Missouri S&T Magazine, December 1986

Page 1

Alul11nus Vol. 60 No.6

University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, MO 65401-9990

December 1986


Lucien Bolon, '59

Gerald Bersett, '65

Paula Hudson, '73

Richard Hunt, '50

Russell Kamper, '62

New Board Members

Robert Peppers, '50

Picture of

David Blume, '65 not available

Homecoming 1路986 Richard Rueter, '68

Carlos Tiernon, '54

MSM-UMR Alumni Association Minutes of the Annual Meeting, Friday, Oct. 17, 1986 Outgoing Alumni President Jim McGrath opened the fall meeting of the MSM路UMR Alumni Association on Friday, Oct. 17, in the Mark Twain Room of the University Center-East by welcoming the 38 board members present and expressing his appreciation for their assistance and cooperation' during the past two years. Armin Tucker reported for the nominating committee that all those nominated officers and directors had been elected by mail ballot as follows: Officers (two路year terms) president-Art Baebler, '55; president elect-John Toomey, '49; vice presidents-Pat Broaddus, '55, Al Buescher, '64, J. Robert Patterson, '54, Ernst Weinel, '44, and Robert V. Wolf, '51; secretary- Matteo A. Coco, '66; and treasurer-J. L. "Jack" Painter, '50. Directors (three-year terms) at large-Paula Hudson, '73, and Carlos H. Tiernan, '54; area-David J. Blume, '65 (zip codes 00-14); *Richard E. Rueter, '68 (zip codes 15-26); Russell A. Kamper, '62 (zip codes 37-45); *Gerald W. Bersett, '65 (zip codes 63-65); *Lucien M. Bolon Jr. , '59 (zip codes 63-65); Robert E. Peppers, '50 (zip codes 6-3-65); J. Richard Hunt, '50 (zip codes 78-84). Jim McGrath introduced the newly elected president, Art Baebler, and turned the meeting over to him. Outgoing board members, Harold Crane, Bob Klorer and Robert Perry were recognized and presented with a token of appreciation from the board. Harold Crane offered to furnish a picture of Mark Twain to hang appropriately in the Mark Twain Room of the University Center, and the offer was gratefully accepted subject to approval by the administration. Harold Crane, incidentally, is from Hannibal, Mo. Minutes of the April 12, 1986, board meeting were accepted as mailed. *First time board members-others re-elected .

On The Cover


A dis tinguished group participated in halftime ceremonies at the Homecoming football game. In路 cluded were members of the 1936 football team , UMR's Chancellor and the newly crowned Homecoming Queen. They we re: left to right, Bura n Brown, '37, Bill Busc h, '37 ; Ralph Wilkey, '38; Frank Appleyard, '37; Bob Klug, '40; Garianne McNu tt, Pete Mattei, '37; C ha ncellor Marti n Jischke; Harley Ladd, '40; Mel Nickel, '38, J oel Loveridge, '39. Queen Garian ne is a junior in nuclear engineering from Jefferson City. Other homecoming activities are recorded on pages 1 through 13 in this issue. The only sour note of the whole weekend was that the Miners lost the game to the Cape Girardeau Indians.


Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the Univers ity of Missouri-Rolla . Ente re d a s cla s s matter O c tober 27 , 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Mis s o uri 65401-9990, under the Act of Marc h 3, 1897.

Bill Collins, '50, made the report for the Financial Committee. Total assets (trust accounts and members' equity) of the association for the year (1985-86) were $731,040, an increase of $86,867 during the year. The financial success of the association 'was recognized and thanks extended to Frank Mackaman for the work. Art Baebler, '55, reported on activities of the Alumni Alliance (representatives of the four UM campuses.) A reception for UM President Peter Magrath was held in Kansas City Oct. 9 and there was to be one in St. Louis Nov. 5. Legislative Day is scheduled for next March or April. Al Buescher, '64, gave the report on the association's annual fund. He noted that the association received more money during the year even though there were fewer donors . The average gift was $56.50. A motion was made and passed that an amount of up to 5 percent of the donation be spent to send a memento to the donors of $250 and $500 gifts. The total amount donated to the annual fund for the 1986 year to date was $160,404.37, ($44,580 in matching gifts). Joel Loveridge, '39, reported 140 students participating in the grant-in-aid athletic fund program. A motion was made and passed to increase the athletic funding from $10,000 to $14,000. Ron Tappmeyer, '47, listed those to whom Alumni Awards would be presented at the Saturday banquet (see pages 4 and 5 this issue), and Bob Berry named the four mfi!mbers of the faculty who would be presented a $500 award for being an outstanding adviser, at the board's noon luncheon (see page 10 this issue). Bob Wolf, '51, announced that the association had made $200,000 available to 147 students for scholarships and educational assistant grants for the 1986-87 year. A motion was made and passed to increase the 1987-88 budget by $22,500 (support for 15 additional students). A report on the Jackling Summer Institute, submitted by Ron Kohser, associate professor of metallurgical engineering at UMR, was read. Jim McGrath reported that an ad hoc committee would be formed to study ways to better expedite needed monies . The following motion was made and passed that: "The President appoint a committee of at least six board members to: 1. Investigate the appro priateness and likely success of an endowment fund approac h to our funding needs; 2. Develop a general plan fo r the recommended fund program, if appropriate: 3. Report at the spring 1987 board meeting on 1 and 2 above and, if appro priate, report on the general plan developed." continued next page-

MSM Alumnus/ l

Association Board Meeting Minutes continued .... Frank Mackaman reported on the success of the association's "bridge loan" for new faculty when moving to the campus. Petitions were presented and accepted from alumni in Springfield and Kansas City, Mo., wishing to form local sections. Don Brackhahn reported on the short courses and seminars being offered on campus during the weekend for interested alumni. The following dates were noted: Spring board meeting-April 11, 1987.

1987 Homecoming-Oct. 9 and 10. UMR Chancellor Martin Jischke addressed the members of the board. The meeting adjourned and the board members and their spouses met for lunch with alumni scholarship awardees. This is an abridged report of minutes submitted to the board by secretary Matteo A. Coco (three pages with 46 appended).

New Officers of the Association

Art Baebler, '55

Pat Broaddus, '55

AI Buescher, '64

John Toomey, '49

Ernst Weinel, '44

Robert V. Wolf, '51


Matteo A. Coco, '66

Robert Patterson, '54

Jack Painter, '50

Arthur G. Baebler, '55 Assumes Presidency of the Association The MSM¡UMR Alumni Association is now under the leadership of Arthur G. Baebler. He was elected during Homecoming, Oct. 17¡18, 1986, and will serve as association president until October, 1988. Baebler, executive vice president of St. Louis Printing Industries, Inc ., received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from MSM in 1955. In 1970 he was awarded the professional degree, engineering manager. Baebler says there are three goals that he wants to see-accomplished during his term. He would like UMR's tradition of engineering excellence stressed, its ties with industry strengthened, and its research benefits recognized. But to do so he "needs the help of all alumni." Baebler believes that UMR's tradition of engineering excellence is a real plus for the students. Moreover, because most students on campus are also pursuing an engineering degree, there is an extra bonus. "If you want an engineering degree, it's a lot easier to accomplish that very difficult task at Rolla," Baebler said. "Because most of the students are focusing on the same area, they can assist each other and build upon their individual strengths." Another point Baebler makes is that alumni can support UMR not only with dollars, but also by doing "public relations" and encouraging students to find out what it means to be a Miner. Most of Baebler's past work with the Alumni Association has centered around strengthening the ties between UMR and industry. The association's first priority is to understand the .curriculum and how it meets business and industry needs, he said.

'lIMS.M Alumnus

"I recognize that that's the prime responsibility of the faculty and the leadership on campus," he said, "but the representatives on the alumni association board are in the field every day. They have a clear understanding of what industry needs now and what it's going to need a few years from now. We juSt want to make sure that the graduates are prepared to be employed, and to fill the role that's required of them in the business community. "Again, alumni can help by letting the university know about trends they see in their professions." Finally, Baebler stresses the research capabilities that exist at UMR. "Alumni need to keep their own firms informed of UMR's research efforts so that they may take advantage of them in a mutually acceptable way to fulfill a real need," he said. Although his primary focus is now the Alumni Association, Baebler has been active in the Missouri Advisory Committee of Vocational Education, the Coordinating Board of Higher Education Advisory Committee, the St. Louis Local Development Corporation, and the Kidney Foundation of Eastern Missouri. He is also a past president of the University of Missouri Alumni Alliance, a organization which links the four University of Missouri campuses. Art and his wife Ivy have two sons. Matthew attended UMR and received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering in 1979 and a M.S. degree in engineering management in 1980. Andrew is a graduate of the Washington University law school. The Baeblers live at 17 Zinzer Court, St. Louis, MO 63123 . .

It was a packed house at the Alumni


and Gold party on Friday night.

For most returning alumni, Homecoming at MSM-UMR is an opportunity to greet old friends and faculty and to get an impression of how the old alma mater has changed. The 1986 Homecoming festivities were designed with that in mind. On the social side there were the Silver and Gold Party and several honor class functions on Friday evening. Saturday provided an al umni breakfast, the "Fieldhouse Feed" at noon before the football game, and the Alumni Awards Banquet that evening. Special athletic and music groups got together and fraternities, sororities and other living units held open house during the weekend. On the academic side¡of Homecoming, nine free short courses and seminars were offered to alumni on Friday and Saturday, and tours of the campus were available, also. The seminars and short courses included: "An Introduction to Grounding and Shielding and Electronic Instrumentation," "Shapelier Sentences," "Computer Ethics," "The Japanese System of Process Control and Productivity Improvement," "Oak Leaves and Shillelaghs: Engineering Education in the Ozarks," "Ozarks Folklore," "Personal Finance: How to Avoid Losing Your Spouse's Shirt After Age 75 ," "Ms. Professor," and "Current Applications and Possibilities in Molecular Biology." Some individual alumni became even more deeply involved in the academic side of Homecoming. Richard Bolander, '61, lectured to physics undergradutate students and Phil Ostapowicz, '78, '79, and Gil Fuller, '74, consulted with the engineering management faculty (Phil also did a bit of recruiting for Berry Wehmiller Co. while he was on campus). Although there was no way to obtain an accurate count, returning alumni totalled more than one thousand and seemed to enjoy participating in most of the activities offered.

Students invite alumni to the bonfire.



9 The Alumni Band supplements the Marching Miners program.

Mine.r athletes of 50 years ago reminisce.

MSM Alumnus/3

1986 Homecoming Awards Banquet

Alumni Service Award

The Alumni S ervice Award is presented to individuals for outstanding contribu· tions to UMR through service to UMR or to the Alumni Associa tion. Belding McCurdy received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering from MSM in 1938, and was awarded the professional degree, management engineer, by UMR in 1976. Belding's first successful career was as an electrical engineer. And during this time he also entered the U.S. Army, rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel duro ing World War II. He retired from the manufacturing business in 1958 to begin a third career. He founded his own insurance business, where he brought engineering princi· pies to the organization and management of the corporation. After 20 years, he has once again retired. He has always been supportive of MSM/UMR. He is a past alumni association section officer, national director, is past chairman of the UMR Student·Faculty· Alumni Conference, is the recipient of a Chancellor's Medal and is a founding member of the UMR Order of the Golden Shillelagh.


Belding McCurdy Treasure Island, Florida Retired

Alumni Merit Award

The Alumni Merit Award is presented for outstanding service to UMR or the Alumni Association or for recognition of some outstanding achievement in aca· demic or business pursuits. Billy Key earned a B.S. degree in education from Central Missouri State Uni· versity in Warrensburg, and an M.S. in health and physical education from Washington University in St Louis. He started his teaching and coaching career at the high school level and moved to the college level in 1956. He came to UMR in 1964. During his coach· ing career, Billy's teams have won more than 500 games. His collegiate victories (372) place him ninth among active NCAA Division II coaches. Billy's tenure at UM·Rolla has been marked by his concern for scholar ath· letes and by the overall success of the intercollegiate and intramural programs. Billy Key was named president of the National Association of Basketball Coaches earlier this year. He also serves on the Board of Trustees of the Bas· ketball Hall of Fame, and is a me"mber of the National Association of Directors of Athletics and the Missouri Basketball Coaches Association.

4/MSM Alumnus

Billy A. Key

Rolla, Missouri Director of Athletics, Chairman and Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Recreation, and Head Basketball Coach, UMR


Alumni Achievement Award J


1-1 The Alumlli A ch Ievement Award is presen ted for outstanding service in areas of business or academic accomplishments and for civic affairs achie vement recognitioll.

Hugh Barger received his B.S_degree in mining engineering from MSM in i939, and the professional degree, geological engineer, from UMR in 1967. Hugh began his career in the oil industry in Illinois_ He served as chief water flood engineer for Felmont Oil Co. , then Sohio Petroleum Inc. for eight years before becoming a petroleum consultant and establishing his own company, Barger Engineering Inc_, in 1950_ In' 1951 he founded Lobar Oil Co. Inc., in Oklahoma City of which he also serves as president. Additionally, he is vice president of Har-Ken Oil Co., a firm he has been connected with for 25 years. Hugh is a registered engineer in Illinois, and a director of the Independent Petroleum Association, U.S.A. He is active in several civic organizations and is a member of the UMR Order of the Golden Shillelagh.

Following a family tradition, Don Gunther received his B.S. degree in civil engineering from MSM in 1960. His father, Roy, was a member of the MSM Class of 1927 and his brother, Roy James, received a degree from MSM in 1958. Don joined Bechtel Corp. as a field engineer in 1961. He was promoted to area engineer in 1966 and resident engineer in 1970. Following three more promotions, he became a vice president and manager of the Houston office operations in 1980, was made manager of division operations in 1982, and vice president and general manager in' 1984. He attained his present position earlier this year. Don was active in many campus organizations while at MSM and received a number of awards and honors. He is currently a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers' Engineering and Construction Committee's Executive Board.

Roy R. Shourd received his B.S. degree from MSM in mining engineering, with a petroleum option, in 1950. In 1978 he was awarded the professional degree, petroleum engineer, by UMR. Roy joined Schlumberger Well Surveying Co. in Dallas, Texas following his graduation from MSM. In the late 1970s, Roy was made a vice president of the parent company, Schlumberger Ltd ., and in 1982, executive vice president. He is now president of Schlumberger Wire Line Service, also . Roy has been responsible for the close ties between Schlumberger and UMRolla and was instrumental in the establishment of the Schlumberger Professorship in electrical engineering here. During his career, Roy has served on the board of directors of AIME, SPE and API and the Children Eye Care Foundation in Washington, D.C. He is a member of the American Petroleum Institute's 25¡year Club.

H.S. (Hugh) Barger Evansville, Indiana President Barger Engineering Inc_ and Lobar Oil Co. Inc.

Don J. Gunther Hillsborough, California President Bechtel Inc.

Roy R. Shourd Houston, Texas Executive Vice President Schlumberger Ltd.

MSM Alumnus/5





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Class of 1936 & Before, Left to right: First Row-Dan Kennedy, Olive Kennedy, Faye Moran, Ernest Moran. Second Row-Elmer Roemer, Gertrude Roemer, Elmer Gieseke, Carl Bay, Evelyn Ford, Ragan Ford, Katherine Zvanut, Frank Zvanut. Third Row-Clyde Wilhite, Margaret Wilhite, G. R. Throgmorton, Audrey Rayburn, Charlie Freeman, Betty Freeman, Hazel Schweickhardt, Gerald Roberts, Leona Roberts, Robert "Dusty" Rhodes . Fourth Row-Elmer Sperling, Virginia Sperling, V.A. C. Gevecker, Mildred Gevecker, John Pollak, Dorothy Pollak, Alfred Hesse, Emily Hesse, Charlotte Cunningham, Robert Cunningham. Fifth Row-Tom Thomas, Homer Thompson, Auttie Thompson, Helen Pfeifer, Herman Pfeifer, Bernadeen Kamper, Ollie Kamper.

Class of 1941, Left to right: First Row-Jim Jensen, Thelma Jensen, Fred Finley, Jimmie Finley, Lucielle Simpson Daniels, Kenny Hardine, Margaret Hardine, Scottie Falkingham, Don Falkingham, Fred Hoener. Second Row-Ellen Smith, Margaret Wattenbarger, Margaret Bottcher, Harold Nicholas, Dorothy Nicholas, Wash Adams, Ruth Adams, Sammy Schoenthaler, Bob Schoenthaler, Alden Hacker, Eileen Hacker. Third Row- Armin Fick, Floyd Smith, Chris Wattenbarger, Herm Bottcher, Earl Smoot, Norman Blair, Marvin Pingel, Ruth Pingel, Betty Mack, Jim Mack, Bernadette Bourne, Bill Bourne. Fourth Row- Paul Bourchier, Frank "Buck" Rogers, Ida Bourchier, Gail Rogers, Carl Zvanut, Catherine Zvanut, Wayne Bennetsen, Jane Bennetsen, Jack McKee, Ruth McKee, Warren Loveridge, Nick Muschovic, Nick Nicola, Hanna Nevins, Bob Nevins.

6/MSM Alumnus


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Honor'Classes '

,". ,', "

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Class of 1946-Jose Machado,

Class of 1956, Left to right: First Row-Bob Robbins, Carol Robbins, Mary Tauser, Ray Tauser, Shirley Gillham, Ron Gillham. Second Row- Jim Shildmyer, George Roe, Wanda Roe, June Mahoney, Mike Mahoney, Barbara Kollmeyer, Ray Kollmeyer, Bill Roemerman. Third Row-Hank Sauer, Pat Sauer, George Baumgartner, Marsha Baumgartner, Betty Gooding, Dennis Gooding, Marcia Kebel, Harlan Kebel.

Class of 1951, Left to right: First Row-Wally Short, Gail Short, Bob Wolf, Dottye Wolf, Dick Huber, Joan Griffith, John Griffith. Second Row-Neal Dowling, Betty Dowling, Mary Ann Koederitz, Bill Koederitz, Bill Shields, Bev Shields, Don Dowling, Kathy Dowling, Don Schrader, Wanda Schrader, Don Witzl, June Witzl. Third Row-Bill, Lorraine, Herman Fritschen, Arleen Fritschen, Henry Sheeley, Doris Sheeley, Dotti Schuchardt, Bob Schuchardt, Jacquelyne Brillos, John Brillos, Tony Anderhub, Ellie Anderhub. Fourth Row--..:Clark Houghton, Anita Tarantola, Bruce Tarantola, Richard Roemerman, Mary Ann Roemerman, Ed Milligan, Jo Ann Milligan, Florence Roloff, Don Roloff, Bob Smith, Mary Smith, Gerald Bender, Gloria Bender. Fifth Row-Andrew Taylor, Anne Taylor, Charles Boyd, Helen Boyd, Barbara Zeid, Marvin Zeid, Jeanne Senne, Joe Senne, Earl Brunkhorst, Bonnie Brunkhorst, Tom Simpson, Sue Simpson.

MSM Alumnus/ 7

Honor Classes

Class of 1961, L~ft to right: First Row-Tony Jacob, Grace Jacob, Marion Menze, Chu<;k Heilig, Fay Heilig. Second Row-Darrell Kilburn, Carol Kilburn, Roger Martin, Judy Martin, Jesse McNabb, Bernadine McNabb, Harvey Dewing, Albert Bolon, Richard Bolander. Third Row-Gene Mcbaughlin, Jane McLaughlin, Don Marler, Mary Ann Marler, Richard Barnes, Lyda Barnes, Tom Odom, Marcia Odom, Lynn Grannemann, Neal Grannemann, Martha Whetsell, Paul Whetsell.

Class of 1966, Left to right: First Row-Dave Wehmeyer, Barb Wehmeyer, Vince Crane, Joe McMahan, Mike Brynac, Carol Brynac. Second Row-Bob Hogue, Cathy · Hogue, Dick Woodfield, DOT) Bacich, Tim Houghton, Jim DeBold, Phil Jozwiak, Barbara Jozwiak, Matt Coco, Kathy Coco, Dale Brown. Third Row-Joan Pottinger, · Hardy Pottinger, Jim West, Susan West, Robbie Perkins, John Perkins, Marti Perkins, Jim Perkins, Frank Bader, Annette Bader, Betty Hoffee, Andy Hoffee. Fourth · Row-Loy Roberts, Diane Roberts, Robert Heider, Ken Ragsdell, Jan Ragsdell, Leroy Brown.

. 8/MSM Alumnus

Hono"r Cla sses

Class of 1971, Left to right: First Row-Charles Schaffer, Linda Schaffer, David Bryan, Pat Bryan. Second Row-Bob Wethington, Ann Wethington, Evelyn Gayer, John Gayer, John Reddy, Karen Reddy, Bob Ward, Karen Ward, Tim Montgomery. Third Row-Judy Bondi, Jim Bondi, Marsha Buechler, 1 Rm Buechler, Dave ., . Richardson, Marilyn Richardson, Larry Erickson, Nanette Erickson, Herb Schnyder, Linda Schnyder.

Class of 1976," Left to right: First R~w-Paul Abney, Brook Abney, Vickie Abney and baby Allison Abney, Jim Leonard, Rita Leonard, Dennis Leitterman, Pam Leitterman, Aaron Underwood, Dan Underwood, Lauren Underwood. Second Row-Nathan Gilbert, Steve Gilbert, Patty Gilbert, Dennis Rackers, Larry Bares, Brenda Moyes, Tom Moyes, Nel Telthorst, Paul Telthorst. Third Row-Mike McKeiln, Rich Markey, Dave Muenks, Terry Bone, Russell Crane, Mike Wilhelm.

MSM Alumnus/9

Honor Class Al um ni are invited to order prints of any of the photographs. Cost is $3 each for 8x 10 prints or $2.50 each for 5x7 prints . To order: be sure to Include page num ber and as full a description of the photo as possible and its placement on the page. Orders will be collected until Jan. 31 and prints should be returned to you duro ing February .

