Missouri S&T Magazine, February 1984

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Alumnus -University of Missouri-Rolla


February, 1984 .

Alumnus F~bruary,

Vol. 58. No. I

University of Missouri-Rolla 1984

Rolla, MO 65401-9990

Calendar 1983

'327.694.42 '26,018 Matching gifts Designated

Calendar 1982

8293.116 .29

122.086 Matching gifts D~signated

871,366 Matching gifts Undesignated

' 61.370.34 Matching gifts . Undesignated

860,494 .14 Individual gifts Designated

$51.280.06 Individual gifts


$180.726 .28 Individual gifts Undesign8ted Individual gifts .




Annual Alumni Fund ,

Once more, alumni and friends of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri-Rolla have set a record pace in support of their alumni association and university. 1983's alumni gifts total $231 ,220.42. Through matching gift programs established by many employers, an additional $96 ,374 was added to that figure adding up to a total received of $327 ,594.42. The majority of gifts given, $180,726.28 from individuals and $71,356 in matching funds, were unrestricted in their use. Individual donors designated the use of $50,494.14 matched by $25,018. Alumni gifts supPort a variety of activities. The Association's major project remains the provision Qf scholarships, ranging in value from $250 to $1,875 a year. This year, 136 students received Association funded scholarships. An additional 13

On The Cover Alumni Association vice president Robert V. Wolf, '51 left, talks about the value of Association scholarships with recipients: left to right, Robert Borchelt, freshman in electrical engineering from Montgomery City; Michael Savage, junior in mining engineering from Joliet, IlL; and Rana Jones, freshman in mathematics-statistics from Cole Camp, Mo_ Rana has an Alumni Superior - Scholarship, Bob has an alumni Special Scholarship and Michael is the recipient of the Association's Robert E. Dye ScholarShip. For more about scholarships, see samples of, the thank-you letters reprinted on the following pages of this issue and the article on scholarships on page 16.

students were named Associaiton Educational Assistants and received funds for scholarly projects. A separate article about both programs appears elsewhere in this edition. Other activities supported by the Association include: Athletics, the Curtis Laws Wilson Library, the music department, student awards, faculty awards, alumni . awards, student loans, homecoming activities, Commencement, class reunions, area meetings, alumni records, the Alumni Directory, special projects and the production of newsletters and the Alumnus magazine. 1983's gifts were a 12 percent increase over 1982 when $293,116.29 was received. Based on their confidence in your continued support, the Association's directors voted to increase by 26 percent their commitment to scholarships and the Educational Assistant Program for school year 1984-85.

MSMALUMNUS (USPS¡323¡500) Issued by-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of MissouriRolla. Entered as second class matter October 27, 1926~ at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401-9990, under the Act of March 3, i897.

MSM Alumnus / !

An nual Alumni Fund Donors


MuS ph i set

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1903 Haue n ste i n

F r e d er i c k

1914 S i m ra I I

R i l ey M.

1916 Voge I

1926 B i rc h ard Harry C . Ga mm e t e r E I me r I(e nn e d y Da n i e I Ch a r l es L . K it c h e n Edwa rd M. L in d e n a u t'l oore Ja mes P. Smith C. Cil b a n ne Staples Gu y W. T h o mp s o n Be nn e t R. TYI' re ll Mor' f' i s L . J u l e lf . Wa I ke r

Dear Sir: I would just like to thank the UMR Alumni Association one last time for the support they have given me over the last three semesters. I have decided to join the , Alumni Association, and I hope that once I am established, I will also be able to aid at least one needy and deserving student. ' I know that I am not obligated to do so; but I feel that if one cannot repay a favor, one should at least "pass it on" in the future, when one is able to do so. I sincerely appreciate what this fine organization has done for me especially since I would have had to quit school for a couple of years (to save more money) if this aid h,!ld not been extended to me. Perhaps I can help a student in a similar situation in the future. Therefore, I am joining your organization. In addition , the ,fellowship program financed by your organization provides unique educational ' opportunities for undergraduates. My sincerest thanks.

He r ma n H.

1927 1918 Do e nn ec k e He n ry W. We i ser Ha nl ey H .

1920 Bar n a rd ,,/ Ch a rl es R. Bas h Dav id A . Forgotson Ja mes M. Ho p poc k Har l a nd H . No l te Wi ll ia m J . Te rr y ~I a rk L .

Ba rn a 1'd A I b e n , E. .. Bea rdmo r'e Ha 1'0 I dR. Boi s me nu e C l y d e F. Bossert Ha rry F . C l earman Fr e d er i ck Dave n port Bowma n Gr i ff ittl tl. ~1. Hoove r Pa II I K . K ra ft Ned O . Lli sk R. Ra l p h t~oran Ernes( Par so ns Edward W. Pa ul ~I urray J . Seyd l e r F rank K . S i evers Edw i n~. Snr i t h ,Jilln e sF . Wei ss C l are n ce B.

1921 Need h a m

A l ber t


1922 Ac k e r s A lb ert L. Ch ris tn er G l e n J . Edwin G. Ha chin Wh eeler E r n es t S.

1923 Ca mpb e l I E . Taylor .. Chome a u Henri Do rris Hi Iburn L . Fl es h Mr s F loren c e Fo rd Raga n Fr a me Way n e S . Mu i r L . F rey Ga tt s Willi a m P. .. Hoover l3ert F. Murp h y Ray mo n d E. Pe so ut Edward Rem mers Wa l t e r E. Wa nen mac h e r Josep h M. Whitwo r t h V i rg i I L . Au g u s tu s B . Wi I kerso n De e Z i mme rmilnn



.sl ' \ I ! Bau mga r t n er Rup e r t ~. z Boyer ' Phi II i p J . l i z\ C I' umb a u g h Da ni e l H. 'j'1S< Do n a l ds on J a mes G. ft G L Fa ul k n er' Edwa rd C. ,W Free ma n Ch ar l e s A. I ~ Herman T h~o d ore Hi II Alb el' t L. Ho dg do n , Sa m D. Jr. Mor e l a nd ,Mrs Howard B. .. Sc tlwe i c kh ard t Wi I I i a m K.

Kate B. Bushur Raytown, Mo.


.' I: I

1929 Brya nt Ru sse l I A. Co i I Ben ja min R, C r ~ ys G l e n n E. Crum E. Je f fe r so n D i tt mer Ru s se ll S . Dre s b ac h Ch a r l es H . En g l i s h T h o ma s O. Jo h n s o n Ch a rl es W. Jones Har l ow G. Ke mp Art hur H .

1929 Continued K i rn Emm et H. Ho n sch II p. nr'y D. ~l orr i 5 Or v i li e H . PotL e r C"J . Schuette LOlli s H.



21MSM Alumnus

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1931 Co nl p.y Jack~ . Do n a Id s o n Hi II i a .n E. Epp e r s "~ Ernes t R. Gevec k er Vernon A.C . H"rr i so n A lb er t lI ei I i g Ha fTe n Herre ll H.H . ~I c Cracke n Wi l l i am L. Pac e George 1-1. Pe r' t i e i And r ew L. Ho ss Ch ilr l es E. Sp e r l ing E I me I' J . Stokes Mrs JR mes E. Th r o gmo r t on Go r do n R. Ro I I " T . W;, de Wi Ihi te C l y d e E. Willi a ms ' He x Z. Wi I s on He n ry W.

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1932 Andr es Ott o M. , B i rt Floyd D. B rue ggin g Haro ld J . Cra wf o rd Edwi n O. Davis S tu R rt L. . El se a Car l A . Ga ll e mo re Wi I l a rd A. G ib b s Harold L. Hal e Edwa rd D. HOH llla h Arthur J. Hor'n Re x T • Jo hn s on Leo n K. Kassay Andr ew W. Kay Willi a m T. I'l ays Wi II i a m R . r·l eye r He n l'y W_ t·l o n r o e He" Pollak J ohn A. Re id AI l en ,J. Ro h er t. P. Rh oa d es - R i cha r d so n ,l a mes K . Rig gs ' W. Ro b e r t Roesser Ho b er t J. Run der Ray mo n d H. Sch'w;) I'Z A r th ur S. l ay l or Sa muf! I E . Th o mpso n Ho mer F. Wh i te Ch ar l es S. Hi et h op Russe ll H. Wi I Ii a ms, A .' U, ll l' J. Jr . F I' e der i ckG. Wil so n Zvafrllt frank J.


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Andrews J . L ew i s Ca mpb e l l Ja c k P. Casey Wa I te l' E. Gab l er Mrs Bert ha J ett Ja mes E. Ke s s I e r Ha r ry H. Love Perry R. ~'ri ght ~'i I fo r d S .

Atk i n s on , Ha l' i o n L. Jr. Berry Hugh R. Da y Roger O . Eagan Thoma s E . Ga in es George D. Godwin Wi II iam He i t ma nn A l bert L. Ku ec hl er Ado l ph H. Sc hn ee b er g er Fre d C . Wa r'd Ro n a ld D .

• Br' Brt Co CUI





,P.S. Your organization will be 'pleased . to know that I graduated on May 15, , 1983 with a B.A. in English (Summa Cum Laude) and a B.S. in Psychology (Summa Cum Laude plus Honors Scholar). The Divisional Honors I received in Psychology were partially fmanced by the Alumni Association -through a fellowship last sPring- It enabled me to do research which led to an invitation for me to do Honors research. Finally, I was elected a Student Marshall for Arts & Sciences. Although my hard work led to these honors, I feel lowe a special gratitude to the UMR Alumni Association for helping to make it ,aU possible (in-

Ke nn e ttl H . Nea I Oste r wa ld He rb ert H. Pay n e R i c h <1rd f . Rege nh ardt Ed ward T. Sc h eer Henr'y O. Stl eil rp. r Ami rew C. S t one S. 1\ 1 1<1n T h omas r'l y r o n r.

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1983 Roilamo

Ver ll e

Da v i 5 Wi I I ~ I'd E . Di II ili g h Cl lI1 I'l ar ioll A , () r i fllill C . J" me s Ha . vey ltlwin r. Ho e ma n E fl. i 11 C . Ha rry F. K i rkp a t ri c k t·l a rt i n Hoy S. M<1 u ne All e ll R . Hi Il e r Den n is II .

As h e f' , Ver n on L . Be i II I i e il A I f re d H. /:lein l i e tl JU S t ll S .J . Cog l l i l l Willi a m W. Uoll E ll e ll W. \) , ' ~sse r' TllOrp e Ihulllli I l!e n , Fdq,l r ~1. H,' sse I I [ v p. .' ett [d .'e d N. f " nn e I ,Jo hn 0 , Gie s eke E lnr c . W. C i I 100 re \1 i I I i rr m ~l . lI ess e AI freel II . lIi c: I' miln lI e nry S, II II II ~' (' Ch rrr i es I, W. J"h ~; (-' II 1-1 i I I i;jlll .J . .Ju. v i c I\ l ev und er W. 1 \ ~<: .·I II 'l r 0.k II IE'o dOI' e 13 , H,l ry I_ef'! I(oew i n Il Koopm" I III. Wi II i<:lfll ,Jr . 1 ; lIl1 bll . ' CI ''l .' l es H . I ;1[1 2 J' r'0.d r~ . I e n /' I-l i II i " rn II .






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1933 Continued Long Don r~. Musson Geo"ge H. Phi r I ips Nabel E. Schl'hma nn, Re i nha rd t Spotte IrvinG. Wenge r C:'lI'i I J .

A l ger Robert P . (3" I I ma n Ed''/!I I'd A. Bliss Allen U. C a m e ro~ Charles V. Clayton Char l es L . Cornett Roy C. E I lis ,). C "a i g Goodri c h Frank N. Howerton Joseph H. Jarboe Rupert A. Koeppe I Beve r I y W. Lanier Eugene B. I·l c Cu ,'dy Be I ding H. Medley Raymond R. Mo rr i so n Frederick ~Iuell e l' Frederick M. Murph y .Jo se ph H. Nickel . Me l vin E . Prough R i c hard G. Hogers Ra y mond H.


1934 *

Bra s a e m l e Ray I. Bruening Wa l ter H. Cole R<llph C. Cunningham Rob e rt L. Dar l ing James W. Fagan Durward E. Fletcher Wi I I iam B . Ford, Homor T. Jr . He i n Edw inA. Hudson Richard G. J ackson Leroy H. Josl in Le Compte Maise Clemens R. Mc Kinley John H. Mc Reynolds Elmer L. Montgomery R. Gi l I Poese Le ste r E. Sackewitz Robert A. Schame I Mrs Mae Springer Wi II iam R. Stewart, Thomas J. Jr. Sullentrup Leo J. hlttle Lauren P. Weigel Ro b ert C. Westerfe l d Wi l fred W.

1939 Barger Hubert S . Boorky Mo rr i s Boulson Charles E. Brown Roy G. Carter Robert A. Claridge Elmond L. Dieffenbach Robert P. EI I iott Edward E . Elliott Lewis C. ELlis William R . Finley, Thomas .J . Jr. Ga mmeter, Walter Jr. Harsel', Thomas L. Jr. Hoffman, Ray E. Jr. Jacobs James H. Johnson E. Herbert K i dd Ha ro IdS. Livingston Robert G. Loveridge Joel · r. Hc Caw Jacl< Mooney Joseph W. Moore Jack W. I·hle I Ie,' Ceo rge E . Mus5el I Walter E. Pohlmann Edgar F . Rea Wi II iam R. Rhodes A . E. R03rig Wi Ibert A. Runyan James R. Siegrist. Ker'mit A. Sm i th Le r'oy f.. SOl'It John P. Spalding J. Victor Sullivan"l-lillillm L . Jr' . Tet l ey Albert L . Hater,; Wade D . Wi II iam fl. He bb

1935 ~sher '

Kenneth K . Buck Rob e rt H . Colman Ho ward B. Danforth Wa r re n B. Dutton Donne I I W. Edgar Max E. . Fischer 11ax r~. Haffner Harold J. Hoffman Emi I D . Johnson . Robert W. ~: amper 01 iver W. Kno I I Rudo.l ph· J. Koopmann August P. I~c 0 i II Will jam H. Solomon Russel I C.

1936 Barrow Carlton W. Beard Reade M. Clanton Jack R . 0" i Iy Eugene J. De nnis Wi II iam E. F iss Edwa rd C . Ho e ner Alan J . Houseknecht Pau l D. Menefee James H. r~ichel Hi Ibert F. Nations Ceorge O. P Fe i Fe r He rma n .J . Roy Edwa rd A. Schwalbert William H. Simmons Rob e rt W. Sp r inger Robert M. Thompson Hoyt G. Wa I ke r, Wi I I i am E. Jr.

1937 Appleyard ' F ra 'n k C . Benner Cl'!arles F. Hommer Theodore J. Br'e ll e r Wa l ter F. Buscl'! Wi 1, 1 iam C. Cardett i Rich a rd J. Car r olla Ro ss R . Wi II iam W. Cu lb ertso n Di ck in so n George W. Donn e ll y ~I arren L. Grimm Donald F . R. Ha u sma nn Arthur P. Ho l z H<l l ter L . Jo n es Wa l t e r T. I <1 ng e Hobert C . Logan Edwin W. Lud er Halt e r E . 11 ~ ne i Pe t c I' r. Mill<lnJ frank S . Post Sa mll e I S. Rodman Wi I fr'e d K. Sh ep pard John J. Vog t Fred K.W.



Gentlemen: This semester I was chosen to be a recipient of the Robert E. Dye scholarship award presented by the Alumni Association. After this term I will be a junior in the Department of Mining Engineering, and this semester is the fourth that I have received this particular award. Please accept my sincere thanks for your continuing financial support, and I · hope that my scholastic perform, ances shall contine to warrant further consideration in the future . The cost of, higher education con, tinues to climb , especially the engineering fees at this campus, and your organizations's scholarship pro' gram has been a great help to me since the time I started school here. There is no greater tribute to a school than alumni who take such obvious interest in making sure that a student who wants to learn can afford to. Thanks again . Very truly yours, Robert 1. Rosser Centralia, Mo.

1983 Rollamo

1940 Ale x ander Wil I iam C. AI ford Re x Baumstark Wa l ter A . Braun S'teve S . Brown. " Guy Jr. Burnett Richard W. Cotteri I I \ Ca rl H. Dennie Powel I A. DenniS, ~enjamin A . Jr. Donahue James B. Dow" i ng Pa u IT. Fort George E. Griffeth EI len B. Gund Russe I I A. Ha II Charles · E. Herzog Aloysius R ; Kidwe l l Albert L. Ki e sler A. James Ladd Har' ley W. l.eber Walter P. Machmer Ferdinand G. r1arkley John S . 11i 1.ler , Edgar S . Jr. Mit sc h Ge orge L. Niedl ing I van M. O l cott Eugene L. O'N e i II , John J. Jr. , Pa r i sh Ge ra I d A. Pe rry E. L. Roy P l a nje Mrs Theodore Rakasl<as Joseph C Reed John F. : R i eg.e Lynn ;J . Rieke Ver non W. Ro se Col in G. Ross Paul F. Ru e fr Edwa rd L. Sl1 <1rp Everett W. S imonds Peter Smoth ers Hi II i a m J. Stewart F ra i zer M. Sturges Herbert D. Hu ey Summ e rs Timb er ma n De Wilton B . Wi Ihi te Kenneth T. Hi I so n F. Hugh Young Willi a m P.

1941 Adams Ha sh i ngton A l s lTl eyer Hi l l i a m C. Ambrose . George C . Andreae And, 'eas A. Bennetsen Wayne J. Bla i r Norma n D. Bottc h er Hermann F . l30 u rne I-li II i il m H. Bowma n Mart in E. l30yd I~obe r t K. Boyt Eugf'!ne P. Butcil E.dmund R . Charles F . C l arkson G . Rob e rt Co u c l' "Cre ce liu s Do n a l d G. C r'o c lI e t t 1-1 i I I i a III E. Dav i dson Mr s f re d Dreste J erome P. rl oyd H. E ll iot t En oc tl s John R.

Falkingham Donald H. Farrell Edward C . Fick .Armin F. F inley Fred W. Hacker Alden G. Hardine, Kenneth L. Jr. Jaffe David Nathan Jensen James W. Lambeth Jennings R . Livingston Kerm i t F. Loveridge Warren L . Mack, James O. Jr . Hc Kee Jack B . Mentz, Frank H. Jr. Mo I' I' i s Will i a mi. Nevins, Marvin E. Jr . Newman CI inton V. Pautre~ Anthony C. Puetz Wi II iam M. Rhodes Richard G. Rogers Frank B. Roley Rolf W. Rou x James R . Schoenthaler Robert Schweitzer Robert E. Smith Floyd P. Springer James J. Strawhun Joseph O. Wag n er John C. Watt en barger Chris M. Wyatt De 11a r,quis D. Zvanut Car l r~.

1942 A ll en John C. Aust ill John C. Ax mac ll er George 'rI. Brackb i l l Robert M. Bra dshaw. George V. Jr. Busc h Wi II i a m D. Cast l eman John H. C I ,,,' I< Hugh M. Crookston James Dunham Robert M. F lin t Me I v in C. lI agar Ba i I cy W. Heuer Char l es A. Hi II, Wi II iilm E . Jr. Hi Il ery Charl es M. Hughes Hiomas A. Jones Th omas A. Karbosky Joseph T. Kind Daniel A. King We I by I~ . K i ss l i nger' Fred i<l'lleger Ha r o ld A. Ku 1'tz Sa m A. Lyons J ohn H. 1·111 rt i n Kent H. r~c Con ne ll Wi II i am F. Ne ubert Ra lpl, L. O ld e Fred \·1. Olsen .John K . Po hl Robe rt A. Ra ss ini er Edgar A. Sand h aus Elmer H. Josepil B. Sc h m i tt Sc h owa l ter Ke nn et h A.

MSM Alumnus / 3

Reo F. flalnlnitnn Eugene E. fla rms lIil 1' 0 I dB.


fie I Iwege Wi "I I i am H. 1"lenke Elvill A. Hell I' y Geo rge E. Johnson Vi r"g i I A. Ken Frllnk r. La Pie re Gil he r t U. Leone Anton Mc Kinnell. Wi II iam P. Jr. Mc Kinnis, Charle s L. Jr. Ni Iler Ebel' har"d H. Pe r I' ym1HI. Ce o rge I. Jr. Pletz Robert C. Pomeroy Che s t e r I~ . Powe I I ,John D . Scho I'll Jolln [. Smith Jame s A. Snowden J. Russe I I Stephen s Jame s w. Tappmeye r Rona Id A. Wagner Georg e H. Hhite Rohert L. Wyl ie JillJl8 S E .

1983 Rollamo

1942 Continued Schuman Austin E. Shaffer James W. Sherman Kenneth I. Shockley Gi Ibert R. Smi th Ha rry B. Stewart Alexander L. Taylor Otis H. Van Nostrand Robert G. We i die Ben E. Wolff Leonard C. Zanzie Charle s E. Zoller Jacque s W.

1943Adam s Jo s eph T . All e n George W. Am I i Ha r o Id E . Bell is Mauri ce O. Berndt, ,",os eph P. Jr. Bierm a nn Ea r l E. Bottom J a me s H. Ca r ro I I J a me s V. Chri s tens e n Do uglas N. Com " nn R. Ke nt. Dona I d J . Coo I i dge Dre s s e l Waldemar M. Dres t e , F r e d E . Jr. Durham Howard W. Eck Rob e rt A . Ehrl ich Robert L. Fl e i s chl i J a ck E. Flood H. Wi II iam Fr i s Edwa rd S. Gim s on, Wi II iam H. Jr . Glover ' James Haley Wi Ibur A. Hann a Robe rt L. Hi g I ey Le o W. John s on J a me s C. Ka Ii sh He rbert S. Kasten Raymond O. Kend a I I, Edwil rd T . Jr . Kent Wi II iam D. Kerper Ma t t hew J. Key Eno s L . F ra nc i s M. K r: i I I Krumm e l , Clyd e H. Jr. Lamb e let Cla re nce A. La r so n Le on ar d N. Ma in Ma r i on K . t~a r I ow I'l a x l.. Mart in Ge n e S. Meye r 0 rv i I I e L. Ne u s t a edt er J a mes A. Prac ht He rma n W. Quinn Pat ri c k D . Ra smu sse n Ren e K. Sc hum a nn Llo y d C. Ski tek Gabri e l G. Ha lford O. Stri c kle r St u ec ll C .F . P . Roy C. We rn e r Hi ss l e r Lo ui s B.

4/ MSM Alumnus

1944 Adamick " Henry S. Allen Eugene K. Banks ' Robert L. Ba rnha rt He rbe rt D. Bridge Lorren F. Brodhacker John W. Carmichael · Ronilld L. Des Jardins Peter E. Dick C. Alfr"ed Goetemann Edwin C. Greco Dominic A. Hansen J. Rich a rd ' He i den re i ch Rage r ·"'H. "Isenmann · Edward S . Kasten Paul R. 'I I .Kozen i Don "K. r, Mi Iler Jilmes R . ,~, Morrow " Thomas H. '1 Rud i sa i Ie Ha ro I d 1 "J . Schmoldt Hans E. ,?, Schoeneberg Kenneth W. Sie v ert O. Morris Smith P. Ge ne Summ e rs Robert F. Thoma s Wi II iam J. Tu c ke r Fa rr e I I G. We i n e I Ern s t A. Wicker Dave A.

1945 B I " se Edw i n w . Ro y H . Bo y d r in I ey Ca r I E . Kas ten Vernon L. Kawaguchi Makoto J. Mc Ke l vey Jame s M. Jack K. Oz awa Sc hmidt Ro b e rt F. Sh a nk Ea r I ~1.

1946 Burke Ge ~ rg e E. C layton Au s tin B. Fes ler Carn e y C. J ones R" y mond B. ~l ac hado Jo se A . ~'ilnn Rob e r t L. Mee nen Arthur R. ~' e ye I' Dona I d I. o I sen Osca r M. Rutl e dge willi a m



1947 And e r se n Fr e d L . Br'un s Rob e rt F. But z e r Ha ro ld G. Ca r I ton Pa ul F . Carl R. Chri s ti a n se n Co l e R i c h a rd r:. Dunh a m Ro y II . E i n s p a nier Be rnard J. E ll erma n Hilliam E. Fa s er .Jac k F . Fog a rty Ed win R . Ful g hum Ga l e

1948 Balmat JackS. Be ru t t Ca e sa r Billy Jo s eph H. - Browning Ptli I A . Chaney ,lames B. Copeland A. Eugene Delany Michael J. Doel I ing Robert F. Ellis William A. Ellis Hilli il m F. F i oe Mo r r i s I~. fi s hel' Jame s R. Fuller Leroy W. Gauerke Reinhart C. Gevecker Robert V. Grady, Wi II iam J. ,Jr. Gr' iessen, Jolin III Ha c kmann Robert E. Haley COlller C. Hammann Jonn W. He I d Rob e rt E. Hepp Joseptl T. Hoel sc her James W. lIo~tel t Richilrd R. Howe I I Theodo re R. Hud s on Charle s N. Jon es Eugene F. I<.il e mp f Leo F{ . Ke el e y Gi Ib e rt S. K r e ut z er Rob e rt C . Law s on Vernon R. Le a v e r Hei rV 8Y 13. Ma lone Alber t V . I~ are tlfll Jacques H. Ma th ews Donald J . Me Co r ma c k Ge orge E. Me Ke l vey Ra lph E . Mef ford, Na~e F. Jr. r~i Il e r' Wi II i a m J. Hoe Ha r o I d G. I'lu e I Ie r' [dwa rd E . O'N e i I I Lawre nce F. PI'e s l e y, Wi II i a m H. Jr. Pro c ton Albe r t W. Ram sey George H. Hobbins Irv in O . Sch a effer, Hi liard A. III Schmidt DOll;)ld G. Sc hol z Arthu r E. SIIW<J r-t Z Al v ill H. Smith DavidG. Smith Harl a n O. Sto ec ker Wi Ib e rt r. lapperson. Arttlllr Jr' . Terras son Pa ll I L. Todd Fr e d A. Tr ac e Jam es ,J. Watkins Paul A . Wed,jle Hi Ib e m L, Wh a I e y Hen r y P. Wilk s John C.

1949 Al1ri p.r s ol1 Geo , <) e H. Al'tlll c tlOn ErJ '"Cl rd L. 13 <l Y H'lb e rt D, Be I I J a lIl e s E . Be nn e tt Ch a rl es w. Bp. rTy .J ( ~ r' O l" o '" Blank e nm e i s t e r Erwin


Boyel' Ale:, am'er" A. Breeze rrancis V. Br"eller" coy L. . :: Bridegl' oom Kellneth E. .: ..t. Ca r'ney H. Du Ie ', " : 'Ca rpen te I' Go rdon L. Carte,' Hi II iam D. ctl<"ig John H. Ci ;: ek Frilnk J . CI i f ton Jame s G. Copl e n. Roy I. Jr. Cri t e s Joseph D. Oa I pill i Da v i d Da I y 1 tlOIII" S E. Oil n z e r C;u' l ,J. Da v id s on Charles C. DeBolt Donald G. Down s ,Ja c \< S. [il s orl Dona Id [. tejylarrl s P:lul ". E.ieh e lber"g e l" Chill" les E. Fennert y Frank E. Fe nt z ke A. Dalliel F I iehn18n Mnl.ll""ice H. Fost e r ,Ia c l< O. Gammoll William H. Greig Jos e ph E. Gronbe c k Harius p , Hask e ll Donald F. ,Jone s Oliv e rW. Jone s Sam P. Kelahan Rubert C. Knecht Walter S. Knutson Elmo " G. Kontoto Fr il nk 1<. Martin Robert L. ~lc Cn I li s t e r, Od i s L. Jr. Mc Donald John E. Hc GI 'a th Jame s B. Menge I Edmund L. Mitchell ,JohnH. 14,,11 ig"n John J. Norman Antos Och s Calvin I~. Perko Hobert A . Perry Hober"t C. pufrett Bettijeanne ~1. Quinn Joseph S . Ratr.1 irf John J. Raymer Gordon E. Rei Ily, Jotll1 G. Jr . Reinkensmeyer Norman W. Rei s s Joseptl J. Hemington, Charles R. Jr. Ric e D. Pa ul Roa rk Bi II R. nuo t Hob e rt LRoss , Ch a rle s J . MfgE Pas s Harvey O . Rowl ey Kennit G. Sc hmitt Jam es C . Sc hnt i t z John F. Sc i,,", I e r, L e ona rd I.. .J r. Se el ig , Albe r t 1' . Jr. Sev ick Jo s eph G. S i ege l I-ii II i"m A. Spring e r Fr e d e rick ~1. S tadelhof e r Jack S t e in John E. S t r Cl I' b Ha ro IdE.



o o o ( o (

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f I f I

t~~~~~ ~~t I J~~g:~

J. "l e i UIOI' St H8 1' old ~1. Timme r Don a ld H. 1 i IId a II, Rob e rt F. Jr' . John B. Toom e y ru c k e r" Arthur' L. Van M~er ss en Otto L. Vi le s L<lndon C. We b e r ArthuI' H. Wis se l Ch a rle s K. Yo c hum Robert ,I. Young s Lloyd P .

1950 Agll"w, I. e wi s 'E . Jr. Atr. Ili son D" ni e l R. Bn c tl, \,/i I bert E . •J r. Ba l"Sa c tl s [ rll.in H . R. 1ll" t e I s [ug e ll e A. l3 e l ew Le l o nd r. l3e I"k ey Ve 1'1"1011 G. Be t z Irv in g G . Ro b e rt l. . B l oo me Bo rl i n e Jil c k R. Bo j e . Ge o ry e J . J r. Bra d l ey Ke nn e tt l R, 13 ' "C i l l<iI"r I 1( . 13 rel 'e r D. I-/a 11 ,1ee I:\r i"I<I1I " "" Ctl', r l e s 1:. " 1"(1 10111 Rob e rt II. fl , o 'n"n S t ll a r-t S .







/ / /I






I Ja ,I J ,J J




1. . Coatln..."

Brmo'r;Jg<lrd Bi' Iy R. Brunson Vernon 8l'el Ilobe"t W. Cantwel' laurence W. Chambe ,' S Frank T. Chen Wi I , i e Y. Clark Hilliam W. CI<lyton Roy T, Col I ins Willi<lm W. C,'ocker Hi Ibe"t W. !l<lmp f DOrla I d P. Davidson Ed .... in A. Delaney John. f. Drake, Avery A. Jr. Eissinger Karlheinz Erb Robert O. fvans, James l. Jr. Eyb<: "g W<l I b ridge P. Fahien Raymond W. ra'Tey Henry B, fossi Robe"t l.


To the Board of Directors: I have recently received my check for the Clyde Hall scholarship. Although I wrote a letter of apprecia' tion last January when I was originallly awarded this honor, I feel a follow·up letter is called for at this time, Last December when I first receiv· ed the scholarship, I was experienceing a lot of financial difficulty as I have been putting myself ' through college, With your award I was easily able to , finish up the school year without going further into debt. Now I am financlally set for this semester, my final one at UMR. After gradua· tion this December, I plan to go on to medical school next fall. ' I wish to commend the generosity of the alumni and friends who have helped support awards such as the one I received. I know and appreciate that their cont.ributions to deserving students help to continue the ex· cellence here at UMR. Sincerely, John H, Geerling St. Louis, Mo, George O. Kenneth Grllves. Cla,' erlee E. Jr . louis E. G,'BCO Greenberg Aaron J. Gregory ' Scott H . Cllth J ac k E. lIaa s Palll A. lIanrnlond Ger81d l. lIa rdy Ro I I and l. HarTis \Jilliam M. ~1 :"'( E. II ill' se r Hayme s Wi II iilln G. lI e ll er Enrique S. lIeman John F. lI errnl8nn fhomas A. lIiggins Alber' t J . IIi Ilhou se David L. 110 I I enhach Be ma rd D. lIolli s William flo I rne R. No rrna n lIon e ,' kamp Don" Id l. Howe I I Bennett. D. IIIIghe s W.illiillll P. IIIImphrey Waldo D. Hunt ,J. Richard lIyn e , ,Jilm.)S C. Jr. I s b e l I, Clarence A . Jr . Jamie s on George W. lheo dore I. J e ,'man Johnson Edward L. John so n Warren II. Jorcke 01 iver A. Junah Russe I I J. Kapernaros E. louis Ka u r fma n E . E. Ke Ily Peter B . L.

• Deceased


Ki 'nder David C. king Alvin C. . KnOwles Carl M. Kovach ' John Kreul Robert N. KUllz Cha,'les O. Kyburz Edward P. Lasko . He 'len D. bocket t Dona' i d N. Lukrofka 'love I I J. ~Iabie <;eorg:e , W. Mann Oar ,I ', K, :, Harshal ' l :Oona ·ld cW. I~a 'tti"rig .R(chard E. Mattlag~ . Raymond , F " Me ,Dermott ""An'hur R. 'Me ;Nely " Warr.en, E. Mc NichOls Jobrr R. Meg~ff seymo.u:": I-Ie i e r Ha rvey ·.W• . Mende 'l I Robe ( ~ H; 14engel ,'; Wi 11';i.am K. ~Ii Iler' Ch'e ster , E. , Hi Il.er' James ,E., Mi l 'ler . Lester L. I-looney : -Edwa rd W. Murphy Wi II iam l. Neidel Roger A. NeUSLaedt~r Robert H. Nolan ' Paul B. Novotnak ' rraril~ Painter John l. Parke,' R. C. P.a rks JO~ln ~I. Pittt.en Robel"t I. Pflllisell WilliamG. Pennington Robert J. Peppers Rob~rt£. Phi II ips, lIarvey I, Jr. Preiss " Robert K. Rees George A., Ries Frank W, Roach Kenneth C. Roberts J. Kent Robison Lesl ie B . Roen Fe I d t Ha '''0 I dR. Ruen~leck R<1ymond T. Sa Kony i John J. Scales Stanle¥ R. Schneider ' Norman - F " Scott ,James .J .: Sett.<jas , Robe"t: Sewal I Donqld C. Si Iver: S·idney Sims [)a I e , OE. : Skinner' , Mi Iton R. Jr. Slu s her Robert C. Smith r~arvin E. Sm i th, Roh er'"t · r. · Sr. Spackler Donald E. Spr' ing e r' Evere tt W. Starke Rober ·t E. Stevens Billy Stone Wal lac e C. Strain Robert A. Strong ,john F. Szumachowski Edwin R. Theerman lI aro ld A. Ti"bb s Ha 1'0 Id E. T i nr lin J a me s B. 'fr' iand" .John lunnicl i f f C larence J. Un se ll Ves t. e ,' B. Van Nort .J o hn R. Vogler' . August ,J . Jr, Wagner ' Ber nard C. . Warri e ld, Raymonr.l A, Jr. We inga ert n er . John W. Wi I son Glel1ll E. WolFram Ralph E. Wood Robe rt C. Wr' ight Haro ld R. Wunnenbe"g Dam! Id A. Yochum : I<enne til II. lerweck. Carl E. Jr.



1951 Anr.lerhuh Anthony P. Arnold John 14. Bit lr.lwin Wil I i a m M. Ball este ,-o , Antonio P . .Jr. Beckman Charles A. Bel I i s Gerald B. Blancke, C. Dudley J,- . Blendennann Gene R . Boscia Frank J. Bowkley Herb e rt L. Boyd Charles L. Brady ·Jo11ll R'. Brillo s John ~J. Browne . rhoma ~ C.

Brunkhorst Ea,'1 ·fl. · 8uettner f>1elvin' A. 8urkhead, Kenneth E. Sr. Carthew Douglas J. Coma n i ch Geo rge ~/. C r·o ....e I I Gil be r t L. Uascnbrock Arthur A. Dickens Richal' d L. Don:! I d son Geo ,'ge R. Do .... I i ng Nea I B, Dryden , Joseph L. DII I be rg I rv i ng Dunn Erv i n E. Ferber George E. Fe"ry C. Ron Fris Joseph P. Fri tschen, It e ,-man A. Jr. Gabrielse Richard S. Gardner, John Jr . Gibbs LOllis A. Gi lien David U. Givens Wi II iam A. Glenn David E. Gould David S. Hargus, Loren Jr. Harper William S. Heagler , John B. Jr .. lIen s on Gera td L. Hestetune Daniel G. II i mer John A. Hohlfelder Eugene F. lIolcomb Lester W. Horst Wi I I iam E. Huff ' Wayne F. I rio; i n Da v i d M. Jackson Earl E. Keller Gera Id ·N. Kennedy Harry E. Kent Herbert E. Kleinkopf M. Dean 1( 1 ine Cha,'les R. lancaster Edgar M. Lattin Juds.on M. Lehmann Charles F. Martin RobeGt D. Middour EI~ r idge S. r·loy Harry .c. Mysl inski F r ank J. Napp Gordon E . Oldenburg Te d -J. Packheiser Elmer D ~ . Parrish Davd d D. Perrym"n, Jo se ph E. Jr. Rieder Robert J. Rob er Dona Id L. Ro I I e I' Raymond F. Ro 'loff Don V. Rushton Wi I I iam E. Schmidt Vernon E. Sc hweize r Charles T. Senna Joseph II. 0 S i eck Ervin H. S i I ve I' ~1 i I ton ~1. S imp s on Thoma s A . Ski le s James J. S t e inm etz Charles E. Vanagan • Tatosian Theerman Wi Ib er t K. TSili William Van B,-ame,' Wi II i a m G. VaJlsant Robert E, Vena,'de J ack H. Wat.son Ha rry W, G. Wi I e La ,'so n E. Wi se man Don a ld E . Wo I f Rob e r't V. Woodl e , Roy G. Jr. Wurt z Wad e C . leid Marv in C.


lin I lows, Haymono L. Jr. Hausmann Paul L. lIa['sne r Paul Ii. lie i J i cll Haymond P. lIor.l<()nbllry Melvin C. Holdman Lesl ie F. Honigfort Henry F. Hr bacek E~i I C~ , Justus, Richard F·: ' Jr. Ke i I Byron l. Knoebel Richard H. Kronst Ed .... in f. Maclu ra Geo rge ' ~Iaday Donald oS. ~Iartin Dan W. HatsonDon D. " I·lc Intyre , John . F. Jr • . Menke Gregory V, Meskan David A. Mulholland, John E. Jr. Nolan John B . 01 iphant Edgar Pape Earl E. Patton, Denver S. Jr. Potter Vernon C. Priest John E. Reeves Ernest J. RiChards Turner W_ Rumsey Donald A. Scha fe I' Robe rt P. Schiene Quentin J. Sc r i vne r J. Rage r Stevens Everett G. Stickle Dirck B. Stopkey Waldemar D. ' Stri te Russe I I R. Tankersley James H. Tarr Clarence M. Unger Walter H. Uthoff Robert~ , Van Buskirk Lyman F . Vanderheyden Eugene T. Wal z Rob e rt L. We.eks Cha r I es A. We&te rman Howard W. Wheelock Leroy K. Wi II iams Dean N. Wolfberg Leonard H. Yager O. Timken leda lis John P.




1 i I


1953 Achterberg Ernest R. Annerson Charles A. Augustson Lu ther B . Ba rto n C. De an Bender John H . Berry Charles A. Boyd Marvin W. Crane Harold 'R. Creamer Edwa rd L. Di I I Ea 1'1 R. Edwards Gene W.

1952 Alvarado Frank T. Bartel. John G. Ba s Ie r F ra n c i sS , Baller Richard H. E. L ee B i 11'le i me r Borberg James R, Boyle . Jllmes R . Calcaterra Edward L. Chorney Pet.er L. Co I e A I I a n A. Cox Will ar'dE. Davis Gedale D. DeLap Kenneth L. Deluc ca. Micha e l Jr. E I I i son GL,y C. faUlkner Jnmes R. Fer'g uson Wa Iince Finklang John W. Gee,'s Joseph H. lIacker Je a n E.




'I I

.j 1983 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus / S

1953 ContfftuecI



Englund John O. r lood lola I ke r L. Gje I steen Thor tiansen Peter G. Haynes Myron B. Heeger Char l es H . Heimbaugh Kenneth G. Heineck Da le W. Howe Be r n a rd F . Jenkin s Robert D. Jones Vernon T. J ost Rob er t D. Kat z I~an fre d Ken t, Nevada A . III Knearem James L. Kronm ue ll er Wi II iam W. Lang Eugene A. Lee lola I ter Leponis Andrew E. Lipensky Mi Ian Mason J. L l oyd Ne l son Willi am F. Obersche lp Wi II iam F. Os bourne C laud e J. Park Wi II i am R. Pa tt erso n Wi II i a m E. Posche I Eugene J. Prickett Ll oyd C . Quatraro Wi II i am Rob bins C l ay Roberts James F. Sacks Raymond J. Sa nd e r s, Conne I Iy Jr . Fred Sc ha rf Seipe l , John R. Jr. Smith Bert L . Stolole J ames R. Stro hbeck Eugene E. Wagner Frederick R. 101 i I li s Hen ry R.

Schmidt HClrOld A. Schmittou Clay J. Senio r George L. Statler Kennyn D. Steffan Ke nneth r. SlIh re , ~la uri ce E. Jr . David E. Thompson Un ners t a l I J ame s A . lola I ke r' No rm" n L. Willi a ms Don L Yanc i k Josep h J .

And erson James S. A rc he r Da v i d W. Baebler Arthur G. Baker Chester H. Ba rco Sanille I U. Barnds, Campbell C. III Bening Robert G. Berg Richard O. Boze Ra I p h E. Broaddus, Wayne R. Jr. Brockmann Lester A. Corcora n, Thomas A . Jr. Dav i s, Ra I ph- T. Jr. Frank l in James M. Gess l ey Donald Gi l I i a m Dr.! l eD. Godsey Terry L. Ha ll ett Willi a m M. Ha s lett, Gerald W. Jr. He~v l in Harold D . Jon es Richard L . Ka i ser Richard L. Kickha m, Lalolrence T. Jr. Kingsbury Rona ld M. K r i eg Ma r l in F. Kummer Don a l d L. Kumm er Frederick S. Lane, Thomas F. Jr. Lansford Oris G. Lueh ring E I me r L. Mc Carthy John M. Mi Il er Char l es E. Oetting Robert B. Pildan John W. Ra'y Herman A. Schuman Ch ar l es W. Scott JlIl ius N. Sma rt Samue I Sm i th Be nja min K . HOlolard W. Tho e l e Tucker Pau I B . Van Busk i rk John R. Webster, Roy~ I S . Jr.

1957 Ale x ander Wi I I i a m Ander s on John R. Barde lm e i er Aug ll st R. Bates David W. Becker Robert W. Be rg Da v i d 1-1 . Brololn Phi I I ip O. C l odfelter Gene C. Conlee Jack L. Cowan , Rob e rt W. Jr. Da v is Ga ry W. E I li s , lola I te r II. Jr . Frank l in B i Il y W. Giff i n B i I I Y ,J. Greenlolalt Don R. Ha n ss - Eugene J. Heag l e r' Richard B. Humphrey R i chard L. Hu ssey RClymond L. Johnston Waymon L. Jones F l oyd C . Ka lin Thoma s E. f( i c k Oil V i d D. Ko I b DOo:'l I d w. Matz, A l exander H. Jr. Mit c h e l I James L. Nee l y L i st on E. Re i d Edlol in D. Reuss LI oyd E. Roush Ph i I i p S. Schne id er Robert W. Sege lh orst A lf red E. Soper Williilm S . Stevens D' Jea nn e Tanquary CI ifford C. Tol iver Jack E . ~ Venab l e ~Iilford G: Vetter, C l arenc e J. Jr. warren Robert N. I-Iebb J erry J. Webb Robert B. Went z , Charl e s A. Jr. \-Ii II i a ms Russe ll E . Donn G. Z i e bell





A l the i de Charles R . Baumgartner Georg r· R. Block Carl G. f, Boyd, Vi rg i I C. Jr . Bra¥iley John M. DeW i t t Ca r I L. Doe Bruce R. E. I me r E I lis Grinstead Wi I I i s G. Hart Norma n E. He rndon R i cha rod S . Hughe s R i c h ard A . Jenkins L l oyd H. Jones Bi II R. Kruge r Ha rry .J. Lieberman WCl rre n Robe rt E. Moo re Mur' phy Larry L. O'g Ie Herbert F. Remmers E. Pau l Reser Donald E. Ri l ey Kenneth G. Sauer, Harry J. J r. Sch i I I inger Da le J.

Burgett Ma x A. BllI'n s Fr e d r i c k B. Campen, Frederick J. Jr. Co l e , Sidney J. Jr . Co nci Frank B. Custead J e rry R. DOlole I I J Cl c k B. Fu ll er Thomas R. Gera rd James A. Gray Joe E. Hopler, Robert B. Jr. Horine Robert A . Hug hes, Judson A. Jr. Humphrie s Richard M. Kris pin Jos eph F. Lo Wing-Cheuk Pa t te rson J . Ro be rt Pi I I i sc h He rbe rt P. Poe Ha rry E. Run vik R i chard C . S i pe 101 i II i am E. Stelolart Will ia m H. Tiernon Car lo s H. Watk ins J @seph S.


1958 /


.:.. 1983 RoilalRO

.\ I

6/ MSM Alumnus I



Andreas Wayne T. Anspac h Ear l E. Buchanan John O. Capps Robert O. Co x L. Fred Crolole Joseph E. Cu ll en Mi c hae l J.J. Cum ming s Bradford C. Day De I be rt E. Dul I ~' e I v i n J. Dye 101 i I I i am B. Ga r re t t, J a me s H . ,J r. Gerwert Phi I ip E. Gra den, 101 i I I i a rn F . Jr. Gregory Donald B. Ha r'debeck lIarry E . Eldon 1-1. Head Hofstetter Jame s F. Jones CI intford R. Konrad Richard J. Lelol i s B. Ne i I Littlefield Jerold K. Mason Denni s E. Mc Go v ern Don a ld R. ~, i I I erR. La ry Minton Robert C. Modesitt Donald E. ~' osby Freddy L. Mung er Pau l R. Ni edermeyer, O. Da vid Jr. Nolan .James R. O' Keefe Thomas J . Oll enfu s s Richard H. Schiermeier John J . Schmidt, E . Robert Jr. Sfreddo Humbert E. Srn i th R. Tho ma s Smul a lld Robe rt J . Starkloleather Gi Ib ert S tevells Robe r·t P. _

ftl( ~II

-Dear Mr. Mackaman.

All 0;1

Thank you ' for making the Murphy Co. scholarship available at the University of Missouri· Rolla. I am sure I can put it to good use. Thanks again.


_Sincerely, lim Gregory Creve Coeur, Mo.

Sucher Robert I~. Surld at h Ja mes N. Su i I i V<1n Chal' l es H. Pau l 1-1. l ay l or I Onlazi George D. Unnerstil ll Le ste r A. Vetter Rona ld F. Vitek Ric llard K. Weems .John C. Wege ner Ro n a l d E. Willi a ms O.War l' en '{oll ng Ra l ph O.


Or C~



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1·10/ MOl l·lll1

Pa l

1959 At' imura I tsu Auberry Wi II i am D. Be ll cham ber Don<J l c1 K. Bo l on, Luci e n M. Jr . Bo x dorfe r Robert L. Bramon, Ge r-a Id A. Jr . Ca in , C l a r' ence Jr. Carm i I Ha rre n J. Caval i er FrankD. CDloIns A lh e rt r. _ Chico Ray mu nc10 J . Co l e man G l en n J. Courson, Le e R. Jr. CrClprre l1 Don W. Gi l mo re , Re x A. Jr. Goldin Herbert A. Hahn J a mes II. Hess Robert I~ . Hoffman Anthony E. Ho r n sey Edlolard E . It sc hn er Emerson C. J a nes Frank E. Jo hn so n Gordon E. Jo hn son Phi I ip R. Ken n edy Ralph C. Ki e ffe r, Alon zo R. II I Kruger Wi II i a m A. Lemb e rger Rob ert A. Lindsey I<ellneth R. Lutz H. Johll Madigan Dennis D. Matting ly Raymond C. t~c HClffie Ge rilld , T. ~l i tc l1 e II John F. Morgan George H. Leander A. Neu mei er Ober l ander Hichard K . Pate Henry A. Patterson James M. Pugh James E. Puntney Albert W. Ratliff JohnL . Reichert Joseph F . Hisner .J<J mes L . Rob in son Ma rquis B. Ross RictJilrd G. Rue s ter John r . Scharf Joe l S . Schneider Ch<Jr le s S . Schoonover Donovan K. Schumacher Car l R. Shoem<Jker James L. Smi t~1 Gaylon G. Sprui II Victor F . Stevenson Gerald L. Swanson Kenneth A. lhompson Bi I Iy J . Vo l ker Ronald E. Ha x fl\an Stanley Wiel, er Richard H • ~Iood Wi II iam S.

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A<I"ms IIII I) (, r L I . IS. I ye8 .1e r ro I d H. /l II" "rson ,1 0 1111 C . All y l e K" l ph G. R>I n I e l. t Sy I V,HI Be I ew Robe I- t 11 . Bosto n Lawr e n ce A . • Rla mfi tt B r u c e L. C'l Pfl e ll ar i Lewi s C . Ch e n Dav irl ·K. Ke nn e th D. Co rbin Co x Ke nn e th H. De l PI 'e t e, Antho ny ·Jr. Di c k e n s Wa l t e r H. F I a ni g a n Vi r g i I J. Gilb e rt Wi ll i<lm J. Gil mo I'e .J e r r y L. Gunth e r Don J. lIilw k Ra I flll L , li e I' s h e y Ha rry C . Ho ffm a nn V ictor J. li o lm a n G l e nn Wayn e GOI' don R. Hya tt .James , Ron a ld C . MD. Jordiln Tho ma s M. Ke s ll ar i Hosse in R. Kieffer Robert C. K l eb b a Ke nn et h T. Lo e b s Herbert A. Luk ow i t z Gregory J . Manley, Wi I I i 8 m H. J r. Hil x ton Ra lph C. Mc Daniels John L. Hc Nee l y David C. Me r·t I Eugene E. Moit Daniel D. r'lontgomery lhomas S. Moyers Gerilld E. r'lun s~ 11 B . Dougla s Patt erson Gary K . Phelps Wel don L . Price David E. R8 Y Rugene E. Reynolds M8 urice M. Hi ze r Gene C . Schuler Hobel' t K. ScoF i e ld Gene L . Siron' Ro be rt E. Stone Jerl-Y . L. Sturg eon. Ch.ester W. Jr . Testerman Roy L. Todd Lamar S. Vacca Herma n L. Wagenheim Nea l T. Wa I ker PilU I ~1. Wh i te Rob.e rt ~1. Wood Ken net h W. Paul R. Z ac heis


Fa'" I e ,'





Am s 1 e r La r C. Ann i s Dona I d J. Bolander Richilrd W. Bosse Wil I iam R. Brenning Eugene D. Brinkman Glen A. Bu r lage Donald~. Cholerton Edward M. Curson Wi I I iam N. Dew i ng II . Ha rvey .0ix La rry I. . E I - Ba z Faro u k E. S. Evans Donald L. Fa rme r La rry E. Featherston C. Ronal~

MSM-UMR Alumni Association, . I would · like to express my appreciation to be a recipient of the Jerome and Robert T. Berry Scholarship. It has greatly helped me to continue to receive one of the finest engineering educations available in the country. The award has also enabled me to continue to play football for the Miners. Again, I thank you and wish you all the best in 1984. Sincerely, John Frerking

• Deceased

I h ~rl df~ lI s F. 1'l a ,· I.I, a S . 13 i II 1_ . Ge rh8 " t lI a lin i n 9 \.J i I I i a m A. Jar. l,s r ra n k [ . I, ur·t z tr a I s .I a mes I). I a tz e ,- ,10 h n C . l aw le, · Wi l l i s D .. Le u, JU 8 n J r. I ew i s Da v i d I~. Loga n Rob e r t M. Ha guire R i c h a rd J. H8rb l e J a mes B, Hil rose k Gh a rl es F . I·lc Laughl in, Eug e ne J: Jr. Hc Na bb .J esse E . Neil l' S A . Da l e He rk e I Ed",a r d F. ~l es k a'il A ll e n'rl. Hill s Te rr y L. 1'1\'n g l e Blirl in D. Mye rs Don a ld D. Odorn Jam es T. Os tmann Don a l d A. Pa tter'son Ba rba ra R. Peter s on He nry N. Peter'son Jay A. Pfeuffer Rona ld R . Rando lph Robert W. Re e se Bartley L. Sa l ilz a r Arna ldo J. Siesennop W. wayne Sout h e rn Me rle E. Stidham James A. Theobald Thomas A. Toepfer Lo ui s E. Urekar Joseph F. Wa I"t"on Joiln W. Webe r Roger C . I· lo od

1983 Rollamo G l asse l CI ifford Herron George F. Howe I I Roberi C. Jaeger Benj am i ~ W.H . JaquilY Richard L. Ka hl Richard A. K lu tho Allyn R. Koester Robert D. Kreikemeier Kraig G. LaP lante Allan H. Lasmanis Raymond Lib i e z J a me sO. MacCrindle Co l in C. Machmeier Paul M. . Markland Robert E . Martin Wade A . Mi lI er Paul H: Naiknimbalkar " Narendra M. Niblock Glenn · A. Packwood Don a 1 d L. RilY PaUl A . Redington Edward A. Robertson Rona ld S. Robison James B. Sc haefer Seth C . SClliliinger George R. Seh I, Eugen e Jr. . Shillton Lonnie J. Sieckhaus Robert H. Skamenca David G. Sm i ttl Sam L. Tay l or Glenn R. Trautman Dennis R. Wood Frank D. link Richard C.

