Missouri S&T Magazine, June 1986

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University of Missouri-Rolla

June, 1986

MSM·UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Telephone (314) 34 1-4171 ; (314) 341-4172

MSM·UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri·Rolla Rolla, Missouri

Volume 60 Number 3 June, 1986

On The Cover

OFFICERS Term Expires President ............... Ja mes B. McGrath, '49 ........... . .. 12425 Balwyck Lane . ... . . .. 1986 St. Louis, MO 63131 ... 17 Zinzer Court . . . . Arthur G. Baebler, '5 5. . .... 1986 Presiden t Elect . St. Louis, MO 63123 . ... Alfred 1. Buescher, '64 .. . .......... . . 624 Golfview Drive. Vice President. .. 1986 Ballwin, MO 63011 . . J. Robert Patterson, '54. · . P.O. Box 573, N. Ridge Rd .. 1986 Vice President. Sikeston,MO 63801 .. VSE Corp . ............. 1986 . . . . John B. Toomey, '49 .. Vice Presiden t . 2550 Hungtin ton Ave., Alexandria , VA 22303 Vice President ........... Ernst A. Weinel, '44. · .1502 West 50. . ... .. 1986 O'Fallon , IL 62269 ... Metallurgical Engineering ... 1986 . Robert V. Wolf, '5 1 . . Vice President . UMR , Rolla, MO 6540 1 ... Matteo A. Coco, '66 .. · .7115 Aliceton Ave .. . .. 1986 Secretary . St. Louis, MO 63123 .. J.L. "Jack" Painter, '50 ...... . ... . . . . 161 0 Wilson Circle ......... 1986 Treasurer. Rolla, MO 65401 DIRECTORS AT LARGE Term Expires · . .. 7300 W. Stetson Place, No. 41 , Littleton, CO 80123 ..... . ..... 1988 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1986 · ... 5910 Charlotte, Houston , TX 77005 . . 1988 · . .. 6617 Haskins, Shawnee, KS 662 16 . · ..... Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. , P.O. Box 2008 . . .1987 Lakeland, FL 33806 Ronald A. Tappmeyer, '47. . .2226 Country Club Dri ve, Sugar Land, TX 77478. . .. 1987 Carlos Tiernon , '54. . .... 61 Berkshire Lane, Li ncolnshire, IL 60015 ... ... . .. .... .... . 1986 Area Zip Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires 00·14 David J. Blume, '65 .. . ..... II Musket Trail, Simsbury, CT 06070 . 1986 15·26 Robert e. Perry, '49 . . . .. PPG Industries, Inc. , I PPG Place, Pittsburgh , PA 15272 .... . . 1986 27·36 Wayne R. Broaddus, Jr. , '55 AAI , P.O. Box 2545, Dalton, GA 30720 .................... 1988 37-45 Russell A. Kamper, '62 ..... 5674 Shadow Oaks, Da yton, OH 45440 . . . 1986 46·52 Robert L. Seaman, '69 . ..... 8305 N. Yellowstone, Route 7, Muncie, IN 47302. . . 1987 53·6 1 Eugene 1. Daily, '36 ........ Daily & Associates, 816 Dennison Dr., Champaign , IL 61820 ... 1988 62·62 Max A. Burgett, '54 ........ 2219 Dewey St. , Murphysboro, IL 62966. . ... 1987 63·65 Jerome T Berry, '49 ....... Route 4, Box 419, Rolla , MO 6540 I . . . . . 1987 63·65 Robert T. Berry, '72 ....... 12716 E. 63rd , Kansas Cit y, MO 64133 . . .. 1987 63·65 Harold G. Butzer, '47. 730 WickerLane, JeffersonCitY, M065 10 1. .1988 63·65 Harold R. Crane, '53 . . 480 Country Club Dri ve, Han nibal , MO 6340 I . . . . 1986 63·65 Mary S. Klorer, '8 1. 9165 Robin Court , St. Louis, MO 63144 . . .. 1987 63·65 B. Neil Lewis, '58 .......... 115 College St., P.O. Box 627, Kennett , MO 63857.. .1988 63·65 Robert E. Peppers, '50. . ... P.O. Box 177, Herculaneum , MO 63048. . ... 1986 66· 72 Peter E. Desjardins, '44. 308 Bacque Crescent, Lafayette, LA 70503. . ..... 1987 73·75 Roy A. Wilkins, '66 . . Williams Pipeline Co., P.O. Box 3448, Tulsa. OK 74101 . 1988 76·77 James B. Chaney, '48 ...... 16218 Chi pstead Drive, Spri ng, TX 77379 .. 1988 78·84 J. Richard Hunt , '50 ....... 14913 Highwa y 82, Carbondale, CO 81623 ... . . . . . . .. .. . . . . 1986 85·92 Albert S. Keevil , '43 .... .. . 1442 Yost Dri ve, San Diego, CA 92 109 . . 1987 93·99 Da vid N. Peacock, '64 .. . 3515 Brunell Drive, Oakland , CA 94602 ..... . . . . .... . , . . .. 1988 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN William W. Collins, '50 ...... . . . . 1608 Wilson Circle, Rolla, MO 65401 Robert W. Klorer, '44 . . .. 12 131 Dorsett Road, Suite 130, Maryland Heights , MO 6304 3 Joel F. Loveridge, '39 . . ... 739 Countr y Manor Lane, Creve Coeur , MO 63 141 Armin J. Tucker, '40 . . 6464 Overlook Drive, Alexandria , VA 2231 2 Term Expires EX ECUTIVE COMMITTEE . . 1988 · .. '. Black & Vea tch, 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway . Robert D. Bay, '49 . Ka nsas Cit y. MO 64114 .. 1986 Joseph W. Mooney , '39 .. .. ...... 7383 Westmoreland , Uni versity Cit y, M063130 .. . 1990 Lawrence A. Spanier . '50 . . .5 Pettit Dri ve, Dix Hills, NY 11 746 . Thor Gjelsteen, '53. Paula Hudson, '73. S. Dale McHenry, '8 1. Gerald L. Stevenson, '5 9.

Class of 1936 First row, left to right: Dennis, Hubbard, Michel, Ruwwe, Roy, Barrow, Arnold, Eggleston and Smith. Second row: Collins, Menefee, Hermann , Daily , Hoener, Pfeifer, Rasor, Springer, Simmons, Nations and Chancellor lischke. Back row: Woerheide, Peebles, Reed, Fiss, Han· son, Power (Class of 1934). Other photos of the Golden Reunion Class and activities are reported on pages one through eight of this issue and on the back cover. Anyone wishing to order copies of any of the photos appearing in this issue should send a description of the photo (page number and location on the page) to the Alumni Office. Copies are: $3 each for 8x I 0" and $2.50 each for 5x7" prints. Please allow plenty of time for the orders to be processed.

MSMALUMNUS (USPS·323·500) Issued bi·monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri·Rolla. Entered as second class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401·9990, under the Act of March 3,1897.

EX·OFFICIO DIRECTORS · .... . Missouri Electrochem Inc. , 10958 Lin·Valle Dri ve St. Louis, MO 63123 Robert M. Brack bill, '42 . . .9 148 Clea rlake Drive, Dallas, TX 75225 Pau l T. Dow ling, '40 . . . ... 10144 Winding Ridge Road , St. Lou is, MO 63 124 R.O. Kasten , '43 . . .. 90 1 West 114th Terrace, Kansas Cit y. MO 64114 Peter F. Mattei , '37 ...... ... .... 9954 Holliston Cou rt , St. Louis, MO 63 124 Melvin E. Nickel , '38 . . .. 1060 I South Hamilton Ave., Ch icago, IL 60643 F.e. Schneeberger, '25 .......... One Briar Oak, St. Louis, MO 63 132 James W. Stephens, '47 .......... 406 E. Third, Lee's Summit. MO 64063



fieer'se Career: ' IAlcoal. refining.

Richard H. Bauer, '52 .

STAFF · ..... Executive Vice· President, MSM·UM R Alumni Association and Vice Chancellor, Office of Alumni/Development Affai rs, UM·Rolia Don Brackhahn . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director for Alumni and Constituent Relations . .. Assistant Director , Alumni Acti vities Larry Allen .. Louise Wilson . . .. . ... Executive Staff Assistant , AlumnilDevelopm en t Sally White . . Editor. MSM ALUMN US MSM·UMR Alumni Associa tion , Harris Hall , UM R. Rolla, MO 65 40) ·9990 Frank H. Mackaman .


secrelar Career: Braden Bureau SUPply


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Golden Alumni Class of 1936

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Hardy, Ark. At MSM: B.S. CEo Mercier (pres ident). St. Pat's Boa rd (was St. Pat in 1935) ASCE . Career: III. Hi ghway Dep t. : 20 years with Clay ton Supply Co.. 18 years as president . Arnold Developmen t Corp. and. concurren tl y. 14 years owner Yorkshire Hardware Co. Retired.

198 1986

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1986 1986 1988 1986 .. 1981 10 .. 1988 1981 198' 19r 1988 .1986 . 1981 .198 1986 1987 1988 1988 1986 .. 198 1988

Gilbert (Gil) ColHns

Eugene (Gene) Daily

Fair Oaks, Calif. At MSM: B.S. EE. Lambda Chi Alpha. Blue Key. AlEE, ROTC and Officer's Club. Career: 2 yea rs. General Controls Co .. 4 years. Pacific Gas & Electr ic; 6 years. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; 30 years. Shell Oil.

Champaign, 111. At MSM: B.S. CEo Independe nt . Tau Beta Pi. Phi Kappa Ph i. Ca reer: First 20 yea rs in industry. gove rnm ent. and Universit y of Illi nois facult y:.30 years as president and chairma n of the boa rd fo r Dail y & Associates Engineers Inc. Is semi -reti red.

W. E. (Bill) Dennis

Don Eggleston

E. C. (Ed) Fiss

Kirkwood, Mo. At MSM : B.S. mining, Mercier. IFC, Class secre tary 1936, footba ll (1933). Career: Climax Molybden um Co. in Colo. I year: Braden Cooper in Chile, S.A . for 3 years ; U.S. Burea u of Mines for 2 years: Denn is Electric & Supply Co. for 44 years. Sem i-reti red.

Arlington, Texas At MSM : B.S. CEo Sigma Pi. MSM Glee Club (president\' Footba ll (1933). and ten nis. Career: Ge neral Motors_ Lockheed, Nort h Am erica n and Bell Helicopter. Ret ired after being kicked out of Iran by Aya toll ah Khomenini (d irector of fac ilities for Bell Helicopter) .

Charlotte, N.C. At MSM: B.S. ChE. Lambda Chi Alpha , Phi Kappa Phi . Tau Beta Pi, Ira Remson. Al pha Ch i Sigma. ROTC, Officer's Club and Rine Squad. Career: 45 yea rs with Duke Power Co. Reti red as senior staff consultant. (developed boi ler feedwa ter trea tm ent used by most utiliti es)

Pittsburgh, Pa. At MSM: B.S. CEo Independent. ROTC and Of路 fi ce r's Club. Ca reer: 42 years with Aluminum Co. of America (Alcoa) . Retired as manager. raw materi als and refinin g.


'm Expires .1988 .. 1986 .. 1990


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MSM A lumnus / l

K. O. (Ken) Hanson

Arne K. (Pete) Hermann

St. Louis, Mo. At MSM : B.S. EE, Kappa Alpha (president) , Rollamo (editor), St. Pat's Board (v .p.), IFC, Tau Beta Pi , ROTC, Officer's Club (president) . Career: GE; Emerson; White-Rodgers; U.S. Army; Graybar Electr ic; then 25 years as owner Harris Hanson Co. Retired . Consultant.

Houston, Texas At MSM: B.S. CE, Kappa Alpha and G lee Clu b (business manager) . Career: Saginaw Malleable Iron Co.; U.S. Nav y; then U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Federal Housing Adm inistrat ion (reviewed 7,000- subdivisions for soil and drainage) .

Johns R. Hubbard

Jim Menefee

St. Louis, Mo. At MSM : B.S. in ceramic, Sigma Nu (v .p.), Athletic Assoc, (business manager), Orton Soc. (v .p.). Ca reer: 5 years Ralston Purina; 5 years U.S. Army; 2 years Jansen Transfer; and 38 years Hoener Associates Inc. , Chairman . Semi-retired.

Hilbert F. Michel

St. Louis, Mo. At MSM : B.S. ChE, Kappa Sigma, Theta Tau (president), Tau Beta Pi , Phi Kappa Phi, ROTC. Career: U.S. Gov. ; Internat'l Paper Mill ; W.V. Pu lp & Paper Co. ; American Car & Foundry; Presstite Tile; Lewin Metal Co. ; Rexall Drug; and St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District.

Lehigh Acres, Fla. At MSM: B.S. CE, ASCE (president) , Miner, At hletic Assn., Independent. Career: Illinois Highway Department; Missouri State Board of Health; U.S. Arm y; sanitary engineer, USAF and 22 years in Office, chief of engineers, D.A., Washington, D.C.

George O. Nations

Byron E. (Barney) Peebles

Herman J. Pfeifer

Apple Valley, Calif. At MSM: B.S. CE, Pi Kappa Alpha (president) , Miner (edi tor), Rollamo, St. Pat's Boa rd, IFC, Theta Tau. Career: Hayes Construction Co.; Naylor Pipe Co.; National Tube Co.; Worked for U.S. Steel in Colo. , Ind Mo. (K .C.) Cali f. and Venezuela. Retired_

Virginia Beach, VA. At MSM : B.S. mining, Sigma Nu (preside nt), Miner staff, Tau Beta Pi (v. p.), ROTC, Officer's Club (v. p.) and pres ident of fres hm an class. Career: U.S. G ypsum , Janse n Transfer Co., Sverdrup & Parcel, Ambric Engineering. Retired. (A lso Brigadier General, U.S. Arm y Retired) .

Hot Springs Village, Ark. At MSM : B.S. mel. Pi Kappa Alpha . AIM E. Blue Key. Footba ll , Basketba ll (capt. '3 5.'36). track, golf (M IAA champion , '1936). Career: America n Steel & Wire Co. (U.S. Steel) , then Union Ca rbide Corp . . Metals Di vision for 40 years. Retired.

21MSM Alumnus

AtMS in 193 Career Co.; L Corp.; in 198:

Cincinnati, Ohio At MSM : B.S. CE, Phi Kappa Phi and Tau Beta Pi . Career: Illinois Highway Department, U.S, Army Corps of Engineers (39 years) . Retired as chief, engi neering division , Ohio River Di vision.

At MS Career: Copper Sulzer

AI M S~ Chi Sig[ Career' Pelrol;t Years: ~

William R. Power (1934)

Nu (v.p.l, Orton Soc.

rs U.S. Ar路 ars Hoener d.

d Tau Beta

U.S. Army :d as chiel, ,ion.

~ I ME.


.'J6). lrack.

(u.s. Sleell. ,ision lor 40

Seal Beacb, Calf. At MSM: B.S. ChE, Lambda Chi Alpha (president in 19331, track, Satyr, Blue Key (v.p.l , golf. Ca reer: Champion Paper Co.; Cities Service Oil Co.; Universal Oil Products; Amoco Chemical Corp. ; Procon Inc.; and Ehrhart & Assoc. Retired in 1985 as senior vice president.

Elliott Reed San Clement e. Calif. AI MSM : B.S. mining, Kappa Si gma . Radio Club (station managerl. Miner. Rollam o. SI. Pal's Board. IFC, Minin g & Met Assoc. Ca reer: U.S. Potash Co.; Pacific Coasl Borax Co .. Filtrol Corp.: and 20 yea rs as secretar Y' lreasurer and co路owner of Tinker & Rasor. Retired .

San Bernardino, Calif. At MSM : B.S. in minin g. Lambda Chi Alpha. SI. Pal's Board. swimming tea m. ROTC and Offi cers Club . Career: U.S. Army . U.S. Air Force. Retired as colone l in reg ular Ai r Force.

John W. Ruwwe

Bob Simmons

Lorain, Ohio At MSM: B.s. in ME. G lider Club . Ca ree r: Combustion Engineering Corp.: Re vere Copper & Brass; American Locomoti ve: Bu sh路 Sul zer Bros.; and 26 yea rs wilh U.S . Stee l Corp.

Midland, Texas At MSM: B.S. in mining (geology optionl. AIME. Theta Tau . Mining and Met Assoc. (v. p.1 Ca reer: Philli ps Petroleum Co.; U.S. Navy. Lario Oil & Gas: Trice Production Co. and Indepe ndent Oil Operator 25 years (including presenti- not retired'

Wittman, Md. At MSM: B.S. in met, Lambda Chi Alpha (v.p.l. SI. Pat's Board, Blue Key. Theta Tau , Tau Beta Pi. Career: GE for II years, GM for 4 years, DuMont for 2 years patent attorney- LLB degree in 19441 ' then 22 years in general practice of dentistry (DDS in 19571. Retired.

Elmer Smith

Bob Springer

Pitman, N.J. At MSM: B.S. in ChE. Epsilon Pi Omicron . Alpha Chi Sigma. Ph i Kappa Phi. and Tau Beta Pi . Ca ree r: Mobil Oil Co .. 34 years; Kuwail Nationa l Pelroleum Co .. 3 years; Mobi l Oil Soulh Africa 2 yea rs; Mobil consultant. Retired.

Lakehurst, N.J. At MSM : B.S. in ceramics. Lambda Chi Alpha (sec.1. Orton Soc iety. Ca reer: Ameri ca n Steel Foundr y. 3 years; Mon 路 Igomer y Ward . 5 yea rs; U.S. Stee l, 12 yea rs; Crown Cork & Seal Co. Inc .. 20 yea rs. Retired.

Silsbee, Texas At MSM : B.S. in mining (petroleum optionl , Sigma Nu , Miner, Tau Beta Pi (president) , Phi Kappa Phi , ROTC, varsity track. Career: Shell Oil Co., 16 yea rs; Byrd Oil Co., 3 years; Stekoll Petroleum. 3 years; E. F. Hutton , 14 years; H. 1. Gavy & Assoc .. 8 years. Retired.

MSM Alumn us / 3

Jack Rasor attended high school in Los Angeles and was working for a potash company in Ca rlsbad , N .M . in the ea rl y '30s wh en three MSM grads work· ing for the sa me company con vinced him to atte nd MSM . At MSM he became a member of Kappa Si gma. the Radio Club (station manager), the Miner, Roll amo, SI. Pat's Board (dance chairman), IFC (secretary' treasurer). the Mining & M et A ssociation (secreta ry) and was vice president of the class of 1936. H e received hi s B.S. degree in mining engin eerin g in 1936 and the professional degree, engineer of mines , in 1946 . Following graduation he work ed for U.S. Potash Co. in Ca rlsbad , N .M ., the Pacific Coast Borax Co .• Hinkley, Ca li f.: Fi ltrol Cor p.. Los A ngeles: and for 20 yea rs was secretary·treasurer and co·ow ner of Tinker & Rasor. an electri ca l instrument manufacturing compan y, in San Gabriel . Ca li f. He has now reti red and. wi th his wife Leona. li ves in Sa n Clement e. Calif. He is interested in golf. ham radio. f ishing and tra vel. Jack wrote this account of his 50th reun ion for va ri ous relati ves and sent us a copy.

camp 1936) to (hi for in refere the II

schoo folio celeb! 'greer (Ed

"Gree panic Pal's

The Golden Anniversary or Missouri School of Mines Revisited by John Patrick (Jack or Jug) Rasor, '36 Contributing Editor, Miner, 1936 Contributing Editor, MSM Alumnus, 1986 "On or about the middle of April , the phone rang and a voice said , 'This is Don something-or-other fro m Rolla. Are yo u coming to the 50th Commencement?' Well , we had received the information some three or four weeks before with a program which included the regular Commencement to be held on May li on the Jack ling football field , and it did not sound too exciting-w hat with a three-hour sit in the sun. So, we just set it aside as we had already attended the 35th Homecoming some years before when there were on ly six from the class of '36 p resent. 1 said to Don , 'Well , there would be only a very few of the old goats left so we decided to pass.' Don replied that he had a list of 26 confirmed and read off every name-pretty good for a class of 78 after 50 years. "A nyway, it was a shock to hear from the School of Mines via phone, thinking back when it wou ld have taken an act of the Missouri Legislators to make a long distance ca ll. God bless the WATS serv ice. I told Don I would have to study on it and let him know. After think ing about it and remembering the guys he said were coming, it looked like a good arrangement. Leona had been to Rolla twice and was not anxious for another session of 'do you remember .. .' so she sa id I should go. I called ' Don' nex t da y and told him to put me on the list which included motel reservations, some fo ur or five meals, plus bus transportation to various events; also, measurements for cap and gown. Big deal!" (Editor'S note: In the interest of brevity, we have om itted

4/ MSM Alumnu s

a paragraph on Jack's travel arrangements and an initial fo ul-up in these arrangements at the beginning of his trip.) " ..... Well, as it turned out all of the bad luck was used up on this episode and the balance of the travel program worked to perfection, thanks largely to myoid roommate, Bill Su llivan , and his da ughter, Cay, who picked me up at the St. Louis airport Friday evening. "The Sullivan family had made my stay at the School of Mines a lot easier since as an 'outlander' I had no connec· tions in Missouri and Bill used to invite me home with him on various weekends du ring the first two years he was in Rolla. Then he left school; he returned with his bride three years later and graduated in 1939. He lives, now a widower, in a bea utiful home in St. Louis Count y.

