Alumnus' University of Missouri-Rolla
Homecoming Issue
December, '983
Alumnus December 1983
Vol. 57 , No.6
University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, MO 65401-9990
Homecomin i
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This Homecoming Dr. Tom Van Doren of the electrical engineering department, directed a Friday afternoon free seminar for alumni interested in knowing more about the features offered by various personal computers. Some 24 alumni and spouses attended the event. Assisting Van Doren to conduct the seminar were: Ken Carpenter (lecturing above), Paul Stigall and Hardy Pottinger, EE facutiy.
This year 42 students holding Alumni Association Scholarships were invited to the semi-annual Board of Directors luncheon at Homecoming, and about half of them were able to attend. (Other recipients of association-sponsored student financial aid are invited to the same event in the spring.) Board members and their spouses enjoyed m.e~ting and talking with the students.
On The Cover At Homecoming, alumnus board member Harold Crane, '53, of Hannibal, was telling us about the great job the 12 cheerleaders -do at Miner football games and how much time they spend on practicing for each event. We thought we would show you an example of their spirit. That's Crane's daughter Kami Uunior in civil engineering) on top of the pyramid. Other cheerleaders--left to right in decending order--are: Darla Birdsong, Colin Ohler, Janet Landers, Teri Coleman, Leticia Gonzalez, John Sullivan, Kim Molner, Mike Thompson and Kory Matthews. Cheerleaders Dave Thomas and Mario Columbo are hidden in the back of the forma¡lion.
MSMALUMNUS (USPS-323-500) Issued by-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of MissouriRolla_ Entered as second class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401-9990, under the Act of March 3, 1897.
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Report of Association Board of Directors' Activities Members of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association Board of Directors heard good news when they attended the semi-annual board meeting Oct. 21, in the Mark Twain Room of University Center-East. One of the first items on the agenda was a report by Al Buescher (,64). He said that once again MSM-UMR alumni have responded to the needs of their alma mater. Donations to the annual fund during the fiscal year had increased by 20 percent over the previous year. (A complete report of the fund will appear in the February Honor Roll issue of the Alumnus). Treasurer Jack Painter ('50) presented the association's financial status report and recommended additional appropriations of $7,000 for the current year to reflect increasing costs. The board approved supplemental funding for meetings, awards, equipment, address labeling, postage and a miscellaneous category. Vice president Bob Wolf ('51) presented a proposed budget for student financial aid, recommending a 26 percent increase over the current 1983-84 year.
The recommendation passed and .a 1984-85 budget 'of $108,750 was-approved for student financial aid. The higher amount reflects an increase in the number of scholarships awarded to students (the amount of each scholarship was increased by 2.7.7 percent at last year's meeting). Association scholarship guidelines were discussed and one amendment was mad~ . Wolf was asked to make a further study of the early commitment scholarship category and present a report and recommendation for action at the spring meeting. Reports on athletic studies, the Jackling Fund, Alumni Awards, Alumni Alliance, Industrial Relations, scholarship distribution and the Joint Engineering Council were made and discussed. . Chancellor Joseph Marchello joined the meeting and thanked the Board for the association's support and assistance. He described the procedure being used in the search for President Olson's successor, described present enrollment trends at UMR, shared projected enrollment estimates, and reported optimistically on legislative prospects for both capital and operating funds. He also reported the on-campus recognition ceremony held for Mrs. V.H. McNutt and dedication of the building site for the proposed Vacha I McNutt Hall (mineral engineering building), and noted the subsequent death of Mrs. McNutt on Oct. 14th. A motion was made and passed to express appreciation to Frank Mackaman for his continued loyal, productive service to the Association during the past 15 years and offer recognition that the association's growth is due in no minor part to his leadership. A motion was also made and passed to adopt a resolution commending Chancellor Marchello for h'is leadership and administrative skill during a time of sevrere financial constraint for the University of Missouri system. Bob Wolf, acting as secretary in Martha Gerig's ('69) absence, presented the results of the 1983 election of directors. Paula Bradley was elected as a directorat-large. Harold Crane, Bob Perry, Ken Pohlig and Bob Vansant were re-elected to their area directorships, and Dave Blume, Richard Hunt and Russ Kamper were elected as new directors in their areas (see Association Officers and Directors listing on page 39). Announcement was made that the spring board meetir - nul \ pril 14, 4 '1omecu; n:g 1984 and the fall meeting would be Oct. 27 , during the festivities. Having completed the business of the association before noon, the officers and directors joined their spouses for luncheon with recipients of th(' Alumni scholarships.
MSM Alumnus/1
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HOMECOMING 1983 Attendees
Class Year
Golden Alumni 1933 and before lames M. Forgotson, '20 .. .. . ....... . .. . .. ..... ... . ... .. . . Shreveport, LA Ragan Ford, '23 ...... . ........ . ... . . ...... .. ...... . . ...... Minden , LA J. Lewis Andrews, '24 .................... .. . ....... ... . . .... . . Oxly, MO Carl 1. Heim , '25 ............... . .. .. .. . ...... . ....... . ..... .. Jasper, IN Elmer Gammeter, '26 .. ... .. . .. . ...... . . . . .. . ............. . . . Beaver, PA Daniel Kennedy, '26 .............. . .... .. . . . ... . ... . . . .. . . .. . Rolla, MO Ernest Moran, '27 .. . ...... . . . .. .. . . ... ... .. .. . . ........... . Miami, OK Harold D. Thomas, '27 . . .. . . .. . . . ..... . .. .. .... ...... . .. . .. .. Rolla, MO Charles A. Freeman, '28 . . ... ; . .. .... ..... .•..... . .. . .. . Hillsborough, CA Gerald A. Roberts, '28 .... .. .. .. ...... . .. . . . . . ..... . .. .... EI Dorado, AR Charles W. Johnson, '29 ...... . .. . ..... . ..... . . . . .... . .. . .. Davenport, IA
Class of '36 Eugene Daily ................ . ... . . . . .. . . ....... . .... ... Champaign, lL
O ass of '37 Robert Elgin .... .. . ........ . ... . .................. . . . .. . St. James, MO Peter Mattei .... . . .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . .. .. . ... St. Louis, MO
Jim Grimm, '30 ............. . .. . .. . ... . . . ........... . ....... Rolla, MO Vernon Gevecker, '31 . . . .. , ... . .. . . . . . .. ... .. . . .............. Rolla, MO Charles McCaw, '31 .. .. ... .-.... . ......... . . . .. . . . ..... . ..... Rolla, MO John C. Miles, '31 .. . .. . ..... . .. . ... . . .. .... .. ... . .... . .. . ... Urbana, IL Elmer 1. Sperljng, '31 ... . .. .... .. . .......... . ........ Webster Groves, MO Gordon R. Throgmorton, '31 ... . . ... ........ ... . . ........ . . Louisville, KY Clyde Wilhite, '31 . ... . .. . . ... . .... . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . ... . .. .. .. Aurora, CO Rex A. Williams, '31 . . . ...... . . .. ...... .. ... . ................ Rolla, MO Harold 1. Bruegging, '32 . . . . ...... . . . . .. . .. . . .. ...... .. Jefferson City, MO Edwin O. Crawford, '32 . . .. . ..... . .. . . .. . .. . ............ . .... Dallas, TX Charlie Hess, '32 . . .. . .... . . . ... ..... . .... . . .... ... .. .. .. ... Mobile, AL
Class of '38 J. Craig Ellis ......... . . .. .......... . .. ... . . ....... . .. Sun City West, AZ William Adam Ford .... . . ......... .. ... . . ....... .. ... . . Martinsburg, MO Roland D. Freidank . ... . . ............ . .... .. . . .. ...... Albuquerque, NM Mildred Gevecker .......... .. ............... .. . .. ........ .. . Rolla, MO Melburn A. Gibson ....... . .. . ... . . ... . ........... . .. . Jefferson City , MO Joe Howerton ..................... ... ..... . . ......... . ... . . Aurora, IL Jesse S. leGrand ...... .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. ... . .. .... ... . . . ..... Titusville, FL Joe Murphy .... . .......... . . . ......... . . . . .. . . . . .. .... Georgetown, CA Melvin E. Nickel .......... . .. . .. .............. . . . . .. ....... Chicago, IL Edward W. Simpson, Jr. . . .. ... .. .. ... . . ... ...... . ...... . . . . . Lincoln, NE Hueston M. Smith .. . ..... . .. . .. . . . . .. ... .. . ......... . ... . St. Louis, MO
Robert P. Rhoades, '32 . . ..... . ......... .. . . ... . . . . . ..... Carson City , NV Homer Thompson, '32 ........ .... .. . . . .. . .... . . . ...... N. Little Rock, AR Elmer M. Tomlinson , '32 ... . .. .. .. . .... . . ... . .... .. .. ... St. Petersburg, FL Vernon L. Asher, '33 ................. . ... . ... . .. . ...... . . Kirkwood, MO William M. Gilmore, '33 .. .. . . ......... . ... .... . ... . ....... Roodhouse, IL Henry S. Hickman, '33 .. . .. .. ......................... Jefferson City, MO Charles L. Hunze, '33 .. . ... . .. . ... ....... .. . .. . .... ... .. . . Ferguson, MO William Koopmann, '33 . .. . ..... . .. .... .. . . .......... . .. Wilmington, DE Fred M. Lanz, '33 . . ...... . .. .. . ...... . ..... .. . .... .... .... St. Louis, MO Robert R. Leavy, '33 ... . .. .. ... .. . ... ... . ... . ..... .. .... . . St. Louis, MO Mabel E. Phillips, '33 .. ... ..... .... ... . . . . .. ....... .. . .... .... Rolla, MO Elmer A. Roemer, '33 .... . .. .. ... ........ .................... . Rolla, MO Alvin A. Wehrman, '33 ........ . . .. . ... . . .. ................ . . . Dallas, TX
2/ MSM Alumnus
Douglas N. Christensen ....... . . . . .. .. ..... . . . ..... . . . ... . . Blanding, UT R. Kent Comann ........ . .......... . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . . ....... Aurora, CO Don Coolidge . ... . . . . . .. . .. . ..... ... . . ... .. . . . . .. ......... Wasilla, AK Jack Doerres ..... .. ....... . ................. .. . . . .... ... . Schofield, WI Waldemar Dressel .. . . . . . ... . . . ..... . . . ... : . . ...... . ... . ..... Rolla, MO Robert Eck . ... . ........ . ....... . ......... . .. ... . .... . ... .. Rolla , MO James Glover . . . ..... . .... ...... .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .... Houston, TX Edward E. Gygax ..... . ... ....... . ....... . .... . ... . . .. . .. Hillsboro, MO Tony Haley .... .. .... . . . . . . .. ............. . . . .... .. ... .. . ... Peoria, IL Robert L. Hanna ..... .... .. . ...... . .. . . . ... ....... . . .. Battle Ground, IN E. Gent Johannes . . ... . ... ....... . . . ...... .. . . . ... . .. .. . .. St. Louis, MO Raymond O. Kasten ....... . . . . . .. . . . .... ... . . ... . .. .... Kansas City, MO Edward T. Kendall . .. .. . ...... ...... .. .......... . . .. . . . . . Charlotte, NC Enos L. Key ... . .... . . . . .... . .. .. ......... . . .. ...... Fairfield Glade, TN
Class of '39 Tom Finley .. . .. ...... .. .... , . .. . . ........ . . .. .. . .. . . . . . Pittsburgh, PA John H. Livingston .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . ... . . . ..... . ... . ...... . Elm Grove, LA Joel F. Loveridge .. . . . ... .. . .. ... . . ... . . . ..... . ... . ..... .. SI. Louis, MO Joseph W. Mooney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... . .. . University City, MO
Class of '40 Rex Alford .... . ...... .... ... ...... . . . . .. ... .. . .. . ... . ... Houston , TX Guy Brown. . ........ ......... ................ . . Houston , TX Ralph D. Hall .... . . . ..... . ..... . ..... . ..... . .. . . .. . . . ... S. Daytona, FL Bob Klug ...... . . . . ....... . . . ... . ... ... ... . ...... . . ..... Lebanon, MO DeWilton Timberman .... . .. .. . .. .. . .. . '.. . ........ . . . . . North Haven, CT Armin J. Tucker . ..... . . . . ..... . . . . ..... . . . . . .... ..... .. Alexandria, VA
Clarence Lambelet . ... . . . . . . . . . ............ ... ..... . . . . . Flemington, NJ Leonard N. Larson .. . . .. .. ... . ... . .... ... . .. ...... .. . .. New Orleans, LA Horace L. Magee . . ..... . ... . . . . . ........ . . ... . . ........ : . Danvers, MA Max L. Marlow .. . . ... . .... . ... . .. . . . ...... . .. .. ... . ... Pinckneyville, IL Gene Ma rtin ..... . . . . . . . ..... .. . '. . . . . . . ... . ...... .... . . Springfield, MO Orville L. Meyer . . . . ... . . .. ........... . . . . . . .... . . .... . ... . Wheaton, IL James A. Neustaedter . .. .. . ............ . .............. .. ... . Lenexa, KS Pat Quinn .. . .............. . ... ... ..... . ...... . . . . . .. . ... St. Louis, MO Neil Stueck .................... .. ............. . . . .. Webster Groves, MO George H. Thomas ...... ..... .. .. ........ ... . . . ... . . . . .. .. Houston, TX Carl We is .......... ... ..... . ... . ..... . . . . ... .... . . ..... . St. Louis, MO Roy Werner . . . . ............. ... . . ... .. . . ..... . ...... . Creve Coeur, MO
Andy Cochran . . .... . .. . Ch ris M. Wattenbarger . .
Class of '42 George Axmacher .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. Oklahoma Cit y, OK Robert M. Brackbill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ....... ... Dallas, TX William D. Busch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cleveland , OH Fred Kisslinger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . .... Rolla, MO William F. McConnell. ... .. ... . ... . ...... . ........ .. . Clinton, IL
Class of '43 Joe Berndt . Earl E. Biermann . John Burst ....... . ...... .
. SI. Louis, MO . . . King George, VA . . . Pittsburgh, PA
Class of '44 Ronald L. Carmichael. . ................. . . .. ...... .. ... Rolla, MO Pete Des Jardins . . .. . ............... .. ..... . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . Lafayette, LA William F. Emerson .......... . , . ...... . ........ ..... . . . .. Oklawaha, FL Dominic Greco .. ... ..' . .............. . . . ...... . .. . . . ...... St. Louis, MO Bob Klorer .......... . .............. . .. . . .. . . . .. . ....... . Ferguson, MO Hans Schmoldt .... . ....... . . ... . . ... .. ........ . ... . .... Bartlesville, OK Ernest A. Wei nel. . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . ... . . ........ O'Fa llon, IL
Class of '47 Frederick G. Mertens . . .. . . ........ . .......... . ........ . .. . . Mexico, MO Rod Schaefer . .. ... .. .. .. . .......... . .. ............ .. ....... Rolla, MO James W. Stephens . .......... . ..... ... .. . ..... . ....... Lee's Summit, MO Ron Tappmeyer . . . . . .............. . ........ .. .... .. .... . Sugarland, TX
MSM Alumnus/3
James J. Trace .. . .... .. .... ......... ... ..... . ....... . .. . Crestwood', MO Henry P. Whaley ..... .. . . ...... .. .... . . .... ... . ... . .. ... Broadview, OH Michael C. Zwirbla . . .. . ... ... .. .. .. ... . .. .. .... ...... Horseshoe Bay, TX
Class of'49
Qass of '48
Jerome T. Berry ... . .. . .. . . ... .. .. .. .... ........ . ..... . . . ... . Rolla, MO Don DeBolt ......... ... .... . .... .. ... . . . .............. . .... Dallas, TX Frank E. Fennerty . .. .... . .... . .. .. . . . . .... . .... . . ... .. . .. .. Omaha, NE James B. McGrath . . . ... . . .. ... ........ . . ... . . . .. .. .... . .. St. Louis, MO Ed Mengel .. ...... . .. - ... . .. .. ..... ... . .. . .. .... . ..... Birmingham, AL Robert E. Reichelt .. . . . .... . . ... . '.. .. . .... . .. . ...... . .... Doniphan, MO Joseph 1. Reiss . .... . .... ... ......... . .... ... ..... . . .. .. . . St. Louis, MO Charles R. Remington . . .... .. .......... .. .. ..... '. .. ........ .. Rolla, MO Joe Strubert . . . . . ... . .. . . . ....... .. . . .. .. ... . ........ .. .. St. Louis, MO Richard D. Whitney ... ..... . . . . . . . ... . .......... . ... . ..... Memphis, TN Harold 1. Withrow .. .. .. .. ........ . . . ...... .... .. ... ... . .. Houston, TX
Kent Allen . ....... .... ... . . ... ...... . .............. . ... Tallahassee, FL Charles P. Anton, III .. .... ...... .. ... .. . . . .... . . .. . . .... . . Hannibal, MO John R. Barton ......... . . .... .. . .. . ....... . .... . . . ... . .. Overland, MO Stanley E. Bye ............ . ...... . . . ... . ............. . . .. ... Ottawa, IL James B. Chaney . . ..... . _.. . . . ..... . . . ....... .... .. . ... .... . Spring, TX R. Allen Crosby ........ . ...... . ......... ... ... .. .. .. . .... Redlands, CA Michael J. Delany ...... . ..... . .... .. . . .... . .. .... . . . . .. ... Rockford, IL William F. Ellis .. . ..... _... . . . ......... . ....... . . . ... . .... Houston, TX Joseph W. Fitzpatrick .... .... ... : . . ... . . . . ...... ........... Leawood, KS Bud Gauerke .... . . ...... . .... . ... . ..... . .... . ... .. ... Albuquerque, NM Bob Gevecker. .. . ........... . .. . .... . . . ... . . . . . . . ... Jefferson City, MO Don Guilfoy .. .. . . .. ... ... . ... .. ... . ..... . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. St. Louis, MO Warren Harter . ... ..... .. . . .... ... ..... . .. . ......... .. ... St. Louis, MO
Class of '.50
James W. Hoelscher ... .. . .......... . ........... . . .... Old Greenwich, CT Ray Juergens .... . .... . ... ....... .. . ... ....... . . .. ........ Glencoe, MO Harvey Leaver ............... . .. . ...... . . ...... . ... . .. Chesterfield, MO Don Mathews ...... .. .... . . . . .. .... . . . .. . ...... . .. . ... .. Jonesboro, AR Ralph McKelvey ........ .. . . . . ........ . . . . . ... . . .. . .. .. . . Louisville, OH Harold G. Moe ... .. . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .... ... .. . .. . . .. Reynoldsburg, OH David P. Petersen .. . ..... . .. ..... . . .................... San Antonio, TX Robert A. Prokes . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . . ... . .... ..... . .. ... ...... Wichita, KS George H. Ramsey . ............ . .... . . . . . ....... . . . .... .. . Ardmore, OK Irvin D. Robbins ..... . . ....... .. .......... . . . . ...... . . . . . Charlotte, NC Robert M. Rock . . . . . .. . . . . . _. . . . . ..... . . . . .. . . . .. . . .... Santa Rosa, CA Alvin Shwartz ............ . ........ _................. ,S. Dartmouth, MA Harlan D. Smith ..... . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .... . . .... . . .. Wellsville, MO Will Stoecker .. . .... .. ..... : . . .. ..... . ..... . . ........ . ... . . . Urbana, IL Arthur Tapperson . ... . . .. . ....... . ..... . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. ... St. Louis, MO
Dave Anderson .. . . . .. . . . ...... . .. . . . .................. . .... Wells, 'NV Vernon G. Berkey . . . . ... .. ....... . . .......... . .... Hilton Head Island, SC Sid Duerr ... ......... . .... . .......... . .......... . ... Corpus Christi, TX Louis E. Greco . .. . ..... . . ...... . .... . ... . .... ... ... . . ... . St. Louis, MO 1. Richard Hunt. . . ... . . ... . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. .. ... . ..... Carbondale, CO Oliver A. Jorcke .. ..................... ...... .. ... .. . . . . Crestwood, MO John L. Painter ... . . . .... . . . ..... .... ..... . .. . . . . . ..... . .... Rolla, MO Albert M. Petska ...... . . . .... . . ... . ... . . ...... .. ..... .... . .. Salem, OR Arthur L. Schmidt ...... ... . . . . ... .. .... ... . ... . ...... Lake St. Louis, MO James J. Scott .. ..... . . . .. ..... . . ................... ..... . .. Rolla, MO Don Spackler ................ . . . ....... .. ...... .. .. ...... St. Louis, MO Lawrence A. Spanier. ... . .. . .. . ...... . ..... ......... . ...... Dix Hills, NY Bernie Wagner ......... . .... . . ........ .... .. . . ... ...... Sunset Hills, MO Dale E. Walker ........... . .. . . . . ...... . . -....... . ... . ... . ... Canton, IL
Class of '51 Dudley Blancke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . '. ... . .... Alexander, AR Don Dowling ..... .. . . .......... ...... . .. ...... .. .. . ..... Memphis, TN Lester Holcomb ... ... ..... ...... . . ... .. . .. . ....... . ..... Carbondale, IL Richard Roemerman ... .. ... . . .. ... . . . . . .. . . .. . ......... . . St. Louis, MO Joseph H. Senne . ...... . . . .... . ... .... ..... . . . ..... . . . . . .... Rolla, MO John Smith .... . ...... .. . ... . .... .. ... .. .. . ... ... .. . . . ..... Rolla, MO Robert Vansant. . . ............. . .. .. .. .. .............. Kansas City, MO Robert V. Wolf. . ... . ... . ...... . ......... . ........... . ...... Rolla, MO
4/ MSM Alumnus
Class of '52 Richard Bauer ....... . ... . ...... . .................... . ... St. Louis, MO James R. Faulkner ........ . ..... .. ............... . . . . ..... Lebanon , MO Don Grimes . ... . . . ..... . . . . .. . ..... . ........ . ........... . Ballwin, MO John Mulholland .......... .. ...... . . .. . .. : .... . . . .. .. . .. . . . Chester, IL
Class of '57 James W. Johnson ... : . , ...... , .... , ...... . .. , ...... , . . , ... . . Rolla, MO David Kick. , . , .. . . . . . . , . ... , . .... . .... , , .. . ...... . .... , .. , . Tulsa, OK Jack E. Toliver, .. . .. , ..... . , ., .... , . , . , . , .. , . , . , .. , .. .. , .. Granger, IN
Class of '58
Class of '53 Ernest R. Achterberg .. . .. . .. . ...... .. . .. ......... . ... .. .... . . Tulsa, OK Charles A. Anderson .. . ..... . ....................... . . . . . Viburnum, MO Donald G. Bardon .... . .. . .... . ..... . . . ... . ......... ... .. Florissant, MO C. Dean Barton . ... .. .. ... . . . ... . . .. . . .. ..... . . . . ...... Chesterfield, MO Hugh E. Blevins. Jf. . ... . ..... . . . . . ..... . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . ...... Denver, CO Harold R. Crane . . ... . . . .. . . . . .... ... . .. . . ... . . ... . . . . . .. Hannibal, MO G ene W. Edwards. . . ........... ... . . .... . . . ... . . . . ... . Paducah, K Y Thor G jelsteen . ......... . . : . .. . Littleton, CO . ... . ....... .. ............... . .... . .. Rolla, MO Peter G. Hansen. . William Kronmueller .. .. . . . .... . ...... . ... F lorissant, MO Wi lliam F. Oberschelp. . .. ... .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . McM urray , PA James F. Robe rts.......... . .......... . . . .... . .... . . Jefferson City, MO Connell y Sanders. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .... . . . . . .. . . . . . .... Marietta, GA . ... .. . ... . ...... . . Tulsa, OK Fred Scharf. . . . Donald W. Spe ncer . .......... . ..... . .... .. C reve Coeur, MO JaGk Wheeler . . . . .... . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . . .. ~ ... . .. . ... Columbus, IN Henry R. Willis . . . . .. . .. .. .... .. . . ...... .. ...... . . . ... . . . . Edmond, OK
Class of '54 Max Burgett . ..... ... ..... .. ... . ..... . . . . . ... . ........ Murphysboro, IL James K. Highfill ... . .. . ...... . ........ '. .. . . ....... . .. . . . . St. James, MO J . Robert Patterson .. . ... . ........ '.. . .. . ... . .. . .. , , .. , . . .. . Sikeston, MO Charles C. Poe ... . ... , . .. . . .' ... , . . ..... . . .. ..... ... .. , . ,Wentzville, MO
Robert Boschert ........ . .. , . ..... , .. . . , .... .. ........... Las Gatos, CA John Burmeister .... , ...... , ....... ' . ... . . . . .. .. . .. , ... . .. Ridgecrest, CA John R. Burrows ..... .. . . .. . .. . . . . . ...... . . . ....... . Corona Del Mar, CA Donald Capone .... . .. . , ........ : .. . .. , . , ... .. . . .... .. . . . St. Louis, MO Delbert E. Day ........... .. ............... ... ......... . .... . Rolla, MO Richard Dendler . . ... , . ... . . . .. .. .. , .... , .. . .... . . . ..... . . Carthage, TN Adolph Elling ... . , ........... . ......... . . . .. . . ... .. . ..... . Rockford, IL Chester L. Hager .. ... '.' ... . ... .. . . ...... , . ........ ... ... Carbondale, IL
Elizabeth M. Hardebeck .... .. , , . . . ... , ... . , . , . , . , ..... . ...... Rolla, MO Jack Hayden . ... , . , . , . , .... . . . ...... . , . . .............. , . . . O'Fallon, IL Tom J . Herrick ... , .. . , . . . , .. , .. . , .... . . . . . . ... . .. , .. . ..... , Rolla, MO Paul Herrmann .. ... . .. '.... . . , .... . .... ..... . .. . ...... . . Florissant, MO Carl Heumann .. , . , . , ..... . ....... . . , ....... . ........ . , .... Affton, MO Melvin C. Hudson , . , . . ...... , . , ......... . ..... , ... . ... Indian Head, MD B. Neil Lewis ........... , . , .... , .. . ....... ... ........... . . Kennett, MO Bill Luebbert ... , ... , ........ , . , . , ... ... ..... . . . .. ... Jefferson City, MO Bobby L. Marlow . . .... . . . , . .... . .. . . . .... . .' , . , . , ..... . .. , .. Rolla, MO Larry Meyer ..... , . .. ..... .. , . , . , . , . , . ....... , ..... , .. Murphysboro, IL Robert C. Minton .. , ... . ...... ... .............. .. ... . ........ Katy, TX Donald E. Modesitt, . , . , . ... . , .. . . . . . ..... . , ..... . ... , ..... . . Rolla, MO Paul R. Munger, . , , ... . . . . , . ........ . ...... . ........ . . , ..... Rolla, MO James R. Nolan . . . . .. , .. ..... . . . .. ........ . .... . ..... . ... Nape'rviIle, IL Thomas J. O'Keefe . .. . ............................ ... . . .. . .. Rolla, MO
Class of '55 James S. Anderson .... . , .. . , , ... , . . . , , , . .. , . , . , . . .. . . , . . Springfield, MO Arthur G. Baebler ... . ... .. . . ..... . . . .... , ........ , . .... Sunset Hills, MO Chester H. Baker , . ... , . .. .. . , ... , . .. , , .. , .... , . , .. . , ... , . . , . Rolla, MO Wayne R. Broaddus. , . , . , . . . .... . ....... . .. ' ... , . . . ...... , .. Dalton, GA John B. Miles ....... , . .... . ... , . , . . . , . . .. . , .. .. , , .. , . , .. Columbia, MO
Class of '56 George R. Baumgartner ..... . ...... . ...... . .. . . . .... . . .. ... Dearborn, MI . Harry Sauer, Jr... . .. . .. .. .... . .. ... . ... . . ..... . ... . .. . . . .... Rolla, MO
MSM Alumnus / 5
Class of 1958 continued Richard H. Okenfuss .... . ...... . .. . ... . . .. ... . ........... Cincinnati, OH Edward Peet .... . . . . ... ... . . ... .. . .. ... . . .. . . .. . . . . .... . Kingwood, TX Orville Schaefer .. .. ... .. . . . . ...... . . ... . ......... . . . . . .. Perryville, MO William E. Schluemer .. . . . .... . ........ .. . ..... . ... .. . . . .. Ferguson, MO Humbert E. Sfreddo .. . . . ... . . .. ... .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . Jefferson City, MO William 1. Smith . . ....... . .. . . ... .. . . . .. .. . .. . . ... . ...... Bridgeton, MO Hehry Strieder . .. ... ... .. . .... . . . . . .. . .. ... . . ..... . . . ....... Moline, IL Robert W. Sucher .. ... .... .. . . . ... . .... . .. . . . .. . ......... . St. Louis, MO George D. Tomazi .... . ....... . .... .. .... . ..... . . . ... .. . . Florissant, MO Les Unnerstall .... . ... . .......... . . . ......... . . .. . .... . Washington , MO James L. Urban .... . .. .. ..... .. ..... . . . ... ..... .. . .. ... Chesterfield, MO Ronald F. Vetter . . . .. ........ . .. . ...... . . ... .. . ......... Ridgecrest, CA
Class of '63 Jerry A. Denze l. . . . . . .. . . . . . ...... .. . . ..... Pl ymouth. MN ....................... . Fenton , MO Robert H. Gardner, Jr.. . Jerome Klier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge. LA All yn R. Klutho. . . . . . . . . . . . ............ Ches terfield , MO John C. Lamb . . . . . . . . . .......... .......... ... . St. Louis, MO Charles McC rary . ......... . . . . .. ... ... . .. . . Rolla. MO James M. McDuff ... . ..... . . .. . ... . . . . . .............. Shawnee. KS Richard Mills . . . . . . . .St. Louis. MO George R. Schillinger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... St. Louis. MO Walter J. Schuster ...... . . . . .... . . . . . .... Webster Groves, MO Richard Shimamoto. . . . . Crestwood. MO Robert H. Sieckhaus. . . . . . . . . .. . .... . . . . . ... .. ... . . St. Louis. MO William R. Sutton . .......... . .... . ...... St. Louis, MO Richard K. Vitek .... . .. \ . . . . . ..... . .. ... ...... . . . . .. . . ... West Allis, WI James K. Van Buren . ... ... ... .. ... . . . . . .... . ...... . .... . ... Ladue, MO Robert 1. Wagner ...... .. ....... .. ........ . .. . .. .. ........ Flossmoor, IL Thomas P. Van Doren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . .. . .. .. ... . . Rolla, MO Warren Williams ...... .. ..... .. ...... . ... . . .... . . ....... . . Littleton, CO John Vaninger .. . ...... ..... .. . .. . ..... . ............... Manchester, MO Lester H. Winter ... . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. ..... . ... ... ... .. .... .. . . O'Fallon, IL Ralph O. Young ..... . . ... ........ ..... ......... . . .. ... . . .. Sarasota, FL
Class of '59 Jerry Bayless ...... . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .... ... ...... . . . ....... . Rolla, MO Lucien Bolon, Jr. .... .. .. . . .. . . . . ........ .. ...... . ..... Lee's Summit, MO Warren Carroll . . .. . .. . ........ .. . . .. . .... . ..... .... ... . . . Houston, TX Robert Hess .. . .. ...... .... ...... . . . .. . ....... . .... . ..... St. Louis, MO Robert Lemberger .. . .... . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .... . .. . . . ... . ... . . Vienna, MO Jim Pitlyk . ........... . . . ...... ... . .. . . ....... .. ..... . ... . Ballwin, MO Albert W. Puntney .. ..... ... . . .. . . .. . . ... . . ..... ........ . Mt. Carmel, IL Richard G. Ross ........... . . . ..... . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . . Webster Groves, MO Gerald L. Stevenson ... . ...... ... .. . ..... . .. .. .... ..... Chagrin Falls, OH
Class of'64 Thomas E. Bryson . Alfred J. Buescher . . William D. Shermer.