C lass of 1981, Left to right: First Row-Ca rolin e Enge ma n, Jame s Engeman, Joe Draper, Bruce McCoy, Ed Hart, Steve Garner. Second RowJeffrey Lewenczuk, Don Reader, Scott Black, Madison Daily.

MSM-UMR A lumni Association Honors Faculty Advisers Foudaculty advisers won $500 awards presented by Bob Berry, '72, chairman of the alumni committee, at the Board luncheon Friday, Oct. 17. The winners were chosen from nominees submitted by various UMR departments.

Thomas B. Baird, left, associate professo r of computer science.

August J. Garver, left , associate professor of mathematics and statistics.

Ronald A. Kohser, right, associate professor of metallurgical engineering.

Robert A. Medrow, left , associate professor of mechanical engineering.

lO/MSM Alumnus

MSM Alumnus/ll


MSM Alumnus/13

Electrical engineering graduate student Suresh Arunachalam, India, gives a 10 minute lecture while, left, Dave Jones, St. Louis, engineering management, awaits his turn. Evaluating the leâ‚Źture are, right, Sam Geonetta, director of the Instructional Communication WOI'kshop, and Wilma Turner, assistant director. All presentations are video taped.

Teaching Assistants Learn To Tea,ch More effective teaching was the result of the Instructional Communication instruction included lectures, communication exercises and working on developWorkshop for graduate teaching assistants offered by UM-Rolla this fall, accord- ing fluent spoken English. International teaching assistants also had courses in ing to Dr. Sam Geonetta, director of the program. American culture. "All of these activities were related to communication in the classroom," he said. 'This workshop, which focused on improving classroom communication skills, represents another facet of the campus' commitment to providing quality , At the end of the week of instruction all participants went through a four-part teaching at all levels of instruction," said Geonetta, who also is a professor of 20-minute assessment. Geonetta explained that the first part consisted of an speech and media studies at UMR. impromptu interview about the individual's background. The second was a 10"We believe that with this workshop we now have a precise, accurate way to minute lecture suitable for a typical undergraduate class. The third was a rolemeasure classroom communication competency and a means to teach and playing situation in which the participant was asked to explain something to the class or to make an announcement. In the fourth the participant had to answer enhance those skills that can be a model for other institutions." . The two-week workshop, which was offered for the first time prior to the start six questions that students might ask. "We structured the workshop using information we had gathered from extenof the fall semester, attracted 102 participants, Including 72 international students and 30 United States citizens. International participants included potential sive research on what other institutions had done and on the experiences we teaching assistants as well as some persons who simply wished to improve their had here at UMR in offering an instructional communication cpurse during the 1986' spring semester," he said. communications skills. "Because of l}MR's emphasis on effective teaching, a high standard was set "In the workshop, we were primarily concerned with two areas," Geonetta for the participant assessment," Geonetta said. . said. "First, we were attempting to assess English language competency both in "Thirty-six of the international students met that mark, and j.IIe feel that the lectures and interpersonal situations. Second, we were attempting to assess presentation competency by evaluating the individual's ability to choose, organothers will enhance their skills through this emphasis on improvement. ize and deliver ideas and information. "In order to teach during the 1987 winter semester, those students who did Geonetta explained that the workshop concentrated on communication com- not meet the standard, will be reassessed. T~ey may, if they wisi:l; participate in the workshop again, and we would encourage them to do so." petency as a means of improving teaching skills. "Specifically, we are talking about presentation skills and classroom management skills," he said. Bob Francis, Ur,,1R Student Council presipent who served on several of the He added that presentation skills include the physical and speaking aspects of workshop's test panels, noticed "marked improvement" in many of the: teaching a presentation and also involve organizing and supporting ideas in the assistants' lecture presentations and their ability to convey ideas in the classroom. classroom. "While the English skills of a number of the international participants were "Classroom management skills involve.organizing a class, conducting discussions with students and being able to listen to them and answer their questions," vastly improved following the workshop, the abilities of many of the participants in the areas of classroom preparation, delivery and conducting variolJ.s classhe explained. "In order to faciliate the participants' understanding of these skills, we spent a room situations were enhanced as well," Francis said. . "I feel that the workshop was, and will continue to be, a success," he added. week on lectures, activities and personal consultation," he continued. "During "Through their participation, the international teaching assistants will have a the second week, we assessed individuals on their classroom communication . better understanding of the English language and American culture and, competency." . Geonetta said that the students in the program took the Test of Spoken Eng- because of that, their students also will benefit from the workshop. I hope t'his program will be continued in the future." lish to help determine their basic English language competency. The week of

14/MSM Alumnus



tional teaching assistants on all UM campuses. In June of this year all state colReaction from the workshop participants also has been favorable. leges and universities in Missouri were required to assess international teaching Dave Jones, an engineering management student, said, "This workshop has been very beneficial to me. In addition to providing useful skills, it has given me assistants when Gov. John Ashcroft signed Senate Bill 602. "While the workshop certainly meets the requirements set down by the Board the opportunity to speak with other graduate teaching assistants who already 'of Curators and the state of Missouri, we wanted to go beyond these suidelines have taught classes and an insight into what they have experienced." Jones added that the workshop's emphasis on organizational skills has helped in our development of a means for improving classroom communication skills him in planning and preparing to teach his classes. among our graduate teaching assistants," Geonetta explained. "This workshop has been a challenge and a ·plus for me," said Yoping Chi, a Geonetta added that as early as October 1985, UMR had 'begun developing a mathematics and statistics student. "It has helped me to become more confident course to help improve communications skills. in speaking to a class and I have learned a number of important teaching skills. "This course in instructional communications was offered during the 1986 spring semester," he said. Thirteen international teaching assistants and one "The program has been a good experience and I hope the workshops will continue in the future," Chi said. United States citizen completed it. Other instructors for the workshop included Wilma Turner and Wesley "Early in the summer, feedback from the students in this course and data from further research into the needs and abilities of our teaching assistants was Schlotzhauer, lecturers in speech and media studies who have extensive experience in interpersonal communication, public speaking and education. . used to develop a more comprehensive workshop," he said. "This information According to Geonetta, the development of the workshop was the result of Pl,lt us at a great advantage in planning and implementing the workshop," he the UM Board of Curators' action in January 1986 on the assessment of interna- said.

Continuing Education Courses Here's a list of some of the extension continuing education short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR. Where titles are not self-explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs_Call· the office of the Dean of Continuing Education and Public Service, 314/341-4156. Written requests should be addressed to the same office, 205B Parker Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, MO 6540L



School of Engineering Soil Dynamics and Foundation Engineering .•......• • .••.•. • ..•••... • ••••...••.•••• • Jan_26-30 Engineer-In-Training Review .••••...............•. • .••. ~ •...••..•••.•..•••.•• Feb. 24-April2 Introduction to Elements of Engineering. • . . . . . . . . • • • . . • • . • • . . . • • • . • • • • • • • . . • . • • March 5-ApL 23

LOCATION St. Louis .St. Louis St. Louis

Times and dates of courses may change nearer to the time of the course. Dear Alumnus, . What would you be doing today if you had not attended the Missouri School of Mines/University of Missouri-Rolla? Everywhere I go, MSM/UMR graduates tell me the lessons they learned at Rolla helped them get ahead. We'd like you to spread the wealth by encouraging a superior high school or community college student to discover what being a Miner is all about - an excellent education, St. Pat's green, lasting friendships. R.R Lewis, Director of Admissions University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, MO 65401 314-341-4165

-------------------------------------------------------------------------I believe the following student(s) would like to learn more about UMR . Please send the necessary material describing the curriculum and campus 1ife to: Name



Address Zip Code


School and Year of Graduation (if known)

Name . Address Zip Code

School and Year of Graduation (if known)

Zip Code School and Year of Graduation (if known)


My Name and Address

University of Missouri-Rolla

Class Yr. Zip Code

MSM Alumnus115

UMR+ TTAO=T2 Reprinted from "Ex claimer," published by University of Missouri Extension and Continuing Education. "Very helpful, very timely, very good for our people." budgets and limited personnel. For example, a course on snow and ice control That's how Dan Moore, director of public works for St. Peters, described in Kirkwood enrolled 44 people from 15 communities. workshops sponsored by the University of Missouri·Rolla Transportation Tech· The UMR TTAO must give at least 10 one· to two· day training sessions per nical Assistance Office. By implementing some safety ideas offered at a TTAO . year as mandated by the Federal Highway Administration. In 1985 the center presented 44 training sessions· around the state with attendance averaging 22 workshop for on·street crews, Moore said, "workers seem to feel a lot safer." per session. Workshops usually are taught by UMR faculty or consultants, who . Motorists directed through traffic patterns with better sign age are safer too. TTAO is an activity of engineering continuing education and public service at are hired for their practical experience with local , state or federal highway departments. UMR. Its free or small·f~e workshops cover everything from math for road "Response to the workshops is very positive," said Ron Higginbotham, exten· crews to effective asphalt maintenance and pavement management. The work· shops attempt to bridge the gap between highly complex engineering research sion community development specialist based in Cole County. "The evaluations and its principal application to transportation and road management. they (workshop participants) fill out have been overwhelmingly positive." "We looked around at the available resources in terms of educational mate· Neosho's Director of Public Works Jim Cole told why. "Input from each other- between cities and counties-is something you don't normally get. After rial," said Charles Dare, IT AO director and associate professor of civil engi· neering, "and we found that the existing materials were too complex and tended going to these joint seminars, you can call each other up for help and informa· to be written in technical terms that often wen'; difficult to understand ." Conse· tion . The teaching is excellent, but the getting together is something we quently, "we try to keep our workshops at the working man's level so that a wouldn't get other than that (at the seminars}." foreman can get something out of them as well as the director of public works," said Jay Jordan, TTAO consultant. As a T' center, UMR's TTAO has direct access to the most recent training ' Technical transfer centers-commonly called T' centers- like UMR's TTAO programs developed by other I ' centers, the National Highway Institute and the Federal Highway Administration, "pretty much free of charge," said Dare. were created in 1983 under the Surface Transportation Assistance Act, Rural "They're the latest, state·of·the·art programs." Beginning later in the year or in Transportation Assistance Act, Rural Transportation Assistance Program. The 1987, the UMR TTAO plans more involvement with the Missouri Highway and Federal Highway Administration allocates $125,000 per year to the Missouri Transportation Department. "Some of their staff are going to be involved in Highway and Transportation Department, which coordinates the funds for helping to provide instruction and actual demonstrations of their equipment," UMR's technical transfer center. A T"s primary objective is to help local trans· Dare said. By using these resources, the UMR TT AO is able to develop courses portation agencies deal with problems concerning roads, bridges, public trans· portation and traffic safety. such as Pavement Surface Management and Rehabilitation of Existing Bridges specifically for the state of Missouri. "Now we have close to 39 T' centers in operation throughout the United UMR'S TTAO also has access to copies of reports, articles, specifications, States on a one·per·state basis," Dare said. "We (UMR) are the one designated demonstration projects and other T' center newsletters, reports and training for Missouri. " materials that pertain to road, bridge, public tra nsportation and traffic safety The TTAO is governed by an advisory council of city, county, state and fed· problems. The UMR center makes this wealth of info rmation available to Mis· eral government representatives who meet several times a year. Jordan said , "We determine what areas need help, and we develop a program." Then an sourians by conducting literat ure searches upon request. For large and expen· sive technical reports and videotapes, the TTAO has a lending library. . advertisement for the workshop appears in the TTAO newsletter, which is pub· A list of new publications and publications available free from the center is lished quarterly and circulated to 3,lOO county and city clerks, all county com· printed in the UMR TT AO quarterly newsletter titled Missouri Transportation missioners, directors of public works and road district supervisors. Sometimes Bulletin. UMR receives an average of 600 publication req uests per quarter. the ad is followed by phone calls to personnel in areas that might need the "We're pretty well·accepted around the state," said Jordan . Joe Mickes of the course. Interested groups contact the ITAO, schedule a workshop, invite Missouri Highway and Transportation Department agreed. "They (at UMR) neigbboring counties and reserve the necessary facility. Workshop fac ilitators provide a lot of valuable information. There's much they are using and doing in encourage participants to recruit their peers in surrounding cities or counties the field that can help citizens, counties and agencies ." because it's a cost·effective delivery system for local governments with low

16/ MSM Alumnus

A/ul11ni Section Nevvs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_:... Northwest Section Spring Meeting The morning was cold, cloudy and breezy. We were all feeling what life on a sailing vessel was like. The ship was leaning with the wind captured by the canvas of five sails. White caps appeared occasionally on the water's surface. Some of us were huddled together to keep warm and have fun


listening to the captain tell stories of sailing adventures. Others were play· ing cards and warming up down in the cabin. A few of us helped handle the sails and lines when changing direction during tacking procedure. We also could take the helm under the watch· ful eyes of the crew. You could taste the adventure while sailing through a narrow passage between two islands

in the San J uans north of Seattle. This describes our latest Pacific Northwest Chapter Spring outing on April 12 and 13, 1986. Originally, we had scheduled just one day on the sail· ing vessel "Sylvia", but we had so many signing up to go that we char· tered a second day to accommodate everyone. The "Sylvia" is a registered historic vessel, a l1 d is the oldest sailing

charter ship on the West Coast. The tall ship was launched in Sweden in 1897. The length is 76 feet and the beam (width) is 19 feet·8 inches. The two masts support up to 2,800 square feet of canvas. The capacity is 28 pas· sengers plus crew. We had 53 people go sailing with us. Members from as far away as eastern Washington and southern Oregon attended.

1986. The Northwest weather cooper· ·ated with us for an enjoyable time. We had sixteen people attend the event. The food was excellent. Some of our

members and guests took advantage of the Wright's new spa. Airplane rides were given by Stephen Wright in his Cessna 182 Skylane to all interested in

viewing the Snoqualmie Valley and Issaquah from the air. We decided to go to the horse races in October. continued next page-


/ 11 Summer Meeting

Our annual potluck picnic was held at the Wright's home on August 23,

MSM Alumnusll7

N orthwest Section continued

Fall Meeting

On Saturday, October 11th we had our second annual racing event at the Turf Club of the Longacres Race

Track. The Turf Club is the exclusive place to be at the races. Twenty of us got dressed up to go and had fun trying to pick the winners. Steve Wright went home with money in his pockets.

A good dinner was served in the mid--afternoon. The 6th race was dedicated to the University of Missouri-Rolla Alumni Association. Two of our members went down to the winners

circle for photographs with the winning horse (Cute Nurse), jockey and owner. Stephen Wright, '68, '70

San Diego Section A good time was had by all on Sat- . urday, Nov. 1, at the Kona Kai Club on San Diego Bay by the members of the San Diego Section. Al Keevil, '43, gave a slide presentation of highlights of Homecoming at Rolla on Oct. 1718. The bonfire parade, football game, progress on the mineral engineering and engineering management buildings, the gymnastics of the cheerleaders, parade' of queens, and fraternity decorations were featured in the color slides. A short review of the section's

sail on the Invader in June with Don and Nancy Brackhahn from Rolla was made. Many favorable comments were made on the coverage in the Missouri Alumnus and the fine job done by the editor. Don Haskell, '49, acted as section photographer and prepared the pictures displayed herewith. We had fellowship with: La Nelle and John Gardner, '51, frgm La Mesa; Betty and Don Haskell, '49, from Ocotillo; Ethel and AI Jurvic, '33, from Pacific Beach; Isabel and W. D. McKee, '51, '52, from

Point l,.oma; Robin and Russ O'Dani-' ell, '83, from Imperial Beach; Wilma and E. T. Regenhardt, '30, from EI Cajon (who were recently married); Skip and Bill Thomas, '44, from Oceanside; Elise and Louis Wissler, '43, from Point Lorna; Terri and John Yoder, '82, who were at the gathering. John Yoder is celebrating a Navy promotion to lieutenant last August. He said he and Terry will be moving to Florida in January and they hope to see family in St. Louis for Christmas.

Of course Joan and Hank Fletcher, '53, from Terrasanta, our financial secretary and newly married since' April, expounded on the bliss of married life and travels to the Vancouver World's Fair. Marilyn and Al Keevil, '43, our executive secretary, wrapped up the evening with the many favorable impressions they received on the progress of the University and the leadership of Chancellor Jischke. AI Keevil, '43

{, Hank Fletcher, Marilyn Keevil, Russ and Robin O'Daniell.

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John Gardner, Bill Thomas, La Nelle Gardner and Skip Thomas. ,

SPE Meeting - New Orleans An alumni reception was held on October 7, 1986 at the New Orleans Marriott hotel. Although the petroleum industry has slowed considerably, a large number of alumni were in attendance, and even after the bar was rolled out, the party continued, so a good time was had by all. Those in attendance were Greg and Susan

Christians, '85; Randy and Lynette Young, '84; Dave and Donna (Hamilton) Brucker, both '82; David DuBois, '81; John Auman, '78; Merrilee Campbell; Doug Gordon, '81; Bob and Rima Hea, '81; Kevin Jones, '80; Steve Ohnimus, '68; Marion and Carolyn Arnold (former faculty); Scott and Lisa (Mateker) Ferguson, both '83; Ed

Barsachs, '50; Bill and MaryAnn Koederitz, '51; Herb and Billie Harvey (faculty) ; Don Henderson; Bill and Fran Collins, '50; Chris Butta, '83; Larry and Lydia Schupbach, '73; Ken and Pat Thompson, '73; Marianne Moyes, '86; Kent Leuders; Marc Gruenenfelder, '80; Daopu Numbere (faculty); Jim Paul, '43; Gil Jurenka,

'56; Don Housh, '66; Jim McLean, '77; Dennis Dutton, '76; Susan Holley, '81; Karen Rakop, '81; Chuck Martin, '86; Jeff Joseph, '81; and Lenn and Cheryl Koederitz, '68. Special thanks to Dave Brucker for his help in keeping track of all of the names, and if your name was omitted, it's Dave's fault. Lenn Koederitz, '68

AMC Meeting - Las Vegas While attendance was down from previous years, a total of 65 Miners, spouses, guests, and UMR staff and faculty attended a reception held at the P_merican Mining Congress' 1986 International Mining Show, Oct. 7, 1986, in Las Vegas , Nev. All seemed to agree that being a UMR graduate meant having the upper hand in times of economic downturn. The list of those attending follows: David Smith,

Glenn H. Fritz, '47; Dan W. Martin, '52; Dan Thebeau, '75; John Pollard, '72; Ron Kelly, '73; Rich Dendler, '58; Ned M. Hutchins, '62; Rosey and Vic Hoffmann, '60; Matt Christian, '79; Gordon and Loretta Johnson, '59; Thor and Marianne Gjelsteen, '53; Dennis and Rhonda Rackers, '76; Norman S. Smith, Charles A. Anderson; Harold and Florence Tibbs, '50; Bill Hallett, '55; Harlan and Marcia

Kebel, '56; Fred L. Andersen, '47; Randy Pollock, '72; Steve Lang, '79; Gill Montgomery, '34; Harold A. Krueger, '42; R. Lee Aston , '50; Guy C. Gilbert, '81; Dean Stucker, '75; Doug Carthew, '51; Tim Warden, '83; Ben McNail, '81; R. Lary Miller, '58; Mollie and Ernest Achterberg, '53; Richard L. Bullock, '51; Don and Betty Haskell, '49; James and Edna Scott, '50; Karl Brown, '62; Gene Rand, '62;

S. Allan and Vivian Stone, '30; Fred Gatewood, '71; George A. Webber, '71 ; Dave Summers; Robert Hopler, '54, '61; Rich and Joyce Reyburn, '64; David Barr; Don and Pat Warner; Larry Allen; Jon and Faith Langstaff, '59; Elmer Gieseke, '33; Gene Dixon; Edward Thurmond, '75; Jan and Tom O'Hanlon, '68 and Charles A. Anderson.

MEETING DATA It's Time To Order St. Pat's Green

Order your St. Pat's Green now! 1987 Green items include: Sweatshirts (S, M, L, XL) $13.00 Sweatpants (S, M, L) $12.00 Child's Sweatshirts (M, L)$1O.50 Tumblers (8 oz.) $ 3.00


Event/ Site

Beer Mugs (15 oz.) Can Wrap-arounds Garters Buttons (two types)

$3.50 $2.00 $1.00 $1.00

Orders under $10, please include $2.25 for postage,more than $10 please include $3.00. . Remember that after St. Pat's there is no Green left and we sometimes run out of certain items early, so buy your Green today. Send your order to : St. Pat's Board, c/o Jerry Adams, 707 State St., Rolla, MO 65401.

Alabama Area Meeting Gulf Shores, Ala .... . ....... ... .. ..................... January 17 SME Annual Meeting and Exhibit Denver, Colo .... ... . . . . . . .. . .. .... . ....... . .. . .. . .. February 23 Spring Board Meeting, MSM-UMR Alumni Association Rolla ...... . .. . .. .. . ................ . . . . ............... April 11 Reunion - Class of 1937 Rolla ................................................ May 15-17 Homecoming, 1987 Rolla .. .. .... .. . . .. ... . ..... . . ... . ....... ...... ..... . . . Oct. 9-10

Jobs The services of UMR's Career Development and Placement Center are available to alumni as well as students. To obtain information about the current job listings, alumni need to send an up-to-date resume to the Career Development and Placement Office. The placement staff will make the resume available to companies looking for people with experience, and will send the alumnus a copy of the latest job listings. If you wish to use this service, contact: assistant director-placement, Career Development and Placement Office, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 (phone: 314/ 341-4288).

