Missouri S&T Magazine, February 1987

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Alumnus University of Missouri-Rolla




University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, MO 65401-9990

February, 1987

Vol. 61, No. I

.. . Scholarships Winners, Left to right: First row - Enk Olson, Steve Hill, Bradford Kline, Kevin Kohm, John Ledbetter, Darin Lovelace, James McDaniel, Craig Moellenhoff, David Platt, Tim Dickinson, Dave Cramer, Mac Voss, Brian Werkmeister. Second row - Mary Stephens, Jeannine Dubuque, Beth Wanner, Dan Meservey, Kim Ie, Linda Mo'ore, Cathy Alofs, Tammy Banks, Denise Brandt, Nancy Fetters, Nichole qeorge, Troy Haddow, Nora Tochtrop. Third row - Tracy Perkins, Marla Jungling, Rana Jones , John Dalton, Kurt Daniels, Russell Hively, Pat Kaufman, Tom Wilson, John Brandt, Tim Breece, Kevin Brown, Charlene Hentges, Kay Koester, Karen Sedlacek, Terry Tillison.

1986 Gifts to UMR Top $6 Million! Actually, more than 9,200 gifts came from 6,754 alumni of MSM-UMR! Twenty-four percent of MSM-UMR alumni for which we have current addresses are donors to the Association or the University. This is a six percent increase over the 1985 year.

The Chancellor, students, faculty and staff of the University of Missouri-Rolla take this opportunity to express a most sincere thank you for the more t~an thirteen-thousand contributions to the University and the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. Because of your concern and your gifts for UMR students, programs and proThe money and equipment received have been primarily used for jects, the campus and the 1986 Annual Alumni Fund received more the teaching and research functions of the campus, but close to than $6,083,500 in gifts during the year. $900,000 has been provided for student aid programs directly for CorpQrations remain the largest source of gifts with over use by students or to establish endowed aid funds. The departments $3,576,385 in cash and equipment provided to the campus. As an also have applied a large percentage of the $1.7 million for departimportant part of this source, more than 260 corporations matched mental enhancement as aid to their students. employee gifts in the amount of $271 ,068. In addition, the Atlantic One final thought. Despite the increased generosity this year, the Richfield Corporation made a challenge grant as a way to involve continued need to emphasiz~ excellence at UMR will require even alumni that had not made a gift in the past and more than 650 new larger contributions from more donors in the years ahead. alumni donors resulted from this challenge.

On The Cover


Board of Curators members and the board's student representative join U M's president for a portrait on the U M-Rolla campus. From left to right are Tom K. Smith of Ladue, 1986 boa rd president;W. H. "Bert" Bates of Kansas City, vice president; Peter H. Raven ofSt. Louis ; James S. Anderson of Springfield, UMR alumnus, '55; John P. Lichtenegge~ of Jackson; Jeanne V. Epple of Columbia; Edwin S. Turner of Chillicothe; U M R President C. Peter Magrath; Doug Russell of Lebanon; Eva Louise Frazer of St. Louis; and Kevin B. Edwards, student curator representative, U MR student and MSM-UMR Alumni Association Educational Assistant.

(USPS-323-500) \. Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri-Rolla. Entered as class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401-9990, under the Act of March 3, 1897.

MSM Alumnus/ l


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MS M-U MR Alumni Association Annual Fund

Source Alumni and Friends Gifts Matched by Companies Gifts to Campus Accounts through the Alumni Assoc iation -Dono r Designated Transfers \ TOTAL Purpose

Throu gh the gifts of alumn i and -friends, the MSM- UMR Alumn i Associ ation provid ed more than $281',000 in assistance to the campu s and studen ts during the past year with scbola rships remain ing its major project. Alumn i Associ ation schola rships were provid ed to 110 studen ts from $173,000 earmar ked for that purpos e. The Alumn i Association I and Alumn i Associ ation II schola rships are $1,250 a year and $~,OOO a year respectively. An additio nal $20,000 a year from the corpor ate alumn i fund is provid ed the Admissions Office for s use in attract ing outstan ding transfe r studen ts from junior college ts studen r transfe six and other four-y ear institu tions. Thirtyreceived the $500-a-year schola rships this year. An additio nal $27,000 a year is provid ed to pay underg raduat e studen ts workin g as educat ional assistants. Thirty-seven studen ts are curren tly participating in that progra m in which they comple te scholarly project s under the superv ision of UMR professors. Forty UMR studen ts Teceived "name d" schola rships admini stered by the Alumn i Association. Those schola rships range in value from $250 a year to $1,000 a year with more than $33,000 being typically disburs ed. Anoth er priorit y area has been to assist campu s-wide progra ms such as the library, music, theatre , intram ural sports artd intercollegiate athletics. A total of $28,000 was provid ed for those depart ments this year. The Associ ation's newly-established monet ary award for outstandin g advisers contin ued this year. A small reward and note of apprec iation for the fine job done by these hard-w orking fa~ulty

Number of Gifts


4,167 299 4,466

$270,483 82,757 $353,240

37,051 $390,291

membe rs while workin g with UMR' s studen ts was made to four individuals. Your gifts also allowed the Associ ation to publish six issues of .this magaz ine yearly, three sent to all alumn i and three sent to those choosi ng to make gifts to the Associ ation; to sponso r alumni section meetings around the countr y; to host reunio ns at both Homec omi'ng and Spring Comm encem ent; and to provid e a multitude of other benefits to alumni and the University includi ng job placem ent progra ms and studen t recruit ment. The Associ ation increased its solicita tion efforts this year by further segme nting its market . Special mailings were sent tomembe rs of the classes of 1940, 1945,11950 , 1955, 1960, 1970 and 1975. M~chanical and Aerosp ace Engineering gradua tes were asked to make speCial effort. in suppor ting the ARCO challenge, which is report ed elsewhere in this issue. Alumn i workin g for matching-gift compa nies received a special solicita tion letter. And for the first time ever, those alumn i having already made a gift during 1986 were asked near the end of the year to consid er a second gift. This becam e, especially import an.t to some persons because of the somewhat fluid tax enviro nment now being entered. 1'jext year's budget is even more ambiti ous. The Board of Directors has app'roved $222,500 for Alumn i Associ ation schola rships and educat ional assistants. Named schola rships are again expected to top $33,000, and the transfe r schola rships progra m is being expand ed to $25,000. Campu s aid and the outstan ding adviser program is expected to total $34,000. Your contin ued suppor t is peeded to reach that $314,500 goal.

AR CO Challenge Results This year's ARCO Challenge was a success. To be honest, the Arco Challenge campa ign was a qualified success , but the efforts paid off, and the total amoun t of money raised was impressive. Last year the Atlant ic Richfield Found ation challenged MSMUMR to raise $50,000 from alumni who had never befbre chosen to make gifts to the University or the Alumni Association. If the campa ign was successful, Atlant ic Richfield said their Found ation would give the campu s an additio nal $25,000 to match an earlier gift of $25,000 which had been given to the Mecha nical and Aerospace Engine ering Depart ment. During the year, the associa tion and university received gifts from 649 new donors totalin g $39,274.75 . Althou gh it didn't technically qualify to be counte d in the campa ign, these new gifts triggered more than $9,000 in additio nal gifts from matchi ng compa nies. Even though we didn't exactly qualify for the extra $25,000

2/MSM Alumnus

under the terms of the challenge, the alumni associa tion was certainly pleased with the results of the campa ign. , The campa ign became even more of a success when the association reporte d the final totals to Atlant ic Richfield. The Found ation decided that we had raised so much in new gifts and had attract ed so many new donors ' that it declared its challenge met. The additional $25,000 promised was received in Novem ber and is included in the figures found elsewhere in this issue. In all , the Atlanti c Richfield Challenge raised more than $73,000 for the University and the alumni associa tion , nearly $100,000 when the original $25 ,000 gift startin g the challenge is considered . With those results there seems only one more note to add - any other compa nies wishing to follow in' Atlanti c Richfield's footsteps and challenge MSM- UMR' s alumni are cordially invited to do so.

UMR Development Council Activities






T he U M R Development Council consists of representative members of the many constituents of the University. Its purpose is to serve as an advisory council to the chancellor and his staff and to help determine ways and means to achieve the objectives and goal.s of the campus. T~e UM - Ro ll a development program goals are pursued at two leve ls: the ann ua l program and capital efforts for equipment and endowment. Committees represented in the U M R Development Council and their respective chairmen are: Alumni Liaison, Bob Bay; Corporate Executives, Wayne Bennetsen; Entrepreneurs, Bob Underhill; Major Individual Gifts, Ralph McKelvey; Planned Giving, Charles Remington; Parents' Association, Susan Ramsey; Parents' Fund, Joe DePasquale; Community Support, Floyd Ferrell and Bill Jenks. The annual development program provides support in seven basic areas: student a.id, equipment, facilities, departmental development, faculty excellence, library, and special programs. Two buildings are presently under construction. The V. H. McNutt Hall mineral engineering building is scheduled for completion in the summer of 1987. The engineering management building will also be ready for occupancy for the fall term in '87. The Health / Information / Security building was opened this past fall. The first two have equipment needs in excess of $7 million. In addi-

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tion, two "eminence" programs have been identified for UMR enhancement. These are the Eminent Program in Materials Engineering & Science and the Eminent Program in Intelligent Industrial Systems. Equipment needs in these areas have been identified and are valued at $4,750,000. The Development Council met on 1 anuary 26 at the Missouri Athletic Club in St. Louis. Results of the 1986 Development Fund were discussed. Chancellor Martin C. Jischke outlined his plan for 1987. Included in his statement were several key priorities. Faculty excellence is of greatest importance. UM-Rolla faculty salaries are 10%-12% below market, which creates an ongoing problem of recruiting and retaining quality faculty. Chancellor lischke has outlined a special effort to fund from private sources a pool from which he can recognize quality teaching and research with annual awards. Enhancing faculty excellence through endowment for distinguished chairs, professorships, and lecturers will also be encouraged. Additional student financial aid and research and instructional laboratory equipment continue to be among these key priorites. Finally, but certainly as important, is the completion of the non-state funding for the Auditorium / Music / Alumni building. Wayne Bennetsen, Chairman UMR Development Council


Source Alumni Other Individuals Bequests Corporations Foundations Other Organizations Total

Number of Gifts 5,088 2,088 26 1,369 29 46 8,566

Amount ¡ $ 618,355 188,759 367,480 3,493,628 964,624 97,463 $5,730,309

Number of gifts - 8,566 Number of donors - 5,427

Purpose Unrestricted Student Financial Aid Research Faculty Enhancement Designated Departmental' Gifts Endowment Fund Student Loans , Capital Funds for Buildings & Equip. Deferred Gifts To Be Determined Total

$ 736,806 691,160 56,809 50,868 1,038,286 396,929 16,213 2,221,532 . 82,764 438,942 $5,730,309

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eluded $73,000 100 Ider ed .

Campus Color


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MSM Alumnus/3




Order of the Golden Shillelagh in 1977 The Order of the Golden Shillelagh was established on Founde rs Day d signifprovide who s friend and pouses s their and alumni many the e recogniz to was icant support to the University and the Alumni Association .. The Order of ity Uni.vers the at ce excellen to ment commit d established on a four-fol Missouri-Rolla. These are: is demonI) To recognize alumni and friends of the University whose concern . support l financia strated through their plans 2) To provide means by which adminis tration and faculty may share and aspirati ons for the University. 3) To help establish an exempla ry pattern of substan tial support through annual gifts and planned giving. promote increased interest in the welfare of the University on the part To 4) , of others who might become members of the Order. two basic are there ship, member to ce acceptan In addition to the written intent to conof nt stateme A . member a become to select may person avenues a

not less than tribute a minimu m of $10,000 during a ten-year period at a rate of s. Exa mples qualifie also 15,000 $ of m minimu a of gift planned A $1 ,000 a year. life trusts, le charitab nts, of planned giving are bequests , life income agreeme \ . gifts insurance and real estate of the During 1986, eighteen new members have been added to the Order ship has a Golden Shillelagh, bringing its total to 135. Each spring the member ed and a formal dinner meeting . During this meeting new members are recogniz is meeti~ spring 1987 The d. presente is interest campus program of current scheduled for April 3. Golden Please contact Howard Eloe, Executive Secretary of the Order of the g regardin tion informa wish you if Office ment Shillelagh, in the Alumni / Develop the organiz ation. Ralph McKelvey Chairm an, Executive Commit tee Order of the Golden Shillelagh

Members Mrs. Robert W. Abbett (F) Mr. & Mrs. James S. Anderso n Mrs. Margue rite C. Anderso n Mr. & Mrs. J . Lewis Andrew s Mr. Frank C. Appleya rd Mr. & Mrs. Keith E. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Hubert S. Barger Mr. & Mrs. David J. Barr Mr. & Mrs. John G . Bartel Mr. & Mrs. William L. Basler Mr. & Mrs. Reade M. Beard Mr. Maurice O. Bellis Mr. & Mrs. Jerome T. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Boyer (C) Mr. & Mrs. Robert M . Brackbill Mrs. Margar et M . Castlem an Mr. & Mrs. Donakl L. Castlem an Mr. & Mrs. Lawren ce Christen sen Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Cochra n Mr. & Mrs. Kim D . Colter Mr. & Mrs. G . Robert Couch (C) Mr. & Mrs. E. Jefferson Crum (F) Mr. & 路Mrs. Delbert E. Day Mrs. Doroth y Radcliffe Dee Mr. & Mrs. Paul T . Dowling (F) (E) Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Draper Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Eck Mr. & Mrs: Thomas O . English Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur S. Feagan (E) Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fennert y Mr. & Mrs. Armin F. Fick Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Finley (F) (E) Mr. & Mrs. James M . Forgots on (C) Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Freema n (C) M r. & Mrs. H a rold Q Fuller M r. Jerry L. G ilmore Mr. & Mrs. Pa ul E. Givens Mr. C. James Grimm (F) Mr. & Mrs. Alden G . Hacker (F) (E) Mr. & Mrs. William M. Hallett M r. John W. Hamble n Mr. & Mrs. John P . H armon (C) Mr. & Mrs. M ichael Hartung Mrs. Marj ory M eyer H asselma nn (F) Mr. Gary W. H avener M r. & Mrs. Jack B. Haydon M rs. lise Heilbru nn " M r. & Mrs. Victor J . Hoffma nn Mr. & M rs. T homas A. H olmes (F) (E) Mrs. Bert F . Hoover (C) Mr. Harland H. Hoppoc k (C) (F) F ounding Membe r

4/ MSM Al umnus

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Howard 'Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Ijames Mr. & Mrs. Vernon T. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Oliver W. Kampe r Mrs. Charles B. Kentno r, Jr. (F) Mrs. Harry H. Kessler (F) Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kisslinger Mr. Charles L. Kitchen M rs. H a rold K oplar Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Kruege r Mr. & Mrs. Frederic k S. Kumme r (F) Mr. & Mrs. Jenning s R. Lambet h Mr. & Mrs. Allan H . LaPlant e Mr. & Mrs. John H. Livings ton Mrs. Floyd S. Macklin (F) Mrs. Louise C. Marche llo Mrs. Roy W. McBrid e (F) . Mrs. Emily Murphy McCaff rey Mr. & Mrs. Belding H . McCurd y (F) Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. McKelv ey (F) (E) Mr. Druery W. McMill an Mr. & Mrs. John W . Mitchel l Mr. & Mrs. George E. Mueller (C) Mr. & Mrs. Robert H . Nau Mr. Kenneth R. Neal Mr. & Mrs. Marvin E . Nevins, Jr. (F) Mr. & Mrs. John K . Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ozorkiewicz Mr. John L. Painter Mr. & Mrs. John T. Park Mr. & Mrs. Murray J . Paul (F) Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Pearson , Jr. Mr. & M路rs. E. L. Perry (C) Mr. C. J. Potter (C) Mrs. Grace W. Prange Mr. & Mrs. James A. Redding Mr. & Mrs. Harvey J . Reed Mrs. Agnes Reming ton Mr. Charles Reming ton Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Remme rs Mr. Thomas A. Remme rs Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Remme rs 路Mr. & Mrs. Murray C. Renick, Jr. Mr. Robert P . Rhoades Mr. & Mrs. Pa ul B. Rothba nd Mr. & Mrs. Rodman St. Clair (F) (E) M r. & Mrs. Bernard R. Sarchet (F) M r. & Mrs. Robert P. Schafer Mr. Hans E. Schmol dt (F) Mrs. Jimmie Sch1J1oldt Mr. & Mrs. John E. Schork (C) Charter Membe r

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G . Sevick (C) Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel G . Skitek Mr. & Mrs. Walter Snelson Mrs. John P .' Soult (C) , Mr. & Mrs. J. Victor Spalding Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Spanier Mr. & Mrs. Ernest M . Spokes Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Springer Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Stevenson Mr. Thomas 路 J . Stewart , Jr. Mr. & Mrs. S. Allan Stone (F) Mr. & Mrs. C.F.P . Stueck Mr. & Mrs Carl D . Sutfin Mr. & Mrs. H. D . Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Carlos H . Tiernon Mr. & Mrs. John B. Toomey (C) Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Warner Mr. & Mrs. Mel Weinba um Mr. & Mrs. Hanley H. Weiser Mr. Rex Z. Williams Mr. &: Mrs. DeMarq uis D . Wyatt Mr. & Mrs. Marvin C. Zeid Deceased Membe rs: Mr. Robert W. Abbett (F) ,Mr. & Mrs. Carl H . Basler Mr. John Stafford Brown (C) Mrs. Charlot te Fuller Mrs. Margre te Gross Mr. Bert F . Hoover (C) Mrs. Mervin J . Kelly (C) Mr. Charles B. Kentno r, Jr. (F) Mr. Harry H : Kessler (F) Mr. Harold Koplar Mrs. Thomas Witt Leach (C) Mr. Floyd S. Macklin (F) Mrs. V. H . McNutt (F) Mr. & Mrs. Frank H . Mentz, Jr. Mr. James J . Murphy Mrs. John L. Painter Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. Schrenk (F) Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Smith (F) Mr. John P . Soult (C) Mrs. Thomas J . Stewart , Jr. Mr. Frank E. Townse nd Mr. Virgil L. Whitwo rth (F) Mr. & Mrs. Henry E . Zoller (F)

(E) Executive Commi ttee

Century Club The Century Club Honor Roll for 1986 lists the names of 1,289 donors whose gifts of $100 or more made them eligible for membership in the club. In 1985, the Honor Roll carried the names of 1,194 donors. This club is sponsored by the MSM-UMR Alumni Association and recognizes donations to the organization. The certificate of membership in the Century Club says, "an organization of alumni founded on May 27, 1967, to aid and support the University of Miss'ouri-Rolla through substantial gifts to the MS M-U M R Alumni Association Annual Fund ." There were 38 meinbers in the first year of the Century Club and your slide rule, calculator or personal computer will allow you to figure the percentage of increase from that time to this.

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Abdel-Latif A. Ismail '71 Abernathy Thomas S. ' 52 Achenbach Gary D . '63 Adam Everett E. Jf. '63 Adarnick Henry S. '44 Adler Robert B. '70 Afllick Daniel T. ' 84 Affolter Allen¡ L. ' 62 Ahrens Gail Ann '84 Ahrens Mark Jeffrey '84 Akers James Edward ' 53 . Akrnakjian Charles '60 Albee Stephen E. '78 Alexander William C. '40 Alford Jay W. '65 Alford Rex ' 40 Alger Robert P. ' 38 Alinder Lloyd A. '72 Allen Bruce H . ' 77 Allen George .W. Allen James L. Allen John E. Jf. '71 Allmon James A. ' 67 Alsmeyer William C. '41 Altheide Richard '84 Anderhub Anthony P. ' 51 Andersen Fred L. '47 Anderson Charles A. '53 Anderson George M . ' 49 Anderson ScottG. '83 Andoe W . Victor '63 Andreae Andreas A. ' 41 Andreae Robert A. ' 69 Andreae Vicki M. '70 Andreas Wayne T . '58 Appleyard Frank C. '37 Archer David W. '55 Arnold Frederick W. Jf. '36 Aske1and Donald R. Atkinson Marion L. Jf. '25 Aubrecht Ladirnir J. Jr. '65 Aung Zin '61' Austin John C . '42 Axmacher George W . '42 Bachmann Gregory D. '70 Bachmann Roy O. '74 Baebler Arthur G. ' 55 Bailey Keith E. '64 Baker Chester H . ' 55 Baker Ronald E. '78 Baldetti Paul G. '81 Baldwin William M. '51 Ballman Edward A. '38 Balmat Jack S. '48 Barefield Katryn M . '84

Barefield Timothy L. '83 Barger Hubert S. '39 Barkalow Thomas W. ' 74 Barker Marvin W. Barnes Charlie M. Jf. ' 66 Barnett Ewin H . '43 Barnett Ralph L. '70 Barnhart Herbert D. '44 Barrow Carlton W. ' 36 Barsachs Edwin H . ' 50 Bartel Donald S. '64 Bartley Elbridge W. III ' 70 Bartling Donald L. '63 . Barton C. Dean ' 53 Bauer Donna M. '84 Bauman William J. '71 Baumann Richard E. ' 78 Baumgartner George R. ' 56 Bay Robert D. '49 Becher Margaret M . ' 80 Beck William J . '73 Beers Seymour J. '41 Behring Allen G. ' 66 Beilstein Gregory L. '79 Belden David C. ' 79 Belew Elmer W . '47 Bell Arthur H . '75 Bell Jeffrey S. ' 83 Bell Thomas H . '69 Bellchamber Donald K . ' 59 Bellis Gerald B. ' 51 Bellis Maurice O . ' 43 Benner Robert L. '61 Bennetsen Wayne 1. ' 41 . Bentrup Eugene A. ' 50 Benz Paul W. '60 Berkey Vernon G . ' 50 Berndt Joseph P. Jf. '43 * Berry Hugh R . '25 Berry Jerome T. '49 Berthold James K. '60 Bestor Ted F . '78 Bier Patrick K. '75 Biermann Earl E . '43 Birchard Harry C. '26 Birkner Larry Thomas '84 Birt Floyd D. ' 32 Bissey Philip R. ' 79 Bissey Sharon R. '81 Blair Norman D. ' 41 Bleikamp Lawrence K. '80 Blume David J . '65 Blumfelder William O. ' 66 .. Boberschmidt Lawrence A. '65 Bodenhamer Charles R. '76


(fl 1986 Rollamo


Bodine Jack R. Boegner Philip J. ' 77 Bohl Carl D. ' 59 Boiles John H . ' 75 Boje George J. Jf. ' 50 Bolander Richard W. ' 61 Bolon Lucien M. Jf. ' 59 Boon Thomas S. '75 Borgmeyer Marvin E. '74 Bossert Harry F. '27 Botts John W. '73 Boyd Charles L. ' 51 Boyd Marvin W. ' 53 Boyd Robert K. ' 41 Boyd Roy H. '45 Boyd Stephen J . '72 Brackbill Robert M. '42 Brackhahn Donald G . Bradway Bruce R. '77 Brandon Dwight W. ' 83 Braun Robert P. '76 Braun Steven S. '40 Brecke Ervin A. ' 37 Bremer Wayne P. '73 Brendle Stephen J. '69 Brewer William ' 32 Bridegroom Kenneth E. '49 Brill Niles K. ' 42 Broaddus Wayne R. Jf. ' 55 Brockmann Lester A. ' 55 Brown Buran W. ' 37 Brown Guy lr. '40 Brown Roy G . '39 Browning Phil A. '48 Broy David 1. ' 85 Bruce Robert S. '69 Brueckmann Michael A. '74 Brugger Patrick H. '75 Bruhn Christopher J. '85 Bruns Robert F . '47 Buchmeier Frank A. Jf. '66 Buck Richard L. '63 Buck Robert H. ' 35 Budd Vincent J. ' 71 Buel Robert W. ' 50 Buescher Alfred J . '64 Buettner Melvin A. ' 51 Bullman Mrs Gale ' Burbridge Thomas E. ' 79 Buren William L. ' 59 Burke George E. '46 Burke William G . ' 59 Burnett Lynn F . '48 Burst John F. '43 Busch Ray E. ' 62 Busch William C. '37 Busch William D . '42 Butler James L. ' 65 Butzer Ha rold G. '47 Cameron C ha rles V. '38 Campbell Jack P. '24 Campbell John R . '74 Campbell Wolfga ng S. ' 79 Cappellari Lewi s K. '60 Carnahan Daniel L. '68 Ca rpenter Larry H . '70 Ca rr George H. '65 Carr Walter J. Jr. '40 Ca rroll James V. '43 Ca rter Ha l E. ' 71 Ca rter Ka ren S. ' 73 Cawvey James L. ' 78 C haffin G len N . '66 C ha ney James B. '48 Cha pman Ro bert T. '36 Chen Gwok-Lia ng '70 Chen Sir-Hoi '66 Chen Wen-Liang W. '75 C hen Willie Y. '50

Christen Randolph F. '72 Christian Scott Allen '84 Chronister Donald J. ' 76 Chu Richard S. '66 Claridge Elmond L. '39 Clarkson Charles F. ' 41 Claus Jeffrey J . '77 Claypool John W. ' 60 Cleve Richard C. '65 Clifton Jack H . ' 66 Close Maxwell L. ' 63 Coco Matteo A. ' 66 Coghill William W. ' 33 Coil Benjamin R. '29 Coldiron Michael L. ' 78 Cole Allan A. ' 52 Cole Jimmy D . '75 Cole Ralph C. ' 34 Cole Richard E. '47 Cole Sidney J. Jf. ' 54 Collins William E. '69 Collins William W. ' 50 Colman Eugenia M. Comanich George W. ' 51 Conci Frank B. ' 54 Connett Robert P. '46 Cook Aaron L. '77 Cook Christopher C. '80 Cook Thomas W. '65 Cooke William F. Jf. ' 35 Coolidge Donald J . '43 Cooper Larry M . '69 Cornett Roy C. ' 38 Coulter Stephen 1. ' 69 Court M ichael R . '73 Cowen Joseph E. '69 Cox Joe Francis II ' 81 Crane Harold R. ' 53 Crews Eddie L. '65 Crites Joseph D. '49 C rookston James A. '42 Crossley Warren P. '70 Crull Robert J. '79 Crum E . Jefferson '29 Culbertson William W . '37 Dalpini Da vid '49 Dasenbrock Arthur A . ' 51 Davidson Robert N. '60 Da vis Scott Daniel ' 83 Davis Sherrv L. '85 Davis Willi~m F. '66 Day Delbert E. '58 Dear Glen F. '61 DeBolt Donald G. '49 Decker Harry W. '34 Deelo Michael L. '67 Defenbaugh Kristy K . '80 Degenhardt Dean A. '74 De Guzma n Va lentin Danti ' 84 Dela ny Michael J. '48 DeLa p Kenneth L. '52 Demzik William G. ' 57 Denison David G . '80 Denner Da vid K . '76 Denner Deni se M . '76 Denney Kenneth L. ' 70 Denney Kimberl y K. '82 Dennie Powell A. ' 40 Dennis William E . ' 36 Denton Rand y G. '77 Derba k Thomas A. ' 85 DeRoy G lennon L. ' 35 Desj a rdins Peter E. '44 Dicken . Stanley c. '72 Dickens Richard L. ' 51 Di ckinson George W. '37 Dickof Frank A. '73 Dieckmann Mark D . ' 82 Dieffenbach Robert P . '39 Dillingham Albert C. Jf. '63

MSM Alumnus/ 5

~----------------~~------~~------------~----~~------------~--------------------------------------------~ . ~~

----------- ------

Centu ry Club continued

1986 Rollamo

Dix Larry L. '61 Dobson Richard J. '34 Doerr Jerry W. '67 Dolan John M. '79 Donovan Pa tricia L. '80 Donze Terry W. '71 Dorf Roger A. '65 Doss Eddie H. '80 Dostal Gregory GJ. '71 Dowd James D. '44 Dowell Jack B. ' 54 Dowling Paul T. '40 Downey Gary L. '62 Downs Jack S. ' 49 Draper Joseph Gibbs ' 81 Dressel Waldemar M. '43 Duderstadt Edward C. ' 58 Dull Melvin J. '58 Dunham Robert M. '42 Dunham Roy H. ' 47 Dunlay Mark John '81 Dunn Ervin E. '51 Dunn Wyatt M. '72 Dunning Eric D. '70 Dupont Steven J. '74 Durphy Clyde A. '43 Dutton Donnell W. '35 Eagan Thomas E. '25 Ebeling John A. ' 69 Eck Mark E. ~80 Eckhoff James L. ' 60 Ecoff Ralph A. Jr. Edele James S. '73 Edgar Max E. '35 Edwards Gene W. '53 Edwards Mrs Francis C. Ehrhardt James H. '78 Einsel Miller D. ' 62 Ellebracht Clarence A. 1r. '64 Elliott Edward E. '39 Elliott Joseph 0. '71 Elliott Lewis C. ' 39 Elliott Richard A. ' 70 Elliott Rodger L. '68 Ellis Elmer Ellis J. Craig '38 Ellis William R. ' 39 Eloe Howa rd W . Emanuel Duane Arthur '8 1 Enfield Bernard M , ' 50 English Thomas 0, ' 29 Englund John 0 . ' 53 Eppestine Dav id A. '71 Eppestine Diane C. '75 Euell Billy G. 1r. '81 Evanoff Kelly Brian '82 Evanoff Vicky ' 82 Evans Donald L. '61 Everett Edred N , '33 Fadler Eugene C. '62 Fagan Durward E, ' 34 Falkingham Donald H, '41 Faris Julius p, Jr. ' 38 Farmer John 0, III '63 Farrell Edward C. '41 Farrell William M, Jr. '65 Feagan Wilbur S, '76

6/MSM Alumnus

Fennert y Fra'ncis E, Ferns C. Kipp 11'. '52 Ferrell Mrs 1.0. Fetterman Phillip S, ' 73 Fick .Armin F. '41 Fields Ross A, '8 1 Fink Donald W, '47 Finley Douglas B, '83 Finley Fred W. '41 Finley Thomas J. 1r. '39 Fischer Max M, '35 Eisher Patrice M, ' 75 Fiss Edward C. ' 36 Fitzmaurice Richard R , ' 77 Fitzpatrick 10seph W. '48 Flanigan Virgil J, ' 60 Flatt William S. '71 Fleischli Jack E, ' 43 Flesh Mrs David Fletcher William S, '34 Flint Melvin C. '42 Flood H. William '43 Foeller Kirk C. '82 Ford Ferrill E, Jr. ' 7~ Ford Ragan Forgotson James M , ' 22 Fornari Joseph M. '51 Fort George.E. '40 Foster Jack D. '49 Foster Milo G, ' 79 Fournelle Raymond A. '64 Franklin Billy W. ' 57 Frazier Michael D. ' 85 Frederickson Jon p, ' 76 French Eunice p, '84 Fris Edward S. '43 Fris Joseph p, ' 51 Fritschel Larry E, '67 Fritschen Herman A. 1r, ' 51 Galloway James H , Jr. '34 * Gammeter Elmer ' 26 Gammeter Walter Jr. '39 Gammon William H. '49 . Garner Harold R. '76 Garrett James H, Jr. ' 58 Garrett L. Wayne ' 72 Gaskill David A. '83 Gentner John M, '67 Gerhart Bill L. ' 61 Gerig Martha tyf. '69 Gerlach Paul D. '57 Gessley Donald ' 55 Gevecker Vernon A,C. ' 31 Gibbs Harold L. '32 Gibson John W. '74 Gibson Kristie C. ' 74 Gieseke Elmer W, '33 Giesler Arthur L. ' 77 Gilliam Dale D, '55 Gilmore Jerry L. ' 60 Gilmore William M, Givens William A. '51 Gjelsteen Thor ' 53 Glasscock Frederick M, '57 Glassel C li fford ' 63 Glauz William W, '80 G lenn David E. '51 Glover James '43 Glover Nora A, ' 69 Godsey Terry L. ' 55 Goetemann Edwin C. '44 Gooding Dennis J. ' 56 Goodlet Roger F. ' 78 Gostin James D , '44 Gould David S, ' 51 Gould Patrick W. '84 Gra y Joe E, ' 54 Green T . Howard ' 29 Greer Louis M, '79 Gresko David M, '81 Griffeth Ellen B. Griffith H ,M . Griggs Will Jr. ' 66 Grimm C. James '30 Grimm David C. ' 50 Grinstead Willis G . ' 56 Groff Eugene R. ' 66 Grossman Alvin E, ' 73 Gulick Garv M , ' 69 Gum Jon 'ii , ' 64 Gund Russell ¡A. '40

Gundy Douglas G. ' 72 Gunther Don 1, ' 60 Hachmuth Henry K. '67 Hacker Alden G. '41 Hackman Kendall B, '80 Hackman Vernon E, '52 Haffner Harold J, ' 35 Hale Edward D, ' 32 Halev Comer C. '48 Haley Wilbur A. ' 43 Hall Charles E . '40 Halladay Harold W, '69 Hallett William M, '55 Ham Johf) S, '74 Hamilton Leslie R, '77 Hammann Eugene E. '47 Hankinson Risdon W, ' 60 Hanna Robert, L. '43 ~ Hansen J, Richard '44 Hansen Peter G, ' 53 Hansen Stanley S', II '67 Hanss Eugene J. ' 57 Hardinge Byron C. Hardy Michael E, '67 Harms Steven Ray ' 84 Harper William S. '51 Harrill William D , ' 62 Harward Mark Gregory '84 Hastey James p, Jr. '77 Hausmann Paul L. ' 52 Havener Gary W , '62 Haymes William G, '50 Haynes Michael A. '78 Hazen Michael R, '71 Head David W, ' 74 Head Eldon W, '58 Hearst David T. '73 Hedayati Vahid ' 69 Hegler Burns E, Heilig Warren '31 Hein Edwin A. '34 Heiser Frederick W, '39 Heisserer Karl M. '75 Helberg Warren W, '44 Hellwege William H. '47 Helmkamp Robert.E. '76 Helwig Arthur W. '50 Henninger Francis H , Jr. '57 Henson Ronald P. '64 Hepp Joseph T. '48 Heppermann Jeffrey J, ' 81 Hercules Francis p, ' 50 Herman Theodore '28 Hermann Arne K ,P, '36 Herrmann PaulO, III '58 Herrmann Thomas A. ' 50 Herzog Michael S, '62 Hess Robert M, '59 Hesse Alfred H , '33 Hicks Gregory K, '76 Higbee James M. ' 66 Higgins ,Albert J, ' 50 High C,h ristopher L. ' 85 Hill Albert L. ' 28 Hill E, Cecil '49 Hill Eugene F. '38 Hill Lyle W , ' 72 Hill William E, Jf. '42 Hilleary ' Alexander L. ' 76 Hilleary Cynthia S, '76 Hinkle Delores J , ' 75 Hinkle K , Daniel '7J Hodgdon Sam D, Jr. '28 Hoelscher James W. '48 Hoeman Arthur J, '32 Hofer J, Gerald '59 Hoffman Anthony E, ' 59 Hoffma'n John G, ' 80 Hoffmann Victor J. ' 60 Hohlfelder Eugene F , ' 51 Hollenbach Bernard D, '50 Holley Robert G, '64 Holmes William R, Jr: '80 Holt Michael L. '72 Hoog Timothy J, '77 Hoppe Thomas 0, ' 70 Hord William E, ' 59 Horst William E. '51 Hovis Mark A. ' 79 Howard Steven R, '81 Howell Bennett D, ' 50

Howell Richa rd B. '48 Howell Theodo re R. ' 48 Hrbacek Emil C. ' 52 Hu6bard Johns R , '36 Huber Thomas V. ' 68 Huddleston Ja mes A , Jr. ' 66 Hudgens Lowell L ' 59 Hudwalker Marvin E. '59 Hughes Thomas A, '42 Hu;,phrey Waldo D , ' 50 Hunding Carl W . III ' 72 Hunt J. Richard ' 50 ,Hydzik Richard M , ' 67 Isbell Clarence A. Jr. ' 50 Isenmann Edward S, ' 44 Ive'rs Jeffrey L. ' 74 * Jabsen William J, ' 33 'Jackson Earl E ' 51 Jackson Hershel A. '71 Jaeger Benjamin W,H, ' 63 Jaggi Dennis F, ' 70 Jaquay Richard L. '63 Jarus Scott W . ' 84 Jenkins Robert D, ' 53 Jennings William M, '57 Jensen Gunther T. ' 52 Jensen James W. '41 J oem Karl C. '80 Joern Vicki L', '79 Johnson Charles W, ' 29 Johnson Gordon E. '59 . Johnson James C. '43 Johnson James H, ' 57 Johnson Jerry G, '64 Johnson Richard E, ' 55 . Johnston Karl A. '78 Jones Alan W, '72 Jones Euge~e F, '48 Jones Richard L. ' 55 Jones Ronald L. '73 Jones Sam p, '49 Jones Thomas A. ' 42 Jones Vernon T : ' 53 Jordan Paul R. ' 60 Jbrdan Richard F. '70 Joslin Le Compte '34 Junge Gregory '65 Jurenka Gilbert G. '56 Jurenka Ronald D, '58 Justus Dayna K. '79 Kadwell Robert J. '65 Kaiser Richard L. ' 55 Kalin Thomas E, ' 57 Kalish Herbert S, '43 Kamper Herbert G, '40 Kamper Oliver W, '35 Kamper Russell A. ' 62 Kao Ching-Nan '70 Kapernaros E, Louis '50 Karbosky Joseph T. '42 Kassay Andrew W, '32 Kasten Paul R, '44 Kasten Raymond 0, '43 Kay William W, '33 Kebel Harlan L. '56 Keen Jerry G, '71 Keil Byron L '52 Kelley John M , '74 Kelly Paul R . '59 Kemper Eloise B, Kennedy Daniel '26 Kent Nevada A. III '53 Kent William D , '43 Keppel James R. '68 Kerber David Clair '84 Kerns Randy G , '74 Keshari Hossein R. '60 Kettler Gerald J, '65 Keyes Gary E. '65 Kidwell Albert L. (40 Kieffer Alonzo R. III '59 Kieffer Robert C. '60 Kienitz Leroy E." 48 Killinger John C. '73 Kime Max D. '50 King Janet M , '80 Kirkpatrick Harry F, ' 30 Kirkpatrick Ruel L. '31 Kisslinger Fred' 42 Kitchen Charles L. Kleve Frederic W, Jf. '83