. Rolla. MO . . . .. . St. Louis. MO . .. . Manchester. MO
Class of '65 Wa lt Mul yca.
. Ma rsha ll. TX
Class of '66 Ma tt Coco.
Class of '60 Jerry L. Gilmore .... . .. . .. .... . .. ........ . . . .. ..... ..... . ... Rolla, MO Victor 1. Hoffmann .... .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . ....... .. .. ... .... Kent, WA
Class of '61 James Kliethermes ..... .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. .... .... .. . Jefferson City', MO Richard Moeller . . . . .. ... . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .... . ... . . . ... . . .. St. Louis, MO Donald D. Myers ...... .. ... . ..... . .... . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . ... .. . Rolla, MO Gregory T. Spanski . . ........ . . . . .. ..... . . ..... . . ... ........ Golden, CO
Class of '62 Rollie Johnson .... . . . .... . .. . .. . .... . .... . ...... . ......... Ballwin, MO Russell Kamper ..... . . . ..... . . . ...... . ... .. . . ... . .. . . . . . . . Dayton, OH Alfred Ray Powell . . ... . .. .. ....... . ... ... .. . . . ............ Littleton. CO --
b/ MSM Alumnus
. . Affton. MO
Dav id Oligschlaeger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... Overland Pa rk , KS Jim Paut ler . . . . .......... . ..... St. Louis, MO Michael E. Rissell . . . . . . . . . . . . Maryland Heights, MO Robert 1. Sca nlon . . ................ . ..... Metamora, IL Chris Dav id Wilson . . ..... . ..... Lee's Summit, MO Scott Win field. . . . . . . . . . . ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overland Park, KS Frank M. Ya tes. . . . . . . . .. . . ..... .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Independence, MO
Class of '74 Dav id J. Wetteroff. .. . . .. ... ... . . .. ... . .. . ... . .. . .. .. . .... Imperial, MO
Class of·'75 Laura Webber Blaser ............. . .... . ... . . . .. . ..... . La Grange Park, IL Patricia Cooke Bohm ..... . . . ........ . . . . . .. .. . . . ....... . .. Windom, MN Darrell L. Prior ........ . .... . . ....... . .. . .. . ... . ............ Rolla, MO
Class of '67 .. . . . . .. . . . . . ... . .... Rolla, MO . . . . . . . . . .. . Springfield, MO . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chesterfield , MO
Bill Anderson ... . .. . . ... . Jack Munsey . . .. .. ..... . Howa rd Stine.
Class of '68 Da ve Dearth . Dixie Lee Finley. Robert Pahl .. . Fred rich W. Ruhl ..... .. ... . .. .
..... Rolla, MO . . . . . ...... .. . . ..... . .. Rolla, MO . Bartlesv ille, OK . Los Ga tos, CA
Class of '70 Will iam L. Herman .... : . .
...... . . .. .. . . . . . ....... . . Kirkwood. MO
Class of '71 Joe Kuss .. ..... . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .' .. , . . . ..... . ..... ... . . St. Louis, MO
Class of '76 Vera Maiko Wetteroff . .. . ... . .... . ..... . . ... . ...... . . ..... Imperial, MO
Class of '77 Brad Parrish ... . .. . . ... . .. . . . . . . . ...... ... . ..... . . . .'...... Willard, MO Mike Tindill ....... . ....... . . . . . ... . ..... . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . ... Clinton, IL
Class of '78 Mrs. Gale Bullman ... . . . .... ... .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . . Rolla, MO Susan Callahan ...... . .. . . . ................... . . . . . . . ..... Nevada, MO Jackie DeThorne Falconi'........ . . . .. . . . , .. . . . . ...... . ..... . . Akron, OH Alan W. Green .... . . . ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .... . . Slidell, LA Raymond Hinton . .. . .. . ... .. .......... . . . . . . ... . ......... Waterloo, IA Dave Holland ....... .. . . ........ .. . ..... . . . .... . . ..... . . Longview, TX Gary Howorth .. . . . . . . . . . .. ...... .. . . ... . . . . . . . .. ........ Overland, MO Class of '73 Dennis J. Kinchen .... . ... . .............. . .... . ....... . .... Brighton, MI Stephen Bergtholdt . . . . . . .. ... .. . ............. . ... .. . . . . . . . Hercules, CA Dave Kornfeld ..... ... . . .............. . .. . ......... . ....... Lenexa, KS John W. Botts ... . . . . ... . ... . ... .. .. . ... . .. .. . ... . . . . . . . Henderson, KY Harold Kent Sooter . . ... . . .. . .. . . . ... .. . . .... . .... . ... Independence, MO Stephen Busch ... . . ... .. .. . . ..... . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... Smithville, MO Kay Sooter . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . ................. . . . .... . Independence, MO Diane K. Dawson .. .. ... . . . . . . .. .... . .. . ... . . . .. . .. ..... . Hamilton, OH Peter Dawson .. . . .. . .. . . . . ....... . ... . . . . . ..... . . ....... Hamilton, OH . Tom DePauw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. . .. . . . . . Barton ville, IL Evelyn Gayer ... . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. .... . . . .. Ash Grove, MO James R. Ham il ton .... . . ....... . ...... . ...... . . . .......... St. Louis, MO Ken Lawson . . . . . ........ . . . . Colorado Springs, CO Joh n D. Lick . ........... .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. Washington , MO Linda D. Lick . . ....... . . . . . . . . ... .. . ... . . . . ... Washington, MO 1. Gary McA lpin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Germantown , TN Thomas M. McKi nnis. . .. Springfield, MO Mike Montague. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... Platte City, MO
Joe P. Bussey, Jr .............. . . . ......... . ..... . .... . ....... Rolla, MO Tom Calzone . . .. . . . . . . ...... . ..... . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . ... . Ballwin, MO William M. Dale .. . . . ... . . . . ... ... . . .......... ... . .. . .. .. . St. Louis, MO Jay Fisher .. . ... . . . ......... . . . ....... . ....... .. . . . . .. . .... Rolla, MO Johanna Yuhas Kinchen ...... . . . '.... . . . .. . ... . .... .. .. . .... Brighton, MI Paula Kornfeld .... . . ......... . .... . ....... . . . . ...... . ....... Lenexa, KS Mike Lucas ... .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. .... . . . . . .. . ... . . .. . ..... Lee's Summit, MO Bill Warner .. . .. . . . . . . ... .. . .... . . . .... .. .. . .... . ......... .. Peoria, IL
MSM Alumnus l7
Class of '82 Bradley Lightle . . .... . .. . . .... . . . . . .. . . . . ........ . ..... Griggsv ille, IL Richard D. Purgason ...... . .. ..... ... .. . ............. ... Gainesville, GA Mary Rothery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . Muncie, IN Greg Sedrick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Davenport, IA Christ ina Spanos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. St. Louis, MO Mary Ford Telker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ok lahoma City, OK
Class of 80 Steven J. Fischer .. . ..... . . . ...... . .... . ...... . . . ......... Florisant, MO Janet Rimmey King .... . ......... . .. . ........... . . Maryland Heights, MO Steve A. Kovac . ... .. ........ .. ... . . ... .... ... .. . . .. ... Kansas City, MO Michael Parsons ... ... .. . ... : . . ........... . ............... St. Louis, MO David W. Schmitt .. . . . .... . ... . .. .. . . .. . ... . . .. .. ..... . ..... Rolla, MO Keith Schuniacher ... . ..... . .. . ... . .. . ........ . . . . ...... . ~ .. -;-Quincy, IL Gary L. Sedlacek .... . .. . .. . .. . .. . ....................... . . Gautier, MS Class of '83 Mark E. Davis . . .. . ...... .... ... .' . ... .. . .... .... ..... .. Hazelwood, MO Bradford W. Divers .. . ... .... .. .. .. . .. .. ...... . .......... . St. Louis, MO Cynthia M. Kapp . . ... . ........ . .. .. .. . .. . . .... ... . ... . ... St. Louis, MO Debbie Cooper . . ............ . ..... ... . . .. . ... . . . ........ . ... Tulsa, OK James A. Muir .... .. . .. .... . .. '. . . .. . ...... .. .... . ........ St. Louis, MO Madison M. Daily, Jr ..... .. . ....... . ...... . .. . . ....... . ..... Snyder, TX Carolyn Muret. ... . .. . .. . .. .... .. ..... . ..... . ... ..... Jefferson City, MO John F. Enberg, Jr ... . ...... .. . .. . .. . ........ . .... . . . ..... Florissant, MO Kathy Schmitt .. .. . .... ... .... . ...... . . ... . .. . ...... . ..... . . Rolla, MO Mary Klorer. ...... ... ... .. . .. .... ..... . . ... . .... ..... . . . St. Louis, MO Mark Alan Williams .... . . .... . ... . .. . . . . . . . . ...... .. . ... . .. Thayer, MO Karen McCoy .... .. . .. ............. . .......... .. ... . .. . ... Aurora, CO Wade W. Mclain ... . .. J. .... ~ . ... . .. ....... .. ... .. .... ~ .... Rolla, MO Friends Brian Miles ........................ . . ..... .... . . .... . . Kansas City, MO Paul Ponder ............ .. . ... .. ... ... .. ....... : ............ Rolla, MO W. Kent Goddard .............. .. ... . .... . .... . ... ..... Weatherford, OK Mrs. W.K. Schweickhardt .. ... . .... . ............... . ...... Kirkwood, MO Dadene Barnes Plag .............. . .. ... .... . .......... . .. Kirkwood, MO Bryan Williams .... . ............................. . .. ... ..... Rolla, MO Gene Weaver .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . ..... . . .. . .. .... . . ... .. . .... .. Wichita, KS Joan Williams .... . . . ... .. .. .. .. . . ...... . . .. .. . .. .. ...... . ... Rolla, MO
Class of '81
Meeting Data Event/Site
Chancellor Marchello, left, and last year's queen, Laura Pagano, second from left, congratulate the 1983 UMR Homecoming Queen, Cheryl Smith, shown with her escort, Vincent Rogers, right. Cheryl is a junior in electrical engineering from St. Louis and has an impressive list of activities on campus. She was nominated by the Association for Black Students.
8 / M5M Alumnu s
Remmers Special Artist/Lecturer Series .. Thomas J. Peters Rolla
Jan. 23
UMR Founders Day Rolla
Feb. 25
SME·AIME Annual Meeting · Alumni Reception Los Angeles
Feb. 27
Semi·annual Board of Directors Meeting Rolla
Apr. 14
1984 Homecoming Rolla
Oct. 27-28
Alumni Achievement Award John Lewis Andrews, '24 Retired Engineer, Inventor, Manager and College Professor. Lewis Andrews began to collect patents during one of his early jobs at the The Alumni Achievement Award is presented for outstanding service in areas Warner Co, Chicago, and in his work at Hotpoint, on automatic dishwasher timers of business or academic accomplishments and for civic affairs achievement or and loaders and electric range switches, he picked up four more patents. During recognition. World War II, he worked for the Naval Ordnance Laboratory and after the war, spent four years with Airtex Co. of Fairfield, IlL He then branched out on his own as a consultant and inventor, developing a rotary switch and circular pushbutton switch which earned two more patents. In 1949 he was called back to Hotpoint as manager of engineering and for the next ten years continued to add to his total of 17 patents, The last seven years of his active professional life were spent as a consultant to General Electric and professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Mississippi. Andrews and his wife, Mary, live about midway between the Little Black and Current Rivers in the southern Missouri town of Oxly in Ripley County,
Vernon G. Berkey, '50 Retired President, Midwestern Steel Division, Armco Inc.
Victor J. Hoffmann, '60 President and Chairman of the Board, Industrial Mineral Products, Inc.
Vernon Berkey received his B.S. degree in metallurgical engineering.' He began working for Armco that same year as assistant metallurgist in the company's Baltimore Works. He was promoted several times until he became manager of the Baltimore operations in 1970. In 1978 he moved to Middletown, Ohio, as vice president, resource operations, for Armco, then became president of the Midwestern Steel Division in Kansas City in 1980. He retired on Jan. 31 of this year. '. Berkey is a member of the American Society for Metals, the American Institute of Metals, the American Iron & Steel Institute and the Association of Iron and Steel Engineers. He has served as a director for numerous Missouri and Kansas City civic and service organizations and was a member of the Commission on Modification of Activities for UM-Rolla. A native of Somerset, Pa., Berkey_and his wife, Joyce, now make their home at Hilton Head Island, S.c.
Victor J. Hoffmann received a B.S. degree in geology. He also earned M.S. 'and Ph.D. degrees from University of Arizona. Hoffmann began his career with Union Carbide Corp. in research and development. He then spent two years in Southwest Africa on an exploration mission for a small group of investors. In 1972, he established Industrial Mineral Products which began as a silica sand mining and processing company. Since then the company has developed other industrial minerals and strongly emphasizes research and development for utilization of waste products from industry. The company now operates seven subsidiaries, including Calspar Inc., Zenith Metals, Marter-White Inc., and Phoenix Resource RecOvery Inc. Recently, a new division--Industrial Mineral Products Inc., Cebu, Philippines--was formed . A native of Belleville, Ill., Hoffmann and his wife, Rosemary, now live at 31057 E. Lake Morton Drive, SE, Kent, Wash. They have a son, Christopher.
MSM Alumnus / 9
Alumni Merit A w ards
Harold A. Krueger, '42 Vice President, Underground Mining, Kennecott Corp.
Harold A. Krueger received a B.S. degree in mining engineering, and was award¡ ed the degree Enginw of Mines by this institution in 1959. He began his career The Alumni Merit Award is presented for outstanding service to UMR or the Alumni Assoication or for recognition of some outstanding achievement in with the St. Louis Smelting and Refining Co., Baxter Springs, Kan., then moved to National Lead Co.¡-now N.L. Industries--where he was instrumental 1n establishing academic or business pursuits. one of the major producing cobalt-nickle facilities in the U.S. which operated between 1954 and 1961. ' In 1964 he moved to Kennecott, and was promoted from assistant to the vice president of mining in New York to president and general manager of Ozark Lead Co. After designing, developing and constructing the Ozark Lead complex in southeast Missouri, between 1968 and 1982, he was promoted to his president position. . Krueger has 40 years of experience in underground mining and processing business, in designing nonferrous minerals facilities, emphasizing mine efficiency and utilizing technology and mechanization and beneficiation activities directed toward marginal mines' becoming economically viable. Krueger and his wife, Sarah, live at 820 E. Three Fountains Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah.
James M. Forgotson, '20 Part Owner and Consultant, Gulf Coast Ventures and Gas Pipe Lines. James M. Forgotson received a B.S. degree in mining engineering. He had begun his career in the oil business before coming to MSM , and after obtaining his degree ,.. he returned to the field in the Southwest United States. With the exception of two years of special work in geology (water development for Indian Affairs for the USGS), he has remained in the oil business all his life. In 1961 , he took over operations for Morris and Burk, which became Burk, Bakwin and Henry and even later Golf Coast Ventures. He was also president of the Hydrocarbon Transfer Inc. , Advance Transport Inc., and Bonus Transport Inc. pipe lines. Forgotson has resigned as operator of BB&H and president of the Pipe Lines, but continues as part owner and consultant for them and two other organizations, Rosewood Transport Inc. and Southern Onshore Drilling Co. Forgotson and his wife, Selma, live at 147 Jordan St., Shreveport, La.
l O/ MSM Alumnus
Carlos H. Tiernon, '54 Executive Vice President International Metals and Machines and Chairman of the Board, Deister Co. Carlos H. Tiernon received his B.S. degree in metallurgical engineering, and spent the first two years of his career in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He joined Deister Co. , Fort Wayne, Ind. , in 1956 as a field service engineer. In 1970 he became vice president of engineering for the company and president in 1978. He continued to serve as president until Jan. 1983, when he became chairman of the board of Deister and executive vice president of Deister's parent company, International Metals and Machines, IMM is a privately held conglomerate of 19 companies engaged in various manufacturing fields. Tiernon is a member of a number of civic, service and professional organiza tions and is currently chairman-elecLof the coal division of the Society of Mining Engineers of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. He and his wife, Joan, live at 61 Berkshire Lane, Lincolnshire, III.
Alumni Service
Avvards¡ Rex Alford, '40 Manager--Industry, Conservation and Environmental Affairs, Oil and Gas Production, Conoco, Inc. The Alumni Service Award is presented to individuals for outstanding contributions to UMR through service to UMR or to the Alumni Assoication .
Rex Alford received his B.S. degree in mining engineering with a petroleum option, and the professional degree in petroleum engineering in 1974. He began his career with Gulf Oil Co. in Venezuela and, with time out for service in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, spent 11 years with the company in South America where he became assistant production manager. F or the past 27 Y2 years he has been with Conoco, most of the time on the staff of the vice president of production. He has held his present position for seven years. Alford has been a loyal member of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association and has served in the past as a director and as a section officer. He and his wife, June, live at 5743 Jason, Houston, Texas.
George W. Axmacher, '42 Area Manager, Sample Brothers Inc.
John Hall Livingston, '39 Retired Civil Engineer.
George W. Axmacher earned his B.S. degree in mining engineering--with a petroleum option. After working briefly for the War Department as a junior engineer, he served in the U.S. Navy until his discharge in 1946. Since that time he has worked for the Key Co. in East St. Louis, Ill. , Waukesha Sales and Service in Texas, Darling Value Co. , Dallas, Texas, was a partner in Lietz Equipment Co. of Texas and New Mexico, and worked for the Murphy Co. in St. Louis. For the past nine years Axmacher has been with Sample Bros. Inc., of Bethany, Okla. As area manager for Sample Bros., he works in the compression industry and industrial area of the oil patch. He has been an active member and officer for several sections of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association and has been active in homecoming activities. He and his wife, Norma, live at 3124 N.W. 54th St. , Oklahoma City, Okla.