1962 Baxt.er Kenneth D. Brady Fr ancis J. Busch Ray E. Coy I e . R. 'Iom Jr. Du va I I H. P8t E i n se I ~1i II e ,- D. Elfrink Lindel I H. Ferguson Gary L . Gaert n er' Douglas A. Gorm l ey James r~. Haas Don a ld W. Hake Leroy W. Hammon d Mi c h ae l W. Harr i l l Williilm D. lI a rvey L8wrence E. Hatfield David C . Haush a I ter Frederick W. Ha ve ner Ga r'y W. He,-zog Michael -S o Jones Jilck H. Ka daki a Jayant S. Kamper Russe I I A . Krone Jack B. KUI,n Ca ro I E. Lamber C. Kurt Mc Caw Charles K. Dbermar k J il me s R. Ploeger Richard A. Rencehausen Gerald P. Reyburn Michael K. Schaefer Robert L. Smith , Menard ' D. Jr . Speckhart Frank H . Stearns Jerry D. Stigall 'Paul D. Sill I ivan John V . Sullivan , William L. III Tes ke J ames' E. Va n Doren Thomas P. Wate r s O. Jer-ry Welch Gary E. Wi1 50 n Robert J . Wilson William L.

1963 Andoe W. Victor Arms Robert L. Bartl in g Donald L . Ba s s in Rona ld L Baumbach Dale M. Benn Edwa r' d Burton Robert R. CI8rk Dennis A. Close r~ a xwe ll L. Dav id Edward G. Dodd Curt i s W. Dres sel . Theodore H . Jr. Fa r rne '-, J 0 h" O. I I I



Ashl ey Ca,'1 G. Bart e l Donald S. Bee gl e Don a ld W. Broeking Kenneth W. Buescher Alfred J. Buescher Gene E. Campbel I Charles E. Cassell Ra Iph M. Ch ervitz Jerrold Chro ni ster Thomas G. Collins James W. Con"in Robert F. Cutts Ja mes F. Dacey Rob ert J. Edwards Ha,' ry K. Fischer Henry E. Fournel l e Haymo n o A. He nry Ja mes M. Hi I I James L. lio I I ey Robe rt G. Hub er Harold D . King, Frank W. III Kralls Ronald W. LaRose, T. Harre ll Jr. L imberg John F . Mackie Roscoe L. Meehan Michael E. 11ichel Dilvid J. r~i l 'ls , Char l es S . Jr. Mochel Wil I lam R. Morrison Don a ld J. Murry Milton J.

NicholS Elwood B. Painter Denn ) s W. Parkinson Larry L. Parr Richard . A. Peacock Da vid N. Peters Donald G. Pohl ig Kenneth D. Quan Cho on K. Raber R i chard F. RaFFel Ted C . Raidt Paul B. Reinheimer Charles J. Reul ing Donald O. Royer Leroy J. Simmons Michael F. SOwe I I, Lew i s C . Jr . Spehr James L, Stricker Alan E. Stuart Ro bert L. Tao Frank F. Ta y lor George H. Terry James W. Treffinger David J. Van Tran K. Voo rh i s Ga ry L. ' Wiebe Dirl~ H . Wi I son Tommie C. limnick, Harold E. Jr. Zunke I A . Doug

1965 Arnold Richard I. Aubrecht, Ladimir J. Jr. Barr Ralph S. Bass Paul J. Behnke Robert E. Bergt David E. Bicknel I Hi Iton B. Bitting James L. Blume David J. Branum Wi II iam H. Brunner G8ry D. Bugg Stephen F . Butler James L . Byington Marvin L. Cook Thomas W. Cope Wi II iam R. Dek e n Lou i sR. Di I I i on Ro nald K. Far re II , Will i am 11: Jr. Fernandez Henry E. Fuller Larry C. Furby John R. Gar-ring e r, Hal L . Jr '. Gaylord Thomas K . G i ger, D. Fra nkl in Jr . Goodman Daniel K. Goos Gera ldD. Gr if f i n ' Paul D. Gross Manfred E. Hab e nicht W. Helmut Hafel i Dwight T. Hagen Wi II iam R. Hammen B . Dennis Han n a Charles K. · Hoffman David J. Hohman Joe A. Junge Gregory Ka Ilor Jay S.


MSM Alumnusl7

1983 Rollamo

1965 Continued Kettelkamp Robert L. Kettelkamp Stephanie Kettler ' Gerald J. Lasker M. OWen Lassley Richard H. L'i Charles T. Li u Wan-Cheng Ma r I ow Cha r I es F. Martin Charles R. Mc Cr acken Wi II iam E. Meyer Da l e , A . Morgan, Gro v er D. Jr . Mo r gan J. Derald Mulyca Walter C. Myrick, Charles R. III Nickless , Arthur L. Nielsen Darrell M. Otto Robert L . , Pasek Theodore D. Peresztegy Lajos B. Picker Melvin L. 'P rice ' Wi" iam J . Province, E. Edward Jr. Ricketts Robert L. Ryan Robert J . Shah Rashmikant L. Shaw Na ncy H, Smith F-rederick J . Smi th J ohn Ii : Smith Michael D. Stelmley John F. Sundermeye r Robert W. Sunkel Thomas M. Suthlpasnarupon Anant Terry Richard L . Thomas, Donald O. Jr . Towers Te re nc e G. Wahler , V ince n t C. Jr . Wilng Wen-L i We II s Will i a m L , Wi I so n Clyde W. Yang Hsun-Kuan g Zimmerman Wayne M.

Hogue, Robert W. Jr. Howe I I John D. Hudd I esto n, J a mes A. Jr. Hughlett Michael L. Jozwiak Phi I ip A. K lug, A I fred E. Jr . Kramer Ra Iph H. Kruep Raymond J. Kuo Dona I d T . Latimer John O. Littlefield Larry W. Lytle, Glenn A . Jr . ~Iason, John T . III . Matthews James RJ. May Thoma s J. \.' Me Carron , Rob e rti?~L. Jr. ~'ehta Jagd I sh 1'11. n Meier Thomas 0 . 1 7 r1eye r Robe rt W. {q ,,' t10hr John W. \ II 1'10 ra n MI chae I D'."'\ Moss Edwa rd A . Munn Dale A. Ott William K. Panhorst, Albert C. Jr. Pe rk i ns James B . Pollack Lesl ,ie A. Rauer James M. Reinsch, Lawrence J. Jr. Rich La rry M. Scheer Samuel A. Schroer James B . Scott Kenneth R. Shaffer Alan D. Slo cum Roy W. Sm i t h Ge ra I d W. Stee Ie , J a mes D. Stewart , Lesl i e D. Jr. Stockha usen Wi II iam T. Trippel Robert C. Uthe Floyd H. Walters Ronald P. We ya nd Thomas E: Wi Ikens Roy A . Wi II iams Maurice A. Wo od bury Frankl in B.W. Woodfield Richard A. Yung Shu C.

1966 Barnes, CharI i e M. Jr. Behring Allen G. Bingham , Lloyd W. Jr. Boehmer Jerrol L . B'rady Dale E. Bry nac Mi c h ae l J. Buchmeier, Frank A . Jr. Bufalo David J. Chen 'Ma rk M. Coco Matteo A . Copenhaver Roger L . ' Davi s Jerry W. DeClue Duane H. Dr eisewerd Douglas W. DLinn Ha rry E. , Dy cus James P. tIl i son Donald R. Larry G. 'Evans Fiebelma n Harold E. Foss G,len N. f ukubayas hi Harold H. • ~alpern Jack A. ', Hayes ' Edward D. : ~ ~idef Robert , L.

8/ NISM Alumnus

Inma n P<lul L. Kamman J a mes 11. Kil s tel Richard L . Kettenbr' in k , Edw in C. Jr. Koob Ge o rge F.' Lebo Je r ome M, lyons He l e n L. I~c ',11 I l en T. r~ i c h a e I Mc ~'ullen C I i fford C. Med l in Jame s M. Mike l io n i s Lawrence J. My e rs Howil rd W. Nel son DilV id A. Oln ey Ge t'il I dE. Owens Ga ry S. Perkin s 14ich a e l A . Prater' Nick L . R i ggs James E. Rymer, Ru ss e ll S. Jr. Sa dow s k i Jo lm 14 . Sc an l an J a mes W, ~ c a rp e ro Don a ld C. Sch l om a n A l an H. Th o mas J. Se a rs Seth Raj B . S i evert Ga ry F. Smith Rob e rt T. Turn er Robert E. Wagner Richard V. Webb Wi II iam D. Wei se Th eo dore L. Young Lawrence M. Zwiener James M.

1968 Arm s trong Roy M. Astrack Richard Ii. Be I I Gordon W. Berger John 1'1, Brooks Ronnie E. Brubaker Wi I I iam R. Chadwick Jack l. Chao ,' S, (St.p.vp.l Cowles, James C. Jr. Dearth David W. Di r Ion Paul H. Doerfl iriger Arthur E. Downs Melvyn E. Ecoff , ' Ralph A. Jr. Eggers Stephen H. Faintich David M. Furst David L. Ge rha rd ' Ga ry E. Go e dde Joe G. Halterman Leroy Heitzmann John E. Huett Michael S. Jackson John T. Jacobs Joseph W. Keppel James R. Koege I Frank R. Lew i s l e I a nd luebber t , lawrence H. Jr . Lu ec k Ralph H. t1a b ry Dewayne P. Mi I t e nberg e r James L. Moore Richard E. ~lunns John A . Owens Charles D. Pah I Robe r·t H. Parker Dennis R. Pender Stephen N. Pe r r'y No r r i s W. Pogue Jerry G. Po rter Clayton G. Ru et er Richard E. Schardl, Joseph N. Jr. Schenk Rich a rd W.

1967 Adamick; Chester J . Jr. Altma n Ba rb ara H. Bauer, Jos e ph W. Jr. Be ve l Jerry E. Bu rkhalter Richard L. Carl J a mes W, D e~ lo Michael l . Dege nhardt Eugene A. Delashm it William E. De Long Ca r I E. Do err J erry W. Dye r Ga rv i n H. Evans John M. Fri c ke Bernhard D. Fritsch e l Larry E. Gass J ohn W. Hachmuth Henry K. Hansen , Stanley S. II Ha r,dy M i' chae IE . Houser James 0 ; Hydzlk Richard M.

Dear Board, Thank you so much for awarding me the Alumni ''Special'' Scholarship for the coming year. I appreciate very much your efforts to help students pay their way through college, and I thank you especially for choosing to help me. I plan to do my best to be a worthy recipient. Thanks again! Sincerely, Lori Stapp Bartlesville, Okla.

Schneider R i c hard L . Schowe ng erd t Robert A. Sidlowski Rona ld E, S imm s Wi II i ",m R. ' Smith Ne i I S. Sp e nc e Ja~e s J, Storrs St ll a rt 11. ~ t r ~lI s s Steph e n R. Te bo St e phen D. lJ nter naehre r Hi I! iam E.' Veh i ge n i c ll a rei J. I-/a t' d Da n i elK. Wright S ~ e ph e n A. Wrist e n David B. Yo ungm a n James A. Z i eg I e r Ka r IF,

Ad I Ale

Alld Bak Ba I sa Ba l sea BiS


Bra Bra

Bra Bra Brd

ca I

1969 Andreae Robe~t A. Bec ker' John R. Be h r e n s Ray mo nd A. Be rr y John J. Bondura nt Frederick, N, Boring Wi II i a m D. Brendl e St e phen , J. Brice Bradley W. Brinkopf Robert L. Bruce Robe rt S. Brllne Rob ert ' H. Bruzewski James R. Bulla Frederick W. Burrows Eugene H. Case Glenn R. ' Chang James' J. Chow Robert Y. CoIl ins Wi Ili j m E. Cooper Larry M,';, CDulter Stephen J. Cowen Joseph E ~ Craig Charles M. C re tin Pa til F .. Daneshy Abbas A. Davidson Wil I iam G. D i etrich Wal ter D. Ea son James S. Ebe I I ng John A. Franke Richard' E. Frazee Richard W. GentZler, Edward C. 111 Geo rge Da v i d R; Ger'lg Ma r tha M. Gray David I.. Glil ick Gat-y M,. Hallad a y Harold W. Ha rms Kenneth D. Hawkins Rodney B. Holland Theodore W. Hollowell Wi ITiam M. Hung Samue IS. Johnson Jerry [. Jo zwiak Vincent R. Kelahan Michael E. Kelkar Subhas~ G. Ke rns Wayne l. Kmecz Gl e nn ~1. Knauf Wi II iam R . Knenlein Mi c hael J. Koester Richard W. Labi t J a mes R. Lowe Wi I I i am S. Mertens Michael L. Monin Donald L . Robe rt L,. N i eha us Ol d ha m OOllglas G. Perkins Gary G. Randol I Rodney O. Ro a m John H. Roberts Omer H. Roth Leste r C. Ru i z Nora A. Rytt er Noel J .. Scilinidt lonnre D. Sc hmidt Thom6~ S. Seaman Robert L . Shaefer Raymond T . Sh i n i A sa ad S" Slater Michael .. W. Smi th Brian H, Sowers James fl. ' Spalding Tll eodore J. Stah l Jo sep h W. Stef f a n Ch ery l A. Steve n s Robert W. Th a lha mmer E . Donald .:Tom I in, Glenn P. .Jr . ~ans ing Alvin D . Wi e se nmeye r ,J'q'hn C. , HJ I SOil Pa t r i c l< J . Woessner Jam.~ D . Ze:nge, Thoma s ,<,!::;. Z i:mmer ,John J : ';

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1970 Ad ler Robert B. Alc:<lIl1der Wi I I iam D. Alldreae Vicki M. Sa ke r. \~a I te r A. .I I Ba I aban Theodore S. BIlf'nett Rlllpll I.. Bausell Richard A. Beardsley David D. Bischoff Robert F. Bj 0 rill)e rg Pe te I' R. Bockman Ga r'y J. ' Brady linda L. ' Bra~ham John E. BI'anum Lloyd B. BrllY Micha'e! £. Srown Wi I I j s l. Ga I fee Ka ren S. Glllton Lynn B. Gllr'ter John B. Gha s ten Uenn is l. Cheek Michael R. G,o rbett Timothy P. Davis Ronllid D. Dean la rI'y J. Delay Russell G. Denney Kenneth L. Dietrich Randall G. Doering FI'ank J. Dolata Edward W. Dorroh, Robert C ' III Engineer Roy , Finkelstein Michael A. F i tzge 1'<1 Id ' R i cna rd J. Ford , ,J,a mes ,,,,. Friese Michael M. Furry James L. " Garrett. Jacl< .T. 'J r. Gaston Cha 'r fes , B::" Glynn Michael' ,G. " GrieSenaue~ ' Ron~jd L. Habegge r Rona I d - L. Hahn ",Joseph' :K. \' lIankin,s ' David R.' He i ne Be rna rd j., ',', Henson , Phi II ip L : Hoecke I.man Les I 'je ' Homyk ' ' Terrence d. ' Horne James " H. ;" Huebne'r Cha, r I es', E. Ilavia . Pi ioo E. 'J11gg i Denn i sf. :, "', ': Jussyp Jtll' i .:, Kao ' Ching-Nan " ,', Kap'I'a n ' .Ma rk ' S'. :', ,. Kemp ,, 'RlIsse I" I' W. Kemp 'wayne R. " ' Ktllgore ROss D. , Kone ' Frankl in \{. Korth Michael ,V; Kruckemeyer. Wi II i'am C. Jr. Kllebler Kenneth L: Kuenz James M. Kuss Joseph K. LaBoube Roger A. . Larsen. Glen A. Jr'.' Lindquist Craig A. Mahanna Simon A. Matoesian David H. 11a t thews Je rry L. ~' c Clur'e, Nathaniel D. IV Mc Gath Mi c hael R. Mc Kelvey Jame s B. Metz, Kenneth L Jr. Midd e n Leo W, Mikkelsen Clark D. I'l organ Ma r k D. 110rris James R. Mo r r isLa r ry D. ~'ou s er Ge r a Id F" Mu rra y Charle s J. Ne umeyer Donald G. Ni es en Ri c hard E. Nol te Curtis E. 01 i ve r La rry J . Olu sa nya Ol use gun O. Owe ns Sa ndra L. Pi e r s on Ossea n E. Port noff Ne i I S. Praz nik Gre gory E. Ra mey Roy R. Rauls Gary L. Ray Bill y r. Ray Ch a r Ies T. Ray J a mes A. Re c hn e r James J . Rho a d s Ran da I I L . Ri co no Ma rion p , Robin son Guy 1·1. Rooney Micha el J. Ro s enkoetter Arthur I . Rowan Jame s M. Ru s hing AI len J. Scha~el. Walter S: I I I

Dear Mr. Mackaman: It was with much delight that I received notiflCation of my selection for the Alumni Association ScOOlar· ship. Attending the University of Missouri·Rolla has been in my plans for some time. However, receiving the Alumni Scholarship will allow me to attend UMR all four years instead of waiting to transfer from a local in· stitution after two years. The importance of this scholarship is certainly invaluable to me. It is en· couraging to know that academic achievement is recognized. Also, the scholarship has further motivated me to make the most of the oncoming colJege opportunities. Thanks so much for making the Alumni Scholarship avialable at UMR. Sincerely yours, Jeremiah Golston Springfield, Mo.

Schiffner larry L. Schmelzel Randolph W. Schmidt Mi.chaeL G. ,Schmidt Robert l. Schm i d t Thoma s E. S~hnake Alvin E. Schwager .)ohn L. Schwanke CarlO. Sizemore, Lamar T. Jr. Smith Beverly D. Soong Ph iii p J. J . Stephenson Michael W. Struessel David A. Swinny David W. Taylor Ceci I R. Tene s Edwa rd B. Thompsori Earl A. Th r,e I ke I d, Hube rt R. Jr. Tolle William l. Tsay Liang-JuDn Umphenour Charles F. Vaughn Paul E. Wa I k Howa rd J. -Warner John R. Wedge W. Keith Weigand Robert W. Wi II iams Anita l. ~Ii II i ams R i cha I' d K. Wortman Darrel E. Younke r Forres t A. YOllnt Mi c hael R. Zieg e r, James B. Jr. Zy l ich Ron a Id G.

Deaver Randall L. Donze Terry W. Dosta I GI'egory G.J. Downing Kenneth B. £1 I iott Joseph O. EI I is Paul R. Eppestine David A. Erickson Cordon L. Etezad i Bijan Etwert Cltarles M. Fair Michael W. F<1rrell John S. Flatt Wi II iam S. Galler Wayne J. Gallup Archibald H. Gayer John G. C I ad I sh Lee A. Gray Howard W. Greene Thomas l. Gucciardo Terry A. Hallock , James K. Jr. Halter Edward M. Hart Gerard J. Hayden Thomas M. Hellwege James W. Jacks. Robert W. Jr. Jackson Hershel A. Johnson Robert J. Jones James H. , Katin Jon D. Keen Jerry G. Kennedy Brenda S. Kim Woo Hyung Klotz James A. Marcellus James R. Mc Cor'mick Larry L. Mc Cormick Robert S. Med lock Re x L. Meng James C. Moha I ley Robert P. Moo re Rona I d T. Murphy. Wi I I iam J. Jr. No I an Lawrence E. Overturf Richard D. Pa rke r Robe r tl ,L. Pa rkes Roge r .f}. Po I i ch, Vic to r J. J. r . Potashnick Reginald B. Pottinger Jan ,M. Raithel James F. Redington Stephen L. Reynolds John A. Sandella Micha~1 S. Schaefer David D. ScherTer Paul K. SchUlze Roy E. Seabaugh Allen ' W. Shanes Charles W. Sherwood Robert E. Simon David M. Smi th G. Dan Smi th Gregory P. Stanfield Dennis E. Stotler Denis L. Talbert Keith E. Tayloe Charles H. UI rich James G. Webber George A. Widner Gary W. Wi I I iams Raymond R. Wulff C. Stephen Wussl er Alfred J. Yancey Roger L. Yeh Sh e n K. Ziati c Mi Iton T.


Edwar'ds , John \~. Jr. Egbert Robert I. Eyermann Thomas J. Faust Rona Id G. Feldmeier Alan J. Fletcher C. Scott Forsee Ga ry D. Frisbee Daniel E. Garrett L. Wayne Garrigan Paul C. Halbert Jeffery L. Hanson Steve A. lIao Wuu lIa rms Ba rry , A. Harris George L. lIart, James F. Jr. lie I I rich Linus H. Heseman Calvin R. Holliday Robert l. Hund i ng, Ca r I W. I I I Ibart'a, Santiago Jr. I I I i an Don L. Jones Alan W. Jones Charles M. Klein RobertE. Korklan H. Jeffrey Kovarik, Casper F. Jr. Lambe Clinton R. Leavi tt Da I las R. Lester Freddie H. Marek J. Douglas Mattties, AI fred W. I I Mc Cormack, Howard F. Jr . Minden Francis J. Miodunski Robert L. Mugan John W. Mullen Daniel F. Mull igan, James A. I I I Myers, Charles T. I I I Nelson Steven F. North Michael A. ,Ochoa Juan G. o live r Da n i elL. Ostermann ~orman P. Padgett Donald L; Park Dean A. Partridge Ralph M. Peters John W. Phipps John O. Pitt Dale M. Politte James E. Puettmaon David R. Santllccl Ceasar J. Scheibel Thomas E. Schoenefeld, KaTI F. I I I Schuessler Richard B. Smith Russel I D. Stehly ' Daniel W. ' Summers, Alfred L. Jr. Taylor Michael E. Taylor PhilipG. Taylor Roger K. Tenfelder John W. Toth Robert C. Trancynger Michael L. Vandiver Gary W. Vogelpohl David R. Ward Joseph R. Wassi lak John R. Werthman, John P. Jr .

1971 All e n, J ohn E. Jr . Ara nt Wi II ia m S, Bar ne s Willi am t1 . Barres i Carmen J . Ba r-t ICY . Hi I I i am H, J r . Ba lima n H i I I i a IT! J. Be n cz in ger Robe r t Berk bi g ler Larry W. Bo nd i J il nieS O. Bondur a nt D a~ id W. B I' yarl 0 8 v i dO. BlIckwa l ter Jo hn R. Budd Vi nce n e ,J . B u t~ hk o Robe r t G. Bu tler De nni s F. BlI t l er Jil mes A, Ca rt e r Hil l E. Che n Tilk t'1. CllOlI ara in I~i c h ae l L. C I a rk B I !.Ice B. Cl ar k Robe r t E, Conger ~ I e nn J. Cool< 'Mi c ha e l M. Cooper Ch a rle s J. COllnsi I John R. Creason Gary W.

1972 A l s p a~ gh Dav id H. Anderso n J ohn R. Bac hm a nn Da v id E. Ba r t le tt Ric hard E. Ba rto li Er nest C. Be n to n J a mes R, Be rry Ro be r t T. Bl a l oc k Randy W. Boyd Step hen J. Brown , Ph i I li p L, Butl r mester Ea r l K. Busc h Ke nn e th L , Bu tts Ja mes D. Carson Alan H. Chenowet h Dary l I W. Chi e n J ohn F. Ch r i sten Ra nd o l ph F. Co l e Hu gll E. Co) I in gs J a mes R. Curth F. Osc a r De ard e uf f Dwight L. Dicken Stanley C. Dietrich Andrew R. Dunn Wyatt M.

1983 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus/ 9


£( [

1972 Continued Widmer Re x C. Woos ley David E. Ze N i g La r ry J. Z i mme r' Pa ul A. Zinselmeier Albert E.

1973 Anderson Michael B. Bade Norml1n D. Bain. Joseph E. Baker John ,W. Behan Thomas A. Behr l Michael R. Bergner Larry G. Berkbigler Kathryn M.P . Black, Harold E. Jr. B'reme r Wayne P. Brinton John C. Brown, Thomas S. III Bryant Steven D. Buchmeier Wi II iam K. Byrne Patrick M. Campbe l I Fred W. Garter Karen S. Davies Carol A. Degel Frank C. Denney Ga ry G. Dj lion Katherine V. Downs Phi I ip R. Ebbesmeyer David J. Eck James M. Ede Ie James S. Fahy Michael P. Fetterman Phi I I ip S. Fitzpatrick WilliamJ. Fulkerson, "Frank M. Jr. Gauss Mont i e J . Geo rge Wi II iam W. Goodman Roger K. Grotefendt Rande H. Hami Iton James R. Hendren Larry L. Horstmann Paul W. Hudson Paula Jansky Jonathon P. Johnston Ronald D. Kah le Thomas A. Keating John M. Ki I I inger John C. Kleinman Robert A: Kluba Denis M. Kluge Rolland H. Kroeter David W. Kuechenmeister Kenneth W. Kuntz Richard D. Lambert Kathryn A. Lance R i cha rd J. Lawler Charles E. Lederle Ga-ry J. Lewis Lawrence L. Lindstrom John A. Ma ro I f J a me s W.

Mc Clure

Ol1Vid T. La rry L. Niemeyer Terry W. Owens Roseml1 ry F. ' Pagano Salvatore J. Patterson, J. Sr:ott Jr. Pendergrass Dennie I.. Petermann Ernie W. Peters Richard E. Pickell Marl!, B. Preston Robert P. Prouty David A. Rambow Frederick Robertson Stephen L. Rorabaugh James I. Sample Sarah S. Sams, ,John L. Jr . Schafermeyer Richard G. Scheller Jl1mes D. Schill ing John H. Schilleter Steven E. Siovensky R. Clayton Smith Richard A. Stanze David C. Stratman Mark X. Stritzel ' David L. Thomas Dale R. Thompson J. Kenneth Vaeth Richard M. Veden Leonard S . Viox David F. Wade Edward N. Watkins Wesley S. Webb, Obi I ,J. Jr . Weddle Phi I ip B. wegener Curt L. We i die r Ga ry R. Willollghby Ronl1ld D. Hi I son Chri s D. Wi I son Wi I lis J. Yates frank ~1. York Thomas A. ~lontgomery

,':11' ,



19T.-t "

Adams John E. I i ' , · Bachmann Roy 0 : 1 fl ' Ba rka low Thoma s '{'w. Bohn Ellen B. Bonczyk Bruce S. B,o rgmeye r . t1a rv i n E. Brown Daniel J. Brueckmann Michael A. Campbel I John R. Christy Edward J. Clavenni Mark D. Curdt J. Calvin Deaver, ' EI izabeth E. Degenhardt Dean A. Dliane Nicholas C. Duenckel Robert J. Dunford Randal I B. Dupont Steve n J. Elgin Richard L. Engberg Robert A. Enloe Bruce A. Entwistl e , James M. Jr. Fit z gera ld ColleenA. Gaa I Ga ry E. Ga i a Ma rk A. Gibson John W. Gibson Kr i st i e C. Green ' Char l es R. Grotefendt Judith R. Ham John S. Hami Iton Kenneth C. Harris, Norma n A. J,r. Head David W. ' Hem p l er Robert G. Herold Lawrence W. He uckroth Wi II i a m E. , Hill RogerA. Ho ef l ing er Larry J. Howser' Ger' ry 1-1. Hughes Da l e 1-1. Hurst , Lindell R. Jr. Id en DouglflS C. Ivers Jeffrey L. ' Jones Ja~ es S. Kelley Joiln M. Ke I I i son Rod ney D. Kerns , Danny L. Kerns Rand y G. King s ton Sha ron A. Kin s e ll a r4i cha e l J. Kornack i Al a n S. Kr'ene r Gil 100 re W. Lark in s Ric il ard R. Laue r M. Monica Lewis De Ann Lew i s Nea I A. 1983 Rollamo Ma e Man n Paula J.



Dear Board of Directors: I am writing this letter to express my gratitude for being chosen as a Robert E. Dye Scholarship recipient. It is extremely diffICult for me to raise money to attend this fine university. It is hard to put into words the relief I felt when I received your scholarship. Since you have been kind enough to award me this money, I' feel that you have the right to know what it is being spent on. I am trying to earn a bachelors degree in Mining Engineering. All the scholarship money will go towards paying my tuition. Once again, let me express my appreciation to you for choosing me as a recipient. It is nice to know that there are still people concerned with the education of the youth. Sincerely, Robert T. Greathouse Hurst, 111.

Ma" ~Iichap.1 G. Mattlage Martin R. ~Ic Daniel, Hobert S. ,Jr . . f1e i Anthony l. f1i Iler Janet B. Mi Iler f1ichael'~ J. f40therwe" Jonathan T. Nagy John T. Neumann Nicolaus P. Dldham Steven C. Payne Richard D. Peterson Jerry D. POlakowski Davi'd R. Prachakvej Suppamas Ragan Michael E. Randal I Harvey G. Rehkop Thomas G. Rice David A. Rice Lynn C. Rich Jerry L. Robertson Hi I I ia m G. Russel t J. Kensey Sager David A. Sanders Marion S. Schlemper Leon I. Schric l<er Don Schwa rtz And r-ew J. Se I im A I i A. Sfleahen Davi' d J. Smith Stephen D. Sorrels Stanley W. Souders Steven W. Stegner: G,eO~' ge D. Sue llentrop Step hen G. labers Brady D. Tanner Thomas H. Ti e hes Robert V. Tra ve l stead CharleS W. VanHouten James H. Warfield David M. Whitfield Ja mes W. Wo od Ba r r'y K. You ng ' David 14.

1975 Ackerma n Ri c hard E. Agnew Allen B. Ai ga i er Mark D. Aronberg Garry R. Babnik Tony S . Bertra m Jeffery P. l3 ie r I'atri (; k K. Borc herding. oonl1 ld A. Jr. Borowiak Thomas G. I3rake Mich ae l B. Bro s hears \~i II i[lm E. I3r'ugger Pat.r· ick H . Chen Wen-Liang W. Clayton Barbara J. Cole Jimmy D. Dani e ll S, Cha rl es P. Jr.

Durbin Honnll1 C. E I lis 1 homa s B. Eppe s tine Diilne C. E" icIISOIl Alan G. Erickson Ch'ristina K. Fisher Patrice M. Fournier Joseph D. Fricke James R. Fugate Dan R. Gowe r Pa t r iock E. Graumann Richard W. lIe isserer Kar l f1. lIolcomb St.even K. Hoop s Wi I I i a m e. IIL'ang .Jong-Chin I rvine Wi II iam D. . Ka I I a I e lla r I e s G. Ka:mbol Stephen A. 'Ke i I Lou i s 11. Knoch ,James W. Koehler David E. La rk i ns Lawrence.J . Leitterm[ln Pamela A. Lew i s Da v i dR . Lore nz William P. Lurt z BrllceJ . Marsh Janet E. Mal'ting .John J. Mc Cloud Roger W. Mertens Ferdinand J. Mertens Michael F. Mie s ner / ll,omas O. f·1i Ilburn Brian G. Noo re , F ra nc i s E. Jr. r·lullin Jean M. tlickoley Wi II iam E. Noel Tommy C. 01 ive'r Pamela S. Ot t J a mes W. Overmye r' Lance A. Paschke Allen J . Ppterson Mitchell F. Pinaire Ronflld Powe l l Raymond F. Rachels Darr~11 J . ' Randal I Adonica D. Ray Steven L. Rechtien Thomas J . Reynolds Mart i n K. Rodgers Edward W. Roy Daniel C. Shcolnik David H. Skibiski Kevin C. Steele Donald D. Stellern John L. Stephens James W. Tesar Mark W. Thntcher David A. Treasurer Roberta L. Tsukamo~o Tadashi Vanci I , Stephen P. Wehn _ Samue I L. \-Ie I ch Be rna rd J. Henk Dan K. Westermayer John C. Williamson I~ichard F. Wi I I is Gregory A. Winkelmann Ray E. Wood ' Der,," i s L. Xuan Pham C. Ze 1'\,( i g _ Ha r ry ,J.

1976 Ada ui s Step he n D. Aha l Willi a m R. Ahre ns June K. Amidi Jamshid Bag s haw Ga ry L. Ba rc I ay David A. Ba rt h James O. Bec I<e r' Ka tt"1 ryn A. Be nso n Willi 8m A. Boesl Ea r I J. 130 x:o< James P. Boy l es \~ i I I i a m l. I3rad ley Dale E. Bradley David R. 13,-aun Robert P . Brothers Step he n A. Bruenger r~(1 rk D. CflSt.O r Li1wrence H. Chron i ste r' Donald J. Ci eciw" Gre gory A. Da b I e r', Ed\Ja rrl R. Jr. UclOi1ch Ch" I' Ies I. Ue r, ne r Da v i d K. !Jenne r Denise M. Detry Jflmes F. Do I Ie Ga ry L . Dr'ee h s'ler Terry L. Dudl ey , James W. Dunlop, .James S, ,'r.



s r. r,
















G G G H H H lI lI li H Ja Ja Ja

.. Edelman Thomas M. [I I is 1·1 i ell"., I E. Feagan Wi Ibur S. Krl1 ig L. GnnlOI1 Gordy Thomas H. GIICVC I Lawr·el1l;e A. Hai gil El ruce \-1. lIamm ers Wi II i a m L. He lmkamp Robert F. Il erman Ch ar l es Hi cks Gregory K . • Hi Ile a r' y Al e x ander L. IIi Il e<1ry Cy nthi a S . Hudson D;lle D. 1(" Sllko u I i Moil il mm a d A. V,uhn Cit t ile rille ~1 . Le <lc h Rod(rey W. Leaver' Pilu l H. Lee Darrell R. l e it termil n Dennis W. Li ve ngood Kim C. Lind s;ly E. ' Loma x Maddo x Patrick A . C I ifl'ord A. Ma hin Mangoff, John N. Jr. r'Ic A ll i ster , Wi II iam C. Mc Lafferty James L. 1,'1e' Nea I Pil i i i P W. Mendo z a Humb e rto A. t~iehe Hi II iam K. Ri c ilard , W. Mudd '·IlIrray Richard E. HR eger Melanie G. Noelken David A. Oberdick R. Kevin Offutt, Josep'h ' C. III Parrish Duane L. Pe r rymo re' loyd G. Proctor, Frank ·E. Jr'. Rash tli II iam C. Rembold 'Ronald J. Robeson ~Iichelle A. Sapp Paul W. Sappington G~yle L. Schmeder Joseph R. Schwab L<lwrence R. SchwlJger' Sa Ily S. Scott Lana J. Simon (lennis M. Skipper David ' J. SlIli th Terl'y A. Snodgrass William D. Ste ·llern Ciltherine ' L Sweetser Victoria K. S.... i;la·rsky Gerald Torres ' John' P. ' Trimble ,John · R. lyrier Cheryl L. Underwood Danie 'l H. VlJn Praag Jer~rey R. VI"ek Robert H; Vollmar, ,J oseph L Jr. ' Ha s s i I a k , J e f f ry P. Watkins Michael N. \-IestermayeI' Jill A. , Wiese Charle~ W. Yadon a.w. Tobey


Ke,ts Denrris H . Pall I G. I(OS5 ina '1homa s C. l acy Ladage . John J. ,J r. Lampe S t. eve r ~ 1-1 . Len z irri Verno ll L. Leonard Robert G. Li esc h e idt Steven G. Lin c i come James D. Live ngood Ross D. LaoS, Loui s G. II MaS rlOT' r~ ar' c L . ~Iilttes, Roy J . Jr. Me Grat h . George M. Jr . Michael W. Mc Ke an ~Io s hy , Ra nda I I L'. Naeqer Rob e rt J. Newby Ar rr o id S. Ni e l sen KLl f't S. Pa rkh i I I Re becca J. Par' kh i II Stuart r. p,.· i C'e Searr E . Pr im ea u' Steve rr T. Ri1l1 z .i Tl lOma s J . Roth Tllom as A. Ruh lin g Ga r'y' A. Smith Richard C. Stut.sman ,John V . Sudholt 'l erryA . Ta lbot Ni co l e L.M. Thorn David L . Thurman Donald R. Til ma n J a me s [. Van Deven Randal I W. Va tanaprad i t Th i r'ap it Weidinger Donald J. Welzbacher Jeffrey D. Wen z lick John D. W'i I I e.t t Na ry .J. ~i I Iiams Rona l d J. Wyatt Bradley). Ziegler John A .

1978 Allen Stephen L. Baker Ronald E. 8all iew [Iaine A. Ba 'st Gerard T. Baumann R i cha rd [. Becker Joseph J. Behr Vance L. Beresik Theodore L. Bernstein Craig S. Bestor Ted f. Bezdek Wi II iam J. Bodenhamer Kevin C. Bonilla, Alfredo III Braddock Palll F. Budd Deb ra ,J. Callahan Michael J. Ca I I ahan Susan L. Cawvey James l. Coldiron Michael L. Dllllllser Jon l. Donahoe, ,J ames L. III Dona hoe, Rona J. I " Durbin Robert C: Eppe rson Joseph

19" AI len Bnrce H. ' Boegne r Ph i I i ,p J. Bown John S ;, Br' ad.way Bruce R. Bruns John M. , Cad'... e I I Wa "i'en D. Ca 1',1' Mont 'i eL. Cawlfield David ' W. , Chirakit 'i Prakob Clifford Jimmie D. Cook Aaron L. ' Diestelkamp David, A. Eeke Ikamp , James T. Fi ll a Mi~hael J . Fi tzmaur.'i ce ' Richard R. Fri~ke Roberi A. ' Fronick ' David ~. -Ga ll agher John B. GianinO Kenneth M. Giesl~r

Ar~hur ' L.

Gioi,a Joseph M. Lesl ie R. Hami I ton Ham~el Rich~rd G. Harl a nd Gary D. ' Hastey, James P. Jr. lJa tehe r, P rice I I I . Haul Robert W. Haag Timothy.J. Ja ckso n Lawrence C. Jaquay . Fran6is P. Jartett Christopher M.

Dear Mr. Mackaman: My sincerest apologies for being so late with this letter of thanks. I am very grateful for being chosen .for renewal of the Clyde W. Hall Scholarship. However my attempts to maintain· my academic high stan· ding have been very time consuming. I trust that no offense is taken. I wish to express my appreciation for this scholarship being made available to me. ,This will again help me to meet my fmaricial obligations. I hope that my perfonnance next year will give credit to the action you have taken on my behalf. Sincerely, Robert J. Weir Cedar Hill, Mo.

1983 Rollamo Falcon i

J a cquelyn M. Thomas W. FJelds Richard Ford, . Fer r 'i I I E. Jr. Goldammer Russell L. Grana, Joseph M. Jr. Greene JeffryJ. Haas Norman C. Harland .Stephanie A. Haynes M i etrae I A. Heisserer Melvin R. He I Ie r John J. Hep reI' Thoma s E. Hitchcock D~vid C. liunte I' John J. Johnson Robert J. Johnston K~"i1 A. Kavanaugh ~jan W. Kunz Frederick L. L.a hay Kev i n M. lang Gregory A. ·Latrtensch I aeger Steven D. Levi~gs David M; Liescheidt Brenda E. Li nc i come E. D i'anne . , Mc Ca II i ster' Terry D • . McMinn Rita S. .'" Melcher John P. ' Mel~on, Douglas C. Jr . Meyer, Henry ·W. Jr. '" O'Brien, Joseph R. Jr ! Olson Stephen A. Parker James W. Pippenger Jackie G. Posey Jack W. Pratt Michael L, Reed Danny A. Roenfeldt t~a,' k A. 'Sauer Stacy J. Schaefer Michael E, Scharf David R. ' Scheihing Terry R. Sct-me I I Robe rt J. Seppe I t Ma rk E. S i kav'i 'Tony Statler, Dav idE. Stege Rob i n L. Ste l zer David j. Unklesbay A.G. Wa I ker Brian D. Hebers Davoid M. Weeks David B. Wilkins Arthur T. Winnett Michael D. Winter' David G; Zuiss Thomas J. Fenn~ssey


1979 Bach Thomas E. Baebler Matthew G. Ba les Bnrce S. Berden Dav'id C. Bene Debra A . 8eye r B ria n J. Burford Harry B. Campbel I Wolfgang S. Ca "ney [dw in R,. Centner Patric ia A . Robe rt J . C rlll I Kathleen S. Danie l


Donaldson Keith L. Dressel Dennis T. Ehret Michae l S . El se I e Renny , L. Englehart , William E. E.tem , Richard D. Faust M fehae lB. fie I d l i nn A. forck , " Gren -f . Ford Stephen P. foster,, ' John S. Jr. Ful t<ln ' Anne ,Ga rdner ,'Oona I d J. Greco David J . Hadley S~anton Ha rd i ng, A I fred D. Jr. Hart J. Douglas Heimburger Stanley A. Henson ' D'. Kent Hi'bbeler Margaret M. Hibb~ler Steven G. Holcoinb' T,imothy J. Hovis Mark A. Jantosi k, ' Ed-;,oard C. Jr. Jenke Edmund E. . J'ohn.s . Robe rt D. Joil:nson S,tephen C. J,ones Ma rk A. Justus Dayna K. Kavanaugh SlJe M. Kemp'er , David A. Krahenbuhl Mark D. Krui1eRonal~ S. La'kin ' Terrence O. Lammert Patll T. l,~(lg Stephen - A. Lew is Jef,f ery S. LockingtoR Steven H. Ulca's M i e,ha~ I J. .Madden Timothy J. 'Nann'ing Jon A. ~la ~che k Thoma s J. Mattson Charles E. ,Mc ,fall, Richard W. Jr. Mi lis · James A. Myers ,Jimmie B. Neumann ' James P. ' Ngo ' . Nguyen ,N. N~liyen Tri X . a Dear ,Cra ig S. Paga'n John C. . Paul Jarnes T. Poor Homer l. Potthast ·, Susan H. P~ndmann Joel A. QuenbnRobert H. Ru'dy .Ma f'k R. Saller ,. Harry J. III Shearer Neal A. ·SI0sher · Morgan p , Steven M. ' Sull ivan ~Swinson ' J ohn R. ThO r n Dallas l. Tromba C ' Angela M. ',Wadsworth Stanley L . Welch Clare A. Wesselsch~idt Katherine K. Wetteroth Thomas A. ~Ih i tty 'Ann E. Wi II lams Everett A. Wi,' l1 i ams Gay I a I'd T. ,Wilson Michael A. Witt Leslie D. wolf lawrence D.


MSM Alumnus/1 1


.. Vaughn Da niel L. ~Ii IIg fi e I cl Ro y O. Woracek John L. Zahner, He r'b e rt W.




1980 Carnevale ~ . Ken Clark Gary. D';' Cook Chri~tophe r C. Crayne Micha el E. Crider Joseph A. Defenbaugh Kri sty K. Denison David G. DeSha zo , He nrY·· N. II [)itllnaie r Thomas A . .... Dyer James A. ~ Er b Rebecca ' S . Frankenbach David G. Fulton Dwight D. Fulton Susan V. Gamewel I Robert L. He i m Pa t ric i a L. Hen ry L i nd·sey R. Hi Ike Dav i d L. Hoffman John G. Holme s, Wi II iam R. Jr. Howa r d Stephan R. J e psen J. Sc ott J o st Jeffrey J. King Jane t M. Klump Michael G. Kra f ft Jame s D. Loesch Jan e t L. Loe sc h Te r ry L. Ma they, John D. Jr. Mc Carth y, Rob e rt W. II Mc In ty re Les l i e L. Mil I s Ma r i I y n S. Mi I I s Ma tth ew J. Ne l son John J. Ni x Wilii a m J . Norma n , Char les W. J r . N?rr i s ' Cl ay A. o Ha Il oran Jo hn R. Ra in es Ro na l d L. Ran a rd We s l ey J. Ro I Ie r Pe r r i n R. Ro nc hetto Ge ne C. Sc he iter Ge ne L. Sc he l ich A~drew C. Sc hn e ider Robert M. Shaw t~erri Iy A. Smi t h And rew L. Sm i th Carol A. Sm i th Ger'a l EI 1<' Sta h l Dav id W. Stee le Stephen G. Stru e mph Dennis J . Su i I i van Char l es A. Su i I ivan, Thomas J . Jr. Ta l ty Theres a D. Thurma n [ I i zabet h A. 1 i mm Ga ry A . Ur'ba n Ma rk A. Visio George I~. Vo I ke r Fred r ic W. Hats on Kev in D. Weeks Greg A. Herne r Frank J . Wesse l Ja mes L. Wesse l sc hm i d t Ke i t h D. West Jerry D. Wi li e Robert J . Willi a ms To dd K Wi nter Be nja mi n·P.

12/ MSM


Ake r s Dav id Bri a n Bo nd Ly di a l y nn e Bornma nn Caro l Ann Bo s hear s Johnny H. Brown Gli S 1-1. Chat r o n Wi I I i a m Al a n Dav i s Todd All e n Di ec kmann Mar k D Di I Ima n Ro be rt J~hn Fo e ll e r Ki r k C. Gar ne tt Ro be r t B. Goc kley Dav id L. Grav ino Kev in Le e He r zog Scott De ni s Hiebert Gre go ry Le e Horak Bre nd a Leigh Kobawoo Chung sQo Y. Ko t temann, Ri c hard AI len Jr. Kruge r Doug I a sWayne 1983 Rollamo Lammers · Wi II iam S. Lar s on Marvin L. . Mcln t osh Don Leslie Mc Kee Jeffrey W. Metcalfe Thomas More 1981 I~i Iler St8c;:ey • Mooney Thomas M. Andrew Pa u I D. I sen Steve n Pall'l' Baldetti Pa ul G Ommen R~b~cca EI~ ~ne Boncek John Michael Phi Ilips Robert .M. Boye r J ul i a A. Pollard Jean ~Iarie Boyer Roger Lee Preuss Martin tdwa~d Brase Deborah Diane Pphl Joseph Albert . Busse David R. Robbin. Susan Lea~ne Cashner Fred R. Roth . Steven ' Pa.u I .D~vid s on ·James ~ dw i n Rynski Joseph S./ ~ Elkmann Barry R . ~andbothe L. S6bt~ Emanuel Duane A ~ th~l r Sanders Kei·th M > : Emhoff Rosemary An r Sc haefe r MichaelJ . Engeman Ca r o line I . S i I kwood l a u ra Anne Engema n, James J. J ~. Simmons -. Jeffrey F; : Enge r Michael P. I~: Stone Douglas Da ] I Es s ne r I~a ry ' E. .. Fas s Fred W. R. • I· We ~b James Joseph Wh,te Wade Jame~ < Fi e lds Ross A. Whitehead .Wayne Lee Fi s her Ronald J. Ze itinger, Donald Jr r Fl a nnig a n Mi chael J. Ziegler Ch a rles K Foe hrwe i ser Ge l-y R. Zike David Scott' Frederick Gera ld L. Gar ner St ev en L. Gettemeye r Gl e n R. Gordon Douglas Ga le Hadl e y Ro s a l ie J . Ha isty Wes l e y K. 1983 Han cock Bruce S . Ha nkins Be njamin Lee Be ll Jeffre y fl a r r i s Da n i e I W. Gra e fe Sa muel W. Ha rtl ey J a net L. J aco b i St ep he n J. Ha rv i I I a, Ge o rg e Jr . ~1 i I I e r Bri a n Hayes Thomas M Paa r Lynn Dee He im Re ub e n C. ' Pre hm Wi II ia m L. Hepperma nn -1 ef fl'ey J . Sa ll e r Ca r I Hi ebe r t Yoe l'it H. Spye r s Mi chae l [ . Hof fm a nn Rober t J. Wa lker Me rt o n G. Hu tt er Ke nn et h J . Whitchurch J ose ph A. J anke Pau I D. Kip p Jeffery C. Klore r Ma ry S. Kowe lma n De nni ce Kr i s hn am urthy Gopa l a n Landwehr Frank S. Lewi s Debora h J . Lipn ick David J. Lipscomb . Gary G. II " Lo eb James B. Logan James Cra i g Lu ca s Mary R. Ly nch Co ll ee n T. M'ltt mu ll er Me l i ssa A. 1·1 i I I a r Kev i n M. . Mi l Ie r, Da v i d L. Jr. Mohrmann Mi chae l J. Ni g '-0 Wi I I i a m R. Nu s s ba um Ric hard A. Payn e S t ev8 n E . Peg l ar Robyn Rose Rowe Ronny L. Sh ip ley Norman G. Sho r t Ma rk J . S i Ikwood Blake E. Sk i nner Char les S . Sta n ton Ja mes W. Steve ns Ro be r t E. Strubb e rg Dav i d L. Sun der l a nd .Jefl'l' ey J. Tap pe Be linda Sue Un derwoo d Dia ne E.


Dear Sir: I am writing this letter in order to express my sincere appreciation for being awarded the Alumni "Special" Scholarship at the University of Missouri at Rolla. Because I come from a large family, a scholarship such as yours eases the financial burden of higher education from the shoulders of my parents. Thank you very much! Sincerely, James C. Hemmersmeier Florissant, Mo.

