Missouri S&T Magazine, August 1983

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University of Missouri-Rolla

August, J983

Alu mn us Vol. 57. No.4

Univ ersit y of Miss ouri- Rolla

August 1983

Rolla , MO 65401 -9990

It was a happy occasio n when Missouri Govern or Christo pher S. Bond. far left. joined with UMR's Dr. Donald Myers and Chance llor Joseph M . Marche llo, left and right at the podium . to announ ce the establis hment of the new Center for Techno logical Develop ment to be located at UMR. A delegati on from the Rolla business commu nity is in the backgro und. Rollo Oo;ly New, Pho'o

Ce nte r for Tec hn olo gic al De vel op me nt A new Center for Technological Development has been established at the University of Missouri-Rolla with Dr. Donald D. Myers, '61, '64, assistan t professor of engineering management, as its director. Announ cement of the new center was mad!! July 25 in Jefferson City by Missouri Governo r Christop her S. Bond. The Center for Technological Development was created to recruit technical entrepre neurs interested in starting businesses in Missouri, Bond explaine d. It will provide a central location for sharing information, equipment and ideas . Entrepr eneurs can get help from the center in commercializing their ideas, seeking grants and acquiring necessary business licenses. Partial funding for the new project comes from a $52,000 contrac t with the Missouri Division of Manpow er Plannin g and a $25,000 grant from the Missouri Commu nity Development Block Grant program awarded to the city of Rolla . "Essentially, the center will establish and initiate a system for the develop ment

On The Cove r Summe r is the season when alumni get together for informal meetings _ On a hot summer night in Tulsa, Vern Jones, right, hosted a luau for Miners in the northea stern Oklahom a area. The chef duties were turned over to Roy Wilkens, '66, left. and Keith Bailey, '64. center. For further detail.s of summer alumni activities, see page 8-11.

of new technology-based companies," Myers explained. "There's a great deal involved in developing a product and setting up a successful compan y, and the center will serve as a catalyst for putting all of those various element s together," he continu ed_ "Several small technology-based companies have been started in Rolla in the past few years," he said_"These include: Mead Technologies Inc. , a company providing electron beam resistant material ; Scott MTS, a compan y owned by James Scott, Class of '50, marketing mine safety roof bolts; Brewer Science Inc., a high-tech compan y providing specialty chemicals for integrated chemica l¡ industries; Midwest Comput ing Inc_, software data processing; and a new German firm , Talema Electronics Inc., a compan y making transfor mers and coils for compute rs_The objective of the center is to increase the number of start-ups and improve the potential for success of similar companies. To help achieve these goals, the center will actively recruit technica l

MS MA LU MN US (USPS-323-500)

Issued by-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the Unh'ersity of Missour iRolla. Entered as second class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401-9990, under the Act of march 3, 1897.

Tech Cente r Conti nued recruit entrepreneurs for the start-up of high-tech companies in Missouri. "We'll l qualifie<; other any and alumni staff, faculty, these entrepreneurs from UMR country the of part other any and i Missour both from rs enginee and s scientist said. where these people are pushing the state-of-the-art in their work," Myers because center the for location the as Governor Bond said Rolla was chosen of its rich technological resources. "Rolla has one of the largest pools of the engineers, scientists and specializeo equipment in Missouri. In addition catalyst great a provides ty cooperative spirit between the city and the universi for economic growth." a Myers explained that the center would assist also in the organization of the by funded be would which of ment establish the tion," corpora fit "non-pro nongrant from the Division of Manpower Planning. "When operational, the regional ating coordin for or' 'facilitat major the as profit corporation will serve "its resources to encourage and assist technology-based compan ies," he said. lla, UM-Ro from board of directors will be made up of representatives governamental agencies and the private sector. serve '"A 'for-profit' corporation will be financed by private investors and will focus will "it d. continue he ies," compan gy-based as an incubator of new technolo the to state idea the from neurs entrepre l technica ng supporti on assisting and stage in which venture capital could be obtained ." This assistance could include providing office and laboratory space, seed

and "capital for prototype/test equipment. telephone and secretarial service securing in aid as well as e. technical and business plan preparation assistanc " venture capital. ment "The Advisory Committee for the UMR Center for Technological Develop the of n chairma and tee commit the of n includes: Dr. Henry H. Sineath, chairma Phelps of t presiden an, Castlem Don ent; departm ment manage UMR engineering Dr. County Bank; Dr_ Robert Davis, dean of the UMR School of Engineering; Jack UMR; at ring enginee ceramic Delbert Day, Curators' Professor of Dietzmann, president of Coldwell Banker Dietzmann Real Estate; Dr. William of James, UMR professor emeritus of chemistry; Frank Mackaman, director MR MSM/U the of t presiden UMR Alumni/Development and executive vice t of the Alumni Association; Col. (Ret.) Edward Owsley, executive vice presiden of r professo UMR Amos, John Dr. rce; Comme of r Rolla Area Chambe ring; engineering"management and director of the Center for Applied Enginee g Plannin l Regiona c Merame the of Richard Cavender, executive director Rolla Commission; Floyd Ferrell, mayor of Rolla; Jim Smith, director of the Mines of School UMR the of dean , Warner Don Dr. School; nal Vocatio Area . services auxiliary of and Metallurgy; and Jess Zink, UMR director Alumni looking for assistance in establishing their own companies or those contact who just want to explore the idea of setting up a business are invited to ity Univers Hall, Harris 201 ment, Develop ogical Technol for Center Myers, DOn -4004) 314-341 ne: (Telepho of Missouri-Rolla. Rolla, Mo. 65401


William (Bill) Lindgren

Kelle y Development CO. Hi-Tech in Rolla

2/ MSM Alumnu s "' I

in Alumnus William (Bill) Lindgren's new business is an example of the way can -ment Develop ogical Technol which UM;Rolla -- and now the Center for assist in building a new high-tech business . Bill obtained his first degree in physics at Principia College then came to UMR r to work on his masters degree in nuclear physics under the direction of Professo Emeritus H. Q Fuller from 1951 to 1953. ring Until 1971 he worked in research and development and then in enginee that At s. industrie ics electron and ries laborato research several for ng and marketi proary propriet a d markete and time he formed Xenotec Inc. which developed n Ultrasca ology. opthalm in ions applicat medical duct for diagnostic ultrasound precision and imaging ic diagnost both for useful ent instrum scanning (TM) is a Copper axial length measurement of the human "eye. Xenotec was sold to Laboratories in November, 1980. in Bill and Pat (nee Kelley, a Rolla native) established Kelley Development comnew The d. Marylan from Rolla to y compan the move to decided and 1982 s a betpany is in the process of developing a prpduct which should offer surgeon during s problem surgical other and disease organic detect to ter and quicker way imagbased ocessormicropr a with together probe ic ultrason an uses It . surgery -type TV use to easy an on ing system to display an image of the parts of the body monseveral another for be will d stage--an screen. The product is in the R&D ths. Then the compan y will begin its manufacturing and marketing effort. with Bill has been receiving "assistance from various areas at UMR . Together a for l proposa a ring, enginee l Tom Herrick , assistant professor of electrica Grant ce Assistan Research i Missour the to d submitte research grant has been under program ; UMR student David Stephens (he is working on a masters degree r compute and ring enginee l electrica the direction of Paul Stigall, professor of develop basiC on summer this ment Develop Kelley for science) has been working ring, enginee cal mechani of r professo Barker, Clark nt; equipme and ment, testing , the has worked with the company on a consulting basis and, under his direction nt. equipme the for parts UMR machine shop has been making coorNow that the center has been established, further assistance may be dinated through that agency.

Stephanie Cioffi

Marge Dilday

David Gaskill

David lIIerf

Alumni Ed.u cational Assistants Program Officers and directors attending the MSM/UMR Alumni Association spring board meeting invited students receiving financial assistance through the Alumni Educational Assistants program to lunch with them . Seven of the 19 students on the program were able to attend the. event. They were introduced to the group, received a certificate and briefly explained their projects. Through the program, a faculty member or administrative staff member submits a proposal outlining a specific project and nominating a student who will work on the project. The student is paid an hOllrly wage based on skill and experience. A faculty committee selects the proposals to be funded . During the 1982 year, alumni support for the program amounted to $11,500. The following are short descriptions of the projects of the students attending the luncheon : Stephanie Cioffi •.•senior in mechanical engineering, worked under the direction of Frank Mackaman in the alumni office on such projects as membership records, alumni and development events and Alumnus personals.

Kevin Raines

Chris Ramsey

Margo Dilday .•• senior in geological engineering, worked under the direction of Dr. David Barr digitizing maps for the remote sensing laboratory.

David Gaskill ••• senior in electrical engineering, worked with Dr. Rodger Ziemer to build hardware for spread spectrum communications in E.E.

David IIIert .•. senior in electrical engineering, worked under t.he direction of Dr. David Dearth in the Computer Center as a computer operator, on installation of computer equipment and on minor repairs. Kevin Raines ••• junior in aerospace engineering, worked under the direction of Dr. Bob Oetting on a small sub-sonic wind tunnel. He built a wing model for testing and modified an attachment to the existing balance system .

Chris Ramsey .••senior in metallurgical engineering, worked under the direction of Dr. Don Askeland and Prof. Bob Wolf in the foundry on ductile iron projects.

Stephen Veit ... senior in electrical engineering, developed a color graphics display of . power flow information und,er the direction of Dr. Max Anderson.

Stephen Veit

Honorary Lifetime Membership FQr Barbara


Barbara Petrovic Aldridge, left , receives an honorary lifetime membership in the MSM/UMR Alumni Association from executive vice president, Frank Mackaman , right, at the spring board meeting luncheon. Mrs. Aldridge was administrative secretary of the association for a number of years and is well known to many alum· ni. Barbara, (Mrs. M.L. Aldridge) now lives on Route 71, Box 2243, Camdenton, MO 65020.

MSM Alumnus / 3

Emeritus Titles Awarded

Malcolm Cole After 30 years on the UM-Rolla faculty, Professor Malcolm B. Cole was awarded the title of emeritus professor of physics at the May commencement exercises. "Mac," as he is known to friends and colleagues, left con~iderably more than hi~ teaching duties in the physics department. "One of the things I'm giving up this year," he said, "is direction of the annual South Central Missouri District Science and Engineering' Fair: It's been held on the UM-Rolla campus for the past 27 years and I've had the responsibility of putting it together each year since 1967. We have had as many as 150 projects exhibited by the high school students and often there have been a number' of sophisticated projects developed by these young people." Cole's primary responsibility in the physics department for many years has been teaching the first semester. courses in elementary physics. '''Mac' really knows his subject," says colleague Dr. Robert Bell, UMR physics professor, who also teaches a section of the same course from time to time. "In fact , he developed a table used in teaching the thermodynamics section of the course that is the best teaching tool on the subject that I've found . He's given me permission to use it, too, and I find it invaluable." Cole has also served as adviser to several student organizations throughout the years. He was an adviser for one of the residence halls, and for a long time, he has served as an adviser for the UMR chapter of the Society of Physics Students and a subgroup of that organization, the Astronomy Club . He has also advised the Sports Car ClUb.

His most lengthy advising stint, which he has now relinquished, grew from his love of the game of bridge. Shortly after coming to Rolla, he joined a group called the MSM Faculty Men's Duplicate Bridge Club. It met biweekly in the basement of the Old Met Building. "It wasn't long before women joined that group." he said. "Then the students became members. I became the group's adviser in 1960 and continued to serve in that capacity until this past year." Cole was born in Wisconsin where his father was on the faculty at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. He received his B.A . degree in physics from that institution in 1938 and continued as a graduate student until joining the U.S. Navy in 1944. During his navy career, he attended radar school at Harvard and M.I.T. , taught radar in Hawaii, then served as radar maintenance officer of the U .S.S. Fanshaw Bay until his discharge in 1946. He returned to the University of Wisconsin and received his M.A. degree in 1948. He spent a year at Knox College as an instructor in physics and two y!!ars at Minnesota State College in Mankato in the same position before returning to the Madison campus for more graduate work. During the summer of 1953 he met Ludmilla Braxmeier (Millie), a medical technologist who was doing graduate work during the summer. After .Cole's first year at the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy , they were married, and Millie continued her work in Rolla. She is now supervisor of the Phelps County Regional Medical Center laboratory.

Robert Nau Robert H. Nau, professor of electrical engineering. says that teaching has been the most important part of his career, which has incl uded ind ustria l experience, mil itary service, and resea rch. Na u will become professor emeritus effective Sept. I. a nd onT he vete ra n professor has been o n the UMR fac ul ty for 26 yea rs ly recentl y missed his first da y of class. He has been officia ll y off work since early March when he had surgery fo r five coronary artery bypass grafts, but as. soon as he could , he returned to his offi ce fo r at least part of every da y. Nau joined the UMR fac ult y in 1957. He had previously worked for Westinghouse Electric Co. (where he developed circuit breakers that are still being marketed by Westinghouse and received fi ve patents on that equipment) and for Allis-Chalmers. He also had taught at the University of Santa Clara, Calif. ; Ohio Northern University; and the Universit y of llIinois. During World War II, Nau served with the U.S. Army Signal Corps in the China-Burma-India Theater.

4, MSM Alumnus

Nau Continued He remained in the Army Reserve, retiring as a Colonel in 1973 after 33 years. It has been a busy 26 years at UMR for the professor. In addition to his teaching responsibilities (which he says he lives 24 hours a day) , he has written fi.ve textbooks and numerous technical papers, and has served as an undergraduate student adviser and chairman of the scholarship committee for the electrical engineering department, adviser to the UMR Radio Club, and adviser and coach of the UMR Trap and Skeet Club. He also has been a consultant for a number of industries. Professor Nau descirbes himself as being "student-oriented," and delights in the students' nickname for him, "Papa" Nl/-u. "It came from my habit of telling my students that if they had any trouble, they should come by and talk it over with 'Papa Nau,'" he said. Many students have taken him up on the offer, for both academic and personal problems. His students .have responded to his dedication by voting him ¡an outstanding teachers award, life membership in the RadiO Club, and this year, selecting him

as an honorary faculty member of the Blue Key. Nau's hobbies, when he has time, include throwing the boomerang, gardening, birdwatching and trap and skeet shooting (he's a Hall of Fame trapshooting instructor and has won numerous awards). In addition, he has built stage equipment for benefit marionette shows presented by his wife, Betsy, a former professional in that field . All three of the Nau children are UMR graduates. His son , Dr. Dana Nau, assistant professor of computer science at the University of Maryland, received his B.S. in computer science here. His daughter, Diane, who is working on her doctorate in Middle Eastern languages at the University of Utah, received a B.A. in English; imd another daughter, Alice, who received her B.S. degree in geology here last spring, is now working on her M.S. at the University of Oklahoma. A total of more than 35 years in the classroom hasn't dimmed "Papa" Nau's enthusiasm for teaching. "I love it," he said. He will be teaching some courses during the summer session and will teach "whenever the department needs me,"

William James After 30 years on the facu lt y at UM-Rolla, Dr. William J. James was awarded the title of emeritus professor of chemistry at UMR's II Oth annual commencement. James plans to .remain "as busy as ever" and looks forward to having more time to dev0te to several projects and activities. Following a month and a half vacationing in Maine, he will embark on a series of travels that will take him from China to France. "I've been invited to lecture on rare earth intermetallic compounds at the Universities of Peking, Nanking and Lanzou," he says. ''I'll probably spend the month of September in China and then travel to Washington, D.C., for an October symposium on electro-chemicals." His stay in Washington will be followed by a trip to France that has special significance for him. "I had a graduate student from French Senegal several years ago," he explains, "and I'll be going to France to sit on his Ph.D. committec at the University of Grenoble. "He is a fine st udent," he adds, "and I'm looking forward to serving on his committee. It's a great honor because Americans don't often sit on these committees."

James also will have more time to spend on his company, a Rolla firm that manufactures electron ic chemicals. "The company has been growing quite rapidly," he says, "and it needs more attention than I've been able to give it lately." Although these other pursuits will take up more of his time, James doens't plan to become a stranger to campus. "I'll be devoting about half of my time to UMR ," he says. ''I'll be supervising several graduate students, writing proposals, doing research and perhaps teaching a class or two." Teach ing is something that James just can't seem to get out of his system. "( began teaching when I was 18 as an instructor in mUlti-engine flight mechanics in the Army Air Corps," he says. "After finishing flight school, I began teaching again, and this time the subject was celestial navigation. After he got but of the service, he attended Tufts College and was awarded a B.S. in 1949. He also received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Iowa State University in 1952 and 1953, resepctively. He joined the UM-Rolla faculty as an assistant professor of chemistry in 1953 and was named director of the UM -Rolla Graduate Center for Materials Research in 1964. He also has been a Fu lbright Research Professor at the Fourier' Institute and the Center for Nuclear Studies at the University of Grenoble.

MSM Alumnus / S

Emeritus Tittes Awarded Continued

Ernest M. Spokes Dr. Ernest M. Spokes, who was awarded the title of emeritus professor of mining engineering May 15, can look back- on two decades of growth at UMR. "Since ( joined the UMR faculty in 1963," Spokes says, "there has been a significant increase in the number of mining engineering students on campus. During my first year here, there were about 50 mining students in the department. Our peak enrollment during the last 20 years has been about 210 and we currently have 137 students enrolled." Spokes also has seen the campus grow in other areas. "There are many more women and minority students at UMR that when I first came here." he says. "There also has been an even greater recognition of the campus nationwide." For him , students provide the excitement of teaching. "( enjoy watching the students grow in their professional knowledge," he says. "It's also rewarding to watch them go out into the world and succeed, and I think a great deal of that success can be traced to the type of education they get here at UMR." Spokes and his wife, June, are looking forward to having the time to do some traveling. "\ guess you could say that traveling has become my chief hobby," he says. ''I'd like to see Wales and more of England and Scotland, and I'd also like to visit the Holy Land, Egypt, and the Greek Islands. I'm very interested in history from prehistoric' to modern times." Spokes also pl~. ns to visit the campus frequently. "( want to keep in touch with old friends," he says. ''I'm also interested in seeing how the Mineral Engineering Building develops. It will be a real plus to the program when it's completed ." Spokes joined the UMR faculty as professor and chairman of the department of mining and petroleum engineering. He served in this capacity until 1969 when he went to Saigon, South Vietnam, as chief of party and professor under the UMR-USAID contract. He returned to campus in 1971 as professor and head of mining engineering. Prior to coming to UMR, Spokes served as a mining engineer with Bethlehem Steel Corporation, as general engineer and assistant plant superintendent with the National Lead Company, and as a member of the mining engineering faculty at the Universi ty of Kentucky. Spokes holds a B.S. degree from Lafayette College, and M.S. from the University of Kentucky and a Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State UniverSity. He also was awarded the professional degree, engineer of mines, by Lafayette. He is a member of and has held numerous offices in the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, the Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, and the Coal Division of SME. In 1980 he was appointed chairman of the Committee on Underground Coal Mine Safety of the National Research Council's Commission on Sociotechnical Systems.

6/ MSM Alumnus

Frank Gerig Dr. Frank Gerig Jr., professor of civil engineering, received the professor emeritus title at commencement exercises May IS, but he didn't stay out of the classroom long_ He and his wife, Martha, spent part of their first few months of retirement attending three elderhostels in different parts of the country_ Their main courses of study were on home computers, which Gerig expects will play an important roll in his future. The professor is a long-time advocate of the use of computers, and he doesn't expect that to end with retirement. ''I'm looking forward to my third career," Gerig explains. "I'm not yet sure what it will be .. I've been too busy to think much about it so far ." Retirement from UMR ends the second career for Gerig. When he joined the UMR faculty in 1961, he had just retired from the U.S. Army as a lieutenant colonel. A graduate of the U.S_ Military Academy at West Point, he had served in Australia, New Guinea, Japan, Korea (where he received a Bronze Star) and Europe, as well as in many places in this country. Although he had offers from several other universities, Gerig chose to begin his second career at UMR for one main reason: the quality of its graduates. "All over the world I had run into graduates of this University," he said. 'They were all topnotch , really outstanding." Gerig has received his M.S. in civil engineering ~t California Institute of Technology in 1948. With a total of 21 months study at Texas A&M over a three year period, he e(irned his Ph.D.there in August 1967. In 1969, he was responsible for the founding of the UMR Transportation Instit ute and was its director until 1977. He also has been area head of transportation engineering as well as area head of construction engineering in the civil engineering department. Projects at the Transportation Institute have encompassed a wide range of subjects, including highways, highway interchanges, school buses, air travel. airports, traffic control, driver-vehicle guidance systems, and the older adults transportation service, which is still in operation. Gerig says that his -first interest has been in teaching and working with the students. In return, students twice have voted him outstanding teaching.awards. He estimates that he has taught about 3,000 students during his years here, .including about 90 graduate students in construction engineering. He said, "I know that what I'll miss most in retirement is the association with the students." Mrs. Gerig and their son, Frank, are both UMR alumni, and Mrs. Gerig is secretary of the MSM/UMR Alumni Association. The Gerigs expect to do some traveling during their retirement , especially to warmer climates during the cold winter months. "But," Gerig adds, "we'll always co",- back to Rolla."

,,Anton deS. Brasunas

Charles Hatfield Dr. Charles Hatfield, who was awarded the title of emeritus professor of mathematics on May 15, looks forward to having the time to "hit the books" again_ "I have a list of about 100 books that I would like to read now that I'll have the time," says Hatfield, who has been a member of the UM-Rolla faculty for 1'9 years. "The list includes novels, histories, biographies and works on philosophy and theology. I'm interested in all of these areas. I'd also like to do some writing on mathematical and non-mathematical subjects." As he was growing up, there was little doubt that Hatfield would pursue a . career in teaching. "My father was a professor of mathematics and that influenced me," he says. Teaching was also the closest match to my perceived abilities." He hasn't been disappointed with his choice of careers. "My years in teaching and the time I've spent at UMR have been very rewarding and enjoyable," he says. "As I look back, I'm reminded of the thought that happy is the man who does not know the difference between work and play. I like to think of myself as such a man." He was drawn to the study of mathematics, he explains, because of rhe "elegance" of much of it. "In theoretical, or what many persons refer to a 'pure' mathematics, there is a nice snug fit between reality and theory," he continues, "and I find this very appealing." Out of his feelings for mathematics has growm his longstanding love for mathematical puzzles. "Over the years, I have made, invented and collected about 150 puzzles," he says. "In addition to being fun , I think these puzzles are a valuable teaching tool because they allow students to see and touch a concept rather than just looking at numbers on a blackboard. Consequently , I've always . made use of them in my classes." There is another facet to Hatfield's campus activities outside the classroom. In 1965 he established the Inter¡Varsity Christian Fellowship chapter at UM¡Rolla. He has served as faculty adviser to the group since its inception. "This is an interdenominational o(ganization with 800 chapters at colleges and universities across the country ," he says. Hatfield was awarded a B.A. from Georgetown College of Kentucky in 1940, an M.A. from the University of Kentucky in 1941 and a Ph.D. from' Cornell University in 1944. He joined the UMR faculty in 1964. Prior to .that he was a member for the faculties of the University of Minnesota and the University of North Dakota.