Saturday, May 10, 1986 " Bill rented a ca r for me loca lly so 1 could get underway next morning for the drive to Rolla, some 105 miles southwest on old U.S. Highway 66 , now U.S. 1-44, and instead of the narrow two-lane jobbie, it's now a large divided highway . And instead of the old 1929 Model A Ford to make the trip, I drove a 1986 Model LTD-Joe College returns to his Alma Mater, WOW! 'The Alumni comm ittee had arranged for the 'Golden Alumni' to be housed in the Zeno Motel; the hospitality room there, called 'Club '36,' had a display of all the Year Books from 1932 to 1936 along with other memorabilia from the same period. There was a reunion luncheon on

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campus at the school cafeteria (no such thing available in 1936). Afterwards we walked around the campus and then to the new library which some poor librarian had kept open for inspection. After showing off the computerized reference program she brought out a bound volume of all the weekly 'Miners,' the school paper, for the 1935-36 school year. This was like finding the Rosetta stone. The folio was open at the week's publication following St. Pat's celebration in which was bound a copy of the famous 'green sheet!" (Editor's note: Omitted are a couple of paragraphs on the "Green Sheet" and disciplinary episodes connected with this particular issue. We will use this material in the next St. Pat's issue in April , '87) " ..... Having a look at this fifty-year old document was a real shock. If such a thing happened today there would be an army of legal eagles looking at the deep pockets of the University and its taxpayers. The folio containing the 'Miner' editions was a treasure to review because George Nations was editor and I was contributing editor. What a contribution! "Back to the Zeno Motel for another Club '36 session , and then at 6:30 we assembled on campus for the Golden Alumni Banquet. The local alumni faculty members really did a job on this one. After a nice meal each fifty -year person's picture from the '36 yearbook was flashed on a large screen. The moderator called on each one to stand and answer several questions about his activities at Rolla during senior year. A researcher had access to the aforementioned folio of 'Miner' copies. Times have changed; in our school days high scholastic standings were important , more grade points, more recognition. At the banquet not so-the more trouble you had gotten into, the more recognition." Sunday, May 11, 1986 "Buses were provided to haul all the old goats to the various functions from the motel. This was a great thing as the local pedestrians were not molested by elderly drivers trying to locate such-and-such building on very unfamiliar grounds. The traffic in present-day Rolla is worse than in San Clemente. After we received our caps and gowns at Club '36 , the buses took us down to the football field to the commencement activities. A copy of the Sixty-Third Commencement of the Year of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Thirty Six shows that Candidates for Degrees (not counting advanced) numbered some 80 individuals; only one woman, Margaret Geraldine Grim , B.S. in civil engineering. The NOW ladies could have really had a field day. The 1986 class lists more than 740 degrees, about 40 percent women-look what Margaret Grim started. "The 'Golden Goats' were seated on the field right smack in front of the platform with a worm's-eye view of the diploma-giving session. We were lined up and introduced over the P.A. to the approximately 3,000 assembled for the exercises. The Chancellor presented each of us with a

50-year pin. With the well-oiled preparations working, some 900 students and honorary persons received their respective diplomas, each one handed out with congratulations by Chancellor Jischke. With our preferred position we could eyeball each and everyone of the recipients; not one smart aleck on the stage, all well-behaved young men and women, all with ear-to-ear grins of plain satisfaction of having done a good job for their parents and the Missouri taxpayers. Now where were the TV cameras? Well, they are waiting for some shots of a bunch of protesters protesting for the sake of publicity, so they were not in Rolla that day. Maybe the TV people figured such type conduct is not in keeping with the likes of the School of Mines. Anyway, it was something I'll never forget. Do we dare suppose that maybe there is a change in the offing? One could extrapolate this conduct to the extreme, that a future career in law enforcement might be as secure as one in the buggy whip business. Good show , I would say. "After commencement the '36 people were returned to the motel to pack up the caps and gowns and other gifts received. In my case I was concerned about the drive back to Bill Sullivan's home before dark. No problem . Except for overshooting a highway junction, I got back to St. Louis in good order and had a nice visit with Bill's family with whom we have kept up for some 54 years." Additional Notes "The 'Don' who had called me from Rolla was Don G. Brackhahn, who with Frank Mackaman, has the job of keeping up with the alumni. By necessity a large part of their job is reminding the graduates that some financial support of the school would be greatly appreciated. The balance sheets of today's schools of higher education have a tendency to show the same characteristics as the Federal Government, far more weight on the outgoing side than on the incoming. The above two gents certainly deserve a large handclap in organizing this 'senior citizens' 1986 program. Their efforts must help to put a few more small weights on the pan of the incoming side. "A h yes, still another item to report. The School of Mines has a new Chancellor in the person of Martin C. Jischke, an energetic young (relatively speaking) personable fellow with a 250K memory , a terrific sense of humor, and a very attractive wife, all elements needed in this type of employment. The Missouri taxpayers should be well satisfied with this choice, if any taxpayers are ever satisfied with what they get in return for enforced donations. It appears to me that people such as the above who sign up with institutions like MSM , indenture their whole families who are expected to help put on this type of event. The faculty wives and family members were much in evidence at this Golden Anniversary. Life in academia is different. I am quite certain that the twenty-fi ve other alumni who attended this celebration would 'roger' the above comments concerning the whole program and its organizers."

MSM Alumnu s / 5


Helen and Fred Arnold

Sylv ia and Gil Collins

Bill J

Bill Dennis, Pete and Edna Hermann

Barney and Jinny Peebles


Ken Hanson and Bill Dennis

Don Brackhahn, Fred Arnold, AI Hoener, Don Eggleston

Arne " Pete" Hermann

Gene a nd Jewell Dail y

6/ MSM Alumnus

Dell F

Jim M


Bill Jenks, Johns and Gertrude Hubbard

Pfeifers, Don Eggleston, Patty Jischke, Bill Power

Carlton Barrow

Edna and Hilbert Michel and Gene Daily

Dell Ruwwe, Wilma and Al Hoener

Bernice and Ed Fiss

Jim Menefee and Don e ggleston

Herman Pfeifer, Bill Power, George Nations

MSM Alumnusl7

Bob Simmons, Bob Springer, Elliott Reed

Mary Louise and Ed Roy

Sylvia Collins, Bob and Jane Simmons

John and Dell Ruwwe

Winston and Art Woerheide

Don Eggleston, Jack Rasor, Ken Hanson

Jim Menefee talks with Chancellor Jischke

8/ MSM Alumnu s

Elmer Smith, Gene Daily and Leroy Smith, '39

Above Knigh side CO in i6 SUbseq

Nick Knight and the Shakespeare Signatures

Above is the latest Shakespeare signature discovered by Nick Knight. T his photo - from the Folger Library - shows the inside cover of John F lorio's translation of Montaigne published in 1603. The bookplate and top signature were added by subsequent owners of the book.

The International Shakespeare Associa tion invited Dr. W . Nicholas K night, professor of E nglish at UM-Rolla, to present his paper " New Shakespeare Signature: Image or Autograph" at its West Berlin Congress, held in April. The paper details K night's discovery of a Shakespea re signature in a volume at the Folger Shakespeare Lib rary, Washington , D.C. , and presents paleographics and historical evidence for authenticating tha t and another similar signature. "These would be the eighth and ninth known authent ic Shakespeare signatures," K night said . (In 1971 K night also discovered the seventh known genuine Shakespeare signature in a copy of a legal textbook titled "A rchaionomia" in the Folger Library. T he book , which was edited by William Lambarde in 1568, contains ancient statutes in Anglo-Saxon , Latin translations and commentary.) According to K night, his paper was one of two chosen from among 50 for presentation at the congress. "This recognition of my work by the International Shakespeare Association is a great honor," K night said. Knight explained that his discovery of the signature has yielded double literary dividends. "The signature which I found in a copy of John Florio's 1603 translation of the French essayist Montaigne is, I believe, authentic," he explained. "The discovery of this signature also made it possible to verify another signature as genuine. T hat autograph, which also appears in a copy of Florio, is in the possession of the British Library." In comparing the two F lorio autographs with the other seven known Shakespeare signatures, Kn ight noticed numerous and striking similari ties. "The form and execution of four of the six letters in the first name of the Florio signature also can be found in the other seven," he said. "With the last name, the simi larities and identification become even more obvious." Kn ight's study of the two F lorio signatures also led him to characterize them as "not identical but similar to each other." "There are subtle differences in the two signatures, but differences also exist among the other seven signatures," Knight said. "No one, including Shakespeare, signs their name exactly the same every time. In fact, the three signatures that appear on Shakespeare's will and which are believed to have been signed at the same time exhibit more differences than the two F lorio signatures. "The two signatures are not tracings or copies of each other," he added. "The indications are that they are both by the same hand and were signed in the same place in each book only moments apart."

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Knight mainta ins that another important factor in determining the authenticity of the signa ture in the Folger Library's copy of F lorio is the ownership of the book , which he has traced to 17th-century descendants by marriage of Shakespeare's and possibly even to the dramatist's eldest daughter. "The owner of the book, at one point, may have been a 'Carol,' 'Carole,' 'Carol: ' (Latin for C harles) or 'Cath:' Barnard as indicated by a signature in the upper right-hand corner of the title page of the book ," he said . "Knowing this it is possible to trace the book back to Shakespeare's eldest daughter, Susanna." Knight explained that Susanna married the noted physician Dr. Jo hn Hall in 1607. Their only daughter, Elizabeth, married Thomas Nash in 1626. Nash died in 1647, and, in 1649, Elizabeth married John Bernard or Barnard. Several years after their marriage, Knight continued, John and Elizabeth moved to the seat of the Bernard family at Abington Manor in Northamptonshire. The Abington Bernards included several Catherines and Charleses. Elizabeth's stepchildren , of which there were eight, included a C harles and a Catherine. There also was a Catherine Barnsdale Bernard, who married a member of the Thomas fa mily and had a son named C harles in 1615. Charles married Elizabeth Sheppard and their third son, Philip, married Catherine Bambrick Bernard. Catharine and Philip, in turn, had a daughter named Catherine Bernard. Knight suggests there are several ways in which the book may have become the possession of Charles or Catherine Bernard.

"The copy of the F lorio now in the possession of the Folger Library may have been a gift to Susanna from her father," he said . "The two were particularly close and the gift ma y have been given to celebrate Susanna's birthday or wedding or the birth of Shakespeare's granddaughter, Elizabeth . "U ltima tely ," he continued, "Elizabeth came to possess the book . In fact , she is said to have inherited Sha kespeare's books. These books probably remained in New Place (Shakespeare's residence) , which Elizabeth also inherited, until she moved permanently to Abington. "Elizabeth died on Feb. 17 of either 1669 or 1670 and that is the latest that the Folger copy could have been possessed by a blood relative of Shakespea re's," he added. "Following that the book remained in the Bernard line and ultimately was passed on to 'Carol' or 'Cath' Barnard." Shakespeare's interest in Florio's translation of Montaigne is attested to by his use of the book as a source for "The Tempest." "It has been known since 1780 that Gonzalo's description of an ideal state in The Tempest' had its origin in Florio's 1603 translation of Montaigne's essays," Knight said. Since 1917 researchers have believed the Florio signature in the British museum to be "a superior forgery ," acco rding to Knight. "The discovery of the second and similar Florio signature, however, seems to indicate otherwise," he said . The Folger has been in possession of its copy of Florio since 1921 , while the British Museum has had its copy since 1838 .

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Mrs.! Dr. W . Nicholas Knight earned his B.A. degree at Amherst, his M .A. from the University of Ca lifo rnia-Berkeley, and his Ph.D . fr om Indiana. He has been on the UMR faculty since 1975. Through his resea rch he has discovered two of the nine Shake pea re signat ures kn own to be in ex istence today .

10/ MSM Alumnus


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Morgan Award Ray E. Morgan, left, professor emeritus of geology at UMR, congratulates George H. Moellering, junior in geology at the Honors Week Banquet. George H. Moellering, Moberly, junior geology major at UM-Rolla, received the first Ray E. Morgan Annual Award for Special Achievement in Geology at UMR's Honors Week Banquet. According to Dr. Richard Hagni , chairman of the department of geology and geophysics, Moellering holds the highest academic average among second semester juniors majoring in geology . The award was presented by Ray E. Morgan , UMR professor emeritus of geology and geophysics, in whose honor the award was established by the board of trustees of the Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Trust Fund. Mrs. Stewart Johnson, San Antonio, a trustee, represented the board, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill McNutt of Mountain Home, Texas, represented the McNutt family at the presentation. McNutt is the son of the late V .H. and Amy Shelton McNutt. The award will be given each year to the outstanding second semester junior majoring in geology. The endowment will provide an annual grant of approximately $3500. Hagni said that Morgan has served since 1964 as chairman of the committee for the V.H . McNutt Foundation. The department of geology and geophysics is beneficiary of the foundation established by Mrs. McNutt in honor of her late husband , and several hundred students have received scholarships from the foundat ion . "The trustees of the Amy Shelton McNutt fund knew of Mrs. McNutt's admiration for Professor Morgan and of his assistance to her in establishing and adm inistering the McNutt foundation. They established the award in Morgan's honor as an expression of gratitude," he said. Morgan served on the UMR geology faculty from 1948

to 1978. At various times, he taught most of the departmental courses, but his main interests were petroleum geology, coal geology, geology of metallic materials, geology of non-metallic mineral deposits, geologic instrumentation and field geology. In addition , during his 30 yea rs on the faculty, and for two subsequent years, he coached the men's varsity tennis team. Besides his academic career, Morgan was employed in many parts of the United States and in Canada and South America, exploring for and evaluating deposits of oil and gas, coal, and nonmetallic and metallic mineral deposits. Amy Shelton McNutt's interest in UM-Rolla and the geology department spanned eight decades. Her husband, V .H . McNutt, a UMR alumnus and former faculty member, was a pioneer economic geologist who discovered numerous oil and gas deposits and the first commercial deposits of potash in the Western Hemisphere. Mrs. McNutt worked closely with her husband during his successful career. After his death in 1936, she managed the complex McN utt operations, including Gallagher Ranch, a 10,000-acre ranch near San Antonio. She was a graduate of William Woods College, and in 1964 received UMR's first honorary degree of doctor of humane letters. She was an honorary Knight of St. Patrick , a member of UMR's Order of the Golden Shillelagh, and a recipient of alumni and other awards at UM R. In addition to the McNutt Foundation, Mrs. McNutt also established a scholarship for mining engineering students. In 1983, she contributed $2 million toward UMR's mineral engineering building, V.H . McNutt Hall , now under construction.

MSM Alumnu s 11

Recipients of Professional Degrees Slm Vicep Co. In

Geological Engineer MaÂŤ W. Bratovich, '73, Richardson, Texas Vice president , DeGolyer and MacNau ghton

Engineer of Mines

Aerospace Engineer

Richard L. Bullock, ' 51, ' 55, ' 75, Houston. Texas Senior staff adviser, corporate planning and marketing Exxon Minerals Co.

William M. Byrne Jr., '60, '70, Wichita , Kan. Manager, missi le system engineering Beech Air¡ cra ft Corp.- Raytheon Co.


Emul MOIOr

Chemical Engineer Calvin B. Cobb, '64, '65, '67, Houston, Texas President , Wright , Killen & Feldman Inc.

12/ MSM Alumnus

Civil Engineer Leonard Ca rl Kirberg, '66, '78, G lencoe, Mo. Vice president , Horner & Shifrin Inc.

Electrical Engineer James F. Longshore, '56, Chesterfie ld, Mo. Vice president , McDonnell Douglas Eleclronics Co.


George Manag Oil Co

Metallurgical Engineer

Management Engineer

Steve C. Mueller, '69, Sunset Hills. Mo. Vice president and genera l manager, AMAX Zinc Co. Inc.

Thomas J . Owens, '68, '71, Leavenworth. Kan. Manager, Leavenworth Produ ction Center. Hallmark Cards Inc.

Mechanical Engineer a, Kan.

leech Air路

Raymond H. Schaffart, '63, '72, Li von ia. Mich. Executive enginee r, chassis engin eer ing, Ford Motor Co.

Nuclear Engineering

Engineer of Mines James G. Randolph, Oklahoma City. Okla. Senior vice president. Kerr路McGee Corp.

Metallurgical Engineer

Donald F. Schnell, Ballwin , Mo. Vice president, nuclear, Un ion Electric Co.

James L. Spehr, '64, '69, Clayton. Mo. Vice pres ident and general manager, F路 15 Pro路 gram, McDonnell Aircraft

Albert W. Weinrich, ' 59, Pennington. N.J . Staff vice pres ident , RCA Communicat ions and Electronics

Kent Weisenstein , '60, Bellevi lle, III. Pres ident. Mi ssouri Refra ctories Co. Inc.

Petroleum Engineer Mo.


George Leo Stegemeier, ' 52, HOllston. Texas Manager. Reservoir Mechan isms Resea rch, Sh ell Oil Co.

MSM Alumnus / 13

Harr y B. Smith, president, Westinghouse Defense & Electronics Ce nter, Baltimore, Md ., made th e address at 113th annual commencement Sun da y, May 11 . He also received the do ctor of engineering deg ree (h onoris causa) during th e ceremonies. AbouL 800 gra.du路 ates were a warded d egrees at th e eve nt. Smith received a B.S. deg ree in electrical enginee ring from MSM in 1942 and the professional degree of man路 agement engineer from UMR in 1977. He also was awarded an M .S. d eg ree in elec trical enginee ring from the Univ ersit y of Maryland in 1949. I n addition h e com pleted the Harvard Univ ersity Advanced Manageme nt Progra.m in 1964. After his graduation from UMR. Sm ith j oined th e Na val R esea rch Labora.tory in Wa shington, D. C. Th e fol路 lowing yea r h e was co mmissioned into th e Army Signal

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Corps and attended the Ha r vard/ M IT ra.dar program , after which he was assigned to th e Army S ec urity A ge ncy. In 1946. h e jo ined Da vies Laboratories, Colleg e Park , Md .. where h e worhed on th e development of advanced electronic devices. H e join ed Westinghouse in 1952 as manager of radar d ev elopment , and in 1953. he initiated a pulse doppler ra.dar development prog ra.m for th e company. In 1959 h e was placed in cha rge of all aerospace development wo rk and was made chief enginee r in 1962 . H e became genera.l manager of th e A erospace Di vision in 1966 and guided the development and production of several pulse doppler ra.dars. H e /Vas promoted to Gene ral Manage r of the Systems and Tec h nology Divisions in 1974. In 1977 he was named

Harry Smith, '42, Talks I greatly appreciate the honor I have received and the opportunity to talk to you. I remember well my own commencement 44 years ago; it was held at the "Uptown Theatre" because the class of '42 had outgrown the Parker Hall auditorium. That commencement ceremony seems as though it were yesterday-except I can't recall the commencement speaker, or his message-so I approach this opportunity with humility. I am particularly pleased to be here this year because 1986 marks the 100th anniversary of Westinghouse and I'm proud about being part of one third of its history . These 100 years also coincide with the approximate life of electrical engineering. And I think there is no better example than electricity to remind us how fort unate we are to be living in an age which has benefitted so much from dramatic technological advances. While my remarks today are engineering oriented, I hope that the non-engineering graduates will find some of them informative or at least interesting. Permit me to set the stage by briefly look ing back on some of the pioneering efforts of Westinghouse. A good thing about a centennial is we recognize accomplishments that might otherwise be taken for granted. The maj or accomplishment of Westinghouse in the early years was the development of the alternating current concept and the required eq uipment such as the "transformer". This made possible, as most of you know , the stepping up of voltage so that electricity could be transmitted over long distances, thereby providing the utility of electricity as we know it to路 day. Otherwise, we might have had to live in the immediate vicinity of power plants producing "direct current". Westinghouse was also a large contributor to the early work on radio and related electronics, not only developing the

14 / MSM Alumnus

equipment but also pioneering the broadcasting of rad io (and later television). Today we are justifiably enchanted with "high tech"-but the longer I work in this field the more I realize that the newer things seem, the more they tend to be analogous to things that have been experienced befo~e- a lthou g h involving radically different forms of tc.:hnology. Many of the inherent engineering tradeoffs remain valid and engineering fundamentals pervade all modern endeavors. But, rather than give you a philosophical message which I would be tempted to ca ll "Back to the Future", I thought it better to relate a variety of experiences, each of which had a profound infl uence on me; I believe these will illustrate that problem-solving and engineering are not unique to a given time period. I would like to start with an unforgettable experience just before graduation . I am referring to the evening of "Pearl Harbor" which most of yo u know about on ly from the history books. We were having Sunday di nner at the Lambda Chi House on Olive Street when the news came, via rad io. In a sta te of disbelief and after listening to the radio throughout the early evening, a group of us spent the remainder of the evening at one of the few social spots in Rolla in those days - The Tavern Room of the Pennant Hotel on old transcontinental Route 66. All night we met and talked to people traveling in both di rections, stopping briefly on their way to reporting to duty - from the National Guard and the Reserve, having received orders just that afternoon. Without exception, their careers had been interrupted instantly. The thing that impressed me was that none of them complained and each seemed to be mak ing

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to his present position . Smith has receiued many honors during h is distin gu is h ed ca reer. He is actiue il1 a number of professional , ciuic and educational orga n izations and instit uti ons. He h olds 15 patents and is a member of UMR 's Academy of Electrical Engi n eering.



Editor's note : The following comme ncement address is longe r and consumes more space than we usually allow for this type of a r ticle. How ever, w e found the examples drawn from the career of this distinguished alumnus to be particularly inter e sting, as are the g e n e ral comme nts on the e ngin eering profession which h e imparts to the 1986 graduates. We have e dite d v e r y little of Harry Smith's r e marks.


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the best of this sudden disruption of their lives. This has left a lasting impression to this day, that is, the way they responded to the call to duty and subordinated their personal interests. 1 believe those circumstances have made me proud always to be associated with the Defense business. The recognition of responsibility and the devotion to duty cannot be minimized_ Not simpl y because of possible recognition and reward, but because of the self-satisfaction that they bring to either a military role or any worthwhile civic or personal endea vor. Hopefull y, none of you will have to relive a similar situation but I hope that each of you have the opportunity to experience a sense of commitment earl y in your careers. Little did I rea lize that 40 years later our careers (but especially yours) might be in jeopardy from a different kind of threat from the Pacific Basin. I'm referring of course to the competitive challenge to our markets and the subsequent effect on our economy. Let me tell you about my first post graduation job which was with the Naval Resea rch Laboratories in Washington , D.C. I was assigned to something that was very secret and was spelled the same backward as forward . RADARwh ich stands for radio, detection and ranging-is a means of determining the distance to a detected target. Here I met a tremendous group of people from most of the elite colleges and universities in the country. I was flattered when someone asked me if one spelled the ending of the Missou ri School of Mines with an "es" or a "ds". Although I was only with this group a year, they still stand out in my mind out of all proportion to the short time that I worked with them. I mention this not merely to reminisce, but to make the

Harry B. Smith, '42

point that you'll meet some impressive people with a variety of different backgrounds; after yo u leave here. Working in such a group is something to look forward to_ Under such circumstances, WORK CAN BE "FUN" and REALLY SHOULD BE! And Teamwork will en hance such an experience even more! My enjoyment at the Naval Research Labs was cut short when I received a commission in the Army Signal Corps. As part of my training, I had the good fortune to be sent to special programs at Harvard and MIT. From these programs, I was abruptly re-assigned to perhaps the most interesting assignment of all-the breaking of codes .... or, more correctly, the breaking of ciphers, with the Army Security Agency- a forerunner of the National Security Agency (NSA). We were a small group of about 20 to 30 people and we worked in conjunction with the Brit ish fo r the next two years breaking the German code by using what has been written about since as the Enigma Machine. Needless to say, this was extremely interesting and challenging work, and to this day we don't say much about it. But let me say enough to emphasize one of the important points I want to make to you-and this has to do with the sense of urgency . In the German code machine, every time a letter was typed , the machine translated it to a different letter in a complex , electromechanical, portable encrypting machine. Their machine was reset every eight days so that , unless the code was broken within these eight days, all of our efforts went for naught. We were able to do this by simulating the German machine and operating this simulation at a much faster speed than the machine itself operated . In this way we could deduce and reconstruct the setting of the machine. The eq uipment to do this used special rela ys and vacuum tubes and represented an early

MSM Alumnu s / I S

version of today's digital computer. We felt a great sense of accomplishment when we succeeded and it drove home what I believe are two more im portant lessons- I) effort alone is not enough; it is the end results that really count; and 2) because of the time con straints we faced, it really drove home a sense of urgency in achieving timely results. I look back on the technology that we used and I realize now that we were really practicing "artificial intelligence" in that our computer programmed itself as we went along in order to converge on the proper "answer". Of course, we were too preoccupied to worry about the philosophy of the approach or how to categorize it; and here I think is another example where, while things seem new-particularly in name- the principles have been established over a period of history. My "graduating class" from the Army Security Agency split three ways: nearly half stayed on with NSA; nearly half went with IBM; and two or three of us concluded that there was little future working on such large, complex and specialized equipment. I was drawn by the lure of a relatively good salary ($6,000/year) to a newly formed company of which I was the 5th member. The challenge of being on the ground floor of a small company doing interesting work can be very exciting. Our principal project was the development of a small radar (about half the size of a cigar box , which in those days was quite an achievement) - this low power radar altimeter was used to determine the height at which to open a parachute used for cargo purposes, with a potential use by personnel. An omni-directional antenna was woven into the parachute harness. We had a lot of satisfaction in testing this device at abandoned military airports using a number of man-like "dummies". The real challenge was not only to have the parachute open successfully at a pre-set altitude but to have these perform only at their correct altitude when a large number were all released simultaneously. I recall suspenseful and exciting moments when we verified this requirement. Just picture watching 30 dummies released from an aircraft and tumbling toward the ground ; suddenly the parachutes open at three different altitudes .. .. the overall effect was that of an aerial circus and the system worked! As satisfying as this experience was, there came a time to move on. A small company no longer offered the variety and intensity of challenges that seemed present in larger corporations in the aerospace and electronics field. The paramount lesson I came away with from this experience was simple.. .. ."spend resources as though they were your own." I have tried to practice this for the subsequent 33 years-but it isn't always as easy as it sounds . I think those of you who will enter a large compa ny will find that there is competition for resources and there is a tendency to be sure to get one's share, i.e., keep up with the Joneses (or Smiths). Remember, in the long run , reso urces unnecessa ril y expended reduce opportunities for all.

