Missouri S&T Magazine, June 1984

Page 1

~~-----.. Alumnus

University of Missouri-Rolla

June, 1984

MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Telephone (314) 34 1-4 171; (314) 341 -4172

President .


President Elect. Vice President .

MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Misso uri-Rolla Rolla , M issouri

Vice President . Vice President . Vice President . Secreta ry .

Volume 58 Number 3 June, 1984 On The Cover

Twenty-five members of the Class of 1934 returned to campus May 11-13 for the 50th anniversary of their graduation_ Highlight of the Golden Reunion was participation in the III th Annual Commencement ceremonies held Sunday afternoon on Jackling Field_ Some 880 UMR students received their degrees, 13 distinguished individuals received professional degrees and Marvin E. Nevins, '41, delivered the commencement address and was awarded the Doctor of Engineering Degree (Honoris Causa)_ For further details and photos of the festivities, see pages I through 9_

MSM ALUMNUS (USPS·323·500) Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri-Rolla. Entered as second class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401-9990, under the Act of March 3,1897.

Treasu rer .

OFFICERS .. . Lawrence A. Spanier, '50 .

Term Ex pires · .5 Pettit Drive ............... 1984 Dix Hills, N.Y. 11 746 · . 12425 Balwyck Lane ......... 1984 · .James B. McG rath, '49 . St. Louis, MO 6313 1 . . ... 1984 · . Art hur G. Baebler, '55 ......... . . . . . · . 20 Fox Meadows . Sunset Hills, MO 63127 · . Alfred J. Buescher, '64 . · .624 Golfview Drive .. ... . .... 1984 Ballwin, MO 630 II · . John B. Toomey, '49. · . 74 12 Admiral Drive ... . .... . 1984 Alexandria, VA 22307 · . Robert V. Wolf, '5 1. · . Metallu rgical Engineering Department . . .. . .... . .... . 1984 UMR, Rolla , MO 65401 · .9926 Gu lf Hills Dri ve ..... ... 1984 · . Martha Gerig, '69 . Sun City, AZ 8535 1 ...... J.L. "Jack" Painter, '50 . .. 1610 Wi lson Circle .. . ....... 1984 Rolla, MO 6540 1

Term Expires DIRECTORS AT LARGE Thor Gjelsteen , '53 . . . . .. . , . , .... 7300 W. Stetson Place, No. 41 , Litt leton, CO 80123 ........ 1985 James D. Gostin, '44 . . 1985 . . . . 180 Mt. Olive Dri ve, Bradbur y, CA 91010. . . 1986 Paula Hudson , '73 ... . P.O. Box 809, First City Nat ional Bank , Houston, TX 77001 . Gerald L. Stevenson, '59 . 51 1 N. Main St., Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 . .. 1984 Ronald A. Tappmeyer, '47 . 2226 Country Club Drive, Suga r Land, TX 77478 . . . . 1984 .6464 Overlook Drive, Alexa ndria, VA 22312 . .. .. .. 1985 Armin J. Tucker, '40 . Area Zip Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires 00-14 David J. Blume, '65 ......... II Musket Trail , Simsbury, CT 06070 . . ........... 1986 15-2 1 Robert e. Perry , '49. . 302 Fox Chapel Road, Pittsbu rgh, PA 15238 ........ ... . ... ..... 1986 22·34 Wayne R. Broaddus, Jr. , '55 . P.O. Box 2545 , 405 Est her Dr. Dalton , GA 30720 ................ 1985 35-45 Russell A. Kamper, '62 . . .. . . 5674 Shadow Oaks, Dayton , OH 45440 . 1986 46·59 George Baumgartner, '56 .... 2120 Syracuse, Dearborn, MI48124 ..................... _..... 1984 60·61 Eugene J. Daily, '36 .... . .... 816 Dennison Drive, Champaign, IL 61820 . ...... .. . .. . 1985 62·62 Ernst Weinel, '44 . . . 1502 West 50, O'Fallon , IL 62269 ........... , . . . . . .. ... . ...... 1984 63·65 Jerome T. Berry, '49 . . Rt. 4, Box 4 19, Rolla, MO 6540 I . . . 1984 63·65 Harold G. Butzer, '47 ....... 411 Schell ridge, Jefferson City , MO 6510 I . . . ... 1985 63-65 Matteo A. Coco, '66 ........ 7 11 5 Aliceton Ave., St. Louis, MO 63123 . . .. 1984 63·65 Harold R. Crane, '53 . .480 Country Club Drive, Hannibal , MO 6340 I . . .. 1986 63·65 B. Neil Lewis, '58 . . . 115 College St. , P.O. Box 627, Ken nett, MO 63857 ............... 1985 63-65 Pau l R. Munger, '58 . . Di rector Institute of River Studies, UMR, Rolla , MO 6540 I . 1984 63-65 J. Robert Patterson , '54 . . . Show Me, Inc., P.O. Box 573 , Sikeston, MO 6380 I ................ 1984 63-65 Kenneth D. Pohlig, '64 . . 2 Vienne Court, Lake St. Louis, MO 63367 ...................... 1986 63·65 Robert E. Vansant , '51.... .. 435 E. 55 St. , Kansas City, M064110. . .. 1986 63·65 e. M. Wattenbarger, '41 . 205 W. First St. Terrace, Lamar, MO 64 759 . . . 1984 66·74 David D. Kick , '57 ...... .... 49 15 S. Lakewood Drive, Tulsa, OK 741 35 . . ..... 1985 75·7 9 James B. Chaney , '48 ..... .. 162 18 Chipstead Drive, Spring, TX 773 73. . .. 1985 80·89 & 96·99 J. Richard Hunt. '50 . 1491 3 Highway 82 , Carbondale, CO 816 23 . . . 1986 . ... 604 5 Estates Dri ve, Oakland, CA 94611 .................. _..... 1985 90·95 Robert L. Ra y, '47. .

EXECUT IVE COMM ITTEE Missouri Electrochem Inc .. 19058 Lin-Valle Drive. St. Louis, MO 63 123 Robert D. Bay, '49 .............. Black & Veatch. 1500 Meadow Lake Parkwa y .. Kansas Cit y, MO 64114 Joseph W. Mooney, '39. . 7383 Westmoreland, University City, MO 63130 .


in the most Term Expires . ....... . 1984

EX·OFFICO DIRECTORS Robert M. Brackbill, '42 .......... 9148 Clearlake Drive, Dallas. TX 75225 Paul T. Dow ling, '40 . . ... 10 144 Wind ing Ridge Road , St. Louis, MO 63 124 R.O. Kasten , '43. 90 1 West 114th Terrace, Kansas City , MO 64 114 Peter F. Mattei, '37. .9954 Holliston Cou rt , St. Louis, MO 63 124 Melvin E. Nickel, ·38 ........ . ... 1060 1 Sou th Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 F.e. Schneeberger, '25 . . . . One Briar Oak , St. Lou is, MO 63 132 James W. Stephens, '47 . . .... Missouri Public Service Co., P.O. Box 11739 Kansas City, MO 64 138 STAFF . . Executi ve Vice-President, MSM -UMR Alumni Associat ion and Director. Office of Alu mn i/Development. UMRolla Larry Allen . . ... Assistant Director, Alumni Acti vit ies Louise Wi lson . Admin. Secretary, Alumni/Development Sa ll y White . ... ... . . . . . ........ Editor, MSM ALUMNUS MSM ·UMR Alu mni Association, Harris Hall , UM R, Rolla. MO 6540 1·9990 Frank H. Mackaman .



COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN . .. P.O. Box 1991 , Tubac, AZ 85640 Frank Appleyard , '37 . Robert W. Klo rer, '44 ............ 75 00 Natura l Bridge Road , St. Louis. MO 63123 Joel F. Loveridge, '39. . 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Walter e. Mulyca, '65 .......... . . 16947 So. Meadows Circle, Strongville, OH 441 36

Richard H. Bauer, '52.


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Golden Alumni From the opening event on Friday evening--a buffet dinner at the Chancellor's Residence hosted by Joseph and Louise Marchello--to the final cocktail party on Sunday evening at Club '34, the 50th anniversary for members of the Class of 1934 was a celebration of a lifetime. In addition to the renewal of old friendships, the weekend included tours of Rolla and the campus (by bus), a luncheon, a brunch, a banquet and numerous social hours in the Club '34 hospitality room at Zeno's Motel where most of the participants were staying.

Class of 1934 Highlight of the weekend, however, was marching in the academic procession (clad in appropriate robes), and being recognized as an honored group at the UMR III th Annual Commencement on Sunday afternoon . The Class of 1934 is unique in that it now has a perma¡ nent Class President. At the luncheon on Saturday, Dick Hudson nominated Jim Darling for that august position and Jim was elected unanimously . Jim may be reached at P.O. Box 1172, Brooksville, FL 33512.

Expires 1984 1988 .. 198.

MSM Alumnus / 1

Harold Absher

Robert L. Cunningham

J. W. (Jim) Darting

Nashville, At MSM: B.S. CE, Lambda C hi Alpha, Satyrs, Blue Key, ASCE Career: 42 years Washington County Illinois Highway Dept.

St. Louis At MSM: B.S. ChE, BS Pet '37 , Independent , Glee C lub, Band, Ira Remsen Career: Production engineer"quality control, 40 years 8 companies

Brooksville, Fla. At MSM: B.S. CE, Independent, ASCE (pres.路v.p.) ROTC, Officers' Club Career: 7 years private practice engineering路 surveying, 32 years civilian engineer, government installations in the Pacific

Richard Dobson

W. B. (Bill) Fletcher

Harry W. Decker

Houston, Texas At MSM: B.S. Mining, Sigma Nu, AIME, Alpha Tau Omega Career: 32 years Shell Oil, 13 years Austral Oil, 3 years Gruys Assoc. Now consultant

Downey, Calif. At MSM: B.S. ME Independent, ASME, Senior Council Career: 6 years USDA, 4 years Mo Valley Bridge & Iron, 35 years president of Industrial Systems & Vapor Engr. Corp.

St. Louis At MSM: B.S. ME, Independent (sec路treas), Senior Council, Rollamo, Miner, ASME (treas.) Career: 4 years Shell, 3 yrs Conduit Contracting, 5 years U.S. Army, 18 years Phillips Petroleum

James H. Galloway


Homor T. Ford Jr.

Decatur, At MSM: B.s. ME, B.S. EE '35, Kappa Sigma (treas路bus. mgr.), IFC, AlEE, ASME Career: 42 years with A.E. Staley Mfg. Co.

Newark, Del. At MSM: B.S. ME, Sigma Pi, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, ASME Career: 4 years ASARCO and Colgate Palmolive, 31 years DuPont. Now consultant



2/ MSM Alumnus

Springfield, Mo. At MSM: B.S. EE, Lambda Chi Alpha, AlEE, track Career: 30 years with U.S. Army and U.S. Veteran's Administration, 5 years V.p. family business

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LeRoy Jackson

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Ricbard G. Hudson

Oak Ridge, Tenn. At MSM : B.S. CE and professional degree '66, Independent, Pi Kappa Phi, ASCE Career: II years Corps of Engineers, 27 years U.s. Atomic Energy Commission. Now Consultant

Rolla, Mo. At MSM: B.S. ME, Lambda Chi Alpha, ASME Basketball (4 letters-capt. '34) Career: Rolla Creamery & Ice, U.S. Army Engineers, Joslin Farms. Semi-retired

Guernsey, ObJo At MSM: B.S. Gen Sci., Independent, ASCE Career: 37 years Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. (also farmer)

Frederic A. MacConneU

PhlHp C. McDonald

Edward C. Kozeny

Somerville, N.J. At MSM: B.S. ME, Prospectors-Sigma Pi (first pres, Sig Pi), Quo Vadis, ASME, tennis Career: 37 years Worthington Corp (sold to Fedders-I year) Now consulting

WlIUamsville, N.Y. At MSM: B.S. ChE, Pi Kappa Alpha (v.p.), Ira Remsen, football & tennis Career: 42 years Allied Chemical Corp. Now consulting

OUvette, Mo. At MSM: B.S. EE, Independent, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, Theta Tau, Senior Council AlEE (pres), V.p. senior class Career: 17 years in 4 industries, 30 years Universal Match Division, UMC. Now consulting

R. Gm Montgomery

E.L. "Mac" McReynolds

Lester E. Poese

SaIt Lake City I Utab At MSM: B.S. Met, Pi Kappa Alpha (pres), Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, Theta Tau , AIME (pres, Miner, Rollamo, Blue Key Caree r: 10 years industry then 31 years Republic Steel Corp.

Asbville, N.C. At MSM : B.S. ChE, Independent, Bonanza, Quo Vadis, Senior Council, track, Ira Remsen (pres) Career: 8 years National Lead, 13 years Merck & Co., 8 years owner-Eastern Penn Oil Co. and 18 years USA Armament R&D Command


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Eldorado, Ill. At MSM : B.S. Mining, professional degree '53, Kappa Sigma, G lee Club, Miner Career: 7 years Phillips, 34 years Minerva Oil. Now consultant--expert on fluorspar

MSM Alumnus / 3

Charles C. Segal

W. R. (Bill) Springer

Robert A. Sakewitz

St. Louls At MSM: B.S. ME, Independent, ASME Career: 28 years Midwest Piping Inc. , 10 years Sverdrup & Parcel Inc.

Aurora, Colo. At MSM: B.S. Met, Kappa Sigma, Theta Tau, Rifle Team Career: I year South America, 10 years mines, 31 years Armco .

Lee's Summit, Mo. At MSM: B.S. CE, Independent, ASCE Career: 7 years CCC, 28 years Corps of Engineers

.. Leo J. SuUentrup


Lauren P. Tuttle Sr. Jacksonville, Fla. At MSM: B.S. CE, professional degree '37, Sigma Pi, Blue Key, Satyrs, band, rifle team, football Career: Civil engineer for various governmental agencies

Chicago, m. At MSM: B.S. CE, Mercier (Phi Kappa Theta), St. Pat's Board (pres.), Satyrs, Blue Key, Theta Tau, Rollamo, IFC Career: S. G. Hayes & Co. (Chicago), 43 years

Roy Erwin Swift Lexington, Ky. At MSM: B.S. Mining, Independent Career: (MS·m ining & met .. Utah, D. Engr., Yale) Some industry. Faculty .. LSU, Alaska, Purdue, Nevada & U of Ky. Now working on advanced degrees

Photos of the Golden Alumni 50-year anniversary celebration (covers and pages I through 6) are available. Price is $2.50 each for 5 x 7 or smaller and $3 each for 8 x IO prints. To order: Give page number and location on page. Send order to MSMUMR Alumni Association, 1p1 Harris Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Mo. 65401 or call 314-341-4172.

Bob Weigel Danville, Calif. At MSM: B.S.·ceramics, Pi Kappa Alpha , Miner, G lee Club, track, swimming Career: Mexico Refractories .. Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp.

4/ MSM Alumnu s

MEETING DATA Event/Site Date SPE Annual Meeting, Houston 5:30-7 p.m . . .... . . . ... ... .. ... .. Sept. 18 SME-AIME Fall Meeting, Denver ..... . .. . . .. . .. ... . ... ...... Oct. 25 1984 Homecoming, Rolla . . . . ........... ... ... . .... .. . .. . . Oct. 26-27



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6/ MSM Alumnus

Commencement, 1984 Marvin E. "Bob" Nevins, '41, chairman of General Casting Corp., Waukesha, Wis., delivered the commencement address Sunday, May 13, to some 880 degree recipients and guests. Nevins was awarded the doctor of engineering degree (honoris causa). He received his B.S. degree from MSM in metallurgical engineering and was awarded the professional degree of metallurgical engineer by UM-Rolla in 1971. While in school he served as a member of Coach Gale Bullman's first MSM football team. He was active in boxing and golf, was a member of the "M" Club, the Rollamo Board, the Shamrock Club, the Miner staff and the American Society for Metals. Following his graduation, Nevins worked in steel mills in West Virginia and for Arnpco Metal of Milwaukee from 1941-45. In 1945, he founded Wisconsin Centrifugal Inc. in

Waukesha. He served as president of the company and subsequently chairman and chief executive officer. In 1980 the company was bought by the Anaconda Division of Atlantic Richfield Corp. and Nevins became consultant for the parent organization. He is on the board of directors of the Independence Bank Group of Waukesha and Employers Insurance of Wausau . In addition, he is a former chairman of Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce and is a trustee of the Foundry Educational Foundation. He also has been active in a number of civic and professional organizations. Nevins has served on the board of directors of the UMR Development Fund and is a member of the Order of the Golden Shillelagh. He received the MSM-UMR Alumni Association Achievement Award in 1970.

