Missouri S&T Magazine, April 1983

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University of Missouri-Rolla

April, 1983

MSM ·UMR Alumn i Associatio n Telerholle 13141 .14 1·4 17 1: 11 141 .14 1 41 n OFF 1CI' RS Pr~tdt.:: 11I

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Alumnus MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri

Volume 57 Number 2 April, 1983

To start the 75th Anniversary of the St. Pat Celebration, St. Pat and his court ride from the train depot past City Hall , and through downtown Rolla on the manure spreader. Dest ination was the "209 Tavern " where a keg of green beer was tapped. For more abo ut the "Best Ever" 1983 St. Pat's festivities , see pages 4-8.

MSM ALUMNUS (USPS·323·500) Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the Univers ity of Missouri·Rolla. Entered as second class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401·9990, under the Act of March 3, 1897.

Vice President.

v ice President. Vice Presidclll Vice Presidclll .

· .. Arthur G. Bacbler. '55 . . Alfred J. Buescher, '64 .. .. . ... . John B. Toomey, '49 . ... Robert V. Wolf, '5 1.

Sc.:rctary .

Martha (;erig, '69 .

Trca.-:.urer .

J. L. -Jack" Pailller. '5U.

T c=rm b.pnc.

5 1'<11 J( On v,· ..... 1984 Ill> Hilb. N. Y. 11746 " 425 Halwyck Lane . 1984 SI. Loui;, MO 6313 1 . 20 Fox Meadows . ........ 1984 Sunset Hills, MO 63 127 .... 624 Golfview Drive ........ 1984 Ballwin, MO 630 II 74 12 Admiral Drive. . . . 1984 Alexandria, v A 22307 ... Metallurgical Engineering Dcpannlcnt . . 1984 UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 80 I Fairground Road ..... . 1984 Rolla, MO 65401 . . 1610 Wibon Circle .... ... . 1984 Rolla, MO 6540 1

Term bpires Olll. EcroRS AT LAIl.GE 'l1lOr Gjelst",n .. 7300 UJ. Stetson Place, No. 4 1, Lillieton, CO 80123 . I Y85 J'U11<-" D. Gost in, '44 . 180 MI. Olive Drive, BradburyCA 91010 ................... 1985 Il.ubcrt I' . Schafer, '52 .... ..... .. 4426 Mill Creek Road, DaUas, TX 75234 . . ...... . 1983 Gerald L. Stevenson, '59 . . . 5 11 N. Main SI., Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1Y84 Ronald A. Tappmeyer, '47 ..... . 2226 Country Club Drive, Sugar Land, TX 77478 . . ... 1984 Armi n J. Tucker. '40 . . .. .. 6464 Overlook Drive, Alexandria, VA 223 12 . . .... . ..... 1985 Area Zip Couc Num b"", AREA DIIl.ECTORS Term Expires (XI· 14 Il.aymond Tll.uenhed. '50 .. 7 Moullievicw, Chelmsford, MA 0 1824 . . 1983 15·2 1 Robert C Perry, '49. 302 Fox Cha pel Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 . 1983 22·34 Wa yne Il. . Broaddus, Jr. '55 .405 Esther Dri ve, Dahon, GA 30720. 1985 35-45 William O. Bl&h. '42 ...... 20001 ldlewood Trail. Cleveland, OH 44136 . . .. 1983 46·59 George llaumganner, '56 .... 2120 Syracuse, Dearborn, Ml 48 124 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1984 60·61 Eugene J. IAtily, '36 .. 816 Dennison Drive, Champaign, IL 61820 . . ........ . .. 1985 62·62 Ernst Weinel. '44 . . ..... 1502 West 50, O'Fallon, IL 62269 . . .. ...... 1984 63·65 Jerome T Berry. '49 . . . 1l.1. 4, Box 321, Rolla, MO 6540 I . . ..... 1984 63·65 Harold G. BUt7.cr. '4 7. . .4 11 Schellridge, Jefferson City, MO 65 101 . . ..... 1985 63·65 Malleo A. Coco, '66 . 711 5 Aliceton Ave, SI. Louis, MO 63123 . . . . 1984 63·65 Harold R. Crane, '53. .480 Country Club Drive, Hannibal, MO 63401 . . .. 1983 .. 11 5 College SI.. P.O. Box 627, Kennett, MO 63857 ............ 1985 63·65 13. Neil Lewis, '58 63·65 Paul R. Munger, 'SB . Director tnstitute of Ri ver Studies, UMR, Rolla, MO 6540 I ...... 1984 63·65 J. Robert Paller.;on, '54 .... Show Me, tnc.. P.O. Box 573, Sikeston, M0 63801 . . ... 1984 63· 65 Kenneth D. Pohlig. . 2 Vien" e Court, Lake SI. Louis, MO 63367 . . ... 1983 63·65 Robert E. Vansant. '5 1..... 435 E. 55 St.. Kansas City, MO 641 10 . . ... 1983 63-6 5 CM . Wallenbarger, '41 . . 205 W. First SI. Terrace, Lamar, MO 64759 ................. 1984 66·74 David D. Kick, '57 . . ... 49 15 S. Lakewood Drive, Tulsa, OK 741 35 . . 1985 75·N Jantcs B. Chaney, '48 . . . ... 16218 Chi~tead Drive, Spring. TX 77373 . . 1985 8()'89 & 96·99 Victor J. Hoffmann, 31057 E. Lake Morton Drive, S.E. Kent, WA 98031. . .. . 1983 roY5 Il.obcn L. Ra y, '47. .6045 Estates Drive, OakJand, CA 946 11 .... . .... .. ..... . .. . 1985


COMM ITTEE CHAIIl.MEN Frank Appleyard, '37 . . P.O. Box I Y91, Tubac, AZ 85640 ... 7500 Nat ural Bridge Road, SI. Louis, MO 63 123 Robert W. Klarer. '44 Joel F. Loveridge, '39 ....... 719 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63 141 Walter C Mulyca, '65 .......... RI. I , No. 16 Southfield Lane, Man;hall, TX 75670 EXECUTIVE COMM ITTEE .. Missouri Electroehem Inc.. 10958 Lin·YaIIe Drive .. SI. Louis, MO 63 123 ........ Black & Veatch, 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway . Robert D. Bay, '49 , Kansas City, MO 64114 ..... 7383 Westmore land Ultiversity Cit y, MO 63 130 . Joocph W. Mooney, '39 . Richard H. Bauer, '52 .

Robert M. Brackbill. '42 Paul T Dowling, '4U . R.O. Kasten, '43 .. Petcr F. Mallei, '37 . Melvin E. Nickel. '38 F.C. Schneeberger, '25 . Jamcs W. Stephen, . '47

Co Term Expires . 1984 .... 1988

EX·OFF ICIO DIIl.ECTORS · .. 9148 Clearlake Drive, Dallas, TX 75225 .. 10144 Winding Ridge Road, SI. Louis, MO 63 124 ...... 901 Wcst 1141h Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64 114 · .. 9954 HolliMon Court, SI. Louis, MO 63 124 .. 1060 1 South Hamilton Ave .. Cl1icago, IL 60643 One Briar Oak, SI. Louis, MO 63 132 · .. Missouri Public Scrvice Co .. P.O. Box 11 739 Kansa;, City, MO MIJS

STA FF . becuti ve Yice·Pr""ident, MSM·UMR Alumni Association and Director, Office of AlumnifDevelopment , UMRolla .... Assistant DircclOf, Alumni Ac {i vi t i~ Larry Allen . Admin. Secretary, Alumni/Development Louise Wilson . Editor, MSM ALUMNUS Sally White . MSM ·UMIl. Alulll nl Association , Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 ·9990 Frank H. Mackan1an

Mel Buese Bank , Haist) Fire B Engin, Crane K. BOt MeDo

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Members of the University of Missouri-Rolla Comm ission on Modification of Ac tivities are: (seated, left to right) Alfred J. Buescher, '64, di rec tor, Design Engineeri ng, Ralston Pu rina Co., St. Louis; Rex Z. Williams, '31 , chai rman of the board , Centerre Ba nk of Rolla; S. Allen Heininger, vice president , Corporate Plans & Business Deve lopment, Monsanto Co., St. Louis; Wesley K. Haisty, '81, presiden t, Detroit Tool & Engineeri ng Co. , Leba non; and George H. Tay lor, '64, executive vice president, Wellsvi lle Fire Brick Co., We llsv ille. Members standing from left are: James S. Anderso n, '55, (Commission chairman), president, Anderson Engineering Inc., Springfield ; Robert E. Vansant , '5 1, partner, Black & Veatch, Ka nsas Cit y; Ha rold R. Cra ne, '53 , preside nt, Crane & Fleming, Inc., Han nibal ; Vernon G. Berkey , '50 , president , Midwes tern Steel Division, Armco, Inc., Ka nsas City; Alan K. Booth , president , AMAX Lead and Zinc Di v., Clay ton; and Merton G. Wa lke r, corporate director, Technical Adm inistrat ion , McDonnell Douglas Corp., St. Louis. Not show n is William A. Ru tledge, '46, vice-chairma n, Emerson Electric, St. Louis.



REPORT .. . .. .. . Com missio n on Modification of Activities :pi!tS

984 988

In response to Preside nt Olson's charge to the campuses of the Universit y, UMR Chancellor Marchello appointed the Commission on Modification of Acti vities. The Commission was requested to examine the Uni versit y's needs, suggest acti vities and priorities, and advise UMR's administration and fac ult y during their planning process. Since its appointment in March 1982, the Commission has met approximately monthl y. During that period the Commission has been prov ided with substantial backgroun d da ta and has had the opportunit y to meet with teaching and administration personnel, to visit cam pus facilities, and to discuss in detail a broad variety of Uni versit y subjects. This unique experience has allowed the Commission to become informed about the acti vities and needs of the Uni versit y and campus.

In accorda nce with the purpose of the commission, seven specific recommendations have been prepared . In addit ion, a few observations that have resulted from the study have been doc umented without specific recommendation for action.


Continue and increase the emphas is on qua lit y of ed ucation th ro ugh: • Ma intaining and developi ng specific technica l programs of high national prominence • Prov iding solid , basic ed uca tion in all tradit ional technica l disciplines wit h special att en tion to lead ing the na tion in the integration of new MSM Alumnus I

technologies early in the education process, e.g., graphics, computer·aided design, and robotics. 2.



Continue student fee increases for engineering studies so that students pay an appropriate share of the cost of an engineering education . Seek increased state support through enhanced public awareness aimed at demonstrating UMR's value to the stat e. Specific benefits: • The educa tion of resident young people • The supply of graduates to state industry • The improved image of th e state to non-resident industry and individuals. Use th e public information value of private support of Roll a to indica te; • UM R Administration's successful efforts to control th e burden on state and student • The value of UMR to private fund sources both in state and out of state


Provide th e compensation essential to recruit and retain high-quality facu lty by: • Continuing efforts to close th e faculty sa lary gap betw een UM R and Big 8-Big 10 institution s • Recognizing the differences and mak ing the appropriate adjustments to renect the ex ternal competiti ve forces which dictate different salary sca les between technical and non -technical fields. Seeking parit y of sa lari es wi th ind ustr y is not recommended , al th ough selecti ve narrowi ng of diffe rences ma y be required.


In crease efforts to pro vide expert teachin g as well as technical ex pertise to th e students. To achieve thi s: • Control of stud ent -facu lty ratios to effecti ve levels should be a maj or objective • More hou rs in the classroom by qual ified faculty should be emphasized • T he sea rch fo r too ls and methods to increase facu lty productivi ty shou ld be intensified. T he Commission concludes that in th e absence of new, demonstrab ly effective tec hniques to im prove product ivit y, add itional well-q ualified faculty members are req uired for the present stud ent population.



Provide and maintain adequate faci lities and modern eq uipm ent , which are vita l to effecti ve engineerin g educa tion. Specific emphasis should be placed on: • Providing stat e-of-th e-art eq uipmen t in emergin g technica l fields • Providing new facilities to red uce overcrowdi ng and to red uce obsolesce nt bu ildings. Recru itin g and reten ti on of both facu lty and student is enhanced by adeq uate facilities and modern equipment.

2 M SM Alumnu s


Compi! UMR has, and should continue to strive for, excellence as a resident campus with its major strength being highquality undergraduate engineering education. Several departments enjoy international prominence and contribute to the perception of Rolla as a leading engineerin g school. Other departments are major suppliers of engineers who carry with them a reputat ion for sound practical engineering training. Maintaining and enhancing the reputation of UMR as the major center for engineering educat ion in Missouri will be essential to high-technolog y businesses and industries. Increased prominence for the campus will produce economic return to the entire state over the long term. Efforts to improve UMR's recognition in secondary schools, business circles, the state legislature, and th e public at large should all be pursued through an effective public information program . In addition to the primary mission of engineering education, th e supporting humanities and social sciences programs should continue their role in answering the loca l needs for general education beyond th e secondary school level. UMR should increase its capacity to provide ongoing education to pract icing technical persons through programs both on and off th e campus. The programs offered should respond to new and changing technology as well as teaching business and management skills.





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High-quality facu lty is essential to mai ntaining exce llence in education. The Commission has made recommendati ons rega rding facu lty and offers several other observa ti ons for considera t ion: • T he hours spent in the classroom by experienced and fully qualified facult y are a vita l factor in serv ing th e best interests of stud ents and universit y alike. • The structure of faculty compensa tion , consisti ng of a base salary plus a variety of "ex tras" for consult ing and research, is incentive for th e more able facult y to spend time ou tside the classroom. • Adeq uate preca ution must be taken to ensure an appropriate overa ll balance between th e requirements of the compensa tion structure and the need to provide appropri ate levels of st udent contact with qualified faculty. • T he increase in recent years of cou rses taught by G raduate Teaching Assistants and part -time lecturers wi th less developed classroom skill s and parti cularl y th ose with marginal communicati on skills detracts from ed uca tiona l qualit y.

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The expanded student population o f recent years, which has resulted in high student -facult y ratios, ra ises question s concerning U MR 's abi lit y to sus tain it s reputation for qua li ty. T hese facto rs, coupl ed with increasing cos ts, present a complex staffing problem for U MR. The University is encouraged to continue to seek means to promote and reward excellence in teach ing via added compensa tion , awards, and teaching bonuses for outstanding perform ers. Special attention is needed to moti va te qualified engineering under-graduat es to continue tow ard higher ed u ca~ion degrees. Experience uggests facult y encouragement plays a maj or pa rt in such decisions. A facu lt y member's effecti veness in stimulatin g student pursuit of advanced degree should be recognized.


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From the Commi ssion's deliberation on th e future needs for engineers and its att empt to prof ile tomorrow's engineering graduates, several general conclusions evolved: Th e development of new engineerin g tools such as • th e computer does not dim inish th e necessity for a stron g fo undation in engineerin g basics. • N everth eless, skill in th e use of the new too ls must be acq uired to achieve th e producti vit y potential necessar y to compete fo r f uture engineeri ng employment. • Communica tion sk ills, histori call y a problem for engineers, will be in creasingl y import ant in tran slating th e engineer's com puter enhanced output for use in the ma nagement decision process. • The Pro fess ional Development Degree seems inconsistent with the objec ti ves of more emphasis in basic engineerin g educa tion and the development of skill s in the use of new tools and compromises th e emphasis on high-qualit y education. The Commi ssion did not draw a final conclusion regarding societ y's fut ure needs for engineering grad uates, believing thi s to be a reflection of changing demands in a free enterprise system. However, the Commission did note with gratificat ion th at U MR students toda y are eager to learn , in telligent , and hardworking. M os t entering freshmen ra nk in th e top fifth of their high school class, brin g a stronge r base in math ematics and science fro m high school than ever before, and pro vide excellent material for moldin g capable graduates and contributors to society.

