Missouri S&T Magazine, February 1985

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Alumnus University of Missouri-Rolla



Alumnus Vol. 59, No.1

University of Missouri-Rolla

February, 1985

Rolla, MO 65401·9990

1984 Private Gifts Top $5,000,000 This Honor Roll issue of the MSM Alumnus traditionally recognizes individuals, companies and foundations that support the University of MissouriRolla and the MSM-UMR Alumni Association_ 1984 set another record for dollars and equipment given and for the number of gifts received. It could not have happened at a better time. After successive

years of flat and declining state appropriations, you rallied to the cause. UM-Rolla made substantial progress with your help. Major building projects were started. Sophisticated, state-of-the-art equipment was added and private student financial aid reached an all-time high. Thank you.


University Development Fund Source Alumni Other Individuals Corporations' Foundations Organizations Bequests

Number of Gifts 2,867 1,822 969 22 44 29 5,753

Amount $ 201,341.95 150,622.15 4,457,667.29 350,127.15 78,939.00 149,229.80 $5,387,927 .34

3,180 175

$234,666.19 82,627.36 $317,293.55

Association Annual Fund Alumni and Friends

Companies Matching Gifts Total

On The Cover MSM ALUMNUS (USPS-323·500) Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri·Rolla. Entered as se· cond class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401 -9990, under the Act of March 3, 1897.

The University of Missouri's new president and his wife, Diane Skomers Magrath, left, and C. 'Peter Magrath, second from left (Magrath is pronounc. ed Magrawl, meet Erwin, third from left, and Barbara Epstein at an informal reception for U M R faculty and ad. ministrators on Feb. 13. Epstein is pro· fessor of sociology at U M Rand Mrs. Epstein has taught continuing educa· tion courses in English as a second language. Chancellor M arc hello , background center, greets others in the reception line. This was the new presi· dent's second visit to the campus since he took office Jan. I.

Above. The Alumni Association administers several named scholarship funds and has a special fund for students working o-n educational projects under the direction of a faculty member. Sharon Powell, left, senior in chemistry is an Alumni Association Education Assistant. She receives an hONrly wage for acting as an editorial assistant to James Bogan, associate professor of art, who is working on a book about Thomas Hart Benton. Sharon's parents live in Colorado Springs, but she lives in Rolla with her husband, Richard, and two children Chris, 14, and Rene, 12. Tom Wright, right, a junior in mining engineering from Lesterville, holds a Robert E. Dye Scholarship, from a fund administered by the association and set up by Mrs. V. H. McNutt to honor her second husband. Above left. Jeremiah Golston, left, Tracy Jo Thomas, center, and Matthew Zeitz are all recipients of financial aid provided by the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. Jeremiah , a sophomore in electrical engineering from Springfield, holds an Alumni Regular Scholarship. Tracy is a junior in civil engineering from Butler, and she has an Alumni Superior Scholarship. Matthew, who has an Alumni Special Scholarship, is a freshman in engineering management from Wentzville. MSM Alumnus / !






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Alumni Donors to Association and University 1929

1914 S i mra I I

Dear Mr. Mackaman, I recently received a letter of con· firmation on my renewal of the Clyde W. Hall Scholarship for the coming year. I must again thank those that have made it possible for myself and others to receive this scholarship. This is the third time this award has been given to me and, as always, it will help greatly in the financial end of my educational needs as well as provide incentive in my studies. I am now a senior, graduating next May, and I hope that next year this scholarship will be passed on to another student in need of financial aid to continue attending this univer· sity. Thank you again .

R i l ey M.

1915 *

Doyl e

John J .

1916 Vogel

Herm a n H.

1918 Doennecke He n ry W. Weise r Hanley H.

1920 *

Barnard Ch a rl es R. Bash Dav id A. Forgotson James M. Hoppo c k Ha r l a nd H. Howa l d Arthur M. No l te Wi I I iam J . Terry Ma r k L.

Sincerely yours, Edward Madenjian Leavenworth , Kans. Senior, ChE

1921 Ne ed ham

Albert B.


1922 Wh ee l er

Ern e s t





Ca mpb e l I E. Taylor Fle s h Mrs F l orence Ford Ragan Frame Way ne S. Frey Mu irL. Ga t t s Wi I I i amP. Hoove r Be rt F. Pe sou t Edwa rd Re mm er s Wa l t e r E. R iddl e John H. Wa nenma c her Joseph M. Wh itworth Virg i I L. Wi Iker s on Augustus B . Z imme rmann Dee


1927 Ba r na rd A I be r t E . C l y d e F. Bo i sme nu e Har r y F . Bosse r t C l e arm a n F re d e rick Gr iffi t h 1·1.~1. Ho over Pa ul K. Kr a ft Ne d O. Lu s k R. Ra l p h Moran E r nes t Pa r s o n s Edwa rd W. Pa u I Mur ray J. S i e ver s Edw i n R . Smit h J ame s F. Tho ma s Ha ro ld D . We i ss C l are nce B .

1924 Andrew s J. Lewi s Ca mpb e I I Ja c k P . Ga b l e r Mrs Be r t ha E l o i s e B. Ke mp e r Kess l e r Ha rr y H.



A tk in s on, Ma rion Ba k e r Don a l d R. Be rry Hugh R. Brown in g Be rti e Thoma s E . Eagan Gain e s Ge org e D. Godw in Wi I I i a m Ha s s e lma nn Kar l He i m Ca r I J. Heitmann Albert Ku e chler Ado l ph Ob e rly Lou i s A . Ronald D. Wa rd

2 / MSM Alumnu s


L. H.




Da v i s Wi I I a rd E. Di I I ingh a m Ma rion A . Gregory Ma rguerite A. Gr i mm C. J a me s Edwin T . Harvey Hoeman Erwin C. K i rkpa t ri c k Ha r ry F. Mart in Roy S. Ma un e All e n R. De nni s H. Mi lI e r Kenneth R. Nea I Osterwa Id Herb ert R. Richard F. Payne t dward T . Rege nhardt Sh earer Andrew C . Sto n e S. AI Ian Th o ma s My ron F.


1931 Con l ey J ack N. EI I i ott Ben R. Epper s o n Ernest R. Gevecke r Vernon A.C. Harri s on Albert He i li g Wa rren Herre I I R. R. Pace Georg e M. Pert i ci Andrew L. Ro ss Cha r l es E. Spe r ling E I me r J . Stokes Mrs Jam e s E. Throgmorton Gordon R. Wade Rol l a T. Wi Ihi te Clyde E. Wi I I l a ms Re x Z . Wilson He nry W.

Andre s Otto .M. Birt Floyd D. Wi I I i a m B re we r Bru e gging Haro l d J . St uart L. Da v i s E I s ea Ca r I A. Ga I r emo re Wi r I a rd A. Ha I e Edwa rd D. Hi nc hman J ame s B. Ho e man Arthur J. J e nc zews ki A lb ert C. J oh n s on- Leon K. Kassay Andrew W. Kay William T . Meyer Henry W. Monro e Re x Pol l a k John A . Reid AI len J. Rhoades Robert P. Rigg s W. Robert Roesser Robert J. Runder Raymond H. Schwarz Arthu r S. Tay lor Sa muel E. Thompson Ho mer F . Whit e Charles S. Wiethop Russel I H. Wi I I i a ms, Arthur J. Jr. Wi I so n Frederick G. Zvanut Frank J.


Achuff Char le s E. A s h er Vernon L. Beinl ich Alfred W. Coghill William W. Doll Ellen W. Dresser Thorpe Dumm Lee D. Edgar M. Russe l I Evere tt Edred N. Federow Ha rry Gil mo re Wi I I i am M. Hesse AI fred H. Hickma n He n ry S. Hunt Theodore W. Hun ze Ch ar l es L.W. Jabsen Wi I I i a m J. Kaczmarek Theodore B. Ka y Wi I I i am W. Koop ma nn , Wi II i a m Jr. Lambur Char l es H. Lan z Fred M. Len z Wi II ia m H. Long Don M. Ph i I lip s Ma be IE. Ro e me r E I me r A. Spotte IrvinC. Towe II Arthur P.



L . J r.


Gammeter E l mer Kennedy Daniel Kitchen Charl es L. L ind e nau Edward M. Moore James P. Wi I bu r J. Mou I de r Smi th C. Cabanne Stap l e s Guy W. Thompson Be n ne t R. Ty r re I I Mo r r i s L. Wa l k er Jule H. Wi I son, Mr s Jose ph M. Jr.

Bry a nt Ru ss e I I A. Coi I Be nj a min R. Cray s G l e nn E. Crum E. J e ffer s on Dittmer Ru s se ll S. Dre s bach Charle s H. Eng Ii s h Thoma s O. Gre en T. Howa rd John s on Cha r l es W. Jone s Harlow G. Kemp Arthur H. K i rn Emm e t R. r~on sc h Henry D. Morris Orvi I I e W. Pott e r C.J. Sc hu e tt e Loui s H.



Ba umg a r t n e r Mr s R. P. Boye r Ph i i i P J . C rumb a ugh Da nie l H. Do na l d s on James G. Fa ulkn e r Edwa rd C . Freem a n Cha r l e s A. Gro ss Mr s He nry E. Ha rm o n John P. He r ma n Th e odo re Hi I I A l b e rt L. Hodgdon, Sa m D. Jr. Moreland Mr s Howard B.

1984 Rollamo



1934 Absher Haruld R . Bena rd John Bruening Wa lt er H. Co l e Ralph C . Cu nningham Robert L. Darl ing Jam es W. Decker Harry W. Dobso n Richard J. Dunca n Osca r I~. Fagan Durward E. Fletcher Wi II iam B. Ford, Homor T . Jr. Gallo'Way, J a mes H. Jr. Hei n Ed'Win A. Hudson Richard G. Jackson Leroy H. John~on Mr s Mae Schamel Mrs Mae Josl in Le Compte t~acConnell Frederic A. Mai se C l emens R. McKinley John H. McReynold s Elmer L. Montgomery R. Gi I I Poese Lester E. Sacke'Witz Robert A. Schamel Mrs Mae Johnson Mrs Mae Segall CharlesC. Springer Wi II iam R . Ste'Wart, Thomas J. Jr. Sul l entrup Leo J. .. Tuttle Lauren P. Weige l Robert C. Westerfeld Wi Ifred W.

1935 Asher Kennet h K. Breuer Marvin H. Buck Robert H. Coddington William H . Colman Howard B. Danforth Warren B. DeRoy Glennon L. Dutton Donne ll W. Edgar Ma x E. Fischer ~Ia x M. Haffner Harold J. Harda'Way Eads G. Hoffman Emi I D . Johnson Robert W. Kamper 01 iver W. Kno I I Rudo I ph J. Koopmann August P. .. McDill William H. Penze I Geo rge A . Solomon Russell C.

1936 Barrow Carlton W. Beard Reade r~. Chapman Robert T. C lanton Jack R . Da i I Y Eugene J. Dennis William E. F iss Ed'Wa rd C. Houseknecht Paul D. Ma ssarry Anthony V. Men e fee James H. Michel Hi Ibert F. Nations George O. Pfeifer Herman J. Rasor John P. Roy Ed 'W a rd A . Sch'Walbert William H. Simmons Robe rt W. Springer Robert M. Thompson Ho y t G . Wa I ke r, Wi I I i am E. Jr.

1937 Appleyard Frank C. Benner Charles F. Bommer Theodore J. Brecke Ervin A. Breuer Wa It e r F . Bro'Wn Buran W. Busch Willi am C . Cardetti Richard J. Carrolla Ross R. Culbertson William W. Dickinson George W.

Donne I I Y Wa rren L. E lgi n Robert L. Hausmann Arthur P. Ho I z Wa I t e r L . Jones Walter T. Lange Robert C. Lo,)an Ed'Win W. lli der Walter E . r~ <Jtte i PE'ter F. McClanahan Arthur L. Mil l ard Frank S. Porter Ear l V. Post Samue l S. Rodman Wi I fred K. Schaum burg Gra nt W. Vogt Fred K.W.

1938 Alger Robert P. l3a I I ma n Edwa rd A . Bliss A ll en D. Bochenek Alfred F. Cameron Charles V. Clayton Charles L. Cornett Roy C. E I li s J. C ra i g Goodrich Frank N. Hi I I Eugene F. Howerton Joseph W. Jarboe Rup e rt A. Koeppel Bever l y W. LeGrand Jesse S . Matthews Roy W. McCurdy Belding H. McCutchen John H. Morrison Freder i ck Mue ll er Frederick M. Nickel Melvin E. Prough Richard G. Rogers Raymond H. Stede lin Kenneth J. Wa I ley Oma r C. Wilkey RalphW.

1939 Barger Hubert S. Be rio' i c k, J 0 h n D . Jr . Boulson Charles E. Brown Roy G. Carter Robert A. Claridge Elmond L. Dieffenbach Robert P. Edwa rd E. EI I i 0 t t EI I i 0 t t Lew i s C . Ellis William R. F i I I me r Howa rd H. Finley, Thomas J. Jr. Gammeter, Wa Iter Jr. Graber Lewis J. Ha rse I I , Thomas L . Jr. Havi l an d Robert P. Heiser Frederick W. .. Hoffman, Ray E. Jr. Jacobs James H. Jamison Mar sha ll V. Johnson E. Herbert Kidd Harold S . Livingston Robert G. Loveridge Joel F. McCaw J ac k t~ i I Ie r Ha ro I d C. Moon ey Jo se ph W. Moore Ja ck W. Mu e I I e r George E. "Mu sse ll Wa lt erE. Oberbeck Wi II iam F.

Dear Alumni, Thank you very much for awar· ding me the Alumni "Special" Scholarship for 1985·86. I really ap· preciate it since it will defray the cost of my freshman year greatly. Thanks again. Sincerely, Kristin Snyder Crestwood, Mo.

Non-Alumni Donors-Association Allen Jame s L. Askeland Donald R. Barker Marvin W. Boeh I ke Irma W. Breio'er John t~. Carson, I~rs Joseph O. Jr. D<Jane Adrian H. Do I I Pall I N. Edward s Mrs Francis C. E I oe Howa rd W. Eppelsheimer Daniel S. Givens Paul E . Grigsby Mrs Harry G. Ha re Dona IdE. Ha rt I ey Lucy A. Hegler Burns E. Hlaing Ms Tin James Wi II iam J. Key B i I I Y A. Legsdin Mr s Adolph Letts Mrs Marian K. Mackam an Frank Marcbella Jo se ph M.

Pohlmann Edgar F. Rea WilliamR. Rhodes A. E. Roarig Wi Ibert A . Runyan Jam es R. Siegrist Kerm i t A. Sm i th Le roy E. Sou I t John P. J . Victor Spa lding Su l "l ivan, William L. Jl Tet l ey Albert L. Vandergriff Willard C. Waters Wade D. Webb William H .

1940 Ale x ander Wi II iam C. A I fo rd Rex Baum s tark Walter A . Berglund Paul 1. Braun Steve S. Brown, Guy Jr. Burgess Woodrow L. Burnett Richard W. Burns Rub l e E. Coo n Joseph M. Dennie Powel I A . Denni S, Benjamin A. Jr . Donahue James B. Dow ling Pa u IT. Enderson William A. Ferre ll Mrs J.O. Followi II Richard J . Fort Georg e E. Griffeth EllenB . Gund Russel l A. Ha I I Cha r I e s E. Kamper Herbert G. Kidwe l I A lb ert L. .. Kiesler A. James Ladd Harle y W. Le be r Wa I te r P. Ma c hm er Ferdinand G. Markle y John S. Mi Iler, Edgar S . Jr. Niedl ing I van M. Olcott Eugene L. O'Nei II, John J. Jr. Pa r ish Ge ra I d A. Planje Mrs Theodore Rakaskas Joseph E. Reed John F. Ridley Robert P. Riege Lynn J. Rieke Vernon W. Romine Edward C. Rose Col in G. Ross Pau l F. Rueff Edwa rd L. Sharp Everett W. Simonds Peter Smothers Wi II iam J. Stewart Fraizer M. Sturges Herbert D. Summers Huey Timberman De Wi Iton B. Tucker Armin J. Wi Ihite Kenneth T. Wi Ison F. Hugh Young Mrs W. Phi I ip

Ma r c he I 10 Lou i se " Marlin NancyA. Mc Cormick Martha Mc Cracken Mary H. McP herson, George Jr . Mil I arM rs C. J . Oa k I ey Da v i d L. Oweris Aud rey Robe rts "ud rey Pod z imek Josef Robe rts Aud rey Owens Audrey Sarchet Bernard R. Sm i th Ne il K. Steinbach "Ivin C. Thompson Dudley Tragitt Mrs E. Rowland Tro x ell Mrs William F. Walke r Mrs Arthur W. Wieland Kathleen Wi Ison M. Louise Wi x son Bobby G. Zalac Thomas W.

1941 Adams Washington Alsmeyer Wi II iam C. Andreae Andreas A. Beers Seymour J. Bennetsen Wayne J. Bottcher Hermann F. Bourne Wi I I iam H. Boyd Robert K. Boyt Eugene P. Burgett Fred F. Butch Edmund R. Clarkson Charles F. Cochran Andrew A. Couch G. Robe rt Crockett Wi II iam E. Davidson Mrs Fred DeWi tt Russe I I E. Dreste Jerome P. EI I i 0 t t Floyd R. Falkingham Donald H . Farrel I Edward C. F i c k A rm i n F. Finley Fred W. Grisham Marvin C . Hacker Alden G. Ha rd i ne, Kenneth L. Jr. Jaffe David Nathan Je n sen James W. Lambeth Jennings R. Livingston Kermit F. Mack, James O. Jr. Mc Kee Jack B. " Mentz, Frank H. Jr. Mo r r i s Wi I I i a mi. Nevins, Marvin E. Jr. Newman CI inton V . Pautler Anthony C. Puetz Willi am M. Ret z el Arthur W. Rhodes Richard G. Rogers Frank B . Roley Rolf W. .. Rou x James R. Schoenthaler Robert Schweitzer Robert E. Smith· Flo yd P. Springer James J. Strawhu n Joseph O. Watt en barg er Chris M. Wright Robert C. Wyatt De Marquis D. Zvanut Ca rl M.

1942 Allen John C. Austin John C. Ax macher George W. Block Merlyn J. Brackbi II Robert M. Busch Wi II iam D. Castleman John H. Crookston James DeForest Walter R. Dunham Robert M. Me I v inC. F lin t Hagar Ba i l ey W. He ue r Charles A. Hill, Willi am E. Jr.

IIJJIO • Deceased

MSM Alumnus / 3

1945 Boyd Roy H. F i n I ey Ca r I E. F la naga n Wi II i a m J . Oza wa Jack K. Schmidt Rober t F. Sha nk .Ear l M. Wes t Amy G.

1946 Bu rke Geo rge E. CIRy t o n Aus tin B. Co nn et t Ro ber t P. Fes l er ' Carney C. Jo nes Raymond B. Mac ha do J ose A. Ma nn Rob er t l . Mee ne n Ar th ur R. Meye r Dona ld I. Ol se n Osca r M. Rt'lt ie dge Willi a m A. 1984 Rollamo

1942 Continued Hi Ile ry Cha r les M. Hollander Russell W. Hughes Thoma s A. James W. Richard Jones Thoma s A. Karbosky Jo seph T. Kind Daniel A. King Welby M. Ki ssl inger Fred Kloeris , Paul W. Jr. Knittel Joseph C. Krueger Harold A. Kurtz Sam A. loesing Vernon T. lyons John H. Martin Kent W. McGhee Vernon T. Mi tche I I Jim L. Morris Charle s T. Muskopf Oscar M. Neubert Ralph l . Nicola Ni c k S . Olsen John K. Pohl Robert A. Proctor Mi les W. Rassiriie r Edgar A. Sandhaus Elmer H. Schmitt Jo s eph B. Schowalter Kenneth A. Schuma n Au s tin E. Shaffer J a mes W. Sherman Ke nneth I. Shockl ey Gi Ibert R. Smith Harry B. Stewart Al exa nder l . Tay lor Ot i s H. Van Nostrand Robert G. Van Poo I J oe We idle Be n E. Wolff leona rd C. Zo ll e r J acq ues W.

1943 Adams Josep h T. Al len George W. Am I i Ha ro IdE . Be ll is Maur ice O. Berndt, Jo se ph P. Jr. Biermann Earl E. Bottom James H. Brie l maier Pa ul A. Christensen Douglas N. Comann R. Ke nt Coo I i dge Dona Id J. Dreste, Fred E. Jr . Dr i sco ll John V. Durha m Howard W. Ec k Ro ber t A. Ehrl ic h Robert l . F lo od H. Wi I I ia m F r i s Edwa r d S. Gi mso n, Wi II ia m H. J r. Glove r J a mes Gygax Edward E. Ha l ey Wilbu rA . Hanna Ro bert l. John so n Ja mes C.

4/ MS M

Alum nus

Ka I i s h He r bert S. Ka s t e n Ra ymond O. Ke ev il Albert S. Kenda I I, Edwa rd T. Jr. Kent Wi II iam D. Key Enos l. Kr i I I F ra nc isM. Krummel , Cl yde H. Jr. lambelet Clarence A. la rson leona rd N. leming John G. McCo r mick Charles S . Meyer Orvi lie l. Neustaedter James A. Pracht Herman W. Rasmussen Rene K. Roemer Theodore J . Rothband Paul B. Schmitz Joseph K. Schuma nn lloyd C. Skitak Gabriel G. Strickler Ha I ford O. Stueck C.F.P. We i s Ca r l J . Wi Ims John O. Wissler louis B. Wrigh t Clarence J.

1944 Adamick He nry S. Allen Eugene K. Bank s Rob e rt L. Barb e r George E. Blount Daniel T. Brid ge lor r en F. Brodha c ker J ohn W. Ca rm ic ha el Ronald l. De ni so n Rob e rt R. Des J a rdin s Pe te r E. Dowd J a mes D. Goetema nn . Edwin C. Greco Do mini c A. Gr i ff ith s Jo hn W. Hansen J. Richard Hubbard Wi lli am A. Isenman n Edwa r d S. J enk i ns Jaco b D. Kasten Pau l R. Kl orer Robert W. Kozeni Don K. larson Warre n L. Ma zzone Thomas J. Mi Il er James R. Murphy Robert E. Mu s ho v ic Peter Orlofsky Seymour Pingel Vernon J . Ploe sse r Alan P. Riggs John R. Ronat Jean l. Rudert Kenneth E. Schmoldt Hans E. Schoeneberg Kennet h W. Scott Ha rry S. S i evert O. Morris Smith P. Gene Sta l ey Gl e nn l . Summers Robert F. Thoma s Wi I I i am J. Weine l Ernst A. Wi cke r Dave A.

1947 Andersen Fred l. Be I ew E I me r W. Bell Warren H. Bruns Rob e rt F. Bryant James R. Butzer Harold G. Carlton Paul F. Christiansen Carl R. Cole Richard E. Da v is Ca riB. Dunham Roy H. ' Einspanier Bernard J. E I I erma n Wi I I i am E. Faser Jack F. Feldhaus Ralph J.' Fogarty Edwin R. Fulghum Gale Goodwin Reo E. Ha r ms Harold B. He Ilwege Wi II iam H. Henke Elvin A. He n ry Geo r ge E. Howa rd Wi I I i am E. John s on Phi I ip D. Johnson Virgi I A. Kerr Frank F. lahmeyer Raymond H. la Pie re Gil be rt H. leone Anton liddel I John W. little J . Edward lyl e Samuel H. McKinnis, Charles l. Jr. Mi Iler Eb e rh a rd H. Ne uman Robert K. Per ryr.- qn , Ge orge I. Jr. Pi e rce Thomas R. Pl e t z Rob e r ' . C. Pomeroy Ches t e r M. Powell John D. Ray Rober t l . Sc hae f e r Rodn ey A. Sc ho r k Jo hn E. Smi th J a mes A. Snowde n J. Russe I I S t e ph e ns J a mes W. Stru n k Ma i I a nd R. Tappmeyer Rona ld A. Wag ne r Geo r ge H. Wh i te Ro bert l .

1948 Armstrong Rober t J. Ba Imat Jack S. Banks Ralph Bi lly JosephH. Brassfie ld Henry C. Browning Ph i I A. Chaney James B. Cooper John A. Cope l a nd A. Euge ne De l a ny Michae l J . Doe l I i ng Ro bert F. Ell is Will ia m A. Elli s Willi a m F. Ell i so n F lo yd A. Fine Mo r r isM. Fisher Ja mes R. F it zpat r ick J ose ph W. Fu ll er l e r oy W.

Ga uerke Rei nhart C. Geve c ke r Rob er t V. Gre go ry Ro ber t O. Hack mann Ro be rt E. Haga n Me l v in A. Ha l ey Co me r C. Ha mma nn J ohn W. He ld Ro be r t E. Hep p J ose ph T . Hoe l sc he r Ja mes W. Howel l Ri c ha r d B. Howe I I Theodore R. Jo nes Eug e ne F. Kee l ey Gi Ib ert S. Kin sma n Th eodore J . Kre u tzer Ro bert C. lawso n Ver no n R. l eilver Ha r vey B. Ma l one Alb er t V. Marc ha l J acq ues H. Mat hews Dona ld J. Mat hews Wal te r A. McCa r t hy J ohn F. McG uire , Alb e r t G. Jr. McKe lve y Ra lph E. Mill e r Willi a m J. Moe Ha ro I d G. Mu e I Ie r Edwa rd E. Ne u s taedter Wi II i a m E. O'Nei I I lawre nc e F. Pe ter s en Dav id P. Pre s I ey, Wi I I i a m H. J r. Ra msey Georg e H. Ra s mu ss en Ke rmit N. Rhoad s Donald E. Robbins Irvi n D. Schaeffer, Wi liard A. III Sc hmidt Donald G. Sc holz Arthur E. Smith David G. Smith Harl a n D. Spinzig , Edgar W. Jr . Stoe c ker Wi Ibert F. Tapperson, Arthur Jr. Todd Fred A. Van Eaton, Charles W. I I I Walke~ Richard H. Wa tkins Paul A. Weddle Wilbern l. Whanger James R. Wi I ks John C.

1949 Anderso~ George M. Aubuchon Edward l. Ba Ilmann Ric hard B. Bay' Robe rt D. Be ll Jame s E. Be nnett Charles W. Be rry Jerome~ . Birch Bettijeanne M. Puffett Bettijeann ~ M. Bl a nkenmeister Erwin G. Bowen, Je s se W. Jr . Boyer Ale xander A. Bre ez e Franci s V. Brehe Ha rold C. Br e ue r Coy L. Brid e groom Kenne t h r.. Ca rn ey W. Da l e

To the Board of Directors, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for awarding me the Clyde W . Hall Scholarship and for making it available to others. I am certain tha t others feel the same wa y as I do; this scholarship not onl y offers appreciated financial aid , but a lso an incenti ve for continuing higher education . . Again , thank you . Sincerel y. Kim A. Ie Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Sophomore. Computer Science

1949 Continued Carpenter Gordon L. Chang John W. Cizek Frank J . Coffer Harold R. Comstock Elvert E. Coolidge William H. Coplen, Roy I . Jr. Da I pin i Da v i d Da Iy Thomas E. Dan ze r Carl J. DeBolt Donald G. Downs Jack S. Duke Calvin W. Eason Donald E. Edwa rds Pau I K. Eichelberger Char le s E. Evans Wi II iam W. Fennerty Frank E . FI i ehma n Maurice H. Foster Jack D. French Robert G. Gammon Wi II iam H. Greig Joseph E. Griffith William L . Grojean, Theon F. Jr. Hansen Robert C. Ha ske I I Dona I d F Holloway, Nick Jr. Hughes Edwin L. Jones 01 iver W. Jones Sam P . Kelahan Robert C. Kemper Robert J. Knecht Walter S. Knutson Elmo G. Kamoto Frank K. Line Myrl K . Linn Laurel G. Lloyd Charles H . Magruder William .H. Ma rt i n Robert L. McCa I lis te r, Od i s L . Jr. McDonald John E. McGrath James B . Menge I Edmund L. Mitchel I John W. Mo rg a n Wi I I i a m A. Norman Amos Oc hs Calvin M. Penman Robert R. Perko Robert A . Perry Robert C. Pomeroy Frank N. Puffett Bettijeanne M. Birch Bettijeanne M. Quinn Joseph S. Ratcl i f f John J. Raymer Gordon E. Redding James A. Rei Ily, John G. Jr.

Jrtuni· ne [he ,d for

I [he lip not

I aid, jnuing

Reiss Joseph J. Remington, Charles R. Jr . Rice D. Paul Rittenhouse Joseph W. Roa rk B i I I R. Roberts Warren W. Robinson Forrest G. Root Robert L. Ross Charles J. Schmitt James C. Schmitz John F. Schuler, Leonard L . Jr. Seel ig, Albert F. Jr. Sessen George V. Sevick Joseph G. Siege l Willi a m A. Springer Frederick f1. Stade lhofer Jack Starkweather Reuben H. Stei n John E. Straub Harold E. Stru bert Joe N. Sutton G l e n W. Tanner Pau I E. Wi II i a m C. Teas Telthorst Edgar J. Te I thorst Ha ro I d M. Thompson Richard H. Timmer Dona l d H. Tindall, Robert F. J r. Todd Joseph W. . Toomey John B. Trotter Jack K. Tucker Arthur L. Van Maers se n Otto L. Vi l es Landon C. Wissel Ch ar l es K. Withrow Haro l d J. Wood, Jame s E. Sr. Wright Jo se ph E. Yochum Robert J . Youngs Lloyd P.

Dear Sirs: I would like to express my ap· preciation for the Alumni Association Scholarship that is made available by your contributions. The money I have received the past three ' years has been extremely helpful in paying the increasing cost of a college ed ucation . I look forward to the' time when I will be able to contribute to the scholarship fund to help deserving students receive an education. Sincerely, Brian K. Jennison Raytown, Mo. Junior, Electrical

1950 Agnew, Lewis E. Jr. Allen Harry W. Atchison Daniel R. Bach, Wi I bert E. Jr . Bage Earl A. Ba I I Robe rt D . Barsachs Edwin H. Bartels Eugene A. Be I ew Le I and F. Berkey Vernon G. Bodine Jack R . Boje, George J. Jr. Branson Donald A. B re i t Ka r I K. Breuer D. Wa Ilace Brinkmann Charles E. Brown Robert N. Brown Stua rt S. Brunson Vernon T. Buel Robert W. Burger Thomas C. Cantwel I Laurence W. Ca r I Lo u isH. Chambers Frank T. Cha pma n, Ha r rison E. Jr. Chen Willie Y. Choate Robert L. Clark William W. Cochran Fredrick D . Co I lin s Wi I I i am W. Crocker Hi I bert W. Dampf Dona I d P. Davidson Edwin A. Davidson Phi I ip B. Day Russe I I Delaney John F. Deppe Eugene Dieringer Donald R. Drake, Avery A. Jr. Dunn Kar l H. East Carl G. Enfield Bernard M. Etz, Car' l E. Jr. Evans, James L. Jr. Eyberg Wa Ibridge P. Fahien Raymond W. Farrey Henry B. Fe rre ira Franc i sco rerry Robert S. Foss i Robert L. Freeman David J. George O. Kenneth George R.J. . G l e nn Donald L. Gore Art hur G. Greenberg Aaron J. Greenblatt A lb e rt M. Gregory Scott H. Guth Ja ck E . Ham mond Gerald L. Ha rdy Ro I I and L.. Harris William M. Ha rri so n R icha rd N. Harri son Robert M. Hau se r Max E . Wi II iam G. Hayme s He l wig Arthur W. Hercu l es Francis P. Hernan John r. Herrmann Thomas A.

Higgin s A lb ert J . Hi IlflOli se David L. Hol l enbach Bernard D. Hu I lis Wi I I i am Ho I me R. No rma n Holme s Thomas A. Honerkamp Donald L. How e ll Bennett D. Hughes William P. Humphrey Waldo D. Hunt J. R i cha rd I sbe l I, Clarence A. Jr. Jamieson George W. Jerman Theodore I. Johnson Edward L. Johnson Ray B. Johnson Warren H. 0 li ve r A. J 0 rc ke Judah Russe I I J . Kal l er HermanC. Kaperna ros E. Lou i 5 Kauffman E. E. Ke Il y Peter B. L. Kinde r Da vi d C . King Alvin C. Knowles Carl M. Kovach John J. Kreul Robert N. Kunz Charles O. Kybu rz Edwa rd P. Lasko Helen D. Lockett Donald N. Luetjen Hulen H . Lukrofka Lovell J. Lyons Francis D. Mabie George W. Mann Carl K. Marshall Donald W. Marting Richard E. Matthews Paul A. Mattlage Raymond F. McDermott Arthur R. McGrath Donald R. McNely Warren E. McNichols John R. Megeff Seymour Meier Harvey W. Mende I I Robe rt H. Mengel William K. Middleton Douglas F. Mi I ich Joseph Mi Iler Chester E. Mil Ie r J a me s E. Mi Il er Le ste r L. Mooney Edward W. Murphy William L. Neidel Roger A . Neustaedter Robert H. Novotnak Frank Pa inter John L . Pa rke r R. C . Pa rks John W. Patten Robert I. Peetz Eugene J. Pennington Robert J . Peppers Robert E. Phi II ips, Harvey I. Jr . Phi II ips Lloyd B. Plummer, Thomas P. Jr. Preiss Robert K. Reisen Kenneth E. Ri es F ra n k W. Roach Kenneth C. Roberts J. Kent Robison Le s l ie B.

Roenfe I dt Ha ro Id R. Ruenheck Raymond T. Sakonyi John J. Scales Stan ley R. Sc hmidt Robert N. Sch mit z R . Paul Schnaede l bach Gerald Schneider Norman F. Sco tt James J. Settgas Robert C. Severtso n Vernon S . Shou rd Roy R. Si Iver Sidney Sims Da Ie E. Skinner, Mi I ton R. Jr. S lack Clayton F. Slusher Robert C. Sm i th Ma rv i n E. Sm ith, Robert E. Sr. Spackler Dona l d E. Springer Everett W. Starke Robert E. Stee l e Eugene W. Steele Robert R. Stevens Bi l ly Strain Robert A. Strong John F. Szumachowski Edwin R. Tate David E. Tibbs Harold E. Trianda John Tunnicl i f f Clarence J. Unsell Vester B. Van Nort John R. Vog ler, August J. Jr. Wagner Bernard C. Wa I ke r Da leE. Warfield, Raymond A. Jr. Webster James P. Weingaertner John W. Williams Richard C. Wilson GlennE. Wolfram Ralph E. Wood Robe rt C. Wright Harold R. Wunnenberg Donald A. Yochum Kenneth H. ZeNeck, Carl E . Jr. Z i ebe I I Wi I fo rd R.

1951 Anderhub Anthony P. Arnold John M. Ba Ileste ro, Antonio P . Jr. Be I lis Ge ra I dB. Blancke, C. Dudley Jr. Blendermann Gene R. Bo rge rd i ng Lawrence H. Bosc i a Frank J . Boyd Charles L. Brakensiek Wi II iam E. Bri 1105 John W. Brunkhorst Earl R. Buettner Melvin A. Bu l lock Richard L. Burkhead, Kenneth E. Sr. Burstein Murray Carthew Douglas J. Co manich George W. Cotten Merri I I R.

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. Stin e b a ugh Thomas E. St o pkevyc Wa ld e mar O. S t op k e y Wa ld e ma r D. Stopkey Wa ld e ma r D. St o pk evyc Wa ldem a r D. Strit e Ru sse ll R. Tarr Clare nc e M. Ung e r Wa It e r H. Uth o ff Ro b e rt F. Van Buski r k Lyman F. Va n c e , J a mes F. Jr. Vanderheyd e n Eugen e T. Wakefield Roger E. Wal z Robert L. We s tmoreland, Da rcus S. Jr. Whe e lock Leroy K. Wi II iams Dean N. Wi II iams Norman Wolfberg Leonard H. Yag e r O. Timken Zed a lis John P. Zvanut Wi II iam H.

1951 Continued Da se n r. rock Arthur A . Dickens Ri c hard L. Die c kgrafe Robert E. Don a ldson George R. Dow ling, Dona I d J. Jr. Dow ling Nea lB. D r yden Jos e ph L. Du I be rg I rv i ng Dunn Ervin E. Elbaum Jerome K . Ell iott Edwin G. Elwood Wi II iam H. Fahs Donald G. Fris Joseph P. Frit s chen, Herman A. Jr. Gardner, John E. Jr. Gibbs Louis A. Gi lien David U. Givens Wi I I iam A. Glenn David E. Gould ' David S. Griffith John B. Hamman Rufus W. Harper Wi II iam S. Harrawood P'aul Heagler, John B . Jr. Henson Gerald L. Hestetune Daniel G. Hi rner John A. Hohlfelder Eugene F. Holcomb Lester W. Ho rs t Wi II iam E. Houghton Clark F. I rw i n Da vi d M. Jackson Ea rl E. Ke I I e r Ge r a I d N. Keller Russell M. King s borough Donald G. Kleinkopf M. Dean KI ine Charles R. Knight George L . Ko I b Eugene F. Lancaster Edgar M. Lattin Judson M. Mansfield Richard E. McDaniel Hulon D. Mellott Robert N. Middour Eldridge S . Motta Frank D. ' Moy Ha rry Mysl inski Frank J. Napp Gordon E. No rton Ma r i on J. Oldenburg Ted J. Oldham Wi II iam R. Packheiser Elmer D. Pender Pau I S. Perryman, Joseph E. Jr. Peterson Forest R. Phelps Richard C. Riede r Robe rt J. Roach Wa rren D. Rober Donald L . Roller Raymond F. Ruh I, Wi ley T . Jr. Rushton William E. Rust Martin F. Schmidt Vernon E . Schwei z er Charles T. Seip, Robert H. Jr . Senne Jo s eph H. Sheeley, Henry A. Jr. Short WallaceW. Si ec k Erv in H. Mil ton M. Si Ive r Simpson Thomas A. Ski les James J. Slankard Robert C. Sm i th John E. Sm i th Robe rt J. Sobie Mi Iton A. Stat I er C Ii fford A. Steinmetz Charles E . Sundholm Arthur W. Ta rantola Bruce E. Teagarden Dwight M. Theerman Wi Ibert K. Theiss John C. Tsai William Van Bramer Wi I I iam G. Vansant Robert E. Venarde Jack H. Watson Harry W.G. Wehmeier Lee M. Westermeier Theodore F. Wi Ie Larson E. Wiseman Donald E. Wohlert William H. Wolf Robert V. Wurtz Wade C. Zeid Ma rv in C.

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1952 Abernathy Thomas S. Alvarado Frank T. Bartel John G. Basler- Francis S. Bauer Richard H. Birk Kenneth L. Borberg James R. Boy I e J a me s 13. Calcaterra Edward L . Campbe I I Robert E . . Chorney Peter L. Co I e A I I a n A. Coonce Homer E. Cooper Richard C. Davis Gedale D. DeLap Kenneth L. Dye Robert A. Faulkner James R. Ferguson Wa Ilace Finklang John W. Freiberger Harold C. Geers Joseph H. Hacker Jean E. Ha Ilows, Raymond L. Jr. Harman Charles W. Hausmann Pa ul L. Hausner Paul H. Heilich Raymond P. Henry Richard L. Holdman Le s l ie F. Holmes Wallace H. Honigfort Henry F. Jackson Wayne D. Jen s en Gun t h e r T . Ju s tu s , Richard F. Jr. Ke i I Byron L. Ki b Ie r Dewe y E. Kno e be I R i ch a rd H. Kronst Edwin F . Lu s h Rolla S . MacZura George Ma da y Dona IdS . Ma rt i n Da n W. Matson Don D. Mcintyre, John ' F. Jr. Menke Gregory V. Me s kan David A. MOrefield George S . Mosle y Forrest C. Mulholland, John E. Jr. Nolan John B. Nunez ' Howa rd W. 01 iphant Edgar Potter Vernon C. Priest John E. Pulford Wi II iam M. Richards Turner W. Rums e y Donald A. Ru ttinger Anthony J. Sanders Eugene F . ,Schafer Robert P. Schiene Quentin J . Scrivner J. Roger St e e le John O. Sti c kle Dirck B.

Acht e rberg Ernest R. Ander s on Charles A. Bardon Donald G. Ba rton C. Dea n Bender John H. Berry Charles A. Boy d Marvin W. Clarke Phi lip J. Cole Henry M. Crane Harold R. Creamer Edward L. Ea s on Jack L. Edwa rds Gen e W. Flood Wa I ke r L. Gjelsteen Thor Hansen Peter G. Myron B. _ Haynes Heeger Charles H. Heimbaugh Kenneth G. Heineck Dale W. Howe Be rna rd F , Jenkins Robert D. Jones Robert A. Jones Vernon T. Jost Robert D. Katz Manfred Kent, Nevada A. 1.1 I Knearem James L. Knobel Elwood L. Koederitz Thomas L. Kronmueller Wi II iam W. LaBouff Gerald J. Lang Eugene A. Lee Wa Iter Lepon i sAnd rew E. Lindgren William Ludewig James F. Mason J. Lloyd Mc Beth Joseph D. Meek William F . Nelson Wi II iam F. Oberschelp Wi II iam F . . Ordemann Robert G. Osbourne Claude J. ParI< Wi II iam R. Patterson W,i II iam E. Po sc he I Eug e n e J . Pri c kett Lloyd C. Quatr a ro William Robbin s Cla y Rob e j t s Jam es F. Ro s ekrans Norman A. Scharf Fred Seipel, John R. Jr . Smith Bert L . Stowe Jame s R. Strohbeck Eugene E. George W. Th o mp s on Topel Maurice R. Tuck Edwa rd F . Vienh a ge Robert P. Wagner Frederick R. Weinland Ha r old A. Wi II is Henry R.

Dowe I I J ac k B . Fowl er , Thoma s R. Jr . Ge ra r d J a me sA. Gray Joe E. Hi g h f i I I J a me s K. Horin e Rob e rt A. Hugh es , Jud s on A. Jr . Humphri e s Ri c hard M. J o n es Jam e s C. Ju s ki e Be rn a rd R. Ke mp, Arthur H. I I I Kri s pin Jo se ph F. L o Wi ng-Ch e llk Ma t tes on HollisC. Mun s on Willi a m P. Norri s Sidney B . Pa t te r s on J. Robe rt Pilli s ch He rbert P. Re e g Richard L. Reynolds Arnold G. Ri e me n s chnitter Donald L. Runvik Richard C. Schejbal John W. S i pe Wi I I i am E. Stewart Wi II iam H. Swea ringen Jerry D. Ti e rnon Carlos H. Volke r Vernon D. Watkins J o seph S.

1955 Ar c her David W. Baebler Arthur G. Baker Chester H. Ba rnds, Campbe I I C. I I I Berg Richard O. Best John L. Boze Ra I ph E. Broaddus, Wayne R. Jr. Brockmann Lester A. Co I lie r Eve re t t J. Cooley James A. Corcoran, Thomas A. ,Jr. Davis, Ralph T. Jr. Frankl in James M. Gessley Donald Gilliam Dale D. Glenn Robert E. Godsey Terry L. Gollhofer Frank R. Hallett Wi II iam M. Hoi iday Allan D. Jones Richard L. Ka i se r R i cha rd L. Kickh r ~, Lawrence T. Jr. Kingsbury Ronald M. Kolasch Joseph A. Kummer Frederick S. Lane, Thoma sF. Jr. Lew is Ha rvey L. Lu e hring Elmer L. Madd ox Arnold W. McCarthy John M. Mi Iler Charles E. Pa rker, Perry L. Jr. Pen z el C. Gene Plache Kurt O. Prager Martin

Dear Mr. Spanier: I wish to express my appreciation to the Alumni Association for being chosen an Engineering Scholarship 路Recipient. It is both an honor and privilege to be awarded this scholar路 ship. I certainly hope that I will be able to return this gift soon so that another student can benefit from a scholarship provided by the Associa路 tion. Once again, my deepest thanks to the Alumni Association .

195.4 Ac eto Wayn e M. Auten Roy D. Bennett Carrol P. Burgett Ma x A. 路Burn s Fredrick B . Campen, Frederick J . Jr . Cole, Sidn ey J. Jr. Conc i Fr a nk B.

Sincerely, Kent W. Lynn St. Louis, Mo. Senior. Civil

1955 Continued Hay Herman A. Hethmeyer, James W. Jr. Scha e fer, Rober·t K. Jr. Schuman Charles W. Scott Julius N. Sma rt Samlle I Smith Be nj a min K. Sprick Robert W. Stimson Wi II iam R. Thoele Howard W. Tucker Pau I B. Van Buskirk John R. Vaughn Chari ie F. Za I a La sz lor.

1956 Althe ide Charles R. Baumg a rtner Ge orge R. Beecher Richard G. Bess James "D. Boyd, V i rg i I C. Jr. Brawley John M. DeW itt Ca r I L. Doe Bruce R. Edmonds David G. E I lis E I me r Gooding Dennis J . Grinstead Wi I I is G. Herndon Richard S. Hughes Ri c ha rd A. Jenkins Llo yd H. Johanboeke Roy B. Jone s Bill R. JlIre nka Gi Ibert G. Kleb e rge r Kenneth A. Ko I I meye r Ray L. Kr uger Harry J . Layma n James W. Lieberman Warren Long s hore, J a mes F. Jr. Mahoney Mi c hae l G. McCoy Cha r les J. Midgley Myle s J . Mil I s Edwa rd L. Mit c hum Mar tin M. t~oo re Rob e rt E. Murphy Larry L. Remme r s E. P<l ul Ri ley Ke nneth G. Sa ue r , 1"la r ry J. J r . Schi I I ing e r Da le J. Schmid t Ha rold A. Sc hmittou Cla y J . SC ~lramm" Wi II ia m W. Sc huller Fra nc i s W. Se n i or Geo r ge L. Statl e r Ke nnyn D. Steffan Ke nn e th F. Suhre , Maur ice E. Jr. Ta ll se r Raymond H. Thomp so n Dav id E. Unn e r sta II J a mes' A. Willi <l ms Do n E. Wo ffo r d J a mes J.

1957 Al ex an de r Wi ll i a m Astroth Loui s E. Ba ec h le ~ugu st A. Barde lme ie r Augu s t R. Ba tes Dav id W. Becke meye r, Edward J . Jr. Becker Rob e rt W. Be rg Da v i d W. Blo un t Ro bert L. Bo lli in g Wi II i a m C. Bowers Do na ld R. Bowma n, Sa mue I S. I I I Case l to n Ja me s A. Clodfe l ter Ge ne C. Da v i s . Ga ry W. De mz i k Wi I I ia m G. E I li s, Wa I te r H. J r. Feaster Roger L. Fra nk l i n Bill y W. Ge r lac h Pa ul D. Giff i n Bill y J . Granth a m De lb er t C. Ha mmond Ri c hard D. Han ss Euge ne J. Haubold Ni e l s B. Hawkin s Da vid L. Heagler Ri c ha rd B. He'ns on Dona I d L. Humphre y Ri c ha rd L. "

Dear Sirs: I greatly appreciate the honor that you have bestowed upon me with this scholarship. I also thank you for spending the precious time to iron out the details of such a scholarship program so that other students like me will be able to receive a similar honor. I thank you again for this honor and look forward to my educa· tional experience at UMR . Sincerely, Da"rin Lovelace Independence, Mo. Incoming Freshman

Johnson James W. I:a I in Thomas E. Kic k David D. Koell ing Arthur J. Kolb Ruth Ko sfeld Wayne H. Ko zeny Donald J. Landers Robert G. Leming Paul W. Loren z James B. Lou va r Joseph F. Ma son Robe rt E. Ma tz , Ale xander H. Jr. McGee Richard L. Met z, Gilbert F. Jr . Mi Iler Charles L. Mi t c he I I James L. Mothershead , John L. Jr . Nee ly Li s ton E. Noland Jo s eph R. Py le E I me r G. Re us s Lloyd E. Ro t h Donald J. Rou s h Philip S . Sa unders Wa Ilace R. Sc he I i c h Arde I I J . ,Schneider Robert W. Se ge lhorst Alfred E. Se ibold Jo s eph M. Shri ve r Ke nneth W. S inkewi z Gi le s C. Smith Jame s G. Sop er Wi II iam S. Tanquary CI ifford C. To li ver J ac k E. Tro utn e r Jo hn R. Wa rr e n Robe r t N. Webb J e r ry J . We il e r J o hnL. We nt z , Cha rl es A. Jr. "Willi a ms Russe ll E. Z i e be I I Do nn G.

Herrick Thomas J. Hof s tetter James F. Hudson Melvin C. Jackson Phi I ip W. Jones CI intford R. Jurenka Ronald D. Konrad Ri c hard J . Kreigh Wi Ibur K. Le .... i s B. Ne i I Lin Cha r les S. Littlefield Je rold K. Lue bbert Wi II iam J . Luebke Ralph A. Mantovani Eugene O. Mason Dennis E. McGovern Donald R. Meye r La r ry B. Micka Donald C. Mi Iler R. Lary Minton Robert C. Modesitt Donald E. Mosby Freddy L. Mudd John T. Munger Paul R. Myers Charles C. Niedermeyer, O. David Jr . Ni emeye r Wi I I i am G. Nolan James R. O'Keefe Thomas J. Okenfuss Richard H. Palovchik Joseph M. Pi sacane Louis A. Rasche John F. Rob e r ts Craig G. Sakonyi Ale x S. Schaefer Orvi lie L. Schiermeier John J. Schmidt, E. Robert Jr. Schriever Byron N. Schwegel Richard A. Sfreddo Humbert E. Smith R. Thomas Stanton Mack J. Sta rkwea the r Gil be rt Strub Da le A. Sucher Robert W. Taylor Paul W. Tomazi George D. Unnersta I I Lester A. Urba n James L. Vi te k Ric hard K. Wa lker Willi a m D. Wa tts Charles A. Weems John C. We gen e r Ronald E. Winter Lester H. Withrow Kerry R. Wollg a st Roy C. Wright Ge orge F. Wright Jo hn E. Young " Ra I ph O. Zi e ba Robe r t G. Zi e ba Willi a m D.

1958 Andreas Way ne T. An s pac h Ea r' l E. Be rt o r e llo Tho mas A. Buc ha na n John O. Bur l baw He rb e rt G. Co r r e I I Howa rd D. Co x L. Fre d Crowe Jo s ep h E. Cu ll e n Mi ch ae l J .J. Cummin gs Bradfo rd C. Da y De l be rt E. Duddridge Kennet h J. Duderstadt Edward C. Du l I Me l v i n J. Dye Wi I I i a m B. Ege Do na ld L. Fi e l d Wi lli a m R. Fos t er Ca l vi n W. Fra nke George E. Ga r re t t, J a me s H. Jr . Gerwert Ph i I ip E. Grade n , Wi II i a m F. J r. Gregory Do n a l ~ "B. Gunth er Roy J . Hac kett J a mes L. Ha nn a Geo r ge R. Ha r deb ec k Ha rry E. Hea d Eldon W.

1984 Rollarno

1959 Asher Charles E. Auberry Wi II iam D. Averi I I John E. Baum, Frank L. Jr . Ba yless Jerry R. Bellchamber Donald K. Boh I Ca riD. Bolon, Lucien M. Jr . Bo rg i n i Fred Borman John G. Boxdorfer Robert L. Brown Dona IdE. Bu ren Wi II iam ....L. Burke Wi II iam G. Cain, Clarence Jr. Ca r-ro I I Wa rren J. Coleman Glenn J . Courson , Lee R. Jr . Crapnell Don W. Feaster Donald R. Gil mo re, Re x A. Jr. Godsy James D. Goldin Herbert A. Gunn Ga ry Y. Hahn J a mes H. Haseltine Hugh W. Hess Robert M. Heston Wayne E. Hoffman Anthony E. Ho rn sey Edwa rd E. Hudgens Lowe I I L. Isaacs S. Fred J a nes Frank E. Johnson Gordon E. Johnson Phil ip R. Kelley Kent C. Kelly Paul R. Kendrick Jerry C. Kennedy Ralph C. Kieffer , Al o nzo R. III Kruger Wi I ( iam A. Ku c harski Edward A. Kurz Ca ryl M. Le mberger Rob e rt A. Lindsey Kenneth R. Lum Ha rry K. Lut z H. John Madigan Dennis D. Mattingly Raymond C. McHaffie Gerald T. Mc Hugh Alan H. Mc int y re Robe rt C. Me isenheimer Ha r old D. Me tca lf Ge ra ld L. Mingo He n ry J. Mi t c he I I John F. Moore Rob e rt L. Morg a n Georg e H. Ne um e ier Lea nd er A. Ni ed r i ng ha us Edwa rd L. Obe rl ander Ric hard K. o I so n Ph i i i p T. Overa I I Wi I son W. Patterso n Ja mes M. Pugh Ja mes E. Reichert Joseph F. Robinson Marqui s B. Rockwel I Lynn A. Ross Richard G. Ruester John T. Sc harf Joe l S . Sc hn e ider Char le s S. Sc hoo nover Do novan K. Sc humac her Ca rl R. Se I leGe ra I d O. Shoemaker Ja me s L. Smith Gay lo n G. Ste lloh Robert T. St eve n son Ge ra l d L. Sutf i n Car l D. Swanson Ke nn et h A. Tate Cha rl es F. Tho mpson Bi I Iy J . Thom ps o n Ri c hard N. Tho r nt o n Robert C. Vi ta l i Jo se ph D. Wa ll ace Char les E. We imh o l t J a mes E. We inri c h Al ber t W. We rner Dona Id E. Whit e ha ir Louis H. Wi e ke r Ri c ha rd H. Wi II iams Ro ss L. Wu I fers Ca r l E.




Stone Jerry L. Sturgeon, Chester W. Jr. Tharp Charles E. Thompson Lei ia M. Flagg Lei ia M. Ti Iman Mi Iton M. Todd Lama r S'. Vacca Herman L. Vansant Carl A. Wagenheim Neal T. Wa I ker - Pau I M. Walters James T. Walther James J. Watson Frank Wh i te Robert M. Young Frank C.Y.

1960 Adams Hubert L. Akmakj ian Charles Anderson John C. Austin Buddy J. Barrand Kerwood W. Bartlett Sylvan Belew Robert R. Blackwell Carrol L. Blevins Howard L. Boston Lawrence A. Bramfitt Bruce L. Calhoun Troy C. Chen David K. Cooper Thomas W. Corbin Kenneth D. Cox Kenneth R. Crocker John W. Davidson Danny E. Del Prete, Anthony Jr. Dickens Walter H. Douglas Freddie C. Eckhoff James L. Fin k Ge ra I d A. Fisher Gerald L. Flagg Lei ia M. Thompson Lei ia M. F I ani ga n Vi rg i I J. Gil be rt Wi I I i am J. Gil mo re J e r ry L. Gunthe r Don J. Hankinson Risdon W. Hawk Ra I ph L. Hershey Harry C. Hodge Robert E. Hoffmann Victor J. Hunter Charles E. Hyatt Gordon R. Jobe Kenneth D. Jones Robert G. Jordan Paul R. Jordan Thomas M. Keshari Hossein R. Kieffer Robert C. Kuntz John R. Laffler Rona Id A. Lawson James R. Leach Gera Id M. Loebs Herbert A. . Logsdon Donald L. Lovelace James T. Lukowitz Gregory J: Lynch Frederick W. Manley, Wi II iam H. Jr. Martin Henry T. Maxton Ralph C. McDaniels John L. McGovern Wi II iam McNeely David C. Me rt I Eugene E. Moellenbeck, Albert J. Jr. Montgomery Thomas S. Moyers Gerald E. Murphy Frederick L. OWens Doyle F. Patterson Gary K. Penning Thomas F. Price David E. Reynolds Maurice M. Rizer Gene C. Sargent Joseph G. Schuler Robert K. Scofield Gene L. Siron Robert E. Steinman Anthony V.

Adams Charles T. Am ide i Wd I i am Amsler Larry C. Anni s Donald J. Aye ry M.. Ronald Ba rnes R icha rd C. Baur Richard A. Biermann Robert G. Blake Charles A. Boe Richard I. Bohley ThQmas K. Bohlmann Raymond E. Bolon Albe'rt E. Bosse Wi II iam R. Brenning Eugene D. Brown Richard R. Brunkhorst - Lloyd E. Bruns Gregory A. Burlage Donald W. Canale Thomas Curson Wi II iam N. Dewing H. Harvey Ditton, Vernon R. Jr. o i x La rry L. Ed i son Jerry D. EI-Baz Farouk E.S. Evans Dona I d L. Farmer Larry E. Featherston C. Ronald Flood Thaddeus F. Fowler Martha S. Shultz Martha S. Ga I I i he r K路. Don Gerhart Bi II L. Grannemann H. Neal Gri smore, Fred L. Jr. Hah s Jimmy D. Hampe Richard A. Harvey James G. Havens John D. Heglin Russell ' S. Henderson Gerald E. Henderson Robert E. Henning Wi I I iam A. Henry , Kenneth W. Hodges John L. Huff Fred V. Hustad John E. Jacks Frank E. Jordan George H. Kapfer Richard R. Kiefer Charles A. Kincaid John B. KI ipp James E.

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Kurtzhals James D. Latzer John C. Lemon, Jimmy C. III Leu, Juan Jr. Lew i s Da v i d M. Logan Robert M. Marble James B. Marler Donald S. Marosek Charles F: Ma y Wi I I i am L. McKee Eddie D. McLaughlin, Eugene--J, Jr. McNabb Jesse E. Mears A. Dale Merritt John F. Me s ka n A I len W. Mil I s Te r ry L. Mobley Gene H. Moore Ke nn e th D. Mungle Burl in D. Myers Donald D. Noggle Thomas G. Odom James T. Ostmann Donald A. Patterson Barbara R, Peterson Henry N. Peterson Jay A. Pettitlon Robert B. Pfeuffer Ronald R: Pierce Donald Z. Pietsch Earl Randolph Robert W. 路 Rob i nson Le I and G:. Shultz Martha S. Fowler Martha S. Siesennop W. Wayne Smith Roy B. Southern Merle E. . Spieldoch Richard~ . Stevenson Curtis W. Stidham James A. Stone Tony C. Strobe I La rry G. Sullivan Joseph F. , Sut,herland James R. Theobald Thomas A. Twele Michael N. Waldo . Clyde L. ' Wa I ke r, Ha rvey J. ' Jr. Weber- Roger 路C. Whitehead Robert W. Wiethop R. Harvey Wolfinbarger Samuel L. Worley Morris T.



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Affolter AII 'e n L. Barthol ic David B. Ba x ter Kenneth D. Blo c h Melrose A. Blumberg Leslie Brady Francis J. Breitenfeld Richard T. Breuer Thomas E. " Brockmann Richard K. Campbel I Richard A. Ca r r V i rg i IE. Chi Idre s s John R. Coyle, R. Tom Jr . . Culnan, Patrick D. Jr. Daou I as Arthur Dave Bhalchandra T. Delp Ro bert L. Oro I I Pa u I W. Duva I I H. Pa t Edmison Rog e r A. Ein se l Mi Il e r D. Elfrink Lind e ll H . Ferg us on Ga ry L. Gae rtn e r Dougl as ~, Ge n t ry Roy C. Go r ml ey J a mes M. Haas Do na ldW. Ha ke Le r oy W. Ha I I F l oyd S . Ha mm o nd Mi c hae l W. Harr il l Wi ll iam D. Harvey Lawre nce E. Hat fi e ld Davi d C: Haus ha l te r Fred e ri c k W. Hav,e ne r Gary H . He r zog Mic hae l S . Ho f fman Ro ge r P. Holma n John T. J ac ob s Da vid C. Joiner James W. Jon es Charl e s B. Jon es Jack H. Ka dakia Jayant S. , Kallmeyer Jame s D. Kamper Rus se ll A. Korn Robert A.

Dear Sirs: Thank you very much for providing the $1000 Alumni "Special" Scholarship, I was selected to receive it for the 1985-86 academic year. I have wanted to attend UMR for quite some time. This award will surely help me attain this goal. Again, thank you, I certainly ap路 preciate this honor and will try my hardest to uphold your expectations of me. Sincerely, Jason McKeel Portageville, Mo. Incoming Freshman Lamber C. Kurt La sky John V. Luecke J e rome E. Mais Raymond A. Maisch Peter H.F. Markel David F. Marler James F. McKean Gi Ibert R. Mehta Navnit C. Meyer Wi II iam B. Nanney Larry J. Netter David E. Obermark James R. Ove ra I I Dona I d N. Parikh Piyush S. Persson F. Michael Ph i I lips Thoma s E. Ploeger Richard A. Powel I Winifred W. Rencehausen Gerald P. Reuck Aaron M. Reyburn Michael K. Roussin Robert W. Schaefer Robert L. Scogg ins Je rry L. Shuck Lewi s W. Smith Memphord L. Smi ,t h, Menard O. Jr . Speckha rt Frank H. Stearns Jerry D. Steele Kenneth W. Stigall Paul D. Stokely Wi II jam S. Swanson Richard C. Taylor Thomas M. Teske James E. Twedel I Richard N. Uhe Gerald C. Van Doren Thomas P. Web e r Wi II iam G. Welch Gary E. White Dani e l R. Willyard Donald L. Wilson RobertJ. Wi I s on Wi II iam L. Woldman Michael L. Wright David B. Zimmermann Walter A. Zychir ~ ki J a mes A.

1963 Ada m, Everet t E. J r . Ain ~ wo rt h J o hn H. Al exa nd e r Geo rg e D: All e n, Loui s B. Jr. Ander s o n J o hn H. Andoe H . Vi ct o r Arms Robert '-. Ba ke r r~ e r I Bare mo re J~ m es J. Ba r t rin g Do na r d L. B8s s in Ron a ld L. B8 umb ac h Da le M. Bo und s Do na ld R. Brown, D e w ~y F. Jr. Bruns Ma rtin T. l3u c k Rj c tla rd L. Burton Rob e rt R. Churc h J e rry W. Cl a rk Dennis A. Cl e me nt s . John L. Close Ma xwe l I L. Custer Phi II ip E.


1963 CO.ntinued David edward G . Dodd Curti s W. Dr esse l , Hleodore H . Jr. Dunham vii II i am J . Farmer, Jo hn O. I I I Fehsenfeld Ga ry D. F r i t sch I W'i I I i am R. Gardner, Ro'bert H. Jr. Gianc h anda ni Jiwat (D. G l asse l C I i fford Goestenkors John J. Herron George F. Howe ll Robert C . Hurter Henry D. Huston Ro b ert E. Ibrah im Moh am mad A. Jaeger Benjamin W.H. Jaquay Richard L. Jau er , Richard A. Jr. Kah l Richard A. Ke ith H. Dean Kessler Arthur R. Klutho Allyn R. Koenig Walter R. Koester Robert D. Kreichelt Thom as E. La P I ante A I I an H. Lasmanis Raymond Leger Geary L. Lemon Jam es D. Libiez James D. Ligon William R . Machmeier Paul M. Marklan<J Robert E. Martin Wade A. Mehta Manyu K. Meredith Vi rgi I E. Mi II,er Paul H. Mue I I e r Ga ry D. Mue I Ie r, Wa I te r Jr . Mysl inski Joseph M. Naiknimbalkar Narendra M. Niblock Glenn A. Packwood Donald L . Popp Raymond 'H. Poush Kenneth A. Ray Pau I A. Re i d B i I I H. Ringhausen Roger J, Robbins Douglas A. Roberts Carl J. Robertson Ronald S. Robison James B. Salmon R. Michael Saunders Wi II iam E. Schaefer Seth C. ' Schuchman Norman J. Seh I, Eugene Jr. Shalton Lonnie J. Sieckhaus Robert H. Skamenca David G. Smith Sam L . Sta rk Thomas F. Stemler Orrin A . Taylor Glenn R. Thomas Jere L. Thomp so n Larry D . T raut man De nni s R. Van Buren James K. Vandergr i f f Wayne L , Va n ing e r Jon L . William s Donald L. Zieba J o hn D.

Dear Mr. Mackaman: I .have recentl y been notified t hat my Alumni Association scholarship has been renewed for the 1984·]985 academic year and I would like to ex: press my appreciation to you and the A lumni Associatio n for making the award possible . I will- be graduating next Ma y and your scholarship has made it much easier to finance m y college career at UMR, Thank you for your continued support and recognition.

1964 Amin .Rajink a nt C . A s hle y Carl G. Ba i l ey Ke i th E . Dona I dS . Ba rt e I Bay lo r Phi I ip E . Bi e rm a n Sh eldon L . Bol i n g, Har r y O. III Bro e k i n g Kenn et h W. Bu esc h er A I f r ed J. Buesc h e r Gene E. Ca mpbe ll Ch a rl es E. Ch e n Ten -H s i Chervit z Jerrol d Thom as G. Ch r o n i s t er Cil u Gordon r. K . Cortelyo u, Abr am L . Jr . Corwin Rob e rt F . Da n i e I s Wi I I i am J. D e l ~ ay Paul r . De v a n e y Michael J. Eckhoff Gera ld J. Ep p el s heim e r. Dani e l S . C . Stu a rt Fe r re ll Fo l tz Ern es L N.

Fourne ll e Ray mond A . Gardner Donald T . Ga rl i ch Th omas K. Gas s n e r Gene E. Glaes e John R. Goodrum Dona ld L. Gr ee l e y Richard G. Gruber Myron E . Gud e rmuth, C l yd e S. J r. Ha hn, Emmett W. Jr. Ha rp e r A l an S . Harri s Danie l J. He nry James M. He n so n Ronald P. He rrma nn , Freder i ck W. Jr . Hi I I J a me s L. Holland Gary R. Ho I I e y Robe rt G. Huber Ha ro I d D. Hudelson John R. Hugh ey Bo bby R. Johnson Jerry G. Ka mp A l an A. Kelty Thom as M. Kerr Albert L. Kirchoff William S. Kraus Ronald W. Lahde Frank U . LaRose, 1. Ha rre I I Jr. Lehman, Fredrick D. III Lohrding Gale T. Lyons Charles G. Mackie Roscoe L. Ma r tin Ca riD. McMahon Terrence J. Mehta Dev e ndra V. Michel David J. Mil Is, Cha r Ie s S. Jr. t~ochel William R. Morrison Donald J. Mroch Alan B. Mueller George H. t~uns Bennett L. 'Murphy Robert J. Murry Mi Iton J . Nichols Elwood B. Odendahl James P. Painter Denn t s W. Pappas James M. Pa rk i nson La rry L. Payne Thoma 's E. Peacock David N. Peters Donald G. Pi Sh i ng-Chou Picken s Stephen W. Raffe I Ted C. Ra ney Edwa rd M. Rei~heimer Charles J . Reul ing Donald O. Roye r Le roy J. Sagramoso Da nie 'l E. Schmidt D~niel R. Sha h Bha ra t R . Simmons Michael F. Smith, Harvey S . III Sowe I I, Lew i s C. Jr. Steinkal1}p Wi II iam E. Stua rt Robe rt L. Sutherland, Graham G. I I Ta I 'lon R ich a rd J. Tao Frank F. Tay lor George H. Ter,ry J a mes W. Tr e~ finger David J. Van Tran K.

_Si ncerely ,


David 0 , Jew St. Lo uis. Mo. Senior. Mechanical







1984 RoUamo Voo rh i s Ga ry L. Wang Benjamin S. Wang Yun Wendleton John L. Wheeler, Irving B . Jr. Wiebe DirkH. Wi Ison Tommie C. Wu Chang-Yu ' Wu Hsin C. Wulfert, Kenneth J. Jr. Zimnick, Harold E. Jr. Zunke I A. Doug

1965 /

Agrawal Arun K : . Along e,· Nicholas J. Anderson Jerry M. Arnold Richard I. Ascensio Carlos A . Atkinson ' Charles H. Aubrecht, Ladimir J. Jr . La r ry F. Ba r I i c k Barr Ra Iph S . Ba ss Pa u I J. Bergt David E. Bersett Gerald W. Bic ~ nell Hi Iton B. Bitting James L. Blume David J . Bommarito Joseph C. Branum William H. Brubaker Maurice E. Brunner Gary D. Bugg Donald A. Butler Jam es L.Buttrey John W. B ~ ingt on Marvin L. Chi It on Danny L. Co nn er Robert.P . Thoma s W. Coo k Cop e Wi l l i am ' R. CorrigaQ J o hn D . Cree ch Ha rr y L . Crew s Ed d ie L. De k e n Lo LI i sR. Do l l Wa rwi c k W. Dorf Ro ge r A . Dri e me i er A ll e n H. Du rn e I I No I and R. On ur Ege men Fae n ger Eugene H. Fa r re II , Wi l l i a In M. J r . Feller Dona l d D. Te r ry W, Fe n de r Foreman Alan R. Fore n , J o hn F. Jr. F ra n k lin, vi i I l i e L . Jr . Fur by Jo hn R. Gaylord Th o mas K, Giger, D . Fra nk l in J r. Go l dbogen Chai m G. Goodman Danie l K. Grif f in Paul D. G r i me s Ga ry W, Gross Ma n fre d E. Haag , Wi II i a m O. J r . Ha b e ni c ht W. Helmut Hag e n Willi a m R . Hamm e n B. De nn is Han s en Ro n a l d A. He i d man Jame s A.