Anton deS. Brasunas, professor of metallurgical engineering at the University of Missouri-Rolla and the UMR Graduate Engineering Center in St. Louis, will become a professor emeritus Sept. I. . Brasunas, however, will scarcely miss a beat in the rhythm of his busy career. His retirement plans include a stepped-up schedule of consulting work in the areas of metrication, metallurgy and corrosion engineering; continued activity in the U.S. Metric Association, the American Society for Metals, and the National Associaiton of Corrosion Engineering; some classroom teaching; and travel. Brasunas has lived inSt. Louis since joining the UMR faculty in 1964. He came to UMR as professor of metallurgical engineering, associate dean of the School of Engineering, and director of the UMR Graduate Engineering Center in St. Louis. In 1979, Brasunas left his administrative duties for teaching and conducted metallurgical engineering classes in St. Louis and on the Rolla campus. And, even though on emeritus status, he will continue to teach one class on physical metallurgy or corrosion of metals next year. He will also continue to encourage the use of the metric system by both industries and individuals. "National conversion to the metric system will take a great deal of effort," he said. "It's not something that happens overnight, but we are making progress by the millimeter. People are seeing more metric units in daily life. Many banks and news media weathermen use Celsius figures in addition to the traditional Fahrenheit, liter measurements are being used on liquid containers, and kilometers are appearing on more dashboards and road signs. The City of Cll\yton, for instance, now has some speed limit signs using 'kilometer-per-hour.'" Brasunas was born and grew up in Elizabeth , N.J. , where his father was employed with the Diehl Manufacturing Co. foundry. It may have been the 'foundry association that turned the young Brasunas in the direction of metallurgical engineering after he had earned a B.S. degree in chemical engineer' ing at Antioch College in Ohio. Both his master's degree, earned at The Ohio State University, and his doctor of science degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology were 'in the field of metallurgical engineering. Before joining the faculty at UMR, Brasunas had worked at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and taught metallurgy at the University of Tennessee. He was also educational director for the American Society for Metals for nine years and was the first director of its metals engineering institute. Brasunas and his wife, Ellen, will continue to live in Clayton. She is a psychotherapist and , with a partner, has recently opened the Creve Coeur Counseling Center.

MSM AiumnuS / 7




Ne~s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New York-New Jersey Meeting

President of the Alumni Association, Larry Spanier, and his wife, Elaine, organized a summer outing for the New York-New Jersey area alumni on Sunday, June 9. Visitors from Rolla were Chancellor Marchello and Louise, and Nancy and Frank Mackaman. They brought ideal weather and took credit for the first decent weekend of the season. Larry, who is active in the Coast Guard Auxiliary , arranged to use the Officer's Club on Governor's Island , an ideal setting at a historical site. A Coast


- f .

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8/ MSM Alumnus

G uard cutter was in port and tours were available to all alumni and their guests --a unique afternoon. Present were: Leah and Don Coben, '5 1, Demarest, N.J .; Linda and Hugh Cole, '72, Springfield , N.J.; Libby and Charles Copeland , '62, Hastings, N.Y.; Robert a and Bob Couch , '41 , Allamuchy, N.J. ; Lorraine and Donald Dieringer, '50, Demarek, N.J. ; Dorothy and Paul Edwards, '49 , Ridgefield, Conn.; Carol and Lou Gibbs, '57, Greenwich, Conn.; David Head , '74, Fords, N.J .; Enrique Heller, '50, New

York City , N.Y. , and guest , Hilda Cytryn ; Margaret and ' Jim Hoelsher, '48, Greenwich, Conn .; Theresa and Samuel Hung, '69, New City, NY : Lili and Herb Kalish, '43, Short Hills, N.J .; Nancy and Frank Mackaman, Rolla; Louise and Joe Marchello, Rolla; Bob Mansfield, '47 , Fairlawn , N.J. ; Bonnie ' and Arthur McClanahan , '37, Garden Cit y, N.Y.; Tina and Si Megeff, '50, Old Bethpage, N.Y .; Ilia , Manesh , Manesh II, and Shveta Patel, '63, Tinton Falls, N.J .; Antonia, Jackie, ~edro Jr. and Pedro Pimienta; Roberta . and Ernie

Reeves, '52, Crawford, N.J .; Lita and Ed Skalka, '50, Warren , N.J. ; Elaine and Larry ¡ Spainer, '50, Dix Hills, N.Y. ; Evelyn and John Tweedy, '49 , Huntin gto n , N.Y .; Do ri s and Joe Varanouskas, '52, Flushin g, N.Y.; Engracia, Miriam , Ruth and Arturo Vidal , '63, New York City , N.Y.; Patricia and Michael Warfel , '75 , Hick sv ille , N.Y. ; Jean and Jack Williams, '50, Whippan y, N.J. ; Richard Wullschleger; Stephanie and Mark Naber, '73, Maywood, N.J .

New York-New Jerley Continued

Meeting Data SPE Technical Conference, Al umni Reception. . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 6 San F rancisco, Calif. SME Fall Meeting, Alumni Reception. . . . . . . . .. Oct. 20 Salt Lake City, Utah Homecoming 1983. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Oct. 21 -22 Rolla SME-AIME Annual Meeting, Alumni Reception. . . Feb. 26-March 2, '84 Los Angeles, Calif.

Tulsa Section It was a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight, Tulsa, that is, and the date, July 23. Vernon and Maralee Jones opened their lovely home and grounds to host an authentic Luau for area alumni. It was something! Delicious food, beautiful decorations and punchy punch. There was icy beer for those who hav(;!n't been able to shake off their Rolla roots_ Keith Bailey and RoyWilkens in aprons are something to see. . It was the maiden voyage for the most elaborate smoker this writer has ever seen. It handled a whole pig plus uncounted chickens. It had the neatest welds you could imagine, befitting an apparatus designed and built by . pipeliners. Maralee,jealous of the atten-

tion Hans Schmoldt and Nancy Mackaman were receiving because their right arms were incapacitated, sliced her right thumb which required emergency treatment by Pr. Vernon Jones and retreatment by Gayle Kick. Special mention should be made of Sue Cowen, Carl Junction, 'Mo., who only washes dishes when she is out-of-state. All hands cooperated to make the event one that will be long remembered. Several who made reservations were unable to attend, but the roster included the following 72 people: Ernest, '53, and Mollie Achterberg, Tulsa; Mike '79 and Debbie, '79, Ackerson, Bartlesville; Bill, '71 and Donna Akin, Bartlesville; Robert and Sherri

Jackson, Broken Arrow; Keith, '64, and Pat Bailey, Tulsa; Jim, '64, and Judy Collins, Tulsa; Jack, '31 , and Margret Conley, Tulsa; Doli Shetley and Tim Cooper, '81, Bartlesville; Joe, '69, and Sue Cowen, Carl Junction; Don DeMand, '81 , Owasso; Rick, '80, and Lisa Fahrenkrog, Tulsa; Fred Fass, Oklahoma City; Herman, '51, and Arlene Fritschen, Tulsa; Lorenzo, '70, and Clotildea Hill, Tulsa; Brenda Horak, '82, Tulsa, and Mike Tolbert, '81, Oklahoma City; Robert and Sherri Jackson, Broken Arrow; Ed, '50, and Lois Johnson, Tulsa; Vernon, '53, and Marlaee Jones, Tulsa; Dave, '57, and Gayle Kick, Tulsa; Gary, '75, and Mona Kuse, Bartlesville; Jose, '46, and Martha

Machado, Tulsa; Frank and Nancy Mackaman, Rolla; Joe and Louise Marchello, Rolla; Ernest, '27, and Faye Moran, Miami; Robert, '50, and Betty Ponder, Tulsa; Rhonda Powers, '81 , Tulsa; Richard, '70, and Donna Riley, Bartlesville; Fred, '53, and Marylou Scharf, Tulsa; Hans, '44, and Jimmie Schmoldt, Bartlesville; Richard Siegele, '63 and Nancy StalcUp, Tulsa; Randy, '74, and Denise Staponski, Tulsa; Gene, '42, and Lee Veale, Tulsa; John, '71, and Susan Stucker, Tulsa; Jim, '56, and Gwen Ware, Tulsa; Wes, '73, and Patt Watkins, Tulsa; Tom, '50, and Janet Weidman, Neosho; Roy Wilkens,'66, Tulsa; Ken, '50, and LaVerne Yochum, Bartlesville .

MSM Alumnus / 9



Tulsa Section Continued

Free Shortcourse For EE Alumni at Homecoming "SELECTING A PERSONAL COMPUTER" To show appreciation to all EE alumni-for their support, the EE Department will hold a free short course on selection of a personal computer. The course is offered from I :30 to 4:30 p.m. Friday afternoon, Oct. 21, during ¡homecoming weekend. The main features and peculiarities of the more popular personal computers will be discussed . Because personal computers may cover a broad scope of applications, spouses are welcome to attend the shortcourse also. Social activities for alumni spouses not interested in the course will be provided during this same time. To register for the shortcourse and/or spouse's program please complete and send the form below to: Tom Van Doren Professor of Electrical Engineering Room 208, Engineering Research Lab University of Missour'i-Rolla Rolla, MO 6540 I Additional details concerning the shortcourse and spouse's program will be mailed to registrants during September. Registration for shortcourse at UMR on "Selecting a Personal Computer" (October 21 , 1983 1:30 - 4:30 p.m .) Name


Yr. of Grad.

Phone Number

Regist ration for Spouse's Program Name (No charge for short course or spouse's program)

lO / MSM Alumnu s

Houston Section Paula says Houston Miners can ex· Paula Bradley Hudson says that the HOllston, Texas Section's "After Work pect to have another "After Work Par· Party", on June 3, was a great success. ty" ei ther in August or September, just Held at the Ba va rian Gardens, more enough time to lull the Federal G-Men than 36 persons showed the other into a false sense of securit y, I suppose. Miners and their guests other than Texans how Miners have a good time. And, again according to Paula , the fact Paula included: that several persons from the U.S. At· Da n, '79, '81, and Susan Beckerle; torney's Office showed up before the Terry '77 , '79, a nd Phyllis, '79 , party was over was due to the fact that Panhorst; Greg, '79, and Kathie Wayne; they wanted to join in on the festivities, Brian , '78, and Susie Porr; Dennis Dutton, '76; Mike Hazen, '7 I; Nancy not hand out subpoenas.

Arnold; '79; C urt , '73, '80 , and Marybeth Killinger; Ra y, '5 1, and Carie Roller; C heryl and Tom Reinert; John Kelly, '74; Mitchell Peterson, '75; Bob Hempler, '74; Jeff Jost, '82; Bob, '67, and G loria Winn; Terry , '73 , and Jane Scowcroft; G il , '47, and La ura Carafiol; Mike, '77, and Debbie Weiss; Mike, '76, and Ann McKee; Jim, '71 , and Denise Wray; Ruel Kirkpatrick, '3 1; and Jim, '48, and Betty Cha ney.

Jobs Activity in the job market--for engineers with experience--is up significantly, reports Paul Ponder, assistant director of career development at UMR. "It looks like the situation is improving," he says. "Req uests for engineers with experience now average about two per day, and cover a variety of different engineering and geograph ical areas. The one area that remains slow is the field of petroleum engineering," he adds. The UMR Career Development Office provides placement assistance not only for graduating seniors, but also for alumni. An example of this service, Ponder points out, is the case of an alumnus who was graduated during the 1950's. He hap been working throughout his career for a car parts manufacturer in St. Louis. The company closed this year and he was out of a job. He dropped by the Career Development Office in Rolla on his way to a short vacation with his fa mily at the Lake of the Ozarks. He registered for the alumni placement service and the office provided him with available listings. After returning to St. Louis, he interview· ed at a company on the list and was hired on the spot. For those alumni who can'i drop by UMR, the office provides a biweek ly listing by mail. There is a $5 registration fee (to c?ver list reproduction and postage) for six months. Alumni need to send an up-to-date resume and the registra· tion fee to the Career Development Office. The placement staff will make the resume available to companies looking for people with experience, and will send the alumnus the bi-weekly job listings. To use the service contact: Paul Po nd er , ass istant director ·· placement, Career Development Office, UMR, Rolla, Mo. 65401 (phone: 314-341-4229).

MSM Alumnu s J 11


MINER SPORTS Gene Green, Editor

Schedules Miner Football Dall' Sept. 3 Sept. 10 Setp. 17 Sept. 24 Oct. I Oct. 8 OCt. 22 Oct. 29 Nov . 5 Nov . 12

Opponent @Mo Western Mo. Valley @Pittsburg St. U. of Evansville @Lincoln NW Missouri (Parents Da y) Central Mo. (Homecoming) @Evangel @SE Missouri NE Missouri

Timl' 1:30 1:30 7:30 1:30 '1:30 '1 :30 '1:30 1:30 '1 :30 '1 :30

'Denotes M1AA game

Men's Soccer

Last year's UMR soccer co-captain, Tom Kinney, scores a goal against opposition during the 1982 season. Date

Men's Soccer Faces Tough Schedule Matches with NCAA Division I opponents and Division II powers dot the 1983 UM-Rolla men's sOCcer schedule, as coach Paul McNally's squad tries to improve on last year's 11 -7-1 record. The Miners open with a Sept. 3 home game against Division I University of Tulsa, kicking off a 19-9ame regular season schedule. The UM-Rolla kickers enjoy six straight home games at the tail end of the slate, winding up the season Nov . 8 against Southwest Missouri. In addition to always tough con-

ference opposition, the Miners take on NAIA power Rockhurst College,Division III Washington University and Division II Indiana State UniversityEvansville. . . "It is a very challenging schedule," said McNally. "University of Missouri St. Louis is always ranked near the top, and the other MIAA programs have improved over the years." Additional seating has been added to UMR's soccer complex, with ticket prices unchanged from last season.

A season ticket remains $20, with individual game admission $2.50 and junior high and high school students admitted for $1.25. Children 6-12 will be admitted for half-price, with children under six admitted free to all Miner games when accompanied by an adult. The season ticket is an added bargain, as it admits the individual to all men's and women's games for the 1983 season. UMR's men's soccer team was ranked as high as fourth in the nation during the 1982 season .

Sept. 3 Sept. 5 Sept. II Sept. 16- 17Sept. 21 Sept. 22 Sept. 24 Sept. 28 Oct. 6 Oct. 8 Oct. 14· )5 Oct. 22 Oct. 28 . Oct. 31 Nov. 5 Nov. 6 Nov . 8



U. of Tulsa Bene4ictine Wash. U. @UMSL Twinbill @NE Oklahoma @Mo. Southern @Rockhurst Maryville @McKendree @IS-Evansville @Wheaton Tourney UM ·St. Louis SE Missouri Westminster NE Missouri NE Louisia~a SW Missouri

7:00 7:00 2:00 5:30 2:30 3:30 2:00 7:30 3:30 2:00 1:00 7:30· 7:00 3:30 2:00 1:00 7:00

Women's Soccer

Lady Kickers Return Nine Letterwomen A tough schedule awaits the improving UMR women's soccer team in 1983, as the Lady Miners start the season off Sept. 17 at Lindenwood College. _ Fifteen games are scheduled for regular season play, with matches against NCAA Division II powers South e rn Illinoi s Univer s ity Edwardsville, Universit y of Missouri-St. Louis and NAlA power Quincy College highlighting the season. The Miners will also participate in a tournament at

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UMSL, featuring some 6f the top teams in the United States. "We had a good recruiting year, and I am looking forward to getting the season under way," McNally said. "This group showed a great deal of promise last season and I feel we are headed in· the right direction." The Miners, 4-6-1 in 1982, will be paced by returning Most-YaluablePlayer Chris Waeckerle. The squad also returns nine other letterwomen , with

Waeckerle and Kelly Holtgrieve serving as team co-captains this year. After starting the season on the road for three straight matches, the Miners entertain Maryville College in the Sept. 28 home opener. This 5:30 p.m. game will be one of two UMR soccer doubleheaders in 1983, with the men playing Maryville College at 7:30 p.m. Both squads host UMSL in a conference twin bill Oct. 22.




Sept. 17 Sept. 21 Sept. 23-25 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Oct. I OCt. 4 Oct. 12 Oct. 22 Oc t. 25 Oct. 28 Oct. 30 Nov. 5

@Lindenwood @Mo. Baptist @UMSL Tourney .Maryville @SIU·E Tourney

2:00 3:30 TBA 5:30 TBA

SIU-E Mo. Baptist UM -St. Louis @SI U-E @Maryv ille Quincy Lindenwood

7:00 7:00 5: 30 7:00 3: 30 2: 00 7:00

Jerry Moulin New Defensive Line Coach

Chris Nisbet, new Min!!r quarterback

Mike Schafer, MIAA leading rusher

Football Miners Open Season Sept.. 3 Winning is something the University of Missouri·Rolla football team has done quite regularly during the past five seasons. During this span, Charlie Finley's Miners have produced a 40-12-2 record, won one MIAA title with a perfect 10-0 season in 1980 and finished second three times. The veteran UM-Rolla coach is determined to start the second half of this "wining decade" off right. "There are 19 players missing from last year's 8-3 team , but I sincerely feel we have a nucleus to form another good squad," Finley said. "Our success *,ill depend on how quickly we mold together as a unit." Firiley starts his 12th season as Miner head coach, boasting a career record of 62-47-9. He is a gradullte of Southwest Missouri State, where he starred on the Bear football team. The 1960 graduate is now a member of the Southwest Missouri Hall of Fame. He joined UM-Rolla as an assistant coach in 1965 after successful coaching stops at Sarcoxie and Lebanon high schools. Action for 1983 begins Sept. 3 at Missouri Western, followed by nonconference games against perrenial power Missouri Valley, NAIA power Pittsburg State, NCAA Division II passing leader University of Evansville, and Evangel College. This, coupled with the always tough MIAA slate, gives Finley's team another solid schedule this fall. "We lost some good people, but I feel

we are bigger and stronger than a Miner team has been in many years," Finley said. "Hopefully, some of the players who graduated instilled the winning tradition and pride into some of the younger players we will count on this season." Hardest hit by graduation was the UM-Rolla defensive backfield. Starters Craig Thomas, all·conference selection Randy Hauser, and Steve C. Davis are gone. Returning will be Scott Teter and Brian Bradley, who shared some starting duty last year, 'along with lettermen Dan Carmody, Rob Laird and Bill Bohnhoff. Finley is also counting on Matt Pitsch, added from the junior college ranks, to lend a hand. The linebacking unit is solid, losing only all·conference senior Todd Fizer. Returnees Stev.e K. Davis, Glenn Wilhelm, Ben Lewis, Jeff Krack and Tim Schamel all enjoyed solid seasons in 1982. The defensive line will miss allconference selections Bob Pressly and Paul Demzik, but boasts many returning players. Twins Rickie and Randy Caruthers are ready for action at defensive end spots, while lettermen John Frerking and George Stock fill out the rest of the line. . On offense, Chris Nisbet gets the call at replacing four-year starter Dennis Pirkle at quarterback. Nisbet sat out last season with a hamstring injury. He has lettered previously at both quarterback and defenm.: back and is 3-0 in quarterback starting assignments.

His backfield will feature some of the top runners in the MIAA, paced by conference rushing and scoring leader Mike Schafer. The Chaminade High School product enjoyed a remarkable sophomore season, pacing the league with a 55.5 yards·per-game average and scoring eight touchdowns in eight games. Joining him will be halfback Randy Shed, who led the Miners in total yards rushing with 505. Behind these two will be a trio of sophomores who have shown flashes of stardom, Keenan Curry, Tom Kroner and Mike Meyer give UM·Rolla the potential of having one of the most potent running attacks in the MIAA. The receiving unit lost all-conference selection Dave Stephens but returns lettermen Scott Stephens and Mel Parham. The offensive lines returns Doug Ely, Jim Gillam, Jeff Heger, Jerrry Hirlinger, Jeff Murphy and Russ Pogue. Allconference selection Kevin Griesemer has graduated, along with starting center Jim Lioyd. If the 1983 Miners have one question mark, it is the kicking game. Both Bruce Baughman (punting) and Thomas (place-kicking) must be replaced. How does Finley see the MIAA race? "Northeast has to be the favorite, returning many players from the great team they had a year ago," he said. "After that point it is hard to predict. "But if tradition holds true, the Miners wil be in the thick of the race," Finley said. "These players do not like to lose."

Jerry Maulin , head football coach at Mountain Grove High School the past two seasons, has been named an assistant football coach at UMR. Maulin, who replaces Chuck Broyles, will coach the defensive line and serve as Miner baseball coach. The '39-year-old Maulin led Mountain Grove to an 11 -1 record in 1982. Prior to his two-year stint there, he served as head football and baseball coach at C ul ver- St oc kto n Co llege f rom 1976- 1980. During that span, the Wildcats improved an 0-8 record in 1976 to a fine 6-4 mark in 1980. Before joining CulverStockton, Maulin coached at Wentsv ille and Cleveland High Schools in St. Louis. ''I'm real happy to be joining UMR ," he said "I have known and respected head coach Charlie Finley for many years. It is a good career move for me, and I'm excited about the opportunity." Finley said he was impressed with Maulin's credentials. "He has been successful wherever he has been, and he gives us that combination of football and baseball experience that we were searching for ," he said. "He knows all phases of both games and will be a welcome additon to our staff." Broyles leaves behind nine highly successful years as defensive line coach, ' highlighted by the undefeated Miner squad of 1980. That year's defensi ve squad led the NCAA Division II in rushing defense (34.6 yards per game) and was third in the nation in tota l defense (201 .4 yards per game). "Leaving this' program is one of the toughest decisions I've ever had to make," Broyles said. "There have been so many good times here." Broyles, who was also baseball coach at UMR. will continue that duty at Miami High School in Oklahoma.

Jerry Maulin

MSM Alum n us , 13

Miners Sports Continued

1983 New Recruits The ·following are among the high sc hool seniors and junior college transfers who have signed lette rs of intent to participate in UM R inter· collegiate spons during the 1983-84 academic yea r. This is not a complete list of those 'who sign ed for all sports. but should give alumni an idea of the credentials of some of the future Miners.