Dr. James Olson participated at his last UMR commencement as president of the University. He retires from that position July I, after eight years. MSM Alumnusl7



Ceramic Engineer

Civil Engineer

Robert D. Beasley, '68, Bethalto, Ill. Production manager--direct casting, Olin Brass

Matteo A. Coco, '66, Affton, Mo. Vice president, J .S. Alberici Construction Co.

Civil Engineer

Petroleum Engineer

Geological Engineer

Joseph E_ Crowe Sr., '58, '74, Sherman , Ill. Deputy director highways, Illinois Department of Transportation

Gary L. Downey, '62, '63, Houston Texas Vice president & district manager, ARCO Oil & Gas Co.

Francis E. Fennerty, Omaha, Neb. President, Kiewit Eastern Co.


Management Engineer

Chemical Engineer

MetaDurgical Engineer

R. L. Lamb, Joplin, Mo. President, Empire District Electric Co.

Dennis R. Parker, '68 , Tokyo, Japan President; Conoco Far East

William F. Priesmeyer Jr. , '60, St. Ann, Mo. Ma nager-manuacturing, Banner Iron Works

8/ MSM A lumn us


Professional Degrees

Electrical Engineer

Electrical Engineer

Paul A. Ray, '63 , '65, Derby, Kans. Customer support manager, Boeing Military Airplane Co. Programs

Giles C. Sinkewiz, '57 , '60, Berwyn, Pa. General manager··spacecraft operations, General Electric Co.

Mechanical Engineer

Metallurgical Engineer

Ceramic Engineer

Robert 1. Smuland, '58, Cupertino, Calif. President, Calma Co.

John M. Suarez, '67, Granite City, IlL Vice president, Chemetco

James O. Williams, '58 , Norristown , Pa. Manager··manufacturing, C-E Refractories··Aluminum, Combustion Engineering Inc.

60 Yea r Alu mni

n, Mo.


Harry Kessler, '24

John Lewis Andrews, '24

Harry Kessler, St. Louis, and John Lewis Andrews, Oxly , were special guests at the May 13 Commencement celebrating the 60th anniversary of their commencement ceremonies. An industrialist, researcher, inventor, lecturer and philanthropist, Harry Kessler serves 14 companies as chairman of the board and chief executive officer and is a part of conSUlting groups for foundries in the U.S. and 37 other countries. He was also a weU-known boxing referee. Lewis Andrews has coUected a total of 17 patents duro ing his career as a mechanical engineer for Hotpoint, the government and his own business. He also has been an engineering manager, a consultant and professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Mississippi . MSM Alumnus / 9

Memories From the Past · For the Class of 1934 Sa m Bermi was a member of the Class of 1934. At M SM he was a member of th e band and received his degree in mining with a meta l option. A ft er graduation he spent several years working in th e field of mining and metallurgy, but returned to St. Louis where he entered the insurance business, a profession that beca me his career. Sa m loved his alma mater and was a faithful attendant at Ho mecoming for yea rs. H e also wrote poetry (see MSM A lumnus, D ec. '79). In 1981. the A lumnus commissioned Sa m to contribute some poetry for his 50th reunion. The following are some of Sa m 's memories of life at MSM which he sent us before he died on M arch 10, 1982. Other examples of his poetry may be found at the Wilson L ibrary on ca mpus.



Not one of us did much drinking, Money was too hard to'1:6me by. We "horsed around" without thinking, As imbibers, we rated a DRY. Then all-of-a·sudden it was revealed, By radio, papers, word-of-mouth, That the Volstead Act had been repealed; Drinking beer and liquor was now allowed.

My room was in a nice location, The price was right, no inflation. Her name has Mrs. Brannigans, So she allowed some shenanigans. Perpetrated '¥\e too, as I remember, That lasted from Jan to December. It wasn't one you catch onto at first, But it slowly riled us until we burst. She served three solid meals a day, Her bisquits were super on Sunday. There was always one extra chop or 'ball, (That no one ever ate, as I recall), Also a salad and some kind of potatoes, And three times a day, cold, stewed tomatoes! The diet was good, we agreed as a group, But tomatoes, thrice daily, stuck in our croup.

At once, a group of us made plans, To stockpile a cache in the school mine, Of much beer in bottles and cans, And goodies on which to dine. We sang, joyfully laughed, ate and drank, Forgetting all else 'neath alcohol's glow, G rew boisterous, played many a prank; When the driver came, we told him to go.

We fell , got hurt, and very sick too, Home, when we saw it was a welcome sight. It had been a stupid thing to do, Miserable, sleepless, were we that night.

We concluded, one by one, That something had to be done. At first we skipped a meal here and there, But the cost was one we could not bear. Then suddenly, accidents occurred, Without any signal or overt word. The bowl kept tilting, slopping everywhere, Soaking linen, table, floor , and chair. We apologized, but she sensed the "score", And served stewed tomatoes, nevermore!

Thus, along with other lessons, [ learned, When in the midst of a celebration, Never to get my stomach turned, To drink, and eat in moderation!

Comment: That was more memorable to me than I dared dream . Ever since then, cold, stewed tomatoes, have been notoriously absent from diet!

At ten P. M. we started back, Had had more than enough, got woozy. The shortest way was the railroad track, This route in spots was slippery, oozy.


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"Th( PROFESSOR GEORGE REGINALD DEAN Prof Dean loved Westerns, and comedies, His students, beautiful melodies. Among Mathematicians then, He was probably in the top ten. He solved problems for corporations, And with Einstein, had pen relations. Sitting and pondering, I do recall, When visiting his home, we had a "ball". 10/ MSM Alumn\Js

An eraser whizzed by my ear, whack! That meant, [ was on the wrong track, Had omitted a step essential, To solve the complex differential. I made the right correction, and then, Whoosh! The eraser came flying again . This time though, at another "dunce"; Thus, all boo-boos were caught at once.

He sent us daily to the board, Observed, and accurately scored Our ability to progress, retain, Assure his efforts would be our gain. Flying erasers went from few to none, And that's how we learned Calculus One! Prof Dean taught, well, just like Prof Dean, His like, all my years, [ have never seen!




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In Quest of Music and Words An Alma Mater and The Fight Song

UM-Rolla's Chancellor Joseph M . Marchello is offering a prize of $500 for an alma mater suitable for UMR. In the past, several songs have been written for and about the campus. But none seems to be in "alma mater" style. The campus is looking for original words and a melody line that reflects UMR past and present ... its spirit, camaraderie and grand purposes. "The alma mater should be in one-verse style rather than verse-refrain form," says Dr. David Oakley, professor of music at UMR since 1960. "There may be more than one verse, but single verse alma mater is preferable so that it may be sung at various occasions and yet all its words be heard." UMR also has a fight song which was commissioned by the football team for the 100th anniversary of the school. Easily singable words of one verse are sought for this. A prize of $ 100 will be awarded to the winner of this contest. A panel from the Alumni Band will judge the songs at this year's Homecoming. Contest Directions Alma Mater: • Send words and music melody line on treble clef staff. Do not use existing melodies.

• Write your name, address, date and sign the manuscript on the back of the music (Copies of the music and words without the identity of the author will be made for judging purposes). • Submit entries by Oct. 7. Fight Song: • Send letter with a self-addressed envelope (ad· dress below) and a melody line score will be sent to you. • Put the words for your song above the notes on the score. • Put name, address, signature and date on the back so that unidentified copies may be made for jUdging purposes. • Submit entries by Oct. 7 All correspondence should be sent to: Dr. David L. Oakley, G-3 Humanities-Social Sciences Building, Applied Arts and Cultural Studies Department, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401. School songs are a part of our heritage--bring out your talents and submit your entries.

Free Short Courses Available at Homecoming dared : been


Alumni are invited to enroll in either of two short courses which will be offered on Friday, Oct. 26 (Homecoming weekend). Course A is "An Introduction to Grounding and Shielding of Electronic Instrumentation" and Course B is "The Japanese System of Process Control and Productivity Improvement." Both courses are sponsored by the Academy of Electrical Engineering and the IEEE Rolla Subsection. They will be held in the Electrical Engineering Building. Course A, taught by Dr. Tom VanDoren, professor of electrical engineering, will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will stress the fundamental principles involved in typical grounding and shielding problems. A careful explanation of the objectives and techniques for grounding and shielding will reduce misconceptions and allow a more systematic approach

to replace "trial and error" methods. The presentation will be at an introductory level. However, a knowledge of electronic circuit and system design will be assumed. Several interference mechanisms and shielding techniques will be demonstrated. Course B, taught by Dr. Henry Wiebe, professor of engineering management, will be held from I to 4 p.m. It will emphasize the need for statistical quality control as practiced by the Japanese, W. Edwards Deming's principles of management and productivity improvement, and it will offer a descriptive, nonquantitative review of statistical tools used for productivity improvement. To enroll in either of these free short courses, send your name, class year, academic department, address and telephone number to Dr. Tom VanDoren, Room 208, ERL, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Mo. 65401 or call 314-341-4097. MSM Alumnus / II

Alumni Section News _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Bay Area Section The San Francisco Bay Area Alumni held the 2nd Annual St. Pat's Celebration on Saturday, March 17, St. Pat's day .. .when else? Fifty-three alumni, wives, and friends gathered at the Littlefield home in San Francisco to visit, drink beer, eat BBQ, and party as only good engineers can . lt was such a good party that 1) Bob Ray did not make a speech, 2)we forgot to elect new officers, and 3)we did not take any pictures (draw your own conclusions). We expect to make this an annual affair and would like. to see you next year. A fall dinner in

the East Bay is being planned for September/October. .. if you know a good place call Jerry Littlefield (415) 566-5275 . Those attending the St. Pat's celebration were: Charlie and Betty Freeman, '28; Frank and Gerry Goodrich, '38; Sam (St. Pat, '39), Martha and Karen Kurtz, '42; Jim and Ruth Shaffer, '42; Bob and Marney Ray, '47 ; Bill and Peggy Chew, '49; Marianne Cochran, '50; Par and Mary Schoenky, '50; Ken and Jo Voertman, '51 ; Bob Boschert, '58; Jerry and Kay Littlefield, '58 ;

Charles and Carolyn Adams, '61; Don and Paz Beegle, '64; David and Laurie Peacock, '64, '66, '70; Harold "Butch" and Joyce Fiebelman, '66; Jim and Peg Allmon, '67 ; Bob Baeyen, '68; Dick Arnoldy, '69; Patrick Vennari, '69, and Jan Dillingham; Tom Enderle, '69, and Barb Stickle; Dennis and Barbara Wells, '70; Sam and Haeja Choi, '72; Dan and Mira Lee, '72; Scott Pattefson, '73; Tom Tanner, '74; Dennis and Pam Leitterman, '75 , '76, '77; John and Theresa Vickroy, '75 ; Hassen Beshir, '79; Dale Smith, '81 , and Jean Pollard, '82. Jerold K. Littlefield, '58


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Lafayette Louisiana Section The first St. Pat's gathering of the Lafayette Louisiana Alumni Section was a big sucess. MSM-UMR alumni and friends gathered together at the Cafe Vermilion ville for cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. Those in attendance were Bert (Scroggins) and Mike McGinnis, '82; Carol Arnott, '82; Eric and Sue

Politte, '82; Michael and Michele Jennings, '82; Jim and Connie Marble, '6 1; Kevin Jones, '80; Jim Chaney, '82; Belinda Tappe, '81 ; Sherri and Brian Logan, '83; Lisa and Scott Ferguson, '8 3; Rich Manning, '82; Doug and Jody Dace, '82; Perrin and Desiree Roller, '80; Bob McCann, '80; Pete Des Jardins.

Doug Dace, Mike McGinnis

12/ MSM Alumnus

Gerald Smith, '80 144 Fallbrook Lafayette, LA 70506

Belinda Tappe, Perrin & Deseree Roller, Jerry & Maren Smith


Carol Arnott, Pete Des Jardins, Jim Chaney

'44, and Gerald and Maren Smith, '80. lt is hoped that this will become an annual event.

Eric Politte

Pacific Northwest Section

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The Pacific Northwest Section of the Alumni Association met at the Lake City Elks Club on March 24, for our Spring DinnerlDance and Annual Business Meeting. The social hour began at 6:00 p.m. Dinner at the Elks Club was excellent as usual with a plentiful amount of food. It was enjoyable to get together again. Following dinner, President Itsu Arimura conducted our business meeting. The following persons were nominated and duly elected as officers: President, David Winter, '78; VicePresident, John Adams, '59; and for Secretary-Treasurer, Stephen Wright,

'68 & '70. The summer activity was discussed to some extent. Suggestions were made to have a picnic during the end of July at a state park or possibly in Bellingham with Les Spanel being our host. There were 28 people in attendance including spouses and friends. We all had a good time. Professor Robert Wolf and wife, Dottye attended our meeting. Bob showed slides of the campus. We all enjoyed seeing changes made on the campus. A MSMlUMR souvenir raffle was held by Bob Wolf. The many prizes renewed our St. Pat's Spirit and it was one of the highlights of the evening. The

social activities adjourned around midnight. Those attending were: David Winter, '78 , and Linda Kommers; Stephen, '68 , '70, and Susan Wright; Gerald, '50, and Kathleen Hammond; Bob, '51 , and Dottye Wolf; Keith Cross, '69; Merle, '70, and Jayne Hill; John, '59, and Betty Adams; Pete, '62, and Marilyn Maisch; Gerald and Libby Hammond; Bob Yerbury , '77; Les, '59, and Harriet Spanel; Vic Hoffman, '60; Tom, '78 , and Maria, '77 , Doering; Willard and Bettijeanne, '49 Puffett; and Itsu, '59, and Nancy Arimura. Stephen Wright, '68

h, '80.

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MSM A lumnus / 13

Alumni Section News Continued-------------------------Houston Section Houston likes St. Pat's even if they have to celebrate a week late. Paula Hudson and Jim Wray, as usual, went all out to arrange a festive affair. Attendees wore their green, but the prize for age was the green freshman beanie resurrected from the dim past. Door prizes are big in Texas and the sophisticated selection procedure precluded any graft or corruption, although there may have been favoritism, perhaps. An incomplete list of the 67 guests follows (incomplete because we just kept track of checks and were not certain of the names where mUltiple tickets were

14/ MSM A lum nus

purchased); Rex, '40, and June Alford; Roger and Julia Boyer (both '81) ; Gilbert, '47, and Laura Carafiol; Warren J. Carroll, '59; Sherri Clark, '78; Marion Dillingham, '30; Eddie Edwards, '69 ; Gerald, '60, and Yvonne Godzwon; Brenda Horak, '82; Dale Hursh, '82; Lynn Smith, '82; Ronald, '83, and Debra Kelley; Ruel L. Kirkpatrick, '31; Eric M. Lancaster, '81 ; Daniel F . Lynch, '71 ; Carolyn L. Niess, '79; George, '35 , and Marie Nolde; Terry and Phyllis Panhorst (both '79); Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Schaeffer, III, '48; Steven, '75 , and Carol Stearns; Joseph C. and Karen Trapani (both '81); Gregory, '79,

and Kathie Wayne; Arthur, '49, and Patricia Weber; Howard, '53 , and Wanda Yorston; Jim Wray, '-79; Paula Hudson, '73 ; Nick and Karen Wheaton Dungey (both '82), Richmond, Texas; Paul, '65, and Jean Griffin, Lake Jackson, Texas; William, '76, and Elizabeth Hammers, Kingwood, Texas; Randy, '82 , and Dianne Killian; Raymond, '51 , and Caroline Roller, Conroe, Texas; David M. Levings, '78 , Bay City, Texas; Charles E., '70, and Patricia Williams; David, '74, and Patricia -Wist, Spring, Texas; and Nancy and Frank Mackaman.


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Continuing Education Courses Here's a list of some of the extension continuing education short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR. Whl:re titles are not self·explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call the office of the Dean of Continuo ing Education and Public Service, 314·341-4156. Written requests should be addressed to the same office, 205B Parker Hall, University of Missouri·Rolla, Rolla, Mo. 65401. Program



School of Mines and Metallurgy Utah Overthrust Belt National Cave Management Symposium

Aug. 6· 10 Oct 12·14

Cedar C ity, UT Rolla

School of Engineering 1984 Fundamentals of Engineering Grounding & Shielding Electronic Instrumentation


Introduction to Computer Graphics HY AC Systems EIT Review PE Review .. Civil Engineering PE Review .. Electrical Engineering PE Review .. Mechanical Engineering 14th Power Apparatus Testing Techniques Selecting a Microcomputer 7th International Specialty Conference on Cold·Formed Steel Structures

Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Nov . Nov .

6· 10 13 15 17 15· 17 7·8 II 13 13 13 24·28 9 13· 14

Rolla New York C ity Boston Boston Rolla St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis Centralia St. Louis St. Louis

College of Arts and Sciences First International Conference on Jewish & General Etymology Trigonometry Review Introduction to UMR Computing Facilities R. R. Beveridge Marching Band Festiva l

Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept.