Henery Edward N. Hen ry Da n i e IT. Hoffman David J. Hoffman Nancy H. Shaw Nancy H. Hohman Joe A. Holen Douglas E. Hrastich Thomas A. Huang Hao-Yang Hurst Donald W. Hustad Pau I A. Jobson Harvey E. Johanpeter Gera Id R. John David F . Junge Gregory Kadwell Robert J . Ka liar Jay S. Kettelkamp Robe ~ t L. Ke ttl e r Ge ra I d J. Keye s Ga ry E. Khokhani Kantilal H. Kiefer Da Ie F. La s ker M. Owen Lassley RiChard H. Li Charles 1. Liu Wan-Cheng Lysaght James M. Mace Guy R. Maggs Louis M. Magurk David W. Marlow Charles F . Marshall RonaldC . Ma rt in Cha r I e sR. Martin Terence N . Mc C racken Wi II iam E. Me y er Norman R. Morgan, Grover D . Jr. Morgan J. Derald Morris J ack F. Mul yca Wa lte r C. Myrick, Char le s R. III Nielsen Darrell M. a' Brya n t, J a me s E. -I I Pa sek Theodore D. Pate l Jayant i bha i V . Pfount z Haro l d J. Pi c k e r Melvin L. Poepp in g Paul P. Pr o v ince, E . Edward Jr . R i n ey Ch a rles W. Owen D. Rud e Rya n Robe rt J . Schroer Wi Ibert F . Sha h Ka na i y a I a I R . Ras hmika nt L . Sh ah Sh aw Na nc y H. Ho f f ma n Na ncy H. Shelby, Ja me s E. J r . Sma rt Jo hn D. Smi th Jo h n W. Sm i th Mi c h ae l D. Ste i miey J o hn F. St i ckler Ro ger H. Su n dermeyer Robert W. Thoma s M. Su n kel Suth i pas na rup on An a n t Swekosky F ra n k J . Ter r y Richa r d L. Tho ma s , Do n a I d O. J r. Th omas on , Jun e C. Jr . Toe d t ma n Ch a r l es H . Te r e nc e G. To wers Din e sh K . Vekar i a Roge r C. Wa gn er Wa n g J y ue - Sh e n g

Ii I




MSM Alumnus / 9

• ."1!5 ..


n ' Q .....,; t 1 .... 1965 Continued i'~



Wang Lawrence K. Wang Wen-Li Weeks Robert E. We I I S 14 i I I i am L. Welsh R. Dalton Whitten, Travice W. Jr. Wi I so n Clyde W. Wunderl i ch Norbert J. Zimmerman Wayne M.

1966 Abbott Rohn D. Ale xan der Terry W. AI I ison Laton D. Bachman David A. Ba i l ey, Edw inC. Jr. Barnes, Chari ie M. Jr. Behring All e n G. Bennish Donald E. Betz Raymond R. Bingham, lloyd W. Jr. Blumfelder William O. Bowles Kenneth W. Brady Dale E. Brynac Michael J. Buchmeier, Frank A. Jr. Bufalo David J . Carstens John C. Cha ng Home r S. Chern Wi II i a m W.M. Coco Matteo A. Copenhaver Roger L. Cross Ra I ph L. DeClue Duane H. Dew Ja mes B. Dreisewerd Douglas W. Dunn Harry E. Duree David M. Dycus J a mes P. Evans La rry G. Fiebe lman Harold E. Foss Gl en N. Fukubaya sh i Ha ro Id Ii. Fuller Dona Id L. Gaitros Donald L. Gaitros Linda M. Vopat Linda M. Gajdusek, Erne s t Jr . Gl over Russell L. Gordon Alvin W. Gray James C. Greeni ng Frank S. Griggs, Wi II Jr. Handshy, Arthur W. I I I Hannum Richard W. Heater Char les L. Henry Charles L. Hensley Clyde R. Hogue, Robert W. Jr. Holt, Thoma s B. I I Howell John D. Htain Maung L. Huddleston, James A. Jr. Hughlett Michael L. Hung Dick T. Jain Kri s han K. Jong Bing-Wen Jo zwiak Ph i I ip A. Kirberg Leonard C. Kirn Anthony E. Kramer Ra Iph H. Kruep Raymond J . Kulhan Rob ert Lat imer John O. Littlefield Larry W. Lut ze nb e rg e r Bert M. Lytle, Gl e nn A. Jr. Mac k Thomas E. Ma he r Mi c hae l J. Ma nn Rober t V. Maso n, John r". I I I Matt hews James R. May Thomas J. McCarron, Robert L. Jr . McMa han J esse T. Me hta Jagd i s h M. ~l e i er TilOmas O. Meye r Robe rt W. Mohr Jo hn W. Mo l kenbur Richard A. Monroe Ronald L. Mora n Mi c hae l D. Mora n Robert W. Mo ss Edward A. Mueller, We ndel in H. III Munn Da le A. Nel so n Don a ld R. Nel s on Nicol a A.

10/ MSM






Panhorst, Al bert C. Jr. Parikh Satish R. Parks R. Anthony Paul Ri c hard R. Perkins Ja mes B. Po I I a c k Le s I I eA. Pottinger, Hardy J. III Reinsch, Lawrence J '. Jr. Rich La rry M. Richard s on Richard A. Riley James A. Roberts Loy D. . Ru ser , John R. Jr. Scheer Samue l A. Schroer J ames B. Scott Kenneth R. Shah Vipi nb hai R. Sherrick Bobby J. Shie l Is James Smart Nei I A. Smi t h Ge ra I d W. Sm ith liouis W. Smith Vernel Ie T. Snel l Robert B. Spence Hugh F. Stangel James E. Steele James · D. Stewa rt, Les li e D. Jr. Stockhausen William T. Stover Dennis W. Struckhoff R.M . Taylor. H. Porter Uthe Floyd H. Vopa t Linda M. Gait~os Linda M. Walts Raymond J. Warda Wi II iam S . Wes l ey Darrell K. West James E. Weyand Thomas E. Wi I kens Roy A. Wi II iams Maurice A. Wooda l I Thomas J. Woodfie ld Ri chard A. Yoest David A. Yung Shu C: .

1967 Adamick, Chester J. Jr. Altman Barbara H. Altman Ronald L. Anderson Walter F. Anderson, Wi II iam E. Jr. Auld Wad e B. Bauer Wi II iam C. Baumeyer Ervin H. Bay l ess, James W. I I I Bevel Jerry E. Burkhalter Richard L. Ca Ih oun Wi II i am L. Capone Gary J. Car l James W. Ca rte r Rona Id W. Da rne I I Pa u IE . DeLashmit Wi II i a m E. De Long Ca r I E. Dressler Donald R.


, i I I ; I '~

. 11'1 -hlU'!"'!

Elam Anthony R. Evans Ronald E. Ferretti Michael E. fie I d, Cy ru s W. Jr. Fouts Gary L. Fritschel Larry E. Gass John W. Gittemeier Joseph F. Guve ni r Yavuz M. Hach mu t h Henry K. Ha ll ett Michael D. Hansen Char les M. Hansen, Sta nl ey S. II Hardy Mich ae l E. Hefferly Gerald E. Heimel Mi c hae l C. Herbold Augu st E. Hi cks Ronald R. Hi I I Ro I and M. Hodges Phi II i' p F. Hopk in s Wayne J. Ho rne Ga ry H. Houser James D. Hung Ming H. Hydzik Richard M. Inman Paul L. Kahrs Jeffrey W. Kamman James H. Kasten Donald G. Ke I so Ga ry L. King Randa II K. Knep l er John R. La i Sa n-Cheng La ng s dorf Lloyd L. Laufer Wayne L. Lebo Jerome M. Ledbetter Ronald M. Lloyd-Jones David Lyon s Hel e n L. Ma rsh, Theodore T. Jr. Matthes Harold D. McMi I l en T. Michael McMullen CI if ford C. Medl in James M. Mikel ioni s Lawrence J. Mi Il er Richard J . Mi Il er Samue l P. • Mye rs Howa rd W. North Robert A. Nussbaum Gene .M. Owe n s Ga ry S. . Pee r Da n i e I D. Perk in s Michael A. Piros Rona l d A. Ponnwitz Alfred J. Powe I I Day l eW. Prater Ni ck L. Rao Ya la man ch i I.i Riggs Ja mes E. Rueh Kenneth 14 . . Sa dowski John M. Sch loman Alan H. Sco t t La r ry W. Sea rs Thoma s J. Seth Raj B. Shen Kuo - Shein Shepardson James D. Sieve rt Ga ry F. S immo ns, John L. I I I St i ne, Howa rd H. Jr. Stirrat Bryan A. Ta nna Virendra V. Ta te Geo rge J. Turner Robert E. Wagner Richard V. Wei se Theodore L. Wing et Ri c hard O. Wo l f John D. Wool e ry Wi II ia m ·L. Wu Christop her K. Yo ung Lawrenc e M. Zmudz in s ki Ge r a ld L. Zw i e ner J a mes M.


1984 Rollamo

Abe I Scott w. As trac k Ric hard F. Awa n Man soo r A. Aya rs Robe rt S . Baer Ke nn e th G. Be ll Gordon W. Berger John M. Brand John R. Brevi li e David A . Brockhaus Dougla s A. Burke Char l es E. Carna han Danny L. Chadw ick Ja c k L. Cha o S . ( S teve) Ctl e n Sun C. Choa te La r ry D. Co II in s Wa I te r K. Combs E I ton E.


------ _. -.-'-----------=

, Dear Alumni Association: Recently I · received notification that I was approved to receive the Alumni "Special" Scholarship for the 1985-86 academic year. I would like to express my grateful appreciation foT' making this scholarship available. Respectfully, Scott A. Quackenbush St. Joseph, Mo.

Incoming Freshman

Dearth Dav id W. D.i li on Paul H. Doerf l inge r ,A rth u r E. Do I I a r Jim A. Ecof f , Ralph A. Jr. Eggers Stephen H. Feugate, Robert J. Jr. Florez Lui s G.E . Fowler, Richard 14·. III Furst David L. Ge rha rd Ga ry E. Ge rig, F ra n k A. I I I Goedde Joe G. Grabsk i Frank L. Ha I.te rma n Le roy Heitzmann John E. Henrikson Ralph L. Hsu Kuan - Yuan Hsu Yung C. Huett Mich ae l S. Jackson Richard B. Jacobs Joseph W. Johnson Step hen S. Keppe! ·~ James R. Koede ritz Leo na rd F. Koege I Frank R. Korb Michael C. Kuchenig Frederick W. Lehman, A. Ric ha rd Jr. Lewis Leland L I Shu-Me i Wang Shu-Mei Lindsey Merl in D. Liu Jih-Han La h Da n i e I C . N. Lowe Joseph W. Luebbert, Lawrence H. Jr. Lueck RalphH. Mabry Dewayne P. Man s on Donald A. Maycock Barry F. McCormick C. Craig Medvesky Paul A. Mert e ns Thomas L. Michel Joel K. Mi' ltenberger James L. Moore Richard E. Muell er David L. Mue l ler JosephL . Murrey Jonte M. 'Nage l Terry L. Ol se n Ric ha rd G. Ott e Le on L. Owens Thomas J. Pahl Ro be rt H . Pa i s Jerome A. Parker De nnis R. Pender Stephen N. Perry Norri s W. Pfeiffer Dougla s L. Phelps Richard W. Pogue Jerry G. Porter Clayton G: Qu i ck Edgar A. Reading Stephen H. Ru e ng e rt Mart in R. Ru e t e r Rich ard E. Sc hae ffer Nea l T. Sc hardl, Jo se ph M. Jr. Sc he i be I La rry L. Sc he nk Richard W. Sc howe ng e rdt Robert A. Sha rp Ri ch a rd E. S idlow s ki Hona ld E. Ste inbrueck Gary L. Sto lt z Wi II i a m A. Storrs Stua rt' M. Strauss Stephen R. TI ,omure Danie l F. Towne Robert G.

~- -1--968-Gontin-uedf--lyndorf Jol In W. VAn Meter Jos e ph L. Ve hig e Richard J. Vo lk Rog er H. W;)gner, Harold W. Jr'. Wang Edwin C. Wa ng Shu-Me i Li Shl.l -I~ e i Wa rd Da ni e 'l K. Hlos Pau l M. Wright Step he n A. Wristen Da v id B. Hyco ff Rona ld L. Ya ll a ly Ste ph e n P. Yos t Ke nn et h D. Youngman James A. Zauner Ronald F. Z i eg I e r Ka r I F. Zoe I I ner Lynn E.

1969 Achelpohl Fredrick P. Ale xa nder Vernon T. Anderson Michael E. Andreae Robert A. Arnoldy Richard R. Asco I i Don M. Becker John R. Bednar Stephen J. Behrens Raymond A. Berning Richard T. Berry John J. Bishop David K. Bondurant Frederick N. Borgmeyer Thomas S. Boring William D. Bourne · Donald W. Bozarth Bruce A. Brandhorst Lynn D. Brinkopf Robert L. Brune Gary L. Bruzewski James R. Bulla Frederick W. Burkemper Larry J. Cary Stanley E. Case ' Glenn R. Chang James J. Chieng Chi-Chao Chow Robe rt Y. Chuang Cheng Y. Co I lin s Wi I I i am E. Cooper Larry M. Coulter Stephen J. Craig Charles M. Cre tin Pa u IF. Cross J. Keith Daneshy Abbas A. Davidson William G. Davis Joseph E. Degenhardt Lynn J. Delaney Michael J. Denham Donald C. Derhake Anthony H. DeSpain David R. Diet~ich Walter D. Dod~on Cheryl A. Steffan Cheryl A. Eason James S. Engelbrecht Ronald L.

Dear Sirs: I would like to express my ap· preciation for the Robert E. Dye Scholarship. Being from a family where the father is currently on strike, the money was a great help. Again, thanks a lot for the scholar· ship; it really helped out. Sincerely, Tom Wright Lesterville, Mo. Junior, Mining

Eyd mann Phi II ip S . Featherly J o hn R. Foste r Charl es W. Frazee Richard W. Fu I I e r J e r ry K. Ge nt z ler, Edward C. III GeQrge Da v i d R. Gerig Martha M. Givan Guy V. Gra ham Warren D. Gray Da v id L. Gul i ck Gary M. Ha I I a day Ha ro I d W. Ha rdy James D. Ha rtung Mi c hae l H. H~ se ltine Dougla s M. Hawkins Rodn ey B. Hitt Ge r ald W. Ho e nerhoff Richard B. Hof fm a n Den ny R. Hou f Gor.d on B. Ho v is Don a ld L. Hun g Sam ue I S. Hwa ng Bo r - I ng Jones Thomas A. Jo zwiak Vin ce nt R. Kaiser Step he n J . Ke l a han Michael E. Ke lka r Subh as h G. Kerns Hayn e L. Kmecz Glenn M. Knauf Wi II iam R. Koen i g Ga ry R. Kruvand Daniel H. Labit Jame sR. La cav ich Ri c hard J. Lambert Donald B. Lambert, James. E. Jr. Leffelman Alan F. Livengood Robert J. Lloyd G. Wesley Lojek Jan R. Lowe Wi II iam S. Lynch John B. Martin Dennis C. Mc Farland Robert L. Mertens Michael L. Miller William A. Mo I I John J. Nea I Ga ry W. Niehaus Robert L. Nigus Steven G. Noggle Michaela. Nudd Barry C. Oldham Douglas G. Olsen Wi I I iam B. O'Nei I I James A. Ozorkiewicz Ralph L. Pe rk ins . Ga ry G. Reinhardt John E. Roam John H. Roberts Omer H. Roberts S. Kent Rose Francis M. Roth Lester C. Ryt te r Noe I J. Sauer Peter W. Schmidt Lonnie D. Sc hmidt Thomas S. Schnurbusch Larry J. SchUltz John T. Seaman Robert L. Shaefer Raymond T. Sh ini Asaad S. Smith A. Wayne Smith Brian W. Smith Gary L. Sowers James R. Spalding Theodore J . Stahl Joseph W. Steffan Cheryl A. Dodson Cheryl A. Stemmler Jame s A. Steve ns Robert W. Stiga l l James R. Strauser Claude N. Sui I ivan Michael J. Sweeney Thomas E. Sweeney Wi II iam T. Tannous Nicola B. Teter Robert D. Thies Douglas M. Thorn Steven W. Walker ' Michael R. Walter Richard A. Wan s ing Alvin D. Webb E: Victor Westfall, Lewis E. Jr. Wiesenmeyer John C. Wi Ico x Thomas M. Wi Ison Patrick J. Woessner James D. Worstell, Earl M. Jr. Zenge Thomas L. Ziegenmier James L. Zimmer John J.

1984 RoUamo

1970 Abernathie Wi II iam E. A I Ien Denn i s L. AI I i s on Melvin R. Andreae Vicki M. Ashbaugh Brian W. Barnes Johny J. Barnett Ralph L. Baur John C. Beardsley David D. Beirne John M. Birk Douglas G. Bjornberg Peter R. Bockman Ga ry J. Boyer John M. Bray Michael E. Brown Rotiert L. Brown Wi I lis L. Bryant David A. Bu rk Ea riD. Byers Charles E. Canon Ronald M. Carter John B. Chang Joseph J. Chang Wi II iam C. Chapman Richard G. Chasten Dennis L. Chaudhary Suresh K. Cheek Michael R. Chiang . James H-H Corbett Timothy P. Crandel I George R. Davis Ronald D. Davisson David C. Dean La rry J. Degen, Gerald D. Jr. Dejohn Anthony F. Delay Russel I G. Denney KennetH L. Dietrich Randal I G. Doering Frank J . Do I a ta Edwa rd W. Durney Robert G. Ei ler Stanley · H. Engineer Roy Ethridge Ma x M. Feager Joe A. Finnegan Jerrey D. Fitzgerald Richard J. Fluegge Ronald M. Fo rd James A. Freeman Richard L. Friese Michael M. Ga rrett, Jack T. Jr. Gaston Charles B. Gerdes Rona ld G. Glynn Michael G. Goodboy Kenneth P. Griesenauer Rona Id L. Griffin Ronald D. Gup ta Dwa rka P. Habegger Ronald L. ' Hager Harold W. Hahn Joseph K. Hamner Phi I lip G. Hankins David R.

Harris Michael D. Hei ne ·Bernard J. Henson Phi I I ip L. Herma n Wi II ia m L. Hi II Robert W. Hoecke lman Le s l ie Holland Way ne E. Homyk Terre nce J. Horky Bradford B. Huebner Char l es E. Hu rt Robert' E. I I a v i a Pi 100 E. Jaggi De nni s F. J a n Der-Wang J e n se n R. Gene Johannpeter Walter G. J o nes David B. Ju ssyp Juri .~ Kao Ching-N an Kaplan Mark S . Kemp Wa yne R. Killgore Ross D. Ki s tner Jimmie D. Koenemann Barry D. Koo Hai-Chi Ko rth Mi c hae l V. Kramer Jo hn L.J. Krucke meyer , Wi II iam C. Jr. Kue nz James M. Kuss Jo seph K. LaBoube ,Roger A. Lan Shing-Shong Lankford, John C. Jr. Larsen, Glen A. Jr. LeB re I I John R. Lee -Ch i n-M i ng Lehman Thomas W. Lewellen Frank Lew is Wayne E. Liang Arthur Y. Liao Cheng S·. Lin Jin-Tyan Long Michael w. Loudermi Ik , Abraham H. Jr. Lu Roger C. Lueddecke Donald E. Lupberger Da v id D. Marchiando Anthony F. Matoesian David H. Matthews Jerry L. McCamy Lawrence L. McClure, Nathaniel D. IV McGath Michael R. McKelvey James B. McWi II iams Lyle W. Mendell Fredrick N. Metz, Kenneth L. Jr. Michie George A. Midden Leo W. Mikkelsen Clark D. Moeh I e Ca rm R. Moran Michael J.R. Morgan Mark D. Morris James R. Mo r r isLa r ry D. Mouser Gerald F. Mudd Thomas J. Mundwi Iler John L. Murray Charles J. Murray Gregory M. Naylor Theodore W. Nebel Thomas C. Neumeyer Donald G. Niesen Richard E. Noel Robert C. No I te Cu rt i s .E. 01 i ve r La r ry J. ' Omohundro Wayne E. Parsons Jerry D. Peng Ye i -M i n Pierce James R. Pi.erson Ossean E. Poppleston Jerry D. Portnoff Nei I S. Pretz James W. Prinz, Ralph E. Jr. Ramey Roy R. Ra u I s Ga ry L. Ray Charles T. Ray Earl D. Ray James A. Re chner J a mes J. Reed Michael L. Rehagen Ga ry J. Reynolds Joseph C. Rhine, George I. Jr. Richardson Joe R. Ricono Marion P. Rinne Robert A. Robinson Guy M. Roes, Theodore A. III Roman Ronald J. Romberg James M. Rooney Michael J. Ross James A. Ross Lenard H.


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Alumnus/ ll

1984 Rollamo

1970 Continued Rothermich Richard A. Rowan , James M. Rushing Allen J. Sandner Bernard 14 ; Schaeffer Michael J. Schamel, Walter S. III Schiffner Larry L. Schmelzel Randolph W. Schmidt Michael G. Schmidt Thomas E. Schmitz James F. Schnake Alvin E. Schnake John S. Schroeder' R icha rd A. Schwab Robert E. Schwager John L. Schwanke CarlO. Scott ' Daniel E. Shepherd Charles A. Shephe rd Lo ren G. Shinn William K. Siege I Robe rt J. Simoneaux Joseph A . Sizemore, Lamar T . Jr. Smith Beverly D. Soong Phi I ip J.J. Spellman Daniel J. Stack Denn i s L. Stephenson Michael W. Steury Thomas D. Sun Frank Y.S. Svoboda Michael F. Swinny David W. Swyers Don R. Taylor CecilR. Tenes Edward B. Thomas James P. Thoma s ' Ve rne r E. Thomasson Wi II iam M. Thompson Earl A. Threlkeld, Hubert R. Jr. Timbrell Hami Iton C. Tolle William L . Tsay Liang-Juan Tseng Rick C.Y. Tung Chung-Yuan P. Twellman David H. Varnon, Robert L. Jr . Vaughn Paul E. Vi Ilafana David Warner John R. Webb Robert J. Weber J. Scott Weber ' Lawrence E. Williams Anita L. Williams Richard K . Wolgamott Monte L. Wortman Darrel E. Younker Forrest A. Yount Michael R. Ming-Hsun Yu Zieger, James B . Jr. Zyl ich Ronald C.

1971 Abde I - La t i f A . I sma i I A. Allen, John E. Jr. Anson Denni s G.

121 MSM Alumnus

Arant Wi II iam S. Arnold Kenneth B. Au s tin Lee S. Barnes Wi II iam M. Bartlett Gary R. Bartley, Wi II iam H. Jr. Bauman Wi I I iam J. Beckmeyer Russel I R. Be I I James A. ' Bendapudi Kasi V. Benoy Lesl ie D. Berkbigler Lar-ry 'W. Bond i James O. Bondurant David W. Boyce Daniel E. Brendel Ronald A. Bryan David O. Buckwalter John R. Budd Vi ncent J. Burke Larry R. Butchko Robert G. Butler Dennis F. Callanan DavidM. Cambier James L. Campbe I I La rry W. Carter Hal E. Cha.pman James M. Chen T"ak M. Chenoweth John S. Chouarain Michael L. Clapper Michael B. Clark Bruce B. Clark Robert E. Clemmons Russel R. Conger Glenn J. Conner Danny R. Conrad Charl~s P. Cook Henry B. Cook Michael M. Cooper Charles J . Counsi I John R. Creason Ga ry W. Deaver Randa II L. Dippold Jack D. Donze Terry W. Dostal Gregory G.J. Dout t Thoma sR. Downing Kenneth B. Drawe Stephen L. Dulatt Patrick M. Dumay Richard A. Durham Thomas G. Edwards David L. Ektermanis John A. Elliott Joseph O. Engelhardt Will iam R. Eppestine David A. Erickson Gordon L . Etwert Charles M. Fair Michael W. Farrell John S. Fennedy Bruce E. Frankl in Stephen R. Fry Henry N. Ga I Ie r Wayne J. ~al lup Archibald M. , Gaw Martin T . Gayer John G. Giesick J.ill Eo Senne J i I IE. Gl a di s h Lee A. Graham John T. Gr a y Howard W. Greene Thomas L. GucciarQo Terry A .

Gunter Jam e s D. Haiducek Rober~ C. Ha le Donald A . Ha I lock, James K. Jr. Ha I te r Edwa rd M. Ha r t Ge r a rd J . Ha u s man Dani e l P. Have ns Ma r v in R. Ha yd e n Thoma s M, He I Iweg e ,Ja me s ,W. He rron Wi I I ' i a m M. Fr a nkl in D. Hoc kett Hubb a rd Rob e rt D. J ac k s , Robert W. Jr . Her s h e l A. J a ck s on J a noch Gr e g A. Janow s ki Ge r a rd A. Jans s en James A. Keen Jerry G. Kercher Rob e rt J. Kern a n Thomas E. Ki rchner Frank S. Kraus Norman V. Kuhn Terrel E . Kuo Rong-Heng Lammers Dennis R. Lawson Montie R. Lee Ga ry M. Lemasters Steven F. Lynch Daniel F. Lynch David G. McCormick Larry L. McCormick Robert S. McGlothlin John L. McKinney Wi" iam M. Medlock Rex L. Meng James C. Merwin James R. Meyer Wi f I iam D. Mitchell Charles E. Mohal ley Robert P. Mol ine Daniel O. Moor CI inton H. Moore RonaldT. Moss Robert T. Mueller Raymond E. Muniz Raymond J. Nolan Lawrence E. Norton Michael D. Overturf Richard D. ' Pagan Ronald C. Pandey Shashi K. Parkes Roger D. Pea rce, Pau I E. Jr. Penhollow Bert G.H., Pittman Larry P. Po I ich, Victor J. Jr. Potashnick Reginald B. Pottinger Jan M. Powell ' Charles E. Raghavan Srinivasa H.R. Raithel James F. Rasch David R. Redington Stephen L . ' Reynolds John A. Richardson David N. Robinson Gordon D. Ross Michael W. Roth AI len E. Rothermich Thomas A. Roush Ronald L. Sandella Michael S. Sanders John A. Sanders(Stevens) Dee A. Sandhaus Henry W. Sandheinrich, Otto Jr. Schaefer David D. Scherrer Paul K. Schnyder, Herbert J. Jr. Schoenike Gary A. Schultz Robert L . Seabaugh AI len W. Senne • J i I I E. Giesick Jill E. Shanes Charles W. Shelton John F. She rwood Robe rt E. Sidelnik Richard D. Siesener Robert M. Simon David I~. Simpson, Daniel E. Jr. Sieboda David S. Sm i t h Da n i e I fl. Smi til Gregory P. Smith Robert E. Smith Wayne D. Richard K. So Stanfield Dennis E. Starke Richard M. Talbert Keith E. Tayloe Charles H. Thei Imann John M. Tikwart Robert J . Trentmann Norman E. Ulrich James G. Visintainer, David A. III

Wa rn e r Da vid F. Web,b Johnny . S . •, We I s ch Paul L. ; Robert L. We thington White, Charles A . III Widner GaryW . Wiechen s Steph e n W. William s Ray mond R. Wilre ke r, Victor F. Jr. Wolfington Kerry P. \-Iood Ri c hard A. Wu Shu H. Wulff C. St e ph e n Wus s ler Alfr e d J. Ya ncey Rog e r L . Yeh Shen K . Z iatic Milton T .

1972 Alinder Lloyd A. Alspaugh, Davi,d H. Anderson John R. Bachmann David E. Bell Arthur H. Berry Ropert T. Bible, Paul, L. Jr. B I ac'k Wi·'1 I i am I~. Blizewski ' Brent Boshears Jimmy L. Bottom Carey, B. Boyd Stephen J. Brose Robert L. Brown Phil lip L. Buhrmester Earl K. Burke. Teriel E.

Dear Sir, '

I am honored to be a Robert E . Dye' . scholarship reCIpient , The scholarship


help defray ' the cost

of going to school. I realize to keep this scholarship I must maintain a satisfactory academic standing, and


intend to perform the best of my ability





Thank you very much for selecting me for this scholarship. Lyle D. Evans Viburnum, Mo. Freshman, Mining

Burnett Robert L. Busch Kenneth L. Butts James D. Cadwallader George W. Ca rson A I an W. Chenoweth Daryl I W. Christen Randolph F. Cobble James J. Cole Hugh E. Coil ings James R. C ra i g Kin I ey B. Cribb John A. Curth F . Osca r Davis Robert S . ' Ga ry L . DeC I ue Dieckmeyer, Orrin J, Jr. Die'trich Andr'ew R. Edwards Gary D. Edwards, John W. Jr. Egbert Robert I. E I lis. F ra n k R. I I Ervin Charles W. Eyermann Thomas J. F~nley Robert L. Fletcher C . Scott Forsee Gary D. Freeman Raymond A. Frisbee Daniel E. Garrett L. Wayne Gloff Richard H. Grana Dominic J. Graves Paula D. Radder Paula D. Gundy Douglas G. Halbert Jeffery L. Hanke Brett L. Hanson Steve A . Hao Wuu Harms Barry A. ' Harris George L.

1972 Continued Hartman Joseph P. Hauenstein George W. Hellrich Linus H. Henry Denn i s L. Heseman Calvin R. Higgins Jack R. Hi I I Lyl e W. Hilton Robert J. Hoffmann Richard L. Hoi I iday Robert L. Holt Michael L. Hunding, Carl - W. I I I Hun se I Cha r Ie's M. I ba rra, Silnt i ago Jr. lilian Don L. Jones Alan W. Jones Charles M. Jung Richard A. Karably Louis S. Kep ley Ga ry L. Kifer Kenneth K. Konradi Keith E. Korklan H. Jeffrey Kriegshauser, Paul C. Jr. Krysa Mitchel S. Kuenzer Richard R. Kuo Robe rt l. Lambe CI inton R. Larcker D1Ivid F. Latt i sOon L. Lauth John A. Leavitt Dal las R. Marcee David C. Marek J '. Douglas Matthes, AI fred W. ' II McCormack, Ho\o(ard F. Jr. McSpadden Alan W. Merten Peter M. Mi Iler Paul D. Minden Francis J. Miodunski Robert L. Mueller Kent W. Mugan John W. Mulligan, James A. III Myers, Charles T. I I I Nash Lee A. Nelden James W. Nelson ' Robert W. Neutzl ing Gary M. North Michael A. Oestreich Melvin C. Oetzel Roger P. o live r Da n i elL. Ore I I a Ga ry J. Oster Kenneth B. Ostermann Norman P. Padgett Donald L. Park Dean A. Partridge Ralph M. Pe rez W. Ma r i e Peters John- W. Phipps Jo hn' O. Pit t Da Ie M. Po Ii tte James E. Puettmann David R. Radder Norman C. Radder Paula D. Graves Paula - D. Ranek William F. Riegel Richard J. Rodick Stephen J. Ross Glenn R. Rush Steven D. Sa Imon Jerry R. Scheibel Thomas E. Schlett Paul E. Schoenefeld, Karl F. III Sch\o(artz George K. Sch\o(eer Jeffery A. Sindel, Marvin V. Jr. Smith Gary A. Sm i th Richard L. Smith Russell D. Stallion Michael W. Stanley Robert L. Stehly Daniel W. Stephens Dennis L. Stevens, O. Dale II Summers A. Larry Taylor Michael E. Taylor Roger K. fenfeld er John W. Titus Russel L. Tomasella Renato N. Trancyng er Michael L. Vandiver Gary W. Vog e lpohl David R. Ward Jo se ph R. Wassi l ak John R. Wert hma n , John P. Jr. Wicki ze r Charles R. Widmer Rex C. Witte Don a ld R.

Woods, Roy B. I II Woosley David E. lerlo(ig Larry J. Zimmer Paul A. Zinselmeier Albert C.

1973 Akers Steven M. Alverson V. Michael Anderson Gary S. Ander sD n Gregory T. Anderson Michael B. Bade Norman D. Bain Joseph E. Baker John W. Bauer I~ ark G. Beck William J. Beckmeyer Margy A. Rice Margy A. Behan Thomas A. Bergtholdt Stephen J. Berkbigler Kathryn M.P. Bethards Charles W. Black, Harold E. Jr. Blattel Steven R. Bratovich Matt W. Bremer Wayne P. Brinton John C. Bro\o(n, Thoma s S. I I I Bruns, Berna rd A. 11 ·1 Bryant Steven D. Buchmeier William K. Bude Ronald O. Butts Michael C. Byrne Patrick M. Campbel I Fred W. Ca rte r Ka ren S . Co I te r Kim D. Cope Robert W. Court Michael R. . Cunningham William P. Danner Mary B. Davies Carol A. Langemach Carol A. Dege I Frank C. Dekold Joseph M. Denney Gary G. o i c ko f Fra n k A. Dierker Steven B. Doering Dennis N. Do\o(ns Phi I ip R. Earnest Randal E. Easterwood Michael J. Ed\o(ards Michael P. Ed\o(a rds Sa rah S. Samp I e Sa rah S. Elmore James H. Emanuel Richard L. Fadem ' Cra.jg L. Fahy Michael P. Fehl ig Mark G. Fennewald Gary J. Fetterman Phillip S. Figueroa Marco F. Fischer Ludwig J. Fitzpatrick Wi II iam J. Flaminio Charles L. Fu I kerson, Frank M. Jr. Gault Randolph P. Gayer Evelyn L. Goldammer Steven R. Gonzenbach Jack E. Graves Thomas E. Grotefendt Rande H. Gul ley George H. Halsted Da v id L. Harris Gerald L. Hedden Steven J. Hegg Wi ' l fred E. Hellrich JamesH. Hendren Larry L. Hinkle K. Daniel Hofer John R. Hudson Paula Jansky Jon at hon P. Jone s Ronald L. Kahle Thomas A. Kahrs EI i za beth D. Keating John M. Kientzy Dona ld W. Killinger John C. Kle inman Robert A. Kluge Rolland H. Kno I I Da v idA. Kramer Roger L. Kroeter David W. Kruse Law re nce G. Kuechenmeister Kenneth W. Kuntz Rich a rd D. Kuzdas Adrian C. Lamano Larry L.

Lance Richard J. Lane Wi II iam L. La ngemach Ca ro I A. Davies Carol A. Lawler Charles E. Lederle Gary J. Lee Hermes Lett Steven K. Le\o( is La\o(rence L. Lindstrom John A. Lissant Keith J. Loma x , Victor W. Jr. Loud Ga ry D. Marienfeld Mark L. Marolf James W. McClure David T. Means Jimmy L. III i I ne Robe rt J. Minoff Jerry f1i tche I I Bruce S. Mohr David P. Moo re Kind a I I W. Moscoso A ' Jose A. Mundis David M. Nance TerryJ. NiehOff Michael E. Nugent John C. Owens Rosemary F. ROis Rosemary F. Payne John R. Pederson Paul E. Pendergrass Dennie L. Petermann Ernie W. Peters Richard E. PettY Keith A. Pol Im~nn Ronald M. Powe rs Da nny' K. Preston Robert P.. Rambo\o( Frederick Ree I Dana V. Rice Margy A. Beckmeyer Margy A. Ri~hter Michael G. Rissell Michael E. Robertson Stephen L. Rocoberto Michael Rois Ro~emary F. Owens Rosemary F. Rorabaugh James I. Sallas John J. Sample Sarah S. Edward s Sarah S. Sams, John L. Jr. Schafermeyer Richard G. Schi II ing John R. Schindler George A. - Schluetffr Steven E. Scott Larry L. Scowcroft Terry A. Skain John C. Skasick Steven M. Siovensky R. Clayton Smith Richard A. Stanley NichOlas C. Ste I Ie rn Ge ra I d M. Ste\o(art Robert L. Stratman Mark X. Stritzel David L. Thompson J. Kenneth Tindi I I John J. Toch Maximi I ian Vaeth Richard M. Wade Ed\o(a rd N. lola Ilace Lloyd N. Walz Michael A.

Watkins Wesley S. Weddle ,P·hi I ip B. :Wegener Curt L. Weidler Gary R. Werner Kenneth W. Wi Ihelms Steven C. Wi Ilmore Jerr.y L. Wi I loughby Ronald D. Wi I son Chri s D. 101 i I son 101 i I lis J. Yates Frank M.

1974 Adams John E. Adkins Carolyn ' S. Burchfield Carolyn S. Adkins Robert D. Anderson Dennis R. Bachman, Wi II iam G. Jr . Bachmann Roy O. Ba rka,l ow Thoma s W. Barris Stephen N. Beers, Jac.k C. II Bonczyk Bruce S. Borgmeyer Marvin E. Breece David R. Brendel James B. Bridges Steven D. Briggs James A. Brueckmann Michael A. Burchfield Carolyn S. Adkins Carolyn S. Calvin Paul N. Campbel I John R. Canizares Hugo M. Cerulo Michael E. Christy Ed\o(ard J. Clarke William P. Clausen Edgar C. Clavenna Mark D. Coates Wi I I a rd D. Coil ins Co lleen A. Fitzgerald Coll een A. Critchfield Jonn W. Cropp -~- Kenton A. Curdt J . Ca Iv in Da\o(es Ronald F. Deaver EI izabeth E. Todd EI izabeth E. Degenha rdt Dean A. Do ty, E I me r L. Jr. Duane Nicholas C. Dupont Steven J. Durst Ma rga ret M. Poepse I Ma rga ret M. Elgin Richard L. Engberg Robert A. Ent\o(i st I e, James M. Jr. Eybe rg Ca r I J. Farley Lyn R. Ferrante Joseph S. reurer Dennis J. Fitzgerald Colleen A. Coli ins Colleen A. Fo i I James L. Gam: Steven T. Gardiner Kenneth D. Gibson John W. Gibson Kristie C. Gi Ibert John A. Goen Johnie L.

1984 Rollamo


Alumnus/ 13

1974 Continued Green Charles R. Grotefendt Judith R. Wi I son judith R. Hadley Susan H. Rothsch i Id Susan H. Ham Jo hn S. Ha mi I ton Kenneth C. Harris, Norman A. Jr. Harr i so n Diana L. Toth Diana L. Hayes Thomas E. Head David W. Hempler Robert G. Hervey Steven R. Heuckroth Mark W. Heu ck roth Wi II i a m E. Hi gg in s Arthur J. Hill Roger A. Hoefl inger Larry J. How ser Gerry W. Hudiburgh, Gary W. Jr. Hughes Dale W. Hughes Wi II iam J. Hupp Ke nton L. Hurst, Lind e ll R. Jr. Hurst Michael D. Id en Douglas C. Inman Phi II i p W. Ivers Jeffrey L. Jearls, Louis B. ·J r. Johnson Bruce L. Jone s Jame s S . Kee ling Mi c hae IF . Ke I I i son Rodney D. Kerns Randy G. Kinse ll a Micha e l J. Koly Jo hn M. Kornacki AI.n S. Krener Gi Imore W. Ku l iniewicz AI len P. Lapp M. Monic a Lauer M. Monica Larkins Richard R. Lauer M. Monica Lapp M. Monic a Lega te John E. Lenz R i cha rd G. Lew i s Nea I A. MacMa nn Paula J. Palette Pau l a J. Maise Ke nn eth C. Mall Michael G. Maur se th Jerome A. McDan ie l , Robert S. Jr. McFa r l and Dan L. McKee Richard H. Me i Anthon y L. Me l ton John R. Me remonte Richard A. Mess ina Anthohy D. Midd e ndorf Mark A. t~i Il e r Janet B. Mi Il er Micha el J. Mit tie r V i rg i n i a Shou l ders Virgi n i a Motherwe ll Jonathan T. Muck Darryl W. Ne umann Ni colaus P. Oldh a m Steven C. Orcutt Donald R. Ortwert h Craig N. Pa r i a n i Ga ry J . Patton Stephen L. Payne Richard D. Poep se l Margaret M. Dur s t Ma rga ret M. Polakowski David R. Polette Paula J. MacMann Paula J . Pool John M. Pracha k"ej Sup pama s Queathem Ro bert L. Raab Char les L. Ragan Michae l E. Randa I I Ha rvey G. Rehkop Thomas G. Rice David A. Rice Lynn C. Sheridan Lyn n C. Rich Jerry L. Robertson Wi II i a m G. Rogers William L. Rom i ne B i I I Y J . Rosenfe ld John G. Roth sc hi Id Susan H. Had l ey Susan H. Russe I I J. Kensey Sager David A. Saporita Vincent J. Sa uerwien Richard P. Schade Stephen S . Schwartz Andrew J. Se lim A I i A.

l4 / MSM

1984 Rollamo

Sewe l I Steven L. Sheahen David J. Sherard,. Rona Id E. Jr. Sheridan Lynn C. Rice Lynn C. Shoulders Virgi n ia Mittler Virginia Sm i th Br uce G. Sm i th Kenneth E. Smith Ricky D. Sm i th Stephen D. Souders Steven W. Speck Robert C. Staponsk i Randa I I E. Steele Kevin Stegner George D. Steinnerd Donald J. Sta nger Michael G. St rangho ener Randy L. Sue ll entrop Ste phen G. Tabers Brady D. Te rry Michael L. Tha lhammer Mark G. Thomp son Ra nda I I G. T i ehes Robert V. T ill man Steven M. Todd EI i zabeth E. Deaver EI izabeth E. Toth Diana L. Harr i son Di a na L. Trave l stead Char l es W. Trip l ett Derrel W. Vandenberg h Maurice E. Van Fl eer Dav id R. Wal s h John G. Warfie ld David M. Weese John R. Wil son Judith R. Grot e fendt Jud i th R. Witthaus Terry A. Yoco m Char les W. Young David M. Ziatnick Sta n ford D.

1975 Ackerman Richard E. Acree, Wi I I iam E. Jr. Ad a ms E ric B. Agnew Allen B. Aronberg Garry R. Ba r rack Nicholas E. Basye Richard E. Bertram Je ffery P. Bier Patrick K. Blauve lt David S. Boden ha mer Steven D. Boehme Vernon P. Bog l er Thoma s J. Boi l es John H. Borc herdi ng, Donald A. Jr. Borowiak Thoma s G. Brake Michael B. Broshears Wi II i a m E. Brown Ric ky J . Brugger Patrick H. Burnh a m Jo sep h L. Bussey Pau I F. Capps J effrey C. Chap man Step hen R. Che n Wen-Liang W.

Cl ayton Barbara J. C lin e Ga ry W. Cobb David E. Co le Jimmy D. Da n i e I I s, Cha r I e s P. Jr. Davis Michael L. Dolson Geo r ge M. Durand David S . Durbin Rona ld C. Durington Davi d A. Ebe rt . Joseph J. Ell ebrec h t David E. Ell i s Thoma s B. Eppest in e Diane C. Gibbs Diane C. Er i ckso n Al an G. Erickson' Ch r i sti na K. Er ns t, Wi II iam K. Jr. Fisher Patric e M. Harman Patr ice M. F l ack Frank L. Fou rni e r Joseph D. Ga lbi erz Bruce E. Gibbs Diane C. Eppesti ne Diane C. Gnagey Grover H. Goecke l er Car l R. Goyer Randolph W. Harman Patrice M. Fi s her Patrice M. He i sse rer Ka r l M. Henry Dou glas J. Higgins Jerry D. Hill Robert C. Hi Ilh.o use Char les A. Hi Ilhou se ' Michael D. Hinkl e De lores J. James Delores J. Hoffman Janice M. Hoffman Wayne L. Ho l comb Steve n K. Holmes Roger E. Ho'ops Wi lli am C. Huang Jong-Chin Hung Nguye n V. James Delore s J. Hinkle De lores J. Jansen Robert P. Joshua Micha e l W. Kambo I Stephen A. Ke i I Lou i s H. Knoch Ja'mes W. Koby l in~ki Richard A. Koehler David E. Ko I z e, V. Wi I I i am Jr. Kunderman Vincent J. La rk i ns Lawre nce J. Le emann Gary D. Leitterman Pamela A. Thebeau Pame l a A. Linker Rodney E. Lohman Edward J. Lu Ch i a Sou l J. Maddo x Hub ert R. Ma rsh Janet E. Martin James H. Ma rt i ng Joh n J. McBride Gregory C. McGowan Thomas J. McLaughl in , Frank Jr . Merte ns Ferdinand J. Mertens Mi c hae l F. Mi esner Th omas O. Mil Ie r Ra ndy B. Mittler Thoma s J. Mu e ll er Larry E. Mull in Jean M. Roberts J ean M. Myers Kenneth L. Ng uye n Kho H. Ni cko I ey Wi I I i a m E. 01 i ver Pamela S . Ott J a mes W. Overmyer La nce A. Paschke All en J. Patrick Wes ley C. Perry Mich ae l M. Pe t e rson Mi tche I IF . Pi na i re Ro na I d Quinn Mich ae l J. Rachels Darre ll J. Rakestraw Ro bbie R. Rec h t i e n Thomas J. Rigg s , James M. Jr . Roberts J ean r~. Mul r in J ea n M. Rodgers Edward W. Roy Daniel C. Sa wyer Randa I I L. Schu l er David P. Shco lnik David H. Siag i a n Marwan Sk ibi sk i Kevin C. Smith J ohn L. Starkweather Mi c hae l H.



Stee l e Donald D. St.einkoetter Wirliam T. Ste ll ern JohnL. Step hens J a mes W. Storck W. Fred Sweet Da.rre I I L. Te rb rock Jack i e Yates Jackie Tesar Ma rk W. Thatcher Dav id A. Thebeau Pamela A. Leitterman Pa me la A. Timmermann George J . Tsukamoto Tadashi Van , Ha rty C. Jr. Van Horn Wi II iam L. I-Ia I l ing Da Ie L. Warfe l Micha e l R. Welc~ Bernard J. Wenk Dan K. Westermayer John C. Wi I I i am s J a me s H. Wi II iam son Richard F. Wil so n Daniel M. · I-linkelmann Ray E. Wood Dennis L. Yates Jackie Terbrock Jack i e Ze rw i g Ha r ry J. Zgragge n Th omas R.

Dear Sirs: It was with great surprise that I was pulled out of my fifth period class in school to find that I had been awarded an Alumni scholarship for $1 ,000 from Rolla. I would like to express my appreciation for selecting me for this honor. . I will be visiting the Rolla campus again this coming Saturday; and am eager to start my education in Engineering. Thank you' again for this scholarship; it is truly an honor. Sincerely, David R. Schick Ballwin, Mo. Incoming Freshman

1976 Abney Paul A. Ada ms Step hen D. Aha l William R. Ahrens Jun e K. Amidi Jamshid Arndt Terry L. Austin Margot H. Barclay David A. Baxter, Dona rd E. CLU. Becker Kat h ryn A. Hand Ka t hry n A. Bellassai Ja cques J. Benson Wi II iam A. Bernstein Linda K. Ri ley Linda K. Boe s I Ea r I J. Bowers Cra ig R. Bo xx James P. Bradley Da le E. Bradley David R. Brau n Robert P. Bray Lan a J. Sc ott La na J. Brisbee Terry R. Coffman Terry R. Brothers Step hen A. Brown Mi c hael D. Cannon , George E. Jr. Ca rter John D. Cnstor Lawrence W. Ctla flg Yu Ta i Chron i ster Do na ld J . Ci ec iwa Gregory A. Coffman Terry R. Brisbee Terry R. Co l eman Kim C. Livengood Kim C. Cllmmin gs Ted r~ .

1976 Continued Da b I e r , Ed~ a rd R. Jr . Deloach Char l es L. Denner' Dav id K. Denner Denise M. Lovasco Denise M. DiN apo l i Mi c ha e l A. Do I I e Ga ry L. Drec hs ler Ter r y L. Dudley James W. Dul in Cat her in e L. Ste llern Catherine L. Dunlop, J a mes S. Jr. Dutton, Roland E. J r. Eckert Step he n G. Eli f r its C. Da I e Ell is Michael E. Feagan Wi Ibur S . Feldmann John C. Filla Debra A. Manning De bra A. Gordy Thoma s W. Griese James C. Haigh Bruce W. Hand Kathryn A. Becker Kathryn A. Harmon Cynthia S. Hi I leary Cynthia S. Headrick Victoria ~ . S~eetser Victoria K. Heldenbrand Lonnie G. Helmkamp Robert E. · Hesse Paul J. Hicks Gregory K. Hilleary Alexander L. Hi I leary Cynthia S. Harmon Cynthia S . Hudson Dale D. Ipock D. Freddie I to Ak ira Jackson Ronald E. Jaeger John J. Kelahan Robert C. Kuhn Catherine M. Schol I Catherine M. Kuhn David H. Klitz Anthony W. Lammert Leland V. Leach Rodney W. Lee Darrell R. Leitterman Dennis W. Leonard James V. Le~is J effery L. Liefer Mark E. Livengood Kim C. Coleman Kim C. Loma x Lindsay E. Lo vasco De nise M. Denner Denise M. Lueckenhoff Michael J. Luetkemeyer Kenneth E. Mahin CI ifford A. Mangoff, John N. Jr. Manning Debra A. . Fi Iia Debra A. McCann Le~is A. McCarthy Michael F. McCartney Ji I I A. Westermayer Ji I I A. McCoy Thomas H. McMi Ilan Dru e ry W. ' McNea I Ph iii p W. Mil I e r Me I ani e G. Naeger Melanie G. Mil I s J a me sA. Millsap Steve A. Mudd Ri c hard W. Murray . Richard E. Naeger Melanie G. Mi I ler Melani e G. Oberdick R. Kevin Offutt, Joseph C. I I I Pe r rymo re Lo yd G. Porte r Paul D. Proctor, Frank E. Jr. Puetz Willi am C. Rackers Dennis S. Rembo ld Ronald J . Rhodes W. Bruce Ri l ey Linda K. Bernste in Lind a K. Robeson Michelle A. Sa mp so n, Rodney J. I I Sapp Pau I W. SappiQgton Gayle L. Scarboro ugh John P. Schepf l in I·li c hae l D. Schmidt Ed~ard A. Sc holl Catherine M. Kuhn Catherine M. Schroeder Jo se ph R. Sch~ab La~rence R. Sch~ager Sa Ily S. Scott Lana J. Bray Lana J .

Shoema ke r La r ry W. Simon Denni s M. Ski I Iman Daniel W. Skipper Da v id J. Smi th D i )l i F . Smith Dougl as E. Stack Ir v in R. Ste llern Cat her in e L . Dul in Catherine L. St in son David E. S~eetser Victoria K. Headr i ck Victoria K. S~e nt y Brian J. S~ in a r sky Gera ld Torres John P. Trimbl e John R. Turn e r , Jame s M. Jr. Und er~oo d Daniel H. Va i I Roge r I. Van Praag Jeffrey R. Vlcek Robert W. Vo llma r, Jo sep h E. Jr. Wassi lak Jeffry P. Westermayer J i I I A. McCartney Ji I I A. Wi ese Charles W. Woessner Michael E. Wood James D.

1977 Allen Bruce H. Alsberg Charles F. Alvey Mark S. Appel Dennis C. Baker Mitchel I B. Bakhshi Virendar S. Beck Phi I ip J. Bippus WiliiamJ . Bishop David K. Boegner Phi I ip J . Bradfield James F. Brad~ay Bruce R. Bre~er La~rence O. Call MarkG. Carr , Montie L. Ca~lfield David W. Chicoineau Phi I ippe Chinn Russel I A. CI ifford Jimmie D. Cody ' Pa trick J. Col I ins La~rence W. Colvin Kathleen M. Meyerkord Kathleen M. Cook Aa ron L. Copeland Gregory C. Co~an Keith J. Denton Randy G. Derbak Gregory S. Dickman John J. Diestelkamp David A. Dye Rebecca J. Pa rkh i I I Rebecca J . Eckelkamp James T. Eloe Paul W. Fi Ii a Michael J. Fitzmaurice Richard R. Frank Gregory B. Fronick David H. ~aebler Robert F. Ga Ilagher John B. Gianino Kenn et h M. Giesler Arthur L. Gioia Jo se ph M. Goda r James A. Goodman Harvey E. Greaves Wayne C. Gutierrez Ernest Hahn Veronica D. J a nsen Veron ica D. Ha mi I ton Lesl ie R. Harland Gary O. ' Hastey, James P. Jr. Hatcher, Price III Hau I Robert W. Her tf e l der Warren W. Hofman Jerry L. Hoog Timothy J. Huntoon Pamela J. Jackso n L a~rence C. Janse n Veron i ca D. Hahn Veronica D. Johnso n Sta nl ey C. Kim Seo n K. Kinn ett Douglas G. Koby l inski Edmu nd A. Koch Da ni e l B. Koch Stephen J. Kolze Thomas J. Koss i na Pau I G. Lac y Thomas C. Ladage , J o hn J . Jr. Langkopf Brenda S.

Leo nard Robert G. Lin c ic ome J ames D. Li ve ng ood Ross D. Loos, Loui s G. I I Mac Glashan Mar k L. Marx Michael A. Ma rx Sa nd ra K. Turnbough Sa~dra K. Mattes, Roy J. Jr. M c D o~e l I Michael D. McGrath, George M. J r. McKean Mi c hae l W. Me rritt John D. Methen y, Wi II i a m E. Jr. Meyerkord Kat hle e n M. Co lv in Kathleen M. Mi nne E ric M. Mo e I Ie r i rig Doug I as F. Mo rgan T~yla D. Mosby Randa I I L. Mull ins Kathleen M. Wright Ka thle e n M. Naege r Robe rt J. N e~ by Arnold S. Nielsen Kurt S. Northcraft Jeffre y S. Panhorst Terry L. Pa rkh i I I Rebecca J. Dye Rebecca J. Pa rkh i I I Stua rt T. Parrish Bradley R. Perry David L. Poe Dav i d H. Post Ste ven W. Price Peter T. Price Sean E. Primeau Steven T. Rauzi Thoma s J. Reid Bi Ily W. Renner John W. Ruh ling Ga ry A. Ryan Mark E. Ryan Thomas C. Sammet Dennis M. Sampl E> William G. Schnettgoecke Lambert G. Schnoebelen, Paul C. III Searcy Kenneth P. Sebree Mark M. Si I lyman Joe-y E. Smith Richard C. Stutsman John V. Sudholt Terry' A. Tsa i Kuo-Chun Turnbough Sandra K. Ma r x Sa nd ra K. Van Houton D. Larry Vento John A. Voge I R,i cky R.

1984 Rollamo

Waldschmidt Richard J. ~Ialker John Wang Dav id C. Wei ding er Donald J. Weiss Michael W. Welzbacher J eff r ey D. We nz l ick John D. Whelan Fra nc i s D. Willett NaryJ. Wi II iams Ro na Id J. Wright Kathleen M. Mu ll in s Kat hle e n M. Wyatt Bradley J . Yo ung Cl ar i ssa C. Yu . Jo seph F. Z ie gl er John A.

1978 {>.I I en St e phen L. Ba ke r Rona IdE. Ba I I i e~ E I a i ne A. Christian Elaine A. Baumann Richard E. Bayer Michael G. Beauchamp Robert W. Behr Van c e L. Benoit Charles M. Beresik Theodore L. Bergman Bruce W. Bernstein Craig S. Be s tor Ted F. Bodenhamer Kevin C. Boni Ila, Alfredo III Briscoe Thomas W. Bro~n Dona I dR. Brugnara Michael A. Budd Deb ra J. Buffington Darrel I L. Bullman Mrs Ga Ie Busby Michael J. Callahan Susan L. Campbell William T. Ca~ve,y James L. Chamberlain Ethan A. Charles Albert L. Christian Elaine A. Bal I ie~ Elaine A. Coldiron Michael L. Cole Patrick L. Coonrod Nei I R. Co rb i n Ga ry A. DeThorne Jacquelyn M. Falconi Jacquelyn M. Durbin Robert C. Engeman Ivan L. Epperson Joseph Erickson Kelvin T. Falconi Jacquelyn M. . DeThorne Jacquelyn M. . Fo rd, Fe r r i I I E. Jr . Fo~ I e r Kim R. Gi lIe s pie John E. Goldammer Russell L. Goodlet Roger F. Gredell Thomas R. Green Alan W. Hannah Jeffrey T. Harland Stephanie A. Touzinsky Stephanie A. Harrington Nancy E. Hayne s Michael A. Heatherly Nicholas A. He i sse re r Me I v i n R. Hepler Thomas E. Hilton Wilma M. Ki rn Wi I ma M. Hi tc hcock David C. Holland, David K. J r . Hunter John J. Ihm s David W. Johnson Robert J. John ston Karl A. Jones Dennis D'. Kasten Bradley W. Keaster Danie l J. Ki rkpatrick James C. Ki rn Wi I ma M. Hi l ton Wilma M. Lang Gregory A. Lattner Ja mes R. Laurentius Ric hard P. Lautensch laeger Steven D. ' Les i re John L. Levings David M. Le~ i s Da v i dB. Li nc icome E. Di anne Speer E. Dianne Litchfield, Arthur C. Jr. Love Rosemary M. Ma rt i n Da n i elL. Mathe~s Fred M. Ma ~e I I Ga ry R. Ma~ell L a~re nc e E.


Alumn usl1 5

1984 Ro\lamo

1978 Continued McBee Sha ra J. Mount Sha ra J. McCa I lister Terry D. McMinn Rita S. ' Stockheck e r Rita S. Mees David R. Melcher John P. Melton , Douglas C. Jr. Mount Sha ra J. McBee Sha ra J . Nauert, Paul .J. Jr . Obermann David F. O'Brien, Joseph R. Jr. Olson Stephen A. Parker James W. Perkins Gregory S . Pippenger Jackie G. Posey Jack W. Puckett James L. Rau James T. Re Ga ry F. Reed Danny A. Rethmeyer Stephen J. Roenfeldt Mark A. Sanchez Gualberto J. Sauer StacyJ. Schaefer, Donald B. Jr. Schaefer Michael E. Scheihing Terry R. Schne I I Robe rt J. Sees David H. Seppe I t Ma rk E. Sha rp John T. Shaw Haur D. Sikavi Tony Simac Michael R. Simmons David M. Speer E. Dianne Lincicome E. Dianne Statler David E. Stelzer David J. Stockhecker Rita S. McMinn Rita S. Stolwy·k John N. Theising David A. Touzinsky Stephanie A. Harland Stephanie A . Unklesbay .A.G. Waldbart Theodore B. Webers David I~. Whit e Kevin D. Wi fkin s Arthur T. Wi II iams Bradford D. Winn e tt Micha e l D. Wint e r Da v id G. Wolff Leonard A. Woo t ten John M. Wright James M. Zimmerman Mi c hae l H. Zimmermann , Rog er C. Jr. Zipp Robert P.

1979 Ackerson Deborah J . Carleton Debora h J . Ackerson Mich a el D. .Bach Thomas E.

16/ MSM


Bagley Willi a m C. Basler Michael J. Belder:! David C. Bene Deb ra A. Benignu s Thoma s D. Benton Reginald H. Ben z La rry J .. Beshir Massen Beye r Bria n J . Bhakta Satish D. Blankenship Dean M. Bridges Thomas L. Burg Kenneth M. Ca lise Sa I va to re J. Campbell Wolfgang S . Carleton Deborah J. Ackerson Deborah J. Ca rney Edw in R. Centner Patricia A. Chamorro Rodrigo S. Clauss, Lee L. Jr. Cobb . Gary K. Corlew Rebecca S. Wingfield Rebecca S. Cru I I Robert J. Daniel Kathleen S. Mi le ,- -- Kathleen S. Dearing Larry E. Diebold Stephen M. Di I I Kathleen A. Shelden Kathleen A. Doerr Kenneth J. Dolan John M. Doyle Patricia A. Dresse I Denn i s T. Eales Christopher J . Emi Iy De nnis J. Englehart Wi II iam E. Etem Ri c hard D. Fisher A. Jay Fi t z gera Id Paul H. Fleddermann Kim E. Forck Glen F. Ford Stephen P. Foster Mi 10 G. Fulton Anne Gardner Donald J. G i b I e r Ca rma J. Ston e Ca rma J. Gl a dbach Jos e ph G. Goldkamp Daniel J . Greer Louis M. Guethler Timothy A. Hadl e y St a nton W. Ha r t J . Do ug I a s Ha s ta inK i rk R. Hea ton Mark W. He imburg e r St anley A. Hengel David P. He nson D. Ke nt Ho l c omb Timothy J. Holle y Janice J. Ho v i s Mark A. Hrenak, John A. Jr . Huffma n Vi c ki L. Jo e rn Vicki L . Humphre ys, Ri c ha rd F. Jr . J aco bi Ca rl L. J a nto s ik , Edwa rd C. Jr. Jo e rn Vicki L. Huffman Vi c ki L. J ohn so n Stephen C. Ju st us Da y na K.

Kavanaugh Sue M. Maski I I Sue M. Kemper Dav id A. Kin c hen Johanna M. Yuhas Johanna M. Knu c kle s Ca rl W. Krahenbuh I Ma rk D. Kru s ie Ron a ld S . Kuelker Eugene L.. Kunkel Kath e rin e K. Wesse l s chmidt Ka th e rin e K. Lamme rt Paul T. Lewi s J e ff e ry S. Lind s trom Dea n I. Lockington St eve n M. Luc as Mich ae l J . Lu e hrma n Lo i s M. Ma dd e n Timo th y J. Ma nning Jon A. Masc hek Th omas J. Mas ki II Sue M. ' Kava na ugh Sue M. Mattion e Vinc e nt G. Ma tt s on Charl es E. McCann Ch r ist o ph e r E. Mil b u rri Da r r e I IE. Mi l es Kathl ee n S . Daniel Kathl e en S. Mi Il e r Ge orge H. Montgomery Douglas B. Mye r s J i mm i e B. Nankivi I Mark A. Neumann James P. Nguyen Tri X . Nunna lIy Robert C. O'Daniel I Michael W. O'Dea r ' Cr a i g S. Ohmer Greg D. Pagan John C. Paul J a mes T. Pi Ie, Thomas N. Jr. Poo rHome r L. Potthast Susan H. Protte Ga ry R. Pundmann Joel A. Quenon Robert H. Ri ley Kent D. Rosenauer Thomas J . Ruder Jo se ph A. Rudy Mark R. Rundle Robert F. Runge Ma rk E. Ru s se I I Pa ul P. Sa Ilwas s er Steven V. Sa ue r , Ha r ry J. I I I Schmitt Randal I J. Shelden Kathleen A. Di I I Kathleen A. Sherrill DonaldA. Shirley Jerry W. Sikes Stanley C. Slusher Morgan P. Smith Keith A. Stalnaker Kevin W. Stein Wi II iam J . Stock Michael D. Stone Ca rma J. G i b I e r Ca rma J . Stupka Mich a el T. Su I I iva n Steven M·. Summerford Breck E. Swinson John R. Thompson Patrick F. Tordoff David B. Tramp e Jana L. Zigrye Jana L. Turek J. Leo Unne r s ta I I, Lawrence H. Jr. Veatch Ann E. Whitty Ann E. Wa I ker , Burton K. I II Wayne Gregory L. Welch Clare A. Wessel schmidt Katherine K. Kunkel Katherine K. Wetteroth Thomas A. Wet z el Lawrence W. Whitty Ann E. Vea tch Ann E. Wi II ia ms Gaylard T. Wilson Llo y d C. Wi Ison Micha e l A. Wingfield Rebec ca S. Corlew Reb e c c a S. Wit t Les l i e D. Wolf Lawrence D. Wood Teddy J . Yuha s Johanna M. Kin c hen Johanna M. Zigrye J a na L. Tra mpe Jan a L. Z i g r ye St e phen L.

Adam s David L. As follr Karim W. Ba rbour Ko e I leG . Be cher Marg a r e t M. Be en Robe rt J. Bl ev in s Dougla s N. Booher Pa ul D. Brewton, Wi I be r t R. Jr . Brig h t Pa u I K. Brown Bra dl e y A. B'ryant .Danny T. Ca sey John T. Co il in s Di a na L. Eng e man Diana L. Co ok Chri s toph e r C. Cowa n Ch e r i e R. Crid e r Jo se ph A. Cul ve r Rob er t E. Da i Iy Kri s t y K. Defe nbaugh Kri s t y K. Da nz o Fra nc i s V. De f e nbaugh Kr i s ty K. Da i Iy Kri s t y K. De ni s on Da v id G. De Sha z o, Henry N. II Dittma ier Th oma s A. Dohle Kev in G. Dos s Eddie H. Dyer Jame s A. Dy kman John R. Eckelkamp Martin J. Eiffert Kenton L. Engelken Robert D. Engeman Diana L. Coli ins Diana L. Erb Rebecca S. Montgomery Rebecca S. F ra n k Wi I I i am E. Fulton -Dwight D. Fulton Susan V. Payne Sus a n V. Gamewel I Robert L. Geerlings Jack F. Ge isel Jane K. Guidicini Jane K. Glauz Wi II iam W. Goetz Kenneth D. Gray Robert L. Guenther Donald E. Guidicini Jane K. Geisel Jane K. Hackman Kend a I I B. Hami Iton Wayne A. Harnagel David W. He i m Pa t ric i a L. Thebeau Patricia L. Helfrich Thoma s J. Henry Lindsey R. Hilke - DavidL. Hoffman John G. Hoi I is Joseph H. Holmes, Wi II iam R. Jr. Hrovat Kinleigh J. Rosenauer Kinleigh J. Hummel Kenneth A. lIoputaife Obiajulu I. Jacobs Linda M. Madonna Linda M. Jernigan, David R. I I Joern Karl C. Jost Jeffrey J . Kang I nchu I Kattelmann Jean C. King Janet M. Rimmey Janet M. Klavetter Elmer A. Klump Michael G. Krafft J a mes D. La i nAnd rew S . Lang Walter W. Leichenauer Thomas F. Loesch Janet L. Reiter Janet L. Loesch Terry L . Lovinggood Rob e rt W. Madonna Linda M. Ja c ob s Lind a M. Ma ginni s Ri c hard L. Math e y, John D. Jr. Mc Ca rthy, Rob e rt W. I I McDa niel Ernie C. Mc Eniry Char4e s M. Mc Field, Charle s B. Jr. McGowan Me r ri Iy A. Shaw Merri Iy A. Mcintyre Lesl ie L. Mich e l Daniel K. r~ i I I ma n r~a r tin J . Ml y narczyk Mich a el R. Moning Russell R. Montgome ry Re becca 3 . Erb Re be cca S . Nae ger Dav id J.

1980 Continued Nichol s John S. Ni x William , j. Norman, Charles W. Jr. No rri s Clay 1\. Null Steven B. Pau I Raymond E. Payne Susan V. Ful t on Susan V. Plank Darrell A. Porter Ted E. Price Clayton E. Purtee Iva B. Raines Ronald l. Ranard We s ley J. Reed David E. Re iter Jan et l. Loesch Janet l. Rimmey Janet M. King J a net M. Roller Perrin R. Ronchetto Ge ne C. Rosenauer Kinleigh J . Hro va t Kinleigh J. Rotrame I John D. Ru f Thoma sR. Sc heiter Gen e l. Schel ich Andrew C. Schmitt Da v id W. Schneider Robert M.

Dear Board Members, I want to thank you very much for the Alumni Scholarship that I will be receiving this year (84-85) . It was enthusiastically received and appreciated-and will be put to good use in assisting with expenses during freshman year. I am already anticipating the effort I'll have to put forth to maintain a 3.5 G.P.A. ' and hopefully I can achieve this goal. Thank you ver.y much again, Christine Rossmann St. Louis; Mo. Freshman, Electrical

Schubert Stephen J . Shaw Merri Iy A. McGowan Merri Iy A. Shi II ing Thomas B. Sievers -Donald A. Simac David W. S I a ma Da vi d C. Sm i th And r ew l. Smith Gera Id K. Sm i th Rona I d L. Smi th Th'oma s A. Sta fford ~ichael J. Stee le St e ph e n G. Ste l zer Eric H. Su i I i va n , Th omas J. Jr. Surau d Michael .P. Talty Theresa D. Thebeau Patricia L. He im Patr i c i a l. Timm Gary A. Turne r Susan I . Urban Ma rk A . Vermette Glen K. Vio x Mark G. Vis i o George M. Vo lker Fredric W. Walz Mark D. Watson Kevin D. Webb David W. Weeks Greg A. Wesse I James l. Wessel sc hmidt Ke ith D. Westr i c h Br i a n A. Will e Robert J. Wi I I i a ms T immy A. Winter Be nj a min P. Zimmerman Kennet h M.

1981 And rew Pa u I D. Ange I i Ba rtho lomew P. Armistead Jame ~ W. Baldetti Paul G. Beckerle Susan R. Remley Susan R. Bennett, Wi ·11 iam Jr. Bisesi Donald C. Boland Bonni e A. Van Horn Bonnie A. Boncek John Mi c hael Boy leW i I I i am L. Bradham Vicki E. Brase Debo rah Diane Brown Deborah Diane Braun Paul A. Bremer Terry W. Brinkmann Jos e ph R. Broadhacker De nni ce Kowelman Dennice Brown Deborah Diane Brase Deborah Diane Brown Ma rk K. Brunts Randa I IT . Burchett Cra ig G. , Bu rema n Ph i I lip E. Bu sse David R. Cadwallader leeC. Caiazzo Anthony A. Ca in Stephen Jos e ph. Calandro Michael B. Campeau, Benjamin Jr. Cashner Fred R. Chaffin Michael G. Chi Iton Michael R. Cibulka Joseph C. Co lborne Bruce J. Cooper Debra Gale Cothern Amy S. McDan.iel Amy S. Cothern Charles K. Cox, Joe Francls I I Cranne II Ann M. Darst Jeffrey W. Dashti Gholam Hossein Davi s Russe I I E. De Vasto Thomas D. Dewa r Ha ro I d l . Dougherty Roger K. Dowdy Curt i s L. Drei I ing Randall Drury, Raymond L. II I Dugan Maureen Alane Eikmann Barry R. Emanue I Duane Arthur Emhoff Rosemary Ann Essner Mary E. Eue I I , B i I IY G. Jr. Fie Ids Ro s sA. Fieseler Wayne G. Fo I ks Edwa rd T. Frick EI izabeth A. lang EI izabeth A. Gallagher Ali ssa M. Ga rner Steven l. George John W. George Robert H. Gettemeyer Glen R. Grantham B i I I A. Green Gary Bennett Griffith Diane Rae Grimes Jo se ph Ray Grindinger Gregory .J. Had I ey Rosa li e J. l arson Ro sa li e J . Hancock Bruce S. Hankins Benjamin_ Lee Ha r r i s Da n i e I W. Hart, J ohn A. III Ha rv i I Ia, Geo r ge Jr . Hawbaker Deborah J. Lew i s Deborah J. Hawbaker Jeffrey l . Hawk in s James C. He im Re ub en C. He ld Dolores M. St De ni s Dolore s M. Hep pe r mann Jeffrey J. Hi ebert Yoe l i t H. Sha p i ro Yoe li t H. Hirschman Roger D. Horst William D. Howard Steve n R. Hub er Terry R. Hu bert Bonn i e S. Huck Mark Stephe n Hutte r- Kenne th J. Jasper Randa I L. Journ ey Vincent S.