SME "Joe Miner" Belt Buckles and Hard Hat Stickers

The UMR Student Chapter of the Society of Mining Engineers is offering for sale to alumni our belt buckle and hard hat sticker. Proceeds from these sales will enable SME to participate in a variety of activities including field trips, honor banquets, special projects and our biannual outing. Orders and checks should be made out to the Society of Mining Engineers and should be mailed to Russell Hively, 11OMiningBuilding,UMR,Rolla,MO

65401. Please ship buckles at $6.50 each and _ _ _ _ hard hat stickers at $1.25 each. Enclosed please find a check for $ _ _ __ Name _______________~----------Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

MSM Alumnus/19'

MINER SPORTS Gene Green, Editor Basketball. ... 1986-87 Is a Special Season for Coach Billy Key The 1986-87 season is indeed a special one for UMR head basketball coach Billy Key. The 28-year collegiate coaching veteran will serve as President of the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) this year. How does he view the 1986-87 season? "We will indeed have a different look than we have had in the past four years," Key said. "The Miners will feature one of the quickest teams in many seasons, but we are missing some overall size." Gone from last season are 6-8 Dave Moellenhoff; 6-7 Krls Stange and 6-6 Mark Zarro "Our success will depend on how well we play on defense and how quickly we mold together as a squad. 1 look for us to shoot the ball pretty well, and the addition of the threepoint goal should help us out." Key feels a trio of sharp-shooters could cash in .quickly on the newest NCAA rule change. "Duane Huddleston (6-4), Billy Walker (6-4) and Adrian Davis (5-9) are all excellent shooters ancLshould contribute from three-point territory. Our rebounding will have to fall into the hands of Tim Hudwalker (6-6) and Julius Lewis (6-3), with returnees Stu O'Kraski (6-2) and Mark Givens (6-4) helping the attack off the bench." Top newcomers for the Miners include one junior college transfer and a cast of freshmen hoping to earn some playing time. "David Dean (6-6) comes to the Miners from Allen County Junior


Adrian Davis, right, tries to drive past teammate Bill Walker, left, during pre-season practice. College, and 1 expect him to contribute to our program almost immediately. Also, freshmen William McCauley (6-2) and Greg Salee (6-4) played on tremendous high school teams and could progress quickly." Other Miners are freshman Allen Griffey (6-8) and sophomore Scott . Woolsey (6-3).

Who does Key see atop the MlAA this season? "Since Southeast Missouri finished second in the nation last season, and Central Missouri is traditionally tough, you would expect both to challenge for the crown-but 1 think the sleeping giant for 1986-87 may be Northwest Missouri," Key said.

"They have a fine player in Glenn Phillips returning, along with a transfer from Drake University and highlytouted Tony Hoke out of Forest Park Community College. "The rest of the conference should be very balanced, but as always, anyone can knock anyone off any night in this league.

lady Miners look for Solid Basketball Season UM-Rolla head women's coach Mary Ortelee is hopeful of better ' things for this year's Lady Miner basketball team. "We are a more balanced squad, with better outside shooting than ever before," she said, "With our key players returning, and some talented newcomers, 1 believe we will be a much more competitive team in 1986-87." Ortelee begins her third season as UMR's head coach. She came to the Miners following three seasons as an assistant at Lamar University, where she earned her master's degree. Ortelee graduated from State University of New York-Cortland, where she played basketball and served as team captain during her senior season. She was also a two-year letter-winner in golf. Ortelee has a two-year record of 1531, including UMR's 6-19 mark of a year ago. "I do think we will improve quite a bit this season," she said. "Tanya Hough and Susan Mullins return off of double-figure efforts of last season, and we have added some quality people to help them out in the scoring and rebounding departments." Hough, who became the first Lady

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Miner basketball player to ever be named to the All-MlAA squad, averaged 16.9 points and 11.0 rebounds per gam'e in 1985-86. She is noted by the NCAA News as one of the top returning players in the NCAA Division II. Mullins scored 14.1 points and grabbed 5.4 rebounds per game, and was an honorable mention member of the All-MlAA squad. Other returnees for the Lady Miners are guards Melissa Warfield, Mary Pudlowski and Liz Haning, along with forwards Sandra Vaughn and Justina Robinson and center T onya Clemons. ' Top newcomer for the Lady Miners is 5-10 freshman Jennifer Cordes, a first-team all-stater from Lutheran North High School in St. Louis , Cordes, named "North County Miss Basketball" by the St. Louis media last season, could make an immediate impact on the Miner lineup. "She will have some adjustments to make in switching to collegiate basketball, but it will not be long before the MlAA is aware of her talents," Ortelee said. "She has the chance to be a great player." Other Miner newcomers are Lutheran North teammate Colette

Neal, Rolla native (and former Southwest Missouri State guard) Dianna Pasley, and St. Louis (RosatiKain) center Stephanie Zink. What do the Lady Miners need to do to improve over last year's performances? "If we drastically cut down on our turnovers, things will be much improved," Ortelee said, "We averaged 24 turnovers per game last season, and you are not going to win very often if you do that." The biggest question mark for the Miners remains the lack bf a ,true center with experience, but the team has better overall size this season and should improve on the boards, "We simply have better quality athletes this season," Ortelee said , "I would hope that we would surprise a few people this year, and continue to improve ," Ortelee sees Southeast Missouri State as the team to beat, with always tough Central Missouri State next in line, "The MlAA is always very rugged, and we face perhaps our toughest schedule ever this season," she noted, "We play two NCAA Division 1 teams along with our league competition, so it will be a very challenging year."

Top Swimmers ... .. UMR tear.n captains Martin Rodseth, left, and Danny Mattie, right, pose prior to this season's opening meet against UMSL. The Miners ripped the Rivermen in the opener, and hope to do well in 1986-87 despite losing 10 seniors from last year's national power. The Miners finished eighth in the NCAA II Nationals last season, the highest finish in the school's history.

Miners End Football Season on Losing Note A variety of turnovers and inconsistency in the kicking game stopped UMR Nov. 15 in a 30-20 loss to visiting Grand Valley State. The loss ended UMR's regular season at 5-6 overall and 2-3 in the MIAA. UMR led the Lakers 14-7 early in the third quarter, before a 21-point Grand Valley fourth quarter rallied the Allendale, Mich. , team. The Miners lost four fumbles , had one interception and two bad center snaps on a punt and a field goal attempt. "You can't make those kind of mistakes and win," said UMR head coach ·Charlie Finley. "I was disappointed that we did not end the season with a win, but we did have an outstanding effort on the field. That is about as hard as our players have hit all year. " Despite the loss, UMR produced an exciting season in 1986, breaking a number of long-standing team and individual records, The Miners broke the following marks: • Single season-individual-Jim Zacny kicked 30 point-aftertouchdowns (breaking the old record of 29 set by George Stock in 1983); Brad Haug threw for 15 touchdown passes (breaking the old record of 13 set by Pat Godwin in 1970). • Career-individual-Zacny now has 21 field goals (old record of 17 was held by Craig Thomas-1979-82, and Tom Rosenauer-1975-78). • Single game-team-In the Lincoln University game this season, the following team records fell: most rushing attempts (78), total first downs (32) and most yards rushing (467).

• Season-team- Points scored-291 (old record was 267 in 1978); touchdowns passing-16 (old record was 15 in 1970) and first downs-209 (old record was 207 in 1970 and 1977). "Our team was very young and inexperienced this season, and with that you are going to get some mistakes," Finley said. "But I thought the team played hard, gave us a good effort and should improve during the riext few years."

The 1986 MIAA football team was selected Nov. 18 by the conference coaches, with Miner offensiveLguard Eric Wiegand becoming the first player in league history to gain firstteam honors four straight years. Weigand, a 6-3, 260-pound senior, was joined on the first-team by fellow offensive performer Ron Reimer. Reimer, a sophomore receiver,

caught 40 passes for more than 750 yards and seven touchdowns. Second-team members for the Miners were placekicker Jim Zacny, linebacker John Hentges and defensive backs Lloyd Flowers and Vernon Huggans. Honorable mention Miners wer'e quarterback Brad Haug, fullback Tom Reed, and defensive backs Tony Kaczmarek and Rip Stringer.

UMR sophomore running back Mike Vehige (38) runs for a big gain against SE Missouri. Vehige was UMR's second-leading rusher in 1986, gaining MIAA "Player-of-the-Week" honors one week.

Resume of Games-Second Half of Season Oct. 11 at Northwest MissouriThe best defensive effort of the season paced the Miners to a 13-3 win over the Bearcats. Haug passed to Greg Suellentrop for one touchdown, and Mike Vehige added a IS-yard run to give the Miners an easy win. Northwest Missouri gained only 46 yards on the ground, and could muster only a 32-yard field goal. Oct. 17 vs. Southeast MissouriThe Indians defeated UMR 30-12 to ruin the 1986 Homecoming. UMR's offense sputtered, as a pair of Zacny field goals and a touchdown pass from Haug to Don Brumm were the only

Miner scoring. The Indians used the speed of Anthony Jackson to score three touchdowns. Oct. 25 vs. Lincoln-UMR set four records while rolling over Lincoln 53-6 in a Parents' Day contest. Tom Reed led a rushing attack with 118 yards and three touchdowns, as the Miners rushed for a team-record 467 yards. The Miners also were tough on defense, allowing only 16 yards on the ground and 46 in the air. The win gave the Miners a 5-3 overall record and a 2-2 mark in the MIAA. Nov. 1 vs. Southwest BaptistUMR blew a 10-0 halftime lead to lose

a 13-10 game to the Bearcats. Turnovers were the story for the Miners, as four fumbles lost and two interceptions led to all the Southwest Baptist scoring. UMR still received a solid effort from Vehige, who ran for 115 yards and one touchdown. He was voted MIAA "Player-of-the-Week" for his efforts. Nov. 8 at Northeast MissouriThe Miners lost their MIAA finale 3021 , falling short on a second-half comeback. Roketi Esau's running and Russell Evans' receiving abilities were too much for the Miners to handle, as Northeast Missouri rolled up 430

offensive yards. Venige was again the lone offensive star, rushing for 120 yards. The Miners watched their record sink to 5-5 overall and finish at 2-3 in the MIAA. Nov. 15 vs. Grand Valley StateUMR lost to the 17th-ranked team in the NCAA II, dropping a 30-20 game to the Lakers. The loss dropped the Miners to 5-6 overall and represented the team's first losing season in 10 years. Turnovers again plagued UMR, but the game featured the Miners in their hardest-hitting effort of the 1986 season. Haug ended a tremendous season with a 14-27, 143-yard effort.

Julie Board runs in NCAA II Cross Country Nationals For the second time in UM-Rolla history, a member of the women's cross country team qualified for the NCAA II National Championship. Julie Board, a junior from Independence, Mo . (Truman High School), qualified for nationals with a time of 19:19 during the Great Lake Regionals held at Central Missouri State. Board's time was the fourth-best overall, and the' third-best time of an indi-

vidual not on the first-place team. (The NCAA qualifies one team, and the top three individuals not on that squad). J an Hierholzer qualifed for the Miners in 1982, finishing eighth overall. At the NCAA II Nationals competition, held Nov. 22 in Riverside, Calif., Board finished 35 out of 99 cross country qualifiers. Her time was 18:20, a personal best ever record.

"I am thrilled for Julie, as she has worked very hard this season and has put together a great year," said Sarah Preston, Lady Miner cross country coach. The UMR men did not qualify any individuals for the national meet, with Kurt Whittet (13th) and Tim Swinfard (15th) the top two finishers for Coach Dewey Allgood's ~quad.

Julie Board

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Student Activities AIChE Chapter Honored The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) student chapter at UMR has been selected an outstanding student chapter for the 1985-86 school year. This is the fifth consecutive year that UMR has won this award_ The award recognizes student membership, student and faculty participation, quality and quantity of the chapter's meetings and activities and the chapter's involvement in local, regional and national events.

UMR Triathlon Area triathletes recently competed in a grueling contest which included a 500-yard swim,.a 16 mile bicycle course, and a five-kilometer run. The third annual UM-Rolla triathlon was sponsored by the Student Union Board and area businesses. The contest was held Oct. 4, and led participants on a course through Rolla and the surrounding countryside. Although the race was open to UMR students, as well as friends of the university, it is fitting that UMR senior Steve Arnold took first place overall. His wife, Lori, a former UMR

student, took first place in the womenover-25 category. Other winners included Stephen Guck, men 25 and under; Mark Keilman, men over 25; and Ann Cochran , women 25 and under. Team winners included: for men-Cris Stange, Lynn Heetmann, and Bruce Berwick; for women-Cynthia Parker, Suzanne Mueller, and Karla Reschino. Besides sore muscles and a good workout, all participants received a free tee shirt and water bottle. Additional prizes were donated by Key Sports Shop and Pedal Power Cyclery.

Arni Rafnsson

Graduate Student From Iceland In Civil Engineering Arni Rafnsson, of Reykjavik, Iceland, is a graduate student in the civil engineering department at UMR thanks to a Rotary Foundation Scholarship_ "I would no't have had the opportunity to be a student at UMR had it not been for that scholarship," said Rafnsson _ Rafnsson, who is working on his M.S. degree in the area of geotechnical engineering at UMR, said, "The Rotary Foundation Scholarship gave me the opportunity to choose from a number of excellent institutions to attend. After discussing all of the options available to me, I was convinced that UMR could provide me with a quality education I would need to help me later in my career," he said. "My only problem has been the difference in our languages," Rafnsson explained. "But, I'm overcoming that obstacle very quickly _" Rafnsson, who received his B.S. degree in civil engineering from the University of Iceland, said he is thinking of working toward a Ph.D_degree in civil engineering at UMR before returning to Iceland. "I plan to work as a consulting engineer in Reykjavik after I return home," he said. Rafnsson currently resides with his wife and three children in Rolla. J . Kent Roberts, professor emeritus of civil engineering at UMR, said, "The Rotary Foundation Scholarship, which is supported by Rotary International, is a valuable scholarship and provides young people like Arni Rafnsson with the opportunity to study in a foreign country. "It also promotes international understanding and good will between the people of different countries," he added. 'This is the second such scholarship to be awarded to a student from Iceland," he said_

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SWE Conference "Engineering: To Recognize and Master Challenges," a conference for women interested in engineering as a career, was presented by the UMR chapter of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Oct. 31. High school students, their counselors and teachers were invited to attend the annual conference at UMR. The conference is designed to explain various fields of engineering and opportunities that are available to the students. Engineering professors and students, as well as professional women engineers, spoke at the conference and were available to answer questions and provide counseling. Among the speakers were representatives of the St. Louis professional chapter of the Society of Women Engineers who conducted a panel discussion on women in engineering, and . Lisa Gallagher, '81, '83, of St. Louis. Joanne Kausch, St. Louis, a UMR sophomore in metallurgical engineering, is SWE vice president and was chairman of the conference.

Pershing Rifles Win National Meet The UM-Rolla Army ROTC Pershing Rifles recently won the National Tactics meet at Fort Leonard Wood. UMR was one of seven teams to compete. The competition consisted of a onehour written exam of basic military skills and 10 hours of basic hands-on training. The cadets were also tested on their leadership abilities in handling various military situations and on their familiarity with the Army's basic weapons_ The meet was sponsored by the Ki10-7 Company of Rolla _

Annual Mine Rescue Contest The student team representing the UM-Rolla placed third in the fourth annual UMR/ Missouri Mine Rescue Contest held this fall at UMR's experimental mine. The team representing Cominco American, Inc_, Viburnum, won the event while the team representing St. Joe Minerals Corp_, Viburnum, placed second. Fourth place went to the team from the American Salt Company (Division of Cudahy Cool, Kansas, and fifth place went to the team representing Georgia Pacific Corporation (Gypsum Division), Kansas. Teams also represented Carey Salt (Division of Processed Minerals Inc_), Independent Salt Company, International Salt Company (a part of Akzona, Inc_), and Pea Ridge Iron Ore

COO, Inc. The contest, which is for non-coal mines, is sponsored by UMR, the Mine Safety and Health Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor and the Missouri Division of Labor Standards. In the contest, members of each team take written examinations on a rules and regulations manual and each team is then required to solve a problem based on a simulated mining disaster. The teams are judged on their test scores, how closely they observe proper procedures and how well and how quickly they complete the problem. The contest is a continuing education activity of the UMR School of Mines and Metallurgy_

UMR Army ROTC Wins National Award The Association of the United States Army (AUSA) has named the Capt. Sylvan K. Bradley Memorial Company (Army ROTC) at UMR winner of its national competition for "Best Overall Meetings" among ROTC units at colleges and universities throughout the United States_ The award was presented at AU SA's annual meeting in Washington, D.C. in October. . In addition, the company also received honorable mention ratings for

"Largest Company" and "Most Active Company" and commendable performance ratings for "Best Activities to Assist the ROrC unit" and "Best Activities to Improve Members' Military Qualifications_" AUSA is a private, non-profit, educational organization whose members, civilian and military, join in supporting all aspects of national security with emphasis on the total force Army and especially on the men and women who serve_

Zeta Tau Alpha House Dedication The Eta Theta chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority at UMR held a house dedication ceremony Saturday, Oct. 18, (homecoming weekend) at the Zeta Tau Alpha House, 204 E_ 12 St. The dedication celebrated the completion of a five-year construction plan that resulted in combining two adja-

cent houses. The new house now can serve 50 women_ The UMR Eta Theta chapter of the national Zeta Tau Alpha organization received its charter in 1973. This year there are 65 active members in the sorority_

Faculty Activities UMR Recognizes Outstanding Teachers of 1985-86 Outstanding teachers for 1985-86 at UM-Rolla have been announced by the Committee for Effective T eachiflg and Faculty Awards. Twenty-two teaching award winners have been identified by the committee on the basis of student evaluations of the teaching faculty . Awards were presented at the November General

Faculty meeting. Those named outstanding teachers are: William Andrews, civil engineering; Donald Askeland, metallurgical . engineering; Wayne Bledsoe, history; Lawrence Christensen, history; Jackey Edwards, military science (Army ROTC); Ronald Fannin, electrical engineering; Nord Gale, life

sciences; Sam Geonetta, speech; Francis Haemmerlie, psychology; Lance Haynes, speech; John Kincaid, civil engineering; Leonard Koederitz, petroleum engineering; Ian Littlewood, physics; David Oglesby, engineering mechanics; Jack Ridley, history; Oliver Sitton, chemical engineering; Norman Smith, mining engineering;

and Whang-Zong Wu, engineering mechanics. Robin Deister, geological engineering; Michael Hilgers, mathematics; James Highfill, engineering management; and Dietrich Kuhlmann, mathematics, were named outstanding graduate teaching assistants.

Amoco Foundation Award Established in 1966, this award recognizes excellence in the teaching of undergraduates by senior staff.

Don Askeland Professor of Metallurgical Enginee~ing Don Askeland received a BA. and an M.s. degree in engineering science from Dartmouth College and his Ph.D. degree in metallurgical engineering in 1970 from the University of Michigan. He joined the UMR faculty in 1970 as an assistant professor and was made a full professor in 1982. He has served as adviser to the UMR student chapter of the American Foundrymen's Society for the past 15 years and is an accomplished metal sculptor. Don has received four UMR outstanding teacher awards and was the AMOCO Foundation Outstanding Teaching Award recipient in 1983. Chancellor Jischke, left, presents the Amoco check to Askeland at the Homecoming Awards Banquet.

Ronald E. Olson Named Curators' Professor of Physics Dr. Ronald E. Olson, professor of physics at UM-Rolla and director of UMR's Laboratory for Atomic and Molecular Research, was named a University of Missouri Curators' Professor of physics at the October UM Board of Curators meeting. The professorship is awarded to outstanding scholars with established

Ronald E. Olson- '

reputations in their professions. Olson is internationally known for his research work in the area of theoretical and computational physics involving reactions between atoms and molecules. Dr. Ralph W. Alexander Jr., chairman and professor of physics at UMR, said, "Dr. Olson's research is essential to the basic understanding of a variety of problems that include chemical reactions in the upper atmosphere, the development of X-ray lasers and the development of nuclear fusion reactors. "As an example, calculations performed by Olson and his students have demonstrated that neutral beam heating would work in fusion reactors. "Such heating is necessary to obtain the extremely high temperatures (100 million degrees) needed to operate those reactors," he continued. The Atomic and Molecular Research Laboratory, which Olson directs, provides a focus for UMR faculty members doing research in atomic and molecular science. The laboratory is one of the largest university groups in the country doing . research in the area of molecular and atomic physics, providing 's tructure


for formal cooperative programs, group funding, and other collective¡ scientific activities, according to Alexander. Research conducted in this laboratory has helped lead to the discovery of reactions between ions and atoms that produce soft X-rays, included work in optical pumping, helped foster the development of instruments used on "sub chasers" and identified reactions that are important in determining gas pressures necessary to produce population inversions in intense laser sources. Alexander explained that the complex nature of the research done by Olson and his graduate and undergraduate students has required them to use sophisticated equipment inside and outside the University of Missouri. "To obtain effective research figures needed by reactor and accelerator designers, extensive calculations are required," said Alexander. "In addition to the computers available in the UMR Computer Center and through the UM Computer Network, Olson and his students utilize supercomputers, located at the U.S. Department of Energy's Livermore Laboratory in California." This super-

computer (CRA Y) time is obtained by Olson from DOE and amounts to 200 hours each year. Olson also has performed research with collaborators in France, West Germany, the Netherlands and Japan. He has been a visiting scientist at the Center for Nuclear Studies in Saclay, France (1975 and 1986) and at the University of Bielefeld, West Germany (1980). Presently, he has a joint National Science Foundation grant with colleagues in Tokyo and Nagoya, Japan. Before joining the UMR fac ulty in 1981, Olson served as manager of the Atomic Collision Program at Stanford Research Institute in Melo Park, Calif. He received his B.A. degree in mathematics and chemistry from the University of Wisconsin in 1964 and his Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry from Purdue University in 1967. Olson is the author of more than 120 refereed scientific articles and scholarly publications and, since arriving at UMR, has directed grants and research contracts totaling more than $1.3 million. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and is a Senior Fulbright Fellow to France.