8· 10 13· 17 17· 18 29

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MSM Alumnus/ IS


Miner Sports Gene Green, Editor


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ten of Alabama in Birmingham head basketball coach Gene Bartow served as guest speaker. In addition to the Bullman A ward, top M-Club honors went to UMR assistant football and head wrestling coach Joe Keeton as Coach of the Year. The football Miners finished 8-2 last year and Keeton's wrestling team came through with one of its finest finishes in years, boasting two individual MIAA champions.

Tim Schoenecker

Schoenecker Wins Bullman Award University of Missouri-Rolla track performer Tim Schoenecker was honored recently at the 1984 Miner AllSports Banquet as the recipient of this year's Gale Bullman A ward. The yearly award, sponsored by the M-Club, signifies the best gentlemanathlete on the UMR campus and is named in honor of the former Miner coach and athletic director. The activities, held April 30 at the Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose Building, attracted a crowd of 420, as University 16/ MSM Alumnus

Team most valuable players were as follows: Football--Steve Davis (defense) and Randy Shed (offense), Rifle--Thomas James, Men's Soccer--Matt Budd, Women's Soccer--Lisa Frumhoff, Men's Tennis--Greg Sanders, Women's Basketball--Laurie Behm , W omen's Tennis--Janet Wickey , Track--Scott Finke (indoor) , Men's Cross Country--Jim Bullard, Women' s Cross Country--Jill Cameron, Wrestling--Chris Colona, Men's Basketball--Stan Shuemaker, Swimming--Chris Aria, Baseball--Mike Stone, Golf--Kent Dinsdale, and Softball--Leslie Behm. Mark Howard won the Burr Van Nostrand Award for top male intramural athlete of the year, while Bernadette Yuhas was presented the Weinbaum Award for top female intramural performer for 1983-84. Other special awards were allconference recognition in each sport, along with all-American certificates presented in soccer (Lisa Frumhoft) and swimming (Aria, Scott Carney, Derek Coon, Arthur Hovater, Ed Krygier, Danny Mattie, Joe Pericich, Paul Pericich, Martin Rodseth, Mark Shlanta, Ralph Thielking, David Wisdom, Mark Wuttig and Jon Staley). Laurie Behm and Curtis Gibson were presented with game balls noting their entry in to UMR basketball's I,OOO-career point club.

Lee and Huggans Pack Baseball Squad


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Conference runs-batted-in champion Brad Lee and freshman sensation Vernon Huggans gained first-team honors for the University of Missouri-Rolla in this year's MIAA All-Conference Baseball voting held in Jefferson City. Lee, a junior first baseman, drove in 30 runs in only 20 games, hit .377 for the season and gained "Player-of-theWeek" honors twice. He led the team in total fielding chances, doubles and hits. Huggans, a freshman center fielder, burst onto the scene to hit a team-high .419. He also led the MIAA in triple percentage and was third on the team in runs scored. In addition to his first-team honors, the speedster was honored as the MIAA's "Rookie-of-the-Year" for the 1984 season. He was the lone freshman on either of the all-MIA A first or second teams. UMR also placed two players on the all-conference second team, as team most valuable player Mike Stone and versatile Mike O'Dell gained berths. Stone, a senior hurler, paced the MIAA in strikeout percentage with 28 strikeouts in 24 innings. He logged a 2-4 record for the Miners 5-15 overall, 3-6 conference squad, ending his season with a ten-strikeout, 10-1 victory over Southeast Missouri State University. O'Dell was the team's surprise this season, hitting a solid .381 in his stints at right field , center field and shortstop. The junior gained second-team honors as a utility player. He had the highest on-base percentage of any UMR player and added a team-high 21 walks to his lofty batting average in the lead-off spot. He also paced theteam in runs scored,handled 31 chances in the outfield without an error and improved his batting average 305 percentage points. UMR honorable mention selections were pitcher Dave Kuethe, catcher Chris Nisbet, second baseman Greg Nelson and outfielder Tom Murphy.

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Finke Shines at MIAA Meet Scott Finke ended the 1984 indoor track season in the same fashion he started it- breaking records. When the talented sophomore shattered a long-standing school pole vault record by more than a foot early in the season, one wondered what he could do for an encore. At the 43rd annual Men's Indoor Track and Field Championships at Central Missouri State recently, Finke vaulted 15 feet 3 inches, besting his own record by three inches and finishing in a virtual tie with Southeast Missouri State's champion Bob Fergason. He also finished fourth in the 69-yard high hurdles (7.91), to conclude a fine performance. The Miners finished sixth overall with 21 team points. Other Miners to place in the MIAA championships were Allen Randall (sixth in the 60-yard dash), Erengamy 11oputaife (sixth in the shot put), Dan Lichtenwaler (sixth in the mile run), John Bortswick (fourth in the 60-yard dash), Bob Gorham (sixth in the I,OOO-yard run), and Keith Smith (sixth


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Behm and Gutierrez Star in Softball The 1984 UMR softball team rebounded late in the season to post a respectable 8-9 record, winning five of their final seven games. The Lady Miners had a 4-9 record in MIAA action, losing three of those outings by one run. Pitcher-outfielder Leslie Behm was selected as the team's most valuable player, finishing second on the team with a .387 average and posting a 4-3 record on the mound. She was also a first-team selection on the MlAA allconference squad. Shortstop Cecilia Gutierrez claimed the top hitting spot on the team, slugging the ball at a .449 clip. She was twice the MIAA Player of the Week in hi tting. The junior was named honorable mention MIAA, as was teammate Renee Plowy, who captured the league's triple title with five in only 17 games. "We came on strong near the end of the season and that pleased me," said first-year coach Cindy Maulin. "We had

in the two-mile run).

time team MVP in his sport, and that may be the only time that has ever happened to a Miner performer."

Golfer Kent Dinsdale All American Again

Tennis Title to Gonzales

For the second time in four collegiate seasons, UMR's Kent Dinsdale grabbed honorable mention All-American honors in the NCAA Division II Golf Tournament. Dinsdale shot rounds of 80-82-76-78 for a 316 total in action held during midMay in Erie, Pa. His final two rounds brought him back into the pack, after starting out the four-day event in rough fashion. The first two days presented . golfers with 30-degree temperatures and high winds. As a sophomore, Dinsdale had the 14th-best overall score to take honorable mention honors.He performed at the nationals in each of his four seasons of varsity golf. Troy State University won the team championship, witli. Florida Southern second and Southwest Texas third. "Kent is one of the best golfers we have ever had at this University," said head coach Bud Mercier. "He is a four-

The UMR men and women's tennis teams competed in the 1984 MIAA Tennis Championships at Northwest Missouri State University recently, with the men claiming fourth place and the women fifth. The men's top individual finish came at number five singles, where team most valuable player Greg Sanders claimed the third spot. Number one singles performer Bill Golliday was fourth, with number six singles man Alex Kott also fourth. The number three doubles team of Fred Miller and Kott finished fourth. For the Lady Miners, Leticia Gonzalez captured the league title in the number four singles catagory, with Tia Sargent finishing third in number two singles. The number one doubles team of Laurie Behm and Sargent finished fourth, with Gonzalez and Jane Bokerman winning the second place spot in number three doubles.

some injuries that slowed us down, and it took us a long time to get outside due to the weather, but the squad progressed once the league season began." UMR ended its season with a thrilling

4-3, II-inning loss to Central Missouri in the post-season MIAA Tournament. Northwest Missouri eventually won the event with a 6-2 win over Southeast Missouri.

Second Base Renee Plowy paced the MIA A in triples with five. MSM Alumnus ! 17

In Memorium Carl Cave Carl Sanford Cave was born in the Dixie community in Callaway County, Missouri, on the eighteenth of October, 1903. Carl's undergraduate years were spent at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri. He received his A.B. degree there in 1927 but had, in the meantime, taught several years in the rural schools of Callaway County. Carl fondly recalled these early days of the one-room schoolhouse that he traveled to on horseback daily . The year after he received his degree, Carl accepted a position as teacher of mathematics and science at the School of the Ozarks in Hollister, Missouri. As is inevitable in a school where the students are expected to work at such things as operating a print shop and a canning factory, Carl's duties and responsibilities extended far beyond the classroom. One of his favorite extracurricular activities was coaching high school basketball in the league whose members included Green Forest, Alpena Pass and Blue Eye. But Carl had been raised on a farm and was not intimidated by a schedule which began at six in the morning and closed at nine at night. He, in fact, became one of the most successful teachers in the system and was promoted to principal of the high school and, finally, in 1953, to superintendent. At this point in his life Carl decided upon changing to college teaching. In preparation for this objective, he returned to the University of Missouri at Columbia, where he had received his M.A. degree in 1933, for further graduate work, and was appointed assistant professor of mathematics at MSM in 1956. He was later promoted to associate professor and retired in 1974. Carl's duties at UMR included teaching several courses in undergraduate mathematics. This included the instruction of large sections in sophomore calculus which he handled with great skill. Because of his earlier experience and his natural facility in dealing with students on a personal basis he supplemented his teaching with very effective counseling. In the latter activity his technique was quiet and persuasive lS/ MSM Alumnus

with a singular capacity to lead the student to draw his own conclusions. While at the School of the Ozarks, Carl met Thelma Daily and they were married in 1941 . Thelma Cave taught English at the Rolla Public High School during the time of Carl's tenure at UMR. Thus the University and the community benefited from not one but two excellent teachers. Carl and Thelma had two sons, Michael of Los Angeles and Shannon of Holts Summit, both of whom appear to be launched upon distinguished careers in music and politics, respectively. The family of Carl Cave had just celebrated Carl's 80th birthday anniversary in October of 1983 with a gathering of friends, relatives, colleagues and former students from around the country. There were many testimonials to Cave, acknowledging the profound influence he had had on their lives. He is remembered for this moral strength, his sense of humor, his kindness, his sincerity, to name only a few of the attributes that molded his character. Carl's professional life can be said to have consisted of two consecutive careers, one of 28 years at the School of the Ozarks and one of 18 years at the University of Missouri-Rolla. Any person could be justifiably proud to claim either one of these as a lifetime's accomplishment. As we here at the University take time to honor Carl Cave, the State of Missouri has likewise seen fit through a resolution of the Missouri House of Representatives adopted December 14, 1983, to "honor the memory of an individual deeply committed to the great cause of education". It is indeed fitting that the State of Missouri should take such action for the sphere of his influence extended throughout the State and into the whole spectrum of our educational system from the lowly oneroom school to the university campus. The committee requests that this memorial be incorporated in the official minutes of the following Academic Council meeting. It is also requested that copies of this memorial be sent to Carl's wife, Thelma, and to his two sons, Michael and Shannon. S.1. Ragano Charles A. Johnson

Albert W. Schlechten Albert W. Schlechten was born in Bozeman, Montana, on November 28 , 1914. He received his B.S. degree from the Montana School of Mines in 1937 and the Sc.D. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1940. Dr. Schlechten devoted his professional career to the education of students, first as an instructor at the University of Minnesota in 1940-1941, as assistant and associate professor at the Oregon State College from 1941-1944, professor of metallurgical engineering at the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy from 1946-1963, professor of metallurgical engineering at the Colorado School of Mines from 1963-1980. In addition to being a teacher, he was an educational leader as department head at the Oregon State College, as department chairman at the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy for seventeen years, and as department head and later vice president for academic affairs at the Colorado School of Mines. He enjoyed the unqualified respect of an extraordinary number of professional colleagues, friends and associates. His influence on those who shared his scholarly pursuits was profound. Throughout the years, Dr. Schlechten made a significant impact upon students, guiding them toward useful and important careers. More than 1200 students were graduated from departments under the direction of Dr. Schlechten. While at the Missouri School of Mines (now the University of MissouriRolla), Dr. Schlechten led the department of metallurgical engineering during a formative and difficult period as well as during very exciting days. He arrived for the fall semester of 1946 just in time to encounter the wave of World War II veterans either returning to the campus or coming to Rolla for the first time to pursue their education and get on with their interrupted careers. During this period, the department was expanded from the Old Metallurgy building to occupy a large portion of Fulton Hall. He collaborated in the establishment of the co-operative program on this campus. Under Dr.

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Schlechten's guidance, the department established itself as a significant pro· ducer of baccalaureate degrees in metallurgical engineering, often with more than 5% of the annual national production. As chairman of this department, he provided superior leadership, always willing to listen to students and faculty giving them his total attention. While in Rolla, he was chairman of the Graduate Committee which was equivalent to graduate dean and as such he supervised the master of science program. He was also a member of the Graduate Council of the University of Missouri which enabled him to eventually obtain permission for this campus to offer the doctor of philosophy degree. He served in offices of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineering including vice president in 1966. He was a Fulbright Lecturer at the University of Melbourne, and editor of the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Alcoa Foundation Professor of Metallurgy, reci· pient of the Kroll Medal from the Metals Society of London, recipient of the James Douglas Medal from the AIME, the Albert Easton White Award of the American Society for Metals, and he received the honorary degree of metallurgical engineer from the Montana School of Mines in 1965. He founded and was the first director of the W.J. Kroll Institute for Extractive Metallurgy. AI Schlechten was a gentleman, an educational and professional leader, a loyal family man and a true friend to those with whom he worked. He had remarkable gifts of poise, dignity and adroitness. His delightful conversation on a wide array of topics, and the sophisticated good humor which he shared provided a sparkle of self esteem indispensable to this institution's morale. The committee requests that this memorial resolution be incorporated in the official minutes of the UMR Faculty Meeting of I May 1984 and that copies be sent to Dr. Schlechten's wife, Mrs. Eleanor Schlechten and their children, Mark, Eric, Brian, Mrs. Carol Roesle and Mrs. Jean Delaney. H.P. Leighly, Jr.

D.S. Eppelsheimer

R.Y. Wolf

Israel H. Lovett, '24 Professor Israel H. Lovett was more than 94 years of age at the time of his death on April 7, 1984. Not many people are granted as long a life span, especially one of acitivity and reasonably good health almost up to the time of death. Someone has observed that to be granted 24 years beyond the scriptural promise of 70 years surely indicates that God must have loved Rael very much. Rael, as he was known to his many friends, was a man who endeared himself to every person who neared his path. In the 40 years of service on the campus of the University of Missouri at Rolla (called the School of Mines and Metalurgy during his years of service) he dealt with many students, colleagues, and others whose concerns and pro· blems became his own. He met the challenge with patience, kindness, understanding and compassion. God did not call Rael to be perfect, but called him, as He calls each one of us, to be faithful and responsible. Rael was faithful and responsible as a professor and as an electrical engineering department chairman, and he was equal· Iy faithful to the many Christian duties he assumed for his church, The United Methodist Church of Rolla. In addition he was a faithful civic leader in the Rolla community.

It is regrettable that the local newspaper was remiss in publishing the news of the services held in honor of Professor Lovett, and also 4 months ago of Mrs. Lovett's death. Many have call· ed to express their regrets in not being made aware of the the time and place. All expressed their love for him. We are richer for having known him . We were honored in life to have had his friend· ship. We are poorer for his passing. We have faith to believe he walked through resurrection into life eternal with Jesus Christ our Lord. UMR has established the Professor I.H. Lovett Endowed Scholarship Fund. Alumni and friends are invited to make contributions to this fund, which will be used to perpetuate Professor I.H. Lovett scholarships for worthy EE students. Professor Lovett's biographical sketch is in the book of the Academy of Electrical Engineers, which is on the podium below the pictures of the Charter Members hung in the hall in the Elec· trical Engineering Building on campus. (See Alumni Personals this issue.) The committee requests that this Memorial be incorporated in the official minutes of the UMR Faculty meeting of May I, 1984, and that a copy be sent to his daughter, Harriet and son-in-law, Ki ng Beach. Paul F. Richards Robert H. Nau

Jobs The services of UMR's Career Development and Placement Center are available to alumni as well as students. To obtain information about the current job listings, alumni need to send an up· to-date resume to the Career Development and Placement Office. The placement staff will make the resume available to companies looking for people with experience, and will send the alumnus a copy of the latest job listings. If you wish to use this service, con· tact: assistant director·placement, Career Development and Placement Office, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 (phone: 314/341-4288). MSM Alumnus / 19


ASCE Students Build Playground for

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Handicapped Children

Scott Stephens (second from left), UMR senior in civil engir,eering from Chillicothe, Mo., and Steve Davies (second ' from right), UMR senior in civil engineering from Kansas City, Mo., set a post for a wheelchair ramp that will be part of a slide they built for the Gingerbread House, a home for severely handicapped children in Rolla. Assisting them are Dave O'Brien (far left), UMR senior in civil engineering from Manchester, Mo., and Kirk Randolph (far right), UMR junior in civil engineering from Independence, Mo. The slide is one of several pieces of equipment that the UMR students built for Gingerbread House as part of a community service project by the UMR student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers. 20/MSM Alumnus

Residents of the Gingerbread House, a home for severely handicapped children in Rolla, will have a playground in their back yard this summer thanks in part to the student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers at UMR. "We felt that by building playground equipment for the children at Gingerbread House we would provide a way to help in their development as well as a recreational facility," said Steve Davies, chairman of the chapter's service project committee and a UMR senior in civil engineering. "All of us involved with the chapter agreed that this would be a very worthwhile project and we've had a lot of fun doing it," he added. The UMR students became involved in the project last fall. "The Gingerbread House received a donation from the St. Louis Variety Club to purchase materials for the playground equipment," said Jennifer Blank, Gingerbread House administrator, "and the UMR students volunteered to design and build the equipment for us. They've really put a lot of time and work into the project." The equipment includes a swing set, slide, sandbox, concrete barrel and monkey bars. In addition, the students have constructed a walkway to the equipment and installed two porch swings. Some of the equipment had to be adapted to meet the specialized needs of the children at Gingerbread House. "The students visited Gingerbread House several times to learn about our children and what their needs were," said Blank. "They also studied some of our other adaptive equipment to help them in designing the playground items." "The swing set includes a 'bolster seat' so that another person can sit behind a child and hold him or her and a platform swing so that a child can ride while lying down," Davies explained. "We also decided that a swing seat that resembles a child's car seat would help because many of the children need additional support. "We also incorporated a wheelchair ramp into our design for the slide," he added. "The students have been great to work with. They've been enthusiastic and have really shown an interest in the children," Blank said.