4. IUghl

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me illsand lica tion

A research effort supporting an effecti ve graduat e tud y program is essential in attrac tin g and retaining good fac ult y. Research also serves as a sou rce of fun ds, contributes by enhanci ng facult y technical know ledge, and assists in

obtaining th e modern laborato ry equi pment necessar y for th e educat ion mission. Effort s to enha nce faculty qua lit y th ro ugh use of Curator Pro fessorships for recruit ing lead ing scientists should be increased. Focused , long-range effort s to develop worldwide leadershi p in specific engineering disciplines should be continued , building to the extent possible upon ex isting strength s and reputati on. T hese effort s should enhance U MR 's ab ilit y to prov ide first-ra te engineerin g education and help retain fo r M issouri th e state's leading college candidates. Steps should be taken by the Adm inistra ti on to ensure a health y ba lance be tween U M R's resea rch effort and its maj or function of under-graduate education. Th e ratio of graduate stu dents to facu lty appears lower th an is required to support an effecti ve research program . Caution should be exercised to prevent undue fragmentat ion of research programs into re lati vely unrelated pockets of experti se. T he Resea rch Institut es provide a good opport uni ty for interdiscip linary tra nsfer of knowl edge and shou ld be continued. Long-term faculty assignment to th e I nstitutes, however, may become counterprod uct ive to the ed ucat ional mission and should be reassessed periodically .


Equipment and Facilities

T he rap idly changing techno logy in all aspects of engineeri ng and the age of UMR's teach ing and laboratory equi pment have produced a critical situat ion. Budget red uctions in recent years have fo rced cu rtailm ent of eq uipment purchased below the level necessary to main tain the eq uipmen t essential to good engineering ed uca ti on. This must be corrected, and significant additional funds are req uired. Th e Commission is convinced that th e three present ly planned buildings (Mineral Engineering, Engineerin g M anagemen t, and Audi torium/Music/A lu mni) are required now to mee t the current needs at Rolla. Well-developed plans are availab le and immediate go-ahead is recommended.


Ge neral O bservations

While this Comm ission fu ll y recognizes the implications of limited state revenues, we believe M issouri may be shortchanging its cit izens by not investing adequately in its human resources. The key ro le that ed uca ti on of Missourians can play in creating loca l employ ment opport uni ties and in upgrading the workforce needs greater emphasis. Major long-term benefits in sta nda rds of living, qualit y of life , and increased State reve nues to provide im proved social serv ices for Missouri citizens are realistic expecta ti ons from a focus on educat ional quality by the State. T he Com mission urges the Adm inistrati on, the legislatu re, and all engaged in th e alloca ti on of resources to recogn ize th e long-term benefits of investing an increasing proport ion of St ate revenues to improve higher educa tion in M issou ri . MSM A lu m n u s / 3

1983 St. Pat's Celebration 75th Anniversary

T he oldest tradit ion .. St. Pat and his court arrive in Rolla on a railroad handcar.

1908 to 1983 ¡- 75 years of tradition! And traditions were emphasized throughout a great week of celebration. These tradit ions included: freshmen killing snake on campu with sh illelaghs; the "Follie " contests; the arrival of SI. Pat on the rai lroad handcar; tapping the green beer; Theta Tau's Casino N ight; the "Ex travagan za;" the town beard and window display contests; th e traditional games; corona tion ceremon ie ; the dance; the parade; the student knighting ceremonies; th e concert; and, of course, assorted "bell y-up .n Bill Meuser, a junior in mechanical engineering from Webster Groves, was elected St. Pat for 1983 and presided over the fes tivities all week long. Terri Sherrill, junior in chemistry from Farm ington , was named St. Pat's Queen of Love and Beauty. She was nominated for the honor by Pi K appa Alpha fraternity. H onorary Knights this year included Robert Berry , '72, manager of proj ect development for Burns & McDonnell Engi neering Co. , Kan sas City and NSPE's 1982 "Young Engineer of the Year;" William G. Cocos Jr., pre ident of the University of Missouri Board of Curator, SI. Louis; Robert L. Davis, dean of UMR's School of Engineering; Bill Emerson, M issouri Eighth Congressional District Representative , Cape Girardeau; Frank Lange, vice president and general manager of Frank 8. Powell Lumber Co., Rolla ; David L. Steelman, State Representative, Missouri 149th District, Salem; and Dottye Wolf (Mr. Robert V.), social advise r to the SI. Pat's Board, Rolla. Student organizations nominated 31 distinguished students to be honored as student knights and each kept a date with "Alice" on Saturday afternoon.

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St. Pat greets two young fans at the train depot. 4 MSM Alumnus


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Phi Kappa Theta's "Mr. G" was greenest male person .

TKE's "Not Quite Ripe Fruit of the Loom Boys" - 3rd

2nd Place Cudgel -- Beta Sigma Psi.

1st Place Cudgel -¡ Tau Ka ppa Epsilon.




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itudenl5 .e with "Little Green Ridinghood" won first place in greenest personfemale for Kappa Delta.

Contestants in 'The most sweatshirts put on in one minute." Winner was PiKA with 27.

Zeta Tau Alpha's Barb Wernert had the most consecuti ve buttons--years 1962 through 1983.

An adaptation of "Stray Cat Strut" won first in the jingle competition for TKE. MSM Alumn us / 5

The Queen of Love and Beauty, Terri Sherrill. receives ¡ a traditional kiss from ....;....oII6............iiI. . . . SI. Pat. Bi ll Meuser.

An ast Lande

Honorary Knights

Thirty minutes of fireworks following the coronation ceremonies marked the 75th Anniversaryl 6/ MSM Alumnus


Bob Berry , '72, is knight ed at coronat ion ceremon ies.

SL Pat game t Ihe 3r(

f Love Terri

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s from ~user.


An astronaut and E.1. were featured on Beta Sigma Psi's Lunar Lander float.

Sigma Phi Epsilon 's steamboat paddled down Rolla St.



.' " ' St . Pat w;t(he"'s"'C~a-r""d"'in"'a'~l's World Series game being played on the other end of the 3rd place float.

A sea monster contemplates the winnin g float's revolving submarine MSM Alumnus l7

Phi Kappa A lpha's space shuttle won 2nd place .

A happy viewer'

UM prograr the imr Eldel age of I no han residenl


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In thl acting c explain Carol A discuss I "Minds profe c for a Cl

Chi O's Py ramid is a wonder'

Another engineeri ng feat'

Q uee n Te rri and court unde r the Arch.

"Com sometirr no regu'


Eve ryone gets in th e act. 8/ MSM Alumnus

TKE's ROT2 ·· Prec ision T -squa res ·- took 2nd fl lace in th e non-fl oa t ca tegory.

1983 Elderhostel "The World of Computers"

"So that's how computers workl" says Gale Bullman , wife of UMR's late athlet ic director. Gale is an enthusiastic part icipant in UMR Elderhostel programs. UM-Rolla, participating in a nationwide Elderhostel program, will offer a series of three courses June 5-11 on the impact of computers on today's world. Elderhostel is a program which invites people over the age of 60 to the campus for three non-credit courses (with no homework or testing). Participants live and eat in a residence hall , and take advantage of on-campus and offcampus extracurricular opportunities. The program is also available to those who live in the Rolla area and prefer to participate on a commuter basis. In this summer's, computer courses, Dr. Arlan DeKock , acting chairman of the computer science department, will explain the practical basics in "Of Bits and Bytes"; Dr. Carol Ann Smith, associate professor of philosophy, wi ll discuss philosophic questions about machine intelligence in "Minds and Machines"; and Dr. Kate Hayles, assistant professor of English, will explore computers in "Literature for a Cybernetic Age."

: Arch

"Computers--what they are and what they do--are sometimes bewildering and incomprehensible to those with no regular contact or training in the field ," said Dr . .Jane

Uebelhoer, instructor in humanities and director of the 1983 Elderhostel program at UMR. "UMR is offering these courses because of the prominent place of computers today and the rapidity with which they are becoming a part of everyday life and moving into the home. These UMR courses will offer participan,ts a blend of computer science department and Computer Center experts and humanities departmen t faculty whose research interests lie in technological areas," she said. A fee of $180 will cover the week of housing, meals and all three courses for those enrolling in the residential program. For those taking the courses on a commuter basis the fee is $73.95. The nationwide Elderhostel program is offered at 634 colleges and universities throughout the country. Nine campuses in Missouri offer Elderhostel programs with a variety of courses at different times throughout the summer. For further information about the UMR or other Elderhostel programs, call or write: Norma Fleming, Arts and Sciences Continuing Education, UMR , Rolla, Mo. 6540 1 (Phone 314-34 1-4201)

Continuing Education Schedule SUMMER COURSES FOR HIGH SCHOOL, JUNIOR HIGH AND ELEMENTARY STUDENTS Water Safety (two-week sessions) (Ages 5 and up) 1983 Fundamentals of Engineeri ng (High School sen iors and juniors) Joe Miner Sports Camp (Ages 9- 14) 15th Summer Institute in Digita l Comput ing (High School juniors and sen iors) Jack ling Summer Inst itute (High School juniors) Chee rleading Spirit Camp (High Schooll Tr ig Review for High School Seniors

June 6 - July 22 June 6-10 Aug. 9-13 June 6- 10 June 13-17 June 12- 17 June 19-24 June 12- 17 June 19-24 Aug. 1-4 Aug. 15- 19

Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla

MSM Alumnus / 9


Gene Green, Editor



Uni women hopefu tion W Miners Both former a each the Ar held in "We losing , Invitati Southll boundi College finishe< tough ~ I feel tl for the

Mi ne r swimming coach Bob Pease cheers his sq uad on durin g action ea rlier this season.


Swimmers Finish 9th in NCAA Division II Nationals The University of Missouri-Rolla swimm ing tea m completed an outstanding season March 19, placing ninth overall in the NCAA Division II Nati onals held March 16-19 at Long Beach, Ca lif. Six Miners also ga ined ind ividua l AIIAmerica n recognition, making the 198 2-83 season one for coach Bob Pease to be proud of. " It was a fi ne show ing," Pease sa id of the national exposure. "On ly two of the 12 kids we sent are sen iors (Don Harvey and Mike Shive) , so we have a great deal of ex perience coming back next year." UMR 's All-A mericans are as follow s: Chris Aria, sophomore from Huntsvi lle, Ala. -- med ly relay , and both the 100 and 200 backstrokes. Aria set vars ity records in al l three events; Paul

Pericich, fres hman from St. Louis -- 100 and 200 backstrokes; Ed Krygier, junior from Highland, Ind. -- 200 backstroke; Derek Coon, freshman from Carmel, Ind. -- medl y relay and 100 and 200 backstroke; Dayid Wisdom, sophomore from Florissant -- med ly relay and a varsit y- record-setting performance in the 100 butterfl y: and Arthur Hoyater, freshman from Huntsvi lle, Ala. -- medly relay. Miners who qua lified for nationals. but did not ga in Al l-american sta tus, were Jo hn Staley, Don Havey, Scott Carney, Mark Wuttig, Mike Shive and Craig Erzen. "We hoped to do a little bette r at nationals, but started off very poor ly and had to fi ght our way back among the leaders," Pease sa id. "We were shut

out the firs t da y of compe tition , but ca me back to finish 9th overall . so I was happy with the rally." U M R ente red the nationals aft er a fine show ing in the Midwes t Indepe ndent Championsh ips. held March 3-5 in Chicago. II I. Battling 12 Di vision I teams. the Mi ne rs fi nished fo urt h ove rall. bea ting such sq uads as Notre Dame. Western Illin ois. Eastern Illinois and Eastern Kentucky. Only Western Ke ntucky. Brad ley and South west Missouri State sco red higher th an the Miners. "O ur biggest needs for nex t year will be to replace people li ke Havey and Shi ve . and ge t some added dep th on the boa rds:' sa id Pease. "We have a rea l fi ne group to bu ild aro un d. and I am op' timistic abo ut next year."

Dinsdale Lead s Miner Golf Tea m With premier golfe r Kent Dinsda le entering his junior season, University of Missouri-Rolla golf coach Bud Mercier looks for the Miner sq uad to be a solid force in the MIAA tournament this spring. "Dinsdale was All-American last season, and seems to be improving with lO / M SM A lumnus

each outing," Mercier sa id. "He has the skill. the conce nt ra tion a nd poise to be one of the top golfers in the area this season." Besides Dinsdale, Mercier looks for several newcomers to lend a hand this season. Mercier sees a tight MIAA race, wi th

Central Missouri being the team to beat. "But if we play the way we are capable of, I think we can be right there with them," he said. " Hopefully our game will im prove drastically on familiar courses." The MIAA Championshi ps will be . held May 5-6 in Ka nsas Cit y, Mo.

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Universit y of Missouri-Rolla men and women 's tennis coach Paul McNally is hopeful the last few seasons of competition will begin to pay dividends for the Miners in 1983. Both squads boast some ve teran performers and some talented newcomers, as each team aims for a so lid showing in the April 22-23 MIAA Tournament held in Maryville, Mo. "We started out the season slowly, losing at the Northeast Missouri Indoor Invitational and dropping a match to Southwest Missouri State, before rebounding with a 9-0 win over Evangel College," McNally said. The team then finished 10th out of 15 teams in a very tough South Arkansas Invitational, but I feel this early schedule will prepare us for the conference meet." The ladies started the season defeating Southwest Baptist 6-3 , and McNally is optimistic about the upcoming matches. "There is a great deal of interest this year in the program , and I feel the last couple of seasons have served us well," he said. "For the first time, I fee l we can make some type of mark on the MIAA ."

Lady Miners Join MIAA Conference University of Missouri-Rolla softball coach Sarah Preston is hopeful a veteran team will help make this season's transition into the Missouri Intercollegiate Athletic Association a smooth one. Competing in the NCAA Division II this year the Miners face five Division I foes and five MIAA opponents. Coming off an 11-1 8 season in 1982, Preston feels her current squad will be solid in most facets of the game. "We have six seniors on the team and eight starters returning from last year," she noted . "With some of the pre-season preparations and added emphasis on our hitting attack, I really look for the Miners to pick up offensively this year." UMR hit .253 as a team in 1982, with 14 homers, eight triples and 21 doubles

in 29 games. The Miners started out their season with a Florida trip March 12-17. However, bad weather allowed UMR to play only three games of the scheduled eight contests. The Lady Miners won two and lost one in the Panama City action. "Our top four hitters from last season are back, so we have experience at the plate," she said. "Outfielder Stephanie Kutterer led the team with a .311 average, with third baseman Diana Miller hitting an even .300. Center fielder Carmen Baker (.292) and catcher Anita Tikey (.274) both are talented enough to improve on their averages as well." Other top returnees are team Most Va luable Player Cecilia Gutierrez at second base, Judy Redel at shortstop, pitchers Le ta J udd and Susan Appelbaum and first baseman Maria Holmes.

Baseball Miners Face Tough Schedule A game schedule including seven games in Florida and a three-game series against NCAA Division I runner-up Wichita State highlight the 1983 baseball season for the University of Missouri -Rolla. UM R coac h Chu ck Bro yles is ca utiously optimistic about this year's squad, as seve n sta rters and six pitchers from last yea r's group retu rn. "This will be more of a veteran-type club than we ha ve had in some time," Broyles said. "We will have a tough sc hedu le, playing Division I teams like Wich ita Sta te, Valparaiso, Western Illinoi s, So uthwest Misso uri and Mizzou, but hopefull y we will be strong enough to mee t the challenge." Leading the list of Miner returnees are all -MIAA selections Craig Thomas, Tom Mur phy and Jeff Mer rell . Thomas was UMR's Most Va luab le Pla yer last yea r, hitting .329 from his center fie ld post. He led the squad in six offensive categories. Murphy hit .333 and pla yed we ll defensively in left field , while Me rrell hit .350 as a designated hi tterout fielder, leading the team wit h four homers and 27 RBI's.

Among the top newcomers in 1983 will be a pair of transfer stude nts who could bolster the Miner pitching staff quick ly. Sophomore left-hander Brad Lee brings some ex perience to the staff from the Un iversity of Evansvi lle, while righthander Mike Stone comes to the Miners from Southwest Missouri State. In 15 ga mes for the Bears last season, Stone had a 3.73 ERA , with 29 strikeouts in only 31.1 innings pitched. The fastest player on this year's tea m will be Ja y Todd , a product of Cape Central's solid prep program. Freshma n outfielder Joe Schnefke also wi ll battle for some playing time after grabbing allconference honors at three positions last yea r in Belle ville, III. Miner football player Brian Bradley rounds out the newcomers, seeking action on the mound. The Miners will once aga in compete in the MIAA's Sou thern Division wi th the Universit y of Missouri-St. Louis, Southeast Missouri and Lincoln Uni versit y. The Miners were third in the division in 1982 with a 5-7 record.

