Missouri S&T Magazine, February 1986

Page 1

Alumnus University of Missouri-Rolla

UM-Rolla's new Chan'cellar, Dr. Martin right , University of Missouri president.

c: Jischke, is introduced to the campus by


Dr. C. Peter Magra th,


Alumnus February, 1986

Vol. 60, No.1

Nevv Chancellor



Rolla, MO 65401-9990

Dr. Martin C. Jischke

Dr. Martin C Jischke has been name chancellor of the University of MissouriRolla and will assume his new duties around May I. He is currently dean of the College of Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. Jischke's appointment was announced Friday, Feb. 14, by UM President C Peter Magrath at a news conference in Rolla. His selection ends a search begun last May by representatives of UMR faculty, students, alumni, administration and the public. He succeeds Dr. Joseph M. Marchello, who held the chancellorship from 1978 until August 1985, when he left to become president of Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va. At the University of Oklahoma, Jischke has had overall responsibility for 12 degree programs, planning, fund raising and alumni relations for the college of engineering, which has 167 faculty and staff, 3,300 students and a total budget in excess of $10 million. UMR has 25 degree areas in schools of engineering and mining and metallurgy and a college of arts and sciences_ It has 5,767 students and 1,000 faculty and staff and ranks ninth nationally in the number of undergraduate degrees granted in engineering. "Dr. Jischke not only has outstanding scholarly credentials, he has proved himself an able administrator highly regarded by his faculty, one who is in tune with many goals of our University," Magrath said. "Under his leadership, the college of engineering at 'the University of Oklahoma has significantly strengthened alumni and private support, established more rigorous admission

Mrs. Patricia Jischke and family, daughter Marian, 4, and son, Charles, 8.

University of Missouri-Rolla

and retention standards, nearly doubled its research ~ctivi ties and initiated a major development plam." In his introduction to the Rolla campus, Dr. Jischke said, "There are many factors that have attracted me to the University of Missouri-Rolla. Foremost is its rich tradition and long-standing national reputation for high quality academic programs. I have followed , as a professional educator, the people and programs here for several years. The engineering and mining programs at Rolla are particularly strong and are widely recognized as academically first-rate . I believe the arts and sciences programs are also strong and far better than many people realize_ "The University of Missouri-Rolla has a superior studenf body," he continued. "UMR students have excellent academic credentials and are highly sought by industry for their ability to contribute effectively and quickly. "I have a deep respect for the UMR faculty, staff, and administrative leadership. Everything I know suggests that they are very productive and are dedicated to their students and this institution," he said_ "This faculty is, in my view, the reason for Rolla's reputation for quality educational programs and I consider it a privilege to be able to work with them _ "The Rolla alumni are another enormous asset of this institution," Jischke said. "The alums are known for their devotion to UMR and their intense pride in its programs. I am eager to enlist their continued support in building and even strong institution and am looking forward to getting out and visiting with as many alumni as possible." Prior to becoming dean of the college of engineering at OU in 1981, Jischke was professor and director of OU's school of aerospace, mechanical and nuclear engineering for four years. He was a White House Fellow and special assistant to the secretary of transportation in 1975-76 after teaching in the school of aerospace, mechanical and nuclear engineering at OU from 1968 to 1975. He earned a University of Oklahoma Regents Award in 1975 for superior teaching. Jischke is a member of the board of directors of the Keystone Foundation, the advisory committee for engineering science of the National Science Foundation engineering directorate, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Physical Society. He is also a member of the American Society for Engineering Education , the National Society of Professional Engineers and the American Institute of, Aeronautics and Astronautics. Jischke is listed in American Men and Women of Science, Outstanding Educators of America, Who's Who in Engineering and Who's Who in the South and Southwest. He is a reviewer for nine national engineering journals and the author or coauthor of 30 refereed research articles. Jischke is also the author or co-author of 22 technical engineering reports. He has received research grants from NASA , the National Severe Storms Laboratory, National Institute of Health, U.S. Air Force, National Science Foundation and Nuclear Regulatory Commission. hie receive his bachelor's degree with honors in physics from the lllinois Institute of Technology in 1963 and earned master's and doctoral degrees in aeronautics and astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1984 and 1968, respectively. Jischke and his wife, Patricia, have an 8-year-old son , Charles, and a 4-year-old daughter, Marian . Editor's Note: Because so many alumni and friends have been so generous, there are not enough pages in this issue of the Alumnus for our usual campus news such as sports or departmental activities. We'll try to catch up with the news in the April issue-which is sent to donors to the Alumni Association.

MSM Alumnus / 1

1985 Record of Private Giving

To UM-Rolla and the 'MSM-UMR Alumni Association Support from the alumni and other individuals in 1985 marked another year of progress in the history of UMR. Contributions from alumni increased by 15% from the previous year; other individuals, I 1%; and bequests, 12%. These additions all exceed the national rate of inflation, representing real growth. The total giving to the campus approached the 4 million dollar mark in 1985. In 1984, UMR received special recognition from the IBM Corporation by a gift of computer equipment valued at $2 million. This single gift prevented the 1985 results from achieving a new record. Included in the totals are gifts from the Parents' Fund and also the community/faculty/staff program. More than 460 UMR parents contributed $22,655, and the Rona area added $146,147. These totals are among the totals credited to alumni and other individuals. Matching gifts to UMR exceeded $169,887. The Alumni Association's annual fund also increased appreciably, both in number of gifts and dollars received. Eight hundred and five more gifts were received from alumni and friends in 1985 than in 1984 with a comparable increase of $40,000 in gifts.




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Financial aid for students received very significant support in 1985. About $475,000 was contributed directly to annual scholarship awards. most of the $350,000 given for endowment is earmarked for financial aid. Likewise, the departments apply a sizeable portion of the $1 million given for department enhancement to their students. As changes take place in Washington and Jefferson City, higher education, and UMR in particular, must become even more conscious of the importance of gifts from our close constituents. This Honor Roll is one means of expressing "thank you" to the thousands of you whose gifts mean so much .

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More alumni also used their company matching gifts to assist the organization to meet student and campus needs. Eq uipment for the building program continues to be of high priority, especially among the corporate friends of UMR. As the V. H. McN utt Hall of Mineral Engineering and the Engineering Management Building construction progresses there will be a concentrated effort to equip them properly .

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The new HIS Building under construction at the southeast corner of 14th and Bishop Avenue (Highway 63), is an example of the way in which alumni and students work together to improve the services offered to students and the campus. Financed by gifts from the UMR Order of the Golden Shillelagh and a small assessment paid by individual students, the building will house a new infirmary for students and the University security personnel. A major function of the building will be to serve as a source of information to visitors to the campus, The building is placed at the new entrance to the campus and will contain a receptionist, a large lobby and ample display space for exhibits of historical mementos, depic· ting people and events important to the development of the institution , Designed by Fraser Thomson & Associates Inc" Ar· chitects & Urban Designers, St. Louis, the building is being constructed by Sides Construction Co, of Cape Girar-deau, Estimated completion date is full of 1986 .

MSM·UMR Alumni Association Annual Fund Source Alumni and Friends Companies Matching Gifts Total

4,033 423

5276,232 101,989



Purp9se The MSM-UMR Alumni. Association provides major assistance to the campus through contributions from alumni and friends of the University . A continuing major area of support is student financial aid. Scholarships and educational assistance funds are aiding 170 students and the organization is pro· viding $188,250 for this purpose for the current year. Alumni Association scholarships range in value from $500 a year to $2,000 a year. "Named" scholarships administered by the Alumni Association range in value from $400 a year to $1,000 a year. A total of $25,000 a year is earmarked for wages for undergraduate students working as educational assistants. In that program, the students complete scholarly projects under the supervision of UMR professors. Another priority area has' been to assist campus wide programs such as the library, music, theatre, intramural sports and intercollegiate athletic departments. Another $14,000 was provided for these purposes.

Since students are a primary concern, the board of directors decided this year to show appreciation to faculty that have done an outstanding job of advising students on this campus. A cash award was provided to the first four faculty recognized for this award . The Association continues to aid the campus with student recruitment and job placement programs. Alumni gifts also have allowed the Association to publish six editions of the MSM Alumnus (three mailed only to donors to the Association) and including the Alumni Directory; to sponsor alumni section meetings in different Plirts of the country; to assist in reunion activities at Homecoming and Graduation; and to provide a multitude of other benefits for alumni of the University . Plans for this next year are even more ambitious. More than $250,000 will be provided for scholarships and other student related program. This is possible due to the generosity of alumni and friends to this year's annual fund.

UMR Development Fund Source Alumni Non Alumni Individuals Bequests Corporations Foundations Organiz.ations Total

Number of Gifts


1,976 1,230 25 3,941 56 28

5 289,897 160,713 187,724 2,957,317 292,377 84,863



Purpose Unrestricted Student Financial Aid Research Faculty Enhancement Desigmited Departmental Gifts Endowment Fund Student Loans Capital Funds for Buildings & Equip. To Be Determined

Number of gifts ·7,256 Number of donors· 4,242

$ 241,801

472,347 105,778 138,000 .1,005,205 349,750 28,166 1,604,136 27,708



Development Council Activities The UMR Development Council consists of representative members of the many constituents of the University . It's purpose is to serve' as an advisory coun· cil to the chan~lIor and his staff and to help determine ways and means to achieve the objectives and goals of the campus. The UM·Rolla development program goals are pursijed at two levels: the annual program and capital efforts for equipment and endowment. Committees represented in the UMR Development CounCil and their respective chairmen are: Alumni Liaison, Bob Bay; Corporate Executives, Wayne Bennetsen; Entrepreneurs, Bob Underhill; Major Individual Gifts, Ralph McKelvey; Planned Giving, Charles Remington; Parents' Association , Ronald Yersak; Parents' Fund, Charles Veenstra; Community Support, Floyd Ferrell and Bill Jenks. The annual development program provides support in seven basic areas: stu· dent aid, equipment, facilities, departmental development, faculty excellence, library, and special programs. Three buildings are presently under construction. The V. H. McNutt Hall mineral engineering building is scheduled for completion in the summer of 1987. The engineering management building will be ready for occupancy also for the

fall term in '87 . The health/information/security building will be in use for the fall of 1986. The first 'two have equipment needs in excess of $7 million. In addition, two "eminence" programs have been identified for UMR enhancement. These are the Eminent Program in Materials Engineering &- Science and the Eminent · Program in Intelligent Industrial Systems. Equipment needs in these areas have been identified and are valued at $4,750,000. The Development Council will meet on April II to review the goals and objectives of the campus.-This meeting will also provide another innovative effort. During this past year the departments in the School of Mines & Metallurgy have added departmental development councils whose concerns are directly related to their equipment and programs. These groups, as well as the Academies of Elec· trical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Engineering Management have coor· dinated their spring meetings to coincide with the UMR Development Council and all will join in a general "state of the campus" session and lunch.

Wayne Bennetsen, Chairman UMR Development Council

MSM Alumnus / 3

Order of the Golden Shillelagh The Order of the Golden Shillelagh was establ ished on Fou nders Day in 1977 to recognize the man y alumni and their spouses and friends who provided sign ifi· cant support to the Uni versity and the Alum ni Association . The Order was established OIl a fo ur·fo ld commitment to excellence at the Uni versity of Missouri·Rolla. These are: I) To recogn ize alumni and friends of the Uni versity whose concern is demonstrated through their financial support. 2) To provide means by which adm inistration and facult y may share plans and aspirations for the University. 3) To help establish an exemplary pattern of substantial support through an· nual gifts and planned giving. 4) To promote increased interest in the welfare of the University on the part of others who might become members of the Order. In addition to the written acceptance to membership, there are several options a person may select to become a member. One is a pledge of a minimum of $10,000 during a ten· year period at a rate of not less than $1,000 a year.

Another is a si ngle gift of $10,000 or more. A planned gift of a minimum of $15 ,000 also quali fies . Examples of planned giving are bequests, life income agreements, charitable trusts, life insu rance and real estate gifts. Du ri ng 1985 , eleven new members have been added to the Order of the Golden Shillelagh, bringing its total to 11 5. Each spri ng the membership has a fo rmal din ner meeting. Duri ng this meeting new members are recognized and a campus program of current interest is presented. The 1986 spring meeting is scheduled for April 2. Please contact Howard Eloe, Executi ve Secretary of the Order of the Golden Shillelagh , in the Alumni/Development Office if you wish information regarding the organization.

Ralph McKelvey Chairman , Order of the Golden Shillelagh

Members Mr. & Mrs . Robert W. Abbett (F) Mrs. Marguerite C. Anderson Mr. & Mrs . J. Lewis Andrews Mr . Frank C. Appl eyard Mr . & Mrs . Ke i th E. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Hubert S . Ba rg e r Mr. & Mrs. Dav id J . Barr Mr. & Mrs . William L. Bas ler Mr. & Mrs. Re ade M. Bea rd Mr . Maur ice O. Be ll i s Mr . & Mrs. Jerome T . Be rry Mr. & Mrs . Phill i p J. Boyer (C) Mr . & Mrs. Rob e rt M. Brackbill Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Cast l eman Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Cochran Mr . & Mrs. G. Robert Couch (C) Mr . & ~lrs. E. Jefferson Cr um (F) Mr. & Mrs . Delbert E. Day Mrs . Dorothy Radcliffe Dee Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Dowling (F) (E) Mr . & Mrs. Charles S . Draper Mr . & Mrs . Robert A. Eck Mr. & Mrs . Thomas O. Engl i sh Mr. & Mrs . Wilbur S . Feagan (E) Mr. & Mrs . Armin F. Fick Mr . & Mrs. Fred W. Finley (F) (E) Mr. & Mrs. James M. Forgotson (C) Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Freeman (C) Mr . Harold Q Fuller Mr. Jerry L. Gi lmore Mr . & Mrs. Paul E . Gi vens Mr. C. James Grimm (F) Mr. & Mrs . Alden G. Hacker (F ) (E) Mr . & Mrs. John P . Ha rmon (C) Mrs. Marjory Meyer Hasselmann (F) Mr . Gary W. Havener Mr. & Mrs . Jack B. Haydon Mrs. lIse Heilbrunn Mr. & Mrs . Thomas A. Holmes (F) (E ) Mrs . Bert F . Hoover (C ) Mr. Harland H. Hoppock (C) Mr. & Mrs. Carl E . Ijames

Mr. & Mrs . Vernon T. Jones Mrs . Mervin J. Kelly (C) Mrs . Cha rles B. Kentnor, Jr . (F) Mr . & Mrs . Harry H. Kes s l er (F). Mr. & Mrs . Fr ed Kis sl i nge r Mr . Cha rles L. Ki t c hen Mr s . Ha ro l d Ko p lar Mr. & Mrs . Fre der i ck S. Kumme r (F ) Mr . & Mrs. J enn i ngs R. Lamb eth Mr . & Mrs . All an H. LaPl ante Mr. & Mrs. John H. Living s ton Mrs . F l oyd S. Mack lin (F ) Mrs . Louise C. Marchello Mrs. Roy W. McBride (F) Mrs. Emily Murphy McCaffrey Mr. & Mrs . Be l ding H. McCurdy (F) Mr . & Mrs. Ralph E. McKelvey (F) (E) Mr. & Mrs. George E . Mueller (C) Mr . & Mrs . Robert H. Nau Mr . Kenneth R. Neal Mr. & Mrs . Marvin E . Nevins, Jr. (F) Mr. & Mrs . John K. Olsen Mr . & Mrs. John L . Painter Hr. & Mr s. Murray J. Paul (F) Mr. & Mrs . Harry R. Pearson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs . E . L. Perry (C) Mr . C. J. Potter (C) Mrs. Grace W. Prange Mr. & Mrs. James A. Redding Mr . & Mrs. Harvey J . Reed Mrs. Agnes Remington Mr. Charles Remington Mr . & Mrs . Edward G. Remmers Mr . Thomas A. Remmers Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Remmers Mr . & Mrs. Murray C. Renick, Jr. Mr. Robert P . Rhoades Mr . & Mr s . Paul B. Rothband Mr . & Mrs . Rodman St. Clair (F) (E) Mr. & Mr s. Bernard R. Sarchet (F) Mr . & Mrs. Robert P. Schafer Mr. Hans E. Schmoldt (F)

Mrs . Jimmie Schmoldt Mr. & Mrs. John E. Schork Mr. & Mrs . James J. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Sevic k ( C ) Mr . & Mrs . Gabri e l G. Sk i t ek Mr . & Mrs. Wal ter Sne l son Mr. & Mrs. John P . Soult (C) Mr . & Mr s. J . Victo r Spaldi ng Mr . & Mrs. Lawr enc e A. Span ie r Mr . & Mrs. Ernest M. Spokes Mr . Thomas J . Stewar t , Jr. Mr . & Mrs . S . Al lan Stone (F ) Mr. & Mrs. H. D. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Ca r los H. Tiernon Mr . & Mrs. John B. Toomey (C) Mr. & Mrs . Don L. Warner Mr . & Mrs . Mel Weinbaum Mr. Rex Z. Williams Mr . & Mrs. De Marquis D. Wyatt Mr . & Mrs. Marvin C. Zeid

(F) Founding Member

(C ) Charter Member

(E) Executive Committee

~ / MSM

Alumnu s

Deceased Members: Mr . & Mrs . Carl H. Basler Mr . John Stafford Brown (C) Mrs . Harold Q Fuller Mrs . Margrete Gross Mr. Bert F. Hoover (C) Mr . Charles B. Kentnor ; Jr . (F) Mr. Harold Koplar Mrs . Thomas Witt Leach (C) Mr. Floyd S. Macklin (F) Mrs. V. H. McNutt (F) Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Mentz, Jr. Mr. James J . Murphy Mr . & Mrs. Walter T. Schrenk (F) Mr . & Mrs. Edward A. Smi th (F) Mrs. Thomas J . Stewart, Jr. Mr. Frank E. Townsend Mr. Virgil L. Whitworth (F) Mr. & Mrs . Henry E. Zoller (F)

Century Club The Century Club Honor Roll for 1985 lists the names of 1,194 donors whose gifts of $100 or more made them eligible for membership in the club. In 1984, the Honor Roll carried the names of 1,056 donors. This club is sponsored by the MSM·UMR Alumni Association and recognizes donations to the organization. The certificate of membership in the Century Club says, "an organization of alumni founded ,on May 27, 1967, to aid and support the University of Missouri·Rolla through substantial gifts to the MSM·UMR Alumni Association Annual Fund." There were 38 members in the first year of the Century Club and your slide rule, calculator or personal computer will allow you to ftgure the percentage of increase from that time to this. AbbeLt Robert W. Abernathy Thomas S. Abrams Lawrence K. Aceto Wayne M. Achenbach - Gary D. Adam, Everett E. Jr. Adamick Henry S. Adler Robert B. Akmakjian Charles Albee Stephen E. Alford Re x Alger Robert P. Allen Bruce H. Al l en George W. AI len J a me s L. Allen, Louis B. Jr. A I smeye r Wi I I i am C. Altheide Richard Anderhub Anthony P. Anderson Charles A. Anderson James S. Anderson Scptt G. Andoe W. Victor Andreae Andreas A. Andreae Robert A. Andreae Vicki M. Andreas Wayne T. Andrews J. Lewis Appleyard Frank C. Archer David W. Ark-La-' Tex Sec Armstrong Gerald C. Askeland Donald R. Astroth Louis E. Atkinson , Marion L. Jr. Aubrecht,

L a dimir J.

Jr .

Aubuchon Pier r e M. Austin John C. Axmacher George W. Bachmann Roy O. Baebler Arthur G. Baebler Matthew G. Ba i ley Keith E. Baker Chester H. Ba ke r Dona I dR. Baker Ronald E. Baldetti Paul G. Ba I dw i n Wi I l'i am M. Ba I I ma n Eawa rd A. Ba Imat Jack S. Banks Ralph Barclay David A. Barger Hubert S. Barkalow Thomas W. Ba rke r Ma rv in W. Barnes, Chari ie M. Jr. Barnes Richard C. Barnett Ralph L. Barnhart Herbert D.

1927 1952 1978 1954 1963 1963 1944 197Q 1960 1978 1940 1938 1977 1963 1941 1984 1951 1953 1955 1983 1963 1941 1969 1970 1958 1924 1937 1955 1958 1957 1925 1965 194'8 1942 194 2 1974 1955 1979 1964 1955 1925 1978 1981 1951 1938 1948 1948 1976 1939 1974 1966 1961 1970 1944

Barrow Carlxon W. 19 36 Barsachs Edwin H. 1950 Ba rt ling Dona I d L. 196 3 Bauer Donna M. 1984 Bauer Richard H. 1952 Bauman Wi II iam J . 1971 Baumann Richard E. 1978 Baumbach Dale M. 1963 Baumgartner George R. 1956 Ba x ter Kenneth D. 1962 Bay Robe rt D. 1949 Becher Margaret M. 1980 Beck Wi II iam J. 1973 Beers Seymour J. 1941 Behring Allen G. 1966 Bei Istein Gregory L. 1979 Belden David C. 1979 Belew Byron George 1982 Bell Arthur H. 1975 Be II Jeffrey 1983 Bellchamber Donald K. 1959 Be I lis Ge ra I dB. 1951 Bellis Maurice O. 1943 Benson Wi II iam A. 1976 Bentrup Eugene A. 1950 Berkbigler Larry W. 197; Berkey Vernon G. 1950 Berndt, Joseph P. J r. 1943 Be rn i ng, Dua ne E. Jr . 1975 Berry Hugh R. 1925 Berry Jerome T. 1949 Bertelsmeyer James E. 1966 Bertram Jeffery P. , 19·75 Bestor Ted F. 1978 Bier Patrick K. 1975 Biermann Earl E. 1943 . B i rt Floyd D. 1932 Blair Norman D. 1941 Blancke, C. Dudley Jr. 1951 Blankenmeister Erwin G. 1949 Blendermann Gene R. 1951 Blumfelder William O. 1966 ' Boberschmidt Lawrence A, 1965 Bodine Jack R. EN Bah I Ca riD. 1959 Boje, George J. Jr. 1950 Bolander Richard W. 1961 Bolon, Lucien M. Jr. 1959 Borgerding Lawrence H. 1951 Borgmeyer ' Marvin E. 1974 Bortfeld Mark K. , 1979 Bossert Harry F. 1927 Boyd Cha r I e s L. 1951 Boyd Marvin W. 1953 Boyd Robert K. 1941 Boyd Stephen J . 1972 Brackbi II Robert M. 1942 Brackhahn Donald G. Brady John R. 1951

--~-.---..-!::::,••_-(~~ 1985 RolI.mo

Brandon Dwight W. Braun Robert P. Brecke Erv in A. Bremer Wayne P. Brendle Stephen J . Breuer Marvin H. Brewe r Wi I I i am Bridegro om Kenneth E. Brill Niles K. Broaddus, Wa yne R. Jr. Brockmann Lester A. Brown Buran W. Brown, Guy Jr. Brown Ma rk K. Brown Richard A. Brown Roy G. ' Bruce Robert S. Brueckmann ' Michael A. Brugger Patrick H. Brune Robert H. Bruns Robert F. Buchmeier, Frank A. Jr . Buck R i cha rd L. Buck Robert H. Budd Vincent J. Buel Robert W. Buescher Alfred J. Buescher Gene E. Buettner Melvin A. Burford Ha rry B. Burgess , Woodrow L. Burke George E. Burke Wi II iam G. Busch Ray E. Busch Wi II iam D. Butler James L. Butzer Harold G. Bye Doug I a sR. Cameron Charles V. Campbell Jack P. Campbell John R. Campbell Richard A. Campbel I Wolfgang S. Capone Donald W. Carr, Walter J. Jr . Carroll James V. Ca rte r Ha IE . Carter Joe C. Ca rte r Ka ren S. Castleberry Michael D. Cathca r t Raymond F. Cawvey James L. Chaney James B. Chang Fu S. Chasten Dennis L. Chen Wen-Liang W. Chen Wi I lie Y. Chien John F. Christen Randolph F. Chu Richard S. Cibulka Jo sep h C. Cl ar kson Cha r l es F. Class of 19 35 Clemons Roger D. Cleve Richard C. Close Maxwell L. Coco Matteo A. Coghill WilliamW. Co I Benjam i n R. Co diron Michael L. Co e Al l an A, Co e Ra lph C. Co e Ric hard E. Co e , S i dney J. Jr. Co eman Glen J. Co Ii ns J a mes W. Co lin s Wi I I i am E. Co lin s Wi I I i am W. Co ma n Howa rd B. Comanich George W. Connett Robert P. Cook Aaron L. Cook Christopher C. Cook Thoma s W. Cooke, Wi II i a m F. Jr . Coolidge Dona ldJ . Cooper Loren M. Cooper Richard C. Copeland A. Eugene

1983 1976 1937 1973 1969 1935 1932 1949 1942 1955 1955 1937 1940 1981 1972 1939 1969 1974 1975 1969 1947 1966 1963 1935 1971 1950 1964 1964 1951 1979 1940 1946 1959 1962 1942 1965 1947 1982 1938 1924 1974 1962 1979 1958 1940 1943 1971 1967 1973 1965 1951 1978 1948 · 1965 J970 197 5 1950 1972 1972 1966 1981 1941 1971 1965 1963 1966 1933 1929 1978 1952 1934 1947 1954 1959 1964 1969 1950 19 35 195 1 1946 1977 1980 1965 193 5 1943 1975 19 52 1948

Cordes Glenn E. 1960 Cornett Roy C. 1938 Couch G. Robert 1941 Coulter Stephen J. 1969 Cour ~ Michael R. 1973 Gowen Joseph E. 1969 Cra ne Ha ro I dR. 1953 Crites Joseph D. 1949 Crookston James 1942 Crossley Warren P. 1970 Crum E. Jefferson 1929 Culbertson Wi II iam W. 1937 Culnan, Patrick D. Jr. 1962 Da I pin i Da v i d 1949 ' Danza Francis V. 1980 Danzo Kathleen J . 1981 Dasenbrock Arthur A. 1951 Davidson Phil ip B. 1950 Day Delbert E. 1958 DeBolt Donald G. 1949 Decker Harry W. 1934 Defenbaugh Kristy K. 1980 Degenhardt Dean A. 1974 De Guzman Valentin Danti 1984 Delany Michael J. 1948 DeLap Kenneth L. 1952 DeLashmit Wi II iam E. 1967 Demzik Wi II iam G. 1957 Denison , David G. 1980 Denner David K. 1976 Denner Denise M. 1976 Denney Kenneth L. 1970 Denney Kimberly K. 1982 Dennie Powel I A. 1940 Dennis Wi II iam E. 1936 Denton Randy G. 1977 benton, Samue IT . I I I 1978 DeShazo, Henry N. I I 1980 Des Jardins Peter E. 1944 DeSpain James R. 1961 Dicken Stanley C. 1972 Dickens Richard L. 1"951 Dickinson George W. 1937 Dickof Frank A. 1973 Dieckmann Mark D. 1982 Dieffenbach Robert P. 1939 Dittmaier Thomas A. 1980 Dittmer Russell S. 1929 Di x La rry L. 1961 Dobson Richard J. 1934 Doerr Jerry w. 1967 Dolata Edward W. 1970 Donaldson George R. 1951 Donze Terry W. 1971 Dorf Roger A. 1965 Doshi Bipin N. 1962 Dostal Gregory G. J. 1971 Dowd James D. 1944 Dowe I I Jack B. 1954 Dow ling Pa u IT. 1940 Downs Jack S. 1949 Dressel Waldemar M. 194 3 Du I I Me I v i n J. 1958 Dunham Roy H. 1947 Dunn Erv i n E. , 1951 , Dunn Wyatt M. 19 72 Dupont Steven J . 1974 Dutton Donnell W. 1935 Eagan Thomas E. 1925 Ecoff, Ra I ph A. Jr . ECH Ede le James S. 1973 Edgar Max E. 193 5 Edward s Gene W. 1953 Edwards Mrs Fra~cis C. E i n se I Mil I e r D'. 1962 Ellebracht, Clarence A. Jr.1964 E I I i 0 t t Edwa rd E. . 1939 Elliott Jo sep h 0.1971 E I I i 0 t t Lew i s C. 1939 EI I iott Rodger L. 1968 E I lis E I me r E I lis, F ra n k R. I I 1972 E I lis J. C ra i g 1938 E I li s, Wa I te r H. J r. 1957 Ellis William R. 193 9 Ell ison Floyd A. 1948 E I oe Howa rd W. Emanue I Duane Arthur 1981 Enfield Bernard M. 1950


Alumnus / 5

Century Club continued


¡ 1985 Rollamo


Eng I ish Thoma sO . Englund JohnO . Enochs Richard C. Eppestine Oiane C. Eue I I, B i I IY G. Jr . Evans Donald L. Evans Mrs C. R. Everett Edred N. Fagan DUNard E. Fahrig Robert J. Falkingham Donald H. Faris, Jul ius P. Jr . Farmer, John O. III Far re I I Edwa rd C. Farre l l, Wi II iam M. Jr . Ferrell Mrs J.O. Fetterman Phi II ip S. F i ck Arm i n F. Field Kenneth V. Field T. Kent Fink Donald W. Finley Carl E. Finley Douglas B. Fin I ey Fred W. Finley, Thomas J. Jr. Fischer Ma x M. Fisher Patrice M. Fiss Edward C. Fit zmaurice Richard R. Fit z patrick Joseph W. Flanigan Virgil J. Flesh Mrs David Fl etcher William B. FI int Melvin C. Flood H. Wi lliam Foeller KirkC. Ford, Ferri II E. Jr. Ford Rag an Fort George E. Foster Jack D. Fournelle Raymond A. Franklin BillyW. Frederickson Jon P. Freeman Douglas L. French Eunice P. Fris Edward S. Fris Joseph P. Fritschel Larry E. Fritschen, Herman A. Jr. Fukubaya sh i Ha ro I d H. Ga I [oway, James H. Jr. Gammeter Elmer Gammeter, Walter Jr. Gammon Wi II iam H. Garnett Robert B. Garrett, James H. Jr. Garrett L. Wayne Gaski II David A. Gerhart Bi II L. Gerig Martha M. Gessley Donald Gevecker Vernon A.C. Gib s on John W. Gibso n Kristie C. Giesler Arthur L. Gi Ibert Jeffrey W. Gil I iam Dale D. Gi Imore Jerry L. Gi Imore Wi I I iam M. Givens William A. Gjelsteen Thor Glasscock Frederick M.

6/ MSM


"929 1953 1948 1975 1981 1961 1933 1934 1957 1941 1938 1963 1941 1965 1973 1941 1972 1976 1947 1945 1983 1941 19 39 1935 1975 1936 1977 1948 1960 19 34 1942 1943 1982 1978 194 0 194 9 1964 1957 1976 1976 1984 1943 1951 1967 1951 1966 1934 1926 1939 1949 1982 1958 1972 1983 1961 1969 1955 1931 1974 1974 1977 1981 1955 1960 1951 1953 1957

Glassel CI ifford Glauz William W. Glenn David E. Glover James Godsey Terry L. Godwin Wi II iam Goehri Scott Roger Goetemann Edwin C. Goforth James R. Gooding Dennis J. Goodlet Roger F. Gould David S. Graves, Clarence E. Jr . Graves Thomas E. Gray Joe E. Greco David J. Green T. Howa rd Griffeth EI len B. Griffith H.M. Griggs, Wi II Jr . Grimm C. James Grinstead Willis G. Gross Henry E. Gul ick Gary M. Gund Russe I I A. Gundy Douglas G. Ha as Paul A. Hachmuth Henry K. Hacker Alden G. Hac ke r Jean E. Hackman Kenda I I B. Hackmann Robert E. Hadley Rosal ie J. Hadley Stanton W. Ha f fne r Ha ro I d J. Hahn Veronica D. Ha Ie Edwa rd D. Ha I ey Come r C. Haley WilburA. Ha I I Cha r I e s E. Halladay Harold W. Hal l ett Wi ll ia m M. Ham John S . Hamilton Leslie R. Hankinson Risdon W. Ha nna Robert L. Hansen J. Richard Hansen, Stanley S. I I Hanss Eugene J. Hao Wuu Hardinge Byron C. Hardy Micha~1 E. Harkins Gertrude V. Harms Steven Ray Harper Wi II iam S. Hart J. Douglas Hassler r~i Iburn Hastey, James P. Jr. Haus mann Paul L. Havener Gary W. Hayden Bruce Jeffrej Haynes Michae l A. Head David W. Head Eldon W. Hearst David T. Hea th Geo rge F. Hegler Burns E. He i m Ca r I J. Hein Edwin A. Heiser Frederick W. He i sserer Ka rl M. Helberg Warren W. Hellrich James H. Hellwege Wi II iam H. Helmkamp Robert E. Helwig Arthur W. Henehan Paul Vincent Hepp Joseph T. Heppermann Jeffrey J. Herman Theodore Herre I I R. R. Herrmann Thomas A. Herzog Mark A. Herzog Michael S. Hess Robert M. Hesse Alfred H. Hickernell James L. Hicks Gregory K. Higgins Albert J. Hildreth Roger Lee Hi II Albert L. Hi I IE. Cec i I Hi II Lyle W. Hi I I Rhonda Rand Hill RogerA. Hi II, Wi II iam E. Jr. Hi I lea ry Ale xande r L. Hinkle K. Daniel Hoefer Lynne Annette Hoelscher James W. Hoeman Arthur J. Hoffman Anthony E. Hoffman John G.

1963 1980 195 1 1943 1955 1925 1983 1944 1956 1978 1951 1950 1973 1954 1979 1929 1966 1930 1956 1928 1969 1940 197 2 1950 1967 1941 1952 1980 1948 1981 1979 1935 1977 1932 1948 19 4 3 1940 1969 1955 1974 1977 1960 1943 1944 1967 1957 1972 , 1967 1984 1951 1979 1931 1977 1952 1962 1983 1978 1974 1958 1973 1930 1925 1934 1939 1975 1944 1973 1947 1976 1950 1984 1948 198 1 1928 1950 19 74 1962 19 59 1933 1956 1976 1950 1982 1928 1949 1972 1974 1942 1976 1973 1982 1948 1932 1959 1980

1960 Hoffmann Victor J. 1951 Hohlfe lder . Eugene F. 1950 Ho I I enbach Be rna rd D. 1964 Hoi l ey Rober t G. 1950 Ho l mes Thomas A. 1980 Holmes, Wi II iam R. Jr. 1972 Holt Michael L. Honerkamp Don a ld L. 1950 1977 Hoog Timothy J. 1923 Hoover Bert F. 1954 Hopler, Robert B. Jr. 1920 Hoppock Harland H. 1959 Hord Wi II iam E. 1951 Horst William E. 1951 Houghton Cl ark F. 1982 Hou se Randy Lee Hovis Mark A. 1979 198 1 Howard Steve n R. Howe Be rna rd F. 1953 1950 Howe II Benne t t D. 1948 1I0weil Richard B. 19/~8 Howe I I Theodo re R. 1966 Huddleston, James A. Jr. 1959 Hudgens Lowe I I L. Hudwalker Marvin E. 19 59 1949 Hughes Edwin L. 1942 Hughes Thomas A. 1972 Hunding, Carl W. I I I 1967 Hung Ch i a 1950 Hunt J. Richard 1933 Hun ze Char l es L.W. 1950 Hutchison Al den C. 1967 Hydzik Richard M. 1979 Isaacs Lewis W. 1950 Isbe l l, Clarence A. Jr. 1 9 /~4 Isenman n Edward S . 1948 Ita l ia Santo 1974 Ivers Jeffrey L. 1933 Jabsen Wi ll iam J. 195 1 Jackson Earl E. 1971 Jackson Hershe l A. 1977 Jackso n Lawrence C. 1963 Jaeger Benjamin W.H. 1970 Jag g i De n n i sF. James Wi II iam J. 1973 Jansky Jonathon P. 1963 Jaquay Richard L. 1953 Jenkins Robert D. 1952 Jensen Gunther T. Jen se n James W. 1941 1970 Jensen R. Gene Joern Kar l C. 1980 1979 Joern Vicki L. 1929 Johnson Charles W. Johnson Gordon E. 1959 Johnson James C. 1943 Johnson James H. 1957 Johnson Robert W. 1935 1947 Johnson Virgi I A. 1978 Johnston Karl A. 1972 Jones Alan W. 19 LI8 Jones Eugene F. Jones Jack H. 196 2 Jones Richard L. 1955 1973 Jones Ronald L. 1949 Jones Sam P. 1942 Jones Thomas A. 1953 Jones Vernon T. 1970 Jordan Richard F. 1934 Jos lin Le Co mpte - 1965 Junge Gregory 1956 Jurenka Gi Ibert G. 1958 Jurenka Ronald D. 1979 Justus Dayna K. Ka i ser Richard L. 1955 Ka lin Thoma s E. 1957 1943 Ka Ii sh Herbert S . 19/10 Kamper Herb.ert G. Kamper 01 iv e r W. 1935 1962 Kamper Russel I A. 1970 Kao Ching-Nan 1950 Kapernaros E. Louis 1942 Karbosky Joseph T. 1932 Kassay Andrew W. 19 114 Kasten Paul R. Kasten Raymond O. 1943 1932 Kay William T. 1933 Kay WilliamW . 1982 Keating Jeffrey Leo 1956 Kebel Harlan L. 1971 Keen Jerry G. 1943 Keevi I Albert S. 1952 Kei I Byron L. 1959 Kelly Palll R. Kemper Eloise B. 1926 Kennedy Daniel 1953 Kent, Nevada A. II I 1943 Kent Wi II iam D. 1968 Keppel James R. 1974 Kerns Randy G. 1960 Keshari Hossein R. Kessler Harry H. 1924 Kidd Harold S. 1939

Kidwel I Albert L. 1940 Kieffer, Alo nzo R. III 1959 Kieffer Robert C. 1960 Ki l gour Wi li ia m J. 194 1 Ki II inger John C. 1973 King Janet M. 1980 Ki rkpatrick Harry F. 1930 Kirkpatrick Ruel L. 193 1 19/~2 Kiss l inger Fred Kitchen Charles L. KI ipp James E. 1961 Klore r I~a ry S . 1981 Klorer Robert W. 19 114 Klump Mich ael G. 1980 Knecht Walt er S. 1949 Knoebe I R i c ha rd H. 1952 Knopp Charles R. 19'1 9 Knowles Carl M. 1950 Koell ing Arthur J . 1957 Koeppel Beverly W. 1938 Kolze Thomas J. 1977 Kornacki Alan S. 1974 Kosten Harold W. 1960 Kovach John J. 1950 Kra ft Ne d O. 192 7 Kramer Ra I ph H. 1966 Kraus Rona Id W. 1964 Krispin Joseph F. 195'1 Krueger Harold A. 194 2 Kruep Raymond J. 1966 Kuechenmei s ter Kenneth W. 1973 Kummer Frederick S. 1955 Kutterer Stephanie A. 1983 LaBoube Roger A. 1970 Lamb e CI inton R. 1972 Lambert ' Donald B. 1969 Lambeth Jennings R. 1941 Lammert Paul T. 1979 La ng Eugene A. 1953 Lange Robert C. 1937 La P I ant e A I I an H. 1963 Laramie Raymond F. 1972 Larkins Lawrence J. 1975 Lasker M. Owen 1965 Lasko Helen D. Latham James I . 1959 Leach Rodney W. 1976 Leaver Harvey B. 1948 19 LI0 Leber Walter P. 1981 Lechner Charles A. '1982 Lechner Gloria K. 1970 Lee Chi n-Ming Lee Stephen K. 1965 1953 Lee Wa Iter 1968 Lehman, A. Richard Jr. 1981 Leipold L. Richard 1976 Leitterman Dennis W. 1975 Leitterman Pamela A. 19 57 Leming Pau l W. 1984 Leung Francis Kwok-s 1958 Lew i s B. Ne i I 1961 Lewis David M. 1963 Libie z James D. 1963 Ligon Wi I I iam R. 1978 Lincicome E. Dianne 1977 Lincicome James D. 1948 Lindquist Elmo G. 1959 Lindsey Kenneth R. 1953 Lipensky Milan 1958 Littlefield Jerold K. 1981 Littleton Rodney D. 1939 Livingston John H. 1950 ~ockett Donald N. 1973 Loma x , Victor W. Jr. 1956 Longshore, James F. Jr. 1974 Losie Steven W. 1939 Loveridge Joel F. Lowe Wi I I i am S. 1927 Lu s k R. Ra I ph 1959 Lut z H. John 1981 Lynch Colleen T. 1950 Lyons Francis D. 1967 Lyons He I en L. 1946 Machado Jose A. 1940 Machmer Ferdinand G. 1941 I~ack, James O. Jr. Mackaman Frank 1952 MacZura George 1949 Magruder Wi I I iam H. 1976 Mangoff, John N. J r . 1951 Mansfield Richard E. 1948 Ma rcha I Jacques H. Marchello Joseph r~. Ma rche I 10 Lou i se 1972 Marek J . Douglas 1950 Ma rsha I I Dona I d W. 1952 Martin Dan W. 1942 Mart in Kent W. 1981 Martin Michael R. 1981 Martin Patrick D. 1979 J. Maschek Thomas 1953 Ma son J . Lloyd 1969 Masterson Dennis J.


Century Club continued


) )

8 ? 8 9


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o 3

Matson Don D. 19,5 2 1937 Mattei Peter F. Ma t thews Paul A. 1950 ~laune Allen R. 1930 Mazachek Keith D. 1982 McBeth Joseph D: 1953 ~lcCaffrey Emi Iy McCall ister, Odis L. Jr. 1949 1978 McCall ister Terry D. 1942 McConnell Wi II iam F. McCormick Martha McCoy Charles J. 1956 McCoy Ka ren R. 1981 McCoy Thomas H. 1976 McCracken Mary H. McCurdy Belding , H. 1938 McDermott Arthur R. 1950 McFadden Wi II iam J. 1968 Mc Fie I d, ,Cha r I e s B. Jr. ' 1980 McGath Michael R. 1970 1942 McGhee Vernon T. McGovern Donald R. 1958 McGrath James B. 1949 McHenry 'S. Dale 1981 1952 Mcintyre, John F. Jr. 1941 McKee Jack B. 1948 MCKelvey Ralph E. McLaughl in, Eugene J. Jr. 1961 1967 McMu I I en C I i fto rd C. 1976 McNeal Phi I ip W. 1960 McNeely David C. 1934, McReynolds Elmer L. 1961 r~ears A. Da Ie 1967 Medl in James M. Mefford, Nace F. Jr. 1948 Men~el I Robert H. 1950 ,1936 Menefee James H. Mengel Edmund L. 19,49 Mengel William K. 1950 Me red i th 'l i rg i I E. 1963 1952 Meskan David A. 1965 Meyer Dale A. 1966 Meye r Robe rt W. Michel Hi Ibert F. 1936 Michel Joel K. 1968 Miesner Thomas O. 1975 , 1970 Mikkelsen Clark D. 1937 Mil I a rd F ra n k S. Mi I ler Chester E. 1950 Miller Eberhard H. 1947 Mi Iler, Edgar S. Jr. 1940 Hi Iler James R. 1944 Mi Iler Janet B. 1974 Mi Iler Lester L. 1950 Mil Ie r Pa u I H. 1963 Mi I ler Ronald Alan 1984 Minton Robert C. 1958 Mitchel I John W. 1949 Moe Ha ro I d G. 1948 Moellenbeck, Albert J. Jr. 1960 Mok Jung K. 1960 Monroe Rex 1932 Monsch Henry D. 1929 Montgomery Douglas B. 1979 Montgomery Rebecca S. 1980 Mooney Edward W. 1950 Mooney Joseph oW. EN Moore Richa rd E. 1968 Moo re Rona I d T. · 1971 Moo re Wi I be rn T. 1937 Moran Ernest 1927 Morgan J. Derald 1965 Mori Thomas 1984

Morrison Donald J. Mosby JoAnn r40s es Wi II iam J. Mothershead , John L. Jr. Moyer, Joseph D. Jr. Mulholland , John E. Jr . Mull igan, J a mes A. ' III Mlllyca Walter C. Munger Paul R. Munn Dale A. Murphy Raymond E. Murry Milton J . Myers, Charles T. III Myers Donald D. Nea I Kenneth R. Neubert Ralph L. Neumann James P. Neumann Ni colaus P. Neustaedter James A. Nevins, Marvin E. Jr ; Nguyen Tri X. Niemeyer Wi I I iam G. Ni x WiliiamJ. Nolte Wi II iam J . Norman Amos No rth John E. Northcutt Maurice L. Oa k I ey Da v i d L. Obe rbeck Willi am F. Oberdick R. Kevin Qchs Calvin M. O'Daniel I Michael W. Odom James T. O'Keefe Thomas J . Okenfuss Richard H. Oldham Douglas G. Oliphant Edgar o I s en John K. O'Neill, JohnJ .- Jr . Orlofsky Seymour Osbourne Claude J. Osterwa Id Herbert R. Ove rmye r La nce A. Owens Thomas J . Ozawa Jack K. Ozorkiewicz Ralph L. Pagano Salvatore J. Pa inter John L. Panhorst , Albert C. Jr. Pariani Ga 'r y J. Pa rk John T. Pa rke r Denn i sR. Parkes Roger D. Parkhurst Arl is B. Pa rk i nson La rry L. Pa rks John W. Pasley James L. Patterson J . Robert Paul MurrayJ . Peacock David N. Pearce Janet Ka y Peetz Bryan Dale Pe etz Eug e ne J. Pence Mrs Harry Pepper s Rober t E. Pe resztegy Lajos B. Perkins Gary G. Pe r ry E. L. Roy Perry Norri s W. Perry Robert C. Perryman, George I. Jr. Peterson He nry N. Petersdn Jay A.

1964 1959 1957 1968 ,1952 1972 1965 1958 1966 1923 1964 1972 '1961 1930 1942 1979 1974 1943 1941 1979 1958 1980 1920 1949 1973 1963 1939 1976 ' 1949 1979 1961 1958 1958 1969 1952 1942 1940 1944 1953 1930 1975 1968' 1945 1969 1973 1950 1966 1974 1968 1971 1923 1964 1950 1925 1954 1927 1964 1982 1983 1950 1950 1965 1969 1940 1968 1949 1947 1961 1961

6 4



;9 11



l6 \0 ~1

72 50 52 42 81

81 79

53 69

1985 Rollamo

Pfeifer Herman J. Ph i I I ips Robert M. Pi II i sch HerbeT t P. Pingel Marvin E. Pippenger Jack ie G. Pl a nje Mr s Theodore Plummer, Thomas P. Jr . Poh I Robe rt A. Pollak John A. Porter Clayton G. Portnoff Nei I S. Post John R. Post ' Samuel S. Potter C. J. Pracht Herman W. Preiss Robert K. Price Sean E. P rice Will i am J. Prickett Lloyd C. Puettmann Da vid R. Puetz WilliamM. Puhl Joseph Albert Puhl Lisa Joan Quenon Robert H. Quinn Michael J. Rackley Kev i n D. Radder Norman C. Radder Paula D. Raines Ronald L. Raithel James F. Rakaskas Joseph E. Rambow frederick Ramsey George H. Ranard Wesley J. Randolph Robert W. Rasor John P. \ Rassinier Edgar A. Ratkowski, Victor E. Jr. Rau James T. Rau I s Ga ry L. Ray Charles T. Ray James A. Ray Robert L. Rechtien Thomas J. Rector Stephen W. Reeves Ernest J. Regenha rd t "Edwa rd T. Reid Allen J. Re i lly, John G. Jr'. Reisen Kenneth E. Remington, Charles R. J r . Remmers Wa l ter E. Reser Donald E. Retzel r Arthur W. Reuss LIQ¥.d E. Reynolds Martin K. Rhoades Robert P. Rhodes A. E. Rhodes Richard G. Rich Jerry L. Rich Larry M. Ridley Robert P. Rieke Vernon W. Ries frank W. Riggs W. Robert Riley Kenneth G. Robbins Clay Robbins Irv in D. Roberts Audrey Roberts Gerald A. Roberts J. Kent Roberts Loy D. Robe rts Ome r- H. Roberts S . Kent Robinson Guy M. Roe Lawre nc e A. Roe s s er Rob e rt J. Romine Edward C. Roo t Rob ert L. Ro se ma nn Mic hae l E. Ro s s Char l es J. Ross Ric ha rd G. Ro t hb a nd Pa u I B. Rouss in Robe r t W. Rue nh eck Ra ymo nd T. Rui z Nora A. Ru ms ey Do na ld A. Run de r Ra ym ond H. Runv i k Ric ha r d C. Ru t le dg e Wi ll ia m A. Rutt i ng e r An t hony J. Ruwwe John W. Rytt e r Noe l J . Sac kewi tz Rob e rt A. Sa nd e r Ga ry W. Sa rc het Be rn a rd R. Sa ue r Beve r ly J a ne Sa uer, Har ry J. Jr . Sa und e r s Wa I lace R. Sc hae f e r Mic hae l E. Sc hae f e r, Rob e r t K. Jr. Schae f e r Rob ert L. Sc haef f e r , Wi li a rd A. III

19 36 1982 1954 1941 1978 1950 1942 1932 1968 1970 1939 1937 1929 1943 1950 1977 1965 1953 1972 1941 1982 1982 1975 1980 1972 1972 1980 1971 1940 1973 1948 1980 1961 1936 1942 1976 1976 1970 1970 1970 1947 ' 1975 1972 1952 1930 1932 1949 1950 1-9 49 1923 1956 1957 1975 1932 1939 1941 1974 1966 1940 1940 1950 1932 1956 1953 1948 1928 1950 1966 1969 1969 1970 19 39 19 32 19 40 1949 1966 19 49 1959 1943 1962 1950 1969 19 52 19 32 19 54 1946 1952 19 36 1969 19 34 196 3 1984 1956 1957 1978 1955 1962 1948

Scha fe r Robe rt P. Schafermeyer Richard G. Schaffner Va lerie L. Schame l Mrs Walt ~ r Schamel, Walter S. III Scha rf Fred Sche I i ch And rew C. Schel ich Ardell J . Sch i ndler George A. Schlett Paul E. Schlueter Steven E. Schmedake Robert E. Schmidt Harold A. Schmidt Lonnie D. Schmidt Vernon E. Schmitt James C. Schmitz Joseph K. Schmoldt Hans E. Schneider Charles S. Schneider Norman F. Schnel I Robert J. Schnoebelen, Paul C. III Schoenthaler Robert Schoo nove r Donova n K. ' Scho rk John E. Schuette Louis H. Schuler, Leonard L. Jr. Schumann Lloyd C. Schwager John L. Schwanke CarlO. - Schwarz Arthur S. Schweitzer Robert E. Scott James J. Sc r i vne r J. Roge r Seaman Robert L. Seipel, John R. Jr . Seiwald James B. Sen i 0 I" Geo rge L. Senne Joseph H. Severtson Vernon S. . Sevick Joseph G. Shaffer James W. Shanes Charles W. Shankl in Gary E. Sha rp Everett W. Shea hen David J. Sheare r Andrew C. Shelden J. Ba r ry Shelden Kathleen A. Shepherd Charles A. Shoc kley Gi Ibert R. Shoemaker James L. Shou rd Roy R. S i eg r i s t Ke rm itA. S i lvers, Paul L. Jr. Simmons Fred A. Simmons Milton L. Simon David M. Sims Dale E. S i.ms Robe rt E. Skinner, Mi Iton R. Jr . Skipper David J. Skitek Gabriel G. Sma rt Sa mue I Smith Benjamin K. Smith Bruce G. Smith Ge r ald K. Smith Gerald W. Smith Harlan D. Smith Harry B. Sm i th Le roy E. Smith Memphord L. Smith Mi chael An~rew Smith Nei I K. Smi th Ne i IS. Smith P. Gene Smi th , Rob ert E. Sr . Smith Russ e l I D. Smul a nd Ro be rt L. Snowd e n J . Russ e I I So lomo n Rus s e ll C. So per Wi I I i a m S. So uders Steve n W. Sowers Mr s Edwa r d Spa ldin g Theodore J. Spe h r J a mes L. Spe nce r Dav id P. Sp i tt l er He rb e rt L. Spott e I rv i n C. Spre i t l e r Ma rk L. Spr i ng e r Fre de r i ck M. Sta hl Dav i d W. Sta ley Char le s E. St a nto n Mac k J . Stap I es Gu y W. Stee d, F. CI if t o n J r. St e i n J o hn E. Ste in bac h Alv in C. Ste i nka mp Wi lli a m E. St ep hens J a mes W. Ste ph e ns Wi I I i a m E. Stevens Bi Il y Steve ns Eve r et t G.

1952 1973 1964 1970 1953 1960 1957 1973 1972 1973 1956 1969 1951 , 1949 1943 1944 1959 1950 1978 1977 1941 1959 1947 1929 1949 1943 1970 1970 1932 1941 1950 1952 1969 1953 1983 1956 1951 1950 1949 194-2 1971 1972 1940 1974 1930 1961 1979 1970 1942 1959 1950 1939 1965 1966 1'949 1971 1950 1974 1950 1976 1943 1955 1955 1974 1980 1966 1948 1942 1939 1962 1984 1968 1944 1950 19 72 1958 194 7 19 35 195 7 1974 1969 196 4 1974 1957 193 8 198 0 19 49 1980 19 78 1958 1926 .1,96 9 1949 196 4 1947 1938 1950 1952

MSM Alumnu sl7

Cet,rtury Club continued Stevens James V. Stevens Robert P. Stevenson Gerald L. Stewa rt F ra i ze r M. Stone 'Doug I a s Da i I Stopkey Waldemar D. Stoval I Richard L. Strain Robert A. Straub Harold E. Strawhun _Joseph O. St rong John F. Stueck C.F.P. Stutsman John V. Summers A. Larry Summers Huey Sundermeyer Robert W. Sutherland James R. Swenson Douglas C. Swinny David W. Swinson John R. Swoboda Alexis C. Szumachowski Edwin R. Tanquary CI ifford C. Tao Frank F. Tappe Bel inda Sue Tappmeyer Ronald A. Tarantola Bruce E. Taylor George H. Taylor Otis H. Taylor Paul W. Taylor Roger K. Taylor Samuel E. Telthorst Edgar J. Tepper Brian J . Tepper Catherine L. Terry Mark L. ' Terry Richard L, Tesar Mark .W. Tetley Albert L. Thoele Howard W. Thomas George H. Thomas Harold D. Thompson Bennet R. Thompson David E. Thompson George W. Tho.mp sqn Home r F. Throgmorton Gordon R. T i b b s Ha ro IdE; Tiernon Carlos H. T imm Ga ry A.

1983 1958 1959 1940 1982 1952 1949 1950 1949 1941 1950 1943 1977 1972 1940 1965 1961 1983 1970 1979 1973 1950 1957 1964 1981 1947 1951 1964 1942 1958 1972 1949 1980 1980 1920 1965 1975 1939 1943 1928 1926 1956 1953 1932 1931 1950 1954 1980

Toedtman Charles H. 1965 To live r J a c k E. 1957 Toomey John B. • 1949 Travelstead Charles W. 1974 Tsukamoto Tadashi 1975 Tucker Armin J. 1940 Tucker F'au I B. 1955 Turken Morris W. 1935 Underwood Daniel H. 1976 Van, HartyC. Jr. 1975 Van Bramer Wi II iam G. 1951 Vandeven Torie A. 1977 Van Eaton, Charles W. III 1948 Van Praag Jeffrey R. 1976 Vansant Eleanor C. Vansant Robert E. 1951 Vaughan Kenneth W. 1947 Vaughn Chari ie F. 1955 Vaughn Daniel L. · 1981 Vehige Richard J. 1968 Vogel Herman H. 1916 Volkmar Robert W. 1972 Waldbart Theodore B. 1978 Waldschmidt Richard J. 1977 Walker Joseph D. 1974 Walker Merton G. o Walker Paul M. 1960 Wallace Charles E. 1959 Wa I z Robert L. 1952 Wanenmacher Joseph M. 1923 Warner John R. 1970 Warren Robert N. 1957 Watson Harry G. 1951 Wattenba rger Chri s M. 1941 Webb Jerry J. 1957 Webb Richard A. 19)9 Webber George A. 1971 Wedge W. Ke i th 1970 Weeks Greg A. 1980 Wegener Curt L. 1973 Weinel Ernst A. 1944 Weingaertner John W. 1950 Weinland Harold A. 1953 Weise Theodore L. 1967 Weiser Hanley H. 1918 Weisler , August C. Jr. 1956 Weiss Michael W. 1977 We I ch Ga ry E. 1962 We I ke AI be rt H. 1952 Wentz, Charles A. Jr . 1957

We rne r Edw in J. Werner Roy C. West James E. Wetzel Lawrence W. Weyand Thomas E. Wha ley Henry P. Wheeler Ernest S. Wheelock Leroy K. White Charles S. White Robert M. Whitehead Robert W. Wicker Dave A. Widmer Re x C. Wiebe Di rk H. Wieker Richard H. Wiethop Russel I H. Wi Ie Larson E. Wi I kens Roy A. Wi Ikerson Augustus B. Wi I ks John C. Wi I let t Na ry J. Wil I iams Raymond E. Williams Re x Z. Wi II iams Richard K. Wi II iams Russell E. Wi II iams Timmy A. Wi II is Henry R. Wi I son Chri s D. Wilson ClydeW. Wi Ison M. Louise Wi Ison Michael A. Wi Ison Tommie C. Wilson Wi II iam L. Winebright George M. Wissler Louis B. Withrow Harold J. Withrow Kerry R. Wit t Le s lie D. Wixson Bobby G. Woerheide, Arthur E. Jr. Wolf Ernest Wolf Robert V. Wolff Leonard C. Wood Dennis L. Wood Kenne th W. Wood Robert C. Woodbl lry Frankl in B. W. Woodfield Richard A. wright Harold R. Wulff C. Stephen

1949 1943 1966 1979 1966 19/~8

1922 1952 1932 1961 1944 1972 1964 1959 1932 1951 1966 1923 1948 1977 1984 19,.31 1.970 1957 1980 1953 1973 1965 1979 1964 1962 1980 1943 1949 1958 1979 1936 EN 1951 1942 1975 1960 1950 1966 1966 1950 1971

1985 RoIIalllO

Wurtzler Dan iel R. Wurtzler Pame·la H. Wyatt DeMarquis D. Yochum Kenneth H. Yoctwm Robe rt J. Yorston Howard J. Young Reagan H. Ze i d Ma rv inC. Ze i tz Edwa rd .J. Ziegler Charles K. Ziegler John A. ·Ziercher Suzanne M. Zoellner lynn E. Zoller Jacques W. Zuiss Thomas J. Zvanut Carl M. Zvanut Frank J.

Lifetime Memberships Wben tbe Alumlli Assodation was young, HIe memberships were soHcited to ftnaoce tbe organization. Tbe following alumni bold paid-up HIe memberships. Eacb bas a permanent place on tbe honor roD of donors. Tbank you . aU.

Crawford, E.A . , '29 De Cousser, Kurt Herman, '22 De Valve, Albert Steihler, '43 Forgotson, James Morris, '22 Grimm, C. James, '30 Neal, Kenneth Robeson, '30

Potter, Charles Jackson, '29 Smith, Hueston Merriam,'38 Swift, Roy Erwin, '34 Wanenmacher, Joseph M., '23 Wheeler, Ernest Sterling, '22

Engineering Management Awards ;

Ray, Peoria, III.; and Christopher D. Five students and four faculty members at UM-RoUa are recipients of Taylor, West Plains, Mo. . Engineering management faculty reci· 1985-86 awards from the ' UMR Engineering Management Trust Fund pients of monetary grants from the trust established by the late Edward A. are Drs. John Amos, Paul Givens, Donald Myers and William Brooks. Smith, class of 1924, of Tulsa, Okla. . These are the first grants to be made . The engineering management trust fund, established by Smith in 1979, profrom the trust. vides for support of faculty research as Engineering management students well as student financial aid . , who will receive Ed A. Smith ScholarUndergraduate scholarships are awardships for the 1986 spring semester are: David S. Baldwin, Marshfield, ' Mo.; ed on the basis of academic proficiency Sarah Mae Esker, St. Louis, Mo.; Joe A. and other considerations. Faculty grants Nastasia, Kansas City, Mo.; Daniel E. are awarded for academic or technical

8/ MSM


research. The trust also provided a grant of approximately a quarter of a million dollars toward the engineering management blJilding now under construction . . Smith, who died in 1982, was a . member of UMR's ciass of 1924 .and also held the professional degree of engineering manager of UMR. He was chairman of the board of the Service Drilling Co. of Tulsa and owner of EASCO, an oil producing company in Oklahoma. He 'was wid!!ly known for his phila.nthropies as well as for his petroleum exploration activities.

19132 1981 "94 l' 1950 1949 1953 1949 1951 1951 1982 1977' 1974 1968 1942 1978 1941 1932

Alumni D-o nors to Association and Univ~-rsity 1914 S i m ra I I

R i .1ey M.

1915 • Doy l e

John J.

1916 Voge I

He rman H.

1918 Do e nn ec ke He nry W. We i ser Ha nley H.

1920 Bash David A. Forgotson James M. Iloppock Harland H. Howald Arthur M. No I te Wi I I i a m J. Terry Mark L.

1921 Rohloff

EI izabeth W.


I would like to take this opportuni ty to thank yo u for the generous scholarship given to me by you. I was looking fo rward to my four years of ed ucation at Rolla and the Alumni Scholarship will make my stay that much more enjoyable. The University of Missouri-Rolla has the reputation of being an excellent institution and I'm excited about being a part of such a fine school. THANKS, AGAINI



Sincerely, Toby J. Tekolste Parkville, Mo. Freshman, Engineering Management

1930 *

1926 Birchard Harry C. Crawford James D. Gammeter Elmer Kennedy Daniel Kitchen Charles L. Lindenau Edward M. Smith C. Cabanne Staples Guy W. Thompson Bennet R. Tyrrell Morris L.

Coi I Be nj a min R. Cr ays Gl e nn E. Crum E . J e ff e r s on Di t tm e r Ru sse ll S . Dres bac h Char les H. Eng I i s h Th omas O. Ga rd ne r AI be r t T. Gree n T. Howa r d John s on Charl es W. J o nes Ha rl ow G. Ke mp Arthu r H. Ki rn Emme t R. Mon sc h He nry D. Mo r r i s 0 rv i I le W. Pott e r C. J . Schuette Loui s H.

Al exa nder Verne Da vis Wi I I a rd E. Di II Ingham Marion A. Graybea l Joseph W. Gregory Marguerite A. G r i 0101 C • J a me s Harvey Edwin T. Hea th Geo rge F. Ki rkpatrick Ha rry F. Martin Roy S. Maune Allen R. Mi I ler Dennis H. Ne a l Kenneth R. Osterwald Herbert R. Regenhardt Edward T. Shearer Andrew C. Stone S. Allan Thomas Myron F.

Christner Glen J . Wheeler Ernest S .

1923 Campbel I E. Taylor Dorris Milburn L. Flesh Mrs David Ford ' Ragan Frey Mu i r L. Gatts Will iam P. * Hoover . Bert F. Murphy Raymond E. * Parkhurst Arl is B. Remmer s Walter E. Riddle John H. Wanenmacher Joseph M. Wilkerson Augustus B. Zimmermann Dee



1929 Dear Sirs,

1931 1927 Abbett Robert W. Barnard Albert E. Boismenue Clyde f. Bossert Harry F. Clearman Frederick Griffith H.M. Kraft Ned O . Lusk R. Ralph Moran Ernes t Parsons Edward W. Pa ul MurrayJ. Seydl er Frank K. S ievers Edwin R. Sm i t h J a mes F. Thomas Harold D. We i ss Clarence B.

Conley J a ck N. Ell iott Ben R. Epperson Ernest R. Gevecker Vernon A.C. Hassler Mi Iburn Hei I ig Warren Herrell R.R. Ki rkpatrick Ruel L. Pace Georg e M. Pe r t i c i And rew L. Ross Charles E. Sper l ing Elmer J. Stokes Mrs Jame s E. Throgmorton Gordon R. Wade Rolla T. Wi I h i te Clyde E. Wi II iams Rex Z.



Andre s Otto M. B i r t Floyd D. Br ewe r Wi I I i am Crawford Edwin O. Dav i s Stu a rt L. E I se a Ca r I A., Ha Ie Edwa rd D. Ho e ma n Ar t hu r J. Horn Rex T. John so n Leo n K. Kassay An drew W. Ka y Wi I I i a m T. Lundiu s Roy H. r~ eye r He n ry W. Mo n ro e Rex Moore David D. Po ll ak John A. Reid Allen J. Rhoades Robert P. Rigg s W. Robert Roesser Robert J. Runder Raymo nd H. Schwarz Arthur S. Sturm John T. Taylor Samuel E. Thompson Homer F. White Charles S. Wiethop Russ e l I H. Wi II iams, Arthur J . Jr . Wilson Frederick G. lvanut Frank J.

1933 Achuff Charles E. Asher Vernon L. Beinlich A.fred W. Borchers Raymond W. Brown Wil I iam A. Cogh i I I ,Wi I I i am W. 0011 Ellen W. Dumm Lee D. Edgar M. Russell Everett Edred N. Gil 010 re Wi I I i am M. Hesse AI fred H. Hickman Henry S. Hunze Charles L.W. Jabsen Will iam J. Kaczmarek Theodore B. Kay William W. Koopmann, Wi II iam Jr. Krattly Homer W. Lambur Charles H. Lanz Fred M. Lenz William H. Musson George H. Phi I I ips Mabel E. Shrubsa II Arthur E. Spotte Irvin C. Wehrman Alvin A.

Andrews J. Lewis Campbe I I Jack P. Court ney Rob e rt M. Ga bler Mr s Bertha Ke mper Eloi s e B. Kess l er Harry H. Wright Wi I ford S .

1925 Atkinson, Marion L. Jr. Ba ke r . Dona I dR. Berry Hugh R. Browning ' Bertie L. Eagan Thomas E. Godwin William He i m Ca rl J . Heitmann Albert L. Oberly Louis A. Pasley James L. Schneeberger Fred C.


1928 Boye r Ph iii P J. Cr umbaugh Daniel H. Donaldson James G. Faulkner Edward C. Freeman Charles A. * Gross He nry E. Ha rmon John P. He rman Theodore Hi II Albert L. Hodgdon, Sam D. Jr . Moreland Mrs Howard B. Roberts Gerald A.

1985 RoIlamo

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cornett Roy C. E I li s J . Cra i g r a ri s, Jul iu s P. Jr . Goodr i ch Frank N. fI i I I Eugene F. Howerto n Jo seph W. Jaenecke Donald R. Jarboe Rupert A. Koeppel Beverly W. LeGrand Jesse S. Long Jo hn R. Matthews Roy W. McCurdy Belding H. Me dl ey Raymond R. Morr i son Frederick Murphy Joseph H. Nickel Melvin E. Prough Ric hard G. Prouty ChiltonE. Rogers Raymond H. Stephens Wi II iam E. Wa I Iey Oma r C.

Sm i th Le roy E. Spa lding J, Victor Tay lor Fred N. Tetley Albert L. Vandergriff Wi liard C. Waters Wade D. Webb Willi am H. Yung bluth Russel I L.

194Q . Alexander Wi I I iam C. AI ford Rex Baumstark Walter A. Berglund Paul T. Braun Steve S. Brown, Guy Jr. Burgess Woodrow L. Burnett Richard W. Bu rns Rub I.e E. Carr, Walter J. Jr. Coon Joseph M. Cotteri II Carl H. Dennie Powel I A. Dennis, Benjamin A. Jr. Donahue James B. Dow ling Pa u IT. Enderson WilliamA. Ferrell Mrs J.O. Followi II Richard J. Fort George E. Frye La u re lB. Griffeth EI len B. · Gund Russel I A. Ha II Charles E. Hall Ralph D. Heiss Edward W. Kamper Herbert G. Kidwel I Albert L. Klug John R. Ladd Harley W. Leber Walter P. Machmer Fer'dinand G. Ma rk Iey John S_ Mi Iler, Edg ar S. Jr. Mit sc h George L. N i ed ling I va n M. Olcott Eugene L. O'Neill, John J. Jr , Parish Gerald A. Perry E. L, Roy Ra ka ska s Joseph E. Reed John F. Ridley Robert P. Riege Lynn J. Rieke Vernon W. Romine Edward C. Rose Col in G. Ross Pau IF. Rueff Edward L. Sharp Everett W. · Simonds Peter Smothers WiliiamJ. Stewart Fraizer M. Sturges Herbert D. Summers Huey Tiede J'ack E. Timberman De Wi Iton B. Trautwein Elmer E. Tucker Armin J . Wi Ihite Kenneth T. Wi I son F. Hugh

i, 1939

1m Rollamo 193~



Absher Harold R. Bena rd John Bruening Walter H. Cole Ralph C. Cunningham Robert L. Decker Harry W. Dobson Richard J. Duncan Oscar M. Fagan DUNard E. Fletcher Wi II iam B. Ford, Homor T. Jr. Galloway, James H. Jr. Hein Edwin A. Hudson Richard G. Jackson Leroy H. Johnson Mrs Walter Schamel Mrs Walter Jos lin Le Compte Maise Clemens R. McKinley John H. McReynolds Elmer L. Montgomery R. Gill Poese Lester E. Powe r Wi I I i am R. Sackewitz Robert A. Schamel Mrs Walter Johnson Mrs Walter Spri nger Wi I I i am R. Stewa rt, Thomas J. Jr. Sui lentrup Leo J . Weigel Robert C. Westerfeld Wi Ifred W.



Asher Kenneth K. Borgstede George J. Breuer Marvin H. Buck Robert H. Coddington William H. Colman Howard B. Cooke, Wi II iam F. Jr. Danforth Warren B. DeRoy Glennon L. Dutton Donnel I W. Edga r Ma x E. Fischer Max M. Haffner Harold J. Hoffman Emi I D. Hoyt Harlan K, Johnson Robert W. Kamper 01 iver W. Kno I I Rudo I ph J. Koopmann August P. Ma rxe r C Ia ude S. Mashek John W. McCaffrey Emi Iy Murphy Emi Iy Mu rphy Em i I Y McCaffrey Emi Iy N i c ke I E I me r J. Nolde, George T. Jr . Penzel George A. Peters, Wi Ibur A. II Solomon Rus se l I C. Spiers Leonard C. Thias Wi II iam H. Turken Morris W.

lO / MSM


1936 Barrow Carlton W. Bea rd Reade M. Chapman Robert T. Clanton Jack R. Dai Iy Eugene J. Dennis Wi II iam E. F iss Edwa rd C. Hoener Alan J. Hoffman Richard H. Houseknecht Paul D. Menefee James H. Michel Hi Ibert F. Nations George O. Pfeifer Herman J. Rasor John P. Roy Edwa rd A. RUYNe John W. Schwa lbert William H. Simmons Robert W. Sm i th E I me r L. Spr inger Robert M. Thompson Hoyt G. Wo e rheide , Arthur E. Jr .

1937 Appleyard Frank C. Aves, Wi II iam L. Jr . Benner Charles F. Bommer Theodore J. Brecke Ervin A. Breuer Walter F. Brown Buran W. Busch William C. Cardetti Richard J. Carrolla Ross R. Culbertson WilliamW . Dickinson George W. Donne I I Y Wa rren L. Elgin Robert L. Grimm Donald F.R. Hackmann Glen N. Hausmann Arthur P. Holz Walter L. Jones Walter T . Lange Robert C. Logan Edwin ' W. Luder Walter E, Mattei Peter F. McClanahan Arthur L. Millard Frank S. Moore Wi Ibern T. Post Samue I S. Rodman Wi I fred K. Vogt Fred K.W.

1938 AIge r Robe rt P. Ballman Edward A. Bli ss ' Allen D. Cameron Charles V. Carpenter Forrest L. Clayton Charles L.


Ballard TedW . Barger Hubert S. BeNick, John D. Jr. Boulson Charles E. Brown Roy G. Carter Robert A. Claridge Elmond L. Dieffenbach Robert P. Elliott Edward E. Ell iott Lewis C. Ellis William R. Fi I Imer Howard H. Fin Iey, Thoma s J. Jr. Gammeter, Walter Jr . Gentry James R. Ha rse I I , Thoma s L. Jr. Heiser Frederick W. Jacobs James H. Jami so n Mar s ha l I V. Johnson E. Herbert Kidd Haro ld S. Livingston John H. Livingston Rob e rt G. Logrbrinck Jes se M. Loveridg e Joel F. McCaw J ac k Mil Ie r Ha r o I d C. Mooney Joseph W. Moore J ack W. Mueller George E. Ob erbeck William F. Pohlmann Edgar F. Post John R. Rea WiliiamR. Rhodes A. E. Roarig Wi Ibert A. Roe Lawrence A. Runyan James R. Shanfeld Irv inE. Siegrist Kermit A.

Dear Sirs, I am sending you this letter to thank you for making the Alumni Association Scholarship for 1985-86 available to me. I know a college education is expensive for everyone these days but in my case this award will be especially useful. I will be 30 years old this January and returning to school at this late age has been both a challenge and a financial burden for my wife and myself. We would like to thank you very much for acknowledging my academic achievement. This scholarship will do much to help me continue to succeed at the University of Missouri-Rolla. Sincerely, Joseph A. Ging Sullivan, jMo. Senior, Electrical Engineering



Adams Washington A I smeye r Wi I I i am C. Ambrose George G. Andreae Andreas A. Beers Seymour J . Bennetsen Wayne J . BI air No rma nO. Bottcher Hermann F. Bourne Wi II iam H. . Bowman Martin E. Boyd Robe rt K. Boyt Eugene P. Clarkson Charles F. Couch G. Robert Crockett Wi II iam E. Davidson Mrs R. Fred Dreste Jerome P. EI I iott Floyd R. Enochs John R. Farrell Edward C. F i c k Arm i n F. Fin I ey Fred W.



1941 Continued Grisham Marvin C. Hacker Alden G. Ha rd i ne, Kenneth L. Jr. Ho e ner Fred H. Jaffe David Nat han Jensen J a mes W. Kilgour WilliamJ. Kind Ca riG . Lambeth Jennings R. Liv ingston Kermit F. Loveridge Warren L. Mack, James O. Jr. McKee Jack B. Meyer Robert H. Mo r r i s Wi I I i a mi. Nevins, Marvin E. Jr. Ne~man CI inton V. Pingel Marvin E. Puetz William M. Retzel Arthur W. Rhodes Richard G. Rogers Frank B. Ro I ey Ro I f W. Schoenthaler Robert Schweitzer Robert E. Sm i th Floyd P. Springer James J. Strawhun Joseph O. Wattenbarger Chr'is M. wyatt DeMarquis D. Zvanut Carl M.

1942 Austin John C. Axmacher George W. Bea rd Ma rk W. Bloc k Me r Iyn J. Brack bi I I Robert M. Br ill Nil esK . Brouk Ralph H. Burberry Ro land S. Busc h Wi II ia m D. * Cast leman J o hn H Clark Hugh M. . Co mag I io Raymond J. Crookston James Decke r Paul E. DeForest Walter R. Dunham Robert M. F lin t Me I v inC. Fuller Jul i a n A. Haga r Bai ley W. He uer Charles A. Hil l , Willi a m E. Jr. Hi Ilery Charles M. Hollander Russe ll W. Hughes Thomas A. James W. Ric hard Jones Thomas A. Karbosky Jo sep h T. King We lb y M. Ki ssl inger Fre d Kloeris, Paul W. Jr. Krueger Harold A. Kurtz Sam A. Lawler Wi Ibert J. Martin Kent W. McCa in Glenn M. McConnell Wi II iam F. McGhee Ve rnon T. Mitchell JimL . Mushovic Nicholas Neubert Ra l ph L. Nicola Nick S . Olsen John K. Page I Herbert E. Pew itt B i on O. Poh I Robe rt A'. Proctor Mi l es W. Rassinier Edgar A. Sandhaus Elmer H. Sc hmi tt Joseph B. Schowa lter Kenneth A. Schuman Austin E. Shaffer James W. Shockley Gi Ibert R. Smith Harry B. Stewart Alexander L. Taylor Otis H. Van Nostrand Robert G. Van Pool Joe Weidle Ben E. Wi tt Jack A. Wolff Leo nard C. Woodworth Lee R. Zanzie Cha rl es E. loller Jacques W.


Dear Alumni Association. Once again, I thank you for your concern for students. I am so grateful for the renewal of my Alumni Scholarship. I look forward to the day I can help a student in the way that I have been helped . Thank you again. I appreciate it more than I could ever express. Sincerely, Lou Stapp Bartlesville, Okla. Sophomore, Aerospace Engineering

1943 Adams Joseph T. Allen George W. Am I i Ha ro IdE. Bel I is Maurice O. Berndt, Joseph P. Jr. Biermann Earl E. Bottom James H. Carrol I J a mes V. Christensen Douglas N. Comann R. Kent Coolidge Donald J . Dressel Wa ld e mar M. Dreste, Fred E. Jr. Durham Howard W. Eck Robert A. Ehrl ich Robert L. Flood H. William F r i s Edwa rd S. Glover James Gygax Edward E. Hal ey Wi Ib ur A. Ha nn a Robert L. Joh nso n James C. Kalish HerbertS. Kasten Raymond O. Keevi I Alb e rt S. Kenda I I, Edwa rd T. J r. Kent Wi II iam O. Kerper Matthew J. Key Enos L. Kr i I I Fra nc isM. Krummel, Clyde H. Jr. Larson Leonard N. Lem in g John G. Magee, Horace L. III Main Marion K. McCormick Char le s S. Meye r 0 rv i I I e L. Neustaedter James A. Perkins Ira L. Pracht Herman W. Quinn Patrick D. Rasmussen Re ne K. Rosser Lewi s E. Rothband Pau I B. Schm i tz Joseph K. Sc humann Lloyd C. Shipman Jean T. Skitek Gabriel G. Strick ler Halford O. Stueck C. F. P. Thomas ' George H. Werner Roy C. Wissler Louis B. Wright Clarence J .

1944 Adamick Henry S. AI I en Eugene K. Banks Robert L. Barber George E. Barn e tt Wi II iam J. Ba rnha rt He rbe rt D. Bridge Lorren F. Brodhacker. John W. Carmi chae l Rona Id L. Des Jardins Peter E. Dowd James D. Drewing Frederick H. Goetemann Edwin C.

Greco Dominic A. Hanse n J. Richard He lb erg Wa rre n W. Hubb a rd Wi II iam A. I se nm a nn Edward S. Jenkins Jacob D. Kasten Pau I R. Klorer Robert W. Kozeni Don K. La rson Wa rren L. Mil I e r J a me sR. Mu shovic Peter Orlofsky Seymour Pingel Vernon J. Ploesser Alan P. Rigg s John R. Rudert Kenneth E. Rud i sa i Ie Ha ro I d J. Schmoldt Hans E. Scho e neberg Kenneth W. Scott Harry S. Sievert O. Morris Sm i t h P. Ge ne Staley Glenn L. Stocker Daniel J. Summers Robert F. Thiele Alfred W. Thomas WilliamJ. Weinel Ernst A. Wheat Richard D. Wi c ke r Da ve A.

1945 Boyd Roy H. Fin I ey Ca r IE . Fla naga n WilliamJ. Kasten Vernon L. McKelvey J a mes M. Ozawa Jack K. Schmi dt Robe r t F. Shank Earl M. West Amy G.

1946 Bu rke Geo rge E. Clayton Austin B. Connett Robert P. Fes l er Carney C. Jones Raymond B. Machado Jose A. r~ann Robert L. Mee nen Art hur R. Meyer Donald I. Ol se n Oscar M. Rutledge Wi I I ia m A.

1947 Adrian Kenneth G. Ande rsen Fred L. Be I ew E I me r W. Be ll Warren H. Bruns Robert F. Bryant James R. Butzer Ha ro I d G. Carl ton Paul F. Christianse n Carl R. Co le Richard E. Oa v i s Ca riB. Dunham Roy H. Ei nspanier Bernard J. E I Ie rma n Wi I I i am E. Faser Jack F. Feldhaus Ra l ph J. Fin k Dona ld W. Fogarty Edw in R. Fulghum Ga le Hammann Eugene E. Ha rms Ha ro Id B. He I Iwege . Wi I I i am H. Henke Elv i n A. Henry George E. Howard Wi II iam E. Johnson Phi I i p D. Jo hn so n Virgi I A. Kenda I I Robe rt H. Kerr Frank F. La Pi e re Gil be rt H.


Leone Anton Liddel I John W. Little J. Edward McK inniS, Charles L. Jr. Mi Iler Eberhard H. Monte Michael N. Pe rryman, George I . Jr. Pierce Thomas R. Pletz Robert C. Pomeroy Chester M. Ray . Robert L. Schaefer Rodney A. Scho rk John E. Sheppard Keith D. Snowden J. Russel I Stephens James W. Strunk Ma i land R. Tappmeyer Ronald A. Topping Alanson D. Vaughan Kenneth W. Wagner George H. wegener Wilbert f. White Robert L.

19... Appelbaum Robert H. Aubuchon Pierre M. Ba Imat Jack S. Banks Ralph Barton John R. Bott Winston f. Brassfield Henry C. Brown Wi I I i am R. Browning Charles M. Browning Phi I A. Chaney James B. Condit Robert E. Co pel a nd A. Eugene Delany Michael J. Doe I ling Robe rt f. Downey Wi I I i a m J. Ellis William A. Ellis Willi am F. El l ison Floyd A. Emo Rona IdE. Enochs Richard C. Fine Mo r r i sM . Fisher J a mes R. Fitzpatrick Joseph W. Fuller Leroy W. Gager Lem N. Gauerke Reinhart C. Gevecker Robert V. Glaves John V. Goren RaJ ford Grady, Wi I I iam J. Jr. Gregory Robert O. Hackmann Robert E. Hagan Melvin A. Haley Comer C. Hammann John W. Harkins Ger trud e V. He I d Ro bert E. Hepp Joseph T. Ho e l sche r James W. Howe I I Richard B. Howe I I Theodore R. I talia Santo Jones Eugene F.