John Livingston received his B.S. degree in civil engineering. He spent the next 10 years as an officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, earning an M .S. degree in civil engineering from Texas A&M University in 1948. After a year as a civilian engineer, Livingston joined the U.S. Air Force and remained in that service until 1970. While in the Air Force he attended Louisiana ¡ State University and took an engineering management course at The Ohio State University. For the next \0 years he served as a consultant and president of various corporations, retiring from such positions in 1980. Livingston is a member of several professional, service and civic groups and has been an active member of the Ark-La-Tex section of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association as well as active in homecoming activities. He and his wife, Eilyeen, live in Elm Grove,. La.
MSM Alumnus/ II
'Honorary Life ,Memberships
Joseph M. Marchello, UMR Chancellor Miriam L. Planje Miriam Planje is the wife of the late Theodore J. Planje, 1940 alumnus and a A native of Illinois, Chancellor Marchello is an alumnus of the University of Illinois and Carnegie-Mellon University. member of the faculty for more than 30 years. During her /husband's long association with MSM and UMR, Miriam developed a A chemical engineer, he came to UMR in 1978 with an impressive academic correSpondingly close relationship to the school, its students and faculty. background and experience in industry. At the Universi'ty of Maryland he held l-J,ers was the support that allowed her husband to give freely of his time and responsibility as Provost, Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and efforts to expand the influence of UMR through his activities with the American Engineering. Ceramic Society, which he served as president in 1972-73, and his activities as a During the five years he has been at the helm of this institution, Marchell~ has member of the national committee which keeps track of the reserves and plans for made an extraordinary effort to establish a personal rapport with many individual acquisition of strategic minerals. Miriam also accompanied her husband to many alumni, to provide inspiration and opportunities for alumni to express and alumni section meetings throughout the country and to many professional demonstrate their support of this school, and to enhance the close relationships meetings. among alumni which seem to be a special feature of MSM-UMR. Since her husband's death in 1980, Miriam has continued to maintain ties with In addition, he is dedicated to making-sure ,that UMR continu~s to offer quality her husband's collegues and their families and many students. She continues educational programs to highly qualified students and continues to maintain and association with UMR through her membership in the UMR chapter of the enhance UMR's national and international reputation for producing qualified Women's Auxiliary to the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and engineers and scientists. He has also demonstrated his appreciation of the arts and their contribution to education and campus life. Petroleum Engineers, and UMR Coterie, the faculty wives organization.
AMOCO "Outstanding Teaching Awards"
Don Askeland
Dr. Don Askeland, professor of metallurgical engineering at the University of Missouri-Rolla, believes that not all teaching takes place in the classroom, and his work habits reflect that idea. Like many of his colleagues, he practices an open-door policy for students, and he spends a lot of time with them. "After all, students are the reason we are here," he said. Besides, Askeland enjoys the st udents. "The interaction with students--getting to know them individually--is what I like most about my job," he said. Students evidently appreciate Askeland's in-and out-of-classroom style of teaching. This year they voted him one of UMR's most outstanding teachers, and he is one of two faculty
12 / MSM Alumnus
members who received AMOCO Foundation Outstanding Teaching Awards for the 1982-83 year. He has been on the UMR faculty committee for National Merit Day (a special day for high school seniors who are high scorers on the National Merit Exam). For "five years or so" he taught in a summer science training institute for high school students. And, from 1976-81 , he said that he "spent a lot of weekends in shopping centers" with UMR's traveling engineering exhibit. Besides all that, Askeland has been adviser to the UMR student chapter of the American Foundrymen's Society for 12 years. When he has time, one of his favo rite hobbies is another spinoff fro m his career--making metal sculptures.
David Oglesby Although University of Missouri-Rolla they need help. "I really enjoy the students," he said. faculty member David Oglesby has been a frequent recipient of outstanding "Sometimes I think that working with teaching awards, he maintains, "I still them outside the classroom is the most important thing I do." can't say what I did to deserve them." Oglesby teaches mechanics of Dr. Oglesby, associate professor of engineering mechanics, has been chosen materials, dynamics, and intermediate six times iIs an outstanding teacher. It mechanics of materials, basic engineering was the third AMOCO award Oglesby courses required by most of the departments in the School of Engineering. As a has received. Although he said that he has no result, Oglesby's classes are made up of a specific teaching techniques, Oglesby mix of students majoring in different does have definite ideas on what he con- fields. Oglesby teaches mostly undergraduate siders important in teaching. These include such things as maintaining a learn- courses, He is the primary' freshman ading atmosphere. in which studen ts feel viser for engineering mechanics majors free to question and participate; getting and is the departmental graduate coorto know each student individually; dinator. He also serves as an adviser to respecting each student and his abilities; Beta Sigma Psi fraternity and the UMR and being available to students whenever Rugby Club.
Honor Classes
Class of 1933 and Before, (Left to right) Row I: Ernest Moran '27, Faye Moran, Alvin Wehrman '33, Josephine Wehrman, Gertrude Roemer, Elmer Roemer '33, Irma Lanz, Fred M. Lanz '33, Mary Asher, Vernon Asher '33. Row 2: Henry Hickman '33, Imelda Hickman, Mabel Ph illips '33, Bill Koopmann '33, Virginia Koopmann, Elmer Tomlinson '32, Eleanor Tomlinson, Ruth Crawford, Ed Crawford '32, Selma Forgotson , James M. Forgotson '20, Bob Leavy '33, Florence Leavy. Row 3: Elmer Sperling '31 , Maude Johnson, C harles Johnson '29, Homer Thompson '32, Auttie Thompson , Raga n Ford '23, Evelyn Ford, Carolyn Gammeter, Elmer Gammeter '26, J. Lewis Andrews '24, Hazel Schweickhardt (Mrs. William K. Schweickhardt '28), Dan Kennedy '26, Olive Kennedy. Row 4: John Miles '3 1, Virginia Sperling, Carl Heim '25, Harold Bruegging '32, Eva Bruegging, Dusty Rhoades '32, Clyde Wilhite '31, Margaret Wilhite, G .R. Throgmor· ton '31, Jane Gilmore, Bill Gilmore '33 , Charlie Freeman '28, Betty Freeman. Row 5: Gerald Roberts '28, Leona Roberts, Twidge Thomas '27, Helen Throgmor· ton, Vernon Gevecker '3 1.
Class 011938, (Left to right) Row 1: M.A. Gibson, Maxine Gibson, Joe Howerton, Clarellen Howerton, Marion Simpson, Ed Simpson . Row 2: Sue Freidank, Duane Freidank, Mildred Gevecker, Marta Murphy, Joe Murphy, Mary Lou Nickel, Mel N ickel, Craig Ellis. Row 3: William Ford, Jesse LeGrand, Myrene LeGrand, Hueston Smith, Edith Smith.
MSM Alumn u. / 13
Class of 1943, (Left to right) Row I: Bob Eck, Dottie Eck, Gene Martin, Donna Martin, Dorothy Haley, Tom Haley, Roy Werner, Jack Burst, Betty Key. Row 2: Evelyn Glover, Jim Glover, Jim Neustaedter, Enos Key. Row 3: Joe Berndt, Carl Weis, Arlene Weis, Gent Johannes, Jack Doerres, Dorris Doerres, Neil Stueck, Maurita Stueck, Leonard Larson, Mary Larson, Max Marlow, Clarence Lambelet. Row 4: Horace Magee, Marjorie Magee, Don Coolidge, Helen Coolidge, Laura Dressel, Wally Dressel, Caroline Christensen, Doug Christensen, Aileen Quinn, Pat Quinn. Row 5: Earl Biermann, 0lg2 Biermann, Edward Kendall, Orville L. Meyer, Mary Hanna, Robert Hanna, Dorothy Kasten , Ray Kasten, Marilyn Comann, Kent Comann, Marianne Thomas, George Thomas.
Class of 1948, (Left to right) Row I: Jim Trace, Pat Trace, Andy Cochran '41 , Toni Cochran, Joe Fitzpatrick, Margaret Hoelscher. Row 2: Harvey Leaver, Irvin Robbins, Maggie Zwirbla, Mike Zwirbla, Jim Chaney, Colleen Delany, Mike Delany, Jim Hoelscher. Row 3: Julia Bye, Stanley Bye, Mary Ellen Petersen, David P. Petersen, Pat Stoecker, Will Stoecker, Kent Allen, Betty Guilfoy, Don Guilfoy, Gwen Gevecker, Bob Gevecker. Row 4: Allen Crosby, Betty Crosby, Dorothy Hackmann, Bob Hackmann, Jayne Tapperson, Art Tapperson, Gerry Barton, John Barton, Nadine Smith, Harlan Smith, Alwilda Mathews, Don Mathews. Row 5: Bob Prokes, Robert Rock, Bill Ellis, Evelyn Ellis, George Ramsey, Warren Harter, Ray Juergens, Harold Moe, Alvin Shwattz, Henry Whaley.
14 / MSM Alumnus
Class of 1953, (Left to right) Row 1: Ann Blevins, Hugh Blevins, Mary Lou Scharf, Fred Scharf, Mollie Achterberg, Ernie Achterberg. Row 2: Bill Kronmueller, Helen Kronmuel1er, Alice Bardon, Don Bardon. Mabel Spencer, Don Spencer, Mary Ann Gjelsteen, Thor Gjelsteen. Row 3: Jim Roberts, Jo Ann Roberts, Wanda Barton, Dean Barton, Ann Edwards, Gene Edwards, Jack Wheeler, Ruth Willis, Hank Willis.
Class of 1958, (Left to right) Row 1: Joan Young, Dick Vitek, Marilyn Vitek, Sherry Burrows, John Burrows, Ginny Capone, Don Capone, Lois Tomazi, George Tomazi. Row 2: Ralph Young, Frieda Munger, Paul Munger, Nancy Marlow, Bob Marlow, Janice Haydon, Jack Haydon, Janice Elling, Adloph ElJing, Henry Strieder, Jan Nolan, Jim Nolan. Row 3: Robert Boschert, Elizabeth Hardebeck, Nancy Hager, Chester Hager, Frankie Dendler, Rich Dendler, Norma Smith, Bill Smith, Sharon Meyer, Larry Meyer, Melvin Hudson. Row 4: Dick Okenfuss, Julie Okenfuss, Angie Heumann, Carl Heumann, Margaret Wagner, Bob Wagner, Jane O'Keefe, Tom O'Keefe, Mary Williams, Warren Williams, Brooksie Unnerstall, Les Unnerstall. Row 5: Elizabeth Schluemer, Bill Schluemer, Laverne Schaefer, Orville Schaefer, Carole Herrmann, Paul Herrmann III, Jean Urban, Jim Urban, Lester Winter, Susan Winter, Verda Minton, Bob Minton, Bonnie Peet, Ed Peet. Row 6: Shirley Day, Delbert Day, Nancy Vetter, Ron Vetter, Gret Herrick, Tom Herrick, Don Modesitt, Cecelia Sucher, Bob Sucher.
MSM Alumnusl1S
Class of 1963, (Left to right) Row 1: Mary Mills, Karen Van Buren, Jim Van Buren, Sandy Gardner, Robert Gardner, Allyn Klutho, Mary Lou Klutho. Row 2: Richard Mills, Jon Vaninger, Pat Vaninger. Jerry Klier, Laverne Klier, George Schillinger, Nancy Schillinger, Judy Sieckhaas, Bob Sieckhaus. Row 3: Bill Sutton, Judy Sutton, Charles McCrary, Judy McCrary, Jerry Denzel, Maurene Denzel, John Lamb, Jackie Schuster, Walt Schuster.
Class of 1973, (Left to right) Row I: James R. Hamilton, Ja net Scanlon, Bob Scanlon, Tom DePauw, Diane Dawson, Peter Dawson, Evelyn Gayer. Row 2: Diane Lick, John Lick, Hazel Botts, John Botts, Thomas McKinnis, Jeannie Bergtholdt, Steve Bergtholdt, Jan Pautler, Jim Pautler. Row 3: Frank Yates, Marsha Wilson, Chris Wilson, David Oligschlaeger, Agnes Oligschlaeger, Mike Montague, Elaine Montague , Anne Busch, Steve Busch, Mike Rissell, Phyllis Rissell, Gary McAlpin, Sophia McAlpin.
16/ MSM Alumnus
Alumni are invited to order prints of any of the homecoming photographs. Cost is $3 each for 8 x 10 prints or $2.50 each for 5 x 7 prints. To order: be sure to include page number and several words of the line of type closest to the photo you want , as well as a descrip¡ tion of the photo itself. Orders will be collected until Jan. 31 and pri nts should be returned to you during February.
Class of 1968, (Left to right) Row !: Bill Ruhl, Bob Pahl, Virgi nia Pahl, Dixie Finley
ing Out The Victory. Lov ridge Restores a Traditi Once again you can hear a bell ringing on the UM R campus. The railroad bell in the cupola of the Rolla Building has allowed an old tradition to ring out a new over the UMR campus. The bell, which was a gift to UM-Rolla from alumnus Joel F. Loveridge marks special occasions on campus such as athletic victories, Founders Day and commencement. "I was director of operations for a cement company for several years," said Loveridge, who received a B.S. in civil engineering (1939) and the professional degree of civil engineer (1963) from UMR, "and I did quite a bit of business with the Norfolk and Western Railroad. About 15 years ago, the railrOad saw fit to -present the bell to me as a gift." Loveridge had the bell polished and had the initials "LJMR" engraved on it. "UMR means a lot to me," Loveridge said. "I enjoyed the years I spent there, and I feel a great deal of loyalty to the school. "In fact," he added, "attending UMR
is something of a family tradition. My father , my brother and my brother-inlaw all attended UMR, and I thought it would be nice to have something representative of my family on campus." Loveridge's gift has enabled UMRolla to revive a tradition that was once an important part of campus life. C James Grimm, UMR professor emeritus of electrical engineering and recipient of a B.S. in electrical engineering (1930) from UM-Rolla, recalls the original castiron bell in the Rolla Building being rung each morning at 8 to signal the start of the school day during the 1920's. The bell also was used to announce football victories until Dean Curtis L. Wilson had it removed to ground level after an October 1946 game. "Following a victory at Jackling Field, a group of enterprising students rushed to the Rolla Building," explained Dr. Jack B. Ridley, UMR associate professor of history and co-author of "UMRolla: A History of MSM/UMR." "In
J oel Loveridge, '39
their haste to get to the roof and ring the 'Liberty Bell,' the students broke open doors and windows. "As a result;" he continued, "Dean Wilson had the bell removed to ground level because he feared that someone would fall from the roof or that the extra weight of persons climbing on the roof would cause it to collapse." For the next six years the bell would occupy a prominent place near the sidelines at Jac1(Jing Field. "In 1952," according to Sally White, writing in the Centennial Edition of the MSM-UMR "Alumnus" magazine, "some students let their enthusiasm get the better of them. While signaling the win by ringing the bell with sledgehammers, it cracked ." The following year the Frisco Railroad donated a locomotive bell to UMR's student chapter of the American Institute of Electrical EngineersInstitute of Radio Engineers, which, in turn, presented it to UM-Rolla. That bell subsequently was mounted
on one of Ja'ckling Gymnasium's two towers, and it was first rung to celebrate a UMR victory following a 20-0 Homecoming win over Central Missouri State University on Oct. 12, 1953. Jerry Berry, a 1949 recipient of a B.S. in civil engineering from UMR and a member of Miner football teams during the I 940s, remembers that the bell could be heard throughout Rolla following a victory. "I lived near downtown," he said, "and I could hear it ringing all the way from Jackling Gymnasium." In fact, Berry added, he could hear the bell all through the night. "The fraternities used to assign their pledges the job of ringing the bell, and when one group would finish, another would take its place." When Jackling Gymnasium was demolished in 1966 to make room for the Wilson Library, the bell was removed and placed in storage. Some time after that it disappeared and its whereabouts remain unknown.
MSM Alumnus / 17
Alumni Secfi'o n Nevvs ------------------------------------------. Alaskan Alumni Meeting An unofficial alumni meeting was held in Anchorage, Alaska on July 28 at the home of Mark Drumm, '77, some· where in the near vicinity of the North Pole. The weather cooperated with one of the warmest summer days, 73°F, only two degrees below the record high. At·
tending were Kathy (Dill) Shelden, '79, Terry McCallister, '78, Joe Green, '55 , Dave McCullough, '79, David Greco, '79, Doug Montgomery, '79, Tom Schmitt, '79, Steve Suellentrop, '74, John Knepler, '67, Andy Simon, '74,
Delores (James) Hinkle, '75, Dan Hinkle, '73, Richard Beecher, '83, Mark Drumm, '77, and Lenn Koederitz, '68. Several wives were also present, although most notable were Kathy Shelden and Sheryl Massey (husband
Sam) who came even though their husbands couldn't attend. Incredible edibles were provided by everyone and salmon of every type, prepared in every possible way, made the evening a rous· ing success until the keg ran dry. Reported by Lenn Koederitz, '68
....... -
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Top Left: L to R . Cheryl Koederitz, Lenn Koederitz, John Knepler, Sheryl Massey, Steve Suellentrop, Betty Suellentrop, K.Jathy Shelden, Mark Drumm, Tom Schmitt, Terry McCallister, Dave McCullough, Joe Green; way in back . Doug Montgomery, Andy Simon, Dave Greco.
Top Right: Mark Drumm (BS, Petr. Eng., '77) reports that all is well in Alaska. He recently caught a 55 lb. King Salmon in the Kenai River and would like to thank all of you who didn't come to Alaska to fish so that he could catch' this one. Mark works for ARCO Alaska. (The fish is the one with his mouth open).
Left: Sheryl Massey , Dave Greco, Joe Green, Doug Montgomery and Nancy Schmitt in one of the better·posed pictures of the evening.
Ark-La-lex Section William ' H. McCartney" graduate of the class of 1916, died Kugust 17, 1983. Bill was' "the ' last living member of the fam~' MSM 1914 football team. 'With Bill as 'a" ~ \1aifback, this Miner team defea~ ~he University of Missouri 19-0i Washington University 19-0; the University of Arkansas 40-0; the Kansas School of Mines 87-0; Drury 68-0; Pitts· burg, Kansas Normal 104:0; Kirksville Osteopaths 150-0; and St. Louis U niver· sity 63-0. Upon receiving his degree in mining engineering, Bill went to work
for the Palmer Corporation, and later for William Barret Inc. in Shreveport, La. His funeral was held Aug. 19, with John Livingston, '39, and Ragan Ford, '23,' among the pallbearers. Mrs. Mc· Cartney passed away the month before. In other section news, the annual summer meeting was held at the home of John and Loretta Moscari, '51 , in Longview, Texas, on Aug. 13. Texas bar·b·que was served and plenty of liquid refreshment was on hand to
satisfy even the thirstiest Miners. Those in attendance included: Mr. & Mrs. Frank Zvanut, '32, of Tyler, Texas; Rande and Judy Grotefendt, '73 , Mark and Rose Herzog, '74, and tHe Moscaris, all from Longview, Texas; Mrs. Florence Flesh, widow of David J. Flesh, '23, Jefferson, Texas; Mr. & Mrs. Tom English, '29, and Mr. & Mrs. Walt Mulyca, '65, from Marshall, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Kevil Croder, '28, and Mr. and Mrs. Greg Willis, '75, from Shreveport,
La.; Mr. & Mrs. Basil Compton, '39, from Bossier City, La.; Mr. & Mrs. Ragan Ford, '23, of Minden, La.; Mr. & Mrs. John Livingston, '39, from Elm Grove, La.. ; and Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Roberts, '28, from EI Dorado, Ark. A special note of thanks to the generous hosts, John & Loretta Moscari. The next quarterly meeting of the Ark·La·Tex Section will be held in November at the Officers' Club of Barksdale Air Force Base in Bossier City, La. Mark Herzog, '74, Secretary·Treasurer Ark·La·Tex Section
lS/ MSM Alumnus
Los Angeles and San Die.go Joint Section Meeting The 1983 Midsummer Meeting of the 33 adults and II children and throw in a Los Angeles and San Diego Chapters horse and you have the ingredients for a was held at the EI Tigre Ranch near very successful alumni meeting. The kids darn near wore the horse out. Ensenada Mexico. It seems as if the chickens had worked The EI Tigre Ranch looks better every year,-hundreds of lime trees, 150 all year to furnish the eggs for the head of cattle, avacados, and acres of a "Ranch Breakfasts". Now add bacon new variety of tomatoes. Mix this with and fresh rolls and bananas right off the
stalk, then eat under the trees. There is no better way to get up in the morning.
A group dinner at a Mexican Restaurant on the beach on Friday, the Fiesta at the Ranch on Saturday and For you runners, running a couple of pinata for the kids on Sunday rounds miles along a Quiet road in the out the weekend. Is there a better way moonlight under millions of stars is to have a meeting? Thanks again to our Quite a thrill, but it is also a task to keep bosts Don and Pat Huseman, '43. up with George Nations, '36. Reported by John, '43, and Phyllis Wilms and Albert Keevil, '43.
SEG Meeting - Las Vegas Dave Peacock, '64, '66, '70, recently attended the 53rd Annual International Convention of the Society of Explora¡ tion Geophysicists in Las Vegas, Nevada . Dave works for Sohio Petroleum Company in San Francisco. He writes that there were many other
alums at the convention including: Bob Chun, '66, Seismograph Service Corp, Brune, '69, and Roland Chen, '64, of Tulsa; Jerry Davis, '64, '70, '72, Shell Sohio, Dallas; Terry Donze, '71 , Inter- Oil, New Orleans; Claudio Venturini, north, Denver; Maurice Saffarrans, '66, . '66, Western Geophysical Co. , Milan, Texaco, Oklahoma City; Ed Tegland, Italy; Gerry Rupert, '64, UMR, Rolla; '61, and Warren Wolfe, '65, Denver Dick Hunt, consultant, Carbondale Processing Center, Denver; Joong Colorado; Ed Ballantyne, '60, Amoco
Minerals, Denver; Afif Saad, '62, Gulf Oil, Pittsburgh; Joel Jurgens, '60, Hrubetz Oil Co., Denver; and Jim Fowler, '72, Xadar Exploration, Springfield, Va.