Non Alumni Donors Allen James L. Askeland Donald R. Barker Marvin W. Britton David A. BrJtton Robert A. Carson , Mrs Joseph 0 . Jr. Churovich Melvin · D. Daane Adrian H. 00 II Paul N. Edwa rds Nrs Francis C. Eloe Howard W. Eppelsheimer Daniel S. Ferry ' FI6yd A. Funk Joseph Grigsby Mrs Harry G. Haddoc k A. Glen Ha r e Dona IdE. Hegl e r Btlrns E. Hlaing Ms Tin J a me s Will i am J . Key Bi Ily A . Lafferty Marie Le gsdin Mr s Adolph Letts Mrs Marian K. Ma c ka ma n Frank Ma rc he I 10 Joseph M. /·Ia r lin Nanc y A. Mc Cormick Ma rtha Mc Cr a cke n Ma ry H. Mi li a r ~'r s C • .! . Nliell Estell e Oa l<ley David L. Pe c k-Ev a ns Mary 01 ive Pod z i me k ,lo se f Rob e rt s Audrey Sect ion St Louis Smi t h Ne i I K. Th omp so n Dudl e y Tra qitt Mrs E. Rowland Tro xe ll Mr s William F. Wa lker Mr s Arthur W. Wi II i a ms Ge org e N. Wi I so n M. Lo ui se Wolf Do rothea Zal ae Thoma s W.




















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1983 Rollamo

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Century Club The LenturyClub Honor Roll for 1983 lists the names of 1.0 13 donors whose gifts made them 'eligible for membership in the club. In 1982, the Honor Roll carried the names of 987 donors. The certificate of membership in the Century Club says, "an organization of alumni founded on May 27. 1967, to aid and support the University of Missouri,Rolla through substantial gifts to the MSM,UMR Alumni Association Annual Fund," There were 38 members in the first year of the Century Club and your slide rule, calculator or personal computer will allow you to figure the percentage of increase from that time to this. Au" rlli c l, " ellJ 'y S , A I ['0 rd Ilf' X A i g re r lIJ)he r· t ' P, A ll en Br rr ce H , A ll e n Ge org e H, A ll e n JClrrr es L. Ai s meyer l-li l l i ;:lIn C , Ambr o se Ge orge G , Anu e l' llull Ant h on y P. And e r~on Ch ar l e s A, Arr d e 1' 50 11 Geo I'ge M, An(l c l' son ,I a lll es S. All d p. rson ,John R. AnrJo e \,1, Victor Andl 'e8e I\ndr' e"s A, AnrJl 'eae Robert A, Andr'eae V i c ki I~, Andrea s Way ne T. Andr 'c w s ,J, Le\v i s Appleyard frank C, Archer I)"vid H, ArimlJra I tsu Arrrrstl'Ollg Kay Askeland Donald II. Atkinson, Marion L. Jr. I\ubrc cht. Ladirni ,r J. Jr. Austin , .John C. A ~ rrrncher George W. Bachmann Hoy O. Ba e bler Arthur G. Baebler Matthew G. Bal, er Ctleste-r H. Baker Ronald E. Ba I I lila n Edwa rd A _ Ba I rrra t J a c k S. Banks Robert L. Barclay David A. Barger lIubert S, Bar'l, er' ~larvin W. Ba rna rd Cha r J e s R. Bar 'nett Ralph L. Ba rnha rt Her be r t D. Barrow Carlton W. Barsachs Edwin H. Bartel Donald S. £la I't ling Dona I d L. Barton C. Dean Ba 5 t Ge I"a rd T. Baller Rich3rd H. Baulnan Wi II iam J. Baumann Richard E. Baumbach Dale M. Baumg<l rtner Geol'ge R. B"umgartner Rupert P. Ba x ter Kenneth D. Bay Robe rt D. Bea rd r~a rk W. Beard Read e M. Beardmore Harold R. Beers Seymour J. Behring Allen G. Belden David C. Be I I Jeff rey Bellctlanrber Donald K. Be I lis I~a uri ce 0, Bene Debr<1 A . Bennet se n Hayne J . Bennett Charles W. Benson Wi II iam A. Berkey Vernon G. Be l' ndt. , Joseph r. Jr. Berry Hugh R, Be rr' y Je rom e r. Bertram Jeff e l'Y p, Etestor Ted F. Bier Patrick K. B i erma nn Ea r IE. Bi rt Floyd D . B I air No rma n fJ. Blanck e , C. Dudley Jr. Blankenmei st er Erwin G. Blenderma~n Gene/ R. Blume havid J, Blumfelder Wi II iam O . Bodenhamer Kevin C. Bohl Cill' l D . Boje. Geor'g e J, ,J r' . Bolon. Luci e n M, Jr". Bo~cek John Michael Bou l ' l\ y Mo r' r i s




19 1111 19 110 19 3 8 1977 19 41 1 9 111 195 1 1 9~) 3

19 4 9 19 55 195 7 1963 19 111 1969 197 0 1958 19 2 11 1937 1955 1959 196 8.

Dear Mr. Spanier, I would like to thank you and your Association for the transfer scholar, ship I received. When I first received word of it I was very suprised. Now I only hope I can live up to your expec, tations academically. Once again, thank you. Sincerely yours, David J. Ewen Manchester, Mo.

Borgmeyer Marvin E. Bossert Harry F. Boyd Cilaries L. 1925 Boyd t~a rv i n W. 1965 Boyd Robert K. 1942 Brackbi II Robert M. 19 112 Br'a un Robert P. 1974 Breeze Franci s V. 1955 Bremer " ' Wayne P. 1979 Brendle Stephen J , 1955 Breuel' Coy L. 1978 B r'el,;e I' H i I I i am 1938 Bridegroom Kenneth E. 19 118 Britton David A. 1944 Broaddus, Hayne R. Jr. 1976 Brockmann Lester A. 1939 B I' own, Guy Jr. Brown Phil I ip D. 1920 Brown Roy G. 1970 Pil i I A, BrolVJl i ng 1944 Bnlce Robert S. 1936 Bru e ckmann Michael A. 1950 Brugger Patrick H. 1964 Brune Robert H. 1963 Bruns Rober' t F. 1953 Brunson Vernon T. 1978 BlIcl< R i cha rd L. 1952 Budd Vinc e nt J. 1971 Buel Robert W. 1978 Buescher Alfred J. 1963 Buescller Gene E. 1956 Buettner' I-Jelvin A. 1928 Blilia Fr'ederick W. 1962 Bullock Richard L . 1949 Bur'ford lJarry B. 1942 BII rke Geo r'ge E. 1936 Burton Robert R. Buscll Ray E. 1941 Bu sc h Hi II iam D. 1966 Butler J a mes L. 1979 But ze r Har'old G. 1983 Ca I fee 1(3 1'en S. 1959 Cam e ron Charles V. 1943 Calnpbel I Jack P. 1979 Campbel I John R. 19 111 Campbel I Wolfgang S. 19 119 Carnahan Dann9 L. 1976 Carr' t~ontie L. 1950 Carroll James V . 1943 Caner Hal E. 1925 Carter Ka re n S. 1949 Cavalier rrankD. 1975 Cawvey James L. 1978 CIJaney J a mes B. 1975 Chast~n Denni s L. 1943 Chen Ma rk t~. 1932 Ctl e n Wen-Liang W. 1941 Chen Wi I lie Y. 1951 .. CtlOrnea u He n r i 1949 Christ e n Randolph F . 1951 Clark Bruce B. 196 5 Clarkson Charl es F, 1966 Cla y ton Roy 1 . 1978 Close ' 1~ i1 x well L. 1959 Coco Matte o A . 1950 Coi I Benjamin R. - 1959 Coldiron Mich ae l L . 1981 Co I e A I I an A. 1939

* 1974 1927 1951 1953 1941 1942 1976 1949 1973 1969 19 119 1932 1949 1955 1955 1940 1957 1939 1948 1969 1974 1975 1969 1947 1950 1963 1971 1950

196ti. 1964 1951 1969 1951

1919 1946 1963 1962 1942 1965 1947 1970 1938 19211 1974 1979 1968 1977 1943 1971 1973 , 1959 1978 1948 I 1970 1966 1975 1950 1923 1972 1971 1941 19 50 1963 1966 1929 1978 1952

Co l e Jimmy 0, Co l e Ralph C. Co l e R i c h ilrd E. CoJe. S idn ey J, Jr, Co l e ma n G l e nn J . 'Co I I in s James W. Co llin s William W. Coma ni ch George H . Co ma nn R. I, ent Coo k Aaron, L. Cook Christopher C. Cook Thomas W. Coo l idg e Do nald J. Cooper - La rry M. Cornett Roy C. COUC~I G. Rob e rt Crane Harold R. Crecelius OonaldG. Crites Joseph D. Crookston James Crum E. Jefferson Culbertson \~;'II iam W. Da I pin i Da v i d Dasenbrock Arthur A. Da vis J e r ry W. Day De Ibert E . Day Roger D. Dean La rry J. DeBolt Donald G. Deelo Micha~1 L. Defenbaugh Kristy K . Degenha rdt <'dean A. DeLashmit In '.! I iam E . Delllzik Wi II \ am G. Denison Dav"'id G. Denn e y Kenneth L. Dennie Powel I A. Dennis Hi II iam - E. DeShazo, Henry N . II Detr'y James F. Dicken Stanley C. Dickens Richard L. Dickinson George W. Dieckm.nn Mark D. Diitnraier 1homas A . Ditt.mer Russel I S. D i x La /'I'y L. Doerr JerTY W. Dolata Edward W. Donze Terl'y W. Dowd ,James D. Dowe II Jack B. Dowl ing Paul T. Downs ,lack S. Downs Me I vyn E. Dressel H~ldemar M. Dr'e$ser Thorpe DIJ I I Me I v i n J.


19 75 19 34 1947 195 4 1959 1964 1950 195 1 19 4 3 1977 1980 1965 194 3 19 69 1938 1941 195 3 1941 1949 19'42 1929 1937 1949 1951 1966 1958 1925 1970 1949 1967 1980 1974 1967 1957 1980 1970 1940 1936 1980 1976 1972 1951 1937 1982 1980 1929 1961 1967 1970 1971 1944 19~4

1940 1949 1968 1943 1933 1958

Dllnham Roy H , Dr,rnll E r' V i n E. Dupont Steve n J, Dutton Donne ll H . Eck Rob e rt A, Ecoff, Ralph A , Jr. Ede l e Jam e s S, Edgar Mn X E. Edwa rds "'rs Franc i s C. Einsel Mi Il e r 0, Ekt e nrr a n i s J OtlA A. E I-Ba z Fa ro u k E. S. Ellebracht , C l are nce A. Ell iott E.dwa rd E, Ell iott Jo se ph O. Ell iot t Lew i s C, E I lis E I me r Ell i s J. Cra i g Ell is, Ha Iter H. Jr. E I lis Wi I I i am F. Ellis William R. Ell ison Floyd A. Elli s on Guy C. E I oe Howa rd W. Emanue I Duane Arthur Eng Ii sh Thomas O . Enochs John R. Entwistle, James ~1. Jr. Eppelsheimer Daniel S. Eppestine Diane C. Erb Rebecca S. Evans Dona Id L . Evans La rry G. Fagan Dur'ward E. Fair Michael W. Falconi Jacquelyn M, Fa I k ingham Don~ Id H. Fanner John o. Farmer, John O. III Farrell Edward C. Farrell, Wi II iam M. Jr . Feagan Wi Ibur S. Feldmeier Alan J . Fennerty Frank E. Fer re II I~ r s J. 0 . Fetterman Phil lip S. Fick Arm i n F. Fields Ross A. Fin I ey Ca r I E. Finley Fred W. Fin I ey, Thoma s J. Jr. Fisher Patrice M. Fiss Edward' C. Fitzmaurice Richard R. Flanigan Virgil J. Flatt Wi II iam S. Fleischl i Jack E. Flesh Mrs Florence

1947 195 1 197 4 1935 19 4 3 1973 1935 1962 1971 196 1 J r . 1964 1939 1971 1939 1938 1957 1948 1939 1948 1952 1981 19'29 1941 1974 1975 1980 1961 1966 1934 1971 1~78

1941 1933 1963 1941 1965 1976 1972 1973 1941 1981 1945 1941 1939 1975 1936 1977 1960 1971 1943


1983 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus / 13

~ .-


, ,

1913 RoIIa_ Flood H. Will iam Ford, Ferri II E. Jr. Ford Ragan Forgotson James M. For·t Geor.g e E. Foste r Jack D. Foster, John S. Jr.. Frame Wilyne S. Frey Muir L. Fricke James R. Fricke .Robert A. Fris Ed .... ard S. Fri s Joseph P. Fritschel Larry E. Fritschen, Herman A. Jr. Fronlck ' David H. Fugate Dan R. Fukubayashi Harold H. Fuller Larry C. Galler Wayne J. Gammete r E I me r Gammeter, Walter Jr. Gammon Wi II iam H. GaTnett Robert B. Ga rret t, James ~1. Jr. Garrett L. Hayne Galoi Ma rt in T. Ge rha r t B i I I L. Gerig Martha M. Gessley Donald Gevecker Vernon A.C. Gibbs Louis A. Gibson John W. Gibson Kristie C. Gieseke Elmer W. Giesler Arthur L. Giffin Billy J. Gil I i am Da leD. Gi Imore Jerry L. i I mo re Wi I I i am M. Givens WilliamA. Gjelsteen Thor Glasse) CLifford Gtenn ' David E. Glover James Godsey Terry L. God .... in Wi II iam Goetemann Ed .... in . C. Gould David S. Graefe Samuel W. Graves, Clarence E. Jr. Gray .Joe · E. . Greco David J. Griffeth Ellen B. Griffith H.M. Grimm ' C. 'James Grinstead ' Wi I I is G. Guevel La .... rence A. Gul ick Gar:-r M. Gund Russe ·11 A. Gundy Douglas G. Gunther Don J. Haas Paul A. Hachmuth Henry K. Hacker Alden G. Hacker Jean E. ~ackmann Robert E. Haddock A. Glen Hadley Rosa lie J. Hadley Stanton W. Haffner Harold J.


14/ MSM Alumnus

1943 1978 1922 1940 1949 1923 1923 1975 1971 1943 1951 1967 1951 1977 1975 ·1966 1965 1971

1926 1939 1949 1982 1958 . 1972 1971

1961 1969 1955 1931 1951 1974 1974 1933 1977 1957 1955 1960 1951 ,'1953 1963 1951 1943 '1955 . 1925 1944 1951 1983 195U 1954 1979 1930 1956 1976 1969 1940 1972 1960 1950 1967 194·1 1952 1948 1981 1979 1935

Haisty Wesley K. Ilale Edwilrd D. Hilley Comer C. 1111 I ey \~ i I bll r A. Halladay Harold W. Ballett Wi II iam M. Ha I I o .... s , Raymond L. Jr. Ha Ipern Jack A. Halterm~n Leroy Hami Iton Lesl ie R. Hanna Robert L. Bannum Richard W. Hansen J . Richard Hansen, Stan I ey S. I I lIanss Eugene .J. lIao Huu lIa rms Ha ,' 0 I d [3. Harpe,, · Wi II iam S. Ha r r i I I 101 i I I i am O. Hart. J. Douglas Ha s let t, Ge ra I d W. Jr. Hastey, .James P. Jr. Ilauenstein Frederick Hausmann Paul L. · Havener Ga ry W. Il~ynes Michael A. Head David W. Head Eldon W. Hegler Burn's E. lIeidel' Robert L. Heim Car 'l J. Heim Patricia L. Heim Reuben C. Heiser Frederick W. Heisserer Kar'l M. Heitmann Albert L. Hell .... ege Wi 1.I. iam H. Helmkamp . Robert E. Henson D. Kent Henson Gerald L. Hepp Joseph T. Heppermann . Jeffrey J. Herman Theodore He r re I I R. R. Herrmann Thomas A . .• Herzog Michael S. ~ Hess Robert M. .",. Hesse Alfred H. ~ Hicks Gregory K. '0 . Higgins Albert J' Hi II Albert L. '\ Hili Roger A' d' Hill, William E. Jr. Hilleary Alexander L. Hil leary Cynthia S. Hinkle Delore, J. Hinkle K~ Daniel Hlaing "'s Tin lIodg<t,on, Sam D. Jr. 1I0eman Arthllr J. Hoeman Er....,in C. lIoffman AnthDny E. Hoffman john G. Hohl~elder Eugene F. Hollenbach Bernard D. Hoi ley Robert G. Holmes. ' Will iam R. Jr. Hone rkamp Dona I d L. Ilonigfort lIenry F. Hoog . Timothy J. *Hoover Bert F. lIopler , Robert B. Jr. Horne James H. Horst Wi I I iam E. Hovis i4ark A. Ho .... ard Stephan R. Ho.... e Be rna rd F. Ho .... e I I R i cha "d B. Ho ....p.1 I TheDdore R. .Huang Jong-Ch i n Huddle~ton, James A. Jr. Hudgens Lo .... el I L. Hudson Charles N. Humphrey Waldo D. Hund i ng, Ca r I W. I I I Hunt J. Richard Hunze Charles L.W. Hyd z ik Ri~hard M. Isbell, Clarence A. Jr. Isenmann Ed .... ard S. Ivers Jeffrey L. Jabsen WiliiamJ. Jacl(son [arl F. Jackson Hershel A. Jaegbr ~enjamin W.H. Jaggi .Dennis F. James Wi II iam J. Jansky Jonathon P. Jaquay Richard L. Jenc z e .... ski Albert C. ,Ienl<ins Robert D. Jensen James W. Johnson Charles W. Johnson Gordon E. Johnson James C.


Johnson Virgil A. Johnston Ka,'1 A . 191~8 Jones AI~1l W. 191J3 .Jones Bi II R. 1969 Jones CI intford R. 1955 Jones fugHne F. 1952 Jones Jack II. 1966 ·.)one sRi chn "d l.. 1968 •)ones Sam P. 1977 Jones lhomas A. 19 113 Jones Vernon 1. 1966 .J unge G " e go r y 19 114 J"rvic I\II~ x ander H. 1967 Justus Dayna K . 1957 I<a i ser n icha rd L. 1972 I(a lin T hom3 s E. 19 11'7 Kallal Charles G. 1951 Kamper 01 iver W. 1962 Kamper Russell A. 1979 Kao Ching-Nan 1955 Kapernaros E. Louis 1977 Kassay Andre .... W. 1903 Kasten Paul R. 1952 Kasten Raymond O. 1962 Kay William 1. 1978 keen Jerry G. 1974 Ke i I Byron l. 1958 Ke I Ie r Ge fit I d N. Kelley .John M. 1966 Kellison Rodney D. 1925 Kenned'y Dan i e I 1980 Kent Herbert E. 1981 Kent, Nevada /I. . I I I 1939 Kent William D. 1975 Keppel James R. 1925 Kesh~ri lIosSein R. 1947 Ke.s s Ie r lIa r ry II. 1976 Kidd Harold S. 1979 Kid~ell Albert L. 1951 Kieffer, Alonzo R. III ' 1948 Killinger John C. 1981 Kind Daniel A. 1928 K~ng Janet H. Kingsbury Ronald M. 1950 K i pp Jeffe r-y C . . 1962 Kirkpatrick Harry F. 1959 Kitchen Cha~les l • . 1933 Klebba Kenneth T. 1976 Kline Charles R. 1950 K lore r Ma r'y S. 1928 Klorer Robert W. 1974 Knecht Walter S. 19112 Koeppel Beverly W. 1976 Kolb Donald W. 1976 . Koopmann, Wi II iam Jr. 1975 Kornacki Alan S. 1973 Kovach John J. Kramer' Ralph H. 1928 Kraus Ronald H. 1932 Krispin Joseph F. 1930 Krone Jack B. 1959 Krueger Harold A. 1980 Kruep Raymond J. 1951 Kliechenmeister Kenneth W. 1950 Kummer Dona Id L. 1964 Kummer Frederick S. 1980 Kybu r'z Edwa rd ~. 1950 LaBoube Roger A. 1952 lacy Thomas C. 1977 Lafferty Mar'ie 1923 lambe CI inton R. 1954 Lambeth Jennings R. 1970 Lamme rt Paul T. lang Eugene A. 1951 1979 lansford Oris G. 1980 LaPlante AII<ln H. Lar'cker David F. 1953 1948 Larkins La .... rence J. 1948 Lasko Helen D. .1975 Latzer john C. 1966 La .... ler Charles E. Leach Rodney 101. · 19~)9 1948 Leaver H~rvey B . 1950 Leber 101:;11 ter P. 1972 Lee Wa I te r 1950 lehman. A. Richard Jr. 1933 Lehmann Charles F. 1967 Leittennan Dennis W. leitterman P<lmela ' A. 1950 19411 Lepon is And I'e.... E. Lew i s B. Ne i I 1974 Libiez James D. 1933 lin Chlnles S. 1951 LindiCOMe f. Dianne 1971 1963 Lincicome James O. 1970 Lipensky Mi Ian ·Littlefield Jerold K. Livingston John H. 1973 1963 l.oeb James B. 1932 Loveridge Joel F. 1953 Lo .... e 101 i I I i am S. 1941 lilea s ~la ry R. Lusk R,. Ra I ph 1929 1959 Lutz H. John 1943 Lynch Co I I een T .


1967 19'12 191J.6 1922 19 1,0 ' 19 111

19 111 Lyons Helen l. 1978 . Lyolls .Johi"t Ii. 1972 l·lacl1ado Jose II. 1956 J.1<1chin Edwill G .

~lachmer Ferdinand G. Ma~k, James O. Jr. Haekaman Fr'lnk 1962 19')5 11<lcZlI"a George 19 119 ' l'l<1grllder' Hi II iam · H . 19 112 lola II Niclrael G. 1953 Hangofr, John N. Jr. I'lanning ,Ion A • 1965 1913 t·la ,' clra I ')"CqllBS It. 1979 Marchello Joseph N. 1955 ~li1l'1~ k .!. Douglas 1957 t'la " I 0'" Ma x L. 1975 Ml1rosek Charles F. 1935 1·la rsha I I Dona I d 'y/-. 1962 Martin DanW. 1970 11artin Kent H. 1950 Maschek Thom<ls J . 1932 ~I"son J. Lloyd 19 1,11 ~latson Don D. . 1943 Hattei Peter r. 19.32 I'lc Ca II i ster Terr'y D. tic Connell Hi II iam F. 1971 '1952 Nc Cormick Hartha Hc Cracken Mary H. 1951 1974 Hc Cracken Wi II iam L. 1914 11cc;u rdy Belding II. 1926 · Mc Dermott Arthur R. Mc G<lth Michael ~. 1951 1953 Me Gover~ Donald R.

1958 191~8

1943 1968 1960 1924 1939 1940 1959 1973 1942 1980 '1955 1981 1930 1960


1972 1941 1979 1953 1955 1963 1972 1975 1961 1973 1976 1948 1940 1953 1968 1951

1976 1975 1953 '1958 1963 1958 19 -{8 1977

1953 1958

1939 1981

1939 19BI

1927 19 ~)9



1919 19'18 1972 19 113 1961 1950

1952 1942 1979 1953 1952

1937 1978 1942 . 1931 1938 1950 1970 1958

r-----------------~~ ~ Dear Mr. Mackaman: I am very happy to have ' been selected as recipient of the Clyde Hall .Scholarship. As you well know, the cost of an education is ireat and I assure you that the sCholarship money will be \put to goOd use. I am a junior chemical enBineering student and I plan. to .complete my undergraduate degree here at UMR. I may go on then to graduate school. depending mainly on the job market. . Thank you for~he aid YOU have Biven to help me continue my education.

1951 1981 1944 1949 . 1938 1957 1933 1974 195.0 1966 . 1964 1954 1962 19 112 1966 1973 1955 1955 Mc G ra til 1950 Mc Grath 1977

1952 19 1j9 1971j

Sincerety, Paul M. Matthews Peoria, m.

DOlla I.d R. ·. James B.• 11c Intyre, John f. Jr. ~lc Kee Jack ·B. t'le Ke Ivey James M. Nc kelvey Ra)ph [. 1·le Kinne I I, hi i I I i am P. Jr. M·c . ~lullen CI ifford C. Mc Neal Philip W. · Mc Reynolds Elmer (. t1ea rs A. Da Ie Med lin ,lames M. Ne~han Michael f. . lie f fo ("(I, Nace F. Jr. Nende II Rohert H . 1'lenefee James Ii. Menge I Edmund ' l . . r1enyel Willi"m K. Meskan David,A-. Meyer · Dale A. flichel Iii Ibert F ; Miesner' TI1om3s O. Mikkelsen CI~rk D. Mil I a r'd F ra nk S. Hi I le' r Chester E. Mil I e r J a me sR. Hi Iler Janet B. I~i lI'er Leste,' l.. ' fo1 i I I e I' Paul II. 11 i II e r 11 i II i am J. Minton Robert C. Mitsch George L. Hoe H<1 /'0 I d G. ~lohrl!lilnn Hich«!)1 J. ~Ion roe He x Nonsch lIen,"v [) Ho" t9!.JOIC ry bo,,~i I" s B. MrHltgomery l.<1rry L. Mauney Edward W. I·looney ,Jo se ph \~ ,


1949 1952 191J 1 1945 19 1j8

1947 1967 1976 1934 1961 1967 1964 19411 1950 t936

19 119 1950 1952 . 1965 1936 1975 1970

1937 1950 19411 1974 1950 1963 1948 1958 19 1jO 1948 1981 1932 1929 19 79

1973 19'j(J



72 ~3


50 02 ~2

79 53 52 37 78


31 38

50 70




I. Ie


150 149 152 141 145


147 167 176 134


167 164 14ft

I ~O


119 ' . 150

J52 J65







/ 74 /50

/63 /48 /58

)40 J48

)6 1

J3 2 /29 079




Rllhe r' t E, ROlla I d I.

1956 1971 192 7 '1965 1'.1/0 1964 19 76 19 38 193') 1952 1%5 .1 95 8

Hec ht.ien I'holllas J. n(~ c1 i n!J ton Ed .... a rei II. 1,10 r a n £'I"III' S I. Reed Mich'lel I. 1-10 r.p n ..1. Oc r" 1.1 Heeves Ernest. J . I~ol' ri S ,J;,mes H . R~ g e nh <1 rdt Ed .... nrd T . I)ona 1.1 .I. '·In r ,. i s on He ill All e n ,I. He i d 1-.c1~1 i nO, 1~'ldrJ Ri r:: h n nJ H . ~ nl d e l ' i c k 1·1. Mlt c ll e r Re i I I y . John G . Jr . NII C II'~ I ' (;, w,g (' I', I ~e i se ll Ke nn e th E. [le lllil1 g l.on. Ch ar l es R. Jr . Nlliholiand . Juhn E. ,Jr. [)onnld f.: . Hp.se r I-IIII YC ll H ~ It.p.r C. ~ll1nger I'<llli H . He ll ss LI oy d E. r{ eynold s Ha rt.in K. - 196 6 ~h"," Oa I (, II . HIII- IY Mi lum .I . 196 4 Hll o <ld es ro b ert. P. A .E , Hh o u es 1972 ~I ye l' s . Ch a l' l e s I , III I·l ve l s DOIl 'l ld D. 196 1 Htl o rl e" R i c h ard C. 193 0 Hi c h ,Je r' r y L. " ell I Ke nll e Lit 1\. 1')') 7 Ri c l l La l' I' y M. Nee l y Li sto ll [. 19 1~ 2 Ri cke tt s Hob e rt L. Ne ubert " <, I p h L. Rilll e y Ro bert P. Ne umann ,J'lf11 CS P. 19 79 Neumann Nicol a u s P. 1974 Ri eke Ve rnon W. 1')113 f l'a nkW . R i es Np. lI stae (1t cr J ames II . R ig g s H . Hob e r t Nev in, J<1mp,s R . ,Jr :1942 191~ 1 Ril e y Ke nneth C. Nev in s . M~r v in E . Jr. Nguyen fri X. 19 19 Risn e r J ames L . Hobbins C la y N i e meye r I e rl 'y W. 19 73 Ni x ' Wi" i ;, nr ,J. 1980 Robbins I r vin O. Noel Tommy C. 1'.175 Hoberts Audrey Nolte William J. 1920. Rob e rts J. Ke nt Norroan Amos 1949 Roberts Omer fl. Rob e r ts on Ronald S. Oa k I ey 011 v i c1 I. . Oberdick H. ·Kevin 1976 Robeson Mi c helle A. Oberland e r Richard K. 1959 Rob i nson Cuy Oberschelp Wi II iam r. 1953 Roen f eldt lIarold R. Roesser Robert J . .19 119 Oc_hs". C.al y in · "! , Od o m J'lmes 1 . 1961 - Roloff Don V. O'Halloran John R. 1980 Ronchetto Gene C. 0' Keefe 'Ihomas J .. 1958 Root Robert · l. Okenfuss Hieha r'd H. 1958 Ross Richard G. Oldham _00Ilgl<1 5 'C. 1969 . Rothband Paul B. 01 i phant [ d9a I' 1952 Ro .... ley Kermit C. Olson ' Ste phen .A. 1978 Rud i sa i Ie Ifa r'O I d J. O'Nei II, John J. Jr' . 1940 · Ruest.e r John T . .1 953 . Ruiz Nora A. Osbourn~ ~Iallde J. Os ter",a Id lIe rbert R. 1930 Runvik Richard C. , Overmyer . lance A. 1975 Rlltledge WilliamA. Anthony J . Oz a.... a 'Jacl< k. 191~5 ' Ruttinger Padgett . Dnn~ . ld ~. 1972 Ryt te r Noe I J. ~agano . Salvatnr'e J. 1973 Sanders, ·Connelly Jr. Pahl Rabert H. 1968 Sa r chin BernArd R. Painter ' John ' L. 1950 Schaefer Michael E. 1966 Schaeffer, Wi liard A . III Panho/'st." . lI:lbert C. Jr . ' 1968 .Schafer Robert P. Denn ! ~ R.. " , Pa r~e r Pa rkh 'i' l I Rebe c ca J. Scha fe "meye r' H i cha rd C. 19T1 <: • Pa I' kh i H Stui' r t'<~r. ~ 1977 Schame I Mrs ~Iae Pa l'I~ s John W. 1950 Sc h a mel , Walter 5 • . 111 Patter'son' Wi I I i<lm E. 1953 Scha I' f Fred Paul 14ur-ray J. 1927 Sehe I i cit And r:ew C . Peacoc'k Dav i d .N. ·1964 S6hil linger George R. Peck-Evans Ma r v Olive Schlueter' Steven E. Peetz ' Eugene J: . 1950 Schmidt flarold A. Peppe rs Robe ret E. · 195'0 Schmidt Leola Peres z tegy lajos B. 1965 SchmItt Joseph B. Per' kins Gary G .- 1969 Schm i t z John f. Pc r ry E. L. Roy' 19 /10 Schmoldt Hans E. Perl'Y Horri s 1968 Schneider Chat' les S. -19 19 Schneider' Norman r . Perry Robert C. ' . Schne I I Robert J . Perryman • . George I. .Jr. · . 1947 Peterson Henry N. 1961 Schoeneherg Kenneth W. Schoonover Donovan ·K. ' Pet'erson .Jay fl. 1961 Pfeifer Herman J. 1936 Schor'k John E. Ph i I lip s " '! la rvey I. J r' . 1950 Schroer James B. Pi na i I'e Rona I d 1975 Schuette Louis H. Pipp.e nger Jackie C. 1978 Schuhmann, Reinhal"dt Jr'. Pitt Oale M. 1972 Schul e r, . leona rd l . Jr. Schumann Lloyd C. Plan.ie . ·"'r.s . Theodore Pohl .· Rober·t · A., 1942 Sc h ....ager Sa Ily S. Pohl ig Kenne th 0 ; 1964 Sch....anke CarlO . Porter Clayton ·G. 1968 Sch .... a rz Arthur S . Partnoff Neil S . · 1970 Sch .... eitzer Rob er t E . Potashnick RegInald B. Jame s J. Sc ot: t Pot t.er C. J. 1929 Sc r i v ne r J . Roge r Pr a cht lIerman H . Seaman Hobert I.. 19 /13 Preiss Robert K. 1950 Se ction St Louis PI' ice Se an l. 1977 Se i pe I, John R. Jr'. ' Price William.l. 1965 Senior George L, Prickett Ll oy d C. 1953 Se nn e Joseph II. Primeau Steve n r . 1977 Sev i c k Jos e ph C. Pu e t z Wi II i a m M. Sllaf fer James \~ . 1941 qll en on Rob e r t H. Sh a n es Ch a rl es W. Quinn Mich ae l J. 1975 Sh<1rp Eve r ett H . Ra dd e r Na nn a n C . 19 72 Sh ea he n Dav id J. Ra ffel Te d C . 1964 Sh earer And rew C . H~ idt Pa ul B. 196 11 Sl10c kl ey C i Ib e n R. RA i nes Ron a ld L . 1980 SllOe ma l<e r' J a mes L. R~ i t h e I J'a mes I· . 19 71 Sll o l't ~l a r-l< J . Rl1k<1skas Jo s ep ll E. 19 110 SI1O UI' d Roy R. Ra mb ow Fre d er i ~k 1973 S i e se nn'o p \·1. l'l ayn e Ra ms ey George 11. 19 118 S i evert Cary I . Rll nar d Hes l ey J . 1980 S illllll OI1 S r~i ct l " e l F . Ra nd o lph Ho bert H . 196 1 Ska me ncA Dav i d G. 1936 5 1< i n il e I ' , H i I LOll R. J I' . Raso r JO tlO P. H<15 s ini er Edga r A. 19 112 Skipp e r [)av i d J . Ra u I s Ca ry L. 1970 Sk i t e k GAbr i el C . Ray Ctl <1r l es r. 1970 S m ~ rt S<1 0"' C I ~I o o I ' P'



Smi t il Benjami '/l K . Smi t h f r eder' i c k J i SlIIi t h lIal'l<ln D. Smi th l'l a r r y B. Smi tit Jame s A. SlIIi th ,101111 W. Smi th l e r oy E. Sill i til t-\e l/l[lho r d L. Smi t h' Nei l K . Sm i th Ne i I S. 19 /.19 19 56 Sm i th r .' Ge n e 1957 Smith Hu sse l I D. 1975 Sno wde n ,J. Hll sse I I 19 32 Sopp.r Hi II i a m S. 1939 So uders Steve n W. 1941 ' Sou l t J o h n P. ' 1974 Spac kl eI' Don ald E. 1966 Sp a lding Th e o do r e J . 1965 Sp e hr J a mes L. 19 40 Spot tc Irv inC. 1940 Spring er Fre d e ricl< 11 . 195 0 St a n ze Dav id C. 1932 St a pl es Cuy W. 1956 St ell n John E. 1959 ' St e I l o b Ro b e r· t T . 195 3 ~ teph f! n s. J~ lIJ es W. 1948 Steph e n s ' James W. Stevens Billy ' 1950 St e vens . Rober ~ E . 196 9 Stevenson Ge rald L : F r'a i i e 'r ' M. 1963 St.e.... a·r·t 1976 Stickle Oirek 8. , 1970 " ~ ton_e }-Ia II 'a ce ·C . 1950 Stopkey Waldemar O. 1932 ' Stowe ' James R. .1'l 5 1 St.rain Robert A. 1980 St 'r awhlln Jo.se·ph O. 1949 Strong John F. 1959 Struempll D~nnis J . 1943 Stueck C . f..P • 1949 Sturgeon, ·Ches·ter W. Jr . 1944 Stutsman John V. 1959 Suellent r op Stephen C . 1969 Summe r s. A I f r' ed L. Jr. 195 11 Summers Hl.Iey 19116 Sunderland Jeffrey J . 1952 Sundermeyer Robert w. ' 1969 Sutherland Ja~es~ : 19.53 -S....anson Kenneth A. S.... inny . Oa v id W·. 1978 Swinson John R. 19/.8 ·Szl.Imacho.... ski Ed .... in R. 1952 t albot Nicole l.M. 1973 lankersley ' J a mes H. '-Tanquary C'I iffbrd C. 1970 Tao Fra~k · F . 1953 Tappe~son , Arthur Jr. 1980 lappmeyer Ronald A ; 1963 Taylor George H. 1973 . .Taylo r' .Ot i s Ii. G '1956 ' faylor Roger~. Tebo Stephen O. ,1 1942 lelthorst Edgar .j ~ 19'119 Terrasson Paul l, ' 1944 Terry Mark L. 1959 Testerman Roy l ,' 1950 Tetley Albert ~ l ; ' 1978 Theobald Thomas A . 1944 lIlOe'l e Howa rd W. 1959 . Thomas . Jere L. 1947 Thompson Bennet R. 1966 Thompson Dudley ' 1929' . Thompson Homer' f. 1933 Th r ogmorton Gordo~ R. 1949 Tibbs Harold E . 1943 . Tiernan Ca rlos · H. 1976 Timl in James B . 1970 1 i mm Ca r'y A . 1932 Todd Fre d A . 1941 101 i ver Jac k £. 1950 Toomey John' B. 1952 Tsay Li ang - Juan 1969 Tsukamoto f a d as hi Tucker Armin J. 19 51 Underwood Dil ni e l It . 1956 Va n Bramer Wi II iam C .. 195 1 Van No s t ra nd Rob ert C . 194 9 Va n Praag Je f frey R. 1942 Va n sa n t Ro b e rt E. 197 1 V<1 u g hn Ch ar i i e F . \ 1940 V~ughn O~ ni e l L . 197 4 V<1ug hn Pa ul E . 1930 Ve d e n Le on a rd S. 1942 ve hi ge Ri c har d J. 1959 Vo llma l' . Joseph E . J r. 198 1 Ha I db a I·t 1 hendo re B. 1950 Ha l ke r Herton C. 196 1 1-/<1 l ker, Willi a m E. Jr. 1967 Ha l z Hobert L. 19611 Hane nm acher J osep h M. 1963 Wa rn e,' J o hn R. 1950 Harren Robert N. 19"7 6 W ~tk i ns Pau l A. .liltSO Il Harry W.C. 19 /13 1955 Watson Kev i n O.

1975 1963 1970 195 2 1930 193 2 1957 1949 1950

1955 1965 19 118 19 112 1947 . 196 5 1939 1962

Wa ttenbarg e r Chris M. Webb Jerry J. Webs t eT , ' Royal S. Jr. We dge . W. , ~ei th ~ Weeks Greg A . Weems John C . Weg ener Cu r t L . Heine l Ernst A. We inland Harold A. 1968 .. He i s e , 1'heodore L . 19 114 We i s.s Clare n ce B . 1972 He is s Mi c h 3el W. 1947 We l c h Ga ry E. 19 57 We n ger Gy l' i I J. 197 4 We nt z, Ch a rl es A . Jr. 1939 Weyand Th oma s E. 1950 Hh a I ey Hen r y P. 1969 Wh ee ler Ern est S . 1964 Wll ee loc k L e r oy K. 1938 White Ch a rl es S. 1949 Whit e Robert M. 19 73 Whit ....orth Virgil L. 19 215 Wi-c ke r Da ve A. 1949 -Wiebe Di r k H. 1959 Wi ll ker R ic ha r d H. 19 4 7 Wiethop Russel I H. 1975 Wil e La rson E. 19 50 Wi'lkens Roy A. 1981 Wi kerson Augustus B. 1959 Wi ks John C . 19 / ,0 Wi Iiams Anita L. ·1952 Wi Iiams D. Harl' en 19 50' Wi I ia'ms Rex Z. 1952 Wi Iiams Richa 'r d K. 195 3 Wi I iams Russell E. 1950 Wi lis · Henry R. 1941 Wi son Chris O. 1950 Wi son Clyde W. 1980 Wi son Michael A. 1943 Wi son Tommie C. 1960 Wi son Wi II iam L. 1977 Wissler louis B. 1974 Withrow Harold J . 1972 W'l t t lesl ie D. 1940 Wi x son Bobby C. 1981 Wol f Robert V. 1965 Wolff Leonard C. 1961 Wollgast Roy C . 1959 Wood Denn is L. . 1970 I-Ioo'd Frank D. 1979 Wood Kenneth W. 1950 Wood Robert C. . 1977 Woodfie ( d Richard A. 1952 Wr ight Harold R. 1957 Wu Chang-Yu 1964 Wulff C. Stephen ' 1948 Wyatt De Marquis O. 1947 Yang Hsun-Kuang 1964 .. Yochum ' Kenne th H. 1942 Yochum Robe I' t J . 1972 Young La .... rence M. 1968 Zacheis Paul R. 1949 Zalac Thomas W. 1948 Zeid Harvin C. 1920 Ziegler Charles K, 1960 Zimmer John J . 1939 Zoller Jacques W. 1961 · Zuiss Thomas J . Zvanut Carl M. 1963 Zvanut Frank J.

1941 1957 1955 1970 1960 1958 19 73 1944 19 53 1967 192 7 19"17 1962 19 33 1957 1966 1948 19 22 1952 193 2 1923 1944 1964 1959 1932 1951 1966 1923 1948 1970 1958 1931 1970 1957 1953 1973 1965 1979 1964 1962 1943 1949 1979 1951 1942 1958 1975 1963 1960 1950 1966 1950 1964 1971 1941 1965 1950 1949 1967 1960 1951 1982 1969 1942 . 1978 1941 1932

1926 1932 193 1 1950 1954 1950 1980 1948 1957 1949 1970 1975 1940 1976 1951 1942 1976 1951 . 1955 1981 1970 197 3 1968 EN

1978 1936 1952 1923 197 0 195 7 1948 1951 1980

1983 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus / IS

Alumni Association Scholarship Program Your generosity to the MSM-UMR Alumni Association is helping 149 UMR students through scholarships and the educational assistant program. A total of $71,250 was authorized by the Associaiton's Board of Directors to fund Associaiton scholarships ranging in value from $250 to $1,875 a year. An addi-. tional $15,000 was authorized for use by educational assistants, students who work under the supervision of UMR professors and administrators to complete scholarly

Alumni Association Superior Scholarship Jerry A. Dalles, Sr, Pe Eng Rana EICline Jones, Fr, Api Math Daniel J. Laposha, Jr, Comp Sci Margaret Ann Murphy, Jr, EI Eng Jeff D. Pautz, Sr, Comp Sc i Tracy Jo ThomCls, Jr, Cv Eng Janet Maureen Wacker, So, Un-Eng Bonnie Ann Weiss, Jr, EI Eng

Alumni Association SpeCial Scholarship Robert D. Borche It, Fr, E I Eng Carol Diane Deusinger, Jr, Comp Sci Renee Lynn Douglas, Fr, Ge Eng Michele EI izabeth Geary, Fr, Camp Sci Bradley D. Haug , Fr, Mech Eng Kenyon E. Holdmnn, Fr, Mec h Eng John R. Lemberger, Fr, E I Eng Wi I I iam G. Ramsey, Fr, Cer Eng James G. Unnersta II, So, EI Eng Bethanne Marie Wanner , Fr ; Comp Sci

projects. In addition to direct Association funds, $41,300 is being given from "named" scholarship accounts administered by the Alumni Association. In all, $127 ,55 0 of Association and Association administered funds is being used to further the education of worthy students. That represents a 30 percent increase from just last year when $98,000 was used for that purpose.

Alumni Association Transfer


Timothy J Aydt, Sr, Me ch Eng Kevin R. Barnes, Jr, Mech Eng Mark Bergner, Jr, EI Eng Richard D. Bothmann, Jr, Mec h Eng ChClrles D. Brock Jr., Sr, EI Eng Ming Ho Cheung, Jr, EI Eng Roger D. Enslow, Sr, EI Eng David J. Ewen, Sr, EI Eng Bryce K. GClrdner, Sr, Mech Eng Alexander L. Grant, Jr, Chern Eng James D. Guess, Jr, EI Eng StlICli't R. Hel' man, ,Jr, EI Eng Stuart V. Holsten, So, ' Mech Eng Kenneth D. HonClker, Jr, £1 Eng Andrew A. Jenn, Jr, Aer Eng Steve R. Kel4er, Sr, Chern Eng Christopher D. Kirchner, Jr, EI Eng Jeffrey W. Koch, Jr, EI Eng f'lichClel S. Livorsi, ..Jr, EI Eng Brent A. Logeman, Jr, EI Eng Sherman D. Mattingly, Jr, EI Eng Ernest E. Monroe, Sr, Mec~ Eng Paul G. Mueller', ,Jr, Civ Eng Matthew C. Olsen, Jr, Chern Eng Sean P. Riggs, Sr', Eng Mgt Daniel G. Smith, Jr', EI Eng Jul ie Margeurite Spehn, Jr, Comp Sci Kim W. Tracy, Jr, Camp Sci Dav id B. Webb , Jr, EI Eng Tim D. Zwicky, Sr, EI Eng

Alumni Association Scholarsh ip Jean Mari e Andersen, Fr , Chem Eng Karie Faye Andersen, So, Chern Fred K. Baganoff, Sr, Physics Roger L. Besnncenez, Sr, EI Eng David .J. Broy, Jr, EI Eng Garet W. Denise, Sr, Cv Eng Michael D. Frazier, Sr, Comp Sci Jereminh E. Golston, Fr, EI Eng Cheryl Annette Hadley, So, Chem Eng Sue Anri Hasselbring, Sr, Physics Christopher L. High , Sr, Comp Sci Brian K. Jennison, So, EI Eng David O. Jew, Jr, Me ch Eng Co I by E. Kinser, Fr, Comp Sc i Kay Helen Koester, So, EI Eng Lori Kay Metrop los, Fr, f'lech Eng Thomas J. Mori, Sr, Chem Eng Anne Marie O'Connor, Fr, Eng Mgt Cathy Lee Oostendorp , Sr, Life Sci Jerre Lee Parker, Sr, Comp Sci Terrence R. Pautler, Sr, EI Eng Karen Ann Rothermich, So, Un-Eng Jul ie Lynn Sanders, So , Un-Eng Margaret Mary Schackmann, So , EI Eng John M. Sweaney, Fr , ~lech Eng Steven A. Wend land, Jr, Ge Eng Timothy L. White, Sr , Mech Eng Kelly Dean Wiggs, So, Comp Sci David A. Wi liming , Jr, EI Eng David J. Wi Ison, Fr, Comp Sci




Sara Bishop, So, Cer Eng Catherine J. Bradley, Sr, Cv Eng Stephanie CiOffi, Sr, Mech Eng Kei th C. Griggs, Sr, EI Eng Amy Lynn Long, Sr, Co mp Sc i Douglas A. Lowe, S r , Mec h Eng Jean M. Nabit y, Jr , Psyc hology Lisa B. Peele, Sr. Un-A&S Phi II ip A. Scand ur a Jr' ., sr i EI Eng Andrew D. Sch lot e , Sr, Mech Eng Wnyne V. Sch midt , S r, Cv Eng Darren L. Washausen, Sr, Met Eng Randa II Wood, Sr, Mech Eng

Richard D. Car' ut~rer s , Jr. f~in Eng Robert T. Greathouse, Jr, Min Eng Jacquel in e Griggs, Jr , Min Eng Randal L. Hann ing, fr, Min Eng Geor.ge Loelke s III, Sr, f·lin Eng Jefre Mcg ee, 51', Min Eng Lor( Jane f~i II i kan, F r, f1i n Eng J<lmes E. Pinkley, Sr, Min Eng Mi c hnel J. Savage, Jr. Min Eng Wi ) lard J . Smyth, Sr, ~Iin Eng David J. Steagal I, Sr, Min Eng

Murphy Company SchOlarship Judy L. Flebbe Memorial Roberta Sc ott W. Theresa Reta E.

Scho lar ~

James W. Gregory, Fr, Mech Eng

Sue Batema n, Sr , Chern Eng Klamm, Jr, Chern Eng Ann Ney, J r , Che m Eng Roe, Sr, Chern Eng Caro lyn Louise Heermann, Sr, Met Eng

Norma and George Stephen Kessler Scholars!l.LQ

Hi II iam D. Armstr'ong, Sr. Ge Eng OouglCls A. Behm, Sr, Chern Eng James ~1. Bowen, S r, E I· Eng Mark A. Brownfield, Sr, Comp Sci James C. BlIllClrd, Sr, EI Eng Diann M. Dow, Sr, EI Eng Alan E. Dragoo, Sr, Comp Sr.i David A. Dwyer, Sr, EI Eng Daniel J. Ec.k, Sr, 14ech Eng Carl A. Engemann, Sr, Chern Eng Keith A. Freiberger, Sr, Comp Sci John H. Geerl ing, Sr, Chern Keith B. Groat, Sr, Mech Fng James G. Heiken, Sr, Mech Eng MichaeJ G. Hi Iger s , Jr, Comp Sci Vicky L. Josl in, Jr, ·Chem Eng~ David C. Kerber, Sr, EI Eng Daniel J. KI ingenberg, Jr, Chern Eng KennanH. Laudel, Sr, EI Eng Michael S. Lynch, Sr, EI Eng Edward O. Madenj ian, Sr, Chern Ellg Paul M. M'a tthews, Jr' , Chem Eng John W. Mitchel I, Sr, Comp Sci Steve K. f~itori, Sr, EI Ellg Ronald L. Phillips, SI' , Aer Eng ToddM. RumClns, Sr, Life Sci Timothy Schoenecker, Sr, Eng Mgt Douglass D. St,ar'p, Sr, Pe Eng Wende'll C. Stnvig, Sr, EI Eng Mar ~ in L. Taylor, Sr, [I Eng Linn D. Hanbaugh, Sr, Mech Eng Robert J. Weir, Sr, Aer Eng

A x mac~er

Ct Da Je



Sean K. Patterson, Fr, Comp Sci

Daniel K. Heitzman, Fr, Met Eng Timothy Joseph Vio x, Fr , Met Eng


Patricin Ann Peick, S r , Cer' Eng

Ann Marie Groner , So, Met Eng

John R. Frerking, So, Cv Eng Christopher Nisbet , Sr, Eng I-Igt Alfred L. Odom Jr., Sr, fng Mgt

He Je


Jerome T. and Robert T. Berry Scholarship Harry Kessler Scholarship

Ca Ad

GE Ilc


Hodrre y E. SOllthilr<t, Sr' . Cv fng




16/ MSM


Order of t.he Golden Shill~lagh The Order of the Golden Shillelagh was established on Founders Day in 1977 to recognize the many alumni and their spouses and friends who provided significant support to the University. The Order was established on a four-fold commitment to excellence at the University of Missouri-Rolla. These are: 1)

To recognize alumni and friends of the University whose concern is demonstrated through their financial support.


To provide means by which administration and faculty may share plans and aspirations for the University.


To help establish an exemplary pattern of substantial support through annual gifts and planned giving.


To promote increased interest in the welfare of the Univer· sity on the part of others who might become members of the Order.