16/ MSM A lumnu s

With all this ex perience behind me, I joined Westinghouse in Baltimore in a "senior engineering" role that permitted m\! to work on a wide range of electronic developments and programs. After a brief period, I was drafted into the supervision of a group of 25 engineers work ing on radar fo r missile guidance. Since the long-term outlook of this, and related groups, seemed uncertain , I thought it was exped ient to devise a strategic plan for the future. This led me to the development of "pulse doppler radar" in unique forms that were needed for a wide array of future applications. In retrospect, this idea was one of the best I've had and resulted in much recognition throughout the nex t 20 to 30 years. More importantly, it provided both me and my associates with about seven of the most sa tisfyin g years of our careers. Pulse doppler was needed to so lve a very importa nt shortcoming of radars; namely , the inability to detect airborne targets when look ing down at them from higher altitudes because they were obscured by reflections from the ground. Such ground clutter even limited radar on the ground. After some initial feasibility tests, we built a primitive early model which we tested on a roof top aga inst a rented car driven at high speed on an airport taxi strip. (The people at Avis wondered why the brakes were so worn.) We then developed models that were used for manned aircraft , then a derivative which was used on a missile seeker, and then a ground radar configuration. These led, in the late 50s and early 60s, to production programs of several thousand radars for the F-4 aircraft and the start of the radar for the AWACS program. I hope by now A WAC (airborne warning and control) is a "household word". All of these different programs help increase sales over the past 10 yea rs by a factor of 4 (to 2.4 billion at present), with operating profit increasing by a factor of 6. Another closely related idea is the concept of parlaying one opportunity to cover several opportunities. An exa mple was the development of a "WX-200" pulse doppler radar in the early 70s. This was done on Westinghouse funding and was made digital, modular, and a design-to-cost concept was introduced that reduced the recurring or manufacturing cost by a factor of three. This ca ught on and resulted in thousands 'of rada rs for programs like the F- 16, B-1 and even on the DIY AD program. The modularity concep t removed the need to develop and redesign each new radar, thereby greatly reducing development costs. All of this leads to my next bit of guidance for the future; namely, in considering various alternatives for the commitment of resources and effort , one should look at those developments that will be applicable in nlany different places. I have referred to this over the years as looking fo r things that have a "common denominator" of usage. The~e are worth sea rching for! Pulse doppler radar certainly turn ed Ollt to be one of these.

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I would like to relate brieny two examples concerning NASA space programs. Bot h ha ve to do with suppl ying TV cameras for two separate phases of the APOLLO man-onthe-moon program. Before man attempted to land on the moon, there was a lunar orbiter which orbited the moon so that its surface could be photographed and televised to a curious public; we had developed the camera for this purpose in Baltimore. I was on vacation at the time and stopped at a remote tavern; just after ordering a drink , the TV pictures from the moon came on the television screen. These pictures seemed to me to be washed out , with little contrast and detail, (although one didn't really know what to expect from the moon). After a short time, I concluded that an automatic light level ci rcuit was probably not at its proper sett ing. I got to a pay phone and called the program manager back in Baltimore; he agreed that this was probably the problem , and relayed the message to the Mission Control Center in Houston . In any event , within a few minutes the picture dramaticall y improved just as I finished my first drink. (In fact , this is the only time I can remember when a picture got clearer after one drink .) But the thought came home to me, as I hope it does to you, that this was a rather incredible si tuation; that is, with today's technology , you can "close the loop" from a local tavern to the moon . The other even more gratifying experience relates to the

pict ures brought back by the TV camera carried hy Neil Armstrong shortly after he set foot on the moon. This camera was very sophisticated and was designed using microelectronics to especiall y accommodate the wide range of light levels and absence of atmosphere on the moon. There was a very anx ious moment which some of yo u may remember...... the picture on the TV screen was upside down. Before I picked my TV set up and turned it upside down, I remembered there are about a dozen places in the TV link where the picture could be righted by the sim ple nip of a switch. But then a horrible thought struck me- if the people at most of these locations got the same idea and an even number of sites nipped the sw itch, the picture would remain upside down. Fortunately , it must have been an odd number (hopefully, the odd number 1), because the picture was righted-another engineering triumph . The general fidelit y of that picture was rather primitive by normal TV standards. But nobody really seemed to com plain about that; in fact , if may have made it even more interesting-which leads me to call your attention to a very important advantage of being first. When you are the first in an endeavor, you establish the standards. And, these standards are usually acceptable despite the fact that they become vastly improved in a relatively short period of time. Most people don't even remember the second camera.


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50 year alumni (left to right) Razor, Reed, Roy, Ruwwe, Simmons, Smith and Springer listen to Smith from the front row of the audience. Behind them are faculty , then graduates. Family and friends fill up the bleachers and sit on both sides of the center section. MSM A lu mnu s / 17

Before I leave these microelectronic TV space cameras, I would like to draw a lesson having to do with the commercial use of such technology. In working with small portable TV cameras, it became obvious that these could be used in conj unction with video tape recording, (which we had been using extensively in our testing) to provide a portable combination to take pictures and replay them. We thought th is wou ld be a natural for producing telecasts fro m remote locat ions. As you know , this has become commonplace- not just for news telecasting-but video casette recording is replacing chemical photography for home videos. When we tried to convince our TV and commercial people of this potential, their reaction was that there wasn't much money in building cameras because this would probably be a very competitive market. While this proved to be true as far as the camera is concerned, the point that was missed was that cameras were not the product. The real product was a system for providing a television service to fulfill a role forme rl y performed by motion picture cameras. As you realize, this type of serv ice ach ieved an extremely large and profitable market. I relate this incident to point out that in working with new ideas and technology one must be careful to be sure to eval uate the potential on a "systems" basis. Be sure you look at the problem to be solv路 ed or the service to be provided, rather than the equipment itself. I have talked a great deal about the past, particularly my own , and I would like to close by consideri ng the future. I hope I have already made the point that, whi le the technology changes dramatically , many of the principles and scientific underpinnings remain similar, particu larly in regard to mathematics. In trying to predict the future there is a great temptation , conscious or otherwise, to use ex路 trapolations of existing methods and technologies. Although looking to the past to predict the future can be very productive, we must be ever conscious that a breakthrough can occur which will negate many of the

l8 / MSM Alumnus

specific conclusions that we reached through extrapolation. My conclusion is that we must put a premium on creativity and innovation to find these "grand slam" ideas. In all of the things I have talked about today , there is a common thread-and that is the value of making intelligent engineering trade-offs between various alternatives. It is this characteristic of the engineer and scientist (which he practices every day) that is so important; not only to our industrial and academic enterprises, but, equally important, to our society as a whole. We encounter in everyday life public reactions to various undertakings, a climate which questions "why" and "how" to do certain things. Frequent路 Iy these are decided in one or two ways, neither of which is very satisfying. One approach is to argue from biased or predetermined vested positions; this usuall y leads to the se路 cond alternative, which is "to do nothing"-which in itself represents a form of decision. I believe that the systematic thinking that can be supplied by those of you in the audience today provides a third and more rational way to arri ve at conclusions, i.e. , an eval uation of the various alternatives, recognizing the necessary trade-offs between them. While these types of decisions come up every day in fields somew hat removed from technology, as time goes on it becomes more and more difficult to isolate the impact of technology from the conclusion. I would like to urge all of yo u to get involved in these kinds of issues so that the engineering discipline and related attributes that yo u possess can be used to get the right answer most of the time. Th is is essential not only in the interest of our national welfare but is probably needed for our survival as an industrial nation in today's internationa l marketplace. Let me close by giving yo u some very pointed advice tha t may reinforce some of the examples I have given . I) Enjoy your work-or do somet hing about it. 2) Accept challenges-"reach" even at the risk of fai lu re. 3) Learn from mistakes and don't be ashamed to ask for help-but strive to design things "right-the-first-time." 4) Be recept ive to change and manage that change when you can. 5) Continue your educa tion in one way or another. 6) Career-wise, keep your options open but don't appear too self-centered and impatient. 7) Try to be a team player. I don 't think this reduces the chances for indi vidual accomplishments and recognition. I predict that most of you wi ll eventually make more money than you' ll need. Your real reward will come from the self satisfaction of a job well done not on ly in your professio n but in your everyday li ves. I believe you wi ll treasure a collection of important moments. Believe me, the thri ll of discovery or seeing somet hing come to fruition is like no ot her! I hope you all have as much fun in the next 44 years as I've had. And I wish yo u as much good luck.


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A number of important new instrumentation techniques for studying polarized electron-atom collisions are being developed by researchers at UM-Rolla as part of a project titled "Polarized Electron-Atom Collisions." The project is being funded by a $385 ,000 grant from the National Science Foundation. According to Dr. Timothy 1. Gay, assistant professor of physics at UMR and principal investigator for the project, "Researchers are studying the collisions of electrons and atoms in a way which will extract particular detailed information about these collisions." Dr. Ronald E. Olson, UMR professor of physics and director of campus' Laboratory for Atomic and Molecular Research, said, "This work represents a new direction for

Bio-Mass-Energy Source Research A research project that may help produce low-cost energy sources for powering rice mills in underdeveloped countries is being carried out at UM-Rolla for the U.S. Agency for international Development (USAlD). According to Dr. Virgil Flanigan, professor of mechanical engineering at UMR, "The concept is to use the rice hull , which is the waste product from the rice milling operation." Flanigan, who also is the director of the Gasification Research on Wood (GROW) project at UMR, said, "The rice hull is a bio-mass material with unusual fuel characteristics, making it difficult to use in normal combustion and gasification technologies. The hull, however, is

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the campus' very strong atomic and molecular physics group." Dr. Laird D. Schearer, UMR Curators' Professor of physics is co-.principal investigator for the proj ect. Gay joined the UMR faculty in 1983. He holds a B.S. degree in physics from the California institute of Technology and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the University of Chicago. He is the author of a number of articles and scholarly publications. Schearer joined the UMR faculty in 1971. He holds a B.S. degree in physics from Muhlenberg College. He also holds an M.S. degree in physics from Lehigh University and a Ph .D. degree in physics from Rice University. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society .

well-suited to the gasification systems being developed as part of the GROW project at UMR." Flanigan added that the gasification system being developed will convert the rice hull feed into a usable gas, which after cleaning can then be burned in a normal internal combustion engine. The project is being funded by a $120,000 grant from USAlD with private participation. Flanigan joined the UMR faculty in 1962. He holds B.S. , M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from UMR.

Continuing Education Courses Here's a list of some of the ex tension continuing educa tion short courses and conferences scheduled by U MR . W here ti tl es are not self·explanatory you may ca ll for more detai led informati on including costs . Ca ll the office of th e Dea n of Continuing Education and Public Serv ice , 3 141341 -4 156. WriHe n reo quests should be addressed to the sa me office. 205B Parker Hall. Uni versit y of Mi ssouri·Rolla. Rolla. MO 65401 .



School of Mines and Metallurgy Geologica l·Seismolog ical Eva luation of Ea rth quake H aza rds .. Explorati on Geophys ics for Non·Geophys icis ts.


. ... Sept. 9- 12 . .... Oct. 20·23

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School of Engineering . ..... .. Jul y 14· 18 Earth quake Engineerin g. . ... July 28-Aug. I G rounding & Shielding Electronic Inst ruments . . .... Aug. 5·8 8th Ann ua l Land Sur veyor's Rev iew . . 1986 Fundamental of Engi neerin g . . ... A ug. 11· 15 Basic T echniques of Computer Drafting . . . .. A ug. 20·22 10th Symposium on Turbulence. . ...... . ... ... ........ Sept. 22·24 Basic T echniques of Computer Draftin g . .................... . .. Oct. 6·8 8th Intern ational Specialit y Conference on Co ld· Form ed Steel Structu res . . .. Nov . 11· 12

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MSM A lumn us/ 19

Alumni Section News ________



San Diego Section The Kona Kai Club on San Diego Bay was the gathering place for the San Diego alumni for St. Patrick's Day observance on Saturday, March 22. El izabeth and Phil Boyer , ' 28, celebrated his 80th birthday on Sept. I , 1985, and a hole-in-one RSF on Oct. 4, of the same year. Ethel and Al Jurvic, '33 , came from Pacific Beach, Skip and Bill Thomas, '44, of Oceanside, Calif. , are going to do a lot of traveling by air this year on a senior discount pass. Terri and John Yoder, IV, '82, added glamour to the festivities. Marilyn and Al Keevil , '43, are looking forward to retirement from General Dynamics in June of this year, and he is now a life member of the American Society of Civil Engineers.


Rhea Lea and Clay Porter, '68, came from Oceanside, Calif. Ca rol Monette and Joseph Miller, '66, came from San Diego. Joe served on the St. Pat's Board while at MSM-UMR. Marie and Gill Crowell, '51 , came from Vista , Calif. , and he says he is enjoying renewed association with General Dynamics at the Sycamore Canyon Facility. E. T. Regenhart, '30, reminisced about his and Al Keevil's attendance at the Rolla 1985 homecoming. St. Pat, he said, bought the wine for our meal. Hank Fletcher, '53, announced his coming marriage to Joan Wendorf on AprilS, 1986. Doris and Howard Hoover of "Energy Innovation" came as Hank's guests to celebrate the happy event.

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mee LaNelle and John Gardner, '51, from La Mesa, Calif. , added to the frivolity with an audio tape of an Irish comedian they heard on a recent trip to the Emerald Isle. Al Keevil announced that Don Brackhahn , the executive director for alumni relations, expects to be in San Diego from June 15 to 22, and Al will know more on return from the April board meeting in Rolla. Halley's comet was in its glory, but the moon was in the way so we would have had to wait four days until one a.m . on the 26t h of March to see it-so everyone went home before midnight.

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los Angeles Section On March 29 , 1986, the Los Angeles Area Chapter of the MSM -UMR Alumni Association, held its annual St. Pat's meeting at the Ports 0 ' Ca ll Resta urant in Perry's Los Angeles Harbor. Thirty-six alumni , friends and spouses attended the meet ing, some traveling more than 150 miles to join us. Another six were expected but couldn't make it. We hope that there were no serious problems. Our banquet room had a wall of glass which extends out over the water. Small sa ilboats, immense freighters , and dream-provoking cruise ships, seemed to fl oat by our window , as if in review. This busy flow of harbor traffic provided an exciting, and fittin g background for our meeting. We feel that the

membership of our chapter is evolving into a more dynamic, goal-oriented group, which will ca pitalize on increased communication and commraderie between our mature alumni and the yo unger al umn i coming in the area. We feel that this cooperative effort wiil benefit everyone concerned , and wi ll utilize the unique talents of the Los Angeles area to develop projects beneficial to the school. Last yea r's mid -s umm er pi cni c meeting at the Nations' home in Apple Valley was so successful that we plan to have the same event again this year. Set aside Sat. , July 12, 1986, for this event. It's yo ur chance to show off your kids, to swim , play, go hiking and get lost with John .

Those attending the meeting were: Bill and Mayme Fletcher, '34; Joe Tobi n, '83 ; Scott and Alice Boyd, '7 4; Don and Dee Crapnell , '59; Tim , '83 and Wendy, '84 Ad rian; Rene and LaVerne Rasmussen, '43 ; John and Sa ndra Schmitz, '49 ; George and Mi riam Nations, '36; William and Norma Dye, '58; Jesse and Maude Dickinson, '57 ; Ed and Georgina Kyburz, '5 0; Jim and Theda Gostin , '44 ; Tad and Shirley Graves, '50; John and Phyllis Wilms, '43 ; Ron Henson, '64; Geoffrey and Mrs. Burrows, '80; William and Gay le Glauz, '80; Jeff Bacon, '8 3; Leslie Drum , '85 and Pete Zancall.

John O. Wilms, '43


1986 Homecoming Oct.

17¡18 Jobs The services of U M R's Career Development and Placement Center are available to alumni as well as students. To obtain information about the current job listings, alumni need to send an up-to-date resume to the Ca reer Development and Placement Office. The placement staff will make the resume available to companies looking for people with experience, and wi ll send the alumnus a copy of the latest job listings. If you wish to use this service, conta ct: ass istant direc tor-placement. Career Development and Placement Office, UM R, Rolla , MO 6540 1 (phone:



Joplin Area Parents Meeting (Al umni In vited) Joplin , Mo ........... . . . ......... .. ... July 12 Los Angeles Section Meeting . .... .. . .. . .. . ...... ..... Jul y 12 Apple Valley , Ca.. Washington , D. C. Section Meeting ........... . . ..... .. . .. .. September 7 SME Fall Meeting St. Louis, Mo .. . ........... .. . ..... . .. . ... . ........ September 9 Internat iona l Mining Show Las Vegas, Nev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .. . .. October 5-9 Society of Petroleum Engineers Convent ion New Orleans, La.. . . . .. . ..... . .... October 7 Kansas City Even ing with President Magrath ....... .. ..... . . .. . ... ..... October 9 Homecoming 1986 Rolla .. ...... . .... October 17 & 18 St. Lou is . Evening with President Magrath City Hall Rotunda ................. . . . . ... . ...... November 5 Geologica l Society of America Convention San Antonio, Texas .................... .. . . . . . . .. November 10 Chicago Area Section Meeting St. Charles, II. .. .... . .. .. ... December 6

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MSM Alumnu s!2 1

MINER SPORTS Gene Green, Editor

All Sports Banquet Awards Brian Jenkins, long-time student trainer for the UMR sports teams, was honored at the 1986 Miner All-Sports Banquet as the recipient of the Gale Bullman Award. He was a graduating senior in mechanical engineering from Garden City, Mo.

Jenkins, who worked closely with Miner head trainer John Belich in a variety of sports, becomes the first non varsity athlete to be honored with the award. Belich was also honored at the banquet, receiving th e M-Cl ub's honorary letter jacket for his years of service to the Miner athletic teams. The banquet honored each squad's most-va luable-player for the 1985-86 school year, and St. Louis Football Cardinal defensive end Curtis Greer served as guest speaker.

Team MVP's were as follows: Football-Glenn Wilhelm-defensive MVP, Joe Schnelke-offensive MVP . Golf-Dyke Miller Rifle-Bob Valbracht Men's Tennis-Paul Isakson Women's Soccer-Jean Gardiner Women's Basketball-Tanya Hough Men's Soccer-Jeff Smith Women's Tennis-Elizabeth Haning Women's Cross Co untr y-J ulie Board Track and Field-Ryan Sharkey Men's Cross Country-Tim Swinfard Wrestling-Mark Weston Men's Basketball-Billy Walker Swimming-Jon Staley Baseball-John Viehmann Softball-Angie Honse First-year swimming coach Mark Mu llin was honored as M-Club Coachof-the- Year, after leading the Miner swimming team to an eighth-place finish in the NCAA Division II Nationals. This was the highest finish ever for a UMR swimming team. Also presented were two MM Awards , given annually to two distingu ished Miner alums . This year's laurels went to Milburn "Fritz" Hassler and Warren Heilig, both 1931 graduates of MSM. Each was a four -year letterman in football and basketba ll. The Robert Nicodem us Academ ic Athlete Award went to Miner football player John Hentges, wh ile the Burr Van Nostrand Award (best male intramural ath lete) went to Rob Hipp. The Weinbaum Award (best female intramural athlete) was presented to Melinda Falgout.

Rifle Teams Score The UM R varsity and junior varsit y rifle teams recently competed in the Seventh Annual Gamecock Invitational in Jacksonville, Ala. UM R's varsity rifle team took first place in the A division with a team score of 2,117. The top individual scorer for the UMR varsity team was Don Kriesel, sophomore in aerospace engineering, who scored his personal best-536 out of 600 points. The UM R junior varsity team took second place in the B division with a team score of 1,958 . Tom Andresen, junior in mechanical engineering, also took first place in the high prone category with a score of 196 out of 200 points.

Lady Miners Sign Softball Standout Kristy Weber, leading pitcher for Fatima High School (Westphalia) du ring the 1986 softball season, recently signed a national-Ietter-of-intent to pla y at UMR . Weber is 13-1 with a 1.25 E. R.A . and led Fatima to regiona l tournament play before losing to event ual state champion Hazelwood Central. In addition to her fine pitching, she boasted a .388 batting average and 12 stolen bases. "I'm very excited about Kristy's joining our team," said Lady Miner softball coach Cindy Mau lin. "She is a wellrounded player, featuring good pitching sk ills, solid hitting and the abi lity to run the bases well." Weber, an excellent student, will major in an engineering discipline at UM Rolla . She gained all-district honors in both softball and basketball and was sa lutatorian of her graduating class. "Kristy is a true example of a studentathlete," said Fa tima softball coach Glenn Oothage. "And she was the mostvaluable-player on a team that finished 17-2 in 1986.

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UM-Rolla's Ryan Sharkey earned AllAmerican status in the javelin throw during competition at the NCAA Division II Track and Field Championships in Los Angeles, Calif. , in May. Sharley , a junior from Hannibal, finished seventh nationally with a throw of 20 I feet , six inches. The top eight performers earned All-American honors. Sharkey's performance marked the first track and field performer in Miner history to gain such status. After winning the Missouri Intercollegiate Athletic Association javelin title earlier this month with a season's-best throw of 207 feet, ten inches, Sharkey entered the nationals with the fifth-best throw in the United States. "I didn't start competing in the sport until a couple of years ago, and didn't throw the javelin at all in high school,"

Sharkey said. "But I knew I had the ability to make it to the nationals, and it was a real thrill to be there and do well." UMR track and field coach Dewey Allgood said the event was won by a California athlete who was "easily the class of the meet, throwing the javelin 222 feet. " But Allgood noted that the second through eighth spots in the 16-man field were extremely close. "You literally could have taken a three-foot radius, and all would have fallen within that limit. ''I'm real excited Ryan performed well, because when his name was announced at that national meet, it was a proud moment fo r him and UMR as well." Sharkey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sharkey , Hannibal.

