IJ niversity of Missouri-Rolla
August, 1984
Alumnus Vol. 58, No. 7
August , 1984
A Lool< At The Fu.t ure ..
University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, MO 65401-9990
"Peaks of Excellence" By Joseph M. Marchello, Chancellor Today's world is complex and the country's technological needs are diverse.
To provide the best possible education for engineering and science students, UMRolla has assembled a faculty whose interests lie not only in teaching but in research. Much of this research at UM-Rolla has reached or is at the point of national and international stature. There will be oppor~unities in the period ahead to build on these areas of instruction and research in order to further develop the technological base of the country and to gain added recognition for the efforts of UM-Rolla .
"Thrust for Excellence" We are making a concerted effort to solicit private support toward a "Thrust for Excellence" at UM-Rolla in areas of faculty expertise. Gifts offer significant leverage toward increases in grant and contract support from federal. state .and corporate sources.
The study of uses for high pressure water jets is one of the "Peaks of Excellence" areas at UM-Rolla. Under the direction of Dr. David Summers, Curators' Professor of Mining Engineering and director of the high pressure water jet laboratory, UMR's water jet process has been adapted to the performance of several tasks. Used in mining machines named Hydrominer I and II, it cuts coal more safely and just as quickly as conventional machines. It has been used for drilling-it can even drill around corners, and it can be used for dangerous cleaning jobs such as salvage or conversion of armaments. In this picture, the water jet is cutting through granite to form one of the stones used in UM-Rolla's Stonehenge. As you can see, the jet is down to the last few inches on the granite face .
Direct Support Opportunities • Research Contracts • Matching fund research projects • Faculty consultants By identifying mutually beneficial areas of cooperation, UM-Rolla can provide cost effective research and consultation for industry. Direct and indirect benefits will accrue to the operating units of the sponsoring company and to the University from the faculty and staff professional development and renewal process. University and industry research also can benefit from state and federal financial assistance. The Missouri Research Assistance Act of 1982 created a program that provides state initiatives. Funding is on the basis of one state dollar for·every two private dollars, and it has been used to benefit both the sponsoring corporation and the university. Under that Act, with the assistance of industrial co-sponsors, faculty researchers-and the students they direct-have engaged in a number of
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The signal processing laboratory pro· vides facilities for electronically enhancing an image as seen by a camera or satellite. In the photo at left, Dr. Norman Cox, assis· tant professor of ele9trical engineering, shows on a split screen, how objec;ts pictured by an aerial photo can be more clear· Iy defined electronically. Below-left, a digitized image (taken from a color slide) shows a blood vessel on a skin tumor. In the center photo the computer can depict a contrast enhanced version of the same image, and in the photo on the right, a furfher enchanced version shows only the blood vessel.
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Sun projects. And there are many more opportunities available. Support levels range from a few thousand to nearly a million dollars. An example is the sigrial pro· cessing laboratory in UMR's electrical engineering department. The equipll!ent has come to the university through a Research Assistance Act funded project sponsored by McDonnell-Douglas with state matching support. In addition to contributing needed information for an important industry, the' lab will provide students with hands-on experience using state-of-the·art equipment. At the federal level the University/Industry Cooperative Research Program, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, encourages universities and industries to enter cooperative relationships to engage in research projects. Through this 'program, the company and the university can benefit. Industrial sponsors can obtain support for faculties and facilities. Of interest to both the technical entrepreneur and the university is the Small Business Innovation Research program coordinated by the SBA. UMR par· ticipates in the program through its Centers for Applied Engineering and Technological Development. This program sets aside a portion of federal research and development funding in technological areas for small businesses. One purpose of SBIR is to provide incentives for innovative small businesses to engage in research that might result in the development of new products and processes.
General Support Opportunities • Scholarships and Fellowships • Program Enhancement Gifts • Equipment and Facilities To sustain excellence in a particular academic area, support is necessary to provide the extra incentives which encourage extraordinary effort on the part of faculty and students. Scholarships al'ld fellowships guarantee that qualified students will be able to pursue their chosen interests. Program support is necessary to enable faculty and students to attend professional meetings or visit institutions doing similar work; to purchase the latest 'books or software programs, and to provide clerical and staff assistance. Gifts of special equipment or of funds to purchase special equip-
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ment are vital to the ensutance of high quality research and education . Par· ticularly important is equipment not generally obtainable.
How The Program Works Major responsibility for the UMR program lies with the individual faculty member or faculty team in each area of research strength . It is the time, expertise and specific knowledge of the faculty, and through them· the-students. that is being offered for support consideration. The Development Office acts as a clearinghouse and gives general ad· ministrative direction to the program by providing coordination and offering advice to faculty in matters of scheduling, establishing priorities and identifying potential supporters.
Program Activities • Through consultation among faculty and administrators. areas of UM Rolla's strength have been identified . These are subject to continual review and revision . . • The Development office, with the assistance of the faculty. has made a preliminary presentation of the program to members of the UMR Development Council. Suggestions of companies with interests in the strength areas were ·sought. The process of adding names .of corporations to the list will continue as projects evolve. • After initial contact with selected companies. the Development office asks these companies to identify individuals within their organization who have responsibilities in the corresponding areas. • Development then gives designated faculty the names of corporate contacts so faculty may communicate with them to schedule meetings or other means of learning more ~bout the companies' specific needs and interests. • After areas of mutual interest have been identified. faculty, members .. prepare a proposal to the company identifying ways in which UMR and the company CJIl be mutually supportive. 'Financial backing may be provided by operating units of the company directly through active support processes or by indirect general support.
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Areas of Strength Many of U M· Rolla's areas of strength represent interdisciplinary programs that benefit from the synergistic effects of the cross·fertilization of ideas and pur· poses. Others may .combine to work on a particular problem or area of interest. These capstone activities offer the opportunity to build toward peaks of ex· cellence. The current list of areas of strength is: Science Applied Mathematics Applied Statistics Atomic & Molecular Physics Ceramics Ergonometrics image Processing intelligent Computing Materials Research Optics Polymer Chemistry Reliability Theory Surface Analysis & Modification Surfactant Science Engineering Aeronautic & Automotive Ceramics Aerosol Production & Control Biochemical Reactor Design & Modeling Bioseparations Communication & Signal Processing Computer Aided Design Electric Power Electronic Materials Engineering & Construction Management Engineering Management Environmental Waste Management Explosives Engineering Finite Element Analysis Gasification Mineral & Fossil Fuels Exploration & Development
Engineering continued Nuclear Power Systems Nuclear Eusions Petroleum Reservoir Simulation Pyro·metallurgy Remote Sensing Digita'i Image Processing River Studies Rock Mechanics ' Separation Processes Vibrations Control
Technology Advanced Glass Techrwlogy Coal Processing CompOsite Materials Dust & Smoke Control Enzyme Technology Flexible Manufacturing System Geo·technical Industrial Acoustics Metal Fatigue Metal Casting Mine Health & Safety Mine Reclamation Mineral Processing Organizational Behavior & Human Relations ~aints & Protective Coatings Polymeric Materials Quality Assurance & Non ·Destructive Testing Water Jet Cutting Technology
·1 would like to call on you. as loyal alumni. to assist UM·Rolia in implement · ing this thrust for excellence. The program is vital to the future of your Universi · ty. I am fully committed to its success. If you feel there are ways in which you might participate in the pro· gram-please contact the UMR Development Office (314·341 ·4 1721. Frank Mackaman. vice chanCellor for alumni and development affairs. or Howard Eloe. ~irector of the UMR pevelopment Fund. will be ' happy to discuss your ideas with you and work out a plan for participation in the program to establish and strengthen peaks of excellence at Rolla. I look forward to hearing from them about your involvement and the role I can play in advancing your program.
In the surfactant science laboratories, directed by Dr. Stig Friberg, Curators' Professor of Chemistry, researchers are studying the basic properties of microemulsions among other things. Microemulsions have been found to be thermodynamically more stable as compared with regular emulsions. This picture of two microemulsions (phdtographed through crossed polarizing filters) shows unique properties of a non-aqueous (using glycerol as a solvent with oil) as compared with a traditibnal microemulsion (water used as the solvent). Microemulsions have great;potential for use in any number of areas ranging from recovery of oil from old wells to the field of cosmetics. :
For more about one of UMR's "Peaks of Excellence" 'programs, see""s tory on the next page.
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New Computerized Technology at UM-Rolla As the development of "flexible manufacturing systems" has been moving the United States and other industrialized nations to the threshold of a new industrial revolution, this new computerized technology also is transforming the way engineering is taught at the University of Missouri-Rolla. The establishment of the Institute for Flexible Manufacturing and Industrial Automation at UM R provides a focal point for the campus' instructional and research programs and activities i ~ these two areas. "Flexible manufacturing systems grew out of factory automation efforts begun ' in the 1950s with numerically controlled machines," said.Dr. Robert L. Davis, dean of the UMR School of Engineering. "These systems take that original concept further by integrating database management with computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) techniques, robotics and computer-controlled materials handling. "Because flexible manufacturing is computer-controlled, it has several advantages over conventional 'hard automation' that enable it to produce high-quality goods more efficiently and economically," he continued. "As a result, an increasing number of companies, both here and abroad, are-either planning to or are already making use of this technology. This, in turn, is having a tremendous impact on engineering education." "At UMR we have always believed that we could best meet the needs of our students by giving them hands-on experience with tomorrow's technology in today's classrooms and laboratories," Davis said. "Consequently, we felt we had to develop state-of-the-art laboratories and a curriculum that would prepare our students for the jobs that will be available in the coming years. "To accomplish this we have set as our goal the development of a flexible manufacturing system in UMR's School of Engineering," he added . "We were fortunate in that much of the expertise and some of the equipment necessary for such an undertaking already existed on campus." In developing this system and a corresponding curriculum, UM-Rolla's approach has been different from that of many other universities. "We chose to structure our program from the bottom up and concentrate on undergraduate education," Davis explained. "We believed it was necessary, given the needs of American industry , to develop a comprehensive program that would introduce the maximum number of students to this new technology ."
Program Development
In 1979 and 1980, UMR laid the cornerstone fo r its flexible manufacturing pr9gram with the purchase of $1.5 million worth of computer graphics equipment, including a host compu ter for graph ics and 24 graphics terminals. This equipment, together with a special classroom that was outfitted for the system , enabled UMR to begin offering instruction in computer-aided design and analysis techniq ues in the summer of 1981 . Most engineering students at UM-Rolla receive their initial exposure to computer-aided design in their freshman engineering graphics class ("Engineering Drawing and Descriptive Geometry"). In that course, they learn how to produce soph isticated engineering drawings and perform engineering analysis on a com· puter terminal instead of at a drafting table. "Our Computer Aided Design (CAD) system is programmed to provide students with numerous drafting and geometric capabilities," said Wells N. Leitner, professor-in-charge of engineering graphics at UMR . "It also allows drawings to be produced in a much shorter time than those do ne by hand. and it enables students to analyze their designs at every stage of development.·'
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A sophomore-level course in "Gr<\phical Design" which introduces students to mechanisms, also is offered. 'This course uses the CAD system to study such things as gear tooth geometries and mesh, cam profiles and cam-actuated mechanisms. linkage displacement analysis and two- and three-dimensional vector plots." said George Swancutt, UMR associate professor of engineering graphics and course instructor. "Using locally written programs. students also can study selected plane mechanisms in animated motion ." Th~ next component in UMR's flexible manufacturing system came with the purchase of a PUMA (Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly) 600 in· dustrial robot in July 1981. The robot can be used to simulate numerous industrial operations and has become an integral part of several research projects and a valuable teaching tool, serving courses in mechanical engineering and com puter science. That summer UMR also received a $250.000 CAUSE (Comprehensive Assistance to Undergraduate Science Education) grant from the National Science Foundation. The grant, together with matching institutional funds, has been used for a project that deals with the "Development and Implementation of an Integrated Computer-Aided Design. Analysis and Manufacturing System." In addition to the development of that system, the project also investigated ways that it could best be integrated into UMR's mechanical and aerospace engineering curriculum . "The CAUSE grant has been extremely helpful in our efforts to make this new technology a part of our curriculum." said Dr. Thomas Faucett. UMR professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and project director. "The project has been a multidisciplinary effort with faculty members from several departments contributing. "It's really brought the campus together," he added. "and the use of this new technology really has grown in our courses and laboratories because of it." With the CAUSE grant UM -Rolla has been able to purchase additional computer equipment, 'I state-of-the-art direct numerically controlled milling machine tool, a flexible numerically controlled lathe and turning center and two largescreen graphics video projectors for use in lectures. In addition. the grant has provided support for the development of extensive relevant computer software and interfaces. Other flexible manufacturing-related facilities that UMR has developed include CAD/CAM, robotics and computer data acquisition and control laboratories in the mechanical and aerospace engineering department; an image processing laboratory in the electrical engineering department and a business graphics laboratory in the engineering management department. In addition, a digital signal processing laboratory is currently under development in the electrical engineering department. In the summer of 1983. UM R was one of 20 universities nationwide selected by the IBM Corp. to receive a $2 million state-of· the-art CA D/CAM system as part of the compa ny's Man ufacturing Engineering G rant Program. That system. which includes an IBM 434 1 host computer. graph ics terminals and several software packages, has been insta lled and is now operational. "The system that we received from IBM is similar to and will complement the one we already have," sa id Dr. O.R. Plummer. director of computing and infor· mations systems at UM R. " It will double our computing capabilities in this area as well as do ubling the number of work stat.ions available to our students." This system also will ~u ppo rt a significan t management component in addition to provid ing numerous enginee ring applications and capabili ties. "This manage· ment component represents the new dimension that this system opens for us." sa id Dr. Raymond Klu u/:y. UM R associate professor of engineering manage· ment.
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Institute for Flexible Manufacturing and Industrial Automation The establishment of the Institute for Flexible Manufacturing and Industrial Automation was "the next logical step in the continuing development of campus programs in these two areas," according . to Dr. Richard T. John~on, institute director and UMR professor of mechanical engineering. Faculty from the UM -Rolla departments of mechanical and aerospace engineering, electrical engineering, engineering management. engineering mechanics, computer science and economics are associated with the institute.
"The interdisciplinary nature of the institute will foster cooperative instructional and research programs among faculty members in these departments," Johnson said. "It also will facilitate the integration of these programs into our undergraduate engineering curricula." In addition, the institute will support faculty development in the areas of intelligent computin¡g and automated manufacturing, establish an information center on flexible manufacturing and related topics and assist in the development and cooperative use of flexible manufacturing facilities and equipment.
The freshman engineering graphics course enables . students to learn to produce sophisticated engineering drawings and perform engineering analysis on a computer terminal instead of at a drawing table,
The PUMA 600 industrial robot can be used to simulate numerous industrial operations and has become an integral part of several courses in mechanical engineering and computer science as well as a component of several research projects.
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The programmer prepares graphical representation of Knot yard threedimensional cam. The computer will prepare machine language code for transmission to CNC milling machine. When the program computer is in a remote location from the CNC machine (in the computer lab) , new parts can be programmed for the same or different machine while milling is in progress.
The CNC machine mills a wax model of the, Knot yard cam from program transmitted from the computer. The wax model will be identical to the prototype cam and the prototype is used to verify the program steps.
A Small Automated Factory Laboratory According to Dean Davis, the flexible manufacturing system which is currently under development at UMR "will amount to a small automated factory" when complete. The system will function in the following manner: -Parts will be designed on UMR's computer graphics system. All of the design information will be stored in a central computer for future reference during the manufacturing process. -Automatically controlled carts following imbedded cables or stripes painted on the floor will deliver materials to machining centers. . -Once these materials have been delivered to the machining centers, they will be removed from the carts by robots and placed in computer-controlled lathes or milling machines, where they will be machined to specifications stored in the central computer. Other robots may do welding or perform assembly operations at various stage& of the manufacturing process. In the future, these robots will become more intelligent and will possess senses such as vision and touch. - When the machining .has been completed, a robot will remove the part from the computer-controlled machine and place it back on the cart or on a conveyor belt for its trip to the next work station. -After completion, the newly made part will be scrutinized by a camera that contains a semiconductor chip that can "see" and instantly measure any deviation from the design information stored in the computer. - When the inspection of the part is complete, it will be sent to a packaging facility that can be integrated into the system. -All of these operations will be monitored by means of computer terminals a~ remote locations.
"In practical terms such flexible manufacturing facilitieS will require only a small work force," Davis said, "and because they are computer-controlled, changes can be made in design, number of articles to be produced and other areas simply by changing the programs that control the system. "This means," he added, "that the same facility can be used to manufacture a wide variety of components or subsystems. This situation is in sharp contrast to conventional 'hard automation: in which extensive retooling is necessary in order to change the product line. It also improves product quality, increases efficiency, makes the manufacture of small batches of components financially feasible and dramatic.ally reduces design and manufacturing time ." In order to allow students ~o gain the best possible experience with this equipment , a corresponding curriculum has been under development at UMR with new courses being offered and new technology being integrated into existing ones. Siudents in the upper level CAD/CAM course, which has been approved for the past 'several semesters, make use of UM-Rolla's computer graphics system to : design a part. It is then produced using the department's computer¡controlled milling machines. "When the computer drafting has been completed and the part's geometry defined, post-processing software allows the generation of tool paths with operator supervision and visual illustration of cutter movement over the part for verification," said Dr. Faucett. "Once satisfactory tool paths have been generated, additional post-processing provides machine language coding that can be sent directly to the appropriate machine tool for the actual production of the part," he added. The course on roboti¡:, Ihat Dr. David Ardayfio, UMR assistant professor of mechanical engineering, tc:aches is concerned with the study of kinematics, or the
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A direct numerically controlled' lathe and turning center-the Okama model LB-lS-computer is directly mounted on the machine tool in keeping with the Japanese philosophy of integrating the programming, operation, and maintenance functions.
The programmer verifies the automated process with a previousl y prepared model.
motion , of robotic manipulators; robot dynamics; robot work space geometry ; robot programming and control; and applications. "The course consists of three major parts," Ardayfio explained. "The students learn about ma'1ipulator geometry, which deals with the work space of the robot, and kinematics, which is concerned with joint motion. They als6 do laboratory work with the PUMA 600 robot that stimulates actual industrial operations and computer simulations." Although the facility became operational just a year ago, the mechanical and aerospace engineering department's computer graphics laboratory alre~dy has . been integrated into several of the department's other courses as well. These courses include: "Kinematics," "Machine Design," 'Thermodynamics" and "Vibrations." The facility also is used for demonstrations and in individual projects. Mechanical and aerospace engineering's computer data acquisition and control laboratory features commercially available microcomputers and data acquisition systems and programmable controllers designed for use in an industrial environ¡ ment. The laboratory was implemented in the fall of 1982 through the efforts of Dr. Johnson and Ken R. Schmid, UMR teaching associate in mechanical engineering, with financial support from foundation and industrial sources. "This laboratory and corresponding course work are designed to introduce our students to the use of the microcomputer as an engineering tool," said Johnson, ' who teaches the course in this area. "Emphasis is placed on understanding the application of these systems to engineering problems and not on the microcomputers themselves. "The students learn about such things as the use of the microcomputer for data acquisition, processing and graphica l display ," he added. "The course also
deals with some of the potential applications of microcomputers in plant supervision ; measurement, control and assembly systems; and robotics." In UMR's electrical engineering department , Dr. Randy Moss, assistant professor of electrical engineering, received a grant from the General Electric Foundation to develop an image-processing laboratory and course. In this course, which was based on a research project Moss conducted on robotic vision, students learn basic image processing techniques and how to apply these techniques to robotic vision systems. It was offered for the first time in the 1983 fall semester. "Students in the UMR engineering management department have been receiving increased exposure to computerized decision-making techniques in recent years," Dr. Raymond Kluczny said. "Our new engineering management software will enable them to do work in forecasting, inventory management , master production schedule planning, plant monitoring and control, customer order servic- . ing and plant maintenance among other things." The UMR computer science department has been offering courses in computer graphics for the past 10 years, and in the 1981 winter semester, Dr. Peter C. Ho, UMR professor of computer science, offered what he termed "one of the first courses in robotics to be taught in the Midwest." . Ultimately, the state and the nation will benefit from the UMR students' experience with this new technology. "American industry needs the trained professionals that UMR will be able to provide in this area in order to remain competitive in the world market," Dean Davis said. "In addition, the integration of this technology into our curriculum and the presence of this equipment on our campus will mean increased external research funding for UMR. It also will help Missouri attract and develop new technology-based industry."
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UMR Stonehenge UM-Rolla Stonehenge, a half-scale partial reconstruction of Stonehenge, the ancient megalith located on Salisbury Plain 75 miles southwest of London , was dedicated on June 20, on the summer solstice at the site on the northwest edge of campus (14th Street and Bishop A venue)_ The UMR replica of Stonehenge incorporates many of the features of the original and includes two capabilities that the original jid not possess. It features a 50-foot-in-diameter ring of 29 Y2 sarsen stones around a horseshoe of five trilithons through wh ich various sightings of su nrise and sunset can be made. The sarsen stones are I Y2 feet high, wh ile each of the trilithons measures 13 Y4 feet from the ground to the top of the lintel. There also is a heel stone, four compass markers and low- level lighting for night use.
On The Cover
The south-facing trilithon is provided with an aperture for an analemma. Our¡ ing. the year, the noon sun sh ining through this opening describes a figure "8" on the horizontal and vertical stones at the base of the trilithon . At noon each _day, the analemma can be used to determine the date from the location of the sun's image on the figure "8". The north-facing trilithon is equipped with a polaris window through which the North Star can be viewed. T his feat ure and the analemma were not part of the original Stonehenge and were added so that visitors can make use of U MRolla Stonehenge at night and during the day . A marker bearing the inscription "UMR-Stonehenge" has been placed in the center of the monument. This marker identifies the spot as an official triangulation point in the National Geodetic Survey's North American Triangulation Net work. (Such points are used for mapping and control purposes. ) Approx imatel y 160 tons of granite were used in the monument. The rock was cut to the proper dimensions by UMR's wa terjet equ ipment. This equipment used two waterjets cutting at a pressure of 15 ,000 pounds per sq uare inch traversing the surface just like a conventional saw. The jets moved at a speed of about 10 feet per minute and cut one-quarter inch on each path. The Original Stonehenge
Sunrise, which registers through the southeast trilithon of UMR's Stonehenge, is very early in the first part of June. A sleepy photographer caught this scene shortly after the trilithon was put in place this year.
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The original Stonehenge was built in three stages beginning abo ut 2800 B.C. and ending about 1100 B.C. and can be classified as one of the world's outstan ding engineering project s. Stones weighing tons were cut , shaped, transported great distances and raised and placed with tremendous acc uracy using onl y primitive technology. Th e first phase was built by the Late Stone Age people, the second phase by the Beakers and the third phase by the Wessex people during the Bronze Age. Stonehenge consists ul a series of circular rings of standing stone set in a pat ¡ tern which relates them to important positions of the sun and moon . The outer
ring is made up of sarsen stones. each capped with a lill":1 so that there was a walkway around the monument. Within this circle a ~e rles of five trilithons. each consisting of two uprights /21 -25 feet high and weighing 50 tons) and a capstone. were arranged in a horseshoe shape . The en tire array is ur iented so that the ris.ing sun at the summer solstice ca n be observed through the central trilithon aligned with the "heel stone" outside the ring. The "heel stone." one of the first large stones which the early builders erected . at Stonehenge. was 20 feet long. eight feet wide. seven feet thick and weighed an estimated 35 tons. This stone is entirely natural in shape and was not altered by chipping or scraping. The 19-sarsen stones following the one-half size stone indicate that Stonehenge's builders were aware of the 19-year eclipse cycle. while the 29 Vz sarsen stones represented the lunar month . It also was possible to accurately predict seasonal changes. eclipses and moon phase~. UM-Rolla Stonehenge Committee Members of the UM-Rolla Stonehenge Com mittee are: Dr. Joseph Senne, chairman of UMR's civil engineering department: Dr. David Summers. Curators' Professor of UM R's civil engineering department of the UMR High Pressure Waterjet Laboratory~ Neil Smith. UM R vice chancellor for administrative services: John Vaughn. director of resource and development planning at UMR: John Brown of Charlotte. N.C.: Jimmie Schmoldt of Bartlesville. Okla.: and June Kummer of St. Louis.
