Missouri S&T Magazine, June 1983

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University of Missouri-Rolla

June, 1983

MSM-UMR Alumni Association ' Telephone (314) 341 ·4171 ; (314) 34 1-4172 OFFICERS President


President Elect Vice President.

MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri

Vice Presiden t Vicc President . Vice President. .. . ... , . . . . Secretary .

Volume 57 Number 3 June, 1983

Treasure r

Term Expires

...... Lawrence A. Spanier, '50 ........... 5 Pettit Drive .............. 1984 Dix Hills, N.Y. 11746 ... James B. McGrath, '49 . . 12425 Balwyck Lane . . 1984 St. Louis, MO 63 131 .. . Arthur G. Baebler, '55 . . ... 20 Fox Meadows . . 1984 Sunset Hills, MO 63127 . . . Alfred J. Buescher, '64 . . .624 Golfview Drive . . .. 1984 Ballwin, MO 63011 . .. John B. Toomey, '49 . . . ...... 7412 Admiral Drive .. . . . . .. 1984 Alexa ndria, VA 22307 .... Robert V. Wolf, '51..... .. , . , . .. Meta llurgical Engineering Department ..... .. ........ 1984 UMR , Rolla , MO 65401 .. . . .. Martha Gerig. '69 . . . 801 Fairground Road ....... 1984 Rolla , MO 65401 . . . J.L. "Jack" Pai nter. '50 . . ... 1610 Wilson Circle ....... . . 1984 Rolla , MO 6540 I

DIRECTORS AT LARGE Term Expires Thor Gjelsteen , '53 ........... , .... 7300 W. Stetson Place, No. 41, Littleton , CO 80123 . . 1985 James D. Gostin, '44 . . . 180 Mt. Olive Drive, Bradbury, CA 91010 . . 1985 . ... 4426 Mill Creek Road, Dallas, TX 75234 . Robert P. Schafer. '52 . . ....... 1983 Gerald L. Stevenson, '59 ............ 511 N. Main St. , Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 . . 1984 Ronald A. Tappmeyer. '47 . . . 2226 Country Club Drive , Sugar Land , TX 77478 . . ...... 1984 Armin J. Tucker, '40 . . .6464 Overlook Dri ve. Alexandria, VA 22312 ....... . .. . . ... 1985

Twenty-nine members of the Class of '1933 returned to campus May 14-15 for the 50th anniversary of their graduation. Highlight of the Golden Reunion was participation in the II0th Annual Commencement ceremonies held Sun· day afternoon on Jackling Field. It's a good thing the photo isn't in color because most of the participants were blue--it was a bit cold and windy for a mid·May day. Despite the weather, nearly 800 graduates and 29 50-year graduates were smiling and happy to take part in the afternoon's events. It was a particularly big weekend for the Golden Alumni--see article inside.

MSM ALUMNUS (USPS·323·500) Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri-Rolla. Entered as second cllUlS matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401-9990, under the Act of March 3, 1897.

Area l ip Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires 00-14 Ra ymond T Ruenheck, '50. .. 7 Montview, Chelmsford, MA 01824 . . 1983 15·21 Robert e. Perr y, '49 .......... 302 Fox Chapel Road , Pittsburgh , PA 15238 . . ... 1983 22·34 Wayne R. Broaddus. Jr . '55 . . .. P.O. Box 2549, Dalton, GA 30720 . . . . . . .. . . . . ....... 1985 35·45 William D. Busch, '42 ...... . . . 2000 I Idlewood Trail, Cleveland, OH 44136 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1983 46·59 George Baumgartner, '56 .. .... 2120 Syracuse, Dearborn, MI 48124 . . .. 1984 60-61 Eugene J. Daily, '36 . . .. 816 Dennison Drive, Champaign. LL 61820 . 1985 62·62 Ernst Weinel, '44 .... ... .... . . . 1502 West 50, O'Fallon, IL 62269 . . ........ 1984 63-65 Jerome T. Berry, '49 ..... . ..... Rt. 4. Box321, Rolla, MO 65401. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ....... 1984 63-65 Harold G. Butzer, '47 . . 411 ScheUridge, Jefferson City, MO 65101 . . . 1985 63·65 Matteo A. Coco, '66 . . .... 711 5 Aliceton Ave., St. Louis, MO 63123 . . ..... 1984 63-65 Harold R. Crane, '53 ........... 480 Country Club Drive, Hannibal, MO 63401 . . ............ 1983 63-65 B. Neil Lewis, '58 . 11 5 College St. , P.O. Box 627, Kennett, MO 63857 . . . 1985 63-65 Paul R. Munger, '58 ........... Director Institute of River Studies, UMR . Rolla, MO 65401 ........... 1984 63·65 J. Robert Patterson. '54 . . .. Show Me, Inc., P.O. Box 573, Sikeston, MO 63801. . 1984 63-65 Kenneth D. Pohlig. . . . 2 Vienne Court. Lake St. Louis, MO 63367 . . ... 1983 63-65 Robert E. Vansant. '51 . . .. 435 E. 55 St., Kansas City. MO 64110. . .. . .. . . .. . ... 1983 63·65 e. M. Wattenbarger, '41 . . ... 205 W First St. Terrace, Lamar. M064759. . 1984 66·74 David D. Kick. '57 . . . .. 4915 S. Lakewood Drive. Tulsa, OK 74135 . . .. 1985 75·79 James B. Chaney. '48 . . . 162 18 Chipstead Drive, Spring. TX 77373 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1985 80-89 & 96-99 Victor J. . 1983 ..... ... 31057 E. Lake Morton Drive, S.E. Kent, WA 98031 .. Hoffmann 90-95 Robert L. Ra y. '47 . 1985 . .6045 Estates Drive. Oakland, CA 94611 . COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Frank Appleyard. '37 ... . ... .... .... P.O. Box 1991 . Tubac, AZ 85640 Robert W. Klorer, '44 .. .. 7500 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63123 Joel F. Loveridge, '39 ......... ..... . 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur. MO 63141 Walter e. Mulyca, '65 .. . . Rt. I, No. 16 Southfield Lane. Marshall, TX 75670 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE . Missouri Electrochem Inc.. 10958 Lin·Valle Drive . St. Louis, MO 63123 Robert D. Bay. ·49 .......... . . ..... Black & Veatch. 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway . Kansas City, MO 64114 Joseph W. Mooney. '39 . .7383 Westmoreland. University City, MO 63130 . Richard H. Bauer, '52 ..

Robert M. Brackbill, '42 . Paul T Dowling, '40. R.O. Kasten, '43 ....... . . . . Peter F. Mattei, '37 . Melvin E. Nickel. '38 . F.e. Schneeberger, '25 James W. Stephens, '47 .

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS .9148 Clearlake Drive. Dallas, TX 75225 .... 10144 Winding Ridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63124 . .... 901 West II 4th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114 .9954 Holliston Court, St. Louis. MO 63124 10601 South Hamilton Ave .. Chicago, IL 60643 . .. One Briar Oak, St. Louis, MO 63132 ...... Missouri Public Service Co., P.O. Box 11739 Kansas City, MO 64138

STAFF Frank H. Mackaman .... , . . . . . . .... Executive Vice· President. MSM·UMR Alumni Association and Director, Office of Alumni/Development, UMRol1a Larry Allen . . ................ Assistant Director. Alumni Activities Louise Wilson .. . .... . ..... ...... .. Admin. Secretary, Alumni/Development Sally White . . .... Editor, MSM ALUMNUS MSM-UMR Alumni Association, Harris Hall. UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 ·9990

Term Expires . 1984 . ... 1988 ... 1986

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Golden Alumni .. Class of 1933 From the opening event on Friday evening··a buffet dinner at the Chancellor's Residence hosted by Joseph and Louise Marchello-·to the final cocktail party on Sunday evening at Club '33··the 50th anniversary for members of the Class of 1933 was a celebration of a lifetime. In addition to the renewal of old friendships, the weekend included tours of Rolla and the campus (by bus), a

luncheon, a brunch, a banquet and numerous social hours in the Club '33 hospitality room at Zeno's Motel where most of the participants were staying. Highlight of the weekend, however, was marching in the academic preocession (clad in appropriate robes), and being recognized as an honored group at the UMR 110th Annual Commencement on Sunday afternoon.

.. 198-1 .... 19&5 ... 19&5

... 1983 .. 1985

Term Expirel ...... 1984 .. 1988 1986

MSM A1umnus / !

Vernon L. Asher KiFkwood, Mo

Alfred W. Beinlich Sheffield, Ala.

Justus J. (Jay) Beinlich Monongahela, Pa.

At MSM: B.S. CE, Triangle, Miner, Glee Club Career: Retired after 39\12 years with Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.

At MSM: B.S. Cer., Orton Society Career: Retired after 37 \12 years with TVA

At MSM: B.S. Cer. and Met ('37), Independents Career: Retired from U.S. Steel Corp.

Raymond W. Borchers Denver, Colo.

Vernon O. Burkhalter Jefferson City, Mo.

William W. Coghill Tulsa, Okla.

At MSM : B.S. EE, Rolla Community Chorus Career: Design engineer then 21 years in Army and federal government

At MSM: B.S. Met, Quo Vadis, Blue Key, Satyrs, Tau Beta Pi, Athletic Assn. Career: Industry -retail businesspresident, City National Savings & Loan

At MSM: B.S. Met & ChE., Sigma Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Theta Tau, Track "M", Band Career: Retired as V.P. after 43 years with Ozark Mahoning Co.

Ellen Woodman Doll Charleston, W. V.

Thorpe Dresser Green Valley, Ariz.

Lee D. Dumm Lakewood, Colo.

At MSM : B.S. Gen. Sci., Phi Kappa Phi, Concert Band Career: Family (three children) 20 years as math teacher and counselor

At MSM: B.S. ChE., Triangle, Miner, Glee Club, Tau Beta Pi, Remsen Soc. Career: 43 years with Sinclair-ARCO-now consultant

At MSM: B.S. CE and Civil Engineer ('42), Track Career: 37 years with USDA and Bureau of Reclamation

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E. Newton Everett Fort Worth, Texas At MSM: B.S. CE, Basketball "M", track, baseball Career: Retired as South Regional Construction Engineer after 43 years USDA

Harry Federow Springfield, Mo. At MSM: B.S. ChE, Tau Beta Pi Career: 45 years as president, Federow Iron & Metal.. not retired

William M. Gilmore Roodhouse, IU. At MSM: Met., Lambda Chi Alpha, Band, St. Pat's Board, IFC, Satyr, Theta Tau Career: Livestock farmer

Alfred H. Hesse LaGrange, IU. At MSM: B.S. Met, Metallurgical Engineer (,41), Mercier, Rollamo, Theta Tau Career: Retired as V.P. and Mgr., after 33 years with R. Lavin & Sons

Henry S. Hickman Jefferson City, Mo. At MSM: B.S. CE, ASCE, Track Career: Retired after 36 years as division engineer Federal Highway Adm.·Mo.

Charles L. W. Hunze Ferguson, Mo. At MSM: B.S. ChE, M.S. (,34), Ira Remson Soc., Independents, Phi Kappa Phi Career: Retired after 34 years with Shell Oil Co.

William J. Jabsen Sarasota, Fla. At MSM: B.S. Met, Lambda Chi Alpha, St. Pat's Board, basketball Career: 32 years in industry, retired as president Kalamazoo Steel Process.

ftll!xanot!r W. Jurvic San Diego, Calif. At MSM: B.S. EE, Pi Kappa Alpha, Athletic Assn. , AlEE Career: Retired as manager after 33 years with National Steel MSM A lumnus / 3

William W. Kay Drums, Pa.

William Koopmann Jr. Wilmington, Del.

Charles H. Lambur Hampton Bays, N.Y.

At MSM: B.S. Mining, Engineer of Mines (,38), Prospectors-Sigma Pi, Rollamo, Swimming "M", Quo Vadis Career: 37 years with Dupont, now consultant (recognized explos ives expert)

At MSM: B.S. CE Career: 42 years with Laclede Steel, Dow Chemical, Kaiser Aluminum and Dupont

At MSM: B.S. Mining, Mercier, Stayrs, Blue Key, AIME & Rifle Club Career: President or director of four companies, retired as chairman of Schneider of Paris, Inc.--now consultant and on U.S. Olympic Commi ttee

Fred M. Lanz St. Louis, Mo.

Robert R. Leavy St. Louis, Mo.

William H. Lenz Los Alamos, N.M.

At MSM : B.S. CE, Kappa Sigma, IFC, Senior Council Career: Entire career with USOND Manufacturing Co.-now Chairman of the Board

At MSM: B.S ME, Football "M", Senior Council, Tau Beta Pi Career: 33 years as associate, principal and owner of various consulting firms, now with J.S. Alberici

At MSM: B.S. Met., Band, Glee Club, Dance Orchestra, Tennis "M" Career: Metallurgist with industry & Bureau of Mines, retired from Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory

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Don M. Long Jefferson City, Mo. At MSM : B.S. Gen. Sci., Baseball Career: Retired as chief chemist Mo. Division of Health Lab.--37 years

Reinhardt Schuhmann West Lafayette, Ind. At MSM: B.S. Met, Tennis "M", AIME, Phi Kappa Phi , Tau Beta Pi, Career: MIT, semi-retired as David Ross Distinguished Professor after 26 years at Purdue University

Mabel E. Phillips Rolla, Mo. At MSM: B.S. Gen. Sci. & Chern. ('47), Phi Kappa Phi Career: U.S. Bureau of Mines, retired after 27 years as chemist with Mo. Geological Survey

Elmer A. Roemer Rolla, Mo. At MSM: B.S. CE, Independents, Track "M " Career: Retired as hydraulic engineer after 32 years with U.S.G .S.

Cyril J. Wenger Ferguson, Mo. At MSM: B.S. Mining (Petroleum), Mercier, Theta Tau Career: Retired as senior engineer after 41 years with Shell Oil Co.

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Robert M. Brackbill, Chairman of the board of Texas Pacific Oil Co. is a native of St. Louis, Mo. At MSM he was a member of Sigma Nu, the Athletic Association, Blue Key, the St. Pat's Board, . Student Council and served on the Miner Board. He earned his B. S. in mining enfiineering (petroleum option) in 1942, completed a management course at the Arden House Campus of Columbia University in 1965 and was awarded the professional degree of petroleum engineer by UMR in 1969. He was manager of engineering for Shell Oil when he left the company in 1965 to become Vice president of the Texas Pacific Company.

Robert M. Brackbill, '52, speaks to graduates and guests

110th UMR Annual Commencement Address .... It was suggested that this address be entitled, "The Full Circle", and that I briefly discuss --- Why I came to Rolla; What I got; What I did not get; Where I went after graduation; and lastly, Why I came back . Why I Came ... .1 came to learn about engineering and geology. I was already motivated, I had mechanical skills, and I guess I thought I was creative and innovative. I wanted to find and produce oil. The School of Mines and Metallurgy enjoyed a reputation throughout industry around the world for the quality of its graduates. This, together with the school's willingness to help me find campus employment, made Rolla an obvious choice. A choice, I shall never regret. While my life has not always enjoyed the bright sun and blue sky, and it has not always been smooth and peaceful, each year has been better, more rewarding and happier than the previous year. I pray each of you will enjoy the same experience. What I Got I learned sound engineering fundamentals. I was exposed to hands-on experience. I became familiar with my chosen profession and I was identified with a school whose earlier graduates earned a reputation for technical excellence and managerial ability. I established friendships that have endured for 45 years. I learned that hard work can often supplement mentality for those of us not blessed with superior intelligence. What I Did Not Get This might best be demonstrated by an experience I had several years ago. Cay, my wife, has influenced my appreciation for opera. One night while visiting with a

classmate, Bill, and his wife, we mentioned that we were going to the opera. His wife immediately asked if we could be kind enough to allow them to accompany us so that Bill could be exposed to opera. We had extra tickets and asked them to join us. It was an outstanding performance that earned lengthy applause and many loud bravos_ When the audience began to leave, I said, "Well Bill, What did you think of itT' He said, "Fine, now that I have had my 'couth', can we go get drunk?! "

... .1 am pleased that you now have a College of Arts and Science. One you should be proud of. The School of Engineering and the School of Mines and Metallurgy have always been capable of meeting the ever-changing technical demands of our society . Today, however, it requires more than just the technical know-how to deal with the social demands of our nation and our world. A liberal culture is necessary for today's science and engineering graduates. If you are to be leaders you must command the respect of those around you. You must learn to communicate better with others_ ... .It is unfortunate that the National Commission on Excellence in Education's recent report indicates that the high school and some universities have gone too far and allowed the liberal arts to become ultra-liberalism. Can you imagine a course in bachelor living? It would eliminate the great joy of hands-on experience_ Something this institution is famous for. Hopefully , this report will stimulate Americans to do something soon to improve the cause of the committee's frightening observations. I would hope Missourians keep their priorities straight and build the Mineral Engineering Building before spending money on recreational facilities_ MSM Alumnus17

Where I Went ....Shortly after the war was over, I returned to working in the oil fields doing the kind of work I loved. In a short time I was supervising others. Without training, without experience, I was a manager. Through the years, I have heard many young graduates say that they wanted to do things with their hands, they wanted to work in the field. This 'want' is fulfilled after a few years and then they want to be the supervisor -- to be the boss. Unfortunately, as in my case, few are prepared. Management skills can be tought, but leadership is earned . It is much like finding happiness. You can't achieve happiness by aiming at it directly. If you aim at having a useful life, you might discover some day that you are living a happy one. I guess that is what happened to me. I never aimed for management, I never searched for happiness. I have obtained both. Probably because I did the best I could at every job I had, and with God's help, everything else just came naturally.