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Israel Herrick Lovett died April 7 at age 94. At the time of his death he was living at Sunset Village of the Ozarks in Waynesville, and was preceded in death (by four months) by his wife, Alma. Professor Lovett received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1914 and from 1916 to 1921 served as chief electrical designer for the New England Power Co. In 1921 he joined the electrical engineering faculty at MSM (then combined with the physics department) and in 1924 received the first electrical engineer' ing professional degree awarded by MSM. In 1928 he earned his M .S. in engineering from the University of Michigan. In 1948 Professor Lovett became head of the electrica l engineering departmen t at MSM and held that post until he retired as professor emeritus of electrical engineering in 1960. During his professional career he served as a consultant to a number of law firms. He was named a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), was a member of MSPE, NSPE, ASEE, Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, was listed in Who's Who in America and American Men of Science. He was a registered professional engineer in Missouri. He is survived by a daughter Harriet (Mrs. King Beach), 490 Humiston Drive, Bay Village, OH 44140.

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1920 C.R. "Charlie" Barnard, Oakland City, Ind. , died March 21 at the age of 87 , according to a notice from his brother, Al Barnard, '27, 910 Juno Drive, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. At MSM , Charlie was a member of Kappa Alpha, the Civil Engineering Society, and from Oct. to Dec., 1919, the Student Army Training Corps. (ASTC) . His career was spent with the Enos Coal Mining Co. as chief engineer.

Notice of the death of Otto Ehler has been received from his sister, Selma M . Ehler, Route 4, Box 186, Pacific, MO 63069 . Otto received his B.S. degree from MSM in chemical engineering. He lived all his life in Pacific. The electrical engineering department has been notified of the death of Francis Richard Halasey on March 9. He received his degree in electrical engineering and was a member of Mercier Club. According to alumni records his career was spent with the Illinois Division of Highways and the Illinois Power Co. He lived in East St. Louis.

1925 William Godwin writes: "Still perking along at 87 despite a broken left hip last January." He and Elizabeth are living at 3 121 S. Ocean Drive, Apt. 213, Hallanda le, FL 33009.

1926 Elmer Gammeter and wife Carolyn are retired at 118 Duncan Circle , Windermere Estates, Beaver, PA 15009. E lmer writes: "Haven ' t missed Homecoming for over 15 years and don't expect to miss this one. Best wishes."

1928 Rupert P. Baumgartner died May 10, according to a notice received from Ollie Kamper, '35. At MSM Rupert was a member of Theta Tau, Tau Beta Pi, Grubstakers, Dynamiters, Mercier Club, Phi Kappa Phi, was business manager of the Miner and vice president of the EE Society. He received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering. He was an electrical engineer for Westinghouse in Pittsburgh, Pa. for 41 years. Rupert is survived by his wife, Marguerite, 10402 Camden Ave., Sun City AZ 85 381 , a daughter, three sons, 16 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

1929 The death of William Lee Drake on April 13 has been reported by his daughter. Bill was an alternate for senior council when he was at MSM and received his degree in mechanical

engineering. He began his career with Westinghouse Electric Co. and later served as president of Air Temperature Inc. for many years. He is survived by his wife, Marie L. Drake, his daugther and two grandchildren. C.B. Weiss, '27, ' 28, says of Bill: "Bill was a good friend of mine. As one of the leaders of the Independents, we actuall y recruited him to stay with us and help us with intramural baseball. We had heard that he was a hard throwing left hander. He was. I was his catcher. I found out that he could throw real hard, but one never knew where it was going! However, he helped us win many games."

1930 W illard E. Davis writes: "Moved to a new house bordering golf course to be close to my work which consists of playing, watching, and mostly just rocking!" Willard and Helen live at 12527 Banyan Drive, Sun City West, AZ 85375. Erwin C. Hoeman writes: "Just back home from bridge tournaments in Arizona. Both of us in good health." Erwin and Shirley live at 1300 E. 650 South, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062. The death of Henry O. Scheer on Oct. 9, 1983, has been reported by Edward "Darbey" Hale, '32. Henry was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha while at MSM and served that organization as both secretary and treasurer. He received his degree in civil engineering. His career was spent with the Illinois Division of Highways. He is survived by his wife, Helen, (last known address: 2005 Dial Court, Springfield, IL 62704).

1931 T he death of Willia m Eugene Donaldson on May 5, has been reported by his wife, Lillian, 1501 Anza Ave., No. 75 , Vista, CA 92083 . Bill received his B.S. degree in chemical engineering from MSM and was awarded the professional degree, chemical engineer, in 1960. He worked as a chemical engineer for both industry and the federal government all his life and retired to Vista in 1968. He had served as vice president of the California Section of the MSM-UMR Alumni Assoication. MSM Alumnus!21

Alumni Personals ____________________________________________ 1931 Continued Clyde E. Wilhite is retired. He writes: " Enjoyed the 1983 Homecoming regardless of the inclement weather. Will try and make the 1984 Homecoming. " He and Margaret live at 12028 E. Canal Drive, Aurora, CO 800 II .

1932 Col. Stuart L. Davis and wife Lorraine are retired at 332 Kent Drive, Cocoa Beach, Fla. They write: "Edward Darbey Hale, '32, paid us a visit on April 4. Got to see the launch of the space shuttle Challenger on April 6. He said it was better than watching it on TV. " Robert F. Hippler died March 17 , from a severe heart attack, according to a notice from his wife, Merle, 61060 Kings Lane, Space 123, Bend, OR 9770 I. At MSM he was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, Satyrs and participated in track . He received his degree in mining engineering and practiced that profession in various locations1n this country and South America until he established his own consulting firm in Bend , Ore., during the early 1970's.

Willaim T. Kay is retired from U.S Gypsum. He writes: "Frances and I are still breathing. Will do some traveling this summer. Regards to all alums." The Kays live at 228 Leisure World , Mesa, AZ 85206. W. Robert Riggs, 2870 S. Via Del Bac, Green Valley, AZ 85614, reports the death of his wife, Elizabeth, on Dec. 9, 1983. After many years with SinclairArco, Bob retired first to Osage Beach, Mo. , then to Arizona. He and Elizabeth attended the "Golden" reunion of the Class of 1932 in May, 1982. Robert J. Roesser writes: "Enjoying my retirement; doing some traveling and fishing." He and Eleanor live at 9 Ellie Court, Lancaster, NY 14086.

1933 Vernon L. Asher writes: " Mary and I really enjoyed the red carpet Golden Alumni treatment at Homecoming '83. Thanks loads. Both of us are fine--I've been retired 8 Y2 years from Southwestern Bell. Still keep busy and do some traveling." The Ashers live at 1350 Craig Drive, Kirkwood , MO 63122 .

Bernard Gross died Jan. 26, according to a notice received by the alumni office. At MSM he was a member of Mercier, Theta Tau, IFC, St. Pat's Board, Senior Council, the Freshman Week Committee and played basketball . He received his degree in metallurgical engineering. He joined Key Boiler Equipment Co. in St. Louis and became president of the company by 1948 . He left Key Co. in 1955 to become vice presiden t of marketing for a subsidiary of ACF Industries in Houston and was later corporate vice president for marketing at ACF headquarters in New York . He was founder and president of Sofec Inc. an oil equipment firm in Houston and chairman of Capro Co., a manufacturer of mechanical control systems in Conroe, Texas. He is survived by two sons and three grandchildren . William W. Kay writes: "Still consulting, mainly in anthracite coal, parttime--gradually retiring. Past chairman , AIME, and active in AIME. Alice is active as registered Christian Science practitioner." The Kays' mailing address is P.O. Box 100, Drums, PA 18222. Charles H. Lambur, retired consultant, is on the Board of Directors of the U.S Olympic Committee, U.S Judo Inc. Committee, Schneider Enterprises Inc., and the Na vy League Council. He and Ute live at 33 Rampasture Road , Hampton Ba ys, NY 11946.


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and Before Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26-27, 1984 Class Coordlnators:

Elmer Gammeter, '26 118 Duncan Circle-Windermere Beaver, P A 15009 Charles A. Freeman, '28 5 Via DeHzia Hillsborough, CA 94010


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1983 Roll amo 22/ M SM Alum n u s

Gerald A. Roberts, '28 1301Briarwood EI Dorado, AR 71730

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Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


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S. Allan Stone, '30 1405 Three Rivers East Fl Wayne, IN 46802 Vernon A.C. Gevecker, '31 Rl2, Box 39 Rolla, MO 65401

W. Robert Riggs, '32 2870 South Via Del Bac Green Valley, AZ 85614 William W. Kay, '33 P.O. Box 100 Drums, PA 18222

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Elmer A. Roemer, '33 1801 Oak Sl Rolla, MO 65401

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Frank S. Millard writes: "Actively engaged in teaching petrophysics in U.S.A. and overseas. Also acting as a consultant to the oil industry ." Fran k and Kay live at 10211 Holly Springs, Houston , TX 77042.

William Brewer, '32 6799 Wetheridge Cincinnati, OH 45230

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Walter T. Jones is retired . He is past president and general manager of Rio G rande Steel Products. He and Iris live at 1379 Wagontrain Drive S.E. , Albuquerque, NM 87123. Walter tells us: "Received 50 year award for membership in Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Beta Chi chapter, MSM."

C. James Grimm, '30 Box 105 Rolla, MO 65401

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1934 Continued

Robert C. W eige ~ '34 120 Emerald Drive . Danville, CA 94526

1934 Frederick William Hurd died March 20. At MSM he was a member of Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, a student assistant in the civil department and won first bonors at graduation. He received his B.S degree in civiJ engineering. For nearly 40 years he was associated with the education and training of professional traffic and transportation engineers, serving as director of the bureau of Highway Traffic at Yale University and director for the graduate program of transportation engineers at Pennsylvania State University. In 1972 he joined t he ENO Foun dation in Westport, Conn. , where he continued his professional career until retirement in 1978. He was coauthor of the book "Traffic Engineering," and received several awards for his work in transportation engineering. He is survived by his wife, Ida Mae, 68 Deer Run Drive, Trumbull, CT 06611 , a son , a daughter and six grandchildren.

1938 1983 Rollamo

James W. Darling is retired. He and Vivian receive mail at P.O. Box 1172, Brooksville, FL 33512. T hey attended the 50th reunion at commencement in May.

At the 1984 reunion of Golden Al umni, word was received of the death of Charles Eugene Kew in November of last year. At MSM Charles had been a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, the Miner and Rollamo staffs, Glee Club and the Officers' Club. He received his degree in electrical engineering. After starting his career with railroads and steel companies, he became president of Kinetic Dispersion Corp. , Buffalo, NY, a position he held until retirement. Robert A. Sackewitz writes: "Enjoying retirement to the fullest here in John Knox Village." He and Ima live at 2020 W. O'Brien, Apt. 114, Lee's Summit, MO 64063.

1935 William H . M cDill, 1052 Jean Drive, San Luis Obispo, CA 9340 I, is retired and writes: " Recovering from cancer and other ills. Enjoying mild central coast climate."

Robert P. Alger is a consulting petrophysicist. He writes: "Working on geophysical methods fo r evaluating fresh water quality and productivity from ground water sources." He and Louise receive mail at Box 3, Buchanan Dam , TX 78609.

J. Craig Ellis is retired, but now in real estate with Bud Melcher & Associates, Youngtown, Ariz. He writes: "Still learning about real estate, have made several nice sales. Working on part-time basis so can enjoy the area." He and Joan live at 13142 Seville Drive, Sun City West, AZ 85375. Jim Miller, '38, ' 39, 2438 E. Vista Way, No. 10, Vista, CA 92083 , writes: "Retired March 31 after 15 years with Dynamet Inc."

1939 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26·27, 1984 Class Coordinators: Joseph W. Mooney 7383 Westmoreland University City, MO 63130 Hubert S. Barger P.O. Box 2507 Evansville, IN 47714 MSM Alumnu s/23

Alumni Personals ____________________________________________


1939 Continued


Frederick W. Heiser

16 Viking Drive-Cherry Hill Englewood, CO 80110 John P. SouIt P.O. Box 11567 St. Louis, MO 63105 Word has been received of the death of Ralph A. Beckman on April 21. At MSM he was treasurer of Lambda Chi Alpha, a member of the St. Pat's Board and ASME. He received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering. He retired in January as an engineer with the U.S . Army Troop Support Command in St. Louis. John D. Berwick, Jr. writes: "Retired September, '83 . Enjoying good health, golf, bridge and ocean." He and Alberta live at 1148 Balch Place, Virginia Beach, V A 23454 . Elmond L. Claridge, '39, '41, writes: "I have now completed my fifth year as a professor (Chemical Engineering Dept. , University of Houston) following retirement from Shell after 38 years of service in product development research , refinery operations, process research, head office liaison and recruiting, and then enhanced oil recovery process research (last 15 years with Shell Development Co.) . Now doing consulting also." Elrnond and Ruth live at 5439 Paisley Lane, Houston , TX 77096.

Robert P. Dieffenbach writes: "Been retired from Alcoa for almost 8 years. Active since then as consultant on aluminum ingot casting problems. June and I are in good health, active gardeners, and also into lapidary work." Their home address is 3953 Somerville Road, Somerville, OH 45064.

Edgar .F. Pohlmann writes: "Still enjoy109 retirement. Hazel and I have done quite a bit of trailering. In between I fly a Cessna 172 when I have the opportunity." Edgar and Hazel live at 5805 Goucher Drive, College Park MD 20740. '

Allan J. Kiesler writes: "W intered in Rancho Bernardo (San Diego), Calif. Golfed with Jim Miller, '38. Attended St. Pat's dinners in San Diego and Long Beach. Hope to make Homecoming on our way west this coming October." Allan and Ruth live at 1365 Van Antwerp Road, Apt. E-4I , Schenectady, NY 12309. han M. Niedling writes: "Semi-retired. Work part-time for weekly shopper, cir¡ culation and ad selling. Also co-editor of church paper. For '84-'85 , president of Stevens Point new Lions Club . Also cochairman for possible '87 state Lions convention." He and Hope live at 1008 3rd St. Stevens Point, WI 54481.

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Leroy E. Smith is retired and lives at 12534 Limewood Drive, Sun City West, AZ 85375. He writes: "Looking forward to coming to Rolla for Homecoming in October."

1940 Albert L. Kidwell writes: "I retired on Jan . 31, 1984, from Exxon P roduction Research Co. after 34 years of service. We keep busy visiting children (four) and grandchildren (eight), traveling, collecting minerals, and keeping active in mineralogy and economic geology." Al and Maria n live at 14403 Carolcrest, Houston, TX 77079 .

W. Philip Young died Jan. 30, according to a notice from his wife, Dorothy, 95 Valencia Way, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909. Philip retired as a metallurgical engineer with Wisconsin Steel in 1980 and moved to Arkansas where he had been doing consulting work and recently had been granted a patent on pyrolysis of hydrocarbon bearing materials. In the summer of 1982 he was invited to participate in a delegation from the State of Indiana to visit the capitols of Europe and Israel on a coal mission. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two sons who are in the coal business in Terre Haute. Ind .




