard. '37 . . . 1982 Tubac. Al 85640 Vice Presiden l .

. . An hur G. Baeb ler. '55

· ... 20 Fox Meadows . Su nse t Hills, MO 63 127

" 198 2

Vice President .

. Alfred J. Buesche r. '64

· ... 62 4 Golfview Dr. . Ballwin, MO 630 I I ...... 12425 Balw yck Lane . SI. Louis, MO 63 131 · . .. Depl. of Melallurgica l & UMR , Roll a, M0 65401


Vice Pres iden!. ...... James B. McGra th . '49

Volume 56 Nu m ber 5 Oc t 0 b e r , 1 9 8 2

On The Cover

The print on the cover is just one of many illustrations in the new book "Sparks of Fire" edited by UM R's Jim Bogan and Fred Goss. T he artist is Peter Pau l Piech , proprietor of the Tarus Press in Engla nd . A display of his il· lustrations will be on ex hibit in UM R's Wilson Library for another couple of yea rs. For more on the book, see pages 1·3.

MSM ALUMNUS (USPS-323-500) Issued bi·monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the M isso uri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri-Rolla. Entered as second class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401-9990, under the Act of March 3, 1897.

Term Expire~ . Bl ac k & Veatch ; 1500 Meadow Lake 198, Parkway KansasCi ty, M0 64 114


......... Robe n V. Wolf. '51 .

Treas urer . . . ..... .. . Vernon T . Loe,ing '42

1982 ucJear Engr ... 198 2

. Depl. of Civ il Engr. UMR , Rolla, M0 65 401

.......... 198 2

DIRECTORS AT LARGE James D. Gos lin, '44 ... . ....... . 180 MI. Oli ve Drive, Bradbur y, CA 910 IO. Roben P. Schafer. '52 . . 4426 Mill Creek Road, Dallas, TX 75234 . . 511 N. Main St .. Chagrin Falis, OH 44022 . Ge rald L. Steve nson. 59 . Rona ld A. Tappmeyer. '47 . . . . . . . 2226 Coun tr y Club Drive , Sugar Land, TX 77 478 . John B. Toomey, ·49 . .. . . . . ... . . 7412 Adl1li ral Dr., Alexa nd ria, VA 22307 Armin J. Tu cker. '40 . . ... 6464 Overlook Drive, Alexa ndria. VA 223 12.

Term Expire; 198 2 1983 19 4 1984 1983 1982

Area l ip Term Expires Code Numbers AREA DIR ECTO RS 00-14 Raymond T. Ruenheck , '50 7 Montev iew. Chelm sford , MA 0 1824 . 1983 15-2 1 Roben C. Perr y. '49 . . . . 302 Fox Chapel Road, PittSburgh, PA 15238 . 1983 22-34 Way ne R. Broaddus. Jr . '55 40 5 ESlher Dr ive, Dalt on, GA 30720 . 198 2 35-45 Willi am D. B'usc h, '42 20001 Idl e wood Trail, Cleve land , OH 441 36 . 1983 46-59 George Baum ganne r. '56 . . . 2120 Sy rac use, Dea rborn. M I 48124 1984 60-61 Allen G. Behrin g, '66 ..... . 121 E. Witchwood Lan e, Lake Bluff, IL 60044 . 1982 62 -62 Ernst Weinel, '44 .......... 1502 West 50, O'Fa llon , IL 62269 . 1984 63 -65 Matteo A. Coco. '66 . . 7 115 Ali ce lOn Ave., SI. Louis, M06 3123 . . 1984 63·65 Harold R. Crane. '53 . . .. 480 Cou ntry Club Dri ve . Hannibal, MO 6340 1. 1983 63 -65 Manha Ger ig, '69 .. 801 Fairground Road , Roll a. MO 65401 . 1984 63 -65 Harold A. Krueger. '4 2 . . .. Kennecott -Oza rk Lead, P.O. Box 11248, Salt Lak e Cit y. UT 84147198 2 63 -65 Paul R. Munger. '58 . . Director Institule of Ri ver Studies, UM R, Rolla. MO 65401 1984 63-65 J.L. "Jack" Painter. '50 .... 2123 Sunset Dri ve. Poplar Bluff. MO 6390 I . 1982 63 -65 J. Roben Patterson. '54 .... Show-Me. Inc" P.O. Box 573, Sikeston. MO 63801 1984 63 -65 Kenn elh D. Pohlig. '64 . . 2 Vienne Coun. Lake SI. Louis. MO 63367 . 1983 63 -65 Roben E. Vansa nl. '51 . 435 E. 55 Sireei. Kansas CiI Y. MO 64 110 . 1983 63 -65 C. M. Wa ttenbarger. '41 ... 205 W. First SI. Terra ce. Lamar. MO 64759 . 1984 66 -7 4 David D. Ki ck, '57 .... . .... 49 15 S. Lakewood Dr .. Tulsa. OK 741 35 . 1982 75 -79 Rex Alford, '40 . 57 43 Jaso n. Hous lon. TX 77096 . 1982 80-89 & 96·99 Victor J. Hoffmann. '60 . . ............... 31057 E. Lake Monon Dr" S.E. Kenl, WA 98031 . 1983 90-95 Roben L. Ray. '47 . . .. 604 5 Estates Dri ve. Oakla nd. C A 946 11. 1982 CO MM ITTEE CHAIR ME N DIRECTO RS Roben W. Klorer. '44 ........... 75 00 Natural Bridge Road. SI. Louis, MO 63123 Joe l F. Love ridge, '39 ........... 739 Country Manor Lane. Creve Coe ur , MO 63141 Wal ter C. Mul yca. '65 . RI. I. No. 16, Marshall , TX 75670 EXECU TIVE CO MMITTEE Richard H. Bauer. '52 . . Mi ssouri Elee trochem Inc.. 10958 Lin -Vall e Dr. SI. Loui s. MO 63 123 Robe n M. Brackbill , '42 . .Texas Pacific Oi l Co .. 800 G len Lakes Tower. 101 9400 N. Cent ral Expresswa y, Dallas TX 7523 1 Joseph W. Mooney, '3 9 . ... 7383 Wes tm ore land. Uni versit y Cit y. Mo. 63 130

Term Expires 198 4

EX -OFF IC IO DIR ECTORS Paul T. Dow ling. '40 ............ 10 144 Wind ing Ridge Rd.. SI. Louis, MO 631 24 R. O. Kaslen. '43 . . . 90 I West 1141h Te rrace, Kansas Ci ty, MO 64114 Peter F. Mattei. '37 . . ..... 995 4 Holliston Cour l. SI. Louis. MO 63 124 Mel vin E. Nickel, '3 8 ........ 10601 South Hamilt on Ave .. Chi cago. IL 60643 F. C. Schneeberger. '25 ......... One Briar Oak , SI. Louis, MO 63 1n James W. Slephens. '47 Missouri Publi c Service Co" P.O. Box 11 73 9 Kansas Ci IY. MO 641 38 STAFF Frank H. Mackaman . Ex ec uli ve Vi ce-Presidenl. MSM ·UMR Alumni Association and Dir ec lor. Office of Alumn ilDeve lopmen t. University 1)f Missouri · Roll a ......... Assistanl Direc tor. Alum ni Activities Larry Allen Louise Wilso n . . .. Admin . Secretary. Alumni/Deve lop ment Sall y Whil e

.......... Ed itor. MSM ALU MNUS MSM ·UM R Alumni Assoc ia lion, Har ris Hall , UM R, Ro ll a, MO 65 401 ·9990

1982 1986



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"Sparks of Fire"

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The italicized paragraphs are a review (in its entirety) of "Sparks of Fire" by Charles Guenther, pub-lished in the Oct. 3 issue of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

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W.B. Yeats spent half a lifetime studying the English Romantic William Blake, but perhaps never Found his secret. Maybe a couple of editors who live and teach in the Ozarks have captured Blake in spirit. James Bogan and Fred Goss of the University of Missouri-Rol1a have assembled a lively and motley col1ection of poems, i11ustrations and imaginative and scholarly articles on the 18thcentury poet. "

rmbptrlS 1984 1982 1986 1

Fred Goss, whose doctoral work at the University of Kansas has been involved with Blake, has been a full¡ time member of the UMRolla staff since 1979. He is an editorial assistant with the Center for Applied Engineering Manage¡ ment and also serves as a part-time lecturer in English and the arts. "I met Blake amidst the usual gang of Romantics, found truth in his vision , and worked with and from him ever since," he says. Jim Bogan, associate professor of art at UM Rolla, has been a member of the humanities facult y since 1969. In addition to Blake studies (doctorate also from K.U .), his research and teaching interests include Missouri artist Tom Benton, American films-from Kea ton to Broughton, and art admiration in general. A poet, Bogan has published one book of poems on the Ozarks and another, "Ozark Meandering" nears completion. "William Blake has led me to delightful friends and worlds within ," he comments. "Some of the hundreds of pieces are part of a casual 'put-on ' of Blake - a contrast to the typically staid, ser ious Blake scholarship. But there is meat in

this 'fun meal,' too, such as A. C. Swinburne 's remarks on Blake and Whiteman extracted from an essay first published in 1868. There are solid articles by Karleen M. Murphy, Howard Schwartz, Fred Whitehead and others, and a wide range of verse. Among the poets, Robert Kel1y wrote 'The Book of Water, ' a long, fresh and imaginative poem, after having 'loved Blake and quarreled with and for hi m ' for y ears. Kel1y's is typical of the reaction of many modern poets to Blake. " Two years of close attention and manifold collaborations went into "Sparks of Fire." Assistance came from man y sources. In addition to contributions from artists and authors and editorial and monetary aid from indi viduals, the authors received several gra nts. An Education Assistant Grant from the MSM-UM R Alumni Association provided monetary assistance for the student working on the book's layout and grants were received from the University of Missouri Weldon Springs Fund and the National Endowment fo r the Arts. "It's a delight to read and peruse these new im pressions of an old force in modern art and poetry. 'Sparks of Fire ' makes Blake quite palatable. It is a great study aid or supplement to such serious works as George M. Harper's 'The Neoplatonism of Wj]Jiam Blake' (North Carolina, 19(1), Geoffrey Keynes ' edition of Blake 's letters (Macmillan, 1956), the Random House edition of 'The Book of Urizen (1978), and, of course, the Oxford edition of Blake's poems. " MSM A lumnu s! 1

"Blake at UMR" Week From Sept. 13 to 17, a "Blake at UMR" week was held on campus. Scheduled by Jim Bogan to coincide with publication of "Sparks of Fire," the week featured a visit by Dr. Roger Easson , a visiting professor of arUmusic at UMRolla. Dr. Easson , associate professor of English at Memphis State University , is the founder , editor and publisher of "Blake Studies," a journal devoted to the study of the poet, and is the founder and executive director of the American Blake Foundation . He is director of the Center for the

Study of William Blake, a privately owned research center at Memphis State University, and he is co-director of the Greater Memphis Writing Project. During his stay on campus, Easson met with several classes, presented public lectures on Blake and writing and met informally with students and faculty . Other participants in the program included lecturer Dr. Fred Whitehead , instructor in English at Longview Community College in Kansas City and editor of Quindar magazine, and guitarist Tom Nichols, Class of '77.

Dr. Way ne Bartee, a me mbe r or the board or the Missouri Com mittee for Huma nities disc usses the " William Blake at UM R" wee k with Jim Boga n.

Visiti ng proressor. Dr. Roge r Easson , discusses Blake wi th stu den ts rollowing an inrormal lec ture session.

Dr. Easson mee ts inrormall y with fac ult y and stall.

Dr. Fred Wh ite head ill ustra tes his lecture on "Workingman 's Blake" during the " Blake at UM I{" week .

2 MS M A lum n u s





.lAMES &QG~N • rRED GnSS The 470-page "Sparks of Fire" is published by North At lantic Books, Ri chmond, Ca lifornia . It is ava ilable in hard cover ($35) or paperback ($ 12.9 5). It may be ob· tained from th e UMR Bookstore, Un ive rsity Cente r West, U niversit y of M issouri·Rolla, Rol la, Mo. 6540 I. If ord ered by mail, please include $ 1. 50 for postage.


MSM Alumnu s 3


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UMR Stonehenge 4 MSM A lumnus

Stone Plain 7~ man's 0: Dr. Jose Rolla ci' "The , ning abc explaine deal of I "The , summer central t ring," he one¡half aware 01 stones re "Cons, changes, sophistic The 01 the worlt "To PI perspecti 4,000 ye, shaped, t with tren said Dr. ing Engil and EXpl The pr reconstru which wi tcresting "The n Avenue,

Stonehenge Represents One of Man's Earliest, Most Sophisticated Computers Stonehenge, the ancient mega lith located on Salisbury Plain 75 miles southwest of London, represents one of man's oldest and most sophisticated computers, accordin g to Dr. Joseph Senne, chairman of the U niversit y of MissouriRolla civ il engineering department, and an astronomer. "The original Stonehenge was built in three stages begin ning about 28 00 B.l'. and ending abou t 1100 B.c.," Senne explained_ "The people who constructed it ~to red a great deal of knowledge about the sun and moon in it. " The entire arra y is so oriented that the rising sun at the summer solstice (June 21) could be observed through the central trilithon aligned with the 'heel stone' outside the ring," he continued_ "The 19 sarsen stones following the one-half size stone indicated that Stonehenge's builders were aware of the 19-year eclipse cycle, while the 29 Vz sarsen stones represented the lunar month_ "Consequently, it could be used to predict seasonal changes, eclipses and moon phases, making it a sophisticated computer for the ages," he added. The original Stonehenge also ca n be classified as one of the world's outstanding engineering projects. "To put the construction of Stonehenge in the proper perspective it must be remembered th at it was built about 4,000 years ago and that stones weighing tons were cut, shaped , transported grea t distances and raised and placed with tremendous accuracy usi ng only primitive technology ," said Dr. David Summers, UM R Curators' Professor of Min ing Engineering and director of the U M R Rock Mechanics and Explosive Research Center. The proposed constru ction of a one-half-sca le pa rti al reconst ruction of Stonehenge at U M Rolla , a monument which will be known as UMR -Stonehenge, will offer an in terest ing juxtaposition. "The monument will be located at 14th Street and Bishop Avenue adj ace nt to the site of the planned new M ineral

Engineeri ng Building. It wi ll place ::t si mulation of an an cient computer in close prox imit y to UM R' s modern com puter fac ilities in th e Mathema tics-Computer Science Bu ildin g," sa id Joseph D. Wollard, UM R ex(;cut iv(; dire ctor of administrative services ane! cha irm an of th e l 'M RStonehenge comm ittee. "G iven U M Rolla's emphasis on e n gil l ee rin ~ Jnd the sciences it was felt that a monument such as U MR Stonehenge would be a particularly appropri ate ane! valuab le addition to ca mpus," he added . Planning for UMR -Stone henge has bee n a lung- tt:rlll project. "UMR -Stonehenge has been a fea ture of the CJlll pUS master plan for the last three ye::t rs and fi ts ill with the cor. cept of architec tu ral landsca pin g for the campu s," W, }llard said . "It also has been included ill all of th e archit ectura l drawings for the Mi neral Engineerin g Buile!ing ." A marker bearing th e inscripti on "U MR -Stonehenge" h:!> been placed in the center of th e monument. This marker identifies the spo t as an offi cial triangu lati on point in th e National Geodetic Survey's North A merican Tr iangulati on Network . (Such points are used fo r ma pping and con trol purposes.) T he timetable for cons truction of th e replica i ~ n e ~ib l e. "A ll UMR pe rso nnel who are invo lvee! in th e project wil l work on it on ly as thei r sc hedules permit." Woll ard sa id. "U MR -Stonehenge wi ll be bui lt with fune! s aIle! materia ls that have been donated spec ifica ll y for the project. No state money wi ll be used." UM Rolla's rep lica of Stonehenge will incorpora te 11 1;ln y of th e fea tures of the or iginal in its design. I t also II ill ill clude tw o capabilities th at the ori ginal did not possess. It wi ll feat ure a SO-foo t-in -diameter rin g of 2l) ~'2 sar~e ll stones around a horseshoe of five tri li th ons throu gh whi ch var ious sight ings of sunrise ane! sunse t ca n be made. T he sa rse n ston es will be I V2 fee t high, while each of th e MSM A lumn us 5

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The original Stonehenge on the Salisbury Plain in England.

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trilithons will measure 13 Yi feet from the ground to the top of its lintel. There also will be a "heel stone," four compass markers and low-level lighting for night use. On June 21 (summer solstice), the summer sunrise will be located between the interfaces of the southwest trilithon and above the heel stone 145 feet to the northeast , while the summer sunset will be visible through the interfaces of the northwest trilithon. On Dec. 21 (winter solstice), the winter sunrise will be located between the interfaces of the southeast trilithon , and the winter sunset will be visible between the interfaces of the southwest trilithon. The south¡facing trilithon will be provided with an aperture for an analemma. During the year, the noon sun shining through this opening will describe a figure "8" on the horizontal and vertical stones at the base of the trilithon . At noon each day , the analemma can be used to determine the date from the location of the sun's image on the figure " 8. "

The north-facing trilithon will be equipped with a "polaris window" through which the North Star can be viewed. Both this feature and the analemma were not part of the original Stonehenge. "While UM R-Stonehenge is based on astronomical principles, it can be used and enjoyed by everyone," Wollard said . "The polaris window and the analemma were added because we wanted the monument to be something that people could use every day , both at night and during the day . 6 / MSM Al u mnus

About 160 tons of granite will be used in the monument. The rock will be cut to the proper dimensions by UMR's Rock Mechanics and Explosives Research Center, using water jet techniques. Because UMR-Stonehenge is a part-time project for those involved and because of "certain specific construction prob¡ lems" in the project an exact date for its completion has not been set. It is hoped, however, that it can be completed in time for next year's summer solstice (June 21 , 1983). The preliminary design phase of the project has been completed and rock for the sarsen stones has arrived. "Accuracy in the placement of the various elements of the monument is of paramount importance," Wollard said. "There is absolutely no room for error, and this increases the time needed to complete the project. "For example, the bases for the trilithons, which measure 15 feet by two feet by 3 Yz feet and weigh over eight tons, must be placed absolutely perpendicular to the ground and then anchored so that they remain so. The weather also will be a factor in how quickly the project is completed," he concluded. In addition to Wollard, other members of the committee are: Senne; Summers; John S. Brown, Class of 1917, of Charlotte, N.C. ; June (Mrs. Fred, Class of '55) Kummer of S1. Louis, landscape consultant; John Vaughn, UM-Rolla director of administrative planning; and Jimmie (Mrs. Hans E. , Class of '44) Schmoldt of Bartlesville, Okla., artistdesigner.

