Missouri S&T Magazine, August 1986

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University of Missouri-Rolla

August, 1986

AI·u mnus Vol. 60, No.4

University of Missouri-Rolla

August, 1986

Rolla, MO 6540 1·9990

We Hope You Come Hom-e For Homecoming! It may be their first Homecoming at UMR, but Chancellor Martin lischke and his wife, Patty, are already at home on campus and are looking forward to seeing you at Homecoming 1986. (The new chancellor's first day was April 28. Prior to coming to UMR, he was dean of engineering at the University of Oklahoma an'd had served as interim president of OU.j "Patty and I have made man y good friends who are alumni of MSM-UMR , and we are looking forward to meeting new ones 'at the Homecoming festivities Oct. 17-18," Martin says. "We hope each and everyone of you will join us." Patty says there will be fun times such as the Silver and Gold party and the football game as well as educational seminars presented by severa) of our outstanding facult y. "We are reall y looking forward to seeing you at Homecoming and think you will enjoy the varied activities which have been planned." Some of the activities include: Interesting and educational seminars for alu mni from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . Friday, Oct. 17, and from 10 to 11 a.m. on Oct. 18 ; the Sil ver and Gold Cocktail Party from 5:3'0 to 8 p.m. , Oct. 17', University Center East Centennial Hall; Breakfast from 8 to 10 a:m. on Oct. 18 , Centennial Hall; Fieldhouse Feed from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m'. on Oct. 18, Multi-Purpose Building; Football game between Miners and Southeast Missouri State University, 1:30 p.m ., Oct.. 18, Jackling Field; An· nual Awards Banquet, 7 to 9 p.m. , Oct. 18, Centennial Hall, preceded by a oash bar at 6: 15 p.m . in the Miner Lounge. Registration for Homecoming will be held from 9 a.m. to 4:30. p.m. , Oct. 17 , and from 8 to 11: 15 a.m. , Oct. 18 in the Miner Lounge. The MSM-UMR Board of Directors will meet from 9:30 a.m . to 2 - p.m. , Oct. 17 , and the annual meeting of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association will be held at 9 p.m. on Oct. 18. Mark these dates on your calendar. and for assistance with Homecoming reservations call or write: Alumni Office, Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla , Mo. 65401 (Telephone 314-341-4147).

MSM Alumnus / l

1986 MSM·UMR Homecoming October 17·18 Schedule of Activities FRIDA Y, October 17


9 a.m.·4:30 p.m.

Registration, Miner Lounge, University Center-East

9:30 a.m.-2 p.m.

Board of Directers' Meeting, MSM:UMR Alumni Association, University Center-East


10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Interesting and-E"ucational Seminars (no charge) . No. I-An Introduction to Grounding and Shielding of -Electronic Instrumentation 10 a.m.-4 p.m., No. 2-Shaplier Sentences 10 a.m.-II a.m., No. 3-Conlputer Ethics II a.m.·12 noon, No.'4·The Japanese System of Process Control and Productivity Improvement I p.m.-4 p.m., No.5-Oak Leaves and Shillelaghs: Engineering Education in the Ozarks 2 p.m.-3 p:rp., No.6-Ozark Folklore 3 p.m.-4 p.m.

5:30 p.m.-8 p.m.

Silver and Gold Cocktail Party, Centennial Han, University Center-East ($10 per person)

7 p.m.

Soccer· Miners vs. North Central College,' Naperville, Ill., UMR Soccer Complex

SATURDAY, October 188 a.m.-IO a.m.

All Alumni Breakfast, Centennial Hall', University Center-East (No charge)

8 a.m.-11:15 a.tn,

Registration resumes in Miner Lounge

10 a.m,-II a.m.

Interesting and Educational Seminars (no charge) No, 7-Personal Finance: How to Avoid Losing Your 'Spouse's Shirt .after Age 75 , No.8-Ms. ProfessQr, No.9-Current Applications and Possibilities in Molecular Biology .

11:30 a.m .

Fieldhouse Feed for all alumni and friends. Features reserved seatIng for the Reunion Classes of 1936 and before, 1941 , 1946, 1951 , 1956, 1961 , 1966, 1971 , 1976, 1981. CLASS PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN . Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose Building. Food Service from H :30-12:15. ($5 per person)

I :30 p.m.

Kickoff-Miners vs. Southeast Missouri State University, New Jackling Field, Sports Complex ($6 per person)

6: 15 p.m.

Cash Bar, Miner Lounge, University Center-East

7 p.m .-9 p,m.

Awards Banquet, Centennial Hall, University Center-Ea,st ($12.50 per person)

9 p.m.

Annual Meeting, MSM-UMR Alumni Association

Check at the registration desk for special events scheduled for reunion classes, For assistance with Homecoming reservations, call or write: Alumni Office, UMR , Harris Hall, Rolla, MO 65401-9996, Infor' mation Number 314/341 -4 147 . Rugby Alumni Attention all former UM R Rugby players-the fourth annual UMR alumni-student rugby match is to be held at noon Saturday , Oct. 18, during Homecoming weekend. An yone wishing to participate or to provide social support should contact Harlen Meyer, '79-phone: home-314/225·8727 or work-3 14/239·3745 or write: Harlen Meyer, 849 Country Stone, Manchester, MO 6302 f. .

Notice to all GDI (Independent) Alums: The 1986-87 Board of Governors and members of the Independents organization (GOD would like to get together with the GOI Alumni over Homecoming Weekend. If you are interested in an outing to compare past and present good times, please contact Birdie Brown, 314-364-5750; Address: Rt. 5 Box 589, Rolla , MO 65401 or Mike Trimble, 314-341 -5570 or notify us by sending a letter to: GOlJlndependents, clo Student Activities Office, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401.

2/ MSM Alumnus

Free Seminars Available at Ho,,"ecoming and 43 in 1877. The school's problems discouraged Director C. P. Williams. In the spring of 1877 he resigned leaving, however, an established institution whose purpose of combining learning and application remained intact." In covering the later years, Ridley says ... "2,565 students enrolled at the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in the fall of 1946. Only 265 had been enrolled the year before. About 1,800 of the new students were veterans of World War II. The little campus shud· Friday, October 17 - AM dered under this impact, but the addition of 14 barracks and instructors willing to No. I - " An Introduction to Grounding and Shielding of Electronic Instrumenta- teach classes and direct labs from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., six days a week, enabled the tion" is taught by Dr. Tom VanDoren , Teledyne professor of electrical engineering. campus to endure." It will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday. A careful explanation of the objecNo.6 - "Ozark Folklore" is taught Friday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. by Dr. Michael tives and techniques for grounding and shielding will reduce misconceptions and Patrick, two-time past president of the Missouri Folklore Society and past president allow a more systematic approach to replace "trial and error" methods. The presentation will be at an introductory level, however, a knowledge of electronic circuit of the Ozark States Folklore Society. The Ozarks, encompassing parts of Illinois, and system design will be assumed . Several interface mechanisms and shield techni- Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Mi~ouri , until recently have been an isolated area populated by people that the great folklorist Vance Randolph called in admiraques will be demonstrated. tion , "the most consciously unprogressive in the United States". Their isolation and No.2 - "Shaplier Sentences" will be presented by Dr. Elizabeth Cummins, pro- unprogressivene~ have made the area a great national resource for the preservation fessor of English. This course will be held from 10 a.m. to II a.m. on Friday. Are of folk music, customs, art, crafts, tales, superstitions, and beliefs. This course will your sentences overweight? Are their hearts weak? Do they have unsightly bulges? examine the rich heritage to the shaping of twentieth century American culture.

Alumni and their spouses are in vited to participate in any of nine seminars which will be offered Frida y and Saturday, October 17-18, during Homecoming weekend . The seminars are sponsored by the School of Engineering and the College of Arts and Sciences. There is no charge for participation.

Learn how to shape up and show off their best features.


Saturday, October 18 AM

No.3 - "Computer Ethics" will be taught by Dr. Wayne Cogell, professor of No.7 - "Personal Finance: How to A void Losing Your Spouse's Shirt after Age philosophy, from II a.m. to noon. After providing a brief background in ethical theory, this course will focus on five areas where use of computers has posed signifi- 75" is a participative discu~ion lead by Dr. Bill Brooks, a certified public accountant cant ethical questions: profe~ional ethics, liability for malfunctions in computer and professor of engineering management, and will be held from 10 a.m. to II a.m. on Saturday. The discu~ion emphasizes the retirement finance planning, while proprograms, privacy, power, and ownership of computer programs. perly commencing in early middle age, must continue until both partners have graduated to, hopefully, angel status and what that really means on an everyday Friday, October 17 . PM basis. No. 4 - "The Japanese System of Process Control and Productivity Improvement" will be taught by Dr. Henry Wiebe, professor of engineering management, and will be held from I p.m. to 4 p.m. Friday. It will emphasize the need for statistical quality control as practiced by the Japanese, W. Edward Deming's principles of management and productivity improvement, and will offer a descriptive, nonquantitative review of statistical tools used for productivity improvement.

No.8 - "Ms. Professor" is the title of a discussion offered from 10 a.m. to II a.m. Saturday. Given by Dr. Dee Haemmerlie, professor of psychology, and Ms. Linda Laub, electrical engineering, this discussion will explore the differences and similarities between the professional lives they lead and those of their male col· leagues.

No.9 - "Current Applications and Po~ibilities in Molecular Biology" taught by No.5 - "Oak Leaves and Shillelaghs: Engineering Education in the Ozarks" from Dr. Nord Gale, profe~r and chairman of life sciences, will be taught from 10 a.m . 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday as taught by history professors L. O. Christensen and J. to II a.m . on Saturday. Participants will review some of the recent applications of B. Ridley. Authors of "UM·Rolla: A History of MSM-UMR ," the two historians genetic engineering and advances in immunological techniques. Eunice French, ' 84, Director, will review for you or your spouse some of the factors which created this institution. For example: from Christensen's "early years" ... "Enrollment declined to 66 in 1876 Homecoming Seminars

------------------------------------------------~--------------~---------. HOMECOMING SEMINAR REGISTRATION Limited space is available in each program, so advance registrations are necessary. Please complete the registration form below and return it to the Alumni Office, 101 Harris Hall, UM-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401-9996. Please number the Saturday seminars in order of preference. You will be given your choices if at all possible and space permits. Name Addre~


Phone (_ _-'-_ _ _ _ _ _ __


City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - State _ _ __ Zip _ _ _ __ Year Graduated ______ Department _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Second person reservations: Name _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ No. of reservations

Friday, October 17

Saturday, October 18

No. I-Introduction to Grounding and Shielding (10 a.m.-4 p.m.) (Please indicate order of preference) No. 2-Shaplier Sentences (10-11 a.m.) No.3-Computer Ethics (II a.m.-noon) _______ NO.7-Personal Finance (10-11 a.m.) No. 4-The Japanese System of Process Control and Productivity Improvement (1-4 p.m.) No. 8-M~ . Professor (10-11 a.m.) No.5-Oak Leaves and Shillelaghs: Engineering Education in the No.9-Current Applications and Possibilities in Molecular Biology Ozarks (2-3 p.m.) (10-11 a.m.) No.6-Ozark Folklore (3-4 p.m.) Class reservation cards with assignment of classroom may be picked up at the Homecoming Registration desk in the University Center on Friday or Saturday before the scheduled seminar. Please return form before October 10 to: MSM-UMR Alumni Association, 101 Harris Hall, UMR , Rolla, MO 65401-9996

MSM Alumnus / 3

MINER SPORTS Photos and text

by Ernest Gutierrez, '77

Miner Football-Alumni vs Varsity

On a warm and sunny weekend last April more than 40 former Miner football players came back to the campus to do battle with the 1986 varsity team . The event-one that the UMR athletic department hopes will be an annual affair-included reunions, barbecues and social gatherings. But the featured event was a contest between the varsity and the old-timers. The old-timers team included recent Miner standouts such as John Frerking, '86, and Mike Meyer, and former gridiron heroes Keith Bailey, '64, and Jim DeBold, '66 . Many of them found out that their first hurdle would be to fit the extra poundage gathered over the years into the tight-fitting uniforms. In some cases spare tires around the middle were prominentaly featured. Once the game started it became obvious to the alumni squad's coach , the Miner's Chuck Broyles, that frequent substitutions would be the order of the day. The huffing and puffing from the alums could be almost heard from across the field, but they hung on to show the young players a thing or two. In the end the varsity prevailed, 13-0, but the spirit of camaraderie was evident not only on the playing field but also in the locker room.

On The Cover Gene Kuelker, '79, left, Mike Vickers, UMR emeritus associate professor of engineering graphics, center, and Greg Elzie, '79, catch their breath before returning to action.

Eldon B. "Cork" Finley, '59, chats with former Miner placekicker John Key, '74, and Keith Bailey, '64.

Randy Hauser, '83 , and Bill Grantham, '8) , in white jerseys, combine to make a tackle just like in the "good ole days."

4/ MSM Alumnus

Mike Fridley, '67, gets ready for battle.

Keith Bailey, '64, after the battle .

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Brothers found themselves on opposite sides. John Frerking, '86 left , and younger brother Jim, a soph.omore on the Miner squad.

Lucien Bolon Jr., '59, hits the water bottle at nalitime.

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Perrin Roller, '80, left, Bill P.each , '75 , center, and Steve Kubiak, '73 , take a break on the sidelines.


Bruce Williams, '72, left, and Lucien Bolon Jr. , '59, had trouble tieing their shoes T here were a few minor injuries, but the worst ones were bruised egos. th is time around.

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Ray Rucker, '54, former Miner player, left, and Harry Allen , a veteran Miner fan , watched the action from the stands.

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SOme fans took advantage of the sunny weather "to work on a tan.

MSM Al umn us l7

Joe Kinsella, '79, left and son, Brian, and Andy Cox, '79, and son , Jeffrey.


A small but enthusiastic crowd, comprised mostly of relati ves of the alumni squad, cheered on the " old men." l'I '"

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UMR Varsity Rifle Team Captures Missouri Championship UM-Rolla's varsity rine team cap- ' tured it fvu rth straight Missouri Intercollegiate Rifle Leaguc championship at a meet held at Southwest Missouri State University late thiS spring. According to SFC Jessie Griffin, U M R sen ior JJ1structor in military

8 M SM Al um nu

science and team coach, the win also completed the fourth year thai th e UMR team has been undefeated in ma t che held in the state of MissOlifi Members of the championship team are: Robert Valbracht (captain). semor In mechanical engineerin g f r om


Mo.: Brent Anderson, in geological engineering from Lo, Alamos, N M.: Darre ll Angleton senior I~ geologica l engil}Ccrmg from Soulh Roxana, 111.; Kathy Howard , a semor JJ1 ci vil engineering from Gilbemville , Ky. ; and Don -

~op h omore

\ . 11\'1, "


Kriesel. a sophomore in aerospace engineering from Shell Knob, Mo. In addition, Va,lbracht took first place in the tanding category and second place in the kneeling competition and aggregate score.

UMR Transfer Program Has 14-Year Succe~s Record This fall , several hundred members of UM-Rolla's graduating class of 1990 will be freshmen-not- on the UMR campus-but at 37 different two-year or four-year colleges and universities_ These students are participants in UMR's 14-year-old Transfer Assistance Program (TAP) , a specially designed program to help students who wish to take part of _the work required for a UMR degree at another college_ "TAP is essentially an agreement with students that if they follow the TAP program and make the required academic average, they will be accepted at UMR and graduate on time without -interruption in their program ," said David Allen, UMR assistant director of admissions who is in charge of the transfer program _ According to UMR officials and transfer students, TAP has a long history of success_ "Programs have been worked out between UMR and the individual participating institutions so that students can satisfy the requirements of both UMR and their own college during theirTirst two years," Allen explained_ "Credits and grade points are transferred jiJst as though they had been earned here at UMR and are counted toward eligibility for such things as scholarships and honor societies_ Most of the students continue to earn about the same grade point average after they cOme to UMR," he added_ He said that students can transfer to UMR witholJt participating in TAP, but in doing so they may take some courses that won't count toward a UMR degree_In addition, individual students who attend schools without official TAP agreements with UMR may participate in special TAP programs arranged by the UMR Admissions Office _ The transfer programs are available in 13 different fit<lds of engineering and in computer science, geology and geophysics _ Allen said that there .is more to TAP than just transferring. "T AP participants work -with members of a transfer staff from UMR who counsel and assist students and their pre-engineering advisers befor'e the stud'ent~ transfer and also after they arrive at UM!:{," he explained . "In addition, there are. special transfer orientation and preregistration programs." Allen said that "at anyone time, there are between 1,000 and 1,200 students involved in the offi~ial transfer program . Approximately 90 percent of the students who transfer to UMR in the TAP program receive their degrees at UMR," he added_ Robert B. Lewis, UMR director of admissions, said that the program is growing every year. "There are so many transfer students on the Rolla campus that UMR has an ---.. alumni 'chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, community college honor society ." Transfer students also receive an extra benefit: a $500 annual scholarship is made


available by the MSM-UMR Alumni Association to a student at each of the participating TAP schools. In addition, once they get to UMR , transfer students are ,eligible for departmental scholarships, part-time work, and federal and state grants and loans. They also may participate in the cooperative education program (in which 'students alternate semesters of work in industry and classes on campus), and Missouri students are eligible for the University Scholars Program , which waives a portion of educational fees for outstanding academic performance. Lewis said that there are advantages to being on campus all four years, such as being a part of the group from the beginning 'and having a chance to get acquainted with different branches of engineering. "But for students who need or want to attend a local college for a year or two before coming to UMR, if they participate in TAP, their co!lege or professional careers will not suffer. We have several thousand successful transfer graduates who are proof of that ," he said. Missouri educational institutions participating in the TAP program are: Central Methodist College, Fayette; Central Missouri S41te University, Warrensburg; Crowder College, Neosho; East Central Junior College, Union; St. Louis Community Colleges at Florissant Valley, Forest Park and Meramec; HanniballaGrange College, Hannibal; Jefferson College, Hillsboro; Longview Community College, Lee's Summit; Maple Woods Community College, North Kansas City; Mineral Area College, Flat River; Missouri Southern College, Joplin; Missouri Western State College, St. -Joseph; Moberly Junior College, Moberly; Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville; Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville; Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield; Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau; Penn Valley Community College, Kansas City; Rockhurst College, Kansas City; Southwest Baptist College, Bolivar; State Fair Community College, Sedalia; Three Rivers Community College, Poplar Bluf( The .School of the Ozarks, Point Lookout; Trenton Junior College, Trenton; University of Missouri-St. Louis. In Illinois, TAP programs are available with Belleville Area College, Belleville; John A. Logan College, Carterville; Kaskaskia College, Centralia; John Wood Community College, Quicy; Lewis & Clark Community College, Godfrey; Rend Lake College, Ina; Southeastern l11inois Community College, Harrisburg. TAP programs are alSo available at Paducah Community College, Paducah, Ky.; and in Kansas, at Donnelly College, Kansas City, and Johnson County Community College, Overland Park . Lewis said that additionaJ programs are expected to be established in Ulinois and in Oklahoma and Arkansas, as well as Missouri. . For information on TAP, contact the Office of Admissions at the University of Missouri-Rolla, 102 Parker Hall, Rolla, Mo., 65401 , or at any of the other participating colleges and universities.

. Continuing Education-Courses

Here's a list of some of the extension continuing education short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR . Where titles are not self-explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs . Call the office of the Deap of Continuing Education and Public Service, 314/341-4156. Written requests should be addressed to the same office. 205B Parker Hall. University of Missouri-Rolla , Rolla, MO 65401.



School of Mines and Metallurgy Geological-Seismological Evaluation of Earthquake Hazards . Exploration Geophysics for Non-GeophysiGists .


. .. . ... .. . . .... .... . . Sept. 9-12 . . Oct. 20-23

St. Louis Rolla

. .. ... _ . .. ... Sept. 9-Oct. J . .. Sept. J I-Oct. 16 . Sept. J I-Oct . 16 . ... _ ..... . Sept. I J -Oct. 16 . . . Sept. 22-24 . .. . . Oct. 6-8 . ... Oct. 7-10 . . . .. . . Nov. 11 -12

S\. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis Rolla Rolla Centralia St. Louis

School of Engineering Engineer-In-Training Review . . .. .. _ . . ... . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . Review-Civil Engineering _. . . . . . _ . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . _. _ .. . .. . . . . _. . . . . Review- Electrical Engineering ...... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. Review-Mechanical Engineering ... . _' " _ . . . ... . : _. , . . 10th Symposium on Turbulence . . ... ... . . . . .. .. ... .. .. . . . . . _ .. . .... . . _ . Basic Techniques of Computer Drafting. . . . . . .... . .... . 16th Power Apparatus Techniques. . 8th International Specialit y Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures .

Times and dates of courses ma y cha nge nearer to the time of the course.

MSM Alumnus / 9

The generosity of individuals making gifts to the MSM·UMR Alumni Association and the University of Missouri·Rolla is responsible for assisting about 400 students through Alumni Assoqiation and University Named Scholarships. An additional 26 students are Alumni Association Educational Assistants, performing research and other work under the supervision of UMR faculty members. Dollar a,m ounts vary from scholarship to scholarship, but each student is appreciative of the fact tbat you, the alumni and friends of MSM·UMR, are willing to in vest in his or her future . We of the Alumni/Development Office join them in giving thanks to those who so richly deserve it. . If you would like to honor a family , individual or group through the establishment of a named scholarship or loan fund , oppor· tunities exist to do so. For more information contact:


AlumnilDevelopment Office tlniversity of Misso uri·RolI(j 101 Harris Hall Rolla,_MO 65401

1985·86 Alumni Association Scholarship Fund Recipients Alumni Association Superior Scholarship Tara Lynn BrOlvn , So, Comp Sci Peggy Ann Danzer, Fr, Mech Eng Jerry A. Daues, Sr, Petr Eng Gary Duane Dencker, Jr, Chern En g Jeannine Marie Dubuque, Fr, El Eng Ranna Elaine Jones, Jr, Ap Ma th Danie l Joseph Lapos ha , Sr, Comp Sci Marg~ r et Ann Murphy, Sr, El Eng Juliann Rob ey, So, El Eng Michael S. Sil l iman, Jr, El Eng Tracy Jo Thomas, Sr, Civ Eng Anne Louise Voyles , Fr, Chern Eng Alumni As sociation Scholarship Lo ri Jean Adams, So, Chern Eng Jean Marie Andersen , Jr, Chern Fred K. Baganoff, Sr, Physics Ronald J, Bauza, J~, El Eng Dona ld D, Brumm II, Jr Min Eng Stephan K, Bryan, Sr, Comp Sci Jeffrey W. Bu ll ard, Jr, Ce r Eng Stephen L. Clark, So, Mech Eng . Rhonda Rae Dalske, So, Aero Eng Thomas A, Flak, So, El Eng Jean Marie Flynn, Fr, Ge l & Gph Grego ry J. Gent, Fr, El Eng Joseph A. Ging, Sr, El Eng S. Michael Held, Jr, El Eng Char l es A. H e n~e, Jr, Chern Eng Brian K. Jennison, Sr, El Eng Jon Kadane, Jr, Ap Math Colby E . Kinser, Jr , Comp Sci Bradford J, Kline, So, Comp Sci John K. Klosterman, So, Mech Eng Kay He l en Koester, Sr, El Eng Da rin R. Lov e la ce, Fr, Chem Eng Lori Lyn Mason, So, Eng Mgt ~I ic ha e l D. ~ 1i.11er, Fr, Aero Eng Donald W, Mueller, Fr, Mech Eng Kare ~ Ann Nimmo, So, El Eng Erik D, Olson, Fr, Aero Eng Timothy C. Overstreet, Fr, Comp Sci James R . Page Jr., So, El Eng Bret A. Riegel, Fr, Aero Eng Jeffrey C. Rigg, So; El Eng Julie Ann Robinson, Fr, Mech Eng Karen Ann Rothermich, Sr, El Eng Joan Marie Roulston, Fr, Chem Eng Karen Sue Sedlacek , So, Mec h Eng

lO/ MSM Alumnus

Lori Grace St app, So, Aero Eng Daniel L. St asiak, Sr, El Eng Mary Amelia Stephens, Jr, English Karla Jean St iete rm an n, Sr, . Comp Sci Jo hn M, Sweaney. Jr, Mech Eng Toby J, Tekolste, Fr , Eng Mgt Terry Ann Tillison, Fr, Undecided Eng Nora Carroll Tochtrop , So , Chem Eng Troy A, Tschirhart, Fr, Aero Eng . Nancy Lynn Wehmeyer, Fr,. Ap ~I a.t h Jil l Lynn Wilkerson, Jr, El Eng · David A, W±llming, Sr, El Eng David J. Wilson, Jr, Comp Sci Alumni Association Special Scholarship


Tonya Rose Cl emons, Fr, Eng Mgt Kevin B, Edwards, Fr, Nuc Eng Maria Jeannett~ La hm , So, Undecided De i rdre Lee ·McDaniel, Fr, Undecided John Char l es McDonali, Fr, Geol & Gph Jason L . McKeel, Fr, Met Eng Kirk A, Phillips, Fr, Aero Eng Scott A. Quackenbush, Fr, Aero Eng David R. Schick, So, El Eng Kr.istin Renee Snyder, S01 Chern Gail Suzanne Tonas, Fr, Chem Eng Alumni Associatipn Transfer Scho l arship Thom as J. Abkemeier, Jr, Civ Eng Ali Belakhoua, Jr, El Eng Normar T. Butler, Sr , El Eng Steven W. Danz , Jr. Comp Sci Aaron T, Freese, Sr, Cer Eng Steve L, Harvey. Sr, E) Eng Eric S . Hart. Jr, El Eng Donald C. Hodges, Jr, Mec h Eng Nathan A. Hull, Jr , Mech Eng Oscar G. Jayri es, Sr, El Eng James J . Ki e f er , Jr, Civ Eng Bret R. Klahs, jr. Mech Eng Michael C. Long, Jr, Cer Eng Kevin G'. ~IcCal mon, Jr ,\ El Eng Robert C. Mehner. Sr, Civ Eng Daniel L . Meservey, Jr, El Eng Roy R. Minor, Sr, El Eng David A. Rhein. Jr, El Eng Rock A. Stevens, Jr. Chern Eng Michael D. Stokes, Sr, El Eng

Brian H. Supernaw, "Jr, Mech Eng John J . Tibbles , Sr , ' Comp Sci Wesley T , Tremper, Jr, El Eng Anthony F. Valdez , Jr, Mech Eng J effery S. Warnock, Jr, ,Aero Eng Anthony E. Washburn, Jr, Aero Eng Phillip D. Young , Jr, El Eng Murphy Company Scholarship John E . Preusser, Sr, Mech Eng Jerome T , and Robe rt T . Berry Scholar s hip Daniel D. · Carmody, Sr, Eng Mgt John R-. FJ;erking, Sr. Civ Eng Roy Perry Scholarship L~sa



Sr, Civ Eng

Robert E , Dye Scholarship Rodger D. Boswell , Sr, Min Eng James A. Brasier, Sr, Min Eni Steph e n J. Fiscor, Sr, Min Eng · Christopher Godfrey , Sr, Min Eng Dale W. Halley, Sr, Min Eng Randal L. Hanning, Jr, Min Eng Steven D. Johnson , Sr, Min Eng Mich ael P. Sturdevant , Jr, Min Eng Dan J. Tibbits, Sr , Min Eng James T, Ward, Sr, Min Eng David R. Zieg l e r, Sr, Mi n Eng Steph e n Kessler


Dougla s G. Engemann , So, Met Eng Regina Rose Kunzler, So , MeX Eng Gary C. Yerby. Fr. Met Eng Harry Kessler SchGlarshi Tamara Lynn Bell. So. Mech Eng Car los & Joan Tiernoh Scholarship Laurie Kr is tine Williams, Fr, Met Eng /

Th eodore J. Plan j e Scho l arship Ju liet A. Minzey, So, Cr Eng

George Axmacher Scholarship Sean K. Patterson, Jr, Camp Sci

Clyde W. Hall Scholarship Everett D. Brazeal, So, Camp Sci Bonnie Lea Breuer, So, Undecided Arts & Sd David A. Capps, 51', EI Eng Marc L. De Wever, Jr, EI Eng James W. Gregory, Sr, Mech Eng Orva l E. Hancock Jr., So, El Eng James G. Heiken, Sr, Mech Eng Kim Ann Ie, Jr, Civ Eng Patrick A. Kaufman, Jr, Mech Eng ..Daniel T. Klingenberg, Sr, Chern Eng David W. McNabb, Sr, El Eng Rainer P. Mueller, Jr, EI Eng Joe A. Nastasi, Jr, Eng Mgt

Galen R. Oellig, Jr, Comp Sci Sean K. Patterson, Jr, Comp Sci Thomas J . Placht, Sr, El Eng John E . Preusser, Sr, Mech Eng Craig S. Prevallet, So, Chern Eng Thomas L. Reed, Sr, Geo Eng Joseph M. Ribble, Jr, EI Eng Edward A. Somuels, Sr , Comp Sci Bethanne Marie Wanner, Sr, Comp Sci _ Rjchard E. \vaIHzyniak, Jr, El Eng David B. Webb, Sr, EI Eng

Alumni Association Educational Assistants Mary Kaye Bryant, Sr, Ap Math Redus D. Burks , Sr, EI Eng Lorne J . Covington , Sr, Nuc Eng Christopher D. Cragg, Sr, Nuc Eng William R. Crane, Sr, EI Eng

Robyn Marie Eder, Sr, Geo Eng Gerald B. Feldewerth, Sr, Met Eng Johnnie Beth Fiscus, Sr, Speech and ~ledia Celeste M. Franta, Sr, Geo Eng V. Renee Harris, Sr, Geo Eng Paul A. Hu ghes, Fr, El Eng Michael S. Humphrey, Sr, History William J. Javdrek, Jr, El Eng James R. Langston, Sr, Chern Eng Chooi Tian Lee, So, Cer Eng Brian S. Louden, Sr, Nuc Eng Christiane McLees, Fr, English Eric R. Miller, Sr, Met Eng Thomas P. Mudd, Jr, Mech Eng Mark K. Roach, § r, Petr Eng C. Thomas Robinson, Sr, El Eng Joseph P. Shukys, So, Mech Eng J. Joel Smith, Jr, Nuc Eng Justin D. Spears, Sr, El Eng John A. Trudell III, Sr, Chern Eng Ameli~ Lynn Wilhelm, Jr, El Eng


1985·86 UMR De,(elopment Fund Named Scholarship Recipients J.