Why I Am Back Some 30 years ago, while working in New York, I joined a small alumni group. I started returning for Homecoming. New business and personal relationships were established. I became a member of the Alumni Board of Directors during the period we initiated the Alumni Scholarship Programs. I return now so I can help do for others what was done for me by the faculty , by my fraternity brothers, and by the many wonderful residents of Rolla.

Where Do We Go From Here You are graduating at a time when the recession is ending and jobs are not yet plentiful. Many of you are

probably still seeking employment. Others of you have accepted employment in jobs somewhat different that you had planned. .. ..Whatever you do, do it better and hustle faster than anybody else. Strive for excellence. Soon you will develop greater wisdom. ....This economic recovery from our recession will be different. An assortment of obstacles might delay Smoke Stack America's recovery. Some of the jobs industry created in the past may be gone forever. Some U.S. manufacturers can no longer compete with foreign competitors. This is so because of the over-valued dollar, the high cost of capital, our high labor costs, and government regulations.


.... Hopefully, America will re-direct its economic power. We will join our human and financial resources. We will utilize our basic industrial know-how with the emerging technologies. We will, in time, re-build Smoke Stack America. UMR graduates have technical knowledge and skills. Many of you are familiar with computer design and robotics. You are well equipped to find and produce raw material, to develop new technology, and to design and manage the facilities of tomorrow. The position you will soon fill may be somewhat different than the one you trained for. Be flexible, you have the kind of education that few others have and each of you is well prepared to compete in the rapidly approaching high-tech culture. .... Good luck, God bless you, and may each of you dedicate yourself to excellence and soon find great satisfaction in your chosen profession. Perhaps Albert Einstein offered the ultimate advice to a graduating class when he said: "Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value."

Jam{ Presider

UM President James Olson, left, congratulates Brackbill, center, as Acting Provost Bobby Wixson , adjusts the hood symbolic of the Honorary Doctor of Engineering Degree conferred upon Brackbill. 8/ MSM A lu mnus

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Mechanical Engineer

Metallurgical Engineer

Alfred J. Buescher, '64, Ballwin, Mo. Director, design engineering, Ralston Purina

Charles E. Campbell, '64, Broken Arrow, Okla. President, Ora-Iron Foundry Corp.

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Engineer of Mines

Geological Engineer

Engineer of Mines

James B. Chaney, '48, '49, Spring, Texas President, NL McCullough (NL Industries Inc.)

Jose A. Machado, '46, Tulsa, Okla. Vice president-project mgr. , Fenix & Scisson International

James A. Redding, '50, Pittsburgh, Pa. President .. J.W. Redding Co. , Wilmot Engineering Co. Duraline Inc.

Electrical Engineer

Management Engineer

Metallurgical Engineer

Frank W. Ries, '50, Framingham , Mass. President, Stone & Webster Engineering Corp.

Howard H. Stine Jr. , '67 , '70, Chesterfield, Mo. Vice President, SystemAire Inc.

Ralph W. "Mike" Sullivan II , '67 , Peoria , Ill. Metallurgical and Process Quality Manager, Caterpillar Tractor Co. MSM Alumnus / 9

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Ceramic Engineer

Aerospace Engineer

Chemical Engineer

George H. Taylor, '44, Martinsburg, Mo. Executive V.P. , Wellsville Fire Brick Co.

Merton George Walker, St. Louis, Mo. Director Technical Adm. , McDonnell Douglas

Charles Alvin Wentz Jr. , '57, '59, Metairie, La. President, Newpark Waste Treatment Systems

Two members of the Class of 1923. both distinguished meta llurgists. were in Rolla to celebra te the 60 th anniversary of th eir commence路 ment on May 15 . Muir Frey and Walter Remmers were honored guests at the II0th annual com路 mencement and were members of the pla tform party. Frey's career was spe nt as a metallurgist with automo ti ve and farm mac hinery industries. He was awarded th e doctor of engineering degree Ihonoris causa) by UM R in 1968. During his ca reer. Remm ers se rved as preside nt of the Elec tro Metallurgica l Co.. the U.S. Vanadium Corp. and Pittsburgh Metallurgical Co. Inc. He received a doc tor of enginee ring degree Ihonoris ca usa l from this institution in 1948. . The Freys li ve a t 595 1 Orcha rd Bend Road. Bir路 min gham. MI 48010. and the Remers li ve a t 660 1 E. Marta Hill Grove. Tuscon. AZ 857 10.


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Muir Frey

60 Year Graduates Honored The UMR Student Chapter of the Society of Mining Engineers is offering our belt buckle for sale to alumni. Proceeds from the buckle sales will enable SME to participate in a variety of activities including field trips, honor banquets, special projects & our bi路annual outing. Orders and checks for six dollars made payable to the Society of Mining Engineers should be mailed to SME, 101 Mining Building, UMR, Rolla, Mo. 6540 I. Please ship buckles at $6.00 each. Enclosed find a check for $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name _______________________

SME "Joe Miner" Belt Buckle 10/ MSM

Alumnu s

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We have all heard about how big everything is in Texas. Apparently, the Houston Area Section of the MSM¡ UMR Alumni Association started most of those stories. At least that is the inference that can be drawn from their March 12 St. Pat's Celebration. St. Pat was greeted in Houston by 126 loyal alums, spouses and friends including Rolla's own Frank and Martha Gerig. Martha is secretary of the Association. This is the first party to be held after a general organization meeting in January. A lot of people devoted time and effort to its organization, among them Paula Hudson Bradley, Greg Wayne and the husband/wife team of Randy and Sharon Bissey. It is clear that everyone's hard work paid off with this fine attendance. Seven lucky Miners walked away from the meeting with st. Pat or UMR finery. Those persons wearing the oldest sweatshirt, button and garter received new versions of the same. In addition, two additional St. Pat's sweatshirts and two UMR baseball caps were awarded as door prizes. The Section is now making plans for a "Rolla Unlimited Beer Happy Hour" that all Houston Area alums are urged to attend. Those attending the St. Pat's party were:

Rex, '40 and June Alford; Wayne, '58 and Bertha Andreas; Nancy Arnold, '79; Steve Bahn, '82 ; Robert, '55 and Irene Bening; Randy, '79 and Sharon, '81 Bissey; Carl, '56 and Geraldine Block; Gil, '47 and Laura Carafiol; Warren, '59 and Hope Carroll; James, '48 and Betty Chaney; Harold, '70 and Katherine Chenoweth; Sherri Clark, '78; Gene Meisner; George, '5 1 and Melba Comanich; James Garrett, '58; Dewayne Gerber, '80; Dolene Duna; Kenneth, '53 and Barbara Gereau; Frank and Martha, '69 Gerig; Adj), '66; and Arnavaz Godiwalla; Paul Griffin, '65; Kendall Hackman, '80; Ron, '73 and Darlene Hall; Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hanger, '71; Mark , '74 and Sondra Heuckroth; Karl, '80 and Vicki, '79 Joern; Michael, '78 and Rose-Marie Johnson; Curt, '80 and Mary Killinger; Ruel L. Kirkpatrick, '31; Wayne, '74 and Rebecca Kotter; Harley, '40 and Laura Ladd; Beth, '81 and Peter Loos; Gary, '73 and Janice Loud; Daniel, '7 1 and Wanda Lynch; Michael, '80 and Mary, '8 1 McEvilly; Terry Micnhimer, '75 ; Donald, '65 and Elizabeth Miller; Mark, '77 and Donna Moran; Pat Mudd; Robert, '77 and Melanie, '76 Naeger; David, '80 and Stacy, '82 Obermann; Terry, '79 and Phylis, '79 Panhorst; Gary, '73 and Barbara Pariani; John, '82 and Kim Poland; Wayne, '70 and Kathleen Quayle; C.

Thomas Rosenmayer, '82; Bill, '48 and Edith Schaeffer; Dan, '70 and Roberta Scott; Dennis, '73 and Susan Shea; Jeff, '80 and Pat, '80 Sheets; Morgan Slusher, '79; Steve Starke, '75; Rebecca Burton; Lowell, '70 and Erlinda Stevenson; Greg, '79 and Kathie Wayne; Joseph Trapani, '8 1; Pat, '49 and Art Weber; Richard, '75 and Janet Williamson; Jim, '79 and Denise Wray; Robert, '49 and Marian Yochum; Randy York , '82 Julia Yuhas, '81 ; Roger, '74 and Rhonda Rand Hill; Heros, '62 and Nydia Dergregorian; Steve Ensor, '79; Gayle Meyer, '82; Mark Steven, '82; Robert Boyer, '81; Glen Pariani, '82; Phil Owens, '72; Tim F usselman, '80; AI Brake and Paula Hudson Bradley, '73.

Special Notice Houston, Texas will soon have its own "University Dames" if Betty Andreas has her way. Betty, wife of Wayne Andreas, '58, would like to hear from other wives of Rolla graduates living in the Houston area. What she has in mind is attempting to organize small parties, luncheons, bridge parties and much, much more. Those interested s hould contact her at 1802 Whitefeather Trail, Crosby, TX 77532. Her telephone number is (713) 342-1485.

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Alumni Section News Continued Houston Section continued


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Cleveland Section The spirit of St. Pat was present in Cleveland on Saturday, March 12, 1983 when area "Miners" gathered at the Harley House. Association director Bill Busch put the meeting together with considerable help from his committee. Special thanks to Vicki Burns who created the shamrock name tags. After a delicious dinner, Bill introduced Frank Mackaman who introduced the Chancellor. Spirited Questioning follow-

ed. The Lambda Chi's present didn't sing a fraternity song. Dave and Sharon Hearst, who had made reservations were missed and present were: Frank and Nancy Mackaman; Joe Marchello; Henry and Pat Whaley, '48 , and their son; Bob and Janet Varnon, '70; Mike and Sandra Marx, '77; Mohammad and Kathleen Golkar, '79; Gregg and Sandra Melzer, '70; Len and Donna Wolfberg, '52; Milt and Vicki

Burns, '70; Allen and Karen Brinegar, '76; Paul Erlandson, '74; Margaret Becher, '80; Dave and Holly Statler, '78; Dave and Gail Busch, '67; Ken and Fran Bollinger, '67; Don and Carolyn Brinkley, '60; Jerry and Jeannie Stevenson, '59; Bill and Catherine Busch, '42; Kul '76 and Charlotte '77 Bhasin; John and Alice Mumms, '68 ; Gene and Margaret Sanders, '52; Rich Edwards, '68 and guest; and Tom Selden, '70 and guest.

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Alumni Section News Continued Bay Area Section With a push from Area Director Bob Ray, the Bay Area Alumni Association is once again active. On March 19, we celebrated the 75th Anniversary of St. Pat's in grand style with a very suc· cessful party at the San F rancisco ho~e of Kay and Jerry Littlefield . St. Pat himself interceded a nd gave us a one· day respite from the rains. Some 43 alumni and wives or girlfriends from all around the Bay con· sumed a pony of beer . and then some, ate a great BBQ dinne r, sang a few songs, met old friends, and lots of new ones, too. Next year's pictures will be

much better now that we know who the camera buffs are. A typical Miners' election rode the following alum's into office for '83·'84: David Peacock (,64), president; Warren Hooks (,58), vice president; and Jerry Littlefield (,58) , secretary. This erstwhile group will be looking for ideas for a Fall '83 activity. Give them a hand. Bob, David, Warren, Jerry and Dennis and Barbara Wells all pitched in to make this party a success. Present were: Howard and Harriet Histed, '28; Frank and Gerry Goodrich, '38; Jim and Ruth Shaffer, '42; Bob and

Marney Ray, '47; Joe and Naomi Wright, '49; Par and Mary Schoenky, '50; Ken and Joe Voertman, '51; Warren and Ellen Hooks, '58 ; Jerry and Kay Littlefield, '58; Guy Richardson, '58; Bob and Jeanne Hughes, '59; Don and Paz Beegle, '64; Roger and Janie Chapin, '64; Dave and Laurie Peacock, '64, '66, '70; Joey and Stella Tuttle, '64, '69; Butch and Joyce Fiebelman, '66; Pat Vennari, '69; Dennis and Barbara Wells, '70; Dennis and Pat Leitterrnan, '75, '76, '76; Sherri and Will Streeter, '75; Hasen Beshir, '79; Marti Dixon, '80. ··Jerry Littlefield, '58

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New officers··Warren Hooks, David Peacock and Jerry Littlefield

Joyce and Butch Feiberlman, Pam and Dennis Leitterman, Warren Hooks and last two undecipherable··sorry!

Sherri Streeter, Joyce and Butch Feibelman and Will Streeter

Bay Area Group.

MSM Alumnus / 13


Alumni Section News Continued San Diego Section T he San Diego section of the Alumni Association celebrated St. Pat's on Sat. , March 19, with a dinner at the Kona Ka i Club on Shelter Island in San Diego Bay. Phil Boyer, '28 , took the door prize fo r being the earliest grad present and E. T. Regenhard t, '30, said he felt younger now since his elders were present. A prize to the ladies for the date of the first alumni meeting and a prize to

the men for the first engineer to supervise construction of public works for San Diego after the State of California was admitted to the Union . Those attending were Mrs. and Mr. Phil Boyer, '28 , Encinitas, E.T. Regenhardt, '30, San Diego, Ethel and Al Jurvic, '33 , H.W. Buckner, '42, Lemon Grove, Marilyn and Al Keevil, '43 , San Diego, Mrs. and Mr. W.J . Thomas, '44,

Oceanside, Mrs. and Mr. lE. Greig, '49, Chula Vista, La Nelle and John G ardner, '51 , La Mesa, Marie and Gil Crowell, '51 , Vista, Henry R. Fletcher, '53 , Sa n Diego, Nelly and John Englund, '53, Desert Center, C. Scott Johnson , '54, San Diego, Bob Riggs, '77 , San Diego, a nd Cynthia and Danny Powers, Oceanside. --AI Keevil, '43


Pacific Northwe st Section The Pacific Northwest Section of the MSM-UMR Alum ni Association held its annual dinner/business meeting at the home of Vic and Rosey Hoffmann on March 19.

election of new officers. Arimura was elected president; David Winter was elected vice president a nd Stephen Wright was returned to the office of secretary-treasurer.

"We aU thought the potluck dinner/business meeting was a superb idea," Stephen Wright, secretary-treasurer of the section said. "The social hour began at 6:30 p.m. with a plentiful amount of home cooked food and good friendship."

The 36 persons present for the di nner/meeting participated in an "MSMUMR Souvenir Raffle" conducted by the Hoffmanns. Proceeds from the raffle will be used by the Association. The section's summer meeting will be a picnic at the W right's home to be held sometime in August.