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New Approach To Coal Mine Safety



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"The degree of management's commitment to safety is the most important factor for avoiding deaths and injuries in coal mines." This is the substance of a report issued this fall by the National Research Council Committee on Underground Coal Mine Safety, chaired by the University of Missouri¡ Rolla's Dr. Ernest M. Spokes, professor of mining engineering. The 190-page study, titled "Toward Safer Underground Coal Mines," was based on an analysis of nearly 40,000 injuries or fatalities in underground coal mines from 1978 through 1980, and information gathered during field trips to mines. The report says that deep coal mines are considerably safer today than they were 10 or 20 years ago. It notes that in the 1930's and 40's more than 1,000 miners were killed annually and that today the number is about 100. The committee emphasizes that the "primary initiative for achieving and maintaining improved coal mine safety must come from the management of coal companies." The results of the study also point out that "Mines with higher productivity have lower injury rates than do less productive mines." The study attributes this to the competence of management at productive mines, saying, "A management that can plan well to increase production can also plan well to improve safety." The report also contains recommendations that the Federal Government should double training requirements in the coal mines and should continue enforcing safety rules strictly. "Laws and regulations requiring affirmative compliance with safety standards are vital to maintaining and improving safety in underground coal mines," the report says. "Enforcement of safety standards and continuing improvement of safety regulations are a necessary part of the overall foundation of a national commitment to improve underground coal mine safety." The study proposes that coal mine industry associations regularl y publish rankings of companies according to their injury and fatality rates and that the Federal Government double the minimum training requirements for new miners. The Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 requires 40 hours of training for new miners, including eight hours at the mine site. The group suggests a "minimum of an additional 40 hours." It says there is a "strong correlation" between injuries and the age of miners-the younger miners have a higher injury rate. Dr. Spokes says the committee was formed at the request

DR. ERNEST M. SPOKES of The President's Commission on Coal. Its 12 members included representatives from labor (I. W. Abel, retired president of the United Steelworkers of America) , medicine, physical sciences, social sciences, engineering and the mining industry. Committee members, meeting over a period from October, 1980, to January, 1982, not only read through stacks of reports and compiled statistics, but made extensive field trips to underground mines. Spokes says the committee found that accident statistics for the 19 largest underground coal producers show that miners who work for companies with the best safety records are four times less likely to be killed or disabled on the job than those who work for companies with the worst safety records. "We are convinced," he says, "that the large coal companies with poor safety records could halve the number of disabling injuries by devoting more resources and attention to safety , by improving cooperation with labor, and by lengthening training." The report, published in August, is expected to generate discussion and attention within the industry . A copy may be obtained from the Na tional Academy Press, 210 I Constitution Ave. , N.W. , Washington, D.C. 20418 . "I hope ma nagers in the mining industry- not only coal mining-will obtain a copy of the report and study it closely,' Dr. Spokes says. "We think it contains information applicable to all underground mines." MSM Alumnus l7

Alumni Section Nevvs Bay Area Section On Sept. II , Board of Directors member Bob Ray organized a gathering of the Miner Clan in San Francisco. Dean Don Warner and his wife, Pat, and Frank and Nancy Mackaman represented the campus. Attendees ranged from Ray Murphy , Class of 1923, to Ali Ghaemian, Class of 1982, who had been in the area just three weeks. Veneto's, a family restaurant of long tradition , did a superior job. Those present hope to make the Bay Area group a continuing active section with annual meetings. Volunteers may con¡ tact Bob Ray. Signing the attendance list were: Nancy and Frank Mackaman, Rolla; Arthur Koelling ('S7), Sunnyvale, Calif. ; Ray ('74) and Bonnie Umphreys, Mountain View, Calif.; Marwan ('7S) and Dianne

S/ MSM A lu m nu s

Siagian, Sacramento, Calif. ; Howard (,28) and Harriett Histed, San Francisco, Calif.; Michael (,62) and Mary Herzog, Napa, Calif.; Betty and Charlie (,28) Freeman, Hillsborough, Calif.; Roy ('38) and Leslie Matthews, Sacramento, Calif.; Ali (,82) and Janet Ghaemian, Santa Clara, Calif.; Jerry (,S8) and Kay Littlefield, San Francisco, Calif.; Dennis ('76) and Pam ('7S) Leitterman, Sunnyvale, Calif; Warren (,S8) and Ellen Hooks, Fremont, Calif.; Gary Chappell ('76), Sunnyvale, Calif. ; Jan (Hartley) and Glenn Lipscomb ('81), Walnut Creek, Calif. ; Don (,62) and Barbara Marsinkavage, Milpitas, Calif. ; Bizhan Binesh ('70) , Mountain View , Calif.; Tooran Binesh ('72), Los Altos, Calif. ; . Masgood Bingsh ('7S) , Mountain View, Calif. ; Sam ('42), Martha, Karen Kurtz,

Roseville, Calif.; Raymond (,23) and Marion Murphy, Sonoma, Calif.; Fred (,61) and Jo Cunha, Sonoma, Calif.; Claire and Dwight (,S3) Hagemeier, Newark , Calif.; Bob (,47) and Mainey Ray , Oakland, Calif.; Dave (,64) and Laurie Peacock, Oakland, Calif.; Bob (,48) and Mary Rock, Santa Rosa, Calif.; Warren (,S O) and Carol McNe1y , Oakland, Calif.; Marianne Cochran (' SO) , Palo Alto, Calif.; Bill Glick, ('S8), San Jose, Calif. ; Sam ('72) and Haeja Choi, Orinda, Calif.; Don ('72) and Mira l11ian, San Bruno, Calif.; Parnell (,SO) and Mary Schoenky, Sunnyvale, Calif.; Jerry Shelton, ('SO), Berkely, Calif.; Don and Pat Warner, Rolla. The program pro~ided a campus update and individual alumni introduced themselves and their guests.

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MSM Alum nu s / 9

Alumni Section News Continued Wichita Section If you are related to Rod Schaefer, you are going to be active in Miner affairs. Paul Ray found that out when he had the privilege of arranging a meeting in Wichita prior to the Miner-Shocker game. The meeting was great. And the Miners even led the Shockers at one point. The weather was good. What else to say? The following signed the register: Bob Prokes ('48) , Wichita, Ks.; Susan Turner ('80) , Wichita, Ks.; Ann Crannell ('81), Wichita, Ks.; Walt Lounsbery ('78), Wichita, Ks.; Paul ('63) and Pat Ray ,

1O/ MSM Alumnus

Derby, Ks.; Bill ('60) and Connie Byrne, Wichita , Ks .; Frank and Nancy Mackaman, Rolla; John ('59) and Wanda Fuller, Jerry (,49) and Mary Francis Berry, Rolla; Bob ('72) and June Berry, Raytown, Mo.; Ed ('68) and Caralynn Palmer, Wichita, Ks.; Sage (,70) and Mary Ellen Joyner, Towanda, Ks.; George (,57) and Mary Miklos, Derby, Ks.; Joe (,40) and Pauli Rakaskas, Wichita, Ks; Chuck Schneider ('59) , Derby, Ks.; Kenton ('74) and Alma Hupp, Wichita, Ks.; Mary Lee Johnson Koewing ('33) , Wichita, Ks.; Sue

Johnson Brannock ('37) , Wichita, Ks. ; Billy Key, Rolla; Dixie Finley ('68) , Rolla ; Joe Marchello, Rolla; Bob Crowley, Rolla; Dick Napper, Rolla; Rod (,47) and Helen Schaefer, Rolla. So the football Miners celebrated Labor Day weekend with a valiant effort, alumni and parents present had no reason to be anything but proud. Although out-gunned and out-manned, heads were high as the field cleared. P.S. The Miners were in good company-the next week , the Shockers beat KU.

The ~ end of . The outi and Stev an adju associ a Secretar: It wasa libations


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Northwest Section The Northwest Section celebrated the end of July appropriately on the 31 st. The outing was held at the home of Sue and Steve Wright, which also doubles as an adjuct airport staging area. The association was represented by Secretary Bob Wolf and his wife Dottye. It was a full day with hiking, picnic fare , libations and the gracious hospitality of

the Wrights. Those who signed the register were: Bob ('51) and Dottye Wolf; Stephen (,68), Susan, Paul, and John Wright; Itsu ('59) and Kent Ariumura; David Winter (,78); Gerry ('50) and Kathleen Hammond; John (,59) and Betty Adams; Bob Yerbury (,77); David ('79) and Karen ('80) Sorrell; Pete (,62) and Marilyn Maisch; Ken

Siroky. Guests were Scott Huddeleston and Suzie Daly . Included in the above was a high school student from St. Louis. The winter meeting date has not yet been set although early December at the home of a Section member seemed to be the consensus.




MSM Alumnus / ll

MINER SPORTS Gene Green, Editor

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MiSSOuri team is 0 Unbea Miners a Pirkle eyes a receiver downfield agai nst Pitt burg State University. Pit tsbu rg, Kans. 12 MSM Alumnus

Oct. 30 With gila Pacing

Football Miners ... Defense Shines The highly-touted Miner defense is alive and well! After four games of the 1982 football season, opponents are finding out they once again have their hands full when UMR takes the field. "This may be one of the best groups we have had on the gridiron in many years," said head coach Charlie Finley. "If we can stay relatively free from injury, I hope this club stays in the thick of the MlAA race." The Miners opened the season with a 54-14 loss against Division I Wichita State, a formidable foe that defeated Kansas University the next week! Following this game, the Miners hit the road with a 12-9 victory over Missouri Valley, as quarterback Dennis Pirkle hit split end Dave Stephens with a 52-yard touchdown pass late in the contest. "Our defense did a real nice job in that game," Finley recalled. "Noseguard

Doug Keithly and linebacker Todd Fizer really caused the Vikings problems, along with tackle Bob Pressly. "It was really a nice win, because it is very difficult to whip the Vikings on their home field." UMR finally played before the home crowd Sept. 18, and defeated Pittsburg State University 21-9. The visitors entered the game ranked second in the NAIA Division I-a lofty position they held at the end of the 1981 season. The hero for the Miners during the home opener was cornerback Steven C. Davis, who grabbed a school-tying three interceptions, returning one for a 23-yard touchdown . Davis also batted down two other aerials and was in on eight tackles. "It is hard to have a day much better than Steve did," Finley said. "They defeated us last year, so we all wanted this one really bad." Randy Shed scored his second

touchdown of the season in this game, and continued to rank third in the MIAA in rushing with a 51.6 average. Davis led the MIAA in interceptions with four. Sept. 25 found the Miners on the road to the University of Evansville and involved in their last non-conference test before the MIAA slate. UMR won 14-10, as Jon Falke scored two touchdowns in the mud to pace the Miners to a come-from-behind victory . Paul Denzik paced the UMR defense, picking off two passes and breaking up another from his defensive end spot. UMR opened the MIAA season hosting Lincoln Oct. 2 for homecoming and won that game 23-7. The Miners were 6-3-1 overall in 1981 , 3-1-1 (second place) in the MIAA. UMR has the best overall record of any collegiate team in the state during the past five seasons.

Men's Cross Country Sets Sights On MIAA Meet With more depth than the team has ever enjoyed, the 1982 University of Missouri-Rolla men's cross country team is off to a flying start. Unbeaten in early dual meets, the Miners are setting their sights on the Oct. 30 MIAA meet in Warrensburg with guarded optimism. Pacing the Miners is sophomore Jeff

Peterson, who has turned in the best five-mile time in the team at 26:05. Right behind him is sophomore Dan Lichtenwalner, who recently recorded a mark of 26:19. "Everyone is working very hard and feeling a lot of inner competition," said Coach Dewey Allgood . "We have 23 young men running for us this year, and

that makes it very interesting." Allgood feels Peterson and Lichtenwalner have shots at post-season action if they continue to improve.

"It would be great to take some UMR runners to the nationals again ," Allgood said. "Hopefully someone from this group will make the grade and go." MSM Alumnus / 13

Soccer Miners Off To A Good StortI .. ... Ranked Six Nationally When University of Missouri-Rolla soccer coach Paul McNally saw the 1982 schedule, five straight road games stared him in the face . When the Miners finally returned home, they boasted a 4-1 record and a sixth-place ra nking in the NCAA Division II. "We are certainly happy with the quick start," McNally said. "Anytime you have to start a season off with that many road games, it is a test for your kids. I feel they responded very well." McNally also looks for the remainder of the UM-Rolla season to be a solid one, noting the "best soccer lies ahead. "We haven't played to our potential yet, and I am hoping we can do that later in the season." Faced with their toughest schedule in the team's history , the Miners are riding the play of many talented performers and an overall team effort.

So far , the young Miner contingent is responding to the rigors of the 1982 campaign. "Chris Generous has done an amazing job for us at sweeper back, and wo uld have to be considered a bonafide All-American candidate," McNally said. "His fine play on defense has really helped our young goalie, Bill Cowie, get acclimated into collegiate play." And what a start by Cowie! The freshman goalie played on last year's Missouri State prep soccer championship team, and has stepped in and recorded four shutouts in his first eight varsity starts. The M iners started off the season with a 2-0 win at Washington University on Sept. 4, and followed that the next Saturday with a 2-1 win over Kentucky Wesleyan. Division I foe University of Evansville handed the Miners a 3-0 loss the next day , but the losing streak

started and ended at one! UMR rebounded the next week with shutouts of 2-0 and 1-0 over Wright State and Northern Kentucky, respectively, shooting their record to 4-1 and the sixth spot in the Division II poll. "Mike Shillito has been scoring well for us, and co-captain Tom Kinney has been really doing the job setting up the goals," McNally said. "This team has played well, but still knows there is definite room for improvement." UM-Rolla whipped UM-Kansas City 5-2 Sept. 25, before losing to highlytouted Rockhurst College 2-0 . The Miners, however, again stopped the losing streak at one, blanking Northeast Oklahoma 4-0 in the final contest of September. If the squad can keep this type of trend alive throughout the season, Miner Soccer '82 will be a roaring success!

Two Varsity Sports Added To Women's Schedules The newest kids on the block this fa ll at UMR are women's cross coun try and women's soccer. T he Miner cross country squad, under the direction of Sarah Preston, has surprised many observers and boasts one runner with definite All-American credentials. "Jan Hierholzer, a senior from Florissant, has finished first in early home meets, and finished fourth at the SIUEdwardsville Invitational this year," Preston said. "The only people to finish in front of her in that meet were two All-Americans and the 1982 Missouri State High School champion ." Heirholzer's best time in a 5,000 race is 18:36. Also doing the job for UMR is junior Karen Penney , a native of Creve Coeur. 14/ MSM A lumnu s

She has fin ished second for the Miners in each meet, and boasts a 5,000-meter time of 20:47. How has Preston felt after watching her fledgling group for the first part of the season? " I have been pleased with the way the runners have worked hard and improved their times," she said. "At this stage of the team's life, it is hard to be strong all-around, but we have some great individUal talent to build on ." Also making the jump to varsity status is the UMR women's soccer team . The squad has surprised coach Paul McNally by playing .500 soccer during the early part of the season. " I anticipated many more problems than we have experienced," he said. "We may not be able to stay with real

tough Division II teams, but we certainly are coming around nicely . Hopefully a strong recruiting effort next year can fill some of our voids." F reshman goalie Lisa Frumhoff has been a pleasant surprise to many observers-even McNally. "I knew she was going to be a good one, so her success has not really been that surprising," he said. "But I guess she even showed me a little more ability than I thought she would." Also impressive has been defender Chris Waeckerle and midfielders Jan Wilkerson and G ina Tonsi. First-year programs traditionally have to struggle, but the newest Miner women's sports are providing plenty of reason to smile.

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The services of UMR's Career Development and Placement Center are available to alumni as well as students. Each week, many companies request assistance in locating applicants fo r jobs requiring experience in addition to degrees. To obtain information about the current job listings, alumni need to send an up-to-date resume to the Career Development and Placement Office. The placement staff will make the resume available to compan ies looking for people with experience, and wi ll send the alumnus a copy of the latest job listings. These contain job descriptions as well as names and addresses of people to contact. If you wish to use this service, contact: A. Sam Burton, assistant director-placement. Career Development and Placement Office, UMR , Rolla, MO 6540 I (phone: 314/341-4288).

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Meeting Data Event/Site Date . ... . . .. Nov. 19 Houston Area Section . Alumni Party Cincinnati-Dayton Section .... .. .. ... . . . . Dec. 4 Alumni Part y . .. . Mar. 6-10 SME-AIM E Meeting, Atlanta, Ga . . . .. Ap ril 16 MSM-UMR Alum ni Association . Spring Board Meeting, Rolla Class of 1933 50th Year Reunion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 13-14 Rolla II0th Annual Commencemen t. . . . .. . . . . . . Ma y 14 Rolla




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Here's a list of some of the extension continuing education short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR . Where titles are not self-explanatory you may call for more detailed information includi ng costs. Call the office of the Dean of Continuing Education and Public Service, 314-341 -41 56 . Writ ten requests should be addressed to the same office. 205B Parker Hall , Uni versity of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Mo. 6540 I.




Nov . 8-12 Nov . 16-17 Dec. 13-15 Jan . 10-14 Jan. 17-2 1 Jan. 31-Feb. 4

St. Louis St. Louis Rolla San Diego, Calif. San Diego, Calif. Rolla

School of Engineering

fundamentals of Deep Foundations Sixth International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures Short Course for Computer Aided Drafting/Design and Manufacturing Tenth Annual Short Course on Embankment Dams Seminar for Drillers and Exploration Managers Fundamentals of Shallow Foundations College of Arts and Sciences

Programming in Pascal Nov . 12 Maintenance Painting Nov . 9-11 Estimating for Painting Contractors & Maintenance Engineers Nov . 16- 18 Dec. 2 Software Development Tools & Techniques Maintenance Painting Feb. 15-17 Estimating for Painting Contractors & Maintenance Engineers Feb. 22-24 Introduction to Composition of Coatings March 14-18 Introduction to Paint Formulation April 4-8 Advanced Paint Formulation Trade Sales April 11 -15 Times and dates of courses may change nearer to the time of the course.