Il . Artu.u r_ ~ Fond. 1v

~cJ.lO 10r sh12

Vi co Riunoo , Fr, "I i n Eng Julie L. Board, So, Cer Eng Je~frey W! Bullard, So, Bel' Eng \v'illiam D. Cliftoll, Fr, Cer Eng Stephanie A. Dillh'lddie, Fr , Cer Eng I\ron ) Gaus, So, eel' El\g Dennis A. I!j ghLOIver , Jr, Cel' Eng John ~l. Ke'lly, So, Cer Eng Paul G, McLaughlin, Sr, Cer Eng Tod M. Neidt, , So, Cer Eng AndreI,' P. , Parke.r, S] ' , Ce.l' Eng Paul ~l. .Pericich , Sr , Ce.r Eng timothy M. Peters , So , Cer Eng Karen R. Raab , Fr, Cer Eng Joshua H. Robinson , So, Cer Eng Lori L. Snelson, Fr, Ce.r Eng James D. Steibel , So, Cer Eng Traci M. Todd, Fr, Cer Eng Eric W. Wa lt ers, Fr, Cer Eng Mark W. Wesling, Fr, Cer Eng James E. White, So, Cer Eng Carl H. Basler Memorial Scholarship Kevin J. Knocke, Sr, EI Eng \~outer

BOSGh Endm,'ed Scho l arship

Rasoyna F. Dozier, So, Chern Christopher A. Kau f man; Jr, Chem Carol K. Kenesey, So, Chern Thomos W. Kreek, Sr, Chern Mark D. Loudenslager, Sr, Chern Hugh U. Mackenzie, Sr, Chern Kenneth B. Mueller Jr., Jr, Chern Lisa C. Mueller, So, Chern Richard L. Nickols, Sr, Chern ~lj chile 1 J. Pfci f fer., Sr, Chern Cher~l A. Ritchie, Sr, Chern Br ad D. Rodgers, Jr, Chern Kristin R. Snyder, Fr, Chern Kevi n W. Sutton, Jr, Chern Kevin D. Weav er , Jr, Chern Mark C. Zimmerman, Sr, Chern

Wayne R. Broad~us Sr. Scholarship

Frank E. Dennie Memorial Scholars hip

Robert G. Ford, Fr, Civ Eng _

Andrew L . Prater, Fr, Life Sci

Donald L. Cast l eman Scholarship

Laura and George Eas ley Scholarship

John S. Kozlolvski, Jr, Aero ElIg

Francis S. Aschinger, So, El Eng Bryan E. Audsley, Fr, Nuc Eng Robert J . Chrum, So, £1 Eng Timothy W. Crosnoe, So, El Eng Daniel A. Elbert, Fr, El Eng Aron Gaus, So, Cer Eng Michae l J. Gross, So, Met Eng Dwan R. Parkyn, Fr, Physics James J. Pfeiffer, So, Aero Eng Grant~. Phillips, So, Min Eng Stanton M. Simpson, Fr, Aero Eng ~lich4e l C. Un l and, So, ~fin Eng Richard D. Wiltshir e , Fr, El Eng

Charles E. Christian Memorial Achievement Award in CE Mary T. Zuehlke, So, Civ Eng Anoy & Toni Cochran Scholarship Kenneth K. Koshi, Jr, EI Eng


Frank H. Conrad Chemical Scholarship


Tony G. Borovic, Sr, Chern Eng Larry A. Hofstetter, Sr, Chern Eng Michael D. Kean, Sr, Che~ Eng Kathy Jane Ruether, Sr, Chern Eng Thomas J. Sonderman, Sr, Chern Eng Bernadette L. ,Yukas, Sr, Chern Eng

F. Stillman Elfred Memorial Scholarsh.ip Robert J. Rosser, Sr, Min Eng Jan C. Smi~h , Sr, Min Eng

Nick Cooksey Memorial Scholarship Thomas O. English Scholarship Eugene A. Erker, So, Mech Engr Constonce L. Collins, Jr, El Eng Ri cha~ d L. Cooper Schdlarship

Douglas A. Kiehne, Jr, Chern Eng

Steven Fede(Memorial Scholars hip

Coterie Scholarship Committee Scholarship

Lyle D. Evans , So, Min Eng

Sally M. Love, Jr, English

Al Fields

Faukland H. Dearing Educational Scholar ship

Karen Lee Mannes, Jr, Eng Mgt

Ange lo W. Semif ero, Fr, Aero Eng Christoph er T . Walker, So, Aero Eng Thomas A. Weib l e, Fr, El Eng

Raymond R. Finch Memorial Scholarship



Jeffrey C. Rigg, Fr, El Eng

/f'oSM Alumnusll l

1985·86 :UMR De,utlopment Fund N'a~ed Scholarship Recipients Contil1ued Fred Fin l ey Endowed Schol a rship Timot hy L. Cochran , Jr , El En g Joseph A. Ging , Sr , El Eng Robert J . Ra usc he nb ac h, Sr , El Eng De borah Ann Ro mbe r g, Jr , El Eng Ri c ha r d E . Wawrzyn i ak , Jr , El Eng

Brett A. Johnson, Sr , Min Eng Rob e rt J . Landgraf , Sr , II Eng Ch eryl K. Smith , Jr , Min Eng St even F. Was l es k i , J r , Comp Sci ~! a rk

Robe r t M. Ni co de mu s Aca d emic At h le ti c Award Ja me s J . Pf eiffer , So . Ae r o Eng

B. Lay n e Schol a rs.bi.!2 ·

Colone l a nd r! r s Sc lt o l a r s ln p

Pau l K . Brown , Sr , Min Eng J ud it h L. F lebb e Memoria l Scho l a r s h i p

SLe phen J .

I. H. Lov e tt Tr ibut e Schol ar s hip

Judit h And e r s on , Jr, Chern Eng Fred e ri c k Kielho rn, J r , C he~ Eng F l oyd H. Frame Endowe d &chol ar s hlp


Haro l d Q Fu lle r Ph ysics Sc ho a r s h i p

And r ew C. Elmore, Sr, Geo l En g Suz a nne D. H a l ~, Sr , Ch e rn Eng

Lee G. Van Pel t , Sr , PhY S1CS Gl enn & Rut h Gra ham Memor i a l Scho l a r ship Fund Ke lly Ba rni cle, So , Met Eng Ann M. Gr one r , Sr , ~1et Eng Joseph M. Gros ko, Sr, Met Eng Micha e l J . Gr o ss ~ So, Met Eng Micha e l S . Humph rey , Sr , Met Eng Paul S . Korinko, Sr , Met Eng David L. Mart en , So, Met Eng Thomas P. McC l e na han , So , Met Eng Gary A. Pressly , Sr , Met Eng Kev in R. Redmond , Sr , Me t Eng ' Gary D. Wh i te, Sr, Me t En g Rhond a L . Ye rsak , J~, Met Eng Ha r v ey H. Grice Schol a r s h i p Larry Hofstette r , Sr , Ch ern En g Hathuc Hun g , ~ ! A, Ch e rn Eng Richard Sc huth , J r , Ch ern Eng Lawrenc e Ku r ows k i, Sr , Chern Eng Re gina Wa s hing ton , Jr , Chern Eng J ohn Rust ige, Sr, Ch ern Eng Ki mbe rly Kr ame r , Sr, Ch ern £ng C. J. Grimm Scho lar s hip Fu nd Donald R. Wa lk er, ' So , El Eng Pamm e la L. Whit t en, So, El Eng

~! .

~! a cklin

Thom as J. Gera l d R Jeffr ey G

Sc hol a r s h i p

Ph el s

Jr, EI Eng

D ~ ~ le,

AhkR m p~~r HCr~7 - C J'

Stabe now

COU ll t\





e ng Sr .. Cl\, Eng



Pa llhellC I1 .i.C

Sc ho laqr.J p

V. H. McNutt Memor ia l Scho la r s h i p Scott T. Drummond , Fr , Geol Jean M. Fly nn , Fr , Geol Dawn M. Ges hwender , Jr, Geol Wayn e A. Hopkins , Fr, Geol Jo hn C. McDon a ld , Fr, Ge ol George H. ~! oe ll·e r ing , Jr , Geol Andr ew E. Newe ll, Fr, Geo l J ul ia £. Pol l ock , Fr, Ge o l

Joann Co nnors J~ E:, Eng Ann M. Sauncer ' J r, Pe t Eng Pe ter H

P ie~s c ~

Np mOllJ l

Sc holar ship

Willi am V Gi an noh i] c , J r , Chern De borah 3. ~lashb \l rr... Sr . Che rn Grego~y P Ra ym e r . Sr Chern ' Cvnthi a L. Sa um , So , Chern Ronald G. Sch u l tz , J r , Chern M i ~ hae l C. Un l ana , So Chern The odor e J . Wi l l 1am _, Sr , Chern

Aaron J. Mi l es Scholar s h i p

Art hu r L: Po l . ard Memo r i a l Scho l a r s hip

Gregory R. Br a m, Sr, Chern Eng Shawn B. Coperand , Sr, El En g Ca ro l D. Deu s i nger , Sr, Comp Sci Mic hae l A. ~aa s , Sr , Ae ro Eng

Da rryl J . Cal vi Sr, Mln Eng Dale W. Ha ll e y . r , ~i n Eng M. Sch l umpb erger , , M ~n Eng J a mes A.

Burk e H. Mill e r Scho l a r s h i p' Sonia T. Bauer, Sr, Physi cs Rob e rt J . Hock, Sr , Phy sics Ja mes E . K a u f m a n ~ J~ , Physi c s

' O\, s l~

C . C . Pal mer r1 elll o l::..·1=.c=1..c..::::.::::.:.:.:::..::.:::.::..:::.~..t'

Da n K. Dees, So, El Eng Ti mot hy W. Farq uh a r, Sr, El Eng Kim M. Tr u ax , So, El Eng

Leo G. De hner Jr . . Sr , El Eng

E . II


R ~dd i n g

Scho ars h i p

Aa ron T . Freese , J r , Cer Eng ~l ar!: h a E Hi l debrand t , HA , .Geo l St e ph e n P . Reed Henlor i a l Fund

Ray Mo r gan Aw ard f o r , Sp ec i a l Ac h ievement i n Geo l ogy Ge o r ge

M o e rll~ ng,

Sr , Geo logy

Don a ld L . Van . Pe l t ; Fr . Physic s

y. B. Sen t er Scho l a rshl p Ji mm ie D. Ba l es

r ., Sr , Civ Eng

Rob er t H. Na ti Endow e d Sc ho l a r sh ip H. R. Han l ey Endowed Schol a r s hi p

Lou is T . Sic ka Scho la r s hi p J effrey W. Koch, Sr, El


Daniel K. Hei t z man , So, Met Eng Mark A. Terry , Fr , Met Eng Stacey R. We ll s, Fr , Met Eng

Eno c h R. Needle s Sc hola r s hip in Ci v i l Eng

Karl F. Has s e lm ann Endowed Schol a rship

~!on t e

L . Lindst e dt , Sr, Ci v Eng Ke v i n W. Low, J r,- Ci v Eng Ca rl a ~!. Newhous e, . Sr , Civ Eng James N. Pyatt, Sr , Civ Eng

Kevin T . Dav i s , Sr , App lied Ma t h Pame l a A. Dubo is, Jr, Comp Sc i Rick L . Ek l und , Sr , Ch ern Eng Kirk A: Gimmy , Sr , Min En g Bob Ne v i ns Scho l a r s hip i n Me t Ronald A. Houpt , Sr , Min Eng Eng i n ee r i ng - Foundry Andr ew A. Jenn , Sr , Ae r o Eng Amy L . ~ o el k e r , Sr , Ma th Christopher C. Sch aeffer , Sr , Chern Eng Chr istopher S . Ari a, Sr , Me t Eng Scott A. F ink e, Sr , Me t Eng Pa u l I . F l e i ~c hut , Sr, Me~ En g Me r v i n J . ' Ke l ly Scho l ar s hip Russel l D. Ha r r e ll, Sr , Me t Eng Scott E . Ma ye s , Sr , Me t Eng J oa nn Conn ors , J r, El Eng David L . Ros e, Sr , Me t Eng Derek E. J a th o, J r , El Eng

12!MSM Alumnu s

Thoma s G. Bl ock , Jr , Mi n Eng Gregory N. Bonney . So , Comp , Sci Jeff r ey T . Fo re ha nd , Fr , Ae r o Eng Ly l~ R. Fric k e , Fr , E1 Eng How a rd L . Gug e l , Fr , El Eng And r ew F . Ha ll , Sr , Ch ern Eng Kevin D. Hdma nn , J r . Met Eng Gor~on W Herr on~ 3 r , Ch ern Eng Ger a ld R. Her t z l er , So Civ Eng Mic hae l A. Hi cks . Fr , El En g Clni s top h e r 1. J ohn s on , Sr , E1 Eng Gr e go r y S . ' Ki nn , J r , Nuc Eng Brio n J . Le e , J r , £ J Eng Sh awn E. McVey , J r . Chern Eng Mar k H. Priv e tt , So , Mi n e ng Robert D. Pr i vett , Jr, . El Eng Stev e n A. Scho e n ig , Fr , Chern , Eng Th omas E . Sovar , Fr , ~ l i n Eng Da n i e l M. Wi lb ers , Sr , Ch ern Eng



David A. Ba ldwin, J~, Eng Mgt Sarah M. E ke~ , So, Eng Mgt Christopher D. Taylor, Jr, Eng Mgt Joe astasi, Jr, Eng Mgt Danie l E. Ray, Sr , Eng Mgt



Kathl een A. Mintert , Fr , Chern

Clark Wilson UMR Sc ho l ars hip Aw ard

Lewis E. Young Sc hol a rship

Andy R.

Todd M. Be cker , Sr , Aero Eng Cynthia A. Burton, Sr, Comp Sc i Dennis A. Card, Sr , them Eng Martin D. Cibulka, Sr, A e ~o Eng Bryan J. Daiber, Jr, Nuc Eng Kia L . Enlow, Sr, Comp Sci Alisa K. Houpt, So, El Eng Paul H. Luc kcuc k, S;, Comp Sci Mark L. Mayberry, Jr, Comp Sc i John D. Me l vin, Jr, Pet Eng James W. Payne, Jr, Comp Sci David A. Simpkins, Sr, Chern Eng Mike J. Stagnard , Sr, Aero Eng John R. Verduin III, J r , Geol Eng

~I ills,

Fr , Comp Sci ~ I e mori a l

Sc hoLH s hip

Erika 路G. l\i s \路.ar s anyi, Sr, Phy s i c s Ronald D. Redw i ng, Sr, Phy s ics

Norman A. Stockett Scholarship

Colleen M. Korman, Jr, , Pet

Lori A. Reeves, Sr, Ch ern Eng Kathryn Wittler, Sr, Chern Eng


Mark R. Ov e rturf , So , Ci v Erg

Betty Todd Memorial Scholarship

Mailand R. Strunk Sc holars hip


William H. Webb Endowed Scholarship

Mark W. Freiberger, Sr, Comp Sci

Wend y D. Francis, Fr, Nuc Eng Mary A. Mahler, Sr, Aero Eng



J ul e s H. Subow Sc holarship

L. E. "'oodm a n Walt er B., Venita BO\ les, & Shirley J. Sn e lson Scholarship




UMR Memoria l Scholarship John Verduin, Jr, Geol Eng Burr Van Nostrand~emorial Football Scholarship

Marvin C. Zeid Scholarship

Robert Hipp, Sr, Engr Mech

S~eve n

A. Wendland, Sr, Geol Eng

.Other Named Scholarships, Fellowships, Professorships, Awards and Funds . \

All American SI<'imm'ing Scholar s hip Mary Imogen e IcCra e Anderson & H.G.S . Anderson lemo r ial Sc ho l a rship .la urice O. Be ll i s Sc: holarship Ma rk B04ck ae rt Memorial Sc hol a rship Blanche & John V. Bow l es Scholarship Joe B. Butler Me mo rial Endowed Schol a r s hi.p Ernes t 14. Ca.r 1 ton ~ I e mor i a 1. EndO\" ed Sc holarship John H. Castleman Memorial Scholarship Don Crecelius Scholarship Cr oss - Countr y Endowed Scho l a r s hip Pauline 8. & John J. Doyl e Schol a rship V.A.C . Gevecker Endowed Scholarship Jerr y L. Gilmo r e Scholarship O. R. Grawe Memorial Scholarship John W. Hamblen Computer Science Endowed Sc hol a r s hip Albert W. Happy Scholarship James G. Harris Memoria l Scholarship Gary W. Hav ener Endow ed Scholarship Carl J . Hei m Sc hol ars hip Harland H. Hoppock Athletic Scholarship

Ru s sell Hunt Memo r ial Scholarship J. Stu a rt Jo.hnson Endb\"ed Scholarship John Sublett Logan Sc holarship Jam e s E. Long Memoria l Scholarship H. T. Mann Scho l arship Joseph M. & Louis e March e llo Endow~d Scholarship E. J. ~IcKe e Schol a rs'hi p J. De rald ~ l organ Endow ed Scholarship LaV e rn e Noyes Scholarship Thomas H. Reese J r-. ~ ! emorial Schol ars hip. Agnes C. Remington Scholarship J . Kent Roberts Civi l En gineeri ng Scho larship Bernard R. & Lena V. Sarchet Sc holarship Joseph H. Senne Civil Engin ee ring Scholarship Skit e ki Eta Kappa Nt1 Endow e d Scholarship Claude Valerius Scholarship J. M. Vi ckers Athletic Scholarship Pat yitt Mine & Safe t y Endow e d Sc hola rs hip

DeMarquis D. & Louise D. Wyatt Scholarship Fred Finley Endowed Fellowship Ge orge Mc Pherson, Jr. Endowed FellO\,'ship Roger E. Nolt e Endow e d Felloh'ship Thoma s H. Ree se , Jr. Endow e d Prof e ssorship Rob e rt B. Koplar Professorship i n Engineering Managemen t Jack K. Boyd Memorial Fund Award A. Frank Golick Award in Meta l lurgy Danie l Kennedy Essay Awards Enoch R. Need l es Spe ech Awa rd Gale Bullman Athletic Fund Dak e -Brown Fund for Library AcqUisition Key -Gi vens Athletic End owment Fund H. W.L. Porth Distinguished Lect ur ers Engin eer ing Fund Walter E. Remme rs Sp e ci a l Lec tureArtist Fund C. J. Potter / UMR Band Fund

Named Loan Funds Alumni Student Loan Fund Ame ri c an Leg i o n Aux i li a r y Loan Fund Robe rt A. Arm s trong Lo a n Fund AS~ I E LOAn Fund Che ter S. B a ~n ar d Loa n Fund Euni ce Be imd ic k Loa n Fund T. Robinson Beve ridge Loa [l Fund J ac k Bobb itt Stud e nt Em r g e nc y Loa n Fund Donald L. Br a nson Memo r i a l Loan Fund Rob e rt - T. Br uz ewski Loa n Fund Campus Vetera ns Assoc. Loa n Fund Car l G. Christie Memorial Loan Fund Class of. ' 29 Loa n f und Class of ' 39 Loan Fund Eben R. Crum St ud ent Loan Fu nd Robert F . Da vi dson Memorial Loan Fund El ec tri ca l Engineering Loan Fund El ec tric a l Engineering Stude nt Loan

Fund Fr ed Fi s he r . Me mo ri a l Loan Fund C. T. Gal loway Loa n Fund Jo hn P . Ha rmo路n Loa n Fund Henr y Ra r tze ll Loan Fun d Hasse lm a nn Lo an Fu nd Troy DOli Hi c ks ~ ! e lll oria l Loa n Fu nd Lawr e nce R. Hink en Loan Fund Ri c ha rd H. l c ho rd Loa n Fund Ja c kl i ng Loa n Fuhd Lu c y Wo rtham J ame s Sc ho l ars hip-Loan Fu nd King , Carve~ , Joplin !us e um / Minority Coun c il Lo a n Fund Martin Luther King Me morial Loan Fund John H. & Eilyeen B. Livingston Student Loan Fund John K. Olsen Emergency Loan Fund Phi Kappa Phi Loan 路 Fund

He rb e r t L. Prang e Memo ri a l Lo an Fund Cha rl es R. & Agn e s C. Remi ngt on St ude nt Lo an Fund [<obe'r t P . (Du s ty) Rhoad es Loan Fund Ro ll a Lions Club Lo an Fund Ro ll a ,Rotpry Club For e ign Stud e nt Loa n Fund D. R. Sc hoo l e r Memorial Loan Fund W. T. Sc hr enk Loan Fund Bruce C. Str ang Memorial Loan Fund John R. Stubbins Loan Fund Fr ank Edgar Towns e nd Loan Fund E. Rowland Tragitt Loan ~und Edwin W. Waggoner Loan Fund Charles & Anna Wiese Loan Fund -Curtis L. Wilson Loan Fund Wives Auxiliary of MSPE Loan Fund H. E. Zoller Student Loan Fund for En g in eeri ng Fee s

MSM Alumnus / 13.

Emeritus Titles Awa'rded





ROBERT GERSON Dc 1. Beverley Clark, who received the title of professor emeritus of "One of the reasons I decided to retire is so that I wouldn't ever have to wear - metallurgical engineering at UM-Rolla's 113th Annual Commencement has filled a tie again!" Dr. Robert Gerson, who received the title of professor emeritus of several teaching, administrative, and research posts during. his 20 years' ~n the ' physics at UMR's Annual Commencement, said with a smile.faculty, "Actually, the opportunity to have a second career and plenty of time to For six years after joining the faculty as professor of metallurgical engineering travel while we can enjoy it were the real factors in making the decision," he in 1966, Clark taught graduate and undergraduate courses in physiCal says. Gerson and his wife, Charlotte have an RV (recreational vehicle) and plan metallurgy. The following year, he was on lellve in Washington, D.C" working to make some leisurely trips around the country in spring and fall. They both enas a staff associate in the National Science Foundation's ·Engineering Materials joy hiking and he plans to indulge in his hobby of landscape photography. Program in the Division of Material Research. Gerson joined the UMR faculty in 1962. He received his B.S. degree in When he returned to the UMR campus, he continued to teach graduate chemical engineering in 1943 from the College of the City of New York. The courses in metallurgical engineering and, in addition, held several administrative next three years were spent in the U.S. Army. After leaving the Army, GersOn spent three years with two engineering conposts in graduate studies, research, and continuing education. Since May 1983, he has been a full-time professor of metallurgical engineering. sulting firms before lreginning graduate studies. He was awarded his Ph,D. This year he is on leave as a visiting scientist in the Chemical Metallurgy Group, degree in physics in 1954 from New York University. From 1953 to 1962 he~ the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md, was a research physicist with the Erie Resistor Corp. :n Pennsylvania and with the Cfevite Corp. in Ohio. Before coming to UMR, Clark had a 14-year career in industry. He spent five At UMR, Gerson also has been associated with the Graduate Center for and one-half years as principal scientist in Ford Motor Co: s Scientific Laboratory in Dearborn, Mich., and from 1952 to 1960 was research engineer . Materials Research. His major research interests are in ferro-electrics, the optical , with Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. properties of solids and electro-optics. He has served as adviser for a number of master's degree students and for six Clark is a native of Canada" and holds a bachelor of applied science degree in doctoral candidates, He has published more than 30 technical papers dealing metallurgical engineering from the University of Tomnto, and M.S. and Ph.D. with ferro-electrics and di-electrics. degrees in metallurgical engineering from the Carnegie Institute of Technology . --!:. We plan to continue living here in Rolla," Gerson sa ys, " I will be doing some Clark and his wife, Ruth, plan to make their home in Rolla after his retireconsulting wor~ and I also plan to try writing some fiction. " ment. S. J. PAGANO S. 1. Pagano received the title of professor emeritus of mathematics and statistics at UMR's Annual Commencement in May. Pagano joined the UMR faculty in 1946 and since that time he has taught a number of new courses in the mathematics and statistics department, including "Operational Mathematics," "CliJculus of Variations," "Linear Algebra" and "Special Function of Mathematics." "I've seen the department's curriculum grow tremendously during my tenure on the faculty ," he said. "It has been a lot of fun teaching UMR students for the past 40 years. They have been the greatest group of people to teach." He hopes to continue his involvement in education . "Even though I'm retired, I would still like to teach courses at UMR as· I am needed. I plan to teach one course this summer and possibly one course in the fall," he said, "I also hope to devote more time to my interest in woodworking," he aPded. In 1972 he was made a member of the graduate faculty . "In the past 10 years, I have served on several hundred master's and Ph .p . advisory committees," he said. Pagano received an M.A. degree in mathematics from Washington University in 1948 and a B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Missouri School of Mines in 1945 , Prior to joining the UMR faculty he worked for General Elec, tric. He has been named an Outstanding Teacher at UM and received an Alumni Merit Award. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi and Phi Kappa Phi. He also was selected as the Midwest Section Candidate for the Western Electric Award for Engineering Educators.

14 / MSM A lu m nu s

, JOHN VICKERS John "Mike" Vickers receIved the title of associate professor emeritus of engineering graphics at U M R\ Annual Commencement. Vickers joined the UMk faculty in 1952 and has taught engineering graphics, r plant design, plant layout and manufacturing .processes. "There is no better life than to have had the opportunity to work with _all the fine young people that have attended this university,'" said Vickers. "Teaching has been a fine and satisfying way to have made my living." Vickers also has been a staunch fan of UMR athletics. "I've followed the Miners since joining the faculty at UMR," he said. "I've been the twelfth man on the football team and the sixth man on the basketball team for years." As for his plans for the future, he intends to stay in Rolla. "My wife, Patricia, is· a music teacher at Ft. Wyman Elementary School and I hope to be a . substitute teacher in the Rolla school system," he said. "I'm qualified to teach as a vocational teacher in courses including m,achine shop, welding, building trades and graphics," he continued. "I also would be able. to teach mathematics and social studies through the high school leveL" A native of Illinois, Vickers received a B.S. degree in industrial education and an M.S. degree in mechllnical technology from the University of Illinois. He received an M.Ect. degree in education and engineering graphics from Texas A&M University . , Vickers is a member of the American Welding Society, St. Louis Section. He is a faculty adviser for Theta Xi social fraternity and is a member of Phi Delta Kappa honorary.