Alumnus/ ))


1948 Continued Kae mpf Leo R. Kee ley Gi Ibert S. Kracht Robert T. Kreutzer Rob e rt C. La Page J ose ph A. La~son Ve rnon R. Leaver Harvey B. Lindquist Elmo G. Logan J a me s W. Ma lone Albert V. Ma rch a l Jacques H. M a the~ s Dona ld J. M a the~ s Walt e r A. Mc Kelvey Ralph E. Me fford , Na ce F. Jr . Moe Ha rold G. . Mos & Winston C. Mue I Ie r Ed~a rd E. Neustaedter Wi II i a m E. O'Nei I I La~rence F. Petersen David P. Presley, Wi II iam H. Jr . Procton Albert W. Ramsey George H. Rasmussen Kerm~t N. Robbins 'I rvin D. ' Schaeffer , Wi liard A. III Schmidt Donald G. Scholz Arthur E. Sh~artz Alvin H. Smith David G. Smith Harlan D. Spinzig , Edgar W.• Jr. Stoecker Wi Ibert F.· Tapperson, Arthur 'Jr. Todd Fred A. . Van Eaton, Charles W. 11 ,1 Watkins Pa'ul A'; Weddle Wi Ibern L. Whaley Henry P. Whanger James R. Wi I ks John C.




Anderson George M. Aubuchon Ed~a~d L. Ba Ilmann Richard B. Bay Robert D. Berry Jerome T. Birch Bettijeanne M. Puffett Bettijeann~ M. Blankenmeister Erwin G. Bo~en , Jesse W. Jr. Boyer Alexander A. Brehe Harold C. ' Breuer Coy L. Bridegroom Kenneth E. Ca rney W. Da Ie Carpenter Gordon L. Chang John W. Cizek Frank J. Cole Robert L. Cool idge Wi II iam H. Coplen, Roy 'I. Jr. ' Corbin Harold E. Crites Josep'h D. Da I pin i Da v i d

1U MSM Alumnus

Da n i e I Is Cha r I e s P. Da nze r Ca rl J. De Bolt Do na ld G. Do ~n s J ac k S. Duke Ca l v in W. Ea die Geo r ge R. Eas on Don a Id E. Ed~a r d s Pa u I K. Ege Rob e rt W. Ei c he lb erge r Cha r le s E. Eva ns Willi a m W. Fe nn e rt y Frank E. Fe nt z ke A. Da niel FI i e hma n Ma uri c e H. Fost e r J ac k D. French Rob e rt G. Ga mmon Wi II i a m H. Go I I e r , Ca r I H. Jr. Gre e r Pa ul H. Greig Joseph E. G,r 'i ffith Wi Il 'iam L. Hansen Robert G. Has ke ll Donald F. Heins Robert W. Hi I IE. Ce c i I HOllo~ay, Nick Jr. Hwghes Ed,~in L. Jones 01 iver W. J<ines Sa m P. Kemper Robert J. Knecht Wa lter S. Knopp Charles R. Knutson Elmo G. Komoto Fra nk K. Line Myrl 'K. Li nn Laurel G. Magruder Wi II iam H. Martin Robert L. McCall ister, Odis L. Jr. McDonald John E. McGrath James B. Mengel Edmund L. Mil Ie r , Fred J. Jr. Mitchel I John W. Morgan Wi II iam A. Mul I igan John J. Norman Amos Ochs Calvin M. Perko Robert A. Perry Robert C. Pomeroy Fr:ank N. Poppitz Reidhold A. Puffett Bettijeanne M. Birch Bettijeanne M. Qu ~ nn Joseph S. Ratcl iff John J. Raymer Gordon E. Redding James A. Re r lly, John G. Jr . Reinkensmeyer Norman W. Reiss Joseph J. Remington, Charles R. Jr. Rice D. Paul Roark Bill R. Robinson Forrest G. Root Robert L. Ross Charles J. Ross Harvey D. Ro~' ley Kermi t G. Schme da ke Robert E. Schmitt James C. Schmitz John F. Schowalter Ralph E. Schuler , Leonard L. Jr. Seel ig, Albert F. Jr. Sevick Joseph G. Shaw Wi I I i am H. Shute John W. Simmons Mi Iton L. Springer Frederick M. Sta delhofer J a ck Starkweather Reuben H. StEiin John E. Stovall Richard L. Straub Harold E. Strubert Joe N. Sutton Glen W. Tanner Paul E. Te a s Wi II iam C. Te I thor s t Edga r J. Telthor s t Harold M. Thompson Richard H. Timmer Donald H. Tinda II, Robert F. Jr . Todd Joseph W. Toomey John B. Trotter ' Jack K. Tucker Arthur L. Van Maerssen Otto L. Vi les Landon C. Weber Arthur H. Werner Edwin J. Wisco Harold A. Wissel Charles K. Withrow Harold J. Wood , James E. Sr. Wright Joseph E.

Dear Sirs: I have recently received a letter of confirmation on my renewal of the Alumni Association Scholarship for the 1985·86 school year. I would like to express my appreciation to all those who help make this scholarship possible. The money I have received has been extremely helpful in paying for my college education , I look forward to the time when I will be abJe to contribute to the scholarship fund to help selected students receive an education. Thank you! Sincerely. Karla J. Stiefermann Frankenstein. Mo. Freshman. Chemical Engineering

Yochum Robert J. Young Reagan H. Youngs Lloyd P.

1950 Acheson Edwin R ~ Adams CI i' fford L. Allen HarryW. Atchison Daniel R. Bach, Wi Ibert E. Jr. Ba II Robert' D. Barsachs Edwin H. Bartels E u g ~ ne A. Be I ew Le I and f. Bentrup Eugene A. Berger Laurel D. Berkey Vernon C. Betz Irving G. Bloome Robert L. Bodine Jack R. Boje , George J. Jr. Branson Donald A. Bre i t Ka r I K. Breuer D. Wa Ilace · Brinkmann Charles E. Brown Robe rt N. Brunson Verhon T. ' Buel Robert W. Cantwel I Laurence W. Ca r I Lou isH. Carroll Pau l F. Chambers rrank T. Chapma n, Harrison E. Jr. Chen Willie Y. Cho a te Robert L. Cl a rk WilliamW. Clayton Roy T. Cochran Fredrick D. Collins Willi a mW. Craig Curtis L. Curry Byron E. Dampf Dona Id P. Davidson Edwin A. ' Davidson Phi lip B: Day Russe I I Del a ney John F. Deppe Eugene De utch Morton Dieringer Donald R. Dolecki Stanley Drake , Avery A. Jr . Dunn Karl H. Ea s t Ca riG. Eissinger Karlheinz EI I iott James O. Enfield Bernard M: Etz, Carl E. Jr. Evans, James L. Jr . . Eyberg Walbridge P. Fahien Raymond W. Farrey Henry B. Fossi Robert L. George O. Kenneth Glenn Dona Id L.

Go odding Ala n C. Go r e Ar t hur G. Gra ve s , Clare nc e E. Jr. Greco Lo ui s E. Gree nb e r g Aaro n J. Gr ee nblatt Alb e rt M. Gr ee ne Fra nk S. Gr e go ry Sc ott H. Gr iffin Do na ld C. Haas Pau l A. Ha I le ma nn Jo se ph E. Ha mmond Ge r a ld L. Ha r dy Ro I I a nd L. Harr i s Willi a m M. Ha r r i so n Richard N. lI a rt wa yne D. Ha use r Max E. Hay me s Wi II ia m G. He ll er Enrique S. H e l~ig Arthur W. He rn il n John F. He rrma nn Thomas A . Higgins Alb e rt J. Hi Ilholl s e Dav id L. Hoi lenbach Be rnard D. Holli s William Holme R. Norman 1I0ime s Thomas A. Honerkamp Donald L. Houk Clare nce C. Ho'We II Bennett D. Hughes William P. Hunt J. Richard Hutchison Ald e n C. Is be ll , Clarence A. Jr. J a mie s on George W. Jerman Theodore I. John s on Edward L. Johnson Ray B,. Jorcke 01 iver A. Judah Russel ' l J. Kapernaros E. Louis Ke Ily Peter B. L. King Alvi,rl 'C. Knowles Carl' M. Kovach John J. Kreul Robert N. Kunz Charles O. Kybu rz Edwa rd P. Lasko Helen D. Lockett Dona Id N. Luetjen Hulen H. Lukrofka Lovel I J . Lyons Francis D. Mabie George W. Main WilliamJ. Mann Carl K. Marshall Donald W. Ma rt i ng R i cha r d E. Mason Ernie V. Matthe'Ws Paul A. Mattlage Raymond f . McDermott Arthur R. McDonald James E. McFadden Hugh W. McNely Warren E. McNichols John R. Megeff Seymour Meier Harvey ,W. Mendel I Robert H. Mengel Wi II iam K. Middleton Douglas F. r~ iii ch Joseph r~i Iler Che s ter E. Mi Iler James E. Mi Iler Lester L. r~ oeller Richard E. Mooney Edward W. Mu e hring John E. Muir Clifford D. Murphy Wi II iam L. Neust aedter Robert H. New lin Ph iii p B. Nichols John W. Nierdieck Melvin E. Novotnak Fra nk Painter John L. Parker R.C . Pa rks John W. Patten Robert I. Pa ulsell , WilliamG. Peetz Eugene J. Pennington Robert J. Peppers Robert E. Phi II ips, Harvey I. 'Jr. PI umme r, Thoma s P. Jr. Pol iquin Thomas E. Preiss Robert K. Reisen Kenneth E. Renne r Linus J. Ries' frank W. Ro ach Kenneth C. Roberts J. Kent Rose Robert T. Ruenheck Raymond T. Sanders Cloice R. Scales Stanley R.

1950 Continued Schmid t Ro bert N. Sc hn e id e r Norma n F. Sc ho e nky H. Parnel I Scott James J. Serafi ni E. Max Set tg as Robert C. Seve rt son Vernon S. Shelton Gera ld C. . Shou rd Roy R. S i I ve r Sid ney Sims Da le E. Skinner, Mi 'l ton R. Jr . Slack Clayton F. Slusher Robert C. Sm i th Mil rv i n E. Smith. Rob e rt E. Sr. Springer Everett W. Starke Robert E. Statler. Fred, J. Jr. Steele Euge ne W. Stein William E. Steuterman Jack A. Stevens B i I I Y Strain ·RobertA. St rong John F. Szumachowski Edwin R. Theerm'a n Harold B. Thielker . Edgar t. libbs Harold £. Trlanda John Tunnicl iff . Clarence J. Unsell Vester 8. Van Nort · John R. Vogler, ' August J. Jr. W~gner Bernard C. Wa .1ker Da' l e ' E. Warfield, Raymond A. Jr. Weingaertner John W. . Williams RichardC . . Wi Ison Glenn E. Wisch William · L. Wolfram Ralph E. Wood Robert C. Wright Har~ld ' R. Wunnenberg Donald A. Yochum Kenneth H. Zerweck, Carl E. Jr. Z i ebe I I Wi I fo rd R.

1951 Anderhub Anthony P. Anderson David K. Arnold John M. Baldwin Wi I lia~ M. Batteiger John C. Beckman Charles A. Be I lis Ge ra I dB . Bender Gerald· H.' Blancke ~ C. Dudley ·Jr. BI~ndermann Gene R. Bodicky Andrew L. Borgerding Lawrence H. Bo sc i a F ra n k ,J. Bowkley Herbert L. Boyd Ch a r Ies L. Brady John R. · Brakensiek Wi II iam E. Bri Ilos J ohn W. Browne Thoma s C. Brunkhorst Ea rl R. Buettner Melvin A. Burkhardt Bi Ily L. Burkhead, Kennet h E. Sr. Carthew Dougla s J. Cathcart Raymond F. Cawthorne Edward W. Co man ich Geor~e W. Cotten Me rri I I R. Da lton. Thomas J. Jr. Dasenbrock Arthur A. Davidso n John N. Dickens Richard L. Donaldson George R. Dow ling, Dona I d J. Jr. Dryden Joseph L. Du I be ,g I rv i ng Dunn Ervin E. Elbaum J e rome K. EI I iott Edwin G. Elwood Wi II iam H. Ertz Eugene J. Fairch 'ild WilliamW . Ferry . '. C. Ron Fris 'Joseph P. Fritschen. Herman A. :Jr. Gehrig Dee R. Givens Wi II iam A. Glenn David E. Gould David S.

• Deceased


Griffith John B. Hamman Rufus W. Harper Wi II ia'm S. Ha r rawood Pa u I Henson Gerald L. Hestetu ne Dani e l G. Hi rner John ·A. Hohlfe lder Eugene F. Ho l c omb Le ste r W. Ho rst Wi II iAm E. Houghton Clark F. Hub er, Richard G. Huff Wayne F. I rw in ' Da vi d M. ( se lin J ohn W. Jackson Earl E. Kapla n ' Newton H. Ke I I e r Ge ra Id N. Keller Russell M. Kingsborough Donald G. Kleinkopf M. Dean KI ine Charles R. Knight Georg e L. ~ Ko I b Eugene F. "Ladd Richard W. Lan ca ster Edgar M. Lattin Judson M. Ma nsfield Richard E. Martin Robert D. McDaniel Hulon D. Mc Hugh James J.P. Mellott Robert N. Montgomery Donald D. Moy Ua rry Mysl inski Frank J. Na pp Go rdon E. No rton Ma r i on J. Oldenburg Ted J. Oldham William R. . .Packheiser Elmer D. Parrish David D. Perider Paul S. Pe rryman , Joseph E. Jr. Peterson Forest R. Powe I I Joe ' R. Quick John R. Rieder Robert J . Roach Warren D. Robe r Dona Id L. Roeme rma n R i cha rd J. Roloff Don V. Rushton Wi II iam E. Schmidt Vernon E. Senne Joseph H. Short Wal lace W. Sieck Ervin H. S i Iver Mi Iton M. Simpson Thomas A. Ski les James J. SJankard Robert C. Smith Robert J. Sobie Mi Iton A. Statler CI ifford A. Steinmetz Cha r lei E. Stewart George E. Sundholm Arthur W. Tarantola Bruce E. Taylor Andrew M. Taylor Donald J . Teaga rden Dw'i ght M. Theerman Wi Ibert K. Van Bramer Wi II ia m G. Vansant Eleanor C. Vansant Robert E. Venarde Jack H. War ner George H.

Dear Sir; I would very much like to thank the Alumni Board for having renewed my Clyde W. Hall Scholarship for the 1985-86 academic year. This scholarship will offset the con· tinuing rise in tuition and fees and enable me to continue my educa· tional development here at ·UMR. Again thank you for selecting 'me for this scholarship. . Sincerely Yours. Rainer Mueller St. Charles. Ill. Senior. Electrical Engineering

1985 Rdlamo

Wa te rs 'Cha r I es R. Watson Harry C. Wee s F ra nc i s E. Westerme i er Theodore f. Wile La r son£. Wi II iams ' Alden D. Wiseman Donald E. Wolf Rober.t V. Wood Ie, Roy" G. Jr . Wu rtz Wade C. Zane Robert I. Ze i d Ma rv inC. Zeitz Edward J.

1952 Abernathy Thomas S. Alvarado frank T. Audsley Glenn L. Bara, . John A. Jr. ' Barte'l John G. Ba s Ie r F ra nc isS. Bauer Richard H. Borberg James R. Calcaterra Edward L. Campbel I Robert E. Chorney Pete r L. Cole Allan A. Coonce Homer E. Cooper Richard C. DeLap Kenneth L. DeLucca, Michael Jr. Drummond floyd M. Dye Robe rt A. Fan nin Eugene R. Faulkner James R. Fergu so n Wa Ilace finkl a ng John W. Freiberger Harold C. Geers Joseph H. Guinn Wi II iam B. Hacker Jean E. Ha Ilows, Raymond L. Jr. .Harma n Charles W. , Hau sman n Paul L. Hausner Paul H. He il ich Raymond P. Hellman Mi Iton H. Henry Ric hard L. Hockenbury .Melvin C. Holdman Lesl ie F. Holmes Wallace' H. Honigfort Henry f. Hu ff ma n Gene A. J ackso n Wayne D. Jensen Gun~her T. Justus, Richard F. Jr. Knoebe I Ri cha rd H. Kronst Edwin F. Ligh t Richard L. Lu sh Ro ll a S. Macke John G. MacZura George Maday ' Donald S . Martin Dan W. Matson Don D. Mcintyre, John F. Jr. Menke Gregory V. Me ska n Davi d A. Michelott i Joseph E.

Mosley ' Forrest C. I Moy Hong S. Mulholland , John E. Jr . . Nolan John B. Nunez Howa rd W. Oliphant Edgar Pape Earl E. Pawloski Bernard (. Potter Vernon C. Priest John E. !'.ul ford Wi II iam M. Reeves Ernest J . Richards Turner W. Rumsey Donald A. .Ruttinger Anthony J. Sanders Eugene F. Schafer ' Robert P. Schiene Quentin J. Scrivner J. Roger Stevens Everett C. S tic k I e 'Di rc k B. Stites Wi Ibur D. Stopkey Waldemar D. Stoval I John N. Str i te Russel I R. · Unger Walter H. Uthoff Robert F. Van Buski rk Lyman F. Vance, James f . Jr . Vanderheyden Eugene T. Wa I z Robe rt L. Welke Albert H. Westerman Howard W. Westmoreland , Darus S. Jr. Wheelock Leroy K. Wickey Robert O. WilliamS Dean N. Wi II iams Norman Wo I fbe rg Leona rd H. Zachelmeyer Norman P. ZEfdalis JohnP. Zva nut Wi II iam H.

Ac ht erberg Ernest R.. Amend 'Wi II iam E. Anderso n Charles~ . Augustson Luther B.. B~rdo n : Donald G. Barton ·C. .Dean : Behde r John H. 8erry Char l ~s A. Boyd Marvi n . W. Co le ,Henry M. Crane Harold R. Creamer· Edward L. · Easo n Jack L. Edwards ,· Gene · W. ; Eng I und John O. .. Elood Walker L. ·Fosha ·, Albert A. 'Jr. Freebe·rsyser . Geor.ge J. Gilbreat h Rodney E. .Gjelsteen Thor Hansen · Peter G. Haynes Myron B. Heeger . Charles H. Heimbaugh Kenneth G. Heineck Dale W. Hen ry Joe A.


Alumnus/ 13


Thoele Howa rd W. Tu c k e r Pau I B. Va n Bu s kirk John R. Va ughn Chari i c F. We it ze l Charl es A.



1983 Rollamo

1953 Continued Howe Be rna rd F. Jenkins Robert D. Jones - Vernon T. Jost Robert D. Katz Manfred Kent, Nevada A. I I I _ Knea rem James L. Koederitz Thomas L. Kronmueller Wi II iam W. LaBouff Gerald J. Lang Eugene A. Lee Wa Iter Leponis Andrew E. Lindgren Wi II iam Lipensky Mi Ian Mason J. lloyd McBeth Joseph D. McDowel I Charles M. Nelson Wi II iam F. Oberschelp William F . Or demann Robert G. Os bourne Claude J. Park Wi II i a m R. Po sche I Eugene J . Prickett Lloyd C. Proctor Dona Id E. Quatra ro Wi II iam Reynolds Joe B . Robbins Clay Robel Michael C. Roberts James F . Rose~rans Norm a n A. Sacks Raymond J. Scha rf Fred Seipel, John R. Jr. Smith Bert L . Spitler Robert C. Steele David I . Strohbeck Eugene E. Thompson George W. Topel Maurice R. Tu c k Edwa rd F. Fr e d e rick R. Wa gn e r Weinland Ha rold A . Wi II i s Henry R. Howa rd J. Yor s ton

1954 Ace to Way n e M. Bary l s ki Marti n W. Bu rg e tt Max A. Burn s F r e d r ick B. Ca mp e n , Fre d er i c k J. Jr. Co l e Ke nn eth D. Co l e, S idn ey J. Jr. Co n c i F'ra nk B. Custea d Jerry R. Dowe I I J ac k B . Fow l er, Th omas R. Jr . Ge r a rd J a me sA. Gray Joe E. James K. H i ghf i I I Hop l er, Ro bert B. J r . Ho r i n e Robert A. Hu be I i Ja mes A . Hug h es, J u dson A . Jr. Hu mp h r i es R i c h ard M. Jus k ie ' Be rna rd R.

14/ MSM Alum nus

Kemp, Arthur H. I I I Krispin Joseph F . Leong Judson Lo Wing-Cheuk Munson William P. Patterson J. Robert Pil I isch Herbert P. Richard L . Reeg Reynolds Arnold G. Runvik Richard C. Shoolb~ed Robert A. Sipe Wi II iam E . Stewart William H. Swearingen Jerry D. Tiernon Carlo s H. Watkins Joseph S.

1955 And e r son J a mes S. Arch e r Dav id W. Baebler Arthur G. Baker Ch e st e r H. Barco Samuel U. Ba rnd s , Campbe I I C. I I I Berg Richard O. John L. Bes t Boze Ra I ph E. Broaddu s , Wa yne R. Jr. Brockm a nn Lester A . Cha s tain William R. Colli e r Ev e r ett J. Corcoran, Thomas A. Jr. Cru s e Rich a rd L . Dav i s Da v i d J . Da vi s , Ralph T. Jr. Frankl in J a me s M. Friederich Garland C. Ge ssl ey Donald Gilli am Dal e D. Go d sey Terry L . F r ank R. Gollhof e r Hallett William M. Jone s Ri c ha r d L. Ka i se r Ric h a rd L . K i c kh a m, Lawre n ce T. Jr. Ko l asc h Jo se ph A. Kumm e r Fre d e rick S . La n e, Th o mas F. Jr. Lu e h r in g E lm e r L. Mar l ow James W. Ma r t i n Ro b e rt J . McCa rt hy .J o hn M. Mil es J o hn B. Mi Il e r Ch ar l es E. Mull e n J a mes G. Oett in g Ro b e rt B . Owe n s Ro bert E. Pa d a n J o hn W. Pe n z e I C. Ge n e Prager Marti n Ray Herman A. Reth meyer, James W. Jr . Roes l e r Ra l p h R. Schaefe r , Robert K. J r . Sc hum an Char l es W. Scott Ju l i us N. Sa mue l Smilrt Sm i th Benjam in K. Stan h ope R i c h ard D. St im so n Wi l l ia m R.

Alth ei d e Charl es R. Atkin s on He nry R. Ge orge R . . Baum g artn e r Bess J ame s D. Boy d, Vi rg i I C. Jr . Br awl ey John M. De Witt Carl L. Doe Bruce R. E I li s E I me r Fi a Ia Ne i I A . Gi Ilham Ron a ld F. Gooding Denni s J. Grinstead Wi I is G. Ha rt Norman E. Herndon Richard S. Hickernell James L. Hughes Richard A. Jenkins Lloyd H. Johanboeke Roy B. Jurenka Gi Ibert G. Kebel Harlan L. Kleberger Kenneth A. Ko I I meye r Ray L. Lieberman Warre n Longshore , James F. Jr. Mahoney Michael G. McCoy Charles J. McReynolds Woods A. Midgley Myles J. Mil Is Edwa rd L. Moo re Robe rt E. Mu r phy J a me s M. Mu rphy La r ry L. Re mmers E. Pau I Reser Donald E . Riley Ke nneth G. Sau e r, Harry J. Jr. Sch i I I i nge r Da Ie J. Schmidt Harold A. Schmittou Clay J. Sc hra mm Wi II i a m W. Se b as ti a n Wi II iam D. Se nior Ge orge L . Statler Kennyn D. Steffan Kenneth F. Suhre, Maurice E. Jr. Tauser Raymond H. Thomp s on David E. Thompson LeRoy E. T routne r Dav idE. Unner s ta II James A. Walk e r Norman L. Wa I ton Edg a r D. We isler, August C. Jr. Wi II i ams Don E. Yancik Joseph J.

Dear Mr. Mackaman , I was pleased to learn that I was to be the recipient of an Alumni "Super" Scholarship once again , As always, the Alumni Association's continued support means a great deal to me; not only does it help financial· Iy , but it also gives me a tremendous feeling of accomplishment. I am proud and honored to . have been selected, and I think the scholarship program established by the associa· tion is a fine one, Again , you have my most sincere thanks. Yours Trul y. Rana Jones Cole Camp, Mo. Senior. Applied Mathematics



As troth Louis E. Bae chle August A. £l a t es Da vid W. Be cker Robert W. Be rg Da v i d W. B lount Ro bert L. Bowe r s Don a ld R. B rid g er Robert F. Brown Phi I I ip O. Bunch David W. Burkh e ad Carl T. Case lt o n James A . Gen e C. C lodfelt e r Pa tri c k S . Couch c'owa n, Rob e rt W. Jr. Da vi s Ga ry W. De mz ik Wi II iam G. De ver John P. E I lis, Wa I te r H. Jr. Fa hrig Robert ,J. Ford Robert H. Fowlkes Charle s s W. Frankl in Bi Ily W. Fuller Robert G. Gerlach Paul D. Giffin Bi Ily .J. GI~s s cock Frederick M. Hammond Richard D. Han ss Eugene J. Haubold Niels B. Hawkins David L. Heagler Richard B. He nson Donald L. Howard John J. Humphrey Richard L . Hus sey Ra ymond L. Johnson James H. Johnson James W. Johnson Norman C. Johnston Waymon L. Ka lin Thoma s E. Kick David D. Ko.ell ing Arthur J. Landers Robert G. Pa u I ,W. Lem i ng Lore nz James B. Louv a r Jos e ph F. Robert E. Ma son Mat z, Ale x ander H. Jr. Ma y s e Robert L. Met z , Gi Ibert F . Jr. Mit c hel I James L. Mothersheaq, John L. Jr . Mueller Richard D. Needh am Wi II iam R. Noland Joseph R. Py l e E I me r G. Re uss Lloyd E. Rives James C. Roth Don a ld J. Roush Phi I ip S. Saunders Wallace R. Schel ich Ardell J. Sc~neider Robert W. Segelhorst Alfred E. Seibold Joseph M. Severson Marshal I L. Shriver Kenneth W. Sinkewiz Gi les C. Smith James G. Soper Wi II iam S. Spittler Herbert L. Ta nquary CI i(ford C. To I ive r Ja c k E. Ve tter, C la re nce J. Jr. Wa rren Robert N. We bb Jerry J . We nt z, Ch a rl es A. Jr. We thington Ann P. Wi II i ams Ru ss ell E.

1958 An d r eas Way n e T . Ans p ac h Ear l E. A r mst r ong Ge r a ld C. Bosche r t Ro b e rt J. Brown Rob ert Lee Buc h a n a n John O. Bu r l ba w He rb e rt G. Capo n e Do n a ld W. Capps Ro ber t O. Co r re I I I-I owa rd D. Co x L . r red Clill en "1 ic lla cl J. J. Cummings Brad f o rd C. Day De lb e rt E. Dli dd ridge Ke n ne t h J. Dli dersta dt Edwa rd C.


1958 Conti nued



Dul I Me l vin J. Dye Wi I I i a m B. I:. ber t , Hi II ia m J. Jr. Fi e ld Wi ll iam R. Fr anke George E. Ga r r e t t , J il me s H. J r . Ge ii, Wa I te r C. Jr . Ge rwe rt Ph i l i p E. Gra de n, Wi I I i am F. J r . Gr e gory Don a l d B. Gru e nwa ld Willi a m R. Hanna Ge orge R. Ha rdebeck Ha rry E . Harris Bobby V. Ha ydon J ac k B. Head Eldon W. He l t i brand Dewayn W. Her ri ck Thoma s J. Herrma nn, Pau I O. I I I Ho f s t e tt er Ja mes F. J ackso n Ph il ip W. Jure nka Rona ld D. Ki ehne Ar th u r D. Ki Igo Ro be rt R. Ko nrad Ric ha rd J. Kruge r Art hur R. Lew is B. Ne i I Lin Cha r I e s S . Littlefield Jerold K. Luebbert Wi II iam J. Mantovani Eugene o. Ma son Denn i s E. McConnel I Bobby J. Mc Govern Donald R. Mil IerR . La ry Miloro, Joseph Jr. Minton Robert C. Modesitt Donald E. Mosby Freddy Lee Mosby JoAnn Mudd ' John T. Munger Pa u I R. Ni ed ermeye r , O. David Jr. Nie me yer Wi I I iam G. O'Ke e f e Thomas J. Oke nfuss Richard H. Or t bals Jerome J. Palovch i k Joseph M. Pisaca ne Louis A. Ras che John F. Rob e rts Craig G. Sain z Jo s eph Sapp . J a me s W. Jr. Scha efer Orv i lle L. Schi e rme ie r John J. Schmidt, E. Robert Jr. Sfreddo Humbert E. She a J a me s I~. Smith R. Thomas Smi t h Wi I I i a'm J. Smuland Robert L. St a n t on M ac k~. Starkwe ather Gi Ibert St eve ns Rob e rt P. Sto rmen t Dona ld B. St r ub Da l e A. Suc her Ro be rt w. Sui I iva n Charl e s H. Tay l or Pa u I W. Tomaz i George D. Unne rs ta I I Le ster A. Ve t te r Ro na ld F. Vitek Ri c hard K. Weg en e r Ro na ld E. We s t B i I I Y B. Winter Leste r H. Wi throw Kerry R. Wr igh t J ohn E. Young Ra lp h O. Z i eb'a Ro be r t G. Zieba Will iam D.

1959 Agers Donne I I W. Anders Dona ld G. As he r Charles E. Auberry Wi I I ia m D. Aubuc ho n Robert D. Baum, Frank l. Jr. Bay l ess Jer ry R. Bellc hamber Donal d K. Ba h I Ca r i D. Bo lon, -Lu cie n M. J r . Bo rg i n i Fr ed Bo rma n J ohn G. Boxdorfer Rob e r t L. Bra dl ey J a mes E.

• Deceased

Dear Frank Mackaman . I am cur rent ly a sophomore in engineering management at UMR , This last year I was presented the Duncan Slater Smith Scholarship, This scholarship is no longer being funded at UMR fo r the 85·86 academ ic year. However, I've been fortunate, through your office, the Alumni Association, to become eligi· ble fo r the Clyde W. Hall Scholar· shi p. I would li ke to take this time to than k yo u for the finan cial assistance. It has been and is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Joe Nastasi Kansas City, Mo. Junior, Engineering Management

Schumacher Ca r l R. Se I l eGe ra I d O. Se I Ie rs Ga ry B. Shoemaker Ja mes L. S i r o ky E. Ke nneth S i sk PaUl B. S I i nkerd , Pa ul H. J r. Smith Gay lon G. Stevenson Gera ld L. Su tf in Car l D. Ta te Cha r I e sF . Tho mpson Richard L. Thompson Richard N. Th orn ton Ro be rt C. Tu c ke r Tho mas L. Varga Wi II i a m J. Wall ace Cha r l es E. Wax ma n St a nl ey We imholt Ja me s E. Wei n rich Albert W. Wer ner Do na Id E. Wh itehair Louis H. Wieke r Rich a rd H. Wink ler Norman E. Wood Wi II i a m S. Wr ight Robe r t R. Wu l fe r s Car l E .

]960 Braman, Gerald A. Jr. Bridgforth Jame s J. BrurJjes Wi II iam S. Burke Wi II iam G. Cain, Cl are nce Jr. Ca rroll Warren J . Cawns Albert E. Chico Ra ymundo J. Coleman Glen J . Corey Cl yde C. Cou rson, Le e R. Jr . Crapnel I Don W. Dennison Hilliam F. Ewing Amos D. Feaster Donald R. Gi l mo re, Re x A. Jr. Goldin He rbert A. Gu rm Ga ry Y. Hahn Jame s H. Ha rtman J a me s P. H,ess Robert M. Hes ton Way ne E. Hofer J. Gerald Hoffman Anthony E. Hard Wi II iam E. Hornsey Edwa rd E. Hudgens Lowe I I L. Hud wa I ker Ma rv i n E. Isaacs S. Fred J acks on James D. Jane s Fra nk E. Johns on Gordo n E. J o hn s on Ph i I ip R. Jo nes De nz i I E. Ke ll y Pa ul R. Ke nd ric k J er ry C. Kie f f e r, Al o nzo R. II I Koed eri tz Eug e ne H. Kr ug e r Wi II ia m A. Kuc ha r s ki Edwa rd A. Lat ha m J a me s I. Law David C. Lem berger Robert A. Lindsey Ken net h R. Li n n , J a me s E. Jr. Lum Ha rry K. Lutz H. Joh n Matting ly Raymond C. Mc Ha ff i e Ge ra I d T. Mc i nty re Ro be r t C. Me i se nh ei me r Harold D. Me t c a l f Gera l d L. Mingo Henry J. Mit c hel I John F. Morg a n Ge orge H. 110ses Will ia m J . Ne um e i er Leande r A. Overa I I Wi I son W. Pate He nry A. Patterson Ja mes M. Po I I a r d Cha r I e s E. Pug h Ja me s E. Puntney Albe r t W. Ratl iff John l. Re ichert Joseph F. Risner J ames L. Robinso n Marqu i s B. Ross Ri chard G. Rueste r Joh n T. Scharf Joe l S. Schnei der Cha r le s S . Scho ono ve r Donova n K.

Akmakjian Cha rles Alyea Jerrold M. Anderson John C. Au s tin Buddy J . BeJew Rober t R. Bennett Ha rold L. Ble v ins Howard L. Boston Law re nce A. Bramfitt Bruce L. Buc hanan Da v id B. Ca in La rry J . Calhoun Troy C. Carver Ronald P. Chen Da v i d K. Coo k Marv in D. Cooper Thomas W. Corb i n Kenneth D. Cordes Gle nn E. Cowan Duane E. Co x Kenne th R. Dallmer Do uglas A. Da ube I Ka r I J. Da v idson Danny E. Davis Garrett L. Del Prete , Anthony Jr. De n k Will i a m J . Di c ken s Walter H. Dos s Dela no A. Dun,igan Gera Id D. Ec he lme ier Roger L. Fi nk Ge ra Id A. Fishe r Gerald L: F I a n i ga n Vi rg i I J. Fulton Fra nk W. Gilb e rt William J . Gi l mo re J e r ry L. Gron e r Richard S . Gun t he r Don' J . Gusta f so n Geo r ge R. Ha nki ns on Ri sdon W. Hawk Ra I ph L. He r s hey Ha r ry C. Hodge Rob e rt E. Hoffman n Victor J. Ho lma n Gle nn Wayne Hunter Ch a r les E. Hyatt Gordon R. Ingl is James L. James, Rona ld C. MD. Jo hnsto n James J .R. J o rdan Pau l R. Jordan Tho mas M. Keshari Ho s sein R. Ki e ffer Robert C. Kost e n Harold W. Le mke Merr i II M. Loeb s Her bert A. Lao s J ohn H. Lukowitz Gregory J. Lyn c h Frederick W. Maisak Al be r t L. Ma n I ey , Wi I I i a m H. Jr . Ma x ton Ral ph C. Mc Da nie l s Jo hn L. McGover n Wi I I iam McN ee ly Da vid C. Me adows Roger D. Med ley , Pa u l B. II Me rt I Eugene E. Mo e l lenb e ck, Albert J. Jr . Mo i t Da n i e I D. Mok Ju ng K.

Mo nt go mery Thoma s S. Moyers Geral d E. Patterson Gary K. Po h lm2 n Dav id S. Pa nzer Henry L. Price David E. Reynolds Mau r ice M. Rizer Gene C. Sc hwa r t z bu r t A I I e n H. Sco fi e l d Ge ne L. Si ron Ro ber t E. Spe id e l Edwa rd O. St e i nman Anthony V. St e inmann Wa lt e r D. Sto ne Jerry L. Swa rtz Glenn I. Teste r man Ro y L. Ti Iman Mi lton M. Todd Lamar S. Vacca Herman L. Wagenheim Nea l T. Wa l ker Pau l M. Walthe r James J. Wa l ton Edward E. Wa rd Ro be r t H. Wa t s on Fra nk Willis Ro be rt D. Wood Ke nnet h W. Zachei s Pau l R.

1961 Am s I e r La r ry C. Annis Donald J . Barnes Richard C. Baur Richard A. Besleme James H. Biermann Robert G. Blake Charles A. Boe Richard I. Bohley Thomas K. Bolander Richard W. Brenning Eugene D. Brinkman Glen A. Brown Rich a rd R. Brunkhorst Lloyd~. Bruns Gregory A. Ch i odini, Loui~ J . Jr . Curson Wi I I iam N. De Spain James R. De wi ng H. Harvey o ix La rry L. _ Ed i son J e rry D. EI - Ba z Farouk E.S. Evans Don al d L. Fa rme r La r ry E. Featherston C. Ronald Fowler Martha S. Shu ltz Martha S . Garvey Robert A. Ge rh a r t B i I I l. Gr a nnemann H. Neal Grind on J o hn R. Gr i smo r e, Fre d L. Jr. Ham pe Ri c hard A. Ha rve y J a me s G. Hegl i n Russ e ll S. He nn i ng Wi ll ia m A . He n ry Ke nn e th W. Hi nk le Ke nn e th M. Huff Fred V. Hu I I , Lee C. Jr. Hust ad Joh n E.

1983 RoI1amo


Alumnus/ IS

1961 'Continued Jacks Frank E, Jordan George ' H, Kamicar James R, Kapfer Rich a rd R, Ki nc a i d Jo hn B. King Ke nn e th E, Kl e inp e t er Roger G. Klip P J a me s E, Ku rtzhals Ja me s 0, Latz er J o hn C. Lew i s Da vi d M. Lo ga n Robe r t M. Luca s Wa y ne L. Magui r e Ric ha rd J . Marb le J a mes B. Ma rose k Cha rl es F. Mat hews Willi a m E-. Mat hu r Vi re nda K. Ma y Wi II ia m L. McCa rth y Bas i I E. Mc La ugh l i n, Euge ne J . Jr . McN a bb J esse E. Mear s A. Da Ie Me r ke I Ed wa rd F. Mes ka n AI l en W. Mil I s Te r ry L. Moore Ke nn e th D. M.l,le . II.~. r Gle nn E. Mungle Bu rl In D. Mye r s Dona ld D. Nogg I e T ho m a. ~ ~ . No I fo Lou i s J : Odom J a mes T. Os tm a nn Don a ld A. Ow s ley Dav id V. Perkin s Jo se ph L. Pet e r s on He nry N. Peters on J a y A. Pe z za An t hony D. Pfeuffer Ron a ld R. Pierce Donald Z. Pi e t sc h Earl Prothero Ronald P. Randolph Robert W. Rathburn Vinton L. Redl ine Richard H. Reese Bartley L. Rodolph, Carl P. Jr. Sa xer Rob e rt M. Shah Ram e sh C. Shultz Martha S. Fowler Martha S . Siesennop W. Wayne Southern Merle E. Stevenson Curtis W. Stidham J a mes A. Stone Ton y C. Strobel Larry G. Sui I i van Joseph F. Suther l and James R. Theobald Thomas A. Toepfer Louis E. True Da n i e I W. Twele Micha e l N. Urekar Joseph F. Wa I ke r, Ha rve y J. Jr. Weber Roger C. Whitehead Rober t W. Wiethop R. Har ve Wolfinbarger Sa muel L. Wood Grah a m W. Wo r le y Morr is T.

1985 Rollamo

16/ MSM

Alumn us

}962 Ba rt ho l ic Dav id B. Ba x ter Ke nneth D. Blumb e rg Lesl i e Br ady Fra nc i s J . Bre it enfe ld Ri c har d T. Bre ue r Thomas E. Brockmann Ric hard K. \ Bu s c h Ray E. Campbe ll Rich a rd A. Ca r r Vi r g i I E. Cleve Ber nard F. Cu ln a n , Patr i c k .0. J:rl,~ ." Da boo Ra tan F. Daou la s Art hur Dave Bh a l c handra T. Do s h i Bi p i n N. Du va I I H. Pa t Edm i s on Roger A. Ei nse l Mi I ler D. El fr i nk Li nd e l l H. Fa rnh a m Arthur H. Fe rgu s o n Gary L. Fiel d s Sidney L. Fo ur aker J oe F. Funs c h Owe n B. Gaert ne r Doug las A. Gen try Roy C. Gofo r th J a mes R. Gorml ey James M. Gree ley Mi c hae l N. Haas Do na ld W. Haas Ge ra Id N. Ha I I Floyd S. Ha mmond Mic hae l W. Harvey Lawre nce E. Ha tfield Dav id C. Ha tf ie ld Lar ry J . Ha ushalter Frederick W. Ha ve ne r Ga ry W. He nde r son Carol E. Kuhn Ca r o IE . Hen s on Lowe I I L. Herzo g Michael S. Hoffman Roger P. Ho lma n John T. Ho re I Edwa rd T. Huffma n J e rry W. Ja c obs Da v id C. Jone s Cha r les B. Jones Jac k H. Jone s, Wi II iam R. Jr . Ka dakia J ayant S . Ka mp e r Ru sse l I A. Korn Robe rt A. Kotthoff Ge ne W. Kuhn Ca ro I E. He nde rson Ca ro IE. Lamber C. Kurt Litt l eton Ernes t W. Luecke Jerome E. Lu x Ken C. Maisch Pet e r H. F. Marler Jame s F. Mc Caw Ch a rl e s K. McMurtre y Ge rald D. Me ht a Na vnit C. Moss Ro bert D. Muench , Carl J . Jr. Na nn ey La rry J . Ne tt er Dav id E. Oberma rk J a mes R. O'Me al y Pat ri c k R. Overa II Dona Id N. Ownby P. Da rre ll Pe r sso n F. Mi c ha e l Phi II ips Thomas E. Ploeg e r Richard A. Powe l I Wini f r e d W. Pu I Iey Bob J . Qui nn, Mathew J. Jr. Re nce hau s e n Ge r a ld P. Reuck Aaron M. Rey burn Mi c ha el K. Ro uss in Robert W. Sa mr a d Ard es hi r Sc ha e f e r Ro ber t L. Sc og g in s J e rry L. Se i f ri e d Ri c ha rd W. Sha h Din es h K. 'Shuc k Lew i s W. Sloc um Wi ll )am H. Smit h Memp hord L. Snow James W. Speckha rt Frank H. St a ley Jerry A. Stearns Jer ry D. Stee l e Ke nneth W. Stiga ll Pau l D. Su ll ivan Jo hn V. Su l l iva n, Will ia m L. III Swa nso n Ri c hard C. Tes ke Ja mes E. Th e i Iman n Ve rnon E. Torn o Harry C. Twede I I R i c ha rd N.

Dear Alumni Association, It is difficult to express the sincere gratitude I feel toward the UMR Alumni Association. Your generous gift is not only appreciated but will better allow me to pursue my academic endeavors at UMR .

My first year at Rolla offered me endless opportunities to develop talents, further my knowledge, and open my doors in the world of engineering. This scholarship will enable me to continue in this positive direction . The .reiief of knowing the financial burden of a college ~duca· tion does not lie 'solely upon my shoulders, will allow me to' maximize my efforts toward a . bachelor degree in electrical engineering. Thank you so much for this truly priceless gift. Sincerely, S. Michael Held Maryland HeighJs, Mo. Sophomore, Electrical Engineering

Uh e Ge rald C. Van Doren Thoma s P. We lc h Gary E. White Da niel R. Whi te Ro bert M. Wi I son Ca r I R. Wi I s o n Ro bert J. Wi Is on Wi II i a m L. WOlkenha ue r William C. Wright Dav id B. Yo rk Ge ra I d J. Zimme rmann Wa lter A. Zyc hin s ki J ame s A.

1963 Achenbac h Gary D. Ad a m, Everett E. Jr . Ain swo rth John H. Ale xa nder Ge org e D. All e n, Loui s B. Jr. Andoe W. Victor Arm s Rob e rt L. Ba gl e y Ron al d P. Ba ke r Me r I Bare mo r e J a me s J . Ba rt ling Do na I d L. Baumb ac h Da l e M. Be c kle y Tommie R. Be nn Edwa rd Bo s t Cha rl es R. Brady , She rm a n D. J r . Buck Ri cha r d L. Chung Ha n- Cha ng Chu rc h J er ry W. C I a r k De nn i s CI i ppa r d , Fre d B. Jr . Clo se Ma xwel I L. Cu s t e r Phi II i p E. Da v i d Edwa rd G. Fa rm e r, J o hn O. I I I Fr it sc h Wi ll ia m R. Ga rdn er, Rob e rt H. Jr. Gianc ha nd a ni Jiwat D. G Iass e I C I i f f 0 r d Goeste nkor s John J. He mma nn Jo hn G. He rr o n George F. Hu sto n Robe rt E. Jaeger Benja mi n W. H. J aq uay Ri c ha rd L. Ja ue r , Ric hard A. Jr. Ka h l Rich a rd A. Ke ith H. Deil n Ki rby James R. Klut ho All y n R. Knox , J a mes R. J r . Koch Edmu nd O.

Koe n i g Wa I te r R·. .',' La mb ' J o hn C: La ne Robert l. La Pl a nt e Alla n H. Las ma ni s Ril ymo nd Le ge r · Gea ry L. Libi e z J a mes D. Li gon Will ia m R. Ma cCr indle Col in C. Mac hmeier Pa u l M. Ma rkl a nd Ro ber t E. Marti n Ric hard L. Mar tin Wa de A. Ma so n Dona ld G. M<l Y, Char les D. J r . Mc Ke e Pa u l G. Me h ta Ma nyu K. Mered ith Virg il E. Mil Ie r Pa u I H. Mond ay Marv in K. Montgo mery Randal I R. Mu e I Ie r Ga ry D. Mu rra y, Hugh V. II I Na i kn i mba I ka r Na re nd ra M. Na iyer Sha fiq ue Northcutt Do na ld R. No rth cut t Ma u r ice L. 0 ' Fa rre II Th omas P.Packwood Dona ld L. Peters o n Don a l d L. Po u~ h Ke nneth A. Re dd y Na Il a pu N. Re d i ng to n Ed ward ~. Re i d B i I I H . Ric e J o hn L. Rin gha use n Roge r J . Rin to ul Ri c hard O. Riss e r V. Vernon Ro bbin s Dougl as A. Ro be rt s Ca rl J . Robert s on Ron a ld S. Rob i son J a me s B. . Sa nder Ga ry W. Schaefe r Se th C. Sc hi II ing er George R. Scholle Willi a m A. Se h I. Eugene Jr. Sh a lton Lonnie J . S ieckh a us Rob e rt H. Ska me nc a Da vid G. Smith Sam L. Spencer Da vid W. Staley Jo s eph E. Stemler Orrin A. Taylor Glenn R. Thomas Jere L. Thomp so n Lar ry D. Timmons Ha rrel W. Tr au t ma n Denni s R. Vandergr i ff Wa yne L. Va ning e r J o n L. va nno y E. Harold Wieg a nd Te rry D. Wi II iams Ron a Id R. Wood Fran k D. Zi e ba John D. Z i nk Ri c ha rd C.

1964 Ad a ms J a me s E. Amin Ra jinkant C. As hle y Car l G. Ba iley Kei th E. Bar t e l Do na Id S. Bas l e r Thoma s J. Bay lor Phi I i p E. Be nni s h Ha rold Bo l i ng, Har ry O. II I Broek in g Ken net h W. Buesc her Al fred J . Bu es cher Ge ne E. Burk a rt Ma tth ew J . Buttry Ke nneth E. Ca I l i s t o J e re L. Ca mpbe ll Char le s E. Ca rey Rob e rt C. Casse ll Ra l ph M. Che r v it z Jerro l d Chr o ni s ter Tho ma s G. Co I I i ns James W. Co rt e lyou, Abra m L. Jr. Co rwin Ro be rt F. Cott i n Da nie l J . Crum Edwa rd H. Dea n Do na ld N. De May Pa ul P. De va ne y Mic ha e l J. Ec kh o ff Gerald J. Edwa rds Ha rry K. Ell eb r ac ht, Cl a r ence A. Jr.

1964 Continued Eppelsheimer, Daniel S. I I Ferrell C. Stuart fisher James L. Fournel Ie Raymond A. Gardner Donald T. Garl ich lhomas K. Glacse John R. Goodrum Donald L. Greer Glen M. Gruber Myron [. Harris Daniel J. Henry James M. Herrmann, Frederick W. Jr. Hi I I j a me s L. Holkenbrink Michael H. Holland Gary R. Hoi ley Robert G: Hoppe Ge ra I d P. Huber Harold D. Hughey Bobby R. Hulsey J . Leroy Jalbert Leonard S. Alan A. Kamp Kelty Thomas M. Ki rchoff Wi I I i.am S. Kraus Ronald W. Lahde Frank U. LaRose, T. Harrell Jr. Lehman, Fredrick D. III Limberg John F. Lohrding Gale T . . Lyons Charles G. Mackie Roscoe L. Malone WilliamM. Martin Carl D. Mehta Devendra V. t4ehta Kunjvihari R. Merrell David L. Michel Davi& J. Mil I e r Ka riD. Mi lis, Charles S. Jr. Morrison Donald J. 14roch Alan B. Mueller George H. Muns Bennett L. Murphy Glenn G. Murphy Robert J. Murry Mi I ton J. Nelson Courtney G. Nichols Elwood B. Odendahl James P. Ombalski, Stephen Jr. Orrison Gerald K. Pappas James M. Parkinson Larry L. Parr Richard A. Patel Rati la I S. Peacock David N. Peters Donald G. Raber Richard F. Radentz Donald E.A. Raffe I Ted C. Ra ney Edwa rd t~. Reinheimer Charles J. Reul ing Donald O. -Rllpert Gera Id B. Sagramoso Daniel E. Schmidt Daniel R. Schmidt Richard L. Smith, Harvey S. III Snyde r Thoma 5 E. Soni - Jayant C. Sowe I I, Lew i s C. Jr. Spehr James L . Stack Charles E. Steinkamp Wi II iam E. Stine William L. Stua rt Robe rt L. Sutherland, Graham G. III Ta I Ion R i cha rd J. Tao Frank F. Taylor George H. Treffinger David J. Voorhis Gary L. Wang Yun Whee I e r, -I f"V i ng B. Jr. Wiebe Dirk H. Wi Ison Tommie C. Wu Chang-Yu Wulfert, Kenneth J. Jr. Zimnick, Harold E. Jr. Zunke I A. Doug

1965 Adams Russel I C. Agrawa I Arun K. Alford JayW. Anderson Jerry M.


Arnold Rich~rd I. Aubrecht, Ladimir J. Jr. Ba rr Ra I ph S. Barrett Andrew J. Bass Paul J. Bennett Garry A. Bergt David E. Bersett Gerald W. Bicknell Hi Iton B. Bitting James L. Blume David J. Boaz James K. Boberschmidt Lawrence A. Botta, Jose A. Jr. Branum Wi II iam H. Brown Roy fl. Brubaker Maurice E. Brunner Ga ry D. Ougg Dona IdA. B[lgg Stephen F. Butler James L. Byington Marvin L. Castleberry Michael D. Chang Fu S. Chang Randy L. Chen Winston W. Chiang Chien-Ping Ch i I ton Danny L. Cleve Richard C. Conner Robert P. Cook Thomas W. Cope Wj II iam R. Creech Harry L. Da vi d, D. Da n Jr. Deken Louis R. Dierker John W. 00 I I Wa rw i c k W. Dorf Roger A. Driemeier Allen H. Dunning, Thomas H. Jr. E rw i n La r ry L. Falke William P. Farber Ralph J . Far re I I, Wi I I i am M. Jr. Fea r Robe rt C. Feller Dona Id D. Foreman Alan R. F ra n k lin, Wi I lie L. Jr. Gausman Douglas O. Gaylord Thomas K. Giger, D. Frankl in Jr. Griffin Paul D. Grimes Gary W. Gross Manfred E. Haag, Wi II iam O. Jr. Habenicht W. Helmut Hafel i Dwight T. Halbach Ronald E. Hammen B. Dennis Hanna Charles K. Hardinge Byron C. Hayden C. Ba r ry Heidman James A. Henry Daniel T. Hoffman David J. Hoffman Nancy H. Shaw Nancy H. Hohman Joe A. Holen Douglas E. Horner Kent G. Ho-Wa rd, C. Ma rt i n Jr. Hrastich Thomas A. Huang Hao-Yang Hustad Pau I A. Jersa Michael J. Johanpeter Gerald R. J 0 i ne r Bruce B. Junge Gregory Ka I lor Jay S. AI len C. Kempe Kettler Gerald J . Kiefer Dale F. Komi s arek George D.

To Whom It May Concern, As a recipient of the Alumni Scholarship, I would like to express my thanks and appreciation for this award_ I plan to use this stipend in order to begin my studies in the Department of Geology and Geophysics this coming fall semester. Sincerely, Jean Flynn St. Louis, Mo. Freshman, Geology and Geophysics

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t 985 RoIJanto Lasker M. Dwen Lassley Richard H. Lee Stephen K. Li Charles T. Liu Wan-Cheng Lowe r La r ry M. Lysaght James M. Mace Guy R. Maggs Lou isM. Magurk David W. Marlow Charles F. Ma rsha I I Rona I d C. Martin Charles R. Ma rt i'n Te rence N. Maylath Robert A. McCracken Wi II iam E. Meyer Da Ie A. Mi Iler David A. Morgan, Grover D. Jr. Morgan J . Dera Id Mo r r i s J a c k F. Mulyca Walter C. Myrick, Charles R. III Nickless Arthur L. Nielsen Darrell M. 0' Bryant, James E. I I Ohms Edwa rd J. Osick Glenn L. Otto Robert L. Pasek Theodore D. Peresztegy Lajos B. Picker Melvin L. Price WiliiamJ. Province, E. Edward Jr. Reichert ' Carl T. Rude Owen D. Ryan Robert J. Schlutow Robert H. Schroer Wi Ibert F . Shaw Nancy H. Hoffman Nancy H. Shelby, James E. Jr. Shilt EldonR. Si Ivers, Paul L. Jr. Skinner Richard D. Sma rt John D. Smith John W. Smith Michael D. Smith Roger H. Spirk Donald E. Spivy Paul L. Steimley John F. Stepp Edwa rd E. Stickler Roger H. Sundermeyer Robert W. Sunke I Thoma sM. Suthipasnarupon Anant Swekosky Frank J. Terry Richard L. Thomas, Donald O. Jr. Thomason, June C. Jr. Toedtman Charles H. Towers Terence G. Turner Dennis R. Vekaria Dinesh K. Wade James F . Wagner Roger C. Wang Jyue-Sheng Wang Wen-Li We I I s Wi I I i am L. Whitten, Travice W. Jr. Wi Ison Clyde W. Yang C. (Charles) Zimmerman Wayne M.

1966 Abbott Rohn D. Allen Jerry D. Bachman David A. Barnes, Chari ie M. Jr. Beavers James E. Behring Allen G. Bell Kenneth H. Bertelsmeyer James E. Betz Raymond R. Bingham, Lloyd W. Jr. Blumfelder William O. Bolen Gary R. Brady Dale E. Brynac Michael J. Buchmeier, Frank A. Jr. Bufalo DavidJ. Carnahan Melvin E. Carstens John C. Li-Chi Chow Chu Richard S. Clifton Jack H. Coco Matteo A. Cross Ralph L. Davis William F. DeClue Duane H. Dreisewerd Douglas W. Duree David M. Dycus James P. Evans LarryG. Fakonas Anastassios B. Fiebelman Harold E. Foss Glen N. Fo x Edwin K. Fukubayashi Harold H. Fuller Dona Id L. Ghadiali JafferT. Glover Russel I L. Good James H. Gray James C. Gress George H. Griggs, Wi II Jr. Harmon James V. Heater Charles L. Henry Charles L. Hensley Clyde R. Herrmann John A. Higgins Laurence J. Hogue , Robert W. Jr. Holt, Thomas B. I I Horn John W. Howe I I John D. Huddleston, James A. Jr. Hughlett Michael L. Hung Dick T. Jagtiani Arjan S. Jong Bing-Wen Jo zwiak Philip A. King JO.hn C. Kirberg Leonard C. Klug, John R. Jr. Kramer Ralph H. Kruep Raymond J. Kulhan Robert Lehmbeck, Lyle E. Jr. Li aw Gin C. Littlefield Larry W. Lu Chaw-Chi Lutzenberger Bert M. Lytle, Glenn A. Jr. Mann Robert V. Ma rsha I I Steven R. Ma son, John T. III

MSM Alumnus / 17


1966 Continued Matthews James R. May Thomas J. McCarrori , Robert L. Jr . McDuff Charles R. Mc Mahan J ess e T. Me hta Jagdish M. Me i e r Thoma s O. Meyer Rob e rt W. Mo hr John W. Monroe Ro nald L. Mo ran Mic ha el D. Mora n Robert W. Mo ss Edwa r d A.Mue I Ie r, Wende lin H. I I I Munn Dale A. Ne l son Don a ld R. Nelson Nicola A. Pa nhorst , AI be rt C. Jr . - Pa r ks R. Anthony Pa u I R i e ha rd R. Perkins James B. Pollack Lesl ie A. Pottinger, Hardy J. III Prashar Kanwal D. Presley John R. Redford, Joseph E. Sr . Reinhart Douglas J . Reinsch, Lawrence J. Jr. Ric h La r ry M. Ri ley James A. Robert s Loy D. Rosemann Michael E. Ross Anthon y O. Scheer Samuel A. Schroer James B. Scott Kenneth R. Shah Ashok C. Simmons Fred A. Slocum Roy W. Smith Ge r ald W. Spence Hugh F. Stange I James E. Steele James D. Stewart, Lesl ie D. Jr. Stockhausen Wi II iam T. Stover Dennis W. Sussman Howard H. Trippel Robert C. Tu rne r Ga ry M. Uthe Floyd H. Walters Ronald P. Warda Wi II iam S. Wa t t s 'Ge ra I d L. Wehmeyer David P. West James E. Weyand Thomas E. Wideman Lawson G. Wi I kens Roy A. Wi II iams Maurice A. Williams William S. Wood a I I Thoma s J. Woodbury Frankl in B.W. Woodfield Richard A. Woodward Charles D. Work Bruce V.S. Yuh Eugene Y. Yung Shu C.

1967 Adamick , Ches te r J . Jr . A I tm a n Ba rba ra H. Altma n Ron a ld L. Ba ke r Rich a rd L. Ba rrow , Jo hn- T. Jr . Ba umeyer Erv in H. Beve l Jerry E. Cal ho un ' Wi II ia m L. Ca pone Ga ry J. Cart e r Jo e C. Ca rte r Ron a ld W. Cha ng Geo rg e C. Coo k Da vi d L. Co x , Wi II i a m E. IV r; ump e r, J a mes W. Jr . Da rne I I Pa u IE. Decke r Ray C. Dege nh a rdt Eug e ne A. DeLas hmit Willi a m E. De Long Ca r I E. Do e rr Jerry W. Dres sl e r Donald R. Dye r Ga rv' i n H. El a m Anthony R. Evans Ronald E. Field, Cyrus W. Jr. Fout s Ga ry L. Franke Richard M. Fricke Bernhard D. Fritschel La rry E. Gass John W. Gra ham WilliamJ. Gru e nloh James F. Guvenir Yavuz M. Hachmuth Henry K. Hallett Michael D. Hansen, Stanley S. II Hardy Michael E. Ha r r i s Ga ry F. Heimel Michael C. Herbold August E. Hickenbotham Harley D. Hicks Ronald R. Hi I I Ro I and M. Hodges Phillip F. Hopkins Wa y ne J. Ho rne Ga ry H. Houser James D. Hung Ch i a Hydzik Richard M. Inman Pau I L. Jones La rry E. Kahrs Jeffrey W. Ka I i a Hemend r a N. Ka s tel Richard L. Kelso Gary L. Kettenbrink, Edwin C. Jr . King Randall K. Kistner Michael R. Klei n Da leE. Lai San-Cheng Langsdorf Lloyd L. Laufer Wayne L. Lebo Jerome M. Ledbetter Ronald M. Lloyd-Jones David Lyons He I en L. Matthes Harold D. McCaw, Donald W. Jr. McMi I len T. Michael McMullen CI ifford C.

1985 Rollamo

18/ MSM


Medlin James I~ . Mikel ionis ' Lawrence J. Mil I e r Edwa rd D. Mil Ie r R i cha rd J. Mill e r Sa mue l P. Mill s Ro be rt r~ . Mye r s Howa rd W. Ne l so n Dav id A. No rth Ro ber t A. Owens Ga ry S . Pa t e l I~ agan l a l L. Pe r e z , Ch a r I e s E.. J r. Pe rkin s Mi c hae l A. Pe r k in s Ter ry E. Pe try Th omas M. Pi ros Ro na Id A . Pot t e r Ot i s L. Powe i I Doy l e W. Pr a t e r Ni c k L. Rao Yala manc hi· li Ri l ey J olln D. Ron z o Robert J . Ru e h Ke nn e th W. Sa dowsk i J o hn M. Sal o f George A. Sc hloma n Al a n H. Sc ho e p Ge r a ld M. Scott La rry W. Se a r s Thoma s J . She n Kuo-Sh e in Shimamoto Edwin T. Sie ve rt Ga ry F. Simmons, John L. I I I Smith Robert T. Stanton Warren R. S tine, Howa rd H. Jr. Stirrat Bryan A. Sulzer Donald F. Tate George J. Turner Robert E. Uhey Ronald E. Van Dover R.. Bruce Wagner Richard V. We i se Theodore L. Weissflug Van A. Winn Robert H. Wolf John D. Woolery William L. Wu Christopher K. Young Lawrence M. Zwiener James M.

1968 Ar mstrong Roy M. Astrack Richard F. Awan Mansoor A. Aya rs Robe rt S. Bach, Charles S. Jr. Baer Kenneth G. Be I I Go rdon W. Bennington, Lesl ie O. Jr. Bergfeld Jerome V. Blackwood James D. Braden M. Douglas Brevil Ie David A. Brockhaus Douglas A. Ca rna ha n Da nny L. Ca rson Jon D. ~hadwick Jack L. Chao S. (Steve) Chapman K. Ron Chen Sun C. Choate Larry D. Collins Walter K. Conrad David A. Cothran Stephen A. Cozad John M. Davis Roy G. Dearth Da v id W. Di lion Paul H. Do e rfl inger Arthur E. Do I I a r Jim A. Ecoff, Ralph A. Jr. Eggers Stephen H. Eidelm a ~ La rry B. E I de r Ga ry R. Faenger, Aloys H. Jr. Faintich Dav id M. Fowl e r, Richard W. III Frasco Lynn A. Ge rha rd Ga ry E. Gerig, Frank A. III Goedde Joe G. Grady Robert L. Groves Christopher B. Haag Alan L. Halford Robert J . Harris Dona ld J. Henrikson Ra lph L. Hsu Kuan- Yuan Huang James C.

Dear Sirs: Thank you for making the Alumni Association Scholarship available to me for the Spring of 1985. I am most grateful for your generosity and am fully planning to support the MSM · UMR Alumni Association in the future. I am planning to use the scholar· ship to assist in paying housing ex.· penses while I attend school. Therefore, I greatly appreciate your aid in my pursuit of a college educa· tion .

Again , thank you very much for making this scholarship available to me. Sincerely, Jeffrey W. Bullard Catawissa, Mo. Junior, Ceramic Engineering Huett Michael S. Hwang Ching-Cherng Jackson Rich a rd B. Johnson Stephen S. Keppel James R. Koede ritz Leona rd F. Koege I Frank R. Krei I ich James L. Kuchenig Frederick W. Larson Wi II iam M. Latty James A. Leaming George D. Lehman, A. Richard Jr. Lew i s Le I and Li Shu-Mei Wang Shu-Mei Linds ey Merl in D. Liu Jih-Han Long Joseph J. Luebbert, Lawrence H. Jr. Mabry Dewayne P. Manson Donald A. Martin Mark A. Maycock Barry F. r~cCa I I a Ca r I R. McCormick C. Craig McCrae Robert F. McFadden Wi I I iam J. Michel Joel K. Miltenberger James L. Moore Richard E. Mosher Ronald A. Moyer , Joseph D. Jr. Mue r I erDa vi d L. Mueller Joseph L. Nagel Terry L. Olsen Richard G. Owens Thomas J. Pahl Robert H. Parker Dennis R. Pe nd e r Stephen N. Perry Norri s W. Pfeiffer Douglas L. Phelps Richard W. Pogue Jerry G. Pokrefke, Thomas J. Jr. Porter Clayton G. Quick Edgar A. Reading Stephen H. Rueng e rt Martin R. Ru e t e r Richard E. Scheibel Larry L. Schenk Richard W. Schowe ngerdt Robert A. Schucker. Gera Id D. Scott Harold H. Sha rp R i cha rd E. Sherrick Sh e rman W. Sidlowski Ronald E. Smith Nei I S. Smith Ronald G. Storr s Stua rt M. Strain Galen M. Strau s s Stephen R. Thomu re Da n i elF. Ti II Henry A. Towne Robert G. Tuck e r Ronald M.

1968 Continued Untern:3ehrcr w i ! I iam E. vehige RichHrd J. Vo I k Roger H. Wagh er Stanley K. Wang Shu-t1e i L iShII-Me i Wa I'd Da n i elK. Watkins John B. Wibbenmeye r Jerome H. Wlo s Paul M. Wright Stephen A. Wristen David B. Wycoff Ronald L. Ya I I a I y Stephen P. Yang Kuei-Hsiung Yost Kenneth D. youngman James A. Zauner Ron a ld f. Zoe I I ne r Ly nn E.

1969 Alexander Vernon T. Anderson Michael E. Andreae Robert A. Arnold Robert D. Ar nold y Richard R. Barr Nora A.. Ru i z No ra A . .. Bay lor Maurice L. Bednar Stephen J . Berry John J. ' Bish op David K. Bondurant frederick N. Bo r gmeyer Th omas S. Bo ring Wi I I i am D. Bourne Donald W. Bozarth Bruce A. Brandhorst Lynn D. Breese Thomas E. Brendle Steph e n J. Bri nkop f Robert L. Bruce Robert S. Brune Ga ry L. Brune Robert H. Bruzewski James R. Bul la Freder i ck W. . Burke James E. Bu rkempe r La r ry J. Burrows Eugene H. Cary Stan l ey E. Chang Li C. Chen Chao - Sheng Chow Robe rt Y. . Co I lin s Wi I I i am E. Coulter Stephen J . Cowen J oseph E. C re tin Pa ul F. Da bn er John r1. Daneshy Ab.bas A. Daniels David E. Davidson Wi I I iam G. Da vi t Ge ra I d C. Degenhardt Lynn J. Denham Donald C. DeSpa in Dav id R. Dewey Rog e r ,S. Dodson Chery l A. Steffan Cheryl A. Doerr, Raymo nd E. Jr. Easo n J ames S. Ea step Lawrence W. Ebe l ing John A. Engel brecht Rona ld L. Faes J ohn G. Feger Thomas M. Fischer James E. Fong, Ping Jr . Foster Char le s W. Franke Ric hard E. Frazee Richard W. Fung Shiu Y. Gentz ler, Edward C. III Ge rig Ma rtha M. Givan Guy V. Graham Wa rren D. Gu I i c k Ga ry M. Ha lladay Ha rold W. Hawk ins Rodney B. Haynes Wi I so n L. He bner, Robert E. Jr. Hit t Ge ra I d W. Ho c hman I r<! P. Hoen erhoff Richard B. Hoffman Denny R. Hoi land Th eo dore W. Hornback Donald L. Houf Gordon B.

Shae fer Raymond T. Sm i t h A. Wayne Smith Br ian W. Smith Gary L. Sm i t h J ames W. Sowers James R. Spa lding Theodore J. Splettstosser James Steed, F. CI if ton Jr. Steffan Cheryl A. Dodson Ch e ryl A. 5·l: e.'!'.ml er James A. Stevens _~obert W. St iga II Jam e-s -.~ : _ Strause r Claude N. St urgeon Michael C. Sweeney Thomas E. Thalhammer E. Donald Thies Douglas M. Thorn Steve n W. Wansing Alvin D. We bb E. Victor Webster , Wi II iam D. Jr. Wehmeye r W. Earl Westfall, Lewis E. Jr. Wiesenmeyer John C. Wi Ico x Thomas M. Williams Douglas R. Wi Imont Da v id A. Wi Ison Patrick J. Witzel Rich a rd C. Woess ner James D. Wor s tell, Earl M. Jr. Wurtz James L. Zenge Thoma s L. Zi mmer John J.

Ho vis Donald L. Hsu Chun- Fang Hughlett Jo sep h R. Hung Sa mu e IS. .. Jenkins Rodney E. Jochum Rona ld G. jfj,,,!!}S Thomas A. Jozwia~ Vincent R. Kaiser sc-epnt:n J . Kelatlan Michael t . Kerns Way ne L. Kmecz Glenn M. Knauf Wi II iam R. Knenlein Michael J . Koehn Char l e s E. Koen i g Ga ry R. Koester Richard W. Kra usc h David L. Kruvand Daniel H. Lab it James R. Laca v ich Richard J. Lambert Don a ld B. Lambert, James E. Jr. Lickl ider Phi II ip L. Livengood Robert J. Lloyd G. Wesley rowe Wi I I i a m S. Lynch John B. Mars h Regin a ld T. Ma rtin Dennis C. Massey Jimmy C. Masterso n De nnis J . Ma xwe I I , I ra C. Jr. Mertens Michael L. Midden, He nry E. I I I Mintner Dav id C. Munoz Joseph H. Muser Stephen J. Newto n, Frederick L. Jr . Niehaus Robert L. Nigus Steven· G. Oldh a m Douglas G. Olsen William B. Ozorkiew icz Ralph L. Pa rks Fred B. Payne James D. Perkins Gary G. Pfeiffer David C. Prewitt Nei I D. Re c tor Michael R. Rhea Cha rl es J. Richard s on Thoma s L. Ri ley Michae l W. Roam John H. Roberts Omer H. Roberts S. Kent Ross Terry K. Roth Lester C. Ruiz Nora A. Ba r r No ra A. Rytter Noel J. Sauer Peter W. Sch laf Th omas F. Schmidt Lonnie D. Schn u rbusch Lar ry J. Seaman Rob e rt L.

Dear Mr. Members:



1970 Abernathie Wil liam E. Adler Robert B. Ale xander Gary R. Alexander Wi II i am D. AI I ison Melv in R. Andreae Vick i M. Andrews Kenneth W. Ashb a ugh Brian W. Ba i W. Monty Barnes Johny J. Barnett Ra lph L. Baur John C. Beards l ey Dav id ' D. Beirn e John M. Bigley Denis G. Birk Douglas G. Bjornberg Peter R. Bockma n Ga ry J. Bohnemeyer Stephen P. Bray Kennet h W. Bray Mi chael E. Brown Wi I I is L. Brownfi e ld Boyd J. Bryant David A. Bryant Ri chard O. Burk Ea rl D. Ca I ton Lynn B. Ca rter John B. Cha ng Joseph J. Chan g Wi II ia m C. Chapman Ric hard G. Chaste n Dennls L. Cheek Michae l R. Che n Gwok-Li ang Chen Hong-Wen Chen Paul B. Che noweth Harold E. Chiu Phi I ip L.S. Co n roy Peter J. Cook, Frank S. Jr. Corbe tt Timothy P. Crain Danny L. Cross l ey Warren P. Dalton Robert H. Day Joyce Delay Russel I G. Denlow I srael Denney Ken neth L. De x ter James R. Dietrich Randall G. Doer ing Frank J. Dolata Edward W. Donaldson Alb ert L. Dorroh, Ro be rt F. III Dunning Eric D. Durham Terry E. Ehlmann Bryon K. Ei ler Stanley H. Eng in eer Roy Ethridg e Max M. Feager Joe A. Finkelstein Michael A. Finn ega n Jerrey D.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the scholarship I have received for the Fall 1985 semester. It was not easy to leave employment which offered secure income to return to college. It was even harder to return to studies after nearly 10 years, However, the experience has been a rewarding one academically, and I am gratified to have done fairl y well. I also expect it to be gratifyi ng in terms of financial return and job satisfaction. When that occurs, I will surely remember (with donations) that the scholarship funds at UMR helped to make it possible. Sincerely, David R. Ziegler Rolla, Mo., Senior, Mining Engineering

Fitzgerald Richard J . Ford James A. Freeman Richard L. Fri ese Michael M. Fuer s t Rob e rt L. Ga r re t t, J a c k T. Jr . Gasto n Char le s B. Geers J a mes R. , Ge rd es Rona ld G. Gi II Michael L. Goo dboy Kenneth P. Griffin Francis L. Griffin Rona ld D. Gupta Dwarka P. Habegger Rona ld L. Hager Harold W. Hahn Joseph K. Haley Paul E. Hankins David R. Harr i s Michael D. He nson Phi II ip L. Hess Donald A. Hi I I Me r I e F. Hirner Herman R. '. Hoeckelman Le s l ie Hoesly Richard R. Homyk Terrence J. Horky Bradford B. Horn Larry S. Huebner Charles E. Hurt Robert E. I I a v i a Pi 100 E. Jag g i De n n i sF. Jansen Raymon d J. Jensen R. Gene Johannpeter Walter G. Johnson Christian R. Jones David B. Jordan Ric hard F. Jussyp Juri Ka lb ac Raymond L. Kammerer, J\,sep h J. Jr. Kao Chi ng -N an Kap Ian Ma rk S. Karger Rona Id A. Kau Jen g- Chuan Ke i th Thoma s E. Ke I I Y Da v i d P. Kemp Wayne R. Ki Il gore Ross D. Ki rkbr ide Russell L. Kirmeyer Gregory J. Ki stne r Jimmie D. Koenemann Barry D. Kone Frankl i n W. Koo Hai-Chi Korth Michael V. Kra mer John L.J. Kueb ler Kenneth L. Kuhn Thomas E. Kw iecinski Timothy J. LaBoube Roger A. Lan Shing - Sho ng Lane Edwi n D. Lane Ro na ld L. Latty, Char les C. J r . Lee Ch i n- Mi ng Lewe ll en Frank Lew i s Wi I I i a m R. Liao Cheng S. Loudermi Ik, Ab ra ha m H. Jr. Luedde cke Donald E. Lupberger David D. Mack, Anthony A. Jr . Manning Thomas W. Marchiando Anthony F. Ma s ta I i 0 Ki m I.


• Deceased


Alumnus/ 19

1 ~Ii!l

Aon. nltl

1910 Continue d Mil I (1(1 I I II Dfl V (I II . Ml y . I flt'IY ~lc ' III ' 1 ( 1(0 IIIOI"n D. I nW I C II (' C I . MI (: l illY M(e llll ·(I . NElI. h ll ll III I I) . M( COl'''' 1 k fl nvl (l W. MoC: I I, ll M C I I I f> I 1<. MC 1(11 Iv( Y ,J Ifn{ II . Mfll.;. I (1 1111 111, 11 I . ,J I' . I fO M I U{ICII I Mil 1 1>1 1.1111 (; I f,,' 1 D. M I I I (II d I 111' 11. M(I 1 M . M . MIl/ \I " [Ill II II I (I ,I . ~100 r CI OC"I I . M e' ll lIt> I ,I . IL MOI 'III I Morll lli Mrlr l D. ~1(" , ,' 1. ,J111111 1 I I . Mur, . 1 11 1' 1'1 D . Mo'. l I f>1I 111 I fl I . ~1U11 If> I CII I I I ci I . ~111"I ' lIy <: /1 11 1 I I ' J . MII / IIIII {H" A I' ff v I "el t;. No ll! I 1 h(lllffi l. . Nl llO ,'(' hl li 1\ 11' -1. C II I Nc I IIII( '1 '" Il()f ll. I II C. N II I c· h. ,'ci I




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'.(' 111.11111" " ,J() 1111 I . ~;( "1.1 111 I kl Cf. I I (J. ',( ' 011 UIIIII{'1 I . ', III , "I"" (I LII, " I I, '. II . I IJ, fHI (" '.lIc · pll( ' f ci f l l l " l e ll 1I .I ,(,ld D . ', Ii ,111 101 I I I 111111 1(. '.1 (1I0 1l1Ifl l' >" ,JO'.I·"II A . !; I / III")le" 111111, " I . •J • . ' dll I II I\c' VI " I Y (J . :. 1111 I Ii (.1.. " I,,'. A . ';/0 I dl I{ofi I I el I . :;0 111 I . J 11111 , " f{ . ,J I . ';(l/l ll" 1'11 1 I I P ,J . ,J !, p I I 11111 1II (Ji l ~ ~ . (I I \J. ·: I, III>I'!. 111" , , '1 iI. III ·. I. /lI' Ii(III./lil M c llfl r: I W. ' d , I1I" 'I 111/1(11"[' I). :' ~ I 1111 • 1(1 I IJII V ci II. :;WllllIY Dilviel W. 'Wyf' 01'" H. f l l Y 10 " CI, I' II fl. 10 1lf!. I ClwfI ,(I II. lllulOfl '. ,)fllll( I I'. 11i /l lil n . Oil 101 1 1 I I lin M. III 0 lll p'.Oll I I. I' I II. Iii 1,I IIC) l eJ. 11 (11)( rt. H . J 10 1 I ~ 101 I I I 111 0, I . Cl lllll q -VII.II P. I IIIlfI l/ Inpft o ll ou r (; I\(, 1' 10 . Vnl,q l l ll i'n ll l I . Wn (1f' C, Pc I.n r 101 I I ( r I I eJ (; I y Ci I . Hn I I< 110101 If cl ,J . 1-1 111 11 I ,, -V il lI/ I 10111/ 111 ,Jnw - I< lI fl nq Wl r ll ( ,' ,JOllli n. WClflL II ( , l y ' Lnp ll o ll M. Wfibfi r ,J . ,' co I. L Weber I nWrfi fl ' ( I , W. 1<(1 I LII W(I (lq n W( (jn ,J ' III . n. Wo 1 . 1i .IO I) 1l D . WI I I I n ili. A lii L I I . Wil l '"I. J(l,OrnO II . w l l l ln lO : HI . h,rel K. 1010 Iff' I 11 0m I . r . 10/0 I Ofi Oi O I. I. MUIH I . 10/0 11 (1 Yll ft ll - N I II 1010 "I, lIIftll OftI' (I L. VCII IIII ( ,' 1 0 .. ,' ,. 1. A. VOlln l M I III{ I n. VII ~, 1111t - 1i dill '"qllr " obrr~ A . 111,Cielf' , ,Jn lll ll!. IJ . Jr. Iy I I ' II HUII I, I CI ~.

c l r Mr. M I ' kamnn : Mr . I icl A ll en. 'oor l in It( r. infor ll1 eci me Ih I I I WA S I re ' Ipi 'n ( of a 500 IIi ersi( of Miss litrl Rolin IlItnni SchollJ'shlp .

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D nn I 1- . I. fl llr I I d LflLlu , rr lnk D. LO I I un [. S. Bill Su S ru ' 1l llofr. nob rL M. Jr. 11, 1< . II r HIlIiO lei J. 1/llbrr KOILil F. I "y I 00 CIHl" It' . II. 1,lylor IIrlnll n. IIloillnonll JO t," M. II'OIIlP!.Ofl I . Un rr I I Ii kWIi rL Hollo rL ,J. r,('flLlIlllln NOl'mnn lJ I riG It J n 1110 ~ C. VI S 1111_11 " l ( r, U IV idA. 1/ I VOffK onel IrNI riCk W. \01 I(It H()bo I' I. 10/ q 11 I' MIl. ' I ,n n. I VI' ,', ~III rill n R. 1011111 'I' , < VOII Webb Jo llnny S. loI('hbl',' .('or' qe A. \01(' I se ll I'jllIl I . Hl'lIllrtq~on HaberL I. 10111 i rorO Jero lei L . 1011 11110 ' CI .,y W. 101 I I I I ,lin. R.lymonel R. 'rI1 1m In 11 I I mll Lily I . 101 I I , (' kc',. Vi Lll" Jr. 10/111 lipr Uilrry K. I~ ol r ~IICIHl() 1 J. Hul rinC)~()11 I\<'r ,' y P. Wooo H,('lwnJ A. 'rill ' 1111 II . I~III r r C. l(, Ii n WIl~ I r A If, U J. ,111 'y H()q' r I .






1972 Dear Sirs: Al ford JohnD. AlLen I~ict)ae I P. Alspaugh Dav i d H. Anderson John R. Bachmann David E. Ba rto I i Ernest C. Be I I Ar ttw r H. Benton James R. Berry Robert T. Bib le, Pau l L. Jr. Black William M. Blizewski Brent Bontz Daniel L. ' Boo th Richard T. Bo u rne Bi I Iy W. Boyd Stephe n J. Bra nn an Randa I I J. Brown Char les S. Brown Rich ard A. Bur jeck Thomas R. Burk e Teriel E. Busch Ken net h L. Butt s J a mes D. Carmichael Dwight E. Chenoweth Daryl I W. Chien John F. Choi Sam N. Christen Randolph F. Cobble James J. Cole Hugh E. Coil ings James R. Craig Kinley B. Crow Mi c hael L. Curry Robert W. Curth F. Osca r Davi s Rober t S. DeC I ue Ga ry L. DeRiemer ' Daniel L. Dicken Stanley C. Die c km eyer, Orrin J. Jr. Dietrich Andrew R. Doerr Robert M. Dunn Wyatt M. Echols Lorraine W. Traynor Lorra ine W. Eckelkamp Ronald M. Edwa rds Ga ry D. Edwards, John W. Jr. Egbert Rob e rt I . E I lis , F ra n k R. I I Ernst Wi II iam G. Eyermann Thomas J. Fadl e r Ronald J . Faust Ronald G. Field Kenneth V. .Finazzo James A. Finl ey Robert L. Fletcher ~ . Scott Fo rsee Ga ry D. Freeman Raymond A. Frisbee Daniel E. Ga rrett L. Wayne Garrigan Pa ul C. Gatrost Archie F. Gloff Richard H. Goodman Samuel R. Grana Domi ni c J. Grav'e s Pau I a D. -Radder Paula D. Gross Edwapd P. Gund y Dougla s G. Ha Ibe rt Jeffery L. Hanke Bre tt L. Hanson Steve A. Hao Wuu Ha rri s George L. Hau enstei n George W. Head ington Frank C. He ll rich Lin us H. Hese ma n Ca lv in R. Higgins Jack R. Hi ll Ly leW. Hi I ton Robe rt J. Hoe l scher John C. Hoffma nn Ri c hard L. Ho I I i day Robe rt L. Ho l t Michael L. Hunding, Car l W. I I I Ibarra, Sa n tiago J. Jr . lili a n Don L. J esse Hugh A. Jones Ala n W. Jone s Charles M. Ka I t e r Char l es J. Keith Warren N. Ke ss l e r Bruc e S . Ki fer Kennett) K. Kiein Robert E. Knefe I Raymond F. Kohn Don H. Konrad i Ke i th E. Korklan H. Jeffrey Kriegshauser, Paul C. Jr. Krysa Mitchel S.