St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. Rolla Rolla Rolla

MSM A lumnus / IS

Fa AFROTC Returns to UMR

Bryson is Back Home Lt. Col. Tom Bryson, new professor of military science and head of the Army ROTC program at UMR is back home. Bryson was first on campus as a student in mechanical engineering, graduating with a bachelor's degree in 1964 . He came back to campus in 1970 to teach in the ROTC program and complete a master's degree in engineering management. He assumed his new duties in July. "I feel as if I'm back home," Bryson said. "My wife, Reba, and our children, Brent, Sara and Mindy, plan to settle here when I retire." He's found a lot of changes on campus. "From an enrollment of about 100 students in 1974, the UMR Army ROTC program has grow n to nearly 900," he said. One of his goals is to continue the quality Army ROTC program that is a tradition at UMRolla. "The number of four- and two-year scholarships awarded to this campus is increasing every year, and we like to keep it that way," he said. Bryson returned to Rolla after serving with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Ft. Leonard Wood and Ft. Riley and in Vietnam and German y. He was commissioned a second lieutenant through the ROTC program at UMR in 1964. He is a graduate of the Engineer Officer Advanced Course and of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff Course. His awards include the Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters and the Army Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster. Bryson is a member of the Society of American Military Engineers and the Association of the United States Army. He belongs to the Salem Avenue Baptist Church. The family lives on Hobso n Star Route. He is a native of Salem, Mo. 16! MSM Alumnu s

"The UMRolla campus was one of four-out of 140 applications-selected for the establishment of an Air Force ROTC program this fall," says Lt. Col. Lynn B. Ralston, professor of aerospace studies and head of the AFROTC program at UMR . "The quality of education available at UMR and the quality of students on this campus were the two main reasons it was decided to reactivate the program after an absence of six years," he continued. Col. Ralston explained that the Air Force of the future is expected to be extremely technical and most of the educational areas Air Force officers will need as background are available at UMR. 'Those making the decisions were particularly impressed with the leadership and management potential of the UMR students-their attitudes, motivation and values are what the Air Force is looking for," he says. Th is fall there are 65 students enrolled in the AFROTC program on campus and 11 of these hold full Air Force scholarships with three more students currently being considered for scholarships. Col. Ralston expects about 15 more students will be added to the scholarship roster in the spring. The Air Force ROTC program was first established on the UMR campus in 1971 , but was deactivated in 1976 after the campus had experienced a drop in enrollment and the viability of the AFROTC program was questionable. Since that time, interest in both engineering in general and the Air Force in particular has increased rapidly. "The new program here at UMR has only been active for four months," say Col. Ralston and already it ranks second in the region ." The region includes 32 AFROTC programs in seven states, from Texas to Nebraska. T he ranking includes such factors as students' grade point averages, quality of the university (programs accredited, etc) , and students' scores on the Air Force Officer Quotient Test (AFOQT). The AFROTC program at Iowa State is number one. "I am very optimistic about the future of the Air Force relationship on this campus," Col. Ralston says. "Our ROTC program is off to a good start and we also hope to establish ties with AFIT (Air Force Institute of Technology). We now have ten regular Air Force personnel enrolled at UMR as candidates for both graduate and undergraduate degrees through AFIT, and hope to set up a program that will quadruple the number by next year."



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Faculty Activities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __








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Munger Heads National Council

Book Accepted For Publication

Dr. Paul R. Munger, '58 , professor of civil engineering at UMRolla, was chosen president-elect of the National Council of Engineering Examiners at that organization's annual meeting Aug. 6-12 in Minneapolis. Munger says the national council is the agency through which state and U.S. territory licensing and registration boards act together to carry out responsibilities in regulating the practice of engineering and land surveying as it relates to the welfare of the public in safeguarding life, health and property . Munger, who is also director of UMR's Institute of River Studies, has been a member of the Missouri Board since 1974. In addition to his service on the state board of directors, he has served on the council's law enforcement, uniform examinations and qualifications for professional engineers, long range planning, and annual meeting program committees.

"Electric Power Distribution System Engineering," a textbook by Dr. Turan Gonen, associate professor of engineering management at UMRolla has been accepted for pUblication by the McGraw-Hill Book Co. Written for senior level undergraduate and beginning level graduate students, it is also intended for use by practicing engineers in the electrical power utility industry. The book will be available for distribution in November, 1983. Gonen holds B.S. and M.S . degrees in electrical engineering from Istanbul Technical College in Turkey , an M .S. degree in industrial engineering and Ph.D. degree (industrial and electrical engineering co-majors) from Iowa State University , and an M .B.A. from the University of Oklahoma. Before joining the faculty at UMR in 1981, he was an associate professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Un iversity of Ok lahoma. In addition to teaching positions with Iowa State University , Florida International University and Ankara Technical College, Gonen has eight years of industrial experience with companies in both this country and abroad. He is a member of several professional societies and honor organizations.

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Amos Elected To National Post Dr. John Amos, director of the UMRolla Center for Applied Engineering Management and professor of engineering management, has been elected vice chairman of the Institute of Management Science's College of Engineering Management for 1982-83. His term begins Sept. I. The Institute of Management Sciences is an international society which seeks to identify, extend and unify scientific knowledge pertaining to management.

Leighly Studies At NASA Center Dr. H . P . Leighly Jr., professor of metallurgical engineering at UMRolla, participated in the summer faculty fell owship program at NASA's Marshall

Space F light Center, Huntsville, Ala. Leighly was at the Marshall Center for 10 weeks this summer working in the Center's materials and process laboratory testing copper, nickel and copper-nickel alloys. The fellowship program is sponsored by NASA and the American Society for Engineering Education.

UMR Chosen For SOC Membership UMR has been selected for member· ship in Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC). The organization seeks to prov ide improved access to quality programs in higher education for U.S. military per· sonnel stationed throughout the world. "It's an honor to have been selected for membership in Servicemembers Opportun ity Colleges," said Robert B. Lewis, UMRolla director of admissions. "We're very proud to be able to assist the members of our armed forces in this way ." In addition to providing academic advisers, SOC member institutions also assist participants with the transfer of credits from other colleges and universities and in earning academic credit for previous military experience where applicable. The organization is sponsored by the American Association of State Colleges and Universitites and the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges. MSM Alumnus/17

Memorial to Richard Warren Richard Warren was born April 30,1899 in Wichita, Kansas. He was raised in Wichita and Hutchinson, Kansas, and later moved to EI Paso, Texas, where he completed his secondary education. During World War I, Richard served in the U.S. Navy and Merchant Marines having attended the Harvard University Naval Training School. Richard received the B.S. degree from Purdue in 1924, and the M.S. from Columbia University in 1934. He earned the Ph.D. in Physics Education from Purdue in 1954, and served on the Columbia Statistical Bureau. He was employed by Westinghouse Corporation and the Underwriters Statistical Bureau. He taught at Middle Georgia College, the West Virginia Institute of Technology, the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, and Purdue. After graduating from Purdue, he taught at the Michigan College of Mining and Technology. He invented and patented a graphite sensitive electronic grading machine and an analogue computer. Richard came to MSM in 1957 as an assistant professor of physics, and taught the sophomore and atomic physics courses here for the next twelve years until his retirement from UMR in 1969. He was an educator at heart. His love of

students and of his subject combined to make him one of the most popular teachers on campus. In 1967 he received the Outstanding Teacher Award. His classroom style was such as to put the students at ease while introducing them to the intricacies of physics. Indeed, just before a big exam it was not unusual for "Pop" Warren to bring forth a witticism that would put the class in stitches-a ploy that relieved a great deal of pre-test anxiety. Outside the classroom, students and staff alike found a willing helper and delightful companion. Those that availed themselves of the Warren hospitality could, if they stayed up late enough, hear some pretty good ragtime piano at their home on South 63. After his retirement from UMR, Richard continued to teach at Chowan College, North Carolina. Upon retiring from teaching, he and Viola joined their two sons in Springfield, Missouri, where he remained until his death on May 4, 1982. The committee requests that this memorial be incorporated in the official minutes of the UMR Faculty meeting of August 31 , 1982, and in the minutes of the following Academic Council meeting. It is also requested that copies of this memorial be sent to Richard's wife, Mrs. Viola Warren, and to his sons, Richard and William. Respectfully submitted, J. C. Carstens C. R. McFarland Malcolm B. Cole

75th St. Pat's Celebration .. .It's Time to Think Green! 1983 marks the 75th Annual Best Ever St. Pat's Celebration here at UMR. Help renew all those wild memories of past St. Pat's and be part of the 75th by purchasing 1983 St. Pat's GREEN. If you're staying home this year, wear your 1983 Green to the local Irish pub, and show everybody how St. Pat's .should be celebrated. If you're coming down to Rolla, you'll want to buy Green so that you won't be the only person without a 1983 St. Pat's sweatshirt at the parade. Th is year, the St. Pat's Board will be selling all the traditiona l Green items. In add ition there will be a limited supply of specia l 75th anniversa r y com memorative items. Children's sweatshirts will again be available this year for $7.50 each, S-M-L (small fits a three-year-old).

18 / MSM Alumnus

Any questions or orders can be sent to the Alumni Sales Chairman at the following address: St. Pat's Board University Center University of Missouri-RolJa Rolla, Mo. 6540 I .Sweatshirts . . . . $8.50 Child sweatshirts . . . .7.50 Baseball Hats.. . . . .... . .. . 3.50 Stocking Cap. . . . . .... .. .. 3.50 Derbies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 Visors ... . . .. .. ... .. .. . ... ... 3.25 Huggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 Goblets .... ... . . ........ . . . .. 3.00 Tumblers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 ............ .6.50 Pitchers. . . 1.50 Shot Glasses. . . Buttons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Garters .... . . . . . ... .. .. . ..... 1.00 Orders of $10 or under, please include $2.25 for postage. Orders for more than $10, please include $3 for postage.


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Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ __ 1923



Don M. Long reports that he is retired and between sunning in Florida in February and fishing in Minnesota during July and August-and enjoying all of it-he hopes to attend homecoming this fall. Don and Nancy live at 105 Belair Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65 10 l.



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Harry and Bernice Marek are enjoying retirement at their new address: 89 Crown, Box 42, Danville, Quebec, Canada JOA lAO.




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1920 Notice has been received of the death of Matthew P. Brazill Jr., on Oct. 7, 1981. A senior partner with William M. Taggart Co. of St. Louis before his retirement, he was a former chairman of the St. Louis Section of the Alumni Association and had received the association's Certificate of Merit in 1961.


Robert M. Brackbill, '42, has notified the alumni office of the death of Ruth Eli za beth Cockrell Wilson , greatgranddaughter of pioneer Dallas settlers. Mrs. Wilson was the widow of Joseph Martland Wilson, '21 , independent petroleum geologist, who died in October, 1980. With her husband, Mrs. Wilson had been an active member of the North Texas Section of the Alumni Association.

1925 Claude Nathan "Feet" Valerius died July 23 after a short illness. A consUlting geologist, he was president and chairman of the board of M. M . Valerius Royalty Corp. He had lived in Shreveport since 1937 and was an active member of the Ark-La-Tex Section of the Alumni Association. He received the Alumni Association Certificate of Merit in 1956. He is survived by his wife, Dorothea Erickson Valerius, do Valerius Royalty Corp., 704 Johnson Bldg. , Shreveport, LA 7110 I , six children and 12 grandchildren.

Notice has been received of the death of Marion Smith Badollet on Aug. 12. He was an internationally recognized authority on asbestos fiber , held eight patents and published numerous articles and books in his field. He joined the Johns-Manville Corp. in 1929 and retired from the company in 1960 as chief of the asbestos fiber section of Johns-Manville Research Center. He then served for several years as a consultant at the Health Research Institute of Fairleigh Dickinson University in the field of asbestos fiber cancer research and as a private consultant. He is survived by his daughter, Kay Troxell, 1441 Hiemenz Road, Lancaster, PA 17601, and two grandchildren. MSM Alumnus / 19

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1928 George Calvin Johnson died July 10, according to a note from his son, George C. Johnson Jr. George had retired after 40 years with the East Bay Division of Pacific Gas & Electric. He is survived by his wife, Mary Ann, 1618 5th Ave., Concord, CA 94519, and two sons. He had attended his 50th reunion in Rolla in 1978.

Henry Rickel Herron died May 29 following major surgery. A ceramic engineer, Henry had been with Harbison Walker Refractories in Vandalia from 1931 until his retirement in the late 1970s. He is survived by his wife, Ruth Herron, Route I , Box 219, Vandalia, MO 63382, who writes: "We both enjoyed the 50th anniversary of graduates and all the activities in May, 1981."

1929 Charles H. Dresbach is retired and is now a part-time petroleum consultant. He writes "still follow with strong interest news of the old school and its people-students, faculty and grads. Keep up the good work." Charles and Mary live at 5 Puckett Road, Rogers, AR 72756. LeRoyF. Van Sciver died Oct. I, 1981, according to a notice received from his wife, Marian Van Sciver, 1555 Kensington Circle, Los Altos, CA 94022. Mrs. Van Sciver comments that they both had attended and enjoyed the 50th anniversary festivities in 1979.

1931 George and Luvenia Pace live at 7083 Paddison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45230, where George is self-employed as a civil engineer-surveyor. Their daughter, Deedra Smith, is a 1980 grad of UMR, employed as a geological engineer by International Mineral & Chemical Corp. and living at 2512 Charleston Drive, Plant City, FL 33566.

1933 William Koopmann Jr. writes: "Happy to state we celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary in May, along with the birth of a new grandson, our sixth grandchild." William and Virginia's address is 2412 Heather Road West, Wilmington, DE 19803. He is retired from DuPont.

1934 WatIer Bruening is "enjoying retirement-doing a ¡ lot of fishing and construction around the house." He and Helen are living at 613 Erie, Shreveport, LA 71106. Richard J. Dobson, vice president of operations, Austral Oil Co., writes he "was re-elected secretary and appointed program chairman of Texas Chapter of Explorer's Club of N.Y." He lives at 727 Bunker Hill Place, No. 54, Houston , TX 77024.

E. L. McReynolds is now retired and has moved from Massilon, Ohio, to 3712 E. Spruce Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84117. Lloyd Smith Rolufs died Aug. I , in Eureka Springs, Ark . He received his medical degree frm St. Louis University and had been a surgeon in the St. Lou is area for many years before moving to Arkansas in the mid-1970's. He is survived by his wife, Irene, Route I , Box 156, Eureka Springs, AR 72632, a daughter and stepson.



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Rudolph J. Knoll writes "Finally got to the 'land of sunshine' July 5, and enjoying every minute of it. Looking forward to the 50th in 1985." Rudolph and Harriet's new address is 9412 Northridge Drive, N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87111 . Rudolph is retired.

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Paul and Kay Houseknecht live at 112 Trumbull Parkway, Batavia, NY 14020. Paul is retired and says: "Too old to make news."

1937 A note from his wife informs us of the death of John Fred Vahle Jr., on Dec. 12, 1980. Mrs. Irma H. Vahle lives at 10800 Kingstead Road, Damascus, MD 20872.

1939 Stuart Dods died Aug. 13, in Kansas City. He had served 31 years in the U.S. Army before he retired as a lieutenant colonel in 196 1, and had been area manager for the General Services Administration in Kansas City before retiring from that position in 1972. He is survived by his wife, Edna M. Dods, 8 Lone Pine Drive, Cleveland, MO 64734, and three sons. 20/ MSM Alumnu s


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Alumni Personals _________________ _ _ _ __ 1940 Edgar and Peg Miller are retired, living at 6 Glynn Ave., Jekyll Island, GA 31520. Ed writes that they "are completely happy with lots of golfing on Jekyll and traveling for their retirement."

John and Genevieve Mazzoni have moved to 2050 Ryan Way, Winter Haven, FL 33880. John is retired.

1944 Jean Lloyd Arras writes: "Spouse Bob retires from Rockwell in September and we look forward to a new life in Spain. We hope our friends will stop by when they are in Europe." You will find Jean and Bob at Apartamentos La Toja, El Grove, Pontevedra, Spain.

1941 Robert and Augusta Denison are enjoying retirement at 4716 Huron Drive, Pensacola, FL 32507.

Frank H. Mentz writes: "Since the loss of all four of my children and my wife, I am quite lonely. I would like to hear from some of myoId classmates." Frank is a retired farmer. His address is Route 2, Box 186, Sheridan, AR 72150.

James E. Dueker has moved to 8143 S. 76th East Ave., Tulsa, OK 74133. Jim is retired.

1942 Paul W. Kloeris Jr. is now a member of technical staff for Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell International. Paul and Marcia live at 8131 Sunny Brae Ave., Canoga Park, CA 91306. Wilbert and Agnes Lawler are enjoying their recent retirement at 224 White Oak Drive, Medford, OR 97501.

John K. Olsen, who has just retired from the John K. Olsen Co., tells us he plans to attend homecoming, Oct. 1 and 2. John and Barbara live at 4494 Trout Dr., S.E., St. Petersburg, FL 33705.

1943 Jerrold Kerwin Kratz died of cancer on July 7. At the time of his death he was manager of magnetics engineering for RCA Consumer Electronics Division, Indianapolis, Ind. George H. Thomas writes: "I joined Salen Protexa Drilling Co. in August of '81 . I was promoted to president on June I, 1982. It is an offshore drilling contractor operating six rigs in The Gulf of Mexico and one in Brazil." George and Marianne's address is 934 Briar Ridge, Houston, TX 77057.

JAMES R. PAUL James R. Paul has been appointed executive vice president and director of marketing for O.C.S. s.a.r.l. (Oilfield Chemical Services). O.C.S. markets products and services globally for all phases of the petroleum industry. Headquarters will be in Saint-Etienne/France. Jim has been with Dowell, Inc. and other Dow Chemical divisions associated with oilfields since 1946. His assignments have included most of the major oil producing areas of the United States_ For the past several years, he has been active in the oilfields of Europe, Africa and Mid-East, living in Holland, Belgium and Switzerland. Jim is a life member and active in Society of Petroleum Engineers and is a registered professional engineer in Texas, Louisiana and Kansas. The Pauls now live in SaintGalmier near Saint-Etienne in Southern France. Their four married daughters . live in Texas.

1946 Austin B. Clayton tells us he retired in 1973. He and Elva live at 909 E. Hawthorne Ave., Colville, W A 99114. They have nine grandchildren. He also reports that Phillip Johnson, '47, retired this year as public works director for Stevens County Washington. His address is Rural Route, Rice, W A 99167.

John O. Wilms writes: "My son is now lease holder and operator of a 900,000 cubic yard placer in north California-early returns show $20.00/cu_ yd. Hope the share continues and improves." John is president of JOB Distributing Co. He and Phyllis live at 17700 So. Avalon, No. 59, Carson, CA 90745. MSM Alum nus!2 1

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1947

Walter S. Knecht is a staff analyst for Union Carbide Corp. He and Shirley live at 5317 West Brook Drive, Charleston, WV 25313 .

The alumni office has been notified of the death , in 1969, of M. Gerson Ginzberg. E. A. Henke has accepted a position as executive director of Lutheran Lay Renewal fo r the North Pacific District of the American Lutheran Church. E. A. and Ardell live at 3517 H. Ave., Anacartes, WA 98221. He is retired from Shell.

Daniel N. Miller, assistant secretary for energy and minerals of the U.S. Department of Interior, sends this note: "I certainly miss being Wyom ing's State Geologist, but will do what I can in this present position to bring a semblance of order to the development of the nation's energy and mineral resources. This is a big job but it can be accomplished. Best of luck to everyone." Dan and Esther's address is l301 20th Street NW , No. 314, Washington, D.C. 20036.

Phillip Johnson has retired as public works director for Stevens County Washington, according to a report from Austin B. Clayton, '46. Phillip's address is Rural Route, Rice, WA 99167.

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Bob Anton Leone retired in August after more than 35 years with the Missouri Highway Department. He and Mary Lou live at 3442 St. Mary's, Hannibal, MO 6340l. John and Carolyn (Miller) Mueller have moved to 11424 Glenhaven Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70815. George I. Perryman Jr. has a new position as assistant regional administrator for public buildings and real property with the General Services Administration. George and Laura have moved to 125 Cliftwood Drive, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30328 . John Schork writes: "Research-Cottrell had the best year in its 70 year history and made the Fortu ne 500. So I'm taking early retirement in January and will live in Oxford." John is chairman and chief executive officer for ResearchCottrell, Somerville, N.J. John and Deborah's address is Route I, Deepwater Point, Oxford , MD 21654.