UM-Rolla Stonehenge Fund UM-Rolla Stonehenge was con str uct~d with funds and materials donated specificall y for the project. The UM -Rolla Stonehenge Fu nd has been established as a con tinu ing fund for the enhancement of the study of the history of engineering and science. Support of the Stonehenge Fund is derived from gifts and the proceeds of activities related to the campus model of Stonehenge. The Stonehenge Fund Comm ittee members, who establish policies and procedures for the Fund include: Dr. Harry Eisenman , committee chairman , Department of History: Dr. B. Ken Robertson , Dean of Students Office; Frank Mackaman, AlumnilDevelopment Office; and Ronald Boh ley , Library and Learnin g Resources Center. For More Information If you are interested in learn ing about Stonehenge, UMR's Cu rtis L. Wilson Library and Learning Resources Center has several books about the subject. Some of the books on the subject include: Stonehenge Decoded by Gerald S. Hawkins In Search of Ancient Astronomies edited by E.C Krupp Stonehenge- The Indo-European Heritage by Leon E. Stover and Bruce Kraig Stonehenge written by Lance Vatcher and photographed by Theo Bergstrom The Astronomical Significance of Stonehenge' by CA . Newham
Stonehenge Dedication At the dedication of the UMR Stonehenge on June 20. Dr. John B. Carlson. director of the Center of Archeoastronomy at the University of Maryland. discussed archeoastronomy. Carlson has been director of the Maryland Center since 1978. He received his degrees from Oberlin College and the University of Maryland and was a Tinker Foundation post-doctoral research fellow in Yale University's department of anthropology. He is a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. a m~mber of the American Astronomical Society. the Astronomical Society of Pacific and the International Fortrean Organization. and is editor of the journal"Archeoastronomy." He also has presented courses at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington , D.C. Taking part in the ceremony with Carlson was John Bevan, head of public services and assistant keeper of the Welsh Folk Museum. Cardiff. Wales. and bard of the National Eisteddfod of Wales. Bevan is a lecturer on all aspects of Welsh culture and is the author of an entry on folk art in the Encyclopedia Britannica_ His contributions to the National Eisteddfod, which is the Welsh National Competitive Arts Festival, and to Welsh life and culture have earned his admittance as a "white robed Bard" to the Gorsedd of Bards." Bevan holds master and bachelor of arts degrees and a diploma in education from the University of Wales. He has served as a research assistant. Board of Celtic Studies. University of Wales. as a senior lecturer at Glamorgan College of Education. a television director and producer for the BBC and managing director of an independent radio station . He has held his present position with
the Welsh Folk Museum since 1975. Bevan spoke, in both Welsh and English, on druidic lore and the preservation of customs and rites of the bards which are the cultural heritage of Celtic peoples in Brittany, Cornwall, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. As an example of this heritage, Bevan recited the ancient "Call For Peace" which is a part of the annual Welsh ceremony performed at the Festival. It is as follows : Y gwir yn erbyn y byd A oes heddwch? (Response) Heddwch
The truth against the world Is it peace? Peace
Gwaedd uwch adwaedd A oes heddwch? (Response) Heddwch
Cry above resounding cry Is it peace? Peace
Lief uwch adlef A oes heddwch? (Response) Heddwch
Voice above resounding voice Is it peace? Peace
Those from UMR taking part in the dedication ceremonies included Dr. Joseph Senne. UMR civil engineering chairman and astronomer; Dr. David Summers. UMR Curators' Professor of Mining Engineering and director of the High Pressure Waterjet Laboratory; and UMR Chancellor Joseph M. Marchello. At 8:33 p.m_sunset was observed through the inner faces of the northwest trilithon.
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Emeritus Titles Avvarded
Alvin C. Steinbach
Melvin L. Garner
Alvin C. Steinbach has been awarded the title of emeritus associate professor Melvin L. Garner has received ' the title of professor emeritus of engineering of German at UMR. management at UMR after 37 years of teaching economics and business sub· Steinbach first came to UMR (then the University of Missouri School of jects. Mines and Metallurgy) in 1947. He left MSM in 1952 to take a position with A native of Indiana, Garner received his B.S, degree in business administration Battelle Memorial Institute for Industry in Columbus, Ohio, where he served as at the University of Indiana in 1941 and shortly aftei that went into the Army" technical editor and translator of German into English. . "I didn't. really plan to be a teacher," he recalled. "I hadn't picked out any Steinbach was with Battelle for two years; then decided to return to teaching. specific career. While I was in college, I was just hoping I would be able to finish He was at the Indiana Institute of Technology in Ft. Wayne teaching English before I would have to go into the service." and German when he received a call from UMR in 1964. The major circumstance that influe'nced his future career was meeting his late "I was surprised and pleased that they still remembered me after 12 years," wife, the former Vernell Moreland of St. James, while he was stationed at the Steinbach said. "I was happy to come back to Rolla and to be able to teach Ger· Vichy Army Air Field near Rolla. They were married in 1944, and she taught man. And I've been here since." school in Rolla while he was overseas. When the war was over, he joined her Steinbach is a native of Columbus, Wis. , and received his .B.S. degree in educa· here. He worked for a few months for the U.S. Geological Survey before joining tion with majors in German and social sciences and a minor in English, from the the economics faculty of the humanities and social studies department at. what was then the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. University of Cincinnati. ~ , During Worl:'i"War II' he 'waS"inthe U .S~ Navy, and after his discharge from Garner. received his master of business administration degree at Washington the service, attended The Obio State University where he received a master's University in 1955. degree in guidance. In 1967, he trallsferred. to the.faculty of the engineering management depart· At UMR Steinbach was a founder and faculty adviser for the Rolla chapter of ment. "I felt that was th'e best place for me, since the courses I was teaching-in· Beta Sigma Psi fraternity . For 20 years he was a member of tqe committee . " dust,ri~1 organizatiop and management and 'accounting-were more oriented toward industry than social sciences," he said. In recent years, his major teaching which makes selections for Who's Who Among Students in American Univer· duties have been in accounting. sities and Colleges. He also was a member of the committee to administer the' Garner's son, Dr. Alan Garner, is an economist. Honors Program at UMR, and served as section head of the language program A Harvard graduate, the younger Garner recently accepted a positon doing for two years. research with the Federal Reserve Bank in Kansas City after several years on the "I have enjoyed my years of teaching and the activities of. the campus. I'm Notre Dame faculty . also looking forward to spending more time on literature," he said. "After I The retired professor is looking forward to being able to spend more time with retire, I will be able to 'travel in the spring and fall." his son, now that he lives closer. Retirement also means having more time for Other leisure time projects include his interest in art museums and antiquing reading, playing handball , running and "whacking away at golf," he added. and in further study of Missouri folklore, especially that of Missouri's German heritage. One of Steinbach's most popular activities on campus has been his lectures and tours to St. Louis and Hermann to explore German settlements.
10/ MSM Alumnus
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Adrian Daane
Dr. Adrian Daane, who has received the titles of emeritus dean of graduate study and emeritus professor of chemistry at UMR, promises that his retirement will be an active one. The first order of business for Daane and his wife, Jean, will be a move to La Grange, Ga. "We've enjoyed Rolla and UMR tremendously during the past 12 years, and we will be taking a lot of good memories with us," Daane said. Daane also will miss UMR and all that the campus has to offer. "UMR i~ a unique environment for a scientist or an engineer," he said, "and it's one-that I found to be very comfortable and stimulating. "The students at UMR are also some of the most able that I have encountered during my teaching career," he added. "The feelings and attachment they have fOF the campus is extraordinary. The Daanes are looking forward to their move to Georgia for several reasons. "Our children live in Atlanta and La Grange is only about 50 miles away from there," he said. "Living in La Grange will give us the opportunity to spend more time with our family." La Grange also is the home of La Grange College, where Daane will serve as an adjunct professor of chemistry._ La Grange's proximity to "a yery nice large lake" also appeals to Daane. "Jean and I learned to sail while I was on the faculty l!t Kansas State University," he said. "It will be nice to get out on the water again, particularly during the hot GeOrgia summer." Other activities to which Daane plans to devote more time are golf, gardening - .and flying. "I took flying lessons from Del Day (UMR Curators' Professor of ceramic engineering) several years ago and earned my pilot's license," he said. Daane also plans to stay involved professionally. ''I'll present lectures throughout the country under the auspices of the American Chemical Society on ~opics related to the research I have done on the rare earth elements," he said: Daane joined the UMR faculty in 1972. Prior to that he served on the faculties of Iowa State University and Kansas State University. He was awarded a B.S. degree in chemistry from the University of Florida in 1941 and a Ph .D. in chemistry from Iowa State University in 1950.
Herbert A. Crosby
- Dr. Herbert A. Crosby is now professor emeritus of electrical engineering at the University of Missouri-Rolla and the UMR Graduate Engineering Center on the University of Missouri-St. Louis campus. - Crosby first taught electrical engineering on the Rolla campus from 1948 to 1949. He returned to the UMR faculty in 1968 as an associate professor of electrical engineering teaching in St. Louis at the UMR Graduate Engineering Center. He was made a full professor in 1978 and, in addition to his teaching duties at the center in St. Louis, commuted to the Rolla campus for a semester in 1980 to teach two courses. _ Crosby has been active in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and has served as chairman, of that organization'~ St. Louis Section. He has been a member of Sigma Xi. the Associ~tion for Computing Machinery, the National Society of Professional Engineers, the American Society for Engineering Education and the Associati.on Internati0!lale Pour Le Calcul Ana1ogique. A native of St. Louis,_Crosby holds B.S., M.S. and doctor of science degrees in e1~tri_cal engineering from Washington University. Between his two terms of teaching at UMR, he spent two years with McDonnell Aircraft Corp., a year at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, four years teaching at Washington University and ten years on the faculty of Southern illinois University,,-He has held summer appointments with Argonne National - Laboratory. Lockheed Aircraft Corp., the U.S. Department of the Navy, American Telephone and Telegraph Corp., Defiance Machine and Tool Co. and others.
MSM Alumnus l 11
Telecommunications ... Integrating "High-Tech" Into Higher Education Recent advances in communications technology have paved the way for the . "In return, UMR professors could provide graduate credit programs to that transformation of UM-Rolla into an "electronic campus of the future," according company's personnel without having to leave campus," he added. "This could be done even if the company had multiple plants in different cities." to Dr. O. R_ Plummer, UMR director of computing and information systems. Other possibilities include sharing courses between the four UM campuses, "It is now possible to transmit and receive audio, video and data signals by having other UM campuses provide programs to be uplinked through UMR's similar means, including the use of satellites, microwave relays and telephone facilities and allowing UM administrators to meet through teleconferencing lines," said Plummer, who is also chairman of the UMR Telecommunications without having to leave their respective campuses. Committee. "Another project currently under development is the National Technological "The integration of high technology such as this into higher education will University (NTU)," Sarchet explained. "This would be an all-videotape universit y provide us with a number of opportunities to enhance existing programs and that would make master's degree programs in technical fields available to develop new ones," he added. "It also will enable us to realize some cost savings students in even the remotest location." and generate additional revenue for the campus." Consequently, UMR is currently looking into the possibility of acquiring a NTU's first master's degree program will be in computer engineering and will broad band communications link that would permit the campus to support a be available in the fall of 1984. The next program will be in engineering manage¡ wide range of telecommunications services and activities, including teleconferenc- ment and will start in the fall of 1985. Sarchet is on an executive committee that ing and course delivery, telephone service and data communications. is developing the latter program. UM-Rolla's entry into the field of instructional teleconferencing began in the "We are also looking into the possibility of forming an international teleconference network," Sarchet added. "In fact, I will be talking to officials fall of 1982 when it joined the National University Teleconfe'rence Network from University College Dublin in the coming year about just such a project. (NUTN). "The future appears bright in telecommunications and foundations for future "NUTN was formed in July 1982 by a consortium of 67 universities that were interested in developing and operating a telecommunications system for higher activities are being put in place that will allow us to playa major role in the education," said Bernard R. Sarchet, Robert B. Koplar professor of engineering utilization of forefront technology to enhance our ability to serve the public in management at UMR and the campus's representative to NUTN . the educational field," he concluded. "Since its inception the organization has grown to more than .IOO members In terms of telephone service, this new technology will mean several things for and is now the largest campus-based telecommunications network in the United UMR. "Deregulation of the telephone industry has really opened things up:' States," he added . Plummer said. "Eventually, we should have intercampus telephone service in the Member institutions provide continuing education programs to be downlinked UM system without having to pay long-distance rates. via satellite to remote locations throughout the country. At each of these loca"Our expenses also could be reduced through least -cost routing in the phone tions a faculty member is present and participants are able to talk with the system ," he added . "In addition , we could recover some of our costs by selling course instructor through a telephone hook-up. telephone service to other agencies and institutions." ''To date we have downlinked several programs ("Producti vity in America:' Telecommunications also will provide computer users with greater accessibilit y "Earth-Sheltered Housing," "Inexpensive Justice," "Strength and Conditioning" to an increased volume of data. "By plugging a personal computer into a phone and a conference on marketing) in Rolla, St. Louis and Springfield ," Sarchet aid. jack, a person will be able to communicate with other computers at UMR, the "A ll of these programs have been very well-rece ived and one proved so UMR Computer Center, the UM computer network and specialized national and popular that it was repea ted later," he added. international data banks:' Plummer sa id. Last spring UM R entered a new phase in its teleconferencing acti vi tie . " In Telecommunica tions also will make po sible other computer-based communica Apri l a five-hour program entitled "Management fo r Engineers" was uplin ked to tions services such as elec tronic mail and interacti ve library ca rd catalogues both abou t 25 sites from Louisv ille," Sa rchet sa id. "This marked the fi r t time tha t within the UM ystem and on a national basis. NUTN uplinked a program that UMR fac ult y members helped prepa re." "We already have limited electronic mail se rvice within the UM system with Sarchet produced everal videotapes for the program and Dr. Robert S. BITNET (Beca use It's Time Ne twork)." Plummer sa id. "The network soon will Barefield, UMR as ociate professor of engineering ma nagement , also prepared a connect ;nore than 100 uni ve rsi tie , enabling professors to confer with their colpre entation. In addit ion, the program incl uded a panel discussion that fea tured leagues on a national ba is." Sa rchet as moderator and Ba refield a a panel member. UMR 's efforts in the field of telecommunications are part of a Universit ywide All of this has made UM R aware of the import ance of hav ing uplink fac ilities program that i be ing coordin ated by an Offi ce of Telecomniunications and a _/a ilable on campu . "UM R's proposed new Engineering Ma nagement Building Communications St ee rin g Committ ee . will prov ide product ion eq uipment as well as uplinking equipment for instrucing a trong telecummunica tion ' program definit ely will increase the "Hav tional television use," Sarchet sa id. Univer it y's a ttrae tive n c~s a;ld effecti'veness in the future:' said Dr. Ronald Fa nOnce th i fac ili ty becomes operationa'l it will open up a number of opportunities to enhance instruction at UM R. "For exa mple, an engineer or a cientist nin, committee chairm an ,lI1 d assistant dea n of the UM R School of Engineering. "As a result. the comm ;lIce is taking a broad-based look at the availahle working in pri va te industry would be able to teach a grad uate-leve l cour e at technology and how it cn n be lise? in higher education in a general sense." UMR in his or her specialt y from a remote loca tion," Sarchet sa id.
121 MSM Alumnu s .'VIlNllIIA M7M
Madison Daily Receives UM-Rolla's First Ph.D. In Engineering Management
Receiving the first Ph.D. degree in engineering management awarded by the University of Missouri-Rolla was a dream come true for Madison M.¡ Daily, Rolla. "I had been waiting for some time to walk across the stage and receive my doctorate," said Daily, who received his degree at UMR's III th annual com. mencement in May. Daily began his work toward a Ph.D. in the 1960s at UCLA but the demands of his Air Force career caused him to interrupt his studies. "Ever since then I had dreamed of resuming my studies," he said. "When UMR established its Ph.D. program in engineering managment three years ago, everything started to come together and I went back to school." Daily's return to school followed a 25-year career in the Air Force-he retired in 1979 with the rank of colonel-and two years working in private industry. "I was familiar with U MR because of the three years (1971-74) I spent on campus as chairman of the Air Force ROTC program ," he said. "Coming back to UMR . was like returning home for me." Daily also knew about student life at UMR through his children. "Two of my daughters and my son have graduated from UMR ," he said. "In addition , another daughter is currently a junior at UM R and my wife is taking classes here." . Despite some initial nervousness, Daily, who is 51, had no problems readjusting to being a student again. In fact, he finished his three years at UMR with all A's. "I found that I blended right in and that age was no factor in my dealings with other students," he said. "My career experiences also helped me in school and I recommend going back to college for other people my age.
MADISON M. DAI LY "I believe that learning is a lifetime experience and I'm not about to stop now ," he added . , Daily, whose background is in aerospace engineering, believes that management skills are important for all engineers and that UMR offers a unique program in this area. "The program at UMR is a good blend of theory and practice," he said. "Theory is an essential part of all management, and it is from the application of theory to practical situations that you learn the lessons that remain with you for life." His Ph.D. dissertation was an applied project that dealt with the development of a computerized decision support system for a trucking company. "I really think that doing an applied project enhanced my education," he said. "I have presented papers on this subject in San Antonio and Louisville and my work has been very well-received by the trucking industry. "As in many other industries, computers are having a revolutionary effect on the trucking industry in the United States," he added. "Computer skills will become even more essential in the future." Following commencement Daily traveled to San Francisco to present a paper at the annual meeting of the Institute of Management Science/Operations Research Society of America. He spent the summer in Kansas City implementing his decision support system in a trucking company there. In the fall , Daily will return to UMR again, but this time it will be as a teacher. "I will be an assistant professor in the engineering managment department ," he said. "I've enjoyed the teaching I've done as a graduate assistant, and I'm looking forward to doing it on a full-time basis." Daily holds a B.S. from the U,S. Naval Academ y and an M.S. from the Air Force Institute of Technology.
SME "Joe Miner" Belt Buckle Still Available The UMR Student Chapter of the Society of Mining Engineers is offering for sale to alu mni our belt buckle. Proceeds from the buckle sales will enable SME to participate in a variety of activities includi ng field trips, honor banquets, special projects & our bi-annual outing. We want to thank all of our patrons for their generosity. Orders and checks for six dollars made payable to the Society of Min ing Engineers should be mailed to Michael Schl umpburger, 101 Mining Bldg.-UMR, Rolla, MO 65401. Please shi p buckles at $6.00 each. Enclosed find a check for $_------
Name ______________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________
MSM Alumnu, / 13
Ark-La-lex Section "The Spring meeting of the Ark-La-Tex Section was held May 5, in Elm Grove, La. Nineteen alumni and wives attended the cocktail party which was hosted by John and Eilyeen Livingston. As can be
seen from the pictures a good time was had by all. Shown in the group shot standing behind their wives, from left to right, are Frank Zvanut '32, Tyler, Texas; Ragan Ford '23, Minden, La;
Walt Bruening '34 and James Forgotson '20, Shreveport La; Tom English '29, Marshall, Texas; John Livingston '39, Elm Grove, La; Kevil Crider '28, Shreveport, La Basil Compton '39,
Bossier City, La; and Gerald Roberts '28, EI Dorado, Ark."
Mark Herzog, '74 Longview, Texas
,. ,
Jobs Event/Site
Pacific Northwest Section Meeting .. ... . . . .. . ....... . . . ...... Sept. 15 (Location to be announced) SPE Annual Meeting, Shamrock Hilton, Houston 5:30-7 p.m ..... .. Sept. 18 AMC Convention, Phoenix Hyatt Regency, Phoenix 5:30-7 p.m .... Sept. 24 SME-AIME Fall Meeting, The Denver Hilton, Denver 5:30-7 p.m . . . . Oct. 25 1984 Homecoming, Rolla . . ...... . . . ... . .......... . . .. .... Oct. 26-27
14 / MSM Alumnu s
The services of UMR's Career Development and Placement Center are available to alumni as well as students. To obtain information about the current job listings, alumni need to send an up-to-date resume to the Career Development and Placement Office. The placemelll staff will make
the resume available to companies looking for people with experience, and will send the alumnus a copy of the latest job listings. If you wish to use this service, contact: assistant director-placement , Career Development and Placement Office, UMR , Rolla, MO 65401 (phone: 314/341-4288.)
Alumnus Circulation The ALUM NUS is . published six times per year, February, April, June, August, October, and December, The February , August and December issues are in tabloid format , the o,ther issues are magazines. The February ALUM路 NUS carries a report of the Alumni An路 nual Fund and the Honor Roll of Donors. The December issue has stories of Homecoming activities, Association reports, and results of elections. The oth~r issues carry general news of alum路 ni and the University.
The publication of the ALUMNliS is financed by gifts to the ANNUAL ALUMNI FUND. University funds do not pay for the ALUMNUS. The Board of Directors of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association sets the circulation policy and these are its guidelines: - Each issue is mailed to all members of the most recent graduating class. -Each issue is distributed to all faculty and staff members. . -Each issue is mailed to all University of MiSsouri Curators and certain University administrators. -The February, August, and December issues are mailed to all alumnI of record. - The other issues are mailed to donors to the Annual Alumni Fund, so that they receive six issues after the date of " their gift. This variation in mailing lists results in some problems. We get news items in a variety of ways and do not make it a practice to check to see if the news item refers to a donor to the Fund-that is not a part of the decision of whether to publish. Consequently, we do publish items which refer to alumni who are not regular readers of the ALUMNUS. They never know. Frequently, we get a news item without any identification as to the alumnus involved. If you have sent us an item and you be.1ieve we have ignored it, there are several tests YOIl can make: First, are you a current donor (you are not current if you get Fund mailings), and se- . cond, was the item identified so that your name and relationship to UMR was clear. Let us know if we are guilty of missing a newsworthy item-that is not our intention.
Oct. 26路27
Continuing Education Courses Here's a list of some of the extension continuing education short ccurses and conferences scheduled by UMR. Where titles are not self-explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call the office of the Dean of Continuing Education and Public Service, 314-341-4156. Written requests should be addressed to the same office, 205B Parker Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Mo. 65401.
Oct 12-1 4
Sept. II Sept. 13 Sept. 13 Sept. 13 Oct. 1-3 Oct. 9-12 Oct. 15-19 Nov. 13-14 Nov. 15-16
St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis Rolla Centralia Rolla St. Louis Rolla
Sept. 10-14 Sept. 17-21 Sept. 29
Rolla Rolla Rolla
School of Mines and Metallurgy National Cave Management Symposium School of Engineering EIT Review PE Review-Civil Engineering PE Review-Electrical Engineering PE Review-Mechanical Engineering 9th Symposium on Turbulence 14th Power Apparatus Testing Techniques Single Phase Induction Motor Design Short Course & Workshop 7th International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures 27th Annual Asphalt Conference & Workshop College of Arts and Sciences 49th Introductory Short Course on Basic Composition of Coatings Physical Testing of Paints & Coatings T. R. Beveridge Marching Band Festival
Coterie Prints
UMR Co;terie now offers prints of four of the original MSM-UMR Buildings in several forms. The'prints were made from pencil sketches by UMR designer Dick Hatfield. They include the Rolla Building (1871), Chancellor's Residence (1889), Norwood Hall (1903) and Parker Hall (1912). All proceeds will go to the Coterie of UMR Faculty Wives Scholarship Fund. 8 x 10 Prints suitable for framing-Set of 4 ... , ..... . .. , ... .. .. ' , , .... . .. .. . , . , . , , . ' . . . , . . ..... . , , . , ... . . , . $12 Notepaper-on antique white with envelopes (three of each of the four buildings), Set of 12 .. . , . . ........ .. , . .. . . .. , . $4 Add $1 to all orders to cover the cost of mailing and allow two weeks for delivery. Make checks payable to UMR Coterie Scholarship Fund. Send orders to: Coterie Scholarship Fund, P.O: Box 1638, Rolla, MO 65401
MSM Alumnus . 15
MINER SPORTS Gene G reen , Editor
FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Sepl. 1 Sepl. 8 Sepl. 15 Sept . 22 Sepl. 29 Ocl. 6· Oct . 13·
Missouri Western ot Missouri Valley Pittsburg State at U. of Evonsv ille OPEN Southeost Mo. at Northeast Mo . at Central Mo . lincoln Univ . (HOMECOM ING ) Evangel . College (PARENTS ' DAY ) at N o rtn w e st Mo . MIAA game
1:30. 7:30. 1:30. 1:30.