Vice President Itsu Arimura, standing in for Ken Mirly, conducted the business meeting which included the

Alums and their guests at the meeting

were: Vic and Rosey H offmann, '60; Pete and Ma rilyn Maisch, '62; Bill a nd Betty Woods, '59; Lynn and Jim Suda; Bud a nd Ma ril yn Berg; G lennda McLucas; Zita and Dana Shaw; Nancy and Ken Siroky, '59; George and Kay Miller, '47; Jo hn and Betty Adams, '59; Chuck and Sandy Hollenbeck, '61; Gene and Megan Ellis, '54; ltsu and Nancy Arim ura, '59; Stephen and Susan Wright, '68, '70; Cathie and Ron Roman; Gregg and Peggy Kirmeyer, '70; David Winters, '78; a nd Linda Kommers; and Bob Yerbury, '77 a nd Suzi Daly.

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Alumni Section News Continued Pacific Northwest continued

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Southern California Section Our St. Pat's Railroad Party meeting in San Juan Capistrano, was successful even though the train from the North was an hour late, and the small town was busting at the seams with activity. Our meeting was scheduled so that we would arrive a week after "The Swallows Came Back". We didn't realize that there was a "Week after the Swallows Came Back Parade". As poorly conceived as it seems, the event is a huge success. It's almost like 10,000 people were just waiting for an excuse to have a celebration, and what a celebration it was---a Rolla St. Pat's it was. Sidewalk parties, and curbside music, and kegs of beer being rolled around in baby carriages. The only difference, the weather was 78 , clear and beautiful, and the girls were in shorts and halters. In keeping with the theme of our

Jobs The services of UMR's Career Development and Placement Center are available to alumni as well as students. To obtain information about the current job listings, alumni need to send an up-to-date resume to the Career Development and Placement Office. The placement staff will make the resume available to companies looking for people with experience, and will send the alumnus a copy of the latest job listings. If you wish to use this service, contact: A. Sam Burton, assistant directorplacement. Career Development and Placement Office, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 (phone: 314/341-4288).

meeting the luncheon was held in the Capistrano Depot Restaurant. Our dining room was two converted refrigerator cars. Sixty-one alumni and friends attended the meeting. They were: Bill and Mame Fletcher, '34; Bill Bauer, '67; Bill Cornell, '64; Carl, Judith and Geoff McCalla, '68 ; Dr. Robert A. Cooley, '48 , '51 ; John and Ruth Roschke, '51; Rolland and Sandy Ponzer, '74; George and Miriam Nations, '36; Richard and Mitzie Elliott, '70; Edward and Virginia Elliott, '39; John and Leona Rasor, '36; Harry and June Kruger, '56; Mr. and Mrs. Pat McCole, '78; Floyd and Ellen Smith, '41; Dan and Marianne Norman, '58; Leonard C. Spiers, '35; James and Theda Gostin, '44; Vernon Finley (retired Rolla Station Master and father of Theda Gostin); Dean and Carol Moss, '62; Mr. and Mrs. William W.


DuFresne, '67; Mr. and Mrs. George Webber, '71 and '75; Fred Todd, '48; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lambelet, '40; Phillip and Helen Corneli, '55; John and Phyllis Wilms, '43; Lai Drain, '78 ; Tad and Shirley Graves, '50; George and Nancy Stevens, '52; Wayne and Betty Huff, '51. The contingent from San Diego indicated a desire to have more joint meetings. Albert Keevil, coordinator for the S.D. Chapter, has indicated that we must have more advanced warning to increase participation. This, therefore, is an advance notice of the summer meeting at the Huseman EI Tigre Ranch in Ensenada, Mexico, Aug. 26, 27 and 28. Another announcement and more details will be forthcoming, but keep these dates open; see you there. --John and Phyllis Wilms, '43


Pacific Northwest Picnic at Wright's . . . . ... . .. . . Fall City, Wash.

Date . . Aug. 13

Southern California Section, Huseman EI Tigre Ranch . ... . .... . .. . Aug. 26-28 Ensenada, Mexico AICHE National Meeting, Alumni Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Aug. 28-31 Denver, Colo. SPE Technical Conference, Alumni Reception . .. . . . . .. .. .. ..... .. . . . Oct. 6 San Francisco, Calif. SME Fall Meeting, Alumni Reception ... . ... . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 20 Salt Lake City, Utah Homecoming 1983 .. . .... . . . .... . . . . .. . . . . . . ... .... . .. . .. . . Oct. 21-22 Rolla Please note: For assistance with Homecoming reservations, call or write: Larry Allen, assistant director, alumni activities, Alumni Office UMR Harris Hall '" Rolla, Mo. 6540 I.

MSM Alumnu s / IS


Gene Green, Editor Trc

Preston Coach-Of-The-year .....


Lichtenwalner Claims Bullman Award!

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UMR track and cross country standout Pete Lichtenwalner was the recipient of the 1983 Gale Bullman Award, presented in ceremonies May 2 at the All-Sports Banquet. The event was sponsored by the M-Club and Booster Club. Lichtenwalner, a junior from

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Bullman Award Winner Pete Lichtenwalner proudly displays autographed Cardinal Baseball presented by banquet speaker Joe Cunningham . 16/ MSM Alumnus

Foristell, Mo., won the M-Club's vote as the top "Gentleman-Athlete" on the UM-Rolla campus. The award is named for the former Miner coach and athletic director. "Pete is one of the nicest young men I have ever known," said UMR track coach Dewey Allgood. "He is a real leader and an inspiration to all of his teammates." M-Club President Anita Tikey, presenting the award, quoted Lichtenwalner's roommate: "Pete is such a nice person, that he gets up every morning with a smile on his face---and means it!" UMR softball and cross country coach Sara Preston was honored as the "Coach-of-the-Year," given credit for pioneering both varsity sports for women at the university. Other top recipients were John Gallaway, winner of the Burr Van Nostrand Award as top male intramural athlete and Cindy Knapstein, winner of a savings bond from McDonald's as top female athlete in the UMR intramural program. Individual sport MVP's were as follows: Baseball--Miner first-baseman DJ . Steagall paced the team with a .395 average. Basketball (Men)--Curtis Gibson led the Miners and the MIAA in scoring with a 20.5 average. Basketball (W omen}--Gail Halsey was credited as the team's top defensive performer and hustler. Cross Country (Men}--Jeff Peterson consisten tly was at the top of the Miner time charts last season. Cross Country (Women)--Jan Hierholzer was the top performer, becoming the first woman fro m UMR to ever qualify for national competition. She finished 40th in that event. Football--Dennis Pirkle was the team's MVP on offense, finishing an impressive collegiate career with a 58 per-

cent completion rate on his passes in four years. Bob Pressly, with 17 quarterback sacks in his tenure, was the team's MVP at defensive tackle. Golf--Kent Dinsdale won his third straight MVP award after qualifying for nationals the third straight year. He also tied a course record at Oak Meadow Country Club with a 6-under-par 64 on a rain-soaked course. Rifle--Squad captain Greg Hardy was honored for his excellent season. Softball--Dianna Miller paced the team in many departments, was a leader on and off the field and one of the Miners' most versatile performers. Soccer (Men}--Mike Shillito helped the Miners attain national ranking at one point during the season, was UMR's MVP and a first-team MIAA selection. Soccer (Women}--Chris Waeckerle was UM-Rolla's top fema le soccer player, leading the women to their best record yet. Swimming-- Chris Aria, one of six UMR All-America ns, was named MVP. He set school records in the 1~O-ya rd backstroke and the 200-yard backstroke' events, while competing at nationals. Tennis (Men}--Dave Bruner finished fourth in MIAA singles competition and helped the team itself gain fourth place in the league tournament. Tennis (Women)--Laurie Behm was third in the MIAA Tourney and was the Miners' number one si ngles player all season. Track (lndoor)--Lichtenwalner completed a fine indoor season to gain the MVP award in addition to the Bullman Award. An outdoor track performer was not named, as the season was still being played. Wrestling--G reg Schoenberg helped lead a talented UMR wrestling team to one of its finest seasons in many years and gave promise of even greater things to come.


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UMR sophomore Mark Galliardt didn't break the school record in the discus. He shattered it! A transfer from Hutchinson (KanS;liS) Junior College, Galliardt finished third in the May 6-7 MIAA Championships at Central Missouri State, qualified for the May 26-28 NCAA Division II Nationals at Southeast Missouri State in the process, and broke a Miner discus record that withstood challenge for 15 years. Galliardt fired the discus 165 feet, four inches, after unleashing some tosses over 170 feet in practice. The conference performance bested the old UMR mark of 151 feet, two and onehalf inches with plenty of room to spare. "He did a great job, had himself physically and mentally prepared, and represented UMR well," said coach Dewey Allgood. "Mark and John Borthwick really caught some people's eyes with their performances." Brothwick, only a freshman, broke the UMR record in the 800 Meter Run with a time of 1:54.29. The old mark was I :55.25. His performance was good enough for second in the MIAA, less than two seconds behind the leader. Other top Miner performances were: Rick Welsh's fourth-place finish in the 400 Meter Intermediate Hurdles (55.0), Thadeus Proctor's sixth place in the high jump (21 feet, 2 inches), Chris Henry's sixth place in the pole vault (13 feet, six inches), Tim Shoenecker's sixth place in the 400 Meter Dash (49.98).

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Dinsdale to Nationals For the third consectutive year, UMR's Kent Dinsdale represented the Miners in the NCAA Division II Golf Championships. Playing at the Speidel Golf Course in Wheeling, W.V., May 17-21, Dinsdale finished 55th among the field of 75 . After the second day of the 72-hole event, he was 25th. "The course was real tough, and Kent

couldn't rebound from the 87 he shot the third day," said UMR coach Bud Mercier. "He finished with a four-day total of 326, firing rounds of 80-76-87-83." Rick Hercules of Northeast Missouri State was the only other MlAA golfer in the competition, finishing in a tie for 57th with a 331 . In the regular season, Dinsdale, a junior, did it all for the Miners again. His proudest moment came April 29-30 during the UMR Best Ball Tournament. In terrible conditions due to standing water, Dinsdale fired a 64 to tie the course record at Rolla's Oak Meadow Country Club. "It was an amazing thing to see," Mercier said of Dinsdale's performance. "That is a great score in perfect conditions, but with all the water involved, it was really remarkable." Dinsdale helped UMR attain a thirdplace finish in the MIAA Tournament, held May 5-6 in Blue Springs, Mo. UMR's 640 total trailed tourney winner Central Missouri (614) and Northeast Missouri (623). Teammate Joe Dan Lanning paced the Miners with a two-day total of 155, gaining all-conference honors. Dinsdale was next at 158, followed by Jerry Daves-166, Gary Pohl-167 and Kevin Roney-167 .

Miners Place pair on MIAA Baseball Team Four members of the UMR baseball team garnered individual honors recentlyon the MlAA All-Conference teams. Mike Schafer, who raised his average 198 points from a season ago, finished the season with a .340 average as designated hitter. He was named to the MlAA First-Team, becoming the only player in the league to be so honored in two sports. Schafer paced the MlAA in rushing, and was a member of the football first-team. Craig Thomas also gained baseball first-team honors from his centerfield position, batting .307 in UMR's 26-game slate. The hustling senior led

the Miners in runs scored, was second in RBI's and was credited by coaches around the league for his smart play in the outfield. UMR's Most Valuable Player, firstbaseman D.1. Steagall, was placed on the second-team. He paced the Miners with a .395 average, led the team in homers, RBI's and doubles. Third-sacker Kevin DeBondt was named to the honorable mention list, hitting .271 and committing only five errors during the season. "We lost quite a few close games, and had a real tough schedule," said manager Chuck Broyles. "These four players honored by the league did an outstanding job for us, and were leaders the entire season." The highlight of UMR's season came April 21, when the Miners shut out Division I Southwest Missouri State, 1-0. UMR was the only team to blank the highly-touted Bears in 1983.

Softball Miners Improve Hitting UMR's women's softball team ended their first season in the MIAA with a strong finish, logging a 5-7 conference record and an 8-16 overall mark. The squad, despite the sub-.500 record, finished second in the league in hitting, a big improvement over a year ago. "We hit .260 as a team, and that was the aspect of our game that really pleased me," said coach Sarah Preston. "Errors plagued us, but we still had an exciting season." UM-Rolla finished fifth in the MIAA tournament, losing 10-1 to Central Missouri, defeating Lincoln University 20-1 and then being eliminated 7-4 by UM-St. Louis. Individual honors for the season went to Carmen Baker and Cecilia Gutierrez, who finished on the MIAA AllConference Second-Team at centerfield and second base, respectively. Dianna Miller gained honorable mention honors in leftfield, and was named UMR's Most Valuable Player at the All-Sports Banquet May 2. MSM Alumnus / 17

Members of the 1983 UMR Mining Team are (left to right): Todd Fizer, senior, Belleville, Ill.; Everett Bleakney, senior, Elwood City, Pa.; David Ausmus, senior, Bevier, Mo.; James Lloyd, senior, Joplin, Mo.; Dr. Norman Smith, UM¡Rolla associate professor of mining engineering and adviser to the UMR student chapter of the Society of Mining Engineers; William Graham, senior, Mountain View, Mo.; Stephen McGroarty (captain), graduate student, Manchester, Mo.; and Peter Lounsbu ry, graduate student, Ca rlinville, Ill.

UMR Team Places Third in Notional Competition A team of seven mining engineering students placed third in the fifth annual Intercollegiate M ining Competition, which was held recently at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colo. The UMRolla team, which was sponsOf(~d by the UMR student chapter of the American Society of Mining Engineers (SME), competed against teams from 14 other universities in the United States and Canada that have mining engineering departments. The competition featured contests that tested the participants' proficiency in such traditional mining skills as: hand steeling of blast holes with a steel bit and an eight-pound hammer, machine drilling of blast holes with a jack leg drill, bow sawing of eight-inch by eight-inch

mine timbers, laying a section of rail spiked to ties and hand mucking or shoveling broken rock into a mine railcar. Depending upon the event, the teams were judged either on the basis of how quickly they completed various operations or how much progress they were able to make within a given time. The winning team in the competition takes possession of a traveling trophy for a year and hosts the next year's competition. Dr. Norman Smith, UMR associate professor of mining engineering and adviser to the UMR chapter of SME, accompanied the team to Colorado. Troy Harris, supervisor of UMR's experimental mine, served as team coach.

research advisers were Drs. Thomas J. O'Keefe, professor of metallurgical engineering and senior research investigator, materials research, and Ron Kohser, associa te professor of metallurgical engineering. Powell, a sophomore arts and science major, Rolla, received the $50 thirdplace award for her paper, "Effects of Microwave Radiation on DNA Replication in Vitro." Dr. Roger F. Brown, associate professor, life sciences, was her research adviser. Mentink, a junior in civil engineering, who lives in Rolla, won the $25 fourthplace award for his paper, "Effects of Wood Burning on Indoor Air Quality." Dr. Purush K. TerKonda, associate professor of civil engineering, was his research adviser. The UMR chapter of the Society of the Sigma Xi is made up of approximately 75 persons who have been recognized for their outstanding research, and membership includes researchers from governmental agencies and physicians in this area as well as UMR faculty members and others. The local chapter has sponsored the undergraduate research awards for a number of years.

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Sigma Xi Student Awards

S Winners of the 1983-84 Undergraduate Research Competition have been announced by the UMR chapter of Sigma Xi, the honor society for scientific research. They are: Steve E. Watkins, first; Keith Elting, second; Sharon Powell, third; and Jack Mentink , fourth. Watkins, a senior in electrical engineering from Salem, received the lS/ MSM Alumnus

$200 first-place award for his paper, "Contrast Limitations of a Grating's Shadow." Dr. Jerome Knopp, assistant professor of electrical engineering, was his research adviser. Elting , sen ior in metallurgical engineering from Washburn, Ill., received the $ 100 second-place award for a paper entitled "Zinc Electrodeposition from Various Zinc Electrolytes." His

Eberle Chosen For Internship Mary Beth Eberle, junior in mechanical engineering at UM-Rolla, has been selected as one of 15 students nationwide to be named to the Washington Internships for Students of Engineering Program sponsored by nine









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national engineering societies_ Eberle was selected as its choice for participation by the America n Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) , from a field of 98 applicants. The 10-week program begins in mid-June and ends in mid-August. The program focuses on the way technical issues and policy decisions are handled by the federal government. The students will have an opportunity to gain insight into the funct ions of government and the nature of the interaction between government and the private sector. They will participate in special seminars with engineers and government officials on such subjects as: government officials and technology, on whom do government officials rely for technology interpretation , and engineers as objective analysts or vocal advocates. The daughter of Vincent and Jean Eberle, St. Louis, Eberle has been elected president of UMR's student chapter of ASH RAE for the fall semester 1983 . Dr. Ronald Howell, professor of mechanical engineering at UMR, is faculty adviser for the group.