LA WRENCE F. O'NEILL Lawrence F. O'Neill was recently installed as president of the St. Louis chapter, Missouri Society of Professional Engineers for the 1982-83 year. He is the director of physical facilities at Washington University in St. Lou is. His home address is 448 Wildwood Parkway, Ballwin, MO 6301l. Comer C. Haley writes: "Son Stephen has a BS degree in police science and is a police officer. Son Kevin has a BA degree in communications arts, is married to Amy and is entering a Methodist seminary in Dayton, Ohio." Comer is a senior engineer for Westinghouse Electric Corp. His and Martha's address is Route 7, Box 7684, 10295 Lamor Road, Mercer, PA 16137.



Delbert and Doris Cox have a new address: 77 05 Oakridge Drive S.E. , Huntsvi lle, AL 36802. Delbert is now employed as director of engineering for McDonnell Technical Services Co. in Huntsville.

Curtis W. Sphar has retired after 32 years with Johns-Manville. Curtis has a new address-284I Calle Flamengo, Green Valley, AZ 85614.

Harold R. Hollman is now retired from U.S . Steel in Pittsburgh, Pa. He and Trudy have moved to 378 Clubmanor Drive, Sun City Center, FL 33570.

22/ MSM Al u m nus

1950 Basil E. Buterbaugh is now a selfemployed real estate appraiser in Springfield , Mo. He writes: "Real estate appraisal work challenges engineering training to read the buying market. I have associated with Alva Koch-C.E. from Texas A&M . I enjoy the new challenge away from the railroad. Wife, Jonina, teaches 6th grade at Horace Mann Elementary School." Basil and Jonina live at 1578 St. Charles, Springfield, MO 65804. E. E. "Gene" Kauffman's new address is c/o Schlumberger, One Kingsway, London , England WCZB. George and Mabel Lay li ve at 1231 N. Florissant Road, Ferguson, MO 63 135. George has retired recently. Donald W. Marshall writes: " Both still enjoying retirement here at the Lake of the Ozarks. Missed Missouri's last winter cold & snows by spending almost four months traveling in the Southwest & Texas with our travel trailer." Donald is retired from the Regular Corps. , U.S. Public Health Service, retired permanent rank captain (Navy equivalent). Donald and Lou's address is Rt. 2, Box 319, Sunrise Beach, MO 65079.



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Alumni Persona/s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ Lester L. Miller, Madison County (Illinois) Highway Superintendent, who has headed the department for the last eight years, is resigning Dec. I to enter private business as a consulting engineer. He has been with the highway department since 1947, starting as a rodman while a student at UMR. He became a full-time engineer after college graduation , and was assistant superintendent for three years before being named to the top post. Lester says his "new work would include surveying and real estate developments." He lives at Route I, Box 602, Edwardsville, IL 62025.

Bob Settgas writes: "Am now retired from Sverdrup & Parcel, having been with them for 21 years. Actually retired June 30,1981." Bob and Lorraine live at 950 Quanal Court, Kirkwood, MO . 63122.

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1951 Dee and Doris Gehrig have moved to No.7 Fairfield Drive W, Convent Station, NJ 07961. Dee is a district manager for AT&T in Baskinridge, N.J. William E. Horst received the professional degree of metallurgical engineer from the University of Arizona in May. He is vice president and director for AMAX Extractive R&D Inc. Bill's ad¡ dress is 48 S. Holman Way, Golden, CO 80401.


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Charles W. Harmon's address is 1542 S. Roanoke, Springfield, MO 65807.


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Roger and Carol Wakefield's address is Box 272, Bagdad, AZ 86321. Roger is a concentrator manager for Cyprus Bagdad Copper. He writes: "In case the copper market doesn't improve-do you know of any good jobs?"

Robert E. Kelly writes: "1 recently returned from 14 months in France while on leave as professor of physics at the University of Mississippi. While there, research was conducted on various problems associated with underground nuclear testing in cooperation with the French Atomic Energy Commission and the Los Alamos National Laboratory where I serve as a consultant Aside from professional duties, considerable time was spent as a performing musician with various French musical organizatons_" You can reach Bob at The University of Mississippi, Department . of Phyics and Astronomy, University, MS 38677.

Don D. Matson has been retained as a geological and geophysical consultant by the Petrus Operating Co. Inc. He will manage the Midland Division Office and serve as an adviser for exploration activities in the areas of New Mexico and west Texas. Petrus is a Dallas based exploration and production company owned by H. Ross Petrot. Don, who has lived in Midland for 25 years, was formerly manager for Permian Basin Division for MGF Oil Corp. Don and Lou's address is 3622 Imperial Ave., Midland, TX 79703.

1953 John R. Seipel writes: "Mary and 1 relocated from Medan , Indonesia to Stavanger, Norway in early September, 1981. The temperate zone climate has been a wonderful relief after 14 years of the Sahara and the tropics. Mary and I are enjoying the beautiful fjords, excellent food and wonderful people of Norway. We are also favored with the presence of our daughter Susan Sturgis, her husband Rob and son Roman. Rob is Mobil's gas treating project manager in Oslo. Presently, we're enjoying a visit of our eldest son Steve, his wife Pat and three children who live in New Orleans. Steve spent his first three years in Rolla and, although a L.S.U_ graduate, feels a sense of being a 'Miner' . Couldn't get any of our four to Rolla , maybe we can get one of the present six grandchildren to attend." John and Mary's address is c/o Mobil Exploration Norway Inc., P.O. Box 510, 4001 Stavanger, Norway .

Bert and Joyce Smith write to us from 7011 Foster Lane, Wichita, KS 67206. Bert is a professor at Wichita State University and "spent a week in Ju'ly conducting a workshop on fracture mechanics for SAIA Marchetti Aircraft Company."

Robert and Deborah Spitler are living at 739 Weidman Road, Manchester, MO 63011. Bob is president of Country Acres Kennels.

1954 Sidney and Mary Cole report a new address: 13640 Paseo del Roble Court, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022. Sidney is vice president and general manager of Moore Systems Inc. of San Jose, Calif. William Geisler reports new employment as director of international operations for Lynes Inc., Houston, Texas. Bill and Joyce live at 1703 Plantation Drive, Richmond, TX 77469. MSM Alumnus / 23

Alumni Personals _______________________



Allen I reorgani taken Ov and gen ChemiC2 is 25702 44070. degree, I in 1980.

Notice has been received of the death of George M. Smith Jr., of Grand Rapids, Mich. Howard W. Thoele is a production director for Monsa nto. Howard writes: "Have relocated to Tokyo with my fa mil y as marketing di rector-Asia Paci fic. Howard and LaDonna's mailing add res is clo G. Panian , 800 . Lind¡ bergh, St. Louis, MO 63 167.

1956 Jerry Overton has been elected chairman of the commission that oversees the Wa shington state department of transportation . He say the department i a good place to apply the management ex perience he acquired in his business career. He is semi-retired and spends his time managing his investments. His address is W. 428 37t h St., Spokane, WA 99203. For this information, we thank an alert newspa per reader and fellowalum Max E. Edgar, '35 , 10 Edgar Lane, Box 41 6, W. Glacier, MT 59936, who wrote say ing "thought yo u might find the enclosed clipping to be of interest. "

1957 Robert G. Fuller writes: "I will spend academic year 1982-83 on leave from UN- L to the open Un iversity Milton Ke ynes, in the United Kingdom. " Robert is a professor of physics for the Universit y of Nebraska-Lincoln . Robert and Margaret may be reached by writing to 3443 W. Pershing Road, Lincoln, NE 685 02. Richard L. Humphrey '57, '59, a senior engineer in the Surface Warfare Plan ning and Tech nical Assessment Branch ( 12), U.S. Navy, recentl y grad uated fro m the off-ca mpus grad uate study program of the U.S. ava l War College. He joined the staff :>f NSWC in 196 1 after gradua ting from the University of Tennessee when he received hi MS in Mec ha ni cal Enginee rin g. Ri cha rd manages SWC's effort in the avy Surface Ship Configuration Formulation (CONFO RM) Program. Richard' address i 8418 12th Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20903 . 24 MSM Alumnus

Harold and Monica Nuffer have moved to 1307 Essex Circle, Ridgecrest , CA 93555 . Harold is a general engineer at the Naval Weapons Cen ter, China Lake, Calif. otice has been received of the dea th of Leon Dale Winn on June 15, 1981. He had been an employee of the Illinois Division of Highways in Springfield, III.

1958 John and Helen Buchanan are living at 126 Clover, Lake Jackson , TX 77566. John has "j ust returned from South America where he has been a consulting enginer for Dow Chemical Company on a new styron plant. The facilities are located in Cartagena, Colombia, about ten degrees north of the Equator, facing the Caribbean." He is now employed at Dow's Freeport, Texas facility as a senior construction supervisor.

Lucien M. Bolon Jr. writes: "Sammy and I are both looking forward to being among the homecoming crowd of 1982. Brad, our oldest son, has been admitted and will begin in the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Missouri-Columbia this fall. Greg will be a sophomore in chemical engineering at UMR and will again be a varsity foot ball team manager for the Miners." Lucien is director, office of construction and maintenance for the Federal Highway Administration. The family's address is 902 S. Murray Road, Lee's Summit, MO 64063 .

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James H. Garrett is employed as research advisor by Exxon Production Research Co. , Houston , Texas. He lives at 13707 Barry Knoll , Houston , TX 77079. Virgil and Barbara Knight have moved to 6902 Wimbledon Esta tes Drive, Spring, TX 77373 . Virgil is manager, gas operations, for Texaco in Houston , Texas. D. Warren Williams, regional sales uperv isor in the northeastern region , for Dowell , a divi ion of Dow Chemical U.S.A., will now be the area sa les manager in the western region. He will relocate from G reensburg, Pa . to Denver, Colo.

1959 Jon T. Langstaff was promoted to peronnel manager in April for Hecla Mining Co., Wallace, Id . Jon and Faith's new address is 802 . 18th, Coeur d'Alene, lD 83873.

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1960 DON E. HENDERSON Don E. Henderson, marketing manager for Armco's Construction Products Division, has been appointed general manager of marketing and fabricated products. He joined Armco in 1961 as a sales trainee. After holding other salesrelated positions, he was appoin ted district sales manager for the Columbus, Ohio, district in 1967. He was named marketing manager in 198 1. His professional activities include membership in the American Society of Civi l Engineers, National Society of Professional Engineers and the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers. His home address is 6 17 Cambridge Road , Middletown, OH 45042.

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Alumni Personals ______________________ Allen L. Rouse writes: "We have reorganized Vistron Corp. and I have taken over the position of vice president and general manager for the Nitrogen Chemicals Divisions." His home address is 25702 Byron Drive, N. Olmstead, OH 44070. Al received the professional degree, chemical engineer, from UMR in 1980. Victor F. Spruill writes: "I was appointed associate professor of Building Construction for University of Florida; executive secretary, Florida Building Construction Advisory Committee, in Fall '81; and co-chairman of ASCE's specialty conference on cost engineering scheduled for April of '83." He and Harriet live at 1825 N.W . 20th Way, Gainesville, FL 32605.

Joseph D. Vitali reports that he is in the process of developing a satellite communications and videoconferencing system for Amoco Research Center. Joe is a staff research engineer with the company. He and Mary Jane live at 6977 E. 20th Place, Tulsa, OK 74112.

1960 Kenneth and Janet Cox live at 54 Fairlawn Road, Route 2, Box 74, Center Valley, PA 18034. Ken is regional manager for G & W National Resources in Center Valley.

James R. Lawson is now an advisory engineer for IBM, Austin, Texas. He and Marilyn live at 2505 Hilltop, Round Rock, TX 78664. Herbert W. Schroer has been promoted to vice president of William Tao & Associates Inc., consulting engineers in St. Louis, Mo. He is director of the civil and industrial division. His home address is 11813 Lillian Ave., Des Peres, MO 63131.

CHESTER W. STURGEON JR. Chester W. Sturgeon Jr. has been named program director by IBM's Federal Systems Division facility in Owego, N.Y. Chester joined IBM at Owego as a junior engineer in 1960. Since then he has held a variety of managerial assignments including computer maintainability development, intermediate computer engineering, advanced computer engineering, space shuttle orbiter computer manager, manager of planning for Owego, Huntsville, Ala., and Manassas, Va. In 1974 he transferred to Arlington, Va., as deputy to the project leader of the World Wide Military Command and Control System architecture team. After that he was manager of communication systems in Gaithersburg, Md. In 1980 he returned to Owego as assistant program manager, Light Airborne MUlti-Purpose System, responsible for the development program. Chester's address is 2640 Purdue Drive, Vestal, NY 13850.

MERLE E. SOUTHERN Merle E. Southern has received the meritorious service award, the second highest honor awarded by the Department 'of Interior. He is assistant chief of the Mid-Continent Mapping Center, U.S. Geological Survey . Merle was cited for contributions to the national mapping program, including management of production of photo-image maps' from satellites. He spent the summer of 1967 -68 on a voluntary field mapping assignment in Antarctica. As a result, an area landmark was named "Mount Southern" in his honor and he received the Antarctic Service Medal. Merle, his wife Judy and their three children live at 1614 Lincoln Lane, Rolla, MO 65401.

Wayne Horton, '61 , '62, has been appointed vice president-exploration-by Eason Oil Co. of Oklahoma City, a subsidiary of International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. He will be responsible for all Eason exploration offices, including the headquarters, and others located in New Orleans, Houston, Denver, Charleston, W.V. , 1961 James C. Callison is a lieutenant-colonel and Shreveport, La. He joins Eason for the United States Army. He and from the position of vice president-exVanoosh live at 223-B Leonard Wood . ploration-for Woods Petroleum Co. of Ave., Fort Sheridan, IL 60037. Jim is Oklahoma City. Wayne and Joan live at director of engineering and housing at 9216 Candlewood, Oklahoma City, OK Fort Sheridan. 73132. MSM Alumnu s / 2 5

Alumni Personals _______________________

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1961 Continued

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Dr. Larry Twidwell, head of the metallurgy-mineral processing engineering department at Montana Tech, Butte, Mont., has been elected president of Alpha Sigma Mu , a national honorary metallurgical and materials engineering society. Alpha Sigma Mu is de igned to recognize outs tanding students in these programs who atta in high rank in scholarship and who possess to a high degree the qualities of exemplary integrity, leadership and initiati ve. ASM is also charged with establishing and maintaining high standards of ethical conduct promoting the overall best interest of the profession . Larry has been a member of the Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology since 1969 . His mailing addres is Route I, Box 890, Butte, MT 5970 I. Robert A. Charboneau is now a structural engineer for Vollmer Associates, Inc. He and Frances live at 73 Devon Court, Edwardsville, IL 62025. A. E. (Gene) Glaser is now a divisional plant engi neer for the Delco Remy Division of General Motors. Gene and Sharon's address is 1614 Fox hill Court, Anderson, IN 46011.

Civil engineering received a new graduate student this fall when Tanzeer Ahmed , left, was delivered to campus by -'Meredith Saxer, '61 and '62, and his daughter, Sarah. Tanzeer is the son of Tumku r Ameer M. Ahmed, '61, and he and Saxer have kept in touch through

26 MSM Alumnu s

Robert and Camille Lohr have moved to 227 Banyan , Lake Jackson , TX 77566. Robert is a project engineer for Intermedics Inc., in Freeport, Texas.

1962 William and Sarah Baumgartner have moved to 4312 Mendenhall Blvd., Juneau, AK 9980 1. Bill is a design engineer with the State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities in Douglas, Alaska. James and Margaret (Bassnett) Burtin, 400 Smith Road , Lebanon , MO 655 36, send us the following: "After spending 18 months travelling as general manager of Flymo Inc. , USA , Jim purchased the Niangua Corp ., a manufacturing company near Conway, Mo. The company is involved in metalworking and plastic vacuum forming. It produces a line of graphic arts equipment marketed under the name of Sand mar, along with custom contract work." Fred Haushalter reports that his son , Mark, will be attending UMRolla in the fa ll of 1982, majoring in mechanical engineering. Fred and Ruth live at 365 N. Detroit St., Kenton, OH 43326. Fred is manager of manufacturing engineering with Un ited Aircraft Products in Forest, Ohio.

the years. When Tanzeer was ready to enter graduate school, he flew to Chicago and the Saxers drove him to Rolla to help him get sett led in. The Saxers' add ress is 704 East Cedar Ave. , St. Cha rles, IL 60 174.

Ratan, '62, '64, and Regina Daboo have moved to 305 Birchwood Lane, Bloomingda le, IL 60108. Ratan is a senior project engineer for Kraft Inc., Glenview, III.

Karl and Barbara Leonard have moved to 97 Outer Drive, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Michael M. McRae is now president of Benerson Co rp ., Eva nsvi lle , Ind. Michael and Barbara live at 5411 W. Sherwood Drive, Newburgh, IN 47630.

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William and Diane Meyer have moved to 16 Rebel Run , E. Brunswick, NJ 08816. Robert J. Wilson is now employed by International Harvester Co. in Hinsdale, III. as manager, vehicle instrumentation design. Robert and Julia's address is Route I, Box 70A, Oswego, IL 60543.

1963 Wayne and Doretta Balsman have moved to 6208 Hidden Oak, Crystal Lake, IL 60014. Wayne is manager of process control engineering with Travenol Labs Inc. of Round Lake, Ill. Richard A. Kahl has a new position as civil engineer with the U.S. Army Engineer Division, Huntsvi lle. Richard and Christina now live at 931 Tascosa Drive, S.E., Huntsville, AL 35802. Narendra M. Naiknimbalkar writes: "My parents visited us for two months from India. I have started a small Mexican Restaurant called 'Naik's Carryout Mexican Food' in Albuquerque, N.M. I also work as a consulting geologist. My wife Magdalena, a sociologist , now has completed her Registered Nursing Diploma and works at St. Joseph's Hospital. Our children Asha, Angeli and Alexis are honor students and Angeli made it to the cheerieading squad at Cibola High School for the 1982-1983 school year. " Narendra and Magdalena's address is 3700 Windsor Court, Box 15277, Rio Rancho, NM 87124.


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Alumni Personals _______________________ ve

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James K. Van Buren, '63, '70, has been promoted to vice president and manager of the transportation and public works division of Sverdrup & Parcel and Associates, Inc. He had previously been deputy manager. James' address is 9807 Cepper Hill Road, Ladue, MO 63124.


Daniel S. Eppeisheimer Jr. is a post doctoral fellow in the department of geological sciences at Harvard University. Dan's address is 9 C hester St. , Apt. 38, Cambridge, MA 02140. Wen Y. and Hwei-Sa Lin have a new address: 8040C Lyons St. , Niles, IL 60648. Wen is a structural engineer for Sargent & Lundy in Chicago. Arthur Ona Martel is "completely out of metallurgical engineering and now owns a package store." Arthur and Louise's address is Abernaukee EST South Main, Wolfeboro, NH 03894.




Curtis W. McBride is chief counselor for Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center, (DOE). He and Timmie live at 323 Brookside Blvd. , Pittsburgh, P A 15241.