Football Vincf Mitchell-·Be llev ille !IlLi Althoff Ca tholic High School. Mitchell is a 6·0. 20S·pound offensive guard-defensive end . He was -All-Metro. All· Conference. All-City and was selected to play in the Illinois East-West All-Star Shrine Game . He was senior captain of his squad and Althoffs defensive Most-Valuable-Player. His prep team has been the Gateway East Conference champs the past four years and won the Class 4-A title in 1.980. Former Miner Todd Fizer is a graduate of the same high school. Daniel Goldner··St. Louis (Mo.) Parkway Cen· tral High School. Goldner is a 6-3. 210·pound linebacker. He was All-Metro. All-District. and AII·Conference. Matt Banholzer-·St. Louis (Mo.) Hazelwood Central High School. Banhol zer is a 6-2. 230-pound linebacker-tackle. He was All· Metro. second-tea m All -State, and All-Conference. His prep team was runner·up in the state pla y·offs both his sophomore and junior years. Patrick Kaufman--St. Charles (Mo.) West High School. Kaufman is a 6-1. 190-pound quarterback. He was a first -team AII·Conference selection . fir · ing the most passing attempts in the league and recording the ' most yardage and highest completion percentage (S I.9) in conference action. Vernon Huggans--St. Louis (Mo.) Lutheran North High School. Huggans is a S·9. )6S·pound tailback -defensive back. He was first -team AII Conference and helped lead his prep team to ihe 1982 Class 3-A state championship. Brian Andrzejewski ·-Cre ve Coe ur (Mo.) DeSmet Jesuit High School. Andrzejewski is a S-IO. 19S-pound tailback. He was twice a member of the All-Conference team before attending a prep school for one yea r. He helped lead DeSmet to a berth in the play-oft's during the 1981 season. David Andrzejewski -- Creve Coe ur (Mo.) DeSmet Jesuit High School. Andrzejewski is a 6-0. 170·pound quarterback . He was honorablemention All-Independent. His squad fini shed the 1982 season as District S Champions and as a quarterfinalist in the state play·offs. Kendall Foos--6-3. 240-pound guard from Weskan, Kan., (Weskan High School). Foos pla yed offensive and defensive tackle in high school , and was a CD-captain of the team his senior year. He was a first-team All-Conference player. Matthew Pitsch-·6-1, 19S-pound strong safetyoutside linebacker from Leavenworth, Kan ., (Leavenworth High School) and Hutchinson

Jun ior College. This junior college transfer will be pounds and was 22-0 for the season. The Miner expected to help bolster the Miner defense . He can coaching staff sees Ho y as a fullback . also pla y defensive end . Pitsch was captain of Hut Men's Soccer chinson Junrio College's specia l team s. Don Snyder--6·3. 2lS·pound defensive lineman Tim Lynch, defender, Martin Count y HIgh from Mil an. III., (Rockridge High School). Snyder School. Palm City. Fla ..... Tim was Pla yer·or·the · impressed the Miner coaching staff with his Year in his area, is a solid defender. and could help quickness and overall abilit y on defense. He was a th e Miners quickly." McNall y said. first -team AII ·Co nfere nce performer for Jerry Scott, striker. Ha zelwood West High Rockridge High School. School. St. Louis-·"Scott is excellent in the air. is a Tony Kaczmarek ·-6-1. 17S-pound halfback· hard·nosed player who could be the scorer the defensive back from Salem. Mo., (Salem High Miners are look ing for." School), The brother of current Miner team Paul Morgan, defender, Bishop DuBourg High member Joe Kaczmarek , Tony was a first ·team School. St. Louis-·" Paul has good speed, good fi eld performer at defensive back and a second-team of vision and could help UMR out at ei ther performer at halfback on the South Central defender of midfield." Association's. All-Conference teams . He will help Keith Vandersteen, midfielder, Bishop DuBourg fo rm one of four brother combinations on the High School, St. Louis-·"Keith was first-team All 1983 UMR squad . Other br.other duos will be State. as well as a member of the AII-CI.ty and' All· Randy and Rickie Caruthers, Gregg and Glenn conference squads. He has good size and should · Wilhelm and recently signed DeSmet standouts do a good job." . Brian and David Andrzejewski. Mike Fiala, midfielder , Vianney High School, Brad Haug--6·3, 17 S-pound quarterback from St. Louis--"Mike was a member of last year's state Roxana, Ill. (Roxana High School)--Haug was championship team and was voted his squad's first·team All-Conference as a senior and a most improved player." member of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat's All· Ted Klucas, wingback , Riverview Gardens East District squad . He logged a 63 percent com - High School, St. Louis--"Ted has good size and pletion rate last yea r in leading his team to the speed and is very intelligent on the field ." . conference title and 4-A semifinals as a senior. Phil Harizal, midfielder, Granite Ci ty South Mike Moss--6-3. 18S-pound 'tight end from High School. Granite City, 1I1. .. " Phil is a fine Jackson , Mo. (Jackson High School)·- Moss was player who was an important part of last year's ilboth All-Conference and All-District in 1982, linois state champions." leading his sq uad to a conference title last year. Ed Cowley, defender, Granite City South High Jackson finished third in the state his junior year. School. Granite Cit y, 1I1.--"Ed is a big, strong He comes from the same high school that producplayer who also played on that championshi p ed former Miner receiver Rusty Adams. team. At 6-2, he can help us at either defender or David Olmstead ·-6-0, 17 S-pound running back back." from Festus, Mo. (Festus High School)··Olmstead Ben Birch, goalie, Collinsville High School, Colwas the leading ground gainer in the Jefferson • linsville, 1I1. .. "Ben transfers in from Belleville Area Count y Conference last season. in addition to Communit y College, after serving as goalie on playmg linebacker on defense. UM R's staff is im· Collinsvi lle's 1981 state championship team. He pressed with his versa tilit y and fee ls he cou ld play 'has great credentials, including 18 shutouts his several positions. senior season. We look for him to battle for the Randy Jones-·6-S. 2 lS-pound tight end from start ing goalie post with returner Bob Haas." Festus, Mo. (Festus High School)-· Jones was a Kevin Keenoy, sweeper back, Lewis and Clark teammate of Olmstead's last year and was a sta rter Community College, St. Louis--"Kevin was firston Festus' basketball team as well as their top team JU CO All· American , also garnered first· football receiver. He is a great natural athlete who team AII·American honors from the National Soc· has tremendous grow th potential. according to the cer coaches Association of America, the Most UM R staff. Valuable Player award from Region 24 and was Steve Lipic·-6· 2, 2 10·pound linebacker-tackle an All-Midwest selection . He led his team to a from St. Louis, Mo. (V ianney High School)··Lipic second-place finish in the nation in 1982. We feel impressed the Miner coachi ng staff with his inten· he will blend in well with our three returning sit y. The coaches also feel he' has the size to play at defenders. " a variet y of positions. Mike Lane, forward for DeSmet High School. James Hoy--S-·II. 18S-pound fullback and St. Louis. "Lane is the kind of player we fee l will linebacker from EI Dorado, Kan ., lEI Dorado aid the Miners at either wing forward or striker." High School)-- Hoy was a first -team All-League selection on both offense and defense and also has Women's Soccer impressive wrestling credentials. As a senior. he won the state's S-A State Championship at 18S Susan Shrum--defensive back, Mehlville High

School. "Susan was the best de fensive back in the St. Louis area." McNall y sa id . "Quite a few programs rea ll y wa nted her." Shrum was her t eam '~ Most-Valuable·Player last season at the swee per posit ion. McNally indicated she may also see dut) for UM -Rolla at midfield. Kris Brillhart ·· midfi elder. Mehl vi lle High School. "K ris has excellent speed and ca n distribute the ball well from the midfield position." A teamm ate of Shrum's, Brillhart was a member of the Missouri State Select Team last yea r. winnin g her squad's " 110 percent" award the last two seasons. Angela McEntire-·wi ng, Oakville Senior High School. "Angela played against some of the best teams in the St. Louis area and is a fast, skilled player who can score some goals." McEntire played for last year's Kutis 19·U nder state cham · pionship tea m. Laura Buchheit-- wing , Rosati -Kain Hi gh School. " Laura was a good defensive wingback performer in high school. With her fine speed. we are hoPeful she will tie a player of the future for us Janet·Waeckerle-· fuliback at Bishop DuBourge High School in St. Louis. Earned four varsity let· ters and was a mem ber of the Missouri Sta.te High School Girls Soccer Team in 1981. McNall y sa id she can not onl y play fullback but may join her sister as a middle defender. Joan Gleich·-mid-field er, tran sfe red from Meramec Community College, St. Louis, and played earlier for Lindbergh High School.

Swi'mming Danny Mattie, sprint freestyler, Huntsvi lle, Ala. Mattie made Junior Nationals in the 100 freestyle and is al ready under NCAA Di vision II national cuts. Tim Davis, diver. Mehlville, Mo. Davis was fifth in the Missouri High School I·meter Diving Championships last year . Dale Hueser, diver. Appleton , Wis. Hueser was th e YMCA State Diving Champion last year. fini shing 10th in I·meter diving and 11th in 3·meter diving in YM CA national competition. "He should be a real asset to our diving program and give us added depth," Pease noted. Shane Hawkins, breaststroke, Springfield. Mo. Hawkins finished second in the Missouri High School. Breaststroke competition last year. "I feel he will ha ve national potential by the end of his freshman season," Pease said. Mark Shlanta, freestyle. Sioux Falls. S.D. Shlanta, a 6-S athlete. is a middle·distance freestyler who has the abilit y to develop into ana · tional qualifier. "He has an excellent chance of making it in the relays," Pease said.

Key Named to Hall of Fame Board


ii ! I

UM-Rolla basketball coach Billy Key has been named to the board of trustees at the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Mass. The announcement was made by Hall of Fame President Curt Gowdy; who also announced the size of the board has been increased from 52 to 62 members representing the entire basketball world. Joining Key on the board are Mrs.

. II


14 / MSM

Alumn us

Pat Head Summitt of the University of Tennessee, who will coach the 1984 U,S.A. women's Olympic team; Dr. Jerry Buss, owner of the Los Angeles Lakers and The Forum; Sanford · I. Weill, vice chairman of American Express; David R. Gavitt, commissioner of the Big East Conference; Larry Baxter, president of Big Yank Jeans; Wayne Embry, vice president of the Milwaukee

Bucks; Billy Packer, color commentator tories. He is currently third vice presiat CBS-TV; Fred "Tex" Winter, im- dent on th~ NABC and will become mediate past president of the National president of that body in 1986. Association of Basketball Coaches; and "I'm honored to be on the Hall of Charles Bloodworth of the International Fame board of trustees," Key said. "The Associaiton of Approved Basketball Of- organization does a great deal to honor ficials. the sport of basketball and I'm pleased Key; a veteran of 20 seasons at UM- to be associated with it." Rolla, has won 346 collegiate games and Key's term will run through 1986. over 500 contests counting prep vic-

Norwegian Students Come to UMR A program will begin this fall at UM R that will see qualified Norwegia n cQllege freshmen enrolling on campus to stud y elec tri ca l engineering, mec hani ca l engineering, civil engineering or computer science. The {lrogram is funded by the Norwegian Business Foundation for Education of Engineers Abroad which was established by 14 Norwegian and international companies in . 1981 to stimulate interest in the field of engineering and to help reduce a shortage of engineers in Norway. The foundation already has provided grants to students studying fn Sweden, Great Britian, France, West Germany and Switzerland. "We will have one Norwegian student participating in the program during the 1983 fall semester," said Ronald Johnston, UMR associate director of admissions. "Several other students are scheduled to enroll in the program during the 1984 spring semester." Participating in the program this fall will be Geir Sigbjorn Nyhus of Kroderen, Norway, who will study computer science. "We are very pleased to have a pro- ' gram such as this at UMR and we look forward to working with the foundation ," Johnston said. "The students who

have applied so far appear to be very well-qualified and should be an asse t to , the ca mpus.

Earth Sciences Award UMR student Todd B. Housh , Carthage, is this year's recipient of the W.A. Tarr Award, presented annually by Sigma Gamma Epsilon to the outstanding senior in earth sciences. Housh, a geology and geophysics major, was presented a Brunton compass by UM-Rolla Professor Paul D. Proctor. Proctor serves as faculty adviser for the local chapter. Housh was selected by a faculty awards committee.

) Amira Abdul-Walker

Steve Watkins

Missouri Academy of Sciences Award K.E. Zoller Student Loan Fund A bequest from the late Hank Zoller, Class of '23, has been used to establish a loan fund at UM-Rolla for engineering students' fees. Loans may be renewed and are interest free until the student graduates or ceases to be enrolled. At that time, interest will begin to accrue at five percent simple interest. This fall, a student who is a Missouri resident enrolled in 15 hours (12 hours of engineering courses for which there is a $10 per credit hour surcharge) will be . paying fees of $837.55.

--F ive UM-Rolla students received awards for presentations made at the annual meeting of the Missouri Academy of Sciences. Twelve UM-Rolla students were entered in two categories at the event. In the category of Engineering/Physics/Mathematics, UMR swept the event with first , second. and third place winners. They were: First place-Michael M. Muehlmann , Ballwin, a graduate student in physics whose presentation was on "Near Surface Ion Implantation for Wear Reduction in Steel;" Second place--Steve Watkins, Salem, senior in electrical engineering, whose presentation, "Contrast Limita-

tions for a Grating Shadow," concerned research on optical systems; Third place-Brian W. Miller, Florissant, a senior in physics whose presentation was on "Auger and ESCA Spectroscopy of Metal Oxides." In the SocialfBehavorial Sciences Section, two UM-Rolla students working on a joint independent research project made a presentation on "Personality Charasterics of Technic.al vs. Nontechnical Undergraduates" which won second place in the category. The students were: Amira Abdul-Wakeel, Kansas City, sophomore in psychology; and Cindy Carpenter, New Haven , sophomore in psychology.

Academy of Electrical Engineers . Thirteen electrical engineering alumni of the University of Missouri-Rolla have been inducted into the UMR Academy of Electrical Engineers, a departmental advisory group of alumni and other electrical engineers who have made outstanding contributions to their profession. New members are: Ren Beatty, 7106 Roland , St. Louis, retired electrical engineer, formerly with Union Electric Co.; Donald G. DeBolt, 9122 Raeford Drive, Dallas, Texas, president, D.G. DeBolt Co.; Dr. Richard H. Duncan, 2012 Rose Lane, Las Cruces, N.M ., technical director and chief scientist, White Sands Missile Range; Chandrakant D. Gandhi , Bombay, India, managing director, EM CO Academy of Civil Engineers Transformers Ltd. ; Dennis E. Mason , 4020 Central A ve. , Western Springs, II\. , inNewly elected officers of the Universit y of Missouri-Rolla's Academy of Civil dependent consultant; Robert L. Hanna, 124 Greenview Drive, Battle Ground, Engineers, Dan Kennedy, president, seated left, and Dr. Joseph H. Senne, secretary- Ind. , president, Hanmar Corp., Consultants to the Indiana Restaurants for Utility treasurer, seated right , both of Rolla, meet with other local members to make plans Energy Saving; Robert Lee Mayse, 7 Colonial Way, Madison, N.J. , directorfor the coming year. Standing, from left, are Dr. Paul Munger, Vernon A.C. engineering, switching planning, Engineering Department, AT & T Long Lines; Gevecker, Chester Baker, and 1. Kent Roberts. Kennedy is a retired regional James A. Smith, 389-B Sequoia Lane, Stratford, Conn., project manager for engineer, Topographic Division, U.S. Geological Survey; and Senne is chairman of General Electric's Corporate Engineering and Manufacturing; Harold Allen Steinthe UMR civil engineering department. Munger and Roberts are on the UMR civil brugge, 716 Lee Ave., Sykesville, Md., senior projects engineer, lndustriiil Equipengineering faculty; Gevecker is professor emeritus of civil engineering; and Baker is ment Division; Westinghouse Electric Corp.; Jerry D. Swearingen, 927 N.W. 40th a retired civil engineer, Mid-Continent Office, National Mapping Division, U.S. Drive, Gainesville, Fla., founder of Biomega Corp., a medical electronics company; Geological Survey. During the past year, the Academy, and advisory group of alum- Edward F. _Tuck, West Covina, Calif., president of Edward Tuck & Co., a conni, has contributed more than $25,000 to the department for equipment and depart- sulting firm; E. Harold Vannoy, 3116 Red Barn Road, Flint, Mich., manager of mental development. The most recent initiate of the 60'member group is Donald S. Electrical and Electronics Groups, Reliability Engineering Dept. , Cadillac Motor Henderson, a 1959 UMR graduate. He is general manager-marketing and fabricated Car Division, General Motors; William D. Walker, 13695 S.W. Hargis Road, products, Armco Inc. Construction Products Division in Middletown, Ohio. He has Beaverton, Ore., executive vice president, chief operating officer and director, Tektronix, Inc. been with the company since 1961 .

MSM Alumnus / IS

Gifts and Souvenirs From The UMR Bookstore

(7) UM-Rolla, A H istory of MSM/UM R by Lawrence O. Christensen and Jack B. Ridley, UMR history department facult y. Hard Cover $25 .

(1) Sweatshirt. 50 % cotton, 50 % creslan acrylic. Adult S, M, L, XL. Colors: Gray , na vy, It. blue, kelly green, white. $ 11 .75 . (2) UMR Miner T路shirt.- 50% cotton , 50%

pol yester. Adult S, M, L, XL. Colors: Gold/black letters, black/gold letters, red , royal blue, kelle y green/white letters. $5.50. (3) Miner Sport Shirt. 50% cotton, 50 % polyester. Adult S, M, L, XL. Colors: White, navy, kell y green. $ 19.95 . (4) Toddler long-sleeve T-shirt. 50 % cotton , 50% polyester. Sizes: 6-mo. , 12 mo., 18 mo., 2T, 3T, 4T. Colors: white with kelly green trim . $5.95. (5) Toddler long knit pants. 50 % cotton , 50% polyester. Sizes 6 mo., 12 mo. , 18 mo.--$5 .75 . 2T, 3T, 41--$6 .25 . Colors: Kelly green. (6) Youth long-sleeved sweatshirt. 50% cotton, 50% creslan acrylic. Sizes: S(6-8) , M(l0-12), L(l4-16). Colors: red, It. blue, royal blue, gold. $9.75 . (8) 15-oz double old fashioned glass, $1.79. (9) 23-oz black tankard (ceramic) with gold seal, $11.95. (10) 8-oz black mug (ceramic) with gold seal, $7.25 . (11) 12-oz highball glass, $1.50.

(1 7) Ozarks poster; $ 1. (1 8) Tom Beverid ge's Ozarks by Tom Beveridge. Covers geology, geography and the people of the Misso uri Ozarks, $4.95 (pa per). (19) Geologic Wonders and Curios ities of Missou ri by Tom Beveridge. Informatio n o n mo re tha n 400 places of geologic interest in Misso uri , $ 12 (pa perbac k).

Prices and/o r specifications of items are subject to change witho ut notice. For other items available, write for catalog.

O RDER FORM T he Bookstore Uni versity Center-Wes t Uni versity of Missouri路Rolla Rolla, Missouri 6540 I

Postage & Handlin g For orders under $ 10add $2 postage . Over $ 10add $3-postage . Foreign- An addi tiona l $5 . Missour i Residents add 5.625% sales tax. Please allow 4 weeks for de li very.

Ma ke checks payable to and mai l to: The E!ook , tnrc l 'l1I ver, it y Center路 Wes t L ll ivcr, ity of M" sou ri Roll a R" Ii,1. Missouri 654lJI J 14路34 1-4705 16/ MSM Alumnu s

Walnut gifts with gold seal: (12) Pen set , $29.95 . (13) Letter opener, $13.50. (14) Paper weight , $15 .95. (15) Bookend set , $37.95 . (16) Ashtray, $2-1)~-i.

. [..- MasterCa rd or = Visa ca rd num ber _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ Expiration Date

ORD ERED BY IPlease Prin tl

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Music Alumni Activities

Gary Fischer, '76, seated, poses with the precussion section of the Miner Band. Gary and -his wife, Nancy Brown Fischer (also a Miner Band Alumna) put new finish and completely refurbished all the band's marching drums last summer. The job involved some 20 instruments. Gary is a chemical engineer with Day and Zimmermann's Army Amunition Plant in Parsons, Kans. He also plays drums regularly with an area "big band," as do several other UMR band alumni in toe area. The Fischers address is 1611 Thornton, Parsons, KS 67357.

UM-Rolla has had an active music program for more than 50 years. Through the years students have found that participation in some form of music activity provides a necessary variation to their regular academic program. The current music program at UMR is a strong one. There are 14 separate music groups which include: Miner 'Band, three Pep Bands, Combo, Orchestra, Concert Band, three Jazz Bands, Choir, Chamber Choir, Chamber Band, an informal Barbershop Quartet, and the Collegium Musicum which has several _ units of instrumentalists and vocalists. The UMR chapters of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma are unusually strong, also. Once again this year both UMR chapters have been named among the top ten "outstanding" chapters in the nation··one or the other of the chapters has earned this designation continuously for the pasi 19 years. Both chapters annually conduct music festivals and ·c1inics for district high school and junior high students at UMR in band, vocal and jazz disciplines. This past year Kappa Kappa Psi, to celebrate its 25th anniversary, commissioned a new composition for concert band which will be performed throughout the anniversary year. Many music alumni continue to be interested in music projects on campus. Some 700 alumni are known to have been former band members and about 750 to 800 alumni have been identified as members of glee club or choir. Support from within this alumni group is shown in a number of ways. Some

designate that a portion of their annual gift to the alumni association be credited to music activities and some make a separate gift to specific music programs through the development office. General financial aid for the music program is used mostly for student aid in the form of scholarships or salaries, or for travel expenses for some of the music groups--items not covered by state funds. Other support by alumni includes donations of old instruments for UMR's growing-collection of antique instruments, gifts to support specific programs such as the Madrigal Dinners or Collegium Musicum , participation in the alumni . Band at Homecoming or support of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma, the honorary band fraternity and sorority. Individual alumni also give of their time on some specific projects (see photo on this page about the activities of Gary Fischer). . Any alumna or alumnui interested in participation in some phase. of the music program need only indicate that interest to the Alumni Office. You will receive further information. Band alumni are encouraged to participate in the Alumni Band at Homecoming. Last year 30 band alumni took part in the' festivities and the goal this year is double that. If you will fill out the form below and send it in, you will receive instrudions. It involves a practice session on Saturday morning and participation in pre-game and halftime activities at the game on Saturday afternoon.

Be with us Homecoming! Each year the Alumni Association plans a number of events. With 30 band folks back last year let's try and double that number. Let's get 60+ on the field and do our own number! The form is below: YES, I'm interesteo in the 6th Annual Miner Alumni Band at the Homecoming Football game, Saturday, October 22, 1983: Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Mailing Address_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Major_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Year Graduated _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Instrument(s) Played _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Will Need _ _ Yes _ _ No Coat Size ' (40 L, etc.) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'--_ _ Robert P. "Dusty" Rhodes, '32, was a non · playing marching member of the 1982 Alumni Band at Homecoming. "Dusty." who lives at 1421 Siskiyou Drive, Carson City. NV 89701, supports the music program with a yearly ·donation .

Please mail by October 7th, 1983: Dr. David L. Oakley, Applied Arts & Cultural Studies,G-3 H-SS,UMR,Rolla,MO 6540 I.


AlumnuS! 17



Howell Receives National Award

Hegler To Chair ASEE Meeting

Dr. Ronald Howell. professor of mechanical engineering, is the recipient of a Distinguished Service Award from the American Societ y of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers. The award - honors members of ASH RA E who have made significant contributions at the national level. The award was presented at the plenary ses路 sion of ASH RAE's 1983 annual meeting in Washington , D.C. Howell also was presented with a certificate of recognition for his service as chairman of the technical committee on heat transfer and fluid flow . Howell joined the UM-Rolla faculty in路 1966. He is the author or co-author of about 50 technical publications, including two books.

Dr. Burns Hegler, professor of electrical engineering, will serve as chairman for next year's American Society for Education Midwest Section's annual meeting. Hegler will be the presiding officer in the March .1984 event, set for Wichita State University. The ASEE Midwest Section consists of representatives from Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma. A member of ASEE for 15 years, Hegler assumed his chairman duties at this year's annual meeting and will relinquish them following the Wichita State conference.

Johnston Named President Elect Ron Johnston . associate director of admissions. has been chosen president 路 elect of the Missouri Association of College Admissions Counselors. Johnston. a member of the orga niza路 tion for 16 years, will be in charge of planning th e 1983-84 association program. He will serve as president during 1984-85.