Research on Missouri's Caves Adapted For Military Use tunnels are about 10 feet square, some cut through solid granite, and some go to Techniques developed by a UM-Rolla researcher to locate natural caves and depths of more than 300 feet ," Rechtien said. other underground open spaces in Missouri may help the U.S. Army pinpoint. He explained that the methods he is using are based on those he used in his man-made tunnels in other parts of the world. earlier research on Missouri's underground solution cavities. Dr. Richard Rechtien, UMR associate professor of geology and geophysics, is "Essentially, we send energy into the ground in the form of waves which are adapting methods he has researched over the past 15 years for use by the U.S. propagated through the ground . When these waves encounter a tunnel or other Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station. Rechtien's research deals with the development of techniques for locating opening, some of that energy is reflected back to the surface. By measuring this "solution cavities" (caves or other underground openings formed when rock is energy, we can interpret it in terms of location and depth ," he said_ At present , Rechtien is modeling the geological and geophysical aspects of the worn away or dissolved by fluids). project on the computer, testing the data he generates, and developing a theory Previously his work has been used to determine whether such underground for the analysis of that data. Once the procedure is established , he will test it in open ings ex ist under proposed highway or dam sites. According to Rechtien, his current research centers on detecting man- made tu nnels such as those dug by the _ the field at several sites to verify experimental and data analysis techniques. Working with Rechtien are Kurt Hambacker, computer engineer in North Koreans beneath the demilitarized zone that separates North and' South UM-Rolla's electrical engineering department, and Jeff Gabel, UMR geophysics Ko rea. "Military authorities have known for some time that these tunnels exist. The grad uate student.


Jobs The services of UMR's Career Development and Placement Center are available to alumni as well as studen ts. To obtain informatien about the current job listings, alumn i need to send an up-to-date resume to the Career Development and Placement Office. The placement staff will make the resume available to companies looking for people with ex perience, and will send the alumnus a copy of the latest job ,listings. If you wish to use this service. contact: assista nt directorplacement. Career Development and Placement Office, UMR , Rolla, MO 65401 (phone: 314/34 1-4288).

Event/Site Date Washington, D.C. Section Meeting ..... _...... _. .. . .. __ ... . September 7 SME Fall Meeting ·St. Louis, Mo ........ . ........ . . , . .. .. . , . . . ... , .. .. ... September 9 Cape Girardeau Section Meeting Cape Girardeau, Mo ............ . ... __ . , . . . . . . . . . . .. September 16 Alumni Alliance Meeting • Columbia, Mo . . .......... . . . . . . . . . _. .... . ...... September 26 & 27 International Mining Show . ... .. . . . October 7 Las Vegas, Nev . . . . . . . . ...... . . Society of Petroleum Engineers Convention . . . ...... _.... ... ...... October 7 New Orleans, La.. . . . . . . . . . Evening with President Magrath ......... . ... .... . . .. .. October 9 Kansas City, Mo .... . . . Ark-La-Tex Section Meeting . . ... October I I Elm Grove, La ....... , ... . Homecoming 1986 Rolla . .... . .. ... . . .. . '.. . .. _. . .. , ..... . . ...... October 17 & 18 Evening with President Magrath St. Louis, Mo., City Hall Rotunda . . .... . .. , .. ... . . ... _... November 5 Geological Society of America Convention San Antonio, Texas . . . . . . . . . ... ....... .. .. , .. . . . .. .. November 10 Chicago Area S«ction Meeting . ... .. .. . . . ....... December 6 St. Charles, III. ..... SME An nual Meeting and Exhibit Denver, Colo ........ _ .... . . . .... . . ... .... .. February 23


SME "Joe Miner" Belt Buckles and Hard Hat Stickers

The UMR St udent Chapter of the Society of Mining Engineers is offerihg for sale to alumni our belt buckle and hard hat sticker. Proceeds from these sa les will enable SME to pariicipate in a variety of activities including field trips. Monor banquets. special project and our bi-annual outing. Orders and checks should be made out to the Society of Mining Engineers and should be mailed to Russell Hively. 110 Mining Building. UMR. Rolla .

MO 65401. Please ship buckles at $6.50 each and _ _ _ _ hard hat stickers at $ 1.25 each. Enclosed please find a check for $_ _ __ Name Address

MSM Alumnus / IS

Alumni Section News St. Louis Section Golf Outing A brilliant, clear day greeted the Miner golfers on May 30th as they participated in' the annual St. Louis Section golf outing at Paradise Valley Golf Club. The first foursome to tee off at 10:00 a .m. included Chancellor Martin Jischke, Joseph Mooney, '39, Richard Bauer, '52, and Paul Green, '50, and they were followed by 48 other golfers. Following the two-man scramble tournament, the awards were presented by Calvin Curdt, tournament director, and Bob Bruce, '69, president of the St.

" Louis, section. Winners of the awards were as follows: Low Score Winner - Bob Bruc'e, '69, & Bill Dolan, score - 67 Second Place - Charles Newberry, '86, & Jerry Daues, '85, score - 68 Longest Drive Winners - Calvin ' Curdt, '74, Christine Wiesenhan, '82 Drive Closest to Pin Winners¡ Joseph Mooney, '39, B. Keith Harrison, '84 Dick Bauer provided a woven Miner rug that was auctioned with proceeds

given to the St. LOuis section. Jay Legsdin, '70; John Fniuenhoffer, '62; Wilson, a senior in engineering manage- Bruce Lamb, '80; Dick Proehl, '79; Bob ment, was the win.ner of the rug with Vandas, '80; Norbert Groppe, '57; plans to display it in his room when he James Walther, '60; Mike Sutton; B. Sutton; Ted - Nauman, '84; Todd returns to campus this fall . Others who participated in the outing RussoHl, '84; Bob Schnell, '7.8; Jon Vanincluded (those without class year inger, '63;. John Dierker, '65; Steve designations are students or guests): Dan Dierker, '73; Bol;l Wilson; Andrew Amsinger, '75 ; Steven Brunts, '78; Tayon, '80; Mark Suellentrop, '80; Mike Gregg Carlson, '77 ; Howard Stine, '67; Kelly, '84; Dan Sullivan, '80; D. J. Gary Edwards, '72; Mike Potter, '69; Chollet, '75 ; M. Chollet; DavId Chyi, John Bertelsmeyer, '70; Tom Pelazzaro; '70; Brett Gutzler, '71 ; Pete Mattei, ' 37; Steve Strauss; Mike Georges, '71 ; Doug Dan LaChance, ' '85; and Robert KinWorkman, '71 ; Mike Svoboda, '70; Pete dred, '86 .


Sectiol) president. Bob Bruce, '69, and tournament chairman, Calvin Curdt, '74.

Engineering management senior Jay Wilson wi th the rug donated by Dick Bauer, '52 .

Curdt, '74 , congratulating Jerry Da ues, '85, for his second place score of 68.

Keith Harrison, '84, was co-winner of the drive closest to the pin .


16/ MSM Alumnu s

. Lo ngest dri ve wi nners were Cal vin C urd!. '74. and . C hristine Wiesenhan. '82.

Ark-La-lex Section 21 of whom were MSM grads andlor Katherine Zvanut, '32 , '37 ; Florence Mr. Frank Zvanut. It was announced their spouses. The other five were Flesh; John and Sharon Northrup, '77; and approved that our next meeting guests. Calv in HaiL one of ollr guests, Homer and Auttie Thompson , '32, '50, would be held on Oct. II , 1986, at the cooked the fish and did a fine job, too. '52; Phil and Ardella Browning, '48; home of John Livingston . near Elm Those in attendance were: John and William and Elizabeth Mays, '32; Mr. Grove, La. Next, a hearty vote of Loretta Moscari, '51 , Gerald and Leona and Mrs. Page Brown; Mr. & Mrs. Chal thanks was given to our hosts, John and Loretta Moscari. There being no further Roberts, '28; Mr. and Mrs. Kevil Crider; Chrise and Calvin Hall. After supper the meeting was called business, the meeting was adjourned at Walter and Helen Bruening, '34; Rande There were 26 persons in attendance, and Judith Grotefendt, '73; Frank and to order at 9: II p.m. by our president, 9:18 p.m. Phil A. Browning, '48

The latest meeting of the Ark-La-Tex chapter of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association was held on June 6, 1986, at the home of John and Loretta Moscari, 503 Coleman St., Longview , TX 75602, where we enjoyed a fine fish fry and lots -of good fellowship_

San Diego Section The San Diego Alumni Section put on their sailing caps and enjoyed a two hour dinner and dance cruise June 21 , on the sa iling schooner " In vader". AI and Marilyn Keevil , '43 , welcomed the alumni on board and introduced John and Sue Gum , '64, (recently from Philadelphia) and Don and Nancy Brackhahn (alumni staff members from UMR) . Don Haskell , '49 , traveled north from Octillo to attend the meeting and brought his daughter Carol with him. AI Jurvic, '33, swapped MSM stories with Hank Fletcher, '53 , much to disbelieving looks from their wives, Ethel and Joan . All present were disappointed to hear that John and Terry Yoder, '82, __ r-t __ ..I"~_.~I Front row: Don and Na ncy Brackhahn, Rolla; Jean Fletcher, Al Jarvic, '33 , and Marilyn Keevil. Back row: Hank Fletcher, '53, were being transferred to Florida in the fall. Ethel Ja rvic, and AI.Keevil, '43.


Don Haskell, '49, and Don Brackhahn on the foesle with the Gums.

The ere'" of the Invader greets MSM-UMR alumni as they board.

Dinner is served on the main deck am idships. Fron t table: Brackhahns and Marilyn Keevil.

Group disembarks about 7:30 p.m. after the cruise.

Reception in Springfield Curator James, '55, and Dixie Anderson hosted a reception in their lovely new home on June 8th where they introduced Chancellor Martin Jischke and his fam ily to the Springfield alumni. Those in attendance included: Tom and Shirley Beckley, '63; Stan and Priscilla Cary, '69; George and Elaine Crabtree,

'50; Diana T. Dohman , '83; David and Pam Edwards, '71 ; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Feagan, '76; Mr. and Mrs. Harry

'82; Charles Moore, '72 and Shirley David Tidquist and Kaye Smith; Vestor Quick; Brad R. and Cora S. Parrish, '77 , and Ruthmary Unsell, '50; Bob and Joan Vienhage, '53; Gary and Jacque '78; Dave Plank , '59, and Elaine White, '63 , '71; Windsor and Barbara Federow, '33; John and Julie Ferguson , Moulder; Charles Powell, '71 ; Wayne Warren, '48 ; Chancellor Martin and '84; Homer and Rosemary Ford, '34; and Jo Scheer, '64 ; Bob and Pat Patty Jischke ; Don and Nancy John, '71 , and Evelyn, '73, Gayer; Bill Schmidt, '50; 1. T. and Juanita Shipman, Brackhahn and Frank and Nancy and Verna Lee Hays, '47; Bill Horst, '81, '43 ; Kevin and Jeanie Skibiski, '75 , '76; Mackaman .


Alumnus 17

Jischke Receives State Appointment

systems, signal processing, and spectral estimation techniques. Twenty-seven lecturers have been Missouri Governor John Ashcroft selected from the fourteen institutions has appointed UM-Rolla Chancellor which include Iowa State University, Martin C. Jischke to the Missouri Cor- Kansas State University, Oklahoma State University, University of Kansas, poration for Science and Technology. Marvin D. Marks, corporate vice University of Kansas Medical Center, president of aerospace engineering and University of Missouri-Columbia, operations for McDomiell Douglas Cor- University of Missouri-Kansas City, poration, was also named to the cor- UMR, University of Missouri-St. Louis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, poration. In addition to this appointment, University of Nebraska-Omaha, UniverJischke is a Fellow of the American sity of Nebraska Medical Center, Association for the Advancement of University of Oklahoma, and University Science and is a member of the board of of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Tranter joined the UMR faculty in directors of the Keystone Foundation, the advisory committee for engineering 1969 as an assistant professor of elecscience of the National Science Founda- trical engineering. He became associate tion engineering directorate, the professor in 1972, professor in 1976, American Society of Mechanical assistant dean of engineering in 1980, Engineers, and the American Physical associate dean in 1984, and the first Schlumberger professor at UMR in Society. He is a member of the American 1985. He holds the Ph.D., M.S. and B.S. Society for Engineering Education, the degrees in electrical engineering from National Society of Professional the University of Alabama. He is a Engineers and the American Institute of Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a Aeronautics and Astronautics. Jischke is a reviewer for nine national member of the American Society of engineering journals and the author or Engineering education. Tranter's honors and awards include co-author of 30 refereed research arUMR Outstanding Teacher Awards in ticles. He is also the author or co-author 1972, 1973, 1977, 1979, 1981, and of 22 technical engineering reports. He has received research grants from 1983; a NASA Award for Innovative NASA, the National Severe Storms Research; and an IEEE Centennial Laboratory, National Institutes of Medal. Health, U.S. Air Force, National Science Foundation and Nuclear Regulatory Commission. He received his bachelor's degree with honors in physics from the Illinois Institute of Technology in 1963 and earned master's and doctoral degrees in Hill Named aeronautics and astronautics at the A~ademy Fellow Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1964 and 1968, respectively. Dr. Otto H. Hill, professor of physics at UM-Rolla recently was named a Fellow of the Missouri Academy of Tranter Named Science at its annual meeting in Warrensburg. MASUA Lecturer He is one of six selected for this new Dr. William H. Tranter , category of membership which Schlumberger professor of electrical recognizes individu"ls who have made engineering at UM-Rolla, has been nam- outstanding contributions to science and ed a MASU A (Mid-America State education in Missouri, as well as to the Universities Association) Honor Lec- programs of the academy . Dr. Hill was honored for his services turer for the 1986-87 academic year. According to Dr. Harry Sauer, UMR as chairman of the Publications ComDean of graduate study and campus mittee in 1965-67 , and as vice president, coordinator for the program , the president-elect and president of the MASUA Honor Lecturer Program is academy from 1973-76. The Publicadesigned to acquaint MASUA institu- tions Committee established the format , tions with "outstanding scholars" from philosophy and funding of TRANSACother MASUA schools. Tranter's lec- TIONS, the Missouri academy publicature topics will relate to communication tion. During his term as vice president,

18/ MSM Alumnus

president-elect and president, he was in-Assistance in developing innovastrumental in rewriting the constitution tions for Missouri small businesses and to formally incorporate the Missouri . inventors; Junior Academy of Science and the Col-The introduction of engineering legiate Academy of Science into the students to small businesses and use of academy. He also expanded the Ex- their talents to assist in small business inecutive Council of the academy to novations; -Service to associations ' and authorize presidential appointment of councillors-at-Iarge selected from the organizations that encourage small management personnel of Missouri in- business innovations; -Presentations and publications to dustries. educate people about the nature and importance of small business innovations. Myers joined the UM-Rolla faculty in 1979 after several years of industrial experience. He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in mechanical engineering from UMR and M.B.A. and J.D. degrees from St. Louis University. During the 1984-85 academic year, while on leave from UMR, he served as executive director of the Missouri Corporation for Science and Technology as well as science adviser to the governor.

Jenks Attends ROTC Camp DON MYERS

Myers Receives Award Dr. Donald D. Myers is the winner of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) 1986 Innovation A ward for the State of Missouri, according to Bob Andrews, SBA district director, St. Louis. Myers is associate professor of engi'neering management and director of the Center for Technological Development at UMR. t he annual SBA Innovation A ward is presented to an individual who has increased the ability of small businesses to develop and market innovative technologies. Myers previously had received the Innovation Award for Eastern Missouri, qualifying him for the state competition . According to Dr. Robert L. Davis, Dean of UMR's School of Engineering, the nomination was based on a number of contributions made by Myers. These included: -Development of a comprehensive system (Mi~ouri InCuTech System) to incubate _and assist technology-based companies in the Rolla area; -Service as science adviser to the governor of Missouri in 1984-85 in which programs were designed for hightech economic development in Missouri, with emphasis on new firms;