Pacific Northwest Section Alumni Picnic .Our annUal potluck picnic was held at the Wright's home on Aug. 13. All present had an enjoyable time. The food was great. Some of us went on a float trip down the Snoquallmie River. Others caught up on what people had
been doing during the last six months and played croquet and badminton. ' Stephen Wright gave airplane rides in his Cessna '182 Skylane. We decided to hold a December dance and sp ri ng potluck din-
nerlbusiness meeting this year. Those attending the picnic were: Bill and &tty Coehy, Mike Woods, Scott Huddleston, Stephen, '68 , Susan, '69, Paul and John Wright; Erik, '77, Robin, Laura and Rebecca Tilman; Ray
Lasmanis, '63; Willard and Bettijeanne, '49 Puffett; John, '59 and Betty Adams; Paul, '59 and Loucretia Barnard; David Winter, '78 and Linda Kommers; Itsu Arimura, '59; Bob Yerbury, '77. Stephen Wright, '68 Secretary-Treasurer Pacific Northwest Section
MSM Atumnus / 19
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Frank Mackaman, executive vice pfesident of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, and his wife Nancy visited with us at the Oct. 15 meeting of the San Diego Section, which was held at the Officers Club on the Marine Corps Recruit Depot. Frank presented a slide
San 'Diego show of the developments on the campus. Those who attended' were from many parts of San Diego County. Elizabeth and Phil Boyer, '28, Encinitas; Nila and Robert N. Brown, '50, San Diego; H.R. Fletcher, '53, San Diego; Ethel and Al Jurvic, '33, San Diego; Marilyn and Al
Keevil, '43, Pacific Beach; Sally and Steve Nichols, '68, San Diego; Miriam and George Nations, '36, Apple Valley;
We are indebted to At' Jurvic for hosting the event at the "0'·' Club and also to John Englund and his associates at Kaiser Steel's Eagle Mountain for the Cynthia and Danny Powers, '73, Ocean- Section telephone directory . Copies side; E.T. Regenhardt, '30, EI Cajon; were made available at the meeting Bob Riggs, '77, San Diego; Barbara and which served to draw us closer together. James Webster, '50, Escondido, Al Keevil, '43 Executive Secretary San Diego Section
SPE Annual Me~ting • San Francisc(' i
- I I
MSM-UMR alumni gathered at the austere guidance of Ken Thompson of Hyatt Embarcadaro Hotel in San Fran- Denver who advocated a sign-up fee cisco during the Society of Petroleum payable in advance, and as a result Engineers' annual technical conference several alumni may not be noted. Those on Oct.6. Although the hors d'oeuvres who finally found the list were: Jeff, '79, were rapidly depleted, a good time was and Ann, '79, Smith: Rick, '81, and Lori had by an exceptionally large crowd. Fuerman; Don R. Greenwalt, '57; Joe, Unfortunately, the guest list was (I) par- '76, and ' Betty Martin; Maryann tially hidden under a barrage of plates Chambers Fuchs, '79, Brad Aman, '79; and other necessary accessories to a suc· Ernest Onyia, '78; Ary Tinnemeyer, '76; cessful party, and (2) was left under the Ed H. Barsachs, '50; The irrascible Ken, ,
'73, and Jenny (definitely a be~er halO Thompson; Robert Brennan, '77; Leon, '64, and Helen Kreisler; Larry,:'73, and Lydia Schupbach; Mike, '76, ~nd Ann McKee; Monte Deckerd, '1:6; Tim ' ' Hildenbrand, '80; Theresa Talty, '80; ;; •
Rodger, '79, and Debbie ThbIIwson; Marilyn Smelcer, '80; John Knepler, '67; Jack, '72, and Liz Rose; Steve Qhnimus, '68, Matt Honarpour, '69, '70/ 80; Jag
Ghole, '67, Barry, '81, and Kathy (Dill, '79) Shelden; Steve, '74, '75, and Betty Suellentrop; Herb and Billie Harvey; Dave, '81, and Susan (Holley, '81) Gresko, Doug Hart, Sean Price, '77; Lenn, '68, '69, '70, and Cheryl Koederitz; David McCullough, '79; Jim, '70, and Nancy Horne; Jennie Adkins. '79; Jim Honefenger, '72; Bill, '50, '51, and Francis Collins. Reported 'by Lenn Koederitz; '68
Bay Area . Sect'i on
i f
The fall 1983 dinner was held at the Sea Wolf Restaurant on the waterfront in Oakland on Saturday, Oct. 15. Thirty-three alums and guests enjoyed an autumn sunset over San Francisco , Bay·and dined on Pacific red snapper or roast beef while seeing old frj~nds and meeting new ones. The Hooks, Lit·
Tom Tanner, '74, and guest; Par, '50, and Mary Schoenky; Bob, '~7, and Mamie Ray; Judson, '54, aqd Mrs. Leong: Charles, '28, and Mrs. Freeman; Jim, '67, and Peg Allmon; Frsnk, '38, and Gerry Goodrich; Bob Bosctl.ert, '58; John, '72, and Mrs. Chien; Steve Kambol, '75, an~ guest; Don, ~fJ2, and ,
tlefields, Peacocks and Wells sailed up the Bay on the Littlefields' 28-foot Islander sloop, "Leprechaun," and arrived at the Sea .wolf dock in the prope'r frame of mind and spirit for the get together. In attendance were: Jerry '58, and Kay Littlefield; Marianne Cochran, '50; -- ••
20/ MSM Alumnus
Mira IIIian; Janet Hartley, '81; Glen Lipscomb, '81; Warren, '58, and Ellen Hooks; Jim '42, and Ruth Shaffer; Dennis, '70, and Barbara Wells; and Dave, '64, '66, '70, and Laurie Peacock.
Reported by Dave P~cock,
SME ,M eeting A small but well·fed group of Miners met in Salt Lake City during the Society of Mining Engineers of AIME meeting held in October. Don Warner, Dean of the School of Mines and Metallurgy, led the UMR contingent to the Hotel Utah
where the reception was held. Alums were joined by both faculty and students making the reception a memorable experience for all. Those attending included: Don Warner; Ernest Spokes; John J. Donnel·
y y; I)
7; yl n,
en en er;
nd ;k.
Iy, '70; R. Lary Miller, '58; Greg Lang, H. Emling; '54; Joe Quinn, '49; Jack '18; Norman Smith, '76; Bill Woods, '59; Burst, '43 & '47; Ken Fleck, '18; Bill Kay, '33; John Tyler, '76; Fran and Michelle Cooper, '81; Roger Keller, '15; Chuck Beasley; Gill Montgomery, '35; J.D. Crites, '49; Troy Harris; Karen Bill Shepard, '51; Fred Myers, '79; Dale Grawe; Rick and Ernie McMillan.
Coterie Prints
UMR Coterie now offers prints of four of the original MSM-UMR Buildings in several forms. The prints were made from pencil sketches by UMR designer Dick Hatfield. They include the Rolla Building (1871), Chancellor's Residence (1889), Nor~ood Hall (1903) and Parker Hall (1912). All proceeds will go to the Coterie of UMR Faculty Wives Scholarship Fund.
Some St. Pat's Green makes ideal gifts for that person who has everything. In any event, it's time to order your 1984 St. Pat's Green to be sure you will be ready for the big celebra· tion. Green items for 1984 include:
Scalf"Lake City.
Sweatshirts (XS, S, M, L, XL)
Sweatpants (XS, S, M, L. XU
Youth T·shirts S(24·26), M(28·30)
Hi·ball Glasses
Bar Glasses
2.00 ;
Can wrappers
2.5q ~
8 x 10 Prints suitable for framing·-Set of 4 ... . ........ . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . $12 Notepaper·-on antique white with envelopes (three of each of the four buildings) , Set of 12 ........................ . ... . ... $4 Add $1 to all orders to cover the cost of mailing and allow two weeks fOF delivery. Make checks payable to UMR Coterie Scholarship Fund. Send orders to: Coterie Scholarship Fund P.O. Box 1638, Rolla, MO 65401
Continuing Education Courses Here's a list of some of the extension continuing education short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR. Where titles are not self·explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call the office of the Dean of Continuo ing Education and Public Service, 314·341-4156. Written requests should be addressed to the same office, 205B Parker Hall, University of Missouri·Rolla, Rolla, Mo. 65401.
Mar. 19·23 Apr. 2-6 Apr. 9·13 May 14-18
Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla
Introduction to Comp\lter Graphics Selecting a Microcomputer Calculations Based on National Electrical Code Designing Information Systems Grounding & Shielding Electronic Instrumentation
Jan. 9·11 Jan. 19 Jan. 24-26 Feb. 16 Mar. 14·16
Computer·Aided Design Introduction to Interfacing Computers to Electronic Instrumentation International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering
Mar. 22 April 4
Rolla St. Louis Kansas City St. Louis St. Louis Chicago St. Louis Rolla
May 6·11
St. Louis
Baseball cap
School of Engineering
Engineer's cap
48th Introductory Short Course on Composition of Coatings 9th Introduction to Paint Formulation Advanced Paint Formulation Trade Sales Basic Microcomputer Programming for Coatings
Large button
Stocking cap
Orders $10. and under, please include. $2.25 for postage. Orders more than $10, please' include $3 for postage. Send your orders to: Alumni Sales Chairman St. Pat's Board University Center University of Missouri·Rolla Rolla, Mo. 6540,1
College of Arts and Sciences
Times and dates of courses may. change nearer to the time of the course .
.. ~ ~~----------------~~----------~----------~----~---------------------------------, MSM Alumnus121
MINER SPORTS Gene Green, Editor
Football Miners Share 1983 Title Nov. 12, 1983 is a day of football that will be remembered in UM-Rolla sports history. Ron Hutchcraft had caught only four passes entering the final game of his sophomore season, but, his fifth catch was worth the wait. Quarterback Chris Nisbet found the 6-1 speedster in the end zone with only 2:22 left to play, giving the Miners a 14-9 home victory over Northeast Missouri State and a share of the 1983 MIAA title with Central Missouri State. The 38-yard touchdown pass came on fourth and 19, as Nisbet fired the ball through a 20 mile-an-hour wind. Hutchcraft's leaping catch gave UMR the victory and ended the Miner's season at 8-2 overall ~nd 4-1 in conference play. "Hutchcraft has the ability to be ~ tremendous receiver," a jubilant head coach Charlie Finley said after the game. He certainly has the speed--all he needs .is experience and confidence." The game·winning catch no doubt did a great deal towards providing him with both, as Hutchcraft's UMR teammates carried him off the field on their shoulders during a wild celebration. A track performer with 9.7 speed in the 100-yard dash, he caught touchdown passes of 89 and 94 yards earlier this season in a junior varsity game.
The Miners fell behind 3-0 early in the game, as Northeast Missouri's Brad Schrader connected on a 33·yard field goal in the first quarter. UMR went
back on top with only 10 seconds left in the half, scoring from three yards out. A scoreless third quarter followed, setting the stage for UMR's dramatic come-
Eight Gridders on MIAA First Team Eight members of the 1983 c0champion University of MissouriRolla football Miners were honored with first-team berths on this year's MIAA All-Conference teams. UM-Rolla head coach Charlie Finley, who guided the Miners to a 4-1 MIAA mark and an 8-2 overall record, earned Coach-of-the-Year honors by a vote of his peers. Members of the first-team offense were tackle Jeff Heger, guard Eric Wiegand, and running back Randy Shed. Shed, who paced the MIAA in rushing with 95.6 yards-per-game, was edged out as the league's MostValuable- Player by Northeast Missouri quarterback Tom Hayes. Hayes won the award for the third straight season.
On defense, the Miners boasted first teamers in guard Bob Gorham, end John Frerking, linebacker Glenn Wilhelm and back Ken Zerkel. Frerking also was named as the league's first-team punter.
ahead 7-3 in the second stanza when Nisbet rambled 13 yards on a quarterback keeper. Art Addison put Northeast Missouri
back. ''I'm so proud of the way our team came back this season after struggling earlier in the year," Finley said. "We
Second-team members for UMR were center Russ Pogue, fullback Mike Schafer, defensive end Rickie Caruthers, linebacker Steve Davis and defensive back Brian Bradley. Honorable mention awards went to split end Mel Parham, tight end Scott Stephens, quarterback Chris Nisbet and noseguard Dan Goldner. UM-Rolla graduates only seven seniors from a team that boasted the best overall record among MIAA members.
have only se.ven seniors on the team, so I'm very optimistic about next Season." . Finley has coached the Miners to either a first- or second-place finish in six of the last seven seasons. The win was his 70th career victory in 12 seasons' at UMR. UMR entered the game ranked 14th in the NCAA Division II, its highest ranking since the 10-0 team of 1980 finished 10th in that season's final poll. Randy Shed led all rushers with 113 yards and finished the year with a 95.6 yards-per-game average, good enough to put him first in the MIA A and among the leaders nationally. "Shed did it all for us," Finley said. "He led the league in rushing and kick· off returns and was a .leader on and off the fidd. "We may have had only seven seniors on this team, but I can't say enough about the way they led our club during the season. The all did a great job." Other Miners playing their final collegiate game were Scott Teter, Steve Davis, Bill Bohnhoff, Scott Stephens, Mel Parham and Nisbet. "We won or shared the conference in 1977, 1980 and now this season. All three teams had one trait that was stronger than anything else," Finley said. "They never gave up."
Miner Kickers Log Winning Season The 1983 season was a good one for both men and women's soccer at UMR, with each team recording+.500 seasons and gaining post-season praise for key individuals. The men finished the season 10-9-0, as Keith Vandersteen ended a super freshman season as the team's leading scorer. Vandersteen scored nine goals and added four assists for a team-high 22 points. He was followed by Jeff Smith's 15 points, Scott Jaskowiak's 13 points and ten each by John True and Mike Lane. . Goal-keeper Ben Birch ended the
221 MSM Alumnus
season with a 1.56 goals-against average, a nd produced three shutouts during his
with a 10-5-0 record, with two of their losses coming in overtime. At one point
Two Socce r M iners AII -MI A A Two University of Missouri-Rolla M iners were honored with MIAA All-Conference soccer selection, in a vote of league coaches. Kevin Keenoy was named to one of the back positions for pacing the Miner defense at that position after transferring to UM-Rolla from a junior college. Jeff Smith was selected as midfield, serving as one of
the Miners' top scorers and leaders. Team co-captain Bryan Dickerson gained honorable mention at a back spot. John Guffey, who led Northeast Missouri to a tie for the MIAA title with University of Missouri-St. Louis, was named Coach-of-the-year. UMSL forward Lance Pollett was the league's Most-Valuable-Playec
first season in a Miner unifp'rm. The Lady Miners ended the season
in the season, the young squad was ranked nationally for the first time in
UMR women' s soccer history . Janet Stones handled the bulk of the scoring duty, firing in 13 goals and adding two assists for 28 points. Susan Shrum was the other Miner in double figures with 14 points. Goal-keeper Lisa Frumhoff ' had a goals-against average of .93, six shutouts and was named to the Intercollegiate Soccer Association .of America's AIlWest Region First Team.
"It was a fun season, and we have many returning players on each squad," said coach Paul McNally. "I think more and more people are ~ginning to take note of the soccer programs at UMR."
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Hoop Miners Return Veteran Team The 1983-84 University of Missouri- group of sophomores, who gained Rolla men's basketball team returns valuable playing experience last year. some talented veterans this season, giv"Dave Moellenhoff (6-8) will see a ing head coach Billy Key plenty of great deal of playing time at center, as reason for optimism. will forwards Mark Zarr (6-6) and Kris Key enters his 19th season with the Stange (6-7)," Key said. "These three Miners, recording a 228-229 ' mark at realIy have some ability, and have imUM-Rolla and a 336-278 record in 25 proved since their freshman year." years of colIegiate coaching. Senior leadership on the team wilI be provided by guards Stan Shuemaker With some talented newcomers added (6-0) and Todd Wentz (6-0) with forward to some solid returnees, Key feels the Miners have a chance to be an improved John Pfannkuch (6-4) lending a hand on the boards. team this season. John Collins (6-5) saw limited playing "We have a solid nucleus to build on," Key said of the upcoming season. "Cur- time as a freshman in 1982-83, but Key tis Gibson led the MIAA in scoring feels he may play a greater role this (20.5 points-per game) as a sophomore, season. Also vying for playing time will and we feel he should again be one of be Stu O'Kraski (6-2), a guard who was the best players in the league this year." red-shirted by the Miners last year. Other help will come from a talented
Leading the corp of newcomers is
'Seven Back For Lady Miners Seven letterwomen return from last year's squad, and Cathie Schulte is hopeful their experience will help the Lady Miners bounce back from last year's 7-16 record. Leading the way will be 5-7 senior guard Laurie Behm, the team's leading returning scorer (9.3 ppg) and the fifthleading free throw shooter in the NCAA Division II last year (83 percent). Also back will be 6-0 sophomore forward Terry Bond, 5-9 junior forward Cecilia Gutierrez, 5-8 senior forward Gail Halsey, 6-2 senior center Linda Hill, 5-8
junior forward Kim Murphy and ' 5-4 sophomore guard Kelly Stewart. "We are going back to the basics in some practice sessions," Schulte said. "And we are trying to do the little things to perfection." If the Miners have anyone goal, it is to make a stronger showing in the MIAA. "We failed to win a conference game last- year and I certainly want to change," she said. "Some victories in the MIAA would be very gratifying, as the degree of talent is high."
Tyree Hall (6-6), a tremendous leader from Edison Community College in Florida. HalI wilI be looked upon to bolster the Miners on the boards. Kevin Graves (6-4), bongs a good shooting touch from North Iowa Community ColIege, while Dan Tappendorf (6-2) will try for playing time at guard. He played for Lake Land Junior College in Illinois during the 1981-82 season. Three freshmen also grace the squad, with Wiley Buchanan (6-3), Mark Givens (6-4) and Jeff Mefford (6-4) battling for playing time. How does Key view the new season? "We should be stronger than we were last year," he said. "But with a much stronger non-league schedule, the 14-12 record we produced a year ago would be respectable. "
Key knows the MIAA competition will be as tough as ever. "Southeast Missouri has to be the favorite, but Central Missouri and Northwest Missouri will be very good this year as well," he predicted. "In fact, you know that no MIAA game should ever be taken Iightly--this is simply a very tough basketball conference." Some of UMR's top non-league competition includes the Bellarmine College Tournament a~ins~ BellaJl!line College, University of Arkansas-Little' Rock and Mississippi College; a January meeting with Division I Arkansas State and a trip to Indiana State UniversityEvansville. "It is a real challenge, but I feel we have some quality players," Key said. "Hopefully they can all mold together to give us a very competitive team.'''
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. If the Miners have 'any one strength, Schulte feels .it lies)n.overall intensity. "The players are working harder this season," she said. "They are in bett~r condition, utilizing preseason running and weight programs." Numbers may prove to be one of the team's problems, with only ten players on the 19ib-84 squad. ' . "Even with that, we can do much better this season if we are more consistent on offense. It would be nice for certain people to assert themselves quickly so we could come up with a bona fide star-
ting five. "Last season this really never materialized over an extended, period of time. inconsistency and injury.'; The. Mi~er returnees will be bolstered by three newcomer~ to the squad. Susan Mullins and Sandra Vaughn come to the Miners from within the Missouri prep ranks, while Melissa Warfield brings her talents to UM-Rolla from Colorado. "This is a good group of young ladies to work with," Schulte said. "I'm looking forward to the new season."
Swimmers Look To Nationals UMR swimming coach Bob Pease is pretty blunt about the 1983-84 Miners. "We have an excellent group this season, and I'll be pretty surprised if we do not make a strong showing at nationals," he said. "We have many quality people back, and some . fine freshmen to build on as welI." The Miners finished ninth in the NCAA Division II last season, producing six AlI-Americans and their secondbest finish ever. Three of those AllAmericans are back this year, with at least one national qualifier in each
stroke. "We need for our top people to rise in their national rankings and get national cuts out of our second and third athletes," Pease said. "We' have some lack of diving depth, but perhaps our freshmen can come through for us and give us a lift." Some of the top Miners returnees this season are Chris Aria (backstroke), Scott Carney (butterfly), Derek Coon (breaststroke), Craig Erzen (breaststroke), Arthur Hovater (freestyle), Ed Krygier (backstroke), Joe
Pericich (freestyle), Paul Pericich member of the NCAA Swimming Com(backstroke), Jon Staley (diving), Mike mittee. Walsh (1M), David Wisdom (butterfly) The national competition is the main and Mark Wuttig (freestyle). goal Pease .stresses to his squad. "That is where you always set your Top newcomers include Danny Mattie (freestyle) and Martin Rodseth sights, and it continues to be a quest to (freestyle). Rodseth, from Oslo, Norway, see what improvement can be made should give Bill Orr's varsity records in through each athlete's experience," he the freestyle races a great deal of said. challenge. The NCAA Division II championPease enters his 15th season with the ships will be held March 7-10 in HempMiners. In addition to his swimming stead, NY. NCAA Division I championduties, he coaches the highly successful ships will be held March 21-24 in UMR Water Polo Club. He is also a . Cleveland, Ohio.
Cross Country Runners Fare Well The UMR men and women's cross cording the top Miner time and the sixth country teams each placed fifth in the best finish out of a field of 40 runners. Bullard's 25:44 was only 18 seconds 1983 MIAA Championships, held this off the best time of the day. Central fall in RolIa. The Miner men finished with 109 Missouri's Rick Schmid won the event points, far off the pace of Northeast with a run of 25:25.8. For the Lady Miners, their 141 point Missouri's top finish of 43 points. Jim Bullard continued his fine season, re- total fell off the pace of champion
Southeast Missouri's 32 points. Jill Cameron was again the top Miner finisher, placing 22nd out of a field of 39 runners. Her time was 20:51, while Southeast's Christine Ridenour won the event with a time of 17:49.5. Ridenour's time was only four seconds off the course record, even though the race was
held on a very wet course in the rain. The 1983 season was a successful one for Dewey Allgood's men harriers, as they won several key meets and were one of the most improved teams. Sarah Preston's Lady Miners also recorded some impressive fmishes as the fledgling program continued to grow.
MSM Alumnus/ 23
James S. Anderson, '55 Curator
U iversity of Missouri James S. Anderson, University of Missouri Curator from Springfield, could give lessons in time management. Anderson not only runs Anderson Engineering, Inc., a consulting engineering fIrm in SpringfIeld, he is active in numerous professional and civic organizations, in addition to his Board of Curators duties. At his firm, he employs seven civil engineers (six of them graduates of the University of Missouri-Rolla, as is Anderson), a geologist, a biologist, and 12 engineering technologists as well as clerical assistants. In his 25-plus national, state and local professional and civic organizations, he is serving or has served as an officer or chairman for more than a dozen of them. For instance, in the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers, Anderson has served as a committee chairman, director or officer (he's a past president) every year from 1964 to 1983. He is currently MSPE's chairman of the political action committee and serves on the membership committee of the National Society of Professional Engineers. I'm not sure there is any particular secret to being able to handle a busy schedule," Anderson said. "I concentrate on management and organization and, of course, I get up early. . "But the major component is the cooperation and assistance I receive from my wife. Dixie has always backed me-osuch as when I was president of the local engineering chapter in 1965 and she founded the auxiliary. She is a member of the board of directors of Anderson Engineering and travels with me attending all social functions and promoting the engineering field . In addition to taking care of me, she has found time to write a book which was published a couple years ago and is working on a second." Anderson received his engineering education from the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy (now UMR), earning his B.S. degree in civil engineering in 1955. "One of my most vivid memories of the Rolla campus is an interview I had with V.A.C. Gevecker, a civil engineering professor who was serving as assistant dean at that time," Anderson recalled. "He told me that when I got out of school, I would most likely find myself in a position of some responsibility since I would then be an engineer. However, most of the people whose efforts I would be directing would probably be making more money than I did. He said to be patient, that the situation would right itself in time and eventually my education would payoff. He was exactly right."
Anderson's first job after leaving the Rolla campus was a year as a trainee and junior engineer for the St. Louis-San F rancisco (Frisco) Railway Co. He spent the next nine years (with leave for military du ty) as a designer, District 8--Survey & Plans, and engineer inspector, District 8--Construction, for the Missouri State Highway Department. . In 1965, he became associate with Wright & Associates, Inc., of Springfield and in 1969 he became president of the firm, later changing its name to . Anderson Engineering, Inc. The firm offers the full spectrum of civil engineering services and is actively. involved in major projects through aU phases including municipal works, construction projects under grants or loans administered by federal agencies, direct contracts with the U.s. Army Corps of Engineers, the Veterans' Administration, state agencies, local governments, industry and private individuals. The work covers environmental, geotechnical and structural engineering, the fields of hydrogeology, inspection, foundations, materials, soils and surveying. As one wi.u hires engineers, Anderson has been particularly interested in the field of engineering education. The interest was heightened when his son, James F. Anderson , chose to pursue an engineering degree at UM-Rolla in the early 1970s. (The younger Anderson, Class of 1978, is now with the Missouri Pacific Railroad in St. Louis.) Their daughter, April, is married and is a secretary with Anderson Engineering Inc. "I learned even more about the scope and quality of today's engineering education, and higher education in general, wben I recently served as chairman of the UM-Rolla Commission on Modification of Activities. I consider it valuable experience for service on the Board of Curators. We studied all facets of . UMR--curriculum, laboratories, faculty salaries. " I am the only engineer serving on the Board of Curators at this time, and I expect the addition of a professional engineer to that body reflects an emphasis in higher education on high technology. My general philosophy is fairly conservative. I do see a need for obtaining more appropriations to maintain qualified faculty and physical facilities and to keep the University operating in the black. "I believe that the Board of Curators should let the public and our senators and representatives--both state and national--know the problems the University faces and our proPosed sOlutions." Anderson recently returned from a trip to Washington, D.C., where he discussed professional engineering matters and higher education with governmental administr.ators.
Alumni Personals______ BURY THE
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1983 Rollllmo
William Henry McCartney, last surviving member of the famed 1914 MSM football team, died Aug_ 17 , in Shreveport, La. In addition to football, Bill was active in Kappa Alpha, Quo Vadis and Theta Tau at MSM. A mining engineer, Bill spent his entire career with two companies--Palmer Corp. and William Barret Inc., both of Shreveport. Mrs. McCartney died just two weeks prior to Bill's death. The news was reported to the Alumni office by John H. Livingston, '39, through Lawrence Christensen, professor of history at UMR. For further details see Ark-LaTex Section report in Alumni Section News.
Paula Hudson, '73, sends us notice of the death of James Everett Jett on Sept. 19, which she received from his wife, Wilda Jett, 408 Sue St. , Houston, TX 77009. Jett was a geophysicist who was a pioneer in the field of offshore oil exploration. He had lived in Texas for the past 43 years and was retired from the Pure Oil Company. Paula reports that although he had been unable to attend the MSM-UMR section functions in the Houston area for several years, he frequently sent in monetary contributions to support those functions and was a loyal Miner.