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Miners Announce 1986 Football Schedule Eleven games, including six home contests and a first-time meeting with the MIAA's newest institution , highlight the 1986 Un iversity of Missouri-Rolla football schedule. The Miners, 7-3 last season, open the new campaign Sept. 6, hosting Missouri Western in a I :30 p.m. game at New Jackling Field. UMR meets Southwest Baptist in a Nov. I home game, marking the first meeting ever between the two schools in football. Even though the Bearcats will be joining the MIAA , this fall's encounter will not serve as a league game. Southwest Baptist's football program will enter league play in 1988. Other Miner home games are Sept. 20 against Pittsburg State, an Oct. 18 Homecoming Game versus Southeast Missouri State, an Oct. 25 Parents' Day Game against Lincoln University , and a season-ending rematch against Grand Valley State (Mich .). The entire Miner schedule is:

University of Missouri-Rolla 1986 Football Schedule Date Sept. 6 Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 *Oct. 4 *Oct. II *Oct. 18 *Oct. 25 Nov. I *Nov. 8 Nov. IS

Opponent Missouri Western Missouri Valley Pittsburg State University Evangel Central Missouri State University Northwest Missouri State University Southeast Missouri State University (Homecoming) Lincoln Un iversity (Parent's Day) Southwest Baptist Northeast Missouri State Uni versity Grand Valley , MI

Place Rolla Marshall Rolla Springfield Warrensburg Maryville Rolla

Time 1:30 7:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30



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MSM Alu m n us123

Students Apply Problem-Solving Skills The formula is a familiar one. Take a situation that needs correcting, and the ingenuity of UM-Rolla st udents and a solution will be forthcoming . Such was the case when Shawn Smith and Jason Smith, members of Kappa Alpha fraternit y at UMR , came up with the idea of using high-pressure waterjets as a method of removing paint from walls. Shawn Smith and Ed Dickherber, another member of the fraternity , approached Neil Smith, UMR vice

chancellor for administrative services, and Bob Marlow , director of physical facilities at UMR , with their proposa l, and it was decided to test the idea on the pedestrian tunnel that runs under Bishop Avenue adjacent to the site of V.H. McNutt Hall . On a Saturday during the spring semester, a group of students from Kappa Alpha together with several members of the physical facilities staff successfu lly removed paint from the headwa lls of the tunnel, which is commonly known

as the "fraternit y row tube." Following that , the fraternity members repa inted the interior of the tunnel. Participating in the project from Kappa Alpha were: Jason Smith, Shawn Smith , Brian Walker , Jeff Tarr, Ed Dickherber, Alan Dick herber, Paul Martin , Chris Stammer, Rick Patterson, Brian Rolli and Arnold Harness. Assisting the st udents were Lowell Wynn , assistant director of physical facilities, and Don McCracken and Bob Lister, painters at UMR.

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Kappa Alpha member, Jeff Tarr, right, uses a waterjet to remove paint from the headwall of the pedestrian underpass, while KA brothers Jason Smith and Brian Walker kibitz.

NSF Honors Three UM-Rolla students have been awarded Na tional Science Foundat ion Grad uate Fellowships and seven ot hers were named to NSF's Honorable Mention list. The fellows hi ps are awa rded to help support graduate stud y leading to a doctorate in engineering, the mathematica l sc ie nce s, th e physica l sc ie nc es , chem istry , the ea rth sciences, physics, the life scien ces, psychology and the social sciences. Fellowship award winners and their fields of stud y are: Kevin Wayne Schneider, Rolla, electrica l engineering; David Alfred Willming, Rolla, electrica l engineering; and Roberto Enrique Proano, Lima , Peru , metallurgical engineering.

24 / MSM Alumnu s

KA members Arnold Harness, left, and Alan Dickherber apply the first coat of pa int to the tunnel , which is adjacent to V. H. McNutt Hall (Mineral Engineering).

Honorable mention citations: Timothy L. Blankenship, Chillicothe, electrical engineering; Paul Kenneth Brown, Warren sburg , mec hanica l engi nee rin g; Andr ew All en Jenn , Overland , ae rospace e ngin ee rin g; Walter W. Ley, Florissa nt , chemica l engi neering; Paul Michael Matthews, Peoria, IIl. , chemica l engineering; Tracy Jo Thomas, Rolla , civil engineering; and Ronald D. Redwing, Wa rsaw, physics.

District Conference The UM-Rolla chapter of the Society of Physics St udents hosted the Society'S Zone 9 regiona l confe rence Friday and Saturday, April 18-19. "Zone 9 includes more than 50 schools from 10 stat es," said Erika

Kisvarsanyi , UM R senior in physics and vice president of the Society of Ph ysics Students. At the conference banq uet, Ray mond E. Arv idson, di rector of the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences at Washington Uni ver ity in St. Louis, spoke on " Remote Sensi ng of Venus, Mars and Earth ." "A rvidson works wi th NASA on missions to exp lore the planets including Earth ," sa id Kisvarsanyi. The fea tured spea ker at Saturday sessions was Dr. John Howard, ed itor of "Applied Optics." He spoke on "The Sci entifi c Co ntributi ons of Lord Rey leigh. " Howard is the former chief scientist at the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory in Bedford , Mass. He is also a Fellow of the Optica l Society of America.


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Academy of Electrical Engineering

Academy of Civil Engineers Seven civil engineering alumni of UM-Rolla were inducted by the UMR Academy of Civil Engineers at the group's annual meeting this spring. The academy honors UMR civil engineering graduates who have been outstanding practitioners and civic leaders for their contributions to the civil engineering profession and for their interest in UMR students and faculty. The academy serves as an advisory group to the UMR civil engineering department. New members are: Dr. Bill L. Atchley, '57, '59, McLean, Va. , president , The National Science Center for Communications and Electronics Foundation , Burke, Va. C. D. Barton, '53, Omaha, Neb., chief

engineer, Union Pacific Railroad , Omaha. Professor Jerry R. Bayless, '59, '62, interim chairman, department of civil engineering, UM-Rolla, Rolla. Maj. Gen. Robert J. Dacey, '64, Washington , D.C., assistant chief of engineers, Department of the Army , Washington, D.C. William A. Kruger, '59, Champaign , Ill. , vice president, ESC A Consultants Inc., Urbana, Ill. James F. Roberts, '53, Jefferson City, division engineer for surveys and plans, Missouri Highway and Transportation Department, Jefferson City. Maurice R. Topel, '53, Effingham, Ill. , District 7 engineer, Division of Highways , Illinois Department of Transportation, Effingham.

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Six electrical engineers recentl y were inducted into the UM -Rolla Academy of Electrical Engineering, an electrical engineering departmental advisory group of alumni and other electrical engineers who have made outstanding contributions to their profession. New members are: William O. Blumfelder, '66, Florissant, engineering laboratory manager, AV-8B Project Laboratory, Emerson Electric. William C. Busch, '37, Rockford, Ill. , retired, operating manager, Rock River Division, Commonwealth Edison Company. Gene C. Clodfelter, '57, St. Louis, chief, engineering service for the Consolidated Veterans Adm inistration Medical Centers. J. Derald Morgan, '65, Las Cruces, New Mexico, dean , College of Engineering, New Mexico State Uni versity. George E. Mueller, '39, Santa Barbara, Calif. , chairman of the board and president, System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, Calif. Louis W. Smith, '66, Leawood, Ka n., assistant general manager for operations, Allied Corporation , Bendix Aerospace Kansas City Division.

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UM-Rolla Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs John T. Park (left) presents the A.P. Green Medal to David Willm ing (right), UMR senior in electrica l engineering from Washington, Mo. The A.P. Green Medal is awarded each year to an outstanding graduating senior at UMR . Select ion is based on scholarship, leadership and extracurricu lar activities. Also present at the ceremony are Dr. Robert Nau , (second from left) , professor emeritus of electrical engineering; Dr. Fred Kisslinger (center), UMR professor of metallurgica l engineering; and Bob Whites (second from right), director of student financial aid.

Phillip G. Ostapowicz, '78, '79, vice president, man ufacturing, The CocaCola Bottling Co., St. Louis, recently was inducted in to the UMR Academy of Engineering Managers. The academy is a department advisory group made up of engineering managers who have made outstanding contri butions to their profession . Ostapow icz was recogn ized by the academy for his "sustained and outstanding leadership to the engineering management profession."

MSM Alumnus/25

Faculty Activities ----------------------------------------


Koederitz Wins Faculty Achievement Award Dr. Leonard F. Koederitz, professor of petroleum engineering at UM -Rolla, has been named a recipient of a Uni versity of Missouri system $4,000 Burlington Northern Foundation Faculty Achievement Awa rd. The award is given in recogn ition of "unusually significant and meritorious achievement in teaching." "It appears to me that an effective in structor mu st do three thin gs ," Koederitz said . "He must know the material, organize it to fit the audience and then present it in a reasonable manner. "

Leonard F. Koederitz, '68

This philosoph y has been a successfu l one for Koederitz, who has been designated an "Outstand ing Teacher" nine times at UMR.

"When I began teaching, I tried to remember things I liked and disliked when I was a student ," he continued. "I try to make each of my lect ures as in teresting as possible and hold my students' interest throughout the lecture. I also continually change various aspects of my courses based on studen t response to them. " I operate under an open-door policy fo r students, and, in general, try to be as responsive as possible to their various problems," he added . "Consistency is im portan t." Koederitz joined the UMR faculty in 1975. He received his B.S. degree in chemical engi neering from UMR in 1968 and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in petroleum engineering from UMR in 1969 and 1970, respectively.


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Grigoropoulos Visits Dr. Sotirios G. Grigoropou los, professor of environmental engineering, department of civil engineering, Uni versity of Patras, Greece, was a visiting professor of civil engineering at UMR from March to June. Grigoropoulos was on the UMR civil engineering fac ulty 21 years, from 1960-8 1 (on leave from 1979-8 1). He has been on the faculty of the Un iversity of Patras since 1979. He was professor and director , chair of environmenta l engineering, from 1979-82 when he was named to his present position. He is presently on leave from the Greek university. While on the UMR facu lty , Grigoropou los was professor of civi l engineering, and from 1966-79 was director of the Environmental Research Center and of the Professional Training Program in Water Supply and Pollution Control (supported by the U.S . Environmental Protect ion Agency).

26 / MSM Alumnus

ASHRAE Grant to Sauer and Howell Two UMR professors are in vestigating ways to more efficient ly heat and cool large buildings through the simultaneous use of an econom izer cycle and a heat recovery system. The project, titled "Development of Design Guidelines for Proper Use of an Economizer Cycle with Heat Recovery Systems," is being conducted by Dr. Harry 1. Sauer, dean of graduate studies and professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering, and Dr. Ronald H. Howell , professor of mechanical engineering. Funding for the project has been provided by a grant from the America n Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers. "I n the project, we are designing energy conservation guidelines for the

simultaneous use of an economizer cycle and a heat recovery system in large buildings that require both heating and cooling," explained Sauer. "The econom izer cycle uses cold outside ai r for air conditioning whenever possible," Howell said. "A lternately warm air given off by a mechanical cooling system could have been used by the heat recovery system to prov ide heating in buildings where both heat ing and cooling are required in winter, thus providing maximum energy efficiency." Richard Wright , UMR senior in mechanical engineering, is assisting with the project. Howell holds B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Un iversit y of Illinois. Sauer holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from UMR and a Ph.D. degree from Kansas State University.


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According to Dr. Geza Kisvarsanyi, professor of geology and geophysics at UM -Rolla, the Proceedings Volume of the International Co nfe rence on Miss issipp i Va lley-Type Lead -Zin c Deposits has become "a n international success story." "Scien tists from around the world are both praising and ordering the book ," Kisvarsanyi said. The book was produced by Dr. S. Kerry G rant , UMR professor of geology and geophysics; Dr. Walden P. Pratt, U.S. Geological Survey; and Kisvarsanyi in 1983. Assistance also was provided by Jack Koenig, retired technical editor at UMR. The conference was held at UMR in October 1982. Kisvarsanyi explai ned that one of the scientists who has praised the work is Professor R. L. Stanton, an internationally known economic geologist and tex tbook author from London , England. According to Kisvarsanyi, Stanton wrote of the book: "For almost 20 years

the standard source of information on Pb-Zn deposits has been 'Economic Geology Monograph 3,' genesis of stra t iform lead -z inc- bari te- fI uori te deposits in ca rbonate rocks. (That volume, wh ich was published in 1967 , resulted from a sy mposium held in New York in 1966.) "In October 1982, a second meeting was held at UM-Rolla and the proceedings were pub lished in a new volume on Mississippi Va lley-type leadzinc deposits. We now have a superb addition and modernization of the 1967 volume . The UMR volume is.. .specialized as well as comprehensive. "All serious st udents of ore deposits, including exploration managers and gover nm e nt geo log ica l su r vey geologists, who are concerned with investigations that contribute to the mineral industry as well as university teachers, should ha ve this book on their shelves. "The organizers, ed itors and con-

tributors are to be complimen ted on producing wha t is now rega rded as one of the most important reference works in ore deposit geology." Kisvarsanyi added that Professor Ski nner of Ya le Universit y commented on the book in the " Bu llet in of Economic Geology." According to Kisvarsanyi , Sk in ner wrote: "This book contains a great range of papers and it is an exceedingl y stimulating volume." Kisva rsanyi, who was the organizer and chairman of the conference as well as the ed itor of the Abstract and Proceedings Volume, joined the UMR faculty in 1962. He received his Ph.D. degree in geology from UMR. Grant joined the UMR faculty in 1965. He received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Utah . He is a specialist in X-ray crystallography , volcanology and st ructural geology. Pratt currently serves as a mineral resource appra isa l senior geologist wi th the U.S . Geo logica l Survey, Denver.

Day Elected Trustee

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Garver Honored for Teaching Activities August 1. Garver, associate professor of mathematics and sta tistics at UM Rolla, recently was nominated by UMR to be honored as part of a nationwide tribute to facult y members who "are giving ex traordinar y educational leadership to their campuses, and beyond." "The mathematics placement system Garver developed fo r our campus has proved to be so successful that he re ce ntly wa s na med to th e Mathematical Association of America's National Committee on Placement ," said Dr. Louis Grimm, chairman of UM R's department of mathematics and statistics. "He also has been act ive in the Minority Engineering Program since its

inception ." The tribute is sponsored by the Ameri ca n Association for Higher Education (AAHE) and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Garver, who has been on the UMR faculty for more than 25 years, was honored at the recent AAHE 1986 National Conference in Washington , D.C. Also as part of the honor, a tribute to faculty leadership will be published in a special edition of the July-August issue of "Change" magazine. Garver is a recipient of the Alumni Merit Award. He also has received eight Ou tstanding Teacher Awards.

Dr. Delbert E. Day , Curators' Professor of ceram ic engi neering and director of the Gradua te Center for Materials Research at UM -Rolla, was installed as a trustee of the America n Ceramic Society, Inc. , during the society'S recent 88th Annual Meeting in Ch icago. "There are I I technical divisions in the society," said Day. "Each division elects one member to serve as a trustee, and I was elected by the Glass Division." "The trustees, who meet three times a yea r, conduct the business of the society," he sa id . After receiving a B.S. in ceram ic engineering from the Missouri School of Mines in 1958 , Day obtained an M.S. and a Ph .D. in ceramic technology from Pennsylvania State Uni versit y in 1960 and 1961 , respectively. He has been on the UMR fac ult y since 196 1.

MSM Alumn u s/27


Alumni Personals ---------------------------------1918



Henry w. Doennecke is retired. He and Beulah reside at 231 N. Yukon, Tu lsa, OK 74127.

Robert W. Abbett died April 7, 1986. At MSM he was a member of Kappa Sigma, Square & Compass, and ASCE. He received his B.S. degree in civil engineering and the professional degree, civil engineer, in 1933. Robert was a founding partner of Tippetts-AbbettMcCarty-Stratton, an international engineering and architectural firm. During his 25 years with the company, he directed major port development projects throughout the United States and in more than 50 countries. During his career he designed the Broadway Bridge over the Harlem River and the Roosevelt Island Bridge in New York. He earned an M.S . degree in ci vil engineering from Yale Universit y and received an honorary doctorate from Gettysburg College. He was a member of UMR's Academy of Civil Engineers, and a founding member of UMR's Order of the Golden Shillelagh. He is survived by his wife, the former Ru th Virginia Bloomer, 2 Sutton Place S., New York, NY 10022 and a son , Robert Jr. , of Manhattan.

Willard E. Davis is a retired geophysicist from U.S.G .S. He and Helen reside at 12527 Banyan Drive, Sun City West , AZ 85375.

Hanley and Naomi Weiser reside at 5495 Pepperwood Road , Santa Rosa, CA 95405 .

1920 William J. Nolte is retired. He and Pau line now live at 625 Salem Ave., Rolla, MO 6540 I.

1922 Harold F. Patterson moved last April from Mishawaka , Ind. to 3602 South Ironwood Drive, Apt. 207 E., South Bend, IN 46614.

1923 William P. Gatts is retired from Tilley Manufacturi ng Co. He resides at 10520 Lagrima de Oro N.E., Albuquerq ue, NM 87 111.

1925 William Godwin has moved fro m Hallanda le, Fla. to 4934 S. Lu na Ave., Chicago, IL 60638.


James F. and Verna Smith Ii ve at 1200 32nd St. , South , Great Falls, MT 59405. He retired as vice president of Anaconda Aluminum Co.

Harry C. Brichard writes: "This will be my 60th year as an alumn us. All is fi ne wit h us and I keep active playing golf and taking care of my yard - I was in Rolla fo r my 50th, but will pass this year." Harry is retired . He and Luella live at 3811 Royal Palm, Bradenton, FL 33507 .

Phillip J. Boyer writes: "A ll is well ." He is retired. Phillip li ves at 1640 Eolus A ve., Encinitas, CA 92024.

Elmer Gammeter writes: "Hope to make Homecoming th is fa ll-wi ll be my 20th consecutive one!-and the 60th anniversary of my graduation in 1926." Elmer is retired. He and Carolyn reside at 118 Duncan Circle, Beaver, PA 15009.

Jeff Crum writes: "After 50 years of sailing we now have a traw ler on wh ich Kitty and I cruised this winter from Annapolis down the waterway and around the coast of Florida - great fun!" Jeff and Kitty live at 280 Rugby Court, Arnold, MD 21012.

28 MSM Alumnus




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1931 Gordon R. Throgmorton writes: "Wife, Helen died Sept. 19, 1985 . I will try to attend Homecoming this year (my 56th year) with the 1931 class." Gordon is president of G.R . Throgmorton Inc., self-employed. He lives at 7703 Nalan Drive, Louisville, KY 40291. Clyde E. Wilhite writes: "Will try to make it to Homecoming in '86." He is retired. He and Margaret reside at 12028 E. Canal Drive, Aurora , CO 800 II.

1932 Notice has been received of the dea th of James B. Hinchman in late 198 5. James was graduated from Roosevelt High School in St. Louis and attended Westminster College before transferring to MSM. He received his B.S. degree in civil engineering. For the first few years after graduation, he served with the U.S. Army Corps of Engi neers. He later joined Monsanto Chemical Co. and then J. F. Pritchard & Co. in Kansas Ci ty. He retired fro m that company in the late 1970s. Henry and Desyree Meyer's mailing address is now P.O. Box 300, Cherokee Vi llage, AR 72525 . Robert J. Roesser writes: "Enj oying my retirement by doi ng some fishing, boating and traveling." He and Eleanor live at 9 Ell ie Court, Lancaster, NY 14086.

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Alumni Personals ______________________


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Arthur Spencer Schwarz died Feb. 13, 1986, according to a note from his wife, Helene Schwarz, 340 Gill Ave. , Kirkwood, MO 63122. At MSM Arthur was a member of the Glee Club , was vice president of ASME and the Senior Council and participated in varsity track. He received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering and was awarded a professional degree, mechanical engineer, in 1967. Early in his career, Arthur joined the John Nooter Boiler Works in St. Louis, and in 1964 was promoted to president of the company. He later became vice chairman of the board for the company, an emeritus director and served as an advisory director and consultant to Nooter Corp. into the early 1980s.

Warren B. Danforth writes: "Still spending our winters in Florida at Lot 92, 1301 Polk City Road, Haines City , FL 33844 and our summers in Oakmont, Pa. Enjoying our retirement and still able to keep up both residences." Warren and Katherine now reside at 816 7th St. , Oakmont, PA 15139.

1933 Walter H. and Dorothy Braun stopped in the alumni office in April on their way home to 1508 Raintree, Malvern, PA 19355. They had been on an extended trip to the West Coast. Walter is now concentrating on golf after a distinguished career with the Bishop Tube Co. in Frazer, Pa. His metallurgical expertise also earned him a five-year stint with the CIA . Alfred H. Hesse writes: "Thirteen members of the Hesse clan enjoyed a New Year's Carribean Cruise and Em and I enjoyed Puerto Vallarta for two weeks in March. Doing enough consulting to remain active in nonferrous foundry indu stry." Alfred is a metallurgical engineer self-employed. He and Emilie live at 11430 W. 79th, La Grange, IL 60525 . Henry S. Hickman is retired. He and Imelda reside at 1511 Rosewood Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65101.

1934 W. H. Bruening writes: "Enjoyi ng good health and retirement." He and Helen live at 613 Erie, Shreveport, LA 71106.

Max E. Edger writes: "A ppointed to third three-year term on local count y park commission and re-elected president. Heart pacemaker continues to work like a charm! " Max is retired. He and Carol reside at 10 Edgar Lane, West Glacier, MT 59936 . Rudolph J. Knoll writes: "The 50th Homecoming last fall was a most memorable and enjoyable event to Harriet and me. Looking forwa rd to the 52nd in 1987." Rudolph is retired. Rudy and Harriet reside at 9412 Northridge Drive N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87111.

1936 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17-18, 1986 Class Coordinators: Elmer Gammeter, '26 118 Duncan Circ\e- Windermere Beaver, PA 15009 Charles A. Freeman, '28 5 Via Delizia Hillsborough, CA 94010 Gerald A. Roberts, '28 1301 Briarwood El Dorado, AR 71730 S. Allan Stone, '30 1405 Three River East Ft. Wayne, IN 46802 Vernon A. C. Gevecker, '31 Route 2, Box 39 Rolla, MO 65401 William Brewer, '32 6799 Wetheridge Cincinnati, OH 45230

W. Robert Riggs, '32 2870 South Via Del Bac Green Valley, AZ 85614 William W. Kay, '33 P.O. Box 100 Drums, P A 18222 Elmer A. Roemer, '33 1801 Oak St. Rolla, MO 65401 Robert C. Weigel, '34 120 Emerald Drive Danville, CA 94526 Oliver W. Kamper, '35 16417 111th Ave. Sun City, AZ 85351 August P. Koopmann, '35 9101 Flores Drive Affton, MO 63123 Eugene J. Daily, '36 816 Dennison Drive Champaign, IL 61820 William E. Dennis, '36 472 Oakshire Kirkwood, MO 63122 Herman J. Pfeifer, '36 5 South Pego Way Hot Springs, AR 71909

Robert T. Chapman is now retired. His and Evelyn's mailing address is Box 44, Sequ im , WA 98382. Don Underwood Clarke died Jul y 19, 1980, according to word from his wife, Mrs. Don U. Clarke, 410 Webb Drive, Prescott, AZ 86301. At MSM Don was vice president of ASME and he received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering. Following graduation he worked for American Steel and Wire Co. in Cleveland, Ohio, then later joined Stone & Webster Engineering Co. in Los Angeles, Calif. He retired from the company Jan. 31 , 1972.