MR footba ll players Bob Pressly, left , and Randy Hauser were honored recently as Academ ic AllAmericans by the College Sports Informat ion Directors of America (CoSIDA). Both seniors served as cocaptains on last year's team , and were all-conference players at defensive ta ck le a nd defensive end , respectivel y. MSM A lumnus ! 11

Alumni Section NeVtls _ _ _ __ ARK·LA· TEX Section The Ark-La-Tex Section of the MSMUMR Alumni Association held its fall meeting in Longview, Texas February 5. A total of 25 alums and guests attended, braving rains and the threat of icy roads. After a brief social period, a pleasant dinner was served. With the meal out of the way, Section President Walt Mulyca welcomed everyone to the meeting and called on Mark Herzog for a report. Herzog told the assembled members that the Section would remain in the black after this meeting. Much applause

followed his announcement. Mulyca next called on special guest Larry Allen , assistant director, alumni activities, who had driven from Rolla to join the meeting. After telling the group how happy he was to be with them for the meeting, Allen explained the organization of the Office of Alumni/Development at UMR. He then told the group of the record year the Association had in 1982 and of changes to the scholarship program scheduled for next year. Allen's talk was shortened by the boisterous arrival of the Ace Canyon

Band, whose sounds led many of the aluOls and their guests to the dance floor for a night of partying. Present for the meeting were: John and Eileen Livingston, '39; Ragan and Evelyn Ford, '23; Mark and Rose Herzog, '74; Walt and Anne Mu lyca, '65; Basil and Clydelle Compton, '39; Florence Flesh, Mr. and Mrs. Roland A. St. John, '81; Thomas and Mildred English, '29; Frank and Katherine Zvanut, '32; Greg and Mary Willis, '75; Stuart and Jeanie Ferrell, '64; Phil and Ardella Browning, '48; Louise Patton, and Larry Allen.

The wives but f, A.l.M. seeme( to the

Florida Lakeland and West Coast Sections Barbara and John Olsen opened their lovely home for a gathering of MSM· UMR alumn i on February 5. A detailed map enclosed with the invitation guided the guests to the shore of Tampa Bay. Only one person admitted to getting lost. An open bar and buffet satisfied all those present. The program was presented by Chancellor Marchello and Frank Mackaman. On the sign-up sheet were the following names: Jim Menefee 12 MSM Alumnus

('36) , Lehigh, Fla.; Myrene & Jess LeGrand ('38), Titusville, Fla.; E. Fusz Thatcher ('28), Brandenton Beach, Fla.; Alpha and John Stark ('47), Tappon Springs, Fla.; Diane and Don Beach (,70), Harborcuffs, Fla.; Kathy Lambert ('73), Dade City , Fla. ; Janis and Don Feaster ('59), Lutz, Fla.; Edith and Roy Martin ('30) , Wareham , Mass.; Cook ie and Lew Graber ('39), Sarasota, Fla.; Joan and Ralph Young (,58) , Sarasota, Fla.; Ruby

and Belding McCurdy ('38) , South Pasadena, Fla.; Barbara and John Olsen ('42), St. Pete, Fla.; Katherine and Warren Danforth ('35) , Haines City, Fla.; Eleanor and Elmer Tomlinson ('32), St. Pete, Fla.; Marla and S. John Calise ('79) , Largo, Fla. ; Beth and Ken Field ('72), Apollo Beach, Fla.; Mary Frances and Jerry Berry (,49), Rolla, Mo.; Louise and Joe Marchello, Rolla, Mo. ; and Nancy and Frank Mackaman.

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Florida Lakeland and West Coast Sec.tions Continued

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)hn Olsen and War¡ =ity, Fla.; 1 r32l. St. hn Calise Ken Field y Frances 10.; LoUise Mo.; and an.

AIME Meeting¡ Atlanta There may have only been 43 alums, wives and friends signing at the door, but for those attending the 1983 A.I.M.E. Convention in Atlanta, it seemed that at least 100 Miners made it to the Alumni Reception. Frank and Nancy Mackaman led the Rolla de lega tion, along with Larry Allen , ass istant dir ector , alumn i acti vities. Rolla was also represented by Dea n Don Warner, School of Mines and Me tallurgy , professors Ernie Spokes, Harr y Weart , Dave Barr and others. Rumor has it that even one UMC grad, of all things, snuck into the reception claiming to represent the Missouri Geological Survey. In any event, alums present represented a broad spectrum of age groups all intermingling in what some said was the best convention

reception in many a year. Alums and their wives signing in at the door were: Fred A. Todd, '48 , Fullerton, Calif.; James R. Ogle, '61, St. John, Ind.; Michael E. Anderson, '80 and '81 , Mt. Vernon , lll.; Babu N. Thakur, '70, Torrance , Ca lif.; Raymond A. Fournelle, '64, '68, and '7 1, Milwaukee, Wis.; Vince Castelli, '50, Houston, Texas; Larry D. Lowry, '74, Bonne Terre, Mo.; D. 1. Michel, '64, Alexandria, Va .; Bob Piekarz, '61 and '62, Reno, Nev.; R. Larry Miller, '58, Palatine, Ill.; Jack Burst, '43 and '47, Pittsburgh , Pa.; Pat Broaddus, '55, Dalton, Ga .; Carlos H. Tiernon , '54, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Stuart Jones, '59, York, Pa.; Larry A. Roe, '39, Downers Grove, 111. ; Richard H. Johnson, '76, Elko,

Nev .; Alex Huing, '82, Rolla, Mo.; John R. Knapp Jr. , '58, Bartlesville, Okla.; Ann Perry Wethington, '57, Rolla, Mo.; Kent Comann, '43 , Aurora, Colo. ; R. Gill Montgomery, '35, Eldorado, lll.; James H. Junge, '76, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Joe Crites, '49, Ishpeming, Mich. ; Vic and Rosey Hoffmann, '60, Kent, Wash.; Jim and Edna Scott, '50, and '59, Rolla, Mo.; Carl and Ollie Cotterill, '40, McLean , Va.; Colin G. Rose, '40, Galesburg, lIl.; Michael Kelahan , '69, Lakeland, Fla.; Joe Quinn, '49, Hartland , Wis. ; Beth and Dan Hestetune, '5 1, Virginia, Minn.; Duk-Won and Sunny Park, '7 1 and '7 5, Northport, Ala.; Bev and Dick Cole, '47, Richmond, Va.; Bohn A. Frazer, '74, Copperhill, Tenn .; Art Schweizer, '70, Salem, Mo. ; and William M. Shepard, '5 1, Lakewood, Colo. MSM Alumnu s 13


Alumni Section News Continue d - Atlanta Continued


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For assistance wi th Homecomi ng reser vations, ca ll or write: La rry A llen, assistant director, alumni acti vities, A lumni offi ce.

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14 MSM Alumnus

Faculty Activities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ UMR Econ Program In National Journal

Sauer Receives National Award Dr. Harry 1. Sauer Jr., professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at UM-Rolla, is the recipient of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers' (ASHRAE) E.K. Campbell A ward of Merit in recognition of his "outstanding service and achievement in teaching." The award, a bronze and walnut plaque and $500 honorarium, was presented at the society's annual meeting held Jan . 24-27 in Atlantic City, N.J. Sauer holds B.S. and M.S. degrees (1956, 1958) from UMR and a Ph.D.

degree from Kansas State University (1963). He has been a member of the UM-Rolla faculty since 1957. He is author, co-author or editor of more than 80 technical papers and five books. Dr. Sauer has served as investigator or co-investigator on seven research projects supported by ASHRAE with funding of more than $200,000. He was m~de a Fellow of the society in 1980 and won ASHRAE awards for best technical paper and distinguished service in 1974 and 1981. He also received the Hermann F. Spoehrer Memorial A ward from the St. Louis chapter of the society.

lecture Hall Named for Monsanto

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The recently renovated lecture hall (Room G-3) in the Walter T. Schrenk Chemistry-Chemical Engineering Building has been named the Monsanto Lecture Hall in recognition of the company's assistance in the renovation effort, according to Dr. James W. Johnson, chairman of the UM-Rolla chemical engineering department. "Monsanto has been an important source of technical assistance for the campus for a number of years and has been very supportive . of UMR's engineering science programs," Johnson said. "The renovation of this lecture hall gives us what amounts to a new facility, and we're grateful to Monsanto for its assistance "Monsanto participates in UMR's Cooperative Training Program and has employed a great many UMR alumni

over the years," he continued. " In fact, Monsanto is the single largest employer of UMR chemical engineering graduates in the United States with 122 of our alumni presently employed there." Work done on the lecture hall includes: the installation of new furniture for the demonstration of chemistry experiments, new sound and lighting systems, a new ceiling , a new chalkboard system, and new seating. According to Johnson, the renovation of the lecture hall will benefit more than just chemistry and chemical engineering students at UMR. "All engineering and science students at UMR are required to take general chemistry ," he explained, "and many of those students will take that course in the Monsanto Lecture Hall."

The economics program at UM-Rolla was mentioned in a recent article in the "American Economic Review" on economics programs at American colleges and universities. The article cited the total number of pages published in the top 24 economics journals by each department's faculty members during 1974-78, as well as the total pages per faculty member published during the same period. "In both categories, we outranked a number of better-known economic departments, some of which have Ph.D. programs," said Dr. Christopher Garbacz , associate professor of economics at UM-Rolla. "Given the relatively small size of our program and our limited resources, I think we made an excellent showin~." UM-Rolla offers bachelor of science and bachelor of arts degrees in economics. There is an emphasis area in economic/business available in the bachelor of science sequence of study.

Spring Enrollment Is 7,091 The official enrollment for the 1983 spring semester at UM-Rolla totals 7,091. On-campus enrollment is 6,418, and there are 138 co-op students in their offcampus work semester, 471 at the UMR Engineering Center in St. Louis and 64 in off-campus extension programs. The total enrollment is 160 more than during the spring semester last year and gains were reported in UMR's schools and college. The School of Engineering with 4,077 students, has 68 more than last year; the College of Arts and Sciences' figure of 1,261 is 65 above last year; and the School of Mines and Metallurgy with 1,044 shows an increase of seven. The UM R Engineering Center in St. Louis shows a gain of 36. MSM Alumnus / lS


Personals _ _ _ _ __



Frederick Hauenstein celebrated his 103rd birthday on Feb. 17, 1983! His home address is 1842 21 st St. , Kingsburg, CA 93631.

William Karl Schweickhardt, member of the first graduating class in ceramic engineering at MSM, died March 9. While in school Bill was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, Dynamiters, Satyrs, Tau Beta Pi, the MSM Band and Varsity Orchestra, the MSM Players and the Ira Remsen Society. He received a professional degree from MSM in 1959 and an Alumni Service Award in 1974. For many years Bill worked for Walsh Refractories Corp. and retired as vice president and manager, refractory sales for C.E. Refractories, a division of Combustion Engineering Inc. (purchaser of Walsh). He is survived by his wife, Hazel, 417 N. Woodlawn Ave., Kirkwood, MO 63122, two sons, William C. and B. Karl, and six grandchildren.

1920 The Alumnus has received a belated notice of the death of Peter Harold Pietsch on Jan. II, 1981. Since that time, his widow, Mrs. Pietsch, has established a scholarship fund in his name for students in the UMR chemistry department. Peter received his degree in general science and spent his ca~eer with Western Electric Co. in the Chicago area. Mrs. Pietsch's address is 6023 South Kimbark Ave. , Chicago, IL 60637.

1922 Ernest S. Wheeler, '22, '23, writes: "May I note the 1922 total enrollement at Rolla was under 500. Now it is 7,000! A recent visit to Rolla indicates how Rolla has expanded with clean homes and many imposing buildings on the campus. In fact one has to hunt for the buildings of the 1922 campus. Congratulations!" Ernest is now retired and lives at 7570 E. Speedway, Tucson, AZ 85710.

1924 Harry Kessler, '24, '59, '67, was chosen by the patent section of the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis as its 1983 Missouri Inventor of the Year. He was honored at a dinner on Feb. 22. Harry is chairman and chief executive officer of Meehanite Metal Corp., as well as a well-known boxing referee. He and Alma live at No.7 Dromara Road, St. Louis, MO 63124.

1927 Harold R. Bear dmore is sec re tary/treasurer at Valley Vacuum Trucks Inc. in McAllen, Texas. He and wife Beulah receive mail at Box 434, McA llen, TX 7850 I. OTE: Harold was in the class of '27, not '24 as Ii ted in MSM Alumnus in February '83 . 1924 was his year of initiation into Gamma Xi of Sigma Nu. 16 MSM Alumnus

1929 Mercer V. Thompson died March 9. While in school, he was a member of Tau Beta Pi and served as vice president of the Mercier Club. Early in his career he worked in Mexico and Chile but had been a Rolla resident since 1945. He served as a computer programmer for the United States Geological Survey until his retirement in 1973. He is su rvived by two sons, John and Robert , both of Rolla , and a grandson.

1930 Erwin C. Hoeman says "A ll wound up in duplicate bridge, fishing and gardening, and no regrets." He and Shirley live at 1300 East 650 South, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062. Edward Meeka died Jan. 7, after a short pericxl of failing health, according to his daughter, Marianna Brown. Ed had spent his career as a ceramic engineer, retiring as vice president, research , from Kraftile Co., Fremont, Calif. , and becoming a part-time consultant in the field . At MSM he had been secretarytreasurer of the Orton Society, a member of Phi Kappa Phi, the MSM Band, and Senior Cou ncil.

s. A. Stone and

wife Vivian are retired at 1405 Three Rivers E. , Fort Wayne, IN 46807. "Stoney" writes to send information about Carlos H. Tiernon's promotion -- ee 1954 "Personals."


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Elmer J. Sperling, '31, '32, is semiretired as a drainage consultant. He and Virginia live at 212 Papin Ave., Webster Groves, MO 63119.

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1932 Otto M. Andres is president of Tri-State Construction Co. Inc. of Benton, Ill. He and Bernice presently live at 5034 Boca Chica Blvd. No. 65, Brownsville, TX 78521. Their permanent home address is Route 5, Box 75, Belleville, IL 62221. Samuel E. Taylor is retired and lives at IS North Hercules Ave., Clearwater, FL 33575 .

1933 and Before Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Elmer Gammeter, '26 118 Duncan Circle-Windermere Beyer, P A 15009 Charles A. Freeman, '28 5 Via Delizia Hillsborough, CA 94010 C. James Grimm, '30

Box 105 Rolla, MO 65401 S. Allan Stone, '30 1405 Three Rjyers East Ft. Wayne, IN 46802 Vernon A. C. Geyecker, '31 Rt. 2, Box 39 Rolla, MO 65401 William Brewer, '32 6799 Wetheridge Cincinnati, OH 45230 W. Robert Riggs, '32 Rt. 1, Box 263-1 Osage Beach, MO 65065 William W. Kay, '33 The Highlands Box 98 Drums, P A 18222

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Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1933 Continued


Felix Fraulini has retired. He and Addie receive mail at P.O. Box 756, South Shore, KY 41175 .

Robert A. Carter retired in July '82. He and Julia call "home base" their residence at III E. Morningside Drive, Oak Ridge, TN 37830.

Rex E. Pinkley is retired. He and Aileen live at 909 Henrietta Lane, Lake Charles, LA 70605.

Harry and Shirley Cutshall live at 61 N. 3rd East, Spanish Fork, UT 84660. Harry is retired .




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34 Boca

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ddress is 62221. lives at arwater,

The follow ing news has been reported by Sam Taylor, '32: "Johnny McKinley, '34 , and his wife believe in equal opportun ities··their eight (yes, eight··jeez!) children were engineered so that there are four boys and four girls. The McKinleys are living in Orlando, Fla. at 4612 Rose of Jericho Court. There shou ld be a UMR awa rd for 'Mom and Dad of the Century'·· or sum· mat like tha t there ."

1935 Gill Montgomery is self-employed as a mining geologist consultant. He and Janet make their home at 2300 Illinois A ve., Eldorado, IL 62930.