Shed, Drafted by Jets, Survives Early Cuts At Rookie Camp
1 :30.
University of Missouri-Rolla star running back Randy Shed has spent part of Ocl. 20.· the summer months in New York, batOct . 27 · tling for a spot on the New York Jets' pro football team. 1 :30. Nov . 3 Shed, who paced the MIAA in rushing and kickoff return' yardage last season, was signed by the Jets to a free 1 :30. N ov. 10· agent contract in May. He had survived 1 :30. the first series of cuts as the exhibition · Denotes season neared. "Learning their system will be . the Scott Stephens (82) will be one of the players UM R most challenging thing ahead," said the must replace this season. The talented all-conference hopeful Miner standout. "You can't perreceiver paced the Miners in receptions . during his form to your highest potential unless senior year in 1983. you know and understand all the material." "The ·volume of plays thrown at everyone all at once is amazing," he said of the 20Q-plus Jets' playbook. "There are probably about nine other running backs in camp, and I feel I fared well against them in the limited activity that Joe Kaczmarek will try to fill the was held." Hall-of-Fame. He was named MIAA Coach,of-the·Year last season. shoes of Nisbet at quarterback, with One thing in Shed's favor is his ability He joined UM-Rolla as an assistant returnees Robert Kindred, Keenan in the kickoff return game. "They have not worked on that coach in 1965 after successful coaching Curry and Mike Schafer bolstering the stops at Sarcoxie and Lebanon high running game. Mike Meyer, who played aspect too much, and that is where I feel in a reserve role behind Shed the past I can make some people notice me," he schools. What- will be the key for the 1984 two seasons, will be fighting to win a said. "That is the main thing-you have starting job in 1984. to do something that makes you stand Miner team? Finley feels the kicking game is solid, out from the rest of the group." "We need to maintain the great Shed ended his career as the seconddefense," Finley said, "that has become with placekicker George Stock and punter John Frerking returning. Frerkleading UMR ground-gainer in Miner a tradition here at UMR." ing's status, however, will depend on history. Indeed it has, as the Miners once again led the MIAA in total defense how quickly he recovers from a hernia (247.7 yards-per-game) and rushing suffered this summer. Who does Finley feel is the team to defense (66.2 yards-per-game). They beat? allowed only 133 points to be scored "The MIAA is always a tough league, during the season, 65 fewer than the and I feel Central Missouri, Northwest next closest conference opponent. Missouri and Southeast Missouri will all "I felt spring football showed us we feature very tough teams. Northeast have some good depth developing on Missouri lost some talent and has a real defense, with most of the starters back tough early schedule that may hurt, and and some solid reserves gaining confi- Lincoln University is keeping most of dence every day ," Finley said. "Defense their squad intact from last season and wins ballgames." building the program." On the offensive side of the football , And if injuries stay away and things Finely's Miners will feature a talented fall into place, Finley expects the Miners line and a new look in the backfield. to make life miserable for the rest of the "Even though our offensive line was league. young, they did a great job last season," "Our kids never quit," he said proudhe said. "We have to make some ly. "Sometimes they get beat, but they changes in the backfield, however." rarely beat themselves on the field." Randy Shed 1:30. 1 :30.
Football Miners Set To Defend Title It is time to defend a title again. After winning the MlAA crown in 1980, the Miners rebounded in 1983 to capture the conference co-championship " with a 4- t record. Thirteen players off that squad made either first or secondteam all-league honors .. . and eleven of those athletes return. "We do have some great players back this season," said veteran Miner head coach Charlie Finley. "But the few we lost will be missed greatly." Leading the pack of UMR graduates is defending MIAA rushing champion Randy Shed, who signed a free agent contract this summer with the New York Jets. Also gone is all-league linebacker Steve Davis, receiver Mel Parham, receiver Scott Stephens and quarterback Chris Nisbet. "We will need to plug some key holes quickly, but we have a good nucleus coming back," Finley noted. "If we stay free of injuries, this bunch should be in the thick of the conference race." Finley starts his 13th season as Miner head coach, boasting a career record of 70-49-9. He is a graduate of Southwest Missouri State University, where he starred on the Bear football team. The 1960 graduate is a member of the SMS
16 / MSM A lumnus
th m Ie.
UMR Places Eight Athletes on MIAA All-Academic Team The University of Missouri-Rolla placed eight athletes on the 1984 MIAA All-Academic team, as seven men and one woman were honored for their prowess in the c1assroom_
UMR had more representatives on the team than any other conference school, with the exception of Northwest Missouri State's 13 athletes. The scholars were selected strictly on gradepoint average, with field of study not figuring into the criteria.
"Weare very proud of the accomplishments of this group of young .student-athletes," said Miner athletic director Billy Key. "When you consider the fields of study involved, it makes their success even more rewarding and satisfying."
The honored Miner athletes were: Dave Moellenhoff (basketball)-4.0 in electrical engineering; Todd f'/entz (basketball)-3.78 in pre-medicine; John Borthwick (track)-3.80 in petroleum engineering; Tim Schoenecker (track)-3.78 in engineering management; Jim Bullard (cross country)-3.76 in electrical engineering; Chris Colona (wrestling)-3.56 in electrical engineering; Brad Lee (baseball)-3.55 in electrical engineering, and Karen Penney (cross country)-3.79 in chemical engineering.
Of the above group, Wentz gained national recognition. He was selected second-team Academic All-American by The College Sports Informati~n Directors of America.
Women's Basketball Coach Named at UMR Mary M. Ortelee has been named the new women's basketball coach at the University of Missouri-Rolla. The appointment is effective Sept. I. Ortelee, who also will be an instructor in physical education at UM-Rolla, replaces Cathie Schulte, who resigned to become volleyball coach at Pittsburg
State University, Pittsburg, Kan. Ortelee served as an assistant basketball coach at Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas, for three years and also . has coached volleyball, softball and basketball at several public and parochial schools in Texas and New York. She holds a B.S.E. degree in physical
education from State University College at Cortland, Cortland, N.Y., and an M.S. degree in health and physical education from Lamar University. "Coach Ortelee will be a great asset to our program," said Billy Key, UMR athletic director and head basketball coach. "She has a fine background in
Ortelee has received several academic and athletic honors, among them the Scholar-Athlete Award at Cortland State in 1981. She also is a member of Kappa Delta Phi, the national honor society in education.
Sept. 3 Sept. 6
Miners Face Tough Soccer Competition The always tough MIAA portion of the schedule and non-conference home matches with powers Rockhurst College, Indiana State-Evansville and A vila College highlight the upcoming University of Missouri-Rolla men's soccer season. Coach Paul McNally'S club will try to improve on last season's 10-9 record, opening the season Sept. 3 with a 7 p.m. home match against A vila College. "The schedule is very tough for US, but I feel we have a nucleus back to carry us this season," McNally said.
"We are all anxious to get started." The Lady Miners also will feature an attractive schedule, with six home matches this fall. McNally is excited about the team's potential, paced by returning All-American Lisa Frumhoff. "It certainly isn't often you go into the season knowing you have an AIIAmerican goal-keeper back in the nets for you," he said of Frumhoff. "That makes it very nice." The Lady Miners open the 1984 season Sept. I at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in a I p.m. match.
coaching and physical education besides being a good athlete herself."
Sept . 8 Sept. 11 Sept. 14¡15
Avila College at Quincy College at Washington Univ. Mo . Southern
7 p .m . 3 p .m . 1 :30 p .m . 7:30 p .m.
Sept. 6
at UMSl Twinbill (U . 01
Sept. 20 Sept . 23 Sept . 25
2:30 p.m . 8 p .m . 3 p.m.
ept . 27 Oct. 2
Sept. 28-30
Budweiser Inv .
4 p.m . 2 p.m. 11 a .m .
Oct . Oct. Oct . Oct .
(St. louis) Mo . Baptist at SIU E In v. lindenwood Cardinal
Oct. Oct. Oct . Oct . Oct.
7 13 19 21 25
Oct . 27 Nov . 3
5:30 p.m . 7 p.m .
7:30 p.m . 1 p .m. 7:30 p .m . 7:30 p.m . 11 a .m .
8 18 21 22 25
at U. Wis . Madison 1 p .m . at U. Wis.. Milwaukee 11 a .m. at Quincy College 5 p .m . at lindenwood 4 p.m. at Principia 4 p.m . NE Missouri 7:30 p .m . Maryville 5 p.m . SIU¡ Edwardsville 6 p.m.
Sept. Sept. Sept . Sept. Sept .
and III. State) 81ackburn College Western III. McKendree College at SW Mo . Rockhurst College IS-Evansville at Wm . Jewell at UMSl at Maryville at Memph is State at SE Mo . at NE Mo .
Sept. 1 Sept. 2
2 5-6 14 16
Oct. 19 Oct . 23 Oct. 28
at UMSl at SIUEdwardsville at Maryville
TBA 6:30 p.m. TBA 1 p.m . 7 p .m. 5 :30 p .m. 7 p.m . 1 p.m .
MSM Alumnu s 17
: .~
Sigma Xi Awards
UMR mmmg engineering students who competed in the sixth annual Intercollegiate Mining Competition are: Darryl Colvin (bottom center); junior, Liverpool, N _Y _, and (left to right) Bob Greathouse, junior, Hurst, IlL; Andy Jeffers, junior, Washington, IlL; Aaron Miller, junior, Ellsinore, Mo_; Bernard Reynolds, senidr, W_Frankfort, IlL; and Brian Bleakney, junior, Ellwood City, Pa_
Miners Place Fifth Nationally A team of six mining engineering students from UM-Rolla finished fifth in the sixth annual Intercollegiate Mining Competition held in Reno, Nev . last spring. The UMR team, which was sponsored by the campus's student chapter of the Society of Mining Engineers of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers competed against 14 other teams representing universities in the United States and Canada that have mining engineering programs. The competition featured contests that tested the participants' proficiency in such traditional mining skills as hand steeling of blast holes with a steel bit and a four-pound hammer, machine drilling of blast holes with a jackleg drill, bow sawing of mine timers, laying a section
of rail spiked to ties and hand mucking or shoveling rock into a mine car. Depending on the event, the teams were judged on the basis of how quickly they completed various operations or how much progress they were able to make within a given time. "Our students worked long and hard preparing for the competition," said Dr. Charles Beasley, chairman of the UMR mining engineering department, "and all of the team members recorded their best individual scores at the nationals. "It was a tremendous experience for the students and one I'm sure they will remember for a long time," he added. "We're very proud of them." The winning team in the national competition receives a trophy and hosts the following year's competition. Next year's meet will be held in Butte, Mont.
M. E. Student Wins A. Howard Victor Mahaney Jr., May graduate in mechanical engineering at the University of Missouri-Rolla, is the recipient of the A.P. Green Medal for the 1983-84 academic year. The A.P. Green Medal is awarded each year to an outstanding graduating senior. Selection is based on scholarship, leadership and extracurricular activities. Mahaney is the son of Howard and Betty Mahaney of Florissant. At UMR he has been a member of the student chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the varsity swim team, the Wesley Foundation and the
18 / MSM Alumnus
Green Medal
Young Adult Christian Fellowship. Mahaney has been selected to the following honorary organizations: Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Tau Sigma, Tau Beta Pi and Phi Eta Sigma. He was also selected as the Outstanding Junior in the School of Engineering for the 1981 -82 academic year. ' r Mahaney has been a co-op student employed by McDonnell Douglas for five work periods. He plans to continue his education as a graduate student at Purdue University, where he was awarded a National Science Foundation Fellowship. His professional interest lies in the field of heat transfer.
Win ners of (he", 1984 -85 Undergraudate Research Competition have been ann'ouriced by the t! MR chapter of Sigma Xi, the honor society for scientific research . They are: Ellen J. Loomis, first ; Fred Baganoff, second; David L. Pannone and Timothy J. Sommerer, third: and Woodrow Eldred , fourth. Loomis, a junior in psychology from Rolla, received ihe $ 100 first-place award for her paper, "Sugar Preferences of Rats Exposed to Sugar Beginning AI Different Ages." Dr. Nancy A. Marlin. associate professor of psychology , super· vised her research . Baganoff, a junior in ph ysics from Florissant, received "' the $75 secondo' place award for his paper, "Analyzing Errors in Spectrometer Measurements." Dr. Don Sparlin, associate professor of physics, was his research supervisor. . Pannone, a junior in physics from Bradley, South Carolina, and Timothy J. Sommerer, a junior in physics from Jefferson City, won the $50 third-place award for their paper, "Fabrication and Analysis of the Parameters of Planar Thin Film Optical Waveguides." Sparlin also supervised this research. Eldred, a senior in physics . from Springfield, received the $25 fourthplace award for this paper, "Experimental Procedure for Recording Emission Spectra." Again Sparlin supervised the research. The UMR chapter of the Society of Sigma Xi is made up of persons who have been recognized for their outstanding research, and membership includes researchers from governmental agencies and physicians in this area as well as UMR faculty members and others. The local chapter has sponsored the undergraduate research awards for a number of years.
National. Cash Register Awards Presented To John Jabusch John D. Jabusch, a junior in electrical engineering, University of MissouriRolla, won ' an annual National Cash Register A ward as the "Most Promising Electrical Engineering Student for 1984." According to Robert H. Nau, emeritus professor, electrical engineering, Jabusch received a cash award and plaque at the NCR awards dinner held in Wichita, Kan. Jabusch is a member of Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu national ' honor societies. He is from Springfield.
~ ;1"".
.. _ .
Matth~w O'K••f'Wins
Metallurgical Grant Matthew J. O'Keefe, a UMR senior in metallurgical engineering from Rolla, was awarded ' a $2500 Summer Project Granl for 198'4 through ' the Olin Cor· poration Charitable Trust. The grant was one of 10 awarded na.tionwide. Under the grant, O'Keefe is conduct ing research at UMR to investigate the role of lubricant-implant interactions when ion-implanted steel specimens are . subjected to wear conditions. "It is believed that through proper selection of surface treatment and lubri · cant. steel components can be design ~d 10 lasl 10 10 100 times longer than normal," said Dr. Ronald Kohser. UMR associate professor of metallurgical engineering .. "This summer project will investigate ihe validity of these assump· tions and optimize the resultant processes." Kohser and Dr. Edward B. Hale, UMR professor of physics, serve as project adviserS. Nineteen colleges and universities were invited to nominate one candidate each and the 10 recipients were selected from these nominees. Upon comple~ion of the project. the 10 recipients will submit reports which will be judged by the Olin Corporation Charitable Trust. The student judged to have performed the best work will be awarded an additional $2,500 scholarship for continued study during his or her sen ior year. O'K!!efe is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O'Keefe, Rolla. O'Keefe, '58, is a professor of metallurgical engineeringat UMR.
Liberal Arts Scholarships UM -Rolla has awarded scholarships for the 1984-85 academic year to an entering freshman in each of the following UMR departments : English, economics, history-political science and psychology . - Students arid the areas which they were awarded scholarships are: John C. Van Besien (English), Rolla; Charles M. Carver (history-political science), Rolla; Timothy P. Thompson (economics), Cabool; and Andrea E. Volmer (psychology), Plato. "We are very pleased to be able to award these scholarships to these outstanding students," said Dr. Marvin Barker, dean of the UMR College of Arts and Sciences. "This is the first time that we have awarded these scholarships," he added, "and We had many outstanding applications to consider. Selecting the awardees was a difficult but pleasant task." The scholarships, which cover . incidental fees for one academic year, were awarded on the basis of merit.
UMR St,u dents Active in Rolla Big Bro,her.Big Sister Program UMR students make "an invaluable contribution" to the Big Brothers and Big Sisters program in Rolla, according to Jean P. Daane, case worker with Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Rolla.
work. "All of our big brothers and sisters are volunteers who must undergo an in¡ tensive screening process and instructional period before joining the program," Daane said.
"At present, 18 out of 41 big.brothers and big sisters in Rolla are UMR students," Daane, said. "I think this speaks very highly of these students and their concern for other people and the community. They really give a lot of themselves to the program."
"Each volunteer," she added, "then must agree to spend at least two to four hours per week-most of them spend more-with their little brother or sister. They also must do this for at least one year."
Being a big brother or big sister to a child from a single-parent family takes a great deal of commitment and a lot of
The dedication that UMR students show to the program is extraordinary. "Students routinely keep in touch with their little brothers and sisters during
';, Missouri Academy of Sciences Awards
vacations and after graduation," Daane said. . "In fact, we had one student who bicycled from Jefferson City to Rolla several times one summer to spend time with his little brother," she added. "The students really take an interest in the children." This dedication is appreciated by the students' little brothers and sisters. "The children really look up to the students," Daane said. "They think they're the greatest." The UMR students also think that their little brothers and sisters are something special. "I always wanted a
big brother of my own when I was younger," said Jeff Massengill, a UMR senior in civil engineering. "I know how close my dad and I were and I like doing some of the things we used to do together like fishing and playing ball with my little brother in Rolla. I really enjoy the time we spend together." Participating in the program also has other rewards for UMR ' students. "I come from a large family," said David Millman, a UMR senior in engineering management, "and I missed all of my brothers and sisters when I went away to college. Having a little brother has helped Rolla feel more like home to me."
Finley Fellowship Established
Seven UMR students received awards physics, supervised research on both sefor presentations made at the annual ' cond and third place presentations. oollegiate division program of the In the sociaUbehavioral sciences secMissouri Academy of Sciences. tion, UMR again swept the first three In the 'physics/engineering/mathe- places. They are: first place, Mary H, maticslsciences section, UMR swept the Masters, senior in psychology, Rolla, event with first, second and third place and Ellen J . Loomis, junior in winners. They are: first place. Timothy psychology, Rolla, for their presentation J . Sommerer. jim'ior in physics, Jeffer- "Stress and Coping in Instutionalized son City. with his presentation "Auger Versus Noninstitutionalized Elderly: A Analysis of the Behavior of Implanted One Year Follow-up"; second place, Nitrogen under Heavy Wear Condi- Martha E, Bowles, senior in economics, tions"; second place, Fred K, Baganoff, Rolla, for her presentation "Personality junior in physics, Florissant, with his Measures as a Function of Stage of presentation "Systematic Errors in Spec- Menstruation Among College trometer Measurements"; third place, Females"; third place, Loomis for her Suzanna K, Maupin , senior in physics, , presentation "Sugar Preferences of Rats De Soto; Daniel C. Simkins, Jr. , senior Exposed to Sugar Beginning at Different in physics, Flossmoor, IlL ; and Som- Ages." merer for their presentation, "A ComDr. Francis Haemmerlie Mon puter Controlled Franck-Hertz Experitgomery, UMR assistant professor of ment." psychology; supervised research on the Dr. Edward B. Hale, UMR professor first and second place presentations and of physics, supervised research on the Dr. Nancy A. Marlin, UMR associate first place presentation and Dr. Don M. professor of psychology, supervised Sparlin , UMR associate professor of research on the third place presentation.
The department.of electrical engineer- Order of the Golden Shillelagh, major ing has received a gift from alumnus gifts club, and is a member of the UMR Fred W . Finley to establish the Fred W. Chancellor's DevelopmenfCouncii. Finley is a member of the Missouri Finley Fellowship in Communications. The endowed fellowship will support and National Societies of Professional a UMR electrical engineering student Engineers, the Institute of Electrical and pursuing a master's or doctoral degree Electronics Engineers, and the Associawith emphasis in communication theory tion of Communication Engineers. He and application. Dr. J . Derald Morgan, has been active in community affairs, Emerson Electric Professor and chair- and is a recipient of the Governor's man, electrical engineering department, Community Betterment Leadership said that the first recipient may be Award. chosen this fall for a partial fellowship. Morgan said, "Fred Finley is one of Finley, senior partner and chief ad- UM-Rolla's most distinguished alumni ministrative officer, Finley Engineering, and has long been one of the most loyal Lamar, received a B.S. degree in elec- and generous supporters of this institutrical engineering at UMR in 1941 and tion and its electrical engineering prothe professional degree of electrical gram . This endowed fellows.hip engineer in 1975 . He has received the perpetuates that interest and support. UMR Alumni Achievement Award and "The Finley fellowship .is the first of is a charter member and has been an of- what we hope will be a number of enficer of the UM-Rolla Academy of Elec- dowed programs supporting research in trical Engineering, a departmental the electrical engineering department. advisory group of alumni and other elec- The department is entering a new era of trical engineers who have made outstan- its program with a strong graduate ding contributions to their profession. research effort. Such fellowships are He has been president of the UM-Rolla among the keys to a quality program."
Betty Todd Memorial Fund The family and friends of Betty Todd have requested that a special memorial scholarship fund in her name be established at UM-Rolla. From 1967 to 1980 Betty was the receptionist in the Student Activities office (Student Personnel). In 1980 she became student services adviser and she served in this capacity until her death, July 6, 1984. Contributions to the Betty Todd Memorial Fund may be sent to the UM-Rolla Alum- . niiDevelopment Office, 101 Harris Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Mo, 6540 I.
MSM Alumnu s/ 19
Free Short Courses Available at Homecoming Alumni are invited to enroll in either of two short courses which will be offered To enroll in either of these free short courses. send your name. class year. on Friday, Oct. 26 (Homecoming weekend) . Course A is "An Introduction to academic department , address and telephone number to Dr. Tom VanDoren. Room Grounding and Shielding of Electronic Instrumentation" and Course B is "The 208. ERL. Uni versit y of Missouri·Rolla. Rolla. Mo. 6540 I or ca ll 3 14/34 I-4097 . Japanese System of Process Control and Productivity Improvement." . Both courses are sponsored by the Academy of Electrica l Enginee ring and the IEEE Rolla Subsection. They will be held in the Electrical Engineering Building. Course A, taught by Dr. Tom VanDoren, professor of electrical engineering, will Please enroll me in the followin g course on Friday. Oct. 26. be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will stress the fundamental principles in volved in o Introduction to Grounding and Shielding of Electronic Instrumentation typical ground'ing and shielding problems. A careful explanation of the objectives o The Japanese System of Process Control and Producti vit y Improve ment and techniques for grounding and shielding will reduce misconceptions and allow a Name: _ _ _ _ _ _--:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Year Graduated, _ _ _ __ more systematic approach to replace "trial and error" methods. The presentation will be at an introductory level. However, a knowledge of electronic circuit and Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ Departinent _ _ _ ______ system design will be assumed . Several interference mechanisms and shielding techniques will be demonstrated. Course B, taught by Dr. Henry Wiebe, professor of engineering management. will be held from I to 4 p.m. It will emphasize the need for statistical quality control Phone No._ _ _ _ _~_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ as practiced by the Japanese, W. Edwards Deming's principles of management and productivity improvement, and it will offer a descriptive, nonquantitative review of.. s~atistical tools used for productivity improvement.
In Quest of Music and Words
An Alma Mater and The Fight Song UM-Rolla's Chancellor Joseph M. Marchello is offering a prize of $500 for an alma mater suitable for UMR . .
Contest Directions Alma Mater: • Send words and music melody line on treble.clen staff. Do not use ex isting melodies . In the past, several songs ha ve been written for and about the campus. But none • Write yo ur name. address. date and sign the manuscript on the seems to be in "alma mater" style. The campus is looking for original words and a back of the music. (Copies of the music and words without the identimelody line that reflects UMR past and present .. . its spirit, camaraderie and grand ty of the author will be made for judging purposesl. purposes. • Submit entries by Oct. 7. Fight Song: -Send letter with a self-addressed envelope (address below) and a melod y line score will be se nt to yo u. "The alma mater shou ld be in one-verse style rather than verse-refrain form ." says • Put the words for your song above the notes on the score. Dr. David Oakley, professor of music at UMR since 1960. "There may be more than one verse, but single verse alma mater is preferable so that it may be sung at • Put name , address. signature and date on the back so that uniden· tified copies may be made for judging purposes. various occasions and yet all its words be heard." • Submit entries by Oct. 7. UM R also has a fight song which was commissioned by the football team for the All correspondence should be sent to: Dr. David L. Oakley. G-3 Humanities· 100th anniversary of the school. Easily singable words of one verse are sought for Social Sciences Building. Applied Arts and Cultural Studies Department , University this. A prize of $ 100 will be awarded to the winner of this contest. of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 6540 I. School songs are a part of our heritage- bring out your talents and submit yo ur A panel from the Alumni Band will judge the songs at this year's Homecoming. entries.