Richard Koenigstein, center, senior in aerospace engineering at UMRolla, has been named an "Outstanding Undergraduate" by Sigma Gamma Tau, national scholastic honorary for aerospace engineering. Presenting the award certificate and $100 prize are Dr. Walter Eversman, left, professor and chairman of mechanical and aerospace engineering at UMR, and Dr. Robert Oetting, aerospace engineering faculty member and adviser to the Rolla chapter of Sigma Gamma Tau. Koenigstein is president of the student chapter. He is a May 1983 graduate and has accepted a position with the McDonnell Douglas Corp. in St. Louis. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Koenigstein, New Athens, III. His award is one of five presented by the national organization to students throughout the United States.

Extension Nevvs

Here's a list of some of the extension continuing education short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR. Where titles are not self-explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call the office of the Dean of Continuing Education and Public Service, 314-341-4156. Written requests should be addressed to the same office, 205B Parker Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Mo. 65401. PROGRAM



School of Mines and Metallurgy 7th International University Conference on Glass Science Field Geology: Utah Overthrust Belt 7th Midwest Reclamation Tour & Review-1983 Materials of Dosimetry for Power Water Reactors Rock Engineering

July 13-15 Aug. 8-12 Sept. 14-14 Sept. 13-15 Sept. 26-30

West Germany Cedar City, Utah Carbondale, Ill. St. Louis St. Louis

School of Engineering 1983 Fundamentals of Engineering 5th Land Surveyors Review Short Course Introduction to Computer Graphics IEE-UMR 68000 Microprocessor Short Course 8th Biennial Symposium on Turbulence

Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept.

9-13 11-13 17-19 18-19 26-28

Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla

College of Arts and Sciences Trigonometry Review 47th Introductory Short Course on Composition of Coatings Physical Testing of Paints & Coatings Advanced Industrial Coatings Formula tion

Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept.

15-19 12-16 19-23 26-30

Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla

MSM Alumnusi 19

Faculty Activities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

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Faculty Granted Tenure and Promotions The University of Missouri-Rolla has announced the names of facuIty members who will receive promotions and tenure effective Sept. I. Those promoted to the rank of professor are: Thomas J. Dolan, nuclear engineering; Sheldon K. Grant, geology and geophysics; Kenneth H. Carpenter, electrical engineering; Archie Culp, mechanical engineering; Anthanasios I. Liapis, chemical engineering; John Stuller, electrical engineering; David B. Manley, chemical engineering: John C. Carstens, physics; John L. Fletcher, psychology; and C. Y. (Peter) Ho, computer science. Promoted to the rank of associate professor are: Thomas J. Herrick, electrical engineering; David B. Oglesby, engineering mechanics; Margie V. Boston, music/drama; Ronald T. Kellogg, psychology; and Nancy A. Marlin, psychology. Granted tenure are: Neil L. Book, associate professor of chemical engineering; Carpenter, professor of electrical engineering; Raymond M. Kluczny, associate professor of engineering management; Stuller, professor of electrical engineering; Boston, associate professor of music/drama; Kellogg, associate professor of psychology; Marlin, associate professor of psychology; and Ronald E: Olson, professor of physics.

Wisconsin School Honors Three From UM-Rolla The College of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville recently conferred "Distinguished Engineering Alumnus" A wards on three individuals, all of whom are connected with UM-Rolla. Those honored for their "outstanding achievements" attended the Wisconsin Mining Trade School which later became the College of Engineering at 20/ MSM Alumnus

the University of Wisconsin-Platteville. The honorees are: Dr. Charles 1. Haas, professor of mining engineering and senior research investigator in UMR's Rock Mechanics and Explosives Research Center, Rolla; Dr. James 1. Scott, UMR Class of '50 (mining engineering), adjunct professor of mining engineering at UMR and president of Scott's MTS, Inc., Rolla; and Cecil Bailie, UMR Class of '47 (mining engineering), retired vice president of engineering for SOHIO--Old Ben Coal Co., Benton, Ill. The awards were presented at a banquet celebrating the diamond jubilee of the UW-Platteville School of Engineering.

UMR's Kluczny Delegate to China Dr. Raymond M. Kluczny, UM-Rolla associate professor of engineering management, was chosen to serve as one of 34 delegates on a People-ToPeople International visit to the People's Republic of China April 22-May 13. People-To-People sent the delegation to Mainland China to exchange information about computer software production, reliability, assurance and maintenance with Chinese educators, government officials and other organization personnel involved in the highly technical field. Kluczny, who is in his fourth year as a member of the UMR faculty, teaches courses on management information systems and prepared presentations of software maintenance and decision support systems for the Chinese audiences. People-To-People International is a citizen ambassador program headquartered in Spokane, Wash. Since its inception in 1956, delegations such as this one have traveled to almost every area of the world with the purpose of promoting good will and understanding, while exchanging ideas with people from other countries who have professional interests similar to their own.

UMR Faculty Elected To Rolla MSPE Offices The Rolla Chapter of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers recently elected several UM-Rolla faculty members to serve in various positions during 1983-84. Newly elected officers are UM-Rolla Chancellor Joseph M. Marchello, president-elect, and Dr. Nicholas Tsoulfanidis, UMR professor of nuclear engineering, vice president. Dr. Gary J. Mueller, UMR assistant professor of nuclear engineering, was elected to a two-year term as a local director, and Dr. 1. Derald Morgan, chairman and Emerson Electric professor of electrical engineering at UMR, was elected to a three-year term as a local director. Dr. Richard Elgin, UMR assistant professor of civil engineering, previously was chosen a local director. In addition, Dr. Robert L. Davis, dean of the UMR School of Engineering, will become chapter president on June I. He was elected last spring.

Garbacz Edits New Book Dr. Christopher Garbacz, associate professor of economics at UM-Rolla and member of the Missouri Gerontology Institute Policy Council, is editor of a new book, "Economic Resources for the Elderly: Prospects for the Future." Published by Westview Press of Boulder, Colo., the book presents some of the latest research in the economics of aging. According to Garbacz, "The purpose of this volume is to provide a wide audience with access to ongoing research in an area of high significance. The research is important because .. .it may ultimately lead to decisions that intimately affect the elderly as well as the economy. For example, the current and probably continuing debate in Congress over Social Security will certainly be heavily influenced by economic research and choices.

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James E. Jett retired from Pure Oil, now Union of Calif. He and Wilda live at 408 Sue, Houston, TX 77009. He writes: "Oh, how I could have used this (his annual contribution) in 1921 or 22. Except for ROTC and ex-GI clothing, I couldn't make it!"

Henry and Helen Scheer are retired at 2005 Dial Court, Springfield, IL 62704. They write: "We are still alive, but wonder why .- guess we're lucky!"


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Personals_ _ _ _ __

1925 Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity has notified the Alumni Office of the death, on Aug. 12, 1982, of Wilbur C. Stolte, New Orleans, La., a member of the class of 1925. Frederick A. Weirich, '25, '26, is retired. He and Geneviave have moved to 438 S. Edwards St., Macomb, IL 61455 .

1926 Harry C. Birchard is retired. He and Luella live at 3811 Royal Palm Drive, Bradenton, FL 33507. He writes: "All is fine here. We haven't had a good winter or spring for tourists, but have lots of them. Still look back on my happy days there -- '22-'26. Thanks for the MSM news."

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Philip J. Boyer, presently retired, reports from 1640 Eolus Ave., Encinitas, CA 92024: "The San Diego Alumni Association celebration for St. Pat's was held at Kana Kai Club on the San Diego Bay on March 19th."



S. Allan Stone, ' 30 1405 Three Rivers East Ft. Wayne, IN 46802 Vernon A. C. Gevecker, '31 Rt. 2, Box 39 Rolla, MO 65401

G.R. Throgmorton sends: "Best wishes and may be back with you in 1984." He and Helen are retired, living at 7703 Nalan Drive, Louisville, KY 4029 L

William Brewer, '32 6799 Wetheridge Cincinnati, OH 45230 W. Robert Riggs, '32 Rt. 1, Box 263·1 Osage Beach, MO 65065

1932 Edward "Darbey" Hale and his wife, Leora, write: "We're 'hanging on' in pretty good shape. Taking it all in one day at a time." They live at 856 Reimer Road, Wadsworth, OH 44281. Darbey's been retired since 1973. W.R. Mays has retired from Kilgore College. He and Elizabeth are living at 207 Horseshoe, Kilgore, TX 75662. He writes: "We enjoyed the 50th anniversary parties in May and in October." Bob Riggs retired from Atlantic Richfield in 1971. He and Elizabeth will be found at 2870 South Via Del Bac, Green Valley, AZ 85614, after May 16. Bob writes: "Moving to Arizona for health and family reasons after 12 years of delightful retirement on Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. Looking forward to different life in Arizona."

1933 and Before Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators:

Notice has been received (in German) of the death of Guenther Walter Frotscher, retired mining engineer of Lunen, Westfalen, West Germany. While in school he had been a member of the MSM band.

Elmer Gammeter, '26 118 Duncan Circle· Windermere Beaver, PA 15009

Notice has been received of the death, on Oct. 31, 1982, of Charles Grainey Hueter, retired metallurgical engineer of Morrisville, Pa. While at MSM he had been a member of the Mercier Club and served that organization as secretary and president.

Gerald A. Roberts, '28 1301 Briarwood EI Dorado, AR 71730

Charles A. Freeman, '28 5 Via Delizia Hillsborough, CA 94010

C. James Grimm, '30 Box 105 RoUa, MO 65401

William W. Kay, '33 The Highlands Box 98 Drums, PA 18222 Elmer A. Roemer, '33 1801 Oak St. Rolla, MO 65401 Vernon L. Asher is retired from Southwestern Bell. He and Mary live at 1350 Craig Drive, Kirkwood, MO 63122. He writes: "Mary and I recently celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary with a Carribean cruise aboard the Song of America. We were joined by our son, daughter and their spouses." EUen (Woodman) Doll is retired at 814 Beech Ave., Charleston, W.V. She writes: "Am looking forward to attending my 50th reunion this May. Am enjoying retirement more and more each year. I am kept busy much of the year with my retirement hobby _. that of playing a set of 25 tuned cowbells (KuhgJoken from Bavaria) for the entertainment of various groups and organizations."

1934 Roy I. Brassemle and wife Retha are retired at 2400 Alpine Blvd., No. 13, Alpine, CA 92001. James W. Darling has retired. He and Vivian can be reached through P.O. Box 1172, Brooksville, FL 33512. He writes: "Still setting my sights on the reunion in 1984. Meanwhile, am sorting out personal papers and getting three books ready for pUblication." MSM Alumnus121

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1935 Lucile Womak Bates, 3810 Bedford Ave., Nashville, TN 37215, has notified the Alumni Office of the death of her husband, William Elliott Bates, on Feb. 6. At MSM he was a member of Sigma Nu, the Glee Club and the St. Pat's Board. His career had been spent with the Tennessee Valley Authority. He retired from the plans division of TV A in 1973 . Notice has been received of the death, Dec. 12, 1982, of Fred William Klee, Beverly Hills, Calif. While at MSM he had been a member of Lambda Chi Alpha and Quo Vadis. Following graduation he worked for some time with the Corps of Engineers in Montana and Kansas City. He later became a partner in the United Table Pad Manufacturing Co., Detroit, Mich. August P. Koopmann and wife Dorothy are retired at 9101 Flores Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123. He writes: "Looking forward to our 50th reunion in '85 and seeing the gang again."

1938 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Roy C. Cornett 6109 Eyerglades Driye Alexandria, VA 22312

J. Craig Ellis 13142 Seville DriYe Sun City, AZ 85375 Joseph W. Howerton 1 Normandie Dr. Prestbury Aurora, IL 60504 Belding H. McCurdy 7300 Sun Island S. No. 1801 S. Pasadena, FL 33707 Joseph H. Murphy Box 201 Georgetown, CA 95634 Mellin E. Nickel 10601 S. Hamilton Aye. Chicago, IL 60643 Word has been received of the death of Joseph Robinson Clair of Del)ver, Colo. on Feb. 8. He received his ~ .S. degree from the University of Kansas in 1933 and an M.S. degree in geology from MSM in 1938.

1940 Herbert Sturges writes: "I retired as president of SOS Technologies' largest division on Jan . 1,1983. Marie and I are wintering in Florida and dividing the rest of our time between Cape Cod and Bucks County, Pa." Their current address is 230 East Road, Doylestown, P A 18901.

1939 Charles E. Boulson has retired. He and Inez receive mail at P.O. Box 3, Marshfield, MO 65706. He sends news that he was "appointed secretary of the Industrial Development Authority in Marshfield." Leroy E. Smith is living at 12534 Limewood, Sun City West, AZ 85375. He writes: "Haven't worked for about 18 months except to take care of personal business. Enjoying retirement and the good weather in Arizona."

1982 Rollamo 22/ MSM Alumnus

Walter and Grace Gammeter make their home at 712 Bel Aire Drive, Benton, AR 72015. He writes: "I've retired from Alcoa as of Jan. I, 1983, after more than 42 years in construction and mining. Grace and I are enjoying retirement and doing more things together. I've taken up painting as a hobby; it gives me pleasure and keeps me occupied."

1941 Richard T. Weayer has recently retired. He and wife Urba now live at 4940 Hackney Lane, Box 75511 , The Colony, TX 75056.

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1942 Robert M. Dunham writes: "I retired from Amoco Production Co. June I, 1981 after 34 years, the last 20 in natural gas sales. Was 'class of 1982' at University of Illinois at Chicago with BA (!) in history of architecture and art. Evebell and I are traveling a lot continuing our study of history of A. & A." The Dunhams make their home -at 824 S. Grant, Hinsdale, IL 60521 . Welby M. King is retired. He and Dorothy live at 2713 N. Wright St., Santa Ana, CA 92711. They write: "We really enjoyed the '82 Homecoming and 40th reunion of class of '42. Enjoying retirement -- plan a trip to Italy in late spring, plus some more travel within USA later this year."

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Alumni Personals ______________________ Albert T. Sindel Jr. moved recently. His new address is Box 486, Angel Fire, NM 87710.

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1943 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Raymond O. Kasten 901 W. 114th Terrace Kansas City, MO 64114

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M.K. (Marion) Main is president of Helmar Consultants Inc. He writes: "Now heading firm engaged in con路 suiting in petroleum engineering, drilling and production operations." He and Helen live at 3900 Candy Lane, Odessa, TX 79762.

James R. Paul 52 BIs Rue Des Acleries St. Etienne, France 1982 Rollamo

1942 Continued Sam. A. Kurtz and wife Martha are retired, living at 8597 Pendleton Drive, Roseville, CA 95678. He writes: "Not much news. Spending time traveling, golfing, bouncing my grandson on my knee (when we get to Montana), keeping out of wife's way, and drinking occasionally -- usually any occasion will do!" Notice has been received of the death, on April 11, of Paul Cordell Nelson. At MSM he had been a member of Shamrock Club, AlEE, the photography and radio clubs and was a Cadet 2nd Lt. in ROTC. His career, after World War II, was spent with Westinghouse Electric in Pennsylvania and Texas. John K. Olsen and wife Barbara live at 4494 Trout Drive S.E., St. Petersburg, FL 33705 . They write: "Retired July 1, 1982, and we are both truly enjoying the free time. We have plans to do a great deal of overseas traveling in 1983." Elmer H. Sandhaus is retired from U.S.G.S. He and Alleene live at Route 4, Box 14, Rolla, MO 65401. He writes: "Out of six children, three graduated UMR, one son-in-law UMR grad, and one daughter two years at UMR graduated from University of Tennessee."