Jack W. Moore writes: "Retired as of Jan. I, 1983, after 41 years with Floridin-PGS-ITI." Jack and Mary live at 1841 Concord Drive, Allison Park, PA 15101.


Russell C. Solomon has retired from Granite City Steel & U. S. Steel after 45 years of employment. He and Edna live at 409 Sunset Drive, Edwardsville, IL 62025. Russell writes: "I am a guest lecturer in School of Business and School of Science & Engineering at Southern Illinois University at Edward· sville. It's great!" William H. Thias has retired. He and Evelyn live at 1432 Wilton Lane, Kirkwood, MO 63122. Morris W. Turken is retired. He and Bee live at 8000 N. Central, No.6 , Phoenix , AZ 85020.

1936 Oscar H. Fager is now retired. He and Martha have moved to 9330 Hillsboro House Springs Road, Hillsbor0, MO 63050.

William R. Rea tells us he retired from the Boeing Company last August. He and Doris live at 12609 S.E. 61 st St., Bellevue, WA 98006. 1982 Rollamo

1937 Oscar K. Holman · is semi-retired as president of Oil & Gas Development Inc. of Hot Springs Village, Ark. He and Jane live at 61 Durango Way, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909.

1938 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Roy C. Cornett 6109 Everglades Drive Alexandria, VA 22312

J. Craig Ellis 13142 Seville Drive Sun City, AZ 85375 Joseph W. Howerton 1 Normandie Dr. Prestbury Aurora, IL 60504 Belding H. McCurdy 7300 Sun Island S. No. 1801 S. Pasadena, FL 33707 Joseph H. Murphy Box 201 Georgetown, CA 95634 Melvin E. Nickel 10601 S. Hamilton Ave. Chicago, IL 60643

Max L. Yeater is a professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., and scientific consultant for N.Y. State Legislative Commission on Science & Technology in Albany, N.Y. He and Virginia live at 1391 Valencia Road, Schenectady, NY 12309.

1940 Steven S. Braun tells us he "retired from Shell Oil Co. after 36 years in Houston." He and wife Florence live at 5230 Sleepy Creek, Houston, TX 77017. The death, on Feb. 25, of the wife of George Chedsey, '40, '53, has been reported by Gill Montgomery, '35. George's address is 807 S. Post Oak Lane, Houston, TX 77057.

1941 Martin E. Bowman is retired and lives at 7311 E. 59th St., Tulsa, OK 74154. He tells us his wife died on Dec. 2, 1982. Fred F. Burgett, 1442 W. Wood St., Decatur, IL 62522, writes: "Russell E. DeWitt, '41, was presented with SJ. Groves & Sons Co.'s 'Buckboard' award for distinguished service during an annual awards dinner in Minneapolis on Feb. II. Russ is the first recipient of this honor." Russ is vice president of SJ. Groves & Sons Co. and lives at 2865 W. Moreland Road N.W., Canton, OH 44718 . MSM Alumnu s / 17

Alumni Personals, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1941


Robert C. Wrigbt is now a staff scientist with AIRCO Inc. in Murray Hill, N.J. He and Bunny live at 307 Main St., Hingham, MA 02043.

1942 James K. Bisbop is self·employed as a consultant. He and Emma live at 17006 Hillview Lane, Spring, TX 77379. Josepb T. Karbosky writes: "I retired Feb. I, 1983 from Phillips Petroleum Co. At time of retirement I was principal process engineer and company consultant for all cryogenic processes. I plan to stay in Bartlesville. Really en· joyed meeting old '42 classmates at last year's homecoming." He and Geneva live at 4419 Grandview Place, Bartlesville, OK 74003. Ralpb L. Neubert writes: "Retired as director, strategic planning of Monsanto Co. (at age 60) to pursue personal business interests and to extend consulting work beyond the limits of Monsanto management." In the latter part of 1983, his office address will be 7101 Bosque Blvd., Waco, TX 76710. Ralph and Rosemary presently live at 9887 Wild Deer Road, St. Louis, MO 63124. Otis and Betty Taylor have moved to 4559 Bunker Hill Drive, Bettendorf, IA 52722.

Ed Rassinier, '42, '76, has retired from Panhandle Eastern and is now an in· dependent registered engineer working "anywhere there is an interesting invest· ment opportunity." He says, "I don't have to focus on the annual corporate report deadlines this year for the first time in 30 years." Ed and Berniece live at 3526 Dumbarton, Houston, TX 77025 .

1943 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Raymond O. Kasten 901 W. 114tb Terrace Kansas City, MO 64114 James R. Paul 52 Bis Rue Des Acleries St. Etienne, France C.F.P. Stueck 73 Webster Woods Webster Groves, MO 63119 Carl J. Weis 721 Twin Fawns Frontenac, MO 63131 Micbael A. Catanzaro has retired. He and Ann have moved to 417 N. Seventh St., Vanda lia, IL 62471.

19!!2 Roll am" 18 MSM A lumnus


Notice has been received of the death of Glenn Hudson Lufey on Nov. 20, 1981 . At MSM he had served as president of the student chapter of the American Ceramic Society and was a member of Sigma Pi.

1944 Daniel T. Blount is an associate professor of physics at Kean College of New Jersey in Union, N.J . He and Shirley live at 1009 Prospect Ave., Plainfield, NJ 07060.

1945 Carl B. Yoder is assistant vice president of the United States Testing Company Inc. of Hoboken, N.J. He and Lorraine make their home at 87 Braemar Drive, Wayne, NJ 07470.

1947 Cecil C. Bailie has retired as vice presi· dent of engineering with Old Ben Coal Co. in Benton, lli. He and Frances live at 305 W. Reed, Benton , IL 62812. Alanson D. Topping writes: "Having just paid 55¢ to get my forwarded copy of the MSM ALUMNUS, I thought I'd better let you know of my address change, from Slidell, La., to 5555 Rosewell Road , Apt. G-8, Atlanta, GA 30342. Atlanta' my wife's home town , and I promised her we'd move there after I retired . I retired from Bell Aerospace's New Orleans opera tions at the end of April , but in mid·August I was called back on a consulti ng basi and worked until Dec. 17. In the meantime, we finally ucceeded in sell ing our house, so here we are. I presented my last technical paper in July , 1979, at the AIAA Lighter ·Than ·Air Systems Technology Conference at Palo Alto, on 'Structural Load Due to Gust on Semi·Buoyant Air hips.' Of course, that new i n't quite hot off the presses. I do plan to co ntinu e as editor of BUOY A T FLIGHT, however; I will ha ve completed 24 years in that po t in Jun e."



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Alumni Personals _______________________ Bettijeanne Puffett writes: "My husband Willard and I have moved to Washington state from Colorado and look forward to meeting other alumni in the area." Their mailing address is P. O. Box 1097, Anacortes, W A 98221.

1948 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21·22, 1983 Class Coordinators: James B. Chaney 16218 Chipstead Drive Spring, TX 77373

J.R. Ramsey has retired as a mining engineer. He and Julia have a mailing address of P.O. Box 582, Copperhill, TN 37317.

Michael J. Delany 1979 Harlem Blvd. Rockford, IL 61103

Robert E. Reichelt has moved to Route I, Box 83 , Doniphan, MO 63935.

Robert V. Gevecker 315 Boonville Road Jefferson City, MO 65101

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James E. Wood Sr. is now retired . He and Lula live at Route 2, Box 97, Cuba, MO 65453.

Robert E. Hackmann 1412 Danbury Court Belleville, IL 62223 Joseph T. Hepp 2325 Riverside Ave. Marinette, WI 54143 James W. Hoelscher 143 Shore Road Old Greenwich, CT 06870 Harvey B. Leaver 14640 Los Padres Court Chesterfield, MO 63017 Harold G. Moe 1819 Rose Hill Road, No. 11 Reynoldsburg, OH 43068

L. Richard Boaz is now employed by General Electric Co. at its Mebane, N.C. facilities. He and Adele have moved to 2819 Bedford St. , Burlington, N .C. 27215 . William H. Presley Jr. lives at 2475 Red Maple, Troy, MI 48098 . He writes: "Retired Nov. I, 1982, from Sperry Vickers, Troy , Mich. Was vice-president of manufacturing before retirement. On Feb. 3, 1983 , Mary Elaine Presley (wife) died from a stroke suffered Dec. 14, 1982."

1950 1982 Rollamo

William J. Miller writes: "Recently changed positions from manager, nuclear process metallurgy, to manager, nuclear quality control at Teledyne Allvac." He and Joan live at 208 Burris St. (P. O. Box 798), Wingate, NC 28174.

John C. Bennett is vice president of engineering for Maida Development Co. in Hampton, Va. He and Mildred live at 210 Ward Drive, Hampton, VA 23669. Herman C. Byrd is now manager of maintenance programs, for A.O. Smith Corp. , Milwaukee, Wis. He and Dorothy have moved to 9095 N. Rexleigh, Bayside, WI 53217.

Arthur E. Scholz is regional sales manager for Swepco Tube Corp. in Clifton, N.J. He writes: "I will be retiring at the end of June '83 and will probably be moving to Vero Beach, Fla. some time this fall." He and Winifred now live at 1474 Turkey Trot Road, Warminster, PA 18974.

Donald F. Carney has moved to Lake Spring, MO 65532.

Alvin H. Schwartz, executive vice president and treasurer of Universal Industries, a Division of Gemco National Corp., New Bedford, Mass. has been named a vice president and board member of Gemco National Corp. His home address is 10 Elm Terrace, South Dartmouth, MA 02748.

Paul J. Kleine is project manager for Monsanto Research Co rp . in Miamisburg, Ohio. He a nd Ruth live at 45 Pembrooke Court, Monroe, OH 45050.

1949 Charles H. Lloyd has retired. He and Betty make their home at 2212 Shady Glen, Springfield, MO 65804.

Donald D. Hockett is employed by McDonnell Douglas in Titusville, Fla. , as manager adv. programs. He and Alice live at 79 Fairglen Drive, Titusville, FL 32780.

Waldo D. Humphrey retired at the end of February from The Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Co., Denver, Colo. He held the position of vice president-engineering, and served as liaison between his company and UMR . The company is a subsidiary of Gu lf Oil Corp. His home add ress is 24007 Roman Nose Drive, Conifer, CO 80433. MSM Alumnus 19

Alumni Personals _____________________________________________ 1950 Continued The alumni office has been notified that Luther J. Jenson died Jan. II , of a massive stroke following open heart surgery.

H. Parnell Schoenky is now a senior engineer with Shugart Associates (Xerox Division) in Sunnyvale, Calif. He and Mary live at 1720 Karameos Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94087.

Arthur M. Krause Jr., '50, '51, is superintendent of maintenance at Seattle-Tacoma Airport in Seattle, Wash. He and Ella live at 18112 41st Ave. S. , Seattle, WA 98188.

Davis T. (Dave) Steele is preisdent of Housing Engineers Inc. of Forth Worth, Texas. Dave & Fran make their home at 2841 Hurstview Drive, Hurst, TX 76053.

Seymour I. Megeff writes: "Recuperating well from heart attack suffered on Labor Day, 1982. Returned to work and feeling great." He is engineering manager for TIl Corp. in Copiague, N.Y. He and Tina live at 23 Kingswood Drive, Old Bethpage, NY 11804. James E. MiUer is assistant project manager, construction, with Howard, Need les, Tammen and Berge in Philadelphia. He writes: "Constructing a $300,000,000 cut and cover tunnel in Philadelphia connecting 500 plus miles of commuter rail traffic -- a 4-track tunnel. " He and Lucy live at 66 CopperTomlinson Road, Medford, NJ 08055 . Robert J. M. Miller, '50, '52, is now president of Nicor Mineral Ventures Inc. of Denver, Colo. He and Mary have moved to 3630 S. Narcissus Way, Denver, CO 80237 . H. Garth Tenn ikait ret ired on Feb. I. 1983. after more (han 32 yea rs of service wi th American S(eel Foundries (ASFl. He se rved with (he U.S. Marine Co rps du ring Wor ld War II, (hen joined ASF a( Gra ni( e Cit y. III. in 1950. He rose (hrough va rious positions (h ere and a( ASF headq uarters in Chi cago. including product enginee r in 196 1. staff eng in ee r in 1962. and mechanical engi nee r in 1963. befo re ass umin g his most recent position as manager , (es( engi neer ing. in 1967. He is a member of Amer ica n Managemen ( Assoc ia( ions. America n Socie( y of Mecha n ical Engineers. and Amer ica n Soc iety for Tes(ing & Ma(e rial s. He and Bw y li ve a( 666 Lorena Ave .. Wood Ri ve r. IL 62095. and have (hree children and (hree grandchi ldren. 20 MSM Alumnus





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195 Glen E. Wilson is vice president of Georgia Pacific Corp. in Atlanta, Ga. He and Margaret live at 1032 Club Commons Circle, Atlanta, GA 30319.

1951 William L. Bevan is a general engineer, construction, with Monsanto Co. of St. Louis. He and Ginger live at 503 Canterbury Road , Muscatine, IA 52761. William W. Fairchild is president of International Biostratigraphers in Houston, Texas. He and Claire live at 4410 Lemac, Houston, TX 77096. Philip E. Hustad is now mill superintendent at the U. S. Steel Mining Co. Inc. facility in Jefferson City, Tenn. He and Marjorie have a new home at 404 E. Ellis, Jefferson City, TN 37760. Harry and Ann Kennedy have moved to 911 E. Charles St., Oelwein, IA 50662. Harry is division manager of Gooch Feed Mill Corp. Joe R. Powell has been promoted to customer service supervising engineer at Union Electric Co. in St. Louis. His home address is 825 Pimlico Drive, Florissant, MO 63033. Richard E. Zumsteg is senior technical marketing specialist with DuPont in Wilmington, Del. He and Peg live at 2610 Stephenson Drive, Wilmington, DE 19808.

RICHARD P. KETTER Richard P. Ketter, '51, '70, announces his retirement, effective Jan. 31 , as manager, coal division services of Bechlehem Steel Corporation's natural resources group, after more than 31 years of service in Bethlehem's mining group. He joined the company in 1951 as a member of the Loop Course management training program and was assigned to the Cornwall, Pa., division . Through the years he advanced to several supervisory positions at Cornwall, including engineer, general foreman and plant superintendent. In 1965 he was named plant superintendent of the Morgantown, Pa., operation and later that same year was transferred to corporate headquarters in Bethlehem, Pa., as administrative assistant. In 1967 he was promoted to assistant chief engineer and three years later advanced to chief engineer. He moved up to manager of engineering in 1973 and in 1976 became general manager of technical services. He was appointed to his current position in July 1982. He is a member of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. In retirement he plans to remain active in the mining industry. He and his wife, Gaby, will continue residency at Route 3, Box 727, Coopersburg, PA 18036.


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Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1954

1952 Melvin C. Hockenbury is currently a research scientist for Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio. He writes: "I retired from ARRAOCOM (Pica tin· ny Arsenal) in 1980. Now working for Battelle from home as contact with ARRAOCOM on part-time basis." He and Mabel live at 5 Ferncliff Road, Morris Plai~s, NJ 07950.

Charles D. Gephart is general manager of Holly Springs Brick & Tile Co. Inc. He and Angie receive mail at P. O. Box 144, Holly Springs, MS 38635.

Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators:

Julius A. ChiIIik recently retired. He and Elizabeth are living at 351 W. South St., Worthington, OH 43085.

Ernest R. Achterberg 1061 E. 33rd St. Tulsa, OK 74145

1956 C. Robert Custer is now executive vice

Thor Gjelsteen 7300 W. Stetson Place No. 41 Littleton, CO 80123

Milan Lipensky 1750 Fieldcrest Drive Lebanon, P A 17042 William F. Oberschelp 103 Lintel Drive McMurray, PA 15317 Claud and Ann Osbourne live at 3815 Binghampton Drive, Okemos, MI 48844. Claude writes: "After thirty years I am now in business for myself. Osbourne Enterprises is involved in oil and gas drilling and production, and in real estate ventures." Jerry D. Plunkett, '53, '54, is president and chief executive officer of Montana Energy Research & Development Institute of Butte, Mont. He and Virginia live at 2150 S. Josephine St., Denver, CO 80210. Gene M. Rice is now a consulting engineer " write Box 26, Doniphan, MO 63935 . It is also the home address for Dorothy and himself.