Kaelble Al a n F. Kaltenbronn James G. Ke I I Y Pa t ri c k Ge ra rd Kelmel i s John A. Kibl inger Deborah Lynn Kreher Deborah lynn Kinder Marcus D. Kinzinger Dougla s Klore r Ma ry S. Ko I be t Ma r i I yn J. Mattione Mari Iyn J. Kowelman Den nic e Broadhacker Denniee Kreher Deborah l y nn Kibl inger Deborah l ¥ nn Kremer Wi II iam B. Krishnamurthy Gopalan Ku hlmann Robert C. Landwe hr Frank S . l ang Elizab e th A. Fri ck EI izab e th A. la r so n R0 s a li e J. Had ley Rosa l ie J. lawler Mary E. lewi s Debo ra h J. Hawb aker Deborah J. l ew i s Randal I W. ley Wa lit e r W. lipnick David J. logan James Craig luc as Ma ry R. Majors Mark Evan Martin Michae l R. Mattione Mari Iyn J . KOlbet Mari Iyn J . McCalebJr JamesR. McCI imens Ro za nn McCoy Bruce Malcolm McDan i el Amy S. Cothern Amy S. McG ra i I Be rna rd P. McHenry S. Dale Mil I a r Kev i n M. Minks --Allen G. Mohrmann Michael J. Mueller David Scott Navidi Salar Nealon .' Mark J . N i g ro Wi I I i am R. O'Connell Jul ie A. Oxley Ray T. Ph eg l ey Wi II i a m T. Plag Kenneth Fred Quinn Daryl C. Ray Ke v in l. Reagan Wi II iam A. Rees Mark Edward Remley Susan R. Beckerle Susan R. Renick Thomas Jerome Renz John W. Richards Jon Anthony Rowe Ronny l. St De ni s Dolores M. He ld Dolore s M. Sch ie ferl e Mark J. Schmidt Michael E. Sco'tt Kevin C. Shapiro Yoel it H. Hi e bert Yoel it H. Sbe lden J. Barry Shep pard Charles A. Shiple y Norma n G. Sho rt Ma rk J.

Si Ikwood Blake E. Skinner Charles S. Stevens Robert E. Sucharit Sompop Sullivan Kathleen A. Z iha Kathleen A. Sumpter David Robert Sunderland Jeffrey J. Swanback Steven G. Taylor Charles M. Tay lor Nata lie J . Tha rp Ha I S. Th e beau Dennis J . Thomp s on leon l. Thuet lou i s J . Toma z i Keith G. Towns e nd Ceci I i a Wempe Cec iii a Townsend John Keith Ts ui Anthony Po M. Tze ng Jen- Sheng Un ver ferth W. James Va n Horn Bo nnie A. Bo l and Bonnie A. - Vaughn Dani e l l. Vi Il ers Dan a G. Wang David P. We mpe Cec iii a Townsend Ceci I ia Wi s ner Gene Edward Yo ull D. Greg Yu Dorothy Hung-l Zahner, He rbert W. III Zettwoc h Robert N. Ziha Kathleen A. Sui I iva n Kathleen A.

1982 Aho Michael Edward Angert Karen Sue Dvorsky Karen Sue Aning Ale xander Osei Aurlg Bi I Iy Gregory Avery Michael Robert Baginski David James Baradari Farough Bar low Reese AI len Bauer Wi II iam Al fr ed Blackburn Thomas Wayne Bledsoe Jeffrey~. Bond lydia lynne Relja lydia lynne Bonnot Andrew W. Bornmann Carol Ann Brewer David Alan Brinkmann EI izabeth Brown Gus H. Buenemann, r~orris C. Jr. Buiting Michael G. Cain lawrence Jo se p Chatron Wi II iam Alan Clamors Doug Edward Coil James Conrath Douglas C. Da hlgren Russell H. Da nia I Edward Joul Davis Todd Allen Dawso n Bruce Denney Kimberly K. Dieckmann Mark D.

1984 Rollamo


Alumnus / l?


1982 Continued Dillma n Robert John Di o n Di ane Koester Dia ne Do I a n Ga i I Lou i se Dvors ky Kare n Sue Angert Kare n Sue Erv i n T imothy Ray Esry Thomas Craig Fitzpat ri ck John T. Fi tzs immons Mary N. Foe I Ie r Ki r k C. Freese Ro na ld A. Fre i be rg er Scott L. Frick St eve Jo hn Ga rn e tt Ro be rt B. Gerig John Alb er t Germa i ne Rob e rt Al an Gl a uz Ro ber t Sc o t t Goc k le y Da v id L. Goldwa s ser Charle s M. Ha berstock Ja me s K. Han s on Cris Jon Ha rpham Mi c ha e l J . Has e gawa Hiroshi Hieb e rt Gregory Le e Hinka mp St e phen B. Hoefer Lynne Anne tt e Hon eycut t Ke nda I I A. Humme l Hi Ide M. John s on Vi c ki Sue Jo nes Jeffrey Jay Kee l i ng St e phen W. Kobawoo Ch ungsoo Y. Koester Di a ne Di on Diane Kott e mann, Richard Al l e n J r. Kr uge r Doug l as Wa y ne La ndon Sco t t E. La rson Mar v in L. Lieb e l Kurt A. Lou ns bury Peter J a y Ma dse n Da vid Ne l so n Ma es Mi c he ll e Ren e Phi I ipp Mi c he l le Re ne Ma rqu a rt Ga ry Lee Ma rtin Te d Alan Ma rting J a me s ' E. May David W. McC u I lou gh Ste ven K. Mc into s h Don Les l i e McKee J e ff rey W. McK in z ie Wi II i a m E. Meye r Le on a rd C. Ob e rma nn Stacy Lynn Sako u las Stacy Lyn n O' Co nn or Davi d M. Ogde n Ka ren Rae Peters on Ka r en Rae Ol d ha m, Ha r ro d A. II I Ol se n Steven Pau l O' Mara Ti mothy P. Omme n Rebecca El aine Ott o Sa mue I D. Pa nno Re Gregory M. Park John Har r i s Parks Thomas Keith Pea rce Jane t Kay Pecc ol a All a n Ke nt Peterson Karen Rae Ogden Ka ren Rae Ptli l ir;p Chri s topher

Ph i i i pp Mi c he I I e Re ne Maes Mi c he ll e Re ne Phi II ip s Ro ber t M. Pi e r son Dav id R. P isk ul ic Ma tth ewV . Pl y l er La ur a Ann e S i I kwoo d La ur a An ne Po I I a rd J e a n Ma r i e Pre uss Mart in Ed wa r d Puhl Josep h Alb ert Puhl Lisa Joan Reed Li sa Joa n Ramberg Jeffrey R. Reed Li sa J oa n Pu h I Li sa J oan Reed Pa u I W. Re l ja Lyd i a Ly nne Bond Lyd i a Ly nne Rob bi ns Susa n Lea nne Ro t h Steve n Pa ul Rothe ry Mary Fr a nces Ry n s ki Jo se ph S . Sakou l as St a cy Ly nn Ob erma nn Stacy Ly nn Sa ndbot he L. Scott Sa nd e r s Ke i t h M. Sc hme rbauch Kar l J. Sc hne ll Wi II i a m J ose ph S igno rino Ki mb er ly S. S i I k'Wood La u ra An ne Pl y l er Lau r a Ann e Smith Pa u l J . St ah l in · Ro be rt W. Sta n fie ld Bri an K. St a rkweath e r Rory L. St eve ns Ma rk Le e Ston e Dougl a s Da il Sutt e r e r Kev in G. Tea r e Do ugl as Leigh Te I ke r Ma ry E I I en Topi John T. Torre Phi l lip George Tray lor J ames Voss Da v id Al a n Web b Jame s Jo se ph We l c h Joh n Home r Wi e l and J e f f re y P. Wil cox Ro bert Chri s Wi Ide r J a mes 01 ive r Wi I I iam s Mark J a mes Wi I I iam s Ta mmy Wrobe l Dav id J ose ph yoo n Ki'Won York Ra ndal Euge ne Ze i ti nge r, Dona I d J r. Zie gle r Cha r l es K. Z ike Dav i d Sco tt

1983 Adrian T i mothy R. Armstrong Jr Robert E. As hab r anner Dav id B. Ba ker Ca th y Ja ne Raidt Cathy Jane Barickman EI izabet h Kaspe r ski EI izabeth Bast Charl es Alan Beech ner AI ice B. Be l l Jeffrey Blackford Todd Al a n

1984 Rollamo

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Bo nd Willi a m Howard Boy l e St a nl ey Cl y de Brya nt De nn i s Burkh e ad Ni c hol as W. Bu r n s Do na ld Raymo nd Bu sc hl in g Ra nd y Lewi s Cl ark Ste ph e n Pa ul Co n rad Pa ul Dea n Crosswhit e Ma r k R. Czar La mo nt Henry Da il y Char l es Ramo n Debo nd t Kev in Lee Den n is Clyde Re id Done r Ka rl I. Dz iedz ic D.a n ie l A. Eri c ks on Ro dne y J . Er nst Bever ly M. Er u tt i Gl e nn Ar nol d Fa rre I I· Joh n Chr i s t y Fe rra cane Fra nk Fr it z Mi c ha el A. Ga s ki I I Da v idA :Ge i se r Amy EI i zab e th Gieg I I Kenneth W. Gillh a m Jene lyn Sue Go ehri Scott Roger Gr a efe Sa mue l W. Gre en e Da mi an J. Grie se Mic hae l Allen Gr ogg Ma x Gordon Gudmundson Da v i d C, Ha rb i so n Ma rk Andrew Ha rris Da v id E. Ha rt David L. Hawickhorst Brad A. He c ke r Co rn e I i a A. He rmann Ke nneth J . He t l ag e Dav id Ta lbot Hi e r ho l zer Joyc e E. Hi l ker J ea nne Be th Hi I I Ken net h Le I and Ho ec ke lman Dona ld E. Hou s er Jody B. Howe Dougl as B. I sra e l Ca ro l ine Ann · I s r a e I Lew i s Da n i e I J ac obi St e ph e n J . J e nk in s Ja mes Thomas J o hn s on Ch r i s t ophe r Jo nes Na ncy Le a Kas pe r s k i El i za bet h Ba ri c km a n Eli za be th Ka u f ma nn Wi II i am W. Kleve Jr Fre de r i c W. Kokoru dz Jo hn M. Ko l be t Rob e rt J ose ph Ko t t wit z Jo hn Dav id Kr o n l a ge Pa u l J o se ph Li c ht e nwa ln er Pete r Ma he r Patr ick Jo hn Ma hl Th omas G. Mase k Jo hn Alb e r t Mehta Ma hes h H. Meitz Gregory S. r~i Iler Br i an Minicky John Stephen Mi z uk i Howard T. Moore David Gl enn Mu i r James A. Muret Caro ly n Lou i se O' Leary F lore nce Ann Paa r Lynn Dee Pe e tz Brya n Dal e Peterso n James Kent Postigl ione Michael Prehm Wi II iam L. Ragan Jr No rman E. Raidt Cathy Jane Baker Cathy Jan e Rapp Michael Scott Ri l ey Terence M: Rinker Greg C. Rome ro Anthony Pau l Ron ey Kevin Patrick Sa Ilee Randy Wi II iam Sauer Robert Mark Saunders David Ralph Sc hae f er Diane Caro l Sc hmidt Wayne Sc hn ettgoecke Gary Sc hro er Michael G. Schue t z Randa I I G. Schulze Willi am C. Shelby James wa yne Smith Mark Steven Soe hngen Robert W. Spyers Michael E. Stachowski Mike J. Stehn Thomas Lloyd Ste I zer James Steve ns James V. Stroder Michael David Taylor Ctli'lrles Tay l or Jack Preston Tegethoff Mike Thornsberry Marcus

1984 Rollamo

Thue t EI i za be th C. To l c ou Gre gory J . Turner, Da vid L. II Ve it St e ph e n R. Vi I Ihard Wes l ey G. Vo l pe Bar t o n Da v id Wa gn e r Kenn e th Nea l Wa inr i g h t Ri c hard E. Wa I ke r r~ e' rton G. We bb e r Ma rk Rob e rt We id a Cha rl es Ceci I We i s s Douglas Al a n We is s ert Jos e ph M. We l ty Lawre nce E. We ss e l schmid t Do ug Whitc hur c h J o se ph A. Whi te Ti moth y L . Wi c ke rt Ma rk Al a n Wi l kin s on Re na t e A. Wi I s h i re J ay P. Wi nt e r J e f frey Jo hn Wolf J o se ph Jo hn Wo lfge he r Pau l A.

1984 Al t he id e . Ric hard Asc o I i Da I e Ro be r t Bo n if ie l d Kevi n D. Chris\.ia n Scott All en Churc h Je f frey W. Cl are Dav id Murray Cl asp i I I Gary Lee Crowe , J ose ph E. J r. Da lt o n Thomas J. Decker Lo u is P. Finke Jo hn Will ia m F re i be rg e r Ke i t h Fre nc h Euni ce P. Garringer, Hal L. Jr. Georgen Randy G. Hi'lnnah Derek Wayne Hay s James Patrick Hei I igenstein David Hoc k John Aloys Ke I Ie r Kev i nAnd rew Kerber David Clair Le Banh Van Leimberg Robert Er ic Lyon Cha rl es W. Maynard Andrew E. Mc intosh Gregory A. Miller Ron a ld Alan ~loeller Karen Sue Moore Robert Michael Pautler Terrence Pericich Jo seph 1. Peters Michael John Poppe Steven James Ren ne Mark Josep h Rut h Earl All an Scheiter Cynthia E. ~choenecker Timothy Shadley James Kevin Shapiro Doron Smi th Da Ie E. Thompson Howard Mike Wadde I I George R. Watkins Steven Duane Williams Valer i e J . Zeltma nn Mi c hae l D. Zikes Brad l ey C.

Century Club The Century Club Honor RoIl for 1984 lists the names of 1,056 donors whose gifts made them eligible for membership in the club. In 1983, the Honor RoIl carried the names of 1,013 donors. The certificate of membership in the Century Club says, "an organization of alumni founded on May 27 , 1967, to aid and support the University of Missouri·RoIla through substantial gifts to the MSM-UMR Alumni Association Annual Fund." There were 38 members in the first year of the Century Club and your slide rule, calculator or personal computer will aIlow you to figure the percentage of increase from that time to this. Abernathy rh omas S. Ackerma n Richard E. Ackerson Deborah J. Ackerson Mi c hae l D. Adam, Everet.t E. Jr. Adami ck He nry S. Affolter Allen L. Akmakjian Char les 1\ I fo rd Re x Alger Robert P. AI inder Ll oyd A. Allen Bruce H. All e n George W. Allen James L. Alsmeyer Wi II iam C. Altheide Richard Anderhub Anthony P. Anderson Charles A. Andoe W. Victor Andreae Andreas A. Andreae Robert A. Andreae Vicki M. Andreas Wayne T. And re ..... s J. Le ..... i s Appleyard Frank C. Archer David W. Arnold Kenneth B. Arnoldy Richard R. Askeland Donald R. Atkinson, Marion L. Jr. Aubrecht, Ladimir J. Jr. Austin John C. Axmacher George W. Bachmann Roy O. Baeb l er Arthur G. Ba i l ey Ke i th E. Bake r Ches t er H. Ba ke r Rona IdE. Ba ld ett i Paul G. ' Ballman Edward A. Ba Imat J ack S. Banks Ralph Banks Robert L. Barc lay David A. Barger Hub e rt S. Ba r ke r Ma rv i n W. " Ba rna rd Cha r I e sR . . Barnes Richard C. B<l rnett Ra I ph L. Bar ro ..... Carlton W. Bar sac hs Ed ..... in H. Ba rte I Don a Id S. Ba rt ling Do na I d L. Barton C. Dean Bauer Wi II iam C. Bau ma n Wi ·11 iam J. Ba um a nn Richard E. Ballmb ac h DaleM. Baumgartner George R. Baxter Kenneth D. [lay Robert D. Bea rd Reade M·. Bec her ~~argar et M. Bec k Will iam J. Beers Seymour J. Behring Al l e·n G. [le l den Dav id C. Be I I Art.hu r H. Be I J Jeffrey Be llchamb er Donald K. Be I li s Ge ra I dB. Be I li s r~a uri ce O. Bene Debra A. Bennetsen Wayne J . Bennett Char l es W. Ben~<;o n Wi II iam A. Berkbigler Kathryn M.P. Berk b ig1er La rry W. Ber key Vernon G. Berndt, Joseph P. Jr. Berning Richard T. Berry Hugh R. Be rry Je rom e T. Bertorello Thomas A. Bertram J e ffery P. Berwick, John D. Jr. Bestor Ted F. Bier Patrick K. Biermann Ear l E. Birt Floyd D.


1952 1975 1979 1979 1963 1911 4

1962 1960 19 1W

19 38 1972 1977 19 1/1 1984 1951 1953 196 3 1941 1969 1970 1958 1924 1937 1955 1971 1969 1925 1965 1942 1942 1974 195 5 1964 1955 1978 198 1 1938 19 t 18 1948 1944 1976 1939 1920 196 1 19 70 19 36 19 50 196 4 1963 195 3 1967 1971 1978 1961 1956 1962 1949 1936 1980 1973 1911 1

1966 1979 1975 1983 1959 195 1 19 4 3 1979 1941 19 49 1976 19 73 1971 1950 194 3 1969 1925

19 /. 9

1958 197 5 1939 1978 1975 1943 19 32

Blancke, C. Dudl ey Jr. Blankenmei s ter Erwin G. Bl en derma nn Gene R. Block Me rl y n J . Blume Dav id J. Blumf e lder Wi II iam O. Bochenek Alfred F. Bohl Car l D. Boje, Georg e J. Jr. Bolon, Lucien M. Jr. Boncek John Michael Borgerding La ..... rence H. Borg meyer ~arvin E. Bosse rt . Ha rry F. Boyd Charles L. Boyd Marvin W. Boyd Robert K. Boyd Stepher. J. Brackbill Robert M. Braun Robert P. . Brecke Ervin A. Bree z e Francis V. Bremer Wayne P. Breuer Coy L. Bre ..... e r Wi I I i am Bridegroom Kenneth E. Broa ddus, Wayne R. Jr. Brockmann Le s ter A. Bro ..... n Buran W. Bro ..... n, Guy Jr. Bro ..... n Roy G. Bro ..... ninq Phi I A. Brueckm~nn Michael 1\. Brugger Patrick H. Bruns Robert F. Brunson Vernon T. Buck R i c hard L. Budd Vince nt J. Buel Robert W. Buescher Alfred J. Buescher Gene E. Buettner Melvin A. Bullock Richard L. Bt;ren Wi II iam L. Bu rke Geo rg e E. Burke William G. Burns Ruble E. Burt o n Robert R. Bu sc h Wi II iam D. Butler Jame s L. Cameron Charles V. Ca mpbe I I J ac k P. Campbell J o hn R. Campbe I I Wo I fgang S . Carnah a n Danny L. Carr Monti e L. Caner Hal E. Carter Karen S. Ca ..... vey James L. Chaff in Michae l G. Chane y James B. Chastell Dennis L. Che n Wen-Liang W. Che n Willie Y . Chu Gordon P. K. C ibulka Jo seph C. Clare Dav id Murray Cl ar idg e Elmond L. Clark Bruce B. C I a rk so n Cha r I e sF. Close Maxwe ll L. Coco Mat t eo A. Co i I Be nj ami n R. Coldiron Micha e l L. Co I e A I I a n A. Co le Ralp h C. Co le Richard E. Co le, S idn ey J . Jr. Co l ema n Gl en n J. Co I lin s Wi I I i am E. Co I lin s Wi I I i am W. Comanich George W. Cook Aa ron L. Cook Christopher C. Cook Thoma s W. Co o I i dg e Dona I d J. Cooper La rry M. Cooper Ri chard C. Co pel a nd A. Eugene Cornett Ro y C. Cou c h G. Robert

195 1 Coult e r Step hen J. 1949 Court Mi chae l R. 1951 Co x , Jo e Francis II 194 2 Crane Ha rold R. 1965 Crookston J a mes 1966 Crum E. Jeffe rso n 1938 Cu lb e rt s on Wi II iam W. 195 9 Dalpini David 195(J Danzo Francis V. 1959 Darl in g James W. 1981 Da s enbrock Arthur A. 1951 Davidson Phi I ip B. 1974 Davisson David C. 1927 DeBolt Donald G. 1951 Decker Harry W. 195 3 Defenbaugh Kristy K. 1941 Degenhardt Dean A. 197 2 Delaney John F. 19 1/2 DeLashmit William E. 1976 Demz i k Wi I I i am G-. 1937 Denison David G. 1949 Denner David K. 19 73 Denner Denise M. 1949 Denney , Kenneth L. 19 32 Denney Kimberly K. 1949 Dennis William E. 1955 Denton Randy G. 19 55 . DeW itt Ca r I L. 19 37 Dickens Richard L. 1940 Dickinson George W. 1939 Dickof Frank A. 1948 Dieckmann Mark D. 1974 Dieffenbach Robert P. 1975 Dittmaier Thomas A. 1947 Dittmer Russell S. 1950 o i x La r ry L. 1963 Dob so n Richard J . Do I a ta ii;-d ..... a rd W . 1971 1950 Donze Terry W. 1964 Dorf Roger A. Do ..... d James D. 196 /-/ Do ..... e I I Jack B. 1951 Do ..... ling Pa u I T. 1951 1959 Do ..... ns Jack S. Dri sco ll John V. 19116 1959 Dul I Me I v i n J. 1940 Dunh a m Roy H. 196 3 Dunn Erv in E. 1942 Dunn Wyatt M. Dupont St even J. 1965 Dutton Donne I I W_ 1938 Eagan Thomas E. 1924 Ecoff, Ra lph A. J r . 19 74 Edgar Ma x E. 1979 Ed ..... a rds Mr s Fra nc i s C. 1968 Ein se l Mi Iler D. 19 77 Ektermanis John A. 19 7 1 EI-Ba z Farouk E.S. 1973 E I I i 0 t t Ed ..... a r d E. 1978 Ell iott Jose ph O. 1981 EI I i0 t t Le ..... i s C. 19 48 E I li s E I me r 1970 E I li s J . Cr a i g 1975 Elli s, Wa l ter H. Jr . 1950 Elli s Willi a m R. 196 4 i s on Fl oyd A. Ell 1981 El oe Ho ..... ard W. 1984 Emanu el Duane Art hur 1939 Eng l i sh Thomas O. 1971 Eppels heimer Danie l S. 1941 Eppestine David A. 1963 1966 Eppestine Di ane C. Erickson Al an G. 1929 Erickso n Christina K. 1978 Eue I I, B i I IY G. Jr. 19 52 Evans Dona l d L. 1934 Evans La rry G. 1947 Fagan Durwa r d E. 195 /-/ Fair Micha e l W. 1959 Fa l coni J acquely n M. 1969 Fa lk ingham Do nald H. 1950 Fa rme r, J 0 h nO . I I I 19 51 Fa rre I I Ed ..... a rd C. 1977 Far re I I, Wi I I i a m M. Jr. 198 0 Fe ag an Wilb ur S . 1965 Federo ..... Harry 194 3 Fe rre ira Franc i sco 1969 Fe r re I I Mr s J. O. 19 52 Fetterman Phillip S. 194 8 Feurer De nni s J . 19 38 F i c k Arm i n F. 1941

1969 -' 1973 1981 1953 194 2 1929 19 37 1949 · 1980 1934 1951 1950 1970 1949 1934 1980 1974 1950 1967 1957 1980 1976 1976 1970 1982 1936 1977 1956 1951 1937 1973 1982 1939 1980 1929 1961 1934 1970 1971 1965 1944 19 54 1940 1949 1943 1958 19(1 7 1951 1972 197 4 19 35 1925 1935 1962 19 7 1 1961 19 39 197 1 1939

Finley Fred W. F inl ey, Thomas J. Jr. F is c her Max t:1. f i s her Patr ice M. Fi ss Ed ..... ard C. Fit z ma urice Richard R. Fitzp a trick John T. '~ Flanigan Virgil J. Flesh Mrs Florence Fletcher Willi a m B. FI int Melvin C. Flood H. Wi II ia m Ford, Ferri II E. Jr. Ford Ragan Forgotson James M. Fort George E. Foster Jack D. Fou rne I I e Raymond A. Frame Wayne S. French Eunice P. F r i s Ed ..... a rd S . Fris Joseph P. Fritschel Larry E. Fri tschen, Herman A. Jr. Fronick David H. Fukubayashi Harold H. Gajdusek, Ernest Jr. Gallo ..... ay, James H. Jr . Gammeter Elmer Ga mme t e r, Wa I t e r Jr. Gammon Wi II iam H. Garnett Robert B. Ga rrett , J.ames H. Jr. Garrett L. Wayne Gas kill David A. Ga..... Ma rt i n T. Ge rh ar t Bill L. Gerig Martha M. Gessley Donald Gevecker Vernon A.C. Gibbs Louis A. Gibson John W. Gibson Kristie C. Giesler Arthur L. Giffin Bi Ily J . Gi Ilh a m J e nel y n Sue Gi II i am Da Ie D. Gi Imo re Jerry L. Gi lmo re Will iam M. Give ns Paul E. Givens Wi II iam A. Gjelsteen Thor Gla sse l Clifford Gl auz Wi II i am W. Glenn David E. Glover Ja mes Go d sey Terry L. God ..... in Willi a m

1941 1939 193 5 1975 19 36 1977 198 2 1960 1934 1942 194 3 1978 1922 1940 1949 1964 1923 1984 1943 1951 1967 1951 1977 1966 1966 1934 1926 1939 1949 1982 1958 1972 1983 1971 196 1 1969 1955 1931 1951 1974 197 4 1977 ' 1957 198 3 1955 1960 1951 1953 1963 1980 1951 1943 1955 1925

1938 1957 1939 1948 1981 1929 1971 1975 1975 1975 198 1 196 1 1966 193 4 1971 1978 19 41 1963 1941 1965 1976 193 .1 1950 197 3 197 4 19 41

1984 Rollarno


Alumnus/ 19

Century Club Continued


Goetemann Edwin C. Goodwin Reo E. Go u Id Da v idS. Graefe Samuel W. Graves Thomas E. Gray Joe E. Green T. Howard Greer Louis M. Griffeth Ellen B. Griffith H.M. Griggs , Wi II Jr. Gr i mm C. J a me s Grinstead Wi Il 'is G. Gul ick Gary M. Gund Rus s e I I A. Gundy Douglas G. Gunther Don J. Haa s Paul A. Hachmuth Henry K. Hacker Alden G. Hacker Jean E. Hackmann Robert E. Hadley Ro s al ie J. Hadley Stanton W. Haffner Harold J. Hahn Veronica D. Ha Ie Edwa rd D. Haley Comer C. Haley Wi Ibur A. Hallac ,~y Harold W. Hallett William M. Ha I te rman Le roy Hamilton Les .lieR. Hankinson Risdon W. Hanna Robert L. Hannum Richard W. Hansen J. Richard Hansen, Stanley S. " Hanss Eugene J . Hao Wuu Harper Wi II iam S. Ha rt J. Doug I a s Ha rt Iey Lucy A. Hastey, James P. Jr. Hausmann Paul L. Havener · Gary W. Havi land Robert P. Hawbaker Deborah J. Hawbaker Jeffrey L. Haynes Michael A. Head David W. Head Eldon W. Hecker Cornel ia A. Hegler Burns E. He im cil rl J. Heim Patricia L. Heim Reuben C. He i n Edw inA. Heiser Frederick W. He i sserer Ka rl M. Heitmann Albert L. Hellrich J ames H. Hellwege Wi II iam H. He I mkamp Robe rt E. f Henderson Gerald E. Henson Gerald L. Hepp Jo s eph T. Hepp e rmann Jeffrey J. Herbold August E. He rcules Francis P. Herman Theodore He r re I I R. R. He rrmann Thomas A. He rz og Michael S. Hess Rober t M. Hesse AI fr e d H. Hick s Gregory K. Hi gg in s Alb e rt J. Hi II Al be r t L. Hi II Ly le W. Hi II Ro ger A. Hill , Wil l i a m E. Jr. Hi I l eary Al exa nd er L. Hi Il ea ry Cy nthi a S . Hinkl e De lores J . Hi nkl e K. Da ni e l Hl a in g Ms Tin Hodgdon , Sam D. J r . Hodge s John L. Ho e ls c he r J a me s W. Ho eman Ar t hur J . Ho eman Erwin C. Hoffma n Anth ony E. Ho ff ma n J ohn G. Ho ff ma nn Vi c to r J . Hohlfe ld er Eugene F. Holland Wayn e E. Holl e nbach Be rn a rd D. Ho I Iey Rob e rt G. Holme s, Wi II i am R. Jr. Holt Mich ae l L. Hon e rkamp Donald L.

20/ MSM

1944 1947 1951 1983 1973 1954 1929 1979 1966 1930 1956 1969 1940 1972 1960 1950 1967 1941 1952 - 1948 1981 1979 1935 1977 1932 1948 1943 1969 1955 1968 1977 1960 1943 1966 19411 1967 1957 1972 1951 1979 1977 1952 1962 1939 1981 1981 1978 1974 '1958 1983 1925 1980 1981 1934 193 9 1975 1925 1973 1947 1976 1961 1951 194 8 1981 1967 1950 1928 1950 1962 1959 19 33 197 6 1950 1928 1972 19711 19 42 1976 1976 19 75 19 73 1928 1961 1948 1932 1930 1959 1980 196 0 195 1 197 0 1950 196 4 198 0 1972 1950


Henry F.

1952 Knepler John R. 1923 Know I e s Ca riM. Horst Wi II iam E. 1951 Koeppel Beverly W. Houser James D: 1967 Kolb Ruth Hovis Mark A. 1979 Kornacki Alan S. Howard Steven R. 1981 Kovach JQhn J. Howe Be rna rd F. 1953 Kramer Ralph H. Howe I I Richard B. 1948 Kraus Rona Id W. Howe I I Theodore R. 1948 Kri s pin Joseph F. Huang Jong-Chin 1975 Krueger Harold A. Huddleston, James A. Jr. 1966 Kruep Raymond J. Hudgens Lowell L. . 1959 Kuechenmeister Kenn e th W. Hughes Thomas A. 1942 Kummer Frederick S. Humphrey Waldo D. 1950 Kybu rz Edwa rd P. Hund i ng, Ca r I W. I I I 1972 .LaBoube Roger A. Hung Nguyen V. 1975 Lacy Thomas C. Hunt J . Richard 1950 Lambe CI inton R. Hunze Charles L.W. 1933 Lambert Donald B. Hydzik Richard M. 1967 Lambeth Jennings R. Isbell, Clarence A. Jr. 1950 Lammert Paul T. Isenmann Edward S. 1944 Lang Eugene A. Ivers Jeffrey L. 1974 LaPlante All a n H. Jabsen Wi II iam J. 1933 Larcker David F. Jackson Earl E. 1951 Larkins Lawrence J. 1971 Lasko Helen D. Jackson Hershel A. Jackson Lawre nce C. 1977 Latzer' John C. Jackso~ Leroy H. 1934 Leach ' Rodney W. Jaeger Benjamin W.H . 1963 Leaver Harvey B. Jaggi Dennis F. 1970 Leber Walter P. Lee Chin-Ming J a me s Will i am J. Jaquay Richard L. 1963 Lee Wa Iter Jenczewski Albert C. 1932 Lehman, A. Richard Jr. Jenkins Robert D. 1953 Leichenauer Thomas F. Jensen Gunther T. 1952 Leitterman Dennis W. 1941 Leitterman Pamela A. Jensen James W. Jensen R. Gene 1970 Leponis Andrew E. Joern Karl C. .1 980 Le . . . is B. Ne i I Joern Vicki L. 1979 Libiez. James D. Johnson Charles W. 1929 Lin Cha r I e s S. Johnson Gordon E. 1959 Lincicome E. Dianne Johnson James C. 1943 Lincicome James D. Johnson V~rgil A. 1947 Lindsey Kenneth R. Johnston Karl A. 1978 Littlefield Jerold K. Jones Alan W. 1972 Livingston John H. 1956 Lockett Donald N. Jones Bill R. Jones CI intford R. 1958 Loesing Vernori T. Jones Eugene F. 1948 Longshore, James F. Jr. Jones Jack H. 1962 Loveridge Joel F. Jones Jeffrey Jay 1982 Lo . . . e Wi II iam S. Jones Richard L. 1955 Luca' s Ma ry. R. Jones Sam P. 1949 Luehrman Lois M. Jones Hlomas A. 1942 Lusk R. Ralph Jones Vernon T. 195 3 Lutz H. John Josl in Le Compte 193 11 Lyons Francis D. Junge Gregory 1965 Lyons Helen L. Jurenka Gi Ibert G. 1956 Lyons John H. Jurenka Ronald D. 1958 MacConnell Frederic A. Justus Dayna K. 1979 Machado Jose A. Kahrs EI izabeth D. 1973 Machmer Ferdinand G. Kahrs Jeffrey W. 1967 Mack, James O. Jr. Kaiser Richard L. 1955 Mackaman Frank Ka lin Thoma s E. 1957 MacZura George Kamper Herbert G. 1940 Maddo x Arnold W. Kamper 01 ive r W. 1935 Magruder Wi I I iam H. Kamper Russ e I I A. 196 2 Mall Michael G. Kao Ching-N a n 1970 Mangoff, John N. Jr. Kapernaros E. Louis 1950 Manning Jon A. Karbosky Jo s eph T. 1942 Mansf i.e I d R i cha rd E. Ka s say Andrew W. 1932 Ma rcha I Jacques H. Kas ten Pau I R. 1944 Ma rche I lo Jos e ph M. Ka s ten Raymond O. 194 3 Marek J. Douglas Ka y Wi I I i am T. 1932 Ka y Wi I I i am W. 1933 1971 Kee n J e rry G. Ke e vi I Albert S . 1943 Ke i I ' Byron L. 1952 Ke I I i s on Rodney D. 1974 Ke I I Y Pa u I R. 1959 Ke mp er Eloi se B. ' Ke nn e dy Da ni e l 192 6 Ke nt, Ne va da A. I I I 1953 Ke nt Wi II ia m D. 194 3 Ke ppe l J a mes R. 1968 Kerbe r Dav id Clair 198 4 Ke rn s Ra ndy G. 19 74 Kes ha ri Hosse in R. 1960 1924 Kess l er Harry H. Kidd Harold S. 1939 Kidwe l f ' Alb e r t L. 1940 Ki e f f er , Alo nz o R. III 1959 Kie ff e r Rob e r t C. 1960 Ki II ing e r Joh n C. 1973 Kind Da ni e l A, 1942 Kin g J a ne t M. 1980 195 1 King s boro ugh Don a ld G. Kirkpatrick , Ha rry F. 1930 Kit c he n Cha rl es L. 1961 Klipp J a mesE. 198 1 Klore r Ma ry S . 1944 Klore r Rob e rt W. , 1980 Klump Mi c ha e l G. 1949 Kn ec ht Walt e r S .

* Hoover Bert F.

Ma rsha I I Dona I d W. Martin Dan W. Martin Kent W. Martin Michael R. 1974 Maschek Thomas J. 1950 Mason J. Lloyd 1966 Matson Don D. 1964 Mattei Peter F. 1954 Matthe . . . s Paul A. 1942 Mazzone Thomas J. 1966 McBeth Joseph D. 1913 McCa I lister Terry D. 1955 Mc Cormick Martha 1950 Mc Cracken Mary H. 1970 McCurdy Belding H. 1977 McDermott Arthur R. 1912 McField, Charles B. Jr . 1969 McGath Michael R. 1941 McGhee Vernon T. 1979 McGovern Donald R. 1953 McGovern Wi II iam 1963 McGrath Donald R. 1972 McGrath James B. 1975 McHenry S . Dale ' Mcintyre, John F. Jr. 1961 McKee Jack B. 1976 Mc Kelvey Ralph E. 1948 McMullen CI ifford C. 1940 McNea I Ph iii p W. 1970 Mc Reynolds Elmer L. 1953 Mears A. Dale 1968 Medl in James M. 1980 Mende I I Hobe rt H. 1976 Menefee James H. 1975 Menge I Edmund L. 1953 Menge I Wi I I i am K. 1958 Me red i th Vi rg i I E. 1963 Me s ka n Da v idA. 1958 Meyer Robert W. 1978 Michel Hi Ibert F. 1977 Michel Joel K. 1959 Micka Donald C. 1958 Mikkelsen Clark D. 1939 Mi Iburn Darrell E. 195(J Mil i ch Joseph 1942 Mi liard Frank S. 1956 Mi Iler Chester E. 1939 14 i I Ie r Ebe rha rd H. Mi Iler Janet B. 1981 Mi Iler Lester L. Mil I e r Pa u I H. 1979 1927 Miller William J. 1959 Minton Robert C. 1950 Mitchel I· John W. 1967 Moe Ha ro I d G. 1942 Mohrmann Michael J. 1934 Monroe Re x 1946 Monsch Henry D. 1940 Montgomery Douglas B. 1941 Montgomery Rebecca S. Mooney Edward W. 1952 Mooney Joseph W. 1955 Moo re Rona I d T. 1949 Moran Ernest 197 11 Moran Rober·t W. 1976 Morgan J. Derald 1979 Morris James R. 1951 Morrison Donald J. 1948 Mothershead, John L. Jr. Mue I Ie r Geo rge E. 1972 Mulholland, John E. Jr . 1967 1950 1938

1950 195 2 1942 1981 1979 1953 1952 1937 1950 1944 195 .3 1978 193f1 1950 1980 1970 1942 1958 1960 1950 1949 1981 1952 1941 1948 1967 1976 1934 1961 1967 1950 1936 1949 1950 ) 1963 1952 1966 1936 , 1968 1958 1970 1979 1950 1937 1950 1947 1974 1950 1963 1948 1958 1949 1948 1981 1932 1929 1979 1980 1950 1971 1927 1966 1965 1970 1964 1957 1939 1952

1984 RoI1amo




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o 2



o 9 1

2 1

8 7

6 4 1



6 9


3 2 6

6 l I



3 I



6 5


4 7



Mulligan, James A. III Mulyca Walter C. Munger Pau I R. Munn Dale A. Murry Mi It on J. Muskopf Oscar M. Myers Charles C. Myers, Charles T. III Myers Don a ld D. Nea I Kenne th R. Neely Li ston E. Neubert Ralph L. Neumann James P. Neum'ann Nicolaus P. Neustaedter James A. Nev in s, Marvin E. Jr. Nguyen Tr i X. Niemeyer Wi II iam G. Ni x WilliamJ. Nolte Wi II iam J. Norma n Amos Oakley David L. Oberbeck Wi I I i am F. Oberdick R. Kevin Oberlander Ri c hard K. Obermann David F. Obermann Stacy Lynn Ob e rschelp Wi II iam F. Ochs Calvin I~. O'Daniel1 Michael W. Odom James T. O'Keefe Thomas J. Okenfuss Richard H. Oldham Douglas G. 01 iphant Edgar Olsen John K. o I so n Ph iii pT. Olson Stephen A. O'Nei II , John J. Jr. Orcutt Donald R. Orlofsky Seymour Osterwald Herbert R. Overmyer Lance A. Ozawa Jack K. Painter John L. Panhorst, Albert C. Jr. Pa rker Denn is R. Parkes Rog er D. Pa rkh i I I Rebecca J. Pa rkh i I I Stua rt T. Parkinson Larry L. Pa rks John W, Pa t te rson J. Robe rt Patterson William E. Paul Murra y J . Peacock Dav i d N. Peet z Eug e ne J. Penning Thomas F. Peppers Robert E. Perkins Gary G. Pe r ry No r r i s W. Per-ry Robert · C. Pe r ryma n, Geo rge I. , j r. Peterson Henry N. Peterson Jay A. Pfeifer Herman J. Pi I I i sch He rbe rt P. Pisacane Louis A. Pitt Dale M. Planje Mrs Theodore Pohl Robert A. Porter Clayton G. Portnoff Nei I S. Post Samuel S. Potashnick Reginald B. Potter C. J. Pra c ht Herman W. Pre i ss Robert K. Price Sean E. Prickett Lloyd C. Primeau Steven T. Prough Richard G. Puettmann David R. Puetz Wi II iam M. Quenon Robert H. Quinn Michael J. Radder Norman C. Radder Paula D. Raines Ronald L. Raithel James F. Rakaskas Joseph E. Rambow Frederick Ramsey George H. Ranard Wesley J. Randolph Robert W. Rasmussen Kermit N. Rasor John P. Rassinier Edgar A. Rau James T. Ra u Is ·· Ga ry L. Ray Charles T. Ray Robe rt L. Rechtien Thomas J. Reed Michael L. Reid Allen J. Rei Ily, John G. Jr.

Rei sen Kenneth E. Remington, Charles R. Jr. Reuck Aa ron M. Rhoa des Robert P. Rhodes A.E. Rhodes Richard G. Rich Jerry L. Rich Larry M. Ridley Robert P. Rieke Vernon W. Ries Frank W. Ri ggs W. Robert Ri l ey Kennet h G. Robbins Cl ay Robe rts Aud rey Roberts J . Kent Robert s Omer H. Robertson Ronald S. Robinson Guy M. Roenfe ld t Harold R. Roe ss er Rob e rt J. Romi ne Edward C. 1939 Root Robert L. 1976 Ross Ri chard G. 1959 Rothsch i I d Su s an H. 197 8 Roussin Robert W. 198 2 Ruenheck Raymond T. 195 3 Ru es ter John T. 194 9 Rumsey Don a l d A. 1979 Runvik Richard C. 196 1 Ruttinger Ant hon y J. 1958 Rytter No e I J. 1958 Sakonyi Ale x S . 1969 Sa rchet Be rna rd R. 195 2 Sa ll erw ien Ric hard P. 194 2 Schaefer Mi c hae l E. 195 9 Schaefer, Robert K. Jr. 19 78 Schaefer Robert 1.:. 1940 Schaeffer, Wi li ard A. III 197 11 Schafer Robert P. 19411 Schame l Mrs Mae 193 0 Schamel, Wa lt er S. I I I 197 5 Scha rf ' Fred 1945 Schaumburg Grant W. 1950 Schel i ch Andrew C. 1966 Scherrer Pau I K. 1968 Schindler George A. 1971 Sc hlett Paul E. 1977 Schlueter Steven E. 1977 Schmidt Harold A. 196 4 Schmidt Lonnie D. 1950 Schmitz John F. 1954 Schmoldt Hans E. 1953 Schnaedelbach Gerald 1927 Schneider Char les S . 1964 Schneider Norman r. 1950 Schne I I Robe rt J. 1960 Schnoebelen, Paul . C: III 1950 Schoeneberg Kenneth W. 1969 Schoonover Donovan K. 1968 Schork John E. 19 119 Schroer James B. 1947 Schuette Louis H. 1961 Schu ler, Leona rd L. Jr. 1961 Schumann Lloyd C. 1936 Schwanke Ca ·rl O. 1954 Schwarz Arthur S. 1958 Schweitzer Robert E. 1972 Scott Dani e l E. Sc 0 t t J ame s J. 1942 Scott Kenneth R. Scowcroft Terry A. 1968 1970 Sc r i vne r J. Roge r 1937 Se aman Robert L. Segal I Charles C. 1929' Seipel, John R. Jr . 1943 Senior George L. 1950 Senne Joseph H. 1977 Se v ick Joseph G. 1953 Shaffer James W. 1977 Sha h Bha ra t R. 1938 Shanes Charles W. 1972 Sharp Everett W. 1941 Shea hen Dav id J. Shearer Andrew C. 1975 Shelden J . Barry 1972 Shelden Kathleen A. 1972 She I ton John F. 1980 Shepherd Charles A. 1971 Shockley Gilb e rt R. 1940 Shoemaker James L. 1973 Sho rt Ma rk J. 19 118 Shou rd Roy R. 1980 Siegrist Kermit A. 1961 Siesennop W. Wayne 1948 Sieve rt Ga ry F. 1936 Skamenca Dav id G. 1942 Skinner, Mi Iton R. Jr. 1978 Skipper David J. 1970 Skitek Gabriel G. 1970 Sma rt Samue I 1947 Smith Benjamin K. 1975 Sm th Bruce G. 1970 Sm th Gera Id K. 19 32 Sm th Harlan D. 1949 Sm th Harry B.

1972 196 5 19 58 1966 196 11 1942 19 58 1972 1961 19 30 1957 19 42 1979 19711 194 .1 194 1 1979 195 8 198U 1920 19 49

19 50 19 119 196 2 19 32 1939 1941 197 11 1966 19 40 19 40 1950 193 2 195 6 195 1 1950 196 9 196 3 197 U 1950 193 2 1940 194 9 1959 1974 196 2 1950 195 9 195 2 1954 195 2 1969 1958 197 11 1978 1955 1962 1948 195 2 1970 1953 1937 1980 197 1 1973 197 2 1973 1956 1969 19 119 1944 1950 1959 1950 ·1978 1977 19 114 19 59 1947 1966 19 29 1949 1943 1970 1932 1941 1970 1950 1966 197 3 1952 1969 1934 19 53 1956 1951 1949 1942 1964 19 7 1 1940 197 4 1930 1981 1979 19 7 1 1970 194 2 1959 1981 1950 1939 196 1 1967 1963 1950 1976 1943 1955 1955 19711 1980 1948 194 2

Smith James A. Smi th Leroy E. Smith Me mphord L. Smith Neil K. Smith P. Gene Smi t h Richard C. Smi th, Robert E. Sr . Smith Russel l D. Snowden J. Ru s sel I Soper Wi II ia m S. Souders St e ve n W. Sou l t John P. Spa l ding Theodore J . Spotte I rvinC . Spr in ger Freder ick M. Stap les Guy W. Stein Jo hn E. Steinbac h Alvin C. Ste i nkamp Wi lli am E. St e I l o h Robe rt T. Stephe ns J.ames W. Steve ns Bill y Steve ns Jame s V. Steve nson Gera l d L. St ewart Frai ze r M. Ston e Dougla s Da i I Stopkey Waldemar D. Strain Rob e rt A. S t ra ub Ha ro IdE. Strawhun Joseph O. St rong John F. . Stueck C.F.P. Sturgeon, Chester W. Jr. Stutsman John V. Suellentrop Stephe n G. Su II iva n, Will i am L. Jr. Summers A. Larry Summers Hu ey . Sunderland Jeffrey J. Sundermeyer Robert W. Sutherland James R. Swanson Ken ne t h A. Sw inn y David W. Swinson John R. Szum achowski Edw in R. Ta.llon Richard J. Tan ner Paul E. Tanquary CI ifford C. Tao Frank F. Tappmeyer Ronald A. Taylor George H. Tay lor Otis H. Ta y lo r Roger K. Ta y lor Samuel E. Te I thorst Edga r J. Terry Ma rk L. Tetley Albert L. Th e oba1d Thoma s A. Tho e le Howard W. Thoma s Ha ro I d D. Thoma s Je re L. Thomp son Bennet R. Thompson Dudley Thompson George W. Thomp so n Homer F. Throgmorton Gordon R. Tibb s Harold E. Tiernon Carlos H. Timm Gary A. Todd Fred A. To I i ver Jack E. Toomey John B. Travelstead Charles W. Traylor James Tsukamoto Tadashi Tucker Armin J. Underwood Daniel H. Un verfert h W. James Van, Ha rty C. Jr. Van Bra me r Wi II i a m G. Van Eaton , Charles W. III Van Nostrand Robert G. Van Praag Jeffrey R. Vansant Robert E. Vaughn Chari ie F. Vaughn Daniel L. Vaughn Pau I E. Vogel Herma n H. Wa ldb art Theodore B. Waldschmidt Richard J. Walker Merton G. Wa I ke r , Wi I I i a m E. Jr. Wa lters James T. Wal z Robert L. Wanenmacher Joseph M. Warn er · John R. Warren Robert N. Wat k in s Paul A. Wat son Harry W.G. Watson Kevin D. Wa ttenbarg er Chris M. Webb Jerry J . Weeks Greg A. Wegen e r Curt L. We in e l Ernst A. We inland Haro ld A.

1947 1939 196 2 1944 1977 1950 1972 1947 1957 197 11 1939 1969 1938 1949 1926 1949 1964 1959 1947 1950 1983 1959 1940 1982 1952 1950 1949 1941 1950 1943 1960 1977 1974 1939 1972 1940 1981 1965 1961 1959 1970 1979 19 50 1964 1949 1957 1964 1947 1964 19 42 1972 1949 19 20 19 39 1961 1928 1963 1926 1953 1932 1931 1950 1954 1980 1948 1957 1949 1974 198 2 1975 1940 1976 1981 1975 19 5 1 1948 1942 1976 1951 1955 1981 1970 19 16 1978 1977 1936 1960 1952 1923 1970 1957 1948 195 1 1980 1941 1957 1980 1973 1944 195 3

1984 RoUamo

Weise Theodore L. Weiser Ha nl ey H. Weiss Michael W. -We I c h Ga ry E. Wentz, Char les A. Jr . West Jame s E. We str ic h Brian A. We ya nd Thoma s E. Wheeler Erne st S. Wh ee I oc k Le roy K. White Charle s S. Whit e Robert M. Wh.i two rth Vi rgi I L. Wicker Dave A. Widmer Rex C. Wie be Di rk H. Wieker Richard H. wiethop Russell H. Wi Ie Larson E. Wi Ikens Roy A. Wi Ikerson Augustus B. Wilkey Ralph W. Wi I ks John C. Wi lIett Nary J . Williams Anita L. Wi II ia ms Re x Z. Williams Richard K. Will ia ms Russ e ll E. Wi II iams Timmy A. Wi I I is Henry R. Wils on Chris D. Wi Ison Clyde W. Wilson M. Louise Wi Ison Michael A. Wi Ison Tommie C. Wi Ison Wi II iam L. Wi s s I e r Lo u i s B. Withrow Harold J. Withrow Kerry R. Wit t Le s lie D. Wi xson Bobby G. Wolf John D. Wolf Robert V. Wolff Leonard C. Wollgast Roy C. Wood Denn i s L. Wood Robe rt C. Woodfield Richard A. Wright Clarence J. Wright Harold R. Wu Chang-Yu Wulf f C. Steph en Wyatt De Marquis D. Yochum Kenneth H. Yochum Robe rt J. Zeid Marvin C. Ziegler Charles K. Ziegler John A. Zimmer- John J. Zo ll er Jacques W. Zvanut Ca rl M. Zvanut Frank J.


1967 1918 1977 1962 1957 1966 1980 1966 192 2 1952 193 2 1923 1944 19 72 1964 1959 193 2 1951 1966 1923 1938 1948 1977 1970 1931 1970 1957 1980 1953 1973 1965 1979 1964 1962 1943 1949 1958 1979 1967 1951 1942 1958 1975 1950 1966 1943 1950 1964 1971 1941 1950 1949 1951 1982 1977 1969 1942 1941 1932


Order of the Golden Shillelagh The Order of the Golden Shillelagh was established on Founders Day in 1977 to recognize the many alumni and their spouses and friends who provided signifi-. cant support to the University and the Alumni Association. The Order was established on a four-fold commitment to excellence at the University of Missouri-Rolla. These are: I) To recognize alumni and friends of the University whose concern is demonstrated through their financial support. 2) To provide means by which administration and faculty may share plans and aspirations for the University. 3) To help establish an exemplary pattern of substantial support through annual gifts and planned giving. 4) To promote increased interest in the welfare of the University on the part of others who might become members of the Order. In addition to the written acceptance to membership, there are several options a person may select to become a member. One is a pledge of a minimum of $10.000 during a ten-year period at a rate of not .Iess than $1 ,000 a year.

Another is a single gift of $10,000 or more. A planned gift of a minimum of $15,000 also qualifies. Examples of planned giving are bequests, life income agreements, charitable trusts, life insurance and real estate gifts. During 1984, eleven new members have been added to the Order of the Golden Shillelagh, bringing its total to 104. Each spring the membership has a formal dinner meeting. During this meeting new members are recognized and a campus program of current interest is presented. The 1985 spring meeting is scheduled for April I and the program will be provided by the University of . Missouri's new president, Dr. C. Peter Magrath. Please contact Howard Eloe, Executive Secretary of the Order of the Golden Shillelagh, in the AlumnilDevelopment Office if you wish information regarding the organization. Ralph McKelvey Chairman, Order of the Golden Shillelagh

Members Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Abbett (r) Mrs. Marguerite C. Anderson Prof. & Mrs. J. Lewis Andrews Mr . & Mrs. Hubert S. · Barger Mr. &: Mrs. Wi II iam L. Basler Mr. &: Mrs. Reade M. Beard Mr_ &: Mrs. Jerome T. Berry Mr. &: Mrs. Phi II ip J. Boyer ( C) Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Brackbi I I Mr. John Stratford Brown (C) Mr . & Mrs. Donald L_ Castleman Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Cochran Mr_ & Mrs. G. Robert Couch (C) Mr. & Mrs. E. Jefferson Crum (F) Mrs. Dorothy Radcl iffe Dee Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Dowl ing (F) (E) Mr_ &: Mrs. Charles S. Draper Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Eck Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Engl ish Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur S. Feagan (E) Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Finley (F) (E) Mr_ & Mrs. James M. Forgotson (e) Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Freeman (C) Mr. & Mrs. Harold Q Fuller . Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Givens Mr. & Mrs. John A. Gordon, Jr. Mr. C. James Grimm (F) Mr. & Mrs. Alden G. Hacker (F) (E) Mr. & Mrs. John P. Harmon (C) Mrs. Marjory Meyer Hasselmann (F) Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Haydon Mrs . lise Hei Ibrunn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Holmes (F) (E) Mrs. Bert F. Hoover (C) Mr. Harland H. Hoppock (C) Mr. & Mrs. Carl E: Ijames Mr. & Mrs. Vernon T. Jones Mrs. Mervin J. Kelly ( C)

(F) Founding Member

Mrs. Charles B. Kentnor, Jr. ( F) Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Kessler (F) Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kissl inger Mr_ & Mrs. Harold Koplar Mr. & Mrs. Frederick S. Kummer (F) Mr . & Mrs. Jennings R. Lambeth Mr. &: Mr s. Allan H. LaPlante Mr. & Mrs. John H. Livingston Mrs. Floyd S. Mackl in (F) Mrs. Roy W. McBride (F) Mr. & Mrs. Belding H. McC urdy (F) Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. McKelvey (F) (E) Mr. & Mrs . Geo rge E. Mue I Ie r (C) Mrs . James J. Murphy Mr. &: Mrs. Robert H.' Nau Mr. Kenneth R. Neal . Mr . & Mrs. Marvin E. Nevins, Jr. (F) Mr. & Mr s. John K. Olsen Mr. &: Mrs. John L. Painter Mr. · & Mrs. Murray J_ Pa ul (F) Mr . & Mrs. Harry R. Pearson, Jr. Mr . & Mrs. E. L. Perry (e) Mr. C. J. Potter (e) Mrs. Grace W. Prange Mr_ & Mrs. James A. Redding Mr. & Mrs. Harvey J. Reed Mrs. Agnes Remington Mr. Charles Remington Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Remmers Mr. & Mr s . Thomas A. Remmers Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Remmers Mr. & Mrs. Murray C. Renick, Jr. Mr. Robert P Rhoades Mr . &: Mrs. Pau I B. Rothband Mr. &: Mrs. Rodman St. Clair (F) (E) Mr. &: Mrs. Be rnard R. Sa r c het (F) Mr. &: Mrs. Robert P. Schafer Mr . Ha n s E. Sc hmoldt (F)

(C) Ch ar t e r Member

Mrs. Jimmie Schmoldt Mr. & Mrs. John t. Schork Mr. & Mrs. James J. Scott Mr. & Mrs . . Joseph G. Sevick (C) Mr. &: Mrs. Gabriel G. Skitek Mr. &: Mrs. Walter Snelson Mr. & Mrs. John P. Soult IC) Mr. & Mrs. J. Victor Spalding Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence A. Spanier Mr. & Mrs. Ernest M. Spokes Mr. Thomas J. Stewart, Jr. Mr. &: Mrs. S. AI Ian Stone (F) Mr. &: Mrs. H. D. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Carlos H. Tiernon Mr. &: Mrs. John B. Toomey (C) Mr. &: Mrs. Mel Weinbaum Mr. Virgi I L. Whitworth (F) Mr. Rex Z. Wil Iiams Mr. &: Mrs. DeMarquis D. Wyatt . Mr. & Mrs. Marvin C. Zeid Deceased Members: Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Basler Mrs. Margrete Gross Mr. Bert F. Hoover (C) Mr. Charles B. Kentnor, Jr. (f) Mr s . Thoma s Witt Leach (C) Mr. Floyd S. Mackl in (F) Mr s. V. H. McNutt (F) Mr. &: Mr s. Frank H. Ment z , Jr. Mr. James J. Murphy Mr . &: Mrs. Walter T. Schrenk (F) Mr. &: Mr s. Edward A. Smith (F) Mrs. Thomas J . Stewil rt, Jr. Mr. Frank E. Townsend Mr . & Mr s. Henry E. Zoller (F)

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(E) Executive Committee

UM-Rolla and Golden Shillelagh Tour in May You are invited to join Howard and JoAnn Eloe for a tour of Ireland, Wales and England May 16 through May 29 . This tour, sponsored by UM ~ and the Order of the Golden Shillelagh, has several features designed specifically for MSM-UMR alumni and friends. The group will be hosted by Howard and JoAnn Eloe. Howard is director of UMR's development fund and executive secretary of the Order of the Golden Shillelagh. While in Dublin , the group will meet UMR Chancellor and Mrs. Joseph M. Marchello who will be in that city for a meeting with officials of University College Dublin . The group will also meet with certain faculty members of UCD who will provide special information and tours of Dublin and Ireland. Also, the group will stay in only four hotels during the tour, which will minimize luggage handling and packing problems, and will tour points of interest from these central locations in a personal motor coach. All transportation and most meals will be provided except during leisure periods. Cost of the 14-day tour is $1 ,994 per person-from and to Boston. For further Oetail& and a tour brochure, call or wrIte: lloward Eloe. AlumnilDevelopment

22 ' MSM



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Liaiso Under Remin Veens will st


Office, 101 Harris Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla", Rolla, MO 65401 (phone: 314-341-4054).

dent a library

Corporate Matching Gifts Abbott La b s ACF Foundation, In c . A E St a l e y Mfg Co. Ae ro s pa c e Corp . A i r Produ c t s Airw i c k In du s t r i es A I c o a Fo und a t ion A ll i e d Co rp. M1AX, I n c . Ame ri ca n El ec tric Co r p. Ame ri c an Motor s Corp . AMER I TEC H Amoco Found a t ion, I nc . Anh e u se r - Bu sc h I nc ANR Pip e l ine Co . Ar mc o , I nc. ASARCO, I n c . A sh l and Oi I, In c . AT &T Com muni cat i ons AT& T Be l I La bo r ator i es AT&T Lo ng Lin es AT& T Wes t e rn E l ec tr i c Atlantic Ric h fi e ld Co. Autom a tion I ndu s tri es Bank o f Am e r i c a Ba x ter Trav en o l Laborator i es Be c ht e l Corp . Be l I & Howe I I Co. Th e Be n di x Corp . Bet h le h e m Stee l Corp . Th e B l ount , I nc . Th e Boeing Co. Boise - Cascade Cor p. Borg- Warner Corp. Bri s to l- Mye r s Co . Bung e Corp . Bur r oughs Corp. Butle r Manufacturing Co. Ca bot Co rp . Carr i er Corp . Cate r p i l i ar Tractor Co . Celanese Corp. Ch as e Ma nh a tt e n Ba nk Che s ebrough - Pond's , I n c. Che v ro n USA, Inc. Chry sler Co r p. C i n c inn a t i Be ll C i t ib a n kjCit i cor p Cities Service O i I & Gas Co rp. Clark Equ i p me n t Co. Th e Cleve l a n d - C I i f f s I ron Co. Co i limb i a Broadcast in g Sys. Co lumb ia Ga s Syste m, In c. Co mbu s ti on En g in ee ring, In c . CON OC O, In c. Con s o l id a t i on Coa l Co. Con ti ·n e n ta l Ba n k Fdn.

Co ntin e nt a l Group , I nc. Cyc lop s Co r p . DEKA LB De Le uw , Cat h e r & Co . De l Monte Corp. De t ro i t Ed i s on Di g it ~ 1 Eq uipm e nt Co r p. Th e Dow Ch e mi ca l Co. Do w Co rning Cor p. D resse r I ndu s tri es, I n c . Du ke Powe r Co. Du n & Bra d s tree t Corp. Fdn . Eat on Corp . EG&G In c. Eme r so n E l ec tr i c Co . Eth y l Co rp. Exxo n Co r p . Fac t ory Mut u a l Engin eer in g Fidel i ty Uni o n L ife I n su r a n ce Co . T h e F ires t o n e T i re & Rubb er Co. H i e F I u o r Co r p . FMC Co rp . For d Mo tor Co rp . G D Sea r I e & Co. Ga r r e t t Co r p . GAT X Co r p . Ge n e r a l Dy n a mi cs Corp . Ge n e r a l Fo o u s, In c. Ge n e r a l El ec t r i c Co. Ge nera l Sign a l Corp Ge n e ral Te lephon e & Electronic s Corp . Gett y Oi I Co . B. F . Goodr i ch Co . Go o d y ear T ire & Rubber Co . GOU l d, In c . G r ac e Found a tion, I nc . Gu I f 0 i I Co r p . Gu l f St a t es Ut i I i t i es Co . Ha II ibur t on Co .

Kea rn ey - Na tion a I , I n c . M W Ke llogg Con s tr . , Inc. Ke nn ec ot t Corp . Ke rr - McGee Corp . Ko pp ers Co., I n c . Lac l e d e Gas Ch a ri ta b l e Tru st Lever B r o th e r s Co . Libb ey - Owe n s - Fo rd Co . Louisi a n a La nd & Ex plora tion Co. Ma l I i n c kr o dt, In c . Ma r a th o n Oi I Co . Th e Ma rl ey Co . Ma rtin Mar i etta Co rp . Ma y Stores Fdn, 1 n c . Th e May ta g Co. Mc Donn e I I Do u g I a s Co r p . McGraw - Ed i so n Power Syste m Di vis ion McGraw - Hi II Fun ., I n c. Th e Med t ro ni c Fd n . M in n eso t a Minin g & M an u fa~tu r in g Co. Mi ssou ri Publ i c Serv i ce Co. Mi t re Co r p . Mob i I 0 i I Co rp . Mo n san t o Co . Mo rri s on Knud s en Co ., In c. Mo t oro l a, In c . Mur ph y Oi I , Inc . Na l co Ch e mi ca l Co . Na ti o n a l Di st i l l e r s & Ch e mi ca l Ce rp . Nat i o n a l St e el Co r p. Na tura l Gas Pip e l ine Co. of Am e ric a NCR Co r p. Newmont Minin g Co rp. New En g l a nd E l ec tri c Th e N L Indll st ri es , I nc. No r a nd a A lumi' num , I n c. No rth Ame ric a n Phi I ip s Co rp . 0 li n Co r p . On e i da L t d. Owens - Co rn i n g F i b ergl as Co rp . Owe n s - I I I in o i s , In c . Pa nh a nd l e Easte rn Cor p . Pea b o d y In te r natio nal Corp . Pe nn sylva ni a Powe r & Li g h t Co . Peps i co Fo und a t i on Pf i ze r , In c.

Ha I I ma rk Ca r d s , I n c. Harr i s Co r p . T h e Ha r t ford St ea m Bo i l e r I nsp ec tion & I n su rance Co . HB E Co rp . Herc ul es , I n c . . Hew l ett Packa rd I-Io n eywe I I , In c . J. M. Hube r Corp. John Deere Corp . Jo hn so n Co n tro l s, In c . PI-I H Group Hu g h es A i r c r a f t Co. Phi I I i ps Pe tr o l e um Co . In ter n at i ona l Bus in ess Mac hi nes PPG Indu str i es, I nc . Th e In te rN o rth , In c . \ Pr i ce B rot h ers Co . Int er n atio n a l Pa p e r Co . Procter & Ga mble Co. I n ter na t i ona l Te l e ph o n e Pu bli c Se r v i ce Co. of CO & Te l eg r a ph Corp. Ra lph M. Pa r so n s Co .

Ra l sto n Pu r i n a Co. Ray th e on Co. Read in g & Ba t es Of f s h o r e Dr i I l i ng Co. Re I i a n ce E I e c t r i c Co. Re pub l i c Stee l Corp . Rey no l d s Meta l s , Inc. ' Roc h este r & Pitt s burgh Coa l Co. Roc kwe ll In te rnation a l Co r p . Ro hm & Haas Co . Ro l m Co r p. St. Jo e Min e r a l s Co rp. Sa nt a Fe In t ernation a I Corp . J ose p h E . Se agra m & Son, In c . ' She I I 0 i I Co . Sh e l l e r- G lo v e Corp. T h e Sh e r w in-Willi a ms Co . S in ge r Co . Smit h In ter n a ti o n a l , I nc. Smi th k l in e Beck ma n Fdn . So il Cons ul ta n ts, In c . So uth e rn Ca l i f Ga s Co . Sou th I a nd Co rp . Sout hw este rn Be l l Spe rr y Co rp . Sq uibb Co rp. A. E . St a l ey M a l~f a ctu r ing Co. Sta nd a r d O i I Co mpan y (Ohio) Ston e & Web s ter, Inc . Sun Camp a ny, I nc. Te k tron i x, I nc . Te l e d yne, Inc . Te nn ec o, In c . Texac o Phi l a nth r opic Foundatio n Texas Ea ste r n Corp . . Texas I nstrume nts, In c . Textron, In c. T he Tr av elers In su ran c e Co. T hre e M Fdn . TRW, I n c . Unin e t , In c . Uni o n Ca rbid e Corp . Un ion E l ec t r i c Co . Uni o n O i I Co . of Ca I i fo r ni a Union Pac ific Co~ p. Uni te d En gr. & Co n s truc t or s L td . Unit e d Tec hn o logi es Co r p . U .S. Fi de l i ty and Gu a r a nt y Co. U.S. Gypsu m Co . Westing h ouse E le c t r i c Cor p . Westvaco Co r p . Wi I I i ams Pi p e l i n e Co. The Wi II i a ms Co . Xe r o x Co rp. Ya rway Co r p.

Development Council Activities The UM-Rolla development program goals are pursued at two levels: the annual program and accelerated special thrust efforts. The development program comprises volunteer teams and staff that solicit support from alumni, corporations and foundations, individuals, entrepreneurs, faculty and staff, parents, and the Rolla community. Committees represented in the UMR Development Council are: Alumni Liaison, Bob Bay; Corporate Executives, Wayne Bennetsen; Entrepreneurs, Bob Underhill; Major Individual Gifts, Ralph McKelvey; Planned G iving, Charles Remington; Parents' Association, Ronald Yersak; Parents' F und, Charles Veenstra; Community Support, F loyd Ferrell and Bill Jenks. Wayne Bennetsen will step up to Chairman of the Development Council at the April 1985 meeting. The Annual Development Program provides support in seven basic areas: student aid, equipment, facilities, departmental development, faculty excellence, library and special programs. Several of these areas have benefited from ac-

celerated thrust efforts in recent years: facilities, faculty excellence, and equipment. For the period ahead, the campus plans te build on current strengths in instruction and research. The new directions for the accelerated special thrust effort will be to obtain support needed to raise existing quality programs to excellence. Since the November meeting of the_UMR Development Council, several of the corporate members have expressed interest in establishing company identity with some of the research and instructional centers on campus. Reports of this interface between company and faculty will be an important item at the next meeting of the Council. Alden G . Hacker, Chairman UMR Development Council

MSM Alumnu s/23

Donors to the Univ~rsity


BOc BOf Bof


A A B Chance Co A E Staley Mfg Co A P Green Refractories Co Abbott Laboratories Abbott Rohn D. Abe.1 Scott W. Abe r nathie Wi II iam E. Abernathy Thomas S. Absher Harold R. Achelpohl Fredrick P. ACME Foundry Inc Acree, Wi II iam E. Jr . Adamick, Chester J. Jr. Adamick Henry S . Adams Charles T. Adams David L. Adaw i I b ra him Adkins Carolyn S. Burchfield Carolyn S. Adkins Robert D. Adrian Timothy R. Ae ro spa ce Co rp Agnew Allen B. Agrawal Arun K. Ah I a nd Wayne Aho Michael Edward Ai r Force ROTC Air Products & Chem Iny Akers Steven M. Albers Robert G. A coa Fdn A ex Pizza Palace A exander George D. A e xander, Ra Iph W. ,Jr. A exander Terry W. A exander Vernon T. A exander Willi a m C. A Ien Denn i s L: A I en Eugene K. A len Ha rry W. A le n, John E. Jr. A I i e d Che mi ca l Fdn A I ison J a mes B. A I ison Lat on D. A s be rg Char le s F. A the ide Char le s R. Altman Ronald L. Aluminum Comp of Amer ica Al vey Mark S. AMAX Fdn Inc AM AX Le ad Co of MO Ambrose L. Siagian American Bank of Roll a American EI Power Serv Co American Stand ard Fdn Amid e i Will ia m Amin Rajinkant C. Amoco Fdn Inc Amoco Minera l Co 0 Amoco Oi I Co (Research & Dev) Amste d Industries Fdn Anderhub Anthony P. Anderson Dennis R.

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Anderson Gary S. Anderson Gregory T. Anderson Je rry M. Anderson John C. And e rson Ma rtha Anderson Mi chae l B. Anderson Mich a el E. Ande rson Ph i I lip L. Anderson Ri c hard A. Anderson Wal ter F. Anderson, Wi II iam E. J r . Andoe W. Victor Andreae Robert A. Andreas Wayne T. Andres Otto M. Andrews Frances T. And rews Wi I I i a m A. Angel i Bartholomew P. Angert Karen Sue Dvorsky Karen Sue Anheuser-Busch Inc Annis Donald J . Anson Dennis G. Anspach Earl E. Appel Dennis C. Appleyard Frank C. Appl ied Membrane Tech Inc AR Power & Light Co Arant Wi II iam S. Archer Glenn ARMCO Fdn Armistead James W. Ar ms Robe rt L. Armstrong Robert J. Arm s trong Jr Robert E. Arndt Terry L. Arnold John M. Arnold John W. Arnoldy Richard R. Aronb erg Garry R. Arthur' Trea I

Aurig Bi Il y Gregory Austin Buddy J . Aust i n Lee S. Au st in Margot H. Aut e n Ro y D. Automation Industrie s Averi II John E. Avery M. Ronald Avula Xavier J. Axmacher George W. ' Ayars Robert S. Aylor Cortez C.