Alumni Band For Homecoming Come and play in the Alumni Band at Homecoming Oct. 26-27. For the 7th year we'll have alumni organized and play· ing at Homecoming. Those who participate in the Alumni Band will need to plan to attend a short rehearsal at 10 a.m . Saturd'!y, Oct. 27, and they will need to 'sit with the band through half-time at the game. Name _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __________
Mailing Address,_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ ____________
Major_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Instrument(s) Played _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Year Graduated, _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Will Need _____ __ Yes
_ _ 00 _
_ _
Coat Size (40 L, etc.) \ Already have band coat._ _ _ _ _--' Please mail by October 7. 1984: Dr. David L. Oakley. Applied Arts and Cultural StuJie". G·3 H·SS. UMR.Rolla. MO 6540 I.
20/ MSM Alum';u s
Gifts 'a nd Souve·nirs From the UMR Bookstore
(6) Completing the Circuit-A Century of Electrical Engineering at MSM·UMR by Jack B. Ridley. Hard Cover: $14.95. (7) UM·Rolla-A History of MSMJUMR by Lawrence O. Christensen and Jack B. Ridley, UMR history faculty . Hard cover (I) UMR Stonehenge I·shirt. 50% cotton, 50% polyester. Adult S, M, L, XL. Col· $19.95 . ors: Gold/black letters, kelly green or navy/white letters. $7.50. (2) UMR Rainbow I·shirt. 50% cotton, 50% polyester. Adult S, M, L, XL. Colors: Gold, navy , scarlet, kelly green. $7.25. (3) Youth long·sleeyed sweatshirt. 50% cotton, 50% creslan acrylic. Sizes S (6-8), M (10-12), L (14-16). Colors: Red, It. blue, royal blue, gold. $10.75. (4) Miner Sport Shirt. 50% cotton, 50% polyester. Adult S, M, L, XL. Colors: White, nav y. kelly green . $23 .25. (5) Sweatshirt. 50% cotton , 50% creslan acrylic. Adult. S, M, L, XL. Colors: Gray, navy , It. blue, kelly green, gold. $12.95.
(8) 15·oz double old fashioned glass, $2.25 . (9) 23·oz black tankard (ceramic) with gold seal $12.95. (10) 8·oz black mug (ceramic) with gold seal, $7. 95. (11) 12·oz highball glass, $1.95 .
(1 7) Ozarks poster, $1.2 5. (1 8) l orn Beyeridge's O zarks by Tom Beveridge. Covers geology, geography and the people of the Missouri Ozarks, $4.95 (paper) . (19) Geologic Wonders and Curiosities of Missouri by Tom Beveridge. Information on more than 400 places of geologic interest in Missouri, $12 (paperback).
Pewter items (MSM -UMR): (]2) marble paperweight, $7 .25 . (]3) bookmark, $5 .50. (]4) bell, $8. (15) key ring, $6.25. (]6) Christmas ornament,·$7.50. (20) money clip, $6.25.
Prices and/or specifications of items are subject to change without notice . For other items available. write for catalog.
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MSM Alumnu s 12 1
Marchello Elected Fellow of AIChE Dr. Joseph M. Marchello, UM-Rolla chancellor, has been elected a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). According to AIChE, Marchello was accorded Fellow status "in recognition and appreciation of his superior attainments and of his valuable contributions and service to chemical engineering." AIChE has a membership of 58,500. About I percent of those members have been honored with Fellow status. Marchello became chancellor of UMRolla in 1978. Prior to that he was provost of the Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and Engineering at the University of Maryland. Marchello was aW'arded a B.S. in chemical engineering from the University of Illinois in 1955 and a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Carnegie'Mellon University in 1959. He served as an Engineers' Council for Professional Development accreditation inspector for AIChE from 1970-80. He also was chairman of the Selected Topics Symposium at the 59th annual AIChE meeting; chairman of the Physiochemical Hydrodynamics and Transport Phenomena Symposium at the 63rd national AIChE meeting; a member of the Technical Program Committee at the 71 st national AIChE meeting; chairman of the Research Needs Symposium, Waste Recycle, at the 83rd national AIChE meeting; chairman of the AIChE's Department Heads Forum in 1973; and chairman of the So, Control Symposium at the 87th national AIChE meeting. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is a member of the Missouri Academy of Science, the New York Academy of Science, the American Chemical Society and the Society of
Mining Engineers of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. His memberships also include Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, The Air Pollution Control Association and the Rolla Rotary Club. In addition, he serves on the Board of Directors of the Missouri Corporation for Science and Technology and is a consultantevaluator for the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Marchello is a registered professional engineer in Missouri and Maryland and is a member of the National and Missouri Societies of Professional Engineers. He will serve as president of the Rolla chapter of MSPE in 1984-85 .. He is a licensed senior nuclear reactor operator. He is a member of the Committee on Technology and Utilization and the Committee on Mineral Resources of the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges. He represents the association on the American Council on Education's Interassociational President's Committee on Collegiate Athletics. He has served as president and is currently secretary of the Missouri Council on Public Higher Education. He also has been a member of the National Research Council's Committee on Evaluation of Sulfur Oxides Control Technology. He has been chairman of the Air Quality Control Advisory Council in Maryland and the Maryland Power Plant Siting Committee. He also served on the Maryland Advisory Commission on Atomic Energy. Marchello is the author of one book and is the co-editor of two books. He has authored or co-authored numerous scholarly and technical publications and reports.
UMR's Schearer Receives Fulbright Grant some of his earlier research . A number of years ago, Schearer was involved in developing 'an optical technique which enabled large concentrations of the spin· polarized He-3 atoms to be produced. The French research group, under Drs. Laloe and Michele Leduc, has pioneercd in the study of properties of this system Schearer received one of only four Schearer's research at the University of Paris will be an investigation of the Fulbright grants awarded for study In quantum properties of spin-polarized France during the 1984-85 academiC helium-three (He-3) and will be based on year.
Dr. Laird D. Schearer, Curators' Professor of Physics at the University of Missouri-Rolla, has been awarded a Fulbright Grant to conduct research at the University of Paris, I'EcoIe Normale Superieure. He joins the staff there as a visiting professor this fall.
Johnston Elected To State Office
Wixson Is Chairman Of International Conference
Ronald L. Johnston, UMR associate director of Admissions, was recently elected .president of the Missouri Association of College Admissions Counselors. Johnston was presidentelect in 1983-84. Missouri is one of 20 state and regional associations in the National Association of College Admissions Counselors. The National Association of College Admissions Counselors is an education association of high school guidance counselors, college admissions officers and financial aid officers who aSsist students with the transition from high school to college.
Dr. Bobby G. Wixson. UMR director of international programs and studies and professor of environmental health, civil engineering, served as chairman of the Land Management-Mining Wastes section of the International Conference on "Environmental Contamination," held July 10-13 at Imperial College in London. England. He also presented a paper entitled "Treatment and Control of Dioxin and Other Toxic Materials in Missouri, U.S.A." Immediately preceding the r.cnference, Wixson was in.volved in longrange planning with the international editorial board of "Minerals and the Environment," which is published in London. Wixson also visited old mining areas in Wales with Dr. Brian Davies, University of Wales-Aberystwyth. to continue joint research programs started at · UMR. -
Fletcher Named Head Of National Group
Dr. John L. Fletcher, UMR professor and chairman of psychology, was named chairman of the working group on standards for high frequency audiometers at an "Accoustical Society of America and American National UMR Eng.lish Profesor Standards Institute S/3 Committee on Author Of . Bio-accoustics" meeting in Norfolk, "The Cosmic Web" Virginia. According to Fletcher, the group is "The Cosmic Web." a book by Dr. responsible for formulating standards of Katherine Hayles, assistant professor of performance of high frequency English UM-Rolla. has been published audiometers used in scientific and by the Cornell University Press. medical equipment. In "The Cosmic Web." Hayles seeks Fletcher holds B.A. and M.S. degrees to establish the scope and importance from the University of Arkansas, and for contemporary thought of the field the Ph.D. degree from the University of concept, which forms the basis of a new Kentucky . holistic world view. This concept depicts the world as a mutually interactive whole with each part connected to every other part by ' means of an underlying UM-Rolla Librarian field . President of MLNC The 232-page book also deals with Ronald G. Bohley, director of the recurrent questions that the field con· Curtis L. Wilson Library and Learning cept has brought to the fore in physics, Resources Center at UM-Rolla has been ' mathematics and the novel. These ques· elected president of the Missouri Library tions deal with the complex relationship Network Corporation (MLNC) for between the observer and observed and the inherent limits of language. Hayles 1984-85 . The MLNC which is headquartered also explores the literary strategies that in St. Louis, is a not-for-profit corpora· are directly or indirectly attributable to tion that provides computerized services this new concept. Hayles joined the UMR faculty in for cooperating libraries. It presently has 40 library members and brokers com- 1982. She holds a Ph.D. degree in puterized services to more than 60 English Literature from the University public. academic and special libraries of Rochester, an M.A. degree in English Literature from Michigan State Univerthroughout Missouri. In addition. the MLNC will publish a sity, an M.S. degree in chemistry from microfiche' catalogue of the holdings of the California Institute of Technology most major Missouri libraries later this and a B.S. degree in chemistry from Rochester Institute of Technology. year.
.) .
Dr: Nancy Marlin displays one of the subjects housed in UMR's animal lab where she conducts experiments. In the background, a student cares for other animals.
UM-Rolla's Marlin
As UM Academic Associate
Dr. Nancy A. Marlin, UMR associate professor of psychology, has been selected the University of Missouri's academic associate for the 1984-85 academic year. Marlin is the first UM-Rolla faculty member to be chosen for the position. She will begin her duties in the office of UM Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs Richard Wallace on Sept. I. The academic associate position is filled annually by a member of the UM faculty to give the faculty member an opportunity to gain administrative experience and to provide the academic affairs office with faculty assistance and perspective on a variety of projects. "It is an honor to have been selected as the academic associate for the upcoming academic year," Marlin said. "I am looking forward to working with Dr. Wallace. "The experience will be challenging. The position also will allow me to continue my work in the animal research facility at UMR," she added. . Marlin joined the UMR faculty in 1979 as an assistant professor and became an associate professor in 1983. She also is director of the animal research facility at UMR. She was awarded a B.A. in psychology from the State University of New York at Binghamton in 1974, an M.S. in psychology from Oklahoma State
University in 1976 and a Ph.D. in psychology from The City University of New. York in 1979. She also did post-doctoral work at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, Calif. Her memberships include the American Association for the Advancement of ~iences, the American Psychological Association (Divisions I and 3), the Behavioral Teratology Society, the Eastern Psychological Association and the Midwestern Psychological Association. In addition, she is a member of Phi Eta Sigma, the Psychonomic Society, Phi Kappa Phi and Sigma Xi. She is a faculty adviser to the UMR student chapter of Phi Eta Sigma and is treasurer of the Rolla chapter of Sigma Xi. She has been a reviewer for "Animal Learning and Behavior," Learning and Motivation," "The Journal of Comparative Psychology~' . and Science, Books and Films," as well as the National Science Foundation's Memory and Cognitive Processes and Psychobiology Programs. She also has served" as the leader of the Psychology Panel, Local Course Improvement Program, for the National Science Foundation's Division of Science Education. She is the author of numerous scholarly and technical publications and haS made a number of presentations at professional meetings. She has received research grants from the Natronal Institute of Mental Health, the UMR Joint Center for Aging Studies and the Weldon Spring Endowment Fund.
Academy of E_lectrical Engineering Inducts Ten ~ew Members
Seven Alumni Inducted By UMR Academy of Civil Engineers
Ten electrical engineers, including nine University of Missouri-Rolla alumni. have been inducted into the UMR Academy of Electrical Engineering, a departmental advisory group of alumni and other electrical engineers who have made outstanding contributions to their profession.
Seven civil engineering alumni of the University of Missouri-Rolla were inducted into the UMR Academy of Civil Engineers at . .- the group's annual meeting.
New members are: Robert J. Boschert, '62, 16310 Shannon Road, Los Gatos, Calif. , consultant to small and start-up companies; Earl Dille, St. Louis, executive vice president, Union Electric Company; William Ellis, '39,
Ii 37
Gilchrist Drive, Pittsburgh, retired, formerly manager, administra-. tion, Advanced Reactors Division, Westinghouse Electric Corp.; Carl E. Finley, '45, 401 E. 4th St., Lamar, Mo.,
partner in and electrical engineer with Finley Engineering Company, Con- . suiting Engineers; Bill R. Jones, '56 , 5127' Brookview Drive, Dallas, Eagle Production & Drilling Services, Inc.; Kent W. Martin, '42, Joplin, president, Allgeier, Martin & Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, Architects and Planners; Walter Mathews, '48, St. Louis, vice president. technical services, Bussman Division, McGraw Edison Company; Frank Ries, '50, 245 Summer St., Boston, president, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation; Donald E. Spackler, '50, St. Louis, president, Electro Devices, Inc. ; arid - Albert W. Weinrich, '59, 318 Burd St., Pennington, N.J., manager, Series 400 Satellite Programs, RCA Astro Electronics.
'58, '74, 220 Middleburg Drive, Sherman, III., deputy director of highways, Illinois Department of Transportation, Springfield, 111.; Jack B. Haydon, '58, 816 Lakeshore Drive, O'Fallon, 111., president, Reese Construction Co. , The academy honors UMR civil Cahokia, III.; Charles A. Kiefer, '61 , engineering graduates who have been. 9506 Godstone Lane, Spring, Texas, outstanding practitioners and civic leaders for their contributions to the manager Human Resources and Armco Projects Coordination, Bovay Engineers civil engineering profession and for their Inc., Houston , Texas; Allan H . interest in UMR students and faculty. laPlante, '63, 1023 Crossroads Drive, The 'academy serves as an advisory H ous ton, T exas, prest'den t , LAPCO group to the UMR civil engineering Inc., Houston; John McCarthy, '48, '50, department. 11756 Long Leaf Circle, St. Louis, conNew members are: Lucien M. Bolon struction manager, Metropolitan St. Jr., '59, 902 South Murray Road, Lee's Louis Sewer District, St. Louis; and Summit, Mo., director, Office of Con- Donald L. Evans, '61 , '64, 6211 6th Terstruction & Maintenance, Federal race, Mission, Kan., president and chief Highway Administration-Region 7, executive officer, Layne-Western Co. Kansas City, Mo.; Joseph E. Crowe Sr., . Inc., Mission, Kan.
MSM Alumnus123
Harry B. Smith, '42 Wins AESS "Pioneer Award"
1 f
o Harry B. Smith, '42, president-defense and electronic systems, Westinghouse Electric Corp., received the Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS) "Pioneer Award" in May. One of the traditions of the AESS and its predecessor groups of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the annual "Pioneer A ward," established in 1949. The list of winners of this award constitutes a roster of distinguished persons who have contributed notable achievements to the technical fields of AESS. The award is given for "contributing significantly to bringing into being systems that are in existence." The contributions for which the award is given should have occurred at least 20 years prior to the year of the award in order to ensure proper historical perspective for evaluation of the con路 tribution. After receiving his B.S. degree in electrical engineering from MSM, Smith joined the Naval Research Laboratory then spent two years as an officer in the Army Signal Corps. In 1946 he joined Davies Laboratories and developed radar altimeters and fuses for the Diamond Ordnance Laboratory. While at Davies he received a masters degree from the University of Maryland in 1949.
He joined Westinghouse in 1952, became manager of radar development in 1953 and immediately initiatect an in路house funded PD (pulse doppler) radar development. He became manager of advanced development in 1959 and chief engineer, aerospace, in 1962. He completed the advanced management program at Harvard in 1964 and became general manager of the aerospace division in 1966 where he guided the development and production of all Westinghouse PD radars. In 1972, Smith initiated the WX series of modular. design路 to-cost radars being used today on the F16, BI and DIVADS. He attained his present position with Westinghouse in 1977 . Smith received the Westinghouse special patent award in 1960, the Sarnoff award (for pulse doppler) in 1962, the Westinghouse Order of Merit in 1969: He has 15 patents, was elected a Fellow of IEEE in 1965, and was a member of the AF Scientific Advisory Board 1965-1974. He was technical chairman of the 1983 Old Crows Symposium, and is currently national chairman of NSIA. He received UM R's Alumni Achievement A ward in 1980, the professional degree, management engineer, in 1977, and路a Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Maryland in 1982. He is a member of UMR's Academy of Electrical Engineering.
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Vicki Johnson, '82 Wins Awards in Virginia She's outstandingly intelligent and recently won the local and district competitions in the Virginia Business and Professional Women's Club Young Career Woman Competition. Her name is Vicki Johnson and she's an aerospace technologist in the Aeronautical Systems Office of NASA's Langley Research Center. A native of Spokane, Wash., she began her career at Langley in August 1978 as an engineering co-op. In 1982 she graduated summa cum laude from the University of Missouri-Rolla with a bachelor of science degree in aeronautical engineering. She began working permanently at Langley in June 1982. Johnson's supervisor at Langley, Harry Heyson, vehicle integration manager in the Aeronautical Systems Office, said that during her co-op period "she showed remarkable aptitude and learning ability. Within a few weeks, she was operating a complex of massive computer programs in the redesign of a supersonic transport configuration. Her work was so successful that her efforts were incorporated into a model which was tested in one of Langley's supersonic wind tunnels." She maintained this aptitude throughout her co-op period and Heyson said, "We felt particularly favored, when Ms. Johnson chose to work with us after graduation." _ She is currently the Young Members Chairperson for the Hampton Roads Chapter of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. She is also a
member of the Engineers Club of the Virginia Peninsula. Johnson's interest and exceIlence is not limited to engineering, however. She is also a competent flute player and a member of the adult handbell choir at the First Methodist Church in Hampton . This warm and well-rounded individual urges college students to get involved in a co-op program because "it makes school a lot more tolerable." She commented that she probably wouldn't have finished school without the co-op program because she couldn't relate to what she was being taught. The experience that she received as a co-op showed her what she could expect from a career in engineering and she liked what she saw and decided to stay in school. But what does she want to do with her future? "My goals for the next 10 years include completing my formal education through the Ph.D. level, developing an expertise in the areas of aircraft systems integration and advanced technology appljcation and making several significant contributions to the aerospace field . Additionally, I want to teach graduate-level classes on a part-time basis to begin preparation for the second phase of my career as a full -time professor/researcher at a well-known university." With her past record of performance, she should have no trouble attaining these goals. Reprinted from "Langley Researcher"
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Mrs. Ted Planje notifies us that WillialJl and Paulene Nolte celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary on June 30th. They now live at 625 Salem Ave., Rolla, MO 65401.
Henry D. Monsch writes: "I'm in my tenth year of retirement and it feels great in the land of fun in the sun!" Henry retired from ALCOA's Pittsburgh office. He and Ruth now live at 1652 S. Abrego Drive, Green Valley, AZ 85614.
1922 The alumni office has received word from Tau Beta Pi that W. Kedzie TeDer is deceased. At MSM he was a member of Tau Beta Pi, Theta Tau, Grubstakers, Phi Kappa Phi, Order of IKK, and the Miner Board. He was president of the junior class and president of the student council. He received his B.S. in mining engineering and a B.S. in chemical engineering in 1929. His career was spent with the Columbus Laboratories and he lived in the Chicago area.
Melvin A. Sharp died at Bethesda Care Center in Paonia, Colo. on Feb. 2, after a long illness, according to a note from his wife, Box 717, Paonia, CO 81428. At MSM Mel had been a member of DeMolay, Satyrs, Independents (sectreas), Senior Council, Mining & Met Assoc. (treas), ROTC, and lettered in football. He received his B.S. degree in mining. He began his career with the Union Pacific Coal Co. in Rock Springs, Wy., worked in coal mines in Utah, West Virginia, lIIinois, and for U.S. Steel in Paonia, Colo. before his retirement.
1934 and Before Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26-27, 1984 Class Coordinators: Elmer Gammeter, '26 118 Duncan Circle-Windermere Beaver, PA 15009 Charles A. Freeman, '28 5 Via Delizia HiUsborough, CA 9401 0 Gerald A. Roberts, '28 1301 Briarwood Ei Dorado, AR 71730 C. James Grimm, '30 Box 105 Rolla, MO 65401 S. Allan Stone, '30 1405 Three Rivers East Ft. Wayne, IN 46802
Tau Beta Pi has informed the alumni ofVernon A.C. Gevecker, '31 fice of the death of another alumnus, 1931 Rt. 2, Box 39 Edward James Torrence. He was a Virgil Frank Ancell, retired metallurgist, Rolla, MO 65401 member of Tau Beta Pi, the Missouri died May 8 in Phoenix, Ariz. At MSM Mining and Metallurgical Association he was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, William Brewer, '32 and DeMolay at MSM and received his . Theta Tau and Tau Beta Pi. He received 6799 Wetheridge B.S. degree in general science. His career his B.S. degree in ¡ metallurgical Cincinnati, OH 45230 was spent with the Braden Copper Co. engineering. He is survived by his wife, in Chile, S.A. Eunice, 10862 Farrway Court, E, Apt. W. Robert Riggs, '32 116, Sun City, AZ 85351, and a 2870 South Via Del Bac 1927 daughter. Green VaDey, AZ 85614 Harry Bossert writes: "I have a change of address for you. I am now living with 1932 William W. Kay, '33 my son and his family at 50 Holyoke St., Homer Thompson, '32, '50, '52, has P.O. Box 100 ¡ Cambridge, MA 02138. Beulah passed been included in the first edition of Drums, P A 18222 away in November '82. Sold my house "International Who's Who in in Coral Gables and now spend most of Engineering" publisIled recently by the Elmer A. Roemer, '33 my time travelling-spent a month in International Biographical Centre in 1801 Oak Street China in May. Going to Austria in Cambridge, England. He and Agatha Rolla, MO 65401 August and September. Best regards to live at 4101 Lochridge Road, North MSM alumni." Little Rock, AR 72116. He is listed as a Robert .c. Weigel, '34 civil engineer, rivers and harbours. 120 Emerald Drive Murry J. Paul writes: "Approaching 85 Homer has worked for a St. Louis Danville, CA 94526 years of age (Oct. 3)-still holding! Best consulting engineering firm, worked on regards." He and Margie live at 11121 the Alaska Highway, served on the Jersey Ave. (P.O. Box 37), Youngtown, faculty at MSM and Arkansas 1934 Polytechnic College, and was W.R. Springer is retired. He and Lydia AZ 85363 . coordinator of planning on Lock and live at 3164 S. Wheeling Way, Aurora, Dam 4 and 8 for the Arkansas River CO 80014. They write: "We attended when he was with the Corps of the 50th anniversary celebration and 1928 Engineers, before his retirement. He has certainly enjoyed ourselves. Our thanks Bid Pence, '74 (Mrs. Harry S., '23) served as president (1964-65) of the to Frank Mac~aman and the entire sends notification of the death of Joseph Little . Rock Branch, and president Association for their part in the Warren Smith on June II. A graduate (1973-74) of the ~id-South Section of program." of Rolla High School, Warren was a the American Society of Civ il member of Kappa Sigma, Dynamiters Engineers; president (1976-77) of the 1935 and ROTC at MSM. He received his Arkansas Post of the Society of Ameri- George T. Nolde has retired and moved B.S. degree in civil engineering. He had can Military Engineers, and is a long- from Houston to 605 Elaine Court, been employed as head of the engineer- time member and act ive in service with Terre Du Lac, Bo'1ne Terre, MO 63628 . ing section of the Missouri Conservation the MSM-UMR Alumni Association in . He and Marie are looking forward to Commission and then was employed as Arkansas and Ark-La-Tex sect ions. attending the 50th reunion in Rolla next chief of general engineering for the May. He writes: "If everything proceeds Missouri Division of Health unit until 1933 according to plans, my granddaughter, his retirement in 1970. He is survived by Theodore W. Hunt is self-employed as a Miss Sabra Ann Nolde, will get her his wife, Julia, 1920 Chicago Road, concrete consultant. He and Louise diploma next May ('85) from Rolla." Jefferson City, MO 65101 , a son, a receive mail atBoxI566.Rolla.MO The Noldes also plan to attend daughter, and two grandchildren. 65401. Homecoming '84.