Mr. &: Mrs. Robert W. Abbett (F) Mrs. Marguerite C. Anderson PrOf. &: Mrs. J . Lewis Andrews Nr. &: Mrs. Hubert S. Barger Mr . &: Mrs. Jerome T. Berry Mr. &: Mrs. Phi II ip J. Boyer (C) Nr. & Mrs. Robert M. Brackbi I I ~r. John Stratford Brown (C) Mr. &: Mrs. Donald L . Castleman Nr. &: Mrs . Andrew A. Cochran N~ &: Mrs. G. Robert Couch (C) Mr. &: Nrs. E. Jefferson Crum (F) Nr s. Dorothy Radel iffe Dee Mr . &: t4rs. Paul T. Dowl ing (r) (E -) Mr . &: Mrs. Charles S. Draper Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A. Eck Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas O. Engl ish Mr. &: Mr·s. Wi Ibur -So Feagan (El Mr . &: Mrs. Fr' ed H. Finley (F) (E) ~lr. &: Mrs. James M. For'gotson (C) Mr. &: Mrs. Charles A . Freeman (C) Mr. &: Mrs. John A. Gordon, Jr. I1r . C, James Grimm (F) Mr. &: Mrs. Alden G. Hacker (F) (E) Mr. &: Mrs. John P. Harmon (C) Mrs. Marjory Meyer Hasselmann (F) Mr. &: Mrs . Jack B. Haydon Hrs . lise Hei.lbnrnn Mr . &: Mrs. Thomas A. Holmes (F) (E) Mrs . Bert F . Hoover (C) Mr . Harland H. Hoppock (C) Mr. &: Mrs. Vernon T. Jones ~'rs. Mervin J. Kelly (C) Mrs. Charles B. Kentnor, Jr. (F) (F)

Founding Member


In addition to the written acceptance to membership, there are several options a person may select to become a member. One is a pledge of at least $10,000 during a ten-year period at a rate of not less than $1,000 a year. Another is a single gift of $10,000 or more. A planned gift of at least $15 ,000 also qualifies. Examples of planned giving are bequests, life income agreements, charitable trusts, life insurance and real estate gifts. Since the last annual meeting in May of 1983, nine have been added to the Order of the Golden Shillelagh, bringing its total memqership to 93. Each spring the membership has a formal dinner meeting. During this meeting new members are recognized and a campus program of current interest is presented. The spring meeting is scheduled for April 2, 1984. Please contact Howard Eloe, Executive Secretary of the Order of the Golden Shillelagh, in the Alum· ni/Development Office if you wish information regarding the organization . Ralph McKelvey Chairman, Order of the Golden Shillelagh

Mr . &: Mrs. HarTY H. Kessler (f) Mr. &: Mrs. Fred Kissl inger Mr. &: Mrs. Hirold Koplar Mr. &: Mrs. Frederick S. Kummer (F) Mr. &: Mrs. Jennings R. Lambeth Mr. &: Mrs. Allan H. LaPlante Mr. &: Mrs. John H. livingson Mrs. Floyd S. Macklin (F) Mrs. Roy W. McBride (F) I1r . ·&: Mrs. Belding H. McCurdy (F) Mr. &: Mrs. Ralph E . McKelvey (F) (E) Nr. Frank H. ~lentz, Jr . Nr . &: Mrs. George E. Muel ler ~C) Mrs. James J. Murphy Mr . &: Mrs. Raben Ii. Nau .1 Mr. &: Mrs. Marvin E. Nevins, Jr. (F) Mr . &: Mrs. John K. Olsen ~'r . &: Mrs. John L. Painter t1r. - &:Mrs. ~lurrayJ. Paul (F) Mr. &: Mrs. Harry H . Pea rso n,_ Jr . Mr. &: Nrs. E. L . Perry (C) Mr. C. J. Potter (C) Mr. &: Mrs. James A. Redding Mr. &: Mri. Harvey J. Reed Mr. &: Nrs. Charles Remington t4r. &: ~'rs. Edward G. Remmers Mr. &: Mrs. Thom as A. Remmers Mr. &: Mrs. Walter E. Remmers Mr. &: Mrs . Murray C. Renick, Jr. Mr. Robert P Rhoades ~'r. &: r4rs. Rodman St. Clair (F) (E) t4r. &: Mrs. Bernard R. Sar-chet (F) Nr. &: Mrs. Robert P; Sc hafer Mr. &: Mrs. Hans E. Schmoldt (F) ( C)

Cha r·te r Membe r -

Mr. &: Mrs. John E. Schork Mr . &: Mrs . James J . Scott Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph G. Sevick (C) I1r. &: Mrs. Gabriel G. Skitek Mrs. Edward A. Smith (F) Mr. &: Mrs. Walter Snelson Mr. &: Mrs. John P. Soult (C) Mr. &: Mrs. J. Vict~r Spalding Mr. &: Mrs . Lawrence A. Spanier Mr. &: Nrs. Ernest M. Spokes Mr . Thomas J. Stewart, Jr. Mr. &: Mrs . S. Allan Stone (F) Mr. &: Mrs. H. D. Thomas Mr. &: Mrs. John B. Toomey (C) Mr. &: Mrs. Mel Weinbaum Mr. Virgi I L. Whitworth (F) Mr. Re x I. Wi II iams Mr. &: Mrs. DeMarquis D. Wyatt Mr. &: Mrs. M~rvin C. leid Deceased Members:

Mr. Bert F. Hoover (C) Mr. Charles B . Kentnor, Jr . (F) Mrs . Thomas Witt Leach tC) t-lr. Floyd S. ~lacklin (F) Mrs . V . H. McNutt (F) Mrs. frank H Mentz, Jr . Nr. James J. Murphy Mr. &: Nrs. Walter T . Schrenk (F) Mr. Edward A . Smith (F) Mrs . Thomas J. Stewart, Jr. Mr . Frank E . Townsend Mr. &: Mrs. Henry E. loller (F) (E) Ex ecutive Co~mittee

Necrology These individuals who have been carried on the alumni roU were reported as deceased between January 1, 1983 and December 31, 1983. James Byers Allen, '49 Everett Phi I ip Andrews, '22 Marvin Kenneth Baker, '61 WilliamE. Bates ,, '35 Ren Bea t ty , ' 30 Ray I. Brasaemle, ' 34 Charles .Howar'd Br'ennenstuhl, '73 Da Ie J . Brown, , 47 John Wi II iam Brown, '63 Montgomery Dee Byers, '78 Herman Clyde Byrd, '50 Carl G. Carpenter, '77 Adrian B Chaney, ' 111 Henri Chomeau, '23 Joseph Rob i nson C I air., ' 38 Larry G. C.I ine, '65 George Clodfelter Jr, '53 IIowa rd Edwa rd C{)nrp ton, ' 36 John Samuel Connolly, '51 Donald George Crecel ius, '41 James Francis Cutts, '64 Ra I ph Da Ie, ' 17

Peethambaram Dor -ai-Babu, '61 Raymond Druss, '50 Richard Dwight Duff, '29 Horacio Angel Fernandez, '38 Guenther Wa Iter' rrotscher' , '29 .Jack Everett Gaston, ' 31, John Ward Gi Imore, Jr., '50 AI len Matney Glaser, '38 Wayne Go I 'lib, ' 48 George A. Hale, '34 John Elden Hoopes ; '49 Bert F,. Hoover, '23 Charles Grainey Hueter '29 Paul Luther Hydinger, '52 William J. Jensen, Emeritus Professor Luthe r Je rome Jenson, ' 50 James Everett Jett, '24 Millard Frank Kader'a, 'I,ll Ronald Allen Kibler, '59 fredWilliamklee,35 Loren Lafferty, ' 49 Wi liard Clljxton Lay, '23

Carl Eugene Loftis, '75 Glenn Hudson Lufcy, '43 James Francis Lynch, 61 Emmett J. Lyon, '25 Melvin Wil I iam Mackey, '5~ Holl is Eugene ~'cBride , '26 Wi II iam Henry McCartney, '16 Aust in Lee McRae, ' 31 Edwa rd r1eeka, ' 30 John William r.1etcalf, ",0 Dale Maurice Nyer s , 61 Palll Cordell Nel so n. '1,2 Robert Michael Ni c odemlls , '69 Stanley Halter- Nowinski , '62 Buel Orchard, '54 Perry Perkinson, '51 Albert Lewis Pessin, '32 Wi II iam L . Petty, Jr., '50 Artl'lur - Albert Phillips, '38 Peter Harold Pietsch, '20 George Otto Pitts, '39 Cha r I es F . Rhe-a, 59 [r'ich Rolaff, '48

Leroy Robert Scheurer, '18 Thomas D. Schloemer, '56 Wi II iam Karl Schweickhardt, '28 Far'amarz Toloui Semnani, '67 R. Ray Shockley, '68 Hoyt Lee Simmonds , '62 LllW rence Leona rd S luza lis, ' 59 Charles Wi II iam Snrder, '35 Wi Ibur C. Stolte, 25 liar r'y Edward Sutherland, '61 Vanagan 'Tatosian , '51 Kenneth Robert Teis, '23 Wi II iam Henry Thias, '35 Mercer Vincent Thompson, '29 Anton John Tomasek, '63 Nguyen Quang Van, '75 James Brotemackle Weaver, ' 38 Paul Weber, '2 7 Frederick Adam Wei rich, '25 Kenneth Wayne Wi I Iiams, '64 Ge ra I d M. Wi I son , ' 51 John Roland Yack, '70

MSM Alumnus / 17

University Development fund Thank you! The Development Fund for 1983 continues to provide significant private gift sup· port for the many quality programs at UMR. Another banner year; the Fund ex· ceeded $3 million for the second year in a row and improved 1982's record by $30,000. Challenge fund goals for the Vachel H. McNutt Mineral Engineering Building and the Engineering Management Building have been exceeded in gifts and pledges. In addition to con~inuing the challenge fund for the AlumnilMusidAuditorium and the annual effort for financial aid, department and library funds and equip· ment, Chancellor ~archello (at the December· Development Council meeting) outlined his recommendation for "New Directions for Development" for the period ahead. The UMR Development Council special thrust effort will be to obtain need· ed support to raise" existing quality progTams to excellence. Two dozen program areas were defined from Applied Mathematics to Rock Mechanics and Explosives R~h. . A special thank you is extended to the many faculty members who develop con· tacts with their corporate counterparts and seek an interface which benefits both the University and the donors in the private .sector. These strong relationships bet· ween UMR faculty and business is evidenced in the volume of gift support from cor· porations and business. . . The foilowing list 'includes all donors to the University of Missouri·Rolla for

1983. Should you discover omissions or misspellings, please let me know. To you who have made this new record in support to UMR a reality, a sincere and ap· preciative "thank you" is extended. Your gifts have added significantly to the quali· ty of the UMR education. The beneficiaries of your gifts are today's students and tomorrow's leaders in Missouri and the nation. Through your efforts Rolla achieved a record total of private gift support. \




Number of Gifts

Alumni . Non·alumni Corporations Foundations Organizations Bequests Totals


1812 1946 835 20 55 35

$313,924.05 183,436.06 2,160,812.11 193,909.78 81,701.76 252,831.95




. Howard W. Eloe 'Director, UMR Development Fund

A A E Staley Mfg Co AT&: T AT&: T Long Lines Abbott Laboratories Abernathie William E. Acharya Jaya ·P. Acree, William E. Jr. Adamick, Chester J. ~r. Adamick Henry S. Adams G"cgg W. Adams ' John E. Adkins Carolyn S. Adkins Robert O. Agra ....a I Arun K. Ah I and Wayne Aho Michael Ed ....ard Ai'r force ROTC Albers Robert G. Alcoa fdn Alex Pizza Palace Alexander Andre .... Alexande,', Emmit C. Jr-. Alexander ' Geor'ge O. Alexander, Ralph W. Jr. Alexander William C. AI fermann .&: !layries Allen !larry \01: . Allen Jamcs L. Allen, John E. Jr: Allied Chemical fdn Altensee James f. Ama x Fdn fnc American BanI<. of Rolla Ameri~an ' Legion ~ux


American Natural Resources Co Ameritone Paint Corp Amoco Fdn Inc Amoco a i I Co (Resea rch Be' Dev) Amsted Indu str ies Fdn Andersen Kathleen C. 'Anderson Bruce E. Anderson Jame s S. Anderson Mi c hael B. Anderson Michael E. Anderson Ri c hard A. Andres Otto M. Andrews J. Lewis Andrews Hilliam And rews Wi II iam W. Ang e l i Ba, ·tholomew P. Anheu se r-Bu sc h Inc Anni s Donald J . Anonymous Anson Denni s G. Anspach Ea r l E. Ao uri Ra ba h Appl eyard Frank C. Appl ie d Me mbra ne Tec h Inc AR Power & Ligh t Co ARMCO Fdn Arno ld Glenl%od

18/ MSM


Arnold John W. Bartlett Hugh Arthur T,'eal Bartley, William H. Jr. Asa reo fdn ,Ii. BASF Wyandotte CO"p Asbee Don Bash .David A. Basler Michael J. 'Asco I i Don r~. H": Ashland Oi I Fdn I,re Bassin Ronaid L. Ashland Oi I' Inc Oates Mrs Eulah W. Ashley Carl G. lit Bati'a Romesh C. Associated Elec Coop Inc , Balter Richard H. Baue,' \~i II iam C. AT&T Bell L~boratories Baum, rrank L. · Jr . Atkins Jack O. Baumllnn Richard E. Atlantic Richfield Co (Dal las) Atlantic Richfield Co (LA) . Baur Richard A. Ba x ter Kenneth D. Atlantic Richfield Fdn Bayer Gera Id J. Atlas Po .... der Co Bayless, James W. HI Atrium Medical Corp Bayless Jerry ·R. Aubrecht. Ladimir J. Jr. ' Bean Robert C. . Aubrey, Ceo A. Jr. Bea rd James B. AUGAT , Inc Beard Reade M. Aust ·in Buddy J. .. Bea rdrno re !la "0 I d· R. Avery Michael Robert Beauchamp Robert W. Avul .a Xavier J. Becher Ma"garet M. ' Awalt Edward L. Bechte I Fdn Axmacher George .W. Beckemeyer, Ed ....a'·d J. Jr. Ayars . Robert S. Bednar Stephen J. Ayer John .Beg ley David L. Be i I 10111 I te,' f . Beistel Donald W. Bekae,· t Steel Wire Corp · B Bf~kaert Steel Wi re CO"p Bell Albert G. B F Good rich Co Be I I Gordon W. Babcock Daniel L. Bell Robert J. ' Babnik Tony S. Be I I Rona I d T. • Bader . Tracey A. Berrchma r~ Le a t/lercraft Co Baechle August A. Bend e r Jo hn 1'1. Baer Ted A. Bendi x Cor p (Kansas City) Bagley Wi II iam C. Bendi x roun~ation Ballm, Dona Id S. II Bai ley Keith E. Bene Debra A. Bene Vince Ba i rd Ma ry LOll Baird Thomas 13. Benigrrus Thomas D. Berring Robert G. Baker Chester H . Ba I I lIobert D. Ben.i a mi n Dona I d Bal I iew El aine A. .Benjamin I~oorc Co Be nnet t Brian Ballman Edward A. Ballou Brian BenneLt J. Daniel Bannes Lorry T. Be nt z ing e r Robert Bann es - Sll a ll<:jhn essy Inc Beres ik The odore L. Baptist St ud e nt Union UMR Berg He len 11. Be l' g Richa,' d O. Barclay David A. Bardon Don a ld G. Be"glund Paul T. He rg t Oil v id E. B<1rerie l d Ro ber t S . Berkbigler l arry W. Ba rera Jo se ph M. Be I' lin I)ol.lg I a s Barker Harv in W. Berry Chilrl es A. Ba rlow Reese All en Be r,' y Hugh II. Bar'nas .Jose pl, Barnes Jo lln y. J. Ber ry J e r ome l. Barr Ra l ph S. Be r·tno I I i ErJlo/a "d C. Ba rri s Stephe n N. Bertrand GalY L. Ba r ti e L t Ga ry H. Be rio/a I d D.a v i d M.

Bess James O. Bethards . Charles W. Bethlehem Steel Corp Beutler David E. Bevel Jerry E. Beverage leland D. Beyel' Br i an J .. Bible, Paul L. Jr. Bie Wendy A. .Bieniek Ronald J. ·B j erma n Me I v i n Il i I I BllI'gdo rf Bingham, Lloyd W. Jr. Bippus Hif"iiam J. Oi rl( Kenneth L . Bishop Vienna Black & Veatch Black & .Veatch fdn Blankenship Dean M. Olattel Steven R. Blize .... ski · Brent Block thomas W. Bodenhamer Steven O. Boeing Co :Seat.tleJ Bogan James J. Bogan James J. ·Bogart ·· Ha,' ley Sohley Ronald G. Bohley Thomas K. \ '-8oi tes John H. Bo./e, George J. Jr. Bo I e s Da v i d G. Bollenbacher Albert Bolon Albert E. Bolon, Lucien M • • Ir. Bolze Joseph Bondi Jilmes O. Bone Joseph Bouks 'N 1hings Boone Benjamin!l. Boone Hobert H. Booth Hi 11 iam B; Borcharding, Donald A. Jr. Borchcr~ Haymond W. Bo rg i n i Fred Burgmeyer 1oI,,'r v in E. Borgmeycr Thnmas S. Bosch WOllt er Bo s ko John Boston t~ (lrgie V. Bo t t. Hax E. BUll I SOil Clr al' l es E. BOlirld s Do n" I dR. BOLirne Don a ld W. BOllt e ll e Larry BOlo/en . .Jesse. W. Jr. Flulo/ k l ey lI e r-b er t L. BOlo/ l es ,Jo e Ed BOWl es Ke nn At h W. BUIo/I in John D. BUIo/I ill Hi c hae l Frank

* Deceased

You ap-

lali· ~nd



Bovm:l n Ca I' S len [. Bo ....mlln ,)lImes . l. Bo x dorfor Robert L. Boyd Rob!;! rt: K. Boyd Scot.t S. Boyer Phil I ip J. Boy ko Kenne t.11 ,). Iloyt [ugerre P. Bo za rth Bruce A. Branch Wi II iam O. BI'alidel Wi II iam R. Lynn D. BI 'alltlhorst Brandt Lydia E. Braun David G. Br;\IIn Bebecc" Br'edenkamp Rona Id C. B r'elle Ha ro I d C .. B I'enne i sen Joe r. Blcnning f.u')cne O. B I'eue r Coy l.. BI'ewer Jolin M. Bre .... er La .... rence O. Br'owster Larr' y Bridges Thbmas L . B., i dyman SaIPlle I ~ridgman Stephen A. Brinkmann Char'les E. Britton David A : Brock.... ay Inc BI' on Clay Bl'Ose f{obert L. Br·o .... n D. n. Bro.... n Dona I dR. Br'own Harry A. B I'o....n G ra nge iB ro.... n '~a rk '. K .', Brown RichaFd ' .R. Brown Ri cky J. B ro ....n In I lis L. . Brubaker '·Iaurice E ~ Br'ucl! Robe r t S. Bnlehmann Ott Brunkhorst Lloyd E. Bruns Grego~y A. ' Bruns Robert f. Bnmts Ba rba I' a L Brunts Randal'l T. Bryant Ba rry Bryant David A. Bryant ',)ames 13\lcl>m,,,1/1 Raymond f .. Budd Deb ra ..J.' .' Budd Vincent J. Bile I I Da v i d W. Buh I. Howa I'd K. Jr. Blli Iders Assn of r~o Bli I I Russe I I Bllilman HI'S Ga Ie Burgett Ma ).. A. Burkhart M~rk L. Blll'Os &: McDorlne I I Eng r Co Bllrns Fredrick B. Burns Randall K. Bllrr Richard C. Bur.ton A. Sam Burton Rober.t R. Btlt I e r .Jil1l1eS l.. nutti Michael C. Byrd Herman C.



c Calcaterra Edward L. Calhoun ' Troy C.

Cil I I ah'/ll • Ca rter Ca'il lanan- ' Da", i·d 11':CaRlbie~· · .Jarn~ s ' I. . ' '~' Call1phe II Lowe II G. Camp be I I Hubert E. Cilnill e I'holllas Cani z ares I1l1go N. Ca r'bo line Co Cil rei l e i ry Ca "g i I I. 1m: Carlo Jos e ph W. Ca 1' 1 ton 1':1111 r: , Ca r.mi c h .. e l Ronald L. Ca noody [ elw" I'd Ca m ey \~. Dill P. Carr , I-lillter ,J. JI'. Carr' olln Hoss H. Carson Alan W, Carsten s John C. ' Cilrter Dutro Ca rte r Ron a I d W, Cilry Stillll e y E. Case Glenn H. Cil s t I e llla II iluml I d l. Cnterpi liar Fdll Cat.erpillar Tractor Co Cawlt ' ield David W. Celanese Cor'p Centerr'e Barlk Ceritr'a I 8< Soulh West. fdn Central redel 'ill Savings &: LOiln Cantral I I Pub Service Co Ceni.,lIry 21/Flkhead Real Estate ' Geylan SfP-Correo 0,1 Oh,aney Jam(~)... B. ' . Chan<:j Joseph ,). Chapman , Ri.chard G. thilrb6nnier William P. - CII"tron William Alan . Che e k . Michnel R. Chemelco . Chen Sho-Chy Chenoweth -John S. Cller~ick Irwin L. Chery; tz J,errold Cllev ron liSA Inc (J)e nve r) Chevron IJSA Inc (Richmond) Clrev ron I.ISII Inc i San F r'anc i sco Chicago Paint & toatings Ass~ Christ ehul' ch Episcopal Chd stensell . Lawrence Christopher Leo L. Christy Edward J . CH2M Hill Eng Planners Scient Cibulka Joseph C. Ciblilka 'Norman Cieciwa Qregory A •. G r'ego ry f. C i ma C'itibank N II Cities Service Co Cities Se r vi~e Fdn Claridge [Imond L. Clark Cheryl Z. Clar'k Dennis A. Clark J. Beverley Clal' k Norman L. Clark Robert E. Clayton Charles L. Clemmons Russel R. Cleveland~CI iffs Iron 'Co CI inton Wi II iam C. Clodfelter Gene C. Close Ma x well L. Cobb Ga ry K. Cochran' Andrew II.

COCO " 1-1" t t.eo A . "., Codespoti Daniel J. Coffmnn '-v'<lthlyn L. CO ll e II [I i za beth A. Cohen Gerald L . Coh e n Mrs George Cohe n Pea 1' 1 Colbert Charles R. Col 'e , [ r'nest R. Jr : Cole I,'a icoirn B. Cole Richard E. Col e man Gl e nn J. Colnat. e -Palmol ive Co Co llie B.H. Collins Walter v.. Colnna Lawrence J. Combustion Engineering Inc Cominco Ame ric a n Inc Commonwealth Theatres Como'll io Raymond J . . Conant Paul C. Conc i Fran k A. Conk.lin John D. Coime r 5te I I a Conoco Inc (liouston) Conoco Inc (Ponca City) Con r ath Douglas C. Consol idation Coal Co Continental Bank fdn Conwe I I Cha r I es A. Cook Christopher C. Cook, frank S. Jr. Cook tlenr'y B. Cooksey Sandra frios Coon Pall I U. Coope~ [velyn a ; cooper 1holllas W. CUIIO Wi II i'am H . . ' Copeland Wesley Cu ra I Mil I' i il I. Corbett John Eo Corbin Gary A. Co'rn Art.hur Cornett Hoy C. Corning Glass Works fd'n Cossette Terry Cottingham William COllch G. Robert Counc i I for CheAl Resea rch Inc Cou rsen '!len i se K. Courtney Bo .... ard A . Co .... an Cherie R. Coyie Br'ian CPC International


Cradic Cllrtis Ray C ra i g .James · A. ·Craig, James L. Jr . Cra ig Ha Ilace C. Cr'ane lIar'old R•. Crawford Jack L. Crecelius Donald G. C,'eech flarry L. CI'ess W. Dud I ey Cr·e .... s Eddie L. Cribb John A. ' ernic John Crocke.r John W. Cr'on i n DOllal ct L. CI'ookston James Crosser' Orrin K. Growley Robert E. Crllmbaugh Daniel H. Cnu"" , Albert A. Jr. Cllbit James' CII",e, [b e r' F. Jr.


CIII I e n M i chae I J. J. Cllilison Elizabeth Culnan, Patrick 0,. Jr. CIII v e r Robe rt E. Cumm i ng s A I an Cllnningham floyd M. Current Hehabi I italion Agency Cllthbertson Mary i... Cysew's k i B r i an-

o Oaane Adrian B. Daboo Ratan f. Dahmer Russell W. · Oa i Iy Eugene J. Dale Charles L. Daniels Armand Uanzo francis V. Dare Charles E. VarT J. Thomas Dart &: Kraft. Kraft Inc Dashti Christine M. Da Silva Anibal J. lJave Bhalchandra T. David Ed .... ard G. ,Davis Carl B. Da vis Ga ry W• . Davis Jerri V. Davis Russell E. Davis W.H. Oavy Inc Da .... es Ronald f. Day David · Day Thomas G. Dayco corp Daylong Wi I I iara B. Dean Michael Uear-diwff Dwight l.. Dearth Da,dd W. DeBolt Dona 'ld G, DeC I lie Ga ry L. Deeken, Richard H. Jr. Deere & Co (1-101 ine) Degel frank C. fleGood John S. Dehekker Lloyd ' OeKock Arlan R. Delaney Michael J. Delano Jonathan De I no 0 i I Co ' Oe Larber Nicholas S. DeMay Pau I P .. Dempsey _ Bdan . .Denham Donald · C. Denner David K. Denlley Gary G. Donnie Powell A. Denton Randy G. DePasquale Joe ' Derhake Anthony H. DeSpain · David R. Detjen Olga . W. Detroit Edison


Deutschma~ ' Ron~ld


Devaney Michael j. De Vasto Thomas D. De .... ar' ' l:Iarold' L. DeW i t t C a 1'1 L. Dha ran i Lokeswa rappa Diamond Labo ra ·tor i es, Dick C. Alfred Dieringe~ Donald R.



UMR DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL ACTIVITIES The UM·Roila development program goals are pursued at two levels: the annual program and acceler;lted special thrust efforts. The development program com· prises volunteer teams and staff that solicit support from alumni, corporations and foundations, individuals. entrepreneurs. faculty and staff, parents, and the Rolla community.. ' Commit~ees represented in the UMR Development Council are: Alumni Liaison, Bob Bay; Corporate Executives, Wayne Bennetsen; Entrepreneurs, Bob Underhill; Major. Individual Gifts, Ralph McKelvey; Planned Giving, Charles Remington; Parents' Association, Richard Lamb; Parents' Fund, Joe DePasquale; Community Support, Floyd Ferrell and Bill Jenks. The Annual Devel<:>pment Program provides support in seven basic areas: student aid, equipment, facilities-, departmental development, faculty excellence, . library, and special programs, Several of these areas have benefited from acceIerated thrust efforts in recent years: facilities, faculty excellence, and equipment. For the period ahead, the campus plans to build on current strengths in instruction and research. The new directions for the accelerated special thrust effort will be to obtain support needed to raise existing quality programs to excellence. Since the December meeting of the UMR Development Council, several of the corporate members have expressed interest in establishing company identity with some of the research and instructional centers on campus. Reports of this interface between company and.faculty will be an important item at the next meeting of the Council. . Alden G, Hacker, Chairman UMR Development Council

• Deceased

MSM Alumnus / 19


o Continued


Dim"9gio Ir, o lll as Dill i LOll i s lJi tLmil icr' lho","s A, D i t t me r RII sse I I S, Dudd ClIn, i s w, Dodo I'II0rn(lS \~, 1J0og o [ I l e n Wes tover Do er ing rrank ,J, Do e rr Robert N, Do l<1n Goi l Louise Do I 111'1 1 hnrn" s J, Do I I " r Jim A . 1J 0 I I a I' r1a r'll Do n a ld so n Jamo R G. Donn ld so n WI II i a m F. DO S La I Gr'cgo r y G. ,J. Dow Cll e rni r:n l Co (li o ll s ton ) Dow Ch e mi ca l Co (Midland) Dow Ch e rni r:a l Co rdn Dowd y ClIrti s L. 1J 0w i in g. Don " Id J, ,Jr. Dow lin g Pa u I f . Down s .Ja c k S . Doy l e Barbara L. Doy l e J o hn J. D rn p e r Be rn:l I'd Dr 'esse l Dc nni s 1 . Dresser rdn In c Dreste Jerom e P. A l oy s iu s F . D ' SOl l 2' 8 Dllk e Ca l v i n W. Oil I I He I v i n J. DlIn & BrnO s treet Corp Fdn Dun ca n Richard H. Dun ro rd RiII'lda I l B. DlIn l op~ Jame s S. ,Jr. DlInn-Edward s Corp Dyck i1r1 l ce A . Dyc k Noa mi

E E I Dupont De Ne mours & Co Eag l e -Picher Industr' ie s, Inc Eaker Mrs Odis C . Eastman Kodak Co ( Batesvi li e ) Eastman Kodak Co (Rochester) Ea ton Co rp Ecke lk a mp Martin J. Edwa I'd s Ga ry D. Edwards Gene W. Edwards Harry K . Edwards Mrs Fra n c i s C. Egbert Robert I . Eide lman Larry B . E i ke C I a I re Elkmann Barry R. E i Ima n Robert E i rte n Frank O. Eise le Renny L. Eisenman Harry J. E I Paso Natural Gas E I I LI I Iy Co EI ifrits C. Dale E ll e brecht David E. E ll iott Edwa r' d E. E I I iott Joseph O. EI I iott Madonna E I li s J. C ra I 9 E I I Is Thomas B. E lli s Williftm R. E I oe Howa rd W. E l sea Car l A. Emanue l Jack H. [merson E l ectric Co Emhart I nd In c (H artford Div) Enge l brecht Ronald L. Enge l ken Robert D. Engelmann Robert Enge man Iv an L. Eng i n ee I' Roy En l oe Chri s toph e r W. En s ign-Bickford Found I nc Ephraim, Max Jr. Ep s tein Erw in H . Erickso n Gordon L. Erki l et i a n Joyce Ervin Timothy Ray Esry Thom as Craig Ess n e r Mary E. Es te l Danie l Es t ey J e we l ers Eta Ka ppa NlI Ethicon Inc Et hy I Co rp Eu l er De l ores E. Eva n s Donald L. E va n s , J a me S I . Jr. Ev e r s ma n Wa l ter Ex p l ora t ion E'd Co n L xx on [ Ou ca tiona l Fdn Exx on USA Fdn Ey b e rg Ca r' l ,J. Eyberg Walbridge P.

20/ MSM Alumnus

F Fab i ek lI arry Fa os John G . ~ahr i 9 Rol> er t ,J. V. E , Fa I k e nl1" in Fa nnin D. Rona l d r a r'o er f{a I ph ,J. A. K i I 'll r a r I ey Fallcett ftJ o nlil s R . r ea g a n Hi Ihll r S . Johll r ee ll t e r r e d Of Snc ror Co atings T ec h Hil r'k (, . r e hl ig r e r. r' I~o b c rL ,J. r I I e rI) o n f! I d I) . r e nrledy B r ll ce r. Fe nn e r' Thom~ s I erg u so rl f SJrl ond S. l org u s on l arr'y L. l err-ee Ro b er t E. Fick A rm i n I' , Fie l eJ Hi " i"rn I~ , Fie l d s Ross A. Fi ese l e r Ca Lherine N. rillm er Ho w Clr rJ H. Finch, Dav id r~. J r. Fin c h Doroth y [ . Fin e MOrl" i s' M . Finley Ch ar l es B. Fin l ey rr e d w. I inl ey Ro be rt I . Fir s t Pre s byt er i an Ch I· 'sc ~l er John H . ' F Sil er Milr i e toO F t z g e ra I d Pa ul H. F t z m" II ric e R i e lla rd R . F t zs imm ons Milry N. f ve-O-Ni n e Package Store F andrena Robert J. F ecka I Robert F. F elltje Linda C. F e tclle r John F etcher ' s I ce Cream F l ood rll addeus F. F l oyd I'll i I lip F lu or Fdn Fogarty Edw in R. Fogarty wi I I i a m M. Fo l tz Erne s t N. Foods For Hea l th Fo rd ~loto r Co Ford Motor Co Fund Fore Jack D. Forging Ind Educ & Res Fdn Forshee Ma r'g i e Fort George E. Fortune John H. rossey Robert O. Found In Refra c tor-ies Ed Foundry Educatio n a l Fdn 1'0101 I e r Kim R. Fow l er, Richflrd W. I I I Ba rr'y Fo x Fra me Wftyne S. Frances V Leac h Cllari t Trust Francis Lyman L. Frank Gregory B. Frazee Pftint & wal I c overings Fr'ee man David J . Freeman Re n ee Fiqllet Free man Richard A. rre ib ergel' Hf1I'o ld C. Friberg St ig E. Fr id e nb erg Jerry T. Fr i ede Dona Id Fr i ese Mi cl l ae l r~ . rri s Edward S. Fr i t sc hen, HermRn A. Jr. fro id I Gera Id Pau l froni c k David H. Frll- Con Corp Fu l ghum Ga l e Fu ll brigllt Jam es L. Full e r' H<l ro l d Q. Fu l ton Ann e ril l ton Dwight D. Fulton Susan V. Funk Jo se ph Fun sc h Owen B . Furb y John R. rurna s E l ec tri c Co Fu sse lm an T imothy J.

Ga rne I' G . L. ,J'lck met.t ~1 i c hile I ,J. G"rn ett G,I rne\. t Hobor-t Ll. G a r' r' i g~n ' ..Jllrnn s T. Gass n e r' Ge ne E. Gal l it. Haml o l ph P . Gilyer Jo r.n C . IIIOlll as K. Ga y l ord Gee r s , I a ln es n. Ge n e r il I f (lod s I n c Gener',, 1 I~ o tor' s Cor'p (I'I illt) Go n era l MOLar s Corp ( wa rren) Ge n e r',, 1 rc l e pholl e &- f l ee rdn Generil l f e I e phon e Co or I I I (;e rltl' y J<J c l< S"m C. Ge on ettil Georgen A r UJI'" J. Ger" rd ,J!lllJ es A. Gerde s Ron A ld G . 13 i I I I . Ge rl ," rt. Ce rig. r ,. il n k A . ,J r. GO I' i g ,10 1111 A IIJ I' t Ger l il e h PAu l D. Ge r s (Jlr Ro b e l t. Ge ttem eyer G l e lJ R. Ge LL y O i I Co (Lo s Ang e l es ) Getty Oi l Cn rdn Getty Refi nin g & Narket i ng Co Ver lJon A.C. Gc vecker G i~rilff' '' Hobert S. G i b s on Jotm W. Gi e low George T. G i ese He nry Gi ese ll e Don!lld 'G i rt s Me mo r' i a I Gi l be rg Ph i I li p Gi 11 8m. I-li II iilm A. Jr. Gi I l es pif! Terr i I . Gi Imore Virginia S. G illllllY Ki r' k Gioia ,Jo se ph t~ . Gill I ian i 00 lore s Pillil E. G i vens Gje l stee n ItlOr G l ad i s h Lee A. G l asse l C l i f ford G l over James Gnecco H i c tla rd Goedde l wi I I iam C. Goestenkors John J. Golden Rlli e In s Co GO ldn er Marvin L. Gol l er, Car l H. Jr. Gon z enbach Jack E. Good I-li I I iam C. Goodd in g M8riBn J. GoodmaJl Daniel K. Goodru m Donald L. Good., i n Reo E . Goodyea I' T i r'e & Rubbe I' Co Gordon Alvin W. GO I'don, John A. Jr . Gordon Kraig L. Goss Fred GO llid In c (R o l l ing Mead ow s ) Govier John P. Goyer RAndolph W. Graber L.ew! s ,J. Gr8 rJ en, Hi II iam f. Jr. Gra h a m Gl en n II. Graves Tho rnil s E. Grav ino Kev in Lee Grawe f4 1' s O. H.

I van I.. Richard W. III (;n~;Jves \oI8y Jl e C . Gre e n / T. Howa rd Gr'celliJl\! rl"an l< S. (;reer Sh erm!lrJ [ . (Ar l C r'ego l" i c tl Gregory Rob er t O . Gregory Sc o t t II. Gremrning e r Grego ry W. Greyhou lld Bu s S tat i on Grice lI <lrv ey H. G I' i mm C . J ,Hne s C r i n s t. e<l d Jolm E. GI' o,j e il ll I- r;;!rl C i s A. GlO SS lI e nry I. Gro ss rn 8 nn Con tl ar: ting Co , Gr'llll er Hyro n L. G'I E Allt o matir, [ I cc & Ge n Gw;c i in 'du f e r I y A. Glre ll tll e r (Jona l d E. GlI cst H. I. Gul r 0 i I Co rp Gll l r O i l l d n Gil If ' St at es Uti I i tie s Co GlIndy Douqla s G . GlI stafs on George R. GuLi e rr c z Fn l est G r'"y Gray,



r e l ep

H tl ac hm e i s t e r Hobert J. HAc k e r A l d e n G. Ha ckett James L. H8r e I i Dwig h t T . Hilgar Bai l ey w. 1I <1 l1n ,)ilm es H . Hal e Barbara N. tl a I e Ed wa I'd B. H81ey COllier C . Hill ey \oIi I bur A. 1I f! I I De nn i s C . lI a I I F l oyd S. It <l ll r" '<Jrlk It a I l et t. Har'l< lI a I l et t wi I I i , 101 ~1. Ha I I i bll rto n Ed ll ca t ion Fdn lI a I I Ill ;;! rk Cil rt1 5 I nc HambRcker John lI amb l en Jo hn ' H. lIami I Lon II p.nry W. It a rn i I t.on RlItherrord Ham l ett P~trick W. H,llnman HufllS W. H:J Olm ett R . l uci li e lI andshy, Arthur' W. III Ha nl ey II rt hur lI «n " " George R. Hanna Mining Co "I 8nna Hobert L. It <H1Il a Sami r B. H,IIlsen Peter C. Han se n wi II i a m G. fl ar h ert Gregory J. Il ardebeck H<lr ry E. Harding George W. flfl I' d t k e, Fre d C. Jr. It f.lre Don a ld E. It " r'g i s Dorothy M. Itilrkin s Mi c h ae l ,J. It <l nnon ,Jo lin P.

G G D Sea r l e &: Co G E Fdn ( Brid ge port ) Ga Il oway M r ~. C. l . Ga mlll e ter . Elm er Gammon willi a m II . Ga rd i n e r Ke nn ct tl I) . Ga ro n e r A I be r t T. Gard n e r S tll[lrt

1983 RolI.rno

* Deceased

Commemorative Funds Eugene Abe I' nil thy, '71 Thoma s R. Ae ver idg e , "12 Frank H. Co nrild . Nick Cool<sey, '57 R. L. cooper AI Fields Judith L. Fleol)£>, '7(, JamesO. Terrell, '4U George C. Gabler, '24

Chi! r I es T. Gill 10'day lhomas .1. GriffeLlI, 'I~n ~lonique Hi Id erorn nd Russell Hllrtt, ' ;> 1 Robert V . Jon es , '3R Loren l.affe r·t.y. '49 Edward P. l.asko, '50 Amy & V. II. ~l c NII t t., '10 Aaron J. Mi le s

Howar d B. Mor e l a nd, '28 James J. 11urphy, ' 35 Donald Pa ul Odom Theodore J. PI'lnj e, '40 Herb e rt L. Pra nge, ' 38 Stephen r. Reed Thomas H. Ree se, Jr. Mary Ann Schmitz

Mr. & Mrs. Wal t er T. Schrenk EdwardA. Smith, '24 Mrs. Martha Stevens James E. Stokes, '31 Jules H . Subow, '67 Claude Va leriu s, ' 25 Arthur Helle s ley Ih1 lker, '24 Charles & Anna Wie se

Donors to Commemorative funds r I'ea I A I"thu r Elilah W. Bates Hugh & I~a ry Be.rry David M. BeNa· ld Kenneth l. Bi rk. " 52 James ' ~. Bogiln ' Mil rg i e Boston ' Elmond · L. Claridge Pearl C6hen , . Mrs': Ce<;)I'ge Collen B. H. ' Col r i e . Sandr~ Fries Cooksey Eve r"yn B. Coope I' R"tan F :- Daboo, '62 Rlisse II W. Dalimer, '78 Brian & .Ii Il , Davies ,& Filmi Iy Thomas ' G. Day. '32 James G. & Blanchp DonRldson,




larry B. Eidelm~n. '68 Howa I'd E I oe ' Thomas Craig [sl"y -, '82 Mr. 8< Mrs. Willbridge P. Eyberg, Mrs. J.O. Ferrell A"min F. Fick, '41 RossA. Fields, '69 Edward Finkelst'ein Marie E. Fisher Mr. lie Mrs. Hilr'old Q. Fuller Owen B. Funsct. ; '62 Bertha ~1. Gabler Mrs. C . T. Galloway Vernon 8< Mildred Gevecker, '31 Mrs. O. R. Gpawe ' EI len B. Griffeth


Harm s Har'o ld B. Har n age l John Ralph Harri s George L. Ha r ry r~ 1'5 E I 0 i se Harry Nowl il n Oi I Acct Hilrt David L. lI art .June L Hal' tford Stea m Boi ler 8<' In s HArtmAnn Cra ig T. Hartung Michael H. Hi! rvp.y Be rna D. Ha rvey Edw in T. Ha se I Line Hu g ll.H. lI asselmann Kar l F. HilLt. eway AI l en W. Haul Robert W. Ha l lser Max E. Hawbaker Jeffrey L. Haydon Jack B. lI ays Roy O. David H. Heil u J;leberle Jean lieddinghaus Cilrol M. Hefl in Bertha Hefl in Robert H. Hegl er Bllrns E. Heidenblut, George R. Jr. Heidcr Roben L. He i I b runn I I se Heilig Warren


C . ,James Grimm, ' 30 Grossman Contracting Co. Do lore s Gli i i i ani Rufus W. Hammoll Dona IdE. Ha re Jack B . Haydon, '58 Ma ry He i mbe rge r Arthur liel\.lig, '50 .Jeffrey J. !teppermann, '81 Richar'd L. lIofrmann, '72 Mrs. ' M<lbel Hunt Mr . lie ~lrs. Wi II iam S. Jenks, Jr. , TholO<l5 . & Evelyn Jones Mr. & Mrs. Joel Kramme 11rs. Loren (I~arie) Lafferty , lie len D. Lasko lIa rr'y Licht Mr. & Mrs . Frank Mackaman Ralph lie Frankie Marcel Ius Joseph 8< Louise Marchel 10 Augusta Margul is Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. McCaw, '31 Wi I liam E. McCracken, '65 Jacquel ine McNelly Mrs . Marjorie P. Moreland Lawrence A; Nicholson , '80 Paul, Mary, Cla~de 8< Ruth Nul I Marcia 8< James T. adorn , '61 Mr. & MI's. Ed A. Owsley Louis Ox enhandler Dennis R. Parker , '68 Mabel E. Phi II i.ps, '33 Mr. lie Mrs. George Planje I-Irs. Herbert L. Prange I-lichael Quinn, '75


Heimberger Mary Heinitz Judith A. He i tma n M i I(e He i t t Ab stract Co He I I e r C I a renee J. lIelwig Arthur H , He n derso n A l a n C. Donald E. He nd erso n Hend ry . Go rdon Henning, ..}Ii II i a m A, Henrikson Ralp ll L. Hen r'y Doug I ", S J , Henry Kenneth W. lI e nr'y Wa I t lI entze I Dav i d Hepp Jos e ph T. lI eppe R i c hilrd A. Heppermann Jeff~ey J. lie r ma n J e r'o me Herre I I R. R. Herrman Lumb er Co HerTmann Thomils A. lI el' I' on Wi II iam I~. Her s hey Harry C. lI ertfe ld er Wan'en W. Her vey Steven R. Her zo g Aloysius R. Heucl<roth Wi II i a m E. Hew lett-Pa ckord (Palo Alto) H~ ebe rt G.~gory l ee

Hi ebert Yoe l it Ii. Hiqqins Arthur J. High Donald A. Hi I and Oa i ry I nc Hi I I Ellgene F. Hill Otto H, lIill Robert C . Hi II Ro l and M. Hi 'llcr'est. Super" Mkt Hinkle Kenneth M. II i rner John A, Hirschma n Rog er D. lIitching s Roger L. Hi x Danie l H. Ho efe n er James Hoeiln E ric lIoffma n Roger P. Hofman Jerry L. Holcomo Le ster W. Ho ldman Lesl ie F . lI o li aday Lenore Hollandel" Russe ll W. Hollenba c h Beniard D. l'lo ll ey Rohen G. John T. Ho lm an Holmes Roger E. Holmes Thomas A . Wa I te r L. ' Ho I z Home Inc lI o mer Ca nd y

Mr: .8< Mrs. Harvey Reed Reese Construction Co. A. E. Rhodes, '39 Margaret Richardson W. Robert Riggs, '32 I·lichae I & Dorot,hy Routburg , Leola C. Schmidt John F . Schmitz, '49 R. Paul Schmitz, '50 CarlO. Schwanke, '70 A,' thur S. Schwartz Starifo,"d D. Shanke," Da~id W. & Arlene Shaw Dennis M. Simon, '76 Bettye Smith Gera Id L. Stevenson, '59 Mrs. James E. Stokes . G I.adys· Stl'a rt Nicole L. M. Talbot, '77 wi I~u~ & Marian Tappmeyer, '47 Me I i ssa Thoma s Terence G. Towers, '65 Mq rgaret H. Travis Mrs. Wi II iam· F.. Tro x ell UMR Office of Financial Services Sam 8< Pearl Unel I Valerius Resources Corp. Rona I d F. Ve t te r • '58 Kevin D. Watson , '80 Mr. 8< Mrs. Wi II iam H. Webb, ' '39 Bobby & Rue Wi xs on Dottye lie Bob Wolf, '51 Mrs A. W. Walker


Homestake Mining Co Hon eywe I I Inc H oor ~ a nn Kathe rine A. Hoover Bert F . Hoove r Ha ro I d Hope Dress Shop Hoppock Har l and H. Horky Bradford B. Ho rner Kent G . Hornsey Edward E. Hornung Fran z Houlle, Louis S . Jr. Howard Johnson/Rol lamo Corp Howal'd Wi II iam E. Howe I I R i cha rd F. 1·lowe II Rona Id H. Howerton Louise Hr ~st ich Tho mas A. II sia David C . Hubact. C l ay Madl in IIl1dson Charles N. Huett Micha e l S. Huff Ha l M. Huff Michael Lee Huffman Gene A. Hughes Aircraft Co Hughes Dean G. Hughes George W: Hugiles Wi II iam J.Hukku Suman K.

MSM Alumnusl2l



- ----1

1983 Ro\\amo

H COntinued Hummel Kenneth A. ' Humphrey Richard L. Humphries RI~hard · M. Hung Dick T. Hunt .· Melvirn J. Hunt Mrs Mabel Hunter Joseph . Hupp Kenton L • . Husman James R. Husmann Arthur L. Huston Robert E.

IBM Corp !"james r I E. II Power Co Illinois M1niriglnst Imperials Chemicals tnd LTD 'lngersol I~Rand co . . ' In~ersol I-Ra~d fund Inland Steel (Chicago) I nman Ph LI lip ~. ' . Inst for Study of Man Intel Corp· • Inti Minerals &: Chem ' Corp Inti Tours of Ro'lIa ' ' . ' Investment Casting Inst Iowa Po ....er & Light Co Ipock D. Freddie Isenmann Edward S.


J B Arthur Fami 'ly Fund J J Chemicals Inc J 5 Stainless Weldin~ Jackson Lawrence C. Jackson Le~oy H. Jackson Ronald E. Jacoby Ol 'iver L. . James Bul'l a rd Jamer W. ' ~jchard James Wi II iam' J. Jamieson Ge.orge W. Janke 'Paul " D. Jarboe Rupe~t A. JaniS , Frank ' Jeansonne Diane . Jehle Edw'in P. Jenks Catherine G. )enks. Wi II iam S. Jr. '


Jensen Wi I I iam J. Jernigan, David R. II Jim Dawson , Me~orial Joachim Paul Jobe Kenneth~. John Corder' Eq Co Inc John Deere 'Fdn John H DQlIghe ~ty Trust John HancQck tharitable Trust Johns Rohert D.

Johnson &: Johnson Johnson Barb Johnson Charles A. Johnson Charles W. Johnson Fred M. Johnson James W. Johnson . Sylvia Johnston Robert E. Jokela Wi II iam A. Jolley J.B . Jrines CI inton [. .h Jones David R. ,II ,Iones Oenn i s D. Jones James H. Jones Ralph H. Jones Thomas A. Jordan, A. B. Jr. Joseph E Seagr'am &: Sons Joshua Ernest P. Joshua Michael W. Joslin Le Compte Jost Robert D. ·Joz.... iak Philip A. Jozwiak Vincent R. Judkins, Joseph J. Jr. Jurenka Rona Id D. . Jurgiel John A.