1955 Lester A. Brockmann, brought his daughter, Leslie, to Rolla for a tour of the campus the end of January. Leslie is a senior at Miami Palmetto Senior High SchooL Bill is in the petroleum business. The Brockmanns live at 15550 S. W. 77th Court, Miami, FL 33157 .


Vernon T. Jones 4717 S. Yorktown Place Tulsa, OK 74105

Norman W. Niemeyer is president of Niemeyer Construction Corp. He and Alice live at 400 S.W. 43rd Place, Ocala, FL 32674.

president of Tasks Unlimited in Pitt· sburgh, Pa. He and Judith live at 68 Roycroft Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15228.


1957 Carlos H. Tiernon has been elected by the Board of Directors of International Metals & Machines Inc. (lMM), Des Planes, lII., to the newly·created management position of executive vice president. He is currently president of The Deister Concentrator Co. Inc. in Fort Wayne, Ind., and IMM affiliate, and will also assume the Board Chair· man role for Deister. He joined Deister in 1956, rising through various manage· ment levels to become vice president of engineering in 1970. He served in that capacity until 1978, when he became president. Deister manufactures separating and sizing equipment for the mining and coal industry , including coal washing and mineral concentrating tables, flotation cells and heated screens, and hydrosizing equipment. He resides with his wife Joan at 810 W. Oakdale Drive, Ft. Wayne, IN 46807. They have four sons and two grandsons. Carlos is active in several professional organizations.

James J. Caselton is vice president of engineering for Unimin Corp. in New Canaan, Conn. He and Joan live at One Strawberry Hill Ave., 6-H, Stamford, CT 06902. Carl E. Hickman is a geophysicist with Professional Geophysics Inc. in Plano, Texas. He and Jean make their home at 3832 Ranch Estates Drive, Plano, TX 75074. Henry A. Pate Jr. writes: "J ust completed my MS at University of Texas ·Austin. 'Bout time!" He and Patricia live at 8345 Summerwood, Austin, TX 78759. Robert P. Streng is living at 102 Belle Chasse, Lafayette, LA 70506. David H. Wenthe is general manager of marketing for Cleve land Brothers Equipment Co., Harrisburg, Pa. He and Diane live at 5255 Deerfield Ave., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. MSM Alumnus 21

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1958 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Delbert E. Day 306 Christy Drive Rona, MO 65401 Paul R. Munger P. O. Box 682 Rolla, MO 65401 Thomas J. O'Keefe 5 Crestview Drive Rolla, MO 65401 Richard H. Okenfuss 9132 Millcliff Drive Cincinnati, OH 45231 George D. Tomazi 12723 Stoneridge Drive Florissant, MO 63033

Gerald C. Armstrong has been employed by Phillips Pipeline Co. of Odessa, Texas, as west Texas area engineer. He and Katherine have moved to Route 9, Box 227, Odessa, TX 79763. Bob Capps is agency manager for State Farm Insurance Co. in Lubbock, Texas. He writes: "Just recei ved promotion to Colonel in USAR-assigned to Selective Service in West Texas area . Daughter married and teaching; one son was graduated from Texas Tech in December and is now in graduate school; other son will be graduated in May and will go on to law school." Bob and Donna live at 3028 60th St., Lubbock, TX 79413. Jimmie A. Chittenden is self-employed as a consulting engineer in Amarillo, Texas. He and Marian live at 3403 Palmer, Amarillo, TX 79109. John Ford is employed as a des ign specialist for Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical in San Diego. He and Cruz make their home at 13139 A venida La Valencia, Poway , CA 92064. 22 MSM Alumnus

James E. Linn Jr. is senior mining engineer with John T. Boyd Company of Houston, Texas. He and Anne live at 10910 Overbrook, Houston, TX 77042. Kaye E. Newton is assistant manager, community division, Ba ldwin Contracting Co . of Marysville, Calif. Kaye and Laurie live at 1177 Hartley Way, Yuba City, CA 95991. James N. Sturdy has gone to work for Deibold Inc in Canton, Ohio, as manager of mechanical engineering of automated banking. His new home address is Town North Apts., 4162 Independence Circle, North Canton , OH 44720. Jerry D. Vie is regional sales manager for Mallinckrodt Inc. of St. Louis. He and Ruth live at 63 19 Glenhill, Spring, TX 77379.

1959 John Gary Basden is newly employed as a real estate broker with Century 21/Carole Realty in San Diego, Calif. His home address is 728 W. Upas St., San Diego, CA 92103. Phillip R. Elam, '59, '70, is an electrical foreman for Noranda Aluminum Inc. in New Madrid, Mo. He and Margie live at 237 S. Elm, Dexter, MO 63841. Allen L. Rouse, '59, '80, vice president and general ma nager, nitrogen chemicals division, Sohio Chemical Co. (formerly Vistron Corp.), Cleveland, Ohio, has been elected to a three-year term on the board of directors of The Fertilizer Institute, national industry association. He started with Farmland Industries in 1959 at the Coffeyville refinery and later worked out of the headquarters div ision in Ka nsas City. In 1965 he became a project analyst for Vis tron Corp. in Cleveland, Ohio. He progressed through various supply, distribution and admi ni s trative assignments leading to his present position. He, Nora, and their three children -- Andrea, Lee and C hris -- live a t 25702 Byron Drive, N. Olmstead, OH 44070.

Charles F. Rhea, assistant division chief of equipment and procurment for the Missouri Highway Department, died Feb. 12. At MSM he had been a member of Independents, the Shamrock Club, and the student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He is survived by his wife, Sandra, 2014 Wayne, Jefferson City, MO 65101, a son and daughter, his mother, two brothers and three sisters.

1960 Edward F. Branhof is an aerospace engineer with the U. S. Army (TSAR COM) in St. Louis. His home address is 2115 Barcelona, Florissant, MO 63033. He was on campus recently with Robert Branhof, a senior at McCluer North High School, touring UMR. Jimmy J. Houseman is manager of contract sales for Fabralloy Division, Stolper Industries, in Waukesha, Wis. He and Nancy live at 419 Oxford Road, Waukesha, WI 53186. Wesley A. Savage is vice president of Systemetrics International Inc. of Indianapolis, Ind. He and Katherine live at 3200 Williams Drive, Kokomo, IN 46902. Vince Ventimiglia, vice president and general manager, Coors Distributing Co. , Fenton, Mo., is the new president of the St. Louis Regional Commerce and Growth Association's South Area Council. Vince has been active in the council since its organization. He lives at 14637 Pine Orchard Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Edward O. Speidel is newly employed by Thermo Electron Corp., Metals Division as technical director. He and Peggy live at 75 Concord St., Nashua, NH 03060.


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Jack W. Moore, '39, reports " Found another MSM grad just a fe w houses away -- Marvin Camp, '62 EE. Marvin and his wife, Dellois, li ve at 9380 Sprin gfield Drive, Allison Park , PA 15 10 1." Daniel N. Payton III, '62, '66, is technical director, nuclea r technology, in the Air Force Weapons Laboratory at Kirtland AFB, N.M. He and Jane make their home at 4516 Andrew N .E., Albuquerque, NM 87 109.

Patrick D. Culnan Jr. is a self-employed constultant. He and Linda live at 1534 Ashford Hollow Lane, Houston, TX 77077 .

1982 Roll a mo

1961 Ricbard J. Agricola is employed as assistant department head, processing, for Bristol-Myers Products in St. Louis. He and Shirley live at 9341 Highway BB, Hillsboro, MO 63050. Ricbard I. Boe is a civil engineer employed by the University of F lorida in Gainesville, F la. He and Sonya live at 1300 NW 31st St. , Gainesville, FL 32605 . Louis J. Cbiodini J r. '6 1, '82, was back on campus recentl y with his son, Anthony, who is a senior at Oakville High School in St. Louis and is considering UMR's electrical engineering department as his destination in the fall of '83. Louis is employed by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the famil y lives at 5293 Mild Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129 . Andrew P. Elias is employed by the Illinois Department of Transportation in Ottawa, III. He and Rosemary li ve at 114 Washington St. , Streator, IL 61364. George H . Jordan is now director of engineering for Hughes Co. Inc. of Columbus, Wisc. He and Rita have moved to 546 Park Ave., Columb us, WI 53925 .

Roger A. Edmison is president of Edmison & Associates Consu lting Engineers Inc. of Flora, Ill. He and Carol Ann live at Route 3, P. O. Box 474, F lora, IL 62839. Morris L. Gardner is a deputy division engineer with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers in Dallas, Texas. He and Carolyn have moved to 1222 Commerce St., Apt. 1704, Dallas, TX 75202. Howard L. Fields is now president of Howard Fields & Associates, Dallas, Texas. He and Patti live at 7259 Holyoke, Dallas, TX 75248. Lawrence D. Green '62, '63, is newly emplo yed as a bridge engineer, Springfield region, with Burlington Northern Railroad Co. He and June live at Route 2, Box 45A, Nixa, MO 65714. Cbarles B. Jones is now operations manager with Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. in Niagara Falls, N.Y. He and Barbara have moved to 540 Greenfield, Lewiston, NY 14092. C. Kurt Lamber, '62, '63, is currently employed as a hydrogeologist with the U. S. Environme ntal Protection Agency at their headquarters in Washington, D.C. He has moved his residence to 44 14 Ra leigh Ave., Apt. 402, Alexa ndria, V A 22304.

1963 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Allan H. LaPlante 1023 Crossroads Drive Houston, TX 77079 George R. Scbillinger 7598 Jobn Ave. Oakville, MO 63129 Robert H. Sieckbaus 10700 Clearwater Drive st. Louis, MO 63123 James L. Kobnen is general counsel for ECI International in Herndon, Va. He and Suzanne live at 11343 Vale Road, Oakton, VA 22124. Geary L. Leger, '63, '66, is now manager, communications products, of U n ited Technologies M ostek in Carrollton, Texas. He and wife Betty have moved their residence to 290 I Bandolino, Plano, TX 7507 5. Douglas C. Pinner is president and chief executive officer of Guter! Special Steel Corp. in Lockport, N .Y. He and Frances live at 16 Gothic Ledge, Lockport, NY 14094. MSM Alumnus 23

Alumni Personals 1963 Continued

----------------------------------------------------Kenneth D. Pohlig and wife Mary live James M. Gebhart III has recently been

Raymond Lasmanis became State Geologist with the Washington State Departmen t of Natural Resources' Division of Geology and Earth Resources on June 14, 1982, in Olympia, Wash _Prior to this appointment , he was exploration manager and assistant secretary at Canadian Superior Exploration Ltd. He was responsible for the administration and supervision of all exploratory projects; he participated in the development of the West End epithermal gold deposits in Idaho and managed the Tonzona coal project in Alaska. His work with Canadian Superior Exploration and Canadian Superior Mining Ltd. involved exploration and development throughout North America, Europe and Australia. He is a member of the American Institute of Mining , Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers; the Canadian Institute of Mining; and the Northwest Mining Association, among numerous professional organizations. He is also a talented amateur photographer, a private pilot, and a supporter of the arts. An interview with Ray, about his new job, appears in the Jul y/August issue of "Totem," a publication of the Washington State Department of Natural Resources.

1964 Joe E. Adams is president of Yadkin Inc. in Badin, N.C. He and Ardis live at 824 East St., Albemarle, NC 2800 I.

employed by General Electric, and lives at 319 Harbor Drive, Box 1014, Indian Rock Beach, FL 33535. Eric J. Norman is assistant professor of exploratory medicine, HematologyOncalogy, University of ~incinnati Medical School, Cincinnati, Ohio. He and Claudia live at 1044 Sunwood Court, Cincinnati, OH 45231 . Leroy J. Royer has recently been employed by Harris Government Information Systems Division in Melbourne, Fla., as senior associate principal engineer. He and Patricia have moved to 310 Cherry Drive, Satellite Beach, FL 32937. Daniel R. Schmidt was named division superintendent of the Central Services Division of St. Joe Minerals Corp. Dan began his employment with St. Joe in June 1964 as a junior engineer. Previous positions held include plant engineerFletcher Division in 1966, plant engineer-Viburnum Division in 1975, plant engineer-Central Services Division in 1976 , and ass istant division superintendent-Central Services Division in 1977, leading to his current position. Dan, his wife Carol ant their three children -- Danny, Pat and Stephanie --make their home in Viburnum. Their mailing address is Box 144, Viburnum, MO 65566.

at 2 Vienne Court , Lake St. Louis, MO 63367. Kenneth was named to Industry Week's 50 Rising Stars -- Executive Leaders for the '80s, Feb. 21, 1983, page 47.

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1965 William M. FarreU Jr. is manager of contracts for Babcock & Wilcox -Nuclear Equipment Division - in Barberton, Ohio. He and Nancy have moved to 4121 Branshaw Road N.W., Canton, OH 44718. Chaim G. Goldbogen, '65, '71 , is microcomputer consultant for RPI in Troy, N.Y . He and Deirdre have moved to 307 Bond Road, Altamont, NY 12009. M. Owen Lasker is middle east sales specialist for Solar Turbines Overseas Ltd., offices in San Diego. He and Sharon receive mail at P. O. Box 12023, Dubai, U.A.E.

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Charles F. Marlow, '65, '74, is plant manager for Bowlin Engineering in Ft. Worth, Texas. He and Marcelle make their home at 7473 Meadow Court, Ft. Worth, TX 76118. Charles R. Martin became the new manager of construction for Becon Construction Co. Inc. of Houston, Texas on March 14. He and Mary live at 2367 Millsvale, Kingwood, TX 77345 .

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196 Lloyd W. Bingham Jr. has been promoted to the position of chief test pilot for King Radio Corp. He and Shirley live at 14601 Locust, Olathe, KS 66062.

19H2 Rollamo 24 MSM Alumnu s

Ken Bowles recently received his doctor of ministry degree fro m Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He lives at 14 Georgetown Court, Union, MO 63084.

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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1966 Continued Jerry W. Davis writes: "Transferred back to Saudi Arabia after 21 months as design manager . onshore pipelines, Houston. Present assignement is con· struction manager - onshore pipelines, gas projects department, Aramco." His' present address is P. O. Box 5535 , Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Charles A. Gross, '66, '69, is the first appointee to the Square D Power Professorship at Auburn University, Auburn, Ala. Charles has been a member of the Auburn electrical engineering faculty since 1972 and also has extensive industrial experience. Three times he was selected as an "outstanding teacher" while teaching here at UMR. He is a registered Profes· sional Engineer and a member of such honoraries as Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, and Eta Kappa Nu. He is the author of Power System Analysis, published in 1979 by John Wiley. His home address is 418 Scott St., Auburn, AL 36830.

James and Mary Chase have moved to _ Donald B. Norman is an elementary counselor for Jackson, (Mo.) Public 26 W. 517 Embden Lane, Wheaton, IL Schools. He and Jean Ann live at 505 60187. Goodson Drive, Jackson, MO 63755 . Stephen A. DeLurgio is now associate professor of operations management at Scott D. Palmer has recently been UMKC School of Business and Public employed by Electronic Data Systems in Administration. He and Ina live at Camp Hill, Pa., as a system engineer. He 12007 W. 55th Terrace, Shawnee, KS and Bernadette have moved to 3532 66216. Countryside Lane, Camp Hill, PA 17011. Gary and Sandy Harris have moved to 2615 Noel Ave., Midland, TX 79701. . Harihar Prasad Singh is employed as Gary is a design engineer for Parkhill, Dy. Chief Mining Engineer with Smith & Cooper Inc . CMPDI (Coal India Ltd.). in Ranchi, George F. Koob has moved to 1160 Wood Summit Drive, St. Louis, MO 63011. Kenneth F. Tabor is teaching math, chemistry and physics at Saunemin High School in Saunemin, Ill. He and Clara have moved to Route I, Box 83, Saunemin, IL 61769.

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Russel L. James is teaching high school math and physics in Ottawa, Ill. He and Kay live at 911 Ottawa Ave., Ottawa, IL 61350. Phil Jozwiak is project manager for Tarlton Corp. of St. Louis, Mo. He and Barb have moved to 1747 Staunton, Creve Coeur, MO 63146. Paul and Sherry Winkel have a new address: S.R.A. Box 4051 (13430 Karen), Anchorage, AK 99502.