Catherine G. Jenks, director of University Relations and Affirmative Action at UM-Rolla, served as an Institutional Representative for UMR at the 1986 U.S. Army ROTC Advanced Camp, conducted by the Third ROTC Region, held June 18-21 at Fort Riley, Kan. "I was extremely impressed and proud of our cadets," said Jenks. "The quality of the training they received was outstanding." Activities Jenks observed included the leadership reaction course, mountaineering training, water training, obstacle .course, individual tactics and cadet parade. "One of the highlights of the camp was the opportunity to visit with UMRolla students who were involved with the ROTC program," she added. Jenks explained that approximately 2100 cadets from 13 states, including 90 colleges and universities, participated in the camp. She added that each university had its own Army ROTC staff assisting in camp activities. The Third ROTC Region is under the command of Brig. Gen . Myrna H. Williamson, the first woman to command an Army ROTC Region and ROTC Advanced Camp. According to Jenks, there are three camps held each year. "Camps also are held at Fort Lewis, Wash., and Fort Bragg, N.C. ," she said.

~~~-----~~,~~=-. ---- ------~~~--------~~- ------------~- ~----------~------------~ ---------~

Freshman. Engineering Pro.gram



"Dr. Fannin has served extremely well as associate dean for ·undergraduate af· Dr. D. Ronald Fannin, UM-Rolla associate dean of ergineering and professor of electrical engineering, will direct UMR's freshman engineering program ,' which fairs in the School of Engineering, and his services will be missed ," Davis said . will provide entering students with enhanced academic and career advisement. " However, we are pleased that he will continue his involvement with ,the Dr. C. Dale Elifrits, associate .professor of geological engineering, will be undergraduate engineering program by accepting this new academic responsibiliassociate director. Both will serve the program on a half-time basis and will teach ty . I am confident that, with the leadership provided by Fannin and .Elifrits, coupled with the support of the facult y, the freshman engineering program will half-time in their respective departments. be highly successful." Fannin said that the major focus of the program is enhanced advising and Fannin joined the UMR electrical -engineering faculty in 1969. He became career counseling to enable the beginning student to make better decisions in choosing an engineering major. Students take courses common to all engineering assistant dean of engineering in 1980 and assoCiate deal1 in 1984. He has received II UMR Outstanding Teaching Awards and has been UMR Adviser of the disciplines before admission to the department of their choice. Entering freshmen will begin receiv'ing benefits from the new program during Year and finalist for that honor. He also has been adviser for Tau Beta Pi honor pre-registration this summer, although some aspects of the program will not be . society and is a member 0f the advisory board. implemented until the fall of 1987. "Dr. Elifrits is well-qualified for the important task of helping implement the new program," Warner said. "He has had nine years of experience in high school "During the 1986-87 academic year," Fannin said, "students may be admitted directly into the department of their choice, but they also will be participatjng in teaching, and has been involved in advisement at the departmental level." Elifrits joined the UMR faculty in 1980. He re.ceived M.S. and Ph.D. degrees the Freshman Engineering Program . They will take the specified core curriculum, and will have the advantage of the new enhanced advisement .program," in geological engineering from UMR. He is coordinator of the transfer student he added. . program for the geological engineering department, an adviser to undergraduate students, the faculty adviser to Beta Chi Sigma, Eagle Scouting fraternity, and The two engineering deans, Dr. Robert L. Davis, ScQ.ool of Engineering, and Dr. Don L. Warner, School of Mines and Metallurgy, look forward to implemen- Phi Theta Kappa Alumni Association, honorary junior college transfer student fraternity _ tation of the new program.

New Posts for Bayless an,d Best JERRY BAYLESS


Professor Jerry Bayless, interim chair· man of UM-Rolla's civil engineering department, has been named assistant qean of engineering fo f undergraduate affairs at UMR effective July I. He replaces Dr. ' 0 : Ronald Fannin who was named director of UMR's Freshman Engineering Program earlier this year. Dr. John Best, UMR professor of civil engineering, will serve as interim . chairman of civiL engineering effective July I. "The School of Engineering has a strong undergraduate program and we are fortunate to have excellent faculty members who have contributed greatly to the development of our program ," said Dr. Robert L. Davis, dean of the UMR School of Engineering. "During his years with the civil engineering

department, ProfessOr Bayless has been particularly effective in working with undergraduate students. I am looking forward to working with him in his new position." Bayless, who holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in civil engineering from UMR, joined the UMR faculty as an instructor in 1959. He was promoted to assistant professor in 1963 and to associate pro· fessor in 1970. He was named interim ' department chairman in 1985 following the retirement of Dr. Joseph Senne. A registered professional engineer in Missouri, Bayless is a member of the American Society for Engineering Education, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the National and Missouri Societies of Professional Engineers (MSPE). He is president of

the Mid-Missouri Section of ASCE. tee. He also is a member of the UMR He has been president of the Rolla "M" Club and the Miner Booster Club. chapter of MSPE and has served on the Best holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in state level as treasurer and chairman of civil engineering from UMR and a MSPE's Education Committee and Pro- Ph .D. in civil engineering from Vander· fessional Engineers in Education prac· bilt Univer,sity. He joined the UMR tice division . He has been honored as faculty in 1955 as an instructor and was MSPE's Young Engineer of the Year at promoted to assistant professor in J957, local and state levels. He also is a reci· associate professor in 1960 and propiept of an Alumni Merit A ward from fessor in 1969. the MSM·UMR Alumni Association. He received a National Science FounBayless has served as faculty adviser dation Faculty Fellowship for the study for Chi Epsilon honor society for many of structural dynamics. years and has been area coordinator for He is a registered professional the Junior Engineering Technical Society (JETS), a non-profit education engineer in Missouri and is the author of organization, for more than 15 years. several technical publications. According to Davis, the search for a He has been chairmim of the UMR Academic Council and .,has been a permanent civil engineering chairman member of the UMR Athletic Commit- will be reopened at a later date.

MSM Alumnus ! 19

Alumn'; Personals _______________________ 1909 The alumni office has received word of the death . on Sept. 14. 1985 , of Pearl Frederic Michael, Virgi nia Beach, Va. He attended MSM from 1905 to 1909 and received his B.S. degree in civil engi neerin g. According to alumn i records. he wa an eq uipment engineer with Caner Oi l Co. in Tulsa until his retirement In 1945 . He was age 100 plus . one week at the time of his death.

1925 WiUiam Godwin died Feb. 12, 1986, at age 89. according to a notice from his son . CharleS W. Godwin. At MSM Wi lliam wa~ an Independent, a member of Phi Kappa Phi. the Ira Remsen Society. Square and Compass and AIME. He received hl ~ B.S. degree in mining engineering and another B.S. degree in chemistr) In 1926. Early in his career he' was in the research depar tment of Sinclair Oi l Co .. but soon witched to the Commonwealth Edison Co. where he' worked for 34 years. He retired in 196 t as a upervisi ng chemist. He is survived by hiS wife, Elizabeth, and a son , Charles. of 4934 S. Luna Ave. , Chicago, IL 606 38


1930 The death of Donald J . Bisset on Apri l II , 1986. has been reported by J. N. Conley, '31. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. D. J. Bisset, 100 East 18th St., B, Rolla, MO 6540 I.

Frank Zvanut writes: "Katherine and I sti ll go to Mex ico on business. Missed the earthquake by two weeks-our 1931 regular hotel was damaged. In good William T. Sharp died May 13. 1986, health- play lots of te nnis." The according to a notice from his wife, Mrs. Zvanuts Ii ve _at 1024 Hansford Place, William T. Sharp, 618 Ave. C, P.O. Box se lf Tyler , TX 7570 1. Frank 176, Beaver, OK 73932. She writes: employed. "Bill had been in poor health for the past three years with Park inson disease. He did make it back to Ro lla in 1980 and 1981 and so enjoyed the alumni meetings then ." At MSM Bill was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha, De Molay, Satyrs (secretary), was vice president of his class in 1930, was a member of Sen ior Council. Theta Tau and the Mi.ner Board and staff. He earned an 1933 "M" in football . He received his B.S. in mining engineering and received the Raymond W. Borchers died May 6. professional degree, Engi neer of Mines, 1986. At MSM he was a member of in 1939. Following graduation he was ROTC and the Officers Club. He receivengineer at the Union Pacific Coa l Co. , ed his B.S. degree in electrical engineerD. O. Clark Mine in Superior, Wyo. , ing. A registered professional engineer in then' moved to Beaver, Qk la. The alum- Missou ri and California, he was an elecni office has no record of his business in trical engineer for the Air Defense Command, USAF. He is survived by his Beaver. wife, Virginia Borchers, 7095 E. Iliff John David Shelton died April 16, 1986, Ave. , Denver, CO 80224, and a 'Son R. according to a note from his wife, Mrs. W . Jr. J. D. Shelton, 260 Frey Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95405 . At MSM Jo hn had William H. Lenz writes: "Starti!lg 18th been acti ve in AlEE and he received his year of retirement. A year ago-Ethel and B.S" degree in electrical engineering. I celebrated our 50th wedding an niver-' Following graduation he spent some sary wi th a fam il y reunion at Zion Park time as an electrical contractor in and Lake Powell. My mai n activ ities reG randview, Mo. , then became an aerial main tennis, music, gardening, AARP, photographer for the U.S. Department and eating Ethel's good meals. She's acof Agriculture. He later went into the tive tOO. All goes well. " Bill and Ethel ba nking business, first in Grandview , li ve at 127 Aztec, Los Alamos, NM ,then in Cali fornia . He retired as opera- 87544. ti9ns officer for Crocker National Bank in Los Angeles.

The death of Howard Histed on May 7, 1986, has been reported by Charlie Freeman, '28. At MSM Howard was a member of Pi .!$.appa Alpha (president and v. p.l. an associate editor of the Miner, and a member of Theta Tau. He received hi B.S. degree in mining engineering and the professional degree, Engi neer of Mines. in 1931. Following several year ~ith ilver mi ning operation in Colorad'o, he moved to the San , Francisco Bay area and spent most of the rest of hi career as a civ ilian engineer attached to the U.S. Navy at the naval yard at Hunter's Point. He 1932 was in vol ved with the procurement of Elmer M. "Chunk" Tomlinson died supplies and compliance of materials to June 2. 1986, according to a notice sent specifica tions. He was active in the Bay the alumni office by John K. Olsen, '42, Area MSM ¡UMR Alumni Association of St. Petersburg, Fla. At MSM Elmer Section for many yea rs. He is survi ved was a member of Bonanza, ASCE, was by his wife , Harriet Histed. 1826 chairman of the St. Pat's Board and Moraga SI.. San Francisco, CA 941 22 , treasurer of Satyrs. He was active jn varand a son and daughter. sity sports, lettering in track and footba ll and receiving "all state" honors as football center. He received his B.S. degree in civil engineering. His professional 1929 career was spent with A. E. Staley Emmet R. Kirn writes: "Theresa and I Manufacturing Co .. and he was chief celebrateu our 50tn wedding anniver- civi l engineer for the company when he sary on Thanksgi ving, Nov. 28, 1985. retired in 1971 . He is survi ved by his Continue to enjoy retirement in wife of151 years, Mrs. Elea nor Tom linSouthern Californ ia." The Kirns live at son , I 100 77th - SI. No rth , St. 28242 lurburan , Mission Viejo, CA Petersburg, FL 337 10, a son, Martin, 92692. and two grandchildren.

20/ MSM A lumnu s

Homer and Auttie Thompson write: "We expect to be 'lt homecoming October 17 and 18, 1986." Homer's retired from the U.S. Arm y Corps of Engineers. The Thompsons live at 4101 Lochridge, North Little Rock, AR 72 116.


1935 R. C. and Edna Solomon of 409 Sunset Drive. Edwardsvi lle. IL 62025 , write: "Our son Russell III is now production manager-tubular prod ucts at Laclede Steel Co. He was a meta llurgical engineer, class of '63, and has an M.B.S. from the University of Chicago."

1936 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17¡18,1986 Class Coordinators: Elmer Gammeter, '26 118 Duncan Circle-Windermere Beaver, PA 15009 Charles A. Freeman, '28 5 Via Delizia Hillsborough, CA 94010 Gerald A. Roberts, '28 1301 Briarwood EI Dorado, AR 71730 S. Allan Stone, '30 1405 Three River East Ft. Wayne, IN 46802 Vernon A. C. Gevecker, '31 Route 2, Box 39 Rolla, MO 65401 William-Brewer, '32 6799 Wetheridge Cincinnati, OH 45230 W. Robert Riggs, '32 2870 South Via Del Bac Green Valley, AZ 85614 William W. Kay, '33 P.O. Box 100 Drums, _P A I ~222 Elmer A. Roemer, '33 1801 Oak St. Rolla, MO 65401 Robert C. Weigel, '34 120 Emerald Drive Danville, CA 94526

1934 W. R. Springer is retired from Armco. He writes: "Lydia and I celebrated our 50th wedd ing ann iversary in Las Vegas where we started July I, 1936. Had a wonderful time but didn't win anything. Sti ll healthy and enjoy ing life." The couple lives at 3164 S. Wheeling Way, No. 208 , Aurora, CO 800 14. Thomas J. Stewart writes: "Moved to Titusville from Cocoa Beach. More golf now and less fishing. My brother, F. M. Stewart's ('40) wife. Dorothy , died in January. He now lives in Daytona Beach. " Thomas is retired from Pfizer Inc. He and Joan live at 1955 Squires Court , Tit usville, F L 32796.



Oliver W. Kamper, '35 16417 I 11th Ave. Sun City, AZ 85351

A Ve tOI

August P. Koopmann, '35 9101 Flores Drive Affton, MO 63123 Eugene J. Daily, '36 816 Dennison Drive Champaign, IL 61820 William E. Dennis, '36 472 Oakshire . Kirkwood, MO 63122 Herman J. Pfeifer, '36 5 South Pego Way Hot Springs, AR 71909


- -'--- - -

Alumni Persona/s __________________________._____________________________________ 1936 Carlton W. Barrow writes: "Thoroughly enj oyeq renewing fellowship with my classmates of 1936 and wish to thank Frank Mackaman and staff for their time. effort and hospitality In making our 50th reunion a success. ·· Carlton is . retired from Alcoa. He lives at 3480 Myrna Drive, Pittsburgh . PA 15241.

Elmer L. Smith writes: "G reatl y enjoyed the fiftieth alumni weekend . Everyone there was so fri endl y and conside rate of us. I wish yo u every success." Elmer IS retired. He and Barbara live al 205 Adams Ave .. Pitman. NJ 08071 .



Walter T. Jones writ es: "Have t~ k e n J. Craig Ems writes: "Getting hot in yac ht from San Diego, Ca lif. , to La Paz, Ari zona. Head for Steamboa t Springs, Mex ico. where we stay four months of Colo. , for Jul y. Sun City West continues the yea r. Do a lot of fishing and cruise . to grow and grow-q ui te a place." Craig the Sea of Cortez." Walter and Iris li ve and Joa n li ve at 131 42 Seville Drive, at 1379 Wagontrain Drive S. E.. Albu· Sun Cit y West., AZ 85375. querque, NM 871 23. .

Ha. rry Kessler, '24, "The Millionaire Referee" ,

Ha·rry H. Kessler, '24 , died June 10. 1986. a fe w days after his 85 th birthda y. Head of the largest compan y of metallurgical consultants in the ,world. Harry was an engineer and metallurgist, inventor and developer, exectltive and, as a hobby , a wellknown referee for the sport of box ing. After receiving his B.S. degree in metallurgy from MSM in 1924, he began his career with_the' American Manganese Steel Co. He left that company to become ' chief metallurgist and superintenderit of . the Banner Iron Works in St. Louis. . . Harry left Banner to · become manager and partner of Sorbo-Mat Process Engineers, a process he and associates developed_ From that time his business and professional affiliations expanded. During his career he was consultant to more than 350 ferrous and nonferrous foundries in the U.S. and 30 foreign countries and , from time to time, owned a number o(foundries. As · a sideline-from 1927 until well into the 1970s- Harry refereed more than 5,000 boxing matches; including some 15 world title bouts. Income from this endeavor was donated to various charities. During his career he earned the Tau Beta Pi Eminent Engineer A ward- International; the Achievement Award of the St. Louis Engineers Club; the Albert Einstein , Award, Technion; the Missouri Inventor of the Year A ward and Inventor Emeritus, In ventor's Association; and the Ameri<;an Fdundr y m e n ~s Society's highest award, the John H. Whiting Gold Medal. His Alma Mater awarded him the MSM -UMR Alumni Association Merit Award (1957); the professional degree, Metallurgical Engineer, (1959) ; the Doctor of Engineering . deg(ee (Honoris Causa) in 1967 ; and the Centennial Medal of Honor in 1971. He was a member of UMR 's major gift club, the Order of the Golden Shillelagh. In his autobiography-pub lished

in 1982-Harry talked at length about his experiences at MS M. He arrived in Rolla after a four-and-a · half hour train trip from St. Louis and secured a room in the home of Professor and Mrs. Reginald Scott Dean at 1311 State St. , where he lived for the next four years. He says, in part: "Rolla had a total enrollment of 367 students in 1920. Only four of us were Jewish , and we received a rather rare treatment. I thought. N9thing overt, just an aura that seemed to indicate· we wore black capes and had horns growing out of our foreheads . We wer y all roommates at the Dean house; Arthur Levinson, Milton Levy, (Leo) Shapiro and myself. "As the school year got underwa y and I began to learn the unwritten laws of Rolla (which somehow seemed more important than the constitutionally written ones), [ engaged in a battle of wits with the professor (Dean). One of the unwritten laws was ' that any time a prof was five minutes [ate in appearing before his class" the class would bolt. Since our first class- his and mine- was at 8 a.m. , I would wait until the last possible moment and rush into the bathroom before him . Naturally , I would be in there a long time, enough so that when I emerged scrubbed and polished, ·1 cou ld get to class on time- but he couldn't. " I did that man y, man y times- until he tired of the game and kicked me out of his class! "A bout a month later, he inquired of one of the other stude nts: 'Where's Kessler?' '''You kicked him out ,' was the reply. "Dean was unperplexed. 'Tell that jackass to come back,' he said . "Puzzled, the student as ked , 'He · lives in the room next to yours. Wh y don't you tell him yourself?' '-'He did .. .and I did. But math , as usual , '!las still one of my worst subjects." ..... Rolla and I were meant for each other. The Missouri School of Mines

and Merallurgy was a hard school in· the sense that it took its purpose very seriously, as did I. My four years there were wonderful learning years; ambitious, formative, knowledgeable years. "As a young blade, [ was also very serious, more interested in getting my education , working and boxing, than I was in what were considered the f(1ore frivolou s acti vities usuall y associated with college, things like fraternities and dating. There was not time enough III my regimen for romance ." " ...1 returned to Rolla in the fall of 192 1. delighted to be a sophisticated sophomore. At least I thought I was. I had delusions of being the' second Rudolph Valentino- ;md wore my sideburns long- which was unusual in those days. I considered myself to be a fairl y nice looking guy who dressed meticulously. (I n those days I favored wearing a derb y hat on occasion and began collecting stra w hats which [ took to sporting in summer. I think I still have 14 sk immers sitting in the closet. ) [ never missed a wee kl y trip t9 the barbershop. What a catch I considered myself! ... ..1 hac!. lots of girlfriends after [ started dating in my second year at Rolla but never go.t in vol ved on a permanent basis. "Thanks to Mrs. Dean , I oft en attended the Methodist churCh socials. I wasn't planning to convert- it was just that there were always plent y of girls at those Sunday evening events l .... .my nose was mostl y to the educational grindstune. 'In addition to boxing and mechanical draw ing student assistantshi ps, I had to keep up with my own classes. Alas. my second year at Rolla was no grea t im provement over my first. I was fascinated by metallurgy to a point which .perhaps was detrimental tQ my other studies. Or, may be I was just not a good student." " ... My junior yea r at Rolla was also enhanced when I obtained a· st udent assistant job in metallograpr. y. Question was: How could I fit another student assistantship into a

life that was already crammed for time? You always give a busy ma n more to do-beca use the busy man gets I . done. This is not my ho mil y, bu t it certain ly applies in this in-stance. " During ,the two yea rs I was a student assistant in metallograp hy, I somehow managed to squeeze the job in whenever I could. Before classes, in free·periods. at night. It didn't miltter. Huntlreds of samples were reo quired for the di versified programs and they were always ready at the appointed hou r. Just don't ask me how. " ...Again I wound up in a ve ry educational and-for me- profitable spot. The job also pa id $26 a month . Added to my income from coach ing the boxing team and the mechan ical draw ing assis'la ntship, I was now earning $7 8 a month ." .. ... [n time. four yea rs had flown by: [ had [ought my last fight in the ring and hung up my gloves fo r good . G radua tion was upon. us and I was no longer a boxing coach, or student assis ta nt in the ath le tic department , mec ha n ica l dr awing or metallography. "The Class ef L924-all 35 of us. thr ee o f wh o m we re - in metallurgy- bi d adieu to Alm a Mater in a formal cap and gown ceremony in Parker Hall on a warm day in earl y June. Somehow [ managed to fini sh in the up per fourth of the class. Litera ll y and figurati vely, [ had fought my wa y thro ugh co l· lege- helped by the money fro m boxing instruction and my other teaching duties. Moreover, I knew I had accomplished all that I had set out to do ed ucationally. As I went for ward to receive my degree as a Bachelor of Science in Meta llu rgy. those four yea rs fl ashed across an imagi nary screen on the inside of my fo rehead. My mi nd read the images and relayed the message that I had been exceptionall y well prepared fo r whatever lay ahead." Harry Kess ler is survived by his wife Alma, 7 Dromara Road, St. Louis, MO 63 124 , a da ughter, two sons and .one grandchild .

MSM Alumnu s 2 1

Alumn; Personals _______________________________

Leola Millar (Mrs. Charles J., '21) Leola Millar (M rs. Charles J., '21) died June 18, 1986, at her home in Rolla . Mrs. Mi llar fi rst came to MS~ in March 1925 as Leola F aud ree, a Stephens College student from Cairo, !II. She came to MSM as a blind date for Charles James Milla r, member of the MSM fa culty (he tau ght biology), to participate in the annual St. Pat's celebration . She was graduated from Stephens College in June, 1925 , and later that same year-Dec. 26-married " Liz" Millar and moved to Rolla . Sixty years later, in M<cIrch 1986, when she was dubl:ied an Honorary Knight of t~e Order of St. Patrick, she wrote, "My one abiding in1erest for the past 59 years has been in the University and its continued excellence. I have tried to be a real supporter in any way possible." Henup-


port took man y forms . During the late 1920s a nd 1930s, she attended classes at MSM , participated in faculty wives' aCli" a ies, . chap~roned fraternity parties ' and St. Pat's weekends (w hen girls moved into fraternity ho uses a nd boys moved out), acted ,in and directed plays for the MSM Players, and served as a friend ,and unoffioial adviser to the men of Sigma Nu, her husband's, so n's a nd grandson's fraternity. After the death of her husband, following World War II, Mrs. Millar be'came a librarian-first at Rolla High School , t!len fm the City of Rolla. In addition to her activities with state and national library associations~ she was awarded the first Phi Beta Mu award for excellence in librarianship in I 975-she was active in many Civic

1941 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17·18, 1986 Class 'Coordinators:

Thomas J. Finley writes: "I am in the best of health. Still working as general manager of sales, Washington Steel Corp, division of Blount, Inc. Agnes & I travel a great amount-both business and pleasure." The Finleys live at I 150 Bower Hill · Road , Pittsburgh , P A 15243.

Andrew A. Cochran Route 4, Box 83 Rolla, MO 65401

organizations in Rolla. At UMR she continued her association with Sigma Nu-she was elected one of the first members of the Rolla chapter of Sigma Nil's Hall of Fame, served on lJM President James Olson's Advisory Committee for · State Extension for several terms, gave an MSMUMR Founders Day address and participated regularly in MSM-UMR Alumni Association functions. Mrs . . Millar is survived by her son, James Bruce Millar, '55, 702 Sunset Drive, High Point , N.C. 27262 , her daughter, Nancy , and son-in-law, William K. Mengel, '50, 1206 Soest Road, Rolla, MO 6540 I, si~ ' grandchildren and six great-grandchildren . . A memorial fund in her name has 'been established with the MSMUMR Alumni Association.

Austin E. Schuman writes: "We con· tinue to enjoy good health . When grandchildren can spare us, we are off to places like Europe (twice), England, Japan, China, Hong Kong, etc." Austin is retired from the Kennedy Space Center. He and Martha Ann live at 605 Riverside Drive, Melbourne Beach, FL 32951. ' .

Donald ' H. Falkingham . 5918 S. Atlanta Place Tulsa, OK 74105 Fred W. Finley I 207 West 1st Terrace· Lamar, MO 64759


Marvin E. Nevins Jr. P.O. Box 828 Waukesha, WI 53187,

A report of the death of Preston W. Ax· the 1m, Liberal, Kans., has been received by the alumni office. At MSM Preston was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha and was center on the varsity football team. Frazier M. Stewart now lives in ,Daytona Beach, Fla. , according to his brother, Thomas J. Stewart, '34. Thomas writes that Mac's wife, Dorothy, died in January . Mac now lives at', I Oceans Blvd. , No. 20B4, Daytona Beach, FL 32018. F. Hugh Wilson is retired. He and Lucile li ve at 1675 Royal Blvd ., Glendale, CA 91207.

22 / MSM Alumnus

1942 James A. Crookston has retired from U.S. Gyp~um. James imd Rena live at 2 Country Club, Mexico, MO 65265 . Robert A. Pohl has retired from Mon· santo. He and Doris live at 1720 Greening Lane, Kirkwood, MO 63122 .

1943 Joseph Thornton Adams died May 16. At MSM he was a member of Sigma Pi, the St. Pat's Board, SAME, Student Council and ROTC. He received his B.S . degree in mechanical engineering and the professional degree: mechanical engineer, from UMR in 1965. Following graduation he served with the U.S: Army Corps of Engineers then settled in the Kansas City area where he became a sales engineer for Busch-Selzer Bros. and Nordburg Manufacturing Co. before establishing his -own business, Power Machinery Management Service Inc. He was actiye as president and owner of the company before his retirement in February. He is suryived by his wife, Mrs. Elsie Adams, 9846 Sagamore Road, Leawood, KS 66206, a son, Stephen. and two grandchildren.


Herbert S. Kalish writes: "As a trustee of American Soci<;~y for Metals I gave a national officers talk to the St. Louis Chapter and was pleased to see quite a number of MSM alumni at that April 19 meeting-particularly 'Buck' Rogers, '41, who was my student adviser in fire assaying. 'Buck' is active in St. Louis and is a past chairman. My son Martin has opened a photo lap and studio in M~nchester , Vermont. I am a partl)er in his new venture called 'Photographer's Eye'. Miners going to Vermont should stop in for a visit." Hertx!rt is a vice president, ·technical and international director, with Adamas Carbide Corp. in Kenilworth, N.J. He and Lili live at 65 Falmouth St. , Short Hills, NJ 07078. Notice has been received of the death, on Feb. 12,1986, of Roy L. Kackley. At MSM he was a . member of Kappa Alpha, ROTC and served as a s,tudent assistant in mechanical engim,ering. He received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering and became a member of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He retired from the Corps as a colonel in the early 70s and was employed as a construction executive with ParsonsGilbane in Los Angeles-Houston. He later became an administrator/engineer for the City of Clayton, Calif., then divided his time between California and St. Joseph, Mo. where he served as an assistant professor at Missouri -Western College.




1943 continued

George H. Thomas writes: "Dissolved an offshore drilling contracting company in December, 1985. Established a new company in January, 1986, looking for investments for Scandanavian companies." George and Marianne live at 934 Briar Ridge, Houston, TX 77057. He is now president of Scan Am Investments, Houston, Texas.


1946 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17-18, 1986 Class Coordinators:

Edward T. Kendall Jr. writes: "Still miss wife-but otherwise enjoy retirement. Rebuild "T" Fords and still fly my J-3 Piper Cub. When I rebuilt it in '74, I got the same "N" number as the cub I soloed in Rolla in 1941!- NC40861." Edward's retired from the US GSA. His address is 4829 Currituck, Charlotte, NC 28210.

Walter H. Kiburz 510 Hazel Place Mexico, MO 65265 Arthur R. Meenen 6724 Delor St. Louis, MO 63109 Austin B. Clayton writes: "Give my best regards to Julian Fuller and Art Brune (both ' 46)." Austin is retired. He and Elva live at 909 E. Hawthorne, Colville, WA 99114.

AI Dick is owner of Business Broker Associates. He lives at 399 Somerville Ave., Chattanooga, TN 37405. He says "Hi!"


lOuis ite a ril19 ,'4\, a fire / Louis arlin lio in ner in pher's ;hould a vice Itional )fIl. in at 65 )78.

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Peter Muschovic writes: "Retired from General Motors after 41 years of service." Peter and Norma Jean live at 5471 Marshall Road, Dayton, OH 45429 .


1947 Harold G. Butzer is a mechanical contractor in the central Missouri area. He and Catherine live at 411 Schellridge Road, Jefferson Cit y, MO 651O\.

William Ellerman has retired from Dow ChemicaL He is now' a consultant, selfemployed. William and Jeannette reside at 113 Pine St., Lake Jackson, TX 77566.

Melvin A. Hagan writes: "No status change. I'm thinking more and more about retirement. Youngest son, Darin, entering Arizona State this faiL" Melvin and Dolores live at 12 Mela Lane, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90274. He works for Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena.

Wilbert (Will) Stoc'k er writes: "Now working part-time at Univel sity of Illinois and conducting short courses in industrial refrigeration and computer controL" Will is a professor emeritus at the university. He and Pat live at 1506 S. Maple, Urbana, IL 6180 I. Arthur Tapperson Jr. writes: "Retiring on July I, 1986, having worked for Union Electric for 38 years. Jayne and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary in January 1986." The Tappersons live at 4425 Butler Hill Road, St. Louis, MO 63128.

Charles P. "Chuck" Daniells, Independence, Mo. died of a heart attack on June 22, 1986. At MSM he was a member of ASCE, the Engineers Club and served as a student assistant in civil engineering. He received his B.S. degree in civil engineering. During his business career he served with the Highway Departments in both Kansas and Missouri, with the Corps of Engineers at Fort Leonard Wood, and with Midwest Pre Cote Co. of Kansas City, McLean Construction Co. of Springfield, Mo. , Curtiss-Manes Construction Co. , the Great Midwest Corp. of Kansas City, Kelley & Sons, and Industrial Paving of Grandview, Mo. He is survived by his wife, Lucille Stimson Daniells, 12902 E. 40th St. , Independence, MO 64055 , a son, Charles P. Daniells Jr., '75, '83, of Irving, Texas, and a daughter, Susan Palmer of Kansas City.

Carl J. Danzer is now a supervisory civil engineer for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He and Rena live at 6041 Frontier Lane, Nashville, '[N 37211.

William W. Evans writes: "Semi-retired. In winter we live at Marco Island, Fla." William and Maxine's summer address is 8772 Brower, Rockford, MI 49341.

Eberhard H. Miller, '47, '48, writes: "Still no plans to rellre - havi ng too much fun doing wha t I am doing-TEACHING ." Eberhard is an associate professor at Del Mar College. He resides at 4129 Bray Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78413.

David M. Feldbaum writes: " Looking Chester M. Pomeroy writes: "Have forward to retirement in the very near been active in Mason ic fraternity since future. " David is president of 1940. Now serving as Worshipful Feldbaum's Inc. in Spotswood , N.J. He and Paula live at 175 Kane, Spotswood, Master of Camelback Daylight Lodge No. 75 F & AM located in Scottsdale, N.J. 08884. Ariz." Chester and Marguerite live at Robert F. Schmidt was honored by the 8231 E. Shetland Trail, Scottsdale, AZ American Foundrymen's Society with 85258. the presentation of its Award of Scientific Merit. Schmidt has been technical director of Colonial Metals Co. since 1979. The award citation read, in part , " .. ,for his technical and metallurgical contributions to the brass and bronze segment of the foundry industry and for his dedicated leadership in advancing the technical purposes of the American Foundrymen's Society." Bob's home address is 210 Locust Ave., Wrightsville, PA 17368.

Lem N. Gager writes: "Continue to be gainfully self-employed as senior consulting engineer although energy industry reduction of activity is adversely affecting backlogged commitments." Lem and Yvonne live at 22814 Wren Lane, Tomball, TX 77375 .

Albert V. Malone writes: "Retired from Agway, Inc., Syracuse, N.Y., on Aug. I, 1985. Now living on our farm, eight miles south of Rolla, and enjoying." Albert and Laura's mailing address is Route I, Box 201, Rolla, MO 65401.




Alumni Personals _____________________________________________________________


Edward L AuBuchon writes: "Still havRobert L. Ray writes: "ConSUl ting as an ing fun working and playing in the independent in the San Francisco area Berkshires. This year we went to Grand for 23 years now! No plans for retire- Bahama in April and plan on Hawaii in ment. As a founder of the Sig Ep July . 'How sweet it is!' Ret irement? ProChapter (in '46-'47) at Rolla, I am very bably when they fold my hands, put a liproud of the fine all¡around record ly in them and pat me on the face with a through the years. Robert is a con- shoveL Metallurgy is too much fun! '" sulting metallurgical engineer, self- Edward works as a producibility employed. He and Margaret reside at metallurgist for GE OSD. He lives with 6045 Estates Drive, Oakland , CA Julie at 24 Pine Grove Drive, Pittsfield, 94611. MA 01201.


Calvin M. Ochs writes: "i will be a vice president of NSPE beginning July I, 1986, and chairman of NSPE Professional Engineers in Industry. Finished my term as president of MSPE on June 30, 1986." Calvin is manager of engineering with Chesebrough-Pond's Inc. Home address for him and for Jackie is Rio Vista Heights, Jefferson City, MO 6510 I.

MSM Alumnu s123

Alumni Personals _________________________ ___ _ ___

1985 Rollamo

1949 continued Leonard C. Nelson retired June 30 as president of West Virginia Institute of Technology. During his 25 years at Tech's helm, the faculty and physical plant tripled in size while enrollment in· creased sixfold. His efforts helped launch a successful campaign for clean air in the surrounding city of Mont· gomery. He served on the UMR faculty from 1947-51, and received UMR's Alumni Award in 1969. Next academic year he begins a Board of Regents pro· fessorship in economic development at Tech. Home address is 320 Fifth Ave. , Montgomery, WV 25136 .

Edgar J. TeIthorst begins a two·year ter'm on the St. Louis Engineers' Club board of directors. He is vice president of power operations with Union Electric in St. Louis. Ed lives at 1415 Tina Drive, Florissant, MO 63033. Landon C. Viles writes: "We moved to Orlando in October of 1985 and we love it down here in Mickey Mouse land. Sea World is practically in our back yard." He and Virginia live at 10128 Matchlock Drive, Orlando, FL 32821. Landon ret ired from Wright·Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio and is now self employed.

John J. Ratcliff writes: "Retiring Charles K. Wissel is now retired. He August I. Currently assistant vice presi· and Betty live at 9724 Wenonga, dent of labor relations for Burlington Leawood , KS 66206. Northern Railroad Co. in Ft. Worth." John's address is 5114 Bridgewater, Arl· ington, TX 760 I 7. The alumni office has been notified of tbe death of Stanley Rafalowski, 7321 CavaJier Drive, Nashville, TN 37221 , on June 18, 1986. At MSM he was a member of Phi Kappa Theta. D. Paul Rice writes: "I retired from Union Electric May I, 1986. We plan to continue living in Cape Girardeau." Paul and Ruby live at 2407 Erna, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. For one of their first retirement activities, the Rice's at· tended UMR's Elderhostel July 20·25 on campus.

Albert F. Seelig Jr. is a maintenance engineer, technical services manager , for the U.S. Anny. He and Ruth live at 7241 Dorset Ave., St. Louis, MO 63130. Harold E. Straub is chief engineer with Titus Products, a division of Philips In· dustries. He and Rosemary now li ve at 3405 Timber Crest, Dallas, TX 752 33. J oseph N. Strubert is now a project manager for Barton-Malow , Detroit , Mich. He and Kitty are living at 2300 Divot Drive, St. Louis, MO 63 131 .

24 / MSM A lumnu s

Walbridge Powell Eyberg died June 19, 1986, following a lengthy illness. At MSM he was a member of Triangle. He received his B.S. degree in chemical engineering and , later, received an M.S . degree from Wichita State University . Following graduation he spent some time with the family business, W. H. Powell Lumber Co. in St. James, then joined Boeing Airplane Co. in Seattle and Wichita as a development engineer. He returned to Rolla in the mid· 1970s and assumed the presidency of W. H. Powell Lumber Co. , then Dry Fork Bluffs Corp. He is survived by his wife, Betty Bowles Eyeburg, 654 Salem Ave., Rolla, MO 6540 I , six sons: Walbridge Jr. , Fulton , Mo.; Carl J., '74, Rolla; James, Rolla; John, Mansfield, Ohio; Bruce, Moscow , Idaho; Nils, Rolla; one daughter, Mary Louise, St. Louis; and seven grandchildren.

Louis E. Greco recently retired. He and Jacqueline live at 6340 Devonshire, St. Louis, M063109. William M. Harris, '50, '52, is a professor at California State Polytechnic University. He and Phyllis reside at 1160 Brewster Drive, Pomona, CA 9(767 .

Albert J. Higgins writes: "Recently retired after 33 years in mineral operations with NL Industries. Last position was manager-plant operations. Present plans for Margaret and me are to remain in Houston working at enjoying retire· ment." The Higgins live at 9230 Sharp' view , Houston, TX 77036. Albert Krainess is now a fellow engineer, energy products division , Lear Siegler Inc., in Santa Ana, Calif. He and Sarah live at 27452 Via Olmo, Mission Viejo, CA 92691.


H. Parnell Schoenky writes: " Retired from the disk drive industry (Data Technology) in May, and pla.n a lot of camping and visiting." He and Mary live at 1720 Karameos, Sunnyvale, CA 94087. William A. Spencer writes: "Retired from University of California, Los Alamos National Lab in Apri l 1984. Now moving to the big city and civilization after 33 Y2 years'. Move is from Los Alamos to Albuquerque." Bill and Jan live at 10717 Towne Park Drive, N .E., Albuquerque, NM 87123. Edwin R. Szumachowski writes: "Retired March I , 1986 from TeledyneMcKay, a leading manufacturer of stainless steel and hard facing filler metal products after 34 years of service, nine as director of research . Still active in A WJ and ASM technical societies, but devoting much more time to family, traveling, reading and gardening. Have six children and three grandchildren." Edwin and Margaret live at 51 Roselyn Drive, York, PA 17402. Harold E. Tibbs writes: "After 30 years in Las Vegas, Florence and I still think it is a great town. Stop by, pull a few handles, and give us a call. Love to hear from classmates and old friends." Harold is now senior project engineer with Fenix & Scisson Inc. He and Florence reside at 2724 Natalie, Las Vegas, NV 89121. John R. Van Nort is a manager; sheet piling application engineering, with Syro Steel in Girard, Ohio. John and Marjory now live at 584 West Glen , Youngstown, OH 44512 . Robert C. Wood writes: "Retired January 31 , 1986. At home in England." He and Barbara have moved to 49 Langton Road, East Molesey, Surrey KT80HX , England. Robert was with Oasis Oil Co. in Libya.

Leland F. Belew is now vice president of H. H. Luetjen has a new position as an United Technology Corp. in Huntsville, ombudsman for McDonnell Douglas. Ala. He and Jerena live at 4215 His mailing address is P.O. Box 1899, Panorama Drive, Huntsville, AL 3580 I. Titusville, FL 32780. Robert N. Brown has retired from Amax. He and Nila now live at 7281 E. Harmont 'Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85258.

Donald W. Marshall writes: "Hard to believe that we have been retired 10 years and home at the Lake of the Dale T. Carlson retired July I, 1986, Ozarks. Haven't had a boring day yet after 20 years with the Coors Co. in don't see how we keep so busy. Planning Golden, Colo. Dale and Helen live at a trip to Northwest and Fort Lewis this 8714 W. 67th Place. Arvada, CO summer, sightseeing and visiting old 80004. He's an environmental engineer. friends artd fami ly." Donald and Lou's mailing address is Route 2, Box 319, Stanley Dolecki has been elected Sunrise Beach , MO 65079. treasurer of the Missouri Society of Pro· fessional Engineers fo r 1986·87, Stanley Kenneth C. Roach is working for is a civil environmental engineer for Georgia G ulf as an engineering & Black and Veatch. He and Nancy live at main tenance manager. Kenneth and 16248 Windfall Ridge Drive, Chester- Mary li ve at 131 27 Deerpath Way , Baton Rouge, LA 70816. fi eld , MO 6301 7.

1951 Reunion at Homecoming. Oct .. 17·18, 1986 Class Coordinators: George W. Comanich 5104 Tamarach Drive -Baytown, TX 77521 Herman A. Fritschen Jr. 5249 South 68th E. Place Tulsa, OK 74145

Alumni Personals ______----________________________________ Bruce E. Tarantola 9000 Skycrest Drive St. Louis, MO 63126 William Tsai 14317 Miranda Way Los Altos, CA 94022

George W. Comanich writes: "Retired Dec. I, 1985. Present plan is to stay here in Baytown and do some traveling." George and Melba live at 5104 Tamerach, Baytown, TX 77521. Richard L. Dickens writes: "Daughter Carol Herbert got her M.D., May 24, 1986, at University of Texas Medical' School in San Antonio. Intern & residency In Baltimore, Md. in family practice." Richard is a district engineer for Westinghouse. He and Sandra live at 10433 Remington, Dallas, TX 75229. Neal B. Dowling writes: "Plan to be at 35tl1 reunion at Homecoming. Hoge to see many old friends attending as well. Have 'un-retired' and am selling electronic components for North American Philips Corp. (MepcoICentraiab)." Neal and Betty Jane now live at 4201 E. Hano St., Phoenix, AZ 85044. E. P. Larson writes: "Will complete '35 years of employment at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant this year. Presently department head of project management, engineering division, Martin-Marietta Energy Systems, Inc." He and Ellen live at 2300 Harrison St., Paducha, KY'42001.

Andrew M. Taylor is now self employed as a consultant. He and Anne have moved to 12785 Sandalwood, Florissant, MO 63033.




Bob Walz is a drilling manager now with Diamond Shamrock. He lives at No. 11-1721 12th St. S.W., Calgary, Alberta, T2T3N I, Capada.

David W. Archer is now working for Texaco in Coral Gables, Fla., as a senior staff engineer. David and 'Grace have moved to 14601 SW 82nd Ave., Miami, FL 33158.

Elmer Earl Thiele died April 13, 1986, according to a notice from his wife, Mrs. John P. Zedalis writes: "Working with Phyllis Thiele, 219 Ramblewood Drive, Bill O'Neill, '55, on housing projects in Lafayette, LA 70501. At MSM Elmer Guam and Saipan (western Pacific). We was a member of Kappa Alpha and recently formed Westpac Development AIME. He received his B.S. degree in Ltd. for joint development of commermining engineering. The alumni office cial and hotel projects with mainland has no record of his professional career. Chinese firms. Currently discussing several joint venture projects with Chinese companies in 8eising and Chung King." John and Bernice live at 8723 Gateshead Road, Alexandria, V A 22309. -

1952 Lee Bilheimer is now managing director of Moli Energy Ltd. His home address is 3544 Cheery Ave., West Vancouver, BC V7V 2MI. James R. Borberg is general manager of Hampton Roads Sanitation District. He and Jayne live at 4524 Black Cove Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 . He writes: "At the recent annual national meeting of the Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies, I was elected presiden t." Byron L. Keil writes: "Retired from NTS Inc. after 20 years. Now looking after personal investments in oil/gas/real estate." Byron and Mary Ann live at 4101 Clayton Road East, Fort Worth, TX 76116.

C. E. Steinmetz writes: "Retired from ITT in January, but will open a manage- Dan W. Martin writes: "Moved to ment Q?nsulting firm in Knoxville, Reno, Nev. , Feb. 1986 to start up new Tenn. this year. Special~y is manage-' company. Enjoying being back in ment of EPA, OSHA and product com- Nevada." Dan is president of Western pliance." He and Georgia live at 1967 Goldfields Co. in Sparks, Nev. He and Division Road, East Greenwich, RI Shirley live at 328 Lorraine Court, 02818. Reno, ~V 89509 .


1953 C. Dean Barton is chief engineer with the Union Pacific Railroad. He and Wanda now live at 13407 Seward St., Omaha, NE 68154.

Donald L. Kummer is now vice president, laser communications & space, McDonnell Douglas, in St. Louis. He and Martha live at Route 2, 32 Weldon Drive, St. Charles, MO 6330 I. Virgil Lee PoweU is now president of Powell Resources Inc. He and Miriam live at 4709 Doral Court, Oklahoma City, OK 73142 _ Ben K. Smith writes: "Now have other people seeing after my oil and gas business so that Nelda and I spend 90 percent of ou'r time in our home on Maui, Hawaii, and we both just love it!!!" Sen is presiden t of Benex Petroleum in Tulsa, Okla. The Smith's new address is 31 Ironwood Lane, Kapalua, Maui, HI 96761. Howard and La Donn;. Tho-ele have moved to 3318 Rosswood Lane, Garland, TX 75042. H.oward is the marketing director, Asia-Pacific, for . Monsanto.

J. Lloyd Mason writes: "I retired from Monsanto Co. after 30 years of service on Qec. I, 1985. Betty and I will retire to 1343 Rue Riviera, Bonne Terre, MO 63628 after June -I, 1986, to play gQlf." Jerry Dee Plunkett is a vice chancellor for research and technology at University of Denver. He lives at 2150 S. Josephine, Denver, CO 80210.

1956 Eugene J. Poschel writes: "Am retired from the Air Force, but am doing some consulting work." Eugene and Virginia live ' at 594 L'Ombrect, Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548. John R. Seipel writes: "Still enjoying our retirement after 17 months. Plenty of golf, tennis and yard work. Plan to do some traveling this summer and fall." John's retired from Mobil Oil. He and Mary live at 2325 Cypress Drive, Pawleys Island, SC 29585.

Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17-18, 1986 Class Coordinators: George R. Baumgartner 2120 Syracuse Dearborn, MI 48124 Jerry B. Overton 428 West 37th St. Spokane, W A 99203 Leroy E. Thompson 5860 Southwest 89th Place Miami, FL 33173 Peter N. Yiannos Scott Plaza Philadelphia, P A 19113


1985 Rollamo

Joseph F. Krispin has been elected first vice president of the St. Louis Engineers' Club. He is ' vice president of 1. S. Alberici Construction Co. in St. Louis. Joe lives at 13886 Amiot Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146.

Gil Jurenka is now executive vice president, Graham Resources, in Covington, La . He and Shirley live at 18 Olympic Court, New Orleans, LA 70114. Ray L. KoUmeyer has been promoted to senior engineer in the electrical engineering department of engineering and construction at Union Electric Co. in St. Louis.

MSM Alumnus125

Alumni Personals _____________________________________________________________ 1957 Waymon and Donna Johnston ha ve moved to 2429 Briargate, Bryan , TX 77802. Waymon's an associate professor of industrial engineering at Texas A & . M in College Station. James L. Mitchell writes: "Jim is now with Dayco Corp. Dayco Technical Ce nt e r , as project e n gineer in Springfield, Mo." He and JoA nn now live at 1704 E. Lark., Sprin gfield , MO 65804.

Robert G. Jones has moved to 129 Tur· tIe Cove Lane, Huntington, NY 11743. He's a senior engineer for Sperry in Great Neck, N.Y.


Jerrold 'M . Alyea, owner of Complete Building Center, in Blue Springs, Mo., was sworn in as a Jackson Coun ty Election Commissioner. Jerry's add ress is 1009 44th St. , Route 3, Blue Springs, Gene L. Scofield is manager, electrical systems/product design , for General MO 64015. _ Motors in Warren , Mich . He and Dixie Harold L. and Teresa Bennett live at 226 Orchard St., Ridgecrest, CA 93555. Harold is a chemical engineer for the Naval Weapons Center' at Chi na Lake, Calif. -

1958 E. E. "Gene" Anspach is' a senior engineer with Sverdrup Tech at Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn . Gene and Roberta live at 402 Heights Ave., T ullahoma, TN 37388 . Paul R. Munger, '58, '61, begins a twoyear term on the St. Louis Engineers' Club board of directors. Paul is professor of civil engineering at UMR and heads UMR's Institute of River Studies. His address is Box 682 , Rolla, MO 65401.

Paul W . Benz writes: "I sold my interest in the mechanical contracting firm in 1980 and have been doing volunteer work since. r am now looking to get back into the construction industry." Paul is self-employed and is president of P.W.B. Inc. He has moved to 115 Holland Road, Middletown, NJ 00748. Lewis W. CappeUari writes: "I am an electro-optical systems engineer in the advanced system development group at Hughes Aircraft Co." Lewis lives at 4092 Del Mar Ave., Long Beach , CA 90807.

Joseph M. Palovchik is now manager, procurement, for Southwest Mobil Kenneth R. Cox has been promoted to Systems, St. Louis. His home address 'is the position of manager' of International 30 Bermuda Lane, Granite City , IL Sait Company's mining operation at Retsof, N.Y. The' Retsof mine is believ62040 . ed to be the world's largest rock salt proGeorge D. Tomazi is now immediate ducer and has been in contiouous operapast president of the E ngineers' Club of tion since 1884. Ken joined InternaSt. Louis. He. is. director of design and tional Salt Co. in 1985 as a product construction with Mallinckrodt, Inc. in manager. He had previously managed St. Louis. George lives at 12723 Inspiration Mine's Tennessee Zinc DiviStone ridge Drive, Florissant, MO sion in Jefferson City , Tenn . 63033.

Notice has been received of the death of James William Delp in July, 1980. At MSM Jim as a member of the Engineer's C ub, Pi Tau Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi , Tau Beta Pi, ASM E (president), SAE, AFS and the American 1959 Rocket Society (vp). He was also a stu A. Jame~ Berkel writes: "Just recently dent ass istant in th e mechanical returned to Caterpillar general offices in engineering department. He recei ved his Peoria, Ill., after worki ng 3 liz years as B.S. degree in mechanical engineering. director of engineeri ng at Caterpillar- Following grad uation he worked with M itsubish i in Japan." James is now Un ion Ca rbide in Paducah , Ky ., before manager of vehicle programs. His new returning to Rolla to become a partner address is 114 E. Hanover Place, Peoria, in Delp Refri gera tion with his brother, Robert L. Delp, '62. In the mid 1970s he IL 61614 . left the company and became a civi l ser-· Don Feaster is now senior vice presiden t vice mechanical engineer at Fort with Sundial Group in St. Petersb urg, Leonard Wood in Waynesville, Mo. He F la. Do n and Janis's address is P.O. Box is survived by his brother. 7900, St. Petersburg, FL 33734. "Don J. Gunther writes: "On Ju ly I , Gerald L. Metcalf is now vice president 1986 I was made president of Bechtel of production , Pfizer Pigments, Pfizer Inc. , responsible for all petroleum & Inc. in New York City. He and Lucy minin g activities."Don and Mosey live live at 53 Chestnut Ridge Drive, Ar- at 40 Orange Co ur t, H illsborough , CA 940 10. monk, NY 10504.

26 / MSM Alumnus

William H . Manley is director of the V A Hospital in Northport, N.Y. His and "Janet's new address is V AMC Quarters, No. 27 , Northport, NY 11 768.

live at 24759 C unningham , Warren, MI 48091. Roy L. Testerman is now principal engineer with FMC in Minneapolis, Minn. Roy and Jean live at 8515 40th Ave. North, New Hope, MN 55427 . Herman Vacca is ' now basin sales manager for Schlumberger in Corpus Christi, Texas. Herma,n and. Carol live at 7 Partridge, Robstown, TX 78380.

1961 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17.18, 1986 Class Coordinators:

DR. F AROUK EL·BAZ Dr. Farouk EI·Baz, '61, '64, an interna· tionally known expert in the field of remote sensing, has bee~ appointed the first director of the Center for Remote Sensing at Boston University. A pioneer in the field, he has led interdisciplinary teams in projects ranging from studies of deserts on Earth to the selection of lunar landing sites. Dr. El·Baz has been associated with NASA, the Smithsonian Institution , and Itek Optical Systems of Lexington, Mass., where he was vice president for science and technology before going to Boston University . He and Catherine live at 213 Silver Hill Road, Concord, MA 01742.

Albert E. Bolon 110 Nuclear Engineering.UMR Rolla, MO 65401 Farouk E.S. EI·Baz 213 Silv~r Hill Road Concord, MA 01742 H. Neal Grannemann 1000 West 10th St. Rolla, M 0 65,401 Rene J. Leonard 835 Southwest 37th Ave. Miami, FL 33135 Jerome D. Patterson 102 Maegeo Drive LexingtQ,n, NC 27292 Richard W. Bolander is now professor of engineering, physiCS and mathematics with GMI E ngineering and Manage· ment Institute. He and Barbar,! live at 8236 Corunna Road, Flint, MI 48504. Louis J. Chiodini Jr., '61, '82, writes: "Son Ton y is scheduled to graduate in electrical ' engineering in December 1986, and son Chris will be entering as a freshman in electrical engineering in August [986." Louis and Helen li ve at 67 14 Ringwood Co urt , St. Louis, MO 63129.

WILLIAM A.H£NNING William A. Henning has been presented the Ductile Iron Society'S 1986 Annual ' Award "for outstanding wntribution to the ductile iron industry and its techn910gy in the field of metallurgy." Bill has been director· technical services for Miller and Co. in Chicago since February of this year, and will be reloca tin g his fam ily from Niagara Falls, N.Y.


Alumni Personals ______________________________________~----------------------Ronald P. Prothero writes: "1 served this spring as an orienteering instructor fo r scouts and leaders at Kamp Kiwani Girl Scout Camp. I am completing my eight.h year as a Girl Scout troop. leader and my twelfth year as a Boy Scout leader." Ron ' is supervisor of maintenance for the Memphis City Schools. He and Sara Jane live at 1074 Woodbury, Memphis. TN 38111.

W illiam L. Sullhan III has a new posi· tion as maintenance uperintendent for Monsanto. St. Louis. He and Anne live at 2359 Fairoyal Drive. Des Peres, MO 63131. William L. Wilson is now president of Memory Productions in Sarasota, Fla. New address for Bill and Sharon is 4604 Oak Run Drive, Sarasota, FL 34243.


' 1962 John Frauenhoffer has been elected chairman of the St. Louis Regional Commerce & Growth Association's energy and environmental committee. Jack is manager of environmental affairs for Mallinckrodt Inc. James Gormley is now working for Heil Quaker Corp. in La Verphe, Tenn. as a director of management information systems. James and Darlene live at 1618 Gordon Petty, Brentwood, TN 37027. ,

Engineers' Club of St. Louis The following MSM/UMR Alum· ni have been elected officers and . directors for the coming year: President . .. Philip A. Jozwiak, '66 First V.p ... . . Joseph F. Krispin, '54 Treasurer ... Alfred J. Buescher, '63 Past presidentGeorge D. Tomazi, '58 Director . ... . . Paul R. Munger, '58 (2 yrs:) Edgar J. Telthorst, '49 Director . . .. Gary R. Aronberg, '75 (l y~.) JamesK. VanBuren, '63 )""


Richard . Ploeger is now commercial Alfred J. Buescher was ylected treasurer manager with Dow Chemical.- He' and of the Engineers' Club of St. Louis. He is Deborah live -at 6512 Cis~ayne Place, . director of outside ser\iices with Ralston Charlotte, NC 28211. Puriria in St. Louis. Al lives iii 624 Golfview Drive, Ballwin , MO 630 I I.

KENNETH C. SCOTT . Kenneth C. Scott has joined A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co. as director of chemicals research and developmel)t. Prior to joining Staley, Ken was director of performance chemicals and cnemical engineering research for BASF Wyan o dotte Corp. , in Wyandotte, Mich . He now lives at I South Moreland Place, Decatur. IL 62525.


Allen H. Driemeier is now chief of engineering, contract management, en· vironmental planning, for tpe U.S. Air Force, at McChord AFB, Wash. Allen and Linda live at 417 Stonewood qrive SE, Olympia, W A 98503.

Don C. Abel is a staff engineer, energy and env'ironmental , with Texac0 Chemical Co. He and Barbara now reside at 648 Ridgewood, Port Neches, TX 77651.

Robert Fear is now principal maintenance engineer with Mallin· ckrodt Inc. in St. Louis. He and Linda live at 10312 Meath Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123.

. Humberto Q. Arzabe is a quality engineer with Monsanto/Mound Laboratories in Miamisburg, Ohio. He and Sonia have moved to 58.6 E. Whipp Road. Centerville, OH 45459.

Jack Goodman writes: "After nine years in the nuclear safety industry at Science Applications, Inc. ; I decided to try a new field . In 1985, I started working in the cryogenic technology group at the Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory." Jack's tide is staff scientist. Jack and Marilyn live at 129 7 Aster Lane, Cupertino, CA 95014.

1985 Rollamo

Keith 'E. Bailey, formerly president of Northwest Central Pipeline Corp. , has been named executive vice president for finance and administration of The Williams Companies. He and Pat live at 4337 E. 74th Place South. Tulsa. OK 74136.