B F Goodrich Co Babcock Daniel L. Bach Thoma s E. Bachman David A. Baechle Augu s t A. Baer Kenneth G. Baginski David Jame s Bagley Wi II iam C. Bahr & Son Furniture Ba i ley, Edw inC. Jr. ' Ba i ley Ke i th E. Bai ley Raymond E. Bai ley Raymond E. Ba i rd . Ma ry Lou Baker · Cathy Jane Raidt Cathy J a ne Baker Chest e r H. · Baker Ga rt h Baker John P. Baker John W. Bakhsh i Virendar S. Baldetti Paul G. Ba II Robert D. As a rco Fdn Ba ll estero, Anton io P. J r. As bee Don Ba l I iew El aine A. Ascensio Car lo s A. Chri s tian El a in e A. Asco I i Da I e Ro be rt Ba l lou Brian Ba ndy Grace Gl a dys Asfour Karim W. Ba nk Ameri c a Fdn Ashbaugh Br i an W. Banks Robert ·L. Asher Char l es E. Bannes Lorry T. Asher Vernon L. Bannes-Shaughnes sy In c Ashland Oi I Fdn In c Baradari Fa ro ug h Ashle y Car l G. Barber George E. Associa t e d Elec Co op In c Barbour Ko ell e G. Astrack Richard F. Barc lay David A. AT&T Bardelmeier August R. AT&T Be I I Labs Baremore James J. AT&T Be I I La bs Barera, Joseph M. Sr . AT&T Long Lines Barickman EI izabeth AT&T Technologies Kasper ski· EI izabeth Atkins Jack D. Ba rke r Ma rv i n W. . Atkinson Charles H. Ba r I i c k La r ry F. Atlantic Richfield Co (Dallas) Ba rne s Eng i ne Rebu i I de rs Atlanti c Richfield Co (LA) Atlantic Richfield Fdn Ba rn e s Johny J . Aubrecht, Ladimi r J . Jr. Ba r ne s 'Wi I I i am M. Aubrey, Leo A. Jr. Ba r r Da v i d J. Barr Ralph S. Auld Wade B. Barrack Nicholas E. Ba r ra nd Ke rwood W. Bartels Euge ne A. Barthol ic Da v id B. Bartlett Hugh Bartlett Sylva n Bartley, Wi II ia m H. Jr. Bartl i ng Don a ld L. Ba rton C. Dean Ba s h Da v idA. Ba s l e r El ect ri c Co Ba s l e r Fra nc is S . Basl e r Mi c hae l J. Ba s le r Wi II i a m L. Bass Pau l J . Bass in Ro na ld L. Basye Ri c ha rd E. Ba tra Romes h C. Bat s on Wi Ibur C. Baue r Ma r k G. Bauer Ri c hard A. Bauer Ri c ha rd H. Baller Wi II i a m Al f r erl Ba um, F ra n k l. J r. Baumann Ric hard E. Baumeye r Er v in H. Baums t ark Wa l ter A. Baur Jo hn C. Ba u r Ric hard A. Bax t e r Ken ne th D. Bax t e r Trave nol Labo r atories 1984 Rollamo

Bay Robert D. Bayer Michael G. Bayless Jerry R. Bean Robert C. Beard Reade M. Bea rden Sha ron Beauchamp Robert W. Becher Margaret M. Be c h te I Co rp Beck Ph ii i P J. Becka Edwa rd Beckemeyer, Edward J . Jr . Beckerle . Susan R. Re mley Susan R. Bednar Stephen J. Beecher Richard G. Beers, Jack C. I I Behan Thomas A. Be i I Wa I te r F. ' Bei rne John M. Bekaert Steel Wire Corp Belden W.L. Belew Elmer W. Be I I & Howe I I Co Bell Arthur H. Bell Gordon W. Bell James A. Bell Jeffrey Be I I Robe rt J. Bellassai JacquesJ. Bena rd John Bendapudi Kasi V. Bender John H. Bendix Corp (Kansas City) Bendix Found at ion Bene Vince Benignus Thomas D. Benjam i n Dona I d Benne t sen Way ne J. Bennett Carrol P. Bennett, William Jr. Benn i s h Donald E. Benoit Char l es M. Benoy Lesl i e D. Be nton Reg in a ld H. Ben z La rry J. Beres i k Th e odore L. Berg Helen M. Berg Richard O. Be rg lund . Pa u IT. Be rgman Bruce W. Be rg t Da v id E. Bergtholdt Step hen J. Berktiigler Larry W. Berry Char l es A. Berry Hugh R. Be rry J e rome T. Bertin Kenneth J. Be rt no I I i Ed wa rd C. Bertra m Jeffery P. Bertrand Gary L. Berwa Id David M. Be rwa I d I rv i n Bess James D. Best John L. Bethards Charles W. Bethlehem Steel Co rp Betz Ra y mond R. Bevel Je r ry E. Beve ridg e Ma ry Be yke Chri s tine J. Bhakta Sat i' sh D. Bib Ie, Pa u I L. Jr. Bie Wendy A. Bi eniek Ro na l d J. e ierman n Robe r t G. Bingham, Lloyd W. Jr. Birt Floyd D, Bise Wa yne Bi s e s i Don a ld C. Bla c k & Ve a t c h Fdn Bl ack, Ha rold E. Jr. Bla c kburn Thom as Wayne B I a c kwe I I Ca r ro I L. Bl ake Char l es A. Bl a n ke nship Dea n M. Blanto n Jack Blatte l Steve n R. Bl edsoe J erf re y P. Bl edsoe Wayne M. Bl ev in s Doug la s N. Bl ev in s Howa rd L. Bli zew s ki Bre nt Bloc h Me l r o se A. Blou nt Da niel T. Bloun t Inc Bl ount Robert L. Bl umb e rg Le s l ie

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B Continued Bobe r Edwa rd J . Bockma n Gary J . Boe R i c ha r d I . Boe hme Vernon P. Boeing Co ( Sea ttl e ) Boewe Gra i g Boga n J a mes J. Boga rt Ha r I ey Bogler Thomas J. Bohl Car l D. Bohley Ro na ld G. Bohley Th omas K. Bo i se Casca de Corp Boje, Ge org e J . Jr. Bo l a nd Bo nni e A. Va n Horn Bonni e A. Bo ling, Ha r r y O. I I I Bo I I He rman Bo I I e nb a che r A I be rt Bo Ion A I be rt E. Bolon , Lucien M. Jr. Bolt e r Ern s t Bomma r i to Joseph C / ' Bommer Theodore J. Bonczyk Bruce S. Bond i J.ames O. Bondurant David W. Bonifield Kevin D. Booher Paul D. Borberg James R. Borcherding, Donald A. Jr. Bo rg-Wa rne r Inc Bo rg i n i Fred Borgmeyer Thomas S. Bosch Wouter Boshears Jimmy L. Bosko John Boston Lawrence A. Botterbush Wi Ifred E. Boulson Gharles E. Bounds Donald R. Bourne Donald W. Bourne William H. Boute I I e La rry Bowen, Jesse W. Jr. Bowen Larry R. Bowers Cra ig R. Bowers Donald R. Bowles Ja'net F. Bowman Carsten E. Bowman, Samuel S . I II Boxdorfer Robert L. Boyce Daniel E. Boyd Charles L . Boyd Robe rt K. Boyd Roy H. Boyer John M. Boye r Ph iii p J . Boyko Kenneth J . Boyle Wi II iam L. Boyt Eugene P. Bozarth Bruce A. BrackbiH RobertM . Bradbury Charles' E. Bradfield James F. Bradham Vicki E. Bradley Dale E. Bra dy Dale E. Brakensiek Wi II i a m E. Brand John R. Brandt Robert E. Branson Donald A. Brase Deborah Diane Brown Deborah Diane Bratovich Matt W. Braun Rebecca Breece David R. Brehe Harold C. Breitenfeld Richard T. Brel' , Mrs Wi II iam Jr. Breme'r Terry W. Brendel James B. Brendel Ronald A. Brenning Eugene D. Breuer Coy L. Breuer D. Wa I la c e Breuer Marvin H. Brevi I Ie David A. Brewer John M. Brewe r Lawrence O. Brewton, Wi Ibert R. Jr. ~ridges Steven D. Bridges Thomas L. Bridgman Samue l Brielmaier Paul A. Briggs James A. Bright Paul K. Brinkmann Charles E. ,Brinkopf Robert L. Bri s bee Terry R. Coffman Terry R. Bristol Myers Pr oduc t s Brockhaus Douglas A.


Brodhacker John W. Bran Cl a y Brotherton Char l es I( Bro;;-n "" Buran W. .: ,~ Brow n Deborah 'Diane Bra se Deborah Di a ne Brown, Dewey F. Jr. Brown Don a ld R. Brown Ha rry A. Brown M. Grang e r Brown Mich ael D. Brown Richard R. Brown Ricky J. Brown Robert L. Brown Stua rt S. ' Brown hi i II is L. Brown i ng Ph i I A. Broyles Ga ry Brubaker Maurice E. Br ll egging Ha ro I d J . Br ue hma nn Ott , Bru gger Pa t r i c k H. Bru gnara Mi c hae l A. Brune Ga ry L. Bru nkhor s t Lloyd E. Brun s, Be r na rd A. III Brun s Ma r t i n T. Brun s Robe rt F. Brunts Ra nd a I I T. Bryant Danny T. Bryant Da vid A. Bryant Dennis Bryant James R. Buchanan John O. Buckwalter John R. Budd Vincent J. Bude Ronald O. Buffington Da rre I I L. Bui Iders Assn of Mo Buiting Michael G. Bull Russe I I Bu I I a Frederick W. Bu I I a rd James R. Bullman Mrs Gale Bunge Corp Burchett Cra i g G. Burchfield Carolyn S. Adkins Ca ro Iyn S. Bureman Ph i I lip E. Burg Kenneth M. Bu rg e r Thomas C. Burgess Woodrow L.' Bu rg,~ t t Fred F. Bu rg e tt Ma x A. Burke George E. Burke La r ry R. Burke Teri e I E. Burkempe r La r ry J . Bu rkhead, Kenneth E. Sr. Bu r khead Ni c hol as W. Bu r I baw He rb e rt G. Bu rns Don a ld Raymond Bu rn s Fre d ri c k B. Burstein Mu r ray Burton A. Sa m Busby Mich ae l J. Busch Kenne t h L. Busch ling Randy Lewi s Bu s se David R. Butchko Robe rt G. Butt r ey John W. Butt s Mich a el C. But z er Ha ro I d G. Bye rs Ch a r I es E. By ington Ma r v i n L.

C Ca bo t Co rp Cadwall a der Ge org e W. Caiazzo An t ho ny A. Cain Lawre nce Jo se p Cain St e phe n J ose ph Ca l c at e rra Edwa rd L. Calhoun Troy C. Ca lhoun Willi a m L. Cal i s e Sal va t ore J. ,Ca llahan Carte r Ca I I an a n Da v i d M. Calod ney Ma r ti n M. Ca'iodney Rose Ca I v i n Pa u I N. Ca lv in Ta nya Ca mbi er J a mes L. Ca me ron Char les V. Ca mpbe I I Ro be r t E. Ca mpbell Wi II iam T. Camp e a u , Be nja mi n J r . Ca mpi in Fr e der ic k A. Ca nale Thoma s Ca nizares Hugo M. Cannon , Ge org e E. Jr. Ca non Ron a ld M.




Cantrell Charles C. Capps Jeffrey C. Ca rbo line Co Cardetti Richard J. Carel Terry Ca r I Lo u isH. Carlo Joseph W. Carlton ' Paul F:' Carmichael Ronald L. Carnahan Danny L. Ca rney Jay L. Ca rney W. Da I e Ca r r V i rg i IE. Ca rr i e r Co rp Fdn Inc Carrolla Ross R. Ca rson Alan W. Carstens John C. Carter John B. Carter John D. Carter Robert A. Carter Ronald W. Ca rty B i I I Ca rty, Robe rt T. Sr. Ca ry St a nle y E. Case Glenn R. Ca s'ey John T. Castleman Donald L. Caterpi liar Fdn Ca terpi liar Tra ctor Co Ce Ianese Co rp Central Federal Sa vings & Loan Centra I II Pub Servi c e Co Cerro-Marmon Copper Prod Div Cerulo Micha el E. Chamberl a in Ethan A. Ch a ney James B. Ch a ng Homer S. Ch a ng J a me s J . Chang Jose ph J . Chang Shoou- Yuh Chang Wi II iam C. Ch a ng Yu Tai Chao S. (St e ve) Cha pma n , Ha rrison E. Jr. Ch a pma n Richa r d G. Chapma n Stephen R. Charbonnier Wi II i am P. Cha rma r Inc Chase Manha tten Ban k Chatron Wi II iam Alan Cha udhary Su re s h K. Cheeseb r ough-Pond's In c Chek-Tech d/b/a FARMTRONI X Cheme t co Chen Sun C. Chen Tak M. Chen Ten-Hsi Chen Wen 7Liang W. Ch e n '.I i I li e Y. Ch e noweth John S . Ch ern Wi I I iam W. M. Cherv it z Jerro l d Che vron USA Inc (Denve r ) Chev r on USA Inc (Richmond) Chevro n USA Inc ( Sa n Franci sco Ch ic oineau Ph i I i ppe Chi e ng Chi- Cha o Chi Idres s Joh n R. Chi Iton Mic ha el R. Chinn Russel I A. Choat e La r ry D. Cho a te Rober t L. Cho r ney Pe t e r L. Ch r i ste n se n Douglas N. Chr is ten s en Lawrenc e

Christian El aine A. Bal I iew Elaine A. Christian Scott AI len Christopher Leo L. Ch r ysler Corp Fund Chuang Cheng Y. Church Jeffrey W. Church , Jerry W. CH2M Hi I I Eng Planners Scient Cieciwa Gregory A. C i nc i nna t i Be I I Ci ties Service Fdn Clamors Doug Edward Claridge Elmond L. C I a rk Bruce B. Clark Dennis A. Clark Eqpt Co Clar k Robert E. Cla r k Stephen Paul Clark Terry Clark WilliamW . C I a rke '.I i I I i amP . Clarkson Charles F. C I a sp i I I Ga ry Lee Clausen Edgar C. Clave nn a Mark D. Clayton Charles L. Clemmons Mrs Margaret L. Clemmons Russel R. Clevel a nd-CI iffs Fdn C line Ga ry W. Clod f elte r Gene C. Close Ma xwel I L. Cobb Da vid E. Cobb Ga ry K. Cobble James J . Cochran Andrew A. Coco Matteo A. Coddington Wi I I iam H. Coffer Harold R. Coffma n Ka th I yn L. Co f fman Terry R. Bri s bee Te r ry R. Cohen Ge ra I d L. Cohen Mrs George Cohen Pea r l Colbo rn e Bruce J. Co'dwel'- Dietzmann Real Estate Cole Hen ry M. Cole Jimmy D. Cole Pa trick L. Cole Richa r d E. Coleman Glenn J. Co I I James Coli ins Diana L. Eng e man Diana L. Coil ins Walte r K . Colma n Howard B. Co I t e r Ki m D. Columbia Ga s Trans Co r p Co lv in Ka t hl een M. Meye rk o r d Kat hleen M. Com bs Robe r t K. Com bu s ti on Engineeri ~g Inc Comb u st ion Engr- Re fra ctories Cominco Ame r ican Inc Compu te r Sa le s Int Conc i Fran k B. Co nk l i n J o hn D. Conner Robe r t P. Conn er St ell a Conoco Inc ( ~ou s t on) Conoc o Inc ( Ponca Ci ty ) Co n r a th Do ug las C. Conso l idati on Coa l Co


Alumnus/ 25




C Continued



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Cont ine nta l Bank Fdn Cook Henry B. Cook Michael M. cooksey Sandra Fries Coon Joseph M. Coonce Homer E. Coonrod Ne i I R. Cooper Evelyn B. Cooper John A. Cooper Richard C. Cope John Cope Wi II iam R. Copeland Wesle y Copenhaver Roger L. Coplen, Roy I. Jr. Co rb i n Ga ry A. Corbin Kenneth D. Co rn Arthu r Corn Products Cornett Roy C. Corrigan John D. Corte Iyou, Abram L. Jr . Cosse tte Terry Cothern Amy S . McDaniel Amy S. Cothern Charles K. Cotten Merrill R. Cottingham William Co uc h G. Robert Counc i I for Chem Research Inc Countryside Realty Cowan Cherie R. Cowan Keith J. Cra ig James A. Cra i g Kin I ey B. Craig Wall aceC. Crannel I Ann M. Creason Gary W. Creech Ha rry L. Cress W. Dudl ey Crews Edd ie L. Critchfield John W. Crocker John W. Cronin Donald L. Crookston James Cropp Kenton A. Crosby Raymond D. Cross J. Keith Cross Ra I ph L. Crosser Orrin K. Crosswhite Mark R. Crowe, Joseph E. Jr. Crum E. Jefferson Crumbaugh Daniel H. Cubit James Cude, Eber F. Jr. Cui I ison EI izabeth Culnan, Patrick D. Jr. Culver Robert E. Cunningham Floyd M. Cunningham Robert L. Current Rehabi I itation Agency Cust e r Phillip E. Custom Buckle Manufactures Cuthbertson Mary L. Cysewski Brian Czar Lamont Henry

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Devaney Mi c hae l J . De V ~s to Th oma s D. Dew James B. Dewa r Ha ro I d L. DeWi t t Russe ll E. Dhara ni Lokes wa rappa R. Di ckens Ri c hard L. Di cke n s Wa l te r H. Di c kma n Jo hn J . Di e bold St e ph e n M. Di eckg ra fe Ro ber t E. Di eckmeye r, Or r i n J . Jr. Di e ringer Dona ld R. Di erker St e ve n B. Di e t z ma n J o hn F. Di II i ngh a m Mar i on A. Dillman Rob e rt John Di li on Pau l H . , DiNapo l i Mich ae l A. Din i Louis Dian Dian e Koe s te r Di a ne Dittmaier Thoma s A. Dittme r Ru sse ll S. Ditton , Ve rnon R. J r. Dit z ler Karen Di x La r ry L. ' Dodd Cur t i s W. Doering De nni s N. 1984 Rollamo Doering Fra nk J . Doerr Kenn e th J . Dolan Ga i I Loui s e Do Ia n Thoma s J. Do I a ta Edwa rd W. Do I I Wa rw i c k W. Daan e Adrian H. Do I I a r J im A. Da i Iy Eugene J . Do l son George M. Da le Char les L. Dona t i Lou i s J. Dalton Forrest J . Doner Ka rl I . Dalton Tho mas J. Dostal Gregory G.J . Dampf Dona Id P. Dougherty Roger K. Danforth Warre n B. Dougla s Fre ddie C. Daniels Armand Doutt Thomas R. Da n i e I s Wi I I i am J. Dow Che mi ca l Co (M i dland) Danzer Carl ' J. Dow Chemical Co Fdn Daou I as Arthur Dow Co rn i ng Co rp Dare Charl es E. Dowl ing Paul T. Da r l i ng Cha r I es F. Downs Jack S. Da rl i ng James W. Downs John Da rr J. Thomas Doy leBa rba ra L. Darst Jeffrey W. * Doyle John J . Dase nbro ck Arthur A. Dra pe r Be r na rd Das hti Gho lam Hossein Drawe Stephen L. Dave Bhal c handra T. Dre iii ng Ra nda I I David Edward G. Drei sewerd Dougl as W. Da vidso n Da nn y E. Dre sser Fdn Inc Dav i I a 0 limp i a Dresser Thorpe Davis Carl B. Dressler Donald R. Davi~ Gary W. Dreste, Fred E. Jr. Davis Jo s eph E. Dreste Jerome P. Davis , Ralph T. Jr. Dr i e me i erA I Ien H. Davi s Robert S . Dro I I Pa u I W. . Davis Stuart L. Drury , Raymond L. III Dawes Ronald F. D' So uza Aloysiu s F. Dawson Bruce Duddridge Kenneth J . Day Delbert E. Dudley James W. Day Russe I I Dugan Maureen Alane Daylong Wi l liam B. Dugger Shirl ey M. De Leuw, Cather & Co Duke Calvin W. De Leuw ,Cat her & Co Dul in Cathe rin e L. Dean La rry J . Stell ern Cat her ine L. Dean Wa rren E. Du I I Me I v i n J. Dearing Larry E. Dearth David W. Dumay Richard A. DeBolt Donald G. Dumm Lee D. De cker Louis P. Dun & Bra dstreet Corp Fdn Dunham Wi I I iam J. DeClue Duane H. Dunlop, Ja mes S. Jr. DeC l ue Gary L. Dunn Kar l H. DeForest Walte r R. Dura nd David S. Degen, Geral d D. Jr. Duree Da vid M. Degenhardt Lynn J. Durham Thomas G. Dehn Pau I Durington Da vid A. Dejohn Anthony F. Du rne I I No I and R. De ken Louis R. Durney Robert G. De Koc k Ar I an R. Dutton, Roland E. Jr. Dekold Joseph M. Dvor s ky Ka ren Sue De I a no 0 i I Co Angert Karen Sue Delany Michael J . Dye Robert A. DeLap Kenneth L. Dye Wi I I i am B. Delar Russel I G. Dykma n John R. Dell Orca L.A. Dzi ed z ic Danie l A. Delta Tau Delta DeMay Paul P. Dempsey Brian Denham Donald C. E Denison Robert R. Denner David K. E G Wal I ing Ford & Co Inc Denney Gary G. E I Dupont De Nemours & Co Denney Ki mberly K. Eagle -P i c her Industries , Inc Dennie Powel I A. Eales Christopher J. DePasquale Joe Earnest Randal E. Deppe Eugene Eason Jack L. Derbak Gregory S . Easterwood Michael J. Derhake Anthony H. Eastman Kodak Co (Batesvil Ie) DeRoy Glennon L. Eastman Kodak Co (Rochester) DeShazo, Henry N. I I Ea ton Co rp Detroit Edison


Ebe r t Josep h J . Ecke lkam p Ja me s T. Eckel kamp Marti n J. Ecke rt Step hen G. Eckho ff James L. Edgar Ma y E. Ed i so n Jerry D. Edmiso n Roger A. Edmon d s Dav id G. Edmon d so n L. Vin cent Edward s Da v i d L. Edwa r ds Ga ry D. Edw a rd s Gene W. Ed ward s J ack O. Edward s , Joh n W. Jr . Edwa rd s Mi c hae l P. EG&G In c Egber t Robert I. Ege Don a Id L. Ege me n Onu r Ehrl ic h Ro bert L. Eic he lbe rger Cha rl es E . Ei f f er t Ke nton L. Eikma nn Ba rry R. [ i l er St an l ey H. Ei se nma n Ha r ry J. El a m Anthony R. E I de r Wm H. El e ctric Mo tor Works Elfrink Lind e l I H. E g!n Ri c hard L. E gin Rob e rt L. E ifrit s C. Dal e E l e bre cht Da vid E. Eliott Be n R. E l iott Jo se ph O. Eliott Lind a E l i s , F ra n k R. I I E l i s J. C ra i g E I is Thomas B. E lis, Wa l ter H. Jr. E li s William R. E mo re J a me s H. E oe Howa rd W. E wood Wi I I i a m H. Ema nue I Dua ne Arthu r Emanuel Jack H. Ema nue I R icha r d L. Emerson El ectric Co Emhoff Rosemary Ann Enfield Bernard M. Engberg Robert A. Enge lhardt Wi II iam R. Engelken Rob e rt D. Engelmann Robert Engeman Diana L. Co il ins Diana L. Eng e ma n Iva n L. Ensign - Bi ckford Found Inc Eppelsheimer Daniel S. Epstein Erwin H. Erickson Gordon L. Erickson Kelvi n T. Ernst Beverly M. Ern s t, Wi I I i am K. Jr. Ervi n Charles W. Ervin Timothy Ray Esry Thomas Craig Estel Daniel Estey J ewelers Eta Ka ppa Nu Ethr i dge Ma x M. Ethyl Corp Eu l er Delores E. Evans, Jame s L. Jr . Eva ns Rona ld E. Eversman Wa It er Exploration Ed Cons Exxo n Educa tiona I Fdn Exxon USA Fdn Ey be r g Ca rl J. Eydma nn Ph i II i p S.

F Fadem Cra ig L. Fa enge r Eugene H. Fagan Durwa rd E. Fah ien Raymond W. Fannin D. Ronald Farley Lyn R. Farrell EI izabeth A. Fa r r e ll John Christy Faucett Thomas R. Faulkner Edward C. Faulkner J a mes R. Feagan Wi Ibur S. Feager Joe A. Feaster Donald R. Feaster Roge r L. Fech t e r John Fed Of Soc For Coatings Tech Fede row Ha r ry Feeler Gary

Fe Fe fe Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe fe Fe Fe Fe

Fe Fe Fe fe Fe Fe Fe Fi Fi Fi

Fi Fi fi Fi

Fi Fi Fi fi fi

Fi Fi fi

Fi Fi Fi

Fi Fi fi Fi

Fi Fi fi




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fl fl fl fl fl fl fM fo fo fo fo fo fo fo fo fo fo Fo fo Fo Fo fo 10 fo


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F Continued Fehl ig Mark G. Fehsenfeld Gary D. Feldhaus Ralph J. Feldmann John C. Feller Donald D. Fender Terry W. Fennedy Bruce E. Fenne r Thoma s Fennerty Frank E. Fennewald Gary J. Ferracane Frank Ferree Robert E. Ferrell C. Stuart Ferretti Michael E. Ferrigno Vineyards & Winery Ferry Robert S. Fesler Carney C. Festag A.P. Feug ate; Robert J. Jr. F i ck Arm i n F. Field John Field Wi II iam R. Fie Ids Ro s sA . . Fieseler Wayne ·G. Fieser Ben Figueroa Marco F. Finch Dorothy E. Finc!;! L.D. Findley Marshall E. Fine Morri s M. Fink Gerald A. Fiflke John Wi II iam Finkelstein Edward Fin I ey Ca r IE. Finley Charles B. Fin I ey Fred W. Finley Robert L. Finnegan Jerrey D. Fischer John H. Fischer Ludwig J. Fisher A. Jay Fisher Gerald L. Fiss Edward C. Fitzgerald Paul H. Fitzmaurice Richard R. Fitzpatrick Joseph W. Flachsbart Barry Flack Frank L. Flagg Lei ia M. Thompson Le I i aM. Flaminio Charles L. Flanigan Virgi I J. Fleddermann Kim E. Fletcher John Fletcher's Ice Cream FI int Sara Flood H. Wi II iam Flood Thaddeus F. Florez Luis G.E. Fluegge Ronald M. F I uo r Co rp F I uo r Co rp F I uo r Fdn FMC Fdn Fogarty Edwin R. Fogarty William M. Fo i I James L. Folks Edward T. Ford Chris Ford, Homor' T. Jr. Ford James A. Ford Motor Co Fund Fore Jack D. Foreman Alan R. Forging Ind Educ & Res Fdn Fo rshee r~a rg i e Fort George E. Fosma rk Debb i e Fo ssey Robert D. Foster Calvin W. Fo s ter Jo llfl E. Foster Mi 10 G. Found in Refractories Ed Foundry Educational Fdn Fout s Gary L. Fow I e r Kim R. Fowler, Ri chard W. I I I FO'w'1 er, Thomas R. Jr. Frame Wayne S. Frances V Leach Charit Tru st F ra nc i s I.yma n L. Frank Gregory B. Franke George E. F ra n k li n B i I I Y W. Frank lin Stephen R. ,\ Frazee Richard W. Freeman David J. Freeman Raymond A. Freeman Renee Fiquet Freese Ronald A. Fre i berger Ha ro I d C. French Robert G. Friberg St ig E.

"Deceased ·



pf-'..i , ; M

"q\'i"' , F'l'

Frick Steve John Friede Donald Friese Michael M. F r i s Ed'w'a rd S. Frisbie Howard A. Fritschen, Herman A. Jr. Fri z Laura J. Fronick David H. Fry Henry N. Fulghum Gale Fulkerson, Frank M. Jr. Fuller Donald L. Fuller Harold Q. F u I I e r J e r ry K. Fulton Anne Fulton Dwight D. Fulton Susan V. Payne Susan V. Funk Joseph Fu rby john R.

G G D Sea r I e & Co G E Fdn (Bridgeport) Gadson Robert , Gaebler Robert F. Galbierz Bruce E. Galler Wayne J. Ga II i her K. Don Galloway Mrs C.T. Gallup Archibald M. Gammeter Elmer Gammon Wi II iam H. Ganz Steven T. Gardner Donald J. Gardner Donald T. Gardner, Robert H. Jr. Garner Steven L. Ga rnett Jack Garnett Robert B. Garrett Corp Gaski I I David A. Gassner Gene E. Gaub Delores Gault Randolph P. Gay Timothy J. Gayer John G. Gaylord Thomas K. GE Eqpt Assistance Fund Geerlings Jack F. Gehrke Wi ladean B. Ge i'se I Jane K. Guidicini Jane K. Geiser Amy EI izabeth General Dynamics Corp General Foods Inc General Motors Corp (Detroit) General Motors Corp (FI int) General Motors Corp (Warren) Genefal Motors Corp Delco Elec General Motors Fdn Inc Gentry Jack Gentry Roy C. Geonetta Sam C. George John W. George O. Kenneth Geor'ge R.J. George Robert H. Georgen Arthur J. Georgen Randy G. Gerard James A. Gerdes Ronald G. Ge rha rt B i I I L. Gerig, Frank A, III Gerig John Albert Ger lach Paul D. Germaine Robert Alan Gerson Robert Ger'w'ert Phi I ip E. Gettemeyer Glen R. Getty Oi I Co (Los Angeles) Ge'tty Oi I Co Fdn Gevecker Vernon A.C. Gianchandani Jiwat D. Gibler Carma J. St one Carma J. Gibson John W. Gie l o'w' George T. Giese Henry Gi Ibert Charles W. Gi Ibert John A. Gi lIam, Wi II i a m A. Jr. Gi Il espie John E. Gi Ilespie Terri L. Gi Imore Dorothy M. Gil mo re J e r ry L. Gi Imore, Re x A. Jr. Gi Imore Theodore M. Gioia Joseph M. Gittemeier Joseph F. Givens Paul E. Gladbach Joseph G. Gladish Lee A.

....... Giasse' l CI ifford Glauz Robert Scott Glauz WiliiamW. Glenn Donal.d L. Gloff Richard H. Glover James Glover Russel I L. Gnecco R i cha rd Goda r James A. Godfrey Jaquel ine· T. . Godsy James D. Goeckeler Carl R. Goeddel Wi II iam C" Goehri Scott Roger Goen Johnie L. Goestenkors John J. Goetz Kennet~ . D. Golden Gate Pa & Coatings Assn Golden Gate Soc for Coatings Golden Rule Ins Co Goldener Marvin GOldkimp Daniel J. Gollhofer Frank R. Gonen Turan Gonzenbach Jack E. Good Wi II iam C. Goodboy Kennet~ P. Gooding Dennis J. Goodlet Roger F. Goodman Daniel K. Goodman Harvey E. Goodrum Donald L. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co Gordon, John Albert Jr. Gore Arthur G. Gorman-Rupp Company Goss Fred Gould Inc (Rol I ing Meadows) Gov i e r John P. Goyer Randolph W. Gra be r Lew i s J. Grabski Frank L. Grace Fdn Inc Grace Foundation Inc Graden, Wi II iam F. Jr. Graham Glenn H. Graham John T. Graham Warren D. Grammens Paul Grana Dominic J. Grantham Bi I I A. Grantham Delbert C. Gray David L. Gray Howard W. Gray James C. Gray Robert L. Greaves Wayne C. Gr-ede I I Thomas R. Greeley Richard G. Green Alan W. Green Bruce H. Green Charles R. Green Gary Bennett Green T. Howa rd Greenberg Aaron J. Greenblatt Albert M. Greene Damian J. Greening Frank S. Greer Sherman E. Gregorich Carl Gregory Robert Gregory Scott H. Grice Ha rve y H. Griese Michael Allen Griffith Diane Rae




... ......

Griffith John B. Griffith Wi II iam L. Griggs, Wi II Jr. Grim J a me sF. Grime s Ga ry W. Grimes Joseph Ray Grimes S. L. Grimm C. James Grimm Louis J. Grindinger Gregory J. Grinstead John E. Grinstead Wi I I is G. Gr i smo re, Fred L. Jr. Griter Richard Grogg Max Gordon Grojean Francis A. Grojean, Theon F. Jr. Gross Manfred E. Gross Mrs Henry E. Gross Mrs W.A. .Gruber Myron E. GTE Automatic Elec & Gen Telep GTE Products Corp Gucciardo Terry A. Gudmundson David C. Guenther Donald E. Guethler Timothy A. Guiciicini Jane K. Geisel Jane K. Gulf Oil Fdn Gulf States Utilities Co Gu I ley Geo rge H. Gund Russe I I A. Gunn Gary Y. Gunter James D. Gunthe r Don J. Gunther Roy J. Gupta Dwarka P. Gutierrez Ernest Guttman Mark Guvenir Yavuz M.


H H H Harris Fdn Ha a g, Wi I I i am O. Jr. Habegger Ronald L. Haberstock James K. Hachmeister Robert J. Hacker Alden G. Haddock A. Glen Hadley Stanton W. Hagar BaileyW. Hahn, Emmett W. Jr. Hahn James H. Hahs Jimmy D. Haiducek Robert C. Haig Helen-Virginia Haigh Bruce W. Ha e Donald A. Ha e Edwa rd B. Ha ey Comer C. Ha I Charles E. Ha I Floyd S. Ha I Frank Ha lett Michael D. Ha I iburton Education Fdn Ha I ma rk Ca rd s Inc Ha lOWS , Raymond L. Jr. Ha sted David L. Ha ter Edward M. Hambacker John



1984 Rona-

MSM Arumnus121

" H Continued

* *

Hambl en John W. Hami Iton Lawrenc e M. Hami Iton Way ne A. Hamlet t Patrick W. Hamman Rufus W. Hammond Micha e l W. Hammond Richard D. Hampe Richard A. Hancock Wi II iam Hanke Brett L. Hann a George R. Hanna Rob e rt L. Hanna SamirB. Hannah De rek Wayne Hannah Jeffrey T. Hans e n Peter G. Han se n Robert C. Hansen Ronald A. Hansman Robert H. Hanson Cris Jon Hanson Steve A. Harbison Ma rk Andrew Harding George W. Ha rdtke, Fred C. Jr. Hardy James D. Ha re Dona IdE. Hargis Dorothy M. Ha rmon John P. Ha rms Ba rry A. Ha rms Ha ro I d B. Harnagel David W. Harper Alan S. Ha r rawood Pa u I Harrill William D. Harris Daniel J. Harris Daniel W. Harris David E. Harris Foundation Harris George L. Ha r r i s Ge ra I d L. Harri son AI bert Harrison Diana L. Toth Diana L. Harrison Richard N. Harrison Robert M. Harry Mrs Eloise Harry Nowlan Oi I Acct Ha rsy Edwa rd Hart David L. Hart, John A. I I I Hart June E. Hartford Steam Boi ler & Ins Hartman Joseph P. Hartung Mi c hael H. Ha rvey Be rna D. Harvey James G. Ha rv i I Ia, Geo rge Jr. Hasegawa Hiroshi Haseltine Douglas M. Haseltine Hugh W. Hasse Imann Ka rl F. Ha sselmann Karl F. Has tain Kirk .R. Hat haway Jane C. Ha uen ste i n George W. Havens John D. Hawickhorst Brad A. Hawkins David L. Hawkins James C. Hayde n Th omas M. Hayes J ohn J. Hayes Thomas E. Hays J a me s Patrick HBE Co rp He ad Eldon W. Headr i ck Victoria K. Sweetser Victor i a K. Heagler, J ohn B. Jr. Heag le r Richard B. Heather ly Nicholas A. He berle J ea n He dden Ste ve n J. Hee ger Charles H. Heffer ly Ge ra l d E. He f l in Be rtha He flin Rob e rt W. Heg g Wi I-f re d E. Heg le r Burn s E. He gl in Ru ss ell S . He id enb lu t, George R. Jr. He idman J ames A. He i I b runn I I se . He ilig Warre n Hei I igen s tein David He i m Ca r I J. He imbaugh Kenneth G. He imburger Stanley A. He ime l Michael C. He in eck Dale W. He i s s e re r Ka r i M. He I d Do l o r e s M. St Deni s Do lores M. He ldenbrand Lonni e G.

He lfri ch Thomas J. He llri ch LinusH. He I Iwege J ames W. Hel,wi g Arthur \~ . He nder son Al a n C. He ndrick s Gene T. He ndrick so n M.R. He ne ry Edwa rd N. Henn in g William A. He n r i kson Ra I p.h L. He nry Charles L. He nry Denni s L. He n ry Dougl as J. He n ry Kenneth W. Henry L Doherty Ed Fo n He n ry Li ndsey R. He nry Richard L. He nry Wa l t Hen s on D. Kent Henson Donald L. Henson Ron a ld P. He pler Thomas E. Hepp Jo seph T. Heppermann Jeffrey J. Herman Jerome Herman Wi II ia m L. Hermann Ke nneth J. Herndon Richard S. Herre I I R. R. Herri e k Thomas J. He rrman Lumber Co Her rma nn, Frederick W. Jr. Her rmann 'Thomas A. He rron 'Wi II iam M. Hershey Ha rry C. Hertfe I der Wa rren W. Hervey Steven R. Hesse Paul J. Heston Wayne E. Heuckroth Wi I I iam E. Hewlett-Pa ckard (Palo Alto) Hickman Henry S. Hiebert Yoel it H. Shapiro Yoel it H. Hierholzer Joyce E. Hiett Abstract Co Higgins Arthur J. Higgins Jack R. Higgins Jerry D. High Don &. Susan Highfi I I James K. Hi g le y Wi I I i am H i I ke Da v i d L . Hi Iker Jeanne Beth Hi II Albert L. Hi I I Eugen e F. Hi II Kenneth Leland Hi I I Ot to H. Hill Rob ert W. Hi II Roland M. Hi II house David L. Hi I ton Robe rt J. Hi Iton Wi Ima M. Ki rn Wi I ma M. Hinchman James B. Hinka mp Step hen B. Hipot r oni cs Inc Hi rner John A. Hir sc hman Ro ger D. . Hit t Ge ra Id W. Hi tt Rage r

1984 Rol\amo

Hi ve ly Kay Hock John Aloys Hoc ket t Frank li n D. Hodgdon, Sam D. Jr. Ho ef'e ner J a mes Hoefe r Ann C. Hoefer Lyn ne Ann ette Hoe hn Eri c * Ho eman Erw in C. Ho e nerhoff Rich a rd B. Hofer Joh.n R. IHoffma n De nny R. Hoff mAn Roge r P. Hofman Jerry L. Hohman Joe A. Holcomb Lester W. Hol comb Tim o th y J. Holdman Les l ie F. Hol e n Dougl as E. Hal iday All an D. - Ho ll a nder Russe ll W. Ho I I e nba ch Be rna r d D. HOll ey Robert G. Ha ll is Jo se ph H. Ho lloway , Nick Jr. Holmes Roger E. Holmes Th omas A. Hol .mes, Wi II iam R. Jr. Holt, Thomas B. II Honeywe I I Inc Hoog Timothy J. Hoops Wi II i am C. Hoppock Harland H. Horky Bradford B. Ho rne Ga ry H. Hornsey Edwa rd E. Hornung Fran z Horst Wi II ia m D. Houf Gordon B. Houser Jody B. Hou ser Otis Hovis Donald t.. . Hov i s Ma rk A. Howald Arthur M. Howard John so n/Rollamo Corp Howa rd Wi I I i am E. Howe Mrs Erna Howe Wai la ce B. Howe I I Ri c ha rd F. Howe I I Ronald H. Howerton Louise Hrena k, John A. Jr . Hsu Kuan-Yuan Hsu Yung C. Huang Hao-Ya ng Hubbe I I Sue Hu be r Haro ld D. Hube r Terry R. Hubert Bonnie S. Huck Mark Stephen Hudgens Lowe I I L. Huet t Mi c hae l S. Huf f Fred V. Hu ghes Aircraft Co Hughes Dean . G. Hu ghes Edwin L. Hughes Ri chard A. Hu ghes Thomas A. Hughes Wi II iam J. Hu ghey Bobby R. Humme I Hi I de M. Hum ph rey Ric ha rd L. Humphrey s, Richard F. Jr. Hung Ming H. Hung Samuel S. Hun t Th eo dore W. Hun t e r Jos e ph Hu ntoo n Pamela J. Hupp Ke n ton L. Hu r st r~ i c l l a el D. Hur t Robert E. Hurt e r Henry D. Husma n James R. Hu s mann Arthur L. Hu st a d John E. Husta d Paul A. Hu s ton Robert E. Hwa ng Bo r - I ng Hya t t Gord on R. Hydz ik Ric hard M.

I R T Corp IBM Corp Ibrah im Mo hammad A. I E S i ng O. Ihm s Dav id W. I j a me s Ca r I E. I I Power Co III inois Mini ng In s t I nge r s o I I- Ra nd Co Ing e r s oll -Rand Fund

Inl a nd S te e l ( Chi cago ) - In man Phi II ip W. Internationa l Paper Co Fdn In ternorth Foundation I n t I r~a te ria I s Co rp In t i Tour s of Ro ll a Iowa Power & Li ght Co Ipock D. freddie I reson Al fred T. I rov i c F ra n k J. I saacs S. Fr'ed I sen mann Edward S. I srae l Caro l ine An n I srae l Lewi s Da ni e l I to Ak i ra I TT

J * J B Ar thur Fami Iy Fund

Jack so n Dar r e ll J ac kso n Lawre nce C. J ackson Leroy H. J ackso n Phi I ip W. J ac kson Richard B. Jack son Ronald E. Jacobs Jo sep h W. J aco bs Linda M. Mado nna Linda M. J aeger Benjamin W.H. Jaeger John J. Jain Krishan K. James W. Richard James William J. Jamie so n George W. Jamison Mar s hal I V. Jan Der-Wang Janoch Greg A. Jan se n Robert~. Jansky Jonathon P. Jans se n James A. Jant z Curtis January Elitta J a qu ay Richard L. Jarboe Rupert A. J as per Randa I L. . Jauer, . Rich a rd A. Jr . J ea nso nne Di a ne Jehle Edwin P. Jenkins J acob D. Jenkins Robert D. J e nks, Wi II ia m S. Jr. J e n se n Mr s Emma Jim Dawson Memorial Jobe Kenneth D. Job so n Harvey E. Johanboeke Roy B. Joh a nnpeter Walter G. John Da v id F. John Dee re Fdn John Fluke Mfg Co In c * John H Dough erty Tru s t John' s Firesto ne Store Johnson Barb Johnson Bruce L. Johnson Charles A. John so n Charle s W. John s on Chri s toph e r John so n Contro l s In c John so n J a mes W. Johnson Ray B. J ohnson Stan l ~y C. J ohn so n Stephe n C. Jo hn s on Step he n S. Jo hn s on Stuart John son Warre n H. John s ton Ronald L. Jo in e r J a mes W. Joke Ia Wi I I i a III A. Jo I ley J. B. Jon es Char le s B. Jon e s Char les H. J ones CI into n E. Jon es . Dav i d E. J ones Ell ge ne F. Jon es Rob e rt A. Jones Rob ert G. J ones Th omas A. J o rr. ke 01 iver A. J 0 rd a n Pa II 1 R . Jo st Jeff re y J. Journ ey Vin ce nt S . Jo zwiak Pili 1 ip A. .Jun g Richa r d A. Ju s ki e Ber na rd R.


Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka



K, K,






















Ki K







K Ki










K- r1a r t Kacz ma r e k Bill Ka dwe ll Robe rt J.


KI 28/ M SM





K Continued Kaelble Alan F. Kahl Richard A. Kahle Thoma s A. Ka i s er Stephen J. Ka Ii s h Herbert S . Ka I Ie r He r ma n C. Ka Ilmeyer J a mes D. Ka Ilor Jay S. Kaltenbronn Jame s G. Kamp Alan A. Kamp Cec i I J. Ka mp e r 01 iver W. Kang I nchu I Ka pfe r Ri c hard R. Ka pl a n Mark S . Ka rbosky Jo se ph T. Kasp e rski EI i za be th Bari c kma n EI i za beth I\as te n Do na Id G. ." Kas t e n Ray mond O. Ka ufman Ch a rl es L. Kaufm a nn Fra nk A. Ka ufm a nn Wi II i a m W. KC Powe r & Ligh t Cu Kea r ne y-Na ti o na I Inc Kea s ter Da ni e l J. Keel e y Gi Ibert S . Keel ing Mich ae l F. Kee ling St e phen W. Keevi I Alb e rt S. Keith H. Dean Keithley In s truments Inc Kelahan Robert C. Ke I Ie r Kev i nAnd rew Keller Russell M. Kelley Kent C. Kellogg Ronald T. Ke I I Y James Kelly Mrs John V. Ke I I Y Pa t ric k Ge ra rd Ke I so Ga ry L . Kelty Thomas M. Kemp Arthur H. Kemper David A. Kempe r Robe rt J . Kendrick Jerry C: Kennedy Daniel Kepley Gary L. Ker be r David Clair Ke rbe r Pa u I Ker l ey Cla y Kern Joe Kerns Wayne L. Kerr Albert L. Kerr-McGee Fdn Inc Ke s ha r i Ho s se i n R. Kessler Arthur R. Ke ss ler Har ry H. Kettelkamp Robert L. Key B illy A. Key S ports Shop Khokh a ni Kanti la l' H. Kibl e r Dewey E. Ki bl inger De borah Ly nn Kr e her Deborah Lynn Ki burz Ma x E. Ki e fer Charle s A. Ki e fer Da Ie F. Ki e ff e r , Al o nz o R. III Kient zy Don a ld W. Ki e t ze r Ne a I' L. Kifer Ke nn e th K. Ki Il gore Ro ss D. Kill i nge r John C. Kim Se on K. Ki mme I Lee Kin c aid ,John B. Kin che n J o ha nn a M. Yuh as J oh anna M. Kind er Ja net D. Kind er Marc us D. Ki ng Ch r i st o pher Ki ng Des iree King Randa I I K. Kingsbury Ronald M. Kin nett Douglas G. Kin s man Theodore J . Ki nzinger Doug las Kirberg Leonard C. Kirkpatrick James C. Ki rn An t hony E. Ki r n Wi I ma r~ . Hil to n Wi lma I~. Kiss l inger Fred Ki s tn er J imm ie D. Ki tc he n Cha rJ es L. Klave tt e r . Elmer A. Kleb e rg e r Kenneth A. Kl e i n John Kleinman Robert A. KI ine Charl es R. Kluc z ny Raymond M. Knight Roger L.

Knight W. Ni c holas Knitt e l Joseph C. Knobel Elwood L. Knoll David A. Knuckl e s Carl W. · Knut s on Elmo G. Koboldt Ad ve r ti s ing Kob y l in s ki Edmund A. Kobyl in s ki Richard A. Koch Da niel B. Ko c h Stephen J. Ko e de ri tz Le on ard F. Koed e rit z Th omas L. Ko e hl e r Fre de ri c k D. Koen e mann Barry D. ' Koenig CI iffo rd Koeni g . Wa lt e r R. Koest er Di a ne Dion Di a ne Kohl e r Rodg e r G. Kohrma nn All e n Kokorud z John M. Ko l asc h J o se ph A. Ko l bet Ma ri Iy n J . Ma t t i one Ma r i Iy n J. Kolb e t Ro ber t Joseph . Ko I Ie r, A. J. J r . Kollmeyer Ray L. Kol ze Thomas J. Konra d Rich a rd J. Konradi Keith E. Koo Hai-Ch i ,Koopmann . Augu s t P. Koplar Enterprise s Inc Kopp e r s Co Fdn Koppers Cd Inc Korn Robert A. Korth Micha e l V. . Kosfeld Wayne H. Koshi Don a ld M. . Kottwitz John David Kovacich George J. Koval ' Lesl ie R. Kozeny Donald J. Krafft Jame s D. Krah John W. Krahenbuhl Mark D. Kramer Herbert G. Kr a me r John L,J. Kramer R.a I ph H. Kramer Roger L. Kramme ,Joel I . Kramp Charle s D. Kra u s No rma n V. Kreek E. Albert Kreher Deborah Lynn Kibl inger Deborah Lynn Kreichelt Thomas E. Kre i g h Wi I bur K. Krekel Ma donna Kreme r Wi I I i am B. Kren e r Gil mo re W. Kriegshauser. Paul C. Jr. Kri s hna murthy Gopal a n Kri ~pin Jo s eph f. Kronlage Pa ul Josepll . Kru e ge r Ha rold A. Kruep Raymond ' J. Kru ger bougl as Wa yn e Krug e r Harry J. Kr uge r Wi II ia m A. Krumm e l, G'yd e H. Jr . Kru s i e Ronald S. Kru va nd Da ni e l H. Kry s a Mit c hel S. Kuch a r sk i Edwa rd A. K u c h e ~ig Fr e de ri ck W. Kue I ke r Eug e'ne L. Ku e nze r ' Ri.c hard R. Kuhlma nn Rob er t C. . Kuhn Dav id H. Ku lh a n Ro bert Ku mmer Frederick S. Kun derma n . Vin ce n t J. Kun ke l Kather i ne K. Wesse l sc hmidt Kat he rin e K. Kuntz John R. . Kuntz Ri,chard D. Kuo Rober;-t L. Kuo Rong~He n g Ku rz Ca ry 1 M. Kurz Joseph Kuss Joseph K. Kuzdas Adrian C.

l La Pos ada Mex ican Res taur a nt La Bo n t e Ro be rt La Boub e Roge r A. Lacav ic h Rich ard J . Lacewe l I Ru sse l I Ladd Ha rl e:;'; W. La f fie r Rona I d A..

1984 Rollamo

Lahde Frank U. Lahmeyer . Raymond H. La i Sa n-Cheng La mano La rry L. Lamb R i ~ha rd Lambeth Jennings R. Lammers Dennis R. Lammert Leland V. Lammert Paul T. Lan Shing-Shong Lancaster Edgar M. Landers Robe r t G. Landon Scott E. La ne, Thoma sF. Jr . La ng Wa I te r W. Lang Wayne Lange Robert C. Langkopf Brenda S . Langsdorf Lloyd L. Lankford, John C. Jr. LaPiere Gi Ibe r t H. LaPlante Allan H. Lapp M. Monica Lauer M. Monic a Larkin & Associates La s ko He I en D. Lasky John V. La tt i sOon L. Lattner James R. Lauer M. Monica Lapp M. Monica Laufer Wayne L. Laure ntiu s Ri c hard P. Lauren z Loui se Lauth John A. Lawl e r Charl es E. Law IerMa ry E. Lawso n J a me s R. Lawso n Monti e R. Laws on Vernon R. La y Mrs O. K. La yman J a mes W. Le Banh Van Le a ch Ge ra Id M. Le ach Rodne y W. Leave r Ha r vey B. Lea vitt Mr s J .E. Le be r Wa lt e r P. Lebo Jero me M. Lee Ga ry M. Lee He rm es Lee d s & Nor thup Systems Leema nn Dona ld J. Lee ma nn Ga ry D. Legate Jo hn E. Leger Geary L. Lehma n , Fredri .ck D. I II Le hma n Th omas W. Le i mbe rg Robe rt E r. i c Leitterman De nn is W. Lemasters . Steven F. Lemberger Robert A. Le me n Bob Le min g Jo hn G. Le mon, J immy C. I I I Le ntz Ro d ney W. Le on ard J a mes -V. Le ona r d Rob e rt G, Le on e Anton Lequ s ne Bruno Le s ire John L. Le s ke I a Wi I I a rd Le ssly James A. Le t t Ste ven K.

Lever Brothers Co Levings David M. Le ....ellen Frank Lewi s David B. Lew is Ha rvey L. Le .... i s Jeffery L. Le .... is Jeffery S. Le .... i s Neal A. Le .... i sWayne E. Ley Wa Iter W. Ley Weber L. Li Shu-Me i Wang Shu-Mei Liang Arthur Y. Liao Cheng S. Libbey-OWens-Ford Co Li be rma n E. D. Liberty Norman R. Lichten ....alner Peter Liddel I John W. Liebel Kurt A. Li e t z In s trume nt Co Ligon Wi II iam R. Lindg r en William Lind s ey Ke nn e th R. Lindsey Merlin D. Lindstrom Dean I . Linker Rodney E. Linn Kenn e th R. Lin n La u re I. G. Lipnick ' David J. Lister James J . Litchfield, Ar t hur C. Jr. Litherland Jame s E. Littlefi e ld Jerold K. Littlef ield Lar ry W. Littlewood Ian M. Litzsinger Mi Iton E. Liu Jih-Han Liu Wan-Cheng Livengood Robert J . Livengood Ross D. Livingston Kermit F. Li v ingston Robert G. Lloyd Charles H. Lloyd G. Wesley Lockington Steven M. Logan Edwin W. Logsdon Donald L. Loh Daniel C.N. Lohman Edward J . Lohrding Gale T. Lojek Jan R. Loma x , Victor W. Jr . Long Ga ry J. Long Insurance Agency Inc Long Michael W. Longsho r e , James F. Jr. Look , Dwight C. Jr. Loo s , Louis G. II Lorenz James B. Lo rey G. Ed .... i n Loud Ga ry D. Loudermi Ik, Abraham H. Jr. Lo ui s ia na La nd & Exp Co Loun s bury Peter Jay Lou var Jo s eph F . Love Donald Love Ro s emary M. Lovel a c e James T. Lowe Jo s eph W. Lowe Wi I I i a m S. Lo .... ry Mike Lu Chi a Soul J. Luc ks Thomas E. Lud ewig J a me s F. Lue bbe r t Wi ll ia m J . Lu ecke Jerome E. Lu e cke nh o f f Mi c hae l J. Luec ke nh o f f Roger Lued decke Do na ld E. Luehr in g Elmer L. Luetke meyer Ke nn eth , E ~ Lukrofka Love~ 1 J. Cup berge r Davi'd D. Lush Ro ll a S . Lutzenberger Bert M. Lyle Samuel H. Lynch Danie l F. Lynch David G. Lynch Frederick W. Lync h John B. Lyon Charles W. Lyon Lou i se R. Lyons Char les G. Lyo ns Fra ncis D. Lyons Jo hn H. Lysa ght James M, Ly tle , Glenn A. J r .


Alumnus. 29



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M W Kellogg Construction Inc Mace Guy R. MacElroy James M.D. Mack Thoma s E. Hackaman Frank Hackie Roscoe L. HacSithigh Gearoid P. Maddox Hubert R. Madenjian Joseph C. Madonna Linda M. Jacobs Linda M. Madsen David Nelson Magre Frank Magurk David W. Maher Michael J. Maher Patrick John Mahin CI ifford A. Mahl Thomas G. Mahoney Michael G. Maichel Charlotte Maid-Rite Drive Inn Maise Kenneth C. Majors Mark Evan Ma I be rg No ling Ma I I i nckrodt Inc Maisch Peter H. F. Maly Richard E. Ma n ley Da vi dB. Mann Robert V. Manning Jon A. Manson Donald A. Mantovan i Eugene O. Manuel 01 iver K. Ma ra thon 0 i I Co Ma ra thon 0 i I Co Marcee David C. Marchello Joseph M. Marek J. ' Douglas Margul is Augusta Marienfeld Mark L. Ma rk Ia nd Robe rt E. Ma r Ie r Dona IdS. Ma r Ie r J a me sF. Ma rl ey Fund Ma r lin Na ncy A. Ma r Iow Cha r I e sF . Marosek Charles F. Ma rqua rt Ga ry Lee Ma rsha I I Rona I d C. Ma rt inCa riD. Martin Daniel L. Martin Henry T. Ma rt i n Kent W. Martin Marietta Corp Fdn Martin Robert L. Ma rt i n Roy S. Martin Ted Alan Martin Terence N. Ma rt i n V i I a s Martin Wade A. Ma rting James E. Ma rt i ng Ri c ha rd E. Ma rx Michael A. Ma r x Sa nd r a K. Turnbough Sand ra K. Ma schek Thomas J. Ma sek John Alb e rt Ma son J . 1I oyd Mas on , J ohn T. I I I Ma son Rob e r t E. Massa ro An t hony V. Ma t c hell De lore s

Mathenis David T. Mathews Donald J. Mathews Walter A. Mathey, John D. Jr. Mathis Bobby J. Matson Don D. Ma t te i Pe te r F. Ma t te s, Roy J. Jr. Matteson Hoi lis C. Matthews James R. Matthews Roy W. Mattingly Raymond C. Mattione Marilyn J. Kolbet Mari Iyn J. M~ttione Vincent G. Mattson Charles E. Maurseth Jerome A. Mawhorter R. L. Max Mary B. Ma ><We I I Ga ry R. Maxwel I Lawrence E. May Dav id W. · May Stores fdn Inc Maycock Barry F. May tag Co Fdn Inc McBee Sha ra J. Mount Sha ra J. McCa I eb J r Jam,e s R. ,McCamy Lawrence L. McCann Christopher E. McCann Lewi s A. McCarthy John F. McCarthy John M. McCarthy Michael F. McCaw Jack McClanahan Arthur L. McCI imens Rozann McCI intic Ruth E. McCormack, Howard F. Jr. McCoy Charles · J. McCoy Thomas H. McCullough Steven K. McCutchen A.C. (Mac) McCutchen John H. McDaniel Amy S. Cothern Amy S . McDaniel Ernie C. McDaniel Hulon D. McDonald Hector O. McDonald John E. McDonalds Restaurant McDonnel I Douglas Corp McDonne I I Doug I a s Fdn McDowel I Michael D. McDowe I I Nancy McDowe I I W. H. McEniry Charles M. McFarland Dan L. McFarland Robert L. McField, Charles B. Jr. McGath Michael R. McGlothl in John L. McGove rn Wi I I i am McGowan Thoma s J. McG rath Jame s B. McG r aw-Edison (Bu ss mann Di v ) Mc Graw-Hi II Fdn Inc Mc Gra w-Hi II Tra ining System s McG uire , Albert G. Jr. Mc Hugh Al a n H. Mc i nty r e Ro be rt C. McKea n Gi Ib er t R. McKee Edd i e D. McKee Ja c k B. McKe l vey Ralph E.


Wil I iam M. Wi II iam E. t4cLaughi in, Frank Jr. f4cLaughi in Patricia A. McMahon Terrence J. f4cf4i Ilan Druery W. McMi I len T. Michael McMil I ian Frank ' McM i nn Rita S. Stockhecker Rita S . McMul len CI ifford C. McNely Warren E. McNichols John R. McPherson, George Jr. McReynolds Elmer L. McSpadden Alan W. Medcast Associates Inc Medlock Re x L. :Medvesky Paul A. Meek William F. Meenen Arthur R. Mees David R. Mehta Devendra V. Mehta Jagdish M. Mehta Manyu K. Me i senheimer Harold D. Meitz Gregory S. Melcher John P. Mel ick , Ross A. Mellott Robert N. Me I n i k Yu riP. Melton John R. Menam i n Ma rga ret Mendell Fredrick N. Mendoza Jose L. Menke Gregory V. Meramec Oi I Co Inc Meremonte Richard A. Merritt John D. Merten Peter M. Mertens Thomas L. Messina Anthony D. Metcast Assoc Inc Metheny, Wi II iam E. Jr. Met rop los· Ha rry .P. Metzner Henry E. Metzner John R. Meye r La r ry B. Meyer Leonard C. Meyer Norman R. Meyer Orvi I Ie L. .1 . Meye r Wi I I i am B. Me yer Wi II iam D. Meyerkord Kathleen M. Colvin Ka thleen M. Michel Daniel K. Michel Hi Ibert F. Michie George A. Mid-East Mo Contracto rs Assn Midden Leo W. Middendorf Mark A. Midgiey Myles J. Mie s ner Thoma s O. Mikel ioni s Lawrence J. Mil I a rM rs C. J . Mi Il e r Cha rle s L. Mi Iler Ebe rhard H. ,Mi Il er , Edg a r S. Jr . Mi I le r Ge org e H. Mi Iler J a mes R. Mil Ie r Pa ul D. Mi Il e r Ra ndy B. Mi Il e r Richard J. Mi ll e r Richa rd W. Mi Il e r Ron a ld Ala n Mi Il e r Sa mue l P. Mil I ma n Ma r ti n J. Mi Ilma n Sa mue l E. Mi li s , Cha r l e s S . Jr. Mi II s Edw a rd L. Mi li s J a mes A. Mi Ii sa p St e ve A. Mi l ne Robe rt J. Mi I tenb e rger Ja me s L. Miner Ke nn e t h Mi ne ra l s Indu s try Edu c Fdn Mi ngo Henry J. Min ks All en G. Mi nne Eri c M. Min nes ota Mining & Mfg Fd n ~1 i no r f J e r ry Mi tctle I I Br uc e S. Mi tc he I I Cha r Ie s E. Mi t c he I I Jim L. Mi tc hum Martin M. MI TRE Corp Mi tt ler Thomas J . Mi t t ie r Vi rg i n i a Shou ld ers Vi r gini a Ml y na r c zyk Mi c hae l R. Mo Furn i t u r e Mo Go lf Ass n Mo Pub I i c Se rv i c e Co Mo Soc i e ty of Te l e phone Eng Mobay Ch e mi ca l Co 1984 Rollamo Mob i I Fdn Inc ~'cKinzie

Mode s itt Donald E. Modugno Joseph P. Moehle Carro R. Moellenhoff Fred Moe I Ie r Ka ren Sue t40e I I e ring Doug I a sf. Moffat Marge Mohr David P. Mohr John W. Mol ine Daniel D. Molkenbur Richard A. Moll John J. Monsanto Co Monsanto Fund Monsch Henry D. Montgomery Robert L. Moog Inc Mooney Joseph W. Moor CI inton H. Moore B i I I Moore Harley Moore Kenneth D. Moore Robert. E. Moore Robert L. Moore Weldon Moran Michael D. Moran Michael J . R. Moran Robert W. Morefield George S. Morgan J . Derald Morgan Joseph E. Morgan Ma rk D. Morgan Michael L. Morgan Wi II iam A. Morris Arthur E. Morri s Jack F. ' Morris John Morris John M. Mo r r isLa r ry D. Morrison Knudsen Co Inc Mosley Forrest C. Moss Louis D. Moss Ra'ndy H: Moss Ro!:tert T. Mother:we II Jonathan T. Motorola Fdn Motorola Inc (Fort Worth) Moulder WilburJ. Mount Sha ra J . Mc Be e Sha ra J . Mou s er Gerald F. Mro c h Alan B. MSM-UMR Alumni Assn MTI Corp Mu c k Darryl W. Mudd Thoma s J . Mue ( I e rDa v i d L. Mue ller Da v id Scott Mueller Frederick M. Mue I Ie r Ga ry D. Mue ller George E. Mu e ller George H. Mue I Ie r La r ry E. Mue ller Raymond E. Mue ller , We ndel in H. III Muir J ames A. Mulholland , John E. Jr. Mulholland, Ke nt Jr. Mu I Ia I I Y Di s t Co Inc Mull in s Kat hl ee n M. Wrig h t Kat hl ee n M. Mund i s Dav id M. Mundwill er John L. Munger Pau I R. Muni z Ra ymond J. Muns Be nnett L. Mun so n Will i a m P. Mure t Caro ly n Loui se Mllrrhy Fre de r i c k L. Murph y Oi IU S A In c Murph y Rob e rt E. Mu rph y Rob e rt J : Murph y Will i a m L. Mur r ay Gr e gory M. Mu rray Mic hae l L. MlJ r ray Ri c hard E. Murrey Jont e M. Mur ry Mil Lon J . Mu sko pf Osca r M. Mye r s Don a ld D. Mye r s J immi e B. Mye r s R i cha rd J .

Na nk Nann! NapPi Nash Nat ' Na t ' Nat ' Na t ' NatU Nat U Na U NaU Nall e NaV il NCR Nea I Ilea II Nebe Nei d, Ne Idl Ne I 51 NeI 5 Ne I SI Nettl Neum. Neum, Neuml Neut: Nev il Nell Nellm: tlgUyi Nich, Nick, ~ied

Niehl Nie I



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N N Stephe n Sh l a n ta Ste ph e n Nad e l ho f f er La ura J. Naeger Dav id J. Naeg e r Ro be rt J. Na ge I Terry L. Na i kn i mba I ka r Na rend ra M. Na lc o Che mi ca l Co Na nce Terry J.


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'!leee 30/ MSM


N Continued


Nankivil Mark A. Nanney La rry J. Napp e r Richard Na s h Lee A. Nat'l Act COllnci I-Minorities Na t' I Fa I ding Ca rton Co rp . Nat 'l Pa int & Coatings Assn Na t 'I Stee I Co rpo r a t i on Na tu ra I Ga s Pipe lin e Co a f Am Natura I Gas PiJ3el in e Co Of Am Nau EI i za beth Na u Robert H. Nauert, Pau I J. Jr. Navidi Salar NCR Fdn Nea I Ga ry W. Nea Ion Ma rk J. Nebe I Thoma s C. Neidel Roger A. Nelden James W. Nelson Donald R. Nelson Nicola A. Nelson Robert W. i' Netter Da v id E. Ne um an Robert K. Neume ier Leand e r A. Neumeyer Donald G. Neut z ling Ga ry M. Ne vins, Marv in E. Jr. New England El ect ric Newman C I inton V. Nguyen Kho H. Nichols Dale Nickel Malvin E. ~iedringhaus Edward L. Niehoff Michael E. Nielsen Darrell M. Nigus St ev en G. NL Indu stries Fdn Inc Noggle Michael O. Noggle Thomas G. Nolan John B. Noland Joseph R. Noranda Aluminum Inc Norman Amos Norman Debbie Norris Clay A. Norris Sidney B. North Michael A. North Robert A. Northcraft Jeffrey S. Norton Marion J. Norton Michael D. Nudd Barry C. Nuell Estelle Nugent John C. Nul I & Son Funeral Home Null Paul E. Null Steven B. Nunez Howard W. Nunnally Edwin C. Nunna Ily Robert C. Nussbaum Gene M. Nye V i rg i n i a

o Oakes Robert A . Oak I ey Bi I I Oakley David L. Oberdick R. Kevin Obe r I y Lou i sA. O'Brien, Joseph R. Jr. O'Bryant, James E. I I O'Connell Jul ie A. O'Connor David M. 0' Dea r C ra i g S. O'Del I Donuald L. Odendahl James P. Oestreich Melvin C. OFI Test ing Eqpt Inc Ogden Ka ren Rae Peterson Karen Rae Ohmer Greg D. O'Keefe Thoma s J. Okenfu ss Richard H. O'Kraski Stanley L. Old Ben Coal Corp Oldham Douglas G. Oldham Steven c. Oldham Wi II iam R. O'Leary Florence Ann 01 in Corp Charitable Trust 01 i ve r La rry J. Oller, Russell I. Jr. Olsen Richard ·G. Olsen William B. Olson Ethel M. 01 son John O'Mara Timothy P. Omega Delta Gamma Chapter


Ommen RebeCCA E l a in e Omohundro Wayne E. 0' Ne i I I .Jeffrey R. O'Nei II Lawrence F. Ordemann Robe rt G. Osborne David Os bourne C l aude J. Oster Ke nn et h B. Osterwa Id Herbert R. Otte Leon L. Ollsley Charlena Overal .1 WilsonW . R i chard D. Ov er turf Owe ns Doyle F. Owens Thomas J. Oxe nhandler Louis Ox l ey Ray T. Oza wa Jack K. Ozorkie'wic z Ralph L.

p Pace George M. Packaging Ed ucation ' Fdn Inc Padgett Donald L. Pagan John C. Pagan Ron a Id C. Robert H. Pa hl Pa inter John L. Pandey Shashi K. Pannon-e Bern3rd V. Parikh Piyush S. Satish R. Pa rikh Dean A . Pa rk Pa rk John Harris Park John T. Park Keith Pa rker, Pp.rry L. Jr. Pa rker R. C. Parkes Roger D. Parks R. Anthony Parks Thoma s Keith Pa rks Wi II iam F. Parrish Bradley R. Parsons Kathy Patel Jayantibhai V. Patten Robert I. Patterson Ga ry K. Patterson James M. Patterson L.A. Patton Stephen L. Paul Raymond E. Paul Richard R. Pauls Frankl in B. Pautler Anthony C. Pa y ne Dona I d L. Payne Richard D. Payne Susan. V. Fulton Susan V. Payne Thoma s E. Peabody Coal Co Peabody Int Corp Peacher Jerry L. Pea rce E I I en Pearce Janet Kay Pea rce, Pau I E. Jr. Pea rson Lon Peccola Allan Kent Peccola Amel Pedersen Constance Pederson Paul E. Da n i e I D. Pee r Eug e ne J. . Pee tz Peng Yei-Min Pennsylvania Power & Light Co Penze I C. Ge ne Penzel George A. Peps iCo Fdn Pe rez W. Ma r i e Pericich Joseph T. Perkins Gregory S . Perkins James B. Perkins Michael A. Perko Robert A. Perry David L. Perry Michael M. Perry Robert C. ' Pe rt i c i And rew L . Pesante Jose Peter Kiewit Sons Inc Peterman Charles L . Peters Donald G. Peters Michael John Petersen David P. Peterson Forest R. Peterson Henry N. Peterson Karen Rae Ogden Ka ren Rae Peterson Paul C. Petro-Lewis Corp Pettibon Robert B. Petty Ke i th A. Pfeifer Herman J . Pfizer Inc

1984 RoIJaJllo

Pf ountz Ha ro ld J. Pheg ley Wi I I iam T. Phe lps Co Broadcasting Phelps Co-C ity Panhellenic Phe lp s Dodge Ref Corp Phelps R i chard W. Phi Eta S i gma Phi II ips, Harvey I . Jr. Phi II ips Lloyd B. Phi II ips Petroleum Co Phi II ips Petroleum Fdn Inc Phi II ips Thomas E. Perce Donald Z. Perce Maurice C. Perce Thomas R. Person David R. P Kapp a Alpha P na i re Rona I d Pros Rona Id A. P skul ic Matthew V. P ag Kenneth Fred P anje George Planje Mrs Theodore Ploeger Richard A. Plummer, Thomas P. Jr. Poe David H. Poepping Paul P. Poertner David F. Pogue Jim C : Poh I Robert A. Pohlmann Edgar F. Poooer De I ph i a L . Ponder Paul E. Pool John M. Poo rHome r L. Popeck Charles A. Popp Raymond H. Poppleston Jerry D. Porter Earl V. Porter G. Sc ott Porter Pau I D. Porter Ted E. Posad zy Reginald Posche I Eugene J . Postigl ione Michael Potter C.J. Pot tinge r, Ha rdy J . I I I Powell Charles E. Powel I Doyfe W. Powel I Lumber Co Powel I Winifred W. Powe r A I coho I Inc PPG Indu s tries Prag e r Ma rt i n Prange Mrs Herbert L. Presley, Wi II i am H. Jr. Presson Kathryn M. Pretz James W. Price Clayton E. Price Peter T. Price Waterhou se Fdn Priest John E. P r i mm A I e x T. Procter & Gamble (Cape Gir) Procter & Gamble (Cin cinnati ) Procter & Gamble (St Louis) Proctor, Frank E. Jr. Proctor Mi les W. Proctor Pau I D. Prof Food Service Mgmt Pratte Gary R. Province, E. Edward Jr. Publ ic Service Co Of Colorado Puettmann David R. Puhl Joseph Albert Pu mmi I I Arch E.