1967 Michael L. Deelo has been named vice president of sales, St. Joe Resources Company, Monaca, Pa., effective Jan. 16. He, Judy, and their five children (4 boys, I girl,*) live at 249 Fourth St., Beaver, PA 15009. Judy writes: "Children are a lot of work!" *Randy, 12; Becky, II ; Michael, 9; David, 8; and Tommy --the caboose--age 2.

1969 John M. Dabner is now a sales represen· tative for Maydwell & Hartzell of Tualatin, Ore. He and Jackie are living at 10635 S. W. Watkins Place, Tigard, OR 97223.


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Bihar, India. He and wife Meena tell us their address is Saket Nagar, Kanke Road, Ranchi, Bihar, India 834008.

1968 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21·22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Rodger L. Elliott Portland House Stag P London SW1, England Dixie L. B. Finley Rt. 3, Box 52 Rolla, MO 65401 Ralph J. Davis, '68, '77, has been promoted to training supervisor at Union Electric's Callaway Plant in Fulton, Mo. Timothy J. Houghton is now plant manager of the Anheuser Busch facility in Jacksonville, Fla. He and Kathleen have moved to 2990 Heritage Trail, Jacksonville, FL 32217.

John B. (Jack) Dimond is president of Timbercreek Development Corp. in Springfield, Mo. He and Pat live at 4650 S. Kelly, Springfield, MO 65807. Douglas M. Haseltine has been named an engineering associate, assigned acting responsibility for a process systems design group, engineering division of Tennessee Eastman Company. He formerly was a development associate responsible for engineering development in the organic chemicals development & control department. His home address is 1224 Watauga St., Kingsport, TN 37660. William C. K. Kan is currently a radiation physicist for Drs. Popovich, Pettengill, Mandel & Cherin in Melbourne, Fla. He and Claudia make their home at 449 Yomiuri Court, Palm Bay, FL 32905. MSM Alumnus 25

Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1969 Continued Theodore W. Holland writes: "I have retired from the Bureau of Land Management , Idaho State Office, where I was senior geologist and have set up my own consulting office . During my 27 years of Federal Service I have worked for BLM as principal staff geologist in the Idaho and Wyoming State Offices, as a geothermal program coordinator in the Den ver Service Center. I also worked for the Federal Highway Administration as Region Eight engineering geologist, for the Corps of Engineers, and the Geological Survey . My specialties are permitting, mineral leasing, geothermal, engineering geology , and validit y and appraisal of mining claims." Ted's address is 3007 Ridgeway Drive, Boise, 10 83702; phone (208) 336-86 31. Michael Kelahan is plant production manager for Beker Phosphate Corp. in Bradenton, Fla. He writes: "Busy managing a phosphate beneficiation plant and a 'T' ball team. Both sons --Bobb y (8) and Greg (6) are players on the team." Michael, wife Beverly, and famil y li ve at 63 35 Oak Square East, Lakeland, FL 33 803 . Charles W. Myles is presently associate professor of physics at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. He and Barbara have moved to 4922 9th St., Lubbock , TX 79416.

John and Vi Branham have a new family member -- Tara Elizabeth, born June 25, 1982. She joins Stefanie, Jennifer and Justin. John was recently elected president of both Branham Bros. Construction Co. Inc. and Branco Enterprises Inc. The Branhams live at 1420 Hawthorn, Neosho, MO 64850. Peter A. Dunkailo is now vice president process development, with Knauf Fiber Glass of Shelbyville, Ind. He and Ph yllis live at Route 2, Box 418, Shelbyville, IN 46176. Dennis L. Filger, '70, '74, is now senior supervisor in Vitron research and development, polymer products department, E.L DuPont in Wilmington, Del. He and Ruth live at 23 Kent Drive, Foxmeadow Farms, Hockessin, DE 19707. Dexter W. Hawk has recently been named general manager of the W. H. Barber Co. of Chicago, III. He and Barbara live at 840 Mt. Vernon Court, Naperville, IL 60540. James H. Horne is now employed by Santa Fe Minerals in Dallas, Texas, as senior resvr. engineer/staff supervisor. He and Nancy live at 9923 Glen Canyon, Dallas, TX 75243. Dan Huey is a pilot for RepUblic Airlines, flying out of Minneapolis, Minn. He and Judy make their home at 5211 87th Ave. Court W., Tacoma, WA 98467.

1970 Richard B. Belding is newly selfemployed and has formed Beltec Enterprises. He and Joann have a new address: 281 Ridge Trail Drive, St. Louis, MO 63017 . That is also the address for his new company . Dale M. Bryson is a math instructor at Umpq ua Co mmunity Coll ege in Roseburg, Ore. He and Arlene li ve at Route 3, Box 3898 , Roseburg, OR 97470. 26 MSM A lumnu s

Gary A. Johns is construction superintendent for Tiechert Construction in Woodland, Calif. He and Karen live at 5262 EI Cemonte Ave. , Davis, CA 95616. Larry G. Johnson and wife Sheila have moved to 5738 Aldingbrooke Circle, Route 5, W. Bloomfield, MI 48033. Larry is president of North American Computer Equipment Co. in Bloomfield Hills, Mich.

Leslie H. Leighty is a teacher at Hutsonville High School, Hutsonville, III. He and Marjorie live at Route 1, Box 9, West York, IL 62478 . David W. McCormick is newly employed as assistant manufacturing manager with London Chemical Co. Inc. in Bensenville, III He and Sandra have moved to 502 Del Lago Drive, Schaumburg, IL 60194.


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Thomas C. Nebel is now district sales manager for Hewlett-Packard in Dayton, Ohio. He and Susan have moved to 1514 N. Marshall, Middletown, OH 45042. Joseph C. Reynolds, '70, '72, has recently been employed by Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., Cape Canaveral, Fla., as a facilities design engineer. He and Debby have a new mailing address: P. O. Box 116, Rockledge, FL 32955. James E. Shepard is an F4 instructor pilot with the Arkansas Air National Guard in Ft. Smith, Ark. He and Becky live at 3311 South 96th St., Ft. Smith, AR 72903. James R. Sober Jr. is a line extension engineer for Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative in Willcox, Ariz. He and Nancy (Saeger) live at 709 Flagstaff Ave. , Willcox, AZ 85643. Dennis R. Starke, '70, 71 , is manager of engineering for Thermos in Macomb, Ill. He and Diane live on Route 4, Macomb, IL 61455 . Lowell D. Stevenson is now a senior engineer for McDonnell Douglas Technical Services in Houston, Texas. He and Erlinda have moved to 15707 Brookford Drive, Houston, TX 77059.

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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1970 Continued Liang-Juan Tsay is a geophysical associate with Amoco Production Co, (International) in Houston, Texas, He and Grace live at 3622 Stoney Oak, Houston, TX 77068. John R. Wagner, '70, '71, has recently been promoted to chief of the soils branch of the materials section of the U, S, Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District. He and the former Ramona Day Nowak ('78) and their children are making their home in Tulsa after a tour with the Corps of Engineers in Saudi Arabia.

1971 Jerry C. Bucklen has recently accepted a position as technical director with Allied Products Co. of Birmingham , Ala. He and Mamie are living at 7 Hemlock Lane, Saugerties, NY 12477.

Keith E. Talbert, '71, '76, is now a senior systems analyst for Mclean Research Center, Mclean, Va. He and Phyllis have moved to 2536B South Arlington Mill Drive, Arlington, VA 22206.

Joseph O. Carson III is now director, weld mill operations, Southwest Tube Manufacturing Co., in Sand Springs, Okla. He and Sharon have moved to Route 2, Box 466, Sand Springs, OK 74063.

Russell D. Wortham has accepted the position of area business manager for Union Carbide Corp., Linde Division, in Shreveport, La. His new address is 9957 Trailridge, Shreveport, LA 71106.

James. E. Davis has been promoted to superintendent-compliance at Union Electirc's Callaway Plant in Fulton, Mo. His home address is 1018 Carousel Drive, Jefferson City, MO 6510 I.


Barry A. Harms writes: "As of Jan. I, 1983, I was promoted to the position of department head of the civil engineering group at O'Neal Engineering. We specialize in industrial site development, municipal utilities and planning." Barry and Elizabeth live at 1809 Palham Road, Greenville, SC 29615.

Kim S. Allen is newly employed as senior project manager for Fisher Controls International in Austin, Texas. Kim and Marcy have moved to 9403 Rolling Oaks Trail, Austin, TX 78750. Randy W. Blalock is living at 9507 Caraway, Houston, TX 77036.

Michael R. Herr is project manager for Power Systems Inc. of Schauburg, III. He and Margie have moved to 8112 Granada Blvd., Orlando, FL 32811.



Norman D. Dennis Jr., '71, '73, is now an assistant professor, department of engineering, United States Military Academy at West Point, NY 10996. Richard W. Eimer Jr. has been named assistant manager of the Baldwin Power Station of Illinois Power Company. He and Cathy have moved to 1316 Springfield Drive, Belleville, IL 62221. James A. Faletti, '71, '79, is now direc· tor of employee relations for ITT Telecommunications at their facility in Raleigh, N. C. Jim and Maureen live at 909 Bennington Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609. Gary L. Flotron is president of G. L. Flotron & Associates in St. Louis. He and Marian live at 901 Louwen Drive, St. Louis, MO 63124.

Darold L. Phillips, '72, '76, and Ralph D. Tate, '72, have been named 1983 Young Engineers of the Year" by the Ozark Chapt er of the Missouri Society of Profes· siona l Engineers. Daro ld is associated with Ledbetter. To th & Associa tes Inc. and li ves on Rou te 4. Box 282L. Marshfield . MO 65706. Ralph is associated wit h Anderson Enginee ring In c. and li ves at 26 19 N. Clayton. Springfield. MO 65803. He is prese ntl y serving as secretary of the Ozark Chapter of MSPE. H

Harold D. Gallaher is president and chief executive officer of Echols Corp. in Bismarck, Mo. He and Judy live on Wallen Road, P. O. Box 6, Bismarck, MO. 63624.

MSM Alumnus 27

Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


1972 Continued


Dwight L. Deardeuff, M.D., internal medicine specialist on the medical staff at Phelps County Regional Medical Center, Rolla, has been certified as a diplomate in internal medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine. He received his medical degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1976 served an internship at Wayne State' University Medical Center in Detroit un ti l July, 1977, then joined the U. S. Navy. During his service with the Navy he was a general medical officer with the First and Third Marine Division until his release from active duty in 1980. He served a residency in internal medicine at Way ne State Affiliated Hospital, Detroit, from 1980-1982 and was assistant chief resident at the same hospital in 198 1-82. He joined the staff in Rolla in July , 1982, and is curre ntly in practice with the Russell-Young Clinic, Rolla. His home address is 1507 Scenic Drive, Rolla, MO 6540 1. James H. Hunn is now laboratory supervisor for U. S. Steel in Gary , Ind.

Keith Lissant is now a formulation chemist with Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, Mo. He and Nancy make their home at 937 Withnell, St. Louis, MO 63118.

Raymond F. Buchmann has been promoted to senior specialist engineer by Boeing Co., Wichita, Kan. His home address is 1010 Prairie Park, Wichita, KS 67218.

J erry Minoff is a construction manager for Sverdrup Corp. of St. Louis. He and Marilyn have moved to 125 Ridgeway, Ridgeland, MS 39157 .

Rich'ard and Janice Dempsey have moved to 1272 G lenngary Way, Henderson, KY 42420. Richard is vice president of Pyro Mining Co. in Sturgis, Ky.

J. Scott Patterson Jr. started his own civil engineering consulting service in June '82 . His address is 335 Bahia Lane, San Rafael, CA 9490 I.

John R. Gohring has moved to 1655 State Highway 67 , Sedalia, CO 80135. He is employed as a senior computer systems designer for Martin-Marietta Data Systems in Englewood, Colo.

Marsha (West) Raigoza is a senior programmer analyst with Sutter Community Hospitals in Sacramento, Calif. She and husband Fred have a new address: 7064 San Jacinto Court, Citrus Heights, CA 95610.

Dennis W. Lyle is in technical sales and service for Oil Patch. He and Beverly have moved to Route 3, Box 262, Williston, ND 58801.

William H. Stahl has been promoted to supervising engineer at Union Electric's Callaway Plant in Fulton, Mo. His home address is 4201 E. Santa Anna, Columbia, MO 65201.

Sandra F. Marthaler is presently teaching first grade at Gladstone Elementary School in Gladstone, Ore. She and Daniel ('73, '74) live at 7955 S. E. Center, Portland, OR 97206.

Merwin D. Swift has recently been named manufacturing manager for United States Mineral Prod ucts Co. of Stanhope, N.1. He and Edith li ve at 30 Coreen Apple Road, Sparta, NJ 07871.

1973 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21 -22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Stephen J . Bergtholdt 1934 Redwood Road Hercules, CA 94547 J . Gary McAlpin 8314 Honey Hill Cove Germantown, TN 38138 Robert J. Scanlon Route 4 Whispering Oaks Metamora, IL 61548. Paula E. Bradley is self-employed as a CPA. She and Kent live at 220 I C Na ntucket, Houston , TX 77057. 28 MSM A lumnus

Charles A. Weber Jr. is senior supervisor at DuPont in Pompton Lakes, N.J. He and Cathy have moved to 110 Valley Road, Butler, NJ 07405.

1974 Barry Bakalor is employed as a software engineer for Gavilan Computer Corp. in Campbell, Calif. He and Sue have moved to 1152 Timb erpin e Co urt , Sunn yvale, CA 94086. John F. Black, '74, '80, has a new position as an attorney with Ellis, King & Ellis in Springfield, Mo. He and Shirley live at Route 10, Box 935-45 , Springfield , MO 65803 .

Vicky and Jerome Maurseth, both '74, '76, live at 13080 S. W. Walker Road, Beaverton , OR 97005 , and write: "We are beginning our own business at home and are also donating our skills in programming to Right to Life in Oregon . We think this is exciting! Really surprISed how much the field has changed since '76 when we got our MS."

Suppamas Prachakvej, '74, '77, is employed by Union Oil Co. of Thailand. He and Sukanya make their home at 7 Sukumvit S.oi 20 , Bangkok II, Thailand. Steven and Linda Sewell have moved to 1177 Rathton Circle, Saline, MI 48176. Alvin V. Wilkening is now acting ge ne ral manager of AlhambraGrantfork Telephone Co. in Alhambra, Ill. He and Janet live at 202 Meyer Ave. , Box 256, Hamel, IL 62046 .

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A lumni Personals ------------------------------------1975 William B. Bobnar has been promoted to supervising engineer, nuclear, at Union Electric Company in St. Louis. He earned his master of science in nuclear engineering from the University of Texas in 1976. His home address is lOll Bedford Lane, Ballwin, MO 630 II. Ho~ard and Tbea Carter have moved to 817 East Oak, Lompoc, CA 93436. Howard is a missile test engineer with the U. S. Air Force at Vandenberg AFB, Calif. , with the rank of captain.

Bruce A. Gansner is now area maintenance supervisor for BP Oil Inc of Marcus Hook, Pa. He and Victoria live at 1602 Valley Drive, West Chester, PA 19380.

Jim Martin, Lt. USN, and wife Linda send the following mailing address: VA-176 , FPO New York 09501. Jim writes: "Graduated December '82 from Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif., with an MS in logistics/material support. Have reported to Attack Squadron 176 based in Virginia Beach, Va., and deploy on the aircraft carrier USS Independence for Mediterranean sea cruise this fall." Peter C. Raucb is now senior exploration geologist for Louisiana Land & Exploration Co. in Denver, Colo. He and Betty live at 6300 E. Irwin Place, Englewood, CO 8011 2. Tbomas J. Reed is a civil planner with Fruin Colnon Corp. of St. Louis. He and Sheryl live at 2665 Glacier, Green Bay, WI 54302.

Robert Garrison is newly employed as an aerospace engineer with. the Army Aviation Research and Development Command in St. Louis. He and Nancy have moved to 4409 Rosa, St. Louis, MO 63116.