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Hugh W. McCane Jr. has moved to 300 Cold Spring Road, Apt. 210, Rocky Hill, CT 06067. He is now customer program manager for Pratt & Whitney Aircraft in East Hartford, Conn .









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FLOYD N. ANDERSON Floyd N. Anderson has been promoted to the position of marketing manager for the Babcock & Wilcox Company's Contract Research Division. In his new position he is responsible for directing and coordinating all marketing activities fo r the Contract Research Division which has offices in Alliance and Lynchburg, Va. Floyd , wife Barbara, sons Christopher and Timothy, and daughter Tamara, reside at 107 Braxton Lane, Forest, VA 24551 . Floyd joined B & W's nuclear power generation division in 1968 and was promoted to senior engineer in 197 1. He transferred to the company's research and development division in 1975 as a marketing specialist and became a senior marketing specialist in 1979.

J. Harlen Wilson is an assistant superintendent, communications, for the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Harlen and Sue (Haines) live at 44 New Athens MH Park , New Athens, IL 62264.

1965 Louis, '65, '73, and Carol Deken, with their three sons, live at 102 Heritage Drive, Route 5, Tullahoma, TN 37388. Louis is a structural engineer with Sverdrup Technology Inc. and has been selected by the company to attend the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, pursuing graduate studies for a doctoral degree in structural engineering. The appointment was made as part of an Air Force-funded program designed to provide graduate study opportunities for selected professionals. Louis is a former Seabee.

GERALD W. BERSETT Gerald W. Bersett '6 5, '82, has been named vice president and general manager of Olin Corp .'s Ramset Woddwide. The Ramset operations have been moved from New Haven , Conn. , to East Alton , Ill. , where Gerald has been serving as director of mill products manufacturing for the Olin Brass Group. He and Donna reside at 150 Kings Drive, Florissant, MO 63034. David Hoffman lives at 1008 Iowa , Rolla, MO 65401. He writes: "In Oc路 tober I will be beginning a new job. I will be opening a branch office in Rolla for Barr Engineering Co. which is based in Minneapolis." Wilbert F. Schroer is employed by W.V .P. Corp. in St. Louis as an electrical design engineer. He and Ellen now live at 11259 Monte Carlo, St. Louis, MO 63126. Samuel J . LaPresta, '65 , '71 , is now vice president, sales, for Foote Mineral Co. Samuel and Gail's address is 709 Brooke Road, Exton , PA 19341. Robert H . Schlutow is a division staff supervisor , residence services , for Southwestern Bell in Ka nsas City. He and Kathleen live at 2 17 Shagbark_ Lee's Summit, MO 64063. MSM A lu mn u s 27

Alumni Pe rsonals _________ __ ____________ Thomas J. Dougherty is a regional manager with Picker International Inc. in Edison, N.J. Tom and Donna live at 244 Charles St. , Westfield, NJ 07090.


Yavik M. Guvenir writes: " BHC Construction Inc., a subsidiary of Brock Hotel Corp. is moving to Dallas with the rest of the corporation in October, 1982." Yavik is a project manager for BHC Construction. He and Chere will move to 3237 Pearl St. , Bedford, TX 76021.

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John and Peggy Sue Riley have moved to 454 Red Rock Drive, Wadsworth, OH 44281. John is an engineerestimator for The Ruhlin Company in Akron .

1965 Continu ed Alfred J. T hiede, '65 & '72, writes that he has been in Hawa ii for two years and is hav ing a super time. AI has been comma nder and di vision engineer of the Pacific Ocean division of the U.S. A rmy Corps of Engineers at Ft. Shafter, Hawa ii fo r almost 11 months and hopes to stay there fo r a while. Al and Dorot hy's add ress is 94-1 08 1-13 Anan ia Circle, Mi lilan i, HI 96789. Vincent Wahler recently was appointed chief of the fuel supp ly and eq uipment division, U.S. Dept. of Energy. He writes " this branch supplies fue l for the U.S. Liq uid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Program ." He and Jeanette live at 506 Meadows Dri ve South, Rich land, W A 99352.

1966 Willis A. Aldridge is an electrical enginee r-generatio n department, for Sunflower Electric Coop. He and Mary Ellen li ve a t 2004 Arapa ho, Garden C ity, KS 67846 . Charles L. Henry has moved to 14434 E. Colorado Drive, No. 203, Aurora, CO 80012. He is now engineering ma nager for Otis-TTD in Denver. 28 / MSM Alumnu s

C. Stephen Jungers, vice president of Westinghouse, and wife Linda will rece ive mail sent to P.O . Box 2824, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Leonard C. Kirberg is the immediate past president of the St. Louis chapter, M issou r i Society of Profess iona l Engineers. He is employed by Horn er & Shifri n, and li ves at 33 1 Carmel Woods Drive, Ellisville, MO 63011. Gerald and Jane (Diliberti) Morris are owner/operators of Big Red Q Quickprint Center. Their home address is 3427 West Scott Street, M ilwa ukee, WI 53215. R. Anthony Parks is a mem ber of the engineering staff fo r RCA-I ndianapolis. Anthony and Rebecca's address is Route I, Box 163A, Springport, IN 47386. Philip and Kathy Shutty have moved to 136 Rene Drive, Glenshaw, PA 15 11 6. Philip is a bra nch manager for US Steel Oilwell Division in P ittsburgh, Pa .

Bryan and Jeanne Stirrat have moved to 1610 I High Tor Drive, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745. Bryan is employed by Nationa l Engineering Co. as director of engineering. Richard D. Thorn writes that he was "recently promoted to the position of assistant manager , Resea rch and Development Laboratory , Santa Barbara Research Center, a subsidiary of Hughes Aircraft Co. Have lived in Santa Barbara since 1972 with wife, Linda, and children , Beth (10) and Robbie (6) ." They can be reached at 1236 Camino Palomera , Santa Barbara, CA 93111 .

1968 Albert E. Brune III is an auto sales engineer for Pittsburgh Plate Glass. Albert and Kathleen li ve at 2349 New Bedford Drive, Troy , MI 48098.

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1981 Benjamin F. Caplinger III is a teacher in Moweaqua, Ill. He and Sandra live at 347 E. Wall, Moweaqua, IL 62 550.

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J ames A. Damsgard's address is 5415 T imbers T rail , H umble, TX 77346.


"1967 Richard D. Baumann, '67, '75, is now director of sales and marketing for BLH Electronics in Waltha m, Mass. R ichard and Susan's address is 8-4 Concord Greene, Concord, MA 0 1742.

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Dan Clyde M. Douglass, Jr. is now assista nt di rector facilities engineering fo r St. Mary's Hospita l (Mayo Clinic). Clyde and Wilma's address is P.O. Box 911, Rochester, MN 5590 1.

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Alumni Personals ______________________

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Robert C. Fick, assistant to the presi· dent of the Bank of New Madrid since February, has been elected to the board of directors of the People's Bank of Lilbourn. He previously served as city attorney in Cape Girardeau for five years and is a member of the Missouri Bar. Robert and Linda live at 2049 Stevens Drive, Cape Girardeau, MO 6370 I.

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Gary Isaak has been appointed a project electrical e ngineer for Booker Associates, Inc. Gary's address is 75 Sunflower St., Highland, IL 62249. He was formerly president of an electrical contracting firm. Richard W. Phelps was elected a vice president in the special industries services department of Continental Bank, Chicago, Ill. He joined the bank in 1981. Richard and Judy's address is 2450 Partridge Lane, Northbrook, IL 60062.

John and Eileen Hedrick have moved to 13164 Dougherty Ridge Court, Des Peres, MO 63131. John is a senior systems engineer for Don H. Munger Co., St. Louis. Eugene and Judy Henry ha ve moved to 105 Timothy Lane, Clinton, TN 37716. Eugene is a cost engineer for Bechtel at Oak Ridge, Tenn. David and Lynda Malone's new address is 230 I Persimmon Circle, Olathe, KS 66061 . David is a civil engineer with Black & Veatch in Kansas City. Alan, '69, '70, and Christina Meinershagen have moved to 6 South Harbor Drive, SH, Granbury, TX 76048. Alan is a senior engineer/technical support for Texas Utilities Generating Co. in Glen Rose, Texas.

Michael and Sherry Harris have moved to 8120A Hale Road , Hixson , TN 37343 . Michael is a civil engineer with the Tennessee Valley Authority.


Kenneth and Karen Harms have moved to 473 W. Orange Grove, Sierra Madre, CA 91024.


Patrick G. Davidson, systems depart· ment head for Black & Veatch , has been elected vice chairman ASME Perfor· mance Test Code 4.1 Committee. Patrick and Caroline's address is 12102 Goddard, Overland Park, KS 66213.

Larry and Dana Winchester have moved to 253 Hancock Ave., Ft. Leavenworth, KS 66027. Larry is a major in the United States Army Corps of Engineers.

William R. Conde Jr. is now a sa les executive for Case-Hoyt Color Printers, Dallas, Texas. He and Jackie have moved to 239 High Brook Drive, Richardson, TX 75080.

Ralph Ozorkiewicz has been promoted to vice president in charge of marketing with Kierulff Elect roni cs in Los Angeles, Calif. Ralph and Marie are proud to announce the birth of their second son on Dec. II , 19S I. They have moved to 27 132 Pinario, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 .

Gregory and Cheryl Cole live at 715 Mountain Meadows, Katy, TX 77450, where Greg is minister of ed ucation with the Kingsland Baptist Church.

Kenneth and Teresa Shuey have moved to 1621 Brookrun Drive, Raleigh, NC 27614. Kenneth is a senior engineer for Westinghouse Energy, Metering & ControL

Robert and Janet Brinkoff are the parents of two boys, Jeff, who is four, and David, who was born on Nov. 23, 1981. Robert is a civil engineer IV for the Illinois Department of Transportation. Their address is Route 5, Box 92, Effingham, IL 6240 I.

Robert F. Morfeld is now employed as national iron/steel marketing specialist for American Air Fi lter in Pittsburgh, Pa. He and wife Beverly are li ving at 262 Kettering Circle, Gibson ia, PA 15044.

DON E. WOJTKOWSKI Don E. Wojtkowski has been named a Fellow in the American Society for Hospital Engineering, a division of the American Hospital Association. Don is director of engi neering services for C hri stian Hospital , NortheastNorth west in St. Louis. Don, who has been with Christian Hospital for nine year, is one of only 38 people nationwide to be named a Fellow in the organization . His address is 3616 Argonne Forest Drive, Florissant, MO 63034.

Craig A. Lindquist recently joined McCarthy Brothers Co. in the new position of industrial project director. He is responsible for marketing and managing industrial projects for the McCarthy Bros. Construction Co. in St. Louis, and TGK McCarth y in Phoenix , Arizona . Craig's address is 1575 Beacon Woods, St. Louis, MO 630 II . He was formerl¥ operations manager for Fruin-Colnon Corp.'s pulp and paper division . Jerry and Patricia Milligan have moved to Ellington, Mo. , where Jerry is supe ri n tenden t of the Sou t hern Reynolds County Schools. Their mailing address is Route 2, Box 163M , Ellington , MO 63638. MSM Alu mnus 29

Alumni Personals _______________________

Alun William

1970 Continued Rajnikant B. Patel is a manager for Westinghouse Electric Corp. in Pittsburgh, Pa. Rajnikant and Taru's new address is Apt. B-313, 220 I W. Broadway Ave. , Anaheim , CA92809 . James and Sally Stewart have moved to 15541 Altus Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70816. James is a project engineer for Fruin-Colnon Corp., St. Louis. Verner and Patricia Thomas report they ha ve recently moved to 1405 W. 125 th Court , Crown Point, IN 46307 . William Thompson was recently installed as president of the Southwest Chapter of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers. William and Kath y's add ress is 2125 New Jersey, Joplin , MO 6480 I. He is a project eng ineer for All geier, Mart in & Associa tes. Chung- Yuan P. Tung reports new employment as a design engineer II for the New Mexico State Highway Department. He and Rosa have moved to 7412 Yarwood St. NE, Albuquerq ue, NM 87109.

Jay and Georgia Dudheker have moved to 7 Summit St., New Milford, CT 06776. Jay is senior project engineer for Kero-Sun Inc. of Kent, Conn . Jam2s and Patricia Durr have moved to 135 11 Oak Hill Court, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Jim is newly employed as national service manager f{)r McQuayPerfex Inc. of Plymouth, Minn. William S. Flatt is a production manager for Ford Motor Co. in Plymouth, Mich . He and Sylvia have moved to 16822 Old Bedford Road , Northville, MI 48167. Stephen R. Franklin has joined the structural engineering department of Booker Associates Inc., SI. Louis, Mo. He is a registered professional engineer in Missouri. His address is 14827 Woodford Way, Bridgeton, MO 63044. C. Richard Guidicini, '7 1, '81 , is an elec-

tronics enginee r for the United States Air Force at Scott AFB. Richard and Jane's (Geisler) address is Box 157 , Summerfield, IL 62289.

30/ MSM Alumnus

Gerald J. Hart has been promoted to "assistant project manager for the construction of the 200MW Semarang Steam Power Plant Unit 3 for the state owned electrical utility of Indonesia. The Hart's have been assigned to the project in Indonesia by Black & Veatch International since February, 1979." Gerard and Aurora's address is P.O. Box 165, Semarang, Indonesia. Choyes K. Hilterbrand is an operations manager for Kimberley-Clark Corp. in Balfour, N.C. Choyes and Melinda live at No. 7 Carolewood , Horseshoe, NC 28706.

Robert Hoel Jr. has recently been employed by Vector Constructors Inc. , Orlando, Fla., as a projects manager. His new address is 5823 Folkstone Lane, Orlando, FL 32807 .


Mary A. Childs is a registered nurse at St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica, Calif. Mary's address is 6060 Buckingham Parkway, No. 312, Culver City, CA 90230.

Edwin D. Harrison, '71 & '79, is a senior mine geologist with Nomnda Lakeshore Mines. Ed and Shaleen live at 1260 Avila, Casa Grande, AZ 85222.

Charles and Sandra Hoehn now live at 458 E. Glenn St., Tucson, AZ 85705. Charles is an electron ics engineer (Civil Service) at Fort Hauchuca , Ariz.

Robert J. Webb writes: "I am a district sa les manager for Collyer Insulated Wire. I ha ve been in Toastmasters for 3 Yz yea rs, and recommend it for anyone wishing to improve their lot in life." Bob's address is 880 I S. Braeswood, No. 1306 , Houston , TX 7703 1.

James and Nancy Chapman have moved to 1121 Woodfield Drive, New Albany, IN 47150. Jim is a sen ior project engineer with Public Service in Indiana in New Washington , Ind.

Gary and Ellen Hamilton are living at 1010 Sunny Brook Drive, Edmond, OK 73034. Gary is branch manager of equ ipment sales for American Air Filter Co. of Oklahoma City.

MARVIN A. GOLDFARB Marvin A. Goldfarb has been elected Secretary of the St. Louis chapter, Missouri Society of Profess ional Engineers for the 1982-83 year. He is employed by Monsanto Company, and lives a t 1474 G lenm ead Dri ve, Maryland Heights, MO 63043.

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Roy K. Koerner is now a petroleum and mechanical engi neering consultant with Koerner Engineering Inc. Roy and Anne li ve at 1084 Duncan Ave., Lexington , KY 40504. It is also the address of his new business.

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Norman and Connie Kraus have moved to 42 Graeser Acres, Creve Coeur, MO 63 141 . Norman is a regional sales manager for ITT Blackburn Co., St. Louis.

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Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ William J. and Judith (Null) Murphy send announcement of the adoption of their first child,William Alexander, born Jan. 15. Bill is principal of Sacred Heart Catholic Elementary Schoo, Brawley, Calif. , where Judy is a pre-school teacher. The family resides at 640 S. Imperial Ave., Brawley, CA 92227. Lenn J. Scheibal has been promoted to the position of technical superintendent for Kaiser Refractories at the company's Mexico, Missouri, facility. Lenn joined Kaiser in January of 1981 as chief industrial engineer, a position he held until this promotion. His address is 1514 Webster Drive, Mexico, MO 65265. Keith S. Ziesel is a lead engineer-physics laboratory , supervising the lightning laboratory of McDonnell Douglas Corp. Keith, Kathi, Kelly and Kevin live at 3425 Brookshire, Florissant, MO 63033.

Keith E. Konradi's new address is II I Tussel Lane, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076. Deborah Lower's new address is Rural Route 3, Columbia, MO 65201.

1972 William and Darcy Ayen have moved to 6520 Brook Park, Colorado Springs, CO 80918. William is an assistant professor/major for the United States Air Force Academy in the department of computer science. Ernie, '72 & 74, and Barbara Bartoli are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Katherine Morgan , on June 23 . Ernie and Barbara's address is Route I, Arlington, IL 61312. He is selfemployed. William J. Ernst, Jr. is now a .field engineer for Carrothers Construction Co. of Paola, Kans. His address is 7140 S. Erie, Apt. 2409, Tulsa, OK 74136.

The Rev.erend Ted L. Jones Jr. is now a graduate student at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. He and Robyn (Grier) have moved to 1067 Raritan, Rock Hill, MO 63119 .

Joseph R. Moore now lives at 235 N. Garnett, Apt. 108, Tulsa, OK 741 16. Joe is now a data base administrator with McDonnell Douglas. Michael and Jill North sent word they were expecting their first child on or about September 15 . Hope all went well and we soon hear that mother and child are fine! The baby's new home is at 15219 Lorna Paseo, Houston, TX 77083. Father, Michael, is an engineer with 8rown & Root Inc. in Houston. Charles W. Parks Jr. and wife Claudia are presently living at 2110 Mammoth Way, Louisville, KY 40299. Richard and Susan Riegel are "proud to announce another addition to their family, Erica Gail, born March 6, weighing 10 Ibs.-10 OZS. She joins her two brothers, Kevin, 3, and Richard, 2. All are happy about her arrival." Richard is a project engineer for Burns & McDonnell. Their address is 5524 Hedges, Raytown, MO 64133.