·K ' Kahl Rich,ard A. Kahle Thomas A. Kaiser Warren Ka Ilbrier Joseph E. Kallor Jay ' S. Kamper QI iver W. ,Kane Ca ro I yn Ka p I an Ma rk S. Kappler' Albert ' Karbosky Joseph T. Kasten Raymond O. Kauble Phi I ip B. Kauffman James F. Kaufmann Wi II iam J. KC Paint &: Coatings Assn KC Power &: Light Co KC Soc for .Coatings Tech Kearney Michael C. Keeley Gi Ibert S. Keen Ea rl G. Keith H. De an Kelley David D. Kellogg Ronald T. Ke Ilwood Co 'Kelly James Kelmelis John A. Kempe Allen C. Kemper Robert J. Kendrick J e rTY C. Kennedy Daniel Kennedy Harry E. Kennedy John Kent 'Herbert E. Kentnor, Est of C.B. Jr. Ken'Wa rd John W. Kerley Clay Kerr-McGee Fdn Inc Kessler ~Iarvey

Kett.el ka'mp Robert L. Key B illy A. Key Sport.s Shop Keyes Ga ry E. Kierfcr, Alonzo R. III Ki IIgore Ross D. Ki II inger- John C. KimlJra Mi ne o Kirlchen Joh8nna M. Kinder Jan e t D. King Rand a ll K. Kingsborough Donald G. Kinnett Dougla s G. Kisslinger Fred Kitchen Cha r l es L . Klaricll Albert Kleikamp Ralph H. 1( lein J ohn KI in e Ch a r' l es R. Kluc z ny Raymond M. Klump Mi chae l G. Knight Roge r· L. Knight W. Ni c holas Knutson Elmo G. Kobyl inski Hicllard A. Koch Stephen J. Knederit z Leonard F. Koederitz Thomas L. Koell ing I Arthur' J. Koenig Clifford Koenig John W. Koen i g Wa I te r R. Kohm Andrew Knhser Ronald A: Ko I a z R i cha rd . A. , Koly John M. Ko I ze, V . . Wi I I i am, J r'. Kon I'ad R i cha r'd J. Koplar Enterprises Inc Koppers Go Fdn Ko rn' Hobe rt A. Koshi Don1lld 14. Koval Leslie R. Kovarik Clifford V. Kozeny Oon<lld J . \(02iol ,jeffrey K r.a fft James D.. KI'all John W. ' Krallier Ralph H. ' Kramme Joe I I. ' Kramp Charl'es D. Krehs ' Danny J. Kreel( E.. Albert Kreke I Madonlla Krener' Gi Imor'e W. Krieg Wi II iam l. , , Krishnamurthy Gopalan ' Krispin Jqseph f. Kroeger David · W. Kroger Co Krlleger · -Harold A. Kruger Wi I I iam A. . Krumme I. Clyde II . .J r. ' Kruse lucille Kl'use Wi II iam L. Kruvand Daniel H. Klichenig Fr' ederick W. Kuenzer Richard R. Kuhn Ca ro IE. Klilhan Robert Kurz Joseph Kwantes Kenneth J. kybll r'z Ed .... a rd P.

l , L A Society for Coating Tecb L C f'Ieta I s Inc La Posada Me x ican ~est"urant LilBonte Hobel't. Lacewe I I Hl.i:;se I I Ladd lIarley W. Lafferty ' Marie La i SI1 n-Cheng . Lamano La rr-y L. Lamb R i cha I'd Lambe CI inton ' R. Lambert Donald B. Lambeth Jennings R. Lammert Paul T. Lang Wayn'e Lankfol' d. John C. Jr . Lannom Fred f. LaPlilnte Allan ' H. Larkin & As soc iates Lasko Helen D. Lau Mi ng Kit Lallbach Eugene M. Laurenz Louise Laviers, Harry JI' . Lawson Richard D. Lawson Vernon R. Le Ngoc-Boi

M MacElroy James M.D. Macl\aman Frank Macke N<l rk H. MacSithigh Gcaroid P. Madenji an .Joseph '. .Maginnis Richard L. ·Ma·id-Rite Drive Inn , f,la,in' Marion K. 'Major 'Pa int & Var'nish Co tlolinq ' Nalber' g ~Ia I i nsky [I sa Ma I I i fie k rod t Inc ~la lone Be r' ron Ma Iy R ich<ln\ L Mangoff, John N. Jr. ,-Mannbcck Dona Id U. " +Ianlle I oi iyer K. Ma,nzone I I i Ca nnen C. ~Ia 'ra fhon 0 i I Co f1a r:b I e James B. , , Narcee" DavidC. · 1:ln r:ce,', IllS' Ra I ph M<lrclleI Charlotte , Marchello Joseph M. Marek J. Douglas · Na r<iu lis Augllsta 'M ar 'l in ' Nancy A. ~Ia riOlo/ Cha r I e sF. Ma rqua r' t Ga ry Lee .f.Ial' quilrt, Glenn · Ma rsll, I Ileodo re T. Jr. ' Margha II Rona Id 'C. Martin John R. Martin Marietta Corp 1·lartin Marietta Gorp Fdn f1<l r 't in Robe I't L. Marting Rir.hard E. ,ria r'uska John H. Maschek Thomas J. i·laser H'olland R. Ma son Denn i s E. MAssaro Anthony V. Hatchel I ' Delores Mathews Donald J. f'la ·thews Walter A. Nathe~, John D. Jr. ' /o!attHir Virenda Ie · Na't 'son Don D. ,


22 /N\SM Alumnus


I eave r lIa I' vey B. I. ebe (' Wa I te r P. ,Jo se ph L edv ina Lee lie nne s Leemann , Donald J. Leemann Gary 0. Leffelm;rn Alan F. Leitterman Oe "nis W. Lelll e n Flob Le ming Julin G. Lemon J a me s 0 , Le mon, J i IIIrny C . I I I l en h<lr't ti ' Br' i;rn E. Leonard James V. L.eone Anton Le qusne B r uno Leve r Broth e r s Co Levings David M. Lew i s Ha r"J ey L. Licht Harry . Li e be l Craig A . I.iglltfoot AI811 E. Lin c k Richard P. L.i ndsey I~erl in D. L.itchfield, AI' tliur C. Jr' . Litteken Kenneth W. Lit z singer Mi Iton E. Livengood Ross D. Livingston Ha ns G. Livingston Hobert G. Lloyd G. We s ley Log'an Ed~i n W., Lon'g , Ga r'y J. Long' , I nsur' anee Agency Inc ', LongsITOre, James f. Jr. - Look, ' O'wight C. Jr. Lorey G. Ed",in Lorraine Chi Idren's Shop t.ove Oon<lld Loveridge Joel F. · L-oW'{) t1a ry E ~ the r' · l.tlbbe r·t· Ra nda I I J. LUGa's Joseph H., , Lucks -. Thomas E. Lueci(cnhof'f Roger ·"tlnd ·l.oui s H. ' LundY ,John E. Lyd i ck' D,'J. ' l.yon .James S. ' Lyon , ' louise R. l.yonS Fr<lllcis O. · ,Lyons ,t.olln II.


M Continued Mattei Peter f. Mattes, Roy J. Jr. Matthews Raymond Mattione Vincent G. Maurseth Vicky J. Max Ma ry B. I~axei. ner AI' mond C. ~Ia xwe I I Ga ry R. May Robert L. Maycock Barry F. May tag Co Fdn Inc McAllister ' Darrell McBryan Be rnard E . Lawrence L. McCamy McCarthy John M: McCaw Charles W. McCI intic Ruth E. McClure Loretta Me Cracken Wi I I iam E. McCullough Steven K. McCutchen A.C. (Mac) McDaniels John L. NcDonald's (Sul~ivan) Me Donne I I Douglas Corp McDonnel I Douglas Fdn 11cDonne I I She i I a L. McDowel I Charles M. McDowel I Michael D. McGath . Michael R. McGee Richard l. McGhee Vernon 1. McGrath James B. l~cGraw-Edison (Bussmann Div) MeG raw- Ed i son (Powe.r Sys 0 i v) ~lcHen ry Howa rd R. Nclntyre Robert C. McKay Gerre P. ~1c:Kee Fddie D. ' Mc"ee Jack B. Mc:Kelvey Ralph E. 11cl4i I Ian Druery W. ~lc~1 i rm Rita S. McNe 1'131 Jacque line McNichols John R. McPherson, Georye Jr. McRoynolds Elmer l. ~lcHi II iams Lyle W. ~Ieaghe r Phy I lis Med loc k Re x L. Medvesky Paul A. 1·leek Wi I I i am F. Neenen Arthur R. Neitz Siegeried A. . -I-Iel ick Ross A. Mellott Robert N. ~Ienam in 11a rya re t ~lerck & Co Inc M~rrigan Gerianne M. ~letroplos .Harry P. ~letzner Henry ·E. Metzner John R. Meyer Robert A. ~leye r Robe rt H·. Meyne Linda A. Micron Tech Inc Midden leo W. Middendorf Mark A. I~ ike I ion i s Lawrence J. Mil I a rd F ra r~ k S. Mil Ie r Ebe rha rd H. Mil Ie r Ha ro I d C. Samuel E. Mi I Iman Mil I s Ma r i I yn S. Mil I s Thoma s K . r'lim s Richard L. Min e rals Indu stry Educ Fdn Mingo Henry J . . Minne Eric M. t1itchell Bruce S. Mitcllell Charles E. 14i tche II Da Ie Mitchum ' Martin M. Mlynarc z yk Michael R. Mo Go I f Assn Mo Publ ic Servi ce Co Mo Society ' Of Prof Engrs Mobay Chemica l Go 110 b i I Fd n I nc Moellering Douglas F. Mohr John W. Mol ine Daniel D. 'Mo line H. O. Monday Marvin K. Moning Russe l I R. Monsanto Co I·lonsanto Fund t10nsch Henry D. Monson Brian D. . Montana Duane L. Montgomery Robert L. Mooney Joseph W. Hoore Jack W. 1·loore Lester

Moore Robert E. Moore Weldon Ho rga n J.. De ra I d Morgan Joseph E. r10rgan Mark O. ~10 l'gllll r~ i chae I L. Morgan Wi II iam A. Morris Arthur E. ~lorri s Jack F. Morris John Morris Larry D. Morris Ralph Moss Randy 1-1. Moss Rober·t D. Motorola fdn ~Iotorola Inc (Phoenix) Motta frank D. Mr Donut -McCaul la Inc MSM-UMR Alumni Assn Mue I Ie r Ca r I J. ~Iue I I e r Ga ry D. Mue I Ie r Geo rge E. Mueller Joseph L. Mllge I Doug I as Mu i r James A. Mu I I a I 131 Dis t Co Inc Mund i s Dav i d 1·1. Munger Paul R. Murphy Wi II iam I.. Murray j;regory M. Murray Michael L. Murry Mi Iton J. Musl in Student Assn 1111sser I-Iarry R. Musterman Steven R. Myers Donald D. . Myers Ma.rion A. Myers Richard J • . Mysl irrski Joseph M.

N Nactelhoffer Laura J. Ilaege r Robe rt J. Nagel Terry L. Nagy Theodore Nance Ter' ry,j. ' Nand i co Pall I Nanney La rry J. Naslund Charles D . Nat'l Act Council-Minorities Nat'l Disti I lers & Chem Corp Nat'l Paint & Coatings Assn Nilt'l St.eel Corpor<ltion National Science Fdn tliltur'al Gas Pipel ine Co of Am Nail Elizabeth Nau Robert H. Nilllert, Paul J. Jr. Naughton A. Jack NCR Fdn Nea I Ga ry W. Nea Ion i4a r'k J. Neas Jeff Le e Ne elan CattlY Neidel Roger A . ,Iitmes R. Ne i II Neld e n James H. Nel s on Donald R. Ne l son Fre d e ri c k E. Ne l s on II. Fred e rick Nel s on Ni c ol a A . Neume ier Lea nd e r A. Neumeye r Dona ld G. Nev i ns , ~Ia r v i n 1:'. Jr . Newrna n 'I om Newmont Minin9 COI' P Nguye n Phu c I.H. Nichol s Pe nnie A . Nichol s on La w r'e nc e A. Nicl~ le ss Ar t hur L . Nigll S S t eve n G. NL Inti\l :> tri es Fdn Inc Nobl e Hi II iam D. No e I Ro be r· t C . No l a n JQhn B. Nolfo LOlli s J . Norm a n Amo s Norri s c l ay A . Nort.h Arn e r' i c8 11 COil I Fdll No r th Mi c hae l A . No rt h 111's Ha l I ie B , North Rob e rt A ,' NOI' thwest Ce nt Pipel in e COI' P Norton Mich~el D . t·1111 I & SOil Fune ra I Home Nu l I PaUl E. Nunnally Robert C" Nu ss Larry R.

o Oil k I ey Da v i d L. Oberdick R. Kevin Oberschelp Wi II iam F . 0' Bry an Jose ph R. 0' Dea Betty Oe tting Robert B. OK Gas & [Iectric Co O'Keefe John p. O'l<eere Thomas .l. Okenfuss Richar'(j H. 0' Kr'a ski St<lnley L. Old Ben Coal Corp Oldham Douglas G. 01 in Corp Chnritable Trust o live r La r r y J. 01 iver Pame l a S. Oller, Russell I. Jr. Olney Ge ril Id E. Olsen Richard G. .Olsen Hilliilm B. Olsoll Ethel M. o I son John Olson Ronald E. Ommen Rebecca Elaine OmlHtag ' Ahme t Olllurtag Janet Omurtag Vi Idirim Osborne David Osbourne Claude J. Osman - John H. Oster Kenneth B. Osterwald I-Ierbert R . Ot t James W. Overal I Wilson W. Owens Delores Owens Pau IT. Owens-Coming Fiberglas Corp Ownby P. Darrell Owsley Ed A. Ox enhand l er LOllis Oxley Ray T. Oza rk Env i ronmerota I LabOzawa Jack K. Ozorkiewicz Ralph L. .···:1'

p' Paa r Lynn Dee Packaging Education Fdn Inc Patll Robert 1-1. Painter' .JohnL. ' Paliltine Sales Ine ' Pa rk DeHn A. Pa rk John f. Parker Dennis R. Pal'kes Roger D. Pa rks Donna Kay Parks R. Anthqny Pa rri sh, Henry ' N. JI'. Parsons JerTY Pa rsons Ka thy Patel Oi I ipkutnar N. Patten David C. Patt.en Robert E.

Patterson Gary K. Piltterson James M. Pattersoll L.A. Paul Raymond E. Palll Richard R. Pauls Frankl in B. Payne Kathryn [. Payne Thoma s E. Peabody Coa l Co Peacher' Jerry L. Pea rce E I I en Pea rce 1-1. Ph i I Lon Pea rson Peavler Emi 131 R. Peccola AI Ian Kent Pecco I a Arne I Pedersen Constance Peetz Eugene J : Penhol low Bert G.I-I. Pennock Annie L. Pen z el George A. Pericich Jo s eph Perkins I-Iarold Perkins Michael A. Perko Robert A. Perry E. L. Roy Perry James D. Pe r'ry J a me s H. Perry Norri s W. Perry Robert C. Persson F. Michael Pesante Jose Pet Inc Peterman Charles L. Pe te rs fN-cha rd E. Peterson Henry N. Peterson Paul C •. Petro-Lewi s Corp Petrol ite Corp Peyman Gholam A. Phelps Co Bank Phelps Co Broadcasting Phelps Co-City Panhellenic Phelps Richard W. Ph i Kappa Ph i Ph i I lip s, I-Ia rvey I. J'r. Phi I I ips Mabel E. Phi I I ips Petroleum Fdn Inc Pi Shing-Chou Pichat Pojanasomboon Pierce Dona Id_ Z. Pierce Maurice C,. Pippenger Jackie G. Pittman Larry P. Plag Fred A. Ploeger Richard A. Plummer, Otho R. Jr. Plummer Patricia P Illmme r, Tho'ma s· P. Jr. Poertner David F. Pohl Robert ·A. Pohlman David S. Pohlmann Edgar F. Pollmann Ronald M. Pomeroy Frank N. Pomeroy Mrs G.K. Ponder Paul E. Popeck Charles A. Porter Jim Portland Cement Assn Pot te r C. J.

1983 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus/ 23

P Contlnu.d Pottinger, Hardy J. I II Powe I I Lumbe r Co Powers Danny K. PPG Industries Prange Mrs Herhert L. Prater, Raymond 6. Jr. Pratt ' Michael l. Presbyterian Manors of Mo Presson Kathryn M. Pretz James W. Price Peter T. Price Richard Priest John E. Prill\lll Ale x 1. Prinz, Ralph E. Jr. Procter & Gamble (Cape Gir) Procter & Gamble (Cincinnati) Procter & Gamble 1St Louis) Procton Albert W. Publ ic Service Co of Ind Puchta Richard W. Puettmann David R. Puhl Joseph Albert Puh I Li sa Joan Pul se Sidney Pulse Will iam Lyle Pu rmo rt Ba rba ra Pursell Lyle E. Purtee Iva B.

Q Quinn

Michael J.

R Rakaskas Joseph E. Ralston Purina Co Ramamurthy S. Ramsey Leo I eM. Ranney Robert J. Ranney Royal RansdallOist Rao ~ al a m a nchi I I Rasch David R. Ra t I iff John L. Rauckman James B. Rauls Gary L. Reader's Alley Reagent Chemical Co Redding James A. Reed Ha rvey Reed Rebecca S. Reed, X. B. Jr . Reeg R i cha rd L. Reese Construc tion Co Regenhardt Edward T. Rehagen Gary J . Reiss , Eudo x ia S . Rei iance Electric Co Remington, Charles R. Jr. Re mmers Walter E. Renfro Edward C. Re nick , Murray Jr . Re phlo Louis C. Re sea r c h Cottre ll Inc Rethmeye r Stephen J .

24 / MSM


Re ynolds Arnold C. Rhine, George I . Jr. Rhoades Robert P. Rhodes A. E. Rhodes Equipment Co Rice D. Paul R i cIJa r'd E I j z abe th Richa/'dson Joe R. Richardson I~ar' garet A. Richey John O. Ridley Jack B. Ridley Robert P. Rieke Vernon W. Ries Frank W. Riggs, James M. Jr. Riggs W. Robert Rigler A.K. Rimell Albert Riordan Catherine A. Rittenhouse Joseph W. Rivers Jack L. Roach D. Vincent Roach Kenneth C. 'Robbins Irvin O. Robbins Susan leanne Roberts J. Kent Roberts Ome r H. Roberts Winona C. Rohertson B. Ke n Robinson Marquis B. Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Co Rockaway John D. Rockwell Inti Cor'p Tl'ust Rocoberto Michael Rodick Stephen J. Roemermftn R icha rd J. Rogers Dou~las B. Rogers Ronald E. Roley Rolf W. Rolla Craft-Hobby Roll a Dairy Queen Brazier Rolla Standard Ser ROLM Corp Roman Robert Romberg James M. Roop Timothy Rorabaugh James I. Roschke Walter 1( 0 ' Rose Francis M. Rosenaller J . M. Ross, Charles J. MfgE Ross Michael W. Roth Priscilla H. Rotramel John D. Rotlse David M. Roush PhilipS . Rotlsh Ronald L. Routburg Michael S. Rout'h Thoma s & Oi rdsong Roy Daniel C. Ruble Craig Rude Owen D . Rude r Joseph A. Ruehle Paul H. Ruen'he ck Raymond T. Ruh I, Wi ley T. Jr. Rllhl a nd I~i c hael R. Run c ik Mr s Ka r e l Rus hing All e n J , Ru s hing La rry l. Russe ll Ro bert R. RLl st ine Hay ne Rutl edge Willi a m A. Rya n J a me s J.


S Central Assn Sec Prin Sa dow s ki John H. Sage I ' 1 hom;! s .J. StOnge Ke nne til J. Salem Avenue Bap Ch Sal las John J . Sa llwHsser Ste ven V. Sa m's Tire Se rvice Sample Hi I I iHm G. Sampson. Rodney J. II Sanders Cloice R. Sands Wi I I i am Sandstedt Roger S~rchet O e rn ~ rd R. Sa r'gent ,Jo se ph G. Sato Hiroshi Sa lie r, lIa I' ry J. J r. Saller Peter W. Sallndel' s Carol Saunders WHllace R. Schade Geo rge SChHde St e phen S. Sch<lefer, Donald 6. Jr. Schaeffer Chal' les H. Schafer Robert P. Scharf Joel S. Sche <l rer laird D. Sche i be I ltlOma s E. Sche i te r Gene L. Schej ba I John H. Sclle I i ell A r'de I I J. Sch i e rOle i Po r J o till ,J . Sch i I I i lIye r Oil Ie J. Schindler George A. Schlosser James J. Schlot zhauer We~ Sch I limbe rge r Fdn Schmickle Junior Schmidt Daniel R. Schm i d t Ha ro I d L 'Schmidt Robert l. Schmidt Thomas E. Schmidt Vernon E. Schmitt David W. Schmitt John L. Schmittou Clay J. Sc llmitz R. Paul Schnake Alvin E. Schneider Charles S. Schnel I Robert J. Schoenebe rg Kenne t.h W. Schoeppel Roger J. ' Schol z Arthur E. Scho rk John E. Scho ..... enge rd t Geo rge C. * Schrenk Wa Iter r. Schricker Don Schroeder Ge orge L Schroeder Joseph J . Schroer Michael G. Sc hroer Wi Ibert F. Schuchman Norman J . Schue tte Louis H. Sc huller Fra ncis W. Sc huma cher Carol ine Sc hlllOac he r Pe te r Sc huma n Alma I~ . Sc huma nn Lloyd C. Sc hwa b Lawre nc e R. Sc hwart z Ge o r ge K. Sc hwarz Art hu r S . Sc hwe i c kh ar'dt Willi a m K. Sc hwei ss Moto r Co in c Sc hwe n t Ra ymond Scott J<l ms s J . Sc ot t John H. Sco tt Mr S Inc Sei'ly Wil l i a m Segc l hor s t Alfre d E. Se ib o l d J o se ph M. Se ll ers - Se x to n Inc Sen ne Josep h H. Serniak S t eve n G. Sesse n George V. Sev i ck Josep h G. Sev i er Jea n D. Shade Vi ctor i a C. Sila ll Da I i c hi'l nd O . Sila nes Mario n A. Shanker Sta n for d D. Sha r p Ke i til Shil rp Kev i rl H. Silaw Dav id H . Siler f ie i d Jo hn W, She l I Co mpa n ies Fdn Inc Shen Kl.lo - She i n She ph a r'd I GA ( Ro I I a ) She pil e rd Lo re ll G. She rman Be n Sh i h Tse n- Ts ou 1983 RoIbimo ShOll rd Roy R,

Silow-I~e EJectnlflics Inc Shr' iver Ke nne th W. Shll lIunter Shiley I(eIlIlCt.II C. Si'l/It ;: Geo r ge B. Sid e lnik Ri c h:nd O. Sidluwski Ronald E. Sieck Lawrence K. Siehr Ann R . Siehl' Donilld J . Sika vi lonv Simmons, John I.. I II Simmolls Hiclwel F. Simmons Robert. W. Simmons Shawn David Simon Dennis M. Sinclair Paint Co Singleton Jilmes Singleton Susan M. Sinkewi z Gi les C. Skain John C. Ske lton Grace A. Sk i nile r, Mil ton R . Jr. S~itek Gahriel G. Slocum Roy W. SllIshe r I~orgall P. Sma n , Ne i I A. SlOi th Audrey S. Smi th Bettye Sru i th !3 i I I O. Smi th Carol A. Smi ttl Charles W. Sill i th C lin i c Inc Sm i t h Da n j e lB. Smith Douglas E. Smi th Gar'y A. Sm i t h Ha I lie M. Smith HarryB. Smi th James A. SOli th James G. Smith Larry R. Smith l.eroyE. Smith /lei I K. Smi th P. Gene Sm; til Richl! rd A. Smith, Robert E. Sr. SlIfi,th Thomas 11 . Smit.h, Wi I I iilm F. Jr. Smithson Billy J. Smurfit Pension ~ Ins Ser Co Sniader Mr David H. Snow Louise Snowden J. Russel I Society of Mining Eng Solecki Mary , Kay Sommer Jerome Sommerer W. E. Sooter Kay E. Soul t John P. South Central MASSP Southwestern Bell Tele Co Sowers Mrs . Edward Sowers Newspapers Inc Spahr Den i se f. Span ier Lawl'cnce A. Sparlin Don M. Speer Robert Spenc e Hllgh F. Sp er ry Ka r e n Spevak Micha e l Sp i e lbu sc h Leo P. Spi rz Mi c hae l I . Spokes Er ne st M. Sports P",I<l c e Spo tte Irv in C. Spre i t z e r ,J i m Sp re ng Alf re d C. Sp r i nge r Ca " 0 I II. Sp r in ge r Ro ber t M. Spurrier Mark H . Squil re D Co Squa re D Fdn Sqll ires Ha ro ld St Joe Min e ra l s Corp (N ew York ) St J oe Min e l ~ l s Cor p( Viburn um) St J ose ph Li g h t. & Po'Wer Co St Lo ui s Pa int & Coating s As s n St Lo ui s Soc f o r Coat in g s Te c h SLa hl Do v id W. S t a l ey J<llnes G. S t a l ey Ro ber t Standard Oi I Co ( Cl eve l a nn) St a nge s. i eg f r i e d H. Sta ng e l James E. S t an ley Ni c ho l as C. Sta nl on '·Inck J, S t a p I es GII Y \~ . Sta ponsk i Ril lld a ll E. St a uff e l' Che mic a I Co SLa ut er M a r~ C. Stee le Eug e ne W. S t. ee le Ke nn e tt l W, Stef f an Che r y l A. St e in Willi a m E. Ste i n Wi I I i a m J.

1983 Rollamo

S Continued Steinba ch Alvin C. Steinhe imer Thomas R. Steinne rd Donald J. Stelze r David J. Stephen s "James W. Stephen s James I~. Steury . Thomas D. Stevens Dist Inc Steven s, \1i II iam W. Jr. Stevens on Ge ra I d L. Ste .... art rr'a izer M. Ste....art, Lesl ie D. Jr. Ste.... an Wi II i<lm H. Stigal I James R. Stigal I Paul D. S tine, Ho .... a I'd H. J r ,. Stitt Donald Stol I Jeffrey R. Stone & Webste r Inc Stonge r Michae l G. Stout Betty Jean Stratto n Michae l K. Stritze l David L. Stua r·t Gladys Stuesse Robert Stlltsma n .John V. Stutzm an Jonatha n SuIH'e, t1allric e E. Jr. Su I I i van Joseph .F. Sulzer Donald F. Summe I'S Dav i d Sumpte r David Robert Sun Company Inc Sun Produc tion Co Sundstr and Corp Fdn Su t fin Ca riD. Sutton Oavid A. Sutton Michae l R. SwansoQ E I me r S.... ea I"ingen Jerry D. S....eeney Thoma s E. Swinny Da l" id W. System Ai re Inc


Talber t Keith E. Talbot Nicole L.M. Talley Alfr"ed L. Tao Frank F. Tappme yer Ronald A. Tappmeyel" Wi Ibur P. Tate George J. Taylor Arlan R. Taylor CecilR . Taylor Dona Id D. Tay lor Ot isH. Taylor Phi I ip G. Tektron i x Inc Teledyn e Inc Teledyn e Inc (Los Angele s) Tenneco Inc Tepper Brian "J. Terry JamEls W. Teter Robert D. Tetley"" Albel"t L.

Texas Instrum ents Inc Te ~ Rs Oi I & Gas Co Tex tron Inc 'f ha I"P Hi! I S. Th e Ame r Ph ys ia l Soc lh css ing Th e odore A. Thomas IIa rold D. Th oma s r1e I i ~,Si! Thoma s My r o n F. "I hOfllil S, Wi I I r ~lm H. Jr. TtlOmass on Wi II iilm M. lholllp s on Bi Ily J . TholllP 501l Dud I e~1 Thompson Larry D. 1 homp s on La r ry F. Tilomp s on Leo n L. 1 homu re Oil n i e I r. Th o'rn Dilv i d L. Tlwrn St eve n \-I. Tllurlo Ma uri ce Ti e he s Robe r t V. Tilman M'ilt o n M. Timp e t1a I co I m 1 indi II John · J. Tom & Fra nces l e a c h Fdn Inc Toma z i Ge orye 0 . . Toml in, Gl e nn P. Jr. Toole Donald Toomey JOI1C'J B. Towers Terenc e G. Town & country Realto rs Townho use Pancake Shoppe Townsen d Ceci I ia fownsen d John Keith Tr'ilmpe David A. Transc endenta l Books Trautm an Dennis R. Travis Margar et H. Trimble Selden Y. Trinity Presb Ch - . Tuesd Club I"oyer Jerry D. TRW fdn (Cleve land) Tsoulf anidis Nicho1 as Tuck Ed .... a rd . r . Tucker AI"min J. Iunn i c I i ff C I 11 renee J. Turner _lames Turner , James M. Jr, Turner Mary Turner Ralph Twitty Realty 1 y Ie r M i eko E. . Tzeng Jen-Slle ng


Uhe Gera Id C. UMR Chapte r of Phi ~.ppa Phi Underwood Ca ro I S. Underwood Daniel H. Une II Sam Union Carbide Corp(D anbuIY ) Un ion Ca rob ide Corp( New York) Union Electr ic Char Trust Union Electr ic Co Union Oi I Co Of Cal if fdn Union Pacific Fdn United Engr & Constr uctors LTD United States Gypsum fdn Inc United Techno logies Corp United felepho ne Co Univer sity of Ark Unners ta II James A. lInsell Vester B. Urban ~lark A. UI"ban, Wi II iam C. Jr.

v V H McNutt Memori al Fdn Vaeth Richard M. Valeriu s Resorc es Corp Vandas Edwar"d B. Vander steen Mr s Lorrain e Vander tol I Jennie L. Van Doren lhomas r. Vansan t Robert E. Van Wyk r ran.k J. Varga Wi II iam J. Va rnon, Robert L. Jr. Varwig Wi II iam Vatana pradit Thirap it Vilugllan Gera Id W. Vaughn .Daniel L. Vaughn John C. Vaughn Paul E. Veenst ra Charle s K. Verdui n Jr John R. V.ernon L Goedec ke Co Inc " Vest George W.

Vett.er Loui s Ve tter Ronald F. Vicl<ers John ~1. Vickery Hob e rt vigi e r Ge orges J. Vitek Ri c ha rd K. Vl ce k Hob e r·t W. Vo ga n Willi a m H. Vo ge I Jo se ph Vo ge l Ri c ky R. V o g ~ lpohl DA v id R. Vogt Fre d K. W. Volk Rog e r H. Vona I t La rry Vool'tli s Ga ry L.

"ink e lma n Vincen t R. Wi sch Wi II iam L. Wise James N. ,/isl a nd Richard Wi ~ n e r Gen e Edwa rd Wi tth a u s Te rry A. Wi ves Au x i I ia ry Of Prof Engrs Wi xso n Bobby G. Wi xso n Dou g l a s C. Wod t I i Do na I d J. Wo e l z l e in Wi Ima r M. Wolf John D. Holf Rudolph Holfin gton Kerry P. Wo lgamott' Mo nte L. Wo llard Jo se ph D. Homack Chuck L. \-Iom ack Le land Wong T. F. \-Iood Ke nne til Woo d Ke nn e th H. \-Io od f ie ld Ri c ha rd A. \-Ioodwa rd Gary K. \-10 0 te n Dorw in A. Hora c e k Loui s Woze k J e ff rey S . Wright John E. Wu Hsin C. HI.! I fora n Da v idS. Wussle r Alfred J . Hyant Jacque l ine L. Wyatt De Marqui s D.

w Wac ke r Le o L. Wa de Hi Id a E. "la de J a mes F. Wa gg o ner Ba rb a ra M. Wa ggoner Lynn H. Wagner Roger C. Walker Micha el R. Wa I ke r Wi I I i am D. Wal lace Lloyd N. Walrav en Donald I-Ialsh Chevro let Walter s Frank G. Wang Jyue-Sh eng Ward Richard C. Wa rden Ma rc J. Warfie ld David M. Warfie ld, Ra~mond A. Jr. Warner Don L. Warner -Lambe rt fdn Watkin s Joseph S. Hatson , George W. III Watson Kevin D. Watten barger Chris M. Wea rt Ha.rry W. Webb Robert J. Webb Wi /I iam Ii. Weber Sandra Mae Wedge W. Me i t.h Weems John C. Weibre cht Roger F. We i die r Gil ry R. Heiland Peter Weinbaum Melvin Weinel Ernsi A. Weinri ch Albert ' W. We i s Ca rl J. We I"ne I" Kenne th Werner Kenneth W. Wesley Darrel I K. West Amy G. Westbro ok Sandra J. Westenn::1n 'Howflrd \-I. Western Electr ic Fund Westin ghouse Educat ion Fdn Westing tlOlIse Electr ic Corp Westva co Corp Weyand Thomas E. Wheat R icha rd D. Whee I don Pa t ric i a A. Wheele r, Irving B. Jr. Wil i te Oa n i e I R. White Larry ""lite Warl"en D. Wh i tty Ann E. Wieland IIRrren R. Wiethop Russel I H. Wiggin s Charlo tte Wi Idhaber Ra ymond H. Wi I e La rson E. Wi Ikinson Wi II i s Wi let t Na ry J. Wi I iams Ald e n O. Wi I iams Bradfo rd D. Wi iams Donald L. Wi iams Doyle A. Wi iams. Gilylard T. Wi allis James H. Wi ams ~eepers 01 iver Wi ams Lance Wi ams r1ark James Wi ams Pipe Line Co Wi ams Raymond R. Wi ams Rus s el I E. Wi ams,Sm allwood , & Crump Wi lamson, Aubrey E. Jr . Wi oughby Ronilld D. Wi s Floyd M. Wi I reker, Victor F. Jr. Wi Ishi re Jay P. Wi I son Da Ie Wi Ison Freder ick G, Wi I son Pa Ima E. Wi I sori Robert J.

y Yersak, Ronald C. Yoon Kiwon York Alan York Larry B. Young Clariss a C. Young Frank C.Y. Young Gregor y Alan Young Ralph O. Young Robert B. Yount Michae l R. Yu Doroth y Hung-L Yu ~ling-Hslln Yu Wei-Wen Yukon Antiqu es & Music



Zabora c T. Alan Zalac Thomas W. Zarr Gera Id E. Zehr !4a rk T. Ze i d r1a rv inC. Zeno's Steak House & Motel Zernick e Steve Zettwo ch Robert N. Ziemer Rodger E. Zimnic k, Harold E. Jr. Z ink M. Jess Zo I Ie r Hen ry E. Zychin ski James A.

1.9 t3I. . . .

MSM Alumn"s/:/5

~orpo' rate AbbotL Lab orJtor i es The Aerospace Corp . A i r Pr'oducts A I coa FOli nd a t i o n A II i s - Cha I me r s Co rp. M 1AX , In c . Amer i ca n Can Co . Fou nd at i on Am e r i ca n E l ec tr i ~ Corp American Motor s Corp. Amer ic a n Standard, In c. Amoco Found a t i on, In c . An he u ser - Bu sc h Co . , In c . Armc o, I.nc. ASARCO, In c. As hl a nd Oil , In c . AT&T Long Lin es At l a ntic Richf i e ld Co . Ba nk of America BA SF Wyandotte Corp . Ba x ter Tra ve no l La boratori es Bec ht e l Power Corp. Be l I Te lephon e Lab o ra tori es The Bend i x Corp. The B lount, In c. The Boeing Co. Borg-Warner Corp. Bristol-Myer s Co. Burl ington North ern Butl e r Manufa c turing Co. Cabot Corp. Ca r r i e r Co rp . Caterpi liar Tra ctor Co. Celanese Corp. Central and South West Corp. Chamberla in Ma nufac turing Corp. Chase Manhattan Bank Chesebrough-Pond's, Inc. Chevron USA, Inc . Ch ry s Ie r Co rp. C i nc i nna t i Be I I , Inc. Citibank, N.A. Cities Service, Inc . Clark Equipment Co. The Cleveland-CI iffs Iron Co. The Clorox Co Foundation Colorado Publ ic Service Co. Columb 'ia Broad cast ing Sy s . Co I.umb i a Ga s System, Inc . Combustion Engineering, In c. CONOCO, I nc • Consol idation Coal Co . Container Corporation of A~erica Continental Bank Fdn. Continental Group Inc. Corning Glass Works Fdn . C&:P Telephone CPC International Cyclops Corp. Dart &: Kraft , Kraft Inc. Davy, Inc. Deere &: Co. DEKALB Det ro it Edison Co. Diamond Laborat ories Inc Digital Equipment Corp . • The Dow Chemical Co. Dow Corning Corp. Dravo Corp. Dresser ~ ndustries , Inc . Duke Powe r Co. Ea ton Co r p . EI Paso Natural Gas Eli L i I I Y &: Co. Emerson Electric Co. Envirotech Corp.

Matching Gifts

When the Alumni Association was young, life memberships were solicited to finance the organization. The following alumni hold paid-up life memberships. Each has a permanent place on the honor roll of donors. Thank you all.

Ha lasey, Francis Richard, '22 Nea I , Kennet h Robeson, '30 Potter, Charl es J ackson, ' 29 Smi th, Hueston Merriam , '3 8 Swift, Roy Erwin, ' 34 Wanenma c he r , Joseph M., '23 Whe e l e r, Ernest Sterl ing , ' 22

Gel S P i n e 1ifl(:! Co .

of Amp-ricA

NCR Co rp . . I ll " N L I n·,j u s tr' i e s . I nc . Nort h Ame ri ca n Coa l Fdn . fh e Nor th e rn lru s t Cn . . Occ i den u i I Pe t ro I e UIn. Co "r> . a l in Co r'p. One id a Ltd. Owe n s - Corn in g F i berg l a s Co rp. Ow e n s -III in a i s . In c : Pa rrh a nd 'l e Ea s t e r n Co.rp. Pea body In t e r'nat i ona l Cor p. Pe t In c . Pf it z er, In c. PIIH Group Pili II ip s Petro l eu m Co. PPG Indu str i es . I nc. Pr i ce Broth ers Co. Procter & Ga mbl e Mfg . Co .' Qu aker Oats Foundation Ralph M. Par so n s Co. Ra l st on Puri na Co . Rayt lleo rr co. Read ing & Bates Off s hore Dr i II ing Co : Rei i a n ce E l ec tri c Co. Republ ic Stee l Corp. Researc h Cottr e l!, In c . Reynolds Metal S, In c. Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Co. Rockwell Inte rniltionill Corp. ROLM Corp. St. Joe Minera ls Corp. Santa Fe In te rna t ion a l Corp : Scott Paper Co. Sh e I I a i I Co. The Sherwin-William s Co. nre Singer Co. HHB S ing er Co. Fdn. So hio Indu str ial Product s Co . Sou thwestern Bell Telephon e Co. Th e Squa re D Co . Sq u i bb Co rp. A . E. Staley Manufacturing Co. Sta nda r d Oi I Company (Ohio) Stone & Webster, I·nc . Sun Company, Inc. Tektr'oni x Inc. Te I edyne, Inc. Tenneco, Inc . Texaco Phi l a ntf1ropic Foundation, In c. Te xas Commerce Bank Te xa s Easter' n . Co r'p. Te xas In strument s, Inc. Texas Pacific Oi I Te x t ron, Inc. 1 ime x Corp. 1 ra n sc o Co., Inc. The Travelers Insurance Co. TRW, Inc. Uninet, Inc. Union Camp Corp. Union Carbide Corp. Union Electric Co. Union Oi I Co. of Ca l ifornia Union Pacific Corp. United Energy Resour' ces, Inc. United Engineers &: Constructors, Inc. U . S. ridelity ilnd Guaranty Co. U.S . Gypsum Co. United Technologi es Corp. Utah International, Inc. Western Electric Co., Inc. Westinghou se Electric Corp. The Wi" iams Co. Ya rway Co rp.

Hercules , In c . Hewlett Pa c ~.a rd Hon eywe I I , Inc . Hughes Aircra ft Co . III inois Too l Wo rk s, Inc. Intern at ion a l Business Mac hines Corp. The InterNorth, Inc. Ingersol I-Ra nd Co. Int e rn at ion a l Telephon e & Telegraph Corp. Iowa Power & Light Co John Hanco ck Charitable Tr u st Johns-Manvi li e Corp. Johnson Controls Foundation Johnson &: Johnson Jo se ph E Seagram & Sons Ke I I wood Co. Kennecott Corp. Ke r r-McGee Co rp. Kimberly-Clark Foundation Inc Koppe rs Co., In c. Laclede Gas Charitable Tru s t .Lever Brother s Co. Louisiana Lan d & EXpldratio n Co. The C. E. Lummus ' Co , Mallinckrodt, In c. Ma rathon Oil Co. The Ma r I ey Co. Martin Mari etta Corp. !·Ia ssac hu setts Electric Co. The f~aytilg Co. Mc Donnell-Doliglils Corp. McGtaw-Ediion Power Sy~tem Division Medtronic, Inc. Merc k & Co Ihc . ~I e rri II Lynch &: Co. Inc. Mi c higa n Wi sco h s in Pip e l ine Co. MidCon Corp. Minnesota Mining & Ma nufa ct uring Co. Missouri Publ ic Serv ice Co . The MITRE Corp. Mob i I 0 i I Co rp . Monsanto Co. Moore McC o r mack Reso urc es , Inc . t10 rr ison Knud se n Co., Inc . f10torola , Inc . Nalco Chemical Co. National Distillers &: Chemical Corp. Natio nal Steel Corp Natoma s Co.

Lifetime Memberships

Bowe rs , Carlos Gehert , '24 Brown, John Staf ford, ' 17 C raw fa rd, . E. A ., ' 29 De COllsser, Kurt Herman, '22 De Va l ve, Albert Steihler, '43 ' Forgoston , James Morris, '22 Frame, Wayne Shannon, '23 Gr i mm, C. J a me s , ' 30

N<ILlr (' t'11

ft lly l Corp. exx on Co r·p. Th e Far l ey roundat i on Fid e l i ty Union Lif e I n s ura nce Co. The r i re sto ne T i re & Rub ber Cd. r i'sc llb ac h Co r·p. Th e F l uor Corp. ~ a rd Mo 1>0 r Co'rp . G D Sea r I·e & ,''Co . . ' Genera l Dy na mi cs Corp. Genera l [ I ecer j c Co. Ge nera I Foods Corp. Gene ra l Te l e phon e &: E l ectron ic s Cor p . GenRa d Foundation Ge t t y a i I Co . B.F. Goo dri c h Co . Th e Goodye a r Tir e &: Rubb er Co . Go ul d, In c. Grace Foundat i on, In c. Gu l f a i I Co rp . Gu l f States Ut.i I i ties Co. I/ a I I i bu rton Co. Ha llmar k Card s , Inc. Harr i s Corp . Th e Hartford Ste a m Boi l er Insp ect ion & Insura nce Co.

Meeting Data Event/Site UMR Founders Day, Rolla SME,AIME Annual Meeting - Alumni Reception Los Angeles Bay Area Section, St. Pat's Party San Francisco Semi-Annual Board of Directors Meeting Rolla Class Reunioo·Class of 1934, Rolla Commencement, Rolla AAPG Annual Convention-All Alumni Party San Antonio 1984 Homecoming, Rolla


26/ MSM Alumnus


Date Feb. 25 Feb. 27 March 17 April 14 May II May 13 May21 Oct. 26-27


~ ~~

,." ..

W i.n ter Co mm en ce me nt

Wa lter 'p.• Leber, '40, Addresses Dec emb er Gra dua tes . Walter P. Leber, vice president and manager, overseas operations, Harza Engineering Company, told about 700 graduates of the University of Missouri-Rolla that courage "is the most vital ingredient to leadership." Leber, who received a RS_ degree in mining engineering (petroleum option) and the professional degree of mining engineer from UM-Rolla, made his remarks at UMR's winter commencem~nt Sunday, Dec. 18 Also at the ceremony, Leber, who is a retired U.S. army lieutenant general, received the doctor of engineering degree (honoris causa). "The challenges facing leaders of today and tomorrow are greater than ever," he told the graduates, most of them in engineering and science. "There always has been and always will be a universal need for leadership. There will always be position vacancies for leaders. This is a fertile field." But, he added, "not one of you today will receive -a d-eyee in leadersh ip. I know of no university which confers such a degree." ,. He explained that this is "because leadership is: intangible. It is hard to ~ measure , dIfficult to deSCrIbe ~and Impossib le to learn through textbooks and written examinations. .-' "It helps to look up the time-tested principles of leadership," he continue d. "It also helps to study successful leaders, but we simply cannot copy their style or method." He explained that there is no standard formula for becoming a good leader. "You learn to lead by learning and without courage you will never get out of the starting blocks," he said. . \ Leber also counseled the graduates that on<;e they get out in tne "reid world" they will be the best judges of their progress. . "Here at the university you have received critiques from your professo rs," he said. "Out there you will have job appraisals, counseling with supervis ors and the size of your paycheck as indicators of performance. Then, too, YQU will have the opinions of your peers and your family. . . •










"But I would argue that none of these is the best judge of ho you are doing," he added. Leber joined Harza Engineering Company in 1974 following his retireme nt from the armed forces. His duties at Harza have included director, Eastern Hemisphere management group; project manager, Iran; area operatio ns manager and director, business development, Europe, Middle East and China; executive manager, Harza Engineering Company International, Iran; and senior associate. He was appointed a vice president of the company in 1978 and area manager, Area Management Group Argentina and Paragua y, in 1980. Leber was commissioned in the U.S. Army Reserve in May 1940 and the U.S. Army in 1942. He served in the EuroPean theater of operations in World War II and was assigned to the Manhat tan District and the military liaison committee to the Atomic Energy Commission. During his service in the Corps of Engineers, he had assignments in the Seattle and Walla Walla Districts and the Ohio River Division. He also served as an engineering Troop commander at Fort Sill, Okla., and South Korea; as a member of the Department of the Army General Staff; as exeuctive officer to the chief of engineering; and director of civil works' in the office of the chief of engineers. He served as lieutenant governor of the Canal Zone and vice presiden t of the Panama Canal Company from 1961-63 . In 1967 he was appointe d governor of the Canal Zone and president of the Panama Canal Compan y. From 1971 -74 he was systems manager for the SAFEG UARD antiballi stic missile system for the U.S. Department of Defense. . A registered professional engineer in the District of Columbia and Fl9rida, he also is a member of the American Society of Military Engineers. He and his wife, Bernice, have two children. They live at 3231 SE Fairway West, Stuart, FL 33494.

MSM A1umnul/ V



'. The Chancellor Medal , The ChancelIor Medal at UM·RolIa was instituted in late 1982 under the auspices of Chancellor Joseph M. Marchello, and is authorized by the MSM·UMR Alumni Association. To date, six medals have been awarded to individuals for extraordinary contributions of time and effort to UMR. . '



Rex Z. Williams, '31 Rolla, Mo.

Belding H. McCurdy, '38 South Pasadena, Fla.

Rex Z. Williams, alumnus and former member of the faculty and University of Missouri Board of Curators, was the first recipient of the UMR Chancellor

Belding H. McCurdy is a rare individual .who has brought his engineering education and experience to the field of insurance. . McCurdy received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering from MSM in 1938. He later entered the Army and rose to the rank of Lt. Colonel during World War II. He has been employed' as an engineer by Gulf Oil, Commonwealth & Southern Corp. and Hancock Industries. He retired in 1958, but soon began work in the field of insurance. He attended the University of Florida, became a licensed general·lines agent and founded his own firm, The Insurance Center Inc. He has retired as president of the company but stays active as a consultant to the firm. He also serves on the Board of Direc· tors of Anchor Savings and Loan . UMR honored McCurdy in 1976 with the professional degree of Management Engineer. He has been active in his support of UMR and the MSM-UMR Alumni Association: He is a founding member of the Order of the Golden 'Shil~elagh and serves as a class coordinator. He helped to organize Florida alumni and was on the board of directors of the Alumni Association from 1974 to 1981.


Williams earned his B.S. degree in metallurgical engineering from MSM in 1931. He also holds a B.S. in civil engineering (1935) from this institution and an M.S. in engineering mechanics from the University of Wisconsil1. He joined the MSM faculty in 1931 as an instructor in mechanics and became professor of mechanics and chairman of that department. He was associate dean (the number two administrative position on campus at the time) when he resign· ed in 1952 to become executive vice president of the Rolla State Bank (now Centerre Bank). He became president of the bank in 1960 and chairman of the board in 1975··a position he still holds. In 1975 he began-serving a six-year term on the UM Board of Curators and served one year as its president. For nine years he served as treasurer of MSM, and for 19 years he was a director of the MSM/UMR Alumni Association.

The medal, designed and executed by R.Y, Wolf. '51. shows the intertwined initials of the institution indicating the closeness of relationships between the University, the state of Missouri and the Rolla com munity. The "M" is the largest letter in recognition of the state of Missouri as the creator and primary supporting influence of the University of Missouri·Rolla . " Rolla" appears as a complete word and has been associated, at least informally, with the identification of UM-Rolla since its founding as the Univer· sity of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in 1870. The circle circumscribes the University'S com· pleteness and continuity, while the triangle, which ties all the other elements together and has tradi· tionally been an engineering symbol, represents both the mission of the University (education. research and public service) and the three academic units (Arts and Sciences. Engineering and Mines and Metallurgy) of UM-Rolla.

28/ MSM Alumnus

Alfred W. Andrews Jr. St. Louis, Mo. Alfred W. Andrews Jr. retired in January as vice president of corpora te engineering for Monsan to Co. He received a B.E. degree in chemical engineering from Yale Univers ity in 1941. Andrews began his career with Monsan to as a control chemist in its plastics division plant in Springfield, Mass. He transferred to the plas~ics division engineering departm ent and served the company in various engineering capacities, in various locations, becoming director for process technolo gy and engineering in St. Louis in 1965 . . Andrews was natural resources business director from 1967-1972, during which he was in charge of the former .Monsan to Polymers & Petroche micals Co.'s Lion Oil business. He was appointed general manager of Polymer s and Petrochemicals Co.'s plastic division in 1972. He assumed the position of .h ead of the corporate engineering departm ent in 1975 and was appointed to his present position in 1981. Andrews works closely with the University of Missouri, serving on advisory councils to UM-Rolla and the University of Missouri-Columbia Continu ing Education Program.

Miriam Coffin Remmers Tucson, Ariz. Miriam Coffin Remmers attended Wellesley College, then studied piano at Mount Holyoke College with Viva Faye Richardson, a student of Heinrich Gebhart . Mrs. Remmers was associated with her uncle's winter resort in Arizona when she met vacationing MSM-UMR alumnus Walter Remmers. They were later married and lived on the East Coast until his retirement when they moved to Arizona . Miriam and Walter Remmers have provided valuable leadership in the promotion of UMR in the state of Arizona. A frequent visitor to campus, Miriam takes an active part in many functions. She is con~erned for and supportive of the wellbeing and development of the campus. Her life-long interest in the performing arts has given her a special sensitivity to the importance of cultural activities in campus life. Mrs. Remmers participated in the inception and initiation of the Remmer s Special Artist/Lecturer Series. which has brought former President Gerald R. Ford , pianist Leonard Pennario, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, business jouralist Louis Ruke yser, violinist Shlomo Mintz, and author Thomas J. Peters to the campus .

Vernon T. Jones, '53 Tulsa, Okla, Salt Lake City, Utah. Alumnus Vernon T. Jones is a dedicated supporter of UMR alumni and ¡development efforts. He received his B.S. degree in civil engineering from' MSM in 1953. He earned the professional degree of Civil Engineer from UMR in 1974 and was awarded the Alumni Achievement Award in 1972. Following gradua.ion, Jones spent several years in the oil and gas industry in Oklahoma and Texas. In 196i he joined Cities Service Co. in New Jersey.He moved to Tulsa in 1970 as president and chief executive officer of Explore r PIpe Line Co. In 1975 he was named president of Williams Pipe Line in Tulsa and was promoted to the position of executive vice president of the Williams Companies 'in 1979. This past fall he was named president and chief executiv e officer of Northw est Energy Corp., a newly. acquired subsidiary of the William s Companies. In 1979 Jones assumed the duties of national chairman of the UMR Development Council and completed four years as head of this group of business and industry leaders who work to increase private support for UMR. Under his leadership, private giving more than doubled.

Joseph M. Rosenauer Webste r_Groves, Mo. Joseph M. Rosenauer was the founding president of the UMR Parents' Association and continues to take an active interest in the group. He received a B.S. degree in commerce from the Missouri Institute of Accountancy and Law in 1948 and has completed graduate courses in law, taxes and marketing. Rosenauer has held positions with Anheuser-Busch Inc., McQuay -Norris Manufa cturing Co., Facture Inc., and was a general partner in Fixture Engineering Co. He currently is semi-retired as vice president of Bushnell Packing Supply Co. He has been an active participant in many professional and civic organiza tions, serving as former councilman and mayor pro tem of the Webster Groves City Council , former chairman of the Webster Groves Board of Police Commissioners and former member of the Board of Directors of the St. Louis County Municipal League. He is currently vice chairman of the Webster Groves Public Safety Commission and parliamentarian of the St. Louis County Municip~1 League. Rosenauer was founding committee chairman of the UMR Parents' Association, served as its first president and as a member of the UMR Develop ment Council.