Lyle E . Purse I I Pu rtee Iva B. Pya t t James H.

Q Quatraro Wi II iam Queathem Robert L . Quick Edgar A. Qu i nn Da ry I C. Quinn Michael J .

R Raab Charles L. Rachels Darrell J. Rackers Dennis S. Raffel Ted C. Ragan Jr Norman E. Raghavan Srinivasa H.R. Rahner Robert M. Raidt Cathy Jane Baker Cathy Jane Raithel James F. Rakaskas Joseph E . Ralph M Parsons Co Ralston Purina Co Ra'msey Susa n L. Randa I I Ha rvey G. Randolph Robert W. Ranek Wi II iam F. Raney Edward M. Ranney Royal Ransda II Di st Rasch David R. Rasche John F. Ratcl i f f John J. Rath Wayne R. Rau James T . Ra u Is Ga ry L. Ray Ea rl D. Ray Herma n A. Ray Paul A. Rayme r Go rdon E. Raytheon Co Re Ga ry F. Rea William R. Clayton Read Reader's Alley Reading Stephen H. Reagan Wi II iam A. Reager Bert Redding James A. Redington Stephen L. Redland Prismo Corp Redman Do r is Reed David E. Reed Ha rvey Reed, X. B. Jr. Reeg Richard L. Rees Mark Edward Reese Construction Co Regenhardt Edward T. Rehagen Ga ry J. Reichhold Chemicals Inc Re i d B i I I H. Reid Bi Ily W. Reinbold Rol land Re i ne rs Jim Reinhardt John E.

MSM Alumnus / 31

1984 Rollamo

R Continued



Rei iance Electric Co Remington, Charles R. Jr. Remley Susan R. Beckerle Susan R. Rencehau se n Gerald P. Ren ick, Murray Jr . Renick Thomas Jerome Renne Mark Joseph Renner John W. Rethmeyer, James W. Jr. Rethmeyer Stephen J. Reuss Lloyd E. Reynolds Arnold G. Reynolds John A. . Reynolds Joseph C. Reynolds Metals Co Fdn Rhine, George I. Jr. Rhoades Robert P. Rhoads Donald E. Rhodes A. E. Rhodes Equipment Co Rhodes W. Bruce Ric h J e r ry L. Richards Jon Anthony Richardson David N. Richardson Joe R. Richardson Margaret A. Richardson Ric hard A. Richter Michael G. Ricono Marion P. Riden Dorothy Riegel Richard J. Rieke Vernon W. Riemenschnitter Donald L. Ries Frank W. Rig g s, J a me sM . Jr. Riggs John R. Rigler A.K . R'ley James A. R ley Kent D. R ley Terence M. R nghausen Roger J. R nker Greg C. R nne Robert A. R ordan Catherine A. R ttenhouse Joseph W. R vers Jack L. Roach D. Vincent Ro ac h John G. Roach Louise Roach Warren D. Robbins Douglas A. Robbins Irvin D. Robbins Susan Leanne Roberts Ca r l J. Roberts Craig G. Roberts J. Kent Roberts James M. Roberts Loy D. Rob e rts Orner H. Roberts S. Kent Rob e rts Winon a C. Rob e rt s on B. Ken Robertson Kittie Lee Rob er ts o n Stephen L. Robeson Mich e l Ie A. Robinson Fo rrest G. Robinson J. Kent Ro binson Marquis B. Rochester & Pi tts burgh Coa l Co R~kaway Jo hn D. Rockwell In ti Corp Trust Rockwe l I Lynn A. Rocoberto Michael Rodgers Edward W. Roehrs Be t t y E. Roeme rEI me r A. Roem e r Th e odore J.



Roenfeldt Mark A. Roes, Theodore A. I II Rogers Frank B. Rogers Raymond H. Rogers William L. Rohm & Haas Co Rolla Area Music Teachers Assn Rolla Country Club Inc Rolla Fami Iy Practice CI inic Rolla Motor Parts Inc Ro I I a Rota ry Club Rolla Standard Ser Rolla Women's CI inic Inc ROLM Corp Roma n Robe rt Roman Ronald J. Romberg James M. Romero Anthony Paul Rom i ne B i I I Y J. Romine Edward C. Ronat Jean L. Roop Timothy Roosman Wi II iam B. Rorabaugh James I. Rose Franc isM .. Rosekrans Norman A. Ro s enauer J. M. Ross Charles ..E. Ross Charles J. Ross Jame s A. Ross Michael W. Ross Richard G. Roth Lester C. Roth Pri sci Iia H. Rothband Pa ul B. Rothermich Thomas A. Rothery Mary Frances Rotramel John D. Ro.ush Phi I ip S. Roush Rona I d L. Roy Daniel C. Royer Leroy J. Rude Owen D. Ruder Joseph A. Rueff Edwa rd L. Ruengert Mart in R. Ruenheck Raymond T. Ruf Thomas R. Ruh I, 101 i ley T. Jr. Runcik Mr s Karel Runder Raymond H. Rupp Tim Rus e r , John R. Jr. Rush Steven D. Rushing AI len J. Rushton Wi I I iam E. Russe II Pau I P. Ru ss ell Robert Bruc e Russell Robert R. Rus se I I Rage r Rust Martin F. Rustine Way ne Ruth Earl Allan Rutledge William A. Rya n Ma rk E. I'(yan Thomas C.

s Sackewi tz Robert A. Sadowsk i John M. Sager Thomas J. Sagramoso Daniel E. St Denis Do lores M. Held Dol ores M. Sako ny i John J. Sa I I a s John J. Sa Ilee Ra ndy Wi II iam Sa I Iwass er Steve n V.

Sa Imon Jerry 1'(. Salmen R. Michael Sam's Tire Service Sammet De nnis M. Sample William G. Sampson, Rodney J. I I Sanchez Gualberto J . Sandefur Robert L. Sanders Eugene F. Sanders John A. Sanders Keith M. Sand haus Elmer H. Sandhaus He nry W. Sandheinrich , Otto Jr. Sand s tedt Roger Sarchet Be rn a rd R. Sargent Joseph G. Sauer, Ha rry J. Jr. Sauer Peter W. Sau e r Robert Mar.k Sauer Stacy J. Saunders Ca ro I Saunders David Ralph Saunders Wa I I ace R. Saunders Wi II iam E. Sawyer . Randa I I L. Scarborough· John P. Schade Stephen S. Schaefer Diane Ca rol Schaefer, Donald B. Jr. Schaefer Orville L. Schaefer Rodney A. Schaeffer Micha e l J . Schaeffer Neal T. Schafermeyer Richard G. Scharf Joel S. Schearer Laird D. Scheibel Larry L. Scheiter Cynthia E. Sche I i eh Arde I I J. Schepfl in Mi c hael D. Schieferle Mark J. Schiermeier John J. Schi II ing John R. Sch i I I i nge r Da Ie J . Schindler George A. Schlotzhauer Wes Schlumberger Fdn Schlumberger Wei I Services Schmerbauch Karl J. Schmidt Daniel R. Schmidt Edward A. Schmidt Harold l. Schmidt Mike Schmidt Norbert O. Schmidt Thomas E. Sc hmidt Vernon E. Schmidt Wayne Schmitt David W. Schmitt James C. Schmi tt John L. Schmitt Jo s eph B. Schmitt Randal I J . Schmittou Clay J. Schmitz Jame s F. Schmitz Jo sep h K. Sc hmoldt Mrs Jimmie Schnake John S. Schneider Charles S . Schneider Orville B. Schneider Ro bert M. Schne I I Robe rt J. Schnettgoecke Gary Schnettgoecke Lambert G. Schnoebelen, Paul C. III Sc hnu r bu sch Larry J . Sc hnyd er, Herbert J. Jr. Sc hoene berg Kenneth W. Sc hoenecker Timothy Sc hoenike Ga ry A. Sc hol z Arthur E. Sc ho rk John E. Schouten Susann a h E. Sc howe ng erdt George C. Schrader Sto ves o f Rolla Sc hramm Willi a m W. Schriever Byron N. Schroeder Ma ri Iy n L. Schroeder Richard A. Sc hro e r Mi chae l G. Schroer Wi Ibert F. Schuchma n Norman J. Sc hu ette Louis H. Sc hu etz Ra nda I I G. Schu ler David P. Schuler I'(obert K. Sc hu l tz Jo hn T. Sc hu l tZ I'(o bert L. Schu l ze 101 i I I i am C. Schumacher Cilrol ine Schumacher Joanne Sc humake r Pa ul Sc huma n Alma M. Sc hwa b Lawrence R. Sc hwab Robert E. Sc hwalbert William H.

Schwa rtz And rew J. Schweer Jeffery A. Schwegel Richard A. Schweiss Motor Co In ~ Schwei zer Charles T Schwent Raymond . Sc hwitzer Coo l ing Sy s tems Sc iubha, Car l Jr. SC t~ Fdn In c Sco ggin s Jerry L. Sco tt Harry S . Sc ott J a mes J. Scot t Kenn e th R. Sco tt Kevin C. Sco t t La r ry L. Scot t Larry W. Scot t M T S Inc Sea rs Thoma s J. Seay Wi II iam Se b ree Ma rk t~. Sees David H. Sege lhor st Alfred E. Seibold Joseph M. Se lim A Ii A. Se I leGe ra IdO . Se llers- Sex t o n Inc Senior ~eorge L. Sen ne John E. Senne Joseph H. Seppelt Mark E. Sessen George V. Seval I George W. Sevick Joseph G. Sevier Jean D. Sewel I Steven L. Sfredd o Humbert E. Shade Victoria C. Shah Kanaiyalal R. Shah Vipinbhai R. Shanes Marion A. Shank Earl I~ . Sha p i ro Yoe lit H. Hiebert Yael it H. Sha rp John T. Sha rp R icha rd E. Shaw David W. Shaw Haur D. Sheahen David J. Sheeley, Henry A. Jr. Sheffield John W. She ldon John S. Shell Companies Fdn Inc Sh e I Ie r-G lob e Co rp She I I house Ba rb Shelton Ramon C. Shen Kuo-Shein Shepardson James D. Shepha rd I GA Shepherd Loren G. Sheppard Charles A. Sherard, Ronald E. Jr. Sherman Kenneth I. Sher rick Bobby J. Sherri II Dona Id A. Shields Steven B. Shi II ing Thoma s B. Shini Asaad S. - Shinn Wi II i a m K. Shipl ey No rman G. Shirley Jerry W. · Shlanta Stephen Shlant a Stephen N Stephen Shoemaker James L. Shoemaker Larry W. Short Wa Il ace W. Shou ld ers Virginia Mit tie r V i rg i n i a Show-Me Electronics Inc Shriver Kenneth W. Shuc k Lew is W. S idio Paul N. S idl owski Rona ld E. S i eck Erv in H. S ie c k La wre nce K. Siec khau s Robert H. Siege l Willi a m A. S i ehr Donald J. S i ese ner Robert M. S i ese nnop W. Wayne S ieve r s Oon a ld A. S imac David W. Si mac Mi chae l R. S immo ns Michae l F. Si mmons Robert W. . Simon Dennis M. Simoneaux Josep h · ~. S imp so n, Da ni e l E. Jr. Si ng er Co Si nkewiz Gi le s C. Si sse r Ell yn Sisters o f Chi Omega Si tes L. E. Skain John C. Skasick St even M. Sk ibi s ki Kevin C.

S Continued Ski les Jame s J. Sk i I Iman Daniel W. ' Skinner, Milton R. Jr. Skitek Gabriel G. S ieboda David S. Sma rt John D. Sma rt. Ne i I A. Smart Samuel Sm ith A. Wayne Smith Audrey S. Smi t h B i I I O. Smith BrianW . Sm th Bruce G. Sm t h Carol A. Sm th Corde I I Sm th Dal e E. Sm th Daniel B. Sm th D i x iF. Sm th Gary A . Sm th Ga ry L. Sm th Gaylon G. Sm t h Ha I li e M. Sm ttl Ha rry B. Smith, Harvey S. III Smith James A. Smi th James G. Smi th John W. Smith Keith A. Smith Kenneth E. Sm i th La rry Smith Leroy E. Smith Louis W. Smith Mark Steven Smi th, Menard O. Jr. Smith Nei I k. Smith Otis H. Smith P. Gene Smith Paula V. Smith Richard A. Smith Richard L. Sm i ttl Ric ky D. Smith Robert E. Smith, Robert E. Sr. Sm i th Rona I d L. Sm i th Roy B. Sm i th Ted P. Smith Thomas A. Sm i th Ve rne I leT. Smi th Wayne D. SmithKI ine Beckman Fdn Smurfit Pension & ins Ser Co Sne l I Robert B. Sniader louise E. Snowden J. Russell So Richard K. Society of Mining Eng of AIME Society of Pkg & Handl ing Inc Soehngen . Robert W. Soi I Consultants Inc Solecki Mary Kay Sommerer W. E. Southern Ca Ii f Gas Co Southern Merle E. South land Corp Southwest t~obi Ie Systems Corp Sout hwestern Bel I Tele Co Sowe I I , Lew i s C. Jr. Sowers James R. Sowers Mrs Edward Sowers Newspapers Inc Spack ler Donald E. Spalding J. Victor Spar l in Don M. Spee r Robe rt Spe llman Daniel J. Spence Hllgh F. Spe rry Rand Corp ; Sp ielbus ch Leo P. Spieldoch Richard B. Sp in z ig , Edgar W. Jr. Sp i rz Va Ie r i e Spl inter H. E. Spokes Ern est M. Spotte Irvin C. Sp r ad l ing Kennie K. Sp re i tze r J im Spre ng Alfred C. Spr ick Robert W. Spr ing er Robert M. Spyers Micha e l E. Squa re D Co Sqllibb Corp Sq u i re s Ha r o I d Srock Stanley St Joe lead Co St Joe Minerals Corp St Joe Minerals Corp (New York) St Joe Mineral s ~orp(Viburnum ) St Joseph Light & Power Co St Louis Section A.S.N.T. Stac how ski Mike J. Stack Denn i s L. Stack Irvin R.

Stafford Jim Stah l in Robert W. Sta lli on Michael W. Standard Oi I Co (Cle ve l and) Stanfield Brian K. Stange Siegfried H. Stange l James E. Stan l ey Nic hola s C. Stan l ey Robert L. Stanto n Mack J. Stap l es Guy W. St apo ns k i Randa I I E. Stapp Pau I R. S ta rke Ri c ha rd M. Stat l er Kennyn D. Sta u ffer Che mi ca l Co Sta uter Mark C. Stea rns-Roge r Inc Stede lin Ke nn et h J. St ee l e Dona l d D. Steele Eugene W. Ste e le John O. Steele Kenneth W. Stee le Kev in Steele Robert R. Steele Stephe n ·G. Stehn Thomas Lloyd Stein William J. Steinbach Alvin C. Steinbrueck Gary L. Steinkoetter William T. Ste i nman Anthony V. Steinnerd Donald J. Stellern Catherine L. Dul in Catherine L. Stellern Gerald M. Stelzer Eric H. Stemmler James A. Stephens Dennis L. Stephens James W. Stephenson Richard W. Stephenson Walter Steury Thomas D. Stevens Mark Lee Stevens, O. Dale I I Stevens, Wi II iam W. Jr. Stevenson Curtis W. Stevenscn Gerald L. Stewart Robert L. Stewart William H. Stickler Roger H. Stidham James A. Stigal I James R. Stigall Paul D. Stine, Howard H. Jr . Stinebaugh Thomas E. Stinson David E. Stirrat Bryan A. St i rtz Brad Stitt Donald Stob ie -I rv i n Stock Michael D. Stockhausen Wi I I i am T. Stockhecker Rita S. McM i nn Rita S. Stoecker Van Stokely William S. Stol I Jeffrey R. Stoltz WilliamA. StOlwyk John N. Stone & Webster Inc Stone Ca rma J. Gib l er Carma J. Stone Ron D. Stonger Michael G. Stopkevyc Waldemar D. Stopkey Waldemar D. Stop key Waldemar D. Stopkevyc Wa I dem'a r D. Storck W. Fred Storrs St uart M. St over De nnis W. Stratton Mic~ ae l K. Strauser Cl aude N. Str ea me r Phi II ip A. Strob e l Larry G. Stroder Mich ae l David Strohbeck Eug e ne E. S t ru b Da I eA. Struck hof f R.M. Strunk Ma i land R. Stua rt Gladys St ua rt Robert L. Stueck C.F .P. Stutzman Jonathan Sucha r it Sompop Sudduth La rry Sudholt Terry A. Suhre, Maurice E. Jr. Su llentrup Leo J. Su i I ivan Joseph F. Su llivan Kathleen A. Ziha Kathleen A. Sui I ivan Michael J. Su I I iva n, Thoma s J. Jr. Summerford Breck E.

Sumpter David Robert Sun Co Sun Company Inc Sun Frank Y. S. Sun Production Co Sundermeye r Rob e rt W. Sundstr and Corp Fdn Suraud Mi chae l P. Surgant John Sut her l a nd, Graha m G. II Sutherl a nd James R. Sutterer Kevin G. Sutton Mi c hae l R. Svo boda Mi chae I F. Swa nb ac k Steve n G. Swanson Richard C. Swear ing en J erry D. Sweeney Thomas E. Sweeney Willi am T. Sweetse r Victoria K. He adrick Victoria K. Swekos ky Frank J . Swenty Brian J. Sw inny Dav id W. Swyers Do n R. Sy nte x Agribusiness Inc

T Taft John B. Tague Morri s Talbert Keith E. Tal ley Alfred L. Tallon Richard J. Tanna Virendra V. Tannous Nicola B. Tanquary CI ifford C. Tao Frank F. Tate David E. Tate George J. Tau Beta Sigma Tauser Raymond H. Tayloe Cha'rles H. Taylor Ceci I R. Taylor Charles Taylor Charles M. Taylor Glenn R. Taylor H. Porter Taylor. Nata lie J. Taylor Otis H. Taylor Thomas M. Teaga rden , Dw i ght M. Teas Wi II iam C. Tegethoff Mike Tektronix Inc Teledyne Inc Teledyne Inc (Los Angeles) Te I ke r Ma ry E I I en Telthorst Harold M. Tenneco Inc Tenneco Oi I Exp & Prod Tenneco Oi I Expl & Prod Terbrock Jackie Yates Jackie Terry Richard L. Teske James E. Teter Eugene A. Te xaco Inc (White Plains) Te xa s Eas tern Transmission Co Te xas In struments Inc Texas Oi I & Gas Co

Tharp Charles E. Tharp Ha ( S. Thatcher David A. The American Physical Society The Anschutz Corp The Ar i za l a Corp The Cyclops Fdn The Medtronic Fdn Thebeau De nni s J. Thei Ima nn John M. The ising David A. The i ss John C. The rmo s Th ess ing Theodore A. Thies Dougla s M. Thomas, Glenn F. Jr. Thoma s Jere L. Thoma s My ron F. Thomas Verner E. Thomas,Birdsong,Clayton,Hag lag Thomason, June C. Jr. Thomass on Wi II iam M. Thompson David E. Thompson Homer F. Thomp so n Howa r d Mike Thompson Larry D. Thompson Le I i a M. Flagg Lei ia M. Thompson Leon L. Thompson Patrick F. Thompson Richard H. Thompson Richard N. Thorn Steven W. · Thornsberry Marcus Thornton John Th ree M Fdn Threlkeld, Hubert R. Jr. Thuet EI izabeth C. Thuet Louis J. Thurlo Ma.urice Tiehes Robert V. Tierney Wi II iam N. Til rna n Mil ton M. Timbrel I Hami Iton C. Timmer Donald H. Timmermann George J. Tindi I I John J. Tipton B.l. Titus Russe I L. Toch Maximi I ian Todd Joseph W. Todd Sandra S. Toedtman Charles H. Tolcou Gregory J . Tom & Frances Leach Fdn Inc Tomasella Renato N. Tomazi George D. Tomazi Keith G. Toomey John B. Tordoff David B. Toth Diana L. Harrison Diana L. Towel I Arthur P. Towne Robert G. Townsend John Keith Trampe Jana L. Zigrye Jana L. Trancynger Michael l. Trane Company Fdn Inc Trautman Dennis R. Treffinger David J. T re i s E r i n M. Trentmann Norman E. Trianda John Trimble Selden Y.

1984 RoDamo


Alumnus/ 33

T Continued Triplett De r re l W. T r oye r J e r ry D. TRW Fdn (Cl eveland) T sa i Kuo- Chun T s ui Anthony Po M. Tuck Edwa r d F. Tucker Armin J. T u ng Chung- Yuan P. Tunn i c I i f f C I a ren ce J. Turek J. Le o Turnbough Sandra K. Ma r x Sa nd ra K . Turn e r, Dav i d L . II Turner Eli as G. Turner Jam e s Turner, James M. Jr . Turner Ralph Twe de l l Ri c h a rd N. Twe le Mich ae l N. Twe llman Dav id H. Twi tt y John R. Tw i tt y Rea I t y

u Ullmann J a n e UMR Civil Eng Dept UMR Cote r i e Underwood Daniel H. Unell Sam . Unine t Inc Union Carbide Corp Union Carbide Corp(D a nbury) Union Carbide Corp(N ew York) Union Electric Char T rust Union Electr i c Co Un i on 0 i I Co Of Ca I i f Fdn Union Pacific Fdn United Engr & Constructors LTD United States Gyp s um Fdn Inc United Technologies Corp United Technologies Corp United Telephone Co University Bookstore University of Ark Uhnerstal, l James A. Unsell Ve s ter B. Urban James L. Urban Ma rk A.

v V H McNutt Memoria I Fdn Vacek Joe Vaeth Richard M. Vail Roger I. Van Bramer Wi II iam G. Vandergriff Wi liard C. Vand e rsteen Mrs Lor r aine Va n Doren Thomas P. Va n Fle e t Dav id R. Van Horn Bonnie A . Bol a nd Bonni e A . Van Horn William L . Van Houton D. La r ry Vaninger Jon L.

Va n Ki r k Ra lph Va n Meter Jose ph L. Va n Po o I J oe Va n s an t Ca r i A . Ro b e rt E. Va n san t Va n Wyk F rank J. . Varno n , Ro b e rt L. J r. Vaughn Daniel L. Va u g hn Jo hn C . Va u ghn Pau I E. Vea t c h Ann E . Wh i t ty Ann E. Ve e n st ra Ch a rl e s K . Veit St e ph e n R. J ohn A . Vento Ve rd u in Jr Jo hn R . Ve r me tt e Gl e n K. George W. Ve s t Vic ke ry Rob e rt V i ers Ruth N . Vile s Lando n C . V i I la f a n a Davi d Vi Il e r s Da n a G. Vi I Ih a rd Wes l ey G. Vi s in t ain e r , Dav id A. III V i ta I i J ose p h D . Vitek R i c h ard K . Vl ce k Rober t W. Vog e l Herm a n H. Vog e l Ri c k y R. Vo l k Rog er H. Vo I k e r Fred r ic W. Vo llm a r, Jo se ph E. Jr. Volpe Barton David Vona I t La rry Voo rh i s Ga r y L.

w Waddell Georg e R. Wade Edwa rd N. Wade Hi Ida E. Waggoner Barb a ra M. Waggoner Ly nn H. Wagn e r Berna rd C . Wagner, Harold W. Jr. Wagner Kenneth Neal Wagn e r Rog e r C . Wainright Ri c hard E. Wald o Cl y d e L. Walk e r , Burton K . III Walk e r Joh n Wa I k e r Kenn e th Walk er Mi chae l R. Wa I k e r R i c h a r d H. Wa I I ac e Ch a r I es E. Wa I l ey Om a r (; . Walraven Donald Wal s h Che v rol e t John G. Wal s h R ic h ard A . Wa lt e r Wa lther J a mes J . Walt s Raymond J. Wang Benjamin S . Wa ng Dav id C. Wa ng Dav id P. Wa ng Edw in C. Wa ng Jyue- Sh e ng Wa ng L aw r e n ce K . Shu-Me i Wa n g Sh u -Me i Li

1984 RoIl.mo

3~ / MSM


Wa rd J . H. Ward Jo e A . Wa rda Wi ' ll iam S . Warfi e ld Da v id M. Wa rf ie l d , Ra y mond A . J r . Warner Da v id F. Wa rn er Do n L. Wa s s i l a k J e ffry P. Wa tkin s Jo se ph S . Wa tso n Fra n k Wats on Ha rry W.G. Watso n John L. Wa ts on Kev in D. Wat t e nbarg er Chris M. Wat t s Ch a rl es A . Way n e Gr e go ry L . Wea rt Ha rry W. We at herington Richard ,We bb D.vid W. We bb E . V ic tor We bb Rob e rt J . We b b 14 i I I i a m H . Ma rk Rob e rt We bb e r We b er Lawren c e E. We b er Rog e r C . Webe r Willi a m G. We b e r s Da v id M. Weeks Gre g A . We e k s Rob e rt E. We e s e John R. Weida Charle s Ce ci I Weiding e r Don a ld J. We i die Ben E. Weidl e r Gary R. Weiler JohnL. Weimholt Jame s E. Weinb a um Mel v in Weinel Ern s t A. Weinrich Alb e rt W. We i s Ca r I J. Wei s er Hanley H. Wei s s Claren c e B. Wei ss Dougla s Al a n Wei s sert Joseph M. Welch Clare A. Wel c h Lorraine J. We I I s 14 i I I i am L. Wel sc h Paul L . R ~ Da lt o n We l s h We lty Lawren c e E. We ndl e ton John L. We nt z , Charle s A . Jr. We n z l ick J oh n D. We rn e r Don a ld E. We rn e r Kenneth W. We s l e y Darrell K. Wes s e I Jam es L . Wesse l schmid t Dou g Wesse l schmidt Kat he rine K . Katherine K. Kunk e l Wes t Amy G. We,s t D. E . Wes tb r ook Sandra J. Wes t e rmeier Th e odo r e F. Wes t e rn Electri c Wes t e rn El ect ri c Fund Wes tinghou se Educ a tion Fdn Wes tmo reland, Da rcu s S. Jr . J e rome A . Wes tphal Wes t va co Corp Wet hington Ro b e rt L. Wh ee l e r , Irv in g B. Jr. Wh t c h u r c h J ose ph A. Wh t e , Ch a rl e s A . I I I Wtl te Da n i e I R. Wh te La rry Wh te Ro b ert L . Loui s H. Wh t e ha i r Wh t e he a d Rob er t W. Wh te h ea d Way n e Lee Wh t te n , T r av i ce W. Jr. Wh t ty Ann E . Ve a t c h An n E. Wi ck e rt Mark Al a n Wi ec h e ns Step h e n W. Wi eke r R i c h ar d H. Wie t h o p R . Harvey Wiet h o p Ru sse l I H . Wigg in s Ch ar l otte Wi l cox Robert Chr i s Wi Ico x T homl'ls M. Wi I he lm s Steven C. 14 i I key Ra I ph W. Wil ki n so n Re n ateA . Wi li e Robert J. Wi I I iam F Far l ey Fdn 14 I Ii a ms B r a d fo rd D . 14 II i a ms Co mp a ni es 14 I I i a ms Do n a I d L. 14 II i a ms Gay lard T . 14 II ia ms J a mes H. 14 II i a ms Kee p ers 01 i v er 14 I l i a ms La n ce 14 II i a ms Ma r i I y n- F. 14 I I i a ms Pip e Line Co 14 I I i a ms Ray mond R .

1984 RoIl.mo Wi I i a ms Re x Z. Wi I i a ms Ri c hard C. Wi I i a ms Ro s s L. Wi Ii a ms Ru s sell E. Wi I i a ms Stanley J. Wi Ii a ms Tammy Wi I i a ms Va lerie J . Wi li a mson Earl ,Wi I i a mson Ri c hard F. Wi I more Jerry L. 14 i 101lghby Ron a I d D. 14 i I s Flo y d M. 14 i I ya rd Dona I d L . 14 i re ke r, Vi c to r F. .J r . 14 i s h i re Ja y P. Wi I s on Chri s D. Wilson Dal e 14 i I son Da n i e lM . Wi I son Fre derick G. Wi I s on John E . Wil s on LloydC. Wi I s on , Mr s Jo se ph M. Jr . 14 i I s on Rob e rt J. 14 i I so n 14 i I lis J. Wine Clare n c e B. Wing e t Richard O. W' nk e lma n Vin ce nt R. 14 nke lmann Ma r tha 14 nkler Fr e d H. 14 nter David G. 14 nt e r Jeffrey John 14 nt e r Le s t e r H . 14 se Jam es N. 14 s n e r Gene Edwa rd 14 tt e Don a ld R. Wltthau s Te rr y A. Wi ves Au x i I i a r y Of Pr of Engrs Wi x s on Bobb y G. Wi x s on Do ug l as C . Mi c h ae l E. Woe s s n e r 140 hi e r t 14 i I I i am H. Woldm a n Mi c hael L . Wolf Jo hn D . Jo se ph John Wol f Wo l f Lawr e n ce D. 140 I f Robe rt V . Wo l fb e r g Leo n a rd H. Wolfg e h er Pa u l A. WOl finb a rg e r Sa mu e l L. Wo l f ington Ker r y P. WOlg a mott Mo n te L. Wo mac k L e lan d Wo me n in Mi n i n g S t Loui s Ch a pt Woo d E. Te r ry Woo d J a mes D . Wood, Ja mes E . Sr . Woo d J im Ke n net h Woo d Ri c h ard A. Woo d Wood Te d dy J. Wooda I I Th o ma s J. Woods , Roy B. I II Woo I e ry 14 i I I i a m L . Da vi d E . Woos l e y Wo r ste ll , Ear l M. Jr . Wr i ght C la re n ce J. Wright John E. Wrigh t Kath l e e n M. Mu ll i n s Kat hl ee n M. Wr i ght Robert C. Wrob e l David Jose ph

W Continued Wu Che n g -H s i-ao wu Chri 'stop h er K. 'rill Sh u H. 'riu l f e rs Ca r IE . Wulfert, Ke nn et t) J. Jr. Wunderlich Norbert J. Wus s l er A lfred J. Wyatt Bradley J. Wyatt De Marq ui s D. Wycoff Ronald L. Wynn J ackie

x Xe ro x Co rp Xo med

y Ya llaly Stephen P. Ya te s Jackie Terbrock Jackie Ybarra Robert M. Yeldel I John F. Yersak Ronald C. Yocom Charles W. Yoest Da vi d A. Yoon Ki~on Yost Kenneth D. Young Clari s sa C .

Young Frank C.Y . Young Robert B. Yu J oseph F. Yu Ming-Hsun Yu We i-We n Yu h as Johanna ·M. Kinchen Johanna M. Yukon Anti qu es & Mu s i c

z Za I a La s z I 0 F. Za l ac ThOmas W. Za r r Ge ra IdE . Zavadi l Denis Zeid Marvin C. Ze ltmann Mi c h ae l D. Zenith, Components & Systems Zeno' s Steak Hou se & Motel Zernicke Steve Zerl.eck, Ca r I E. Jr. Zett~och Robert N. Zgraggen Thomas R. Zi eba John D. Zieba Robert G. Zi e ba William D. Ziegenmier James L. Zigrye Jana L. Trampe Jana L. Zigrye Stephen L. Ziha Kathleen A. Sullivan Kathleen A. Zikes Bradley C. Zimmer Paul A.





1984 Rollamo Zimme rman Kenneth M. Zimmerman Michael H. Zimmerman Wayne M. Zimmermann, Roger C. Jr. Zimmermann Walter A . Zimnick, Harold E. Jr . Z i nk M. Jess

Zipp Robert P. Zlatnlck Stanford D. Zmudzinski Gerald L. Zo I Ie r Hi se R. Zoller Jacques W. Zvanut Wi II iam H. Zychinski James A.

Commemorative Funds Eugene Abernathy, '71 H. G. S. Anderson, '09 Mary Imogene McCrae Ander s on Carl H. Basler Georg e C. Breidenbach Frank H. Conrad . Ni c k Cooksey, '5 7 R. L. Cooper James O. Ferre II, '.40 Raymond R. F inc h, '4 3

Judith L. Flebbe , '76 David J. Flesh, '23 F. H. Frame George C. Gabler, '24 Charles· T. Gallo~ay C. James Grimm, '30 ' Phi I ip I He ndri cks, '42 Moniqu e Hi Iderbra nd Claude L. Kemper, ' 2 4 Donald W. · Kolb, '57

Ed~ ar d P. Lasko, '5 0 Amy & V. H. McNutt , '10 Aa ro n J Mil e s , ' 30 Ho~ a rd B. Mo r .e land, '28 Robert M. Nicodemus, '69 Fr a nk W. O~ens, '51 Th eo do re J. Planje, '40 Herbert L. Prange, '38 Stephen P. Reed Thomas H. Reese, Jr ., ' 3 4

Mr. Mr .

& Mrs. & Mrs.

Otto Schmidt Walter T. Schrenk Ed~ard A. Smith, '24 James E. Stokes, '31 Jules H . Subo~, '67 Betty Todd Fra nk Edgar Townsend, '11 Steven J. Treis , '79 Warren R. Wieland, '50 Charles & Anna Wiese Victor Zoller, '43

Donors to Commemorative Funds Jame s B. All i son Frances T . Andre~s William A . Andre~s David A. Barclay, '76 Jerry R . Bayless, '59 Sha ron Bea rden Susan R. Beckerle , '81 Da v i d M. Be Na I d I rv i n Be Na I d John L . Bes t, ' 55 Doug la s N . Blevins, '8 0 Melrose A. Bloch, ' 62 Merlyn J. Block, '41 Ed~a rd J. Bobe r A lb ert E. Bolon, '61 Irma W. Boeh I ke C. E. Boulson, '39 Sam A. Burton Martin M. Calodney Jay L. Carney Shoou -Y u t) Ch ang L a~rence Chr istensen Pea r I Cohen Kim D. Co I te r, ' 73 Sandra Fr i es Cooksey Eve t y n B. Coope r Wa Il ace C. Cra ig Custom Buckle Manufactures Cha r I e sF. Da r ling Kare n Ditzle r Pa u I Do~ ling, '40 John Do~ns Mauree n Alane Dugan, '81 Ste ptlen G. Eckert , '76 Ho~a rd W. E I oe Ro se mary Ann Emhoff, '81 Mrs. J. O. Fe r re I I Ro s s A . Fie Id s, '81 Ed~ard Finkelstein Florence K. Flesh

Sa ra

F lint Ed~ard T. Folks, '81 . Bertha M. Gabler Mrs . C. T. Ga l lo~ay Pau I Grammens S. L. Gr im es Lo u i s J. G r i mm Richard Griter Mr s. W. A . G ro s s Ma rk Guttman Helen-Virginia Haig Edwa rd B. Ha Ie Peter G. Ha n se n , '53 Dona IdE. Ha re Be rna D. Ha rvey Jane C. Hatha~ay Gene T. Hendr i cks Jo se ph T. Hepp, '4 8 Jeffrey J. Heppermann, ' 8 1 Wi II i am Higley Ann C. Hoefer Mrs . Erna Ho~e Hilde M. Humm e l , '8 2 .A l fred T. I reson Marshall V. Jamison, ' 39 Wi! I iam S . Jenks, Jr. Rona ld L. J o hn s ton James W. Joiner, ' 62 Patrick Gerard Kelly, ' 8 1 E I 0 i se B. Ke mpe r Max E. Kiburz Ne a I L. Ki etze r De s i ree King Leona rd F. Koede ritz, '68 Ruth Kolb Helen D. Lasko M. Monica Lauer, '74 Mrs. O. K. Lay Rodney W. Lent z

Wi I I a rd Le s ke I a Frank Mack aman Joseph M. Marchello Augusta Ma rgu li s David W. May , '8 2 Rozan n McCI im ens, '81 Hec tor O. McDonald Char l es L McKinnis Patric i a A. MClaughl in V i rg i n i aMi tt l e r, '74 MO Furniture Dona l d E. Mode Sitt, '58 Robert · L. Montgomery Jospeh W. Mooney, '39 Ha r I ey Moo re Mrs. Ma r j 0 r i e P. Mo re I and Lou i s D. Moss Dav i d L . Oak l ey Cha r l ena Ou s I ey Lo ui s Oxenhand l er Dona I d L. Payne J anet Kay Pea rce, ' 82 Pi Kappa Alpha George Planje Delphia L. Ponder Mrs. Herbert L . Prange Arc h E. Pummi I I Robert r~. Rahner C l ayton Read Dori s Redman Harvey Reed Reese Co n struction Co. Charles R. Remington, Jr. , Margaret A . Richardson Dorothy Rid e n A. E. Rhod es, ' 39 Audrey A. Roberts Kent S. Roberts, '69 Ken B. Robertso n


Ro lla Count ry CLub Inc. Pau I B. Rothband , '43 Elmer H. Sandhaus, '42 Be rna rd R. Sa rc het Norbert O. Sc hmidt CarlO. Schwa nke, '70 Dav id W. Sha~ L a~re nce K. Sieck De nn i sM. S' imon, '76 S i sters of Ch i Omega La rry Smith Neil K. Smi th W. E. Spl inter Kenn i e K. Sprad l ing Alvin C. Steinbach Gerald L. Steve n son, '59 Ho~ard H. St ine , Jr., ' 6 7 Mrs. James E. Stokes Mary E ll en Telker, '82 Jacki e Te 'rbrock, '75 Jo seph W. Todd , '49 Erin M. Tre i s Jane U I I mann Sa m Unell UMR Civi I Eng Dept Joe Vacek Ruth N. V i ers JoeA.Ward . Jerome A. Westphe I J Payton Wieland, '82 Kathleen Wieland Valerie J. Williams, '84 John E. Wilson Robert V. Wolf, '51 C laren ce J . Wright, '43 David Joseph Wrobel, '82 Wei-Wen Yu Kathleen A. Ziha, '81 Hi se R. Zo I Ie r Jacque s W. ZOller, '42

MSM Alumnus / 35

Named Funds The following is a list of the named funds established within the Alumni Association of UM·Rolia anti actively supported by gifts from alumni, friends, companies , and corporations, Academy of Civi I Engineers Fund Academy of Electrical Engineers Fund Academy of Engineering Managers Alcoa A I coa Fe I I owsh i p-Ce ra mi cs Alcoa Foundat ion Scholarship Alcoa Research Fund-Mater ials Research Center A.W. AI len Scholarship Fund The AI I American Swimming SchOlarship AI lied Scho I a rsh i pFund Alumni St udent Lo a n Fund American Smelting and Refining Company Scholarship Americ an Society of Mechanical Engineers Loan Fund AMAX AMAX Coal Scholarship American Metal CI ima x Foundation Fellowship AMAX Missouri Lead Scholarship AMAX Missouri Lead Scholarship-Metallurgy CI imax Molybdenum Undergraduate Scholarship CI imax Undergraduate Programs-Mining Engineering AMOCO AMOCO Foundation Incorporated AMOCO-Geological Engineering AMOCO Production Foundation Scholarships-Geophysics Anaconda Aluminum Scholarship Robert A. Armstrong Loan Fund J.B. Arthur & Fami Iy Loan Fund Scho I a rsh i pFund ASARCO Foundation Atlantic Richfield-Geological Engineering Atlantic Richfield-Strunk Fund George Axmacher Scholarship Chester S. Barnard Loa n .Fund Carl M Basler Scholarship Fund Burdick Ednowment Fund Jerome T. and Robert T. Berry Endowment Fund for Athletic s Thomas R. Beveridge Loan Fund Jack Babbitt Student Emergency Loan Fund Boeing Scholarship Fund Black and Veatch Scholarships Dr. Wout~r Bosch Surface Coating Scholarship Fund Blanche and John H. Bowles Scholarship Fund Jack K. Boyd Memorial Fund Award Robert M. Brackbi I I Fund Donald L. Branson Memorial Loan Fu nd Wayne R. Broaddus Sr. Scholarship Fund Robert F. Bruzewski Loan Fund Gale Bullman Athletic Fund Joe B. Butler Me morial Award Joe B. Butler Scholarship Fund Campus Vending Sc hol ast ic Award Ca mpu s Veterans Associat ion Loan Fund E. W. Car lton Scho lar sh ip Fun d Donald L. Cast leman Scholar s hip Fu nd Chem i stry Monsanto Fellowship Char les Chri s tian Memorial Ac hieveme nt Award in Ci v i I Eng in eering Capta in Car l G. Chr i st ie Memorial Fu nd Class of 1929 Fund Class of 1939 Loan Fu nd Cl ass of 1940 Fund Cleveland CI iffs I ron Company Scho l ars hi p s Andy and Toni Cochran Scholarship Combustion Engineering (CE Refractor i es ) Scholars hip Cominco Ame r i can Scholarship Fund CONOCO CONOCO Fellowships-Mines a nd Metallurgy CO NOC O Scho l arsh ip-Mines and Meta llurgy Consolidation Coal Compan y Gift -Mining Engineering Consolidation Coa l Company Scho l ars hi .ps Dr. Frank H. Conrad Loan Fund Frank H. Conrad Che mic a l Engineering Scholarship Fund Nick Cooksey Memorial Scholarship R.L. Cooper Scholarship ~oan Coter ie Sc hol ars hip Co mmitt ee Scholarsh ip Donald G. Crecelius Sc hol ars hip Fund Ebe n R. Crum Student Loan Fund G. Raymond Cuthbertson Challenge Fund C.L. Dake-John S. Brown Library Acquisition Fund Robert F. Davidson Memori a l Loan Fund Falkland H. Dearing Educational Scholarship Fund Frank E Denni e Memorial Sc holar s hip Fund John Herman Dougherty Libra ry of Min es and Meta llurg y Dow Sc holar sh ip Fund for Che mi stry Pauline B. and John J. Doyle Loan Fund DuPont Grant-Che mi cal Eng in eering Fund Robert Emmett Dye Scho lar sh ip s Laura a nd George Ea s ley Scholarsh i p Eastman Kodak Eastman Kodak Scho l ar s hip Fund Ea s tma n Koda k Fe I I owsh i pin Chern i ca I Eng i nee ring Ecodyne Corporation Scho l arship-C ivi I Engi neering Franci s C. Edwards Memorial Fund

36/ MSM


F. St i I Iman Elfred Memorial Scholarship Fund Erne rson Emerso n Electric Equipment Fund-Electrical Engineering Emerson Electric Professor of Electrical Engineering Fund Thoma s Eng I ish Scho I a rsh i pFund Ensign-Bickford Mining Fund EXXD N EXXON-Monterey Mining Engineering Fund EXXO N TeaChing FellowShip-Mining Engineering EXXON Fellow s hip Account-Petroleum Engineering Ferro Corporation Award in Ceramic Engineering Steven Feder Memorial SchOlarship Fund AI Fields Memorial Scholarship Raymond R. Finch Memo ria I Scho I a rsh i pFund Fred Finley Scholarships in Electrical Engineering Fred W. Finley Fellowship in Communications Fred Fi'sher Me morial Loan Fund J . L. F I ebbe Memo ria I Scho I a rsh i pFund Floyd H. Frame Electrical Engineering Scholarship C. R. Freeman Fund Foundry Education.1 Foundation Fund Harold Q Fuller Scholarship-Loan Fund Charles T. Galloway Memorial Loa~ Fund Gamma Xi Chapter Sigma Nu Scholarship Fund General Motors Scholarships Getty Oi I Company Getty Geological Engineering . Fund Getty Mining Engineering Fund Getty Mining Scholarships V. A. C. Gevecker Scholarship Fund A. Frank Gol ick Memorial Award in Metallurgy O.R . Grawe Memorial Fund Glenn and Ruth Graham Scholarsh~ps A. P. Green A. P. Green Brick Company Award A. P. Green Fire Bricks Company Fellowship A. P. Green Refractories Scholarship Harvey H. Grice Scholarship Fund C. James Grimm Scholarship Fund C. James Grimm Tribute Scholarship Fund Gul f Oi I Gulf Oi I Corporation Honors Scholarships Gulf Oi I-Pittsburgh and Midway Coal Scholarship Gulf Oil Foundation Professorship-Mines & Metallurgy Clyde W. ~al I Scholarships H.R. Hanley Scholarship Fund Albert Happy Scholarship-Civi I Engineering Harb ison-Wa lker Charitable Fund Scholarship John P. Harmon Loan Fund James G. Harris Memorial Scholarship Henry H. Hart ze ll Loan Fund Karl F. Hass e lmann Endowment Scholarship Fund Karl F. Hasse lma nn Loan Fund Carl J. Heim Scholarship Fund Hercules Powder Company- Chemi ca l Engineering Fund Leon Hershkowit z ~c hol arsh ip Fund Troy Don Hick s Memorial Scho l arsh ip Loan Fund Lawrence R. Hinken Loan Fund Anthony Homyk Fund H.H. Hoppock Scho l arship Fund Monty M. Horst Memorial Scholarship Fund Ru s se ll Hunt Memorial Scho lar s hip Richard H. Ichord Loan Fund I I I inois Mining In stit ut e SchO lar sh ip Imp er i a l Chemicals Indu stries Fellows hip I ng erso I I-Rand Sc ho la rsh i ps-Mi n i ng-Geo log ica I Eng i neering Inl and Stee l-Ryerson Foundation Mining Engin eeri ng Fund In te rn at ion a l Minerals Corporation-Ceramic Engineering Lucy Wortham James Scholarship Loan Fund Jack lin g Educa tiona I Fund Jack l ing Loan Fund Jackling Summer Institut e Fund Kaiser Aluminum Kaiser Aluminum Scholarship Fund Kaise r Scholarship Fund-Ceramic Engineering Mervin J. Kelly Scholarship 'Fund Daniel ·Kennedy Essay Awards Harry Kessler Scholarships Steven Kessler Scholarships King, Carver, Joplin Museum/Memorial Loan Fund Martin L. King Memorial Scholarship Loan Fund Robert B. Koplar Professor of Eng ineering Management Fund Lac l ede Stee l Emergency Loan Fund Larkin and Associates Scholarship Fund Mark B. Layne Sc holar s hip John H. and Ei Iyeen B. Livingston Loan Fund I. H. Lovett Tribute Scholarship Fund Floy Maurine Mack l in Memorial Fund "M" Club Lo an Fund May tag Sc holar s hip in Mec ha ni ca l Engineering Mart ha McCormick Transfer SchOlarship V.H. McNutt Memorial Scho lar s hip s V.H. Mc Nutt Facu lty Assistance V.H. McNutt Memorial Fellowships Mid-East Mi ssour i Co ntractor's Associational Schoiarships

Aaron J. Mi les Memorial- Sc hol ars hip Fund Burke Mil I er Me mori a I Scho I a rstl i p -Ih e Min era ls Indu s t r y Educational Foundation Scho l arships Minn esota Mining and Manufacturing Sc hol arship Mi ssour i Society of Profes s ion;]1 Engineers, Women's Au x i I iary Loa n Fund Monsantc Chemi ca l ~ompany-C h emica l Engineeriflg Fund Mon sa nt o Company Me c ha ni ca l Engineers MSM-UMR Alumni Asso c iation Scholars hip Funds MSM-lJMR Alumni Ass ociation Lo an Fund Murphy Company Mec han ical Contracting Engineering Sc hol ars hips Nat ional Stee l Corporation Fellowship Professor Robert H. Nau Scholars hip- E lectr i ca l Engi neering Enoc h R. Needles Speech Award Encoh R. Needles Scholarship in Civi I Engineer in g Bob Nevins-Wisconsin Centrifug~ l , Inc. Scholarship in Me ta I lu rg i ca I Eng i ne e ring . Newmont Min i ng Scho I a rs h i p-I'le t a I lu rgy NL Indus tr i es Fou ndation Scho l a rship Donald Paul Odom Memor i a l Scho lar s hip Old ~en Coal Corporatio n _Scho l Arships 01 in Summer Project Grant -Met.al lurgica l Engineering John K. Olsen Emergency Loan Fund Co lon e l (Retire d) and Mrs ; Ed owsley Scholarship Oza rk Lead Company Scholarship John W. Page Sc hola rsh ip Fund -t1ining C l arence C. Palmer Me morial Sc hol arsh ip Fund Pe a body Coa l Fe llow s hip Petro Lewis Corporation Sc hol ars hi p I'he I ps Co unty- C i ty Panhe I I e n i c Scho I a r s h i pFund Ph i Ka ppa Ph i Loa n Fund Roy Perry Scholarship Fund Peter H. Pietsctl Me mori a l Scho lars hip- Che mist ry Theodore J. Planje Sr. Sc holar s hip Fund Arthur L. Pol l ard Memorial Scho l arsh ip Fund Arthur L. Poll ard 1rust Fund Harry W. L. Porth Distinguished Lecture Series in Engi·neering Por·tlan d Ce ment Scholarship H.I.. Prange Loan FIJnd Proc ter and Gamble Fellowship Publ ic Service Company of Oklahoma Scholars hip Professional Food Se rvice Management Scholarship Fund J.A. Redding Scholarship S tephen P. Reed Scholar s hip TtlOmas H. Ree s e J r . Memor'ial Scholars h ip The Refractories Institute Refractor i es In st itut e -F IRE Scholarships ·Char l es R. & Ag nes C. Remi ng ton Student Loan Fund Walter E. Remmers Speci a l Lec ture -A rtist Fund Robert P. (Du sty ) Rhoad es Loan Fund Roc.hester and Pittsburg h Coal Fellowships-Mining Rolla Lions C lub l.oan Fund Rolla Me morial Unil Ameri can Le gion Loan Fu nd Rolla Rotary Club Loan Fund Sc tll umbe rge r Co I leg i a te -Awa rd

Sc hlumb erger Endowed Professor s h ip - E lectr ical Engineering D.R. Schoo ler Me moria l Loan Fund Walt er T. Schrenk Loa n Fund U.B. Se nt er Sc holar s hip Fund She I I She I I Fe I I ow s h i pin Che mi ca I Eng i ne e ring She ll Co mp any Found at ion Sc tl o l arship in Geol ogical Engineering She I I Compan i es Founda t ion Sc ho I a rs-M i n i ng Sheridan Enterprises Scholarships L.T . Sicka Scho l arship Fund Skitek/Eta Ka ppa Nu Scholars hi p Dun ca n S. Smith Scho l a r s hip Jefferson Smurfi t Fellowship Walt er, Ve nita and Shirl ey Sn e l s on Sc holarship Award Soc iety of Women Engineers Scho lar s hip John P. Soult Fund St. Joe Lead Co mp any Fellowship St. Joe Minerals Corporation Scholars hip Fund Sta nda rd 0 i I 0 f Ca lifo rn i a Sc ho I a r s h i pFund Mr. a nd Mrs. Norman A. Stockett Scholarship Fund Bruce B. S trang Memori a l Fund Mai land R. Strunk Sc holar s hip Fund John R. Stubb in s Loan Fund Jules H. Subow Memorial Sc hol a r s hip Loan Fund Sunstrand Fund Scho la rs hip Sve rdrup and Parc el Sc ho l a rship Fund Harvey L. Te drow Fund Teledyne MEC Professorship -E E Tenneco Sc hol arsh i ps - Geo l og i ca l Engineering Te xaco Fe ll owship in Chemical Engineering H.D. "T ommy " Tho ma s Grant Carlos and Joan Tiernon Sc hola rs hip Fund Betty Todd Memorial Scho l arship Frank E. Townsend Loan Fund UMR Academy of C i vi I Engineers, Fruin-Colnon Scho lar ship UMR Band Fund UMR Parents' Associat i on Fun d Union Pacific Foundation Sc ho l a rships Union Pacific/Rocky Mountation Energy Co Professorship University Bookstore Scholarship Claude Va leriu s Sc hol arsh ip Burr R. Van Nostrand Mem o rial Sc holarship Edwin W. Waggoner Loan Fund Wi II iam Ham l et Webb Endowed Sch olarship Fund We~tern E lectri c Loan Fund Westva co Fe ll ows hip Charles a nd Anna Wiese Lo an Fund C l a rk Wi Ison UMR Scholarsh ip Awa rd Cur tis L. Wi I so n Lo an Fun d Wiv es Au x ilary of Profes s ional Engineers Lo an Fund L.E. Woodm an Me mo ria l Scholarsh ip Fund Lewis E. Young Scholarship Fund Marvin Zeid Scholarships Zeigler Coal Co mp any Fund H.E. Zoller Lo a n Fund for Engineering Fe es

Continuing Education Courses Here's a list of some of the extension continuing education short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR. Where titles are not self-explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs. Ca ll the office of the Dean of Continuing Education and Public Service, 314/34 1-4156. Written requests should be addressed to the same office, 205B Parker Hall. Universit y of Missouri-Rolla . Rolla , MO 6540 I.

PROGRAM School of Mines and Metallurgy Explosive Engineering Principles 15th Applied Ore Microscopy Applied Reservoir Simulation Well Test Analysis School of Engineering Engi neering·ln·Training Re view Missouri Concrete Conference Introduction to Interfacing Compute rs to Electronic Instrumentation Computer Aided Drafting and Manufacturing Calculations Based on National Electrical Code Grounding & Shielding Electronic Instrumentation Hea~ing. Ventilating & Air-Conditioning Systems Calculations Based on National Electrical Code College of Arts and Sciences Introductory Short Course: Basic Composition of Coati ngs Introductory Short Course: Paint Form ulation Estimating for Painting Contractors & Maintenance Engineers Physical Testing of Paints & Coa tings Times and dates of




April 2-4 April 8-12 May 13· 17 May 20-24

Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla

Mar. 5-Apr. II March II April 1-3 April 2-4 April 16-18 April 22-24 May 6-7 May 7-9

St. Louis Rolla Rolla . Rolla Kansas City Rolla St. Louis St. Louis

March 18-22 April 1-5 April 15-17 May 13- 17

Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla

may change nearer to the time of the course.


Al umnus/ 37

Alumni Association Scholarship Program Your continued generosity to the MSM·UMR Alumni Association is helping 153 UMR students through Association scholarships and the Association's Educational Assistant Program. For school year 1984·1985, $133,862 funds the two programs which remain the Association's major projects. Alumni Association scholarships range in value from $250 a year to $1 ,875 a year. "Named" scholarships administered by the Alumni Association range in value


As s ociation Su p e rio r Sc holar s hip

Jerry A. Dau es , Sr, Pe Eng Gary D. Dencker , So, Chem Eng Rana E laine Jon es , So, Ap Math Daniel J. Laposh a , Sr, Cmp Sc i Mar g are t Ann Murphy, Jr, EI Eng Jul iann Robe y , Fr, EI Eng Michael S. Si llima n, So, E I En g Tracy Jo Thomas , Sr , Cv Eng Bonnie Ann Weis s, Sr, EI Eng

Alumni Association Special

Scho l arship

Ronald J. Bauza, So, EI Eng Ba rba ra A. Be rg lund, F r, Ch Eng Jo L. Block, Fr, Eng Mgt AI isa K. Houpt, Fr, EI Eng James M. Leahy, So, EI Eng Matthew F. Zeitz, Fr, EI Eng

Clyde W.

Hal I Scho larship

James M. Bowen, Sr, EI Eng Robert C. Craft, So, Cmp Sci Eric M. Fin,ley, Jr, Chem James W. Gregory, So, Mc Eng Keith B. Groat, Sr, Mc Eng James G. He i ken, Sr, Mc Eng Michael G. Hi Iger s , Sr, Cmp Sci Kim A. Ie, So, Cmp Sc i Patrick A. Kaufman, So, Mc Eng Daniel J. KI inge nberg, S r, Ch Eng Kennan H. Laudel, Sr, EI Eng Edward O. Madenjian, Sr, Ch Eng Paul M. Matthews , Sr, Ch Eng David W. McNabb, Sr, EI Eng Steve K. Mitori, Sr, EI Eng ' Ra i ne.r P. Mue I I e r, So, ClOp Sc i Sea n K. Patterson, So, Cmp Sci John E. Preusser, Jr, Mc Eng John F. Schwa I ler, Sr , EI Eng Daniel G. Smith, Sr, EI Eng Marvin L. Taylor, Sr, EI Eng Dav id B. Webb, Sr, E I Eng

John R. Frerking, Jr, Cv Eng George M. Stock, Sr, Cv Eng


from $500 a year to $1 ,000 a year. More than $11 ,000 is being paid to undergraduate students working as educational assistants. In that program , the students complete scholarly projects under the supervision of UMR professors and administrators. In all , the $133,862 used this year is a 73 percent increase over the amount used two years ago and represents the Association's continued commitment to both UM· Rolla and its students.

A ss ociation Sc h o l arship

Lori J . Adams, Fr, Chem Eng J ea n Ma ri e Andersen, So, Chern F re d K . Baganoff, S r, PhY S ic s Roger L. Besancene z , S r, EI Eng Donald D. Brumm, So, Mi Eng Stephan K. Bryan, Fr, Cmp Sc i Dav id J. Broy, Sr, EI Eng J e ffrey W. Bullard, Fr, Cr Eng Stephen L. C lark, Fr, Mc Eng Lyd ia K. Derrington, Fr, Ae Eng Thoma s A. Flak , Fr E I Eng Mich ae l D. Frazier, Sr, Cmp Sc i Mi c ha e l J. Geiser, Fr, E I Eng Jeremiah E. Gol s ton, So, EI Eng Denni s D. Henson Jr., Fr, EI Eng Char l es A. Henze, So, Ch Eng Christopher L. High, Sr, Cmp Sc i Kev i n Q. Humme I, Fr, Mc Eng Brian K. Jennison, Jr, EI Eng David O. Jew, Sr, Mc Eng Jon Ka dane, So, Cmp Sci Jeremy P. Kessenich, Fr , Ae Eng Colby E. Kinser , So, Cmp Sc i Bra dford J. KI ine, Fr, Cmp Sci John K . K lo sterman, Fr, Mc Eng Kay H. Koester, Jr, EI Eng Je a nette L. Loudenback, Fr', Cmp Sci Lori L. Mason, Fr, Cv Eng Jo a n M. Mattingly, Fr , Eng Mgt Lori K. Metroplos, So, Mc Eng Suza nn e M. Meyer, Fr, Chem Eng Karen A. Nimmo, Fr, EI Eng James R. Page Jr., Fr, EI Eng Christ ine M. Rossmann, Fr, EI Eng Karen Ann Rothermich, Jr, EI Eng Margaret Mary Schackmann, Jr, E I Eng Cynthia J. Stafford, Fr. EI Eng L or i G . Stapp, Fr, Ae Eng Ma ry A. Stephens, So, Engl ish Kar l a J. Stiefermann , Fr, Ch Eng John M. Sweaney, So, Mc Eng Nora C. Tochtrop, Fr, Ch Eng Johnny P. Verhaeg, Fr, Cmp Sci Ji II L. Wi Ikerson, So, EI Eng David A. Wi liming, Sr, EI Eng David J. Wi Ison, So, Cmp Sci

Robert E.

Dye Scholarship

Jerry L. Cprless, Sr, Mi Eng Lyle D. Evans, Fr, Mi Eng Robert T. Greathouse, Sr , Mi E'lg DaleW. Halley; Sr, Mi Eng Randal L. Hanning, So, Mi Eng Christopher Landol I, Sr, Mi Eng Patrick G. Lavin, Sr, Mi Eng Jefre 9 . McGee Sr, Mi Eng Charles L. Siegel, Sr, Mi Eng Tom C. Wright, Jr, Mi Eng

Alumni A ssoc i a tion Tran s f er SciJolarship Mar'y T . Briggs, Jr, E I Eng Kev in U. Bru n s , Jr, Ae Eng Kr i s t i ne L. Bru s h, Jr' , Ch Eng D i a n e M. Ca I dwe I I, J r, Crnp Sc i r~i c h ae l J. Di ese n, Fr , EI Eng Mark A . Edmonds, Sr, Mc Eng R ick L. Eklund, Sr , Ch Eng Jay M. Forman, Jr, Mc Eng Christopher A. Gates, Sr, Mc Eng Ste ve P. Ga utieri, Jr, Physics Danny Gavrie l, Sr, Cmp Sci Joseprl A . Ging, Jr, EI Eng John M. Haake, J r, E I Eng Jul i e ,S. Ha sse , Sr, EI Eng Ha ze I R. Haus , J r, E I Eng Kevin S. Howe, Sr, Ch Eng Michael J. King, Jr, Ae Eng Robert B. Kitchen, ' Sr, Ge Eng Jeffrey L. Leftwich, Jr, Cv Eng Joseph P. Marf i ce, Sr, Eng Mgt Jimmie L. Mitchell Jr., Jr, Ch Eng Dana M. Neely, Sr, Ch Eng Edward W. Rehak, Jr, EI Eng Woodrow W. Rigdon Jr., Jr, Eng Mgt Richard B. Rudloff, Sr, EI Eng James D. Ruether, Jr, EI Eng Mark A. Schmisseur, Jr, EI Eng Edward Seibo ld II, Sr, Cmp Sci Roger G. Se llers, Jr, Mc Eng Cheryl K . Smith, Jr, Mc Eng Bryan M. Smit hee, Jr, Cmp Sci Diane M. Wuns c h, Jr, EI Eng

UI sci

hi al




IX \

Alumni Association Educational Assistants Robert D. Borchelt, So, EI Eng C : John Brannon, Sr, Phy sics Sara L. Brown. So, Cv Eng Mary K. Bryant, Sr, Ap Math Kathryn E. Uawson, Sr, Psych James N. DuBose , Jr, EI Eng V. Renee Harris, Sr, Ge Eng Valerie Lee Haldiman, Sr, Eng Mgt Stuart R. Herman, Sr, EI Eng Kent W. Lynn, Sr, Cv Eng Ho a Tri Nguyen, Sr, Ch Eng Anne Marie Oetting, Sr, Ae Eng Sharon R. Powel I, Sr, Chern Lindle D. Wi I Inow, Sr, Cv Eng



gL ~





ei Stephen Kessler Scholarship Daniel




So, Mt Eng

Roy Perry Scholarship

Alumni Association Engineering Scholarship Kevin P. Forness, Sr, Ch Eng ' Brad A. Lee, Sr, E I Eng , Kent W. Lynn, Sr, Cv Eng Mark E. , Maichel, Sr, Mc Eng

Andrew C. ,Wise,

Robert Hauser, Sr, Mc Eng ' John E. Preusser , J r, Mc Eng

Patter so n ,

So, Cmp S'ci

Jul iet A.

Planje Scholarship


Fr, Cr Eng


Al Carlos


Joan Tiernon Sc~olarship


Carolyn L~uise Ree' rmann,

Theodore J. Sean K.

Sr, Cv Eng

Murphy Company Scholarship

Sr, Mt. Eng '

f1a r ry Kes-s I e r Scho I·a·rsh i p



K. · Heitzman,

So, Mt Eng ,

Fe ar(

rna Ca Fq th(




Ii( rer 38 / MSM Alumnu s

Winter I


Il~ Fred路 S. Kummer, '55, Addresses Graduates Fred S. Kummer, president of HBE Corporation , Creve Coeur, told about 900 UM-Rolla graduates that achieving "success in any endeavor is a matter of con- / scious choices." Kummer, who received a B.S. in civil engineering from UMR in 1955 , made his remarks at UM-Rolla's winter commencement at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 16. He also received the doctor of engineering degree (honoris causa) from UMR during the ceremonies. "Your future will be a series of choices," Kummer said. "You can be whatever you want to be if you direct yourself steadfastly toward realistic goals. . "Keep you r perspective and keep your goals clearly in mind," he continued. "Guard the use of your time and make sure that its use is a direct result of your conscious decisions." He advised the graduates to "understand who you are and where you want to go" in order to achieve success in their careers and lives. "You must make a conscious effort to set long-range goals," he said. "The better you understand yourself, the easier it will be to set up the goals and guideposts you will need to manage your life from this point forward." He also called upon the graduates to take control of their lives. "Don't hide behind the idea that you and your future will be determined by some uncontrollable external forces," he said. "You can control those forces. You must be the manager-if not the master-of your own life. "You should never allow anyone to make decisions or choices for you," he continued. "Don't allow anyone else to manage your life. Be careful that you are not pushed away from where your true interests lie." He further advised the graduates that "decisions will be made about you, either with or without your involvement. You must ensure that you make yourself a part of that decision-making process.

"Think of managing your life and your career as a significant job in itself," he added. "Give that job all the time and attention it deserves." In challenging the graduates to manage their lives and careers, Kummer offered several standards against which to measure their success. "The test of a good manager is whether you achieve the goals you set for yourself," he said. "The more difficult the goals-at the office or at home- the better manager you must be to achieve 路them . "Another sign of a successful manager is the ability to constantly evaluate, appraise and react to opportunities," he continued. He. added that there is no easy way to achieve success. "Nothing- not even success in one's personal life-comes without a commitment of time and energy," he said. In conclusion, he said, "Be yourself, take command of your life and use all of your talents so that you will be happy with your successes and understanding of your failures." Kummer expanded the Kummer Construction Company, begun in the 1960s, into the HBE Corporation, a company that employs more than 3,000 people in eight separate operating divisions, including banks and hospitals and Adams Mark Hotels, which owns and operates seven hotels. HBE Corporation attributes its success to its unique design-build concept for hospitals, ba.nks and hotels. This concept involves the entire construction project from blueprint to ribbon cutting. , Kummer is a member of the UMR Academy of Civil Engineers and the Order of the Golden Shillelagh. In addition, he Serves on the boards of the St. Louis Symphony; St. Louis Area Council, Boy Scouts of America; and Civic Entrepreneurs Organization , St. Louis. He also is a member of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis University.

MSM Alumnus路 Circulation Policy The MSM ALUMNUS is published six times a year: February, April, June, August, October, and December. The February, August and December issues are in tabloid format-the other issues are magazines. The February ALUMNUS Carries a report of the Annual Alumni Fund and the Honor Roll of Donors to the Association and the University. The June issue reports on Commencement activities and the Reunion of the Golden Alumni Class. December's ALUMNUS carries stories of Homecoming activities. Association reports and results of elections. The

other issues cimy general news of alum路 ni and the University. The publication of the ALUMNUS is financed by gifts to the ANNUAL ALUMNI FUND. University funds do not pay for the ALUMNUS. The Board ' of Directors of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association sets the circulation policy and these are its guidelines: -Each issue is mailed to all members of the most recent graduation class. - Each issue is distributed to all faculty and staff members. - Each issue is mailed to all University of Missouri Curators and certain Universi-

ty administrators. -The February, August and December issues are mailed to aU alumni of record. -The other issues are mailed to donors to the Annual Alumni Fund, so that they receive six issues after the date of their gift. This variation in mailing lists results in some problems. We get news items in a variety of ways and do not make it a practice to check to see if the news item refers to a donor to the Fund-that is not a part of the decision to publish . Consequently, we do publish items which refer to alumni who are not regular readers of

the ALUMNUS. They never know . Frequently, we get a news item without any identification as to the alumnus involved. If you sent us an item and you believe we have ignored it, there are several tests you can make: first, are you a current donor (you are not current if you get Fund mailings); and second, was the item identified so that your name and relationship to UMR was clear. Let us know if we are guilty of missing a newsworthy item-that is not our intention.

MSM Alumnus / 39







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MSM-UM-Roll.a Selects Alma Mater Hymn

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Dr. David L. Oakley, chairman of the UM-Rolla department of applied arts and cultural studies, has announced the winners of the contest to provide words and music for a UMR alma mater hymn and words for the Miner fight song (see August issue of MSM Alumnus). The winner of the alma mater portion of the contest is Nancy Mackaman of Rolla. She received a $500 prize for her "Alma Mater Hymn ." See above. The winner of the fight song . portion of the contest is Harold C leveland of Rolla. He received a $100 prize for his lyrics to the Miner fight song, "Fight Miners." UMR Alumn·i, faculty , staff and students as well as the general public were invited to enter the contest. A panel made up of members of UMR 's alumni band judged the entries during homecoming in October without knowing the names of the contestants. According to Oakley, the alma mater has been arranged for band and orComposers Nancy Macka"~an, right, and Harold Cleveland, center, 'watch as Dr. chestra and choir and solo voice with pian'o accompaniment. "The alma mater David Oakley , left, UMR band director, hangs the original compositions of the hymn will be performed at official events such as commencement and homecom- " Alma Mater Hymn" and "F ight Miners" on the wall of the C urtis Wilson Library ing," he said. "In the future, tapes and records featuring campus music groups, at UMR. The original compositions will be part of the library's permanent collecand sheet music for both the hymn and the fight song will be available in the tion. University Book Store. Nancy Mackaman , wife of Frank Mackaman, is well known to many alumni . Words to the Miner fight song are. She has attended man y alumni section meetings and has served as hostess at U M R homecomings and reunions for the past 17 years. "Fight Miners" She is a graduate of Drake University with a degree in fine arts and has per· formed as pianist at man y local events. She is a volunteer accompaniest for the Go yo u Miners, hit 'em again; University Choir. . Clap ,hands Miners, we're gonna win' Harold Cleveland is a former band director at Northeast Missouri State Roarin' scoring' as th' season goes, University and is a retired Rolla High School band director. He serves as adjunct Everybody knows, there's nothin' finer lecturer in music at UMR. Than a Miner' C leveland also is composer of the music for the Miner fight song which was Go you Miners, we're on th' ball; commissioned by the football team for UMR's centennial , but which lacked Clap hands Miners, we've got it all ; lyrics until this contest. According to Oakley, the words of the fight song will be Clear th' way. cause we' re here to stayprinted in programs for UMR ath letic events to help fans urge the Miners to vicTh' Miner Gang from UM R' tory .