Marvin V. Sin del .Jr. has moved to 'the Kansas City area as a sales engineer for General Electric. Marv, Marj, Marv III and Timmy write "would like to hear from our UMR friends . Our new address is 12330 Locust Circle, Olathe, KS 66062 ." Robert and Joan Stanley have moved to 2015 Dixie Drive, No. I, Waukesha, WI 53186. Robert is a project engineer for Giles Engineering Associates. Steven and Lucinda Thomas have a new home at 2004 Hackberry Green, Huntsville, AL 35803 . Steven is senior software consultant with Scientific Software Engineering Inc. , Merritt Island , Florida. Eldon L. Turner, previously with the Missouri Highway Department, reports that he will be in Abu Ahabi, U.A.E., for two years as an engineer on construction work there. Meanwhile, he and Debra may be reached by writing to them at 616 Brunswick , Brookfield , MO 64628. Walter and Linda Wiedermann have moved to 2109 Robin Hood Drive, Miamisburg, OH 45342 . Walter is an engineering specialist I for Monsanto Research Co. MSM Alumnus / 31

Alumni Personals ______________________

1973 Michael and Deborah Behr have moved to 2008 Coral Sea Circle, Ridgecrest, CA 93555. Michael is an operational test director, Harm missile system, for the United States Navy at China Lake, Cali f. Steve and Anne Busch "received a new add it ion to their fami ly on April 21. Her name is Kerry Christine and she weighed 10 lbs. 3 Y. oz. She joins the Busch's first daughter, Sallie, who is now 4. The fam ily's address is Route 2, Box 366, Smithville, MO 64089. Steve is working in the hazardous waste unit of the Environmental Protection Agency in Kansas City ." Randy Casteel writes: "About six months ago I broke off from the engineering partnersh ip I had been involved in fo r the past six years and form ed my own corporation-Industrial Engineering Service Inc.-in wh ich I design and build industrial systems for energy recovery; industrial HV AC; and env ironmental control of noise, dust, fumes, and smoke. Offices are at 931 S.R. 28, Milford, Ohio 45150." Randy and his wife, Becky, Travis (4 yrs) and Katie (2 yrs) reside at 819 Wooster Pike, Terrace Park , OH 45174. Stephen D. Christiansen is a medical doctor. He and his wife, Dr. Carol Berner, live at 1245 East Knob Hill, Springfield, MO 65807. 32 / MSM Alumnus

Amy L. (Strunk) Bachmann reports she is now employed by Pippin 's Restaurant, Overland Park , Kans., in the accounts payable/payroll department. She and husband Walter (Buster) are living at 9205 W. 79 St., Apt. 74, Overland Park, KS 66204.

Mark G. Fehlig recently completed the Harris Corporation MBA course in cooperation with the University of Florida Graduate School of Business. Mark is employed at the Broadcast Division of Harris at Quincy, Ill. The school is taught at corporate headquarters in Melbourne, Fla. by the faculty of the graduate school of business at the University of Florida at Gainesville. The 12-week course included intensive course work in finance , accounting, human reso urces, mark eti ng and economics. Mark has been with Harris for two years as product marketing manager for satellite communication terminals. He and Patti live at 1605 Hampshire, Quincy, IL 62301. Gary R. Henderson writes: "In June of this year I was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and have been assigned as public works officer for Com Nav Supp for Antarctica summer support group." Gary's mailing address is Box 100, Code 50, Com Nav Supp for Antarctica, FPO San Francisco, CA 9660 I.


Steven, '73, '78, and Fabia Goldammer have a new address: 2171 Hounslow, San Jose, CA 95131. Steven is the senior member of the technical staff of Micro Power, Santa Clara, Calif.

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Paul W. Horstmann writes: "I have been awarded an IBM fellowship to complete my Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Syracuse University. This should take 1-2 years since I have all of the course work completed. My dissertation will be on the use of design verification for VLSI system designs. One of my current hobbies is running and I have completed both the Boston and New York marathons. My new address is 223 Robert Drive, Syracuse, NY 13210."

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Jim Martin writes: "I have been promoted to operations manager for MAPCO Production Co. in Tulsa, Okla. Also, we have a new son, John Nickolas, born June 16, 198 I-already a year old!" Jim and Joyce (Chuchian) live at 9041 E. 67th St., Tulsa, OK 74133 . John E. North reports that his company, the American Air Filter Defense Systems Division of Allis Chalmers has been sold and the name of the new company is Engineered Air Systems, Inc. , St. Louis. John is a design engineer with the company. His address is 806 Brookridge Drive, Webster Groves, MO 63119. ,q Dennis E. Pease is a research associate in the electrical engineering department at the University of Texas in Lubbock. His address is 2217 25th St., Lubbock, TX 79411. David, '79, and Peggy (Shackles, '73) Lorge write: "We had a baby girl on May 15 , 1981, named Julila Marie. We moved to 8829 Holmes Ave., Omaha, NE 68127." Peggy has retired for the time being, but David is now a development geologist for Peter Kiewit Sons Co. Carolyn (Whiting) and Frederick Smith "wish to announce the birth of their second child. Karl Russ was born April 29 and weighed 8 lbs., 2 V4 ozs. He has a sister, Ruth, 3 V2 years." The family's address is 20 Whipple Ave., Stoneham, MA 02180.


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Alumni Personals ___________ ___________ Harold and Teri (New) Winnie send us a new address: 10619 North Main, Kansas City , MO 64155. Harold is superintendent for Gas Service Company in Kansas City, Mo.



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Joan (Brune) and James Woodard "announce the birth of their first child, Thomas James, on June 20 . Joan received her Ph .D in Mechanical Engineering from the University of CaliforniaBerkeley on June 19." She is employed by Sandia National Laboratories as a mechanical engineer-technical staff. Joan, James and family live at 1273 Bordeaux St. , Pleasanton, CA 94566.




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1974 Rob Armstrong, who recently completed a three-year residency in general surgery at the University of Tennessee Ho'spital in Memphis, after receiving his M.D. degree from UMC in 1979, has been serving as day-time emergency room physician in his hometown at the West Plains Memorial Hospital. He plans to return to the same hospital in Memphis during 1983 for a residency in radiology, then come back to West Plain Ii 'l'esume his practice. Rob's address is No. 5 Court Square, West Plains, MO 65775.

James J . Cook is now a McDonnell Douglas marketing manager for Micro Data Corp. His address is P.O. Box 28474, St. Louis, MO 63141. J. Calvin Curdt reports: "Our second child, a daughter named Alyson Marie, was born Feb. 3. I was awarded the certificate in data processing by the Institute for Certification of Computer Professionals this JUly. " Calvin , Michele and family live at 2743 Irondale Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129. He is director of data processing for the Federal Land Bank in St. Louis. John and Georgia Detwiler have recently moved to 120 West Fields, Eldorado Springs, MO 64744. John has accepted the position of registered representative with Waddell & Reed Inc., in Eldorado Springs.

Irving Birmingham has been promoted to Lt. Col. and is now a research and development systems engineer with the U.S. Army at Fort Belvoir, Va. Irving and Sallie now live at 418- B Lacey Place, Fort Belvoir, V A 22060 .

Nick and Janet Kaplan have a new address-I238 Alexander Ave., Baltimore, MD 21228. Nick is a senior engineer with the AAI Corp. Cockeysville, Md. He asks "Will the principles of the BACKS Corp. please contact me?" Stephen E. Langley is now an advisor in the packaging division of Coulf Oil Corp. , in Houston. Steve has been with Coulf Oil since graduation, moving from sales to the current staff position. He married Beth in 1977 and they have two daughters, Erica, 2 Yz years and Carrie, 5 months. Steve and family now live at 37 19 Clear Falls Drive, Kingwood, TX 77339. Louis .and Catherine Luth announce the birth of a son, David William , on April 14. They say, "David is nearly loved to bits by his older sisters, Chrissy and Laura! " The Luth's address is 14805 N.E. 5th St. , Vancouver, WA 98664. Louis is a foundry process and control engineer with Precision Cast Parts Corp. , Portland, Oregon. " Tony Messina has resigned his teaching position at Texas A&M and has accepted a research position as a chemical engineer with Texas Eastman Co. in Longview , Texas. His wife, Renee, completed her B.B.A. in accounting at T AMU in August. Their new address is 1209 Lovers Lane, Longview, T X 75604."

Paul S. Bailey is newly employed by McDonnell Douglas as an engineer. You can reach Paul by mail at Drawer 787, P.O. Box 58170, Houston, TX 77258 . Raymond A. Barbeau is now commander, 267th chemical company for the United States Army. His new address is P.O. Box 267 , APO San Francisco, CA 96305.

Richard and Barbara Hyer have a new addrress, Route No . I, Box 249 , Old Monroe, MO 63369 . Richard is a systems analyst for Ozark Airlines.


Rand y G. Kerns is the new national president of T riangle F raternity, a social fra ternity of engineers, architects and scientists. He is principal engineer fo r IBIS Systems of Boulder, Colo. He and his wife, Cherie, live at 4254 Redwood Place, Boulder, CO 80301. Randy also serves as president of the fraternity's alumni organization in Boulder.

Ca pt. Michael J. Miller , a USAF/RAAF exchange pilot, sends the following note: "I have been promoted to flight examiner and unit test pilot in the Royal Australian Air Force. I fl y No . 3 position in the RAAF formation demonstration team out of Perth, Western Australia. Regards to all my friends and acquaintances." Mike and Deborah Sue's address is American Consulate (perth) APO San Francisco, CA 96209. MSM Alumnu s / 33

Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1974 Continued


Jack and Nancy Greenley have moved to 2133 Crestridge Drive, Littleton, CO 80121.

Hugh and Jean Murray are the proud parents of twins-a son Todd and a daughter Heather-born June 27. Hugh was transferred to Houston by his employer, Dresser Atlas, to manage their new cased hole field engineering training program. The Murray family lives at 16107 Vista Del Mar, Houston, TX 77083.

Michael D. Hillhouse writes: "I was married to Roberta S. Sauer on Saturday, May 29. Roberta is originally from Buffalo, N.Y. She is a deaconess and youth director at SI. Andrew's Lutheran Church in Silver Spring." Michael is a test design specialist for General Electric Co.-Geisco, in Rockville, Md. The couple lives at 12133 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20902.

Dana S. Nau is an assistant professor in the computer science department at the University of Maryland. Dana's new address is 4800 Berwyn House Road, No. 411 , College Park, MD 20740. Suppamas Prachakvej, '7 4, '77, is a design engineer for Brown & Root, Marine Division . Suppamas and Sukanya tell us they will have a new baby in December. They live at 11315 Windmark Drive, Houston , TX 77099. John M. Raley joined Kimberly-Clark Corp. in July as a research scientist in infant care research and development. He and his wife of one year, Robin, have moved to 2308 W. Courtland Drive, Appleton, WI 54914. John sends "greetings from the frozen north to all my warmer UMR associates." Patrice M. Ryan is currently attending graduate school in Denton, Texas after five years in Honduras with the Peace Corps. Patrice's address is 8773 Oriole, St. Louis, MO 63147. John J. Struckhoff is now president of Care Information Systems, Inc. John and Lynn's address is 114 White Pine Drive, Springfield, IL 62703. He sends in the following information: "Steven C. Rau, '75, has assumed a position as systems manager at SSP Time Share, Springfield , III. Charles and Ann Travelstead have moved to 305 E. Main St., Carlinville, IL 62626. Charles is a planning coordinator for Monterey Coal Company in Carlinvi l!e. Melissa R. Watson has moved to 104 F, S.W., Miami , OK 74354. She is head of references services at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College in Miami. 34 / MSM Alumnu s

Joseph and Nell Ann Jacobs have a new address at 3654 N. College, Kansas City, MO 64117. Joe is a chemist with Cook Pant & Varnish in North Kansas City.

GARRY R. ARONBERG Garry R. Aronberg is president-elect of the St. Louis chapter, Missouri Society of Professional Engineers. He is employed by Sverdrup, Parcel and Associates, and lives at 8671 Barby Lane, University City , MO 63124. George M. Carlstrom has been promoted from project geologist engineer of Eastern Division to Western Division manager for Tenneco Inc. He and wife Elaine and daughters Amy and Karen were recently visitors to the World's Fair where they viewed the Tenneco Inc.-Occidental Petroleum Corp. exhibit. Tenneco and Occidental are equal partners in Cathedral Bluff Shale Oil Co., developing an underground mine in northwest Colorado to obtain the oil from shale. The richest deposits of oil shale in the world lie in an area known as the Green River Formation in the high desert plateaus of Wyoming, Colorado and Utah. Within this tri-state area are almost 1.8 million barrels of shale oil or 2 Y2 times the proven reserves of the free world. George stated that "it is very exciting and rewarding to be involved in a small way in such an operation." The Carlstrom home is at 7179 S. Forest Lane, Littleton, CO 80 122 .

Charles G. Kallal has been transferred by the Phillips Petroleum Co. from their Kansas City, Kans. refinery (closed down) to their Salt Lake City, Utah facility. He says "initially my duties will be in the mechanical design section; eventually they will include processchemical group, maintenance, and night supervisor." His new address is 175 E. Cobble Creek Road, North Salt Lake, UT 84054, phone (80 I) 298-5607. Pamela (Thebeau) Leitterman is now a product manager with HewlettPackard's Data Terminals Division in Sunnyvale, Calif. She recently helped introduce Hewlett-Packard's first high performance color graphics terminal, the HP 2700, at the 1982 ACM SIGGRAPH Conference in Boston. Pam and Dennis ('76, '77), live at 163 Waxwing Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94087. Jim and Linda Martin's mailing address is NPS SMC 2562, Monterey, CA 93940. Jim (Lt. , USN) is attending the Naval Postgraduate School at Monterey, pursuing a master's degree in logistics/material support management. Linda (Lt. J. G. USN) is in naval flight officer-navigator training at Mather AFB in Sacramento, Calif. John J. Marting tells us he married Melissa Love on May 8! They've made their home at 6547 E. 60th St., Tulsa, OK 74145. John is a petroleum engineer with Lee Keeling and Assoc. in Tulsa.

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Alumni Personals, _______________________ David K. Muckerman, '75 & '79, has accepted a position as a wastewater treatment plant design engineer with Winslow & Associates Inc., in Houston . David and Cathi have moved to 13314 Nevermore, Cypress, TX 77429. James and Mary Ann Ott have moved to 500 Cumberland, Hurst, TX 76053. Jim writes: "Mary Ann and Jacob doing fine. " He is a senior teleprocessing specialist for Caltex Petroleum Corp. Ronald and Elsa Potts send us a new address-4124 Marianna Road , Jacksonville, FL 32217. Douglas and Glenda Reading have recently moved to 3505 South Lamar, No. 1054, Austin, TX 78704. Douglas has accepted a position as advance system engineer with Lockheed Missi le & Space Compa ny in Austin .

1976 William B. Baumhoff has recently been employed by Engineered Air Systems in St. Louis, Mo. , as a design engineer. He and Darlene live at 1998 San Luis Rey, Fenton, MO 63026. Dr. D. M. S. Bhatia, who has been at Austin Peay State University since September 1977 , is one of five finalists for the Distinguished Professor Award given each year for excellence in teaching. The Tennessee State Board of Regents has promoted him to the rank of full professor, and has awarded him early tenure. This year he also was elected vice president of the University Faculty Senate. He currently resides at 2158 Michael Drive, Clarksville, TN 37040.

Edward, '75 & '76, and Kathy Rodgers have moved to 1100 E. Church-I05, Pierre, SO 5750 I. Edward is a structural design engineer for Aaron Swan & Associates. Darrell K. Tucker has moved to 920 I Clarewood, Apt. 39, Houston , TX 77036. He is employed as construction field supervisor/coordinator by Humana Inc., Louisville, Ky.

Gregory A. Cieciwa resigned his Air Force commission last August and accepted a government position. He manages the reliability & maintainability program on the Air Force's next generation trainer aircraft for USAF at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Greg and Katherine's address is 2433 Coldsprings Drive, Beavercreek, OH 45835.

Larry Uher, '75, '76, is employed by Phillips Petroleum Co. as a senior systems analyst. His address is 1617 Kings Drive, Apt. 51 B, Bartlesville, OK 74003.

Roland E. Dutton is now a sen ior petroleum enginer for Amoco Production Co. in Denver, Colo. His new address is 6752 E. Briarwood Drive, Englewood, CO 80112.

Ronald and Mary King report a new address: Edgar Star Route, Box 62, Rolla , MO 6540 I. Ronald is a teacher at the Word of Faith Christian Academy in Rolla. Danny and Carolyn Krebs are living at 1430 Sioux Trace, St. Charles, MO 6330 I. Dann y is a senior electron ics engineer in electrooptics for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company in St. Louis; Carolyn is an electronics engineer in the same group. Michael R. Krueger is employed by Me¡ Carthy Bros. Co. Michael spent the last three years in Jeddah , Saudi Arabia , but he is now assigned to the St. Louis area. Michael and Debbie's new address is 626 Applecross Court , Ballwin , MO 630 II. Dennis W. Leitterman, '76, '77, has been promoted to distributed systems support engineering manager with Hewlett-Packard 's information Networks Division in Sunnyvale, Calif. His group is involved in the development and support of the HP Distributed Systems Network for HP 1000 and HP 3000 Computer Systems. Dennis has been elected treasurer of the IEEE Santa Clara Valley (SCV) Section. He is also serving as past president of the SCV Chapter of the Ca li fornia Society of Professional Engineers. Dennis and Pam ('75) live at 1637 Waxwing Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94087. Philip W. McNeal has moved to 3102 Knoll Manor Drive, Kingwood, TX 77345. Phil has been promoted to senior superv ising production engineer with Exxon Co., U.S .A. in Houston . David W. Niemann is a mecha nica l engineer with Black & Veatch of Kansas City, Mo. David and Gina live at 373 Cheryl Court , Los Alamos, NM 87544.

Paul J. Telthorst reports new employment with Illinois Power Company at their Cli nton Power Station as a results engineer. Paul and Janel have moved to 710 Sunset Drive, Mahomet, IL 61853. JtJH2 Roltamo

MSM Alumn us 35

Alumni Personals, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1976 Continued Marc L. Smith Jr. has been promoted to manager in the management advisory services group at Price Waterhouse, in St. Louis. He is a member of the Propeller Cl ub of St. Louis and on the district committee for the Boy Scouts of America in the Lewis & Clark District. Marc and Barbara live at 1331 Glenstone Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Kenneth L. Woods has been granted his license as a registered and professiona l engineer by the Missouri Board of Registration for Engineers. He has been employed by Crane and Fleming Inc. since May , 1976, joining the firm as a project engineer. Kenneth and Donna have two daughters, and are living at 906 Tennessee St. , Louisiana, MO 63353.


Steven and Sandra Geiger have moved to 3209 Blue Sage, Woodward, OK 7380 I , where Steve is now a district manager for Schlumberger.

Stanley R. Lafollette is now an electrical engineer with Jim Walter Resources in Brookwood, Ala. Stanley and Patye have moved to 623 Dogwood Lane, McCalla, AL 35111.

Laurence E. Harris, '77, '80, is a beekeeper for JZ's BZ's Honey Co. Laurence and Ann Marie's new address is General Delivery, Wilmot , SO 57279.

David and Charlene Lee have moved to 550B Winans, West Point, NY 10996. David is a major in the U.S. Army and is chief, information systems division , for the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Ross and Kim (Coleman, '76) Livingood are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, Daniel James. Daniel was born on May 25 th . The family still lives at 1214 Ri voli , Manchester, MO 630 II. Ross is a senior development engineer with Vitek Systems, Inc., in St. Louis. Michael and Andrea Lobbig have moved to 442 Eaglesway, Apt. No. I , Troy, IL 62294. Michael is an engineer in mechanical design with Union Electric Company in St. Louis, Mo.

Chris Jarrett is a construction engineer for Constructioneering N.W. Inc. , Bellevue, Wash. He says: "I'm presently working on the Lakota Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion project just north of Tacoma, Wash., right on the shores of beautiful Puget Sound." His mailing address is 13306 S.E. 30th St., Bellevue, WA 98005. Stephen J. Kuehn sends us an address of 10601-B Topperwein Drive, Austin, TX 78758.