C.F.P. Stueck 73 Webster Woods Webster Groves, MO 63119 Carl J. Weis 721 Twin Fawns Frontenac, MO 63131 R. Kent Comann writes: "Even with the slow economy I still remain busy with my executive search firm, Comann Associates Inc., and my other company, Mining Placements Inc., both devoted to the personnel needs of the mining in路 dustry." Kent is president of both firms. He and Marilyn live at 2990 South Parker Court, Aurora, CO 80014. D.L. Coolidge and wife Helen are retired. They receive their mail at Box 1720, Wasilla, AK 99687. He writes from Alaska: "If earthquakes, avalanches or other disasters do not interfere, will be in Rolla Oct. 21-22 for 40th class reunion!" Jack E. Fleischli is president of Capitol Oil & Grease Co. Inc. in Maywood, Calif., "special lubricants sold in U.S.A., Japan, Chili, S.A., France and Germany." Jack and Sue live at 27602 Escuna, Mission Viejo, CA 92692. James A. Neustaedter has moved to 9647 Monrovia, Lenexa, KS 66215.

Lewis E. Rosser is president of Rosser Metallurgical Sales Co. He and Gail live at 19651 S. Suncrest Ave., West Linn, OR 97068, which is also the address of his business.

1947 Paul Henning is now retired. He and Sue live at 5129 Pinata Place N.E. , Albuquerque, NM 87109.

1948 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: James B. Chaney 16218 Chipstead Drive Spring, TX 77373 Michael J. Delany 1979 Harlem Blvd. Rockford, IL 61103 Robert V. Gevecker 315 Boonville Road Jefferson City, MO 65101 Robert E. Hackmann 1412 Danbury Court Belleville, IL 62223 Joseph T. Hepp 2325 Riverside Ave. Marinette, WI 54143 James W. Hoelscher 143 Shore Road Old Greenwich, CT 06870 Harvey B. Leaver 14640 Los Padres Court Chesterfield, MO 63017 Harold G. Moe 1819 Rose Hill Road, No. 11 Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 MSM Alumnus /23

Alumni Personals. ______________________


1948 Continued

Charles J. Ross is president of C. J. Ross & Associates. He and Lenore receive mail at P.O. Box 213, Chesterfield, MO 63017. He writes: "Newly certified as manufacturing engineer in robotics; chairman of forming chapter of RIISME in St. Louis."

Wayne Gollub died April 11 in Bremerhaven, West Germany, when.a car in which he was riding hit a passenger train at an unguarded railroad crossing. He had been in West Germany for five months on a project to build a U.S. Army hospital. Before moving to Germany, he was vice president in charge of construction operations for Mason Cassily Inc., St. Louis. At MSM Wayne had been a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, the Miner Board and IFe. He is survived by two sons, two daughters and his wife, Emily Castrop Gollub, who may be reached clo Mrs. Rose Eyermann, 32 Cedar Brook Lane, Kirkwood, MO 63122. Notification was sent to the Alumni Office by R.L. Ehrlick, '43.

Harold M. Telthorst is a civil engineer for Hamm Asphalt Inc. of Perry, Kan. He and Virginia live at 6815 S.W. Foun· taindale Road, Topeka, KS 66614. He writes: "Grandfather again in November '82 .. a little girl."

CALVIN M. OCHS Dwight J . Jacoby is self·employed as a mining consultant. He and Sara have moved to 5245 Northridge Drive, Tucson, AZ 857 18.

Gilbert S. Keeley writes: "Have taken early retirement from Consumer Power Co. and moving to 2421 Sir Guy, Grand Prairie, TX 75050, where I will be work· ing as senior engineer for Texas Utilities Generating Co. , Dallas."

Calvin M . Ochs is a manager of engineering for Chesebrough·Pond's Inc. in Jefferson City, Mo. He is cur· rently vice·chairman of the National Society of Professional Engineers· Pro· fessional Engineers in Industry· North Central Region for 1983·84. He was also treasurer of the Missouri Society of Pro· fessional Engineers in 1982·83. He and wife, Jackie, live at Route I, Rio Vista Heights, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Notice has been received of the death, on Sept. 9, 1981 , of Loren Lafferty. Daniel P. Letizia currently lives at 520 I N. Shagbark Circle, Peoria, IL 61614.

1949 C. Alfred Dick is the owner of Business Broker Associates in Chattanooga, Tenn. His new home address is 4611 Hixson Pike, Chattanooga, TN 37343.

Donald and Betty Haskell announce Don's retirement on April I, after 28 years with United States Gypsum Co. Their address is Box 241 , Ocotillo, CA 92259. 24 1MSM A lumnus


Amos Norman writes: "Retired Jan. I, 1983, after 38 years with Corn Products (a unit of CPC North America) . Busy learning a new life style." He and Lois live at 3711 N.E. 47th St., Kansas City, MO 64117. Gordon Paymer and wife, Dorothy, residing at 249 Mero Lane, LaCanada, CA 910 II , proudly write that their son, Tom, is a 2nd lieutenant in USAF Flight Training in Texas. Gordon is a proposal manager for Lockheed in Bur· bank, Calif. He tells us that Dorothy is now a legal administrator for Union Bank.

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Dorothy L. Byrd, 11811 Northport Dr., Florissant, MO 63033, has sent notifica· tion of the death of her husband, Herman C. Byrd, on Feb. 16. "Herman suffered a massive heart attack at the A.O. Smith Plant in Milwaukee, Wisc." she tells us. "He had been transferred from the DeKalb Harvestore Plant to Milwaukee in October, 1982." He was manager, maintainence programs for A.O. Smith Corp. At MSM he had been on the Honors List and was a member of ROTC, Cadet 2nd Lt., and was a distinguished military graduate.

Alumn 930 H tells I

John W. Gilmore Jr. is retired. He and Martha Lee live at 5019 Montair Ave., Lakewood, CA 90712, but spend part of the year on their farm near Troy, Kan . R.H. Neustaedter writes: "Just retired from Schlumberger Well Services after 32 plus years. Have opened a consulting office and looking to establish production in the west Texas area." He and Windy live at 2304 Humble, Midland, TX 79705. Jack A. Steuterman is now vice presi· dent, administration for Williamsport Fabricators. He and Marie have moved to 25 Round Hill Road, Williamsport, PA 17701.

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1951 M. Edward Callahan has recently been employed by Foster Wheeler Corp., Houston, Texas, as area sales manager. He and Louise live at 751 Thistlewood, Houston, TX 77079. Gilbert L. (Gil) Crowell is now senior facilities engineer (field) for General Dynamics/Convair Division in San Diego, Calif. He and Marie live at 411 Palmbark St., Vista, CA 92083. He writes: "Returned to Convair after 18 years separation. 90% expansion of main manufacturing building .. new machine shop, rehab of 40路year-old facility--roofing, paving, stucco exterior, automated paint shop.. having a great and exciting time!" Notice of the death of John S. Connolly, on Dec. 27, 1982, has been sent to the Alumni Office by his wife, Margarite, 930 Hilda, Anaheim, CA 92806. She tells us, "John was employed by Rockwell Corp. for 30 years, He was very appreciative of his education and used his knowledge of engineering to the fullest extent." At MSM he had been a member of the Hammer Throwers, the Photo Club and ASME. He had also been on the Honors List. Other survivors include one daughter, two sons and one granddaughter.

1952 The death of Paul L. Hydinger on Sept. 28, 1982, has been reported by his wife, Juanita, Route I, Lebanon, MO 65536. She says, "Apparent heart attack was the report. He had a great day--then I looked out and he was no more." At MSM he had been a member of AlEE and Theta Mu (vice president) and was on the honor list. He had worked for General Electric in Pittsfield, Mass: for 26 years and had moved to Lebanon after his retirement in 1977. He was active in community organizations in Lebanon. Mrs. Hydinger says, "Paul was so loyal to his alma mater. To him it was the best--producing the best." He is survived by two sons, also.

John F. McIntyre Jr. is the new president of Exxon Chemical Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. He and Helen send their new address: Bangka XI F6, Kemang, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Denver S. Patton Jr. is project manager for Texas Eastern Transportation Corp. in Houston, Texas. He and Voince receive mail at P.O. Box 2521 , Houston, TX 77252.

1953 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Ernest R. Achterberg 10641 E. 33rd St. Tulsa, OK 74145 Thor Gjelsteen 7300 W. Stetson Place No. 41 Littleton, CO 80123 Vernon T. Jones 4717 S. Yorktown Place Tulsa, OK 74105 Milan Lipensky 1750 Fieldcrest Drive Lebanon, P A 17042 William F. Oberschelp 103 Lintel Drive McMurray, PA 15317 Luther B. Augustson retired as public works director for Tulare County, Calif., on March 29 , after 29 years with the county. He and Joy live at 141 No. I St., Tulare, CA 93274. William W. Kronmueller tells us: "Retired Dec. '82 after 29 Y2 years with Standard Oil Co. (Indiana) and affiliates." He and Helen now live at 10 Dana Drive, Florissant, MO 63033 .

D.G. Hestetune is assistant superintendent of production with U.S. Steel Corp. in Mt . Iron, Minn. He and Beth live at 1009 17th St. No., Virginia, MN 55792. He writes: "Elected chairman of Minnesota Section of AIME for year 1983."

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Perry M. Perkinson Jr. died Nov. 16, 1982, according to a note from his wife, Rosa Lee Perkinson, 11734 Brookbend, St. Louis, MO 63131. Perry attended MSM with the Class of 1951 and was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha. Other survivors include his son, Randall Melvin, '82, 8810 Crystal Lane, Apt. 303, Kansas City, MO 64138.

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Joe C. Roller has retired from the U.S.G.S. in Rolla. He and Ernestine are living at Route 3, Box 62, Pulaski, TN 38478. MSM Alumnus / 25

Alumni Personals ____________________________________________ 1960 Continued




E.M. Cholerton purchased Taylor Rental Center, Enid, Okla., in August '82. He and Marcia have moved to 3309 Bobolink Lane, Enid, OK 7370 I. They have a son who is currently a sophomore in computer science at UMR.

Ronald L. Chatham is presently a senior Q.A. engineer employed by Bums Inc. in Riverside, Calif. He and Mary live at 96 W. Repplier Road, Banning, CA 92220.

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Larry L. Dix, '61, '70, was named director of engineering and quality assurance with the Olin Brass Group, Olin Corp., in East Alton, Ill. His home address is 4412 Thatcher Court, Alton, IL 62002.

JAMES D. COFFMAN James D. Coffman has been appointed general manager-business service center and staff for Southwestern Bell in StLouis. He began his career with Southwestern Bell in 1960 as a staff assistant in St- Louis. He progressed through a variety of positions in Missouri before being named general plant manager in St- Louis in 1975. He became assistant vice president-business customer service in January 1983, and was appointed to his present position in April 1983 . His home address is 569 Hickory View Lane, Ballwin, MO 63011. B. Douglas Munsell is design specialist with McDonnell Douglas. He and Margaret live at 10410 Bellefontaine, StLouis, MO 63137. Herman L. Vacca has been promoted to sales development engineer at Schlumberger Well Services in Corpus Christi, Texas. He and Carol make their home at 7 Partridge Place, Robstown, TX 78380. He writes: "New baby, Joseph Benjamin, born Nov. 13, 1982. Received 4th wildcatter's award given by Schlumberger for finding oil and gas reserves that might have otherwise been overlooked ." 26 / MSM Alumnu s


Dr. Kenneth W . Henry was among three California scientists recently honored for achievement in the nation's nuclear weapons program. They received the A ward of Excellence from the Office of Military Application, Department of Energy, for their work on a holometry test technique for the W79 atomic artillery shell program. The three men are employees of Sandia Laboratories, Livermore, Calif. Dr. Henry lives with his wife and son at 2360 Buena Vista Ave., Livermore, CA 94550. James L. Lester is production manager, technology for Communications International in Mountain View, Calif. He and Mary Lou live at 1111 North Road, Belmont, CA 94002. A. Dale Mears has transferred from Monterrey, Mexico, to the home office of General Electric Co. Lighting Business Group in Cleveland, Ohio. His new position title is manager, technical programs development. Arnaldo Salazar is assistant production department manager for Lagoven in Caracas, Venezue la. He writes: "Transferred to company head office in August '82. Lagoven is Venezuela's largest oil company -- 11,000 persons employed and has capacity to produce 940,000 barrels of oil per day. Son, Arnaldo Jr. (class of '80), is also working for the company in the Amvay Refinery as process engineer." Arnaldo and Aida live at Calle Jupiter QTA La Vega, Caracas, Venezuela.

Roy C. Gentry is a partner in Shank, Irwin & Conant in Dallas, Texas. He and Susan have moved to 8705 Rocky Cove Circle, Dallas, TX 75243. Spenst Hansen is president of Axis Geophysics Corp. in Salt Lake City, Utah. He lives at 301 Leadville St. , (P.O. Box 69) Eureka, UT 84628. James R. Harmon is vice president of Gilbert Engineering Co. in Huntsville, Ala. He and Jane have a new home at 9013 Shereton Road, Huntsville, AL 35802. Jerry A. King is employed as a structural engineer for the City of Springfield, Mo. He and Fay receive mail at P.O. Box 62, Marshfield, MO 65706. Edgar E. Perrey Jr., '62, '70, is now employed by the URS Engineering Co. of Dallas, Texas, as project manager. He and Beverle have a new home at 260 Meadow Knoll Drive, Lewisville, TX 75067.

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1953 Continued The death of George Oodfelter Jr. on April II (while at work) has been reported by his brother, Gene C. Oodfelter, '57. George had worked for Union Electric Co. of St. Louis since graduation in 1953. At MSM he had been a member of Kappa Alpha, SAE, (president), and ASME. In addition to Gene, 11388 Fox Hall Lane, St. Louis, MO 63136, he is survived by his wife, S. Nadine, a daughter, Elaine Hutten, and son, Michael. John Robert McDonald is a geological associate/supervisor at Exxon Co . U.S.A . facilities in Midland, Texas. He and Joyce live at 3505 Seaboard, Midland, TX 79707.

1954 Joseph B. Hughes, '54, '59, is vice president, planning, at Tetra Tech in Pasadena, Calif. He and Narine live at 4656 Mission Bell Lane, La Mesa, CA 92041.

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Richard C. Runvik is vice presidentoperating manager of Gypsum Energy Management Co., a subsidiary of United States Gypsum Co. His home address is 80 Esther St., Crystal Lake, IL 60014.

William C. (Bill) Russell was recently honored by being named 1983 Lions Club Man of the Year in Charleston, Mo. Bill is office manager at Daniel's Insurance Agency, where he has been employed for the past 30 years. He is currently president of the local Chamber of Commerce, chairman of the 1983 Dogwood-Azalea festival , chairman of the local Salvation Army Welfare unit and has previously been active in numerous community and church activities. Bill and his wife, Billie, have three daughters and two granddaughters. They live at 1209 E. Commercial, Charleston, MO 63834 .

1956 David E. Thompson, recently retired from ' U.S. Army after 24 years. He is now with the Municipal Section Domestic Waste Water division, EQC of the state of South Carolina and was promoted to section manager in March. He and his wife, Norma, are living at 219 Stonegate Drive, Columbia, SC 29204.

1958 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators:


Delbert E. Day 306 Christy Drive Rolla, MO 65401

Edward N. Sickafus, '55, '56 is the new president-elect of The American Vacuum Society for 1983. He has been employed by the Ford Motor Company since 1967. In 1980 he became manager of the advanced components and energy systems department of Ford's scientific research laboratory in Dearborn, Mich. Ed received his PhD in physics in 1960 from the University of Virginia.

Thomas J. O'Keefe 5 Crestview Drive Rolla, MO 65401

Robert W. Sprick has recently retired. He and Dorothy have moved to 1108 Sklar Drive East, Venice, FL 33595.

Richard H . Okenfuss 9132 Millcliff Drive Cincinnati, OH 45231

Paul R. Munger P. O. Box 682 Rolla, MO 65401

George D. Tomazi 12723 Stoneridge Drive Florissant, MO 63033

O. David Niedermeyer Jr. is now vice president of DeGolyer & MacNaughton in Dallas, Texas. He and Carol live at 1205 Monterey Circle, Plano, TX 75075. Billy B. West has recently moved from Gibsonburg, Ohio, to 821 Fox Run Road, Findlay, OH 45840.