Century Club continued

Kline Charles R. '51 Klorer Mary S. '81 Klorer Robert W. '44 Klug John R. '40 Klump Michael G. '80 Knecht Walter S.: 49 Knepler John R. '67 Knobel Elwood L. '53 Knoebel Richard H. '52 Knopp Charles R. '49 Knowles Carl M. '50 Koederitz William A. ' 51 Koeppel Beverly W. '38 Kolb Richard C. '54 Kornacki Alan S. '74 Kovach John J. '50 Kozeni Don K. '44 Kraft Ned O. '27 Kramer Ralph H. '66 Kraus Ronald W. '64 Krieger George Holton '63 Krispin Joseph F. '54 Krueger Harold A. '42 Krueger John E. '69 Kruep Raymond J. '66 Kuechenrneister Kenneth W. '73 Kummer Donald L. '55 Kummer Frederick S. '55 Kunz Charles O. '50 Kurtzhals James D. '61 Kutterer Stephanie A. '83 Kutz Anthony W. '76 Kyburz Edward P. '50 LaBoube Roger A. ' 70_ Lai San-Cheng '67 Lambe Clinton R. '72 Lambe James N. '49 Lambeth Jennings R. '41 Lammert Paul T. '79 Lange Robert C. ' 37 Larkins Lawrence J. '75 Larson Eugene P. ' 51 Lasko Helen D . Latham James I. ' 59 Lattner James R. '78 Latzer John C. '6 1 Leach Rodney W. '76 Leaver Harvey B. '48 Leber Walter P. '40 Leck George W. III '61 tee Chin-Ming '70 Leitterman Dennis W. '76 Leitterman Pamela A. '75 Leming Paul W. ' 57 Lemons Charles E. '61 Leuschke Larry G . '70 Lewis B. Neil ' 58 Lewis David M . '61 Li Charles T. ' 65 Libiez James D . '63 Lin Charles S. '58 Lincicome E. Dianne ' 78 Lincicome James D. ' 77 Lindquist Elmo G . '48

Lindsey Kenneth R. ' 59 Linville Robert J. '62 Lipensky Milan ' 53 Littlefield Jerold K. ' 58 Livengood Kim C. ' 76 Livengood Ross D. '77 Livingston John H . '39 Lockett Donald N . ' 50 Loesing Vernon T. '42 Logan Edwin W. ' 37 Logan Terry D. '77 Longshore James F. Jr. ' 56 Lowe William S. Lusk R. Ralph '27 Lutz H . John '59 Lyons Francis D. '50 Lyons Helen L. '67 MacCrindle Colin C. '63 Mace Charles E. '50 Machado Jose A. '46 Machmer Ferdinand G. '40 Mack James O. Jr. '41 Mackatnan Frank Mackarnan Nancy Mackie Roscoe L. '64 MacZura George '52 Madonna Linda M. '80 Madonna Michael D . ' 83 Mangoff John N. Jr. '76 Marchal Jacques H. '48 Marchello Joseph M. Marchello Louise Marek J. Douglas '72 Marshall Donald W. '50 Martin Dan W. ' 52 Martin Kent W. '42 Martin Patrick D. '81 Martin Roy S. ' 30 Maschek Thomas J. ' 79 Mason J. Lloyd ' 53 Matson Don D. ' 52 Mattei Peter F. '37 Matthews Paul A. ' 50 Matz Alexander H . Jr. ' 57 Maune Allen R. '30 Mazachek Keith D . '82 McBeth Joseph D. '53 McCaffrey Emily McCallister Odis L. Jr. '49 McCallister Terry D . '78 McCann David L. '79 McCarron Donald F. '36 McCarthy John M. ' 55 McConnell William F. '42 McCormack George E. '48 McCormick Martha McCracken Mary H. McCurdy Belding H. '38 McDermott Arthur R. ' 50 McF~dden William J. '68 McField Charles B. Jr. '80 McGath Michael R. '70 McGhee Vernon T. '42 McGovern Donald R. '58

1986 Rollamo


McGrath George M. Jr. '77 McGrath James B. '49 McHenry S. Dale '81 McKee John B. '41 McKelvey James M. '45 McKelvey Ralph E. '48 McKeown Jeffrey J. '84 McLaughlin Eugene J. Jr. '61 McMullen Clifford C. '67 McReynolds Elmer L. ' 34 Mears A. Dale '61 Medlin James M. '67 Melchers Alex '83 Mendell Robert H. ' 50 Menefee James H . ' 36 Mengel Edmund L. '49 Mengel William K . ' 50 Meredith Virgil E. '63 Meskan David A. '52 Metz Gilbert F. Jr. '57 Meyer Dall; A. '65 Michel Hilbert F. ' 36 Michel Joel K. '68 Miesner Thomas O. ' 75 Mikkelsen Clark D. ' 70 Millard Frank S. ' 37 Miller Chester E. ' 50 Miller Clarence M. III '73 Miller Eberhard H. '47 Miller Edg~r S. Jr. '40 Miller James R. '44 Miller Lester L. ' 50 Miller Paul H. ' 63 Mills Terry L. '6 1 Minton Robert C. '58 Mitchell John W. '49 Moe Harold G. '48 Moellenbeck Albert J. Jr. '60 Moline Michael David '82 . Monroe Rex ' 32 Monsch Henry D. '29 Montgomery Douglas B. '79 Montgomery R. Gill ' 35 Montgomery Rebecca S. '80 Mooney Edward W. '50 Mooney Joseph W. ' Moore Richard E. '68 Moore Ronald T. ' 71 Moore Witbern T. '37 Moran Ernest '27 Morgan Grover D. Jr. ' 65 Morgan J. Derald ' 65 Mori Thomas '84 Moritz John A. ' 54 Moyer Joseph D. Jr. ' 68 Mudd John T. ' 58 Mueller Richard A. '62 Mueller Steve C. '69 Mulholland John E. Jr. ' 52 Mulyca Walter C. '65 Munger Paul R. ' 58 Munn Dale A. '66 Munson Elizabeth A.S. '65 Munson William F. '65 Murphy Robin A. '76 Murry Milton J. '64 Muskopf Oscar M. '42 . Myers Charles C. ' 58 Myers Charles T. III '72 Myers Danny W. ' 70 Myers Donald D . '61 Myers Eugene W. '53 Nations George O. '36 Neal Kennetb R. '30 Nelden James W. '72 Neubert Ralph L. '42 Neumann James P. ' 79 Neustaedter James A. '43 Nevins 'Marvin E. Jr. '41 Newberry Rosemarie C. '79 Nguyen Tri X. '79 Nicholas Harold J. '41 Nigro Wm Reed '81 Nix William J. '80 Nolte William J. '20 Norman Amos '49 North John E. ' 73 Northcutt Maurice L. '63 Nothstine David E. '55 Nowlin Roger E. '48 Oakley David L.

Oberbeck William F. '39 Oberdick R. Kevin '76 Oberschelp William F . ' 53 Ochs Calvin M. '49 O'Connell Julie A. '8 1 O'Daniell Michael W. '79 Odom James T. '61 O'Keefe Thomas J. ' 58 Okenfuss Richard H. ' 58 Oldham Douglas G. '69 Olsen John K.'42 O'Neill James A. '69 O'Neill John J. Jr. '40 Osterwald Herbert R. ' 30 Overal Harry J. '71 Overmyer Lance A. '75 Owens Charles D. '68 Pahl Robert H. '68 Painter John L. ' 50 Paladin Frank W. ' 55 Panhorst Albert C. Jr. '66 Pariani Gary J. '74 Parker Dennis R: '68 Parker Jerre L. '84 Parker Robert L. '71 Parkes Roger D. '71 Parkinson Larry L. '64 Patterson J. Robert ' 54 Patterson William E. ' 53 Paul Murray J. '27 Peetz Bryan Dale ' 83 Peetz Eugene J. ' 50 Pence Mrs Harry Penzel C. Gene '5 5 Peppers Robert E. '50 Peresztegy Lajos B. '65 Perry E.L. Roy '40 Perry Norris W. '68 Perry Robert C. '49 Perryman George I. Jr. '47 Perrymore Loyd G. '76 Peterson Jay A. '61 Pfeifer Herman J. ' 36 Phillips Robert M. '82 Phillips Ronald L. '84 Pierce Thomas R. '47 Pillisch Herbert P. ' 54 Pingel Marvin E. '41 Pippenger Jackie G. '78 Planje Mrs Theodore Plummer Thomas P. Jr. ' 50 Po hI Robert A. '42 Politte Eric Glynn '82 Pollak John A. ' 32 Porter Clayton G. '68 Portnoff Neil S. ' 70 Post Samuel S. '37 Potter c.J. '29 PQwell John D. Power William R. '34 Pracht Herman W. '43 Preiss Robert K. '50 Price Sean E. ' 77 Prickett Lloyd C. ' 53 Proctor Frank E. Jr. '76 Puettmann David R. '72 Puetz Lynne E. '73 Puetz William C. ' 76 Puetz William M. '41 Pugh James Lee '84 . Puhl Joseph Albert '82 Puhl Lisa Joan '82 Quenon Robert H. Quinn Michael J. '75 Radder Norma n C. '72 Radder Paula D. '72 Raffel Ted C. '64 Raithel James F. '71 Rakas kas Joseph E. '40 Rambow Frederick H.K . ' 73 Ramsey Geo rge H. '48 Ranard Wesley J. '80 Randolph Robert W. '61 Rapp Rand y R. '83 Rasor John P. ' 36 Rassi nier Edgar A. '42 Rau James T. '78 Rauls Gary L. ' 70 Ray Charles T. '70 Ray James A. ' 70 Ray Robert L. '47

MSM Alumnus/ 7



, ,I




Century Club continued

!I ,


Rechtien Thomas J. '75 Rector Stephen W. ' 72 Regenhardt Edward T. '30 Reid AllenJ. '32 Reilly John G. Jf. '49 Remington Charles R. Jf. '49 Remmers Walter E. '23 Renfro Kevin Da le '85 Reser Donald E. ' 56 Retzel Arthur W. Reuss Lloyd E. '57 Rexing Walter James '85 Reyburn Michael K . '62 Reynolds Martin K. '75 Rhoades Robert P. ' 32 Rhodes A.E. '39 Rhodes Richard G. '41 Rice Daniel Paul '49 Rice Kenneth O. '78 Rich Jerry L. '74 Rich Larry M. '66 Ricketts John W. '61 Ridley Robert P. '40 Rieke Vernon W. '40 Ries Frank W. ' 50 Riggs W. Robert '32 Riley Kenneth G. '56 Riley Richard K. '70 Robbins Clay ' 53 Robbins Irvin D. '48 Roberts Audrey Roberts Gerald A. '28 Roberts J. Kent ' 50 Roberts Loy D. '66 Roberts Ronald R. '75 Roberts S. Kent '69 Robertson Ronald S. '63 Robinson Guy M. '70 Roe Lawrence A. . '39 Roebke Gary E. ' 77 Roenfeldt Harold R. '50 Roesser Robert J. ' 32 Romberg James M. '70 Romine Edward C. '40 Root Robert L. '49 Ross Charles J. '49 Ross James A. ' 70 Ross Paul F. '40 Ross Richard G . ' 59 Roth Donald J. ' 57 Rothband Paul B. '43 Rothschild Susan H. '74 Rouse Allen L. '59 Roush Philip S. ' 57 Roussin Robert W. '62 Roy Edward A. '36 Rudert Kenneth E. '44 Ruenheck Ra ymond T. '50 Rueter Richard E. '68 Rumsev Donald A. '52 Runde; Raymond H . '32 Runvik Richard C. '54 Ruttinger Anthony J. ' 52 Ruwwe John W. '36 Ryan Robert J. Rytter Noel J . '69 Sackewitz Robert A. ' 34 Sagehorn Kearney H . '84 5t John Roland A. ' 81 Sallwasser Steven V. ' 79 Salof George A. '67 Samimi Mehmet K. ' 52 Sanchez Rena to ' 70 Sarchet Bernard R. Sauer Harry J. III '79 Sauer Harry J. Jf. ' 56 Saunders David Ralph ' 83 Schaefer Michael E. '78 Schae fer Robert K. J f. ' 5.5 Schaeffer Willa rd A. III '48 Schafer Robert P. ' 52 Schafermeyer Richard G . '73 Schamel Mrs Walter Schamel Walter S. III '70 Scharf Fred ' 53 Schelich Andrew C. ' 80 Schelich Arde ll J. ' 57 Scherrer Pa ul K. ' 71 Schindler George A. '73 Schlensker John A. ' 55 Schlett Paul E. ' 72 Schloman Alan H. '67

8/ MSM Alumnus .:

Schlueter Steven E. '73 Sc1mJedake Robert E. Schmidt Charles E. Jf. '67 Schmidt Harold A. '56 Schmidt Lonnie D. '69 Schmidt Vernon E. '51 Schmitt James C. '49 Schmitt Joseph B. '42 Schmitz Joseph K. '43 Schmoldt Hans E. '44 Schneider Charles S. '59 Schneider James C. '8 1 Schneider Norman F. ' 50 Schnell Robert J. ' 78 Schnitzer Shirley Schnoebelen Pa ul C. III '77 Schoenecker Timothy ' 84 Scholz Arthur E. '48 Schork John E. '47 Schroer Herbert W. '60 Schuler Leonard L. Jf. '49 Schumann Lloyd C. '43 Schwanke Carl O. ' 70 Schweickhardt Hazel Schweitzer Robert E. '41 Scott James J. ' 50 Scrivner J. Roger ' 52 Seaman Robert L. '69 Seipel John R. Jr. ' 53 Senik Sandor Karoly ' 84 Senior George L. '56 Senne Joseph H. ' 51 Severtson Vernon S. ' 50 Sevick Joseph G. '49 Shaffer James ';N. '42 Shanes Charles W. ' 71 Sharp Everett W. '40 Shaw Barbara Ann '82 Shea hen David J. '74 Shelden J. Barry '81 Shelden Ka thleen A. '79 Shockley Gilbert R, '42 Shoemaker James L. ' 59 Shourd Roy R. ' 50 Siegrist Kermit A. ' 39 Siesennop W. Wayne ' 61 Simmons Robert W. ' 36 Simon David M . '7i Skain John C. '73 Skinner Milton R. Jf. '50 Skipper David J. '76 Skitek Gabriel G. '43 Smart Samuel '55 Smith Benjamin K. ' 55 Smith Bruce G . '74 Smith Daniel B. ' 78 Smith Elmer L. ' 36 Smith Gerald K. ' 80 Smith Gerald W. '66 Smith Harlan D . '48 Smith James A. '47 Smith Leroy E. ' 39 Smith Louis W. '66 Smith Memphord L. '62 Smith Michael Andrew ' 84 Smith Neil K . Smith Neil S. '68 Smith P. Gene '44 Smith Robert E. Sf. '50 Smith Russell D . ' 72 Smuland Robert J. ' 58 Snarrenberg James D . ' 72 Snowden J. Russell '47 Snyder John H. ' 58 Soper William S. ' 57 Souders Steven W. '74 Soult John P. ' 39 Sowers James R. ' 69 Sowers Mrs Edward Spa lding Theodore J. '69 Spanier Lawrence A. ' 50 Spehr James L. ' 64 Spencer Willi am A. ' 50 Spotte Irvin C. ' 38 Spreitler Mark L. ' 80 Springer Frederick M. '49 Springer Robert M. ' 36 Staab Kenneth F. ' 79 Stahl David W. '80 Staples Gu y W. ' 26 Starke Stephen E. ' 75

Starkweather Michael H. '75 Statler Clifford A. ' 51 Steed F. Clifton Jr. '69 Steinbac h Alvin C. Steinkamp William E. '64 Stephens James W. '47 Stevens Billy '50 Stevens James V. '83 Stevens Robert E. '81 Stevenson Gerald L. '59 Stewart Thomas J. J r. ' 34 Stickle Dirck B. ' 52 Stone Douglas Dail '82 Stone S. Allan '30 Stopkey Waldemar D. ' 52 Stovall Richard L. '49 Strain Robert A. ' 50 Straub Harold E. '49 Strauss Stephen R. '68 Stritzel David L. ' 73 Strohbeck Eugene E. ' 53 Strong John F. ' 50 Stucker John R. ' 71 Stueck c.P.F. '43 Sturges Herbert D . '40 Stutsman John Y. ' 77 Suellentrop Stephen G. '74 Sullins Thomas R. '60 Sullivan Thomas J. Jf. ' 80 Sullivan William L. Jf. ' 39 Summers A. Larry ' 72 Summers Huey '40 Sunderland Jeffrey J. ' 81 Sundermeyer Robert W. '65 Supornsilaphachai Boonsong ' 81 Sutherland James R. '61 Swinny David W. '70 Swinson John R. '79 Swoboda Alexis C. '73 Tanner Thomas W. '74 Tag. Frank F. ' 64 Tappmeyer Ronald A. '47 Tappmeyer Wilbur P. '47 Tarantola Bruce E. ' 51 Taylor George H. '64 Taylor Otis H . '42 Taylor Paul W. ' 58 Taylor Roger K. '72 Telthorst Edgar J. '49 Tepper Brian J. '80 Tepper Catherine L. '80 Terry Mark L. '20 Tesar Mark W. '7~ Testerman Roy L. '60 Tetley Albert L. '39 Thoele Howard W. Thomas George H. '43 Thomas Harold D. '28 Thompson Bennet R. '26 Thompson George W. ' 53 Thompson Homer F. '32 Throgmorton G.R. '31 Tibbs Harold E. ' 50 Tiernon Carlos H. ' 54 Tinnemeyer Arthur C. '76 Toliver Jack E. ' 57

Toomey John B. '49 Travelstead Charles W. '74 Treffinger David J. '64 Trump Paul V. ' 69 Tsukamoto Tadashi '75 Tucker Armin J. '40 Tucker Arthur L. '49 Tucker Norman P. '40 Tyrrell Morris L. '26 Underwood Daniel H. '76 Unger Walter H. ' 52 Van Harty C. Jf. '75 Van Bramer William G. '51 Vandergriff Leland E. '71 Vandergriff Willard C. '39 Van Eaton Charles W. III '48 Van Praag Jeff~y R. ' 76 Vansant Eleanor C. Vaughn Charlie F. ' 55 Vaughn Daniel L. ' 81 Virtue Leon S. '69 Wagner Richard Kurt '84 Waldbart Theodore B. '78 Waldschmidt Richard J. '77 Walker Joseph D. ' 74 Walker Lois J. '76 Walker Lonnie R. '65 Walker Merton G . Walker William E. III ' 84 Wallace Charles E. ' 59 Walz Robert L. ' 52 Warner John R. '70 Warren Robert N. ' 57 Washausen Darren Lee ' 83 Watkins Paul A. '48 Watson Harry G . ' 51 Watson Kevin D. ' 80 Wattenbarger Chris M. '41 Webb Jerry J. ' 57 Webb William H. '39 Wedge W. Keith ' 70 Weeks Greg A. '80 Weetman Bruce G. ' 61 Weinel Ernst A. '44 Weingaertper John W. ' 50 Weinland Harold A. ' 53 Weis Carl J. '43 Weise Theodore L. '67 Weiser Hanley H. ' 18 Weisler August C . Jr. ' 56 Weiss Clarence B. '27 Welch Gary E. ' 62 , Welch John F. Jf. '40 Welke Albert H . '52 Wentz Charles A. Jf. ' 57 Werner Edwin J. '49 Werner Roy C. '43 Weyand Thomas E. '66 Whaley Henry P. '48 Wheeler Ernest S. '22 Wheelock Leroy K . ' 52 White Robert M . Whitehair Louis H. ' 59 Whitehead Robert W. ' 61 Wicker David A. '44 Wickey John F. ' 50

1986 RolJamo


Century Club continued

Widmer Rex C. ' 72 Wiebe Dirk H. '64 Wieker Richard H . ' 59 Wiethop Russell H . '32 Wile Larson E. ' 51 Wilkens Roy A. '66 Wilkerson Augustus B. '23 Wilks John C. '48 Williams Raymond E. ' 84 Williams Rex Z. ' 31 Williams Richard K . ' 70 Williams Russell E. '57 Williams Timmy A. '80 Willis Henry R. ' 53 Wilson Chris D . '73 Wilson M. Louise Wilson Michael A. ' 79 Wilson Tommie C. '64 Wilson William L. ' 62 Winkler Thomas E. '70 Wissler Louis B. '43 Withrow Harold J. '49 Witt Leslie D . '79 Wixson Bobby G . Woerheide Arthur E. Jr. '36 Wolf Ernest Wolf John D. '67 Wolf Robert V. '51 Wolff Leonard C. '42

Wood Dennis L. '75 Wood Kenneth W. '60 Wood Robert C. '50 Woodbury Franklin B.W. '66 Woodfield Richard A. '66 . Wright Clarence J. '43 Wright Harold R. ' 50 Wright Stephen A. '68 Wu Chang-Yu '64 Wulff C. Stephen '71 Wurtzler Daniel R . ' 82 Wurtzler Pamela H . ' 81 Wyatt DeMarquis D. '41 Wykoff Dale L. '78 Yochum Kenneth H . ' 50 Yochum Robert J . '49 Yorston Howard J . ' 53 Yungbluth Russell L. ' 39 Zeid Marvin C. ' 51 Zeitinger Donald Jr. '82 Ziegler Charles K . '82 . Ziegler John A. '77 like David Scott '82 Zoellner Lynn E. '68 Zoller Jacques W. '42 Zuiss Thomas J. '78 Zvanut Carl M . ' 41 Zvanut Frank J. '32

1986 Rollamo

Necrology These individuals who have been carried on the alumni roll were reported as deceased between January 1, 1986 and December 31 , 1986. Robert William Abbett, ' 27 Joseph Thornton Adaxp.s, '43 Donald Bruce Anderson, ' 50 Daniel Richard Atchison, '50 Preston W. Axthelm, ' 40 Cecil C. Bailie, '41 Norman Eldon Barr, '49 Hugh Rogers Berry, ' 25 Donald J. Bisset, '30' Clyde Francis Boismenue, ' 27 Raymond William Borchers, '33 Hector Julio Boza, , 11 Arthur Lenox Bradford, ' 29 Phariss Cleino Bradford, '28 John Stafford Brown, ' 17 Don Underwood Clarke, ' 36 Howard Burton Colman, '35 Stanley Eugene Compton, ' 51 Strathmore Ridley Barnott Cooke, ' 30 Robert Munson Courtney, '24 Richard Alan Cunningham, ' 57 Charles P. Daniells, '49 Philip Hall Delano, ' 29 James William Delp, '60 Calvin Charles Diederich, '75 Thomas Francis Donlon, ' 31 Charles L. Dorris, , 17 Thorpe Dresser, ' 33 Myron Norman Dunlap, ' 28 Harry Edward Dunn, '66 Floyd Rolland Elliott, '41 Walbridge Powell Eyberg, ' 50 Jack Frederick Faser, '47 Elmer Gammeter, ' 26 William Godwin, '25 Reo Eldon Goodwin, '47 Thomas Gerard Grass, '80

William M. Grimmins, '50 Daniel Halfpap, '65 Bert E. Hartman, Jr., ' 56 Carl James Heim, '25 Warren Otto Heinicke, '40 Jesse Wade Heiskell , '64 Clifford Michael Helms, '76 Leonard Ernest Henson, '40 Laurence Joseph Higgins, '66 James Benjamin Hinchman, ' 32 Howard Histed, ' 28 Dryden Hodge, ' 26 Paul Kirk Hoover, ' 27 Paul Dustin Houseknecht, ' 36 Joseph Walter Hradsky, ' 59 Louise Johnson Hunt, ' 33 Philip Emory Hustad. '51 William Joseph Jabsen, '33 Robert Wayne Jackson, ' 77 James Richard Jambor, '48 Raymond Philip Judkins. '43 Roy L. Kackley. Jr. . ' 43 Mrs. Mervin Kelly Robert Allen Korn, '62 Edward S. Kunnemann, ' 76 James Raymond Lawson, '60 Charles David Loiodice, '72 Charles Ferdinand Luckfield, ' 27 John Henry Lyons. '42 Arliss Vi rgil Martin. '47 Robert Leroy Martin. Jr.. '63 Philip Coleman McDona ld. '34 Herman Leo Merr) man. '62 Pearl Frederic Michael. '09 Leola F . Millar .lames Irving Mueller. '49 Raymond Edward Murph y. ' 23

Abraham Nativ, '78 Bob C. Nowell, '48 Jack Kunio Ozawa, '45 Robert Virgil Patterson, '60 Henry Newton Peterson, ' 61 V. Ralph Pruitt, ' 70 Stanley Rafalowski, '49 Kermit Norman Rasmussen, '48 William James Reilly, '60 Art Roloff, ' 33 Charles Kenneth Rusterholtz, '74 Eugene Louis Sa bo, ' 51 Leola Schmidt Curt Henry Schmitz, '33 Joseph Rankin Schroeder, '76 Arthur Spencer Schwarz, ' 32 Kenneth Paul Searcy, ' 77 William Thomas Sharp, '31 John David Shelton, ' 31 Lloyd J . Sherwood, ' 59 Martin Leo Slawsky. '49 James William Smith, '67 Oliver Vernon Smith. ' 49 Leonard Cecil Spiers. ' 35 Edwin J. Soxman, ' 51 Ha rry B. Steele, III. '70 Edward Hugh Stewart, ' 61 Babu N arain Tha kur, ' 70 Elmer Earl Thiele, ' 51 Elmer Martin Tomlinson, ' 32 Carl F . Trail. '66 Herman Herbert Vogel. ' 16 Kurt David Walther, '66 Pa trick Joseph Witt. '85 William Henry Wohlert. ' 51 Chang Sup Wo hn, '86

MSM Alumnus/ 9


• I

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- - --

Alumni Donors to A~sociati~n and University 1914 Simrall Riley M .


* Doyle

John J.

1918 Doennecke Henry W. Weiser Hanley H.

1920 Bash David A. Forgotson James M . Hoppock Harland H. Nolte William J . Terry Mark L. Wasmund J. Marvin

1922 Wheeler Ernest S.


Dear Sirs: Recentl y I was informed that I have been se lected for renewal of the Alumni Association Scholarship. I am grateful for being given the opportunity to receive this aid to my education. I thank the Alumni Association for making the scholarship available to students who strive for academic success. As in the past, I will continue to attempt high achievements in scholarship to renew the Board's . faith in my abilities. I look forward to meeting the various alumni over Homecoming Weekend this fall , and would like to express my appreciation to the Association for inviting students to the luncheon. Sincerely, Bradford l. Kiine Kansas City, Mo . lunior, Applied Math

1926 Birchard Harry C. Crawford James D . * Gammeter Elmer Kennedy Daniel Kitchen Charles L. Lindenau Edward M. Staples Guy W. Thompson Bennet R. Tyrrell Morris L.

1923 Campbell E. Taylor Dorris Milburn L. Flesh Mrs David Ford Ragan Gatts William P. * Murphy Raymond E. Remmers Walter E. Riddle John H. Wilkerson Augustus B. Zimmermann Dee

1924 Campbell Jack P. Co urtne y Hulda A. Gabler Mrs Bertha Kemper Eloise B. Wright Wilford S.

1925 Atkinson Marion L. Jr. Baker Donald R. * Berry Hugh R. Browning Bertie L. Eagan Thomas E. Gaines George D.

1O/MSM Alumnus

1927 Barnard Albert E. Bossert Harry F. Clearman Frederick Griffith H.M . Kraft Ned O. Lusk R. Ralph Moran Ernest Parsons Edward W. Paul Murray J. Seydler Frank K . Sievers Edwin R. Smith James F. Thomas Harold D. Weiss Clarence B.

Coil Benjamin R. Crays Glenn E. Crum E. Jefferson Dresbach Charles H. English Thomas O. Gardner Albert T. Green T. Howard Johnson Charles W. Jones Harlow G . Kemp Arthur H. Kirn Emmet R. Monsch Henry D. Morris Orville W. Potter c.J.

1930 / Alexander Verne Davis Willard E. Dillingham Marion A. Gregory Marguerite A. . Grimm C. James Harvey Edwin T. King Lewis H. Kirkpatrick Harry F. Martin Roy S. Maune Allen R. Miller Dennis H. Neal Kenneth R. Osterwald Herbert R. Payne Richard F. Regenhardt Edward T. Roy Mrs John G. Stone S. Allan Thomas Myron F .

1931 Co.nley Jack N. Elliott Ben R. Epperson Ernest R. Gevecker Vernon A.C. Hassler Milburn Heilig Warren Kirkpa trick Ruel L. Pace George M . Pertici Andrew L. Ross Charles E. Sperling Elmer J. Stokes Mrs James E. Throgmorton G.R. Wade Rolla T. Wilhite Clyde E¡. Williams Rex Z.

1932 Andres Otto M. Birt Floyd D. Brewer William Crawford Edwin O. Davis Stuart L. Elsea Carl A. Gibbs Harold L. Hale Edward D. Hoeman Arthur J . Johnson Leon K. Kassay Andrew W. Kroll Arthur C. Lundius Roy H . Meyer Henry W . Monroe Rex Moore David D. Pollak John A. Reid Allen J. Rhoades Robert P. Riggs W. Robert Roesser Robert J. Runder Raymond H. Thompson Homer F. Wiethop Russell H. Williams Arthur J. Jr . Wilson Frederick G. Zvanut Frank J .

1933 Achuff Charles E. Asher Vernon L. Beinlich Alfred W. Coghill William W. Doll Ellen Woodman

Dumm Lee D. ' Edgar M. Russell Everett Edred N. Gieseke Elmer W. Gilmore William M. Hesse Alfred H. Hickman Henry S. Hunze Charles L.W. * Jabsen William J. Johnson Mary Lee - Koewing Mary Lee Kaczmarek Theodore B. Kay William W. Koewing Mary Lee Johnson Mary Lee K"Oopmann William Jr. Lambur Charles H. Lanz Fred M . Lenz William H. Musson George H. Roemer Elmer A. Spotte Irvin C. Towell Arthur P. Wehrman Alvin A.

1928 Boyer Philip J. Crumbaugh Daniel H. Donaldson James G. Faulkner Edward C. Freeman Charles A. * Gross Henry E. Harmon John P. Herman Theodore Hill Albert L. Hodgdon Sam D. Jr. Roberts Gerald A. Schweickhardt Hazel Thatcher E. Fusz¡

The Undefeated 1914 Football Team

1986 Ilol"mo

* Dcceuscd

1934 Absher Harold R. Benard John Bruening Walter H. Cole Ralph C. Cunningham Robert L. Decker Harry W. Dobson Richard J. Fagan Durward E. Fletcher William B. Ford Hornor T. J~. Galloway James H. Jf. Hein Edwin A. Hudson Richard G. Jackson Leroy H. Johnson Mrs Walter Schamel Mrs Walter Joslin Le Compte Maise Clemens R. McKinley John H. McReynolds Elmer L. Montgomery R. Gill Poese Lester E. Power William R. Sackewitz Robert A. Schamel Mrs Walter Johnson Mrs Walter Springer William R. Stewart Thomas J. Jf. Sullentriip Leo J . Westerfeld Wilfred W.

1935 Asher Kenneth K. Buck Robert H . Cooke William F . Jf. Danforth Warren B. DeRoy Glennon L. Dutton Donnell W . Edgar Max E. Fischer Max M. Haffner Harold J. Harmon Harold L. Hoffman Emil D. Kamper Oliver W. Knoll Rudolph J. Koopmann August P. Marxer Claude S. Mashek John W. McCaffrey Emily Murphy Emily Murphy Emily McCaffrey Emily Penzel George A. Solomon Russell C. Thias William H.

1936 Arnold Frederick W. Jr. Barrow Carlton W. Beard Reade M. Chapman Robert T . Clanton Jack R. Colman Eugenia M. Daily Eugene J . Dennis William E. . Fiss Edward C. Hermann Arne K.P. Hoener Alan J. • Houseknecht Paul D. Hubbard Johns R. McCarron Donald F . Menefee James H. Michel Hilbert F. Nations George O. Pfeifer Herman J . Rasor John P. Reed Elliott H. Roy Edward A.


Ruwwe John W. Schwalbert William H. Simmons Robert W. Smith Elmer L. Springer Robert M. Thompson Hoyt G. Woerheide Arthur E. Jr.

1937 Appleyard Frank C. Benner Charles F. Bommer Theodore J. Brecke Ervin A. Breuer Walter F. Browl]. Buran W. Busch William C. Cardetti Richard J. Carrolla Ross R. Culbertson William W. Dickinson George W. Donnelly Warren L. Elgin Ro bert L. Hackmann Glen N. Hausmann Arthur P. Holz Walter L. Jones Walter T . Lange Robert C. Logan Edwin W. Luder Walter E. Mattei Peter F. McClanahan Arthur L. Millard Frank S. Moore Wilbern T. Post Samuel S. Rodman Wilfred K. Vogt Fred K.W.


Morrison Frederick Murphy Joseph H . Nickel Melvin E. Prouty Chilton E. Rogers Raymond H. Walley Omar C. White Warren D. Wonn Frederic A. Jr.

1939 Barger Hubert S. Berwick John D . Jf. Boulson Charles E. Brand Glenn E. Brown Roy G. Carter Robert A. Claridge Elmond L. Corgan Myldred Dieffenbach Robert P . Elliott Edward E. Elliott Lewis C. Ellis William R. Fillmer Howard H. Finley Thomas J. Jf. Gammeter Walter Jf. Graber Lewis J. Harsell Thomas L. Jr. Heiser Frederick W. Jacobs James H. Jamison Marshall V. Livingston John H. Livingston Robert G. Logrbrinck Jesse M. Loveridge Joel F. McCaw Jack Miller Harold C. Mooney Joseph W. .Moore Jack W. Mueller George E. Oberbeck William F. Pohlmann Edgar F. Post oj ohn R. Rea William R . Rhodes A.E. Roarig Wilbert A. Roe Lawrence A. Runyan James R. Siegrist Kermit A. Smith Leroy E. Soult John P. Spalding J. Victor Sullivan William L. Jr. Tetley Albert L. Vandergriff Willard C. Waters Wade D. Webb William H . Yungbluth Russell L. 0

Alger Robert P. Ballman Edward A. Bliss Allen D . Cameron Charles V. Clayton Charles L. Cornett Roy C. Ellis J. Craig Faris Julius P. Jr. Gerwin Harry L. Goodrich Frank N. Hill Eugene F. Howerton Joseph W. Jarboe Rupert A. Koeppel Beverly W. LeGrand Jesse S. Long John R. Matthews Roy W. McCurdy Belding H.

Dear Mr. Mackaman : I have b ~e n informed by the Financial Aid Advisor at UMR that I have been selected by the Student Financial Aid Committee to receive an Alumni Association 11 Scholarship in the amount of $2000 for the 19!56-!S7 year. I was pleased to learn of my selection for this scholarship and would like to express my appreciation to your organization for this financial aid. It will be very helpful tn me. Thank you very much.

Sincerely, Douglas N. Owens Louisiana, Mo. Freshman, Comp Sci

1940 Alexander William C. Alford .Rex Allgeier Elmer M . Baumstark Walter A. Berglund Paul T. Braun Steven S. Brown Guy Jf. Burnett Richard W. Carr Walter J . Jr. Coon Joseph M . Cotterill Carl H. Dennie Powell A. Dennis Benjamin A. Jr. Donahue James B. Dowling Paul T. Enderson William A. Fepfell Mrs J.O. Followill Richard J. Fort George E. Griffeth Ellen B. Gund Russell A. Hall Charles E. Hall Ralph D. Helling Raymond P. Kamper Herbert G .

,; 1961 Cross Country

1986 Rollamo

Kelley Ralph E. Jr. Kidwell Albert L. Klug John R. Ladd Harley W. Leber Walter P. Machmer Ferdinand G. Markley John S. McClendon John D. Miller Edgar S. Jr. Mitsch George L. Morrow William J . Niedling Ivan M . Olcott Eugene L. O' Neill John J. Jr. Perry E.L. Roy Rakaskas Joseph E. Reed John F. Ridley Robert P. Riege Lynn J. , Rieke Vernon W. Romine Edward C. Rose Colin G. Ross Paul F. Rueff Edward L. Rushing James F . Sharp Everett W. Simonds Peter Smothers William J . Stewart Fraizer M. Sturges Herbert D . Summers H y Tiede Jack E. Timberman De Wilton B. Trautwein Elmer E . Tucker Amiin J. Tucker. Norman P. Welch John F. Jr. Wilhite Kenneth T. Wilson F. Hugh Young Mrs W. Philip

1941 Adams Washington Alsmeyer William C . Andreae Andreas A. Beers Seymour J . Bennetsen Wayne J. Blair Norman D. Bottcher Hermann F. Bourne William H . Boyd Robert K. Boyt Eugene P . Clarkson Charles F . Cochran And{ew A. Couch G. Robert Crockett William E. Davidson Mrs R. Fred

MSM Alumnus/11



1941 Continued DeWitt Russell E. Dreste Jerome P. Enochs John R . Fa lkingha m Donald H. Farrell Edward C. Fick Armin F. Finley Fred W . Grisham Matvin C. Hacker Alden G. Ha rdine Kenneth L. Jr. Hoener Fred H. Jaffe David N a tha n Jensen James W. Lam beth Jenning s R. Livingst on Kermit F. Loverid ge Warren L. Mack James O . Jr. McKee Jo hn B. * Mentz Frank H . Jr. Morris William 1. Nevins Marvin E. Jr. Newma n Clinton V. Nicholas Harold J . Pingel Marvin E . Puetz William M. Retzel Arthur W. Rhodes Richard G . Rogers Frank B. Roley Rolf W. Schoent haler Robert Schweitze r Robert E. Sexton Robert M. Smith Floyd P . Springe r James J . Stockto n Herbert R. Wattenb arger Chris M . Weaver Richard T . Weiner Maxwel l C. Wyatt DeMarq uis D. Zvanut Carl M .