Morgan Receives IEEE Award Dr. J. Derald Morgan, chairman and Emerson Electric professor of electrical engineering, has received the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE) St. Louis Section Education Award . Morgan was selected for the award because of his contributions to electrical engineering Juring 20 years in academics. The awards committee cited Morgan as follows: "In recognition of your continuing efforts to enhance the science of electrical and electronics engineering by your untiring dedication to the education and professional development of engineering students." Morgan is chairman-elect of the Power Systems Engineering Committee of IEEE, is a member of Region Five Executive Commlltee as (he Missouriarea representative. a member of several IEEE standards comminee and a member of the planning committee for the IEEE 1984 Conference.

18/ MSM Alumnus

Eversman Heads Committee Dr. Walter Eversman, chairman and professor of mec.hanical and aerospace engineering, has been chosen to serve as chairman of the Aeroacoustics Technical Committee of the American

Institute of Aeronautic s a nd thanked for their "manv ,uggestions and ideas" regardinl! the h()()~ Astronautics (AIAAI. The AIAA has technical commitlees for the various disciplines represented in the organ ization. Eversman will serve as Dempsey Receives committee chairman for two years. NSF Grant Eversman also recent ly served as Dr. Brian Dempsey. assistant progeneral chairman for the 8th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference and was fessor of civil engineering, has been elected to the grade of associate fellow . awarded a two-y ea r engin ee rin g Eversman' joined the UM-Rolla facul- research initiation grant by the National ty in 1978. He holds B.S. and A.E. Science Foundation . The grant will aid Dempsey's study in degrees from Purdue University and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford "Analy~is of Submicrometer Particles and Applications in Environmental University. Engineering." Dempsey will use the field-flow-fractionat ion (FFF) technique to determine the numbers' and size distributions of particles in several enPublisher Cites Bogan vironmental samples. According to Dempsey. there have Dr. James J . Bogan . ass istant professor of art, has been cited for his been few measurements of subcontributions to the new ed ition of "An micrometer particles in environmental Artist in America." an autobiography of samples due to experimental difficulties. FFF and other recent advances will Thomas Hart Benton. On the publisher's preface page. allow rapid and precise counting of comBogan is one of several individuals plex environmental particles. he said.

Co'ntinuing Education Courses Here's a list of some of the extension continuing education short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR. Where titles are not self-explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call the office of the Dean of Continuing Education and Public Service, 314-341-4156. Written requests should be addressed to the same office, 205B Parker Hall. University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Mo. 65401. PROGRAM



School of Mines and Metallurgy 7th Midwest Reclamation Tour & Review-1983 Materials of Dosimetry for Power Water Reactors Rock Engineering

Sept. 13-14 Sept . 13-15 Sept. 26-30

Carbondale. Ill. St. Louis St. Louis

School of Engineering EIT Review (12 3-hour sessions) PE Review for Mechanical Engineering (II 3-hour sessions) PE Review for Electrical Engineering (II 3-hour sessions) PE Review for Civil Engineering (II 3-hour sessions) Seminar for Drillers and Exploration Managers 8th Biennial Symposium on Turbulence 13th Annual Power Apparatus Testing Techniques CP/M Operating System; A Complete Review Computer Performance Management Gateway Energy Conference--Advances in Energy Technology Cold Formed Steel Short Course Software Development: Tools and Techniques

Sept. 13-0ct. Sept. IS-Oct. Sept. IS-Oct. Sept. IS -Oct. Sept. 19-23 Sept. 26-28 Sept. 27-30 Sept. 28 Oct. 4 Nov . 2-4 Nov . 15-18 Dec. I

College of Arts and Sciences 47th Introductory Short Course on Composition of Coatings Introduction to Microcomputers for General Public Physical Testing of Paints & Coatings Advanced Industrial Coatings Formulation

Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept.

Times and dates of courses may change nearer to the time of the course.

12-16 15 19-23 26-30

20 20 20 20

St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis Rolla Centralia St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis

Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla

Povver Lines The following is the review of a lecture given in Ireland by Dr. J. Derald Morgan, Emerson Electric Professor of Electrical Engineering and UMR department chairman, at University College Dublin (UCD) in the fall of 1982. Dr. Morgan went to UCD as part of an exchange program sponsored by Alton Packaging Corp. and Smurfit Industries Inc., Alton, Ill., subsidiaries of Jefferson Smurfit Group Ltd. of Ireland. While at UCD he delivered six lectur.es, toured tile UCD facilities and met with engineering students on the campus. . The review was written by Charles O'Rourke, editor of the UCD News and appeared in the December issue of that magazine.

J. Derald Morgan

Do electromagnetic fields near high-voltage overhead transmission lines affect the health of humans living and working in the vicinity of these lines.? That was the question which professor J. Derald Morgan, Emerson Electric Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Missouri-Rolla, U.S.A., addressed duro ing his lecture recently in the Faculty of Engineering at Merrion Stteet. In his introduction, Professor Annraoi de Paro, speaking in parables, explained to a capacity and beinused au· dience of E.S.B., R.T.E., and other engineers and students the detailed workings of the Smurfit·Alton · Ex· change Programme. His catholic in· troduction dwelt on diverse topics such as the student/citizen ratio of Rolla; the pivotal role of the lecturer's birthplace Hays, Kansas in the equilibrium of the United States; and the American Boy Scout movement. When these Power· lines were finished, the guest·lecturer, whose topic was power· lines, exclaimed that he felt like asking Annraoi to con· tinue with his act!

Vehicles Driving large vehicles under power lines was often considered to be dangerous. A charge can accumulate, he admitted, but good design minimised this effect. U.S. power lines were lower. in height than in Ireland. Typically they were between 45·50 feet while in Ireland they were 90·100 feet high. Experiments had been carried out attempting to ignite vehicle fuel in these circumstances. While these tests showed no positive results, he still did not recommend refuelling under transmission lines to avoid establishing a precedent ...

Linesmen A telling argument was the result of


.... ,

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studies on the life expectancy of linesmen in the U.S.A. He reminded his audience that "we do bare·hand work" - linesmen handling live conductors during service and maintenance opera· tions - and therefore becoming expos· ed to extremely high electric field inten· sity where the minimum field levels are 10·15kv per metre. Despite all this, the morbidity level difference between linesmen and other occupations was not statistically significant. He allowed that electric fields had some proven effects. Fish sense these fields and it interferes with their ability to detect prey. Bees depend on magnetic fields for orientation while birds migrate on the basis of geo-magnetic cues. Bacteria is affected, as also are the tips of some plants which can be browned by enhanced very high electric fields.

Effects Professor Morgan told us of the sheer size of the transmission network in the Professor J. Derald Morgan is a graduate of Louisiana Technical University (B.S.E.E.)he received his Masters Degree from the University of Missouri-Rolla (M.S.E.E. ) and his Doctorate from the Arizona State University. His current research includes the biological effects of electric fields from high voltage transmission lines; load management · systems and methods; corona onset and gas breakdown in pressurized gas mixtures; and applications of the Kerr Cell measurement method to predicting gaseous discharges. This was his first visit to Ii-eland.

U.S.A. I lost count after the first statistic - 220,000 miles of 150·230 kv lines. He reviewed the many spurious research findings concerning the biological ef· fects of power lines which were first pro· duced in the I 960s. These ranged from alleged medical disorders among workers in electricity sub·stations (Russia) to stunted growth in mice (U .S.A.) and increased suicide rates (England). He stressed that no other study matched the Russian findings and the experiments on mice were not scientifically sound. Transmission lines affected the en· vironment in several ways. There could be partial discharge in the air about the contact points on the insulators - the audible noise we sometimes hear near pylons on foggy nights. Induced high frequency discharge interference voltages can occur. Both this and the noise problems can be designed out by keeping surface gradients down . (Ozone and nitrous oxide are formed under discharge conditions but the levels are well below environmental standards, which in the U.S. are 0.08 parts per million in a one-hour period for ozone and 0.05 parts per million for nitrous ox· ide.) He had calculated that the total quantity of ozone and nitrous oxide produced by all U.S. transmission lines (assuming all to be in partial discharge) was less than that which occurs in one good lightning storm.

Appliances The 60 hertz field is nonioOlsmg radiation and the ambient field at this frequency is extremely low ranging from 0.5 to 1.35 volts per metre outside your door. The static field between the earth and the upper atmosphere is 120·150 volts per metre. In contrast, if we sleep under an electric blanket the field is 250·500 volts per metre and at one foot away from a colour t.V. it is 30 volts per

metre (115 volt operation). Magnetic ef· fects of common electric appliances range from 10-25 gauss for a hairdryer; 5·.) 0 gauss for an electric shaver and 0.01·0.1 gauss for a calculator. Describing the human body as being completely encased in saline solution, which is conductive, the percentage of an electric field which is transmitted is, he said, a function of frequency and at 60 hertz (50 in Ireland) extremely small. Appliances in the home expose us to significantly higher magnetic fields (5·25 gauss) than that from overhead transmission lines. Public utility companies in the States hag undertaken some useful public education work by having a demonstra· tion area built underneath the intersec· tion of various high tension lines up to 765kv. Visitors were encouraged to measure field leyels for themselves as part of this programme. Professor Morgan concluded that, despite much operational experience, overhead transmission lines had no statistically significant effect on humans - the sole exception being when "conductive contact" is made - when the effect is usually final!

Discussion Professor Edward McGennis propos· ed the vote of thanks prior to opening the lively general discussion which followed. Finally, Professor AnnrilOi de Paor called on an unsuspecting student to second the vote of thanks. Rising superbly to the occasion the student neatly turned the tables on his (tor)mentor by praising the visiting lecturer for leaving behind a high standard of lecturing for the staff to emulate .... A humo r ous intruduction, a stimulating talk, a lively discussions and a witty ending. The L & H COUldn't provide better - who said eingineers make dull company?

MSM Alumnus/ 19


Alumni Section Nevvs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1927 Clarence B. Weiss and wife Mae are retired and live at 156 St. Albans Freeway, Memphis, TN 38111. He writes: "I have been chosen to serve on the Engineering Advisory Board of the University of Mississippi at Oxford."


1982 Rollamo



Sigma Nu fraternity reports the death of A note from Sybil Lyon, 1010 Emerald Adrian B. Chaney on Dec. 10, 1970. Isle, No. 117, Dallas, TX 75218, tells us of the death of Emmett J. Lyon on Jan. 14. He was the retired owner of Lyon Oil Co.

1923 Henri Chomeau, retired secretarytreasurer of Reliable Insurance Co., St. Louis, died May 24. At MSM he was a member of Tau Beta Pi and received his degree in mining engineering. He was a private in World War I and major in World War II. He joined Reliable in 1946. His mother was a member of a pioneer family in St. Louis County and his father was a county surveyor who laid out the city of Clayton. Survivors include a sister, Adele Starbird of St. Louis, three sons, seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Notice has been received of the death of Willard Claxton Lay on May II , in Amarillo, Texas. Willard was a mining engineer and worked in mines in this country and in South America.

The alumni office has been notified of the death, on May 29, of Frederick Adam Weirich, who lived at Wesley Village in Macomb, III. Fred received his degree in chemical engineering and earned his masters in 1926. At MSM he had been a member of the Ira Remsen Society. His career was spent as a chemist in the petroleum industry.

Ren Beatty died "June 12, according to a notice from his wife, Lucille Beatty, 7106 Roland Drive, St. Louis, MO 63121. Ren's entire career had been with Union Electric in St. Louis. At MSM he was a member of Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, and Senior Council. He and Mrs. Beatty had attended the 50th anniversary celebration in May, 1980. He had recently served as a consultant with L.E. Myers Co.

The death of Albert Lewis Pessin on May 14, 1982, has been reported by his wife, Ruth Moneter Pessin, 2715 Lakewood Place, Westlake Village, CA 91361. At MSM he participated in track and received his B.S. degree in mining engineering. He served as a mining engineer in Colorado, Arizona and the Philiipine Islands_ Mrs. Pessin tells us, "He regretted not being able to make his 50th-year homecoming" J.K. Richardson has been appointed a three year member of the Bureau of Land Management Advisory Committee - Las Cruces District. He and Wilma receive mail at P.O. Box 1316, Silver-City, NM 88062.

1931 Clyde E. Wilhite is retired. He and Margaret live at 12028 E. Canal Drive, Aurora, CO 800 II. Clyde writes: "Hope to make '83 Homecoming."

1933 and Before Reunion at Hom~oming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Elmer Gammeter, '26 1I8 Duncan Circle¡ Windermere Beaver, PA 15009

1926 Hollis E. "Buddy" McBride died July II according to a note from his wife of 54 years, Ruth Payne McBride, 355 23rd St., Batesville, AR 7250 I. At MSM he was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, the Pipe and Bowl, Quo Vadis, Theta Tau and he played football and basketball. Although he received his degree in mining engineering, his career was spent in construction work in ten states, Mexico and Japan , his wife tells us..

Col. Stuart L. Davis and wife, Lorraine, currently reside at 332 Kent Drive, Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 . They report "a visit from E.D. Hale ('32) in April. We had such a great time at our 50th reunion in Rolla last year we decided to meet again this year. We hope to be in Rolla for our 55th in 1987 " '

1932 Edwin O. Crawford writes: ''I'm working with Mr. Tax of America to help taxpayers avoid .the¡ clutches of the IRS." He and Ruth live at 110 N. Montclair, Dallas, TX 75208 .

Charles A. Freeman, '28 5 Via Delizia Hillsborough, CA 94010 Gerald A. Roberts, '28 1301 Briarwood EI Dorado, AR 71730

NOTICE Alumni making a contribution to the association not o nl y receive the three magazine issues of the MSM Alumnus--April (St. Pat's issue), June and October--but also contribute to Alumni student financial aid programs such as scholarships and assistantships.

1982 Rollllmo

20/ MSM Alumnus

1982 Rollamo

Alumni Personals ______________________________________________________________ 1938

NOTICE Irene S. Schrenk, widow of the late Walter T. Schrenk, form er chairman of the combined chemistr} and chemica l engin ee ring depa rtment s at UMR . died Jun e 25 in Rolla. She \Vas a retired elementary schoolteacher who taught in the Rolla Schuol District for 40 yea rs. Along wit h h-:r husband . she was a membe r of UM R's major gift clu b. The Orde r of the Golden Shillelagh. Among the survivors are her sister. Pa nsy Heimberger of Rolla. and a niece Eleanor Dowling (M rs. Paul T.. '401. 101 44 Winding Ridge Road, St. Louis. MO 63 124.

S. Allan Stone, '30 1405 Three Rivers East FL VVayne, IN 46802 Vernon A. C. Gevecker, '31 RL 2, Box 39 Rolla, MO 65401 VVilliam Brewer, '32 6799 VV etheridge Cincinnati, OH 45230

VVilliam Koopmann Jr. writes: "thanks for three wonderful days on our 50th Reunion and becoming a 'Golden Alumni'. I will remember May 15, 1983, as a highlight in my life -- it was great!" .He retired in 1976 from DuPont Co., and lives with wife Virginia at 2412 Heather Road W. , Wilmington, DE 19803. . Charles Lambur currently lives at 33 Rampasture Road, Hampton Bays, NY 11946. Charles attended the class of '33 Golden Anniversary ,celebration in Rolla in May.

VVilliam VV. Kay, '33 The Highlands Box 98 Drums, PA 18222 Elmer A. Roemer, '33 1801 Oak st. Rolla, MO 65401 ' Alfred H. Hesse is employed by R. Lavin and Sons Inc. in Chicago as a metallurgical engineer. He writes: "Am still in saddle full time. Enjoyed consult ing metallurgical assignment by ' United Nations in Iran and Pan Am Commission meeting on copper in Brazil. Emilie and I enjoy summers at our home on Lake Michigan , winter vacations in Mexico, three children and six grandchildren." His home address is 11430 W. 79th St., La Grange, IL 60525 . Henry S. Hickman and wife Imelda are retired, living at 1511 Rosewood Drive, Jefferson City. MO 65101. Henry writes: "Attended this year's commencement exercises and am looking forward to Homecoming in October."

Notice has bee n rece ived of the dea th of George A. Hale, on June 2. At MS M George had bee n acti ve in football. a member of Se nior Council , SI. Pa t's Board. Theta Tau . the Ira Remsen Society. Epsilon Pi Omicron and was president of the Independents in I. 933. For the greater part of his career he owned his own consulting business in chemical engineering in ttJe Chicago area of Illinois. Edwin and Marjorie Hein li ve at 208 North Star Road, Newark, DE 19711 . Edwin is retired . He writes. " Looking forward to No. 50 (age creeping up but still going strong)." John H. McKinley is retired. He and Mary make their home at 46 12 Rose of Jericho Court . Orlando. FL 32808. John writes: "Hangin' in therell "

VV. Robert Riggs, '32 . Rt. 1, Box 263-1 Osage Beach, MO 65065

1934 Ray I. Brasaemle died recently according to a notice from his wife Retha, 2400 Alpine Blvd. , Alpine, CA 9200 I . At UMR Ra y was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha and the Officers' Club. After 35 years of government service, he retired from .the Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colo. in 1969. He retired from the Army Reserves as a colonel in 1972. For the past 13 years the Brasaemles made their home in Alpine. Calif. Other survivors include his son John and three grandchildren of Arvada, Colo. Mrs. Brasaemle tells . us, "He was sad his health would have prohibited his attending the 50th reunion next year. He felt close to man y of his classmates and to his school." VV. B. FletcHer writes: "Enjoying retirement since Jan . I. 1980. traveling and active in railway and locomoti ve historical society." He and Mayme make their home at 7515 Yankey St.. Downey, CA 90242.

Roy C. Cornett 6109 Everglades Drive Alexandria, VA 22312 J . Craig Ellis 13142 Seville Drive Sun City, AZ 85375 Joseph W. Howerton 1 Normandie Dr. P restbury Aurora, IL 60504 Belding H. McCurdy 7300 Sun Island S. No. 1801 S. Pasadena, FL 33707

1982 Rollamo

C. James Grimm, '30 Box 105 Rolla, MO 65401

Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21¡22, 1983 Class Coordinators:

Lester Poese retired on May 31. He and Violet have moved to 207 Alde rsga te Ci¡rcle. Give ns Estates. As hervi lle. NC 2880 3.

Joseph H. Murphy Box 201 Georgetown, CA 95634 Melvin E. Nickel 10601 S. Hamilton Ave. Chicago, IL 60643 Horacio A. Fernandez of Parral, Chihuaha. Mexico died Sept. 6, 1981. in a car accident on the highway between Juarez and Chihuahua -City. A mining engineer, he. was working his own manganese and barite mines near Parral (where he had worked most of his life) at the time of his death. He is survived by his wife, Estela , Calle Lie. Verdad, No. 4, Parra I, Chihuahua, Mexico, who was in volved in the same accident; a son, Horacio, EI Paso, Texas, a daughter, Es tela Campbell, Houston. Texas, and a daughter, Sa ndra Iglesias, Juarez, Chih. , Mex ico. The family is continuing the mining operation in Parra!. Senor and Senora Fernandez attended Homecoming at UMR in 1978.

Miners Stay In Charge Col. Hueston M. Smith, '38, left. receives the gavel. symbol of the presidency of the Missouri Council of Chapters of The Retired Officers Association, from immediate past President. Col. Vernon L. Asher, '33, at ceremonies at Fort Leonard Wood on May 14.

MSM Alumnus / 21

Alumni Personals _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 1938 Continued J. Craig Ellis is retired. He writes: "Now lea rnin g the real esta te business fo r a part -time activ it y. Looking forwa rd to seeing old frie nds a t Homecoming. " C raig and :"'a n li ve at 13 142 Seville 8ri ve. Sun C:ty West. AZ 85375 . James G. Miller II, ' 38, '39, is vice pr es id e nt -s ale s. wes t e rn re gion , Dynamet Inc. in Sepulveda , Ca lif. H e li ~es at 16639 Sunburst St. , Sepulveda, C A 91343 . Notice has been received of the death of James Brotemackle Weaver on March 20, 1982. He had received his degree in chemical engineering and was a petroleum engineer throughout most of his career. At MSM he was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, the Athletic Association and was a member of the tennis team in 1936-37.


M arshal and Dorothy Jeffers send a new mailing address: P.O. Box 2382, Cod y, Wy 82414. Ma rshall is vice presi¡ dent of J N Oil & Gas in Cody. Harold and Carol Kidd are retired. They write: " We are stili li ving in Italy. We had a nice visit with Milton F. (Fritz) Hassler, '31, in C ha tta nooga last September. We are coming to Homecoming in '84. SO :- ' All you guys from '38 listen to our yell . We'll beat you in '84 and you can go to ----; again .' I write for the class of '39." They will receive mail addressed to: Via Panoramica Coal, 37018 Malcesine VR 43, Italy.

1940 George E. Fort writes: "Plan on being at Homecoming this October. Just got -back from a mQnth at the horse races at Hot Springs, Ark ., and a reunion of the B-29 Bomber Group I flew with in WWII. Wife and I going to Ita ly for IS da ys first part of September. " G eorge is a senior partner in Fort & Miller Petroleum Consultants in Oklahoma C ity. He and Max ine li ve at 3939 N.W. 34th , Okl ahoma C it y, OK 73 112.

James H. Jacob a nd wife , Gayle, currentl y li ve at 37 10 G lenbar Court, Fairview Park , O H 44 126. He writes: " I retired from Union Carbide Feb.!. W ill rema in at preseht add ress this year."

JOHN P. SOULT John P. Soult has recen tl y retired as board chairman of Fru-Con Corp., world headq uarters in Ball win, Mo. John says: 'Tve reached the trad itional retirement age, but I'm not retiring from work , just switch ing jobs." H is new interest will be to serve as cha irman of the board of Pelham Corp., Clay ton-based o il and rea l estate deve lopmen t company. Jo hn joined F ruin-Colnon Corp. , predecessor to F ru-Con Corp., in 1939 afte r graduation from Rolla. He was elected president in 1955 and during his tenure as president and chief executi ve offi cer the compan y rose from $ 10 million in annual volume to $ 1 billion by 1980. John and wife, Betty , reside at 37 Frontenac Estates, St. Lo uis, MO 63131 . The Soults are .charter members of UMR's major gift club, The Order of the Golden Shillelagh.

22/ MSM Alumnus .

Harley Ladd is a ret ired colonel of the USAF, living at 4917 Ravenswood Drive, No. 179 1. Air Force Village, San Anto nio, TX 78227.