MSM Alumnus123

Alumni Profile Russell Bookout is a mechanical engineering graduate, Class of 1979. Although he had been an active band member in high school, he didn't participate much in UMR's music activities until Assistant Professor of Music Joel Krammer began the formation of UMR's Collegium Musicum. Russell became an enthusiastic member of the group and his interest in the field of Renaissance or "early" music has grown. He joined TRW's Reda Division after graduation and is now a development engineer for the company. He works in new product development; mechanical design area, i.e., pumps, motors and protectors; provides manufacturing support, presentations for marketing; and reviews manufacturing processes. The foljowing is reprinted from the November, 1986, issue of the Reda News, published by the Reda Pump Division of TRW Energy Products Group, Bartlesville, Okla.

Music Man Robert Preston brought 'The Music Man" to life on Broadway. Closer to home, the role is played by Russell Bookout, and there's not a trombone in sight. As a development engineer at Reda, Bookout's high-tech work world centers on blueprints, motors, protectors, and computer printouts. After hours however, his interests shift to lutes" viols and other instruments popular hundreds of years ago. Bookout's special interest is "early" music, or compositions dating from the Renaissance period, between 1300 to 1600. "I enjoy playing Renaissance music because there is less specialization than in modern music. A typical program may include everything from street music, such as the folk song, 'Greensleeves,' to high church masses," he says. "Some of it is very complex with up to 40 individual melody lines for different voices." Bookout's musical interests began in high school where he played a number of brass instruments as well as classical guitar. His attention focused on early music during his student days at the University of Missouri at Rolla. "We formed a small group of lute and recorder players. In the past seven years the group has grown to about 30 people and has expanded to include a greater variety of early instruments. " Bookout returned to Rolla last year as a guest artist with the university orchestra performing Vivaldi's Concerto for Solo Mandolino. "This is a piece in the Baroque style which was developed in the 1600 and 1700's. The Rolla concert was one of the few times the composition has been performed in America on the instrument it was written for, which gives audiences a much better idea of what the music is really like." Over the years, Bookout's instrument collection has grown to a point where he's "lost count of how many I own." He has also lost track of the number he can play. "My three favorites are the lute, bass viol de Gamba and alto recorder," says Bookout. He also plays the treble and tenor viols, theorbo, Baroque guitar, cittern, mandolino, and many different recorders and wind instruments. "It's really not that difficult to play them all," he claims. "Many winds have the same fingering and if you learn two sets of notes for each, you are able to play the whole family of instruments. "

24/MSM Alumnus

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Bookout practices an hour or more each day in addition to weekly rehearsals with the Westron Wynde Earlye Musick Consort. The six-member group plays two major concerts in Bartlesville each year and has also performed in Tulsa, Oklahoma City and Kansas City at many Renaissance Festivals and madrigal dinners. Because most evenings and week-

ends are devoted to music, it's no surprise that vacations are dedicated to his hobby, too. Last summer he attended two workshops, one in Philadelphia and the other in England. "The study session in England is held on a huge country estate mg.intained by a foundation dedicated to preserving arts and crafts of the period. "Students gather here from all

over the world to study, and it's an incredible experience. No phones, no radios and no TV. Time stands still, and you're immersed in a culture that existed some 400 years ago. It's a world unto itself." A harmonious world filled with beautiful music and distinctive instruments- which is exactly the way Russell Bookout likes it.


Alumni Personals 1926


Notice has been received of the October 1986 death of Dryden Hodge. At MSM , Dryden was a member of AlEE . He received a B.S. in electrical engineering and later wen t on to earn an M.S. in business administration from Harvard. Dryden retired from the U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps in 1955 after 28 years of service. He came out of retirement to work as an administrative engineer of the underseas division, Westinghouse Electric Corp. Defense and Space Center.

E_ Jefferson Crum writes: "This is sort of a memorial to "Boots" Clayton, "Cap" Hanley, and Dave Walsh_ I was one of four Met. graduates in 1929 -a vintage year!" Jeff lives at 200 Rugby Court, Arnold, MD 21012.

The death of William J. Jabsen on Sept. 7, 1986, has been reported by Allen J_ Reid, '32, of Tucson, Ariz. At MSM William was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha, St. Pat's Board, and the basketball team his senior year. He received his B.S. degree in metallurgical engineering. Following graduation he worked for Caterpillar Tractor Co., and Bliss & Laughlin as a metallurgist and sales e ngineer. In 1944 he became metallurgist and sales manager for Kalamazoo Steel Process Co. , Mich . William retired as president of Kalamazoo Steel Treating Co. in 1967 because of failing eyesight. He is survived by his wife, Helen, 4822 Ocean Blvd., Apt. 4D, Sarasota, FL 34242.

1930 Edward T. Regenhardt writes: "Married on Oct. 3,1986 to Wilma Harrison . New address is 1063 Greta St., EI Cajon, CA 92021."

1934 1986 Rollamo

Richard J. Dobson writes: "This past summer was too busy to celebrate my 51st year in the oil business. This activ1932 ity involved the startup of a new ven1927 O. M. Andres has retired as president ture, Floyd Oil Co., of which I am execFrank K Seydler is the director and of Tri-State Engineering Co., Benton, utive vice president. We represent instimanager of a 15-man dance band. The Ill. He and Bernice now live at 5034 Boca tutional investors in the acquisitions of band plays in the Grosse Pointe area _ producing oil and gas properties and Chico Blvd. , Boonsville, TX 78521. Recent engagements included the nahave just funded the first year's protional meetinQ of General Patton's army gram. My wife has accepted the direc1931 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel and an ABCtorship of the c.J. Jung Educational WXYZ television station performance. Ralph C. Graham died Oct. 20, accordStuart L. Davis, USAF retired, writes: Center in Houston where she has a priFrank and Elizabeth live at 1041 N. ing to a note from his wife Mary V. vate practice as a psychoanalyst. All Oxford Road, Grosse Pointe, MI 48236. (Gene) Graham, 3655 Wickersham "Spent two months at summer home in Eagle Head, Nova Scotia to escape Flor- this has hampered our travel but we Lane, Houston, TX 77027. At MSM ida heat. Plan to attend 55th graduation have managed trips to Russia, China Ralph was a member of Sigma Nu, ceremony at MSM next year (1987) . and many European countries in the band, senior council and the athletic Hope many of my classmates will join past couple of years. I had lunch recently association (business manager). He reme and my new bride." Stuart lives at with Bob Brackbill, '42, here attending ceived his degree in mining engineering 332 Kent Drive, Cocoa Beach, FL 32931. the annual API Convention. I frequently with a petroleum option. He began his see and imbibe with Bill Kent and career working in the oil business in Lavern Olafson, both '43. Gary Oklahoma and later in Illinois, CaliforWard, '81, is an evaluation engineer in nia, Washington, D.C., and Texas_ He our new firm. I hope to return when the joined T~nnessee Gas and TransmisSigma Nus dedicate their new house sion Co_ following World War II, and 1928 or for my 60th reunion. Or sometime!'; retired in 1962 as president of Tenneco Dick lives at 9436 Briar Forest, HousTed Herman writes: "We enjoy pretty Oil Co. He served as a director of more ton, TX 77063 . . good golf, bridge and health, and I am than six companies and was a consulthankful for my schooling at Rolla and tant to ITT. He was active in profesam proud of my university. Again, I sional and civic organizations, especially congratulate the management in all Boy Scouts and Little League. In addiphases at Rolla." Ted and Audrey live at tion to his wife, he is survived by two 1933 649 W. EI Morado Court, Ontario, CA sons, David, '43, and Robert, '47, both Notice of the death of Thorpe Dresser 91762. of Houston, Texas. on Oct. 22, 1986, has been received 1935 from his son, Tom. At MSM Thorpe Donnell W. Dutton writes: "All's well, was a member of Triangle fraternity , the no change. " Donnell and Ruth live at 51 Ira Remsen Society, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Burdetts Road N.W. , Atlanta, GA 30327. Kappa Phi, tennis club , glee club, and the Miner Board. He was in the upper fifth of his freshman class and was 1936 awarded the Tau Beta Pi slide rule for F. W. Arnold Jr., was unable to attend being the highest ranking . ~ale in the Homecoming activities. He sends this freshman class. Thorpe received a B.S. update. "Am just out of hospital so will degree in chemical engineering. After not be able to make the trip . Please graduation he attended Rensselaer Colchange my address to 1222 Hilldale Cirlege, Troy, N.Y. In the late 1930s he cle, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701." worked in the development department, Sinclair Refining Co., East Chicago, Ind. He was later promoted to senior chemical engineer in the research and development department. In the mid-1970s Thorpe retired and became a consultant. In addition to his son, he is sur1937 vived by his wife, Mrs. Thorpe Dresser, 9 E. Santa Belia, Green Valley, AZ Sam Post lives at 18901 Lakeside Drive Belton, MO 64012. ' 85614. 1986 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus125

Alumni Personals

1986 RoUamo

1938 C. Prouty writes: "I retired from the Michigan State University department of geological science in July 1985. I am professor emeritus and am continuing studies on application of the shear model to exploration in the Michigan Basin for oil and gas. Together with Joe Clair, '38, (deceased), I believe we were the first to receive M.S. degrees in geology at Missouri School of Mines." Chilton lives at 4690 Kingswood Drive, Okemos, MI 48864.




Rex Alford writes: " Retired (from Conoco) June 1, 1986. Will remain in Houston; playing tennis, golf, and catch· ing up on all the neglected house repairs ." Rex and June live at 5743 J ason, Houston, TX 77096.

Sam Kurtz writes: "Passed through Rolla last summer· got lost on the campus. Picked up a real estate brochure, those prices sure look great. Wish the weather was kinder to us old folks . The town looked great except the hill com· ing in town looks naked without the Pennant." Sam and Martha live at 8597 Pendleton Drive, Roseville, CA 9566l.

J ohn D. McClendon writes: "Retired December 1981 after 11 years with Motor Vehicle Emission Control, CH Air Resources Board. Served 13 years with Rocketdyne Divison, Rockwell, with an active part in Apollo moon landing program. Three years with uranium isotope separation plant at Piketon, Ohio. Simultaneously was C.O. of a Naval Reserve Division in Portsmouth, OhiQ. Served as naval officer in WWII and Korean War. Between wars worked as a radio-chemist at Los Alamos Scientific Lab. 1941-42, worked in Production War Gases at Edgewood Arsenal , Md . Also retired as a captain, U.S. Navy Reserve. " John lives at 220 S. Church St., Montesano, WA 98563.

Walter Gammeter Jr., writes: '1n late August we purchased a home in Kettering' Ohio, as we decided it would be nice to live near our daughter and her family. We are content, healthy and enjoying life." Walter is retired from Alcoa. He and Grace now live at 2109 Westlawn Drive, Kettering, OH 45440.

Jack W. Moore writes: "I retired December 1982 from m-PGS (Flo- . ridin) after 41 years. After 47 years have reestablished contact with Bill Pearl, '39, chemical engineering, and Carl Zvanut, '41, chemical engineering. Have maintained regular contact with 1941 . Bob Runyan, '39, chemical engineerHermann F . Bottcher is now presiing." Jack lives at 1841 Concord Drive Allison Park, PA 151Ol. . , dent of Ballykeeran Imports Ltd. He and Margaret live at 517 Indian Hills Drive, Hastings, MI 49058. John R. Post writes: "At age 70 consider me unemployed. Sorry I can't make Homecoming '87 - am affected with myoneuron dysfunction of the legs Arthur W. Retzel writes: "This may be (similar to Lou Gehrig's disease) . Would my last few months prior to 'full retirerather make, if possible, St. Pat's '88, ment' to a part time consulting comthe 50th anniversary of my being St. Pat pany for sales and marketing of techniof '38. At homecoming you only see old cal products. May move in the spring to #I@*!. At a 50th St. Pat's anniversary, I a new house?? Rolla?? O riginally plancan mix with youngsters and tell them ned to retire fall 1986. Now will form how much better St. Pat's was back Engineered Sales Co. with my niece then. Besides at St. Pat's I'd get an indi- who is a computer genius, not dumb like vidual tour of the department." John me. Prefer work to a rocking chair! " Iives.at 4567 Prospect, Littleton, CO Arthur lives at 2 Kensington Road, Madison, NJ 07940. 80123.

26/MSM Alumnus

J . W. Zoller is now a consultant in Denver, Colo. He and Margaret have moved to 11 Windover Road, Littleton, CO 8012l.

1945 Edwin W. Blase has retired from Cor· dis Corp., Miami, Fla . He lives at 908 N. Doral Lane, Venice, FL 33595.


Orville L. Meyer writes: "Retired Sept. 12th after almost 29 years as director of environmental health, DuPage County Everett W. and CaUie Sharp live at Health Department. Plan to remain 3711 W. Gulf Drive, Sanibel, FL 33957. active in several professional associa· He writes: "Callie and I recently moved tions, play golf as weather permits, do to this Florida island, although I am still some fishing, and, hopefully, travel. working for BMI-Refractories on an as- Might do some consulting work if full needed basis, with frequent trips to retirement gets too dull." Orville lives at headquarters in Pittsburg and BMI 27W 005 Embden Lane, Wheaton, IL Refractory plants. Enjoying the Florida 60187. sunshine and leisure. Would welcome seeing old friends."


David Andrew Wickler is the president of NDdoBrasil S.A. Dave and Catherine live at Rua Alexandre Dumas 2420, Sao Paulo, Brazil, SP, 04717. . __ ._ ",,-

Roy H. Boyd writes: "Retired from Bureau of Reclamation (Department of the Interior) after 40-plus years of service - primarily project planning and pro· ject operations. I was stationed in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and Washington, D.C. The last 24 years were in Washington, D.C." Roy now lives at 5013 N. 33rd St. , Arlington, VA 22207.

1947 Notice of the death of Cecil C. Bailie has been received. He died Feb. 4, 1986. At MSM Cecil received his B.S. degree in mining engineering. After graduation he was an office engineer and then chief engineer for Old Ben Coal Corp., Benton, Ill. In the late 1970s Cecil was 1944 named vice president, engineering, of C. Alfred Dick writes: "I sell radio and Sohio-Old Ben Coal. He retired in the TV stations. Bill Hubbard, chemical early 1980s. Cecil is survived by his engineer, from the Class of '44, and I brother, Keith, '47, and his wife, Franown an AM/ FM radio station in Cum- ces, 8989 Escalante, Tucson, AZ 85730. berland, Md. Bill is a "top executive" with Mobay Chemical Corp. in Baltimore. " Alfred is the owner of Business Broker Associates . He lives at 399 Elmer W. Belew is now the director of Somerville Ave ., Chattanooga, TN public works for the city of Creve Coeur, Mo . He and Gloria live at 2036 37405. Trailcrest Lane, No . 2, Kirkwood, MO 63122. James D. Dowd is the technical director, advertising and manufacturing re- The Alumni Association has' been notisearch development, Alcoa Laborato· fied of the death of Reo E. Goodwin on ries. He and Norma live at 824 15th St. , Nov. 16, 1984. At MSM he was an N. Y.A. assistant for the geology departOakmont, PA 15139. ment' a member of the Tech Club, Engineers Club, Blue Key, SAM.E., J . Richard Hansen writes: "As of Sept. Missouri Mines and Metallurgy (Presi9, 1986, I have been with Westinghouse dent), Theta Tau, and ROTC. He reElectric Corp., R&D Center, for 40 ceived his B.S. degree in mining engiyears. I expe!=t to retire early in 1987." neering with a geology option. After Richard is a senior research scientist graduation he worked for Seaboard Oil with the firm. He and Mercedes live at Co. until the late 1950's when he be1462 Jefferson Heights, Pittsburgh, PA came self-employed as a consulting pet15235. roleum geologist in Midland, Texas.




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Alumni Personals 1947 continued Thomas R. Pierce is retired but continues to farm. He and Enzema live on Route 8, Sparta, TN 38583.

Alanson Dale Topping writes: "My wife and I celebrated our 40th anniversary Aug. 28, 1986, two days after moving into 'the kind of house she'd always wanted' in Roswell." The Toppings live at 250 Saddle Horn Circle, Roswell, GA 30076-1041.


)il e.


Frank W. Ries, '50, '83, has been elected president and chief executive officer of the newly formed Stone & Webster Engineering Group Inc. It is the parent company of Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. and Stone and Webster Overseas Group. Frank has been president of Stone & Webster Enginee ring Corp ., a Boston-based engineering construction firm, since 1982. During his career with the company, which began in 1951, he has held a number of construction-management and executive positions. He is also a registered professional engineer. Frank lives at 16 William J Heights, Framingham, MA 01701. Carl E. Zerweck Jr. writes: "I retired on Jan . 21, 1985, after 31 years of employment with the Federal Government. My wife Jean and I will continue to live in St. Louis but spend the summers at our mountain home in Colorado. We also plan to travel and stay involved in community activities." Carl and Jean live at 1818 Walnutway Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146.

Eugene F. Hohlfelder is manager construction/ central services for Alcoa. He and Gloria now live at 1 Riverwood Place, Maumelle, AR 72118.

Gerald N. Keller is now a self-employed geophysical consultant. He and Mary Jo live at 10314 Pine Pass, Houston, TX 77070, which is also his business address.

W. A. "Bill" Koederitz is now a chief resource engineer at CNG Producing Co., New Orleans, La. He and Mary Ann live at 795 Heritage Ave., Gretna, LA 70056. \ Eugene F. Kolb writes: "Sorry I missed the 35-year homecoming!" Eugene is senior project engineer for Bendix Communications. He and Eunice live at 12118 Jerusalem Road, Kingsville, MD 21087.

1950 1948 Comer C. Haley writes: "I encircled the campus on May 31,1986, and went to a wedding at the Church of Christ, Route E, near the UMR maintenance building. I was in town four hours and did not get on campus. I read that Catherine Jenks, of my high school days in Rolla, is still there - also Rod Schaffer of _ the mechanics department. The last EE I knew there was .G. Skitek." Comer retired from Westinghouse June 1, 1983 - after 36 years as a Westinghouse engineer, 32 years were spent in tap changer work. In 1983, he received the Westinghouse Engineering Achievement Award for field service to customers and in 1984 he received one of the IEEE Centennial Medals. Comer still does field consultation and assists on load tap changers. He receives his mail at R.D . No. 7, Box 7684, 10295 lamor Road, Mercer, PA 16137.

LeRoy Kienitz writes: "I am retired and plan to attend a Homf!coming soon." LeRoy and Irma live at 503 Belleisle Road, Georgetown, SC 29440.

Robert T. Kracht writes: "Retired Jan. 1, 1986. Still doing nothing. Restoring old Jag, golfing, do whatever time, patience and money permits." Robert and Carole live at 101 Wexford Way, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920.

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Wilbert F. Stoecker, '48, '79, has been awarded the 1986 Hall-Thermotank Gold Medal by the British Institute of Refrigeration. This award is given annually in recognition of significant international contributions to the field of refrigeration . The gold medal and a prize of 1,000 British pounds were presented at the meeting of the International Institute of Refrigeration held at Purdue University in August. He is to present a lecture to the Institute in London in January 1987. Wilbert lives at 1506 S. Maple St., Urbana, IL 61801.

Harold G. Moe writes: "I took second place in swimming the 100 meter and 400 meter races at the Senior Olympics. Three months' practice isn't enough to compete well against over-aged fanatics." Harold lives at 1819 Rose Hill Road, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068.

.Earl A. Bage writes: "As vice chairman of the St. Louis section, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, have planned a campaign to promote robust attendance by the RollaASME student chapter members - in both the campus program and in the St. Louis meetings." Earl is president of Turn-Key Manufacturing Systems. He and Carolyn live at 482 Manorcrest, Ballwin, MO 63011. Laurel D. Berger writes: "Enjoying retirement. Keeping active in engineering with part-time employment with Vollmer Associates and ISPE activities." Laurel and Mary live at 804 Dale Ave., .O'Fallon, IL 62269. Robert F. Burke writes: "Retired U.S. Air Force. Now associate professor, geology (remote sensing), part time at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio." Robert lives at 1828 Hillrose Place, Fairborn, OH 45324. Joseph E .. Hallemann writes: "Retirement is very rewarding with grandchildren. Travel with the Friendship Force of Missouri and do volunteer work." Joseph and Mary Ann live at 295W St. Anthony Lane, Florissant, MO 63031.


Marion John Norton writes: "Advanced to plant engineer for Morton Thiokol Co., Huntsville, Ala. " Marion lives at 1808 Eastwood Drive S.E., Decatur, AL 35601.

Robert B. Barrow was unable to attend Ho~'ecoming' activities but sends this update. "Retired from Pratt & Whitney Aircraft two years ago . Now cruise along New England shore on our sailboat. Have two grandchildren." Robert lives at 116 Dublin Hill ~oad, Higganum, CT06441.

Donald J. Dawling Jr., is now manufacturing product manager for Buckeye Cellulose. He and Kathleen live at 5169 Rich Road, Memphis, TN 38117.

C. Ronald Ferry writes: "My youngest daughter, Patty, was married in June. " Ron and Nora live at 11310 Pecan Creek Drive, Houston, TX 77043. He is the proprietor of The Ferron Co.

1952 Melvin C. Hockenbury writes: "Re· tired from federal service in 1980 after 36 years as metallurgist, ordnance design engineer and technical program manager at Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, N.J. Consultant to Battelle Columbus Labs, 1983-86, as research scientist in ordnance technology section. Now per· forming housework and home chores." Melvin lives at 5 Ferncliff Road, Morris Plains, NJ 07950.

William Hollis writes: "I enjoy the (metallurgical engineering) newsletter; helps to keep me up with things." Bill lives at 20 Cannon Hill Ave ., Groveland, MAOl834. Paul B. Nolan is now vice. president, manufacturing, for USI Chemicals. He and Betty can be reached c/o the company's address 4333 Aaron Court,Cincinnati, OH 45241. R. T. Ruenheck is now manager, Patriot radar receiver subsystems, Raytheon Co., West Andover, Mass. He and Iris live at 7 Montview, Chelmsford, MA 01824.