Karbosk y Joseph T . King Welby M . Kisslinger Fred Kloeris Paul W. Jr. Knittel Joseph C. Krueger Harold A. Kurtz Sam A. Lawler Wilbert J. Loesing Vernon T. Lyons Mrs John H. Martin Kent W. McCon nell William F . McGhe e Vernon T . Muskop f Oscar M. Neuber t Ralph L. Nicola Nick J . Olde Fred W. Olsen John K. Pagel Herbert E. Pewitt Bion D . Pohl Robert A. Rassinie r Edgar A. Sandhau s Elmer H . Schmitt Joseph B. Schneid er Edward P . Jr. Schowa lter Kenneth A. Schuma n Austin E. Shaffer James W . Shockley Gilbert R . Smith Harry B. Stewart Alexand er L. Taylor Otis H . Van Nostran d Robert G . Van Pool Joe Verdi Columb us Vogelgesang Edwin C. Wei die Benjam in E. Witt Jack A. . Wolff Leonard C . Woodw orth Lee R. Zanzie Charles E. Zoller Jacques W.

1942 Austin John C. Axmach er George W . Blanken ship Gilbert H. Brackbi ll Robert M . Bradsha w George V. Jr. Brill Niles K. Buckne r Harry W . Clark Hugh M . ' , Crooks ton James A. Dunham Robert M. Flint Melvin C . Fuller Julian ' A. Gottsch alk Gene Hagar Bailey W. Heuer Charles A. Hill William E. Jr. Hillery Charles M. • Holland er Russell W . Hughes Thomas A. James W. Richard Jones Thomas A.

1986 Rollamo

1908 St. Pat- "Gawge " Menifee

12/MSM Alumnus

Dear Mr. Mackam an: Please accept this letter of gratitude fo r my recent selection as rec ipient of the 1986-87 Transfe r Scho larship. Mr. David J. Allen, Tra nsfer Coord in ator, recentl y notified me of my se lecti o n, and it was welcome news indeed . As a stud ent at the SI. Lo ui s Comm unity Co llege at Merame c, I have been working hard to prepare myself for the rigo rous Electrical Enginee ring program at UMR. Howeve r, in addition to hard work , motivat ion and financial support are also required for success in college. The Transfer Scholar ship will be of great value in helping to 'meet expenses at the University of Missouri at Rolla. However, the honor of having been selected for the Transfe r Scholar ship is of great importa nce to me. I feel that my previous hard work has been acknowledged and I am mo'tivated to continu e my efforts for the program at UMR. I offer my warmes t thanks to yo u, and to the UMR Alumni Associa tion, for your ge.nerosity in offering this scholars hip. I will make every effort to be worthy of the honor that this Transfe r Scholarship bestows. Thank you for selecting me. Sincerely, Mr. Terry Ford St. Louis, Mo. Sophom ore, EE

1943 * Adams

Joseph T . Allen George W . Amli Harold E. Anderso n William R. Barnett Ewin H. Bellis Maurice O. Berndt Joseph P. Jr. Bierman n Earl E. Bottom James H. Burst John F . Carroll James V. Christen sen Douglas N. Comann R. Kent Coolidg e Donald J. Dressel Waldem ar M. ' Dreste Fred E. Jr. Durham Howard W . Durphy Clyde A. Eck Robert A. Ehrlich Robert L. Fleischli Jack E. Flood H . William Fris Edward S. Gimson William H . Jr. Glover James Gygax Edward E. Haley Wilbur A. Hanna Ro bert L. Hoby Theoph ilus J. Johnson James C. Kalish Herbert S. Kasten Raymon d O. Keevil Albert S. Kendall Edward T. Jr. Kent William D . Kerper Matthew J. Key Enos L. Krill F rancis M . Krumm el Clyde H. Jr. Lambelet Cla rence A. Larson Leonard N. Leming John G. Main Marion K. Marlow Max L. Martin Gene S.

Hansen J . Richard Helberg Warren W. Hubbar d William A. Isenma nn Edward S. Kasten Pa ul R. Klorer Robert W. Kozeni Don K . Larson Warren L. Mazzone Thomas J . Miller James R. M ushovic Peter Pingel Vernon J. Ploesser Ala n P. Riggs John R. Ronat Jean L. Rudert Kenneth E. Rudisaile Harold J. Schrnolcft Hans E. SC)lOeneberg Kenneth W. Scott Harry S. Sievert O. Morris Smith P. Gene Staley Glenn L. Stocker Daniel L Thomas William J. Waltens piel Edmund J . - Weinel Ernst A. Whea t Richard D. Wicker David A.

1945 Blase Edwin W. lJoyd Roy H. ' Feldbau m David M . Finley Carl E. Kasten Vernon L. McKelv ey James M . Schmid t Robert F . Shank Earl M. West Amy G .

1946 McCorm ick Charles S. Meyer Orville L. Neustae dter James A. Pracht Herman W. Quinn Patrick D . Rasmus sen Rene K. Rosser Lewis E. Rothba nd Paul B. Sanders Cynthia rose 1. Schmitz Joseph K . Schuma nn Lloyd C . Skitek Gabriel G . Stueck C.P.F. Thomas George H . Underhi ll N . Robert Wagert Warren J. Weis Carl J. Werner Roy C. Wilms John O . Wissler Louis B. Wright Clarenc e J.

1944 Adamic k Henry S. Allen Eugene K . Banks Robert L. Barnett William J . Barnhar t Herbert D. Bridge Lorren F . Brodhac ker John W. Carmich ael Ro nald L. Dean Glenn E. Desjard ins Peter E. Dick C. Alfred Dowd James D . Drewing Frederic k H . Goetem ann Edwin C. Gostin Ja mes D. Greco Domini c A.

Burke George E. Clayton Austin B. Connett Robert P. Fesler Carney C. Jones Raymon d B. Machad o Jose A. Mann Robert L. Meenen Arthur R. Meyer Donald 1. Olsen Oscar M . Rutledg e William A.

1947 Adrian Kenneth G . Anderse n, Fred L. Belew Eimer W . Bruns Robert F. Butzer Harold G . Carlton Paul F. Christia nsen Carl R. Cole ,Richard E. Davis Carl B. Dunham Roy H . Einspa nier Bernard J. Ellerma n William E. * Faser Jack F . Fink Donald W. Fogarty Edwin R. Fulghum G ale Hamma nn Eugene E. Harms Harold B. Hellwege Willi am H . Henke Elvin A. Henry George E. Howard William E. Johnson Philip D . Kendall Robert H . Kerr Fran k F.





1947 Continued LaPiere Gilbert H . Leone Anton Little J. Edward McKinnell William P. Jr. McKinnis Charles L. Jr. Miller Eberhard H. Neuman Robert K . Perryman George I. Jr. Pierce Thomas R. Pletz Robert C. Pomeroy Chester M. Powell John D . Purdy George E. Ra y Robert L. Schaefer Rodney A. Schork John E. Sheppard Keith D . Smith James A. Snowden J. Russell Stephens J ames W. Strunk Mailand R. Sullivan James D. Tappmeyer Ronald A. Tappmeyer Wilbur P. Topping Alanson D . Wagner George H. Wegener Wilbert F . White Robert L.

Nowlin Roger E. O' Neill Lawrence F. Presley William H . Jr. Procton Albert W . Prokes Robert A. Ramsey George H . * Rasmussen Kermit N . Robbins Irvin D . Rock Robert M. Salvo Joseph V. Schaeffer Willard A. III Schmidt D o nald G. Scholz Arthur E. Smith D avid G . Smith H a rla n D . Stoecker Wilbert F. T apperson Arthur Jr. Terrasson Paul L. Todd Fred A. Van Eaton Charles W . III Walker Richa rd H. . Watkins Paul A. Weddle Wilbern L. Whaley Henry P . Whanger James R . Wilks John C.

1949 1948 Armstrong Robert J. Aubuchon Pierre M . Balmat Jack S. Boswell Paul B. Bott Winston F. Brassfield Henry C. Browning Phil A. Burnett Lynn F . Chaney James B. Copeland A. Eugene Delany Michael J . Doelling Robert F. Downey William J. Ellis Maurice H. Ellis William A. Ellis William F. Emo Ronald E. Enochs Richard C. Fine Morris M. Fitzpatrick Joseph W . Fuller Leroy W. Gager Lem N. Gevecke r Robert V. Glaves John V. Goren Ra Iford Grant George T. Gregory Robert O. Griessen John III Hackmann Robert E. Hagan Melvin A. Halcomb Samuel P. Haley Comer C. Hammann John W. Held R obert E. Hepp Joseph T. Hoelscher James W. Howell Richard B. Howell Theodore R. Italia Santo Jones Eugene F . Kaempf Leo R. Keeley Gilbert S. Kienitz Leroy E. Kracht Robert T. Kreutzer Robert C. LaPage J oseph A. Lawson Vernon R. Leaver Harvey B. Lindquist Elmo G. Loga n James W . Malone Al bert V. Marchal Jacques H. Mathews Donald J. Mathews Walter A. McCormack George E. McKelvey Ralph E. Mefford Nace F. Jr. Moe Harold G . Mueller Edward E.

• Deceased

Anderson George M . Aubuchon Edward L. Ballmann Rich~rd B. ¡Bay Robert D . Berry Jerome T. Birch Bettijeanne M . Puffett Bettijeanne M. Blankenmeister Erwin G . Bowen Jesse W. Jr. Boyer Alexander A. Braun Edward G. Bridegroom Kenneth E. Carney W. Dale Carpenter Gordon L. Chang John W. Cizek Frank J . Clifton James G. Coffer Harold R. Cole Robert L. Coolidge William H . Coplen Roy I. Jr. Cox Delbert R . C rites Joseph D. D alpini D avid Daniells Lucy Danzer Carl J. Davidson Charles C. DeBolt Donald G . Downs Jack S. Duke Ca lvin W. Eadie Ge6rge R. Eason Dona ld E. Edwa rds Paul K . Eichelberger Charles E. Evans W illi am W . Fen nerty Fra ncis E. Fentzke A. Daniel Fliehman Maurice H.

Dear Sirs:

J am honored and privi leged to be receiving an Alumni Scholarship once aga in. The scholars hips I have received from the Alumni Association these past three years have been very helpfu l in financing my co llege ed ucation . I appreCiate having received these awa rds and wish to sincerely thank you for chosing me to receive them. Thank yo u! Si ncere ly, Karla Stieferman n Bonnots Mill , Mo. Junior, ChE

Miner Cheerleaders Foster Jack D . French Robert G . Gammon William H . Greig Joseph E. / Griffith William L. Grojean Theon F. Jr. Hansen Robert C . Haskell Donald F . Heins Robert W. Hill E. Cecil Hughes Edwin L. Isringhaus Robert A. Jones Oliver W . Jones Sam P . Kelly Donald V. ..... Kemper Robert J . Knecht Walter S. Knopp Charles R. Knutson Elmo G . Komoto Frank K. Lambe James N. LaRose Bernard A. Line Donald L. Line Myrl K. Linn Laurel G. Magruder William H. . Martin Robert L. McCallister Odis L. Jr. McDonald John E. McDowell Roy C. McGrath James B. Mengel Edmund L. Mitchell John W. Morgan William A. M ulligan John J . Norman Amos Ochs Calvin M . Opfer Elmer A. Penman Ro bert R. Perko Robert A. Perry Robert C. Pomeroy Frank N. Poppitz Reioho ld A. Puffett Bettijea nne M. Birch Bettijeanne M . Quinn Joseph S. Ratcliff J ohn J. Ra ymer Gordon E. Redd ing James A. Reilly John G. Jr. Reinkensmeye r Norman W. Reiss Joseph J. Remington Cha rles R. Jr. Rice Daniel Paul Roark Bill R . Roberts Warren W. Robinson Forrest G. Roo t Robert L. R osenba um Seymour Ross Charles 1. Ross Harvey D. Rowley Kermit G. Schmedake Robert E. Schmitt James C. Schmitz John F. Schowa lter Ralph E. Schuler Leonard L. Jr. Seeli g Albert F. Jr. Sessen George V.

1986 RoUamo

Sevick Joseph G. Shute John W ~ Siegel William A. Jr. Springer Frederick M. Stadelhofer Jack Stovall Richard L. Straub Harold E. Strubert Joseph N . Sutton Glen W . Tanner Paul E. Teas William C. Telthorst Edgar J. Telthorst Harold M . Timmer Donald H . Tindall Robert F . Jr. Toomey John B. Trotter Jack K. Tucker Arthur L. Van Maerssen Otto L. Viles Landon C. Weber Arthur H . Weismantel William L. Wells Vernon L. Werner Edwin J. Wissel Charles K. Witherspoon Dwayne R. Withrow Harold J . Wood James E. Sr. Wright Joseph E. Wundrack William A. Yochum Robert J. Yo ung Reagan H.

1950 Adams C lifford L. Allen Harry W. Atchison Leona L. Bach Wilbert E. Ir. Bage Earl A. Ball Robert D. Barsachs Edwin H. Bartels Eugene A. Belew Leland F . Bentrup Eugene A. Berger La urel D. Berkey Vernon G. Betz Irving G. Bloome Robert L. Bodine Jack R . Boje George 1. Ir. Branson Donald A. Breit Karl K. , Brinkmann Charles E. Brown Robert N. Buel Robert W. Burke Robert F . Cantwell Laurence W. Carl Louis H. Ca rlson Dale T. Carroll Paul F. Chambers Frank T. Chapman Harrison E. Jf. Chen Willie Y. Choate Robert L.



MSM Alumnus/ 13

,' l,




'r I'



, I


Peetz Eugeil~\' J. : ', ,' ', ,\ ' \ . Pennington . Robett ? "I Peppers Robert ',~ Phillips Harvey ,n ,~.', : . Plummer Thomas P .' Jr.· Ponder Robert M : :' ·Preiss Robert K. Rees George A. Renner Linus J. Reynolds Earl G. Ricketts William F. Jr. ' Ries Frank W. Roach Kenneth C. Roberts J. Kent Roenfeldt Harold R. Ruenheck Raymond T . Sanders Cloice R. Scales Stanley R. Schmidt Robert N . • Schneider Norman F. Schoenky H. Parnell Scott James J. Settgas Robert C. Severtson Vernon S. Shourd Roy R. Silver Sidney Sims Dale E. Skinner Milton R. Jr. Slack Clayton F . Smith Arthur A. Smith Robert E. Sr. Spanier Lawrence A. Spencer William A. Springer Everett W. Stallman Ralph A. Starke Robert E. Steuterman Jack A. Steveps Billy Strain Robert A. Strong ' John F . Szumachowski Edwin R. Terry R. Milton Theerman Harold B. Thielker Edgar E. Tibbs Harold E. Trianda John Tunnicliff Clarence J. Unsell Vester B. Vance John M. Van Nort John R. Vogler August J. Jr. Wagner Bernard C. ' Walker Dale E. Walker Walter W . Warfield Raymond A. Jr. Weingaertner John W . • Wickey John F. Williams Richard C. Wilson Glenn E. Wolfram Ralph E. Wood Robert C. Wright Harold R. Wunnenberg Donald A. Yager Arthur W. Yochum Kenneth H . Zerweck Carl E. Jr. Ziebell Wilford R.


Serious Study in 1966

1950 Continued Clark William W. Clayton Roy T. Collins William W. Corbin Harold E. Cox William H. Craig Curtis L. Cronk Robert J. Dampf Donald P. Davidson Edwin A. Davidson Philip B. Day Russell Delaney John F . Deutch Morton Dieringer Donald R. Dimick Russell A. Drake Avery A. Jr. Eissinger Karlheinz Elliott James O. Enfield Bernard M. Erb Robert D . Etz Carl E. Jr. Evans James L. Jr. Eyberg Mrs Walbridge Fahien Raymond W. Farrey Henry B. Ferreira Francisco Ferry Robert S. Fossi ROQert L. Franklin Robert O. George O. Kenneth George R.J. Glenn Donald L. Goodding Alan C. Gore Arthur G. Graves Clarence E. Jr. Gray Ivan L. Greco Louis E. Greenberg Aaron J. Gregory Scott H. Grimm David C. Haas Paul A. Hall Ernest B. Hallemann Joseph E. Hammond Gerald L. Hardy Rolland L. Harris William M. Harrison Richard N. Hart Wayne D. Hauser Max E. Haymes William G . Heller. Enrique S. Helwig Arthur W. Hercules Francis P. Hernan John F. Herrmann Thomas A. Higgins Albert J . Hillhouse David L. Hinch Victor M. Hollenbach Bernard D. Hollis William Holme R. Norman Holmes Thomas A.

14/MSM Alumnus

1986 Rollamo

Honerkamp Donald L. Houk Clarence C. Howell Bennett D. Hughes William P. Humphrey Waldo.D. Hunt · J . 'Richard Hutchison Alden ·C. Hyde James C. Jr. Isbell Clarence A. Jr. Jamieson George W. Jerman Theodore I. Johnson Edward L. Johnson Ray B. Jorcke Oliver A. Judah Russell J. Kaller Herman C. Kapernaros E. Louis Kelly Peter B.L. Kelly William A. Kime Max D. King Alvin C. Knowles Carl M. Kovach John J, Krainess Albert M. Kreul Robert N . Kruse Arthur O. Kunz Charles O. Kyburz Edward P. Langston Merritt E. Lasko Helen D. Lockett Donald N . Luetjen Hulen H. Lyons Francis D. Mabie George W. Mace Charles E. Main William J. Mann Carl K. "Marshall Donald W. Marting Richard E. Matthews Paul A. Mattlage Raymond F. McDermott Arthur R . McDonald James E. McNely Warren .E. McNichols John R. Meier Harvey W. Mendell Robert H. Mengel William K. Middleton Douglas F. Milich Joseph Miller Chester E. Miller Lester L. Moeller Richard E. Mooney Edward W. Muehring John E. Murphy William L. Neustaedter Robert H . Nichols John W. Nierdieck Melvin E. Nolan Paul B. Novotnak Frank Painter John L. Parker R.C. Patten Robert I. PaulseU William G.

t ', :


. ' ,:

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1951 Anderhub Anthony P. Anderson David K. Arnold John M. Baldwin William M . Ballestero Ahtoruo P. Jr. Banghart Roger C. Beckman Charles A. Bellis Gerald B. Blendermann Gene R. Borgerding Lawrence H . Bo ~cia Frank J. Bowkley Herbert L. Boyd Charles L. Brillos John W. Browne Thomas C. Brunkhorst Earl R. Buettner Melvin A. Bullock Richard L. Burkhead Kenneth E. Sr. Carthew Douglas J.





, Ciark Howard T. ,,'; Cbmanich George W. '<Cotten Merrill R. .Craig William E. Oalton Thomas J. Jr. Dasenbrock Arthur A. Dickens Richard L. Donaldson George R. Dowling Donald J. Jr. Dowling Neal B. Dr-yden Joseph L. Dulberg Irving Dunn Ervin E. Elbaum Jerome K. Elwood William H. Fairchild William W. Ferber George E. Ferry Charles R. Fornari Joseph M. Fris Joseph P. Fritschen Herman A. Jr. Gardner John E. Jr. Gehrig Dee R. Givens William A. Glenn David E. Gorman William H. Gould David S. . Griffith John B. Hamman ' Rufus W. Hargus Loren Jr. Harper William S. Heagler John B. Jr. . Hestetune Daniel G. Hilburn Harold M. Hirner John A. Hohlfelder Eugene F. Holcomb Lester W. Horst William E. Houghton Clark F. Huber Richard G. Huff -Wayne F . Irwin David M . Jackson Earl E. Kaplan Newton H . Keller Gerald' N . Keller Russell M. Kennedy Harry E. Kingsborough Donald G . Kleinkopf M. Deal) Kline Charles R. Knight George L Koederitz William A. Kolb Eugene F. Ladd Richard W.

Dear Mr. Mackaman: I have been advised by the Financial Aid Office of the University of Missouri-Rolla that I have been selected to receive an Alumni Association I Scholarship in the amount of $1250 for the 1986-87 academic year, renewable for a maximum of eight semesters. I would like to thank the Alumni Association for this most generous award. I plan to major in aerospace engineering and have been invited to participate in the General Honors Program. I look forward to continuing my education at the university and appreciate the scholarship from your association which is making it possible. I hope that I will be able to maintain a high grade point average, so that the scholarship will be automatically renewed. Thank you for making this award available. Perhaps qne day I will be able to be a member of your association! Sincerely. Michael Newport Springfield, Ohio Freshman, Aero Engr.



1951 Continued Lancaster Edgar M. Larson Eugene P. Lattin Judson M. Llewellyn Henry D . Mansfield Richard E. May John E. McDaniel Hulon D. Mellott Robert N . Middour Eldridge S. Moor Julius H. Moscari John Moy Harry Myslinski Frank J. Napp Gordon E. Norton . Marion J. Oldenburg Ted J. Oldham William R. Packheiser Elmer D . Parrish David D. Pender Paul S. Perryman Joseph E. Jr, Quick John R. Rieder Robert J. Riedinger Walter B. Jr. Roach Warren D . Rober Donald L. Roller Joe C. RushtoI) William E. ' Schmidt Vernon E. Schweizer Charles T. Seip Robert H. Jr. Senne Joseph H . Sheeley Henry A. Jr. Sieck Ervin H . Silver Milton M. Simpson Thomas A. Skiles J Limes J. Smith Robert J. Statler Clifford A. Steinmetz Charles E. Stewart George E. Tarantola Bruce E. Taylor Andrew M. Taylor Donald J. ) Teagarden Dwight M. Theerman Wilbert K. Tone Donald R. Tsai William Van Bramer William G . Vansant Eleanor C. Venarde Jack H. Vose William B. Watson Harry G. Wees Francis E. Wehmeier Lee M. Welsh Ruel H . Westermeier ,Theodore F. Wile . Larson E. Williams Alden D. Wiseman Donald E. Wolf Robert V. Wurtz Wade C. Yeakey Richard A. Zane Robert 1. Zeid Marvin C.



Abernathy Thomas S. Alvarado Frank T. Bartel John G. Basler Francis S. Bauer Richard H . Bilheimer E. Lee Birk Kenneth L. Borberg James R. Boyle James R. Bruskotter John F. Calcaterra Edward L. Campbell Robert E. Chorney Peter L. Cole Allan A. Coonce Homer E. DeLap Kenneth L. DeLucca Michael Jr. Drummond Floyd M. Fannin Eugene R. Faulkner James R .


Ferguson Wallace Ferns C. Kipp Jr. Fi nkla ng John W. Freiberger Harold C. Geers Joseph H. Guinn William B. Hacker Jean E. Hackman Vernon E. Hallows Raymond L. Jr. Harman Charles W. Hausmann Paul L. . Hausner Paul H . . Heilich Raymond P. Hellman Milton H. Henry Richard L. Hockenbury Melvin C. Holdman Leslie F. Holmes Wallace H. Honigfort Henry F. Hrbacek Emil C. Huffman Gene A. Jensen Gunther T . Justus Richard F. Jr. KeilByron L. Knoebel Richard H. Kronst Edwin F. Light RichardL. Lush Rolla S. Macke John G . Sr. MacZura George Maliay Donald S. Martin Dan W . Matson Don D. McLeane Robert W. Menke Gregory V. Meskan David A. Mulholland John E.' Jr. Nolan John B. Oliphant Edgar Pape Earl E. Pawloski Bernard¡ L. Pippert William S. Potter Vernon C. Priest John E. Pulford William M. Reeves Ernest J. Richards Turner W. Richey Clarence E . Rumsey Donald A. Ruttinger Anthony J . Samimi Mehrnet K . Schafer Robert P. Schiene Quentin J . Scrivner J. Roger Steele John O. Stickle Dirck B. Stites Wilbur D . Stopkey - Waldemar D . Stovall John N. Strite Russell R. . Sweeney James ,R . Tarr Clarence M. Unger Walter H. Uthoff Robert F. Van Buskirk Lyman F. Vance James F. Jr. Vanderheyden Eugene T . Walz Robert L. Welke Albert H . Westerman Howard W. Westmoreland Darus S. Jr. Wheelock Leroy K. Wickey Robert O. Williams Dean N. Williams Norman Wolfberg Leonard H. Zachelmeyer Norman P. Zedalis John P. Zvanut William H.

1953 Achterberg Ernest R. Akers James Edward Anderson Charles A. Bardon Donald G . Barton C. Dean Bender ' John H. Berry Charles A. Boyd Marvin W.

1954 Dear Sirs, It is very pleasing to a student to know that through the Alumni Association he or she will have financial support for the upcoming schoo l year. This is my second year being a recipient of an Alumni Association scho larship, a nd I can't express enough how much I thank you for this support. / My family is not one that has been able to support.me to a great extent, but they do support me with all their love as much as possible and I am very grateful to them for their love and support. I must com~ pare you to my family in that you are interested in my education, my well-being, and my overall college experience . Thank you so much. Sincerely, Joe A. Nastasi Kansas City, Mo. Senior, Engr. 'Mgt.

Cole Henry M . Crane Harold R. Creamer Edward L. Duchek Burton J. Eason Jack L. Edwards Gene W. Englund John O. Flood Walker L. Fosha Albert A. Jr. Gjelsteen Thor Hansen Peter G. Haynes Myron B. Heeger Charles H . Heimbaugh Kenneth G. . Heineck Dale W. Jenkins Robert D . Jones Vernon T. Jost Robert D . Kent Nevada A. III Knearem James L. Knobel Elwood L. Koederitz Thomas L. Kronmueller William W. LaBouff Gerald J. Lang Eugene A. Leponis Andrew E. Lindgren William Lipensky Milan Mason J . Lloyd McBeth , Joseph D . McDonald John Robert Meek William F. Minnis Hubert D . Myers Eugene W. Neiman Alfred S. Oberschelp William F. Patterson William E. ' Poschel Eugene J. Prickett Lloyd C. Quatraro William Reyno lds Joe B. Robbins 'Clay Robel Michael C. Roberts James F. Sacks Raymond J. Scharf Fred Seipel John R. Jr. Smith Bert L. Spitler Robert C. Stroh beck Eugene E. Thompson George W. Topel Maurice R. Tuck Edward F. Vienhage Robert P. Wagner Frederick R. Weinland Harold A. Willis Henry R. Yorston Howard J.

Aceto Wayne M. Barylski Martin W. Burgett Max A. Burns Fredrick B. Campen ' Frederick J. Jr. Cole Sidney J. Jr. Conci Frank B. Crockett Nathan E. Custead Jerry R. Davis Russell E. Dowell Ja.ck B. Fowler Thomas R. Jr. Fuller Thomas R. Gerard James A. Gray Joe E. Highfill James K. Horine Robert A. Hughes Judson A. Jr. Humphries Richard M. Jones James C. Juskie Bernard R. Kemp Arthur H . III Koelling Harold A. Kolb Richard C. Krispin Joseph F . Matteson Hollis C. McNeill Richard L. Moritz John A. Munson William P. Patterson J . Robert Pillisch Herbert P. Reeg Richard L. Reynolds Arnold G. Riemenschnitter Donald L. Rucker Ray Runvik Richard C. Schejbal John W. Shoolbred Robert A. Sipe William E. Stewart William H . Swearingen Jerry D . Tiernon Carlos H . Volker Vernon D. Watkins Joseph S.

1955 ¡ Anderson James S. Archer David W . Baebler Arthur G . Bailey Donald H. Baker Chester H. Barnds Campbell C. III Best John L. Boze Ralph E. Broaddus Wayne R. Jr. Brockmann Lester A. Carroll Frank L. Collier Everett J . Corcoran Thomas A. Jr. Cruse Richard L. . Davis Ralph T. Jr. Edwards Charles G. Fitzwater Arthur V.


1986 R~lIamo

A Game of Indian in 1971

MSM Alumnus/15

1955 Continued Doe Bruce R. Ellis Elmer Fiala Neil A. Gillham Ronald F. Gooding Dennis J. Gribble Valgene Grinstead Willis G. Hart Norman E. Herndon Richard S. Hughes Richard A. Jenkins Lloyd H. Johanboeke Roy B. Jurenka Gilbert G. Kebel Harlan L. Kollmeyer Ray L. LeBrun Louis L. Jr. Lieberman Warren Longshore James F. Jr. Mahoney Michael G. Martin James A. McClure R. Max McCoy Charles J . Midgley Myles J. Moore Robert E. Murphy James M . Murphy Larry L. Ogle Herbert F. Queen David F . Remmers E. Paul Reser Donald E. Riley Kenneth G. Rudolph Allen H. Sauer Harry J. Jr. Saussele Charles W. Schillinger Dale J. Schmidt Harold A. Schmittou Clay J. Schramm William W. Schuller Francis W. Sebastian William D. Senior George L. Statler Kennyn D. Steffan Kenneth F. Stevens Don J. Sturdevant Albert G. Suhre 'Maurice E. Jr. Tauser Raymond H . Thompson David E. Thompson LeRoy E. Troutner David E. Unnerstall James A. Weisler August C. Jr. Williams Don E. Yancik Joseph J .

Franklin James M. Friederich Garland C. Gessley Donald Gilliam Dale D. Godsey Terry L. Gollhofer Frank R. Hahs Charles A. Hallett William M. Heavlin Harold D. Johnson Richard E. Jones Richard L. Kaiser Richard L. Kickham Lawrence T. Jr. Kingsbury Ronald M. Kummer Donald L. Kummer Frederick S. Lane Thomas F . Jr. Luehring Elmer L. Maddox Arnold W . McCarthy John M . Miles John B. Nothstine David E. Oetting Robert B. Padan John W. Paladin Frank W. Parish George W. Jr. Parker Perry L. Jr. Penzel C. Gene Plache Kurt O. Powell V. Lee Prager Martin Ray Herman A. Rethmeyer James W. Jr. Sanner M . Duane Schaefer Robert K. Jr. Schlensker John A. Schuman Charles W. Scott Julius N. Smart Samuel Smith Benjamin K . Sprick Robert W. Stanhope Richard D . Stimson William R. Thoele Howard W. Tucker Paul B. Van Buskirk John R. Vaughn Charlie F. Webster Royal· S. Jr. Weitzel Charles A. Zimmerman M. Jordan

1956 Altheide Charles R. Atkinson Henry R. Baumgartner George R. Beghtol Leroy A. Bess James D. Boyd Virgil C. Jr. Brown Donald D. Capek Frank J . Chapman Dale E.


1986 Rollamo

Aerial view- early 1960s

16/ MSM Alumnus

Astroth Louis E. Baker Donald D. Bardelmeier August R. Beckemeyer Edward J . Jr. Becker Robert W. Berg David W. Blount Robert L. Bowers Donald R. Bowman Samuel S. III Brown Phillip O. Clodfelter Gene C. Conlee Jack L. Dernzik William G . Dietrich Frederick J. Edwards Charles L. Ellis Walter H . Jr. Escott Kenneth G. Evans Lanny L. Fahrig Robert J . Fowlkes Charless W. Franklin Billy W. Fuller Robert G . Gerlach Paul D . Giffin Billy J . Glasscock Frederick M. Hanss Eugene J. Haubold N iels B. Hawkins David L. Heagler Richard B. Henninger Francis H . Jr.

Dear Mr. Mackaman: I would like to take this time to thank the Alumni for granting me this prestigous and very generous scholarship. Receiving this scholarship was a tot.al surprise and a very pleasant one .' Knowing many people who have grad uated from U M R and the reputation of U M R as one of the finest engineering schools in the country makes this scho larship very special to me. This scholarship . will .help relieve the heavy burden of worrying about meeting the many expenses of college. This scholarship will reduce the cost of attending college to 2000 dollars a year, including personal expenses. I intend to keep my grade point average between a 3.5 and a 3.75. This will give me another incentive for working hard to maintain a high gradepoint. Thank you again for this added incentive and relief of a heavy financial burden. Sincerely, Brett L. Tisch Fulton , Mo . Freshman, ME


Henson Donald L. Herring Ralph L. Humphrey Richard L. Hussey Raymond L. Jennings William M. Johnson James H. Johnson James ·W. Johnston Waymon L. Kalin Thomas E. Kick David D. Kinder · Robert H . Koelling Arthur J . Kozeny Donald J. Landers Robert G. Leming Paul W. Lorenz James B. Mason Robert E. Matz Alexander H . Jr. Mayse Robert L. McClane William T. Metz Gilbert F. Jr. Miller Charles L. Mitchell James L. Mothershead John L. Jr. Muldrow Howard K . Needham William R. Nelson William D. Noland Joseph R. Pendleton Richard L. Pyle Elmer G . Reid Edwin D. Reuss Lloyd E. Roth Donald J . Rother John H. Roush Philip S. Schelich Ardell J. Schneider Robert W. Seibold Joseph M. Shriver Kenneth W. Sinkewiz Giles C. Smi'th James G. Soper William S. Steinbruegge Harold A. Sumpter David F. Jr. Toliver Jack E. Troutner John R. Vetter Clarence 1.' Jr. Warren Robert N . Webb Jerry J . Webb Robert B. Wege Russell E. Weiler John L. Wentz Charles A. Jr. Wethington Ann P. Williams Russell E.

1958 Andreas Wayne T. Anspach Earl E. Armstrong Gerald C. A tha Larry C. Behnken Rolland W. Boschert Robert J . Buchanan John O. Capps Robert O. Coffey Frank J . Correll Howard D . Cox L. Fred Cummings Bradford C. Dajani Walid Z. Day Delbert E. Duddridge Kenneth J. Duderstadt Edward C. Dull Melvin J. Dye William B. Ebert William J. Jr. Elling Adolph Field William R. Franke George E. Garrett James H. Jr. Gerwert Philip E. Graden William F . Jr. Gregory Donald B. Gruenwald William R. Guetersloh Donald G. Hanna George R. Hardebeck Harry E. Harris Bobby V. Hayes Robert O. Head Eldon W. Heltibrand Dewayn W. Her.rick Thomas J . Herrmann PaulO. III Heumann Carl J . Hofstetter James F . Hudson Melvin C. Jackson Philip W. Jurenka Ronald D. Kiehne Arthur D . Kisvarsanyi Eva B. Konrad Richard J. Kreigh Wilbur K. Lewis B. Neil Lin Charles S. Littlefield Jerold K. Luebbert William J. Mantovani Eugene O. Marlow Bobby L. Mason Dennis E. McGovern Donald R. Metcalf Thomas C. Jr. Meyer Larry B. Micka Donald C. Mickes Joseph A. Miller R. Lary Miloro Joseph Jr. Minton Robert C. Modesitt Donald E. Montgomery William R . Mudd John T. Munger Paul R. Myers Charles C. Niedermeyer O. David Jr. Niemeyer William G . O'Keefe Thomas J . Okenfuss Richard H. Ortbals Jerome J . Palovchik Joseph M . Pfanstiel Donald G. Rasche John F. Russell Eugene R. Sakonyi Alex S. Schaefer Orville L. Schluemer William E. Schmidt E. Robert Jr. Schriever Byron N . Sfreddo Humbert E. Shell Harvey D . Skouby Marion C. Smith R. Thomas Smith William J . Smuland Robert J . Snyder John H . Stanton Mack J . Starkweather Gilbert Stevens Robert P. Storment Donald B.

1958 Continued Strub Dale A. Taylor Paul W. Tomazi George D. Twyman James E. Unnerstall Lester A. Vs:tter Ronald F . Vitek Richard K . Walker William D. Watts Charles A. Wegener Ronald E. Weisenstein Don J. Whitaker Robert M. Wright John E. Young Ralph O. Zieba Robert G. Zieba William D .

1959 Acksel Richard A. Allison Perry R . Auberry William D. Aubuchon Robert D . Bauer J. Bruce Baum Frank L Jf. Bayless Jerry R. Bellchamber Donald K. Bohl Carl D. Bolon Lucien M . Jf. Borgini Fred Borman John G. Boxdorfer Robert L. Bradley James E. Bramon Gerald A. Jf. Buren William L. Burke William G. Cain Clarence Jf. Call Donald H . Cavalier Frank D. Cawns Albert E. Chico Raymundo J . Courson Lee R. Jf. Crapnell Don W. Deddens Allen E. Ege Harold D . Falke Wilbert L. Feaster Donald R. Ferguson Larry L. Fuller John E. Gambill Charles L. Gilmore Rex A. Jr. Goldin Herbert A. Gunn Gary Y. Hahn James H . Hanneman William E. Haseltine Hugh W . Herchenroeder Robert B. Hess Robert M . Heston Wayne E. Hofer J. Gerald Hoffman Anthony E. Hord William. E. Hornsey Edward E. Hudgens Lowell L. Hudwalker Marvin E. Jackson James D. Janes Frank E.

Johnson Gordon E. Johnson Philip R. Kassay Robert W. Kelly Paul R. Kendrick Jerry C. Kieffer Alonzo R. III Krom Richard R. Kruger William A. Latham James I. Law David C. Lemberger Robert A. Lindsey Kenneth R . Lum Harry K .W. Lutz H. John IMattingly Raymond C. McHaffie Gerald T. McHugh Alan H . 'McIntyre Robert C. Meisenheimer Harold D. Metcalf Gerald L. Milburn James K. Mingo Henry J. Minton Paul E. Mitchell John F. Moore Hugh G . Morgan George H . Moses William J. Mouser Ronald D . Mueller Ronald L. Neumeier Leander A. Niedringhaus Edward L. Overall Wilson W. Pepmiller Paul E. Pollard Charles E. Pugh James E. Ratliff John L. Reichert Joseph F. Risner James L. Robinson Marquis B. Ross Richard G. Rouse Allen L. Scharf Joel S. Schneider Charles S. Schoonover Donovan K. Schumache}. Carl R . Shoemaker James L. Slinkerd Paul H. Jf. Smith Gaylon G . Statler William O . Jf. Stevenson Gerald L. Sutfin Carl D. Tackett Charles E . Tate Charles F . Thompson Richard N. Thornton Robert C. Ulmer Jack L. Varga William J. Wallace Charles E. Waxm~n Stanley Weimholt James E. Weinrich Albert W. Werne'r Donald E. Whitehair Louis H . Wieker Richard H. Willig Karl D. Winkler Norman E. Wood William S. Wright Robert R. Wulfers Carl E.