Dr.. Arthur W. Brune, '41, ' 46, retired John C. Allen writes: " Am managing June 30, from Lehigh Uni ve rsit y. 'd i rec t or of O ve rseas T ec hni ca l Bethlehem, Pa ., as professor emeritus of Associates. F irm prov ides proj ect civil engi neerin g. He joined the Lehigh manage ment. design and engineerin g for fa cult y in 1952 as assistant profes~o r of la rge aquaculture I'lrojects. Most o f mining engineerin g and became a these projects are in Indonesia, The member of the department of civil Phili pines and othe r Pac ific a reas." Jo hn engineering in 1963 . He was promoted and Helen li ve a t 2333 Kapiolari Blvd .. to associa te professor in 1971 ,:¡nd No. 13 14. Honolulu . HI 968 26. became a full professor in 1982. His specialties include hydra ulic engineer- Thomas A. Jones writes: "I retired from ing, hydrology , and .mine hydrology. His Monsanto Co. Nov . I. 1982, after 31 major areas of research include acid years employment as tax attorne y. mine drainage in anthracite mining Evelyn and I will be at home at 517 regions, reclamation of abandoned an- Mistletoe, Kirkwood, MO 83122 . We thracite_mines and highway drainage in- are looking forward to a little travel. lets. Before joining the Lehigh. faculty , golfing, fishing and learning more about he was employed by Kennecott Copper photograph y." Corp., U.S. Geological Survey, and St. Joseph , Minerals Co., and was on the Austin E. Schuman writes: "Retired in faculty of Washington University in St. June 1982, from Kennedy Space Center Louis. Since 1956 he and his wife, AIda, after 23 years associated with the space have been foster parents to 26 children . effort. Enjoy living on the Intercoastal The two remaining children reside with Waterway -- also within walking the Brunes in Easton, Pa. distance of the ocean . Traveling is fun . too!" He and Martha Ann live at 605 Riverside Drive, Melbourne Beach. FL Donald G. Crecelius died July 18 at his 32951. home in Paducah, K y_ At MSM he had been a member of Kappa Sigma, Alpha 1943 Chi Sigma, Detonators, Student CounReunion at Homecoming cil, the Ira Remsen Society, A.LC h.E., Oct. 21-22, 1983 and received a Blue Key award for Class Coordinators: scholarship and activities. He had participated in track and was a lieutenant in Raymond O. Kasten ROTC. His degree was in chemical _901 W. 114th Terrace engineering and at the time of his deat h Kansas City, MO 64114 he was shift superintendent in the James R. Paul ma nagement department of Union Car52 Bls Rue Des Acleries bide N uclear Co. in Paducah. He -is surSt. Etienne, France vived by two da ughters. Ke nneth L. Hardine currentl y li ves at 1232 Day ton Drive. Ga lesbrug, I L 6 1401. He writes: " Re tired May 13th afte r 37 years with Gun ther Const ru ction Co. Ma rge and I pla n to stay in Ga lesbu rg and take trips aro un d the U.S.A ., etc." Frank B. Rogers retired March 3 1. He and Ga il a re li ving at 119 11 H idde n Lake Drive, St. Louis. MO 631,3-8.

C.F.P. Sfueck 73 Webster W oods Webster Groves, M O 6311 9 Carl J . Weis 721 Twin F awns Fr ontenac, MO 63131 T he Rev. Clarence A. Lambelet wr ites: "On Sept. 5 I am retiring; Isabe l and I will be mov ing to 36 E. Ma in St.. F lem ingto n, NJ 08822."

George L. Mitsch wri tes: "Have retired as sen ior vice-president , Hamilton A ll ied Corp. and president of iis Decatur casting division. Have started Geo rge L. M itsch and Associates for consulting in t-he fo undry field." George and Veda currentl y live at 680 I Heatherton Dri ve, Fort Way ne, IN 468 19.

William J. Smothers writes: "Retired from Homer Research Labs, Bethlehem Steel Corp ., as of Dec. 3 1, 1982. Now doing consulting in ceramic engineering from home." He and Marjorie live at 2700 Woodside Road, Bethlehem, PA 18017 .

1982 Rollamo

Alumni Personals _______________________________ William H. Presley has retired and mov- 1950 ed to 4424 N. Scottsdale Road , No. 3.22, Larry W. Cantwell retired (as division Scottsdale, AZ 85251 . engineer) in July '82 from Santa Fe Railway Co. , Fort Madison, Iowa. He and Josephine live at 2 Hickory Hills, Arthur Scholz retired at the end of June Wever, IA 52658. as regional sales manager for Swepco . Tube Corp. in Cl ifton, NJ. He and Frank T. Chambers is a sales engineer Winifred currentl y live at 1474 Turkey with Gerard Chimney Co., SI. Louis, Trot Road , Warminster, PA 18974. but specialists in maintenance and repair of they write: "will probably be moving to . industrial-type chimneys, with service Vero Beach, Fla . sometime this fall. " nationwide. Frank and Laverne live at 10742 Brookmere Court, SI. Louis, MO 63123.

1982 Rollamo


1943 Continued


Lloyd and Frances Schumann live at 2807 Auburn Drive. Midland , TX 79705 . Lloyd is southwest division planning manager for Exxon Company. U.S.A. He writes that he plans to retire Oct. I. and move to Sun Cit y West ,

Robert C. Pletz retired from the Tennessee Valley Authority in September '82. He and Virginia live at 605 Eastern Drive. Knoxville. TN 37919.

Ari /.

Leon Schwab retired March 31 . from Harbison·Walker Refractories Co .. after 40 years service as a ceramic engineer in quality control. At the time of his retire· ment he held the position of manager of engineering cost standards and raw materials for the Vandalia. Mo. plant. His wife. Charlotte. also retired at the end of the 1982·83 school yearas a long time teacher of English and music. The Schwabs live at 214 E. Home St .. Vandalia. MO 63382.

1944 Peter E. Des Jardins writes: "I retired as president of Hawthorne Oil & Gas on Aug. I. 1982. when the company was sold to OXQCo. Have been doing a mixed bag of travel. recreation. a little engineering conSUlting. and hunting for drilling prospects." Peter and Doroih y live at 308 Bacque Crescent. Lafayette. LA 70503 .


James B. Allen died at his home in Boca Raton, Fla .. on April 5. He is survived by his wife; Faye. 8931 Old Pine Road, Boca Raton , FL 33433, two children and four grandchildren. At MSM he George H. Wagner retired from U.S. was a member of Phi Kappa Phi, AlEE Steel effective May I . He and Kaye live and graduated with first honors when he at 8100 Fairway Drive, Wilsonville. OR received his B.S. degree in electrical .engineering. 97070.

1948 Reunion at Homecom.ing Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: James B. Chaney i6218 Chipstead Drive Spring, TX 77373 Michael J. Delany 1979 Harlem Blvd. Rockford, IL 61103 Robert V. Gevecker 315 Boonville Road Jefferson City, MO 65101 Robert E. Hackmann 1412 Danbury Court Belleville, IL 62223 Joseph T. Hepp 2325 Riverside Ave. Marinette, WI. 54143

Kermit G.Rowley is manager director of APSCO (Asia) PTE Ltd. , Singapore. He and Billie send a new mailing address: 7338 Crownwest Drive, Houston, TX 77072.

Joseph L. Hay has recently been employed by D'Hanis Brick & Tile Co., D'Hanis, Texas, as plant engineer. He and Mary Lee have moved to 308 W. Frio, Uvalde, TX 78801. Floyd Hoffman is a metallurgist with !he western operations of Phelps Dodge Corp. in Phoenix, Ariz. He and Virginia live at 3122 E. Artadena Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85028 . W. D. Humphrey writes: "Retired Feb . 28, as vice president-engineering, Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Co., Denver, Colo." His home address is 24007 Roman Nose Drive, Conifer, CO 80433. John Van Nort is employed by Fluor Supply Co. in Houston, Texas, as a field engineer. He and Marjory live at 1714 Woodland Park Drive, Houston, TX 77077. Donald C. Sewall writes: " I am now employed by the Railroad Commission of Texas as the regional engineer for the gas utilities division (pipeline safety). My region consists of 24 counties in the Dallas area." He and Evelyn live on Route 3, Hillsboro, TX 76645 . HaroldR. Wright is executive vice president-operations for Climax Molybdenum Co. in Golden , Colo. He writes: "My wife, Bobbie, passed away on Aug. 5, 1982, after a long illness. We were married in Rolla on Jan. 21 , 1950." Harold's present address is 690 I S. Lee Way , Littleton, CO 80127.

JAMES B. McGRATH James B. McGrath announces the formation of a new general contracting firm, McGrath & Associates Inc., 13523 Harvey B. Leaver Barrett Parkway Drive, Ballwin, Mo. 630 II. Jim is president of the new firm , 1951 14640 Los Padres Court which provides general contracting and Robert D. Martin writes: "Retired in Chesterfield, MO 630p construction management services to December '81 as chief of program Harold G. Moe local and national industrial, com- management, western mappi'ng center, Robert L. Mann is retired . minister of 1819 Rose .Hill Road, No. 11 merical and institutional clients. He was national mapping division , U.S . the United Methodist Church. He Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 previously vice president of Fru-Con Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Calif. writes: "We've been retired since June Corp. in St. Louis, and is currently Spent a good share of 1982 traveling, in1982. Fixing up a house we've bought in Sullivan and taking care of Shirley's William A. Ellis retired Oct. I. 1982. president-elect of the MSM-UMR cluding a camper-van tour of New elderly father (86 years old)." He and from Central Illinois Light Co. after 31 Alumni Association. Jim and Terry, live Zealand and a short visit to the Fiji Shirley receive mail at P.O. Box 395. years of service. He is living at 4626 N. at 12425 Balwyck Lane , St. Louis, MO Islands." He and Myrna live at 40696 California. Peoria. IL 61614. 63131. Robin St., Fremont, CA 94538. Sullivan. MO 63080. Austin B. Clayton has retired ' as a mine engineer and land surveyor. He and Elva live at 909 E. Hawthorne, Colville, WA 99114. They write: "In 1982 and early '83 we completed a travel trailer tour to Missouri and 29 other state~, six Canada provinces and Sonora, Mexico."

James W. Hoelscher 143 Shore Road Old Greenwich, CT 06870

MSM Alumnus123

Alumni Personals____________________



Vernon T. Jones 4717 S. Yorktown Place Tulsa, OK 74105 Milan Lipensky 1750 Fieldcrest Drive Lebanon, PA 17042 William F. Oberschelp 103 Lintel Drive McMurray, PA 15317

1982 Rollamo

1951 Continued

Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21¡22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Ernest R. Achterberg 10641 E. 33rd St. Tulsa, OK 74145 Thor Gjelsteen 7300 W. Stetson Place No. 41 Littleton, CO 80123

24 / MSM Alumnus


Robert G. Bening has been promoted to vice president in the firm of Metcalf & Eddy Inc. , working in the' southwest regional office of the firm in Houston . He and Irene live at 12110 Taylorcrest Road, Houston, TX 77024,

Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Detbert E. Day 306 Christy Drive Rolla, MO 65401

George F. Carini lives at 144 Everglade Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15235. His son , George II, is an '83 grad of UMR and is currently a graduate student here.

Paul R. Munger P. O. Box 682 Rolla, MO 65401

Connelly Sanders Jr. is vice presidentengineering for Williams, Russell & Johnson Inc. in Atlanta, Ga. He and Rosemarie make their home at 2453 Tuxedo Drive S.E., Marietta, GA 1956 30067 . They writ e : "Youngest Warren Lieberman writes: "Recently daughter , Maria , graduated from appointed the Boeing JVX program Auburn University -- class of '83 -- manager. The JVX is a joint armed servic_es advanced vertical lift aircraft. " BSCE; taking a position as assistant county engineer, Broward County, Fla. , Warren and Arline live at 10 Linden Drive, Broomall, PA I~008 , and elected to Tau Beta Pi."

John R. Seipel writes: "No real change Thomas A. Simpson is an associate profrom last year. Still living in Stavanger, fessor of mineral engineering at the Norway and enjoying. Daughter, son-inUniversity of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. He law and grandson moved back to writes: "Received Tau Beta Pi Teacher Stavanger from Oslo and we get to spoil of the Year award (1982-83 academic two-year-old Roman all the time now. year) in college of engineering." He and Looking forward to news on HomecomSusie live at 72 Vesta Via Hills, ing; would plan to be there." John is Northport, AL 35476. venture coordinator for Mobil Exploration Norway, Inc. He and Mary receive mail at P.O. Box 510, 400 I Stavanger, 1952 Norway. Frank T. Alvarado, highway construction engineer with the U.S. Federal Highway Administration, writes: "We Bert L. Smith is professor & chairman are proud to have another UMR of aeronautical engineering at Wichita graduate in our family. Our son, State University in Wichita, Kan. He Thomas, graduated in December '82 writes: "Pleased to be named the 1983 winner of the WSU A ward for Ollnwith an Engineering Management tributing Most University-Wide in Efdegree." Frank and Stella receive mail fective Teaching. One professor is addressed clo American Embassy selected each year to receive this Board (FHW A), APO Miami 34020. of Trustees award." Bert and Joyce live at 7011 . Foster Lane, Wichita, KS John P. Zedalis writes: "Recently 67206. established private practice as an international engineering consultant, specializing -in transportation engineering, planning and evaluations, engineering management and marketing. 1954 Formerly director of engineering for 'Kenneth D. Cole is chief, supervIsIon Agency for International Development and inspection branch, U ,So Army and a principal associate with Wilbur Corps of Engineers, Baltimore, Md . He Smith and Associates." John and writes: "My oldest son, Michael, is Bernice live at 8723 Gateshead Road, graduating from University of Alexandria, VA 22309 . Maryland this year; second son, Jeffery,



is a photographer in the Navy; my daughter, Cinthia, graduated from high school in May and will go to England on a grant to study next year." The Cole home is at 9725 Owen Brown Road , Columbia, MD 21045 . A clipping from the Clinton (Missouri) Democrat reports the death of Buel Orchard on June 19, at the home of his son, Robert, in Mobile, Ala. He was a retired engineer with Stone-Webster and had lived in many countries.

Donald R. Walter is assistant engineering manager of Machine Products Corp. in Dayton, Ohio. He and Mary (Greene) live at 11159 Dog Leg Road, Vandalia, OH 45377.


Thomas J. O'Keefe 5 Crestview Drive Rolla, MO 65401 Richard H. Okenfuss 9132 Milleliff Drive Cincinnati, OH 45231 George D. Tomazi 12723 Stoneridge Drive . Florissant, MO 63033

John O. Buchanan writes: "Retired from Dow Chem,ical after 18 years of company service. During this time I supervised the building of more than ten major petro-chemical plants in the U.S. and five , foreign countries, including Germany, Korea, Canada, Brazil, & Colombia. After a brief vacation, plan to operate my own company, Consultants of Texas (CO-TEX for short)," John ("Buck") and Helen live at 126 Clover, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. (Tern, porary address for the new company , also). Mike Cullen writes: "In March I was selected as chief, regulatory branch , operations division, for St. Louis District, Corps of Engineers. My wife died suddenly on Jan . 8, 1983," Mike's home address is 930 I Warrior Drive, St. Louis. MO 63123 . Walter Davis has recently moved from Cape Girardeau. Mo .. to III 60th A venue South. St. Petersburg. FL 33705 . '

ROBERT B. SCHOULTZ Robert B. Schoultz has been appointed assistant to vice president of operations for the Missouri Pacific Railroad and will be headquartered in St. Louis. Prior to his recent appointment, he was assistant genenil manager, with headquarters in Kansas City. He has been with the Missouri Pacific since 1960, holding positions in several states. In his new position he will assist the senior vice president of operations in directing the railroad's operations. This includes developing and administrating departmental policy, managing personnel training and career development programs, and assuring coordination of the activities of the mechanical, engineering, budget and statistics and administration departments.

1959 Robert L. Boxdorfer writes: "Rita and I have four grandchildren and are expec-,/ ting the fifth in August. Finishing 24 years with the City of St. LOllis and 18 Y2 years as the manager of fire communications, Still live at 3547 Halliday. St. Louis. MO 63118." Victor F. Spruill is a professor at the . University of Florida, Gainesville . He writes: "Received my Ph,D. on Dec, 3. 1982. from Columbia Pacific University." Victor and Harriet are living at 1825 N.W, 20th Way. Gainesville. FL 32605 .

Alumni Personals ______________________________________________________________ Word has been Teceived of the death, on Richard A. Kahl is a civil engineer with May 24, of Peethambaram Dorai·Babu, the U.S. Army Engineer Division in a native of India, who was teaching at Huntsville, Ala. He writes: "The oldest the Universidad Federal di Tara, Cidade daughter, Kay , graduates from Kansas Universitarra in Belem ..Terra .. BraziL At University in August '83 with a B.S. in MSM he received his M.S. degree in journalism. My son, John, starts to K.U. geology and his Ph.D. from UMR in in September, majoring in electrical 1971. He was a member of the C. L. engineering (couldn't convince him to go to UMR) ." Richard and Christiana Dake Society and Sigma Gamma. make their home at 931 Tascosa Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802.

1962 Jack Jones is director of technology for McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. He and Rose live at 829 Vernon . East Alton, IL 62024. They tell us: "Our daughter. Lynn. graduated from UMR in May '83 with a degree in computer science." 19828ollamo

1959 Continued Notice of the death of Lawrence teonard Sluzalis on July I, comes to the alumni office from Rosey and Vic Hoff· mann, '60. At MSM he was a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon. Eta Kappa Nu. ASME, Tau Beta Pi and received a Silver Key Award and the Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate award. He ' was a metallurgical engineer in the Lakewood , Colo. area. and is survived by two daughters and a son.

Carol Henderson Kuhn has accepted a position as programmer/analyst with Coordinated Management Systems, a division of the A. C. Nielsen Co. in Min· neapolis, Minn. Carol and sons, Mark and Mike, are living at 10404 105th Ave. N., Maple Grove. MN 55369.

Walter A. Zimmermann, 1834 Warson Road, St. Louis, MO 63114, is now vice president, operations of the newly· formed firm of McGrath & Associates Inc. , 13523 Barrett Parkway Drive, Ballwin , Mo., providing general cOntrac· ting and constructi'on management ser· vices to local and national industrial, 1960 commercial and institutional clients. Gene C. Rizer is an engineering staff The president of the new firm is James officer with the U.S. Army Corps of B. McGrath, class of '49 and presidentEngineers in Washington. D.C. He was elect of the MSM -U MR Alumni promoted to colonel on April I. He and Association. Edna live at 7324 Bath St.. Springfield. VA221~0.

1961 Marvin Kenneth Baker died Dec. 30, 1982, as the result of an auto accident which took place Dec. 10, 1982. At MSM he earned his degree in mechanical engineering, and was a member of the Glee Club, Engineers Club, SAE, and ASME. He is survived by his wife, Imogene, 6424 Wood Circle West. Morrow , GA 30260. Eugene D. Brenning is chief, education and data analysis for the Illinois Depart· ment of Transportation, Springfield, III. On March 19, as colonel. he assu.ned command of the 303rd Ord. Group Am· munition , Springfield. Ill. His home ad· dress is P.O. Box 277. Divernon. IL 62530. Jerome D. Patterson, '6\, '64, is the new plant manager at Franciscan Ce ramics Inc. in Los Angeles, Ca lif. He and Lynn have moved to 6 12 Birm· ingham Road . Burbank. CA 91504.

1963 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators:

1966 Robert C. Trippel is employed as facility engineer at US·EPA Research Lab, Cor· vallis, Ore. He and wife Bev write: "The family 'baby', daughter Nancy (born in Rolla) graduated from high school in June .. a very interesting year for pops!" The Trippel family receives mail at P.O. Box 403 , Corvallis, OR 97339.

Anton J. Tomasek, who received a Doctor of Science degree (honoris causa) from MSM. died this June. He was the retired president of C-E Glass Co. and Walsh Refractories Corp. in St. Louis.


1965 Gerald D. Goos is service manager for Rolay Communications in Oklahoma Ci ty . He and Rosemarie live at 2005 Everglade Court, Yukon, OK 73099. Jay S. Kallor is manager, wage measurement, for General Electric Co. in Erie, Pa. He and Diane live at 516 Monaca Drive, Erie, PA 16505. They write: "First son arrived on the scene Dec. II , 1982 .. Jonathan Malcolm." Wan·Cheng Lin .writes: "I was appointed by the-U .S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission as a reactor inspector to perform inspection work for various nuclear power plants in southeastern states." He and Emily live at 9805 N. Pond Circle. Roswell, GA 33076. .

William E. DeLashmit is executive vice president of Cross Country Interests Inc. (CCI Inc.) He writes: "Our family company, CCI Inc., is now the builder of Maine Post & Beam Co.'s post and beam ' homes in central and northern New Hampshire. New Hampshire has the highest population growth rate east of the Mississippi River and we invite all our fellow alumni to come see why!" He and Mary live at Route 2, Box 349-B, Plymouth, NH 03264. Earnest R. Greek Jr. has moved to 4410 Portage Blvd., Juneau, AK 99803. He is president of Greek International Enterprises. Theodor W. Holland is a consulting geologist. he writes: "Opened my consulting offices Jan. 30, 1982, specializing in permitting and mining claims." He and Jean live at 3007 Ridgeway Drive, Boise, ID 83702.

Lynn Meinershagen and wife, Karen, . William J. Price is staff engineer for have moved to 421 W. Ross, Hamilton, Union Carbide Corp., Polyolefins Divi· TX 76531. sion. in Port Lavaca, Texas. He writes: "Promoted to LTC in USAR in July '82. Christopher K. Wu recently moved to Wife. Zalora, starting real estate office 304 North Lake Road, Columbia, SC as principle broker." The Price home is 29204. He is a fellow engineer at at 6029 Country Club, Victoria, TX Westinghouse Electric Corp. In Columbia. 77904.

Allan H. LaPlante 1023 Crossroads Drive ' Houston, TX 77079 George R. Schillinger 7598 John Ave. Oakville, MO 63129 Robert H. Sieckhaus 1070Q Clearwater Drive St. Louis, MO 63123 Don Schricker, '63, '74, is a project e ngin eer a t Ge ne ral Dynamics , Pomona, Ca lif. He and Jean live at 6038 Moonstone Ave. , Alta Loma, CA 9 170 I, and send "best wishes .and rega rds."

1982 Rolfamo

MSM Alumnus125

Alumni Personals _______________________________ 1968 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21·22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Rodger L. Elliott Portland House Stag P London SW1, England Dixie L. B. Finley Rt. J, Box 52 Rolla, MO 65401

Richard E. Moore wri tes: "G raduated William Kan is now a radiological Mark D. Morgan is superintendent of UMC School of Med icine '78. Com- ph ys icist with Radiology Consu ltants maintenan ce for Inland Steel Coa l Completed anest hesia residency UMC in Inc. in Omaha. Neb. He and Claudia pany in Sesser. III. He and Cama receive July '81 and moved to Cape Girardeau , have moved to 126 54 Westwood Lane. mail at P.O. Box ,664. Mt. Vernon , IL Mo. , to join the Cape Anesthesia Group Omaha, NE 68 144. 62864. They write: "Our first child , Sara in the practice of anesthesiology at St. Elizabeth, was born March 9." Francis Medical Center." He and Sandy E. Don Thalhammer and wife Patricia live at 1581 Lexington, Cape Girardeau, moved in June '83 to -4905 Calle Del MO 63701 . Cielo N.E .. Albuquerque. NM 87 111. Don is employed at Sandia National Lab 1971 John A. Munns has had a new job with in Albuquerque. Picker International, Highland Heights, Ohio, since March 1983. He is manager Roy T. Van Hee Jr. is now president of of parts and repair operations. He and VHAC Inc. consulting engineers. He Alice live at 7871 Oakridge Drive, Men· and Barbara have moved to 607 Willow tor, OH 44060. Wood Court, St. Charles, MO 63301.

1969 John K. Blakey, '69, '79, is now an aerospace engineer with the U.S. Army A viation Research and Development Command in SI. Louis. Mo. He and Janice have moved to 535 4 Warmw inds Court , St. Lou is, MO 63 129.