MSM Alumnus 129

Emerson Electric COlTlpany Electrical engineering department chairman J. Derald Morgan left, and Wayne Bennetsen, '41, of Emerson Electric Co., unveil the plaque . UM¡Rolla's new half-million dollar Emerson Electric Co. Machines and Drives Laboratory was formally dedicated in ceremonies held on campus' Jan. 20. . The laboratory features state-of-the-art equipment which will be use.d mainly for instructional purposes for undergraduates-in ljMR's electriCal engineering department. In addition, graduate students and faculty will be able to use the 'Iaboratory for research and teSting. . 'Fhe lab will include six multi-machine test¡ stations from the Emerson Electric Co. Industrilil Controls Division purchased through a $400,000 donation from the Emerson Electric Co. Charitable Trust. .

contribute to our society and to companies such as EmerSon that are ded.icated to producing quality and efficient motor-driven products,;' said Wayne . Bennetsen, an Emerson official who graduated from UMR with a B.S. in electrical engineering in 1941. He also 'received the professional degree of electrical engineer from UMR in 1960. EmersOn Electric Co. is one of the world's largest producers of motors. ' . Three students will be able to work at each 'lest station at any given time. Em~rson Electric funding is providing for the dynamometers, controls, te~t motors and test dr.ives. Other companies'donating equipment or funding for the laboratory include: Daytroni'cs, Digital Equipment Corporation, Furnas Electric Each testing station W"i11 feature a computer terminal, three test motors a Company, Lebow Products, Vertec Associates Inc. and Burns and McDonnell. dynamometer plus controls for measuring and controlling the load ol1:and speed The laboratory will provide students with a background and basis for of motors and a torque table for measuring the torque in the motors.. :: understanding machine design which they, in turn, will be able to utilize in "The Emerson Electric Co. Machines and Drives Laboratory will enable UMfuture motor design. Rolla to stay at the 'forefr-ont of electrical engineering education. All 1,200 of our "The equipment in:¡the laboratory's test stations can be used to demonstrate electrical engineering undergraduates will have the opportunity to gain the characteristics of AC and DC rotating ma~hinery. and solid state motor experience with state-of-the-art equipment and, ast a resuit, will leave UMR controls," said Dr. J. Derald Morgan, chairman and .Emerson Electric Professor prepared for the challenges facing their profession," said UMR Chancellor of Electrical Engineering at UMR . "Students can be educated in the use Joseph M. Marchello. modern equipment and computer-controlled testing techniques; freeing them from time-cOnsuming data taking. This will allow greater emphasis on .the "Emerson Electric Co. is proud to help make this laboratory facility available to UMR electrical engineering students. These students will emerge better able to characteristics and applications of the machines and drives." .



Th~ new laboratory features six test stations. Each station includes a computer terminal, three test motors, a dynamometer, controls for measuring and controling

the load on and speed of motors and a torque table for measuring the torque in the motors.


Dr. ~ rePrel


30/ MSM Alumnu s

Ma ch ine s an d Dri ves La bo rat or,y

Dr. Morgan left, shows the lab to Don Mocker, area representative for Furnas Electric Co.; one of six other companies donating equipment for the lab.

Professor McPherson, left, displays the lab to employees of Emerson Electric Co. who attended dedication ceremonies. They are: left to right, Ash Mahmo od, manager of White Rodgers; John Sturm, Emerson advanced technology; Hal Faught, Emerson group vice president; and Ron Chalfan t, manager, advanced technology .

MSM Alumnus/ 31

,. .........

-........ . . . . ..



Charles A. Johnson

Dr. Charles A. Johnson, professor emeritus of mathematics at the University of Missouri-Rolla, is winding down a teaching career of more than 40 years, which spanned the range from junior high through high school and college undergraduate and graduate levels. Johnson became a professor emeritus -in the fall of 1982 but has returned to campus to teach courses in mathematics when there is a need . This year, he is filling in for other members of the faculty who have to be away from class. He also continues to work with students on Ministry of Higher Education projects through the Wesley Foundation. Recently he spend a Saturday in Springfield helping the students on a repair project at the historical old Pitts Chapel United Methodist Church. A native of the Chicago, Ill., area; Johnson holds a B.S. degree from DeKaib State Teachers College (now .Northern Illinois University); an M.S. degree from Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill.; and a Ph.D. from the University of Kansas in Lawrence. "All three of my degrees are in the 'teaching' of mathematics," Johnson pointed out. Johnson speaks with pride of the mathematics program at UMR. "From the time I first came here the UMR program has appealed to me because of the heavy emphasis this campus places on applied mathematics," he said. "The students are encouraged to direct their efforts toward using mathematics to solve real problems, not just in mathematics but in any of a number of interdisciplinary fields. "I have enjoyed my years of teaching at UMR," he continued, "and I like to think I 'have held high standards. I'm proud of the 'Way the students here perform." Johnson's outside interests include classical music--"my wife, Peg, is the musicilm," he explained, "but 1 listen creatively." He is also a founder and an active member' of the Audubon Society of Rolla and cultivates a Christmas tree farm near Rolla. He is an active member of the local Optimist Club--he is a past president--and he produces some of the. Christmas trees which the club sells annually as a money raising project. The Johnsons enjoy the outdoors and traveling. They like to spend some time each year at such places as the Lake of the Woods in Minnesota and Canada.

32 / MSM Alumnus

Paul Dean Proctor

"It has been a great life here," said Dr. Paul Dean Proctor, University of Missouri-Rolla professor of geology and geologi~1 engineering, who is retiring after 26 years of'teaching, research and administration at UMR . "I can't measure the joy of working with good colleagl:les and students over this period of time or the satisfaction of being part of a growing and wellrecognized educational institution," he said. . Proctor came to Rolla in 1957 as professor of geology and chairman of the department of geology of what was then the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. In 1964, MSM became UMR with four Schools-Mines and Metallurgy, Engineering, Science, and Graduate--along with a Division of ~Humanities and Social Sciences. Proctor became the first dean of the new School of Science. Geology was still his love, Proctor said, and while he was dean, he always taught at least one course. "That course was structural geology . It was required of all students in mining, petroleum, geological engineering and geology , and was also taken by occasional civil engineering students," he said. "I truly enjoyed this," he continued. "By now it has been taken by thousands of students and they are literally all around the wOTld. 1 have to admit that there were some who did not like the course, but 1 never received a complaint that they had not learned many things of value." When the College of Arts and Sciences. was about to be organized in 1970, Proctor asked . that he not be considered for the position of the dean of the college which would combine the School of Science and the division of Humanities and Social Sciences. "I had decided that teaching full time was more 19 my liking," he said. "Retirement is a change in direction of one's lifestyle," Proctor said. "We will leave Rolla and UMR with the most plesant memories. Such changes are never easy; too many roots are uprooted. Hopefully we can replant." The Proctors will return to the West where most of their family live. The Proctor's four sons--Paul, Lane, Kirk and Scotto-and their families, including 10 grandchildren, live in that region. Proctor will teach part time in the department of geology at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, where he started his teaching career. "Fortunately, we still have many friends on the faculty there, and our adjustment will not be as difficult as if we were leaving a home of many years and settling in a new place," Proctor. said ..

Retirements James M. Myers Dr. James M. Myers, M.D.; has retired after serving 36 years as a University of Missouri-Rolla staff physician, the last 15 of which were spent as director of UMR's Student Health Service. Dr. Myers explained that he will still be available to UMR as a consultant and for emergency service. "No physician can completely retire," he said. "There needs to be someplace where you can keep you hand in the practice of medicine." Born in Valatie, N.Y., Dr. Myers attended Saint Michael's College in Winooski, Vt. He was accepted by several medical schools and decided to attend St. Louis University's Medical Schoo\'

s 'red









10 ent



He completed his internship at St. John's hospital in St. Louis during World War II and served his residency with the U.S. Army. Following his discharge from the service, he and his wife; Mary, who is a native of Jefferson City, spent a few months in Georgia but soon decided to return to Missouri to establish his practice. They came to Rolla in the spring of 1947, and Dr. Myers opened his office as a general practitioner. That same spring, Dr. Earl Feind, who was director of the Student Health Service at UMR from 1935 to 1968, asked Dr. Myers to become a staff physician at UMR. In 1950, Dr. Feind and Dr. Myers joined with Dr. William Lytle to form the Rolla Clinic and worked together in private practice as well as at the infirmary on campus. "During the years I spent on the health service staff at UMR, particularly as director, i had an opportunity to learn a great deal about the health services provided by colleges and universities throughout the country," Dr. Myers said. "I've always enjoyed working with the students and maintaining the level of health services provided by UMR. Dr. Myers has a number of other interests and activities that will keep hIm busy during retirement. He is an avid golfer, as is Mrs. Myers, and he enjoys hunting and fishing. He and Mrs. Myers combine their love of golf with an interest in travel and have played on some of the best golf courses. "Mary and I have been almost everywhere but Australia and New Zeland and I suppose those countries will be our next travel project," he added.

The Myers manage to keep' fairly busy at home, too. There are visits to and from Jefferson City where the rest of the family lives. The rest of the family consists of daughter, Julia; and her husband, Paul Pederson, and three grandchildren. Julia is a dietitian for Memorial Hospital and Paul, a member of the UMR class of 1973, is a civil engineer who is assistant director for telecommunications with the Missouri Public Service Commission.

UMR Alumnus Named Health Services Director Dwight L. Deardeuff, M.D. , has been named director of health services at the University of Missouri-Rolla. He assumes the position vacated by Dr. James Myers. . Dr. Deardeuff is a specialist in internal medicine who is affiliated with the Russell-Young Medical Clinic. He will be the fourth physician to serve in that position since provision for health services for students was first initiated in 1925. In addition to Myers, former directors have been Dr. Earl E. Feind, 1937-1968, and Dr. Stuart Baysinger, 1925-1937. Deardeuff is the first UMR alumnus to serve as director. Dr. Deardeuff, '72, holds a B.S.degree in chemistry from UMR, and an M.D. degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He was an intern at Wayne State Affiliated Hospital from 1976 to 1977, served in the U.S. Navy from 1977. to 1980 and specialized in internal medicine during his residency at Wayne State Affiliated Hospital from 1980 to 1982. He moved to Rolla in July, 1982. As director of health services for UMR, Dr. Deardeuff supervises the services at the UMR Infirmary (Building T-34, 1I1I State St.) which handles 21,000 student visits per year. The staff includes six registered nurses who see that the infirmary is open 24 hours every day. Dr. Deardeuff and staff physicians, Dr. Gordon Matsuda and Dr. Hugh Bartlett, hold regular office hours for students on weekdays and one of the three physicians is on hand at regularly scheduled intercollegiate home games in football and is on call at all times for emergency ser¡ vices for students. Dr. Deardeuff, his wife, Linda, and their daughter, Allison, 3, reside at 1507 Scenic Drive.

MSM Alumnus / 33






Jobs The services of UMR's Career Development and Placement Center are available to alumni as well as students. To obtain information about the current job listings, alumni need to send an ' up-to-date resume to the Career Development and Placement Office. The placement staff will make the resume available to companies looking for people with experience, and will send the alumnus a copy of the latest job listings. If you wish to use this service. contact : assistant director-placement. Career Devel~pment and Placement Office, UMR , Rolla, MO 65401 (phone: 314/341-4288).

Coterie Prints

UMR Coterie now offers prints of four of the original MSM-UMR Buildings in several forms _The prints were made from pencil sketches by UMR designer Dick Hatfield_ They include the Rolla Building (1871), Chancellor's Residence (1889), Norwood Hall (1903) and Parker Hall (1912)_ All proceeds will go to the Coterie of UMR Faculty Wives Scholarship Fund. 8 x IO Prints suitable for framing--Set of 4 _. _. . _. _.. . . _. _........ . .. .... $12 Notepaper--on antique white with envelopes (three of each of the four buildings), Set of 12 ... . .. _. . . ... _. _. _..... .. .... _.. $4

St. Pat's Material Wanted

Add $1 to all orders to cover the cost of mailing and allow two weeks for delivery. Make checks payable to UMR Coterie Scholarship Fund. Send orders to: Coterie Scholarship Fund P.O_ Box 1638, Rolla, MO 65401

Contiouing Education Courses Here's a list of some of the extension continuing education short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR_Where titles are not self-explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call the office of the Dean of Continuing Education and Public Service, 314-341-4156. Written requests should be addressed to the same office, 205B Parker Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Mo_65401. PROGRAM



time to time that you should get rid of

School of Mines and Metallurgy

14th Applied Ore Microscopy

April 16-20


8th Annual Short Course on Instrumentation of Solid and Rock

March 12-16

Grounding & Shielding Electronic Instrumentation Missouri Concrete Conference Seismic Design & Analysis of Small & Medium Earth and Rockfill Dams Computer Aided Drafting/Design & Manufacturing Introduction to Interfacing Computers to Electronic Instrumentation Time Management Conference International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering Computer Aided Drafting/Design & Manufacturing

March 14-16 March 19 March 19-23 April 4-5 April 4 April 9 May 6-11 June 12-14

St. Louis Chicago St. Louis Rolla St. Louis Rolla Rolla Normandy St. Louis Rolla

March 19-23 Apri-l 2-6 April 9-13 May 14-18 May 20-26 June 22-24

Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla

May 28-July 6 June 4-15 June 10-22 June 12-15 June 11 -15 June 19-29 July 29-Aug. I Aug. 13-16

Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla

School of Engineering

College of Arts and Sciences

48th Introductory Short Course on Composition of Coatings 9th Introduction to Paint Formulation Advanced Paint Formulation Trade Sales Basic .Microcomputer Programming of Coatings Elderhostel '84 Science Fiction Research Association Conference Summer Courses for High School, Junior High and Elementary Students

Pro-Mo Baseball Camp (one-week sessions) Joe Miner Sports Camp--Ages 9-14 (one-week, mornings, sessions) 16th Summer Institute in Digital Computing (one-week sessions) Show Stopper Drill Team . 1984 Fundamentals of Engipeering (High School seniors and juniors) Jackling Summer Institute for High School juniors (one-week sessions) Cheerleading Spirit Camp '84 Trig Review for High School Seniors

Times and dates of courses may change nearer to the time of the course.

34/ MSM A lumnu s

The St. Pat's Board is looking for material from past St. Pat's celebrations to be incorporated into a UMR-St. Pat's Museum Exhibit. Buttons, hats, garters, shirt s, shillelaghs, pictures or snapshots, newspaper articles, trophies--anything having to do with St. Pat's celebrations-would be welcome as a donation or a loan. So, if your spouse has hinted from some of that "junk", but you just can't bear to see it thrown out, there is a place for it now_ Send donations to St. Pat's Board, University Center, University of Missouri-Rolla, ,Rolla, Mo. 65401 -Attention: Museum Committee. Please be sure to include your .name, class year, and any information necessary to identify the material as to time and use. For instance, photographs should include names of the people shown (if you can remember them), the year it was taken, and a short description or any comments about the activi.fy . If ¡you have any questions, contact Eric Gieseke, phone: 314-364-1927. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

UMR Homecoming October

26 & 27



. . . ...

Bledso.e Advances New Theory On Development of Civilization Bledsoe ~ys that his year in Australia was a fruitful one. "I researched and The added demand that population increases puts on natural resources may be wrote two 'p'apers while I was there, and both of them support the idea that the key to the development of civilization, according to Dr. Wayne Bledsoe, population"iP[ rSsure is the key to understanding the origins of civilization. I was professor of history at the University of Missouri-Rolla. 'able to pre~IJ t that information in two seminars at Flinders," Bledsoe said. Bledsoe presented a paper last fall at the XI World Congress of In addition 'to conducting research, Bledsoe exchanged information with the Anthropological and Ethnological Scientists in Vancouver, British Columbia. This international congress convenes every four years. Papers presented there are faculty in the social sciences .departments of the university. "Each school or college at the university is entitled to one visiting scholar a year, and I was the translated into three languages, Bledsoe said. visiting scholar at the School of Social Sciences. It was the largest department "Most historians accept the idea that ' technology brought about population and had ' approximately 250 to 300 faculty members," Bledsoe said. increases and governmental structures grew out of population increases. They According to Bledsoe, Australian universities differ from some in the United assume this is the process through which civilization developed," he said. States in that they separate liberal arts and social sciences campuses from the Bledsoe, however, believes that population increases forced man to develop the engineering ones. tools a'nd techniques that allowed him to cultivate the land rather than being a In addition; he said, engineering students in Australia take only technical hunter and gatherer. He hopes these ideas on the development of primitive courses and are not exposed to the liberal arts. This is in contrast to UM-Rolla, civilizations will gain future acceptance among historians. which has a strong empHasis on engineering and science but which requires all of ''I'm trying to integrate into history a great deal of the field work that has its students to take courses in the humanities and social sciences. been done by anthropologists. Historians have not conventionally integrated that During his stay, Bledsoe also served as a consultant to the South Australia material into their bpoks," Bledsoe said . Institute bf Technology. Bledsoe hopes to compile his work for a book. He has bee,n teaching at UMBledsoe recently returned from Australia where he spent a year as a visiting Rolla since 1968 and has received two Outstanding Teacher awards. scholar at The Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia. He traveled there He has a B.A. degree from Tennessee Temple University and .M.A. and Ph.D. on a Rotary International fellowship. degrees from Michigan State University. He and his wife, Marilyn, and sons, The fellowship was awarded to Bledsoe after competition at the local , district Eric, Sean and Scott, toured the eastern coast of Australia and visited New and international level. He was nominated for the honor by the Rolla Rotary Zealand during the past year. Club.

The WOMBAT ... A New Robot ¡Develop.ed In Rock Mechanics Research ' The research team calls it WOMBAT. But it's not an Australian bear-like marsupial, it's a robot being developed at the University 'of Missouri-Rolla's Rock Mechanics and Explosives Research Center. The letters stand for Waterjet Ordnance and Missile Blast-cleaner with Automatic Tellurometry. "To put it very simply," said Dr. David Summers, Curators' Professor of ¡mining engineering and director of the research center, "we have built a robot here at UMR that is designed to wash explosives out of misiles. It is being developed for the Naval Weapons Center in Crane, Ind. , under an on-going contract. When the robot has been tested thoroughly and a refined device made, the project will be turned over to the Navy. . "Right now, the removal of these explosives is a two or three-step time-

consuming process that requires the transportation of explosives: WOMBAT is designed to reduce the number of steps in the process, decrease the amount of transportation of explosives and make the whole procedure less hazardous. Th'e WOMBAT is designed to allow us to find the best path to do the best job of cleaning." The research personnel at the UMR Rock Mechanics and Explosives Research Center have been working for a number of years with different ways to use the high pressure water jets--mainly for drilling and cutting rocks and coal in mines. The developmerit of a robot incorporating the water jets is the latest project for the group. Jim Blaine, supervisor of technical labs is responsible for the design and construction of the machinery for WOMBAT, while John Tyler, research engineer, handles the electronics for the project. A team of two' technicians and three graduate students also worked on the development of WOMBAT.

MSM Alumnu./ 35

Alumn; Section Nevvs _ _ _ _ _ __ Cape Girardeau Section Bob Patterson added a wrinkle to the Bi-Annual Pre-Post Game Party in Cape. He brought- his new toy-a video camera and video recorder--and shot views of the gathering at the Holiday Inn, alumni boarding the bus for the

Miner-Indian encounter, and action shots at the game. He was accused of taking more shots of the cheerleaders than the team. After the game, the gang plus the

cheerleaders returned to the keg and en- the fault of the writer, not the organizer. joyed viewing the activities Bob recordAs the group boarded the bus in the ed. A large turnout was present for an excellent pre-game buffet. Unfortunate- stadium after the game someone was Iy, the names of those attending were heard to say: "This can't be Cape, we not available as this is written. That is won." So ended the drought.

Ark-La-lex Section ....

The Fall, 1983 quarterly meeting was held Nov. 5 at the Officer's Club of Barksdale Air Force Base in Bossier City, La. T he meeting was held in true Miner fashion, beginning with a social hour and ending with a social hour, with a delicious meal squeezed in between. In attendence were Mr. and Mrs.

36/ MSM Alumnus

Frank Zavnut, '32, of Tyler, Texas; . Clydelle Compton, '39, of Bossier City, Mike and Nancy Chaffin, '81 , Dennis La; and our hosts, John and Eilyeen and arvilla McDanieis, '83, John and Livingston , '39, from Elm Grove, La. Also present was Anne Mulyca, wife Loretta Moscari, '51, and Mark Herzog, '74, all from Longview, Texas; Tom and of Walt Mulyca, '65. Walt, who is a Mildred English, '29, from Marshall, director of the MSM-UMR Alumni Texas; Jim and Selma Forgotson, '20, Association, could not attend as he was Greg and Mary Willis, '75, and Louise in Ohio making the necessary arrangePatton, all from Shreveport; Basil and ments to move there from Marshall,

Texas. Walt has been very active in our section and was our advance source of information on happenings . in the association and on the Rolla campus. Our loss is Ohio's gain. If there is not an active section there yet you can bet Walt will be working to establish one! Walt and Anne we'll miss you. Good luck in Ohio!

Washington, D.C. Section On November I, 1983, Rolla alumni and friends gathered at the Wal!hington Hilton during the Diamond Jubilee Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Alumnus Bill

Flood, '43, was program chairman of Ackerson, Chuck Hillhouse, Bob the meeting. Paul arul Frieda Munger Wellek, Edgar and Patricia Snowden, where there with Paul representing the Esber and Shirley Shaheen, Julian and American Socie.tY of Civil Engineers. Aliza Josephson, Jeanne and Bill Flood, Others present were David Manly, Mike Joe Silverman, Kitty and Jeff Crum,

John Toomey, Gary Patterson, Ray Waggoner, Jim Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Keller, Marvin Livingood, Kevin Polk, Joe Marcello, Nancy and Frank Mackaman, and Steve from Lakeland, Ohio.

The photos below were taken ata meeting of the Washington D.C. Section held Aug. 21, at the home of Kelly and John · Toomey, '49, in Alexandria, Va. .




"Momma Mac's" Last Visit To UMR Amy Shelton McNutt died . Oct. 14, 1983, in San Antonio, Texas, at age 94. Mrs. McNutt was the widow of Vachel H. McNutt, '12, for whom the planned new mineral engineering building at UMR will be named. Only 10 days prior to her death she had flown to the Rolla campus to participate in a ceremony in Rolla designating the building as Vachel H. McNutt Hall. She spoke briefly, crediting the education her late husband had received at UMR as enabling him to identify potash when

he discovered potash-bearing deposits in 1925, the first in the western hemisphere. Mrs. McNutt was a graduate of William Woods College, and in 1964, UMR granted her this institution's first honorary degree of doctor of humane letters. She was an honorary Knight of St. Patrick, a member of UMR's Order of the Golden Shillelagh, and a recipient of alumni and other awards. She maintained close ties with UM· Rolla, where her late husband had

taught after receiving his M.S. degree in 1912. In 1961, "in gratitude for what the geology department had given Mac," Mrs. McNutt established the V.H. McNutt Foundation at UMR, naming the department of geology and geophysics as beneficiary. More than 500 students have been- helped by the Foundation. "Momma Mac," as she was affectionately called, took a personal in· terest in each of the scholarship reci· pients, and visited with them on her fre· quent trips to Rolla. She will be missed.

MSM Alumnu s/ 37


MINER SPORTS Gene Green, EditorFrumhoffWins All-American Status University of Missouri-Rolla goalkeeper Lisa Frumhoff has been selected , to the National Soccer Coaches Association of America's (NSCAA) women's All-American second team. The Miner sophomore was named to the All-West Regionteam after the 1983 season. She is the first woman to gain All-American honors at UMR. Frumhoff, a graduate of University City High School in St. Louis,

paced the Miners with a goalsagainst-average of .93, recorded six shutou.ts and helped the second-year UMR program soar to a 10-5 record against some oCtile top talent in the Midwest. . ' "This is indeed quite an honor for Lisa," said UM-Rolla women's soccer coach Paul McNally. "And I feel she can get even stronger as she is the type of player who is always asking for additional training and practice time. She is always in pursuit of excellence."






Swimmers Ranked 7th In Nation The UM-Rolla swimming team continued to gain exposure, as coach Bob Pease's squad soared to a seventh place ranking in the NCAA Division II. As the fmal part of the Miners' season approached, they trailed only Oakland University, Cal State-Northridge, Chico State, Puget Sounq, Tampa University and Cal State-Davis in the national rankings. UMR has already defeated Tampa University in regular season action, and has been ranked as high as fifth this season. "I'm real proud of this group, and they will get even better before this

season is finished," P~ said. "We 100 FreestYle-have an excellent team, and 1 feel UMR . Martin Rodseth (9th) 47.79. will be proud when nation~1 competi- 200 Freestyle-tion rolls around." Rodseth (5th) 1:43.50. .',.'\ Nationals will be held M~rch 7-10 at Hempstead, NY. UMR has already qualified 28 spots in this year's national

500 Freestyle--

ROdseth (3rd) 4:39.91.

1000 Freestyle--

Rodse'th (6t~) '9-:50.83.

200 Backstroke-The Miners have many individuals ranked nationally in the NCAA Division II, with the leaders as follows:

50 Freestyle-Arthur Hovater (8th) 21.59.

Chris Aria (lst) 1:56:70. . Paul Pericich (5th) 1:58.70. Ed Krygier (9th) 1:59.73.

200 Breaststroke-- ' Derek Coon (5th) 2:11.69. Craig Erzen (8th) 2:13.28 .

200 Ind. Medley-Scott Carney (3rd) 1:57.70. P. Pericich (4thj 1:57.80. Coon (5th) 1:57:81 . Aria (6th) 1:57.93.

400 Medley Relay-UMR (4th) 3:31.72.

400 F'l-eestyle Relay--


UMR (4th) 3:11.49. "This ranking is a real tribute to the swimmers, and I look for them to continue this type of performance into nationals," Pease said. "They have worked very hard to get there."

should be good leaders for us." AllgoOd is looking for solid efforts from seniors Jim Bullard (steeple chase), Tim Schoenecker (440 and mile relay anchor), Dave Millman (880) and Ike 1I0putaife (dash and mile relay). 11oputaife captured the 400 meter championship last summer at the Coca Cola Invitationals in Los Angeles, Calif.

Juniors who should do well include shot put standout Mark Galliardt and junior college transfer Brian McElroy (600). Galliardt qualified for the NCAA Division II nationals last season in the discs during the outdoor competition. Bob Gorman (shot) and Scott Finke (pole vaUlt) lead the way in the sophomore claSs" and at the first meet of

38/ MSM Alumnus

some impressive tournament showings, including a fifth place finish in the Central Missouri Tournament and a 5th place finish in the MacMurray Tournament. In the CMSU Tourney, Greg Schoenberg grabbed second place honors at 126, with Jim Siekmann nailing down the number two spot- at 142. At Ma'cMurray, Siekmann recorded a first place finish, with Schoenberg again placing second.

Then things started to happen. Schoenberg and his 9-3 record became history, when he was felled by a knee injury. Mark Weston 01-4) went down via a knee injury at the 118 position, followed by three-year starter Jeff Maddex suffering a rib injury at 167. When you lose three starters in wrestling, strange things happen, Keeton said: "You start moving people around to









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14 the season Finke set a new school record in the pole vault. Allgood is hoping some talented freshmen will contribute early in the season, also. "This is a very competitive track conference, so we know things will be rough," Allgood predicted. "But we have some fine talent this season and we are looking forward to getting started."

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Iniuries Slow UMR Wrestlers Injuries are a part of intercollegiate sports. No one knows that any better than UMR wrestling coach Joe Keeton. "When this season began, I felt we had one of the best teams we have produced in years," Keeton said. "But some key injuries have really slowed us down." UMR entered the end of January with a 2-5 record in dual meets. Earlier' in the season, the Miners had turned in ,


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Track Looks For Soli'dSeason With 12 lettermen returning for the 1984 indoor track season, UMR coach Dewey AHgood feels his squad will feature some improved individual talent from a season ago. "We may not have the depth in some areas that I would like, but I feel we should do pretty well," he said. "We have some fine seniors this season who

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fill out weight classes, or you have to forfiet a weight class," he said. "It is really hard ' to come back from things like that." Keeton is hopeful he'll have a stronger squad by the MIAA Tournament, Feb. II at Central Missouri State in Warrensburg. . "We have the ability to really give anyone a great match when we are at full strength." P-


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Rolla Daily News Photo

Lady Miners Facing Tough Conference

Key proud of Squad Despite MIAA Start

After seeing her team win its first MIAA game ever, UMR women's basketball head coach Cathie Schulte had little time to savor the win. She knew things would soon get tougher. The 'Miners, after losing a 6'8-65 overtime iame to Northeast Missouri in the MlAA opener, bounced back a few days later to defeat Lincoln University 71-68 in overtime. These two games, however, were followed by consecutive loses to William Woods, Missouri-St. Louis, NOI1hwest . Missouri and Southeast Missouri, leaving Schulte the task of regrouping her squad. ''''We know the MIAA portion of the schedule is the toughest, and we have to simp~y cut our mistakes to a minimum when we play within league," she said. "We are a rebuilding team, and it will be very challenging for us the rest of the way. , Entering the last week of January, the Lady Miners were 3-11 overall, with a 1-4 mark in the MlAA. Laurie Behm paced the Lady Miners with a 10.3 average, while freshman Sa.ndra Vaughn held the duty on the backboards. The improving forward has her rebounding average up to 7.4 per game, and has twice hauled down 16 rebounds in a game this season. If there is a bright spot for Schulte, it has been the play of some of her younger players. "Vaughn and Susan Mullins have a grea~ deal of promise at the forward spots, and sophomore Terry Bond is praying much 'better after being slowed early in the season because of injury." Schulte knows things will get much tougher the rest of the season. "Central Missouri, Southeast Missouri and Northwest Miss.ouri are all nationally ranked," she stressed. "Northwest has yet to lose a game, and may soon be ranked as the best team in the nation, so that tells you a little about our future opponents."

Though the 1983-84 University of Missouri-Rolla men's basketball team has experienced some recent adversity, head coach Billy Key remains very proud of the squad. After-jumping out to an ~-1 start this season, the Miners soared to a '14thplace ranking in the NCAA Division II poll. After that, however, close losses in conference play began to haunt them. UM-Rolla lost its MIAA opener to Northeast Missouri 80-74, defeated Lincoln 61-45, lost at Missouri-St. Louis 79-69, and then dropped back-to-back heartbreakers to Northwest Missouri and Southeast Missouri. The Miners fell to the Bearcats 74-73, and were edged at Southeast Missouri 68-65, when a last second tip-in failed to fall on four tries. In three of the four conference defeats, the Miners shot better than 54 percent from the field. Against the Indians, UMR shot 62 percent from the field in defeat. "This is a good team," Key stressed. "We have played very well, have given it a great effort and I have to think that things will begin to fall for us." Curtis Gibson has paced a balanced scoring attack, averaging 17,2 points and 6.4 rebounds per game for the 9-5 Miners. Stan Shuemaker is next at 15.1 , with Todd Wentz rounding out the top scorers with a 13.5 average. Transfer forward Tyree Hall is atop the UMR rebounding charts, averaging 6.5 per outing. "We are shooting 52. percent from the field as a team, and allowing our opponents only 66 points per game," Key said. "We have been very close to winning some crucial games." One thing Key is not worried about is the team's attitude. "This is a great group of young men," he said. "They know they are good and will stick together the rest of the year. Things will tum for us eventually, because the talent is there this season,"

UMR's Todd Wentz puts m two over Parks College forward Mark Millbrandt.

MSM Alumnul/39

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Army ROTC Cadets Establish Organization

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Martin Brose (left), Jefferson City, president of the Mid-Missouri Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), presents a certificate of commendation to Mark Webb, Jefferson City, president of the student chapter of ASCE at UMR. The chapter was commended for its "excellence in the effective and meritorious conduct of its affairs" for 1983. UMR's chapter is one of only a few to receive the award made by the ASCE's National Board of Directors on' the basis of chapter activities and service to the community. This is the second consecutive year that the UMR chapter has been honored. One of the chapter's community service projects was design and construction of special playground equipment for the Cerebral Palsy School. . '

SME "Joe Miner" Belt Buckle Still .Avaiiable The UMR Student Chapter of the Society of Mining Engineers is offering for sale to alumni our belt buckle. Proceeds from the buckle sales will enable SME to participate in a variety of acti vities including field tri ps, honor banquets, special projects & our biannual outing. We want to thank all of our patrons for their generosity. Orders and checks for six dollars made payable to the Society of Mining Engineers should bemailedtoDa.naHix. IIOMiningBldg.-UMR . Rolla. MO 65401 Please ship _ _ - - - - - buckles at $6.00 .each. Enclosed find a check fo r $ _ _ __ _ __ Name ______ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ Address_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

40/ MSM Alumnu s

son, regional coordinator for the visual ' arts. Zink is director of auxiliary services at UMR, and Watson is administrative associate I, auxiliary services.

Army ROTC cadets at UMR have established tlie Sylvan K. Bradley Student Cou'ncil Memorial Company of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) on Members Win "Exceptional" Award campus. The company was officially chartered Five members of the UMR .Student at a special ceremony Wednesday, Dec. council were awarded a Certificate of 7. Its officers also were installed during Exceptional Participatidn for their part the ceremony. Retired ArrnyCol. Ed i"n ttie Arkansas Model United Nations Owsley, executive vice president of the held recently at the University of Rolla Area Chamber of Commerce, was Central Arkansas. the guest of honor at the ceremony, Taking part from UMR were: Brian which also was attended by represenRuhmann, delegation leader, chemistry tatives of the Fort Leonard Wood Midmajor, Fayetteville, N.C. ; Steven Missouri Chapter of AUSA. Phillips, delegation leader, engineering This service organization, which ·is · management major from Little Rock; made up of Army ROTC cadets from John Gordon, computer science major UMR's department of military science, from St. Louis; Joe Barry, chemical will assist the cadets in furthering their engineering major from Gladstone; and military education and skills ami will participate in ceremonies and related ac- Eric Grannemann, computer science major from Rolla. .' tivities. According to Ruhmann, UMR repreAccording to Maj . Joe P. Bussey Jr. , coury try of Uganda on a sented the UM-Rolla assistant professor of military mock Humanitarian, Social and science, the company is intended to serve as a living memorial to Capt. Cultural Committee. "The award was based on our Sylvan K. Bradley, a 1961 UMR civil parliamentary procedure, the accuracy engineering graduate who was killed in of our presentation of the country's Vietnam while serving as a helicopter · policy, our participation in caucusing, pilot. He was a .distinguished military and t!1e Way we spoke for, amended and graduate and a member of many studel\t passed resolutions," he said. organizations at UMR. Ruhmann said 'that he and other students spent hours learning about the country of Uganda. "We had to know because most of our presen ~ations were spur-of-the-moment," he said. "We were especially proud of our participation as Th ree Students to most of the other college students were ACUI Positions political science and history majors, Three UMR students have been while we are all in engineering and chosen to hold offices in Region II of science. The biggest benefit to us was the Association of College Unions Inter-· the practice in parliamentary procedure national (ACUI). Region II of the and the leadership experience we gainACUI is made. up of Kansas, Nebraska, ed . "It was the first time that UMR Missouri and Oklahoma. At the ACUI Region II annual con- . students have taken part in this event." ference which was held recently at UMR, Brad Lee, UMR junior in electrical engineering, was elecJed regional student president, and Teresa Conte, UMR sophomore in engineering, was elected Missouri state representative or AIChE Wins member-at-large for Missouri. She will · National Award serve on the organization's executive The student chapter of the American committee. Subsequently, Teresa Dvorsky, UMR Institute of Chemical Engineers junior in geological engineering, was ap- (AIChE) at UMR has been named a pointed secretary of the group. r\!cipient of a National AIChE Award of ACUI has two governing groups Excellence for 1982-83. within the overall organization. One is The UM-Rolla student chapter was . made up of students and the other of one of 16 selected nationwide for the professional staff members. Both groups honor. Selections .were made by the are concerned with the needs of college AIChE's Student Chapter Awards Comstudents in the areas of non-academic mittee on the basis of the chapters' high programming, facilities and services. degree of professionalism, enthusiasm UMR staff members w ho -have held and participation. or who hold office in the ACUI regional Dr. Bruce Poling, UMR professor of professional group are Jess Zink, past chemical engineering, is the UMR sturegional representative, and John Wat- dent chapter adviser.


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UMR Seniior Melanie lindley Named "Outstanding" Young Woman of America


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Melanie Tindley, University of Missouri·RoUa senior in engineering management from Sturgeon, has received a certificate naming her an "Outstanding Young Woman of America for 1983" from the Outstanding Young Women of America Program. She was nominated for the honor earlier in the year by one of her classmates, a graduate student in the chemistry department. A quick glance at the list of her qualifications shows ample J;"eason for the award. _ Melanie first carne to UMR three and a half years ago as a member of the UMR Minority Engineering Program with the intention of majoring in chemical engineering. After her freshman year, she changed her major to engineering management with a mechanical engineering emphasis. "I have discovered how much 1 like working directly with people," Melanie says, "and that's one of the objectives of the engineering management discipline." After the Minority Engineering Program scholarship she held during her freshman year, Melanie ha& received scholarships from the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering. She also helps support her education by working during the summers. "The first summer 1 worked as an engineering aid for the Tennessee VaUey Authority," she says. "The last two summers, however, 1 have worked for Southwestern BeU--one year in Topeka, Kan., and last summer in St. Louis." During the school year, Melanie works 10 hours a week in UMR's Career Development Office and fmds time for a number of extracurricular activities as

weU as carrying the normal academic load. She helped found and is an active member of the UMR chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority which received its national charter in 1980. She is a member of the UMR chapter of the National Society for Black Engineers and Scientists, the UMR Student Council, the carnpuswide Affirmative Action Committee and the student chapter of the American Management Association. She even finds time to participate in intramural activities--she loves to play basketbaU but feels she doesn't have time to go out for the varsity team. She also sings with "The Voices of Inspiration," a group sponsored by the Baptist Student Union. Melanie also makes sure she has time for a number of service projects. With other members of her sorority, she has volunteered to work on projects for the heart fund, has coUected material for food baskets, and has worked as a . volunteer at RoUa's Cerebral Palsy School. As if that weren't enough, when she gets home for an occasional weekend or for vacations, she almost always spends a few hours at the Woodhaven Learning Center for the MentaUy Handicapped in Columbia. Melanie has worked with this organization since she was in high school. She works with the children, helping plan learning activities and teaching self-care. "It's one of the most rewarding things a person can do with her spare hours," she says. There is little doubt that Melanie Tindley can be classified as an "Outstanding Young Woman of America."

Redwing Wins Scholarship Ronald D. Redwing, sophomore in physics at the University of Missouri-Rolla, is one of 23 students nationwide to win a 1983-84 Scholarship for Minority Undergraduate Students in Physics in a program administered by the American Physical Society (APS). Each scholarship is sponsored by a corporation and consists of $2,000 awarded to the student and $500 to the host physics department. Redwing's scholarship sponsor is the Exxon Corp. Redwing is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Redwing, Warsaw. He is a 1982 graduate of Warsaw R-9 High School and transferred to UM-Rolla this fall after spending his freshman year at Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville. APS has named Professor Vincent Llamas of New Mexico Highlands University to serve as Redwing's mentor on behalf of the society. Llamas is an alumnus of Ronald D. Redwing, right, sophomore in physics at UMR, with Dr. Ralph W. the UMR physics department, earning degrees in 1968 and 1970. Redwing's facuIty adviser at UMR is Dr. Otto HiU, UMR professor of physics. Alexander Jr. chairman of· the physics department.

MSM Alumnus / 41



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18 Faculty Awards for "Outstanding" Teaching

Governor Appoints Chancellor to State Post

Eighteen faculty members at the University of Missouri-Rolla have been designated as outstanding teachers for 1982-83, Outstanding teachers were iclentified by the UMR Committee on Effective Teaching and Faculty Awards on the basis of student evaluations of the teaching faculty, Those selected received plaques commemorating the honor at the General Faculty Meeting Nov . 29. The group includes six professors, seven associate professors, one assistant professor, one lecturer and three graduate teaching assistants. Those honored were: Professors William A. Andrews, civil engineering; Donald R. Askeland; metallurgical engineering; Thomas J. Dolan, nuclear engineering; R,onald D. Fannin, electrical engineering; Nord L. Gale, life sciences; Leonard F . Koederitz, petroleum engineering. Associate professors Robert S. Barefield, engineering management; Louis Biolsi Jr., chemistry; Harold D. Keith, engineering mechanics; Richard W. Miller, philosophy; David B. Oglesby, engineering mechanics; Jerry L. Peacher, physics; Jack B. Ridley, history; Assistant professor Frances M. Haemmerlie, psychology; Lecturer John Kincaid, civil engineering; Graduate teaching assistants Bobby Gene Olsen, Linda Penas and Patricia Witkoski, mathematics.

Dr. Joseph M. Marchello, UM-Rolla Chancellor, has been appointed by Governor Christopher 'Kit' Bond to the Missouri Corporation for Science and Technology The non-profit corporation, composed of seventeen business, labor, educational and government leaders, is designed to promote the growth of high technology in Missouri. It was authorized by a bill passed this year by the General Assembly and signed into law . by Bond, who actively sought the measure. The coi'poration will identify ways to overcome obstacles and develop opportunities for tehcnological development. It also will promote ,scientific research and education and assist in financing the establishment of high-tech businesses. Marchello's appointment was confirmed by the Missouri Senate in November.

Munger Assumes National Presidency

Geonetta Named Assistant Editor

Dr. Paul Munger, '58, professor of Dr. Sam Geonetta, associate professor civil engineering at UMR, was installed of speech and media studies at UMR, as president of the National Council of has been appointed assistant editor of Engineering Examiners at the council's "The Technical Writing Teacher," a annual meeting in Albany, N.Y. journal devoted to the teaching and The council is the agency through study of technical communication. which state and U.S. territory licensing As assistant editor, Geonetta will and registration boards act together to review articles submitted by scholars in carry out responsibilities in regulating the field of technical communication. the practice ' of engineering and land He will be responsible for articles in the surveying as it relates to the welfare of areas of oral technical communication, the - public in safeguarding life, health business and professional communicaand property. tion in the classroom and technology of According to Munger, the council communication. also is responsible for preparing the Geonetta has taught courses in Fundamentals of EngiQeering Exa,m tehcnical communiction at UMR since and the Fundamentals of Land Survey- joining the faculty there in 1977. In ading Exam, as well as keeping the coun- dition, he has made a number of presentry's 54 licensing jurisdictions up-to-date tations and published several articles on on the progress of a model law to govern the subject. the practice of engineering and land He holds a B.A. degree from the surveying. University of Southern Colorado and Munger, who also is the director of . M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the UM-Rolla's InstitUte of River Studies, is University of Indiana. the chairman of the Missouri 'Board for Architects, Professional Engineers and Hatheway Elected Land Surveyors. He has been a member National Vice President of that board since 1974 , and is a Hamblen Appointed to Dr. Allen W. Hatheway, professor of registered professional engineer in National Commission geological engineering at UMR, was Missouri, Arkansas and Illinois. Dr. John Hamblen, professor of comelected and installed as vice president of puter science at UMR, has been apthe Association of Engineering pointed to ~rve as the representative of Geologists (AEG) at the group's recent the Association for Computing 26th annual meeting in San Diego, ' O'Keefe Awarded Machinery to the National Scientific Calif. Manpower Commission (SMC). AEG is the qational society represent- NSF Grant According to Hamblen, he will serve ing the professional practice of Dr. Thomas O'Keefe, '58, professor of as the first commissioner to represent geological engineers. Hatheway has just completed a term metallurgical engineering at UMR, has the field of computer science in SMC. SMC's constituent societies, represen¡ as treasurer of the association. At the been awarded a research grant from the Fletcher Presides ting various scientific disciplines, include , meeting he delivered papers dealing with National Science Foundation. The $27,134 grant is for a research a combined membership of more than contracting specifications for Dr. John Fletcher, UMR professor underground construction and with project entitled "Electrochemistry 500,000 scientists. Commissioners are and chairman of psychology, recently risks associated with geological Research Needs for Mineral and nominated by the constituent societies. served as co-chairman of a committee characterization of uncontrolled hazard- Primary Materials Processing." The organization is concerned with O'Keefe also is a senior research in- the recruitment, training and utilization on the effects of noise on wildlife of the ous waste sites. International Commission of Biological Hatheway is faculty adviser to the vestigator at UMR's Graduate Center of scientific personnel and the collecEffects of Noise. The commitiee UMR chapter of AEG, the first of the for Materials Research and director of tion, analysis and publication of data meeting was held in Italy. association's 20 student chapters to be UMR's Institute for Chemical and Ex- regarding the manpower resources of Fletcher is a member of the commis- formed, and traditionally the largest stu- tractive Metallurgy. He joined the the United States in the fields of science UMR faculty in 1964. sion. dent chapter in the associaiton. and technology.

Order Your St. Pat's Green Now! Some St. Pat's Green makes ideal gifts for that person who has everything. Green items for 198,4 include:


42 / MSM Alumnu s

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2.50 .

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Orders $10 and under, please include $2.25 for postage. Orders more than $10, please include $3 for postage. Send your orders to: . Alumni Sales Chairman St. Pat's Board University Center University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla , Mo. 6540 I

Physics' Laird Sch'e arer Named Curators' Professor Dr. Laird Schearer, professor of physics at the University of Missouri-Rolla, was named a University of Missouri Curators' Professor at the UM Board of Curators October meeting in Columbia. The appointment is effective Jan. I The professorship is awarded to outstanding scholars with established reputations in their profession. Previous UMR recipients are: Dr. Stig Friberg, chemistry; Dr. David Summers, mining engineering; Dr. Delbert Day, ceramic engineering; and Dr. Wei-Wen Yu, civil engineering. Schearer is an internationally recognized atomic physicist whose work has centered on understanding the properties of electrical discharges in gaseous media. Much of his work at UMR has been long-range exploratory research involving the interaction of atoms with optical radiation and other atoms in a gaseous electrical discharge. Schejlrer joined the UM-Rolla faculty in 1971. In 1980, he was awarded UM's second annual $10,000 Presidential Research Award. In 1982, an intercampus research project involving Schearer and Dr. Jacob Leventhal of the University of Missouri-St. Louis also received support from UM's research award program. That project dealt with laser-dependent atomic energy transfer processes. Both awards were supported by UM's Weldon Spring Endowment Fund. He received a B.S. degree in physics from Muhlenberg College in 1954, an M.S. in physics from Lehigh University in 1958 and a Ph.D. in physics from Rice University in 1966. He also was awarded an honorary doctor of science degree from Muhlenberg College in 1980. Prior to coming to UMR, Schearer served as a test engineer with Hughes Aircraft Company and was a member of the technical staff and a senior scientist at Texas Instruments. He has held academic positions at Lafayette College and Rice University. In addition, he has been a visiting professor at the University of Wisconsin and a visiting scientist at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado. He also has served as a program associate with the National Science Foundation and is presently a member of the National Research Council's Subcommittee on Basic Army Research. At Texas Instruments, Schearer began his study of the quantum mechanical properties of helium atoms and their interaction with other atomic and molecular systems. His early work in this area led to the development of the helium magnetometer, a device capable of measuring extremely small variations in the earth's magnetic field. The U.S. Navy currently uses the helium magnetometer to detect submarines. Other applications of the device include overland oil exploration and detection of magnetic storms. It also has been used in deep space probes by NASA to measure-the magnetic fields of Jupiter and Saturn.

According to Schearer, there has been a recent resurrection of interest in his work in this area. "It's rewarding to know that work you did 20 years ago is still Considered valuable and relevant," he said. "Scientists are currently interested in studying quantum properties of spin-polarized helium-3 using optical pumping techniques I helped to develop. "They feel that this sort of study will give them insight into a new form of matter and a better understanding of how matter is put together at a very fundamental level," he added. "The application of such knowledge would be extremely important from a scientific and technological standpoint." Schearer also is credited with developing the world's first polarized gas target for nuclear scattering experiments in the field of nuclear physics. In addition, Hughes Laboratories has been using Schearer's research to develop a "super gyroscope" which will have a much higher sensitivity than any similar instrument presently available and which will allow development of more accurate navigational instruments. For Schearer the attraction of research remains "the intellectual excitement of treading where no one has gone before." His current research involves an investigation of dissociative collisions of metastable atoms and molecules with molecular systems. In an unrelated research program he also is investigating spectrual line shifts of Rydberg levels of alkali atoms resulting from collisions with electrons and dense buffer gasses. In addition to his research, Schearer teaches undergraduate and graduate physics courses each semester. The key to teaching, he believes, is "communication." "Teaching forces you to think along fundamental lines and in a very logical way," he said. "You must constantly reorder your thoughts so that they will be understandable to your students as well as to yourself." Schearer is a fellow of the American Physical Society and a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Missouri Academy of Science, the Missouri Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Sigma Xi and Phi Kappa Phi. Among the honors which have been bestowed on him during his career are a Hughes Aircraft Company Fellowship Award, the H.A. Wilson Award from Rice University and selection as a Texas Instruments Fellow and a NATO Senior Fellow. In recent years, Schearer has served on the executive committee and as chairman of the Gaseous Electronics Conference, the orsanizing committee for the Gordon Conference on Atomic Physics, the nominating committee for the American Physical Society's Davisson-Germer Prize in Electron/Atomic Physics and the Department of Defense's Physics Review Program.

MSM Alumnus/~




Alumni Pe'sonals______ 1903



Fred Hauenstein, I g42 21 st St., Kingsbury, CA 93631, writes: "I am now 104 years old -- feeling OK, too. Best wishes for the future of MSM ."

Bert F. Hoover died Oct. 2, 1983, according to a notice from his wife, Rose Hoover, P.O. Box 508, Trenton, MO 64683. At MSM, Bert was a member of Theta Tau and the "M" Club--football and track--and received a B.S. degree in mining engineering. A veteran of World War I, Bert worked as an engineer in copper mines in Arizona, New Mexico and Old Mexico before returning to Trenton where he became an OldsCadillac-I.H.C. dealer. He had been retired for a number of years.

Paul K. Hoover, retired at 115 South 3rd St., Salt Lake City, UT 84111, writes: "Had a TUP (transurethal prostatectomy) last June -- four days in hospital; no pain; O.K. now."

1916 The death, on Feb. 14, 1982, of Arle H. Bates, member of the Class of 1916, has been reported by his wife, Ruth Bates of Springfield, .Mo. Arle was a member of Sigma Nu fraternity at MSM.

1918 The death of Leroy Robert Scheurer, on June 14, 1983, has been reported by his son, R.S. Scheurer, Texas Recreation Corp., P.O. Box 539, Wichita Falls, TX 76307. At MSM Leroy had been a member of the Muckers and received his B.S. degree in mining engineering.

The death of Kenneth Robert Teis, on Feb. 2, 1983, has been reported by his wife, Cecilia Teis, Box 425, Disney, OK 74340. Kenneth received his B.S. degree in civil engineering from MSM and was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity . His career had been sPent in the oil business in Tulsa, Okla.

1926 Jule H. Walker is self-employed. He and Helen live at 3330 Casa Blanca, Corpus Christi, TX 78411 :j He writes: "Still breathing and grateful to God and MSM ."

R. Ralph .Lusk is retired, living at Rogers Townhouse, 121 W. Poplar, Rogers, AR 72756. The association has received notification of the death of Paul Weber on June 18, 1983. At MSM he received his M.S. degree in chemical engineering 'a nd had served as president of the Ira Remsen Society. He was a retired faculty member of The Georgia Institute of Technology.