Dear Mr. Mackaman, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for helping make the Alumni Association Scholarship available. The financial aid received is very much needed as well as appreciated. My education is tremendously aided by this money, and I will work hard to develop my abilities with it. Once again , thank you very much .

Sincerely, Don Brumm II Huntsville, Mo. Junior, Mining Engr.

1960 Akmakjian Charles Allen Gerald B. Alyea Jerrold M. Anderson John C. Austin Buddy J. Belew Robert R . Bennett Harold L. Benz Paul W. Berthold James K . Blackwell Carrol L. Bl evi ns Howard L. Bloodsworth John O. Boring David E. Boston Lawrence A. Bramfitt Bruce L. Buchanan David B.

L . ] . PORRI Vi lcht:r ' -M " '08


E. 'W


E~Gt F."l

.,",. '08

M" '08

Miner Baseball 1908 Burke Thomas D . Calhoun Troy C. Cappellari Lewis K. Carver Ronald P. Chen David K. Claypool John W. Cooper Thomas W. Corbin Kenneth D. Cordes Glenn E. Crane Donald N . Croddy Tommie J. Daubel Karl J . Davidson Danny E. Davidson Robert N. Davis Garrett L. Del Prete Anthony Jf. Dickens Walter H. Doss Delano A. Douglas Henry I. Eckhoff James L. Ellis Harland F. Engelhardt Bill Fink Gerald A. Flanigan Virgil J. Gilby Howard M. Gilmore Jerry L. Graves George H. Groner Richard S. Gunther Don J. Gustafson George R. Hankinson Risdon W. Hawk Ralph L. Hawkins Russell O. Jr. Hays Stanley E. Hershey Harry C. Hodge Robert E. Hoffmann Victor J. Hunter Charles E. Hyatt Gord.on R. James Ronald C. MD. Jobe Kenneth D. Johnston James J.R. Jones Robert G. Jordan Paul R. Jordan Thomas M. Jost C. Gary Keeley Lawrence P. Keshari Hossein R. Kieffer Robert C. Killian Donald R . Kuntz John R. Lamer Ronald A. Loebs Herbert A. Logsdon Donald L. Loos John H. Lovelace James T. Lukowitz Gregory J . Lynch Frederick W. Maisak Albert L. Manley William H. Jf. Maxton Ralph C. McDaniels John L. Medley Paul B. II Mertl Eugene E. Meyer Herman J . III Moellenbeck Albert J. Jr. Moit Daniel D.


2 1:,1 1t.I-t,


1986 Ronamo

Mok Jung K. Montgomery Thomas S. Moyers Gerald E. Murphy Frederick L. Patterson Gary K . Pendleton Kenneth I. Penning Thomas F. Phelps Weldon L. Pohlman David S. Ponzer Henry L. Price David E. Pulliam Daniel L. Putnam David F . Rephlo Louis C. Reynolds Maurice M. Rizer Gene C. Schlensker James G. Schneider Richard G . Schroer Herbert W. Schuler Robert K. Schwartzburt Allen H . Scofield Gene L. Shears William A. Siron Robert E. Smith Roy A. Steinman Anthony V. Steinmann Walter D . Sullins Thomas R. Swetitch Charles F . Testerman Rov L. Tharp Charles' E. Todd Lamar S. Vacca Herman L. Wagenheim Neal T. Walker Paul M. Walther James J. Walton Edward E. Watson Frank White Robert M. Wood Kenneth W . Young Frank c.Y.

1961 Adams Charles T . Akey Charles D . Amsler Larry C. Annis Donald J. Aung Zin Baur Richard A. Benner Robert L. Besleme James H. Biermann Robert G. Boe Richard 1. Bohley Thomas K . Bola nder Richard W. Bosse William R. Brake Richard L. Brenning Eugene D. Brinkman Glen A. Brown Richard R. Brown Teddy L. Brunkhart Gerald E.

MSM Alumnus/ 17

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1961 Continued Bruns Gregory A. Burke David M . Burns James M . Chiodini Louis J. Jr. Colburn Howard L. Cunha Frederick R. Curson William N. Dear Glen F. DeSpain James R. Dewing H . Harvey Dix Larry L. Edison Jerry D . EI-Baz Farouk E.S. Elias Andrew P. Evans Donald L. Farmer Larry E . Featherston Charles R. Fowler Martha S. Shultz Martha S. Gerhart Bill L. Glaser A.E. Grannemann H. Neal Grechus Garland K. Grindon John R. Grismore Fred L. Jr. Hampe Richard A. Hargis Gerald W. Hayes Robert H . Henderson Robert E. Henning William A. Henry Kenneth W . . Hollenbeck Charles F . Jacks Frank E. Jasumback Anthony E. Jordan George H. Kapfer Richard R. Kearney Michael C. Kimbrough Michael B. Kincaid John B. Klei npeter ~oger G. Koesterer Herman L. Kurtzhals James D . Larkin John M. Latzer John C. Leck George W. III Lemons Charles E. Lewis David M. Loga n Robert M . Maguire Richard J . Mannbeck Donald H. Marble James B. Marler Donald S. Marosek Charles F . Mathews William E. Mathur Virenda K. May William L. McKee Eddie D. McLaughlin Eugene J . Jr. McNabb Jesse E. Mears A. Dale Merritt John F. Mills Terry L. Mitchell Robert C. Mueller Glenn E. Mungle Burlin D . Myers Donald D. Noggle Thomas G. Nolfo Louis J.

Odom James T. Ogle James R . Ostmann Donald A. Patterson Barbara R. Perkins Joseph L. * Peterson Henry N . Peterson Jay A. Pettibon Robert B. Pezza Anthony D . Pfeuffer Ronald R. Pierce Donald Z. Pietsch Earl Prothero Ronald P. Putman Wendell C. Randolph Robert W. Rathburn Vinton L. Redline Richard H . Ricketts John W. Rodolph Carl P. Jr. Saxer Robert M . Shah Ramesh C. Shultz Martha S. Fowler Martha S. Siesennop W. Wayne Sieveking Robert J . Smith Roy B. Southern Merle E. Spanski Gregory T. Spieldoch Richard B. Stevenson Curtis W. Stidham James A. Stinchcomb 'Bruce L. Stone Tony C. Strobel Larry G . Sullivan Joseph F. Sutherland James R. Toepfer Louis E. True Daniel W. Twele Michael N . Urekar Joseph F. Waddell Joseph F. Walker Harvey J. Jr. Walker James W. Weber Roger C. Weetman Bruce G. Weinshenker Barry O. Whitehead Robert W. Wolfinbarger Samuel L. Wood Graham W. Worley Morris T. Wright" Edward C. Jr.

1962 Affolter Allen L. Anderson Homer L. Bartholic David B. Bearce Denny N . Blumberg Leslie Boje William A. Brady Francis J. Brauer Charles W. Jr. Breitenfeld Richard T.


Ozark Mountain Daredevils, 1975

lB/MSM Alumnus

1986 Rollamo

Bretthauer Raymond C. Jr. Brockmann Richard K. Burford Milton K. Busch Ray E. Carr Virgil E. Chang Dick Y. Chen Cary C. Cleve Bernard F. Culnan Patrick D. Jr. Daboo Ratan F . Daoulas Arthur Doshi Bipin N . Downey Gary L. Duvall H . Pat" Eberhart Gerald E. Einsel Miller D . Elfrink Lindell H. Engineer Rajendra B. Fadler Eugene C. Farnham Arthur H. Ferguson Gary L. Flippin James S. Fouraker Joe F. Gaertner Douglas A. Gardner Steven A. Gof6rth James R. Gormley James M. Greeley Michael N. Haas Donald W. Haas Gerald N . Haben Robert L. Hagni Richard D . Hake Leroy W. Hall Floyd S. Hammond Michael W. Harrill William D. Harvey Lawrence E. Hatfield David C. Haushalter Frederick W. Havener Gary W. Henson Lowell L. Herzog Michael S. Hesse James R. Hoffman Roger P. / Horel Edward T . Huebner John R. Huffman Jerry W. Jacobs David C. Johnson Richard T. J ones Charles B. Kallmeyer James D . Kamper Russell A. Kelley Ronald R. King Billy S. King Jerry A. Lamber C. Kurt Lasky John V. Leimer Harold W. Linville Robert J. Luecke Jerome E. Lux Ken C. Mais James H. Maisch Peter H.F. Mantei Erwin J . Mantz Harold C. Markel David F. McCaw Charles K . McKean Gilbert R. McMurtrey Gerald D. Mehta Navnit C. Mueller Richard A. Muench Carl J . Jr. Murdock Kenneth D. Nanney Larry J. Netter David E. Obermark James R. Overall Donald N. Ownby P. Darrell Park Won C. Patel Chimanlal P. Perrey Edgar E. Jr. Persson F. Michael Phillips Thomas E. Ploeger Richard A. Powell Winifred W. Pulley Bob J . Rencehausen Gerald P. Reyburn Michael K. Roussin Robert W. Saad Afif H . Samrad Ardeshir Schaefer Robert L. Scoggins Jerry L.

Dear Mr. Mackaman: I would like to take this time to thank you for the $500 Transfer Scholarship for the 1986-87 academic year. This scholarship will come in very handy, in trying to meet the financial cost of attending UMR. A.s you mayor may not know, I am a transfer student from the St. Louis Community College at Meramec. I am looking forward to attending UMR, and since my field of study is Computer Science, I am especially looking forward to using the computer facilities. Once again, I would like to thank you for making this scholarship available. Sincerely, James L. Lahm St. Louis, Mo. Sophomore, Comp Sci

Shepard Galen A. Shuck Lewis W. Slocum William H. Smith Memphord L. Smith Menard O. Jr. Snow James W. Speckhart Frank H. Stairs Curtis Jr. Staley Jerry A. Stearns Jerry D . Steele Kenneth W. Stigall Paul D . Stokely William S. Sullivan John V. Sullivan William L. III Swanson Richard C. Taylor Thomas M . Teske James E. Theilmann Vernon E. Uhe Gerald C. Valentine Craig A. Van Doren Thomas P. Wagner Charles E. . Welch Gary E. White Daniel R. Wilson Robert J. Wilson William L. Zychinski James A.

1963 Achenbach Gary D . Adam Everett E. Jr. Alexander George D . Allen Louis B. Jr. Anderson John H. Andoe W. Victor Arms Robert L. Baremore James J. Bartlett Ronald E. Bartling Donald L. Baumbach Dale M . Becker Charles P. Jr. Beckley Tommie R. Bell L. Kent Bentley James R. Bost Charles R. Brady Sherman D. Jr. Brunjes Franklin E. Bruns Martin T. Buck Richard L. Chung Han-Chang Church Jerry W. Clark Dennis A. Clements John L. Clippard Fred B. Jr. Close Maxwell L.



1963 Continued Custer Phillip E. David Edward G . Dillingham Albert C. Jf. Dodd Curtis W. Donis Darrell W. Dunham William J . Eirten Frank O. Fanner John O. III Fenton David L. Ferrill David A. Fritsch William R. Gardner Robert H. Jf. Glassel Clifford Goestenkors John J. Grisham James L. Gunn James A. Haynes William D . Hemmann John G. Howell Robert C. Jaeger Benjamin W.H. Jaquay Richard L. Jauer Richard A. Je. Kahl Richard A. Keith H. Dean Klutho Allyn R. Knopp John V. Knox James R. Jr. Koch Edmund 0 , Koenig Walter R. Kreikemeier Kraig G. Krieger George Holton Lane Robert L. Lasmanis Raymond Libiez James D. Ligon William R . Lina John A. MacCrindle Colin C. Machmeier Paul M . Markland Robert E. Martin Richard L. Martin Wade A. Mason Donald G. May Charles D. Jr. Meredith Virgil E. Miller Paul H. Monday Marvin K. Montgomery Randall R. Moore Nathaniel D. Mueller Gary D. Murray Hugh V. III Myslinski Joseph M. Naiknimbalkar Narendra M. Naiyer Shafique Northcutt Maurice L. O' Farrell Thomas P. Packwood Dona'ld L. Patel Mahesh S. Poush Kenneth A. Ray Paul A. Reagan John A. Reid Bill H . Ringhausen Roger J. Rintoul Richard O. Robbins Douglas A. Robertson Ronald S. Robison James B. Sander Gary W. Schaefer Seth C. Schattyn John M. Schillinger George R. Schuchman Norman J. Schulke Richard H. Jr. Schwaller David L. Sehl Eugene Jr.

Dear Sirs: I am writing to thank you for selecting me to receive an Alumni Association II Scholarship. I am looking forward to attending Rolla this fall and will work very hard toward the future. Sincerely, Marla Jungling Pleasant Hill, Mo . Freshman, Aero. Engr.

Shah Bansidhar M. Shalton Lonnie J. Sieckhaus Robert H. Skamenca David G . Smith Sam L. Spencer David W. Stemler Orrin A. Sutton William R. Taylor Glenn R. Thompson Larry D. Thurman Lowell E. Timmons Harrel W. Trautman Dennis R. Van Buren James K. Vaninger Jon L. Vannoy E. Harold White Cary Dennis Williams Ronald R. Wright Ronald E" Jr. Zink Richard C.



1986 Rollamo

The 1916 Miner Staff

1964 Adams James E. Allison James S. Amin Rajinkant C. Ashley Carl G. Bailey Keith E. Baker James A. Bartel Donald S. Basler Thomas J. Bay'lor Philip E. Beardslee Harold M . Boeger James H. Boling Harry O. III Broeking Kenneth W. Bryant Henry W. Jr. Buescher Alfred J. Burford Lee W. Burkart Matthew J . Callisto Jere L. Campbell Charles E. Cassell Ralph M. Chen Ten-Hsi Chervitz' Jerrold Chronister Thomas G. Cobb Calvin B. Collins James W. Cortelyou Abram L. Jr. Corwin Robert F. Cottin Daniel J. Crum Edward H. DeMay Paul P. Devaney Michael J. Downey Robert E. Dutta Mrityunjoy Ebert Bernard C. Jr. Edwards Harry' K. Ellebracht Clarence A. Jr. Eppelsheimer Daniel S. II Ferrell C. Stuart Fisher James L. Fournelle Raymond A. Galloway Gerald D. Gardner Donald T. Garlich Thomas K. Gebhards John H. G1aese John R. Goodrum Donald L. Gum Jon W. Hahn Emmett W. Jr. Hamilton Thomas A. Harris Daniel J. Henry James M. Henson Ronald P. Hill James L. Holley Robert G. Hornbeak Fred A. Jr. Huber Harold D. Hudelson John R. Hughey Bobby R. Jalbert Leonard S. Johnson Jerry G. Kamp Alan A. Kelley Donald R. Kelty Th.o mas M. Kerr Albert L. King Francis W. III

Winters William 1. Woerner Fred N . Wu Chang-Yu Wulfert Kenneth J. Jr. Zimnick Harold E. Je.

Kirchoff William S. Kopaskie B. Edward Kraus Ronald W. Lahde Frank U. Lehman fredrick D. III Limberg John F . Lohrding Gale T. Lyons Charles G. Mackie Roscoe L. Malone William M. Martel Arthur O. Martin Carl D. McBride Curtis W. Meehan Michael E. Michel David J. Mills Charles S. Jr. Mochel William R. Morris Mark W. Mroch Alan B. Mueller George H. Muns Bennett L. Murphy Robert J. Murry Milton J. Nelson Courtney G. Nichols Elwood B. Niemeier William R. Norausky James M. Odendahl James P. Orrison . Gerald K . Pappas James M . Parkinson Larry L. Parr Richard A. Payne Thomas E. Peacock David N. Peters Donald G . Pickens Stephen W. Raber Richard F. Raffel Ted C. Raney Edward M. Reinheimer Charles J. Reuling Donald O. Sanders Laurence R. Saunders John G. Schattyn Lloyd S. Schmidt Daniel R. Sheets Leslie P. Smith Harvey S. III Smith Thomas M . Snyder Thomas E. Sowell Lewis C. Je. Spehr James L. Stack Charles E. Steinkamp William E. Stuart Robert L. Tao Frank F. Taylor George H. Treffinger David J . Voorhis Gary L. Wang Benjamin S. Wedeking Milton J. Wendleton John L. Wheeler Irving B. Jr. Wiebe Dirk H. Williams Stuart H. Wilson Tommie C.

Adams Russell C. Agrawal Arun K. Alford Jay W. Anderson Jerry M . Arnold Richard 1. Ascensio Carlos A.' Atkinson Charles H . Aubrecht Ladimir J . Jr. Barr Ralph S. Barrett Andrew J. Bass Paul J. Bennett Garry A. Bergt David E. Bersett Gerald W. Bicknell Hilton B. Bitting James L. Blume David J. Boberschmidt Lawrence A. Bohac Ronald J. Botta Jose A. Je. Bradford Bruce H. Bradley Milton F . Branum William H. Breeding Robert E. Brubaker Maurice E. Brunner Gary D. Bugg Stephen F. Butler James L. Buttrey John W. Carr George H. Chang Randy L. Chen Richard Y. Chiang Chien-Ping Chilton Danny L. Cleve Richard C. Conner Robert P. Cook Thomas W. Cope William R. Creech Harry L. Crews Eddie L. Crockford Richard H. Cunningham James R. Deken Louis R. Dierker ,John W. Doll Warwick W. Dorf Roger A. Driemeier Allen H. Durnell Noland R. Egemen Onur Erwin Larry L. Faenger Eugene H . Farber Ralph J. Farrell William M . Jr. Fear Robert C. Feller Donald D . Foreman Alan R. Foren John F. Jr. Gaylord Thomas K. Giger D. Franklin Jr. Glass Gerald E. Goodman Jack Griffin Paul D. Grimes Gary W. Gross Manfred E. Haag William O. Jf. Habenicht W. Helmut Hagen William R. Halbach Ronald E. Hammen B. Dennis Hansen Ronald A. Hardinge Byron ' C. Hays Roy D. Heidman James A. Henry Daniel T. Hoffman David J. Hoffman . Nancy H. Shaw Nancy H. Hohman Joe A. Holen Douglas E. Horner Kent G. Howard C. Martin Jf.

MSM Alumnus/ 19

o!'J(U f1\.'" , :' \'.''' ' v) ~

1965 Continued Smith Peter A. J r. Smith Roger H . Spirk D o na ld E. Steele F rederi ck C. Steimley J oh n F. Stick ler Roger H . St uart Elizabet h A.S. M unso n E li zabet h A.S. Sundermeyer Robe rt W . Sunke l T homas M. Suthi pasnarupo n Anan t Swekosky Fra nk J. Terry Ri cha rd L. Thomas D ona ld O . Jr. T homason Ju ne C. J r. T hras h Robert F. T oedtma n C ha rles H . T owers T erence G . Wade James F. Wagner Roger C. Wa lker Lonnie R . Wa ng J yue-Sheng Wa ng Wen-Li Weel~s Robert E. Wegrzyn Willia m T . Wells Willi am L. Whi tten T rav ice W. Jr. Willia ms Rona ld H. Wilson Clyde W. Wunderli ch N o rbert J . Ya ng C. (C ha rl es) Zim me rma n Way ne M.

H ras tich Thomas A. Huang H ao-Yang Hurs t D o nald W . Hustad Pa ul A. Jamiso n James E. Jersa M ichae l J. Jo hanpeter Gera ld R. Joh n David F. Ju nge G regory Kadwe ll R obert J. Ka llor Jay S. Kem pe Allen C. Kettler Ge ra ld J . Keyes Gary E. Knu ssman n Willard T. K o Kin In K ovel Steve n M . Li C harl es T . Liu Wa n-C heng Lower La rry M. M aggs Lo ui s M . Mag urk Dav id W. M a rl ow C harl es F. Marshall Rona ld C. Martin Terence N. Ma yla th Robert A. McCrac ken Willia m E. Meyer D a le A. Meyers Denni s M . Miller David A. Morela nd Willi a m C. M orga n G rover D . Jr. Morga n J .. Dera ld Mul yca Wa lte r C. Munson Eliza beth A. S. Stuart Eliza beth A.S. Munson Willia m F. M yrick Charles R . III Nickless Art hu r L. Nielsen Da rrell M . O' Brya nt Ja mes E. II O' Connell James J . Ohms Edwa rd J . Osick Gle nn L. Otto Robert L. Pasek Theodore D . Pa tel Jaya nt M . Pa tel Jaya ntibha i V. Peresztegy Lajos B. Picker Melvin L. Polka Willi am E. Price William J. Province E. Edwa rd Jr.. Ra nkin Larry V. Rodriquez Jorge M. Roe Gerald J . Rude Owen D . Ryan Robert J . Schroer Wilbert F . Shah Rashrnikant L. Shaw Nancy H . Hoffman N a ncy H. Shilt Eldon R . Silvers Paul L. Jr. Smart John D . Smith John W . Smith Michael D .


1986 Rollamo

T he R olla Building in 1956

20/ MSM Alumnus

A bbo tt Rohn D . A lexa nder T erry W. Alli son Laton D . Bai ley Edwin. C. J r. Barnes Charlie M. J r. Basden Barry L. Behri ng A llen G . Bell Ke nne th H . Bennett J. Daniel Bennish D o na ld E. Bertra nd Phillip J. Bingham Lloyd W. Jr. Blum fe lder William O . Bry nac Michael J. Buchmeier Fra nk A. Jr. Bufalo D avid J. Ca rstens John C. Chaffin Glen N . C hang Homer S. Chen Sir-Hoi Chern William W .M . Chow¡ Li-Chi Chu Richard S. Chun Joong H . Clifton Jack H . Coco Matteo A. Copenha ver Roger L. Cross Ralph L. Davis William F . DeBold Ja mes F . DeC lue Duane H . Dew J ames B. Dreisewerd Douglas W. Duree D avid M. D yc us James P. F a konas Anas tassios B. Fiebelma n H arold E . F ord William C. Foss G len N . F ox Ja mes C. F uller D o na ld L. G lenn H a rold A. G love r Russeli L. Good Ja mes H . G ra u Jes us E. G ray J ames C . G ree ning F ra nk S. G ress George H . G ri ggs Will Jr. G roff E ugene R . G ross Charles A. Hall Ge ra ld D. Handshy Arthur W. III

H a rmon James V. Heater Charles L. Heider Robert L. Henry C harles L. Henry J ohn H. Herrma nn Jo hn A. H ig bee Ja mes M . Hoffee Andrew E. Hogue Robert W. Jr. H olt Thomas B. II H orn John W. H owell J o hn D. Huddlesto n J ames A. J r. Hughlett Michae l L. Humphrey G a ry P. Hung Dick T . Jag ti a ni Arj a n S. J o hnson Peter F. Jozwi a k Philip A. Kieffer Fra nk M . King John C. Kirberg Leonard C. Kirn Ant-hony E. Klug John R. Jr. Kramer Ralph H . Kruep Raymond J. Kulha n Robert Latimer J ohn O. Littlefield Larry W . Lutzenberger Bert M . Lytle Glenn A. Jr. Mann Robert V. Marshall Steven R . MaFtin Kelley M . Mason John T . III Matthews James R . May Thomas J . McCarron Robert L. Jr. McDuff Charles R. McKinnis Larry N . McMahan Jesse T . McMahan Joseph L. Jr. Meier Thomas O. Michael Larry A. Mitchell John W . Jr. Mohr John W . Monroe Ronald L. Mora n Michael D . Moran Robert W. Morris Charles W. Jr. Moss Edward A. Mueller Wendelin H. III Munn Dale A. Nelson Donald R. Panhorst Albert C. Jr. Parikh Satish R. Parks R. Anthony Patel Ramanlal A. Paul Richard R. Perkins James B. Pollack Leslie A. Pottinger Hardy J. III Rauer James M. Reinhart Douglas J . Reinsch Lawrence J. Jr. Rich Larry M . Richardson Richard A. Roberts Loy D. Ruser John R . Jr. Scheer Samuel A. Schierloh Fred L. Schlosser James J. Schoeninger Hilbert E. Schweser Gilbert C. Scott Kenneth R. Shah Vipinbhai R. Shimamoto David S. Shipp Dennis E . Simmons Fred A. Slocum Roy W. Smith Gerald W. Smith Louis W . Snell Robert B. Spence Hugh F . Steele J ames D. Stewa rt Leslie D. Jr. Stockhausen William T . Sweeney Edward G. Thompson Stanley D . Tibbs Nicholas H. Trippel Robert C . Turner Charles R . Uthe Floyd H.

Dear Mr. Mackaman , 1 wo uld like to ex press my appreciation a nd gratitud e to th e Alumni Assoc iati o n for hav ing award ed me a sch o la rship in the a mount of $1250 fo r th e 1986-87 academic year. The awa rd ca me as a speci al surprise since I rea ll y di-d not expect it. I recogni ze th at th e award is the res ult of the generosit y and personal sacrifices of all the members of the Alumni Association . In recognition of this fact , I persona lly intend to do my best to apply my talents a nd abilities in a manner that is consistent with the longstanding tradition of academic excellence that is the hallmark of the University of Misso uri-Rolla. Hopefully, in the future, 1 too may one day become a member of your association and participate in the opportunity to help others as you have helped me today_ Please extend my personal thanks to all the members.

Appreciati vely, James V. Griffith Florissant, Mo. Freshman , EE

Walts Raymond J . Warda William S. Wehmeyer David P . Wesley Darrell K . West J ames E. Weya nd Thomas E. Wideman Lawson G . Wilkens Roy A. Williams Maurice A. Williams William S. Woodall Thomas J. Woodbury Franklin B.W. Woodfield Richard A. Wright Gordon Yuh Eugene Y. Yung Shu C.

1967 Adamick Chester J. Jr. Alexander Robert G . Allmon James A. Altman Barbara H . Altman Ronald L. Anderson Walter F . Anderson William E. Jf. Baker Richard L. Barrow John T ._Jf. Bauer Joseph W . Jf. Baumeyer Ervin H . . Bevel Jerry E. , Bollinger Kenneth C . Borowitz Jerre B. Burkhalter Richard L. Burkhardt Frederick R. Capages Martin Jr. Capone Gary J. Carl James W. Carter Ronald W. ( Chang George C. Chi Pei-Chun Cissell Milton C. Danielson Michael J. Darnell Paul E. Davidson Vernice D . Davis Ronald D. Deelo Michael L. Degenhardt Eugene A. De Long Carl E.

1967 Continued Dinkel Ted R. Dobberpuhl Delmar A. Dodd Vernon O. Doerr Jerry W. Dressler Donald R. Dyer Garvin H. Eckstein Vernon G. Eggleston John H. Jr. Elam Anthony R. Evans John M . Evans Ronald E. Farrow James M. Ferretti Michael E. Field Cyrus W. Jr. Foresman Michael R. Fouts Gary·L. ' Franke Richard M. Fritschel Larry E. Gasparovic George M. Gass John W. Gentner John M. Gilstrap James W. Graham William J. Gruenloh James F. Guvenir Yavuz M. Hachmuth Henry K . Hansen Stanley S. II Hardy Michael E. Harris Gary F. Hatcher Paul T. Heimel Michael C. . Helmkamp Lyndel L. Herold D. AI Hodges Phillip F . Hollenbeck Robert L. Hopkins Wayne J. Horne Gary H. Houser James D. Hydzik Richard M. Inman Paul L. Johler Craig B. Jones Larry E. Kalia Hemendra N. Kamman James H . Kelso Gary L., King Randall K. Kizer ThoJIlas L. Klein Dale E. Knepler John R. Kuo Chen-Yuan Lai San-Cheng Laufer Wayne L. Lauletta John F. Le Ngoc-Boi Lebo Jerome M . Ledbetter Ronald M. Leslie Thomas J. ' Lewis Robert J. Lloyd-Jones David Lyons Helen L. Massey La-rry P. Mathes John A. May Joseph A. McGrady Charles H. McMillen T. Michael McMullen Clifford C. Medlin James M. Mikelionis Lawrence J. Miller Edward D. Miller Richard J. Miller Samuel P. Mills Robert M. Myers Howard W. Nelson David A. Netzer James T. North Robert A. O'Leary Dennis W. Owens Gary S. Owens John M. Owens Paul T. Perez Charles E. Jr. Perkins Michael A. Perkins Terry E. Piros Ronald A. Powell Doyle W . Prater Nick L. Rex Dewayne E. Ricker E. Eugene Riley John D. Ronzo Robert J. Rouse David M. Rueh Kenneth W. Sadowski John M.

Salof George A. Schloman Alan H. Sclllnidt Charles E. Jr. Schwalbe Robert J. Sears Thomas J. Seth Raj B. Shen Kuo-Shein Shepardson James D. Sievert Gary F. Simmons John L. III Smith , Robert T. Stewart Ben Stine Howard H . Jr. Stirrat Bryan A. Sullivan Ralph W. II Szabo William L. Turner Robert E. Sr. Uhey Ronald E. Wagner Richard V. Webb William D. Weise Theodore L. Whelove Robert W. Jr. Wolf John D. Woolery William L. Wu Christopher K. Wu Tien-Yu Young . Lawrence M. Zwiener James M. L




Abel Scott W. Amos Larry L. Andrew William H . Armstrong Roy M. Astrack Richard F. Ayars Robert S. Bach Charles S. Jr. Baer Kenneth G. Barger Charles R. Bell Gordon W. Bennington Leslie O. Jr. Blackwood James D. Botkin Mark E. Brand John R. Breville David A. Brockhaus Douglas A. Brouwer Jerry W.T. Browne Richard H. Burian John E. Burns Harry A. Bytnar Michael W. Carnahan Daniel L. Chadwick Jack L. Chao S. (Steve) Chapman K . Ron Chen Sun C. Choate Larry D. Collins Walter K. Combs Elton E. Crow William W. Dallas Richard W.

Dear Mr. McGrath, Please extend my thanks am! appreciation to the members of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association for awarding me an Alumni Scholarship again this year. I feel very fortunate to be one of the many students benefiting from the work of your association in providing the Alumni Scholarships. This is the third year I have been a recipient and it has certainly been very helpful in meeting the expenses of a college education . Sincerely, Mary A. Stephens Salem, Mo. Junior, English

1970 Greek Games

Davis Roy G. Dearth David W. Denningmann Elroy Dillon Paul H. DoerfUnger Arthur E. Dollar Jim A. Doyle James L. Doyle John D. Ecoff Ralph A. Jr. Eggers Stephen H. Elder Gary R. Elliott Rodger L. Faenger· Aloys H. Jr. Faintich David M. Feugate Robert J. Jr. Frantz Eric H. Gerig Frank A. III Grabski Frank L. Green William J. Groves Christopher B. Haag Alan L. Halford Robert J. Harris Donald J. Haynes Alan D. Hazen David R. Henrikson Ralph L. Hickam Michael J. Hoelker Anthony B. III House Phillip M. Howard John J. Hsu Kuan-Yuan Huang James C. Huber Thomas V. Huett Michael S. Jacobs Joseph W. Karberg Alan F. Kassing David D. Kelly Vincent E. Keppel James R. Kiso James L. Koederitz Leonard F. Koss Richard L. Kreilich James L. Landwehr Ronald K. Lazarus Lloyd J. Learning George D. Lehman A. Richard Jr. Lentz Louis F. Lewis Leland Lindsey Merlin D. Loh Daniel C.N. Long Joseph J. Ludwig Lonny L. Luebbert Lawrence H. Jr. Lueck Ralph H. Mabry Dewayne P. Manson Dona ld A. Martin Mark Allen Sr. Maycock Barry F. McCalla Carl R. McCarty Billy W. McCormick C. Craig McCrae Robert F. McFadden William J.

1986 Rollarno

Medvesky Paul A. Mertens Thomas L. Michel Joel K . Miltenberger James L. Moore Richard E. Moyer Joseph D. Jr. Mueller David L. Mueller Robert J. Nagel Terry L. Norman Donald B. Olsen Richard G. O'Malley Michael P. Owens Charles D. Owens Thomas J. Pahl Robert H. Parker Dennis R. Pender Stephen N. Perry Norris W. Phelps Richard W. Pogue Jerry G. Pokrefke Thomas J. Jr. Porter Clayton G. Reading Stephen H. Rezsonya Thomas C. Ruengert Martin R. Rueter Richard E. Schaeffer Neal T. Schardl Joseph M. Jr. Schenk Richard W. Schneider Richard L. Schopfer Carl A. Schowengerdt Robert A. Scott Harold H. Sharp Richard E . . Sherman Lee Sherrick Sherman W. Shuey Kenneth C. Sidlowski Ronald E. Smith Neil S. Spence Karl K. Spiegel Julio A. Steele Gerald J. Stevens Edwin E. Jr. Storrs Stuart M . Strauss Stephen R. Swindle Kenneth R. Talley Jesse H. Thomure Daniel F. Till Henry A. Towne Robert G. Tucker Ronald M. Tyndorf John W . . Unternaehrer William E. Van Gilder James N. Vehige Richard J. Vi r tue Richa rd P. Volk Roger H. Wagher Stanley K. Wagner Harold W. Jr. Ward Daniel K . Wibbenmeyer Jerome H. Williams Roger L. WI os Paul M. Wc,lfe Byron L. Jr.

MSM Alumnus121

1947 Miner Basketball

1968 Continued Wright Stephen A. Yallaly Stephen P. Yost Kenneth D. Youngman James A. Zauner Ronald F . Zelmer Robert R.J. Zoellner Lynn E.

1969 Alexander Vernon T. Allemann William G. Al-Shaieb Zuhair Anderson Michael E. Andreae Robert A. Arnoldy Richard R. Ascoli Don M. Asmuth George W. Barr Nora A. Glover Nora A. Barrett Thomas A. Becker John R. Bednar Stephen J. Bell Thomas H. Berry John J. Bishop David K. Blakey John K . Bondurant Frederick N. Borgmeyer Thomas S. Boring William D. Bourne Donald W. Boza rth Bruce A. Brandhorst Lynn D . Breese Thomas E. Brendle Stephen J. Brinkopf Robert L. Bruce Robert S. Brune Robert H. Bruzewski James R. Bunch James D. Burkett Robert A. Burrows Eugene H . Carman Frederick R. Jr. Carr K. Edward Cary Stanley E. Castle William C. Chang James J . Chang Li C. Chen Chao-Sheng Chen Richard K. Chow Robert Y. Collins William E. Cooper Larry M. Coulter Stephen J . Cowen Joseph E. Cretin Paul F . Danard Howard E. Daneshy Abbas A. Daniels David E.

22/MSM Alumnus

1986 Rollamo

Davidson William G. Davis Joseph E. Degenhardt Lynn J . Denham Donald C. Derhake Anthony H. DeSpain David R. Dewey Roger S. Dietrich Walter D . Dodson Cheryl A. Steffan Cheryl A. Doerr Raymond E. Jf. Dore E. Fred II Eason James S. Eastep "Lawrence W. Ebeling John A. Engelbrecht Ronald L. Eydmann Phillip S. Faes John G. Featherly John R. Feger Thomas M. Fischer James E. Fong Ping Jr. Foster Charles W. Franke Richard E. Frazee Richard W. Fridley Michael C. Fuller Jerry K. Fung Shiu Y. Gemeinhardt Roger G. Gentzler Edward C. III George David R. Gerig Martha M. Gilkey Roy L. Givan Guy V. Glover Nora A. Barr Nora A. Graham Warren D. Gray David L. Grosse David C. Gulick Gary M. Hall Leon M. Jr. Halladay Harold W. Hartung Michael H . Haseltine Douglas M. Hawkins Rodney B. Haynes Wilson L. Hedayati Vahid Hitt Gerald W. Hochman Ira P. Hoenerhoff Richard B. Hoffman Denny R. Houf Gordon B. Hovis Donald L. Hsu Chun-Fang Hung Samuel S. Hurley Timothy J. Johnson Jerry L. Jones Thomas A. Kaesberg Ralph L. Kaiser Stephen J . Kan William C.K. Kastendieck William A. Kelahan Michael E. Kelkar Subhash G . Kerns Wayne L. Kmecz Glenn M.

Knauf William R. Koehn Charles E. Krausch David L. Krueger John E. Kruvand Daniel H. Labit James R. Lacavich Richard J. Lambert James E. Jr. Lawson Lynn D. Leffelman Alan F. Licklider Phillip L. Lin ,Wen Y. Livengood Robert J. Lloyd G. Wesley Lovell David W. Lowe William S. Lutes Donald R. Lynch John B. Marsh Reginald T. Masterson Dennis J. McLellan Terry L. Meinershagen Alan V. Mertens Michael L. Midden Henry E. III Moll John J. Moon Jack W. Morrisey John C. IV Morse Walton H. Jr. Mueller Steve C. Munoz Joseph H. Muser Stephen J. Nagy David C. Newton Frederick L. Jr. Niehaus Robert L. Nigus Steven G. Noggle Michaela. O'Hara James E. Oldham Douglas G. O' Neill James A. Patel Bakulesh B. Patel Subhashchandra Preston John C. Randoll Rodney O. Reagan Larry R. Reijenstein Carlos E. Roam John H . Roberts Orner H . Roberts S. Kent Rosenkoetter Richard A. Roth Lester C. Rytter Noel J. Salomon Harry A. Jf. Sauer Peter W. Saunders . Martin J . Schlaf Thomas F . Schmidt Lonnie D. Schultz John T. Seaman Robert L. Shaefer RaY!ll0nd T.

Dear Mr. Mackaman: I feel very honored to learn that I have been awarded the Alumni Association II Scholarship for the' 1986-87 academic yea r, and would like to thank you and yo ur association for making this scholarship available to University of MissouriRolla students. This scholarship will help me tremendously to meet my college expenses and is therefore greatly appreciated. I am looking forward to the co mmencement of my colleg y career at the University of Missouri-Rolla, and would like to thank you once again for lessening my educational ex penses in such a generous manner. I hope that I will prove to be a student worthy of such distinction. Sincerely, Anna Marie Ambrose Eden, N.Y. Freshman, Engr. Mgt.