MICHAEL C. KORB Michael C. Korb, general superinten· dent of Bethlehem Mines Corp.'s Pan· ther Valley division , recently presented a paper, "The High·Density Sludge Pro· cess .. An Improved Technology to Treat Anthracite Coal Mine Drainage", at a conference conducted by the Amer.ican Institute of M,ining , Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers at Wilkes College, Wilkes· Barre, Pa. The paper discusses the first application of a Bethlehem Steel Corp. process for treating acid mine drainage from an· thracite coal mining operations. The paper was presented earlier at the American Mining Congress' annual coal meeting in St. Louis, Mo.· Michael and his family reside in Hazelton , Pa. Ching·Cheng Hwang is an engineer with United Engineers & Constructors in Philadelphia, Pa. He and Gloria li ve at 1016 An napolis La ne, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003. Gary J. Isaak is living at 75 Sunflower Drive, Highland , IL 62249, with wife Charlotte and fou r children. He writes: "Working with Kenneth Balk & Associates in Chesterfield , Mo., for the past year as an electrical engineer and enjoying the company and the work."

David L. Gray writes: "After 14 years of government service. I've joined pri vate industry as produc t development representati ve-advanced programs and res i· dent manager Albuquerque E·O facility for Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. Inc. I've also moved from Huntsv ille, Ala ., to 13226 Candelaria N .E., Apt. M2 , Albuquerque, NM 87112. I'm engaged to marry Jacque Procter of Las Vegas, N.M. Long live the School of Mines."

Richard A. Winch is now principal engineer. mechanical and civil depa rt · ment. Housto n Lighting and Power. Houston. Texas. He and Sand y have moved to 2 13 Inwood Dri\"c. West Co lumbia. TX 77486.

1970 Richard L. Freeman, '70, '75, has been promoted to commander in the 'U.5. Army Corps of Engineers at Fort Drum. N.Y. He and Barbara receive mail ad· dressed to 553d Engr Det (U tilitiesl. Fo rt Drum. NY 13602. Joseph E. Grimm has ass umed the posi· tion of nat ional accou nts mana ger with Copela nd Corp .. a subsidiary of Hillm an Co ., in Sidney. Oh io. He and Helen havc mo ved to 530 Windmerc Drlvc. Tro y, OH 45373. Leslie A. Ho('ckelman, '70, '75, is now senior tech nica l specia list eq ui pment engineer with McDonnell Douglas in 51. Louis. He tells us he was "task leade r on th e A V8 Harr ier win g assemb ly a utomation project." He and Bonnie are li vi ng at 509 Duchesne. O·Fa llon. MO 63366 . Richard J. Maes is a senior test engineer with Ca terpill a r Tractor In Li~chfield Park, Ariz. He and Connie ha ve moved to 4539 W. Sweetwater. Glendale, AZ 85304.


Charks and LaJ uana Murray wrJl c: " Proudly announ ce the birth of our fi r, [ James F. Mank was one of 35 inventors FORREST MARSHALL from Battelle's Columbus Laboratories Forrest Marshall has been appoi nted • child. Amanda Ma rgaret. ·on Dec. 14. who received U.S. patents in 1982.and coordinator of radia l passe nger tire im· 1982 . We li ved in Boston for 7 month, were honored by Battelle during an in· provements for the manufac turing ad · in 1982 while Charlie was U.S. In · ventors' recogn ition banquet on June ministrat ion department of Ge nera l Tire du trial Chemical's plant representative 15. His patent was for an improved & Rubber Co., Akron. Ohio. He joined in Badger America's offices during the method for sealing neck and wrist open· the company in 1969 a nd his most re- design of a new facility which is now ings on diver dry suits. Jim's present ce nt assignment was staff passenger tire under construction in Deer Park, Texas. home address is 2514 Starford Drive, engi neer. His address is 12 170 Shoshone We are mw' back home at 2604 Florence, Pa'<1L.lena, TX 77502." Ave. N.W., Uniontown. OH 44685. Dublin, OH 43017.

26/ MSM Alumnus

JOHN H. ATKINSON John H. Atkinson was promoted to colonel (U .S. Army Corps of Engineers) on July I, in Dallas, Texas. Following his June graduation from the Air War Col· lege in Montgomery , Ala. , he assumed duties as the deputy division com· mander (military), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Southwestern Division , in Dallas on June 16. As deputy commander, he has responsibilit y for assist ing the division commander in coordinating the Corps' military construction mission for the Army and Air Force in the states of Texas, New Mex · ico, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Loui · siana. The division's military mission in· c1udes the construct ion of troop quarters, family housing, training complexes and hospitals and a wide variety of support to the installat ions' facilities engineers. Previous to his assignment to the Air War College, John served as the deputy district engineer in the SI. Paul district engaged in construction of flood control, na viga tion and water suppl y projects. His many foreign and domestic assignments included commander of combat engineer battalions in the U.S. and Germ any, logistics adv isor to the chief of engineers in Vietnam . assistant professor of military science at South Dakota School of Mines, and construc· tion management instructor for the Republic of Thailand Accelerated Rural Development Program. He is also a graduate of the Army Command and General Staff College. His son, Mark , will enter UM R in the fall as a sophomore to work towards a B.S. in aerospace engineering.

Alumni Personals, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Donald L. Padgett is a sales engineer David W. Kroeter is president of with Ea ton/Come r Hammer in Southern Cast Products Inc. in Bridgeport , Mich. He and Francine live Jonesboro, Ark. He and Janice live at at 6309 Moreland, Saginaw, MI 48603. 2006 Meadowood Cove, Jonesboro, AR They write: "Have first addition to our 7240 I, and write: "Benjamin will be famil y, named Jason. Will complete four years old in August. Expecting our MBA at Sagin aw Valley State College second ch ild in October. We spend most next yea r. Missed the snow this year!" weekends at our cottage on Greens Ferry Lake near Heber Springs in central Arkansas -- come see us! " Dale M. Pitt wr it es: " I have been pro-

1971 Continued


t982 Rollamo

Wyatt M. Dunn and wife. Sherry. mov·Robert C. Anderson is now a design ed to 1625 Silverleaf. Carrollton. TX spec iali sl. advanced miss il es. with 75007. in May. Wyatt is now a utilit y McDonnel l Douglas Astrona utics Co. in consult ant fo r Deloitte. Haskins & Sells St. LouIs. He has moved to 2890·1 Not· In Dall as. They wr it e: "Seco nd tinghill Row. Florissant. MO 63031. daughter. Sall y. was born April I. 1982 in Kansas Cit y. First daugh ter. Sara. is 6 yea rs old now . David al)d Judy Bondurant announce the birth of a so n. Erik. in January. The y also have another so n. Matthew. 3 vcars old . David is now manager of system applications with Hone ywe lJ's so lid -;tate elec tronic div ision in Pl ymoLith . Minn. The family li ves at 9285 Garri.on Way . Eden Prairie. MN 55344.

Gary Dean Edwards has been promot ed to director o f e ngin ee ring fo r SystemAire. mechanical contractors. air cond ition ing and heating specialists. and its subsidiary. Midland Mechanical Co ntractors. His office mailing address is 4181 Shore line Drive. Ea rth Cit y. MO 63 045 .

moted to lead engin ee r with McDonnell Aircraft Co. My wife and I are bu ying a new home. We are planning a tri p to It aly this fall. where I am prese nting a paper at European Helicopter Society." Dale and Janel present ly live al II Montag ue CO lirt . St. Louis. MO 63 123.

1973 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Stephen J. Bergtholdt 1934 Redwood Road Hercules, CA 94547 J. Gary McAlpin 8314 Honey Hill Cove Germantown, TN 38138 Robert J. Scanlon Route 4 Whispering Oaks Metamora, IL 61548.

Jon D. Katin writes: "Na ncy , the kids, and I are leaving Saudi Arabia in July Lar'ry L. Foster is newl y emp loyed as John Baz-Dresch currently lives at E. for our new assignment with the U.S. manufac turing support manager for 4950 16th St., Apt. No.2, Post Falls, ID Army Engineer District in Portland, FM C Co rp. in Orlando, Fla. 83854. He sends this bit of news: "I Ore." Jon's position is deputy district have completed my masters degree in engineer. He is a lieutenant colonel. business administration at Gonzaga Bob Holliday writes: "Completed int er· University in Spokane, Wash. I am d isc ipl i nar y rna t hema ti cs/ com pu ter presently designing floating steel strucJames E. McCracken is now employed science Ph . D. from Southern Illinois ture for Kalispel Metal Products in as results manager for Associated Elec- Uni versit y in August '8 2. Just finished Cusick, Wash., while awaiting the tric Power Cooperative, in Springfield, first year as assistant professor in revival of employment opportunities for Mo. He, his wife and two children live math/computer studies department at mining engineers." at 1820 E. Vincent St., Springfield, MO Lake Fo rest College." Bob and Jane have a new add ress of No. -9 Facu lt y Kenneth H. Gilmore has recently ac65804. cepted employment with Bendix Corp., Circ le. Lake Forest. IL 60045. Kansas City, Mo., as a quality engineer. David C. Mair is an assistant professo r He and Phyllis have moved to 9780 W. at the Uni versi ty of Ok lahoma in 159th St., Shawnee Mission , KS 66221. Dallas and Kathy Leavitt write: "After a Norman. He and Jeanne make their great 10 year reunion celeb ration during home at 1117 Louisiana. Norman. OK Homecoming. son Douglas James arri v· Gary R. Henderson is now_ a Lt. 73071. ed Oct. 19, 198 2. Da llas is currentl y Commander in the U.S. Navy . You can wo rking in the technology offi ce of write to him c/o Milford Henderson, U.s.G.s. in Rolla," The Leavi ll address Cyrene, MO 63340. Shailesh and Jaya Vora currently Ii','e at is 1803 McC ut chen, Rolla . MO 65 40 I. 5/60 Adarshnagar, Vrjaynagar Road, Dan and Delores (James '75) Hinkle anNava Vadaj , Ahmedabad, India, where nounce the birth of a daughter, Kay Shailesh is plant engineer with Gujarat Dee" on March 24. They also have a Mineral Development Corp. Michal'! North i an enginee r VII with son , Travis James, 2 Vz years old. Dan is Brow n & ' Root Inc. in Houston, Texas. district attorney for Marathon Oil and Marian Wagener IS assistant staff He writ es: "My wife. Jill. gave birth to a Delores is a senior operat ions engineer m~nager , cost studies, for Southwestern baby boy on Sept. 22. 1982 -- 9 Ibs. 4 oz. working on development of shallow oilBell Telephone Co. in SI. Lou is, and We named him Christo pher Michael." bearing sands on the North Slope for lives at 408 Par Lane, Kirk wood, MO The Norths li ve at 1521 9 Lorna Paseo. Arco, Alaska. Their new address is 63122. Hou,t on . TX 77083. SRA-701 , Anchorage, AK 99507.

Richard D. Kuntz is employed by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources as an environmental engineer. He and Pauline sent word of the birth of their third son, Bradley David, on Feb. 25. The Kuntz home is at 2410 Alison Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65 101. John A. Lindstrom is president of Zephyr Mfg. Co. in Sedalia, Mo. He and Pamela write: "We have added a baby boy to our family , born Oct. 26, 1982. We named him Robert James and caB him R.1 ." The Lindstrom home is at Route I, Box 146, Sedalia, MO 65301. Sister Caroly Moritz sends a new address: Hermanas de Maryknoll, Correo 21 , Casilla 284-V, Santiago, Chile. She is affiliated with the Maryknoll Sisters out of Maryknoll, N.Y. James D. Scheller is now with McDonnell Douglas in St. . Louis. He and Nadine have moved to 115 Mission Walk Court, (p.O. Box 1052) Florissant, MO 63031. Mark Stratman has been promoted to senior manager in the management advisory division of Price Waterhouse. He has moved to 738 Windy Ridge Drive, Manchester, MO 63011. Phyllis Thomas currently holds the position of assistant professor of accounting at Northeast Missouri State University. She and Joe recently moved to Route 3, Kirksville, MO 6350 I.

1982 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus /27

Alumni Personals _______________________________

Missouri's 1983 "Young Engineer of the Year" The 3,000-member Missouri Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) selected Dr. Richard L. Elgin , PE, LS, Rolla, as its 1983 Young Engineer of the YeaT. The award was presented June 10 during the 47th Annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony, at Marriott's Tan-Tar-A Resort, Osage Beach. You ng Engi neers Com mit tee Cha irman Gary M. Lee, PE, said the committee was "especially impressed with Dick because of the broadnes of his experience and his success in each of his endeavors including design, teaching, research and consulting."


Elgin is assistant professor of civil engineering at the University of Missouri-Rolla and a principal of R.L. Elgin and Associates Engineers and Surveyors, Rolla. He received his B.S. degree in civil engineering in 1974 and his M.S. degree in civil engineering in 1976 from the University of MissouriRolla. In 1982, he graduated from the University of Arkansas with a Ph.D. in engineering. In addition to his activities in the engineering society , Elgin is a consultant to the National Council of Engineering Examiners. He is also

Gary E. Gaal is a U.S. Army captain in the Infantry, currently assigned to the army research institute at Fort Hood, Texas. He has served duty tours in Germany, Georgia, Louisiana and Alabama. Gary, Luise and their 3-yearold son, Daniel, now live at 607 Allen St., Copperas Cove, TX 76522.

president of the Missouri Association of Reg istered Land Surveyors (MARLS) and ed itor of the Mi souri Surveyor , MARLS' quarterly publication. He served three years in the Army and was decorated for service in Viet Nam. Dick has served his community as the organizer of a Scout Explorer Post, member of the Airport Advisory Committee and member of the Rolla Rotary Club. Dick and Jea nette and their two children live at 604 Whitney Lane, Rolla , MO 6540 I.


Tony S. Babnik writes: "Spending active Keith D. Barber is a civil engineer with Black & Veatch in Kansas City, Mo_ He duty time with U.S. Army as USAR officer, military intelligence branch; 3 and Rebecca live at 439 E. 81 st St., months at Ft. Hood, Texas (March-May Kansas City, MO 6413!. '83), june-july at Ft. McCoy , Wisc. John D. Cummings Jr. has been apAlso possible additional time at Ft. pointed product specialist for plates and Huachuca, Ariz. , and participation in tubular products sales in Bethlehem Reforger '83 in Holland. Assigned out of Steel Corp.'s steel group. He is advancChicago." Tony's home address is 212 ing from the position of resident Joseph Gorczyca is now coordinator of Burton Ave., Waukegan , IL 60085 . salesman of the Chattanooga, Tenn ., systems for Conoco in Houston, Texas. office in the Atlanta sales area . He join- He and Suzi have moved to 8206 Pine ed Bethlehem Steel in 1974 as a member Falls Drive, Houston , TX 77095. Patricia and Gerald Bohm send their of the Loop Course management training program and was assigned to sales. John M. Kelley was married on July 2 new address: 1515 2nd Ave., Windom , In 1975 he transferred to the Atlanta to Kathleen . John is a senior estimator MN 5610 J. The write: "Si nce moving to sales office as a salesman and in 1981 in the pipeline division of Morrison- Windom a year and a half ago, we ve was named resident salesman. John is a Knudsen in Houston. He receives mail remodeled an older home and would en Steel Fellow of the American Iron and c/o Morrison -Knudsen, P .O. Box joy some old friends visiting when they're in Minnesota!" Steel Institute and has been active in 219187, Houston , TX 77218. fund raising activities for the United Way. He and his family are relocating to Ter-Far E. Lin is the new president of Christina and Alan Erickson, both class the Bethlehem area. Pacific Shelter Group Inc. He and of '75, send us a new address: 53 E. James Matthew Entwistle is employed Linda have moved to 125-3 Shin-Long 107th St., Kansas City, MO 64114. by Phillips Petroleum Co. in Oklahoma Road, Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic Christi na is employed by Kansas Ci ty City as an associate reservoir engineer. of Chi na. Power & Light as a data base adHe writes: "Failed to defend my 1982 ministrator and Alan is senior project Triathlon title because of a flat tire 14 controls engineer with Burns & McDonmiles from the finish. The race involved John W. Matson ha uccessfully com- nell Engi neering. They write: " We ju t 1.2 miles swim, 13 miles run and 50 pleted an examination to receive his pro- moved. Have a daughter, Heather, three miles bike here in OKC. I would have fessional engineering license for the state year old ." been very close to the winning time of 4 of Michigan. He received his masters hours 16 minutes turned in by the 24th degree from the University of Michiganplace finisher in the February '82 Dearborn in 1977 and has been working Karl M. Heisserer i a sales engineer Hawaii lronman competition." He and for Chrysler Corp. for the past nine with the Trane Co. His wife, Barbara, Siv Brit live at 2545 N.W. 26th, years. His home address is 1769 writes: "We had our 4th son on July I, Cast leton , Troy , MI 48084. Oklahoma City, OK 73107. -- Eric Allan . Robbie is now 7, Curt i 5 Colleen (Collins) and Michael Fitzgerald write: "We have a new daughter, Gretchen, born May 16, 1982 -- growing fast! A year has passed very quickly." The Fitzgerald family lives at 8137 S. Spruce Circle, Englewood, CO 80112_

28/ MSM Alumnus

and J.P. i 4. Karl is still active in the InRodney S. Taylor i a project engineer diana ational Guard as commander of for Gulf and We tern Development and the 1313 Engineer ompany at Camp Engineering Center in Swarthmore. Pa . Allerburv , InJ .-¡ The Heisserer family He and Judith receive mail at P.O. Box live at 5346 Moonlight Drive. Indianapolis, I '~ 46226. 52. Swarthmore. PA 1908 J.


Delores (James) and Dan ('73) Hinkle announce the birth of a daughter. Kay Dee, on March 24, (8 Ibs. 14 oz., 21 V2 inches long) . They also have a son. Travis James, 2V2 years old. Delores i a senior operations engineer working on development of shallow oil-bearipg sands on the North Slope for Arco. Alaska. Dan is district anorney for Marathon Oil. Their new addre SRA-70 I. Anchorage. AK 99507.

Pamela (Thebeau) Lietterman has been promoted to software support manager for Hewlett-Packard's personal office computer division. Her group is involved in the support of HP's serie 100 personal office computers. Pam and Dennis ('76, '77) live at 1637 Waxwing Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94087 . They write: " We have been active participants in recent gatherings of the San Franci co Bay Area alumni . We are delighted that the local chapter ha begun meeting after a dormancy period of several years."

Roger McCloud, staff economics engineer for Burns & McDonnell , Kansas City, Mo. , was elected 1983-84 chairman of the Kansas ity section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer Inc. on April 14. Roger and Mary live at 10409 E. 80th St., Raytown , MO 64138.

Allen Paschke writes: "Graduated May 20. with my M.B.A . from Washington University in St. Louis." Allen i senior y tern operations research analyst with Ralston Purina Co. He and Cynthia live at 1243 Tracy Lane, St. Louis, MO 63125.

Alumn; Personals, ______________________________________________________________ Kraig L. Gordon, ' 76, '77, has accepted a newly created position of development Raymond and Judith Powell's new ad- d irector, Col u mb ia Sussex Corp. , dress is HHC, USMCA , Ansbach, APO F lorence, Ky. , overseeing development New York 09177. Ray has been pro- of new motel/hotel complexes for a moted to lieutenant colonel in the U.S. major franchise holder. Kraig li ves at Army and has a new position as direc- 8647 Lindenwood Lane, C incinnati , tor, engineering and housing, Ansbach OH 45230. (Germany) M ilitary Community and Headquarters, Ist Armored Division .

1975 Continued

Samuel L. Wehn is emplo yed as a lead contract engineer for Bechtel Construction Co .. Bay City. Texas. He and Patricia have three boys -- ages 13. 12 and 10. The Wehn fam ily lives at 3021 De l Monte . Bay City, TX 77414.

Thomas W. Gordy is "now working as project engineer for Centric Corp. based out of Denver, Colo., (general contractor working on portion of coal fired power plant near Vernal , Utah.)". He and Kathy receive mail at P.O. Box 229, Jensen, UT 84035.

Greg and Mary Willis are now living at 9908 Stratmore C ircle, Shreveport, LA 71115. Greg writes: "We have now been in Shreveport two years. Joined Texqs David L. Kreher was married to Jan Oi l & Gas Corp. in December '82 as an Hayes on April 16. David is building area geologist supervising company ac- and remodeling homes for low income tivity in northwest Louisiana. Son, families in his area. His home address is Matthew Alan was born on April 20." Route I, Box I I, Vanceburg, KY 4 1179. Harry J . Zerwig has recently been employed by the Store Instrument Co. in St. Louis as a mechan ical design Air Force Captain William K. Miehe engineer. He has moved to 125-J Forest writes: "Recently flew 19 hours nonParkway, Valley Park, MO 63088. stop from Robins AFB, Ga ., to the South Pacific island of Guam in a SAC B-52 jet bomber. I am leaving the Air Force Oct. I, with six years service, for a yet undecided position in the private 1976 sector." He and Ke llie currently live at Eugene A. Fribis has been named prin- 310-67 Northlake Drive . Warner cipal in charge of civil engineering and Robins, GA 31093. director of marketing for Colton-Lester Corp ., an engineering firm with offices in West St . Louis County and Jefferson County, Mo. He will direct the Dennis W. Leitterman, '76, '77, writes: organization's civil engineering projects "Enjoying managing a datacomm supand promote their engineering services port engineering team with Hewlettthroughout eastern Missouri. He teas Packard's information networks division been wit h the firm for three years and in Cupertino, Calif. Have been elected will continue to coordinate the activities vice-chairman of the Santa Clara Valley of its Jefferson County office. He is a (SCy) section of the IEEE; also registered professional engineer in treasurer of the SCV chapter of the Missouri and lIlinois, and is active in Ca lif. Society of P rofessiona l commun ity and professional engineer- Engineers." Dennis and Pam (Thebeau ing organizations. His address is 1623 '75) live at 1637 Waxwing Ave., Jeffco Blvd., Arnold, MO 630 I 0, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 .

1982 Ru lla mu

Frank Proctor Jr. is now vice president of manufacturing at Pulte Home Corp. in Gaithersburg, Md. He and ju lia have moved to 5905 Bethlehem Court , Rockvi lle, MD 20855. Charles Len Sidebottom and Linda Susan Blake were married on May 28, in Bedford , Iowa . After a wedding trip to Maui and Oahu islands in Hawaii, the couple has made their home in Jefferson City, Mo. Charles is attending graduate school at Lincoln University and is employed as director of data processing with the state Public Service Commission . His bride is a computer sales representative with Wang Laboratories Inc. Victoria (Headrick) Sweetser is employed as a design engineer with Hewlett-Packard in Loveland, Colo. She and David write: "We had our first child on Feb. 24. Her name is Kristine Kay." The Sweetsers make their home at 8135 Turman Court, Ft. Collins, CO 80525 .

John Wenzlick, wife Linda , and daughter Laura have moved to 3636 Marv in, St. Louis, MO 63 114. Jo hn writes: "Living in our first house in St. John. I'm still working in construction for the highway department. Linda finally graduated and' is teaching. Laura is nine years old, and a brother is in the plans."