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1941 Hermann F. Bottcher is retired and writes: "Enjoy ing retirement--golf game improving, yard looks excellent, still have a long list of honey-do's." Hermann and Ma rgaret live at 517 Indian Hills Drive, Hastings, MI 49058.

1983 Rollamo 24 1MSM A lumnus

Word has been received of the death of Clifford M . Boutin, 27 14 Iroquois, Ashland, KY 41101. At MSM he was a member of AIChE and the Ira Remsen Society, and won 1st. award and a boxing medal in 1939-40. He received his B.S. degree in chemical engineering and had been with Ashland Oil Co. for many yea rs.



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Alumni Personals ___________________________________________ 1941 Continued George M. Pace, 7083 Paddison Road , Cincinnati, OH 45230, writes: "An article I wrote (An Ordinary Surveyor Looks at the State Plane Coordinate System) appeared in the Journal of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Ma rch 1984 issue." Frank "Buck" Rogers writes: " Retired on Jan. I from Granite City Steel Division of National Steel. Have started a part-time consulting corporation which should allow for some technical work and plenty of travel and free time for enjoying ourselves." Buck and Gail live at 11911 Hidden Lake Drive, St. Lo uis, MO 6313 8.

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1983 Rollamo

1943 Joseph P. Berndt is business analysis manager-international for Monsanto Company, St. Louis. He and Virginia live at 61 Clermont Lane, St. Louis, MO 63124, and write: "Our son, Jim , was graduated from UMR on May 13 with a BS in Petroleum Engineering."

Howard Burton Avery Jr., a member of the Class of 1944, died April 14, according to a notice from Bob Klorer, '44, St. Louis. At MSM Howard was a member of Sigma Pi. He is survived by three sons, one daughter and five grandchildren .

D.N. Christensen is with the X-TENSEN Group, 132 S. Main St. , Blanding, UT 84511.

Kenneth E. Rudert, '44, '48, and Virginia are retired at 1403 S. lith St. , Mt. Vernon, WA 98273. He writes: "Plan to attend Homecoming this fall."

Raymond B. Jones writes: "Retired!!! Doing .consulting work domestically , Mexico and Dominican RepUblic." He and Roberta live at 26907 Lake Road, Bay Village, OH 44140. Eberhard H. Miller, '46, '47, '48, 4129 Bray, Corpus Christi, TX 78413 , writes: "Still teaching at Del Mar. Am now an associate professor. Having too much fun to retire."

1947 1946

1944 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26-27, 1984 Class Coordinators: Robert W. Klorer 7500 Natural Bridge St. Louis, MO 63121 Hans E. Schmoldt 526 S. Seminole Bartlesville, OK 74003 Ernst A. Weinel 1502 W. 50th O'Fallon, IL 62269

Austin B. Clayton retired in 1975. He and wife Elva live at 909 E. Hawthorne, Colville, W A 99114. Elva writes: "We now have ten grandchildren--five boys and five girls. This winter is Austin's 50th reunion for University of Idaho mines graduation (B.S. geology) ; also AIME Legion of Honor status for 50 year membership." R.P. Connett writes: "Retired 9/l/83; doing consulting for U.S. Gypsum and others on mining and production engineering." He and Janice live at 196 Crestview Drive, Abingdon, VA 24210.

Phillip D. Johnson is retired as Stevens County road engineer. He and Louise live at Route 1, Box 5, Rice, W A 99167. Phillip writes: "Have been retired two years. Enjoying every minute. Have lived on the ranch 30 years. Spend 2-4 months in Arizona in the winter and take short trips frequently. " William C. Wunnicke died in October, 1983, according to information from Joe Mooney, '39. At MSM Bill had been a member of AIME and received his degree in mining engineering. His , career was spent with mining and petroleum companies and his last known address was 1406 Sunrise Drive, Anchorage, AK . MSM Alumnus / 25

Alumni Personals ___________________________________________ W.H. Presley Jr. writes: "Married Dorothy M. Barnes on Sept. 17, 1983, in Estes Park, Colo. Moved into new home Oct. 27. ConSUlting project with Vickers-Sperry-India, Bombay, India." He and Dorothy make their home at 16239 N . 63rd Place, Scottsdale, AZ 85254. Wilbern L. Weddle writes: "I retired from General Electric on Oct. 1, 1983. Colleen and I are still living at 8151 Clifton Court, Mentor, OH 44060."

1949 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26-27,-1984 Class Coordinators: 1983 Rollamo

1948 Phil A. Browing is operations superintendent for Shell Offshore Inc. He writes: "I am in charge of the drill ship 'Discoverer Seven Seas' drilling for oil off the coast of New Jersey. We recently set the record for drilling in the deepest water ever, 6448 feet. We are now on our second well." Phil and Ardella make their home at Route 2, Box 300, Logansport, LA 71049. James B. Chaney writes: "Retired from NL Industries Jan. I after 35 years. Now self-employed, currently doing work for Houston-based Food Corporation International. Betty and I maintain our address at 16218 Chipstead Drive, Spring, TX 77379 . J. Mathew Conyers died in 1976 according to a notice received from Joe Mooney, '39. At MSM Matt had been a member of the Engineers Club, Tech Club, Alpha Lambda Tau and ASCE. He received his B.S. degree in civil engineering. His last known address was Route 8, 232 Cheyenne Circle, Dalton, GA. William Allton Ellis and wife Marjorie write: "Celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary on April 4 with a wonderful open house as a surprise from our three children." They live at 4626 North California Ave. , Peoria , IL 61614. 26/ MSM Alumnus

Robert D. Bay 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway Kansas City, MO 64114 Donald G. DeBolt 9122 Raeford Drive DaIlas, TX 75243 William H. Gammon 4142 Southwell Way Sarasota, FL 33583 Nick Holloway, Jr. 149 Pipers Hill Road Wilton, cr 06897 Richard M. Otto 620 Cladium Circle, Apt. C Panama City Beach, FL 32407

Joe N. Strobert 2300 Divot Drive St. Louis, MO 63131 Laurel G. Linn is retired with wife Marilynn at 487 Galleon Way, Seal Beach, CA 90740. He writes: "We plan to be in Rolla in October for the 35th reunion at Homecoming." Robert C. Perry has a new title effective June I--president, PPG Industries Europe (based in Paris) . Continue sending mail to current home address--302 Fox Chapel Road, Apt. 409, Pittsburgh , PA 15238 until notified of new address in Paris.

Harold M. Telthorst is civil engineer and assistant secretary for Hamm Asphalt Inc., Perry, Kansas. He writes: "Oldest son Robert in law school at Washburn University, Topeka, Kan. Youngest son Thomas finished second year at U.S.M.A. , West Point; selected mechanical engineering as his major cours~ of study . Daughter Lisa senior in E.E. at Florida State University." Harold and Virginia live at 6815 S.W. Fountaindale Road, Topeka, KS 66614 .

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Otto L. Van Maerssen writes: "I will retire at the end of this month (March '84) but will remain as a consultant with LTV Aerospace and Defense Co. (missile division). We intend to continue living in the San Francisco area." He and Hortensia live at 2708 Jones Road. , Apt. 4, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 .

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Landon C. Viles writes: "Although retired from Wright-Patterson AFB in 1980, still not retired from Viles Super Valu. Visit another '4ger in Clearwater each year-oEd and Katie Comerer-where they winter in their condo." He and wife Virginia live at 360 E. Main, Enon, OH 45323.

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1950 Robert W. Bue! retired as field sales manager, Midwest Commerical District, Amoco Oil Company in February after nearly 34 years service. Bob joined Amoco in April '50 as industrial sales engineer in the St. Louis division. In 1960, he was transferred to Amoco's general office in Chicago where he was promoted to manager of government sales. In 1965 he returned to St. Louis as manager of commercial marketing, St. Louis region, which was later consolidated with the Chicago region as Amoco's midwest commercial district. Bob and his wife Mary Jane live at 65 High Valley Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017. They have one daughter, Beverly, and two sons, Michael and James. Michael, the oldest, is a 1981 graduate of UMR in mechanical engineering. Bob adds that they plan to stay in Chesterfield as a base for traveling, hunting, fishing--and just plain loafing!



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Alumni Personals ___________________________________________ 1950 Phil "Yo-Yo" Davidson retired March I from Kirkpatrick & O'DonnelL Phil started with CRC in 1950, joined Leland Equipment Co. in 1953, and moved to Kirkpatrick & O'Donnell in 1977 . He and his wife Doreen have moved to Wimberley, Texas, in the hill country, where Phil says he will play some golf, wash his car and dabble in the antique business. Their new address is 3 Country Lane, Wimberley, TX 78676.

Notice has been received of the death of Reid E. hersen on Aug. 17 , 1983 . At MSM he was a member of AIChE and was on the honor list. He received his B.S. degree in chemical engineering.

Harve Meier is president of Meier· Technical Associates Inc. He writes: "Manufacturers' rep in St. Louis area since 1968. Company name changed from Meier-Templeton Associates Inc. to Meier-Technical Associates Inc. in September '82." Harve and Gerry live at 43 Jamestown Farm Drive, Florissant, MO 63034.

OIiYer A. Jorcke and wife Dorothy live at 9320 Paul Adrian Drive, Crestwood, MO 63126. They write: "We are both looking forward to seeing all of the class of 1950 next year on our 35th." Oliver is executive vice president and manager, machine tool division, Colcord-Wright Machinery & Supply Co. , Fenton, Mo.

Kenneth C. Roach is plant engineer for Georgia Pacific in Plaquemine, La. He and Mary live at 13127 Deerpath Way, Baton Rouge, LA 70816. He writes: "Granddaughter graduating from Nampa H.S, Nampa, Idaho May 30th. Will attend University of Idaho in the faiL " Warren R. Wieland died April 28 according to a notice from his wife, Kathleen, 17 Sunnyside Drive, Belleville, IL 62223. At MSM he was a member of Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon and had been on the honor list several times. He received his B.S. degree in civil engineering and was awarded the professional degree of civil engineer by UMR in 1976. At the time of his death he was president of Warren R. Wieland ConSUlting Engineers and had earlier been with Campbell & Wieland Inc., St. Louis, for several years, serving as executive vice presiden t and president of that organization.

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1952 William H. Zvanut has been promoted to superintendent-quality engineering in the nuclear function at Union Electric Company in St. Louis. He lives at 4 Dana, Florissant, MO 63033 .

1953 William R. Park is a consulting engineer and tells us his 10th book has just been published by John Wiley. "Cost Engineering Analysis" (2nd edition) was co-authored with Dale E. Jackson of the University of Kansas and provides a guide to the economic evaluation of engineering projects. Bill and Sue live at 13150 Nail, Box 7466, Overland Park, KS 66207. John R. Seipel, venture coordinator for Mobile Exploration Norway Inc. , writes: "Currently the Statfjord 'C' pro· ject exceeding the schedule and costs well within budget. Two new additions in the past year: 7th grandchild, Lindsley Kristin, born to daugh ter Susan Sturgis in Stavanger, and bought future retirement home, Pawley's Island, S.c., overlooking the 15th green and fo ur miles to Atlantic Ocean." John and Mary receive their mail at P.O. Box 510, 400 I Stavanger, Norway.

1954 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26-27, 1984 Class Coordinators:

, MO

Frank B. Conci P.O. Box M Golconda, IL 62938



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1951 Dan G. Hestetune is superintendent· mining for U.S. Steel Corp. , Mt. Iron, Minn. He is also chairman of the Minnesota section of the AIME. He and Beth live at 1009 17th St. North, Virginia, MN 55792.

1983 Roll amo

J. Robert Patterson P.O. Box 573 Sikeston, MO 63801 MSM Alumnu s/ 27

Alumni Personals ______________________ Alumni For Whom We Have No Current Address The following is one-sixth of the number of MSM-UMR alumni for whom the association does not have a current address. The alumni office will publish a new Directory of Alumni in June, 1985, and would like to be able to include information about as many alumni as possible. Lists of these alumni will be published in each of the six issues of the MSM Alumnus prior to publication of the Directory. If you have any information at all about anyone whose name is on the list please send to: MSM-UMR Alumni Association, !OI Harris Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Mo. 65401 Editor's Note: Response from alumni who sent addresses for those who appeared on the list in the last Alumnus was terrific! Hope we do as well this issue. 1950 Faruk O. Akkoseoglu Adrian E. Allen Ismail H. Arman John R. Atwell Robert L. Baseley Clinton L. Beard John W. Behm Maurice E. Benoit Robert A. Betz Lester R. Birbeck Harold J. Brewer William B. Brown, Jr. Delmo L. Brugioni Edgar L. Bueker Herbert F. Byrns Herbert Cain Arthur B. Caldwell , Jr. James A. Calhoun Marion R. Ca lton Donald R. Chapman Ping C. Chen Samuel A. Chesebrough Christian M. Colson Elmer T. Com pas Russell E. Diefenbach James Digiorgio George Dillender, Jr. Cornelius M. Donovan Glenn R. Fa ires Ernest Fields, Jr. Frank Finch J. Bruce H. Fitzwilliam Elmer W. Friske David F. Fugate William F. Fulks Edwa rd G. Geiss Savino Giacomelli Leonard D. Hamlin Joe D. Hankins Austin K. Hardin Francis H. Hart Robert E. Hebert Edward H. Henderson Huseyin A. Hitit Ceci l E. Hollingsworth Floyd E. Hovis James W. Hughes Clyde L. Hursh Robert A. Johnston Necati Kanatsiz George H. Kelley William O. Kelley Edward J. Kollasch Virgil A. Leverett, Jr. James W. Lewis N ubert N. Lorenz 28/ MSM Alumnus

Francis L. Lyons Ching H. Ma James D. McCoy Will iam C. McGinnis Benjamin F. McKenzie Dwight A. Merritt Edward J. Meslin, Jr. Byron P. Meyers John R. Miller Joseph W. Miller Richard E. Moeller Thomas L. Nickens Marion E. Norris Richard C. O'Brien John D. Oliphant Subrahmanya Padmanabhan Philip L. Parker Donald J. Patrick Warren E. Payne Wa lter J. Pendrack y Claude O. Pering, Jr. James E. Potts Irvin L. Propst Earl C. Ralya William C. Rogers Pijush K. Roy Ragip M. Samli Eugene T. Schnieder Roy L. Simonds Richard N. Simpson Hal J. Smith William A. Spencer Charles J. Stehli k Ted Tubiel James Turk Norman A. Vaniman Mike Vincent Rudolph C. Walker, Jr. Thomas W. White, Jr. Thomas H. Whitfield Johnnie E. Williams John S. Winston Eugene F. Winter William E. Wolchek Dustin J. Wood

1951 Hasan O. Aker Manu G. Amin Joseph A. Beatty Joseph P. Berley Leonard Bieri, Jr. Julian W. Borgers Richard A. Brenk Robert L. Burtnett Lyle E. Cantwell

William C. Chamberlain Keith F. Cheadle William E. Chiles Lynn M. Christian Bernard Cohen Will iam V. Cum mings, Jr. John W. Cunningham Hilmi Dokuzoglu Chester C. Estep Forrest F. Farr James J. Fitzpatrick Emil D. Grigoriadis Thomas L. Hanson William Hawkins George H. Heuer Trevor W. Hill John G. Jameson Harold M. Jayne William A. Kappus Charles T. Kimball, Jr. Ali A. Kirkacaclioglu Clarence A. Lange, J r. Walter Lewoczko Robin Lillibridge Clement F. Linder F. Earl Linkogle William E. Madelung Richard G. Mallon Donald W. Maltzahn Woodrow H. Mason Albert B. McIntyre Roy G. Miles George D. Miller William M. Miller, Jr. Stanley W. Niemczura Ralph Orlansky Ra vindra C. Patel Marion S. Penick Arthur L. Phelps Robert D. Ramey Anthony V. Resnik James D. Rigdon Robert E. Ri ley Dona ld O. Schafer Joesph G. Schlosser Emerson E. Sharp Sheng T. Shi h Donald R. Smith Everal L. Snider Homer E. Steuck Frank B. Stevenson Ronald G. Sutherland John E. Synnott Hubert G. Tester Steve¡ Theodore Owen E. Thompson Richard A. Thurston

Vasil Uzu noglu Thomas E. Walsh John G. Weber Robert E. Weinberg William Z. Wenneborg Robert P. Wenzell Cevat H. Yali

1952 William J. Arnold Kurt R. Basakinci William D. Bradley Connie H. Buersmeyer Kenneth J. Burnett Leonard C. Carlson Donald E. Cole Richard J. Corrigan Norman A. Deering Virgil J. Derossett Donald E. Drewel James C. Hall Francis P. Herrgesell Don Huey Edward K. Hutson Gai llard D. Krewer Ved P. Maheshwary John H. Mann Richard 1. Matthaei Roy W. Nutter Durmus Ocal George T. Palmer, Jr. Philip J. Quatrochi Donald J. Quinn Michael S. Rodolakis Dale W. Stinger Merri l L. Stott Robert G. Sutherland Cleo E. Taylor Edward L. Vickers Arthur S. Wong Hong Wong William A. Wood

Jarvis A. Hoppler Louis M. Lus William G. Meyers Louis A. Miele Dundar S. Orer Alberto E. Perret Mauricio Reyes Frank O. Schumann Walter R. Smith Ernest L. Swenson James E. Thompson Dewell J. Thrall Robert J. Townsend Robert R. Valla Jack K. Wade Ronald R. Watson Chao C. Weng Stanley Wiseman

Zafiri Mor is Bolay G lenn A. Brigance Aydin Cansever Robert T. Collins Clarence G. Cookson Antoon Dabbous Ali E. Dinc Martin A. Frey Eugene M. Getson William B. Hammond, Jr. Svend E.1. Henriksen

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1954 Charles S. Barkley Lee S. Ch uen Tom D. Crutcher Arthur F. Dilworth Gordon B. French Harold E. Fuhrmeister Charles Guichard . Bruno H. Hake Virgil H. Haney James S. Hendrix Ahmetllter Gajendra N. Mohauty George H. Parharidis Henry K. Purnhagen Mohammad K. Rahman John D. Roberts Glenn A. Shipman Gordon T. Summitt Eugene W. Vaughn Muhammed A. Waheb Edward H. Young, Jr. Sam Zamudio, Jr.