Jerrold Chervitz writes: "On June 12; I was appointed president/CEO of Ad· Fred B. Clippard Jr., a professor at the va nced Cellular Technologies Inc. , ' Altoona campus of Penn State Universi· Creve Coeur, Mo., a joint venture com· ty, and Robin ' De Shong, 'a process 'pany forlTJed by McDonnell Douglas, engineer with Appleton Papers in Roar· Auxton Computer Enterprises Inc. , ing Spring, P<!. were married on June CBSl Technologies, Inc .. and C incinatti 24. The couple currently receives mail at Bell Information Systems Inc. The new company provides clearing hQuse ser· P.O. Box 1841 , Altoona, 'PA 16603 . vices to the cellular industry ." Jerrold and Zeta now live at 1524 Shoemaker, James R. Frazer has been promoted to St. Louis. MO 63 I 46 . general manager of purchasing at A.P. Green Refractories Co. in Mexico, Mo~ Robert R. Rice, a laser engineer at Hi!i. 17 years with the. company include McDonnell Douglas, has been given the management of a modernization pro· "American Spirit" award from the U.S. gram at the Mexico plant. Home ad· Air Fbrce, the highes t honor presented dress for Jim, Marilyn and their four by the AF recruiting' service. The awar'd children is Route 5, Mexico, MO 65265 . is presented annuall y to an individual who exhibits patriotism and provides.ex· Russell Solomon III is now production traordinary assistance to Air Force manager-tubular products at Laclede recruiting efforts. Bob has been with Steel Co. , according to word from his McDonnell Douglas n years. Bob and father, R. C. Solomon, '35. Sandra live at 12690 Verwood. Floris· sa nt. MO 63033 . James K. Van Buren, ' 63, '70, is serving a one·year term on ' the St. Louis James L. Spehr, '64, '69 is now vice Engineers' Club board of directo rs. He is president and general manager in the vice president and manager of transpor· F· 15 Fighter Program with McDonnell tation with Sverdrup in St. Louis. Jim Aircraft Co. His mailing address is c/o lives at 9807 Copper Hill Road. Ladue, McDonnell Aircraft Co .. P.O. Box 516. MO 63124. St. Lo uis, MO 63166.

J. D. Layton has come home from Saudi Arabia. His new mailing address is HCR·69 Box 1547, Ironton, MO 63650. Ronald C. Marshall is now deputy manager, aeroassist fliglit experiment project, NASA-MSFC. Ron and Kay live at 109 Noble Drive. Huntsville. AL 35802. Walt Mulyca is now a department metallurgist for ALCOA. Wall' and Anne live at 54 Westwood. Massena. NY 13662. Elizabeth, '65, '68, and William Mun· son write: "Bill's a senior manufacturing technical development engineer and Bet· tye's an industrial engineer for Control Data Corp. in Bloomington. Minn ." Their address is 4005 Orleans Lane, Plymouth, MN 55441. William J. Price is a senior staff engineer with Union Carbiqe. He and Zalora live at 6029 Country Club Drive, Victoria, TX 77904. Bill writes: "Am currently on temporary assignment in . Vienna, Austria. Starting up new Unipol polyethylene plant for licensee. Communication problems are typical in non· English speaking count ries. Start up activities progressi ng nicely . Ex pect plant to be up and running in July ."

MSM Alumnu s 27


Alumn; Personals ______~________________~____________~~~________~__~~--= 1965 continued Harold R. Rochester has been elected vi~ president of Sverdrup Corp., an international professional services firm engaged in the development, design, construction and operation of capital facilities. Hal is manager of construction suppOrt services ' for the company's Southwest group, which is headquartered in Phoenix. He holds the same position for a 1.3 million SQuare foot expansion program now underway at the McDonn!!1l Douglas Helicopter Company assembly and flight test center in Mesa. He has previously had management responsibility on major industrial projects for Miller Brewing and Frito-Lay, and on aerospace projects for General Electric and the U.S. Air Force. He joined Sverdrup in 1965. Roger C. Wagner is an operations engineer with Union Electric Co. Roger and Ann live at 625 Flint Hill Road, Cape Girardeau, MO 6370 I. Robert and Billie Weeks have moved to 1349 Bennington, Mexico, MO 65265 . Bob is now senior army advisor, Missouri Military Academy in Mexico. William L. Wells writes: "Became coowner and vice president of Klinger /& Associates P.c. In June 1985. The firm has offices in Quincy, Ill. and Hannibal, Mo. and offers consulting services in civil and structural engin ~ring and land surveying." He and Connie live at 3824 Greenfield Road, Quincy, IL 62301.

1966 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17-18, 1986 Class Coordinators: James E. Bertelsmeyer 3303 East 100th Place S. Tulsa, OK 74136 Matteo A. Coco 7115 Aliceton Ave. St. Louis, MO 63123

Vincent P. Crane 8140 Spur Court N.W. Bremerton, WA 98310 Leonard C. Kirberg 1600 Hickory Knob Glencoe, MO 63038 Samuel A. SCheer 182 East Main St. Springville, NY 14141 Alan D. Shaffer 4870 Kennewick Drive Florissant , MO 63033 Kishan D. Amlani is now president of Key Transducers Inc. in Troy, Mich. Kishan's new address is 3682 Kingspoint, P.O. Box 656, Troy, MI 48099 .

Dennis R. Parker is a general manager, petroleum cok'e, with Conoco Inc. in Chet Adamick is a vice president with Houston , Texas. Dennis and Sue have Summit Engineering Inc. His new admoved to 1918 Wine Cedar Lane, Katy, dress is 5300 Burnham Ranch Road, TX 77450. Santa Rosa, CA 95404 . Michael L. i.>eelo is now vice president for chemical sales for St. Joe Resources Co. in Monaca, ·Pa. He and Judith live at 249 Fourth St. , Beaver, PA 15009. David A. Nelson is now principal ap· plication engineer for Century ElectrIC in St. Louis. David and Janet live at 6970 ' Singingwood , St. Louis, MO 63129. August J. Ponstingl is a plant engineer with Union Electric Co. in Festus, Mo. He ilnd Diana live at 197 Lake Forest Estates, Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670.

Glen Foss has been promoted to supervisor of drilling operations, ocean drill- John Sadowski is now an associate ing program, at Texas A & M Universi- (engineering consulting) witti Swanson ty. He and Rosie live 'llt 2706 Wilderness & Associates. His maiIing address is N ., College Station , TX 77840 . . P.O. Box 742, Beckley, WV 25801. Steven R. Marshall writes: " Now chief engineer with 1. Smith Coal Inc. in Providence, Ky. , designing and building deep mine in western Kentucky." He and Carol have moved to 361 Bittersweet, Heoderson, KY 42420.

" 1985 Rollamo

David W. Richman is chief engineer at McDonnell Douglas, St. Louis, Mo. He has been with the company for 23 years and is responsible for the direction of the engineering and integration of space hardware. He is a member 'Of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and recently received the AIAA St. Louis Section Technical Contribution A ward for innovative analysis of continuous flow electrophoresis. He has been awarded five Ipatents for electrophoresis -hardware and process innovations. David's home address is 26 White Plains, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Richard W. Schenk is now project manager for Maxima Corp., in Oak Ridge,. T.enn. He and Carole live at · Route I, Box 2067 , Rockford, TN 37853.


Donald R. Shank is a principal consultant with Shank Product Technology. Donald and Barbara now live at 8273 Wilson Terrace, Orlando, FL 32819.

Robert W. Whelove Jr. is a chemical engineer with H . Q. AMCCOM Rock Philip A. Jozwiak sends the following Island Arsenal in Rock Island, III. information: "Announcing the forma- Robert and Janet reside at 2405 Gaines, tion of St. Louis' newest general con- Davenport, IA 52804. tracting firm , CONGEN Inc. Officers are Philip Jozwiak, '66, president ; John D. Wolf, '67, '68, is now executive Michael L. Jerome, '76, vice president; vice president, operations, with McDonand Joseph C. Bommarito, '65, director. nell Douglas - Aircraft Co. His mailing The firm 's headquarters is located ,at address is do McDonnell Douglas, P.O. 11382 Dorsett Road, Maryland Box 516, St. Louis, MO 63166. Heights, MO 63043 , Phone : 314/291-7050. Construction specialties include commercial new buildings, light industrial, interior and exterior renovations and remodeling, new tennant finishes, design/build and construction management." Phil also has been elected 1968 president of the Engineers' Club of St. Louis for the coming year. . R. John Davis, '68, '77, has been promoted to engineer" planning and scheduling department, at Union Electric's Callaway Plant in Fulton, Mo . ..

-~,~ ?: :,.~":: .. i, 09!-''·.;~r,,:,;~.~, : :~"'i,"'1'" ':' _

28 / MSM Alumnu s


julio A.'Spiegel, '68, '70, is president of Sonitel S.A. He writes: "I live in Panama and have a family of four children. i have my own company and sell communication equipment and computers." Julio and Julieta receive mail at P.O. Box 4349 , Panama 5, Panama. Daniel K. Ward is now working for Delco Electronics as an assistant superintenden(manufacturing engineering. Daniel and Marsha live at 402 Jeff Drive, Kokomo; IN 4690 I . James A. Youngmah is a joint plants representative for Texaco. He and lorraine live at 6117 S. 69th E. Place, Tulsa, OK 74133 .

Yubong Hahn, '68, '72, is president and chief executive ~ officer of HIC Optics Group, Inc. which recently acquired Rocky Mountain Instrument Co. (RrytD , <j p'roducer,~ o\ yrecis,j,?n. optic~1 components and equipment. Yubong earned his Ph.D. in physics from UMR and has been instrumental in the development of advanced vacuum deposition processes for state-of-the·art optical coatings. His address is 666 Blossom Hill Road, San Jose, CA 95123.

Steve C. Mueller is now vice president and general manager for AM AX Zinc Co. Inc., in East St. Louis. He and Ernestine have moved .to 13344 W. Watson, St .- Louis, MO 63127.

Steven E. Miltenberger, '68, '80, has been promoted to general manager· nuclear operations at Union Electric Co. in St. Louis.

R-obert L. Niehaus is now a section chief for McDonnell Douglas, He and Marlo live at 13220 Amiot, St. Louis, MO 63146.

1969 William and Susan Castle have moved to 7919 Springway Road, Baltimore, MD2)204 . ~i\1 is now_ operations manager for Proctor and Gamble in Baltimore.

Alumni Persona's_'_ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ; - - - - - - - - - -


c:on·tin~.d .

Michael Finkehteln writes: "I have assumed a new ' responsibility for all of G .E.'s electronics contracting at cor· porate level. Joyce just completed her psychology degree and is working as a career guidance consultant." Michael is a contracting agent . electronic com· ponents wifh General Electric in Bridgeport, Conn. Michael and Joyce live at- 14 Captain's Walk. Trumbulj, CT 066 ! I.

Thomas L. Richardson was keynote speaker this spring at a .Marantha Chris· tian <;:enter seminar in Tuscola, m. He joined the ministry while an engineer with the Illinois Department of Transportation. During that time he co founded an outreach coffeehouse and served' as live·in director of a halfwa y house for men. He left engineering In 1973 for full·time pastoral dutle . Tom . Diane and their two daughters hve at Ronald Marvin Fluegge is now a senior 1608 Lincolnwood. Ufba na. IL 61 80 1. engineer with Texas Utilities Co. in Dallas Ron and Vick i Sue live at 5633 f. Colon y Blvd .. The Colony. TX S. Kent Roberts is retired from Ty·Mar 750561921 Industries Ltd. and IS attendIng M . .T graduate school. Ken t and Janice live at James L. Fox is now project manager at 603 W. 13th St .. Austin . TX 7870 1 Abbott Laboratories (Ross Labs DiviSIon! in Columbus. Ohio. He and Kathenne live at 1187 Hepplewhite Court Westerville, OH 43081. Jack T. Garrett, '70, '75, is now work· ing for A.B. Engineering Co. as a chief engineer. Jack lives at 1310 Aggie Lane, Austin. TX 78757 . .


Charles B. Gaston now lives at 34 Mor· ris Dnve, (Queen Valley), Apache Junc· tion, AZ 85219:

William D. Alexander writes: "The Alexa~ders are n~w living in Doorn, Ronald D. Giles has been transferred to The Netherlands. Bill teaches high Reynolds Metals Co. headquarters in school science, biology. chemistry,· and Richmond, Va. As operations engineer physics to United States Air Force with Reynolds Aluminum Supply Co., dependents. He is also department chaIr· Ron has primary engineering respon· man for science/math ." Bill and Janet' sibility for all of the company facilities mailing address is now 32nd T.FS., Box . west of the Mississippi. Ronald's address 722, APO NY 09292 . is 160S Swinton Lane, Richmond, VA 23233 . Frank S. Cook Jr. is now an mformation systems staff 'member for AT&T-IS Michael D. Harris is a supervisor with in Chesterfield, Mo. He and Elsa live at Tennessee Valley Authority at the 330 N. Brentwood. Clayton, MO Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant. He and 63105 . Sherry now live at 1201 Cantwell Ave., S.W., Decatur, AL 35601. Donald L. Cordes is now a projec~ engineer for Hughes Aircraft in Point Leslie A. ,Hoeckelman, '70, '75, is a Mugu, Callf. Donald and Diane (Slater} senior technical specialist, manufacturlive at 11295 Barranca, Camarillo, CA ing engineer, for McDonnell Aircraft in 93010. St. Louis. Leslie and Bonnie live at 509 Duchesne Drive, O'Fallon, MO 63366. Don Davidson . writes: "Providing ther· inophysics design consulting services to P. E. lIavia writes: "Survived another mainframe computer manufacturing merger. on patch is in a terrible slump companies." Don's mailing address is but I ~ signs of a turnaround this Box 27372, Golden Valley, MN 55427. winter . Through mergers our company has now become the second largest gas Richard A. Elliott is now manager, test i;Qmpany in the U.S. Our new name is engineering, with Scientificl Atlanta, ENRON Corp." He and Ami live at Government Production Division . 1659 Imperial Crown, Houston, TX Richard and Mitzie live at 10924 Mar· 77056. P. E. is now division drilling tinique Way, San, Diego, CA 92126 . manager for ENRON .


Roy Engineer writes: "I have recentl y been transferred to Argentina and am working as the regional reservoir engineer for Occidental Petroleum Corp. We are now living in Mendoza near Chile border." Roy and Kais ad· dress is do Oxy (Argentina), P.O. Box 11174, Bakersfield, CA 93309.

Billy F. Keeling writes: " I have started a consulting firm specializing in environ· ment and energy fields. The firm , Keeling Environmental and Energy, is located in Columbia, Mo. (phone: 314 449·6461)" Billy and Janet's address is Route I, Rox 118, Columbia, MO 6520 I.

1985 Rollamo

Kim I. and Donna Mastalio have moved to 555 Hillcrest E., Lake Quivira . KS 66106. Kim is a project engineer for Black & Veatch in Kansas City . Nathaniel D. McClure is a general supervisor with Delco ElectroniCs. He and Annette live at 865 S. 450 E. , Kokomo, IN 46902.

Mikt' Stephensoll wntes " have been promote [0 th positIOn of district maintenance an tqfffic engineer in the Distric office of the Missouri Highway ana TransportatIon Depart· men iocatea i Jefferson City, Mo." Mike ana Clar live at 2L2 Brookdale, Jefferson City, MO 6510 1

Robert A. Zagar IS a project engineer Leo W. Midden is with Mansfield Elec· wit h Cha McClure in St. Louis. He tric. He now lives at 2619 South Pack, ana Louann live at 728 Montego. . Crestwood , MO 63 126 . Springfield, IL 62705. Marvin D. Phillips is a field bridge mspector with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. MarVin and Shirley live at 1713 Overlook Drive. Jefferson City, MO 65 \0 I. Richard director sultants: 705 W. 19382.

O. Purcell is now a project with Westpn·Designers. Con· He and Mary have moved to Union, West Chester. PA

1971 Dllvid Rommelmann is now managing principal of Boyle Engineering Corp.. in Camp Springs, Md. He and Patricia live at 12215 Old Colony, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772.

Walter S. Schamel writes: "We made a summer trIp to Canada and .south to D.C. to relive the Revolutionary and Civil wars. We spent one week at the Smithsonian museum and saw only four of 14 buildings. Ten to ' go next summer." Walter and Jacquilline live at 613 Palo Verde Court, Yukon. OK 73099.

Michael G. Schmidt writes: ,"Now wprk· ing as manager of engineering for Hankuk Safety Glass of Seoul , Korea. This is a joint venture established by LOF Glass of Toledo, Ohio, to supply auto glass to growing South Korean auto market. Address is Yonhi·dong 63 , A-4, Sodarmum·Gu, Seoul, Korea 120."

Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17·18, 1986 Class Coordinators: James 0 , Bondi 10231 Echo Ridge Court Dallas, TX 75243 Thoma~


J. Buechler Jr. P.O. Box 205 Raymore, MO 64083

Bryan R. Becker is now an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering at Rose·Hulman Institute of Technology . Bryan's new address is 100 E. Lawrin BI¥d., Terre Haute, IN 47803 . Russell, '71 , '74, '77, and Margy, '73, '75, Beckmeyer write: "We have two lit· tie girls-Kristin Ann, 3 Y2 years, and Megan Leah who was born Aug. 14, 1985." Russell & Margy both work for Dupont. Their address is 14 Spyglass Dnve, Aiken , SC 29801 .

MSM Alumnus / 29

Alumni Per$onal$_·____________________________________________________~-----1971 continued James O. Bondi writes: "Recently been elected a 'senior member of the technical staff at Texas Instruments. Cumulative election to SMTS within the defense systems and electronics group of Texas Instruments has, since 1978, included less than 4.6% of the salaried technical population." James and Judith live at 10231 Echo Ridge Court, Dallas, TX 75243.

Charles H. Kleine, service , supervisor' with General Electric Co, in Springdale, Ohio, sends the following new ilddress: 6988 Panther Drive, Middletown , OH 45044.



Lawrence L. Lewis is now employed by the Abandoned Mined Lands Reclamation Council, State of lIIi~ois, as its chief engineer and assistant supervisor of reclamation anct design. He and Betsy and their two sons live at 2541 Greenbriar Road, Springfield, IL 62704.

David E. Bachmann is a supervisor, pro- Margy, '73, '7~, and Russell, '71, '74, cess design , now with Atlantic Richfield '77,. Beckmeyer, send the following in Anaheim, Calif. He and Gail live at note: "We have two little girls-Kristin 43 Westport, Irvine, CA 92714. Ann 3 Y2 years and Megan Leah who was born Aug. 14, 1985." Margy & Ronald G. Choura is supervisor, regulatory affairs for the Michigan Gary E. Ferguson ~ends a new mailing · Russell both work for Dupont. Their ad- Richard Peters is now a structural Public Service Commission in the com- address: 1961 King Arthur's Court, dress is 14 Spyglass Drive, Aiken, SC engineer for Sverdrup Corp. He and . Candy live at 5511 Oliver St. N. , munications division, and serves on Winter Park , FL 32792. Gary's a pro- 29801. Jacksonville, FL 32211 . many national committees. Currently, ject manager' for J .A. Jones ConstrucFlorence Y. Chang is now employed by Ron is chairing the staff of the FCC tion in Orlando. Norden Systems in Norwalk, Conn. She Federal-State Joint Boards. He, Nancy and three children are li ving at 5884 Lyle W. Hill writes: "After 14 years of has m'oved to 166 Picketts Ridge Road, nu clear construction , I now plan to ob- West Redding, CT 06896. Beuna Park--ray, Haslett, MI 48840. tain a graduate degree in nuclear engineering at Texas A & M." Lyle is a D. Ernest Ferguson's article, "Missouri Roger D. Clemons has been appointed field engineer in construction with Secondary Computer Science Cu rassistant vice presidenUsenior account Bechtel. He and Virginia live at 1700 riculum ," appeared in the May issue of engineer for Allendale Insurance which Bay Wood Square, Apt. 511 , Bay City, InpuUOutput. His analysis is based on a specializes in loss control management TX 77414. survey questionnaire sent to every high school in the state. He is assistant proand the insurance of industrial and insti tutional properties worldwi.de. Louis S. Karably Jr. writes: "Karen and fessor of computer science at Southwest Roger's home address is 3539 Sidney, St. I have moved back to Atlanta from Baptist University in Bolivar, Mo. Louis, MO 03104. Albuquerque to help Law Engineering Home address is Route 2, Box 356, Testing Co. develop the government ser- Bolivar: MO 65613. William S. Flatt is now plant ma_nager vices division of Law Environmen tal Services. This new division is responsiwith Ford Motor Co. in EI Paso. New address for Bill and Sylvia is 492 Oak ble for characteri zing and remediation of hazardous waste sites on govern ment Tree, EI Paso, TX 79932. facilities. " Louis and Karen's address is now 1140 Hammond Drive, N.E., Jon D. Katin writes: "We can't let moss Atlanta, GA 30328. MARK B. PICKELL grow under our feet. We've moved Mark B. Pickell writes:- "Recently proagain, leaving Portland, Ore. on June moted to chief engineer/manager, II, for Schwinfurt, German y. Kids, Dad Kenneth L. Kuebler is now executive engineering department with T. D. and Mom all excited about going to Ger- vice president, Hospital Industry Data Williamson Inc. manufacturing plant in many for three years?'" Jon: (Lt. Col.) is Institute, Missouri Hospital Association Tulsa. Am current chairman of exnow director of engineering and hous- in Jefferson City. He and Donna live at ecutive committee, pipeline division, 1716 Rose, Columbia, MO 65202. , ing. The Katin family's mailing address ASCE. Pleased to announce marriage of is DEH - Schweinfurt, Military Comstepdaughter Lisa to Steve Cudd. munity , APO NY -09033. Steven D. Rush has begun his own conStepson Todd will be a junior at Arkansulting firm , SDR Consulting Engineer, sas this fall . Wife Cindy and I and son James E. McCracken is results manager specializing in small site development Mathew (age two years) reside at 5230 for Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. engineering projects and topographic S. Marion, Tulsa, OK 74135 . in Springfield, Mo. surveys. He and his family still reside at 819 Peace Haven Drive, St. Louis, MO Bruce Stevenson writes: "Please take me 63125 . . John Reiss Jr. and Diane have moved ROBERT L. HOLLJDA Y off your 'Lost in the Twilight Zone' list. to 10661 W. 104th -Ave., Westminster, . Robert L. .Holliday received Lake I am alive and well, living in St. Charles, CO 80020. John's vice president of JCR Mo., married with three children and Alan M. Rutz has been promoted to Forest College's William L. Dunn Consultants Inc. in Denver. working at Emerson Electric's motor supervising engineer in nuclear services Award for outstanding teaching and scholarly promise. He is assistant prodivision as a senior applications at Union Electric Co. in St. Louis. Stephen L. Robertson is president of fessor of mathematics and computer engineer." Home address is 3144 Cincinnati Bell in Cincinnati, Ohio. He Ridgeview Drive, St. Charles, MO Robert C. Toth writes: "Transferred studies at LFC, joining the faculty in and Patricia live at 526 Beaumont 1982. His address is No.9 Faculty Cir63301. Court, Fort Wright, KY 41011. from Monsanto World Headquarters in cle, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, St. Louis to Monsanto Port Plastics I IL 66045. Ronald Willoughby has been prom9ted Keith Talbert is now a systems engineer Plant near Cincinnati. Diana (Harrison, to manager, software services, at for Arrow Electronics in Rockville, Md . '74, '83) has left her job at Russell & He and Phyllis live at 901 S. Wakefield Axon Inc. in St. Louis and plans to Richard D. Kuntz, '73, '74, and Pauline Westinghouse in Pittsburgh. Ronald spend some time with our three sons write: "Our fourth son, Eric Michael, and Nanette live at 16 Lorrie Drive, St., Arlington , V A 22204. before looking for a new job in Cip.cin- was born on Dec. 25, 1985 ." The Route 6, Irwin, PA 15642. Barry and Sue (Jaggi, '72) Winscher, nati ." Robert is a senior maintenance Kuntz's live at 2410 Alison Drive, Jefare living at 998 Ottawa, '(:Iaremont, engineer with Monsanto in Addyston, ferson City, MO 65101. Richard is an John R. Wilson is now president of CA 91711. Barry is' now a project Ohio. He and Diana now live at 6629 environmental engineer IV for the Verkamp Lumber Co. His and Sharon's engineer for Fleetwood Enterprises in Chessie Drive, West Chester, OH Missouri Department of Natural mailing address is Route I, St. James, 45069. MO 65559. Riverside, Calif. Resources.

30/ MSM Alumnus

Alumni Personals _______________________________ 1974 James A. Blessing, '74, '79, is a general engineer' with Monsanto Co. in St. Louis. He now I.ives at 1622 Award Drive, Manchester, MO 63021. Michael Brueckmann writes: "Pro, motel to Lt. Cmdn. , Civil Engineers Corps, in the Naval Reserve. Married Dia~e Renth in September; 1985." Michael's an engineer with Union Electric. He and Diane live at 1254 Whispering Winds, Arnold, MO 63010. James J. Cook is a senior product manager ----i n communications with McDonnell Douglas in Newport Beach, Calif. He and Carol now live at 25012 Salford, Laguna Hills, CA 92653, Randy Danford writes: "Our daughter Laura is now ten mont!1s' and a real joy." He and Ann live at 7600 W. 90th, Overland Park, KS 66212. Randy's a D.P, project manager for Hallmark Cards. Steve Hansberry writes: "Am doing graduate study at UMC while working as 1I design engineer. I'm really glad I. didn't end up making nuclear weapons.".' Steve and Vicki live at 40 I Victoria Drive, Columbia, MO 6520 I, Norman A. Harris Jr. is now plant manager for TLF Graphic. Norman lives at 1349 Ayrault Road, Fairport, NY 14450, James S. Jones writes: "Mark will be five and Becky two this fall, Pat and I love it here in Lamoni, Iowa and are settling in for the long haul. We bought the property adjacent to us and are doing a lot of yard work and landscaping. We got twenty gallons of cider from our apple .trees last year and this year we'll have grapes. It's beautiful here ... the environment, th.e people, the schools, the attitudes ... everything. , I think we'll stay." James. is an assistant professor of computer science at Graceland College in Lamoni. The Jones live at 632 S. State, Lamoni, IA 50140, Alan S. Kornacki writes: "After two and a half years as an exploration geologist with Shell Dil, I was transferred to the company's Houston research center for work on the geochemistry of oils and source rocks. Was rect;nt)y promoted ,to the rank of major in the U.s. Army Reserves. Also Karen and I bought a house. Our new address is 12327 Brandywyne, Houston, TX 77077 ." Paula MacMann writes: "Our newest child, Katie, arrived March 3, 1986. She joins Sarah , Adam and Aaron to make a busy but happy family." Paula's president of Educational .C omputing Resource. She and Bill and family live at 13253 Delft Drive, Creve Coeur, MO 63146.

Thomas E. Mull, '74, '82, is now director of mechanical engineering with Hoffman Partnership Inc. His mailing address is c/o Hoffman Partnership, 70 I North 2nd St. , Suite 500 S, St. Louis, MO 63102.

Donald A. Cline, '75, '76, is now senior engineer in the corporate planning department of Union Electric Co. in St. Louis. He and Terri have moved to 27 Ridge Wood Drive, Hillsboro, MO 63050.

Charles D. Naslund has been promoted to manager €If operations support ' at Union Electric's Callaway · Plant in Fulton, Mo. Charles and Jean live at 1211 Randall Lane, Fulton, MO 65251.

Arthur E. Curle has been promoted to district engineer at Union Electric's transmission and distribution Geraldine district in St. Louis.

Andrew J. Schwartz is now employed with Black & Veatch. He and Nicole ~te li ve at 3704 E. 113 Terrace, Kansas Cit). MO 64137. Bruce G. Smith writes: "Recently promoted to Chrysler Corp.'s B.I.W . Coordinator for Til'S Min-Van. Launch Program at St. Louis assembly plant No.2 in Fenton." Bruce lives at 6808 C Cottage Grove, St. Louis, MO 63129.

Charlie Daniells Jr., '75, '83, is now a market support specialist for Burroughs Corp., Irving, Texas, His new home address is .1002 Fuller Wiser, No. 3215 , Euless, TX 76039. He writes: "Tell all my friends to look'me up when in Dallas area."

Michael L. Davis is the Ozark Chapter 1986 nominee for the MSPE Young Engineer of the Year award. He' is vice president/engineer wit.h Barton Engineering Co. in Lebanon, Mo. Home Stanley W. Sorrels is now manager, . address is Route 7, Box 363 , Lebanon, refining and engineering technical train- MO 65536. ing, with Amoco Oil Co. in Chicago, Ill. Stanley and Cheryl live at 2500 Capri, George M. Dolson, M.D., writes: "W ill Schererville, !N 46375. begin joint position at Baylor College of Medicine and Veteran's Administration , Diana (Harrison, '74', '83) and Robert Hospital in July 1986, in Houston, Toth, '72, have moved to 6629 Chessie Texas, in the speciality of nephrology ." Drive, West Chester, OH 45069, Robert George is an assistant professor of was transferred from Monsanto World medicine at Baylor. He and Bonnie li ve Headquarters in St. Louis to Monsanto at 5923 VickiJohn , Houston , TX Port Plastics Plant near Cincinnati 77096. where he is now senior maintenance engineer for the GOmpany in Addyston , Ronald C. Durbin is now deputy direcOhio. Diana left her job at Russell & tor, 3246 Test Wing/TZX for the U,S, Axon Inc. and plans to spend some time Ai r Force at Eglin AFB. Ron lives with with their three sons before looking for a Roseann at 1133 37th St. , Niceville, FL .new job in Cincinnati. 32578. James L. Foil is the Western Chapter's (Kansas City area) 1986 nominee for the -MSPE Young Engineer of the Year award ., He is manager of project development with Burns & McDonnell in Kansas City, Mo. Home address is 207 NE Country Lane, Lee's Summit, MO 64063.


James R. Fuller is now a plant engineer with Rockwell International in Atchison, Kan. He resides at 2840 N. 4th, St. Joseph , MO 64505. Richard Graumann, Lt. Col. , U.S. Army writes: "Moved last summer from New Hampshire to be director of engineering and housing for Picatinney Arsenal, N.J." Richard and Linde's new address is Route 3, 40 Glencrest Drive, Newton, N.J , 07860.

, Karl Heisserer writes: " Was promoted ' to account executive with the Trane Co. in January 1986. Earned the Trane Co. 'Top 10' club award for the th ird consecutive year for being in the top 10 per· cent of the sales organization , Barbara and the four boys - Robbie, C urt, J.P. and Eric - all doing great. Lots of time spent at the little league baseball diamond! " The Heisserer family lives a t 5346 Moonlight Drive, Indianapolis, IN ' 46226. Gary D. Kuse writes : "Recently reassigned from engineering director, Phillips Petroleum Co., Huntington Beach, Calif. , to area manager, Phillips Petroleum Co., Santa Barbara, Calif." Gary's new address is 1306 Santa Barbara St. ,§anta Barbara, CA 93101. David A. Kutilek is a product development manager with Softcom in San Francisco, Calif. David and Barbi now live at 14 Woodrow Place, Pacifica, CA' 94044. Pamela (Thebeal!l Leitterman has been promoted to technical marketing manager for Hewlett-Packard's Personal Office Computer Division in Sunnyvale, Calif. Her group includes four managers and 35 e ngineers which provide technical support and documentation for the HP Vectra and HP Touchscreen personal office computers. Pam , Dennis, ' 76, ' 77, ' and Eric (born Jan. 4, 1985) live at 1637 Waxwing Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94087.