1926 1917 The ·U .S. Post Office has notified us of the death of Ralph Dale, Los Altos, Calif. At MSM he was a member of the Muckers and Lambda Chi Alpha (he was listed as No.3). He received his degree in mining engineering but his career was spent as a highway engineer in Illinois and Minnesota.
1922 Harold F. Patterson is retired. He and Kathryn live at Whitcomb Tower, Apt. 709,509 Ship St., St. Joseph, M149055.
Dryden Hodge, 216 Via Dante Drive, Arnold, MD 210 12, writes: "Sorry to miss Homecoming. Rolla is just a bit too far since my wife, Dorothy, and 1 do not drive any great distances anymore. Would love to see all the changes in the campus since 1 left Rolla in January '26. My regards to Dr. Lovett, whom 1 remember well, and Prof. Frank Frame, if he is still there."
Alfred Hesse would like to correct the information printed with his photo on page 3 of our June '83 issue. He writes: "I am not retired . 1 am sitll with R . Lavin and Sons Inc. with more than 33 years serv ice and am at present metallurgical engineer and director of tech nical services. 1 was vice president and manager of Stemac Inc." Sorry, our mistake! Alfred and Em ilie planned to visit Rolla again in October for Homecoming '83. They live at 11430 West 79th St., La Grange, IL 60525 .
The death of Howard Edward Compton has been reported to the association by the electrical engineering department. Howard received his degree in electrical engineering an"d, while at MSM, was a member of ROTC and the Officers C luo.
John W. Kenward, 326 S. Main St., (Box 154) Cambridge, IL 61238, writes: "Self-employed 1933-1955; county clerk of Henry Cou n ty 1955-1970; retired in 1970 to golf, fish and travel. Wife, Inez, dietl Nov. 2, 1980." George S. Richardson, M.D., is still practicing medicine in Roswell, N.M. He sends his regrets for missing Homecoming in October, but had to be in California at that time. His home address is 414 W. Alameda St. , Roswell, NM 88201.
1934 Wal~er H. Bruening writes: "Helen and I are still enjoying retirement. We fish a lot at a camp we own at a nearby lake. We are both very active in church work and our health is good." Their home address is 613 Erie, Shreveport, LA 71106.
The death, on Sept. 4, of Jack Everett Gaston has been reported by his wife, Mildred L. Gaston, 2323 Wicklyn Road, Lancaster, PA 17601. Jack received his degree in metallurgical engineering, was a member of Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi and lettered in tennis at MSM. He had been a technical consultant at Armstrong Research & Development Center in Lancaster, Pa.
1938 The death of Albert A. Phillips, on July 27, has been reported by his sister, Mabel Phillips, '33, '47, 210 Walnut, Rolla, MO 6540 f. At MSM he had been active in ROTC, Theta Tau, the rifle team, ASME and Phi Kappa Phi . He had retired in 1977 after work ing 40 years as a mechanical engineer with the Oklahoma Natural Gas Co. in Tulsa. In addition to Mabel, he is survived by his wife, Myrtlemae, 1602 S. 165th West Ave., Sand Springs, OK 74063, a daughter, Joyce Daughtery of Florissant, Mo. and a son, George Phillips of Rawlings, Wyo.,. and five granddaughters. Cecil W. Robertson writes: "Mrs. Robertson and I are in good health. Unable to attend Homecoming because of a death in our immediate family . All our best to everyone. Hope to see you for the 1988 reunion if not before." Cecil's home address is liS Halcyon Drive, Southern Pines, NC 28387.
1939 Notice of the death of George O. Pitts, on April 3, 1981, has been sent to the Alumni Association by Laura Pitts Whitley, 4220 Huntington Road, SE, Huntsville, AL 35802. George earned his degree in mechanical engineering, was a member of ASME and participated in. track while he was at MSM.
1931 G.M. Pace is retired and working parttime as a surveyor. He and Luvenia live at 708 3 Paddison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45230.
1923 Elizabeth "Bid" Pence, lifetime member of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, '74, and widow of Harry S. Pence, '23 recently moved to 701 S. Lacl~e Station Road, Apt. G-II, St. Louis, MO 63119.
1932 Homer Thompson is recovering from open heart surgery, .but expects to attend Homecoming in October. He and Auttie live at 4101 Lochridge Road, N . Little Rock, AR 72116.
MSM Alumnu.125
Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1941
Edson . Bumps has retired. He and Lois live at 182 Road 850, Box 2557, Carl H. Cotterill writes: "Am recovering Breckenridge, 0 80424. nicely after a heart attack in June and have returned to work full time at Washington headquarters of U.S. Bureau of Mines (chief, state liaison of- James Glover, 1802 Da von, Houston, fice)." arl and Ollie- live at 6030 TX 77058, wri tes: "Retired from Shell Corland our!, Mclean, VA 22101 . il o. after more than 36 years. Am now general manager, projects, with hamplin Pe troleum 0 ., a ubsiderary Walter P. (Phil) Leber and wife Bcrnice have moved to 323 1 S.E. Fairway West, of Union Pacific orp." Stuart , FL 33494.
Pat Quinn wri tes: "I' ve retired from the New York Port Authority, bought a travel trailer, and intend never to sec 1942 snow again until [ travel to Alaska -- nor 1000F + -- a. long as Michigan ex istsl 1983 Rollarno Harold A. Krueger represen ted the Spring and fall I'll sec our kids, grandUniversity of Mi ss ouri a t th e kids, etc. Hang in there, it could happen 1948 1949 ceremonies in connection with the in- to you! " He and Aileen send a new mily (Billie) Gollub, widow of Wayne Charles F. Cromer, '49, '51, recently auguration of hase N. Peterson a, home addres : 5859A Eichelberger, Sl. Gollub, '48, advises she recently pur- retired from Westinghouse. He and president of the University of Utah on Louis, MO 63 109. chased a condo in West SI. Louis. Her Sybil have moved to Route 3, Box 4A, Friday, Nov. 18th. Harold's home adnew address is 14471 Bantry Lane, Kimberling City, MO 65686. dre8.~ is 820 E. Three Fountains, Unit MO 63017 . Chesterfield, 134, Salt Lake City, UT 84117. , Notice has been received of the death of Lewis E. Rosser is president of Rosser WilHam Richard Ronald on June 19, Metallurgical Sales Co. in West Linn, 1982. He received his degree in Ore. He and Gail live at 19651 S. Sun- WilHam B. Murney has retired as mechanical engineering, was a member crest Ave. (P.O. Box 445), West Linn, engineering director for Misissippi Lime of ASME and served as a student assisOR 97068. Co. He and Alba live at Lake Forest tant in the ME department while at 19~3 Estates, Route 2, Ste. Genevieve, MO MSM. 63670. William Workman has retired as a conNed Swallow is self-employed as a struction project engineer and live at geop hysica l co nsulta nt. He a nd This August, a report of the dea th of 1711 Grand Ave., Parsons, KS 67357. Mered ith send a new home address: Erich Rolan, '48, '50, wa received from 1501 Ventu ra, Midland, TX 79705. Mrs. Rolaff, 1304 Sea ton Road, No. 5, Durham, N . At MSM Erich had been acti ve in Blue Key, Phi Kappa Phi, 1950 Sigma Nu , the Miner sta ff, ROT , wa" president of Al hE, a member of Alpha Robert Brown retired July 31. He and hi Sigma and the Rollamo Boa rd . Dur¡ wife Nila live at 47 50 Seda Drive, San ing his ca reer he had worked in Diego, CA 92 124. Si ngapore, the Dom inican Republic, New Orlean. , La.) oliet, IlL , and wa" a Edward Skalka is employed as an agent chem ica l engineer with the Depar tment for Eisenbert Co. in New York ity. He of Hea lth , du ation and Welfare in and Li ta live at 6 Old Smalley town Road, Wa rren, NJ 07060. Durham, N..
1944 WI LLIAM D. KENT William O. Kent, chairman and chief executive offi r of Reading & Bates Drilling co. , liou. lon, Texa" has been elected 1984 president of the International As 'ociation of Drilling ontractors. Duri ng a 30-year career in the oil and gas industry that ca rried him from the rig floor to the boardroom, he worked for a number of ompanie ' including Shell, Salt Dome Production and Sharp Drilling. He joined Reading & Bates in 1965 and became area manager in Mexico ity. After tours of duty in Tehran, Iran and London, at which point he was named a vice president of the company, he was appointed president in 1972. He and wife Eileen live at 13715 Butterfly, Houston, TX 77079.
l6/ MSM Aiumnul
lIal Rudisalle I an ele tri utili ty products manager for We, tinghou e, currentl y in audi Arabia . He and Edna wi ll be returning Nov. 30 to 668 1 S. Hill Way, Li ttleton, 801 20. Notice has been received of the death , on April 26, of Dale J. Brown. Soda Springs, Idaho. At M M he hacl been a membcr of the Engineers lub and AIM ". He had been employed by Kennecott opper for some year . Joseph W. Collier, P.O. Box 1953 , Ruidoso, NM 88345, writes: "Hello to all Sigma Pi's, Theta Tau's, and all my good friends from MSM. My phone (505) 257-2400 rings 24-hours a day if I can be of some help."
George R. Smith retired Aug. I and Willard A. Sc haeffer Ill. 13030 now live at Route 23, Box 245 , Ty ler, Perthshire, Houston, TX 7707 9, wri te": TX 75703. "S ti ll wit h Marathon Oil o. Now twice a 'ra ndpa: Bri ttany Diane Gilley, born Dec. 7, 198 1, and Tonya Kay Schaeffer, born Nov. II , 1982. Still married to 1951 original wife, working with Boy Scouts. and study ing the ivi l War (the War of William M. Baldwin, president of Wi lliam M. Baldw in, P.E.. P.A., has Northern Aggres"ion)." been appointed by the pre ident of the Univer it y of Florida to serve on the Arthur E.¡ chulz write : "Sorry , University Visiting Committee of the Homecoming hits at a bad time. Have department of civil engineering. The retired early and will have just com- purpose of this committee is to eStablish pleted a move to Florida (from War- closer relations between engineering min ter. Pa.) in mid-October. Am education and engineering practice. lie definitely planning on attending has been appointed for a three-year Homecoming '88 -- Lord willing! My term. He and Beverly live at 3323 new address will be: 8033 S.E. Saratoga Robinhood Road, Tallahassee, FL 3231 2. Drive. Hobe Sound, FL 33455 ."
2b l MSM Alumnu s
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Alumn; Personals ___________________________________________ "
1951 Continued Gerald N. Keller is senior staff geophysicist at Natonias N.A. Inc., Houston, Texas. He and Mary Jo live at 10314 Pine Pass Drive, Houston, TX 77070.
Richard G. Soehlke is vice presidentmanufacturing for the eastern region of Getty Refining and Marketing Co. in Delaware City, Del. He currently lives at 40 Carriage Lane, Newark, DE 19711.
Thomas E. Smith is a partner in the Chicago firm of Lee, Smith & Jager. The firm specializes in intellectual property law (patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets) and related licensing and antitrust law. His home address is 1811 A Henley, Glenview, IL 60025.
James H. Tankersley recently advised: "Retiring Aug. 26, after 32 years with Procter & Gamble (staff engineer). Will remain in the Cincinnati area for the next few years." He and Kay live at 8265 Mellon Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45242.
Vanagan Tatosian died July 17 accor· ding to a notice from his wife, Star Tato· sian, 1447 Bayonne Drive, St. Louis, MO 63138. Vanagan was a member of Phi Kappa Phi and AlEE while at MSM and made the honor list throughout his academic career. He was a systems engineer with Emerson Electric.
James E. Walizer recently retired from Gulf Oil Corp. He and Mary Jean have moved to 2700 N.W. 120th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73120.
Larson E. Wile has retired from Mead Corp. and writes: "Have my own consulting company -- Alto Mont Enterprise Inc., foundry conSUlting, sands and minerals." He and Arlene live at 2220 Indian Hill Road, Lynchburg, V A 24503.
Richard Cruse is director of marketing for Christensen Drilling Products in West Germany. He and Connie live at Hauptstrasse 14, D-3107 Hambuhren, West Germany .
Carl and Anna Griffith recently moved to 9114 Luna del Oro N.E., Albuquer· que, NM 87111. Carl is employed by Sperry Flight Systems as engineering department head.
Herman A. Ray, 511 Lawrence, Boise, lD 83709, writes: "Margaret and I enjoyed a short visit to campus and Rolla area in May while we were returning west following our son Ken's graduation from Vanderbilt University. I'm planning retirement in Dec. '83 with 38 years federal government service with USGS, Water Resources Division ." Herman presently holds the position of ac· ting state office chief.
Eugene R. Russell is currently a visiting professor of transportation engineering at Purdue University, School of Civil Engineering. He and Mary are living at 2501 Soldiers Home Road, No. 49, West Lafayette, IN 47906. They will return to Kansas State University next fall.
Edward L. Creamer, 10811 Creek tree Donald D. Brown is senior production Drive, Houston, TX 77070, writes: engineer at Kelsey Axle & Brake Divi"Will. be out of the country on Oct. sion, Mequon, Wise. He and Joyce live 21-22 so will be unable to attend at 515 Oa!cwood Drive, Thiensville, WI Homecoming. I am in my 28th year of 53092. employmen.t witb Shell Oil Co.. I am . a senior staff engineer in engineering ser- The death of" Thomas D. Schloemer on Leon F. WOodlock is now in 1\vi> vices in Shell's head office)n Houston, Aug. 17, has been reported by his wife, engineering for the Burlington Northern responsible for metallurgy/materials Ruth Ann Schloemer, 8030 Kessler, Railroad in Overland Park, Kan. He and . matters in refinery and chemical plant Overland Park, KS 66204. At MSM he Irma have moved to 15604 Overbrook applications." had been a member of Independents, Lane, Stanley, KS 66224. the Engineers Club and ASCE. He was Robert Dean Jenkins, president of a civil engineer and land surveyor for The death of Gerald M. Wilson on Aug. Jenkins & Blaine Construction Co. and Wilson & Co., Engineers & Architects. 18, has been reported by his brother-in- a member of the Ancient and Accepted Survivors include two sons, a daughter law, John Campbell of Marshall, Mo. Order of Freemasonry in Kansas City, is . and a granddaughter. Gerald is survived by his wife, Jackie, 45 serving as grand commander of the Janin Place, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523. 13,000-member Missouri Grand ComAt MSM he was a member of Kappa mandery of Knights Templar. He was Alpha, Engineers Club, Esperanto elected and installed during the 122nd Association, the "M" Club (lettered in annual meeting of the Masonic football and was a member of the 1950 organization in St. Joseph and will Corn Bowl team), and the Petroleum spend the next 12 months visiting some Club. After serving in the U.S. Marines, 58 local Knights Templar groups in the he joined Schlumberger Well Surveying state. He has held various offices since Corp. as a petroleum engineer and later joining the order in 1961 and has been a worked for Rex Chainbolt Co. and Bear- member of the board of directors of the ing Specialty Co. Masonic Home of Missouri for three years. He is advancing in the line of succession of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, being scheduled to serve in 1989·90 as Grand Master. Hjs home address is 7741 Troost, Kansas City, MO 64131.
Robert Smuland writes: "After 25 years with G.E. in the aircraft engine business, I have become president of the Calma Co. It is a G .E. owned subsidiary in the CAD/CAM business -- now located in sunny Calif. (Santa Clara) ." He and Barbara send us a temporary address: 10 174 Park wood Drive, No.8 , Cupertino, CA 95014.
1959 Edmund W. Rusche Jr. reports that he is now a paten.t attorney in the Office of Naval Research at the Naval Ocean Systems Center in San Diego, Calif. He and Wanda now live at 10395 Rue Cham berry, San Diego, CA 92131.
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Dan and Shirley Martin write: "Our youngest daughter Phyllis, 18, is a freshman at the University of Nevada· Reno. Shirley is now traveling with Dan a great deal. Dan is operations manager for Tenneco Minerals Co., gold mines in Nevada. Please note our new address (P.O. Box 716, Hawthorne, NY 89415); our telephone number is (702) 945-2153 ."
Lee Neumeier, '59, ' 60, left1 and Wilbert Falke, '59, right, demonstrate a method of soft soldering for aluminum developed at the Rolla Research Center of the U.S. James A. Gerard writes: "Looking for- Bureau of Mines. This development was cited by Industrial Research and Developward to the 30th reunion next year!". ment Magazine as one of the 100 most significant te<;hnical advances of the year Jim is manager, saleslbag equipment, for (1982). With the new method, solder joints can be formed on aluminum and its Union Special Corp., Rolling Meadows, alloys after pretreatment of a specific·surface and electroplating that surface with a III. He and Nancy live at 248 Wl;llff St., thin coating of nickel-copper alloy. Details are described in Bureau of Mines Report Cary, IL 60013. 8147 by Falke; Neumeier imd Agnes V. Lee.
MSM Alumnus!27
Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Larry J. Hatfield has been promoted to president of Siegel-Robert Inc., a St. Louis-based automotive and appliance component manufacturing firm. Larry and his wife Pat (E.E. secretary 1960-62) live at 1922 Shadow Wood Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017 . Both of their children are engineering students in Indiana colleges.
Donald W. McCullah is a mechanical engineer with the Goodyear Wire Plant in Asheboro, N.C. He and Sue recently moved to 828 Parkview St. , Asheboro, NC 27203.
The U.S. Post Office has notified the Alumni Association of the death of Charles Lemons is a project manager for Hoyt Lee Simmonds. Hoyt received his Black & Veatch. He and Barbara send degree in civil engineering and had been us a new address: P.O. Box 3635 , a member of ASCE and ASME while a t MSM. Darwin, N.T., Australia 5794. 1983 Rollamo
1960 G. Wayne and Mabel Holman have been living in the Atlanta area at 2776 Scenic Terrace, East Point, GA 30344, since November '81. They write: "We're enjoying the Southeast -- it does get really hot here in summer though. The Army finally remembered that they'd left us in Washington, D.C. area for nearly 12 years and decided to move us to Atlanta. Wayne now has 22 years of service time. We left our four grown-up kids in our Virginia house. Daughter Leslie was married in September '82; the other three kids are still surviving --without too much strife -- in the same house!" William F. Pries meyer J r. has been appointed manager-manufacturing of Banner Iron Works in St. Louis. He joined Banner in 1979 and was plant manager, Green Foundry, until his recent appointment. He is responsible for all manufacturing and engineering activities at both the Kingshighway and Green Foundry plants. He is regional chairman of the Foundry Education Foundation and a director of the American Foundrymen's Society St. Louis chapter. His home address is 3434 Eastridge Lane, St. Ann, MO 63074.
1961 George W. Leck III sends us his new home address: 3523 Midvale Road, Tucker, GA 30084. After 22 years with Cities Service, George accepted a new position with Georgia-Pacific, Atlanta, on June I. He writes: "My title, here as in Tulsa (C.S.), is correlation analyst. No one knows what that means -- which is on purpose! I report to the EVP Finance and do all kinds of 'right-hand man' type jobs from preparing him for board meetings to employee relations and training to support of his microcomputer. Not exactly M.E. but I enjoy the boss and the job very much!"
23 / MSM Alumnus
Billy Marshall was' appointed manager of Geo Energy Technology at Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, N.M., on Sept. I. He has been with Sandia since 1961 serving in several positions, the most recent being in the field of fossil energy as supervisor of enhanced oil recovery. Bill received his B.S. in ME from Louisiana State, his M.S. in ME from MSM, and his PhD, also in ME, from Oklahoma ~tate University . He and his wife Barbara and four children live at 913 Santa Ana SE, Albuquerque, N M 87123.
Frederick H . Steinkuehler is director of engineering, maintenance, for Granite City Steel, Granite City, Ill. He and Jaunita recently moved to No. 57 Glen Crossing, Edwardsville, IL 62025 .
George R. Schillinger is the 1983 recipient of the Water Pollution Control Federatiori (WPCF) Philip F. Morgan Certificate of Merit for in-plant study and solution to an operating problem within a service area of more than 5,000 population. He was honored at the awards banquet of WPCF's annual conference/exposition Oct. 2-6 in Atlanta. George is superintendent of the Bissell Point Treatment Plant of the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District. He was former ly assistant superintendent of the Lemay Treatment Plant and was in charge of the District's pilot plant program. He received the Morgan Certificate of Merit for his innovative work in improving the vacuum filtration of sludges at the Bissell Point facility . This work' involved the design and installation of a batching system for handling dry polymers and resulted in the design and development of a microprocessorbased digital control systemJor vacuum filters . He is a diplomate of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers, a Certified plant engineer .of the American Istit ute of Plant Engineers, a registered professional engineer and class A waste water plant operator in the state of Missouri. He is a member of the WPCF and the American Society of Civil Engineers. He and wife Nancy live at 7598 John Ave. , Oakville, MO 63129.
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Russell C. Solomon III, 423 Pickwick Place, Valparaiso, IN 46383, writes: "I am general superintendent of Midwest Steel Division, National Steel Corp. in Portage, Ind., and currently in executive MBA program at the University of Chicago. We have two children, a boy, 8, and a girl, 5."
Ron Prothero was recently named "Boss of the Year" by the Delta Trinodis Chapter of the American Business Women's -Association at a dinner in his honor in Memphis. Ron is supervisor of maintenance for the 167 -campus Memphis City Schools system. He is active as a cub scout leader, a scoutmaster, a girl scout troop leader, and as a choir member and vestryman of St. John's Episcopal Church. He is a registered professional engineer and holds an elementary school teaching certificate. His home address is 1074 Woodbury St., Memphis, TN 38111 .
Frank D. Wood has been named vice president and general manager of the newly formed Superior Casting Inc. , Dewey, Okla. He was formerly vice president of metallurgy and technical service for Standard Alloys and Manufacturing, Port Arthur, Texas. Frank, Kay and children live at 1711 S.E. Dewey, Bartlesville, OK 74003.
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1962 Henry Dunll is manager, cargo marketing development for Boeing Co., Seattle, Wash. He writes: "Traveled to Kenya and Zambia in May '83 for Boeing. Promoted to colonel in USAR in March '83. Presently command 4th brigade l04th division training." Henry and Kay live at lIl00 30th Place S.W., Seattle, WA 98146.
Raymond A. Fournelle, '64, '68, '71, associate professor, Marquette UniversiHasmukhlal K. Gor is the proprietor of ty, Milwaukee, Wis., is presently spenNUlectro-AUtomech, 68/8 , G .I.D.C. ding his sabbatical leave as a Fulbright Industrial Estate, Vatva-Ahmedabad, Research Scholar and guest professor at Gujarat, India. He and his wife have the University of Stuttgart and the Max Planck Institut fur Metaliforschung. two sons. During his stay in Stuttgart he will be Gary Sander has been employeed by studying phase transformations in a Blount Agri/lndustrial Corp. as vice variety of alloys. His address is Zimmer president-operations in Montgomery, Nr. 107, Holderlin Hochhaus, HegelAla. His new mailing address is P.O . strasse 51, 0-7000 Stuttgart I, West Germany _ Box 11646, Montgomery, AL 36111.
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1964 Continued Rudy Chittenden has been chosen as a Blumenthal Fellow at Queens College, Charlotte, N.C. Recipients are top students in ' ihe Queens Master of Business Administration program , selected on the basis of past academic achievement and on their demonstra· tion of humani,tarian commitme~t and service. Blumenthal Fellows also par· ticipate in the annual Blumenthal Con· ference, a major symposium of business, political, and civic leaders who meet to consider the ethical responsibilities of business and government Rudy is an engineering manager at IBM Corp. and lives at 7016 Pleasant Drive, Charlotte, NC 28211. Robert J. Dacey is a brigidier general and the division engineer for U.S. Army Engineer Division, Southwest, in Dallas, Texas. He and Rosalyn moved to 3120 Trevolle Place, Dallas, TX 75204.
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William A. Turner is now manager, marketing, for military component repair programs with General Electric 1967 Co. in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and Kay have moved to 900 I Symmeshill Court, Loveland, OH 45140_
1965 Larry G. Cline was killed in an automobile accident on Jan. 25 (only 22 days after celebrating his 40th birthday) , according to a notice from his mother, Mrs. John T. Cline, 8210 Orange Ave., Cape Canaveral, FL 32920. At UMR he had been a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon, AlEE and IEEE. He was an electrical engineer with McDonnell-Douglas in Titusville, Fla.