1978 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 21-22, 1983 Class Coordinators: Michael K. Bell 900 5th Ave. Silvis, IL 61282 Jacquelyn Dethorne Falconi 521 Aqueduct St. Akron, OH 44303 David K. Holland Jr. 1603 Shely Longview, TX 75604 Dennis J. Kinchen 10836 Currier Court Brighton, MI 48116

1977 Warren D. Cadwell is employed by Sun Exploration & Production Co., Oklahoma City, as senior petroleum engineer. He writes: "I have become registered as a professional engineer in Oklahoma ." He and Ma rl yne live at 6200 N. Allison. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 . Art Giesler is a sales engineer for York Air Conditioning (Borg Warner) in Ft. Worth , Texas. He writes: "Karen and I had a baby daughter on May 3. She weighed in at 8 Ibs 4\11 oz. Lauren Elizabeth is a valued addition to our family ." The Giesler home is at 7549 Bigleaf Lane, Ft. Worth, TX 76137 . John V. Stutsman was recently promoted from generation planning engineer in the power supply planning department to strategic planning analyst in the strategic planning department at Northern Indiana Public Service Company. He is currently working on a master's degree in accounting and finance at Purdue University-Calumet. He joined NIPSCO in 1977 as an electrical engineer. John and Kathy reside at 87/3 Monroe Ave., Munster, IN 46321. Donald and Elizabeth Ann (McVey '80) Thurman are now living at 839 Vicksburg Drive, Bellevi.Ile, IL 62221. Don is currently employed at Emerson Electric Co. as a financial DP specialist and Beth is a quality control chemist for G laxo Inc. in St. Louis.


Steve and Judy Allen announce the birth of their baby girl, Lauren Marie, on May 22. Lauren weighed 9 pounds, I ounce at birth . Steve, Judy and Lauren's address is P.O. Box 2779, ARAMCO, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Steve is a sales engineer with Schlumberger Ltd. Bruce, '78, '80, and Kathy Bergman announce the birth of a daughter, Rebecca Susanne, on May 3. She weighed in at 9 Ibs. 4 oz. Bruce is a senior associate engineer with IBM in Austin, Texas. The Bergman family lives at 3811 Rolling Hill, Round Rock, TX 78664. Russ Dahmer is employed as a geologist for Phillips Petroleum Company, western division, exploration and production, in Denver. His address is 8055 E. Tufts Ave. Parkway, Denver, CO 80237. Rona (Whitta\l) and James Donahoe have moved. Their new address is Quillen 3-E, Escondido Village, Stanford, CA 94305 . Jacquelyn M. Falconi is newly employed as a project analyst for Ocean Systems Division of Gould, Inc. in Cleveland, Ohio. She and Joe live at 521 Aqueduct St. , Akron, OH 44303. Jeffry J. Greene and wife Sonja write: "New son!! Jarrad Matthew born March 16. Sister Jody sure welcomed him home! " Jeff is now an assistant superintendent with McBro of St. Louis. The Greene family is living at No. 6 Sheri Lane, Texarkana, TX 75501.

MSM Alu mn us!29


Alumni Personals _______________________________ Gregory K. McMillan has been named a Fellow in Monsanto Company's pro· gram to recognize those individuals making significant, continuing technical contributions to the company and to their specific disciplines. Gregory is a principal engineering specialist, proce~s control, in the engineering technology section of Mon sa nto's corporate engineering depart men t. He joined Monsanto in 1969 as an engineer in the corporate engineering department, and received several promotions leading to his current position. He is a member of the Technical Community of Monsanto and is the education chairman of the St. Louis section of the Instrument Society of America. Greg's home address is 14407 White Pine Ridge Lane, Chester· . field, MO 63017.

" 1982 Rollamo

1978 Continued Stephen Mark Haupt has been employed as junior high science and math instructor at Neosho, Mo. The past five years he has taught in the Ferguson-Florissant District in St. Louis County. Martin D. HofflDan 411 '1 N.W. Linden Road, Kansas City, MO 64151, received his MD in Medicine on May 14, from St. Louis University. Kenneth R. Holtgrieve is a facilities engineer with Shell Oil Co. in Co'rtez, Colo. He and Kathy have a new mailing address: P.O. Box 961 , Cortez, CO 81321.

Joe, '78, '81, and Patty ('82) Neyer have recently moved to 11700 Devonshire, St. Louis, MO 63131. They write: "We plan to attend Homecoming '83 festivities this fall .. look forward to seeing some old familiar faces and talking over the 'old' days." . Robert J. Schnell is emgloyed as an engineer for Union Electric in St. Louis. He writes: "Received 'The Young Pro: fessional Award' from the St. Louis sec· tion of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)." His home address is 911 Summer Leaf, St. Charles, MO 63301. John T.Sharp reports a change in employment. He is now a senior engineer for McDonnell Aircraft Corp. in St. Louis. He and Valerie have moved their home to 450 Warford Ave. , Ferguson , MO 63135.

Gary R. Lake is currently unemployed, He and Patricia are living on Route 2, " Tony Sikavi writes: " \ am now con Box 55, Palmyra, MO 63461. ' suiting for a firm based in New York named Systems Strategies. We work on Mitch Levings has accepted a position distributed data base systems. Plans are with Houston Lighting "& Power as a to be married in August 1983." Tony systems performance engineer at the lives at 54-12 Browvale Lane, Little South Texas Nuclear Project currently Neck , NY 11362. under construction near Bay City. His address remains 200 I Palm Village Robert C. Welsh was recently in a Blvd., No. 550, Bay City, TX 77414. motorcycle accident which left him par· tially paralyzed. He_ is recovering and Samuel L. Massey is a chief drilling, showing good signs. He is very active in engineer for Atlantic Richfield: He and wheelchair basketball, tennis and wick. Sheryll send us a new address: Plaza 7, His home address is 1101 N. 2nd St., No. 209, (P.O. Box 2117) Eagle River, San Jose, CA 95112. AK 99577.

William "E~" Englehart writes: "I am now wo/king in the utility coordinator's group for the Corps of EngineerS-AI Batin District at King Khalid Military City , Saudi Arabia. Donna and Katie, now 2 years old, are enjoying the 'fun in the sun' aspects of the Kingdom . There are five other UMR alums here." His mailing address is P.O. Box 3375 , APO NY 09615, Louis Greer is· currently employed by Morrison·Knudsen Company Inc. in Boise, Idaho, as a project engineer. He writes: " I will be leaving Aug. 2 to work in Indonesia for several months. I will be involved in mine planning of a coal mine for the Indonesia ns. I am still single and ha ve a mailing address of 3040 Summerset, Boise, ID 83709." David Hengel is newly employed as a design engineer for Bechtel National Inc. in San Francisco, Calif. He has moved his residence to 350 Perkins St. , " No. 104, Oakland, CA 94610 . Robert E. Hodgson is now plant engineer for Manville in Harvey, La. His home address is 1000 Scottsdale Drive, Apt. 26, Harvey, LA 70058 . Tim Holcomb writes: "Reside at' Route 2, Box 295, Murphysboro, IL 62966, with two-year-old daughter, Jessica. I am vice president of Holcomb Foundation Engineering in Carbondale, Ill." Ed Jenke writes: "Laura and I just bought a new house at 401 Woodland Hill Court , Manchester, MO 63011. Also, I've just received a promotion to systems "analyst in charge of a new major system at Citicorp Person-to Per· son." Tim Madden joined Kitchell Contractors'Texas division in June as a project estimator for the general contracting and construction management estimating department. He and Kim curren tly reside at 1752 ' Arledge , Carrollton, TX 75007.

Douglas Montgomery is now a senior engineer in planning for Atlantic Richfield at their facilities in Anchorage, Alaska. He has moved his residence to 568 Tak,li Circle, Eagle River, AK 99577 . Rebecca (Micssner) Nelson is employed by Exxon Co. USA in Corpus Christi, Texas, as a senior project engineer. She and Michael (they were married March 26) have moved to 4613 Quincy, Corpus Christi. TX 78411. Kevin O'Sullivan is now president of Oklahoma Petroleum Consultants Inc. in Shawnee, Okla. He and Karren live at 2301-B N. Jay, Claremore, OK 74017. Charlotte Pavelka has moved to '415 E. Broadway, Granville, OH 43023. She writes: "Having graduated from the , University of Michigan with my MBA in April, I am now working as an an~lyst in the strategic technical planning department at . Owens-Corning Fiberglass Technical Center in Granville, Ohio." Mark Runge is now with Somers ThinStrip Metals, Olin Brass facility in Waterbury, Conn., as plant mechanical engineer. He and Mary have moved to 462 Cedar Lane, Cheshire, CT 06410 . They write: "We have moved to New England -- the birthplace of om nation and home of funny accents just like you hear on TV. Letters, calls or visits are all welcome and encouraged!" Joseph A. Safron received his D.V .M. from UMC in May and has joined the veterinary staff of Monett Vete'rinary Hospital, Monett, Mo. He was previous· Iy a veterinary assistant in a mixed practice in Rolla and completed his externship in a large animal practice in Republic and in mixed practice in Rolla and Richland Center, Wisc., where his work " was predominantly with dairy cattle.

Terry D. McCallister is now operatlo'ns engineer for Arco Alaska Inc. in An · chorage. He and Susan have moved to 450 Falke Couer, Anchorage, AK 99504. David G. Winter writes: "Recently promoted to senior staff engineer at HartCrowser & Associates. Love Seattle! It's a beautiful place." David lives at 621 W. Galer, No. 307 , Seattle, WA 98119 .

30/ MSM Alumnu s

1979 Mark Ditch is a civil design engineer III for Booker Associates in St. Louis. He and Nancy live at Route 2, Box 626, Marthasville, MO 63357.

1982 Rollamo

Alumni Personals____________________________________________________________ David W. Stabl is now employed by James P. Harlan has moved to 508 N. Michelin Tire Co. in Greenville, S.e., as First St., Weatherford, OK 73096_ He is an engineer. He and Karol have moved a pipeline engineer with Texas Oil & to 328 Saratoga Drive, Greer, SC Gas of Canton, Okla. 2965J.. Jon Mark Holdman is a data processing analyst for Shell Oil Co. in Houston, . Elizabeth Ann (McVey) and Donald Texas. He and Tina live at 2501 Thurman "77) are now residing at 839 Westridge, No. 255 , Houston, TX Vicksburg Drive, Belleville, IL 62221. 77054. Beth is currently employed at Glaxo Inc. as a quality control chemist and Paul D. Janke is employed as an Don is a financial DP specialist for engineer for Cities Service Oil & Gas Emerson Electric Co. in St. Louis. Corp., living at 2101 Hayes Road, No. 706, Houston, TX 77077.

1982 Rollamo

1979 Continued Mohammad Saidi is an instructor at Florissant Valley Community College in St. Louis, and has moved to No. E-4849 Cloverfield Tr., Florissant, MO 63033 . Harry John Sauer III writes: "Sara and I became parents of our first child -- a boy; David Bryant -- on March 24. He has made Harry Jr., in the M.E. department, a proud grandfather! I began my new job (bookkeeper) with Edward D. Jones stock brokerage firm in May." The Sauer family is living at 5365-J Knollwood Parkway Court, Hazelwood, MO 63042.

Kathy (Dill) and Barry Shelden ('81) have recently moved. Their new m.ailing address is SRA Box 1947, Anchorage, AK 99507. Kathy is employed by IBM as a systems engineer at their facility in Anchorage, and Barry is an engineer for Arco Alaska Inc. Morgan Slusher is currently a graduate student in the psychology department at Rice University in Houston, Texas. His mailing address is P.O. Box 1892, Houston , TX 77251. He writes: "To improve my personal satisfaction with my career, I have changed my field of study from physics to psychology -- better late than never! I am presently doing individual reading to make up background material and will begin psychology classes in the fall, working on my doctorate, probably in social psychology."

Janet M. (Rimmey). King writes: "Ed and I were married Nov . 12, 1982, and are now living at 2333 Wesford Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. We are both employed by McDonnell Douglas Automation Co." David F. Laughter is newly employed by Pyrotronics in Overland Park, Kan. He and Dee-Dee have moveo to 9471 Bales, Kansas City, MO 64132. James D. Lee is now with Falcon Crude Transport & Trading Co. of Abilene, Texas, as scheduling coordinator. He and Gay have mpved to 238 Sayles Blvd., Abilene, TX 79605 . Janet (Reiter) and Terry Loesch, both class of '80, have moved to 3591 Queenshill Drive. St. Louis, MO 63129. Janet is a computer programmer for Missouri p'acific in St. Louis. James P. Marfice is a field engineer for Schlumberger in Brenham, Texas. He and Donna send us a new address, No.4 Hilltop Acres, Brenham, TX 77833. Marilyn (Daum) and Matthew Mills, both class of '80, are now living at 20-3E Fairwood Drive, Rochester, NY 14623. Matt will be doing an internship in biomedical photography at the University of Iowa , Iowa City, this summer. Marilyn is a systems analyst at Eastman Kodak. She is working on her M.S. in computer. science at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

Perrin R. Roller is a drilling engineer for Chevron USA Inc. in Lafayette, La. He writes: "I am still enjoying the warm weather on the gulf coast. I was recently 1980 transferred to Chevron's western diviDavid L. Bogart, '80, '82, writes: "Realision in Lafayette, La. My new address is ty has proven to be too much of a strain "123 Brigante Place, Lafayette, LA on my mental health . I returned to safe, 70508." sane UMR in May to start work in my Ph.D. in chemistry (Besides, how can Andrew C. Schelich has moved to 1861 anyone stand to live in Oklahoma?). Oh S.W. Haskell Ave., Palm Bay, FL yes, once again I'll be corrupting the 32907. He is employed as senior youth of Rolla .every weekend on engineer at Harris Government ElecKMNR." Dave is now living at 403 W. tronic Systems Division in Melbourne, Fla. lIth St., Rolla, MO 65401.

Robert J. Willie is a staff civil engineer with Caterpillar Tractor Co. in Peoria, Ill. On June 18, he was married to Therese Hanley of Verona, Ill. The wedding plans included a move from 325 N. Nebraska, Morton , IL 61550, to a new residence in Peoria.

1981 Dennis Boll has moved to j 530 Dempter, Apt. 302, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056. He writes: "I have started employment as an engineer assistant with the Chicago office of Dames & Moore. The recession is over!" Roger Boyer writes: "Married Julia Yuhas (also '81) in April. She works for Texas Eastern in cast and scheduling and I'm working on the South Texas nuclear project, Houston Lighting & Power, in safety analysis." Roger and Julia are living at 9800 Hollock, Apt . 207, Houston , TX 77075. Phillip E. Bureman recently became a sales representative for Exxon Oil Co. He and Lori are living at 39 Spooks Branch Exit., Asheville, NC 28804. David Caswell has moved to 1000 S. Pennsylvania, Denver, CO 80209. He is an engineer with Martin Marietta in Denver.

Gregory Katnik has a new address -- 1607 Bayside St., Merritt Island, FL 32952. He writes: "I now work for NASA at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, effective May 2. I am a member of the Space Shuttle Launch Team and specifically responsible for external tank operations." Janet (Hartley) and Glenn Lipscomb, both class of '81, have moved .to 8 Captain Drive, No. 354, Emmeryville, CA 94608. Janet writes: "Glenn is in his second year in the chemical engineering Ph.D. program at U.e.-Berkeley. I'm a process development engineer' with Clorox. We're having a great time in California!" S. Dale McHenry is now operations supervisor for A.T.&T. Long Lines in St. Louis. He has moved his residence to 1145 Breakwater Way, St. Louis, MO 63141. David Scott Mueller is now a hydraulic engineer at the Waterway Experiment Station in Vicksburg, Miss. His new mailing address is Oakmont Manor, 8E, Vicksburg, MS 39180. John A. OUech is now with Buckman Laboratories of Memphis, Tenn., as a district sales representative. He and Maria have moved to 2618 W. Willow Lake Drive, No. 12, Peoria, IL 61614.

Bruce J. Colborne is newly employed as a sales engineer for Houston Trane Co., Houston, Texas. He and Janet have moved to 13775 Graywood, Sugar Land, TX 77478. Michael Eugene Corum is employed by Conoco in Ponca City , Okla. , as an associate analyst. He and Leifann (Bachman) live at Meadowbrook Village, Box 34, Ponca City, OK 74601. Ronald W. Craven has purchased Hannibal Testing Laboratories, Inc. , Hannibal, Mo. He has served as general manager of the firm , formerly a subsidiary of Crane and Fleming, for several years. Ron is a registered professional engineer in Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois. He and Cynthia have one daughter, Lauren . They live at 593 Virgina, Hannibal, MO 63401.

1982 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus/ 31

Alumn; Personals ______________________________________________


Robert Hurtig sends his new mailing ad- David Pierson is now a 2nd Lt. in the dress - 621 Industrial Ave .. Paramus. NJ U.S. Air Force, England AFB in Alex07652. He is employed as station andria, La., working as a construction manager, Amundsen-Scott South Pole. inspector. His new ' address is Willow lIT Antarctic Services Inc .. with offices Creek Apts., No. 261, 4344 Twin in Paramus. Bridges Road, Alexandria, LA 7130 I. Walter Wah-Oy Ko is pursuing a masters degree in Industrial Management at Central Missouri State Universi¡ ty. He and Lily live at 8943 Forest Ave. , Overland, MO 63114. Rebecca Lanning is now a chemist with Kansas City Analytical Services and lives at 6213 Harrison, Kansas City, MO 64110.

Jerry A. Poland is now an associate engineer with Texas Utilities in Tatum, Texas. He and Tamara Lynn are living at 2002 Mary Lou Ave. , Longview , TX 75603.

Thomas O. Mesko is working as a hydrologist for the U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources in Rolla. He and Virginia have moved to B-58 Stately Mansions, Rolla, MO 65401.

Nancy L. Reiter is now an assistant staff supervisor for Southwestern Bell in St. Louis. Her home address is 225 Hill Ave. , Manchester, MO 63011.

1982 Rollalllo

1981 Continued Edward M. O'Mara Jr. is employed by Phillips Petroleum Co. at their facility in Cut Bank, Mont. He and Roni live at 306 2nd Ave. SE, Cut Bank, MT 59427 . Barry Shelden and wife Kathy (Dill '79) have recently moved. Their new mailing address is SRA Box 1947. Anchorage, AK 99507. Barry is an engineer for Arco Alaska Inc. and Kathy is a systems engineer for IBM at their facilities in Anchorage. Blake Silkwood and Laura Plyler ('82) were married on Oct. 16, 1982. Blake is a mine project engineer with Jersey Miniere Zinc Co. and Laura is a chem ist with John L. Armitage & Co. Their new address is 406 West Ene:! Manor, Lebanon, TN 37087. James D. Stanfast is with Data Pro Computer Systems Inc., Rolla, as a systems consultant. His mailing add ress is P.O. Box 644, Rolla , MO 6540 I.

Lawrence D. Williams is now with Westinghouse Defense, Baltimore, Md ., as an associate engineer. His new home address is 3427 Carriage Hill Circle, Apt. 202, Randallstown , MD 21133. Greg Youll, '81, '83, now resides at 8711 Ensley Lane, Leawood, KS 66206.

1982 Carl Alsbach is an engineer with the Texas Division, Dow Chemical Co., in Freeport, Texas. He writes: "Renee and I recently purchased our first new home at 605 Earl's Court , Angleton, TX 775515."

Stacey Miller is a field engineer, fossil plant services, with General Electric in Oak Brook, 111. , on temporary assignment in Lynn, Mass. Her home address: until October '83, is 22 Northstone Road , Swampscott, MA 01'907.

Charles Richey is an ensign in U.S. Navy flight training in Corpus Christi, Texas. His new address is 6925 S.P.I.D., Apt. No. 60, Corpus Christi, TX 78412.

Janice Naumann is employed as network serv ices supervisor-engineering design for Southwestern Bell in St. Charles, Mo. She and Robert live at 1528 Charlemont Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017.

Patty and Joe ('78, '81) Neyer have recently moved to 11700 Devonshire, Lydia (Relja) and William Bond have St. Louis, MO 63131. They write: "We moved to 7461 Williams Ave. , Sl. Loui , plan to attend Homecoming '83 MO 63 11 7. Lydia is now a program- festivit ies this fall -- look forward to seemer/analyst for the St. Louis Count y ing some old familiar faces and talking Police Department. over the 'old' days."

Keith Townsend has moved to Olathe, Kans. He has an assistantship at Kansas Stephen R. Bruner is employed by University in Lawrence, Kans. and is Gearhart Industries, Evanston, Wyo ., as studying for his masters degree. Keith a systems engineer. He has moved his has been associated with Bell residence to 91 E. Hayden Ave., No. 30, Helicopter-Textron in Fort Worth , Evanston, WY 82930. Texas, since graduation from UMR . Wayne K. Carson is now branch Jeruld P. Weiland has recently been manager of construction services for employed by the Buick Motor division Professional Service Industries in Memof General Motors in Flint, Mich. , as an phis, Tenn. He , has moved to 3371 industrial engineer. He and Barbara ('83) Hickory Hollow Lane, No. I, Memphis, have a new home at 4091 W. Vienna TN 38115. Road, Clio, MI 48420. Barbara is a process and development engineer for AC Scott D. Herzog writes: "1 was married to Jane Rudolph in January, in St. Spark plug division, also in Flint. Louis. I was promoted from junior Clarissa (Wisner) Whitten is a chemist engineer to computing engineer by with the U.S. Bureau of Mines in Rolla. Caterpillar Tractor Co. in May. Also in She and Jimi have moved to 2105 Vichy May we moved to a new address: 104 Louise St ., Chillicothe, IL 61523." Road, Rolla, MO 65401.

321MSM Alumnu s

Laura Plyler and Blake Silkwood ('81) were married on Oct. 16, 1982. Laura is a chemist with John L. Armitage & Co. and Blake is a mine project engineer with Jersey Miniere Zinc Co. Their new address is 406 West End Manor, Lebanon, TN 37087.

Dan Nower has been employed by Union Carbide Nuclear Division, Oak Ridge, Tenn., as an engineer I in the maintenance division. His hew home address is 401 Gallaher View Road, No.8, Knoxville, TN 37919. Patricia Pagano has been employed by McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis as a structural design planner. Her home ad¡ dress is 12448 McKelvey Rd., No. 14, St. Louis, MO 63141. Jeffrey L. Parker is now a 2nd Lt .. civi l engineer, in the U.S. Air Force. He and Tammy are living at 92 1 S. 161 Highway, Apt. A. Jacksonville. AR 72076 .

CALVIN SANAZARO Calvin Sanazaro has joined the firm of Booker Associates Inc. , engineers, architects and planners in St. Louis, as a design engineer in the mechanicaUelectrical engineering department. During the summer of 1981 he was a summer intern with Booker. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Engineers' Club of St. Louis, and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers. His home address is 6975 Pernod,St. Louis, MO 63139. Keith M. Sanders has been employed by Pay less Cash ways, Inc. as an associate engineer in Kansas City, Mo. His home address is 2111 N.E. 79th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64118:

Joseph A. Sheridan has been emploved by Blac k & Veatch. Ove rla nd Park. Ka n .. as a programmer analyst. He and Sharon a re li vin g at 7038 Me tca lf. Ove rla nd Park. KS 66204.

Scott Zimmer is now an associate engineer at McDonnell Douglas Aircraft in St: Louis. He writes: "Supporting the A V-8B project. I work as a nondestructi ve testing & inspection engineer in the material and processing gro up." Scott's new home address is 69 Mob le Dri ve, Bridgeton, MO 63044.