My name is Gai l Tonas and I have recen tly received not ification that I have been awarded the Alumni "Special" Scholarship in the amount of $1000 .00 for the 1985·86 academiC year. I want to express my appreciation to you fo r honoring me with this award. I assure you that it will be a great help to me as I seek to continue my education at the Univer· sity of Missouri·Rolla. I am currently planning to major in chemical engineering. Again. my sincerest thanks. Sincerely. Gail S. Tonas Union. Mo. Freshman. Chemical Engineering Kuenzer Richard R. Kuo Robe rt L. Lambe Clinton R. Laramie Raymond F. L2sc hobe r Richard J. Latt.i sOon L. Lauth J ohn A. Leavitt DallasR. Lester Fred die H. Lyo n J a mlE S. Marcee David C. Marek J. Douglas Ma rshaus Kurt K. Matthes, Alfred W. II Ma xeiner Armond C. McCormack, Howard F. Jr. McSpadden Alan W. Merten Peter M. Mi Il e r Paul D. Minden Francis J. Miodunski Robert L. Mol i to r Edward A. Moody Robert A. Mueller Ke nt W. Mugan John W. Mullen Daniel F. Mull igan , James A. III Myers, Charles T. III Nas h Donald E. Nas h Le e A. Nelde n James W. Ne l son Robert W. Nelson Steve n F. Ne utzl ing Gary M. New ton Wi 1. 1 iam M. North Michael A. Ochoa J uan G. o li ve r Da n i e l L. Ore I I a Ga ry J. Oster Kenneth B. Ostermann Norman P. · Padgett Donald L. Pa rk Dean A. Pa rtridg e Ra l ph M. Perez W. Mar i e Phipps John O. Pit t Da Ie M. Price G. Lynn Puett mann Dav id R. Radde r Norman C. Hadder Paul a D. Graves Pau I a D. Rector Ste phen W. Riege l Richard · J. Ross Gle nn R. Rotherm ic h Derril I J. Rus h Steve n D. St John Les li e L. Sa lmon J er ry R. Sc ha lk Rona l d L. Sc heibe l Thomas E. Sc hlett Pau l E. Sc hoenefeld , Kar l F. III Sc hue ss ler Richard B. Sc hwartz George K. Sc hweer Jeffery A. Shankl in Gary E. Smith Cha rl es W. Smith Gary A. Smith Ric hard L. Smith Ru sse ll D. Stanley Robert L. Steh ly Dan iel W.

Summers A. Larry Taylor Michael E. Tay lor Philip G. Taylor Roger K. Te nfelder John W. Thies Step hen M. Thompson Thoma s G. Thomure Randa I I O. Titus Russel L. Tomasella Renato N. Trancynger r~ichael L. Traynor Lo rraine W. Echols Lorraine W. Vandive r Gary W. Vogelpohl David R. Volkmar Robert W. Wa rd Joseph R. Week ley, Martin L. Jr. Werthman, Joh n P. Jr. Widmer Rex C. Will i ams Dale E. Wissmann, Harold J. Jr. Witte Dona ld R. Woods, Roy B. ' I I I Woos ley Dav id E. Ze rwig Larry J. Zinse lme ier Albert E. Zweig Gregory C.

1973 Anderson Gary S. Anderson Glenn R. Anderson Gregory T. Atchley Katherine V. Di lion Katherine V. Bade Norman D. Ba in Jo se ph E. Baker John W-;Barry Dav.id L. Beck WilliamJ. Beckmeyer Margy A. Rice Margy A. Behan Thomas A. Bergner Larry G. Bethards Charles W. Black, Haro ld E. Jr. Blattel Steven R. Bo s ky Ma r i e L. Brandt Robert J. Bremer Way ne P. Brinton John C. Brown, Thoma s S. I I I Bruns, Bernard A. III Bryant Steven D. Buc hmei er Wi I-I ia m K. . Burton Ja mes M. Butts Mi c hael C. Byrne James M. Byrne Patrick M. Ca mpb e ll Fred W. Carter Karen S. Chinn Terry L. Chri stie Ric hard D. Co I te r Ki m D. Co urt Michael R. Cunnin gha m Wil li am P. Da re Pa u I D. Davidson Ale n F.

Davies Carol A. Langemach Carol A. Degel Frank C. Denney Gary G. Dickof Frank A. Dierker Steve n B. Di li on Katherine V. Atchley Katherine V. Downs Phi I ip R. Duc Tri nh Huu Earnest Randal E. [dele James S. Edwards Michael P. Edwards Sarah S. Sample Sarah S. Emanuel Richard L. Fadem Craig L. Fahy Michae l P. Feh l ig Mark G. Fe nn ewa ld Gary J. Fetterman Phi II ip S. Fischer Ludwig J. Fit z patrick Wi II iam J. Flaminio Char les L. Fl e tcher Stanley T. Fulkerson, Frank M. Jr. Garrison Ste phen L. Gastreich Kent D. Gault RandolpA P. Gayer Evelyn L. Gegg James F. George Wi II iam W. Goldammer Steve n R. Goodman Roger K. Graves Thomas E. Grossman Alvin E. Halsted David L. Ham i Iton James R. Harris Gerald L. Ha rtenberger Jeffrey L. Hartle , Arthur A. Jr . Hearst Da v id T. Hellrich James H. Henderson Gary R. Hendren Larry L. Hendren PollyA. Reed Polly A. Hibbits Darre l I D. Hi Ilhouse Jim L. Hinkle K. Daniel Horstmann Paul W. Hudson Paula Iler William J. Jansky Jonathon P. Johnson William L. Jones Rona Id L. Kah le Thomas A. Kahrs EI iza beth D. Kea ting John M. Ki I I inger J ohn C. Kleinert Andrew J. Kleinman Robert A. Kleme tson Stanley L. Kluge Rol land H. Kno I I Dav idA. Koew ing James W. Kra me r Roger L. Kroete r David W. Kruse Lawrence G. Kuec henme i s ter Kennet h W. Ku ntz Richard D. Kwong George S. L:amano La rry L. Lane Wi II :am L. Lange mach Caro l A. Davies Caro l A. Lara more Robert D. Leder le Gary J.

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1973 Continued Lee Herme s Lett Steven K. Lewis Law re nce L. Lindstrom John A. Loma x, Victor w. Jr. Maggert Gary G. McAI I ister Michael R. McAlpin J. Gary McCleary Ronnie Nei I McClure David T. Mea n s Jimmy L. Mil ne Robe rt J . Minoff ,Jerry Mitchel I Bruce S. Mohr David P. Moore Kindal I W. MoscosO A Jose A. 'Mueller Carl J. Nance Terry J. Niehoff Michael E. North John E. Nugent John C. Ogle H. Richard 01 igschlaeger David Owens Rosemary F. Rois Rosemary F. Pagano Salvatore J. Patterson, J. Scott Jr. Pease Dennis C. Pederson Pau I E. Pendergrass Dennie L. Petermann Ernie W. Peters Richard E. Poe, Earl J . III Powe rs Da nny K. Prquty David A. Pu etz Lynne E. Ra mbow Frederick Rau Bruce W. Reed Poll y A. He ndre n Polly A. Ree I Dana V. Rice r~argy A. Beckmeyer Margy A. Richter Michael G. Ro bb David R. Robertson Stephen L. Roco ber to Mi chael Rois Rosemary F. Owens Rose mary F. Rorabaugh James I . Sa l las John J. Sa mp I e Sa ra h S. Edwa rds Sa rah S. Scanlon Robe rt J. Schafermeyer Richard G. Schilling John R. Schind ler George A. Sc hluet e r Steve n E. Sc hwalb e Gerald V. Schwartz Gary W. Scott La rry L. Sc rutchfield Donald H. S i tz Ca ro Ie L. Skain John C. Skasick Steven M. S io ve nsky R. Clayton Smith Richard A. Starnes Gordon A. Starnes Rutheanne M. Stewart Robert L. St r itzel Dav id L. Suetterl in Kenneth M. Swoboda Alexis C. Ta t t itch Stephe'n T.

Taylor Richard M. Teske Dav id J. Thi es Fredrick J . Thompson J . Kenneth Tin d ill John J . To c h Max imi I ian Va e th Richard M. Wade Edward N. Wal lace Lloyd N. Walz Michael A. Warren Jo se ph P. Watkins Wesley S. Wavering Mark E. Weddle Phi I ip B. We gener Curt L. We i die r Ga ry R. We rne r Kenne th W. Wi Ihelms Steven C. Williams Curt T. Wi I I mo re J e r ry L. Willoughby Ronald D. Wi Ison Chris D. Wi I son John R. Wi I son Wi I li s J. Yates Frank M. Young Te rrill A.


Please convey my appreciation to the selection committee for chosing me as a recipient of an Alumni Work Study Grant. Even though I am just beginning my work wi"th the Video Com路 munications Center, I feel confident about my abilities and about the future of the candid classroom pro路 gram at the University of Missouri路 Rolla. Thank you again. Sincerely yours, Johnnie seth Fiscus Rolla, Mo. Senior

1974 Adams John E. Addison Gale E. Adkins Robert D. Albert Ronald C. Anderson Dennis R. Ande r s on Ruth L, Legsd in Ruth L. Bachman, Wi II iam G. Jr. Bachmann Roy O. Barkalow Thoma s W. Barker Charles E. Barr i s Step hen N. Bohn Ellen B. Cherry Ellen B. Bonczyk Bruce S. Borgmeyer Marvin E. Breece David R. Brennecke Robert A. Bridges Steven D. Briggs James A. Bross Dav i d K. Brueckmann Michael A. Ca I v i n Pa u I N. Campbell John R. Cappa Joseph A. Cesare J osep h A. Cherry Ellen B. Bohn Ellen B. Clausen Edga r C. Clavenna Mark D. Coates Wi li a rd D. Coil ins Co lleen A. Fitzgerald Colleen A. Conc i Frank A. Crit c hfi e ld John W. Curdt J. Calvin Da hi J e rom e P. Dav id son Francine S. Eppelsheimer Francine S. Deaver Eliza beth E Todd ' EI iza beth E.' Degenhardt Dean A. DeGoo d John S.

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Dear Mr. Mackaman:

De Have n Samuel J. Dirke r s Suzanne M. Z ierc her Suzanne M. Doty, Elme r L. Jr. Duane Nicholas C. Dupont Steven J. Elgin Rictlard L. Engberg Robert A. En I oe Bruce A.路 Eppelsheimer Francine S. Davidson Fran c ine S. Ferrante Joseph S. Fitzgerald Co ll een A. Co il in s Colleen A. Fa i I James L. Foo n Ge ra I d J. Gaal GaryE. Gaia Mark A. Gardiner Kennet h D. Gibso n John W. Gib so n Kristie C. Giesick Jill E. Senne J i I IE. Gi l bert John A. Goen John ie L. Go ld stone Cra ig S. Green Char les R. Ha I I Stephen W. Ham John S. Hami Iton John W. Hami Iton Kennet h C. Harris, Norma n A. Jr. Harr i so n Di a na L. Toth Di a na L. Hayes Thoma s E. Head Da v id W. He mpl e r Rober~G. He rvey Steven R. He rzog Ma rk A. He uckro th Mark W. Heuck roth Wi II iam E. Hi gg in s Art hur J. Hi I I Rhonda Rand Hi II Roger A. Hoef l ing er Larry J. Ho l com b W. Jeffrey Howse r Gerry W. Hudiburgh, Ga ry W. Jr. Hu g he s Wi II i a m J. Hupp Kenton L. Hur st, Lind e ll R. Jr. Iden Doug las C. Ivers J effrey L. J ea rl s, Loui s B. Jr. Keel ing Michael F. Ke II i son Rodney D. Kerns Danny L. Ker ns Randy G. Kinsella Mich ae l J. Koewing Me l a nie A. Sarc het Melanie A. Koly John M. Kornacki Alan S. Kothe E. Ray Krene r Gi Imore W. Kubicek Jack L. Kul iniewic z Allen P. La pp M. Monica Lauer M. Monica La rk ins R i cha rd R. Lauer M. Monica Lapp M. Monica Legate John E.

LeGrand Rodney J. Legsdin Ruth L. Anderson Ruth L. Len z R i cha rd G. Lewis Neal A. Long Patricia S. Wist Patricia S. Los ie Steven W. MacMann Paula J. Polette Paula J . Mattlage Martin R. McDaniel, Robert S. Jr. McKee Richard H. Melton John R. Messina Anthony D. Mil Ie r Jane t B. Miller Mi-chael J. Moth e rwell Jonathan T. Murray Hugh D. Naslund Charles D. Neu mAnn Nicolaus P. Ogden Kathryn E. Payne Kathryn E. Oldham Steven C. Orcutt Donald R. Ortwerth Craig N. Pariani Gary J. Payne Kathryn E. Ogden Kathryn E. Pence Mrs Harry Pet erson Jerry D. Pleasant Linda J. Tev l in Linda J. Pohlman Rick C. Po I a kows k i Da vi dR. Po lette Pau la J. MacMa nn Pa ul a J. Ponzer Rolland J. Pool John M. Prachakvej Suppamas Queathem Robert L. Ra ley John M. Randal I Ha rvey G. Rehkop Thomas G. 'R i ce Da v idA. Ric h J e rry L . Roach Robert C. Robertson Wi II i a m G. Rogers Wi II iam L. Russe I I J ose ph Kensey Sager Da vid A. Sanders Marion S. Sapor ita Vi nce nt J. Sarc het Melanie A. Koew ing Mela nie A. Saxon David L. Schade Stephen S. Schankman Mark S. Sch I empe r Leon I . Schoe nec ker John L. Schwa rtz And r ew J. Senne J i I IE. Giesick Jill E. Sewel I Steven L. Shea hen Da v id J. S im s Robert E. Smith Bru ce G. Smith Kenneth E. Smi t h Ric ky D. Smit h Willard B. Sorrels Stanley W. Sou de rs Steven W. Speck Robert C. Spencer Da vid P. Sta pon s ki Randa II E. Stecke l Gary J. St eg ner G'e orge D. Stone Blain e T. St ange r _ Michael G. St r anghoene r Randy L. Sue ll e ntrop . Ste ph e n G. Tanner Thomas W. Tev lin Linda J. Pleasant Linda J . Thompson Randa l I G. Tie hes Robert V. Ti Ilman Steve n M. Todd Eli za bet h E. Deaver EI izabeth E. Tot h Di a na L. Harrison Dia na L. Travelstead Char les W. Van Fleet David R. VanHouten James H. Wa I ker Jo sep h D. Walsh John G. Warfield David M. Weese John R. Wey haupt Gi Ib e rt J. Whit so n Michael E. Wi e gmann Gerald G. Wi st Patri c ia S. Long Patricia S. Witthaus Terry A. young David M. Yow, Jesse L. Jr. Ziercher Suzanne M. Dirkers Suzanne M.

1975 Abbott Jame s W. Ackerman Richard E. Acree, Wi II iam E. J r. Adams Eric B. Agne'W Al l en B. Aiga i er Ma rk D. Aren s Robert A. Aronberg Garry R. Auer Ri c har d [. Ba r ra C k N i c ho I a s E. Basye Richard E. Bechtold M. Scot t l3eem David M. Be r n i ng, Dua ne E. Jr . l3ertra m Jeffery P. Bier Patrick K. Blauvelt Dav id S. Bodenhamer Steven D. Boehme Vernon P. 130i l es John H. Bopp Jeffery T. Borcherding, Don a ld A. Jr. Boro'Wiak Thomas G. Brake Mi chae l B. Bre nd e l J ero me C. Brenn e nstuhl Christine 路M. Ly tl e Christine M. Br e'We r, Ca r I A. Jr. Broshears William E. Brugger Patrick H. Bu ssey Pau IF. Capp s Jeffrey C. Carlstrom George M. Chen Wen-Liang W. C I a rk Ma ry L. Roach Ma ry L. Clayton Barbara J. Cobb David E. Cole Jimmy D. Colvin David A. Cong i a r-do Ma rk R. Cooper' Loren M. Curle Arthur E. ' Daniells, Charles P. Jr. Davis Joan S. Reed Joan S. Davis Michael . L. DeC I ue Da Ie R. Dolson George M. Durbin Ronald C. Durington - David A. Easterly Michael M. Ebert Joseph J. Ellebrecht David E,. Ell is Thomas B. Eppestine Diane C. Gibbs Diane C. Erder Richard W. Erickson Alan G. Ernst, Wi II iam K. Jr. Finley Larry R. Fisher Patrice M. Harman Patrice M. Forster Terry J. Fournier Joseph D. Fricke James R. Frueh Richard H. Gibbs Diane C. Eppestine Diane C. Goyer Randolph W. Haas Kenneth J. Harman Patrice M. Fisher Patrice 14. Harris Stanley J. Hartmann John C. lia'Wkins , Francis C. III Heisserer Karl M. He I d Be rna rd D. lienry Douglas J. Iii I Ihou se Charles A. Hi Ilhouse 14ichael D. Hinkle Delores J . James Delores J. Hoffman Janice M. Hoffman Wayne L. Holcomb Steven K. Ho I I ey Thoma s K. Holmes Roger E. Hoops Wi II iam C. Hubenschmidt Carl G. Hunt Ron a ld D. Hurley Kenneth W. James Delores J. Hinkle Delores J. Jansen Robert P. Jinkerson Kenneth R. Kambol Stephen A. Kaufman John M. Keebler James H. Ke i I Lou isH. Knoch James W. Koehler David E. Kunderman Vincent J . Langenbacher Wi I I iam E.

Sta rk'Weather Michael H. Steele Donald D. Stellern John L. Storck W. Fred Stuart Dennis L. S'Weet ' Da rre I I L. Tesa r Ma rk W. Thatc her David A. Thebeau Pamela A. Leitterman Pame la A. Treasurer Roberta L. Wi Ih e lm Roberta L. lsukamoto Tadashi Underh i I I Th omas N. van, Ha r ty C. Jr. Vanc i I Step he n P. Wa rfel Mic hae l R. Wegman John L. Wehmeyer Dennis B. We lc h Bernard J . Wenk Dan K. Wessel RobertA. E. Westerma yer John C. Wi I d Ph i I lip H. Wi I he 1m Roberta L. Treasurer Roberta L. Wi lli amson Ri chard F. Wink e lmann Ray E. Wi sc h David J. Wood Dennis L. Yamnitz WiliiamP. Zer'Wig lHarry J.

Larkins La'Wrence J. Larso n RLc k E. Leema n'n Ga ry D. Le it terman Pamela A. Thebe~u Pamela A. Le'W i s Da v i dR. Linker Rodney E. Lo ft i s Ca r IE. Lohman Ed'Ward J. Lore nz William P . Lu eckenhoff Wi II iam F. Lupo Michael V. Lllrtz Bruce D. Ly tie Ch r i s tine M. Bren nenstuh l Christine M. Maddo x Hub ert R. Mahaney Michael 路T. Mansker, Jos e ph H. Jr. Ma rsh Janet E. Marting John J. McBr id e Gregory C. McC loud Roger W. MCLallghl in , Frank Jr . Mertens Ferd inand J. Miesner Th omas O. Mi Ilburn Brian G. Mi Iler Randy B. Mit t l er Thomas J. Mu e ller Larry E. Na (Jler Leroy R. Ngu ye n Kho H. 01 iver Pamela S. Opfer Frank M. Ottol ine Gary D. Overmyer Lance A. Pace Ra ndy C. Pa rk Robert B. Paschke Allen J. Patrick Wesley C. Perry Michael M. Polinsky St e venE. Prater, Raymond B. Jr. Quinn Michael J. Rachels Darrell J. Ra i Sir i Ram Rakestra'W Robby Ray Rec htien Thomas J. Reed Joan S.

1976 Abney Paul A. Agne'W Joyce W. Aha I Wi I I i am R. Ahmed Abdullah Y. Arndt Terry L. Austin Ma rgot H. Bagna I I Lindsay E. Loma x Lindsay E. Barclay David A. Bates Valentino T. Becker Kathryn A. Hand Kathryn A. Beem Sandra R. Karnes Sa ndra R. Benson Wi I I iam A. Bha sin Ku I Biddle Myron H. Bo'Wers Cra ig R. Boxx James P. Bra d ley Da leE . Bradley David R. Braun Robert P. Bray Lana J. Scott Lana J. Broekelmann Donald D. Brothers Stephen A. Bro'Wn Mich ae l D. I3ruenger Mark D. Cannon, George E. Jr. Castor La'Wrence W. Chang Yu Tai Chronister Donald J. Cieci'Wa Gregory A. Coffman Terry R. Coleman Kim C. Livengood Kim C. Cummings Ramona K. Ogle Ramona K. Cummings Ted M. Dabler, Ed'Ward R. Jr. Denner David K. Denner Denise M. Lovasco Denise M. Dickensheet Mi Iton C. Di Napol i Michael A. Do I I e Ga ry L. Drechsler Terry L. Dul in Cat herine L. Stellern Catherine L. Dunlop, James S. Jr. Ecker t Ste phe n G. Edne y Joh n W. Ehrhard Willi a m E. Eli f r its C. Da I e EI I iott Robert D. Elli s M'ichael E. Feagan Wi Ibur S. Feldmann John C. Ferry Jos e ph D. Field T. Kent Fleischma n Rob er t F. Frederickson Jon P. Freeman Douglas L. Freeman Richard A. Fugate Mi c ha e l W. Ga rne r Ha ro I dR.

R~~~~fdsJO~~r~in 'K. Riggs, James M. Jr. Roach Ma ry L. Clark Mary L. Rodgers Ed'Ward W. Roll ings Robert R. Rosenbaum Wi I I iam G. Ro y Dan iel C. Sa'Wyer Randa I I L. Schaefer James V. Scha~fer . Melvin G. Schi I I ing Dan L. Schlueter Daniel M. Schneider Thomas P. Schuler David P. Shcolnik David H. S i a g ian Ma Na n Simpson Donald E. Skibiski Kevin C. Starke Stephen E. Dear Sirs: Recently I was notified by the Student Financial Aid Committee that my Alumni Scholarship has been renewed for the 1985路86 school year. My freshman year at UMR has been challenging. I have had to ad路 just to a new lifestyle and work hard to maintain a high grade point. I thank the Alumni Association for making the Alumni Scholarship available to students who strive for academic success. Next year, I will again try to maintain high academic performance to justify the Board of Directors' confidence in my ability . Sincerely. Bradford Kline Kansas City, Mo. Sophomore. Computer Science

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Gi Ibert Steven R. Go rdy Thoma s W. Griese James C. Hammers Wi II iam L. Hand Kathryn A. Becker Kathryn A. Harmon Cynthia S. Hi I leary Cynthia S. Haug Gregory G. Helmkamp Roberi E. Hesse Paul J. H'icks Greg ory K. Hilleary Ale xander L. Hi Ileary Cynthia S. Ha rmon Cynthia S. Humme I Robe rt J. Ipock D. Freddie I to Ak ira Jackson Ronald E. Jerome Michael L. Ka rnes Sand ra R. Beem Sandra R. Kates Bruce C. Kelahan Robert C. Kind Hugh C. Kuhn Catherine M. Schol I Catherine M. Kuhn David H. Kutz Anthony W. Lammert Leland V. Lane Charles A. Leach Rodney W. Leaver Paul H. Lee Darrel I R. Lees, John R. Jr. Leitterman Dennis W. Leonard James V. Liebel Craig A. Liefer Mark E. Lightfoot Alan E. Livengood Kim C. Coleman Kim C. Loma x Lindsay E. Bagna II Lindsay E. Lovasco Denise M. Denner Denise M. Lowe Bruce A. Lueckenhoff Michael J. Luetkemeyer Kenneth E. Ma hin CI ifford A. Mang off, John N. Jr . Markey Richard A. McAllister, WiliiamC. III McCann Lewis A. McCartney Ji I I A. We s termayer J i I I A. McCoy Thomas H. McGavock Michael W. McMi I Ian Druery W. McNeal Phi I ip W. Melcher Richard W. Me rc i e I , J a me sA. Jr. Miehe Wi II iam K. Mil Ie r Me I ani e G. Naeger Melanie G. Mink David W. Mul len Michael J. Naeg er Melanie G. Mi I ler Melanie G. Ne her Leland D. Niemann Dav id W. Oberdick R. Kevin Offutt, Joseph C. I I I Ogl e Ra mona K. Cumming s Ramona K.

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1976 Conti nued Parrish Dua ne L. Pe r rymo re Loyd G. Proctor , Frank E. Jr. Rackers De~nis S. Rath John A. Rieser Cather ine M. Sammelmann Gary S. Sampson , Rodney J. I I Sapp Paul W. Sapping ton Gayle L. Schick er James Ralph Schol I Cather ine M. Kuhn Cather ine M. schroed er Joseph R. Schwab Lawrenc e R. Schwag er Sally S. Scott Lana J. Bray Lana J. Shoemd ker Larry W. Simon Denn i s M. Ski I Iman Daniel W. Skippe r Da vi d J. Smith Cheryl L. Tyner Cheryl L. Smith David B. Smith, Marcus L. Jr . Sta c k IrvinR . Steller n Cather ine L. Du lin Ca the r i ne L. Swinars ky Gerald Teltho rst Paul J. Thompson David F. Torres John P. Toth Gregory S. Trimble John R. Turner, James M. Jr. Tyner Cheryl L. Smith Cheryl L. Underwood Daniel H. Van Praag Jeffrey R. Virtue Ste ven C. Vlcek Robert W. Waggon er Carrol I M. Wa ss i lak Jef f ry P. Watkin s Micha el N. Wel s hon , R ~ Allen Jr. Westerm ayer Ji I I A. McCartne y Ji I I A. Wies e Charles W. Wi I leMa t thew J . Wohler t Wi II iam D. Wood Dougla s E. WO.o d J a me s D. Ya don O.W. Tobey

1977 Allen Bruce H. Alvey Mark S. Bakhshi Virend ar S. Barnha rt Mi ch ae l A. Bha s in Charlo tte A. Boc ke lman Keith L. Boegne r Ph i I ip J. Bo I I i nge r Steve n R. Bradway Bruce R.

1985 Rollamo

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Brewer Lawren ce O. Bruns John M. Buchtm ann Larry H. Burr Richard C. Cadwel l Wa rren D. Ca I I Ma rk G. Campbe I I Ga ry A. Cawlfi eld Dav id W. Chicoin eau Phi I ippe CI iffo rd Jimmie D. Coker Terry D. Colvin Kathlee n M. Me yerkord Kat hleen M. Cook Aa r on L. Copelan d Gregor y C. Cowa n Ke i th J . Denton Randy G. Derbak Gregory S . Di e stelkam p Da v id A. Diqu a rto Maria G. Gha ra kha n i Ma ria G. Dye Rebecca J . Parkhi I I Rebecca J. Eckelka mp James T. Eske r Alan Joseph Ewens Joy M. Th omp s on Joy M. F i I IaMi chae I J. Fitzma urice Richard R. Foehse Ma ry E. Foltyn EI izabeth M. Fronick Dav id H. Ga l lagher John B. Gharak hani Maria G. Diquar to Maria G. Giesle r Arthur L. Gioia Joseph M. Greave s Wayne C. Gutier rez Ernest Haggard Henry E. Hahn Veronic a D. Jansen Veronic a D. Hamilto n Lesl ie R. Ha r I and Ga ry D. Ha s tey, James P. Jr . Hatche r, Price III Heine Robert S. Hertfe lder Warren W. High Ann e M. Hofman Jerry L. Hoog Timo thy J. Humphr ies Mi chael D. Jackson Lawrenc e C. Ja nse n Veronic a D. Hahn Veronic a D. J ar rett Christo pher M. Johnso n Stanley C. Jones Michae l W. Keats De nni s R. Ki e nstra Stephe n C. Kinman Peter W. Kinnet t Dougla s G. Ki rkpatri ck Ro dman K. Kirn Mi c hae l D. Koby I i nsk i Edmund A. Koch Daniel B. Koch Stephen J. Ko l ze Thomas J. Koss ina Pau l G. Ladage, Jo hn J. Jr. Lampe Domini c P. Lampe Steve n W. Langko pf Brenda S. Leonard Robert G.. Lincico me James D. Lindbe rg Alex H. Li ve ng ood Ross D. Loos , Louis G. II Mac Gl as han Mark L. Marx Michae l A. Marx Sandra K. Turnbou gh Sa nd ra K. Ma sno r ~1a rc L. Ma t te s, Roy J. Jr. Mayer Patrici a L. McGrat h, George M. Jr . McKean Micha e l W. Merrit t John D. Methen y, Wi II iam E. Jr. Meye rko rd K,a th I een M. . Co lvin Kathlee n M. Minne Er ic M. Moe I Ie ring Doug I a sF. Mosby Randal I L. Ml:ldd Da n i e I T. Naeger Robert J. Newby Arno IdS. Nie l sen Kurt S. No I and Le s lie A. Nort hcraft Jeffrey S. Pa rkh i I I Rebecca J. Dye Rebecca J. Parkhi II Stuart T. Peavle r Charle s R. Perry David L. Poe Dav i d H. Post Steven W. Pr ice Peter T.

Dear Sir: I am writing this letter in apprecia ' tion for you making available the Clyde W. Hall Scholarship at UMR . Since I am an out of state student, this scholarship will be extremely helpful for the 1985·86 academic year. With the decreasing amount of Federal financial aid available to students, scholarships such as this are becoming essential for the conti Qua· tion of undergradyate studies, Thank you for choosing me as the recipient of this award; I promise to keep up the good work. Sincerely, David Capps 'Bloomington, Ill. Senior, Electrical Engineering Pri ce Sean E. Rabadue x , James E. Jr .. Rau z i Thomas J . Riggs Robert A. Roth Thomas A. Ruhling GaryA . Ryan Mark E. Ryan Thoma s C. Sammet Dennis M. Sample 'Wi II iam G. Sc ha I ler Bruce J. Sc hnettg oecke Lamber t G. Sc hnoebe len, Paul C. III Searcy Kenneth P. Siebe nman , Richard B. Jr. S i I lyma n Joey E. St utsma n John V. Sudhei mer Raymond A. Sudhol t rerry A_ Talbot Nicole L.M . Thompson Joy M. Ewens Joy M. Thorn Dav id L. Turnbou gh Sa nd ra K. Ma rx Sa nd ra K. Ulr ic h Don a ld L. Va I I a Le o B. Vandev en To r i e A. Van Hout on D. La rry Vannat ta Ste ph en D. Vatana pradit Thirap it Vazinp our Farama rz Vie rhe I Ie r GI e n Vog e l Ernest F. Waldsc hmidt Richard J. Walker Jo hn Warako mski John M. Weiding er Don a ld J . We inke in Daryl R. Wei ss Mi c hae l W. We l zbache r Jeffrey D. Wenzl ick John D. Wh i tebay Le e E. Wi Ilett Nary J. Wi II iam s Rona Id J. Wyatt Bradley J. Yer bury, Robert H. Jr. Young Cl arissa C. Yu Joseph F. Ziegle r John A.

1978 Abrams Lawren ce K. Alb ee Stephen E. All en Stephen L. Baker Rona Id E. Bal I iew Elaine A. Christi an Elaine A. Baumann Richard E. Beaucha mp Robert W. Behr Doris A. Bra dd ock Doris A. Behr Vance L. Beresik Theodo re L. Bernst ein Craig S.

Be s tor Ted F. Bezdek Willia mJ. Bodenh amer Kevin C. Bani I la , Alfredo I I I Braddo ck Doris A. Behr Doris A. Braddo ck Paul F. Brown DonalJ R. Brugion i Ken neth P. Brugn a ra Michae l A. Bu c hheit Gerald J. Budd Deb ra J. Buffing ton Darrel L. Bullman Mrs Gale Busse John R. Callaha n 11ichae l J . Ca Ilahan Susa n L. Carrol l Gregor yA. Cawvey James L. Chamb erlain Ethan A. Charle s Albert L. Ch r~ s t ian E I a i ne A. Bal I iew Elaine A. Clark Michae l D. Clark Sherri B. Coldiro n Michae l L. Cole Patrick L. Col I iton James E. Co rb i n Ga ry A. Crowle y A. David Danuse r Jon L. Davidso n Glen R. Deckerd Harold L. Denton , Samue IT . I I I DeThor ne Jacque lyn M. Falconi Jacque lyn M. Doering Thomas W. Donaho e, James L. I I I Durren berger Fred H. Ellerbr ake Brenda E. Liesch eidt Brenda E. Engeman Ivan L. Epperso n Jo se ph Everet t Wi II iam M. Falconi Jacque lyn M. DeThor ne Jacque lyn M. Fa Ie r Denn i s L. ~ Fennes sey Thomas W. Fieldin g Jame s J. Fields Richard E. Ford, Fer r i I IE . Jr. Free man Robert D. Ga rrett Ma ry A. O' Gra dy 11a ry A. Goldam mer Ru sse l I L. Goodle t Ro ge r F. Grana, Jo sep h M. Jr. Gredel l Thomas R. Green Alan W. Gr eene J effry J. Gregor y Michae l J . Gu n t ly Stephen P. Haas Norman C. Harl and Ste ph a ni e A. Tou z insky St ep hanie A. Harring ton Nancy E. Hay nes Mi c hae l A. He a therly Ni c hol as A. Heisse rer Melvin R. He ll er John J. Hepler Thomas E. Hilton Wi lma K. Ki rn Wi Ima K. Hitc hcock David C. Holco mb Charl es L. Holland , Davi d K. J r . Horn Peter C. Hunt e r J oh n J. Jenk i ns Wiliiam W. John so n Robert J. 'Joh nso n Robert L. John st on Karl A. Jone s Denni s D. Keaste r Daniel J. Kinchen Dennis J. K i rn Wi I ma K . Hi l ton Wilma K. Kisslin ger Judith K. Servais Judith K. Lahay Kev i n M. Lang Gregor y A. Lattne r J ames R. Lauten schlaeg er Steven D. Lay Steven c;.. Levings David M. Lew i s Da v i dB. Li esc heidt Brenda E. Ell erbrake Brenda E. Lincico me E. Dianne Speer E. Dianne Love Rosema ry M. Lubber t Randa I I J. Ludwig Michae l F. Magee Michae l W. Mahanna John R. Martin Daniel L. Ma son Robe rt W.

1978 Continued Ma xwe I I Ca ry R. McCa I li st e r La rry D. McCa II i ster Terry D. t~ cMi nn Ri ta S. Stockhecker Rit a S . Melton, Doug la s C. Jr. Me r r i I I Ke v i n J. Mi l I e r Ca ry H. Na t iv Abrah a m Na uert, Pau I J. Jr. Niemeye r Jame s C. Obermann Da vid F. O'Grad y Mary A. Ga r re t t I~ a ry A. Ol son St e ph e n A. Parker J a mes W. Perkin s Gregory S. Pippeng e r J a ckie C. Po se y J a ck W. Pra tt t~ich ae l L. Ra pp G'a ry A. Ra tkow s ki, Victor E. Jr . Ra'u James T. Re e d Da nny A. Rethmeyer Stephen J. Rinne Steven P. Roenfeldt Ma rk A. Rokhsaz Kamran Ruester David E. Rustige Gregory J . Sc haefer , Dona I d B. J r. Schaefer Michael E. Sc harf Da v id R. Sc hne I I Robe rt J. Schulte Dennis W. Seppelt Mark E. Serniak Steve n G. Serva is Jud i th K. Kissl inger Judith K. Sikavi Tony Simac Michael R. Simmons Da vi d M. Smith Michael J. Speer E. Dianne Lincicome E. Dianne Staley Char les E. Statler David E. Stege Rob i n L. Stelzer David J . Stockhecker Rita S. McMinn Rita S. Strange Mark A. Tagga rt Ca ry J. Tay lor Ron a ld J. Theising David A. Touzinsky Stephanie A. Harland Stephanie A. Unklesbay A.G. Waldbart Theodore B. Wa I ke r Bria n D. Walther Don a ld G. Webers Dav id M. Weeks Dav i d B. Wh i te Kev i nO. Wi Ikins Arthur T. Wi I Is, J a me s H. J r. Winnett Michael D. Wolff Leon ard A. Wootten John M. Wykoff Da le L. Yin Robert W. Zimmerman Michael H. Zuiss Thomas J.

BI a i'ike-nsh i p- be'a n - M. ' Bortfeld Mark K. 1, Braun David G. Bredenkamp Rona ld C. Brenner Va larie A. Bagnel 'l Va larie A. Bridges ThOmas L. Bryan Kath leen C. Andersen Ka th leen C. Bue ler, Freder ick Jr. Burford Ha rry B. Burton, Jame s E. Jr. Bu s h Su sa n ,J . Hol.m Susan J. Ca li se Sa I va to r,e J. Campb e ll Wolfg a ng S. Carl e ton De bora h J. Ac ke rson De borah J. Ca rn ey Ed"; in R. ' Casa leggi Susa n H. Pottha s t Su sa n H. Ctlang Jo seRh C. . Chri s tian '1'1atthew C. Cox J'ohn MI. Coy le Mi ~~a El I ,.L. .' Ii ~ C rome r E ric J. ' Crull Robert J. Curran Steven M. Da leW i 1. 1 i am M. Diebold Steph e n M. Dieckmann Rona ld J. Dill Kathl.een A. She l de~ ' Kath l een A. Donaldson Ke ith L. Doyle ' Patricla A. Dressel Dennis T. Drew R,oy M. Dunlevy Bruce E. Ea les Christopher J. Eisenbe is Kevin R. Englehart William E. Etem Richard D. Fa lion James M. Fit zgeral d Paul H. Fleddermann Kim E. Ryd za k Kim E. Forck Glen F. Fo rd Stephen P. Foster Mi 10 G. Fulton Anne G i b I e r Ca r ma J. Stone Ca rma J . Glascock Dennis G. Grace WilliamW. Greco David J. Guethler Timothy A. Hadley Stanton W. Hart J . Douglas Haug John B. Hehmeyer John M. Heimburger St a nley A. Heiskel I Janice T. He I ton Je sse D. Hengel Da vid P. Henson D. Kent Herr Mark A. Holcomb Timothy J. Holm Susan J. Blish Susan J. Hoormann Katherine A. Hovis Mark A. Huffman Vicki L. Jo e rn Vicki L. Isaacs Lewi s W. Jacob i Ca r I L. Jansen James L. Jantosik, Edward C. Jr . Joern Vi ck i L. Huffman Vicki L.

Dear Board Members,

1979 Acker Rona ld K. Ackerson Deborah J. Carleton Deborah J. Ackerso n Michael D. All en Dennis W. Andersen Ka thleen C. Bryan Kathleen C. Ave ry Ka re n S . Ludwig Kare n S . Bach Thoma s E. Baebler Matth ew G. Ba g ley Wi I I iam C. Ba 9 ne I I, Cha r I e s R. Jr. Bagnell ValarieA. Brenner Va larie A. Basler Micha e l J. _ Bei Istein Gregory L. Belde n David C. Be I I Wa I te r P. Benignus Thomas D. Benton Reg ina ld H. Black burn Samuel C.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation and thanks to the board for their efforts in making the Alum· ni Scholarship available, I am a recipient of an Alumni Association Scholarship for the 1985 Spring semester. It was a very plea· sant surprise. Thank you . Sincerely. Mary A. Stephens Salem, Mo. Junior, English

1985 RoIluIo

John s on Stephen C. Ju s tus Dayna K. Ka va na'ug h Sue M. Maski II Sue M. Ke mper David A. Kirk Da I I a s L: Thorn Da li as L. , Ki tip i taya ngku I Prasert Koch Richard A. Krahenbuhl Mark D. Krusie Ronald S. Kunkel Kathe rine K. Wesse l schmidt Katherine K. Lammert Paul T. La ng Stephen A. Lockingt on Steven M. Lorge Da vid L. Ludwig Karen S. Avery Karen S. Luehrman Lois M. Macke Mark W. Madden Timothy J . Maschek Thomas J. Maskill SueM. Kavanaugh Sue M. McCann Christopher E. McFall , Richard W. Jr. Mi Iburn Darrell E. Montgomery' Doug las B. Myers Jimmie B. Naeger Dennis P. Neumann James P. Nguyen Tri X. Niess Carolyn L. Nunna Ily Robert C. O'Da ni e l I Michael W. 0 ' Dea r Cra i g S. Pagan John C. Pa ve lka Charlotte S. Phil I ips Kevin D. Poo rHome r L. Potthast Susan H. Ca sa I egg i Su sa n H. Pundmann Jo el A. Quenon Robert H. Ray Susan J. Reed Cra ig W. Roess Douglas A. Rosener William J. Ruder Joseph A. Runge Ma rk E. Ryd za k Kim E. Fleddermann Kim E. Sa fron Joseph A. Sa I Iwas ser Steven V. Sa nd e rs Roger D. Sa ue r, Harry J. III Sc hmitt Ra ndall J. Sc hn e ider Michae l A. Sha ff e r Gary W. She ld e n Ka thleen A. Dill Ka thleen A. She rrill Donald A. Shi r ley J e rry W. Sikes St an ley C. S l usher Mo rg a n P. Sm i th Ke i t h A. Snyder T imot hy J . Sta ln aker Kev in W. St a rl ing, Ja mes E. Jr . St e f a nik Mark W. Ste in Willi a m J . Sto c k Mi c hae l D. St on e Carma J. Gibl e r Ca rma J. Str ass ner Keith D. Stupka Michael T. Sui I i va n St e ven M.

Swinson John R. Thorn Da lias L. Kirk Da I I a s .L. Todd Kev in S. Tordoff Dav id B. Trampe Jana L. , Zigrye Jana L. Turek J. Leo Ulsh Brian M. Unnerstal I, Lawrence H. Jr. Vea tch Ann E. Wh i tty Ann E. Virtue Michael D. Wa rd Ge ra I d W. , wayne Gregory L. We a ver John A. Webb Richard A. Weber Dar r ell D. Welch Clare A. Wessel schmidt Katherine K. Kunkel Katherine K. Wetzel Lawrence W. Wh i tty Ann E. Veatch Ann E. Wiesehan Theodore M. Wi II iams Everett A. Wiison LioydC. Wi Ison Michael A. ' Witt Leslie D. Wolf Lawrence D. Wood Teddy J . Yuhas Johanna M. Zig rye Jana L. frampe Jana L. Zigrye Stephen L.

. 1980 Adams Dav i d L. Amsinger Gary J. Aoufi Rabah Asfour Karim W. Asht on Harlan R. Ba I dw i n La r ry J. Barbour Koe lle G. Bart l ett Bruce L. Bates Thomas W. Becher Ma rga ret M. Been Robe r t J. Bertogl io Gregory E. Booher Pau I D. Br i ght Paul K. Bryant Danny T. Ci a rdu ll o Da niel A. Coleman Don a ld M. Collin s Di a na L. Engeman Di a na L. Coo k Chri st oph e r C. Co omb s Mic hael D. Cowa n Cher i e R. Cra yne Mi chae l E. Crider Josep h A. Cul ver Robe rt E. Da i I Y Kr i s ty K. De f e nb a ug h Kri s ty K. Da nzo Fra nc i s V. Daum Ma ri Iyn S. Mil I s Ma r i Iyn S. Defenbaugh Kristy K. Da i Iy Kri sty K. De ni s on Da v id C. De Sha zo, Henry N. II



Urba n Ma rk A. Va n Mae l e Kev in M. Vinh Tieu Vi ox Ma rk G. Vi s io George M. Vo l ker Fr edr i c W. r/a l z Mark D. Wa nkum J o hn L. Waterma nn J ud it h A. Hatso n Kev in D. We bb Dav i d W. Weeks Gr e g A. Werne r Fra nk J. Wess el sc hmidt Ke ith D. West J er ry Doug Wi ese Kev in D. Wi li e Rob ert J. Wi II ia ms Timmy A. Win e bright Georg e M. Wint e r Be nj a min P. Wya tt Dav id R. Zimmerma n Kenneth M.

1981 1980 Continued Dittmaier Thomas A. Dodd Thomas W. Dohle Kevin G. Doss Eddie H. Downer Karen M. Durham James A. Dyer James A. Dykman John R. Eck Ma rk E. Eckelkamp Martin J. Eiffert Jackie K. Pleis Jackie K. Engelken Robert D. Engeman Diana L. Coil ins Diana L. Erb Rebecca S. Montgomery Rebecca S. Fahrenkrog Richard A. Fox Agnes K. Snyder Agnes K. Frank Wi II iam E. Fulton Dwight D. Fulton Susan V. Payne Susan V. Gamewel I Robert L. Geerl ings Jack F. Glauz Wi II iam W. Glosier Robert A. Godsy Catherine L. Tepper Catherine L. Gohn Margaret A. Koch Margaret A. Green Andrea M. Gre I I e Reg i na Lew i s Reg ina Guenther Donald E. Haake David L. Hackman Kendal I B. Hagan Kevin J. Hagemann Sherry Lea A. Shipman Sherry Lea A. Hansen Wil I iam G. Hardin Dennis E. Harnagel Da v id W. HaNin Richard A. Helfrich Thomas J. Hene ghan De a n P. Henry Lindsey R. H i I ke Da v i d L. Hoffman John G. Holmes, Wi II iam R. Jr. Holt Dirk D. Hugo Howa rd L. Iloputaife Obiajulu I. Joe rn Ka riC. Jo s t Jeffre y J. Jo s t Raymond S. Katt e lmann Jean C. Keith Michael W. King Jan e t M. Rimmey Janet M. Klump Michael G. Knobbe J a net M. Koch Margare t A. Gohn Margare t A. Krafft James D. Lau Mi ng Kit Le Quyen Cong Lee Donald J. Lewis Regina Gre I I e Reg ina Loesch J a ne t L. Re iter Jan e t L.

26/ MSM


Loe'sch TerrY · L. Mahmood Sultan Martin Carole R. Mathey, John D. Jr. McCa rthy, Robe rt W. I I McClanahan CI inton D. McCI intock David A. McEniry Charles M. McField, Charles B. Jr. McGowan Merri Iy A. Shaw Merri Iy A. Michel Daniel K. Mil I s Ma r i I yn S. Daum Mari Iyn S. Mlynarczyk Michael R. Montgomery Rebecca S. Erb Rebecca S. Nebbitt E. Bruce Nix WilliamJ. Norman, Charles W. Jr . Norris Clay A. Novak Robert M. Oetting Michael R. Payne Susan V. Fulton Su s an V. Peavler Robert D. Penning Martin O. Peveler Kenneth E. Pleis Jackie K. Eiffert Jackie K. Porter , Ted E. Rackley Kevin D. Raines Ronald~ . Ranard Wesley J. Reed David E. Rehkop Lon E. Reiter Janet L. Loesch Janet L. R i mmey J a ne e M. King Janet M. Ro I I e r Pe r r i n R. Ronchetto Gene C. Rotr a me l J ohn D. Ruether S te ve A. Scheiter Ge ne L. Sc hel ich And r ew C. Sc hmitt Da v id W. Sc hn e ider Robert M. Shaw Mer r i Iy A. McGowa n Me rri Iy A. Shipma n Ru ss ell C. Shipma n Sh e rry Lea A. Ha ge mann Sherry Le a A. Shore s Richard L. Smith Ca r ol Po t zmann Smi t h Gera Id K. Smi t h Keith S. Smit h Ma rk S. Smi th Ron a Id L. Sm i th Thomas A. Snyde r Agn e s K. Fox Agnes K. Snyde r Brian K. Spreitl e r Ma r k L. Sta ff o rd Mic hae l J . St ahl Da v id W. Sta s s e vitch Er ic St ru e mph De nnis J. Su i I i va n, Thomas J . Jr . Talty Th e r esa D. Te pp e r Bri a n J . Te pp e r Cat he rin e L. God sy Ca th e rin e L. Thoma s , Pa ul H. Jr. T i mm Ga ry A. Turne r Su s a n I .

Adams Tamara J. Ba I I Tama ra J. Agee Ralph Kendel I Akeman Kemp Eugene Andrew Paul D. Baldetti Paul G. Ba I I Tama ra J. Adams Tama ra J. Baltz Richard A. Becker Patrick John Be I I Rona I d T. Bennett, Wi II iam Jr. Berry Christopher W. Berryman Oscar C. Birmingham Angelo J. Bisesi Donald C. Bodine Terrance M. Bohler Scott J. Boland Bonnie A. Van Horn Bonnie A. Bo I I Denn i sF. Boncek John Michael Boone Michael W. Boyer Roger Lee Bradham Vicki E. Brase Deborah Diane Brown Deborah Diane Braun . Pau I A. Bremer Terry W. Brinkmann Joseph R. Brom I ey Robe rt Brown Deborah Diane Br ase De borah Diane Brown Ma rk K. Brunts Randa I IT . Busse David R. Cadwallader Lee C. Cain Stephen Joseph Cashner Fre d R. Cayse Robe rt W. Chung Chih-Ping Cibulka Joseph C. Clark Michael Lynn Colborne Bruce J. Cooke Ka thle e n J. Da nzo Ka thl e en J . Cothern Amy S. Mc Da ni e l Amy S. Cot he rn Charles K. Cr adi c Curti s Ray

MSM-UMR Alumni Association: I have recently received the Alum· ni Association Scholarship for undergraduate students. I am writing to thank you for making this scholar· ship available at UMR and for choos· ing myself as one of its recipients. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and hopefully can continue far into the future . Thank you again . Sincerely, Nora Tochtrop Ellisville. Mo. Sophomore, Chemical Engineering

Cr a nn e l I Ann M. Cr ave n Ro na ld W. Danzo Kat hl ee n J. Coo ke Ka thl ee n J. Dav idso n EI i z a bet h A. Len tl ar t EI izatiet h A. De ma nd Don a ld J a me s De Vas to Tho mas D. Do lan Kat h lee n Ri ley Kat hl ee n Dowd y Ma rk Ir v ing Dre iling Randa ll Duga n Mauree n Al a ne Eikmann Ba rry R. Ema nue l Dua ne Arthur Emh o ff Rose ma ry Ann Eng e r Mi c ha el P. ELl e ll, B·i Il y G. Jr . Fass Fre d W. R. Fea ron Mi c hael F. Fey Ronald James Fi ese ler Wa yn e G. Flannigan Mich a el J. Fred e rick Gera Id L. Gallagher Ali s sa M. Ga rn e r Steven L. Gettemeyer Glen R. Ciara ffa Robert S. Gi Ib e rt Jeffrey W. Ci les James Laurance Goldsmith Eric S. Cordon Douglas Gale Griffith Diane Rae Grimes Joseph Ray Gv i I 10 Ma rk A I an Hadley Rosal ie J. Larson Rosal ie J. Hankins Benjamin Lee fla r r i s Da n i e I W. Hart, John A. III Harvi Ila, George Jr. Hasselplug Diane C. Sherrell Diane C. Hawkins James C. Heim Reuben C. Heppermann Jeffrey J. Herzig Robert L. Hiebert Yoel it H. Shapiro Yoel it H. Hirschman Roger D. Hoffmann Robert J. Horst Wi II iam D. Howard Steven R. Hubert Bonnie S. Huck Mark Stephen Huck Sha ron Ann Hung Alvin K.W. Janke Pau I D. Jasper Randa I L. Jou rdon Ma rk R. Ka e I b I e A I a n F. Kaltenbronn James G. Keith Marion C. Keithly Michael E. Kibl inger Deborah Lynn Kreher Deborah Lynn Kinder Marcus D. Kipp Stephen Edward Kirby, J a me sR. I V Klore r Ma ry S . Kotsifakis David Peter Kreher Deborah Lynn Kibl inger Deborah Lynn Kremer Wi II iam B. Kri s hnamurthy Gopalan Kuhlmann Robert C. Landwe hr Frank S. La rs on Ro s a lie J . Had Iey Ro s a tie J. Law I e rM a ry E. La z u re Dav id V. Le c hn e r Charl es A. Lei po ld L. Ri c ha rd Le nh a rt Eli z ab e th A. Dav id so n ' [ I i z ab e ttl A. Lewe ncz uk J e f f r ey S. Littl e ton Ro dn ey D. Log an J a mes Cra ig Ly nc h Co I I ee n T. Majo rs Ma rk Eva n Mar ra Mi c hae l D. t~a r s ha I I Gre nt G. Mar tin Mic hae l R. t~a rt in Pa t r ic k D. Ma t e jcic J a me s A. Mayf ield Fr an k M. t~ cC o y Ka r e n R. McDan ie l Amy S. Cot he rn Amy S. MCHe nry- S. Dale Mc Mi c hae l Cary P. Me i e r Wi I I i am J. Mil I a r Kev i n M. Mink s All e n G. Mu e I Ie rAnd rew P. Mueller David Scott N i g ro Wi I I i am R. Nussbaum Richard A.

1981 Continued O'Conne ll Jul ie A. Ollech John A. Ox ley Ray T. Phegley Wi II iam T. Putnam Mitchel I D. Quinn Daryl C. Ramamurthy S. Reader Dona Id Ernest Reed Pamela H. Wurt z ler Pa mela H. ' Reed Rebecca S. Rees ~ark Edward Renick Thomas Jerome Richard s Jon Anthony Riechmann Gary Ri ley Kathleen Dolan Kathleen Roe s ch Michael T. Rowe Ronny L. St Deni s Dolores M. Sauceman Gregory P. Sch-Iarman David E. Schl itt Randall J. Schmidt Michael E. Schneider James C. Shapiro Yael it H. Itiebert Yael it H. Shelden J. Barry Sheppard Charles A. Sherrel I Diane C. Hasselplug Diane C. Sh i I ling Edwa rd C. Silkwood Blake E. Simmons Shawn David Skinner Charles S. •Smith Dale Michael , Snow Brad L. Spence r, B i I lie F. Jr . Sprenk le Kevin Ray Stevens Robert E. Sto ry Gre.gg L. Sunder land Jeffrey J. Tappe Bel. i.nda Sue Tharp Hal S. Thebeau Dennis J. Thompson Leon L. Van Horn Bonnie A. Boland Bonnie A. Vaughn Dan i elL. Wang David P. Whetsel James D. Wi II iams .Lawrence D. Willi;;lms MarkAll.en Wingfield Roy O. Wisner Gene Edward Wood Jennefe r Ann Wurtzler Pamela H. Reed Pamela H. You ll D. Greg Young Gregory Alan Zettwoch Robert N.

1982 Allen Theresa A. Broschak Theresa A.. Andrews Frank Eugene Aning Alexander Osei Aurig Bi Ily Gregory Baggett Betty C. Weinhold Betty C. Bauer Wi II iam Alfred Beatty Kenneth Belew Byron George Blackburn Thomas Wayne Bond Lydia Lynne Relja Lydia Lynne Bonnot Andrew W. Bradfisch Richard S. Brake James Ceci I Brinkmann EI i za beth Bro sc hak There sa A. I\llen The resa A. Brown Gus H. Bruhn J ef f e ry Nei l Buenemann, Morri s C. Jr. Burak Wi I I iam He nry Burton Williilm T. Buschl ing Tammie Lynn Parri s h Tammie Lynn Bye Douglas R. Cain, Lawrence J. Jr. Chandler Thomas C. Ctwtron Wi II iam Alan Clamors Doug Edward C I a r k Cra i g E. Dahlgren Russel l H. Danial Edward Joul Dawson Bruce A. Den ney Kimberly K. Dieckmann Mark D. Di I Ima n Robert John

I wish to express my gratitude for being selected to receive the Al umni Scholarship for the 1985-86 academic year. I appreciate the Board of Directors of Alumni Development for making this scholarship available to me to help support my academic studies. Sincerely. Jeffrey C. Rigg Gladstone. Mo. Freshman. Electrical Engineering Dian Diane Koester Diane Dolan Gail Louise Eddleman Roderick C. Eppy Thomas M. Ervin Timo ~hy Ray Esry Thomas Craig Evanoff Kelly Brian' Feldmann Carol Marie Fitzpatrick John T. Fitzsimmons Peter F. Flowers Steven J . Foel .ler Kirk C. Freiberger Scott L. Garnett Robert B. Glauz Robert Scott Gnade Joseph Albert Gockley David L. Goldwasser Cha r les M. Green Sig~id I\nne Guenther Douglas G. Haberstock James K. Hanson Cri s Jon Herr Robert J. Herrmann , PaulO . IV Hiebert Gregory Lee Hi Idreth Roget Lee Hinkamp Stephen B. Hoefer Lynne Annette Hohmeier WilliamW . -Honeycutt Kendal I A. Horak Brenda Leigh House Randy Lee Huang Rong-Fong Hwaung Chin-Yuan G. I Johnson Vicki Sue Jones Mark Alan Keating Jeffrey Leo Ki rchhoff Allen S: Koe s ter Diane Dion Diane Kottemann, Richard Allen Jr. Kraft Jon B. Kriegh Gloria K. Lechner Glori a K. Krueger Debra Kay Li ttl e De bra Ka y Kruger Douglas Way ne Kys er Dale Anthony Lamb, Jame ~ Ear l III. La rgent Te r ry Larson Marvin L. Lechner Gloria K. Kriegh Gloria K. Lehenb a uer Gregg P. Lewis Va leri e Re ne Lightle James B. Little Debra Kay Krueger De~r a Kay La c kh a rt F ra ze r R. Lounmala Phai van h Maag Marlene Dawn Magruder Mic hae l J. Ma lin Char les · D. Ma rch Randa I I S . Ma rcott Frank Art hur Martin Ted Alan Mazachek Keith D. McCoy Susa n Sc hneid e r Susan McGinnis Roberta S. Sc rogg in s Robe rta S. Mcintosh Don Les l ie McKee Jeffrey W. Metcalfe Thomas More Meye r Leonard C. Moser Steven Anthony Nob lo t Micha e l E. Oberma nn Stacy S. Sa kou las St acy S. O' Co nn o r Dav id M. Old ham, Ha rr od A. I I I Olsen SLeven Pa ul

Ommen Rebecca El a ine Otto Samue I D. Pannone Gregory M. Pa o J e nn-Hwa Park John Har ris Pa rks Donna Kay Pa rrish Tammie Lynn Buschl ing Tammie . Ly nn Peacock Cha rl es King Pea rc e Jan e t Kay Peccola Allan Kent Pfost Donald Brock Phi I ipp Chri sto ph e r Ptl i I lips Hobert M. Pi e rce Mauri te R. Pi e r s on David R. Piskul ic Ma tth ew V. Plyler Laura Anne S i Ikwood La ur a Anne Po l itt e Eric Glynn Po I I a rd J ea n Ma r i e Porter Susan Leanne Robb in s Susan Le a nne Preuss Mar tin Edward Puhl Joseph Albert Puh I Lisa J oa n Reed Lisa Joan Ramberg Jeffrey R. Raymer Kathryn S. Reed Lisa Joan Puhl Lisa Joan Relja Lydia Lynne Bond Lydia Lynne Robbins Susan Leanne Porter Susan Leanne Roth Steven Paul Rothery ' Mary Frances Rynski Joseph S. Sakou la s . Stacy S. Obermann St'acy S. Sa ndbothe L. Scott Sanders Keith M. Scherer Kenneth Paul Schmerbauch Karl J. Sch neider Susan McCoy . Susan Scroggins Roberta S. McGinnis Roberta S. Si Ikwood Laura Anne Plyler Ljl ura Anne Si roky Daniel Karas Smith Paul J. So Chong Su . Stephenson Shelly L. Stevens Mark Lee Stone Douglas Dai I Sutterer Kevin G. Telker Mary Ell en Torre Phillip George t Traylor James Voss David Alan Walter Brian Joseph Weinhold Betty C. Baggett Betty C. We lch John Homer White Wade Jame s Whitehead Wayne Lee Wurtzler Daniel R. Yanez Damian Peter Yek Oon Hong Yoder, John T. IV Yoon Kiwon Ze i t inger, bona Id Jr . Ziegler Charles K. Zike David Scott

Briscoe Louis R. Brown Randal I Kent Bryant Denn i s Bryant Ma rk M. Burke Gregory Bushu r Ka th ryn Carls Diana Lynn Carrol l Da v id Mark Castleman Rosal ind Sue Mi Iler Rosa l ind Sue Chapp le Steve D. C I a rk Stephen Pau I Conrad Paul Dean Cook Ma rk A. Crawford Larry Dean Cypert Pe ggy Ann Folta Pe ggy Ann Da i Iy Ch a rles Ramon Da v is Steven Charles Debondt Kevin Lee Dennis Clyde Reid Dod so n CI if ton E. Dohogne Lisa Ann Doner Karl I. Dutton Donald Jene E I t i ng O. Ke i th Erickson Rodney J. Ernst Beverly M. Finley Douglas B. Flatt Curtis Ray Folta James Allen Folta Peggy Ann Cypert Peggy Ann . Fotouhi ' M. Ardekani Fritz Michael A. Garland Steven Ray Gaski I I David A. Geiser Amy EI izabeth Gieg I I Kenneth W. Goehri Scott Roger Gordon Kevin Michael Griese Michael Allen Hahn Sarah Jane Hami Iton Randolph N. Harbison Mark Andrew Harris David E. Hart David L. Ha rvey A I I an Hatfield Vicki Lynn Laferty Vicki Lynn Haunschi Id Mahlon R. Hayden Bruce Jeffrey Heaton Stanley Dean Hecker Cornelia A. Sch i rber Cornel ia A. Henry Richard A. Hierholzer Janice G. Lewenczuk Janice G. Hi Iker Jeanne Beth Hill Kenneth Leland Hi I I is J r Donald B. Hinnah Dennis W. Hoeckelman Donald E. Hofstetter Kimberly Howe Douglas B. Huebner James Michael Immele Jay Brian I s rael Carol ine Ann I s ra e I Lew i s Da n i e I J ac ob i Stephen J. J e nkins James Thomas Johnson Christopher Johnson Douglas B. Jones Nancy Lea Jungklaus Matt

1983 Adrian Timothy R. Ainley La uren He le ne All ison Ctra rl es R. And e r so n Scott G. Armst rong , Rob ert E. Jr. As habran ner Dav id B. Baker Cat hy Jane Ra idt Cat hy Jane Bapat Cha nd rashekha r Baref i e ld Timothy L. Ba ri ckma n EI i zabe th Kaspersk i EI izabeth Ba rt ho I me Ma rk Em i I Bast Char les Alan Bean Andrew Step he n Be ll J e ffr ey Bindemann Diana Sue Ma lin 0 i a na Sue Bl ackf ord Todd Alan Bond Wi lli am Howard Boy le Stan ley Clyde Brady Amber Megann Spar l in Amber Megann Brandon Dwig ht W.

1985 Rollamo


Alumnus/ 27

1983 Continued Kasperski EI izabeth Barickman EI izabeth Kaufmann Wi II iam W. Kiser Steven Vinci I Kleve Jr Frederic W. Koenigstein Richard Kolbet Robert Joseph KOpp Rage r T. Kozlowski Ke n John Kronlage Paul Joseph Kuehn Ann Marie Smith Ann Marie Kutterer Stephanie A. Laferty Vicki Lynn Hatfield Vicki Lynn Lakinger Susan E. Lammers Jeff J. Lang Paul Anthony Lewenczuk Janice G. Hierholzer Janice G. Lichtenwalner Peter Little Greg Todd Litzsinger Barry Lund Nancy Sue Lynch Gregory A. Madonna Michael D. Maher Patrick John Ma I in Diana Sue Bindemann Diana Sue Marchello Joseph M. Ma rkus Dona Id Ge ra rd Martens Patrick A. Masek John Albert Massoth Douglas Paul Matthew Michael R. Mcclellan Mel issa Y. Mccollum Harry T. McCurren Gregory T. McDonne I I She i Ia L. Mckay Michael B. McNally John Michael Mehta Mahesh H. Meitz Gregory S. Miller Darryl Duane Mi Iler Rosa I ind Sue Ca~tleman Rosal ind Sue Mitchler Steven C. Moore David Glenn Mudd Michael Lee Mueller Catherine ·R. Mue I Ie r Cha r I e sR. Muir James A. Muret Carolyn Louise Murray Bruce David Nash Martin Mark Nolte John M. O'Rei Ily Thomas P. Oswald David Leon Paa r Lynn Dee Pachlhofer Peter M. Pavl idis Christos Peetz Bryan Dale Pennstrom William J. Pettijohn Bradley Alan Planje Mrs Theodore Postigl ione Michael Prehm William L. Raidt Cathy Jane Baker Cathy Jane Rapp Michael Scott Rapp Randy R. Reinhard Kevin John Ri ley Terence M. Rinker Greg C. Roberts Teresa L. Roll ins Katherine A. Sitton Katherine A. Roney Kevin Patrick Rothermich Thomas N. Sa Ilee Randy Wi 1·1 iam Sauer Car ·1 . Saue r Robert Mark Sa unders David Ralph Sc hei bal Jeffrey~. Sc hi rber Co r ne l ia A. Hec ke r Cor-nEil i a A. Sc hm i dt Wayne Schmitt Kathy ·Lynn Schnet tgoe cke . Ga r ~ Sc hn i ed er s UOhn · P. Schue tz Ra nd a l l G.' Se iwald Jame s B. Settle' Jr Be njam i n Sharkawi Samir Omar S~ e lby Jame s ' Wayne Sitton Kath e rine A. Rol I ins Kather i ne A. Smith Ann Mari 'e . Kuehn Ann Marie Smith Mark Steven Snider Joan Marie Sparl in Amber Megann Brady Amber Megann Sp i nd Ie r Ge ra I d R Spirz Michael I . '

28/ MSM


I would like to thank you for selec, ting me as a recipient of the Alumni Association Scholarship for the spring semester. I appreciate the financial help and am grateful that such a scholarship is available. Sincerely, Don Brumm II Huntsville, Mo. Junior, Mining Engineering Spyers Michael E. Stachowski Mike J. Stehn Thomas Lloyd Stevens James V. Stewart Douglas John Stoval I Thomas M. Stringer Shelton L. Stroder Michael David Suellentrop Paul T. Swenson Dooglas C. Taylor Char.les E. Taylor Jack Preston Tettambel ~ark E. Thornsberry Marcus Thuet EI izabeth C. Tipton Brian Edward ·Tolcou Gregory J. Tower Robert· P. Trask Donald Alan' Tummons John Bryer Turner, David L. II Venable ~amona Lynn Vii Ihard Wesley G•. VOlpe Barton David Wagner Kenneth Neal Wainright Richard E. Waldschmidt Gregory 'Walker Gregg Alan Walker Merton G. Webe r Anne L. We I ty Anne L. Weida Charles Ceci I Weiss Douglas Alan Welty Anne L. Weber Anne L. We I ty Lawrence E. Wessel schmidt Doug West Bcuce Douglas Westrich Curtis A. Whitchurch Joseph A. White Timothy L. Wickert Mark Alan Wi Ikinson Renate A. Wi I I iams David P. Williams Mark Alan Wi Ish i re Jay P. Winter Jeffrey John Wolfgeher Paul A. Yu Shin-Liang link Da v id E.

1984 Adrian We ndy M. Young We ndy M. Affl ick Dan Tu c ker Ahl ve r s David Donald Altheide Richard Ander so n Gre gory J. And e r s on Maurice C. Arc he r Glenn Georq e Asc o I i Da I e Robe rt Awa lt Lau ri e Sus a n Az imi Saee d Bake r Pat ri c k A. Ba l tz Brya n Tho r is Ba re f ie I d Ka t ry n M. Davi d s on Kat ryn M. Ba ue r Donna M. Be d i ngha us Eve r et t M. Be nd er Ann EI i zab e th Bic ket Da niel James Bohl e r Marjori e A. White Marjorie A. Boll inger David Harrison Bonifield Kev i n D. Bradley, Edward J. Jr . Brandel Ann Louise Buhl Margaret Linn Buyco Ishmael Hankin Cameron J i I I Al l son Christian Scott AI len Church Jeffrey W.


C I asp i I I Ga ry Lee Colbern John David Col I ins Michael E. Compton Jul ia Ann Guenther Jul ia Ann Copeland Nancy Lyn Cordner Matthew R. Cra 'in Darla Yvette Crosby Donald Patrick Cro'we,' Joscph E. Jr. Currie Robert Wayne Dai Iy Madison McDona Dalton Thom~s J. Davidson ' Katryn M. . Ba re fie I d Ka t ryn M. Davies Steven Alan Decker Louis P. De . Gu zman Val e ntin Danti De rbak Charles B. Deruntz Joseph G. DeVrie s Douglas M. Di .1 I ingham Sheryl L. Hull Sheryl L. Donley Mark Edward Dowd Kimberly Ann Henslee Kimberly Ann Drur~ Beverly Jane Sauer Beverly Jane Eck Daniel J. Edwa rd s Ca ro I Ell en Maxeiner Carol EI len EI I is Casey Patrick Faust Joseph Bernard FI int John Robert Forness Kevin Paul French Eunice P. Frey Pa t ric i a Ann Garringer, Hal L. Jr. Garrison Robert M. Georgen Randy G. . .Gi Ibert AI ice Fern Goldammer David E. Golterman John S. Graves Pamela J. Guenther Jul ia Ann tompeon Ju I i a Ann Guyan David Wil I iam Halsey Gai I Anne Hannah Derek Wayne Hansberry Steven W. Harms Steven Ray Harrison Benjamin K. Harrod Scarlett L. Hartman Martha Ellen Ha rwa rd I~a rk Gregory Hawk Donna R. Reinhard Donna R. Hayes Dennis Ray ' Henehan Paul Vincent Henslee Kimberly Ann Dowd Kimberly Ann Heumann Robert Gera rd Hock John Aloys lIolland James P. Hull Sheryl L. Di I I ingham Sheryl L. leans Edward R. Jackson Douglas A. JaszarQwski James K. Jennings Donald Carl Judd David Eugene Kerber David Clair Kimes Steven Day Kinsey John Michael Klenke John Joseph Kleypas Mark Louis Klorer John

Knaup James Wi II iam Kniepkamp David I. Koeh r Ph i I lip And rew Kohrmann Larry Gene Krull Ronald Edward Krumrey Gregory N. Krumrey . Karol Lynn Kruse John Scott Ku c hem Dougla s Le o Labe rg John Joseph La mb, Richard C. Jr .. Leeds Terry Clayton Leung F-rancis Kwok-s Luca Jamie Ann Lyon Charles W. Ma xeiner Carol Ellen Edwards Carol Ellen Mc intosh Gregory A. Meyer Steven Charles Mi I ler Brett Andrew Mi lIer Rona Id Alan Moeller Karen Sue Moore Robert Michael Mori Thomas Nandico, Paul E. Jr .. Nauman Theodore John Nealon John Stephen 0 ' Ne i I Edw i n E. . Paredes Alan M. Pavelka Cynthia F. Peick Patricia A. Pericich Joseph T. Peters Michael John Phi II ips Rona Id L: Pirkle Charles Lee Poppe Steven James Pressler David Wayne Ream Kevin Kerone Reece Carleen Lamae Reed Kem Robe rt Reinhard Donna R. Hawk Donna R. Renne Mark Joseph · Rivers Steven Paul Rolf Robert Oarl . Rood Ma rk B. Roth Timothy L. Rubio Roberto~. Russom Todd Eugene Sauer Beverly Jane Drury Beverly Jane Scandura, Phi I ip A. Jr. Schaffner Valerie L. Schoen James Lee Schoenecker Timothy Schuermeyer John B. Schu I te Ge ra rd B. Schwent Dale Gerard ' Shadley James Kevin Shapiro Doron Sha rp Ke i th Shi I I ito Michael J. Shive Michael Morgan Sho re Ma ry C. Simmons Susan Marie Smith Michael Andrew Sprenger Heraleen E. Sprenger Michael K. Stavig Wendell C. Steelman Rhonda L. Stone William Alan Straughn Richard Henry Tayon James Edward Thomas Cra ig Wi II iam Thomas Sherry Sue Tri I ler Danny Joseph



1984 Continued Tul e nko , Pa ul A. Jr . Uppot Jan a rd a n~n O. Voe g t I i Le o Pa ul Wa gn e r Rober t Sco tt Wag ner Wi I I, am C. Web b M ~ rk A. wCing ae rt ne r Dav id A. Wha le y J a mes Ro bc rt Wh ee le r Je f f r ey A. Wh i tc Ma rj o r ic A. Bo h l e r Ma r jo ri e A. Wi c he rn Do na ld Gc r a rd Wi I I i ,Hns R;, ymund E . Wi ll i a ms Va le r ie J . Windhor s t Ka thy Sue Wint e r Ua le Mi c hae l Witge s Jame s Da le Wo ody J . Bruc e "' oo t en Dorwi n Kerry Yilrn e ll Chr i s t o pher You ng Wendy M. Adri <l n We nd y r~ . Ze l tmann Michael D.

1985 Ahmed Ta nzee r T. M. And rew Ch r i s t a De go n ia Chri s ta Ay John Michael Ba rton Da vid Scott

Bea r David Ja mes Beckmann Kenn e th W. Borcherding Bra dley Breitba r th J a mes Edwa~d Br e nde l John Will iam Bre t z ke Vi rg i ni a L. Foc htm a nn v irg ini a L. Br ow n Ala n Cl yde Bru hn Ch r i s topher J. Cho u J e ff S . Coo pe r Suza nn e Ma ri e Ri ney Suza nne Ma rie Dc go ni a Ch ri s t a /lml r cw Ctl ri s t a ll otlmcn Lu ke Ra ymo nd Dup Ie r Da ..... n An n Dll ss old Thomas M. l <l gl e H. Ge ne [ s he l ma n Ma r c W. r i t 7g e ra I d F ra n k M. Fo c htm ~ n n Vi rg i n i a L. Bret z ke Virg ini a L. Gl a uz Rebecca Jean Gri mm Mi chae l J. Guc s t Matthew Bla ke Ha l l Oli ver Keit h He be r l e Ge o ff rey O. He nd r icks El l e n Ly nn Hirt z Boyd Al a n Jos t Lind a Jo a n Ka mme r e r Ne d Jo hn Kneis ler J o hn F. Krause Jo a nn Kronm ue ller Wi II ia m Robert La nk s ton Robert Ray Li a ng Ming-San

Licht e nwalner Da n J. Living s ton Hans G. Ma rche I 10 Lou i se Massot h Anit a Joa n Murray Anit a Jo a n Mc Na mee Rona ld J . Mcvey John Jo se ph Me ie r Mich e l Ie Jea n Meyer Da vid Vincent Murra y Anit a Jo a n Mass oth Anit a Jo a n Ney Th e resa Ann Ni e mira J a mes Ke vin Ni ewa ld Paul Walter No r t o n Do ugla s C. Oe tting Ann e Marie Pa nn one Da vid L. Pe t e r s on J e ffrey A. Phi I I ip s Bruce George Rando l ph Rob e rt Kirk Ra pp Robert Cra ig Reed Ba rry Lyn n Rehm Jeffrey C. Rickard, Dona Id Edward Jr. Riecher s Kevin Leroy Ri ney Suzanne Marie Coope r Suz anne Ma ri e Rogers Fo r res t W. San derso n Je rome B. Schwa r t z Sc ott Mo rga n Scwe s t e r Edwa rd Ge r a r d Shee ha n Howa rd Mi le s Sokolo s ki Mic hae l S . St i I c s Ra ndy Ha ro I d Stumpf Patrick J. Thomson Daniel E.

1m RoIIuno

Warnecke Mar k Robert We II s , Fra nk P. Jr . Wi s eman Curti s Dean Wolf Ernest

Commemorcitives and Memorials Each year UMR receives many gifts in honor of living persons and in memory of deceased love ones. When donations are received, immediate members of the families are notified of the names of the donors. These perpetual funds support a variety of projects including scholarships, student loans, recognition awards, ar· tistllecture. series, library acquisitions, music, and other special programs and ac· tivities. Those so honored during 1985 are as follows: Eugene Abernathy , '71 Gary Gerlitz, ' 70 H. G. S . Anderson , '09 Glenn Graham Mary Imogene McCr ae Anderson Ruth Gr a ham ~Iaur ice Lynn Bay lor , '69 C. James Grimm , '30 Richard A. Bertram, '32 Albert Ha ppy , '3 2 Ma rk Bouck a ert, ' 84 Mi chael J . Ha rk ins , ' 4 6 Fred Hau enste i n , '0 3 Geor ge C. Br e~ d e nb ac h John H. Castl eman , Sr ., '42 Ph i lip '1. He ndricks , ' 42 Robert Paul Cher r y , '37 Monique Hild e br and George Cohen Ve rnon Holtm e ier Fr a nk H, Conr ad Rodn ey E . Jenkins , ' 69 Nick Cooks e y , ' 5 7 Rob e rt J ones , ' 38 Rich ard L. Cooper Edward P . Las ko , ' 5 0 J i m Daws on James E . Lon g , ' 56 "Slim" Everitt ~I e rvin 'J . Ke lly , ' 14 Raymond R. F i nc h ' 4 3 Tony Massaro , '36 Fra nk F i nk , ' 25 J o hn McKeague David J. F l esh, ' 23 Amy & V. H. McNu t t, '10 F. H. F r ame Ge o rge C. G a~ler, '24 .Aa ron J . ~lile s, ' 30 Fr eddy Lee Mos by , ' 29 Ch a rl es T. Ga ll oway

James J. Mu r phy, '35 Peter H. Pietsch , '20 Theodore J. Planj e, '40 Arthur L . Pollard , '09 Her be rt L. Prange, ' 38 Chuck Pr i ce , ' 66 St eph en P. Re ed Thomas H. Rees e , Jr. , ' 34 Joseph H. Rohloff Le la Rosenaue r John G. Roy, '3D Larry Sie ck Edwa rd A. Sm ith, '2 4 J a mes E. St ok e s , ' 31 J u les H. Subow, ' 67 Be tty Todd Frank Edgar Townsend, '11 Robert E. Vansant, '51 Cl ark Wil son Vict or Zoll er, ' 4 3

MSM Alumnul / 29

Donors to the Association and 'the University A ,Anonymous/Misc A E Staley Mfg Co A P Green Refractories Co Abbett Robert W. Abbott James W. Abbott Laboratories Abbott Rohn D. Abernathie Wi II iam E. Abernathy Thomas S. Abney Paul A. Abrams Lawrence K. Absher Harold R. Aceto Wayne M. Achenbach Gary D. Acheson Edwin R. Achterberg Ernest R. Achuff Charles E. Acker Ronald K. Ackerman Richard E. Ackerson Deborah J. Carleton Deborah J. Ackerson Michael D. ACME Foundry Inc , Acree, Wi II iam E. Jr. Adam, Everett E. Jr. Adamick, Chester J. Jr. Adamick Henry S. Adams Clifford L. Adams Dav i d L. Adams Eric B. Adams James E. Adams John E. Adams Joseph T. Adams Russel I C. Adams Tamara J. Ball Tamara J. Adams Washington Addison EI izabeth D. Addison Gale E. Adkins Robert D. Adler Robert B. Adrian Kenneth G. Adrian Timothy R. Adrian Wendy M. Young Wendy M. Aerospace Corp Aff lick Dan Tucke r Agee Ralph Kend e l1 Agers Donnel I W. Ag new A I len B. Agnew Joyce W. Agnos Ernest J. Agrawal Arun K. Ahal William R. Ah I a nd Wa yne Ahlvers Da v id Donald Ahmed Abdullah Y. Ahmed Tanzeer T.M . Ainley Lauren He lene Ainsworth John H. Air Products & Chem Inc Akeman Kemp Eugene Akmakjian Char les Albee Stephen E. Albert Ronald C. Albrecht John V. Alcoa Fdn

Alcoa Technical Center Ale x Pizza Palace Alexander Gary R. Ale xander George D. Alexander Mary C. Brunkhorst Mary C. Alexander Verne Alexander Vernon T. Ale xander Wi II iam C. Alexander Wi II iam D. AI ford Jay W. AI ford John D. ' Alford Rex Algaier Mark D. Alger Robert P. Allen Bruce H. AI len Dennis W. A I I en Eugene K. Allen George W. Allen HarryW. Allen Jerry I;l. Allen , John E. Jr. Allen, Louis B. Jr. Allen Michael P. AI I en . Stephen L. Allen Theresa A. Broschak Theresa A. AI lied Cdrp (Bendix) All ied Corporation Fdn All ison Charles R. AI I ison Melvin R. Allison R. E. AI pha Resources Alpha Testing Inc Alsmeyer Wi II iam C. Alspaugh David H. Altheide Charles R. Altheide Richard Altice Robert R. A I tma n Ba rba ra H. Altman Ronald L. Alvarado Frank T. Alvey Mark S. Alyea Jerrold M. AMAX Fdn Inc Ambrose George G. Ambrose L. Siagian Amend Wi II i a m E. American Bank of Rolla Ame rica n E I Powe r Se rv Co Amer ica n Fed of In f Pro Soc Ame ric a n In st of Chern Eng Amer ic an Motors Co r p American Stee l Fou ndri es Inc Amin Rajinkant C. AmI i Ha ro IdE . Amoco Fdn Inc Ams inger Ga ry J. Ams ler La rry C. Amste d Indu st ri es Fdn Anaconda Wire & Ca ble Co Anderhub Anthony P. Anders Don a ld G. And erse n Fred L. And erse n Kathleen C. Bryan Kathleen C. Anderson Charles A. Anderson Clnrence Anderson Dav id K. Anderson Denni s R.