40 MSM Alumn us







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UMR Stonehenge, one of NSPE's Ten Outstanding Engineering Achievements of I Y~4, was the result of coll'L,boration of Joseph M. Marchello, center, UM-R01la Chance1l0r, David A. Summers, left, director of UMR's Waterjet Laboratory and Curators' Professor of Mining Engineering, and Joseph H. Senne, right , chairman of UMR's civil engineering department. It was constructed wit h the support of alumni and friends of UMR. I

Stonehenge ... One of Ten 1985 NSPE Award Proiects UM R Stonehenge, the University of Missouri-Rolla's partial reconstruction of England's ancient megalith , has received one of Ten 1984 Outstanding Engineering Achievement Awards sponsored by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). The a~ard was presented to UMR Chancellor Joseph M. Marchello in a ceremony at NSPE's winter meeting in Albuquerque, N.M ., Feb. I. Also participating in the presentation ceremony were UMR faculty members Drs. Joseph H. Senne and David A. Summers. Chance1l0r Marche1l0 conceived the Stonehenge project with the idea that "placing a simulation of an ancient computer in close proximity to UMR's modern computer facilities brings together our past and present technology." Describing Stonehenge as "the world's oldest computer," he said, "It is an in路 spiration to students and faculty to see what was done 4,000 years ago." Senne, chairman of the UMR departm.ent of civil engineering and an astronomer, par路 ticipated in designing the UMR Stonehenge and performed all of the astronomical calculations and alignments necessary to make UMR Stonehenge a working structure. Summers, director of UMR's Waterjet Laboratory, developed the waterjet technology used to cut the stone and directed that part of the project.

UMR Stonehenge, which was dedicated at summer solstice June 21 , 1984, is a partial replica of England's Stonehenge._ The original Stonehenge, which was built between 2800 and 1100 B.C., was used for ritual and to observe certain astronomical alignments, such as the sum路 mer solstice sunrise, iri order to keep track of the seasons. UMR's replica features a horseshoe-shaped arrangement of five 13-feet-high trilithons (two upright stones capped by a horizontal lintel stone). These are encircled by a 50-foot-diameter ring of 291i2 rectangular (sarsen) stones one and one-half feet high. Various sightings of sunrise and sunset can be made through the trilithons. There also are a heel stone and four compass markers outside the ring. ' In addition, UM-R01la Stonehenge has two features that are not part of the original: an analemma, a stone with a figure "8" inscribed which tells the date by the position of the sun's image at noon (CST) , and a Polaris window in the north-facing trilithon through which the North star can be viewed. A marker bearing the inscription "U MR-Stonehenge" in the center of the monument identifies the spot as an official triangulation point in the National Geodetic Survey's North American Triangulation Network. Approximately 160 tons of granite were used in the monument. The rock was cut to the proper dimensions using two waterjets cutting at pressure of 16,000 Others who participated in the original planning of Stonehenge, as members of pounds per square inch. According to Senne, "The people who constructed Stonehenge stored a great the Stonehenge Model Committee, are: John S. Brown. ' 17. June Kummer (Mrs. Fred , '55) Jimmie Schmoldt (Mrs. Hans. '44), John Vaughn and Joe Wollard, UMR deal of knowledge about the sun and moon in it. As a result, it could be used to ad minist rative staff. predict seasonal changes, eclipses and moon phases, making a sophisticated computer for that age." UMR Stonehenge was nominated for the award by the Rolla Chapter of the Summers said that the original Stonehenge also was one of the world's early Missouri Society of Professional Engineers. Other projects honored by NSPE outstanding engineering feats. "Stonehenge was built about 4,000 yea rs ago. Us路 are: Spacelab, Alabama; Linn Cove Viaduct, North Carolina; Great Plains Coal ing only primitive' technology, stones weighing tons were cut , shaped , Gasification Project, North Dakota; Optical Telescope Assembly, Connecticut; transported great distances and were then raised and placed with tremendous acAutomated Flood Warning System, Texas; X-29 Advanced Technology curacy," he said. "With UMR's emphasis on engineering and science, UMR Demonstrator Aircraft, New York; Tunnel and Reservoir Plan , Phase I, Illinois; TevatroniTevatron I, Illinois; and the Rapidan Hydroelectric Project, Minnesota. Stonehenge offers an interesting contrast between ancient and modern technology ," he added. "Narrowing the field to 10 winners was very difficult," said Herbert G . UMR Stonehenge was constructed with funds and materials donated Koogle, president of NSPE. "The strong competition from around the country specifically for the project. The UM-Rolla Stonehenge Fund has been established proves the vitality of U.S. technology .." NSPE cited Stonehenge as being significant as a trib~te to ancient engi neering as a continuing fund for the enhancement of the study of the history of engineering and science. using newly developed waterjet technology .

MSM Alum nus 4 1


Internation¡a l Institute of River and La ke Systems The International Institute of River and Lake Systems has been established at UM-Rolla. The institute, which is part of UMR's Institute of River Studies, was formally approved at a Dec. 6 meeting of the University of Missouri Cabinet. Participating in the institute with UM-Rolla are University College Dublin , Ireland; Alexandria University , Egypt; and Ruhr University, West Germany. According to Dr. Paul Munger, director of the Institute of River Studies and professor of civil engineering, the international institute will serve as a centralized, worldwide information and professional resource base. It will build upon cooperative work already done by the participating universities. "At present, there are several institutes throughout the world which are gathering information about the major river and lake systems in their respective countries," he said. "The establishment of this international river institute at UMR will provide a focus for these various efforts by gathering all of this information into a central data bank. "This data, as well as information on researchers, will be available to interested nations, organizations, agencies and research groups for use in predictive modeling, statistical comparisons and problem solving," he continued. Munger added that the information made available through the institute ultimately will assist in the economic development of the countries requesting it. "The world's major river and lake systems, including canals and estuaries, have a great impac.t on the economic, social and cultural development of their respective countries," Munger said, "and many nations expend a great deal of time, money and effort to understand and optimize the use of those systems. "The institute will make both of these tasks easier and the information in the data bank will benefit developed and developing nations alike by enabling them to draw upon the experiences of others in planning for the future use of their water resources," he added. One of the first projects that the institute will strive to undertake is the development of a program to make use of the information that has been gathered on the Rhine River ~ "We will use this information to construct a predictive model which can be applied tQ the Mississippi River," Munger said. "Eventually, we hope to expand this work to include other major river and lake systems throughout the world ."









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Initially , the Institute will foc us on the Mississippi , Rhine and Nile river systems. It is in the process of collecting data on all of them . Other ri ver and lake systems will be added as soon as possible.

42 / MSM A l umnus



Missouri Mining a~d Mineral Resources Institute


"Missouri is a mineral-rich state and improving techniques for mining and mineral extraction and processing definitely will benefit the state's economy," according to Dr. David Barr, director of the Missouri Mining and Minerals Resources Research Institute at UM-Rolla_ The Missouri Mining and Mineral Resources Research Institute was established at UMR to assist the state's mining and mineral processing industries through the enhancement and expansion of instructional, research and continuing education programs in mineral engineering fields. "Because mining and related industries play such a major role in the state's economy, it is extremely important that we provide quality educational programs in mineral engineering and explore new ways to make better use of Missouri's mineral resources," said Barr, who also is a professor of geological engineering at UMR. The institute is part of the State Mining and Mineral Resources Research In stitute Program which is funded by the U.S. Department of the Interior through the U.S. Bureau of Mines. The program was originally established by Congress in 1977, and the Missouri institute became operational at UMR that same year. Similar institutions were established in 30 other states. Barr explained that UMR was .chosen as the location for Missouri's institute because of its strong research program in mining and mineral extraction. A bill passed by Congress and recentl.y signed into law extends funding for the program, including the Missouri institute at U M R, through the 1989 fiscal year. "Each of the state institutes conducts research in various路 areas of mining and mineral processing," 路said Dr. Don L. Warner, dean of the UMR School of Mines 路

and Metallurgy. "Ultimately, these projects will result in the development of new processes and techniques." The research arm of the institute at UMR is the Generic Mineral Technology Center for Pyrometallurgy Research. "The research performed at the center is basic in nature and is oriented toward 路industrial applications," Barr explained. "In addition, it is highly innovative and stresses long-range studies of pyrometallurgical phenomena that will lead to chemistries and approache.s that differ substantially from those of conventional ex traction processes." He added that researchers in the center are dealing with matters relating to the decreasing quality of ore, concentrate and other feedstock materials; more exacting specifications for refined metal; lowering of emissions levels for toxic substances; and the increasing cost of energy. The institute also has supported other research projects in which UMR faculty members and students have been involved. These include: "Development and Characterization of High Temperature Electrically Conducting Oxides," "Liquid Corrosion of Ceramics," "Reliability Studies on Ceramic Capacitors," "Containerless Processing of Glass Forming Melts," "Critical Cooling Rates and Melt Homogeniza-tion," and "Improved Surface Properties of Engineering Metals Through Ion Implantation ." In addition to its research programs, Barr said that the institute supports fellowships for M.S. and Ph.D. students in mineral engineering fields; and it integrates the results of its research into graduate and undergraduate instructional programs.


Mark Keilman, doctoral candidate supported by the Pyrometallurgy Research Furnace used for monitoring spontaneous combustion of pyrophoric metals. This Center, monitors and controls the furnace system shown at right. The controls are furnace is capable of rapid thermal response since conventional insulation has been in a remote location (a different room in Fulton Hall). replaced by a thin sputtered gold film of negligible thermal mass. It is used to provide a solution to the problem of storage and handling of metals such as direct reduced iron .

MSM Aiumnu s/ 43

Pac.k aging Engineering






UMR The packaging engineering program that is currently being integrated into the engineering management curriculum at UM-Rolla will provide students with' a unique educational opportunity, according to Dr. Henry H. Sineath;-chairman of the UMR engineering rrianagement department. "UM-Rolla's packaging engineering program will be unlike any other in the country because of its combination of engineering, management and packaging courses," Sineath explained . "Given the nature of the modern packaging industry, we felt that there was a definite need for a multidisciplinary program ) such as this." The program's unique blend of theory and application will make graduates of UMR's packaging engineering program well-prepared for careers in the packaging industry, according to Sineath. " Packaging has become a highly sophisticated enterprise that requires' a diverse set of skills, including engineering, management, marketing, design , economies and law," he said. "Students in UMR's packaging engineering program will have had some experience in all of these areas and several others by the time they graduate," he added . "There is a strong and growing demand in industry for persons with this type of background." In seeking to make its packaging engineering program as industrially relevant as possible, the UMR engineering management department has been working closely with the UMR Packaging Advisory Committee. The committee is made up of representatives from the packaging and related industries. Its members are: Robert Barnes, Barnes Packaging Machinery , Florissant; Richard P. Bechtel Jr. , Hallmark Cards Inc., Kansas City; Richard Blatz, McDonnell-Douglas Corp. , St. Louis; Robert 1. Bocksterman, Overlock Howe Consulting Group, St. Louis; Wayne Bremer, '73, U.S. Industrial Chemical, Tuscola, lII.; Michael Davis, Alton Packaging Corp., Alton, III.; J. R. Hollis, consultant, St. Ann; Richard Howe, Overlock Howe ConSUlting Group Inc., St. Louis; Jack Joslin , Packaging Products Corp., Mission, Kan .; George W. Kahler Jr., Western Electric Company_, Lee's Summit; Michael G. O'Neil, Boise Cascade, Hazelwood; John Parker, Travenol Laboratory, Round Lake, III.; L. A. Rupp, Ralsion Purina Co., St. Louis; Kenneth Smith Jr. , Monsanto Agricultural Pro-¡ ducts Co. , St. Louis; Larry Starr, Koch Supplies Inc., Kansas City; Dick Stemmler, Bristol Myers Products, St. Louis; Norman Stewart, Con tainer Corporation of America, St. Louis; Robert Stirling, Seven-U p Bottling Co. , Clayton ; Jessie Stricker, CTX Products, Pet Inc. , Fenton; and James C. Wroble, Anheuser Busch Inc. , St. Louis. "The committee has been very helpful in our efforts to develop a comprehensive packaging program ," Sineath said . "It's members' knowledge of the. packaging industry has been an invaluable resource. Because of the committee's input

44 / MSM Alumnus

we have been able to tailor a program that is well-matched to the needs of the industry." At the heart of UM-Rolla's packaging engineering program is a specially designed sequence of course work . The UMR engineering management department presently offers two packaging courses ("Packaging Management" and "Packaging Materials I") . and plans call for the addition of several more courses to the curriculum. These will include: "Introduction to Packaging," "Packaging Materials II" and "Case Studies in the Design of the Packaging System ." "Students who elect the packaging engineering option will take these five courses as well as ' Business Logistic System Analysis' in engineering management and 'Materials Handling and Plant Layout' in mechanical engineering." Sineath explained. "There also will be 'a summer intern program for packaging engineering students," he added . "In addition we will have special plant tours and visiting lecturers in the field of packaging." _ Packaging engineering students will take courses in an engineering emphasis area. "We anticipate that most of our packaging engineering students will have emphasis areas in mechanical. electrical or chemical engineering," Sineath said. "The curriculum also will include other courses in engineering management, mathematics and statistics. comp uter science_ physics. chemistry and the liberal arts." In addition to earning a B.S. 'degree in engineering management , graduates of


the UMR packaging engineering program will enjo y ano ther distinction. "Our student will be eligible to ta ke the Engineer-in -Training exam and ultim ately become registered professional engineers," Sineath said. ''This dimension also is unique to our program." C lass room work in packaging will be complemen ted by a laboratory program conducted in a specia ll y designed fac ility. "Ou r packagi ng laboratory will include what amounts to a small automated packaging opera tion ," Sinea th said. "This wi ll enab le students to gain hands-on experience with real packaging machinery and further enhance their prospects in the job market. This is another feature that most packaging programs do not include." A packaging laboratory is curren tly under development in the UMR Engineering Research Laboratory. The faci lit y will be moved to UMR's new Engineering Management Building when that structure is complete. "Th<,; building's pla ns provide for about 6,000 square feet of labora tory space and a significant portion of that wi ll be devoted to the packaging laboratory ," Sineath said. " Having a laboratory faci lity such as this will enhance our program and open up almost unlimited possibilities for its use. " Undergrad uates can use the laboratory for class projects, while graduate students can use it to conduct thesis research ," he continued. "It also can be interfaced as a component of UMR's f1exi,ble manufacturing system to give students experience with such things as inventory, materials handling, forecasting and quality control." The laboratory also will enable UMR's engineering management department to expand its packaging-related research program , "In addition to conducting sponsored research' projects, there would be a significant tie-in for the program through the UMR Center for Applied Engineering to make the department's expertise in this 'area available to Missouri businesses and industries," Sineath said.

UMR 's estab lishment of a packaging engineerin g program has been wellreceived by industry . " Ralston Purina , Boise Cascade and Anheuser Busch have donated a total of $ 17 ,000 to help with the development of our packaging laboratory ," Sineath said . "In addition , the Packagi ng Ed ucation Foundation , which has supported o ur efforts in this area since 1977-78 , has provided $35 ,000 this year in ge neral support for our packaging program ." T he im pact of UMR 's packaging engineering program wi ll be felt by the consumer as well as by industry. "Ninety percent of all manufactured prod ucts are packaged either for industrial or consumer use," Sineath said . "Each person in the United States makes use of about 2,500 packages a year. This translates to about 1.2 billion packages a day in the United States alone. "T hrough the packaging specia lists we will be educating and the research we will be conducting at UMR , we hope to devise new methods of packaging products more efficieRtly and economically ," he added. "This would mean, in some in stances. that savings by industry could be passed along to the consumer in the form of lower prices. "We also want to investigate wa ys to package products that will help decrease damage to and prolorig the life of the packaged product ," he.continued. the packaging engineering program at UMR will be phased in over a five-year period. "We have just completed the first year of our proposed schedule for implementing the program and we are a bit ahead of schedule," Sineath said. "Next year we plan to add another packaging course, complete the first phase of the development of the packaging laboratory and formally begin .our summer intern program. "We expect to have a viable, self路sufficient program by the start of the 1988-89 academic year," he added. "A t that time we will begin graduating be路 tween 20 and 30 students a year out of our packaging engineering program ."

It's Time To Order St. Pat's Green



Some St. Pat's Green makes ideal gifts for that person who has everything. In any event, it's time to order your 1985 St. Pat's Green to be sure you will be ready for the big celebration. Green items for 1985 include: Sweatshirts (XS, S, M, L, XL) $11 .00

Can Wrappers


Sweatpants (XS, S, M, L, XL) $11.00

Baseball Cap


Crystal Pitcher


$ 6.00

Engineer's Cap

Hi-ball Glass

$ 2.50



Bar Glass

$ 2.50

Large Button

$ .75

Event/Site Date ARK-LkTEX Section Meeting Elm Grove, La . . .... . . . ........ . . . .. ...... . .. . .. . , .. . .. March 2 Bay Area Section Meeting, San Francisco, Calif.. ... . .. . . . . ........ . . . . ... . . .. . . ... March 16 . San Diego Section Meeting San Diego, Calif. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... ... , . . . .. . ... . . March 16 AAPG .AII Alumni Party, New Orleans Hilton, 5:30路 ?:30 p.m ....... . . . .. . '. . . ... . .... March 25 Semi-Annual Board of Directors Meeting, Rolla . . . . .... . ... . . . .... . . . . . . . . . ... . ....... . ......... April 13 Class Reunion-Class of 1935 . . : . . . ..... .. ...... . ... May 10, 11 and 12 Commencement .... . . .. . . . .... . . . . , . . ... . .. . . . ........... May 12 Homecoming ... . . . . . ...... . ........ , ....... . _ .. . ... . .. Oct. 18-19

Orders $10 and under, please include $2.25 for postage. Orders more than $10, please i.nclude $3 for postage. Send your orders to: Alumni Sales Chairman , St. Pat's Board , University Center, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 6540 1.

SME IIJoe Miner" Belt Buckle Stili Available The UMR Student C hapter of the Society of Mining Engineers is offering for sale to alumni our belt buckle. , Proceeds from the buckle sa les will enable SME to participate in a variety of activities includ ing field trips, honor banquets, special projects & our bi-annual outing. We want to thank all of our patrons for their generosity. Orders and checks for six dollars , made payable to the Society of Mining Engineers should be mailed to Dana Hi x, 110 Mining Bldg_- UMR , Rolla, MO 65401 . Please ship _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ buckles at $6.00 each . Enclosed find a check for

$--------------Name Address

MSM Alumnu s/ 45

Alumni Section Nevvs Denver SME Meeting MSM -UMR alumni met l'hursday , Oct. 25, from 5:30-7 p.m., in Denver Hilton's Colorado Room during the Fall Meeting of the Society of Mining Engineers. Official hosts for the occasion were Dr. Don Warner, Dean, UMR School of Mines and Metallurgy, and Dr. Charles Beasley, professor and chairman of mining engineering at UMR. Attendees who took the time to register were: Ted and Mard'ell Olden' burg, '57, Golden, Colo.; W. Loring

McMorris, III , '55 , Sandy, Utah ; Peter Conroy, '73, Elmhurst, lII.; Roger Riffey , '82, Marion, III.; Ken Ko, '70, Denver, Colo.;- Ralph Banks, '48, Vernon, lII.; Terry W. Donze, '71 , Wheat Ridge, Colo.; George M. Carlstrom, '75 , Littleton, Colo.; Neal DeShazo, '80, Littleton, Colo.; Larry and Sandy Miller, '58 , Lakewood, Colo. ; Dianna Tickner, '79, Louisville, Colo.; Roger Dewey, '69, Arvada, Colo.; Richard Hunt, '50, Carbondale, Colo .; Fran and Chuck

Beasley, Rolla, Mo. ; Jim, '50, '59, and Edna Scott, Rolla, Mo.; Joe and May Crites, '49, Ishpeming, Mich .; George A. Webber, '71 , Redlands, Calif. ; Mark T. Long, '82 , Redlands, Calif.; Ernest M. Spokes, Rolla, Mo.; Roger K. Taylor, '72, Aurora, Colo.; William Shepard , '51, Lakewood, Colo.; Richard Terry, '65, Daniels, W.V .; Ray Stewart, '55 , Aurora, Colo.; Rich Hodgson , '65, Green River, WY; Greg Lang, '78, Green River, WY; Jim Venn, '77,

Aurora, Colo.; Michael H. Steffens, '73, Denver, Colo.; David J. Bufalo, '66 , Lit¡ tleton, Colo.; Mark A. Prusaczyk, '81 , W. Frankfort, 111.; Fred and Gretchen Brost, '63, Tumacacori, Ariz. ; Bill McCaw , Littleton, Colo.; Gill Montgomery, '34, Eldorado, III.; Nancy Scofield, '50, Rapid City, S.D.; Carlos and Joan Tiernon, '54, Lincolnshire, III.; E~ Tegland, '61 , Parker, Colo. ; Thor Gjelsteen, '53 , Littleton, Colo.; Bill Feldmiller, '54, Lakewood, Colo. and Roger Clifford, Danville, Calif.




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Southwest Ohio Section AI Wansing organized a lovely meeting of the SO\.lthwest Ohio Section of the Alumni Association on Saturday, Nov. 17 , 1984, in Cincinnati. The Hilton Inn at 1-275 and U.S. 42 was a convenient location, and the service and facilities were excellent. Approximately

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40 were in attendance. Frank and Nancy Mackaman represented the campus, and a slide show was used to describe the present and proposed buildings. How man y alumni do you recognize in the accompanying photos?

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46/ MSM Alumnus


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Art Baebler knows_what he thinks is best about the University of MissouriRolla: its continued dedication to the fields of engineering and science. "I th ink that's its greatest strength ." Baebler says, relaxing in his St. Louis office, and oblivious to the noise of his bQsy staff working just past his closed door. One cannot help getting the impression that Baebler, newly-elected president-elect of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association , is talking about one of his favorite subjects. Baebler knows a lot about UMR , having received botti a BS degree in me<;:hanical engineering in 1955, and the professional degree of engineering manager in 1970, from the school. He started working with the alumni association in the late 60s when he served on the Centennial Committee. Since then, he has held a variety of offices: area director, director-at-large, vice president ("to keep me involved and active and legal," he says), and now, president-elect. He is also chainnan of the Alumni AlliaI)ce, the four-campus group interested in telling the University's story where needed. Baebler says that group has done much to impart an appreciation for the Universit y as a whole among its members. _ Baebler also knows what he has found to have been most important about his own education at UMR- a broad background in many different engineering disciplines. " We virtually had a civil engin'e ering degree." Baebler says of those days. " We virtually had an electrical engineering degree. We had a lot of hours in the chemistry/chemical engineering department, a toucQ of metallurgy, and a touch of geology. That broad background provided for me, personally , a real opportunity to do the things I've done in my working career." In Baebler's case, he says that opportunity has allowed him to communicate with a wide variety of businesses and industries. It seems that Union Electric, Baebler's first employer and the company he stayed with for nearly 20 years, quickly picked 'him for community and industrial development work. In 1974, he left Union Electric for the St. Louis Regional Commerce & Growth Association (RCGA), first as general manager and later as executive vice president. In 1983 Baebler left RCGA to take over as executive vice president of St. Louis Printi ng Industries, Inc. In each successive position, Baebler has found himself using more of his managerial skills and fewer specific engineering skills. Baebler's wife, Iva Lea or Ivy as she prefers, accompanies him to most of his alumni association activities. Of his two sons, Matthew and Andrew, the eldest, Matthew, is also a UMR grad with a BS in mechanical engineering, the same as his father's, and an MS in engineering management. Matthew now works for AMOCO based in Chicago but involved in projects at a variety of other locations. Son Andrew attended Catholic. University for an undergraduate degree in bio-medical engineering and has recently completed work on a law degree a t Washington Uni versity. He plans to specialize in technical la w. When asked to ex plain the tradition of famil y a ttenda nce at UM R , Baebler has a read y a nswer. "Those who h ave attended the school recognize that it's a very fine engineering school," Baebler says. "If yo u wa nt an engineering degree, it's a lot easier to accom plish tha t very di ffi c~l t task at Rolla. And it is less expensive at Rolla than at Wash ington Uni versity or most other inst it utions. Baebler says it is also easier than at the University of Missouri-Columb ia cam pus because the vast majority of UMR st udents are also seek ing engineering degrees. In his usual mann er, Baebler is qu ite certain about what his dut ies as president-elect will be. His first dut y is, " to suppor t the president. first of all, in whatever way and whatever capacity," Baeble r says. "Secondly , to o bserve a nd perhaps to develop some different ideas o r new directions, refi nemen ts or improvements in what the associat ion is presently doing and how it is doi ng it. T he third du ty is obviously, to represent the association when the president cannot. " Baebler said at the time this interview was conducted , that he and incomingpresident Jim McGrath had not discussed their plans, but he saw no problem .

"Jim and I have been working together for so long that there is no problem in agreeing to anything that he wants to do," Baebler says. " I think that we are both very much on the same wavelength ." As for the alumni association , Baebler sees a clear role for it. "I think the alumni association needs to be primed and be aware of what the University is all about," Baebler says, adding that the first priority is to understand the curriculum and how it meets business and industry needs. " I recognize that that's the prime responsibility of the faculty and the leadership on campus," Baebler says, "but the representatives on the alumni association board are in the work field every day . They have a much better grounding and understanding of what industry needs now and what it's going to need a few years from now ." And ~ hat will the alumn i associa tion do with that knowledge? " We just have to make sure that the graduates are prepared to be employed, and to fill the role that's required of them in the business community," Baebler says. Baebler gives the association a nother role to fulfill . "They (the members) need to recognize the very significant opportunit ies for research tha t are ava ilable through UM-Rolla ... to strengthen the ties between industry and the campus," Baebler says. With that know ledge, the association's members, and the businesses and industries for which they work, can take advantage of "research efforts that are mutually acceptable and agreeable and fulfill a need." "There's a lot of capability person-wise and facility-wise at Rolla," Baebler says. "W hile that process' has been growing-the strengthening of research, work between industry and Rolla has grown certainly in the last 10 years-it still has not achieved a full awareness and a full utilization of those resources on the pa rt of industry ," Baebler says. "Business generally doesn't know about those capabilities." "What I'd like to see is the prestige of the campus grow through this kind of activity," Baebler says. "MIT is noted; Harvard is noted; and, therefore, they generate a tremendous amount of off-site funding because of the ir ... research (activities)," Baebler says. "They have national reputations. I think Rolla is eq ually as good, and we need to move in the. direction of achieving a national reputation."

MSM Alumnus / 47




MINER SPORTS Gene Green, Editor

Curtis Gibson, left, is presented the game ball by head coach Billy Key, after breaking the school career scoring record. Gibson broke the record during UMR's 82-71 win over Lincoln Jan. 23.

Curtis Gibson Se'ts UMR Career Scoring Record . The word "consistent" is a perfect description of UM-Rolla's senior forward Curtis Gibson's basketball career. . When the 6-5 Kansas City (O'Hara High School) native played his first game as a Miner in the fall of 1981 , little did he realize what accomplishments awaited him. Four years later Gibson's name is atop the UMR career scoring list, as his second basket during an 82-71 win over Lincoln University Jan. 23 broke an II-year-old record set by former Miner center Rich Peters. Gibson shattered Peters' old record of 1,367, and now has 1,380 career points as the Miners head into the final nine games of the 1984:85 season. Currently leading the 8-9, 1-4 (MIAA) Miners in scoring (19.5) , rebounding (7.3), steals (45) and assists (39), Gibson is rounding out the most consistent career in UMR basketball history. As a freshman he averaged 12.2 points per game and 4.8 rebounds a game. His sophomore figures were 20.5

48 / MSM Alumnus

(best in MIAA) and 7.8, while last season he turned in performances of 17.3 and 6.5. Gibson has been first-team MIAA for two straight years and will be looking for his third straight season as a member of the all-district team. "He may be the hardest worker I've ever coached," UMR head coach Billy Key said. "We are fortunate to have a player of his .qualities wearing a Miner uniform , and I'm excited that he now holds the career scoring record. "We've never run our offense around him , so it is a real accomplishment for him to have scored so many points." Hard work, not innate ability, has aided Gibson's climb to the top. UMR . assistant coach Dale Martin, who recruited the highly sought after forward, remembers his first impressions of Gibson. "He was an impressive high school player, break-ing virtually all of the records at O'Hara High School that former Miner star Jeff Kipp had set several years earlier," Martin recalled.

"But he was only about 6-4 and 167 Laird said Gibson was harder for him to pounds." guard than any player he ever faced in Through a program of weight lifting the SEC" Martin said. (Gibson had 24 and running Gibson added muscle and points against the Rebels.) "He is the built himself up to 197 pounds. He also .; type of player the fans really enjoy and grew more than an inch. In addition, he opposing coaches definitely appreciate." played each summer in a Kansas City Southeast Missouri State head coach summer league with the likes of the Ron Shumate, who has watched Gibson Kansas City Kings' Larry Drew, the for four years, couldn't agree more. "Curtis has been one of the premier Seattle SuperSonics' John Sun void and other area stars. players in this league for as long as I can Summers spent playing against this remember," Shumate said, perhaps caliber of competition placed Gibson in reflecting on Gibson's 27 jJoints against a different role and fprced him to bring the Indians earlier this season. "I know the ball up the floor. This experience of no effective way of stopping h)m . We sharpened his ball-handling ability and just try to slow him down-and haven't determination . been real successful at that." "I've often felt I could move to guard Gibson is proud of the record but is if needed," Gibson said. "I have worked glad it is now history. very hard on that aspect of my game." "I'd be lying if 1 told you it hadn't afA sound, fundamental player who an- fected me at aiL" he said as he smiled. ticipates well at both ends of the floor. "But now my real goal is for UMR to Gibson's defensive ability is reflected in come on strong during the second half his MIAA-leading 45 steals. of the season." "The University of Mississippi's allThat would be a fitting end to a fine conference defensive standout Eric career.

Young Lady Miners Face Tough MIAA Schedule Whe n the defending na tional champion resides within yo ur own conference it is safe to say that league competition is tough . UMR's women's basketball team is finding out just how tough during the early portion of the 1985 MIAA season. After jumping out to a 6-1 start under first-year coach Mary Ortelee, the Lady Miners-have faltered in league play and have an 0-5 record in the MIAA. UMR started the conference schedule under·

difficu lt circumstances, facing Southeast M issouri State and defending nation al champion Central Missouri State on the road . "That was a rough way to get introduced to the conference," said Ortelee. "But at least we have those out of the way and can hopefully play better during the final half of the MIAA season." The Miners lost 89-41 to Southeast Missouri, 92-46 to Centraf Missouri,

69-55 to the Unive rsity of Missouri-St. Senior center Stacey Stover chipped Louis, 75-64 to Northeast M issouri and in with 9. 1 points per game, with 63-57 to Lincoln University . sophomore guard Terri Newton adding Through the first 12 games of the .9.6 pgr game. season , the 6-6 M iners were paced by "The balanced scoring . attack has sophomore forward Susan Mullins' 13.1 often been there, but we are simply turn· points per game, whi le freshman for - ing the ball over too much," Ortelee ward Tanya Hough surprised Ortelee by said. " I think we will improve before the averaging 11 .8 points and a team-high season is over, as this is a young team 9.7 rebounds per outing. Sophomore that is learning all the time." forward Sandra Vaughn _was also in Only Stover and guard Leslie Behm double figures, logging a 10.3 average. are seniors.

Miner Swimmers Eye National Competition Derek Coon ... national qualifier in 100-200 breaststroke and 200-400 1M.




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If things continue to progress as expected , UMR will be well represented once again at the NCAA Division 11 Swimming and Diving Championships. Coach Bob Pease looks for a lar ge group of Miners to compete in the March 14-16 event in Orlando, Fla. "We have nine individuals qualified, along with all three relay teams," Pease said. "Last year at this time we had three more qualifiers, but most of our times are much faster this season." Pease said the team has missed seven or eight possible cuts, but still has logged an impressive 25 cuts and may add more

in the near future. freestyle . Miner swimmers currently qualified 8. Craig Erzen -IOO and ' 200 for national competition are: breaststroke . I. Jon Staley-I and 3 meter diving. 9. Ken Pettry-1650 freestyle. 2. Dale Heuser-3-meter diving. T he qualifying relay teams are: 3. Paul Pericich-IOO backstroke, Medley Relay-Pericich , Coon, Carney 200 backstroke, 200 1M and 100 and Rodseth . 400 F re esty le butterfly . Rela y-MattIe, Carney, Coon and 4. Derek Coon,.,.-IOO breaststroke, Rodseth. 800 Freestyle 200 breaststroke, 200 and 400 1M Relay-Rodseth , Coon, Pettry and 5. Scott Carney-lOa butterfly, 200 Mark Wuttig. butterfly and 200 1M. " We did a good job in December 6. Martin Rodseth-50, 100 and 200 against Drury College and Southwest freestyle. Missouri when we went for national 7. Danny Mattie-50 and 100 cuts," Pease said . "We sti ll have to go to

Eastern Illinois and to Drury College, so those will be two good tests for us." The Miners finished ninth in the NCAA II Nationals last season, and Pease feels this year's competition is wide open. " It reall y is hard to predict who will be in the top five, as any number of teams could come on and come close to winning it if they get hot at the right time," he said. "And I think we are one of those teams." ESPN, a national cable television network , will once again air the NCAA II Swimming and Diving Championships.

Wrestlers Lose Five Starters To Iniury Injuries are part of intercollegiate sports, but UM-Rolla wrestling coach Joe Keeton feels enough is enough! "When this season began, I feIt we had our best wrestling team in many seasons," Keeton said. "I really felt we would be a team to reckon with in the MIAA championships." Now the Miners will simply try and survive the Feb. 10 conference tournament. Five starters and one reserve have fallen -to injuries since the start of the season, and Keeton now faces a problem of finding enough abl.e podies to fill the mats. The injury bug hit in this order: • Before the season even began , 158-pounder Doug Elden was lost for

the year due to a knee injury. • Mark Wetson became history at 118-pounds when he suffered a shoulder separation during the second match of the year. • Co-Captain JiO) Siekmann was injured in practice a week later, tearing a rib cartilage and ieaving the 134-pound slot open. _ • Ron Thorpe wa's next at 142-pou'nds, sustaining a hyperextended elbow in practice. Weston, UMR's • Ramon ISO-pounder, who paced the team in pins and victories, separated his collarbone in a recent match and is out for the season. • Reserve 167 -pounder Keith

Guthrie tore a cartilage in his knee and ding MIAA champion at 126 pounds, is now out for the remainder of the and has done another great job for us season. this season." UMR is 0-5 in dual meets, but did The NCAA II Regionals wi!) be held wrestle against two NCAA I opponents ·Feb. 15 at Southern Illinois Univ~rsity­ and the defending NCAA II national Edwardsville, with NCAA II Nationals champion (Southern lllinois University- scheduled, March 3-4 in Dayton', Ohio. Edwardsville). The Miners' top perfor- . "The injuries have really been mances have come in a fourth-place strange, as only ' the mishaps to the finish at the Central Missouri State Weston brothers have actually happenTournament and a third-place ranking ed during match competition," Keeton in the MacMurray Tournament. said . "Everything else was in practice." Are there any bright spots? Keeton still is proud of the 1984-85 "Co-captain Greg Schoenberg has squad. "I thought this was going to be our been in the fina ls of every tournament he has wrestled in this year, and I feel he . year before all the injuries hit," he said. has the chance to be a national "When they are healthy, this really is a qualifier," Keeton said. "He is the defen- great group of wrestlers."

MSM Alumnu s / 49

Job Interviews Increasing The UMR Office of Career Development reports that the number of scheduled interviews by companies seeking engineers and scientists increased more than 25 percent during the 1984 fall semester compared to the same period last year, according to Charles R. Remington. director of the office. "About 4_700 interviews had been conducted at UMR at the end of November." he said, "and additional companies are requesting that interviews be scheduled." He added that this increase in interviewing activity signals a bright employment outlook for engineers and scientists. "Many of the recruiters with whom I have spoken indicated that there is an increased need-especiall y for mechanical and e¡lectric a l engineers-in the computer and electronics industries," Remington said. The Cooperative Training Program at UMR , in which students alternate semesters of school with semesters of work in industry, also drew increased attention from recruiters this fall. "There has been a 15 percent increase over last fall in the number of placement interviews conducted for the Cooperative Training Program, and we set a record for placing students in this program during the 1983-84 academic year," he said. . "In addition ," he continued, "13 companies were added to the program this semester." "Another area that is experiencing increased recruiting interest is alumni placement," Remington said.

Alpha Phi Alpha's 20th Anniversary The 20th anniversary of the founding of the Epsilon Psi Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternit y at UM -Rolla will be observed at UMR April 26-28 . Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity members and their families are invited to return to Rolla for the occasion. For more information contact L. C. George, 39 Johnson St. , Rolla, Mo. 6540 I, phone: 314-364-4216 after 6 p. m.

Students Schedule Two Spring Trips Auxiliary Services at UM -Rolla has scheduled two trips for students, facult y. staff. alumni and the general public during UMR 's spring brea k, March 31-ApriI8. The first trip features seven days and nights in Daytona Beach, Fla. The cost is $215 and includes lodging and roundtrip bus fare . The second trip includes five days of David Helm (left), a 1982 UMR skiing in Winter Park, Colo. The cost is $255 and includes lift tickets, equipment graduate in mechanical engineering and and lodging. If 46 persons sign ' up for Peace Corps volunteer from Springfield, the trip, round-trip transportation can Mo., demonstrates the type of gasifier . be provided at an additional cost of $70 he plans to introduce to the rural areas of Guatemala where he has worked for per person. For further information contact aux- the past 15 months. With him is Dr. iliary services at 314-341-4970 or the Virgil Flanigan, UMR professor of UMR Student Union Board office at mechanical engineering and director of the Gasification Research on Wood 314-341-4220. '.

(GROW) Project at UM -Rolla. While on leave from the Peace Corps, Helm has spent time learning about gasification technology at the. GROW site so that he can assist Guatemala's Instituto Tecnico de Capacitacion y Productividad (Intecap) to use agricultural waste products and charcoal in the production of gas to power various types of machinery.

Fred W. Finley (second from leftl , senior partner and chief administrative officer. Finley Engineering, Lamar. congratulates Michael A. Halwachs (second from rightl ; a master's degree candidate in electrical engineering at UM -Rolla frqm Fairview Heights, III. , as the first recipient of the Fred W. Finley Fellowship iOn Communications. The endowed fellowship supports a UMR electrical engineering student pursuing a master's or doctoraJ degree with an emphasis on communication theory and apAT&T recently awarded $500 to the student chapter of the Society of Women plication . Engineers (SWE) at the University of Missouri-Rolla to support the chapter's anAlso attending the ceremon y were: Dr. William H. Tranter (far lef!): UMR nual high school conference for women interested in careers in engineering. Accept- associate dean of engineering and professor of electrical engineering: and Dr. J. ing a check on behalf of the UMR student chapter of SW E is Beth Rezac (second Derald Morgan , chairman and Emerson Electric professor of electrical engineering from left), chapter president. The check was presented by AT&T representative at UM-Rolla. Denise CQursen (second from right). Also attending the ceremony were Anita Finley received a B.S. degree in elec'trical e n g inee~ing from UM-Rolla in 1941 and Massoth (far left) , vice president of the UMR chapter of SW E, And Christie Nelson the profession al degree of electrical engin eer in 1975. (far right) , past president of the UMR student chapter of SW E. 50/ MSM Alum nu s


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Faculty ~ctivities~~~~~~~~~~~ Wolf Receives National FEF Award

Outstanding teachers for 1983-84 are: first row (left to right): John Prater, Carol Osborne, William Andrews, Frances Haemmerlie, and David Oglesby. Second row (left to right): John Kincaid, Hayri Erten, and John Best. Third row (left to right): Donald Askeland, Leonard Koederitz, Jack Ridley, and Nord Gale. Not pictured are: Lawrence Christensen, William Tranter, Norman Smith, Johnny Henderson, and John Theilrnan.

Outstanding Teachers Seventeen faculty members at UM · Rolla have been designated outstand ing teachers for 1983-8 4. Outstanding teachers were identified by the UM R Commi ttee on Effective Teaching and Faculty Awards on the basis of student evaluations of the campus's teaching facu lty. Those selected will receive plaques. The group includes nine professors, four associate professors, one assistant professor, two lect urers and one grad uate teaching assistant. Those honored are: Professors Leonard Koederitz, petroleum engineering; Nord Gale, life sciences; Donald

National Committee Appoints Munger Dr. Paul R. Munger, '58, director of the Institute of Ri ver Studies and professo r of civil engineering at UM-Rolla, has been appointed to the Technical Hazardous Liquids Pipeline Safety Standards Committee of the U.S. Department of Transportation. As a member of the committee, Munger will assist in the department's development of pipeline safety standards. Munger received B.S. and M.S. degrees in civil engineering from UMR and the Ph .D. degree in engineering science from the University of Arkan-





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Robert Y. Wolf, '51. assistant dean of the UM-Rolla School of Mines and Metallurgy , has been awarded the Edward Walsh Award for dist inguished service to the Foundry Educational Foundation (FEF). The award , which consists of an inscribed mantel clock, was presented at the recent FEF College-Industry Conference. It was the thi~d time the award has been given, and Wolf is the fi rst educator to receive it , accord ing to Dr. Don L. Warner, dean of the UMR School of Mines and Metallurgy. FEF is an engineering educational program in the field of cast metals. It was organized in 1947 by the industry's trade and technical associations and is currently supported by 800 foundry companies, suppliers and equipment companies. There currently are 34 educational institutions involved in the FEF program. Wolf, who also is a professor of metallurgical engineering, joined the UM R faculty in 1951. He was ap. pointed assistant dean in 1981. He holds B.S. (1951) and M.S. (1952) degrees in mechanical engineering from UMR .

Askeland, metallurgical engineering; Rockaway Lectures Jack Ridley , history ; William Andrews, civil engineering; Lawrence Christensen, In China history; John Best, civi l engineering; Dr. John D. Rockaway, professor and William Tranter, electrical engineering; chairman of the geological engineering and Hayri Erten, mining engineering. Associate professors John Prater, department at UMR , recently gave two computer science; Norman Smith, min- lecture series at universities in the Peoing engineering; Frances Haemmerlie, ple's Republic of China. He presented five lectures on psychology ; a nd David Oglesby, "Geological Factors that Affect Coal engineering mechanics. Mine Development" at the China In· Assistant professor Johnny Henderstitute of Mining and Technology in son , mathematics and statistics. Xuzhou , and discussed "Solutions to Lecturers John Theilman, history. Engineering Problems in Limestone Terand John Kincaid , civ il engineering. rain" at the Qui lin College of Geology in Graduate teaching assistant Carol Qui lin. Osborne. Rockaway said that his trip to Chi na was at the invitation of the Chinese Ministry of Coa l Industry and was a' Charles Beasley step in the development of a cooperative To Head RMERC program between UMR and the Ch ina Institute of Mining and Technology. Dr. Charles A. Beasley has been ap"The two institutions are very similar pointed acting director of the Rock in man y ways," Rockaway said. "They Mechanics and Explosives Research are both the same size, both emphasize Center (RMERC) at UM-Rolla. engineeri ng and science. and both have Beasley fills the position vacated by strong programs in the var ious Dr. David A. Summers, Curators' Prodiscipl ines of mineral engineering." fessor of mining engineering, who became director of the High Pressure Waterjet Laboratory at UMR . Beasley Warner Receives is also professor and chairman of mining Science Award engineering. He holds bachelor's and master's Dr. Don L. Warner, dean of the degrees in mining engineering from The School of Mines and Metallurgy at UMOhio State Uni versity and a Ph.D. Rolla , is the recipient of the National degree in mineral engineering from the Water Well Association's 1984 Science University of Minnesota. Award .

Warner Continued According to Jay H. Lehr. execu tive director of the association . "The Science Award is presented to an individual who has made major scientific or engi neering contributions to the knowledge of groundwater through professional advancement , research, technical papers efficient groundwater development and utilization." Warner holds the degree of geological engineer and an M.S. in geological engi neering from the Colorado School of Mines and a Ph.D. degree in engineering science from the Universi ty of California, Berkeley. He joined the UMR faculty in 1969.

Gutierrez Wins Award Ernie Gutierrez, senior photographer in the Office of Public Information at UM R, has won a merit award in the feature/personality photograph y category of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) District VI competition . • The award is for his photograph which was used on the cover of the 1983-84 UM R men's basketball media guide, edited by Gene Green, UM R sports information director. He has been senior photographer at UMR since 1970. He received a B.A . in English from UM R in 1977. Many photographs used in the MSM Alumnus are examples of his work.

AEG President Dr. Allen W. Hatheway, professor of geological engineering at UM-~olla , has been elected president of the Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG) for 1984-85. He was installed at the association's recent annual meeting in Boston. AEG is the international professional society for geologists and engineers ap. plying their geologic expertise in a variety of technical areas including waste management, heavy construction, tunneling, ground water protection, earthquake risk and environmental regulation. In addition to serving as president of AEG , Hatheway is editor of a continuing series of professional papers, "Cities of the World," which is being published in the association's "Bulletin ." Each paper describes how geologic conditions have influenced the founding and growth of a particular city. Cities covered so far include Denver, Long Beach, Indianapolis and Albuquerque. Scheduled for publication are Cairo, Montreal, Dallas and Boston with 65 others in preparation. Hatheway joined the UMR faculty in 1981.

MSM Alumnu s/ 51

Alumni Personals--------------------------------------~--------------1925


1984 Rollamo

Notice has been received of the death of Guy Oement Cunningham died Aug. Ruth Bardsley, widow of C. E. Bard· 18, 1984, according to a notice from his sley, '20, '22, '24, who was a member of wife, 3297 Pine Valley Lane, Sarasota, the civil engineering faculty at MSM FL 33579. At MSM Guy had been a from 1922 to 1938. Mrs. Bardsley lived member 'of Prospectors, Tau Beta Pi, in Florida. Theta Tau, Satyrs, Dynamiters, the Miner staff, Ira Remsen Society, Senior . Council and the basketball team. He received his degree in chemical engineering. His career was spent with Shell 1924 Pet roleum Corp. in Texas, New York Notice of the death of Walter Eric and Wood River, Ill. He retired in the I 960s. Casey has been received from his son, Eric M. Casey, 7815 Pagewood Lane, Houston , TX 77063. Walter died Dec. William Godwin, '25, '26, has moved from Chicago to 312 1 S. Ocean Drive, 10 after a lengthy illness. He received Apt. 213, Hallandale, FL 33009. his B.S. degree from MSM in civil engineering and the professional degree Civil Engineer in 1932. His early career was spent as an engineer with highway departments in Illinois, Texas and 1926 Missouri, but during the 1930s he swit· Charles L. Kitchen, 100 I 0 Andover ched to the Missouri Department of Ave., Sun City, AZ 85351 writes: Health and served as a public health "Sorry to report the loss of my wife engineer until his retirement. Mary on Oct. 25th. Very sudden."

Necrology These individuals who have been carried on the alumni roll were reported as deceased between January I, 1984 and December 31 , 1984. Karl An s on A ll eba c h, ' 28 V i rgil Frank Ancell, '3 1 J a me s 'rI. Arg o , ' 5 11 And rew Thoma s Ay I wa rd , ' 36 Ch a r l es Ru sse ll Bar'n a rd, ' 2 0 Ru pe rt Pa ul Baumg ar tn e r , ' 28 Ra I p h Ar t hu r Be c km an , ' 39 Mor ri s Boorky, ' 39 CI i ffor d Mat h e r Bo u t i n, ' 4 1 Howard Burto n Avery , Jr . , ' 4 4 [Jon" I d 'rIi II ia m Burlage. ' 6 1 Joh n Ear l Ca n ady , Jr., ' 59 lI e nry Th eodo r e Cape ll e, ' 47 YIn I ter Er i c Casey, ' 24 Dona l d Robert Ch apman , ' 50 U ,r' ry Jay Cole, '69 J" s se Math ew Conyers. ' 48 Kenn e th LaVerne Cramer , '52 Ch;,," l es Fel i x Crom e r, '49 Cily C l ement Cunn i n gham. ' 25 I~i liln Harriso n Detwei l e r, '1 1 'rIi II iam Eugene Dona Idson , ' 31 Vi c tor Allan Doster, '26 I-li I I i am Lee Drake , '29 Otto Eh I er, ' 22 Hill il rd A I e x a nd e r GCl II erno re, ' 32 George 'rI . Cergeceff. ' 50 A ll en Matnr.y G l aser, '38

Be rna rd G ro s s , Jr., ' 33 r ra n c i sR i c h a rd Ha I a sey , ' 22 Phil i p Irv in He ndr i ck s, ' 4 2 Rob e rt F r a nk Hippl e r, ' 32 . Ray Eug e ne Hoffman, Jr . , ' 39 Ke nn e th Ho eve l, ' 3 3 Jo l-.n Edw i n Ho ll in gs wo rth, ' 70 Freder i ck Yl i I i i a rn Hurd, ' 34 Car l Eugene I ntag, ' 7 1 Heid E l wi n I versen, ' 50 Makoto JO'se ph Kawa gu ch i , '4 5 Cr,ar l es Euge n e Kew, ' 3/~ A l l a n J a mes Kies l er, '4 0 A rm ando J. Kirw" n , ' 39 'rI i II i a rn E. Kll'nd, ' 43 Dona ld 'rIa l ter KO l b ,' ' 57 Hyma n Leggett, '/12 .John J oseph L i bera, '73 Don Martin Long , ' 33 Isr"e l Herr i ck Lovett , ' 2 l 1 Wi I I i a rn Howa rd Mc D i I I, ' 35 Frank Henry Me n tz. J r.' , '41 Jam e s Power Moore , ' 26 Walter Edward Musse ll, ' 39 Ph i i i P Newton, ' /~9 Ha rvey Lee N i c h o I so n, ' 36 Ken n e th E ld on Powe ll , ' 59 Ctl ar l es Jebens Price, ' 66

Th e odore Aldoph Ro es , Jr., '36 Virg il Les t e r Ro gers, ' 52 Pil u I L ew i s Rohma I I e r, ' 6 3 Herma n Co r nell Ro ss , '4 8 James Ra mee Roux. '41 He n,"y 0 1 i ve r Sc h ee r, ' 30 J il mes 'ria I te r Sc ot t , '1 9 t~ e l v in A l e x il n der Sha rp, ' 29 . Josep h 'ria r r e n Sm i t h , ' 28 rh ornils Geo r ge Smi ttl , ' 73 Ho b er t A . Stil hl, ' 48 He n ry Ot t o S t e i nm e t z, ' 38 W. Ke d z i e Te ll er, · ' 22 II. Ga r t h l e nnik ait , ' 50 .Jo hn M" rc h a I I Th or p , ' /1 9 .io tln DO ll g l as To l d . ' 66 Hein z Gerhard To l ksdorf, '82 EdwClrd James To r rence , .J r . , ' 22 St.even Josep h T re i s, ' 79 Hil rry ru sh miln, ' 3CJ Lallr'en Preston ' Tu tt l e, ' 3/~ Wi I for d G . Vp. n a bl e , ' 57 J II I e ll. Wil I ke r , ' 26 Annil 0 r ma Powe I I 1-,,, re, ' 3 1 Rir.hard Warre n, Professor W ~rren R. Wie l a n d. ' 50 Wi I I i ~ m C. Wlinni cke, '4 7 Wi I I i a m r t,i II ip YOtl n g, ' l, O Vi c t or He r' bert Z oll e r, ' 4 3

Lifetime Memberships When the Alumni Association was young, life memberships were solicited to finance the organization. The following alumni hold paid-Up life memberships. Each has a permanent place on the honor roll of donors. Thank you all. Bowers, Car l os Ge h ert, ' 2 4 Brow n , Joh n Stafford , '1 7 C r a wf ord, E . A., ' 29 De Co u sse r , Kurt Herma n, '22 De Va l ve, A lb e rt S t e ihl e r , '4 3

52 MSM Al umn us

Forgotso n, J a mes Mor ri 5, ' 22 Frame , Way n e Sh a nnon , ' 23 G r i mm , C , J a me s , '30 Nea I , Ke nn e th Ro b es on , ' 30 Po t te r , Ch ar l es Jackso n, ' 29

Smi t h. Sw i ft ,

Htr es ton Me r r i il m, ' 38 Hoy Erw i n , ' .311 \o' ~ n en m "c h er, Josep h M. , ' 23 Wh ee l e r, E rne s t St e r l ing, ' 2 2


__________~____~__~__________________________ 1935 Marvin Breuer is now retired . Marvin lives at 1106 Joyce, Rolla, MO 6540 I.

g. Don, '35, '59, and Ruth Dutton have built a new house. and moved to 5 I Burdette Road N.W. , A¡tlanta. GA 30327. They plan to attend the 50th reunion festivities during Commencement in May.

Ie t984 Rollamo



Notice has been received of the death of Willard Alexander Gallemore. He Ted Herman writes: "We are enjoying received his B.S in mining from MSM reasonably good health. Celebrated my and the professional degree Engineer of 80th birthday this year. Still playa lot of Mines in 1938. He was a Lt. Col. (ret.) in bridge and 18 holes of golf twice a week. the U.S. Air Force and had served as an Each year I get closer to shooting my environmental engineer with Philip age. Most of the time I play in high 80's Morris. with an occasional break into the low 80s. I am sure lowe my good health to the game and a large part of my mental house to the bridge game. It's a pleasure to observe UMR grow. Excellent administration at all levels." Ted lives at 649 W. EIMorado Court, Ontario, CA 1933 81762. Charles E. Achuff is president of Achuff Jule H. Walker, petroleum geology consultant, died June 2. J984, following a stroke. Notice came from his wife, 3330 Casa Blanca, Corpus Christi . TX 8411 I.

Arch itectural Products Inc. He and Mary live at 21973 Cromwell Ave._ Fairview Park, OH 44126. Charles writes: "Still perking along, in good health . Running my own littl e business."

Harlow _G. Jones writes: "Well and busy. Genealogy and golf. Current presiI dent of Tucson chapter 'Sons of American Revolution.' Extend welcome 1934 to new members. " Harlow and wife Robert L. Cunningham, '34, '37, is a Doris live at 9040 E. Pine Valley Drive. retired Research Chemist who lives at Tucson, AZ 85710. 6 123 Kingsbury Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63 11 2. '

Orma Powell Ware, Route 3, Box 295. Leesburg, VA 22075, died Dec. 9, accord ing to notice received by the alumni office. She and her late husband Walter J. Ware, were both 1931' graduates of MSM . At MSM she was a member of Phi Kappa Phi and received her B.S. degree in general science. She is surv ived by two daughters, a son. seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

1932 O. M. Andres is ret ired and lives at 5034 Boca Chica Blvd .. Brownsville. TX 78521.

Edward C. Fiss writes: "Retired Nov I 1984, from Duke Power." Edward ~nd Bernice now live at 5436 Topping Place. Charlotte, NC 28209.

Roy C. Cornett, 6109 Everglades Drive. Alexandria. VA 22312. writes: "Best wishes to all for 1985 1 I am retired (or retarded) but keep too busy to write often-even to cherished schoolmates. sorry! Mary and I are trying to travel some; might see some of you ." Eugene F. Hill writes: "U .S. patent 4,468 ,235 dated Aug. 28 _ 1984, titled 'Hydrogen Separation Usi ng Titanium Alloys' was issued to me as sole owner." Eugene and Phyllis are still at 11517 Bianca Ave., Granada Hills. CA 91344. He is retired. Jesse S. LeGrand is retired . He and Myrene live at 2845 Malibu Court, Titusville, FL 32780. They write: "Carl & Dorothy Moore and Bill & Martha Decker (all '38s) were our Christmas guests.

Notice has been received of the death of T. A~ Roes Jr. died Oct. 20. 1984, in Henry Otto Steinmetz, 12439 Cody, Wyo ., of complications of Larkwood Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141, alzheimers disease, according to notice on Sept. 24, 1984. At MSM Henry was from his son, Ted Roes III, '70, 61 a member of Pi Kappa Alpha (vice presiSchneider Road, Cody , WY 82414. At dent), Blue Key, served on the Miner MSM,Roes was a member of Sigma Nu staff and was a member of the ROTC and was active with the Rollamo and Cadet Corps. He received his degree in the Miner. He r~ceived his B.S. degree in metallurgical engineering. During his mining engineering. career, he worked as a metallurgist in Utah, Pennsylvania. Illinois, Tennessee, Idaho, and SI. Louis. For many years he was with the metallurgical laboratory at McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis.






Walter F. Ureuer writes: "Hazel and I are still enjoying the fine weather along 1939 the California coast." Their address is 37 West Garden Green. Port Hueneme Word has been received from DMP CA 93041. Walter is a retired civil Associates Inc., 1400 Gulf Shore Blvd. engineer. N.. Naples, FL 33940. of the death of Armondo J. Kirwan, Class of 1939, on Walter and Florence Luder send a new ' Dec. 12, 1984. At MSM Armondo was address: 324 Constitution Drive, a member of Lambda Chi Alpha and was a varsity athlete. Chillicothe. OH 4560 I.

The alumni office has been informed of the death of Lauren Preston Tuttle on Dec. 27, by his wife, Elizabeth, 11 26 Bunker Hill Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32208. He had had an operat ion in October. At MSM Lauren was a member of Sigma Pi. Blue Key. Satyrs. Band. the CE Society (secretary-treasurer). the rifle squad and played football. He received his BS degr~ in civil engineering and a professional degree in civil engineering In 1937. Throughout his career he had served as a civil engineer for various governmental agencies. The Tuttles were present in Rolla for the 50th-year reunion at Com mencement in May. While here, Lauren donated some of his personally co llected geo log ica l specimens to the geology department.

MSM Al umnus 53

Alumni Personals ________________________________________________________________ 1943 Wilbur A. (Tony) Haley writes "Retired from Caterpillar Tractor Co. effective Jan. I after having worked in and with mining for most of 44 years. My experiences have included business travel to 47 states and 45 countries including: China, Siberia and many European , African and Asian countries. Ex pect to do some consulting, traveling out of Peoria, [II .?' He and Dorothy li ve at 1729 W. Thames, Peoria, IL 6 1614.



1984 Rollamo

1941 W. J. Bennetsen is now president of WJB & Associates, Inc. He and Jane live at 1542 Mason Valley Road , St. Louis, MO 63131.

William R. James, 4517 Fremont Road, Independence, MO 64055 , writes: "Enjoying retirement (from Southwestern Bell). Have toured the northwest, in¡ Vancouver an d V'IC tona, ' an d cIud mg Israel and Greece in the past year.

Robert and Oakley Boyd send a new address: 1136 Tehachapi Drive, Long Beach, CA 90807 . Robert is retired.

Harold A. Krueger is now self-employed as a mining consultant. He writes: "doing this as time permits from play." He RusseU E. DeWitt has retired. He lives receives mail at Box 82, Ironton, MO at 2865 Westmoreland NW, Canton, 63650. OH 44718. Notification has been received of the death of Hyman Legett on Sept. 10, Henry T. James has retired after 39 1983. At MSM he was a member of the years with Ralston Purina. He and Edna American Ceramic Society and received have moved to 905 Conway, No. 43 , his B.S. degree in ceramic engineering. Las Cruces, NM 88005 . He was a senior scientist with Hughes Aircraft at EI Segundo, Calif. and had a number of patents to his credit. He is Arthur W. Retzel is now semi-retired survived by his wife, Sally, 20324 Tulsa from A & S Division, Federated in Short St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. Hills, N.J. Arthur lives at 2 Kensington Road, Madison, NJ 07940. He reports that his wife, Janie Campo, is now Vernon and Betty McGhee send a new zip code: 350 Robin Road , Bartlesville, deceased. OK 74006. Vernon is manager, budget Eugene L. Olcott writes: "Became and project analysis, E & P Group, grandparent for the first time in Phillips Petroleum Co. September." Eugene and Margaret remain at Route I, Box 44 , Shepherds- Oscar M. Muskopf, 14874 Montown , WV 25443 . doubleu Lane, F lorissant , MO 63034, has retired .

1942 W. Reed DeForest writes: "Retired from Aberdeen Proving Ground in August 1974." His address is 723 Clayton St., Aberdeen, M D 2100 I.

54 / MSM Alumnu s

Ralph L. Neubert writes: "Retired from director, strategic planning, for Monsanto Co. and am now in the real estate business in Waco. If anyone knows someone moving to Waco, Texas, have them contact our relocation director for information and outstanding service." Ralph works for Caldwell Banker Hallmark Realty and lives with wife Rosemary at 7 101 Bosque Blvd., Waco, TX76710. Miles Proctor writes that he's retired . Miles lives at 2121 Westwood , Santa Ana, CA 92706.

Victor H. Zoller died Dec. 7, 1984, in a Phoenix , Ariz. hospital after an illness of several months. He was an independent oil operator in Midland, Texas. The notice was sent by his brother, Jacques W. Zoller, One Denver Place,'Suite 350, 999 Eighteenth St. , Denver, CO 80202 . At MSM Victor was a member of Blue Key, Kappa Sigma, Alpha Phi Omega, ROTC, the St. Pat's Board and was active in intramural sports. He received his degree in mining engineering (geology option). Following service in the U.S. Navy during World War II, he joined Champlin Oil Co. and was subsequently associated with Helmerich & Payne lnc. in Tulsa before he became an independent oil operator in Midland in 1958. In addition to his brother, he is survived by his wife, Geraldine LeBlanc Zoller, of Midland , four daughters, five grandchildren and a sister.

Alan P. Ploesser is vice presidentoperations, Philex Mining Corp., Baguio City, Philippines. His mailing addresS is 7520 N.Viliage Ave ., Tucson , AZ 85704.

1945 Roy H. Boyd writes: "A m chief. water operat ions branch, division of water & land , Bu reau of Recla mation , Department of the Interior, Washington, DC. Th irt y- nihe and a half yea rs of serv ice of rec lama tion- still actively employed." Roy's address is 5013 North 33 rd Street. Arlington , VA 22207.

1947 Raymond H. Lahmeyer is now retited. His address is Route 1, Box 166, Henley, MO. -

1948 John A. Cooper writes that he's retired . John and wife Mary Anne's address is Box 325, Kearny, AZ 85237. Ted R. Howell is now manager corporate planning for AP Green Refractories Co. Ted and Mary live at 2807 Greeriridge Court , Mexico, MO 65265.

1944 Robert Banks was the co- inventor of Marlex Polyethylene for Phillips Petroleum , a tough , heat¡res ist ant plastic. According to the company, some 35 percent of all high-density polyethylene in the free world is produced by the Phillips process. The company produces 1.4 billion pounds a year in its Houston Chemical Complex . Robert now lives at 5610 Cornell , Bartlesville, OK 74006.


Robert C. Kreutzer is now president of Power Transmission Components Inc. of St. Louis. Robert and Betty Jane reside at 128 Firwood Drive, Webster Groves, MO 63119.

James D. Doud is now technical director, advanced manufacturing R&D, Alcoa Center , Pa. James and Norma live at 824 15th, Oakmont, PA 15139. William H. Dragoset, '44, '47, is living at Route 7, Box 402-G, Pensacola, FL 32506. J. Richard Hansen writes: "Still with Westinghouse R&D Center in Pittsburgh (38 years) ." He and Mercedes live at 1462 Jefferson Heights Road, Pittsburgh , PA 15235.'

1984 Rollamo

Alumni Personals _______________________________________________________________ 1948 Continued A. G. McGuire writes: " Retired as a P.E . in 1980. Ordained minister since 1983." His address is now P.O. Box 396. Helix . OR 97835.

John C Wilks is senior engineer, manager, for IBM Corp. , Kingston , N.Y . He and Bettye live at 361 Vassar Road , Poughkeepsie, NY 12603.

W. E. " Bill" Neustaedter is now the 'owner of Royal Carpet Cleaners in Lenexa, Kansas. Bill's new add ress is 9647 Monrovia , Lenexa, KS 662 15.

1949 Irvin D. Robbins, retired , writes: "Con, tinue to do private consulting in heavy and highwa y construction primarily in Latin America. Was married on Oct. 26 , to Trudy Gill at Charlotte, N.C" The Robbins live at 2708 Chilton Place, Charlotte, NC 28207.

Laurel G. Linn is retired and lives at 16222 Monterey Lane, Huntington Beach , C A 92649. William H. Magruder is managing director for Union Carbide·Southern Africa·P4, working out of Danbury , Conn. He writes: "Returning to' U.S. after five years in South Africa and retir· ing from Union Carbide at end of March '85 ." He and Audrey send a new address: 223 Haig Ave., Stamford, CT 06905 . Richard M. Otto receives mail at P.O. Box 1657 , Dublin, GA 31040. Wife Eloise writes: "We had looked forward to Homecoming this year. Dick had a severe stroke May 29. He is now in out· patient therapy three da ys a week at Dublin , V.A . Hospital. Would be glad to hear from his school friends. "


John E. Stein and Dorothy live at 3953 S. Newport Way , Denver CO 80237 . John 's vice president of Ladd Petroleum Corp. He writes: " Recen tl y appointed chairman of the E & P Committee 10 merge the recently purchased Patrick Petroleum oil and gas assets iOlO Ladd Petroleum Corp ."

1984 Rollamo

R. M. Harrison writes that he's self· employed. His address is 2231 Sher' wood Drive, Cape Girardeau , MO 6370 I.

William G. Haymes is now western region manager for Hercules Inc. William and Bess live at 13082 Min· danao Way , No. 61 , Marina Del Rey, CA 90292. Donald L. Honerkamp writes: " 35 years with ARCO anniversary coming up in 1985 ." Donald's a senior corporate plan· ning consultant. He and Valerie Ruth live at 1932 Overlook Road, Fullerton, CA 92631. Art hur R. McDermott is now business development manager for Nalco Chemical Co. Arthur's address is P.O. Box 69 1, Sugar Land , TX 77487 . W. E. McNely writes: "Have been a general contractor in San Francisco Bay area since 1959. Have served as chair· man of California contractors state license board since 1983." His address is 6 10 Elysian Fields Drive, Oakland, CA 94605.

Harvey B. Leaver, '48, '66, has been named senior vice president of St. Louis· based Bank Building Corporation. He continues as president of Manufactured Buildings Inc., a wholly·owned sub· sidiary of BBC, with plants in Clear· water, Fla. , and Las Cruces, N .M. Norman F. Schneider writes: "Hope to Named a corporate officer in 1981 , see ma ny in October 1985 at homecom· Harvey began his career at BBC as a ing." Norman and Jeannette's new ad· special assistant to the group vice presi· dress is P.O. Box 411, Colleyvi lle, TX dent of the company's financial facilities 1950 market in 1977 . He was subsequently John L. Carney Jr. has moved to 2420 76034. Norman is retired from Phillips. appointed general manager of BBe's Chartom Mar, St. Louis, MO 6330 I. northern division in 1977 and corporate Robert C. Wood is now senior advisor, officer four years later. Prior to joining Harrison Chapman is self·employed as exploration department for Oasis Oil BBC, he was president of Republic Chapman Management Services. His Company of Libya, Inc. Robert and Buildings Corp., VanWert, Ohio. He is a home address is 187 Newman St., Brent· wife Barbara Ann live at 838 Oxbridge member of the National Society of Pro· wood , NY 11717 . Road , Hays, England, Middlesex fessional Engineers, the Missouri Socie· . U648H 2. ty of Professional Engineers and the St. Louis Engineers Club. He is a Fellow of Eugene Deppe, 4514 Gray Street, Don Wunnenberg has a new position as the American Society of Civi l Belleville, IL 62223, is retired . district manager, Stephens· Adamson Engineers, a charter member of the Division, Allis·Chalmers, Pittsburgh , Academy of Civil Engineers at UMR , Rolland L. Hardy has returned to Iowa Pa. He writes: " New assignment reo and a member of the American Society State University as a professor, after be· quires sales coverage of bulk material of Military Engineers. Harvey is mar· ing on leave to serve one year at Naval handling equipment in parts of Pa., Md. , ried, with three grown children; the Postgraduate School. His new home ad· W.V., Ohio, Va. & Ky." Don and Betty family resides at 14640 Los Padres dress is 202 S. Hazel A ve. , Ames, IA make their home at 507 Glengary Dri ve, Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Pittsburgh , PA 15215 . 50010.

1951 George Donaldson writes: "Senior vice president, H .1. Gruy Associates in Houston." George and Ellen live at 1635 Scenic Ridge, Houston, TX 77043.


John B. Griffith writes: "Retired as senior program manager, Union Switch & Signal Division, American Standard Inc. , July I , 1984. As of Oct. 15 work· ing for Railway Systems Design as a consultant in project engineering." John and wife Joan live at 239 Mt. Vernon Ave. , Export, PA 15632.

Eugene and Gloria Hohlfelder have moved to 12 Southland Co urt , Maumelle, AR 72118 . Eugene's work· ing for ALCOA in Bauxite, Ark.

Russell M. Keller is now regional oil spill engineer for the New York state Department of Environmental Conser· vation. Russell lives at 72 Foster Ave., Malverne, NY 11565 .

Frank A. Kramer is now division manager of the Tucson Manufacturing Division, Hughes Aircraft Company , Tucson, Ariz. Hulon McDaniel is self-employed with McDaniel Engineering and Surveying Co. , St. Louis. His address is 2612 Bryant Ave., St. Louis, 'MO 63114.

Marion John Norton works for Morton Thiokol and lives at 1808 Eastwood Drive SE, Decatur, AL 35601. Paul S. Pender writes: "Am now semi· retired, working out of my home, accep· ting energy conservation work which in· terests me." Paul and Evelyn live at 1257 Ivanhoe Drive, East Lansing, MI 48823. Charles T. Schweizer, 3213 Persimmon , St. C harles, MO 6330 I, is retired.

MSM Alumn us / 55

Alumni Personals ________________________________________________________________ 1953

1951 Continued Kenneth W. Voertman lives at 18 Lommel Court, Walnut Creek, CA 94596.

1952 James R. Faulkner has moved to 37 Whispering Oaks, Lebanon , MO 65 536.

Charles A,.. Anderson has been promoted to division manager of the mining division , St. Joe Resources Co., Balmat, N.Y. He and Angela have moved to 1956 Route 3, Box 36A, Gouverneur, NY 13642. Gerald R. Casteel, 5617 Seven Hills Road , Coggon , IA 522 18, writes: "Recently divorced and remarried. We Robert D. Jost is now plant manager for are building a new house on fo ur acres LeHigh Portland Cement. Robert and of timber at above address. I am director Louise li ve at 80 I Crescent Drive, In- ' of graphic services at Collins Divisions, dependence, KS 6730 I . Rockwell International." Albert L. Weber is now assistant project manager for Hughes Aircraft Compan y, Tucson, Ariz.