Shini Asaad S. Smith Brian W. Smith James W. Sowers James R. Spalding Theodore J. Splettstosser James Stahl Joseph W. Steed F. Clifton Jr. Steffan Cheryl A. Dodson Cheryl A. Stevens Robert W. Stigall James R. Strauser Claude N. Stripling Gary L. Sturgeon Michael C. Sullivan Michael J . I Sweeney William T. Tannous Nicola B. Teter Robert D. Thies Douglas M. Thorn Steven W. Trump Paul V. Vaughan Gerald W. Virtue Leon S. Walker Michael R. Wansing Alvin D. Watkins James F. Jr. Webb E. Victor .Wehmeyer W. Earl Wiesenmeyer John C. Wilcox Thomas M. Wilson Patrick J. Winch Richard A. Witzel Richard C. Woodward Gary K. Worstell Earl M . Jf. Zenge Thomas L.

1970 Abernathie William E . Adler Robert B. Alexander William D . Allen Dennis L. Allison Melvin R. Aim Darrell R. Andreae Vicki .M. Bachmann Gregory D. Baker Walter A. II Balaban Theodore S. Barnes J ohny J. Barnett Ralph L. Bartley Elbridge W. III Baur John C. I Beardsley David D. Beckerdite Glenn N. Beirne John M . Belding Richard B. Benavides Francisco M . Birk Douglas G. Bjornberg Peter R. Bockman Gary J. Bohanon Joseph T. Books Edward F. Boyer John M. Brady Linda L. Glick Linda L. Brandt Barry J . Branham John E. Bray Michael E. Breeden James D. Brenneke William N. Brinker Marvin J. Brown Willis L. Bryant David A. Burford James H. Burk Earl D. Butler Carol i. Schoenefeld Carol J . Byers Charles E. Calton Lynn B. Campen Richard A. Carpenter Larry H. Carter John B. Chang Joseph J. Chapman Richard G. Chasten Dennis L. Chaudhary Suresh K. Cheek Michael R. Chen Gwok-Liang

1970 Continued Chen Kathy S.S. Ho Kathy S.S. Chen Paul B. Chiang John P. Chiu Philip L.S. Cohen Jeffrey I. Cook Frank S. Jr. Corbett Timothy P. Cordes Donald L. Crites Roger C. Crossley Warren P. Dalton Robert H. Davidson Don Davidson Patrick G. Dean Larry J. Dejohn Anthony F. Delay Russell G. Denney Kenneth L. Dietrich Randall G . Doering Frank J. Donaldson Albert L. Dorroh Robert F. III Dunkailo Peter A. Dunning Eric D. Durham Terry E. Durney Rpbert 6. Ehlmann Bryon K. Eiler Stanley H. Elliott Richard A. Engineer Roy Enke Daryl D . Erwin James D . Feager Joe A. Feurer John A. Finkelstein Michael A. Finnegan Jerrey D. Fisher Thomas B. Fitzgerald Richard J. Fletcher Robert A. Fluegge Ronald M . Ford James A. Fox James L. Free'm an Richard L. Friese Michael M . Fuerst Robert L. Fullbright James L. Gandhi Girishchandra Garrett Jack T. Jr. Garrison Edwin J . Gaston Charles B. Gerdes Ronald G. Glick Linda L. Brady Linda L. Griesenauer Ronald L. Griffin Ronald D. Gupta Dwarka P. Habegger Ronald L. Hager Harold W. Hailey John L. Haley Paul E. Hankins David R . Harris John M. Harris Michael D. Henson Phillip L. Hess Donald A. Hill Merle F. Hirner Herman R. Ho Kathy S.S. Chen Kathy S.S. Hoeckelman Leslie A. Hoesly Richard R . Hohenberger Frederick J. Holt Eric M. Homyk Terrence J. Hoppe Thomas O. Horky Bradford B. Huey Danny D . Ilavia Piloo E. Jaggi Dennis F. Jan Der-Wang Jensen R . Gene Johns Gary A. Johnson Christian R. Johnson Kenneth-W . )oIies David B. Jordan Richard F. Jussyp Juri Kammerer Joseph J. Jr. Kao Ching-Nan Kaplan Mark S. Keeling Billy F. Kemp Russell W. Kemp Wayne R.

Dear Mr. Mackaman I am writing to thank yo u for honoring me with a 1986-87 transfer scholarship. While attending East Ce ntra l Co llege, several of us who have been planning to attend U M R developed a spirit of academic rivalry. It was just among a tightl y knit group of friends , and we all hoped the best for each other. I feel th at this rivalry helped me to excel at ECC. And now, this scholarship makes th at friendly competition seem extremely worthwhile. It means a great deal to me. I sincerely thank you and the Alumni Association for making the award possible. Sincerely, Thomas J. Wilson Washington, Mo. Junior, Met. Engr.

Killgore Ross D. Kirkbride Russell L. Kirmeyer Gregory J. Kistler R . Sta.nley Kistner Jimmie D. Koenemann Barry D. Korth Michael V. Kramer John L.J. Kuebler Kenneth L. Kuhar William F. Jr. Kuhn Thomas E. Kuss Joseph K. Kwiatkowski James A. Kwiecinski Timothy J. LaBoube Roger A. Lan Shing-Shong Lane Edwin D. Lane Ronald L. Lankford John C. Jr. Latta Gary S. Lee 'Chin-Ming Leighner Kurt F . Leuschke Larry G. Lewellen Frank Lewis William R . Liao Cheng S. Lin Chin-Tsai Litteken Kenneth W. Little KathIyn S. Lueddecke Donald E. Lupberger David D . Manning Thomas W. Mastalio Kim I. Matoesian David H. Mays Larry W. McCamy Lawrence L. McClain Gregory E. McClure Nathaniel D. IV McCormick David W . McGath Michael R . McKee Robert J. McKelvey James B. Mechlin Michael E. Metz Kenneth L. J r. Michie George A. Midden Leo W. Mikkelsen Clark D. Millenbruck Mel M.M . II Miller Ronald J . Moore Theodore K. Moran Michael J .R . Morgan Mark D . Morris James L. Morris Larry D. Moss Kenneth E. Mouser Gerald F. Myers Danny W. Nebel Thomas C. Nekorchuk Russell L. Neumeyer Donald G. Niederschmidt John C. Niesen Richard E. Nolte Curtis E.

Oliver Larry J. Onstott Larry L. Ostermann Joseph L. Owens Edmund W. Jr. Parsons Jerry D. Pierson Ossean E . Polcyn Andrew J. Portnoff Neil S. Prater John B. Praznik Gregory E. Pretz James W. Price Harry L. Pursley Terry C. Raby David L. Ramey Roy R. Rauls Gary L. Ray Charles T. Ray Earl D. Ray James A. Reed Gale A. Reed Michael L. Reed 'Robert L. Rehagen Gary J. Reid Jack A. Rhoads Randall L. Richardson Joe R. Ricono . Marion P. Riley Richard K. Rinne Robert A. Robb Richard F . Robinson Guy M. . Rodebush James R. Roes Theodore A. III Romberg James M. Rommelmann David W . Rooney Michael J. Rosenkoetter Arthur I. Ross James A. Ross Lenard H. Roy Ranjit K. Ruhland Michael R. Rushing Allen J. Sanchez Rena to Sander Joseph W. Schaeffer Michael J. Schamel Walter S. III Schiffner Larry L. Schmelzel Ra ndolph W . Schmidt Michael G. Schmidt Thomas E. Schmi tz James F. Schna-ke Alvin E. Schoenefeld Carol J . Butler Carol J . Schwager John L. Schwanke CarlO. Shah Mahendrakumar Shepherd Loren G. Shinn William K. Sims Stephen C. Sizemore Lamar T . Jr. Smith Beverly D. Smith George H. Smith Ronald T . Snow Martin R. Soong Philip J.J. Spellman Daniel J. Staebel Raymond J . Stefansky Thomas P.

Stephenson Michael W . Steury Thomas D . Stout Leonard M. Sun Frank YS. Swinny David W. Swyers Dan R. Swyers Don R. Tenes Edward B. Thomas James P . Thomas Verner E. Thomasson William M . Thompson Earl A. Threlkeld Hubert R. Jr. Timbrell H amilton C. Tolle William L. Toth Louis F. Jr. Tsay Liang-Juan Tsay Yeong-Jin Tuetken Richard P. Tung Chung-Yuan P. Twellman David H. Umphenour Charles F . Vaughn Paul E . VonDemfange Walter C. Jr. Wagner Peter Wakefield Clyde F . Walk Howard J . Wang Jaw-Kuang Ward Terrence R. Warden Philip J. Warner John R. Wattenbarger James C. Weatherly Stephen M . Weber J. Scott Wedge W. Keith Wege James R . Weigand Robert W. Whitaker Rodney E. Wiegele George L. Williams Jerome H . Williams' Michael C. Williams Richard K. Winkler Thomas E. Wolff Thomas F. Wolgamott Monte L. Woods Warren C. Wortman Darrel E. Wunderlich Daniel F . Younker Forrest A. Yount Michael R. Yowell Robert H. Jr. Yu Ming-Hsun Zaborac T. Alan Zagar Robert A. Zylich Rona ld G .


1986 RoUamo

Coach Gale Bullman at ¡ MSM-UMR from 1936 to 1970.

Abdel-Latif A. Ismail Albrecht John V. Allen John E. Jr. Andersen Keith D. Arnold Kenneth B. Austin Lee S. Baldwin Danny C. Barnes William M . Ba rrett Arthur L. Bartlett Gary R . BaLtley William H. Jr. Bauman William J. Becker Bryan R . Beckmeyer Russell R. Belgeri James J. Jr. Bell James A. Bendapudi Kasi V. Berkbigler Larry W. Bertrand Paul M . Bishop William R. Boercker Gary N. Bondi James O. Bondura nt David W . Bowers William L. Boyce Daniel E. Brendel Ronald A. Buckwalter John R. Budd Vincent J . Bulla Robert C. Burke Larry R.

MSM Alumnus123

1971 Continued Butchko Robert G . Butler James A. Callanan David M. Cam bier James L. Carter -Hal E. Chapman James M. Chen Tak-Ming Chen Wayne Chenoweth John S. Chouarain Michael L. Choura Ronald G . Clark Bruce B. Clark Norman L. Clark Robert E. Conner Danny R. Cook Henry B. Cook Michael M . Counsil John R. Creason Gary W. Czajkowski Carl J. Deaver Randall L. Donze Terry W. Dostal Gregory G.J. Drawe Stephen L. Dudheker Jay Dufner Carl D . Durham Thomas G . Edwards David L. Eimer Richard W. Jf. Elliott Joseph O. Ellis Michael D . Ellis P. Roger Eppestine David A. Epresi Timothy Erickson Gordon L. Etwert Charles M. Farmer Steven J. Farrell John S. Fennedy Bruce E. Flatt William S. Forrest Ryan L. Franklin Stephen R. Galler Wayne J. Gallup Archibald M . Gayer John G. Gibbons Cheryl A. Ibarra Cheryl A. Gladish Lee A. Grabski Stanley E. Graham John T . Graham Ronald A. Gray Howatd W. Greene Thomas L. Gucciardo Terry A. Haberl Eugene H.A. Haiducek Robert C. Halter Edward M. Hanger Steven C. Hanstein Edward L. Hardwick Cheryl Harrison Edwin D . Hayden Thomas M. Hazen Michael R. Heady J. Wendell Hellwege James W. Heppe Richard A. Herron William M. Hubbard Robert D .

Ibarra Cheryl A. Gibbons Cheryl A. Ingersoll Charles J. Irvin Larry C Jacks Robert W. Jr. Jackson Hershel A. Janoch Greg A._ Janowski Gerard A. Johnson Leland R. Jr. Jones James H . Judlowe Martin Ka ng Shin S. Katin Jon D . Keen Jerry G . Kelley Ronald E. Kirchner Frank S. Kraus Norman V. Kuhn Terrel E. Lachner Gerald L. Laderoute Charles D . Lakie Leslie A. Lammers Dennis R. Lee Gary M. Lee George L. Lu Ching-Tzu Luth William L. Lynch Daniel F . Lynch David G . Manusmare Purushottam G. Martin William R. McAllister Darrell McCormick Larry L. McCormick Robert S. McCracken James E. McInerney Bernard M. McKinney William M. McMurphy Danny J. Meng James C. Merritt Lyle W. Merwin James R. Miller Terry E. Mitchell Charles E. Mohalley Robert P. Moore Ronald T. Moss Robert T. Muniz Raymond J. Nolfo Andrew P. Norton Michael D . Overal Harry J. Pagan Ronald C. Park Duk-Won Parker Robert L. Parkes Roger D . Patterson Thomas O. Penhollow Bert G.H. Pittman Larry P. Polich Victor J. Jf. Pottinger Jan M. Powell Charles E. Powell Richard F. Rains Ronald D. Raithel James F . Rasch David R. Redington Stephen L. Reiss John Jf. Richardson Alfred G . Richardson David N . Robinson Edward C.

Jackling Gym 1915-1966

24/ MSM Alumnus


.Y-,,',.... P

" I

Robinson Gordon D. Ross Michael W. Roush Ronald L. Sandella Michael S. Sanders Dee A. Sandhaus Henry W. Sohaefer David D. Scherrer Paul K. Schnyder Herbert J. Jr. Seabaugh Allen W. Shanes Charles W. Sherwood Robert E. Sidelnik Richard D. Sierawski David A. Simon David M. Simpson Daniel E. Jf. Smart Robert F . Smith Daniel B. Smith G . Dan Srllith Gregory p, Smith Wayne D . . So Richard K . Stanfield Dennis E. Struckhoff Robert M. Jf. Stucker John R. Talbert Keith E. Tanner Larry E. Tayloe Charles H. Taylor Arlan R. Thoroughman William C. Tikwart Robert J. Trentmann Norman E. Ulrich James G. Vandergriff Leland E. Visintainer David A. III Vogt Carl M. VonKaenel Frederick W. Webb Johnny S. White Charles A. III Whitford Jerald L. Widner Gary W. Wiechens Stephen W. Williams Raymond R. Wilmarth Timothy T . Wilreker Victor F. Jf. Winscher Barry K. Wolf Michael J. Wolfington Kerry P. Wood Richard A. Wulff C. Stephen Wussler Alfred J. Yancey Roger L. Yeh Shen K. Zlatic Milton T. Zogg William D.


1986 RolI.rno

Alinder Lloyd A. Anderson John R. Bachmann David E. Bartoli Ernest C. Bell Arthur H. Belsha Peter J. Benton James R. Berry Robert T. Bible Paul L. Jr. Black William M. Blalock Randy W. Bontz Daniel L. Book Neil L. Boshears Jimmy L. Boyd Stephen J. Brannan Randall J. Breckinridge Dana W. Breeden Jon C. Brose Robert L. Bumbicka Lawrence V. Burke Steven M. Burke Teriel E. Busch Kenneth L. Cadwallader George W. Cai n W. George Campbell ' Fla ke C. Carmichael Dwight E. Carson Alan W. Chenoweth Daryll W. Choi Sam N. Chri sten Randolph F.

Dear Alumni Association Board of Directors, My twin sister and I will be receiving Alumni Association I Scholarships this fall. We have been very busy preparing for our first year of college and would like to apologize for not thanking you earlier. Your scholarship not only -helps our family financially but also psychologically. We both feel that the support of an organization such as yours makes us feel more confident that we can meet the challenge set before us. With much gratitlJde, Vicki Betlach Freshman, ChE and Julie Betlach Freshman, Comp Sci Overland, Mo.

Cobble James J. Compton Norma J. \ Curby Norma J. Crow Michael L. Curby Norma J. Compton Norma J. Curry Robert W. Curth F. Oscar Davis Robert S. Deardeuff Dwight L. Dicken Stanley C. Dieckmeyer Orrin J. Jf. Dougherty Ronald L. Dunn Wyatt M. Eckelkamp Ronald M. Edwards Gary D. Edwards John W. Jf. Egbert Robert I. Ellis Frank R. II Ernst William G. Ernst William J. Jf. Eyermann Thomas J . Ferguson Gary E. Finazzo James A. Finley Robert L. Fletcher C. Scott Fletcher Jean W. Lancaster Jean W. Forsee Gary D. Freeman Raymond A. Frisbee Daniel E. Fronabarger Allen K . Fureigh Michael L. Garrett L. Wayne Garrigan Paul C. Gatrost Archie F. GlofT Richard H. Golafshar Houshang Grana Dominic J. Graves Paula D. Radder Paula D . Gross Edward P. Gundy Douglas G . Halbert Jeffery L. Hale Michael C. Hampel James K. Hanke Brett L. Hanson Steve A. Harms Barry A. Harris George L. Hellrich Linus H . Heseman Calvin R. Higgins Jack R. Hill Lyle W. Hoelscher John C. Holliday Robert L. Holt Michael L. Hopkins Douglas A. Hunding Carl W. III Hung Henry Hung Ngo Henry Hung Ibarra Santiago J. Jf.

1972 Continued Illian Don L. Jackson . Jerry R. Jones Alan W. Jung Richard A. Kaiser Mark E. Karably Louis S. Keith Warren N. Kessler Robert R. Kifer Kenneth K. Kohlberg Arthur A. Konradi Keith E. Korklan H. Jeffrey Kriegshauser Paul C. Jr. Krysa Mitchel S. Kubiak Steven V. Kuenzer Richard R. Kuharic Conrad.A. Kuo Robert L. Lambe Clinton R. Lancaster Jean W. Fletcher Jean W. Laramie Raymond F. Larcker . David F. Laschober Richard J. Lattis Don L. Lauth John A. Leavitt Dallas R. Lepper Stephen P. Lester Freddie H. Link Alan L. Luzynski Lawrence H. Lyon James S. Mabie Edward L, Jr. Marek J. Douglas Marshall Charles F . Mathus Steven C. Matthes Alfred W. II Maxeiner Armond C. McClain Gregory D. McCormack Howard F . Jr. McSpadden Alan W . Miller Paul D. Minden Francis J . Miodunski Robert L. Molitor Edward 'A. Moots Paul C. Mueller Kent W. Mugan John W. Mulligan James A. III Myers Charles T. III Nagel Gerald A. Nash Lee A. Nelden James W. Nelson Steven F. Neutzling Gary M. Newton William M. Ngo Henry Hung Hung Henry Hung Niermann Frederick J. Jr. North Michael A. Ochoa ' Juan Guillermo Oliver Daniel L. Orella Gary J. Oster Kenneth B. Ostermann Norman P. Park Dean A. Partridge Ralph M. Perez W. Marie Phipps John O. Pitt Dale M. Pitts Loren W.H. Price G. Lynn Puettmann David R. Qaddumi Abdul-Qader T.

Dear Mr. Mackaman: Thank you for the Transfer Scholarship that I have been awarded for the 1986-87 academic year. I am very gratefu l for the recommendations by Kaskaskia College and for the personal interest that UM R has continuously shown. Sincerely, Courtice Bowman Oakdale, Ill. Senior, Nuc. Engr.

Radder Norman C. Radder Paula D. Graves Paula D. Rector Stephen W. Riegel Richard J. Rodick Stephen J. Rupp Joseph D. Ru~h Steven D. Salmon Jerry R. Santucci Ceasar J. Scheibel Thomas E. Schlett Paul E. Schmoldt Hans K . Schoenefeld Karl F . III Schuessler Richard B. Schultz Kenneth N . Schwartz George K. Schweer Jeffery A. Shah Kiritkumar S. Shanklin Gary E. Sindel Marvin V. Jr. Smith Russell D . Snarrenberg James D. So Josephipe J. Wang Josephine J. Stahl Le Roy W . Stallion Michael W. Stanley Robert L. Stehly Daniel W. Stephens Dennis L. Stevens O. Dale II Summers A. Larry Susanj Jeffrey L. Taylor Michael E. Taylor Roger K . Tenfelder John W . Thomure Randall O. Toth Robert C. Trancynger Michael L. Vandiver Gary W . Vogelpohl David R. Volkmar Ro'bert W . Wang Josephine J. So Josephine J. Ward Joseph R. Webber Thomas L. Weekley Martin L. Jr. Wickizer Charles R. Widmer Rex C. Wildhaber Raymond H . Wissmann Harold J. Jr. Witte Donald¡ R. Woods ' Roy B. III Woosley David E. Zimmer Paul A. Zinselmeier Albert E.

1973 Alverson V. Michael Anderson Gary S. Anderson G lenn R. Anderson Gregory T. Anderson Michael B. Arens Thomas M. Bade Norman D. Bain Joseph E. Baker John W. Barnes Wendell L. Barry David L. Beck William J. Beckmeyer Margy A. Rice Margy A. Behan Thomas A. Bergtholdt Stephen J. Bethards Charles W. Boschert Thomas C. Bosky Marie L. Botts John W. Bowie James E. Jr. Brandt Robert J. Bratovich Matt W. Bremer Wayne P. Brockgreitens Bernard E. Jr. Buchmeier William K. Buechel Robert M. Jr. Butts Michael C. Byrne James M. Byrne Patrick M.

Campbell Fred W. Carter Karen S. Coalson William H. Colter Kim D . Copley Larry A. Jr. Court Michael R. Crafton Jerry D. Cunnipgham William P. Dalluge Paul R. Davies Carol A. Langemach Carol A. Degel Frank C. Dekold Joseph M . Denney Gary G. Dettleff Dennis C. Dickof Frank A. Dierker Steven B. Doering Dennis N . Downs Philip R. Duke Richard A. Dumser Paul J. Earnest Randal E. Easterwood Michael J. Eaves Marvin T. Eck James M. Edele James S. Edwards Michael P. Edwards Sarah S. Sample Sarah S. Emanuel Richard L. Fehlig Mark G . Fennewald Gary J. Fetterman Phillip S. Figueroa Marco F. Fischer Ludwig J . Fitzpatrick William J . . Flaminio Charles L. Fortune James R. Freiberger Kenneth H. Jr. Fritchie Denis R. Fulkerson Frank M. Jr. Garrison Stephen L. Gault Randolph P. George William W. Graves Thomas E. Grossman Alvin E. Grotefendt Rande H . Qulley George H. Haake Joseph R. Hall David A. Halsted David L. Hamilton James R . Harris Gerald L. Hartenberger Jeffrey L. Hartle Arthur A. Jr. Hearst David T. Heincker William R. Henderson Gary R. lfinkle K. Daniel Horstmann Paul W. Horton Roger L. Hudson Paula E. {ler William J . Jansky Jonathon P. Jones Ronald L. Kahle Thomas A. Keating John M. Key John L. Killinger John C. Kleinert Andrew J . Kleinman Robert A. Klemetson Stanley L. Kluba Denis M . Kluge Rolland H. Knoll David A. Koewing James W. Kramer Roger L. . Kroeter David W. Kruse Lawrence G. Kuechenmeister Kenneth W. Kunkel Arthur K. III Kuntz Richard D . Lamano Larry L. Lance Richard J . Lane William L. Langemach Carol A. Davies Carol A. Laramore Robert D. Larson Dennis W. Lederle Gary J. Lee Hermes Lett Steven K. Lewis La wrence L.

1986 Rollamo

Down for the Count in 1961

Lindstrom John A. Linsenbardt Thomas L. Livingston Larry S. Luck Michael W. Maggert Gary G. Martin Jimmy D. McAlpin J. Gary McClure DaVId T. Means Jimmy L. Meehan James R. Miller Clarence M. III Milne Robert J . Mitchell Bruce S. Mohr David P. Moscoso A Jose A. Nance Terry J. North John E. Nugent John C. Ogle H. Richard Oligschlaeger David Owens Rosemary F. Rois Rosemary F . Patterson J. Scott Jr. Pederson Paul E. Pelech Carl B. Pendergrass Denni.e L. Petermann Ernie W. Peters Richard E. Petty Keith A. Pickell Mark B. Poe Earl J. III Powers Danny K . Prewitt Roger M. Puetz Lynne E. Rambow Frederick H .K. Reel Dana V. Reinker Larry N. Rice Margy A. Beckmeyer Margy A. Richter Michael G . Robb David R. Robertson Stephen L. Rocoberto Michael Rois Rosemary F. Owens Rosemary F. Rorabaugh James 1. Sallas John J . Sample Sarah S. Edwards Sarah S. Scanlon Robert]. Schafermeyer Richard G. Schilling John R. Schindler George A. Schlueter Steven E. Schwalbe Gerald V. Schwartz Gary W. Scott Larry L. Shepard Stephen E. Simmons Curt A. Skain John C. Skasick Steven M. Slovensky R. Clayton Smith Carolyn M . Whiting Carolyn M. Smith Richard A.

MSM Alumnus125

1986 Rollamo

Lady Miners Volleyball 1976

1973 Continued Stanze David C. Stewart Robert L. Stritzel David L. Swoboda Alexis C. Tattitch Stephen T. Taylor Donald D. Thompson J . Kenneth Timme Robert G. Tindill John J . Toch Maximilian Vaeth Richard M. Wallace Lloyd N . Walz Michael A. Watkins Wesley S. Weddle Philip B. Wegener Curt L. Weidler G ary R. Weisenborn Harold D . Whiting Carolyn M . Smith Carolyn M . Willoughby Ronald D . Wilson Chris D . Wilson John ¡R. Wilson Willis J. Young Terrill A. Yu Michael H .

1974 Adams John E. Albert Ronald C. Ammons Harry L. Amsinger Mark T. Anderson Dennis R . Angell Donald K. Bachman William G . Jr. Bachmann Roy O. Baker Richard' M. Barkalow Thomas W . Barker Charles E. , Barris Stephen N . Blankenship Gary L. Bohn Ellen B. C herry Ellen B. Bonczyk Bruce S. Borgmeyer Marvin E. Bouzo un John R. Boyd Scott S. Breece 'David R.¡ Bridges Steven D . Briggs James A. Brockmeier Robert R. Bross David K. Brueckmann Michael A. Buchmann Raymond F. Campbell John R. Cesare Joseph A. Cherry Ellen B. Bohn Ellen B.

26/MSM Alumnus

Chri sty Edwa rd J. Cla usen Edgar C. Clave nna Mark D. Coates Willard D . Colli ns Marsha S. Evans Marsha S. Coree Joseph D. Critchfie ld John W. Curdt J. Calvin Dahl Jerome P. Dawes Rona ld F. Deaver Elizabeth E. Todd Elizabeth E. Degenhard t Dean A. DeGood John S. Downey Gary W. Dunford Randall B. Dupont Steven J. Durst Margaret M . Poepsel Margaret M . Elgin Richard L. Ellison Thomas L. Engberg Robert A. Enloe Bruce A. Evans 'Marsha S. Collins Marsha S. Farley Lyn R. Foil James L. Fontinelle Robert C. Foon Gerald J. Gaal Gary E. Gaia Mark A. Gant Dawn E. Schuessler Dawn E. Gibson John W . G jbson Kristie C. Gilbert John A. Goen Johnie L. Green Charles R. Grotefendt Judith R. Wilson Judith R. Hadley Susan H . Rothschild Susan H . Hall Stephen W. Ham John S. Hamilton John W. Hamilton Kenneth C. Hardin David P. Harris Norman A. Jr. Harrison Diana L. Toth Diana L. Hauser James D . Havens Vance N . Head David W . Heavin Jerry W. Hempler Robert G . Hervey Steven R. Herzog Mark A. Heuckroth Mark W. Heuckroth WiHiam E. Higgins Arthur J. Howell Stephen H . Hudiburgh G ary W. Jf. Hughes Dale W. Hupp Kenton L. Hurst Lindell R. Jr. Hurtte James E. Iden Douglas C. Ivers Jeffrey L. Jearls Louis B. Jf. Johnson Bruce L. Jones James S. Keeling Michael F . Kelley John M . Kerns Danny L. Kerns Rand y G . Ki nsella Michael J. K oewing Melanie A. Sarchet Melanie A. Ko rnacki Alan S. K rener Gi lmore W. K uli niewicz Allen P. Lakebri nk Stephen P. Lapp M . Monica La uer M. Monica Larkins Richard R. Latal Dann y L. La uer M . Monica La pp M . Monica Legate John E. LeGrand Rodney J . _ Lenz Richard G. Lenz Sa ndra M .

McLain Sa nd ra M. Lewis Neal A. MacMann Pa ula J . Polette Pa ul a J . Mattlage Ma rtin R. McDaniel Robert S. Jr. McLa in Sandra .M. Lenz Sa ndra M. McMillia n Richard D. Melto n John R. Mengel Ma tthew L. Messina Anthon y D . Miller Mark A. Miller Michael JI. Muck Darryl W. Naslund Charles D. Nichols William J . Ogden Kathryn E. Payne Kathryn E. Oldham Steven C. Pariani Gary J. Patton Stephen L. Payne Kathryn E. Ogden Kathryn E. Payne Richard D. Pellegrino Vincent L. Pence Mrs Harry Peterson Jerry D . . Pleasant Linda J . Tevlin Linda J . Poepsel Margaret M . Durst Margaret M . Polakowski David R. Polette Paula J . MacMann Paula J . Ponzer Rolland J. - Raley John M . Randall HarveyG . Rehkop Thomas G. Rice David A. Rice Lynn C. . Sheridan Lynn C. Rich Jerry L. Roach Robert C. Robertson William G . Roe Denne L. Romine James C. Rothschild Susan H . Hadley Susan H. Russell Joseph Kensey Sager David A. Sanders Marion S. Saporita Vincent J. Sarchet Melanie A. Koewing Melanie A. Schade Stephen S. Schlemper Leon L Schuessler Dawn E. Gant Dawn E. Schwartz Andrew J . Selim Ali A. Sewell Steven L. Shea hen Davip J . Sheridan Lynn C. Rice Lynn C. Sherrick Stephen G . Smith Bruce G . Smith Ricky D . Smith Willard B.

Dear Mr. Mac kaman, I ce rtainly appreciate the Alumni Associati on I Sc holarship fo r $ I 250 recentl y award ed to me for the 1986-87 academic year. This was a significant fac tor in my fin al dec ision in selecting a schoo l and I'm sure I will be a ble to renew it in the co ming yea rs. I plan to major in Chemica l Enginee ring and am looking forward to the next few yea rs at Rolla. Since rel y, Cind y Co bb Was hington, Ill. Fres hman, ChE

Sorrels Sta nle y W. So uders Steven W. Speck Robert C. Sta ponski Randall E. Stegner George D. Strang hoener Randy L. Suellentrop Stephen G . Talbott David L. Ta nner Thomas W. Terry Michael L. Tevlin Linda J . Pleasa nt Linda J . Thompson Randall G . Tiehes Robert V. Todd Eliza beth E. Deaver Elizabeth E. Toth Diana L. Harrison Diana L. Travelstead Charles W. Van Fleet David R. . VanHouten James H . Wa.Iker Joseph D . Walsh John G . 'Warfield David M . Weese John R. Weyhaupt -Gilbert J. White James J. Whitfield James W . Whitson Michael E. Wibbenmeyer Dale J. Williams Robert M . Jr. Wilson Judith R. Grotefendt Judith R. Yoder Robert A. III Young David M .

1975 Abbott James W . Ackerman Richard EAdamS Eric B. Agnew Allen B. Algaier Mark D. Arens Noel J. Aronberg Garry R. Baker Bruce D . Barrack Nicholas E. Basye Richard E. Bechtold M. Scott Beem David M . Bell William A. Jr. Bequette Duane D . Bertram Jeffery P. Bier Patrick K . Blaser Laura J . Webber Laura J . Blauvelt David S. Boehme Vernon P. Boiles John H. Boon Thomas S. Bopp Jeffery T. Borcherding Donald A. Jr. Borowiak Thomas G . Brake Michael B. Brendel Jerome C. Brennenstuhl Christine M. Lytle Christine M . Broshears William' E. Brown Ricky J . Brugger Patrick H . Capps Jeffrey C. Carlstrom George M. Chapman Stephen R. Chappel Harry A. Chen Wen-Liang W. Clayton Barbara J . Cobb David E. Cole Jimmy D. Colvin David A. Cravens Robert C. C urle Arthur E. Da niells Charles P. Jr. Da vis Michael L. DeCI ue Dale'R. Dengi Semahat Sinharoy Semahat Dolson . George M . Durbin Ronald C. Ebert Joseph J.

1975 Continued Ellebrecht David E. Eppestine Diane C. Gibbs Diane C. Erickson Alan G. Ernst William K. Jf. Eubanks Roger J. Finley Larry R Fisher Patrice M. Harman Patrice M. Flack Frank L. Forck James A. Forster Terry J . Fournier Joseph D. Fricke James R. Frueh Richard H. Galbierz Bruce E. Gibb5 Diane C. Eppestine Diane C. Giulvezan Mark S. Goeckeler Carl R. . Graumann Richard W. Haas Kenneth J. Hansford Charles H. Harman Patrice M . Fisher Patrice M. Harris Richard E. Harris Stanley J. Hartmann John C. ' Heisserer Karl M. Hellwig Gregory A. Henry Douglas J . Higgins Patricia A. Hill Steven W. Hillhouse Charles A. Hillhouse Michael D . Hinkle Delores J. James Delores J . Hitt Robert S. Hoffman Janice M. Hoffman Wayne L. Holcomb Steven K. Hubenschmidt Carl G. Hurley Kenneth W. Irvine William D. James Delores J . Hinkle Delores J. Jansen Robert P. Jinkerson Kenneth. R. Kallal Charles G. Kaufman John M. Keebler James H. Keil . Louis H. Kissack Robert W. Knoch James W. Kobylinski Richard A. Koehler David E. Kopp Richard J. Kunderman Vincent J . Kuse Gary D . Larkins Lawrence J. Leemann Gary D . . Leitterman Pamela A. Thebeau Pamela A. Lewis David R. Lewis Michael P. Linker Rodney E. Lohman Edward J. Lueckenhoff William F. Lupo Michael V. Luttes Craig T. Lytle Christine M . Brennenstuhl Christine M. Maddox Hubert R. Mahn Michael A. Mansker Joseph H. Jr. Marsh Janet E. Martin James H. Marting John J. McBride Gregory C. McLaughlin Francis M. Jr. Meisenheimer Clifford S. Miesner Thomas O. Milne Thomas J. Mitchum Ronald E. Mittler Thomas J. Mueller Larry E. Nadler Leroy R. Nguyen Kho H. Nickoley William E. Noel Tommy C. Oliver Pamela S. Onstad Jerolyn M. Wallach Jerolyn M.


Dear Sir, Thank you very much for awarding mc the Transfer Scholarship for 1986-87. I am looking forward to my first semester at UMR. This scholarship will be a big help to me. Sincerely. James J. Corbet Joplin, Mo. Senior, EE

Opfer Frank M. Overmyer Lance A. ¡ Pace Randy C. Panagos ' Philip Paschke Allen J. Patrick Wesley C . Peach William J. Peterson Mitchell F . Pham Xuan C. Polinsky Steven E. Powell Raymond F. Prater Raymond B. Jr. Prudic David E. . Quinn Michael J. Rai Siri Ram Rakestraw Robby Ray Rauch Peter C. 'Rechtien Thomas J. Reynolds Martin K. , Riggs James M. Jr. Roberts Ronald R. Rockwell Lawrence A. Rodgers 'Edward W. Rohr Janice M. Roy Daniel C. .f Sawyer Randall L. Schaefer James V. Schaefer Melvin G. Schaffer Stephen J. Scheer Bernard H. III Schlueter Daniel M. Schmidt Michael T. Schneider Thomas P. Schuler David P. Shcolnik David H . Simpson Donald E. Sinharoy Semahat Dengi Semahat _ Skibiski Kevin C. Smith JohnL Starke Stephen E. Starkweather Michael H. Steele Donald D. Steen Kenneth B. Stellern John L. Storck W. Fred Stuart Dennis L. Sweet Darrell L. Temme Ronald C. Tesar Mark W. Thatcher David A. Thebeau Pamela A. Leitterman Pamela A. Thurmond Edward N . Treasurer Roberta L. Wilhelm Roberta L. Trower Ronald B. Tsukamoto Tadashi Underhill Thomas N . Unks John D. Van Haity C. J r. Vancil Stephen P. Wallach Jerolyn M . Onstad Jerolyn M . Webber Laura J. Blaser Laura J. Wegman John L. Welch Bernard J. Wenk Dan K. Westc;;rmayer John C. Wilhelm Roberta L. Treasurer Roberta L. Williams Dewayne B. Williamson Richard F.

. :;


Wilson Daniel M. " Winkelmann Ray E. , WoOd . Dennis L. . ~r~ht Kenton B. . ' Yamnitz William P. Zerwig Harry J.

1976 Ahal William R. Ahrens June K'. Alusow Edward W. Arndt Terry L. Barclay David A. Bates Valentino T . Becker Kathryn A. Hand Kathryn A. Beem Sandra R. Karnes Sandra R. Bellassai Jacques J. Benson William A. Bhasin Kul Biddle Myron H. Bihr Leland S. Bodenhamer Charles R. BOll James P. Bradley Dale E. ' Bradley David R. Braun Robert P . Bray Lana J. Scott Lana J. Broekelmann Donald D. Brothers Stephen A. Brown Michael D. Bruenger Mark D. Carter John D. Castor Lawrence W. Chang Yu Tai Chronister Donald J . Cieciwa Gregory A. Coffman Terry R . Coleman Kim C. Livengood Kim C. Cottrell Ricky H. Coursen Denise K. Crane Russell J. Culter John D. Cummings Ted M. Dabler Edward R. Jr. Denner David K. Denner Denise M . Lovasco Denise M . DiNapoli Michael A. Donovan William P. Drechsler Terry L. Dudley Donald R. Dulin Catherine L. Stellern Catherine L. Dunlop James S. Jr. Dutton Roland E . Jr. Eckert Fay E. Schubert Fay E. Ehrhard William E. Elifrits C. Dale Ellis Michael E. Entwistle Ronald L. Feagan Wilbur S. Feldmann John C.