1955 1953


Ray E. Baldwin Sheldon Boraz Edward K. Dummitt Donald G. Fisher Donald B. Harbert John L. Jones . Gabriel M. Kassab William D. Kouns, Jr. Richard B. Leisure William A. Lidster Harry K. Mathewson Samih Y. Musallam Marco T. Pulido

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Alumni Personals _____________________________________________ Lost Alumni Continued Louis 1. Rei Isma, J r. Na lin Sen Gene E. Stewa rt Bill L. Warren 1956

Lawrence E. Allen, Jr. Donald E. Anderson, J r. Clyde W. Baxler Robert E. Davis La rry N. Fussell Buford E. Gallaher Panagiotis Hatzikyriakos Ronald M. Hess Anake Hongyok Charles R. Humphrey Roy E. Sullins Harry Wainwright, Jr. Papken A. Zarzavaljian 1957

Robert W. Anderson Kjell Arnesen Donald E. Basford John W. Bayless Ernie J. Beasley Sibdas Chaudhuri Char les A. Crandall Tatsuhiko Ejima Edgar F. Fiedler John T. Gerwert

George O. Gratz David L. Harbaugh Robert C. Helm Hershel L. Henson John A. Honsberger Yu-Pu Huang George E. Husted Harry W. Ilierl Kurt A. Keller Lloyd M. Krueger Preston J. Law Maur ice 1. Legrand Thomas H. Parker Roberl Ruch Will iam D. Russell George D. Sample David W. Sioite Archie T. Tale Richa rd C. Tucker Mohammad A. Warga-Dalem Richard M. Wommack William R. Woodard Forrest D. Worman 1958

Sabi J. Asseo Richard M. Baruch Risden T. Bennett, J r. Robert L. Bond Roderick D. Ca rroll Edward R. Degenhart

Panayot is P. Demopoulos Wa lter M. Edwards Weldon F. Fu lghum Thomas E. Gioiosa George B. Gray, Jr. Thomas J. Guinan Floyd Hall Jerry B. Holder Dale C. Johnson Jack L. Jost Alan H. Kwentus Richard D. Lamb Robert L. Landry Hsiung W. Li Thomas E. Light Fong-Hai Long Raymond J. Lukuc Niels H. Lund William D. McCulley Douglas L. McCullough Clarence W. Mettenburg Willard G. Owens Ashok M. Patel Maung S. Pru Allen R. Sheets Robert E. Spratt Robert E. Strain William N. Sutherlin John F. Sweeney Raymond B. Swoboda Maung Thaung

Sadegh M. Vakil George B. Williams 1959

Austin N. Abbott , Jr. Arthu r F. Ahrens Mohammed R. Arshadi Richard B. Bough ton Boyce B. Buckner Louis B. Buonamici Ali R. Ca ner William W. Cornell , Jr. Richard W. Denise Ralston K. Dennis Da vid L. Donelson Danield D. Drum Erkman Erkman Amos D. Ewing Da vid C. Ford Robert E. Ganninger Dildar S. Gill Murray D. Graham Vernon E. Graham Richard B. Groves William B. Jones Robert W. Kassay William L. Kennedy Harold G. Klocke Gopal R. Kunchur George Kuzma Richard L. Legrand

Alan Martens John H. Mason Clarence D. Matlock Leo B. Matthews, Jr. Jack E. McElroy John T. McNall y Robert G. Melvin Millon W. Meyer William J. Moses William J. Newby Wi lliam B. Patton, Jr Richard D. Pearson Vincent P. Pusa teri Yehuda Rachovitsky Robert E. Ramsey Michael Reichik Edwin G. Schmitt Rukh D. Sehgal Rajendra Sharan Jerry E. Smith J.R. Stadelman Richard C. Sun James G. Taylor Jack Tolpen Sharad L. Vyas Willis L. Walker Wesley D. Weixelman Pau l L. Williams James A. Yates



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Dana S. Nan Wins National Research Award Dana S. Nau, '74, assistant professor of computer science at the University of Maryland, is the recipient of the National Science Foundation's "Presidential Young Investigator Award". The award consists of a grant of $100,000 a year for each of the next five years. Dana plans to work with campus colleagues on computerized problemsolving techniques and expert systems, and computer programs able to do things such as making medical

diagnoses. The award will mean a lighter teaching load and more travel to scientific conferences for him, but he will continue to draw a regular university salary. "The goal is to try to get computers to do things that we would call intelligent behavior," Dana says. He is an artificial intelligence expert who earned his doctorate at Duke University in North Caroiina and has been at the University of Maryland for more than four years. Dana's experience includes research appointments at IBM Research in New York and at the National Bureau of Standards in Maryland. During the latter appointment, he made recommendations for the use of expert computer system techniques in automated manufacturing. He has published more than 25 papers on biomathematics and artificial intelligence. He is a member of four professional societies and seven honorary societies, and is the recipient of ten honorary awards. Other grants and contracts he has received include a Naval Surface Weapons Center contract for expert computer systems for missile

maintenance. He has been a speaker in the field of artificial intelligence for several technical societies, conferences, research organizations, and universities. Among them are: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Nava l Research Laboratory, Rutgers University, George Washington University, Cornell University, University of Pennsylvania , University of Utah, University of Indiana, and Case Western University. He is to be a speaker this year at Michigan State, General Motors Research Laboratory and ACM in Detroit, Mich. At the University of Maryland, he is a member of the Graduate Admission Committee, is a member of various M.S. and Ph.D. committees, the Educational Affairs Committee, the Human Relations and Welfare Committee, the Graduate Assistantships and Admissions Committee and is the departmental liaison of the Graduate School Research Directory Project. He is also on 10 offcampus committees for Research. Dana is a native of Rolla and is the son of UMR Professor Emeritus and Mrs. Robert H. Nau. MSM Alumnus129

Alumni Personals ____________________________________________


1954 Continued

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William H. Stewart retired from the Illinois Departmen t of Transporation in Dec_ 1982_ He and Clemie reside at 403 N. Allyn , Carbondale, IL 62901.

Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26-27, 1984 Class Coordinators:

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Lucien M. Bolon, Jr. 902 S. Murray Road Lee's Summit, MO 64063


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Jerry R. Bayless 108 Civil Engr., UMR Rolla, MO 65401 Gerald L Stevenson 511 N. Main St. Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 Edward E. Hornsey 103 Engr. Mech., UMR Rolla, MO 65401

Richard E. Moore

J ames S. Anderson (left), president, Anderson Engineering Inc., Springfield, was recently initiated as an honor member of the Uni versity of M issouri -Roll a c hapter of C hi Epsilon , civil engineering honor fraternit y. With him is Ka ren Moeller (righ t), Kansas City, president of the UM R chapter. Anderson, a 1955 civil engineering graduate of UM-Rolla, is a mem ber of the Uni versity of Missouri Board of Curators. Moeller is a senior civil engineering student. J im a lso represented the Board of Curators a t the May 13 Commencemen t Exercises.

1956 Bruce R. Doe was appointed assistan t chief geologist for the eastern region, U.S. Geological Survey , on Jan. 8. He and Nellija live at I l nl Dry River Court, Reston, V A 22091. 30/ MSM Alumn us

Richard E. Moore, M .D., has been named to the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts by Missouri Governor Bond. He will serve a term ending September 1987. He is in the private practice of anesthesiology with Cape Anesthesia Group Inc. He obtained his Ph.D. here at UMR in ceramic engineering and prior to his departure from industrial research and development into medicine, he held a position with PPG Industries as senior research engineer in their advanced research di vision in Pittsburgh, Pa. He received his medical degree from UMC and was previously on the staff at the UMC Medical Center. He is a member of the American Society of A nesthesiologists, A m e ri ca n Med ic al Assoc ia t io n , M issouri State Medical Association, American Association of Respiratory T herap ists, an d t he In ternatio na l Anesthesia Research Society. He and wife Sandra live at 158 1 Lexingto n, Cape Gi rardeau, MO 6370 I.

Robert L. Boxdorfer, fire alarm manager for the City of St. Louis, Mo. , writes: "I am completing 25 years with the city and 20 years in fire communications. Rita and I have a new grandson born last September; we now have five. If possible, we may make it to Homecoming in October." The Boxdorfer home is located at 3547 Halliday, St. Louis, MO 63118 .

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1958 Joh n J. Schiermeier is a systems engineer fo r T racor Inc. , O' Fallon, Ill. He writes: "I retired from the U.S Arm y Signal Corps after 27 years. Held the rank of colonel. Have settled in Belleville and work ing the the local T racor office." John and Dolores li ve at 340 Breckenridge, Belleville, IL 6222 1.

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-Notice has been received of the death of John E. Canody, Jr. in February, 1984. At MSM John was a Member of Theta Xi, the St. Pat's Board, Student Council and ASCE. He received his B.S. degree in civil engineering. He was with the Division of Highways, District No. 6, in Springfield, IlL

George H. Morgan, sales engineer for Brake Supply, Evansville, Ind., writes: "Recently filed for patent No. 10, hydraulic torque wrench for underground mine truss bolts." He and Janis live at 309 Springhaven Drive, Evansville, IN 47710.

1960 David C. McNeely is area manager for OHR Energy , Laredo, Texas, since January. David, wife Nadine and 10-year-old Christopher reside at 411 Surrey, Laredo, TX 78041 .

John L. Hodges, manufacturing manager of the glass container division of Owens-Illinois Inc., has been elected a vice president of the company by the board of directors. The division operates 16 glass container manufacturing plants in the United States. He was named manufacturing manager in January this year. (See February Alumnus) John and Ellen make their home at 3999 School Road , Temperance, MI 48182 .



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Eugene Dale Brenning, P.O. Box 277 , Divernon, IL 62530, is chief, accident information utilization, Illinois Department of Transportation , Springfield, III. He says, "I was promoted to a recognized basketball official by the Illinois High School Association effective Jan. 19."

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J .H. Weitzel Robert B. Herchenroeder Robert B. Herchenroeder has been ap· pointed market development engineer for Cabot Corporation's Wrought Pro· ducts Division, Kokomo, Ind. One of his major immediate assignments will be the introduction of CABOT alloy No. 214, a new nickel-base, high-temperature alloy designed to resist oxidation, car· burization and chlorine attack. Bob joined Cabot in 1959 and has held a number of research and development positions. He has been the recipient of 21 patents for both alloy and processing developments. He is a Fellow of American Society of Metals (ASM), a winner of the Von Karmen Award in 1974 and recipient of two IR-IOO awards from Industrial Research magazine in 1967 and 1975. His home address is 609 N. Korby, Kokomo, IN 46901.

J.H. Weitzel was elected as a new of· ficer of the Empire District Electric Company with the title of vice president·production. He joined the company in June '59 as a results engineer in the Riverton Steam Plant and progressed through ' various posi· tions in the plant to assistant chief engineer in 1963. In June '69 he was named superintendent of the new Asbury Steam Plant and in January '75 became superintendent of plants for the company. In February '78 he was promoted to the position of general superintendent of production, the position he held prior to his current promotion. In his new position he will have general responsibility for total operation, maintenance, and construction of generating plant facilities. In addition, he will be responsible for planning and arranging for Empire's future fuel supply. His home address is 301 Hillcrest, Carl Junction, MO 64834.

1962 A. Mike Reuck is director of physical plant and purchasing at William Jewell College in Liberty . He and Karel live at 1018 N. Morse, Liberty, MO 64068 . They write: "We have two daughters-Tonya, 17 and Tracey, IS. Tonya wants to follow in her father's footsteps by attending UMR and becoming a civil engineer.

1963 Paul H. Miller is a staff engineer for Atlantic Richfield. He writes: "After four years in North Africa and three years in London, now trying Southeast Asia. He and Helen Kay receive mail at P.O. Box 63/JKT, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Rollamo MSM Alumnus / 31

Alumni Personals ____________________________________________




Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26-27, 1984 Class Coordinators: Alfred J. Buescher 624 Golfview Drive Ballwin, MO 63011 Frank W. King, III 3505 Lytal Lane Edmond, OK 73034

J.E. Shelby is an associate professor, ceramic engineering, New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University , Alfred, N.Y . He writes: "Just installed as a fellow of the American Ceramic Society. Elected chairman, 1985 Gordon Conference on G lass." His home add ress is 51 Pine Hi ll Dri ve, Alfred, NY 14802.


Larry L. Parkinson 2614 Bent Oak Ave. Adrian, MI 49221

1965 D. Franklin Giger is owner of Giger Appliance, Mexico, Mo. He writes: "Wife Norma is in charge of the Mexico LPN school; chi ldren are Julie, Susan and Jana." The Giger family lives at 222 E. Monroe, Mexico, MO 65265 . Jay S. Kallor writes: "Just appointed manager of advanced materials for TSBO, General Electric Co. , Erie, Pa." Jay and Diane live at 516 Monaca Drive, Erie, PA 16505. Rashmi K. Mehta sends the following address: "Rakrin" Motibaug Road , Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad-380 006 , Gujarat State, India. He is a partner in Messrs. K.B. Mehta. 32/ MSM Alumnus

Gene Nussbaum, 5298 Trail Oaks, Florissant, MO 63033, writes: "I am employed as an electrical project engineer fo r Granite City Steel, concentrati ng in the coke oven and blast fu rnace departments. My wife, Jo, and I have two children--Diana, 12, and Greg, 10."

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1968 Paul H. Dillon, Jr. is president of P.D. Construction Co. , St. Louis, Mo. He writes: "Started general contracting firm July 1, 1983. Presently work ing on projects at Adam Mark Hotel , St. Luke's Hospital, Street Ind ., all in St. Louis." Paul and Sue live at 550 I Fireleaf, St. Louis, MO 63129.

C. Stuart Ferrell 1307 Bienville Ruston, LA 71270

Gordon P.K. Chu, 24 Ledgewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 , is retired from GTE. He writes: "Have been teaching a continuing education course on ceramic-metal bonding and applications at the annual American Ceramic Society convention the past three years. The recent one (April '84 in Pittsburgh) had a full class of 30 participants. Others who registered late were asked to join in 1985. Most of the participants are members of technical staff from various industries and labs seeking up-to-date knowledge related to metal-ceramic and metal-glass-ceramic joining. Many hold their MBA and Ph.D. degrees."


Stephen P. Yallaly, 4617 Colima Court, St. Louis, MO 63128 , is a supervisorinstrument design for Monsanto EnviroChern Systems Inc. , St. Louis.


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MO Lawrence J. Reinsch Lawrence J. Reinsch has been promoted to associate director of the Plant Facilities and Services Division at Argonne National Laboratory. He will be responsible fo r new facilities planning including engineering, construction , operations and maintenance. He joined the laboratory in 1977 as manager of research program adm inistration. Prior to joining the laboratory, he was senior construction manager for Lester B. Knight and Associates; vice president for Oak Lawn Construction Inc. , and construction manager for Reynolds Metals Company. He received his MBA degree from the University of Chicago, is a member of the American Society of Civi l Engineers and a registered professional engineer and land surveyor. Argonne National Laboratory is operated by the University of Chicago for the U.S. Dep.a rtment of Energy. The Reinsch fam il y resides at 14 Tuttle, Clarendon Hills, IL 60514.