GARY J. CAPONE Gary J. Capone, '67, '69, '73, has been promoted to senior specialist in the acrilan research and development Robert L. Keiser is now E & P liaison department at Monsanto's Technical manager for Sun Company Inc. in Center. He joined Monsanto in 1973 as Radnor, Pa. He and Mary have moved a senior research engineer in polyester to 1326 North Tulip Drive, West process technology and was promoted Chester, PA 19380. MICHAEL L. WALL to specialist in 1978. Prior to joining James E. O'Bryant II has been made a Michael L. WaD has been named chief Monsanto, Gary . was a graduate section leader for Vitro Laboratories in mechanical officer for the Union Pacific teaching assistant here at UMR and Silver Spring, Md. He recently moved ' System's Missouri Pacific Railroad. He served with the U.S. Army Proving his residence to II Farrncrest Court, joined Missouri Pacific in 1967 as a Grounds as a chemical engineer. He is a Silver Spring, MD 20904. special assistant-mechanical in St Louis. member of the American Institute of He went to North Little Rock, Ark., in Chemical Engineers. He and his wife Michael Smith is employed by Cater- 1973 as assistant to the mechanical Karen, and their three children live at pillar Tractor Co., -and writes: "Have superintendent. There, he advanced 1208 Camellia Drive SW, Decatur, AL just been promoted to manager of newly through positions as diesel supervisor 35601. created district to be headquartered in and general car foreman before being Dallas, Texas. District includes North appointed master mechanic in John C. Wei has been promoted to the Texas and Oklahoma. We expect to Longview,Texas, in 1976. In 1977 he position of research specialist at Timlcen move to Dallas area in November." became mechanical superintendent in Research, Canton, Ohio. He joined The When this note was received, he and Houston, Texas, then was promoted to Timlcen Co. in 198 1, after receiving his Alpha were living at 5926 N. Sherwood superintendent-motive power in St Ph.D. in material science and engineer· Louis in 1979. He is a member of several ing from Stanford University, and most Drive, Peoria, IL 61614. national railroad committees and is recently held the position of senior chairman of the Association of metallurgical engineer in the company's American Railroad's Alternative Fuels steel operations division. John is a CO!llmittee and of the member of the American Society for Steering 1966 Locomotive Maintenance Officers Metals and the American Institute of Association's Diesel Material Control Metallurgical Engineers. His home ad· Mark M. Chen is employed by Bechtel Committee. His home address is 15683 dress is 2163 MoWer Drive N.W. , North Power Corp. He recently transferred to Century Lake, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Canton, OH 44720. the San Francisco office to work on the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant .' 'CAUTi " I{ LI !J 11 \;\/I'i nn project He and Linda live at 11309 E. n'} HI It 1111·11 f 1\ \ \\ \\' Agnes St., Cerritos, CA 90701.
John D. Million has been appointed managing director of Ferro Industrial Products Ltd., Ta:ipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. He will be responsible for all domestic sales efforts of frits and colors in Taiwan, as well as manufacturing operations that supply domestic and ex· John Latimer is engineering manager port markets throughout the Far East for Castex Steel, a division of GSC Prior to this assignment, he was the Foundries, Mesquite, -Texas. He and marketing manager for Ferro's coatings Molly live at 7718 Princeton (P.O. Box division in the United States. Since join· 124), Rowlett, TX 75088. ing the company in 1964, he has served as the operations manager of Ferro's Richard Richardson is newly employed Los Angeles frit and color operation, by the Tennessee Valley Authority in sales manager of the Los Angeles district Knoxville, Tenn. He and Linda live at and as a sales/service engineer for the 716 Ste. Genevieve Ave., Farmington, coatings division. He earned a masters MO 63640. degree in business administration from Case· Western Reserve University , Larry M. Smedley has been appointed Cleveland. He is a member of the district manager for Exxon Company American Ceramic Society, Society of USA in Ventura, Calif. He and Nancy the Plastics Industry and Society of have· moved to 2109' Railey ' Ceurt, Manufacturing Engineers . . Thousand Oaks, CA 91360.- , . :/
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MSM Alumnus!29
Alumni Personals _____________________
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Donald Homesley is now an inspector with LEMCO Engineers in St. Louis. He and Beth live at 615 Mosport, St. Charles, MO 63301.
Ronald L. James is now division superintendent at Pure Transportation Co. in Houma, La. He and Phyllis live at 103 Colyell, Houma, LA 70363.
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Mike Knenlein is an area manager for Nalco Chemical and was transferred in August, to Champaign, Ill . . He and Betty moved to 609 Park Lane, Champaign, IL. 61820.
1967 Continued
1983 Rollamo
Richard L. Baker has joined the staff of 1969 Moore & Wolfinbarger, an engineer and surveyor firm in Springfield, Mo. He is a registered engineer in Missouri, Arkan- Dan Besterfeldt has been made departsas and Kansas, and will be responsible ment chief, product management, at for electrical and mechanical design Western Electric in Morristown, N.J. work in the three-state area. His home He was transferred from Birmingham, address is 805 Highway AB, Box 38, Ala., where he was in system sales. He and Bonnie have moved to 4 Laurel Hill Willard, MO 65781. Drive, Randolph, NJ 07869.
1968 Roger Beck, '68, '79, is now a major in the USAF, stationed at Offutt APB in Omaha, Neb. He and Christina live at 1129 Patricia, Papillion, NE 68046. Jerome Bergfeld is a supervisor for United Technologies Building Systems Telecommunications, Irving, Texas. He and Mary Frances live at 800 Shadow Ridge, Irving, TX 75061 . Clyde M. Douglass Jr., P.O. Box 911 , Rochester, MN 55903 , writes: " Now assistant director of facilities engineering with St. Mary's Hospital (Mayo Clinic Group), responsible for planning and design of acute care and research facilities on the 48-acre campus." John L. Schoeneck is a staff engineer at Hughes Aircraft Co. in EI Segundo, Calif. He and Gale live at 2109 Clark Lane, Unit E, Redondo Beach, CA 90278. Robert G. Towne is employed by Westinghouse in Pittsburgh, Pa. He and Marilyn have moved to 2542 Derby Court, Wexford, PA 15090. Richard J. Vehige has recently been appointed assistant vice president, network planning, for Southwestern Bell in St. Louis. He and his wife Carol and family live at 404 Briarwyck Drive, Ballwin, MO 630 II . They are expecting their 7th child in October, who will join three brothers and three sisters.
3O/ MSM Alumnus
John E; Krueger has recently changed employment. He is now division coordinating geophysicist for Superior Oil Co. in Woodlands, Texas. He and Marlene have moved to 16918 Butteroak Drive, Spring, TX 77379. Notice has been received of the death, on july 25, of Robert Michael Nicodemus. At UMR he was a member of Delta Sigma Phi, the "M" Club (football), Theta Tau and Blue Key. He has been employed by Shell Chemical-
Gary Brune is division production superintendent for Samedan Oil Corp_, Denver, Colo. He and Linda have moved to 7060 S . Cook Way, Littleton, CO 80122.
D WILLIAM K. OTT William K. Ott joined Completion Tool Company as international marketing manager -.eastern hemisphere in July. He was with Halliburton Services for the past eleven years and had just returned to the U.S.A. after 4!i2 years in Singapore as . division engineer for Halliburton Ltd. He and Janet now live at 4200 Westheirner Road, Suite 211 , Houston, TX 77027. Ernest R. Verebelyi has been made vice president of manufacturing at Goodman Manufacturing Co. in Houston, Texas. He and Linda have moved to 1047 Barkston Drive, Katy, IX 77450.
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Eugene B. Buerke is an associate civil engineer for Mobil Oil Corp. in Princeton, N.J . He and Rosemary reside at 932 Randolph Drive, Yardley, PA 19067. Roger Dewey, '69, '71, has joined the mining engineering faculty of the Colorado School of Mines as an instructor. He also is continuing his private consulting practice in fuel supply, mi ning feasibility , and operations improvement services. His home address is JERRY K. FULLER 12836 E. Ohio A ve., Aurora, CO Jerry K. Fuller has been appointed 80012. superintendent of Union Wire Rope's John A Ebeling recently joined Hughes wire mill at its Kansas City plant. Union Helicopters Inc., Culver City, Calif. , as Wire Rope is an Armco unit. Jerry will manager of engineering quality . He and be responsible for general wire mill Sarah have a new home at 589 Nyes operations. He began his Armco career Place, Laguna Beach, CA 92651. John in 1969 as an associate civil engineer for writes: "A year for 'newness' in the the Kansas City Works. In 1979 he Ebeling family -- a new home overlook- transferred to the Works' energy and ing the Pacific Ocean and a new job environment department, and moved to overlooking -the development and pro- Union Wire Rope engineering in 1982. duction of the most advanced military It is from the position of senior civil helicopter ever made, the Army's engineer that Jerry assumes his new AH-64 Apache (more sophisticated than responsibilities. He is a licensed profesBlue Thunder!). Matt, 6 years old, and sional engineer and active in several professional engineering societies including Katie, 3 years old, think it's all great!" the Missouri Society of professional Donald Fielding, '69, '71, is now senior Engineers, American Society of Civil geologic associate at Union Texas Engineers and the National Society of Petroleum, Houston, Texas. He and his Professional Engineers. His home adnew wife, Brenda, live at 7522 dress is 1441 E. 21 Ave-, N. Kansas Weatherhill Lane, Houston, TX 77041. City, MO 64116. .
o 1970 Philip Baker, '70, '72, is senior industrial engineer for Santa Fe Railroad, Cleburne, Texas. He and Patricia have moved to 1122 Center, Cleburne, TX 76031. Linda (Glick) and Michael Brady announce the birth of their second son, Mark, on June 28. They say "two-year old Paul is happy to have a brother." Linda is employed as supervisor at Kafoury, Armstrong & Co. , Reno, Nev. ).. The Brady family lives at 3220 Heights Drive, Reno, NY 89503. Karen Calfee sends us the following information: "New position, new company -- now administrative assistant to the president/CEO of MedAmerica Health Systems Corp., Dayton, Ohio. Formerly executive secretary to the director of marketing, Bendix Measurement Systems Division." Karen lives at 1672 Countryside Drive, Dayton, OH 45432 . Robert A. Dennis is . a production superintendent for Freeport Chemical Company in Convent, La. He and Jacqueline have a new address: 3125 Galahad, Baton Rouge, LA 70816.
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Alumni Personals ___________________________________________ 1970 Continued Ronald Fluegge is now a nuclear consultant analyst at University Computing Company in Dallas, Texas. He and Vicki have moved to 5633 North Colony Blvd., The Colony, TX 75056. Edwin J. Garrison, '70, '74, is a geologist for Ranchers Exploration & Development Co. Inc., Reno, Nev. His home address is 1942 Richards Place, No. 42, Sparks, NV 89431 . Larry G. Leuschke, '70, '77, is now an aerospace engineer with A VCO Aerostructures Division. He and Barbara have moved to 3509 Wood Bridge Drive, Nashville, TN 37217.
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Russen C. Borries Jr. is a metallurgical engineer with Reynolds Metal Co. in Grand Rapids, Mich. He and Dorothy live at 1659 Chateau Drive S.W., Wyoming, 1\11 49509.
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Jeffrey L. Zelms is now vice president of mining with St. Joe Lead Co., division of St. Joe Minerals, in Marysville, Calif. He and Carol moved to 13980 Strawberry Circle, Penn Valley, CA 95946.
Kenneth L. Metz Jr., '70, '75, writes: "I have married (Kathy Anne) and moved 'down the road' to Duncanville -- outskirts of Dallas." The couple's new ad- 1971 dress is 607 Grant Court, Duncanville, . Col. John H. Atkinson is now deputy TX 75137. division engineer with the U.S. Army Roger Norris is now director, facilities Corps of Engineers in Dallas, Texas. engineering, at The Lee Company in John and Mary Lou live at 1106 Bobbie Shawnee Mission, Kan. He and Carolyri Lane, Garland, TX 75042. have moved to 11600 Woodward, Overland Park, KS 66210. William J. Bauman is a division senior process engineer for Reynolds Metals. James D. Parmelee is now director of He and Pamela live at 1811 Live Oak, research and development for Allied Portland, TX 78374. They write: "The Mineral Products Inc. in Columbus, whole family is going to western Ohio. He and Barbara have moved to Australia for approximately six months 2071 Stanford Road, Columbus, OH while Bill takes part in the start-up of 43212 . . the Worsley alumina plant southeast of Perth."
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Harold E. Sebastian Jr. is senior commodities trader for Philipp Brothers Inc., New York, N.Y. He and Darla live at 77 East Ridge Road, Stamford, CT 06903.
Craig A. Lindquist has joined Brooks Erection & Construction Co. as manager of its newly established contract maintenance division in St. Louis. Craig's home address is 1575 Beacon Woods, St. Louis,' MO 63011.
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Jimmy Schottel, '70, '74, has accepted the position of supervisor, quality engineering, with Illinois Power Co. in Clinton, Ill. He and Nancy send a new mailing address: Route 2, Box 245 , Clinton, IL 6'1727.
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James L. H ollis now wO,rks for Mary Kay Cosmetics as a packaging system engineer in Dallas, Texas. He and Donetta have moved to 437 Woodway, Coppell, TX 75019.
J . Douglas Marek has moved to 3200 Eagle Pass Lane, Edmond, OK 73034. He is employed by Sun Exploration & Production Co., Oklahoma City, Okla. as district gas engineer.
David Simon is now engineering manager for Webster Industries, Macomb, Ill. He and Jo-Dine have moved to 631 Meadow Drive, Macomb, IL 61455 .
Robert and Andrea (Rice) Miodunski live at 1809 S. Valley Parkway, Lewisville, TX 75067.
Martha Thompson now works for the McNeill Agency, Little Rock, Ark., as a computer consultant. She and Timothy send a new address: 12 Royal Court, Little Rock, AR 7221 f.
Roger E. Mueller is a senior geophysicist with Teledyne Exploration in Houston, Texas. He and Delia send their new address: 8811 Boone Road, No. 1205, Houston, TX 77099.
Roger Whitney is a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army. He and Sarah receive mail at 1714 W. 17th Ave., Kennewick, WA 99336. The death of Richard Allen Wood has been reported to the Alumni Association by the electrical engineering department.
1972 C. Michael (Mike) Jones has accepted the position of director of engineering with ERIC Engineering, and energy management firm in Birmingham, Ala. He and Linda and their three children (girl, 8, and boys 5 & I yr.) live at 4710 Vintage Lane, Birmingham, AL 35244 .
Alan L. Link has been promoted to district staff manager , disposition / transporta tion services, for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. in St. Louis. He and Mary (Gilaine) recently moved to 2022 Sunflower Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017.
Hans K. Schmoldt has started a new business - First Energy Exploration, 743 Horizon Court, Suite 205-B, Grand Junction, CO 81501. Hans, president of the company, writes: "In the short term: First Energy will concentrate its efforts on evaluating leases that contain tar sands, coal or oil shale. We will also seek contract work in oil and gas. Since activity in this field is slow, we hope to be able to match buyers with seners of surplus acreage. I would like to see First Energy evaluating oil and gas leases by January 1984 and eventually participating in oil and gas drilling programs. We will be headquartered in Grand Junction as it is within 100 miles of every form of domestic energy resource." Hans is the son of Hans E. Schmoldt, '44.
David C. Smith is a geologist with the Missouri Geological Survey office in Rolla. He and Marcia have moved to Route 2, Box 322, Rolla, MO 65401.
William R. Stinnett has been promoted to planning supervisor at Emerson Electric, Florissant, Mo. He and Joyce Ann live at 11567 Patty Ann Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146.
George J. Dougherty is now a lieutenant colonel at Fort Monroe, Va. He and Brenda have recently moved to 524 Elizabeth Lake Drive, Hampton, V A 23669. -! Donald D. Henderson has joined the faculty of UMR as a lecturer in petroleum engineering. Prior to coming to UMR, he managed the petroleum distribution system in South Korea. He also has served in positions that involved scheduling tankers for all European ports and managing a pipeline system in Alaska . Choyes Hilterbrand has been named manufacturing director, health care division, at Kimberly Clark Corp., Roswell, Ga.. He and Melinda moved to 5785 Broxton Circle, Norcross, GA 30092.
19831. . . .
MSM Alumnus/ 31
Alumni Personals --------------------------~----~-------
Dick Elgin, '74, '76, assistant professor of civil engineering at UMR, writes that he is a principal in the firm of Elgin & Knowles Surveying Consultants Inc., Fayetteville, Ark. The specialty firm of. fers consultation on legal aspects of boundry location, technical aspects of surveying, and on surveying software/hardware. Dick, his wife Jeannette, and their two children live at 604 Whitney Lane, Rolla, MO 6540 I.
Victor W. Lomax Jr., 1434 N. Benton Ave., Springfield, MO 65802, writes: 1973 "Beginning with academic year 1983-84 I am an assistant professor of accountancy at Southwest Missouri State Thomas D. Akers is now a captain in University." the U.S. Air Force, working as a flight test engineer at Eglin AFB, Fla. He and Mike McKinnis has been promoted Kaye Lynn have recently moved to 258 from quotations manager to sales manager - for Acme Structrual Inc., Dominica Circle, Niceville, FL 32578. Springfield, Mo., a custom fabricator of John W. Botts is now senior mechanical structural and plate-steel products. Mike engineer at Big Rivers Electric Corp. in joined the company in 1975 as a sales Henderson, Ky. He and Hazel are living estimator. His home address is 928 S. at 407B Spring Garden Road, Hender- Coachlight, Springfield, MO 65804. son, KY 42420. Gary R. Christopher recently joined Indian Wells Oil Co., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ferrell Companies Inc., as vice president and manager of acquisitions, Tulsa, Okla. Gary will be responsible for locating, evaluating and purchasing producing oil and gas properties. He has been in the banking industry since 1978. During those years{ he held several positions, the most reCent being senior vice president and manager of petroleum lending at the First National Bank of Tulsa. Before entering the banking field, Gary held engineering positions with Texaco and Amerada Hess. His current mailing address is P.O. Box 2040, Tulsa, OK 74102. Karen Florup, 2813 Prescott Drive, Carrollton, TX 75006, writes: "Happily married (finally!) and no kids yet. Living ¡outside Dallas, working for Anderson, Clayton & Co. as a capacity planning analyst.'; James L. Hess is senior statistician for DuPont Co. in Beaumont, Texas. He and Sue send a new address: 6910 Glen Willow, Beaumont, TX 77706.
is a staff Lawrence . W. Herold specialist, data systems, for Southwestern Bell in St. Louis. He and wife, Nita, are expecting their third child in Feb. '84.
Vic Ordija, manager-environmental quality control, Illinois Surface Operations of Consolidation Coal Co., was recently presented a speaker's gavel award for being the region's top speaker in 1982 in Consol's Midwestern Regi.o n "Speak Out!" program. Vic made 31 speeches in 1982 on behalf of the program, which was formed to educate the public concerning .coal and the nation's energy situation. Vic's home address is Route 7, Wood Road, Carbondale, IL 62901.
MARK X. STRATMAN Mark X. Stratman has been promoted to senior manager in the management advisory services division of Price Waterhouse. Since leaving Rolla, he received a master's degree in data processing from Washington University an~ held data processing ' positions at Robert and Deborah Preston announce Monsanto Co., Holiday Inns Inc., and the birth of their first chiid -- a boy! the Trane Co: He joined Price Jeffery Christopher was born Feb. 19. Waterhouse in 1979. Mark is an Bob has accepted a new position as cor- associate member of the Institute of porate M.l.S. manager with Dekalb Ag Management C9nsultants. His home adResearch of Dekalb, III_ -The Prestons dress is 738 Windy Ridge Drive, live at 52 Sheridan, Elgin, lL 60120. Manchester, MO 63011.
Janet and David ('80, '83) Thompson receive mail at P.O. Box 1965, Rolla, MO 65401. Janet is a homemaker and David is a graduate teaching assistant at . UMR.
Ain Utt, 15 Webb St., Warrandyte, Victoria, Australia, 3113, writes: "I have been working for six years with Wilkinson Sword Group, consumer proJohn E. HiD, Star Route, Box 147-A, . ducts division, as chief chemist. Live -Dexter, MO 63841, writes: "Employed with wife, Donna, and four children by Hedrick Concrete Products, --Kylie, Amanda, Aarian and Linda -- in Sikeston, Mo., as plant engineer; two Warrandyte, a rural area of Melbourne. children -- Jeremy, 7lh years, and Sarah, We would welcome any visitors 'down under'." 5 years."
David Viox was promoted on July I, from sales rep to industrial sales manager for J .M. Huber Corp. , Clay Division with responsibilities for U.S. and Canada area. He and Kathy now reside at 131 Tennyson Trail, Macon, GA 31210. Robert Virgin, 2417 Buckingham Square, B2, Apt. 323, Urbandale, IA 50322, writes: "Ran my first marathon May I, in a time of 3 hours 6 minutes. It was a long hard battle to get back into shape after 10 years of not running. I am working for Y ounkers Department Stores in Des Moines as accounting manager."
Alan S.Kornacki received a travel gram from Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, FRG, to pr~nt a¡ paPer at the annual meeting of the Meteoritical Society in September. Alan's home address is 24 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA 02138.
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ADen P. _Kuliniewicz is now an instrument engineer for Shell Oil Co. in Wood River, III. Allen and his wife, Betty, have moved to 5461 Chatfield Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129.
Geetha Rao is now an instructor in computer science at Western Illinois University, Macomb, Ill. She and her husband, Dr. Vaman Rao, live at 130 Pam Lane, Macomb, lL 61455.
Robert Sims has joined the staff of Murphy Co., Mechanical Contractors and Engineers Inc., St. Louis, as chief engineer, design/build division. He was previously vice president of System Aire Inc., Earth City. His home address is 16071 Meadow Oak, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Steve Souders is regional engineering manager for Amoco Production Company in Denver, Colo. He and Carol live at 8352 E. Phillips Place, Englewood, CO 80112. The write: "We continue to enjoy Denver and the Rockies. Now busy planning for the arrival of our first child, due in January, '84."
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. 1983 RoUamo
32 / MSM Alumnus
Omur and Vehhi Tasar presently live. at Road No . .2, Box 253, Harvard, MA 01451.
Marvin E. Borgmeyer, '74, '75, is a section supervisor for Exxon Chemical Americas in Baton Rouge, La. He and Susan live at 734 Shady Lake Parkway, Joe Thomas received his Ph.D. from Baton Rouge, LA 70810. Marvin Texas A & M University in August, and writes: "Expecting our second child in is now assistant professor of business adDecember -- Matthew is three years old. ministration at Northeast Missouri State ' Susan is tax manager for Ernst & University in Kirksville. He and Phyllis Whinney; I'm supervising a chlorobutyl . moved to Route 3, Kirksville, MO 63501. rubber finishing unit in Baton Rouge."
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1975 William E. Acree Jr., '75, '77, '81, has moved to 200 H ickory Mill Circle, Kent, OH 44240. He is now an assistant professor at Kent State University in the chemistry department. Wanda L. Garner, 2123 N . Cooper, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 , writes: "[ have been math department chair for the last three years at Colorado Technical College in Colorado Springs. [ am also one of two state delegates to the national conventions of AMA TYC (American Mathematical Assoc. of Two Year Colleges). Colorado Technical College is a private college offering AS and BS degrees in electronics engineering technology, solar engineering technology, biomedical ' engineering technology, computer science, and industrial management. "
Tom Miesner was recently promoted to senior staff engineer-evaluation and economics, by Continental Pipe Line Co. in Houston, Texas. Tom and Kathy reside at 8114 Glorieta Drive, Houston, TX 77083. Ronald Mitchum is head of passenger sales at F irestone Tire & Rubber Co., Columbia, Mo. He has moved to 5616 Maple Court, Columbia, MO 65201. William Morley is a process engineer with Procter & Gamble in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and Ruth have a new home at 227 Grove Ave., Wyoming, OH 45215. Steven H. Petrofsky, '75, '78, is now general manager of Therapeutics Technologies Inc., Xenia, Ohio. He and Jean live at 1616 Etta Kable Drive, Beavercreek, OH 45434. Daniel Roy is a sales engineer for Hydro Conduit Corp., Denver, Colo. He has moved to 11923 Monroe St., Thornton, CO 80233. Stephen E. Starke is now vice president of Houston Computer Services Inc., Houston, Texas. He and Rebecca have moved to 13307 Bafing, Houston, TX
, Michael Stevens began employment in January '82, with Luscar Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, as a senior mining engineer. He and wife Terry live at 314-5 2117 Range Road 220, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada T8EICI.
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Doug and Pam Henry have moved to Wichita, Kan., where Doug has been promoted to supervisor of division engineering for Kansas Gas & Electric. Their new home address is 954 Emerson, Wichita, KS 67212. Also, Doug successful1y passed the Kansas P.E. exam in April. They write: "If ever anyone's in Wichita, come by and see us!" Michael L. Kempf is assistant superintendent for W.R. Grace in Enoree, S.c. He and Rosa have moved to 408 Abner, E-II, Spartanburg, SC 29301.