Anders on Gary S. Anderson Georg e M. Anders o n Glenn R. Ander so n Gregory J. Anderson Gregory T. Ander so n Jame s S. Anderson Jerry M. Anderson John C. And e rson John R. Ande rson Ma rtha Anderson Maurice C. Anderson Michael E. Anderson Phil I ip AnderSon Ruth L. Legsd in Ruth L. Anderson Scott G. Anderson Todd F. Anderson Wi liard W. Andoe W. Victor Andreae Andreas A. Andreae Robert A. Andreae Vicki M. Andreas Wayne T. Andres Otto M. Andrew Christa Degonia Christa ' And rew Pa u I D. Andrews ' Frank Eugene And rews J. Lew is Andrews Kenneth W. Angelo Charles A. Anheuser-Busch Inc Aning Alexander Osei Annis Donald J. ANR Pipel ine Co Anspach Earl E. Aoufi Rabah Appelbaum Robert H. Appleyard Frank C. AR Power & Light Co Arant Wi 1'1 iam S. Archer David W. Archer Glenn George Arens Robert A. Arledge Carl E. ARMCO Fdn Arms Robe rt L. Armst r ong Ge r a ld C. Armstrong, Robert E. Jr. Armstrong Roy M. Arndt Te rry L, Ar no I d Gl e nwood Arnold John M. Ar no ld Ken net h B. Ar no I d Ric ha rd I. Arnold Ro be rt D. Arnoldy Richard R. Aronberg Garry R. Art hur Treal Asa rco Fdn Asbee Don Asco Ii Da Ie Rober' t Asfour Karim'rl. As h Sha ron Kaye As habra nn er Dav id B. As hbaugh Brian W. Ashburn Mr s I. I . As her Charles E. As he r Kenneth K. Asher Ver non L. Ashland Oi I Fdn Inc As hl ey Car l G. As hto n Harlan R. Asplund Roger V. Astrack Ric hard F. Astroth Lou i s E. AT&T Foundat i on AT&T Tec hn ologies Atch i so n Dani e l R. Atchley Katheri ne V. Di li on Katherine V. Atk i ns Jack q., " '" t'1 . " Atk in son Henry R. Atkinson, Marion L. Jr. Atlantic Richfield Co (Dallas) Atlantic Ri chf ie ld Co (LA) Atlantic Ri chf ie ld Fdn Atlas Powder Co Auberry Wi II iam D. Aubrecht, Lad imir J. Jr . Aubrey, Leo A. Jr. Aubucho n Edwa rd L. Aubu c hon Pierre M. Aubu cho n Robert D. Audsley Gl enn L. Au e r Ric ha rd E. Augustson Luther B. Aurig Bi Il y Gregory Au ro ra Pump Austin Buddy J. Austin Jo hn C. 1985 Rollamo Austin Lee S. · n·~

30/ MSM


Austin Margot H. Avery Karen S. Ludwig Ka ren S. Ave s. Wi II iam L. Jr. AwalL E.L.&. Frances Awalt Laurie Susan Awan Mansoor A. Axmacher. George W. Ay John Michael Ayars Robert S. Aylor Cortez C. Az i mi Saeed

B B F Good rich Co Bach, Charles S. Jr. Bach Thomas E. Bach, Wi Ibert E. Jr. Bachman David A. Bachman, Wi II iam G. Jr. Bachmann David E. Bachmann Roy O. Bade Norman D. ' Baebler Arthur G. Baebler Matthew G. Baechle August A. Baer Kenneth G. Baggett Betty C. Weinhold Betty C. Bagley Ronald P. Bagley 'rIi II iam C. Bagnall LindsayE. Lomax Lindsay E. Bagnell, Charles R. Jr. Bagnel I Valarie A. Brenner Valarie A. Bai Sue E.S. Stoll Sue E.S. -Sai 'rI. Monty Bai ley Keith E. Bain Jo se ph E. Ba i rd Ma ry Lo u Baker Cathy Jane Raidt Cathy J an e Baker Cllester H. Ba ke r Don<1 I dR. Bake r John P. Baker J oh n 'rI. Ba ke r Me r I Baker Pat ri ck A. Baker Richard L. Baker Ron a l d E. Bakhshi Virendar S. Baldetti Pa ul G. Baldwin Larry J. Ba I dw i n 'rI i I I i am M. Ba I I Robe rt D. Ba I I Suza nn e C. Ba I I Tama,r a J. Adams Ta mara J. Ba I I a rd Ted 'rI. Ba I I i ew E I a i ne A. Christian El a in e A. Ba I I ma n Edwa rd A. Bal lma nn Richard B. Ba ll ou E!r i an Ba Imat Jack S. Ba lmer Ja mes A. Ba I t z Bryan Th or i s Baltz Richard A. Bank America Fdn Banks Ra lph Ban ks Robe rt L. Bannes Lorry T. Bannes - Shaughnessy In c Bapat Cha nd rashek har . Bara, John A. Jr . . .. Barber George E. Barbour Koe ll e G. Barc lay David A. Ba rco Samue I U . Bardon Don a ld C. Ba re fie I d Ka t ryn M. David so n Katryn M. Barefield Timothy L. Bare more James J. Ba rg e r Hub ert S. Barickman EI i zabet h Kasperski EI i zabet h Barka low Thoma s 'rl . Barker Charles E. Bar l et Leonard F. Barnard Albert E. Ba rnds, Campbe I I C. I I I Barnes, Char i ie M. Jr. Barnes David K.



Barnes Johny J . Ba rnes Kev i n Barnes Richard C. Barnes William M. Barnett Ralph L. Barnett WilliamJ. Ba rnha rt He rb e rt D. Barnh art Michael A. Ba rr Nora A. Ruiz Nora A. Ba r r fla I ph S. Ba rrack N ic ho I as E. Ba rrett And re'W J. Barri s Stephe n N. Bar ro'W Car lt. o n W. Barro'W, John T. Jr. Ba r ry Da v i d L. Barsachs Ed'Wi n H. Barte l Don a ld S. Bartel .ju tm G. Bartels Eugene A. Barthol it: Dav id B. Ba rtholme Ma rk Emi I Bar tl et t Bruce l . Bartlett Gary R. Bartlett Hugh Bartley, Wi II iam H. J r. Ba rt ling Dona I d L. Bartoli Ernest C. Barton C. Dean Barton David Scott Ba rton John R. Barylski Martin W. BASF Wyandotte Corp Bash David A. Basler Francis S. Basler Michael J. Basler Thomas J. Ba s s J a me s J. Bass Paul J. Bast Charles Alan Basye R icha rd E. Bates David W. Bates Thomas W. Bates Valentino T. Batteiger John C. Bauer Donna M. Bauer Richard A. Ba uer Richard H. Bauer Wi II iam Alfred Ba um, Frank l. Jr. Ba uma n Wi I I i a m J . Baumann Richard E. Baumbach Da l e M. Baumeyer Ervin H. Ba umga rtner Geo rge R. Baumst ark Wa lter A. Baur J ohn C. Ba ur R icha rd A. Ba x ter Ke nn e th D. Ba x ter Travenol Laboratori es Bay Robe rt D. Bayless Jerry R. Baylor Maurice l. Baylor Phi I ip E. Beaman Glen R. Bean Andre'W Stephen Bean Robert C. Bear David James Bea rd Ma rk W. Beard Reade M. Bea rd Troy Beardsley Dav id D. Beatty Ke nnet h Beauchamp Robert W. Beavers James E. Becher Margaret M. Bechte I Co rp Bechte I Fdn Bechtold M. Scott Beck WilliamJ . Becka Ed'Wa rd Becker Kathryn A. Hand Kathryn A. Becker Patrick John Becke r R i cha rd l. Becker Robert W. Becker Scott Beckley Tommie R. Beckman Charles A. Beckmann Kenneth W. Beckmeyer Margy A. Rice Ma rgy A. Beckmeyer Russel I R. Bedinghaus Everett M. Bednar Stephen J. Beem David M. . Beem Sandra R. Ka rne s Sa nd ra R. Been Robe rt J. Beers Seymour J. Behan Thomas A. Be h r Do r i sA. Braddock DorLs A. Behr Vance l. Behring Allen G. Bei Istein Gregory L.

Be Be Be Be Be Be Bp. Be lie

nl ich Alfre d W. rne John M·.' de n David C. den Edga r e'W Byron George e'W Elmer W. e'W leland F. e'W Robert R. I Art tlUr H. B( ) I ' Gordon W. Be I Jeffrey Be I Kennet h H. I\ e I I Ron a I d T. Be I I Wa I te r P. Bel l War ren H. Be l lchambe r Don a ld K. Be I li s Ge r a IdB. Be ll is Mauric e O. Bena rd Joh n Bendapudi Kas i V. Bender Ann EI i za bet h Bender Gera Id H. Bender John H. Benignus Thomas D. Benjamin Donald Benn Ed'Wa rd Benner Charles F. Bennetsen Wayne J . Bennett Garry A. Bennett Harold l. Bennett, Wi II iam Jr. Bennington , lesl ie O. Jr . Bennish Harold Benson Wi II iam A. Benton James R. Benton Reginald H. Bentrup Eugene A. Bentzinger Robert Beresik Theodore l. Be rg Dav i d W. Berg Helen M. Berg Richard O. Be rg e r la u re I D. Bergfeld Jerome V. Berglund Paul T. Bergner Larry G. Be rg t Da v j dE . Berkbigler larry W. Berkey Vernon G. Berndt , Joseph P. Jr. Berning, Duane E. Jr. Bernstein Craig S. Be rry Cha rle s A. Berry Ch ri stop her W. Ber ry Hug h R. Berry Jerome T. Berry Jo hn J. Berry Ro bert T. Berryman Oscar C. Bersett Gerald W. Bertelsmeyer Jame s E. Bertogl io Gregory E. Bertram Jeffery P. Bertrand Paul M. Be Na I d Da v i d M. Be Na I d I rv i n BeNick, John D. Jr. Besleme James H. Bess James D. Best John l . Be s tor Ted F. Bethards Charle s W. Bethlehem Stee l Corp Betz Irv i ng G. Betz Raymond R. Beu t ler Da vi d E. Bevel Jerry E. Beyke Chr istine J. Bezdek Wi II iam J. Bhasin Charlotte A. Bhasin Kul Bib Ie , Pa u I L. Jr . Bicket Dani el James Bicknel I Hi Iton B. Biddle Myron H. Bie Wendy A. Bier Patrick K. Biermann Earl E. Biermann Robert G. Bigley Denis G. Bindemann Diana Sue Ma I in Diana Sue Binesh Pi roo z Bingham, lloyd W. Jr. Birch Bettijeanne M. Puffett Bettijeanne M. B i rcha rd Ha rry C. Birk Douglas G. Birmingham Angelo J . Bi rt Floyd D. Bisesi Donald C. Bishop David K. Bishop William R. Bitting James l. Bjornberg Peter R. Black & Veatch Fdn Black , Harold E. Jr. Bla ck William M.

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Blackburn Samuel C. Blackburn Thomas Wayne Blackford Todd Alan Black'Wood James D. B I air No rma nO. Blake Charles A. Blancke , C. Dudley Jr. Blankenmeister ENin G. Blankenship Dean M. Blanton Jack Blattel Steven R. Blauvelt David S. Blec km an Bill Blendermann Gene R. Blevins Howard l . BI iss All en D. BI izewski Brent Block Merlyn J. Block Thomas W. Bloome Robert l. Blount Inc Blount Robert l. BI ue Bi I I Blumberg l esl i e Blume David J. Blumfelder Wi II iam O. Boa z James K. Boberschmidt lawrence A. Bockelman Keit h l . Bockman Ga ry J. Bodenhamer Kevin C. Bodenhamer Steven D. Bodicky Andrew l. Bodine Jack R. Bodine Terrance M. Boe Ric hard I. Boegner Phi I ip J. Boehme Verno n P. Boeing Co ( Seattle ) Bogan J a mes J. Bohl Car l D. Bohler Marjorie A. White Marjorie A. Bohler Scott J. Bohley Thomas K. Bohn Ellen B. Cherry Ell e n B. Bohnemeyer Stephen P. Boi les John H. Boise Ca s cade Corp Boismenue Clyde F. Boje, George J . Jr. Boland Bo nni e A. Van Horn Bonnie A. Bolander Richard W. Bolen Gary R. Bol ing, Harry O. III Boll Dennis F. Bollenbacher Al bert Boll inger David Harrison Bol I inger Steven R. Bolon , lucien M. Jr. Bommer Theodore J. Boncek John Michael Bonczyk Bruce S. Bond lydia lynne Relja Lydia Lynne Bond William Howard Bondi James O. Bondu ra nt Fre derick N. Bonifi e ld Kevin D. Boni I la, Alfredo I I I Bonnot Andrew W. Bontz Dani el l. Booher Pau I D. Boone Michael W. Booth Richard T.

Bopp Jeffery T. Bo rbe rg James R. Borcherding · Bradley Borcherding, Donald A. Jr . Borchers Raymond W. Borg-Warner Inc Borgerding lawrence H. Borgini Fred Borgmeyer Marvin E. Borgmeyer Thomas S. Borgstede George J. Boring Wi II iam D. Borman John G. Boro'Wiak Thomas G. Bortfeld Mark K. Borthwick Go r don Boschert Robert J. Boscia Frank J. Bosko John Bo s ky Ma r i e l. Bossert Ha rry F. Bost Charles R. Bo s ton La'Wrence A. Bott Max E. Bott Winston F. Botta , Jose A. Jr. Bottcher Hermann F. Botterbush Wi I fred E. Bottom J ames H. Boulson Charles E. Bourne Bi Il y W. Bourne Donald W. Bourne Wi II iam H. Boutelle Larry Bo'We n, Jesse W. Jr . Bo'W ers Craig R. Bo'Wers Don a ld R. Bowk ley Herb er t l . Bowles Janet F. Bowman Martin E. Bo xdo rfe r Robe rt L. Boxx James P. Boyce Daniel E. Boyd Charles l . Boyd Elza Boyd Marvin W. Boyd Robe rt K. Boyd Roy H. Boyd Stephen J . Boyd J Vi rg i I C. Jr. Boyer Alexander A. Boyer CI i ffor d J. Boye r Ph iii p J . Boyer Roger lee Boyko Kenneth J. Boyle Stanley Clyde Boyt Eugene P. Bozarth Bruce A. Boze Ra I ph E. Brackbi I I Robert M. Braddock Doris A. Be h r Do r i sA. Braddock Paul F. Braden M. Douglas Bradfi sc h Richard S. Bradham Vicki E. Bradley Dale E. Bradley Dav id R. Bradley, Edward J. Jr. Bradley James E. Bradley N.R. Bradway Bruce R. Brady Amber Megann Sparl in Amber Megann Brady Da Ie E. Bra dy Francis J .


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Brady Jo hn R. Brady , She rm a n D. Jr. Brake James 'Ceci I ' ' Brake Micha e l B. Brake nsiek William E. Bramfitt Bruc e L. Bra mon, Ge ra Id A. Jr. Bra nd Jennife r I. Brand e l Ann Lou i se Bra ndhorst Ly nn D. Bra ndon Dwight W. Brandt Rob ert E. Brandt Rob ert J. Brannan Ra nd a I I J. Branson Do na ld A Branum Wi II iam H' Brase Deborah Di ~ne Brown Debora h Dia ne Brassf i eld Henry C. Brau n Davi d G. Braun Pau I A. Braun Robert P. Braun Steve S. Brawley John M. Bray Kenneth W. Bray Lana J. Scott Lana J. Bra y Michael E. Brecke Ervin A. Bredenkamp Ronald C. Breece David R. Breese Thoma s E. Brehe Harold C. Bre i t Ka r I K. Bre i tba rth James Edwa rd Breitenfeld Richard T. Bremer Terry W. Bremer Wayne P'. Brendel Jerome C. Brende I John Wi I I i'am Brendel Ronald A. Brendle Stephen J. Brennecke Robert A. Brennenstuhl Christine M. Lytle Christine M. Brenner Valarie A. Bagnel I Valarie A. Brenn i ng Eugene D. Bretzke Virginia L. Fochtmann Virginia L. Breue r Coy L. Breuer D. Wallace Breuer Marvin H. Breuer 路 Thomas E. Breuer Walter f. Breville David A. Brewe r, Ca r I A. Jr. Brewer John W. Brewer Lawrence O. Brewer Wi II iam Bridegroom Kenneth E. Bridge Lorren F. Bridger Robert F. Bridges Steven D. Bridges Thomas L. Bridgforth James J. Bridgman Samuel Briggs James A. Bright Paul K. Brill Niles K. Bri I los John W. Brinkman Glen A. Brinkmann Charles E. Brinkmann EI izabeth Brinkmann Joseph R. Brinkopf Robert L. Brinton John C. . Briscoe Louis R. Broaddus, Wa y ne R. Jr. Brockhaus Dougla s A. Brockmann Lester A. Brockmann Richard K. Brodha cker John W. Broekelman n Donald D. Broek ing Kenneth W. Bromley Rob e rt Bron Clay Brooks J ack Broschak Th eresa A. Allen Th eresa A. Bro shears Wi II ia m E. Bro ss David K. Brother s Step hen A. Brou k Ralph H. Brown Alan Clyde Brown Bu ran W. Brown Cha r I e s S. Brown Connie Brown Deborah Diane Brase Deborah Diane Brown Donald R. Brown Elwood G. Brown Gus H. Brown, Guy Jr . Brown M. Granger Brown Ma"r k K. Brown Michael D. Brown Phil I ip O.

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. Bugg Dona IdA. Bugg Ste ph e n F. Buh I, Howa rd K. ,j r .' Buhl Margaret Linn Buhr Jos e ph L. Bui Id e r s Ass n of Mo Bulla Fre derick W. Bull a Robert C. Bullard James R. Bullman Mr s Ga Ie Bunch Dav id W. Burak Wi II ia m He n ry Burberry Ro land S. Burford Harry B. Burgess Woodrow L. Burgett Ma x A. Bu rjeck Thomas R. Bu rk Ea r i D. Burkart Matthe w J. Bu rke Geo rge E. Burke Gregory Burke J a mes E. Burke La rry R. Burke Te ri e l E. Burke Wi II ia m G. Bu rkemp e r La rry J. Burkhardt Bi Il y L. Burkhead Carl E. Bur khead , Ke nneth E. Sr. Burlbaw He rber t G. Burl in g ton Northern Fdn 1985 Rollamo Burnett Jo se ph R. Burnett Ri c hard W. Brown Randal) Kent Burns Fredrick B. Brown Richard A. Burns Ruble E. Brown Richard R. Burr Richard C. Brown Robert Lee Burroughs Corp Brown Robert N. Burrows Eugene H. Brown Roy A. Burton, James E. Jr. Brown Roy G. Burton J ames M. Brown, Thomas S. III Burton William T. Brown Wi II iam A. Busala~i John A. Brown Will iam R. Busch Kenneth L. Brown Wi II is L. Busch Ray E. Browne 1homas C. Busch Wi II iam C. Brownfield Boyd J. Busch Wi II iam D. Brown i ng Be rt i e L. Buschl ing Tammie Lynn Browning Charles M. Parrish Tammie Lynn Browning Phil A. Bush Charles Brownstein Gussie Bush Susan J . Brubaker Maurice E. Holm Susan J. Bruce Robe rt S. Bushur Kathryn Brueckmann Michael A. Busse David R. Bruehmann Ott Busse John R. Bruenger Mark D. Bussey Paul F. Bruening Walter H. Butcher Terry Brugger Patrick H. Butchko Robert G. Brugioni Kenneth P. Butler Dennis F. Brugnara Michael A. Butler James L. Bruhn Christopher J. Butler Mfg Co Bruhn Jeffery Nei I Buttry Kenneth E. Brune Ga ry L. Butts James D. Brune Robert H. Butts Michael C. Brunjes William S. Butzer Harold G. Brunkhorst Earl R. Buyco Ishmael Hankin Brunkhorst Lloyd E. Bye Douglas R. Brunkhorst Mary C. . Byington Marvin L. Ale xander Mary C. Byrne James M. Brunner Gary D. Byrne Patrick M. Bruns, Berna rd A. I I I Bruns Gregory A. Bruns John M. Bruns Robert F. Brunson Vernon T. Brunts Randal I T. Bruzewski James R. Bryan Kathleen C. Andersen Kathleen C. Cabot Corp Bryant Danny T. Cadwa Il ade r Lee C. Bryant David A. Ca dwel l Wa rren D. Bryant Dennis Cain, Clarence J r. Bryant Jame s Ca i n La r ry J. Bryant James R. Ca in, Lawre nce J. Jr. Brya nt Ma rk M. Cai n Ste ph e n Jo se ph Bryant Ri chard O. Ca lcate rra Edward L. Bryant St eve n D. Ca lh oun TroyC . Brynac Micha e l J . Ca Ih oun Wi II i am L. Ca l i se Sa l vatore J. Bucha na n ~av id B.. Buchanan John O. Ca I I Ma rk G. Buchh e it Gera ld J. Ca ll a ha n Ca rt e r Buchmeier, Frank A. Jr . Cal l a han Michael J. Buchmeier Wi II ia m K. Ca II a ha n Susa n L. Buchtmann Larry H. Callanan Dav id M. Buck Richard L. Ca l I i s to J e re L. Buck Robert H. Ca lodn ey Ma rtin M. Buckson Ann Ca lodn ey Rose Buckwalter John R. Ca lton Lynn B. Budd Deb ra J. Ca lvin Pa ul N. Budd Vincent J. Ca lvin Tanya Buechler , Thomas J. J r . Cameron Charles V. Buel Robert W. Cameron Jill Alison Bueler, Frederick Jr. Campbel I Charles E. Buenemann, Morris C. Jr. Campbell E. Taylor Buescher Alfred J . Campbel I Fred W. Buescher Gene E. Campbel I Gary A. Buettner Melvin A. Campbel I Jack P. Campbel I John R. Bufalo David J. Campbel I Larry W. Buffington Darrel L.


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Ca mpb e l I Richard A. Campbe I I Robe rt E. Camp bel I Wolfgan g S. Campen, Frederick J. Jr. Canno n, George E. Jr. Ca n t r e ll Charles C. Ca n twe ll Laurence W. Ca pital Ci ty Water Co Ca pon e Donald W. Ca pon e Ga ry J. Cappa Joseph A. Capps Jeffrey C. Ca pp s Robe rt O. Cardett i Ric hard J. Care l Terry Ca rey Robe rt C. Ca rg i I I In c Car l Louis H Ca r Ie Cu r t is ' W. Carleto n Debora h J. Ackerson De borah J. Ca rlo Joseph W. Ca rl s Diana Lynn Car l strom George M. Ca rlton Paul F Ca rmi c hae l Dwight E. Ca rmichael Ronald L. Carmody Edward T. Carnahan Danny L. Carnahan Melvin E. Carney Edwin R. Ca rney W. Da I e Carpenter Forrest L. Carpenter Gordon L. Ca rr Linda C. Carr Virgil E. Carr, Walter J. Jr. Carrier Corp Fdn Inc Carrol I David ~ark Carroll GregoryA. Carroll James V. Carroll Paul F. Carroll WarrenJ Carrolla' Ro ss R.路 路t"Ga r ron Ge ra rd J. Ca rson Jon [) . Carstens John C. Ca rswe I I Pipe line Co Ca rte r Ha I E. Carter Joe C. Carter John B. Ca rte r Ka ren S. Carter Robert A. Carter Ronald W. Carthew Douglas J. Ca rve r Rona I d P. Cary Stanley E. Casaleggi Susan H. Potthast Susan H. Caseltori James A. Cashner' Fred R. Cassel I Ralph M. Castleberry Michael D. Castleman Donald L. Castleman John H. Castleman Mrs Margaret M. Castleman Rosal ind Sue Miller Rosalind Sue Castor Lawrence W. Caterpi liar Fdn Caterpi liar Tractor Co Ca thca rt Raymond F. Cawlfield David W. Cawns Albert E. Cawthorne Edward W. Cawvey James L. Cayse Robert W. Cel a nese Corp Cente rre Bancorporation Ce nterre Ba nk Ce llt r'a I & Sout h West Fdn Ce s ~re Jo sep h A. Cha dw ic k Jack L. Chamber lain Ethan A. Chamb ers Frank T. Chand l e r Thomas C. Chaney J a mes B. Cha ng Fu S. Chang Geo rg e C. Chang Jo t.n W. Cha ng J ose ph C. Cha ng Jo se ph J. Cha ng Li C. Chang Randy L. Cha ng Wi II iam C. Cha ng Yu Ta i Chao S. ( Steve ) Cha pman. Harr ison E. Jr. Cha pman James M. Cha pman K. Ron Chapma n Richard G. Chapman Robert T. Chapple Steve D. Charbonnier' William P. Charles Albert L. Cha rma r Inc Chastain Gary Chastain William R.

Chasten Dennis l. Chatron William Alan Cheek Michael R. Cheffey Ma rk Chen Chao-Sheng Chen David K. Chen Gwok-liang Chen Hong-Wen Chen Paul B. Chen Sun C. Chen Tak M. Chen Wen-liang W. Chen Wi I lie Y. Chen Winston W. Chenoweth Daryll W. Chenoweth Harold E. Cherry EI 'l en B. Bohn E I I en B. Chervitz Jerrold Chesebrough-Pond's Inc Chevron USA Inc (Denver) Chevron USA Inc (Richmond) Chevron USA Inc (San Francisco Chiang Chien-Ping Chico Raymundo J. ChicoLneau Philippe Chien John F. Ch i Ids Ma ry A. Singaus Mary A. Chi Iton Danny l. Chinn Terry l. Chiodini, louis J. Jr. Chiu Phi I ip l.S. Choate larry D. Choate Robert l. Choi Sam N. Chorney Peter l. Chou Jeff S. Chouarain Michael l. Chow l.i-Chi Chow Robert Y. Christen Randolph F. Christensen Douglas N. Christian Elaine A. Balliew EIQine A. Christian Matthew C. Christian Scott AI len Christiansen Carl R. Christie Richard D. Christner Glen J. Christopher leo l . Chronister Donald J . Chronister Thoma~ G. Chrysler Corp Chu Richard S. Chung Chih-Plng Chung Han-Chang Church & Dwight Co Inc Church Jeffrey W. Church Jerry W. CH2M Hi I I Eng· Planners SCient Ciardullo Daniel A. Cibulka Joseph C. Cibulka Norman Cieciwa Gregory A. Citibank N A Cities Service Fdn Cizek Frank J. Clamors Doug Edward . Clanton Jack R. Clapper Michael B. Claridge Elmond l. Clark Cra ig E. C Ia rk Denn i 5 61ark Eqpt Co Clark Hugh M. Clark, James A. Sr. Clark Mary l. Roach Ma ry l. C ark Michael D. C ark Michael lynn C a rk Robert E. C ark ' Sherri B. C ark Stephen Paul C ark Terry Cark WiliiamW . C arkson Charles F. C aspi II Gary lee C ausen Edgar C. C avenna Mark D. Cayton Austin B. Cayton Ba rba ra J. Clayton Charles l. Clayton Roy T. CI·earman Frederick Clemmons Mrs Margaret l. Clemons Roger D. C Ieve Be rna rd F. Cleve Richard C. Cleveland EI Illuminating Fdn Cleveland-CI iffs Fdn Clifford Jimmie D. CI if ton Jack H. CI ippard, Fred B. Jr . Clodfelter Gene C. Clorox Co Close Maxwel I l. Coates Wi liard D. • I

Cobb Dav idE. Cobble Jame~' J. Cochran Fredrick D. Coco Matteo A. Coddington Wi I I iam H. Coffman Kathlyn l. Coffman Terry R. Coghill WilliamW. Cohen Alan H. Cohen Joe Cohen Pea I' I Coi I Benjamin R. Coker Terry D. . Co bern John David Co bie Ruth l. Co borne Bruce J. Co diron Michael l. Co e AI I an A. Co e He nry M. Co e Hugh E. Co e Jimmy D. Co e Kenneth D. Co e Pa t ric k l. Co e Ralph C. Co e Richard E. Co e Robe rt l. Cole, Sidney J. Jr . Coleman Donard M. Coleman Glen J. Coleman Kim C. livengo od Kim C. Coil ier Everett J . Coil ings James R. Coli in s Colleen A. FitzgClrald Colleen A. ' CO I I in s 'D i ana l. Engeman Diana L. Col I ins James W. Col I ins Michael E. Co I lin s Wa I te I' K. Collins William · E. Co I I ins Wi I I i am W. Col I iton Ja~es E. Colman Howard B. Colter Kim D. Colvin David A. Colvin Kathleen M. Meyerkord Kathleen M. Coma n i ch ' Geo rge W., Comann R. Kent Combs Robert K. Combustion Engr Inc Cominco American Inc Comogl io Raymond J. Compton Ju I i a Ann Guenther Julia Ann Comuntzis Marcus Cone i F ra'nk A. Conci Frank B. Condit Robert E. Cond ray Mi chae I Congiardo Mark R. Conley Jack N. Conner Danny R. Conner Robert P. Conne r Ste I I a Connett Robert P. Conoco Inc (Houston) Conoco In~ (Ponca City) Conrad Charles P. Conrad David A. Conrad John Conrad Paul Dean Conroy Peter J. Consol idation Coal Co Continental Bank Fdn Cook Aa ron l. Cook Christopher C. Cook David l. Cook, Frank S. Jr. Cook Henry B: Cook Howard D. Cook Jerry D. Cook Ma rk A. Cook Marvin D. Cook Michael M. Cook Thomas W. Cooke Kathleen J. Danzo Kathleen J . Cooke, Wi II ia m F. Jr. Cooksey Sandra Fries Cool idge ·Donald J. Coolidge William. H. Coombs Michael D. Coon Jo se ph M. Coon Pau I D. ' Coonce ' Homer E. Cooper Eugene A. Cooper Evelyn B. Cooper Industries Fdn Coope r lo ren M. Cooper Richard C. Coope r Stewa rt Cooper Suzanne Marie Riney Suzanne Marie Cooper Thomas W. Coors Porcelain Co Cope Wi II iam R.

Copeland A. Eugene Copeland Gregory C. Copeland Nancy lyn Coplen, Roy I, Jr. Corbett Timothy P. Corbin Gary A. Corbin Harold E. Corbin Kenneth D. Corcoran, Thomas A. Jr. Cordes Glenn E. Cordner Matthew R. Corey Clyde C. Corn Arthur Cornett Roy C. Corning Glass Works Fdn Co r re I I Howa rd D. Corrigan James Corso John Cortelyou, Abram l. Jr . CONin Robert F. Cothern Amy S. McDaniel Amy S. Cothern Charles K. Cothran Stephen A. Cotten Merri I I R. Cotteri II Carl H. Cottin Daniel J . Cottingham Wi I I iam Couch G. Robert Couch Patrick S. Coulter Stephen J. Counci I for Chern Research Inc Counsi I John R. Counts Howa rd Courson, le e R. Jr. Court Michael R. Courtney Rohert M. Cousins Charles R. Cowan Cherie R. Cowan Duane E. Cowan Keith J. Cowan, Robert W. Jr. Cowen Joseph E. Cox John M. Cox Kenneth R. Cox l. Fred Cox, Wi II iam E. IV Coyle Michael L. Cozad John M. Cradic Curtis Ray Craig Curtis L. Cra ig James A. Cra i g Kin I ey B. Crain DannyL. Crain Darla Yvette C ra ne Ha ro I dR. Cranne II Ann M. Crapnell Don W. C raven Rona I d W, Crawford Edwin O. Crawford James D. Crawford Ken Crawford Larry Dean Crayne Michael E. Crays Glenn E. Creamer Edward L. Creason Ga ry W. Creech Harry L. Cretin Paul F. Crider Joseph A. Critchfield John W. Crites Joseph D. Crnic John CRO-Marine Transport Inc Crockett Wi II iam E.



Cromer Eric J. Crookston James Crosby Dona let Patr/.ck Crosby Raymon[~ D. Cross Ralph • C ro s s I ey Wa r re n P. Crow Michael l. Crowe, Joseph E. Jr. Crowley A. David Crowley Robert E. Crul I Robert J. Crum E. Jefferson Crum Edwa rd H. Crumbaugh Daniel H. Cruse f\ichard L. Cubit James Cude, Eber F. Jr. Culbertson C.W. Culbertson Wi I I iam W. Cui len Michael J.J. Cull ison EI izabeth Culnan, Patrick D. Jr. Culver Robert E. Cummings Bradford C. Cummings Ramona K. Og I e Ramona K. Cummings Ted M. Cumper, James W. Jr. Cunningham Robert l. Cunningham Wi II iam P. Curdt J. Calvin Curle Arthur E. Curran Steven M. Currie Robert Wayne Curry Byron E. Curry Floyd M. Curry Robert W. Curson Wi II iam N. Curth F. Oscar Cust~ad Jerry R. Custer Phi II ip E. Cyc lops Co rp Cypert Peggy Ann Folta Peggy Ann

D Da b I e 1', Edwa rd R. Jr. Jabner John M. Daboo Ra tan F. Dahl Jerome P. Dahlgren Russel I H. ' Da i Iy Charles Ramon Dai Iy Eugene J. Da i I Y K r i sty K . Defenbaugh Kristy K. Dai Iy Madison McDona Da Ie Charles l. Da leW i I I i a m M. Da lIas Soc for Coat ings Tech Dallmer Douglas A. Da I pin i Da v i d Dalton Forrest J. Dalton ~obert H. Dalton Thomas J. Da I ton, Thomas J. Jr. Dampf Dona Id P. Daneshy Abbas A. Danforth Warren B. Danial Edward Joul Daniells Charles P. Daniells, Charles P. Jr. Daniels Armand Daniels David E. Danuser Jon l. Da nze r Ca r I J . Danzo Franc is V. Danzo Kathleen J. Cooke Kathleen J. Daoulas Arthur Da re Pau I D. Da r ling Sh i r I ey J. Da rne I I Pa u IE. Dart & Kraft,Kraft ' Inc Dasenbrock Arthur A. Data General Corp Da t til 0 Ma r I on Daubel Karl J . Da urn Ma r i I yri s. Mil I s Ma I' i Iyn S. Dave Bhalchandra T; Da ve'~ Barber Shop Da v i d, D. Da n Jr. Da vi d Edwa rd G. Davidson Alen F. Davidson DannY . E. Davidson Edwin A. Davidson EI izabeth A. Lenh art EI i zabeth A. Davidson Francine S. Eppelsheimer Francine S. Davidson Glen R. Davidson J ohn N.


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Davidson Katryn M. Ba re fie I d Ka t ryn M. Davidson Mrs R. Fred Davidson Phi I ip B. Davidson Wi I I ia m G. Da v ie s Carol A. Langemach Ca r ol A. Davies Steven Alan Da vis Ca riB . Davis , Charles Jr . Davis David J. Da vis Ga r re ttL. Da vis Ga ry W. Davis Joan S. Reed Joan S. Davis Michael L. Da vis, Ra I ph T. Jr . Dav i s Robert S. Davis Roy G. Davis Steven Charles Dav i s Stua rt L. Davis Wi liard E. Davis Wi Illam F. Davit Gerald C. Dawkins Conch i ta Dawson Bruce A. Dawson Vonda Day De I be rt E. Day Joyce Day Russe I I De Leuw,Cather & Co Dean Dona Id N. Dean Ma rk Dearth David W. Deaver EI izabeth E. Todd EI izabeth E. Deaver Randall L. DeBolt Donald G. Debondt Kevin Lee Decker Ha rry W. Decker Louis P. Decker Paul E. Decker Ray C. Decke rd Ha ro I d L. DeC I ue Da Ie R. DeClue Duane H. DeC I ue Ga ry L. Deems Tom Defenbaugh Kristy K. Da i IY Kr is ty K. DeForest Walter R. ' Degel Frank C. Degenhardt Dean A. Degenhardt Eugene A. Degenhardt Lynn J. Degonia Christa And rew Ch r i s ta DeGood John S. De Guzman Valentin Dant i DeHaven Samuel J. Deken Louis R. Del Monte Corp De I aney John F. Delano W. Jonathan De lany ~icha e l J. DeLap Kenneth L. DeLashmit William E. DeLa ssus James E. Delay Russell G. Deloitte Haskins Sel Is Fdn De Long Ca rl E. Del Prete, Anthony Jr. DeLucca, Michael Jr . Demand Don a ld James De May Paul P. Demz ik Wi II iam G. De nham Donald C. Denison Da vid G. De nk Wi II ia m J. Denlow Israe l De nner Dav id K. De nne r De ni se M. Lovasc o De ni se M. De nney Ga ry G. De nney Ke nn et h L. Den ney Kimber ly K. De nn ie Powe l I A. De nni s, Be nja mi n A. Jr. Den ni s Clyde Re id Denni s Wi II iam E. Dennison Wi l lia m F. Denton Randy G. Denton, Sa mue l T. I I I DePasquale Joe Deppe Eugene De rb ak Char les B. Der bak Gregory S . DeR ie mer Dani e l L. DeRoy Gle nnon L. Deruntz Jo se ph G. DeShazo , He nry N. II Des Jardin s Peter E. DeSpain David R. DeSpa i n J a mes R. DeThorne J acq ue lyn M. Fa l con i J acq ue ly n M. Detr ing Kevin

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Deut c h Mo rton Deva ne y Michae l J . De Vast o rhomas D. Dever J ohn P. Devi Ibiss Rob e rt J. DeVri es Do uglas M. Dewey Roger S. Dewin g H. Ha rvey DeW i tt Ca r I L. De x te r James R. Dha r ani Lo ke swa rappa R. Dicken St anl ey C. Dicke ns Richard L. Dicke n s Wal t e r H. Dic ke nsheet M,lton C. Di c ke r t Connie Dickinson George W. Di c kof Frank A. Di e bold Stephen M. Dieckmann Mark D. Dieckmann Ronald J . Dieckmeyer, Orri'n J. Jr . Dieffenbach Robert P. Dieringer Donald R. Dierker John W. Dierker Steven B. Diestelkamp David A. Dietrich Andrew R. Dietr i ch Randal I G. Di I I Kathleen A. Sheleen Kathleen A. Di I I ingha m Marion A. Di I I ingham Sheryl L. Hu II Sheryl L. Di Ilman Robert John Oil Ion Katherine V. Atchley Katherine V. Di lion Paul H. DiNapol i Michael A. Dion Diane Koest e r Diane o i Qua rto Ma ria G. Gharakhani Maria G. Dirker s Suzanne M. Ziercher Suzanne M. Dittmaier Thomas A. Dittmer Russel I S. Di x La rry L. Di xon K.O . Dobson Richard J . Dodd Thomas W. Dodge EI len Westo ve r Dodson Che ry l A. Steffa n . Che ryl A. Dodson CI i f ton E. Doe Bruce R. Doel I ing Rob e r t F. Doe nn ec ke He nr y W. Doerfl inger Arthur F. Doering Frank J. Doering Thoma s W. Doerr J e'rry W. Doerr , Raymond E. Jr . Do e rr Robert M. Dohle Kevin G. Dohme n Luke Raymond Dohogne Li sa Ann Dolan Gai I Louise Dolan Kathleen Ri l ey Kathleen Dolata Edward W. Dolecki Stanley 0011 Ellen W. 00 I I Wa ,......, i c k W. 00 I I a r Jim A. 00 I Ie Ga ry L. Dolson Ge org e M. Don Rist Realty ERA Donahoe , Jame s L. III Don a hu e Jame s B. Dona ld s on Albert L. Dona ld s on Eng r & Const Co Don a lds on Ge org e R. Don a ld so n J ames G. Don a l ds on Ke i t h L. Do ner Kar l I. Don l ey Mark Edward Donn e ll y Wa r re n L. Don ze Terry W. Dorf Roger A. Dorri s Mi Ibu r n L. Dorroh , Robert F. III Dos hi Bip i n N. Doss Dela no A. Doss Edd i e H. Do sta l Gregory G.J. Doty. Elmer L. Jr . Dow Che mi ca l Co ( Mid l a nd ) Dow Chemica l Co Fdn Dow Co r n i ng Co rp Dowd Ja mes D. Dowd Kimb e r ly An n He ns l ee Kimber ly Ann Dowdy Mark Irv i ng Dowe I I J ac k B. Oow l i ng, Dona ld J. J r. uow l ing Pau l T.

Oowner Kare n M. Downe y WilliamJ . Downing Ke nne th B. Downs J a ck S. Downs Phi I ip R. Dowty Corp Doyle Ba rbara L. Doyl e John J. Doyl e Patricia A. Drake, Avery A. Jr. Drawe Stephe n L. Drechsler Te rry L. Drei I ing Randall Dreisewerd Douglas W. Dre s bach Charles~. Dressel Dennis T. Dressel Waldemar M. Dresser Fdn Inc Dressler Donald R. Dreste, Fred E. Jr. Dreste Jerome P. Drew Roy M. Drewing Frederick H. Drieme ier AI len . H. Drummond Floyd M. Drury Beverly Jane Sauer Beverly Jane Dryden Joseph L. Duane Nicholas C. Duc Tr i nh Huu Duddridge Kenneth J . Duderstadt Edward C. Du fne r Ca riD . Dugan Maureen Alane Duke Calvin W. Duke Powe r Comp Fdn Du I be rg I rv i ng Dul i n Catherine L. Stellern Catherine L. Du I I Me I v i n J . Dumm Lee D. Duncan Oscar M. Dunham Robert M. Dunham Roy H. Dun igan Gerald D. Dunlevy Bruce E. Dunlop, James S. Jr. Dunn Ervin E. Dunn Ka rl H. Dunn Wyatt M. Dunning Eric D. Dunning, Thomas H. Jr. Dupler Dawn Ann Dupont St e ve n J. Durbin Ronald C. Duree David M. Dure e Mr s Nadine Durham Howard W. Durham James A. Du r ham Ter ry E. Du r ington Da v id A. Durrenberger Fre d H. Dussold Thoma s M. Dutton Donald J e ne Dutton Donne l I W. Duva I I H. Pat Dycus James P. Dye Rebecca J . Pa rkh i I I Rebecca J. Dye Robe rt A. Dye Wi I I i am B. Oyer Garvin H. Dye r James A. Dykman John R.



E I Du Pont de Nemours & Co Eadie George R. Eagan Thomas E. Eagle H. Gene Eagle Springs Const Co Eagle-Picher Industr ies, Inc. Eales Christopher J . Ea rnes t Randa I E. Ea son Dona IdE. Ea son Jack L. Eason James S. East Ca rl G. Eastep Lawrence W. Easterly Michael M. Eastman Kodak Co (Rochester) Ebel ing John A. Ebert Joseph J. Ebert Robert A. Ebert. Wi II iam J. Jr. Echelberry ,Larry Echelmeier Roger L. Echols Lorraine W. Traynor Lorra ine W. Eck Daniel J. Eck Ma rk E. Eck Robert A. Eckelkamp James T. Ecke lkamp Martin J . Ec kelkamp Ronald M. Eckert Stephen G. Eckhoff Gerald J. Ec off , Ra Iph A. Jr. Ed A Sm i th Trust Eddleman Roderick C. Edele James S. Edgar M. Russell Edgar Max . E. Edison Jerry D. Edmison Roger A. Edney John W. Edwa rds Ca ro I E I Ien Ma xeiner Carol EI len Edwards David L. Edwa rds Ga ry D. Ed .... a rd s Gene W. Edwa rds Harry K. Edwa rds, John W. Jr. Edwa rds Michael P. Edwa rds Pau I K. Edwa rds Sarah S . Sample Sa rah S. EG&G Fdn EG&G Inc Egbe rt Robe rt I . Ege Robe rt W. Eggers Stephen H. Ehlmann Bryon K. Ehrhard Wi II iam E. Ehrl ich Robert L. Eichelberger Charles E. Eidelman Larry B. r Eiffert Jackie K. Pleis Jackie K. Eikmann Barry R. Eiler Stanley H. E i n se I Mil Ie rD. Einspan i er Bernard J. Eisenbeis Kevin R. Eissinger Karlheinz Ek I und Lee E. Ektermanis John A. Elam Anthony R.

1985 Rollamo

Elbaum Jerome K. EI-Baz farouk E.S. E I de r Ga ry R. Elfrink L i nd e ll H. Elgin Rich ard L. Elgin Ro~ert L. E l f r i ts C. Da I e EI eb r acht, Clarence A. Jr. E I ebrecht David E. EI erbrake Brenda E. L esche idt Brenda E. EI erman Wi II iam E. EI iott Ben R. Eli 0 t t Edwa rd E. Eli 0 t tEd", i n G, Floyd R. EI iott EI io tt .Jil mes O. EI iott Joseph O. EI iott Lewis C. EI iott Mark Ell iott Hobert D. Ell is Cilsey Patrick E I lis E I me r E I lis, F ra n k R. I I E I lis J, C ra i g Ellis Michael E. " ), Ell is Thomas B . E I lis, Wa I te r H. Jr. Ellis Wi l l i am A. Ellis William F, Ell is Wi II iam R. F l oyd A. E I I i son Eloe JoAnn K. Elsea Carl A. Elting O. Keith Elwood Wi II iam H. Emanuel Duan~ Arthur Emanuel Richard L. Emerson Electric Co ' Emhart Ind Inc (Hartford D iv) Emhoff Rosemary Ann Emo Rona Id E. Empire District Electric Co End of the Rainbow End erson Wi I I iam A. Enfield Bernard M. Engberg Robert A. Engelbrecht Ronald L. Engelhardt Wi II iam R. Engelken Robert D. Engelmann Robert Engeman Di ana L. Coil ins Diana L . Engeman Ivan L. Enger Michae l P. Enginee~ Roy Englehart Wi" iam E. Engl ish Thomas O. Englund John O. Enloe Bru ce A. Enochs John R. Enoclls Richard C. Ensign - Bickford Found Inc Eppelsheimer, Daniel S. I I Eppelsheimer Francine S. Davidson Franc in e S. Epp e rson Ernest R. Epperson Joseph Eppestine David A. Eppestine Diane C. Gibbs Diane C. Eppy Thomas M. Epresi Timothy Erb Rebecca S . Montgomery Rebecca S. Erder Richard W. Erickson Alan G. Erickson Gordon L. Erickson Rodney J. Ericsson & Co Ern s t Bever l y M. Ernst Wi II iam G. Ern s t, Wi II iam K. Jr. Ertz Eugene J. Ervin Timothy Ray Erwin Larry L. Esch Robert D. Eshelman Marc W. Esker Alan Joseph Espey Watt F. Es ry Thomas Craig Estel Daniel Estey Jewelers Eta Ka ppa Nu Etem Ric hard D. Ethri dg e Ma x M. Ethyl Corp Etwert Char l es M. Etz, Carl E. Jr. Etzko rn Bob Etzko rn Ken Euell, Billy G. Jr. Euler Delores E. Evanoff Ke ll y Br ian Evans Donald L. Evans, James L. Jr . Evans La rry G.

Evans Rona IdE. Evans Wi II iam W. Everett Edr e d N. Everett Wi II i:J m M. Evers Marian H. Wage ner Marinn R. Ewens .Joy r~. 1 hompson Joy r~ . Lwing Amos D. Ex-Ce "-O Corp Exxon Educational Fdn Exxon USA Fdn Eyberg Wa l bridge P. Eyerm~nn Thoma s J.

F Factory Mutual Engineering Co Fadem Cra ig L. Fadle r Ronald J . Faenger, Aloys H. Jr . Faes J o hn G. . I ":" .'''', Fagan Durward E. Fahien Raymond W. Fahrenkrog Ri c hard A. Fahrig Robert J. Fahy Michael P. Fai nti ch David M. Fa i rch i I d Wi I I i am W. Fakonas Anastassios B. Falconi Jacquelyn M. DeThorne Jacqu e lyn M. Faler Dennis L. Fa let t i Stephen Falke William P. Falkenhain V.E. Fa lion James M. Fannin Eugene R. Fa rb e r Ra I ph J. Faris, Ju l ius P. Jr. Farmer, John O. III Fa rmer La rry E. Farmer Steven J. Farnh am Arthur H. Far re I I Edwa rd C. Farrell EI izabeth A. Farrell John S. Farre", Wi II i am M. Jr . Farrey Henry B. Faser Jack F . Fass Fred W. R. Faulkner Edward C. Faulkner James R. Faust Joseph Berna rd Faust Ron a ld G. Feagan Wi Ibur S . Feagan Wi I bur S. Feage r Joe A. Fea r Robert C . Fearon Michael F. Feast e r Donald R. Feath r.rsto n C. Ronal d Fech Le r John Fed Of Soc For Coat ing s Tech Fed era ted Dept Stores Inc Fdn Feger Thomas M. Fehl ig Mark G, Fe ldhaus Ra lph J. Feldmann Carol Marie Fe ldmann John C. Feller Dona l d D. Fennedy Bruce E. Fenne r Thoma s Fennerty Frank E. Fennessey Thomas W. Fennewald Gary J. Fe n tzke A. Danie l Ferguson Gary L. Ferguson Wa Ilac e Ferrante Jo sep h S. Ferree Robert E. Ferre ll C. Stuart Ferre ll Mrs J.O. Ferrigno Vineyards & Winery Ferro Corp Ferry C. Ron Ferry Jo se ph D. Fesler Carney C. Fetterman Phi II ip S. Fey Ronald Jame s Fia Ia Ne i I A . F i c k A rm i n F. F i ebe lm an Haro ld E. Kenneth F i ebe lman Field, Cyrus W. Jr. Field Heather Fie ld Kenneth V. F i e ld T. Kent Field WiliiamR. F i e ld ing James J. F i e l ds Richard E. Sidney L. F i elds Fie se ler Wayne G.

Fi Iia Michael J. Fi I Imer Howard H. Finazzo James A. Fin e Morris M. Fi n k Donald W. Fink Gera ld A. Finkelstein Edward Finkelstein Mic~ael A. Finklang John W. Fin I ey Ca r I E. Finley Douglas B. Finley Fred W. Fin I ey La r ry R. Finley Robert L. Fin I ey , Thoma s J. .J r. Finnegan Jerrey D. Fir es tone Tire & Rubber Co F i sc he r James E. Fischer Ludwig J. F i sc he r Max I~ , Fi s her Gerald L. Fi s her James L. Fi s her James R. Fi sher Patrice M. lI arman Patrice M. F i ss Edwa rd C. Fitzgerald Colleen A. Co il ins Colleen A. Fit zgera ld Frank M. F i tzge ra I d Pa u I H. Fitzgerald Richard J. Fitzmaurice Richard R. Fitzpatri c k John T . F't z patrick Joseph W. Ft z patrick WiliiamJ. F tzsimmons Peter F. F a i re Inc F aminio Charles L. F anaga n Wi II iam J. Fan i ~ a n V i rg i I J. F annlgan Michael J. F att Curtis Ray F eddermann Kim E. Ryd za k Kim E. Fleischman Robert F. Flesh Mrs David Fletcher C. Scott Fletcher Stanley T. Fletcher Wi II iam B. Fle x -O-Li te F I iehman Maurice H. F l int Jo hn Robe rt F l in t Me I v inC. Flood H. Wi II iam Fl oo d Wa I ker L. Flowers Steven J. F I uo r Co rp Fluor Fdn FMC Fdn Fochtmann Virginia L. Bretzke Virginia L. Foehse Ma ry E. Foeller KirkC. Fogarty Edwin R. Fogle David R. Fo i I James L. Fo I low i I I R i cha rd J. Folta James AI len Fo I ta Peggy Ann Cypert Peggy Ann Foltyn EI iza beth M. Fong, Ping Jr. Foon Gerald J. Forck Glen F. Fa rd, Fe r r i I IE, Jr. Ford, Homor T. Jr. Ford James A. Fa rd Moto r Co Ford Motor Co Fund Ford Ragan Ford Robert H. Fo rd Step h en P. Fore Jack D. Foreman Alan R. Forging I nd Educ & Res Fdn Forgotson James M. Forness Kevin Paul Forrest Ryan L. Forsee Ga ry D. Fo rshee Ma rg i e Forster Terry J. Fort George E. Fosha, Albert A . Jr. Foss G l en N. Fossey Robert D. Fossi Robert L, Foster Charles R. Foster Cha rl es W. Foster Jack D. Foster John E. Fo ster Mi 10 G. Fotouhi M. Ardekani Found ry Educa tiona I Fdn Fouraker Joe F. Fournelle Raymond A. Fournier Joseph D. Fouts Ga ry L.

Fowler Ma rtha S. Shu lt z Martha S . Fowler, Richard W. III Fow l er, Thomas R. Jr . Fowlkes Charless W. Fox Agnes K. Snyder Agnes K. David Fo x Fo x Edwi n K. Fo x bo ro Co Frances V Leach Charit Trust Frank Wi II iam E. Franke George E. rranke Richard E. Fr a nke R i cha rd M. Franklin BillyW. Frankl in James M. Frankl in Stephen R. F ra n k lin , Wi I lie L. Jr. Frasco Lynn A. Frazee Richard W. Fred Voss Enterprises Inc Frederick Gera Id L. Frederickson Jon P. Freebersyser George J. Freema n Charles A. Freeman Douglas L . Freeman Gary Freeman Raymond A. Freeman Richard A. Freeman Richard L. Freeman Robert D. Freiberger Haro ld C. Freibe rger Scott L. French Eunice P. French Rober t G. Frey Mu i r L. Frey Patricia Ann Fricke Bernhard D. Fricke James R. Friede Donald Friederich Garland C. Friese Michael M. Fr i s Edwa rd S. Fris Joseph P. Frisbee Daniel E. Fri tsch Wi II iam R. Fri tsche I Larry E. Fri tschen, Herman A. Jr. Fritz Michael A . Fr i z La u ra J. Fronick David H. Frost Ma ry Frost Michael ' D. F rU-Con Co rp Frueh Richard H. La u re lB. F rye Fuerst Robert L. Fugate Michael W. Fujitsu Microelectronics Inc Fukubayashi Harold H. Fulghum Gale Fulkerson, Frank M. Jr. Fuller D)onald L. Fuller Jul ian A. Fuller Leroy W. Fu I Ie r Robe rt G. Fulton Anne Fu l ton Dwight D. Frank W. Fu I ton Fulton Susan V. Payne Susan V. Fung Shiu Y. Funsch Owen B.

G G 0 Sea r I e & Co G E (Fa i rf i e I d) G E Fdn (Bridgeport) Gaa I Ga ry E. Gabler Mrs Bertha Gaertner Douglas A . Gager Lem N. Ga i a Ma rk A. Ga i ma n He rma n Gallagher A I issa M. Ga I l agher John B. Galler Wayne J. Ga I Iowa y, J a me s H. Jr. Ga ll oway Mrs C.T. Gamewel I Robert L. Gammeter Elmer Gammeter, Wa I ter Jr. Gammon Wi II iam H. Gardiner Ke nneth D. Gardner Albert T. Gardner Dona Id T. Gardner, Robert H. Jr. Ga r I a nd Steven Ray Garl ich Thomas K. Ga rne r Ha ro I dR. Ga rner Steven L. Ga rnett Jack V.

MSM Alumnu. / 35

Garnett Robert B. Ga r re t t, J a c k T. Jr. Garrett, James H. Jr. Garrett L. Wayne Garrett MaryA. O'Grady Mary A. Garrigan Paul C. Garringer, Hal L. Jr. Garrison Robert M. Garrison Stephen L. Garstang Denni s Garvey Robert A. Ga ski I I Da vi d A. Gass John W. Ga s ton Charl es B. Gaston Wi II iam S . Gastreich Kent D. Ga tewo od Fred L. Gatrost Archie F. Ga t t s Vi i I I i amP. Gaub Delores Gauerke Reinhart C. Gault Ra ndolph P. Gaus Ronald C. Gausman Dougla s O. Gayer Evelyn L. Gayer John G. Gaylord Thomas K. Geerl ings Jack F. Geers James R. Geers Joseph H. Gegg James F. Gehrig Dee R. Gehrke Wi ladean B. Geil, Walter C. Jr. Geiser Amy EI izabeth General Dynamics Corp General Foods Inc General Motors Corp (FI int) General Motors Corp (Warren) General Motors Corp Delco Elec General Motors Fdn Inc Gentry Jack Gentry James R. Gentry Roy C. Gentzler, Edward C. III George O. Kenneth George Wi II iam W. Georgen Randy G. Gerard James A. Gerdes Ronald G. Ge rha rd Ga ry E. Ge rha rt B i I I L. Gerig, Frank A. III Gerig Martha M. Gerlach Paul D. GeNert Phi lip E. Ge ssl e y Donald Gettemeyer Glen R. Geve cker Robert V. Geve cker Vernon A. C. Ghadiali JafferT. Gharakhani Maria G. Di Qu a rto Ma ria G. Gianch a ndani Jiwat D. Giaraf f a Robert S. Gi bbon s Ch e ryl A. Ib a rra Chery l A. Gibbs Diane C. Eppe s ti ne Di a ne C. Gibler Ca rma J . Stone Ca rma J . Gibson John W. Gib s on Kri s ti e C. Gi e g I I Ke nnet h W. Gie se He n ry Gi esick Jill E. Se nn e J i I I E. Gie s le r Art hu r L. Gies ler E. H. Gi ff i n B i I I Y J. Giger, D. Frankl in Jr . Gi lb e rt Ali ce Fern Gi Iber t Ha rry A. Gi l bert J e ffre y W. Gi lb e r t J ohn A. Gi Ib e rt St e ven R. Gi l be r t Wi ll ia m J . Gilbrea th Rodn ey E. Gi l es J a mes La u r ance Gill Mi c hae l L. Gi II Wm Ru sse l Gi Il es pi e Te rr i L. Gi I Ih a m Ro na ld F. G i. I I i a m Da leD. Gi Imore Bi I I ie S. Gi Imore Je rry L. Gilmo re , Rex A. Jr. Gil rna re Wi I I i a m M. Gioia Jo s eph M. Gi van Guy V. Give ns Wi I I i am A. Gje I stee n Thor Glad i sh Lee A. Glaese John R. Glascock De nn is G. Glass co ck Frede ri ck M. Gl asse l CI i ff o rd

36/ MSM


Gla uz Re becc a J e an Glauz Robert Scott Glauz Wi II iam W. GI ave s J a h n V. Gleason Wilfred C. Glenn David E. Glenn Dona Id L. Glenn John F. Glock James H. Gloff Richard H. Glosier Rob e r t A. Glover J a mes Gl ove r Russe ll L. Gn a de J ose ph Albert Gne cco ~ i ch a rd Goc kley Dav id L. God sey Te rry L. Godsy Ca t he rin e L. Teppe r Cath e rin e L. Godwin Wi lli a m Go e dd e J oe G. Goeddel William C. Goehri Scott Roger Goen Johnie L. Goe stenkors John J. Go e t e ma nn Edwin C. Gofo r th James R. Goggins B.J. Goggin s. Rob e rt L. Gohn Margaret A. Koch Margaret A. Go ' n Jon R. Go dammer David E. Go dammer Russel I L. Go dammer Ste ven R. Go dberg Ba rry Go den Rule Ins Co Go din Herbert A. Go dmeier David Go dsmith Eric S. Go dstone Craig S. Go dwasser Charles M. Go I e r, Ca r I H. Jr. Go I ho fe r F ra n k R. Go terman John S. Good James H. Good Wi II iam C. Goodboy Kenneth P. Goodding Alan C. Goodding Marian J. Gooding Denni s J. Goodl e t Roger F. Goodman Ge rtrude Goodma n Roger K. Goodma n Sa mu e l R. Goodrich Frank N. Goodrum Donald L. Goodye a r Tire & Rubber Co Gordon Dougla s Gal e Go r don Kev in Mi c ha e l Gord y Tho mas W. Go re Arthur G. Gore n Ra I f o rd Go r ml ey J ames M. Go u ld Da v id S. Gou ld In c ( Ro l I ing Mea dows) Go uwe n s Edn a Pa t z ig Goye r Ran do lph W. Gra ce Found a ti on In c Gra ce Wi II iam W. Grade n, Wi I I i a m F. Jr. Gra dy Ro be rt L. Gr a dy , Wi II i a m J. Jr. Gr a ha m Kenneth L. Graha m Ro nald A. Graha m Warren D. Gra ha m Wi ll ia m J . Gra na Domini c J . Gra na , J o sep h M. J r. Gra nne mann H. Nea l Graves, Cl a r e nce E. Jr. Gr aves Pa me l a J. Graves Pa ul a D. Ra dd er Pau I a D. Graves Thoma s E. Gray Howa rd W. Gray James C. Gray Joe E. Gray bea l Josep h W. Greaves Way ne C. ' Greco Davi d J . Greco Do min ic A. Grec o Lo u i s E. Grede l I Thoma s R. Gr ee l ey Mi c hae l N. Gree n Al a n Gree n Al a n W. Green An dr ea M. Gree n Char les R. Gree n S ig ri d Ann e Gree n T. Howa r d Gr ee nb e r g Aaro n J . Gree nb latt Alb e rt M. Gree ne Fra nk S. Gr ee ne J e ffr y J. Greene Tho ma s L. Gree nway Be t ty Jo Gree r Cec i I J.

Gree r Gl e n M. Gre e r Pau I H. Gregorich Carl Gregory Donald B. Gregory Margu e r i te A. Gregory Mi c hae l J. Gr e go ry Robert O. Gr e gory Scott H. Greig J ose ph E. Grelle Hc g in a Lewi s Reg ina Gre s s George H. Grib Ra ymo nd J. Gri es e J a me s C. Gri es e Mich ae l Allen Gri ff e t h El le n B. Griffi n Don Al d C. Griffin Franc is L. Griffin Paul D. Griffin Ronald D. Griffith Diane Rae Griffith H.M . Griffith John B. Griffith William L. Griggs, Wi II Jr. Grime s Ga ry W. Grimes Joseph Ray Grimm C. James Grimm Donald F.R . Grimm Michael J. Grindon John R. Grinstead John E. Grinstead Wi II i's G. Grish a m Marvin C. Gri smore, Fred L. Jr. Grojean Franci s A. Groner Richard S. Gro s s Edwa rd P. Gro s s Henry E. Gross Manfr.e d E. Grossman Alvin E. Groves Christopher B. Gruber Myron E. Gruenloh James F. Gruenwald WilliamR. GTE Products Corp Gubernik Ben Gucci a rdo Terry A. Guenther Donald E. Gue nther Douglas G. Gue n ttlC r Fra nk L. Gucnt t, e r Jul ia Ann CompLon Jul ia Ann Gue s t Matthew Bl a ke Gue thl e r Timothy A. Guinn William B. Gulf Oil Fdn Gulf States Uti I i t ie s Co Gul i ck Gary M. Gund Russe II A. Gundy Do uglas G. Gunn Ga ry Y. Gun t he r Don J. Gu n t ly Ste ph e n P. Gu pt a Dwa rk a P. Gusta f s on Ge o r ge R. Guti e rre z Ern es t Guve nir Yav uz M. Guya n Dav id William Gv i I laMa rk A I an Gygax Edwa rd E.

H H H Ha r ris Fdn Haag Ala n L. Haag , Wi II ia m O. Jr. Haake Dav id L. Haas Do na ld W. Ha as Ge ra I d N. Haas Ke nne th J. Haas Norma n C. Haas Pau I A. Ha be gger Ro na ld L. Ha be n ic h t W. He lmut Ha berstock ' J a mes K. Hac hme i s t e r Rob e rt J. Hac hmu th He nry K. Hacke r Ald e n G. Hacke r J ea n E. Hack ma n Ke nda I I B. Hack ma nn Gl e n N. Hackma nn Rob e rt E. Ha dl ey Ros ali e J . La r so n Ro sa l i e J. Ha dl e y Sta nton W. Ha f e l i Dwigh t T. Ha ffne r Ha ro I d J. Ha ga n Kevin J. Hag a n Me lvin A. Hagar Ba i le y W. Hage mann She rry Lea A. Shi pman She r ry Lea A. Hager Haro ld W.

Haggard Henry E. Hahn Da le Wm Hahn Jilmc s H. Hahn Joscph K. Hahn · Sa rah Jan o Hahn Veroni c a D. Jansen Veron ic a D. Halbach Ronal d E. Halbert Jeffery L. Ha Ie Edwa rd D. Ha l ey Come r C. Haley Pa'ul E. Haley Hilbu r A. Ha I fo rd Robe r t J . Crla r I e s [ . Ha I Ha I Fl oyd S. 01 ive r Kei th Ha l Ha l Ro lph D. Ha I Stephen W. Ha I " da y Harold W. Ha l emann Joseph E. Ha I er Terry O. Hal ett Michael D. Hal ett William M. Ha I iburton Education Fdn Ha I rna rk Ca rd s Inc Ha lock , James K. Jr. Hal ows, Raymond L. Jr. Halsey Ga i I Anne Halsted David L. Ha I te r Edwa rd M. Ham John S. Hambacker John Hami I ton Gi les Hami Iton James R. Hami Iton John W. Hamilton Kenneth C. Hamilton Leslie R. Hamilton Randolph N. Hami I ton Rutherford Hamman Rufus W. Hammann Eugene E. Hammann John W. Hammen B. Dennis Hammers Wi II iam L. Hammond Gera~ d L. Hammond Micha e l W. Hammond Richard D. Hampe Richard A. Hancock J. T. Hanc ock Wi I I i a m Hand Ka thryn A. Bec ker Kathryn A. Ha nke Bre tt L. Ha nkins Ben j a min Le e Ha nkin s Da vi d R. H ~ nkinson Hi sdon W. Han ks Phill i p HiHlna Cha rl e s K. Hi,n na Ge org e R. Ha nn a Ro be r t L. Ha nn a h Derek Wayne Ha ns be rry Steve n W. Hansen J. Ric ha rd Ha nse n Pete r G. Ha nse n Ro bert C. Ha n se n, Stan ley S. I I Ha nse n Wi II iam G. Hans ma n Robe r t H. Ha ns on Cr i s Jon Ha ns on Steve A. Ha n s s Eugene J. Hao Wuu Ha rbi so n Ma r k Andrew Harde beck Har ry E. Hardi n De nn i s E. Ha rd i ne , Ke nn e th L. Jr . Hardi ng Geo rge W. Hard i nge By ro n C. Hardwick Chery l Ha rdy Mi chael E. Hardy Rolland L. Hargi s Do rothy M. Harkin s Ger t ru de V. Ha r I and Ga ry D. Har land Steph a n ie A. To uz in sky St e ph a n ie A. Harma n Cha rl es W. Harman Pa tri o.e 1M. Fi s he r Pa tric e M. Ha rm on Cyn t h ia S . Hi l lea ry Cynt h i a S . Ha rmon James V. Ha rmon J oh n P. Ha rm s Haro ld B. Ha rm s Steve n Ra y Ha rn a gel Dav id W. Ha r o I d s on Kurt J . Harpe r J une St ewart Ha rp e r Wi II i a m S . Ha r r awoo d Pa u I Ha rr i ngt o n Na ncy E. Ha rr is Bo bby V. Ha r r i s Da n i e I J. Har r is Da ni e l W. Ha r ris Da v i d E. Ha rr is Don a ld J . Ha rr is Fou nda ti o n

1985 Rollamo

Ha r r i s Ga ry F. Harris George l. Ha r r i s Ge ra I d l. Har ris Jack H. Ha rris I~ichael D. Harris, Norman A. Jr. Ha rris Sta nley J. Ha rri s William M. Ha rr i son l3enjam inK. Harri s on Diana l. Toth D;-a na L. Harrison Richard N. Harrod Scarlett l. Harry Mrs Elois e Harry Nowlan Oil Acct Ha rse I I, Thoma s l. Jr . Hart David l. Hart J. Dougl as Ha rt James E. Har t , John A. III Ha rt June E. Ha rt No rma n E. Ha rt Wayn e D. Hartenberger Jeffrey l. Hartford Stea m Boi ler & Ins Hartle, Arthur A. Jr. Hartman J a mes P. Ha rtman Ma rtha E I I en Hartmann John C. Ha rvey A I I an Ha rvey Edw in T. Ha rvey Jame s G. Harve y lawren ce E. Ha r v i Ila, Georg e Jr. Ha rwa rd Ma rk Grego ry Harwin Richard A. Ha ske I I Dona I d F. Hasselmann Est Karl F. Ha ss el~lug Diane C. Sherrel I Diane C. Ha ss ler Mi Iburn Hastey, James P. Jr. Hatcher, Price III Hatfield David C. Hatfield larry J. Hatfield Vicki lynn laferty Vicki lynn Haubold Niels B. Hauenstein George W. Haug Gregory G. Haug John B. Haunschi Id Mahlon R. Hauser Max E. Haushalter Frederick W. Hausman Daniel P. Hausmann Arthur P. Hausmann Paul l. Hausner PaLiI H. Havener Gary W. Hawk Donna R. Reinhard Donna R. Hawk Ra I ph l . Hawkins David l. Hawkins, Francis C. II I Hawkins James C. Hawkins Rodney B. Hayden Bruce Jeffrey Hayden C. Barry Haydon Jack B. Hayes Dennis Ray Haye s Thoma s E. Haymes Wi II iam G. Haynes Michael A. Haynes Myron B. Haynes Wi I son L. Hays Francis H. Hazen Michael R.

HBE Co rp Head Da vi d W. Hea d Eldon W. Headington Fra nk C. Heagler Richard B. Hear st Dav id T. Heater Charles l. Hea th Geo rge F. Heatherly Nichol as A. Heaton Sta nle y Dean Heberle Geoffrey O. He bne r , Robert E. Jr. Hec ker Cornel ia A. Sc hir ber Cornel ia A. Hed I Rona I d K. Heeger Char l es H. Heerman n Wayne Hefl in Bertha Heg lin Russe II S. Hehmeyer John M. Heidenb lu t , George R. Jr . He idman James A. He i I b runn I I se He ili ch Raymond P. He i I ig Warren He i m Ca r I J. Heim Reube n C. He imb augh Kenneth G. Heimburger Stan ley A. Heimel Michael C. Hein Edwin A. Heine Robert S. Heineck Dale W. Heins Robert W. Heis er ~rederick W. He i s ke I I J a n ice T. Hei ss Edward W. He i sserer Ka rl M. He i sserer Me lvin R. Heitmann Albert l. H~lb e rg Wa rr e n W. He I d Be rna rd D. Held Rob e rt E. Helfrich Thomas J. Heller Enrique S. Heller John J. Hellman Milton H. Hellrich James H. Hell rich linus H. Hellwege James W. Hellwege Wi II iam H. Helmkamp Robert E. Heltibrand Dewayn W. Helton Jesse D. Helwig Arthur W. Hemmann John G. Hempler Robert G. Hende rson Ca ro IE. Kuhn Ca ro I E. Henderson Gary R. Hend ren la rry L. Hendren Polly A. Reed Polly A. Hendricks EI len lynn Hendricks Gene T. Heneghan Dean P. Henehan PaLiI Vincent Hengel David P. Henke Elvin A. Henley Wi II iam E. Henning Wi I I iam A. Henrikson Ralph l . Henry Charles l. Henry Daniel T. Henry Douglas J. Henry George E.

Henry J a me s M. He nry Joe A. Henry ' Kenneth 'W. He nry L Doherty Ed Fdn He n ry lind sey R. He nry Richard A. He n ry Richard l. He n ry Wa I t Hens lee Kimber ly Ann Dowd Kimberly Ann Hens ley Clyde R. Henson D. Kent Henson Donald L. Henson Drury Henson Gerald L. Henson lowe I I l . Henson Phi II i p l. Hepler Thoma s E. Hepp Joseph T. Heppermann Jeffrey J. Herbo ld August E. Hercu les Inc Herman Theod ore Hernan John F. Herndon Ri cha rd S. Herr Mark A. Herr Robert J. Herre I I R. R. Herr ick Thomas J . Herrman n, Frederic k W. Jr. Her rm a nn John A. Herrman n , Pau I O. I I I Herrmann, Paula. IV Herrma nn Thomas A. Herron Geo rg e F. Herro n Wi II iam M. ' Hers hey Harry C. Hertfelder Warren W. He rvey Steven R. Herzig Robert l. He r zog Mark A. He r zog Mi c hae l S. Heseman Calvin R. Hess Dona IdA. Hess Robert r~ Hesse Al fred H. Hesse Paul J. He s tetune Dan iel G. Hestori Wayne E. Heuckrot h Mark W. Heuckrottj Wi II iam E. He uer Char l es A. Heu man n Robert Gerard Hewlett-Packard (Palo Alto) Hi b bit s Da r re I I D. Hi ckenbot ha m Harle y D. Hickernel I James l. Hickman Henry S. Hicks Gregory K. Hicks Ronald R. Hiebert Gregory lee Hi e be rt Yoe lit H. Sha pi ro • Yoe lit H. Hi erho l zer Janice G. lewenczuk Janice G. Hi ggi ns Alb ert J. Hi ggins Arthur J. Hi gg ins Jack R. Higgins laurence J. Hi gh Anne M. Highfill James K. Hight , Charles W. Jr. Hi Idreth Roger lee Hi I ke Da v i d L. H' Iker Jeanne Beth H I Albert l. H I E . Cec i I 1;1 I Eugene F. H I James L. H I Kenneth le I and H I lyle W. H I Me r I e F. H I Peggy Stevens H I Rhonda Ra nd Hil Roger A. Hi I Roland M. Hil ,William E. Jr. Hi I eary Ale xander L. Hil eary Cynthia S. Harmon Cynthia S. Hi IIery Charles M. Hi I Ihouse Charles A. Hi IIhouse David l. Hi Ilhouse Jim L. Hi I Ihouse Michael D. Hi I lis J r Dona I dB. Hi Iton Robert J. Hi Iton Wi Ima K. Ki rn Wi I ma K. Hinkamp Stephen B. Hinkle Delores J. James Delores J. Hinkle K. Daniel Hinkle Kenneth M. Hinnah Dennis W. Hipotronics Inc Hirner Herma n R.

Hi rner John A. Hir sc hman Roger D. Hirt z Boyd Alan Hi tc hcock David C. Hi t t Ge ra I d W. Hobart Alb ert N. Hoch man I ra P. Hock John Aloys Hockenbury Melvin C. Hodgdon, Sa m D. Jr. Hodge Robe rt E. Hodges Phi II ip F. ~oeckelman Don ald E. Hoecke Iman les li e Hoefer lynne Annette Hoef l ing er Larry J. Hoehn Eric Hoelscher James W. Hoe l sc her John C. Ho eman Arthur J. Ho ener Alan J. Hoene r Fred H. Hoenerhoff Richard B. Hoes ly Richard R. Hofer J . Gerald Hoffman Ant hon y E. - Hoffman DavidJ. Hoffman Denny R. Hoff man Emi I D. Hoffman Jan ice M. Hoffman John G. Hoffman Nanc y H. Shaw Nancy H. Hoffman Richa r d H. Hoffman Roger P. Hoffman Wayne l. Hoffmann Richard l. Hoffmann Robert J. Hoffmann Victor J. Hofman Jerry l. Hofstetter James F. Hof s t et ter Kimberly Hogue , Robert W. Jr. Hohlfelder Eugene F. Hohman Joe A. Hohmeier WiliiamW. Holcomb Charles l . Hol comb Le ster W. Holcomb Steven K. Hol comb Timothy J . Hol comb W. Jeffrey Holdman lesl ie F. Holen Douglas E. Holkenbrink Michael H. Holland, David K. Jr. Holland Gary R. Ho l land James P. Ho i land Theodore W. Hol.lander Russell W. Hollandsw'orth Glor ia l. Ho ll enbac h Bernard D. Ho I Iey Robe rt G. Ho I I ey Thoma s K. Holliday Gregory Holl id ay Robert l . Ho I li s Wi I I i a m Holloway, Ni c k Jr . Holm Susan J. Bu s h Susan J. Holman Glenn Wayne Holman John T. Holme R. Norman Holmes Roger E. Holmes Thomas A. Holmes Wa Ilace H. o I me s , Wi I I i am R. Jr. Ho ltD irk D. Holt Michael l. Holt, Thomas B. I I Holtmeier Vernon A. Holton Phyll is Ho I z Wa I te r l. Homyk Terrence J. Honerkamp Donald l. Honeycutt Kendal I A. Honeywe I I Inc Honigfort Henry F. Hoog Timothy J. Hoops WilliamC. Hoormann Katherine A. Hoover Bert F . Hopkins Wayne J. Hopler, Robert B. Jr . Hoppe Gera Id P. Hopper Mrs Edward Hoppock Harland H. Horak Brenda leigh Hord Wi II iam E. Ho re I Edwa rd T. Horine Robert A. Horky Bradford B. Horn John W. Horn Larry S. Horn Peter C. Ho rn Re x T. Hornb ack Donald l. Ho rn e Ga ry H.


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Horner Kent G. Horns e y Edward E. Hornung Franz Horst Wi II iam D. Horst Wi II iam £. Horstmann Paul W. Houf Gordon B. Houghton Clark F. Houk Clarence C. House Randy Lee Houseknecht Paut D. House r Brad fo rd Houser James D. Houser Otis Hovis Donald L. Hov is Ma rk A. Howald Arthur M. Howard, C. Martin Jr. Howa rd John J. Howard Johnson/Rot tamo Corp Howard Steven R. Howard Wi II iam E. Howe Be rna rd F. Howe Doug I as B. Howel I AI ice M. Howe I I Bennett D. Howell John D. Howel I Richard B. Howe I I R i cha rd F. H6wel I Theodore R. Howerton Joseph W. Howe rton Lou i s e Howser Gerry W. Ho yt Harla n K. Hrastich Thomas A. Hsu Chun-Fang Hsu Kuan-Yuan Huang Hao-Yang Huang James C. Hu a ng Rong-Fong Hubba rd Robe rt D. Hubbard Wi II iam A. Hubbe I I Sue Hube I i James A. Hubenschmidt Carl G. Hub er Harold D. Huber Richard G. Hubert Bonnie S. Huck Mark Stephen Huck Sharon Ann Hudd leston, James A. Jr. Hudgens Lowe I I L. Hudiburgh, Gary M. Jr. Hudson Paula Hudson Richard G. Hudwalker Marvin E. Huebne r 'Cha r I es E. Huebner James Michael Huett Michael S. Huff Fred V. Huff Hal M. Huff Wayne F. Huffman Gene A. Huffman Jerry W. Huffman Vicki L. Joern Vicki L. Hughes Aircraft Co Hughes AI ice M. Hughes Edwin L. Hughes, Judson A. Jr. Hughes Laurie J . Hughes Richard A. Hughes Thomas A. Hughes Tool Co Hughes Wi II iam J. Hughes Wi II iam P. Hughey Bobby R. Hughlett Joseph R. Hughlett Michae l L. Hugo Howa rd L. Hulbert Bernard Hu I I, Lee C. Jr. Hull Shery l L. Di II ingham She ryl L. Hulsey J. Leroy Hummel Robert J . Humphrey Ric hard L. Humph ries Michae l D. Humphries Richard M. Hunding, Car l W. I I I Hung Alv in .K.W. Hung Chia Hung Dick T. Hung Samue I S. Hunt J. R i c ha rd Hunt L.W. Hunt RonaldD. Hunter Char les E. Hunter John J. Hunter Joseph Hunz e Charles L.W. · Hupp Kento n L. Hurl e y Kenneth W. Hur st, Linde l l R. Jr. Hurt Robert E. Hu s fila n J a me sR. Hu !; mann Arthur L. Hu s sey Raymond L.

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Hu s tad John E. Hu s tad Pau I A. lIuston Robert E. Hutchison Alden C. Hwang Ching-Cherng Hwaung Chin-Yuan G. Hyatt Gordon R. Hydzik Richard M. Hylton Ralph C.

Ibarra Cheryl A. Gibbons Cheryl A. Ibarr-a, Santiago J . Jr. I BM Corp Iden Douglas C. leans Edward R. Ijames Ca rl E. Ilavia A. P. I I a v i a Pi 100 E. Ile r WilliamJ. I I I ian Don L. 1"11 inois Mining Inst I I I inois Power Co lIop ut aife Obiajulu I . II s t ru p Will i am Imme le Jay Brian Ingersol I Char les J. Ingersoll-Rand (Phi II ipsburg) Ing e r so ll-Rand Co I ng lis James L. In gram Daniel - K. nl a nd Stee l (Chicago) nman Pau I L. nst o f Nuclear Power Op er nt'l Plasti c Recycl ing nt eg r ate d Software System s Co nt el Corp nternorth Found a tion nt I Pa per Co Fdn ntl Tours of Roll a. owa Power & Light Co owa Re sourc es Inc pock D. Fre ddie rwin David M. saacs Lewis W. Is aacs S. Fred I s bell, Clarence A. Jr. Isel in John W. Isenmann Edward S. Israel Carol ine Ann Israel Lewi s Daniel It a lia Santo I to Ak ira ITT


Jeffrey L.

J J B Arthur Fami Iy Fund Jabsen WiliiamJ . Jacks Frank E. Jacks , Robert W. Jr. Jackson Douglas A. J ac kson Ea rl E. Jackson Her s hel A. Jackson James D. Jackson Lawrence C. Jackson Leroy H. Ja ckso n Phi I ip W. Jackson Richard B. Jackson Ronald E. Jackson Way ne D. J aco bi Ca rl L. Jacob i Stephen J . J aco b s David C. J acobs James H. Jaeger Benja min W.H. Ja ege r Ozz ie Ja e necke Donald R. J affe David Nathan Jaggi Denn i s F. Jagt i an i Ar ja n S. J a hag ird ar Madan G. Jalbert Leonard S . James Car l J. J a mes De lores J . Hink le Delores J . James, Ronald C. MD. James W. Richard Jamieson George W. Jami s on Marshal I V. Janes Fra nk E. Janke Pau I D. Janoch Greg A. Janow s ki Gerard A. Jansen J a mes L. Jan sen Raymond J. Jan se n Robert P.