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Alumni Personals ___________________________________________ 1969 Reunion at Homecoming Oct 26-27, 1984 Class Coordinators:

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P.E. Ilavia is division drilling coordinator for BelNorth Petroleum Corp., Houston, Texas. He writes: "Doing fine with the new company (result of a recent merger)." He and Arni live at 1659 Imperial Crown, Houston, TX 77043.

Robert A. Andreae and wife, Vicki, '70, are living at 4221 N. 23rd St. , Arlington, VA 22207 .

Thomas M. Leirer Jr., captain , U.S . Air Force, is an airborne senior director with the 961 st airborne warning and control squadron at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan. He recently participated in Team Spirit '84, a joint combined exercise in the Korean Theatre involving more than one service from more than one country.

Raymond R. Williams is now divisional manager for the power division of Swissbased EUR-Control USA Inc. He is in charge of sales, marketing, engineering and service for North America, with offices in Decatur, Ga. He and Norma live at 3791 Galloway Drive, Roswell, GA 30075.


Glenn M. Kmecz, '69, '72, is currently assigned as a section supervisor in DuPont's spun bonded products division in Richmond, Va. He and Pamela wrote announcing the birth of their second child, Matthew Aaron, on April 6th. They live at 10304 Gention Place, Chesterfield, V A 23832. William A. Miller recentl y was named head of the piping department of Fruco Engineers Inc., Ballwin, Mo. He and Mary live at 2910 Poe Ave. , St. Louis, MO 63114.

Robert G. Brinkman 1970 Vicki M. Andreae has a new position as senior associate, resource and systems analysis department, C.A.C.I. Inc. (federal) , Arlington , Va. She and Robert, '69, live at 4221 N. 23rd St. , Arlington, VA 22207.

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William C. and Margaret Kruckemeyer live at 2935 Tara Trail, Xenia, OH 45385. Margaret writes: "S.A.E. chose Bill to be their chairman for the Midwest M ini Baja to be held at TRC in West Liberty, Ohio June 2. Besides working as mechanical engineer for Delco Products, Bill is a certified flight instructor at Greene County airport and donates two weeks every summer as the sound and light engineer at New Wilmington's missionary conference, New Wilmington, Pa."

Rodger Walker Rodger Walker has been promoted to vice president of marketing/salesstandard products for Walker Process Corp. , Aurora, Ill. His experience includes working for the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency in the water pollution control division. He also worked as an application engineer for the Penberthy Division of Houdaille Industries and most recently was a product manager for Eimco Corp. in Salt Lake City. He is a professional engineer in Illinois. Rodger, his wife Patti and their three girls--Traci, 6; Lindsay, 2; and Katy, 2 months--reside at 28 W. 165 Lakeview , Naperville, IL 60565 .

Robert G. Brinkman, formerly vice president of Mullenix Corp. , has established the R.G. Brinkmann Co. , Ballwin, Mo. The firm specializes in design/build and construction management services for commercial, industrial, and institutional developments. Prior to his association with Mullenix, he served as project director with McCarthy Brothers Construction Co. and as project manager for the designibuild firm of R.W. Murray. He is a registered engineer in Missouri. The new company offers value engineering to address client budget constraints, early bid packaging and fast-track construction. In addition , the firm provides leadership from project conception through completion, early outline of specifications, cost controls that span the entire project, and comprehensive scheduling of design and construction service. Bob's business address is: 1909 Berthoud Pass Court, Ballwin, MO 630 II . MSM A lumnu s/ 33

Alumni Personals ____________________________________________


1971 Continued



M.R. Havens, '71, '73, '76, is a senior project engineer at Cryovac Division of W.R. Grace Company, Duncan, S.c. He says, "New job, new responsibilities, lots to do." He and Marella receive mail at P.O. Box 5535 , Greenville, SC 29606.

Patrick M. Byrne is a project engineer for Massman Construction Co., Kansas City, Mo. He and Nora write: " Proudly announce the birth of our first child, Kimberly Nicole, in St. Louis on Sept. 26, 1983 ." The Byrne family lives at 15453 Millrun Court, Chesterfield , MO 63017 .


Donald L. Padgett writes: "New job as sales manager for Fabcon. One semester left for MBA." He and Francine li ve at 6309 Moreland, Saginaw, MI 48603 .

Bob Mohalley is plant manager for Teletype Corp. , Little Rock, Ark. He and Edie live at 1134 Silverwood Trail, North Little Rock , AR 72116. Bob writes: "As of Sept. '8 4, I will be attending Stanford University on a Sloan Fellowship sponsored through AT&T. My fami ly and I will reside in Palo Alto, Calf. Will work toward MBA in June '85."

Gary Pariani writes: "After four yea rs in the Houston office of domestic operations with Amoco Production Co., have recentl y tra nsferred to Amoco Europe's London office. My new job ass ignment is as a project engineer in a reservoir engin eeri ng group responsible for southern North Sea gas fields as well as reserve and computer coordination . Barbara and I are currently enjoying the sights of Londo n while in temporary quarters. We plan to make our home in East G rinstead , a small English town south of London. We are both look ing forward to seeing the English countryside as well as visi ting Europe during our stay ." Ga ry and Barbara receive mail through ExpatlLondon , P.O. Box 4381 , Houston, TX 77210.

Troy Kris Rhoden received a master of divin ity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, on May 11 th oHe li ves at 1805-F Ferguson Court South, Ft. Worth, TX 76 115 .

Allen W. Seabaugh was promoted to assistant plant manager at TVA's Shawnee Power Plant near Paducah, Ky. He and Donna li ve at 4551 Westchester Lane, Paducah, KY 4200 I.

Ronald M. Eckelkamp has been named senior principal engineer for Shannon & Wilson Inc., a geotechnical consulting firm , in its St. Lou is office. He joined the company in 1976 and has acq ui red considerable experience in the design and installation of dewatering systems, groundwater observation wells, and intern ally braced tieback retention systems. He is the project manager for the pile installation program at St. Louis Station for the Rouse Compan y. The development project wi ll include renovation of the existing Union Station building and construction of several new buildings within the ex isting train shed. He and Judith live at 1639 Liggett Dri ve, St. Louis, MO 63126. 34 / MSM Alumnus

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Richard A. Brown has been promoted to director of production and drilling operations fo r Eason Oil Compan y, a wholly owned subsidiary of ITT Corp. In this new position he wi ll direct all of the company's oil and gas production engineering and drilling activities. He joined Eason Oil in 1983 as chief reservoir engineer. His background includes twelve years experience in various petroleum engineering positions with both major and independent oil compan ies. Immed iately prior to joining Eason he was manager of engineering and production fo r Fossil Oil and Gas Inc. He also had served as a division operations manager for Texas International Petroleum Corp . He is a registered professional engineer. He and wife Pat live at 77 10 NW 34th, Bethany , OK 73008.

Frederick J . Pope has been promoted to supervising engi neer, mechanical design, engineering and construction at Union Electric Company in St. Louis. He and Jeanine live at 229 Hereford Ave. , St. Lo uis, MO 63 135.

Steve Lett was promoted to vice president of Snyder Brothers Company, Joplin , two years ago. He and Beverly have four children--Gabe (9), Gab rielle (5), Rachele (4), and Jared (I). The Lett family resides at 4235 E. 24th St. , Joplin, MO 6480 I.

Thomas George Smith died Ap ril 7 of a heart attack , according to information rece ived from Dr. Robert Montgomery, professor of psychology at UMR . Tom received a B.S. in psychology from UMR . At the time of his deat h he was teaching psychology at Baylor Uni versity. He is su rvived by his wife, Cathy, III Peaceful Lane, Waco, TX 76705.

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Alumni Personals ___________________________________________ 1973 Steve L. Robertson has been named president of Cincinnati Bell Long Distance 路 mc. , Cincinnati, Ohio. The company is a new, high quality discounted long distance calling service to be launched on July I by Cincinnati Bell Inc. Steve began his career at Southwestern Bell in 1974 and joined Cincinnati Bell a year later. He was a staff manager, corporate strategies, at the time of his new appointment. He received a master's degree in business adm inistration , finance, from Xavier University and was named as one of the "Outstanding Young Men of America" in 1980. He is a past member of the board of directors of Cintel Federal Credit Union, which he also serves as finance committee chairman, and is a past president and member of the board of the Prospect Point Homeowners Association. He and wife, Patricia, are the parents of three children and make their home at 526 Beaumont Court, Ft. Wright, KY 41011.


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Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26-27, 1984 Class Coordinators:

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Mark A . .Herzog 512 Richfield Longview, TX 75601

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Ruth Legsdin Anderson 2 Silver Birch Lane Littleton, MA 01460

Elmer L. Doty, 2605 Post Oak, Jonesboro, AR 7240 I, is employed as an engineering manager for FMC Corp. Ag-Machinery Division. He writes: "Busy year--new son born Nov. 15 named Patrick Michael (what else for an Irish board rep's son?), promoted to division engineering manager. Wife Susan and daughter Diana (now 4) doing great." James M. Entwistle Jr., 2545 NW 26th Oklahoma City, OK 73107 writes~ "After four hours, 40 min~tes, 10 seconds, I regained the OKC Triathlon title. The competition started with 1.2 miles swimming in a pool, followed by 13 miles running, ending with 50 miles of bicycling in 35 to 40 mph winds. This year everything worked properly and Siv's assistance throughout the race gave me. a six-second winning margin. Victory IS sweet!" Jim is employed as cooperate planning engineer for Plains Resource Inc., Oklahoma City. Lou Jearls, director of public works/water/health for the City of Florissant, Mo. , wife Pamela, and two sons, Louis III and Robert, are living at 6420 Odell, St. Louis, MO 63139. Donald R. Orcutt is a sales engineer for Babcock & Wilcox Co., responsible for the major steel mills in the Chicago and Indiana area. He and Kathryn live at 5720-B Dutch Mill Court, Hanover Park, IL 60 I 03.

James R. Patrick has been promoted to assistan t su perin tenden t-in terplan t maintenance, power operations, at Union Electric Company in St. Louis. He and Delilah live at Route 2, Box 226, Festus, MO 63028. Suppamas and Sukanya Prochakvej are living at 7 Sukumvit Soi 20, Bangkok 10 II 0, Thailand. "Chai" is now working as a drilling engineer for Union Oil of Thailand in the Gulf of Thailand. He writes that he would like to hear from friends.

David and Cheryl Sager have moved to a new home at 6732 Christina Marie Lane, Hazelwood, MO 63042. Cheryl writes: "Late 1983 brought many new things to our lives. After 13 years in the foundry , Dave changed jobs and is now design engineer at Ford Motor Co Hazelwood, working on plant renov~: , tion for Ford's mini-van. We also moved to a new house." Steve Souders, regional engineering manager for Amoco Production Company, Denver, Colo. , writes: "Carol and I are very much enjoying our new addition--our first child, Josh ua Logan, born on Jan. II of this year." The Souders' home is located at 8352 E. Phillips Place, Englewood, CO 80112.

Karen Dollar Aldridge 1017 Trenton Place Wilmington, DE 19801 Marvin E. Borgmeyer 734 Shady Lake Parkway Baton Rouge, LA 70810 Liz (Todd) and Randy Deaver are proud to announce the birth of their first child, John Randall, on Oct. 27, 1983 . They live at 2819 Madison Drive, Longmont, CO 80501.

1983 Rollamo

1705. MSM A lumnus / 35

Alumni Personals ___________________________________________ Lindsay Lomax, 783 San Antonio Drive N.E. , Atlanta, GA 30306, writes: "Promoted to programmer from junior programmer at Rollins Inc. in January '84." Michael C. and Deborah Millikan have moved to 604 Avocado Road, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210. Deborah writes: "On Feb. I Michael accepted employment with Unimin Corp. , Dividing C reek , N.J. as plant superintendent. Unimin is a sand operations (dredging) off the Delaware Bay. He is enjoying his new position and we love the area we live in (2 miles from the Atlantic Ocean!). 1983 Rollamo

1975 Nicholas Barrack, P.O. Box 1568, Rolla, MO 6540 I, writes: "I am president and operating manager of Central Security & Electric Inc. of Rolla. Recently married Charlotte DeBonis and live at No.2 Greenlefe, Rolla." Daniel F. Cole, '75, '76, has been promoted to supervising engineer in cost and scheduling in the nuclear function at Union Electric Company in St. Louis. His home address is 207 W. Haven, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Mona (Ogle) and Ted Cummings, both class of '76, now live at 3022 Alderon, Garland, TX 75042. Ted is an electrical engineer for Spectradyne Inc., Richardson, Texas. They write: "We belatedly announce the birth of Micheal Aaron (now I V2 years old) and the coming birth of our newest addition in August. Older brother John Andrew is now 4 years old and doing fine. " Ronald C. Durbin is a captain in the U.S. Air Force. He writes: "Received MSEE in December '83. Finishing up research. Transferred to 3246th Test Wing, Eglin AFB, Fla." He and wife, Roseann, now live at 1133 37th St., Niceville, FL 32578. Michael Emmerich writes: "Now senior project engineer with Monsanto at Texas City, Texas. Wanda is a full-time student and daughter Brooke just turned three. Phone numb er is 713-996-0687." The Emmerich family lives at 17003 Stone Stile, Friendswood, TX 77546. 36 / MSM Alumnus

Richard H. Frueh was promoted to principal engineer at Shannon & Wilson Inc. , a geotechnical consulting firm in St. Louis. He has been an engineer with the company since 1980 and has performed computer modeling of structures such as the cofferdam at Lock and Dam 26 (replacement) and designed and supervised the installation of several excavation retention systems for recent high rise structures in Clayton. He and Suzanne live at 915 Award Drive, Manchester, MO 630 II. Patrick M. Goeke was promoted to principal engineer at Shannon & Wilson Inc. , a geotechnical consulting firm in St. Louis. He joined the company in 1980 and has been involved with various geotechnical instrumentation . studies performed at Lock & Dam 26 (replacement) for the St. Louis District Corps of Engineers, and has completed numerous foundation investigations in the St. Louis area. He recently returned from a project assignment in Troy, N.Y. , for the New York District Corps of Engineers where he developed and installed an instrumentation monitoring program for the Corps' 60-year-old Troy Lock & Dam. He and Mary make their home at 1227 Dame, Ballwin, MO 630 II. Robert E. Helmkamp recently became division production engineer for Shell Western E&P Inc. , New Orleans, La. At last word , he and Susan were in the process of moving from 4711 Whispering Falls Drive, Houston, TX 77084, to New Orleans.

Mike Starkweather writes: "I am now manager of methods and staff development at Anheuser-Busch charged with improving the productivity of the application development staff. The children, Mike (5) and Kelly (2 V2 ) are doing fine. I am looking forward to Homecoming '85." Mike and Alma live at 3846 Rainor Court, St. Louis, MO 63116. Eric R. Straatman has been promoted to supervising engineer at Union Electric Company's Labadie Plant in Labadie, Mo. He and Judy live at Route I E, Box 254, Washington , MO 63090. Dan Underwood was married to Erin Penny of Sydney, Australia, on Dec. 30, 1983. Dan is a field engineer for General Electric in Evansville, Ind . Dan and Erin live at 4986 Jamestown Drive, Newburgh , IN 47630. Mike Woessner has started a new firm , Investment Realty, specializing in the management and sales of investment property in the St. James and Rolla area. He is also vice president of engi neering and sales for BCI Corp. He and his wife, Linda , have a 15-month-old son, Matthew. The live on Route I, St. James, MO 65559. Mark Young has joined Crafton , Tull, Spann & Yoe Inc., an architect and engineer firm in Rogers, Ark. , as project engineer. He was formerly the head of surveying for an engineering firm in Springfield, Mo., and is licensed as a professional engineer in Arkansas, Missouri , Kansas and Illinois.

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1976 Linda (Riley) and Craig Bernstein, '78, '80, write: "We have a little Miner on order for October or November." Craig has a new job as a parts zone manager for Ford Motor Co. , Lenexa, Kan . Their home address is 6319 W. 50th, Mission , KS 66202. David R. Bradley is quality assurance evalutor for Tennessee Valley Authority in Spring City, Tenn. He and Rhonda live at Route 14, Box 478 , Crossville, TN 38555. They write: "Our family has expanded by adding 9 lb. 12 oz. Elizabeth Anne on April 24,"

John Grahm writes: "I recei ved an MBA from the University of Oklahoma in December. I am now working for Santa Fe Minerals as engineering supervisor of development. My wife, Connie, and our two daughters, Jocelyn (3 \12) and Haley (1 \12) are enjoying living in Tulsa." The Graham family lives at 6903 E. 99th, Tulsa, OK 74133 .

Randy L. Mosby writes: "Left Sverdrup & Parcel and started Mosby & Associates Inc. in Aug. '83, providing consulting engineering services." Randy and Debbie receive mail at P.O. Box 998, Wabasso, FL 32970. The company address is P.O. Box 6368 , Vero Beach, FL 32960.