MSM Alumnus !29

Alumni Personals ______________________

AI 194

1940 William A. Enderson writes: "Retired nine years. Still behind in all my project - but having fun ." William retired from Shell Oil Co. He and Catherine live at III Via Mesa Grande, Redondo Beach, CA 90277. George E. Fort writes: "Enjoyed 1985 Homecomi ng with approximately 25 classmates returning for 45th reunion. Maxine and I pent most of February, March and April 1986 in Hot Springs, Ark. at the hor e races. Oil busine slowing down and 0 am I. Can't run the mile anymore." George is a partner with Fort & Miller. He and Maxine live at 3939 N.W. 34th, Oklahoma Ci ty, OK 73112. 198~

1937 Buran W. Brown writes: "Moved in April to larger place where Sandy can grow a garden and our nine-year-old daughter, Heather, can practice her softball pitching." Buran retired in 1983. The Brown family now resides at 12 111 South Drive, Houston , TX 77099. Frank S. Millard writes: " Recentl y elected president of board of directors, Society of Profe ional Well Log Analysts Educational Fund Inc. Have been busy with this activity. Have been active in consu lting and teaching petroph ysic but expect to slow down oon wi th the drop in cr ude oil prices." Frank and Kay li ve at 10211 Holly Spring, Hou ton , TX 77042. Frank i pre ident of Petrophy ical Service I nco (his own consu lting firm) in Houston.

Wilbern T. Moore writes: " Reti red -play golf regularly . Average score 82-88. Shot below my age three or four times. Have metal and woodworking hop in back of home." Wilbern and Evelyn re ide at 720 W. Cedar Lawn , Alvin , TX 77511.

30 MSM A lumnus

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Grant W. Schaumburg moved to 875 Donner Way, Apt. 608, Salt Lake City UT 84108. '

1939 Frederick W. Heiser is retired. He and Pauline reside at 16 Viking Drive, Englewood , CO 80 II O. Jack W. Moore is retired. He and Mary live at 1841 Concord Dri ve, Allison Park, PA 1510 I. He writes: "On March 22 had a telephone ca ll from Paul Hoff after 47 years. He li ved at Mrs. ook', 804 Main St. (Rolla), loo. Olher 1939 grads would remember him. Paul wa nol a student." Edgar F. Pohlmann writes: "Hazel and I are sti ll enjoying retirement , travel trailering and volunteering. Looking forward to our 50 th in 1989." Edgar and Hazel li ve at 5805 Goucher Drive, College Park , MD 20740. Leroy E. Smith i retired . He re ide at 12534 Limewood , Sun Cit y We t, AZ 85375 . He was a guest at his brother's 50th reunion in Rolla thi May.

Leonard E. Henson died March 17 . 1986, in Harrison, Ark ., according to a note from . his on, Ron Henson. Leonard transferred to MSM from Southeast Missouri State College at Cape Girardeau, and at MSM he was a member of AIChE, Tau Beta Pi , Phi Kappa Phi , was vice president of the Ira Remsen Society, vice president of hi class and participated in intramural ports. He received his B.S. degree in chemical engineering and wa graduated with first honors. His fir t job wa with Aluminum Ore Co. of Ea t St. Louis, and he later joined Aluminum Co. of America (ALCOA). At the time of hi retirement, he was superi ntendent of the Alcoa Electrolyte Plant at Point Com fort , Texas. Following hi retirement , he moved to Route 8, 204 N. Perry, Harri on , AR 72601.


Herbert G. Kamper is retired. Hi and Jean's mailing add re s i now P.O. Box 5 18 , Brighton , IL 620 12.

Herrn Edgar S. Miller write: " Peg and I had a ball at the 45th reunion in October '85. We are heading for a three-week elderho tel in Scandinavia during JuneJul y '86 plus North Cape and Fjord tour ." Edga r and Peg reside at 6 Glynn A ve. , Jekyll I land , GA 31520.

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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1940 continued Eugene L. Olcott writes: "W ill attend Webster Groves (Mo.) High School 50 year reunion in June. Expect to do likewise in Rolla in 1990." Eugene is a reti red farmer. His and Margaret's mailing address is Route I, Box 44 , Shepherdstown, WV 25443. Colin Rose is retired. He now resides at 1025 Morning View Drive, Apt. 304, Escondido, CA 92026. Herbert D. Sturges writes: "Marie and I will be moving to 16 Country Club Drive, Destin, FL 32541 - in July of this year." Herbert is retired. He and Marie now live at 230 East Road, Doylestown, PA 18901.

1941 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17-18, 1986 Class Coordinators: Andrew A. Cochran Route 4, Box 83 RoUa, MO 65401 Donald H. Falkingham 5918 S. Atlanta Place Tulsa, OK 74105 Fred W. Finley 207 West 1st Terrace Lamar, MO 64759 Marvin E. Nevins Jr. P.O. Box 828 Waukesha, WI 53187 Hermann F. Bottcher writes: "Started an Irish Im porting Co. - 'Ba ll ykeeran Imports Inc.-selling Irish all-wool sport coats, suits and other items on a wholesale basis - pa rt time-can not interfere with golf." Hermann is reti red. He and Margaret li ve at 517 Indian Hills Drive, Hast ings, MI 49058 .

Rolf W. Roley, '41, '50, is a consulting engineer. He and Jean li ve at 226 Eaglewood Court , Athens, GA 30606. R. E. Schweitzer writes a note to tell us that his wife, Carolyn died Feb. 15, 1986. He li ves at 5331 Willow Bend , Houston, TX 77096. Ray E. Vaughn is retired. His and Fern's mailing address is Route I, Summersville, MO 6557 1.

1942 Joseph T. Karbosky wri tes: "Enjoying my retir e ment (f ro m P hillip 's Petroleum). Play a lot of golf. Always shoot 70-w hen I reach 70, I quit counting! My golfing and bowling scores are interchangeable! Fishi ng takes up the rest of my spare time. Geneva and I are also planning an ex tended cruise in the Caribbean later th is year. " Joe and Geneva reside at 4419 Grandview Place, Bartlesville, OK 74006.

R. Kent Comann writes: "Still very acti ve full time as president of Comann Associates Inc., an executi ve search firm for the mining industry , plus president of my affiliate, Mining Placements Inc., in Denver. However, my wife, Marilyn , and I do find time for our annual cruise to various parts of the world plus other trips, business and pleasure, in the USA." Kent and Maril yn live at 2990 So. Parker Court , Aurora, CO 80014. Waldemar M. Dressel is now a geologic consultant. He and Laura li ve at 307 Christy Drive, Rolla, MO 65401. Wilbur A. 'Tony' Haley writes: "Retired to mostly traveling in January 1985. Have now been in all 50 states plus 46 countries. Since retirement, have visited United Kingdom, Ireland , Hawaii , all New England states plus 20 others." Tony and Dorothy live at 1729 W. Thames, Peoria, IL 61614.

Kenneth A. Schowalter is retired. He and Betty now live at 3885 Brookside Drive, Murrysvi lle, PA 15668.

Notice has been received of the death of Raymond P. Judkins. At MSM he was a member of the Shamrock Club, was secretary-treasurer of the Radio Club and served as an assistant in the Library. Following graduation , he was with the U.S. Navy and after World War II , became an aircraft motor and generator design engineer with Westinghouse Electric Corp. He later joined the Boeing Aerospace Division in Seattle, Wash.


Orville L. Meyer writes: "W ill be retiring about July 15 after 28 Vz years as director of environmen tal healt h, Du Page County Health Department." Orville and Jeanette reside at 27 W. 005 Embden Lane, Wheaton, IL 60187.

John F. Burst ('43, '47) will take up residence in Rolla June I after 40 years. He is returning to ass ume the directorshi p of IncuTech, a foundation established to launch high-tech industry in the Rolla area. John is former vice president for resource development with Dresser Industries in Pittsburgh. Douglas N. Christensen is now with X-TENSEN Group at 132 South Main St. , Blanding, UT 845 11.

1946 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17-18, 1986 Class Coordinators: Walter H. Kiburz 510 Hazel Place Mexico, MO 65265 Arthur R. Meenen 6724 DeIor St. Louis, MO 63109

MSM Alumnus / 3 1

Alumni Personals -------------------------------------



Mrs. Curtis Laws Wilson Dies


Word has been received of the death of Ruth R. Wilson, widow of Dr. Curtis Laws Wilson, dean emeritus of the University of Missouri-Rolla. Mrs. Wilson died Dec. 10, 1985 , in Denver where she had made her home with her daughter and son-inlaw , Virginia and Jerry D. Plunkett, '53, since May 1980. Memorial services were held Dec. 17 in Long Beach, Calif., where the Wilson's lived for eight years prior to Dr. Wilson's death in 1978. The Wilsons lived in Rolla from 1941 to 1963 , when Dr. Wilson held the highest administrati ve office of the Rolla campus. After his retirement, the Wilsons lived in St. Louis for several years before moving to Long Beach. Mrs. Wilson was active in chu rch and community organi zatio ns. Because of her contributions at local and national levels of the Woman's Auxiliary to the American Institute of Mining , Metallurgical a nd Petroleum Engi neers, she was made a national honorary member of the organization, one of a few so honored. She also served as adviser to the University Dames, an organization made up of UM R student wives and was an active member of th~ Rolla United Methodist Church Chapter EM of P.E.O. and ot he; organizations. Mrs. Wi lson is survived by her daughter a nd son -in -law. Mrs. Plunkett, who spent her childhood in Rolla and is a graduate of Rolla High School and Oberlin College, is employed with the Colorado Department of Education in Denver. Dr. Plunkett, who received bachelor's and master's degrees in ceramic engineering from UM R, is vice c han ce ll o r for resea rc h a nd technology at the Uni versit y of Denver. The Plunkett's home address is 2 150 S. Joseph ine, Denver, CO 80210.

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Richard E. Cole is retired. He and Beverly reside at 10 Roslyn Hills Drive, Richmond , VA 23229. Roy H. Dunham moved from Gaithersburg, Md. to 428 Ferret Road Knoxville, TN 37922. ' Jack F. Faser writes: "Alive and well in Atlanta, Ga. 1 don't know how 1 ended up in the elevator industry after getting a BS in mining engineering, but have enjoyed my present position for the past 15 years." Jack is executive director with NAEC. He and Helen reside at 4799 Northside, Atlanta, GA 30305. Wilbur P. Tappmeyer is an emeritus professor at UMR . He and Marion live at 705 E. 5th, Rolla, MO 65401.

1948 Richard C. Enochs is retired. He now lives at 6274 W. 68th Circle, Arvada , CO 80003. John R. Keeton moved last April to 3594 Maricopa Drive, Cottonwood, AZ 86326. W. H. Presley Jr. writes: "Recently completed a consulting project for Vickers Systems International, Bombay, India. Project was to improve manufacturing systems, controls, etc. Dorothy and I also visited New Delhi, Jaipur, and Agra." He is retired . He and Dorothy live at 16239 N. 63rd Place Scottsdale AZ 85254. " Michael C. Zwirbla is retired . His and Margaret's mailing address is P.O. Box 8075 , Horseshoe Bay, TX 78654.

1949 George M. Anderson writes: "[ recentl y accepted early retirement from Harbison Walker Refractories Division of Dresser Industries after 36 years of service. I will do some future traveling, but will rema in a resident of Fulton at my current address." George's mailing address is Route I , Box 311 , Lamar, Fulton , MO 65251. Donald F. HaskeD writes: " I was pleased to have a March visit by myoid Rolla friends, Henry Adamick ('44) and Paul Carroll ('50). After a day exploring California ghost towns, the evening was spent recovering? in Mexicali." Donald is retired from U.S. Gypsum. His mailing address is P.O. Box 241 , Ocotillo, CA 92259. Roger Knopp is now a real esta te appraiser - self-employed. He and Marian li ve at 7421 So. Atlanta, Tulsa, OK 74136.


He anc Robert C. Perry writes: ''I'm st ill enjoying my responsibi li ties in Europe for PPG. We are growing." Robert is president with PPG - Europe in Paris, France. His and Bett y's mailing address is c/o PPG Industries, Pittsburgh , PA 15272. Betti Jeanne (Birch) Puffett writes: "My husband Willard and I are enjoying ret irement and traveling. The MSMUM R alumni group in the Pacific N.W. is a great one." Betti Jeanne and Willard reside at 4115 Seneca Dri ve, Mt. Vernon, WA 98273.

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Arsenal. 32 / MSM Alumnu s


Alumni Personals ______________________ Donald W. Peterson has been named by the White House as deput y commis· sio ner of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Following Senate confirmat ion of his appo intment. he will rank as deputy assistant secretary of commerce. Until his ret irement last year, he was patent counsel with Mon santo Co. Home add ress for Don and Mary is 1611 Wendover Lane, Des Peres, MO 63131.

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Mrs. W. K. Maddox of Rolla sent us notice of the death of James Irving Mueller, on April 2, 1986. James received his B.S. degree in ceramics from the Ohio State University and his Ph .D. in the same field from MSM -UMC. At MSM he was a member of the American Ceramic Society and Keramos, serving that organization as president. According to Mrs. Maddox , he also organized the National Guard in Rolla while he was on campus. James joined the faculty of the University of Washington in Seattle in 1949 and became chairman of the department of mining, metallurgical and ceramic engineering at that university in 1973. He was well known for his work on the development of the heat shield tiles for the space shuttle pro· gram. According to an article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, he is chiefly remembered as an inspiration to generations of st udents. James was a member of numerous professional organ izations and served as president of the American Ceramics Society. That organization honored him shortly before he died with the Albert B. Blei ninger Award for outstanding achievement. He is surviv· ed by his wife, the former Betty Richards of Rolla, Edmonds, Wash. , three sons and a daughter, all of the Edmonds-Seattle area. Robert L. Martin sends a new address. He and Virginia now live at 3905 S. Depew Way , Denver, CO 80235. He is vice president , operations, with Coors Energy Co., Golden , Colo. A note from Mildred 8. Slawsky, 16 Knob Hill Road , Loudonville, NY 12211 , informs us of the death of her husband , Martin Leo Slawsky, on March II , 1986. At MSM Martin was a member of Independents, the Engineers Club , the American Foundry Association and received his B.S. degree in metallurgical engineering. At the time of his retirement in the earl y 1980s, he was chief engineer, support branch, of the U.S. Army Benet Labs Watervliet Arsenal, in Watervliet , N.Y.

Stanley R. Scales retired last November after 36 years with Hughes Tool Co., the last I I years as chief metallurgist. He writes: "Current activities, golf, tennis, bowling, fishing, church, reading -never a dull moment. It's a great life." Stanley and Lois reside at 410 Axilda , Houston , TX 77017 .

1985 Rollamo

1950 Robert L. Bloome is a senior engineer now with Delco-Remy. He and Sybil live at 915 Whitmore, Anderson , IN 460 II. William P. Hughes writes: "Still enjoying retirement. Took early retirement in Sept. '83 , after 10 years with Black & Veatch, 21 years with Amoco Oil and 2!1z years with Missouri Division of Health." William and Eleanore live at 6201 N. Woodland, Gladstone, MO 64118 . Raymond F. Mattlage writes: "Have a two-year assignment as admin istrator of orpha nage and cripp led children's hospital in Bethlehem." Raymond and Virginia now li ve at 262 1 Hemford Falls Court , St. Louis, MO 63129. His new business mailing address is P.O. Box 24 Bethlehem, VIA Israel.

Bernard C. Wagner writes: "Retiring June 1, 1986." He is a resident engineer with Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. Bernard and Chris live at 20 Black Oak Drive, Sunset Hi lls, MO 63 127. Ke nneth H. Yochum wri tes: "Retired from Phillips Petroleum on July I , 1985, aft er 33 years in resea rch and development." Kenneth and La Verne li ve at 1244 S.E. Gran d view , Bartlesville, OK 74006.

1951 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17-18, 1986 Class Coordinators: George W. Comanich 5104 Tamarach Drive Baytown, TX 77521 Herman A. Fritschen Jr. 5249 South 68th E. Place Tulsa, OK 74145 Bruce E. Tarantola 9000 Skycrest Drive St. Louis, MO 63126 William Tsai 14317 Miranda Way Los Altos, CA 94022

MSM Alumnus / 33

Alumni Personals _____________ _____ ____ 1951 continued

Robert L. Kronmeuller is a sen ior test engineer with Martin-Marietta-Denver. He and Lois live at 800 I South Cook Way , Littleton , CO 80122 . Gordon E. Napp is assistant general manager with Pinto Valley Copper Corp. (Newmont Min ing). He and Joyce now live at 115 Miami Gardens, Miami , AZ 85539.

Robert H. Schwaig now lives at 5495-F 13 Peppertree Drive, Ft. Myers, FL 33908.

DANIEL G. HESTETUNE Daniel G. Hestetune retired April I as technical coordinator- mining-at the Minntac Mine in Mountain Iron , Minn ., after 35 years with U.S. Steel. His career spanned both open pit and underground mining. He was the last mining engineer for the Tower Soudan and Pioneer underground mines in the Vermilion District. He plans to remain active in the minerals industry. In fact, he wri tes: " Am opening a new firm-DGH Mining Consultants." He and Beth will continue to li ve at 1009 17th St. North , Virginia, MN 55792. This is also his business address.

William E. Chiles lives at 15323 N.E. 202nd , Woodenville, WA 98072.

William A. Givens writes: " It's rough in the oil patch! 1 ma y be sending you a contribution solicitation next year. " William is an assistant vice president, manager drilling and production , with Woods Petroleum Corp. in Oklahoma City, Okla. He and Shirley reside at 13901 Westcreek Road , Piedmont , OK 73078.

34/ MSM Alumnu s

William G. Van Bramer writes: "Retired in November '84. Returned to work on part-time basis in '85 and again this year." William is a staff engineer with IBM. He and Vivian live at 2807 Uni versity Circle, Endwell , NY 13760.

Robert Spitler writes: "With the aid of my wife, Debbie (vice-pres. & secretary) and a staff of eight, we try to set the pace for metropolitan St. Louis small anima l boarding facilities (Country Acres Kennels). Daughter, Susan 21 , is an English major in her junior year at Prin College and Greg is a freshman at Prin Co llege working on minors in racquetball and karate." The Spitler family lives at 739 Weidman Road , Manchester, MO 630 11.

1954 Frank B. Conci writes: "Graduated a daughter and son-in-law from MSM (UMR) in December 1985." Frank is a county superintendent of highways with Hardin-Pope County. His and Leona's mailing address is now P.O. Box 216 , Elizabethtown , Il 62931.

1956 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17-18, 1986 Class Coordinators:

1952 Eugene M. Laytham moved last March from St. Louis to 15311 Summerwood Dri ve, Omaha, NE 68137. George MacZura became a trustee of the American Ceramic Society , Inc. at the organization's 88th annual meeting April 27-30 in Chicago. He is technical services managerlrefra ctori es with Alcoa in Pittsburgh. George li ves at 725 Orchard Hill Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15238.

George R. Baumgartner 2120 Syracuse Dearborn, MI 48124 Jerry B. Overton 428 West 37th St. Spokane, W A 99203 Leroy E. Thompson 5860 Southwest 89th Place Miami, FL 33173 Peter N. Yiannos Scott Plaza Philadelphia, PA 19113 Richard A. Hughes is plant manager for Brockway Glass Inc. in Brockway, Pa. He and Alice live at T. L. 706, Du Bois, PA 15801.

1953 Ernest R. Achterberg is a mini ng engineer with the Bureau of Land Management. He and Mollie live at 10641 E. 33rd St., Tulsa , OK 74146.

E. P. Remmers is a staff research engi neer with GM Resea rch Labs in Warren , Mich. He and Ida live at 654 Westchester, Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230.

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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1957 Richard L. Humphrey moved last April from 9313 Colesville Road, to 9300 Colesville Road , Silver Spring, MD 2090 I. Louie G. Jones is now general manager, metal casting division , of Locke Home Products in Lyons, Kan. He and Pauline have moved to No.5 Pepperwood, Hutchinson, KS 67502. Jack E. Toliver writes: "Wit h Clark Material Systems Technology Co., a business unit of Clark Eq uipment Co. I'm vice president and general counsel. " Jack and Carole now reside at 3608 Montego Cou rt , Lexington , KY 40509.

Charles A. Wentz Jr. writes: "New position , manager of waste management division of the Universit y of North Dakota, Energy Research Center. Also professor of engi neering ma nagement at the University of North Dakota." Charles and Joan's mailing address is Underc, Box 8213, Universit y Station, Grand Forks, ND 58202.

lager for yay, Pa. DuBois,

research Labs in at 654 ~rk, Ml p

E. K. MacFarlane was named manager, statistical process control (SPC), with A. P. Green Refractories Co. in Mexico, Mo. He has been with the company since 1959, and two years ago put an SPC system in place at the Mexico plant. Ted, Beverly, and children Brian, 15 , and Bronwyn, II , reside at 1510 N. Kentuck y Road , Mexico, MO 62565 . R. Thomas Smith is business manager for Kaiser Chemicals. He and Carole live at 6119 Concord Court, Solon, OH 44139. Paul W. Taylor writes: "Retired in October 1985 as ch ief of staff of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers after 26 years of service. I'm now with Walk , Haydel & Associates, consulting engineers in New Orleans." He and Liz have moved to 556 Emerald, New Orleans, LA 70124.

Robert L. Boxdorfer writes: "I am completing 27 yea rs with the city of St. Louis in June. I was recently named the transportat ion and traffic admin istrator for St. Louis Traffic Division. I started with the division in 1959. Rita and I still ha ve onl y six grandchildren-a ll in the St. Louis area." Robert and Rita live at 3547 Halliday, St. Louis, MO 631 18. William E. Hord writes: "Bill and Gay are enjoying life on Ca lifornia 's central coast where Bill is vice president , engineeri ng, at Microwave Applicat ions Group. Bi ll was chairman of the Technical Program Committee for the 1985 International Microwave Symposium which was held in St. Louis June 1985." Bill and Gay live at 1509 Goldsmith Cou rt , Santa Maria, CA 93454.

Robert N. Warren moved last April from Clovis, N.M. to III Va lley Greene Circle, Wyomissing, PA 19610.




NICHOLAS W. BARRE Nicholas W. Barre has been promoted to manager, financial operations/engineering at Pratt & Whitney in West Palm Beach, Fla. He has been with the company for 23 years. Home address is 1810 Tudor Road, North Palm Beach, FL 33408. Lucien M. Bolon Jr. writes: "Greg Bolon graduated from MSM -UMR in December 1985. He is now 'ga infully' employed by the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department , district 4, in Kansas City, Mo. It alwa ys makes a fa ther happy when a son graduates from his alma mater. Brad Bolon, our eldest son , wi ll receive hi s Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in May 1986 from the Universit y of Missouri -Columbia." Lucien is a co nstru c ti on a nd maintenance engineer with the Federa l Highwa y Administration in Kansas City, Mo. He and Sammy Louise reside at 902 S. Murra y Road , Lee's Summit , MO 64063 . William Buren is president and owner of Perfection Vault Co. His and Betty's mai ling address is Box 138 , Woodson, IL 62695.