1909 St. Pat's Parade

Fleschner Richard A. Folta Joseph E. Jf. Fradenburgh Lois J . Walker 'Lois J. Frederickson Jon P. Fugate Michael W. Garner Harold R. Gilbert Steven R. Gordy Thomas W. Griese James C. Haigh Bruce W. Hammers William L. Hand Kathryn A. Becker Kathryn A. Harmon Cynthia S. Hilleary Cynthia S. Harriman Brad J. Haug Gregory G. Headrick Victoria K. Sweetser Victoria K. Helmkamp Robert E . Hesse Paul J. Hicks Gregory K. Hilleary Alexander L. Hilleary Cynthia S. Harmon Cynthia S. Hilton Robert E. Hummel Robert J. Ipock D. Freddie Ito Akira Jackson Ronald E. Jackson Steven D. Jaeger John J . Jerome Michael L. Karnes Sandra R. Beem Sandra R. Kates Bruce C. Krebs Danny J. Kriegshauser JohnD. Kuhn Catherine M. Scholl Catherine M. Kuhn David H . Kutz Anthony W. Lammert Leland V. Lane Charles A. Leach Rodney W. Leaver Paul H. Lee Darrell R. Lee Jae Yon Lees John R. Jf. Leitterman Dennis W. Leonard James V. Liebel Craig A. Liefer Mark E. Livengood Kim C. Coleman Kim C. Lovasco Denise M. Denner Denise M . Lueckenhoff Michael J. Luetkemeyer Kenneth E. Mahin Clifford A. Mangoff John N . Jr. Marikos Mark A. Markey Richard A. McCann Lewis A. McCartney Jill A. Westermayer Jill A. McCoy Thomas H. McCubbins Susan K . Wilkerson Susan K. McGavock Michael W. McKee Michael L. McMi.1lan Druery W.

1986 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus127

1976 Continued Mei ster William G. Merciel James A. Jr. Miehe William K. Miller Melanie G. N aege r Melani e G. Millsa p Steve A. Mullen Michael J. Murphy Robin A. Murra y Richa rd E. Naeger Mel a nie G. Mill er Mel a nie G. Neher Leland D . Noon Randall K. Oberdick R. Kevin Offutt Joseph C. III Parrish Duane L. Perrymore Loyd G. Petri Rickie S. Porter Paul D . Proctor Fra nk E. Jr. Puetz William C. Rash William C. Rath John A. Rhodes Gary W. Rhodes W. Bruce Riley Linda K . Sampson Rodney J . II Sapp Paul W . Satterlee Stephen C. Scarr Richard A. Schenke Karl R. Schmale Mark W. Scholl Catherine M . Kuhn Catherine M. Schroeder Mary Ann Schubert Fay E. Eckert Fay E . Schwab Lawrence R . Schwager Sally S. Small Sally S. Scott Lana J . Bray Lana J . Seiffertt E . Thomas Shoemaker Larry W . Sickler Robert A. Simon Dennis M. Skillman Daniel W . Skipper David J . Small Sally S. Schwager Sally S. Smith Cheryl L. Tyner Cheryl L. Smith David B. Smith Norman S. Stack Irvin R. Stellern Ca therine L. Dulin Ca therine L. Sutton David L. Sweetser Victoria K . Headrick Victoria K . Swinarsky Gerald Telthorst Paul J. Thompson David F . T innemeyer Arth ur C. Torres J ohn P. Toth Gregory S. Trimble John R. Turner James M. Jr.

1940 Tennis Team

28/ MSM Alumnus

Tyner Cheryl L. Smith C heryl L. Underwood Daniel H. Vail Roger I. Van Praag Jeffrey R. Vessell Royce L. Vlcek Robert W. Waggo ner Carro ll M. Wa lker Lois J. Fradenburgh Lois J. Wassilak Jeffry P. Welsho n R. Allen Jr. Westermayer Jill A. McCartney Jill A. Wiese C ha rles W. Wilkerson Susa n K. McCubbi ns Susan K. Wille Matthew J . W immer Wesley A. Woessner Michael E : Wohlert William D . Wood James D.

Ewens Joy M. Thompson Joy M . Filla Michael J. Fitzmaurice Richard R. Foltyn Elizabeth M . Frank Gregory B. Fronick D a vid H . Fuchs Douglas ' B. Gallagher John B. Giesler Arthur L. Gioia Joseph M . Grelle James E. Gutierrez Ernest Hagga rd Henry E. Haines Forest E. Jr . Hamilton Lesli e R. Hanu s Jill B. Burgi Jill B. Hastey James P. Jr. Heidbreder J o hn E. Hertfelder Warren W. Hilt David W. Hofman Jerry L. Hoog Timothy J. Hummert James B. Jr. Jackson Lawrence C. Jarrett Christopher M. Keats Dennis R . 1977 Kersting Debra M. Brzuchalski Debra M . Achelpohl Jeanne M. Kinnett Douglas G. Banovic Jeanne M . Klie Ross R. Allen Bruce H. Kobylinski Edmund A. Allen Paul M. Koch Daniel B. Alvey Mark S. Koch Stephen J. Andres Paul D. Kolze Thomas J . Bakhshi Virendar S. Kossina Paul G . Banovic Jeanne M . Lackner Michael F. Achelpohl Jeanne M. Ladage John J . Jr. Bhasin Charlotte A. Lampe Dominic P. Bingaman Donald C. Lampe Steven W . Bockelman Keith L. Langkopf Brenda S. Boegner Philip J. Leonard Robert G. ' Bradway Bruce R. Liescheidt Steven G. Brewer Lawrence O. Lincicome James D. Brickner Timothy G. • Linck Richard P. Bruns John M. Livengood Ross D. Brzuchalski Dale A. Logan Terry D. Brzucha lski Debra M. Loos Louis G. II Kersting Debra M. MacGlashan Mark L. Burgi Jill B. Marting Pa ul R . Hanus Jill B. Marx Michael A. Buzbee Terry D. Marx Sandra K. Cadwell Warren D. Turnbough Sandra K. Chicoineau Philippe Masnor Marc L. Claus Jeffrey J . Mastroianni Mark L. C lifford Jimmie D. Mattes Roy J . Jr. Cod y Patrick J. McDowell Michael D .' Coker Terry D. McG rath George M. Jr. Colvin Kath lee n M. Metheny William E. Jr. Meyerk ord Kathleen M. Meyerkord Ka thleen M. Cook Aaron L. Co lvi n Kath leen M . Cover Theodore L. Miller Steve B. Cowan Keith 1. Minne Eri c M . Cra mer Rex M. Mok htari Am ir- Majd i S. , De nton Randy G . Morgan Twyla D . Duff Harrell L. Mosby Ra nda ll L. Eckelkam p James T. Mu llins Kathleen M . Wright Ka thleen M. N aege r R obert J . Nielsen Kurt S. Northup John H. III Owens Terrance A. Panhorst Terry L. Patterson John W. Peavler C ha rles R. Perry David L. Poe David H. Post Steven W. Prange F rederick W . Price Peter T. Price Sean E. Rauz i Thomas J . Ri g.gs Robert A. Roebke Gary E. Roth Thomas A.' Ruh ling Gary A. Ryan Thomas C. Sa mmet Denn i M. Sample Wi llia m G . Schnettgoecke La mbert G. Schnoebelen Paul C. [lJ Schol l Gilbert D . 1986 Rollamo

Dear Mr. Mackaman: I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the U M R Alumni Association for the Transfer Scholarship in the amount of $500 for the coming 1986-87 academic year. This gift will enhance my financial situation very much and be of great herp in the comi ng yea r. Hopefully, I will get the chance to th ank yo u in perso n in the near future . Sincerely , Robert S. Ivy Poplar Bluff, Mo. Senior, ME

Sebree Mark M . Stamer Robert J . Jr. Stutsman John V. Sudheimer Raymond A. Sudholt Terry A. Swinney Larry D . Thompson Joy M . Ewens Joy M. Thorn David L. Thurman Donald R. Turnbough Sandra K . Marx Sandra K. Ulrich Donald L. Valla Leo B. Vandeven Torie Ann Vanzo Mark A. Vatanapradit Thirapit Vento John A. Vogel Ernest F . Vogel Ricky R. Waldschmidt Richard J. Walker John Walker Rhonda A. Wang David C. Wehmeier Lee M. Jr. Weidinger Donald J. Weinkein Daryl R. Welzbacher Jeffrey D. Wentz Hugh O. Wenzlick John D. White bay Lee E. Willia ms Ro na ld J. Winkler Richard P. Wonderly Pa ul E. Wright K a thleen M. Mu llins Kathlee n M . Wyatt Bradley J. Yerbury R o bert H. Jr. Young C lari ssa C. Yow M icha el G. Ziegler John A.

1978 Albee Stephen E. Allen Stephen L. Ba ker Ro nald E. Ba llad Robert V. Ba lliew Elaine A. C hri stian Elaine A. Ba uma nn Richa rd E. Bea uchamp Robert W. Behr Vance L. Bell Michael K. Beresik Theodore L. Bergman Bruce W. Bernstein Cra ig S. Best D a na C. Bestor Ted F. Bezdek William J. Binz Daniel L. . Bodenha mer Kevin C. Bonilla Alfredo III

1978 Cpntinued Bridges Resa L Harbison Resa L Brown Donald R. Brugioni Kenneth P. Brugna ra Michael A. Brunts Stephen C. Buchhei t Ge rald J . Budd Debra J. Buffingt~ n Da rrel L Bullma n M rs Ga le Busby M ichael J . Ca lla ha n Susa n L Ca rroll G rego ry A. Cawvey James L. C hamberla in Etha n A. C harles Albert L. C hri stian Elaine A. Balhew Elaine A. Cla rk Sherri B. Coldiron Michael L Cole Pa trick L. Colli ton James E. Coonrod Neil R. Corbin Gary A. Crowley A. David Danuser Jon L Davidson Glen R. Davis Alan L. Day Ramona E. Wagner Ramona E . Deckerd Ha rold L. DeThorne Jacquelyn M . Falconi Jacquelyn M. Donahoe James L. III Durbin Robert C. Ehrhardt James H . Ellerbrake Brenda E. Liescheidt Brenda E. Engeman Ivan L. . Epperson Joseph Erickson Kelvin T. Everett William M. Falc;oni Jacquelyn M. DeThorne Jacquelyn M . Fa ler Dennis L. Finnegan Michael J . Fleck Kenneth S. Ford Ferrill E. Jr. Fosnacht Donald R . Goldammer Russell L. Goodlet Roger F. Grana Joseph M. Jr. Grantha m Rodger P. Gredell Thomas R . Green Alan W . Greene Jeffry J. Grice John V. Guntly Stephen P . Harbison Resa L. Bridges Resa L. Hargis Gary L. Harland Stephanie A. Touzinsky Stephanie A. Harrington Nancy E. Haynes Michael A. Heatherly Nicholas A. Heifner William R. Hemmann Howard N. Hepler Thomas E. Hilton Wilma K . Kirn Wilma K . Hitchcock David C. Holland David K . Jr. Holtz Alan S. Jr. Hunter John J. Ihrns David W . Jenkins William W . Johney Glenn E. Johnson Robert J. Johnston Karl A. Jones Dennis D. Kasten Bradley W. Keaster Da niel J. Kinchen Dennis J . Kirkpatrick James C. Kirn Wilma K . Hilton Wilma K . Kuhlmann Edward F. Jr. Lambie John E . La ng Gregory A. La ttner James R . Lautenschlaeger Steven D . Levings David M.

Lewis David B. Liescheidt Brenda E. Ellerbra ke Brenda E. Lincicome E. Dia nne Speer E. Dia nne Little Billy F . Lo ng G regory P. Love Rosema.ry M. Ma rtin Da niel L. Maso n Robert W. Massey Sa muel L. Maxwell Ga ry R . Max well Law rence E. McBee Shara J. Mo unt Shara J. McCa llister La rry D. McCa llister Terry D. McCa rth y Ro ry M . McMinn Rita S. Stock hecker Rita S. Melcher John P. Melton Douglas C. Jr. Merrill Kevin J . Moles John O. Moore John W. Mount Sha ra J. McBee Shara J . Muldoon Richard A. Na uert Pa ul J . Jr. Newtown Glenford A. Jr. Nunna lly Teri A. Payne Teri A. O' Brien Joseph R. Jr. Ostapowicz Phillip G . Parker James W. Parks James S. Payne Teri A. Nunnally Teri A. Pearson Russell M. Perkins Gregory S. Pham . Van Thanh Pippenger Jackie G. Posey Jack W. Pratt Michael L. Prough Louann Ruyle Louann Puckett James L. Quigley David R . Rau 1 ames T. Reea Danny A. Rethineyer Stephen J. Rice Kenneth O. Rinne Steven P . Rivero Sergio N . Roenfeldt Mark A. Rokhsaz Kamran Roney Bruce Q. Ruester David E. Ruyle Louann Prough Louann Schaefer Donald B. Jt. Schaefer Michael E. Schnell Robert J . Schulte Dennis W. Sees David H . Seppelt Mark E. Sikavi Tony Silver H . Ward Simac Michael R. Smith Daniel B.

Dear Mr. Mackaman, As a recipient of the 1986-87 SEMO-Rolla transfer scholarship, I would like to thank you for making this scholarship available. This money is much-needed and greatiy appreciated. I have wo rked hard to achieve what I have. and I intend to co ntinue to do my best to ma ke the most of opportunities like this. Aga in , tha nks. Sincerely, Dav id Krae nzle Stc. Ge nev ieve, Mo. Sophomore , ME

Smith Michael J. Speer E. D ianne Lincicome E. Dia nne Sta nsberry Warren W. Sta tler David E. Stevens Ri ta M . Web ber Rita M. Stockhecker Rita S. McMinn Rita S. Strange Mark A . Taggart Gary J. Theising David A. T hro John R. Tipton Bruce R. Toth Richard J. Touzinsky Stephanie A. Harla nd Stephanie A. U nklesbay A. G . Wagner Ramona E. Da y Ramona E. Waldbart Theodore B. Walther Donald G . Webber Rita M. Stevens Rita M. Webers David M. Wilkins Arthur T . Winnett Michael D . Winter David G . Wootten John M. Wykoff Dale L. Yin Robert W. Zimmerman Michael H. Zimmermann Roger C. Jr. Zuiss Thomas J.

1979 Allen Dennis W . Aman Bradley A. Bach Thomas E. Baebler Matthew G . Bagley William C. Bagnell Charles R. Jr. Bagnell Valarie A. Brenner Vala rie A. Basler Michael J. Bauhof Frederick C. Belden David C. Benton Regi nald H . Benz Larry J . ¡ Beyer Brian J . Bhakta Satish D. Bilgram Walter R. Birchler Donald C. Bissey Philip R. Blankenship Dean M . Branson Carla J . Yager Carla J. Braun David G. Bredenkamp Ronald C. Brenner Valarie A. Bagnell Valarie A. Breuer Rodney K . Bridges Kevin J. Bridges Thomas L. ~riscuso Joseph V. Bueler Frederick Jr. Burbridge Thomas E. Burton James E. Jr. Bush James A. Bush Susan J. Holm Susan J . Calise Salva tore J .. Campbell Wolfgang S. Carney Edwin R. . Casaleggi Susan H. Potthast Susan H . Cobb Gary K . Cox Andrew W . Cox John M. Cra ne Lois M . Luehrma n Lois M . Cromer Eric J. Crull Robert J. Curran Steven M. Dale William M.

1986 Rollamo

Carnival 1976 Sig Tau Booth

Daniel Kathleen M. Miles Kathleen M . Diebold Stephen M . Dill Kathleen A. Shelden Kathleen A. Dolan John M . Donaldson Keith L. Doyle Patricia A. Dressel Dennis T. Eales Christopher J . Eash John F. Eisenbeis Kevin R . Emily Dennis J. Englehart ' William E . Ensor Steven E. Ernst Ronald L. Etem Richard D. Fallon Ijames M . Feeler Steven S. Fisher A. Jay Fitzgerald Paul H . Fleddermann Kim E. Rydzak Kim E. Foley Mark P. Forck Glen F. Ford Stephen P . Foster Milo G . Fulton Anne Galaske James W . Gammon Mark E. Gardner Donald J. Gerber DeWayne C. Giovando Robert G . Gladbach Joseph G . Glascock Dennis G . Greco David J. Greer Louis M . Hadley Stanton W . Harding Alfred D. ~ r. Hardman Kay A. Rhyne Kay A. Hart J. Douglas Hartwig Robert A. Jr. Haubert Andrew E. Haug John B. Heideman' Brian D . Heimburger Stanley A. Hengel David P. Henson D . Kent Herr Mark A. Heuckroth Bria n A. Hibbeler Steven G . H ill James D . Jr. H olcomb Timothy J. Holm Susan J . Bush Susan J. Hoormann Katheri ne A. Hord Douglas E. Ho rter G lenn L. Hovis Mark A. Hrenak John A. Jr. . H uffman Vicki L. J oern Vicki L Jacobi Carl L. Jansen James L. Jantosik Edward C. Jr.

MSM Alum nus129

The 1914 Tea m in Action, ._

1979 Continued JQern- Vicki L. Huffman Vicki L. Johnson Stephen C . Justus Dayna K . Kavanaugh Sue M. Maskill Sue M. Kemp Wade O . III Kinsella Joseph J . Kirk Dallas L. Thorn Dallas L. Krahenbuhl Mark D . Krusie Ronald S. Kuelker Eugene L. Lammert Paul T. Lang Stephen A. La wson Richard D. Lazaroff Norman T. Lewis Jeffery S. Lockington Steven M . Luehrman Lois M . Crane Lois M. Maschek Thomas J. Maskill Sue M . Kavanaugh Sue M. Mayo Randy L. McCann David L. McFall Richard W. Jr. McGuire Shawn K . Melville Frank A. Jr. Midgley Myles J . Jr. Milburn Darrell E . . Miles Kathleen M . Daniel Kathleen M . Miller Jeffrey L. Montgomery Douglas B. Myers Jimmie B. Neumann James P. Newberry Rosemarie C. Nguyen Tri X. Niess Carolyn L. NUI.lnally Robert C. O' Daniell Michael W . O' Dear Craig S. Pagan John C. Paul James T . Perkins Wendell M. Potthast Susan H. Casaleggi Susan H . Prost Edward D . Jr. . Pundmann Joel A. Quenon Robert H . Reed Craig W. Rhyne Kay A. Hardman Kay A. Riley Kent D . Roess Dougla s A . . Rosener William J. Ruder Joseph A. Runge Mark E. Rydzak Kim E. Fleddermann Kim E. Sail wasser Steven V. Sargent Barry A. Sauer Harry J. III Schmid Kenneth R . Schmitt Randall J . Shelden Kathleen A . Dill Kathleen A.

30/ MSM Alumnus

Bright Paul K. Bu;rows Geofferv A. Charleville .Ro naid J. Chen Al a n C. Cla rk G a ry D. Collins Dia na L. Engema n Dia na L. Con-ry Ma rlin K . Cook C hri stopher C. Cos tell o Pa tril:k A . Cowan C heri e R. C rayne Michael E. Creech George E. C rider Joseph A. C ulve.r Ro bert E. D ail y Kristy K . Defenbaugh Kristy K. Da um Ma rilyn S. Mills Ma ril yn S. 1986 Rollamo Defenbaugh Kristy K . Daily Kristy K . Denison D avid G . DeShazo Henry N . II Sherrill Dona ld A. Dittmaier Thomas A. Shirley Jerry W. Dodd Thomas W. Sikes Stanley C. Dohle Kevin G . Slusher Morgan P. Donovan Pa tricia L. Smith Raymond J . Doss Eddie H. Staab Kenneth F . Durham James A. Stalnaker Kevin W. Dyer James A. Stefanik M a rk W. Dykman John R. Stein William J . Eck Mark E. Steinhoff Linda J . Eggimann Keith A. Ziolko Linda J . Eiffert Jackie K . Stock Michael D . Pleis Jackie K. Stupka Michael T. Eiffert Kenton L. Sullivan Steven M . Engelken Robert D . Swinson John R. Engeman Diana L. Thorn Dallas L. Collins Diana L. Kirk Dallas L. Erb Rebecca S. Tickner Dianna K. Montgomery Rebecca S. Tiffin Randy G. Erman Timothy G. Tordoff David B. Fahrenkrog Richard A. Trampe Jana L. Fehl Barry D. ' Zigrye Jana L. Fulton Dwight D . Trickey Ronald J . Fulton Susan V. Turek J . Leo Payne Susan V. Unnerstall Lawrence H . Jr. . Gamewell Robert L. V~atch Ann E. Garner Robin E. Whitty Ann E . Gaston Rick L. Vii bert James S. Geerlings Jack F . Virtue ' Michael D . Gerstenkorn David A . Wayne Gregory L. Gladden Robert A. Weber Darrell D . Glauz William W . Wetteroth Thomas A . Glosier Robert A. Wetzel Lawrence W . Godsy Ca therine L. Whitty Ann E. Tepper Catherine L. . Veatch Ann E . Graham Jacqueline J . William A Barrow Allen Jacqueline J. Williams Everett A . Gra y Ro bert L. Wilson Michael A. Guenther Donald E. Witt Leslie D . Hackma n Kendall B. Wolf Lawrence D . H agemann Sherry Lea A. Wood Teddy J. Shipma n Sherry Lea A. Yager Carla J . H agni Ann M a risa Branson Carla J. H amilton Wayne A . Yem Alfred Wai-On H ansen William G . Yuhas Johanna M . Zigrye J ana L. Trampe Jana L. Zigrye Stephen L. Ziolko Linda J. Mr. Mackaman : Steinhoff Linda J .

1980 Allen Jacqueline J . Graham Jacqueline J . Asfour Karim W . Ashton Harlan R. Barbour Koelle G . Barkey Eliza beth C. Ba rtlett Bruce L. Bates Thoma s W . Bean Fred L. Becher M argaret M . Been Robert 1. Bertogli o Gregory E. Bleikamp La wrence K . Booher Pa ul D .

. First of all , I would like to apologize for taking so long to write this. I received a $500 scholarship on April 30th for the 86-87 school year at UMR on the basis of my academic performance at Johnson County Community Cqllege. I am honored being chosen as the recipient for this scholarship and I will do my best to give you reason that your choice was a good one. I really appreciate your help . THANK YOU . Athena Glavas Kansas City, M.o . Sophomore, ME

Harbaugh Mil:hael W. Hardin Dennis E. Harris Perry Ha yes William B. Helfrich Thoma s J . Heneghan Dea n P. Henry Lindsey R. Hildenbra nd T imothy L. Hilke Da vid L. Himes Larry D. Ho ffm a n John G . H olman Daniel E. . H olmes William R. Jr. H uchingson Scott B. Hummel Kenneth A. I1 0putaife Obiajulu I. Jacobs Linda M. Madonna Linda M. Jameson Randall W. Ja rrett Charles R. J oern K a rl C. Johnson Isaac H. J ost Jeffrey J. Keith Michael W. King Janet M. Rimmey Janet M . Klavetter Elmer A. Klein David f Klump Michael G. Krafft James D. Kuhlmann James T. Lang Walter W . Lau Ming Kit Laughter David F. Lee Dong Min Lewis Joseph C. Loesch Janet L. Reiter Janet L. Loesch Terry L. Lovinggood Robert W. . M adonna Linda M . Jacobs Linda M. Marshall Paul V. Martin Carole R. Mathey John D. Jr. McCarthy Robert W. II McEniry Charles M. McEvilly Michael J. McField Charles B. Jr. McGowan-Shaw Merrily A. . Michel Daniel K . Miller John J. Millman Martin J . Mills Marilyn S. Daum Marilyn S. Mlynarczyk Michael R. Montgomery Rebecca S. Erb Rebecca S. Nebbitt E. Bruce Ng Daniel C.K. Nix William J . Norris Clay A. Novak Robert M. Null Steven B. O' Halloran John R. Oursler James D . Palmer Scott A. Payne Susan V. Fulton Susan V. Peavler Robert D . Penning Martin O. Peter Joseph P . Peveler Kenneth E. Pleis Jackie K . Eiffert Jackie K . Porter 'Ted E. Price Clayton E. Ranard Wesley J . Reed David E. Rehkop Lon E . . Reiter Janet L. Loesch Janet L. Rimmey Janet M . King Janet M . Roller Perrin R. Ronchetto Gene C. Ruether Steve A. Scheiter Gene L. Schelich Andrew C. Schmitt David W. Schneider Robert M. Seley Brian E. Shipman Russell C.

1980 Continued . Shipman Sherry Lea A. Hagemann Sherry Lea A. Shores Richard L. Simae David W. Smith Carol Potzmann Smith Gerald K. Smith Keith S. Smith Kenneth C. Smith Ronald L. Smith Thomas A. Snyder Brian K . Sonntag Robert J. Sparks Brent G. Spreitler Mark L. Stafford Michael J. Stahl David W. Stasse vitch Eric Suellentrop Mark D . Sullivan Daniel R. Sullivan Thomas J. Jr. Tepper Brian J . Tepper Catherine L. Godsy Catherine L. Teter Stephen E. Thurman Elizabeth A. Turner Susan I. Urban Mark A. Vasquez Eduardo E. Vinh Tieu Viox Mark G. Visio George M. Volker Fredric W. Volker James A. Walden Daniel C. Walz Mark D . Watson Kevin D. Weeks Greg A. Werner Frank J. Wesselschmidt Keith D. Westrich Brian A. Wille Robert J. Williams Timmy A. Winter Benjamin P. Wyatt David R. Zimmerman Kenneth M .

1981 /

Andrew Paul D. Baldetti Paul G. Balsiger Samuel P. Baltz Richard A. Beckerle Susan R . Remley Susan R. Bell Ronald T. Berry Christopher W. Berryman Oscar C. Birmingham Angelo J. Bissey Sharon R. \Ianderwal Sharon R. Bohler Scott J. . . Boland Bonnie A. Van Horn Bonnie A. Boll Dennis F. Boncek John Michael Boone Michael W. Boyer Roger Lee Bradham Vicki E. Brase Deborah Diane Brown Deborah Diane Braun Paul A. Bremer Terry W. Brenneman Steven T. Brown Deborah Diane Brase Deborah Diane Brown Mark K. Brunts Randall T. Busse David R. Cadwallader Lee C. Cahill Paul J. Caiazzo Anthony A. Cain Stephen Joseph Campeau Benjamin R. Jr. Cashner Fred R. Chilton Michael R. Chung Chihping .. Cibulka Joseph C.

Dear Mr. Mackaman , I just received notice that I have been. awarded the Transfer Scholarship for the 1986-87 academic year. Tha nk you very much for your part in this award. I sincerely appreciate you and the Alumni Association iit U M R making this transfer scholarship available to me. .


Sincerely, Heidi Gossen Wa'rrensburg, Mo. Senior, Aero. Engr.

Clark Michael Lynn Colborne Bruce J. Coleman Victor D. Cooke Kathleen J. Danzo Kathleen J. Cooper Michelle C. Fleck Michelle C. Cothern Charles K. Cox Joe Francis II Cradic Curtis Ray Croessmann Charles D. Cronin Steven Grant Danzo Kathleen J . Cooke Kathleen J. Davidson Elizabeth A. Lenhart Elizabeth A. . Davidson James Edwin Dawson Bradley S. DePasquale John E. De Vasto Thomas D . Dewar. Harold L. Dolan Gerard J. Domack Christopher S. Downing Robert G . Draper Joseph Gib,bs Dreiling Randall G. Drury Raymond L. III Dugan ·Maureen Alane Dunlay Mark John Eikmann Barry R. Emanuel Duane Arthur Emhoff Rosemary Ann Enger Michael P. Ernst Gregg M. Euell Billy G. Jr. Fass Fred W.R. Fearon Michael F. Fey Ronald James Fields ·Ross A. Fieseler Wayne G . Fischer David M . Flannigan Michael J. Fleck Michelle C . Cooper Michelle C. Gallagher Alissa M. Whetsel Alissa M. Garner Steven L. George John W. Gettemeyer Glen R. Gordon Douglas Gale Grantham Bill A. Gresko David M. Grindinger Gregory J. Gvillo Mark Alan Harris Daniel W. Hart John A. III Hartley Janet L. Harvilla George Jr. Hausmann Diedrick A. Hawkins James C. Heim Reuben- C. Heppermann Jeffrey J. Hiebert Yoelit H . Shapiro Yoelit H. Hierseman Mark S. Hirschman Roger D. Hoesly David L. Horst William D. Howard Steven R. Howell Joseph W. Howell , Lea A. TeLtherst Lea A.

Hoyt Randal L. Huang Scott Lin Huber Terry R. Hubert Bonnie S. Huck Ja mes Ronald Huck Mark Stephen Hunt Donald P. Jr. J a nke Paul D. Jas per ' Randal L. . Jones Bradford C. Jourdon Mark R. Kaelble Alan F. Kaltenbronn James G. Keith Marion C. Keithly Michael E. Kelly Patrick John Kiblinger Deborah Lynn Kreher Deborah Lynn Kientzy Eugene G. Kimmel Kimberley Ann Pritchett Kimberley Ann Kipp Stephen Edward Kirby James R. IV Klorer Mary S. Knowles Robert Bruce Jr. Kotsifakis David Peter Kreader Paul David Kreher Deborah Lynn Kiblinger Deborah Lynn Kremer William B. Krishnamurthy Gopalan Kruse Robert A. Jr. Lawler Mary E. Lenhart Elizabeth A. Davidson Elizabeth A. Liao James R.C. Liebel Scott ·A. Littleton Rodney D. Logan 'ames Craig Marra Michael D. Marshall Brent G. Martin Michael R. Martin Patrick D. Mayfield Frank M. McClimens Rozann McGartiand Kevin G. McHenry S. Dale McMichael Gary P. Meyer Donita Pickens Donita Millar Kevin M. Minks Allen G. Moser Francis G. Mueller David Scott Navidi Salar . Nealon Mark J . Netzler Bruce W. Nguyen Cu D . Nigro Wm Reed O' Connell Julie A. Payne Steven E. Phegley William T. Pickens Donita Meyer Donita Plag Kenneth Fred Powers Rhonda Sue Pritchett Kimberley Ann Kimmel Kimberley Ann Prueter David M. Putnam Mitchell D. Quinn Daryl C. Ralston Keith A. Ramamurthy S. Ray Donna C. Tubbesing Donna C. Reagan William A. Reed Pamela H. Wurtzler Pamela H. Reed Rebecca S. Rees Mark Edward Remley Susan R. Beckerle Susan R. Renick Thomas Jerome Robold Edward L. Roesch Michael T . Rogers Roddy Jack Rowe Ronny L. St Denis Dolores M. St John Roland A. Sauceman Gregory P. Sauer Elizabeth A. Schmidt Michael E. Schneider James C.

Schwartz Steven R. Sedovic Peter S. Shapiro Yoelit H . Hiebert Yoelit H . Sharp Kevin R . Shelden J . Barry Shilling Edward C. Shipley Norman G. Silkwood Blake E. Skinner Charles S. Smith Dale Michael Sprenkle Kevin Ray Stevens Robert E. Stroemer Steven C. Strouse Steven C. Sunderland Jeffrey J. Supornsilaphachai Boonsong Taylor Charles M . Telthorst Lea A. Howell Lea A. Thebeau Dennis J . Thompson Leon L. Tomazi Keith G. Townsend Billy Townsend John Keith Tsui Anthony Po M. Tubbesing Donna C. Ray Donna C. Turner Cheryl E. Youngblood Cheryl E. Vanderwal Sharon R. Bissey Sharon R. Van Horn Bonnie A. Boland Bonnie A. Vaughn Daniel L. Walker Mark T. Whetsel Alissa M. Gallagher Alissa M. Williams Chuck E. Winkler Thomas Donald Wooldridge Edward H . Wurtzler Pamela H . Reed Pamela H. Yanez Brian Anthony Youll D. Greg Youngblood Cheryl E. Turner Cheryl E. Zettwoch Robert N.

1982 Allen Theresa A. Broschak ' Theresa A. Allmeyer James S. Aurig Billy Gregory Baggett Betty C. Weinhold Betty C. Bahn Stephen Allen Bangert David Brett Baradari F oad Bauer William Alfred Beckmann Michael Roy Blackburn Thomas Wayne Bla ttner Charles III Bledsoe Jeffrey P. Bonnot Andrew W. Bradfisch Richard S.

1986 Rollamo

Greek Week 1975

MSM Alumnusl31


1982 Continued Brandt Robert James Brewer David Alan Broschak Theresa A. Allen Theresa A. Brown Gus H. Bruhn Jeffery Neil Burak William Henry Buschling Tammie Lynn Parrish Tammie Lynn Byrum Mary L. Chatron William Alan Chen Vicky Evanoff Vicky Clamors Doug Edward Clendenin Christopher K. Coli James Conrath Douglas C. . Dam Erik Clifford Danial Edward Joul Dawson Bruce A. Decker James D. Denney Kimberly K. Diaz Brenda Leigh Horak Brenda Leigh Dieckmann Mark D. Dillman Robert John Dolan Gail Louise Ensign Thomas R . Eppy Thomas M. Ervin Timothy Ray Evanoff Kelly Brian EvllOOff Vicky Chen Vicky Fechner Erich Albert Fellin Dennis N. Fitzpatrick John T . Fitzsimmons Mary N. Flowers Steven J. Flynn Susan Mary Rossnagel Susan Mary Foeller Kirk C. Freese Ronald A. Frick Steve John Froidl Gerald Paul Fugate Kevin S,?ott Glauz Robert Scott Gnade Joseph Albert Grant Brian Joseph Harbaugh J. Mark Hasegawa Hiroshi Heigert Shelley S. Heligman Robert L. Herr Robert J . Hiebert Gregory Lee Hinkamp Stephen B. Honeycutt Kendall A. Hood John William Horak Brenda Leigh Diaz Brenda Leigh Huff Michael Lee Irwin James Franklin Jf. Jackson James M . Johnson Vicki Sue Jones John B. Jf. Jones Mark Alan Keating Jeffrey Leo Keeling Stephen W. Kirchhoff' Allen S. Kokorudz Judith M. Serrneno Judith M . Kopsky Raymond J. Jf. Kottemann Richard Allen Jf.

Kozlowski James K . Kraft Jon B. Kruger Douglas Wayne Kyser Dale Anthony LaBrot Thomas J . Lackey Keith Thomas Lamb James Earl III Larson Marvin L. Latorre Trajano ¡ E. Lightle James B. Lindley III Harold T. Lounmala Phaivanh Lynch Janet Louise Meiners Janet Louise Magruder .Michael J. Maiefski David Paul Malin Charles D. March Randall S. Marcott Frank Arthur Mareschal Michael C. Martin Ted Alan Martinez Agustin Jf. Marting James E. ' Mayberry Edward D. Mazachek Keith D . McCall Rick Fay McCulley Wendell E. McCullough Steven K. McGinnis Roberta S. Scroggins Roberta S. Meiners Janet Louise Lynch Janet Louise Mesko Thomas Otto Metcalfe Thomas More Meyer Leonard C. Midgley Maureen E. Murphy Maureen E. Miller John Robert Mizer Gary J . Moline Michael David Monie Charles Bruce Moran Patrick John Morrison Karl D . Moser Steven Anthony Murphy Maureen E. Midgley Maureen E. Neas Jeff Lee O'Connor David M. Olsen Steven Paul O'Mara Timothy P. Ommen Rebecca Elaine Otto Samuel D. Pannone Gregory M. Park John Harris Parks Thomas Keith Parrish Tammie Lynn Buschling Tammie Lynn Peacock Charles King Peccola Allan Kent Perkinson Randall M . Philipp Christopher Phillips Robert M . Pierce Maurice R. Piskulic Matthew V. Plyler Laura Anne Silkwood Laura Anne Politte Eric Glynn Pollard Jean Marie Pourazari Shahram D . Preuss Martin Edward Puhl Joseph Albert Puhl Lisa Joan

Dear Mr. Mackaman: /

I would like to thank the Alumni


Association for the scholarship I have been awarded. It will be very helpful in financing my college studies. Sincerely, Cathy Alofs Rolla, Mo . . Freshman , Applied Mathematics

Reed Lisa Joan Reed Lisa Joan Puhl Lisa Joan Rosenmayer Charles T. Rossnagel Susan Mary Flynn Susan Mary Roth Steven Paul Rothery Mary Frances Rudolph Mark Alan Rueschhoff Thomas Rush Todd Wayne Rynski Joseph S. Sandbothe L. Scott Sanders Keith M. Schmerbauch Karl J. Scroggins Roberta S. McGinnis Roberta S. Serrneno Judith M . Kokorudz Judith M. Shahnazary Amir Mahmoud Shaw Barbara Ann Signorino Kimberly S. Street Kimberly S. Silkwood Laura Anne Plyler Laura Anne Smith Michael Lee Smith Paul J. Stephenson Shelly L. Stevens Mark Lee Stone Douglas' Dail Street Kimberly S. Signorino Kimberly S., Sutterer Kevin G. Toomey Timothy Alan Torre Phillip George Tracy Gregory Wayne Van Meter Marvin Louis Von Klemen John E. Voss David Alan Walter Brian Joseph Webb James Joseph Wehrman Joel D. Weinhold Betty C. Baggett Betty C. ' Welch John Homer White Wade James Whitehead Wayne Lee Wieland Jeffrey P. Wilcoxen Marc Lee Williams Tammy Wohlers Craig Allen Wundrack Bruce Miles Wurtzler Daniel R. Yek Oon Hong Yoder John T. IV" Yoon Kiwon Zebelean Daniel C. Zeitinger Donald Jr. Ziegler Charles K. Ziegler' William A. Zike David Scott


A Winning Entry for the Fifty-Niners

32/ MSM Alumnus

1986 Rollamo

Adrian Timothy R. Albrecht Michael Allison Charles R. Anderson David F. Anderson Karen E. Pigott Karen E.