Jan se n Veronica D. Hahn Veronica D. Jansky Jonathon P. Jantosik, Edward C. Jr . Jantz Curtis Japan Gore Te x Inc Jaquay Richard L. Jarboe Rupert A. Ja rrett Chri stopher M. Jasper Randa I L. Jaszarowski James K. Jauer, Richard A. Jr. Jeansonne Diane Jearls, Louis B. Jr. Jel 'la Joyce L. Jenifer M Myers Trust Jehkins Jacob D. Jenkins James Thomas Jenkins Lloyd H. Jenkins Robert D. Jenkins Rodney E. Jenkins Wi II iam W. Jenks, Wi II iam S. Jr. Jenks III Wi II iam Jennings Donald Carl Jennings Jame s P. J e nse n Gunther T. Jen se n James W. Jen se n R. Gene Jerma n h ~ o,dore I. Jerome Micnael L. Jersa Michael J. Jes se Hugh A. Jim Daws o n Memorial Jinkerson Kenneth R. Jochum Ronald G. Joern Ka rl C. Joern Vicki L. Huffman Vicki L. Johanboeke Roy B. Johannpe ter Wa It er G. Joh a npet er Gerald R. John Deere Fdn John H Dougherty Trust ~ohn Han cock Charitable Trust John's Fires ton e Johnson & John so n Johnson Charle s W. John s on Christian R. Johnson Chr~stopher John so n Controls In c Johnson Dougla s B. John so n E. Herbert Johnson Edward L. John s on Gordon E. Johnson James C. Johnson James H. John so n J a me s W. Johnson , Lela nd R. Jr. John s on Leon K. John so n Mrs Walte r Schamel' Mrs Walter Johnson Norman C. Johns o n Philip D. John so n Philip R. John s on Ray B. Johnson Robert J. Joh nson Robert L. Johnson Ro bert W. John s on Stanley C. Johnson Stephen - C. Johnson - Stephen S. Johnson Tom R. Johnson Vicki Sue Johnson Virgi I A.

1985 Rollamo

Johnson William L. Johnston James J.R. Johnston Karl A. Johnston Wqymo~ L. J a i ne r Bruce B. Jolley J.B. Jones Alan W. Jones Charles B. Jones Charles M. Jones David B. Jones David E. Jones David R. Jones Dennis D. Jones Denzi I E. Jones Eugene r. Jones Group Inc Jones Harlow G. Jones Jack H. Jones James H. Jones La rry E. Jones Mar"k Alan Jones Michael W. Jones Na ncy Lea Jones 01 iver W. Jones Raymond B. Jones Richard L. Jones Ronald L. Jon es Sam P. Jones Thomas A. Jones Thomas A. J ones Vernon T. Jones Walter T. Jones, Wi II i a m R. Jr. Jong Bing-Wen Jo rcke 01 i ver A. Jord a n George H. Jord a n Pau I R. Jordan Richard F. Jordan Thomas M. Jo se ph E Seagram & Sons Josl in Le Co mpt e Jo s t Jeffrey J. Jo s t Linda Joan Jost Raymond S. Jost Robert D. Jou rdon Ma rk R. Jozwiak Phi I ip A. Jo zwiak Vincent R. Judah Russell J . Judd David Eugene Junge Gregory Jungklaus Ma tt Jungling Rod ' Jurenka Gi Ibert G. Jurenka Ronald D. Ju s kie Bernard R. Jussyp Juri Ju s tus Dayna K. Justus, Richard F. Jr.

K Kaczmarek

Theodore B. Jayant S. Ka e I b I e A I a n F. Kaempf Leo R. Kahl Richard A. Kahle Thomas A. Kahrs EI izabeth D. Kahrs Jeff re y W. Ka i se r R i cha r d L. Kaiser Stephen J. Kalbac Raymond L. Ka I i a He'mend ra N. Ka lin Thoma s E. Ka Ii s h Herbert S. Kallor Jay S. Kaltenbronn James G. Ka lt e r Char l es J. Ka mbol Steph e n A. Kambouris George Kamicar J ames R. Kammerer, Jo sep h .1. Jr. Kammerer Ne d JOAn Ka,mp Alan A. Kampe r Herbert G. Kamper 01 iver W. Ka mp er Rus se I I A. Kao Ching - Nan Kapernaros E. Louis Kapfer Ric hard R. Kap lan Mark S. Kap la n Newton H. Ka ppa Ka ppa Ps i Ka rbo sky Jo se ph T. Ka rger Ron a IdA. Ka r ne s Sa nd ra R. Beem Sa nd ra R. Karr George Kaspersk i El i zabet h Barickma n EI i za be th Kassay Andrew W. Kastel Richard L. K a da~ia


Kas t e n Paul R. Kasten Raymond O. Kasten Vernon L. Kates Bruce C. Katin Jon D. Kattelmann Jean C. Katz Manfred Kau Jeng-Chuan Kaufman Charles L. Kaufman John M. Kaufmann Frank A. Kaufmann Wi I I iam W. Kavanaugh Sue M. Maski I I Sue M. Ka y Will i am T. Kay Wi I I i am W. KC Paint, Varnish &Lacquer A ~sc KC Power & Light Co KC Society For Coatings Tech Keaster Daniel J. Keating Jeffrey Leo Keating Jolln M. Keats Dennis R. Kebel Harl a n L. Keebler James H. Keeley Gi Ib ert S. Kee ling Mi chae IF. Ke e n Jerry G. Keevi I Albert S. Ke i I Lou isH. Ke ith H. Dean Kei th Marion C. Ke i th Michael W. Ke i til Thoma s E. K(~ ith Warren N. Kcittlly 11ichael E. Ke l-ahan Michael E. kc lahan Robert C. Ke I I e r Ge ra I d N. Keller Russell M. Ke l ley Ronald E. Kel I ison Rodney D. Ke I I Y Da vi d P. Kelly Mrs John V. Kelly Paul R. Ke I Iy Peter -B. L. Kelso Gary L. Ke I ty Thomas M. Kemp Arthur H. Kemp, Arthur H. I II Kemp Wayne R. Kempe Allen C. Kemper David A. Kemper Eloi se B. Kemper Robert J. Kenda I I, Edwa rd T. Jr. Kendal I Robert H. Kendrick Jerry C. Kennedy Daniel Kent, Nevada A. I I I Kent Wi II iam D. Keppel James R. Kerber David Cia i r Ker Iey Clay Kernan Thomas E. Ke rns D'a nny L. Kerns Randy G. Ke rns Wayne L. Kerper Matthew J. Ke r r F ra n k F. Kerr-McGee Fdn Inc Keshar i Hos se in R. Kessler Bruce S. Kess ler Harry H. Kettenbrink, Edwin C. Jr. Ket tl er Gera ld J. Key Enos L. Key Sports Shop Kibl inger De borah Lynn Kreher Deborah Lynn Kick David D. Kickham, Lawrence T. Jr. Kidd Harold S. Kidwell Albert L. Kiefer Da Ie F. Kieffer, Alonzo R. III Kieffer Robert C. Kiehne Arthur D. Kienstra Stephen C. Kifer Kenneth K. Ki Igo Robert R. Kilgour WiliiamJ. Ki Ilgore Ross D. Killinger John C. Kim Woo Hyung Kimberly-Clark Fdn Inc Kimes Steven Day Kincaid John B. Kinchen Dennis J. Kind Carl G. Kind Hugh C. Kinder Janet D. Kinder Marcus D. King Alvin C. King Janet M. Rimmey Janet M. King John C.

King Kenneth E. King Randall K. King Welby M. Kingsborough Donald G. Kinman Peter W. Kinnett Douglas G. Kinsella Michael J. Kinsey John Michael Kipp Stephen Edward Kirberg Leonard C. Kirby James R. Ki rby, James R. IV Ki rchhoff Allen S. Ki rchner Frank S. Ki rchoff Wi II iam S. Kirk Dallas L. Thorn Da II as L. Kirkbride Rus se ll L. Ki rkpatrick Harry F. Kirkpatrick Rodman K. Ki rkpa t ric k Rue I L. Kirmey e r Gregory J. Ki rn Emme t R. Kirn Mich ae l D. Ki rn Wi Ima K. Hilton Wilma K. Ki s er Steven Vinci I Ki ss l inger Fred Kiss l inger Judith K. Serva is Jud ith K. Kistner Jimmie D. Ki s tner Michael R. Ki t chen Cha~les L. Kitipitaya ngkul Prasert Klamm Scott W. Kleberger Kenneth A. Klein Dale E. Klein Robert E. Kleinert Andrew J. Kleinkopf M. Dean Kleinman Robert A. Kleinpeter Roger G. Klemetson Stan ley L. Klenke John Joseph Kleve Jr Frederic W. Kleypas Mark Louis KI in e Charles R. KI ipp ' James E. Kloeris, Paul W. Jr. Klorer John Klore r Ma ry S. Klorer Robert W. Klotz James A. Klug John R. Klug, John R. Jr. Kluge Rolland H. Klump Michael G. Klutho Allyn R. Kmecz Glenn M. Knauf Wi II iam H. Knaup James Wi II iam Knearem James L. Knecht Walter S. Kne fe I Raymond F. Kneisler John F. Knenlein Michael J . Kniepkamp David I. Knight George L. Knobbe Janet M. Knoch James W. Knoebe I R i cha rd H. Knoll Dav id A. Kno I I Rudo I ph J. Knopp Char l es R. Knowles Carl M. Knox, James R. Jr . Knutso n . Elmo G. Koboldt Advertising Kobyl in ski Edmund A. Koch Daniel B. Koch Edmund O. Koch Ma rga ret A. Gohn Margaret A. Koch Richard A. Koch Stephen J. Koederitz Eugene H. Koederitz Leonard F. Koederitz Thomas L. Koegel Frank R. Koehler David [. Koehn Charles [. Koehr pKi I I ip Andrew Koell ing Arthur J. Koenemann Barry D. Koen i g Ga ry R. Koenig Walter R. Koenigstein Richard Koeppel Bever ly W. Koester Dia ne Dion Di ane Koester Richard W. Koewing James W. Koewing Me I an ie A. Sarchet Melanie A. Kohn Don H. Kohrmarin AI len

198! Rollamo

Kohrmann Larry Gene Kolaga Kent R. Kolasch Joseph A. Ko I b Eugene F. Kolbet Oscar J . Kolbet Robert Joseph Ko I I e r, A. J. Jr. Ko I I meye r Ray L. Koly John M. Kolze Thoma s J. Komisarek George D. Komoto Frank K. Kone Frankl in W. Konrad Richard d. Konra di Keith E. Koo Hai-Ch i Koopmann August P. Koop mann, Wi II iam Jr. Ko p I a r Ma r i e Kopp Roge r T. Koppe rs Co Inc Korklan H. Jeffrey Korn Robert A. Kornacki Alan S. Korth Michael V. Koshi Donald M. Koslow Ralph Kossina Paul G. Kosten Harold W. Ko the E. Ray Kotsifakis David Peter Kott e mann, Richard Allen Jr. Kotthoff Gene W. Kovach John J. Kozen i Don K. . Koz I owsk i Ken John Kra c ht Robert T. Krafft James D. Kraft Jon B. Kraft ' Ned O. Krahenbuh I Ma rk D. Kra mer , Fred Jr. Kramer Herbert G. Kramer John L.J. Kramer Ralph H. Kramer Roger L. Kramp Charles D. Krasner Louis Krattly Homer W. Kraus Ronald W. Krausch David L.. Krause Joann Kreek E. Albert Kreher Deborah Lynn Kibl inger Deborah Lynn Krei I ich James L. Krekel t1adonna Kremer Wi II iam B. Krener Gi Imore W. Kreul Robert N. Kreutzer Robert C. Kriegh Gloria K. Lechner Gloria K. Kriegshauser, Paul C. Jr. Kr i I I F ra nc isM. Kri s hnamurthy Gopalan Krispin Jo seph F. Kroeter David W. Kronlage Paul Joseph Kronmue ller Wi II iam Robert Kron mu e ll e r Wi II iam W. Kronst Edwin F. Krueger Debra Kay Little Debra Kay Krueger Harold A.

Kruep Raymond J. Kruger Art hur R. Kruger Douglas Wayne Kruger Wi II iam A. Kru I I Rona i d Edwa rd Krummel, Clyde H. Jr. Krumrey Gregory N. Krumrey Karol Lyn n Kruse John Scott Kruse Lawrence G. Krusie Ronald S. Kruvand Daniel H. Krysa Mitchel S. Kubicek Jack L. Kucharski EdWard A. Kuchem Douglas Leo Kuchenig Fre derick W. Kuebler Kenneth L. Ku ec henmeist er Kenneth W. Kuehn Ann t1 a r i e Smith Ann t1arie Kuenzer Rich a rd R. Kuhlmann Rob e rt C. Kuhn Ca ro I E. He nde rson Ca ro IE. Kuhn Catherine M. Schol I Catherine M. Kuhn David H. Kuhn Terre I E. Kuhn Thoma s E. Ku I ha n Robe rt Ku lin i ew i cz A I I en P. Kummer Frederick S. Kunderman Vincent J. Kunkel Katherine K. Wessel schmidt Katherine K. Kuntz Richard D. Kunz ¡Charles O. Kuo Robert L. Kurtz Sam A. Kurtzhals James D. Kurz Joseph Kutterer Stephanie A. Kutz Anthony W. Kw iecinski Timothy J. Kwong George S. Kyburz Edward P. Kyser Dale Anthony

L L C Meta I s Inc Laberg John Joseph Labit James R. LaBonte Robert LaBoube Roger A. LaBouff Gerald J . Lacavich Richard J. Lacewel I Russe l I Lacl e de Gas Co Lacl e de-Christy Clay Prod Co Lad age , John J. Jr. Ladd Harley W. La dd Richard W. Lilferty Vicki Lynn Hatfield Vicki Lynn La hay Kevin M. Lahde Frank U. Lahma James D. La i Sa n-cheng La kinger Susan E. Lalumandier Glennon L. Lama no La rry L. Lamb, James Ea rl III Lamb John C. Lamb, Richard C. Jr . . Lambe CI inton R. Lamber C. Kurt Lambert Donald B. Lambert , James E. Jr. Lambeth Jennings R. Lambu r Charles H. Lammer s Dennis R. Lammers Jeff J . Lammert Leland V. Lammert Paul T. Lampe Dominic P. Lampe Steven W. Lan Shing-Shong Lancaster Edgar M. Landers Robert G. Landwehr Frank S. Lane Charles A. La ne Edw i nO . Lane Robert L. Lane Rona Id L. Lane, Thomas F. Jr . Lane Wi II iam L. Lang Eugene A. Lang Gregory A. Lang Paul Anthony Lang Stephen A. Lang- Wayne


Alumnus/ 39

Lange · ,ion ry •• LiH lgo Robert C. l a ngo mnc ll Caro l II. D"v ie Caro l A. [angenb~c l ' r Hi ll iam LAngkop Bronda S. I l oyd L. I ~ng s dorf I Hnk ton Rob rc Ray I ,' rln om rred I . r rod M. I an/ lil P;' g Jo p h A . l al'i or Gi l b n ll . l ilI l a n e li li a n II . l app 11. 110 nl ca Lau r M. Mo n ica l a ami - Raymo nd r. l ara mor Mr 0111 I a rA In o r '0 I li e l ar~ rn or

l~o b or LD.

Lil rg o nL Torry l arkin & A oc i ate Law r nce J . ark i n RI ' c ~l ar d R. l ark in , LClHo S , T. Harre ll Jr. La r o n Leo na rd N. ar o n Marv in L. Lar so n Rick . Lar so n Ro sa l i e J . lI ad l ey Rosa l i e J. Lar son Ha rre n L. Larson Wi II iam M. Lasc hob e r Richard J . Lasker M. Owe n La s ko He l e n D. La srnanls Raymond Lass l ey Richard H. La cha m Ja mes I . Latti n Judson M. La ttl s Do n L. Latt ner Ja mes R. La tty, Cha r I esC. Jr. Latty J a mes A. Lat ze r Jo hn C. Lau M I ng Kit Lauer M. Mo n ica Lapp M. Monica Laufer Wayne L. Lautensch l aeger Steve n D. LCl ut h J o hn A. La w David C. Ma r y E. Law I e r Law l er Wil bert J . Lawoyl n Al z l a O. Lawson Montie R. Law son Ve rnon R. Steven C. ay La z u r e Dav i d V . La Quyen Cong Le ac h Rodn ey W. Lead C l ub - Gl o nd a l e Chapter Leamlng Georg e D. Lea v e r Ha rv ey O. Loaver Pa ll I II . eav i tt Da li as R. L av i tt Mr s J .E . l o ber Wa l ter P. Lo bo J e rom e M. Loc hn r Char l e A . oc hn e r Glori a K. Kri eg h Glo ria K. L c r ec Co rp L dbon r , oy W. Jr . LodbeLter Rona l d M. Ledor l o Gary J . Loo Ch I n-M I ng Loo Co mp a ny Darre l l R. L 0 Loe Don a l d J . L IIe rm s I e Ste ph e n K. l ee Wa I Le r I ' d s & Nor Lilup Sy tom L Od S Torry C l aY Lon L ma nn Don a ld J. I eman n Gary D. I ,Jo hn R. Jr. Loga Le Jo lm 1_ go r Gary I . e ran d ,J se S. eG rand Rodn y J. I g ' uin RLiL il L. IInel r' on Ru Lll Cr gg P. Lo l lo nb a u r I hm a n, II . R I ha rd Jr . 10 111nan, I r dri ck D. I II l e hm beck, Ly l I . Jr. Le i po I d . R I 11 8 rd [ e iL L r rna n Do nni ~ W. I i L LC r lO n n Pa 111 C I a II . I li c b a u Pa mo l a II . 110 b rL II . I emb rg o r I 'men De bb i e I ming Jo l1n C. I 111ing Pnu l W. I omk M r r I I 1M. I -nh an [ I i l i, b LII II. D(1v i d e)n l/ 17 a be th II . I n/ RI ~' Dr d G.

~O / M S M

Alumnu s

Le n z Willi am II . Leonard Jam es V. I co na rd Robe n C . Leo n linton l o ng Jud s on I e pon i IInu rcw Le Le r ' reej d i II . LCLL SLcvcn K . I ra nc i. Kwok- s I Cl.l ng I ll Lli a ll so r I~ ark A. Lev e r UroLher Co Lcving · D~vid M. Lcv i LL MO r r i L we I I i n . I r a n k Lewo nc L u k J " n ic C. II i r ho l 7e r J a nl co C. Lcwc nC7 uk J e ffr y S . L 101 I s n. Ne i I L 101 I \) ,' v I'd B. Low i Da v i d M. ew i s Da v i dR. Lew i s Lawre nce L. Lew i s Lo I a nd Lewi s Nea l A. Lewi s Regin a Cr I I e Re g In a ew I s Va I e r i e He ne Wi Il l a m R. ewl LI Char l e s T. LI Shu - Me i Shu-Me i Wa ng Liang Ming-San Llao Cheng S. Liaw Cln C. L i ber ty Norman R. Llbl ez James D. LI cht Ha rry Lichtenwa l n e r Dan J . Lichtenwa l ner Peter Lick l ider Phi ll ip L . Lldde l I Jo h n W. Liebe l Craig A. Lieberman Warren Li e f e r Ma rk E. Li esc h e ldt Bre nd a E. Bre nd a E . E ll erbrake Light Raymo nd L. Light Ric hard L. Lig h t f oOt Al a n E. Lig h t l e Jame s B. Ligon Will iam R. Limb e rg Jo h n F. Lin Char l es S. Lin c i co me E. Diann e E . Di a nn e Spee r Lincicom e Ja mes D. indb c rg II l ex H. Linden a u edward M. Ind gre n Wi l l i a m E lm o C. L indqui s t ind s y Kennet h R. LI nd sey Me r lin D. Li nd stro m Jo h n A. Lin Myr I K. Link e r Rodn y [. Inn , Ja mes . Jr . Inn La u r e I C. L ip ensky Mil a n LiLtl e D bra Kay Kru ege r De bri! Kay ittl e Cr eg lodd L i L t i e J. Edw" rd L I L t I fi e I d J ro I d K. La r ry W. i t Li e fi e I d Li LL l et on . rn es t W. LILL l d ton Rodn ey D. IL zs ln ger Barry Llu J lh-H a n L iu Wa n- Ch e n g K im C. L i vengood Co l ema n K im C. ive n go d Hobe rt J. Live ng oo d Ro D. Liv in g Lon Ha n s C. Living Lo n J o lm II . Liv in g Lon Ke r mi t F. I v ln g ton Rob e rt C. C. Wes l ey L l oyd l oyd-Jon s Dav id Lo Win g-C h L1k Lo c hrl Wi I I i a m Lo c k Lt Don a l d N. F r a/e r R. 10ck h a rL ock i ng Lon SLeve n M. lI erbe rL A . l oeb Loc c h J a et L. HiL e r J a n L L. Lo h 1 e r ry Lof L I Ca r l L. l og(,n rdw inl-i . 10gR n Ja mcs cra i g I Q\jil ll J a mes W. I oga n Hob r'L 11. l ogrhri nc k Je se M. Lo lull a II Ldwil reI J. l o hrdin g Ca l I . Lom, x Li nd ay ' . lJ ag na ll Lind sa y

1985 Roili mo Lom llx , Vi ct or W. Jr. Long Joh n R. Long Jos e p h J . Long Patric i a S. Wi s t Pa tricia S . Longshor e , James F . J r. Loo s Jo hn H. Loo s, Lou i s C. II Lore n z James B . Lore n z Wi l l i ,l m P. Lorge Dav i d L. Los i e Steve n W. Louuermi I k. Abraham H. Jr . Louisiana Land & Exp Co Lounma l a Ph aivanh Lourenco Jade K. Louvar Jo se ph F. Lovasco Den i se M. Denn e r Denise M. Love Dona I d Love Rosemary M. Loveridge Jo e l F. Loveridge Warre n L. Lowe Bruce A. Lowe Ma ry Es th e r Lowe 14 i I I I a m S. Lowe r La r ry M. Lowry M i ko LTV SLee I Co Lu Chaw-Ch i Lu Chlng-T z Ll Lubb ert Randa I I J. Lu ca J am i Ann Lucas way ne L . Lud er Wa l t e r [. Ludwig Karen S. Av ery Kare n S . Luuwi g Mi c hae l F. Luebbert , La wre nce H. Jr . Lu bb e rt Wi II i am J. u ec k e .Jc rom e E . LLieckonhoff Mi c hae l J . Lu ok nh of f Rog r LLl ec l~e nhoff Wi I I i am F. Lu c dd ec k e Don a l d E. I mer L . LlJe llring Loi s M. Luehrma n Lue Lj e n lI ul e n H. Lue Lke meyer Ke nn et h Lukowit z Cregory J. LLikrofk a ov e l l J. Lum II i' r ry K. I.unu N,l nc y Sue l undil l s Hoy H. Lup l; erq or Dav id D. lup O Mi c hae l V. Lurt z Bru ce D. Ro ll a S. Lu s tl I LI II R. Ha I ph I l lf.11 141 1 I i a m, L. l ut 7 II . Jo h n I IIL 7e nb erger ne r t M. Lil Y Ken C . I y nc h Go I I ee n r. I yn h Da n i e I r. I y nc h Dav id G. I yn r: il I r d rick W. Ly n c h Grogory A. Lyn c l J o hn L1. Lyon Ch ar l e W. yo n J am . l yo n LOle i se H. Lyo nde I I I e L roc he ml ca I Co l yons Clla r l ef;G . '-yo n s I ra nc i s D. Lyo n . I\ e I e n L. y s ag hL J a mes M.

Lyt l e Chr l sti ne ' M. Bren nenstu hl Chris t i ne M. Lyt l e, G l e nn A . J r.

M M 14 Ke ll og g Con s t ruc tion Inc Maag Mar l e ne Dawn Mab i e Ce o rge W. Ma b ry Deway ne P. MacCr in d l e Col i n C . Mace Guy R. Mac C l as ha n Mar k L. Mac hado Jose A. Mac hme i er Pau l M. Ferd i na nd G. Machmer Mac k, Ant ho n y A . J r . Mack, Jame s O. Jr. Macka man Nancy Mac k e John G. Macke Ma rk W. Ma ck ie Roscoe L . Pau l a J . Mac Ma nn Polett e Pa u l a J. MacS ithigh Ge a ro i d P. 11acZ ura George Ma d ay Don a l d S. Ma dd e n Timothy J. Mauuo x HLib e r t R. Mad e nji a n Jo se ph Madonn i! Mi c hae l D. Magee , lI orace L. I I I Magee Mi c hae l W. Magge rt Cary C. Mil gg S LOllis M. Magru d er Mi c hae l J. Magrud e r Willi a m II. Mag uire Ricllard .J. Magurk U" v id W. Ma ha ney 'I-,i c hael T . Ma tl a nn a .Jo l ln H. Maher Patrick John Ma ll in C I i rford A . Ma hmood Sll l ta n Ma hon ey M i ~ hae l C. Ma id-Rice Dr ive I n n Ma i n ~' a r i o n K. Ma i n 14 i I I i an, J. Ma i sak A l ber L L. Ma i se C l e mens R. van Ma jor s Ma rk Ma I berg No ling Ma I i n Char l es D. Ma I in Di a na Suo Bindemann Di a na SLi e Ma ll in c krodt I nc Ma l on e A l be r t V . Ma lon e Wi ll i a m M. Ma I s I Pe t e I' H. F. Ma ngof f, John N. Jr. Ma n I ey, 14 i I I i a m H. Jr. Ma nn Car l K. Ma nn Hob e rt L. Ma nn Robert V . Th o lIIas W. Ma nning Ma n s fi e l d Ri c h ard E. Man s l<er, Jo s ph H . Jr. Ma ll o n Donnld A. Ma n tovil n i rug n O. Ma rn t ll o n Ma i ne rng r Co Ma ra Lhon 0 i I Co ( li o u s ton ) t·l a ril Lh o n 0 i I Co ( Oh i 0 ) Mn rb l e Jame s B.

I·l arc ee Da v id C . ~l a r c h Ra nd il l I S . Ma r'd1 a I J a cqu es I I, l'I~f'( : tl e l l o Jo se ph I~ , Ma rchc I 10 L O ll i sc l~a rc h iJ n d o An UlOny F . Ma , c ott Frank Arthu r Ma , c k J . 00 ug I a s l'l ~ r fi c e Pau l ~I " , q '" i s Augu s ta ~IClri't ' y Ri c h ard A . Ma rk lan d Robert E. I~ ar k ley J o hn S. I~a rku s Do n a I d Ge r a rd Ma r l e r J a mes F. Marl ey Fund Marlow Ch a rle s F . Mar l ow J a mes W. Ma rn i n T . J. Mar o s ek Ch a r l e s F . Marra Mi c h ae l O. Ma r s h J a n e t E . Ma r s h Regin a l d 1 . Ma r shn l I B r e n t G. Ma r sha II Dona I d W. Ma rs ha I I Ron a I d C . Ma r s h a I I St even R. Ma rs h aus Kurt K. Mart e ns Patr i ck A. Ma rt inCa r i D. Ma rt i n Ca ro I e R . Ma rt in Char l e s Martin Ch a r l es R. , Ma r t i n Da n W. Martin Da niel L . Mart i n De nnis C. Ma rt i n G. V i I a s Mart ' n Kent W. Ma r t n Luthe r E. Mart n Ma riet t a Corp Fdn Ma rt n I~a rk A. Ma r t n Mi c ha e l R. I~art n Pat ri ck D. Mart n R i c h a rd L. I~a r t n Robert D. Mart n Robert J . Ma rt n Rober t L. Ma rt n Roy So. Mart n Ted A l a n Mar t n " Te r e n ce N. Ma r t n Wad e A . Mart n g John J . Mart ng Richa r d E . r~ a r x r~ i chae I A . Ma r x Sand r a K. T ur nbough S and r a K . r'la r xe r C l a ude S. Masc h ek T homas J . Mase k J o hn A lb e rt Mas h ek J o hn W. Mas k i II SUe M. Kava n a u g h' ·Su e M. I~a sno r I~a r c I. . ~l a so n De nn i s E. 1·1 a so n Do na I d G. r~ as on Erni e V . t~ as on J . L l oy d Mas o n , John T. I I I Ma so n Rob e rt E. Mas on Ro b e rt W. 1·la ssey Jimmy C . I~ as sot h An i ta J o a n Murray Anita Jo ~n Masso th Douglas Pau l I~as t a I i o Kim I . Ma s t e r so n De nn i s J. Matejc i c Jam es A . Mathe n ia Dav i d R. Mathews Do n a l d J. Mat h ew s Wa l ter A . Math ew s Wi l li am E . Mat h e y , J o h n D. Jr . Ma thur V ire nd a K. Ma to es i a n Dav i d H. Ma t so n Do n D. Ma t t e i Pe ter F . Ma tt es , Ro y J . Jr. Matth es , A l fr e d W. I I Ma tth e s Ha rold D . Matt h ew Mi chael R. Mat th ews Jam es R. Matth ew s Paul A . Ma tthews Roy W. Ma tti n g l y Raymo nd C. Ma t t l age Martin R. Ma tt l age Raymond F. Ma t us t i k Lou i s Mat z , A l exa n d e r H. J r . Ma un e AI I e n R. Ma u r e r Ni l e s F. Maw hor te r R. L . Ma x Ma ry B. Ma x e i n e r Armo n d C . Ma x e iner Carol E l l e n Edwa rds Carol E I l en Ma x ton Ra l ph C . Ma xwe I I Ga r y R. Ma)('We I I, I r a C. Jr .

1·1a y,

C11a r I e s D. Jr . SLQ r es rdn I n c rrl ombs J . Hil Y Wi I I i a m L . Mnycoc k Ba r ry F. Mny er Pa l.ri c i a L . Mayes James E. May fi e ld F r a nk M. Maylath Ro b e rt A. r~ a y s LCI ,- '-y W. r~ ay se Ro b e rt L . Maytng Co Fdn In c' Ma za chek Keit h D . McA l l i ste r Darre l l r~cA II i ster Mi chae l R. Mc A l 1 i ster , Wi II i a m C . III r~cA lpin J. Ga r y McA v oy Sa n d McBe th Josep h D. McBr i de Gregory C . McBr id e Th omas D. McCaff r ey Emi Iy Mu rph y - Em i I Y McC a i n Gl e nn M. McCa 1 I a Ca r 1 R. McCa ll i ste r Lar ry D. McCa l l i s t e r, Odis L . Jr. McCa l l i s t er Te rry D. . Mc Ca my Lawre n c e L. McC ann Chr i s top h e r E . McC ann Lewi s A. McCa rron, Robert L. J r. McC arthy Ba s i I E . Mc Cart hy John M. McC arthy, Robert W. I I McCa rtn e y J i I I A. We st ermaye r Jill A. Mc Ca w Ch a r l e s K . Mc Caw, Do n a l d W. Jr. Mc Caw J a ck McC lanahan Art h ur L. McC l anahan CI i n ton D. McC l ea r y Ro n ni e Ne i I Mcc l e ll a n Mel i ssa Y. r~ cC l e ll a nd , Charle s A. McC I in t i c Ru t h E . McC I in tock Davi d A. Mc C l oud Roger W. McC l ure Dav i d T. r~ cC l ure Loretta McC l ure, Nat l1anie l D . I V I~ cc o I I urn fla r ry T . McCo n ne l I Bobby J. l~ cCon n e ll Wi II i am F . l~ cC orma ck, Ho ward F. J r. Mt Cor mick C. Crai g McC ormi c k Ch a r l es S. McC ormi c k Dav i d W. Mc Co rmi ck Lar r y L . McCormi c k Robe rt S . Mc Coy Char l es J. McC oy Kare n R. r~ c C oy Su s a n Sc hn eider Susa n McCoy Thoma s H. McC r ac k e n Wi I I i am E. l·lcC ra e Robe r t F. McC urd y Be l d i ng H. McC urre n Gr egory T. McDa ni e l Amy S. ' Co th e rn Amy S , McDa ni e l lIu lo n D. Mc Da ni e l , Rob e rt S . Jr. Mc Da n ie l s ' J o hn L. McD e rm o tt A r t h ur R. Mc Do n a l d J am e s E . Mc Do n a l d Jo hn E. Mc Don a l d s Res t au r a n t McDonne l Pa tri ck J. McDo n ne ll Do u g l as Fdn McD o nn e l l She i l a L . Mc Dowe l l Ch a rl es M. McDuff Ch a rl e s ,R . McE niry Ch a r l es M. McF a dden Hu gh W. McF a dden Wi l l i a mJ. McFa " , Ri c h a r d W. Jr. McF i e l d, Ch a r l es B. Jr. McG ath Mich a e l R. McG avock Mi c ha e l W. Mc Gh e e Ve rn o n T. Mc G innis Ro be rt a S . ' Sc ro g g i n s Ro b e rt a S . Mc G l as h a n Ro bert A . McG o ve rn Don a l d R. Mc Govern Wi I I i a m McG owa n Me rr i I y A. Sh aw Merri I y A. McG r a th , Geo rg e M. Jr. McG r a t h J a mes B . Mc ll affie Ge r a l d T . I~ c ll e n r y Howa r d R . r~ c H e nry , S . Da I e Mc Hugh J a mes J . P. Mc i n tosh Do n Les l i e Mc int os h Gr ego r y A. r~ c I n ty r e, J 0 h n F. Jr . Mc i n ty r e Rob e r t C. 1·I ~y

t~ ay

Mc Kay Mc k ay McKea n McKee Mckee

Gerre P. Mi c h ae l B . Mi c h ael W. J ac k B . Jeff r ey W. r~cKp. p. Pau l G. McKee R i c ha r d H. McKelve y Jam es B . McKe l ve y James M. McKe l vey Ra l p h E . McK inley J o hn H . r~c Ki n n i s , Ch a r I e s L . Jr . McKi n z ie J i m McLa u g hl i n, Euge n e J . J r . McLaug hl i n , Fra n k Jr. Mc Ma h an. Jesse T . Mc M i c h ae l Gary P. McMi Il a n Dr ue r y W. Mc M i I l en T. M i c h ae l Mcr~ i nn R it a S . Stockhe cke r R i ta S. Mc Mu ll e n C I i ff o r d C. Mc Murp hy Danny J . Mc Mu rtrey Gera ld D . Mc Na bb J esse E. Mc Nal l y J ohn M ic h a el Mc Na mee Ro n a ld J. Mc Nea I Ph i i i p W. Mc Nee l y Davi d C . McN e l y Warr e n E. Mc Ni c h o l s J ohn R. McRe yno l ds E l me r L . McReyn o l d s Wo ods A . McS padd en A l an W. Mcvey John Jos e ph Mead Techno l og i e s In c Meadow s Roger D. Me a n s Jimmy L. Me a r s A. Dal e Med l ey , Pa u l B. I I Med l ey Ra y mo nd R . Med I in J a me s M. r~ e d lo ck Rex L . Me e nen Art hu r R. Meffor d , Nac-e F . Jr . 1'legeff Seymou r Mehta Deve n dra V. Me h ta J ag di s h M. I~ e h ta Kunj v i h a ri R . I~ehta l~at1e s h H . ~le h ta r~a nyu K. Mehta Nilvn i t C . ~l e i e"r Ha r'v ey W. Me i e r l~ ict1e ll e J ea n Me ie r T h om~s O. ~l e i e r Wi I I i a m J. Mei n ers Ro b ert G. Me i se nh e i me r Ha r o ld D . Mei t z Gregor y S . Me l che r R i chard W. 'Me l i ck Ross A . Me l l ott Robert N. Me l to n , Doug l a s C. J r . Me l to n Joh n R . Mendel l Rob e rt H. Mend e l son Ri t a E. ~l e ndo z a Jos e L . Me n e fe e J a mes H. Me ng Jame s C , Menge I Edmun d L. Menge l Wi II i am K. Me nk e Gregor y V. Me ram e c O i I Co I n c Me rc i e I , J a me s A . Jr. Me r e d i t h V i rgi I E. Me r i x Co rp Merke l Edward F. Merre ll David L . Mer ri II Kev in J . Me rri tt J o hn D. Me r ry La r ry D . Merte n Peter M. Me r te n s Fe rd i n a nd J . Me rt e n s Mi c h ae l L . Me rt I Eug e n e E. Me rw i n J a mes R. Mes k a n A llen W. Me s kan Dav i d A . Mess ina Anth o ny D. Metca lf Ge r a l d L . Met c alf e Th omas Mo r e Me t h e ny, Wi II i a m E. Jr. Me t r op l o s Ha r ry P. Met z, Gi Ib e r t F. Jr . Metz , Ke nn e th L . Jr. Meyer Da l e A. Meye r Da v i d Vin ce n t Meyer Do n a ld I. Meyer He n ry W. Meye r Leo n a rd C. Me y e r 0 rv i I Ie L. Meye r Ro b e rL H . Meyer Robert W. Meyer S t eve n Ch ar l e s Meyer" ord Kat h l een M. Co I v ir, Ka t h I een M. Mi c he l Da ni e l K. M i c l ie I Da v i d J.

Mi c he I

Hi I b e rt F. Joe l K. J osep h E . M id - East Mo Contra cto r s Ass n M i d den , He nry E. III M id den Leo W. Middl e t o n Ann C . M i d dl e ton Do u g las F. ' Mid g l e y Myl es J . M i e h e Wi l l iam K. Mi e s n er Thoma s O. M i kel ion i s Lawrenc e J . M i kkelse n Clark D. r~ i I bu r n Da r re I I E. Mil es J ohn B . Milic h Joseph Mi l lar Kev i n M. Mil l ard F rank S . M i I bu r n Brian G. Mi l e nb r u ck, Me l M.M. I I M i ler Bre t t An d rew Mil e r Ch a r I e s E. Mi l er Ch este r E. Mi l er Darry l Duane Mi l e r Dav idA. Mi l er Denn i s H . Mi ler Eberha rd H. I~ i l e r , Edg a r S. J r. Mi l e r Edwa rd D . Mil e r , F re d J. Jr . Mi l e r Ga r y H. Mi l e r Ha ro I d C. M i l er J a me s E. Mi l e r J a mes R. M i l er Janet B . Mi l e r Ka riD . Mil l e r Ke nne t h D . Mi I rer Le s ter L . Mil I e r Me I ani e G. Nae g er Mel ani e G. M i Il e r Mi c ha e l J. Mi Il e r Pa ul D. r~i Il e r Pa ul H. Mil I e r R. La r y Mi l l er Randy B. Mi Il e r R i char d J . Mi ll e r Ro na l d Ala n Mi I ler Ro n a Id J . Mi I l e r Ro s a I i nd Su e Castl e man Ros a l i nd Sue r~ i I I e r Sa mue I P. Mi Ilman Samuel E . Mil Is , Cha r I e s S . Jr . ' Mil I s Edwa rd L . Mil I s J a me sM . Mil I s Ma r i I yn S. Daum Mari I yn S . Mi l l s Ro"b e rt M. Mil I s Te r ry L . Mi I ne Rob e r t J. Mi l oro , Joseph Jr. Mi I t en b e r ge r J a me s L . Minden Frw n c i s J. Mi n er Ke nn e t h Minera l s fndustr y Ed u c Fd n Min g o Henry J . Mink David W. Mi n ks Al l e n G. Minn e Eri c M. M inn es ota Mi n ing & Mfg Fdn Min o ff J e r ry Mi ntn e r Da v i d C. _ M i nton Robert C . M i odu n ski Rob e rt L. Mi s ch Ga ry Mi ssey Mike M i s si s sipp i Lim e Co Mi ss our i P i lots Ass n Mi tche I I Bru c e S . M i tche I I Ja mes L. M i tchell J i mL. M i t ch e l I Jo hn F. M i tc h e ll J o hn W. Mitc hler Steve n C. Mi tsc h Geo rg e L . Mi tt l er Thom as J. M l y n a r czy k M~ch ae l R. MO Amate ur Go l f As s n Mo Furn i t LI re Mo Pub l i c Se r v i ce Mo Re f rac t o ri es Co In c Mo Soc i e ty of Te l eph o ne Eng Mobay Ch emical Co M'o b i I Fdn I nc Mo d es itt Do n a l d E. I~ oe Ha ro I d G. Moe ll e nb e c k, Alb e rt J . Jr . Moe ll e nhoff Fr ed Moe I I e r Ka r e n Sue Moe l l e r R i c h ard E. Moe l l e rin g Doug l as F . ~loha I I ey Rob e rt P. r~o h r Da v i d P. Mohr John W. Mo i t Da n i e I D. Mok J u n g K. Mo I i to r Edwa rd A . Monday Marv in K. r~ic h e l

I~ictl e l ott i

M SM Al umnu s/ 41

Mon roe Re x Monroe Ronald L. Monsanto Co Monsanto Fund Monsch Henry D. Monte Michael N. Montgomery Donald D. Montgomery Douglas B. Montgomery R. Gi I I Montgomery Randal I R. Montgomery Rebecca S. Erb Rebecca S. Montgomery Thomas S. Montgomery Timothy E. Moody Robert A. Mooney Edward W. Mooney Joseph W. Moore Ben L. Moore Bi II Moore David D. Moore David Glenn Moore Jack W. Moore Kenneth D. Moo re Ki nda I I W. Moore McCormack Resources, Moore R icha rd E. Moore Robert E. Moore Robert Michael Moo re Rona I d T. Moore · Weldon Moore Wi Ibern T. Moran Ernest Moran Michael D. Moran Michael J.R. Moran Robert W. Moreland Mrs Howard B. Morgan George H. Morgan, Grover D. Jr. Morgan Guaranty Trust Co Morgan J. Derald Morgan Joseph E. Morgan f~a rk D. Mo rg a n Wi I I i a m A. Mo r i Thom'a s Mo r r i s J a c k F. Morris James L. Morris John Mo r r isLa r ry D. Morris Orvi I Ie W. Mo r r i s Wi I I i a mi. Morrison Donald J. Morrison Frederick Morton George R. Morton Thiokol Inc Mosby Freddy Lee Mosby JoAnn Mosby Randal I L. Moscoso A Jose A. Mosemiller Alfred D. Moser Steven Anthony Moses WilliamJ. Mosher Ronald A. Mosley Forrest C. Moss Edwa rd A. Moss Kenneth E. Moss Robert D. Moss Robert T. Moss Winston C. Mothershead, John L. Jr. Motherwell Jonathan T. Motorola Fdn Motorola Inc Mouser Gerald F. Moy H9 rry Moy Hong S. Moyer, Joseph D. Jr. Moye rs Ge ra IdE. Mroch Alan B. MSM-UMR Alumni Assn MTI Corp Mudd Daniel T. Mudd John T. Mudd Michael Lee Muehring John E. Mueller Andrew P. Mue I Ie r Ca r I J. Mueller Catherine R. Mue.ller Charles R. Muel er David L. Muel er David Scott Muel er Donald W. Mue I e r Edwa rd E. Muel er Gary D. Muel er George E. Muel er George H. Muel er Glenn E. Muel er Joseph L. Muel er Kent W. Mue I e r La r ry E. Muel er Richard D. Muel er, Wendel in H. III Muench, Carl J. Jr. Mugan John W. Muir Clifford D. Mu i r James A. Mulholland, John E. Jr. Mulholland, Kent Jr .

• 2/ MSM



Mulla Ily Dist Co Inc Mullen Daniel F. Mullen James G. Mull e n- L.E .. Mul len Michael J . Muller Marga r et f~ulligan, James A. III Mulligan John J. Mulyca Walter C. Munger Pau I R. Mung Ie Bu r lin D. Muniz Raymond J. Munn Dale A. Munoz Josep'h H. Muns Bennett L. Munson William P. Muret Carolyn Louise Murphy Emi Iy McCaffrey Emi Iy Murphy Glenn G. Murphy James M. Murphy Joseph H. Murphy Larry L. Murphy Oi IUS A Inc Murphy Raymond E. Murphy Robert J. Murphy Wi II iam L. Murr James Murray Anita Joan Massoth Ani.ta Joan Murray Bruce David f1urray Cha rl es J. Murray Hugh D. Murray, Hugh V. ' III Murray Michael L. Murry Mi Iton J. Murry Mi Iton J. Muser Stephen J. Mushovic Nicholas Mushovic Peter Musson George H. Muzumdar Aravind S. Mye rs, Cha r I esT. I I I Myers Donald D. Myers Harold E. Myers Howard W. Myers Jimmie B. Myers Robert E. Myric·k, Charles R. III Myslinski' FrankJ.

N Nadler Leroy R. Naeger Dennis P. Naeger Melanie G. Mi I ler Melanie G. Naeger Rouert J. Nagel Terry L. Naiknimbafkar Narendra M. Na iyer Shafique Nalco Chemical Co Nance TerryJ. Nandico, Paul E. Jr .. Nanney Larry J. Napol i David L. Napp Gordon E. NASA Nash Dona.ld E. Nash Lee A. Nash Martin Mark Nash Robert Naslund Charles D. Nat'l Act Counci I-Minorities Nat'l Disti Ilers & Chem Corp Na t' I Gypsum Co Nat'l Pa int & Coatings Assn Nat'l Semiconductor Corp Na t' I Sta rch & Chem i ca I Co rp Nations George O. Na t i v Ab ra ha m Natural Gas Pipel ine Co of Am Nau EI izabeth Nauert, Pau I J. Jr. Nauman Theodore John NCR Fdn Nea I Kenneth R. Ne alon John Stephen Nebbitt E. Bruce Nebel Thomas C. Needham Wi II iam R. Nehe r Le I and D. Nekorchuk Russell L. Neld e n Jam~s W. Nelson Courtney G. Nelson David A. Nelson Donald R. Nelson Nicola A. Nelson Robert W. Ne lson Steve n F. Ne lson Willi a m B. Ne lson Wi II i a m F. N" cter David E. Neubert Ralph L.

Ne umann Jame s P. Neumann Nicolnus P. Neumeier Lea nd e r A. Neumeyer Donald G. Neustaedter James A. Neustaedter Robert H. Neustaedter Wi II iam E. Neutzl ing Gary M. Nevins, Marvin E. Jr. New England Electric New York Life Fdn Newby Arnold S. Newl in Phi I ip B. Newman CI inton V. Newman Wi II iam B. Newmont Mining Corp Newton, Frederick L. Jr. Newton Wi II iam M. Ne xus Dating Service Ney There s a Ann Nguyen Kho H. Nguyen Tri X . Nichols CI ifford L. Nichols D.L. Nichols Elwood B. Nichols John W. N i c ke I E I me r J. Nickel Melvin E. Nickless Arthur L. Nicola Nick S. Niedermeyer, O. David Jr. Niedl ing Ivan M. Niehaus Robert L. Niehoff Michael E. Nielsen Bradley A. Nielsen Darrel I M. Nielsen Kurt S. Nieman Ro.g er P. N,iemann David W. Niemeyer James~. Niemeyer William G. Niemira James Kevin Nierdieck Melvin E. Niesen Ri'chard E. Niess Carolyn L. Niewald Paul Walter Ni g ro Wi I I i am R. Nigus Steven G. Nix William J. NL Industries Fdn Inc Noblot Michael E. Noggle Thomas G. Nohren Patrick Nolan John B. Nolan Lawrence E. Noland Joseph R. Noland Lesl ie A. Nolde, George T. Jr ~ No I fo And rew P. No I fo Lou i s J. No,l·te Cu r t i s E. Nolte John M. No I te Wi I I i am J. Noltensmeyer Mrs Paul Noranda Aluminum Inc Norman Amos Norman, Charles W. Jr. Norris Clay A. North American Coal Fdn North American Philips Corp North John E. North Michael A. North Robert A. Northcraft Jeffre~ S. Northcutt Donald R. Northcutt Maurice L. Northeast Utilities Northern III inois Gas Norton Douglas C. Norton Ma rion J. Novak Ju s tine F. Novak Robert M. Novotnak Frank Nugent John C. Null Paul E. Nunez Howa rd W. Nunnally Edwin C. Nunnally Robert C. Nussbaum Richard A.

o Oberbeck William F. Oberdick R. Kevin Oberly Lou is A. Obermann David F. Obermann Stacy S. Sakoulas Stacy S. Obe rmark James R. Ob c rschelp Wi II iam F. O'Brien James P. 0' Bryant, James E. I I Oc c idental Petroleum Corp

Oc tlo a Ju a n G. Och s Calvin M. O' Conn e ll Jul ie A. O' Co nnor Da vid M. O'Da niel I Mi c hae l W. O'Dear Craig S. Od e ndahl Jame s P. Odom James T. Oetting Anne Marie Oe tting Micha e l R. Oetting Rob e rt B. 0' Fa r re I I Thoma s P. Offutt, Joseph C. I I I Ogden Kathryn E. Payne Kathryn E. Ogle H. Richard Ogle Ramona K. Cummings Ramona K. O'Grady Mary A. Garrett Mary A. Ohms Edward J. O'Keefe Thomas J. Okenfuss Richard H. O'Kraski Stanley L. Olcott Eugene L. Old Ben Coal Corp Oldenburg Ted J . Oldham Douglas G. Oldham, Harrod A. I I I Oldham Steven C. Oldham Wi II iam R. 01 ig s chlaeger David 01 in Corp Charitable Trust 01 iphant Edgar 01 i ve r Da n i elL. o live r La r ry J. 01 iver Pamela S. Ollech John A. Olle~, Russell I. Jr. 01 sen John K. Olsen Oscar M. Olsen Richard G. Olsen Steven Paul Olsen William B. Olson Ethel M. o I son John P. Olson Stephen A. Ombalski, Stephen Jr. O'Mealy Patrick R. Omega Delta Gamma Chapter Ommen Rebecca Elaine Omohundro Wayne E. Omurtag Janet Ona Ledfo r d Estate O'Nei I Edwin E. O'Nei II. 'John J. Jr. O'Nei II Lawrence F. Onstott L a rry L. Opfer Frank M. Orcutt ' Dona Id R. Ordemann Robert G. 0' Re i I IY Thoma s P. o re I I a Ga ry J. Orlofsky Seymour Orrison Gerald K. Ortbals Jerome J. Ortwerth Craig N. Osbourne Claude J. Osick Glenn L. Oster Kenneth B. Ostermann Norman P. Ostertag Virginia Osterwa Id Herbert R. Ostmann Donald A. Oswald David Leon O'Tain John Ot to Robe rt L. Otto Samuel D. Ottol ine Gary D. Ove ra I I Dona I d N. Ove r a I I Wi I son W. Overmyer Lance A. Overturf Richard D. Owens Gary S. Owens Robert E. Owens Rosemary F. Rois Rosemary r. Owens Thomas J. owens-Corning fiberglas Corp Owens-III inois Inc Ownby P. Dilrrell ow s ley David V. oYc nhandler Louis 0 / I ey Ray T. Ozawa Jack K. () " lJrkiewicz Ralph L.

p PH " " Lynn Dee _ f' a (; () George M. Pa ce Randy C. Pa clll ho r e r Pet e r M.

Packay I r:g Educa t ion Fdn Inc Packllei5(! r Elmer D. Packwood Dona I d L. Pad~n ,J() hn W. Pad~etL Do nald L . Pagan Jo lin C. Pa gan Ro nald C. Pa gano Snlvatore J. Page J . Aoyd Pagel He r'bert E. Robert H. Pah I Pa inter John L. Palovchik Joseph M. , Pandey Shashi K. Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Co Panhorst , - Albert C. Jr. Pannone David L. Pannone Gregory ,M. Pao Jenn-Hwa Pape Earl E. Pappas James M. Paredes Alan M. Pa ria n i Ga ry J. Parish Gerald A. Park Dean A. Park Jack F. Park John Harris Pa rk Ke i th Park Robert B. Park Wi II iam R. Parker Dennis R. Parker James W. Parker John M. Parker Mrs H.L. Parker R.C. Parker-Hannifin Fdn ParKes Roger D. Parkhi I I Rebecca J. Dye Rebecca J. Parkhi II Stuart T. Parkhurst Arl is B. Parkinson Larry L. Parks Donna Kay Parks Fred B . Pa rks John W. Parks R. Anthony Parr Richard A. Parrish David D. Parrish Duane L. Parrish Tammie Lynn Buschl ing Tammie Lynn Pa rson s Edwa rd W. Parsons Jerry D. Partridge Ralph M. Pa schke A I I en J. Pasek Theodore D. PaSley James L. Pate Henry A. Patel Maganlal L. Patel !la'tilal S. Patrick Wesley C. Pa't ten Rob e rt I. • Patterson ' Gli ry K. Pa t te rS9n J . Robe rt Patterson, 'J . Scott Jr. Patterson James M. Patter s on ' L. A. Patterson Thomas O. Patterson Tom Paul _MurrayJ. Paul Richard R. Paulsell , Wi II iam G. Pavelka Charlotte S . Pavelka Cynthia F. Pavlidis Christos Paw los k i Be rna rd L.

Pa xt on Ann M. Payne James D. Payne Ka th ryn E. Ogden Ka thryn E . Payne Susan V. Fulton Susan V. Pay so r Richard A . Pe a body Coal Co Peacock Charl es King Peacock David N. Pearce Janet Kay Pease Denn i s C. Peavler Charles R. Peav l e r Robert D. Peccola Allan Kent Pecco la Arn e I Pedersen Constance Pederson Paul E. Peetz Bryan Dal e Peetz Eug e n e J. Peick Patricia A. Pe I ton Wendy Pe,nce Mrs Ha rry Pender Pau I S . Pender Stephen N. Pend'e rgrass Dennie L. Penning Martin O. Pennington Robert J . Penn s trom WilliamJ. Pennsylvania Power & Light Co Penzel C . Gene Penzel George A . Peppers Robert E. PepsiCo Fdn Peresztegy Lajos B. Perez, Charles E. Jr . Perez W. Marie ,Pericich Joseph T. Pe r i I loRena I d Perkins Gary G. Perkins Gregory S. Perkins Ira L. • Perkins James B . Perkins Joseph L . Perkins Michael A. Perkins Terry E. Pe rko Robe rt A,. Pe r ry Da v i d L . Perry E. l. Roy Perry Michael M. Pe r ry No r r i s W. Perry Richard Perry Robert C. Perry Russel I E. Perryman, George I. Jr. Pe rryman, Joseph E. Jr. ' Perrymore Loyd G. Persson F. Michael Pertici Andrew L. Pesante Jose ,Pet Inc Peterman Charles L . Petermann Ernie ' W. Peters Donald G. Peters Michael John P,eters Richard E. Peters, Wi Ibur A . II Petersen David P. Peterson Donald L . Peterson Forest R. Peterson Henry N. Peterson Jay A. Peterson Jeffrey A. Peterson , Jerry 5. Petro-Lewis Corp Petrofsky Robert

1985 Rollamo '

Petry Thoma s M. Pettijohn B r a dley Alan Peveler ~e nn e th E. Pewitt BionD. Pezza Anth o ny D. Pfeifer He rm a n J. Pfe i f fer Dav id C. Pfeiffer Douglas L. Pfeiffer Walter C. Pfeuffer Ronald R. Pf i r I.nc Pfost Donald Bro ck Ph eg I ey '.I i I I i am T. Ph e lps Co-City Panhellenic Ph e lp s Richard W . PHH Fou ndation Inc Philipp Christopher Phi I I ips Bruce George Phi II ip s, Harve y I. Jr. Phi I I ips Kevin D. Ph i I lip s Ma be IE.


Phil I ips Petroleum Co Ph i l I ips Petroleum Fdn Inc Phi I I ips Robert M. Phil I ips Ronald L. Phill ips Thomas E. Phipps John O. Picker Melvin L. Pierce Donald Z. Pierce James R. Pierce Maurice C. Pierce Maurice R. Pierce Thomas R. Pierson David R. Pierson Ossean E. p'etsch Earl Petsch Marion P I I isch Herbert P . P ne s Howa rd P nes Steven P ngel Marvin E. Vernon J . P ngel P ppenger Jackie G. P rkle Charles Lee Plros Ronald A. Pisacane Louis A, Piskul ic Matthew V. Pitt Da Ie M. Pittman Larry P. Plag Fred A . PI anje Geo rge Planje Mrs Theodore Pleasant Linda J. Tevl in Linda J. Pleis Jackie K. Eiffert Jackie K. Pletz Robert C. Ploeger Richard A. Plo,esser Alan P. ' PI umme r, Thoma s 'P. Jr . Plyler Glenn B. Plyler ' Laura Anne S i I kwood La u ra Anne Poe David H. Poe, Ea r I , J. I I I Poe I sado re Poese , Lester E. Pogue Jerry G. Pohl Robert A. Pohlman bavid S. Pohlman Rick C. Pohl 'mann Edgar F. Pokrefke , Thoma s J . Jr. Polakowski David R. Polette Paula J. , Paula J. MacMann Polich, VictorJ. Jr. Po I i nsky Steve n E. Pol iquin ' Thom as E. Pol itteEri c Glynn Po I I a c k , Le s lie A. Pollak John A. Po I I a rd Cha r I e s E. Po I I a rd J e an Ma r i e Pom e roy , Che s ter M. Pomeroy Frank N. Pon z er Henry L. Pon ze r Ro II a nd J. Pool Jo hn M. Poor Ho me r L . Pop e ck Ch a rl es A. Popp e Steve n J a me s Poppit z Re inh o l d A. ' Parle r Cl ay ton G. Porter Es hm a l L . Porter Su sa n Le an n e Robbins Su sa n Le anne Po r te r Ted E. Portnoff Ne i I S . Po sch e I Eug e n e J . Po se y J a ck W. Post Jolin R. Post Samu e I S . Post St e v e n W. Postigl ione Michael Potter C.J. Potter at i s L.

Potter Vernon C. Pottha s t Susan H. Casa I eg g i Susan H. Po tt ing ar, Hardy J. III Pottinger Jan M. Poush Kenneth A. Powe I I Cha r I e s E. Powe I I Doy I e W. Joe R. Powe I I Powe I I Lumbe r Co Powe ll Richard F. Powel I Winifr e d W. Power Al co hol . Inc Powe r '.I i I I'i a m R. Da nny K. Powe rs PPG I ndu st r i es Prachakvej Suppamas Prac ht Herman W. Prager Martin Prange Mrs Herbert L. Prashar Kanwal D. Prat er John B . Pra ter 'Nick L. Prater, Ra y mond B. Jr. Pratt Michael L. Praznik Gregory E. Prehm Wi II iam L . Preis Betty Preiss Robert K. Presley John R. Pre s I ey, Wi I I i am H. Jr. Pressler David wayne Preuss Ma rt i n Edwa rd P rew itt Ne i I D. Da v idE. P rice Price G. Lynn Price Peter T. Price Sean E. Price Waterhouse Fdn Price Wi II i' am J. Pri riket t Lloyd C. Prideau x Henry Priest John E. Primm Alex T. Procter & Gamble (Cincinnati) Procton Albert W. Proctor Donald E. Proctor, Frank E. Jr. Proctor Mi les W. Prof Food Service Mgmt Prothero Rona I'd P. Prough Richard G. Prouty Chi Iton E. Prouty David A. Province, E. Edward Jr. Publ ic Service Co Of Colorado Puettmann Dav~d R. P,uetz Lynne E. Puet z Wi II iam M. Puffett Bettijeanne M. Birch Bettijeanne M. Pugh James E. Pugsl ,ey W.A. Puhl Joseph Albert Puhl Lisa 'Joan Reed Lisa Joan Pulford Wi I I iam M. Pu I I ey Bob J. Pundmann Joel A. Puntney Albert W. Purs,ley Terry C. Putnam Mitchel I D. Pyatt James H. Py l e E I me r G.

Q Qu&d County Pest Control Quaker Oats Fdn Quatra ro Wi I I i am Qu e athem Robert L. Qu e non Rob e rt H. Qu i ck Edgar A. Quick Joh n R. Qui nn Dary l C. Quinn J osep h S. Qu inn, Mat h ew J . Jr . Quinn Mi c h ae l J. Quin n Pat ri ck D.

R Ra b adu ex, J a me s E. Jr. Ra b e r Ri c h a rd F. Ra by Dav id L. Rac h e l s Da rre ll J. Ra ck e r s De nnis S. Kev in D. Ra ck l ey Ra dder Norman C. Pau l a D. Ra dd e r Graves Paula D.

MSM Alumnus / 43

Radentz Donald E. A. Raffel Ted C. Rag ha van Srinivasa H.R. Ra i Sir i Ram Raidt Cathy Jane Baker Cat hy Jane Raines Ro nald L. Ra ins Rona Id D. Ra i t he I J a me sF . Rakaskas Jo s eph E. Rakestraw Robby Ray Raley John M. Ralph M Parsons Co Ra l ston Purina Co Ramamurthy S. Ramberg Jeffrey R. Rambow Frederick Ramey RO'y R. Ramsey Chri sto pher Ramsey Ge org e H. Ranard Wesley J . Rand Wi liard C. Rafl da I I Harvey G. Randolph Robert Kirk Rando I ph ' Robert W. Ra ney Edwa rd M. Rao Yalamanchi I i Rapp Gary A. Rapp Michael Scott Rapp Randy R: Rapp Robert Craig Rasch ' David R. Rasche John F. Rasmussen ' Kermit N. Rasmussen Rene K. Rasor John P. Rassinier Edgar A. Ratcl iff John J . Rath John A. Rathburn Vinton L. Ratkowsk i, Vi cto r E. Jr. Ratl iff John L. Rau Bruce W. Rau James T. Rauls Gary L. Ra uz i Thoma s J. Ray Charles T. Ray Earl D. Ray He rman A. Ray James A. Ray Robe rt L. Ray Susan J. Raymer Gordon E. Raymer Kathryn S. Raytheon Co RCA Corp Rea Wi I I i am R. Reader Donald Ernest Reading & Bates Dri I I ing Co Reading Stephen H. Reager Bert Ream Kevin Kerone Rechtien Thomas J. Rector Michael R. Rector Stephen W. Redding James A. Reddy Nal lapu N. Redford, Joseph E. Sr. Redington Edward A. Redington Stephen L. Redl ine Richard H. Reece Carleen Lamae Reed Barry Lynn Reed Cra ig W. Reed Danny A. Reed David E. Reed Ernest Reed Ha rvey Reed Jeanette Reed Joan S. Davis Joan S. Reed John F. Reed Kem Robe rt Reed Lisa Joan Puh I U sa Joan Reed Pamela H. Wurtzler Pamela H. Reed Po I I Y A. Hendren PollyA . Reed Rebecca S. Reed Robe rt L. Reeg 'Richard L. Ree I Da na V. Rees Mark Edwa rd Reese Bartley L. Reese Construction Co Reeves Erne s t J . Regenhardt Edward T. Rehagen Ga ry J. Rehkop Lon E. Rehkop Thomas G. Rehm Jeffrey C. Reichert Carl T. Reichert Joseph F. Reid Allen J . Re i d B i I I H. Reid Jack A.

44/ MSM


1985 Rollamo

Rei Il y , John G. Jr. Reinbold Rol land Re i ne rs Jim Reinhard Donna R. Hawk Donna R. Reinhard Kevin John Reinhart 60uglas J. Reinheimer Charles J. Reinkensmeyer Norman ' W. Reinsch, Lawrence J. Jr. Reisen Ke nneth E. Reiss, John Jr , Reiss Joseph J. Reiter Janet L. Loesch 'Janet L. Relja Lydia Lynne Bond Lydia Lynne Remington Agn e s Remington, Ch a rles R. Jr . Remmers Eo' Pau I Remmers Walter E. Rencehausen Gerald P. Renick, Murray Jr. Renick Thomas Jerome Renne Mark Joseph Renner Linus J. Reser Donald E. Rethmeyer, James W. Jr. Rethmeyer Stephen J. Retzel Arthur W. Reuck Aaron M. Reul ing Donald O. Reuss Lloyd E. Reyburn Michael K. Reynolds Arnold G. Reynolds Joe B. Reynolds Joseph C. Reynolds Martin K. Reynolds Maurice M. Reynolds Metals Co Fdn Rhea Cha r I e s J . Rhine, George I. Jr. Rhoades Robert P. Rhoad s Randal I L. Rhodes A. E. Rhodes Richard G. Rice D. Pau l Rice David A. Rice John L. Rice Ma rgy A. Beckmeyer Margy A. Ric h J e r ry L. Rich Larry M. Richards Howard Ric hards Jon Anthony Richards Lynd a L. Richards Turn er W. Richardson David N. Richardson Thomas L. Richardson-Vicks Inc Richter Mich ae l G. Rickard, Don a ld Edward Jr. Ricono Marion P. Ridd e ll John R. Riddle John H. Rid I ey Robe rt P. · Riechers Kev in Leroy Rie c hmann Gary Rieder Robert J. Riege Lynn J. Riegel Richard J . Rieke Vernon W. Ries Frank W. Rieser Catherine M. Rig g s, J a me sM. Jr.

Riggs J o hn R. Riggs Ro bert A. Riggs W. Robert Ri l ey James A. Riley John D. Ri l e y Kat h leen Do l a n Kat h leen Ri l ey Kenn e t h G. Ri ley Michael W. Ri l ey Terence M. Rimm e y J a net M. King Janet M. Riney Suzanne Marie Cooper ' Su z a nn e Marie Ringhausen Roger J. Rinkenbaugh Floyd Rinker Greg C. Rinne Robert A. Rinne Steven P. Rintoul Richard O. Risbeck John S. Risner James L. Risser V. Ver non Rival Mfg Co Ri vers Steven Paul Rives James C. Rizer Gene C. Roach Ke nn et h C. Ro ac h Louise Roach Mary L. C I a rk r~a ry L. Ro ac h Robert C. Roach Wa rr e n D. Roam John H,. Roarig Wi'lbert A. Roa rk B i I I R. Robb David R. Robb Richard F. Robbins Clay Robbins Douglas A. Robbins Irvin D. Robbins Susan Leanne Po rte r Su sa n Lea nne Robel Michael C. Rober Dona Id L. Roberts Carl J. Roberts Craig G. Roberts Gerald A. Roberts J . Kent Roberts James F. Roberts James M. Roberts Loy D. Roberts Omer H. Roberts S. Kent Roberts Teresa L. Roberts Winona C. Robertson David G.C. Robertson Ronald S. Robertson Stephen L. Robertson Wi II iam G. Robinson Ann Rob i nson Forrest G. Robinson Gordon D. Robinson Guy M. Robinson J. Kent Robinson Marquis B. Robison James B. Roc kwe ll Inti Corp Trust Rocky Mountain Energy Rocoberto Michael Rodebush Jame s R. Rodgers Edward W. Rodman Wi Ifred K. Rodolph, Carl P. Jr. Roe Lawrence A. Roemerman Richard J. Roenfeldt Mark A. Roes, Theodore A. III Roesch Michael T. Roes le r Ralph R. Roess Douglas A. Roe sse r Robert J. Rogers Forrest W. Roger s Frank B. Rogers Raymond H. Rogers Wi II iam L. Rohloff EI izabeth W. Rohm & Haas Co Ro i s Ro se ma.ry F. Owens 'Rosema ry F. Rokhsaz Kamran Roley Rolf W. Rolf Robert Carl Rolla 'Area Mu s ic Teach e rs ASSFl Rolla Community Concert Assn Ro I I a Geotechn i ca I Con s Inc Rolla Monume nt Co Rolla Standard Se r Ro I I e r Pe r r i n R. Rol I ings Rober t R. Rol I ins Katherine A. Sitton Katherine A. ROLM Corp Roloff Don V. Romberg James M. Romine Barry R. Romine Edward C. Rommelmann David W.

Ronc hetto Gene C. Ron e y Kevi n Patrick Ron zo Robe rt J. Rood Mark D. Rooney Michael J. Roop Timothy Roo s man Wi II iam B. Root Robert L. Rora baugh James I. Ra schke Wa I Le r Ro se Co li n G. Ro se Robert T. Ro se krans Norman- A. Ro s emann Michael E. Ro s enau e r J. M. Ro s enbaum William G. Rosener Wi II ia m 'J. Ro s ner Harold Ro s s Anthony O. Ross Charles (. Ro s s Char les J . Ro s s Gl enn R. I~ o s s Ha rvey D. Ros s Le na rd fl. Ro s s Michael W. Ross Paul F. Ross Richard G. Ro s s Terry K. Rosser Lewis E. Roth Donald J. Roth Lester C. Roth Steve n Paul Roth Thomas A. Roth T irnothy L. Rothband Pau I B. Rothermich Derr i II J. Rothermich Richard A. Rothermich Thomas N. Rothery r~ a ry Frances Ro thmeye r' Co rp Rotrame I D. W. Rotramel .John D. Rou se Fnlrlk C. Roush Philip S. Roussin Robert W. Routburg MichaeJ S. Rowan Jarrles M. Rowe Ronny L. Rowley Kermit G. Roy Daniel C. Roy Edwa rd A. Rubio Rpberto M. Rude Owen D. Ruder Joseph A. Rudert Kenneth E. Rud i sa i Ie Ha ro I d J. Rueff Edward L. Rueh Kenneth W. Ruengert Martin R. Ruenheck Raymond T. Ruester David E. Ruester John T. ) Rueter Ric.h ard E. Ruether Steve A. Ruhl ing Gary A. Ruhlm a n WilliamA . Ruhmann Brian Ruiz Nora A. Barr Nora A. Rum sey , Donald A. Runcik Mrs Karel Runder Raymond H. Runge Ma rk E. Runvik Richard C. Runyan James R. Rupert Betty Rupert Gerald B. Rusch Nei I R. Rush Steven D. Rushing All e n J . Rushton Wi II iam E. Russel I Clarence J. Russel I Jos e ph Kensey Russell Robert Bruce Russo Matt hew J. Russom Todd Eugene Rlistige Gregory J. Rustine Wayne Rutledge Wi II iam A . Rlittinger Anthony J. RuW'We John W. Ryan Beth A. Ryan Ma rk E. Ryan Robert J . Ryan Thoma s C. Rydzak Kim E. Fleddermann Kim E. Rynski Joseph S. Rytter Noel J.



s Sackewi t z ' Rob e rt A. Sacks Raymond J. Sadowski ' John M. Safron Jgseph A. Sag e r ' David A. Sagramoso Daniel E. St Denis Dolores M. St John lesl ie l. Sainz Joseph Sakoulas Stacy S. Obermann Stacy S. Sallas John J. Sa Ilee Randy Wi II iam Sa Ilwasser Steven V. Salmon Jerry R. Sa lof George A. Sammelmann Gary S. ' Sammet Dennis M. Sample Sarah S. Edwa rds Sa rah S. Sample Wi II iam G. Sampson, Rodney J. I I Samrad Ardesh i r Sandbothe l. Scott Sandefur Robert l. Sandella Michael S. Sander Ga ry W. Sander Joseph W. Sanders Cloice R. Sanders Eugene F. Sanders Keith M. Sanders Marion S. Sanders Roger D. Sanders(Stevens) Dee A. Sanders6n Jerome B. Sandhaus timer H. Sandhaus Henry W. Sanocki Peter W.r.. Santa Fe International Corp 'Santa Fe Southern Pac i fic Fdn Saporita Vincent J. Sapp, James W. Jr. Sapp Paul W. Sappington Gayle l. Sappington J anet Sarchet Melanie A. Koewing Me lanie A. Sauceman Gregory P. Sauer Beverly Jane Drury Beverly Jane Sa ue r Ca r I Sauer, Harry J. III . Sauer, Harry J. Jr. Sauer Peter W. Sauer Robert Mark Sa unde rs Ca ro I Saunders David Ralph Saunders Wa Ilace R. Sawyer Randa I I l. Saxer Robert M. Saxon David L. ' Scales Stanley R. Scandura, Philip A. Jr. Scanlon Robert J. Schache r Suza nne L. Schade Stephen S. Schaefer, Dona Id B. Jr. Schaefer James V. Schaefer Melvin G. Schaefer Michael E. Schaefer Orvi lie l. Schaefer, Robert K. Jr. Schaefer Robert l. Schaefer Rodney A. Schaefer Seth C. Schaeffer Michael J. Schaeffer, Wi liard A. III Schaefferkoetter larry , Schaefferkoetter louis Schafer Robert P. Schafermeyer Richard G. Schaffner Valerie l. Schalk Ronald l. Schaller Bruce J. Schamel Mrs Walter Johnson Mrs Walter Schamel, Walter S. III Schankman Mark S. Scharf David R. Scha rf Fred Scharf Joel S. Scheer Samue I A. Scheibal Jeffrey R. Sche i be I la rry l. Sche i be I Thoma'S E. Scheiter Gene l. Schel lch Andrew C. Schel ich Ardel I J. Schenk Richard W. Scherer Kenneth Pau I Scherrer Pau I K. Schicker James Ralph Schiene Quentin J.

Schierm ~ ier Jchn J . Schi II ing Dan l. Schi II ing John R. Sch i I I i nge r Da Ie J. SCll i I I i nge r Geo rge R. Sc hindler Ge orge A. Sc hirber CorneliaA. Hec ke r Cornel ia A. Schlaf Thoma s F. Schlarman David E. Schlauch Wa lter F. Schlemper leon I. Schlett Paul E. Schl itt Randall J. Schloman Alan H. Schlueter Daniel M. Schlueter Steven E. Schlumberger Fdh Schlutow Robert H. Schmedake Robert E. Schme I ze I Rando I ph W. Schmerbauch Karl J. Schmidt Daniel R. Schmidt Donald G. Schmidt, E. Robert Jr. Schmidt Harold A. Schmidt Harold L. Schmidt lonnie D. Schmidt Michael E. Schmidt Michael G ~ Schmidt Ralph E. Schmidt Richard l. Schmidt Robert F. Schmidt Robert l. Sch~idt Robert N. Schmidt Thomas E. Schmidt Vernon E. Schm'i d t wayne Schmitt David W. Schmitt James C. Schmitt Joseph B. Schmitt Kathy lynn Schmitt Randal I J. Schmittou Clay J. Schmitz James F. Schm i tz 'John F. Schmitz Joseph K. Schmoldt Han s l. Schmoldt Mrs Jimmie Schneeberger Fred C. Schneider 'Charles S. Schneider James C. Schneider ' James R. Schneider Mi c hael A. Schneider Norman F. Schneider Robert M. Schneider Robert W. Schneider Susan McCoy Susan Schneider Thomas P. Schnel I Robert J. ' Schnettgoecke Cary Schnettgoecke lambert G. Schnieders John P. Schnitzer Shirley Schnoebelen, Paul C. III Schnurbusch larry J. Schnyder, Herbert J. Jr. Schoen James Lee SChoeneberg Kenneth W. Schoenecker John l. Schoenecker Timothy Schoenefeld, Karl F. III Schoenky H. ParQel I Schoenthaler Robert

1985 Rollamo

Scho e p Ge rald M. Scholl Catherine M. Kuhn Catherine M. Sc holl e William A. Scholtzhau e r 'Wesley Schol z Arthur E. Sc hoonov e r Donovan K. Schork John E. Schowalter Kenneth A. Schowalter Ralph E. Schowengerdt Robert A. Schrader Robert H. Schramm Wi II iam W. Schroeder Joseph R. Schroeder Mari Iyn L. Schroer James 'B. Schr'oer Wi I bert F. Schlick William J. Schucker Gera Id D. Schuermeyer John B. Schuessler Richard B. Schuette Louis H. Sc;huetz Randa I I G. SchUler David P. Schuler, Leonard L. Jr. Schulte Dennis W. Schulte Gerard B. Schumacher Carl R. Schuma che r Ca ro line Schumaker Paul Schuman Alma M. Schuman Austin E. Schuman Charles W. Schumann Lloyd C. Schwab Lawrence R. Schwager John L. Schwager Sally S. Schwalbe Gerald V. Schwalbert Wi I I iam H. ' Schwanke CarlO. Schwartz Andrew J. Schwa rtz' Ga ry W. Schwartz George K. Schwartz John A. Schwartz Scott Morgan Schwartzburt AI len H. Schwarz Arthur S. Schweer Jeffery A. , Schweiss Motor Co Inc ' Schwe i tze r Robe rt E. Schwen t Da leGe ra rd SCiubba, Consalvo Jr. Scofield Gene l. Scoggins Jerry L. Scott Daniel E. Scott Harold H. Scott Ha rry S. Scott James J. Scott ,Jul ius N. Scott Kenneth R. Scott Lana J. Bray lana J. Scott Larry L. Scott La rry W. Scott Paper Co Fdn Scrivner 'J. Roger Scroggins Roberta S. McGinnis Roberta S . Scrutchfield Donald H. Seabaugh Allen W. Seaman Robert L. Searcy Kenneth P. Sears Thomas J. Seaton Richard M. Seay Willi~m Sebastian wi II iam D. Seel ig, Albert F. Jr. Segelhorst Alfred E. Sehl, Eugene Jr. Seibold Joseph M. Seifried Richard W. Seipel, John R. Jr. Seiwald James B. Se I leGe ra I dO. Se I Ie rs Ga ry B. Sellers-Se x ton Inc Senior George L. Senne J i I IE. Giesick Jill E. Senne John E. Senne Joseph H. Seppelt Mark E. Serafini E. Max Serniak Steven G. Servais J udith K. Kissl inger Judith K. Settgas Robert C. Settle Jr Benjamin Seval I George W. Severson Marshall l. Severtson Vernon S. Sevick Joseph G. Sevier Jean D. Sewel I Steven l. Sewe s te r Edwa rd Ge ra rd Seydler Frank K. Sfreddo Humbert E. Sha ckleford Evan B.

! .j Sha de Victoria C. Shadl e y James Kevin Sh a efer Raymond T. Shafer Sam Silaffer Ga ry W. Sll a ffe r James W. Sha h Ashok C. Sha h Dinesh K. Sha t, Ramesh C. ShaltOn lonnie J. Sha nes Charles W. Shane s Marion A. Sh a nf e ld Irvin E. Shank Earl M. Shanker Melvin Shanker Stanford D. Shankl in Gary E. ShapirQ Doran Sha pi ro Yoe lit H. Hiebert Yoel it H. Sharkawi Sami r Omar Sharp Everett W. Sha rp Ke i th Sharp luther D. Sharp Richard E. Shaw David W. Shaw Merri Iy A. McGowan Merrily A. Shaw Nancy H. Hoffman Nancy H. Shaw William H. Shcolnik David H. Shea James M. Sheahen David J. Shearer Andrew C. Shearson Lehman/Amer Express Sheehan Howard Mi les Shelby, James E. Jr. Shelby James Wayne Shelden J. Barry Shelden Kathleen A. Di I I Kathleen A. Sheldon John S. Shel I Companies Fdn Inc She I I 0 i I Co Sheller-Globe Corp Shelton Gerald C. Shen Kuo-S'he in Shepha rd I GA Shepherd Charles A. Shepherd Loren G. Sheppa rd Cha r I es A. Sheppard Keith D. Sherman Andrea E. Sherre I I Diane C. Hasselplug Diane C . Sherrick Harold D. Sherrick Sherman W. Sherrill DonaldA. SheNin Wi II iams Fdn She Nood Robe rt E. Shields Steven B. Sh i I ling Edwa rd C. Shi I I ito Michael J. Sh i I tEl don R. Shimamoto Edwin T. Shinn William K. Shipman Jean T. Shipman Russel I C. Shipman Sherry lea A. Hagema nn Sherry Lea A. Shirley Jerry W. Shive Michael Morgan Sh I anta Stephen Sho c kley Gi Ibert R. Shoe maker 'James l . Sho e maker Larry W. Shoolbred ' Robert A. Shore Ma ry C. Shores Richard L. Sho rt Reg ina I d Short Wallace W. Shourd Roy R. Show-Me Electronics Inc Shriver Kenneth W. Shrubsa I I Arthur E. Shu Hunter Shuck Lewi s W. Shultz George B. Shultz Martha S. Fowler Martha S. Shute John W. Shwartz Alvin H. Siagian MaNan Sid e lnik Richard D. Sidlowski Ronald E. Siebenman, Richard B. Jr. Sie c k Ervin H. Sieckhaus Robert H. Si e gel Irving D. Siegrist Kermit A. Si e sennop W. Wayne Sievers Edwin R. Sievert Gary F. Si e vert O. Morris Sigma Chi Fdn Sigma Nu Signode Fdn Inc



r i,

Sikavi Tony Sikes Stanley C. Si Ikwood Blake E. Silkwood Laura Anne Plyler Laura Anne Si I lyman Joey E. Si Iver Mi Iton M. Si Iver Sidney Si Ivers, Paul L. Jr. Simac Michael R. Simmons David M. Simmons Fred A. Simmons, John L. I I I Simmons Mi Iton L. Simmons Robert W. Simmons Shawn David Simmons Susan Marie Simon David M. Simon Dennis M. Simonds Peter Simoneaux Joseph A. Simpson, Daniel E. Jr. Simpson Donald E. Simpson Fami Iy Simpson Jeffrey W. Simpson Thomas A. Simra II Ri ley M. Sims Da Ie E. Sims Robert E. Singaus Mary A. Chi Ids Mary A. Singer Co Singleton James Sinkewiz Gi l es C. Sipe William E. Siroky Daniel Karas Siroky E. Kenneth Siron Robe rt E. Sisk Paul B. Sitton Katherine A. Rol I ins Katherine A. S i tz Ca ro I e L. Siy Fel ipe L. Sizemore David G. Sizemore, Lamar T. Jr. Skain John C. Skamenca David G. Skasick Steven M. Skibiski Kevin C. Sk.i I es James J. sk l I Iman Daniel W. Skinner Charles S. Skinner, Milton R. Jr. Skinner Richard D. SkIpper David J . Skitek Gabriel G. Slack Clayton F. Slankard Robert C. Slayton EI izabeth J. Sieboda David S. SI inkerd, Paul H. Jr. Slocum Roy W. Slocum Wi II iam H. Siovensky R. Clayton Slusher Morgan P. Sl'usher Robert C. Smart John D. Sma rt Robe rt F. Sma'rt Samue I Sm'itn A. Wayne Smi'th Ann Marie Kuehn Anrt Marie Smith Audrey S. S~ith Benjamin K. Smith Be rt L. Smi th Beverly D. Smith Bi II O. Smith Brian W. Smith Bruce G. Smith C. Cabanne Sm ith Carol Pot zmann Smith Charles A. Smith Charles W. Sm i th Che ry I L. Tyner Cheryl L. Smith Cordell Smith Dale Michael Smith Da niel B. Smith Da v id B. Smi t h Da vi d G. Sm i th E I me r L. Smith F loyd P. Smith Ga ry A. Smith Gary L. Smith Gay lon G. Smith Gera ld K. Smi th Ge ra I d W. Smith Gre gory P. Smith Harl a n D. Smith Harold A. Smith HarryB . Smith, Harvey S. III Smi th Jack E. Sm ith James F. Smi th James G. Smi th J a me s W. Smith John W.