Joseph F. Reichert writes: "I have been in the engineering division of the city of Kansas City, Mo. public works department since June '85. I am in charge of private permit construction inspection, materials testing laboratory and surveys. My wife, Mary, is just finishing her term as president of the wives' auxiliary of the Western Chapter MSPE. She has enjoyed her year but is looking forward to passing the gavel." Joseph and Mary reside at 7312 Charlotte, Kansas City, MO 64131. John T. Ruester is maintena nce supervisor with Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau , Mo. He and Marie now li ve at 921 W. Main St., Jackson , MO 63755. Gerald L. Stevenson is a group vice president with Jaco bs Eng ineering Group. Gera ld now li ves at 3430 State Road 540A, Lakeland, FL 33803. Stanley Waxman writes: "My daughter Madelyn is getting married June 8 to Michael Resnick and will live in the Miam i area." Stanley is a metallurgist with the U.S. Government in Dover, N.J. He and Susan live at 18 Rossmore Terrance, Livingston, NJ 07039 .

MSM Alumnus / 35

Alumni Personals ______________________

Kenneth D. Jobe moved last January to 1340 Preserve, Virginia Beach, VA 2345 1.

Fred R. Cunha writes: "Retired from the U.S. Army , Corps of Engineers as a lieutenant colonel in 1972. Retired from Californ ia State University, Sacramento, Oct. 198 5 as director of campus planning. Am presentl y a rea ltor for Century 2 1, Woods Rea lt y in Sonoma." Fred and Joanne reside at 776 Juniper Court , Sonoma, CA 95476.

William F. O'Neal, '60, ' 70, is deputy chief of staff, personnel, Sixth Army. He is a colonel. He and Susan live at 511 B Simonds Loop, San Francisco, CA 94129.

William A. Henning is now director of technical services with Miller & Co. of Chicago. He and Jean live at 4782 Lower River Road, Lewiston , NY 14092.

Walter F. Powell is an assistant manager, materials, with Union Electric Co. in St. Louis. He and Hazel Marie now reside at 1575 Narrows Drive, Ballwin, MO 63 011.

George W. Leck III is now a manager, corporate compensation , with GeorgiaPacific in Atlanta, Ga. He and Barbara li ve at 3523 Midvale Road , Tucker, GA 30084.

Robert K. Schuler writes: "Was recentl y ma naging director for a General Motors-ow ned Mexican company . Am now plant manager for the Inland Di vision of GM , plant in Grand Rapids, Mich. " Bob's new add ress is 204 1 Timberview NE, Grand Rapids, M149505.

James R. Ogle moved from Wauconda, Ill. to 8814 Pine Forest, Rowlett , TX 75088.

Ralph L. Hawk is a ma nage r, maintenance and engineering, with GAF Corp. in Ca lvert Cit y, Ky. His and Barbara's mailing address is now Route 2, Box 244, Gi lbertsville, KY 42044.

1960 Edward DeSantis, '60, '66, '78, is chief engineer with ATEC Associates in Columbia , Md. He li ves at 5329 Night Roost Court , Columbia, MD 21045. George H. Graves wri tes: "Named director, manufacturing engineering, at Fisher-Guide division of G.M. , Anderon , Ind . on Nov. I, 1985 . Married, (former Mary McClellan of Rolla) and have two children ." George and Mary's mailing address is Route 3, Box 225 , Alexandria, IN 4600 I.

1961 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17-18, 1986 Class Coordinators: Albert E. Bolon 110 Nuclear Engineering-UMR Rolla, MO 65401 Farouk E.S. EI-Baz 213 Silver Hill Road Concord, MA 01742 ROB ERT E. HODGE Robert E. Hodge has been promoted to senior vice president, planning and administration , with Occidental Petroleum Corp. (formerly MidCon) in Lomba rd , Ill . Bob joined Natura l Gas Pipeline Co. of America , MidCon 's largest interstate transmission subsidiary , in 1960 and has held a variety of supervisory positions since that time. He and Connie and their twin sons li ve at 503 Edgebrook, Shorewood, IL 60435.

36/ MSM A lumn us

Nelson J. Ozenberger is a self-employed mechanical engi neer. He and Carol reside at 43 14 Acushnet , Corpus Christi , TX 78413. Robert M. Saxer writes: "Linda and I were at the wedding of Tanzeer Ahmed, '85, and his bride Shameem, on March 15 in Dallas, Texas. Tanzeer's Dad and I were in grad uate school together at MSM. Several others from UMR, including recent grads, were there also." Bob and Linda li ve at 704 East Cedar Ave. , St. Charles, IL 60174. Bob has recently been act ive in UM R recruiting activities in the Ch icago area . (See photo in '85 personals.)



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1962 Donald E. Wuerz reports a new address. He and Ca rol have moved to 181 S. Dearborn Circle, Aurora , CO 80012.

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L. Kent Bell is now president and general manager with Overdale Corp., a subsidary of Quaker Chemical Corp., in Alsip, 111. He and Kathryn live at 20640 Hellenic Drive, Olympia Fields, IL 60461. Richard Buck, '63, '70, moved from Berkeley Heights, N.J. to 1136 Burgundy Lane, Manchester, MO 63011 . Paul H. Miller writes: "Number one daughter is a junior at Dartmouth , number two daughter a freshman at Goucher College, number three and number four daughters in 9th and 7th grade respectively in Djakarta." The Miller family's mailing address is P.O. Box 63/JKT , Djakarta, Indonesia. Paul is a reservoir engineer with Arco Inc. Hugh Murray has thrown his hat in the ring for the Republican party's nomination to represent Missouri's second congressional district. Stockbroker Hugh lives at 7821 Delmar, University City, M063130. R. Michael Salmon received a special award from the American Public Works Association naming him one of the 1986 top ten public works leaders. Mike is administrator of water resources and public works in Tampa, Fla. His home address is 151 W. Davis Blvd. , Tampa , FL 33606.

1964 Fred M. Dickey lives at 11612 Brussels Ave. , N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87111.

address¡ ) 181 s. :0012.

John R. Glaese, '64, '69, is chief of mechanics with Control Dynamics. He and Carolyn live at 2117 Cecille Drive, Huntsville, AL 35803.

Raymond A. Fournelle writes: "I) Promoted to professor at Marquette Univer' sity effective August 1986. 2) Received an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship to do research at the In stitute for Metallkunde, University Stuttgart this summer. Will be spending summer there." Raymond lives at 1129 N. Jackson St. , Apt. 1216-C , Milwaukee, WI 53202 .

George H. Taylor is executive vice president for Wellsville Fire Brick Co. in Wellsville, Mo. His and Judith 's mailing address is Route I , Martinsburg, MO 65264.

Notice has been received of the death of Jesse W. Heiskell on March 15 , 1986. At MSM-UMR Jesse was a member of the Engineers Club, Sigma Phi Epsilon , the Student Union News Service Committee, ASCE, and the Military Ball Board. He received his degree in civil engineering_ His first job after graduation was with Caterpillar Tractor Co. After service with the U.S. Army , he joined the Packard Electric Division of General Motors. At the time of his death, however, he was with AirInc. in Croston , Md. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Wade Heiskell , 343 W. Rose Hill, Kirkwood, MO 63122.


Hugh W. "Mickey" McCane died April 3, 1986, of cancer. At MSM -UMR he was a member of Phi Kappa Theta , Pi Tau Sigma, the Miner Board, Newman Club (president), APO, SAE, Interfraternity Council (vice president), Blue Key , Theta Tau , AIAA , ASME, and the Rollamo Board. He received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering. Following graduation he joined Pratt & Whitney and at the time of his death he was sales marketing manager , United Technologies-Pratt & Whitney , traveling extensively for the company in Europe, the Far East and South America. l-!e is survived by his wife, Francine, 36A Rising Trail Drive, Middletown, CT 06457 , three children , Tim , 20, Colleen, 19, and Michael, 17 , and his parents of Washington, Missouri, William R. Mochel is now a project development engineer with Illinois Department of Transportation. He and Sandra reside at 2055 Sauk Drive, Springfield, IL 62702.

D. F. "Frank" Giger writes: "Norma and I are living in Mexico, Mo. Our children are Julie, 12, Susan, 8, Jana, 6. Come visit some time." Frank is owner of Giger Air Conditioning and Appliance Co. The Giger family resides at 222 E. Monroe, Mexico , MO 65 265 . Byron C. Hardinge writes: "Byron recently retired from Brown & Root Inc. of Houston , Texas_ Has entered into private engineering practice as Hardinge Engineer Co., Houston , Texas." Byron and Therese live at 6500 Harbor Town Road , Apt. 3409, Houston , TX 77036. John Russell Hayer is a field engineer with the State of Illinois. He now lives at 1003 Rickard Road , Springfield , IL 62704. Gerald J. Kettler is now a development consultant with Radner. He and Miriam live at 4607 Nashwood , Dallas, TX 75244. Carlton T. Lewis is president of Carlton Compan y in Kansas City , Mo . He and Suzanne live at 11530 Carter, Overland Park , KS 662 IO. J. Derald Morgan is dean of engineering with New Mexico State University. He and June now live at 2425 Janet Lane, Las Cruces, NM 88005. John F. Steimley is now a manager, estimating and cost analysis, with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. John and Barb live at 1007 Mallow , Ellisville, MO 63011.

MSM Alumnu s / 37

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1966 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17-18, 1986 Class Coordinators: James E. Bertelsmeyer 3303 East 100th Place S. Tulsa, OK 74136 Matteo A. Coco 7115 Aliceton Ave. St. Louis, MO 63123 Vincent P. Crane 8140 Spur Court N.W. Bremerton, W A 98310 Leonard C. Kirberg 1600 Hickory Knob Glencoe, MO 63038 Samuel A. Scheer 182 East Main St. Springville, NY 14141 Alan D. Shaffe r 4870 Kennewick Drive Florissant, MO 63033 Michael J. Brynac writes: "Recently promoted to chief of newly created section of civ il engineering department at Booker & Associates, Inc. Will be responsible for design of water, waste water and site design projects." Michael and Carol live at 4831 Broad Oak, St. Louis, MO 63128. Douglas Dreiswerd is now branch chiefelectronics-with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. He and Rita live at 20 10 Baxter Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017. T. Harry Hudson is now program manager, maintenance training, with Boeing Military Airplane Co. in Huntsville, Ala. He and Joan live at 1144 Way Thru The Woods, Decatur, AL 35603. Michael P. Keefe has been promoted to manager of advanced programs/smallcaliber am munition marketing at Olin Corp.'s Winchester Group Defense Products in East Alton, Ill. His home address is 718 Fairway , Bethalto, IL 620 10.

38 / MSM Alumn u s

John W. Mohr, '66, '67, writes: "I am the development coordinator for command and control systems in the research, development and stud ies di vi¡ sion of headq uarters, United States Marine Corps. I've recently been selected for promotion to the grade of Colonel." John and Wilma live at 3433 Mt. Burnside Way , Woodbridge, VA 22 192. Martin G. Seitz is a manager with the U.S. Department of Defense in Washington, D.C. He and Marilyn now live at 1423 Highland Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Dennis E. Shipp is now a project manager, development, with Landstar Homes in Kissimmee, Fla. He and Linda live at 905 Timberland Trai l, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714. Eugene Yeou-Jong Yuh is now an engineering specialist with General Dynamics, Land Systems Division, in Warren , Mich . He and Khe-Ching live at 46790 Spinning Wheel , Canton , MI 48187.

1967 Dale C. Brown has been promoted to production manager, elect ric melt shop, with Laclede Steel Co. in Alton , Ill. He will be responsible for the compan y's electric arc furnace and continuous casting operations. He has been with Laclede Steel since his graduation. Dale lives at 20 I Chelsea, Brighton, IL 62012. Tu K. Chen is a reservoir engineer with Marathon Oil Co. He and Shu Mein live at 4300 Merrill Court , Midland, TX 79707. Milton C. Cissell made an intracity move to 6975 NW Mountain View Drive, Corvallis, OR 97330. Thomas J. Doughtery is now presiden t of Eagle Crest Homes, Inc. He and Donna reside at 6435 Kinsey Place, St. Louis, MO 63 109. Ben Stewart is now manager, construction services, with Middle South Services in New Orleans, La. He and Susan have moved to 17 1 Moonraker Drive, Slidell, LA 70458.


1968 Dave L. Cole moved last March from Graford , Texas to 2031 Forest Manor, Kingwood, TX 77339 . Elroy Denningmann has been promoted to head of the electricaUinstrumentation engin ee ring department at Fruco Engineers Inc. in Ballwin, Mo. His home address is 523 Indian Hills Drive, St. Charles, Mo. 6330 I. Paul J. Sobczak is vice president, operations, with North Carolina Natural Gas Corp . He lives at 504 Bayshore Drive, Fayetteville, NC 2830 I. David W olfersberger is a manager, quality assurance, with Monsanto Co. He and Kathleen li ve at 768 Chain Ridge Road , St. Lou is, MO 63122.


1969 B}TOn

Garry R. Bryan has been promoted to project manager of the project management departmen t at Fruco Engineers Inc. in Ballwin, Mo. His home address is 304 Carmel Woods, Ellisville, MO 630 II.

engine! Quakel His ani Route 37843.

William C. Castle now lives at 79 19 Springway Road, Ruxton , MD 21204.


Abbas Ali Daneshy is now a manager reservoir research & engineering-with Halliburton. He and Rowshan live at 4525 Copperwood , Duncan, ok 73533.

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Roger Dewey writes: "Reiger and several co ll eag ues have formed Energy Resource Consulting Group, Inc. to strengthen their survival chances in these tough times. Ca ll (303) 422¡7215 for some expert advice, even if you don't need any!" Roger lives at 11484 W. 76th Place, Arvada, CO 80005. Nora A. Ruiz is now Nora A. Glover, and she has moved to 98 Lafayette A ve. , Chatham , NJ 07928.


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Alumni Personals ______________________ Richard H. Browne writes: "Self employed as a private consultant in statistics, computing and management conSUlting. Elected to Who's Who in the South and Southwest 1986-87. Teach in g statistics and operat ions research in hea lth care administration M.S. program at Texas Women's University. P.S. Most people don't believe my stories abo ut Rolla." His home address is 2516 New Orleans, Dallas, TX 75235.

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Larry J. Dean is a group engineer with Martin Marietta. He and Linda reside at 3496 Exeter Court , Orlando, FL 32806 .

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1985 Rollamo

Charles L. Gottlieb is vice president with Kram-Gottlieb & Associates Inc. in Creve Coeur, Mo. His residence is 11133 Schuetz Road , St. Louis MO 63146.

1969 continued

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Byron L. Harris is now manager. engineering and maintenance, with Quaker Oats Co., in Newport , Tenn . His and Margie's new mailing address is Route I, Box 5, Parrottsville, TN 37843. Vahid Hedayati is now president of New Era International. He and Jeannette li ve at 1411 Roanoake Drive, Graham , TX 76046.

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James E. Lambert Jr. is senior manager/engineering with Anheuser Busch Co. in St. Louis. Jim and Margie live at 7005 Evergreen Meadows Court, St. Louis, MO 63129.

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John H. Roam is a production superintendent now with Arco. He and Deborah live at 204 Ann , Midland, TX 79705.

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Thomas L. Zenge is now a plant engi neer with Procter and Gamble. He and Judy li ve at 1117 Denbigh, Iowa City, IA 52240.

William A. Eaton is a manager, computing technology and standards, with Amoco Corp. in Chicago, 111. His and Daryl's mailing address is Box 5331 RFD, Long Grove, IL 60047.

1970 Peter R. Bjornberg is resident engineer ' for Sverdrup Corp .'s Stamford Transportation Center in Stamford, Ct. His home address is 31 Stoneywood Drive, Niantic, CT 06357. John E. Branham writes: "John , Vi and ch ildren - Stefanie, Jenn ifer, Justin, and Tara-reside at 1420 Hawthorn , Neosho, MO 64850. John is president of Branco Enterprises Inc. a general contracting fi rm with three div isions - residential light commercial, commercia l-ind ustrial and heavy-highway. John is also currently president of the Southwest Chapter, Missouri Society of Professional Engineers." Marvin J. Brinker is now a sen ior quality engineer wi th McDonnell Douglas Corp. in St. Louis. He and Karen reside at 1121 White Lake Drive, St. Charles, MO 6330 1.

Joseph S. Greene Sr. moved last March to 4228 S. Kimbrough, Springfield, MO 65807. Franklin T. Kelley moved from Milpitas, Calif. His mailing address is now P.O. Box 1325 , Campbell, CA 95009. Russell L. Nekorchuk is a su pervisor, systems programming, with Mutual Services Inc. in Braintree, Mass. Russell and Darla Rae reside at 16 Su nset Way , Pembroke, MA 02359. Richard Niesen writes: "Was married on April 26, 1986." Richard is a senior manufacturing engineer with Bell & Howell in Evanston, lll. He and Jeanne li ve at 381 Springside; Buffalo Grove, IL 60089. Darryl Orr's, '70, '71, mailing address is now 115 B West Grant, Dexter, MO 6384 1.

MSM Alumnus / 39

Alumni Personals ______________________ Larry E. Goodwin is a district staff manager with Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. in St. Louis. He lives at 6655 Foxshire Drive, Florissant, MO 63033. John Meece has a new assignment with E-Systems Inc. in St. Petersburg, Fla., as manager, mechanical engineering design and fabrication. This marks his II th year with ECL John lives at 1348 51 st Ave. NE, St. Petersburg, FL 33073.

1970 continued Robert E. Sherrell reports a new ad · dress: Route 4, Box 131 ·B, Decatur, TX 76234. Thomas P. Stefansky writes: "Recently accepted new position as a planning engineer for Island Creek Corp. at the northern division headquarters in Craigsville, West Virginia. I am responsible for deep mine planning and reserve evaluation for the division." Thomas and Bonnie now live at 604 Ashley Lane, Summersville, WV 26651. Babu Narain Thakur died in April , 1986, according to word from Kuldip Chapra, '61, '63, '71. Babu Thakur received his Ph.D. in metallurgical engineering from UMR. At the time of his death he was living in Torrance, Ca lif. He was originally from India. Arnold M. Tinkey is president of Management Service Inc. in In dependence, Mo. He and Joyce live at 12910 E. 57th St., Kansas City, MO 64133. Robert L. Varnon Jr. is now a controller with Monitor Construction. He and Janet have moved to 6830 Fountain Ave. , Tampa, FL 33614.

Robert P. Mohalley is with AT&T. He is now a product management vice president· media products - in Norcross, Ga. Robert and Edie live at 1612 Durrett Way, Dunwoody, GA 30338.

GARY R. BARTLETT Gary R. Bartlett has been named vice president of MidCon Corp., a diversified pipeline and energy company headquartered in Lombard , III. (MidCon became a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum Corp. this March.) Gary has been with the company since graduation from UMR . He and Margaret live at 809 Ramsgate Court, Naperville, IL 60540, with their two sons. Richard E. Carver is now a senior resident engineer with Emerson Electric. He and Linda live at 1305 S. Linden, Kennet, MO 63857.

1971 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17-18, 1986 Class Coordinators: James O. Bondi 10231 Echo Ridge Court Dallas, TX 75243 Thomas J. Buechler Jr. P.O. Box 205 Raymore, MO 64083

40 / MSM Alumnu s

Michael M. Cook writes: "I am now project engineer for the Southland Corp. Cityplace project, a multiple hi· rise complex near downtown Dallas." Michael is now with Johnson Controls, Inc. in Irving, Texas. He lives at 2313 Benbrook Drive, Carrollton , TX 75007.

Karl Freese, civil engineer, won the annual best-performance award from Jefferson County Toastmasters Club 1482. Karl's home address is Route I, Box 437-B, Festus, MO 63028. His picture was in the Festus Democrat-Rocket.

Alfred G. Richardson, '71, '73, an· nounces the birth of a daughter, Cassandra Ruth, on Nov. 20, 1985. Al and Rae and daughter live at 55 Calais Road , Randolph, NJ 07869 . Peter C. Smith is a supervisor with GTE in San Francisco, Calif. He and Elizabeth live at 3033 Canyon Road, Burlingame Hills, CA 940 IO. L. Darrell Thompson is now a senior highway engineer with Greiner Engineering Sciences Inc. in Dallas, Texas. He and Brenda live at 1306 Timber Ridge, Euless, TX 76039.

Jerald L. Whitford has relocated intracity to 308 Manor Drive, Warrensburg, MO 64093.

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1972 R. George Calkins Jr. now lives at 2 125 B. South 12th St., St. Louis, MO 63104. Stanley C. Dicken, '72, '73, writes: "I was promoted and transferred to Midland, Texas as supervising systems analyst on Feb. I, 1986, by Conoco Inc." Stanley now lives at 3518 Boyd, Midland , TX 79707 .

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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1972 continued Robert I. Egbert, '72, '73, '76, writes: "Just got promoted to associate professor of electrical engineering here at Wichita State University." Robert and Anne live at 4117 Clarendon , Wichita , KS 67220. William G. EYers moved from Cedar Falls, Iowa to 23 Spencer Crossing, St. Peters, MO 63376 . William B. Gordon is now senior regional underwriter with Protection Mutual Insurance Co. in Park Ridge, Ill. He and Terri have moved to 54 E. Garden Ave., Palatine, IL 60067. Ted L. Jones Jr. is a mission developer with Shepherd Road Presbyterian Church. He and Robyn now live at 737 Highland Gardens Lane, Lakeland , FL 33803. The death of Charles D. Loiodice, on Oct. 16, 1985 , has been reported by his wife, Joan Loiodice, 600 Apple Blossom, Woodville, TX 75979. His death was the result of a brain tumor. Charles received his M.S. degree in engineering mechanics from UMR. Following his graduation he worked for McDonnell Douglas, St. Louis; Vought Missiles and Space in Newport News, Va ., and South Hampton Co. in Silsbee, Texas.

Hans K. Schmoldt is self-employed owner of Anode Supply Co. He writes: "Cassi and I operate a business in Grand J unction that makes and installs magnesium anodes and other cathodic protection materials for oil and gas pipelines and buried tanks. Our address is 239 W. Fallen Rock Road , Grand Junction , CO 81503." Richard B., '72, '74, and Dawn (Gant, '74) Schuessler announce the birth of a daughter, Lindsay, on Nov. 4, 1985. Richie and Dawn live at 838 Garonne Drive, Ballwin, MO 63021 . John Tenfelder is now financial manager for Arthur D. Little in Woodland Hills, Calif. He and Suzanne live at 11841 Highwater Road , Granada Hills, CA 91344. C. Robert Wickizer writes: "Joan and I

reside at 5958 Crimson Drive, in Almaden Valley , in San Jose, CA 95120. We have a two-year old daughter and another on the way . Bob is starting a western operation for a Boston-based hospital information system firm , SDK Healthcare Information Systems." Bob's title is senior sales representative. Kenneth L. Yoksh now lives at 4150 Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64111.

1973 Robert J. Brandt moved to 3409 S. 134th St. , Omaha, NE 68144. James S. Edele writes: "Hi! " He is a systems programmer with National Semiconductor in Sunnyvale, Calif. He lives at 224 Washington St., Apt. 3, Santa Clara, CA 95050. Stephen L. Garrison writes: "Married Dorothy 1. Garrison on Jan . 31 , 1985. Am vice president at Kidde Consultants Inc., in charge of Virginia division with offices in Manassas and Leasburg." Stephen and Dorothy live at 9713 Brent St. , Manassas, VA 22110. Joe R. Haake is now a principal design engineer with Adolph Coors Co. in Golden , Colo. He writes: "Will complete requirements for master's degree in business administration July 2, 1986, at University of Denver." Joe lives at 10951 W. 107th Place, Broomfield, CO 80020.

Roscoe R. McWilliams Jr. is a product engineer with Allied Automotive. He resides at 17 Beach Tree Cove, Jackson , TN 38305.