Thomas W. Gordy is assistant project manager-field for Centric Corporation, Lakewood, Colo. He and Kathy receive mail at P.O. Box 229, Jensen, UT 84035. They send word of the birth of a daughter, Lisa, on Dec. II, 1983.


Kim (Morrill) and Dennis Simon, both class of '76, announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, LaNae Hester Simon, on April 8. Kim is employed as area manager for Artcraft Concepts and Dennis is a project design engineer for Missouri Pacific Railroad in St. Louis. They live at 3880 Fairway Drive, Florissant, MO 63033.

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1977 Greg Derbak writes: "Heidi and I were married in September '83. Formed Cybertech Software Inc. , a software consulting firm , and am currently under contract to Sperry Avionics, Glendale, Ariz." Greg and Heidi live at 14208 N. 38th St., Phoenix, AZ 85032.


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Steve Lampe, '77, '79, has joined Solar Turbines Inc., San Diego, Calif., as senior engineer. He and Cindy reside at 4180 38th St. , No. 10, San Diego, CA 92105. They transferred last November from Kansas.

Kathleen and James, '78, Wright had a baby girl on July 4, 1983--Meredith Anne. Kathy has a new job as product planner for DuPont, Wilmington, De\. Jim is employed at Wilmington Trust Discount Brokerage. They live at 220 Bynum Place, Bear, DE 19701.

Linda (Riley, '76) and Craig Bern stein, '78, '80, write: "We have a little Miner on order for October or November." Craig has a new job as a parts zone manager for Ford Motor Co., Lenexa, Kan. Their home address is 6319 W. 50th, Mission, KS 66202 .



Terry Sudholt writes: "Transferring from Tampa, Fla., to Rochester, N.Y., July I as civil supervisor for Gilbert Associates Inc., construction manager for new Kodak power plant construction." Terry and Diann currently live at 646 Pine Forest Drive, Brandon, FL 33511.

John V. Stutsman writes: "A lot has happened in the last couple of months. I passed the CPA exam last November and completed my master of sciencemanagement at Purdue UniversityCalumet in accounting and finance last December. But the most important news is that I became a father to a boy, Brian John (8 Ibs. 4 oz.) on March 15! Enclosed is a picture of the new little 'Miner'. We really enjoy our new son; something different happens every day." John is a strategic planning analyst for Northern Indiana Public Service Company, Hammond, Ind. He and Kathy live at 8713 Monroe Ave., Munster, IN 46321.

Albert L. Charles writes: "In the past year I married Robyn (an engineering student at UCn, have been promoted to group head (Hughes Aircraft Co., Fullerton, Calif.) , and bought a new house (27 Meadow View Drive, Pomona, CA 91766)." Doug Cothern is now a project leader with Pepsico Food Services International in Wichita, Kan. He and Diane and their 18-month-old son Jeremy now live at 145 Bonnie Brae, Wichita, KS 67207. They are expecting another child in October. Kevin J. Huther writes: "Became a born-again Christian in 1982 and have since married. Barbara and I live at 1815 Tawny Ash Drive, St. Louis, MO 63166. I am a senior engineer at McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company working in optical communications." MSM Alumnus / 37

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1978 Continued Gregory A. Lang is a mine production superintendent for Tenneco Minerals Co., Green River, Wyo. He and Sharon live at 2625 Michigan Court, Green River, WY 82935. They write: "Our se¡ cond child, Christina Erin, was born on April 8." Douglas C. Melton Jr. is employed by CG. Davis Production Compan y, Ft. Smith, Ark . He and wife Marjorie Ann live at 1908 Brooken Hill Drive, Ft. Smith, AR 72903. He writes: "We have a new daughter, Martha Ann, born April 15th." James Warren Parker is a mechanical engineer for Vought Corp. , and recently transferred from Mesa, Ariz. , to Dallas, Texas . He is using his parents' address--4618 E. Calle Redonda Phoenix, AZ 850 18--until he establishe~ a permanent address in the Dallas area. Daniel A. Reed, 26J Laur~1 Ridge Apts. , Chapel H ill , NC 27514, writes: "Effective Aug. 15 I will be an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at C hampaign-Urbana in computer science."

Mark Roenfeldt writes: "1 am still working for CTLIThompson Inc. Have recently been promoted to manager of construction services where I am in charge of scheduling and controlling about 20 field technicians and engineers. We are providing inspection and fill control services for residential and commercial projects." Mark and Cheri live at 1428 S. Washington St. , Denver, CO 80210. James and Kathleen, '77, Wright had a baby girl on July 4, 1983--Meredith Anne. Jim is employed at Wilmington Trust Discount Brokerage and Kathy has a new job as product planner for DuPont, Wilmington, Del. They live at 220 Bynum Place, Bear, DE 19701.

1979 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26.27, 1984 Class Coordinators: Jon A. Manning P.O. Box 22781 Oklahoma City, OK 73132 Ron K. Acker P.O. Box 2373 Elizabethtown, KY 42701

Wolfgang S. Campbell is employed as an engineer for Houston Light & Power, Wadsworth , Texas. His home address is 2100 Austin, No. 22, Bay City , TX 77414 . He writes: "Here I am--deep in the heart of Texas, enjoying the warm weather and beaches. Wish y'all were here." Doug Montgomery and Rebecca Erb, '80, were married on March 31 in Springfield, Mo. Both are employed by Arco Alaska Inc., Anchorage. Their home address is 409 Gravina Circle, Eagle River, AK 99577.

Joel Pundmann, 725 S. Benton , St. Charles, MO 6330 I , writes: " I have been transferred back to Southwestern Bell in St. Louis, Mo. , after working for A.T.&T. in Orlando, Fla. for I Y2 years."

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Rebf Tom Rosenauer writes: "Kin leigh (Hrovat, '80) and I have moved to Aberdeen, Scotland, and I'm working for Amoco (U .K.) Exploration Co. as a staff drilling engineer. Our mailing add res is Expatriate-Scotland, P.O. Box 4381 , Houston, TX 77210." Timothy and Agnes (Fox, '80) Snyder are now residing at 6652 Champana Lane, Florissant, MO 63033. "Kate" writes: "After the birth of our twins, Rebekah and Sarah, we took an opportunity to move back to the Midwest from Connecticut. Tim now works for McDonnell Douglas." William S. Stein writes: "I am a captain in the Army and have just been reassigned to Letterkenny Army Depot. Catherine and I will be living at 165 E. Catherine St. C hambersburg, P A 1720 I." T hey are moving from Ft. Belvoir, Va.

1983 Rollamo


Tom Wetteroth, '79, '83, is a process engineer for Motorola Semiconducter Sector, Phoenix, Ariz. His home address is 2938 N. 61st Place, No. 231 , Scottsdale, AZ 85251. He writes: " Am totally enjoying the weather here--year-round fun in the sun! "

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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1980 Bradley A. Brown writes: "First baby born Jan. 31 , a boy--Elliott M. Things are going well; still working at Bendix in Kansas City in the non-destructive testing lab." He and Camille live at 7716 Crisp, Raytown, MO 64138.


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Thomas A. Dittmaier, 17005 Hart Ave., Independence, MO 64055, is a project engineer for Burns & McDonnell Engineering, Kansas City, Mo. He writes: "I completed my MSCE this past year at night in the UMClUMKC program. Working on project management for $29 million wastewater treatment plant in Kansas City area."

Rebecca Erb and Doug Montgomery, '79, were married on March 31 in Springfield, Mo. Both are employed by Arco Alaska Inc., Anchorage. Their home address is 409 Gravina Circle, Eagle River, AK 99577.

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Paul W. Reed is engineer superintendent for U.S. Gypsum, Sperry, Iowa. He and Jill make their home at 2600 Yoder Drive, Burlington, IA 52601. They send word of a new arrival--daughter Lindsay Michelle was born May 2, 8 Ibs. 1;2 oz. , 21 inches long. They also have a son, Jeffery Matthew, born Sept. 22, 1982.

Kinleigh (Hrovat) and Tom Rosenauer, '79, have moved to Aberdeen, Scotland, where Tom is working for Amoco (U .K.) Exploration Co. as a staff drilling engineer. The mailing address is: Expatriate-Scotland, P.O. Box 4381 , Houston, TX 77210. Agnes (Fox) and Timothy Snyder, '79, are now residing at 6652 Champana Lane, Florissant, MO 63033. "Kate" writes: "After the birth of our twins, Rebekah and Sarah, we took the opportunity to move back to the Midwest from Connecticut. Tim now works for McDonnell Douglas."

Michael J. Strafford, 3005-B Hoad Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93309, writes: "Recently transferred to position of plant engineering supervisor at Lost Hill Gas Processing Plant (Warren Petroleum, Division of Gulf Oil) in Lost Hills, Calif. , just north of Bakersfield." Mark D. Walz writes: "Jane and I are expecting our first child in October. I am now working for TV A. Our new address is 60 I0 Brandywine Lane, Chattanooga, TN 37415." Robert J. Wille is a test engineer for Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, Ill. He and wife Therese are expecting their first child on Aug. 19. They live at 612 W. Hudson, Peoria, IL 61604.

1981 Michael S. Barnes writes: "I have recently switched jobs from Emerson Electronics and Space, St. Louis, and am now working for Martin-Marietta, Denver Aerospace, Ground Support Electronics Department." He also sends a new mailing address: P.O. Box 27274, Denver, CO 80227. Michael Chaffin writes: "We (he and Nancy) are now living at 102 Melanie Lane, Longview, TX 75603, where 1 am employed by Sun Oil Co. as a drilling engineer." Barry Eikmann writes: "Have moved to St. Louis. Wife Diana and I live at 6104 Shalimar, Florissant, MO 63033. 1 have title of electrical facilities engineer for Hussman Refrigeration in Bridgeton, Mo." Mark R. Harrison has joined the staff of Booker Associates Inc. as a civil design engineer, civil engineering department. He is a engineer- in-training in Missouri and a member of the American Society of Civ il Engineers. His home address is 455 Cass Ave., Edwardsville, IL 62025. Tim Kaiser, 3882 Jewell, G-I02, San Diego, CA 92109, writes: "Have joined General Dynamics Convair Division from Boeing as senior research engineer."

1983 Rotlamo

Frank Landwehr is employed by Buick Motor Division of General Motors, Flint, Mich., as a skilled trades supervisor (manufacturing engineer); wife Mary (Kelly) will graduate with a BBAaccounting from the University of Michigan-Flint in the spring '85 . They live at 20 I S. Franklin, Flint, MI48503. Bruce M. McCoy writes: "Have left the Naval Avionics Center where 1 did fiber optics R&D to start optics R&D program for Boeing Military. My job will be to integrate fiber optics into advanced systems for avionics on military aircraft." His home address is 1127 N. Main, Andover, KS 67002. Kevin L. Ray is a computer programmer for Creative Software. He and Jane now live at 644 La Grande Drive, No.4, Sunnyvale, CA 94087. Kevin writes: "Finally made it to the silicon valley. Programming on the Commodore 64. Buy Creative Filer--I get royalties! " Daniel L. Vaughn is an associate mining engineer for Shell Min ing Company, Houston , Texas. Dan and Beth write: "We had a little Miner come into this world on Dec. 28, 1983. His name is Robert Joseph--Bobby Joe." The Vaughn family lives at 19406 Moonhollow , Houston , TX 77084. MSM Alumnus / 39

Alumni Personals ___________________________________________ Steven Gobelman receives mail clo Dept. of Mining & Geological Engineering, 107 Brooks Bldg., UAF , Fairbanks, AK 9970 I. He writes: "Working on my master's program in geological engineer¡ ing."

1982 Stacey (Miller) and Ted Eicks were married on Oct. 2 and are living at 1032 Del Ebro, Ballwin, MO 630 II .


Don L. Mcintosh wri tes: "Now a senior engineer in electron ics design at Emerson electronics and Space in St. Louis, Mo. Home address is 830 Chain of Rocks, Bellefontaine Neighbors, MO 63137"

David Moore, 8408 Drury Circle, Kansas City, MO 64132, is an associate engineer for Bendix Corp. He also sends word that Robert M. Sauer, '83 (son of Harry J. Sauer, '56) is engaged to Bev Drury, '84.

Bob Phillips, 23 03 Pontchartrain, Florissant, MO 63033 , is employed at McDonnell Douglas. He writes: "Currently developing HPWS ECS for MSIP, DRF, and AS AT F-15 AIC at MAC." Editor's Note: Surely all you engineers know what that means. Bill J. Schnell writes: "During the past year I've been working on an exciting new project. With my civil engineering background and an interest in solar energy, I was able to get my own weekly cable T.V. series in St. Louis. "Solar Dreamhouse" features local homes and leaders in the solar industry. Several Rolla grads have helped in the production of this series. I work full time with the Missouri Highway and Transporation Department and live at 12638 Clock Tower Drive, St. Louis, MO 63138. Phone (314) 355-1904." Edward J. Smith, 10531 Hanford Drive, St. Louis, MO 63128, writes: "I am now working as an engineering cos t estimator for the Harpoon Missile System a t McDonn ell Douglas Astronautics Corp."

J. Kent Peterson, 3900 Moorpark Ave., No. 172, San Jose, CA 95117, writes: "I am a design engineer at Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. in Silicon Valley. My free time is spent at the beach, skiing at Lake Tahoe, or partying any way [ can . California is great! But St. Pat's sure was the same. See ya soon."

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1:3( Gary V. Gastler Gary V. Gastler has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S Air Force upon graduation from Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Texas. He will now be assigned at Barksdale AFB, La.

Jack P. Taylor, Jr. writes: "I am presently employed as a plant operations engineer in charge of the North County Plant of the St. Louis County Water Company. The plant is a 76 milliongallon-a-day water plant with a normal crew of 18 people." Jack and wife Katie live at 2610 Madison Ave., Apt. A, Granite City, IL 62040.

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Jeffery L. Smith is an engineer at Manvi lle Service Co. R&D Center, Denver, Colo. He writes: "Lori and I have recently purchased a home at 8108 S. Fillmore Circle, Littleton, CO 80122." .

J. Payton Wieland writes: "With any luck I'll be finishing my master's in December. My new add ress is 605 East 7th St., Rolla, MO 6540 I. Phone (314) 341 ¡3908."



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John H. Welch is a design/project engineer for the Gas Service Co. Kansas Cit y. His home address is 7903 Charlotte, Kansas City , MO 64131. John writes: "Sti ll living the single life, but always look ing! "




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SCHEDULE FOR HOMECOMING 1984 Friday, October 26 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m .-2 p.m. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m. 7 p.m .

M-Club Bonfire, Intramural Field on Fraternity Row

9 p.m.-l a.m.

Students' Homecoming Dance, Centennial Hall

SATURDAY, October 27 9 a.m .-1:15 p.m. 11 :30 a.m.

1:30 p.m .

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REGISTRA TION in Miner Lounge, University Center-East Board of Directors' Meeting, MSM-UMR Alumni Association, University Center-East SEE PAGE OF THIS EDITION SILVER AND GOLD COCKTAIL PARTY , St. Pat's Church Parish Hall

6:15 p. m. 7 p.m.-9 p.m . 9 p.m.

REGISTRATION resumes in Gale Bullman MUlti-Purpose Building FIELDHOUSE FEED for all alumni and friends. Features reserved seating for the Reunion Classes of 1934 and before, 1939, 1944, 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979. CLASS PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN. Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose Building. Food Service from 11:30-12:15. KICKOFF-MINERS Vs. Lincoln University New Jackling Field, Sports Complex CASH BAR, Miner Lounge, University Center-East AWARDS BANQUET, Centennial Hall, University Center-East ANNUAL MEETING, MSM-UMR Alumni Association

Check at the registration desk for special events scheduled for reunion classes. For assistance with Homecoming reservations, call or write: Larry Allen, Assistant Director, Alumni Activities, Alumni Office, UMR, Harris Hall, Rolla, MO 65401 , (3 14-341-4172).

Coterie Prints

UMR Coterie now offers prints of four of the original MSM-UMR Buildings in several forms. The prints were made from pencil sketches by UMR designer Dick Hatfield. They include the Rolla Building (187 1), Chancellor's Residence (1 889), Norwood Hall (1903) and Parker Hall (1912). All proceeds will go to the Coterie of UMR Faculty Wives Scholarship F und. 8 x 10 Prints suitable for framing-Set of 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . .. . ... . . . .. ... ... . . . .. ... $12 Notepaper-on antique white with envelopes (three of each of the four buildings), Set of 12 . . . . .. . . . . . .... .. . . $4 RoJlafll


Add $1 to all orders to cover the cost of mailing and allow two weeks for delivery. Make checks payable to UMR Coterie Scholarship Fund. Send orders to: Coterie Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 1638, Rolla, MO 65401



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