1936 ' Andrew T. Aylward died June 14 at DePaul Hospital in St. Louis. At MSM Andy was vice president of Mercier and lettered in both football and track. He received his degree in civil engineering and worked in the construction business until joining the St. Louis Police Department in 1939, where his father, A_T. Aylward, Sr., was assistant chief of police. Andy was with the police force until his retirement in 1972, as commander at the Bureau of Services. He had been named commander of the bureau from its inception in 1959 to 1968, was chief of detectives from 1968 to 1970, and returned to head the Bureau of Services until retirement. He was instrumental in - bringing several new programs to the department, including the installation of data processing and the creation of the canine corps and . the mounted patroL He is survived by his wife, Wilma, No.4 Del-Ray, No. D, St. Peters, MO 63376, a son, Andrew Ill, '62, 3003 Yale St, Endwell, NY 13760, and two daughters. Robert T. Chapman is a mining consultant - retired. His home address is 1303 Desert Meadows, Green Valley, AZ 85614.
1939 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26-27, 1984 Oass Coordinators: Joseph W. Mooney 7383 Westmoreland University City, MO 63130 Hubert S. Barger P.O. Box 2507 Evansville, IN 47714 Frederick W. HeRr 16 Viking Drive-Cherry HiD Englewood, CO 80110 John P. Soult P.O. Box 11567 St. Louis, MO 63105
Boulson is retired. He writes: "I have been commissioned to write a historical review of Sbo-Me Power Corp. to be published this year." He and Inez receive mail at P.O. Box 3, Marshfield, MO 65706. Thomas J. Finley writes: "Still working as general manager of sales for Washington Steel Corp:, Washington, Pa. Hope to make the 45th this October." He and Agnes live at 1150 Bower Hill Road, Pittsburgh, PA 1,5243.
MSM Alumnus / 25
AlurnniPersonals _____________________________________________________________
Charles D. Blair has retired. He and Conness are living at 2333 Wall, Joplin, MO 64801.
Thomas A. Jones has retired from Monsanto and has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Southwest Lime Co., Neosho, Mo. He and Evelyn live at 517 Mistletoe Lane, Kirkwood, MO 63122.
Mel Hagan is principal investigator for Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. He and Dolores live at 12 Mela Lane, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90274. They write: "After seven years, we have moved from a townhouse to a house. Still plan to retire in the desert soon (Rancho Mirage, Calif.)"
1941 William C. Alsmeyer sends a new mailing address: clo Leo A. Daly Co., 45 Maiden Lane, San Francisco, CA 94108. Clyde K. Hanyen is working as a consultant. He and Catherine receive mail at P.O. Box 245, Cummaquid, MA 02637. Notice has been received of the death of Frank H enry Mentz, Jr. on May 31 . At MSM Frank was an NY A assistant and a member of the Engineers Club. He received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering. He began his career with Westinghouse in New Jersey shortly after graduation and was with the company at various locations until his retirement in Sheridan, Ark. His titles with the company ranged from engineer to plant manager to equipment specialist. Frank and his wife, Dorothea (who died in 1980) were members of UMR's Order of the Golden Shillelagh. George M. Pace is self-employed as a civil engineer and surveyor. He writes: "I am trying to improve the antiquated deed record systems in various Ohio counties to improve land surveying." George and Luvenia live at 7083 Paddison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45230.
James R. Ron is self-employed
a manufacturer's rep. He writes: "We are still calling on the steel mills, selling them maintenance parts and repair services. Also watching the end of an era in domestic large hot strip mills." He and Audrey live at 1560 Cohasset Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45230.
Lee R. Woodworth writes: "} have retired from my Position as a chief engineer for the AirResearch Manufacturing Company and now reside with my wife in the San Bernardino mountains." Their mailing address is Box 305, Twin Peaks, CA 92391.
1943 Fred Dreste, '43, '60, retired from Motorola's Government Electronics Group, Scottsdale, Ariz., in January after 34 years with the company. He specialized in reliability engineering and reliability program management for approximately 30 years. His professional degree, electrical engineer, was awarded by MSM for accomplishments pertaining to the design of electronic equipment for high reliability. Fred's home address is 500 1 E. Weldon, . Phoenix, AZ 850 18. Fred Dreste also sends notification of the death of William E. Klund in 1977 from lung cancer. At MSM, Bill was a member of ROTC and Phi Kappa Phi. He received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. William E. Klund, P.O. Box 266, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067.
1944 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26-27, 1984 Oass Coordinators:
C. M. Watteabarger writes "I retired
Robert W. Klorer 7500 Natural Bridge St. Louis, MO 63121
June I from the partnership in Finley Engineering Company. Margaret and 1 will continue to live in our home of 25 years here in Lamar." Their address is 205 West 1st Terrace, Lamar, MO 64759_
Hans E. Schmoldt 526 S. Seminole Bartlesville, OK 74003 Ernst A. Weinel 1502 W. 50th O'Fallon, IL 62269
1947 Virgil A. Jobnson is now retired. He and Jean live at 2832 E. 17th St., Odessa, TX 79761.
1983 Rollamo
26/ M~M
Lloyd C. Scbumann, '43, sends us notification of the death of Henry T. CapeUe in 1978. At MSM Henry was a member of-Phi Kappa Phi and AIME. He received his B.S. degree in mining engineering. He had retired from Shell Oil Co. and was an independent oil operator in Houston, Texas, at the time of his death. He is survived by his wife who is now living in Kiel, Wise.
Comer C. Haley has retired as senior engineer for Westinghouse, Sharon, Pa., and is now a field consultant to Westinghouse industry services division, Pittsburgh, Pa. He and Martha live at 10295 Lamor Road (Route 7, Box 7684) Mercer, PA 16 137. They write: "Our son, the Rev. Kevin B. Haley, was ordained into the United Methodist Church ministry, W. Pa. Conference, on June 14 at Grove City College, Grove City, Pa."
1949 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26¡27, 1984 Class Coordinators:
Kenneth E. Bridegroom currently lives at 9 13 1 Fort Donelson Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123. Bernie Duffner is now retired. He and Bonnie live on Boyd Street Road, Route 6, De Soto. MO 63020. Charles Roger Knopp is employed by Flow-Quip Controls Inc., P.O. Box 2804, Tulsa, OK 74101. Myrl K. Line is retired. He and Virginia are living at 4 Burgher Drive, Rolla, MO 6540 1. Robert C. Perry, '49, '68, has been named to the newly created post of president, PPG Industries Europe. Based in Paris, he will have responsibility for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He had been vice president of flat glass products since 1983. He began his career with PPG in 1949, serving in various capacities in Crystal City, Mo.; Cumberland, Md.; Creighton, Pa.; and at PPG's Pittsburgh headquarters.
Robert D. Say 150Q Meadow Lake Parkway Kansas City, MO 64114 Donald G. DeBolt 91 22 Raeford Drive Dallas, TX 75243 William H. Gammon 4142 Soutbwell Way Sarasota, FL 33583 Nick Holloway, Jr. 149 Pipers Hill Road Wilton, cr 06897 Richard M. Otto 620 Oadium Circle, Apt. C Panama City Beach, FL 32407 Joe N. Strubert 2300 Divot Drive St. Louis, MO 63131 Robert D. Bay, '49, '69, engineering manager for the civil-environmental division of the Kansas City-based consulting firm of Black & Veatch, has been designated as the official nominee for the office of ASCE president-elect and will head the slate of 1984 national officer candidates. If elected, he will be installed in next October's annual fall convention in San Francisco. For one year he will serve in that post, moving up to become the society's president in C>ctober 1985 in Detroit. Bob is a long-time active member of ASCE, having served most recently as Zone III vice president and director of District 16. Bob is also a past president of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. He and wife Peggy reside at 8947 Linden Lane, Prairie Village, KS 66207.
1950 Robert L. Foss! is a senior engineer for AT&T Technologies in Reading, Pa. He and Jean live at 2902 Merritt Parkway, Sinking Spring, P A 19608. John J. Kovach has retired from Westinghouse. His home address is 101l3 Jepson Drive, St. Louis, MO 6?137. Robert G. Leonard has been appointed vice president of land acquisition and development for The Hayden Company, the second largest home builder in the St. Louis ; area. He is a six-year Hayden veteran, formerly vice president of construction. He, his wife Marcia and three children live in Manchester, Mo. D. N. Lockett retired in June as vice president and general manager of Eagle Picher Industries, Seneca, Mo. He and La Von plan to continue living at 2024 Florida, Joplin, MO 6480 I. Gerald Scbnaedelbacb, 2823 Patterson Ave. , Key West, FL 33040, writes: "With Air Florida slowly slipping down the tubes, I have resigned my job flying for them. I am now devoting full time to my own business, Key West Seaplane Service. operating three seaplanes in a charter service from Key West to Dry Tortugas Islands."
Alurnn;Personal$ ____________ ______________________________________________ ~
Edward L. Creamer writes: "I was recently promoted to the position of engineering adviser in Shell's head office engineering division in Houston, Texas. My activities continue to focus on metallurgical applications in refining and petrochemical operations. Alice and I now live at 10811 Creektree Drive, Houston, TX 77070."
1951 Donald Walter Kolb died July 6, 1983, according to a note from his wife, Ruth Kolb , 309 . Orangewood Drive, Lafayette, LA 70503. At MSM Donald was a member of Independents, Prospectors, the ROTC Band and AIMME. He received his B.S. degree in petroleum engineering. At the time of his death he was a petroleum engineering consultant for GHley & Associates in Lafayette.
1983 Rollamo
J . Robert Patterson P.O. Box 573 Sikeston, MO 63801
1950 Continued William A. Spencer is living at 112 Aztec W.R., Los Alamos, NM 87544. Robert A. Strain has moved to 8020 Deepwood Blvd., Mentor, OH 44060.
1955 Dale D. GilHam is employed by Amoco Production Co. , Denver, Co. He and Joni recently moved to 5385 Autum n Drive, Englewood, CO 80 Ill.
1958 Robert O. Hayes is president of The Rode n Co. , d ivision of United Resources. He and Carolyn live at 409 North A venue East, Cranford, NJ 07016.
J oseph M. Paloychik is director of purchasing for McQuay-Norris, St. Louis, Mo. He and Sandra live at 30 Bermuda Lane, Granite City, IL 62040.
George D. Tomazi, '58, '70, has been promoted to director of design and construction in the engineering division of 1951 Robert E. Glenn is manager, engineer- Mallinckrodt Inc. In this position he will C. Dudley Blancke Jr. has moved to 104 ing projects, for Shell Oil Company, be responsible for the design and conAnnhurst Drive, Danville, V A 24543. Norco, La. He and Ruby live at 10000 struction of all Mallinckrodt's project Tiffany Drive, River Ridge, LA 70123. engineering efforts at the corporate WilHam E. Horst is 'moving to 5710 E. level. His home address is 12723 Camino Del Tronido, Tucson, AZ Lawrence T. Kickham, Jr. is retired. He Stoneridge Drive, Florissant, MO 85715 , effective Sept. 1. and Virginia live at 1789 Linden Ave. , 63033. Memphis, TN 38104. Elmer D. Packheiser is a project engineer, A WAC Design Change, Ralph O. Young has a new. position as Westinghouse Electric Corp., Baltimore, director of engineering and development Md. He and Doris live at 307 S. Cherry for Seaman Corp., building systems diviGrove Ave., Annapolis, MD 21401. sion, Sarasota, Fla. He and Joan live at 1956 3268 Duncan Ave., Sarasota,' FL 33579, Virgil c. Boyd is power supervisor for E. I. DuPont, Topeka, Kan. His home address is 2915 W. 7th St., Lawrence, KS 66044. 1952 A. J. Ruttinger is now senior technical consultant for Nowsco Services, Sandy, John Max Brawley is manager of proUtah. He and Ellen receive mail at P.O. jects and exploration for Independent Petroleum Group in Safat, Kuwait. He Box 6, Sandy UT 84091. and Abida have two sons, Chris (3Y2) and John (1 Y2). They receive mail at Box 24027, Safat, Kuwait.
Juergen J . Bloess has moved to 15646 Three Fathoms Bank St., Corpus Christi, TX 78418.
James F. Longshore Jr. is vice president, engineering for McDonnellDouglas Electronics Co., St. Charles, Mo. He now lives at 1527 Woodroyal West Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017 .
Arthur C. Thompson is self-employed as a consultant in industrial minerals. He and Nancy receive mail at P.O. Box 340, Harrisville, NY 13648.
Larry L. Murphy is now president of S & M Resources Inc. , Raleigh, N.C. He and Sonia Kay live at 1000 Surrey Woods Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102.
Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26-27, 1984 Class Coordinators: Lucien M. Bolon, Jr. 902 S. Murray Road Lee's Summit, MO 64063 Jerry R. Bayless 108 Civil Engr., UMR Rolla, M O 65401 Gerald L. Steyenson 511 N. Main St. Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26-27, 1984 Class Coordinators: Frank B. Conci P.O. Box M Golconda, IL 62938
Edward E. Hornsey 103 Engr. Mech., UMR Rolla, MO 65401
Melvin E. Horton and wife, Harriet, receive mail at P.O. Box 1462, Rawlings, WY 82301.
O arence J . P bilHps, manager of Coming Glass Works' plant for I I years, has joined Celwave Technologies Inc. as manager of its Elizabethtown, ~y. manufacturing facility. The Celwave plant produces insulated wire and cable for the telephone industry and employs approximately 200 people. The company, based in Claremont, N.C., also manufactures land mobile antenna systems, fiber optiCs and cellular radio components. Clarence and his wife, Jean, have two children- Jim , a Virginia Tech graduate employed by Arthur Young & Co. in Washington, D.C. and Cathy Jean, a senior at the University of Kentucky-Lexington. His mailing address at Celwave is 1300 West Park Road, Elizabethtown, KY 42701.
1983 Rollamo
AlurnniPersonals ____________________________________________________________ 1959 Continued A report has been received of the. death of Kenneth Eldon Powell. At MSM he was a member of AIChE, Independents and Alpha Chi Sigma. He received his degree in chemical ·engineering. Most of his career was spent as a chemical engineer with Ashland Oil Co. in Texas. Albert W. Weinrich was appointed vice president, technology & planning, for RCA Communications Inc., Princeton, N.J ., on June 18. Al and Judy live at 318 Burd St., Pennington, NJ 08 534.
Notice of the death of Donald W. Burlage has been sent in by Milton J. Murry, '64. Don, 44, was drowned in a scuba diving accident in the Red Sea off the Sinai Peninsula near Cairo, Egypt, on July 8 while he was on vacation . At MSM Don was a member of the band, Kappa Kappa Psi, Independents, Eta Kappa Nu, Silver Key, ROTC, and was an honor student. He earned his degree in electrical engineering and received a Ph.D. from the University of Alabama in 1972. At the time of his death he was a research engineer for the U.S. Army Missile Command in Huntsville, Ala. He is survived by his mother, Helen Dorothea Burlage, of Herculaneum, . Mo. and a sister.
Merle Southern has been appointed chief of the Rocky Mountain Mapping 1960 Albert M oellenbeck is president of Center of the U.S. Geological Survey at Nuclear Power Service Design Inc., Denver, Colo. Before the assignment, he Secaucus, N.J. He and Charlotte live at was assistant chief of the USGS Mid564 Miller Court, Wyckoff, NJ 07481. _ Continent Mapping Center in Rolla, a job he had held since 1977. He joined Glen H. Whiting is a member of the USGS in 1961; his work has included a technical staff at Sandia National 1968 tour of duty in Antarctica. A Laboratories in Albuquerque. His home geographic feature in Antarctica, address is 10200 Arvilla N.E., Albu- Mount Southern, was named for him. He received the U.S. Department of the querque, NM 8711 1. Interior's Meritorious Service A ward in 1982.
1961 Jerome D. Patterson, '61, '64, has a new position as project manager for Mid-State Tile Co., Lexington, N.C. He and Lynn have a new home at 102 Maegeo Drive, Lexington, NC 27292.
Richard A. Wills has a new position as superintendent of manufacturing engineering for the General Motors Leads Plant, Kansas City, Mo. He and Glenda have moved to 4174 LaFayette, Lee's Summit, MO 64063 .
Jay A. Peterson is ground armament project lab manager for Emerson Electric Co. He and wife Elizabeth have moved to 251 Mill Run Lane, St. Charles, MO 63303.
Graham W. Wood is a civil engineer for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Waltham, Mass. He and Roberta live at 68 Depot Road, Hollis, NH 03049 .
1983 Rollamo
28 / MSM Alumn us
1963 Charles Becker, owner of Beckwood Industries, recently moved . into a new 30,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility in Fenton, Mo., reports W. ·S. Kirchoff, '64. William S. Bryant is an associate engineer with Olin Corp., East Alton, Ill. He and Gay have moved to 1705 Cordell Court, Godfrey, IL 62035. David W. Christiansen is a senior engineer for Westinghouse Hanford Co., Richland, Wash. He and Jean live at 1965 W. 23rd Ave., Kennewick, WA 99337 . Ronald S. Robertson is president of Hamilton & Son Inc., Rolla. He and Lucia live at Route 4, Box 7 1, Rolla, MO 6540 1.
DALE W. LEIDY Dale W. Leidy, an area manufacturing manager for the Class Container Division of Owens-llIinois Inc. , has been appointed a vice president of the division. He is responsible for glass container manufacturing plants in Atlanta, Ga.; 1964 Brockport, N. Y .; Clarion , Pa. ; Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26-27, 1984 Lakeland, Fla.; Toano, Va.; and Class Coordinators: Winston-Salem, N .C.; as well as a sand plant in Millville, N.J . Dale joined 0 -I in Alfred J. Buescher 196.1, serving in several engineering 624 Golfview Drive positions prior to being named plant Ballwin, MO 6301 1 superintendent in Atlanta in 1974. In 1976 he moved to the division's Waco, Frank W. King, III Tex., plant ·as supervisor of its cor3505 Lytal Lane rugated box production operations, and Edmond, OK 73034 in 1977 he was named manager of the western area engineering department. Larry L. Parkinson He was appointed manager of the Los 2614 Bent Oak Ave. Angeles glass container facility in 1978, Adrian, MI 49221 and since 1981 had been manager of the Atlanta plant. He was a member of the c. Stuart Ferrell Georgia governor's task force on recycl1307 Bienville ing and a commissionor and treasurer of Ruston, LA 71270 the Clean Community Commission for the city of East Point, Ga. , prior to moving to Toledo. He and his wife, Irene, Calvin B. Cobb, ' 64, '65, '67, employed have five children-Dale, Douglas, by Wright, Killen & Feldman Inc., has been elected second vice chairman of Gregory, Brian, and Christopher. the fuels and petrochemicals division of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (A IChE). He and wife Nancy 1962 Richard K. Brockmann writes: "With live at 12726 William Dowdell, Cypress, Century 21 Real Estate in Boca Raton, TX 77429. Fla. Karen, daughter No. I, was married April 28; Diane, No.2, graduated from Raymond A. Fournelle, '64, '68, '71, high school in Ju ne; and Ken. No. 3 returned from Germany July 26th. His child, is in 6th grade." Richard, Doris new address is 1129 N . Jackson St., No. and family live at 67 10 NW 84th Ave., 1216-C Milwaukee, WI 53202. Parkland, FL 33067 . W . S. Kirchoff is employed by u .S. Frederick Haushalter is now president Gypsum Co. He and wife Sandra live on of Kenton Tech Inc., Kenton, Ohio. He Wild Horse Creek Road, Chesterfield, and Ruth live at 365 N. Detroit St., MO 630 17 . Kenton, OH 43326. Donald G. Peters is assistant inspector Gary E. Williams is plant engineer for general for the U.S. Army at Aberdeen North American Refractories, Farber, Proving Ground. He and Sue live at Mo. He and Donna live at 108 N . East 4676 Parrish Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 210 I O. St., Farber, MO 63345 .
AlurnniPersonals ______________________________________________________________ 1964 Continued Richard L. Reyburn recently moved. His new mailing address is P.O. Box 3526, Carson City, NV 89701. Edward A. Rutledge is a project manager for Fruco Engineers, Ballwin, Mo. He and Janet live at 14535 Brit· tania, Chesterfield, MO 63031. Thomas M. Smith, '64, '70, is North American support manager, Queens Ferry Telecommunication Division, Hewlett·Packard, Colorado Springs, Co. He and Harriet moved in January to 7775 Delmonico Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80919. William E. Steinkamp is a product engineer for Martin·Marietta Energy Systems Inc., Oak Ridge, Tenn. He and Ouida live at 116 Westwood Drive, Clinton, TN 37716. John A. Tengler has moved to 24 Forest Trail, New Braunfels, TX 18130. Ronald C. Wittenauer is the new owner of a campground in Montana. He and Cynthia receive mail at P.O. Box 328, Big Timber, MT 59011.
1965 Dr. Warwick W. DoD is a research fellow for Hoechst Fibers Industries Inc., Spartanburg, S.c. He writes: "Ef· fective July I, I will move from my job. of group leader in staple technology to the head of the fiber physics section." He and Carole liye at 4452 Grissom Road, Spartanburg, SC 29301.
Will Franklin is president of Rotating . Kanaiyalal R. Shah is president of Shah Process Machines Inc., St. Louis. He & Associates Inc. He and Daksha live at writes: "Our business is nearing two 2 Winesap Court, Gaithersburg, MD years old and is doing great. Diane is 20878 . diving meet chairman for the Cool Dell sw'im team this summer. Wendy (13) is June C. Thomason, 20151 Northfield diving and Todd (10) will be swimming. Road, Bay Village, OH 44140, has been It will be a busy summer!" The Franklin named vice president of manufacturing family lives at 733 Country Heights and engineering, Glidden Coatings and Resins Div., SCM Corp. Court, Manchester, MO 63011. Raymond L. Wills is a field services engineer for Combustion Engineering, Chattanooga, Tenn. He and Betty have moved to 1022 Cowart Drive, Hixson, TN 37343.
Thomas K. Gaylord, '65, '67, was one of three honored as this year's Outstanding Teacher Award winners at the Retire· ment and Awards Dinner at Georgia In· stitute of Technology in May. The reci· pients of the ·award were selected by the Faculty Honors Committee which ac· cepted nominations from the students, faculty, staff and alumni. Each recipient was presented a plaque and a $1000 check which was provided by a grant 1966 from the Amoco Foundation Inc. Harry E. Dunn is regional manager for Gaylord has been a professor of elec· U.S. Borax & Chemical Corp., Knox· trical engineering at Georgia Tech since ville, Tenn. He and Janice live at 3228 1972. He is also the recipient of five Boomerang Lane, Knoxville, TN 37931. Sigma Xi research awards, including two . advisers awards for outstanding LllJ'ry W. Littlefield moved on Aug. 1 to doctoral research. He received his Ph.D. 1960 Stratford, Deland, FL 32720. in electrical engineering in 1970 from Rice University. In 1974 he received the Charles R. McDuff has moved to 1231 Outstanding Young Engineer of the Woodland Ave. S.E., Atlanta, GA Year award from the Georgia Society of 30316. Professional Engineers. The American Society for Engineering Education Notice has been received of the death of awarded him the 1979 Curtis W. J. Douglas Told on May 21. AtUMR McGraw Research A ward. He is a Doug was a member of the St. Pat's Fellow of the Optical Society of Board, Theta Tau, ASCE and America, and a Fellow of the Institute Shamrock. He received his degree in of Electrical and Electronic Engineers civil engineering. He is surVived by his (IEEE). He is listed in 11 Who's Who mother, Mrs. Ruth Told, 721 S. Jeffer· pUbliCations and has been chosen to son, Webb- City, MO 67870. receive an IEEE Centennial Medal. He and Janice live at 3180 Verdeen Drive N.W., Atlanta, GA 30305.
1983 Rollamo
Dennis L. Greer has been elected vice president, administration, of Texas Eastern Corp., .Houston, Texas. Formerly general manager, administra· tion, Dennis will continue as 'president of Houston Center Corp., the company's real estate subsidiary. He joined Texas Eastern in 1968 as an engineer. He has completed the Harvard Business School's program for manage· ment development and is a registered engineer in the state of Louisiana. nen· nis and his wife, the former Patricia Ann Meredith, reside at 1011 Verrett, . Houston, TX 77090. They have two children. John C. Burby III has moved to 3109 Bayview Drive, Alameda, CA 94501. Jack L. Chadwick is an engineering specialist for LTV Aerospace & Defense Corp., Dallas, Texas. His new home ad· dress is 20929 Anza Ave., Apt. 160, Torrance, CA 90503. Robert J. Smith II, '68, '70, has moved to Route 4, Box 315·C, Boone, NC 28607.