; at 2125 ) 63104

Dan L. OliYer, '72, '73, now lives at 800 S. 23rd St. , Quincy, IL 62301.

/fites: "I rred to Systems conOCo 8 Boyd,

Raymond P. Reinhardt is a civil engineer - New York Society of Professional Engineers - and self-employed. He now lives at 7108 Tonawanda Creek Road, Lockport, NY 14904.

1985 Rollamo

MSM Alu mn us / 41

Alumni Personals ______________________

AIL 1971

David A. Sager writes: "We are still in Hazelwood. Dave is still at Ford. Our first son was born Aug. 17, 1985 , and is named Alan. He is growing and gett ing into more and more things." Dave and Cheryl reside at 6732 Christi na Marie Lane, Hazelwood, MO 63042.

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Ronald D. Lutes is a principal engineer with PC & E Inc. in St. Louis. Ron and Henrietta live at 221 Pralle Lane, St. Charles, MO 63303.

Edward A. Scarff, '74, '75, writes: "We're back in Albuquerq ue!" Ed and Linda, '75, now reside at 8709 Supreme Court NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109.

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Paul E. Nelson is retired. He and Joan live at 25 Cedar Drive, Davenport, FL 33837.

Dawn E. (Gant) and Richard, '72, '74, Schuessler announce the birth of a daughter, Lindsay, on Nov. 4, 1986. Dawn and Richie live at 838 Garonne Drive, Ballwin , MO 63021 .

1973 continued Joseph v. Laux is a superintendent, quality assurance, with the Union Electric Co. Callaway Plant in Fulton, Mo. His and Debra's mai ling address is now Route 7, 34 Greenbriar, Jefferson City, MO 65101.

Rosemary (Rois) Owens writes: "I am enjoying my retirement, our daughter, Rachel, and our new house and woods in Newport News, Va. Bob is working for the shipyard. Our new address is 119 Cannon Drive, Newport News, VA 23602."

Kevin Steele is now manager, chartering and vessel utilization, with Amoco Transport Co. in Chicago, Ill. He and Sandra live at 13971 Berkhansted Court, Orland Park, IL 60462. 1985 Rollamo

Randy Kerns is an advisory engineer with Intelligent Storage in Longmont, Colo. He and Cherie live at 523 1 Valhalla Drive, Boulder, CO 80301.

1974 Bruce A. Enloe is a maintenance engineer with University of Texas Cancer Center in Houston. He and Beverly now live at 1415 Morton League Road, Richmond, TX 77469 . Francine S. Eppelsheimer is a parent in the home. Francine and David live at 6507 Betsy Ross Place, Wauwatosa, WI 53213. John M. Kelley III writes: "We are pleased to announce the birth of our first child, Laura Elizabeth, on April 3, 1986." John is a chief estimator-pipeline division , with Morrison-Knudsen Co. Inc. John , Kathleen and Laura reside at 1500 Sandy Spring, No. 68, Houston , TX 77042.

42/ MSM Alumnus

Michael J. Kinsella is now with Gulf Ocean Services Inc. He is executive vice president. He and Sharon live at 9843 Hawthorn, Baton Rouge, LA 70809. Monica (Lapp) Lauer writes: "Monica and husband Jack announce the birth of a son, Ryan, 8 pounds and 3 ounces on January 18, 1986. Ryan joins sister, Sara, 4." Monica and Jack live at 1717 San Simeon Way, Fenton, MO 63026. Rolland J. Ponzer writes: "We moved to Kansas City , Mo. this year. Have two sons now , Jonathan 2V. years and Matthew 2 months." Rolland is a territory manager with SMI. The Ponzer family now lives at 14007 Winchester Court, Grandview , MO 64030. Thomas G. Rehkop is a programmer consultant now with Uccel Corp. His and Barbara's mailing address is P.O. Box 45102 , Dallas, TX 75245.

Joseph D. Walker writes: "Still working for McDonne ll Doug las. Son Christopher will be two-years-old in June. Wife, Lois and I are expecting second child in September." Joseph is a senior specialist in St. Louis. The Walkers live at 32 Newberry, St. Peters, MO 63376.

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1975 Rick L. Barger is director of operations with Little Rock Wastewater Utility. He resides at 2417 Maple Ridge Road, Little Rock , AR 72211. M. Scott Bechtold is a project engineer with R .B. Potashnick in Cape Girardeau, Mo. He and Mary reside at 2097 S.E. Van Kleff Ave., Port St. Lucie, FL 33452.

Richard W. Brann moved from Copperhill, Tenn. to 1617 Canyon Creek Drive, Apt. 209, Temple, TX 76502.




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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1975 continued Michael Hillhouse writes: "I switched jobs on Sept. 3, 1985 , from General Electric to IBM, after nearly 10 years of GE service. Our first child was born on Jan. 10, 1986, Friday. A son, David James, first grandson on Hillhouse side of family. He was named after my dad David L. Hillhouse, a UMR alumnus-1950." M ichael is a programmer/analyst. H is and Robie's mailing address is do IBM , 10401 Fernwood Road, Bethesda, MD 20817. Michael P. Lewis is now manager, metallurgical engineering, with Olin Electronic Materials Corp. in East Alton, III. He and Brenda live at 13695 River Valley Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017.

Stephen J. Schaffer is a district sales engineer with Bussmann Ma nufacturing of St. Louis. Stephen and Carol li ve at 37 Oak Hollow , Waterbury, CT 06708 . Richard T. Wurth moved last April from Ocean , N.J . to 83 Ward Ave. , Rumson , NJ 07760.

1976 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17-18, 1986 Class Coordinators:

William P. Lorenz works for the Hall Chemical Company as a plant engineer. Bill and Karen's new mailing address is Route I, Box 788 , Arab, AL 350 16.

Dennis W. Leitterman 1637 Waxwing Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94087

Terry L. Micnhimer, '75, ' 77, is now a branch manager with Hamilton Drilling and Testing. He li ves at 13018 Heimer, Apt. 918 , San Antonio, TX 78216 .

William K. M iehe 3535 Whispering Brook Drive Grand Rapids, MI 49508

David M. Nelson has been promoted to lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army. He now serves as deputy district engineer with the Corps of Engineers in St. Paul, Minn. Mailing address for him and Carol is Route 2, Heathsville, V A 22473 .

Don Chronister writes: "Recently promoted to product manager-titanium and reactive alloy castings for Duriron Inc. We've developed the first production scale induction melting process for titanium and zirconium alloys and are making these alloys for Duriron pumps and valves as well as custom castings for outside customers. I'm involved in finding new markets and customers for titanium and zirconium investment castings as well as serving as the customers' technica l service contact." Don and Nancy live at 6917 Eastpoint Court, Centerville, Ohio 45459 .

Monte E. Deckerd is now a vice president with First National Bank of Minneapolis . He has moved to 121 Washington Ave. S., Apt. 1206, Minneapolis, MN 55401. David, ' 76, '78, Dillard's mailing address is Engineering Science & Mec h a nics Department , Virginia Poly technical Inst itute and State University , Blacksburg, V A 24061.

Scott Price is a graduate student in the physics department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He and Gisele Le Ponder now live at 1105 E. Gorham, Apt. B, Madison, WI 53703.

Keith C. Houghton is a quality control manager with Wollaston Alloys in Braintree, Mass. He and Vicki live at 60 Mountain Ave., Pembroke, MA 02359.

Thomas J. Rechtien writes: "I've moved to Saga Petroleum A.S., a Norwegian oil company , as a staff engineer. I now live in Oslo. I hear it's a great place when (if?) the snow stops ." His mailing address is Askli veien 5, 1310 Blommenholm, Norw ay . Linda M. Scarff writes: "We're back in Albuquerq ue! " Linda and Ed, '74, '75, now reside at 8709 Supreme Court NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109 .

Jan L. (Johaningmeyer) Christian writes: "Currently working for BASF as a customer service manager. I've recently moved to Morristown , N.J. with my husband , David." Jan and David reside at 3 Caro lyn Court , Mor riston, NJ 07960.

Kent Luetkemeyer is a civil engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Ken now lives at 4405 Candlewood P lace, Apt. 105 , Rap id City, SD 57702.

1985 Roltamo

Sally S. (Schwager) Small is an environmental technician wit h the State of Kansas. She writes: "Jack and I were married last August and are expecting a baby in October." Sall y and Jack reside at 1003 7th , Dodge City, KS 67801.

MSM A lu mnu s / 43

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1976 continued Gerald Swinarsky now lives at I Outer Octagon, Randolph Air Force Base, TX 78148. Cheryl L. Tyner writes: "Our first child was born Dec. 4, 1985. Her name is Vic· toria Beth Tyner." Cheryl is a systems project engineer with the Department of Administration . Cheryl, Charles and Victoria reside at 3449 Woodhill Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32303. Jennifer R. Wang is marketing manager/engineered system with Man· ville Sales Corp. in Denver, Colo. She and Walter now live at 2996 E. Nichols Circle, Littleton, CO 80122.

James T. Eckelkamp is a sales engineer with Sporlan Valve Co. in Ch icago, Ill. He and Anita live at 247 Graceland , Fra nkfort, IL 60423. Louis G. Loos II, '77, '82, writes: "L.G. is a project engineer for Ca mpbell Design Group in St. Louis, and resides in Kirkwood, Mo." His mailing add ress is P.O. Box 9968, Kirkwood, MO 63122. Patricia A. Pijut is a senior financial analyst with Ci ticorp Acceptance Co. Inc. in Columbia, S.c. She lives at 1904 Pine Lake Drive, West Columbia , SC 29169 . Sean E. Price is a district operations engineer with Marathon Oil Co. He now lives at 604 Rosedown , Lafayette, LA 70503.

1977 Mark S. Alvey is a civil engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in St. Louis, Mo. He and Susan live at III Francis Court, St. Charles, MO 63303.

Donald Rex and Beth (McVey, '80) Thurman write: "As of Feb. 20, 1986, we are the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl, Katherine Elizabeth (Katie)." Donald is manager of systems with Estech Branded Fertilizer Co. in Fair· view Heights, Ill. The Thurman family resides at 839 Vicksburg, Belleville, IL 62221.

John Wenzlick writes: "Linda and I are expecting our third child June IS. " John is a fie ld bridge inspector with the Missouri Highway Department. John and Linda live at 1611 N. Brook Court, Jefferson Cit y, MO 65101.

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1978 Michael M. Amelunke is with Harbison Walker in Fulton , Mo. He and Nancy li ve at 1876 El Centro, Colum bia, MO 65201. Marc A. Arand is a senior customer engineer with Hewlett Packard in Bridgeton, Mo. He and Michelle now li ve at 2 11 6 W. Edgewood, Jefferson City, MO 6510 1. Resa L. (Harbison) and Kevin J. ('79) Bridges write: "Resa is work ing part· time for Delco Electron ics at the Saturn Corp. Kevin is working for EDS in the CA D/CAM area. We have a little girl , Char is, who is 1!I:z ." The Bridges reside at 3654 Sandburg, Troy, MI 48083. Darrel L. Buffington moved last March from Albuquerque, N.M. to 8460 S. Kings Cove Drive, Salt Lake City , UT 84121.

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Larry R. Buschling is now divisional director of engineering with Square D in Smyrna, Tenn . He and Pamela now live at 2021 Riverbend Drive Mur· freesboro, TN 37130. '

1979 Gary R. Fannin is a rig supervisor with Mobil. He lives at 340 Pellerin Kenner LA 70062. "

1985 Rollamo

44 / MSM Alumnus

Alan W. Green is now a project ad· ministrator with CBI Na·Con Inc. He and Colleen li ve at 5374 Burbank Drive, Abilene, TX 79605 .


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Alumni Personals ____.__________________ 1978 continued John V. Grice is project statistican with Allied-Signal/Bendix of Kansas City. John and Kitty Jo reside at 523 Washington , Ra ymore, MO 64083. David C. Hitchcock writes: "On June I , I will go to the Chengdu Institute of Radio Engi neering in Chi na to do research and lecture for a year. " David's mailing address is 972 1 E. 27th St., Independence, MO 64052.

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Larry D. McCallister, '78, '79, writes: "I have recently taken comma nd of the most forwardly deployed engineer company in the world (four miles from the demilitarized zone in South Korea). It's the only bridge company in the country, and is quite a challenge but fun." Lynn (Weiss, '79) McCallister is completing her doctorate at the University of Texas Health Science Center (So uth west Medical School) in Dallas. The couple's home address is 200 Cinnamon Lane, Euless, TX 76039. Larry's address is: U.S. Arm y Corps of Engi neers, E Co., 2nd Engineer Battalion, APO San Francisco, 9625 1-0 303. Phillip G. Ostapowicz has moved to 437 Foxbrook Drive, St. Louis, MO 6314 1. Michael E. Schaefer's mailing address is Public Works Off (woo) , NSWC 1090 1 New Hampshire, Silver Springs, MD 20903.

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Kevin J. and Resa L. (Harbison, '78) Bridges write: "Kevin is working for EDS in the CAD/CAM area. Resa is working part-time for Delco Electronics at the Saturn Corp. We have a little girl , Charis, who is I \12 ." The Bridges li ve at 3654 Sandburg, Troy, MI 48083. Wolfgang S. Campbell writes: "Work ing for the chief executi ve officer as a research and development engineer in his Rotor Dynamics Research Corp. Studying new ways of detecting cracked shafts in large turbine generators and ot her machinery." Wolfgang's mailing address is P.O. Box 1215 , Minden, NV 89423. Michael W. Carpenter is a graduate student. He now lives at 4502 Cleveland Ave., St. Louis, MO 63 110. Steven R. Dismuke is a shortrange planning engineer with Homestake Lead Co. in Boss, Mo. He and Sandra now live at 1602 Broadway, Rolla, MO 65401.

Steven W. Martin is a plant engineer with Union Electric Co. in St. Louis. He and Rita li ve at 1263 Lafitte T.D.L. , Bonne Terre, MO 63628.

Anne Fulton is now a pulping operations manager with Buckeye Cellulose in Oglethorpe, Ga. Anne lives at 100 B Sherwood, Perry, GA 31069.

Thomas J . Maschek is a lead engineer technology - with McDon nell Douglas in St. Louis. He now li ves at 5230 Vi lle Rosa, Apt. 7, Hazelwood, MO 63042 .

Joseph G. Gladbach is now with Amoco Production Co. He writes: "Times are tough in the oil business, but I'm hanging in there (so far!). My wife Ruth and I are expect ing our second child on Dec. 4, 1986. Our daughter Sara turned two on May 5." The Gladbach family resides at 19602 Lake Hollow Lane, Houston, TX 77084.

Vincent G. Mattione is a division engineer with Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Co. He and Maril yn reside at 9006 E. 31st St. , Kansas City, MO 64 129.

1979 isor with Kenner,

Jject ad· Inc. He lk Drive,

"Randy" and Sharon, '81, Bissey write: "I'm working as a sales engineer for Cooper Industries. Sharon's a programmer/analyst for Shell Oil. We've been in the Houston area for almost five years and rea lly enjoy it. When you're in the area, we can be contacted at: 2930 Green Fields Drive, Sugar Land , TX 77479.

1985 Rollamo

Lou Greer is a sen ior engineer with Morrison-Kn udsen Engineers Co. Lou now lives at 11 50 Inca, Apt. 40 , De nver, CO 80204. Brian D. Heideman is an engineer with L.E. Heideman in St. Lou is. He now li ves at 4685 Peggy Ann Drive, St. Charles, MO 63303.

Lynn (Weiss) McCallister is currently enrolled at the Uni versity of Texas Health Science Center in Da llas (Sout hwest Medical School) where she is working o n h er P h .D . in neurophysiology. She recently published several articles in two separate journals and lectured at the American Society of Physiologists meeting in St. Louis. Larry, '78, '79, is with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Korea . The couple's address is 200 Cinnamon Lane, Euless, TX 76039.

MSM Alumnu s / 45

Alumni Personals __________ ____________ William J. Stein writes: " After almost seven years with the Army I decided it was time for a change, so I took a general engineer position with the Coast Guard on Kodiak Island. It's an engineer's dream - more problems to solve than you can shake a stick at." William and Catherine's mailing address is now U.S.c.G., Box 211 , Kodiak, AK 99619. Mark S. Ziobro is a staff engineer with Conoco Specialty Products. He now lives at 7722 Brykerwoods, Houston, TX 77055.

Obiajulu I1putaife writes: " I am lead engineer for development of the flight control system of the F-20 Tigershark (at Northrop Aircraft in Hawthorne, Calif.)" His home address is 2208 Vanderbuilt Lane, No . 6, Redondo Beach , CA 90278.

C. Kevin Jones is an operations/analytical engineer with Arco Oil and Gas Co. He lives at 206 Belle Dame, Lafayette, LA 70506. Janet (Rimmey) King writes: "Our (Janet and Edward) current address is: 1822 Sumter Ridge Court , Chesterfield , MO 63017. Both of us are still working for McDonnell Douglas." Jane is a specialist systems programmer in Hazelwood , Mo.

1985 Rollamo

1979 continued


Richard W. and Cheryl McFall moved last March from Dallas, Texas to 14847 Greenleaf Valley, Chesterfield, MO 63017.

Karen M. Downer moved from St. Louis to 265 McFarlane Road, Apt. 187 , Colonia, NJ 07067 .

Montgomery A. Morse moved last March from Rolla to 6727 North Askew, Kansas City , MO 64119.

Jacqueline Allen Graham is a nuclear projects engineer now with Southern Co. Services. Jacqueline and Steve live at 3521 Pineywood Trace, Birmingham, AL 35243.

Craig S. O'Dear writes: "I recently became engaged to Kimberly Davis, a native of Oklahoma City and a graduate of Vanderbilt University (which is where we met). She is with Marion Laboratories here in Kansas City. The wedding will be in Oklahoma C ity on September 27 , 1986. I am still practicing law at the Stinson, Mag and Fizzell firm in Kansas City." Craig's mailing address is P.O. Box 19251 , Kansas City, MO 64141. James Theodore Paul is a petroleum engineer with Un ion Oil Co. of California in Texas. He and Cathy have moved to 2506 Neely , Midland , TX 79705. Robert J. Rapp is a hydraulic engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engi neers in St. Louis. He and Kimberly live at 21 Mileva Court , Farmington , MO 63640.

46/ MSM Alumnu s

Marc A. Gruenenfelder, '80, '81, is a manager, reservoir/design, with Pfizer Oil Field Products Group in Groton , Conn . Marc lives at 65C Deans Mill Road, Stonington, CT 06378 . Don Guenther writes: "I am selling specialty chemicals now for Monsanto and enjoying it." He and Debbie live at 13 Champlain Road , Marlton , NJ 08053. Wayne Andrew Hamilton writes: "We are doing very well. My wife is expecting our first baby in November. Working as a hydrogeologist wit h head office department engineering and project management for Shell Oil. " The Ham iltons li ve at 1234 Park Lane, Katy, TX 77450.

Kenneth E. Peveler writes: "We are proud parents of a daughter born August 26 , 1985. Her name is Rebecca Lynn . I have also been promoted to senior mechanical engineer with the Systems Engineering Group at our (Iowa Electric) nuclear facility." Ken and Nancy live at 5205 Twin Mound Drive NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402. Perrin R. Roller writes: "After spending most of 1985 working in Spain, we have been transferred to C hevron's Southern California division." Perrin and Desiree now live at 6049 Sparrow, Ventura , CA 93003 . He is a drilling engineer for C hevron. Kathy L. Schroer moved from Des Peres to 4956 Tealby Cou rt, St. Louis, MO 63128.

Gerald K. Smith is a production engineer with C hevron , U.S.A. He writes: "On Dec. 15 , 1985, I received an M.B.A . from the Un iv ers it y of Southwestern Louisiana. On Feb. 19, 1986, Maren and I became the proud parents of our second child ; Kyle Robert Smith " The Smith family resides at 144 Fallbrook A ve. , Lafayette, LA 70506.



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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1980 continued Beth (McVey) and Donald Rex, '77, Thurman write: "As of Feb. 20, 1986, we are the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl, Ka therine Elizabeth (Katie)." Donald is manager of systems with Estech Branded Fertilizer Co. in Fairview Heights, III. The Thurman family resides at 839 Vicksburg, Belleville, IL 62221. Gregory E. Tullis is a research specialist with the University of MissouriColumbia. He li ves at 7241 Sunnyvale Drive, Columbia, MO 65201.

Kevin D. Watson is employed with Arco Oil and Gas. He writes: ''I'll be getting married in May to Susan C. Gray, a University of Oklahoma graduate in mechanical engineering. If we both keep our jobs with Arco Oi l and Gas, we will still be Dallas!" Kevi n resides at 3045 Park Lane, No . 1056 , Dallas, TX 75220.

Michael S. Barnes is an engineering specialist with Emerson Electric and Space Div ision in Florissant, Mo. His and Cynthia's mailing add ress is now Route 2, Box 29 , Freeburg, IL 62243 . Sharon and "Randy," '79, Bissey write: "Sharon's a programmer/analyst for Shell Oil and Randy is working as a sales engineer for Cooper Industries. We've been in the Houston area for almost five years and really enjoy it. When you're in the area, we can be contacted at: 2930 Green Fields Drive, Sugar Land , TX 77479." Scott J. and Marjorie Bohler, '84, moved from Clifton Park, N.Y. to 439 Kenwood Ave., Apt. I, Delmar, NY 12054. Steven T. Brenneman moved from Delavan, III. to 3896 McGarry Drive, Lex ington , KY 40514.

Barry R. Eikmann writes: "Have been promoted to senior electrical facil ities engineer at Hussmann. Having fun with I-year old son, Geoffrey, in the house." Barry and Diana and Geoffrey live at 11 574 Arroyo, Florissant , MO 63033. Billy Euell writes: "Mitzi and I are enjoying our new home in Sugar Land , Texas. Lots of cha llenges still for me at Shell Oil and for Mitzi at Alief School District." Bill y is a communications engineer with Shell Oil Co. in Houston. He and Mitzi li ve at 2823 Green Fields, Sugar Land , TX 77479. Steve Garner is a production manager now with Watlow in St. Lou is. He and Angela live at 412 Portland Place, O'Fallon, MO 63366.

Paul A. Brown is an electronics engineer with McDonnell Aircraft in St. Louis . He now lives at 356 Sturbridge Village Drive, Hazelwood, MO 63042.

W. Kent Goddard writes: " I am working as an engineer for Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Co. in Kansas City, Mo. Wife Peggy, son Scott and I live at 308 Waterwheel Court, Blue Springs, MO 64015.

Mark J. Dunlay is now a senior metallurgical engineer with Alcoa in Newbury, Ind . Mark lives at 1363 Hatfield Drive, Evansville, IN 47715 .

Bill A. Grantham is a senior operations engineer with Warren Petroleum Co. Bill and Tammy now live at 9924 S. 93rd E. Place, Tulsa, OK 74133.

1981 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17-18, 1986 Class Coordinators: Mary S. Klorer 9165 Robin Court St. Louis, MO 63144 S. Dale McHenry 6617 Haskins Shawnee, KS 66216 Edward E. Hart Route 2, Box 116 Vichy, MO 65580

1985 Rollamo

MSM A !u mnus / 47

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1981 continued Randal L. Jasper is a project engineer with KKBNA Consulting Engineers. Randy and Debbie now live at 8879 Glen Rose, St. Louis, MO 63126.