Sister Joseph Kieran McAdams has a new address c/o Diocese of Harrisburg, P.O. Box 3651 , Harrisburg, PA 17105. She is with the diocesan office of finan cial administration.

Michael A. Barnhart is now employed by General Dynamics as a structural engineer. Michael and Debra have moved to 99 16 Caravelle Court , F t. Worth, TX76 108.

Stephen R. Nelson is living at 211 B Elliot"t Drive, Rolla, MO 6540 I . He is on an educational leave of absence from Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas, where he is employed as an electrical design engineer.

Terry and Pat (Francis) Coker are now stat ioned at Ft. Knox, Kentucky. They will be transferred to Ft. Riley, Kans. in December. Terry is a captain in the U.S. Army. Their current address is Box 608 , AOAC 3-82, Ft. Knox , K Y 40121.

Patrick K. Owen is employed by Brown W. Carter Elliott writes: "Now li ving on the San Francisco Peninsula, and lov ing itl I spend my days making radar warning receivers fo r the Air Force, getting a suntan at lunchtime, and getting into shape. Have a brand new '65 Volvo P-1800-j ust like the old one, but without the rust. Write, ca ll or drop by 1001 Continentals Way , No. 224, Belmont, CA 94002." He is a senior research engineer for Dalmo-Victor/Bell Aerospace in Belmont. David and Terry Dimond have moved to No.2 Greenfair Court , Bakersfield, CA 93309. David is a mechan ica l engineer for Independen t Valley Energy Co. 36/ MSM Alumnus

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chief piping engineer. He and Rosa Marie live at 4202 Cherokee, Baytown, TX 77521.

JOHN E. GUERDAN John E. Guerdan has been promoted to district sales manager at the Salina, Kan ., office of Square 0 Company. He will coordinate all Square 0 sales in Salina and the surrounding territory. John joined Square 0 in 1978, serving first as a field sales engineer at Peoria, lll . He was promoted to senior field engineer in 1981 .

Donald and Deborah Proehl have a new address- 1932 Redwood, Arnold, MO 630 IO. Don is an engineering specialist with Emerson Electric in St. Louis. Paul J. Ridenour is a major in the United States Army stationed at Ft. Hood. Paul and Susan's address is 4009 Chisholm Trail , Temple, TX 76501. David A. Smith is employed by Atlas Powder Co. as a territory technical representative. His new address is 6786 Gafford Drive, Columbus, OH 43229.

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Alumni Personals ______________________ Cheryl (Westphal) and William Schlittier (both '77) live at 5170 Pinon Valley Rd. , Colorado Springs, CO 80919. Bill is a product engineer for the Denver Equipment Division of Joy Manufacturing. Bruce F. Snow is employed by Bell Laboratories in Naperville, Illinois, and lives at 5811 Oakwood Drive, Apt. F, Lisle, IL 60532. Ricky R. Vogel has moved to 1010 Ridgepointe Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46234. He is employed by Esterline Angus Instrument Co. as a software engineer. Gary Warren says: "Morning coffee breaks at the office have turned into alumni meetings with four UMR grads present (Less Holdman, '52; Dennis Jones, '78; Greg Chamberlin, '77; and myself)." Gary is a sales engineer with Schlumberger Well Services. Gary and Kay live at 6641 Whitehall, Oklahoma City , OK 73132. Paul E. Wonderly is employed by Walter Hickman Co., Merriam, Kans. as a sales engineer. Be and Janet live at 5205 NW Walden Drive, Kansas City, MO 64151.

1978 Stephen Ed Albee sends word that he has moved to 3024 Louisiana Ave. N., Crystal, MN 55427, and is now employed as production engineer for Honeywell in Minneapolis. John and Melissa (Roam) Auman have moved to 3619 E. King St., Tulsa, OK 74115. John is employed by Amoco Production Co. as a senior petroleum engineer. Albert L. Charles has moved to 2020 W. Alameda Ave., Apt. 18G, Anaheim , CA 92801. Albert is with Hughes Aircraft Co. in Fullerton , Calif.

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Laurey A. Costich is employed by Penerex as a geologist. Laurey's address is 185 Field St. , Rochester, NY 14620.

Lee and Andrew, '79, Cox's address is 13 Edgewood C ircle, Ft. Oglethorpe, GA 30742.

James L. Donahoe writes: "Yes, we are still alive and well. Yes, Rona, '78 , is still trying to talk Stanford out of a Ph .D. Toward that end, she is dragging Jim and the cats to Reston for six months to do a calorimetric study on synthetic zea lites with Bruce Hemingway. Our new address is: 2008 Coltsneck Rd., No. II A, Reston , VA 22091."

Clarence F. Goodrich Jr. has recentl y accepted the position of structural engineer with A vco Aerostructures Division in Nashville, Tenn. He and Lynn have moved to 108 Cedar Croft Court, Antioch, TN 37013.

Robert C. Durbin is now a field engineer for M.W. Kellogg Constructors Inc. of Houston , Texas. Robert's address is clo JGC Kellogg, P.O. Box 268 , Bintulu Sarawak, Malaysia. Jacquelyn M. (DeThorne) Falconi reports that she has been promoted to financial analyst for the nuclear equipment division of Babcock & Wilcox after 9 months as the division business planner. She will be responsible for im¡ provement of division cash flow and balance sheet. Jackie completed her M.B.A. in finance at the University of Akron in May. She writes that she is looking forward to Homecoming '83, and hopes to see some fami liar faces. Jackie and Joe live at 521 Aqueduct St. , Akron, OH 44303.

Rodger and Carol Ann Grantham are living at 15448 Black Birch Drive, No. 5, Chesterfield, MO 630 17. Rodger is a design engineer with Engineered Air Systems Inc. of St. Louis. Michael J. Gregory reports new employment with the Parks & Recreation Department in Kansas City. He is living at 7427 Holmes, Kansas City, MO 64131. Nancy E. Harrington is a first lieutenant in the United States Army stationed at Ft. Belvoir, Va. Nancy and Richard's address is 4086 Shady Knoll Court , Bumfries, V A 20026. Patrick T. Hoopes is a lieutena nt in the Un ited States Coast Guard and is executive officer of the Coast Guard's Gulf Strike Team. He and Eileen live at 102 Goldenwood Drive, Slidell , LA 70458. MSM A lumnu s / 37

Alumni Person als _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1978 Continued Michael and Rose-Marie Johnson are living at 8299 Ca mbridge Drive, No. 40 I, Houston , TX 77054. Mike is a training specialist with E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. Inc. in La Porte, Texas. Brian ('78) and Sue ('79) Kavanaugh have moved to 2231 Big Bend Dr. , Carrollton, TX 75006. Sue has a new position as a staff project engineer with the ynfuels division of Phillips oal Co., in Richardson, Texa . Brian is a missile de ign engineer with Texa Instrumen ts. Walter and Susan (Tu rn er ' 80) Lou nsbery have moved to 605 0 S. 183 rd St. West, Route I, Viola, KS 67149. Walter is a specialist engineer, aerodynamics staff, with Boe in g Military Airplane Co. in Wichita. Daniel and Carole, '80, Martin have mov ed to 5043 Co untry Drive, Kingsport , TN 37664. Larry D. McCallister is now a batta lion civi l engineer and construction officer with the U.S. Army in West Germany. He and Lynn (Weiss, '79) may be reached by writing to HCC 293d Engineering Battalion, APO N.Y. 09034 (Baumholder, We t Germany). Larry ay they will be there until January, 198 3. Russell and Susan Pearson have a new address - Route I, Box 203AA, E panola, NM 87532. Ru sell is a project engineer for ca nlon & Associate in Santa Fe. .M. Gregory S. Perkins i an environmental engineer with the Mis ouri Depa rtment of atural Resources. Greg and Michelle live at 6 I 3 E. Erie, Springfield, MO 65807. Michael R. imac 1 employed b Ha yward Baker 0., Odenton, Md ., as a project engineer. Michael and JUdith's addre s i P.O. Box 1484, Annapoli , MD 21404. 38 MSM Alumnus

Kenneth and Diana Stonge have a new add res, Lakewood Estates, Route 2, Box 133 , Marlow , OK 73055. Kenneth is an engineer for Hall iburton Services in Duncan, Ok la. Michael and Kim Winnett have moved to 28 19 Pheasant Run, Humble, T 77338. Michael is a project engineer for Anheuser-Bu ch in Houston, Texas.

1979 Angela F. Baker is now a corporate perso nn el representative for Genera l Homes, Inc. Angela's add ress is 10506 Mackenzie Drive, Houston, TX 77086. Timoth y J. Baron i an engineer for the Boei ng Co. His address is 2420 South Glendale, Wichi ta , KS 672 I 8. Fred and Ann Bueler Jr., write: We had our third child June 26, a 9 Ib.-I I oz. boy , Fred the III. " Fred Jr. i vice president of Wm. Rose Kitchen & Remodeling. The familY's addres i I 144 Mi sou ri Ave., Kirkwood, MO 63122.

Max L. Mattione i an in trument engineer for A. E. Staley Co. of Decatur, III. Hi new addre i 473 Manor View Drive, Knoxville, T 37923. Max ay: "The addre i temporary. I'm on a plant tart-up a ignment until May , 1983." Harriett Lynn (Weiss) McCallister's addres is now HHC 293d Engineering Battalion , APO N.Y . 09034. Lynn i with husband Larry, '78, on hi U.S. Army assignment in We t Germany until January , 1983.

Mick Schneider sends u his new address, 9256 Foster, Overland Park, KS 66212, and say "I received my masters in civil engineering from UM through UMC Extension in May '82." He is a project engineer with Marley Cooling Tower Co. in Mi ion, Kans.

David, '79, and Peggy (Shackles, '73) Lorge write: "We had a baby girl on May 15 , 198 I, named Julila Marie. We moved to 8829 Holme Ave., Omaha, E 68 127 ." Peggy ha retired for the time being, but David i now a development geologi t for Peter Kiewit Son o.

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Pat Centner, as of August '82, i an expe rimental (tes t) engi neer at the Saginaw, Mich. , central foundry division of General Motors Corp., and write: "am al 0 now the pecial activit ies chairma n fo r S.A.E. MidMichigan Chapter." Pat lives at 6335 Weiss, Sagi naw, MI 48603. Richard and Barb ara Etem were married Augu t 28 and are living at 8026 ity, MO 64 I 14 . Mercier, Kan a Richard i a civil engineer with Jackson County Public Works in Independence, Mo ., and tells us he "started the Kansa ity graduate engineering evening program."


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DAN M. CHILCUTT Dan M. Chilcutt ha been elected trea urer of the St. Loui chapter, Mi oun Society of Profe ional Engineer for the 1982-83 year. He i employed by Southwestern Bell Telephone ompany, and lives at 267 Trea ure ove, Ballwin, MO 630 I I.

civil eng at Ft. Roy, '81 705, W


David Brown at 1173 17099.

Alumni Personals ______________________ Larry J. Baldwin is an assistant district engineer for the Missouri Public Service Co. He and Carma live at 10200 Wheeling Ave., Kansas City, MO 64134.


of 73




Koelle and Rita Barbour have moved to 1511 Swifts Highway, Jefferson City, MO 65101 , Koelle is a division traffic studies engineer for the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department.

ld路 19 IS








Neal, '79 & 80, and Tammy Shearer have moved to 7206 Classic Circle, Shreveport , LA 71108, Neal is employed by Schlumberger Well Services in Shreveport, and in July was promoted to senior field engineer. Carma J. Stone is: "now residing at Route 2, Box 61 Belpre, OH 45714, and working as a process engineer for Shell Chemical Co." Richard A. Webb writes: "I recently accepted a promotion to senior plant engineer at the Anheuser Busch Brewery in Baldwinsville, New York. I plan to be married on August 14 and after the honeymoon Shirley and I will reside in Baldwinsville." The Webbs address is 8761 Foxfire Lane , Baldwinsville, NY 13027. Rebecca (Corlew) Wingfield is now chief civil engineer of buildings and structures at Ft. McClellan, Ala. Rebecca and Roy, '81, may be reached at P.O. Box 705, Weaver, AL 36277.




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David L. Adams is an engineer for Brown & Root, Inc. David and Blair live at 11731 Bexley Drive, Houston, TX 77099.

James C. Cunningham was married to Mary Elaine Cooper on June 4 in Bolivar, Mo. Following a honeymoon trip to Mexico, the couple is living at 2100 Tannehill, Apt. 2016, Houston, TX 77008. The groom is employed as a civil engineer with Southwestern Laboratories. Gary E. Dickerson is a production supervisor for Delco Electronics. Gary and Teresa live at 2410 Baxter St., Kokomo, IN 4690 I . Randy C. Foster has recently married Debra Elaine Hook, a teacher at Parkcrest Preschool in Springfield, Mo. Randy is a project engineer with the Dayco Corp. The couple have made their home at 3310 S. Jefferson, Springfield, MO 65807 . Ronny and Teresa Galloway live at 15 Parkview Terrace, Hazlet, NJ 07730. Ronny is employed by Bell Labs in Holmdel, N.J. Paul E. Hicks, Jr. is an engineering specialist for Tamper Inc. Paul and Shirley live at 347 Creighton Drive, West Columbia, SC 29169. David M. Lofe sends us his new address: 7670 S. Wellington, Littleton, CO 80122. Carole R. Martin is employed by Eastman Kodak-Tennessee Eastman Company as a chemical engineer. Carole and Daniel, '78, have moved to 5043 Country Drive, Kingsport, TN 37664. John and Linda Mathey have moved to 400 Manda Lane, No. 119, Wheeling, IL 60090. John is a marketing engineer for Commonwealth Edison, Chicago, Ill.

Leslie L. Mcintyre is a test engineer with Engineered Air Systems Inc., St. Louis, Mo. , and lives at Route I, Box 752, Glencoe, MO 63038. Sharon and Michael Miller have moved to 8605 Westline, EI Paso, TX 79904. Sharon is a sanitary and environmental engineer with the U.S. Army . Samuel L. Miller is a graduate assistant in the Iowa State University physics department. He and Deborah live at 509 N. Hyland, No.2, Ames, IA 50010. Joseph P. Peter is now a senior engineer for Sioux Pipeline. His address is 2334 Kerry, Abilene, TX 79605. David E. Reed says: "I am a senior engineer in systems engineering for Harris Government Systems, working on defense communication systems in Melbourne, Fla." He and wife Becky, '8 1, can be contacted by writing Harris Corp., P.O. Box 37, Melbourne, FL 32901. Richard Shores is now employed by International Paper as an engineer at their Texarkana, Texas facility. He and Linda live at 704 W. 37th St ., Texarkana, TX 75503. James and Marilyn Siervo live at 1251 Luray Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Jim is an engineering manager with Lever Brothers Co., in Pagedale, Mo. Deedra "Dee" Smith is employed by International Mineral & Chemical Corp. , Bartow, Fla., as a geological engineer. Her address is 2512 Charleston Drive, Plant City, FL 33566. James E. Steck is now on scholastic leave (at UMR) from McDonnell Douglas. Jim has moved to 200 Belmont, Rolla, MO 6540 I . Robert G. Steinhoff Jr. is employed by Bendix Corp. as a process engineer. He has moved to 1220 E. 117th St., Apt. No. I , Kansas City, MO 64131. Randall and Dale Thady can be reached by addressing their mail to AFE 2ID, Camp Casey, Korea, APO San Francisco 96224. Randall is a deputy facilities engineer with the U.S. Army. MSM Alumnus / 39

Alumni Personals, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Angelo J. Birmingham sends his new mailing address: Route 6, Box 378, Oswego, NY 13126. He is employed by Stone & Webster. Joan T. (Krupski) Brennan is a marketing engineer for Olin Brass. Joan and Michael's address is 9135 Heritage Drive, Apt. C, Affton, MO 63123. Barry and Barbara Carter have a new address-P.O. Box 451 , Sesser, IL 62884. Barry is employed by Boyd Brothers Construction . Lynne and Michael Chilton (both '81), live at 428 Lecta Ave. , Ft. Smith, AR 7290 I. Lynne is a design engineer for Baldor Electric in Ft. Smith, and Michael is a process engineer for KerrMcGee Nuclear in Gore, Okla.

1980 Continued Somsak Tilok lurs is now li ving at 16 12 N. Fai rmou nt , Wichita, KS 67208, employed as an engineer by Wichita Tes ting Labs. J ames and Beverly Volker ha ve moved to 990 35 Da ir y Ashford , No. 5607, Houston, TX 77099. James is a projec t engineer for Ex xon Co. USA.

Michael D. Costain is now a senior office engineer for Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. Michael's address is 206 Nautilus Drive, No. 309, New London , CT 36320. Steven Grant Cronin is now a project engineer for HBE Corp., St. Louis. Steven lives at 11087 Graben, Apt. R, St. Ann, MO 63074.

1981 Tamara J. (Ball) Adams is working as a sa fety engineer wit h the U.S. Army Troop Support and Readiness Command in St. Louis. She and Rusby li ve at 5028 Clay ridge Dr ive, Apt. 303 , St. Louis, MO 63 129. Jeffrey N. Arensmeier has recentl y accep ted the position of design engineer with Sach s Energy Ma nageme nt Systems Inc .. a divis ion of Sachs Electric Co. with offices in Chesterfield Village. Chesterfield. Mo . Jeff and his wife Alex ia wi ll res ide in Fenton , Mo. They recently celeb rated their second wed din g an ni versary. Richard W. Biddle has moved to Rou te 2, Fairfield, IA 525 56 . He is now employed by Ame ri can Bridge Division, Un ited Sta tes Steel Corp. of Chicago as a field enginee r. 40 MSM Alumn u s

James L. and Debbie Crume now live at 121 N.E. DeBell , Bartlesville, OK 74003 . Jim is an associate program mer/analyst with Phillips Petroleum Co. David and Ruth DuBois have moved to 6623 Marisol, Houston , TX 77083. David is employed by Arco Oil and Gas as an engineer. Lawrence W. Esker has moved to 825 Arthur Ave. , Rac ine, WI 53405. and has been employed by McGraw Edison Tech Center, Franksv ille. Wisc., as a resea rch engineer. Mick Fearon writes he "has been work ing since September, 198 1, as a minera ls geo logist for Phillips Petroleum in G rand Junction , Co lo. My address is 140 5 Wellington No.8, G rand Junction. CO 8 150 I."