Jong·Tsong Chen has moved to 2212 Racquet Hill, Santa Ana, CA 92705 . , John W. Tyndorf is operations engineer for Jersey Central Power & Light Co. , Yavux M. Guvenir is project manager Sayreville, N.J. He and Theresa live at for Nielsen Construction Co., San 21 Churchill Road, E. Brunswick, NJ Diego'. He and Chere have moved to 088 16. 7632A Sturgess Ave., La Mesa, CA 92041. Josep h L. Van Meter writes: "I have recently changed my employer and mail· ing address. I am now employed by the U.S. Department of State and have been assigned as station engineer at the Far East Regional Communications Relay Facility, attached to the U.S. Embassy, 1968 Randal R. Braun is manager, systems & Manila, The Philippines. My mailing ad· planning, parts & service, for W ABCO dress is: P.S.c. No. 2, Box 18546, ·C & ME, Peoria, Ill. He and Rebecca A.P.O. San Francisco 9631 L I expect to live at 2423 W. Pintura Court, Peoria, return to Washington in 24 months. My IL 61614. wife, Cynthia, and I wish you well."
MSM Alumnus129
The following is one-sixth of the number of MSM-UMR alumni for whom the association does not have a current address. The alumni office will publish a new Directory of Alumni in June, 1985, and would like to be able to include information about as many alumni as possible. Lists of these alumni will be published in each of the six issues of the MSM Alumnus prior to publication of the Directory. If you have any information at all about anyone whose name is on the.list please send to: MSM-UMR Alumni Association, 101 Harris Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, Mo. 65401 Editor's Note: Response from alumni who sent addresses for those who appeared on the list in the last Alumnus was terrific! Hope we do as well this issue.
1960 '. Leland L. Banks Michael J. Bertorello Shreekant L. Bhalani Pierre M. Borgeaud Charles L. Coats, Jr. Glenn L. Cottrell Ikram-Ul-Haq Dar Gary N. Denney Wayne R. Derx Paul A. Finn Richard A. Fitzgerald Louis P. Flaim . Chiyyarath Girijavallabhan Jesus M. Gomez Jorge A. Grau -Edward C. Grubbs John H. Gustafson Richard D. Hartman James M. Higgins Glenn C. Hoaglund Ronald T. Hooper Satya P. Jain Maung M. Kyi Maury W. Loket Dale M. Magre Kasem Malek Sham L. Malhotra Jerry F. Maney Billy W. Marshall Wilbur L. McBay Thomas C. McCourt Bhupat H. Mehta .\ .Larry G. Miller William E. Miller Jung K. Mok Victor G. Naudin Robert G. Nelson Ugur~uz
Sothi Pan . Russell L. Parks Robert W. Patterson Jainti Prasad Donald H. Pritzker Saw H. Pru David F. Putnam Paluri B. Rao Harold M. Ray Hugo A. Robles Martin M. Rogers Louis J. Roth Suryya N. Roychowhury Garrett M. Sainsbury Viswanatha Seshadri Jerry L. Shelton James E. Shepard
30/ MSM Alumnus
Bhaskar D. Shiwalkar James P. Stewart Charles R. Suman Charles F. Swetitch Ralph R. Thater ' Jose M. Tomasio Thomas C. Tucker Gilberto Urdaneta-F Jerry F. Welch Ronald L. White Glenn H. Whiting
1961 Necdet Ayik Jose R. Barreto Michael E. Benefield George D. Blevins James W. Bomar Robert A. Booth Andre C. Chang Kuo-Chin Chuang Kenneth E. Cocke Joseph R. Cook Hemendra N. Datta Guillermo Dumois Edward L. Ellicott Atila I. Evrenos Earnest R. Franke Faramarz Frouzan Howard F. Gaines Henry J. Gardner Turgut Gulsoy Donald F. Hartman Ronald L. Heatherly Robert D. Heuerman Adrian H. Howard Jerry W. Jamieson . Sergio E. A. Kessler Dale W. Leidy Raymond W. Limbert Chang L. Lin Donald W. Loncarich ' John P. McKeone William B. Mclane Dinker L. Mehta Charles E. Murray Hassan A. Oreyzi Douglas L. Owings Jogendra P. Parikh Chetan Parkash Bhailalbhai M. Patel Rameshchandra Patel David A. Petty Edgardo J. Portaro
Federico G. Rodriguez Jorge Romani Arthur M. Rupp Erik H. Schot Richard.L. Schrieber Albert D. Sharon Shyam L. Talwar Terry G. Turner Yurdakul O. Ulugonul Carl J. Wallace Kei-Sin Wei Robert W. Whitehead Marvin B. Wilkerson Robert E. Williams Graham¡W. Wood Ping Y. Wu Ismail Yolar Robert J. Zdanis Robert G. Zimmerman
Eleazar t. Afbertini Romesh' V. Amin Clifford B. Barksdale Boyd R. Baxter Ralph L. Behrens Phillipe P. Borthayre Gerald M. Boyd William F. Breig Raymond C. Bretthauer, Jr. Charles A. Byers Russell E. Campbell Valentine E. Carrasco Siew H. Chan YogendraB. S. Chandel Keith E. Chapman Aylmer P.Cheng . Larry D. Cline Howard W. Curl John P. Davisson .Heros Dergreg6rian Manubhai S. Desai .= " Robert 'S. Estill Gerald¡ O. Fitui~ Charles Folkert Gary K. Glover Daniel S. Gnanamuthu Robert D. Gollhofer George R. Grate Louis W. Grespim Murli' U. Hasrajani Allen R. Havey James R. Hendershot Mark L. Holland
Barry W. Ho!lSC James L. Hyde Keikhosrow Irani Roger G. Kays George C. King James H. King George M. Kinzlmaier Jose B. Marquez Donald M. Marsinkavage Tin Moe . Pedro A. M. Mqnt~ri Samuel O. Musgrove, Jr. Francis M. Natalu\(: . Gerald A. Nigg Arthur W. Noble, Jr. William E. ofson William D. Sedat Ozkol . ':; Albert Paiewonsky . Chamanlal B. 'Patel Kantibhai C. Patel Nalinchandra V. Patel Gary L. Pattengill Michael C. Payden Don A. Pfautsch Kemal Piskin Robert R. Powers Larry D. Prior Tarsem S Purewal Mahendra N. Rana Arthur P. Reckinger, Jr. James B. Roberts Bryant L. Robinson Ardeshir Sainrad Stephan 'A. Sayegh . Jamshid K. Shafizadeh Narendra M. Shukla Ubirajara M. Silva' Avelino SOusa-Poza . Elmer L. Sprenkle George W. Stair Edwin W. Steffen Gary E. Williams Vyomesh N. Z;lveri
.. '
1963 Mohemed A. Ali Alexis A. Arevalo Ghazi A. Aryan Errol A. Bascue Surindar K. Bhatia Himadri Bhattacharya Jon R. Bohning Thomas H. Bramon
William S. Bryant Boonchuay Buaprasert B..Jack Choat William R. Colantuono Ronald L. Cowperthwaite Jayantilal J. Darji Calvin D. Dockery Howard L. Dockery Ronald R. Dowdy William L. Durham Thomas R. Foster, III Ashokkumar K. Gajjar Franklin D. Gastineau Aly H. Gomah Tomas R. Grateron . E. Haywood Hackney Lawrence R. Hanson Charles W. Harper Donald M. Harris
Marvin T. Harris Lowell D. Heath Francis D. Henderson Larry K. Henderson Hosseingholi Houshmand Jon A. Hull Roger K. Huston Raymond F. Jackson Chandrakant C. Jogani Tuh-Kai Koo Ping Liang David H. Lindsey . John L. Melzer Clifford E. Miller Vidyut K. Pandya Rashmikant D. Parikh Ambalal T. Patel Arvindkumar M. Patel ' Kantibhai H. Patel Rameshchandra Patel Gary N. Pointer Dennis R. Reeder Donald J. Roberts Mohammed M. Saad .Jose M. Saca A. M. Sivadasan ' Bobby D. Stacy James' R. Stark Jimmy J. Studer M. Turgut Tezcanli Nandi R. Thakuria Thomas E. Tucker Michael Volpe Otis Warner Apit Wiriaatmadja Raymond A. Witte Robert F. Zeitzmann
1964 Abdul R. K. AI-Hashimi Roger D. Anderson Richard J. Baird James Barger William J. Bono -:Ronald L. Bowser Gary E. B0yer Howard W. Brooks John W. Bryan Frederic C. Burchard Richard E. Carter, Jr. Ralph W. Case, Jr. Terry D. Chew Ceylung Chu Harish B. Chudgar Phillip R. Cowles Clifford W. Crosnoe Girish T. Dalal Harvey D. Decker Wallace D. Dencker Indrajit N. Desai William E. Dey Daniel T. Dickey Richard E. Dudley W. Michael Fink Carl D. Gales Rajni K. Gandhi Reynolds C. Hayden, Jr. Jack L. Haygood Elmer C. Hoepker Philip R. Hoge James T. Holt Yung-Yien Huang Ronald E. Hunt Larue J. Jones Reza Khakbaz Charles M. Leslie Wen-Jiang Lin Raja A. Mansoor Alexander F. McKay Krishna K. Misra Brijgopal R. Mohta Howard M. Moss Reginald F. Nease Kenneth R. Nelson Robert C. Nelson Lotar M. Neumann Harry W. Padgett, Jr. Vikram Parikh Indrakumar R. Patel Kantikumar G . Patel Rameshchandra Patel Raojibhai A. Patel Suresh J. Patel Rodger' J. Perl
John L. Gaebel Socrates Potamianos Christopher F. Haecker Glenn A. Rahmoeller David E. Halper Lawrence E. Rieth Kwok CHong Eugene A. Roeder Caylor M. Hoobler Mahendra K. Sanghavi " .. Kul):Cq,u .tt\! .' . :" J)!-gdish S,! S~ngh yj , . ., '" ": .;" \c.;.~ "Harrlg:Seri IiJang 1 ~, Kanaiyalal d . 'Shah ' {~i ".John W. Huckabee Kirit G. Shah Jerry B. Hutchinson Rasiklal J. Shah Franklin G. Jackson Kinikant R. Sheth Forood Jahangiri Manharkumar K. Sheth Olatunde S. Jaiyesimi Nicholas A. Spitzer Shantilal L. Jani Rolland C. Struebing Humberto T. Jimenez Manouchehr M. Tafreshi Shih-Sun Kao \ John T. Tesson David C. Karr Stephen W. Thrower Srichand A. Kartari Manoj P. Trivdei Kin In Ko Pravinchandra Upadhyay Arvindkumar R. Kotak Javad Vakil Kishor M. Lakhani Kenneth L. Varady Keith W. Larson Peter C. Wang Gary M. Larwood Ting H. Wang Chao-Tai Li Harold E. Warner Neng-Chung Liao Paul M. Wildt Mou-Shen Lii Ronald C. Wittenauer Thsai-Ten Lin Joseph S. Wood, Jr. Pu-Ying Lili Vikram H. Mahadevia Ping-Chi Mao Frederick G. Matthes 1965 Kirti C. Mehta James W. Arensman Abdollah Morshedi Roshan L. Bansal Lawrence E. Mullins Harvey R. Bennett Jenn-Wuu Ou David A. Britton Lee T. Palmer • Robert S. Brothers Mahendrakum.a r Parekh Robert L. Carpenter. Nalin 'C: Parfkli . , Nagib Chamori. Yogesh R. Parikh Dick J. Chang Mukeshkumar M. Patel Der-Rong Chen '. Niranjan J. Patel Richard Y. Chen Winston W. Chen . Ramanbhai A. . Patel Yueh-Tsun Chen Rameshchandra Patel Vallabhbhai P. ~atel Hsiao. Lai Cheng Vinodghai T. Patel Kuen Chin Vipinchandra Patel Johann C. Chu Radha K. Purohit Ting-I Chung Eric O. Puronen Gerald L. Cooper Robert F. Cordes Sheikh A. Rashid Martha A. K. Corgan Rafael H. Rojas Terry P. Daniels Adnan A. Saadallah Leslie E. Davis. Stanley A. Salof C. Antonio Santos James H. Deatherage, Eh Deng Maurice A. Sayegh Omar E. EI-Arini Edward A. Seay . Chester F. Feng Vipinchandra Shah John G. Flora Kenneth R. Smith
Robert S. Smith Neal F. Spangler Don J. Stainbrook Laxman S. Sunda Evan R. Thomas, Jr. -r ' Hsiung-Jen Tu 'RocKwell d . Tucker ' 1 Shy am S. Vyas Thomas S. Walsh Kenneth W . West Philip L. White Raymond L. Wills Wayne V. Wren Fikri Yaivac Davy T. Yang Shane S. Yen Elias Zambrano
1966 Mohammed M. Agial Padmakar Y. Bakre Gregory M. Bednar Ramanajalu Bhasker Kishorkumar H. Bhuta Laurence T. Bliss Robert B. Bridges Samuel C. Buck Thomas H. Buschke Robert L. Carter Walter T. Casquino Rey David L. Chambers Shi-Peing Chang Chung-Chang Chen Wen M. Chen Yie-Shung C;:.heng Ing-Shing Chien Arun S. Chitalia Rashrnikant K. Chokshi James C. Chou Lung-Yu Chou Ming-Chwan Chow Rafael J. B. Cifuentes Chlorus D. Cooper Charles S. Coyle David O. Dattilo James R. Dimitri Guven Ergul Clyde L. Finch J. Loyd Fortner Chang I. Fung Everett R. Gass Robert G. Gladden Fletcher C. Hastings John E. Holdner Anthony Hutauruk I
Gustavo L. Iraola Rafid A. Jasim Peter F. Johnson Charles R. Lahmeyer Ting-Kwan Lai c:Chul-Hee Lee f lIenry W. Lee Kuen C. Lee . Tien-Sun Lee Alfred A. Lian Charles W. Lineberry David C. Lo Ping-Tsun Lu Donald R. Luth John C. Ma Richard S. Marshall Kelley M. Martin Leonard E. Meyer Cleon M. Mobley, Jr. Theodore E. Moore John G. Morgan Okokon Nkanga Kiritkant B. Parikh Bhupendra C. Patel Dady J. Patel Maganchai C. Patel Pramochal T. Patel Pramodbhai T. Patel Ravindrabhai C. Patel Vinubhai D. Patel James A. Pickett Balgopal S. Poddar Cornell J. Price Jose F. A. Quiros Varakantham S. Reddy Clyde M. Reedy John A. Requarth Ernest W. Scott Arunkumar D. Shah Pao-Shin Shih Marc J. Sims Paul W. Starkweather Kenneth M. Stephens KhinM. Thein Faiz N. Thomas Marion W. Tucker Manmohan G. Tuli Jeong M. Tzeng Claudio Venturini James F. Walker, Jr. Sinclair S. Wang James J. Ward Kim C. Weng Robert J. WenzeJ. Leslie T. Wiger Chi-Kung Yu
y~u ' i~t~erested i' n ; ~t~r,i~g a high-tech business in Rolla?
Write or call:
UMR Center for Technological Development 105 Harris Hall Rolla, MO 65401 Phone: 314/341·4004
MSM Alumnus/ 31
AlumniPersonols ¡__________________________________________________________ 1968 Continued
Richard J. Fitzgerald has a new position as claims attorney for CNA Insurance, St. Louis, .Mo. He and Patricia have moved to 329 S. Maple, Webster Groves, MO 63119.
Daniel K. Ward writes: "Recently promoted to supervisor of automatic component assembly in manufacturing engineering at Delco Electronics Division of General Motors_ Have four children-Dan, Matt, Rebecca and Luke- In 16th year with G_M." Dan and Marsha have made their home at 402 Jeff Drive, Kokomo, IN 46901.
D. Jay Frankenfield is section headpersonal care products, Procter & Gamble Paper Products, Cincinnati, bhio. He and Anne now live at No. 7 Evergreen Circle, Cincinnati, OH 45215. Mark and Phyllis Kaplan have moved to 14231 Trailtop Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Mark is the head of the electrical engineering department at Jack R. Tennill & Associates, consulting engineers.
1969 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26-27, 1984 Oass Coordinators: Don M. Ascoli 1404 E. Dunbar Tempe, AZ 85282 Robert S. Bruce 15 Carrswold St. Louis, MO 63105 Fredrick P. Achelpohl is a senior specialist for Vought Corp., Grand Prairie, Texas. He has moved to 3323 COker, Irving, TX 75062. Barry D. BaU lives at Route 16, Box 238, West Plains, MO 65775. Robert E. Barrett Jr. is now manager, raw material supply, for Monsanto Co. He and Sharyn live at 12150 Bent Brook,St. Louis, MO 63122. John R. Becker was promoted to vice president, Tempo Mechanical, Dallas, Texas. He says, "The company has grown from $10 to $30 million." The Beckers have a new address: 1022 Alamo Drive, Southlake, TX 76092.
David W. Christiansen received the George Westinghouse Award for Outstanding Engineering Achievement at a banquet June 14 in Pittsburgh. He was one of 20 winners from among 130,000 employees of Westinghouse Electric Corp. worldwide. He won the award for his cost-effective redesign of breeder fuel hardware. With his redesign effort, parts can be metal-cast instead of machined or drilled, only one weld will be required instead of eight, and overall fabrication costs will be reduced to a third. His redesign is now the reference design for FFTF fuel assemblies. The FFTF, a test reactor for breeder fuels and components, recently completed its fourth successful operationg cycle and has established world records for operating performance successes. David is a senior engineer at Westinghouse Hanford Co., which conducts breeder technology programs at Richland, Wash. for the U.S. DOE. He has received six patents for nuclear fuel hardware devices and systems, and 12 other patent applications are in process. He has submitted approximately 55 patent disclosures. David may be reached through the Westinghouse Hanford Co., P_O. Box 1970, Richland, WA 99352.
Jimmy C. Massey has been promoted to head of the equipment and systems support technology department at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant operated by Martin Marietta Energy Systems Inc. He is responsible for coordinating technology, development and support - for instrumentation, mechanical equipment and operating systems. Jimmy joined the ' plant's engineering division in 1973. His most recent position was head of the computer applications engineering section. He is a registered professional electrical engineer, as well as a qIember and past chairman of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 'Paducah subsection. He and his wife, Rebecca, live on Route 2 in Paducah. They have two sons, Joshua, 6, and Zachary, 10 months.
John J. Berry is now senior quality assurance engineer for Westinghouse Electric Co.~ Columbia, S.c. He and Cynthia have moved to 401 Wotan Drive, Columbia, SC 29206. Richard W. Frazee, '69, '80, is a senior staff engineer for Bendy Engineering Company, Earth City, Mo. He and Delores live at 11103 Pam Lane, St. Louis, MO 63146. Michael and Betty Knenlein moved on Aug. 2 to 745 Buttonwood Circle, Naperville, IL 60540. ,
32/ MSM Alumnus
Donald B. Lambert is general sales manager, middle east, for Fisher COntrols International Inc. He and Donna receive mail do M.E.O.S. Co., P.O. Box 2234, Dubai, UAE. Theodore J. Spalding, '69, '75, has transferred to Bakersfield, Calif., with Arco Oil and Gas Co. as district engineer-offshore. Ted, wife Rita, and daughter Heather live at 2513 Kramer Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93309. W. Earl Wehmeyer, '69, '72, is now a senior analytical engineer for Singer Company, Pickens, S.c. He lives at Route I, Box 225, Pickens, SC 29671.
1970 RusseU Delay is supervisor, hanger quality control, for the Tennessee Valley Authority, Hollywood, Ala. He and Sue have moved to 802 Meadowbrook, Scottsboro, AL 35768.
Thomas M. Leirer Jr., captain in the USAF, has participated in exercise Cope North at Nyutabaru Air Base, Kyushu, Japan. Cope North was designed to train aircrews in combined actions with dissimilar air and maritime combat tactics and maneuvers. Tom is an airborne weapons director with the 961st Airborne .Warning and Control Squadron at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan. ' Tom and Mary receive mail addressed: PSC I, Box 27509, APO San Francisco, Ca 96230. LaMar T. Sizemore is engineering director with the U.S. Navy, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He and Vicki receive mail at Box 37, WC93, FBPO Norfolk, VA 23593. Mike Stephenson is division traffic studies and corrections engineer for the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department, Jefferson City, Mo. He and Clara have moved to 222 Brookdale, Jefferson City, MO 65101. James M. Turnbow is now associated with the law firm of Jones, Pelts and Stokley in Kennett, Mo. He is a May '79 graduate of Memphis State University School of Law, Night Division; practiced law in Cape Girardeau, Mo., in partnership with Kenneth Waldron, a Jackson, Mo. attorney, until 1981; and had been practicing as a sole proprietor in Cape Girardeau from 1981 until June when he joined the Kennett, Mo. fil1Il. He is licensed to practice law in all state courts in Missouri, the FederalDistrict Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court. In addition to the practice of law, he is a registered civil engineer in MisSouri. He, wife Verna, and their two children-Benjamin and Michael-have moved to 1009 Falcon Drive, Kennett, MO 63857.
A'ulnniPersona's ____________________________________________________________ 1970 Continued
Raymond H. Vogel Jr. is an environmental engineer for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Durham, N.C.
Van B. Tran is manager, process development, for Ampex Corp., EI Segundo, Calif. He and Thuvan currently live at 11692 Guam Circle, Cypress, CA 90630. Yu Chien Yuan has joined Dames & Moore, engineering and environmental consultants, as a senior engineer. Involved in the field of nuclear safety for nearly a decade, he will assist pr'imarily with radiological impact assessments and safety analyses for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center at West Valley, N. Y. The center is the only commercial nuclear fuel reprocessing plant being operated in the U.S. and is currently conducting the West Valley Demonstration Project for virtifying the high level liquid waste stored at the site. Dr. Yuan was formerly a nuclear engineer with the Argonne National Laboratory where he conducted radiological impact assessments for nuclear power plants, uranium mills, spent-fuel storage facilities, high-level waste processing facilities and low-level waste burial grounds. He received his Ph.D. from Northwestern University and is a member of the American Nuclear Society and the Health Physics Society.
1971 David W. Bondurant, wife Judy and sons, Matthew and Erik, moved in March to 4025 Becket Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80906. David is design manager for the Honeywell Digital Product Center, Colorao Springs.
Russell D. Wortham is plant manager for Union Carbide Corp., Linde Division, Torrance, Calif. His home address is 9342 Candlewood, Huntington Beach, CA 92646.
1972 COL. DENNIS F. BUTLER Col. Dennis F. Butler, former deputy brigade commander at Headquarters, 130th Engineer Brigade, U.S. Army Europe, Hanau, Germany, assumed command of the US Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles district, effective July 2. As commander, he is responsible for the development of federal water resources and military construction activities in Southern California, Arizona, and parts of Nevada, Utah and New Mexico. The Los Angeles district is one of three districts ¡in the Corps' South Pacific Division. In addition to his many staff -assignments Dennis spent some time serving as professor of military science at UMR. Among his military awards are the Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal, Bronze Star Medal for Valor and two Oak Leaf Clusters, Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal (three awards) and Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Silver Star. He and Rosemarie have four children: Carnien, 29; Denise, 25; Krista, 18; and Mark, 17.
Kenneth W. Hammer is director of public works for the city of Kalispell, Mont. He and Bernice live at 249 Rosewood, Kalispell, MT 59901. Lyle W. Hill is a site engineer, mechanical/piping, for Bechtel Construction. He and Virginia live at 1700 Bay Wood, No. 511 , Bay City, TX 77414. Lyle asks, "Gerry, do you still want that tent we split?" Charles Hunsel is district manager for Union Electric Co., Wentzville, Mo. He and Joyce live at 260 r Meyer Road, Wentzville, MO 63385. Louis S. Karably writes: "I resigned in April from Law Engineering in Marietta, Ga., to join the BDM Corp. in Albuquerque, N.M. as manager of the geotechnology department. In addition to departmental responsibilities, I coordinate BDM marketing with AlE's." He and Karen now live at 568 Black Bear Road N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87122.