1960 1982 Rollamo

Joseph R. Aid is now plant manager of Alcolac Inc. He and Lucene live at Route 3, Box 307D, Sedalia, MO 6530 I. MSM Alumnus / 27

Alumni Personals, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1962 Continued Bob Reeves is owner of Reeves Roofing Co. in Clarkton, Mo. He and Ann live at 2141 Aut umn, Poplar Bluff, MO 6390 I.

1963 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: ADan H. LaPlante 1023 Crossroads Drive Houston, TX 77079 George R. Schillinger 7598 John Ave. Oakville, MO 63129 Robert H. Sieckhaus 10700 Clearwater Drive St. Louis, MO 63123 Richard L. Gilbert has moved to 4845 Eisenhower, No. C, Boulder, CO 80303. He is senior . engineer with IBM in Boulder.

Robert C. Howell has a new position as senior research engineer with Occidental Research Corp., Island Creek Coal Co. in Lexington, Ky. He and Carol have moved to 1104 Fontaine Road, Lexington, KY 40502. Eugene Sehl has been promoted to director of marketing engineering for Olin Brass Group, Olin Corp., East Alton, Il1. , and lives at 384 Greentrails Drive South, Chesterfield, MO 63017.

1964 Ted Garrett recently toured the UMR campus with his son, Sean, who plans to enroll in the fall of '84. Ted is metallurgical supervisor for Bethlehem Steel Corp. at their Burns Harbor Plant in Chesterton, Ind. The Garretts live at 3155 State Road 2, Valparaiso, IN 46383 . Donald G. Peters is a Lt. Col. in the U.S. Army, stationed at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. He writes: "Have been assistant inspector general for investigations fo r TECOM since October '82. Am responsible for investigating fraud , waste and abuse throughout the command which has proving grounds, labs and test facilities in Maryland, New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, Panama and Indiana." He and Sue make their home at II Hillman Court, Aberdeen, MD 21001.

1965 Richard C. Fahrni has accepted a position as project engineer with C. P. Crowley Co. in Los Angeles, Calif. He has moved to 1000 Stevely Ave. , Long Beach, CA 90815.

1982 Rollamo

28 / M S M Alumnu s

Douglas O. Gausman is project engineer for IBM in Endicott, N.Y. He and wife Cinda live at Route 2, Box 137-1, Vesta l, NY 13850.


Frank and Norma Giger are living at 222 E. Monroe St., Mexico, MO 65265. Frank is owner of Giger Appliance, a service business for major appliances, and Norma is director of the Mexico LPN school. They have three girls --Jana, 4; Susan, 5; and Julie, 9 years old.

Joe A. Hohman was promoted to the position of vice president-construction by Allen & O'Hara Inc. of Memphis, Tenn., in August, 1981. He began his career with Allen & O'Hara in September, 1969, as an assistant project manager. He writes: "Allen & O'Hara is a nationwide company with real estate development, property management and construction; headquarters in Memphis, Tenn." Joe and wife Joanna have two daughters -- Brooke, 5 years and Ali, 3 years -- and live at 290 I Leesburg Drive, Germantown, TN 38 138.

M. Owen Lasker is a middle east marketing specialist with Caterpillar Tractor Co. He and Sharon receive mail at P.O. Box 12023, Dubai, U.A.E. He writes: "We've organized the only American footba ll in the middle east at the American school in Dubai. Our second regular season has just ended and now our all-star team, of which I'm a coach and upon which my 14 year old son Shawn plays, is going to Athens, Greece, to playa team from the U.S. air base. If the cold doesn't get to us, we expect to give the military kids a good game." John D. Layton is manager, drilling engineering department , Arab ian American Oil Co. in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. He and Melinda receive mail through ARAMCO, Box 604, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.


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1966 Harold F. Meier Jr., '65. '66, is now market manager, environmental controls, for Barber Colman. He has moved to 4309 Dunbar Place, Rockford, IL 61111.

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Alumni Personals ______________________

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Wayne J. Filichowski is general manager of Alcoils Inc., subsidiary of Warner Electric in Columbia City , Ind. He and Virginia live at 1412 Chanterelle Drive, Ft. Wayne, IN 46825.

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1982 Rollamo

1965 Continued Walt Mulyca is now staff production engineer at Alcoa Conductor Products Co. in Scottsville, Texas. He and Anne ' live at Route 1, No. 16 Southfield Lane, Marshall, TX 75670. Robert and Joyce TopoIse live at 314 Lafayette St., Glendale, CA 91205. Bob is a senior AlC structures engineer.

Martha Stevens, wife of William W. (Bill) Stevens, associate director of the Development Fund in the Alumni/Development office, died April 13 in Rolla. Along with other wives and husbands of alumni/development staff people, Martha had helped to host many alumni/development functions since coming to UMR and Rolla in 1966. She had become acquainted with many alumni through the years and will be missed. She is survived also by a daughter, Lisa Ann, a senior in engineering management.

Jack A. Halpern sends us a copy of an article, profiling his company, which appeared in the Feb. 23 issue of The Philadelphia Inquirer. Jack is vice president and onelthird owner of Rogers, Golden & Halpern Inc. (RG&H) consultants in environment, energy and land-use. The firm has handled such problems as weather to permit uranium mining near Danville, Va.; siting a large, regional landfill in Atlantic County, N.J.; a trash-to-steam project at the Philadelphia Navy yard; and hurricanedisaster plans for Sanibel Island in Florida. RG&H has offices in Philadelphia and Reston, Va., 40 employees, and its ~982 revenues reached $1.6 million. Jack lives at 21 Wiltshire Road, Green Hill Farms, P A 19151.

Alan D. Shaffer, '66, '71, is a sales engineer with Nooter Corp. in St. Louis. He and Susan live at 4870 Kennewick Drive, Florissant, MO 63033. Alan writes: "Sue and I continue to be happy back in St. Louis. It still is good being back at Nooter. We made the right decision."

Current Iranian students at UMR report the recent death of Faramarz Toloui Semnani. He was executed, along with 19 others who had studied at American universities and colleges, by the present Iranian government. While at UMR he had been a member of the Shamrock Club, International Fellowship, Iranian Student Association, Phi Kappa Phi (won Phi Kappa Phi Book Plate Award '64-'65), Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu. He had been on the honors list seven times and was first honors graduate. Hollis I. Tackitt is now an engineer IV with the Tennessee Department of Transportation in Nashville. He and Nancy live at 720 Reeves Road, Antioch, TN 37013.

1968 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Rodger L. Elliott Portland House Stag P London SW1, England Dixie L. B. Finley Rt. 3, Box 52 Rolla, MO 65401

1966 Gary F. Mueller is manager of data acquisitions for The Aerospace Corp. in EI Segundo, Calif. He and Barbara live at 17942 Highland Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92647.

Donwell D. Whitley Jr. is newly employed by the Kohler Company in Spartanburg, S.c. He and Phyllis (Dority) have moved to 195 Briarcreek Drive, Spartanburg, SC 2930 I.

Kenneth C. Burgard is now director, business development for Morrison Knudsen in Earth City, Mo. He and Donna have moved to 4260 Shore Line Drive, Earth City, MO 63045. MSM Alumnus129

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1968 Continued

Nora A. Ruiz is a staff supervisor with A. T.& T. Long Lines in Bedminster, N.J., and now receives mail at P.O. Box 159, Liberty Corner, NJ 07938 .

Timothy J. Houghton has been promoted to vice president-operations al)d engineering for Metal Container Corp_, the can manufacturing subsidiary of Anheuser-Busch Companies Inc_ He has been with Metal Container Corp_ for five years, most recently serving as general manager of the organization's can manufacturing plant in Jacksonville, F la_ Prior to joining Metal Container Corp., he was employed by the Jos. Schlitz Container Division. He holds an MBA from the University of Wisconsin. Ralph and Lora Lueck are the proud parents of Rina L. Lueck born April 3. They also have a 3 year old daughter, Gail. Ralph has recently been promoted to district highway design engineer with the Misso uri Highway and Transportation Department at District 6 office in Kirkwood, Mo. The Lueck family lives at 3975 Thomas Drive, Imperial, MO 63052. Wesley E. Scott is a mechanical engineer II with the M issouri Division of Agi ng, Jefferson City, Mo. He and Betty Ann live on Route I, Eugene, MO 65032 . R. Ray Shockley, retired vice presidentMissouri for Southwestern Bell died March 28 of heart disease. He had retired in 1982 after 46 years with the company. He began his career as a telephone lineman in 1937 and rose to head the compan y's Missouri operations in 1963. He was awarded the professional degree, electrical engineer, by UMR in 1968.

1969 Raymond A. Behrens writes: "I was recently promoted to vice presidentoperations for the Bink ley Company in Warrenton , Mo., and elected chairman of the St. Louis chapter of the American Society of Metals. Have a daughter, Susan (6), a son, Steven (4) ." Ray , Holly and children live at 14420 Avocado Lane, F lorissant, MO 63034. 30/ MSM Alumnus


Ted J. Spalding was recently promoted to director on the reservoir engineer's staff of Arco Oil & Gas Co., headquartered in Dallas. Ted, his wife, Rita, and 9 year old daughter, Heather, live at Rt. 2, NO.8 Crestview Circle, Rockwall, TX 75087 .

RONALD W. ANDERSON Ronald W. Anderson has been named director of product and development engineering at Tate Architectural Products, Jessup, Md. He assumes responsibility for the coordination of all product development and related engineering efforts for the company's access floor systems. Prior to joining Tate, he spent 14 years in various engineering and product planning positions with the Chrysler Corp. , most recently responsible for developing the marketing and engineering plans for Chrysler's "H" car body for introduction in 1985.

Robert W. Weigand, '69, '70, and wife, Marilyn, live at 9 Bay Hill Road, Leonardo, NJ 07737. He writes: "Retired from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in February '83. With the superb educational background provided by UMR Engineering Management Department, 1 moved right into a new job as director, contracts division, New York City Transit Authority in Brooklyn."

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1970 David P. Chyi has been promoted to vice president of William Tao and Associates Inc., consulting engineers in St. Louis. His home address is 2357 Pheasant Run Drive , Maryland Heights, MO 63043

James D. Hardy has recently been employed by F lorida Power & Light Co. in Miami, F la ., as a power resources specialist. He and Jennifer have moved to 19550 S.W. 292 St., Homestead, FL 33030.

Michael Finkelstein writes: "Currently enrolled in a Japanese language program to facilitate my procurement skills as equipment contracting agent for General Electric." He and Joyce live at 4093 Ellison, South Euclid, OH 44121.

Dennis W. Hartman is newly employed as city engineer in Lincoln, Ill. He and Bonnie have moved to 528 Lincoln, Lincoln, IL 62656.

Robert W. Foster has been promoted to superintendent of technology with Pennwalt Corp. of Calvert City, Ky. He and JUlianna have moved to Route 12, Box 165, Paducah, KY 42001.

John H. Roam is senior district production supervisor for Arco Oil and Gas Co. in Andrews, Texas. He and Deborah Kay were married on July 8, 1982, and live at 1408 N.W. 9th St. , Andrews, TX 79714.

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Ronald D. Giles is now assistant maintenance superintendent for Reynolds Metals Co. in Malvern, Ark. He and Linda live at 102 Wellington, Hot Springs, AR 71901.

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Alumni Personals ______________________

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Hugh J. McCluskey Jr. is the new director, department of community development & engineering, Township of Ocean, Oakhurst, N.J. He and Patricia live at 243 Woodcrest Road, Oakhurst, NJ 07755 .

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Clark D. Mikkelsen asks: "Where is Frank Bone, '69? I didn't get a Christmas card this year." Clark is an aerospace engineer with the U.S. Army missile command, Redstone Arsenal, Ala. He and Clarie live at 8908 Hogan Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802.

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John V. LaGrasse has been appointed director of the Management Information Systems Practice for the management consulting services group of Ernst & Whinney, Tampa, Fla. (public accounting firm which operates 300 offices in 70 countries). He is responsible for all administration, financial management and development related to the practice. Prior to joining Ernst & Whinney, John served in a number of management positions with Procter & Gamble in systems development and management, as well as industrial relations and engineering. His home address is 14100 N. 46th St. , G-103, Lutz, FL 33549.

Lynn (Ayars) Mirgain sends the following mailing address to be used while she and husband, Girard, are temporarily out of the country: c/o E. F. Ayars, Hobson Star Route, Box 37, Rolla, MO 65401. Albert G. Morris is senior project engineer with Peabody Coal Co. in Fairview Heights, l11. He and Deborah live on Route 3, Nashville, IL 62263. Randolph W. Schmelzel was promoted by Celanese Specialty Resins Co. in November '82 to production manager at their plant in Louisville, Ky. He and Diane live at 610 Armadale Place, Louisville, KY 40243 .

CarlO. Schwanke writes: "Currently wrapping up an R&D project in advanced computer control at Esso's Rotterdam refinery. Following a short return to the States, will return to Europe in November to continue work in computer control at the Antwerp refinery. Wife, Leslie, and two sons, Daniel and Aaron, are enjoying their extended European vacation." Their mailing address is: De ley I, Hellevoetsluis, Nederland 3224TG. Robert Joe Wesley is senior field engineer for Daniel Construction Co. in Childersburg, Ala. He and Denise (Robic) live at Route I, Box 265 , Harpersville, AL 35078. Darrel E. Wortman is a sales engineer with Doerfer Division of CCA in Cedar Falls, Iowa, and lives at 2711 Violet Drive, Waterloo, IA 50701. He writes: "Engaged to be married in November 1983." The alumni office has received notice of the death of John R. Yacko Gerald L. Young is employed as chief chemist with Riverside Cement Co., Oro Grande, Calif. He and Paula send a new address - SVL 155, Victorville, CA 92392.

Thomas M . King is currently general manager of Tamko Asphalt Products. He and Pat have moved to 7525 Wickam Road, Knoxville, TN 37921. Robert P. Klump is a field service engineer with Westinghouse Electric Corp. in Burlington, Kan. He and Susan live at 1217 Ash, Ottawa, KS 66067. David H. Matoesian is energy conservation coordinator for Clark Oil & Refining Corp. in Hartford, l11. He and Janet live at 3205 Bradley Ave., Granite City, IL 62040, and write: "Our first child, Phillip Haig, was born June 20, 1982." MSM A lumnu s / 31

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1971 Michael M. Cook is still employed by Johnson Controls Inc. in Dallas, Tex~s. He is now senior project engineer for the building automation systems for the Southwestern Bell Texas headquarters complex in downtown Dallas. His home address is 2313 Benbrook Drive, Carrollton, TX 75007.

Stephen W. Wiechens has moved to 5332 Melwood Drive, Cross Lanes, WV 25313. He is now plant engineer for Monsanto in Nitro, W. Va.


Paul M. Harms is associate professor of math at Taylor University in Upland, IN 46989 .

Richard B. Schuessler, '72, '74, and wife Dawn (Gant '74) announce the birth of their first child, Richard G len, . on March 13, in Augusta, Ga. They write: "The whole family is doing quite well except for a lack of sleep on the part of mother and father." The Schuesslers live at Route I, Box 90, Trenton, SC 29847.

William J. Murphy Jr. and wife, Judy, are living at 640 S. Imperial Ave., Brawley, CA 92227. Bill is a principal at Sacred Heart School and he was elected chairperson of the Principals' Advisory Committee for the San Diego Diocese this year. John P. Roderick is a captain in the U.S. Air Force. He and Linda have moved to 9399 Oak St. , N.E., St. Petersburg, FL 33702. Dennis Stanfield has been promoted to the position of senior metallurgical engineer with Southwestern Laboratories in Houston, Texas. He and Penny live at 29314 Atherstone, Spring, TX 77373. Charles Ross Taylor is currently an instructor at Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield, Mo. He has moved to 1131 West Battlefield, Apt. D-19, Springfield, MO 65807 . Gary W. Widner was recently promoted to major in the illinois Army National Guard and is facilities management officer in Springfield, Ill. He and Geytha live at 30 Oakbend Court, Springfield, IL 62704.