John F. Schmidt moved last February from Springfield, [II. to 321 North Park , Rochester, IL 62563.

Patrick J. Kelly, '81, '84, is employed with the Naval Air Development Center. He writes: "Enjoying life in the outside world. Looking forward to visiting Rolla in the future." Patrick's mailing address is Naval Air Development Center Code 3043, Warminster, PA 18974.

Brad, '81, '82, and Alice (Nau, '82) Snow are parents of a son, Philip Nathaniel, born March 28, 1986 (8 Ibs.-30z., 22") . Brad works for KerrMcGee as a hydrologist and Alice is with the state of Oklahoma in oil exploration. The news was supplied by proud grandfather, Bob "Pappa" Nau , professor emeritus of electrical engineering. The Snows live at 254 1 NW 28th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73107.

Colleen T. Lynch has moved to 2600 N. Loop 250 , Apt. 605 , Midland, TX 79705 . Julie O'Connell writes: "Recently joined Fermenta Plant Protection (fungicides, herbicides) after a brief layoff from McDermott. 'Hi! ' to the gang from 'Heart Break Hotel' (a.k.a. sweet Lou, Smitty and PauL)" Julie is a process engineer. She li ves at 15434 Willow River, Houston, TX 77095.


David and Kathleen (Buhr, '84) Strubberg li ve at 2185 Seven Pines Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146. David is now a junior engineer with Hellmuth , Obato , Kassaba um. Jeffrey J. Sunderland writes: "There is life after merger, but is there life below $lO.OO/barrel?" Jeff is an engineer with Chevron in Lafayette, La. He resides at I 07 Sea Pines Drive, Youngsvi lle, LA 70582. Billy and Christine M. Townsend, '85, write: " Billy will graduate with an M.S. in mining engi neering in May . Christine has been working as a programmer at the UMR Computer Center. We have two boys ages 4 years and 31;2 months." The Townsend fam ily resides at 932 Great Oaks Drive, Rolla , MO 65401.

1985 Rollamo

48/ MSM Alumnu s


Donna C. Ray writes: "Started new job with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis as a facilities engineer." New address for Donna and James is 2759 Steamboat Lane, St. Charles, MO 6330 I.

Bradford C. Jones is a services engineer with E. I. DuPont in Camden, S.c. He now lives at 500 Zimalcrest, No. 2314, Columbia, SC 29210.

Lisa (Gallagher, '81, '83) and Jim Whetsel, '81, '83, write: "J imm y and I are getting married fina ll y, five years after meeting at UMR." Lisa and Jim will live at 8 16 S. Berry, St. Louis, MO 63 122. Lisa is a senior designer, manufacturing engineering, for Boise Cascade in Hazelwood, Mo. Jim is a sales rep with R. J. Sloan Co.


Stephen R. Bruner, '82, '85, has moved from Lee's Summit, Mo. to 3109-F Darden Road, Greensboro, NC 27407. William Gillette Jr. is an applica tions engineer with Litton Integrated Systems Technology . He and Lee Ann now live at 12 Alan Court, Florence, KY 4 1042. Robert S. Glauz writes: "Recen tl y moved to Shawnee, Kansas. I will be getting married in May to T. Susan Hall." Robert is a project engineer with The Marley Co. in Mission , Kan. He now li ves at 65 07 Widmer, Shawnee, KS 662 16. Joseph A. Gnade is now a civi l engineering associate. He li ves at 1224-F.S. Barranca Ave. , Glendora, CA 91740. Norma Jean Hatley is now a senior programmer with Federal Express. She and Dennis live at 4006 Camelot Lane, Apt. 4, Memph is, TN 38 118. Vicki Sue Johnson is an aerospace technologist with NASA in Hampton, Va . She li ves at 1033 Jana Drive, Lawrence, KS 66044. Mark Alan Jones writes: "Mark and Donna say hi to all ou r friends in Rolla and across the nation ." Mark is an engineer with Texas Utilities in Fa irfield , Texas. Mark and Donna reside at 309 B East Drane, Corsicana, TX 75 110. Robert E. Metze Jr. is a project engineer with Frito-Lay Inc. in Plano, Texas. He and Nancy now li ve at 2205 Ceda rcrest Drive, Carro ll ton , TX 75007 .

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Alumni Personals ______________________ Donald G. Harrison writes: "Holly Jo (Stansfield, '84) and I have moved to the great Northwest. Doing well working for Rockwell Hanford Operations on the basalt waste isolation project. Setting up the program for safety analysis. Holly is near getting a position in the geotechnical lab area for Rockwell , also." Don and Holly live at 2500 George Washington Way, No. 215, Richland , WA 99352.

1982 continued Bob Phillips writes: "It looks like Mike wins the contest, because I'm getting married! Sue and I recently got engaged! Plus-a new address, a new title, a new work phone number l Isn't life great!" Bob is now a senior engineer - design, with McDonnell Aircraft. He lives at 1207 A Grandview Gardens, Florissant, MO 63033.

Christopher L. Henry is a construction project engineer with HBE Corp. in St. Louis. His mailing address is P.O. Box 261, Carbondale, P A 18407.

Maurice R. Pierce writes: "Received master's degree in physics (1985) from Un iversity of Missouri-St. Louis. Am an electronic engineer with McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Corp. since January 1986." Maurice lives at 2344 Bruno, St. Louis, MO 63114.

Alice (Nau) and Brad, '81, '82, Snow are parents of a son , Philip Nathaniel, born March 28 (8 Ibs .-3 oz. , 22"). Brad works for Kerr-McGee as a hydrologist and Alice has been with the state of Oklahoma in oil exploration . The news was supplied by proud grandfather, Bob "Pappa" Nau , professor emeritus of electrical engineering at UMR. The Snow family lives at 2541 NW 28th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73107.

Betty Stout writes: "After taking eight months off from work for such leisure activities as a two-and-a-half month bicycle tour of Europe and various backpacking and kayaking trips in Idaho, I'm back to a normal work routine. I accepted an engineering position in western New York with West Valley Nuclear Services Inc. , a subsidiary of Westinghouse Electric Corp. My new address is P.O. Box 24, Colden , NY 14033 ." Hai-Hua Alan Wu is a computer application engineer with Voest Alpine International Corp. in New York City , N.Y. He and Shiowzon Julie Hsieh now live at 43 Tussel Lane, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076.

Todd A. Hoeman writes that he has moved from Maryland Heights, Mo ., to 2264 Riverwood Trails Drive, Florissant , MO 63031 .

1985 Rollamo

1983 Dennis G. Bryant is now a senior construction inspector with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. His mailing address is P.O. Box 591 , Van Buren, MO 63965 . Patrick W. Bundy writes: "I have been transferred to Sporlan Valve Company's sa les office in Houston , Texas, covering sout heast Texas and Louisiana. My new address is 8711 Town Park, Apt. 2169, Houston , TX 77036." David W. Duncan is now an engineer with McDonnell Douglas Corp. in St. Louis. He lives at 1002 South Second, Fest us, MO 63028. Donald O. Gjerdevig reports a new address: clo L. A. Gjerdevig, 20 I Fourth Ave. , No. 305, Devils Lake, ND 5830 I .

Stephen J. Jacobi is a mechanical engineer with Monsanto, now in Sauget, III. He lives at 12128 Red Lion , Florissant , MO 63033. Barbara L. Johnson writes: "A m sti ll working as a geohydrologist for Wilson & Company , Engineers & Architects in Salina, Kan. Really like it here in Kansas. Have to live here to appreciate it l Hope you all are doing fine. If you're ever passing through , please look me up. (913) 823-1795." Nancy S. Lund writes: "I moved to 7020 N. Bales, Apt. 241 , G ladstone, MO 641 19, last December ('85). I am working as a civ il engineer for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers." Ronald C. Mazdra moved from St. Louis to 3004 Plumtree Lane, Plano, TX 75074. Bruce D. and Barbara (Howard) Murray write: "We have just completed our move to Snyder, Texas as a result of Bruce's transfer to Chevron's North Snyder Gas Plant." Bruce and Barbara moved from Lovington, N.M. to 4008 East ridge, Snyder, TX 79549.

MSM A lu mnus / 49

Alumn; Personals _______________ _______ Monica Lynn Garcia is a structural engineer with Hospital, Building & Equipment in Creve Coeur, Mo. Her new address is 2022-4 Cannon Heights Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017 .

1984 Laurie Awalt now lives at 14501 Empanada Drive, Apt. 602, Houston , TX 77083.

1985 Rollamo

1983 continued Boris J. Peharda Jr. is a developmental engineer with Caterpillar Tractor Co. He and Kelly live at 2247 Warwick , Peoria, IL 61614. Wayne Schmidt is an environmental engineer with Burns and McDonnell . Wayne lives at 601 E. 89th, Kansas City, MO 64131. James W. Shelby writes: "Currently an engineer officer for the U.S. Army stationed in Germany ." James' mailing address is HHC, 10th EN BN , APO NY 09701 . Gregory A. Treece moved from Raytown , Mo. to 7705 Estates Way, Rowlett , TX 75088. John B. Tummons, '83, '85, is a research staff member with U.S. Gypsum in Libertyville, III. John and Cindy live at 150 Glen St. , Apt. 3A , Grayslake, IL 60030. David E. Zink is a strength engineer with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. He now lives at 6024 Boulder Creek Drive, Apt. 1618 , Hazelwood, MO 63042.

SO/ MSM A lu mnu s

Robert Allen Baur is a manufacturing methods engineer with McDonnell Douglas Astronautics. His mailing address is c/o McDonnell Douglas, P.O. Box 516, St. Louis, MO 63166. Sandra Jean (Witcher) and Craig W. Bladow write: "Craig is an officer in the Navy and we are stationed in New York until August. I am looking for engineering work for the short time that we will be here. We have been married for almost 16 months." Sandra and Craig reside at Rock City Road , RD-4, Ballston Spa, NY 12020. Marjorie and Scott J. Bohler, '81, moved from Clifton Park, N.Y. to 439 Kenwood A ve., Apt. I , Delmar, NY 12054. Mike A. Book moved to 8669 Bruton Parish Court, Apt. 30 I, Manassas, V A 22110. Bob and Margaret (Maskey, '85) Booth write: "Margaret and I live in Heyworth , Ill. , Route I , Box 215 , 61745. I am current ly a research programmer for the University of IllinoisUrbana/Champaign , under the direction of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications." Karl J. Daubel Jr. writes: "I recently accepted a position in P. C. & E. Inc.¡a new process control and electrical engineering firm in St. Louis." Karl resides at 12412 Bennington Place, No. 21 , St. Louis, MO 63146.

Michael Bruce Gibson is a captain with the U.S . Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. He and Sharon live at 2067 Fairknoll Drive, Beavercreek , OH 45431. Steven R. Harms moved from Garland , Texas to 9849 Valley Ranch Parkway, Apt. 2055, Irving, TX 75063 . Holly Jo (Stansfield) and Donald G. Harrison , '83, have moved to Washington state for work with Rockwell Hanford Operations. New address for Holly and Don is 2500 George Washington Way, No. 215, Richland, WA 9935 2. Don is with Rockwell Hanford Operation and Holly Jo has applied for a geotechnical position with the compan y. James William Knaup is a compliance engineer with Union Electric Co. in Fu lton , Mo . He and Debra now live at 216 Brookview Circle, Jefferson City, MO 65101.

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Phillip A. Koehr writes: "Recently started at A-Futredat Consultants as a program documentor. I'm still working towards my B.S. in computer science at UMSL." Phillip resides at 3892 A Hum¡ phrey , St. Louis, MO 63116. Tad and Angela (Murch) Magruder (both '84) write: "We are living in Rock Hill (near Kirkwood) , Mo. We bought a house there last June. Tad is the engineer at Sky-Top Sunroofs Ltd. Angela will hopefully finish her EE degree at Washington University next year (yes, finally!) . Gregory celebrated his first birthday in February, and is the best baby in the world." The Magruders live at 800 Webster Court, St. Louis, MO 63119.

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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1984 continued Erik A. Myers moved last March to 24 St. Joseph Ave., Apt. 2, Long Beach, CA 90803.

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Joseph T. Pericich is a mechanical engineer with Black & Veatch in Kansas City, Mo. He now li ves at 8334 Carter, Overland Park, KS 66212 .

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Kirk Gerard Schweiss is a system engineer with Union Electric in Fulton , Mo. He lives at 506 K Columbia Drive, Columbia, MO 6520 I.

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Heraleen E. Sprenger has moved to 812 W. 4th, Loveland, CO 80537 . Jim Stratton and Bill Stormes are now working in Colorado. Their address is 702 Midland , No. 12, Glenwood Springs, CO 8060 I . Russell R. Thompson writes: "Currently enrolled in Ten ne ssee Valley Authority's shift technical advisor program for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant. The ST A training is scheduled to be completed in late October." Russell is a nuclear engineer with TV A in Spring City, Tenn. His mailing address is Route I , Box 468, Ten Mile, TN 37880.

1985 Margaret A. Booth writes: "I am working for Northern Illinois Gas Co. in Hudson , Ill. , at our field office. I am responsible for reservoir engineering with three of our seven aquifer gas storage fields. Robert and I live in a country home near Heyworth , Ill. He is working for University of IllinoisU rbana/Champaign as a graphics research programmer on the CRA Y super computer system." Margaret and Robert's mailing address is Rural Route I , Box 215 , Heyworth, IL 61745. Bryan Everett Bowers is a graduate student at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute. He lives at 303 Piedmont, Apt. II , Blacksburg, VA 24060. Richard J. Cole, first lieutenant with the U.S. Army, is serving as engineer platoon leader at Fort Knox, Ky.

Wayne L. Ellenberger writes: ''I'm a structural designer in the bridge division of the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. My address is 810 Wildwood Drive, Jefferson West Apartments, No. 48 , Jefferson City, MO 65101." Sean Patrick Harper has moved from Kansas City, Mo. to 11 612 Timber Ridge Lane, Apt. 4, Sharonville, OH 45241. Christopher L. High writes: "Life is fine, but my house keeps me too busy keeping it from falling in." Christopher is a programmer with IBM in Endicott, N.Y. He lives at 146 Pennsylvania Ave. , Binghamton, NY 13903.

Tom Derbak writes: "Hello friends, alums and countrymen!" Tom is an associate fie ld engineer wit h Westinghouse in Baltimore, Md. He lives at 8638-F T&C, Ellicott City, MD 21043.

Lindell G. Huskey is a construction inspector with the Missouri Highway Department. His and Myrna's mailing address is now Route 6, Box 237 , Poplar Bluff, MO 63901.

Walter Paul Glaeser moved from Medfield , Mass. to 3364 Quail Lake Road, Apt. 228, Colorado Springs, CO 80906.

Christine L. Karl is with the U.S. Air Force. Her mailing address is PSC Box 2168, Scott Air Force Base, IL 62225 .

Robert J. Weir writes: "I am doing quite nicely at the moment. The labs are great to work for: minimal supervision but immediate responsibility. Up until my supervisor caught up with me, I was the only aerodynamicist working on the project. Albuquerque is terrific!" Bob is with Sandia National Laboratories. His home address is 480 I San Mateo Lane NE, No. 356, Albuquerq ue, NM 87109.

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Raymond E. Williams is now an associate engineer with IBM. He lives at 479 Laketower Drive, Apt. 233 , Lexington, KY 40502.

Tanzeer and Shameem Ahmed, center, were married March 15 in Dallas, Texas. Bob Saxer, '61, left, and his wife, Alice, right, attended the wedding, as did a number of other UMR alumni. Tanzeer is now with Community Engineering in Austin, Texas, and he and Shameem live at 401 Masterson Pass, No. 223, Austin, TX 78753.

MSM A lumnu s/ 51

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1985 continued

Gregory D. Skannal is an environmental protection engineer with IEPA . He lives at 1503 W. Enos, Apt. C, Springfield, IL 62702.

Kristin M. Love is a highway designer with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. Kristin's mailing address is Route 3, Box 30 C, Willow Springs, MO 65793 .

Timothy J. Sutterer is now proj ect engineer with Procter & Gamble in Cape Girardeau. Home address for Tim and Karen is Route 4, Box 309, Jackson, MO 63755.

Randall Scot Marlow is a graduate student at the University of Illinois. He and Supeda live at 532 Fairlawn Drive, Urbana, IL 6180 I.

Christine and Billy Townsend, '81, '86, write: "Billy will graduate with an M.S. in mining engineering in May. I have been working as a programmer with the UMR Computer Center since February 1986. We have two boys ages 4 years and 3 Y2 months." The Townsend family resides at 932 Great Oaks Drive Rolla MO 65401. "

Jeff Britton Massengill writes: "I am presently a structural engineer working on the fabrication of Shell's 'Bullwinkle' Jacket. This is the largest fixed offshore jacket (water depth - 1350') in the world." Jeff lives at 670 I Everhart, No. 911 , Corpus Christi, TX 78413. Rebecca S. Mitchell writes: "I have just recently accepted a job with General Dynamics , Pomona division , California ." Rebecca's current mailing address is Route I, Box 170, Dearborn, MO 6443 9.

DAVID E. PRATER David E. Prater is now a junior chemist in the corporate engineering department at Aeroquip Corp. in Jackson , Mich. He will be responsible for elastomer com pound development projects. His mailing address is 278 George St., Sullivan, MO 63080.

Steve K. Mitori has moved from Des Peres, Mo. to 4219 Boulder Drive, Burton , MI 48529 .

Robert W. Reinkemeyer moved from O'Fallon, Mo. to 126 Mill Run , St. Charles, MO 63303.

Jo Ann Norman is a capacity management programmer I with Missouri's Office of Administration. She now lives at 206 B West Elm , Jefferson City , MO 65101. David Alan Ousley is an electronics engineer with McDonnell Douglas Corp. He now lives at 2308 South 12th, St. Louis, MO 63104. Melton D. Parham recently completed Aviation Officer Candidate School in Pensacola, Fla., and earned the rank of Navy ensign . His home address is AOC Class 40-85 , Battlion II NASC, Pensacola, FL 82508. Bryan Poorman is an engineer with Illinois Power Co. in Hennepin , Ill. He lives at 112 E. Marion , Princeton , IL 61356.

52/ MSM Alumnus

Kevin D. Renfro is now a facilities/production engineer with Arco. He resides at 4810 Springridge, No. 204, Enid, OK 73703. Suzanne Marie (Cooper) Riney is a design engineer with Metropolitan Sewer District in St. Louis. She now resides at 1140 Summit Meadows, Fenton, MO 63026 . Michael X. Schlumpberger is a mining engineer/task leader with U.S. Bureau of Mines-Twin Cities Research Center in Minneapolis, Minn. He now lives at 1353 E. Maynard Drive, Apt. 527 , St. Pau l, MN 55116. David Allen Scrivens is a structura l EIT with Harper & Kerr Consultants in Prairie Village, Kan. His mailing address is now Route I, Flint St. , Platte City, MO 64079.

Peter J. Wazlawek has moved to 6120 Vermont, St. Louis, MO 63111. Michael C. Westhoff is now with Ford Motor Co. in Dearborn, Mich. His new address is 2208 Woodview , Apt. 29 5, Ypsilanti , MI 48148. Jay Patrick WilJiams is an electronics engineer with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. He lives at 3760 Pyrenees, Florissant, MO 63033. A report has been received of the death, on March 23, 1986, of Patrick J. Witt, in an industrial accident at the MidContinent Resources coal mine, Carbondale, Colo. At UMR Pat was a member of the Society of Mining Engineers (treasurer) , Sigma Gamma Epsilon, and was a former captain of the Rolla Student Mine Rescue Team. He received his B.S. degree in mining engineering and at the time of his death, was a mining engineer for the company. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Witt , 517 W. Myrtle, Monett, MO 65708, two brothers and four sisters. Paul L. Wyatt is now a production supervisor with Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of St. Louis. He receives mai l at 3822 College Ave., Kansas City, MO 64128.

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Coterie Prints

'81, '86, an M.S. /, I have with the February i 4 years Jd family Ie, Rolla,

UMR Coterie now offers prints of four of the original MSM-UMR Buildings in several forms. The prints were made from pencil sketches by UMR designer Dick Hatfield, They include the Rolla Building (1871), Chancellor's Residence (1889), Norwood Hall (1903) and Parker Hall (1912). All proceeds will go to the Coterie of UMR Faculty Wives Scholarship Fund. 8 x 10 Prints suitable for framing-Set of 4 .... , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , . . , . , $12 Notepaper- on antique white with envelopes (three of each of the four buildings), Set of 12 , , , , , , , , , , , , . , . ' .' , , , . , . . .. , . . ... $4 Christmas Cards-on antique white with envelopes (two of each of the four buildings), Set of 8 . . ............ , ...... , . . . . ... $4 Add $1 to all orders to cover the cost of mailing and allow two weeks for delivery. Make checks payable to UMR Coterie Scholarship Fund. Send orders to: Coterie Scholarship F und, P.O. Box 1638, Rolla, MO 65401.


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A new series of 'Joe Miner" lithog raphs has just been completed by UM·Rolla's centralized printing department. The prints are 16" x 20", full·color-with particular fidelity in the colo r printing -and were produced on heavy·weight neutral pH paper made from 100 percent cotton fiber, Each print is numbered and there are only 1,000 available, The artist is Harry Sparling who was employed by UMR in 1969, Cost of each print is $75. A ll profits from th e Limited Edition Series will be used to establi sh a campus scholarship fund, T he standard 'Joe Miner" print-8" x 10" in color-is available also at a cost of $12.50 each. Ord er forms are below,


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"Joe Miner" Limited Ed it io n Prints at $75 each SU~~1 Add'",ss 80 ' Of RoulC

Shipping and handling at $5 per print "Joe Miner " prlnt!sl 8" x 10" at S 12,50 each


(ThiS oHeflng IS nOI part 01 t he hmued edition series Pr ice Includes

shoppong & handling)

Phone ! ---,,,,-_'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

May be paid by Check, MasterCard or V ISA.

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Make chec ks payabl e \0 UMA .

FOR OFF ICE USE ONLY Check Enclosed 0

Credit Card Nam e

Date Shipped ____ ' ____ . ____

Credit Card Holder Credit Card Number _ _ _ Bank No _ _ _ __ Expiration Dat e

'oduetion tling Co. at 3822 ) 64128,

Shipping Addres s

(Please prmt or type)

Address orders to · Unive rsi t y of Missouri - Rolla

Office of Centralized Printing Bldg , T·l t West Rolla , MO 65401 ·0249

Signature (For Credit Card Order s)

Terms and Conditions Remember . S60 per l imited edition pflnl sold Will be used In a scholarship fund to aid meritoriOus students In achieVing tt1elf educa ti onal goals . and IS tax deductible Since the total number of prin t s In the limited edillon series IS one thousand Il lS recommended that orders be placed Without delay All orders will be numbered seQuenllally In the order received and will be filled on a "r SI-come flfsl -served baSIS Orders Will be filled commenCing wlthlhe smalles ! number available No reques t for a particular number Will be conSidered All orders are subJec llo avallalHhty and any cl aims resulting from shipping eHOf . mlsundersmndmg or other cause InCldenmllo an order writ be limited to the initial purchase price Please allow 4-6 weeks 101 delivery

MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 2nd Class Postage Paid at Rolla. MO 65401-9990

University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla. Missouri 65401-9990

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Jack Rasor, George Nations, Chancellor Jischke

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