Howard F. McCormack Jr. has a new position as supervisory hydrologist for the U.S. Geological Survey, WRD, Yuma, Ariz. He receives mail at P.O. Box 6377, Yuma, AZ 85364. Merrily and Ron Parker, both class of '72, and their two children are living at Viburnum, Mo. Ron is employed by AMAX Lead Co., Boss, Mo. , and Merrily recently opened a knit shop in Viburnum called "Ennui". The Parkers receive mail addressed to Box 17, Viburnum, MO 65566. Charles F. Rogge is a computer programmer/analyst for Century Electric Ind. , St. Louis. He sends a new home address: 36 Clara Ave., Webster Groves, MO 63119. Michael R. Sample sends a new mailing address: 3044 West Grand Blvd., 3-220 GM Bldg. (Adam Opel), Detroit, MI 48202. A. Lawrence Summers, Jr. is now manager, regulatory relations, for AT&T Communications, Bismarck, N.D. He and Linda have moved to 1325 Crestview Lane, Bismarck, ND 58501. Bob Toth and wife, Diana, '74, '83, are living at 3095 Postport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Robert W. Unger is now employed by Michael Baker Jr. Inc., Jackson, Miss., as engineering manager. He and Cheri have moved to 297 Longmeadow Drive, Ridgeland, MS 39157. Harvey C. Walker Jr. has recently been named chief, design branch, Directorate of Engineering & Housing, Fort Polk, La. He and Phyllis are living at 6 Lake Court, DeRidder, LA 70634.
Norman R. Brennecke sends a new mailing address: P.O. Box 94, Greenville, TX 75401.
John S. Farrell is now a senior sales representative for Digital Equipment Corp., Kansas, City, Mo. He and Cheryl live at Charles P. Conrad, 1624 Shreveport 4319 N. Bellaire, Kansas City, MO Trail, Plano, TX 75023, writes: "Have 64117. joined Electrospace Systems Inc. as a member of the technical staff. In my Terry M. Field, '71, '74, is an advisory spare time I have been signal officer for programmer for IBM. He and Penelope 3d squadron, 163d armored cavalry regi- have a new home' at 113 Indigo Drive, ment, Texas Army National Guard, and Cary, NC 27511. am currently finance vice-chairman of the Texas Young RepUblican Kenny Hilterbrand was promoted to Federation." mill manager at Kimberly Clark Corp., Corinth, Miss. He and Melinda have Jay and Georgia Dudheker have moved moved to 1150 Pine Road, Corinth, MS to 250 Stuart Road, Bridgewater, CT 38834. 06752. Thomas E. Kernan is now superintenJohn A. Ektermanis is a consulting dent, energy and utilities, for Granite specialist _for General Electric Informa- City Steel, division of National Steel, in tion Services, Pittsfield, Mass. He and Granite City, III. He and Kathryn live at Judith live at 3 Lakewood Drive, Pitts- 1587 Donnybrook, Imperial, MO 63052. field, MA 0120 I.
1983 Rollamo
MSM Alumnus / 33
-Alurnn;Personols __________
Jack S. Young has a new position as research engineer for Amoco Research Center, Napervill((, III. He and Sharon receive mail at P.O. Box 400 No. BI, Naperville, IL 60566.
1974 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 26路27, 1984 Class Coordinators: Ruth Legsdin Anderson 2 Silver Birch Lane Littleton, MA 01460
1973 Janice E. Breidert is a captain in the U.S. Air Force and lives at 1064 Halsey Drive, Monterey, CA 93940.
1983 Rollamo
Kindall W. Moore, U.S. Air Force captain, an air operations officer and pilot with the 24th composite wing, has been chosen as company grade officer of the year at Howard Air Force Base, Panama. He was selected in competition among contemporaries for profeSSional skill, duty Performance and exemplary conduct. He and wife Barbara receive mail addressed to PSC Sox 4708 ; APO Miami, FL 3400 I.
John C. Brinton is employed as a sales engineer for French Gerleman, Maryland Heights, Mo. He writes: "June 14 I remarried. My family has grown to six-wife Milisa, Heather (10), Jascie (8), Lrylla (7), Bobbie (4). Still selling electrical equipment and loving it!" The Brinton family lives at 860 N. John R. Reiter is a senior metric assessWood Lawn, Kirkwood, MO 63122. ' ment analyst for the Defense Mapping John R. Campbell is a project engineer Agency HTC, Brookmont, Md. He and in instrumentation for Conoco Inc. , Kim live at 4946 McFarland Drive, Ponca City, Okla. He and Sharon Fairfax, VA 22032recently moved to 2437 Kingston, John Sallas was elected to the position Ponca City, OK 74604. of senior member of the technical staff Michael R. Campbell is senior staff, of Geophysical Service Inc. (subsidiary systems engineering, at TR W, Redondo of Texas Instruments) in February. He Beach, Calif. He and Frances have joined GSI in 1973 as a design engineer moved to 17230 Falda Ave., Torrance, in land engineering in Dallas. He ' took educational leave from 1976-80 and CA 90504. reCeived a master's degree in EE from John C. Killinger, '73, '80, is now Southern Methodist University in 1976 district financial planning coordinator and a PhD in 1982. Vibrator electronics for Gettyrrexaco, New Orleans. He and projects have comprised John's primary Marybeth have moved to 836 Wilshere, assignments during his tenure with GSI. Metairie, LA 70005. John writes: He was involved with the first vibrator "Transferred to New Orleans Jan _ I; electronics TI ever built. The VCSV have bird's eye view of World's Fair and system is his most recent project. It will Superdome! Also, new job offers closer be ready for deployment to the field look at exploration and 路 producing crews this year. John's home address is operations. Marybeth is also working 1504 Hearthstone, Plano, .TX 75023. and we both are attending night school for master's degrees." Sarah Sample has a new position as technical services associate for SPSS Dave McClure writes : "ReloInc., Chicago, ilL Her home address is cated/reassigned to Tennessee 1525 W. Estes, B-4, Chicago, IL 60626. Eastman's textile fibers division, development and control department, Robert D. Vezeau is a mechanical equipeffective March I. Son, Matthew David, ment and services engineer for the U.S. weighed into the world at 10 lb . 15 oz. . Postal Service, Kansas City, Kan. He on Oct. 2, 1983; big sister Kelly (5 yrs) and Margaret currently live at 2005 thinks it's great!" Dave and Cheryl Concord Road, Independence, MO make their home at 406 Cedarcrest, 64058. Kingsport, TN 37663. Steven C. Wilhelms is a research Larry L. Montgomery is an engineering hydraulic engineer at the Waterways specialist for E-Systems, Salt Lake City. Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. His new home address is 11229 S. Sandy He and Susan have moved to 65 Bellaire Drive, Vicksburg, MS 39180. Creek Drive, Sandy, UT 84070.
34/ MSM A lumnus
Mark A. Herzog 512 Richfield Longview, TX 75601 Karen Dollar Aldridge 1017 Trenton Place . Wilmington, DE 19801
:. ~{~ ~路 ~ ~路~ -"
Randy Kerns is now project manager for Intelligent Storage Inc. (IBM), Longmont, Colo. He and Cherie live at 5231 Valhalla Drive, Boulder, Co 8030 I. Rick Sauerwein is with the U.S. Navy Civil Engineering Corp. His home address is 2832 Adie Road, St. Ann, MO 63074. Rick writes: "Completed a nine-month around-the-world cruise on board the USS Carl Vinson as a "ship driver". Port visits in Monaco , Morocco, Ivory Coast, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and Hawaii . ReCently transferred to Sea Bees as company commander of mobile construction." Robert C. Speck has moved to 510 Yak Road, Apt. 855A, Fairbanks, AK 99701. Diana L. Toth, '74, '83, is employed as an environmental engineer for Russell & Axon Inc., St. Louis. She and Bob, '72, live at 3095 Postport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043.
Marvin E. Borgmeyer
. 734 Shady Lake Parkway Baton Rouge, LA 70810
Dennis C. Visos is now principal engineer-reserv()ir for Shell Oil Company, New Orleans. He and John E. Adams is assistant professor of Charlyn have moved to 405 Starling chemistry at UMC. His home address is Drive, Slidell, LA 70458. They have two now 2704 Pine Drive, Columbia, MO children-Cynthia, 3 years old, and . David, I year old. 65202. John W. Critchfield joined HartCrowser & Associates in April as senior project engineer..He and Janet have two daughters-Jessica, 9 years, .and Janelle, 3 Y2 years. They live at 22239 34th Place West, Brier, W A 98036. Dick Elgin, '74, '76, has resigned his position as assistant professor of civil engineering at UMR to purchase his father's engineering and surveying business located in Rolla. In addition to providing traditional surveying services, the new firm specializes in surveying software development, expert testimony and survey consultation. Dick and Jeannette live in Rolla with daughter Amanda Lynn and son, Robert Lewis. Lyn R. Farley is project manager for J. S. Alberici Construction Co., St. Louis. He and Michaeleen have moved to 2107 Bow Tree Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017. James L. Foil moved on July 2 to 207 N.E . Country Lane, Lee's Summit, MO 64063 . Mark W. Heuckroth is now research section manager for Rohm and Haas Co., Springhouse, Pa. He and Sondra have moved to 215 Woodlake Drive, Holland, PA 18966.
David M. Warfield is a senior engineer for Monsanto. He and Pam live at 837 Pebblefield Terrace, Manchester, MO 630 II , and write: "On March 6 our daughter, Deborah Marie, was born. She weighed 8 Ibs. and was 20Vz inches in length. L~rry B. York is supervisor, A & A System Support, PPG Industries, Pittsburgh, Pa. He and Vicky live at 1011 Valley Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15237.
1975 Thomas J. Bogler is an engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha, Neb. His mailing address is P.O. Box 392, Omaha, NE 6810 I. Gary Edward Boyce is section chiefdesign for McDonnell-Douglas Corp. He and Christine live at 5766 Hidden Cove Lane, Florissant, MO 63034. Phillip M. Henry (alias Phil Phantastjc) writes: "Recently obtained a Ph.D. in physics and am now a research scientist at the McDonnell-Douglas microelectronics center, St. Louis, Mo." His new home address is 11217 Graben Drive, St. Ann, MO 63074.
Aluntn'Penono's ______________________________________________________ 1975 Continued
Richard T. Wurth is a member of the technical staff of AT&T Infonnation James W. Knoch is a general engineer Systems, Lincroft, N.J. His new home with the U.S. Anny Aviation Systems address is 515 Page Terrace, South Command, St. Louis. He and Joyce live Orange, NJ 07079. at 1287 Walnut Trail Court, Fenton, MO 63026. 1976 Paul A. Abney is manager, CAD sys¡ Pam (Thebeau) and Dennis, '76, '77, terns, for Microdynamics Inc., Dallas, Leitterman are both employed by Texas. He and Vicky are pleased to Hewlett Packard, Cupertino, Calif., and announce the birth of a daughter, live at 1637 Waxwing Ave., Sunnyvale, Brooke Austin, on April 3. She weighed CA 94087 . Dennis has been elected 9 Ibs. 8 Y2 oz. The Abney family lives at chainnan of the Santa Clara Valley 3542 Jubilee Trail, Dallas, TX 75229. (SCY) section of the IEEE (10,000 memo bers) and received an IEEE Centennial Donald E. Baxter, CLU, CFP, is presi, Medal for extraordinary service to the dent of Baxter & Associates Inc., engineering profession. Also, he was Wichita, Kan. He and Diane live at elected state director of the SCV chapter 2054 Capri Court, Wichita, KS 67207. of the California Society of Professional He writes: "Obtained certified financial planner designation; to be confinned in Engineers. August 1984." Michael ' Mertens is a petroleum engineer for Forest Oil Corp., Lafayette, Kathy Hand Becker has a new position La. He has moved to 221 Verot School as systems programmer II with Black & Road, Apt. 385, Lafayette, LA 70508. Veatch, Overland Park, Kan. She and David noW live at 8411 155th st., Robbie, R. Rakestraw is now office Belton, MO 64102. manager/project enginc;er for Moore & Wolfinbarger, Pittsburg, Kan. He and Jim and Nancy Griese proudly Pamela Sue live at 1314 E. 7th St., announce the birth of their new son, William ChaTles. Jim works for Pittsburg, KS 66762. . Michelin Tire Corp. They send a new Ed Rodgers, '75, '76, has moved to 910 home address: 316 Oakwood Drive, Anderson, SC 29621. S. McKinley Ave., Pierre, SD 57501. John L. SteUern is an MEICE for Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tenn. He and Catherine (Dulin, '76) live at 329 Seven Oaks Drive, Knoxville, TN 37922. John Westermayer is a buyer in the purchasing department of Union Electric, St. Louis. He, Jill and family still live at 2322 Pierwood, St. Louis, MO 63129.
Anthony Kutz is employed by Schlumberger Offshore. . Tony and Claudia are proud to announce the birth of Valerie Ann on Aug. 6, 1983 in Mexico City, Mexico. The Kutz family's mailing address is Route 2, Box 151, Stratford, MO 65752. Dennis W. Leitterman, '76, '77, has been elected chainnan of the Santa Clara Valley (stY) section of IEEE (l0,000 members) and received an IEEE Centenniaf Medal for extraordinary service to the engineering profession. Also, he was elected state director of the SCV chapter of the California Society of Professional Engineers. Dennis and Pam (Thebeau, '75) live at 1637 Waxwing Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94087 and are both employed by Hewlett Packard, Cupertino, Calif.
Catherine (Dulin) and John, '75, SteUern are living at 329 Seven Oaks Drive, Knoxville, TN 37922, where John is employed by the Tennessee Valley Authority.
1983 Rollamo
John R. Trimble is a captain at Offutt AfB, Neb. He and Janice live at Route 6, Box 120, Council Bluffs, IA 51501. John writes: "We are moving to Washington, D.C. in December. I will be working in the Pentagon."
Ricky D. Ackerson is a civil engineer for the federal government, Bureau of Reclamation, Grand Island, Neb. He and Suzanne live at 2918 Idaho Ave., Grand Island, NE 68801.
Michael G. Bayer is a senior research engineer for Dow Chemical Co., Freeport, Texas. He and Kathy live at 59 Daffodil Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566, and tell us they are expecting a baby in October!
Lawrence W. Collins, major, USAF, is a program manager, special projects, at Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio. He and Victoria live at 2475 Obetz Drive, Beavercreek, OH 45385 . Greg Copeland is employed by Granger Associates in Santa Clara, Calif. His home address is 1825 Channeran Ave., San Jose, CA 95124. Michael J. Filla, '77, '81, is a project engineer with McBro in Dallas, Texas. He and Laurie (Annstrong) write: "Our first child, Joseph Michael, was born on Jan. 18. Our new address is 2829 Dickens Lane, Flower Mound, TX 75028." Richard R. Fitzmaurice has moved to 9371 Hudson Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92646. Gary and Stephanie ('78) Harland have moved to 801 Knobcone Court, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577. Gary is a process engineer with AVX Inc. and Stephanie is "voluntarily unemployed."
Bill Little was named as vice president for academic affairs at Southwest . Pamela J. Huntoon, PE, engineer for Baptist University, Bolivar, Mo. Bill has the Johnson County (Kansas) Waste- been at SBU since 1960. He has been water District, was named Young acting vice president .for academic Engineer of the Year for the Western affairs since Dec. 1, 1983, and was dean Chapter ' of MSPE at the Engineer's of the School of Arts & Sciences and Week luncheon on Feb. 22 at the Hyatt professor of chemistry prior to that time. Regency Hotel in Kansas City. She is He received a B.A. from Baylor currently working on a master's degree University in 1954 and a B.D. from in civil engineering from UMC. Southwestern Theological Seminary in Pamela's home address is 11906 W. 1957. He has an Ed.M. degree from 49th Place, Shawnee, KS 66216. Texas . Wesleyan College and a M.S. degree from Montana State University. Terry' Sudholt has moved to 466 Kilbourn Road, Rochester, NY 14618. He received a Ph.D. from UMR in 1978. Last summer he served as Donald J. Weidinger is project research director for summer projects at superintendent for McBro, St. Louis. He UMR. He has served on the Boliver city and Julie Ann have a new home at 4145 council for the past 18 years, is past Allistair, Winston-Salem, NC 27104. chairman of the Ozark section of the American Chemical Society and Barbara and Daryl Weinkein proudly member of Sigma Xi (a national research announce the birth of their second organization. He has been past chairdaughter, Kerrie Sue, on April 9. Their man of the District 16 NAlA Awards first daughter, Katie Mae, is now 3 years Committee and continues to serve as a old. Daryl is employed by the Missouri member of the District 16 NAIA Highway Commission, Kansas City, as a Eligibility Committee. Twice he was maintenance superintendent trainee. national chairman of the Faculty The Weinkens live at 921 Windsor Athletic Representatives (a committee Court, Blue Springs, MO 64015. of the NAIA). His wife, Mary, teaches Bradley J. Wyatt has been appointed third grade at Leonard Elementary senior chemical engineer in the ethylene School in Bolivar and does free lance products division technical staff, Texas writing. They have three children: Bliss Eastman Co. , Longview, Texas. He will Broome, who resides in the Washington, continue to be responsible for capital D.C. area; Blye Moore, who lives in projects and goal programs in his new Springfield, Mo.; and Blake Little, who position. Brad, his wife Pam and son is in his fifth year at the UMKC Medical Justin reside at 1809 Northwood Court, School. Bill and Mary live at 112 W. Longview, TX 75605. Drake, Bolivar, MO 65613.
MSM Alumnus / 35
AlumnIPersonals ___________________________________________________________
1978 Continued Robert G. Bonagurio is senior petroleum engineer for Sohio Petroleum, Houston, Texas. His home address is 2306 Brun, Houston, TX 77019.
Rudy O. Bruce now lives at 925 Tupelo, CoppeD, TX 75019. Roher1 C. Durbin is construction c0ordinator for M . W. Kellogg , Woodriver, Ill. He and Johanna have moved to 2052 Jenner Lane, St. Louis, MO 63138.
Thomas W. Fennessey is employed by John Mathes & Associates, Columbia, m., as a geote<;hnical engineer. His home address is 3840 Provence Drive, Apt. J, St Louis, MO 63125 . Kenneth Fleck, '78, '82, was married to
Michelle Cooper, '81, on April 7. Ken-
Michael E. Johnson writes: "Despite rumors to the contrary, I am alive and well . My address is 10807 Burdine, Houston, TX 77096." Daniel A. Reed has moved to 1770 Valley Road, Champaign, IL 61820. Tony Sikavi, 1290 Barclay Court, Westlake Village, CA .91361, is employed ' as a systems software developer - for Wordplex Corp. He writes: "Eliza and I were married in Los Angeles on Aug. 20, 1983, and I moved to join her in Westlake. At Wordplex I have continued to work as a software engineer on office automation systems." Attention Ida Mae, we are pleased to report the birth of your grandson, son of Patricia and Leonard A. Wolff of 761 Goodstein, Casper, WY 82601. We are sorry we missed the first announcement and realize he may be old enough to swim by now.
neth is presently employed as a mine geologist for Beaver Creek Coal Co. , a subsidiary of Anaconda Minerals Co. The couple makes their home at 205 N. Carbon Ave., Price, UT 84501. Stephanie Harland tells us she is "voluntarily unemployed." She and Gary, '77, have moved to 801 Knobcone Court, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577. Gary is a process engineer with
AVX Inc. Martin D. Hoffman is a resident at the Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitm, Milwaukee. He and Jill live at 1227 N. 55th St., Milwaukee, WI 53208. AID S. Holtz Jr. is employed as tecbnical manager for Amcast Industrial Corp., Meadville, Pa. He and Micbaeleen have a new home at 669 Seminole Drive, Meadville, PA 16335.
Allan B. Carroll Jr. is a captain in the U.S. Army. He and Donna live at 5526 Kendrick Lane, Burke, VA 22015.
F. Greg Lucado has moved to 123 Winter Drive, North Wales, PA 19454.
Eric Cromer has moved to 4057 Hounds Hill Drive, Florissant, MO 63034.
Lois Luehrman writes: "I was transferred from New Orleans to Traverse City, Mich., and am now employed by Shell Western E & P as a production engineer. My new address is 3297 Holiday View Drive, Traverse City, MI 49684.
Kathleen iVI. Daniel is a project systems analyst for Trans World Airlines, Kansas City, Mo. She and Gerald live at 1515 Baker St., Liberty, MO 64068.
James T. McSherry is fuel coordinator for Florida Power & Light Co., Miami . He and Lisa live at 9449 S.W. 76th St. , T-7, Miami, FL 33173.
Stephen P. Ford, 7030 Grand Canyon, Apt. 166, Austin, TX 78752, is a project engineer for Garney Companies Inc., Kansas City, Mo. He writes: "Just finished working on a $10,000,000 water distribution project for the South Texas Water Authority and a $1,500,000 water supply project for the City of Kingsville, Texas. Recently moved to Austin from Corpus Christi to begin work on -a new project."
Myles J. Midgley has moved to 512 Glantai, Manchester, MO 63011.
G. Kent Cobb is self-employed and lives at 8233 Lullwater, Dallas, TX 75218.
Darrell E. Milburn, captain in the U.S. Army , has assumed command of Company. D, 5th Engineer Battalion at Fort Leonard, Mo. He was previously assigned at Fort Benning, Ga. His home address is Route 2, Box 683, Newburg, MO 65550. Eugene W. Pokorny moved on July I to 1419 Dogwood D(ive, Rifle, CO 81650.
1979 Reunion at H omecoming Oct. 26·27, 1984 Class Coordinators: Jon A. Manning P.O. Box 22781 Oklahoma City, OK 73132 Ron K. Acker P.O. Box 2373 EUzabethtown, KY 42701 Brian L. Bock is a customer services supervisor for Southwestern Bell Telephone, Cape Girardeau. He and Betty have moved to 2415 Erna, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701.
James F. Fox has a new position as associate geophysicist for Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okla. He and Deborah live at 1325 Harris Drive, Bartlesville, OK 74006.
Louis.M. Greer is a mining engineer for Morrison-Knudsen Co. Inc., Boise, Idaho. He writes: "I've spent the last year mining coal in Indonesia, but hope to be home by October for our five-year reunion. I showed them how to celebrate St. Pat's over here." You can write to Louis do Morrison-Knudsen Co. Inc., P.O. Box 7808, Boise, ID 83729.
H. John Sauer is employed in the loan department of Edward D. Jones & Co. He writes: "Sara and I are proud of our new son, Timothy Michael, born April 23. Tim has a brother, David, who is 14 months old. Sara has recently accepted a job with System Air of Earth City as a designer." The Sauer family lives at 10912 Margate Hall, Apt. 2, Bridgeton, MO 63044.
Katie (Kunkel) and Keith, '80, Wesselschmidt are living at 11275 Claywood Drive, ·St. Louis, MO 63126. Keith is now doing engineering planning for Anheuser ' Busch; Katie is an assistant manager in Southwestern Bell's Mark A. Hovis is now terminai . data center. manager for Citgo Petroleum Corp., Huntington, Ind . He and Denise have . __ • moved to 4506N - 622 W, Huntington;~;;' IN 46750. ':":~" - ',;i
Robert D. Karp is now project manager for Diamonite Products, Shreve, Ohio. He and Hazel have moved to 1529 Cedar Lane, Wooster, OH 44691. Ron Krusie writes: " I recently passed the Missouri P.E. Cindy and I are expecting our first child in September·" Ron is a project engineer for Black & Veatch . He and Cindy live at 1269 Schulte Hill Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043.
1983 Rollamo
36/ MSM Alumnus
Stephen and Elizabeth (Frick'8}) Lang receive mail at P.O. Box 651 , G rants, NM 87020. Elizabeth is now an in structor at New Mexico State University, Grants.
1980 Michael J. Higginbotham has a new position as application development engineer for General Electric Corp., Louisville, Ky. He and Michelle have moved to 9407 Dora I Court, No. 10, Louisville, KY 40220 . Darrall R. Hirtz has moved to 50 IN. Franklin , Apt. B, Kirksville, MO 6350 I. Todd J. Kalchbrenner is an engineer for GTE Sprint, Burlingame, Calif. His home address is 1091 Shell Blvd., No.6, Foster City, CA 94404.