1928 Charles and Betty Freeman, 5 Via Delizia, Hillsborough, CA 940 I 0, write: "We enjoyed our visit at Homecoming for illY 55th anniversary" and felt everyone went out of their way to make all the old codgers feel welcome. The . weather gave you a bad break but you overcame the handicap." Ted Herman writes: "Still enjoying retirement as we enter our '80s--18-holes of golf with University Club friends twice a week plus frequent social contract bridge. Keep up the good work at Rolla." He and Audrey live at 649 W. EI Morado Court, Ontario, CA 91762.

Missouri' Academy of Squires James W. Stephens, '47, '57, '71, Missouri Public Service Co. is one of eight noted Missourians elected and inducted into the prestigious 100-member Academy of Missouri. Squires, a state honorary spciety. Stephens was notified of his election on Nov. 23 by Secretary of State James C. Kirkpatrick. The eight new Academy members were inducted at a luncheon held Nov. 29 at the Governor's Mansion in Jefferson City. The group was set up in 1960 by then-Governor James T. Blair, Jr., to honor Missouri natives and residents who distinguished themselves on a national, state and local scale. The Academy never has more than 100 members and vacancies occur only when a member dies. New members are elected by Academy members whenever the number of vacancies reaches at least five. Last year Stephens completed his 35th consecutive year with MoPub. He first worked for the company from 1940 to 1942 when he enlisted in the U.S. Navy Reserve. He served with Navy Seabees in the Asiatic-Pacific Theater. H~ returned to the company in April '1947 as electical engineer at Warrensburg, the position he held before entering military service. . In 1948 he was named district manager at Lee's Summit and served there 10 years before moving to the general office as executive assistant. He subsequently served as assistant to the president and vice president before his election as senior vice president in April 1976. Stephens is a past president of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association and is currently an ex-officio director. He is a charter member of the UMR Acade~y of Electrical Engineers and was the founding chairman of the University of Missouri Alumni Alliance. He is the first UMR alumnus to have received the UM Presidential Award for service to the University of Missouri. He is also active in civic and professional organizations on local and state levels.

• 1

Excellence in Teaching Bill Brent, '62, science teacher at Rolla High School for the past 24 years, was the Missouri winner of the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching presented by President Ronald Reagan Oct. 19, in ceremonies at the White House sponsored by the National Science Foundation. The honor brought with it $5,000 for Rolla High School's science department as well as computers and other equipment donated by several industries. Brent credits the NSF sponsored MST program at UMR for a great deal of the background and techniques that have contributed to his successful teaching career. It was Dean Emeritus Dr. H. Q Fuller, long·time director of the MST program at UMR, who nominated him for the honor. As a teacher, Brent has a reputation for always asking more than a student thinks he has to give. "Mr. Brent wanted to make his students thinkers, not parrots," says one former student. The results are impressive. Rolla High School has won two consecutive victories in the TEAMS competition in Missouri. This year five of Brent's former students are enrolled in UMKC's accelerated medical program. Furthermore, the only other Missouri teacher nominated for the award Brent just received was one of his former students. It is typical of Brent that he insists on sharing the credit. "No teacher operates in a vacuum," he says. "If I've been able to accomplish something in the classroom it's because of the education these kids receive~fore they ever get to me. This award says good things about the Rolla community arid the quality of our entire school district." Brent's efforts and concern are not limited to the classroom. He served as president-elect and president of the Missouri State Teachers Association from 1980 through 1982, and was a moving force behind MST A's decision to forge ahead with an initiative petition campaign for a sales tax for education. Surrounded by prophets of doom and defeat, Brent kept the faith throughout the campaign. "I honestly thought we could do it," he says. "I always thought we would win. Getting the thing moving in the first place was the hardest part. Then when teachers started getting behind the effort·-it was just tremendous."

Space Shuttle Traiectory .••five .• .four •.•three ••.two •••one·••. Lift-off confirmed Ron Epps' job revolves around making those words happen. Yet even after participating in seven space shuttle lift-offs he hasn't seen a launch. He smiles. "I usually get a replay of it on the news when I get home at night." Epps is a 1967 physics graduate of the University of Missouri-Rolla whose hometown is Mt. Vernon, Mo. He has worked for NASA the past 16 years. It's highly technical, high pressure work. But he loves it. Epps started with the space program as a junior engineer fresh out of Rolla,

PropositionC was passed on the day Brent took office as president of MSTA. This summer he was elected to the Board of Trustees of the.Public School Retirement System of Missouri. Always looking ahead, Brent is now working with other board members to develop a broad legislative package to improve benefits.

. the university he attended on a Carnation scholarship. He worked on the Apollo flights as technical advisor to the Navy working on recovery of the command module. From there he went on to "the control center business." Skylab. ASTP (a joint program with the Soviets). The space shuttle. With the space shuttle program he is flight dynamics officer, the most technically prestigious position the flight director of the shuttle missions has to offer. He specializes in trajectory cont~ol - the path the shuttle takes after lift-off. There are points at which, if something went wrong, the mission would be aborted. Epps informs the flight director when it is too late to return to the launch site, when, if the shuttle had to return, it would have to land across the Atlantic, to take a reduced orbit or to go into' orbit and make one cir~le before returning. He is also busy setting up video displays so that the ground control people can match "what's going on up there." "I love what I do," he said. However, "I don't take it home at all ... The pressure is intense. I think if you took it with you ... it would eat you up." What he does enjoy during his time at home is playing softball and riding his Harley Davidson. He and his wife, Peggy, live abol,lt two miles from the space center, and he often rides his motorcycle to work. After seven space shuttle missions, Epps said, the operation may be considered routine, but not the job. "The day that I walk into the control center and don't learn something it's time to give it up." There are enough differences with each mission, he said, to keep it interesting. "It's a unique job, I'll tell you that," he said. . Th e MSM Alumnus wo uld l ik e to express its gr atitude to the Lawr ence County R ecord in M t . Vernon, M o. f or per mission to r epr i nt this articl e. Alum nus Ron E pps and his wife, Peggy, li ve at 15703 Dianna Lane, H ouston, TX 77058.

- by Kathy Fairchild

MSM Alum nus / 45


Alumni Personals





A. Caridon Adolph is retired. He and Louise live at Willingboro, NJ 08046.

William H. Lenz writes: "Just finished with major surgery but outlook for resuming former activities is excellent --tennis, gardening, etc. The 50th anMarguerite A. Gregory is retired, living niversary last May was great. Hi, at 5885 Argentine Road, Howell, MI classmates!" He and Ethel live at 127 48843. She writes: "Everything is the Aztec, Los Alamos, NM 87544. same .- fine!"

Richard J. Cardetti writes: "I retired last March from U.S. Steel CorJ,:. after more than 44 years of service. My wife, Helen, and I plan to remain in Crown Point for the present." Their home address is 1045 Greenbriar Court, Crown Point, IN 46307.

James J. Springer retired April I, 1983. He and June have moved to 952 South Las Lomas Circle, Green Valley, AZ 85614. They previously lived in Lakewood, Colo.

1942 Word has been received that Russell Kunz, Kansas City, member of the class 1934 of 1930 died in 1972. He had been a Robert L. Cunningham, '34, '37, 6123 member of Kappa Alpha fraternity. Kingsbury Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63112, A.R. Maune and wife Dorothy live at 6 writes: "Enjoying retirement -- rooting Ivy Lane, Fulton, MO 65251 . He and pulling hard for good ole Rolla." writes: "Tentative plans for 1983 Homecoming didri't materialize. Hope Lauren P. Tuttle, '34, '37, and wife Elizabeth are retired and live at 1126 to make it in '84. Best wishes." Bunker Hill Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32208. They write: "We are looking forward to being in Rolla for the spring commencement exercises. This will be our first reunion since '34. Hope to see several of the members of that class." Robert C. Weigel is retired. He and Margo live at 120 Emerald Drive, Danville, CA 94526. He writes: "Planning on 50th reunion in May."

1932 Arthur J. Hoeman is retired. He and Elizabeth live at 880 Keeler Ave., Berkeley, CA 94708. They write: "Australia & New leland in November '83. Cancelled Tahiti though. They were throwing tourists into swimming pools! None of that for us!"

1938 Robert and Louise Alger, Buchanan Dam, TX 78609, write: "We traveled this year -- Carribean cruise and Panama Canal; Calgary, Vancouver, Juneau, Skagway, Whitehorse, Fairbanks, Anchorage, Seattle & home." Robert is a consultant, previously employed by Schlumberger Well Services.

1939 Jack R. Glatthaar has retired. He and Mildred live at 15 Aquavista, Kerrville, TX 78028.

William H. Webb, UMR professor emeritus of chemistry, and wife Ruby 1935 now live at 203 N. Jones Ave.; Louisville, MS 39339. They visited Warren B. Danforth is retired. He and . campus in October. Katherine are wintering at 130 I Polk City Road, Lot No. 92, Haines City, FL 33844 until May 15; then back to 816 . 7th St., Oakmont, PA 15139.


1936 Charles S. White and wife Johnnie live at 2720 Whitney Place, Apt. 505, Don Grimm is city engineer for the City Metairie, LA 70002. He writes: "Play- of Ferguson, Mo. , and semi-retired. He ing golf every day -- getting 60 days and Norma live at 862 Cerniler Lane, older every two weeks!" Ferguson, MO 63135.

Word has been received of the death of John William Metcalf in September of 1983. At MSM John had been vice president of Kappa Alpha, a member of AlEE, and had participated in intramural sports. He received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering. He was retired and living in Jefferson City.

1941 Hermann F. Bottcher, manufacturing and industrial relations manager, E.W. Bliss Co., (Gulf and Western,) writes: "I plan to retire Jan. 31 and will continue . to live in Hastings. During the winter months will travel where it is warm and visit with oid friends and children." He and Margaret live at 517 'Indian Hills Drive, Hastings, MI 49058.

1983 Rollamo

46/ MSM Alumnus

James O. Mack Jr. retired Dec. 31, 1983 from Hercules Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah. He and Betty have a new home at 1491 Chandler Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84\03.

Welby M. King, 2713 N. Wright St., Santa Ana, CA 9270 I, writes: "It's been a great year! Dorothy and I had a wonderful trip to Italy in the spring followed by a week's visit 'to New England. We became grandparents again - score 3 grandsons and I granddaughter - all the greatest, naturally! For the first time in 32 years, we do not have any of our five children in a formal education program. Between them they have 12 degrees, including three doctorates, a M.S. , and a registered physical therapist. Dorothy and I are proud of them. Had short but excellent visits from George '42 & Jo Dahm and John (Jack '42) & Barbara Olsen during the summer. Really great seeiflg them again."


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1943 H.W. (Bill) Flood was appointed recently to the faculty of the department of chemical engineering at the University of Lowell, Lowell, Mass., where he will direct the chemical engineering laboratories. His previous experience includes employment at Resource Engineering Inc., Kennecott's Lexington Development Center and Arthur D. Little. He is past national director and is a fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers which recently honored him with the Flanders Award. He is a member of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers and a director of the New England Chapter of the Association of Energy Engineers. He resides at 183 Main St., Acton, MA 01720. ' Herbert S. Kalish, vice president technical and international director of Adamas Carbide Corp., Kenilworth, N.J., writes: "Was made a fellow of American Society for Metals in October. Still giving many technical talks in U.S.A. and abroad." He and Lili live at 65 Falmouth St., Short Hills, NJ 07078. Herman W. Pracht writes: "Retired Jan. I, 1983, after almos~ 40 years with Alcoa. Margaret and I will continue to live in the Pittsburgh area which we like very much." Their home address is 2709 Tischler Road, Bethel Park, PA 15 \02.

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Alumni Personals

-------------------------------------------------------------1951 Jesse and Yelma Bowen, Route I, Box 16, Dent, MN 56528, write: "Enjoying life at our lake home. Doing most of our traveling to visit family and friends in the off season (late fall, winter and early spring)."

Daniel N. Miller Jr., '49, '51, is selfemployed as an oil and gas exploration consultant. The address for Daniel and Esther is 1301 20th St. N.W. , Suite 314, Washington, DC 20036.

1983 Rollamo

1944 E.S. Isenmann writes: "After 35 years with Shell Oil Co., I retired Oct. '82. My wife (Onida) and I will continue to live in Houston, Texas." Their mailing ad· dress is 2002 Hickory Creek, Kingwood, TX 77339. Nace F. Medford writes: "New job since Jan. '83··managing oil and gas explora· tion and production for USA subsidiary oJ international British company , Ultramar Oil & Gas out of London (Houston, Texas office) .. exciting game!" Nace and Mary Jo live at 5 Mayfair Grove Court, Woodlands, TX 77381.

1948 Ricbard and Margaret HoweU write: "We have retired after .35 great years with Bethlehem Steel Corp. No big plans at present; traveling to Denver, Tucson, and Waterloo, Iowa to visit family and grandchildren (4)." The Howells reside at 9800 Juniper Lane, Overland Park, KS 66207.

Jobn F.· Scbmitz is a member of the technical staff of Rockwell International in Seal Beach, Calif. He advises: "Plan to retire in Jan. '84. Hope to do some traveling." John's address is 2118 W. Broadway, Anaheim, CA 92804. He also notified the office that his wife, Mary Ann, is deceased. Josepb G. Sevick, Route 2, Box 333B, Seabury Road, York, ME 03909, writes: "Harriet and I, on July 31, retired from St. Joe Minerals Corp. after 34 plus years and have made our primary residence York, Maine. We would welcome all MSM alumni to the· State." Fred M. Springer writes: "Completed 34 years with Mobil Oil. Have been on loan to the Marcor Companies in Chicago; now back in New York cor· porate headquarters as vice president, Mobil Diversified Businesses." Fred and Dale Marie live at 25 Gramatan Court, Bronxville, NY 10708. Jobn E. Stein, regional vice president, Ladd Petroleum Corp., Denver, Colo., writes: "We are enjoying our four grandchildren and cool, colorful Colorado!" John and Dorothy live at 3953 S. Newport WaY,Denver, CO 80237. Artbur H. Weber is employed by Payne & Keller in Houston, Texas. He and Patricia live at 10402 Bob White, Houston, TX 77096. They write: "Looking forward to our visit for Homecoming '84. Hope to visit with many alumni from the class of '49."

1949 Wally Howe, Missouri State Geologist and director of the Division of Geology and Land Survey, reports that Jeane Anderson, wife of George M. Anderson, Route I, Box 311, Lamar Lane, Fulton; MO 65251, died Nov. 19,1983. George is manager, Western District Mines, for Dresser Industries in Fulton. Cbarles W. Bennett retired in January '84 as manager-engineering projects for TRW Space & Technology Group. He and Marjorie live at 930 Bluegrass Lane, Los Angeles, CA 90049.

Jack E. Gutb is chairman of the board of Sea and Meteorology Inc. He writes: "Started new corporation for telemetering real time sea and wind conditions at important ship navigational locations in major world ports. Offices in Virginia and California." Jack and Joanie live at 630 Oak St., Herndon, V A 22070. Bill and Cbarlotte Hollis, 20 Cannon Hill Ave., Groveland, MA 01834, write: "Now retired (from G.E.); spend our time with seven grandchildren and keep active in local and church affairs. Our best to our MSM friends."

Donald W. Marsball, Route 2, Box 319, Sunrise Beach, MO 65079, writes: "Lou and I just returned from a two-month visit to Germany where we visited our oldest son and family. Both Gene and wife are career Army and currently assigned to Germany area. While in Europe took advantage of their car and visited southern Germany, Austria, nor· thern Italy, Riviera area, France and Switzerland .- really saw a lot of history and beautiful country." Don is retired from the U.S. Public Health Service.

William L. Petty Jr. died Jan. 8, 1982, according to a notice received from his wife, Regina Petty, 316 Plateau Parkway, Golden, CO 80402. He receiveQ his B.S. degree in electrical engineering from MSM and was assistant vice president with Rogers, Nagel, LangJ1art, Denver, Colo.

Jobn Sakonyi, 644 Exchange Ave., Calumet City, IL 60409, writes: "Still working for Gust K. Newberg Construction Co. as electrical superintendent on Public Service of Indiana Nuclear Power Plant at Marble Hill, Ind."

Donald Bertel is owner of Trax Engineers & Associates, Fort Worth, Texas. He and Carole send a new home address: 10221 Holly Grove Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76108. Larry Borgerding, chief of the U.S. Geological Survey's Mid-Continent Mapping Center in Rolla, has received the Department of the Interior's distinguished service award -- the highest honor given by that federal agency. He joined the U.S. Geological Survey in 1951. His home address is' Route 4, Box 345, Rolla, MO 6540 I. David S. Gould has been elected to the position of executive vice president of Caterpillar Tractor Co. Dave assumed his new position Nov. I. He originally joined Caterpillar in 1957 as a metallurgical engineer. In 1964 he was named as the company's chief metallurgist. He held manufacturing posts at the Aurora and Mapleton plants, becoming plant manager at Mapleton in 1972. In 1976 he was promoted to a general plant manager post and became vice president of the engine division in 1977 . Dave, his wife Grace and their two children live at 17 Inger· soil Court, Canton, IL 61520. M. Dean Kleinkopf is now supervisory geophysicist , chief, gravity and magnetic section, branch of geophysics, geologic division , with the U.S. Geol6gical Survey, Denver, Colo. He and Kitty live at 1022 S. Beech Drive, Denver, CO 80228. Donald S. Maday, '51, '52, writes: "The Duke has survived five years of his disabling stroke and plans to persist with God's help. His leg has been restored, but not his hand." He and Trudy live at 612-A South 15th St., Arlington, VA 22202.


Norman F. Scbneider has retired from Phillips Petroleum. He writes: "Sorry we _ missed the last reunion but I had open heart surgery in September and was restricted from travel. Plan to be there next year. Jeannette and I now live at 3907 Copperwood Court (P.O. Box 411) , Colleyville, TX 76034."

1950 Avery A. Drake Jr. is a geologist for the U.S. Geological Survey in Reston, Va. He writes: "I am getting out of my management position of assistant chief geologist and returning to research. My first task will be to coordinate the preparation of a new geologic map of New Jersey." Avery and Colette live at 1551 44th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20007.

Jobn R. Yan Nort and wife Marjory live at 1714 Woodland Park Drive, Houston, TX 77077. John writes: "Unemployed, looking for work."

Jobn W. Weingaertner started work May 2, 1983 at the V.A. Medical Center in St. Louis as project engineer. He and Jean live at 657 Fieldston Terrace, St. Louis, MO 63119 ..


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__ 1983 RoO.rno

MSM Alumnu s / 47


Alumni Personals __________________________~______________ 1955 Arthur G. Baebler has accepted a posi· tion as executive director of the Printing Industries of St. Louis, Inc. Art and Ivy reside at 20 Fox Meadows, Sunset Hills, MO 63127.

CHntford R. Jones received his MBA from Loyola Marymount University in January . '82 and is now principal engineer for C.F. Braun in Alhambra, Calif.. His home address is 20262 Rouenwood Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92646.



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me Leonard and Margaret Keller have moved to Route 3, Box 98, Dover, TN 37058. Ben K. Smith, president of Williford Energy Co., Tulsa, Okla ., writes: "Recently elected to Board of Directors of Union National Bank in Tulsa; also vice chairman of oil division, Tulsa area United Way." Ben and Nelda live at 7702 S. Harvard Place, Tulsa, OK 74136.

Ron Jurenka is president of Ranger Well Service, Inc., Kilgore, Texas. He and Jerry Anne send a new home address: 10 Oak Forest, Longview, TX 75605 . Gene R. Kuebn is minister for the Resurrection Life Church in Birmingham, Ala. He and Wanda live at 1700 1st St. N.W., Birmingham, AL 35215.

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1983 Rollamo

1951 Continued


Don A. Meiners is president of Terre Haute Malleable. He and Carolyn have moved to 7755 Carlisle Road, Terre Haute, IN 47802. William M. Sbepard, '51, '52, appointed president and chief operating officer of . American Gold Minerals Corp. -NASDAQ:AGMC -- of Denver, Colo., effective Jan. I. AGMC is a mineral and oil and gas exploration firm. Bill's 31 years experience in the mining industries include 15 years with Kennecott Copper Corp. and 12 years with AMAX, Inc. His most recent position was vice president of U.S. Exploration for AMAX, Inc. in Denver. He and wife Nancy reside at 2224 S. Hoyt Court, Lakewood, CO 80227. Founder and former president of AGMC is Raymundo Chico, '59. Robert J. Smitb has a new position as plant manager for Copperweld Corwration, Oswego, N.Y.·He and Mary have moved to Route I, Box 15, Mexico, NY

QuentinJ. Scbiene has been transferred to the position of sales manager for Nuco International, Deer Park, Texas, a subsidary of Geo. P. Reinttes Co. Inc. He and Peggy live at 8019 Pine Green Lane, Humble, TX 77346. Leonard H. W oifberg is now vice president of West Hosung-RLM, Inc., Compton, Calif. He and Donna have moved to 5403 New Castle Ave., No. 24, Encino, CA 91316.


Allan A. Cole is a mining engineer with MSHA in Lakewood, Colo. He and Lyn live at 6431 W. Arbor Ave. , Littleton, CO 80123. Allan writes: " I'm still toiling in the same old vineyard. Lyn is aquatic director at Littleton YMCA." Harold L. Pierson is self-employed as a State Farm Insurance agent in Lafayette, La. His home address is 603 E. Bayou Parkway, Lafayette, LA 70506.

48/ MSM Alumn us



Gary W. Davis was recently assigned to the staff of the technical director as the operations security coordinator for the Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, Calif. He and Ida live at 547 Kevin Court, Ridgecrest, CA 93555 .

Roy K. Wbeelock has been named presiBruce R. Doe was appointed assistant dent and chief operating officer of St. chief geologist for the U.S. Geological Joe Minerals Corp., a subsidiary of the . Survey eastern region effective Jan. 8. Fluor Corp. Roy joined the company in Among his duties are liaison with 27 1965 and most recently held the posistate geologists, scientific health of tion of president, St. Joe International, USGS employees in the geologic diviwith responsibility for mining operasion of the eastern U.S. and space contions and developments outside the U.S. siderations. He and Nellija live at 11721 His home address is 6 Andrew Place, E. Dry River Court, Reston, VA 22091 . Brunswick, NJ 08816.




Vernon T. Jones, executive vice president of Williams Companies, has been elected president and chief executive officer of Northwest Energy Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. He will continue as executive vice president and director of Williams. He and his wife Maralee will retain their home in Tulsa but are currently living at Shadow Ridge Condominium, No. 410, P .O. Box 1820, Park City UT 84060.

Donn G. ZiebeU is president of Ziebell Associates Inc. of Wauconda, 1lI. He writes: "Ziebell Associates Inc. is a consulting firm with eight contract associates in the manufacturing consulting group and 12 contract associates in the business consultants group. Current rapid growth is from contracts in automation with 1984 showing substantial promise in substantial robot insta1la~ tion projects." He and Jean live at 476 Brookside Road, Barrington, IL 600 I O.


PaulO, Herrman 01, 2960 N . Waterford, Florissant, MO 63033, senior engineering specialist at Emerson Electric Co., writes: "Oldest son, Paul IV, Eugene Josepb Poschel is an electronic graduated from UMR in May '82, engineer at Elgin AFB, Fla. He and daughter Kathy Schmitt in May '83 Virginia live at 594 L'Ombre Court, Ft. (now teaching and going to graduate Walton Beach, FL 32548. They write: school at UMR) and son Jim is a junior "Daughter, Stephanie, received bachelor in M.E. at UMR. One more at home of nursing (B.S.N .) degree from Univer- ·-David -- who ' may also head for sity of Southern Alabama on Dec. 9." . UMR!"




Raymundo Chico is president of Raymundo Chico Inc. He and Beverly live at 9600 East Grand Court. Englewood, CO 80 III .

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Russell A. Herring is now superintendent-major projects for Shell Oil Company, Wood River. 111. He and Yvonne have moved to 830 Vassar Drive, Edwardsville. IL 62025 . Emerson and Eleanor Itschner are retired and reside at 2309 SW First A ve., Portland, OR 9720 I.

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28 James Jackson is now a field liaison engineer for the Missouri Highway & Transportation Department. He and Willadean live at 817 Airview, Jefferson City, MO 65101. William A. Kruger is vice president of ESCA Consultants Inc., Urbana, Ill. Last winter he was appointed to the Illinois Professional Engineering Examining Committee. He and Carole reside at 1811 Coventry Drive, Champaign, IL 61821. Carl R. Scbumacher is civil engineer manager II for the City of St. LOuis water division. He and Ramona live at 3962 Bower, St. Louis, M663116, and write: "Our daughter Susan is now in her freshman year at UMR." William J. Varga lives at 5 South Main St. , Sherburne, NY 13460. He is a general manager for Kennecott.

Alumni Personals __~______~_______________________________ 3A 10

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Walter H. Dickens retired in December '81. He and Betty now live at Hayden Gerald R. Wyman was preSented the . Route, Box 38, Dixon, MO 65459. University of Arizona Alumni Association Distinguished Citizen Award on Ralpb Hawk is vice president, producNov. 4 in recognition of his professional tion and engineering, at Cardox Corp., accomplishments, community involve- San Ramon, Calif. He and Barbara send ment an4 support for education. He is a new address: 3453 Isle Royal Court, president of Anamax Mining Company Pleasanton, CA 94566. and has served as chairman of the education committee and later as chair- Gary K. Patterson is now head of the man of the board of directors of the . department of chemical engineering at Ariwna Mining Association. He . has the University of Arizona, Tucson. He also participated as a director of the writes: "Barbara will finish her Ph.D. in Ariwna Academy, sponsor of the chemistry (DMR) by finishing her thesis Ariwna Town Halls and is a member of in Tucson." the Governor's Task Force on Parks and Recreation in Ariwna. His home Wesley Savage is principal management address is 9640 Ridge View Place, Tuc- analyst and program manager for Midwest Research Institute, Kansas son , AZ 85704. City, Mo. He and Katherine reside at 170 I Pine Circle, Blue Springs, MO 64015.

1961 1960


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Afif H. Saad is a research associate for Gulf Oil Exploration and Production, Houston, Texas. He and Linda reside at 1627 S. Hearthside Drive, Richmond, TX 77469.

1959 Continued

William Bosse is public utilities engineer for the City of St. Louis. His office has James D. Coffman .has been appointed recently been moved to 1220 Carr Lane, area vice president of the services divi- St. Louis, Mo. His wife Roberta, formersion of AT&T Information Systems. He ly secretary in the geology department, will remain in St. Louis. He has been is currently associate professor in the with the Bell System since 1960 when English department at Southern lIIinois he joined Southwestern Bell as a staff University, Edwardsville. Her specialty assistant. In March '83 he became is Old and Middle English .literature. general manager of the company's The Bosse home address is 27 Waterbusiness service centers. His home ad- man Place, St. Louis, MO 63112. dress is 569 Hickory View Lane, Ballwin, MO 63011. The association has received word of the death, on Aug. 25, 1983, of James Charles Craig is now project manager Francis Lyncb of 1702 Victoria Drive, for Ralph Whitehead & Associates, Elkhart, IN 46514. While at MSM, Jim Charlotte, N.C. He and Joan reside at was a member of AIMME, Prospectors 6609 Pensford Lane, Charlotte, NC and Independents. He received his B.S. 28226. degree in mining engineering.


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JOHN L. HODGES Jobn L. Hodges, previously vice president of administration and an area manufacturing manager for the Glass Container Division of Owens-lIIinois Inc. , has been appointed manufacturing manager for the division effective Jan. I . Offices are in Toledo, Ohio. John joined 0-1 in 1961 and served in plants in-Gas City and,:e.lton prior to becoming manager of the ,Lakeland, Fla., plant in 1972. He becamy manager of quality control for the division. in 1974 and in 1975 was named manager of the Atlanta, Ga., plant. In 1978 he was named an area manufacturing manager and was appointed vice president of the division in 1979. He assumed the administrative responsibilities for purchasing, transportation and production planning in 1982. He and wife Ellen have four children and currently reside at 3999 School Road, Temperance, MI 48182. Ricbard Spieldocb is a field mechanical engineer for HBE Corp., St. Louis. He and Kay, with their daughter, have moved to 1800 Independence, Rolla, M065401.


1963 The death of John William Brown, during 1982, has been reported by his wife, 200 W. South St., Marionville, MO 65705. While at MSM and UMR, John earned his B.S. degree in mining engineering and his Ph.D. (in 1971) in the same field. He was a member of . Sigma Tau Gamma, AIME, Student Council, the St. Pat's Board, "M" Club (letters in cross country and track) Tau Beta Pi and Phi Kappa Phi. He was awarded several scholarships and several student assistantships.


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Dennis H. Headington, ' 62, '70, is an administrator, engineering coordination and product support-Latin America, for RCA, Lancaster, Pa. He and Louise moved Dec. 15 to 14 Whitcraft Drive, Litite, PA 17543.


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James R. Hesse is manager, quality assurance/mill products, for _Olin Corporation, E. Alton, lll. He and Marjory have moved ' to 985 Holiday Point Parkway, Edwardsville, IL 62025.

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Robert W. Roussin has been appointed director of the Radiation Shielding In· formation Center (RSIC) operated by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory as the nation's only central, computerized information analysis center for radiation protection and shielding . The Laboratory is operated by Union Carbide Corp.'s nuclear division for the U.S. Department of Energy. Bob's responsibilities include supervising the acquisition and evaluation of radiation shielding data, developing new methods for disseminating this iriformation to the scientific . community, and publishing the monthly uRSIC Newsletter" distributed to some 1600 nuclear science and engineering organizations and in· dividuals worldwide. He joined RSIC as data coordinator in 1968 and has been largely responsible for its data library collection. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from the University of Illinois. Currently he is enrolled in the graduate program in management at the University of Tennessee. He and his wife, Georgia, live at 101 Newcrest Lane, Oak Ridge, TN 37830.

1913 RoUamo

W. C. Park is now a research associate at Cities Service Tech Center, Tulsa, Okla. He and Grace have . moved to 10453 S. Knoxville, Tulsa, OK 74137.

Walter MueDer Jr. is vice president and general manager for Plateau Mining Company, Price, Utah. He and Susan live at 891 N. 3rd East, Price, UT 84501 . N. M . Naiknimbalkar has accepted an engineering position with Rockwell International in Richland, Wash. He and Magdalena live at 302 Torbett, Suite 160, Richland, WA 99352. Brian J. Rotb has been promoted to vice president, agricultural products and ser· vices, of the Control Data Corporation. He has been with Control Data since 1963. His home address is 13733 Wellington Crescent, Burnsville, MN 55337.

MSM Alumnus! ~9

Alumni Persona's_____________________ 1963 Continued Roa.et1 M. Smith, '63, '64, '75, is principal scientist for the BDM Corporation, Huntsville, Ala_ He and Ann recently moved to Star Route 1, Box 1, Valhermoso Springs, AL 35775.

Oarence A. EUebracbt Jr., '64, '72, is staff manager for AT&T Information Systems in Denver. He and Sharron have moved to 7336 S. Glencoe Court, Littleton, CO 80122. Kenneth E. Tate is a reliability engineer for Teledyne Continental Motors, Muskegon, Mich. He and Sharon live at 17606 Hiawatha Drive, Spring Lake, M149456.

Charles F. Alexander is director of the business management office of Control Data Corp.-MPI in Oklahoma City. He and Mary live at 2521 Bent Trail Road, Edmond, OK 73034.

Thomas W. Cook writes: "Recently appointed president, manufacturing and supply group, ITT GriIinell Corp. and relocated from Statesboro, Ga., to Providence, R.I." He and Jan live at 3 Holly Lane, Barrington, RI 02806. The death of James F. Cutts, Visalia, Calif. on Oct. 15, has been reported to the alumni office by his sister, Carolyn Coil, 2473 Gillette Dr. S.E., Port Orchard, W A 98366. At UMR he was a member of Delta Sigma Phi, AlEE-IRE, and briefly, the 5gers Club. He received his degree in electrical engineering.


Douglas R. Coney is a tool design engineer for the USAF at Robins AFB, Ga. He and Rebecca live at 313 Angus Blvd., Warner Robins, GA 31093. William P. FaIk~ is a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army. He and Janice live at 9064 Brookford Road, Burke, VA 22015. Micbael D. Smitb was promoted to district manager, Dallas district (northern half of Texas and Oklahoma), for Caterpillar Tractor Co. He and wife Alpha recently moved to 6719 Kings Hollow, Dallas, TX 75248, along with their three daughters -- Linda (16), Michelle (14), and Stephanie (5). Oyde A. Vandivort is chief executive officer-Farmtronix, for Ralston Purina. He and Beverly send a new address: 1849 Bridlebrook Lane, Kirkwood, MO 63122.

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Adolpb Cremer is production superintendent for Amoco International . Oil Co. He and Mary receive . mail do Expatriate-Stavanger, Norway, P.O. Box 4381, Houston, TX 77210.

Larry Rusbing, '66, '74, '79, manager-efelectric operations for Missouri Power and Light Co., was promoted to division manager of the Jefferson City and Linn districts. He joined MPL as a district engineer in 1972 and was promoted to district superint~ndent in 1976. He was named director of industrial engineering and system planning in 1980. In 1982 he was named manager of electric operations. He is a member of the Jefferson City Chamber of Commerce, YMCA, United Way, Lincoln University Foundation, and is serving on the Jefferson City School District Board of Education. His home address is 1809 Tower Road, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Roy A. Wilkens has been elected president and chief operating officer of Tulsa-based Williams Pipe Line Co. He held the title of vice president on special assignments with Williams. Roy and Audrey live at Route I, Box 344, Sand Springs, OK 74063.

Ricbard L. Burkbalter writes: "Joined ChemTool Inc., metal lab manufacturers, as plant manager in June '83. Will receive promotion to Lt. Colonel in U.S.A. Reserves in Oct. '84. Live with wife Margaret and two sons, Karl and Jeff, at 4514 Laurie Lane, Crystal Lake, IL¡60014.

1983 Rollamo


Donald R. Shank is now director of product marketing for Photon Sources, Livonia, Mich. He and Barbara have moved to 8273 Wilson Terrace, Orlando, FL 32811.

1968 Kanwal Prasbar is associate .professor of sociology at Rock Valley College, Rockford, 111. He and Meenakshi live at 2313 Cerro Vista Drive, Rockford, IL 61107.





50/ MSM Alumnus

Nick L. Prater is it major in the USAF, stationed at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico. He and Connie recently moved to 11512 Paseo Del Oso N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87111.

Larry N. McKinnis, wife Patti and two sons, were transferred to a new home in Japan. Larry is the Ford Motor Company resident engineer for the automatic transmission plant in Hofu, Japan. Their new address is: 102 Ikeda Mansion, 2-3-17 Ohzu, Minami Ku, Hiroshima, Japan 730.


Kennetb C. Bollinger writes: "I recently moved from Chagrin Fall, Ohio, to St. Louis, Mo., to take a new assignement at Monsanto Corporate Headquarters. I will be responsible, as manager, for a line of rubber chemicals on a worldwide basis." Ken, wife Fran, and their younger daughter Jennifer will reside at 216 W. Manor Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017.

William R. Wilson is director, computer development for Radio Shack R&D in Ft. Worth, Texas. He and LaDonna live at 800 Shady Lane, Bedford, TX 76021.

Larry P. Massey is now plant manager of Gold Bond Building Products, Pryor, Okla. He and Shaari live at Star Route I, Box 46A, Pryor, OK 74361.

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A. RICHARD LEHMAN A. Ricbard Lehman, '68, '71, formerly mana$er of marketing services for the carbon products division of Union Carbide Corp., Danbury, Conn., has been appointed director of sales - specialty products with the carbon products business center of Union Carbide Europe S.A. in Geneva, Switzerland. He joined Union Carbide in 1972 and has served successively as a technical service representative, sales representative, and account manager, and as a regional sales manager in locations throughout the U.S.A. In 1982 he was assigned to his most recent management position in Danbury. Before joining Union Carbide he served two years as an officer in the U.S. Army and as an electrical engineer with the Pittsburg and Midway Coal Co. in Kansas City. The Lehmans have two children, and the family will relocate to Europe in the near future.

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Alumni Personols __________________________________________

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1968 Continued


Mel Downs writes: "I'm currently on a two-year assignment in Europe for Hewlett-Packard as oscilloscope product manager for Europe. I travel throughout Europe presenting seminars, visiting customers and appraising ' the market situation." He and Sandie send a new address: Breslauer Str. 20, 7031 Ehningen, West Germany.


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Rodger L. Elliott has been appointed director of geophysical training by Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartlesville, Okla. He has been with Phillips since 1968 serving as a geophysicist and geophysical supervisor in London and Bartlesville before being promoted in 1981 to his former position as staff director for . geophysics. His home address is 2510 Dorchester Drive, Bartlesville, OK 74006. Vicente Llamas, '68, '70, is a professor of physics at New Mexico Highlands University in Las Vegas, N.M. His new home addreSs is Route I, Box 422A, Las Vegas, NM 87701.

Richard Diemer, 12814 Landale St., StUdio City; CA 91604, is self-employed as an electronics technician. G. David Freeman is engineering supervisor for Ethyl Corp., Magnolia, Ark. He and Julie send a new home address: 2013 Karen Circle, Magnolia, AR 71753. Donald B. Lambert and family have relocated to thl'! United Arab EmirateS and can be reached clo MEOS Company, P.o. Box 2234, Dubai, U.A.E. Robert F. Morfeld is branch manager for American Air Filter, Louisville, Ky. He and Beverly have moved to 8013 Weyanoke Court, Prospect, KY 40059.

1983 RoRa.o

William B. Olsen is co-founder of Creative Technologies Corp., _ Evansville, Ind. He and Trudie live at 8999 Hickory Lane, Newburgh, IN 47630.

Ronald D. HaImich is employed by Mobil Oil Co. in New York City, as a refinery technical advisor. He and Beatrix live at No. 4 Hamilton Lane North, Plainsboro, NJ 08536.

Thomas S. Schmidt writes: "I am continuing to be active in the firm on a global scale. The last six months have found me in the Middle East, Far East and South America as well as a stint offshore North Sea. I w~ listed in the 1983/44 edition of Who's Who in Industry and Finance. Pat, the kids and I -will be posted in the United Kingdom with Gaffney Cline & Associates starting in January ~84. I will be functioning as area Dennis K. Smalley is an account ex- manager responsible for our energy adcutive for AT&T. in Fort Lauderdale, visery busineess in the U.K., Europe, Fla. He and Peggy recently moved to _ Africa, and the Middle East. Mail can 1300 Ocean Way, Unit 101, Jupiter, FL continue to be sent do Gaffney Cline & 33458. Associates, P.O. Box 796309, DaUas, TX 75379. Best wishes to all for a prosperous 1984." Neil S. Smith writes: "I have just been promoted to advisory systems engineer Ronald A. "Butch" Stratman has been }V-ith IBM Corp. I continue to specialize selected as the new city engineer and in office systems and communications." public works director for the city of Neil and Brenda live at 600 Woodridge Nevada, Mo. He has been employed by Drive, Columbia, MO 65201. the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department since 1969 and has Austin and Pamela Story send a new served as the department's resident address: Route 3, Box 26, Benton, IL engineer in Nevada since 1978. He is a 62812. regi~tered professional engineer and a -member of the Chi Epsilon honor fraternity for civil engineers. He, his wife Marilyn, and their three children live at 705 W. South St., Nevada, MO 64772. Jerry G. Pogue, 110 Silverwood Trail, Hot Springs, AR 71913, is selfemployed. He writes: "We continue to enjoy the benefits of living ori Lake Hamilton in Hot Springs, Ark. I stay busy as usual with my business and Mary is still working as an ER nurse. Would like to hear from some 'old' UMR folks."

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Glenn P. Tomlin is an avionics engineer for the U.S. Army Department of Defense responsible for mission equipment integration on the Army's latest helicopter upgrade, the "OH-58D Alan R. Cobb, major, USAF, is a C-5A AHIP." He was recently promoted to navigator stationed at Travis AFB, the rank of major in the Missouri Air .Calif. He and Sharon live at 122 National Guard. He and Kathleen live Cannon Drive, Travis AFB, CA 94535 . at 2508 Guebert, Fenton, MO 63026. Robert S. Bruce, '69, '70, is regional vice president of INTRA V, St. Louis, Mo. He and Betsy reside at 15 Carrswold, Clayton, MO 63105.

1970 Brian W. Ashbaugh is an attorney with the firm of Rose, Schmidt, Dixon & Hasley in Pittsburgh, Pa. His new home address is 2503 Hunting Ridge Trail, Bridgeville, P A 15017. Edwin H. Fields is manager, mechanical projects, for General Electric Co., Portland, Ore. He and Darlene live at 1245 Maple St., Lake Oswego, OR 97034.

David and Peggy Hankins and their two sons, Tradd and Matthew, live at 4509 Doncaster Drive, Greensboro, ~C 27406. David is responsible for directing the sales and marketing activities of government systems division of Western Electric Co. for military communications in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Far East, Southeast Asia and Australia. Merle Hill is president of Cascade Instruments - and Controls in Seattle, Wash. He and Jayne reside at 14710 N.E. 169th St., Woodinville, WA 98072.

James L. Furry writes: "Donna and I, along with the little Furrys, Travis and Tiffany, will be spending the next two years in the 'Land of the Morning Jerry Rodgers has been appointed to Calm'. I have accepted a position with the position of superintendent of utilities the 8th U.s. Army Facilities Engineer- for the City of Slater, Mo. In this posiing Activity in Seoul, Korea, where I tion, he is responsible to the city will be responsible for managing por- manager for the operations of the water, tions of the utilities and energy pro- sewer and electric utilities and the city grams for various installations maintenance shop. He previously served throughout KOrea. Our new address is: as assistant superintendent of the J.L. Furry, HQ FEA-K, P.O. Box 15, department, beginning his employment APO San Francisco 96301.'~ with the city in September, 1982_ He holds state licenses in both water and Ronald L. Habegger is city traffic wastewater, and is a member of the engineer for the City of Springfield, Ill. American Public Works Association of He writes: "I am pleased to learn I have Municipal Utilities. He previously servbeen named 'Young Engineer of the ed as superintendent of utilities for the Year' for 1983 by Capital Chapter of city of Gallatin, worked as an engineer the Illinois Society of Professional for a power cooperative and small Engineers; award date Nov. 15, 1983." engineeriTIg flfITl. Jerry and his wife, His home address is 3223 Clarendon Nancy, live at 826 Sailor Drive, Slater, -Drive, Springfield, IL 62704. MO 65349. They have one daughter, Allison, who is almost a year old. Paul E. Haley is now staff brewmaster for Anheuser-Busch Inc., St. Louis. He Robert E. Sherrell is a civil engineer at and Linda have moved to 1734 Wood- Barksdale AFB, Bossier City, La. He more Oaks Drive, Manchester, MO and Paula live at 634 Pine Cone Drive, 63011. Haughton, LA 71037.


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Alumni Personals ____------------------__-----------------1970 Continued Don Swyers is a civil engineer with Black & Veatch. He and Nancy have moved to 9719 Shepherds Drive, Kansas City, MO 64131.

1971 David O. Bryan has recently joined the plant engineering department, General Motors Assembly Division in Kansas City, Kansas, as associate engineer. His wife, Pat, says "He loves the new job very much." The Bryans live at 8546 Melrose, Overland Park, KS 66214. Tak-Ming Chen is a civil Bechtel Power Corp_, Md. He and Tai-Ning Woodstone Road, Apt. MS 39056.

engineer with Gaithersburg, live at 345 K-5, Clinton,

Gerald J. Hart has completed his assignmentin Indonesia and has been transferred to Saudi Arabia. He is now administration and financilJ,i manager of Black & Veatch Arabia Ltd. Gerry and Aurora receive mail clo Black & Veatch Arabia, P.O. Box 352, Dhahran 31932, Saudi Arabia. Robert J. Kercher is an electrical engineer for Wegman Electric Company, Bethalto, Ill. He and Ada recently m'oved to No. 24 Barbara Drive, Route 7, Godfrey, IL 62035. David B. Maddox has a new position as district manager for Conard Corporation, Corpus Christi. He and Cheryl recently moved to 1208 Zana Lane, Rockdale, TX 76567. The report of the death of Richard Allen Wood which appeared in the December issue of the Alumnus was an error. The electrical engineering department has heard . from a friend of his and we are very happy to report that Dick is very much alive and living at 2137 Hillsgate Court, St. Louis, MO 63141. Our most humble apologies for printing erroneous information.


N. LES CLARK N. Les aark has been promoted to vice president-management information services for Marion Laboratories Inc., manufacturer of prescription and overthe-counter pharmaceuticles as well as hospital and laboratory products. He is now responsible for the use and application of information systems technology, including ctata processing functions, information systems development, professional computing services, office systems technology and data network function~. He joined Marion in 1976 as an operations review analyst and was promoted to manager-operations review and analysis the following year. In 1979 he was named manager-information systems development and was Oromoted to director-management information services in 1980. He holds an MBA from the University of Tennessee and a master's degree in economics from the University of Missouri. He lives at 802 Murray Road, Lee's Summit, MO 64063, with his wife, Georgiana, and their children, Jenniver, Merideth, and Collin.

S2/MSM Alumnus

Robert Berry is manager, project development, for Burns & McDonnell in Kansas City, Mo. He and June live at 8205 Harris St., Raytown, MO 64138. They write: "We are proud to announce the birth of twins (our first children), Carolyn . Marie and Katherine Trabue, on June 3, 1983. Both are planning on being UMR coeds in the class of '04." Kenneth Carmichael is owner of Deep Fork Fertilizer in Luther, Okla. He and Pat receive mail at P.O. Box 221, Luther, OK 73054. Jon R. (ole is executive vice president of Financial Systems, Kearney, Neb. He and Connie live at 2711 Country Club Lane, Kearney, NE 68847. Murry J. Dodds is semi-retired at present. He and Alma Marie have a new address: 302 Bynum, Sikeston, MO 6380).

c. Sco~ Fletcher is geotechnical department manager of Soil & Material Engineers, Columbia, S.c. He and Diane live . at 212 Park Springs Road, Columbia, SC 29204. .

1983 Rollamo

George Jackson has been appointed to the position of director of engineering for the Mott Corp., LaGrange, Ill., originator of the flail mowing System in the commercial mower industry. His responsibilities will include development of increased,reliability and serviceability of flail mower products and an expanded research and development program. George was formerly. with Caterpillar Tractor Co. where he was involved in new product development, prototype design and product performance evaluation. He and his wife, a biochemist, have one three-year-old son and live at 11027 Buckskin Court, Peoria, IL 61615. Edward L. Mabie Jr. is a senior ana:lyst with Exxon Chemical Americas, Baton Rouge, La. He and Judy have moved to 12659 Brookshire Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70815. Alfred W. (Bill) Matthes II has been promoted to product manager, process equipment, for Arrow Engineering, Tulsa, Okla. Bill and Vivian live at 5633 E. 97th St., Tulsa, OK 74137.

Ronald L. Meldi is a training instructor (underground) for Kerr McGee Coal Corp., Harrisburg, Ill. He and Mary live at Route 7, Box 536, Edgewood Subdivision, Marion, IL 62959. G. Lynn Price is now a senior mechanical engineer for Texas Utilities Generating Co., Mt. Pleasant, Texas. Lynn and Kim live at Route 1, Box 213, Mt. Vernon, TX 75457. Steve Rector, '72, '73, has been named general manager of the Gulf Coast Region for Petro-Lewis. The Gulf Coast region represents nearly 50 percent of Company and partnership assets. He started with Petro-Lewis in September, 1981 as Gulf Coast regional development manager. He worked in Denver for six months just prior to decentralization, then returned to Houston. He was previously employed by Shell Oil Company as field engineer for the Rockies; reservoir engineer for ' the Rockies, Alaska and California, and supervisor of reservoir engineering. He also worked on CCh projects in Texas and southern Colorado. He and his wife Susie have a daughter, Megan, who is 3, and at last word were expecting their second child. The family makes their home at 5311 Brownlee Lane, Spring, TX 77373.

Daniel F. MuDen, DDS, is on the academic staff of Washington University Medical School, department of radiology. Dan and Sue have a one-yearold daughter, Kelly Ann. The family Dennis Sylvester has been an assistant resides at 12023 Deboimaire, .Creve resident engineer with Anheuser-Busch 'Coeur, MO 63146. in Columbus, Ohio since May 23,1983. He and Sandra now reside at 6878 John F., '72, '73 and Bonnie (Cape, '73) Lakebrook Blvd., Worthington, OH Peters write: "Have moved from 43085. Wheaton, Ill., to Vicksburg, Miss. John works at the U.S. Army Engineer James Ulrich married Peggy Anne Waterways Experiment Station as a Treinen on June 4, 1983, and adopted research civil engineer. John completed Jessica Amaya Treinen on Sept. 1. They his Ph.D. at the University of IIIinois- are now expecting another child. Jim Chicago and was promoted recently. We transferred Nov. 5 to Grumman Tech. have two children -- Amy, 6, and Josh, Services at Kennedy Space Center as a 3." The Peters new home address is 107 senior engineer. The Ulrichs live at 4820 Enchanted Drive, Vicksburg, MS Key Biscayne Drive, Titusville, FL 39180. 32780.

Alumni Personals ____________________________________~----Sara (Carney) Freeman, husband Mike, Capt. Kenneth Werner was recently daughter Julia (3Yl ) and son Ryan (I Yl) transferred to Wright-Patterson AFB David E. Woosley is city traffic engineer reside at 1625 S. Claremont, near Dayton, Ohio. He is working at the for the City of Davenport, Iowa. He Independence, MO _64052. Sara has Air Force Logistics Command in foreign writes: "I was elected vice presidtmt of worked for industry, taught program- military sales, construction monitoring the Missouri Valley Section of the In- ming at UMKC and is currently a con- projects in Saudi Arabia and other stitute of Transportation Engineers for sultant in systems design and program- foreign countries. He and Julie are the 1984 at the annual me~ting held in ming for the IBM/PC. . parents of a son, Blake William, born Omaha Sept. 28-30, 1983." David and Sept. 20, and a daughter, Brandy, nineSandy live at 1229 W. 57th St., Davenyears-old. Their present address is 7:2-58 William W. George writes: "Mi port, IA 52806. Claybeck Drive, Huber Heights, OH daughters, Michele and Shawn, and I 45424. now live at 213 Meadows Lane, Alta· mont, IL 62411. I recently-accepted the position of superintendent of storage for Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America's Loudon Gas Storage Field."

1972 Continued



Dennis C. Pease has joined the staff of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. His new home address is 340 Ridgecrest, 19s Alamos, NM 87544.



Ernie W. Petermann is field engineer and inspector for Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory, Seattle, Wash. He writes: "Presently involved in concrete quality control program for the 76-story Columbia Center hi-rise office building in downtown Seattle." Ernie and Charlotte . live at 431 Tniilbrazer Loop S.E., Olympia, W A 98503.

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. LARRY G. BERGNER Larry G. Bergner, '73, '76, is now senior executive assistant at Anheuser· Busch Companies after spending six years in· the corporate engineering department. He recently moved with his wife Mary Anne and two children, Andy and Nancy, to 12111 Westwick Place, Sunset Hills, MO 63127. Edward Blanke is now contracts manager of McBro, a division of McCarthy Bros. in Tampa, Fla. He and Suzette -live at 5342 Northdale Blvd., Tampa, FL 33624.