- -- - - - - - - - - - --

Garry R. Aronberg, '75, '77, is serving a one-year term on the St . Louis Engineers' Club board of directprs, He is manager of environmental engineering with Kuhlmann Design Group in Maryland Heights. Garry lives at 8651 Barby Lane, University City, MO 63124. Patrick Bier, '75, ' 77, is now . an engineering specialist for Emerson Electric. His new address is 2712 Sky Hill Court, St. Louis, MO 63.129 . Jeffery and Sharon Bopp send a new address: 221 Park lane Circle, Eldridge, IN 52748 , Jeff is with Nichols, Homeshield Inc ..

1985 Rollamo

MSM A!umnus / 3!

Alumni Personals _______________________________________________________________ Donald R. Dudley is now presiden t or Diamond Mechanical Inc. He hve at 917 San Benito Lane, St. Louis. MO 63026.

1975 continued Craig Luttes writes: "Promoted to manager of contracts at Northrup Corp.'s advanced systems division . Jan and I are still living at 12 Glenn , Irvine, CA 92720."

R. E. Hilton writes: "Bob ('76) and Wilma (Kirn, '78) are proud to announce the birth of tneir daughter, Margaret Louise, on May 12, 1986. Bob and Wilma also have a son Adam, age 3. The Hilton family lives at 21106 Park Brook , Katy , TX 77450.

Greg McBride has recently been promoted to manager, advanced development projects-information services-with LTV Aerospace in Dallas. He and Angie live at 849 Pinehill Lane, Grand Prairie, . TX 75051. Daniel L. McElhiney is a computer programmer with John Deere. He and Victoria now live at 3419 3rd St. B, East Moline, IL 61244. Jack A. Myers II and Angela have a son, John Alexander , born Nov. 14. 1985. The Myers live at 2~53 S. Regina, Springfield, MO 65807 . Jack's now a construction inspector for the Missouri Highway Department. Kho Huu Nguyen, '75, ' 78, lives at 16431 Havenpark' Drive, Houston, TX 77059. Ronald R. Roberts has been promoted to staff engineer at Allied-Bendix in Kansas City . Ron and Denese reside at 8915 Cherokee Lane, Leawood. KS 66206. Thomas P. Schneider writes: " Daughter Julie was born last summer. Now have three boys and two girls. Serving third term on Florissant City Council. Florissant is celebrating its bicentennial in 1986. Please come and visit our historic city." Thomas and Rachel live at 265 Gerald, Florissant, MO 63031 . He's in business and personal investments insurance.

1985 Rollamo

Thomas R. Zgraggen is director of marketing with Integrated Computer Graphics in Atlanta, Ga. He writes: "Just recently joined a newer start-up firm that offers computer software to the wood frame construction industry. It is the only program that I know of that combines graphics with structural modeling - a must for builders. Take care." Thomas now lives at 1967 Kensington High St.. Lilburn, GA 30247.

1976 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17-18, 1986 Class Coordinators: Dennis W. Leitterman 1637 Waxwing Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94087

Mark W. Tesar is now a plant engineer with McDonnell Douglas. He has mov" ed to 8805 Cornish Drive, St. Louis, MO 63126.

William K. Miehe 3535 Whispering Brook Drive Grand Rapids, MI 49508

Harty C. Van Jr. writes: " Promoted {O 'petroleum engineer associate by Amoco Production Co., New Orleans Tegion ." He and Evelyn live at 331 Parlange, Pearl River, LA 70452.

Charles R. Bodenhamer is now a consulting engineer self-employed. He and JoAnne live at 811 Sooner Park Drive, Bartlesville, OK 74006.

Bernie Welch writes: "Dave Allen. '74. is nowhere to be found and Jim Entwistle and Charlie Daniels, ' 74, o we us a visit when they are on holiday!" Berme and Jody live at 1004 NW End , Cape Girardeau , MO 63701. where he's a math/science instructor.

Denise K. Coursen is now a member of the technical staff of AT&T Bell Labs, Warren, N.J . She and Sam live at 8 Heather Hill, Bridgewater, NJ 08807.

The alumni office has received notice that Clifford Michael Helms was drowned in Truman Lake on Aug. 22 , John C. and Jill (McCartney, ' 76) 1985 . He reCeiVed his B.S . degree from Westermayer write: "John was transfer- UMR in electrical engineering and was red over to head the stock control group employed by Burns & McDonnell of at Union Electric Oct. I. 1985. John and Kansas City. He is survived by his Jill and their twO girls still li ve at 2322 mother, Mrs. Carl Helms, Route 3, Pierwood, St. Louis. MO 631 29." Crocker, MO 65452.

32/ MSM Alu mnu s

1977 Jack Bruns is now working for Casco Corp. in St. Louis as an engineer. His address is 21 JoAnn Place, Crestwood, M063126 .

Dennis W. Leitterman, '76, '77, is now a network consultant with HewlettPackard's Network Project Center in Patrick J. Cody is now a welding Cupeitino, Calif. He is primarily involv- engineer in the power p,lant ed in the planning and design of large maintenance department, Union Eleccomputer networks for HP customers. tric. He and Vivian live at Route i, BOx Dennis recentl Y'-received the NSPE- 9A , Silex, MO 63377. California Society of Professional Engineers "Young Engineer of the Year Aaron L. Cook writes: "Brenda and I 1986" award for outstanding contribu- have a son horn Oct. 16, 1985, Bentions to industry, education,. govern- jamin Lee Cook ." Aaron is now ment and the engineering community. employed with Taylor & Co. The Cook He is also serving as a senior director on family reside at 6762 Winchester Court. the IEEE San Francisco Bay Area Fort Worth , TX 76133 . Council. Dennis, Pam, '75, and Eric (born ian. 4, 1985) live at 1637 Wax 路 Mike Filla, '77, '81, is a civil engineer wing_Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94087 . with Mississippi Transmission Corp. in St. Louis. He and Laurie now live at 580 Dennis and Kim (Morrill) Simon, (Both Bridgebeiid , Manchester, MO 63021 . '76) write: "Have a new baby boy , Brett. born Feb. 21 , 1986. Big sister, LaNae, 2 Douglas B., '77, '79, and Maryann Chambers Fuches, '79, write: "Doug is a year~ old, is a big help when she wants to be." Dennis is a drainage engineer senior reservoir engineer for Cities Serwith Missouri Pacific Railroad in St. vice Oil & Gas. Maryann is employed by Louis, Mo. He and Kim live at 3880 Singer Oil Co. We have a son, Daniel , Fairway Drive, Florissant, MO 63033 . . born February 19'85." The Fuchs reside at 10506 Eagle Lane, Oklahoma, OK 73132 . Brian J. Swenty is the Rolla Chapter's 1986 nominee for the MSPE Young John B. Gallagher is now a systems proEngineer of the Year award. He is chief grammer with 9>mputer Sports Netengineer for the dam and reservoir safework. He and Molly live at 4138 ty program with the Missouri Depart77066. Brandemere, Houston, ment of Natural Resources. His schedule also includes work on a docLarry George has notified the alumni of路 torate in civil engineering at UMR . fice of the death of Robert Wayne Brian lives at 1807 ,Meadow Court, Jackson on May 26. 1986, due to com路 Rolla, MO 6540 I. plications of pneumonia. Robert received his B.S. degree in mechanical Ed Weiland, district manager with engineering. Following graduation he General Electric Co. in Springdale, was employed by E. I. DuPont de Ohio, sends a new address: 7906 Mon路 Nemours at various locations in Texas. treal Court, Cincinnati, OH 45241 . Paul G. Kossina is a Captain with the Matthew J. Wille, '76, '84, writes: United States Air Frace. 8-1 B defensive "Lesa and I have two beautiful sons, systems office at Dyess Air Force Base, Brian (age 4) and 'T.J.' (age 2). We are Texas. He and Nancy now reside at expecting our third child in July . Things 7625 John Carroll Drive, Abilene, TX couldn't be better!" Matthew is now a 79606 . network staff supervisor, LEIS ad ministrator, with Southwestern Bell Co. Steven Lampe is now a systems engineer in St. Louis. The Wille family resides at for Sundstrand Turbo Mach . He and 514 Connie, Manchester, MO 6302 1. Cindy live at 4180 39th St.. Apt. 10, San Diego, CA 92105 . Jill (McCartney) and John C. Westermayer , '75 , write: "John was transferred John H. NorthUp III is now employed over to head the stock control group at as production superintendent for Great Union Electric Oct. I, 1985 . Jill and Lakes Chemical Corp. He and Shara John and their IWO girls still live at 2322 have moved to 708 Royal Oak, EI Dorado, AR 71730 . Pierwood , St. Louis, MO 631 29."






Terry A. Sud holt \II fIle~ : "New ass Ign- Bob Freeman writes: " Been' with Kent Richardson has moved to 70 I ment in Feb. '86: eonstruction manager Iomega Corp. five yea rs now. Iomega' is Fleming, Farmington , MO 63640 and is Jack Pelech has received the 1986 for . Eastman Kodak Co.'s ch~mical a start up (six years) in the computer now working as a project manager for Outstanding Graduat_e Stuqent award manufacturing o rga ni za tion in peripherals business. We a n~ number Hercules Construction Co. from Webster University in St. Louis. Rochester, N.Y. Diann works at a o ne in the add on memory business for 'f, He earned a dual M.A. degree in both , garden center. Jennifer (age 5-) is in desk top computers." Bob is a manager, marketing and finance at Webster this kindergarten . La urie recently celebrated magnetic recording technology al)d Michael E. Schaefer writes: "Married an , spring, and is with Anheuser-Busch Co. her third b·i rthday . . Jessi , our German tribology .! Bob now lives at 4439 South Army nurse in Jan. 1985 . Stationed in Jack's home address is 2917 . Portugal Shepard, sayS hello too!" The Sudholts , 1800 W., Roy , UT 84067. _ Madrid, Spain for the last two years as Drive, St. Louis, MO 63125. According live at 466 Kilbourn R,oad, Rochester, acquisition coordination officer. Being to Webster; Jack earned the awa rd for NY 14618. transfered to Washington D.C. as public being a class leader, organizing his Wilma (Kirn) and Bob, '76, Hilton an- works officer for Naval Surface classmates for job n~tworking, social Hugh O. Wentz is now a service nounce / the birtl1 of a daughter, Weapons Laboratory in Silver Spring, events and establishing a sense of com- . manager, coal industry, for Humboldt Margaret Loui,se, on May 12, 1986. She Md." Michael and Mari (Pohlhaus) live munity among graduate students. He Wedag. Hugh and Carol's new address joins three-year-old brother Adam . Bob at 1928 Varnum St. N.E. , Washington brough't to the classroom original work is 512 Selkirk, Kingsport, TN 37664. and Wilma live aJ 21106 Park Brook, D.C .. 20018. Katy , TX 77450 . .based on job-related experience and shared insights of a large corporation's Robert H. Yerbury Jr. writes: "The , , financia l workings with finance classes. world of corporate banking is often H. Ward Silver writes: ''I'll try to be times hectic"but the rewards are well David K. HoUand Jr. has been prob'rief. Married Nancy Rietzke April '82, Thomas J. Rauzi is now technical worth any effort; i.e. fee income and moted to senior chemical t:ngineer at moved to Vashon Island, Wash. in '83. publications manager with EmerS0n. He travel to the Orient." Bob is an account Texas Eastman. He and Tina live at We had identical twin boys, Lowell and lives at 2123 Chambers, Sr: Louis, MO· executive for . Chrysler First Business 1603 Shely, Longview, TX 75604. Webster, in July, '84. (Like all good Credit Corp. in Seattle,:. His home ad63136 . EE's, generating harmonics 'at + / dress is 2325 209th Place N.E., Redjw.) I started my own consulting firm in Bob Riggs writes: "Just hired at Morton mond, W A 98053 .. Gregory A. Lang writes: "We have just 1984, RBR Engineering, specializing in Thiokol Inc. to work on the space shutmoved to Colorado from Wypming. industrial data acquisition, process & tle solid rocket motor, to make sure it Sharon, Patrick, Christi!la and I are anx- scientific instrumentation and software doesn't fail again." Bob is a space shuttle iously awaiting the arrival of baby development. Must be doing OK, 'cause SRM stress analyst. His c.urrent mailing number three." The Lang's new address there's grub on the table. Consulting is address is 1245 Pennsylvania Ave., San is 9395 W. 74th Ave., Arvada, CO great, but takes about twice the mental Diego, CA 92103. 80005. Greg is now manager of business energy of a regular job; ·never a dull.modevelopment' for Tenrieco Minerals in menL Haven't been back to Rolla since ' Thomas A. Roth writes: "I haye begun a Lakewood, Colo. 'new job as a design engineer for Blaw1980 and really miss St. Pat's festivities, but manage to take note in my own Knox Construction Equipment Co. in 1978 Mattoon, 111." Thomas and Jane' now St~ve Allen is now senior log analyst special way up here, hee, 'hee. Rolla live at 21 C Prairie Ave. , Mattoon , -IL with Schlumberger in Shreveport, La. Steve Lautenschlaeger is now grads seem to be everywhere; wife says, maintenance supervisor for Hecla Min61938. "Go to Rolla, get a job", nice slogan Be and Judy live at 4352 Wildwood, ing Co. in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. He and Sl1reveport; LA 71119 . don't you think? Anyway, friends are . Joy live at-3214 N . 19th" Coeur d' Alene, encouraged to call or write, the Vashon Dean M. Anderson is .now a marketiAg ro 83814. Hilton is always open. Our address is analyst with Chevron ' Ch~ri1ical in RoilP.O. Box 927, Vashon, WA 9~070. ing Meadows, III. He and Shirley live at James T. Rau writes: "Moved · to the Phone: 206-567-4160." 195 E. Forest-Lane, Palatine, IL 60067. east side of the Sabine River in April. Ran into Gary Roebke, '77, in 10b15y of Richard E. Baumann is now an associate grungy hotei in Cairo, Egypt, last Oc- Christopher B. Smith recently moved to principal engineer 'with Ha rris Corp. in tober. It's a small world! " Ji'm and Kati 545 Vernon Drive S.E. , Cedar Rapids, i-v-e~at 1848 S. Tailow Wood Drive, IA 52403. Chris writes: "I am now ,Melbourne, Fla. He lives at 3100 Woodlake Drive N .E., Apt. 205, Palm ' Lake Charles, LA 70605 , where he is employed by Rockwell-Colli'ns in their also, district operations manager with Defense Communications & CounterBay , FL 32905. , Continental' Pipeline Co. measures , Division in Cedar Rapids, .J Kevin C. Bodenhamer writes: "Have Iowa. Prior to this I was employed as a recently been transferred to Attiea, senior engineer at National SemiconducKan ., where I am mar.tager of an intor in Santa Clara, Calif. for 4 V2 yea rs.' My wife Nancy and I have one trastate gas pipeline company ' .a nd a natural gas processing a nd fractionation daughter, Michaele, age 18 months." facility. " Kevin is employed by C ities Service Oil & Gas Corp , He and Mary Thomas, D. Snodgrass is a principal receive mail at Route 2, Box 21-C, Attica, KS 67009. engineer with Sperry Flight Systems. He DA VID L. THORN ' " . and Martha now reside at 700 I G range David L. Thorn writes: "On june 2nd, I started work' for AccuJatio Systems Inc. . Si.Jsan· Call~han, '78, '80, is now an assi~· N .W., Albqquerque, r-:M 87120 . as; a S'a1es- 'engineer. P~ev iotisly, -" ' Had -raht professor 'o f mhtl'iertla'tics!w itli 'C\Jt· worked for the Ingersoll Rand waterjet . tey College. She lives at 252 Jason , . Robert M.-Steiner is now a research and division for five years. Accuratio is a Nevada, MO 64772 . development section manager with robotics systems company, speciali zing . Hewlett-Packard Co. His mailing adin adh~sive applicat ion: ri veting, 'laser, James E. Colliton writes: "I was married is 2033 Branham Lane, San Jose, dress waterjet and urethane epoxy dispensing, on June 9, 1984 in Bakersfield. Calif.. to CA95124. My . area of emphasis wi\! 'be the Jeannette Keolian. 1 have si nce been

1977 continued

aerospace industry." David's add ress is 108 5 Meadowcrest Drive. Pontiac, 'MI 48054. He and Dallas (Kirk, '79) ha ve two sons, Andrew, 4Yz, and Anthony, I-year.

transferred to Houston , Texas. where I work in the Tenneco Oi l (E & P) South America diviSion. M} new addres~ is: 13606 Kingsride Lane , Houston , TX 77079."

Dave Stelzer's mailing address is now Hi Point Instruments, 5050 Oakland, Suite 4XX, St. Louis, MO 63110.


1985 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus 33


Alumni Personals-:--_________________________.....;,;._~______ , Timothy D. Finnell has b~e n promoted to supervising engineer in the system Bruce R. Tipton is now a welding operations department "of power opera· engineering supervisor. for Caterpillar tions at Un ion Electric Co. in St. Louis. Inc. in East Peoria, III. Bruce and Sheryl live at 109 Arrowhead Court, East Maryann (Cha mbe is~ and Douglas B. Fuchs, '77, '79, w.rite: "Maryann is Peoria, IL 6 1611. employed by Singer Oil Company. Doug is a senior reservoir engineer for Cities Terri White, whose degree is in applied Service Oil & Gas. We have a son , math , just completed student teaching' Daniel born Feb. 1985 ." The Fuchs in junior high math . Terri and Brad reside at 10506 Eagle Lane, Oklahoma have-· a six·month·old daughter, Katie. City, OK 73132. Terri plans to be ' a mother and homemaker for a while before actively Stephen, '79, '80, and Elizabeth, ·'81, pursuing her teaching career. The Lang announce the birth of their White's address . is Route I, Box 152, daughter, Eliza beth Oneita Lang, on May 5. Stephen's a chief engineer for Hardifl , MO 64035 . Santa Fe Pacific Coal. The Lang's adKeith R. Wilson sends the following dress is 109 Hackberry Court, Grants, . new address: 38 Canterbury Trail , Fair· NM 87 020. port , NY 14450. Keith works for Eugene W. Pokorny moved last May Eastman Kodak in Rochester. from Rifle, Colo. to 50 I 0 Indian Ri ver Drive, Apt. 352, Las Vegas, NV .89103.

Tammy L. Hickman is employed with . Allied Bendix Kansas City Division. She lives at 8030 Mohawk, Prairie Village, KS 66208.

1978 continued

1980 P. D. (Dan) Booher, '80~ '81, has been promoted to assistant director of construytion with Wal-Mart. Dan has been with Wal-Mart since 1985 and supervised building projects in Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin for the company. He 'will now supervise the activities of five construction . managers and report directly to the vicy president-, construction. Dan and Karrolyn live at 801 Raven Road: Rogers, AR 72756-:-.....

Randall W. Jameson writes: "Married on May 17, 1986, to Lisa A. Farthing. We live at 8719 West 65tn, Merriam; KS 66202." Randall's a project engineer or Marley Cooling Tower Co. in Mission , Kans. Robert W. Lovinggood is now an instru· ment engineer for Shdl Oil, Norco, La. He and George-Ann live at 4624 Orleans Ave., New Orleans, LA 70119. He writes: "I c:;ouldn't resist saying hello to Perry (Crow, '84, and thanks to Kathy ano Becky who let the two of us destroy their peaceful nome back in '80. George-Ann and I welcomed our first, Hillary Ann, on April 22."

Michael J. McEvilly, '80, '81, is now a senior production engineer with Gregory A. Branch is now. a senior pro· Anadarko Petroleum. He and Mary Mark Edward Runge is a manager, cess ~ngineer with Monsanto in AdEllen (Hilton) live at 14403 Locke Lane, eLyston , Ohio. He has moved to 5435 manufacturing engineering, with COOk Houston, TX 77077. Bates Co. His mailing address is now d o ' B1uesky Drive,. Cincinnati, OH 45247. Cook Bates t o., P.O. Box 638 , Venice, Christopher C. Cook writes: "Berit and David, '80, '82, and Rebecca, '81, '82, FL 34284. I received a baby boy, Christopher Reed, write: "We have moved to Col· 1979 Pedersen, in August, 1985. We have all . orado Springs where David is studying Neal ' A. Shearer, '79, '80, is, a sales taken up the sport of baby swimming." for a PhD at-UCCS. Becky is working Susan (Potthast) Casaleggi, '79, '84, engineer with Schlumberger W~II Serwrites: - " Mark ana I have a new vices. He and Tammy live at 3003 The Cook's address is P.O. Box 220, part-time at Q-Dot, a small government 4056 Tananger, No~way . Christopher contracts firm . Our daughter, Felisa, daughter, Maria Francheska, born June L~tonia , Longview, TX 75605. works for Phillips Petroleum. just turned one." The Reeds live at 1508 22. Another engin~r in the making." Newcastle St., Colorado Springs, CO Susan's a projeCt engineer for Ralston Robert L. Shirron, (Maj.) was presented Ann M. Hagni, '80, ' 85,. has moved' to 80907. Purina. She and Mark live at 8336 Vasel the Air Assault Badge upon graduation 824 Y:z W. Rollins, Moberl y, MO 65270. Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123. from the Arm y's air assault school at Ft. M_ary and Gregory, '82, Sedrick write: Ann works for ~ ECI in Clifton Hill . Campbell, Ky . Trainees learned to eXIt a "We're doing quite well persol!ally and Dennis T. Dressel writes: "Experienced helicopter from a variety of difficult a recent change in my life - I was mar· situations. Bob's home address is 27 Dennis Hardin writes: "I married Leta ' professionally. Managing to maintain ried Oct. 4, 1985 . Melodie and I reside Katherene .court , Webster, NY 14580. Renee Miller on April 12, 1986. Ahhh, two careers and a family .of two girls. bliss!" Dennis is now director of We' both work at the Army Manageat 30 Mather St" Alton , IL 62002." J Dennis is an area engineer with Shell Oil Dallas (Kirk) Thorn writes: "Dave (,77) technofogy for Hardage Enterprises. He ment Engineering 'f.raining Activity . ~n all over the cOuntry visiting pro· in Wood River, III. ' and I moved from Joplin, Mo., to POQ- and Leta live at 1938 N: Wood Court, - "' duction plants, office sites and storage tiaC, Mich ., in. December '85. Have two Wichita, KS 67212. facilities. Also had a quick trip to Ger· Richard D. Etem, '79, '80, writes: ''I'm sons, Andrew (4Y:z ) and Anthony-(.. \ many ." The Sedhcks live at 2728 now employed with General Services year). Enjoying the role of housewife Dean P. Heneghan is vice president of Davenport Ave ~, Davenport , IA 52803. Administration as a construction arid mother! New addre~s is 1085 ILA Gruppe, P.C. He writes: "I recently · engif)eer in Kansas City ." He and Bar- Meadowcr.est Drive, Pontiac, MI opened my own consulting engineering firm in Jerseyville, III. ILA Engineers is bara live at 11 44 S.E. 7th , Lee's Summit, . 48054 ." a ,multidiscipline engineering and ar- David . W. Stahl is now engineering MO 64063. chitectural firm, serving municipal and group leader with Michelin Tire in A. Jay f isher is an associate traffic private clients." Dean ' and Rita live at GreenVille, S.c. David'and Karol live at eng ine e r fo r - Barton -Asc hman ' Route I, Box 103A, Jerseyville, It.: 328 Saratoga Drive, Greer, SC 29651 . 6205 2. ' Associates Inc. and lives at 2301 Hayes Mark D. Walz writes: "Jane and I are Road, Apt. 7207, Houston, TX 77071. Li!1dsey Henry wri tes: "I obtaine<;l my both doing fine. Our daughter, Dani is He writes: "In addition to work-ing at P.E. in 1985 and am now design ing pro- doing great and will be 2 years old in Barton-Aschman , I'm serving as ! a volu,n teer coordinator -(transportation jects for the Missourt' Department of September. My job at TV A is still excommittee) fo r the upcoming U.S. Natural Resources land reclamation citing. We are currently involved i~ tryOlympic Festival in HOllston. Goin' for program." Lindsey and Sharon live at ing to solve some of TVA's problems the gold!" 23 12 Bluebird, Jefferson City, MO and bring the plants back on:· line." Mark is a nuclear engineer with TVA. The 65 101. Walz family li ves at 60 I 0 Brandywine M ilo Foster writes: "Promoted in Timothy L. Hiidenbr.and writes: "My Lane, Chattanooga, TN 37415 . March to manager , ma nufac turi ng p~o· wife Sandra (who is a petroleum landjects at , Kimberl y . Clark's Household man wi th Tenneco) and I ha ve been in Robert J . Wille writes: "We have movProducts Headquarters in Neenah, Wis. Tenneco's · G ulf Coast and Texas Gul f ed to a new home at 6 125 N. Fairlane The summer up here will be great bu t I'll Coast divisions in Houston for I Y2 years Dri ve, Peoria , IL 6 16 14. Also, we are certa inly miss the Memphis win ters of after being transferred fro m San Anto· expec ting o ur secon d c hild in the past couple of years!" Milo and nio , Our new address is 150 I0 Lantern September. " Robert is a test engineer Terry now live at 2470-A W. Glendale with Ca terpillar. Creek LaAe, Houston, TX 77068 ." Ave., Appleton , WI 549 14. 1985 Rollam o f

34/ MSM Al um nus


Alumni Personals _________________________~---1980 continued Tim Williams writes: "In June '86 accepted project manager position with R. G. Brinkmann Co., a¡ design/build general con-tractor with several projects in the St. Louis area." Tim lives at 2372 Hidden Meadow , Manchester, MO 63021.

Joseph G. Draper is now a contract engineer, stress analyst, with Boeing _ Military Aircraft Co. ' in Seattle, Wash. He lives at 183 5 2 16th S. , Apt. E-202, Des Moines, W A 98 198.

David M. Gresko writes: " I was recently wed to Miss Lisa Efurd of Dallas, Texas. Lisa and I reside at 1621 Villanova, ¡Richardson , Texas 75081. I am a major Dick Ray Wyatt is a flight test planning projects engineer with AReO Oil and engineer with LTV Aerospace & Gas Co. in Dallas, Texas." . Defense in Edwards, Calif. He now lives at 641 West Ave. J., Suite 328, Lan- William Gusnaro writes: "I was laid off caster, CA 93534. at Rust International in Jan miry , 19815. I moved back to St. Louis and am doing contract work for companies in the St. Louis area." Bill's address is 406, Nottingham, Ballwin, MO 630 II .


1981 Reunion at Homecoming Oct. 17-18, 1986 . Class Co~rdinators: Mary S. Klorer 9165 Robin Court St. Louis, MO 63144 S. Dale McHenry 6617 Haskins ' Shawnee, KS 66216 Edward E. Hart Route 2, Box 116 Vichy, MO 65580

Lea Anne Telthorst Howell writes: "Finished my MBA at the University of Illinois in ' August '85 . Married Joe Blake Silkwood is now a general mine Howell, '81, in St. Louis on June I, foreman for Jersey Miniere Zinc Co. He and Laura (Plyler), '82, live at 213 Pen1985. Presently employed by a small nsylvan~a A ve., Lebanon, TN 37807. management information systems consulting firm , Computer Dimensions Inc. Joe is employed by Fermi National Accelerator Lab." The Howell's live at 151 Jacqueline A. Sommer, fo~er reporter Buckthorn D~ive, No. 203 , North - and photo~apher with the Salem News, Aurora, IL 60542. resumed her teaching career. last fall at Viburnum -High School in Viburnum, Elizabeth and Stephen, '79, '80, Lang Mo. She is creative writing teacher and write: "Daughter born May 5th. yearbook adviser. Jackie is divorced and , Elizabeth Oneita Lang." The Langs live lives with her son Bill, 3, and Dew, 2, at at 109 Hackberry Court, Grants, NM 910 E. Fourth St. , Salem, MO 65560. 87020.

Walter W. Ley is . now a grad student and doctoral candidate at the University Scott and M arjorie (White, '84) Bohler of Illinois (Champaign-U rbana). He li ves ha ve moved to 439 Kenwood Ave., at 90 I S. I st, Apt. 30, Champaign, fL Apt. I, Delmar, NY 12054. They write: 61820. "We had our second son , Nathan Andrew, on May 29. Scott was promoted Rodney Littleton writes: "Still working to assistant utility engineer for New for Amoco as a drilling engineer but York State's Public Service Commission have been transferred to Houston. New in May." address is 80 I E. Nasa Road I, No. 1900, Webster, TX 77598.'" Dennis Boll writes: "My temporary address is 9442 Dana Ave., St. Louis, MO Richard Lux is a research engineer with 63123. I'll be working in Saudi Arabia Peti-olite. He lives at 11130 Golf Crest, for about six months." Dennis is with St. Louis, MO 63126. Sverdrup Corp. John Boncek is now a senior engineerelectronics, at McDonnell Douglas. He lives at 2272C Pinto Hill Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043.

Kevin G. McGartland is now a project coordinator with Rodgers Construction. He lives at 4800 San Mateo Lane, Apt. 213, Albuquerque, NM 87109.

Lee Cadwallader, '81, '83, is now a , senior engineer for EG&G INEL. Lee lives at 2014 Van Circle, Idaho Falls, ID 8340 I.

Kevin M. Millar is now a technical consultant in the CAD/CAM field with McDonnell Douglas in Seattle, Wa. He and Emily li ve at 14450 N.E. 35th, Apt. 303, Bellevue, W A 98007.

Joe F. Cox II, '81, '83, writes: "Am now im aoalyst in the strategic planning department of Kayo Oil Co., a subsidiary of Conoco Inc. Recently purchased a companion for Watson, a golden retriever named Braxton. Enjoying the - scenery and lakes of Chattanooga." Joe and Susan live at 117 LaPorte Drive, Cha~ta nooga , TN 37415.

Rebecca S. Reed, '81, '82, writes: "David, '80, '82, and 1 have moved to Colorado Springs where he is studying for a PhD at UCCS. I am working parttime at Q-Dot, a small government contracts firm. Our daughter, Felisa, just tu'rned one." The Reeds new address is 1508 Newcastle St. , Colorado 'Springs, CO 80907.

1985 Rollamo

Gus H. Brown is now 'chief engineer for Devine Lighting in Kansas City. His address is 8810 W. 64th Place, No. 203, Merriam, KS 66202 . Jeffrey N. Bruhn is now production supervisor, director of matt; ials, at King Adhesives Corp_ in St. Louis. Jeff lives at Route 2, Box 102, Pevely, MO 63070.

Mary Louise Wirz l,iyrum writes: "I married Tim Byrum, an EE from South Dakota in April. We're both working at Texas Instruments in Dallas and just Robert E. Stevens is now a process bought our firs t house in "wide-aw.ake engineer for Procter and Gamble in . Wylie." Mary Louise and Tim live at Cape Oirardeau. His address is 3022 406 W. Elliott, Wylie, TX 750,98 . Themis, Apt. B, Cape Girarcjeau , MO 63701. W ayne Carson writes: "I will complete my master's degree in social work in May '87. Attending University of Texas at Arlington. Working part-time with emotionally disturbed and hyperactive boys. Love it!" Wayne lives at 7600 Blanco, Apt. 1207, San Antonio, TX 78216.