Barry K. Winscher is now with Nissan Motor Manufacturing Corp. at their facility in Smyrna, Tenn., as assistant manager-product design . Barry and wife, Susan (Jaggi, '72), live at 1422 Arrowhead Place, Murfreesboro, TN 37130. 32/ MSM Alumnus

Robert I. Egbert, '72, '73, '76, is assistant professor of electrical engineering at Wichita State University, Wichita, Kan. , and received the American Society for Engineering Education-Dow Outstanding Young Faculty Award for the midwest section ('82-'83). On May 14, he married Dr. Anne P. Marsh. The couple lives at 4117 Clarendon, Wichita, KS 67220.

Susan (Jaggi) Winscher and husband, Barry ('71) are living at 1422 Arrowhead Place, Murfreesboro, TN 37130.

STEVE THIES Steve Thies has been promoted to the position of vice president-aftermarket operations at Purolator Products in Rahway, N.J. He joined Purolator ten years ago after serving with AllisChalmers . His background with Purolator includes the positions of industrial engineer, engineering manager, manufacturing manager, and most recently plant manager of the Fayetteville facility. Steve and his wife Gloria now reside with their two children at 5737 Archer Road, Lot 42, Hope Mills, NC 28348. They enjoy golfing and spending time with their children. Steve also coaches Little League baseball.

John C. RoUer, '72, '75, is employed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol in their computer department in Jefferson City. He has moved to Route 6, Shamrock Road, Jefferson City, MO 65101.

James T. Wrobleski, '72, '76, has moved to 3914 Flad, St. Louis, MO 63109.

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1973 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21 -22, 1983 Class Coordinators:


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Alumni Persona/s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1973 Continued A. Wayne Cagle Jr. is self-employed as an attorney at 6004 Blue Ridge Blvd., Raytown, MO 64133. He and Perri have moved their residence to 5420 Charlotte St. , Kansas City, MO 64110. Robert J. Freese is now systems engineering manager for IBM in Kansas City, Mo. He has moved to 8128 Meadow Lane, Shawnee Mission, KS 66206.

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Deborah Fugitt has moved to 1422 Westwood Drive, Lewisville, TX 75067, and is employed by Recognition Equipment.

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Gary Lederle is an engineer for Sverdrup & Parcel in St. Louis. He writes: "My wife, Sharon, gave birth to twin daughters on Nov. 29, 1982 -- Marie Christine, 6 Ibs. 10 ozs., Sarah Elizabeth, 7 Ibs. 1 oz. Sharon is kept busy taking care of the twins and son, Kenny, who is 3 Y2 years old ." The Lederle family lives at 5667 Chalet Forest Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129.

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Thomas Paul Pelger is a senior project engineer for Caterpillar Tractor Co. He and Patricia live at 1319 W. Devereux Drive, Peoria, IL 61614. Dana V. Reel is a project engineer with Black & Veatch in Denver, Colo. He and Nancy have moved to 5196 S. Uravan Place, Aurora, CO 80015.

1974 David W. Head is a control engineer for Reliance Electric in Edison, N.J. He lives at 300 Ford Ave., Apt. B-3 , Fords, NJ 08863.

J. CALVIN CURDT J. Calvin Curdt was promoted March 31 to assistant vice president of data services by The Federal Land Bank of St. Louis. In this position he will be responsible for developing and updating electronic data processing (EDP) long-range plans and for supervising the design, development, and implementation of new EDP systems for the Bank and local Federal Land Bank Associations. He joined the Land Bank in 1975 as EDP coordinator, and in 1977 was named director of data processing. In May, 1982, he received a certificate in data processing from the Institute for Certification of Computer Professionals. He and Michele live at 2743 Irondale, St. Louis, MO 63129. Dawn (Gant) and Richard ('72, '74) Schuessler announce the birth of their first child, Richard Glen, on March 13, 1983, in Augusta, Ga. They write: "The whole family is doing quite well except for a lack of sleep on the part of mother and father." The Schuesslers live at Route I, Box 90, Trenton, SC 29847 . John W. Parker is operations research analyst for Man Tech International Corp. in Orange Park, F la. His new address is 4375 Confederate Point Road, No . 20-J, Jacksonville, FL 32210.

ALAN S. KORNACKI Alan S. Kornacki, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Geological Sciences, Harvard University, has been named corecIpIent of the 1982 N ininger Meteorite Prize by the Center for Meteorite Studies, Arizona State University. The Nininger Prize is awarded annually on the basis of papers submitted to the Center by undergraduate and graduate students, and are judged by a national panel of meteorite scientists. Alan's paper was based on his research into the origin of refractory inclusions in the Allende carbonaceous chondrite. H is present address is 24 Oxford, Cambridge, MA 02138 . Editor's note: A description of the technical details of Alan's research has been sent to the geology and chemistry departments. Ter-Far E. Lin is newly employed as executive vice president of Pacific Shelters Groups Inc., Taiwan. He and Linda have moved to 125-3, Section 2, ShinLong Road, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. George and Joy Stegner are the proud parents of their first child, Jeffrey Scott, born Nov. 26,1982. George is employed by the Placid Refining Co., and the family lives at 10233 Tanwood Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70809. MSM Alumnus / 33

Alumni Personals ______________________


1974 Continued


David A. Sager is assistant works engineer at American Steel Foundries in Granite, Ill. He and Cheryl live at 15 Mary Ann Court, Florissant, MO 63031.

1975 Richard A. Boyd has recently accepted a position as project engineer with lIT Blackburn Co. in St. Louis, Mo. He and Alicia have moved their residence to 3 Jane Court, St. Peters, MO 63376. Stephen L. Burton is now a 2nd Lt. with the U.S. Air Force, and a student at Parks College, St. Louis University . He and Diane live at 323 N. 43rd, Belleville, IL 62223. Jack and Andye Gevecker, 3809 Crestline, Midland, TX 79703, announce the birth of a son, Cole Robert, on Feb. 22. Cole has a brother, Conly, 3\11 years old. Grandparents are Robert ('48) and Gwen Gevecker, Jefferson City, Mo. Great aunt and uncle are Professor Emeritus & Mrs. V.A.C. Gevecker ('31), Rolla, Mo. Larry and Jackie Finley announce the birth of a son, Cory Daniel, on Feb. 9. The family lives at 12521 13th St. , Grandview, MO 64030. Larry is a civil engineer with the City of Grandview.

Stan Harmon is currently employed by Noranda Aluminum Inc., New Madrid, Mo., as a supervisor. He was previously employed for three years by Nooter Corp. of St. Louis as a construction project engineer, followed by two years with United Fabricator of Jackson, S.c., where he was vice president in charge of plant production. He and wife, Joan, have two children -- Brad, 3, and Sarah, I. The family lives at Route I, Box 56D, Portageville, MO 63873 .

Kerry R. Hay is now plant engineer at Reid/Green Station, Big Rivers Electric Corp., Sebree, Ky. He and Melinda have moved to 35 Westfield Lane, Henderson, KY 42420.

Roger Lee Keller, '75, '82, is now employed by Ensign Bickford Company of Simsbury, Conn., an explosives initiation systems manufacturer. He is in training to become a manager of technical services in the explosives field. This national training program will give Roger exposure to all types of mining and explosives applications throughout the U.S. When he completes the six months training program, he will be assigned to a region for direction of technical services. Friends who would like to write can address mail to his parents' home: Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Keller, 106 Barnard Drive, Louisiana, MO 63353 .

Charles G. Kallal is a project engineer with Phillips Petroleum Co. in Woods Cross, Utah. He and Charlotte live at 175 E. Cobble Creek Road, North Salt Lake, UT 84054. Charles writes: "Moved to Utah June '82 due to Phillips closing their Kansas City, Kan. refinery. Had second child, Emily Marie, Oct. 25, 1982. All is well in Utah." Cary A. Labouff, '75, '80, is now a graduate student at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y . He and Kathryn have moved to 700 Warren Road, Apt. 12-3A, Ithaca, NY 14850.

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their t Stephen D. Phillips has recently accepted the position of design engineer with the FMC Corp. in San Jose, Calif. He and Constance have moved to 4932 Poplar Terrace, Campbell, CA 95008. Bernie Welch, 906 N.W. End, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701, writes: "Congratulations to Charlie Daniels ('75) for finding his way back to Rolla, and to Kerry & Cathy Welker ('76) for not being able to wait (baby due soon!). David E. Welge is now mechanical department head at Basin Electric Power Coop. He receives mail at P.O. Box 1238, Beulah, ND 58523. John C. Westermayer, '75, '82, is currently employed as an engineer for Union Electric in St. Louis. After leaving Rolla, he continued his education, receiving an MS in Engineering Management from UMR Graduate Engineering Center at UMSL. He and wife Jill (McCartney '76) have two daughters -- Madalyn, 3 years old, and Angela Kay born Jan. 15, 1983. The family lives at 2322 Pierwood, St. Louis, MO 63129. Jill is employed by Monsanto.

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1976 Continued Don and Nancy Chronister write: "We are 2/9th's of our way to a major league baseball franchise with the birth of our second boy, Andrew Paul, on Jan. 29. Big brother Danny is already teaching Andy the finer points on how to drive his folks bonkers." The family is residing at 6017 Eastpoint, Centerville, OH 45459. Don is a senior research engineer with Duriron Inc. in Dayton, Ohio. Gary L. Dolle is employed by Southwestern Bell in St. Louis as staff manager-PICS. He and Patricia and their two children live at 5107 Suson Oaks Court, St. Louis, MO 63128. The latest addition to their family, Rebecca Lynne, was born on Feb. 13. Lindsay E. Lomax is now working as a computer programmer for Rollins Inc. in Atlanta, Ga., and lives at 783 San Antonio Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30306. David F. Melton has been employed recently by Worcester Controls in Liber· ty, N.C., as manufacturing engineer supervisor. He and Eileen receive mail at P.O. Box 774, Liberty, NC 27298. Douglas E. Smith is now chief engineer with Technical Design Force Inc. His new address is 604 Delaware, Neosho, MO 64850. Jill (McCartney) Westermayer is employed as a computer programmer at Monsanto in St. Louis. She and husband, John ('75), welcome an addition to their family _. a girl, Angela Kay, born Jan. 15, (7 Ibs. 13 oz.). She joins an older sister, Madalyn, 3 years old. the family lives at 2322 Pierwood, St. Louis, MO 63129. John is employed by Union Electric in St. Louis. Charles Wiese, '76, '77, is a senior engineer with Olin Corp. in Marion, ilL He and Kathleen write: "We take great pleasure in announcing the arrival of our first child, Matthew Whiting Wiese, on May 7, (7 lb. II oz.). It already appears he will be very comfortable wearing a green sweatshirt and carrying a calculator!" The Wiese family lives at 305 Blossom St., Carterville, IL 62918.

William L. Hammers has been employed as manufacturing plant engineer manager with Hydril Corp., Houston, Texas, since March '82. He and Elizabeth live at 3138 Glade Springs, Kingwood, TX 77339.

1977 Jeffrey E. Buck has moved to 406 Richvale Lane, Webster, TX 77598. He is a project engineer for Petro-Tex Chemical Corp. in Houston. Karen (Daily) and Tim Clifford, both class of '77, announce the birth of a son, Scott Timothy, on March 10, 1983. The Clifford family lives at 1213 Walnut, Lee's Summit, MO 64063. Thomas J. Kolze, '77, '79, has been awarded a doctoral fellowship to obtain his Ph.D in electrical engineering by TR W Electronic Systems Group of Redondo Beach, Calif. Presently attending the University of Southern California where he is studying communications and control systems, he has been accepted into the graduate school of electrical engineering. He and Linda reside at 2929 W. 190th St., No. 207 , Redondo Beach, CA 90278. Michael A. Marx is an electricaUelectronic associate with Standard Oil of Ohio in Cleveland. He and Sandra live at 12108 Wood Oval, N. Royalton, OH 44133. Stephen and Bernice Partney have moved to 1834 Village Lake Drive, Charlotte, NC 28212. Steve is a mining engineer for Jacoby & Co., Waxhaw, N.C. He writes: "Now working on exploration and development of a gold mine, closed due to WWII in 1942. Decision to move from Florida was easy; phosphate mining is having a very hard time." Steven W. Peter is a partner in Peter Construction Co., Skidmore, Mo. He and Kim live at 309 West Hickory, Skid· more, MO 64487.

1982 Rollamo

Bill and Cheryl SchUttler, both class of '77 , have announced the birth of a daughter, Erin Marie, on March 30. The Schlittlers live at 5170 Pinon Valley Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80919. The good news was sent to the Alumni Office by UMR Professor Bob Wolf,

'51. Glendon T. Stevens, '77, '79, and Rita have moved to 654 Bustleton Pike, Richboro, PA 18954. John Vance Stutsman, P.E. is generation planing engineer with Northern Indiana Public Service Co. in Hammond, Ind. He and Kathy live at 8713 Monroe Ave., Munster, IN 46312 . He writes: , "Expect to complete MBA at Purdue University (major in accounting and finance) in December '83." David L. Thorn is a sales engineer for McCartney Mfg. of Baxter Springs, Kan. He and wife, Dallas ('79) live at 1912 Connor, Joplin, MO 64801. David writes: "It looks like '83 will be a very good year for McCartney·-sales should be up 25%. Andy is 14 months old now; the little fellow has taught us a lot in a short time! Dallas and I are looking forward to summer softball and Homecoming '83." MSM Alumnus / 35

Alumni Personals ______________________ Lawrence K. Abrams, with Atlantic Richfield Co. (ARCO), has been promoted to production facilities engineer. He, wife Jane and son Jad have moved to Route 12, 102 Apple, North Gate Farms, Longview, TX 75605. Kevin Bodenhamer has received a promotion to operations superintendent of the Bluitt plant of the Cities Services Co. in Milnesand, New Mexico. He and Mary are now residing at 403 E. Jackson, Levelland, TX 79336. Dan W. Goodall has moved to 7514 Burgoyne, No. 229, Bouston, TX 77063.

1982 Rollamo

1977 Continued Charles M. Ward is an accountant employed by Benton, Duroy & Ivey, C.P.A.'s in Houston, Texas. He and Laura have moved to 13415 Gaby Virbo, Houston, TX 77083.

1978 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Michael K. Bell 900 5th Ave. Silvis, IL 61282 Jacquelyn Dethorne Falconi 521 Aqueduct St. Akron, OH 44303 David K. Holland Jr. 1603 Shely Longview, TX 75604 Dennis J. Kinchen 10836 Currier Court Brighton, MI 48116 36 / MSM Alumnu s

David P. Kolkmeier is a chemical engineer with Dupont Corp. in Houston, Texas. He and Pat have moved to 507 Oak Harbor, Houston, TX 77062. Mark W. Lekar is employed by McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis as a senior engineer, facilities. He and Cynthia live at 4554 Chickasaw Pass, St. Charles, MO 63301.

H. Ward Silver is now a radar engineer employed by Wesmar (Western marine Electronics) in Seattle, Wash. He writes: "Nancy and I have just celebrated our first wedding anniversary and have finally made the long-awaited move to Vashon Island in Puget Sound. I am that rara avis, a civilian radar engineer with Wesmar's Marine Electronics Division. I may be far from the St. Pat's celebration, but with all the green around the Pacific northwest, it's just a daydream away!" Ward and Nancy receive mail addressed to P.O. Box 927 , Vashon, WA 98070.

1979 Harry B. Burford currently lives at 6514 Wendell, Park City, KS 67219, and is employed as a design engineer for NCR in Wichita. He writes: "I was recently promoted to design engineer III. I also moved to a new group and now have hardware design responsibilities on the NCR MODUS product that was recently introduced to the marketplace." .

Richard R. Lind is newly employed by McDonnell Aircraft in St. Louis, Mo., as a design engineer. He sends a new address also: 12391 Tributory Drive, Apt. J, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Mark A. Roenfeldt, '78, '80, writes: "I still am working for CTLlThompson as a project engineer and living in Denver. I recently became a registered professional engineer in the state of Colorado." He and Cheri make their home at 1428 S. Washington, Denver, CO 80210.