Roberta Wilhelm Treasurer writes: "We have a new daughter, Laura Michelle, born April 7. With three preschoolers, I'm pretty busy, but enjoying it. Jeanne is four and Paul is two. I enjoy the Chicago area despite the climate." Roberta, Bill and children live at 201 N. Martha, Lombard, IL 60148.
James Detry is employed by Gould Inc., Rolling Meadows, Ill., and lives at 734 W. Dempster, G-4, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056. He writes: "I got my Ph.D. in solid state electronics from the University of Illinois at Urbana. I am presently ruqning a project on three-dimensional CMOS at the central research labs of Gould." Major Bruce W. Haigh writes: "Currently serving as director/engineering, 26th support group, and director/engineering and housing, U.S. military community activity, Heidelberg, Germany: On promotion list to lieutenant colonel." He and Jo Anne receive mail through Box 781 , APO NY 09403. Richard A: Harmon is now director of engineering for Powers Process Controls in Skokie, III. His home is located at 2302 Noyes, Evanston, IL 60201.
John A. Moritz Jr. has been appointed Notice has been received of the death of manager, business planning, for the Nguyen Quang Van. He received his Brass Group, Olin Corp., East Alton, Ill. Ph.D. from UMR in mechanical engineering, then was a post ' doctoral James B. Nischwitz, '76, '77, is newly fellow at UMR before entering industry employed as chief programmer for Buzzwhere he worked for Rohm & Haas Co. words, Inc. of Cape Girardeau, Mo. He and Martin Processing Inc. and Maria have moved to 1824 Big Bend Road, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701.
Kevin and Cindy Long send us their address: 200 I Cypress Drive, Champaign, IL 61821. Craig Luttes is senior contract administrator for Martin Marietta Corp., Orlando, Fla. He and Jan live at 2112-A W. Oak Ridge Road, Orlando, FL 32809.
1983 RoIIamo
Pamela and -Jim Barth had their first child, Christopher James, on August 14. Jim is a petroleum engineer for Getty Oil in Weatherford, Okla. The Barths live at 1409 Timbercreek, Weatherford, OK 73096.
1976 Abdullah Y. Ahmed is a design engineer at Anco Engineers Inc., Culver City, Calif. He and Patricia live at 337 W. Fairview Ave., Inglewood, CA 90302.
William D. Snodgrass is a senior engineer in electronics with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. He and Marty write: "We were blessed with a son, Brian, born July 14." The Snodgrass family lives at 1380 Carmona Drive, Florissant, MO 63033. David Stinson is with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Kansas City, Mo. He and Connie live at 719 W. Kansas, Liberty, MO 64068. Brian J. Swenty is chief engineer, Dam Safety Program, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Rolla. He and Connie have a new home address: 1807 Mea@ow Court, Rolla, MO 65401. Michael N. Watkins writes: "Will be accepting a promotion with Cornhusker Council, Boy Scouts .of America, and am moving to Lincoln, Neb., in early 1984. Have new baby, Sarah Anne, born June 26. May be contacted at office address: 3940 Corn husker Highway, Suite 400, Lincoln, NE 68504. Terry L. Whiteside has been promoted to senior analyst at Conoco in Ponca City, Okla. His home address is 200 Westbury, Ponca City, OK 74601.
Gregory L. Oppenhuis is now manager, mechanical contract engineering, at Frank Allen is now a senior systems Westinghouse Electric Corp. in Ran- analyst for Shell Oil Co., Tulsa. He has dolph, N.J. He and Peg have moved to . moved to 4826 S. Quaker, Tulsa, OK . 35 Wordsworth Drive, Sparta, NJ 74105. 07871. Gregory Frank, '77, 'SO, is a geologist Larry A. Peck sends a new mailing ad- with A.W. Arnold Associates, Elko, dress: P.O. Box 132, Marble Canyon, Nev. His mailing address is P.O. Box AZ 86036. He is self-employed. 2026, Elko, NY 89801.
MSM Alumnus / 33
Alumni Personals ----------------------------------------------------Corrine Grimm is the new corporate counsel for Pickwick International Inc. in Minneapolis, Minn . Her new home address is 3225 Chicago Ave. S. , 2nd floor, Minneapolis, MN 55407.
Steve Olson writes: "I have returned to Washington Unjversity where I will be completing my MBA degree in December. The past summer was spent in San Francisco working for HewlettPackard as part of the Business Development Group, the marketing arm of their David Hoppe recently accepted the posi- computer business. Chris Buechler ('78) tion of mechanical engineer with the and I are no longer sharing living Tennessee Valley Authority in Knox- quarters -- he's found someone more atville, Tenn. His new home address is 411 tractive! I can be reached at 6 Filly College Ave., Scottsboro, AL 35768. Court, Florissant, MO 63033." Randall Jones is now an M.D. with Tucson Hospitals Medical Education Program in Tucson, Ariz. He lives at 2660 N. Alvernon Way, No. A-232 , Tucson, AZ 85712. 1983 Rollamo
1977 Continued Henry E. Haggard has moved to 1422 E. Chestnut, Desloge, MO 63601. He writes: "My wife Janet and son Joe (now 3 years old) are doing fine . 1 am now a senior construction inspector with the Missouri Highway Department at the Sarah Street project office in St. Louis. Any old friends in the neighborhood please drop by and see us." Ted Kelly is now a management specialist with Black & Veatch in Kansas City, Mo. and Carol moved to 9903 Calle . Sombrio, No. ' 65 , Merriam, KS 66203 . .
Michael G. Quagliata has recently been employed by the Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center in St. Louis. He lives at 1415 McLaran Ave., St. Louis, MO 63147. Ronald Reynolds is employed by Federal Express in Memphis, Tenn. He and Cindy live at 1345 ' S. Faronia Square, Memphis, TN 38116.
1978 David E Amthauer recently moved to 2071 Rexford Road, 'Montgomery, AL 36116. He is a major in the USAF at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery . Albert M. Bahhuth is an assistant professor at the University of Wyoming in Laramie. His new home address is 1308 82070. Flint St. , A~t. 2, Laramie,
Debra Budd sends a new address: 423 Meadowwood Drive., Edge~ood, MD 21040. Jacquelyn Falconi works as a project analyst at Gould Inc.'s Ocean Systems Division in Cleveland, Ohio. She and Joseph live at 521 Aqueduct St., Akron, OH 44303 . She writes: "Looking forward to Homecoming -- catching up on where fellow UMR grads are and what they are doing!"
Robert Sexton is now an industrial engineer for Peabody Coal-Rocky Mountain division, Denver. He and Samuel W. France is a project manager Brenda have moved to 19791 E. Green- with the U.S. Army, currently an Air Force regional engineer on exchange in wood Dr.ive, Aurora, CO 80013 . Atlanta, Ga. He and Deborah have Glendon T. Stevens 111 and wife Rita mov ed to 605 Dunbar Drive , ('78) have moved to 654 Bustleton Pike, Dunwoody , GA 30338 . Richboro, PA 18954. John R. Ganofsky Jr., '78, '80, is now a Nicole L. M. Talbot and David M. project software engineer for Sperry Craycraft, both class of '77, were A vionics. He has moved to 6410 W. married on May 15. Nicole w'r ites: "I am Kings Ave., G lendale, AZ 85306. still an associate engineer at IBM ; David is a computer programmer for the Stephens E. German is now engineering Republican Party of Kentucky. We manager, microprocessor test enginerbought a house this June. Our new ad- ing, for National Semiconductor Corp. dress is 250 Elmwood Drive, Lexington, in West Jordan, Utah. He and Robin KY 40505 . have moved to 11514 S. Equestrian Drive, South Jordan, UT 84065. Kathy Veit was married to Richard E. Kolb on July 9. The couple lives at 1013 Rolin Geronsin is a geologist with Carol, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Geophoto Services Inc. in Denver, Colo. Kathy is now an evironmental engineer He and his wife, Marcia Cardettiwith the Missouri Department of Geronsin, have moved to 535 ManhatNatural Resources. tan Drive, No. 203, Boulder, CO 80303.
34 / MSM Alumnu s
Kevin Lahay is employed by Gulf Oil Corp. as a senior petroleu'm engineer. He and Linda live at 1527 E. Sanger, Hobbs, NM 88240. Kevin writes: "Married Linda in April '81. We are enjoying the nice people and great w~ather in the "Land of Enchantment" Hobbs, N .M .
Kay Sooter is an assOCiate attorney with Stinson, Mag & Fizzell in Kansas City, Mo. She and Kent live at IIIII E. 6th, Independence, MO 64054 . Robert M. Smith Jr. is an engineer in materials and process development . at McDonnell Aircraft in St. Louis. He and Julie (Atchley) moved recently to 1924 Acorn Trail Drive, Florissant, MO 63031.
Harry T. Laswell II has been promoted to marketing product manager for Intel Corp. in Santa Clara, Calif. He and Stacey (Jostad) have moved to 1179 Bracebridge Court, Los G.atos, CA 95008 . Greg Melton writes: "Currently 'working with long range planning team at Reynolds Metals Co.'s Jamaican subsidiary after stints in Arkansas and Brazil. Married Debbie in January '82 and expecting first child in February." Greg receives mail c/o Reynolds Jamaica Mines Ltd., Lydford P.O., St. Ann, Jamaica, WI. John O. Moles and 'wife Renee announce the birth of their third child, Lisa Leanne, on Feb. 1. She was ¡ welcomed by 5-year-old Jason and 3-year-old Kimberly . John is still with the Gulf Oil Co. of Port Arthur, Texas. The family's address is 4830 Foster, Groves, TX 77619. Abr'aham Nativ, 82 Watchung Ave., Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 , writes: "Within the last year I have completed my MBA , was promoted to director of G ild Industries Division (sheltered workshops) of the Jewish G uild for the Blind in N.Y.C. , and married Judy ."
1983 Rollamo
Rita Stevens is now a research-process engineer for Rohm & Haas Co. in Bristol, Pa. She and Glendon (,77) live at 654 Bustleton Pike, Richboro, PA 18954. Barry Stone is now a software design engineer for Texas Instruments in Dallas. He and Elaine live at 9455 Skillman, No. 2607 , Dallas, TX 75243.
Robert J. Tenholder sends a new address: 911 2 Dana, St. Louis, MO 63123 . He writes: " \ am a traffic studies engineer for the Missouri Highway & Teri and Bob ('79) Nunnally announce Transportation Department and first the birth of a son , Daniel Charles, on lieutenant in the I I 38th Engineering June 18. The family lives at Route I, Battalion of the Missouri Army Box 35-1, Joplin, MO 64801. National Guard . I've been married for three years to Jean, a pharmacist. John T. Pyron is now a lieutenant in the Thanks for your alumni news -- I feel it U.S. Navy , attached to Trident helps keep me in touch :" Command and Control System , Maintenance Act., in Newport, R.1. He Hsien¡Lung Tsai has a new address: and Carie live at 321 Davis St. , 15-3; AL II , LN 200, Yung-Chi Rd., Taipei, Taiwan 105. Newport, RI 02840.
Alumni Personals ___________________________________________ to
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Steve and Cindy (Miller) Lampe have moved to San Diego, Calif. Steve is now by Solar Turbines Inc. as a employed Dan C. Vance was married to Kathleen senior engineer and Cindy attends San Weir on June II, in Philadelphia, Pa. Diego State University for her master's Kathleen is a 1978 graduate of Penn State University. They write: "We vaca- degree in geology. tioned in Maine, mostly Bar Harbor and Boothby Harbor." The couple lives at Norman Lazaroff and wife, Kim, have 807 Nashua, Houston, TX 77008. moved to 348 W. Glen Drive, Glen Carbon, IL 62034. He is a metallurgical David Webers is a senior systems engineer with Granite City Steel Co. , engineer at Rockwell International in Granite City, Ill. Richardson, Texas. He and Mary live at 4049 Lonesome Trail, Plano, TX 75023. Jeffery S. Lewis is a high'way engineer with the Federal Highway Administration in Vancouver, Wash. He and Susan write: "Our first child was born July 18. 1979 Her name is Elizabeth Rose and she Brad and Sue Ann Aman, along with weighed 8 Ibs. 14 ounces." The Lewis son Guy (born March 3, 1983) have family makes their home at 305 SE 94th moved to 409 Wren Drive, Mt. Vernon, Ave., Vancouver, WA 98664. IL 62864. Brad is a production engineer for Farrar Oil Company in Mt. Vernon Richard LiUeston has been named a field and Sue Ann is working on a master's in systems engineer with Black & Veatch accounting at Southern Illinois Univer- of Kansas City. He and Lisa have moved to 3801 Fox Trail, Apt. 716, sity. Benbrook, TX 76109. Matthew Baebler, '79, '80, writes: "I'm on an assignment (project engineer, Max M attione recently moved to 4331 Amoco Oil Co.) in the L.A. area and liv- Leslie Lane, Decatur, IL 62526. He is ing in Pasadena. However, keep using employed at A.E. Staley Manufacturing the Chicago address as this assignment is Co., Decatur, as an instrument engineer. temporary. All is going well." Matt's address is 225 N. Michigan Ave., B-601, ' Christopher E. McCann is a project Chicago, IL 6060 I. . en~neer with the GOU1?,ty ' Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County in Debra Bene has a new home address: Whittier, Calif. He moved recently to 10005 Woodkey Lane, Apt. 3, Owings 139-A 7th St., Seal Beach, CA 90740. Mills, MD 21117. She is a corporate engineer for Gould Inc. of Rolling Bob and Teri ('78) NunnaUy announce Meadows, Ill. the birth of a son, Daniel Charles, on June 18. The family lives at Route I, Mark Bortfeld has been promoted to Box 35-1, Joplin, MO 64801. senior consultant in the management advisory services division of Price Stuart Obermann has accepted the posiWaterhouse. Prior to joining Price tion of systems consultant with Waterhouse in 1982, he served as a pro- Intergraph Corp., Huntsville, Ala. He grammer analyst for John Deere Co. was previously employed at McDonnell Mark is a member of the American Pro- Douglas. He and Marcia moved to duction and Inventory Control Society. 4037-1 Hunters Ridge, Huntsville, AL He and Robyn and their daughter reside 35802. at 1012 Monroe, St. Charles, MO 63301. Kenneth J. Ogle is an engineer, electronics, for McDonnell Douglas. He Eric Cromer is employed as an engineer recently moved to 3121 Jacob, Visalia, for Inmont Corp. in St. Louis. His new CA 93277. home address is 1145 Breakwater Way, Creve Coeur, MO 6314 1. Stephen Petty tells us he is now a student in the master of divinity program at David J . Greco writes: "Our fa mily has Assemblies of God G raduate S<;:hool in moved to 5411 -B Windflower Circle, Springfield, Mo. He and Veneita'are livAnchorage, AK 99507. I have accepted ing at 2300 N. Farmer, Springfield, MO a job with Arco Alaska Inc. as senior 65803. facility planning engineer for the Kuparuk River field on the north slope. My previous job was with Arco Oil & Kevin D. Phillips is a production Gas Co. in Dallas, Texas." engineer for Esco Exploration Inc., division of Exxon Corp., in Tulsa, Okla. He Mark Krahenbuhl writes: "Terri and I and Susan recently moved to 12005 E . have a new baby boy, Sean Mark, born 89th St. N., Owasso, OK 74055. August 7." Mark is operations engineer for Petrus Operating Company Inc., Brian and Doritha ('80) Ramey are livDallas, Texas. The family lives at 3628 ing at 625 High Place, Ferguson, MO Pinehurst Court, Plano, TX 75075. 63135_
1978 Continued
Mark Reichardt is a petroleum engineer employed by Grace Petroleum , Oklahoma City , Okla. He and Judy have moved to 14209 Heritage Circle, Edmond, OK 73034.
Francis Danzo is an industrial engineer for Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis. He and Kathy (Cooke, '81) live at 3962 Taravue, Apt. G, St. Louis, MO 63125.
Kay Spaunhorst has moved 路 to 1830 I Upper Bay Road, No. C-209, Houston, TX 77058. She is a process engineer for Shell Chemical Co. in Deer Park, Texas.
Robert Farnham is enrolled as a student here at UMR. He and Linda live at No. 16 Huffman Trailer Court, Rolla, MO 65401
Patrick F. Thompson, ' 79, ' 81, '83, is an engineer for Motorola Inc., Phoenix, Ariz. He and Marla live at 1327 North Jentilly Court, Chandler, AZ 85224. Paula Tochen-Bell, '79, '80, is an application engineer for Gould Inc., Modicon Division, in Englewood, Colo. She and her husband, Ralph, recently moved to 6980 S. Harrison, Littleton, CO 80231.
Kennith Green has moved to 905 Cecelia, Tahlequah, OK 74464. He is a project engineer with the U.S. Public Health Service there. Daniel C. Hirschbuehler, '80. '81, has been promoted to senior consultant in the management advisory services division of Price Waterhouse, St. Louis. Dan joined the firm in 1982. His home address is No. 9 Kingsbrook, Olivette, MO 63132.
J ohn and Becky H offman are the proud parents of their new daughter, Leslie Anne. John is a petroleum engineer (senior grade) with Amoco Production 1980 Co., and was transferred to Houston, James R. Arnold is now plant super- Texas, in April. Their new residence is intendent at Gold Fields Mining Co., 8402 Emerald Valley Court, Houston, Cerrillos, N.M. He and Laurie have TX 77095; phone (713) 550-0895. moved to 70 I Vista Abajo,' Albuquerque, NM 87123. H. Kenneth Hosp married Robyn Kay William Bockelman, '80, '83, is in the Welker on June 25 in Jackson, Mo. U.S. Navy and is a nuclear power Following the ceremony, a reception officer, stationed at Idaho Falls. He lives was held at Howard Johnson's in Cape at 549 North Water, Apt. No.5, Idaho Girardeau. After a honeymoon trip to the Bahamas, the couple is making their Falls, ID 83402. home in Jackson. Kenneth is a process Glennon and Lynn ('82) Boresi live at engineer at Procter & Gamble Paper 986 S. Pennsylvania St., Denver, CO Products Co. 80209. Glennon is a staff engineer for Ralston Purina in Denver. Timothy Kulengowski is a design Jonathan Cook is a senior engineer with engineer at Phillips Petroleum Co., Emerson Electric in St. Louis. He and Borger, Texas. He and Debbie have Johanne (Ricky) live at 2204 Keeven, moved to Route 2, Box 58-14, Fritch, Florissant, MO 63031. TX 79036.
1983 RoIIuIo
MSM Alumnul/ 35
Alumni Personals _____________________ 1980 Continued
Kevin D. Watson writes: "Recently transferred to a Dallas staff position as a process design and evaluation engineer Russell Moning writes: "I recently ac- (Arco Oil & Gas Co.). I've been forcepted a position with RCA at their tunate enough to continue work on C02 - missile and surface radar division in pipeline hydraulics as well as begin work Moorestown, N.J . I can now be reached on design and economics evaluations on at 4106 Harbour Dr., Palmyra, NJ gas processing facilities in various 08065 . Also, I am engaged to be married districts." Kevin's home address is 5626 in St. Louis on Nov . 5 to Colleen Preston Oaks Drive, No. 43D, Dallas, . Crowe. I hope you will be able to print TX 75240. this il) the Alumnus before Nov. 5 since I have lost track of several of my Shing-Chung (Maxwell) Yen has joined classmates and friends." Sorry we were the UMR faculty as a visiting assistant unable to print this sooner, but know all professor of engineering mechanics. He of Russell's friends join us in sending served as a teaching assistant and incongratulations! structor at both UMR and Virginia Doritha and Brian ('79) Ramey are living at 625 High Place, Ferguson, MO 63135. Brian Seley is an electrical engineer with Gent Engineering, Johnson City, N.Y. His wife, Dahlia ('83), is a system analyst with IBM. Their new address is 165 Jay St., Johnson City, NY 13790.
Polytechnic Institute (where he received his Ph.D in engineering science and mechanics) and is the author of several published articles and reports. His areas of special interest are experimental stress analysis, finite element methods in structural mechanics and vibrations and dynamics.
Stephen - Zuiss is now with Texas Eastman Co., division of Eastman John J. Setzer Jr. is a senior engineer Kodak, in Longview, Texas., as a for Emerson Electric, St. Louis. He and chemical engineer. He and Constance - Janice have moved to 508 Timberidge . have moved to Route 2, Eastgate, Apt. Drive, St. Charles, MO 63301. I, Gladewater, TX 75647 . Susan and Richard Sharp have moved to 202 Englewood Lane, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Dee Smith currently lives at 2512 Charleston Drive, Plant City , FL 33566. Ronald Smith is employed as a petroleum engineer in a reservoir management group for G ulf Oil Corp. in Casper, Wyo. He and Jeanne have moyed to 1431 S. Nebraska, No. 2, Casper, WY 82609. David Thompson, '80, '83, is now a graduate teaching assistant at UMR. He and Janet ('73) receive mail at P.O. Box 1965, Rolla, MO 65401.
1981 Karen (Kohl) and Mike, '82, Beckmann send a new address: 7900 Oak Forest Drive Pensacola, FL 32514. Mike is now a research chemist at Reichhold Chemicals Inc. Deborah Brown married Bruce Brase ('8~, ISU) on Jan. I. Debbie works for IBM , Austin, as a test engineer and Bruce works for Texas Instruments, Austin, also a test engineer. The couple lives at 4721 Hawkhaven, Austin, TX 78727. Ralph Butler sends a new address: 409 4th Ave., Columbia, TN 3840 I.
Michael G. Parry, '81, right is a recipient of the L.F. Richardson scholarship for 1983-84 at Midwestern Baptist Technological Seminary in Kansas City. Following graduation, he plans a career in student ministry. Seminary President Milton Ferguson (left) congratulates Parry. Michael's home address is 636 Salem Ave., Rolla, MO 65401. Michael Fearon is a consulting geologist with Test Drilling Services Co., St. Louis. He and Donna live at 184 Forest Parkway, Apt. B, Valley Park, MO 63088. ' Michael Flannigan is associate refinery engineer at Marathon Petroleum Co., Garyville, La. He and Carol live at 2921 Williamsburg, LaPlace, LA 70068. They write: "Having fun in the sun: Hope to get back to Rolla soon to see the old campus and float an Ozark river."
Samuel Dale Hammond is an electronics engineer at McDonnell Douglas, St. Louis. He and Carolyn (Sleigle '81) send a new address: 320 ' Avant Drive, Hazelwood, MO 63042.
Jeffrey Heppermann has married Janice Allison. The couple now lives at 9218 Roos, Houston, TX 77036. Jeff is a petroleum geophysicist for Gulf Oil Exploration & Production Co. in Houston .
Thomas L. Conant Jr. is an ensign in the U.S. Navy and sends us the following as a temporary address: Box 18, Naval Submarine Base, New London, UOPH 344, Groton, CT 06349.
Bruce McCoy is employed at the Naval Avionics Center, Indianapolis, Ind., as an electrical engineer-communications technologies. He sends a new home address: 13 JlI2 2nd St. N .E., Carmel, IN 46032. Mark 'Nealon is assistant engineer at Union Electric Co., St. Louis. He lives at 2076-A Chablis, St. Louis, MO 63146. Mark Oberfranc is a petroleum engineer for Texaco, New Orleans, La., and lives at 28 12 Houma Blvd. , Apt. D, Metairie, LA 70002 . Caroline Sturm and Jim Engeman, both class of '81, were married in June, 1982. Caroline is a chemist and microbiologist for Anheuser-Busch and Jim is an application engineer for Johnson Controls. Their address is 15523 95th Ave., Florissant, MO 63034. Gerald A. Suellentrop Jr. is working as a petroleum engineer for Atlantic Richfield Co. in Houston. He and Laura (Tryon) currently live at 4444 Westheimer, No. 317, Houston, TX 77027.
Roger Hirschman is a space simulation laboratory test engineer for MartinMarietta Aerospace in Denver. He lives Stephanie Tanaka is a research geologist at 400 Zang St., No. 1-207, Lakewood, for Amselco Exploration Inc., St. Peters, CO 80228. Mo. Her new home address is 1502¡C Jon Curry is an electronics engineer at Garden Valley Drive, St. Peters, MO the Naval A vionics Center in InLori (Robertson) Kipp is employed as a 63376. dianapolis, Ind. He lives at 7060 Foxproduct engineer for A nacondaborough Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46226. Ericsson in Garden Grove, Calif. She Lea Anne Telthorst is pursuing an MBA and Jeffery ('81) have moved to 2860 degree at the University of Illinois, Kathy (Cooke) and Francis ('80) Danzo Valley View, Apt. 105, Buena Park, CA Champaign-Urbana. Her new address is live at 3962 Taravue, Apt. G, St. Louis, 90620. 1125 Bellerive Blvd., St. Louis, MO MO 63125. 63111.