Erik C. Dam has a new position as senior civil engineer with the St. Louis County Highway Department and lives at 5825-U Cedar Chase Court, St. LOllis, MO 63128.

Ramiz N. Ballou, '82, '84, is now a software engineer with Integrated Systems Inc. His mailing address is 101 Universi- . Brenda L. (Horak) Diaz writes: "I marty Ave., Suite 300, Palo Alto, CA ried Rene T. Diaz on Nov. 30, 1985 . We 9430 I. both worked for Gulf in Houston and were both transferred to Midland last Tom Blackburn writes: "It's hot here in July. 1 am a reservoir engineer with the Texas!" Tom is operations manager for , 'new' Chevron, USA, and Rene is a Alpha Testing in Fort Worth. His ad- meahanical engineer (UT, 1980) in the dress is 5729 Oakleaf, No. 2214, Ft. design and construction section." BrenWorth, TX 76132 . . da and Rene now reside at 5303 Canadian, Midland, TX 79707. Theresa Allen Broschak writes: "I've been working for Shell Offshore Inc. in Joseph Gillardi Jr. writes: "Delinda and New Orleans since graduation. My hus- 1 are expecting the arrival of our second band, Joe, and I met at Shell where he is child in early August. Gina Marie was also an engineer. We were married a two years old this past February." year and a half ago." Theresa is an Joseph is a cost engineer with' Texas Gas associate geological engineer. She and Transmission Corp. Joseph's mailing adJoe live at 2126 Snowbird Drive, dress is 4240 McIntyre Crossing F , Owensboro, KY 4230 I. Harvey , LA 70058.

MSM A lumnus/ 35

Alumn; Personals _____________________________________________________________ . Timothy Lee Barefield writes: "Katryn (Davidson, '84) and I really enjoy Kan sas Ci{y. Working with AT&T has been a good experience. Still considering a nother degree a t Rolla in the future. " T imothy is a product manager with AT&T Technologies in Lee's Summit, Mo. He and I<;atryn live at 9700 W. I I 8th Terrace, Apt. 6, Overland Park, KS 66210. Lawrence A. Beck is now a supervisor trainee with Loehmann's Inc_ in Overland Park, Kan . He and Geri live at 3715 N .E. Colonial Dri~e, Lee's Summit, MO 64063 .

1985 Rollamo

1982 continued Michael J. Magruder moved from Mountain View, Calif. His ma iling address is now Box 506, A PO NY 09210-5362_ . Eric G. Politte writes: "ExPecting o ur second child in January. Will be moving to New Orleans area in A ugust. " Eric is a senior project engineer with Exxon Co., USA. Eric and Sue li ve at 324 Vivian, Lafa yette, LA 70508.

L. Scott Sandbothe is now ou tage supervisor for Union Electric in Fulton, Mo. He li ves at 18 12 M ississippi , Jefferson C ity , MO 65101. Keith M. Sanders writes: "Laura and I bought our first house in February, in Parkville, Mo.-a suburb of Kansas City." The Sanders' new home is at 10703 NW 58th St. , Parkville, MO 64152 . Keith is a project engineer for Pay less Cashways. Gregory and Mary, '80, Sedrick write: " We're doing quite well personally and professionally . Managing to maintain two careers and a family of two girls. We both ork at the Army Management Engineering Training Activity. ' Been all over the country visiting production plants, office sites and storage fa cilities. Also had a quick trip to Germany ." T he Sedrick's li ve at 2728 Davenport Ave., Davenport , IA 52803. Kim Signorino and Norm Street, '83, were married on Dec. 14, 1985 . Norm is an engineer for H ussman Technology; Kim is an engineer for the Department of the Army. T hei r new add ress is 1429 Woodstone Dri ve, St. C ha rles, MO 63303. Shelly L. Stephenson is a mi ne engi neer fo r Cominco American, Ca rlin , Nev ., and now lives at 756 F ir, No.5 , Elko, NV 89801.

36 / MSM Alumnu s

Joel D. Wehrman is a mechanical engineer with the Tennessee Valley Authority . He writes : "Recently transferred from Knoxville office to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant for TVA. Sequoyah is near Chattaoooga where I now li ve." Joel's new home address is 508 Wilder Valley Lane, Hixson, TN 37343. John H . Welch writes: " I'm still working for McDonnell Douglas and I've just gotten married. I'd love to meet some of the gang at the "Ole Wateri ng Hole" in Rolla. John and Elsa li ve at 1570 I Olive, Chesterfield, MO 63017 . William A. Ziegler writes: "I just bought my first house and am currently hanging curtains. I've been working at FASCO Industries for two years now. Stop by and. say hello if you'r,r in town ." Bill's address is 2544 Concord Drive, Jefferson City, MO 6510 I. He is an application engineer.

Todd Blackford is now a mechanical engineer for AMCO Production Co. He and Pamela live at 1602 E."Buckley, Brownfield, TX 79316. Paul D. Conrad II writes: "Vanitta and I are parents of a new baby girl! Christina June Conrad, born March 15, 1986." Paul is with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The Conrad family resides at 1314 Mill t llke Circle, Stone Mountain, GA 30088.

David B. Ashabranner is a 'computer a nalyst now with the U.S. Depa rtment of Defense in Fort Meade, Md , He li ves ' a t 13204 M iles Co urt, Apt. 20 I, La urel, MD 20708. Kurt D. Baker has been awarded a dou, ble concentrat io n master's degree in business and marketing by Ma ryvi lle College in St. Loui s. Ku rt has worked fo r McDonnell A ircraft Co. since 1984. He and his wife Connie a nd son Adam li ve a t 77 20 C ha lm e tt e Driv e , Hazelwood, MO 6 3042.

Bryan D. Peetz, '83, '85, writes: "I am now working for TI at the Spring Creek facility in North Dallas (also known as the "Country Club"). My job is a blast and life in Dallas is awesome. This city is definitely the place to be, One more note for my college buddies .. .How come I never hear from you BUMS?" Bryan's address is 5451 Independence Parkway, Apt. 2004, Plano, TX 75023. Mark W. Poole writes: "I'm taking a lea "e of absence from General Motors this fall to pursue an MBA at the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville. Send a letter!!! Yes, I'm still .thin." Mark's address is 3205 Orleans Drive, Kokomo, IN 46902. Michael A. Postiglione is now director of business development with HoffI~an Partnership. His mailing address is clo Hoffman Partnership, 70 I North 2nd St. , Suite 500 S. , St. Louis, MO 63102.

Margaret (Peggy) Baker and Norman (Chip) Raga~ (both '83) write: "We got Scott Davis, '83, '85, is an associate. married last November. Our new adengineer in hardware design for IBM in . dress is 4531 N . Avenida Ronca, TucEndicott, N. Y. Sherry, '85, is a pro- son , AZ 85715 . Chip works for Comgrammer in VM C P development. They puter Automation Inc. and Peggy works live at 18A Ja ne Lacey, Endicott, NY for AG M Electronics Inc. Both elec-' trical engineers. " 13760. Keith Elting is now a technical service engineer for Olin Corp. in East Alfon, Ill. Keith lives at 184 Rue des Chateaux, Bethalto, IL 62010.

Doug Finley is a senior engineer at Halliburton Services. Doug lives at 510 South II th, No.5 , Duncan, OK 73533. Shaun P. Hennessey is now a heat transfer design engineer with Nooter Corp. in St. Louis. He and Ka~en live at 1455 Brookside Drive, High Ridge, MO 63049 .


DOl) Palaski, '83, '86, is now a member technical staff for ' AT&T - in Middletown, N.J. He has moved to 34 Prospect Ave., Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716. .

Randall C. Hoover has moved to 1303 SE 14th, Moore, OK 73 J60. He is now ar electronics engineer for OK C Air Logistics Center at Tinker AFB, Okla. Robert Frank . Hoskin is an associate engineer with' G eneral Motors Corp. Allison G as T urbine Engine Division In India napolis, Ind . He now lives at J 190 Windsor Dri ve, Apt. 4, West Lafay ett e, IN 47906. J ack McNally writes: " Married An gela" Burm eister in February and we l), re now expecting a little Miner in November.. Mo ved to 7744 Chalmette, Hazelwood , MO 63042." Jack is an engineer for McDonnell Aircraft in St. Louis.

Randy R. Rapp writes: "Completed service at the Army Engineer School as a teacher of junior captains. Promoted to major and detailed to the deputy chief of staff for operations and plans in the Pentagon. Will remain in DC area at least until mid-1988 ." Randy and Kathy live at 7651 Fallswood Way, Lorton, VA 22079. Greg C. Rinker is ' now a project engineer for Microwave Labs. His new address is 4210-V Lynn Point Lane, Raleigh, NC 27612. Randy Schuetz writes: "I am being transferred again. This time I .will be starting up the paint shop for the Buick GM ) 3 project in Lansing, Mich." Ran dy is a chemical engineer service rep. with PPG Industries. He 'now lives at 1992 Hea therton, Holt , MI 48842 . J ames V. Stevens is now a sen ior associate programmer for IBM . He and Karen live at 6624-8 Yateswood Drive, C harlott e, NC 282 12. Norm Street and Kim Signorino, ' 82, were ma rried on Dec. 14, 1985 . Norm is a n engineer for Hussman Technology; Kim is an engineer for the Department of the Army. Their new address is 1429 Woodstone D'rive, St. Charles, MO 63303.

Alumni Personals _____________________________________________________________ 1983 continued Mark Joseph Walczyk is a district sales manager with Copeland Corp. He now lives at 1771 Nemoke Trails, Haslett, MI48840. Joe Whitchurch has moved to 2550 O'Hara Drive, Tracy, CA 95376. He's now a project engineer for Traylor Brothers Inc. in Pleasanton , Calif. David P. Williams writes: "South Texas is a wonderful place to spend winter. Gorgeous! Summer started in March, however, a nd the impending crackling heat looms on the horizon like a dark, mysterious monster. What exactly did people do down here before ai r conditioning! " David is now a senior field engineer with Schlumberger. He li ves at 100 N . Sandman, Apt. 53 , La redo, TX 78041.

Ronald David Bryant is a controls engineer with Burns & McDonnell. His mailing address is P.O. Box 173, Kansas City, MO 64141. Michael D. Burnett moved from G rand Prairie, Texas to 904 New York Ave., Arlington , TX 76010. Thomas J. Dalton sends a new address: P.O. Bo x 3455, Torrance, CA 90510¡3455. Chris A. Edwards has been promoted to Marine la nce corporal while servir.g with the Ma rine's 3rd Force Service Support G roup on Ok inawa. Ramsey EI- Fakir writes: " I have completed an MBA at Cornell and have accepted a position with Mobil Oil Corp. as a supply analyst in New York C it y. Will start in September. Six years of school has been enough for me. I am looking forward to my three month break . Will send my new address later." Mike Eversman writes: "Working for Burns & McDonnell in Kansas City . I am keeping busy and enjoying the life in a world championship city, but I do miss Rolla-sometimes! " Mike lives at 5604 A E. 84th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64132.


Patrick W. Gould is now an associate engineer for Virginia Power (VEPCO) , a subsidiary of Dominion Resources Inc. His address is 8019 Ashland Ave., Apt. 3, Manassas, VA 22110.

Maurice Charles Anderson writes: "I am working for Kays Engineering in Marshall, Mo. and I will finish my mechanical engineering degree in Mark J. Hackmann is an assistant December 1986 from UMC." Maurice's engineer with Union Electric in St. address is 730 West 29th, Higginsville, Louis. He and Jo Ellen now live at 304 MO 64037. Britanna, Belleville, IL 62221 .

Donna M. Bauer IS now a project David C. Kerber is now an ensign staengineer for Exxon Co. USA in tioned on the USS Virginia, FPO New Midland, Texas. Her address is 3609 York. His mailing address is 18109 East Caldera No. 220 Midland TX 79707 . . 25th Terrace, Independence, MO , " 64057. Mark E. Bauer, '84, '85, writes: "I am Greg Krumrey writes: " I'm still working currently a superv isor in the metallurgy on AOSIVS but have moved up to an department at GM's Central Foundry MVIlO ,OOO compu ter. I am a lso Division Saginaw Malleable Iron Plant. teaching classes in GRIP, a programI'm currently working second shift, but ming language and have been giving have spent time on all shifts over the presentations on software solutions at past year. Monica works also. Our ad- various Un igraphics use r group dress is 5684 Lessandro, Saginaw , MI meetings. Future projects include set48603." ting data communications with companies across the US." Greg is a system Larry T. Birknes writes: "Working at manager for Polster Tool Engineering Gra nite City Steel, a division of Na- Inc. in St. Louis. He lives at 59 Midtional Steel , and lo vi ng it l " Larry li ves at dlesex Road , St. Louis, MO 63 144. 4034 Kathy, No.7 , Granite C ity, IL Karol Lynn Krumrey is a graduate stu62040. dent (GRA and GTA) at UMR. Karol's Marjorie (White) and Scott, '81, Bohler address is 40 I W. Second St., Rolla, MO have moved to 439 Kenwood Ave., 6540 I. Apt. I, Delmar, NY 12054. They write: "We had our second son, Nathan Andrew, on May 29. Scott was promoted to assistant utilit y engineer for New York State's Public Service Commission in May."

Paul M. Langenfeld has accepted a new position as mechanical engineer with Sverdrup Corp. He and Rae Ann have moved from Kansas C ity to 2504 Mariner, No. 1416, St. Louis, MO 63129.

George Loelkes, '84, '85, is a corporate engineering trainee at the St. Joseph headqua rt ers of Wire Rope Corp. George, who earned bachelor's degrees in both mining a nd mec ha ni ca l engineering, will be in volved in all aspects of the company's operat ions in an ex tensive one-year training program. After that, he will be in product engineerin g, plant engineering or resea rch and development. George's ad¡ dress is 8517 N. Cosby , No. 2 14, Kansas Cit y, MO 64 154. Patricia A. McLaughlin has moved to 15756 Heathercroft Drive, Chesterfield, MO 630 17. She's a general engineer for the U.S. Department of the Army. Dennis W. Neibrook is a project engineer with Marley Pum p Co. in Mission, Kan . He and Sarah now reside at 613 East II0th St. , Kansas C it y, MO 64131. David W. Pressler writes: "Diana and I moved into a new home in Chandler in February, 1986. Diana is now employed at Motorola's radar operations as mechanics layout drafter. I am currently working in engineering support in the aerospace electronics office." The Pressler's live at 1709 N . Pennington Dr. , Chandler, AZ 85224.

Bob and Bev Sauer write: " Beverl y and I wish Dewey luck in the upcoming cross count ry season." Bob is with Allied Bendix Corp. He a nd Bev li ve at 5405 B E. 84th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64132. Philip A. Scandura Jr. is now an inte g r a tor /deve lop e r IOMD for Honeywell. Philip's add ress is 14002 N. 49 th Ave., No. 1096, Phoeni x, AZ 95306. Tim C. Schaeffer is a project engineer with C harles E. Jarrell & Associates in Maryland Heights, Mo. Tim sends the fo llowing new address: 220 Earlsfield Lane, St. Louis, MO 63 t25. Walter Schnider writes: " Hi UMR! I have just received my M.S. in civil engineering from San Jose State University in Calif. Also a new job offer to work in San Francisco." Walter now lives at 143 South 16th St. , San Jose, CA 95 11 2. Jim Shadley is a sales engin eer now with Johnson Controls in Irvine, Texas. He lives at 6646 E. Lovers Lane, Dallas, TX 75214. Doron Shapiro is now working for Anheuser-Busch as a project engineer. His address is 120 Bal Harbour, St. Louis, MO 63146.

Kern Robert Reed writes: "I'm working Michael A. Smith is now a consultant for the San Antonio C ity Water Board with Digital Eq uipment Corp., St. in the engineering department. I am Louis. He and Hui live at 11535 Patty married now (wife Tandra), have a son Ann, St. Louis, MO 63146. ~n d another baby due in January. Bought a house in April. New address is Lisa Jones Sombart writes: "Kevin and 12027 Stoney Summit, San Antonio, I are pleased to announce the birth of TX 78247." ou r daughter, Jennifer Nicole. She's a rea l sweetheart. We all look forward to Timothy J. Rogan, a project engi neer seei n g everyo ne this fall at with Kansas Power & Light Gas Service homecoming. " Lisa is an energy writes: "I am responsible for research engineer, division of energy, with the planning and design of natural gas Missouri Department of Natural distribution systems, and monitoring Resources. The Sombart's live at 2323-B their construction. My assignment is in Grey Fox Terrace, Jefferson City, MO the Kansas City area." 65101.

1985 Rollamo

MSM Alumnu s/ 37

Alumni Persona/s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1984 continued Wendell Stavig writes: "1 have a new job at Allied Bendix and I really like it. I also bought a new house at 16419 N. Cogan Road, Independence, MO 64055. (Phone 816-478-0303). It's a lot of work but it is worth it!" Rhonda Steelman is now an associate programmer with IBM. She and Robert live at 6403 Moss Way, Tampa , FL 33625.

Kathy (Windhorst) Woods writ es: "Married Bill Woods on July 6, 1985 in Pana, III. We live in the Bellefontaine neighborhood of St. Lou is and both work for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics." Kathy and Bill's address is 961 Surrey Lane, St. Louis, MO 63137. Wei Wu writes: "Expecting to get Ph.D. degree in mining engineering in Ju ne 1987, at Virginia Polytechnic Institute." His address is 509 \1;_ Progress Street, Blacksburg, V A 24060 .

William C. Wagner is now an associate project engineer with Underwriters Labs in Melville, N .Y. He lives at 767 South Broadway, Lindenhurst , NY 11757. William E. Walker III writes: "Worked for Combustion Engineering as field service engineer until my father died in march 1985. Moved back to my home town where I'm currently employed with Lone Star Industries Inc. and managing family busi ness, Products Engineering Co. Inc. My present job involves project engineering. William lives at 609 Cordelia, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 . David and Laurie (Hughes) Weingaertner were marred May 16, 1986, in Rodeo Beach, Calif. David and Laurie live at 6789 G len Mawr Ave., EI Cerrito, CA 94530. John Wilmes writes: "Recently left Westinghouse Electric in Ch icago and am back in St. Louis, working for Telemecanique selling industrial motor controls. Getting married in January to Barb Wernert, class of '85." John lives at 11980 Rosedon, Bridgeton, MO 63044."

PATRICK A. WILSON Patrick A. Wilson has graduated from US Air Force pilot training ¡ and has received silver wings at Vance Air Force Base, Okla. Patrick is a second lieutenant.

38 / MSM Alumnu s

1985 Rollamo

1985 Matt Bujewski is now a chemical loss prevention associate for Industrial Risk Insurers. His address is 4906 Dorsie Drive, St. Louis, MO 63128 . Nathaniel B. Canady is now a product engineer with Allied-Bendi x in Kansas C ity. H is new address is 11621 Sycamore Drive, Kansas City, MO 64 134.

Deirk and Maria Feiner (both '85) are Kevin D. Renfro moved last May from now living at 3823 W. 123rd St. , Apt. Enid, Okla to 841 Merlin Loop, An2-20 I, Alsip, IL 60658 . Dierk is a quali- chorage, AK 99518. ty control supervisor for American Can Thomas M. Roth writes: "I am presently Co. in Chicago. employed as an engineer in the superDavid C. Grewe has been commissioned fund program with the U.S. Ena second lieutenant in the U.S. Air vironmental Protection Agency in Force upon graduation from Officer Atlanta. I am a project manager, direcT raining School at Lackland AFB, ting the investigation and cleanup of Texas. hazardous waste sites in Kentucky, South Carolina, and Tennessee. My ad John Lee Hamilton is an associate engineer with McDonnell Douglas in St. dress is 1840-21 Jerry Way, Norcross, Louis. He now lives at 302 Chaparall GA 30093."

Chris Carpenter writes: "Working at Mickey Dees (McDon nell Douglas) in St. Louis with half of the Rolla grads. My project is the Tomahawk cruise Creek Drive, Apt. 620, Hazelwood, MO missile. If you're not su re what one 63042 . looks like, ask Khadafy. Hello to all my friends in KC, especially the ones on Steve Hargis is the new public works Quincy Street." Chris lives at 899 Enge director fo r the cit y of Rolla. Steve has been the acting director since last sumRoad, O'Fallon, MO 63366. mer a nd has worked for the city for 10 Richard Jerome Cole writes: "First Lt. , years while putting himself through EN, U.S. Army , completed the U.S. Ar- school. He lives at 1311 Eastwood, my's engineer officer basic course at Rolla, MO 6540 I . Fort Belvoir, Va. in February 1986. Am also a graduate of the Army's Airborne Claire E. (Juergens) .Homoky is a (Parachute) School, Air Assault School, . petroleum engineer with Arco Alaska and Canadian Airbourne School. Pre- Inc. in Anchorage. Claire and Steve sent assignment is Company C, 19th reside at 1513 B Kanaga Loop, Eagle Engineer Bn, 194th Armored Bde, Ft. River, AK 99577. Knox, Ky. Mailing address is 1501 Pin Laurie Jeanne Hughes writes: "Married Oak Court, Apt. 5, Radcliff, KY David A. Weingaertner, '84, May 17, 40160." 1986, on Rodeo Beach in California. Amazing what you can do in California! Tim Crippen is now an industrial Write us! Laurie Hughes and David Weengineer with NIBCO. His new address ingaertner at 6789 Glen Mawr Ave, EI is 1403 East Rose, Blytheville, AR Cerrito, CA 94530." 72315. Kerry E. J,ulian is now a loss prevention Sherry Davis writes: "Scott, '83,' ¡ 85, representative for Liberty Mutual, and I are both working for IBM here in Wauwatosa, Wis. , and lives at 9807 W. Endicott, NY. Scott is an associate Menomonee Park Court, Milwaukee, engineer in hardware design and I am a WI 53225. programmer in VM CP development." The Davises live at 18A Jane Lacey , En- Steven K. Mitori writes: "I am employed at the Buick-Oldsmobiledicott, NY 13760. Cadillac group of General Motors in Flint, Mich. I am currently in the elecLaura Marie Douglas is a college trical/electronics group working on vehigraduate in training/test engineer with cle navigation systems. My hobbies inAllison Gas Turbine. She now lives at clude golf and tenni~." Steven lives at 5009A Mannsfield, India napolis, IN 4219 Boulder Drive, Burton, MI 48529. 46241 .

David Russell' writes: " I am enjoying beautiful Colorado a nd plan to attend UCCS this summer or next fall to seek a BS in Computer Science with ma nagement minor." David lives at 5180 Coneflower Lane, Colorado Springs, CO 80917. Brent and Jan (Conci) Smith, both class of '85, are now living in Golconda, III. Jan is working for Kerr-McGee Coal Corp.; Brent is working for Hosch Scrapers. They receive mail at Route I, Box 78-B, Eddyville, IL 62928. Pete Wazlawek is newly employed as a product engineer for Moog Automative, Wellston, Mo. Pete and Kim have moved to 6120 Vermont, St. Louis, MO 63111. Joyce S. Weinhold writes: "Hi! My new address in Kansas City is 8415 W. 108th St. , Apt. E, Overland Park, KS 66210. Am ,using business letterhead to prove I'm really .working! Work is going well so far. I've been training. Think I'm going to like it here." Joyce is a loss prevention representative for Liberty Mutual in Kansas City. . Randall "Woody" Wood is currently a research assistant at UMR, living at 1321 Hillview Drive, Rolla, MO 6540 I. He writes: "I am working on my MS with Dr. John Sheffield. We are researching HV AC cOil contact resistance. Should be finished in May '87."

MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATIOl\ Telephone (314) 341-4171 ; (3 14) 34 1-4172

Term Expirf!S . . 1986 . . ... ! 2425 BalwyckLane . . St . Louis, MO 63131 .. 1986 ....... 17 Zinzer Court .... . . President Elect . ... ... . ... Arthur G . Bael?ler, '55 .. . St. Louis, MO 63123 . . ... Alfred J. Buescher, '64 ...... .. ... . .. '.624 Golfview Drive ......... 1986 Vice President. Ballwin, MO 63011 Vice President ........... 1. Robert Patterson, '54 . ... . .... ... .. P.O. Box 573, N. Ridge Rd ... 1986 . Sikeston,MO 63801 Vice President ... .. . . . ... John B. Toomey, '49 .' .... . .... ~ . .... VSE Corp ................ 1986 2550 Hungtinton Ave., Alexandria, V A 22303 .... 1986 Vice President. .. . . . ..... Ernst A. Weinel, '44 . . .... • .. · .. 1502 West 50 .. ... - O'Fallon, IL 62269 · .. Metallurgical Engineering... 1986 Vice President . .. .. . ..... Robert V. Wolf, '51 ... ... .. . UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 . . 1986 Secretary ........ .. . .... Matteo A. Coco; '66 ........... . . ... . 7115 Aliceton Ave .. St.\Louis, M<J63123 · .. 1610 Wilson Circle . ' ...... 1986 Treasurer ... . . .. . . . .. ... J.L. "Jack" Painter, '50 . . ... . . Rolla, MO 6-540 I OFFICERS President . . .... . ........ James B. McGrath, '49 . .. . .

- DIRECTORS AT LARGE .Term Expires Thor Gjelsteen, '53 ..... . ....... 7300 W. Stetson Place, No. 41, Littleton, CO 80123. . .. . . 1988 Paula Hudson, '73. . . . . . .5910 Charlotte, Houston, TX 77005 ...' . , .. ...... . .. . . . .... 1986 . ... 1988 S. Dale McHenry, '81 . .......... 40) W. Peachtree, Atlanta GA 30308. . . . . . . . . . . Gerald L. Stevenson, '59. . Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., P.O. Box 2008 . 1987 Lakeland, FL 33806 Ronald A. Tappmeyer, '47 ....... 2226 Country Club Drive, Sllgar Land, TX 77478 .. . ... 1987 .1986 Carlos Tiernon, '54. . . .61 Berkshire Lane, Lincolnshire, IL 600 15. Area Zip Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires 00-14 David J. Blume, '65. .. . ... II Musket Trail, Simsbury, CT 06070. .. .. . . . . . . . .. 1986 15-26 Robert C. Perry, '49. . .. .. PPG Industries, Inc., I PPG Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15272. . . 1986 27-36 Wayne R. Broaddus, Jr., '55 .'AAI, P.O. Box 2545, Dalton, GA 30720. . . . . . . 1988 37-45 Russell A. Kamper, )62 .... . 5674 Shadow Oaks, Dayton, OH 45440 ... ................. 1986 46-52 Robert L. Seaman, '69 ...... 8305 N. Yellowstone, Route 7, Muncie, IN 47302. . 1987 53·61 EugeneJ. Daily, '36 . ... .... Daily & Associates, 816 Dennison Dr.; Champaign, IL 61820 . . . 1988 62-62 Max A. Burgett, '54. . 2219 Dewey St., Murphys\x>ro, IL 62966 .. . ............. . 1987 63-65 Jerome T. Berry, '49. . . Route 4, Box 419, Rolla, MO 65401. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. 1987 63-65 Robert T. Berry, '72 ....... 12716 E. 63rd, Kansas City, MO 64133... . . 1987 63-65 Harold G. Butzer, '47.' ..... 730 Wicker Lane, Jefferson City, MO 65101 ...... . . .. .. . ... . 1988 63-65 Harold R. Crane, '53. . .. . .480 Country Club Drive, Hannibal, MO 6340 I . . . . . . ..... 1986 63-65 Mary S. Klorer, '81 ........ 9165 Robin Court, St. Louis, MO 63144. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 1987 63-65 B. Neil Lewis, '58. ! . . . 115 College St., P.O. Box 627, Kennett, MO 63857 .... .. ..... 1988 63-65 Robert E. Peppers, '50 ...... P.O. Box 177, Herculaneum, MO 63048 . . .... 1986 '. 1987 66-72 Peter E. Desjardins, '44 .... 308 Bacque Crescent, Lafayette, LA 70503 . . . . . . . . . . 73-75 Roy A. Wilkins, '66. . . . . Williams Cos.·WILTEL, P.O. Box 21348, Tulsa, OK 74121 .... 1988 76-77 James B. Chaney, '48 ...... 16218 Chipstead Drive, Spring, TX 'J7379 ...... . .. .. . .. . ... 1988 78·lj4 J. Richard Hunt, '50. . . . 14913 Highway 82, Carbondale, CO 81623 . . . . . . . . . . . 1986 85·92 Albert S. Keevil, '43. . . 1442 Yost Drive, San Diego, CA 92109 ... . ..... . . . . . ... . . . . 1987 93-99 David N. Peacock, '64 .. .. .. 3515 Brunell Drive, Oakland, CA 94602. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..1 988 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN William W. Collins, '50.. . .. 1608 Wilson Circle, Rolla, MO 65401 Robert W. Klorer, '44. . . .. 12131 Dorsett Road, Suite 130, Maryland Heights, MO 63043 Joel F. Loveridge, '39 ..... . ..... 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur,. MO 63141 . .. .. 6464 Overlook Drive, Alexandria, V A 22312 Armin J. Tucker, '40. . EXECUTIVE COMMITIEE Term Expires Robert D. Bay, '49 ....... ... .. . '. Black & Veatch, 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway. . .... ... 1988 Kansas City, MO 64114 Joseph W. Mooney, '39. , .. .7383 Westmoreland, University City, MO 63130 . .. 1986 Lawrence A. Spanier, '50. . 5 Pettit Drive, Dix Hills, NY 11746. . .... . . . . ... 1990 EX·OFFICIO DIRECTORS . Missouri Electrochem Inc·., 10958 Lin-Valle Drive St. Louis, MO 63123 Robert M. Brackbill, '42 ... . ! .... 9148 Clearlake Drive, Dallas, TX 75225 Paul.T. Dowling, '40. .. . . .... 10144 Winding Ridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63124 R.O. Kasten, '43 .. ._. . . . .901 West i 14th Terrace, Kansa& City, MO 64114 Peter F. Mattei, '37 . . . ......... 9954 Holliston Court, St. Louis, MO 63124 Melvin E. Nickel, '38. . . .. 1060 I South Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 F.C. Schneeberger, '25. . .. One Briar Oak, St. Louis, MO 63132 James W. Stephens" '47. . . .. 406 E. Third, Lee's Summit, MO 64063 Richard H. Bauer, '52 ...

STAFF . . Executive Vice-President, MSM-UMR Alumni Association and Vice Chancellor, Office of Alumni/Development Affairs,_UM·Rolla Don Brackhahn .. ...... Executive Director for Alumni arid Constituent Relations Larry Allen .. . .. ... . . . ... Assistant Director, Alumni and Constituent Relations Louise Wilson . . ....... Executive Staff Assistant , Alumni/Development Sally White . . Editor, MSM ALUMNUS MSM-UMR Alumni Association, Harris Hal.l, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 -9990 Frank H. Mackaman ..

MSM Alumnus / 39

This Homecoming will be the 25 th reunion for the Class of 1961. Those who attended the 20th reunion fi ve yea ago were: Front row, left to right , Gene McLaughlin , Jane McLaughlin, Gwen Mansbridge, Martha Whetsell, Nal cy Myers; Second row- Bi ll Matthews, Ed Smith, Herb Mansbridge, Paul Whetsell , Don Myers; Back row- / Bolon, Clleryl Bulon, Neal Gra nnemann, Lynne Grannemann, Barbara Leck , George beck. Check the Decembc . issue of the Alumnus to see how many made it back to Rolla for the big 25.

MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Uni v ersity of Missouri-Rolla ROL~A , MISSO URI 65401-9990


MSM ALUMNUS (USPS-323-S00) Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the 'Missouri School of Mines and Metallurg) and the Unive rsiJ~ of Missouri·Rolla. Entered as se· ('ond class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla. Missouri 65401 ·9990. under the Act of March 3. 1897.

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