Frank W. Finklang, '52, '71, is program manager for Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center, St. Louis. He and Jane recently moved to 9215 Hale Ave. , St. Louis, MO 63123. Richard L. Henry, 1707 NE 68 Terrace, Gladstone, MO 64118, writes: "Please tell all in C.E. 'Hello! ': John Best, Doc Muir, Kent Roberts, Paul Munger, Jerry Bayless, John Heagler, and from my undergraduate days Joe- Senne." Richard is with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Public Health Service. . Forest C. Mosley writes: "Retired from Montgomery Ward as regional field engineer, southwest territory ." Forrest lives at 209 Ronnie, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Howard W. Nunez writes: "Retired last January after 28 years with Sandia National Labs. With wife, Dot, plan to do a lot of traveling and visiting friends." His address is 3020 Jardin Plaza NE, Albu. querque, NM 87110. Edgar Oliphant Jr. is now Associated Engineers Inc. Nancy live at 127 15 Leawood, KS 66209, (also address).

James C. Jones is now senior project engineer for Amoco Chem icals Corp. in Chicago. James and wife Renee li ve at 8420 Grace Street, Highland , IN 46322.

1957 Louis E. Astroth, employed by Holley Carburetor Division, was the author of a' technical paper entitled, "Embracing and Implementing SPC . Strategy and Follow-Up" presented during the 126th meeting of the Rubber Division , American Chemical Society in Denver, Colo ., October 23-26. His home address is 31155 Milton, Madison Heights. MI 48071. William G. Demzik is now district manager-administrative services for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. , St. Louis. He and Betty live at No. 7 . Frontenac Estates Drive. St. Louis, MO 63131. -

Vernon D. Volker is now production engineer for Larid Oil and Gas Co. Yernon and Jeanni ne now live at 1601 North Brunswick, Wichita, KS 672 12 .

Paul W. Leming .is now senior operations engineer for PPG Industries. Pau l and Barbara remain at Route 4, Box 1424, Lake Charles. LA 706 11 . J. B. Lorenz has moved to 6640 Dearborn Drive, Mission , KS 66202. He is employed by Black & ~ea tch.


1984 RoJlamo

56/ MSM Alumnu s

Kenneth A. Kleberger is president of Kleberger and Associates Inc. , Washington, Mo. His home address is III Old Pottery Road, Washington, MO 63090.

Sidney B. Norris writes: "Retired in 1983 from government service with Department of the Interior, Air Force and Army. Wife and I have a youth store here in Leesville." Sidney's address is P.O. Box 786. Leesville, LA' 71446.

president of Edgar and Richard L. Kaiser writes: "September Sagamore, ended my 25th year at Collins Radio his business Company." He and Norma Lu live at 5706 Park Lane, Dallas, TX 75225 . .

George L. Senior is now vice president of G ust K. Newberg Construct ion Co. in Chicago. George and Virginia still live at 875 Mountain Drive. Deerfield. IL600 15.

Willis and Rose Grinstead li ve at 6506 Willow Lane, Mission Hills, KS 66208. Willis is vice president of Harrington & Cortel yo u. In.c. in Kansas City. Roy and Joan Johanboeke live at 1521 Autumn Ave. , Ridgecrest, CA 93555.




Charles Mi\!er is self employed as a consulting engineer. His address is 1310 Hemlock Drive, Marion IL 62959.

C. J. McCoy has been appointed to the newly created positior. of vice president of operations and technology for Airco John - L. Mothershea.d Jr. writes: Industrial Gases, a division of The BOC "Daughter Roberta graduated Peace Group Inc. He had previously been vice College, Raleigh, North Carolina. in president, operations, for Lummus May, 1983. Married D. C. "Chip" Gross Operating Associates, a division of Com¡ in August of that year. Presented me bustion Engineering. In his new position with my first grandchild, a boy, he . is responsible for production and Douglass Christian, on June 19, 1984. energy affairs and is the division's Son Ronald Brett graduated high school primary interface wit h the BOC Group May , 1984." John and Becky live at Technical Center, BOC Cyroplants and 300 I Harnett Drive, Greensboro, NC the other industrial gas companies 27407 . John iS ,a planning engi neer for with in the Group. Prior to his career AT&T Technologies. with Lumm us, he held vice presidential posts with Northern Petrochemical and spent 14 years with Monsa nto, in- R. E. Williams writes: "Currently engagcluding the position of director of new ed in research into the feasibility of retir¡ technology of Monsanto Envirochem. ing from the workforce. " He and Shirley He and his wife Eleana reside at 99 live at Rt. 10, Box 421 A, Burlington. Heller Way, Montclair, NJ 07043. They NC 27215. R. E. is a senior engineer with A T & T Technologies. have three children.


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Alumni Personals ________________________________________________________________

1984 Rollamo

1958 Howard D. Correll writes: "Retired from the Federal Highway Administration in September '82 and was with Wilbur Smith & Associates in Bangladesh until May 1984. Am now with Kuwait Santa Fe Braun Co. as a motorway maintenance consultant to the Kuwait Ministry of Public Works. We were in Kuwait in 1969-71 while with FHW A so the return to Kuwait was somewhat like a homecoming." Mailing address for Howard and Evelyn: c/o Kuwait Santa Fe Braun, P.O. Box 25161, Safat, Kuwait. George Franke_writes: 'Transportation engineer ¡for Kentucky Department of Highways. Division engineer for the I DOth division (training). Rank: lieutenant colonel" George lives at 1208 Miami Trail, Frankfort, KY 40601. Eldon W. Head writes that he's retired. He and Mary moved' in mid-December to P.O. Box 127, Browning, MO 64630.

William J. Luebbert is employed by Union Electric Co .. and lives at 902 Primrose Dri ve. Jefferson Cit y, MO 65101.

Donald E. Brown is now EOS program QA manager for McDo nnell Do uglas . Donald and Kitty are still at 25 I Portico Drive. Chesterfield , MO 630 17.

Dennis E. Mason is now senior marketing manager for Zeni th Electronics Corp. , Glenview , III. Dennis and Rhea live at 4020 Central Ave. , Western Springs, IL 60558 .

William G. Burke is now lead engineer for McDonnell Aircraft Corp. in St. Louis. His new ~ ddre ss is 12 I 7 South Main Street, St. Charles, MO 6330 I .

W. G. Niemeyer is engineering manager for Brown & Root Inc. , Houston, Texas. He and Marjorie live at 2503 Riverlawn Drive, Kingwood , TX 77339.

Robert E. Handkins now lives at 2962 Clearview Drive, St. Louis, MO 63121.

Joseph D. Vitali is a research associ ate for Amoco Production Compan y at their research center in Tulsa. He wntes: "I was awarded the IEEE Centennial Medal this year." Joe's home address is 6977 E. 20th Place, Tulsa. OK 74112.

G. L. Metcalf sends a new address: 53 Chestnut Ridge Road. Armonk , NY 10504. He is vice president of 1960 Eugene R. Russell writes: "I finished my sales/marketing magnetics for the MPM Bruce L. Bramfitt, '60, '62, '66, is sabbatical at Purdue as visiting pro- Division of Pfizer. .employed as supervisor, physical fessor of transportation engineering and metallurgy and metallography, research am back at KSU in myoid position as department, Bethlehem Steel Corp. He professor of civil engineering." He William J. Moses is employed by joined the research department of receives mail at Seaton Hall. Kansas Robertshaw Co ntrols Compa ny , Bethlehem Steel in 1966. His research State University , Manhattan , KS temperature controls marketing group, has centered on the physical metallurgy 6506 Clover Lane, Jenison , MI 49428. of steels for plate, structural shapes, hot66506. ~ditor's Note: Bill sent us a note with and cold-rolled sheet, forgings , and rail. the above information and said he He is a member of the Metallurgical Mack J. 'Stanton is self-employed, and hadn't been on the alumni mailing list Society of the AIME. An article written lives at 2015 Santa Barbara St., Santa since his graduation. Somehow we lost by Bruce, "High-Temperatu re Alloys: Barbara, CA 93105. you then, Bill, but we are delighted to Theory and Design;" appears in the find you now. Welcome back to UMR! September 1984 ' issue of Journal of Gilbert Starkweather is employed as Metals. Bruce and wife Joan li ve at 16 secretary-treasurer, Lone Star Heat Pleasant Drive, Route 7, Bethlehem , PA Treating, Houston, Texas. He and BarPhilip T. Olson writes: " In my new job, 18015. bara have moved to 18711 Huffsmith I am responsibl~ fo r all major projects at Kohrville Road , Tomball, TX 77375. some 100 Mobil marketing terminals B. Coats and wife JoAnne have moved and lube plants across the U.S." Philip to Glenwood Estates Route 7 Box 7 George D. Tomazi, '58, 70, director of and his wife. Karol li ve at 320 Claremore, OK 7401'7. He's a' projec~ design and construction at Mallinckrodt Chesapeake Dnve, Great Falls. VA \ engineer for Burns & McDonnell in Inc. has been named chairman of the 22066. Kansas City. RCGA Science and Engineering Committee. He has held positions in cor- Norman H. Pond became president of porate engineering during his ten years the electron device group of' Varian Don J . Gunther has been named general at Mallickrodt. He also has served as ex- Associates, Palo Alto, Calif., on Nov. manager of the Mining and Metals Diviecutive vice president of the St. Louis 26, 1984. He was previously a group ex- sion and the San Francisco Division of Bech tel Petroleum Inc. He joined Research Council, director of corporate ecutive for Teledyne Corp. Bechtel in 196 1 as a field engineer in the planning for General Steel Industries Refinery and Chemical Division. He Inc. and project engineer with Union Electric Co. He will become president of Carl and Betty Sutfin have moved to was elected a Bechtel Petroleum vice the Engineer's Club of St. Louis next 6814 Copper Falls Court, St. Louis, MO president in 1980 and named general May. George resides at 12723 63129. Carl js now assistant manager of manager of the San Francisco Division Stoneridge Drive, Florissant, MO the Meramec plant for Union Electric in 1984. Don's address is 40 Orange Court, Hillsborough, CA 940 I O. Co. 63033.

James F. Hofstetter has moved to 189 South Dearborn Circle, Aurora, CO 80012. James is vice president engineering - for Timpte Inc. in Denver. V. Pat Knight is now manager of engineering services for the newly created natural gas plants division of Texaco USA. Pat became a process engineer in Texaco's refining department in Tulsa in 1958 and subsequently served in engineering and management positions in New York and Texas. In 1974 he assumed responsibilities as manager of gas operations in the gas department in Houston . Pat and Barbara live at 6902 Wimbledon Estates, Spring, TX 77373.

1959 Robert L. Boxdorfer writes: "I have returned to the St. Louis Traffic Division as traffic engineer manager. I was fire alarm manager for 20 years. I will also be the deputy traffic administrator and generally oversee the traffic operations. I have 25.5 years with the Cit y ofSt. Louis. Sorry was not able to make it back for our 25th reunion. Other committments. Regards to all 1959 graduates." Robert's address is 3547 Halliday, St. Louis, MO 63118 .

1984 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus / 57

Alumni Personals ______________________________________________________________ H. N. Peterson has a new position as manager, Advance Product Development , for Texas Instruments, Johnson City, Tenn. He and Margaret live at 609 Sharon Drive, Johnson City , TN 37601.

1960 Continued Thomas R. Halbrook is currently in seminary. His home address is 2480 Virginia, Apt. I , Berkeley, CA 94709. Harry C. Hershey, 140 West 19th Ave. , Columbus, OH 43210, was the recipient of the $2000 Stanley Harrison Award for Faculty Excellence from the Ohio State University College of Engineering in May ,- 1984. All faculty in the College of Engineering were eligible. The award is based on research , teaching and service. Robert E. Hodge is vice president transmission at Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America. Robert and Connie live at 503 Edgebrook , Shorewood, IL 60435. Kenneth D. Jobe, '60, '66, is now lead engineer at Froehling and Robertson in Norfolk, Va. He and Doris have moved to 4108 Wales Drive, Apt. 20 I , Virginia Beach, VA 23452. MerriU M. Lemke now recei ves mail ad¡ dressed: HQ. , F.E.A.K., APO San Francisco 96301 . V. Seshadri receives mail addressed c/o Electrical Engineering Dept., Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 600 036 India. James T. Walters writes: "I am currentlyon a two-year assigm)1ent with TRICENTROL Oil Corp. in London England. TRICENTROL has transferred me from Denver to London where I will be in charge of all drilling and production activities worldwide. Carol and I reside at: 37 West Hill Park, Merton Lane, Highgate, London, England N6 ." James J. Walther writes: "Started Walther-Bledsoe Inc. April 1983 doing general construction contracting." James's address is 2812 Woodson Road , St. Louis, MO 63114.

58/ MSM Alumnu s

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Merl and Emily Baker (former UMR' send a new address: 192 chancellor) Robert W. Randolph recently was named president of the Wilkerson-Maxwell South Crest Road , Chattanooga , TN Division of APACKansas. He joined 37404. Merl is now provost at the the company in 1963 as a field engineer University of Tennessee-Chattanooga. and has held a number of managerial positions since then, most recently serv- James J. Baremore, '63, '68, lives at ing as vice president of the division. He 340 Rock Creek Park Drive N.E. , Albuand his wife Judi have two sons-Kirk , querque, NM 87123. a senior at UMR, and Brian, a freshman at Central Missouri State University. Charles P. Becker Jr. is founder and Their home address is 5204 S. Union, president of the Fenton-based firm of Beckwood Industries Inc. manufacIndependence, MO 64055 . turers of fireplace inserts. His wife, R. H. Wiethop lives at 2520 N. 68th St., Carolyn, is a counselor in the University 1984 Rollamo City Sc/hool system. Their home address Omaha, NE 68104. is 9614 Mansfield Drive, St. Louis, MO 63132. Charles and his business were the subjects in a feature article in a recent issue of the Globe-Democrat. According to the article, the company 1961 manufactures a fireplace insert that has Charles T. Adams now lives at 574 a door which functions without creosote Churchill Park Drive, San Jose, CA build-up so you can see the fire and a 95136. He is employed by Royal Pools. free standing wood-burning stove that 1962 meets emission standards being set by M. R. "Ron" Avery is with Avery Gas Phillipe P. Borthayre is now division states in the Northwest. Resources Inc. Ron's address is 5300 manufacturing manager for ARMCO Hollister, Suite 120, Houston, TX Inc. Phillipe and Melinda hav~ rI;l0ved Dewey F. Brown Jr. now lives at 2824 to 4393 Burnham Woods Drive, Mid- W. Crawford, Apt. 218, Denison, TX 77040. 75020. He writes: "Appointed director dletown , OH 45005 . of public works for Denison, Texas Richard I. Boe recently was promoted Nov. 5, 1984. Remarried to Norma to associate director of the physical Richard T. Breitenfeld is with Bank Eloer (nee Campbell) on Dec. 2, 1983. Building Corp. Richard and Judith live plant division , University of Florida. His Texas alums please contact and visit.'; home address is 1300. NW 31st St. , at 1011 6 Stonell Dri ve , St. Louis, MO , 63 123. Gainesville, FL 32605. John L. Clements writes: "I am now John R. Childress is employed by developing call charging software fo r Farouk EI-Baz, '61, '64, is the author of a newly published volume on The Stanley Consultants Inc. and lives at the GTD-5EAX at GTE CommunicaGeology of Egypt: An Annotated 1290 Schrader Ave. , Craig, CO 81625. tion Sy?tems. My progra'ms record the details of toll telephone calls on Bibliography. The book includes summaries of 3,636 entries on 778 pages. It William Ray Leininger now receives magnetic tapes. GTD-5EAX is a was ten years in preparation and in- mail c/o First Baptist Church, 316 N. telephone switching system." John and Flora's address is 3935 East Yucca St .. c1udes ' topics that deal with subjects Main St. , Bolivar, MO 65613. Phoenix, AZ 85028. varying from general geology and remote sensing to enviromental topics Peter and Marilyn MaIsch live at 3020 I and prehistoric human habitation sites .. 27th Ave. S., Federal Way, WA 98003. The book was published in 1984 by E. J. Peter is senior project engineer for Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands. Dr. EI- Weyerhauser Co. in Tacoma, Wash. Baz is employed by Itek Optical Systems, a division of Litton, 10 Maguire Road, Lexington, MA 02173. David E. Netter is with Hallmark Cards in Kansas City . David and his wife Gerald E. Henderson, '61, '63, sends a Doreen live at 1403 South 23rd St., Blue new address: Suite 400 1512 Larimer Springs, MO 64015. St. , Denver, CO 80202. Raymond L. Ogden sends a new home John B. Kincaid, '61, '72, is a lecturer address: Route 2, Box 169, Bowling with the department of civil engineer- Green, MO 63334. ing, UMR. John's address is P.O. Box Donald N. Overall is a senior engineer 356, Mountain View, MO 65548. with MRC, Orangeburg, N.Y. He and Donald S. Marler writes: "Have ac- Beth live at 493 S. Middletown Road, cepted a position with Keene Lighting Media, PA 19063. Product as their regional sales manager. I'm now based in St. Louis." Don's ad- Richard C. Swanson has moved to 163 dress is 1424 Kendon Drive, Des Peres, Franciscan Drive, San Ramon, CA 1984 Rollamo 94583. MO 63131.

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Alumni Personals _______________________________ Charles G. Lyons is with Exxon Co. U.S.A. , and lives at 2280 Knollcrest Clifford L. Glassel, '63, '70, writes: Place, Westlake Village, CA 91361. "Have transferred . with B.F. Goodrich. as a consultant to P.T. Intirub. Jakarta, James P. Odendahl is employed by Indonesia, in June 1984." Clifford's Weyerhaeuser Co. and lives at 309 E. mailing address is 500 S. Main. 0/0641. Vista Drive, Hot Springs, AR 7190 1. B/25·A, Akron, OH 44318. Tommie C. Wilson is now vice Wade A. Martin wr'ites: "After 21 yea rs president·engineering at American Oil in engine engineering at Caterpillar. I Pa rtners in Dallas. Tommie and Pat li ve transferred to engine division marketing at 471 2 Merritt Road , Sachse, TX in June '84 to coordinate marine engine 75 098. systems for Caterpillar's new 3600 series diesel engines. Promoted to senior pro· Harold E. Zimnick Jr. is manager, ject consultant." Wade and Mari lyn sti ll missile electronics design , for General li ve at 473 E. Forestwood. Morton. IL Dynamics, Pomona, Calif. His home ad· dress is 1264 Albright Ave., Upland , CA 6 1550. 91786. Kenneth Poush is a project leader for Dow Chemical Co. in Freeport, Texas. Kenneth and Carol have moved to 105 Oyster Bend Lane, Lake Jackson , TX 77566.

1963 Continued

J . F. Foren writes: "Promoted in April 1984 from senior project engineer to manager of engineering polypropylene, NORCO Manufacturing' Complex , · Shell Oil Company, Norco, La." J. F. Bill H. Reid, now with the U.S. Public 1965 and his wife Judy live at 3873 MartiniHealth Service, lives on Route I, Box 485 , Welling, OK 74471. . Gary A. Bennett sends a new home ad- que, Kenner, LA 70065. dress: 3715 E. 38th St., Tulsa, OK Geof Goldbogen writes: "The new con· 74135 . . struction started for the George Low Donald and Brenda Sue Williams are living at Route 2, Box 599, Brownsville, Harvey R. Bennett is a chief mechanical Center for Industrial Innovation here at RPI. I have accepted the position of TX 78520. engineer for Continental OiL Harvey senior project manager - researcher at and Carol live at 3227 Duck Club Road, RPI's Center for Manufacturing ProBillings, MT 59105 . ductivity located with the ClI." Geof and Deirdre'live at 307 Bond, Altamont, Joseph C. Bommarito is president of NY 12009. Bommarito Construction Co. of St. Louis Inc. at 11388 Dorsett, Maryland Gary and Claramay Grimes now live at 1964 Heights, MO 63043. 2206 E. Race, Apt. 7, Searcy, AR Shah "Benn" Bharat writes: "We enjoy 72143 . living in Singapore. Son Ashok will Gerald W. Bersett is now vice president graduate June 1985 to join a university and general manager for Olin Corp . . William O. Haag Jr. presently holds the in the USA. I invite any alumnus (Winchester & Ramset) in East Alton, position of director of engineering and visiting Singapore to call on me." His ad· Ill. Gerald and Donna live at 150 Kings member of the board of directors of dress is 2906, 11 Ardmore Park, Russell & Axon Inc. His home address is Drive, Florissant, MO 63034. Singapore. 1025. He's Asia Pacific area 3156 Old Baumgartner, St. Louis, MO manager for Dresser Industries. . John Buttrey, with John Buttrey 63 129. Developments, sends his address: 144 Ronald A. Hansen, '65, '66, is now prin-Richard G. Greeley, 57363 Osage Drive, Beauvoir Court , Pearl River, LA 70452. cipal structural engineer, corporate Goshen , IN 46526 , is president of G & engineering department , Monsanto W Industries Inc. , Elkhart, Ind. John D. Corrigan, '65, '66, '73, writes: Compan y, St. Lou is. He writes: "Have been promoted to branch chief at "Recently developed a structural scale Jerry G. Johnson is now senior McDonnell Douglas. The branch specialist·sc ientific application s fo r employs 50 engineers working on three model depicting all forms of bracing, McDonnell Douglas Au tomation Co. Air Force contracts. Also teach both cir· structural diaphrams, etc., which is used Jerry and Mary live at 11664 Arroyo cuits and control systems at Washington as a teaching aid in structural design courses. A copy of this model was given Drive, Florissant, MO 63033. U." John's address is 4401 Claremont to The American Institute of Steel Con· Court, Bridgeton, MO 63044. struction for use in their 'Partners in Fred Lehman, 4572 Amberly Court , Education' program throughout the Atlanta , GA 30360, is employed as pro- E. H. Faenger, '65, '71, is now sen ior country. The AISC will make copies of gram manager, surface water program , buyer, purchasing department , at Union this model available to civiUstructural Georgia En vironmental Protection Electric Co. in Fu lton, Mo. He and Bar· departments." Ron lives at 9 Shamblin Division. bara live at 1325 Morningside Drive, Drive, Route 2, Florissant, MO 63034. Mexico, MO 65265 . His phone number is 314·837·2170. Gale T. Lohrding writes: "I am still working for Welex , a Halliburton Com- John Furby writes: "Still employed by Joe A. Hohman writes: "V ice president, pany, at Liberal, Kan. , where I am the IBM. I recently transferred to Tokyo, construction for Allen & O'Hara Inc., a district manager. Delores and I have two Japan. My new position is program nation·wide construction company. Ansons, Mark and David, who are 11 and manager covering many of the Asia nual volume 25-30 million. Company 12. They have kept us all busy in Pacific countries. My new address is: also has property management and real scouti.ng for the past few years." The Villa Sole Apt. 202, 20·2 1 Uehara estate operations." Joe and Joanna have Lohrding family lives on Route 2, Box 2·Chome, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 151 , moved to 26 14 Holly Springs Drive, Germantown , TN 38138 . Japan." 116 , Turpin, OK 73950.

1984 Rollamo

Dale F. Kiefer writes: "Married to former Brenda -Ellis, Ludowici, GA. Two children, Brian (8) , Laurie (6) . Cur· rently GS-12, environmental branch chief, Ft. Stewart, GA . Obtained P.E. License, Georgia, August 1975." Brenda and Dale's address is Route I , Box 62C, Allenhurst, GA 3130 I. Grover D. "Dave" Morgan, '65, '68, writes: "I'm still in the fusion energy program at McDonnell Douglas. In February I went to J;wan for two weeks as a member of a five· man group, sponsored by the department of energy, to discuss first·wall and blanket technology. Living at 734 Muirview in Ballwin, MO 63011, with wife Jaclyn and our girls Becky, 10, Rachel, 7, and Leah, 4." Alvis T. Robertson Jr. sends a new home address: 103-A Pine Court, Eglin AFB, FL 32542. Nancy Shaw is a materials engineer for the NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Her new home address is 27825 Knickerbocker Road, Bay Village, OH 44140. Terence G. Towers is process services manager for Great Plains Gasification Associates. He and Janice live at 1010 Central Ave. N, Beulah, ND 58523. Roger Wagner writes: "Employer has changed from Missouri Utilities Co. to Union Electric Co." Roger lives at 625 Flint Hill Road, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. Lawrence K. Wang is now the general manager of Lenox Institute for Research, Lenox, Mass. Dr. Wang has published three books, and more than 250 technical papers. He lives at 43 Cloverfield Drive, Albany, NY 1221 1. Norbert J. Wunderlich is proprietor of N. 1. Wunderlich & Co. His address is Route I, Box 31 O·T, Union, MO 63084.

MSM Alumnu s / 59

Alumn; Per$onal$ ____________________________________________

Laton D. Allison is with Allison Concrete Products. He and Janet li ve at 120 S. Park, Stanberry, MO 64489. David A. Bachman is now the power department manager for Reynolds Metals, New Orleans. David and Joan's address is clo Alpart, 818.Howard Ave., Ste 20 I , New Orleans, LA 70113 . David M. Duree, 8 Deer Run , O'Fallon, IL 62269, writes: "I am a member of the law firm of Leritz, Reinert & Duree which has rehabilitated an historic building in Laclede's Landing where they are now located.

Don and Linda Gaitros (both Class of '66) have moved to 1101 Woodcock , Waco, TX 76706.

T. J. May is now supervisor - engi neering feasability - fo r Illinois Power. T . 1. and Connie live at 4624 Hilltop, Decatur, IL 6252 1.

James and Charlene Carl have moved to 6205 Michaux Drive, Corpus Christi , TX 78414 . James is a commander in the U.S. Navy. stationed at the Naval Air Station in Corpus Christi.

Marvin L. Rueppel was one of three researchers sharing sc ience and technology awards in recognition of outstanding scientific and technical contributions to Monsanto Co. Rueppel was picked to share the award as a result of research into pesticide metabolism . He will receive a silver medallion and share a $25,000 cash prize. Rueppel is director of process technology in Monsanto's agricultural products research division . He lives at 924 Whitecliff, St. Louis, MO 63122.

Ronald Umphrey and his new wife, Marilyn, are living at 816 N. 14th St. , Ponca City, OK 74601.

KENNETH M ....RAGSDELL Kenneth M. Ragsdell, '66, '68, has been appointed Huber O. Croft Professor of Engineering and chairman of mechanical and aerospace engineering at the University of Missouri-Columbia. His appointment began July I, 1984. He earned his Ph .D. at the University of Texas. He was a member of the design faculty in the school of mechanical engineering at Purdue University from 1972 to 1982, and professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering and director of the design optimization laboratory at the University of Arizona for two years prior to his appointment at UMC. Prior 10 his teaching career, he worked in industry as a mechanical designer for Moog Industries in St. Louis and for IBM Corp. in Austin. Texas. He has served as consultant to several major corporations and government agencies. He is a registered professional engineer in Texas and the author or co-author of more than 70 technical publications. He is co-auther of two recent books, "Engineering Optimization" and " New Directions in Optimum Structural Design". The Design Optimization Laboratory , which he founded at Arizona. has been established now at UM C. It stresses applied industrial research and is currently funded by American Industry at more than $325,000 per year. Floyd H. Uthe is now a manufacturing engineer for Buick -Olds-Cadi llac division, Wentzville Assembly Center. Floyd and Joan live at 2135 Hunters Way Court . Chesterfield , MO 63017.

1984 Rollamo



R. Anthony Parks writes: "New position-manager of electronic systems development for WIN CON Corp., Muncie, Indiana.' Received P.E. in '84." Anthony's address is Route I , Box 163A, Springport, IN 47386 .

Bob Hensley sends a new address: Route 6, Box 23, Concord Heights, Claremore, OK 73017. Bob is manager, Northwest Central Pipeline (one of the Williams companies).

60/ MSM Alumnu s


Premnath Bhatia is employed as a prin cipal engineer for Baltimore Gas & Electric Company. and lives at 4814 Galley Road. Baltimore, MD 21236 .

Dennis Haubein has been promoted to director of manufacturing engineering for A. B. Chance Co., Centralia, Mo. Dennis has been employed by A. B. Chance for 17 years and headed A llen Street and Wilson Street operations since 1980. H is address is Route 4, Centralia, MO 65240.

Bing W. Jona, '66, '72, is a chemical engineer with the U.S. Bureau of Mines, Albany, Ore. He and wife Zune recently moved to 745 N.W. Deer Place, Corvallis, OR 97330.


Dale and Judith Munn have moved to . 2 17 Quail Ridge Loop, Bartlesville, OK 74006. Dale's an engineer with Applied Automation Inc. (phillips) .

Leslie D. Stewart Jr. wri tes: "Joined Detroit Diesel Allison in February 1984 and was promoted to supervisor (chemical and metallurgical process engineering) in August. Our oldest daughter Patti is a freshman at Ball State University in Muncie, Ind. " Leslie and wife Linda live at 6020 Wedgewood Way , Indianapolis, IN 46254.



Thomas J. Woodalr writes: "Am now general manager, Morrison-Knudsen Services Inc." Thomas resides at 807 Wyndemere. Boise, 10 83702.

R. Joe Kasten is now a technical service metallurgist at Oregon Steel Mills in Portland. Joe and Sheilah have moved to 9885 SW Ventura Court , Tigard , OR 97223.



Darrell Wesley , received a Westinghouse Award in recognition of his achievements in the development of innovative computer software and da ta base management techniques for dis t ribut io n tr ansformer design. Darrell's add ress is 966 Ivywood Drive, At hens, GA 30606 . He works for Westin ghouse.

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Elee LOUIS B. GOLDFEDER Louis B. Goldfeder has been named president of a new independently-owned Fisher Controls representative business being established in Tampa, Fla . called Key Controls Inc. Lou joined Fisher Controls as a sales engineer in 1967 . Prior to his recent position, he held posts with Fisher as director, systems operations and as U.S. field sales director. From 1980 to 1983 he was director of sales and European operations, with his office in England. He and his wife Diane and their two children have relocated to Tampa from Marshalltown. Iowa.






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Denv Hank Hachmuth is manager, technical serv ices. for Phillips Petroleum. He join¡ ed Phillips in 1966 as a chemical engineer at the Philtex plant in Borger, Texas. He later took his expertise to Ap-' plied Automation Inc. , a wholly ow ned Phillips subsidiary . before joining the Ph illi ps licensing branch in 1978. Today. he and eight co-workers handle the dut ies that begin once a Phillips technology is sold: plant construction. start-up. inspection and training. His h0r11e address is Route 3. Box 350. Bartlesville, OK 74003.

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Douglas L. Pfeiffer is now supervisor electrical engineering department for American Air Filter Division of AC. Douglas and wife Donna live at 916 Brentwood Court, New Albany, IN 47150.


1968 W. Thomas Bousman Jr. is now staff manager , in format ion systems for Southwestern BelL He now lives at 1676 San Simeon Way, Fenton , MO 63026. ·in·

Charles E. Burke is now chemical unit supervisor for TV A's Bellefonte Nuclear Plant in Hollywood, Ala. Charles and Mary live at 609 Grady Street, Scott· sboro, AL 35768.

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1984 Rollamo

1967 Continued Charles and Rebecca Hansen have mov· ed to 975 Red Hill Plaza, Middletown, PA 17057. Charles is an engineering specialist . regulatory coorqinator for Bechtel North American Power Corp. August E. Herbold is a lead engineer for McDonnell Douglas, St. Louis. He and Dorothy live at 3740 Greengrass Drive, Florissant, MO 63033.









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Elton Combs is now sen ior methods . engineer, P.E., May tag Co. Elton and Donna live at 909 South 11th Ave. W., Newton , IA 50208. Richard W. Fowler III, '68, '77, writes: "Now a staff manager -in the network engineering group of Southwestern Beil Telephone Co. in St. Louis. Shirley and I and our three children live at 2749 Iron· dale Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129."

Joseph and Cynthia Porter have moved to 9304 Concord Road, Brentwood, TN 37027. Joe is the director of manufacturing engineering at Heil-Quaker in LaVergne, Tenn . Richard E. Rueter is assistant manager manufacturing for PPG Industries' Glass Edge window plant in Lincoln, IlL He, wife Mary Jo, and children Marcy and Marc live at 17 Oakhill Drive, Lincoln, IL 62656. Gary and Dara Wolz li ve at 7432 Gregory Circle, Kansas City, MO 64133. Gary's a development engineer at AT&T Technologies Inc. in Lee's Summit, Mo. Lynn E. Zoellner is senior purchasing agent for PPG Industries, Pittsburgh, Pa. He and Jeanne live at 203 W. Edgewood Drive, McMurray, PA 15317.

Frank L. Grabski writes: "I am present· ly the Illinois division bridge engineer for FHW A. Recently ran the Chicago Marathon in 3.33 (my first marathon)." 1969 Frank li ves . at 3304 Haviland, Roland M. Hill has been promoted to Springfield, IL 62704. Fred Achelpohl is now with LTV the position of manager of product Aerospace and Defense. Fred's address assurance, General Motors Engineering is 3323 Coker Street, Irving, TX 75062. Staff. He will take up his new duties at the General Motors Technical Center in Ray Behrens writes "Holly , Susan, Warren, Mich. , in numerous product Steven and 1 have moved this year to engineering and manufacturing the St. Peter's, Mo., area. Our new ad· engineering assignments at the Packard dress is 57 Oak Spring Court, St. Electric Division in Warren, Ohio. Charles, MO 63303." Ray is vice presi: Roland, wife Pam, son David and ,dent - operations · for Binkley Co. in daughter Jennifer will be moving to a Wa rrenton, Mo. new home about the end of February. new address will be 1787 Quincy Their Richard T. Berning writes: "I am actualDrive, Rochester Hills, MI 48063. ly self-employed as a sub-agent of Bell & James R. Logie has had many changes Gustus Inc., manufacturer's represen· of address since his grad uation , in· tatives in the traffic control and lighting elud ing two years in Edmonton , Alber· industry serv ing Illinois and Indiana. ta, Canada and three years in Saudi Besides work and play, major activities Arabia. His current address is 163 Mt. have been vice president of the Illinois Tam Court, Martinez, CA 94553. Society of Professional Engineers and an 11 00 sq. ft. addition to our home for Harold D. Matthews, '67, '72, is now which I served as general contractor and superintendent of main tenance for the sub-contractor in three specialties." MICHAEL C. KORB Public Service Co. of Colorado in He and Carolyn reside at 2211 Wiggins Denver. Harold and his wife Anne live Michael C. Korb has been appointed Ave. , Springfield, IL 62704. at 2552 South Fairplay Way, Aurora, manager of engineering and develop· CO 80014. ment for the stone-anthracite business Peter M. Biggs is now a staff engineer Clifford C. McMullen, 5326 Ringold unit of Bethlehem Steel Corp.'s natural with the Bendix Corp. in Kansas City. Place, Springfield, VA 22 151, is now resources group. He has been with Peter and Janice have moved to 12659 Bethlehem Steel since 1968, serving the West 105th St., Overland Park, KS employed by ARrytCO. company in various mining engineering 662 15. Gary F. Sievert writes: "Recently given capacities including an assignment in responsibility for environmental and Venezuela. His previous position was Fred N. Bondurant writes: "Promoted product quality program for newly general superintendent of the Panther to major in Pennsylvania Air National formed Dowell Schlumberger Inc. , Valley Division Headq uarters in Tama- Guard . Cu rrently flying the A·37 air· North American operation, formerly qua , Pa. Michael and his wife, Pat, and craft." Fred and Jeanette have moved to Dowell Division Dow Chemical, USA." children , Matthew and Kat hleen, reside 86 Stony Brook Road, Somervi lle, NJ Gary and wife Nancy live at 6609 East at 507 West Diamond Ave ., Hazelton, 08876. Fred is first officer for Eastern PA 18201. 104th St., Tulsa, OK 74133. Airlines.


Donald W. Bourne, wife Maureen and their two children, Scott (age 12) and Christine (age II), now reside at 1733 Tall Pine Circle, Safety Barbor, FL 33572. Don recently was appointed president of the Tampa division of Mc· Carthy, a national construction company ranked 34th in the country accor· ding to Engineering News Record. The Tampa division is responsible for construct ion activities over the southeastern United States. Steve 'and Joan Coulter send a new address: Route 2, Box 316, Springfield, MO 65802. Steve is president of Mid· Western Transport Inc., Columbus, Ind. J. Keith Cross currently lives at 6020 III th Place, N.E. , Kirkland, WA 98033. William G. Davidson writes: "I am now a project manager for Havens & Emer· son Consulting Engineers, St. Louis. With wife Barbara and children Jennifer and Michael, he still resides at 1395 St. Francois, Florissant, MO 63033." . Lynn J. Degenhardt is employed by Martin-Marietta. Lynn's address is 86 Valley Forge, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Richard W. Frazee, '69, '80, is a struc· tural project engineer for Belcan Corp., Chesterfield, Mo. His home address is 11103 Pam Lane, St. Louis, MO 63146. G. B. Houf lives at 1780 Sumner, Mexico, MO 65265. Thomas A. Jones is employed by Ben Hur Construction Company and lives at 5145 Silverlake Court, St. Charles, MO 63303. Gary R. Koenle is now senior business planner, GM/EDS, Southfield, Mich. Gary and Doris live at 4200 Bay Court, Sterling Heights, MI 48078-3312. John J. Moll and wife Margaret live at 2750 Christy Road , Grover, MO 63040. John works for Ralston Purina. Michael K. Mundy was elected vice president of Sverdrup & Parcel & Associates, the engineering, architec. tural and planning fiml of Sverdrup Corp. Michael will continue to serve as chief engineer of the industrial division. He has served as project manager for master planning and major expansion programs at industrial plants throughout the U.S. Mike's address is 2063 Setters Hill Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Michael O. Noggle and wife Virginia send a new address: 11826 Meadowdale, Stafford, TX 77477. He works with Mc· Clelland Engineers. Barry C. Nudd is employed by lLCase. Barry and Susan live at 2637 Subilbe Ave., Burlington, IA 5260 I.

MSM Atumnus / 61

Alumni Personals ______________________________________________________________ 1969 Continued Raymond Shaefer is now superVISIng bridge engineer for the Washington State Department of Transportation. Raymond and Rita are still at 1612 College St. NE, Olympia, WA 98506. Gaude N. Strauser writes: "I just recently lectured at UMR (3 classes) to the CE. Rivers and Harbors Class for Dr. Glendon T. Stevens Jr. Claude lives at 1271 Timberlane Drive, Sullivan, MO 63080, and he is with the Army Corps of Engineers. John and Sherry Zimmer have moved to 221 Greenview Drive, Richland, WA 99352 . John is a staff engineer for Rockwell International. HARRY AUMAN Harry Auman is co-owner and principal in McMichael Auman Consultants, previously known as McMichael, McCracken, Auman & Bhat Inc. The firm was founded in 1977, and the change in ownership in November '84 signifies the formal separation of associated engineering firms that have decided to 1970 function independently. The new firm 's future marketing is directed toward ofJohn and Gaire Baur now live at 3192 fering services in civil engineering, light 5th St., Boulder, CO 80302. industrial engineering, and the perforJames P. Bosse sends a new address: mance of engineering on a prime basis directly for owners, including institu4609 Candace, Affton , MO 63123. tions, government agencies, and private businesses. Harry's home address is John B. Carter, 451 Willis Road, Saline, 1305 Dallwood, Crestwood, MO 63126. MI 48176, writes: "My wife Carol gave birtlf to our first child, Stephen John , on January 31st, 1984. John is with the Andrew P. Efthim Jr. is living at 907 FAA, U.S. Department of Transporta- Rancho Road , Casper, WY 82601. tion.

Carl A. Letterie (LTC) and family receive mail addressed: Box 488 , APO New York 09128. Michael J. R. Moran writes: ''I'm back on active duty with the U.S. Army. My wife, Peggy, passed away in August '84, after a five-year fight against cancer. I will be in Baton Rouge until May '86 or May '87 ." Michael's address is 5644 Port Hudson Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70817.

Earl A. (Hap) Thompson is in the marketing department of the American Petroleum Institute, Washington , D.C He lives at 8431 Willow Forge Road , Springfield, VA 22 152. Robert L. Varnon Jr. was elected president in July of Dunbar Construction Co. , a 100-year-old general industrial construction firm in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. His home address is 288 E. Washington Drive, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022.

James R. Morris writes: "I have been recently promoted to vice president and general manager of Mountain Coals Inc. Robert J. Webb writes: "Engineers, to Toni and I moved into our new home in enhance your careers, join Toastmasters August and are enjoying living in Lon- International, a public speaking don, Ky." Their new address is 408 organization." Robert is a sales engineer for General Electric and lives at 880 I S. Rosedale Ave., London, KY 40741. Braeswood, No. 1326, Houston, TX Jerry D. Poppleston lives at 12226 77031 . Woodcrest, Dunlap, IL 61525. He is with R.A.N. Consultants. Marion Ricono writes: "On Sept. I I , 1984, Philip Martin Ricono was born to Marion and Patty Ricono. He joins his two sisters Anna Marie and Angela and his brother Joey ." Marion is a supervisor for ARMCO Inc. and the family lives at 1201 N.E. 82nd, Kansas City, MO 64118.

Forrest A• .(Frosty) Younker sends a new address: Route 6, Pennyrile Drive, Madisonville, KY 42431.

Bernard W. Sandner writes: "Will be moving to Clear Lake City , Texas in early 1985 as plant manager for a grass roots' facility to be built there by Northern Petro Chemicals." Bernard and Virginia now li ve at 180 I Brice Street, Morris, IL 60450.

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Ted A. Roes III, lives at 61 Schneider Road , Cody, WY 82414. David W. Rommelmann is assistant OM at Boyle Engineering. David and Patricia live at 12215 Old Colony Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772.






Dan Boyce is employed by Union Electric and lives at 829-C Southwest Blvd. , Jefferson City, MO 65101.




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M. Chapman writes: "I have recently been notified by the professional engineering division of the Missouri board that I have been recommended for registration as a professional engineer in Missouri. I am currently a registered P.E. in Tennessee." James and Nancy live at 451 Country Ridge Drive, St. Charles, MO 63303 . He is a quality engineer with Union Electric.

Paul and Shwu Chen have moved to 287 Joe Feager and wife Carol live at 1202 Boulevard, Scarsdale, NY 10583. Paul's Highway 109, Eureka, MO 63052 . Joe now with Polomate Corp. in New York is with A. E. Feager, Inc. City. Michael A. Finkelstein is now contrac- Danny E. Scott is manager, manufacturting agent-computers for General Elec- ing research, for Hughes Tool Co. He tric Corporate Purchasing in Bridgeport, and Roberta live at 10915 Sageburrow, CT. Michael and Joyce have moved to Houston , TX 77089. 14 Captain's Walk, Trumball, CT Robert E. Clark, owner of Letter Press 066 11. Charles A. Shepherd is now the Service, and wife Melita li ve at 4420 manager for downstreams operations, . Glenwood Hills Drive NE, Albuquerlubricants department, Shell Oil Co. que, NM 87111. David R. Hankins is now a senior acCharles and Jean now live at 3806 count executive for AT&T Wildwood Ridge Drive, Kingwood , TX Richard A. Dumay is with the U.S. Technologies in Greensboro, N.C Navy. His home address is 78 Ashley 77339. David and Peggy live at 4509 Doncaster Hall Plantation Road, Charleston, SC Drive, Greensboro, NC 27406. Thomas P. Stefansky writes: "Recently 29407. accepted a new position as an operations Charles E. Huebner is now section specialist for Brooks International Corp. Thomas G. Durham writes: "I 'am now chief-flight simulation at McDonnell I do management consulting work vice president of engineering of Shand Aircraft. Charles and 'Linda live at throughout the country. My wife Bon- Mining Inc. , Carmel, Ind. He lives at 12295 Autumn Hill Court, Maryland nie and daughter Megan are doing fine." 952 West 77th N. Drive, Indianapolis, The Stefansky family lives at 1127 Den- IN 46260. Heights, MO 63043. nis Ave., Monessen, PA 15062. John A. Ektermanis is now a consulting Joe Kuss lives at 6241 Waterman, St. Dean O. Swisher sends a new home ad- specialist with General Electric. John Louis, MO 63130 and works for the city dress: 11311 Audelia, Unit 228, Dallas, has moved to 179 Walker St., Lenox, MA 01240. ' of St. Louis. TX 75243. 1984 Rollamo





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Alumni Pers.onals. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1971 Continued

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William R. Engelhardt has formed William R. Engelhardt Assoc., Inc., Consulting Engineers. His new address is 1550 Skyview Drive, Chaska, MN 55318. Carl H. Gehring, Lt. Col. , US Army , is attending the Naval War College. Carl and Darlyne live at 23 Buchanan Court, Newport. R.t. 02840.

Bert G. H. Penhollow is now engineering production manager for Compressor Controls Corp. Bert and Delia now live a t 106 West Ridge. West Des Moines. IA 50265. Charles E. Powell, 205 SQuth 9th St. , Ozark. MO 65721, is working with Anderson Engineering. Inc . . Richard, '71, '73, and Kerry (Blistan) Quinlisk, '75, had twin boys in September. reports Diane Eppestine, ' 75.

Thomas L. Greene writes: "We are proud to announce that the four-wheeled additions to the family are doing quite well. The '70 GTSOO was judged first in Srin'ivasa H~ R. Raghavan, '71, '75, lives class in best of show in the last six at 6635 Warm Breeze, Dallas, TX shows. The '66 GT350 had fastest lap at 75248. the last high speed event and ran 1249 at 108 at SuperFord. The two-legged offspring are also fine, but I wonder how Gordon D. Robinson writes: " After nine they can be getting older while I'm not. " years have finished the renovation of first two floors of house-3rd floor to Tom and Sally live at 14945 Thornridge go. Now operations manager for MonDrive, Plymouth, M ( 48170. He is a santo Research computing and preparsupervisor, A4LD & C60D-E electronic ing new facilities at Chesterfield Village systems, Ford . Motor Co., Livonia, Research Center (One million ·sq. ft. of Mich. research facilities!)" He and Catherine Gerard J. Hart writes: "We have moved live at 6141 Columbia Ave. , St. Louis, MO 63139. again. We left Saudi Arabia in June and after a six week tour of Europe, we are back home in Kansas City. I'm now a Henry W. Sandhaus lives at 6704 project coordinator for overseas projects Smoketree, Amarillo, TX 79124. He is with Black & Veatch International." with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Gerard and Aurora' reside at 10416 Smalley, Kansas City, MO 64134. Charles W. Shanes, '71, '73, is now an advisory programmer for IBM , W. Michael Herron is superintendent, Hopewell Junction, N.Y. His home adelectric operations and engineering, for dress is 54 Brown Road , Wappingers the city of Marshall, Mo. He eand Falls, NY 12590. Patricia receive mail at P.O. Box 105, Marshall , MO 65340. Gregory P. Smith, '71, '73, writes: "Finally transferred from Lafayette, Cheryl Gibbons Ibarra and husband La. , to Denver, Colo. , by Tenneco. Jim Ibarra, '72, write: "Our first child , Transfers are scarce these days, so we Kelly Elizabeth, was born on Jan. 9, are doubly grateful to finally make it to 1984. We will be relocating in 1985 as a where we have wanted to live for a long result of the Gulf-Chevron merger." The time. I'm working as a geophysicist in Ibarra's now live at 3466 Burnett Drive. the Powder River Basin (Wyo.) so close Murrysville, PA 15668. to the field camp of '70 eras! Hello to all '7.0 field campers." Toe Smiths' new the William M. McKinney and wife Linda address is 5922 E. Irish Place, live at 300 Redbird Drive, Ponca City, Englewood , CO 80112. OK 74601.





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Larry Nolan writes: "Was recently promoted to manager of software develop- Richard K. So sends a new address for ment for McDonnell Douglas Automa- himself and his wife Josephine, '72: tion Co.'s computer integrated manufac- 1114 PunahouStreet , No. 9A . turing technologies subsidiary in St. Honolulu, HI 96826. Louis." Larry resides at 7808 Cornell, Barry and Sue (Jaggi '72) Winscher St. Louis, MO 63130. write: "We are thrilled to announce the .Larry P. Pittman writes: ,,(. am still third and final addition to our familY. ' employed by Packard Electric Division Mark Kenneth was born June 19. Three of General Motors as a senior project boys, no girls, but what else do you ex,engineer. However, I have been assign- pect from UMR grads!~' Barry is assised as a resident engineer at Buick Motor tant manager of product engineering for Division in Flint, Mich. My wife, Mitzi, Nissan Motor Manufacturing Corp. Sue and our five children are quickly becom- is 1st vice president of domestic manageing accustomed to our new location ." ment, specializing in children and pet Their new address is I 1406 Majorca control. They live at 1422 Arrowhead , Murfreesboro, TN 37130. Place, Fenton, MI 48430.

1984 Rollamo

David and Mary Visintainer, '71, '75, live at 1304 Mackay Place, St. Louis, MO 63104. David works for the St. Louis Water Division.

1972 Alan D. Bowlsby now receives mail at PSC Box 415 , APO Miami, FL 34004-5000. Robert S. Davis writes: "Linda and moved to Minnesota in January 1984 with our three children Karen (5), Lindsay. (3) and Claire (9 montl'js)." Their address is 9139 Juneau Lane North, Maple Grove, MN 55369. Robert's a sales representative with Hewlett-Packard Co. Dwight L. Deardeuff (M.D.) sends a new address: Route 2, Box 670, Rolla, MO 65401. Wyatt M. Du!!n was promoted to manager in the public utility consulting group of Deloitte Haskins & Sells in September. He and Sherry reside at 1625 Silverleaf, Carrollton, TX 75007. Eldon C. Foster is a senior staff mining engineer with Kerr McGee Coal Corp. in Oklahoma City. Eldon and Ruth reside at 3408 Choctaw Drive, Edmond, OK 73034. Wuu Hao and wife, Emily, now live at Room 816A , Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Wuu is now Asia regional manager for Sand Livestock Systems Inc. of Columbus, Neb . Joseph P. Hartman is with the U.S. Corps of Engineers. His address is 502 Feather Crest, Mesquite, TX 75150.

Santiago "Jim" Ibarra and Cheryl Gib· bons Ibarra, '71, write: "Our fi'rst child, Kelly Elizabeth, was born on Jan. 9, 1984. We will be relocating in 1985 a result of the Gulf-Chevron merger." The Ibarra's live at 3466 Burnett Drive, Murrysville, PA 15668. Jim's a staff engineer with Gulf Research and Development.


Keith Konradi, III Tussel Lane, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076, is with Sverdrup and Parcel and Associates, Inc. Clint Lambe is now a senior programmer for World Books in Chicago. Clint and Nancy live at 2626 N. LaKerich, No. 3212, Chicago, IL 60614. William W. McComniis is an electronics engineer for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics. He lives at 2954 Arlmont Drive, Bel-nor, MO 63121. Richard and Susan Riegel wish to announce the birth of Christopher Louis June 29, 1984. He has two brothers, Kevin and Richard , and a sister, Erica. The Riegel's live at 5524 Hedges, Raytown , MO 64133 . Proud papa Richard is with Burns & McDonnell. Glenn R. Ross is now corrosion· engineering specialist with the Monsanto Electronic Materials Company at St. Peters, Mo. He recently celebrated his 10-year anniversary with Monsanto. He and his wife and three children live at 1310 Flamingo, Florissant, MO 63031 . Reggie Rowe sends a new address: 204C Ashburton Drive, Montgomery AL 36117. Paul E. Schlett is a staff engineer for Ex· xon Research & Engineering, Florham Park, N.J. He and Carrol live at 77 S. Hillside Ave., Succasumma', NJ 07876. Paul writes: "We have just completed a very interesting assignment in Japan. We made many new friends and had man y memorable experiences. The project went well too!"

MSM Alumnu s / 63

Alumni For Whom We Have No Current Address The following is one-sixth of the number of MSM-UMR alumni for whom the association does not have a current address. The alumni office will publish a new Directory of Alumni in June, '1985 , and would like to be able to include about as many alumni as possible. Lists of these alumni will be published in each of the six issues of the MSM Alumnus prior to publication of the Directory . If you have any information at all about anyone whose name is on the list please send to: MSM UMR Alumni Association, 101 Harris Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, MO 65401. EdItor's Note: Response from alumni who sent addresses for those who have appeared on lists in previous Alumnus magazines has been terrific! Hope we do as well this issue. 1972

James G. Alexander Witoon Arampongpan Behnam Avij Prakash U. Bakhru Salil K. Banerjee Michael J. Bielick Austin D. Boyd William F. Bridge ¡ Richard H. Brockmeier Gary E. Brown Wayne M. Buck Kurt D. Caton Jen-Lin Chang Suchat Chanlawong Cao V. Chung Robert W. Deprat Prafulchandra Desai Gary S. Dieckmann Niranjan Doshi John D. Elliott Charles H. Ericson Neill W. Fleeman Frank F. Follmer, Jr. Nelda S. Gaines Thomas K. Gerwe Robert P. Graves Jr. Richard E. Griffin Donald E. Hahn Robert J. Harlan Dwayne W. Harrison Aliabad H. Hedayati Robert L. Holland Thomas W. Howard, III William L. Howard Tung-Ming Huang Jinn-Wen Hwang Noshir H. Irani Aydin O. Izmirli James R. Johnson Alard Kaplan Robert E. Klein John P. Kuspa Chuong Q. Le Ling P. Lee Chin-Jung Li Melvin T. Light, III Stephen M. Limmer Cheng-Chung Liu Massud Majidi Massoud Maleki-Moayri Jose R. Marsano Donald M. Mason Robert C. McClelland, III Cecil M. McDonald Amaya M. W. Mcintyre Stephen L. Mitchell Motlatsi Motosasele Joseph G. Nagy Mashkoor A. Naqvi William R. Nash Kenneth D. Nelson Kenneth D. Noel Louis J. Ogle Thomas W. Orr

Sreemanth Pagadala Young S. Park Phillip J. Parman Feraidoon K. Parsi Karen K. Pazdera Fernando R. Pena Plaza Gregorio J. Perez Ronald E. Peterson George Philip Larry V. Pigg Kenneth C. Pittman Pitak Prukpitakkul Carl W. Rau, II Keith D. Reynolds Johnny E. Rodriguez Michael G. Roth Rudolph J. Rottler, Jr. Theodore R. Saxman Earl L. Schraier William W. Shepherd Pra vinchandra Shukla Karen K. Skender William L. Smith Le T. Son Pedro Stefanutti W. Bruce Stone Damri Sukhotanang Robert P. Toy Nguyen K. Van Donald R. Vasterling Francisco H. Velez James W. Walker Jackson Wang Raymond L. Wazny Edmund C. Wiggins Enhung F. M. Williams David C. Willis Dennis E. Wilson Stephen E. Wilson David R. Wright


Nelson 1. Aboud Jesus M. Aboud G. Anna 1. Allen Mostafa Assadi Nasrin K. Assadi Richard W. Baker Robert A. Barnes Jose A. Bermudez Wilbur H. Boutin, Jr. Allan E. Braun, Jr. Ben Brown Earl J. Brown Terry W. Caldwell Gergory P. Carter Victor G. Cazcarra Ming-Shian Chu Michael A. Darrish Janakkumar G. Dave John R. Davis Jesus L. Derat Jean-Marc L. Deschanel Donald D. Dieckmeyer

Kenneth J. Eppes Craig M. Evans Michael 1. Fern Rolando I. Fernandez Ronald L. Flynn Lyle S. Gastineau R. Bruce Gastineau Luis A. Gomez Delmer F. Graham Steven R. Grove Gary R. Henderson Robert L. Hengel Clydene B. Hensley William D. Herchenbach William C. Horsford Robert K. Hutchings Randall A. Irvin Robert F. Jaeckel Cesar A. Jimenez Min Ho Kang Bashir A. Khalil David D. Kirn Sak Kongsuwan Prakash Krishnaswamy Arun Kumar Atluri B. R. Kumar Benildus W. Lau William A. Lee John R. Long Po-Tsuan Ma Ahmed K. Mahmoud Devendrakumar Majmundar John M. Mason John A. McAllister Hari A. Mehta Jayamt C. Mehta Ashraf A. S. Merchant Walter L. Mood Wayne L. Moon Clydene 8. Morgan David N. Motherwell A. Joseph Mulitsch Jerry A. Nachtrab Foad Nakhai John W. Nutt Ronald M. Ollie Manaroj Patchakapati Dinesh J. Patel Dimitris Perandakos Luis O. R. Perez Joe A. Pickens Larry W. Pitts Eric R. Pott Mark E. Richter Douglas E. Ross Manuel A. Ruiz Arturo C. Santos Robert E. Schafluetzel William H. Schwend Rameshchandra Shah Steven R. Shaw Floyd W. Sherfield Mark A. Smith Norwood L. Snowden Jane L. Stair

Edward A. Steiger David L. Stovall Carl M. Stroud, Jr. John S. Sullivan, Jr. Mehmet N. Taner Jerson A. Teran F. Charles E. B. Tothilt, Jr. Ana M. Trotta James H. Tsai David F. Tuttle Ronald F. Wager Bashier M. Wariath David 1<. Witte Chung . Wong Hsieh-Ho Yang


Ibrahim A. Abanomy S. Hossein Abtahi Nassreen Afjei Lawrence D. Altepeter Harold F. Alvord James E. Atchley John 1. Blase Samuel D. Brown, III Paul J. Burns Jerry L. Chancellor Ashok K. Choudhary Robert L. Collebrusco, II Timoth y J. Collopy Jesse H. Curry Robert P. Derrick Nguyen T. Do Gary W. Eck Jose A. Ferrer C. Alfredo Figueras William P. Flanigan Mitchell G. Fowler Edward T. Frangie Melvin R. Fulkerson, Jr. Douglas A. Gemming Samuel K. George Arsalan G. Ghahremani Robert K. Gibson James G. Glasa Mehdi Golshani Jaime Gonzalez-De-Cosio Angel Gracia Q. Carols J. Guedez-Hernandez Yu-Pin Han John W. Hanley Harold M. Harder Robert M. Harrison Seyed A. Hashem I. Klaus M. Heimann Lloyd K. Henke Bui Van Hong Donald L. Jackson James E. Johnson Lain C. Kan Abdulrahman M. Khamies Sudarshanrao Kolagotla R. Ray Kothe Fong T. Lam

64, / MSM Al u mn us /

Wen-Pao Lee James G. Lewis Don L. Lough R. David Lucas Daniel P. Lynn Piti Manomaiphibul Michael V. Marengo, Jr. John A. McCarthy Patrick J. McCown Gary D. McDonald Don H. McKenzie Michael S. McKinney Paul E. Miller Virginia Mittler William A. Moore Kurt 1. Mori Stacy C. Murray K. A. Narasimhan Think V. Nguyen Ho B. Nhan Richard D. Noah Kenneth J. Offerman Kasem Phromprasert Nguyen D. Phu Pisanu Pichanusakorn Luis A. Prada Carlos Quintana Robert L. Roberts Randy J. Rodems Lui O. Rodriguez-Perez Daniel T. Roewe Ali Sadaguinyzadeh Thomas W. Sanders Ronald L. Sands Anna J. Schmitt Jeffrey 1. Schumacher Delop C. Shah Rupesh C. Shah G. David Shaw Patrick S. Shell Virginia Shoulders Eugene Smith Karla K. Stephen John J. Steward, Jr. John P. Suchan Julio H. Sumoza Xzana M. Tellis Lee F. Teng Joseph G. Toth , Jr. Rafael Vera-Yepez Leon J. Villavicencio James M. Vredenburg Terry R. Webb Daniel R. Williams Martha A. Wofford Walter J. Wolak


Mohamed E. Abdallah Safdar A. Ali Ronald I. Althage Randy E. Armstrong Michael W. Barnicle Nancye L. Bays

1975 Continued Le N. Biet Frank K. Billups Mehmet N. Birer Danny R. Black Michael Breedlove Linda A. Buchek David J. Carson Hsing-Yuan Chang Chukiat Cheasagul Diogenes D. 1. Chollett Nikom Chotikanont Joseph W. Cupp Dwight P. Denison Linda A. Doyle Cynthia L. Durand · Susan A. Eckel Martin E. Essien Eugene C. Gillespie, Jr. Willie E. Glover Sherman L. Griffith John 1. Gudaitis Charles H. Hansford Ann D' Arcy Harder Wilfred N. Harper Syed K. Haseebuddin F. Steven Hausladen Jean A. Hermeyer Ann D'Arcy Holt Samuel F. Ingrassia Mohammad H. Jankhah Vichai Jearkjirm John R. Jenkins Teddy H. Jones Gary P. Korneman Gary D. Kuse Douglas J. Lacke Pechpan Lapavatana Minas Lessanu Robert S. Macke Scott Mattalage Paul A. Milo Hollis L. Moreland Mohammad Mujeeb Luu Le Nghi Jose De Jes Osorno Fonnegra Nguyen Phung Carlos A. Ruiz-Esquivel Bruce E. Scott Donald E. Shell, Jr. Howard R. Shellabarger Arun K. Sinha Gary B. Smallwood Dang Q. Tam Charles H. Turley, Jr. Marcos 1. Urbina Sutil Tanad Vongshotivat Yar-Ming Wang George M. White

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Allen K. Williams Steven R. Witthar Michael A. Woodcock Murat A. Yersel


Saad M. AI-Tassen Gordon D. Aubuchon Mohammad Behbahani Robert J. Bert Myron F. Bockhorst Mohsen Borazjani Joseph V. Brosnan Ronald S. Carr Luis Enrique Carrero Jeffrey D. Carter Pedro R. Castillo Gregory R. Chamberlin Masood A. Chughtai Steven M. Coffey George Daneshgar Joseph Daneshgar Shirish Doshi Wanda J. Edson George B. Engel Thomas E. Fenske Mehrdad Fotoohighiam Glendon M. Frick Jorge A. Garcia James L. Gooch Claire E. Guidicini Youngyearl Han J. C. Hankins John N. Henry James A. Hier Tran Dinh Hung Suchard Jindasurat Patricia Kackley Sandra R. Karnes Abdolreza Khojasteh Stephen N. Kinder Leroy L. Larson Milton E. Leeds Erich J. Lugo R. E. Jean Matthews Steven D. McGinley Jesus Del V. Medina Marin Mary L. Mercer James C. Miller Ali-Morteza Mirzaee William P. Mygatt Francisco Noriega Primo Juan L. Olvera Gerard E. Parker William S. Pendleton Adriano D. C. Pereira-Daboin Varaporn Pichetvivatana Fred 1. Rice, III .

Kenneth J. Brenneke James E. Brown, III Stephen R. Brown Rodrick M. D. Cameron Raul H. Carvajal A. William 1. Cissell, J r. Eduard A. Dailide Mileide G. De Ponce Charles E. Diener Osmal E. Estrada Reza Fatemi Efrain D. Gamboa Antonio Garcia Z. Amir B. Ghazvinian Luis E. Guzman O. Syed W. Haider Sarah B. Hansel Jose A. Hernandez R. Jesus M. Hernandez S. Pamela K. Hill William E. Hoehn Ali Karimi Jeffrey D. Kelly Hyongshin Kim Kurt J. Kinnevan Pamela K. Kinnevan Ellis R. Leopard Francis E. Little Luis E. Lucero Michael W. Magee Abraham Mata L. Pedro V. Mendez Maritza 1. Meneses Cesar A. Meneses C. Pedro J. Mirabal D. Michael L. Nadel Luis A. Naranjo Hassan Nooraldin-Moosa Rita A. Norfleet Oliver A. Onyeweunvi Ernest C. Onyia Freddy O. Parra P. Morris Pouldar Shirley A. Reed Mohsen Rezazadeh-Dibaei Jesus R. Rodriguez Jose R. Rodriguez Hugo A. Rodriguez, J. Kamran Rokhsaz Paul A. Sanusi Thomas R. Serandos Henry A. Solanke Arturo L. Sulbaran Thomas L. Tanner Prasert Tisapramotkul Chang-Ch'yh Tyan Bruce C. Wagner Mark F. Weale Victor T. Wilcox

Jill M. Hansbrough Jefferson A. Harrell Robert S. Hayes, Jr. Raul A. Henriquez Phillip D. Hensley Wei-Ping Ho Thomas J. Hodges Marybeth Hollenbach Jerald A. Huchzermeier Gregory W. Jennings Jeffrey B. Johnson Chun-Soo Kim Chainarong Koosawangsri Gardis M. Kump Stanley Sing-y Lai Terry D. Logan Do Ba Luan Richard D. Lusk, Jr. Joseph T. Mayah Keith W. McGuire Angel Albert Mendoza Chavez Bonnie L. Meyer Roxie L. Mitchell Ronald J. Mueller Mahzan B. Munap Mohammad Taghi Naini Pedro A. Navarro Koorosh Nazifi Charles N. Nchako Francis P. O'Grady Godfrey Onyejekwe William V. Orr, III Kosol Ounchai Jose Rafael Pacheco Carlos A. Palacios Tommy R. Partridge Kaushik K. Patel . Henry A. Perkins Edgar O. Rodriguez Ramon A. Rodriguez Gary Sandbothe David L. Strang Gha~em Takmil Marybeth Wehmhoener Gregory 1. Witte Paul M. Woodruff Ted Wooten Mary C. Ziatic

Catherine M. Rieser Eduardo Juli Rivas-Garrotte Ludwig P. Rohde Manuel A. Romero Morteza Saba Timothy M. Sadler Javad Salahi Manuel S. Salazar Mary L. Shirck Nancy M. Stussie Monica M. Tate James S. Taylor Cheryl A. Touzinsky Samuel C. Treece Michael K. Wang Michael A. Watkins Kerry I~. Whisnant Thomas D. Wykoff Yung Mi Yang Claire E. Yates Ching-Fen Yuh


Hassan S. Abtahi Abdulrahman Althani Adolfo J. Alzuru Mendoza . William E. Anderson Sunder R. Bajaj Larry D. Bullock Nelson R. Calvetty David L. Carver Randall L. Carver Rex M. Cramer Teresa L. Cypret Andres A. Dasso Fakhri Davarpanah Siddharth P. Desai Richard A. Donnelly Jenn ifer A. Drake Tran A. Dung Naem Hamid Eisa William E. Elliott Allen J. Erb Charles O. Farris Fakhri Fazelian Richard L. Francis Robert A. Fricke John L. T. Gan Guillermo G. Garcia Larry George Ali M. Ghane-Ezabadi James E. Glynn Gary L. Gollhofer Vilas R. Gregg Walter J. Griffin Jodie E. Ghmes Ali Haghi-Pour Richard G. Hampel


Ali N. Afjei Hector A. Almeida Gregory R. ArneSOn Juan R. Arocha H. Edward C. Aselman, Jr. Jack F. Backs Robert V. Ballad James L. Barnett

,, ,,

r--~-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---1 I believe the student(s) listed below might like to consider UMR . Please send the necessary materials describing the curriculum and campus life to:

Alumni: If you know of a good high school student who might like to attend UMR, please send this form to R.B. Lewis, Director of Admissions, Parker Hall, University of MissouriRolla, Rolla, MO 65401. We are looking for good prospects.



Name .



-Name : - : - - - - - - - - - - - - ,, Address Zip Code

Zip Code

School and Year of Graduation (if known)

Zip Code


School and Year of G raduation (if know)












































'-;--.T---;-:-~~-----,.-----------------~-------~ Class Year My Name and Address __________________

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Alumnus 65

Alumni Personals________________________________________________________ 1972 Continued Josephine J . So and her husband Richard, '71, send a new address: 1114 Punahou Street, No. 9A, Honolulu, HI 1973 J oseph E. Bain is senior engineering 96826. sup e rvisor ¡ fo r AM A X-C lim a x Molybdenum, Climax, Colo. He and Robert Stanley is with Geotechnical Ser- Pamelia receive mail at P.O. Box 273 , vices, Inc. He lives at 2133 10th Street Leadville, CO 80461. Place, Nevada, IA 50201. Harold Black is now city engineer for Joseph and Sandra Ward have moved the city of McAllen, Texas. Harold's adto 407 East North Street, Union City, dress is 3509 North 25th Lane, OH 453~0. Joseph is quality control McAllen, TX 7850 I. manager for .oMCO Cast Metals/Overmyer Corp. in Winchester, Ind. Thomas S. Brown III is now group supervisor for Babcock & Wilson in Jack Werthman writes: "After nearly Alliance, Ohio. He and Lee live at 40 i 7 15 years with the same firin , I set out on Bramshaw NW, Canton , OH 44718. my own in March 1984 and established Werth man Engineering. We serve Bernard A. Bruns III is employed by primarily the. municipal electric utilities Sverdrup Corp., and lives at 1719 Tralee and industrial clients." Jack and Yvonne Lane, Manchester, MO 63011. live at 7102 East 132 St., Grandview, MO 64030. William K. Buchmeier now lives at 1439 briole Place, Brentwood, MO 63144. Sue (Jaggi) and Barry, '71, Winscher write: "We are thrilled to announce the third and final addition to our family . Mark Kenneth was born June 19. Three boys, no girls, but what else do you expect from UMR grads!" Barry is assistant manager of product engineering for Nissan Motor Manufacturing Corp. Sue is Ist vice president of domestic management, specializing in children and pet control. They live at 1422 Arrowhead, Murfreesboro, TN 37130.

Michael R. Court is now a computer system engineer with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Michael 'and wife Kristine Sue are living at 730 Travers Lane, Flossmoor, IL 60422. Mary B. Danner is now a senior systems analyst for Shell Oil Co. Mary and Thomas live at 10506 Mackenzie Drive, Houston, TX 77086.

Michael Edwards writes: "Currently manager of computer engineering at Anheiser-Busch and finishing my MBA David E. Woosley is traffic engineer for at Washington University St. Louis." the city of Davenport, Iowa. He and Michael's home address is 135 Hammel Sandy live at 1229 West 57th St., Ave., Webster Groves, MO 63119. Davenport, IA 52806. David writes: "New daughter, Stephanie Jo, born Marco F. Figueroa writes "Joined corAug. 29; I was elected president for porate engineering department of 1985 of Missouri Valley Section of In- Anheuser-Busch on Jan. 2, 1984." stitute of Transportation Engineers at Marco and Kirsten's address is 7342 Cornell, University City, MO 63130. annual meeting in Springfield, Mo."