1986 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus127

Alumni Personals 1952 continued




Michael DeLucca Jr., writes: "Retired from U.S. Steel. " Michael continues to live at 1686 East Drive, Point Pleasant, NJ 08742.

James H. Borgerding was unable to attend Homecoming activities, but sent thi's report. "My wife, Kath y, and I still live in Casper, Wyo. Of our six children, two are still getting their high school and college education, and the others are scattered abo ut. I have my consulting petroleum engineering business and specialize in oil and gas reserves and economics, and reservoir engineering. It has been lots of fun , but recently of course things are a little slow. Hello to the great class of '56!" J ames and Kathy live at 4042 E. 14th St. , Casper, WY 82609.

Kenneth G . Escott is now construction administrator for Pearce Corp., St. Louis , Mo. He and Roseann live at 1642 Spruce, Granite City , IL 62040· 1840.

Wayne T. Andreas writes: "Retired from Exxon Aug. 1, 1986. Address remains 1802 Whi te Feather Trail, Crosby, TX 77532. Plan to visit friends in U.S . and Canada in new motor home' during the coming year."

Edgar Oliphant Jr. is now retired and is a self·employed consultant. He and Nancy receive' their mail at P.O. Box 518, Russell, PA 16345.

Donald A. Rumsey is a professor of engineering at Adirondack Community - College. He and Wilma 'live at 18 Coolidge Ave., Glens Falls, NY 12801.

Bruce R. Doe has been named assis· tant director fO l' research of the U.S. Geological Survey at its National Cen· ter in Reston , Va . Bruce joined the USGS in 1961. He is a specialist in geo· chemistry and economic geology. In his new position Bruce will serve as the principal adviser to the USGS director on major research initiatives and program directions within the wide range of USGS earth-science research activities. Bruce lives at 1624 Valencia Way, Reston, VA 22090.

1954 Thomas R. Fowler writes: '5Having opted from the 'work force' for retirement in 1976, my health, disposition and golf scores all show improvement. " Tom lives at 643 Allegheny Drive, Sun City Center, FL 33570.

James A. Gerald writes: "In new job with Mcintosh Ltd. Realty - a major developer in Chicagoland." James is an engineer for the firm . He lives at 248 Wulff St. , Cary , IL 60013.

Richard C. Kolb writes: "Retired Sept. 1, 1986, after 31 years as an engineer with Public Service of Oklahoma in Tulsa, Okla." Richard and Erma Lee live at 5312 S. 71 E. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74145.

Notice has been received of the death of Bert E. Hartman Jr. in January 1986. At MSM he was a member of Sigma Pi Epsilon fraternity , the Radio Club , Miner Board, Chi Epsilon, Sigma Phi Sigma, ASCE, American Road Builders, Theta Tau, and Blue Key. Bert received his B.S. degree in civil engineering. After graduation he worked at McDon· nell·Douglas Corp., St: Louis, Mo. He retired in the early 1980s.

Robert L Robbins writes: "After serving as project director on the construc· tion of the ·$1.7 billion Trident subma· rine base in St. Mary's, Ga., I returned to St. Louis (July 1984) to assume responsibilities of vice president and manager of the technology division of Sverdrup Corp. I celebrated 30 years with Sverdrup on Aug. 1, 1986." Robert lives at 2612 Wickerton Court, Des Peres, MO 6312?

Robert Fuller, professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (and son of Dean emeritus Harold Q Fuller), received a prestigious honor in March when he was recognized as one of six faculty nationwide for providing outstanding leadership to his college and university by the American Association for Higher Education ahd the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. NU President Ronald Roskens nominated Fuller to the AAHE for his internationally recognized development of Piagetian-based educational methods, his organization and directorship of the nationally recognized freshman Accent on Development of Abstract Powers of Thought (ADAPT) program at UNL, nis creative activity' at the forefront of educational technology with videodiscs and computers, and his substantial service, both local and national, in the cause of physics education. Read more about this honor in the July/ August issue of "Change". In the last 15 years, according to UNL, Bob has made many contributions to research on teaching physics. He has led the integration of computers into physics teachings in addition to his involvement with ADAPT: He has helped to develop the first 'interactive educational videodiscs, and·has stimulated the establishment of the College Teaching and Development of Reasoning workshops that have been held' .nationwide. He has won a distinguished service citation from the American Association of Physics Teachers and the UNL 1986 College of Arts & Sciences Award for Distinguished Teaching. Bob is currently on leave from UNL serving on the faculty of the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, Colo. According to his father, "He is finding it very interesting in many ways. He has one class in which all students have GPAs of 3.6 and above. His relationship with the administration is quite different than in a regular university." Bob's permanent address is 3443 W. Pershing Road, Lincoln, NE 68502.

Thomas E. Kalin writes: "Power division work continues in Darwin and Sydney, Australia, and in Taiwan, as well as domestic power division projects under my direction." Thomas is a partner in Black & Veatch, Kansas City, Mo. He. and Eleanor live at 10605 W. 61st St. , Shawnee, KS 66203.

1986 Rollamo

28/MSM Alumnus

John O. Buchanan, '58, '61, writes: "Was recently named a privileged mem: ber in both the T exa:s Society of Professional Engineers (TSPE) and the NSPE. I was elected also to the American Arbitration Association's Panel of Arbitra: to ~s." John lives at 126 Clover, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. He is retired.

George E. Franke writes: "Promoted to colonel in the reserves and have aT'\ assignment as deputy division engineer for lower Mississippi River Basin at Vicksburg, Miss." George lives at 1208 Miami Trail, Frankfort, KY 40601. He is employed by the Kentucky Department of Highways.

John H. Snyder writes: "Since 1984,1 have been in Colombia working on the Cerrejoh coal project thqt is jointly owned by Exxon and the Colombian government. My current job is group manager of technical systems . I'm scheduled to return to the USA in May '87." John and Margaret receive their mail c/ o EssoInter·America, 396 Alham· bra, Coral Gables, FL 33134.

1959 James E. Pugh is now principal engineer at Boeing Co., Seattle, Wash . He lives at 33126 1st Place S .W. , No. 601, Federal Way, WA 98023.

, Jack L Ulmer writes: "Was appointed James B. Lorenz writes: "Completed direc tor of quality assurance, Boeing 30 years with Black & Veatch this year, Military Airplane Co., Wichita, Kan,., in 1986." He lives at 6640 Dearborn Drive, Oct. 1985. Was previously chief of enginee ring design technology . Daughter, Missiqn, KS 66202. Kim , is a freshman at Wichita State University. Son, Todd, is a ju nior at Donald J. Roth is now general man· Wichita North west High School. Wife, age r, ' new tec hn ology, Cont in enta l Geri , is a licensed cosmetologist and is Group Inc., Norwalk, Conn. He and presently busy remodeling the family Gerry live at 17 Pleasant Valley Lane, home ." Jack and Geri li've at 1301 Chipper, Wichita, KS 67212. Westport, CT 06880.

Alumni Personals 1960



Paul W. Benz writes : "I have concluded a hiatus from the construction industry during which I did volunteer work and traveled and am now looking to get back in the industry." Paul lives at 115 Holland Road, Middle town , NJ 07748.

Robert L. Benner, '61, '62, '65, is the preside nt and fOLinder of TBW Industries, manufactu re rs of diamond abrasive prod ucts for industry. The company was found ed in 1974 a nd is presently located in Furlong, Pa. Robert and Virginia live at 4 Valley Drive, Chalfont , PA 18914.

Russell A. Kamper is now program manager for Price Brothers Co. He and Laura live at 5674 Shadow Oaks Place, Dayton, OH 45440.

The death of Robert Virgil Patterson on J an. 24, 1986, has been reported by his wife, Mary, 3629 Joyce Drive, Man¡ deville, LA 70448. At MSM Bob was a member of the Sigma Nu fratern ity, the Glee Club and the petroleum section of AIMME. He receivE.d his B.S. degree in mining engineering with a petroleum option. After graduation Bob joined GMC, Euclid Division. He was first stationed at Hudson, Ohio a nd later became operations and merchan¡ dise manager at the Nashville , Tenn . office. In the early 1970s Bob was named district manager, GMC Koehring Division, Milwaukee, Wis. He was promoted to district manager, General Motors, in 1980.

Michael C. Kearney wants to know, "Where is Richard Kapfer circa 1961?" Michae l works for T .G. Kemp Sales Inc. He lives at 107 Trail East, Hendersonville, TN 37075.

Notice of the death of Robert Allen Korn has been received . He died Sept. 19,1986. At MSM Robert was a member of Canterbury Club, president of Theta Xi frat ernity, and a member of AIEE/ IRE. He received a B.S. degree in electrical .engineering. After graduation he worked for United Aircraft, Corporate Systems Center; General Electric, C ape Canaveral; Araneida Inc. , Purdue Industrial Research Park; Martin-Marietta; and for Emerson Electric as an engineer.

Roger G. Kleinpeter writes: "Penny Notice has been received of the Sepand I are hosting an AFS student from tember 1986 death of Herman Leo Honduras for the 1986-87 school year. Merryman. At MSM Herman was a 18-year-old Isolda Herrera is attending member of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, Plymouth Area High School as a senior ASME, and SAE . Herman received his with our daughter Chery!' Isolda loves B.S. degree in mec hanical engineering. America, loves New Hampshire , and After graduation he worked for Douglas loves Ame rican food." Roger receives Aircraft Co., Santa Monica, Calif. , and his mail at Route -2, Box 3248, Ply- ARO Inc., AEDC, Arnold AFS, Tenn. In Henry L. Ponzer is the president of- mouth, NH 03264. He works at Ply- the 1980s he worked for Sverdrup Technology Inc., Arnold AFS, Tenn. Ponzer-Youngquist, in Blue Springs, mouth State College. Mo., and Olathe, Kan. H e writes : "Our staff has more than doubled in the last ( year, and our land surveying and subdiEdgar E. Perrey Jr., '62, '70, writes : vision design sel:vices have greatly in"Working as a consulta nt (director of creased. A new computer system has a ls o been installed featuring, John Merritt writes: " Recently was engineering) for The Cliffs Development among other things, Auto CADD presented Department of Army certifi- Ltd., Ft. Worth, Texas ." Edgar lives a t (Computer Assisfed Design Draft) and cate of commendation and performance 260Meadow Knoll, Lewisville, TX 75067. Auto COGO (Coordinated Geometry). award for my duties as a project 'manOur oldest son Brian , attends Univer- ager, U.S. Corps of Engineers, for the sity of Missouri-Columbia on a footba ll Bettendorf, Iowa, a nd Hannibal, Mo. , scholarship. Our daughter T risha, is local flood protection projects." John working in data entry, and Matthew, lives at 1918 Gregory Court, Bettenwho also plays football, is a junior at dorf, IA 52722. Rockhurst High Schoo!." The Ponzers live at 11219 Wornall , Kansas City, MO 64114.

David Putnam is now the division DP manager for Universal Resources Corp., Denver, Colo. He and Charlene live at 7576 S . Prescott, Littleton, CO 80120.

The death of William J. Reilly on Nov. 11 , 1985, was reported by his wife, C arol, 333 Venus Drive, Godfrey IL 62035. At MSM William was active in the Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE , ASME , Pi Tau Sigma , and was a student ass istan t for the mechanical engineering department. He received a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering and an M.S. degree in the same field in 1963. After graduation in 1960, William worked for Delco-Remy Anderson, Ind . Upon receiving his M.S. degree , he went to work for McDonnell-Douglas Corp ., St. Louis , Mo. In the late 19 70~ William held the title of consultant, then senior consu lt ant for Mc D o nn e ll Douglas.

Bruce L. Stinchcomb, '61, '78, writes: "Recently completed an extensive article on primitive cambrian mollusks from the Ozark uplift. Currently working on papers on Ozark cambrian molluscan problematica a nd on mollusca n etromatolite associations ." Bruce lives at 4236 Ringer, Mehlville, MO 63129. He works for the St. Louis Community College .

1986 Rollamo

John L. Clements writes: "I received the President's Award from GTE Communication Systems. I was part of a sixmember team who received the award for developing software for GTE's GTD-5 digital central office switch. Telephone companies use such switching systems to process and route telephone calls. The award is designed to recognize employees who have demonstrated exceptional performance leading to a positive impact on profits, quality or productivity . I also received a patent this year for a scheme to detect faults in PCM networks." John and Flora live at 3935 E. Yucca, Phoenix, AZ 85028.

Robert L. Lane retired as a colonel from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He is now director of public wo rks, Little Rock, Ark. He and Jo Ann live at 11414 E. Stoney Point Court, Little Rock , AR 72211.

James D. Libiez is now division exploration manager for LaLand & Exploration, Oklahoma City, Okla. He lives at 1905 Blue Jay Court, Edmond, OK 73034.

1963 William Victor Andoe, '63, '65, '68, writes: "In March 1986 I accepted a position with Amartech as environmental laboratory manager. Amartech provides environmental service to .Jubail Royal Commission (Saudi Arabia)." William and Deanna live at 38 Irene Lane, Rolla, MO 65401.

Tony C. Stone is the owner Qf J adasat Enterprises . He a nd Sylvia live at 1241 Trojan Drive, Casper , WY 82609.

James J. Baremore, '63, '68, reports that he is now a department manager at Sandia National Laboratories. His new address is 14418 Alene Court, N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87123.

Joseph F. Waddell writes: "I retired from tne - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-, Tulsa-district in J an. 1985 after approximately 35 years of gove rnment service." Joseph and J eanette live at Route 2, Haskell, OK 74436.

Charles W . "Charley" Harper has been ap pointed corporate director of researc h and development for T amko Asphalt Products Inc ., Joplin, Mo. Harper was previously with Certaineed Corp. for 13 years in various managerial positions . Charley may be reached c/o 214 W . 4th St. , Joplin, MO 64801.

Marvin Monday writes: "I am a lead engineer in the Adva nced Hornet design group at McDonnell Douglas, St. Louis, Mo." Marvin lives at 713 G entemann, O'Fallon, MO 63366.

Kenneth Poush writes: "Carol Lee and I are now living in the East Texas Piney Woods and working for Morton Thiokol in a project for the U.S . Army at the Longhorn Ammunition Plant. Our address is Route 2, Box 409, Avinger, TX 75603." Ken is a senior e lectrochemical engineer for Morton Thioko!.

Lonnie J . Shalton writes: "Specializing in real estate and lending law practice. Firm recently expanded to 46 attorneys and changed name to Polsinelli, White, Vardeman & Shalton." Lonnie lives at 1401 W . 50th, Kansas City, MO 64112.

MSM Alumnus129


Alumni Personals David F . John writes : "Selected as captain (0-6) in Naval Reserve . C urrently a "management preceptor" in Federal Express' Leadership Institute." David and Faye live at 8294 Whispering Pines, Germantown, TN 38138.

Jerrol Boehmer is the pastor of you th and program at the First Uni ted Methodist Church in Jefferson C ity, Mo. His address is 523 Mesa, Jefferson City , MO 651Ol.

Pete Johns o n is the engineering-administrative manager of PRC Engineering's St. Louis branch office. He is also a LTC in the Army Reserves, treasurer of the Lindbergh school board, and president of the Prince of Peace UCC church council. He and his wife Judy have a son William C. Moreland writes: "Wife, Chris, 17, and a daughter Staci, 13. The Sandy, and I have two sons, Charles Johnsons live at 3710 Hampton Ave., William (4 years) and Christopher Gor- St. Louis, MO 63109. don (20-months). Been in Jeff City since Sept. 1,1985. Promoted to district construction engineer in District #5, Missouri State Highway and Transporta- Frank Kieffer is working as district tion De partment." William and Sandy manager for Texas O il and Gas. He has live at 1512 Timber Trail, Jefferson City, four children: Chris , 12; Catrina, 11; Craig, 8, and Curt, 7. Frank lives at 6208 MO 651Ol. Seq uoia, Midland, TX 79707.

Gerald J. Kettler is now president of Development Engineering Group. He a nd Miriam live at 4607 Nas hwood, Dallas , TX 75244.

1986 Rollamo

1963 continued Larry D . Thompson, '63, '66, writes: "I am the supervisor of Commonwealth Edison's process computer systems de· partment. We serve as an in· house sys· tems integrator for computers for' our generator. We support everything from single board computers to super mini computers." Larry lives at 366 Cumnor Ave., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137.

1965 Ronald J. Bo hac writes: "Effective Oct. 1, 1986, I'll be marketing manager, ProMac Systems, Fabricated Polymers Division, of B.F. Goodrich Co., Brecksville, Ohio. Moving to Akron, Ohio next spring." Ronald's current address is 3051 Eastview Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102.

George H. Carr writes: "Am in the process of relocating to Bonne Terre, Mo. , and seeking other employment following shutdown of the Amax lead smelter at Boss, Mo . Was maintenance supervisor at the facility from 1976 until it closed earlier this year." George and Helen receive their mail at Route 1, Box 143B, Annapolis , MO 63620.

1964 Philip R. Hoge writes: "Retired from the U.S. Arm y Corps of Engineers as a colonel after 31 years of service. Recently appointed as director of the project management group for Booke r Associates Inc. Engineers , Architects and Planners, St. Louis, Mo. One of my four children, Paul, will receive his B.S. in electrical engineering from UMR in December of this year." Philip lives at 501 Briar Ridge Lane, Frontenac, MO 6313l.

William M. Malone is now development center manager for Copperweld Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. He and Barbara live at 1193 Astronaut Circle, Upper St. Clair, PA 1524l.

Noland R. Durnell writes: "I am a senior resident engineer for the Arizona Department of Transportation and am in charge of all highway constru ction in southeast Ariz·ona." Noland receives his mail at Route 1, Box 281, Sp. 146, Safford , AZ 85546.

Edward Ohms was recently named test and evaluation department manager for the new Caterpillar-Mitsubishi joint venture hyd raulic excavator design center located in Akas hi, Japan. Ed has held several management positions in the engineering design and test areas during his 21 yea rs of employment with Caterpillar Inc . Ed, his wife Mary J ane, and daughte r Angela now live at 1-45 Shioya-Cho, 7-Chome, T a rumi -Ku , Kobe 655, Japan . A second daughter, Michelle, is a sophomore mechanical engineering st udent at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana.

Roger H. Sm ith writes: "Currently employed as associate professor of civil engineering at Memphis State University, Memphis, Tenn ., and as a research associate of the Center for River Studies." Roger lives at 6501 Frosty Leaf, Memphis, TN 38115.

Roger H. Stickler is a ·technical coordinator at Black & Veatch, Los Angeles, Calif. He and Karen have moved to 924 Crystal Water Lane, Walnut, CA 91789.

Notice of the deat h of Daniel HaIfpap on July 1, 1986, has been received. At UMR Daniel was a member of Newman Club, ASM , AIME, and Sigma Gamma Epsilon. He received a B.S. degree in metallurgical engineering. After graduation Dan iel went to work for Pratt & Whitney Aircraft , Materials Lab, Wes t Palm Beac h, Fla. He s tayed with the division until the la te 1970s when he became a metallurgical engineer for United Technologies-Pratt & Whitney.

1966 Charles "Sherm" Mills Jr. writes: "I am currently vice president and partowner of MCC Inc. (Metallic Ceramic Coatings Inc.), a company in the corrosion control business. We have two facilities ... one in the King of Prussia, Pa . area and the other in Pascago ula, Miss." Sherm lives at 9314 Brian Run Lane, Springfield, VA 22153.

30/ MSM Alumnus

Joe Hohman writes: "I am the vice president of const ruction (commercial buildings, hotels, office buildings, etc.) for Allen & O 'Hara Inc., Memphis, Tenn. Joanna and I have two children Brooke , 9, and Alison, 6." The Hohmans live at 2614 Holly Springs Drive, Germantown, TN 38138.

Edward A. Mo s s writes: "Own business doing safety consulting for small coal operations in tri-state area of western Pennsylvania, northern West Virginia, and western Maryland. Also, broker coal." Edward receives his mail at Route 12, Box 429, Morgantown, WV 26505.

Leslie A. Pollack is now a senior engineer at M.W. Kellogg. He and Jo live at 10819 Herald Square Drive, Houston , TX 77099.

Notice of the death of Carl F. Tra il on April 18, 1982, has been received . At UMR Carl was a member of the Army Student Officers Association. He received an M.S. degree in mechanical engineering. Carl was an officer in the U.S. Army.

William S . Warda writes: " At the present time I am a supervising 'civil engineer I with the Department of Public Works in Los Angeles . My primary job is preparing technical and engineering expertise in litigation and claims, and supervision. " William lives at 12242 Stewarton Drive, Northridge, CA 91326.


Larry Boberschmidt is president/ owner of Boberschmidt & Assoc . He Henry K. Hachmuth writes : "Fatima has expanded his firm to seven field and I are proud and happy to an nounce sales engineers covering the Midwest the arrival of Karl Henry Silva Hachand South, from Michigan to the Carol- . muth on April 18, 1986. C lass of 2008?" inas . The home office address is 19 Henry is manager of technical service Water St., Milford, OH 45150. Larry -licensing, Phillips Petroleum. He and and J oyce live at 5413 Belle Meade his fam ily receive their mail at Route 3, Box 350, Bartlesville, OK 74003. Drive, Batavia, OH 45103.

Alumni Personals 1969

1967 continued

Thomas A. Barrett, '69, '70, writes: "Owner and vice president of Nova Engineering. I'm active in the Broken Arrow Community Playhouse. Wife Karan is in the antique business. We have two daughters and two granddaughters." Thomas and Karan live at 1025 S. Third St., Broken Arrow, OK 74012.