Mary Essner is living at Route I, Box 175 , Magnolia, AR 71753 . She is a field engineer employed by Schlumberger in Magnolia. David M. Fischer is a process engineer for Chevron USA. His address is 3015 Eden , Apt. 44, Pascagoula, MS 39567 . Glen R. Gettemeyer is a device engineer for Motorola in Mesa, Ariz. He and Barbara are living at 2210 E. Carmel Ave. , Mesa, AZ 85204. Charles and Donna Glomb have moved to 613 South 8th Ave., LaGange, IL 60525. Charles is a project engineer for Container Corporation of America in Chicago. Gary Buck Green has accepted an electrical engineering position with Harris Corp., Palm Bay, Fla. He and Patricia, '82, are living at 731 S. W. Tappen Court, Palm Bay, FL 32905 . Bruce Wayne Hulsart is a captain in the United States Army Corps of Engineers. Bruce and Robyn's address is U.S. Army Engr. District. Ri yadh . P.O. Box 3115 . (Saudi Arabia) APO New York 09038. Ann (Painter) and David Ihms' new address is P.O. Box 1390, Rolla , MO 6540 I . Ann is a graduate student. Mark Kinder is an electrical design enginee r for Texas Instruments. Mark and Tracy live at 9744 Forest Lane, Apt. 1606 , Dallas, TX 75743. Greg Kohring, a graduate assistant, State University of New York at Stony Brook , sends his new address: "Bldg. C. Apt. 1047 , SUNY at Ston y Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794." Dennice (Broad hacker) Kowelman is now an engineer for Ca mpbell & Wieland , Inc. Dennice and Mark's address is 5294 Sir Bors, St. Louis, MO 63129. David J. Lipnick is a mechanica l engineer wit h the Naval Avionics Ce nt e r. Hi s add ress is 5627A Brendonway Parkway. Indianapolis. IN 46226.

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Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


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Mary R. Lucas is employed by Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. as an assistant staff supervisor, data systems. Mary's address is 3920 C Vuecrest Lane, St. Louis, MO 63125. Kevin M. Millar's present address is 13512 S. W. Bonnie Brae, Beaverton, OR 97005.






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Judith (Parker) and Martin Millman now live at 1604 Pine, Apt. 2, Rolla, MO 65401. Kenneth T. Mizuki, '81, '82, is an engineer III for Motorola Inc. His address is 9417 Great Hills Trail, No. 2069, Austin, TX 78759. Hoang Ngoc Nguyen is living at 5400 N. Sheridan Road, No. 218, Chicago, IL 60640, and is employed as an engineer by Commonwealth Edison Co. in Chicago. Steven E. Payne is a lieutenant in the Air Force at Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio. Steven and Georgia's address is 136 Trunk Drive, Dayton, OH 45431. Thomas M. Phelan is a mechanical design engineer for Phillips Petroleum Co. He and Sandra (Hanlon) have a new address- P.O. Box 5375, Borger, TX 79007. Rebecca S. Reed, '81, '82, is a senior engineer in software systems at Harris Communication Systems in Melbourne, Fla. She is writing software for the control of tactical satellite networks. She and David, '80, can be contacted by writing Harris Corp., P.O. Box 37, Melbourne, FL 3290 I . Showky Abdoh and Rose Salameh now live at Westport, Apt. No.3 , One Mile Road, Dexter, MO 63841. Showky is an electrical engineer with Federal Mogul in Malden , Mo. Jeffry and Mary Schaffer have moved to 2230 Keokuck Road (Indian Hills), Springfield, IL 62702. Jeff is a geological engineer with Shell Mining in Elkhart, III. John F. Schmidt is now an engineer for Shell Oil Co. His new address is 280 I Walnut Bend Lane, No. 320, Houston, TX 77042.

David W. Schmitt was married to Kathy L. Herrmann on June 5. David is a civil engineer for Anderson & Associates,

Consu lting Engineers, in Rolla. Kathy is a student at UMR. Their address is 606 East 14th, Rolla, MO 65401. Sandra L. Scott is now a math teacher for Waynesville High School. Her new address IS IIOA Fleetwood, Waynesville, MO 65583. Daniel M. Shiels reports that he will be working as a field representative for the "Danforth for Senate" campaign committee until November. He then plans to work on an MBA with a goal of fall , 1983, to earn his degree. Dan's address is 401 E. Main St., Washington, MO 63090.

Gregg and Melanie Story have a new address-2208-B Bonnel, Longv iew, TX 7560 I. Ho Xuan and Diu Thi Tran give us an address of Edgar Star Route, Box 387-B, Rolla, MO 65401. He is employed as a field underwriter for New York Life Insurance Co. Michael W. Wallis is a systems analyst for Phillips Petroleum. His address is 1100 SE Madison, No. 803, Bartlesville, OK 74003.

Norman Shipley has a new position as project manager and estimator with Bannes-Shaughnessy Inc. Norman and Sarah have moved to 3719 Bates, St. Louis, MO 63116. Bart Allen Smith is employed by Bendix Corp. as an engineer. His new address is 1846 D. Mews Drive, Kansas City, MO 64131. James D. Stanfast now receives mail at P.O. Box 240, Crosbyton, TX 79322. Ralph M. Strother is now a 2nd Lt. in the U.S. Air Force, living at 12534 Inglewood Ave., Apt. 170, Hawthorne, CA 90250. Raymond A. J. Suda is a product engineer for Dickey-John in Auburn, III. Raymond's new address is 213 N. Church, Apt. No. I, Virden, IL 62690. Mark Allan Tarbet has moved to Apt. S, 12908 Piccadilly Circle, Lenexa, KS 66215. Mark is a field service engineer (vibration specialist) with Westinghouse Electric in Overland Park, Kan. Lea A. Telthorst has moved to 7771 Olde English Road, Apt. 28 , Affton, MO 63123. Lea is a manufacturing management trainee at General Electric's new plant location in St. Louis, Mo.

JEFFREY A. W ALTERS Jeffrey A. Walters has joined The Trane Co.'s Commercial Air Conditioning Division sales office in Los Angeles, Calif. He has completed the Trane graduate engineer training program, a six-month course in specialized heat transfer theory and practice, as well as in-depth study of Trane products. Roy and Rebecca (Corlew, '79) Wingfield have a new address-P.O. Box 705 , Weaver, AL 36277. Roy is a design civil engineer in engineering & housing at Ft. McClellan, Ala. Gregory A. Young is now a project engineer for Sunnen Products Co. in their management training program. His address is 838 Lindeman Road , Kirkwood , MO 63122. MSM Alumnus / 41

Alumni Personals _______________________ James M. Jackson is working on a master's degree at Purdue University under Bell Lab financing. He and Carol are living at 2419 Neal Armstrong Blvd. , 2·D, West Lafayette, IN 47906. Deborah Denis Koch is a graduate stu· dent at UMR living at 101 W. First St., Rolla , MO 6540 I. Paul R. Jarnevic has accepted a position as an engineer with Bendix. Paul and Donna now li ve at 10405 E. 42nd St. , Apt. G, Kansas City , MO 64133. Paula Johnson is a math resource center assistant at the Johnson County Com· munity College, Overland Park, Kans. Paula and George's address is 6248 E. 129th St. , G randview , MO 64030. Clint and Nancy Lambe are living at 2626 N. La kev iew, No. 32 12, Chicago, IL 606 14 . Clint is employed by ACLI Governemnt Securities and was award· cd a Certifica te in Data Processing (CDP) from the Institute for Certifica· tion of Computer Professionals (lCCP) for successfull y completing the 1982 ex· amin ation. Clint was one of 1427 suc· cessful candida tes out of 39 15 who took th is year's exam inat ion. Na ncy is work· ing fo r Procter and Gamble.

Chungsoo Yong Kobawoo's address is 2210 S. Oliver, Apt. 201 , Wichita, KS 67218 . He is employed by Boeing Military Airplane Co. as a logistic sup· port equipment engineer.

Linda Deloris (Marshall) Mathey is an estate counselor for Stewardship Concepts Inc., in Palatine, Ill. Linda and John live at 400 Manda Lane, No. 119, Wheeling, IL 60090.

Terry Largent is now an electronic engineer for Southwestern Power Administration. Terry's address is 1131 W. Battlefield, Apt. D-2, Springfield, MO 65807.

Bruce Malcolm McCoy is now an engineer for The Naval Avionics Center. His address is 828 East Drive, Woodruff Place, Indianapolis, IN 46 20 I.

Gregg Lehenbauer is now a project engineer/mechanical engineer for Moog Automotive in St. Louis. His address is 3128 St. David, St. Ann, MO 63074.

Curtis and Marlene McDermott have moved to 234 Towercliff, Ballwin, MO 630 II. Curtis has recently been hired by Ralston Purina, St. Louis, as director of information management planning.

Kurt A. Liebel is a graduate student in electrical engineering at UMR . Kurt's address is 101 East 16th, Rolla, MO 6540 I. Steven W. Loethen is now a support engineer for Boeing Military Aircraft. Steven and Georgia's address is 6602 E. Harry , No. 1208 , Wichita, KS 67207. Charles David Malin is living at 506 N. Olive, Rolla, MO 6540 I and is "currently unemployed." Richard neco Oil Western engineer

F. Manning has joined TenExploration and Production's G ulf Division as a geologica l in Lafaye tte, La.

.John and Janece McGill have moved to 6116 E. 126th St. , Apt. 20 I, Grandview, MO 64030. John is now a design engineer with RMF Steel Products in Kansas City.

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Robert Nespodzany is an engineer for McDonnell-Douglas. His address is 1268B White Moon Way, Hazelwood , MO 63042. Michael E. Noblot is now employed by Armco Steel as an assistant mechanical engineer. He and Kim live at 727 F.M. 195 9, Apt. 12 16, Houston, TX 77 034. J oseph A. Norres J r. is now an engineer for Boeing Military Airplane Co. Joe and Margaret's new address is 2200 South Rock Road, Apt. 17 12 1, Wichi ta , KS 67207. Bryan and Mary Alice Nussbaum live at 9956 D. Merito, St. Louis, MO 63 128 . Bryan is a quality ass urance engineer with the U.S. Defense Contract Administration Service. Steven P. Olsen is an engineer for Marion Power Shovel Division. Steven's address is 48 9 Merchant Ave., Marion, OH 43302. Rebecca E. Ommen has moved to 1331 S. 46 St. , Apt. 54, Fort Smith, AR 729 0 3. Sh e is now a sys tem s analysUprogrammer with Data-Tronics in Fort Smith.

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Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


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1982 Mark A. Amelunke is a petroleum engineer for Ph illips Petroleum Co. Mark's address is 5050 Tanglewood, No. 707, Odessa, TX 79762. Dan and Liz Anderson are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Kara Elizabeth, on June 19. Dan has accepted a positon as an electrical enginer with Bendix. The family has moved to 11230 College, Kansas City, MO 64 141. Billie Carol Arnott has accepted a position as a geophysicist with Tenneco Oil Co. Billie has moved to 30 I Rayburn St., Apt. 635 , Lafayette, LA 70506. David J. Baginski is now a 2nd Lt. in the U.S. Army Signal Corps in communications and electronic engineering at Fort Gordon , Ga. He and Mara are living at 4101 Old Petersburg Road, Apt. E-33, Martinez, GA 30907 .


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Gail Louise Dolan is an associate engineer for McDonnell Douglas. Gai l's address is 717 North Duchesne Drive, St. Charles, MO 6330 I.

Robert (Bob) Germaine tells us: "I am now employed by Robin E. Parke Associates Inc. out of Phoenix, Ariz. The firm is a consulting structural engineering firm and I will be involved in structural design. Lynn and I have also moved to 5725 N. 8th Place, Apt. No.3 , Phoenix, AZ 85014."

Kevin T. Duncan is now a computer programmer/analyst with Boeing. Kevin has moved to 505 N. Rock Road, No. 415 , Wichita, KS 67206.

David Goessmann is now a consumer service engineer for Public Service Co. of Colorado. David's new address is 100 Dayton, No. B210, Aurora , CO 80010.

David and Deanna Bush's mailing address is P.O. Box 98 , Morenci , AZ 85540.

Michael Dunnermann has been employed by Georgia Pacific in the gypsum division as a quality superintendent trainee at their Brunswick, Ga. plant. He writes: "The job involves many laboratory tests to ensure a consistant solution in making gypsum wallboard. Already I am thankful for the excellent laboratory techniques taught at UMR." His new address is Apt. 54 Village Green , St. Simons Island , G A 31522.

John L. Baudrexl is employed by Ibis Systems Deve lopment Division , Boulder, Colo., as a computer engineer. He has moved to 9070 18th St., Boulder, CO 80302.

Frank Efthim is a petroleum engineer for Halliburton , Frank's new address is 1306 Cheery Place, Apt. 0, Great Bend, KS 67530.

Peter and Roberta Berga's new address is Parkland Mobile Home Park, Lot 13 , Carencro, LA 70520. Peter is a drilling engineer with Marathon Oil Company, Lafayette, La.

Thomas Eppy is newly employed by the U.S. Government Defense Logistics Agency as a quality assurance engineer. His home address is 4518 Wigwam , St. Louis, MO 63 123.

Glen H. Besterfield is a teaching assistant at Purdue University in the mechanical engineering department. His address is Room 0201 , Young Grad House, West Lafayette, IN 47907 .

Timothy R. Ervin is an associate engineer for the U.S. Department of Defense at Ft. Mead. Timothy's address is 14107 Bramble Lane No. 204, Laurel , MD 20810.



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George H. Bohn Jr. is now a plant enginer for Oklahoma Gas & Electric. He and Karen (Boyd) live at 3602 N. Washington , Apt. F路28, Stillwater, OK 74074.


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Nolan and Lisa Capehart have moved to 420 Woodbridge, St. Charles, MO 6330 I. Nolan is employed by McDonnell Douglas as an associate engineer. Dale Randal Danner is now employed by IBM/Lexington as an engineer. His new address is 1825 Liberty Road, Apt. No. 12 1, Lexington , KY 40505.

Susan Mary (Rossnagel) Flynn recently married Kevin Patrick Flynn-congratulations! The newlyweds live at 3136A Alpen Rose Court , St. Lou is, MO 63125. Susan is a senior env ironmental protection engineer for Monsanto in St. Louis. Terry Lee <Bachman) and Milo Foster have recentl y moved to 38 Verndale Road , Newton Highlands, MA 02161. Terry is a support engi neer employed by Stone E. Webster Engineering Corp. , Boston, Mass.

Cris J. Hanson is now employed by Sargent & Lundy Engineering, Chicago, 111. , as a control and instrument engineer. He and Lauree have moved to 108 E. Bailey, Unit E, Naperville, IL 60565. Mike Harpham has a new add ress- I03 Pinegate Circle, Apt. No. II , Chapel Hill , NC 275 14. He is employed by IBM as a manufacturing engineer. Tim Helbig is now a pla nt engineer fo r Warren Petroleum Co. in Wickett , Texas. Tim's address is 1500 S. Ca lvin , No. 32, Monahans, TX 79756. Robert J. and Peggy J. Herr have moved to 1415 N. 17th St. , Belleville, IL 62221. Bob is now a functional trainee in river stabilization with the U.S. Arm y Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District. Kurt S. Hilsabeck has accepted a position as an associate engineer with General Dynamics Corp. He and Carol ha ve moved to 1508 Timber Creek Road, Ft. Worth, TX 76 126. Dale S. Hursh has moved to 6815 S. 137th Court , No. 311 , Omaha, NB 68137 . Da le is a mining engineer/cost analys is, for Kiew it Mining & Enginee ring. James F. Irwin Jr. is a mechanical engineer with Oklahoma Gas & Electric in Oklahoma Cit y. He lives at 31 1 N. Midwest Blvd., Midwest Cit y, OK 73 110. MSM A lu mnu s 43

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1982 Continued Mary Susan Ortwerth is living at 5115 Exeter, St. Louis, MO 63 119. She is an economist employed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in St. Louis, Mo. Donna Kay Parks has moved to 150 I S. Boston, Apt. 16, Fort Smith, AR 72903. She has been employed by Data Testing Inc., Fort Smith, as a chemist. Stephen E. Pashia has moved to 191 4 E. Orleans Drive, Indialantic, FL 32903 , working as an engineer for Harris Corp. , Melbourne, Fla. John R. Poland is a metallurgical engineer for Hughes Tool Co. John and Kim's address is 9818B Kathi Ann, Houston, TX 77038. David Mark Price is now a graduate student at UMR. His address is P.O. Box 6 14, Rolla , MO 65401. Steve Roth is now a chemist with Carboline Co. in St. Louis. His new address is 7326-A Hardscrapple, St. Louis, MO 63 123. James and Joan Scanlon are living at 2 145 E. Edgewood, Springfield, MO 65804. Thomas Schepers has recently been employed as an assistant engineer by Union Electric in St. Louis. His address is 10308 St. Matthew , St. Ann , MO 63074. Alan M. Schoepp is a graduate student at Stanford, living at Blackwelder 9B, Escondido Village, Stanford, CA 94305. Jay R. Schroeder is living at 4 14 Hall Ave., Union , MO 63084, and has returned to UMR . J ill K. Schultz is now an R.N. at Angelo Community Hospita l. Jill and Mark's address is 2630 Hem lock, San Angelo, TX 76904. Pennie Shelton has accepted a position as an engineering technician with Map/Com. She has moved to 1220 Shadow Dale, No . 2, Houston, TX 77043. 44 / MS M Alumnu s

Min-Chun Jenny Shu is now a programming instructor at Central Ohio Technical College in Neward , Ohio, with a mailing address of 535A New Haven Ave., Neward, OH 43055 . Ronald Sifuentes has been employed by Bendix, Kansas City Division, as an associate engineer. He and Marsha are living at 1806C Mews Drive, Kansas City, MO 64131. Daniel K. Siroky has moved to 11213 N. Penn, Apt. 622, Oklahoma City, OK 73120. He is now a field engineer trainee with Welex in Oklahoma City. Betty J. Stout has accepted a position as a junior field engineer for Schlumberger Offshore Services. Her current address is 245 1 Poplar, Kansas Ci ty, MO 64127. Jerome Dean Tidwell was married to Yvonne Annette Alexander May 23, in Cape Girardeau. The couple is living in Rolla while Jerome is adding a B.S. in electrical engineering to his B.S. in engineering management. Yvonne is working for Sally Real Estate in Rolla . James Joseph Webb writes he's "a graduate student at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, working on his M.S. in mining engineering." You can write to him at Route 6, Box 148 , Marion , IL 62959.

Mary A. Wesling has accepted employement with Mead Office Systems, Richardson , Texas, as a materials science engineer. She is now living at 9505 Royal Lane, No. 1078 , Dallas, TX 75243. James O. Wilder has moved to 1400-B Richmond, Ridgecrest, CA 93555 . He is now a mechanical engineer at China Lake Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, Calif. Tammy Williams is now an engineer for Avon Corp . Tammy lives at 4003 Willow, Apt. 102, Kansas City , MO 64133 . Del M. Wison is now an associate engineer for Continental Telephone, the outside plant in Wentzville. His address is 352 Bent Oak Drive, Lake St. Louis, MO 63367. Raymond D. Wolfe, Jr. is a systems engineer for Hughes Aircraft Co., Long Beach, Ca lif. Raymond and Vicki live at 4544 Middlebury Circle, Cypress, CA 90630. Donald J. Zeitinger Jr. is now an engin ee r for International Paper. Donald's add ress is 1663 Hillcrest Road, Apt. 316, Mobile, AL 36609.






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MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Harris Hall Rolla, Missouri 65401


MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION University of Missouri -Rolla ROLLA, MISSOURI 65401







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STREET 0 NEW CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STA TE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZIP _ _ _ _ __ Annual Alumni Fund cont ributions are ta x deductible. Checks payable to the MSM-UMR Alumni Associatio n, Harris Hall, UMR , Roll a, MO 65401 , (314) 341 -4172.




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