AlurnniPersonals ____________________________________~-----------------------1980 Continued. David C. King is a staff engineer for Caterpillar Tractor Co., East Peoria, IlL He and Martha live at 2316 W. Ayres, Peoria, IL 61604. Charles W. Norman Jr. is a senior engineer for Uninet, Lenexa, Ks. His home address is 9050 E. 103 St., Kansas City, MO 64134. Perin R. Roller is employed as a drilling . engineer for Chevron USA Inc., Lafayette, La. He writes: "On June 9 I was married to Miss Desiree Elizabeth Hasten in Franklin, La. We spent our honeymoon in Aruba and are now residing at 123 Brigante Place, Lafayette, LA 70508." Mark E. Schlesinger has moved to 3033 ' 1983 Rollamo E. 6th, Apt. No. C15 , Tucson, AZ Michelle Cooper was married to Ken85716. neth Fleck, '78, '82, on April 7. KenStephen J. Schubert married Kathy neth is presently employed as a mine Kulawiec on Aug. 25. Their new home geologist for Beaver. Creek Coal Co., address is 1295 Chambers Road, St. which is a subsidiary of Anaconda Louis, MO 63137. Stephen is employed Minerals Co. The couple makes their as a senior engineer at Emerson Electric, home at 205 N. Carbon Ave. , Price, UT 84501. St. Louis.
Michael Monroe McCoy is a design engineer for Chevron USA. He and Susan are living at 2806 Larchmont, Pascagoula, MS 39567. S. Dale McHenry has a new position as supervisor at AT&T Communications, Kansas City, Mo. He has moved to 6617 Haskins, Shawnee, KS 66216. Darrell Plank writes: "I am now working as a programmer for Microsoft and my new address is 17250A N.E. 8th St., Bellevue, W A 98008. Randall_J. Schlitt is the new southern division marketing manager for Esquire Magazine. His new home address is 1550 Terrell Mill Road, No. 181, Marietta, GA 30067. Norman Shipley is a project engineer for Bannes-Shaughnessy Inc., St. Louis. Norm and Sarah have moved to 325 Central Place, Kirkwood, MO 63122.
W. J. (Jim) Unverferth, 5514 Crossgate South, Corpus Christi, TX 78413 , writes: "Just accepted a new job (reser¡ voir engineer) with TXO production, formerly with Amoco production. Still living in Corpus Christi enjoying the Judith A. Waterman is a manufacturing Alissa M. ¡Gallagher, '81, '83, writes: summer sailing in the Gulf. Still single!" engineer for IBM and lives at 4115 E. "After graduation from UMR for the River Road N.E., Rochester, MN second time (I received an MS in John F. Werner is staff electrical 55904. Engineering Management in December, engineer for Zurheide-Herrmann Inc., 1983), I took a position with Boise St. Louis. His home address is 3554 John L. Wankum is an engineer for Cascade in St. Louis in manufacturing Banning Court, St. Louis, MO 63129. Martin Marietta Aerospace, Denver, engineering and enjoy it very much." Colo. He sends a new home address: Alissa lives at 619 W. Lockwood, 1251 W. Long Court, Littleton, CO Webster Groves, MO 63119. 80120. Guy C. Gilbert has moved to 128 Spring Keith and Katie (Kunkel, '79) Creek Drive, Springfield, IL 62702. Wesselschmidt are living at 11275 1982 Claywood Drive, St. Louis, MO 63126. Jim Charles Hafner is a shift supervisor Alexander Aning is now employed at Keith is now doing engineering planning for Cominco American Inc., Bixby, Mo. Morgan State University, Baltimore, for Anheuser Busch; Katie is an He and Laura have moved to Route 3, Md. His mailing address is P.O. Box assistant manager in Southwestern Bell's Box 690, Salem, MO 65560. 11491, Baltimore, MD 21239. data center. Stephen R. Jacobs moved on June 19 to Michael R. Avery is a ' petroleum 1706 Stone St., Springdale, AR 72764. engineer revenue agent for the Internal Revenue Service in Houston, Texas. His Elizabeth (Frick) Lang is now an home address is 10411 South Drive, No. instructor at New Mexico State Univer- 521, Houston, TX 77099. 1981 Ralph K. Agee recently moved to 53-B sity, Grants, N.M. She and Stephen, '79, receive mail at P.O. Box 651 , Carol Ann Bornmann is CAD/CAM apCarriage Road, Hannibal, MO 63401. Grants, NM 87020. plications programmer/anal yst for McDonnell Douglas Automation Co., Craig G. Burchett was married to Teri Rose Heckman of Jefferson Cit y, Mo. , Randall W. Lewis is project engineer for St. Louis. Her home address is 3 Briaron June 30. Teri is currently a student at Inland Steel, East Chicago, Ind. He and wood Lane, St. Charles, MO 6330 I. UMC. Craig is employed as a civil Mary Jane have a new daughter born engineer at Union Electric's Callaway Oct. 27 , 1983, named Elizabeth Jo. The Karen L. Dungey is a petroleum Nuclear Plant. After a honeymoon Lewis's live at 9740 Grant Place, Crown engineer for the Internal Revenue Service, Houston, Texas. She and Nick cruise on the Carribean , the couple is Point, IN 46307 . live at 946 Holly Drive, Richmond, TX making their home in Columbia. Bruce Malcolm M cCoy is a fiber optics 77469. Bob Cashner is an associate engineer for R&D specialist for Boeing Military American Electric Power, Canton, Airplane Co., Wichita, Kan. His home John T. Fitzpatrick has moved to 7700 Ohio. His home address is 3041 address is 1127 N. Main, Andover, KS North Hills Blvd., Apt. 500, North Little Rock, AR 72 116. Parklane N.W. , Canton, OH 44709 . 67002.
Brian J. Grant was selected to participate in the U.S. Soccer Federation's region III national trials in Washington, D.C. on July 20-22. This is part of the selection process for members of future national and Olympic teams. He will be representing the state of Oklahoma in the trials. He was one of 18 players selected from 12 states in region III. Brian was on soccer teams at both Vianney High School in St. Louis and UMRolla. He now works as a design engineer for Farrar and Hl,ldspeth Inc., Engineers, Planners and Consultants, and his home address is 7212 E. 47th St., Tulsa, OK 74145. Kenley J. Hinrichs has a new position as senior systems analyst for Computer Sciences Corp., Silver Spring, Md. , and a new home address: 5351 Red Lake, Columbia, MD 21045. Siang-Chun Liu has assumed the position of associate professor with the Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers at the Taipei Institute of Technology in Taipei, Taiwan. Richard F. Manning sends a new home address: 61 Montague Court, St. Louis, MO 63123. He writes: "Returning to school this fall. As yet unsure as to where." Thomas M. Mooney is a project engineer for the HBE Corp., St. Louis. His new home address is 20050 Rodrigues, Apt. 14G, Cupertino, CA 95014. Gregory M. Pannone, '82, '84, is newly employed as a test engineer for Chevrolet Engineering, Warren, Mich. His new home address is 1474 Circle Drive, No. 103, Pontiac, MI 48055. Terri Lynn Pfund will join the faculty of the Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene, Texas, for the upcoming fall term as instructor of computer science. She taught at HSU part-time during the past year. Marty Preuss writes: "I have taken a position with Northern International in Mount Vernon, IlL, as a project engineer. My new address is 4213-C Cumberland Pike, Mount Vernon, IL 62864, phone (618) 244-7713." Joseph H. Reilly has moved to 2503. Park Colony Drive, Norcross, GA 30093. Alan M. Schoepp writes: "I graduated with an MS in ME from Stanford University, married Anne Hesterman of Los Altos Hills, Calif., and am starting a job as a design engineer with WatkinsJohnson Co. , Scotts Valley, Calif." Alan and Anne live at 4B Abrams, Stanford, CA 94305.
MSM Alumnus 37
--A'umnIPersono's __________________________________________
1982 Continued
Mark Steven Kapp is an electrical engineer for Boeing Aircraft Corp., Wichita, Ks. He lives at 9400 E. Lincoln, No. 704, Wichita, KS 67207.
Brian Keith Sievers was married to Joanna Lukefahr of Jackson, Mo., on June 16. Joanna is an '84 grad of Southeast Missouri State "University. Brian is employed by Stone and Webster Engineering Corp. as a field engineer. The couple are residing in Baker, La.
Angela C. Latham has moved to 617 S: Reno, EI Reno, OK 73036.
Brent W. Weathered moved July I to 266 Batson Drive, Newport News, V A 23602. Jim Wilder is a senior associate engineer for Lockheed Space Operations Co., Vandenberg AFB, Calif., working for the Air Force space shuttle project. His home address is ~15 Mountain View, Santa Maria, CA 93455.
Carl Patrick Seaton is a grad student at UMR, living at 910 Cedar "St., Rolla, MO 65401. Karen P. Simpson is employed as a receptionist in University Center West here at UMR. She and Nicholas live at Route ,7, Box 50-6, Rolla, MO 6540 I.
Prabodh Mathur is a research engineer for A.E.S.I., La Mirada, Calif. His home address is 5335 Falls Way No. H, Buena Park, CA 90621 .
John E. Von KJemen is employed by Gearhart Industries as a wireline engineer. He and Sherry live at 817 Deanna Way, Bak,erfield, CA 93307. David Alan WaUace is staff T & D e1ec· trical engineer for Bums & McDonnell Engineering Co., Kansas City, Mo. He and Deborah have moved to 905 Savan· nah, Lee's Summit, MO 64063.
James R. Morris Jr. has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force upon graduation from officer training school at Lackland AFB, Texas. He will now be ' assigned at Williams AFB, AZ 85224. On May 7 Jim married Lynn Vandervelden (also '83) in Wellsville, Mo. Lynn has lived and worked in Joplin for the past year, but the couple will now live in the PhoeniX area near Williams Air Force Base. :
David Bruce Wilhide is a sales rep for Belden Electronic Wire and Cable, Ir· vine, Calif. His home address is 423 Fair Drive, No. III, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Allan H. Harvey has moved to 5626 Broadway, Oakland, CA , 94618. He Hai-Hua Alan Wu is an electrical writes: '~ Am through the first year of my engineer for Chemetco, Alton, III. He Ph.D. program at UC-Berkeley with and Julie live at 2005-B Laclede Station several more to go." Road, St. Louis, MO 63143. Bruce J. Hayden sends a new home address: 813 Glendale Drive, Endicott, ~y 13760.
Timothy Speer is a geologist for U. W. Humbard & Associates, Midland, Texas. He and Gina now live at 4415 . Northcrest Drive, No. 2525, Midland, Catherine Ruth MueUer is an engineer TX 79707. trainee for Volz Engineers & Surveyors in Houston, Texas. Her new home Michael J. Stachowski has as new address is 16902 Windrow, Spring, TX position as an engineer for Iowa Electric Light : and Power Company, Cedar 77379. Rapids, Iowa. His new home address is Daniel D. Park is an industrial engineer 1625 Park Towne Lane N.E., No. 12, for the U.S. Postal Service, Chicago, III. Cedar Rapids, IA 52402: His new home address is 1525 Howard Richard H. Straeter is a petroleum St., Apt. 2L, Evanston, IL 60202. engineer for Barger Engineering, Michael Postiglione is a principal in Col- Evansyille, Ind. He "and Rose Marie ton/Lester Corp., Chesterfield, Mo. He have moved to 4916 Sweetser Ave., and Jacqueline have ' a new ' home at Evansville, IN 47715 . 1620 Creightonwood Court, High Dave Williams is employed by Ridge, MO 63049. Schlumberger Well Services. His home Richard Puchta writes: "My wife, lin- address is 323 Chimney Rock Road, No. da, and I have recently moved to 47 E. 1311, Tyler, TX 75703. 600 North, Orem, UT 84057. I am working as a geologic aid for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation in Provo, Utah. I certainly enjoy the Alumni pUblications and look forward to future issues. I am also interested in learning of other UMR alumni in this area. Thanks!" 1984 H. Victor Mahaney Jr. has accepted the Steven L. Sanders is employed by position of research assistant in 'Exploration Logging of U.S.A. Inc., mechanical engineering at Purdue Houston, Texas, as a logging geologist. University, West Lafayette, Ind. He and His home address is 304 N. Ormsby, Paula have moyed to 3309-2B Peppermill, West Lafayette, IN '47906. Alvin, TX 77511.
Pat Heath sends a new address: 9617 Great Hills Trail No. 1025, Austin, TX John Edward Baker has moved to 78759; phone (512) 343-1073. 11110 Wood meadow Parkway, Apt. Cornelia A. Hecker writes: "I am 1306, Dallas, TX 75228. working in engineering research for Linda S. Bangert moved on July I to Vista Chemicals (formerly .conoco 266 Batson Drive, Newport News, V A Chemicals) in Ponca City, Okla. I love my job and recently bought a sailboat." 23602. Cornelia lives at 2600 N. Fifth, Apt. Keith Boeckenhauer. is employed by the 711 , Ponca City, OK 74601. SecofWarwick Corp., Wheeling, III, as an applications engineer. His home ad- Richard Arnold Henry currently lives at dress is 1733 F orest Ave., Des Plains, IL 1600 Response Road, Apt. ' 2027, Sacramento, CA 95815 . 60018.
David C. Gudmundson is a systems engineer for ESL, Sunnyvale, Calif. His home address is 116A E. Middlefield Road, Mt. View, CA 94043. Randolph Neil Hamilton is facilities project engineer for Bendix Corp., Kansas City, Mo. He and Angela now live at 10723 Blue Ridge Blvd. Ext., Kansas "" City, MO 64134.
"38/ MSM Alumnus
Donald E. Hoeckelman writes: "I am working on my master's degree in metallurgical engineering at UMR and expect to be finished by December '84. His home address is 800 Orchard, Rolla . MO 65401. Rebecca (Kovarik) Isom was married in Sept. '83 and now lives at I IO-IB N.E. 61st Terrace, Gladstone, MO 64118.
1983 RoI1amo
MSM·UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Telephone (314) 341-4171 ; (314) 341-4172 OFFICERS Term Expires President . . .. .. .. . . ... .. .. ..... Lawrence A. Spanier, '50 ... .. . . . . .. . . . ... . . . .. . 5 Pettit Drive . ... . . . . . .... .. 1984 Dix Hills, N.Y. 11746 President Elect . . . , .... .. . ..... . James B. McGrath, '49 . . .. . . . ................. 12425 Balwyck Lane ......... 1984 St. Louis, MO 63131 Vice President ....... ... . . . . . ... Arthur G. Baebler, '55 .. ... . ... . . .... . . . . .. . . . . 20 Fox Meadows .... .. ..... . 1984 Sunset Hills, MO 63127 Vice President. . '... . ..... . .. .. . . Alfred l Buescher, '64 ....... . . . ............... 624 Golfview Drive ......... . 1984 Ballwin, MO 630 II Vice President ... . .... . .. . . .. .. . John B. Toomey, '49 .. . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . .. .. . . 7412 Admiral Drive ..... . . . . 1984 Alexandria, VA 22307 Vice President .. . . . ......... . . . . Robert V. Wolf, '51 . . . .. . . . . .. ... . ....... .. ... Metallurgical Engineering Department .... . . ... . . . . . . . 1984 UMR , Rolla, MO 65401 Secretary . ... '... . . . ... . . . ...... Martha Gerig, '69 . . .. . ..... . . . ... . ...... . ... . 9926 Gulf Hills Drive .... . ... 1984 Sun City, AZ 85351 . Treasurer .... . ... . . . ........... lL. "Jack" Painter, '50 ......................... 1610 Wilson Circle ....... . .. 1984 Rolla, MO 6540 I DIRECTORS AT LARGE Term Expires Thor Gjelsteen, '53 .. . . .. ........ 7300 W. Stetson Place, No. 41 , Littleton, CO 801 23 ......... . ....... . . . . . .... .. 1985 James D. Gostin, '44 .... . . . ..... . 180 Mt. Olive Drive, Bradbury, CA 91010 ... . .. . ... . . . .................. . .. . 1985 Paula Hudson, '73 .......... .. ... P.O. Box 809, First City National Bank, Houston, TX 77001 ....... . ...... ..... .. 1986 Gerald L. Stevenson. '59 .......... Jacobs Engr. Grp. Inc .. P.O. Box 2008, Lakeland, FL 43803 ........ . ... . ........ 1984 Ronald A. Tappmeyer. '47 . . ...... 2226 Country Club Drive, Sugar Land , TX 77478 . . . .... .. .. .. . . . , . . ... . . . . . . . 1984 Armin l Tucker, '40 ......... . ... 6464 Overlook Drive, Alexandria, VA 22312 ..................... . ........... 1985 Area Zip Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires 00-14 David l Blume, '65 . . . ... . . . II Musket Trail, Simsbury, CT 06070 . . . .......... .. -............ . ....... 1986 15-2 1 Robert e. Perry, '49 ........ 302 Fox Chapel Road No. 409, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 .. ......... . . . ............ 1986 22-34 Wayne R. Broaddus, Jr., '55 . . P.O. Box 2545, Dalton, GA 30720 . ...... . . . ............. .. . . . . . . .......... 1985 35-45 Russell A. Kamper, '62 ...... 5674 Shadow Oaks, Dayton, OH 45440 .. . . ..... . ... . ..... . . . ........ . .. . ... 1986 46-59 George Baumgartner, '56 .... 2 120 Syracuse, Dearborn, MI 48124 .... . . . ..... . ...... . .. . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . .. 1984 60·61 Eugene J . Daily, '36 .. . ... .. . 1114 Lincolnshire, Champaign, IL 61821 ..................... , .............. 1985 62·62 Ernst Weinel , '44 . . ......... 1502 West 50, O'Fallon, IL 62269 ............ . . . ..................... .. .... 1984 63-65 Jerome T. Berry, '49 .... : . . . RI. 4, Box 419, Rolla, MO 6540 I ........................................... 1984 63-65 Harold G. Butzer, '47 ....... 411 Schellridge, Jefferson City , MO 65101 .... .... ........................ . . . 1985 63·65 Matteo A. Coco, '66 . ....... 711 5 Aliceton Ave., SI. Louis, MO 63123 . .... . ...................... , ...... . 1984 63·65 Harold R. Crane, '53 . . .. . . . . 480 Country Club Drive, Hannibal , MO 6340 I ........ . . . . . . . . . ............... 1986 63-65 B. Neil Lewis, '58 ..... . ..... 115 College SI., P.O. Box fj27, Kennett , MO 63857 . . ....................... . .. 1985 63-65 Paul R. Munger, '58 ........ Director, Institute of River Studies, UMR , Rolla, MO 6540 I . . ... . ............. . . 1984 63-65 J. Robert Patterson, '54 ...... Show Me, Inc. , P.O. Box 573, Sikeston, MO 6380 I ... . ... . .... ..... .. . ......... 1984 63-65 Kenneth D_ Pohlig, '64 . . . . .. 2 Vienne Court, Lake SI. Louis, MO 63367 .. . . . . . ................. . . . ..... . .. 1986 63-65 Robert E. Vansant , '51 ... . .. 435 E. 55 SI., Kansas City, MO 64110 ... . .... .. .. . . . .... . .. . . _. _... _. .... . . . 1986 63-65 e.M . Wattenbarger, '41 ... . . 205 W. First SI. Terrace, Lamar, MO 64759 ...... . ................ _..... . .. .. 1984 66-74 David D. Kick , '57 ...... . . . . 4915 S. Lakewood Drive, Tulsa, OK 74135 .... . .. . . . . . ............. , ......... 1985 75-79 James B. Chaney, '48 . ...... 16218 Chipstead Drive, Spring, TX 77379 ............ . .... .. ... . ...... . ..... 1985 80-89 & 96-99 J. Richard Hunt, '40. 14913 Highway 82, Carbondale, CO 81623 ........ . . . .... .. ......... _. . _. . ... 1986 90-95 Robert L. Ray, '47 .. .. .. . . . . 6045 Estates Drive, Oakland, CA 94611 ......... _....... ..... .... . . . ..... . . . 1985 COMMIITEE CHAIRMEN Frank Appleyard, '37 .... .. . . . . .. P.O. Box 1991 , Tubac, AZ 85640 Robert W. Klorer, '44 .. . .. . .. . . . . 7500 Natural Bridge Road, SI. Louis, MO 63121 Joel F. Loveridge, '39 ...... ..... . 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Walter e. Mulyca, '65 ...... . ... . . 54 Westwood Dr., Massena, NY 13662 EXECUTIVE COMMIITEE Term Expires Richard H. Bauer, '52 ... .. ..... . . Missouri Electrochem Inc., 10958 Lin-Valle Drive . . . .. ... . . ......... . . .. .... . . 1984 SI. Louis, MO 63123 Robert D. Bay, '49 . ... .. ..... . .. Black & Veatch, 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway . . ..... , . . . . .. . . .. .. .... . . . ... .. 1988 Kansas City, MO 64114 Joseph W. Mooney . .. .. . ... . . .. . 7383 Westmoreland, University City, MO 63130 . .. . ....... . ... . ......... . ... . 1986 EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Robert M. Brackbill, '42 . .. .. . . .. . 9148 Clearlake Drive, Dallas, TX 75225 Paul T. Dowling, '40 . .. ... . '" .. . 10144 Winding Ridge Road, SI. Louis, MO 63124 R.O. Kasten , '43 .. .. .. . . .... . .. . 901 West 114th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114 Peter F_ Mattei, '37 . .. - . - ... . . . .. 9954 Holliston Court, SI. Louis, MO 63124 Melvin E. Nickel, '38 . . . .. . . . .. . . 1060 I South Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 F.e. Schneeberger, '25 .. . ..... . . . One Briar Oak, SI. Louis, MO 63132 James W. Stephens, '47 .. . .. .. . . .. Missouri Public Service Co. , P.O. Box 11739 Kansas City, MO 64138 STAFF Frank H. Mackaman . . ... . .. . ... Executive Vice-President, MSM-UMR Alumni Association and Vice Chancellor, Office of Alumni/Development Affairs, UMRolla Larry Allen . . ... . . ...... .... . . . Assistant Director, Alumni Activities Louise Wilson . . . .. .. ..... . . . . .. Admin. Secretary, Alumni/Development Sally White ... . .. . . . .. . . . . ... . . Editor, MSM ALUMNUS
MSM-UMR Alumni Association, Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 -9990 MSM Alumnu, / 39
SCHEDULE FOR HOM ECO MIN G 1984 Friday, October 26 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 5:30 p.m.-S p.m. 7 p.m. 9 p.m.-I a.m.
REGISTRATION in Miner Lounge, University Center-East Board bf Directors' Meeting, MSM-UMR Alumni . Association, University Center-East SEE PAGE 20 OF THIS EDITION SILVER AND GOLD COCKTAIL PARTY , St. Pat's Church Parish HaD M-Club Bonfire, Intramural Field on Fraternity Row Students' Homecoming Dance, Centennial HaD
Saturday, October 27 9 a.m.- l:I 5 p.m. 11:30 a.m.
1:30 p.m. 6:15 p. m. 7 p.m.-9 p.m. 9 p.m.
REGISTRATION resumes in Gale BuDman MUlti-Purpose Building FIELDHOUSE FEED for aD alumni and friends. Features reserved seating for the Reunion Classes of 1934 and before, 1939, 1944, 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979. CLASS PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN. Gale BuDman MUlti-Purpose Building. Food Service from 11 :30-12:15. KICKOFF-MINERS vs. Lincoln University New Jackling Field, Sports Complex CASH BAR, Miner Lounge, University Center-East AWARDS BANQUET, Centennial HaD, University Center-East ANNUAL MEETING, MSM-UMR Alumni Association
Check at the registration desk for special events scheduled for reunion classes. For assistan ce with Homecoming reservations, call or write: Larry Allen, Assistant Director, Alumni Activities, Alumni Office, UMR , Harris Hall, Rolla, MO 65401 , (314/34 1-4 172).
MSM-UMR AL UMNI ASSOC IATION Univers ity of M issouri -Rollo ROL LA , MISSO URI 65401 -9990
MSMALUMNUS (USPS-323-S00) Issued bi路month ly in the interest of t he ~ r aduates and form er students of the Missouri School of M ines and Metallurg)' and the Uni versity of M issouri路 Rolla. Ent ered as se路 cond class ma tter October 27. 1926, at P ost Office, at Rolla, M issouri 6540 1路9990, under t he Act of M arch J. 1897.
OW \1110
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