. John F. Lauletta writes: "Baker International Corp., a diversified oil service company, has consolidated its Norman, Okla.-based Totco division with its Exlog division which is headq uartered in Sacramento, Calif. I have been named president of the combined companies. T otco is the leading manufacturer of drilling instrumentation and Exlog is the largest drill site formation evaluation company. The combined company has a current world-wide staff of 1,250 employees, 800 of whom are graduate geologists." John lives at 9705 Mira Del Rio Drive, Sacramento, CA 95827.

Michael A. Perkins works at Mon- . santo. He lives at 8459 Ora Lane, Middletown, OH 45042.

D. M. Rouse, '67, '69, '70, has received an AT&T Bell Labs Fellow award. He lives at 639 Link Road, Columbus, OH 43213.

John M. Sadowski writes: "Married on June 14, 1986, to Cecile E. Candedo of Beckley, W. Virginia. Current residence is 116 Booth Ave ., P.O. Box 742 , Beckley, WV 25801." John works for Sloanson & Associates Inc.

Robert Brinkopf writes: "I was promoted to maintenance field engineer this year with the Illinois Department of Transpo rtation. Our third child was born this past January." The Brinkopf family receives mail at Route 5, Box 92 , Effingham, IL 62401. MARK E. BOTKIN Mark E. Botkin, '68, '70, '73, has received a 1986 John M. Campbell Award for his contribution to science. Established in 1980, the award recognizes outstanding contributions to pure or applied science by members of the General Motors Research Laboratories. Mark received the award for Optimal Structural Design - the creation of a computer program that lets the computer find the optimum design of vehicle structures and structural components. The program will automatically select the optimum set of design parameters which minimize mass, taking into account exactly what is specified to meet design requirements. Mark is currently a senior staff research engineer in GMR's engineering mechanics department. He lives at 1338 Greenleaf Drive, Rochester, MI 48063.


ROBERT T. MILDENSTEIN Robert T. Mildenstein has been named president of Laclede Chain Charles W. Foster writes: "Started as Manufacturing Co., a subsidiary of director of engineering and housing for Laclede Steel Co., St. Louis, Mo. Bob th e military com munit y of Zwei- was vice president, sales and marketbruecken, W. Germany . Use 350 work- ing, for the company prior to his new ers to maintain, repair, and build utili- assignment. He joined Nixdorff-Krein ties, buildings, etc. Wife, Londa, and Industries' sales department in 1976 and two daughters enjoy Europe and are was president, sales and marketing for doing well. Look forward to visiting the chain manufacturing division when UMR someday. Run into alumni every- ' that organization was acquired by where I go. Education has always been Laclede Steel in 1984. Bob and his famgood basis for me." Charles and Londa ily live at 7401 Teasdale, St. Louis, MO live at 42290 Louisiana Strasse, Zwei- 63130. bruecken, W. Germany. .

Thomas A. Jones writes: "In January 1986, I Was promoted to vice president, Kansas City division. Moved to K.c. in August with wife Barbara, daughters Jennifer and Melissa, twins - age 14, and son Casey, 7." Tom works for Ben Hur Construction Co. He and his family live at 6441 W. 125th St., Kansas City, MO 66209.

Fred Andrew Ettleman has been an agent with State Farm Insurance for 15 years. He receives his mail at P.O. Box 390, Rye , CO 81069.

Raymond Shaefer is now bridge engi¡ neer supervisor I for the Washington State Department of Transportation. He and Rita live at 1612 College St. , N.E. , Olympia, WA 98506.

Robert W. Weigand is now senior director and deputy chief engineer fo r the construction division of New York City Health and Hospital Corp. He and Marilyn live at 9 Bay Hill Road, Leonardo, NJ 07737.

Thomas V. Huber writes: "Joined Doug Nash Equipment & Engineering November 1985 as vice president, engineering. ONE corporation designs and manufactures automotive ' and marine transmissions. " Thomas and Gail receive their mail at Route 12, Box 35, Muncie, IN 47304.

1970 Lonny Ludwig, '68, '70, is now roast/ . acid departmen t superintendent for Amax Zinc Co., East St. Louis, Ill. He and Brenda receive their mail at Route CAMERON E. FERGUSON 2, Box 31OB, Waterloo, IL 62298. Cameron E. Ferguson has been promoted to manager, process engineering in the Corporate Engineering, Starch Business Group of A.E. Staley Mfg. Co. Mark Allen Martin writes: "We have a Cameron has held several positions in new daughter, Megan Kathleen, born the engineering department since joinSept. 8, 1986." Mark and Janna live at ing Staley in 1968, most recently as 804 Henry St., Alton, IL 62002. He is a principal process engineer. Cameron district sales manager, Midwest, for lives at 1748 N. Stevens, Decatur ~ IL 62526. ' General Refractor's.

Richard G. Chapman is a chemical engineer at Black & Veatch; Kansas City, Mo. He and Susan live at 15785 Switzer, Stanley, KS 66221.

JOHN ROGER LONG John Roger Long, '69, '83, has joined the staff of Murphy Co. Mechanical Contractors and Engineers, St. Louis, as a project engineer. He was previously a project manager, Corrigan Co., St. Louis. John lives at 14523 Amstel Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017.

Jack T. Garrett, '70, '75, writes: "I have received my Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of Texas. I am office manager and chief engineer for AB Engineering Co., here in Austin , Texas. Friends give me a call when in the area!" Jack lives at 1310 Aggie Lane, Austin, TX 78757.

MSM Alumnus/31



Alumni Personals 1970 continued Joe Feager writes: "Joined Wachter Construction Co., in May 1986. Project manager for bu ilding and heavy construction." Joe lives at 1202 Highway 109, Eureka, MO 63025 .

John M. Harris is the president of Kitty Hawk Kites . He and Donna have a new mailing address: P.O. Box 340, Nags Head, NC 27959.

S . M. Weatherly is now director, manufacturing, for Black Clawson. He and Dena live at 4809 Sol's Circle, Middletown, OH 45042.

William D. Zogg writes: "I'm an advanced geologist with Marathon Oil Co. in Casper, Wyo., and project leader for petroleum exploration in the Great Basin, primarily Nevada." William lives at 4910 Yesness Court, Casper, WY 82604.

Thomas F. Wolff is now an assistant professor of civil engineering (geotechnical) , Michigan State University, Lansing, Mich. He and Kathleen live at 4326 Manitou Drive, Okemos, MI 48864.

1972 Gregory J. Kirmeyer writes: "Recently became a senior associate at Economic and Engineering Services. Am project manager on environmental engineering projects including piping co rrosion, wastewater treatment, plant design and watershed management. " Greg lives at 6539 43rd Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98115.

Larry W. Mays, '70, '71, writes: "I have been promoted to professor of civil engineering effective Sept. 1, 1986, at the University of Te xas. I also serve as a consultant for international groups such as the United Nations and World Bank. I am co-author of the new book, Applied Hydrology, to be published by McGrawHill." Larry lives at 11104 Plumewood Drive, Austin, TX 78750.

Thomas D. McBride was unable to attend Homecoming, but sends this update. "I am now working for Design Technology Corp., Billerica, Mass., as a program manager. Design Technology is a design and manufacturing company and is involved in custom production machinery, automatic assembly systems and robotics integration." Thomas lives at 36 Deerfield Road, Shrewsbury, MA 01545.

Larry D. Morris, '70, '72, is now an electrical engineer, mid-range products, A.T.L., Bothell, Wash. Larry and Susan live at 17809 N.E. 103rd Court, Redmond, WA 98052.

Paul Bible writes: "Moved to Colorado to ski and work for Arrow-Hart as regional sales manager." Paul now lives at 8195 S. Poplar Way, No. 207, Englewood, CO 80112. Gary Edwards writes: "I have been promoted to director of engineering 1971 services for Systemaire Inc., a full serRobert E. Clark is the owner of Letter . vice mechanical contractor serving the Press Service. He now lives at 7125 St. Louis area." Gary lives at 1216 Emily St. N .E., ~Ibuquerque, NM 87109. Forest Trails, Fenton, .MO 63026.

Michael M. Cook is now a building automation specialist for Johnson Controls Inc., Irving, Tex. He lives at 2313 Benbrook Drive , Carrollton, TX 75007.

Wayne J. Galler is an associate energy and environmental engineer for Olin Corp., East Alton, Ill. He lives at 1945 Rule Ave., Maryland Heights, MO 63043.

Michael L. Fureigh writes: "I was recently promoted to staff engineer at Allied Corp., Bendix, Kansas City divi¡ sion. Rachel and I live at 530 W. Red Bridge Road, Kansas City, MO 64114, with our two children, 3 and 5 years old. 'Hi' to all my alumni friends and UMR professors."

Steve Hanson writes: "Received MBA degree from St. Ambrose College, Davenport, Iowa, in May 1986." Steve lives at 305 S. Sixth Sf., tldridge, IA 52748. He is with Caterpillar Inc.

Larry Goodwin is a member of the Metropo lita n St. Louis Engineering G uidance Council. He lives at 6655 Foxshi re Drive, Florissant, MO 63033.

Charles F. Marshall is now a manager for Martin Marietta in Denver, Colo. He and Mary live at 6874 S. Lewis Court, Littleton, CO 80 127.

Edward A. Molitor, '72, '79, writes: " Married 18 years; four daughters. Started manufac tures representative firm , specializing in D.C. power and industrial batteries, called Engineered Power Systems, St. Louis, Mo . 63119, (314) 961-6800." Ed and Sandi live at 846 LaBonne Parkway, Manchester, MO 63021.

Ron and Merrily (Glotfelty) Parker, both '72, write: "Recently (July 1986) transferred to Homestake's newest gold mine and mill in the hills of Northern California. We would enjoy hearing from our friends from Rolla. Our new mailing address is P.O. Box 1174, Cobb, CA 95426."

Steven D. Rush is the principal of S.D.R . Consulting Enginee rs which recently opened offices in south St. Louis County. The new firm specializes in small to medium-sized engineering and drafting services for site development of commercial and residential projects, and offers expertise in small topographic surveys. Steve and Marlene live at 819 Place Haven Drive, St. Louis, MO 63125.

Randall O. Thomure is now director of engineering at ltel Corp., rail division, San Francisco, Calif. He and Michele live at 146 W. 3rd, San Mateo, CA 94402.

Terry E. Miller writes: "Received Juris Doctor from University of Was hington in 1983. Practicing construction law." Terry lives at 8524 W. Entiat Ave., Kennewick, WA 99336. Terry is employed by Taylor and Hintze .

1973 Don G. Neumeyer has been promoted to manager of market development in the natural gas division of Wisconsin Power and Light Co. He and Jane live at 509 Westmorland Blvd ., Madison , WI 53711.

David Kroeter writes: "December 1986 will mark the tenth anniversary of my company. We continue to grow despite a depressed domes-tic casting market. " David lives at 2309 Stone bridge, Jo nesboro , AR 72401. He owns Southern Cast Products Inc.

Harry J. Overal has just two words for his friends, "Good Luck l " Harry is selfemployed at Overal Consulting Inc. His address is 1349 N. Eli zabeth, Ferguson, MO 63135.

"Kermit" Gary Sherman has been The death of V. Ralph Pruitt on June named director of the Missouri Division 23, 1986, was reported by his wife, of Aging . He lives at 1108 Vineyard Nancy, 135 Cedarmill Drive, St Charles, Square, J efferson City, MO 65101. MO 63303. Ralph received an M.S. degree in engineering management. He received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Oklahoma A&M . Col. Terry L. Wagner assumed comAccording to Alumni records, Ralph mand of the Defense Fuel Region, West worked for McDonnell Douglas, St. Germany. He may be reached c/o 3514 6th Ave., Altoona, PA 16602. Louis, Mo.

L. RONALD HOOVER L Ronald Hoover is now divisional vice president of the signal transmission products group, AMP Inc. Before joining AMP in 1979, Ronald was a private consultant on informa tion systems, a member of the computer science faculty at Shippensburg University, and a member of the technical staff of Bell Laboratories. He and his family live at 401 W. King St., Shippensburg, PA 17257.

Larry S. Livingston, '73, '82, writes: "Hello professors Hagni, Spreng (geology ), Ownby (ceramics), Edwards (nuclear engineering). Working at Savannah River Nuclear Facility as a nuclear safety engineer in weapons facility. Thanks for the McNutt Scholarship (1973)." Larry lives at 814 Legane Road, Aiken, SC 29801. /

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Alumni Personals 1973 continued Lynne E. Puetz, '73, '82, writes: "I'll be heading to Washington, D.C. on Oct. 1 to begin a tbree month temporary duty assignment In the strategic initiative and policy review branch at Headquarters, U.S . Army Corps of Engineers. " Lynn and Bill, '76, live at 606 Jasmin, Kirk · . wood, MO 6312~. Lynne ,is chief, pro· gram management section, U.S. Army Corps Qf Engineers.

Barbara (Whites) and Nicholas, '73, '75, Stanley write: "We have moved again, the second time in 16 months. Nick has taken a new job with ADC T elecommu~ications in Bloomington, Minn. He, is a product manager there. We are really glad to be back in Minne· sota again. Our address here is 1825 W. 140tb St. , Burnsville, MN 55337. We are renting a townhouse while we build a new home· so It won't be long before we change addresses again. Our son, Todd, is now 4Yz years old and our daughter, Marissa, will soon be 2 years old. We would love to hear from any of our UMR friends out there."

AI~xis C. Swoboda, '73, '75, writes: "Received my MBA from Regis College, Denver, Colo, this summer." Alexis is employed by Diamond Shamrock She lives at 16492 B East Radcliff Place, Aurora, CO 80015,

Mark W. Heuckroth, '74, '75, writes: "Second daughter, Rachel Marie, was born Jan . 23, 1986. She joins J ennifer, six years old, in the family. My brother, Brian, '79, married Deborah Hopping in September 1985." Mark and Sondra live at 215 Woodlake Drive , Holland, PA 18966, Mark is a research section man· ager for Rohm and Haas, Spring House, Pa.

Michael J. "Boots" Miller writes : "Major Mike Miller, known as "Boots" by his Air Force friends, has been appointed Air Training Command's project officer for the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training Program, designed to train fighter pilots for the NATO Allied Nations. He and his wife, Debbie, send their warmest greetings to all friends and acquaintances." Boots arid Debbie . live at 7102 Ridge Cove Drive, Converse, TX 78109.

According to a notice from the post office, Charles Kenneth Rusterholtz is deceased. Charles received his M.S. degree in computer science from UMRolla, After graduation he was an associate professor of mathematics at Bellarmine College, Louisville, Ky. In the late 1970s he became associate pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Louisville, Ky.

Michael L. Terry is now manager, technical services, for Great Lakes Steel, Ecorse, Mich. He and Jan live at 42353 Waterfall, Northville , MI 48167.




Noel J. Arens is president of Provident Properties, Dallas, Texas. He and Margie live at 2502 Willowdale, Carrollton, TX 75006.

Michael D. Brown, P.E., writes: "Recently joined D. Ralph Young & Associates Inc., a consulting engineer firm serving the electric utility industry. As a 'senior engineer, I will work primarily in the area of transmission engineering. Sara and I and the two children, Brooke, 7, and Ryan, 5, live at 15677 Hester, Chesterfield, MO 63017."


James R. Kauten, M,D., writes: "com· pleted residency in cardiovascular thoracic surgery at Emory University, Began practice in July 1986 in Springfield, ilL Have two children, Stephanie, 5 years, and Geoffrey, 14 months." James and Deanna live at 28 Brighton Road, Springfield, IL 62704,

Donald D. Taylor writes: "Dian and I just celebrated our second anniversary on Nov. 10, 1986. I am in system plan· ning at Kansas Power and Light Gas Service (it will be six years in March). I . am also treasurer of the Topeka chap- Willard B. Smith writes: "Am now ter of the Kansas Engineering Society." manager of civil engineering department Don and Dian have moved to 1199 Gar- and hydropower development group field, Topeka, KS 66604-1328. for Benham Group. Also, a member of the board of directors of National Hydropower Association. Still living in Tulsa, Okla., since graduation." Willard's address is 5018 S. 85th E. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74145.



We didn't mean to limit Nicholas E. Barrack to a 500 square foot warehouse/ office. His new company, Central Security & Electric Inc., will certainly need the full 5,000 square feet available. Good luck! Nick and Charlotte live at HCR 33, Box 9, Rolla, MO 65401.

William A. Bell Jr. is now a senior systems engineer for Honeywell, West Covina, Calif. He and Janice have moved to 267 Preakness Court, Placentia , CA 92670.




David R. Breece writes: "Promoted to district manager, Oklahoma City district, for the Ceco Corp." David lives at 7425 NW: 106, Oklahoma City, OK 73132.

James H. Van Houten is a project manager for McCarthy and is building the clinical science building of Georgetown Hospital and University in D.C. James lives at 2150 Seaman Court, Herndon , VA 22070.

Wen-Liang W. Chen is now a structural engineer for Bechtel Co. He lives at 1909 Hamman Road, No. 221 , Bay City, TX 77414.

Michael V. Lupo writes: "Marilyn and I had our second child in September of 1985 (Paul). Maria, our first child, is now six years old and is in first grade." Mike and his family live at 9332 Talbot Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123. Mike is a general engineer with USA AVASCOM in St. Louis.

Xuan Cong Pham works for Tektronix Inc. He and his family live at 2506 S.E. Norelius Drive, Vancouver, WA 98684. Their telephone number is (206) 254-0591.

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Dean A. Degenhardt is now superin- Robert Williams Jr. is the vice presitendent, pipeline design, Natural Gas dent of Williams Crusher Co. He and Pipeline Co., Lombard, ilL He lives at Kathy live at 464 W. Lockwood Ave., 2767-D Wayfaring Lane, Lisle, IL 60532. St. Louis, MO 63119.

Thomas W. Gordy is now project manager for Nucon Construction Corp., Lakewood, Colo. He and Kathy have / moved to 31578 Niakwa Road, Evergreen, CO 80439.

Thomas S. Boon writes: "Seven-anda-half years now in Saudi Arabia; made manager, engineering of multi-billion dollar construction management project in 1983. Employer is Saudi Arabian Parsons LTD (parent corporation is R.M. Parsons, Pasadena, Calif.)." Thomas and Cynthi~ receive their mail at P.O. Box 30167, Yanbu Al Sinaiyah, Saudi Arabia.

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Michael W. Fugate writes: "Our first child was born June 22, 1986, Danielle Elizabeth. Everybody is well." Mike and Tina live at 541 S. Simms St., Lakewood, CO 80228.

Ray Winkelmann writes: "Just moved down to the Augusta, Ga" area and am working for Nutrasweet." Ray is a project engineer for the company. He lives at 2333 C . Springhouse Lane, Martinez , GA 30907.

DAVE HARDIN Dave Hardin has been promoted to manager of construction operations of Murphy Co. Mechanical Contractors and Engineers, St. Louis. Dave is a member of the Engineers Club of St. Louis and is a licensed engineer in Missouri. He lives at 2201 N. Leonard Road, St. Joseph, MO 64506.

Jaeyon Lee writes: "Just moved Jo Columbus, Ohio to join URS, engineer· ing consulting firm. Currently designing Columbus WWTP as project engineer." Jaeyon lives at 5467 Woodvale Court, Westerville, OH 43081.

Mark Marikos, '76, '84, writes: "Working as a geochemist for the Missouri Department of Natural Resources-Geological Survey. I am coordinating a conference for April 21-22, 1987 on geologic causes of radionuclide problems (in St. Louis)." Mark lives at 11 Rolla Gardens, Rolla, MO 65401.

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Alu'"niPersonah.________~----~--~".------~--------~------------Peter Price writes: "Employed as a geologist in the e ngineering/environmental geology section of Missouri's Geological Survey." Peter receives his mail at HCR 33, Box 25, Rolla, MO 65401.

Mark M. Sebree writes: "Recently moved from Carbondale, Ill ., to Greenwood, Ind. This makes seven moves in 10 years with AMAX . I am curre ntly manager of project developmen t and based out of the coal division home office in Indiana polis ." Mark lives at 1949 Lake Run, Greenwood, IN 46142 .

1986 Rollamo . John Wenzlick writes: " Have a new

1976 continued Susan Kay (Wilkerson) McCubbins writes: February 1983, promoted to present position (direct highway design engineer, Missouri Highway and Trans· portation Department.) I am the first woman engineer in the state in this posi· tion. December 1983, married Claude F. McCubbins. December 1986, expect· ing first child." Susan and Claude live at 1216 Burr Oak Court, Blue Springs, MO 64015.

Max Waggoner writes: "C ompleting a 23 year Army career,ne xt July. Looking for someone who needs a project or facilities manager." Max is chief, engineer branch assistance team, for the U.S . Army. He and Pat live at 417 Iron Lantern Drive, Ballwin, MO 63011.

William D. Wohlert was promoted Oct. 1, 1986, to project manager, com· mercial projects, Anheuser·Busch Co . Inc., St. Louis, Mo. He lives at 864 Sugar Hill, Ballwin, MO 6302l.

baby girl, Katie , born June 17, ~986. We now have three girls and live in Jeffer· son City, Mo." John works for the Mis· souri Highway and T ransporta'tion De· partment. He and his fami ly live at 1611 N. Brook Court, J efferson City, MO 6510l.

Ronnie Dean Widner, '77, '79, mar· ried Beverly Jea n Brown on June 14, 1986. He is employed by Benjamin Moore and Co., and is the plant superintendent of their Los Angeles facil ity. The couple now resides in Fullerton, Calif.

Paul David Porter writes: "Been work· ing for the past one and a half years for the Midwest's leading fabricator of structural and architectural precast and prestressed concrete." Paul is a quality control engineer for Quinn Concrete C o. He and Rebecca live at 718 N. Allen Ave., Marshall, MO 65340 .