Howard D. Steyer Jr., '75, '76, is a mining engineer employed by Mississippi Lime Co. of Ste. Genevieve, Mo. He and Holly have moved to 775 Claymont Drive, Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670.

Jobn and Nancy Kaufman announce the birth of a son, Christopher John, on Sept. 12, 1982. The Kaufmans live at 3634 E. 134th Way, Thornton, CO 80241. John is employed by Mobil Oil in Denver.

Robert G. Wonish is manager of production for Cliffs Drilling Co. of Houston, Texas. He and Catherine live at 8307 Domer, Spring, TX 77373; phone (713) 370-4986.

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1976 Allen E. Gilliam is presently unemployed and living at 104 Bryant, Rolla, MO 6540 I. John and Terri Edney are now living in Venezuela, South America. They will receive mail addressed do John M. Edney, 6676 Ike Drive, Barnhart, MO 63012. Eyaz M. Fanaian is now director of sales for Universo del Computador, Valencia, Venezuela. He and Carla will receive mail addressed to them at Jet Cargo Int., M-71 , P. O. Box 520010, Miami, FL 33 152. Jong-Chin Huang is engineering project manager with Tai Young Construction Co. Ltd. in Taipei, Taiwan . He and LeeHua live at 32-3 Lane 280 Pailin 5th Rd. Peitou Region , Taipei, Taiwan 112. He writes: "I am looking for the names and addresses of alumni who now work and live in Taiwan." Carey S. Meyer is currently staff civil engineer for Wright Forssen Associates in Anchorage, Alaska. He and Terry have moved to 4240 Reka, Ancorage, AK 99504. James E. Wood Jr. is now an engineer for Lipton Tea Co. in Independence, Mo. He and Joyce have moved to 8500 Northwest Barry Road, Kansas City, MO 64153 .

1977 Carl G. Carpenter died Jan. 12, following a lenghty illness, according to a notice from his wife Debra, 710 Red Wing, Florissant, MO 63031. He had been an associate engineer for McDonnell Douglas and received his M.S. degree in aerospace engineering in May, 1982. At UMR he was a member of AIAA , the Karate Club and Sigma Gamma Tau.

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Patrick J. Cody has been promoted to engineer at Union Electric's Callaway Plant in Fulton, Mo. His home address is Route 2, Box 244, Silex, MO 63377. MSM A lumn us 29

Alumni Pe rsonals ______________________ _ 1977 Continued James Lincicome and wife Dianne (Speer, '78) are the pro ud parents of their firs t chi ld, Theresa Ann , born Jan. 22, 8 lb. 2 oz. The family li ves at Rt . 9, Box 309, Odessa, TX 79763. Marc L. Masnor is presently project manager with the U. S. Army corps of Engineers, Tulsa District. He and Donna live at Route 4, Box 214-A2, Sapulpa, OK 74066. Marc writes: "I recently changed positions within the Corps and am now managing flood control and hydropower projects." Thomas F. Mengel is assistant manager of Phoenix Mutual Life in Clayton, Mo. He and Linda have moved to 9 Cedar Brook, Cedar Hill, MO 63016. Gary K. Warren has been promoted to district manager of Schlumberger Corp. in Enid, Okla. He has been with the company for the past five years. His home address is 664 1 Whitehall , Oklahoma City, OK 73 132.

Craig Bernstein, '78, '80, reports: "My 2!1z -year career as a regional service representative with the Ingersoll·Rand Construction Equipment Group ended along with my department when I·R's 1983 budget was announced. Their loss. I'm now working as a sales rep for Computerland of Gladstone, Mo." Craig and Linda (Riley '76) live at 631 9 W. 50, Mission, KS 66202.

Robert and Dianne Mason send us a change of address notification . Mail should be sent to them c/o ARAMCO, P. O. 1487, Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia.

Paul F. Braddock is a sales application engineer employed by Furnas Electric Co. of Batavia, Ill. Paul and Doris send word of the birth of their son, Matthew Paul, on Nov. 6, 1982. He joins his parents and big sister, Michelle, at their home on 62 Roosevelt St., St. Charles, IL60 174.

Nathan C. Myers is employed by Amoco in Houston, Texas, as a geologist. He and Sherris (Ragsdale) have moved to 3138 Brant, Katy, TX 77449.

Michael J. Callahan writes: "I have recently taken a position with Degolyer & MacNaughton in Dallas, Texas, as a petroleum engineer (International Divi· sion)." Mike, Maria Teresa, and "little Mike" now live at I 0337 Chesterton Drive, Dallas, TX 75238 . Richard E. Fields has moved to 2134B W. Oakridge Road, Orlando, FL 32809. He writes: '''Graduated with MS in engineering mechanics from Virginia Tech. Joined advanced composites group at Martin Marietta Orlando Aerospace."

1978 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21 ·22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Michael K. Bell 900 5th Ave. Silvis, IL 61282 Jacquelyn Dethorne Falconi 521 Aqueduct St. Akron, OH 44303 David K. Holland Jr. 1603 Shely Longview, TX 75604 Dennis J. Kinchen 10836 Currier Court Brighton, MI 48116 30 MSM Alumnus

Rodger P. Grantham is newly employed by Dayco Corp. at their Technical Center in Springfield, Mo. , as a develop· ment engineer. He and Carol have mov· ed to 808 W. Glenwood, Springfield , MO 65807 .


Gregory A. Melton is an engineer for Reynolds Metals Company. He and Debbie receive their mail c/o Reynolds Jamaican Mines Ltd., Lydford P.O., St. Ann's, Jamaica, W.l.

Michael Loyde Pratt is a data process· ing consultant for Diversified Systems Inc. in St. Louis. Mike and Debbie (K loeppel) have just moved into a new home at 3941 Summertime Drive, St. Charles, MO 6330 I. They also send us their new phone number 314- 928· 1777 . Gary and Kathy Rapp have moved to 4956 Tealby Court, St. Louis, MO 63128 . Gary is a systems equipment engineer employed by A.T.& T Western Electric Co. in Ballwin, Mo. Judith (Kisslinger) Servais is employed as manager of fringe benefits at St. Louis University. She and Mark live at 12230 Chesapeake Drive, St. Louis, MO 63033. Donald R. Walker is an assistant designer for Rawlings Sporting Goods in Licking, Mo. He and Rebecca live on Edgar Star Route, Box 197B, Rolla, MO 6540 1.

Jeffery J. Haferkamp has been promoted to manager, industrial engineering for Olin Corp.'s Brass Group based in East Alton, Ill. His home address is 6625 Silver Fox Drive, Florissant, MO 63033.

David G. Braun is an engineer with Union Electric Co. in St. Louis. He sends his new address: 78 10 Keswick Place, SI. Louis, MO 63 119.

Dianne (Speer) and Jim Lincicome ('77) are the proud parents of their first child, Theresa Ann, born Jan. 22, 8 lb. 2 oz. The famil y lives at Rt. 9, Box 309, Odessa, TX 79763 .

Ken neth L. Butler is now senior mai ntenance engineer with Monsa nto in Spartanburg, S.c. He and Pa tricia live at 105 Cinderridge Drive, Spartanburg, SC 2930 1.



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Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Stephen A. Jennemann is now a project engineer with TGK /McCa rthy in Phoen ix, Ariz. He and Judy have moved to 2878 S. 18th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364.

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Jeffery S. Lewis is newly employed as a highway engineer for the Federal Highway Administration in Vancouver, Wash. He and Susan just moved to a new house at 305 S.E. 94th Ave. , Vancouver, WA 98664. They write: "We are expecting a child in early Ju ly --a futu re UMR bp.sketball player! (Suzi is 6'1 ")."

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Keith E. Chrisman is a member of the engineering staff of Sperry Rand Systems Management in Reston, Va . He and Susan have moved to 11739 Dry Ri ver Court, Reston, VA 22091.

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Michael L. Coyle is employed as an engineer by Union Carbide, fi lms packaging, in Chicago. His home address is 5805 Oakwood, No. D, Lisle, IL 60532.

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Bruce E. Dunlevy is plant engineer for Allied Chem ical Corp. of Metropolis, Ill. He and Tamm y have moved to 352 Longview Drive, Pad ucah, KY 42001. Stephen P. Ford is a project engineer with Garney Companies Inc. of Kansas City. His home address is 15400 E. 33rd St., Independence, MO 64055 . He writes: "After returning to the Kansas City area from Arkansas in April '82 and working on several construction projects out of the home office, I am being transfeued to Corpus Christi, Texas in April '83 to work on a $10,000,000 water supply project there. I'll have to suffer through at least a year of sunshine and ocean surf."

Mark K. Mayhan now li ves at 424 Hutchinson , Rolla, MO 6540 I. Jim Mills is now a structural engineer with the U. S. Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District. He and Cindy moved to 3768 Cou ntry Club Drive, Imperial, MO 63052, and send us an announce· ment of the birth (on Feb. II) of their first child James Alan Mills Jr. -- 9 Ibs, 14 oz. Nguyen N. Ngo is new ly employed by IBM as an associate engineer at its faci lity in East Fish Kill, N. Y. He and Minth·Tam are now li ving at 3-K White Gate Drive, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590. Steve Pohl writes: "I am happy to report that I have been promoted to engineer for the Union Electric Compan y at the Ca llaway Nuclear Plant. This was a rea l honor for me since I ha ve only wo rked for the company for three years. I have enjoyed the challenge of bringing Ca llaway on line and in my new position I can utili ze my talents in a more professional manner. My wife Joy and I are happily se ttled in the Cal laway County area and hope to stay in the area after Joy has finished ve terinary school at UMC. My current address is Rura l Route 3, New Bloomfield, MO 65063."

Eugene W. Pokorny is principal mining engineer for Occidental Oil Shale Inc. in Grand Junction , Colo. His home address is 827 Birch, Apt. No.2, Rifle, CO 81650. Thomas J. Rosenauer is se nior drilling enginee r for Amoco Production Co. in Houston , Texas. He and Kinleigh (Hrovat '80) ha ve moved to 15002 Empanada Drive, Houston, TX 77083. Robert F. Rundle is a petroleum engineer at Amoco Production Co. He lives at7723 Shadow Hill, Houston, TX 77071. Ann and Jeffery Smith (both '7 9) ha ve moved to 3924 Hatherly Drive, Plano, TX 75023 . Ann has a new job as reservior engineer with ARCO Oil and Gas in Dallas, and Jeff is employed by Sun Production Co. of Richardson , Texas, as project coordinator. Kay A. Spaunhorst has moved to 1830 I Upper Bay Road , No. C33 1, Houston, TX 77058 . Kay is an engineer with Shell Chemica l Co. in Houston . Mark W. Stefanik is an engineer for Inland Stee l in East Chicago, Ind. He has moved to 2837 178th Place. Ap t. 12A, Hammond , IN 46323.

1980 Elmer A. Klavetter is newly employed as a member of the technical staff of Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, N.M. His new home address is 3100 Jane Place NE, Apt. F I 03 , Albuquerque, NM 8711 1. Timothy J. Kulengowski is an electrical design engineer employed by Phillips Pe troleum Co. He and Deborah have moved to 407B Albama, Borger, TX 79007. Susan A. Leach is now in grad school at Texas A&M. Her new address is 1403 Athens, Room 204, College Station, TX 77840. MSM Alumnus 31

Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ 1980 Continued Paul L. Manocchio se nds a new address: 807 I I th Ave. S. E., Austin, M N 559 12. Pau l is product ion manager, boni ng, for Geo . A. Hormel in Austin , Minn . Joseph Meachum, '8 0, '82, is now a grad uate student at the University of Michigan. He and Jing·Yih live at 933 Wa ll St., Ann Arbor, MI 48105. John J. Miller is plant engineer for Grindsted Products Inc., Indust ria l Airport , Kan. He and Karla have moved to 156 12 W. 146 th Terrace, Olathe, KS 66062 . Douglas N. Blevins is employed as fuel engineer by Texas Util ities Generating Co. of Mt. Pleasa nt , Texas. He and Vick ie have moved to Route 2, Box 248 , Mt. Vernon , TX 75457.

Mark L. Felzien, '80, '82, has begun employment for Chevrolet Engineeri ng at the General Motors Technica l Center in Warren , Mich. He is liv ing at 45500 Utica G reen Es tate, B· 17, Ut ica, MI 48087.

Tammy L. Hickman is employed as a process enginee r for Monsa nto in St. Louis, and lives at 10356 Oxford Hi ll Drive, Apt. 4, Creve Coeur, MO 63146.

Thomas A. Hinrichs is now a technical service enginee r for Monsa nto in Augusta, Ga. His new address is 1671 Goshen Road , Apt. 0 ·6, Augusta, GA 30906.

Daniel E. Holman lives at No. 6 Sylvania, St. Peters, MO 63376.

Leah I. Briggeman is employed as a counselor in the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education in Jefferson City , Mo. Her home address is 1505 Brighton St. , Apt. No. 6, Colum· bia, MO 6520 I.

Stephen C. Robinson is an electrica l engineer for Computer Entry Systems of Sil ver Spring, Md. He and Marsha have moved to 14105 Cast le Blvd. , Apt. 102, Silver Spring, MD 20904.

Michael G. Crowley has moved to 6939 MacBeth Circle, Woodbur y, MN 55 125 . He is employed as an engineer· ing support analyst at Control Data Corp. , Rosevi lle, Min n.

John J. Ronan Jr. has moved to 16 10 N. 17th St., Apt. 22, Mt. Vernon , IL 62864 . John is a project engineer at Old Ben Coa l Co. in Benton, III.

Nelson Rivera-Berrios is currently an art specialist in the Skill Developmen t Center, Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., where he teaches techniques in graphics, pain ting, drawing and photography. He has recently exhibited his "Camera less Graphics" color prints at the Springfield Art Museum. These large sca le cameraless photographs are produced by projecting various translucent materials and textu res to the surface of sensit ized photographic paper. Materials such as thin paper, glass, pigment and aerosols produce a wide range of textural effects. These projected materials produce the oposite of their original hue. Nelson says, "The materials are cut, fo lded, mutilated and painted, and produce on the sensitized paper fresh, vibrant designs that satisfy the most recondite graphic jUdgment." While the method may be somewhat new, Rivera-Berrios' prints restate the old concept of the "non-objective" in art , as established by Malev ich , Rodchenko, Rudolf Bauer and Vasily Kandinsk y. The non· objective painters also worked with crisp geometric shapes, lines and textures. Nelson has also exhibited at UM R and Fort Wood. He lives in St. Robert. Kinleigh (Hrovat) Rosenauer and husband Thomas J. Rosenauer, '79, have moved to 15002 Empanada Drive, Houston , TX 77083. She writes: "I am not employed at the present time because of move (due to Tom's transfer to Houston) ." Eric A. Schmidt is a concrete formwork design engineer for Patent Scaffolding Co. of Denver, Colo. He and Pame la li ve at 12205 N. Perry, No. 57, Broomfield. CO 80020. Peter J. Simmons is an engineer fo r Bendix in Kansas Cit y. Mo. He and Michelle live at 8724 E. 96th St.. Kansas Cit y. MO 64134.

19HZ Ro llamo

32 MSM Alumnus

Kenneth C. Sm ith has recent ly bee n emp loyed by Boeing Military Airplane Co. in Seattle. Wash ., as a configurat ion engineer. He and Cy nthia have moved to 202 5 W St. NW .. Auburn, WA 98 00 2.

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Alumni Personals, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1980 Continued Brent G. Sparks, '80, '8 1, is a chemical engineer with Conoco Inc. in Ponca City, Okla. He and Lois, 'SO, li ve at 131 Glenside Ave., Ponca City, OK 7460 1. Lois A. Sparks is employed as a cost engineer by Conoco Inc., in Ponca City , Okla . She and husband Brent, 'SO, 'SI, live'at 131 G lenside, Ponca City, OK 7460 I. Lanny D. Voight is a new member of the technical staff, electrical, for Hughes Aircraft in Tucson, Ariz. He and Donna (Emery, 'S2) have moved to 7223 E. Be lli ngham , Tucson , AZ 85730. Rick C. Wells is the new plant manager for Barad & Co. in Troy, Mo. He and Rhonda have moved to 157 West Wood , Apt. A, Troy , MO 63379 . Robert J. Wille is a staff civil engineer at Cate rpillar Tractor Company in Peoria , Ill. He writes: " I am engaged to be married .to Miss Therese Hanley of Verona, llI., on June 18, 1983. We will be li ving in Peoria after the wedding." Robert's present home address is 325 N. Nebraska, Morton, IL 6 1550.