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Smith Ka thleen A. Smith Keith A. Smith Ke it h S. Smith Ke nn et h E. Smith Leroy E. Smith. Ma rcus L. Jr. Sm i th Ma rk S. Smith Mar k Steve n Smith Marvin E.. Smith Memphord L. Smith Michael Andrew Smith Michael D. Smith Mi c ha e l J. Smith Nei I S. Smith P. Gene Smith Paul J. Smith Paula V. Smith R. Thomas Smith Richard A. Smith Richard L. Smith Ricky D. Smith, Robert E. Sr. Smith Robert J. Smith Robert T. Smith Roger H. Smith Ronald G. Smith Ronald L. Smith Ronald T. Smith Russell D. Smith Sam L. Smith Thomas A. Smi th Wayne D. Smith Wi liard B. Smith William J. SmithKI ine Beckman Fdn Smothers Wi II iam J . Smuland Robert L. Smurfit Penston & Ins Ser Co Sn i der Joan Marie Snodgra ss Willi a m Snow Brad L. Snow James W. Snow Loui se Snowden J. Russe I I Snyder Agnes K. Fo x Agnes K. Snyder Brian K. Snyd er Thomas E. Snyder Timothy J. So Chong Su Sober, James R. Jr. Sobie Mi Iton A. Sdciety of Mining Eng of AIME Society Of Mining Engineers Soc i e ty or Pkg & Ha nd ling Inc Soderberg Es ther P. Sokoloski Micha el S. Solomon Russell C. Sonat Foundation Inc Son i Jayant C. Soong Ph iii P J. J . Soper Wi II iam S. Sorrels Stanley W. Souders Steven W. South Central Mo Shrine Club Southe rn Me r leE. Southwestern Bel I Tele Co Sovar Don Sowe I I, Lew j s C. Jr. Sowers James R. Sowers New s papers Inc Sowers Tom Spalding J. Victor Spalding Theodore J. Spar~s Wi II iam G.

1985 Rollamo

Spa r lin I\mbe r Me ga nn Brady Am ber Megann Speck Robert C. Spec kha rt F ra n k H. Speer E. Diann e Lincicome E. Dianne Spehr James L. Spe idel Edward 0. Spellman Daniel J . Spence Hugh F. Spence r, B i I lie F. Jr. Spencer David P. Spencer David W. Spe r ling E I me r J. Sperry Rand Corp Spiers Leonard C. Spindler Gerald R. Spinzig, Edgar W. Jr. Spirk Donald E. Sp i r z Mi chae I I . Spitler Robert C. Spittler Herbert L. Sp ivy Pau I L. Splettstosser James Spa r I a n Va I ve Co Spotte IrvinC. Sp re it Ie r Ma rk L. Sp renge,r He ra Iee n E. Sprenger Micha el K. Sprenkle Kevin Ray Springer Everett W. Spring e r Frederick M. Spri ng er James J. Spri ng e r Robert M. Springer Will iam R. Spyers Mi c hael E. Squ a re 0 Co Sq ll a re 0 Fdn Squ ibb Corp Sq uires Harold St Jo e Minerals Corp (Cl ayton ) S t Jo e Mineral s Corp(Viburnum) St Jo se ph Light & Power Co St Loui s Soc for Coatings Tech Stac how s ki Mike J. Stack Charle s E. Stack IrvinR. Stadelhofer Jack Stafford Michael J. Stahl David W. Sta ley Charles E. Sta ley Glenn L. Staley Jerry A. Staley Joseph E. Staley Robert Stalnaker Kevin W. Standard Oi I Co (Chicago) Standard Oi I Co (Cleveland) Stanfield Dennis ' E. Stange Siegfried H. Stangel James E. Stanhope Richard D. Stanley Robert L. Stanton Mack J. Stanton Warren R. Staples Guy W. Sta ponsk i Randa I I, E. Stapp Paul R. Starke Robert E. Starke Stephen E. Starkweather Gilbert Starkweather Michael H. Starkweather Reuben H. Starl ing, James E. Jr. Starnes Gordon A. Sta rnes Rutheanne M. Stasse v itch Eric State Farm Companies Fdn Statkus Frank D. S ta t ie r C I i f fa rd A. Stat l er David E. S ta tie r , Fred J. Jr. Stat l er Kennyn D. Sta u ff e r en e mical Co St a ut e r t'! a rk C. St a vig We ndell C. St ea rn s Jerry D. St earns -Roger Inc St ec ye l Gary J . St ee d. F. CI i fton Jr. St ee le Da vi e] I. St ee l e Do na l d D. Stee le Eug e ne W. Stee l e , Harry B , III St ee l e J a mes D. Stee l e Ke nn et h W. St ee lma n Rho nd a L. Stefa ni k Mark W. St e ffan Che ry l A. Dodson Che ry l A. Steffan Kenn e th F. Stege Rob i n L. Stegner George D. Stehly Daniel W. Stehn Thomas Lloyd Stei ml ey J o hn F. Stein John E. Stein Willi am E.

Stein Wi II i a m J. Steinkamp Wi II iam E. Ste i nman Anth ony V. Steinmann Wa lter D. Steinmetz Charles E. Stellern Catherine L. Dul in Cath e rin e L. Stellern John L. Ste l ze r David J. Stemler Orrin A. Stemmler James A. Stephens James W. Stephe ns Wi II iam E. Stephenson Michael W. Stephenson Shelly L. Stepp Edward E. St e llry Ihomils D. Steuterman Jack A. Stevens Billy Ste ve ns Everett G. Stevens J a me s V. Stevens Mark Le e Stevens Robert E. Steve ns Robert P. S teve ns Robert W. Stevenson C'Jrt i 5 W. St eve nson Gerald L. Stewart Ale xander L. Stewart Dougl a s John St ewar t Fraizer M. St ewa rt George E. St ewar t, Les l ie D. Jr. St ewar t Robert L. Stewar t, Thomas J. Jr. Stewart Wi II iilm H. St i ckle Di rck B. St ickler Roge r H. Stidh a m James A. Stig a ll JamesR. St ig a ll Pa ulO. St i le s Randy Harold Stimson Wi I I iam R. Stine, Howard H. Jr. Stine William L. Stirrat Brya n A. Stirtz Brad Stites Wi Ibur D. Stitt Donald Stobie Irvin Stock Michael D. Stocker Daniel J. Stockhausen Wi I I iam T. Stockhecker Rita S. Mct~inn Rita S. Stoecker Wi Ibert F. Stokes Mrs James E. Sto I I Don Stol I Jeffrey R. Stoll Sue E.S. Ba i Sue E. S. Stone & Webster Inc Stone Blaine T. Stone Ca rma J. Gibler Carma J. Stone Douglas Dai I Stone Jerry L. Stone S. Allan Stone Tony C. Stone Wi II iam Alan Stonerock Robert L. Stanger Michael G. Stopkey Waldemar D. Storck W. r red Storment Donald B. Storrs Stua rt M. Story Gre gg L. Stoval I John N. Stova ll Hich a rd L. Stova I I Thoma s M. Stover Dennis W. Stover I1 . A. S t ra i n Ga l e n t4. Str a in Robert A. Stra ng e Ma rk A. Stra ng ho e ner Randy L. Stra sb u rgher, Ha rry ,Ir . St r ass ne r Keith D. Stra ub Ha rold E. S t ra ughn' Ric ha r'd Henry St r a use r Cla ud e N. Stra u ss St e ph e rl R. St rawhun J ose ph , O. Str ick l e r Ha I for d 0. Str in ge r She lton L. Str i te Russe ll R. Str i tze l 'Dav id L. ,St ro bel Larry G. St rode r Mic hae l Da vid Stro hbeck Eugene E. Stro ng John F. Strub Dale A. Str ube rt Joe N. Str uc khoff, Robert M. Jr . Struemph Dennis J. Struessel David A. Strunk Ma i la nd R. Stuart De nni s L.


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Stua rt Gladys Stua rt Robe rt L. Stueck C.F.P. Stumpf Patrick J. Stupka Michael T. Sturgeon Michael C. Sturges Herbert D. Sturm John T. Stutsman John V. Stutzman Jonathan Suc her Robert W. Sudduth La rry Sudheimer Raymond A. SUd holt Terry A. Sue ll e ntrop Paul T. Sue llentrop Stephen G. Suetterl in Ke nneth M. Suhre, Mauric e E. Jr. Sullentrup Leo J. Sui I i van Charles H. Sui I iVRn John V. Sui I ivan Joseph F. Sulliv~n Steven M. Sui I iv"n. Thoma s J. Jr. Su lli van, William L. III Sul zer Dona Id F, Summers A. Larry Summers Huey Summers Robert F. 51In Compa ny Inc SUIl Production Co Sunderland Jeffrey J. Sundermeyer Robert W. Sundho)m Arthur W. Sundstrand Corp Fdn Sunke l Thomas M. Superior Blasting & Painting Sussman Howard H. Sutfin Carl D. Sutherl ,and, Graham G. I I I Sutherland James R. Suthipasnarupon Anant Sutterer Kevin G. Sutton Glen W. Swanson Richard C. Swa rtz Glenn I. Swearingen Jerry D. Sweeney Peter H. Sweeney Thomas E. Sweet Darrel I L. Swekosky Frank J. Swenson Uougla s C. Swi nar sky Gerald Sw inny David W. Swinson John R. Swoboda Ale xis C. Swyers Dan R. Szumachowski Edwin R.

T T B Wood's Sons Co Taggart Gary J, Taggart Paul ine M. Taksar Ronald J. Talbert Keith E. Talbot Nicole L.M. Talley AlfredL. Ta lion Richard J. Talty Th eresa D. Tanner Paul E. Tanner Thomas W, Tanquary CI ifford C. Tao Frank F Ta ppe Be lind a Sue Tapperson, Arthur Jr. Tappmeyer Roger Tappmeyer Ronald A. Tarantola Bruce E. Tate Char'les F. Tat e George J. Tattitch Stephen T. Tauser Raymond H. Tayloe Charles H. Taylor Andrew M. Taylor Arlan R Taylor Ceci I R' Taylor Charles·E. Taylor Donald J. Taylor Fred N. Taylor George H. Taylor Glenn R. Taylor Jack Preston Taylor Michael E. Taylor Otis H. Taylor Paul W. Taylor PhilipG. Taylor Richard M. Taylor ' Roger K. Taylor Ronald J . Taylor Samuel E. Tayon James Edward Teagarden Dwight M.



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ThompSOn Homer F. Thompson ' Hoyt G. Thompson J . Kenneth Thompson Joy M. Ewens , Joy M. Thompson l.. Da rre I I Thomp s on Larry D. Thompson Leon L. Thompson LeRoy E. Thomp son Randal I G. Thompson Richard H. Thomp son Richard L. Thomp son Richard N. Thomp son Thomas G Thom s on Daniel E.' Thomure Daniel F Thomure Randal I O. Thorn Da lia s L Kir k Dallas L: Thorn Dav id L, Thorn Steve n W. Thorn sberry Marcus Thornt on Robert C Threlkeld, Hubert R. Jr. Throgmo rto n Go rdon R. Thuet EI i zabet h C. Thurlo Maurice Tibble s Ctarence E. Tibb s Harold E. Tied e Ja c k E. 1985 Rollamo T.i ehe.s Robe rt V. Ti erno n Carlos H. Tikwart Robert J. Tea s Wi II i a m C. Ti II Henry A. Tekolste Roger Ti I Iman Steven M. Tektronix In c Ti Iman Mi Iton M. Teledyne Inc (Lo s Angeles) Timberman De Wi Iton B. Telker Mary Ell en Timken Co Telthorst Edgar J. Timm Gary A. Telthorst Haro ld M. Timmer Donald H. Telthorst Paul J. Timmons Harrel W. Tenes Edwa rd B. Timpe Jimee J. Tenfelder John W. Timpe Malcolm Tenneco Inc T i nda I I , Robe rt F. Jr. Tenneco Oi I Exp & Prod T i nd i I I John J. Tepper Brian J. Tipton Brian Edward Tepper Cather in e L. Titus Russel L. Godsy Cather)ne L. Toch Max'i mil ian Terry Mark L. ' Todd EI izabeth E. Terry Richard L. Deaver EI izabeth E. Tesar MarkW. Todd Fred A. Teske David J. Todd Joseph W. Teske James E. Todd Kev inS. Te sterman Roy L. Todd Lam'ar S. Teter Eugene A. Toedtman Charles H. Tet l ey Albert L. Toepfer Louis E. Tettambe I' Ma rk E. Tolcou Gregory J. Tev lin Lind a J. Toliver Jack E. Pleasant Linda J To I leW i I I i am L. re xaco Inc (Whit e Plains) T0m & Frances Leach Fdn Inc Texaco Phi lanthropi~ Fdn Tomasella Renato N. Texas Eastern Transmission C~ Tomazi George D. Texas Ins tr uments Inc Toomey John B. Texas Oi I & Gas Co Topel Maurice R. Thalhammer E. Donald Topping Alanson D. Th arp Ha I S. Tordoff David B. Th atc her David A. Torno Harry C. T~e American Physical Society Torre Phi I I ip George The Bottom Line Torres John P. The UpJohn Co Toth Diana L. Thebeau Dennis J. Harrison Diana L. Th ebeau Pamela A. Toth Gregory S. Leitterman Pa mela A. Touzinsky Stepha nie A. Theerman Harold B. Harland Stephanie A. Ttleerman Wi I bert K. Tower Robert P. Th ei Imann John M. Towers Terence G. Thei Imann Vernon E. Towne Robert G. Thei s ing David A. T raco r Inc Theobald Thomas A. Trammel CI int on Thessing Theodore A. Trampe David A. Thias William H. Trampe Jana L. Thiele Alfred W. Zigrye Jana L. Thielker Edgar E. Trancynger Michael L. Thies Dougla s M. Trane Company Fdn Inc Thies Fredr ick J. Trask Donald Alan Thi es Stephen M. Trautman Dennis R. Thoele Howard W. Trautwein Elmer E. Thomas Craig William Trave l ers Companies Fdn Inc Thomas, Dona I d O. Jr. Travelstead Charles W. Thoma s Geo rge H. Travis Lonnie Thomas, Glenn F. Jr. Traylor James Thoma s _ Ha ro I d C. Traynor Lorraine W. Thomas Harold D. Echols Lorraine W. Thomas James P. Trea s urer Roberta L Thomas Jere L. Wi Ih elm Roberta L. · Thoma s My ron F. Treffinger David J. Thomas, Paul H. Jr. Trentmann Norman E. Thomas Sherry Sue Trianda John Thomas, Wi II iam H. Jr. Tri Iler Danny Joseph Thomas WilliamJ. Trimble John R. Thoma s,B ird so ng,Clayton,Haglag Trippel Robert C. Thomason, June C. Jr. Trivers Peter H. Thomasson Wi I I iam M. Trotter Jack K: Thomp son Bennet R. Troughbur, C.W. Jr. Thompson David E. Troutner David E. Thompson David F. Troyer Jerry D. Thomp son Earl A. True Da n i e I W. Thompson George W.

Trunkl ine Gas Co TRW Fdn (Cleveland) Tsukamoto' Tadashi Tuck Edwa rd F Tucker Armin j. Tucker Arthur L. Tucker Paul B. Tucker Rona Id M. Tucker Thomas L. Tulenko, Paul A. Jr. Tummon s 'J ohn Brye r Tung Chung-Yuan P. Tunnicl iff Clarence J. Turek J. Leo Turken Morris W. Turnbough Sandra K. Ma rx Sand ra K. Turner, David L. II Turner Denn i s R. Tu rne r Ga ry M. Turner James Turner, James M. Jr. Turner Jane L. Turner Ralph Turner Robert E. Turner Susan I Twede I I R i cha rd N. Twele Michael N. Twitty John R. Twi tty Rea I ty Tyner Cheryl L. Smith Cheryl L. Tyrre I I Morri s L.

u U S Fidel ity & Guaranty Co Uhe Gera Id C. Uhey Rona IdE. Ullmann Leo C. Ulrich Donald L. Ulrich James G. Ulsh Brian M. Umphenour Charles F. UMR Coterie UMR Panhellenic Counci I UMR Theater Gui Id Underhi I I Thomas N. Und erwood Daniel H. Unell Sam Unger Walter H. Uninet Inc Union Carbide Corp Union Carbide Corp(New York) Union Electric Char Trust Union Electric Co Union Oi I Co Of Cal if Fdn Union Pacific Fdn United Engr & Constructors LTD United States Bureau of Mines United States Gypsum Fdn Inc United Technologies Corp United Telephone Co linklesbay A.G. Unnersta I I James A. Unne rsta I I, Lawrence H. Jr. Unnersta I I Lester A. Unsel I Vester B. Unternaehrer Wi II iam E. Uppot Janardanan O. Urban Ma rk A. Ureka r Joseph F. Uthe Flo yd H. Uthoff Robert F.

v V H McNutt Memorial Fdn Vacca Herman L. Vaeth Richard M. Va i I lie rs B. E. Va I la Leo B. Van, Ha rty C. Jr. Van Bramer Wi II iam G. Van Buskirk John R. Van Buskirk Lyman F. Vance, James F. Jr. Va nc i I Stephen P. Vandergriff Wayne L. Vandergriff Willard C. Vanderheyden Eugene T. Vandeven Torie A. Vandiver Gary W. Van Doren Thomas P. Van Dover R. Bruce Van Eaton, Charles W. III Van Fleet David R. Van Horn Bonnie A. Boland Bonnie A. VanHouten James H.


Alumnus/ 47

Van Houton D. Larry Va ni nger Jon L. Van Mae l e Kev in M. Van Maerssen Otto L. Vannatta Step he n D. Van Nort John R. Van Nostrand Robert G. Va nnoy E. Harold Va n Poo I Jo e Van Praag J effrey R. Vansant Elean or C. Van sant Robert E. Va nsant T'om Van Wyk Frank J. Varga Wi II iam J. Vat ana pradit Thirap it Vaughan Kenneth W. vaughn Chari ie F. Va ughn Daniel L. Vaughn Paul E. Va z inpour Fa ramarz Veatch Ann E. WIJ-i tty Ann E. Veen s tra Charles K. Veh i ge R i cha'rd J. Vekaria Dine s h K. Venable Ramona Lynn ' Venarde Jack H. Vetter, Clarence J. Jr. Vetter Ronald F. Vi cke ry Robe rt Vierheller Glen Viles LandonC. Vi I I ha rd We s I ey G. Vinh Tieu Viox Mark G. Virtue Michael D. Virtue Steven C. Vi sintainer, David A. I I I Visio Ge orge M. Vista Chemical Co Vitek Richard K. Vlcek Robert W. Voegtl i Leo Paul Vogel Ernest F. Vogel Herman H. Vogelpohl David R. Vogler, August J. Jr. Vo gt Fred K.W. Volk Roger H. Vo I ke r Fred r ic W. Volkmar Robert W. Volpe Barton David Vonder Haa r ,Marion VonKaenel Frederick W. Voorh i s Ga ry L. Voss Da vid Alan

w Wacker Leo L. Wade Edwa rd N. Wad e Hi Id a E. Wade James F. Wade Robert L. Wade Ro I I aT. Wagen e r Marian R. Evers Marian R. Wagenheim Neal T. ' Waggoner Barbara M. Waggoner Carroll M'. Wa gher ¡ Stanley K. Wagner Bernard C. Wagner Frederick R. Wagner Georg e H. Wagner Kenneth Nea I Wagner Peter Wagner Richard V. Wag ner Robert Scott Wagner Roger C. Wagne r Wi II iam C. Wainright Richard E. Wakef ield Clyd e F. Waldbart Theo dor e B. Wa Idon Dion E. Wald sc hmidt Gregory Wa kds c hmidt Richard J . Wa lk Howard J . Wa I ke r Bria n D. Wa I ke r Ca riD. Wa I ke r Da leE. Wa l ker Floyd A. Walker Gregg Alan Wa I ke r, Ha rvey J . Jr. Wa l ker John Wa l ker Joseph D. Wa l ker Merton G. Wa I ker Norman L. Wa I ke r Pa u 1M. Walke r Steven E. Wa Il ace Charles E. Wal l ace Lloyd N. Wa I I ey Oma r C. Walsh Chevrolet



I-Ia l sh John G, Wa l ter Brian Jo seph Wa l ters Ronald p , Wa l ther Donald G. Wa lth er J ames J. Walton Edgar D, Wa lt o n Edward E. Walz Mark D. Wa l z Michae l A. Wa l z Robert L. Wa ne nmacher Joseph M. Wang Dav i d P. Wang Fu- Yuan Wang J aw-K uang Wang J y ue - She ng Wa ng S hu- r~e i L i Shu-Me i Wang We n-Li Wa ng Yun Wa nkum John L. Wa nsing Alvin D. Warakomsk i John M. Wa rd Da n i elK. Wa rd Ge ra I d W. Wa rd Joseph R. Wa rd Robe rt H. Warda William S. Warfel Michael R. 'War fiel d Davi d M. Wal"field , Raymond A. Jr. Wa r: necke Ma rk Robe rt Warn er G~orge H. Warn e r John R. Wa rn eor-Lambert Fdn Warre n Joseph P. Warren Robert N. Washam Ray . Wa ss i lak Jeffry P. Watermann Judith A. Wa ters Charles R. Waters Wa de D. Wa tkin s John B. Watkins Joseph S. Watkins Michael N. Watk in s Paul A. Watk ins Wes ley S, ' Wa tson Fran k Watson Ha rry G. Wa t so n Kevi n D. Wattenbarger Chris M. Wa t t s Ge ra I d L. Wavering Mark E. Wax ma n Stan l ey Wayne Gregory L. Weatherly Stephe n M. Weaver John A. We bb David W. We bb E. Victor Webb Je r ry J. Webb Johnn y S. Webb Mark A. We bb Richard A. ' We bb William H. Webber George A. Weber Anne L. we I ty Anne L. Web er Arthur H. Weber Da rre I I D. We ber J . Scott Weber Lawrence E. We ber Roger C. Weber Wi II i a m L. Webe r s Da v id M. Webster, Wi II iam D. Jr. Wedd Ie . Phi lip B. Weddle Wilb e rn L. Wedge W. Ke i th We e kley, Martin L. J r . Week s Da v id B. Wee ks Greg A. Wees Fra nc i s E. Weese John R. Weg e James R. Wegener Curt L. Weg ener Ro na I'd E. Weg ene r Wi I be rt F . Wegma n John L. We hmeye r Dav id P. We hmeyer De nni s B. We hmeye r W. Earl Weh rman Alvin A. We i da Char l es Ceci I We id i nger Donald J . We i d i e Be n E. We i d ie r Ga ry R. We ige l Ro bert C. Weimho l t James E. Weinbaum Me l v in We i ne l Ernst A.. Weingaertner ' Dav id A. Weingaertner John W. We i nho l d Betty C. Baggett Betty C. Weinkein Dary l R. Wein l a nd Ha rold A. Weinrich Alb ert W. Wein s henker Sy lv ia

We i se Th eo dore L. We i se r Ha nl ey H. We i s l e r , I\ugust C. Jr. weiss Cl arence B. Weiss Doug las Ala n Weiss Mi c hae l W. We is s flug Van A. Wettze l Char l es A, We l c h Bernard J . We ch Cla re A. We ch Ga ry E. We c h John Homer We ch Lo r'ra i ne J. We ke 1\ I be rt H. We ker Char l es We I s, Fra nk P. Jr. We I s Wi I I i a m L. We sc h Pa u I L. We s h John D. We shon, R. Allen Jr. We ty Anne L. Webe r Anne L. Welty Lawrence E. Welzbacher Jeffrey D. Wenk Da n K. Wentz, Charle s A. Jr. Wenzl ick John D. Werner Donald E. We rne r Edw in J . Werner Frank J. Werner Kenneth W. Werner Roy C. Werthman, John P. Jr. Wessel Robert A.E. Wessel schmidt Doug Wes se l schmidt Katherine K. Kunke l Katherine K. Wes se l schmidt Keith D. West Amy G. We s t B i I I Y B. West Bruce Douglas West Jame s E. West Jerry Doug West Ly le We'stbrook Sandra J. We sterf e ld Wi I f red W. Westerman Howara W. Westermayer Ji I I A. McCartney Ji I I A. Westermayer John C. Westermeier Theodo re F. Westfa ll, Lewis E. Jr . Westinghouse Education Fdn We st more land, Darus S. Jr. We s trich Cur tis A. We stvaco Corp Wethington Ann P. Wethington Robert L. We t ze l Lawrence W. Weya nd Thomas E. .Weyhaupt Gi Ibert J. Wha ley Hen ry P. Wh a ley James Robert Wil a ng er J a mes R. Wila rton Fdn Wh e at Rich ard D. Whee l er Ern es t S. Whee I e r, I rv i ng B. Jr. Whee ler Jeffrey A. Whee l er Keith H. Whee lock Leroy K. Whe tse l J a mes D. . Wh i r I poo I Co rp Whitchurch Joseph A. Whjte Charles S. White Daniel R.

Whit e Eugene Wh i te Kev i n D. Whit e Larry White Marjori e A. Boh ler Marjor ie A. Whit e Robert L. Wh i te Robert M. Wh i te Timothy L. Wh i te Wade J a mes Whit"ebay Lee E. Whit e ha i r Lou i s H. Whitehead Robert W. Whit e hea d Wayne Lee Whitford J e rald L. Whit so n Michael E. Whitt e n, Trav ice W. Jr. Wh i tty Ann E. Veatch Ann E. Wibb e nme yer Jerome H. Wich ern Donald Gerard Wicker Dave A. Wi ckert Mark Alan Wickey Robert O. Wi c k lei n Ph i I lip Wideman Harold' Wideman Lawson G. Widmer Re x C. Widner Gary W. Wiebe Di rk H. Wieg a nd Terry D. Wieger s John F. Wiegma nn Gerald G. Wi eke r Richard H. Wi ese Ch~rles W. Wi -ese Kevin D. Wie se ha n The odore M. Wi ese nmeye r John C. Wi ethop R. Harve Wiethop Russe I I H. Wi Ib ers Da ni e l M. \ Wi I be r s Dona I d G. Wi Ic ox Thoma s M. Wi I d Ph i I lip H. Wi Ie Larson E. Wi l ema n Lawrence A. Wi les Tony Wi Ih e lm Roberta L. Treasurer Rober ta L. Wi Ihe lm s Steven C, Wi Ihit e 'Clyde E. Wi Ihit e Kenn e th T. Wilkens RoyA . Wi Ikerson Augus tuS B. Wi Ikin s Art hur T. Wi Ikinson ~enat e A. Wi I ks John C. Wi I Ie Matthew J . Wi I e Robe rt J . Wi l ett Nary J. i ams Alden D. Hi i ams Anita L. Wi i a ms , Arthur J . Jr. Wi i ams Companies Wi i ams Curt T. Wi i ams Da le E. Wi i ams David P. Wi i ams Dean N. Wi i ams Don E. Wi i ams Douglas R. Wi i ams Eve ret t A. Wi Wi I ia ms Geo rge F. Wi I i a ms Homer R. Wi I i ams Jerome H. Wi I i ams Lawrence D. Wi I i ams Ma rk Alan Wi I i ams Ma rk Allen

1985 Rollamo

14 i I I i am s Ma uri c eA . Wil li ams Norman Wi l l i ams Raymond E . Wi II i ams Raymond R . Williams Rex Z. Wi I I i ams R i chard C. Wi II iams R ich ard K. Wi II i ams Rona Id J. Wil li ams Ronald R. Wi II iams Russel l E. Wi II i ams T i mmy A. Williams Va l er i e J. 14 i I I i am s 14 i I I i am S.. Wi II iamson, Ea rl Jr. Wi II iams o n Ri€hard F. Wil li s He nry R. Will i s Robert D. Wi I rna re J e r ry L . Wi loug hb y Ro n a ld D. 14 i Is Floyd M. Wi IS , J a me 5 H. Jr. Wi marth Timothy T. Wi mo nt David A . 14 i re ke r, V i c to r F . Jr. Wi sh ire JayP . Wi so n Car l R. Wi son Chris D. Wi so n C l yde W. Wi so n Da l e Wi so n F. Hugh Wi s on Freder i ck G. Wi son G l e nn E. Wi I so n John R. Wil s on Lloyd 'C. Wi Ison Michael A. Wi I son Patri c k J. Wi I son Robert J. Wi Ison Tommie C. Wi I son Wi II iam L. Wil s on Willi s J. Windhorst Kathy Sue Windish Edward R. Win e bright George M. Wingfield Roy O. Winkeler, Geo rge J. Jr. Wink e l man Vincent R. Wink e lm ann Ray E. Winkle~ Fred H. Winkler Norma n E. Winn Robert H. Winn ett Mich ae l D. Winscher Barry K. Winter Benjami n P. Winter Dal e Mich ae l Wint e r ' J eff r ey John Wi nter Les ter H . Wisch David J. Wis c h Wi II i am L. 14 i sco Ha ro I d A. Wi sco n s in Power & Light Co Wiseman Curtis De an Wiseman Dona l d E. Wisland Richard Wisner Ge ne Edward Wissel · Cha rle s K. Wissler LOlli .s B . Wi ss mann, Haro ld J . Jr. Wis t Patr ici a S. Long Pat'r i c ia S. Witg es James Dal e Withrow Harold J . 14 i throw Ke r ry R . . Wi tt Fr e derick W. Wi tt Jack A. ' 14 it t Le s lie D. Witte Dona ld R. Wit te Jo hn F .

Witthall s

Terry A. R i chard C. Wlo s Paul M. Woerheide . Arthur E. Jr. Woessner J a mes D . Wahlert "illiam D . Wo l f Ernest Wolf John D. Wolf Lawrence D. 140 f Mi chae I J . 140 f Robe rt V . WO f Rudo l ph 140 f V in cent J. 140 fbe rg . Leona rd H. 140 ff Leonard A. 140 ff Leona rd C. 140 ff Thomas F. 140 fge h er Pau l A. 140 finbarger Samue l L. Wo fing t o n Kerry P. 140 fram Ra lph E. 140 gamott Monte L. 140 ken h auer Wi II i a m C . Womack Le l and Wome n in Mining St Louis Chapt Wong T. F. Wong Yuan -Nin Wood Denn i s L. Wood Do u glas . E. Wood Frank D. Wood Gr a h a m W. Wo od James D. Wood , James E . Sr. Wood Jennefer Ann Wood Kenneth Wood Kenneth W. Wood Richard A . Wood Robe rt C. Wood Teddy J . Wood William S. Wooda I I Thoma s J. Woo dbury Frankl in B.W. Woodf~eld Richard A. Wood Ie, Roy G. Jr . Woo ds, Roy B. I I I Woodward Charl es D. Wood wo rth Le eR . J. Bruce Wood y Wool ery Wi II iam L . Woo s l ey David E. Woot e n Dorwi n Kerry Woot te n John M. Woracek Loui s Work Bruce V.S. 140 rid Boo k I nc Wo rle y Morri s T . Worstell , Earl M. Jr. Wortman Darre l E. Wray Samuel C. Wright Cl a rence J. WJ:'ight David B. Wright Harold R. Wright John E. Wright Jo sep h E. Wright Robert R. Wright Step h e n A. Wright Wi Iford S. Wri ste n Dav id B. Wu Ch a ng- Yu Wu Chr i stop her K. Wu Shu H. ~u l fers Car l E . Wulf e rt, Kenneth J. Jr . Wulff C. Step hen Wunnenberg Dona ld A. Wurtz Jame s L. Wurt z Wade C. Wurt z l e r Da niel R. ~'it ze l

Wurt z ler Pamela H. .Reed Pa me I a H. Wuss l er Alfred J. Wyatt Bradley J . Wyatt David R. Wyatt DeMarquis D. Wycoff Rona ld L. Wykoff Da I e L .

y Yado n 0.14. Tobey Yallaly Stephen P. Yamnitz Wi II iam P. Ya ncey Roge r L. Yanc i k Jo sep h J. Yanez Dam i an Peter Yang C. (Char l es ) Yang Kue i-H s i ung Yarne ll Christopher Yates Fra'nk M. Yeh Shen K. Yek Don Hong Yerb ury, Robert H. Jr. Yersak Ronald C. Robert W. - Yin Ke nn e th H. Yo c hum Yochum Robert J. Yodel', Johl'1 T. IV _ Yoon K iwon York A lan York Gera Id J. Yorston Howard J. Yost Kenneth D. You I I D . Greg Young C la rissa C . Young David M. Young Gregory Alan Young Lawrence M. Young Ra lph O. Young Reagan H . . Young Robert B. Young Terri I I A. Young We ndy M. Adrian Wendy M. Youngman, James A. Youngs Lloyd P. Younker Forrest A . Yount Mi c h ae l R. Yow , Jesse L. Jr. Yu J ose ph F. Yu Ming-Hsun Yu Shin-LiangYuh Eugene Y. Yuhas Joh a nna M. Yuko n Antiques & Music Yung Shu C . Yung bluth Rus se ll L.

z Zac he i s Pau I R. Zac h elmeyer No rman P. Zaga r Robert A . Zane Rob ert I . Za n z ie Char l es E. Za r r Ge ra IdE . Zayner Rona Id F . Zeda li s John P. Ze i d Ma rv i n- C .

1985 RoUamo Zeitinger, Donald Jr. Ze i tz Edwa rd J. Zeltmann Michael D. Zenge Thoma s L. Zenos Zernicke Steve Zerweck , Carl E. Jr. Zerwrg Harry J. Zerwig Larry J. Zettwoch Robert N. Zieba John D. Zieba Robert G. Zi eba William D. Ziebe ll Wilford R . Zieger, James B . Jr. Ziegler Charles K. Ziegler John A . Ziercher Suzanne M. Dirkers Suza nne M. Zig rye Jan a L. Tra mpe J 'l na L. Z ig rye St ephen L . Da vid Scott Z ke Z mmer John J . Kenneth M. Z mmerman Z mme~man Michael H. Z mmerman Wayne M. Z mme rma nn Dee Z mmerm a nn Walter A. Z mnick , Harold E. Jr. Z ink David E. Zink Nancy Zink Richard C. Zinselmeier Albert E. Zoe ll ner Ly nn E. Zo ll er Jacques W. Zuiss Thoma s J. Zunkel A . Doug Zvanut Ca r l M. Zvanut Frank J. Zvanut Wi II i am H. Zweig Gregory C. Zwiener J ames M. Zyc hin s ki James A . Zyl ich Ronald G.



Ark-La-Tex Section Meeting Bossier City, LA ... . ... .................... . . . '. ..... . ... March I SME-AIME Annual Meeting Alumni Reception New Orleans, LA ...................... . .. .. ... .. . .. .... March 3 Dallas/North Texas Section Meeting Fort Worth, TX . . . .. . ... . . . . . . .... .. .. . ... .. . . .... ... .. March 8 Bay Area Section St. Pat's Party San Francisco, CA ...... . .. . ..... ...... . ..... .. ........ March 15 University of Missouri Alumni Alliance Reception Washington, D.C ... .. . . .. .. ...... . . ..... . .... . .... . ... March 16

University of Missouri Alumni Alliance Day Jefferson City .. .. . .............. . . .. . .. ... ........ .. . . March 18 Pacific Northwest Section Meeting Sailing Vessel "Sylvia" . . . .. . . . ... ... . ..... . . . . .. .. .. . . . ... April 4 Spring Board Meeting MSM-UMR Alumni Association Rolla .... . .. . . ... . ... . ..... ... . ... . ....... .. . . . . ...... April 12 Class of 1936 50th Reunion Rolla .. .. ... .. . .. .. . . . .... . . ...... . ... . . .. ....... May 9, 10, II AAPG 1986 Convention Atlanta, GA .................... ... . .. . .. ... . . . .. . . .. . . June 16 Washington, D.C. Section Meeting ... .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . ..... September 7 Homecoming ...... ....... ...... ... ..... . . . .. ....... October 17-18

MSM Alumnus / 49

Corporate Matching Gifts Abbott Labs Air Products ~ irwick Industri e s Alcoa Foundation Allendale Insur ance Allied Corp-Bendix Aerospace Alpha Testing Inc. AMAX, Inc . American Electric Power Corp. American Motors Corp . American Standard, Inc . Amoco Foundation, Inc. Amsted Industries Anheuser-Busch, Inc. ANR Pipeline Co . Armco, Inc. ASARCO, Inc. Ashland Oil, Inc . AT&T Co . Atlantic Richfield Co. Atlas Powder Co. Aurora Pump Bank of America BASF Wyandotte Corp. Baxter Travenol Laboratories Bechtel Corp. Bethlehem Steel Corp. The Blount, Inc. The Boeing Co. Boise-Cascade Corp. Borg-Warner Corp. Burlington Northern Foundation Burroughs Corp. Butl e r ~lanuf ac tu ri ng Cabot Corp. :arrier Co r p . vat erpill a r Tract or Co . e CI Cod e Con s ultant s Ce l an e s e Corp. Cent er r e Bank Corp . Cent ra l & South West Found a tion Ch eseb rough-Pond' s Ch ev r on USA, In c . Ch rys l er Corp. Chu rc h & Dwigh t Co. Ci t ib ank l Citicorp Citi e s Se rvic e Oi l & Gas Corp . Cl a rk Equipm e nt Co. Th e Cl e veland-Cliffs Iron Co. Cl eveland Electric Illuminating Co.

50/ MSM Alumnus

Columbia Gas Syst em HBE Corp. Combustion Engineering Hercules, Inc . CONOCO, Inc. Hewlett Packard Consolidation Coal Co. Hon e yw e ll, Inc ~ CONTEL Hughes Airc ra ft Co . Continental Bank Fdn. Hughes Tool Co. Continental Group, Inc J. M. Huber Corp . Cooper Industries Fdn. John Deere Corp. Cray Research, Inc. John Hancock Charitable Cyclops Corp . Trust Dart & Kraft, Inc. Johnson & Johnson De Leuw, Cather & Co. Johnson Controls, Inc. Del ~lonte Corp . Jones Group, Inc. Deloitte, Haskins, Ingersoll-Rand Corp. Sells IBM Corp. Detroit Edison The InterNorth, Inc. Digital Equipment Corp International Paper Co. ITT Corp. The Dow Chemical Co. Iowa Resources Dow Corning Corp. M W Kellogg Constr. Dresser Industries Kerr - McGee Corp. . Duke Power Co. Kimberly-Clark Fdn. EG&G, Inc . Koppers Co., Inc . Emerson Electric Co . Laclede Gas Charitable Emhart Ind . , Inc. Trust (Hartford Div) Lee Company Ethy l Corp. Lever Brothers Co . Ex - Cell-O Corp. Libbey-Owens-Ford Co. Exxon Corp. Louisiana Land & Factory Mutual Exploration Co. Engineering Federated Dept Store s LTV Steel Mallinckrodt, Inc. Foundation Marathon Marine Engr. Ferro Corp. Marathon Oil Co . The Firestone Tire & The Marley Co. Rubber Co. Martin Mari e tta Corp. The Fluor Corp. May Stores Fdn., Inc. FMC Corp. Th e May t ag Co. Fo rd ~l o tor Co. McDon ne ll Do u g l as Co r p. Foxboro Co. McGraw-Ed ison Power Garre t t Co rp. Gen e r a l Dyn a mics Corp. System Div i s ion Minn esot a Mining Gen e r a l Foods, Inc . & Ma nuf ac tur i ng Genera l El ectric Co . Mi ss ou r i Publ ic Serv i c e Gen era l Si gn al Co r p. Mobi l Oil Corp . GTE Corp . Mo n san to Co . Gett y Oil Co. Moore Mc Cormack B.F . Good r ich Co . Goodyear Ti re & Rubb er Re sour ce s Morgan Gu arant y Tr ust Gou ld , In c . Grace Foun d ation , In c . Morrison Knud sen Co . Morton Th iok o l, In c . Gu lf Oi l Co r p. Gu lf States Uti l ities Moto r o l a, In c. Mu rphy Oi l , Inc . Ha ll i burt on Co . Ha llm a rk Card s , I nc . Ha r ris Corp. Ha rtford Nation a l Co r p. Na l c o Chemic a l Co. Th e Hartford St eam National Distillers Boil e r Insp e ction & Chemical Corp. & Insurance Co. National Gypsum Co.

National Intergroup National Starch & Chemical Corp. National Steel Corp. Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America NCR Corp. Newmont Mining Corp. New England Electric New York Life Fdn. The N L Industries Noranda Aluminum, Inc . North American Philips Northeast Utilities Northern Illinois Gas Occidental Petro Corp. Olin Corp. Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp. Owens-Illinois, Inc. PanhaQdle Eastern CorF Parker-Hannifin Peabody International Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. Pepsico Foundation Petro-Lewis Corp. Pfizer, Inc . PHH Group Phillips Petroleum Co. PPG Industries, Inc. Price Brothers Co. Price Waterhouse FdQ. Procter & Gamble Co. Public Service Co. of Colorado The Quaker Oats Fdn. Ra l ph M. Pa r s ons Co. Ra l s ton Pur i n a Co. Ray the on Co. RC A Co rp. Rea d i ng-B ates Offs hor e Dr irling Co. Re public St ee l Corp . Re yno lds Me t a ls, Inc. Ri c h a rds on-Vi c ks, In c. Ro c kw e ll Int e rn a tion a l Rohm & Ha as Co. Ro lm C6 rp. St . Joe Mine r a l s Co r p. Sa nta F e Int e rn a tion a l Sa nt a Fe South e rn Pac ific Fdn. Scott Paper Co. Fdn. Jos e ph E. Se agram & Son-Texas Pacific Oil G. D. Searle & Co. Shearson Lehmani American Express

Shell Oil Co. Sheller-Globe Corp . Sherwin-Williams Co. Shong Constr Co . Signode Fdn., Inc. Singer Co. Smithkline Beckman Fdn. Sonat Fdn., Inc Southwestern Bell Sperry Corp. Square D Fdn. Squibb Corp. A. E. Staley Manufacturing Co. Standard Oil Co. (Ohio) State Farm Ins. Co. Stauffer Chemical Co. Stearns-Roger World Stone & Webster, Inc . Sun Company, Inc. Tektronix, Inc. Teledyne, Inc. Tenneco, Inc. Texaco Philanthropic Foundation, Inc. Texas Eastern Corp. Texas Instruments, Inc. Textron, Inc. Tracor, Inc. The T-rane Co. The Travelers Insurance Trunkline Gas Co. Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Corp TRW, Inc . Uninet, Inc. Union Carbide Corp. Union Electric Co . Union Oil Co. o f California Un i on P a~i fic ~orp. Unit e d Eng i ne e rs & Constructors Ltd . Unit e d Te chnolog i e s Unit e d Te le c ommuni c at i ons, Inc. U.S. Fid e lity and Guar anty Cp. U.S_ Gyp s um Co. Vista Ch emical Co. War n e r-Lamb e rt Fdn. We s tinghouse El ec tric Whirlpool Fdn. Williams Pipe Line Co . The Williams Companies Wisconsin Power & ~ight Withrow Engineering World Book, Inc. Xerox Corp.

Dearth and Barr Increase Responsibilities Computing responsibilities for David Dearth and David Barr at UM-Rolla will be increased effective immediately_ The UMR position of director of computing and information systems, vacated by Otho (Bill) Plummer, who left to become director of campus computing at the University of MissouriColumbia Sept. I, will be discontinued at Rolla because of budget restrictions_ UMR Interim Chancellor John T. Park made the announcement. Deartl}, who has been director of the UMR Computer Center since January of 1982, will become director of UMR computing services, taking on a major portion of the responsibilities which Plummer directed_ This ne)y-assignment will include Dearth's current responsibilities at the Computer Center as well as Administrative Data Processing_ Barr, who is also UMR professor of geological engineering and director of the Mining and Mineral Resources Research Institute, will take on onequarter time duties as assistant to UMR

Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services Neil Smith, charged with providing advice on academic computing_ Barr's additional title will be assistant to the vice chancellor for academic computing_He has been serving as chairman of the campus computer policy committee_ Dearth came to UMR in 1968 as an instructor of Gomputer science and systems analyst. He was subsequently promoted to 'the positions of scientific programmer/analyst, assistant direotor DAVID DEARTH of the Computer Center (software), Barr came to UMR in 1972 as an associate director of the Computer Center, and director of the Computer associate professor of geological Center. engineering and was promoted to proDearth has been the recipient of the fessor in 1978. He then became proUMR Outstanding Teaching Award fessor of geological engineering imd and the Alumni Service A ward of the director of the Mining and Min~ral Resources Research Institute at UMR. MSM-UMR Alumni Association. He holds a master of science degree in Prior to coming to Rolla, he held the computer science from UMR and a position of assistant professor of civil bachelor of 'science degree in engineering at the University of Cincinmathematics from Western Illinois. nati. He has been a remote sensing conUniversity. sultant to the petroleum industry and to

1976 and a professor in 1980. In addition, he served as the associate director of the UMR Center for Applied Engineering during 1983-84. He also has served on the faculties of California State University-Sacramento, the Middle East -Technical University and Iowa State University. He holds B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Iowa State University and an M.S. degree from the Middle East Technical University. In addition, he has served as a methods engineer with the May tag Company, Newton, Iowa; director andproject engineer for Ankara (Turkey) Omenag Named Chairman Consulting Engineers; project engineer of Engineering Management with Fenn Ve Gama, Ltd., Ankara, Turkey; and as a consultant to the Dr. Yildirim "Bill" Omurtag has Deen United Nations and the Organization appointed chairman of the department for Economic Cooperation and of engineering management at UM- Development. He 'is a registered professional Rolla, according to Dr. Robert L. Davis, dean of the UMR School of Engineer- engineer in Missouri, Iowa and Turkey and hoids certificates in methods-time ing. Omurtag comes to UMR from the measurement, plant layout and position of chairman of the department materials handling. He has supervised a of industrial engineering at Wichita number of research projects and is the author of numerous technical articles. State University. Former chairman, Dr. Henry H. Sineath, announced plans last spring to devote his efforts to the engineering management department's packaging engineering and materials handling programs. Before accepting the position at Wichita State University, Omurtag was a professor of engineering management at UM-Rolla. He joined the UMR faculty in 1974 as an assistant professor and was named an associate professor in

Wright -Elected to International Group Dr. F .T. Wright , professor of mathematics and statistics at UM-Rolla, has be~n elected to the International Statistical Institute. • Wright joined the UMR faculty in 1975. Me holds A.B., A.M : and Ph .D. degrees' from UMC. He also is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association.

Erten Chosen to Hold Endowed Professorship Dr. Hayri Erten, professor and chairman of the department of mining engineering at UM-Rolla, has been selected as the first Union Pacific Foundation/Rocky Mountain Energy Co. Professor. "Dr. Erten is highly deserving of this honor," said Don L. Warner, dean of UMR's Sc.hool of Mines and Metallurgy, "He is internationally known for his expertise in the area of coal preparation and has' had . a distinguished career in both education and industry." The initial appointment to the professorship is for three-year period and Erten will be eligible for re-appointment for another three years. The professorship is supported by an endowment from Union Pacific Foundation. Erten, who joined the UMR faculty in 1979, has been chairman of the


DAVID BARR the State of l11inois and the Unite< States Geological Survey. He is a recipient of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration New Technology A ward and has been a NASA Research Fellow at the Mannee Spacecraft Center in Houst~n. Barr holds a Ph_D. degree ir. geological engineering and an M.S.C.E. degree with a major ' in geologica. engineering from Purdue University.

.. .

department of mining engineering sinet. October 1985. He previously had serve(, as acting department chairman durin~ 1980-81 and was a visiting professol here in 1976-77. Erten holds the B.S. degree in mininf engineering from the University of Min nesota and an M.A. degree in mininl engineering and a Ph.D. degree ir metallurgy from Stanford University. After receiving his doctorate in 1946 he held 'several mining and metallurgica industrial positions in Turkey. In 1951 he became a part-time instructor in thl Zonguldak Mining School, a position hI held until 1960. During this time he con tinued his career in industry. Between 1962 and 1977, he '!Vas pro fessor and chairman of the minin~ engineering department of the Middlt East Technical University at Ankara Turkey. He served as a consultant to in· dustry and from 1973-79, he was a member of the Engineering Researcl> Group of the Turkish Scientific and Technical COUllcil, Ankara.

Keller Wins Award Margaret Keller, lecturer in art at UM-Rolla, recently won one of the top prizes in the St. Louis Artists' Guild 62nd Annual Watercolor and Pastel Exhibition . Keller received the show's "Anonymous Prize" and a cash award for her watercolor "Tortellini Means Venus' Navel." Her painting was selected from among 92 other entries. Keller received a degree in drawing, painting and art history from UMC.

MSNI Alumnus / 51


• !


David Gould Delivers Commencement Address Dr. David S. Gould, '51, executive vice president of Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peria, III., delivered the address at UM-Rolla's winter commencement Sunday, Dec. 15. About 700 students were awarded degrees. Dr. Gould told the students. Several years ago, at my son's graduation from Monmouth College, Howard K. Smith gave the commencement address. He gave a short but well delivered speech-much better, by the way, than the one you will hear today. I, like too many of you, haven't developed the communications skills that I really should have. But, putting that little bit of free advice aside, let me tell you a little about Howard K. Smith's comments. He started off by reciting a litany of all the things that were wrong with our situation today. He indicateo that our high wage rates and old factories make many of our industries noncompetitive, and that has seriously disadvantaged us as a world economic power. This rather bleak assumption presents a poor basic industry prospect for the future . He listed all the unsolved environmental problems- the chemical waste, the acid rain, and all the rest. He talked about the long-range energy problem- the periodic petroleum shortages and the dependence of our society on petroleum and an ill-defined energy strategy. . He was concerned about the perception of low quality of many consumer products and the idea that nobody in management or labor cares. He described the rapid development of non-U.S. technology; for example. Japanese electronics. He also described the need to keep our national defenses strong but affordable; and, overall, started his speech by describing a rather dismal scenario. After that, he proceeded to describe how the next generation had the potential to deal with all of these problems and that there really was a bright future for our country. He talked about what manufacturing technology can do for us, about the country's abundant coal reserves, and how they can be used to deal with this country's energy problems. He described the current progress in environmental problems and suggested that the remaining problems are solvable. He listed the number of nobel laureates and our good science and engineering education systems as evidence that our technology can stay competitive. It was a tremendous, optimistic presentation. I listened to his speech and was very interested: but half way through I became convinced that Mr. Smith was talking to the wrong audience. The speech he was giving should have been given at an institution like the University of Missouri-Rolla, not a liberal arts college.

521MSM Alumnus

Most of the things he described as challenges and potential areas of accomplishment fall in the realm of the engineer, not the business major. So, let me talk to you about some of these same issues in terms of your future, whether you are an engineer, a scientist or a humanist. Also, let me suggest to you that you will be working in a different environment than the engineer of my era . Let me explain that last comment a little. I would hold that for some years engineering and technology have gotten a bum rap. The anti-materialism , anti-technology sentiment of the 60's and 70's somehow got aimed at us, and the technology that made our somewhat wasteful materialistic society available. Engineers were somehow responsible for nuclear power and strong feelings were generated in this area. Somehow we got ourselves associated with Love Canal and dioxin and Three Mile Island . Somehow, technology and our rather wasteful and careless style got connected. I'm not suggesting that we weren't associated with all these things, but we really weren't the bad guys in this act; and I illustrate this point with a personal experience of my own . At Caterpillar, we recently excavated a site that we had used some 25 years ago for disposal of waste foundry sand. At the presentation , the project engineer in charge was complaining about how they had encountered a number of drums of solidified paint sludge. They were heavy- hard as concrete-and required special effort to remove. He complained that the idiot responsible for that mode of disposal should have been smarter than that. After the meeting, I quietly reminded him that to this idiot it didn't seem like a bad idea in view of the fact that my predecessors had been dumping the stuff in the Illinois River. My conclusion is that hindsight is wonderful, but I, like many others, think things are changing. I recently read a speech by Steve Bechtel, one of the most prominent engineers in the country, and he claimed-and I agree-that engineering, is again going to become a noble profession: not only in the judgment of the engineers themselves, but also in the judgment of the social scientists, the humanists and the public at large. The rate of increase in our standard of living is leveling off, and the public is becoming acutely aware of the kinds of challenges we talked about before. The prospect of a declining standard of living is out there, and nobody wants that. There is a shift away from political liberalism and its associated anti-technology . There is a growing recognition of the need for engineer and scientist to help solve these problems. The public understands the energy crisis and the need for improved American technology to overcome our trade deficit and help us compete in international markets. There is truly a growing awareness of the need to

apply technology to maintain and improve our way of life. Another important change is that I believe today's young people-you-an! more socially responsible than before. I believe you have a strongly developed social conscience imd that it will work for you. You engineers and scientists have rubbed shoulders with the liberal arts folks and you arts graduates have grown to know and better understand engineers and scientists. Together, you understand that social responsibility requires teamwork, not finger-pointing. And best of all, the technology is available to take on the tasks I have described, and I believe you are admirably trained to use this technology. I absolutely marvel at the technological revolution occurring in my own company. Computer controlled~ flexible machining systems connected by guided vehicles are cutting our manufacturing cost 20 percent and more. These systems eliminate setup, manual material handling, and most scrap. By drastically lowering our labor input and desensitizing many of our U.S. operations to our generally higher hourly rate, we see a prospect of being competitive in a worldwide marketplace. We are fascinated by the prospect of being able to tie the engineer's electronic design board to the factory floor. One example: we use a number of formed steel tubes to deliver hydraulic fluid, fuel, and the like from one place to another on our vehicles. The engineer can now tell the computer he wants point "A" connected to point "B" by a route he describes pictorially on his C.RT. We have his computer connected to the shop floor cutoff machine and tube bender which automatically produces the formed tube that the engineer wants without blueprints or experimentation. This simple example will be replicated hundreds of different ways in the years to come. Micro processors are being applied not only to our shops but also to our pro-

David S. Gould

duct at an increasing rate. We are at the point today where a mining truck's management is being taken over by a computer that monitors load, speed, slope, etc. We aren't very far away from the time when mine haulage trucks can operate completely unmanned. Electronics are also helping us impr'ove quality. I recently observed a new optical-TV-scanner in one of our plants that quickly measures several hundred attributes-compares them to the specifications, and has the ability to adjust the machining process to keep it in the middle of the tolerance. Our diesel engines today are 20 percent more fuel efficient than the ones we built 15 years ago, and a good deal more progress is still possible. Our factories today do not pollute their environment, and the water we use is returned cleaner than it was when we took it from the river or stream. I am using tractor factory examples to describe what I think is going on because I am familiar with them, but I am positive this technological _advancement-revolution, if you will-is going on all over. I recently saw a demonstration of a machine that uses focused shock waves to pulverize kidney stones'::""it sure as heck wasn't invented by a medical doctor. Some engineer snuck in there somewhere to solve this human problem. I also marvel at the ability of the just-out-of-school engineer to feel comfortable with all of these technologies. The point of this whole thing is to suggest that things Will be very good for you as you pursue your chosen profession. You are well trainbd. The social conscience is right, and I also believe engineering will be regarded a noble profession-and the technology is waiting for you to pick it up, refine it, and apply it to the needs of all of us. Please aOOfpt my congratulations, wishes for good luck, and one last comment-get going!



James M. ForgotsN

Gould, '5 J, and Forgotson, '20, Receive Doctor of Enginee ring Degrees (Honoris Causa) Dr. GOUld and James M. Forgotson Sr., '20, independent oil producer and consulting geologist and petroleum engineer, Shreveport, La., were awarded doctor of engineering degrees (honoris causa) during the ceremonies. Gould holds B.S. ('51), M.S. (,54) and Ph.D. (,57) degrees in metallurgical engineering from UMR. He also was awarded an M.S. in industrial management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. . He joined Caterpillar in 1957. After holding several positions in metallurgy and quality control, he was named chief metallurgist in 1964. He later held . manufacturing positions at the Aurora and Mapleton Plants and was named manager of the Mapleton Plant, Caterpillar's primary foundry operation, in 1972. He became a general plant manager in 1976 and was elected a vice president" with responsibility for the company's Engine Division, in 1977. He was elected to his present position jn 1983. While working on his doctorate, Gould served as an instructor in metallurgical engineering at UMR. He is a trustee of Graham Hospital, Canton, Ill.; a director of the Peoria Economic Development Council; and a member of the Bradley University Engineering Department Advisory Council, the American Foundryman's Society. of Automative Engineers. He is a fellow of the American Society for Metals and is registered professional engineer. He received his MSM-UMR" Alumni Achievement Award in 1977.

Forgotson enrolled at UMR as a member of the class of 1920 but mterrupted his studies to pursue professional interests. He received a B.S. degree in mining . engineering from UMR in 1922. A pioneer oil and gas explorationist, he has been responsible for many significant discoveries, combining the best from the "old wildcatters' and modern technology in his search for oil and gas reserves. After graduation, he worked as an independent operator and geological ari~ petroleum consultant in Shreveport and made numerous discoveries. He spent a decade in New Mexico, holding various positions with private industry and governmental agencies. Forgotson returned to Shreveport in 1935 as an independent geologist. In addition 10 his oil and gas discoveries, he demonstrated the application of radio prospecting in exploring for metallic ores and outlined major deposits for mining companies. In 1960, following a brief retirement, he accepted an interest in and the management of Morris and Burk, helping build that company and its successors into a significant oil and gas operation. ' He has patented and placed in the public domain a method of evaluating electric well logs. In addition, he has authored or co-authored a number of publications. Forgotson has been active in a number of professional and technical organizations and in civic affairs. He has received many honors, including the Award of Merit from the MSM-UMR Alumni Association in 1983. He is a member of the Order of the Golden Shillelagh at UMR.

, MSM Alumnus / 53

Alumni SecfionNews Ark-la-lex Section The fall quarterly meeting was held~ Nov. 9, 1985, at the Officers' Club of Barksdale Air Force Base in Bossier 'City, La. The meeting was held in true Miner fashion, the business portion of the meeting was preceded by a social hour and dinner, with a delicious main course of beef filet burgundy. A special thanks to the Livingstons for making the arrangements for this meeting.

A special welcome was extended to our new members: Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Musgraves, '58, and Mr. and Mrs. John H. NorthUp, '77, who have moved to Louisiana. It is great having you people join us. Bringing us up to date with the latest news from Rolla was John Livingston. Basil talked about how it was back in the 30's. New officers were installed'as follows: President, Frank Zvanut, '32; Vice

President, Phil Browning, '48; and Secretary-Treasurer, Darrell Musgraves, '59. A discussion was held as to the future of Ark-La-Tex Section and what can be done to attract the younger people to our meetings. It was decided to hold the spring meeting on March I, 1986, at the ' Barksdale Officers' Club in Bossier City, La. ' Present -at the meeting were: John

and Sharon Northup, '77; Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Musgraves, '58; Frank and Katherine Zvanut, '32, '37; Phil and Ardella Browning, '48; John and Eilyeen Livingston, '39; Gerald and Leona Roberts, '28; Florence Flesh; Rande and judith Grotefendt, '73; Louise Patton; Mr. and Mrs. Basil Compton, '39; and Mr. and ¡Mrs. John Moscari, Jr.

John Moscari Jr., '51

Florida West Coast Section It was a bittersweet meeting in Tampa on Sunday, January 19, 1986. Alumni of the area have become accustomed to being entertained at the lovely bayside home of Barbara and John Olsen. This was our last chance, for they are giving up the pleasures of yard and exterior maintenance and will be moving to a. condominium as a more convenient headquarters for their extensive travels. Attendees saw the new UM-Rolla student recruiting VCR tape - available

5~ / MSM


upon request - after the machine was oonlJected by Jeannie Stephenson, B.A. UMC, with some engineering help. Present were: James and Nancy Tuzzeo, '64, Belleair, Fla.; Ralph and Joan Young, '58, Sarasota, Fla.; Wilbur and Nancy Metcalf, '61 , Sarasota, Fla.; Dickie and Bill Hill, Jr., -'~2 , Sarasota, Fla.; Harvey and Olive Leaver, '48, Largo, Fla.; Tom ,.and Milly Mazzone, '44, Largo, Fla.;

John and Marla Calise, '79, Largo, Fla.; Lynn and Grace Riege, '40, Clearwater, Fla.; Charles and Dorothy Benner, '37 , Clearwater, Fla.; Bernie and Gerry Enfield, '50, CI--arwater, Fla.; Don and Diane_Beac~, '70, Harbor Bluff~ Fla.; Charles and Nancy Lloyd, '49, Springfield, Mo.; Bob and Shirley Clooney, '49, Naples, Fla.; William and Dottie Gammon, '49, Sarasota, Fla.; Bob and Dusty Held, '48, Sun City Center, Fla.; Robert and Dorothy Sprick, '5§, Venice, -


Fla.; Jim Menefee, '36, Lehigh Acres, Fla.; John and Barbara Olsen, '42, St. Petersburg, Fla.; Gerry and Jeannie Stevenson, '59, Lakeland, Fla.; Belding and Ruby McCurdy, '38, South Pasadena, Fla.; Donald Feaster, '59, St. Petersburg, Fla.; Frank and Nancy Mackaman. Bill Gammon produced enough '4gers to make us think we were in the Gold Rush.


Alumni Personals



1917 John Stafford Brown died Dec. I, 1985, at his home in Charlotte, N.C. He was 91. At MSM John was a member of the Corsair Club, Tau Beta Pi, the Student Council and was secretary of the RoUamo Board. He received his B.S. degree from MSM in mining engineer· ing and later, in 1935, was awarded the professional degree, Engineer of Mines, by MSM. He also held an M.S. degree from George Wasrungton University and a Ph.D. from Columbia University. Following his graduation from MSM, John enlisted in the Army during World War I, and was promoted from private to 1st Lieutenant. He joined the U.S. Geological Survey, then moved to St. . Joe Lead Co. during the 1920s. He became chief geologist for St. 'Joe Lead Co. and held that position until l1is retirement in 1960. John has made rna· jor contributions to the University , the state of Missouri, and, in a way, to the nation. He was a member of UMR's Order of the Golden Shillelagh, having endowed the Dake·Brown collection (books on geology) in UMR's library. He donated land in southeast Missouri that has been made into Elephant Rocks State Park, and, after years of study, published a book (Vantage Press, Inc. in New York City) titled "Back to Thirteen States." The book proposes that the 48 contiguous states be made into 13 superstates in order to overcome such dtfferences as laws, population ine· quities, mineral and water resources, land resources, etc. that now exist. John was preceded in death by his wife, Evangeline A. Moon.

1986 Homecoming October 17-18

Notice has been received of the death of Irwin Wyland Alcorn, presumably in December, 1985. At MSM Irwin was a member of Bonanza, Square and Compass and the Missouri Mining and Metallurgical Association. He received his B.S. degree in Metallurgical engineering. During his career he had been with Independent Oil and Gas Co., Smith Separator Co., Pure Oil Co., Coastal·Marine Drilling & Construction Corp" and Alcoa, before he retired in the I 960s. He had been living in La Jolla, Calif.

1927 Frank K. Seydler writes: "Frank Seydler's dance band, 'The Music Makers' is now appearing on television, six times a week. They provide the 'Big Band Sound' with 16 musicians (music of the 20's, 30's and 40's) ." Frank is retired? He and Elizabeth live at 1041 N. Oxford, Grosse Pointe, MI 48236.

1929 1923 Arlis B. Parkhurst died Nov . II , 1985, according to a notice from his daughter, Norma Parkhurst Winton, 947 Osage Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15243. At MSM he was a member of Kappa Sigma, Sigma Gamma Epsilon , DeMolay, Stu· dent Council and the "M" Club. He won his "M" in football . He received his B.S. degree in mining engineering and his career was with Shell Pipe Line Co. in Oklahoma and Texas. He retired in the early 1970s and - lived in Midland Texas. . '

1924 Harry Kessler received Alpha Epsilon Pi's Nehemiah Gitelson Medallion at the annual dinner of AEP's St. Louis Alumni Club. Samuel H. Shapiro, former Illinois governor and former national president of the fraternity, presented the award. Harry lives at 7 Dromara Road, St . Louis, MO 63124. Word has been received of the death of Perry Love, member of Pi Kappa Alpha and member of the class of 1924.

Harlow G. Jones writes: "Celebrated our 60th Wedding Anniversary, Dec. 25, 1985. Active in Tucson Chapter Sons of American Revolution and play golf about four times a week ." Harlow is a retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel. He and Doris live at 9040 E. Pine Valley Drive, Tucson, AZ 85710.


1931 Charles W. "Ches" McCaw died Dec. 12, 1985. A Rolla native, "Ches" was a member of Sigma Nu at MSM. He received his B.S. degree in ceramic engineering. Following graduation he joined Amerada Petroleum Corp. and ' served that company in various locations in Texas. In 1943 he returned to Rolla and was with the U.S. Geological Survey Mid-Continent Mapping Center until his retirement as assistant chief of the photogrammetry branch in 1973. "Ches" is survived by his wife, Lucy McCaw, 1017 W. 14th St., Rolla, MO 65401, two sons, Charles K. McCaw, '62, 7422 E. 74th St., Tulsa, OK 74133, and Michael J. McCaw, '70, 127 Creek Road, Nashville, TN 57205, a brother, Jack McCaw, '39, 106 Hilltop Road, Dickson, TN 37055 , and several grandchildren.

1932 Arthur J. Hoeman writes: "Greatgrandparents now. In August, flew to Singapore, then cruised to 'Bali and beyond'. A great trip!" Arthur and Elizabeth live at 880 Keeler Ave., Berkeley, CA 94708 .

William T. Kay died Nov. 18, 1985 . At MSM Bill had been a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, Tau Betta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, Glee Club, Miner news staff, the Rollamo Board and was vice "President of the Orton Society. He received his B.S. degree in ceramic engineering. DurTed Herman writes: "We are still enjoy- ing his career as a ceramic engineer he ing good health . Getting closer to had -worked for A.P. Green and shooting my age on the 'gold' course and Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron with a little help I do my yard work. We Co. before joining EJ . Bartelis Co. of congratulate the Alumni management Seattle, Wash. , where he served 37 years for its good work and the University before retiring' as vice president and management for their great work in pro· general manager in 1973. Bill is survived viding the scholastic skills and physical by his wife, Frances M. Kay, 228 facilities. Keep up the good work." Ted Leisure World, Mesa, AZ 85206, two is retired from Kaiser. He and Audrey children and seven grandchildren. live at 649 W. Elmorado Court, On· Frances and Bill attended Bill's 50th reunion at Rolla in May, 1982. tario, CA 91762 . Philip J. Boyer writes: "Greetings · Sept. I, 1985 , turned 80 years old. Oct. 4 . Hole in one, hol~ no. 7 - 150 yards at Rancho Santa Fe, Calif. (club no. 4 wood) ." Philip lives at 1640 Eolus Ave. , Encinitas, CA 92024.

MSM Alumnus / 55


Alumni Persona/s,____________________________________________________________ Roy and M ary Cornett write: "As 1985 Omar Walley sends some sad news. He began, we co ntinued 'knocking enclosed a notice of the death of ourselves o ut' to get our money's worth , Kathleen Clayton, wife of Charles L. from our Eastern Get·Up·and·Go (Bud) Clayton, '38, I Forest Hill Road, Passportsl In January we flew to Hannibal, MO. In addition, he reports California; in February We flew to that his wife, Margaret, died March 27, Texas; in March we flew to Florida; and 1984. Omar goes on to say: " I retired as in April and Ma y our grand finale was . vice president of marketing from Figgie to Fort Worth and Cibolo, Texas, and International in August, 1985, at age San f rancisco and San Diego, Calif. We 70. I am now consulting for the same flew home on May 16, the last day our company. Bud and I are planning to at· passports were valid .. We were grateful tend our 50th reunion." Omar lives at for the opportunity to see so many of 2050 G reenbriar Drive, Ma nsfield , OH our friends and relati v<i:s. We were 44907 . thankful that we were both in good health during our 'Year of Traver. As some of you know , beginning if\ mid· July Roy underwertt a number of medical tests, followed on Oct. I, by a diagnosis of cancer of the pancreas, termed inoperable as it had spread to the liver. Chemo-therapy (CT) ' was begun 1939 1985 Rollamo on Oct. 15 (the day following his 71st .birthday) and continued each Tuesday William R. Ellis is retires. He and 1933 through Nov. 5· on an out-patient basis. Winifred live at 1137 'Gilchrest Drive, Charles E. Acbuff is president of His white·blood count was too low on P.ittsburgh, PA 15235. Achuff Architectural Products, Inc. He Nov. 12 and 19 for CT, which also was writes: "Still working, but not as hard. skipped on Nov . 26 . in honor . of Notification of the death, on Sept. 12, Tr.avel a lot." He and Mary now live at Thanksgiving; CT is to be ,resumed 1985, of E. Herbert Johnson has been 6527 . Louann Drive, North Olmsted, (conditions permitting) on it bi-weekly received from his wife, . Mary G. Ohio 44070. basis as of Dec. 3. He seems to be'doing Johnson, 1560 State Line Ave ., well although nausea . is a problem, . Calumet City, IL 60409. At MSM Herb especially on CT days . .Roy was~.able to ,was a member of Triangle, president of enjoy the Thanksgiving dinner. · that Blue Key, a staff. member of the Mary cooked, and having the -family Missouri Miner and a member of the St. there. Our whole family was '. together Pat's Board. He received his B.S. degree for Christmas at our ~ughterCarol's . in metallurgical engineering. Following 1,34 . home in Gordonsville, Va. We are graduation he joined' Carnegie-Illinois grateful for the measure of health and. Steel Co. ; was in the U.S. Navy during Jim Stewart has moved' from Cocoa Beach, Fla. to 1955 Squires Court, happiness that is ours, and 'for all the ' World War II, rejoined Carnegie-Illinois . love and concern shown by our family . then moved to U.S. Steel. He retired Titusville, FL 32796. and our many friends.' May 'GOd bless from that company as a specification each of you." Roy and Mary reside at analyst in the late 1970s. 6109 Everglades Drive, Alexandria, V A 22312.

1935 D.W. Dutton writes: "Let's have another 50th. We enjoyed it." Don is a Georgia Tech professor emeritus. He and Ruth live at Burdett Road N.W., Atlanta, GA 30327 .


R. E. Burns sends word of an active The death of ' Richard G. Prough, on retirement. He and Martha took a trip Nov. 29, 1985, has been reported by to China last fall. The Burnses live at Paul Dowling, '40. At MSM Richard 3370 Clubview Terrace, Colorado was president of Triangle, president of Springs, CO 80906. Tau Beta Pi, Editor of the Rollamo, managing editor of the Miner, secretary W. James Carr Jr. writes: "Have retired of the Mis'souri tviining and from Westinghouse but still maintain an Metallurgical Association, president of office there and do consulting work .".' 1938 the Class of 1938 during his senior year, He and Winifred live at 1460 Jefferson Lawrence "Larry" Casteel died Oct. 26, was a member of Phi Kappa Phi, and . Heights, Pittsburgh, PA 15235 . 1985, at Bonne Terre, Mo. At MSM was on the football team for four years Larry was president of his senior class, and played tennis for MSM . He received vice president of Tau Beta Pi, a student his B.S. degree in mining (geology) W. P. Leber reports a business trip to assistant in the mining department and a engineering. During his career as a 'Europe last fall . He is vice president member of ROTC. He received his B.S. petroleum geologist, he was with Esso for Harza Engineering Co. headdegree in mining engineering and the Standard in India, Australia, Algeria quartered in Chicago. Phil and Bernice Engineer of Mines degree from MSM in and served as exploration manager for live at 3231 S.E. Fairway West, Stuart. 1960. Following graduation he went to the company at company headquarters FL 33494. work for St. Joe Lead Co. and was divi· in New York City and Houston. He sion manager and vice president of St. retired during the mid I 970s. He is sur· Ferd G. Machmer is retired . He writes: Joe Minerals Corp. when he retired in vived by his wife, Mrs. R.G. Prough ; "Very much enjoyed 1985 Homecom.J980 .. Larry is survived by his wife, 3140 Montesand Road, Escondido, CA ing." He and Virgie live at 1280 Pine Cone Terrace. Prescott , AZ 86301. Justine Casteel, and six children . 92025 .

56! MSM Alumnus

1941 J. J. Beers writes: "I plan to retire April L 1986 . and spend a grea t deal or'time on Kiawah Island off the South Carolina coast." J. J. is president of Industrial Minerals Inc. in York . S.c. He and Sophia li ve at 2 151 Windemere. Rockhill. SC 29730. Floyd Smith is vice president and chief engineer for Hood Corp. He and Ellen li ve at 751 EI Mirador. Fullerton. CA 92635 .

1942 Notification has been received of the death, on Nov. 24, 1985, of Harold B. Bute. At MSM Harold was a member of Tech Club and was president of the American Ceramic Society. He received his 8.S. degree in ceramic engineering. He began his emp.loyment with ' Harbison-Walker Refractor.ies in East Chicago, Ind., then went to the Mount Union plant in 1959. He retired in ' 1978 as a supervisor after 35 years with the . company. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy Bute, 219 S. Division St., MQunt Union, PA 17066. Brandon F. Ebeling died· in Octo\;ler, ; . 1983, according to a note from his wife, " Marian Ebeling, 403 Beverly, Bryant. AR 72022. At MSM Brandon .was a member of ROTC and received his B.S . . degree in mining engineering . .He joined Reynolds Mining Co. of Little Rock. ·.. Ark., following World War II. Charles Hillery is now with Clyde E. Williams and Associates. Charles ,and Delores live at 7453 Avalon Trail Road, Indianapolis. IN 46250. Otis H. Taylor moved from Bettendorf. Iowa. His new mailing address is P.O. Box 366, Herrin, IL 62948 .

1943 Harold Amli is retired from the U.S. Government. He and Virginia have moved to 4772 Donson Drive, Kellering, Ohio 45440. James V. Carroll has retired from Alcoa. He and Betty ·now live at 2044 Leisure World, Mesa, AZ 85206. Rene' K. Rasmussen is retired . He and La Verne live at 1808 EI Paso Lane. Fullerton. CA 92633.



Alumni Personals _ _ _--..,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Necrology These individuals who have been carried on the alumni roll were reported as deceased between January 1, 1985 and December 31, 1985.

Mohammad Syed Abtahi, '80 Irwin Wyland Alcorn, '22 Paul E. Allen, '77 Larry Frank Barlick, '65 Maurice Lynn Baylor, '69 Henry Davis Bixby, '48 Robert Shepard Blackstock, '50 James Edward Blankenship, '59 Michael Lewis Boothby, '76 Pierre Borgeaud, '60 Mark George Bouckaert, '84 Carlos Gehert Bowers, '24 Robert Frederick Bridger, '57 Harold B. Bute, '42 Audie Vernon Cardin, '48 J. James Carr, '58 Mrs. Myrtle M. Carlton Josepb A. Cartledge, Jr., '29 James A. Caselton, '57 Lawrence Worth Casteel, '38 John Hamilton Castleman, '42 Jamison Eberlee Couch, '25 Bowman Davenport, '27 John Charles Deckard, '50 Raymond John Dethorne, '68 Robert Scott Dillingham, '82 Russell Simon Dittmer, '29 Brandon Frederick Ebeling, '42 Oscar Henry .Fager, '36 Gregory William Filla, '84 William Arthur Finegar, '52 Dudley Folsom, '38 Wayne Shannon Frame, '23 Howard Thomas Gibbons, '35 Robert Garth Gladden, '66 Rob Roy Goodenow, ¡ '83 Eskridge Reed Gordon, \42 Charles Patrick Green, '69 Clarence William Hangosky, '31 Michael John Harkins, '48 Albert Harrison, '31 John E. Harrod, '35 Leonard Edward Hartwig, '70 Gerald Wayne Haslett, Jr., '55

1944 Robert L. Banks is retired from Phillips Petroleum .Company, He and Mildred have moved to 1610 S.E. Hampden Road, Bartlesville,"OK 74006. John Brodhacker is retired. He and Mary reside at 2114 Locust Court , Bloomington, IN 47401. James D. Gostin is owner of J-G Sales Co. in Arcadia, Calif. He and Theda live at 180 Mt. Olive Drive, Bradbury, CA


Robert Linders Heineck, '46 William Paul Henne, '44 David Francis Herley, '51 Erwin Charles Hoeman, '30 Wallace Harold Hopkins, '66 Hildon Dean Howard, '50 John James Howard, '68 Thurston B. Howard, '49 James Richard Hubbard, '52 Kay ' Kesling Huffstutler. '48 Joseph Stewart Irwin, '12 Rodney Earl Jenkins, '69 Edward Gent Johannes, '43 Charles Casper Johnson, '48 Earl Herbert Johnson, '39 Warren Hipple Johnson, '50 William Thomas Kay, '32 Robert Charles Kelahan, '49 John Elerick Ki~er, '39 Robert J. Kornfeld, '58 Eugene Bertram Lanier, '38 Bernard Sidney Lee, '33 Ermin Edward Lee, '65 Marion W. Lenox, Jr., '58 Charles Herbert. Lindsly, '25 David Gerald Linter, '70 James Edward Long, '56 Perry L'ove, '24 Edwin Gilbert Machin, '22 Guy Verdier Martin, '23 Anthony Vincent Massaro, '36 Norbert W. Maurer, '68 Joe August Mayer, '36 Charles William McCaw, '31 Monte ,Walker ~1cCord, '49 Robert Edward McCreary, '56 John David ~1cKinney, '48 Roger Lynn NcLean, '69 Jack ' Ell ington Mdlahan, 'SO William Johnson Miller, '48 Frank Barnard Mitchell, '61 Freddy Lee Mosby, '58 Frederick Marion Muelleri '38 Charles Joseph Murphy, '34

Harold A. Murphy, '26 James Leroy Nix, '61 James William O'Connor, '50 Thomas Hudson Parker, '57 Arlis Beckham Parkhurst, '23 John W. Parmeter, '73 Edward Pesout, '23 Donald P. Pray, '25 Allen Dewey Potts, '20 Richard G. Prough, '38 Raymond Walter Reed, '50 Lowell Everett Reeve, '31 Willet F. Reinmiller, '36 Lawrason Riggs, III, '72 Francis Oren Roderique, '48 Joseph Herman Rohloff, '21 Raymond Harold Russell, '49 John Joseph Sakonyi, '50 John Joseph Schiermeier, '58 Louis Henry Schuette, '29 Billy Lee Schwalb, '59 Eugene Martin Shaver, '43 Peter Edward Silver, Jr., 'a7 Paul Frederick Steinhoff, '42 Joe Allen Stoll, '57' Samuel E. Taylor, '32 Martin Wayne Teague, '61 Ray Treon, '47 Kenneth Ed~ard Tweedy, '85 Robert E. Vansant, '51 Keith William Vogan, '83 John Chester Vorbeck, '47 O. L. Wallis, '32 William Ernest Walker, Jr., '36 Thomas Sheridan Walsh, '65 William Walbridge Weigel, '20 ,Frederick Charles Western, '50 Charles C. Whittelsey, '22 Virgil Lee Whitworth, '23 Henry Wilson, '31 Raymond Clark Wiley, '51 Billie Jene Winchester, '51 Forrest D. Worman, '57

John R. Riggs is now retired. He lives at 304 Market St. , Lewes, DE 19958.

1946 Raymond B. Jones is now a selfemployed consultant and sales representati ve. Raymond and Roberta live at 26907 Lake Road, Bay Village, OH


William A. Hubbard is employed with S,C.M . Corp, He resides at 709 Hamp¡ ton Lane, Towson, MD 21204, Warren L. Larson 'is now sales manager for Supercon Inc. in Shrewsbury, Mass. Warren and Priscilla live at 117 Lincoln St., Lexington, MA 02173.

1947 Edwin R. Fogarty is retired, He and Maxine reside at 717 Nottingharri Road, Wilmington , DE 19805 ,

1985 Roliluoo

MSM Alumnus / 57

Alumni Personals.____________________________________________________________ . 1,,47 Continued James Stephens has been appointed to membership ' on the Hazardous Waste Management Commission of Missouri by Gov. John Ashcroft. Jim, who recently retired as senior vice president of Missouri Public Service Co., after more than 40 years with the company, is a past president of the MSMlUMR Alumni Association. He' received the professional degree, electrical engineer, from MSM in 1957 and an honorary doctor of engineering degree frem UMR in 1971. Jim will serve on the Commis· sion until April 1989. The commission makes regulations for the generation, transportation, treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous wastes. It hears appeals of administrative decision~ and rules on requests for variances. Jim lives at 406 E. Third, Lee's Summit, MO 64063.

1,,48 Robert H. Appelbaum writes: "Con, suIting reservoir geologist for self, 'Appletree'. Retained by IHROC to teach subsurface mapping in U.S. and overseas in 1986. Retired from Gulf in 1983 ." Robert and Jane.'s mailing address is P.O. Box 178, Missouri City, TX 77459. The alumni office has received word of the death,in November, 1985 , of Audie Vernon Cardin, Route 2, Box 197, Mountain Grove, MO 65711. At MSM he was a member of Phi Kappa Phi, ASCE (secretary), and was a student assistant in the civil engineering depart· ment. He received his B.S. degree in civil engineering. During his career he worked with Interstate Oil Pipe Line Co., Humble Pipeline Co. and Exxon U.S.A.