William C. Puetz writes: "Factory Mutua l Engine e ring has operations covering the insurance needs world· wide . The London, England office han· dies all adjustments work outside the continental U.S. I was assigned to the London office for six months and wh ile living in London reported to Factory Mutual Internatio nal. The adjustment work was primarily in Scandinavia and Western Europe while some occurred in Taiwan and South Africa. The travel ' was wonderful. I returned to St. Louis in April '86 with a promotion to district manager, adj ustment division. The area serviced by the St. Louis district covers portions of nine states in the Midwest. Still reside in Kirkwood , Mo. , and daughter Brittney, 15, and Katie , 9, are doing fine." Bill and Lynne, '73, live a t 606 Jasmin , Kirkwood, MO' 63122 .

Arthur C. Tinnemeyer writes: "Have accepted a new position as district engineer with ' ARCO International Oil & Gas Co. in Jakarta, Indonesia. Will be moving to Jakarta approximately No· vember 1. Address correction to fol· low ." Arthur and Janette currently live at 2690 Barrington, No. 35, Bake rsfield, CA 93309.

34/MSM Alu mnus

Sam Massey writes: "Sheryll and I have just been transferred to Jakarta, Indonesia. Our new address is c/o ARCO Indonesia, Inc., P.O. Box 63/jkt , Jakarta, Indonesia, 10002." Sam is a senior drilling engineer with ARCO .

Howard N. Hemmann is now a certi· fied professional engineer. He works for R.B. Potash nick and lives at 315 Shaw· nee Circle, Jackson, MO 63055.

The death of Abraham Nativ on Sept. 24, 1986, has been reported by his wife, Judy, 124 E. Calvert Ave., Edison, NJ 08820. She writes: "My husband was killed when another driver went through a red light and hit my husband's car. He died four hours later from internal injuries . At the time, he was vice president of E·Beam Services, a company that does electron beam radiation sterilization. We have a daughter, Orli Rose, born Sept. 15, 1985." At UMR Abraham was active in GDI, Campus Club, and EMA. He received his B.S. degree in engineer· ing management. Abraham had also worked for Purex Corp., in Ohio and N.J ., the National Industries for the Blind, Bloomfield, N.J ., and Monsanto, Cranbury, N.J.

Jack G. Pippenger writes: "Elsie, Matthew, Lucas, Evan and I are still in North Dakota where I am assistant chief engineer for The Coteau Properties Co . I can be reached at (701) 873-2281." Jack and Elsie make their home at 831 Chestnut Lane, Beulah, NO 58523.



Jeanne Achelpohl Banovic writes: "Laid off from Fiat-Allis Nov ., 1983. Haven't worked since, except at home. Have two beautiful kids, Sarah, 2Y2, and Andy, lO-weeks. Live on a farm in Litchfield and keep busy with farm and kids. Love living in the country. Hope to see you at Homecoming '87 ." Jeanne receives her mail at Route 1, Box 111, Litchfield, IL 62056.

Michael J. Busby writes : "Barb and I have two boys, Rob, 5, and Jeff, 1Y2. Barb, '79, is presently studying for her M.S. in management information sys- ' tems and working part time for the federal government. I am a projec t manager for Fred Weber Inc . in St. Louis." Michael and Barb live at 16 Stratford Way, Belleville, IL 62223.

Keith L. Boc kelman , '77 , '78, writes: "Ka thy and I have a n additio n · a new boy, Andrew Timothy, born Aug. 9, 1985. Still living in Craig, Colo. and working a t Colowyo C oal C o." Keith and Kathy li ve a t 3828 Exmoor Road , Craig, CO 81625.

Arthur L Giesler writes : "Karen and I were blessed with the birth of Elizabeth Caroline on May 6, 1986." Arthur is the principal of Hydro-Air Inc. He and Karen live at 7549 Big Leaf Lane, Ft. Worth, TX 76137 .

Ken, '78, '83, and Michelle (Cooper, '81) Fleck write: "We are holding our own out here in Price, despite the slump in the coal market and related industries. Ken is doing double duty in Price and in Paonia, Colo., where Arco also owns a coal mine. He still finds his job as a mine geologist an enjoyable one, despite the constant threat of shut·downs and layoffs. Michelle is working for the department of Natural Sciences at the College of Eastern Utah teaching classes. It took a while, but we actually enjoy living in Price now, and are look.ing forward to ski season." Ken and Michelle live at 205 N. Carbon Ave ., Price, UT 84501.

Kamran Rokhsaz, '78, '80, received the 1985 Arch T. Colwe ll Merit Award during the 1986 SAE Internatio nal Off· Highway and Power plant Congress and Exposition Ba nquet , Milwaukee, Wis. Kamra n was recognized as.a co-author of SAE Pa per 850866 -"Analytical Study of Three-Surface Lifting Syste ms. " The paper was presented at the 1985 G eneral Aviation Airc raft Meeting and Exposi· tion held in Wic hita, Kan. The Arch T. Colwell Merit Award is an an nual award given to the author of papers with out· standing technical or professional merit. The papers a re judged for their val ue as new contributions to existing knowledge of automotive engineering. Kam · ran is c urrently a Ph.D . candidate in mechanical engineering at UM·Rolla. He has held a teaching fellowship in the department for the past three years. He is also a member of the American Insti· tute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIM, and an associate member of the Scientific Research Society, Sigma Xi. Kamran may be reached c/o Mechanical and Aerospace Department, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401.

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1978 continued

a Daniel B. Smith is now an engineer for General Electric, Utica, N.Y. He receives his mail at P.O . Box 281, New Hartford, NY 1343 1. :i· lr







'. . ~ :1 ~ :.t. . J. AllenCrid~'rwrites: "Received M.S. 'r

Lois M. Luehrman Crane writes: "I was married on July 6, 1985 to Chuck, who is a mechanical engineer fro m the Unive rsity of Michigan and is also a Shell employee ." Lois is now a senior production engineer fo r Shell Offshore. She and Chuck live at 25 Hickory Drive, Covington, LA 70433 .

A. G . Unklesbay writes: "Enjoying retirement and traveling, this summer to Iceland, Switzerland, Austria , Germany. Great geology and scenery." He is Unive~sity of Missouri vice president emeritus and professor emeri tus of geology. Ayear ago he retired as executive director of the American Geological Institute, and returned to Columbia. Unk's address is 802 Fairview Road, Columbia, MO 65203.

J o h n M. Dolan writes: "Cori nne and I are very proud to announce the birth on J ul y 13, of . J ac k, our first chi ld . My assignment in London is drawing to a close and we will be returning to Tulsa at the end of the year. " John is the manage r, process division, for McGill Interna tional. He and his family live at 132 Sloane St. , London, U.K. , SWI, AX .

Donald G. Walther writes: "I am still at McDonnell Douglas, eight plus years now. My wife Pat and I have two wonderful boys Bradley, 4 ~ , and Tommy 1 ~ . We are living in Florissant, Mo. in our hOD1€ of four years. " Donald lives at 1002 Driftwood Trails Drive, Florissant, MO 63031.

Steve Ford has been promoted to vice president of Garney Companies Inc. , headquartered in Kansas City, Mo. The firm is a contracting company specializing in the construction of civil systems dealing with water intake, distribution collection and treatment. Steve lives at 706 Little Oak Drive, Austin, TX 78753.

John C. Pagan has a new address: 11009 Artic Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123. He works for Booker Associates Inc . C harlotte Povelka writes: "Married an engineer .. Douglas Rei tz , on July 5, 1986, but , alas, he is an MIT man. Moved into our new 100-year-old house in August. O ur address is 328 Mt. Parnass us, G ranville, OH 43023."

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in mathematics from the University of Tennessee in December, 1985." Allen's new mailing address is P.O . Box 3077, Oak Ridge, TN 37830.

Rick F ahrenkrog is now an area supervisor for Williams Pipeline Co., Heyworth, Ill. He and Lisa live at 507 ~ E. Locust, Normal, IL 61761.

Navy Lt. j.g. Stanley C. Sike s recently T ho mas J . Helfrich writes: "Change deployed to Rota, Spain with the Naval of address again. Also, got engaged, Mobile Construction Battalion 62, based wedding planned for Sept. 19, 1986." in Gulfport, Miss. In Spain he will be ' Thomas lives at 3961A Shaw Blvd. , St. involved with more than 18 construcLouis, MO 63110. He is employed by tion projects. Stanley can be reached John Mathes & Associates. through his parents' address at 408 Parkin St., Fredericktown, MO 63645.









Alfred W. Yem writes: "I received an M.S. degree in transportation engineering from the University of Nebraska and am currently employed by Nolte & Associates as a civil engineer." Alfred lives at 535 18th Ave ., Ap t. A, San Francisco, CA 94121.

Ken C. Smith writes: "My wife, Cindy, had our first child , Shanelle Elizabeth Smith, on July 14, 1986." Ken and Cindy live at 2025 "W" St. N.W., Au burn , WA 9800l.



Mark R. White has been named district sales manage r for Rexnord's Process Machinery Division, Milwaukee, Wis. The division makes crushing and processing equipment for the mining and aggregate industries. Mark works out of the north Texas sales office and is responsible for sales in Texas. He and Debbie live at 4811 Abbott Ave., Arlington, TX 76018.




David Winter has moved to 2529 Elm Drive, Brier, WA 98036. He is a senior project engineer with Hart C rowser Inc., Seattle, Wash.

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Kenneth Ray Foste r J r. and Joyce . Ellen Hierholzer, '83, were married Aug. 30, 1986 at John Knox Presbyterian Church, Florissant, Mo. The couple lives at 352 Van Horn Blvd. , Holts Summit, MO 65043.

Mark Herr writes: "Am currently living in Springfield, Mo., working for Paul Mueller Co . as a sales engineer. I have two beautiful blonde headed girls, Danielle and Casey, along with my wife, Linda . Enjoying it down in the Ozark country and wish everyone in the class of 1979 good luck and God bless you all." Mark and his family Ji ve at 1254 E. Carleton, Springfi eld, MO 65807.

Brian He uckro th married Deborah Hop ping in Sept 1985 . Brian's las t known add ress is 145 Laurel Ave. , Menlo Park, CA 94025.






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1979 Walter R. Bilgram writes: "Currently . in Wichita, Kan. working as projects manager for Cessna Aircraft. Kristin is 2 years old and Ramona, '80, is a quality circle facilitator at Boeing." The Bilgrams live at 1866 N. Winstead, Wichita, KS 67206.









Barbara Busby writes: "Michael and I have two boys, Rob, 5, andJeff,1~. I am presently studying for my M.S. in management information systems and working part time for the federal government. Michael, '78, is a project manager for Fred Weber Inc., in St. Louis." Barb and Michael live at 16 Stratford Way, Belleville, IL 62223.

John A. Hrenak Jr., writes: "Sandy and I have moved across town. Our new address is 2201 S . Margrave, Fort Scott, KS 66701. I received a promotion last April to area engineer for the Kansas Department of Transportation. I supervise the maintenance and construction activities in a three county area along the Kansas·Missouri border stretching from Fort Scott to within 20 miles south of Kansas City, Kan. proper. This area incl ude.s approximately 375 miles of roadway. Anyone seen my seat cush-

Brian E. Seley writes: "I am selfemployed as a contract electrical engineer. Currently consulting for New York State Electric & Gas, substation department." Brian-receives his mail at Route 2, Box 157, Bingham, MO 13903.

David Stahl is now a design engineering manager for Michelin Tire, Lexington, S .c. He and Karol have moved to 124 Rodborough Road, Columbia, SC 29210.

1980 Ra mo na Bilgram is a quality circle facilitator at Boeing Aircraft, Wichita, Kan. She and Walter, '79, live at 1866 N. Winstead, Wichita, KS 67206. They have a 2-year-old daughter, Kristin.

G eoffrey A. Burrows writes : ''I'm still in the land of fruits and nuts (Southern California). As soon as I have $100,000 I'll put 20% down on a house ." Geoffrey lives at 930 Roswell, No.5, Long Beach, CA 90814. He is a mechanical engineering associate for Los Angeles Water and Power Co.

George M. Visio writes: "Received M.B.A. in finance from the University of Missouri-Columbia Dec. 1985. Began work at Southwestern Bell the same month as network staff supervisor, planning. " George lives at 2538 Mariner Drive, No. 1312, St. Louis, MO 63129.

David R. Wyatt writes: "I am now a co'mputer vision engineer with Delco Electronics Corp. My wife Jill and I live in Kokomo, Ind. We have a wonderful 2-year-old named Kristen Marie and we have another one due in June." David and Jill live at 500 E. 73N, Kokomo, IN


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Jim Neumann writes: " New baby: Zachary Levi Neumann, born May 12, 1986. Fourth son!" Jim is a senior mechanical engineer for Amoco Chemicals, Joliet, III. He and Dodi live at 1255. Burr Road, Channahon, IL 60410.

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Alumni Personals Ronald J . Fey, '81, '84, writes: "We are looking forward to our first child, due in April." Ronald is a petroleum engineer for OFT Inc., Oklahoma City, Okla. He and Nancy live at 10613 Blue Fox Drive, Edmond, OK 73034.

1981 Debbie (Brown) Brase writes: "I will be graduating from the University of Texas-Austin with my M.S. in electrical and computer engineering in December 1986. After that I will continue working for IBM here in Austin. Our address is still 4721 Hawkhaven, Austin, TX 78727."

Bruce Colborne writes: "Janet and I live in Sugar Land, Texas. I'm working for Trane Co. as a sales engineer." Bruce and Janet live at 13775 Greywood, Sugar Land, TX 77478.

Joseph G. Draper is now a contract engineer, stress analyst, for Ewing Tech Design, Renton, Wash . He lives at E202, 1835 S. 216th, Des Moines, WA 98198.

Caroline and James Engeman, both '81, write: "Jim has been engineering manager at Johnson Controls for a little over a year, and Caroline is currently the assistant manager of the BQA Laboratory at Anheuser Busch. We still live at 15523 95th Ave., Florissant, MO 63034."

Michelle (Cooper) and Ken, '78, '83, Fleck write: "We are holding our own out here in Price, despite the slump in the coal market and related industries. Michelle is working for the department of Natural Sciences at the College of Eastern Utah teaching classes. Ken is doing double duty in Price and in Paonia, Colo., where Arco also owns a coal mine. He still finds his job as a mine geologist an enjoyable one, despite the constant threat of shut-downs. It took a while, but we actually enjoy living in Price now, and are looking forward to ski season." Ken and Michelle live at 205 N. Carbon Ave., Price, UT 84501.

John W. George, P.E., writes: "I have taken a job with Mid-West Conveyor Co., Kansas City. My first position is on a $10 million construction contract. Debi and I have just moved our family to Lee's Summit, Mo. Please note our new address. We send our regards to all our friends ." John and Debi now live at 3918 S. W. Regatta Drive, Lee's Summit, MO 64063-4651.

Randal L Hoyt writes: "My wife, Maria, and I became parents to a beautiful baby daughter, Megan Brooke, on Sept. 15, 1986." Randal is an engineer for Deere & Co. The Hoyt family lives at 96635Y2 Ave ., East Moline, IL 61244. Albert E. Ketterer writes: "A baby girl, Courtney Elizabeth, was born on June 30, 1986, to wife ; Colleen, and me." Albert is a project engineer for HBE Corp., St. Louis, Mo . He and his family live at 20 Smoke Tree, Fenton, MO 63026. Cu Dinh Nguyen writes: "I am currently working for Oklahoma City Air Logistic Center as senior hydraulic engineer. My primary area is flight control on F-15 aircraft. My message to my countrymen (Viet Nam) is 'let's all give generous contributions to the school that gave us our start as engineers.'" Cu Dinh and Thuy live at 2616 S.W. 103rd St., Oklahoma City, OK 73159. Kimberly A. Pritchett writes: "Tom, '84, and I are still at Delco Electronics. We bought a house in Russiaville, Ind. last year. We ar·e also expecting our first child in Jan. 1987. Our new address is . 310 W. Marshall, Russiaville, IN 46979." Kimberly is a project engineer at Delco. Edward L Robold writes: "I am now supervisor in charge of quality assurance at Combibloc Inc., Columbus, Ohio. We make aseptic cartons." Edward lives at 4211 Haughn Road, Grove City, OH 43123.

James C . Hawkins writes: "My wife James C. Schneider writes: "I married tells me I never gave the news that I'm Judy Rosner on June 6, 1986. We married. S ~ to let you know, I've been bought a house and are enjoying marhappily married now for two and a half ried life!" James is a senior systems years to Elizabeth Gangl of Homestead, programmer at A. G. Edwards, St. Louis, }la." James and Elizabeth live at 7490 Mo . He and Judy live at 1110 Martin Miami Lakes Drive, Miami Lakes, FL Manor Place, Florissant, MO 63031. 33014. Jim works for HCB Contractors.

Russell Espinosa, '82, right, senior manufacturing engineer for General Motors, was a guest speaker at the freshman Minority Engineering Program (MEP) during summer orientation sessions on campus. He discussed his own experiences at UMR and counseled the students on how to succeed at the University. Kenneth HorraH is now an assistant professor of physics and earth sciences at Adrian College. Ken has worked for the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, Phillips Petroleum and UM-Rolla. His mailing address is c/ o Adrain College, Physics and Earth Sciences Department, Adrain, MI49221. John B. Jones Jr. writes: "Now outside processor metallurgist for Granite City Steel. Have a 13-week-old baby girl, Amanda." John lives at 4135 F ox Crossing Drive, Florissant, MO 63034. David O'Connor writes: "Rejoined the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department in Joplin after working for eight months for a consultant in Dallas . Recen tly purchased a home and just trying to get everything settied in . Wife , Pat, and children , Rachael and Daniel, all doing wel l. " David and Pat live at 2124 Odessa , Joplin, MO 64801.

1982 Kirk C. Foeller writes: "Am presently plans officer for the 20 Engineer Group, Seoul, South Korea. Son, David, born on Aug. 29, 1986." Kirk is a captain in the U.S. Army. He and Susan live at 7911 S.E. 129th Place, Summerfield, FL 32691. Henry L.W. Riley, '81, second from right, and Charles B. McField Jr., '80, '82, right, visited the campus this fall to talk with members of UMR's Minority Engineering Program ... left to right, Marilyn Peebles, Angela Cooper, Floyd Harris (director) and Matthew Johnson, (president of Associated Black Students). While they were here, the two alums displayed copies of a book they helped put together (100+ pages) spotlighting minority engineers in the Kansas City area and providing biographical material on each one. If they can secure the necessary financing, they plan to provide copies of the book to minority students in the Kansas City area to recruit new students into engineering and increase enrollment at UMR. ..among other engineering schools. Henry's address is 5100 Hickory Rd., No. 17, Kansas City, MO 64109, and Charles' address is 3932 College Ave ., Kansas City, MO 64130. Both are engineers at Bendix Aerospace.

36/MSM Alumnus

Randall M. Perkinson writes: "Starting my third year as a computer applications engineer for Howard , Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff. I spec ialize in highway and CADD-related computer programming." Randall lives at 10621 Oak, Kansas City, MO 64114.

Keith M. Sanders writes: "I was recently chosen and am looking fo rward to spending the next year as resident engineer on Payless' new 490 ,000 square foot Midwes t di str ibuti on ce nt er in Sedalia, Mo. Black & Veatch is the Jerry Froidl writes: "Enrolled in mas- engineer of record on the projec t. " ters - divinity program at Southwestern Keith lives a t 10703 N.W. 58th St., Ba pti st Theologica l Seminary. Wife, Parkville, MO 64152. Lori, is enrolled in master of arts · religious education also in So uthwestern. Dave A. Voss writes: ·'Rita ar,d I have a We hope to be appointed home mis- baby girl named Lon Marie, born Sept. sionaries with the Southern Baptist Con- 27,1985. " Dave is c. design engi neer for vention. Please pray for the spiritual McDonnell Douglas , Sr. Louis, Mo. The state of our nation." Jerry and Lori live Voss family lives at 2912 Maldo n Lane ' at 4057 Sandage, Ft. Worth, TX 76110. SI. Charles , MO 63301.

Alumni Personals Christopher Johnson writes: "I'm doing very well and enjoying my work. Thomas O. Mesko writes: "I've been Wife, Jill, and daughter, Marcy, are the involved in several local and regional most fulfilling part of my life. Expect new ground water investigations, serving as baby in April. Best wishes." Chris works project chief and team member. Cur- in the chief operations branch for the rently I am investigating the occurance U.S . government. He and his family live of agricultural particles in shallow at 8700 Monmouth Drive, Upper Marlground water of southeast Missouri; the boro, MD 20772. effects of reclamation on the hydrology of an abandoned coal surface mine in Stephanie Kutterer writes: ''Transwestern Missouri; and 'constructing and ferred to Michigan-working with autoevaluating a three-dimensional ground mation, robots and other electronic water flow model to describe ground play toys and having a great time. water flow of the northern Mississippi Started grad school again-manufacturenlargement. In my spare time, I have ingsystems-just can't get enough. Going authored or co-authored several reports to Australia for Christmas, can't wait. describing geology and hydrology of Got to get away from the cold for various areas and have given presenta- a while , had enough . Finally get to go tions at several technical conferences." skiing-can't wait." St ep~a ni e is a manuTom lives at 1204 Sycamore Drive, facturing engineer for Ford Motor Co., Rolla, MO 65401. He is a hydrologist for Trenton, Mich. She lives at 6866 Greenthe U.S. Geological Survey, water re- v,iew Ave., Detroit , MI 48228. sources division. Jeff J. Lammers is now plant engineer/ Don Zeitinger is now a senior design maintenance supervisor fo r Wainwright engineer for International Paper Co. He Industries, St. Peter's, Mo. He lives at . lives at 1663 Hillcrest Road, No . 316, 205 Rue Grand, Lake St. Louis, MO Mobile, AL 36609. 63367.