1981 Richard A. Blatz has moved to 626 Roxalana Hills Drive, Dunbar, WV 25064. He is employed by Monsanto Company as a process engineer in Nitro, W.V. Susan (Remley) Beckerie is employed by Natural Gas Pipeline Co., Houston, Texas, as a staff engineer - reservoir. She and Dan live at 10010 Memorial Drive, No. 405, Houston, TX 77024. Michelle Cooper sends a new address: P. O. Box 2040, IFDC, Muscle Shoals, AL 35660. She writes: "I have been employed as a mineralogist with the International Fertilizer Development Center since October '81. I received my MS in Geology-Geophysics from UMR in December '81."

Kris Copeland is a project engineer for HBE Corp. of St. Louis, Mo. He and Gail live at 3305 Applegate Drive, Zephyrhills, FL 33599. Ronald J. Fisher is now operations engineer for Arco Oil & Gas Co. in Bakersfield, Calif. He has moved to 682 I Shelby Loop, Bakersfield, CA 93309. Gregory J. Grindinger is presently a civil engineer officer trainee with the U.S.A.F. at Lackland AFB, Texas. His mailing address is CMR 7, SQ 7, FLT 15, Lackland AFB, TX 78236. Kenneth B. Hardy III has moved to 8 Bridle Lane, SI. Louis, MO 63131. He is a programmer for Mylee Digital Services. George and Delores Harvilla send us a new address: 1121 Old 440 Road, Bldg. 5, Apt. 103, Killeen, TX 76541. They write: "George received his degree in civil engineering and a commission in the U.S. Army in 1981. After completing six months of basic engineer officer course at Ft. Belvoir, Va. , he went to Ft. Benning, Ga., and received silver wings as a parachutist. He is now a Lieutenant stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas, as platoon leader of the 8th Engineering Batalion ."

Robert J. Hoffmann was married to Mary Shultz ('82) on May 23, 1982. Both of them are working for the Procter & Gamble Co. in Cincinnati, Ohio. Robert is employed as a product technical engineer and Mary as a thermal engineer. They are expecting their first child in May . Their new address is 12101 Midpine Drive, No. 154, Cincinnati, OH 45241, phone (513) 563-7422.

Bradford C. Jones is employed by DuPont in Wilmington, Del. , as an engineer. His home address is 5529 Limeric Circle, Apt. 41, Wilmington, DE 19808.

19H2 Rollamu

Jeffery C. Kipp is a field sales engineer with Square D Company, Lutherville, Md. He and Lori have moved to 2A Sugar Plum Court, Cockeysville, MD 21030. John C. Lavalette is employed by Anaconda-Eriksson, Harrisonville, Mo., as a process engineer. He and Joni ha ve moved to 602 Shady Lane, Harrisonville, MO 64701. David M. Leet is now a graduate research assistant at the Universit y of Illinois, Deptartment of Metallurgy and Mining, 1304 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 6180 I. Keith D. Malone married Martha J 0 Schmidt ('S2) and is living on Bixby Route, Box 63A, Salem, MO 65560. Thomas D. MiIster is presently a student at the University of Arizona, Optical Sciences Center in Tucson, AZ 85721. Michael Newberry is employed as a production petroleum engineer by Texaco Inc., Salem, III. He and Linda have moved to 811 Sassafras, Mt. Vernon, IL 82864. Richard A. Nussbaum has moved to 1314 10th St. West, Apt. 4. Williston, ND 58801. MSM Alumnus 33

Alumni Personals_______________________


Herbert William Zahner III writes: "I have recently accepted a company transfer to Mt. Carmel, Ill. , and am now a senior field engineer for Gearhart Industries Inc. My wife (Pam) and I are also expecting a child in late August." He and Pam live at 522 Pear, Mt. Carmel, IL 62863.


Kelly J. Buscb is now a ceramic engineer-glass technologist for AFG Industries in Kingsport, Tenn. He and Lisa have moved to 458 Allen Drive, Apt. 4, Kingsport, TN 37665. Thomas C. Chandler is a senior engineer with McDonnell Aircraft Co. in St. Louis, Mo. He and MaryBellive at 4339 Grundy, Bridgeton, MO 63044. Cbey Cbang and wife Sandy are living at 1512 Y2 Maltman A ve., Los Angeles, CA 90026.


1982 Rollamo

David B. Akers has accepted the position of engineer I with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation, with . offices in Purcell, Okla. He and Karen have moved to 2114 W. Brooks, No. C, Norman, OK 73069.

1981 Continued Darlene (Barnes) Plag is newly employed as assistant staff supervisor, system support, for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. in St. Louis. She and husband Mark (also class of '81) have moved to 318 Altus Place, Kirkwood, MO 63122. Edward C. Sewell is a student actuary for William M. Mercer Inc. in St. Louis, Mo. His home address is 140 S. 35th St. , Belleville, IL 62223 . J.W. Stanton writes: "Promoted to Lt. Col. in December '82. Reassignment to Korea coming in summer of '83." He and Phyllis live at 1541 Bookbinder, Creve Coeur, MO 63141. Ralph M . Strother is a second lieutenant in the USAF Space Division in Los Angeles, Calif. He has mo ved his residence to 12534 Inglewood Ave., Apt. 170, Hawthorne, CA 90250. Brian A. Yanez has been employed by the Federal Aviation Administration as an aerospace engineer at their offices in Wichita, Kan. His home address is 400 W. Central, Apt. 11 02 , Wichita, KS 67203 . 34 MSM Alumnu s

Michael R. A very's new address is 304 E. 12th St. , Rolla, MO 6540 I.

Stepben Cbodrick has accepted employment with Kraft Inc., Springfield, Mo., as maintenance supervisor. His new address is 2831 N . East, Springfield, MO 65803 . Keitb A. Clifton is a 2nd lieutenant in the USAF in pilot training at Reese AFB, Lubbock, Texas. He and Kathy live at 217 Mitchell Blvd., Lubbock, TX 79416 .

Stephen A. Bahn has been employed by Tennessee Gas Transmission (Tenneco) , Houston , Texas , as an associate engineer. His new address is 910 Cypress Station, Apt. 1634, Houston , TX 77090.

Tony L. Davis is employed as a cartographic tech aid at the U. S. Geological Survey in Rolla. He and Tammy are living at 103B. S. Oak St., Rolla, MO 65401.

Robert W. Benson is an estimating engineer for Benson Electric Company in Shrewsbury, Mo. His new address is 9445-B Mary Glenn Drive, Crestwood, MO 63126.

Russell G. Espinosa is a salaried employee-in-training with Buick Motor Division, General Motors Corp., Flint, Mich. His home address is 3383 Court Circle Drive, Apt. 6, Flint, MI 48504.

Carol Bornmann is emplolyed as an associate programer with IBM Corp. in Houston, Texas. Carol's new address is 503 EI Dorado, Webster, TX 77598.

Linda L. Fleschner is working as an industrial engineer for Boise-Cascade in Hazelwood, Mo. She lives at 5244 Abington Road, FIOlissant, MO 63033 .

Tim Bosecker has been employed by Texas Utilities Generating Co., Mt. Pleasant, Texas , as an associate engineer. He and Lori send their new address: P. O. Box 592, Mt. Vernon, TX 75457.

Craig T. Fritscbe is employed as an ' associate engineer at Bendix Kansas City division. His new address is 8308-C Hillcrest Road, Kansas City, MO 64138 .

William H. Burak is a consultant with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis, Mo. He and Debra live at 217 Cole Blvd., St. Charles, MO 63301.

Brian J. Grant has been named a project engineer with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation in Tulsa. His new home address is 8828 E. 65th St. , Tulsa, OK 74133.

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Alumni Personals _______________________ 1982 Continued Joseph A. Gnade is newly employed by the City of Los Angeles, Calif., Depart, ment of Public Works, as a civil engineer. His new address is 8780 Stamps Road, Apt. No.8, Downey, CA 90240. Douglas G. Guenther has been hired by General Motors - Oldsmobile Division ·in Lansing, Mich. , as a product engineer (in training). His new address is 6150 W. Michigan Ave. , Apt. 59, Lansing, MI 48917. Daniel N. Harres is a senior engineer with McDonnell Douglas Electronics, St. Charles, Mo. He and Susan have moved to 3315 W. Main St., Belleville, IL 62223. Paul Herrmann has been promoted to engineer at Bendix in Kansas City. He and his wife Lisa live at 8242 Tracy, Apt. I, Kansas City, MO 64131. Thomas D. Hewer has accepted employment as a metallurgical engineer with Central Foundry Division of General Motors in DanviUe, Ill. He and Susanne have moved to 2320 N. Vermilion, Apt. 123, Danville, IL 61832.

Keith Thomas Lackey has been hired by Timken Company of Canton, Ohio, as an associate engineer. His present ad, dress is 2830 Thackeray N.W ., No. I , Massillon, OH 44646.

Robert (Bob) Metze Jr. has accepted a position as project engineer with FritoLay Inc. in Dallas. His new address is 8820 Southwestern, Apt. 1405, Dallas, TX 75206.

Grace (Johnson) Lange is employed by Ralston Purina in St. Louis as a senior systems programmer. She and James live at 3634 Rustic Meadow, St. Louis, MO 63129.

Kevin J. O'Brien sends us a new address: 112 Tel Haven Court, St. Louis, MO 63129.

Randy W. Lehnoff is an engineer for Kansas City Power & Light Co. His new address is 11513 E. 14th, Apt. 5H, Independence, MO 64052. Eric J. Lewis sends us his present address: 148 N. Market St., St. Clairsville, OH 43950. Ted P. Lowe has been employed by Hewlett,Packard in Rolling Meadows, III., as a staff engineer. Ted's new home address is 217 E. Seegers, No. 207 , Arlington Heights, IL 60005 . Janet Lynn Sellers Kavandi is newly employed by Eagle,Picher Industries Inc., Joplin, Mo., as a battery engineer. She and husband Farhad live at 3319 Hawthorn Drive, Joplin, MO 64801. Gary Maxson is now living at 13321 Arrowood Lane, Dayton, MN 55327.

Donna Parks has been employed as a chemist for Data Testing in Fort Smith, Ark. Her new address is 210 I South W St., Fort Smith, AR 72901. Randall M. Perkinson has been employed by Howard, Need les , Tammen & Bergendoff in Kansas City, Mo., as a civil engineer/draftsman. He and Grayce are living at 8810 Crystal Lane, Apt. 303, Kansas City, MO 64138. Karol S. Peterson has been employed by the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation in Amarillo, Texas, as a civil engineer. Karol's new home address is 3110 W. 27th, Apt. 105 , Amarillo, TX 79109. Richard J. Pfleging Jr. sends his new address: 153 Steamboat Lane, Ballwin, MO 63011.

Hilde Margaret Hummel is now a management trainee with North Star Steel Co. in St. Paul. Her new address is 215 East Viking Drive, Apt. No. 203, St. Paul, MN 55117. Mikel A. Ingram has accepted employ· ment with Futura Coatings Inc. of Hazelwood, Mo., as a research chemist. His new home address is No. 7 Sunnyview Apts., Old Alton-Eds Road, East Alton, IL 62024. Jeffery J. Jones is now an associate engineer with Getty Oil Co. His new home address is 4500 S. Poplar, No. 306, Casper, WY 82601.

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Raymond J. Kopsky Jr. is presently a graduate sutdent at UMR, living at 206 East 12th St. , Rolla, MO 6540 I.

1982 Rollamo MSM Alumnus ! 35

Alumni Personals, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1982 Continued Richard D. Purgason now lives at 1750 Norton Drive N .E ., Apt. G -19 , Gainesville, GA 30501.

Michael J. Sharamitaro has been employed by the Missouri State Highway Department as a construction inspector. He and Linda have moved to 5043 Murdock , St. Louis, MO 63109 .

Jeffery R. Ramberg is now a graduate research assistant in the ceramic engineering department of the University of lllinois in Urbana. His new home address is 1205 Y2 W. Main, Apt. 10, Urbana, IL 61801.

Jeff F. Simmons has recently been employed by Shell Offshore Inc., New Orleans, La. , as a production engineer. His address is 2211 Cobblestone Lane, Apt. M, New Orleans, LA 70114 .

J oseph H . Reilly has acce pted the position of mining engineer with Ottawa Industrial Sa nd, a di vision of Ottawa Silica Co. , Ottawa, 111. His new address is 720 Ge rm ania, Apt. A, Ottawa, IL 6 1350, phone (815 ) 433-5824.

Edward J. Smith is now a general engineer with the U. S. Army Troop Support & Aviation Readiness Command in St. Louis. His address is 10531 Hanford Drive, St. Louis, MO 63128 .

Calvin E. Sanazaro has been employed by Engineers Architects Inc. of St. Louis as a mechanical engineer. His address is 6975 Pernod, St. Louis, MO 63139. David Scott Zike has accepted employment with IBM Corp. in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. as a programmer. His new home is at 44R Scarborough Lane, Wappingers Fa lls, NY 12590.

L. Scott Sandbothe writes: "Employed as a systems engineer for Union Electric at the Callaway Nuclear Plant in Reform , Mo. Now living at 21 17B Clara, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Martha Jo Schmidt married Keith D. Malone ('81) and is living on Bixby Route, Box 63A , Salem, MO 65560. Gregory A. Sedrick has been employed by Rock Island Arsenal , Rock Island , Ill ., as an industrial engineer. He and wife, Mary Ellen, '80, live at 2604 N. Clark , Da venport , IA 52804. Mary Shultz married Robert Hoffmann ('81), on May 23 , 1982 . Both of them are working for the Procter & Gamble Co. in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mary is employed as a thermal engineer and Robert is a product technical engineer. They are expecting their first child in May. Their new address is 12101 Midpine Drive, No. 154, Cincinnati, OH 45241 , phone (513) 563-7422. 36 MSM Alumnu s

Bob Stevenson is a specialist employed by McDonnell Douglas Automation Co. in St. Louis, Mo. He and Nancy live at 2232 Campus Drive, St. Louis, MO 63301. Douglas D. Stone is employed as an F/A-18 liaison engineer at McDonnell Aircraft in St. Louis. Doug's address is 9 Cornflower Court, Florissant, MO 63033 .

Donna (Emery) and husband Larry Voight, '80, have moved to 7223 E. Bellingham, Tucson, AZ 85730. Tina M. Walker is now employed by Hewlett -Packard as a programmer/analyst. Her new address is 5721 Garrett, No. 207 , Boise, ID 83704. Wade J. White is working for the Missouri State Highway Department in Kirkwood, Mo. , as a materials engineer. He and Janice now live at 6020 Ozark, High Ridge, MO 63049. Marvin Woods is now an administrative assistant engineer with McDonnell Douglas Corp., St. Louis. His home address is 3260 Henrietta St., St. Louis, MO 63104. John T. Yoder IV is an officer candida te in the U. S. Navy at Newport, R.I.. He may be contacted through his home address, 1860 Arundel Drive, Florissant, MO 63033. Scott Charles Zimmer is living at 3130 Shackelford Road, Florissant, MO 63031 .

Jerome D. Tidwell says "I'm remaining in school to complete my BSEE. Will graduate in July '83." He and Yvonne live at Route 4, Box 359, Rolla, MO 65401 Brian Shawn Underwood has been employed by the Harris Corp. -Broadcast Division , Quincy, 111. , as an associate marketing representative. A three-week period at corporate headquarters in Melbourne, Fla. , began the initial phase of a year-long training program. The Harris Broadcast Division develops, manufactures and sells radio and television broadcasting equipment internationally . Shawn's mailing address is Box 37 , Rock Port , MO 64482.

Elmer Alberto Vidal is a teaching assistant in the mining department at UMR , and lives at 1706 Elm St., Apt. No. II, Rolla, MO 6540 I.

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THE MSM 路 UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Uni ve rsity o f Mi ss ouri -Ro llo

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