Anderson Scott G. Armstrong Robert E. Jf. Ashabranner David B. Baker Cathy Jane Raidt Cathy Jane Barefield. Timothy L. Barickman Elizabeth Kasperski Elizabeth Barlet Douglas R. Bartholme Mark Emil Bast Charles Alan Bell Jeffrey S, Bennett Barton E, Bindemann Diana Sue Malin Diana Sue Blackford Todd Alan Bohnhoff William J. Boyer Michael Kevin Boyle Stanley Clyde Brady Amber Megann Sparlin Amber Megann Brandom Robert T. Brandon Dwight W . Brenner Micheal W . Briscoe Louis R. Bross Kirk Lance Brown Dawna Marlene Brown Randall Kent Brown Ricfi.a rd Alan Bryant Dennis G. Bundschu II Anton J . Bundy Patrick W. Burke Gregory Burkhead Nicholas W, Busch John Douglas Callier James V. Carroll David Mark Cassell Sharon M. Castleman Rosalind Sue Miller Rosalind Sue Chapple Steve D. Clark Stephen Paul Clendenny Ronald D . Clippard James Doyle Conrad Paul Dean Cook Mark A. Cook Phillip Cornell William Lee Cotton James Dean Crawford Larry Dean Cypert Peggy Ann Folta Peggy Ann Daily Charles Ramon Da vis Scott Daniel Davis Steven Charles Dennis Clyde Reid Denton Nancy Lea Jones Nancy Lea Dixon David Brian Dohmen Diana T. Doner Karl L Dutton Donald Jene Dziedzic Daniel A. Easson Edward Henry Elting O. Keith Enger John Gregory Ernst Beverly M . Erutti Glenn Arnold Ferracane Frank Finley Douglas B. Fizer Todd J. Flatt Curtis Ray Folta' James Allen Folta Peggy Ann Cypert Peggy Ann Foster Joyce E. ' . Heirholzer Joyce E. Fritz Michael A. Garland Steven Ray Gaskill David A. Geiser Amy Elizabeth Gieg II Kenneth W. Gildehaus Patricia Ann Goehri Scott Roger Gordon Kevin Michael Graf Susan Kathleen -Gray Richard W . III Griese Michael Allen Griesemer Kevin Scot Grimm Roger Gruendler John J. Haden Mark Lamar Hahn Sarah Jane

1983 Continued Hardy Helene Ann Harris David E. Hart David L. Hatfield Stanley C. Hatfield Vicki Lynn Laferty Vicki Lynn Hauser Randall J. Heirholzer Joyce E. Foster Joyce E. Hennessey Shaun P. Henry Christopher L. Henry Richard A. Hetlage David Talbot Hill Kenneth Leland Hinkebein Ste.ve G . Hoeckelman Donald E. Hoover Randall C. Howe Douglas B. Hughes Mark A. Israel Lewis Daniel Jackson Richard J. Jacobi Stephen' J. Jenkins James Thomas Johnson Barbara Lynn Johnson Christopher Johnson Douglas B. Jones Harvey Grady Jones Lynn Rene Jones Nancy Lea Denton Nancy Lea Jungklaus Matt Kapp Mark Steven Kasperski Eliza beth Barickman Eliza beth Keeven Brian Gerard Kiser Steven Vincil 'Kleve Frederic W. Jr. Koenigstein Richard Kopp Roger T . Kozlowski Ken John Kutterer Stephanie A. Laferty Vicki Lynn Hatfield Vicki Lynn Lakinger Susan E. Lally Michael JoslfPh Lancaster Chris Eric· Lang Paul Anthony Langhorst Phillip G. Laviers Stephen D . Loethen Mark Leonard Lund Nancy Sue Lynch Gregory A. Madonna Michael D. Maher Patrick John Mahnken J.oelLynn Malin Diana Sue Bindemann Diana Sue Marchello Joseph M . Markus Donald Gerard Martens Patrick A. Masek John Albert McClane Mark Steven McCurren Gregory T. McDonnell Sheila L. McGaughy Anthony J. Mckay Michael B. McNally John Michael Mcshane Earl E. Mehta Mahesh H. Meitz Gregory S. MeJchers Alex Melliere Jeffry J. Meyer ' Robert Joseph Miller Brian W. Miller Darryl Duane Miller Rosalind Sue Castleman Rosalind Sue Mitchler Steven C. Moore David Glenn Morris Lynn C. Vandervelden Lynn C. Mueller Charles R. Mugel Douglas N apier Muir Ja mes A. Muret <;:arol yn Loui se Wha ley Ca rolyn Lo ui se Noo na n Robert C. Oa kes Alfred Jerome O'Lea ry Fl orence Ann Oswa ld David Leon Paar Ly nn Dee Park Daniel Dongwoo Peetz Brya n Da le

Pettijohn Bradley Alan Pigott Karen E. Anderson Karen E. Planje Mrs Theodore Poole Mark W. Prehm William L. Puchta Richard W. Ragan Norman E. Jr. Raidt Cathy Jane Baker Cathy Jane Rapp Randy R. Reed Charles Kevin Reinhard Kevin John Rinker Greg C. Roberts Teresa L. Rohde Carl Alfred · Roney Kevin Patrick Rost, Denise Ann Sallee Randy William Sandstedt Erik Roger Sauer Carl A. Sauer Robert Mark Saunders David Ralph Schaefer Thomas P. Scheibal Jeffrey R. Schmidt Wayne Schmitt Kathy Lynn Schnettgoecke Gary Schroer Michael G. Schuetz Randall G . Schulze William C. Seiwald James B. Settle Benjamin A. Jt. Shelby James Wayne Smith Craig Schaefer Smith Mark Steven Snider Joan Marie Soehngen Robert W . Somnay Rajesh J. Sparlin Amber Megann Brady Amber Megann Spindler Gerald R. Spyers Michael E. Stachowski Michael J. Steele Steven W. Ste};m Thomas Lloyd I Stephens David James Stevens James V. Stevens Lisa Ann Westrich Lisa Ann Stewart Douglas John Stovall Thomas M. Straeter Richard H. Street Norman Earl Stringer Shelton L. Stroder Michael David Taylor Charles E. Taylor Donald R . Teter Scott Edward Tettambel Mark E. Thornsberry Marcus J. Thuet Elizabeth C. Tipton Brian Edward ToJcou Gregory J. Trask DonC}ld Alan Treat Jon Worth Tummons John Bryer Turner David L. II Turner Donna R. Ulrich Steven Edward Vandervelden Lynn C. Morris Lynn ·C. ' - .

I would like to personally express my thanks for the scholarship that I received this semester from funds donated by the Murphy Company ' Contractors and Engineers. This scholarship is an encouragement to me to continue my efforts toward achieving my Mech anical Engineering Degree, a nd will greatly help in fin ancing my seni or yea r. Since rely, Craig Hodges Lee's S ummit, Mo. Sen io r, ME •

1986 Rollamo

1961 Basketball in J ackling Gym

Veit Stephen R. Villhard Wesley G . Volner Scott Lee Volpe Barton David Wagner Kenneth Neal Walker Merton G. Washausen Darren Lee Watson Gerald Clare Webb David Wayne Weiss Douglas Alan Weissert Joseph M . Welty Lawrence E. Wesselschmidt Doug Westrich Curtis A. Westrich Lisa Ann Stevens Lisa Ann Whaley Carolyn Louise Muret Carolyn Louise Whitchurch Joseph A. White Timothy L. Wickert Mark Alan Wilkinson Renate A. Williams David P. Williams Mark Alan Williams Tom Walter Wolfgeher Paul A. Yen Frank Shen Zink David E.

1984 Aceil Smaeil M . Acker Sha ron Ka y Amick Daniel T. Ahlvers David Donald Ahrens Gail Ann Ahrens Mark Jeffrey Allison Ricky Lee Altheide Richard Anderson Gregory J . . Anderson Maurice C. Ascoli Dale Robert Awa lt Laurie Susan Baker Patrick A. Ba ker William James Barefield Ka try n M . Da vidson Ka tryn M . Ba uer Donna M. Bauer Mark E. Bedinghaus Everett M. Bersett Rona ld Allen Birkner Larry Thomas Blaes D aniel Michael Bohler Marjorie A. White Marjorie A.

Bollinger David Harrison Booth Robert Paul Bradley Edward J. Jr. Brake James Dean Brandel Ann Louise Buhl Margaret Linn Bullard James Cecil Buscher William E. Carroll Stephen T . Christian Scott Allen Church Jeffrey W. Clare David Murray Claspill -Gary Lee Clinch Sharon Col bern John David Colona Christopher A. Cook Terry Lynn Copeland Nancy Lyn Crosby Donald Patrick Crutcher Michael Ray Curless Jerry Leon Currie Robert Wayne Dalton Thomas J. Daubel Karl J. Jr. Davidson Katryn M . Barefield Katryn M. Davidson Ronald Wayne Davies Steven Alan Decker Louis P. De Guzman Valentin Danti Delashmit John A. Derbak Charles B. Deruntz Joseph G . DeVries Douglas M. Diekemper Edwin V. Dierker Charles Maximi Dillingham Sheryl D. Hull Sheryl D. DiMaggio Gaspare Dowd Kimberly Ann Henslee Kimberly Ann Driskill Brian Wayne Drury Beverly Jane Sauer Beverly Jane Eberhart Gerald Todd Edwards Carol Ellen Maxeiner Carol Ellen Ellis Casey Patrick Elsea Ricky Lee Eversman Michael W. Faust Joseph Bernard Flint John Robert Fogarty Kevin Gerard Freiberger Keith French Eunice P. Frey Patricia Ann Fyalka Robert Allen Gahring Scott Donald Garringer Hal L. Jr. Garrison Robert M. Gaydos Stephen P. Gehle Robert Victor Georgen Randy G . Giltner Scott George Goetz Robert Joseph Goldammer David E. Golterman John S. Gould Patrick W. Gray Craig Steven, Grounds Todd Alan Hackmann Mark John Hagedorn John Joseph Haldiman Valerie Lee Halsey Gail Anne Hannah Derek Wayne Hansberry Steven W. Harms Steven Ray Harrison Benjamin K. Harrod Scarlett L. Hartman Martha Ellen Harward Mark Gregory Hawk D onna R. Reinhard Donna R. Hayes Dennis Ra y Hays Victor Da niel Heiligenstein David Henslee Kimberly Ann Dowd Kimberly Ann Henson Dennis Wayne Herre Mary Ellen Heumann Robert Gerard Hilty John Herman Hock John Aloys

MSM Alumnus/ 33

Shillito Michael J. Shive Michael Morgan Shore Mary C. Simmons Susan Marie Skouby David C. Smith Bryan Keith Smith Dale E. Smith Leslie David Smith Michael Andrew Smith Tim Lewis Sombart Lisa Diane Jones Lisa Diane Sprenger Heraleen E. Sprenger Michael K. Sprengnether Ronald Stanley Dennis Lee Stavig Wendell C. Steelman Rhonda L. Stone William Alan Studer James Edward Sullivan John Edward 1986 Rollamo - Thomas Craig William Health/ Information / Security Building in 1986 Thompson Russell Ray ' Tulenko Paul A. Jr. Turkal Da'vid James Uppot Janardanan O. Voegtli Leo Paul Waddell George R. 1984 Continued Mori Thomas Wagner Richard Kurt Morlock Steven Paul Wagner Robert Scott Musgrove James D. Wagner William C. Holland James P. Nagawiecki Amy Lynn Walker William E. III Horst Barry Dean Long Amy Lynn Watkins Steven Duane Hose Matthew Gregor Nagawiecki Gregory Edwin Webb Mark A. Hrbacek Gregory Otto Nealon John Stephen Weir Robert J. Nienhaus JefT J. Hubach Clay Medlin Wheeler Jeffrey A. Hull Sheryl D. Nienhaus Mark J. White Marjorie A. Dillingham Sheryl D. Nisbet Christopher J. Bohler Marjorie A. leans Edward R. Nowak Michael John Wichern Donald Gerard Jackson Douglas A. Nusbaum Robert Leo Williams Raymo nd E. Jacobsmeyer Gary J. O' Hanlon Joseph Brian Williams Valerie J. Jarus Scott W. O'Neil Edwin E. Williamson George C. III Jaszarowski James K. Orscheln Thomas Ed Wilmes John G. Jr. Johns David W. Paredes Alan M. Windhorst Kathy Sue Johnson Janis Gail Park Anthony Sangdo Woods Kathy Sue Jones Lisa Diane Parker Jerre L. Winter Dale Michael Sombart Lisa Diane Partelow Thomas A. Jr. Wise Andrew Colt Kaiser Charles F. Patel Amrut B. Woods Kathy Sue Kaltenbronn Lori Ann Pavelka Cynthia F. Windhorst Kathy Sue Pearce Terrance Edwin Kerber David Clair Zeltmann Michael D. Keuss Steven David Peick Patricia A. Zikes Bradley C. Pellegrino Charles A. Kimes Steven Day Pelster Brian Jerome Kinsey John Michael Perera-Bendavid Jaime Uri Klenke John Joseph Pericich Joseph T. Kleypas Mark Louis Klorer John / Peterein Brent J. Phillips Ronald L. Knaup James William Pigott John Michael Kniepkamp David I. 1985 Porter Randall Keith Koederitz Kent E. Pressler David Wayne Koehr Phillip A. Pritchett Thomas E. Koester Catherine A. Ahlemeier Fred Wm IV Kohrmann Larry Gene Pugh James Lee Ahmed Ejaz Kowal~ki Gary M. Pulley John Warren Ahmed Walid Mohamed Pulse Lee H . Krull Ronald Edward Altensee James F. Purol David Merritt Krumrey Gregory N. Andrew Christa Reece Carleen Lamae Krumrey Karol LYJlll Degonia Christa Reed Kern Robert Kuchem Douglas Leo Anstine Todd James Reinhard Donna R.¡ Laberg John Joseph Ay ' John Michael Hawk Donna R. Lamb Richard C. Jf. Barton David Scott Relja Frank Earl Langenfeld PauI,M. Baxter Joe Dean Renne Mark Joseph Laske Robert Alan Beckmann Kenneth W. Ripp Bryan Jerome Leeds Terry Clayton Beerman Carolyn L. Roberson Kenna Marie Liebman Christian J. Bench Mike W. Rolf Robert Carl Lo Chin-Hwang Bergmann Thomas A. Rupprecht Richard E. Long Amy Lynn Bevans Stanley Wayne Russom Todd Eugene Nagawiecki Amy Lynn Bohanan Montgomery A. Sagehorn Kearney H. Lueck Keith William Bolon Greg M. Sauer Beverly Jane Macke John George Jf. Book Mary Alice Drury Beverly Jane Martin Dennis Gerard Gielow Mary Alice Martinez Richard G . Scandura Philip A. Jf. Booth Margaret Ann Maxeiner Carol 'Ellen SchaefTer Tim C. Maskey Margaret Ann Edwards Carol Ellen Schlote Andrew David Brendel John William Schneider James V. McCord Richard Lynn Bretzke Steven Mark Schnider Walter A. McIntosh Gregory A. Bretzke Virginia L. Schoen James Lee McKeown Jeffrey J. Fochtmann Virginia L. Schoenecker Timothy McLaughlin Patricia Brown Alan Clyde Schuermeyer John B. McNamara Lawrence T. Broy David J. Melugin Clay Eugene Schulte Gerard B. Bruhn Christopher J. Schwent Dale Gerard Mendoza Douglas M. Bujewski Mat~hew J. Senik Sandor Karoly Mendoza-Bedolla Jose Luis Burgess John Michael Shadley James Kevin Meyer Gene Ray Busche Gregory C. Shapiro Doron Miller Brett Andrew Cajili Dennis E. Sharp David Clyde Mittler Jon Paul Cantwell Ellen E. Sharp Keith . Moeller Karen Sue Carmody Daniel David

34/MSM Alumnus

Carpenter Christopher J. Carter Julie Ann Stuckey Julie Ann Chaney Rodney Lee Chou JefT S. Conci Jan Marie Smith Jan Marie Conway Daniel F. Cooper Suzanne Marie Riney Suzanne Marie Cottrell Carrie Lou Kowalski Carrie Lou Crippen Timothy Carl Curtis Kenneth Ivan Daues Jerome A. Davis Sherry L. Dawdy Jan C. Da wson Richard G. Debusk Jr Billy M. DeCastro Maria L. . Feiner Maria L. Degonia Christa Andrew Christa Derbak Thomas A. Dohmen Luke Raymond Douglas Laura Marie Eagle H . Gene Ellenberger Wayne Leon Emerson Nelson R. Engelking David F . Feiner Deirk Alan Feiner Maria L. DeCastro Maria L. Fitzgerald Frank M. Fochtmann Virginia L. Bretzke Virginia L. Frazier Michael D. Freiner Barry Douglas Gielow Mary Alice Book MaTY Alice Glauz Rebecca Jean Gnecco Richard A. Jf. Goeddel Kenneth J. Goeddel William Jf. Goedecke Diana L. Goedecke Douglas Kevin Gniy Karen R. Sanderson Karen R. Grieshaber Matthew Groszewski Paul G. Guest Matthew Blake Hager Bartholomew Hall Mark Ronald Hanks Phillip Jon Harbaugh Mark Edward Heberle GeofTrey O. Heisse Richard James . Helton Birchell Ray II Hendershott Glenn E. Herman Stuart R. Heumann Helen Marie Hewitt Jeffrey A. Hibbard Warren Ray High Christopher L. Hiller JefTrey Allen Hiller Sharri Lynn Riggs Sharri Lynn

Dear Board of Directors, I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere appreciation for selecting me as a¡ recipient of an Alumni Association I Scholarship. I have worked very hard for my scholastic ac hievements in the hope that these achievements would be recognized and, as a result, make attending a great college financially possible. With your scholarship, this goal has been brought within reach. Again, my sincere thanks. Sincerely, Steve Hill Lee's Summit, Mo. Freshman, Pre-Law

I would like to thank you for renewing my Alumni Association Scholarship . I trul y a ppreciat e the support you ha ve gi ve n me while I ha ve been studying at UMR. Sincerely, Jeannine Dubuque Sl. Louis, Mo . Sophomore, EE

1985 Continued Hines Timothy Paul Hirtz Boyd Alan Howard Lisa Ann ' Huber Jeffrey Alan Hughes La urie Jeanne Hunter Terri Lyn Nealon Terri Lyn Huskey Lindell Gene Jabusch John D. Jacobs Jeffrey Lee ¡ Jacoby Karin M. Julian Kerry Edward Kammerer Ned John Keller Stephen R. Kidwell Rex Thompson Kietzer Kenneth N . Kirk William F. Kneisler John F. Koehler Kurt Devlin Kovacich William L. Kowalski Carrie Lou Cottrell Carrie Lou Krack Jeffrey Alan Kramer Christopher T. Kra use Joann Krolak Thomas Edward Kronmueller William Robert LaChance Daniel L. La Manque Ronald G. Lankston Robert Ray Lawson Larry Allen Lawson Larry F. Lichtenwalner Dan J. Lindsay John P. Livingston Hans G . Love Kristin Marie Lucz Edward Carl Ludwig Catherine T. Lynn Kent W. ¡ Mackaman Nancy Maddex Jeffrey Lewis Madenjian Edward O. Maly Andrew R. Marcel Suzanne Marchello Louise Maskey Margaret Ann Booth Margaret Ann Massengill Jeffrey B. Massey Jeffrey Allen Massoth Anita Joan Murray Anita Joan McClenahan Lisa M . Reinkemeyer Lisa M. Mcguire Patrick D. McLaughlin Therese A. McNamee Ronald J. Mcvey John Joseph Meier Michelle Jean Mertz Raymond Paul Meyer David Vincent Mitori Steve Kei Morton Arthur Thomas Mueller Paul G. Murphy Mark Edward Murray Anita Joan Massoth Anita Joan ' Murray Mark Bryan Nealon Terri Lyn Hunter Terri Lyn Ney Theresa Ann Nichols Ralph Louis Niemira James Kevin Niet Charlie

Niewald Paul Walter Norton Douglas C. Olmstead Randall David Olsen Matthew C. Pannone David L. Peacock Gregory Tarr Perren Steve E. Pr'a ter David Edward Proano Roberto E. Prude Mark Alan Ramaswamy Ashok B. Randolph Robert Kirk Rapp Robert Craig Reed Barry Lynn Rehm Jeffrey C. Reinkemeyer Lisa M. McClenahan Lisa M . Reinkemeyer Robert W. Renfro Kevin Dale Renner Alan Kenneth Rexing Walter James Rickard Donald Edward Jr. Riechers Kevin Leroy . Riggs Sharh Lynn Hiller Sharri Lynn Riney Suzanne Marie Cooper Suzanne Marie Rohr Lawrence F. Rowe Goebel Tod Rustine Mark Charles Sanderson Jerome B. Sanderson Karen R. Gray Karen R. Schaefer Christopher Scheele Michael John Schibler Kenneth Jr. Schmittgens Ann Lorraine Schwartz Daniel W. Schwartz Scott Morgan Scites Erin Kay See Allan A. Sewester Edward Gerard Shed Randy Jerome Silkey Joseph Steven Singh Rajesh Kumar Smith Jan Marie Conci Jan Marie Smith Michael J. Smith Ross Morrjs Smith Vince Edward Sok01oski Michael S. Spiel busch Brian K . Steyer Kevin J. ' Stiles Randy Harold Stilley Russell Lynn Stock George Michael . Strope Eric Simon Stuckey Julie Ann Carter Julie Ann Sutterer Timothy J. Tonsi Regina Marie Townsend Christine M.

1986 Rollamo

The First Women's Basketball team .in 1975.

Vitale Dave John Walli sch Ti mothy R. Wa rnecke Mark Robert Wazlawek Peter J. Weinh old Joyce Susan Weiss Bo nnie Well s Fra nk P. Jr. We rling Steven H. West Norma n Edward Wes terha us T heodore J. III White Ga ry Do uglas Wieldt Mitc hell C. Wilkerson Do uglas L. Williams Br uce B. Wilso n Greg Michael Wolf Ernest Wood Randall Alan Yesca vage M ichael Alan

Story Kevin Paul Sullwold Lisa Lea Summers David Brent Turner James Brent Vandersteen Diane A. Vandeven William G. Walden Marvin Dale Walling David Matthew Westermeyer Daryl L. Westrich Michael Joseph Willson Donald Reed Wilson Joseph. Paul Wittler Kathryn Ann

1986 Allee Lisa Dawn Anna Thomas Joseph Aslakson James David Babcock Bryan D . Baldwin Alexander Luke Baldwin Michael P. Bales Jimmie Dwane Jr. Bauer Steven Xaver Bax Brenda Rose Dickneite Brenda Rose Bennett Roger Melvin Beutler Curt Allan Black Suzanne Renee Bokermann Jane Maria Boning Steve Karl Briggs Mary Terese Bufe Jr Robert John Capone Linda Marie Chapman Charles Lee Chapman Thomas Gerald .. Crews Michael Eric Crowe Robert Alan Dennis Glenda Louise Dickneite Brenda Rose Bax Brenda Rose Dressel David Gene Elmore . Andrew Curtis Fairfax Joseph William Ferber Patrick John Fiscor Stephen J.' Heger Jeffrey B. Herleth Michael E. Hinkamp Michael Gerard Hoehn John Eric Holesinger Richard E. Howe Kevin Scott Hughes William Joe Hume John Allen Jenkins Brian W. Jenn Andrew A. Kean Michael D. Kilp David Patrick Klump Charles S. Knocke Kevin J. Kohm Karen Renee Krueger Curtis A. Lindstedt Monte L. Litherland Jeffery Scott Lucas Diane C. Manda Suzanne M. Masalskis Matthew J. Mayville Patrick James McVey Stephen John Meyer Stephen Joseph Pontius James T. Price Donald G. Jr. Raines Kevin Buck Reiner Michael Joseph Reinhardt Scott D. Rubery Daniel Joseph Jr. Schledom David E. Simon Keith David Slover Nancy Ann Spalinger MarkA. Stacy Steven R. Staicoff Cathy Lynn Stennett Mark Alan

Dear Alumni Association Board of Directors, Thank you very much for the scholarship money you have awarded me. It is deeply appreciated. Throughout my high school career, I have worked very hard to maintain a high standard. i have long hoped that through my hard work I would someday be awarded a scholarship such as yours to enhance my chance to further pursue a career of my choice. Thanks again! Sincerely, Matt Collins Jefferson City, Mo. Freshman, ME

MSM Alumnus/ 35

Donors to the Association and the University A Anonymous/Misc A E Staley Mfg Co A P Green Refracto ries Co Abbott La boratories Abernathy Kat hy Abrahamson June E. Accu Ra y ACF Industries Inc Advanced Micro Devices Aerospace Corp Agnos Ernest J . Ahland Wayne Air Products & Chern Int Alcoa Alcoa Fdn Alex Pizza Palace Alexander Ralph W. Jf. Allen James L. Allied Corp Fdn Allison Fred Allison R.E. Alpha Ind Inc Alpha Epsilon Pi Altice Robert R. AMAX Fdn Inc Ambrose L. Siagian Arner Assoc Physics Teachers Amer Bank of Rolla Arner EI Power Amer Inst of Chern Engr Amer Motors Corp Amer Recreation Prod Inc Amer Soc of Metals Amer Standard Fdn A.merican Inst of Chem ' Engrs American Medical Int Inc Amoco Fdn Arnsted Industries Fdn Amy McNutt Char Tr Anderson Betty R. Anderson Clarence Anderson Max D . Anderson Richard A. Anderson Robert W. Andrews William A. Anheuser-Busch AR Power & Light Arco (Dallas) Arco (Los Angeles) Arco Fdn Armco Fdn Armer Jerry A. Arnold Glenwood Arnold Realtors Arthur Andersen & Co Fdn Asarco Fdn Asbee Don Aschinger Jack Ash Sharon Ka ye Ashland Oil Fdn Inc Askeland Donald R.

Lambda Chi Wins 1966 Chariot Race

36/MSM Alumnus

Asplund Roger V. Associated Elec Coop Inc AT&T Fd n AT&T Technologies Atkins Jack D. ATR Wire & Cable Co Inc A ubrey Leo A. Jr. Auerheimer Richard 1,-. Aylor Cortez C.

B B F Goodrich Babad Julian M . Babcock Daniel L. Bach Gregory J. Baker John P. Baker Randy Balmer James A. Balster I. Arline Bangert Brothers Const Co Bannes Lorry T. Bannes-Shaughnessy Inc Barera Joseph M . Sr. Barker Marvin W. Barklage Donald Z. Barnes David K. Bartlett Hugh BASF Wyandotte Corp (NJ) Basler Electric Co Ba tra Romesh C. Baxter American Fdn Beard Rob Beasley Charles A. Beauline Kent Bechtel Fdn Beistel Donald W. Belden Frances Happy Bell & Howell Corp Bell Communications Research Bell Robert J. Benchmark Leathercraft CG Bennett Don Berg Helen M. Berkowitz Carl S. Bertnolli Edward C. Bertrand Gary L. Berwald Irvin Bethlehem Steel Beyke Christine J . Bie Wendy A. Bieniek Ronald J . Black & Veatch Black & Veatch Fdn Bledsoe Way ne M . Block Thomas W. Blount Inc Blunt James D. Bober Edward J. Jr. BOC Group Inc Boeing (Seattle)

Bogan James J . Bohley Ronald G . Boise-Cascade Boland John Bollenbacher Albert Borg-Warner Bosch Wouter Bouckaert George P. Boutelle Larry Bowles Janet F. Bowman Carol S. Boyer Clifford J. Brackha hn Donald G . Brase Arlyn E. Braun Gregory Breece Ca rl . Brenner .E.e. Brewer John Brewer John M. Brewer Science Inc Bridgman Samuel Brink Ri chard Bristol Myers Britt Janet Britton Robert A. Brooks/Cole Pub Co Brown Dia na Brown Elwood G. Brown Janine Erman Janine Brown M. Granger Brown Roger Brown Roger F. Brownstein Gussie Broxson Larry Z. Bruggink Robert H. Brundagg Larry Brunswick Corp Brush Wellman Inc Bryant James Buhl Howard K . Jf. Buhr Joseph L. Bullard Everett Burk George Burlington Northern Fdn Burroughs Corp Busalaki John A. Butler Mfg Byington Howard Byington Shirlie

c Cabot Corp Callen Ernest Calodney Martin M . Campbell Soup Co Carboline Co Cardolite Corp Carey Tom Cargill Inc Carlson Gordon E. Carrier Corp Fdn Inc Carson Mrs Joseph O. Jf. Carter Ozie B. Castleman Mrs Margaret M. Cata lytic Inc Caterpillar Fdn CBS Inc Celanese Centerre Bank Central Federal Savings .& Loan Cen tral II Pub Service Co Charmar Inc Chemetco C heney Mark Cheney Sally Chesebro ugh-Pond's Chevi s Peter P. Chevron Chemical Co Chevron Companies (Denver) Chevron Companies (S Francisco Chinn Roberta N. Chott Joe H. Christensen Lawrence

Chrysler Corp Fdn Church & Dwight CH2M/ Hill Cibulka Norman Cincinnati Bell Inc Citibank NA Cities Service Oil & Gas Cities Service Oi l & Gas Fdn Clark Equipment Co Clark Terry Clemmons Mrs Margaret L. Cleveland Elec Illuminating Fd Cleveland-Cliffs Fdn Coffman Kathlyn L. Cohen Alan H . Cohen Gerald L. Cohen Mrs George Cohen Pearl Coldwell Banker Dietzmann Real Cole Enoch Joe Cole Malcolm B. Colonial Lanes Inc Col umbia Gas Trans Corp Colvin James H. Combustion Engr Inc Comeau Jim J. Cominco American Con-Edison Conklin Marshal Conner John R. Conner Stella Conoco (PA) Conoco (Ponca City) Conrad Peter W. Consol Coal Continental Bank Fdn Cooksey Sandra Fries Coon Paul D . Cooper Eugene A. Cooper Evelyn B. Cooper Industries Cooper Industries Fdn Copeland Wesley Corn Arthur Corning Glass Fdn Corry Charles E. Cottingham William Council for Chern Research Inc Cox James H . Cox Norman Craig Wallace C. Cress W. Dudley Crider Mary Ann Cronin Donald L. Cross Warren E. Crosser Orrin K. Crown Zellerbach Crum Mary A.. Cubit James Cude Eber F. Jr. Cummins Engine Co Cune Bill Cunningham Clara T. Cunningham Floyd M . Cunningham Patricia A. Cyclops Corp Czarnecki George

o Dairy Queen Dale Charles L. Dalton Forrest J. Daniels Armand Davis Francis M . Dawson Darrow F . Dayco Dayco Corp Springfield Plant De Leuw Cather & Co Deamer Allen C. Deamer Michael R. Dean Mark DeClue Jim Deere & Co Fdn DeKock Arlan R.


Board of Direc to rs: I was ve ry happ y to be se lected to receive an Alumni Association \I Scholarship worth $2000. I wo uld like to th a nk the Alumni Association for making the scholarship ava ila ble. It is greatl y appreciated and I will do my best to be worthy of it.

Sincerely, Denise Brandt Herma nn , Mo. Freshman , Engr.

Del Monte Corp Delano W. Jonathan DeLassus James E. Deloitte Haskins SeUs Fdn Delta Tau Delta Detring Kevin De Wever Paul Dharani Lokesh R. Diamond Shamrock Dickinson William S. Diederich Calvin C. Sr. Diehl Montgomery Inc Diemakers Inc Dien Chi K. Dietz Mark Dillmon Martha Dodd James W. Dodge EUen Westover Dohrmann RusseU H. Dolan Thomas J. Dow Chern (Midland) Dow Chern Fdn Dow Corning Dowell Michael B. Doyle Barbara L. Dresser Fdn Inc Dresser Norman Dresser Thomas P. Dudenhoffer Randy Duke Power Co Fdn Duncan David M. Dunn Richard Duree Mrs Nadine

Euler Delores E. Eversman Walter Exxon (Houston) Exxon Educational Fdn

F F V Leach Charitable Trust Factory Mutual (Maine) Fairlie M.R. Falkenhain V.E. Fannin D. Ronald FarreU Elizabeth A. Faucett Thomas ¡R. Fdn In Refractories Education Fed Of Soc For Coatings Tech Federated Dept Stores Inc Fdn Ferner Alan M . Ferree Robert E. Ferrigno Vineyards & Winery Finch Mrs Raymond Findley MarshaU E. Finkelstein Edward Finley Charles B. Fiquet Louis A. III Firestone Tire & Rubber Co Fischer Edmund Fiscus James E. Flachsbart Barry Flex-a-Lite Fluor Corp (Irvine) Fluor Fdn FMC Fdn Ford Motor Co Fund Fore Jack D. Forging Ind Educ & Res Fdn Forshee Margie Fossey Robert D. Foster John E. Foster Lanny Foster Wheeler Corp Foundry Educational Fdn Fox Walter Freeport-McMoRan Inc Frerking John Friede Donald Fritchey Justin D. Friz Laura J. Frost Mary Frost Michael D . Fru-Con Corp Fuller Harold Q. Funk Joseph N.

E E R Wagner Mfg Co Eagle-Picher Ind Inc (Ohio) East Meets West Eastman Kodak (Rochester) Echelberry Larry Ed A Smith Trust Edison Robert Edwards Mrs Francis C. EG&G Fdn Eggers Jordaan H. Eichenseer Dasimir J. Eisenman Harry J. Elliott Edward C. Elmore Edwin Eloe Howard W. Elrod Gary Emanuel Jack H . Emerson Electric Empire District Electric Co End of the Rainbow Engelhard Corp Engelmann Robert Enix Kenneth R. Enron Fdn Ensign-Bickfor-d Epstein Erwin H. Ericsson & Co Erman J anine Brown Janine Erten Hayri M. Eta Kappa Nu Ethyl Corp

' Deceased

G G D Searle & Co Galloway Mrs c.T. Ga~a Xi Sigma Nu Garden Club of Markham Garrett Corp Gaston WiUiam S. Gaub Dolores Gehrke Wiladean B. General Dynamics Corp General Electric (Bridgeport) General Electric (Fairfield) General Electric (Ft Wayne) General Finishes General Foods Corp General Motors Corp (Flint) General Motors Corp (Warren) General Motors Fdn Inc Geoquest Int'l Inc George J . MisheU Georgia-Pacific Corp . Geotechnical Services Inc Gerson Robert Gerstenlauer Ja mes P. Giboney Carl J. Gibson Herma n E. Gideon Richard Gilbert Harry A. Givens Paul E. Gleason Wilfred C.

G lenn John L. Glock James H. Glock Robert W. G lover George Godron T homa s R. Goforth Cha rlotte H. Goggins Robert L. Goin Jon R. Gold berg Barry Golden Rule Ins Co Good Wi llia m C. Goodding Marian J. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co Gordon Ron Gordon Thomas R. Gorman Fo undation Govier John P. Gragg Larry D. Graham Alex Grawe Mrs O.R. Great Northern Nekoosa Corp Greene Kenneth J. Greer Cecil J. Grib Raymond J. Grice Harvey H. Griesemer Herb Griffin R.A. Grinstead John E . Groat D .K. Grojean Francis A. GTE (NY) Gulf States Utilities Guttman Mark GwiUim Henry GwiUim William

H H & R Block Fdn H B E Corp H H Harris Fdn H J Heinz-Hubinger Haas Charles J. Haas John Hachrneister Robert J. Hack Harry E. Haddock A. Glen Hahn D ale Wm Hale Albert D. Hale Barbara N. Hale Edward B. Hail Barbara Nevins Hall Clinton P . HaU Cody W. Hall Dennis C. Hall Frank Hall Jessica Lynn Hali Levi James Hall Ronald R. Sr. Halliburton Education Fdn Hallmark Cards Inc Hambacker John Hamblen John W. Hamilton Carole A. Ha~ilton Rutherford Hamlett Patrick W. Hancock William Ha nley John M. Hanna Samir B. Harbison Walker Refractories Harding George W. Hardtke Fred C. Jr. Hargis Dorothy M. Hargrea ves Len Haroldson Kurt J. Harper June Stewart Harris Fdn Harry Mrs Eloise Harry Nowlan Oil A Hart June E. Hasselmann Est Karl F. Hauschel Jimmy J. Heberlie Donald Hed l Ro nald K. Heermann Wayne HeOi n Bertha HeOin Robert W. Hegler Burns E. Heitert Danny

Heitsch Charles W. Hendricks Gene T. Hendrickson M.R. Henry John M. Henry L Doherty Ed Fdn Henry Walt Hercules Hewlett-Packard (Boise) Hewlett-Packard (Pa lo Alto) Hickle William E. H ildebrandt Roger A. HiU Beverly J. Moody Beverly J. Hill Otto H. Hill Peggy Stevens Hirlinger Jerry Hirlinger Tom Hitzeroth John Hively Kay Hlaing Tin Hobart Robert Hobbs Larry Hodorowski 'Jerome J. Hoertel WiUiam W. Holiday Inns Inc Hollandsworth Gloria L. Holliday Gregory A. Holt Thomas Honeywell Hopp Harry F . Hopper Mrs Edward Homer & Shifrin Howard Johnson/Rollamo Corp Howa rd Needles Tarmen & Berge Howell Richard F. Howerton Louise Huang Ju-Chang Huff Hal M. Huffman Norma Hughes Aircraft Co Hughes Dean G. Hunt L.W. Hurley John E. III Husmann Arthur L. Hydrozo Coatings Co Hylton Ralph C.

I IA Resources Inc IBM IL Mining Inst IL Power Co Imes Jeffrey L. Immanuel Lutheran Church Industrial Risk Insurers Ingersoll-Rand Inst of Nuclear Power Oper Intel Corp InterNorth Fdn Inti Paper Co Fdn Inti Tours of Rolla Ireland Ronald M. ITT Corp

J J B Arthur Fami ly F und J M Huber Corp J M Vickers Ath Sch Fund J S Alberici Constr Co Jacobs Arthur W. Jaeger Ozzie Jaffe Arthur James Carl J . James William J. Jamison John P. Jeansonne Diane Jella Joyce L. Jenks Catherine G. Jenks William S. Jr. Jenks III William Jennings Elsie Jensen Mr& Emma Jim Dawson Memorial

MSM Alumnus/37

- -

Jischke Martin C. John H Dougherty Trust John 's Firestone Johnmeyer Const Company Johnny 's Smoke Stak Johnson Ann C. Johnson Charles A. Johnson Controls Johnson Tom R . Jolley J .B. Jones Albert Jones Bill Jones James A Jordan John Jos E Seagram -Tx Pacific Oil Jungling Rod

K K-Mart Ka ufma nn Frank A. KC Society For Coa tings Tech Kea rney-National Inc Kellogg Ronald T. Kenneth Colbert 0 D S Inc Kerans Jack Kerle y Clay Kerr-McGee Kerr-McGee Fdn Key Billy A. Key Sports Shop Kilgore Ha rold R. Kilp Judith E. Kimberl y-Clark Fdn Kinder Janet D. King Deverne King Robert Kinney Thomas Kleikamp Ralph H . Kloeris Carol Klosterma n David Klotz Rudy Kluczny Ra ymond M . Knight W. Nicholas Koehler Frederick D . Kohler Rodger G. Kohrm a nn Allen Kol aga Kent R. Koller A.J. Jr. Koplar Enterprises Inc Koppers Co Koppers Co Fdn • Koshi Donald M. Kottemann Richard A. Koval Leslie R. Kramme Joel I. Kratzer William T. Krebs Carolyn A. Kuchinski James E. Kurz Joseph L. Kurzen Tom

L Laclede Gas Co Lahm Frank 1. Lamar Jerry LanChem Landstad Peter D. Lang Wayne LaPointe E uge ne Jr. Laramore Mrs Ollie Larson W.O. La verty Richard Lawoyin Aizia O. Lawson C. Glen Lawson Jack Lear William T . Lea Russa Betty Lee Shen C hing Leeds & Northup Leemann Donald J . Legsdin Mrs Adolph Leible Valentine B.