Susan Siroky is now cont ro ller fo r TG IFriday's in Kirkland, Wash. Her new address is 14464 N.E. 36th St. , No. LS, Bellevue, W A 98007 . Jeffrey ' L. Smith is now working for Manville Service Corp. in Denver, Colo. , as a research engineer. His new home address is 7564 S. Teller Court , Littleton, CO 80123 . Randall Kent Stagner is a first Iieute· nant in the U.S. Army . He and Deborah are living at 3438·D McCornack Road, Wahiawa, HI 96786 .

Gregory W. Tracy has been employed bv Bendix Corp .. Kansas City, Mo., as an associate engineer. He and Karen are living at 9640·A Lydia, Kansas City, MO 64131.

William H . Bond is a grad uate student in geologica l engineering at UM R. He and Lyd ia live at 134 Woodcrest, Rolla, MO 65401. Beverly Anne Brunjes became the bride of David E. G reen on April 16, in Villa Ridge, Mo. She is currently emplo yed by Emerson Electric in St. Louis. Da vid is employed by E.L. Green Construction Co.


Timot hy Adrian has accepted employment with McDonnell Douglas in St. Kathryn Anne Bushur now lives at Louis, and has moved to . 5360 Mild 11120 E. 85th Terrace, Raytown, MO Drive, St. Lol;lis, MO 63129. 64138. David B. Ashabrl.lnner is with the National Security Agency in Fort Meade, Md . His new address is 13204 Miles Court , Apt. 201. Laurel, MD 20708 . Joseph Aubuchon is employed as a supervisory computer scientist for the U.S. Army in St. Louis. He and Patti have moved to 866 Sugar Hill Drive, Manchester, MO 63011.

Doan Trang Thi Pham Tran sends a David L. Ausmus is presently new address: 4750 Meeks Drive, No. unemployed. He and Vicki have moved 140, Orange, TX 77630. to 915 N. Rollins, Macon, MO 63552. Bruce M. Wundrack has accepted employment with the Missouri Department of Highways in Kirkwood, Mo. as a construction inspector. He and Ruth are living at 9009 Bott· Road, St. Louis, MO 63127.

Lawrence C. Black is an E.I.T., loo.king for employment in the St. Louis area. His . home address is 645 W. Logan, Moberly, MO 65270.

Curtis L. Brernel is a metallurgical engineer for Inland Steel Corp. in East Chicago, Ind. His new address is 1516 N. Glenwood, Apt. E, Griffith, IN 46319 . Paul Bierman is now a junior consultant with Miami Copa. His new address is 9830 SW. 85th Terrace, Miami, FL 33173.

Richard T. Zarse has reported a new position as computer scientist with Science Applicatio ns Inc. in Leaven· worth, Kan. He and Laurie have moved Michael Bitzer sends his new address, to 8509 N. Atkins Court, Kansas City , 40 Thunderbird Parkway S.W. , Apt. T-7, Tacoma, WA 98498 . MO 64153.

1'I!!2 R"lIam"

George F. Carini II is now a graduate student at UMR , living at 1604 North Olive St., Rolla, MO 65401.

1982 Rollamo

Rob R. Goodenow is now a junior engineer with Union Electric. He and Tami live at 2225 Weathered Rock Road, Apt. 4, Jefferson City, MO 65101.

Cheryl Z. Clark has married Richard Meier. The couple lives at 91 E. 9th ~t., Rolla, MO 6540 I. Cheryl is employed as Kevin Michael Gordon is employed as a junior engineer with Bryan & an associate computer scientist for the Associates in Jefferson City, Mo. National Security Agency at Ft. Meade, Md.' His new address is 8 Woodland Phillip Lewis Cook is now an engineer Court, Apt. 201, Laurel, MD 20707. with Black & Veatch in Kansas City. His new home address is 1846-B Mews Sam W. Graefe is a project manager with Lever Brothers Co. in St. Louis. He Drive, Kansas City, MO 64131. and Cindy moved to 1811 Brittania Michael Devine lives at 11 -37 Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017 . Briarhurst, Ballwin, MO 63011. David C. Guenther is a product engineer for the Oldsmobile Division of General Daniel A. Dziedzic is now an electrical Motors in Lansing, Mich. His new adengineer with Shell Oil - Turris Coal in dress is 3320 Trappers Cove Trail, Apt. Elkhart, III. He receives mail at P.O. 2D, Lansing, MI 48910. Box 441 , Williamsville, IL 62693 . Timothy R. Hagan is an associate engineer with General Dynamics, Fort Mark Fields, 9771-A Picador Drive, St. Worth division. He lives at 3820 Levee Louis, MO 63136, writes: "Just wanted Circle East, Apt. 268 , Fort Worth, TX to inform you about my job with Naval Air Engineering Center. The home 76109 . office is in Lakehurst, N.J . I work at a field office at McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis, developing automatic test equi p· men t fo r the Marines' Harrier airplane. My wedd ing date is set .. Sept. 10th."

Amos J . " Jack" Hardy J r. is a carpenter with Solar Design & Construction Inc. in Rolla. Jack and Libby have a new mailing address: P.O. Box 1815, Rolla, MO 65401.

Karen Lynn (Fleiss) Fritsche is wi th the Kansas City division of Bendix Corp ., working as a scientific programmer. She and husband , Cra ig, have a new home address: 8308·C Hillcrest Road, Kansas City , MO 64138.

Bruce J. Hayden is now a programmer for IBM in Endicott, N.Y. and lives at 14 Hillside Court, Apt. 3, Endicott, NY 13760. Michael D. Herries now lives at 9516 Hale Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123.

Ken Gibson has started work for McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis as an associate weights engi neer. His new address is 3710 Lynn Town Drive, St. Louis, MO 63 11 4.

Jeanne Hilker is now an associate engineer with McDonnell Douglas, St. Louis. Her new address is 4407-B Normandy Trace Dri ve, Normandy, MO 63121.

Jenelyn Gillham has accepted employment with Western Electric in Spring· field , N.J., and now lives at 185 Coun try Club Lane, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 .

Keith Hock is currently a graduate stu· dent at UMR. He and Lois have moved to Edgar Star Rou te, Box 274·D, Rolla, MO 65401.

MSM Alumnus / 33

Alum ni Pers onal s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Howard T. Mizuki is a materia ls engineer for Buick division of General Motors in Flint , Mich . He lives at 4219 Boulder Drive, Flint, MI 48529 . James Clesie Moore II and wife, Kelly Ann (married Aug. 13), have moved to 57 Faire Harbour Place, New London , CT 06320. Jim is a field engineer with Stone & Webster Enginee ring in Water· ford , Conn. Seyed M. Moslehi·Milani sends a new address: 1350 N. Meridian, No. 310, Indianapolis, IN 46202.

1982 Rollamo

1983 Continued

Bruce D. Murray is employed as plant engineer for Warren Petroleum Co. in Orchard , Texas. His new home address is 1216 Westwood , No. 606, Rosenbe rg, TX 77471.

Charla C. Niccoli is now a programmer James T. Jenkins is now a process for Western Publishing Co. in O'FallOl:f, engineer for Ford Motor Co. at their Mo., and lives at No.4 Oakwood Drive, facility in Hazelwood, Mo. He and St. Charles, MO 6330 I . Kristine have moved to 105·B Park Charles Blvd. South, St. Peters, MO John H. Osmar is now a software pro· 63376. grammer for Texas Instruments in Phillip Jew is employed by McDonnell . Austin, Texas. He and Helen have mov· Douglas as an associate engineer. He ed to 12810 Humendow, Apt. A, lives at 9726 Scottdale Drive, St. Louis, Austin, TX 78750. MO 63136. Peter Michael Pachlhofer is currently a Mark R. Koors is employed by Vitek trainee engineer with NASA Lewis Systems Inc. in Hazelwood, Mo. He and Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. He Virginia live at 1709 Wellman Court, and Margie are living at 10 190 Pleasant Creve Coeur, MO 63149. Lake Blvd., Apt. G-31 , Parma,' OH 44130. Angel.a Celeste Latham has been employed by Dowell in EI Reno, Okla. Marshall Ray Porter was married May Her new address is 1105 W. London , 29 to Carla Kay Petry of Jefferson Cit y, Apt. A, EI Reno, OK 73036. Mo. The couple currently . resides in Jefferson City. Charles Lipscomb is now a graduate stu· dent at UMC His mailing address is Wade C. Powell has been employed by 2433 Raynell , Springfield, MO 65804. the Chevrolet division of General Melissa Yvonne McClellan now lives at Motors in Warren , Mich., as a test 1484 Oak Bluff Lane, St. Louis, MO engineer. He and Susan now reside at 63122. She is presently an unemployed 27330 . Park view Blvd. , Apt. 63 17, Warren , MI 48092. chemical engineer . Peter McGrail is now a research David R. Ritchie is li ving at 63 Delmar eng ineer for Battelle Northw est Drive, Springfield, IL 62703 . Laboratories in Richland , Wash . His new address is 1775 S.E. Columbia Teresa Lynne Roberts sends her new ad· Drive, No. 103 , Richland , WA 993 52 . dress: 109 SE 4th St ., Blue Springs, MO 640 15. Susanne E. McHale now lives at 4627 Mattis Road, St. Louis, MO 63 I 28 . Carl A. Rohde is now a graduate student at UMR. His mailing address is P.O. Michael B. McKay is an industrial Box 899, Rolla, MO 65401. engineer with King Radio Corp. in Olathe, Kan. He lives at 809 N. Fredrick R. Saunders is now an Washington , Spring Hill, KS 66083. 'assoc iate enginee r with Ge nera l Dynamics Land Systems in Warren, Douglas Paul Massoth now lives at Mich. His new add ress is 4 193 Frazho, 1465 S. Plaza, Springfield, MO 65804 . No. 203, Warren , MI 48091. Lisa Mateker is now a production engineer with Shell Oi l Company in New Orleans, La. Her new home address is 8117 Spurce, Apt. B, New Orleans, LA. 7011 8.

~ / MSM


Robert B. Shaw has been employed by Crow n Zellerbach, South Glens Falls, N.Y., as a converting supervisor. He and Heidi have moved to 9 Reservoir Drive. Glens falls, NY 12801.

_ _ _ _ _......... _ _

David Siscel has been employed by Kan· Steven E. Ulrich is an engineering sas Cit y Power & Light Co. as a substa· looper with Sunnen Products Co. in St. tion engi neer. He and Becky (also 'S3) Louis. He lives at 13009 Musket Court . have moved to 141 0 Armour Road, St. Louis, MO 63141. Apt . B, N. Kansas City. M064 11 6. Richard L. Unverferth now lives on Route 4. Perryville. MO 63775. Barry Skeens is emp loyed by Southwestern Bell Telephone in St. Louis as database ad ministrator. He has Stephen Veit is an associate enginee r at moved to 1848 Wood Hollow Drive, McDonn ell Douglas Aircraft in St. Apt. 105 , Mary land Heights, MO Louis, Mo. His residence is at 220 Albert Drive. Florissant. MO 6303 1. 63043 . Jay Skolnik is now electrica l enginee r for McDonnell Douglas, St. Louis. His new address is 2172 Bantry Court, Chesterfield , MO 63017. J ames V. Stevens is working as a pro· grammer for IBM in Charlotte, N.C His new home address is 3445 N. Sharon Amity Road, Apt. EI, Charlotte, NC 28205.

Richard E. Wainwright has been employed by Delco Products division of General Motors in Kettering, Ohio. He and Joycelyn have moved to 1005 Hollendale Drive, Kettering, OH 45429. Tsang Wei Wang is now an associate engineer with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis, and lives at 9242 Lurline Drive. St. Louis, MO 63126.

Richard H. Straeter is a petroleum engineer for Flopetrol International. He and Rose Marie live on Route 3, Apt . 3, Nashville, IL 62263 .

Jay Patrick Wilshire is an engineer in automatic test systems at Emerson Elec· tric Co. in St. Louis. He and Christine live at 44 Bellevue, Apt. 8, Collinsville. IL 62234.

Shelton L. Stringer has continued at UM R as a grad uate student, li ving at 1506 White Hall Dri ve, No.4, Rolla. MO 6540 1.

Linda (Bangert) Weathered is now an aerospace technologist with NASA , Langley Research Center, in Hampton, Va . She and Brent h'ave moved to 132-F Tidemill Lane, Hampton, VA 23666.

Charles E. Taylor now lives at 2006 Weiss Lane, Quincy, IL 62301.

Barbara Weiland has been employed by AC Spark plug division of General Motors, in Flint. Mich.,.as a process and Donald R. Taylor is an exploration development engineer. Her husband . geologist fo r Jacoby & Co. in Waxhaw. Jeruld ('S\), is an indust rial engineer N.C Don and Shelba Kathryn 's mailing wi th Buick Motor diviSion , also in Flint. address is still 840 East Fourth, Salem, They ha ve a ncw addres,: 4091 w . M0065560. Vienna Road. Clio, MI 48420. Marc Thornsberry is an engineer ing supervisor with the Department of Public Works in Jefferso n City, Mo. He and Pamela live at 24 10. Theresa St., Jefferson City, MO 65101.

Robert S. WhitE' is now an ae rospace engineer with General Electric In Cinci nn ati . His home add ress is 8 East Lak eshore Drive. No. 26. Cincinnati. OH 4Sn7.

I'IHI Rnllalllu


IVlSM·lJMK Alumni Association Telephone (314) 341 -4171 ; (314) 341 -4172 OFFICERS

Term Expires

President .. .' ... .. .. . .. . ....... . Lawrence A. Spanier, '50 .. ...... _.... . ... . _. ... 5 Pettit Drive .. . . .... . . . .... 1984 Dix Hills, N.Y. 11746 President Elect ... James B. McGrath,.'49 ........... , , ... . . .. . , , .. 12425 Balwyck Lane . , .. . .. . . 1984 . St. Louis, MO 63131 Vice President , .. . , .......... , .. Arthur G_ Baebler, '55 ........... , , ........ : . .. 20 Fox Meadows . ... .. . .. ... 1984 Sunset Hills, MO 63127 Vice President ... . .. . . . ... . . .... Alfred J. Buescher, '64 ...... .. , . , , ... . .. . . . , . .. 624 Golfview Drive . . .. . ..... 1984 Ballwin, MO 63011 Vice President. ... . , , . . . ..... . .. John B. Toomey, '49 ... , . , ....... , .. , . . .... 7412 Admiral Drive ... , ..... 1984 Alexandria, VA 22307 Vice President. . . .. . . . . ......... Robert V, Wolf, '51 .. . " . .... .... Metallurgical Engineering Department . ... . , . ......... 1984 . UMR, Rolla, MO 6540 I Secretary ..... . .. . . . .. . . . .. . : . . Martha Gerig, '69 . .... . .... . .... , ......... ', ... 80 I Fairground Road .. .. . _. . 1984 . ' Rolla, MO 6540 I Treasurer .. . . .. .. , , . . . .... . , . . . J.L. "Jack" Painter, '50 , .. . .... , , , . . . . . '.' .. , , . .. 1610 Wilson Circle ... , , , .... 1984 . Rolla, MO 65401 0










DIRECTORS AT LARGE Thor Gjelsteen. '53 ..... . .. . ..... 7300' W. Stetson Place, No, 41 , Littleton, CO 80123 . . , , ........ James D. Gostin, '44 ... . ..... . . . . 180 Mt. Olive Drive, Bradbury, CA 91010 . . . . .... Robert P. Schafer, '52 ......... .. .. 4426 Mill Creek Road, Dallas, TX 75234 . . ....... . . Gerald L. Stevenson, '59 ... . ..... . 511 N. Main St., Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 . . .... . .. , , . .... . .. Ronald A. Tappmeyer, '47 . . . . .... 2226 Country Club Drive, Sugar Land, TX 77478 . , .', .... .. ... Armin J. Tucker, '40 . . .. . ...... . . 6464 Overlook Drive, Alexandria, VA 22312 .. . ..... . . .. ..... ·






Term Expires , , , ... , .... . . ... 1985 .1985 1983 , , .. : .... .. , , ... 1984 , 1984 , , ....... . , . .... 1985



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Area Zip Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires 00-14 Raymond T. Ruenheck, '50 .. . 7 Montview, Chelmsford, MA 01824 . . ... .... .. . . 1983 15-21 Robert e. Perry, '49 ....... . 302 Fox Chapel Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 . .. . . . , . . ..... .. 1983 22-34 Wayne R; Broaddus, Jr., '55 .. . P,O, Box 2545, Dalton, GA 30720 .. ...... . .... . ...... , . " .. . .. .... , . .. . ..... 1985 35-45 William D. Busch, '42 . ..... . 20001 Idlewood Trail, Cleveland, OH 44136 .. .... ... .. ... . .. . .... .. . . ........ 1983 46-59 George Baumgartner, '56 .. . .. 2120 Syracuse, Dearborn, MI 48124 .......... 1984 6().61 Eugene .]. Daily, '36 ......... 816 Dennison Drive, Champaign, IL 61820 .. , , 1985 62-62 Ernst Weinel, '44 .. . .. . . , . . . 1502 West 50, O'Fallon, IL 62269 .. . .... . . . .. , . , . . ... . , . . . . ........ . .... , ... 1984 . 63-65 Jerome T. Berry, '49 , . ..... . . Rt. 4, Box 321 , Rolla, MO 65401. .... . .... 1984 63-65 Harold C. Butzer, '47 . .. , , .. .411 Schellridge, Jefferson City, MO 65101 ......... .. . .. • . 1985 63-65 Matteo A. Coco, '66 .... 7115 Aliceton Ave., St. Louis, MO 63123 .. , .... . , ..... : , ..... .. , 1984 63-65 Harold R. Crane, '53 . ........ 480 Country Club Drive, Hannibal, MO 6340 I ............. . ... .. . , . , ... . . .. .. . 1983 63-65 B. Neil Lewis, '58 .. . .. . ..... 115 College St., P,O. Box 627, Kennett, MO 63857 ..... . ....... . . , . .... . . . . , 1985 63-65 Paul R. Munger, '58 ........ . Director Institute of River Studies, UMR, Rolla, MO 6540 I . . ....... , . ......... , . .. 1984 63-65 J. Robert Patterson, '54 . .. . . .. Show Me, Inc., P.O. Box 573, Sikeston, MO 6380 1... . .... . ...... , . ........ . 1984 63-65 Kenneth D. Pohlig, .... .. ... 2 Vienne Court, Lake St. Louis, MO 63367 . . ...... . .. , , ...... . , 1983 63-65 Robert E. Vansant, '51 . ..... .435 E. 55 St., Kansas City, MO 64110 ... .. .. . ... . ... 1983 63-65 e.M. Wattenbarger, '41 .. . . . , 205 W. First St. Terrace, Lamar, MO 64759 .. . ...... , 1984 66-74 David D. Kick, '57 ..... . . . : .4915 S. Lakewood Drive, Tulsa, OK 74135 .. . . . .... 1985 75-79 James B. Chaney, '48 . .. . . . .. 16218 Chipstead Drive, Spring, TX 77373 ....... . . . , , . .... .. . 1985 80-89 & 96-99 Victor 1. Hoffmann , '60 ... . .. . .... . . 31057 E. Lake Morton Drive, S.E. Kent, WA 98031 .. . .... . . . , , .... . . . 1983 90-95 Robert L. Ray, '47 .. . . . . .. . . 6045 Estates Drive, Oakland, CA 94611 . .... . . .... . . .. . . . , . , . . ... . .. , 1985 0































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COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Frank »'ppleyard, '37 ... , ..... ... . P.O. Box 199'1, Tubac, AZ 85640 Robert W. Klorer, '44 .... . . . .. . ... 7500 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 631 23 Joel F. Loveridge, '39 . .. . . .. , .. ... 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Walter e. Mulyca, '65 . .... ... .. . . Rt. I, No. 16 Southfield Lane, Marshall, TX 75670 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Richard H. Bauer, '52 . ... . . ... . ... Missouri Electrochem Inc" 10958 Lin-Valle Drive ..... , St. Louis, MO 63123 Robert D. Bay, '49 . ... . . .. . . ..... Black & Veatch, 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway .. .. .... Kansas City, MO 64114 . Joseph W. Mooney, '39 . . . . . . . ... . 7383 Westmoreland, University City, MO 63130 ... , 0




















Term Expires 1984





1988 1986

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Robert M. Brackbill, '42 .... ... , .. . 9148 Clearlake Drive, Dallas, TX 75225 Paul T. Dowling, '40 .. . ..... . . . ... IQ144 Winding Ridge Road; St. Louis, M063124 R.O. 'Kasten, '43 ..... . ....... . ... 901 West 114th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114 Peter F. Mattei, '37 .. , ......... .. 9954 Holliston Court, St. Louis, MO 631 24 Melvin E. Nickel, '38. ,. . . . .. 1060 I South Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 Foe. Schneeberger, '25 . ..... One Briar Oak, St. Louis, MO 63132 James W. Stephens, '47 . .... .. . , . .. Missouri Public Service Co" P.O. Box 11739 Kansas City, MO 64138 0





STAFF Frank H. Mackaman . . : . .. . ... .. . Executive Vice-President, MSM-UMR Alumni Association and Director, Office of Alumni/Development, UMRolla Larry Allen . . ...... . ,., .. .... .. Assistant Director, Alumni Activities Louise Wilson . . ..... · ......... . . Admin. Secretary, AlumnilDevelopment Sally White ..... . ... . . . .. .. . , .. Editor, MSM ALUMNUS MSM-UMR Alumni Association, Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 -9990 MSM Alumnus / 35


MSM·U MR ALUM NI ASSOCIATION SCHEDULE FOR HOME COMIN G 1983 Informa tion Numbe r 3U/3.tl -.t172

FRIDA Y, Octob er 21

9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

REGISTRATION in Miner Lounge, University Center -East Board of Directors' Meeting, MSM-UMR Alumni Association, University Center-East SILVER AND GOLD COCKTAIL PARTY, St. Pat's Church Parish Hall M-Club Bonfire , Intramural Field on Fraternity Row MINERS vs. UMSL Soccer Field, Sports Complex Students' Homecoming Dance , Centennial Hall

9 a.m.-2 p.m.

5:30 p.m.-8 p.m.

7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 9 p.m.-l a.m.

SATURDAY, Octobe r 22

9 a.m.-1:l5 p.m.

REGISTRATION resumes in Gale Bullman MultiPurpose Building 11:30 a.m. FIELDHOUSE FEED for all alumni and friends. Features reserved seating for the Reunion Classes of 1933 and before , 1938, 1943, 1948, 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, 1973, 1978. CLASS PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN. Gale Bullman MUlti-Purpose Building. Food Service from 11 :30-12: 15. 1:30 p.m. KICKOFF--MINERS Vs. Central Missouri State New Jackling Field, Sports Complex 6:15 p.m. CASH BAR, Miner Lounge, University Center -East 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. AWARDS BANQUET, Centennial Hall, University Center -East 9 p.m. ANNUAL MEETING, MSM-UMR Alumni Associa tion · Check at registration desk for special events scheduled for reunion classes . ·For assistance with Homecoming reservations, call or write: Larry Allen, Assistant Director, Alumni Activities, Alumni Office, UMR , Harris Hall, Rolla, MO 65401. MSM·U MIt ALUMN I ASSOCIATION Univers ity o f Missour i-Rolla Rollo. Missou ri 65401 -9990

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