1983 RoIIamo
36/ MSM AlumnUI
Donald Demand has moved to I 1802 E. 82nd St. N., Owasso, OK 74055. He is employed as an electrical engineer for the Public Serice Co. of Oklahoma in Tulsa.
Mark E. Majors has recently moved to 10425 Glascow Drive, Yukon, OK 73099. He is employed as an engineer for the Oklahoma Department of Transportation in Oklahoma City.
Gregory Thrasher is an engineer with Emerson Electric, St. Louis, and has moved to 15 Henson Lane, Florissant, MO 63031.
Alumni Personals ______________________ Robert David Gillis is now a project Marvin Larson writes: "Currently attenengineer for Mobil Chemical Company, . ding graduate school in economics at Diane E. Underwood writes: "My hus- ' Macedon, N.Y. His new home address UMSL." He and Deanne live at 309 S. band and I are now employed at is 72 Manorshire Drive, Apt. 4, Fair- Charles, St. James, MO 65559. Navarro College. I am a computer port, NY 14450. Carl Lukefahr is a programmer for IBM science instructor and Mark is the direcin Endicott, N.Y. His new address is 401 Kevin Lee Gravino is an analyst protor of public information and publications." The Underwoods live at 1534 W. . grammer for Black & Veatch, Overland W. Main St., Apt. 15, Endicott, NY Park, Ks. He and wife Brigitte live at 13760. 6th Ave., Corsicana, TX 75110. 6609 Hodges Drive, Prairie Village, KS Phyllis McCallister is a graduate Milo Wieberg is D.P. supervisor at 66208. teaching assistant in the department of Monsanto, Everett, Mass. He and Pamela have a new address: 10 Imperial Daniel A. Hellickson is currently a geological engineering here at UMR. graduate teaching assistant here at She has a new address: 1022 Drive, Londonderry, NH 03053 . . UMR. He and Kathy Ann are living at Kingshighway, Apt. D, Rolla, MO Box 322, Edgar Star Route, Rolla, MO 6540 I. 65401. Capt. James E. McCarthy Jr. and wife, Stephen E. Herz og is now a Lynn, send the following address: mathematics instructor at Jefferson 1627-B York Road, Ft. Belvoir, VA College in Hillsboro, Mo. His home ad- 22060, and advise their address will dress is 4635 Pioneer Road, Hillsboro, 'change again in January '84. 1982 MO 63050: Mike Beckmann is now a research Thomas M. Metcalfe is a design chemist at Reichhold Chemicals Inc., T.M. and Diane Jaber have moved to engineer employed by Bridgewater Pensacola, Fla. He and Karen (Kohl '81) 2700 W. Grauwyler, No. 129, Irving, (N.J.) Township. He writes: "Currently send a new address: 7900 Oak Forest -TX 75061. working on design of the $12 million Drive, Pensacola, FL 32514. Middlebrook Sanitary Project, in addition to learning about municipal governLynn and Glennon ('80) .Boresi live at Vicki Johnson ' sends her new address: ment and being a part of the 986 S. Pennsylvania St., Denver, CO 136-F Tide Mill Lane, Hampton, V A bureaucratic 'red tape'. (I enjoy the 23666. She writes: "I am still employed authority!) His home address is 13 80209 as an aerospace technologist with Arthur Road, Bridgewater, NJ 08807. Mark Dieckmann has moved to 19875 NASA-Langley Research Center. At E. Girard Ave., Aurora, CO 800 13. He this time I am also working on a masters is a drilling representative for Chevron degree through the George Washington Gayle Meyer and Steve Bahn both Dec_ '82 grads, became engaged on May 7. University extension at Langley." USA Inc. in Denver. Their wedding date is set for Feb. 25, Eric L. Donnell has been employed as a Ronald Joe Kelley is now a geological 1984. Steve's current home address is design engineer at Texas Instruments in engineer/reserves evaluation for Texas 9 \0 Cypress St., Apt. 1634, Houston, Dallas. He has moved to 7604 Fair Eastern Pipeline, Houston, Texas. He TX 77090. Qayle's address is 3600 and Debi send a new address: 540 I Keith St., Apt. 1903, Cleveland, TN Oaks, No. 2073, Dallas, TX 75231. Chimney Rock, No. 491, Houston, TX 3731 I. Michael L. Dunnermann married Terri 77081. Hummel on June 18, and honeymooned Harrod A. (Andy) Oldham III, '82, '83, in Key Largo. Michael was promoted to Leonard Lammert is a design draftsman has been employed by Home Inc., quality supervisor and transferred to for Hellebusch Tool & Die, Washing- Hermann, Mo., as an industrial Georgia Pacific's facility in Blue Rapids, ton, Mo. He and Jackie live at 9-A West engineer. His new home address is 332-B Kans. The Dunnermanns now receive Main, Washington, MO 63090. W. Fifth, Hermann, MO 65041. mail at P.O. Box 61, Oketo, KS 6651 8. Terry Largent is an engineer at Sperry Thomas K. Parks has been hired by Mahyar Ghayoum is a student teaching Flight Systems, Phoenix, Ariz. , and lives Lutz, Daily & Brian Consulting assistant at UMR, and receives mail at at 1 \06 W. Bell Road, No. 2047, Engineers in Shawnee Mission, Kan. He Phoenix, AZ 85023. P.O. Box 1861, Rolla, MO 65401 and Louise recently moved to 7421 Brit-
1981 Continued
tany, Apt. 108, Merriam, KS 66203.
John R. Poland is an engineer, R&D, for Hughes Tool Co., Houston, Texas.' He and Kim (Planje) have moved to 11710 Kentland Court, Houston, TX 77067 . Joseph A. Puhl is employed by IBM as an associate engineer in Rochester, Minn. He and Lisa recently moved to a house at 2007 42nd St. N.W. , Rochester, MN 55901. Michael Rosenmayer is now a student in petroleum engineering at the University of Oklahoma, Norman. He and Terri Lynn live ~t 7410 NW 22, No. 158, Bethany, OK 73008. Mike Schultz writes: "I am currently a employed by McDonnell Douglas design engineer on the Harrier. I bought a house in May (3523 Weiland Ave., Bridgeton, MO 63044). I am taking night classes toward my master's degree at UMSL.
Robert Loyd Telker is employed as assistant management engineer at the Baptist Medical Center in Oklahoma City, Okla. He and Mary live at 8309 SW 36th, Oklahoma City, OK 731 79. Daniel W. Truetken is employed at General Dynamics in Fort Worth, Texas, as a training systems engineer. He sends a new address: 8700 N. Normandale, Apt. 239, Fort Worth, TX . 76116. Carol Underwood is a member of the technical staff with TRW, Redondo Beach, Calif., and lives at 4633 Compton, No. 229, Lawndale, CA 90260. Brenton Weathered is employed by Kentron Technical Center in Hampton, Va. He married Linda Bangert ('83), and the couple lives at 132H Tidemill Lane, Hampton, V A 23666. Vincel Williams is an associate engineer with McDonnell Douglas and lives at 12203 Encanto Lane, Apt. D, Maryland Heights, MO 63043.
Vipulkumar B. Patel is employed by PEl in Huntsville, Ala., as a mechanical engineer. He and Vaishali recently moved to 4174-G, S. Memorial Parkway, Huntsville, AL 35802. Joyce Pearson has joined the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as an engineering aide in St. Louis. Her home address is 4518 Harris, St. Louis, MO 63115.
1983 Rollamo
Robert Phillips is a design engineer at McDonnell Aircraft Co., St. Louis. He writes that he is working "on the leading edge of high technology." His home address is 2303 Pontchartrain Drive, Florissant, MO 63033.
1983 Karen Anderson is currently living at 18 11 Forum Drive, Apt. 22, Rolla, MO 65401. Margaret Baker has been el1!ployed by Motorola GEG in Scottsdale, Ariz. , as an engineer III. Her new home address is 770 I E. Osborn Rood; No. 254, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 .
MSM Alumnus / 37
Alumni Personals ______________________ 1983 Continued Linda Bangert married Brenton Weathered ('82) and they are now living at 132H Tidemill Lane, Hampton, VA 23666. Richard E. Beecher is now an engineer with Area Alaska Inc. in Anchorage.He and Terry have moved to 8131 Fairwood Circle, Anchorage, AK 99502. Jeffrey S. Bell has been hired by Western Electric Co., Lee's Summit." Mo., as a process engineer. His new home address is 810 E. Langsford Road, No. 302, Lee's Summit, MO 64063.
Laura Harrington is employed by (Bell) Teletype Corp. in Skokie, III., as an R & D engineer· product planning. She and Daniel . have moved to 10 119 Old Orchard Court, Skokie, IL 60076.
Earle Long is a development engineer at Motorola, mobile products division, in Fort Worth, Texas. He and Abby moved to 901 Harwood Road, Apt. 388, Hurst, TX 76054.
Donald Gene Harrison is an engineer assistant at Duke Power Company, Charlotte, N.C. His home address is 5425-B Albemar!e Road, Charlotte, NC 28212.
Sherri Mahnken has accepted a position as scientific programmer associate with Bendix Corp. in Kansas City, Mo. Her home address is 6209 E. II0th St., Kansas City, MO 64134.
Allan H. Harvey is a graduate student at 'the University of California in E. La Jolla. His address is Room 203, Interna. tional . House, 2299 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, CA 94720.
Dan Higgins is a liaison engineer for Diana Bindemann is employed as a Stor~ Instrument Co., St. Louis. He and technical service engineer for U.S. Martha live at 7310 Wise, St. Louis, Industrial Chemicals in Tuscola, III. Her MO 63117. new home address is 700 E. Newkirk, Apt. I , Tuscola, IL 61953. Caroline Ann Israel is now a design engineer ' with MSM/SP Group in Todd Alan Blackford is now an engineer Denver, Colo. She and Lewis, '83, live with Amoco Production Co., Brown- at 3200 Madison, No.5, Boulder, ,CO field, Texas. His new home address is 80303 .' , 7914 B Aberdeen, Lubbock, TX 79424. Timothy Boyles lives at 713 Ellis, Ridgecrest, CA 93555 , and is an electronics engineer at China Lake Naval Weapons Center. David Bruder sends a new adderss: 1800 Schuetz, st. Louis, MO 63146. Patrick Bundy has joined Sporlan Valve Co. as a sales engineer, and lives at 331 Southside Ave. , Webster Groves, MO 63119. Mark Alan Cook is a structrual engineer for Link Wood Construction Systems, Mansfield, Texas. His home address is 4326 S. Golden, Springfield, MO 65807. Keith Diebold has been employed by N.L. McCullogh, New Iberia, La., as a field service engineer. His new home address is 713 ·W. Admiral Doyle, New Iberia, LA 70560.
Lewis Daniel Israel is now a graduate student in the department of civil engineering at the University of Colorado-Boulder. He and Caroline, '83, live at 3200 Madison, No.5, Boulder, CO 80303. Lynn Rene Jones is employed as an engineer for Boeing Computer Services in Wichita, Kan. Her new home address is 500 W. Central, No. 1003, Wichita, KS 67203. Beth (Barickman) and Don Kasperski, both class of '83, now live at 4045 Tanglewood E., Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410. They are both employed by Pratt & Whitney Aircraft (United Technologies) in ' West Palm Beach --Beth as a civil engineer and Don as a mechanical engineer.
dress is 2401 Spring Creek, Apt. 2104, Plano, TX 75023. ' William Prehm is reservoir engineer for Northern Illinois Gas, Hudson, III. He lives at 2206 ,Rainbow, No.2, Bloomington, IL 6170 I. Richard and Linda Puchta have moved to 617 East Blvd., North, Rapid City, SD 57701. Richard is a graduate student. Dale Richter married LuAnn Traub on May 21 . Dale is now employed by t he Buick Motor Division of General Motors Corp., Flint, Mich. as a quality engineer. The couple makes their home at 8064 Kensington Blvd., Apt. 165, Davison, MI 48423 . Kevin C. Schoolcraft is employed as a quality control metallurgist with Gardner-Denver in LeGrange, Mo. His new home address is 1235 Kentucky, Quincy, IL 6230 I.
Dorothy Louise Lenz is a substitute teacher for the R-3 schools in Hillsboro, Mo. She and John receive mail at P.O. Box 631, Pevely, MO 63070.
,. ;; ..:
38/ MSM Alumnus
Robert Sherman is an engineer at Bendix Corp., Kansas City, Mo. He and Sherri live at 1908 Keystone, Blue Springs, MO 64015.
Boris J. Peharda Jr. is currently a TMP . Laurie Sue Smith is employed as a protrainee with General Electric Co. in St. grammer for IBM and lives at 4939 Louis. He and Kelly live at 5563-B Ed- Central, Apt. 13, Charlotte, NC 28205. Lou Lane, St. Louis, MO 63128. Patricia L. Sommars is a graduate student ' in microbiology at Vanderbilt Elizabeth Phipps is a program engineer University in Nashville, Tenn. Her new with General Electric Co. Aircraft home address is 1313 21 st Ave. S. , Apt. Engine Business Group, in Evendale, 801, Nashville, TN 37212. Ohio. She lives at 1580 Plesant- Run Drive, Apt. 6, Cincinnati, OH 45240. Michael Spyers is a civil engin.eer with Lamac Engineering in M t. Carmel, III. Carol Jane Plag has been employed by He and -Tracy live at 216 Chestnut, M t. Texas Instruments as a facilities engineer in Dallas. Her new home ad- Carmel, IL 62863.
Trina Knatcal has been employed by , Beta Corp. of St. Louis as a programmer at their offices in Bridgeton, Mo. Her home address isll17 Alexander Drive, Vera Patricia (Slattery) Dubbins is an . Festus, MO 63028. industrial engineer at Olin Chemical in Joliet, III. She and husband Geoffrey moved to 505 Preston Drive, Apt. 305 , John Kokorudz has continued as a Bolingbrook, IL 60439. graduate stud~nt in chemical engineering at UMR. He and Judith live at O. Keith Elting is a metallurgical 2010-D Forum Drive, Rolla, MO engineer with Dow Chemical in 6540 I. Freeport, Texas. He and Martha have moved to 420 Garland Drive, Apt. John Kraus lives at 6025 Morningside 1104, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Drive, Kansas City, MO 64113. David Gaskill is an engineer with Sperry Flight Systems, defense division, in Albuquerque, N.M. He and Gretchen have moveQ to 6328 EI Camino Real NE, Albuquerque, NM 8711 L
Dahlia Seley is a system analyst with IBM ; her husband, Brian ('80) is an electrical engineer with Gent Engineering, Johnson City, N.Y. They sent their new address: 165 Jay St. , Johnson City, NY 13790~
Raghu Purush TerKonda is a medical student at UMC. His home address is 1312 Highland Drive, Rolla, MO 6540 I. Brian Tipton has· been hired as a programmer for Gas Service Co. in Kansas City, Mo. His home address is 704-C NE 2nd St., Blue Springs, MO 64015. Dennis Webb is a civil engineer with the Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District. He lives at III Mark Twain Drive, Apt. 8, River Ridge, LA 70i 23.
Anne (Weber) and Lawrence Wetty have moved to 101 W. 14th St., Apt. 103-B, Rolla, MO 65401. Curtis A. Westrich has accepted a position with Albert H. Halff Associates Inc. in Dallas, Texas. His new home address is 6061 Village Bend Drive, No. 1301, Dallas, TX 75206.
MSM·UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Telephone (314) 341-4 17 1; (314) 341-4172 Term Expires .1984 . ..... 5 Pettit Drive . . Dix Hills, N.Y. 11746 . .. 1984 ... . . . ......... .. 12425 Balwyck La ne . . . James B. McGra th, '49. President Elect. St. Louis, MO 63 13! ... 20 Fox Meadows . .. . .. . . .1984 .. . Arthur G. Baebier, '55. Vice President. .. Sunset Hills, MO 63127 .1984 ... Alfred J. Buescher, '64 . . . ... . . . ..... .. . . . . . .... 624 Golfv iew Drive .. . . Vice President . Ballwin, MO 630 II Vice President . ... . . . . .. .. . ..... John B. Toomey, '49 . . ... . . .. .. . ... . .. . ..... . . . 7412 Admiral Drive . ... . . . .. 1984 Alexandria, VA 22307 Vice President . ... .. ... . .. . ... . . Robert V. Wolf, '5 1..... . .... . . . . . . .. ... . .. . . . Metallurgical Engineering Department . ........ . . . . . .. 1984 UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 Secretary . . .. . . .. . . ... . ...... . . Martha Gerig, '69 . . ... . . .... ... . . . ...... ... ... 9926 Gulf Hills Drive ...... . . 1984 , Sun City, AZ 85351 Treasurer .. .. .... .. ........ .... J.L. "Jack" Painter, '5.0 ... . . '. . . . . .. . . . .. . . ... ... 1610 Wilson Circle . ... .. .. . . 1984 Rolla, MO 65401 President.
OFFICERS . . Lawrence A. Spanier, '50.
DIRECTORS AT LARGE Term Expires Thor Gjelsteen, '53 .... . .. .. . . . . . 7300 W. Stetson Place, No. 41, Littleton, CO 80123 .. . . .. ...... .. . . .......... . . 1985 James D. Gostin, '44 ....... . . .. .. 180 Mt. Olive Drive, Bradbury, CA 91010 .. .......... . . ...... . . .. . .... ... . . . . 1985 Paula Hudson, '73 .. . . . .......... 220 I C Nantucket, Houston, TX 77057 . . ...... . .... .. . ........... . .. . ....... 1986 Gerald L. Stevenson, '59 .. . . . . . . . . 511 N. Main St., Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 . . . .. . .. .. . ... .... . .... . ... . .. . .... 1984 Ronald A. Tappmeyer, '47 .... . ... 2226 Country Club Drive, Sugar Land, TX 77478 . . ... . . ....... . ...... . ...... . 1984 Armin J. Tucker, '40 .. . .. .. . ..... 6464 Overlook Drive, Alexandria, VA 22312 . . . . .. . .. .. .... . ... . . . . .. .. . .. . .. 1985 Area Zip Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires 00·14 David J. Blume, '65 ...... .. . II Musket Trail, Simsbury, CT 06070 . ... .. . .. .. .' ... .. ....... . . .......... .. . 1986 15-21 Robert e. Perry, '49 . .... . .. 302 Fox Chapel Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 . . ....... . ..... ... ...... . .... ... . 1986 22.34 Wayne R. Broaddus, Jr. , '55 . . P.O. Box 2545, Dalton, GA 30720 . . ... ...... . ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . 1985 35-45 Russell A. Kamper, '62 .. . . . . 5674 Shadow Oaks, Dayton, OH 45440 . ... ... . ... . .. . .. . ... . ... . .. .. . ...... 1986 46·59 George Baumgartner, '56 ... . 2120 Syracuse, Dearborn, MI 48124 ........ . ... . . . ... .. . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . ... . 1984 60·61 Eugene J. Daily, '36 . .. . . .... 816 Dennison Drive, Champaign, IL 61820 ... . ... . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... .. ... 1985 62·62 Ernst Weinel, '44 .... . . . .. . . 1502 West 50, O'Fallon, IL 62269 .... .. . . .. . . . . .... . ..... . .... ... . . . .. . . .. . 1984 63-65 Jerome T. Berry, '49 .. . . . ... Rt. 4, Box 321 , Rolla, MO 65401 . . . . . .. . . . .. . . ... ... . . . .... . . . . . ... .. .. . . . . 1984 63-65 Harold G. Buntzer, '47 . .... . . 411 Schellridge, Jefferson City, MO 65101 . .... . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . 1985 63-65 Matteo A. Coco, '66 .... .. . . 1115 Aliceton A:ve., St. Louis, MO 63123 .. . .... . .... . . . . .... . . .. .. .. ... . . ... 1984 63-65 Harold R. Crane, '53 . ... . .. . 480 Country Club Drive, Hannibal, MO 63401 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . .. .... .. . . 1986 63-65 B. Neil Lewis, '58 . .. . . . ..... I 15 College St., P.O. Box 627, Kennett, MO 63857 ... . ... . ... .. ... .. . . . . . .. . . . 1985 63-65 Paul R. Munger, '58 ... . . . .. Director Institute of River Studies, UMR, Rolla, MO 6540 I . ... . ......... . . . . . .. 1984 63-65 J. Robert Patterson, '54 .... .. Show Me, Inc., P.O. Box 573, Sikeston, MO 6380 I . . . ......... .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. 1984 63-65 Kenneth D. Pohlig, '64 . ... . . 2 Vienne Court, Lake St. Louis, MO 63367 . .. . ..... . . . . . . ... . ... ... . . . . . . . .. . 1986 63 -65 Robert E. Vansant, '51 . ... . . 435 E. 55 St., Kansas City, MO 64 I 10 .... . ..... . . .. . ...... . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 1986 63-65 e.M. Wattenbarger, '41 ..... 205 W. First St. Terrace, Lamar, MO 64759 . . . . . .. . .. ... . .. . . . . . . . .... .. . . . . . 1984 66-74 David D. Kick, '57 .... .. . ... 4915 S. Lakewood Drive, Tulsa, OK 74135 ...... .. . . . .... .. . ..... .. . . ... . .. .. 1985 75'79 James B. Chaney, '48 ... .. . . 16218 Chipstead Drive, Spring, TX 77373 . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . .... . . . . ... . ... . 1985 80-89 & 96-99 J. Richard Hunt, '50. 14913 Highway 82, Carbondale, CO 81623 ... .. . . .. . . .. . . ... . ... . .... ... .. . .. 1986 90-95 Robert L. Ray, '47 . . ..... . .. 6045 Estates Drive, Oakland, CA 94611 .......... . ........ . .. . . . . . . .. ... .. .. 1985 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Frank Appleyard, '37 ....... . . .. . P.O. Box 1991, Tubac, AZ 85640 Robert W. Klorer, '44 ............ 7500 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63123 Joel F. Loveridge, '39 . .. ' . ... . ... . 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Walter e. Mulyca, '65 ... .. .. . .. . . Rt. I, No. 16 Southfield Lane, Marshall, TX 75670 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Term Expires Richard H. Bauer, '52 . . . .. . . . . . . . Missouri Electrochem Inc., 19058 Lin-Valle Drive ...... . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . ........ 1984 St. Louis, MO 63123 Robert D. Bay, '49 ......... . .... Black & Veatch, l500 Meadow Lake Parkway .... . ... . ......... . . . . .. ........ 1988 Kansas City, MO 64114 Joseph W. Mooney, '39 .. . . .... . . . 7383 Westmoreland, University City, MO 63130 ....... . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . .... . . 1986 EX-OFFICO DIRECTORS Robert M. Brackbill, '42 .... . .. . . . 9148 Clearlake Drive, Dallas, TX 75225 Paul T. Dowling, '40 . . .. . . . . ..... 10 144 Winding Ridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63124 R.O. Kasten, '43 . . . . . ... . . .. . . .. 90 I West 114th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114 Peter F. Mattei, '37 . . . . . . . .. . .. . . 9954 Holliston Court, St. Louis, MO 63124 Melvin E. Nickel, '38 ... . . . . . .... 10601 South Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 F.e. Schneeberger, '25 ... . . . . .. . . One Briar Oak, St. Louis, MO 63132 James W. Stephens, '47 . . . . . .... . . Missouri Public Service Co., P.O. Box 11739 Kansas City, MO 64138 STAFF Frank H. Mackaman ... .. .... .. . Executive Vice· President, MSM·U MR Alumni Association and Director, Office of Alumni/Development, UMRolla Larry Allen .. .. . ... . . . .. .' . ... . . Assistant Director, Alumni Activities Louise Wilson . . . . . .. ... . .... . . . Admin. Secretary, Alumni/Development Sally White .. . . . .. . . . . ......... Editor, MSM ALUMNUS MSM-UMR Alumni Association, Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401·9990 MSM Alumnus/ :!9
This is the sixth year alumni have returned at Homecoming to participate in the "Alumni Band." Six years ago, only six band alumni were on hand to play along with the Marching Miners at halftime. This year 36 band alumni made the scene (there were 20 last year) and 31 were brave enough to take to the field on their . own for the first time to form an "M" and play "Auld Lang Syne". They also joined the Miner Band during the coronation ceremonies. In addition to a Saturday morning practice, band alumni participated in general Homecoming activities and gathered for their own brunch on Sunday morning. Band director David Oakley would like to see double the number next year.
MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION University of Missouri -Rollo ROllA, MISSOURI 65401-9990
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