W. A. Schaeffer III writes: "Early retire- A. Daniel Fentzke is retired. He and ment from Marathon will be effective Skip live at No. I Fair Oaks Circle. OrFeb; I, 1986, after 19 years service. mond Beach, FL 32074. Can't seem to hold a job longer than that-same time earlier with Jack D. Foste.r writes: "Retired from John D. Earls is retired. He and Wanda Schlumberger. Will enjoy watching my Atlantic Richfield Arco ·Exploration Co. live at 52442 Cash Ridge Road, Bellaire, , grandchildren grow." He is a senior in September, 1985 . Am now a con-. petroleum engineer for Marathon Oil suiting geologist." He and Kathy live at OH 43906 . Co. in Houston, Texas. He and Edith 14694 E. Harvard Ave .. Aurora. CO William J. Grady Jr. has moved to 1535 . live at 13030, Perthshire, Houston, TX 80014. E. Duchesne Drive, Florissant, MO 77079. Paul H. Greer writes: "Recently ap63031. . Wilbert F. Stoecker, Professor Emetitus pointed manager of reliability engineerSanto Italia is retired. He and Barbara of the University of Illinois at Urbana ing for bipolar semicustom integrated now live at 6364 Peacock Ave., Champaign, ' was honored by the circuits for Motorola's applications American ' Society of Heating, specific integrated circuits division, Highland, CA 92346. Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Mesa, Arizona. I completed 35 years Robert T. Kracht writes: "Retired after Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE) with their service with Motorola in '85 ." He lives 30 years with Maxon Corp." He was a International -Activities Award at the at 4239 E. Mitchell Drive. Phoenix. AZ district sales manager. Robert and ASHRAE annual meeting, June 23-26, 85018. Carole - reside at 101 Wexford Way, 1985. The award was given to him for his enhancement of the presence of A rePort has been received of the death Basking Ridge, ,NJ 07920. ASHRAE the world over by par- of Thurston B. Howard on Dec. 3, ticipllting in international conferences 1985. Thurston transferred to MSM James J. McGovern is retired (formerly' and . symposia, and . by encouraging from Shurtleff College, was a member of a technical . manager for SheJ.l engineers and scientists from overseas to AIChE and Alpha Chi Sigma. He Chemicals). He and Alice live at ·1600 share knowledge through .involvement received his B.S. degree in chemical . Prendergast Lane, St. Louis, MO 63138. in society programs. Wilbert's home ad- engineering. His career was spent with dress is 1506 S. Maple St., Urbana, IL Sun Oil Co. in Toledo, Ohio. Ralph McKelvey is now a professor at 61801. William H. Magruder has opened a Kent State University in Kent, Ohio. He and Margie live at 920 S. Chapel, Fred A. Todd is now retired. He and General Business Services franchise in Marilyn live at 1912 Las Lanas Lane, Stamford, Conn. His specialties as a Louisville, OH 44641. Fullerton, CA 92633. business counselor are financial management and tax services. New address for Nace F. Mefford Jr. is now vice president, business development , for James R. 'Dick' Whanger, '48, '49, Bill and Audrey is 223 Haig Ave., StamUltrarnar Oil and Gas Ltd. in Houston, writes: "I have transferred from the ford, cr 06905 . Bill was formerly with Texas. Nace and Mary Jo. live at 5 main plant of Hughes Tool to the Union Carbi4,e and, for the past five Mayfair Grove Court, Woodlands, TX Metallurgical Products Division, 'where years, was managing director for seven 1 am vice president and general major Union Carbide Subsidiaries in 77381. manager. The location is on the west South Africa. A report has been received of the death, side of Houston." Dick and Ann reside on Oct. 23, 1985, of Francis O. Roderi· at 5514 Creek bend, Houston, TX William A. Morgan writes: "I retired from IBM'in Endicott last year, Nov . que of Westlake, LA 70669. At MSM 77096. .'84, , and now spend my time in Francis was a member of Phi Kappa volunteer work and playing with my Phi, AIChE, and was historian for IBM personal computer." Bill's address Alpha Chi Sigma. He received his B.S. is P.O. Box 361, Oswego, NY 13827. degree in chemical engineering. His career was spent with Continental Oil Co. in Ponca City , Okla., Denver, Colo. Norman W. Reinkensmeyer. is retired. and Westlake, La. He recently retired as He lives at 128 Rosemont Drive, Cora cost analyst for Conoco. aopolis. PA 15108. Winston F. Bott is now president of Cogeneration Consultants of Texas. Winston and Tomasa live at 3531 Stone haven, San Antonio, TX 78230.



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Robert M . and Willie L. Cage have moved from West Palm Beach to 120 Raintree Trail, Jupiter, FL 33458 . W. Dale Carney is a di vision engineer bridge - for Missouri Highway and Transporation Department. He and Mary live at 916 Carol, Jefferson City, M065101. Frank J. Cizek is president of Mototron 'Inc. in Havertown , Pa . Frank lives at 214 Oak Hill Road, Bala Cynwyd , PA 19q04. I

. 1985 Rollamo

SS/ MSM Alumnus

Roy L Coplen Jr. has been named 'District 10 engineer with the Missouri Highway & Transporation Department in Sikeston. Roy and/ Margaret were previously based in Jefferson City .

John F. Schmitz writes: "Retired Jan . 27, 1984. Remarried Oct. 6, 1984." He and Sandra live at 2118 W. Broadway, Anaheim, CA 92804. William H. Shaw has been named assistant to the chief engineer, planning and design , with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. He joined the department in 1949. He has held a variety of positions including resident engineer , field liaison engineer- maintenance-and Sikeston district engineer. He became construction division engineer in October 1972. William lives at 1822 Green Meadows, Jefferson City. MO 65101. John W. Shute is now retired . He and Regina have moved to 1123 Jackson Road. Kerrville. TX 78028.

Atumni Personais _______________________________ 1949 Continued John E. Stein writes: "Have not retired yet. but I am considering such." He is vice president for Ladd Petroleum Corp. (General Electric~. He and Dorothy live at 3953 S. Newport Way , Denver, CO 80237. Richard L. Stovall . is now a staff engineer, manufacturing, for BendixOceanics Division (Allied Corp.~ in Sylmar, Calif. He and Dolores live at 6522 Kessler Ave., West Hills. CA 91367 . Arthur L. Tucker and Babs now live at Coral Beach Tower No.2, Apt. 1716, lslu Verde, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00913. Otto L. Van Maerssen has moved to 1649 Arbutus, Walnut Creek, CA 94595 . Joe Wright is retired_ He and Marie have moved to Second St., No. 101, Santa Cruz, CA 95060_

1950 Eugene E. Bartels writes: "I retired from the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department on Sept. I, 1985, af ter 36 years of service. Still live in St. Joseph as we have for 28 years." The Bartels' address is 3821 Mitchell Ave. , St. Joseph. MO 64507. ' Vernon G. Berkey is retired and now a consultant and has a contract with LLC Corp. of Dallas, Texas. He and Joyce live at III Plantation Drive, Moore, SC 29369. Notification of the death , on June 7, 1985. of Robert Shepard Blackstock has been received by the alumni office . . At MSM -he was a member of AlEE. SAME, the Rifle Club. ROTC and was a student assistant in the library . He received his 8.S. degree in electrical engineering. His career was spent as an electrical engineer with General Electric Co. He is survived by his wife. Jayne. 117 Brookhaven. North Syracuse, NY 13212.

Harold J. Brewer is living at 11027 Via Parma, San Diego, C A 92129 according to word received from Kenneth C. Zeller, '50. Morton Deutch is retired. He resides at 8332 Delerest Drive, Apt. I C. St. Louis, MO 63124.

Roy T. Clayton writes: "Will soon be two years since I retired. Enjoying all of it. Still come to Licking four to five times a year for float fishing and turkey hunting.': Roy and Betty Lou live at 2609 N.W. 120th Terrace, Oklahoma_ City. OK 73120.

Aaron J. and Zelda Greenberg write: -"Since this is the first year of 'retirement' from St. Louis County, the annualletter has a different form this year. I have basically four volunteer activities which are listed and described:' (I ~ - I spend four mornings a week at the Sherman Elementary School in St. Louis in a 5th grade classroom. Mainly , I try to help the students- with their math and English. Also, we go on field trips to places such as The Magic House, Art Museum (for a dance exhibition), Union Station, a recording studio, and a roller skating rink. (2~ - Two fellows and I started a trio called the Aba Dabas. Bob Harper (flute), Jim Gwyn (piano), and I (trumpet) formed the trio in April and will have performed at 10 nursing homes and leisure clubs by Jan. I, 1986. We play songs written between 1890 and 1940 and appropriate holiday songs. (3) - After taking a 12¡hour course conducted by the Literacy Council of St. Louis, I have been tutoring a 22-year-old young lady . The purpose of the Council is to improve reading and spelling abilities. (4~ - I have continued my Junior Bowling coaching at Western Bowl. Also, continuing activities are piano lessons, season ticket!; to the soccer Steamers' games, and Engineers' Club bowling. Other highlights for the year include the following: (I) - Attendance at the "Baseball Writers' dinner in January . (2) - Performed with the Kirkwood 'Fun' Band in February. (3) - Went to the Cardinals' spring training and EPCOT for a week in March. (No one thought the Cards would wind up in the World Series!) (4) - Zelda and I bought an Apple lit computer and printer in June and have used it for word processing, data base, spreadsheet, and education program applications. (l took a 12-hour course at the Personal Computer Institute before purchasing the computer.~ (5) - Took a trip on the President in August . (6) - Saw Liza Minelli at the Fox in October. m- Oh yes! I had a 'heart attack' on Sept. 15 which slowed 'me down for a month, after staying in Jewish Hospital for 10 days. I am presently on a low-sodium. low-cholesterol diet. (8~- Took swimming lessons at the 'Y,' but didn't accomplish much before my heart attack . (9) Schnucks finally opened their Super Store across the street. I hope, dear friends, this finds you all well. We wish health, wealth , and peace to you in 1986 and beyond." Aaron and Zelda live at 2820 Hereford, St. Louis, MO 63139.

1985 RoHamo

Chandrakant D. Gandhi has moved to Flat 72-A, II Harkness Road, Bombay 400 006, India.

Paul A. Haas writes: "In 1985 received an inventor award from Martin Marietta Energy Systems to recognize innovative employee contributions. Also received recognition as an employee with more than ten U.S_ patents." Paul is living at 8000 Bennington Drive, Knoxville, TN 37909 and is employed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

John F. Hernan moved to 1443 Terrance Drive, Naperville, IL 60565.

Clarence C. Houk is a manager, Missouri barite operations, for NL Industries. He and Dolores live at 299 Nicholson Drive, Potosi, MO 63664.

Alden C. Hutchinson writes: "New grandson, Andrew Craig Hutchinson, was born on Fathers Day 1985 ." Alden is a secretary treasurer for Acro Trailer ¡Co. He and Martha live at 2320 N. Packer, Springfield, MO 65803. Theodore I. Jerman is a technical service specialist for E.I. DuPont De Nemours & Co. Inc. He and Nancy live at 188 Oldbury Drive, Wilmington, DE 19808 . Frank D. Lyons is president of engineering services division for Kerr McGee Corp. in Oklahoma. He and Joan live at 3037 Willowbrook Road, Oklahoma City. OK 73120. Arthur R. McDermott is a business development manager for Nalco Chemical Co. His mailing address is P.O. Box 691, Sugar Land, TX 77487 .

Notice of the death, on Feb. 18, 1985, of Jack Ellington McMahan has been received from his wife, Jayne McMahan, No. I Buckingham Court, Rockledge, FL 32955 . At MSM Jack was a member of the Photography Club. . He received his B.S. degree in metallurgical engineering. During his career he lived in Climax, Colo., Weed Heights, Nev. and Grants, N.M. John E. Muehring is an environmental services manager for Hemet Valley Hospital District. He and Helen liv\! at 27385 Meridian St. , Hemet, CA 92344. Robert J. Pennington is a manufacturing manager for Motorola, government electronics group, in Scottsdale, Ariz. He and Helen live at 4455 Country Club Drive, Flagstaff, AZ 8600~. Clayton E. Slack is now president of Clues Corp. (private consulting). His and Laura's mailing address is P.O. Box 999, Carbondale, IL 6290 I. Ricbard J. Stegemeier, '50, '81, has been named president of Unocal Corp., Union Oil Center, 1201 ~est 5th St., P.O. Box 7600, Los Angeles, CA 90051. He was also appointed chief operating officer of Unocal, the 13th largest oil company in the United States.

John F. Strong is now chairman for May Design and Construction Co. in St. Louis. He and Janet have moved ' to 14555 Ladue Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017.

Robert C. Wood is with Oasis Oil Co. of Libya Inc. He lives at 49 Langton Road, East Molesey, Surrey , England, KT80HX. Wilford R. Ziebell is retired from U.S. Gypsum Corp. His and Virginia's mailing address is Route I, Box 68, Mitchell, IN 47446.

MSM Alumnus / 59

Alumni Personals 1951

---------------------------------------------------Harry E. Kennedy send a new add ress: ADM Feed Corp .. P.O. Box 8 1308, Lin · coin , N E 685 0 I.

Charles A. Beckman is retired. He is a geologic consu ltant. He writes: " I was reti red from United State Steel orp. Resea rch Lab in oleraine. Minn . in Jack Maurer has recentl y retired from June 1985 . I had worked se ven yea rs fo r M onsa nto o. where he has served a Hanna Mill illg o. , d 19 yeJrs for th e general patent counsel, and has joined USS Re ea rch Lab. I plan on doing con- the intellectual property law firm of Arsulting in Thi rd World countries in orc nold, White & Durkee, P.O. ~ox 44 33. body analy is. I hope I ca n be there for Houston, TX 772 10. the 1986 Homecoming. No. 35 for 195 1." harles lives at II 15 2nd Ave. Julius H. Moor moved last August W., G rand Rapids, MN 55 744 . . from Anchorage, A la ka to mailing address Box 87 1954, Wasilla. AK 9968 7. Gerald B. Bellis writes: "On July I , I was promoted to chief design and construction engineer for Chevron's ea tern William R. Oldham write : " Employed region production department." Gerald by Department of Army. U .S. Army and Mary live at 3908 S. Inwood Ave.• Materi al omma nd Headquarter , chief of surveillance equipment bra nch in New Orleans. LA 70 I ) 4. D S supply, mainl enance and transportation. Three more yea rs until retire· Gene R. Blendermann writes:" ene's ment. " His home add ress is 2404 N . new consulting business start ed in lorida St., Arlin gton . V A 22207 . Febru ary, 1985 , wi th conwlation in BogOla. olombia for th e start up of a new oi l field pipeline and termin al. " He is president of onsultmann G roup. He Paul S. Pender writ es: "Have decided to and Vera li ve at Rivermer. 3B. A lger retire 1986 and am turnin g in my slide ' rulc (oops! I mea n my computer!)." He i ourl , Bronxvi lle. NY 10708 . a sclf-cmployed con ulting engineer. Paul and Evelyn li ve at 1257 Iva nhoe Andy Bodlcky is a enior projcci Drive, ast La nsing. M I 48823. omputer engineer for Pr pective Ana lysl in Bridgeton. Mo. He and Elaine li ve at 2 101 Parkton Way, Ba rn - Richard C. Phelps has moved from High Point . N .C. and now li ves al J 149 hart. MO 630 12. Honey Run Drive. York, PA 17404. H.A. Fritschen is now genera l manager sa fety, envir nment, hea lth and protective services - for ities Service Oil & Gas Corp. He and Arleen li ve at 5249 S. 68 th Place. Tu l a. OK 7414 5. David E. Glenn is manager. mechanical engineeri ng. for Westin ghouse Electric orp. in Pittsburg. He and A udrey live at II Surrey Woods Road. Bethel Park , PA 15 102. John B. Griffith writes: "Retired from the Union Sw itch and Signal Division of Americ'an Standard Ilic. in summer of '84 and joined a small engineering and onsulting firm in Wi lmington, Del.. which specializes in rai lway si ' nal and communica ti ons systems design and fiber optic systems for telecommunica t ion carriers." John i a mana 'er. business development. He and Joan li v ' at 239 Mt. Vernon Ave .• Export , PA 15632. Eugene F. and Gloria Hohlfeldcr now li ve at I Riverwood Place. M aumelle. AR 72 11 8. Eugene is empl yed by Alumillum o. of America in Ba ukit e. Ark .

Charles A. Rice moved to 22426 18t h Ave .. S.E .. Both ell. Wash. 9802 1, in December. Robert J. Rieder is a configurati on mana ge mcnt mana ge r fo r T he Aerospace orp. in EI Segu ndo, alif. He and Norma li ve at 864 Ea rlham St. . Orange, A 92669 .

Raymond C. Wiley died Aug. 2, 1985, according to a noti ce received by the alumni office. At MSM he was a member of ASM and received his B.S. degree in m e tallurgi~al engineering. His ca ree r wa s spent as a re sea rch metallurgist with th e U.S. Nava l Ordnance Laboratory . He li ved at 129 11 Tu rkey Branch Parkway . Rockville. MD 20853.

Donald J. Taylor is a plant engineerin g manager for Arm tec Defense Product . His and ynthia's addre s i 82·339 Ta hqu it z. Indio. C A 9220 I .

Leroy K. Wheelock is retired now from F I uor. He ha moved to 144 I Honeysuckle Drive N. E .. Albuquerque. NM 87 122.

1953 Albert A. Fosha Jr. i now slress depa rt ment supervi or for HITCO. He and Sarah li vc al 15020 N .E. 161h SI .. Bellev ue. W A 98007.

1952 Floyd M. Drummond is now employed with McDonnell Dougla As tronau tics in FE-Management/Tomahawk. He and leta live at 117 Kimberly ourt, ollinsv ille. IL 62234 .

Wallace H. Homes write : "Recentl y appointed district director, planning and programs, Di trict I, Florida 'Department of Transportation ." He and Milton M. Silver is a technica l director- Rosemary li ve at 3 14 Tennyson Road. clectrolyt ics for MK-Ferguson o. in Winter Haven. FL 33880. leveland. He and M ae re ide at 6935 W. Fit zwater Road. Breck ville. OH Donald S. Maday i a rei ired engi neer. 44 14 1. He and Gertrude li ve at 6 12 A South 15th t. , Arlington, V A 22202. Milton A. obic is now with Sobie and A ociates Inc.. as chief engineer. He Joseph E. Michelotti is now rei ired and Doroth y li ve at 800 W . Lincoln , from PPG . His and Rachel's mailing adDes Plaines. IL 600 18. dress i Box 154. hurch reek. MD 2 1622.

Lester W. Holcomb is superint endent of Francis E. Wees writes: " Retired from highways for Randolph oun ty in Spar- Union Pacific Railroad as environmenta, III. Ilis and J an's mailing address is tal engi neer. Enjoy ing golf. fishing and Rf-D 7, Box 205 B. Carb IIdal " IL home improvements." His home addres is 5444 Sprin g St .. Oma ha, N E 68 106. 6290 1.

60 / M SM A lu mnu s

1985 Rollamo

A.J. Ruttinger is now a con ulting engineer for Well ompleti on and Stimulation . His and Ellen's mailing ad· dress is P.O. Box 6. Sandy. UT 8409 1. E. George Stevens is an engineer specia list for Rockw ell Inl ern alional Inc. He and Nancy li ve al 2039 Palisades. Fullert on. A 9263 1.

Rodney E. Gilbreath of 82 Sierra Drive, Pitt burgh, PA 15239. wriles: " Work in field engineering of industry electronics division. Westinghou se Elect ric Corp . M arried 28 years: wife Evelyn. son David and daughter Diane ." Ralph L. Kuster moved to 22 Tan-Ta rA , Route 5. Stillwater. OK 74074 . in December. Manfred Katz i now a director of engineerin g for M .A .N . Truck and Bus orp . He and Libbie li ve al 309 Brookmeade Drive, State ville, NC 28677 . Lloyd C. Prickett is a senior qualit y cngineer for Hamilton Standard Division of United Tech nologies Corp. He and Edna re ide at Mullen Road . En· field . T 0608 2. George W. Thompson is now president ity and general manager of Kansa Terminal Railwa y o. in Kansas Cit y. Mo. George and Bette live at 11117 W. 122 nd Terrace, Overland Park . KS 662 13. James F. Z app now live al 334 Dani St. . Billings. MT 59 101.

Alumni Personals __________________~----------------------------------_______ 1954

Les Sutton has been appointed director of engineering for the newly created inWayne M. Aceto writes: "Peg and dustrial machinery division of Gardneren tertained the family at Christ mas. Denver Cooper Industries, in Quincy, Had a quadruple bypass in earl y III~ This new division combines the December. Everything is going great." former compressor division and the He and Peggy live at 12404 N. Gate petroleum equipment division . Les had Court. Roscoe . IL 61073. been the head engineer for the past five years of the petroleum division . -He has James A. Gerard writes: "Just started been employed at Gardner-Denver new job as director of development . Cooper Industries for 30 years, starting The Trinity Group . a real estate out as an engineer in the pump division development and investment company. in June 1955. He has specialized in oil Moving to larger quarters at 1600 N. field equipment and part of his responArlington Heights Road, Arlington sibility at the plant in the past was to Heights, Ill. James lives at 241g Wulff St.. serve as a representative of the company to countries around the world. He has Cary, IL 60013. traveled to Mexico City frequently to \ assist in the management of the sister Richard C. Runvik is vice president and plant there. He has also been to Europe operating manager for U.S. Gypsum assisting and serving as a liaison there on Energy Management Co. His. and some of the off-shore drilling operations JoAnn's mailing address is P.O. Box in the North Sea. He and two other' 113. Lake Hiram Club. Arcade , NY company officials were recently invited 14009. to the People's Republic of China by the minister of geology and the minister of petroleum to .give technical lectures on equipment which is manufactured in Quincy and shipped to China. They 1955 were there from November 11-24, Ralph and Nell Boze now live at 6005 S. presenting lectures in Shanghai and Oswego. Tulsa. OK 74135. several other cities in the interior of China. Les and Marge live on Route 3, Richard L. Cruse is now vice president. Palmyra, MO 63461 , and are the marketing, for Reed Tool Co. He and parents of three children: Robbie at Con nie live ' at 15602 Winding Moss, home, Pam (Mrs. Chris Mallory) of Columbia and Jim of St. Charles. In his Houston, TX 77068. spare time, Les farms several hundred acres and raises beef cattle in partnerRalph T. Davis Jr. is vice president for ship with his father , Vaden Sutton. Cubic Corp. in San Diego, Calif. He and Pat live at 1116 Sea Village Drive, Car- Robert P. Walsh Jr is a project manager diff By the Sea, CA 92007. with D.L. Porter Construction Co. Ray E. Pfaff is with Ray E. Pfaff & Associates Inc. He and Dolores live at 2921 E. 56th Place, Tulsa, OK 74105. P. Owen Redel took charge of Missouri Highway & Transportation Department District 5 (Boone, Callaway, Camden, Cole, Cooper, Howard, Maries, Miller, Morgan, Moniteau, Montgomery and Osage Counties) on Jan . I. The promo· tion puts him in the district where he began his career with the department 31 years ago. George J. Sabus Jr. moved in December from Stanhope, N.J. to 203 Patton Drive. Warner Robins, GA 31093.

• "

Paul W. Leming is a senior operations engineer for PPG Industries. His and Barbara's mailing address is Route 4, Box 1424, Lake Charles, LA 706 11. Philip S. Roush is manager, south division customer service, for Union Elec· tric Co. He and Kay live at 8935 Burnt· oak Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123.

1957 Robert J. fahrig is a director in program management for Amoco Corp. in Chicago. He and Collette live at 17057 Grant St., Lansing, IL 60438 .


Billy J. Giffin is now vice president of Frank L. CarroU, a 30-year veteran of Shalako Stair Systems Inc. Billy and the Missouri Highway and TransportaConnie live at 14421 S. 41st Way, tion Department, has been promoted to bridge division engineer in the main ofPhoenix, AZ 85044. fice in Jefferson City. Niels B. Haubold, '57, '58, is employed with Union Carbide. He and Peggy live PaulO. Herrmann III writes: "Family at 2019 S. Broadway, Grand Junction, continues to help UMR expand with son David starting in Aug. '85, to join CO 81503. son Paul IV (B.S.E.E. '82 June), son-inlaw David Schmitt (B.S. Civil Dec. '80), James, '57, '60 and Betty Johnson daughter Kathy (B.S.M.E. June '83), son write: "Jim is marketing manager for James (B.S.M.E. '85 June.) DaughtersTexas Instruments, defense systems and in-law Lila and Lisa also attended UMR electronics group~ Dayton, Ohio. Our but completed studies elsewhere. We are son born in Rolla will be graduated from wearing out 1-44 between St. Louis and Ohio State University Medical School in Rolla." Paul is a senior engineering 1986." Jim and Betty reside at 7710 specialist for Emerson Electric Co., E&S Park Creek Drive, Centerville, Ohio Division, in St. Louis. He and Carole 45459. live at 2960 N. Waterford, Florissant, MO 63033. Waymon L. Johnston writes: "I have been named head of the systems safety engineering program at Texas A&M Richard J. Konrad is president of Silicon Robert lives at 2708 Bigelow Drive~ University." He and Donna live at 2429 Valley Integrations Inc. He lives at 86 Sarasota, FL 33579. Briargate, Bryan, TX 77802. Fairview Plaza, Los Gatos, CA 95030.

1956 Ronald F. Gillham writes: "In addition to my full-time duties at G.M ., I enjoy my part-time activities as mayor of Huntington Woods, a 7,000 population suburb of Detroit." Ron is a staff project engineer for G.M. Advanced Engineer' ing Staff. He and Shirley live at 12782 Vernon, Huntington Woods, MI 48070.

Paul B. Tucker is now chief technology engineer, projects, structures, dynamics Harlan Kebel is now a director of minand loads, for McDonnell Aircraft Co. ing and exploration for United States in St. Louis. He and Elva live at 49 Gypsum Co. in Chicago. He and Marcia Trout Drive, Highland, IL 62249. live at 1325 Royal St. George, Naperville, IL 60540. Charlie F. Vaughn ~"rites: "Promoted to vice president, genera. ..... for Nevada Charles J. McCoy is now a vice presiPower Co. in Las Vegas, He and dent in operations and technology for Mary live at 4401 St. Andrt . r:ircle, Airco Inc. He and Eleana live at 51 Las Vegas, NV 89107. Greenbriar Drive, Summit, NJ 07901. I

Joseph J. Yancik is director of the office of energy, U.S. Dep; rtment of Commew!' in Washington, D.C. He and Rosemary live at 1703 James Payne Circle, McLean , VA 2210 I.

Allan F. Johner, '58, second from right. chief engineer for Brown Shoe Co., St. Louis, and Mark S. Ohmn, '73, right, project engineer for the company, accept a special energy conservation awa~d from Missouri Gov. John Ashcroft, second from left, as Robert Jackson, director of the Missouri Division of Natural Resources, looks on. Brown Shoe Co. also received an award from the U.S. Department of Energy for the same project, which used "cooling by reduced ventilation" to solve the prohlem of providing cooling in a non-airconditioned warehouse-at a large cost reduction.

MSM Alumnus / 61



____________________________________________________________ Robert C. McIntyre, '59, '60, is an international advisor for the Federal Com· mtlnications Commission In Washington, D.C. He and Irene live at 2623 E. Meredith Drive, Vienna, VA 22180. /

1985 Rollamo

Gary B. Chullino has been promoted to District 7 engineer with the Missouri Josepb A. Mickes takes over March Highway and Transportation Departas maintenance and traffic engineer ment in Joplin, His mailing address is with the Missouri Highway and P.O. Box 1445 , Joplin, MO 64801. Transportation Department. The promotion marks his 27th year of service with the department. Joe and Darlene Don W. Crap nell is a district manager, live at nBriarwood, Joplin, MO 6480 I. operatiolls, for American Bridge Division of U.S. Steel in Los Angeles. He R. Thomas Smith is now a senior and Dee live at 8452 Compton Drive, business consultant for Kaiser Huntington Beach, CA 92646. Chemicals. He and Carole now live at 6119 Concord Court, Solon, OH 44139. Amos D. Ewing writes: "Enjoyed the visit with Kent (?) and playing golf at Don Storment is now an environmental Fort Sill. I run into Rolla grads now and engineer for the U.S. Department of the again . Will stop to see Dale K. Randels, Army in DeSoto, Kan. Don lives on '59, in New Orleans in January on my way to Florida." Amos lives at 32 Quail Route 3, Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670. Creek NW , Star Route B, Lawton, OK Robert W. Sucher is director, allied pro- 7350 I. ducts energy and environmental management, for Anheuser-Busch , Inc. Marvin Hudwalker is now president He and Cecilia live at 4597 Towne Cen- and chief engineer for Hudwalker & Associates Inc. He and Mary live at 518 tre, St. Louis, MO 63128. Sequoia Court, Farmington, MO 63640. Ronald and Nancy Vetter live at 117 S. Philip R. Johnson is a plant engineer for Sunland, Ridgecrest, CA 93555. H. Krammer and Co. He and Susan live Ronald E. Wegener is with Tandy at 7422 N. Olcott, Chicago, IL 60648. Corp.lRadio Shack. His and Karen's mailing address is now Route 5, Box Paul R. Kelly is a facility engineering manager for Advanced Micro Devices. 36C, Lamar, MO 64759. He and Carol reside at 1027 Hiawatha Court, Sunnyvale, CA 94087.

1958 Continued

Eugene H. Koederitz is employed with Union Carbide. He and Joan live at 27 Bell Drive, Westfield, NJ 07090.

1959 William S. Brunjes is with Brunjes & Associates Inc. in Union, Mo. His mailing address is Route 1, Box 159, Labadie, MO 63055. A"lbert E. Cawns, '59, '84, is president of Talos Co. He and Sheila live at 7391 Stratford Ave., St. Louis, MO 63130.

62/ MSM Alumnus

James Latham writes: "Supervisor for process engineering development, GaAs microwave devices and monolithic circuits for Texas Instruments. Children: Angi Latham (UMR '83, petroleum engineer) now with Dowell Schlumberger, Oklahoma City; Paul Latham (UMR '84, computer science) now with ADP in Dallas, Texas; Katrina (SMU '85, biology) now in grad school." James and Ruby live at 117 N. Lois, Richardson, TX 75801.

Charlie E. Hunter is now a senior vice president· for Sunbelt Mining Co. H~ and Margaret live ilt 13319 Sunset Ca· nyon Drive N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87111.

Paul R. Jorda ... is now an assistant program manager for TRW in Redondo James P. Neumann writes: "Expecting . Beach, Calif. He and Elaine live at our fourth child in May, 1986." He is 15450 Rojas St., Hacienda Heights, CA with Amoco Chemicals in Joliet, III. He 91745. . and Dodi live at 1255 Burr Road, Channahon, IL 60410. C. Gary Jost is vice president of com· munications and information manage· ment for Magnavox Electronic Systems Royce G. Schierding, '59, '65, is a Co. He now lives at 707 Rollingwood superintendent, manufacturing EPI, for Lane, Fort Wayne, IN 46825. Monsanto Electronic Materials Co. in St. Peters, Mo. He lives at 710 S. Main, Paul B. Medley is a field engineer for Rockwell International of Anaheim, St. Charles, MO 6330 I. Calif. He writes: "Recently moved to Gaylon G. Smith is an assistant to the Florida. Two children off to college; director, division of higt)ways, for the il- daughter Tracey at , Virginia Tech is a linois Department of Transportation. senior in mathematics, son Mike is a He and Ruthie live at 4 Willimantic freshman at University of Florida, rna· jor undecided. We may be moving to Road, Rochester, IL 62563. North Florida in April '86." Paul and Betty now live at 830 N. Atlantic Ave., B205 , Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 . . Gary, '60, '66, and Barbara, '61, '65, Patterson write: "Barbara received her Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Arizona University in December. Gary, formerly on the faculty at UMR, is now head of the department of chemical engineering at the University of Arizona in Tucson. The Pattersons live at 2320 J:. Kleindale, Tucson , AZ 85719."

1960 David B. Buchanan is now business manager of Shimer College. David's mailing address is clo Shimer College, P.O. Box 500, Waukegan, IL 60079.

Neal Wagenheim is a senior material engineer for General Electric. He and Linda live at 36 Carrie Court, Schenec· tapy, NY 1230Q.

Kenneth R. Cox is now a project manager for International Salt (Akzo America Inc.) in N.Y. He and Janet live at 5811 Wensmore Road, Livonia, NY 14487. R. W. (Hank) Hankinson, '60, '62, writes: "This past year was one of rapid change at Phillips Petroleum Co., and I was caught up in the transition. When the year started, I was senior staff associate in the process engineering divi· sion of corporate engineering. In March, I became manager - engineering sciences branch, technical systems division, Information Services. This was like a homecoming in that I joined one ,of the sections of en'gineering sciences branch almost 19 years ago, when I first went with Phillips. In September, the technical systems division was split into two new organizations; one responsible for earth sciences technical software and the other responsible for engineering software. I was appointed manager of the engineering activity and the new organization was transferred to Engineering and Services. Lyla, I and our five children, ages 3 to 23, live at 70 I Sooner Park Drive, Bartlesville, OK 74006. We would enjoy hearing from the Miners of the late '60's and early . '70's."


1961. William and Carol Curson moved to 12800 Wood Valley Court, St. Louis, MO 63131 in November. Farouk EI-Baz, '61, '64, is employed with Itek Corp. He and Catherine live at 213 Silver Hill Road, Concord, MA 01742. Kenneth W. Henry resides at 2360 Buena Vista Ave., Livermore, CA 94550. James L. Kliethermes now lives at 2919 Valley View Terrace, Jefferson City, M065101. James B. Marble is a division sales manager for Schlumberger Well Services. He and Connie live at 307 Oak Glen Drive, Lafayette, LA 70503.


Alumni Personals ____________________------------------------------------______ 1961 Continued A. Dale Mears is employed by General Electric. He and Mary live at 482 Laurelbrook Drive, Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022. Richard M. Moeller is president of Ralston Purina International Develop· ment Corp. in Hong Kong. He and Lin· da live at Apt. 30B. 38 Broadwood Road, Hong Kong.

Joe F. Fouraker writes: "We have·mov· ed back to the Midwest (Kansas City area) . I am still flying for Northwest Airlines, and now have two daughters we are trying to keep up with ." Joe and family live at 15516 W. 89th Terrace,' Lenexa, KS 66219. David C. Girardot is director of physical plant for Ohio Northern University. He and Donna now live at 7101 W. Lima Ave., Ada, OH 45810.

Barbara, '61 , '65, and Gary, '60, James Goforth is a pilot for' Northwest '66, Patterson write: "Barbara received Orient Airlines of St. Paul,; Minn. His her Ph .D. in chemical engineering from mailing address is now Route 3, Platte Arizona University in December. Gary, City, MO 64079. . formerly on the faculty at UMR , is now head of the department of chemical William D. Harrill is now ret.ired. His engineering at the University of Arizona and Vera's mailing address is Route 4, in Tucson. The Pattersons live at 2320 Box 187 A, Lebanon, MO 65536. E. Kleindale, Tucson, AZ 85719." Navnit C. Mehta, '62, '67 , has been pro· Robert W. Randolph is president of moted to manager, product . develop· Wilkerson· Maxwell Inc. He and Judith ment, for International Harvester. He live at 3608 Marshall Drive, In · and Willa live at 7710 Wisl~ing : Well dependence, MO 64055. Court, Fort Wayne, IN 46815. Dean Moss is now a manager for E Robert J. Zdanis' current address is System in Manhattan Beach, Calif. He Apartado 70588 Los Ruices, Caracas and Carol live at 3454 Del Amo, Tor· 107, Venezuela, S.A. rance, CA 90503. Gerald Rencehaosen · is a district engineer for Ohio Bell in Cleveland. He and Dorothy live at 26984 Driscoil Lane, North Olmsted, OH 44070.

1962 Bipin N. Doshi writes: "I have now worked for Uniroyal for 23 years. I was · appointed general manager of graphic arts this year. We have lived in Mishawaka for the past 3V2 years. We have two sons, Robert, 15 and Marcus, 10." The Doshi family lives at 748 River Pointe Place, Mishawaka, IN 46544. William Carl Erickson now lives at 202 Cascabel, Los Alamos, NM 87544.

Paul D. Stigall writes: "Was appointed William R. Ligon is now vice president interim chairman of the department of for Knapheide Manufacturing Co. in electrical engineering at UM·Rolla for Quincy. He and Suzanne live at 143 the 1985-86 term. Have been on the Lost Tree, Springfield, I~ 62704. UMR facult y since 1970." Paul and Mary live at 807 Sycamore, Rolla, MO Randall R. Montgomery is with the U.S. 65401. . Army Corps of Engineers. His and Bon· nie's new mailing address is Route 3, John V. Sullivan is a manager, quality BOx 339, Cabot, AR 72023. engineering and products, for ArmcoUnion Wire Rope in Kansas City, Mo. Howard E. M yers is now far eastern He lives at 1602 Redbud Lane, North director Jor Pacific Telesis International in Kwila Lumpur, Malaysia. He and Kansas City, MO 64116. Virginia receive mail sent in care of Vernon E. Theilmann is a senior super- E.M. Myers, 213 N. Craigmont Drive, visor in engineering for B.F. Goodrich Lee's Summit, MO 64063. Chemical Co. He and Patricia live at 214 Fairlane, Mayfield, KY 42066 . _ Douglas Robbins is a senior engineerfor ET A Systems. He lives at 106 Canabury Clifford G. Wagner is now a senior Court, St. Paul, MN 55117. development engineer for G .E.-neutron devices department. He and Dolores live David G. Skamenca is now an industry at 40 I Rosery Road, No. 107, Largo, . sales manager of Komline-Sanderson in FL 33540. Peapack, N.J. David and Sharon live at 154 Hillside Ave., Bridgewater, N.J . David B. Wright writes: "On Oct. 22, 08807 . 1985, my wife, Betty, died after a 2 V2 -year battle with cancer. Betty was a W.L. Vandergriff is now manager, pro'62 graduate of Lindenwood College.'! jects, for General Electric Co. He and David is a technical representative in Carole live at 705 Timber Trail, Naper· marketing for Chevron U.S.A. He lives ville, IL 60565. at 2230 Seven Oaks, Kingwood, TX 77339.

Michael K. Reyburn is now an assistant resident engineer for Anheuser Busch in Van Nuys, Calif. Michael and Mary live at 3892 Via Verde, ThQusand Oaks; CA 91360. Memphord L. Smith is now a . senior planner with IBM. He and Carol reside at 1631 7th Ave. S.E., Rochester,. MN 196~ 55904. Gary D. Achenbach, '63, '65, '67, writes: "After five years as manager, producJerry A. Staley is a resident engineer for tion research and development, for Conthe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at OCO, transferred to London as director Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. He .and and general manager, engineering, for Joyce now Ii~e at 44056 Shad St., NBU C onoco operation s." Gary and 217 , Lancaster, CA 93536. Carol yn's mailing address is now Park House, 116 Park St. , London, SW I ARL, England. James Baremore, '63, '68 , now lives at 144 18 Alene Court N.E., Albuquerque, NM 89723: Dale M. Baumbach writes: "New job as engineering department manager - new home." He is with General Power Equipment. Dale and Sue now live at 5507 Pagles Road , Harvard, IL 60033.

1985 Rollamo

Richard A. Kahl, '63 , '69, writes: "Chris and I are still in Huntsville, Ala. My oldest daughter and son·in·law made me a grandpa in March. My son is a junior in CE at Ka nsas University and the youngest daughter is in EE at Au burn University." Richard and Chris live at 931 Tascosa Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802.

1964 Harold C. Rennish is a president and owner of Bennish Construction Co. His and Evelyn's mailing address is Route 6, Box 440A, Rolla, MO 65401. Jere Callisto is a lead engineer in electronics for McDonnell Douglas Corp. in St. Louis. He lives at 20 Cloverleaf, Manchester, MO 630 11. Charles E. Campbell is president of GRA·Iron Foundry in Tulsa, Okla. He writes: "I just purchased Zee Meqical Services in Tulsa, Okla. It is a distributor of first aid and safety systems for business and industry." He and Alecia live at 12727 E. 137th St., Broken Arrow, OK 74011. James W. Collins is now a conservation engineer for Arco 'Exploration and Technology. James and Judy's mailing address is do Arco Exploration and Technology, 1601 Bryan, 32-142 DAB, Dallas, TX 75201. Thomas W. Cook 'is president of ITT Grinnell Corp. in Providence, R.I. He and Jan reside at 3 Holly Lane, Barrington, RI 02806.

MSM Alumnus / 63

Alumni Personals _______________________________ 1964 Continued Mrityunjoy Dutta, '64, '65, is a general engineer for U.S. Army, AMSA V·EAS in St. Louis. He and Bharati live at 412 Park Charles St., St. Peters, MO 63376. C.A. Ellebracht writes: "Product manager for AT&T System 85 PBX switching equipment." He and Sharron live at 7336 S. Glencoe Court, Littleton, CO 80122. . Thomas K. Garlich has been promoted to applications specialist for Fisher Controis International. He lives at 106 North 4th St. , Apt. 3, Marshalltown, IA 50158. Tom Hamilton has been honored for his technical leadership in missile development at the Naval WeapOns Center at China Lake, Calif. His role in planning, preparation and implementation of technical elements in the Intercept and Advanced Air-to-Air missile programs produced the recognition. The award consisted of a certificate, stipend and engraved paperweight. A printed account of the award said that Tom's work has been responsible for advancing ramjet missile development to the extent that it is now accepted by industry as 'the most promising candidate' to succeed the Phoenix (missile). Tom lives at 1~23 Weiman, Ridgecrest, CA 93555 . Robert G. HoUey is a consultant for EPC International Inc. He lives at 9080 Villa Ridge ' Court, St. Louis, MO 63123 . Leonard S. Jalbert is now president of Jalbert Engineering Inc. in Sturbridge, Mass. Leonard and Olivia live at 7 Old Village Road, Sturbridge, MA 01566.

G.R. Johanpeter is a staff manager, information systems, for Southwestern Bell Telephone. He and Vickie live at 9327 Manoroak, St. Louis, MO 63126.

Alan L. Lasley is an assistant professor James J. Tuzzeo lives at 1753 Belleair Guy R. Mace writes: "Recently publishof Southern Illinois University in Car- Forest Drive. Suite D-4, ' Belleair. FL ed ' Specifier's Guide to Positive bond~le, Ill. He lives at 407 Dartmouth 33516. Displacement Blowers' in the March of Drive, O'Fallon, IL 62269. Alan visited 1985 issue of Pollution Engineering UMR in December, bringing high Gary L. Voorhis is a general supervisor. . Magazine. Guy is president and owner school junior Matthew Lasley along to automotive electronics, for Delco Elec- of Semblex Custom Equipment tronics Division of GMe. He lives at Assemblers in Springfield, Mo. The chec~ out the campus. 1270 N 700 E, Kokomo. IN 46902. company makes highly engineered William M. Malone is a bimetallics equipment packages for municipal treatdevelopment center manager for Copment plants inclutiing chemical feed perweld Corp. in Pittsburgh, Pa. He and systems, air tllowers. compressed air Barbara live at 1193 Astronaut Circle, assemblies and hydropneumatic Upper St. Clair, PA 15241. systems." Guy and Dorothy live at 1435 E. Walnut, Springfield, MO 65802 . Bennett L. Muns is a principal engineer David A. Miller is a lead effectiveness for ' Howard Needles Tammen and engineer for McDonnell Douglas in St. Bergendoff in Tampa , Fla. Ben and Louis. He now lives at 9311 Rambler • Mina live at 3703 Kentfield Place, Yalrico, FL 33594. Drive, Affton , MO 63123. David N. Peacock, '64, '66, '70, is now employed as a senior staff geophysicist by Chevron Overseas Petroleum Inc. in San Ramon, Calif. He is currently responsible for exploration work in Papua, New Guinea. Dave recently completed a term as president of the Bay Area Geophysical Society. Having previously done exploration work in Alaska, he recently delivered an invited paper on permafrost geophysics at the Society of Geophysicists' international convention in Atlanta, Ga. Dave, Laurie, Janine, age 3, and Gregory, age 2, live at 3515 Brunell Drive, Oakland, CA 94602. Dave is a director of the MSMlUMR Alumni Association.

1965 Jerry M. Anderson, '65, '73, is a supervisory environmental engineer for the U.S. EPA in Kansas City, Kan. His and Julie's mailing address is Route I, Box 93 , Kearney, MO 64060. allen H. Driemeier writes: "I ariJ currently chief of technical design for the 62 CE Squadron, USAF. Began work ih present position on Feb. 27, 1985." Allen and Linda live at 417 Stonewood Drive S.E. , Olympia, WA 98503 . William M. Farrell is manager of naval nuclear components for Babcock & Wilcox. He and Nancy reside at 4121 Bramshaw Road N.W. , Canton , ·Ohio 44718.

William J. Price is employed by Union Carbide. He and Zalora live at 6029 Country Club Drive. Victoria. TX 77901. Frank Swekosky writes: "I have recently opened a Midwest office for GKN Hayward Baker. Joan is doing administrative nursing. Frank Jr. has been appointed to the U.S. Air Force Academy and Sally Ann is fighting her way through advanced chemistry. It appears that we can plan to get back to MSM in the near future." The Swekosky family lives at 437 Highland A ve., Crystal Lake, IL 60014.

Donald G. Peters, Lt. Col. , writes: "Just recently assigned to the Republic of Panama' - Nov. 7, 1985. As the deputy Daniel K. Goodman is now an associate director, directorate of engineering and professor in the department of electrical Terence G. Towers is now a process housing, I will be invplved in military and computer engineering at Valparaiso . engineering manager for ANG Coal engineering projects in Central and . Gasification Co. He and Janice live at South America - National Building. Uni versity in Valparaiso, IN 46383 . 10 to Central ' Ave. N., Beulah. ND After spending three years as an InspecCharles K. Hanna is now a manager, 58523. tor General for the Army, I am looking manufacturing and technical, for Mobil forward to being an engineer once C,hemical Co. in the petrochemicals diviagain. My boss is also a UMR graduate sion/polystyrene business group. He and . -Colonel Don Harris. Donald's mailing Susan live at 213 Melrose Place. address is now PSC Box 1153, APO Ridgewood, NJ 07450. Miami 34002. Dan Henry writes: "Last month I was promoted to branch manager in the numerical control programming area of the production planning department of McAir (McDonnell Douglas Aircraft). He and Kay live at 520 Durwood Drive. Florissant, MO 63033 .

1985 Rollamo

/;.4 / MSM Alumnus

L.B. Peresztegy is an associate manager, laboratories. for Hughes Aircraft Co. He lives at 500 S. Catalina Ave .. Redondo Beach, CA 90277.

1966 John C. Carstens is acting dir.e ctor of the Center for Cloud Physics Research and professor of physics UMR . His and Frieda's mailing address is Route 2. Box 645. Rolla. MO 65401.


,W,iUiaQl F; Davis . is nowa me<;: hai1ical engineer manager for Teknar. Inc. in Greg JlInge is preside~t of Itasca <::on· struction Associates in Itasca, Ill. Greg Fenton, Mo. He li ves at 6234 Langdon and Gloria live at 523 S. Pine St. . Ar- Court. Berkeley, MO 6.3134. lington Heights, IL 60005 . Notification of the death, on July 24, 1981. of Wallace Harold Hopkins has Wan-Cheng Liu writes: " Nuclear been received from his wife. Sandra Regulatory Commission Region II has Childs, 1208 S. 22nd St., Blue Springs. given 1985 outstanding scientific/profes- MO 64015 . At MSM -UMR Wallace sional employee award to Mr. W.e. Liu was a member of Independents and for his significant contributions to received his degree in civil engineering. federal service." He and Emily live at He had worked for St. Joe Lead Co. and 9805 N. Pond Circle, Roswell , GA Fluor Corp. 30076.

Alumni Personals __________________________________________________________--1966 Continued Arjan S. Jagtiani writes: " Received M.S. in civil engineering from New York University in 1970. Also M.B.A. in 1985 from Universit y of Dayton. Work as a senior electrical engineer in electrical engin eerin g divi sion in American Electrical Power Service Corp. in Columbus, Ohio." Arjan li ves at 6981 Bucktrout Place, Worth ington, OH 43085.


Robert J. Lopez is an associate pro· fessor in m'athematics at the Rose· Hulman Institute of Technology. He now lives at 59 Heritage Drive, Terre Haute, IN 47803 .

Michael D. Moran is now an area manager for Schabel Products in Cleveland, Ohio. Michael and Shelby live at 5129 Forest View Court. Brighton, MI 4811(\.

Larry M. Rich is now manager, human resources, for Chevron Corp. in San Francisco. He and Diane live at 1884 Las Gallinas Ave., San Rafael, CA

Ar.t Simmons is now president of Astechnologies Inc. in Roswell , Ga. Art and Gai l li ve at 4250 Paran Walk, Atlanta, GA 30327. Nicholas Tibbs, '66, '69, '72, writes: "A ppointed chairperson of the depart ment of earth sciences at Southeast Missouri State Universit y iri August, 1985. Have been at SEMO since September, 1978. No longer a compulsive collector of minerals. Vegetable ga rdening and duck hunting with my 16-year·old son, John , are now my favo rite leisure pursuits. Susan and I also have two daughters, H~a th e r , 13 , and Cara, 4." The Tibbs' mailing address is Route I, Box 95, Jackson, MO 63755. Floyd H. Uthe is a manufacturing engineering coordinator for Buick with General Motors - BOC' Division in Wentzville, Mo. He and Joan live at 2135 Hunters' Way Court,-Chesterfield, MO 63017. William S•. Warda is no~ a supetvising civil engin~er I for Los AngeleS County in Calif. He and Maria have moved to 12242 Stewarton Drive, ' Northridge, CA 91~26 . "

94903 . ~





of h s












Larry L. Rushing, '66, '74, '79, was selected for the PEl Distinguished Service ,Award to be presented at MSPE's 49th Annual ,Banquet and Awards Ceremony, June 21 , at the University Plaza, Springfield. The award is presented annually to the individual who has made the most outstanding contribution to advance the causes of the individual engineer in industry or the MSPE Professional Engineers in Industry practice division . Larry is manager of the Capital District of Union Electric Co. in Jefferson City. He has also been employed by Missouri Power & Light Co., Pacific Gas & Elec· tric Co. and Shell Oil Co. Active at the state and chapter levels of MSPE, Larry served as president of the Jefferson City Chapter in 1978-79 and was both the Jefferson City Chapter and Missouri Young Engineer of the Year in 1976. In 1982 he received the Jefferson City Chapter Professional Engineer in In· dustry Distinguished Service Award. Larry has been active in numerous civic activities. He lives at 1809 Tower Drive, Jefferson City, MO 651 OJ . Brij B. Seth, principal staff engineer with Ford Motor Co., received a 1985 Henry Ford Technological Award for manufacturing excellence. Harold A. Poling, company president, presented the awards in December at a dinner honoring 30 c:ngincers and scientists. Brij lives at 7724 Wheaton Drive, Can· ton, M148187 .

1967 Richard L. ~aker is with Moore and Wolfenbarger Consulting in Springfield, Mo. His and Romoria's mailing address is now P.O. Box 38, Willard, MO 65781. Jerry E. Bevel moved to 110 I Park row Place, Irving, TX 75060 in December. Gary J. Capone 'is now an associate fellow with Monsanto Chemical-·Fibers Division. He and Karen live at 1208 Camellia Drive S.W., Decatur, AL 35601. William E. Cox IV is now a senior market seryices engineer for Consumers Power Co. He and Sharon live at 5168 Whipple Lake Road, Clarkston. MI 48016 .

1983 Rollamo

Richard M. Franke writes: " Am manager of geotechnical engineering for both Southern Company Services and newly formed consulting subsidiary, Southern Electric International. Biggest , current projects are Riverchase Galleria in Birmingham (soon to be largest shopping center in Southeast) and Murray Hydroelectric Plant, $83 million project on Arkansas River." Richard's address is 424 Paramount Lane, Birmingham, AL 35226.

Charles Perez is now president of Medical Office Developers. His and Diane's mailing address is P.O. Box 19 ~ 39, Houston, TX 77224.

Michael D. Hallett writes: "Working as a consultant to Kukdong Oil Co. Ltd., Seoul, Korea." His 'mailing address is Hill Top Apt. 507, Un Village, Yong San Ku, Hannam Dong 1-44, Seoul, Korea.

Robert T. Smith is a senior · research specialist for MCC in Austin, Texas (assigned 3M Co. liaison). He and Phyllis live at 3806 Emerald Hill, Round Rock, TX 78687.

Alan Schloman is a process engineer for Allied Bendix in -Kansas City. He and Barbara live at 601 Miller, Lee's Summit, MO 64063. Gary F. Sievert is manager, safety and loss prevention , for ,Dowell Schlumberger Inc. He and Nancy live at 6609 E. 104th St., Tulsa, OK 7~133.

Larry G. Harmon, '67, '76, is !lOW an assistant professor at North Dakota State University. He and Paula live at 314 22nd Ave N., Fargo, NO 58102. Larry E. Jones writes: "Married - wife Ann . Two children, daughter - Kristin, 13, son - Patrick, 10. Currently am director QNQC at _Carolina Power & Light Brunswick Nuclear Plant." Larry and family reside at 42 Augusta Drive, Yaupon' Beach, NC 28461 . Clifford C. McMullen is an assistant manager, BTML Division of Wilbur Smith. for Armco. He lives at 5326 Ringold Place, Springfield, VA 22151.

1968 Richard Astrack, '68, '73, is a civil engineer for the U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers. He and Kathryn live at 9025 Crest Oak Lane, St. Louis, MO 63126.

K. l{onald Chapman is vice president of Schnabel Foundation Co. He and BarHoward W. Myers is owner of H. bara live at 3615 Chucker Court, William Myers and Associates, 36 1 WlIlnut Creek, CA 94598. Virginia St., Crystal Lake, IL 6001 4. Mike L. Deelo is currently working for The company specializes in computer Rodger Elliot is now geoscience training Fluor Corp. Mike's home address is 300 software for science and industry, and director for Phillips Petroleum Co. He Frankfort Road, Monaca. PA' 15061. he has announced the release of 'p AL- and Vicki live at 2510 Dorchester Drive. DOC, a soft'ware package which Bartlesville, OK 74006. Jerry W. Doerr is now a software R&D documents PAL program configuramanager for lIex Systems in Milpitas, tions of Allen-Bradley 8200 CNC Leroy Halterman is president of Petro Calif. Jerry and Chris live at 3046 Machine Controllers. Howard and Search Inc. in Arvada, Colo. He and Hazelwood Ave .. Santa Clara, CA Sharon live at 393 Warwick Lane, Deborah live at 12800 Comache, N.E .. Crystal Lake, IL 60014. 95051. Albuquerque, NM 87111 .

MSM Alumnus / 65

Alumni Personals ______________________________________________________________ Neil S. Smith is employed by IBM . He and Brenda live at 600 Woodridge Drive. Columbia. MO 6520 I.

1968 Continued R. O. Agbanobi writes: "It gives me a great pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of all alumn i periodicals. I must tell how I have used my knowledge and expe r ie nc e f rom UMR : After graduating, I spent a yea r at University of Kansas and transfered to North Carolina State University where I obtained my Ph.D. in civil engineering in 1972. I was hired by the University of Benin, Nigeria, as a lecturer in civil engineering with emphasis in hydrology, environmental and water resources engineering. I represented the university at the International Conference on Irrigation and Drainage held in Budapest, Hungary in 1973. I started as a lecturer Grade II and got promotiops to lecturer Grade I and to senior lecturer respectively between 1973 and 1976. In 1976 I was appointed as the state chairman of the Water Board by the State Military Government, a position I held until we handed over to the civilian government in October 1979 for a- four-year rule. I have been the principal consultant for (AENCO Ltd.) Arofo Ent. (Nig) Co. Ltd., a firm of consulting engineers. We have designed highways, bridges, housing, water supply and drainage projects since the establishment. In Sept. 1983, I was appointed Electoral Commissioner in Bendel State of Nigeria, a position I held until December of the same year when the military took over the government. In early 1985, I established a manufacturing company 'ROAS Mfg. Co.', to produce animal feeds in commercial quantity for Nigeria Market and local farmers. As president of the company, my objective is to assist in the production of sufficient protein for the ever increasing population of Nigeria. I am a registered engineer by the Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria (COREN). I am a corporate member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers. I am looking forward to the establishment of a higher institution of learning in Nigeria with a strong hope of affiliation with a University in the United States of America. My best wishes." His mailing address is P.O. Box 1220, 187 Upper Sakpoba Road, Benin City, Nigeria.

Donald J. Harris is now a chief engineer for NATC in Patuxent River, Md. His and Marlene's mailing address is Route I, Box 1140, Hollywood, MD 20636.

The alumni office has been notified of the death on Oct. 21, 1985, of John James "Jack" Howard, St. Louis. He received his B.S. degree from UMR in chemical engineering, served as an environmental engineer with several companies and agencies and was an engineer for the U.S. Army at the time of his death .

66/ MSM Alumnus

Bill Unternaehrer is now manager. com路 mercial av iation division, customer sup路 port for Honeywell Inc. in St. Louis Park, Minn . Bi ll and Pam reside at 12700 Twelve Oaks Drive, Minnetonka. MN 55343.

William R. Knauf is now self employed as a consultant in business management. His and Sandra's mailin g add ress is ' Route 9. Box 67 . MOlgantown, WV 26505. Ira C. Maxwell is president of Columbia Laund ry Mac hinery Co. He and Deborah live at 5601 N.W. Verlin Drive, Kansas City, MO 64 152.

Richard J. Vehige writes: "Rich, his wife CarQI and family have moved to a new home at 304 Claymont Cove Court in Ballwin, Mo, Rich is employed at Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. in SI. Louis as an assistant vice president for network planning. Their son Mike is a freshman at UMR." STEPHEN J. BRENDLE Stephen J. Brendle writes: "Promoted in September. Relocated from Atlanta, Ga. to Houston with wife, Toni, and sons, Steve, II, and Robbie, 6. Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc. is the distribution division of Motorola's Communications Sector." Stephen is now vice president and Gulf States area manager. The Brendle family reside at 17107 Silverthorne Lane, Spring, TX 77379.

The death on Dec. 8, 1985, of Roger L. McLean has been reported by his wife, Mrs. Roger McLean, 6625 Hummel, Boise, ID 83705 . At UMR Roger was a member of ASCE, Prospectors, NSPE and the Baptist Student Union. He received his B.S. degree in civil engineering. During his career he served as a civil Ronald F. Zauner is now a special pro- engineer with the Illinois Highway jects engineer for SLC Con- Department, with Michael Baker sultants/Constructors Inc., Lockport, Engineering in Fairbanks, Alaska, with N.Y. He and Judy live at 4259 Wilson- R. W. Booker & Associates in St. Loui and with Stearns Roger Consulting Burt Road, Wilson, NY 14172. Engineers in Colorado and Idaho.


Tom Richardson is a minister. He and Diane live at 1608 Lincolnwood, Ur路 bana, IL 6180 I.

A. R. Lehman, '68, '71, is now 1969 marketing manager for Union Carbide, Gerald C. Davit writes: "Promoted to Europe and South America. He and principal of Schnabel Engineering Marlene live at 32 ch de Chantefleur, Associates on July I, 1985." He lives at CH-1234 Vessy, Geneva, Switzerland . 19012 Hempstone Court, Poolesville, MD 20837. Mark A. Martin is now a division sales manager for General Refractories of Alton, III. He and Janna live 'at 200 Burlington Beach Road , Valparaiso, IN 46383.

J. Donald Moyer is now director, network services, for Contel in Victorville, Calif. He and Linda live at 13447 Shawnee Road, Apple Valley, CA 92308. David L. Mueller is now a configuration and data management manager for Northrop Corp., Ventura division , in Newbury Park, Calif. He and Sherry li ve at 11421 Highridge Co urt , Camarillo, CA 93010.

Gary W. Neal has moved from Murphysboro, 111., to 7779C Curtice Drive, Littleton, CO 80120.

Ping Fong Jr. is now general manager for Swen Sonic Corp. in DavenpOrt, Iowa. He and Lucy live at 4944 Norwood Drive, Bettendorf, IA 52722. Richard W. -Frazee, '69, 80, is selfemployed. He and Delores live at 11103 Pam Lane, St. Louis, MO 63146. Wilson LYIm Haynes, '69, '74, is a mechanical engineer for the Tennessee Valley Authority in Chattanooga, Tenn. He and Sharron live at 3904 Alabama Road , Ooltewah , TN 37363. Don Hornback is a process engineer for Arcadian Corp. He lives at 823 Beaver Lake, Plattsmouth, NE 68048 .

A report of the death, on Oct. II , 1985, of Rodney E. Jenkins has been received by the alumni office. At UMR Rodney Richard E. Rueter is a plant manager for was a member of Independents, Alpha PPG Industries in Tipton, Pa. He and Chi Sigma and AIChE. He received his Mary Jo live at 420 Penn St., B.S. degree in chemical engineering. Hollidaysburg, PA 16648. During his career he worked as a research and process engineer with TexSherman W. Sherrick is an assistant aco and Hubinger Co. in Texas, Iowa , professor of mathematics at William Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana and PennJewell College. His and Nancy's mailing sylvania. He is survived by his wife, address is Route 5, Box 122, Liberty, Kathleen K. Jenkins, 3226 Desert Inn Road, Decatur, IL 62526. MO 64068.

Nora A. Ruiz is a staff AT&T Communications Ridge, N.J . She now Lafayette Ave., Chatham,

manager for in Basking lives at 98 NJ 07928.

A. Wayne Smith, '69, '73, is now an area supervisor, development and engineering, for DuPont in LaPorta, Texas. Michael C. Sturgeon is branch head for the Department of the Navy-Naval Sea Systems Command-in Washington D.C. He and Catherine live at 758 Sugarland Runt Drive, Sterling, VA 22170. William A. & Teodora T. Suszko mov路 ed . to 9737 E. San Salvador Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 . Doug Thies writes: "Promoted to technical writing manager: December 1984, at Tandem Computers, Austin, Texas. Wife, Linda, and kids Tracy, 14, and Brian, 10, keep me busy in my spare time." Doug and Linda live at 4100 Val Verde, Georgetown, TX 78628 . Douglas R. Williams is now a staff project engineer for Oldsmobile, division of General Motors, in Lansing, Mich. He and Jeannie live at 367 Michigan Road , Eaton Rapids, MI 48827 . Patrick J. Wilson is a senior section manager for McDonnell Douglas. He lives at 4345 Honeydew Lane, SI. Louis, MO 63128.

Alumni Persona's______________________________________________________________ Barry Koenemann is vice president of R.W. Murray Co. in St. Louis. He and Deborah live at 534 Stablstone Drive, C hesterfield, MO 63017.

1970 Mel Allison is now chief, . bureau of planning, for the Illinois Division of Water Resources in Springfield, III. He and Cheryl live at 309 Menard, River· ton, IL 62561 .

Glen A. Larsen Jr. writes: "I've return· ed to 'school' myself to work on a Doctorate in finance at the Indiana Univer· sity School of Business." Glen lives at 711 No. Park Ave., Bloomington, IN 47401.

Thomas D. McBride is now a manager, product engineering, for Warner and Swasey. He and Peggy Anne live at 36 Michael E. Bray has been promoted to Deerfield Road, Shrewsbury, MA manager, power plant systems· . 01545. marketing, for General Electric. He and Barbara live at 1230 Rosehill Blvd., Gregg H. Melzer is a sales engineer for Schenectady, NY 12309. Sporlan Valve Co, in Cleveland, Ohio. He and Sandy now live at 19230 Allen G. Chen is now a member of the Saratoga Trail, Strongsville, OH 44136. professional staff with Martin Marietta Aerospace in Florida. Allen and Meiling James L. Morris is now a project live at 8821 Bay Ridge Blvd., Orlando, manager for C.D. Peters Construction - FL 32819. Co. He and Annette live at 11 Price Drive, Troy, IL 62294, Israel Denlow is no~ president of I. Denlow & Associates. He lives at 2073 Silverwood Lane, Chesterfield, MO Greg Praznik writes: "Moved from 63017. Houma, La. back to Lake Charles. "I'm still with Schlumberger Well Services Robert F. Dorroh III is chief tninsporta· tion design engineer for the City and and have enjoyed south Louisiana for County of Denver in the transportation the last 15 years." Greg is a senior staff engineer. He now lives at 803 Bayou section, Department of Public Works. Pines W. , Suite 0, Lake Charles, LA Robert and Myrtle live at 529 S. Emer7060 I. son, Denver, CO 80209. Bryon K. Ehlmann is now a project systems programmer for Burroughs ' David L. Raby writes: "Currently Corp. in Irvine, Calif. Byron and Judith Arizona area manager for CH2M Hill. live at 22856 Via Cordova, South Dot, the girls, and I are enjoying Tuc· Laguna, CA 92677. son." David and family live at 7321 E. Wikieup Circle, Tucson , AZ 85715. David Allen Eyler moved from Midwest City , Okla. to 5222 Nottingham , St. Louis, MO 63109 . Dwarka P. Gupta is now a geotechnical consultant for Black & Veatch in Kansas City, Mo. He and Chandra live at 3212 W. 121st Terrace, Leawood, KS 66209.

Cecil R. Taylor writes: "Question-do you know anyone with a 1970 class ring for sale? The originals are very nice ... ". Cecil is a water quality planner with the Environmental Protection Agency in Kansas City, Kan. He lives at 601 W. Alton, Independence, MO 64055-.

Hamilton C. Timbrell writes: "I have recently been made a vice president at Dufresne Henry Inc. Our firm specializes in water and wastewater treatment plant/system design and construction throughout the New England states. I continue to serve as director of construction services for the firm." His mailing address is Route 2, Box 115, Collins Road. Warner, NH 03278. Tony Tolani, '70, '73 , now receives mail at GE CAE International Inc., 300 Techne Center Drive, Milford, OH 45150. Richard F. Ward 'has moved from Houston to 4453 Newport St. , Grand Prairie; Texas 75052. Thomas F. Wolff" now lives at 4326 Manitou Drive, Okemos, MI 48864.

Guy M. Robinson is now director of coordination and evaluation for Conoco Inc. in Houston , TX . He lives at 9707 Orangevale Drive', Spring, TX 77379. James M. Rowan is a mechanical engineer for Black and Veatch . He lives at 4923 Bell, Kansas City , MO 64112.

David Ross Hankins is now an interna- Michael J. Schaeffer is now a partner tional military . market manager for for Schaeffer Sales. He and Brenda have AT&T Technologies Inc. He and Peggy moved to 6516 River Farm Drive, St. live at 4509 Doncaster Drive , Louis, MO 63129. Greensboro, NC 27406. Thomas E. Schmidt is a manager in Merle F. Hill is with PCE Pacific Inc. development for Damson Oil Corp. in He lives at 16200 167th Ave. N .E., Houston. He and Barbara live at 54, Woodinville, WA 98072. Vicksburg Lane, Conroe, TX 77302 . Richard R. Hoesly writes: "Recently appointed engineering project manager for the Bellefonte Nuclear Power Plant which the Tennessee Valley Authority is building near Scottsboro, Ala . Live in Knoxville, Tenn. area, married and have a son eleven years old." The Hoesly family lives at 605 Crossbridge Circle, Farragut, TN 37922.

Leonard M. Stout writes: "I have started my own consulting practice, specializing in computerized plant maintenance n;Jnagement systems. Interested alumni should contact me at 41517 53-0926. Varsity football and track alumni, '69·70, where are you?" His address is 1429 Willard St., San Francisco, CA 94117.

Philip Soong writes: " I am marketing a software package called UOD (user online documentation) for CICS." Philip and Kitty live at 2675 Normandy, Lisle, IL 60532 . Scott P. Stager lives at 5440 Teton Drive. Columbia, MO 65201.


Dave aDd Diane, '75, Eppestine write: Dave is still working for the Aviation Systems Command, mostly in the area of electro - optical systems for attack and scout helicopters. His primary work area is product assurance - RAM engineering." Diane is with Southwestern Bell Telephone. Dave and Diane live at 729 Buckley Road, St. Louis, MO 63125. Dave sends news about other' '71 AE Grads:' Stan _ Schnaare is a lawyer in Hillsboro, Mo. Has a daughter and a new one on the way. AI Richardson; '71, works for someone as an engineer in New Jersey. He just had a daughter. No details yet.

Gordon Erickson is now management analyst for the U.S. Defense Nuclear Agency in Alexandria, Va. Gordon and Karen live at 11672 Over leigh Drive, Woodbridge, VA 221


Fred L. Gatewood is now a director, project development, for P&M Coal Mining Co. in Denver, Colo. He and Charlotte live at 7367'S. Newport Way, Englewood, CO 80112. Ronald A. Graham writes: "Recently accepted a position' as senior research metallurgist with Teledyne Wah Chong in Albany, Oregon. Responsibilities include the development of new Zr alloys. Ron and Linda live at 3765 7th Court South, Salem, OR 97302. Cheryl (Gibbons) and Santiago "Jim," '72, Ibarra live at 405 Lampwick Court , Naperville, IL 60540. Jim is a senior research engineer for Amoco. Malian "Jim" G. Jahagirdar writes: "Attended Alumni function at Albu· querque, N.M . mining meeting with wife. Recently toured Mexico City and Epcot/Magic Kingdom in Florida." Jim is a metallurgical engineer for FreeportMcMoran. He and Rita live at 2404 Park Place Drive, Gretna, LA 70056.

Jack Albrecht is now a district manager for Cambridge Engineering Inc. He and Mary live at 2211 Willow Ridge, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Robert J. Allen is a lead production supervisor for Westinghouse Nuclear Fuel Division. He and Donna live at No. 7 Misty Meadow, Hopkins, SC 29061. Tak-Ming Chen is now a civil engineer for New York City Department of Sanitation, Burea u of Engineering. He and Tai-Ning Chen live at 84-25 Elmhurst Ave., No. 5R, Elmhurst , NY 11373. Roger D. Clemons is now senior ac· count engineer for Allendale Mutual Insurance Co. He lives at 3539 Sidney, St. Louis, MO 63104.

1985 Rollamo

MSM AlumntlV67

Alumni Personals


1971 Continued Woo Hyung Kim is now an engineer for General Electric Aircraft Engine Business Group. He and Jong have moved to I Robinswood Way, An· dover, MA 01810.

Charles D. Laderoute's new mailing ad· dress is P.O. Box ~76 , Topsfield, MA 01983. Larry Merry is a supervising engineer for Union Electric. He and Nelda live at 613 Shawn, Jefferson City, MO 65101.


Robert T. Moss writes: "I've passed the exam for the CDP certificate" Robert is a supervisory computer program· mer/analyst for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha district. He and Lin· da live at 901 William, Omaha, NE 68108. ' Ray Muniz writes: "Am supervisor of gas standards. and design for 'IIIinois Power Co. , Decatur, III. My wife's name is Carol and we have three children. We live at 805 Antler Drive, Mt. Zion, IL 62549. Larry Nolan is employed with McDonnell· Douglas. He and Jill live at 7808 Cornell, St. Louis, MO 631 30.

Thomas O. and Mary Elizabeth Patterson live at 2822 North Geyer Road, St. Louis, MO 63131.

Juan A. Benitez is now president and chief operating officer of Micron Technology Inc. in Boise, Idaho. He was the subject of an article, "Behind the James E. Vogel is now a manager, pro- Cuban-American Miracle," by George ject engin ee ring , for Abbott Guilder condensed by Reader's Digest Laboratories in Austin, Texas. He and from The Spirit of Enterprise. The Betty live at 1903 Westcreek Loop, Digest account highlights the years from Round Rock, TX 78681. 1965 to 1980 during which Juan held three jobs at once, earned a high school Marian Wagener is now a staff manager diploma by corresPondence, graduated in cost studies for Southwestern Bell . from UMR, and specialized in "c1eanTelephone Co. in St. Louis. She lives' at room" engineering. In 1980 he joined 408 Par Lane, Kirkwood, MO 63122. Micron and took charge of plant construction. Under his , direction, new . Michael Joseph Wolf is now a sales facilities cost one-quar~er as much and engineer for Watlow-Atlanta in took half as long to build as the industry Doraville, Ga. Michael .and Patricia standard.. According ' to the Digest, reside at . 3731 Charlescrest Drive, Micron ranks as one ' of the top ten Lawrenceville, GA 30245 . semiconductor producers in the world. Juan's address is 1821 E. Montello Kerry P. Wolfington writes: "Kerry and Lane, Boise, ID 83702. .I Mary Wolfington and children Jeffrey, 8, Kathryn, 6, and Melanie, 2, are at 2741 S.E. Allen Drive, Topek~, KS ' Richard T. Booth is a senior staff scien· 66605. Kerry is a staff manager in het- . tist for SRS Technologies. Tom and work engineering with Southwestern.'· Maxie live at 15003 . Deaton Drive, Bell." Huntsville, AL 35803.

Alfred J. Wussler writes: "Have recently been transferred from the main office engineering staff to the position of operations engineer in the San Juan division of EI Paso Natural Gas Co. AI, Jerry and Catherine are now residing at 3203 N. Municipal, Farmington, NeW Mexico 87401."

.Randall Brannan is now a superintendent for Curtis Coal Co. His and Mary's .mailing address is Route I, Box 213A, Danville, WV 25053.

68/ MSM Alumnus

Alfred W. Matthews II is now senior application engineer for John Zink Co. He and Vivian live at 5633 E. 97th St., Tulsa, OK 74137 ,

Francis J. Minden moved from Dallas to 1001 Westminister, Garland, TX 75040. J. W. Mugan is now a staff engineer for McDonnell Aircraft in St. Louis. He and Gwen live at 12035 Gist Park Drive, Bridgeton, MO 63044.

Michael A. North writes: "I hav~ accepted a job with Lichliter/Jameson & Associates as a project ' engineer." He and Jill live at- 15219 Lorna Paseo, Houston, TX 77083. Juan G. Ochoa's mailing address is Calle 48C No. 67-86, Medellin, Colombia.· He is with Carton De Colombia in Cali, Colombia.

. Joseph O. Carson III is now employed by Nielsen Industries in Gainesboro, Tenn_ His address is Route 3, Box 159, C?okeville, TN 3850 I.

Paul N. PanteUs is a seminarian ("Ordination expected Dec. 1987 , Lord will· ing") at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. He and Kati na li ve John F. Chien is now 'a senior engineer at 16 flor reca Drive, Millville, NJ for Dodson and Young, Waln ut Creek, · 08332. Calif. He and Alice live at 1542 Thorn· wood Drive, Concord, CA 94521. Dale M. Pitt is now a technical specialist fo r McDonnell Aircraft Co. He and Stanley C. Dicken, '72, '73, is a senior Janet live at 8507 Maylor Drive, St. systems analyst for Conoco now in Louis, MO ·63123 . Houston. He lives at 20234 Laurel Lock Drive, Katy, TX 77450. Lynn Price is an engineering superinten·

Ronald L '72, '74, '78, and Kathe , Vougherty moved from Salt Lake City, Utah to 1117 S. Stanley, Stillwater, OK 74074 in December.

ANDREW NOLFO Andrew P. Nolfo has joined the staff of Murphy Co. Mechanical Contractors and Engineers, in St.Louis, as a vice president. He was division director, mechanical and electrical engineering, for Kenneth Balk & Assoc., Inc. He is a registered professional engineer in Missouri and lIIinois and a member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning engineers, the National Society of Professional Engineers, the American Society of Plumbing Engineers and the National Environmental Balancing Bureau. Andrew and Nancy reside at 238 Straight Oak, Ballwin, MO 630 II .

Kurt K. Marshaus writes: "I was promoted to senior resident engineer with the Veterans Administration in Oct. 1984', and was transferred to Tomah, Wis." Kurt's mailing address is Route 4, Box 186, Tomah, WI 54660.

Wyatt M. Dunn is a manager for Dewitte, Haskins & Sells in Dallas. He and Sherry live at 1625 Silverleaf, Carrollton, TX 75007.

1972 F. R. (Rod) Ellis writes: "Have recently Donald A. Bene' now lives at ' 5909 transferred back to Houston with Briarmist Place, St. Louis, MO 63128. , , Mobil." He is a supervising engineer. Rod and Cinda now live at 3507 Rolling Paul Bible writes: "I'm working for Green, Missouri City, TX 77459. Cummins Electric Supply - a systems house Allen Bradley programmer con, Sa.ntiago "Jim" and Cheryl (Gibbons, trois and drive; IBM Computers plus . '71)' Ibarra live at 405 Lampwick Court, other software packages." Paul is a Naperville, IL 60540. Jim is a senior system specialist. He lives at 2717 reSearch engineer for Amoco. Clover Valley, Garland, TX 75043. James D. Marek is a district gas William M. Black has moved from In- engirieer for Sun E & P,m Oklahoma Cidianapolis to I-F Yester Oaks Circle, ty, Okla. He lives at 3200 Eagle Pass Lane, Edmond, OK 73013. Greensboro, NC 27408 . .

·dent for Texas Uti.lities Generating Co. He and Kim live on Route 7, Box 234, Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455. Norman and Pa~la (Grayes) Radder, both '72, now live at 203 Princess Lane, Mill Valley, CA 94941. Norman is a consulting systems engineer for Bank of America Corp. in San Francisco. Philip G. 1'aylor is now a senior manufacturing specialist. He writes: "I started working at Monsanto in May 1985, for the nutrition chemicals division. Hi to Dick, '74 and Andy, '85 at the research center." Philip and Lorena now live at 1348 Robertridge Drive, St. Charles, MO 63303. Dand E. Woolsey writes: "On January 13, 1986, I began a new job as director of traffic engineers for the city of Lubbock, Texas. David and Sandy moved from Davenport, Iowa and now receive mail at P.O. Box 2000, Lubbock. TX 79457.




1973 Wendell L. Barnes (Lt. Col.) is an Army Advisor, 168th Engineer'Group. He and Mary live at 904 Choctaw Drive, Vicksburg, MS 39180. I

Wayne R. Bell is a manager-tech. support-for National General Insurance in St. Louis. He and Jan live £It 3 Summerview Court, St. Charles, MO 63303. Dana V. Reel writes: " New baby boy born on July 31, 1985, named Brian. I was named office manager .of Black & Charles Bethards has moved to 5517 Veatch's Las Vegas office in June, Oaktop Drive, Colleyville; TX 76034. 1985 ." Dana, Nancy and Brian live at 4218 Candle berry Court, Las Vegas, Lyndell R. Brown writes: "On May 10, NV 89103. 1985, I received an MSEE from USC in laser systems. I am a senior staff engineer at Hughes Aircraft, Co., Sarah S. Sample is now a research assis(GHME) in EI Segundo, Calif. We have tant at the University of Arizona. She two children Michael; 6, and Kelly, 3." lives at 1446 E. Blacklidge, Apt. No.3, Lyndell and Darla live at 17920 Near- Tucson, AZ 85719. brook St., Canyon Country, CA 91351. Richard G. Schaefermeyer, '73, '75 , is -now a section head for Prc:>cter and Thomas S. Brown is now an engineering Gamble. He ' and Nancy live at 499 supervisor for Babcock and Wilcox . He Beechtree Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45224. and Lee live at 4017 Bramshaw N.W., Gerald V. Schwalbe is a project Canton, Ohio 44718. manager for Russell and Axon Inc in St. Karen S. Carter is a power systems pro- Louis. He and Mary Lou live at 15572 grammer for Leeds and Northrup in Salt 'Golden Ridge Court, Chesterfield, MO Lake City. She and Hal live at 662 E. 63017 . Scenic Drive, Spanish Fork, Utah 84660. Robert Stewart, '73, '75, writes: "Robert has three daughters; Kelly, 7, Claire, 3, Michael R. Court writes: "Wish to an- Margaret, I. He has been employed at nounce the arrival of Afyssa Laurel EPA Region VII for 10 years. Wife Court on Dec: 7, 1985." Michael is a Kathryn attends UMKC, working on system engineer for Federal Reserve BSN." The Stewarts. live at. 1001 R.D. Bank of Chicago. He and Kristina live at Mize Road, Blue Springs, MO 64015 . . 730 Travers Lane, Flossmoor, IL 60422.

Frank A. Dickof writes: "Have accepted a position with Petromin as the mine project evaluation adviser to study the ' potential of the mineral deposits in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Petromin is the state-owned organization responsible for petroleum and minerals development and production ." Frank's address is Box 5105, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Michael Po' Edwards writes: "I finished my MBA at Washington University in December, 1985. This year I Qecame manager of the computer service department at Anheuser Busch Co." Michael lives at 135 Hammel Ave., Webster Groves, MO 63119. David T. Hearst, '73, '7,4, is president of H & H Investment & Management Co., Euclid, Ohio. He and Sharon live at 465 South Street, Chardon, Ohio 44024. Ron McCleary, '73, '82, is now an instructor . of computer science for Rockhurst College in Kansas City, Mo. He lives at 9431 Glenwood, No. 20 I, Overland Park, KS 66212 .

Richard support Co. He Gilbert,

Gary Pariani writes: "New addition to the family due in April '86. Doing well in London, but miss the water sports of Houston." He is a staff petroleum engineer for Amoco Europe & West Africa in London. Gary and Barbara's mailing address is P.O. Box 4381, ExpatiLondon , Housto.n TX 77210 .

Steve Tattitch writes: "I recently joir:ed Fru-Con Construction in Ballwin, Mo. as a senior mechanical estimator after spending the fall working in East Chicago, Ind., for Natkin ." He and Kaci . five at 6404 Heege Road, St. Louis, MO 63123. Dean L. Tibbits, '73, '75, is now a project specialist, regulatory compliance, for Carolina Power and Light in New Hill, N.C. Charles A. Weber Jr. is now a senior division engineer for E.l. DuPont De Nemours. He and Cathy live at 308 Woodridge, Victoria, TX 77904. Curt Wegener is now senior parts representative for Caterpillar Tractor Co. He writes: "Recently moved to the Nashville area to work out of the Nashville district office for Caterpillar." Curt and Joan live at 1418 Bunker Hill, Brentwood, TN 37027. Chris David Wilson is now a professional engineer II, planning and scheduling, for the City of Kansas City, Mo. Public W'orks. He and Marsha live at 512 Mimosa, Lee's Summit, MO 64063.