1982 continued

Mike Albrecht is now a project engineer for Bell Technical Operations in Granite City, Ill. He and Paula have moved to 9880 Breeds Hill, Apt. 8. , St. Louis, MO 63123.

Mark L. Loethen writes: "Still employed with Jones & Carter, consulting engineers, in Houston, Tex. New assignments include work as city engineer for Stafford, Texas." Mark lives at 12903 Sugar Ridge, No . 1104, Stafford, TX 77477.

Jeffrey Bacon married Leslie Drum, '85, April 26, 1986. J eff works at the Hughes Radar Division. Leslie is with Northrop Aircraft Division. The couple lives at 5644 Ravenspur Drive, No. 410, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90274.

Joel Mahnken writes: "Have been working for the City of Wellington since August '85. Was recently promoted to director of engineering." Joel and Leslie live at 316 W. 4th St., Wellington, KS 67152.


Nicholas W. Burkhead is a project engineer at Dupont's experimental sta- , Mahesh H. Mehta is a systems engition. He lives at 27 Merry Road, Newark, neer at EDS, Troy, Mich. He and Chhaya have moved to 3260 Bloomfield DE 19713. Lane l Auburn Hills, MI 48057. Jeanne Hilker Draper writes: "John, 1983, and I were married on Dec. 28, David L. Oswald is now a mainte1985, in Columbia, Mo. John is in medi- nance supervisor over production for cal school at ¡ UM-Columbia and will . Marion Laboratories, Kansas City, Mo. graduate with his M.D. in May 1987. I, He lives at 614 Fair Lane, Lee's Summit, am still working at the Research Reac- M064063. tor, in the instrumentation development group. Our new address is 1506 Rose- William L. Prehm writes: "Still working in and loving Oregon. Working on mary No.1, Columbia, MO 6520l." developing an underground natural gas Joyce Ellen Hierholzer and Kenneth storage field . Preliminary plans only, no Ray Foster Jr., '79, were married Aug. project approval yet." William lives at 30, 1986 at John Kno x Presbyterian 3830 S.w. 87th Ave. , Portland, OR Church, Florissant, Mo. The couple 97225. He is with Northwest Natural lives at 352 Van Horn Blvd., Holts Gas Co. Summit, MO 65043. Kevin Reinhard is now ' living at 206 Belmont, North Little Rock, AR 72116. Navy Ensign Jerry A. Gentry has He is a geologist for DISC International. completed the basic surface warfare He writes: "Beth and I are expecting our officer's course. His home address is first child in February." Route 3, Osceola, MO 64776. Richard W. Gray writes: "Happy and single in Odessa, Tex. Miss ya'll in Missouri, though." Richard lives at 909 W. 19th St., Odessa, TX 79763. He is employed by Landgraf, Crutcher and Associates Inc. Kenneth L. Hill writes: "Still working at Universal Engineering Testing Company in sunny Florida." Kenneth lives at 7438 Anstead Circle , Orlando, FL 32810.

Teresa Roberts writes: "I am now working as a project engineer for G&E Engineering Inc." Teresa receives her mail at P.O. Box 95003, Baton Rouge, LA 70895. Bill Schulze writes: "My wife Cathy and I are living in Monument, Colo. We both work for Hewlett Packard in Colorado Springs. I am working in marketing on HP's new line of CAE products." Bill and Cathy live at 1035 South Park Drive, Monument, CO 80132.


.? 1986 RoIIamo

Wayne V. Schmidt writes: "I presented a paper, based on my research performed while in graduate school at UMRolla, at the ASCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering. It was titled, "Decreasing Clay's Permeability by Precipitating.Aluminum Salts." Wayne lives at 601 E. 89th, Kansas City, MO 6413l. He is an environmental engineer for Burns & McDonnell.

Scott G. Giltner, '84, '86, writes: "Presently living on the north side of the Johannesburg area in South Africa. Started working at the Chamber of Mines Research Organization on Sept. 1, 1986. I am employed in the Stoping Technology Laboratory where I con. duct blasting research for the gold mines." Scott can be reached c/o Chamber of Mines - STL, P.O. Box 91230, Auckland Park, Johanflesburg, Curtis A. Westrich writes: "Still work- South Africa, 2006. ing WIth Albert H. Halff A:ssociates Inc., in Dallas. We've been in our house a Scott William Jarus writes: "After one little over a year flOW . All in all, Texas year with the company I was promoted has been qUite good to us." Curtis lives to associate engineer and then sent on a at 3814 Knight's Bridge Drive, Rowlett, six-month assignment in Scotland." TX 75088. Scott is a manufacturing engineer for IBM. He and Debbie live at 104 Wesker Renate A. Wilkinson 'writes: "I took Circle, Durham, NC 27703. advantage of those cheap air fares and returned to Germany for three weeks in Steven Day Kimes writes: "Debbie ' July. I had a great time visiting relatives and I are doing fine and both still workand went on a bicycle-camping trip in ing. Most recent big venture was the Bavaria." Renate works for the Missouri purchase of our first new house. Guess Highway and Transportation Departwe will both have to keep working now. ment and lives at 1135 College, Apt. 1, Many employers in this area are slowing Kansas City, MO 64137. down and laying off, but we both are fortunate enough to have good jobs_ I was promoted in July to project engineer, Paul S. Unzicker Inc., Dallas, Tex., our speciality being land development. All of our old friends need to keep in touch and come visit - we now 1984 have plenty of room for visitors." Steve and Debbie live at 5319 Altacrest Court, Edward J. Bradley Jr. writes; "I am Grapevine, TX 76051. currently an assistant engineer in the underground standards group of Union Electric Co. I am also pursuing an Gary M. Kowalsi married Carrie L ' M.B.A. at St. Louis University." Edward Cottrell, '85, on Sept. 13, 1986. The lives at 7444 Sharp Ave., St. Louis, MO couple work for the Illinois Department 63116. of Transportation. They live at 152 Amy (Carpenter) and Bill Bryant announce the birth of their first child. Megan Joyce Bryant was born on Oct. 17,1986, and weighed 9Ibs., 1 oz. Amy is a masters candidate in engineering management at UMR. She and Bill receive their mail at Route 7, Box 98, Rolla, MO 65401. Carol E. Edwards writes: "Jerry and I are living in the suburbs of Kansas City and enjoying it very much . Jerry is employed by Black & Veatch and I am enjoying a vacation before going back to work." Carol and Jerry now live'at 4861 Glenwood, No. 8, Mission, KS 66202.

Cambridge Court Apts. , Springfield, IL 62704. John Joseph LaBerg writes: "Getting married to Jacqueline Charpentier on Nov. 1, 1986 at Mt. Prospect, Ill. Will reside in Carol Stream, Ill." John's last address is 3009 Heritage Drive, Apt. 12, Joliet, IL 60435. He works for Professional Services Industries. Steven Paul Morlock is now a mechanical design engineer for McDonnell Douglas, St. Louis, Mo. He and Cathy live at 643- Mediterranean, Florissant, MO 6303 l.

., MSM Alumnus/37


Alumni Personals Sheila and Randy Olmstead, both '85, write: "Randy graduated from Air Force Officer's Training School on Sept. 13, 1985. He is in training to be a software specialist supporting satellite operations for the 2d Space Wing. Sheila has worked 1Y2 years for Teledyne Brown Engineering." The couple live at 6410 Zermatt Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80915.


1986 Rollamo

1984 continued Tim and Kimberly, '81, Prichett are expecting their first child in Jan. 1987. They both still work at Delco Electronics and report they bought a house last year. Their new address is 310 W. Marshall, Russiaville , IN 46979. Richard E~ Rupprecht writes: "Currently working for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics as an engineer in automatic test equipment. I was married in November 1985. Richard receives his mail at Route 7, Box 283, Edwardsville, IL 62025. Gerard B. Schulte is now a foreman for Hentges Tree Service. He receives his mail at Route 1, J efferson City, MQ 65101. Bart W. and Julie A., '85, Stuckey are living at 14716 A. Arapaho , Olathe, KS 66062. Charles K. Svec has been promoted in the U.S. Air Force to the rank of first lieutenant. Charles is a missile combat crew commander at Grand Forks Air Force Base, N.D., with the 447th Strategic Missile Squadron. He and Debbie live at 1773 Holly Drive, No. B, Grand Forks Air Force Base, ND 58205. Mark Alan Webb writes: "Married Barbara Haas June 18, 1986 and moved to Virginia in July. Barb is from Colorado." Mark is a project engineer for Law Engineering Testing Co., Chesapeake, Va. He and Barb live at 5624 Susquehanna Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462.

Colt Wise, '84, '85, writes: "Since graduating, have been working for Scott Consulting Engineers, Springfield, Mo., as a structural E.I.T. Am enjoying involvement on projects such as structural design of the new Army Engineers School at Fort Wood, hydraulic and structural design of several highway bridge replacements, and other miscellaneous structural projects. All welcome to stop by anytime and say hello." Colt lives at 4218 E. Downing, Apt. B, Springfield, MO 65807.

38/MSM Alumnus

Carrie L Cottrell writes: "I am now married to Gary M. Kowalski, '84. Married Sept. 13, 1986. We both work for the Illinois Dl'!partment of T ransportation in Springfield, Ill." Carrie and Gary live at 152 Cambridge Court Apts., Springfield, IL 62704.

Leslie Drum married Jeffrey Bacon, '83, April 26, 1986. Leslie works for Northrup Aircraft. Jeff is with Hughes Radar Division. The couple lives at 5644 Ravenspur Drive, No. 410, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90274.

David L Pannone is now a chemistry lab technician for the Rocket Research Co., Redmond, Wash. He lives at 3041 NE 143rd, No. 22, Seattle, WA 98125.

Donald G. Price Jr. is now a service engineer I for Flopetrol-JohnstonSchlumberger, Odessa, Texas. He lives at 4400 Holiday Hill Road, No. 20-G, Midland, TX 79707. Michael K. Sinnett writes: "Am working as a volunteer math teacher at an Eskimo high school in western Alaska's Yukon-Kushokwim Delta. Work is hard , but am enjoying the frontier life. Will return to McDonnell Douglas or grad school after my year of service." Michael's home address is 5517 Walsh St., St. Louis, MO 63109.

Douglas K. and Diana L Goedecke, both '85, write: "Doug will be starting an M.B.A. program in the spring 1987 semester." Currently Doug works for Ericsson and Diana works for AT&T. They live at 1200 E. 116th Terrace, Apt. 3, Kansas City, MO 64131.

Dan LaChance writes: "I recently moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. I'm a sales engineer with Blackmore and Glunt. I'm getting married Nov. 1st to Sheri Oldani." Dan lives at 90 Bent Tree Drive, Fairfield, OH 45014.

CHARLES F. SPENCER JR. Charles F. Spencer Jr. has been commissioned a second lieutenant for the U.S. Air Force. He recently graduated from Officer Training School at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. His home address is 4810 Exall Lane, Paducah, KY 42001.

Julie A. Stuckey is an engineer with Allied-Bendix, Kansas City, Mo . She and Bart, '84, live at 14716 S. Arapaho, Olathe, KS 66062.

i STEVEN STACY Steven Stacy writes: "Graduated with distinction from Naval Officer Candidate School, Newport, R.I. and was commissioned an ensign, U.S. Navy. Next assignment is Nuclear Power School, Orlando, Fla. Mail will find me if sent to 2155 Wedgewood Drive, Florissant, MO 63033."

Daniel J. Lichtenwalner writes: "Congratulations to the metallurgy staff for the unbroken record of accreditation. Keep up the good work." Daniel lives at 305 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139. He's at M.I.T.

Kent Lynn writes: ''I'm finally done with the IBM training program and I have been assigned to the Strategic Air Command account team. Looking forward to homecoming in October." Kent lives at 405 S. 78th Street, No.5, Omaha, NE 68114.

Douglas Brian Ely married Cheryl Marie Eisenhart on July 25, 1986. The couple now live at 14741 Airelle Court, Florissant, MO 63034.

Patrick J. Mayville is no'w a second lieutenant in the United States Air Force. He is assigned to Scott Air Force Base, Airlift Information Systems Division Suzanne M. (Cooper) Riney writes: AFCC. He lives at 3437A Humphrey, "Tom and I moved into our new house St. Louis, MO 63118. in April and are enjoying entertaining and spending money. The new address Navy Seaman Kenneth L Mosley is 1140 Summit Meadows, Fenton, MO has completed training at Recruit T rain63026_" Suzanne works for the Metro- ing Command, Orlando, Fla. Kenneth's home address is 1716 E. 22nd St., Kanpolitan Sewer District. sas City, MO 64108.

Navy Ensign William M. Fogarty was commissioned to his present rank after completing Aviation Officer Candidate School. His mailing address is c/ o 275 Blackmer Place, St. Louis, MO 63119.

Sharri L (Riggs) Hiller writes: "Jeff and I have bought a house on the northwest side of Oklahoma City. We are both engineer intern I's now with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and are working at different construction residencies in the Oklahoma City area." Sharri and Jeff's new address is 11413 Matthews Ave ., Oklahoma City, OK 73132.

David DeHart has accepted a job at O'Brien & Gere Engineers Inc., SI. Louis office. He will be involved in industrial projects of an environmental nature including studies and design for industrial wastewater discharges. David lives at 8735 Norcross Drive, St. Louis, MO 63126.

1986 Kevin T. Davis is an ensign with the U.S. Navy. He recently completed the Officer Indoctrination School at the Naval Education and Training Center, Newport, Fla. His mailing address is c/o Route 2, St. James, MO 65559.

Kathryn A. Wittier writes: "I work as a design engineer for O'Brien & Gere Engineers, an environmental consulting firm in St. Louis. I really like it. I have also moved into an apartment with Sue Manda, '86, chemical engineering, and it's a lot of fun ." Kathryn and Sue live at 1046 E. Vue crest Lane, St. Louis, MO 63125.





Telephone (314) 341-4171; (314) 341-4172

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m y,





Term Expires

Thor Gjelsteen, '53 . . . . . . . . • . . . 7300 W. Stetson Place, #41, Littleton, CO 80123 ....' •...•... 1988 Paula Hudson, '73 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5910 Charlotte, Houston, TX 77005 . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 1989 S. Dale McHenry , '81 •..•..... • . 4814 Chelsea Way, Acworth, GA 30101 . .. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1988 Gerald L. Stevenson, '59 .. .- .... . . Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. , P.O. Box 2008 . . . . . . . . .. . .. 1987 Lakeland, FL 33806 Ronald A. Tappmeyer, '47 . . . . . . . . 2226 Country Club Drive, Sugar Land, TX 77478 • . . . . . . .. . • . 1987 Carlos Tiernon, '54 . . . . . . . ..... 61 Berkshire Lane, Lincolnshire, IL 60015 ... • . . . . ... ..• ... 1989

Area Zip Code Numbers


Term Expires

President ...•....•••.. Arthur G . Baebler, '55 . • . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Zinzer Court • . . . . . . . . . . 1988 Sf. Louis, MO 63123 President Elect •.......• John B. Toomey, '49 .•...•..••.... VSE Corp . •.....••.... • •. 1988 2550 Huntington Ave ., Alexandria, VA 22303 Vice President .•.•...•• Wayne R. Broaddus, '55 •• .••••••..• AAI, P.O. Box 2545 •.......• 1988 -. Dalton, GA 30720 Vice President .••..•.•• Alfred J. Buescher, '64 . . . • . . . . . . . . 624 Golfview Drive ••....... 1988 Ballwin, MO 63011 Vice President . . . . • . . . . J. Robert Patterson, '54 ..•..••••••• P.O. Box 573, N. Ridge Rd .•• r .1988 . Sikeston, MO 63801 Vice President .•...••.. Ernst A. Weinel, '44 .•.•..•....• . • 1502 West 50 •••• .••..•.•. 1988 O'Fallon, IL 62269 Vice President . . . • . . . . . Robert V. Wolf, '51 ....•.......••. Metallurgical Engineering .•••• 1988 UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 Secretary ••...••••.••. Matteo A. Coco, '66 •.......•....• 7115 Aliceton Ave ..•••...••. 1988 Afton, MO 63123 Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . J .L. "Jack" Painter, '50 ....• .• ..... 1610 Wilson Circle .•.. •.. .•• 1988 Rolla, MO 65401

00-14 15-26 27-36 37-45 46-52 53-61 62-62 63-65 63-65 63-65 63-65 63-65 63-65 63-65 63-65 73-75 76-77 78-84 85-92 93-99


Term Expires

David J . Blume, '65 .......• 11 Musket Trail, Simsbury, CT 06070 . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 1989 Richard E. Rueter, '68 . ..... 420 Penn St., Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . •• . 1989 John K. Olsen, '42 .. .. . . . . . . One Beach Drive, Apt. 1502, St. Petersburg; FL 33701 . . .. .... 1988 Russell A. Kamper, '62 . . ..... 5674 Shadow Oak~ , Dayton, OH 45440 .. • .... • . . . . . . . ... 1989 Robert L. Seaman, '69 •...... 8305 N. Yellowstone, Route 7, Muncie, IN 47302 ..•......••• 1987 Eugene J. Daily, '36 . . . . . . .• . Daily & Associates, 816 Dennison Dr., Champaign, IL 61820 .... 1988 Max A. Burgett, '54 ..•• ..... 2219 Dewey St., Murphysboro, IL 62966 .... . ... ... . .... . 1987 Jerome T. Berry, '49 ... •. ..• Route 4, Box 419, Rolla, MO 65401 .. . .. . .. ..... •. •.•... 1987 Robert T. Berry, '72 .. .. ... .. 12716 E. 63rd, Kansas City, MO 64133 . . . . : . ... . . . . . . . . . 1987 Gerald W. Bersett, '65 .... •• . 150 Kings Drive, Florissant, MO 63034 . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 1989 Lucien Bolon Jr., '59 . . . . . . . . 902 S. Murray Road, Lee's Summit, MO 64063 .. .. . . . . . . . . . 1989 Harold G. Butzer, '47 • .. . . .. . 730 Wicker Lane, Jefferson City, MO 65101 . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1988 Mary S. Klorer, '81 .... . . . .. 9165 Robin Court, St. Louis, MO 63144 . . . . . . . • . . ..... . .. 1987 B. Neil Lewis, '58 . .. . .. . . .. 115 College St., P.O. Box 627, Kennett, MO 63857 .. .... . .... 1988 Robert E. Peppers, '50 .. . .... P.O . Box 177, Herculaneum, MO 63048 . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 1989 Roy A. Wilkins, '66 . . . . . . . . . Williams Cos.-WILTEL, P.O . Box 21348, Tulsa, OK 74121 . . . . . . 1988 James B. Chaney, '48 . . . . . . . . 16218 Chipstead Drive, Spring, TX 77379 ..... . . . . . . . • .... 1988 J. Richard Hunt, '50 .......•• 14913 Highway 82, Carbondale, CO 81623 ••.....•. ....• . • 1989 Albert S. Keevil, '43 ......••• 1442 Yost Drive, San Diego, CA 92109 ........•.•.....•• 1987 David N. Peacock, '64 •...... 3515 Brunell Drive, Oakland, CA 94602 •.......•.•. • •. • •• 1988

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN William W. Collins, '50 •.• •• •.•..• 1608 Wilson Circle, Rolla, MO 65401 Joel F. Loveridge, '39 •...•.•..•.. 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Armin J . Tucker, '40 .•...... • .•• 304 Christy Dr., Rolla, MO 65401 EX~CUTIVE



Term Expires

Robert D. Bay, '49 .• •••• ....••.. Black & Veatch, 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway ... • . . . . . . . . . • 1988 Kansas City, MO 64114 James B. McGrath, '49 .. . . . . . . . . . 12425 Balwyck Lane, St. Louis, MO 63131 -.. . .. : . . . . . . . • . . 1992 Lawrence A. Spanier, '50 ..... . .... 5 Pettit Drive, Dix Hills, NY 11746 . . . •. .... . .•. •. .•.•.. 1990


h Ii·


v· ~r


Richard H. Bauer, '52 . . . . . . . . . . . . Missouri Electrochem Inc., 10958 Lin-Valle Drive / St. Louis, MO 63123 Robert M. Brackbill, '42 . . . . . . . . . . 9148 Clearlake Drive, Dallas, TX 75225 Paul T. Dowling, '40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10144 Winding Ridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63124 R.O. Kasten, '43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 West 114th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114 Peter F. Mattei,'37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9954 Holliston Court, St. Louis, MO 63124 Joseph W. Mooney, '39 .•.••.••.. 7383 Westmoreland, University City, MO 63130 Melvin E. Nickel, '38 . . . . . . . . . . . . 10601 South Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 F.C. Schneeberger, '25 .. ' .•. • ..... One Briar Oak, St. Louis, MO 63132 James W. Stephens, '47 ...••..... 406 E. Third, Lee's Summit, MO 64063

STAFF Frank H. Mackaman ......•..•.. Executive Vice-President, MSM-UMR Alumni Association and Vice Chancellor, Office of Alumni/Development Affairs, UM-Rolla Don Brackhahn •..••..•.•••... Executive Director for Aluml1i and Constituent Relations Larry Allen •....•.•..•.•.••.. Assistant Director; Alumni and Constituent Relations Louise Wilson •.•••.•......•.• Executive Staff Assistant, Alumni/Development Sally White ••••...••.••.•.••• Editor, MSM ALUMNUS MSM-UMR Alumni Association, Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401-9990

MSM Alumnus/39 )

\ j

John Brillos, '51, and C arl Zerweck, '50, get into the spirit of Homecoming at the Silver and Gold Party.

C a rri e Hock , sophomore in civil engineering is one of eight " Gold Miners ," UMR pom pon gro up.

New assoc iat ion president Art Baebler, center, and his wife, Ivy, right, chat with UMR's Delbert Day, '58.

MSM- UMR ALUMN I ASSOCIATION Un ive rsity of Missouri-Rolla Roll a, Missour i 65401-9990

0000 -1 0-?~ 9


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