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David R. Scharf and wife, Karen, announce the birth of their second child, Laura Elizabeth, on Feb. II. Dave is employed at Phillips Petroleum Co. and the family lives in Bartlesville, Okla. Brian D. Walker is senior purchasing expediter with Delco Electronics Division of General Motors in Kokomo, Ind. He and Kathy live at 2305 Delon Ave. , Kokomo, IN 4690 I. They write: "Had a baby girl, Breann Marie, 10 Ibs. II oz. , 23Yz in . long, born March 25."


Darrell feetive: 83-4, F DAVID PARK David Park has been appointed design engineer for Dixon Industries Inc. , Coffeyville, Kan. , manufacturer of Dixon Zero Turning Radius riding mowers.

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Alumni Personals __________________ __ __ 1979 Continued


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George A. Clark is a testJdevelopment engineer for RCA, Astro Electronics/Government Systems Division. He and Margaret (Eck, '79) have moved to 1010 Blue Spring Road, Princeton, NJ 08540.

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Dennis T. Dresser lives at No. 11 Short St., Bethalto, IL 62010, and is employed by Shell Oil Company in Wood River, Ill. He writes: "Doing fine. Still single (without any regrets)! I have recently been promoted to mechanical engineer and reassigned to the plant engineering group as technical support to operations."

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Mohammad A. Golkar is presently unemployed. He and Kathleen have moved to 30901 Lakeshore Blvd., No. 115, Willowick, OH 44094.


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Neal A. and Tamela Shearer live at 7206 Classic Circle, Shreveport, LA 71108. Neal is a senior field engineer for Schlumberger Well Services in Shreveport. "All is well in Louisiana," they tell us. Steven M. Sullivan and wife Susan have moved to 47 Gateswood Drive, St. Peters, MO 63376. Steven is a metallurgical engineer with Nooter Corp. in St. Louis.

Peggy S. Veit is married to L. Blaine Shaffer III and lives at 13804 Crossing Way East, Edmond, OK 73034. She writes that she is a social worker, and is unemployed at this time. Tom Wetteroth presently lives at 1102-A LaGuille Court, Rolla, MO 65401, and is a graduate student at UMR. He writes: "I'll complete my masters this summer in ceramic engineering. Then Heidi Rute and I will move to sunny Phoenix, Ariz., where Heidi will finish her materials degree at Arizona Sate U. while I, work for Motorola's semiconductor division , discrete products sector."

Dallas (Kirk) Thorn and husband David ('77) are living at 1912 Connor, Joplin,

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Joel A. Pundmann is employed by AmeriCan Bell in Orlando, Fla., and now lives at 1500 Gelm Court, Orlando, FL 32817.

Alfred D. Harding Jr. is a resident physician in general surgery at the Unviersity of Missouri Hospital and Clinics in Columbia , Mo. He writes: "Graduating from UMC School of Medicine in May; will remain in Columbia to study general surgery at the Unviersity Hospital." He and wife Lessa live at 2505 Heying Drive, Columbia, MO 65202.

MO 64801, along with son, Andy, now 14 months old. Paula Tochen-Bell, '79, '80, is employed as an applications engineer with Gould Inc. , Modicon Division. She and husband Ralph live at 7340 E. Harvard, No. 205 , Denver, CO 8023l. Ann E. Veatch married Dennis Whitty on Feb. 12. The couple makes their home at 3131 Boise Ave., Davenport, IA 52802. Ann is an electrical engineer employed by Alcoa.

1980 Carol Blumenstein and husband Thomas Ryan, have moved to 94-443 Keaoopua St. , No. 117, Mililani Town, HI 96789. W illiam R. Holmes Jr. was married to Jane Boughan (CMSU '78) in June '82, and they are currently living at 1402 Langholm Drive, Florissant, MO 63031. He is employed by McDonnell Aircraft as an engineer in avionics systems engineering on F -15 Eagle.

Dayna Kay Justus moved last August to 5604 E. 84th Terrace, Apt. D, Kansas City, MO 64132. She is an assistant engineer with Burns & McDonnell in Kansas City.

Darrell E. Milburn has a new address effective June 1: WAC NR 2-7 -C22 class 83-4, Ft. Benning, GA 31905 .

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Gary L. Ordelheide has recently been named plant manager/engineer at Kuehner Industries in St. Louis. His new home address is 11643 Hedda Ave. , Maryland Heights, MO 63043.

1982 Rollamo

mowers. MSM A lumnu s/ 37

Alumni Personals: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1980 Continued Jeffrey J. Jost, '80, '83, is cu rrently working as an engineer in the computer process control group of Shell Oil Co. in Houston, Texas. His new address is 14405 Rio Bonito, Apt. 213, Houston, TX 77083 . Merrily McGowan¡Shaw and husband, Charles, send us their new address: 3773 Tailboard Way. Martinez, GA 30907. Stephen J. Schubert is a senior engineer with Emerson Electric Co. in St. Louis, Mo. He has moved to 4 Santa Anita Court, Florissant, MO 63033. Mark H. Tanner is now district sales manager for Gould Inc., King of Prussia, Pa. Mark G. Viox is an engineer employed by Anheuser Busch of st. Louis. He lives at 3052 Amesbury Drive, Apt. 5, Baldwinsville, NY 13027. Leonore (Kutilek) Voss and husband, Tim, have moved to 1609 Haynes Ave., Kokomo, IN 4690 I . Robert J. Willie sends us his new address, effective April 16. It is 612 W. Hudson, Peoria, IL 61604. Linda Sue Williams is now employed at the present time -- expecting a baby! She and Mark send word they have moved to 25 26 Jena , New Orleans, LA 70115 .

1981 Paul Baldetti writes: "Have accepted a position as productivity consultant for Emerson Electric. Temporary address: No. I Emerald Court, Harvester, MO 6330 1.

Joseph R. Brinkmann, '81, '82, writes: "1 am employed by the Chamber of

Mines of South Africa in the mining operations laboratory, blasting division. Elizabeth (class of '82) is attending grad school at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Will keep you informed of any changes." Joe and Elizabeth live at 95 16th St., Parkhurst, 02193, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Robert Thomas Budenholzer is currently working as an engineering estimator with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. His new address is 270 Patterson Lane, Florissant, MO 63031, phone (314) 92 1-6861. He also writes: ''I'll be married April 15 to Teri Hudspeth."

Keith M. Dill is a design engineer with National Lock Corp., Sikeston, Mo. He and wife, Beth, live at 40 I Jarvis, Sikeston, MO 6380 1, and write: "We had our second child -- another girl --born Dec. 6, 1982, named Emily Nicole."

Fred W. R. Fass is a geologist 11 with Cities Service Co. His home addre s is 6307 N.W. 63rd St. , No. 32, Oklahoma City, OK 73137 . He writes: " I successfu lly completed the exploration training program and was transferred to the mid-continent region in Oklahoma City. Th is June I will have completed two full years of service a an exploration geologist." Ronald J. Fisher is an operations engineer employed by ARCO Oil and Gas Co. in Bakersfield, Calif. He writes: "Recently transferred to California from Tulsa, Okla." His new address is 6812 Shelby Loop, Bakersfield, CA 93309.

Jon Mason Gougar is an engineering coordinator for Enersyst Inc. (R & D Food Processing Equipmen t) in Farmer's Branch, Texas. He and Deborah have moved to 3605 Swallow Lane, Irving, TX 75062. Bill A. Grantham is plant engineer with Gulf Oil-Warren Petroleum Co. in Krotz Springs, La. He and Tammy have moved to 3651 Cypress Drive, No. 3C, Opelousas, LA 70570. W. Kent Goddard married Peggy L. Meader on Dec. 31 , 1982 in Pecos, Texas. They have since moved to Ok lahoma where Kent is a systems engineer for Texas Oil and Gas Corp. Kent, Peggy and six-year-old Scott live at 100 McCormick Drive, Apt. 107 , Weatherford, OK 73096. George J. Harvilla Jr. writes: "I am an engineer platoon leader at Fort Hood, Texas. Last fall I had training at Fort Irwin, Calif., and I recently returned from Munich , Germany, where I attended a two-week NATO course at the German engineer school. My address is 1121 Old 440, No. 5103, Killeen, TX 76541."

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Alumni Personals _____________________ _ 1981 Continued Robert K. Kornegay is now employed as a design engineer for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Corp. in St. Louis. He and Lynda have moved to 8616 Morningaire Circle, Hazelwood, MO 63042. Thomas G. Mazzorana is a ceramic engineer with Endevco in San Juan Capistrano, Calif. His new address is 27969 Mazagon, Mission Viejo, CA 92691. Sandra (Scott) McWhorter is a teacher at Waynesville High School. She and her husband, James E. McWhorter, receive mail at P.O. Box 769 SRB, Waynesville, MO 65583.

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Cynthia L. Monds is newly employed by Westinghouse in Seattle, Wash. , as an assistant sales engineer. Her new address is 27921 13th Ave. South, Kent, W A 98031.

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Steven E. Payne writes: "I am still attending the Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright-Patterson AFB, and expect to graduate December, 1983, with a M.S.EE, digital control and core communications. He and Georgia live at 136 Trunk Drive, Dayton, OH 45431.

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Joseph L. Ponder is a geophysicist with Tenneco Oil Co. He lives at 13503 Northborough Drive, Houston, TX 77067. V. Rangarajan is a design engineer for Nicolet Paratronics Corp. in Fremont, Calif., and lives at 8443 Mayhews Landing Road, Newark, CA 94560. Chris Ransom writes: "I started work for Union Electric Co. in st. Louis on Dec. 28, 1981, and have been working there ever since. My title is assistant engineer in the relay test group. I married Cheryl (a SEMO grad) in May '82 and am going to be a father in May '83. I certainly owe lot to Rolla for where I am today. I do miss being at Rolla a little bit!" Chris and Cheryl have a new address as of March 31: 1589 Codorniz, Fenton, MO 63026.


Kim Jolene Root married C raig Buczkowski on Jan. 22. After a honeymoon in Colorado, the couple returned to their home at 2 125 S. Old Manor, Wichita, KS 67207 . Kim is an electrical engineer for Boeing Aircraft in Wichita and her husband is in the U_S. Air Force. Randy Schlitt writes: "I am an area manager for 13-30 Corporation in San Francisco, Calif. My new address is 2 Salt Landing, Tiburon, CA 94920." Bonnie (Boland) Van Horn and husband Mark have a new address effective May 15: 3829 Canterbury Court, Apt. GA, Richton Park, IL 60471. Bonnie has accepted a position as structural engineer for Sargent & Lundy Engineers in Chicago. Johathan H . Waters is now a medical student at George Washington University in Washington, D_C. His new address is 412 4th St. NE, Washington, D.C. 20002. John L. Woracek writes: "Married Kathy Hilderbrand on Oct. 9, 1982. We now live at 912 SE 15th, Moore, OK 73160. I'm a quality engineer for the Air Force at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City, and Kathy is studying industrial engineering at the University of Oklahoma."

1982 Michael and Kathleen Aho are living at 236 Nagogami Terrace, Rolla, MO 65401.

Kenneth Beatty is employed as an engineer I at E Systems, St. Petersburg, Fla. His new address is 6220 Gretna Green Court, Pinellas Park, FL 33565.

Hsien-Hao M. Cheng sends his new address: 3rd F . No. 16 Lane 6, Yong Kang St., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1982 Rollamo

Elizabeth Brinkmann is currently a post graduate student in the department of metallurgy at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. Husband J oe ('81, '82) is employed by the Chamber of Mines of South Africa in the mining operations laboratory blasting division. They live at 95 16th St., Parkhurst, 02193, Johannesburg, South Africa. Debora K. Cox has joined the technical staff of Hughes Aircraft, Space and Com munications Group , in Los Angeles, as a programmer. Her new address is 3638 Del Amo Blvd.; Apt. D, Torrance, CA 90503. Russell H. Dahlgren is currently unemployed. He is living at 2536 Mountain Shadow Lane, Laramie, WY 82070. George S. Dowell has been employed by the New York Telephone Co. as service manager in Forest Hills, N.Y. William EI-Fakir has moved to 506-B East 6th St., Rolla, MO 65401. Joaquin Cruz Flores is employed by the Guam Power Authority as a system planning engineer in Agana, Guam. He can be reached through the company, P.O. Box 2977, Agana, Guam 96910. MSM Alumnus / 39

Alumn; Personals ______________________ 1982 Continued William L. Gee has been employed by Ibis Systems Inc. , System Development Division, in Boulder, Colo. He is living at 1726 Cambridge, No. I, Longmont, CO 80501 . Raymond P. Gill is employed by Harper Oil Company as a reservoir engineer I, and has moved his residence to 5524 N. Portland, Apt. 113, Oklahoma City, OK 73112. Charles "Lane" Hendricks has been employed by the Sahara Coal Co. Inc., as a project engineer. His new address is 1010 South Washington, Apt. 2, Harrisburg, IL 62946. Kenley J. Hinrichs is now an instructor of math and computer science at Simpson College. His new address is 405 W. Boston, Indianola, IA 50125. Phaivanh Lounmala is presently unemployed. He and Marcia are living at 2011 S. Hampton, Springfield, MO 65807. Michael C. Mareschal has accepted employment" with Emerson Electric Co. in St. Louis. He lives at 1365 Del Rey, Florissant, MO 63031.

Don L. McIntosh writes: "Employed in electrical engineering at Arkansas Power & Light Co., Engineering Services, as a 'damn yankee'. Enjoying the 'southern belles', the new language and the road races (runs). Looking for mail at 4412 N. Augusta, North Little Rock, AR 72118." Jeffrey McKee announces that he and Audrey Robin Mazer, his future spouse, will be the first married couple working for the CACD division of Trane Co. , King of Prussia, Pa. Both of them are sales engineers in commercial air conditioning field for the Philadelphia area. Jeff is presently living at 500 E. Lancaster Ave. , Apt. 107 A, St. Davids, PA 19087. Richard Lee McQueary is an engineer for Dow Chemical in Freeport, Texas. He and Kathleen are living at 120 Garland, No. 717, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Charles B. Monie has been employed by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. He and Jennifer have moved to 2117 E. Broadway, Apt. 124, Altus, OK 73521. Robert T. Naumann is an engineer with Fruin-Colnon Corp. in Ballwin, Mo. He and Janice are living at 1528 Charlemont Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Steven P. Olsen sends his new address as 825 Westwood Drive, Ballwin, MO 63011. Robin H. Ridings has been employed by Southwestern Bell, St. Louis, Mo. , and lives at 9916 Heritage Drive, Apt. A, Affton, MO 63123. Kamyar Rohani is currently a graduate teaching assistant at UMR and recei ves mail at P.O. Box 305 , Rolla, MO 65401. Monica (Brooks) and Russell Schmidt, both class of '82, have moved to 6413 Shrewsbury Drive, K noxville, TN 37921 .

1982 Rollamo 40/ MSM Alumnus

Kimberly S. Signorino has accepted employment with the Bunge Corp. in St. Louis as construction coordinator. She is living at 1084 North & South, University City, MO 63130.

LINDELL SCONCE Lindell Sconce has been approved by the Southern Baptist Foreign Mission Board for training as a missionary journeyman. After receiving medical clearance and successfully completing the five-week training period beginning June 8 at Meredith College, Raleigh, N .C., he will be commissioned for service July 15 and assigned as a teacher in Bignota, Senegal. His current addresss is Route 3, Box 33A, Troy , MO 63379. He will serve two years as a missionary journeyman working with a career missionary.

Paul R. Stricker is now a student at UMC Medical School (class of '86). His home address is 50 I Evergreen St., St. James, Mo 65559. Cynthia Strouse and Timothy Uebele (both '82) were married Sept. 4, 1982. T he newlyweds are now residing at 6041 Village Bend Drive, Apt. No. 2106, Dallas, TX 75206. Cynthia (computer science) works for the Isis Corp. and Tim is a mechanical engineer for Frito-Lay. Chong Su So is now a graduate student at UMC, and lives at 403 Turner Ave., Columbia, MO 65201.


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1983 Homecoming October 21, 22






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FROM NAME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CLASS _ _ _ __ SPOUS E' S NAM E:


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NEW CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ STATE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZIP _ _ _ _ __ Annual Alumni Fun d contri buti ons are tax deduc ti ble . Check s payable to the MSM · UMR Alumni A ssoci at ion . Harris . Hall , UMR . Rallo . MO 65401·09990 (314 ) 341 · 4172 .











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