William J. Fitzpatrick is now assistant Sarah Sample sends a new address: 1000 department manager at Logicon in San Missouri , upstairs, Lawrence, KS Pedro, Calif. He and Mary live at 3020 66044. East 5th Street, Long Beach, CA 90814. George 1\. Schindler writes "On Nov. , Montie J. Gauss, '73, '74, sends a new 1984, I was promoted to supervising home address: 234 Manor Drive, River- engineer-communications and special dale, IA 52722. projects." George works for Union Electric in St. Louis. He and Catherine live George H. Gulley is employed by B. E. at 545 Lemonwood Drive, Ballwin, MO & K. Construction, and lives at 6512 630 II. . Queensborough , Mobile, AL 36618. He writes: ''I'm now living in the -Mobile area working on a $352 million paper Terrence D. Shofner recently accepted a mill revamp. My family and myself are position with Monsanto Company at the World Headquarters in Creve enjoying Mobile very much." Coeur, Mo., as a senior safety engineer. Gerald L. Harris, 2214 Tampico, Terry, \yife Linda, and children Rebecca Belleville, IL 62221 , works for St. Louis and Adam live at 4208 Weskan Court, Bridgeton, MO 63044. County Highway and Traffic. R. Clayton Slovensky and wife, Amelia Steven and Carol Hedden live at 103 Hope, now live at 5818 Edgehill Drive. . Dove Circle, Box 752, Morris, IL 60450. Alexandria, VA 22303. Clayton's a highway engineer with the Federal James Hellrich has a new position as Highway Administration, Washington, manager, technical support, for Olin D.C. Corp:, East Alton, Ill. He and Joyce live at 2720 Michigan, Granite -City, IL Richard H. Stokes is now vendor relations manager and quality consultant 62040. for RJR Archer. He and Betty have Subhash G. Kelkar writes "We had a moved to 610 . -Brentwood Court, baby boy named ' Apoorva' on Winston-Salem, NC 27104. Nov. 19, 1984. We also have-a 4-year old daughter 'Supriya' born June 30, Michael A. Walz writes: "Am a design 1980." Subhash and Preeti live at 42010 engineer with Black & Veatch in Kansas Baintree Circle, Northville, MI 48167. City. Three children are new in the Subhash is a senior research engineer family: Trae, 13, Shane, 7, and William, with Ford Motor Co. in ' Dearborn, I. Mike, Beth and the family live at Mich. 7400 Highgrove Road, Grandview, MO Don Kientzy writes: "Currently principal at Str.uctural Measurement System Inc. in _San Jose, Calif., a company specializing in computer aided testing and analysis." Don lives at 2515 Huston Court, Morgan Hill, CA ?5134.

64030. (816) 765-0490." Terrill A. Young is a product development engineer for Procter & Gamble Co. He and Kathryn live at 5387 Sanrio Court, Cincinnati, OH 45247 .

Roger L. Kramer writes: "Was recently promoted to manager of environmental affairs, Illinois division , Peabody Coal Co. With wife Lisa and son Ross, reside at 312 Turnbridge, Belleville, IL 62221."

1974 Richard E. Peters is senior structural Gary L. Blankenship sends a new home engineer for Sverdru p & Parcel. He address: 101 Quail Run, Savannah, GA recently moved to 5511 Oliver St. N., 31406. Jacksonville, FL 322 11. Marvin E. Borgmeyer, '74, '75, is now J oe and Evelyn Pickens have moved to senior zone supervisor for Exxon 716 Spyglass Drive, Carlsbad, NM - Chemical Americas. Marvin and Susan 88 220. Joe's an area engineer fo r the live at 734 Shady Lake Parkway , Ba ton Corps of Engineers . Rouge, LA 708 10_

1984 Rollamo

66/ MSM Alumnus

Mike Richter is with Anheuser-Busch. He lives ar4.141 Federer, St. Louis, MO 63 116.

Thomas Hayes, 763 Noll Dri ve. Arnold , MO 630 10, is working for Bangert Brothers Construction Co.

Michael E. Rissell is now project manager for Monsanto. His address remains 2436 Country Place Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043.

Michael F. Keeling is working fo r the DEH at Ft. Wood. Mike's address is Route 2, Box 574, Newburg, MO 65550.

Alumni Personals ________________________________________________________________

1974 Continued Neal A. Lewis is now instant technology manager for Folger Coffee Co. (proctor and Gamble). Neal and wife Joan live at 1605 Andy Drive, Sherman, TX 75090. Richard G. Lenz, 1629 W. Gilbert, Peoria, IL 61604, writes: "Sandy and I have a daughter, Christy,.)V2, and a baby due in july. I am a senior tech support analyst for Caterpillar Tractor Co., working with DBMS's on IBM mainframes."

Charles L. Raab writes: "Have worked ten years for Pollution Control Department (City of Kansas City, Missouri) in the sewer maintenance and treatment divisions. Married-wife's name is Annette. We have four children." The Raab's address is 7515 East 52nd Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64129.

Jim Martin writes: "On the USS Independence in the Arabian Sea. Hoping to make it back for St. Pat's 1985, my first one in ten years!" Jim's a lieutenant ' commander in the U.S. Navy, address: VA-176 FPO, NY, NY, 09501-6235.

David and Lynn (Sheridan) Rice now live at 8019 S. Joplin , Tulsa, OK 74136. David is acquisitions coordinator for Santa Fe Minerals, David writes "We are enjoying life in Tulsa with our children, Andrea (7 years) and Nathan (4 years). Both my brothers' families moved overseas this year. Don ('72) is now living in London and Ken ('78) is in Perth, Australia."

Jeffrey C. Capps, who works with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. He and Vicki live on Star Route, Collins, MO 64738 .

John J. Marting writes: "Proud to announce the birth of our first child Stefanie Marie on Oct. 21 , 1984." John and Melissa live at 6547 East 60th St., Tulsa, OK 74145 . John's a conSUlting petroleum engineer for Lee Leeling and Associates in Tulsa.

Gordon E. Crosby has moved to 309-A Carpenter Ave., Fort Riley, KS 66442 . Diane Eppestine and husband David live at 729 Buckley Road, St. Louis, MO 63125. Diane's a staff specialist, information systems, with Southwestern Bell.

Kerry (Blistan) Quinlisk and husband Richard ('71) had twin boys in September, Diane Eppestine, '75, reports.


William K. Ernst, Jr. writes: "Married Oct. 16, 1982, to Ann C. Gleason, an international traffic manager at InterGlobal, Inc." Ann and William live at 220 Thoroughman Ave., St. Louis, MO 63135 . Bill is with Sengert Brothers Construction Co. Inc.

A. Selim lives at 217 Santee Pass, Brookings, SO 57006. He is member of the faculty at South Dakota State University.


Mark Miller writes: "I guess you can say that I have returned to the fold. After being away from the Rolla area since graduation, we are now living in Salem, Missouri, where I am working for ASARCO (same company-different place) . Still in exploration." Mark and Penny's address is Route 3, Box 764, Salem. MO 65560.

Robert L. Queatham writes: "I changed employment in Oct. 1983; am now with Cassis Corp. as a project manager. But the big news is my marriage to Rosemary Monteleone on April 28, 1984. We are expecting a baby in early April , 1985 . We now li\!e .at 2224 Spencer Ave .. Overland. MO 63114."

Steven D. Bodenhamer is now engineering and maintenance manager for St. Joe Resources-National Zinc Division. Steven and Gayle live at 6626 Dorsett Drive, Bartlesville, OK 74006.

Mark E. Runge writes: "Mary and I successfully had a 4 pound, 4 ounce "eating machine" on Sept. 27 , 1984. Her name is Cassandra Jean. A mass balance equation shows more in her diapers than goes in her mouth. Still trying to figure that out." The Runge's live at 462 Cedar Lane, Cheshire, CT '06410. Mark is plant mechanical engineer for Somers Thin Strip, Olin Brass, Waterbury, Ct.

1984 Ro\lamo

Michael J. "Boots" Miller writes: "am now at 7102 Ridge Cove Drive, Converse, TX 78109 (Phone 512-655-6715). I'll be flying the T-38 and training instructor pilots at Randolph AFB, Texas, after serving a year at the Pentagon working in the affice of the secretary of defense while on an ASTRA tour."

Harvey G. Randall is now an advance quality engineer fo r General Electric Co. in Milwaukee. Harvey and Adonica live at 309 South Badger Court, Oconomowoc, WI 53066.

Michael L. Terry has a new position as director of major products for National Steel Corporation. He and wife Jan have moved to 2542 Glenwood Drive, Wexford, P.A 15090.


Mike Quinn is technical area manager for the U.S. Air Force at WrightPatterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio. He and Susan live at 57 Nightingale Trail, Enon, OH 45323. Mike writes: "My move to Wright-Patterson AFB has put me in charge of turbine engine lubricant research and development. This year also has brought another change-the birth of my first son! " Thomas J. Rechtien writes: "I've moved to Bergen, Norway, where I'm working as lead pipeline engineer under contract to Stolt-Nielsen Seaway Contracting. My new address is P.O. Box 10, 5034 Ytre Laksevag, Norway."

Randall and Sharon Thompson have moved to 4686 Clearview Drive, ' Bartlesville, OK 74006. Randall is a process - project engineer for Phillips Petroleum in Bartlesville. Maurice E. Vanderbergh is now product manager for Muscle Shoals Minerals, Muscle Shoals, Ala. Maurice and Elaine have moved to 341 Lindenberg Ave., Florence, AL 35630.


Robert P. Jansen has been promoted to coordinator of wet milling, sweetner, and alcohol projects in A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co's corporate engineering division. In this new assignment, he will be reassigned to the firm's corporate headquarters in Decatur. He has been technical manager of Staley's corn refining plant in Loudon, Tennessee since 1980. Jansen joined Staley in 1975 and held several positions in manufacturing 1975 prior to moving to Loudon. Joyce and Allen B. Agnew is a mining engineer - Robert reside at 8600 Dunaire Drive, . newly employed by the Bureau of Land Knoxville, TN 37923 . Management, Washington, D.C. His home address is 2054 Headlands Circle, Mark S. Lorenz sends a new home address: 1000 Shoreline Court, Dunlap, IL Reston, VA 22091. 61525. David S. Blauvelt and wife, Mary Ann, have a new address: Route I, Box 17, William P. Lorenz is now pilot plant Sheldon, MO 64784. David is plant 'manager for Hall Chemical Co. William engineer for Crane Plumbing of and Karen have moved to Leak Apts., Nevada, Mo. No. IA, -Leak Ave., Arab, AL 35016.

MICHAEL L. PULLIAM Michael L. Pulliam has been promoted to superintendent of A. E. Staley Mfg. Co.'s vegetable oil rermery in Decatur, Ill. He returned to Decatur from Mexico, Mo., where he had been superintendent of the company's soybean mill. He joined Staley in 1976 as an engineer. In 1979 he was promoted to production superintendent of the Decatur Oil Refinery, a position he held until his most recent assignment in Mexico.

MSM Alumnus / 67

Alumni Personals ________________________________________________________________ John C. Feldmann is with McDonnell Douglas and li ves at 5757 Hidden Cove, Florissant, MO 63034.

1984 Rollamo

1975 Donald J. Reynolds has moved to 506 E. Center St., Apt. I, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712.


Margot Austin is employed by Public Service Company of Colorado and lives Dave Scbuler writes: "Working for at 1150 Galapago, No. 711 , Denver, CO Monsanto at the St. Peters plant where I 80204. am the plant electri9<l1 utilities engineer. Very interesting plant-we make electronic grade silicon wafers." Dave's Scott and Alice Boyd live' at 1920 home address is . 1577 Bittersweet Miami -Street, Leavenworth, KS 66048. Court., St. Charles, MO 63303 . Scott's a metallurgist with Leavenworth Foundry. Fred Storck writes: "Karen and I are the proud parents of a daughter, Danielle Leigh, born March 13, 1984." The Stor- Robert P. Braun is a project engineer cks live at 8410 Springvalley, Belton, room alc - for Whirlpool Corp., Evansville, Ind. His home address is MO 64102. 8297 Oak Drive, Newburgh, IN 47630. Micbael R. Warfel writes: "Moved with wife and daughter Emily to Seattle in November '84. Joined other UMR alums at Hart-Crowser and Associates, Inc.: John Critchfield, '74; Dave Winter, '78; Lori Herman, '80." Michael and Patricia now live at 4600 Davis Ave. South, E- I03 , Renton , WA 98055. Michael is employed ' by HartCrowser as a project hydrogeologist. Bernard J. Welch writes: "Talofa from Samoa. Dave Allen ('74), Kerry Welker (75), and Jimmy Entwistle ('74) owe us letters. Charlie Daniels ('75) doesn't come out for a visit!" Bernard is a math specialist - curriculu m design for American Samoa Department of Education. Bernard and Jody's address is P.O. Box 3327 , Pago Pago, AS 96799.

George E. Cannon Jr. writes: "Promoted to Colonel on Sept. I, 1984. My new duty title is assistant for management and resources for the U.S. Air Force." George and Sandra live at 605 Woodbine Drive, Papillion, NE 68046. George and Soheila Daneshgar have moved to 4022 Falling Leaf, Enci no, CA 91316. Joseph and Sheen Daneshgar have moved to 999 Doheney, No. 1010, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

David and Denise (Lovasco, '76) Denner write: "We have moved to 1530 Brick Road , Cherry Hill , NJ 08003 . Dave is the manufacturing and distribution superintendent at Monsanto's Delaware Dave Wisch, '75, '77, writes: "Still River plant. Den ise is doing stabil ity working in offshore structures area. I research for Wh itehall Laboratories in just completed course work for doc- Hammonton, New Jersey." torate in my spare time." Dave is an advanced civil engineer with Texaco U.S.A. Central Offshore Engineering. Hazim EI·Baz sends a new home adHe and Leslie live at 7741 Windward dress: 1876 Calamaide Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Court, New Orleans, LA 70 129.

68/ MSM Alumn us

Catherine M. Rieser has moved to 2q9 9th St. NE, Apt. 5, Atlanta , GA 30309.

Walter Rothe sends a new address: P.O. Debra A. (Manning) Filla is now a Box 11 2536, Ca rrollton . TX 750 II. regiona l mark eting representative for Walter's a systems engineer with Texas IBM. Deb ra and her husband Andrew Instruments. li ve at 2620 South 11 th Street. SI. Louis, Rodney J. Sampson II writes that he's MO 63 11 8. now a systems anal ysUprogrammer for Dicki nson Theatr-es. Rodney's add ress is Dale Hudson is sen ior reserve engineer 3021 Campbell. Kansas Cit y, MO fo r Union Texas Petroleum Corp. In 64 109. November he moved to 2906 Stoney Brook , Houston, TX 77057 . Mark and Beth Schulte have moved to 9709 Carter, Overland Park, KS 662 12. John Jaeger, '76, '81, is a project Mark is now a special inspectof for Pittmanager and structural engineer for the sburgh Testing Laboratory in Kansas Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District. City, Mo. His home address is 148 Montana, St. Charles, MO 63303. Cathy Dulin Stellern writes: "Enjoying fishing, windsurfing, snow skiing and Leland V. Lammert is with Omnitec playing soccer." Cathy, husband John Corp., and receives mail at P.O. Box ('75) and children Anne (2 VI ) and Scott (I) live at 329 Sevenoaks Drive, Knox12747, St. Louis, MO 63141. ville, TN 37922. Cathy works for TV A. Jim Leonard, '76, '84, writes: "Received professional development degree, EG , from UMR GEC May 13, 1984. Also awarded IEEE Centennial Medal." Jim lives at 255 Patterson Lane, Florissant. MO 63031 and works for McDonnell Douglas.

Vicky (Headrick) Sweetser is a design engineer with Hewlett Packard. She and Dave hav~ one child, two years old, and live at 8135 Turman Court, Ft. Collins, CO 80525 .


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Gregory G. Williams has been proCraig A. Liebel has moved to 19 Ash- moted to Southwestern' Bell's district mont Drive, Framingham , MA 01701. manager for installation and maintenance in Eldon, Mo. Williams Michael J. Lueckenhoff writes: comes to Eldon from Festus where he "Recently promoted to manager of was installation and maintenance geotechnical engineering division in manager for the St. Louis south district. Beaumont office." Michael works for He began his telephone career in 1976 Southwestern Laboratories. He and Kel- . as a plant assistant. Williams' wife. Iy live at 6990 Glen Willow , Beaumont. Kathleen , is a business office supervisor for Southwestern-Bell in St. Louis. Their TX 77706. address is 7128 Tall Oak, Mehlville, MO Ken Luetkemeyer writes: "Recently 63129. completed my MBA at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. I have accepted a James D. Wood writes: "Moved in job with the Corps of Engineers in August. Appointed to Maryland Air Omaha, Nebraska. Go Big Red! My Quality Control Advisory Council new address is 6927 Wright Plaza, Apt. (rep re se nting AIChE) ; e lecte d 90, Omaha, NE 68 106." secreta ry/treasurer of Susquehanna Chapter of Maryland Society of ProfesPhilip McNeal is now vice president of sional Engineers." His home address is Morgan Guaranty Trust of New York, now 162 1 Denise Drive, Apt. F, Forest New York City. He li ves at 29 Hill , MD 21050. Washington Drive, Cranbury. NJ 08512 . Steve and Susan Millsap live at 2754 W. Teton , Springfield. MO 65807. Steve is with Burlington Northern .





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Melanie and Robert, '77. Naeger send a new home address: 111 9 Shillington. Katy , TX 77450.

Rick and Suzanne Ackerson have mov· ed to 41 38 Ari zona Ave. , Grand Island , NE68801.

W. Bruce Rhodes lives at 764 Tomahawk Drive, Brookfield, MO 64628 and works for Rhodes-Sayre and Associates.

Mitchell Baker is now senior software engineer for Via Netix, Inc. His new ad· dress is 3312 16th St., Boulder. CO 80302 .








Alumni Personals ______________________________________________________________ )9 9.

D. I. as


1977 Continued Alan Benson writes: "I was married June 16, 1984, to the former Miss Nina Nelson of Tulsa. Pat McConn, '77, was a groomsman. Kelly McGinnis, '78, Steve Schnade, Randy Forchee, '77, all former Miners, attended a reception in the St. Louis area." Alan is a geological engineer for Kaiser·Francis Oil Co.



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David K. Bishop writes: "Left Phillips Petroleum Co. on June 8, 1984, after seven years, to accept a position with Booz·Allen & Hamiliton, a consulting firm." Dave and wife Janet now live at 3745 Fair Dawn Drive. Colorado Springs, CO 8091 8. Kenneth Gianino writes "Jo·Ann (Pesich-'80) and I had our first baby July 21 , 1984. Jessica Elizabeth was 7 Ibs_ 6 oz. and is growing very quickly. She keeps us busy, but we both enjoy it." The Gianino's live at 2802 Windford Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129. Ken is a transmission engineer with Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.


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Riehard C. Smith writes: "I am planning to marry Marilyn Albers next spring." Richard is an engineer for Union Elec· tric Co. and lives at 4109 ' Hickory Hill Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129.

Michael M. Amelunke has moved to 1876 EI Centro, Columbia, MO 65201.

Jim Lincicome is now a senior petroleum engineer for Union Texas Petroleum in Midland, Texas. Jim and Dianne, '78, live at Route 9, Box 309, Ode~sa, TX 79765.

David K. 'Askren has moved to 5700 NW Oregon, Kansas City, MO 64151. He is a staff industrial engineer for Ken· worth Truck Co.

Louis G. Loos II, '77, '82, writes: "Pro· ject engineer in the district 6 office (Kirkwood, Missouri) with the Missouri Highway Department. Stop by the of· fice and say hello!" Louis lives at 443 D Chancellor Square Court, Kirkwood, MO 63122. Patti L. Mayer writes: "Am now employed by Martin Marietta Corp. at Vandenberg AFB, Calif. Am currently a senior program planning specialist for the space shuttle ground support systems testing program at Vandenberg's Space Launch Complex No.6 (SLC-6). My mailing address is: 301 E. McElhaney, Apt. D, Santa Maria, CA 93454." Robert and Melanie, '76, Naeger send a new home address: 1119 Shillington, Katy, TX 77450. Kurt and Kathleen Nielsen have moved to Wisconsin where Kurt is now manager, industrial engineering, for Morgan Products Ltd. The Neilsen 's new address is P.O. Box 2446, Oshkosh, WI 54903.

1978 Stephen L. Allen moved in October to 4352 Wildwood Drive, Shreveport, LA 71119. He had been in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

Michael D. Humphries, '77, '80, is assis· tant professor of mathematics at the University of Texas·San Antonio. His home address is 3815 Parkdale, '109, San Antonio, TX 78229.



Mike W. Weiss and his wife Debbie are in Cairo, Egypt, where he's a senior engineer for GUPCO AMOCO. Their address is Expatriate·Egypt PO Box Kenneth A. Ruff sends a new address: 4381, Houston, TX 77210. 14608 Laketrails Court, Chesterfield, Jeff and Audre Welzbacher welcomed MO 63017. their first daughter, Morgan Lyn, Oct. 19, 1984. The Welzbacher's address is Tom Ryan is working with Richard Route 2, Box 31 , New Athens, IL Energy Corp. Tom's address is 653 62264. Harvest Glen Drive, Richardson , TX 75081 . John Wenzlick now lives at 1611 N. Brock Court, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Mark M. Sebree writes: "Promoted He writes: "Now in Jeff. City as a field Dec. I, 1984 to production manager, bridge inspector for the Missouri Leany Mine, AMAX Coal Co., Camp· Highway Department. Have a new bell Hill, Ill." Mark's address is 1190 daughter, Emily Marie, and her older Garden Drive West, Terre Haute, IN sister Laura." 47802. Thomas A. Roth sends a new home ad· dress: 1418 S. Emmertsen Road, Racine, WI 53406 .

Theodore L. Beresik writes: "Recently promoted to engineering group leader for Cooperative Farm Chemicals Association." His address is 936 Mur· row Court, Lawrence, KS 66044. ROBERT J. STAMMER JR. Robert J. Stammer Jr., '77, '78, has been promoted to manager on the management consultant staff in the St. Louis office of Ernst & Whinney , an in· ternational accounting and consulting firm. He joined the St. Louis office in June '79 after receiving a master of science degree ' in accounting from UMC. He currently lives in Ballwin, Mo. Glen and Debbie Vierheller have moved to 11023 Longhill Drive, Pinellas Park, FL 33565. Ricky R. Vogel sends a new address: 7710 Tanager Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46256. Ricky's a member of the technical staff of Shaffstall Corp.

Richard J. Waldschmidt is now project John Renner sends a new address: 4100 engineer for Rockwell International. Hickory Lane, Blue Springs, MO 640 IS. Richard's address is 2585 Orange Ave. , He is self employed. . Costa Mesa, CA 92627.

Michael and Colleen Brugnara live at 21 Scarlet Court, St. Charles, MO 63303. Michael is with Union Electric.

Jacquelyn DeThorne Falconi writes: "Had a wonderful baby boy in August, who is teaching me things I never learn· ed at UMR." Jacquelyn's now senior financial analyst/government specialist for Gould Inc. in Cleveland. Jacquelyn and Joseph live at 16307 Fernway Road, Shaker Heights, OH 44120. -

Kenneth D. Gilbert is now an engineer for Hills Electric Inc. in Brentwood, Mo. Kenneth and Margaret have moved to 238 Vistaoak Court, Ballwin, MO 630 II. Alan W. Green writes: "Have relocated back to the Houston area with wife Col· leen and son Matthew." The Green's ad· dress is now 2830 Old Fort Road, Sugar Land, TX 77479. Alan is with Fluor Engineers Inc.

Roger F. Goodlet writes: "I am working in nuclear maintenance with Fluor Mechanical Services." Roger's address is 9600 West Orchard, Crystal River, FL 32629. Patrick T. Hoopes is now division manager for O.H. Materials Co. in St. Peters, Mo. Patrick and Eileen live at 619 Watkins Glen , St. Charles, MO 6330 I. O.H. Materials is a large hazar· dous waste management and clean up organization.

John J. Hunter is a project engineer for Hallmark Cards and lives at 8214 Oak, Kansas City, MO 64114. He writes: "Started with Hallrnark here in K.C. in mid·July '84. Really like the work and the people. Was on TV commercial in December with 2,000 other employees. I was at left·center screen-did you see me?"

James L. (Von) and Jan Cawvey are now at 12800 Summer Drive, An· chorage, AK 99516. Von is a senior engineer with ARCO Alaska Inc. Jon Danuser writes: "I would like to an· nounce my marriage to Lynne Ann Korb which took place on Thursday, the twentieth of December, 1984 in Oahu, Hawaii. A two·week honeymoon followed with visits to the islands of Maui and Kauai." Jon's address is 12347 Lakepoint Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043 . Joseph M. Faqua sends a new address: 1521 Franklin Lane, Columbus, OH 43229. Joe is a technical service representative for Ashland Chemical Co. in Dublin, Ohio.

1984 Rollamo

MSM Aiumnus / 69

Alumni Pers o nals _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1978 Continued Michael W. Lambert has moved to 814 Skylark Drive, Louisville, KY 40223.

David Obermann, '78, '80, and wife Stacy (Sakoulas . '82) are still working for IBM in Austin, Texas. David continues his radio work, hosting a fivehour folk music program on KUT, the local NPR affiliate. They write: "Austin is a goldmine for music; some of our best friends are found through this music connection: We are both still singing with the Austin Choral Union when we can, as well as participating with IBM and city sports programs including softball, volleyball, running, swimming, and bicycling. Keeping up with the Jones-we now own three sedans and one convertible-all 1970 Beetles. We welcome old friends to come visit-3308 Perry Lane, Austin, TX 78731."

David Stelzer has a new posItion as associate audio engineer for Smith Lee Productions, St. Louis. His home address is now 3092 Bellerive, St. Louis, M063121.

David A. Theising sends a new address: 8541 NW II th St., Pembroke Pines, FL 33024. Stephen A. Vatteault sends a new address: 432 W. Crystal Drive, Sanford, FL 32771.

Roger Zimmermann writes: "Have joined McDonnell Douglas Automation as scientific program analyst.' My wife Karen and 20-month-old daughter and I live at 6 Cambridge Court, Glendale, MO 63122 . Our phone number¡ is (314) 962-6592."

Joseph R. O'Brien writes: "Have been promoted to maintenance superintendent. Terri and I are expecting our second child in April." The O'Brien's address is 1410 Brookside Drive, Munster, IN 46321.

1979 Haur Daniel Shaw has been working with Northrop, electronics division, for the past 4V2 years. He writes: "Currently I am the lead engineer of the digital development engineering unit for developing microprocessor based structure and turbine engine monitoring systems. Sandra and I have two children-a four-year-old son Abraham and a two-year-old daughter Phebe. The daily life in California is very busy, however we try to enjoy ' our lives as much as we can. I still remember those happy days in Rolla." The Shaw family lives at 45 Viewpoint Circle, Pomona, CA 91766.

Debbie (Carleton) Ackerson writes: "Mike, '79, and I have worked for Phillips since leaVing Rolla. We are currently spending most of our time raising our daughter, Jessica, who will be two years old in February, 1985." Debbie's now a computing systems analyst. She and Mike live at 408 NE Spruce, Bartlesville, OK 74006. Douglas F. Allen (Pfc.) has completed basic training at Fort Dix , N.J. Robert J. Crull now lives at 555 East EI Camino Real, No. 205, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. Bob is a research engineer with Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. Stephen Diebold, '79, '81, is employed by Kansas City Power & Light , and lives at 3325 Tonya, Grain Valley, MO 64029. Dennis Emily is now a quality control engineer for PPG Industries. Dennis and Fran live at 711 West Oak, Shelby , NC28150.

1984 Rollamo

70/ MSM Alumnu s

Mohammad Eslamy, '79, '82, writes: "At time being, I am on leave of absence from my Ph.D. candidacy program in metallurgy at the University of Washington in Seattle. I am working as a microwave hermmatically sealed packaging engineer for Interdevices." Mohammad receives mail at P.O. Box 2743, Redwood City, CA 94064 .

Milo Foster has been creped wadding manufacturing superintendent at Kimberly-Clark's Memphis mill since May when he was promoted and transferred from the New Milford Conn. mill. He and Terry, '82, no~ reside in the Central Gardens area of Memphis at 1380 Carr Ave., Memphis, TN 38104.

Craig S. O'Dear lives at 609 West 46th, Apt. 505 , Kansas City, MO 64112. Greg Ohmer lives at 17'2.2 Robin KnolL St. Louis, MO. He is with A. T. & T.

Robert and Linda Pape send the following address: P.O. Box 8, Moro, IL 62067 .

Russell L. Goldammer married Shirley Malia Stolte in ¡November. He is employed by Citicorp in St. Louis and the couple makes their home at 654 Nanceen Court, Ballwin, MO 630 II .

Joseph A. Ruder writes: "I left Monsanto in February and began employment with the Don H. Munger Co. as a system engineer." Joseph's address is 1252 Liggett, Crestwood, MO 63126.

Tom Hagale has moved to 2112 Warfield, No: 4, Redondo Beach, CA 90278. Tom is a design engineer for Rockwell International in EI Segundo, Calif.

Donald A. Sherrill, 1024 Kennesaw Drive, Huntsville, ' AL 35803, writes: "M}i wife Keleste and I are the proud parents of two children, Jason , 3!1i, and Eren , 20-months. I am employed as a senior engineer at Computer Sciences Corp." Editor's Note: Proud grandfather, Prof. Lance Williams, offered photos of Jason and Eren , but we didn't have room.

Kent Henson writes: "Have left Burns & McDonnell after five years and moved to Butler Manufacturing Co. in Kansas City. Would like to hear from Mark Hovis and Ed Englehart." Kent's address is 8306 C Hillcrest, Kansas City, MO 64138.

Mark A. Hovis writes: "I am working in the Boston area again after four years in Louisiana and Indiana. Denise and I are expecting child number four in late December." The Hovis address is now 38 Hood Drive, Plymouth, MA 02360.

James O. Smith Jr. is senior software instructor for Cray Research Inc., Mendota Heights, Minn. He writes: "In charge of developing the internals course work for the Cray II which is a new super computer being developed by Cray." He and Sharon live at 1556 Oakwood Drive, Shoreview, MN 55112 .

Richard F. Humphreys Jr. lives at 13149 Roundstone Court, Creve Coeur, J. Leo Turek writes: ".Am employed by . Brucker and Associates, consulting MO 63146. engineers of St. Louis, specializing in geotechnical engineering. 1 am the curEdward C. Jantosik Jr. is now an rent ASCE-St. Louis sectionengineering specialist with Emerson geotechnical subcommittee chairman." Electric Co. Edward and Dorothy live at Leo and Cynthia live at 10937 Oasis 2702 China Lake Drive, St. Louis, MO Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123. 63129. Eugene L. Kuelker lives at 4933 Devonshire, St. Louis, MO 63109. He works for the City of St. Louis (Lambert Airport).

Brian M. Ulsh is project engineer with Anheuser-Busch. Brian's moved to 981 Huntington View, Manchester, MO 63011.

Burton K. Walker is presently employed with Hawkeye Chemical . Company as a process engineer and lives at 1331 9th St. N.W., Clinton , lA George H. Miller write~: "Promoted to 52732. lead engineer - advanced composits stress group in February 1984." George Clare A. Welch is now working for Marresides at 631 South Bluff, Wichita, KS tin Marietta Energy Systems (Oak Ridge 67218. National Lab). Clare's new address is 9112A Woodpark Lane, Knoxville, TN James P. Neumann writes: "Baby "37923. boy-Jacob Trevor Neumann, born Aug. 30, 1984. Joins brothers Paul, 3 years, and Colt, I V2 years." He and Michael A. Wilson is now division Dodi live at 1255 Burr Road , Chan- petroleum engineer for Panhandle nahon , IL 60410. Jim is senior Eastern Pipeline Co. His address is mechanical engineer for AMOCO 15315 East 48th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64136. Chemicals in Joliet, Ill.

Myles J. Midgley Jr. has moved to 126 Pikeview , Manchester, MO 63011.


Alumni Personals ______________________________________________________________ 1979 Continued





Jana and Steve Zigrye live at 120 Woodbury, Ponca City, OK 74601. Jana writes: "Steve has switched jobs with Conoco, He is now responsible for the computer control of the R&D High Density Polyethylene Pilot Plant in Ponca C ity."






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Paul K. Bright and wife Le nora are li ving at 4615 N. Sheridan, Peoria, IL 61614 .


John T . Casey, '80, '81, '84, is employed by E . L DuPont and lives at 227 Colonnade Drive, 23, C harlottesville, VA 2290 I.


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Michael Crayne writes: " I recently went to work for McCartney ManufacturingIngersoll Rand, working with the 'waterjet' cutting system at 314-856,2151 ext. 210." Michael and Terri live-at Route 7, Box 476 , Joplin , MO 64801. Kristy (Dealy) Defenbaugh writes: "I have been with Mobil since graduation and worked as an operations engineer, reservoir engineer and currently as an environmental engineer. Brad and I are really enjoying Houston." Their address is 3631 Shipman, Spring, TX 77388, David G. Dennison has a new position as design engineer for Lemco Engineers Inc" St. Louis, He also sends a new home address: 12542-B Ardwick Lane, St. Louis, M063146. Paul and Eva (Powell) Dolan, both class of '80, now live at 5421 Kenwood Road, 105, Cincinnati, OH 45227. Paul is a can-drawing specialist for Cincinnati Milacron. Mark Felzien, '80, '82, writes: "I'd like to r,eport that both Melissa a nd I are currently working for Chevrolet Engineering in Warren , Michigan. We just bought our first house and our new address is 1242 Royal Crescent, Rochester Hills, MI 48064," Tim F!lsselman is currently attending law school at the University of Texas. His mailing address is: Room M230 Jester Center, Austin, TX 78784 . Jack F. Gerrlings lives at 7906 East 105th St., Kansas City, MO 64134. He is with Kansas C ity Testing Lab. Kendall B. Hackman writes: "Transferred to Amoco Houston Region office in September 1984," His new address is 2623 Amaranth Drive, Houston , TX 77084.

David William Harnagel is now associate bridge engineer with Caltrans, David's new address is 8904 Mineral King Co urt , Elk G rove, CA 95624.

Robert A. Hays has a new position as manufacturing planning a nd control superv isor for Monsanto. He sends a new home address: 317 Northmoor Drive, Ballwin , MO 630 II. John G. Hoffman writes: "Just completed pre-drilling on a $35 million dollar waterfiood expansion project in west Texas. The project includes 94 well infill drilling package wh ich began Dec, 6, 1984 using a fo ur-rig program , Full scale injection sched uled for June 1985." John and Becky live at 8402 Emerald Valley Court, Houston, TX~ 77095 . John's a ~enior grade petroleum James L. Wessell is with the Illinois engineer for AMOCO Production Co. Department of Tra nsportation. He li ves at 216 Warnock , Apt. S, Columbia, IL Andy Lain is now project engineer for 62236. Robillard and Associates, Inc, Andy's address is Box 1475, F risco, CO 80443, Cynthia L. Letton is now an engineer II with Northrop Corp . Cynthia and Robert, ' 78, '80, have moved to 5082 Sharon Drive, La Palma, CA 90623, Bob McCann and his wife Risa became proud parents on Thanksgiving Day with the birth of Lance Richard, The McCanns reside at 203 Thompson Loop, Lafayette, LA 70506. Bob is employed as a petroleum reservoir engineer with Tenneco Oil. Gerard W. McKervey is now general foreman for Louisville Cement Co. in Speed, Ind. Gerard and Kathy live at 1009 Woodfield Drive, New A lban y, IN 47150. Robert and Wendy Peavler live a t 2014 43rd St. NW , Rochester, MN 55901. Robert is with IBM . Wesley J. Ranard is supervisor process and quality control for The May tag Company, He writes: "Susanne and I were married this summer. 路 I a,m being transferred in January '85 to the new plant May tag is building in Jefferson C ity, Mo." Their new home address is 5111-A South Brooks, Jefferson City, M065101. Sandra M. Simmons has moved to 3403 Skipper St. , Anchorage, AK 99504, Kevin Van Maele is living at 1620 N.E, Yorkshire Drive, Lee's Summit, MO 64063, David Wayne and Yvette Webb live at 100 S. Washington, Warrensburg,. IL 62573. David's an electrical engineer for Illinois Power Co. in Decatur, Ill.

1981 Ralph Agee joined the firm of C rane and Fleming in July , and moved to Hannibal from Liberty, Mo, where he was a structural engineer for the design of metal buildings for Butler Manufacturing in Kansas City, He and his wife have two daughters, Paul D. Andre~ writes: "Engaged to be married in June, 1985 to C hrista DeGonia, 'Truly a better bet now my graduation was .' Christa will be graduating in May with her RS. in chemical engineering. " Paul's address is P .O. Box 133, St. Ann, MO 63074, He is a senior civil engineer with the Department of Highways and Traffic, St. Louis County , Dennis F. Boll, '81, '82, is employed by Sverdrup & Parcel as a hydro-geologist. His home address is 1261 -B Mehlview Court, St. Louis, MO 63125, Phillip E. Bureman is a sales representative for Exxon and lives at 39 Spooks Branch Ext., Asheville, NC 28804, He writes: "Lori and I are doing just great. Love sales engineering and the mountains of western North Carolina, Hope to see some old friends at St. Pat's '85," Debra Cooper writes: "Just bought a house up here and trying to get settled in before winter hits!" She lives at 2200 South Covell, Sioux Falls, SD 57105, Debra is a special assignment supervisor for Williams Pipe Line Co . Gerald L. Frederick sends a new address: King Village, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27607.

1984 Rollamo

Robert H. George writes: "My wife Colleen and [ have our first baby due April 1985, Presently working for Emerson E & S division as a failure analysis engi neer. Recently received promotion to engineering specialist." Robert and Colleen live at 4004 Healy Court, St. Louis, MO 63123. Diane R. Griffith writes: "[ work as a resident engineer for the V,A. Was stationed in Little Rock, Ark., for 2 Vz years and recently transferred to St. Louis." Diane's home address is 105 Fox Chase Apts., Arnold, MO 630 IO. Joseph R. Grimes, 8720 Decorum Drive, St. Louis, MO 631 23, is now with Fox and Colt Consulting E ngineers. Gregory J. Grindinger (Lt.) writes: " Recently married-Sept, IS , 1984-to the former Cecilia Dodd, also of Myrtle Beach AF B. Gregory and Cecilia live at 12 1 Wildwood Lane, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577. Greg is a civil engineer, community planner, at Myrtle Beach AFR Bonnie S. Hubert is living at 7818 Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114, Ken and Cathy Hutter have moved to 7553 Buckingham, St. Louis, MO 63105, Ken's an assistant engineer with Union Electric Co. Alan Kaelhle, 321 A Stockham Ave" Morrisville, PA 19067, works for A.E, Staley Inc, William B. Kremer is employed by Shannon & Wilson, He and Jane live at 2833 Innsbruck, Apt. 0 , St. Louis, MO 63129. Michael R. Martin is now process engineer/research and development for Airesearch Casting Co. Division of the Garrett Corp, in Torrance, Calif. He writes: "Being a native Californian, I'm glad to be back home!" Michael's address is 4006 Emerald Street, Apt. 110, Torrance, CA 90503 ,

MSM Al um n us,'] )


Alumni Personals ______________________________________________________________ 1981 Continued David E. Nadel is project engineer for E. G. & G. Florida' at Kennedy Space Center. His home address is 3807 S. Hopkins Ave., Apt. 14, Titusville, FL 32780. Ray Tharol Oxley is a project engineer for General Tire-DIVERSITECH GENERAL, Wabash, Ind. He and Elaine live at 860 Cambridge Drive, Wabash, IN 46992 . .

Mark J. Short writes: "Transferred to a support position in the billing division of Southwestern Bell in July of 1984." Mark's address is 5712 Pernod, St. Louis, MO 63139.

Morris Buenemann Jr. has moved to Kendall A. Honeycutt has moved to 250 1328 Palm Ridge Court , St. Louis, MO W. Sample Road , F-2 14, Pompano 63146. Morris is a research and develop- Beach, FL 33064. Kendall's a senior ment engineer for Olin Corp. in East associate engineer for IBM in Boca Raton. Alton , Ill.

Dennis and Christina Thebeau li ve at 2773 West I I4th Street, Jenks, OK 74037. Dennis is with Williams Pipe Line Co.

Jeffrey Jones is now li ving in Walford Todd and Pat Davis ha ve moved to Ci ty, NO 58854 (P.O. Box 156). 7417 North Miramar Drive, Peoria . IL 616 14. Todd is a design engineer with Steve Ke.eling, with Atlas Powder ComCaterpillar Tractor Co. pany, lives at 829 Florida, Apt. 20, Joplin, MO 6480 I.

Keith Tomazi writes: "I have recently been promoted to process engineer and am working in the manufacturing of diagnostic drugs." Keith works for Mallinckrodt Inc. He and Li nda li ve at 2825 Monfort , Florissant, MO 63033.

John R-enz and Yvonne (Turenne) Renz, both '81, write: "John was promoted to process engineering manager at the new Owens Corning Fiberglas plant in March 1983. Come see us in LaGrange, J. Keith and Cecilia Townsend currently Ga." The Renz's live at 103 Shoshoni live at 319 Olathe View Road , Olathe, Drive, laGrange, GA 30240. KS 66061 . Keith is employed by Bendix Corp. David Allen Roberts sends a new address: No. 7 Rouen Court, Lake St. Dana G. Villers has moved to 177 3 StarLouis, MO 63367. David's an engineer board , Apt. 2, Baton Rouge, LA 70820. Dana works for Stone and Webster. with McDonnell Aircraft Co. Roland A. St. John writes: "I have been employed with Warren Petroleum Co. since graduation and have recently been transferred from Gladwater, Texas, (near Longview) to Tulsa, Okla. I have bought my first house and my address is 4103 S. Date Ave., Broken Arrow , OK 740 II. I hope to fInd a softball team to play on this year like I did in Longview. And now that I'm Closer to Rolla , I hope to be able to visit sometime in the next year." Eric Victor Schelin was married in August to Theresa Karen Wertish in Davenport, Iowa. He is employed as an engineer in the Strip Mill of Alcoa Aluminum Company . The coup le resides at 24 17 Jebens Ave., Davenport, IA 52808. Charles and Ann Sheppard live at 3420 Rosenberg, Godfrey, IL 62085 . He works for SMS Engineers Inc.

72 / MSM Al umnu s

Bob Dillman is wit h Soi l Consu ltants Inc. He lives at 3945 Crosby Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123. Diane Dion now lives at 10756 Calle Juan , Spring Valley , CA 92077. She writes: "Rick and I purchased a house a year ago. We have a son, Austin , who is now seven months old. I just joined the staff of Civ il Design Group and really enjoy the work." Mike and Karen Dvorsky live at 3628 6th St. NW , Rochester, MN 5590 1.

Joseph ' H. Kimbrough is a programmer/analyst I for the cit y of Kansas Cit y, Kansas, and currently lives at 11 00 County Line Road, Bldg. 10, Apt. 19, Kansas City, KS 66103. Robert Wayne Kramer sends a new address: 11850 Jonesdale Court, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Debra Krueger married James Little on March 24. Their new address is 411 Drive, Shreveport , LA 711 15. Jim and Debra are both employed by International Paper Company.

Cheryl Youngblood married David Turner, '83, on May 21 , 1983. He's cur- Stacey (Miller) Eicks is currently pursuing her master's degree at UMR. She rently employed with StratofIex , Inc. and Cheryl is seeking employment in the writes: "Finally got off the road- Ted Dallas/Ft. Worth area. The Turner's ad- wants to finish his degrees and I my Carl Lukefahr writes: "I was married to dress is: 5952 Callaston Lane, Apt. master's. Bought a house and in the pro- Yvonne Farley of St. Peter's, Mo. on cess of ripping and rebuilding." Stacey 1047, Fort Worth , TX 76 11 2. and Ted live at 611 E. 7th St., Rolla , Ma y 26 . Also. I was recentl y promoted to associate programmer at IBM . My MO 65401. new address is 31 13 Burris Road, No . Kirk C. Foeller writes: "I am logistics 42 . Vestal , NY 13850." and maintenance officer for the 559t h 1982 Engineering Battalion, Hanan, West Germany ." He is a First Lieutenant. David P. Maiefski is now an enBill Aurig works for Boeing and lives at Write to Kirk and Susan at 559th vironmenta l engineer fo r th e En 532 1 East 7 lst, Derby, KS 67037 . ' Engineering Battalion, APO NY 09165. vironmental Protection Agency in Dallas. David and Susan live at 147 Farough Baradari li ves at 1018 Terry Foster has been an area engineer Oaks Village Circle, Duncanville. TX Stonecliffe Dri ve, Monroev ille, PA in diapers at Kimberly-Clark's Memphis 75 137. 15146. Fa rough works for mill since May when she and Milo, '79, Westinghouse Electric Corp . in Pitts- were transferred from the New Milford, Leonard Meyer is employed by McDonCon n. mill . They reside at 1380 Carr burgh. nell Douglas and lives at 8 Summer Ave., Memphis, TN 38104. Drive, St. Peters, MO 63376. J. P. Bledsoe is employed by General Dynamics. His home address is liS Old Scott L. Freiberger is employed by Hughes Aircraft Solid State Products, Stacy Sakoulas Obermann and husband Brock Road, Weatherford, TX 76086. Newport Beach, Calif. His new home David ('78 & '80) are still working for address is 160 W. Wilson, No. 28 , Costa IHM in Austin, Texas. Stacy also conMesa, CA 92627 . tinues tO' play her cello with, and is now vice-president of, the Austin . Civic OrJohn Charles Gabbert sends a new ad- chestra. She writes: "This activity also dress: 4391-B Normandy Trace, Nor- serves as an outlet for art and mandy , MO 63 121. calligraphy . We are both still singing with the Austin Choral Union when we Timothy Joe Hampton is now an ap- can, as well as participating in sports acplicatio.n engineer fo r Dayco Corpora- tivities such as volleyball, tennis, softtion. Timothy and Libbie's address is ball, and even soccer. IBM in Austi n Route 4, Box 746- 1, Springfield, MO keeps us in communication wit h other MSM/UMR alums including Bruce 65802. Bergman, '78, '80, Forrest Breyfogle, '68, Debbie (Brown) Brase, '8\, Ken Stephen B. Hinkamp is presently working with the New Orleans District Corps Jacquin, '67, and even the new IBM of Engineers as a field engineer superv is- Austin si te general manager, Roger ing two fIoodwall contracts. Stephen's Dorf, '65. We welcome old friends to address is 308 Lyd ia, No. 6, Patterson, come visit -3308 Perry Lane, Austin, TX 7873 1." 1984 Rollamo LA 70392.

Alumni Personols ______________________________________________________________ 50 no lOr


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David and Rita Voss have moved to 2912 Maldon Lane. St. Charles, MO David and Pat O'Connor live at 101 63 30 I . David's a design engineer for West Hall, Carterville. MO 64835 . McDonnell Douglas Corp. in St. Louis. David is with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. Wayne L. Whitehead sends a new ad· dress: 704 North Monroe. Apt. A, Karen Peterson Ogden writes: ·"Cur· Marion. IL 62959.

Todd Alan Blackford writes: "Married on Nov. 10, 1984 to Pamela Ruth Da vis of Brownfield, Texas . We bought a home in Brownfield and are enjoying the married life." Todd and Pamela's address is 1602 East Buckley, Brownfield, TX 793 16 .

Nicholas R. Dohmen is now in engineerrently working for Galveston district . ing services at Osmonics Inc. , MinArmy Corps of Engineers. in Houston Tammy Williams·Abney is with Butler ·netonka. Minnesota. Nicholas's new adresident office as a construction Mfg. Co. , and lives at 15400 E. 33 rd St. , dress is 97 36 Mill Creek, Eden Prairie, engineer. " Karen 's address is 11700 Independence, MO 64055. MN 55343. Fuqua, Houston , TX 77034. Stephen Frick lives at 2207 Lincoln Dri ve. No. 7()'3 , Arlington, TX 760 II . John H. Park is with Ludwig and Associates. John's address is 505 Ellis Blvd. . Apt. EA, Jefferson City . MO David A. Gaskill writes: "I am currently. 65101. 1983 project engineer for a gyro system for David M. Anderson sends a new ad- the B-1B aircraft. Gretchen and I are David Pierson writes: " Now chief of. dress: 5308-H Knoll Creek Dri ve, rea ll y enjoy ing Albuquerq ue and the contract management. England AFB. Hazelwood. MO 63 042. David is an cl imate here." Their address is 5223 Louisiana." David's address is 4344 engineer, technology , at McDonnell Vista Bonita NE, Albuquerque, NM 87 111. David is with Sperry Flight Twin Bridges, No. 20 I. Alexandria. LA Douglas Corp. Systems, Defense Division. 71303. Cathy and William, '84, Baker have moved to 1706 Wayne Drive, St. Kenneth W. Gieg II is now a 1984 Rollamo Joseph H. Reilly is now plant engineer Joseph , MO 64506. Cathy's a highway metallurgical engineer for Laclede Steel for Vulcan Materials Co. , Miami designer for the Missouri Highway & Co. in Alton, Illinois. Kenneth and John and Rhonda Kottwitz live at 649 Springs, Fla. Joseph lives at 14610 Bull Katherine reside at 1109 Raritan , Rock Chambers, Ottawa, IL 61350, wher.e Transportation Department. Run Road, Apt. 143, Miami Lakes, FL Hill , MO 6311 9. John works for Northern Illinois Gas. 33014. Stephen P. Clark li ves at 3810 N. Cherry Lane. Kansas City , MO 6411 6. Amy Geiser is now all engineering intern with the Connecticut Department Chris E. Lancaster is an engineer at Mary Rothery, 3005 Belmont, Muncie, He's employed by MHTD. of Transportation in New Milford , Ct. . Bendix Corp. , Kansas City, ' Mo. , and IN 47304. writes: "Am assistant project engineer working for Delaware County Paul D. Conrad is now an en.vironmen- Amy's new address is 930 Woodtick lives at 7816 N .E. 55th St., Kansas City, engineer in bridge construction. Am also tal engineer for the US Environmental Road, No.2, Wa terbu ry. CT 06705 . M06411 9. Indiana section member of tRe Institute Protection Agency in Atlanta, GA . Pa ul of Transportation Engineers." and Vanitta li ve at 3804 Kensington Jenelyn S. Gillham sends a new add ress: 218 North Ave. East. Cranford. NJ Court , Decatur. GA 30032. 07016. Jenely n's now an occupa tional John A. Masek writes: "A m working as Brian Keith and Joanna Sievers have Peggy Ann Cypert and J ames Allen engi ne.er at AT&T Technologies in Spr- a construction inspector for the Missouri Highway and Transportation moved to 3203 Singletory Dri ve. Apt. Folta, both class of '83, were married on ingfield. N.J. Department in Mountain Grove, MO." 261. Baker. LA 70714. Brian's a field Sept. 2 in Kirksv ille. Mo. Peggy is Joh'n resides at 6 19 Oakland Ave. , Apt. engineer for Stone & Webster Engineer· employed as a research associate with ing at Ri ver Bend nuclear power plant in the Water Resources Department at the Sam W. Graefe is now sen ior produc- 5, Mountain Grove, MO 65 711 . tion /o perations analy st fo r Lever St. Francisville, La. Universit y of Illinois in Champaign- Brothers in St. Louis. Sam and Cind y Urbana. Jim is working. toward his li ve at 18 11 Brittania Court , Chester- Dean F. Mielke, Capt. , has graduated from the U.S. Army engineer officer adand Ph.D. in the chemica l field , MO 6301 7. master's Mark L. Stevens is with Drury Developvanced course at Fort Belvoir, Va. He is ment. His address is 14438 Jones engineering department at the Universischeduled to serve at Fort Campbell, ty of Illinois. He is a recipient of a NaMaltsberger. No. 610. San Antonio . TX Max Grogg, General Delivery, Rob- Ky. tional Science Foundation Fellowship. 78247. binsville, NC 28771 , works for the Federal Highway Administration. Jerome D. Tidwell writes: "Am current- Kevin DeBondt writes: "I have been proCurtis Paul Meier is a graduate Iy living in Lancaster, Calif., while I am moted to service engineer with N.L. Mc- David C. Gudmundson writes: "Work- student/teaching assistant at UMR. Curworking a test flight program for the . Cullough. Also enjoying the California ing in new department at ESL Inc.-VLSI tis lives at 2006A Forum Drive, Roila, MSIP Radar on the F·15 Eagle for lifestyle and all that it offers. Will try group." David's address is 116A East MO 65401 . McDonnell Douglas. My new home ad- snow skiing this winter at Mammoth or Middlefield Road, Mt. View , CA 94043. dress is: 44568 N. Andale Ave., Lan- Tahoe. Really looking forward to it." Kevin lives at 52200 Dunsmuir, No. 28 , Glenn S. Heil is now an environmental Robert W. Mowery, Army 1st Lt., has caster, CA 93535." reported for duty at Fort Bragg, N.C. Bakersfield, CA 93309. engineer for Allison Gas Turbines. He is a protocol officer with HeadGlenn and Danielle have moved to 302 1 Phil Torre has moved to 719 Sycamore, quarters and Headquarters Company, Ciyde Reid Dellnis writes: "Met Mary Pebble Point Drive, Apt. I C, In· No. 110, Highland, IL 62249. XVIII Airborne Corps, and was Jo after graduation and married her this dianapolis, IN 46224. previously assigned at Camp Casey, James Traylor, 150 I McCutchen St., past August. Finally found employment South Korea. Rolla, MO 6540 I, writes: "Still working with Hughes Aircraft in Tucson. Sure Douglas B. Howe writes: "Have been in the electronic warfare area. Presently miss green grass and trees. They don't working for an engineering and surveyI'm the project engineer of the even have snow here! Some paradise. ing company since graduation and learn- Florence Ann O' Leary works for the microwave amplifier used in the EW Let's hear from the gang!" Clyde and ing and applying skills in civil engineer- U.S. Forest Service. Her address is 27 55 system. Next year I will move toward Mary Jo reside at 406 5 East Juarez ing." Douglas's address is 1313 North NE Hogan Drive, No. 12, Gresham. OR becoming the system integrator." Harrison Ave., Kirkwood, MO 63 122 . 97030. Street. Tucson , AZ 85711.

MSM Al um n us 73

Alumni- Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ 1983 Continued William Prehm writes: ''I've gone west to seek my fame and fortune!" He lives . at 3830 S.w. 87th Ave. , Portland, OR 97225 , and is employed as a production and storage engineer for Oregon Natural Gas Development Corp.


John Hock, 3525 Wi ntergreen. St. Lou is, MO 631 25. is working for the Missouri Highway Department.

Dale R. Ascoli is employed by Fox & Cole and lives at 2737 Chatham, ' Scott W. Jarus is a manufacturing Maryland Heights, MO 63043. engineer for IBM , Research Triangle Park, N.C. He and Debbie are living at 3017 Weymouth Drive, Apt. 205, William Baker is now an as'sociate Durham, NC 27707. engineer with Altec Industries. He and ' James Ricbard Rentb sends a new ad- Cathy, '83, have moved to 1706 Wayne David C. Kerber writes: "I finished dress: 8907 East Harry, No. 1202, Drive, St. Joseph, MO 64506. Wichita, KS 67207. Naval Officer Candidate School Oct. 5. and am now an officer in the U.S. Navy , waiting to go to Nuclear ¡Power School David R. Saunders is an electronic Charles H. Baldwin III sends a new in Orlando, Fla. David's address is engineer III with Motorola - GEG , in home address: 5797 Tanager Court, 1810 9 East 25th T errace , In Scottsdale, Arizona. David lives at 1145 Mentor, OH 44060. dependence, MO 6405 7. W. Baseline Road, No. 1003, Tempe, AZ 85283 . Douglas R. Boone now lives at 985 N. Granite Reef Road, Scottsdale, AZ Douglas L. Kuchem has moved to 300 I W. Normandale St., No. 1078, Fort Jeffrey Scheibal is now an engineer for 85 257 . Worth , TX 7611 6. Shell Offshore Inc. Jeffrey and Loretta C. Briggs sends his new address: Leland live at 6700 Sycamore Lane, No. 51, 1609 Carol Oaks Trail, Apt. 1806, Ft. Debra C. Manley and Christopher New Orleans, LA 70127 . Worth, TX 7611 2. William Yarnell, both class of '84, were married Sept. 29 in Chesterfield, Mo. Gary Scbnettgoecke is employed by David G. Burgess has been commission- Following a honeymoon in Branson, the Black & Veatch and lives at 6736 ed a second lieutenant in the U.S . Air couple makes their home at 3910 TrendForce upon graduation from Officer way, No. 305, Beaumont, TX 77706. Charlotte, Kan~s City, MO 64131. Training School at Lackland AFB, Chris is employed by the Texas State Samir Sbarkawi is employed as a con- Texas. He is now assigned at Eglin Highway Dept. struction engineer by BFW Construc- AFB, Fla. His home address is Route 4, . James G. Mosby sends a new home adtion Inc., Temple, Texas. His new home Box 552, Crestview, FL 32526. address is 509 W. Rochelle Road, No. dress: 1000 McDonald Way, No. 39, Bakersfield, CA 93309. 2033, Irving, TX 75062. Gary L. Claspill is employed by Division Dianna (Wacbtel) Smitb now lives at Design and Construction. Gary's new Rocky L. Owens has been named assis5415 N. Flora, Kansas City, MO 64118 . address is 505 Ellis Blvd., Apt. D-9, Jef- tant sales engineer in the Riverside, ferson City, MO 6510 I. Calif., office of Armco Construction Products Division. He recently comJames V. Stevens is now associate propleted the division's sales training programmer for IBM . James's address is Brian Coyle writes: "I am now living in gram; he passed the engineer-in-training 6624B Yateswood Drive, Charlotte, NC Palo Alto, California where I'm pursu- exam and is a member of the American ing a graduate degree in geophysics at Society ~f Civil Engineers. Rocky' lives 28212. Stanford University. I can be reached at at 5200 Canyon Crest Drive, Apt. 31 , Micbael D. Tegetboff lives at 4600 Sher- the Dep1rtment of Geophysics, Stan- Riverside, CA ' 92507. wood Court No. 168 , Houston, TX ford University , Stanford, CA 94305." 77092. Michael J. P.eters is with the Missouri Keith Freiberger has moved to 3033 State Highway Department. He lives at David L. Turner II writes: "On May 21 , LaSilva, B203 , San Mateo, CA 94403 . 1735 Shallowbrook, St. Louis, MO . 1983, I married UMR alumna Cberyl Keith's now a programmer/analyst for 63146 . . (Youngblood) Turner ('81). Our address Hewlett Packard in Palo Alto, Calif. is 595 2 CaUaston Lane, Apt. 1047, Fort Worth, TX 76112. I am currently Randy Georgen has been employed by employed with Stratoflex. Inc., a diviJuneau Associates Inc. His home adsion of KenDavis Industries Internadress is 113 Sheffield Drive, Belleville, tional, Inc., as a process engineer. Cheryl is seeking employment in the IL 6222 3. ¡ DaUaslFt. Worth area." Melissa J. Gulley is employed by Granada Corp., a large cattle/embryo Kennetb Wagner lives at 7218 East producer, as a marketing assistant. Her 87th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 6413 8. new address is 3000 Woodland Park, Ken works for Bendix. No. 905 , Houston , TX 77082. Cbarles C. Wieda currently lives at 3160 Santiago Drive, Florissant, MO 63033 . Tbomas W. Williams sends a new address: 1528 Pinto Street, Ridgecrest, CA 93555 .

74 / MSM Alumn us

Li.sa Ann Hall and Kurt Matthew Pfitzinger, both class of '84, were married June 30 and now live at 1326 E. Meadowmere, Springfield, MO 65804. Lisa is employed by Springfield Aluminum and Kurt is employed by DuPont.

Mark Renne is employed by St. Louis Cou nty . Ma rk and wife Cheryl live at 2 109 Bellevue. Apt. C. St. Lou is. MO 63143. Cynthia E. Scheiter lives at 240 South Quincy, Apt. C2, Sedalia. MO 65 30 1. Cynthia works for the Missouri Highway Department. James K. Shadley is now a sales engineer for Johnson Controls. Inc. in Irving, Texas. James lives at 8200 Southwestern Blvd., No. 1811 , Dallas. TX 75 206. Leslie E. Snyder has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the US Air Force upon graduation from Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Texas. Leslie and his wife Malissa will now be assigned to Kirtland AFB, New Mexico. Thomas L. Stehn lives at 825 Southwest Blvd., Apt. F, Jefferson City. MO 6510 I and is with the Missouri State Highway Department. Charles E. Taylor lives at 700 South Durkin Drive, No. 352, Springfield. IL 62704. Wesley G. Villhard, 1561 Ross Ave., Creve Coeur, MO 63141 , is with the R.W . Murray Co. Joseph M. Weissert sends a new address: 3905 Parker Ave., St. Louis, MO 63116. Doug Wesselschmidt writes: "Really enjoyed homecoming!" Doug sends a new address: 9800 Hedges Ave., Apt. I A, Kansas City, MO 64134. Doug is with the Missouri Highway and Tninsportation Department. Kathy S. Windhorst is employed by McDonnell Douglas Astronautics, St. Louis. Her new home address is 10332 Corbeil Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146.

1984 Rollamo

MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Telephone (314) 341 -4171 ; (314) 341 -4172 QFFICERS Term Expires . ... .... .. James B. McGrath, '49 ... . ..... ... . . 12425 Balwyck Lane .... . . . . 1986 St. Louis, MQ 63131 President Elect .... . . . .... Arthur G. Baebler, '55 ........... .. .. 20 Fox Meadows .. . . . . . . . .. 1986 Sunset Hills, MQ 63127 Vice President . . .... Alfred J . Buescher, '64 . . . .. ... . . .. . ... 624 Golfview Drive . .. . . .... 1986 Ballwin, MQ 63011 Vice President. . . . . .. . J. Robert Patterson, '54 .............. Show Me, Inc. , P.o.. Box 573 . 1986 Sikeston,MQ 63801 Vice President. . . . ... . ... John B. Toomey, '49 . ... . .. ...... .. . 7412 Admiral Drive . ... _ ... 1986 . Alexandria, V A 22307 Vice President. .. .. .. . . . . Ernst A. Weinel, '44 ..... . . . . . . .. . . . . 1502 West 50 .. ........... 1986 Q'Fallon, MQ 62269 Vice President .. . . . ... . .. Robert V. Wolf, ' 51 . . . ...... . . .... Metallurgical Engineering ... 1986 UMR, Rolla, MQ 65401 Secretary ..... ... .. .. .. . Matteo A. Coco, '66 . ........ . . . ... . . 7115 Aliceton Ave ... . . . . . . . 1986 St. Louis, MQ 63123 Treasurer ... .... .. ...... J.L. "Jack" Painter, '50 ..... ..... ... . 1610 Wilson Circle ... . ... . . 1986 Rolla, MQ 65401 President .

DIRECTQRS AT LARGE Term Expires Thor Gjelsteen, '53 .... ... .. .... 7300 W. Stetson Place, No. 41, Littleton, Co. 80123 . .. ..... . . . 1985 James D. Gostin, '44 ..... . ..... . 180 Mt. Qlive Drive, Bradbury, CA 91010 . ..... ... ......... 1985 Paula Hudson, '73 ........... .. . P.o.. Box 809, First City National Bank, Houston, TX 77001 ... 1986 Gerald L. Stevenson, '59 .. . . . . . .. Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., P.o.. Box 2008 . . . . .. ..... ... 1987 Lakeland, FL 33806 Ronald A. Tappmeyer, '47 ... . ... 2226 Country Club Drive, Sugar Land, TX 77478 ... . . . . . . . . . 1987 Armin 1. Tucker, '40 .. . '.. .... . . . 6464 QveriOQk Drive, Alexandria, VA 22312 . . . . . ... . .. . .. .. 1985 Area Zip . Code Numbers AREA DIRECTQRS Term Expires 00·14 David J. Blume, '65 ....... . 11 Musket Trail, Simsbury, CT 06070 . ... .. ... ...... . ... . . . 1986 15-26 Robert C. Perry, '49 ... . .. . PPG Industries, Inc., I PPG Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15272 .. . .. . 1986 27-36 Wayne R. Broaddus, Jr. , '55. P.o.. Box 2545 , 405 Esther Drive, Dalton, GA 30720 . . . . . . .... 1985 37-45 Russell A. Kamper, '62 ..... 5674 Shadow Qaks, Dayton, QH 45440 .. . ....... ... . ...... 1986 46-52 Robert L. Seaman, '69 . ... .. 8305.N. Yellowstone, Route 7, Muncie, IN 47302 . . ....... . .. 1987 53-61 EugeneJ. Daily, '36 ........ Daily & Associates, 816 Dennison Dr., Champaign, IL 61820 ... 1985 62-62 Max A. Burgett, '54 .. . ..... 2219 Dewey St. , Murphysboro, IL 62966 ....... . .. .. ....... 1987 63-65 Jerome T. Berry, '49 ... .... Route 4, Box 419, Rolla, MQ 65401 ... . .... . .. . .... . ... . .. 1987 63-65 Robert T . Berry, '72 ....... 8205 Harris St., Raytown, MQ 64138 ... . . .. ....... . . .. . . .. 1987 63-65 Harold G. Butzer, '47 .. . .. . 411 Schellridge, Jefferson City, MQ 65101 .......... . . . .. . .. 1985 63·65 Harold R. Crane, ' 53 ....... 480 Country Club Drive, Hannibal, MQ 63401 ... . . ......... 1986 163-65 Mary S. Klorer, '81 .. . . .. . . 9165 Robin Court, St. Louis, MQ 63144 . . ...... . . . . . . . ... . . 1987 63-65 B. Neil Lewis, '58 .......... 115 College St., P.o.. Box 627, Kennett, MQ 63857 ....... '.... 1985 63-65 Kenneth D. Pohlig, '64 . . ... 2 Vienne Court, Lake St. Louis, MQ 63367 .................. 1986 63-65 Robert E. Vansant, '51 .... .435 E. 55 St. , Kansas City, MQ 64110 ............ . ...... . . . 1986 66-72 Peter E_ Desjardins, '44 .. . . 308 Bacque Crescent, Lafayette, LA 70503 . . ... . . . . .. . .. .. . . 1987 73·75 David D. Kick, '57 .. . ..... .4915 S. Lakewood Drive, Tulsa, QK 74135 .... . . ..... ... . .. . 1985 76-77 James B. Chaney, '48 . .. .. . 16218 Chipstead Drive, Spring, TX 77379 ....... . . . . . .. . . . . 1985 78-84 J. Richard Hunt, '50 ... . ... 14913 Highway 82, Carbondale, Co. 81623 . . ..... . ......... 1986 85-92 Albert S. Keevil, '43 . . ..... 1442 Yost Drive, San Diego, CA 92109 .. ......... . ......... 1987 93-99 Robert L. Ray, '47 ......... 6045 Estates Drive, Qakland, CA 94611 ..... . ..... . . ... . . . . 1985 CQMMIITEE CHAIRMEN Frank Appleyard, '37 .. . ... ..... P.o.. Box 1991, Tubac, AZ 85646 Robert W. Klorer, '44 ............ 12131 Dorsett .Road, Suite 130, Maryland Heights, MQ 63043 Joel F . Loveridge, '39 . . ......... 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MQ 63141 Walter e. Mulyca, '65 . .... . . . .. . 54 Westwood Drive, Massena, NY 13662 EXECUTIVE CQMMITTEE Term Expires Robert D. Bay, '49 . . ..... . ... . .. Black & Veatch, 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway ..... ..... . ... . 1988 Kansas City, MQ 64114 Joseph W. Mooney, '39 ..... . ... . 7383 Westmoreland, University City, MQ 63130 ... . ... .. .... 1986 Lawrence A. Spanier, '50 ........ 5 Pettit Drive, Dix Hills, NY 11746 ........ . . ....... . . . .. .. 1990 . EX·QFFICIO DIRECTQRS Richard H . Bauer, '52 . . . ......... Missouri Electrochem Inc., 10958 Lin·Valle Drive . St. Louis, MQ 63123 Robert M. Brackbill, '42 . . .... : .. 9148 Clearlake Drive, Dallas, TX 75225 Paul T. DoWling, '40 . ..... . . . " . 10144 Winding Ridge Road, St. Louis, MQ 63124 R.Q. Kasten, '43 .. ........ . .. .. 901 West 114th Terrace, Kansas City, MQ 64114 Peter F. Mattei, '37 . . .. .. . .. . ... 9954 Holliston Court, St. Louis,. MQ 63124 Melvin .E. Nickel, '38 . .. ... ... . . 10601 South Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 F.e. Schneeberger, '25 .. . . .. .... Qne Briar Qak, St. Louis, MQ 63132 James W. Stephens, '47 .. .. .. ... . 406 E. Third, Lee's Summit, MQ 64063 STAFF Frank H. Mackaman .. ......... Executive Vice-President, MSM·UMR Alumni Association and Vice Chancellor, Office of Alumni/Development Affairs, UM·Rolla Larry Allen .. . .. .. . . .. . .... ... Assistant Director, Alumni Activities Louise Wilson .. . . .... . ... . .... Admin. Secretary, Alumni/Development Sally White ....... .. .. ..... . .. Editor, MSM ALUMNUS MSM ·UMR Alumni Association, Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla, M065401-9990

MSM Alumnus 175

MSM Alumnus

1985 Alumni Directory ' This year the June Issue of the MSM Alumnus will be the 1985 Alumni Directory. The Alumni Directory is published every five years and lists all MSM-UMR Alumni three ways: I) , alphabetically (with class year, MSM-UMR degrees, address. company n.ame and job title), 2) geographically and 3) by class year. The directory will be sent to all alumni who have made a contribution to tbe Annual Alumni Fund between June 1, 1984 and May 31 , 1985. See Alumnus Circulation Policy on page 39 of this issue. All alumni are encouraged to be prompt in sending address changes, changes in the name or' the company you work for and current job title. We hope to place this information in the computer by May 15 of this year so that the directory will be as accurate as possible. If you have questions about your listing or alumni membership status. write or call MSM-UMR Alumni Association, 101 Harris Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla , Rolla , Mo. 65401. Phone: 314-34 I -4172.

MSM- UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION University . of Missouri-Rollo ROLLA, MISSOURI 65401-9990




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