G. Lenz is now a senior tec.h analyst for Caterpillar Tractor and Sandra live at 1629 W. Peoria, IL 61604.

Robert S. McDaniel is now a senior scientist for A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co. He and Katherine live at 968 Montgomery Court, Decatur, IL 62526 . Michael J. Miller writes: "Michael, known as 'Boots' in the service, has been promoted to major and assigned as the executive officer to General Hullender, Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans - HQ Air Training Comrriand." Boots and Deborah live at 7102 Ridge Cove Drive, Converse, TX 78109.

1985 Rollamo

1974 Willard D. Coates is now an assistant coordinator for schedules at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind. He and Patricia Diane live at 517 N. 30th ~t., Lafayette, IN 47904. J. Calvin Curdt is a director' - MIS ....:... for Farm Credit Banks in St. Louis. He and Michele live at 722 Redstart Drive, Ellisville, MO 63021. Gary E. Gaal writes: "Major Gary E. Gaal received a master of science degree from the American Technological University on Dec. 13, 1985. He is currently assigned with the Army Research Institute at Fort Hood, Texas. He will be attending the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., this fall. " Gary and Luise live at 607 Allen St. , Copperas Cove, TX 76522.

Nicolaps P. Neum~nn is now a group leader, permits, for Consolidation Coal Co. in St. Louis. He and Nancy have moved to 2819 Spring Meadow Drive, Imperial, MO 63052. . Rick C. Pohlman is a manager of in· dustrial engineering for Square D Co. His an'd Beverly's mailing address is Route 10, Box 336, Columbia, MO 65202. David Polakowski is a product engineer for McData Corp. in Broomfield, Colo. He and Kathy live at- 2203 S. Taft Ave., Loveland, CO 80537. Jerry L. Rich is now a senior electrical engineer for Carolina Eastman Co. He and Cathie live at 175 'Vonda Kay Circle, Lexington, SC 29072 . David and Lynn Rice, both '74, tell us that David is now an acquisitions engineer for Terra Resources. The couple lives at 8019 S. Joplin, Tulsa, OK 74136.

Mark and Rose Herzog and ' four children - John, Jimmy, Joey and Jen· nifer - moved to 6625 Bent Trail, Corpus Christi, TX 78413 last August. This was the result of a transfer by Mark's employer, Texaco. John A. Kinkead is pastor of the First Church of God and also a science teacher in the public school of Moun· tain View, Mo. John and Patricia's mail· ing address is P.O. Box 488, Mountain View, MO 65548.


Steven D. Bodenhamer is an engineer and maintenance manager for St. Joe E. Ray Kothe writes: "Now own Con· 'Minerals, National Zinc Division. He Sui Corp ., a designiconstru.ction and Gayle live at 6626 Dorsett Drive, management company. We do work in Bartlesville, OK 74006. the commercial, industrial and retail markets throughout most of the South." Barbara J. Clayton writes: "Devoting Ray lives at 19114 Hickory Bay, Baton time to Springfield Little Theatre and courses at Springfield Art Museum." Rouge, LA 70817. She is retired . She and Ken live at 2111 M. Monica Lauer moved to 1717 San E. Regency Place, Springfield, MO 65807. Simeon Way, Fenton, MO 63026.

MSM Alumnus / 69



__________________________________________________________ Diane and Dave, '71, Eppestine live at 729 Buckley Road, St. Louis, MO 63125. Diane is with Southwestern Bell Telephone. Dave is working for the A viation Systems Command.

Gregory A. Cieciwa is now a deputy director, AFCOLR, U.S. Air Force in Dayton, Ohio.-Greg and Katherine live at 2433, Coldsprings Drive, Beavercreek, OH 45385 .

Jan and Wayne Hoffman, both '75 , write: "Wayne accepted a position with Ford Glass in Lincoln Park, Mich. He is involved in glass coating. I'm retired temporarily attempting to adjust to the cold weather." Jan and Wayne now live at 46253 Gainsborough Drive, Canton, MI48187.

David K. and Denise M. Denner write: "Denise, Dave and daughter Darcy received an early Christmas present with the birth of Daniel Nelson on Dec. 2, 1985." Dave is a manufacturing ' superintendent for Monsanto in Bridgeport, N.J. and Denise is a research technician for Children's Hospital in Philadelphia, Pa. David and Denise and family live at 1530 Brick Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003.

Carl Hubenschmidt is a research biologist for Monsanto Co. in Creve Coeur, Mo. He now lives at 10168-C Camshire, St. Ann, MO 63074.

1985 Rollamo

1975 Continued Gary E. Chapman is a senior ceramic engineer for A.B.. Chance Co. in Parkersburg, W.Va. He and Beverly live at 918 Wiley St., Belpre, OH 45714. Mark Congiardo writes: "Nancy and I live in Strafford, Mo., near Springfield. We have two sons, Jared and Grant. Currently I work for Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. as senior mining engineer." The Congiardos' address is Route 3, Box 156C, Strafford, MO 65757. Michael L. Davis has been promoted to vice president in charge of oPerations of Barton Engineering Co. His duties will include thos,e of chief engineer as well as general supervisor of the land surveying and landscape arGhitectural departments headed by other professionals. Michael is a registered professional engineer in the states of Missouri and Illinois. He came to BEC from Benton and Associates Inc. in 1984, where he had worked on the design and construction phases of some of the firm's major public works projects, especially sanitary engineering projects, since 1976. He is a member of the National and Missouri Societies of Professional Engineers, the MiSsouri Water Pollution Control Association, lebanon Rotary Club and the First Baptist Church in Lebanon. He is married to the former J9Y Osborn of Camdepton, and they have two children, Trisha, 8, and Justin, 5. The Davis family's mailing addr"ess is Route 7, Box 363, Lebanon, MO 65536.

Thomas B. Ellis writes: "Tom anc,i Kirsten are proud to announce the birth of< their daughter, Lauren, on May 25 , 19'85. Tom continues his employmept as senior design engineer with James B. Becker ConSUlting engineers." The . Ellises live at 6959 Colonial Woods _ Drive, No. 42, St. Louis, MO 63129.

70/ MSM Alumnus

Craig S. Korkoian is now .a quality engineer for McDonnell Aircraft Co. in St. Louis. He and Christine live at 1226 Traverton, Chesterfield, MO 63017.

Michael W. Fugate is now an operations engineer for Nicor Exploration Co. in Golden, Colo. He and Tina live at 541 S. Simms St., Lakewood, CO 80228.

Michael L. Jerome is now a project William E. Langenbacher has moved to coordinator for Bommarito Construc906 West Congress, Pacific, MO 63069. tion Co. Michael lives at 5431 Reber Place, St. Louis,' MO 63139. Richard D. Laughlin is now a principal with Midwest Subsurface Testing Inc. at Roj)ert C. Kelahan writes: "Promoted to 11855 Adie Road, Maryland Heights, staff applications engineer for Exxon MO 63043. Chemical Americas, Mt. Belvien, Texas. Bob and Peggy now have two boys, ages Bruce Lurtz is a region engineer for 7 and 6, and two girls, ages 4 and I." Northwest Central Pipeline Co. He and Robert and Margaret reside at 2227 Cheryll now li~e at 15925 W . .144th, Parkdale, Kingwood, TX 77339. Olathe, KS 66062.

Duane Parrish writes: "I was recently promoted to manager of manufacturing and industrial engineering for Killark Electric Manufacturing Co. Killark is now a subsidiary of Harvey Hubbell Inc., a Fortune 500 company. Sue and I are expecting our third child in JUly." He and Susan live at 270 I Ashfield Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129. Ed Rush is now chief final1cial officer for Frye Regional Medical Center. He and Debby live at 78 Gold Creek, Hickory, NC 2860 I. John "Andy" Schelin is plant metallurgist for Lindberg Heat Treating Co. at 650 East Taylor Ave., St. Louis, MO 63147. Larry W. Shoemaker is a licensing engineer for Phillips Petroleum Co. He and Linda live at 4727 Rolling Meadows Road, 'Bartlesville, OK 74006. David J. Skipper is with Engineering & Economics Resources. He and Ruth live at 10129 Brandywine Drive, Huntsville, AL 35403. Johnny P. Torres is now a senior systems engineer for Exxon's Monterey Coal Co. in Albers, Ill. His and Linda's mailing address is Route I, Box 185, Okawville, IL 62271. James M. Turner is now a manager, microcomputer support, in the UMR Computer Center.-.Jim and Linda's mail· ing address is Route 3, Box 89, Cuba, MO 65453.

John J. Marting is employed with Lee Keeling & Associates. ,He and Melissa live at 6547 East 60th St., Tulsa, OK 74145.

Craig Liebel writes: "I am now a research and development project manager for the OEM products division of Bose Corp." Craig resides at 19 Ash· mont Drive:' Farmingham; MA 0170 I.


Michael W. McGavock writes: "I have been working at Monsanto as an environmental engineer for seven years. My wife, Debbie, and I have a one-year- 1977 old son." The McGavocks' address is Bruce H. ADen writes: "Bruce and 3010 Chadwick, Florissant, MO 63033. , Kathy are expecting a seCond child in .. May of 19S'6." Bruce is a board superintendent for United States GypWilliam K. Miehe is now a marketing • sum Co. He and Kathy live at 41.2 N. manager for Lear Siegler Inc., instru- " True Ave., Griffith, IN 46319 . ment division. William lives at 3535 • Whispering Brook Drive S.E., Grand Mark G. Call writes: "Built · a solar Rapids, MI 49508 . William is also a cap- • house in ' 1984." Mark is with I.BM. He tain in the Michigan Air National . now lives at 6626 Apache Court, LongGuard. . mont, CO 80S0 I.

Jeffrey R. Van Praag is now a technical staff member III for Rockwell InternaWesley C. Patrick, '75 , '78 , is now a tional. He and Lois live at 5315 Pine Kim and Ross, '7-7, Livengood, write:manager, experimental programs, for IT Grove Drive N.E., Cedar Rapids, IA Corp. He and Paula have moved to "Ross, Kim and 3·year-old Daniel 52402. 1104 S. Country Club Circle, Carlsbad, Livengood are looking forward to a new family addition in late January. Ross is NM 88220. still employed at Vitek Health Systems Richard and Connie (Douglas) Weaver live at 1261 Village Drive, Apt. 7, LexKevin C. Skibiski, '75, '76, is a project (McDonnell Douglas) in St. Louis. Kim ington, KY 40504. engineer for Moore & Wolfinbarger in is a fUll-time mother and is doing a little Springfield, Mo. His and Jeanie's mail- home programming in her 'spare' time." Charles W. Wiese, '76, '77, is a senior ing address is Route 5, Box 17, Ozark, Kim, Ross and son live at 1214 Rivoli, metallurgical engineer for Olin Corp. He Manchester, MO 63011. MO 65721. and Kathleen' live at 305 Blossom St., Ken. E. Luetke~eyer has moved from· Carterville, IL.62918. Miriot, N.D., to 9636 Ohern Plaza, Apt. " ~ . I, Omaha, NE 68127. .

William R. Ahal now lives .at 323 Fox Briar Lane, Ballwin, MO 63021. John D. Carter is now' a start-up manager for Ogden·Martin. He and Deanna live at 3792 Richardson, Scotts Mill, OR 97375 .

Alumni Personals_____________________________________________________________ 1977 Continued

Ross D. and Kim,"'76, Livengood write: "Ross, -Kim and 3-year-old Daniel Livengood are looking forward to a new family addition in late January. Ross is still employed at Vitek-McDonnell Douglas Health Systems in St. Louis. Kim is a full-time mother and is doing a little home programming in her 'spare' time." ~oss, Kim and son live at 1214 Rivoli, Manchester, MO 63011.

Robert F. Gaebler, '77, '81, writes: "Bob started work at Uninet (now U.S. Telecom-Data Communications Co.) on July 1_ He finds research challenging, difficult and very different from academia. Sally enjoys a real full-time job riding herd on three little young-uns: life in the fast lane! (Timmy, Robby, and Nathanael - born May 10, 1985)" Bob Louis G. Loos II has moved and his adis a network research scientist for U.S. 'dress is P.O. Box 9968, St. Louis, MO Telecom in Lenexa, Kan_ The Gaeblers 63122. live at 8729 Foster Lane, Overland Park, KS 66212_ Michael and Sandy (Turnbough) Marx write: "Sandy and Mike still reside at 12108 Wood Oval, N.orth Royalton, Maria (DiQuarto) Gharakhani writes: OH 44133. Their son, Jason, is almost "Albert, '77, and I moved to Hartford, two years old. Sandy and Mike are still Conn., in March 1981 where I went to with Standard Oil of Ohio. Sandy is a work for Combustion Engineering in commercial analyst in a new business Windsor and ~Ibert for Northeast group and Mike is an equipment Utilities in Berlin, both of us doing safe- specialist in retail marketing." ty analysis_ Meanwhile, we bought a two-acre lot in Canton and started to Doug Moellering is an engineering build our dream house. By now, it is manager for Tracor Aerospace in practically complete, except for steps to Austin, Texas. He and Laura live at the basement! During the summ!!r of 14412 Celestial Lane, Pflugerville, TX 1984 Albert and I took a vacation to Ita- 78660. ly. We rented a car and Albert drove like a maniac from north to south, stopping Roger S. Oertli has been appointed exin the major cities and lesser-known ecutive viCe president for GECO towns (which to us had more to offer), Engineering Corp., a subsidiary of and eating like pigs_ We ended up in my Guarantee Electrical Co. Roger's hometown on the outskirts of Palermo, business address is GECO Engineering Sicily, where Albert met my extended Corp., 3501 Bent Ave., St. Louis, MO family_ Back from vacation, I joined 63116. , Albert at Northeast Utilities, performing Stephen H. Partney moved from BarLOCA analysis, and soon after tow, Fla., to 3118 Bloomingdale Villas discovered I was pregnant. On June 9, Court, Brandon, Ft 33511 in 1985, we were blessed with a beautiful, J)p,.prn hPr good-natured baby girl named Stephanie Ann_ That's the best thing that has hap- Steven W. Post writes: "Have one pened in my life . up to now _ Sincere daughter, Ravonne, born July 8, 1984. greetings to all professors in nuclear Second child due Jan. 15, 1986. Job engineering, especially the ones .who duties include engineering responsibility taught me." The Gharakha-.!lis live at 8 for industrial pump line." Steve is a Upland Drive, Canton, CT 06019_ senior design engineer for FMC Corp. He and Darlene live at 3310 Redwood Daniel B. Koch writes: "I coauthored a Cove, Jonesboro, AR 72401. paper with Dr_ William Tranter entitled 'A Hybrid Radar Waveform Design Terry Sudholt writes: "New assignment Technique for Improving Slant Range - civil, structural, architect superinten'Resolution in a Synthetic Aperture dent ' of 2V2-year construction project Radar System,' and presented it at the for new research facilities at Eastman 1985 IEEE international radar con- Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y." Terry ference_ I am currently a Senior engineer lives at 466 Kilbourn Road, Rochester, with STG Electrosystems in St. Louis." NY 14618. Dan and Sharilyn live at 1414 Sioux Trace, St. Charles, MO 63303. Thomas J ... Kolze is a staff engineer for TRW Electronic Systems Group_ Tom received his Ph.D. in electrical 'engineering from the University of Southern California in November 1985_ He and Linda live at 2929 West I 90th St., No. 207, Redondo Beach, CA 90278.

Jackie DeThorne Falconi and Joseph live at 16307 Fernway Road, Shaker Heights, OH 44120.

1978 Larry Abrams is now a production foreman for Arco Oil and Gas Co. He and Jane live at 102 Apple, Longview, TX 75605. S. Edward Albee has been promoted to senior production engineer for Honeywell Inc. in Golden Valley, Minn. He lives at 3024¡Louisiana, Crystal, MN 55427. Bruce, '78, '80, and Kathy Bergman write: "Have been transferred with IBM to the Kansas City, Mo. marketing branch where Bruce will be a systems engineer. Our new address is 13702 Edinburgh, Olathe, KS 66062. IBM has been great to us!" William Bezdek has been promoted to section chief, flight simulation, at¡ McDonnell Aircraft in St. Louis. He lives at 125 Hidden Creek, Ellisville, MO 63011.

Thomas W. Doering writes: "I am vice president (1986) of the Pacific North West Chapter of the Alumni Association." Tom is with Boeing Aerospace Co. and lives at 12015 S.E. 221 st St., Kent, WA 98031.

Andrew S. Drake is a project engineer for Mississippi River Transmission in Ladue, Mo. He and Janet now live at 425 Cardiff Lane, Manchester, MO 63021. Richard E. Fields writes: "Promoted to senior engineer. First child, Hillary Denise, born Aug. 30, 1985." Richard, Millie and Hillary live at 5242 Ansonia Court, Orlando, FL 32809. RusseU L. Goldammer, '78, '79, is a telecommunications project manager for CitibanklCiticorp in St. Louis. He and Shirley live at 654 Nanceen Court, Ballwin, MO 63021.

Jerry Buchheit" is a project engineer for Amerock Corp. He and Sandy live at 1009 Ridge Drive, Perryville, MO 63775.

Roger Franklin Goodlet is a civil engineer for Daniel International in Greenville, S.c. Roger now lives at Apt. 223J Pinecroft Drive, Taylors, SC 29687.

Greg CarroU writes: "Moved to Biloxi, Miss. Am now at a new job as a computer programmer. We just had our third child, the first son, named Philip James, on Nov. 20, 1985." Greg and Ginger live at 104 Theresa Court, Biloxi, MS 39532.

Alan W. Green writes: "I will be moving to Abilene, Texas in January 1986 for a new job as a contract administrator for CBI Na-Con, Inc. Also, I obtained 'my Texas P.E. ricense in July 1985." Alan lives at 2830 Old Fort Road, Sugar Land, TX 77479.

Glen R. Davidson writes: "Been with Jeff Greene writes: "Enjoying sunny Allgeier, Martin and Associates Inc. of California and the beautiful surrounJoplin, Mo. for seven and a half years. ding areas. Jody, 5, and Jarrad, 2, are I'm employed as a project engineer. I doing fine." Jeff is a project superintenlive with my wife, Carole, and son, dent for McCarthy (construction Chris, at 805 E. Wickersham, Webb Ci- management). He and Sonja live at 5901 ty, MO 64870. I also have two Woodglade Ave., Sacramento, CA daughters, Cara (6) and Dena (5)." 95621.

Mark D. Van .Leer moved from Union, Mo. to 504 E. 7th, Washington, MO 63090. Nary J. Willett is a technical supervisor for AT&T-Bell Labs. He and Carol live at 1730 Willow Drive, Plainfield, IL 60544.

Ronald J. Williams writes: "Appointed city engineer for City of Washington (Missouri) on Sept. 16, 1985. Moved to Mike and Cynthia (Locke) Lackner now Washington on Oct. 7. Expecting a live at 11809 England, Overland Park, brother or sister for Christine in June." KS 66210. Mike is a senior engineer for Ronald and Kathleen now live at 1115 E. First St., Washington, MO 63090. Allied Corp_-Bendix in Kansas City.

1m Rollamo

MSM Alumnu.171

Alumni Personals._______________________________ Ted Waldbart writes: "Ted is now retail sales rep with Phillips 66 Co. in Atlanta area . Ted and Alice have two children, Patti, age 6, and John, age 4.;' The Waldbarts' mailing address is P.O. Box 467067, Atlanta, GA 30346. Edward P. Webster is a senior produc· tion engineer for Union Carbide Corp., Port Lavaca , Texas. He now lives at lOlA Maplewood, No. 19, Victoria, TX 7790 I. Arthur T. Wilkins moved to 22 Whit· ton Heights, Jefferson City, MO 6510 I.

1985 Rollamo

1978 Continued Stephen P. GuntIy is manager, quality assurance, for Microwave Systems Corp. He and Debbie live at 2408 Heatherwood Drive, West Des Moines, IA 50265 . -' Nancy E. Harrington is an associate engineer for Charles R . Velzy Associates. She and Richard live at 8 Laura Drive, Centereach, NY 11720. Patrick L. and Jeannie Harris now live at 505 S. Kathy Drive, Tecumseh , OH 74873. David K. HoUand Jr. writes: "I have been promoted to senior chemical engineer and been assigned as staff engineer for an operating department at Texas Eastman Co. Our son (first), who was born Sept. 2; is named David K. III (Trey). Tina is staying home with full· time parenting duties. Dave is president of Longview Symphony League and working on MBA at night school." The Holland- family lives at 1603 Shely, Longview, TX 75604. John J •. Hunter writes: "Work and home going really great. Was promoted from project engineer to senior project engineer at Hallmark last spring. Doing a lot of work on my house. Am in process of changing a flat roof to a pitched roof. New rafters, sheathing, and shingles. It's an entire engineering and construction project in itself!" John lives at 8214 Oak, Kansas City, MO 64114.

Kevin J. Merrill writes: "Just moved to Orlando area in summer of '85. Marilyn was transferred by Emerson Electric and I with McDonnell. Our son, Elliott, turns three in January." Kevin is a marketing representative in Tampa. He .. and Marilyn live at 686 Vista Willa Drive, Winter Springs, FL 32708. Steve OlsOI\ writes: "Another move, another job - I'm at Businessland (815 Olive St., St. Louis) selling PC's to businesses. Join me for lunch in the downtown St. Louis Center located in the Old Post Office or you can reach me at my new abode (an on'going rehab in the Shaw neighborhood), 3940 Russell Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63110."


James T. Rau writes: "Now living in Houston, Texas, and manager of con· struction for Continental Pipeline Co., a subsidiary of Conoco Inc." Jim and Kati's address is 14710 Forest Lodge Drive, Houston, TX 77070. Gary F. Re is now a district manager for Schlumberger Offshore. His mailing ad· dress is P.O. Box 16427, Lake Charles, LA 70616. David Ruester is a senior engineer for McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. He and Rhonda live at 5311 Ville Cecelia, Hazelwood, MO 63042. Dennis W. Schulte, '78, '81, is a mechanical engineer for Tennessee Valley Authority in Knoxville. He lives at 292 I Shropshire Blvd., Powell, TN 37849. -

Steven G. Serniak writes: "Currently living in Manchester, Mo. and working for AT&T. Have two children, Jennifer, Karl Johnston is a lead engineer, 3, and Michael, 2." The Serniak family technology, for McDonnell Aircraft Co. lives at 1447 Cedar Bluff Drive, Man· in St. Louis. He and Kari have moved to chester, MO 63021. 342 Twisted Oak Court, Ballwin, MO Carl Sisk writes: "Am living in Cairo, 63021. Egypt, and working for Amoco InternaTerry D. McCaUister has been pro- tional Oil Co. Kathleen and I have a moted to area engineer for ARCO boy, 4-years-old;. and another baby due Alaska Inc. Terry and Susan live at 450 in April. My address is Expatriot Egypt, P.O. Box 4381 , Houston, TX 77210." Falke Court, Anchorage, AK 99504:

72/ MSM Alumnus

David G. Winter writes: "On Dec. 28 I married Linda J. Spadoni of Seattle. We had a beautiful wedding in Rolla and were happy to see relatives and old friends . Our new address is 20043 Forest Park Drive N.E., Seattle, WA 98155." John M. Wootten is a director, research and technology, for Peabody Holding Company Inc. , in St. Louis. He lives at 1209 No. 2 Forest Parkway, Man· chester, MO 63021. .

1979 Dennis W. Allen is now a senior marketing planner with McDonnell Douglas Corp. in St. Louis. Dennis and Glenna live at 1454 Autumn Leaf, Ballwin, MO 63021. Charles and Valarie (Brenner) Bagnell, both '79, write: "New daughter, Ashley Ann, born Sept. 26, 1985." Charles is a design engineer for Campbell Soup Co. in Camden , N.J . Valarie is a chemical engineer in chemis;al, biological, radiological defense systems for Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station in Philadelphia, Pa. Charles and Valarie reside at 23 Nassau Ave., Woodbury, NJ 08096.

Robert J. Crull moved to 4006 Nelson Drive, Huntsville, AL 35810. Paul H. Fitzgerald writes: "A lot has happened to me in 1985. On May 19, Robin gave birth to twin girls, Amanda and Jennifer. Then in August I was pro· moted to senior engineer at McDonnell Douglas." Paul and family make their home at ' 948 Bellestri, Ballwin, MO 63021. William W. Grace is a salesman for Mine & Process Service of Kewanee, III. He and Patricia reside at 1206 E. I I 6th Terrace, Kansas City , MO 64131. David J. Greco is now an area engineer for ARCO Alaska Inc. He and Elaine reside at 2500 Maylen Circle, An· chorage, AK 99516.


James L. Jansen is now design engineer in network services for Southwestern Bell Telephone. He and Stacy have moved to 2732 Blackforest, St. Louis, MO 63129. Richard W. McFall writes: "Last year I moved from engineering into a sales position Within Control Data Corp .. I market CAD/CAM application software and hardware. It's an exciting industry to be in!" He lives at 15935 Berit Tree Forest, No. 2061 , Dallas, TX 75248. Carolyn Niess writes: "Promoted to manager: computer support, in June, 1985, for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. Moved to 3339 Bol' Elder, Housto,11, TX 77082." Stanley C. Sikes (Lf J.G.L writes: "Reported to Naval Mobile Construc· tion Battalion 62, homeported in Gulfport, Miss., as an assistant operations officer in December of 1985. Mail should be sent to: NMCB-62, RCO, S·3, FPO Miami 34099-500J\" Ralph C. Vemmer moved from Union, Mo. to Route 3, Box 14F, Washington, MO 63090. Mike Virtue writes: "We enjoy working ' and living in Kentucky." He is a logging engineer for Dresser Atlas. Mike and Donita live at 3869 Highway 1078, Henderson, KY 42420.

Greg Beilstein is now a district engineer for Amoco Production Co. He lives at 8B Stonecrest Court, Hobbs, NM , Katie (Kunkel), '79, '80, and Keith 88;140. Wesselschmidt, '80, write: "We proudly announce the ' birth of our son, BenS. John Calise, '79: '81, writes: "Recent- jamin Rans; on Sept. 18, 1985. So, ly changed jobs. New employer is the' Katie's trying a new career and seems to West Coast Regional Water Supply be working harder than ever!" Keith is Authority, a regional utility agency now a capital analyst for Anheuserresponsible for providing water supplies Busch. The family lives at 11275 for the Tampa Bay area. I am manager Claywood Drive, St. Louis, MO 63126. \ of projects and planning. Marla and I are enjoying the first Christmas with Ann E. (Veatch) Whitty is now a staff our- nine-month-old daughter, Meghan electrical engineer for Alcoa. She and Lyn." John and Marla live at 1148 San Dennis live at 332 Forest Road, Davenport, IA 52803. Marco Drive, Largo, FL 33540.




1979 Continued


Henry N. DeShazo II is a senior geological engineer for Tenneco Oil E&P International. He and Laura live at 5918 Templegate, Houston,. TX 77066.

Darrell Dee Weber writes: "MarjIe and I bought a home in 1984. We live at 2019 Willowcrest, St. Louis, MO 63138. We have two children: Melissa Karen M. Downer writes: "Received an Christine, 3 years, and Joshua Christian, MA in marketing from Webster Univer3 months. I work in the aero ther- sity in October 1985." Karen is with modynamics technology group at Monsanto Co. She lives at 9873. C. McDOnnell Douglas Astronautics Co. I Breeds Hill, St. Louis, MO 63123. am principal investigator on the shuttle flight ' data program, applying and developing CFD codes for reentry flight John Dykman is now a technical ·sales conditions.' Since school I have come to specialist for Gen Rad Inc. John lives at know Jesus the Christ as my Lord and 5051 Alton Parkway, Apt. 76, Irvine, savior. Thtough him my whole life is be- CA 92714. ing wonderfully reshaped." Kendall B. Hackman is a senior mechanical engineer for Amoco Production Co. He lives at 2623 Amaranth Drive, Houston, TX 77084. Thomas Helfrich writes: "Geotechnical Mathes and engineer at John Associates Inc.; registered petroleum engineer in Missouri and Illinois, but still · working on that MS degree." Thomas lives at 4829 Colony Church Road, Apt. 11, St. Louis, MO 62236 .

Steven D. Jones has moved from Steamboat Springs, Colo., to E44 N. 200 E., Price, Utah 84501. Ming Lau writes: "I am still working for Sandia National Labs in Albuquerque, , N.M. I had a house built last year and everything is going great. I am still single and like to keep it that way for a while." He lives at 5710 Vista Bonita N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87111 . James A. Martin is a facilities engineer for Mobay Chemical Corp. in Kansas City. He and Janet live at 3615 S. Main, Independence, MO 64055. Dwight and Melissa (Stephenson, '81, '85) Mattmuller write: "Would like to announce the birth, in July, of our first child, Christina. Melissa is back at work at McDonnell Douglas Astronautics after taking a leave to complete her MSEE. Dwight is still working at P.D. George Manufacturing as a resin production manager." Dwight and Melissa now live at 38 Hawthorne Estate, Town & Country, MO 63131.

. 1980 John M. Schofield Jr. is an environmental specialist for the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. He liYes at 4310 Harrison, Kansas City, MO 64110.

Richard D. and Donna Allen have moved from Inaependence to 706 Alfalfa Lane, Buckner, MO 64016. Bob Been is now a project' engineer at Mare Island Naval Shipyard in California. Bob and Julie live at 203 Wallace Aye., Vallejo, CA 94590. Denis M. Blindauer's new mailing address is HHC 18th Eng Bde, P.O. Box n, APO NY 09164-2934. Crystal C. (Travis) Clemens is now a stockbroker with Edward D. Jones and Co. She and Dan have moved to Route 3, Box 64, Marshfield, MO 65706. Marlin K. Otnry is a chemical engineer for Wisconsin Electric in Milwaukee. He and Laura now live at 1238 River Park Circle, Mukwonago, WI 53149. Robert E. Culver writes: "Our first child waS born on Sept. 5, 1985. Rebecca Elaine was 19 Y2 inches long and weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces. All of us are doing fine." Robert is .a quality control engineer for Allied Bendix Aerospace - (KE Divisjon) in Kansas City. He and Tonya and Rebecca live at 6807 E. 144th St., Grandview, MO 64030.

DANIEL C. HIRSCH BUEHLER Daniel C. Hirschbuehler, '80, '81 ; has been promoted to manager in the management consulting services diVIsion in the St. Louis offices of Price Waterhouse. He joined Price Waterhouse in 1982 as a 'staff cons~l, tant and was promoted to senior consultant in 1983. Dan is an active member of the Institute for the Certification of Computer Professionals. Dave reside$ at 2319 Driftwood, St. Louis, MO 63146.

John Gerard Hoffman writes: "We ha,ve a new addition to the family ~ Douglas Ryan Hoffman - 7 pounds, I ounce, 20 inches, born Oct. 31 , 1985: I l,llso have been recently transferred to the David G. Denison is now a mt<chanical New Mexico Reservoir GrouP as an engineer for Crawford, Murphy, & Tilly engineering section leader." He is with in St. Louis. He lives at 12542-B Ard- Amoco. He and Becky live at ' 840.2 wick Lane, Maryland Heights, MO Emerald Valley Court, Houstori, TX 77095. 63146. Rahmi Dedeoglu, '80, '8"3, is a ceramic engineer for Turkish Cement and Ceramic Ind. Co. His mailing address is Eskisehir Yolu 7. Km., Ankara, Turkey.

Keith D. and Katie (Kunkel, '79, '80) Wesselschmidt write: "We proudly an· nounce the birth of our son, Benjamin Rans, on Sept. 18, 1985. So, Katie's trying a new career and seems to be working harder than ever!" Keith is now a capital analyst for Anheuser-Busch. The family lives at 11275 Claywood Drive, St. Louis, MO 61126.

1981 Ralph ·K. Agee has moved from Hannibal to 1136 Bristol Way, Liberty, MO 64068. Paul D. and Christa (DeGonia, '85) Andrew write: "We were married in June, celebrating to the 'pipes and the guests. We have located in the St. Louis area: Christa is employed as a process engineer for Ethyl Petroleum Additives. Paul is a construction manager for Campbell Construction Services in St. . Louis." The Andrews' mailing address is P.O. Box 133, St. Ann, MO 63074. Dennis BoU is now an engineer for Sverdrup and Parcel. He lives at 1287 Mehlview Court, St. Louis, MO 63125.

Deborah (Brown) Brase writes: "Recently began full-time work on MSEE degree through IBM's Resident Study Program at the University of K. Smith is. a production Gerald Texas·Austin." Debbie lives at 4721 engineer for Chevron USA Inc. He and Hawkhaven, Austin, TX 78727. Maren live at 144 Fullbrook;Lafayette, LA 70506. Joe and Liz (Kordick.) Brinkmann, '82, now reside at 62 Twickenham Ave., Bob Sommers is the president of Som- Auckland Park 2092, South Africa. mers Communication in Atlanta, Ga. His company designs sales training pro- Mark. K. Brown writes: "Kathy and I grams for Fortune 500 companies are enjoying our son, Michael Andrew, throughout the country. Some of their born July II, 1985." Mark is now an accounts include: .G.E., AT&T, MCI, area engineer for Texaco Inc. in Chrysler, Southern Bell, Digital Equip- Drumright, Okla. The Brown family ment Co., and many others. Bob is mar- resides at 1326 E. 6th, Cushing, OK ried to the former Susan Clark of Knox- 74023. ville, Tenn., and has an infant son, Joshua. They live at 907 Regency Michael Chaffin writes: "I am working Woods Drive, Atlanta, GA 30319. for Sun Exploration and Production Co. as a drilling engineer." Michael now GI~n K. Vermette is a field engineer for lives at 816 Rosedown Lane, Lafayette, A.E. Staley in Decatur, Ill. He now lives . LA 70503. at 3311 Long Lois, Lafayette, IN 47904. Rosemary A. Emhoff writes: "I finally Benjamin P. Winter writes: "1985 was a spent the bucks and bought a house! big year for the Winter family. On April Plenty of room for visitors!" She lives at 22, our f.irst son, Paul, was born. He 5111 N. Prospect Road, Peoria Heights, weighed in at 1OY2 pounds and'seems to IL 61614. grow an inch a week. [n September, Ben began working for Ford Motor Co. Lawrence W. Esker is a hardware in Detroit as a manufacturing develop- engineer for Allen-Bradley Co. He lives ment engineer in their prototype foun- at 25200 Rockside Road, Apt. 416, Beddry. In December, Ben was graduated ford Heights, OH 44146. from the University of Michigan (finally) with a Ph.D. in Metallurgical Thomas D. Hereford is an associate Engineering. Ben, Brenda and Paul are pastor for Holy Family Parish. He lives currently living at 2277 Stone Drive, at 2100 Chestnut, Hannibal, MO Ann Arbor, MI 48105." 63401.

MSM Alumnu5173

AlumnI Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1981 Continued Mary E. Lawler writes: "I am now employed as a highway designer with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department in Kirkwood_" Her home address is 61 Blackthorn Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123_ Brent G. Marsball is a marketing engineer for Marathon Petroleum Co_ He and Laura live at 1108 Glen Meadow, Findlay, OH 45840_ James A. Matejcic is a loss prevention consultant for Factory Mutual Enginering_ He lives at 3539 Espace Court, Florissant, MO 63034_ Melissa (Stepbenson, '81, '85) and Dwight MattmuUer, '80, write: "We would like to announce the birth, in JuIy, of our first child, Christina_Melissa is back at work at McDonnell Douglas Astronautics after taking a leave to complete her MSEE. Dwight is still working at PoD_ GeOrge Manufacturing as a resin production manager." Melissa and Dwight now live at 38 Hawthorne Estate, 10wn & Country, MO 63131.

1985 Rollamo

Gregory Alan Young has moved to 555 Goldwood Drive, Ballwin, MO 63021.


Frank Andrews writes: "Frank and Roddy Rogers, '81 , '83, writes: "I was Vickie are proud to announce the birth working for Dames and Moore in of their son, Brian Ralph, on June 17, Phoenix, Ariz. for a couple of years and 1985 . Home waiting was sister have just recently taken a job with City Stephanie, 3 years old." Frank is workUtilities back here in Springfield, Mo." ing for Bechtel Power as a site engineer Roddy now lives at 1242 E. Guinevere, on STP nuclear plant. The Andrews No. 2, Springfield, MO 65804. family lives at 19515 Elmtree Estates, Katy, TX 77449. Edward C. Shilling writes: "I am cur· rently working at Lockheed-Georgia Co. Alexander O. Aning is an assistant proas a manufacturing engineer." Edward fessor in the School of Engineering, and Debbie reside at 153 Bridgestone Morgan State University. His mailing Drive, Marietta, GA 30066. address is P.O. Box 11491, Baltimore, MD 21239. Shawn D. Simmons writes: "Promoted to senior engineer - electro-optics Donald G. and Sherri L. (Puckett, '85) department with McDonnell Douglas Anselm write: "A lot has happened! I'm Astronautics Co." He lives at 3128 St. an engineering planner at McDonnell David, St. Ann, MO 63074. Douglas Aircraft Division. I do engineering planning for the avionic Cbarles S. Skinner is now a deputy ground support equipment group on the sheriff, jail division, for the Bexar Coun- F/ A-18 Hornet. I also coordinate ty Sheriffs Department. Charles and forecasting manpower needs for all of Janis reside at 5523 Rangeland, San An- ground support. I'm presently working tonio, TX 78247. on a master's thesis in engineering Dolores M. St. Denis is now a senior management. On May 25, 1985, I marfield engineer for Martin-Marietta at ried Sherri in St. Louis. We are very hapVandenberg AFB, Calif. She lives at py together." The Anselms live at 9187 1I05D W. Cypress, Lompoc, CA Wren wood Lane, Brentwood, MO 63144. 93436.

74 / MSM Alumnu s

Terry Largent writes: "Still working for Sperry Aerospace and Marine Group, recently promoted to project engineer." Terry lives at 1106 W. Bell Road, No. 2047, Phoenix, AZ 85023.

Lydia L. Bond is a senior programmer/analyst for St. Louis Count y Police Department in Clayton. She and William, '83, live at 7461 Williams Ave., St. Louis, MO 63117 .

James Bradley Lightle is a research engineer, department of ophthalmology, Washington University in St. Louis. He lives at 7550 Fleta, St. Louis, MO 63123.

Robert J. Brandt is now an assistant manager, regional equipment control, for Union Pacific Systems. Robert lives at 5828 South 100th Plaza, Apt. 2A, Omaha, NE 68127.

Robert N. Zettwocb writes: "I was promoted to senior engineer electronics this past June at McDonnell Douglas Astronautics." Robert resides at 132 Gary P. McMicbael writes: "Married Country Brook Court, St. Charles, MO Vicki Nelsen, a critical care nursing in- 63303. structor, on Dec_ 23, 1984. I am now employed by the U.S. Army Troop Support Command as an industrial engineer and living at 7450 Overbrook Drive, Pasadena Hills, MO 63121. J.A. Ricbards writes: "Senior reservoir engineer for offshore division of New Orleans district of Exxon Co. U.S.A." He and Carol live at 1512-A Kings Road, Harvey, LA 70058 .

Tom Blackburn, '82. '84, writes: "I moved to Fort Worth in September and opened a branch office for Alpha Testing Inc. The office is growing and doing well. Any materials or geo-tech students looking for summer employment should send me their resumes." Tom lives at 5729 Oakleaf Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76132~

Liz (Kordick) and Joe Brinkmann, '81, '82, now reside at 62 Twickenham Ave., Auckland Park 2092, South Africa. William Burak is a principal hardware engineer for Data General Corp. He and Debra live at II Greenbriar Lane, Holden, MA 01520.

Rebecca lanning is now a student. She lives at 816 Benge, Apt. \OS, Arlington, TX 76013.

Hsueh-Ler Lu lives at 2220 Murray Hill Road, No.2, -cleveland, OH 44106. Michael J. Magruder writes: "In my three years since graduation, I've toured Europe twice. The most recent was on company business in England. I am now a task leader in charge of command graphics for the project I'm working on. It's a blast!" Michael is a senior scientific programmer for Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. in Sunnyvale, Calif. He lives at 505 Cypress Point Drive, No. 205, Mountain View, CA 94043.

William A. Chatron is a civil engineer for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Charles and Diana, '83, Malin tell us Tulsa, Okla. He lives at 13228 E. 40th that Charles is a sales engineer with Place, Tulsa, OK·74134. . Accu-Therm Inc. in Hannibal, Mo_, and Diana is a technical service engineer for Frank P. Efthim is a field engineer for U.S. Industrial Chemicals Co. in Imco. He and Carol now live at 8712 Tuscola, Ill. The couple's mailing adDuncanson Drive, Bakersfield, CA dress is Route.2, Box 350A, Tuscola, IL 93311. 61953. Thomas M. Eppy writes: "Currently a field engineer for Hankins Construction James Marting is a..design engineer for Co. of St. Louis. 1 am working on a new Northern Telecom lnc_ He lives at 1203 $20 million jail for St. Charles County." Seaton Road, T-38, Durham, NC Tom's home address is 4518 Wigwam, 27713. St. Louis, MO 63123. SheUey Heigert writes: "I have recently Don L. McIntosh writes: "I was able to accepted a new position with Chevron spend a week fly fishing' in· Colorado as a production engineer in Lafayette, after being laid off from Emerson ElecLa." She lives at lOS Westwood Drive, tric this past summer. Since then I have joined Ralston Purina corporate No. 281, Lafayette, LA 70506. engineering, designing mainly process Jeff Keating is now a project supervisor control systems and traveling a bit. The in fiber optics for Union Pacific body still runs well and the MBA is comRailroad Co. in St. Louis. He lives at ing along. Hope everyone is fine." Don's 2026 Bellevue, No. 2A, Maplewood, address is 700 N. Mosley Road, St. Louis, MO 63141. MO 63143. Allen Kirchhoff writes: "Working as lead engineer and configuration manager for the Navy at McDonnell Douglas Corp. on the AV-8B Harrier II. Started March 1983." He lives at 1807 Ozark Drive, Arnold, MO 63010.

Thomas A., '82, '84, and Linda L. (Fleschner, '82) Meyer now live at 550 I Rosa, St. Louis, MO 63109. He is a sales engineer for General Electric. She is an industrial engineer for Boise-Cascade in Hazelwood, Mo.

Richard A. Kottemann Jr. is now gas distribution design engineer for Laclede Gas Co. He and Donna live at 7364 Idamor Lane, St. Louis, MO 63123.

Steven Moser writes: "I have recently taken a position with McDonnell Douglas Corp. in Long Beach, Calif., and have been assigned to their advanced composites group. Hopefully they won't keep me so busy that I can't enjoy some Southern California fun. My new address is 4211 E. 5th St., No.2, Long Beach, CA 90814."

Doug Kruger has been named general engineer for Commonwealth Edison. He lives at 4812 Upland Drive, Rockford, IL 61108.


Alumni Personals_____________________________________________________________ 1982 Continued Becky Ommen writes: "I have accepted a job with Cook Paint and Varnish Co. as a senior programmer. My new address is 6006 N. Jefferson, No. 4, Kansas City. MO 64118." Charles King Peacock writes: "Still working for IBM in Charlotte." He and BaFba~a live at 7900 Altacrest Drive, Harrisburg, NC 28075. David Pierson writes: "As chief of requirements and logistics, I am responsible for planning, scheduling, and providing of materials for the Air Force civil engineering squadron." He lives at 5900 Orleans Place, Apt. No. I, Alexandria, LA 11303. David Charles Sextro is now a production engineer for Dow Chemical Co. in Pevely, Mo. He and Kelly live at 784 Chevron Drive, St. Louis, MO 63125. Kevin G. Sutterer, '82. '84, is a staff , engineer for Soil Consultants Inc. He and Kathy live at 506 C. Donner Pass, St. Peters, MO 63376. Joel D. Wehrman's new address is P.O. Box 6165, Chattanooga, TN 37401. Damian P. Yanez writes: "I have been working as a mass properties engineer at McDonnell Douglas Corp. for three and a half years. 'Currently, 1 am on loan to Douglas Aircraft in Long Beach, Calif. The work out here keeps me busy, and the weather is great." He lives af 333 First St., Apt. F202, Seal Beach, CA 90740.

1983 Tim and Wendy (Young, '84,) Adrian write: "Wendy is an engineer at Rockwell working in management support of CAD. 'I have found ,the perfect engineering management position. My job is terrific and I love it!' she says. Tim has been awarded a Hughes F~ lIows hip and is working on his MS in electrical engineering at USc. Tim is employed by Hughes Radar Systems Group." The couple now lives at 9345 Cedar St., No. 203 , Bellflower, CA 90706. Jeff Brown is now with Hughes Aircraft in EI Segundo, Calif. He lives at 229 Granada, No. I, Long Beach, CA 90803.

Keith Boeckenhauer has been appointed ' Susan K. Graf is with McDonnell project engineer, nonferrous melting Douglas. She lives at 7519 Fleta, St. and holding furnaces at SECO/W AR路 Louis, MO 63123. WICK Corp. He was most recently located at SECO/WARWICK's Wheeling, III., plant until aluminum melting Mark A. Harms, '83, '85, is now workand holding furnace product operations ing for Soil Consultants Inc. as a staff were moved to the Meadville head- engineer in St. Peters. He and Julie live at 408 Prince David, O'Fallon, MO quarters. 63366. . Meg Sparlin Brady is a scientific programmer analyst _at UMR. She and Kevin have the following mailing address: P.O. Box 180 I, Royster Road, Rolla, MO 65401.

Donald E. ' floeckelman is a process metallurgist for Timken Steel Co. He lives at 121 17th N.W. , Apt. 7, Canton, Ohio 44703 .

Gregory Burke writes: "I'm a graduate assistant -in civil engineering at Penn Jim Huebner is employed with McDonState. I'm concentrating on structural nell Douglas. He lives at 1241 E. engineering for my master's degree." Church, Apt. 6, Ridgecrest, CA 93555 . Gregory lives at 710 S. Atherton St., Jay B. Immele is now an operations No. 5\0, State College, PA 16801. engineer for St. Joseph Light & Power Co. He lives at 3645 Gene Field Road, Robert F. Cheney, '83, '85, is now a Apt. F-17, St. Joseph, MO 64506. researcher at the U.S. Naval Weapons Center in China Lake, Calif. He lives at 940 Graaf Ave., Ridgecrest, CA 93555. Christopher Johnson writes: "Working in Washington, D.C. Enjoying being with my wife and daughter and enjoy Timothy Qodfelter married Vicki A. my job. Hope to visit UMR next sumHoog on路 Sept. 14, 1985, at the Ste. mer while taking in some good fishing Genevieve Catholic Church. He is an around the local- streams." He lives at electrical engineer for Emerson Electric. 8700 Monmouth Drive , Upper She is a 1978 graduate of Riverview Marlboro, MD 20772. Gardens. She is employed as the secretary to the vice president of Mark Matt Jungkaus is now a director of proTwain State Bank. Fohowing a honey路 duct development for Vertical Business moon to Florida, the couple resides at 11302 Win dale Drive, No.3, St. Ann, Systems. Matt lives at 823A Tahoe Run, Roswell, GA 30075. MO 63074. Bruce Edwin Landon now lives at 2026 Paul D. Conrad is an environmental S. 7th, Apt. No. 80, Waco, TX 76706. engineer for the U.S. Environmental ,Protection Agency in Atlanta, Ga. Paul ' Greg Little writes: "I'm doing and Vanitta now !jve at 1314 Mill Lake mechanical design on communication Circle, Stone Mountain, GA 30088. equipment in support of the naval fleet." He lives at 7820A Musket St., InJames Allen and Peggy Ann (Cypert) dianapolis, IN 46256, and is a Folta (both '83) live at 37 Iv~nhoe mechanical engineer with the Naval Drive, Urbana, IL 6180 I. James is a A vionics Center. graduate student now at the University of Illinois. Peggy is an assistant supportive scientist for the University of Illinois.

Angi Latham now liv"es 'at- 8316 N.W . 8th, Oklahoma City, OK 73022. Diana and Charles, '82, Malin tell us that Diana is a technical/service engineer with U.S. Industrial Chemicals Co. in Tuscola, III. ; and Charles is a sales engineer for Accu-Therm Inc. in Hannibal, Mo. The couple's mailing address is Route 2, Box 350A, Tuscola, IL 61953. Gregory T. McCurren writes: "I am employed with Hirata Corp. of America, a manufacturer of automated assembly systems, and I'm studying the Japanese language." He lives at 3820 Fawn Drive, No. 2A, Indianapolis, IN 46254. Sheila McDonnell writes: "Currently working at the Naval Oceanographic Office, and going for a master's in ge6physics at the University of New Orleans. I have also done a lot of traveling this year - Hong Kong, Singapore, Java, Sri Lanka, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia." Sheila lives at 6820 Hilo St., Bay St. Louis, MS 39520. Michael B. McKay writes: "I moved to Gainesville, Fla., in May '84. I am working on the corporate staff of a major regional healthcare and hospital company . (Santa Fe Healthcare Systems Inc.). I started the management engineering function and am just beginning to expand the department. I love the sun and surf, but miss the snow; especially now at Xmas time!" Michael lives at 404 N. Main St., Gainesville, FL 32601. David L. Oswald is now a lead product engineer for AT&T Technologies Inc. He lives at 614 Fair Lane, Lee's Summit, MO 64063. Lynn Dee Paar is now a senior electrical engineer for Stone & Webster in Clinton, lIJ. Lynn lives at III N. Towanda, Apt. 8, Normal, IL-61761.

David A. Gaskill is now a project engineer for Sperry Aerospace and Marine. He and Gretchen live at 5223 Vista Bonita N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87111. A report has been received of the death, on Dec. 2, 1985, of Rob Roy Goodenow, afte r suffering a stroke. At UMR Rob had been a member of ASCE, ASEM, the M路Club and was a four- year letterman on the basketball team, scoring 247 points during his Miner career. He received his 8.S. degree in engineering management and, at the time of his death , was employed by Union Electric. He lived in Jefferson City, Mo.

1985 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus175

Alumni Per$onal$.__________________________________________~----------~---1984

Robert W. Currie is a staff engineer for UMR ill the physical facilities depart· Wendy (Yo\lng) and Tim Adrian, '83 , ment, General Services Building. He write: "Wendy is an engineer at and Venita live at 508 Dover Drive, Rockwell working in management sup· Rolla, MO 6540 I. port of CAD. 'I have found the perfect engineering management position. My Daniel J. Eck is now a facility/produc· job is terrific and I love it!' she says. Tim tion engineer for Arco Oil and Gas Co. has been awarded a Hughes Fellowship He lives at ' 8913 Thurber Lane, and is working on his MS in electrical Bakersfield, CA 93311 . engineering at USc. Tim is employed by Hughes Radar Systems Group." The Carol E. (Maxeiner) Edwards IS now a couple now lives at 9345 Cedar St., No. polymer chemist for Brewer Science Inc. 203, Bellflower, CA 90706. She and Jerry live at 20 II Vienna Roaa, Rolla, MO 6540 I. . Dan Afflick is now an .associate systems analyst for McDonnell Douglas Aircraft James Martin Ephraim now lives at in St. Louis. Dan and Darla·live at 506C 5532 E. Lake Shore Drive, Lisle, IL Sarah, Creve Coeur, MO 63141. 60532 .


_KammieRose Akers is now a senIor ' Patricia A. Frey lives at 4741 N. laboratory technologist for Interstate Highland, Apt. I,. Kansas City, MO Randy G. Scbuetz writes: "I am still Oil Co. Inc. She lives at 11609 W. 68th 64116. She is an environmental engineer working for PPG Industries in technical St., Shawnee, KS 66203. for the U .S. EPA-water divi· service. Moved from Kansas City to sion/construction grant in Kansas City, Grand Blanc, Mich. to start up Buick Roger B. AlliSon has joined the interna· Kan . City Paint facility." Randy's rl}ailing ad· tional construction consulting firm of dress is P.O. Box 683, Grand Blanc, MI Wagner-Hohn's-Inglis Inc. as a consul· David W. Gardner now lives at 5875 tant in the firm's Kansas City office. 48439. Pemberton Way, Colorado Springs, CO Roger has · particular expertise in the 80907. John P. Schureders writes: "Am living specialized · .a reas of construction in St. Charles, working at McDonnell estimating, contract administration, John (Jack) Golterman writes: "have Douglas, getting married to Theresa construction management, · organiza- worked with an auto industry 'vendor as Veras and looking for a good used car." tional development and heavy construc· junior quality control engineer since Ju· John lives at 3288 Jennefer, St. Charles, tion . A nine-year veteran of the U.S. Ar· Iy 1984. Promoted to product engineer my Corps of Engineers, Roger's January 1986. Words from the 'real MO 63301. assignments have included company world': Survival is excellence in quality 'James ·B. SeiwaJd writes: "I am present· commander in an engineer battaliof,l in Often in St. Louis during weekends. Iy working for Rockwell Internatiomil, Korea, proje.ct engineer for the Corps of Hope to see those of you there." John Collins division. I am a design engineer EngiJ;leers - Kansas City District, and lives at 1126 Vz Franklin, Keokuk, IA in the color weather radar design and organizational effectiveness staff officer 52632. development group." James lives at at the U.S. Army Engineer Training 1919 Linmar Drive N.E., No. 24, Cedar Center, Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. He Stel'en R. Harms is an electric design holds a BS in civil engineering from engineer for Texas Instruments. He now Rapids, IA 52407. Massachusetts, Institute of Technology lives at 2934 E. Belt Line Road, No. (MIn. Roger and Debra's current mail· 710, Garland, TX 75042. Mike Stroder writes: " I am now work· ing as a process engineer for Solid State ing address is Route 2, Pine Ridge, No. Circuits in Springfield, Mo." Mike lives 5, Maryville, MO 64468. B. Keith Harrison has moved to 1608 1985 Rollamo

1983 James E. Pinkley is now an operations trainee for Peabody Coal Co. in Marissa, Ill. He and Laurie Susan live at 545 N. 74th St, Belleville, IL 62222. .Randy R. Rapp is a team leader, engineer officer advanced course, for the U.S. Army Engineer School in Ft Belvoir, Va. He and Kathy live at 7651 FaUswood Way, Lorton, VA 22079. Thomas and Suzanne Riney, both '83, now live at 10144 Squire Meadows, No. 7, St Louis, MO 63123. Tom is an assis· tant engineer, quality asl)urance, for Union Electric. Tom Rotbermicb writes: "I am currently the branch manager of a civil engineer' ing office, A & H Testing, in Lima, Ohio. My wife, Kathy, and I have three children: Sarah, 6; Andy, 3, and David, 5 months." Tom and family make their home at 859 W. Brice, Lima, OH 45801.

at 930 S. Campbell, Apt P34, Spr· Randy W. and Linda Sallee announce ingfield, MO 65806. the birth of their son, Randall Tyler, on Aug. II, '1985. The Sallee family lives at Gregory J. Tolcou _writes: "Happily 720 S. 29th St, Blue Springs, MO married! Living with wife Peggy at 9617 64015. Clyde, St. Louis, MO 63125." Gregory is now with Mac Fab Products Inc. in Robert and Beverly (Drury, '84) Sauer St. Louis. write: "Bob and Bev were married June 8, 1985. Bob is working as a quality con· trol engineer for Allied/Signal in Kansas City, and Bev is a planning engineer for Anne (Weber) Welty is with AT&T AT&T Technologies in Lee's Summit. Technologies in Kansas City, Mo. She Bob reports the engagement of David G. and Lawrence now live at 1104 N.E. Moore, '83, to Trish Shore of Kansas Mulberry St, Lee's Summit, MO 64063. City." Bob and Bev now live at 5405 B E. 84th Terrace, Kansas City, MO Mark A. Williams is a lithographic analyst for Harris Graphics Corp. in 64132. Dallas, Texas. He now lives at 5 Timber Jeffrey R. and EDen, '84,Scheibal write: Green, Bedford, TX 76021. "Jeff, '83, and Ellen, '84, have a new ad· dition to the family , Zachary Robert, Jay Wilshire writes: "I have accepted a born Aug. 8, 1985. Jeff is an associate job with AT&T· Bell Laboratories in petrophysical engineer for Shell Off· Naperville, III. My wife, Christine, and I shore Inc. in New Orleans, La." Jeff and are expecting our first child in July Ellen live at 380 Ridgewood Drive, 1986." The Wilshires live at 718 Mandeville, LA 70448. laSalle, Collinsville, IL 62234.

76/ MSM Alumnus

Glen BeD now lives at Troy Hills Burnside Lane, St. Charles, MO 63303. Village, 1480, Route 46, Apt. 287 A, Parsippany, NJ 07054. _ Gary A. Hart is an engineer for McDon· nell Douglas Aircraft Co. He and Kathy A report has been received of the death now live at 11130 South 40th Drive, of Mark George Bouckaert sometime No.7, St. Louis, MO 63131. during 1984. Mark received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering and M'ark G. Harw~d writes: "Survived the had lived at 9828 Briarstone Drive, St. Mostek chaos, moved to Texas In· struments November 1985 to work on Louis, MO 63126. the 4 Meg DRAM development team . Ishmael H. Buyco i~. a lead electrical .Friends, give Angl!la anq rpe a call if engineer' for Aramco. His mailing ad· you are in Dallas." Mark and Angela dress is do Aramco, Box 1136, .Ras live at 1721 E. Frankford, No. 8.26, Car· Tanura, 31311, Saudi Arabia. rollton, TX 75007 . Sharon Clinch is an engineer for Nor· throp Aircraft in Hawthorne, Calif. She lives at 378 S. Miraleste Drive, No. 432, San Pedro, CA 90732.

Dal'id C. Kerber now resides at 3 Rushford·Meade, Granby, CT 06035 . David is an ensign in t~e U.S. Navy .

Nancy L. Copeland is now an analyst/programmer for Black & Veatch Engineers·Architects in Overhind Park, Kan. Nancy lives at 12905 Piccadilly Circle, Lenexa, KS 66215 .

David I. Kniepkamp is now an electrical design engineer for Baser Electric Co. of Highland, Ill. David and Barbara live at 2607 Eastview Drive, Belleville, IL 62221 .

Alumni Personals _____________________________________________________________ 1984 Continued John Joseph 路 La Berg is a branch manager for Professional Service Industries. He now lives at 3009 Heritage Drive, Apt. 12 , Joliet , IL 60435. Richard' C. Lamb Jr. is a construction inspector for Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. He has moved to 719-A Cynthia St., Poplar Bluff, MO 6390 I. Kennan H. Laudel has m6ved to 1415 N. Country Club Road, Building M, Apt. 3086, Mesa, AZ 86201. He is employed by Motorola in Phoenix, Ariz. Gene Ray Meyer moved to 713 Adams Drive, Midland, MI 48640 on Dec. 20, 1985. Denise Warden Miller and John now live at 109 .Swoon Drive, Lafayette, LA 70508. John Stephen Nealon writes: "Married to Kimberly Ann on Sept. II, 1985; expecting our first child in July 1986; 1 am an assistant hydrologist with the Illinois State Water Survey and love my job!" John and Kimberly live at 1003 Frances Drive, No.2, Champaign, IL 61821 .

James Herbert Ohlms now lives at 4114 B. 18th St., LUbbock, TX 79416. Roberto Rubio writes: "I am working as a research assistant and graduate student in the division of structures and mechanics, department of civil engineer路 ing, University of Washington." Roberto's address is 1150 I Oth Ave. E., Seattle, WA 98102. Richard E. Rupprecht is now an associate engineer for McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. He and Norma have moved to Route 7, Box 283, Edwardsville, IL 62025. Beverly (Drury) and Robert Sauer, '83, write, "Bob, '83, and Bev (Drury, '84) Sauer were married June 8, 1985 . Bob is working as a quality control engineer for Allied/Signal in Kansas City, and Bev is a planning路 engineer for AT&T Technologies in Lee's Summit. Bob reports the engagement 'of David G. Moore, '83, to Trish Shore of Kansas City." Bev and Bob now live at 5405 B E. 84th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64132.

Loretta 'Ellen' and Jeffrey R., '83 , John M. Ay writes: "I have finished my Kay Lynn Elders has moved to 906 W. Scheibal write: "We have a new addition first quarter at,Northeastern University. Glassey, Cuba, MO 65453 . to the family , Zachary Robert, born I'm working on a master's in technical Aug. 8, 1985 . Jeff is an associate writing. Write me care of my folks, 1731 petrophysical engineer for Shell Off- River Road, Annapolis, MD 2140 I." Dean Gillispie is a software engineer for shore Inc. in New Orleans, La." Ellen John is a teaching assistant/graduate stu- General Dynamics-Data Systems Diviand Jeff live at 380 Ridgewood Drive, denl at Northeastern Univ~rsity in sion. He and Pam now live at 10343 San Diego Mission Road, San Diego, CA Mandeville, LA 70448 . . Boston, Mass. 92108. Sharon A. Berger writes: "I am presentGerard B. Schulte is an assistant ly an engineer for Conoco Inc. in Rebecca J. Glauz writes: "I moved to foreman for Hentges Tree Service. His Oklahoma City. Scott Roddy (1985) and the Chicago area. in June to start my job mailing address is Route I, Jefferson I were just recently engaged to be mar- as a 'gas' engineer with Northern Illinois City, MO 65101. ried in July of 1986. We will reside in Gas Co. I'm enjoying life in the 'Windy Oklahoma City. He is presently doing City'!" She now lives at 1198 Royal Michael Sprenger is an electronics computer consulting work for various Glen Drive No. 129C Qlen Ellyn IL engineer II for Motorola in Scottsdale, companies." Sharon's new address is 60137 ' , , Ariz. He LIves at 2354 W: Un jversity 11560 N. May, Apt. 203, Oklahoma . Drive, Apt. 1152, Mesa, AZ 85201. City, OK 73120. Karen R. Gray is now a data processing Jr. is an analyst for Shell Oil Co. in Texas. She Stanley Barnes Bowman Michael J. Tracy lives at-6818 Pershing, engineering specialist on the corporate lives at 2250 Holly Hall, No. 346, St. Louis, MO 63130. staff of Arabian American Oil Co. in Houston, TX 77054. Saudi Arabia. His mailing address is do Joy Anne Vaughn is now a lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force at Andrews Air ARAMCO, Box 9005 , Dhahran, Saudi Carl W. Gree~street is a petrophysical engineer for Shell California Production Force Base in supply. She and Robert Arabia. Inc. He and Lisa live at 5051 Ming live at 640 I Hilmar Drive, Apt. 20 I, Kenneth W. Beckmann is an assistant Ave., No. 18, Bakersfield, CA 93309. Forestville, MD 20741. engineer for Union Electr.ic Co. in St. Matthew L. Grieshaber is a field R. Scott Wagner is now a chemist for Louis. He lives at 160 Bon-Aire, Florisengineer for J .S. Alberici Constructio~ Missouri Electrochem Inc. in St. Louis. sant, MO 63033. Co. He lives at 8636 Neier Lane, St. He lives at 721 West Fairground, Louis, MO 63123. A. and Shelly Boyd currently Bruce Hillsboro, IL 62049. reside at 809 Walling, Humble, Texas. William E. Walker III is now a Bruce is a pipeline design engineer with Matthew B. Guest writes: "Working for mechanical engineer 1 for Lone Star In- United Texas Transmission Co. the Navy in the Mojave Desert." Matdustries Inc. He lives at 609 Cordelia, thew is a mechanical engineer at the James A. Breitbarth is a product Naval Weapons Center in China Lake, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. . engin~r for Cooper Industries/Belden Calif. He lives at 1628-B N. Downs, James Dale Witges is with AT&T Wire and Cable. He lives at 1817 Ridgecrest, CA 93555. Technologies. He lives at 800 N.E. Ball Chester Blvd., Apt. G-77, Richmond, Drive, Apt. C, Lee's Summit, MO IN 47374. Karen M. Harr is now a planning 64063. engineer for AT&T Technology Inc. in John M. Brown is president/chief conLee's Summit, Mo. Karen lives at 10612 sultant of Crown .Computing Co. His E. 98th Terrace 4-C, Kansas City, MO mailing address is 9020 DeBoupre 64134. Drive, East St. Louis, IL 62203. Bob Lewis, admissions director, reports that Robert Cress Hazlett Jr. is a transportaJohn has been helping UMR with tion engineer for Metro Transportation minority student recruiting. Group Inc. He now lives at 1025 Jeff Chou writes: "Greetings from West Charlela Lane, Apt. 501, Elk Grove Lafayette! I am now a graduate student V~lage, IL 60007. in chemical engineering at Purdue University. It keeps me busy. My new address is Room 241, Young Graduate House, West Lafayette, IN 47906."

1985 Tanzeer T.M. Ahmed writes: "I am proud of being a UMR-MSM member and would cherish to be one throughout my life." Tanzeer has moved to 3011 Whitis Ave., No. 204, Austin, IX 78705. He is now a civil engineer for Community Engineering Inc.

Luke Dohmen is now with Shell Oil Co_ in Wood River, Ill. Luke lives at 11126 Wiskow, Apt. D., St. Louis, MO 63138. Leslie M. Drum is now an engineer for Northrop in Hawthorne, Calif. She lives at 378 S. Miraleste, No. 432, San Pedro, CA 90732.

Christa (DeGonia) and Paul D., '81, An路 drew write: "We were married in June, Thomas Dussold writes: "Worked for Philip A. Scandura Jr. writes: celebrating to the 'pipes and the guests. Remington Arms Co. in Independence, "Greetings from Arizona! UMR really We have located in the St. Louis area. Mo., from June '85 to November '85 as pays off, I've gotten three promo- Christa is employed as a process project engineer. Currently work for tions/raises since May! Still single, engineer for Ethyl Petroleum Additives. DuPont de Nemours & Co. from enough is enough!" Philip's address is Paul is a construction manager for November '85 to present in Arlington, 14002 N. 49th Ave., Suite 1096, Glen- Campbell Construction Services in St. Texas,' as an engineer for automotive dale, AZ 85306. He is employed by Louis." The Andrews' mailing address is finishes." His mailing address is P.O. P.O. Box 133, St. Ann, MO 63074. Honeywell Information SysteHls. Box 5306, Arlington, TX 76011.



MSM Alumnus / 77

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Alumni Personals____________________________________________________________ 1985 Continued .

Robert Kennet Lynn Jr. writes: "After graduation I took a job at General Dynarnics in Ft. Worth, Texas." He rnoved frorn Independence, Mo. , to 3701 Hidden Springs Drive, No. 423. F t. Worth, TX 76109.

Suzanne Marcel, an Arrny National Guard 2nd Lieutenant, has graduated frorn the U.S. Army engineer officer basic course at Fort Belvoir, Va. Suzanne's rnailing address is 5805 N. Broadway, Gladstone, MO 64118.

/ RANDY D. OLMSTEAD Randy D. Olmstead has been cornrnissioned a ·second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force upon graduatiOItfrorn Officer Training School at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. He will now be assigned to Peterson Air Force Base, Colo. He and Sheila live at 3578B Van Teylingen Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80907.

Geoffrey O. Heberle is now a rnernber of the technical staff with AT&T Inforrnation Systerns. He lives at 283 Thousand Oaks Drive, Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716.

Christopher L. High rnoved frorn Kirkwood, Mo. to 146 Pennsylvania Ave., Binghamton, NY 13903-3217. Christopher Robert Isom is now an adhesive specialist for Champion International. He and Melody live at 3205 E. Olive Road, Apt. 108, Pensacola, FL 32514. John F. Kneisler is a shift engineer for Kilngas R&D, in East Alton, Ill. He lives at 11063 Teakwood, St. Louis, MO 631 26. Kirsten A. (Hagen) LaFata is now an associate engineer for McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis . She and Christopher live at 1920 Main St. , Portage Des Sioux, MO 63373 .

James S. Marr has been cornrnissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force upon graduation frorn Officer Training School at Lackland Air Force -Base, Texas. James and Melissa will now be. assigned to Scott Air Force Base, IL 62225.

Venetta J. Maytubby has accepted ernployrnent at McDonnell Douglas, in St. Louis, Missouri. Correction The October issue of the Alurnnus contained inaccurate inforrnation about Eric W. Metzger, '8S. The editor regrets the error and thanks Eric for subrnitting the following correction. He says: "Upon graduation frorn UMR in May, 1985 I was cornrnissioned a 2nd Lieutenant, Regular Army. Recently I cornpleted the Air Defense Artillery Officer Basic Course and the Nike Hercules Missile Officer Course at Fort Bliss. Texas. I also cornpleted the Advanced Physical Security Course at Fort Mc· Clellan, Ala. I have been assigned to the Defense Language Institute Center at the Presidio of Monterrey in California, to study Italian for six rnonths. In August, I will be assigned to Vincenza, Italy, which is just north of Venice, for three to five years. My current address follows: 187 Palrn Ave., Apt. 43, Marina, CA 93933. Editor's note: We're glad to get the record straight. Thanks. Have a good tirne in Californ ia and Italy.. in addition to your duties. Ciao!

Elizabeth 'Betsy' Miller is with Chrysler Corp. in Fenton, Mo. Betsy ' lives at 2002 Green Glen, Apt. 302, Kirkwood, ,Robert R. Lankston writes: "I arn cur- MO 63122. rently part of a Lockheed Flight Test Tearn working at Gulfstrearn Aerospace Anita J. (Massoth) Murray writes: Corp., under a contract to test their " Was rnarried to Torn Murray on May newest corporate jet, the G-IV ." Robert 25 , 1985. Working as a PfOceSS engineer lives at 12 11 King George Blvd., No. 22, for Texas Instruments Inc. in Aust in. Savannah, GA 31419. Texas, in the development and rnanufacture of printed circuit boards. We enjoy Texas and are meeting several Daniel J . Lichtenwalner is a student. He UMR-MSM alurnni!" Anita and Torn lives at 305 Mernorial Drive, Roorn reside at 86 17 Spicewood Springs Road, Apt. 224, Austin, TX 787.'i9. 2 19.B, Carnbridge, MA 02 139.

78/ MSM Alumnu s

Charles F. Niet is a project engineer for Durkin Equipment. He lives at 667 Craigwoods, Kirkwood, MO 631 22. Randall Parsons writes: " I have ac· cepted ernployment with the Omaha Public Power District. My new job will be working · at their Fort Calhoun nuclear power plant." He now lives at 912 N. 95th Plaza, Apt. 3; Omaha, NE 68114.

Michael J. Scheele, an Army Reserve 2nd Lieutenant, has graduated from the U.S. Arrny engineer officer basic course at Fort Belvoir, Va. Michael's mailing address is 5479 Kerrick Parke Drive S., St. Louis, MO 63119. Scott M. Schwartz is now a develop· ment engineer - autornotive tensioners for Dayco Corp. Scott lives at 11 31 W. Battlefield, Spril)gfield, MO 65807.

Gregory D. Skannal rnoved to 1503 W. Charles Alden Popeck is now a systerns Enos, Apt. C. Springfield, IL 62702 in engineer for Rockwell International in Decernber. the Collins Governrnent Avionics DivisiOIi. He lives at 1623 Park Towne CourtN.E., No. N9, Cedar Rapids, IA Michael S. Sokoloski writes: "Scott and Marge Sokoloski are living at 460 52402. Highway 332, No. 134, Lake Jackson, . TX 77566. He is working for Dow Roberto Proano now lives at 702 E. Chernical at Texas operations." Buffalo, Apt. 4, Ithaca, NY 14850. Robert Earl Swale is now an environrnental engineer for U.S. EPA . He Todd J . Reidt IS a pilot in the United lives at 451 Wrightwood, Apt. 2 13, States Air Force. His rnailing address is Chicago, IL 60614. HCRI, Box 331 , Bloornsdale, MO 63627 . Roger Williamson has accepted employment with RCA in Morristown N.J . Roger lives .at 44004 Hamilton Drive, Donald E. Rickard, Jr. is now a nuclear Voorhees, NJ 08043. engineer for Arkansas.Power and Light. He liveS at 213 W "1", Russellville, AR Lindle Willnow has been awarded a Jef72801. ferson Srnurfit Fellowship and will pursue graduate studies at University ColSuzanne (Cooper) and Tom Riney, '83, lege Dublin in Ireland. live now at 10144 Squire Meadows, Apt. 7, St. Louis, MO 63123. She is a Steve Witthaus has accepted ernploy· design engineer for Metropolitan Sewer rnent with Booker Associates as an elecDistrict and he is an engineer in the trical design engineer in St. Louis, Mo. quality assurance departrnent at Union Steve lives at 1118 Drayton, Webster Groves, MO 63119. Electric.

Jerry Sanderson writes: "Texas is great! I hope to see everyone at St. Pat's. Hello to an who were rnernbers of THE." Jerry is a prograrnrner for Charnplin Petroleurn. He lives at 7682 Courtney Oaks, Apt. 3081 , Ft.·Worth, TX 76112.

Ernest Wolf is president of Sky-Top Sunroofs Ltd. He and Vivienne live at 301 Tangiewood, St. Louis, MO 63124. Donald W . Wrocldage now lives at 10210 Forurn West Drive, Apt. 237, Houston, TX 77036.

1985 RoUl mo '




the Urse lingr S.,


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Telephone (314) 341-4171 ; (314) 341-4172

Term Expires Balwyck Lane ..... ... 1986 St. Louis, ~0 63131 .. . 17 Zinzer Court ....... . . . . . 1986 · . Arthur G. Baebler, '55 . .. ... . President Elect . SI. Louis, MO 63123 . .. .. . .. 624 Golfview Drive . . ....... 1986 . Alfred J. Buescher, '64 . Vice President . Ballwin, MO 630 II · . J. Robert Patterson. '54 ... . .. . . .... . . P.O. Box 573, N. Ridge Rd ... 1986 Vice President. .... Sikeston,MO 63801 · .John B. Toomey, '49 .. ... ........ . .. VSE Corp .. . ...... . .... . .. 1986 Vice President . 2550 Hungtinton Ave., Alexandria, VA 22303 · . Ernst A. Weinel, '44 ... . . . . .. ...... . . 1502 West 50 ..... . .... . .. 1986 Vice President ... O'Fallon, IL 62269 Vice President ... .... .... Robert V. Wolf. '51 . .. . . .... ... . . ... Metallurgical Engineering .. . 1986 UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 Secretary . . .. . .. . .. ..... Matteo A. Coco, '66 . .. . . .. .... . . . .. . 7115 Aliceton Ave .... . .. . . . 19.86 . Ii' ; ,. :( St. Louis, MO 63123 ,. Treasurer . .. .' .. . .. ... .\; . J.L "Jack'~ P~ini~r, '50 .., .. : t ••... ... 1610 Wilson Circle . . . .. ~ '... 1986 . Rolla, MO 6540 I


OFFICERS . James B. McGrath, '49 . .




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DIRECTORS AT LARGE Term Expires Thor Gjelsteen, '53 . . . . . . ... .. .. 7300 W. Stetson Place, No. 41, Littleton, CO 80;123 ....... . . .. 1988 Paula Hudson, '73 . . . .... ... .. .. 5910 Charlotte, Houston, TX 77005 ...... . ..... ....... : ... 1986 S. Dale McHenry, '81 ........... 6617 Haskins, Shawnee, KS 66216 . ...... ... .. . . . ..... . ... 1988 Gerald L Stevenson, '59_ ........ Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., P.O. Box 2008 ... . ... . .... . . 1987 _ Lakeland, FL 33806 Ronald A. Tappmeyer, '47 . . .... . 2226 Country Club Drive, Sugar Land, TX 77478. .. ....... . . . 1987 Carlos Tiernon, '54 ............. 61 Berkshire Lane, Lincolnshire, IL 60015 .... . . . . ... . . . . . .. 1986 Area Zip Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires 00· 14 David J. Blume, '65 . .. . . ... 11 Musket Trail, Simsbury, CT 06070 ... .. ..... / ........ . .. 1986 15·26 Robert e. Perry, '49 ....... PPG Industries, Inc., I PPG Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15272 . ..... 1986 27·36 Wayne R. Broaddus, Jr., '55 . AAI, P.O. Box 2545 , Dalton, GA 30720 .. .. ... .. . . .. . . .. . . . 1988 37-45 Russell A. Kamper, '62 . ... . 5674 Shadow Oaks Place, Dayton, OH 45440 ............ .. . . 1986 46-52 Robert L Seaman, '69 .. .... 8305 N. Yellowstone, Route 7, Muncie, IN 47302 .. .. .... ... . 1987 53·61 Eugene J. Daily, '36 ........ Daily & Associates, 816 Dennison Dr., Champaign, IL 61820 ... 1988 62-62 Max A. Burgett, '54 . .. . .... 2219 Dewey St., Murphysboro, IL 62966 . .......... . .. .. . . . 1987 63-65 Jerome T. Berry, '49 ..... . . Route 4, Box 419, Rolla, MO 6540 I . ... . ..... .. . .. . .. . ... . 1987 63-65 Robert T. Berry, '72 .... .. . 12716 E. 63rd, Kansas City, MO 64133 .. .. . . .. . . . .. ....... 1987 63-6'5 Harold G. Butzer, '41 . .. ~ .. 730 Wicker Lane, Jefferson City, MO 65101 ..... . . .. . .. . ... . 1988 63·65 Harold R. Crane, '53 . .. .. . .480 Country Club Drive, Hannibal, MO 6340 I . ..... . .. . . . .. 1986 63-65 Mary S. Klorer, '81 . . .... .. 9165 Robin Court, Brentwood, MO 63144 . ... . ............. 1987 63-65 B. Neil Lewis, '58 ... . .... . . 115 College St.. P.O. Box 627. Kennett, MO 63857 . . ... ... 1988 63-65 Robert E. Peppers . .. .. .... P.O. Box 177, Herculaneum, MO 63048. . . . . . . . . . .... 1986 66-72 Peter E. Desjardins, '44 ... . 308 Bacque Crescent, Lafayette, LA 70503 ... . . .. .. .. ... . . , . 1987 73· 75 Roy A. Wilkins, '66 .... .... Williams Pipeline Co., P.O. Box 3448, Tulsa, OK 7410 I ... . ... 1988 76-77 James B. Chaney, '48 .. . ... 16218 Chipstead Drive, Spring, TX 77379 . . .... . .. . ... . . .. 1988 78-84 J. Richard Hunt, '50 ....... 14913 Highway 82, Carbondale, CO 81623 ......... . ....... 1986 85-92 Albert S. Keevil , '43 ...... . 1442 Yost Drive, San Diego, CA 92109 .... . .. . ....... ... . . . 1987 93-99 David N. Peacock, '64 . .. ... 3515 Brunell Drive, Oakland, CA 94602 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1988 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN William W. Collins, '50 . . . . . . ... .. 1608 Wilson Circle, Rolla, MO 65401 Robert W. Klorer, '44 . ...... . .. . 12131 Dorsett Road, Suite 130, Maryland Heights, MO 63043 Joel F. Loveridge, '39 ..... . ... 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Armin J. Tucker, '40 ..... . . .. ... 6464 Overlook Drive, Alexandria, VA 223f2 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Term Expires Robert D. Bay, '49 .. . . .... . .. ... Black & Veatch, 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway . . . ....... 1988 Kansas City, MO 64114 Joseph W. Mooney, '39 .. . . .... .. 7383 Westmoreland, University City, MO 63130. . .... 1986 Lawrence A. Spanier. '50. . .. 5 Pettit Drive. Dix Hills, NY 11746. . . . . .. .. .. . .. . 1990 EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Richard H. Bauer, '52 . . . . . ... . . . Missouri Electrochem Inc., 10958 Lin·Valle Drive St. Louis, MO 63123 . Robert M. Brackbill, '42 ...... . . . 9148 Clearlake Drive, Dallas, TX 75225 Paul T. Dowling, '40 . . . . ..... . . . 10144 Winding Ridge Road, SI. Louis, MO 63124 R.O. Kasten, '43 ... . ... . ... . . . . 901 West 114th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114 Peter F. Mattei, '37 .. . . . . .... . . . 9954 Holliston Court, SI. Louis, MO 63124 Melvin E. Nickel, '38 . . . ........ 10601 South Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 · F.e. Schneeberger, '25 .... . .. . .. One Briar Oak, St. Louis, MO 63132 . James W. Stephens, '47. . .. 406 E. Third, Lee's Summit, MO 64063 STAFF .... ... Executive Vice·President, MSM-UMR Alumni Association and Frank H. Mackaman . Vice Chancellor, Office of Alumni/Development Affairs, UM-Rolla Don Brackhahn . . . . ....... .. ... Executive Director for Alumni and Constituent Relations Larry Allen ........ .... . . . .... Assistant Director, Alumni Activities Louise Wilson ........... . . . . . . Admin . Secretary, AlumnilDevelopment . Sally White. . . ...... . .... Editor, MSM ALUMNUS MSM ·UMR Alumni Association, Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401·9990

• MSM Alumnu s179

For Last-Minute Orders of St. Pat's Green Items Call: (314) 341-4147 the Alumni· Office will exp~dite your orders to the St. Pat's Board.

Conference for Senior Executives High-Tech Opportunities The Center for Technological Development and the Center for Aging Studies at the University of Missouri-Rolla will hold a day-long conference on High Tech Opportunities for Senior Executives Tuesday, May 6, on campus. The conference is aimed at familiarizing executives 55 years of age and older • with marketing, product development, finance and other opportunities for hightech projects in Missouri. It may be of particular interest to MSM/UMR alumni. Speakers representing major St. Louis-based companies (such as Monsanto). UMR, professipnal planners and the Rolla area Will make presentations and answer questions. For more detailed information, contact: Dr. W . Nicholas Knight , director of UMR's Center for Aging Studies, or Dr. Don Myers: director of UMR's Center for Technological DevelopmenJ, UMR, Rolla, Mo. 6540 I. Phone: 314-341-4680. Knight ; or 3.14-341-4004. Myers. J




University of Missouri-Rollo

ROLLA , MISSOURI 65401-9990 Issued bi·monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the MissQuri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri· Rolla. Entered as se· cond class matter October 27. 1926, al Ihe POSI Office al Rolla. Missouri 6540 )·9990. undl' r Ih. ACI of M arch 3. 11197.




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