Bonnie (Cape) and John F., '72, '73, Peters write: "Have moved from Wheaton, Ill., to Vicksburg, Miss. John works at the .U.S. Army ' Engineer Waterways Experiment Station as a research civil engineer. John completed his Ph.D. at the University of IllinoisChicago and was promoted recently. We have two children -- Amy, 6, and Josh, 3." The Peters new home address is 107 Enchanted Drive, Vicksburg, MS 39180. Mark Pickell is senior project engineer for T.D. Williamson Inc. in Tulsa. He writes: "I am pleased to announce my recent marriage to Cindy." The couple lives at 5230 S. Marion, Tulsa, OK 74135 .

Steve Schlueter, Box 485, Wellton, AZ 85356, writes: "Another year older and Philip R. Downs is a finishing team slower. Wife (Connie) is still in Carleader for Arco Metals in Russellville, ribean attending medical school. I'm still 'Ky. He writes: "Have new position on restoring performance cars from the"50's participative management program at and 60's. Enjoying Arizona sunshine. Arco's new aluminum fabricating Note to fellow alums: now is the time to plant." Philip and Deborah live at 1720 help your alma mater prepare fresh Erin Way, Bowling Green, KY 42101.- engineers." Steve is employed by American Motors at their southwest test David J. Ebbesmeyer is area supervisor· center in Yuma, Ariz., as a product maintenance for E.1. DuPont in - development engineer.. LaPorte, Texas. He and Debbie are proud parents of a new baby boy, Dus.tin. They have two other children Fred J. Thies is now director of public --Dana, 6, and Dyan, 3 -- and make their works in Okmulgee, Okla. He and Susan home at 403 Stonewall, League City, live at 708 Crutchiner, Okmulgee, OK 74447. TX 77 573.

1974 John D. Cummings Jr. is a plate product specialist serving se:veral district sales offices of Bethlehem Steel in the east and midwest. He is looking forward to part-time graduate stlJdies at Lehigh. He lives -with wife, Jan, and son, John D. III, at 407 Center St., Bethlehem, PA 18018. Gary E. GaaI is a captain, infantry, at the U.S. Army Research Institute, Ft. Hood, Texas. He and Luise live at 607 Allen St., Copperas Cove, TX 76522.

Mark Herzog and his wife Rose announce the birth of their fourth child, Jennifer Marie, on Nov. 16, 1983. Welcoming their sister home are brothers John, Jimmy and Joey. Mark is the area engineer in Getty Oil Company's Kilgore Prodcution Office. The Herzogs live at 512 Richfield, Longview, TX 75601. James Kauten, M.D., is a fellow in cardiothoracic surgery at Emory University, Atlanta,.Ga. He and Deanna send a new home address: 2825 N.E. Expressway, Apt. K-2, Atlanta, GA 30345.

James S. Jones writes: "Major upheaval characterizes our family's recent past. While in Chicago I left my CIA career and completed an MS in computer science at DePaul. We left big city life to move to a small isolated college town of 2,300, counting students. Pat splits her work time between Graceland College physician apd community doctor. I began teaching in the computer science department at Graceland this fall. We are moving a second time this year into what we hope to call home for years to come. Mark is now a talkative two-yearold and a lot of fun. Although there have been difficult adjustments to our move: . the advantages are proving invaluable. Our ' new address: 632 South State, Lamoni, IA 50140." Michael Mall, 20 Square vii oods Drive, laGrangeville, NY 12540, is a staff programmer for IBM Corp. in POUghkeepsie, N.Y. He \Vrites: "Barband I are happy to announce the birth of our first child, Sarah, on Oct. 28." Anthony L. Mei is an environmental engineer with the U.S. Army Engineer Division, South Pacific. His wife Particia writes: "Tony presently is South Pacific Division's program manager for superfund activities in Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah. He recently received a quality step increase for exemplary performance. He also has been promoted to major, Corps of Engineers, USAR and is active in the 621lth U.S. Army garrison." The Mei home is at 1225 Ridgeview Court, Novato, CA 94947. Michael J. Miller is an air staff officer at the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. He writes: "I am now working in the office of the secretary of defense, concentrating in the area of international logistics." He and Debbie send a new home address: 8807 Hayload Court, Springfield, VA 22153; phone: 703-455-9552.

1983 Rollam'o

MSM Alu;"nus / S3

Alumni Personals ____________________________________~____ 1974 Continued Jonatban MotberweU has joined the finn of Dames & Moore engineering and environmental consultants as manager of Houston operations. Under his direction the Houston office will actively pursue projec~ in Texas and the Gulf Coast as well as internationally. He , previously served for seven years with 0'Appolonia Consulting Engineers, during which time he was based in Houston and Brussels. As a project supervisor, he was responsible for both onshore and offshore projects in the United States and overseas. He earned an M.S. degree with a specialty in geotechnical

Stan Sanders is a senior electronics engineer at the Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, Calif. He and Lois are the proud new parents of a baby girl, Elizabeth Anne, born Dec. 30, 1982. Lois also just fmished her master's degree in music education from University of the Pacific Conservatory of Music. The Sanders receive mail at P.O. Box 1603, 'Ridgecrest, CA 93555 . Step ben G. Sberrick is now employed by McDonnell Douglas Technical Services at Marshal Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. His new home address is 1216 Morrow Drive, Huntsville, AL 35803.

engineering from the University of . Texas at Austin and is a member of the Don and Lynda (Nations) Sbort are American Society of Civil Engineers proud to announce ' the birth of their and the Society of Mining Engineers daughter, Ashley Nicole, on Sept. 9, division of .the American Institute of 1983. She was welcomed home by her Mining Engineers. Jonathan, his wife big brother, David, at 1405 Old Cathy, and their two children, Emily Frankfort Pike, Lexington, KY 40504. and Elizabeth, live at 12800 Briar Forest, No. 1.76, Jiouston, TX 77077-. James W. Whitfield writes: "We moved to 2727 Cambridge Ave., Lakeland, FL Nicolaus P. Neumann, '74, '76, is group 33803, this summer after completing my . leader for Consolidation Coal Co., ' medical residency and fellowship; Carol Evansville, Ind. He and Nancy live at . and I have two . girls, ages 3 and 1. 7866 Woodland Drive, Newburgh, IN Although we really enjoy . living in 47630, and write: "We announce the Florida's citrus belt we miss,being closer birth of our first child, Nicolaus Patrick to the Ozarks." Jim is a physician at the Neumann n, on Feb. 24, 1983. Both Watson Clinic in Lakeland. mother and son were in excellent health. We send~urgr~ to everyone!"

Robert P. Jansen is technical manager Thomas Sontbeimer has been promoted for A.E. Staley Mfg. Co., Loudon, to manager for research & development Tenn. ' He and Joyce live at 8600 for the M .A. Bell Company of St. Louis, Dunaire Drive, Knoxville, TN 37923. . a manufacturer and distributor of foundry supplies and equipment. He and Dean B. Jones is employed as a con- Deborah live at 5717 Chrisbrook, St. sulting engineer by S. Levy Inc. of Louis, MO 63128. Campbell, Calif. He and his wife, Virginia, '76, are now living at 1096 N. Billy K. Winters Jr. has accepted a new Central Ave., San Jose, CA 95128. position as applications group manager They have a new son, Mark Henry, for Reichhold Chemical Inc., Pensacola, born Sept. 22. He has a brother Eric, Fla. He and Kathryn reside at 2800 2 Vz years old. Ventian Court, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561. David Koebler, 9418 N. Oketo Ave., Morton Grove, IL 60053, has been promoted to president and chief executive officer of Casting Impregnators In~. of Skokie, 111. He has se~ved the last eight years as vice president and plant manager. David Kutilek is an electrical' design engineer for Prentice Corp., Lakewood, Colo. He and Barbi live on Salina Star Route, Boulder, CO 80.302.



1976 Jacques BeUassai is a field civil engineer for Black & Veatch, Kansas City. He and Joyce send a new address: 4996 Tangerine Ave., Wmter Park, FL 32792.


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Thomas J. Recbtien writes: "I am now living and working in Norway as a subsea construction engineer for Fluor Ocean Services on the stat pipe project. Here it is cold, dark and (at $5-6 a beer) ·expensive.'" 'His mailing ' address is Esbjergata 3, 4000 Stavanaer, Norway.



Virginia Jones llDd busband Dean, '75, have a new son, Mark Henry, born Sept. 22. He has a brother Eric, 2 Vz years old. Dean is employed as a con. suIting engineer by S. Levy Inc. of Brian G. Millburn is a captain in the Campbell, Calif. The family lives at USAF at Peterson AFB, Colo. He 1096 N. Central Ave., San Jose, CA writes: "Graduated , from Air Force 95'l28. Institute of Technology in Dec. '82 in . first cla$s t9 r~ive M:S. degr(ie in spaCe . Jim Leonard was selected for the board .' opet'ations.. Had n~w 'son, t.fatthew of directors of the Mid-American ElecDr. AD A. is cUrrently ~ 8ssoclate . SCott, 'Oct. 23, 1982." .Brian and Judy . tronies Conference (hlAECON) to be . . professor- of civil engineering at SOIith live at 8129 Brigantitte Drive, Colorado . held in St. Louis in 1984. He and wife Dakota State University. Besides his 1975 - Rita live at 255 Patterson Lane, FlorisSprings, CO 80918. teaching and research activities he is the sant, MO 63031. Sbeldon A. Easson Jr., '75, '76, is now president of the eastern branch of S.D . . employed by Telos Federal Systems, James W. ·Ott is a senior teleprocessing section of ASCE. He has been invited James L. McLafferty has been proby the Egyptian government to spend Lawton, Okla., as a senior analyst. He specialist f-or Caltex Petroleum Corp., and Judy have a new home at 4821 Dallas, Texas. He writes: "Mary Ann, moted to supervisor, pipeline engineernext sunimer in Egypt to assist the N.E. Winfield Circle, Lawton, OK Jacob and I are slowly becoming ing, for Western Slope Gas Co; in department of. transportation staff in 73501. They have two children-Texans. Dallas winters sure beat Rolla Denver, Colo. He is a registered profes, developing their programs. His present sional engineer. Jim and Lynn have twp and Jordan, 9 Brandon, 5 years old, winters!" They live at 500 Cumberland mailing address is P.O. Box 92, Brook.children - Michael, 7, and Molly, 2. months. Drive, Hurst, TX 760.54. ings, SO 57006. Their address is -3558 S.. Ouray Circle, Allen J. Paschke is a project leader Aurora, CO 80013.

MitcbeU Peterson, 9803 CI\lb Creek, No. 44, Houston, TX 77036, is a project engineer for Hydril Corp., productiontech division in Houston. He writes: "Had a busy week around Dec. 1 --started a new job, closed on my townhouse, ' and got engaged to Amber Madden. If any 'of our friends are in Houston, stop by or give us a call."



Jewel,LOgan is now teaching in Wentzville, Mo. school district. She and Curtis live at 2511 Silvennill Court, Chestei-{ield, MO 63017.

(M.I.S.) for Pizza Hut Inc., Wichita, Kan. He and Cynthia send a new address: 7611· E. 26th St. Court, Wichita, KS 67226.


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Carey Meyer is a civil engineer with Wright Forssen ' Associates in Anchorage, Alaska. He and Terry send a new address: 210 1 Paxson Drive, Anchorage, AK 99504. William K. Miebe is a sales engineer with the General Electric Compaiw, aircraft equipment division, in Boston. His new home address is No. 1 Brandywyne Common, Derry, NH 03038. His home phone is 603-434-8550.




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. David A: Noelken is a senior application engineer for Caterpillar Far East Ltd. He and Maria live at I1-B Dragon View Apts., 39 MacDonnell Road, Hong Kong. They write: "Moved to Hong Kong in June after spending the last five years in Singapore. Expecting our second child.in April." .. .


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P.O S4 / MSM Alumnus

Alumni Personals ___________________________________________ 1976 Continued James Pelger is a manufacturing engineer for Owens Corning Fiberglas, Houston, Texas. His home address is 13502 Northborough, No. 1109, Houston, TX 77067.

Michelle Robeson, 1903 Hodges St., Lake Charles, LA 70601 , writes: "I left Cities Service more than 18 months ago and have been employed with Olin Corp. as a senior development engineer ever since."

Paul W. Sapp, 4200 128th S.E., Bellevue, W A 98006, writes: "I have moved to the Seattle area where I am involved in the development of airborne navigation systems. I've grown very fond of living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest." Paul is a senior engineer with Microcomputer Electronics Corp., Mercer Island, Wash. Cheryl Tyner is now a computer programmer III at the Department of Administration, Tallahassee, Fla. She and Charles have a new address: 3760 Maria Circle, Tallahassee, FL 32303. Jeff Wassilak has been employed by A.C. Kirkwood & Associates P.c., Kansas City, Mo., since Sept. '83 as a senior engineer. His home address is .8811 E. 72nd St., Raytown, MO 64133.

1977 Bruce H. Allen recently was transferred with U.S. Gypsum Co. from engineering superintendent at Sperry, Iowa plant to wallboard superintendent at their East Chicago, Ind. plant. Bruce, Kathy and Bryan are expected to be in their newly constructed home by Jan. L Their new address is 412 North True Ave., Griffith, IN 46319.

Ronald Barnes is self-employed in repair and auto sales as "The Fix-It-Man" in Purdy, Mo. He and Sherrill send a new address: Route 2, Box 4, Purdy, MO 65734. William J. Bippus, a geophysicist with Occidental International Oil Inc., writes: "I'm currently London based~ working on the North Sea." He and Linda receive mail clo Occidental (London), P_O. Box 11174, Bakersfield, CA 93309.


David and Jo Ellen Cawlfield, Route 2, Box 444, Cleveland, TN 37311, write: "Our third child (first daughter) arrived Sept. 9, 1983. Alicia Diane weighed in at 8 Ibs. I Y2 oz. and measured 21 Y2 inches long. We have now placed all five of our programs for the IBM PC with a publisher, Blythe Valley Software. Look for our educational programs also on HP 150 and Apple II.'.'

The U.S. Post Office has reported the death of Montgomery Dee Byers. According to alumni records, his last address was Route 1, North Webster, IN 46555. Laurey A. Costich sends a new home address: 1222 Stockbridge, Webster, NY 14580.

Thomas M. Drumm is a senior engineer for Arco Alaska Inc_ and receives mail at SRA 1563K, Anchorage, AK 99507.

Robert A. Fricke, field service manager for Schlumberger Inland Services, writes: "Just -mov,ed from Ecuador to Aberdeen, Scotland. First assignment was district maintenance engineer, but now promoted to field service manager for North Sea operations." His home address is: Kirkton Ave., Pitmedden Industrial Estate, Dyce, Aberdeen, United Kingdom AB2 OBF.

Robert F. Gaebler is continuing as a graduate student in computer science here at UMR. He and Sally live at 18 Rolla Gardens, Rolla, MO 65401. Sally writes: "Our second son was born July 12 -- David Jonathan. His quiet, good- ' natured inanner still amazes us; what a neat kid! Bob is still plugging away at a Ph.D_ and we're taking bets on how big the family will be by the time he graduates." Gary and Stephanie (Touzinsky '78) Harland announce . the birth of son Kevin on ¡Sept. I, 198.3. Kevin joins three-year-old brothers Scott and Derek. The Harlands live at 5104 Bahama, Wichita Falls, TX 76310. Gary is a product development engineer in the ceramic division of Sprague Electric. Allan C. Harris, '77, '80, is an exploration geophysicist for Santa Fe Energy Co., Houston, Texas. He and Deborah reside at 10303 Lybert Road, Houston, TX 7704L Dennis R. Keats is president of Computer Array Development Inc., Santa Ana, Calif. He writes: "Computer Array Development Inc. was formed with three partners in April 1983. We provide research and development services for computer subsystem manufacturers." Dennis lives at 5052 Dutcher St., Irvine, CA 92714. Paul G. Kossina is a captain in the USAF stationed at Castle AFB, Calif. He and Nancy live at 507 E. Grove Ave., Atwater, CA 9530L

Norman C. Haas, his wife Liz, and two children have moved to the Kansas City area where Norman is president of pH Pharmaceuticals Inc. Their home address is: 12306 W . ¡ 74th Terrace, Shawnee, KS 66216. Michael Hardesty is a business evaluator for the Olin Corp., Stamford, Conn. He and Kimatha live on S. King St., Danbury, CT 06810. Stephanie (Touzinsky) and Gary, '77 Harland announce the birth of a son 1983 Rollamo Kevin on Sept. 1, 1983. Kevin joins three-year-old brothers Scott and Derek. Stephen J. Kuehn has a new position as The Harlands live at 5104 Bahama, technician for ' High Fidelity, Inc., Wichita Falls, TX 76310. Gary is a proAustin, Texas. fie sends a new home adduct development engineer in the dress: 12312 sea'rock Trail, Austin, TX ceramic division of Sprague Electric. 78727. Tom and Aleyce Lacy are the proud parents of their first child, Colin Thomas, born Nov. 20, 1983. Tom is a senior petroleum engineer with Tenneco Oil Co. The family lives at 313 Toulouse Drive, Lafayette, LA 70506. John Ladage Jr. is a developmental chemist for Carboline Co., St. Louis. He and Sue live at 8521 Eulalie, Brentwood, MO 63144. John writes: "Have a son, Matthew Eric, born Sept. 19, 1982." Brenda Langkopf, '77, '78, is a member of the technical staff of Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, N.M. Her home address is 12933 Marva Place S.E., Albuquerque, NM 87123. Louis G. LooS II, '77, '8~, is a construction engineer for the Missouri Highway & Transportation Department. He lives at 443-D Chancellor's Square Court, Kirkwood, MO 63122. Thomas A. Roth is a design engineer for J.I. Case, Racine, Wis. He and Jane moved in Oct. '83 to 5106 Twin Elms Drive, Racine, WI 53406. Bradley J. Wyatt is a chemical engineer for Texas Eastman Co. He writes: "Was appointed to the ethylene products divisIon technical staff on Oct. 3. In new assignment, am responsible for capital and special projects in the division." Brad and Pam- live at 1809 Northwood Court. Longview, TX 75605_

John J. Hunter is employed by Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Co., Kansas City, Mo. He writes: "I am continuing to thoroughly enjoy my work in the natural gas industry with Panhandle. I" am involved with troubleshooting equipment problems, facility design, inhouse training, and am now becoming involved with marketing gas to our customers. In my free time I'm working on remodeling my house, studying the stock market, and taking income tax classes." John li,{es at 8214 Oak, Kansas City, MO 64114. Gary Lake is now a technical engineer for Gaso Pumps, Tulsa, Okla. He and Patti live at 616 N. Moccasin Place, Sapulpa, OK 74066.

Harry T. Laswell II is prodm;t line manager for Intel Corp., Santa Clara, Calif. He and Stacy (Jostad) live at 1179 Bracebridge Court, Campbell, CA 95008.

Roger B. LeMaster is employed by Westinghouse Offshote Power Systems. He and Linda live at 7932 Southside Blvd_, No_ 806, Jacksonville, FL 32216.

Robert S. Meiners is an engineer-design, for McDonnell Aircraft Company, St. Louis. His home address is 12123 Preston Park Lane, St. Louis, MO 63146.

MSM Alumnus/ 55


Personals ___________________________________________ Mark K. Bortfeld has been promoted to senior con'sultant in the management advisory services division of Price Waterhouse, a major public accounting firm . Prior to joining Price Waterhouse in 1982, he served as ,a programmer analyst for John Deere Co. He is a member of the American Production and Inventory Control Society. He and his wife and daughter reside at '1012 Monroe St., St. Charles, MO 63301.

1983 Rollamo

Keith Donaldson writes: "In the past few months I have made several changes. I changed jobs within Delco Electronics and am now working in the equipment development center helpinK support and maintain a computer system. I moved to 226 N. M ill, Greentown, IN 46936 and changed my phone number to (317) 628-7606. Last and , most important, I married Susan Jackson, a project engineer in the computer techniques department at DelCo Electronics."

1978 Continued

Steve and Margaret (Fraser) Hibbeler, both class of '79, announCe the birth of Daniel A. Micka is now a division ' their son, Michael Steven, on July 19, engineer for the Western Slope Gas Co., 1983. The family lives at 3708 Red Bud Durango, Colo. He and Linda receive Lane, Kokomo, IN 46902. Steve is an mail at P.O. Box 5005, Durango, CO equipment development engineer for 81301. Delco Electronics in Kokomo. Ken St. Onge is now a senior engineer with Halliburton ERD. He and Diana have two'children -- Sherry, 5 years old, and Barrett, 3 years old. They live in Duncan and their mailing address is Route 2, Box 133, Marlow, OK 73055.

Mark A. Jones is a physicist with the Naval Avionics Center, Indianapolis, Ind., currently employed in the component failure analysis lab. His home address is 2423 Penny Court, Indianapolis, IN 46229.

Daniel L. Kallenberger is an industrial R. Scott Osborne received his M.S.E.E. engineer for Cessna Aircraft, Wallace and certificate of technology in health Division, Wichita, Kan. His new home care from Washington University, St. address is 505 N. Tyler, Apt. 502, Louis, in Dec. '82. He recently accepted Wichita, KS 67212. a position as a biomedical engineer at Ross Laboratories, a division of Abbott Laboratories, in Columbus, Ohio. His Charles E. Mattson is an electronics new borne address is 4024 Declaration system engineer at the Naval Weapons Drive, Columbus, OH 43230. . Center, China -Lake, Calif. He and Karen reside at 933 Forrest Knoll, No. D-30, Ridgecrest, CA 93 555. They Michael and Kim Winnett, 2819 Pheasant Run, Humble, TX 77 396, write: "Our first child, Roger Calvin write: "Enjoying Houston. Mike is resi- Mattson, was born on Jan. 29, 1983. He dent co nstru cti o n engineer for had a difficult time of it, spending his Anheuser Busch's ex pansio n of first I I days in the world 'in the Neo· Houston brewery in the beer packaging natal Intensive Care Unit at Lorna and shipping area. Kim is teaching pre- Linda University. He fought his way through all of the problems and today schoolers. Daniel is 4 Y2 years old. he has nearly caught up with babies who were born at the same time but without all the trouble. We are extremely proud of our little boy."

1979 Ronald Acker is project engineer at MeHro, Springfield, Mo., and lives at 3443 S. Main, Springfield, MO 65807. Debra Bene is a corporate engineer with Gould Inc., Rolling Meadows, Ill. Her home address is 2200 Monroe St., Apt. 1614, Santa Clara, CA 95050.

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Darrell Milburn is in the U.S. Army. You can write to him at Bldg. 4114, Room 13, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473. Doug Montgomery and Rebecca Erb, '80, are engaged to be married on March 31, 1984 in Springfield , Mo. Both are employed by Arco Alaska Inc. in Anchorage.

Joseph A. Safron is a veterinarian in the Monett Veterinarian Hospital. He and Debbie reside at 114 E. Hazel, Monett, MO 65708. Joseph K. Schmitt is a captain in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He and Margaret send a new address: 2239 NW Maser Drive, Corvallis, OR 97330. Robert Shirron is a major in the U.S. Army. He and Kathy live at 27 Kathrene Court, Webster, NY 14580. William J. Stein is a captain in the U.S. Army. He and Catherine live at 566-B Forney Loop, Ft. Belvoir, V A 22060. J ohn R. Swinson, drilling engineer for Chevrof\ USA, writes: "I just finished working five months in Sudan, Africa, as a drilling rep. I was transferred to Bakersfield Sept. 19 and am now supervising drilling rigs for Chevron's northern California division. My new address is 7100 Noah Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93308." Kevin S. Todd and wife Sharon recently moved to 2707 Park Ave., No. F, St. Louis, MO 63104. Katie and Keith, '80, Wesselschmidt are now in St. Louis. Katie was transferred with Southwestern Bell and Keith finished his MBA and took a job with Arthur Anderson & Co. Their new address is 11275 Claywood Drive, St. Louis, MO 63126.

Rebecca S. Erb, 409 Gravina Circle, Eagle River, AK 99577, is engaged to marry Doug Montgomery, . '79, on March 31, 1984 in Springfield, Mo. Both are employed by Arco Alaska Inc. in Anchorage. Dwight, '80, '82, and Susan (Payne '80, '81) Fulton are both engineers for Halliburton Services in their research center in Duncan, Okla. Their home address is 2102 Westbriar, Duncan, OK 73533. Phone: 405-252-7835. Robert L. Gray ' is' a power supply engineer for Kansas City Power & Light Co. He and Dianne live at 657 N.E. Russell Road, Kansas City, MO 64116. Wayne A. Hamilton geological engineer for Houston, Texas. He moved to 1234 Park 77450.

is an associate Shell Oil-Mining, and Mary have Lane, Katy, TX

Lindsey Ross , Henry married Sharon Katherine Bisges on Oct. I, 1983 in Osage Bend, Mo. The groom is employed by the Department· of Natural Resources and the bride is employed at Central Bank, both in Jefferson City. David W. Lang is now on the faculty of the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. His new home address is 60 Lee Place, Wellsville, NY 14895. Linda and David, '83, Madonna send a new address: 504 E. Otero Court, Littleton, CO 80122. David is employed by , Martin Marietta Aerospace in Denver as a systems engineer.

1980 Carol R. Blumenstein currently lives at 1808 Waiola St., Apt. 2, Honolulu, HI 96826. Alan C. Chen is employed as a loss prevention specialist for Monsanto, St. Louis, Mo. He and Lucia reside at 13019 Ferncrest Court, Creve Coeur, MO 63141. Katarzyna and Hugo Christenson, both class of '80, send a new address: 3 Wright Place, Garran, Act. (Australia) 2605. She is employed as a programmer at the Social Sciences Data Archives in Canberra and he is a post-doctoral fellow in applied math at Research School of Physical Sciences, Australia National University. David G. Denison is a field engineer for Bechtel Power Corp., Midland, Mich. His home address is 3592 N. Doncaster Court, W·2, Saginaw, MI 48603.

Richard L. Maginnis is a sen ior engineer for Therapeutic Technologies Inc. in Dayton, Ohio. His home address is 2087-C Valley Green Drive, Kettering, OH 45440. John Miller is a project engineer I for Williams Pipeline Co., Tulsa, Okla. He and Renee (Winegard) send a new home address: 3237 Riverside Drive, Apt. 178, Tulsa, OK 74105. Martin W. Moakler Jr. is a student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y. He and Kathleen send a new home address: 9-B Arnold ~ne, Watervliet, NY 12189. Tom and Lisa (Carroll '81) Mueller send their new home address: 505 Glade Place, Valparaiso, IN 46383. Mark R. Neider is a process engineer for Texas Instruments. He and Lisa live at 2410 Libra Drive, Garland, T~ 75042.


Personals _________________________________________

1980 Continued cle, to on

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Jeffrey Sbeets is a staff process engineer with Phillips Petroleum Co., Warda, Texas. He and Patricia send a new address: Route I, Box 665-C, La Grange, TX 78945. '

J. Doug West is a coordinator of electronics shop in biochem and physics department at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. He and Luan live at 702 E. 19th St., Stillwater, OK 74074. They write: "We are proud to announce the birth of our first child, Erin Rebecca, on June 18, 1983. She weighed in at 7Ibs."

Brian Snyder is a design engineer at UOP Process Division, Des Plaines, Ill. He and Sharon send a new address: 793 Coventry Place, Wheeling, IL 60090.

Jerry Frederick. 5436 Topping Place, Charlotte, NC 28209 writes: "Bette and I are back in school, attending the University of North CarolinaCharlotte,"


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Keb-Lib and Wen·Cbuen Tzuoo are living at 128-A, Escondido Village, Stanford, CA 94305. Keh-Lih is on educa, tionalleave from General Motors and is a Ph.D. candidate at Stanford University. Mark Co Van Gilst works as an engineer with the U.S_ Air Force, involved in systems acquisition. He and Carol welcomed a new daughter, Katherine, into their family on July 24, 1983. The family resides at 1138 Churing Drive, San Antonio, TX 78245. Frank Werner and Debbie Kennedy were married on June 3, 1983. Frank is a project engineer for McCarthy Brothers Construction Co., working on a locomotive repair facility for Missouri Pacific Railroad. Debbie is a sales assistant for Drexel Burnham Lambert. The couple's current address is 7392 Dale, Apt. 3, St. Louis, MO 63117.




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Keitb and Katie, '79, Wesselscbmidt are now in St. Louis. Katie was transferred with Southwestern Bell and Keith finished his MBA and took a job with Arthur Anderson & Co. Their new address is 11275 Claywood Drive, St. Louis, MO 63126. Craig A. Willougbby is now an engineer for Carter Mining Company. His new home address is 206 Hogeye, Gillette, WY 82716.

1981 Marjorie R. Andler is employed by John Deere Component Works, Waterloo, Iowa, as a materials engineer. Her home address is 1127 Tiffany Place, No. 12, Waterloo, IA 50701. Joe Brinkmann, '81, '82, writes: "Liz, '82, and I have been living in Johannesburg since Feb. '83 when Liz began her MSc in Metallurgy at the University of the Witwatersrand and I started work for the Chamber of Mines as a research engineer in the blasting division. We miss St. Pat's terribly!!" Their new address is: No.4 Utah, Countesses Ave., Windsor Park 2194, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa. Steve G. Cronin is a project engineer for the HBE Corp., St. Louis. He and Marie live at 11909 Villa DOrado, St. Louis, MO 63141. Gbolam Hossein Dasbti is a field engineer for McBride-Ratcliff & Assoc. in Houston, Texas. He and Christine have a new home address: 8327 West Tidwell, N<? 1105, Houston, TX 77040. H.L. Dewar is an electronics engineer with McDonald Douglas Astronautics ' Co., St. Louis. His home address is 7145 Westmoreland Ave., University City, MO 63130.



Jeffery Co Kipp is a field engineer for Square D Co., Los Angeles, Calif. He and Lori Ann (Robermon) live at 3021 Knoxville, Long Beach, CA 90808. James D. Lucas, 7717 Janak Drive, Houston, TX 77055, is a process engineer for Texas Eastern Transmission Corp. Michael D. Marra, '81, '83, is now an engineer in design analysis for Delco Products Division of General Motors in Dayton, Ohio. His home address is 2612 Dunhill Place, Kettering, OH 45420. Lawrence MiUer is now attending St. Louis University Law School. He and Therese are living at 1022-C Rue de la Bangue East, Creve Coeur, MO 63141. Lisa (Carroll) Mueller is a metallurgical engineer for Bethelehem Steel Corp, Chesterton, Ind. She and Tom '80 send their new address: 505 Glade Place, Valparaiso, IN 46383. Kevin R. Sharp is an engineer for Autocon Inc. and lives at 3402 Blalock, No. 3413, Houston, TX 77080. Doli K. Sbetley writes: "I'm getting married May 19, 1984 to Joe Michael (Mike) Jones. Doing contract work at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City, as a programmer/analyst for Informatics (P.S.O.W.) Gen. Corp., Dallas, Texas." Her current home address is 3405 Service Road, No. 172, Moore, OK 73160. Kevin Ray Sprenkle is now employed by Barton Engineering Co. Inc., Lebanon, Mo. He and Nola live on Route 6, Box 47AA, Lebanon, MO 65536 . .




Gregg Story is a process iml?rovement engineer for Texas Eastman Co., Longview, Texas. He and Melanie have moved to 2021-B Majestic Pace, Longview, TX 75609.






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Rosemary Emboff, 3428 W. Richwoods Blvd., Peoria, IL, writes: "I'm not working for Caterpillar anymore -- decided yellow wasn't my favorite color. Started working at the IBM branch here in Peoria Nov. 1 (systems engineer). To top it all off I'm working on IBM's Cat marketing team!"

1983 Rollamo

Roy O. Wingfield is employed by the department of the Army at Ft. McClellan, AJa. He and Rebecca receive mail at P.O. Box 705, Weaver, AL 36277. They have a son, Joshua Elijah, born Dec. 22, 1982_

Dorotby Hung·Lee Yu recently joined the technical staff of The Mitre Corp., Bedford, Mass. Her new home address is 8A Iris Court, Acton, MA 01720.

1982 Stephen A. Bahn is an associate engineer with TenneSsee Gas Pipeline, Houston, Texas. He is engaged to marry Gayle Meyer (also '82) and sends his home address: 910 Cypress Station, Apt. 1634, Houston, TX 77090. Mark Alan Bucbschacber, '82, '83, is now an engineer in technology for McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Co., St. Louis. His home address is 1542 Fournier, St. Louis, MO 63126. Glen Dee Cunningham is an associate engineer for IBM in East Fishkill, N.Y. His home address is 2B Locust Court, Fishkill, NY 12524. Tony Lynn Davis is an associate device engineer for United TechnologiesMostek, Carrollton, Texas. He and Tammy live at 1901 Lakeview Circle, No. 1704, Louisville, TX 75067. Eric DonneD is a design engineer for Texas Instruments. He lives at 9696 Walnut, No. 1316, Dallas, TX 75243. Mary Ellen Ford and Robert Loyd Telker, both from the Class of '82, were married in September. The bride is a developmental geologist with PetroLewis Corp. and the groom is assistant managment engineer at the Baptist Medical Center, both in Oklahoma City. After a honeymoon in Knoxville, Tenn., the couple made their home at 8309 S.W. 36th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73179. William G. Gillette Jr. is a designer Urobot technician with Melton Machine & Control Co., Washington, Mo. He and Lee Ann now live at Route 3, Box 555, Marthasville, MO 63357. David L. Gockley. is an associate engineer for Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, Miss. He writes: "Married Paula Spirz of St. Louis in May '83. She's a graduate of UMSL." The couple lives at 4900 Old Mobile Hwy. No. 110, Pascagoula, MS 39567. Wayne Huebner is presently a graduate student at UMR, working toward a Ph.D. He and Amy live at 701A Houston Road, Rolla, MO 65401.

)42. MSM Alumnus / 57


Personals ----------------------------------~------------~--

Jeffrey F. Simmons writes: "Studying for MS in petroleum engineering." He Kevin Isom is a sub-sea geological lives at 430 E. O'Keefe, Apt. 116, Palo engineer for SEDCO in Dallas, Texas_ Alto, CA 94303 . He and Rebecca (Kovarik '83) live at IIO-IB N.E. 6'lst Terrace, Gladstone, Jeffrey L. Smith is an engineer for ManMO 64118 _ ville Service Corp., R&D Center in Denver, Colo_ He and Lori Ann live at Randy Killian is employed as a sign 1401 E. Girard Ave., Apt. 412-17, maker at Plastilume inc., Houston , Englewood, CO 80 II O.

1982 Continued

Texas_ He and Dianne reside at 12000 Michael Sticka is employed by lE. Sawmill Road, No. 2015, The WoodDosenbach Heating & Air Conditioning lands, TX 77380. in St. Leuis. He and Mary Ann reside at 3670 Gravois, St. Louis, MO 63116. Richard A. Kottemann Jr. is a distribution/design engineer for Laclede Gas Betty Jean Stout is an associate Co., SL Louis, Mo. He writes: "Current- engineer with Westinghouse in Idaho ly doing pipeline design and computer Falls, Idaho_ Her home address is 2101 simulation work for Laclede's distribu- Marigold, No.6, Pocatello, ID 83201. tion system in SL Louis County_Second daughter, Marcia Marie, arrived Sept Kevin G. Sutterer, '82, '83, began work18, 1983." Richard and Donna moved ing for Soil Consultants Inc., St. Peters, into an older home in April '83 at 7364 Mo. , on Jan. 3. He and Kathy Welker Idamor Lane, Affton, MO 63123. were married on Nov. 26, 1983, and now reside at 506C Donner Pass, St. Kevin A. Kriewall is an engineer I with Peters, MO 63376. the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. He sends a new home address: 338 South 17th, Clinton, OK 7360 I. Thomas Jeffrey LaBrot is an electrical engineer for Noranda in New Madrid, Mo. He and Karen live at 723 Old Kings Highway, New Madrid, MO 63869. Gloria (Kriegh) Lechner is a graduate student here at UMR. She and Charles live at 103-D Fox Creek, Rolla, MO 6540 I. Carlos Mallol is project manager for Cadi Construction Co. Inc., Rockville, Md. He and Cristina send a new address: 10201 Grosvenor Place, No_614, Rockville, MD 20852. Brian K. Paris is now an area engineer for Olin Corp., East Alton , IU. He sends a new home address: 151 -C Rou Des Chateau, Bethalto, IL 62010. Suzanne and Patrick Pautler, both Class of '82, are living at Route I, Box 319-1, Guin, AL 35563 . Pat is a ceramic process control engineer for the 3M Company. Steven Keith Peecher and Sophie Tina Paul were married Sept. 24 in Elsberry, Mo. Steven is a sales engineer for Johnson Controls Corp. The couple is living in SL Ann, Mo. Mark D. Schaake has accepted the position of project engineer/maintenance planner with Oscar Mayer Foods Corp., Goodlettsville, Tenn_ He and Patrice reside at 549 E. Main St., Apt. D-45 , Hendersonville, TN 37075 _

Sa/ MSM Alumnus


1983 Rollamo

Gerald D. Gute is an engineer in training at Packard Electric, a division of General Motors in Warren, Ohio_ He and Susan reside at 127 Amy Place, Cortland, OH 44410. Stephen J. Jacobi is a project engineer for Bristol-Myers Products in St. Louis, and lives at 12128 Red Lion, Florissant, MO 63033.

William L. Prehm is a storage engineer for Northern lUinois Gas and lives at 2206 Rainbow No.2, Bloomington, IL 61701. He writes: "I'm alive and well in Bloomington, III." Carl Sauer is a materials engineer at the Naval Air Rework Facility, Cherry Point, N_C. His new home address is 1103 Arendell, Morehead City, NC 28557 _

Lauren Ainley reports she began work in November as a geological engineer Christopher M. Johnson has been comfor Law Engineering & Testing Com- missioned a second lieutenant in the Gordon S. Schmidt writes: "I am curpany, 920 Twin Elms Center, Nashville, U.S. Air Force upon graduation from rently attending the University of Notre TN 37120. officer training school at Lackland AFB, Dame, working on my Ph.D. in Texas. He will now be assigned at Grif- aerospace engineering." His new home Michael J. Biega is a second lieutenant fis AFB, N.Y. He and wife Jill receive address is 1647-A North Riverside in the U.s_Army. He and Vi send their mail clo Irene Abernethy, 707 S. Blaine, Drive, South Bend, IN 46616. new home address: 106 Anniston, Grand Island, NE 68801. (Jill's mother). Michael Siede\ is a mechanical engineer W.S.M.R., Las Cruces, NM 88002. with Sverdrup & Parcel Associates. He Rebecca (Kovarik) and Kevin, '82, Isom Edward J. Brandt is an application are living at I IO-IB N.E. 61st Terrace, and Terry live at 2345 Indian Cup engineer with Jakel Motors, Highland, Gladstone, MO 64118 . Kevin is Drive, Florissant, MO 63033. III. He and Beverly have moved to employed by SEDCO in Dallas, Texas, James V. Stevens has been employed by 813-A S. Morrison , Collinsville, IL as a sub-sea geological engineer. IBM as a programmer. His home ad62234. dress is 6624-B Yateswood Drive, Sherrill (Yescavage) and David Crets Bruce Landon is a mechanical engineer Charlotte, NC 282 J'2 . send their new address: 691 Pear Tree for AVX Ceramics, Myrtle Beach, S.c. Richard Straeter is an engineer for His new home address is Unit No. 3, Lane, No.3 , Arnold , MO 63010. 120 19th South, Myrtle Beach, SC Flopetrol, ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast 08. He and Rose Marie receive mail at Glenn W. Donaldson has joined the 29577. Route I, Box 31 , Breese, IL 62230. staff of Emerson Electric Company, St. Louis, Mo. , as a programmer/analyst. M. David Madonna is a systems Dennis W. Webb is a civil engineer at He and Donna are living at 5336 engineer for Martin Marietta Waterways Experiment Station , Knollwood Parkway Court, Apt. J, Aerospace, Denver, Colo.. He and Vicksburg, Miss. He receives mail at Linda, '80, send a new address: 504 E. P.O. Box 923, Vicksburg, MS 39180_ Hazelwood, MO 63042. Otero Court, Littleton, CO 80122. Oran "Keith" Elting writes: "Martha Carol Williams is a reliability engineer and I moved to 184-B Rou des Chateau, Mahesh H. Mehta sends a new home for Rockwell International in Anaheim, Bethalto, IL 620 I0, on Nov . II. I address: 722 N. 63rd St., Apt. E, Kansas Calif. and lives at 1530 S. Highland started work for Olin as a metallurgical City, KS 66102, phone 913-299-8966_ Ave., Apt. L, Fullerton, CA 92632. process engineer in the brass mill on J. Kent Peterson is an associate Paul WoHgeher writes: "I have accepted Nov . 14." engineer (design) at Lockheed Missiles a position with Robert E. McKee Inc_, a William H. Graham has continued as a and Space Co. in Sunnyvale, Calif. His general contractor headquartered in student at UMR_He and Sandra reside new home address is 655 Moorpark Dallas, as an estimator." Paul's home adat 18 Windsor Plaza Trailer Court, Way, No. I, Mountain View, CA dress is 8325 Meadow Road, No. 265, Dallas, TX 75231. 94041. Rolla, MO 65401.

MSM·UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Telephone (314) 341-4171; (314) 341-4172 OFFICERS Term Expires President . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .... . . Lawrence A. Spanier, '50 . .. . . ... . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . 5 Pettit Drive . ..... . ... . . . .. 1984 Dix Hills, N.Y. 11746 President Elect : . . . .. . . .. . . . ... . James B. McGrath, '49 .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . ... . . . .. 12425 Balwyck Lane . . . . . . . .. 1984 St. Louis, MO 63131 Vice ·President. . . . .. . . . . . .. .... . Arthur G. Baebler, '55 . . . . ... .. ... .. . . . . . .. .... 20 Fox Meadows-. . .. .. . . . .. . 1984 Sunset Hills, M063127 Vice President. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. Alfred J. Buescher, '64 . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . .... . . . 624 Golfview Drive .. . . .. . ... 1984 . Ballwin, MO 630Il Vice President. . ..... . . . . . . . . . .. John B. Toomey, '49 . . .. . . .... . . . . .... . . .. . . . . . 7412 Admiral Drive . ... . ... . 1984 . . Alexandria, VA 223.7 Vice President. . . . . .. . . .... . . . . . Robert V. Wolf, '51 : . . . . ......... . . . .. .. .. . . .. Metallurgical Engineering Department. . . .. . '. . . . . ... . . 1984 UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 Secretary .. . ... .. '... . .. . .. . . . . . Martha Gerig, '69 . ....... . . . '... . . . . . . . . . . ... .. 9926 Gulf Hills Drive .. . . . . .. 1984 Sun City, AZ 85351 Treasurer .. . .. . ... . . . ... . .... . . J.L. "Jack" Painter, '50 .... .. .. . .. . .... . . . . . . . . . 1610 Wilson Circle . . ... . . . .. 1984 . Rolla, MO 6540 I


DIRECTORS AT LARGE Term Expires Thor Gjelsteen, '53 . . . . .. . . . . .... 7300 W. Stetson Place, No. 41 , Littleton, CO 80123 ... . ... .. . .. . . .. . . .. .... . . . . 1985 James D. Gostin, '44 . .. ... . . . ... : 180 Mt. Olive Drive, Bradbury, CA 91010 . .... . . . . ...... . ....... . . .. . . . . . .. . 1985 Paula Hudson, '73 . . .. . . . . . . . . ... P.O. Box 809, First City National Bank, Houston, TX 77001 .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. .. . 1986 Gerald L. Stevenson, '59 .... .. . . . . 5Il N. Main St., Chagrin ,Falls, OH 44022 . . . .. . ... . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... 1984 Ronald A. Tappmeyer, '47 .. .. . .. . 2226 Country Club Dnve, Sugar Land, TX 77478 .. ... . . . .. .. .. ......... . .. . .. 1984 Armin J. Tucker, '40 . . .. .. . .... . . 6464 Overlook Drive, Alexandria, VA 22312 . .. . .. . ... . . . . .. . . .. .. . ... . . . . . .. 1985



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Area Zip Code. Numbers AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires 00-14 David 1. Blume, '65 . . . . . .' . . . Il Musket Trail, Simsbury, CT 06070 . . .. .. . .... . . . . . . ... .. . . . .. . . .. . ..... . . 1986 15-21 Robert C. Perry, '49 . .. .. .. . 302 Fox Chapel Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 . . . . . .... . . . . .. . . . . .. . ...... . .... 1986 22-34 Wayne R. Broaddus, Jr., '55 . . P.O. Box 2545, Dalto!), GA 30720 . . .. ........ . ..... .. .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . ... 1985 35-45 Russell A. Kamper, '62 . . . . . , 5674 Shadow Oaks, Dayton, OH 45440 . . . . .. . . .. . . ... . .. ... . .. . . .. . . . ... .. . 1986 46-59 George Baumgartner, '56 .... 2120 Syracuse, Dearborn, MI 481 24 .. . ... . . ... . .. . .. . .. . ... . .... . ....... . . . 1984 60-61 Eugene J. Daily, '36 . .. . ... .. 816 Dennison Drive, Champaign, IL 61820 ... . . . . . . . . . ........ .. .. .. . : . . .. . . . 1985 62-62 Ernst Weinel,'44 .. . . . .. . .. . 1502 West 5Q, O'Fallon, IL 62269 . .... . . . ... . ....... . .. . ... . . ... . ........ . . 1984 63-65 Jerome T. Berry, '49 . . . .. . .. Rt. 4, Box 321, Rolla, MO 65401. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. _... . '. . . . . . . ... .. .. . . . 1984 63-65 Harold G. Butzer, '47 .. . ... .41 1 Schellridge, Jefferson City, MO 65101 . . .. ... ... . . . . . .. . 1985 . 63-65 Matteo A. Coco, '66 .. . . . .. . 7115 Aliceton Ave., St. Louis, MO 63123 . .. . . ..... . .. ... . . . . .... .. .. .. . .... . 1984 63-65 Harold R. Crane, '53 . . . . . ... 480 CouQtry Club Drive, Hannibal, MO 6340 I .... . .. . .. ... . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 1986 63-65 B. Neil Lewis,'58 : .. ... . . . . . 115 College St., P.O. Box 627, Kennett, MO 63857 . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. ... . . ..... 1985 63-65 Paul R. Munger, '58 . . . ... . . Director Institute of River Studies, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1984 63-65 J. Robert Patterson, '54 .... .. Show Me, Inc., P.O. Box 573, Sikeston, MO 63801 . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. 1984 63-65 Kenr eth D. Pohlig, '64 ... .. . 2 Vienne Court, Lake St. Louis, MO 63367 . . . . .. ..... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . 1986 .63·65 Robert E. Vansant, '51. .. . . .435 E. 55 St., Kansas City, MO 641 10 .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . ... . .... . ..... 1986 63-65 C.M. Wattenbarger, '41 . .. . . 205 W. First St. t errace, Lamar, MO 64759 . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . 1984 66-74 David D. Kick, '57 .. . . . . . . . .4915 S. Lakewood Drive, Tulsa, OK 74135 ... . . . . . .. . . . . ... . ..... . . .. . .. . .... 1985 75-79 James B. Chaney, '48 : . ..... 16218 Chipstead Drive, Spring, TX 77373 . .... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . ..... 1985 80-89 & 96-99 J. Richard Hunt, '50.14913 Highway 82, Carbondale, CO 81623 . ...... . . .... . .. . . ....... .. . . . .... . 1986 90-95 Robert L. Ray, '47 ... . . .. . . . 6045 Estates Drive, Oakland; CA 94611. .. . . . .... .. . ..... . ... . . ..... .. .. .. .. 1985 ! •. . •. • . . . . . . . • . •

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COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Frank Appleyard, '37 . . . . . . . . .- ... P.O. Box 1991, Tubac, AZ 85640 Robert W. Klorer, '44 . .. . .. . .... . 7500 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63123 Joel F. Loveridge, '39 . .. ... . . . . . . 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Walter C. Mulyca, '65 . . .. . . .. . ... 16947 So. Meadows Circle, Strongsville, OH 44136 Term Expires . EXEc;UTiVE COMMITTEE Richard H. Bauer, '52 ... . .. ..... . Missouri Electrochem Inc., 19058 Lin-Valle Drive . . ... ... . . . .... . . . . .. . . : .. .. .'1984 St. Louis, MO 63123 . Robert D. Bay, :49 ....... ...... . .. Black & Veatch, 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway . . ........ . . ... ...... . . . . . . . . . '. . 1988 Kansas City,. MO 64114 Joseph W. Mooney, '39 .... . . . .... . 7383 Westmoreland, University City, MO 63130 .... . . .. .. . . .. . .... .. . .. .. . . .. 1986 EX-OFFICO DIRECTORS Robert M. Brackbill, '42 . . . . . .... . 9148 Clearlake Drive, Dallas, TX 75225 Paul T. Dowling, '40 . . . . . . . ... . . . 10144 Winding Ridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63124 R.O. Kasten, '43 . . ... ........ . .. 901 West I 14th Terrace, JCansas City, MO 6411 4 Peter F. Mattei, '37 ... . . . . . .. . ... 9954 Holliston Court, St. Louis, MO 63124 Melvin E. Nickel, '38 ... . .. . .... . 1060 I South Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 F.e. Schneeberger, '25 . . . . .. . ... . One Briar Oak, St. Louis, MO 63132 James W. Stephens, '47 .. . . . .. . . . . Missouri Public Service Co., P.O. Box Ii 739 Kansas City, MO 64138 STAFF Frank H. Mackaman ...... .. .... Executive Vice·President, MSM·UMR Alumni Association and Director, Office of Alumni/Development, UMRolla Larry Allen . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . .... Assistant Director, Alumni Activities Louise Wilson . . . . .... .. ... .. . .. Admin. Secretary, AlumnilDevelopment Sally White .. . . .. .. . . . ... . .. .. . Editor, MSM ALUMNUS MSM·UM R Alumni Association, Harris Hall, UMR , Rolla, MO 65401 -9990 MSM Alumnu s / 59

UMR Begins Installation of $2 _Million Cad/Cam System Addition Charles Irwin (left), supervisov at the University of Missouri-Rolla Computer Center; Jim Ehler (center), IBM customer engineer; and David Dearth, director of the UMR Computer Center, survey some of the equipment for and discuss the installation of UMR's new $2 million .state-of-the-art IBM CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing) system. According to Dearth, UMR has received about 70 percent of the equipment for the system and deliveries ar~ expected to continue for the next several weeks. "Installation of the system will proceed and we hope to be able to run some programs by the beginning of March and to begin using terminals by the end of that month," he said . . UMR was one of 20 universities selected last summer by the IBM Corporation to receive a CAD/CAM system as part of the company's Manufacturing Engineering Grant Program. Proposals were submitted by 115 universities nationwide. When complete, the UMR system will include graphics and other termi'nals, IBM personal computers, an IBM 4341 host computet and peripheral equipment such as disk storage units and several software packages. "This system represents a signifi~nt addition to our CAD/CAM program," Dearth said. " It is similar to and will complement the system we already have and grea tly increases our capabilities in this area ."


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