Leitschuh Jerry Lemstra Andrew Letts Mrs Marian K. Lever Brothers Co Liberty Norman R. Licklider Larry C. Light Raymond L. Lindgren Patricia Lindgren-Nikel Susan Linscan Systems Inc Lister James J. Liu Tong Zhou Livingston Eldon Lloyd James L. Lodoly John E. Logan Rebecca Lone Star Industries Inc Long Joseph M. Look Dwight C. Jr. Lorey G. Edwin Louisiana Land & Exp Co Lo urenco Jade K. Love Donald Lowe Mary Est her Lowe Reubon Lueckenhoff Roger Lutzen Karl Lynch Bros F urniture Lyon Lo ui se R .

M M W Kellogg Construction Inc MacElroy James M .D. Mackama n Frank MacSithigh Gearoid P. Mahoney Pa tricia Maid Rite Dri ve In Malberg Noling Mallinckrodt Inc Maly Richard E. Manalang Ammanuel Manley David B. Ma nuel Oliver K. Mapco Fdn Marathon Oil Co ( Colorado) Marathon Oil Co (Ohio) Margulis Augusta Marion Laboratories Inc Marley Fund Ma rsha ll Stan ley V. Martin Land & Cattle Co Inc Martin Marcia Martin Marietta Fdn Marting Melissa J. Masologites George P. Massachusetts Elec Co Massm a n-Const Co Mathis Bobby J. Mawhorter R .L. Max Mary B. Maxwell George B. May Co Fdn Inc May tag Fdn Inc Mazanec Richa rd B. McClintic Ruth E. McClure Loretta McConnell Cary L. McCormick Martha McCracken Mary H . McCutchen AC. (Mac) McDonald Shirrell L. McDonalds Resta urant McDonnell Douglas Fdn McG lashon Robert A. McHenry Howard R. McIlwain John McKessy John D. McKinzie Jim McMilli an Frank McMurtrey Paul B. MCNalley Sharo n C. McPherson G eorge Jr. Mead Technologies Inc \ Meagher Phyllis Medrow Robert A . Mehner Carole Meiners Robert G.

, ..



Melchers W .W . Melick Ross A. Memorial Gifts Mercedes-Benz of N America Inc Merix Corp Metcalf Walter B. Metroplos Harry P. Metzner Henry E. Metzner John R. Meyer James F. Meyer Mike L. Meyer Robert A. Microsoft Mid West Dist & Pro Shop Mid-East Mo Contractors Assn MidCon Corp Miles Arturo R. * Millar Mrs C .J . Miller Catherine C. Mills Edward Leroy Sr. Mills Sally Miner Keith Minerals Industry Educ Fdn Minnesota Mining & Mfg Fdn Minutema n Press Mississippi Lime Co Mi sso uri Home Care Mitchel l Alan Mitchell Edna B. Mo Electrochem Inc Mo Golf Assn Mo Highway & Trans Dept Mo Publi c Service Mo Refracrories Co Inc Mobay C hemica l Mobil Oil Fdn Moellenhoff Fred Momper George Monsa nto Monsanto Fund Montgomery Robert L. Moody Be verly J. Hill Beverly J. Moore C harles Moore McCorma<;k Resources Inc Moore Weldon Morga n Guaranty Trust Co Morgan Joseph E. Morris Arthur E . . Morris John Morrison Knudsen Morse B. Eric . Morton Thiokol * Morton May Estate Mosby Ercie E. Moss Randy H . Motorola (Schaumburg) Motorola Fdn Mrstik Adolph V. MSM-UMR Alumni Assn Mueller Donald W. Mullen L.E. Myers Richard J.

Dear Sir: Thank yo u very much for awarding me the Alumni Associatio n II Scholarship. I am planning to attend U M R, and the money will obvious ly be a great help in furt hering my education. With this extra mo ney, I will have more time for my studies and extracurricul ar activ ities beca use I will not have to worry about working during school. I am truly grateful for the chance to attend such a renowned school as U M R. Again , thank you for your generosity. Sincerely, John J . Kuehn Hartsburg, Mo. Freshman, Engr.

38/MSM Alumnus

N Nalco Chemical Co Napoli David L. Nat Gas Pipeline Co (ILL) Natl Act Council-Minorities Nat! Cons for Deg in Minority Natl Distillers & Chern Corp Natl Gypsum Co Natl Paint & Coatings Assn Natl Steel Corp Nau Elizabeth Nau Robert H. NCR Fdn Needles Mrs Enoch R. Nelson H. Frederick Nelson Ronald E. Nerco Coal Corp Nevins Ann Marie Nevins Christopher Nevins Cory A Nevins David J. Nevins Dick Nevins Kathryn A Nevins Lisa Marie Nevins Mark Edwin Nevins Mary Terese Nevins Michael C. Nevins Michael J. Nevins Patricia K. Nevins Robert J . Nevins William P . New York Power Authority Newberry Larry Nichols Arthur Nichols Clifford NL Industries Fdn Noltensmeyer Mrs Paul Noranda Aluminum Inc Fdn Noranda Explorations Inc North American Coal Fdn North American Philips Corp Northern Illinois Gas Northwest Orient Airlines Null & Son Funeral Home Numbere Daoput N unn Thomas A. Nussbaumer Robert L.

o Oakley David L. Obertz Marlene G. O'Brien Diana O' Brien James P. Occidental Petroleum Corp Odendahl Diane Oellig Galen Offer Albert D. Ohlswager Stanley O' Kraski Stanley L. Old Ben Coal Corp Olin Corp Charitable Trust Oliphant Frank D. Oller Russell I. J r. Olson Ethel M. Oster Donald B. Overkamp Helen M. Owens Auclrey Roberts Audrey Owens Carma Jea n Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp Owens-Illinois Inc Owsley Ed A. Oxenhandler Louis Ozark Army Surplus

p PA Power & Light Co Pacific Lighting Corp Pacific Telesis F dn Packaging Education Fdn Inc Palrnby Clarence D . Panhandle Eastern Pipeline (KC Park 10hn T. Parker Gordon Passantino Joseph L. Patterson L.A. Pauls Franklin B. Paulson Leonard F. Pautler Edwin W .



Peabody Coal Co Peccola Amel Pedersen Constance Peking Restaurant Pendleton Geraldine Penico Anthony Peola Valley Forge PepsiCo Fdn Perillo Renald . Perriguey Donald E. Pesante Jose Peterson Lauren A. Petrolite Corp Pfeiffer Walter C. PfIzer Inc Phelps Co-City Panhellenic Philip Morris Inc Phillips Petroleum Fdn Inc Phillips Robert Piepho L. Lee Pignolet Wesley J. Pillsbury Corp Pimentel Mauricio F. Pinsky Rose Piontek Raymond P. Planje George Plummer Donald T. Plyler Glenn B. Podzimek Josef Poe Isadore Polesel Tony Polito Salvador Ponder Paul E. Popp 'Raymond Porter Gary Posadzy , Reginald Powell Lumber Co Power Alcohol Inc PPG Industries Prahge Marie A. Prange Mrs Herbert L. Primm Alex T. Pringle Oran A. Procter & Gamble (Cincinnati) Puckett Edgar J. Pursell Lyle E.

Q Quaker Chemical Fdn Quaker Oats Fdn

R R C Baker Fdn R H Koboldt & Curlet Agency Rahaman Mohamed N. Rain Belt Pub Inc Rainbow Paint Co Inc Ralph Koboldt Agency Ralston Purina Co Ramsey Susan L. Rand Willard C. Raytheon Co RCA Corp Red Spot Paint & Varnish Co Redman Tom Reed Harvey Reed X.B. Jf. Reese Construction Co Rehkemper Thomas J. Reichhold Chemicals Inc Renfest Inc Renick Murray Jf. Replogle C. Dale Rexnord Inc Reynolds Metals Co Fdn Rhodes Equipment Co Richards Howard Richardson Margaret A, Riddell John R. Rigler A.K. Ringo Myra

Risbeck John S. Rivers Jack L. Roach D. Vincent Roberts Audrey Owens Audrey Roberts Mark Roberts Monika D. Roberts Ralph G . Roberts Winona C. Robertson B. Ken Robertson David G.c. Robinson J. Kent Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Co Rockaway John D. Rockwell Inti Corp Trust Rohm & Haas Co Rolbiecki Charles Rolla Junior Club Rolla Lions Club Rolla Monument Co Rolla Standard Ser Ronald Jeffrey Roney Robert K. Roos Mary A. Roosman William B. Roscoe Channing Migliore Rosenauer J.M. Rosenblum Daniel Rosner Ronald A. Rotramel D.W. Rowden Zane Runcik Mrs Karel Rupp Tim Russell Clarence J. Russell Robert Bruce Russell Robert R. Russell William D. Ryan Beth A.

s Sabo Mrs Eugene Sachs Alan Sager Thomas J. Sandefur Robert L. Sappington Janet Sarchet Bernard R. SatterfIeld Wray Saunders Carol Schaefferkoetter Louis Schearer Laird D. Schlegal Corp Schlotzhauer Wes Schlurnberger Fdn Schmett John Schmidt Norbert O. Schmoldt Mrs Jimmie Schnitzer Shirley Schowengerdt George C. Schroeder Ken Schroeder Lawrence W. Schroeder Roger Schumacher Caroline Schumaker Paul Schuman Alma M. Schwab C. William Schwalje Donald Sciubba Carl Jf. SCM Fdn Inc Scott Kent Scott M T S Inc Seay William Sellers-Sex ton Inc Senne John E. Sergott Tony Sevier Jean D . Shacklett John D . Shade Victoria C. Shafer Sam Shannon Clark L. Shaw David W. Shaw-Prince Shaw-Prince Partners Sheffield John W. Shelhammer Frank Shell Companies Fdn Inc Shell Oil Co Sheller-Globe Corp Shelton Harriet E.

Sherman John W. Sherrer Osca r Sherwood Mrs Lloyd Shields Mildred Shields Steven B. Short Mrs Marcheta Shu Hunter Shultz George B. Sickman Robert Sieck Gwen H. Siehr Donald J. Sigler James W. Signa tone Singer Co Siville Ruth A. SKF Industries Slater Dixon James Slone Dwight E. Smith Arthur Smith Audrey S. Smith Carol A. Smith Cordell S!llith D. Eugene Smith Deborah D. Smith Harold A. Smith James L. Smith Neil K. Smith Richard D. Smith Ted P. SmithKline Beckman Fdn Smurfit Pension & Ins Ser Co Snelson Shirley J. Snodgrass William Society of Mining Eng of AIME Society of Mining Engrs-Rolla Sohio (Cleveland) Sonat Fdn Inc Southern CA Gas Co Southern Co Services Inc Southwest Sect Am Ceramic Soc Southwestern Bell Tele Co Sovar Don Sowers Mrs Edward Sparlin Don M. Special Ind Penoles SA de CV Sperry Corp Spokes Ernest M. Spreng Alfred C. Square D Co Square D Fdn Squires Harold St Joe Minerals Co St Joseph Light & Power Co St Louis Soc for Coatings Tech St Patrick Catholic Church St Pats Honorary Knights Staley Continental Inc Stange Siegfried H. Stapp Paul R. Stauffer Chemical Stauter Mark C. Steinbach Alvin C. Stephens John M. Stephenson Richard W. Stevens Neal F. Stevens William W. Jf. Steward James H.

Sig Pi Carnival Booth in 1964

Stoffer James O. Stoll Doo Stoll Jeffrey R. Stone & Webster . Stonerock Robert L. Stratton Michael K . Straumanis Mrs Martin E. Strein George W. Strom Kenneth W. Stuart Gladys Stuff1e R. Eugene Stutsman Gladys Subow Sharon H. Sudduth Larry Summers David A. Sun Co (Richardson) Sun Oil Co Of Pa Sundstrand Corp Fdn Sundstrom Ruth S. Sutherland Torn Sutterfield Dan Sutton Mrs Lavonne Swanson Gregory M. Sweeney Peter H. Swinfard T. Dale Szydlowski Donald W.

T Taggart Pauline M. Talley Alfred L. Tao Fastic Tan Center Tandy CorpjRadio Shack Tau Kappa Epsilon Tektronix (Beaverton) Teledyne Inc (Los Angeles) Tenneco Inc Tenneco Oil Exp & Prod Tettir Eugene A. Texaco Philanthropic Fdn Texasgulf Inc Textron Corp Thermal Science Inc Thessing Theodore A. Thomas Burl Thomas Harold C. Thomas William H. Jf. Thomas Birdsong Clayton P.c. Thompson R.D. Thurlo Maurice Tibbles Clarence E. Toll George Tom & Frances Leach Fdn Inc Tomlinson Mrs E.M . Tomson T.K . Tourville D.L. Tragitt Mrs E. Rowland Travelers Companies Fdn Inc Trimble Selden Y. Trinova Troxell Mrs William F. Troyer Jerry D. TRW Fdn (Cleveland)

1986 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus/ 39

US Fidel it y & G uara nt y Co USG Fdn

v V H McNutt Memorial Fd n Vacu um Co of Rolla Vandiver Jack Van Kem pema Richard W. Varwig William Vater Ruth F. Vaughn John C. Veenstra Charles K. Vessell Randy Vickers John M. Vickery Robert Viessman Anthony Vincenti Stephen C. Viskase Corp Vista Chemical Co Vogt Sandra Vonalt Larry Vonder Haar Marion

Tsoulfanidis Nicholas Turner James Turner Ron Twitty Realty TX Gas Trans Corp TX Instruments

u Uhl George Ullmann Leo C. UMR Coterie UMR Theater Guild UMR Band Alumni Unell Sam Union Carbide (Danbury) Union Electric Union Electric Char Trust Union Pacific Fdn United Savings & Loan Assn United Technologies United Telecom-Spectrum United Telephone Co UpJohn Co Urban William C. Jr.

w Wacker Leo L. Wade Hilda E. Waggoner Barbara M. Waggoner Lynn H. Waite George T . Walker Carl D. Walker Floyd A. Walker Mrs Arthur W. Walmart Inc

Walsh C hevrolet Walsh John Warner Don L. Warren Eugene F. Washam Ray Wa tson Donald J. Weart Harry W. Weinbaum Melvin Welker C harles Wells C.R. West Lyle Westerheide Ralph Westinghouse Education Fdn Westrup Philip ¡ Westvaco Corp Whirlpool Corp Whi tco mb Tom White Charles B. White Eugene White Larry White Richard A. White Robert V. White Ronald J . White Sally WI Power & Light Co Wiela nd Mary Wight Jeffry Williams Charles E. Willi ams Co Willia ms Lance Williams Larry Williams Mary E. Williams Pipe Line Co Williams Ray H . Williams ¡Stanley Williamson Earl Williamson Earl Jr. Wills Floyd M. Wilson Dale Wilson M . Louise Winkler Fred H. Wisdom Insurance Co Wise James N. Witherspoon Charles Witt Frederick Witt Victor L.

Witte John F . Wives Auxiliary Of Prof Engrs Wixson Bobby 9. . Wixson Douglas C. Wixson Suzanne C. Wolf Dorothea Wolf Mary A. Womack Leland Women in Mining St Louis Chapt Wood Kenneth Woodward Bruce Worsey Paul N. Wray Samuel C. Wulfmeier William W.

x Xerox Corp

y Yeager Yel ton Yersak Young Young

Wendell L. Leonard Ronald C. David W. Robert B.

z Zarr Gerald E. Zavadil Denis Zeno's Steak House & Motel Zerrucke Steve Zink M. Jess Zinselmeyer A.G.

Commemoratives and Memorials Each year UMR receives many gifts ofliving persons and in memory of deceased loved ones. When donations are received, immediate members of the families are notified of the names of the -donors. These perpetual funds support a variety of projects including scholarships, student loans, recognition awards, artist/lecture series, library acquisitions, music, and other special programs and activities. Those so honored during 1986 are as follows:

Eugene C. Abernathy, ' 71 H . G. S. Anderson, '09 Mary Imogene Anderson J. B. Arthur Daniel R. Atchison, '50 Carl H. Basler Mark G.Bouckaert, ' 84 Gale Bullman J. B. Butler, '24 E . W. Carlton, '26 John H . ClhStleman, Sr. , '42 Charles E . Christian, ' 53 Howard B. Colman, ' 35 Frank H. Conrad J. Nick Cooksey, '57 Richard L. Cooper Robert M . Courtney, ' 24 Frank E. Dennie Charles C . Diederich, Jr., '75 John Herman Dougherty John J. Doyle, ' 15 Pauline B. Doyle Thorpe Dresser, ' 33 James O . Ferrell, '40 Al Fields Raymond R. Finch,. '43

40/MSM Alumnus

Judith L. Flebbe, '76 Floyd H. Frame George C. Gabler, '24 Charles T . Galloway Elmer Gammeter, '26 Stephen P. Gorman O. R. Grawe Thomas J . Griffeth, '40 C. James Grimm, ' 30 H. R. Hanley, '01 Albert W. Happy, ' 32 Philip 1. HeQdricks, '42 Monique Hildebrand Robert V. Jones, ' 38 Steven Kessler Robert B. Koplar Robert A. Korn, ' 62 Edward P. Lasko, ' 50 I. H . Lovett, '24 . John H. Lyons, '42 Amy & V. H. McNutt, ' 10 Aaron J. Miles, ' 30 Leola Millar Freddy Lee Mosby, '58 G. A. Muilenburg, '25 James J. Murphy, '35

Enoch R. Needles, ' 14 Robert M. Nicodemus, '69 Theodore J. Planje, '40 Herbert L. Prange, '38 Stephen P. Reed Thomas H. Reese, Jr. , '34 Walter T. Schrenk Joseph R. Schroeder, '76 John D. Shelton, '31 Lloyd J . Sherwood, ' 59 Lawrence K. Sieck Edward A. Smith, '24 James E. Stokes, ' 31 Bruce B. Strang, '70 Jules H. Subow, '67 Betty L. Todd Frank Edgar Townsend, ' 11 Robert E . Vansant, ' 51 Arthur W. Walker, '24 Anna Wiese Charles Wiese Clark Wilson Patrick J . Witt, '85 Philip W. Young, ' 39 Victor H. Zoller, '43

Corporate Matching Gifts A bbott La bora tories ACF Industries Inc. Advanced Micro Device Aerospace Corp. Air Products and Chemicals Inc. Alabama Power Co. Alcoa Foundation Allied-Signal Inc-Bendix Alpha Industries Inc . AM AX Inc . American Electric Power Co. Inc. American Enka Co. American Medical lnt. Inc. American Motors Corp. American Standard Inc. Amoco Corp. Amsted Industries Anheuser-Bu ch Cos. Inc. ANR Pipeline Co. Armco Inc. Arthur Andersen & Co. Fdn . Ashland Oil Inc. AT&T Co . Atlantic Richfield Co. ATR Wire & Ca ble Co., Inc. BASF Corp. Baxter Travenol Laboratories Inc. Bechtel Power Corp. Bell & Howell Co. Bell Communications Research Inc. Beloit Corp. Bethlehem Steel Corp. Blount Inc. BOC Group Inc. The Boeing Co. Boise-Cascade Corp. Borg-Warner Corp. Bristol Myers Co. Brunswick Corp. Brush Wellman Inc. Burlington Northern Inc. Burroughs Corp. Butler Manufacturing Co. Cabot Corp. Campbell Soup Co. Carrier Corp. Catalytic Inc. Caterpillar Tractor Co. CBS Inc. Celanese Corp. Central & South West Foundation Chesebrough-Pond 's Inc. Chevron Corp. Chrysler Corp. Church & Dwight Co. Inc Cincinnati Bell Inc. . Ci ticorp/Ci ti ba nk Cities Service Oil & Gas Corp. Clark Equipment Co. The Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co. Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. Columbia Gas System Inc. Combustion Engineering Inc.

Co naco Inc . Consolidation Coal Co. Consolidated Edi on Co. or New York Inc. Continental Bank Fdn. Continental Can Co. Inc. Cooper Indu tries Inc. Corning Gla s Works Cray Research Inc. C ummins Engine Co. Inc. Cyclops Corp. De Leuw Ca ther & Co. Del Monte Corp. Deloitte Haskins & Sells Diamond Shamrock Corp. Diemakers Inc. Digital Equipment Corp. The Dow Chemical Co. Dow Corning Corp. Dresser Industries Inc. Duke Power Co. EG&G Inc. Emerson Electric Co. Engelhard Corp. Enron Corp. Ericsson & Co. Ethyl Corp. Exxon Education Fdn. Factory Mutual Engineering & Research Federated Dept Stores Inc. Fermenta Plant Protection Co. The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Fluor Corp. FMC Corp. Ford Motor Co. Foster Wheeler Corp. Freeport-McMoran Inc. Garrett Corp. General Dynamics, Corp. General Foods Inc. General Electric Co. Georgia Pacific Geotechnical Services Inc. GTE Corp. B.F. Goodrich Co. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Great Northern Nekoosa Corp. Gulf States Utilities Halliburton Co. Hallmark Cards Inc. 'Harris Corp. HBE Corp. Hercules Inc. Hewlett-Packard Co. H J Heinz Co. Holiday Inns Inc. Honeywell Inc. H & R Block Fdn. J. M. Huber Corp . Hughes Aircraft Co . IBM Corp. Industrial Ri sk Insurers InterNorth Inc. International Paper Co . ITT Corp. Iowa Resources

Johnson Controls Inc. John Deere Corp. Kearney-National Inc. M W Kellogg Co. Kerr-McGee Corp. Kimberly-Clark Corp. Koppers Co. Inc. Laclede Gas Co. Leeds & Northup Lever Brothers Co. Lone Star Industries Inc. Louisiana Land & Exploration Co . Mallinckrodt Inc. Mapco Fdn. Marat hon Oil Co. The Ma rley Co. Martin Marietta Corp. Massachusetts Electric Co. May Department Stores Co. The May tag Co . McDonnell Douglas Corp. Midcon C')rp. Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co . Inc. Missouri Public Service Mobil Oil Corp . Monsanto Co. Moore McCormack Resources Inc. Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York Morrison-Knudsen Co. Inc. Morton Thiokol Inc. Motorola Inc. Nalco Chemical Co . National Distillers & Chemical Corp. National Gypsum Co. National Steel Corp. Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America NCR Corp. Newmont Mining Corp. N L Industries Inc. Noranda Aluminum Inc. North American Coal Corp. North American Philips Corp. Northwest Airlines Inc. Northern Illinois Gas Occidental Petf. Corp. Olin Corp. Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp. Owens-Illinois Inc. Pacific Lighting Corp. Panhandle Eastern Corp. Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. PepsiCo Inc. Pfizer Inc. Philip Morris Cos. Inc Phillips Petroleum Co. Pillsbury Corp. PPG Industries Inc. Price Brothers Co. Procter & Gamble Co. The Pullman-Peabody Co. Quaker Chemical Corp.


The Quaker Oats Co. R. C. Baker Fdn. Ralston Purina Co . Raytheon Co. RCA Corp. Reichhold Chemicals Inc. Rexnord Inc. Reynolds Metals Co. Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Co . Rockwell International Corp. Rorun & Haas Co. St. Joe Minerals Corp. Santa Fe International Santa Fe Southern Pacific CO(p. Schlegal Corp. SCM Fdn. Inc. Joseph E. Seagram & Sons Inc. G. D. Searle & Co. Shell Oil Co. Sheller-Globe Corp. Singer Co. SKF Industries Inc. A. O. Smith Fdn. SmithKline Beckman Corp . Sonat Inc. Southern California Gas Co. Southern CO Services Inc. Southwestern Bell Fdn. Sperry Corp. Square D Co. A. E. Staley Manufacturing Co. Stanadyne Inc. Standard Oil Co. (Ohio) Stauffer Chemical Co. Stone & Webster Inc. Sun Company Inc. Sun Oil Co. of P A Sundstrand Corp. Fdn. Tandy Corp. /Radio Shack Tektronix Inc. Teledyne Inc. Tenneco Inc. Texaco Inc. Texasgulf Inc. Texas Instruments Inc. Textron Inc. The Travelers Corp. Trinova TRW Inc.' TX Gas Trans. Corp. Union Carbide Corp. Union Electric Co. Union Pacific Corp. United Technologies Corp. United Telecommunications, Inc. U.S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co. U.S. Gypsum Co. Viskase Corp. Vi ta Chemical Co. Westinghouse Electric Corp. Whirlpool Corp. The Williams Companies Wisconsin Power & Light Xerox Corp.

Lifetime Memberships When the Alumni Association was young, life memberships were solicited to finance the organization. The following alumni hold paid-up life memberships. Each has a permanent place on the honor roll of donors. Thank you all.

Crawford, E.A .. '29 De Co usser, Kurt Herman. '22 De Valve, Albert Steihler, '43 Forgotson, James Morri . '22 Grimm. C. James. ' 30 eal. Kenneth Robeson. '30

Potter, Charles Ja ckson, '29 Smith, Hueston Merriam. '38 Swift, Roy Erwin , ' 34 Wanenmacher. Jo eph M., '23 Wheeler, Ernest Sterling, '22

MSM Alumnus/ 41

Named Funds



The following is a list of the named funds established within the University and Alumni Association and actively supported by gifts from alumni, friends, companies and corporations.


Academy of Civil Engineers Fund Academy of Electrical Engineers Fund Academy of Engineering Managers Alcoa Alcoa Fellowship-Ceramics Alcoa Foundation Scholarship Alcoa Research Fund-Materials Research Center A. W . Allen Scholarship Fund The All American Swimming Schorarship . I Allied Scholarship Fund Alumni Student Loan Fund American Smelting and Refining Company Scholarship American Society of Mechanical Engineers Loan Fund AMAX AMAX Coal SctIolarship Americ.an Metal Climax Foundation Fellowship i . AMAX Missouri Lead Scholarship AMAX Missouri Lead Schqlarship-Metallurgy . Climax Molybdenum Undergraduate Scholarship Climax Undergraduate Programs-Mining Engineering AMOCO AMOCO Foundation Incorporated · AM OCO-Geological Engineering . AMOCO Production Foundation Scholarships-Geophysics Anaconda Aluminum Scholarship ,' . . Mary Imogene Anderson &. H.d.s. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Robert A. Arrristrong Loan Fund . J. B. Arthur & Family I ·1 · l.,oan Fund ~holarship Fu'i:ld A§A.RCO Foundation Atlantic Richfield-G,eological Engineering Atlantic Richfield-Strunk Fund . I lI . G6'0rge Axmacher Scholarship Cnester S. Barnard Loan Fund ' I C$.rl H. Basler Scholarship Fund I · Burdick Endowment Fund . {I Jerome T. and Robert T. Berry Endowment Fund for Athletics d Thomas R.. .Beveridge Loan Fund , ,I Jack Babbitt Student Emergency Loan Fund I Kay A. and David J. Barr Endowed Fund Maurice O. Bellis Scholarship ' i' Boeing ScholarsjUp Fund ! Black and Veatch Scholarships Dr. Wouter Bosch Surface Coating Scholarship Fund M\irk Bouckaert Memorial Scholarship Blanche and John H. Bowles Scholarship Fund Jack K. Boyd Memorial Fund Award Robert M. Brackbill Fund Donald L. Branson Memorial Loan Fund W~yne R. Broaddus Sf. Scholarship Fund Robert F . Bruzewski Loan Fund Gale Bullman Athletic Fund Joe B. Butler Memorial Award J~ B. Buder Scholarship Fund . , I Ca::mpus Vending Scholastic AWfird Campus Veterans Association Loan Fund E. i.W. Carlton Scholarship Fund Donald L. Castleman Scholarship Fund ' John H. C;lstleman Memorial Scholarship " Chemistry .Monsanto Fellowship ' CI,J,'arles C,h ristian ,Membrial Ach~evement.Award in Civil Engineering Captain Carl G , Christie Memorial Fund ' Cliiss of 1929 Fund '. , ' Class of 1939 Loan Fund Class of 1940 Fund Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company Schola'rships Andy and Toni Cochran Scholarship Combustion Engineering (CE Refractories) Scholarship ( I Coininco American Scholarship Fund i CONOCO . , I . CONOCO Fellowships~Mines and Metallurgy CONOCO Scholarship-Mines and Metallurgy Consolidation Coal Company Gift-Mining Engineering Consolidation Coal Company Scholarships ;i Dr:'Frank H. Conrad Loan Fund ; ; Frank H . Conrad Chemical Engineering Scholarship Fund Nick Cooksey Memorial Scholarship Richard L. Cooper Scholarship . .! Coterie Scholarship Committee Scholarship , Donald G. Crecelius Scholarship Fund ,, ,







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42/MSM Alumnus

Eben R. Crum Student Loan Fund G. Clement & Richard A. Cunningham Endowed Scholarship G . Raymond Cuthbertson Challenge Fund C. L. Dake-John S. Brown Library Acquisition Fund Robert F. Davidson Memorial Loan Fund Delbert E. Day Endowed Scholarship Falkland H . Dearing Educational Scholarship Fund I:rank E . Qennie Memorial Scholarship Fund . John Herman D.ougherty Library of Mines and Metallurgy . 'Dow Scholarship Fund for Chemistry Pauline B. and John J. Doyle Loan Fund' DuPont Grant-Chemical Engineering Fund Robert Emmett Dye Scholarships ' Laura .a nd George Easley Scholarship Eastman Kodak . Eastman Kodak Scholarship Fund Eastman Kodak Fellowship in Cherilical Engineering Ecodyne Corporation Scholarship-Civil Engineering Fraricis C. Edwards Memorial Fund F . Stilhnan Elfred Memorial Scholarship Fund Emerson ( Emerson Electric Equipment- Fund-Electrical Engineering . Emerson Electric Professor of Electrical Engineering Fund Thomas, English Scholarship Fund Ensign-Bickford Mining Fund EXXON . ' EXXON-Monten;y Mining Engineering Fund EXXON Teaching Fellow-ship-Mining Engineering EXXON Fellowship Account,Petroleum Engineering · Ferro . Corporation Award in, Ceraniic Engineering Steven Feder Memorial Scholarship Fund · Al Fields Memorial Scholarship , Raymond R. Finch Memorial Scholarship Fund ·Fred Fi'nley Scholarships ,in Electric~1 Engineering · Fred W. Finley Fellowship in Communications ' Fred Fisher Memorial Loan Fund J. 't. Flebbe Memorial Scholarship Fund . ,Floyd H . Frame Electrical Engineering Scholarship 'c. R. Freeman Fund Foundry Educational Foundation Fund Harold Q Fuiler Scholarship-Loan Fund ...... Charles T. Galloway Memorial Loan Fund Gamma Xi Chapter Sigma Nu Scholarship Fund General Motors Scholarships Getty Oil Company Getty Geological Engineering Fund Qetty Mining Engineering Fund . Getty 'Mining Scholarships V. A. C . Gevecker Scholarship Fund jerry L. Gilmore Sch'blarship . A. Frank Golick Memorial Award in Metallurgy .. Stephen P. Gorman Fellowship Stephen P. Gorman Scholarship: O. R. Grawe Metnonal Fund Glenn and Ruth Graham Scholarships A. P. Green A. P.Green Brick Company Award A. P. Green Fire Bricks .Company Fellowship A. P . Green Refractories Scholarship Harvey H. Grice Scholarship Fund C. James Grimm' Scholarship Fund C. James Grimm Tribute Scholarship Fund Henry E. Gross' Endowment Gulf Oil , Gulf Oll Corporation Honors Scholarships Gulf Oil-Pittsburgh and Midway Coal Scholarship . GulfOil Foundation Professorship-Mines & Metallurgy Clyde W. Hall Scholarships . John W . Hamblen Computer Science Endowed Scholarship H . R . Hanley Scholarship Fund ' Albert Happy Scholarship-Civil :Engineering Harbison-Walker Charitable Fund Scholarship John P. Harmon Loan Fund . James G . Harris Memorial Scholarship .Henry H. Hartzell Loan Fund : . Karl F. Hasselmann Endowment Scholarship Fund Karl F. Hasselmann Loan Fund Gary W. Havener Endowed Scholar~ hip Carl J. Heim Scholarship Fund Hercules Powder Company-Chemical Engineering Fund Leon Hershkowitz Scholarship Fund

. Troy Don Hicks Memorial ScholarslUp Loan Fund Lawrence R. Hinken Loan Fund Anthony Homyk Fund Harland H. Hoppock Scholarship Harland H. Hoppock Athletic ScholarslUp Monty M. Horst Memorial Scholarship Fund Russell Hunt Memorial Scholarship Richard H. Ichord Loan Fund Illinois Mining Institute Scholarship Imperial Chemicals Industries Fellowship Ingersoll-Rand ScholarslUps-Mining-Geological Engineering Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation Mining Engineering Fund International Minerals Corporation-Ceramic Engineering Lucy Wortham James Scholarship Loan Fund Jackling Educational Fund Jackling Loan Fund Jackling Summer Institute Fund J. Stuart Johnson Endowed Schplarship Kaiser Aluminum Kaiser Aluminum Scholarship Fund Kaiser ScholarslUp Fund-Ceramic Engineering Mervin J. Kelly Scholarship Fund Daniel Kennedy Essay Awards Harry Kessler Scholarships Steven Kessler Scholarships Key-Givens Athletic Endowment Fund King, Carver, Joplin Museum/Memorial Loan Fund Martin L. King Memorial Scholarship Loan Fund Robert B. Koplar Professor of Engineering Management Fund Harold A. Krueger Athletic Scholarship Laclede Steel Emergency Loan Fund Eugene A. Lang Family Scholarship Larkin and Associates Scholarship Fund Mark B. Layne Scholarship John H. and Eilyeen B. Livingston Loan Fund I. H. Lovett Tribute Scholarship Fund Floy Maurine Macklin Memorial Fund "M" Club Loan Fund . Joseph M. and Louise Marchello Endowed Scholarship Maytag Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering Martha McConnick Transfer Scholarship E. J. McKee Scholarship V. H. McNutt Memorial Scholarships V. H. McNutt Faculty Assistance V. H. McNutt Memorial Fellowships George McPherson Jr. Endowed Fellowship Frank H. and Dorothea M. Mentz Endowed. Scholarship . Mid-East Missouri Contractor's Associational Scholarships Aaron J. Miles Memorial Scholarship Fund Burke Miller Memorial Scholarship The Minerals Industry Educational Foundation Scholarships Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Scholarship Missouri Society of Professional Engineers, Women' s Auxiliary Loan Fund Monsanto Chemical Company-Chemical Engineering Fund Monsanto Company Mechanical Engineers J. Derald Morgan Endowed Scholarship Ray Morgan Award for Special Achievement in Geology MSM-UMR Alumni Association Educational Assistant Fund MSM-UMR Alumni Association Faculty Loan Fund MSM-UMR Alumni Association Scholarship Funds MSM-UMR Alumni Association Loan Fund Murphy Company Mechanical Contracting Engineering ScholarslUps National Steel Corporatit>n Fellowship Professor Robert H. Nau Scholarship-Electrical Engineering Enoch R. Needles Speech Award EilOCh R. Needles Scholarship in Civil Engineering Bob Nevins Scholarship in Metallurgical Engineering Bob and Hanna Nevins Endowed ScholarslUp Newmont Mining Scholarship-Metallurgy NL Industries Foundation Scholarship Roger E. Nolte Endowed FellowslUp Donald Paul Odom Memorial Scholarship Old Ben Coal Corporation Scholarships Olin Summer Project Grant-Metallurgical Engineering John K. Olsen Emergency Loan Fund Colonel (Retired) and Mrs. Ed Owsley ScholarslUp Ozark Lead Company ScholarslUp John W. Page Scholarship Fund-Mining Clarence C. Palmer Memorial ScholarslUp Fund Peabody Coal FellowslUp Petro Lewis Corporation ScholarslUp Phelps County-City Panhellenic Scholarship Fund PIU Kappa PIU Loan Fund Roy Perry ScholarslUp Fund Peter H. Pietsch Memorial ScholarslUp-Chemistry Theodore J. Planje Sr. Scholarship Fund Arthur L. Pollard Memorial Scholarship Fund

Arthur L. Pollard Trust Fund Harry W. L. Porth Distinguished Lecture Series in Engineering Portland Cement Scholarship Herbert L. Prange Loan Fund Procter and Gamble Fellowship Public Service Company of Oklahoma Scholarship Professional Food Service Management Scholarship Fund J. A. Redding Scholarship Stephen P. Reed ScholarslUp Thomas H . Reese Jf. Memorial Scholarship Thomas H. Reese Jf. Professorship in Civil Engineering The Refractories Institute Refractories Institute-FIRE ScholarslUps Agnes C. Remington ScholarslUp Fund Charles R. & Agnes C. Remington Student Loan Fund Walter E. Remmers Special Lecture-Artist Fund Robert P. (Dusty) Rhoades Loan Fund J . Kent Roberts Civil Engineering Scholarship Rochester and Pittsburgh Coal FellowslUps-Mining . Rolla Lions Club Loan Fund Rolla Memorial Unit American Legion Loan Fund Rolla Rotary Club Loan Fund William A. Rutledge-Emerson Electric Co. ProfessorslUp in Electrical Engineering Bernard R. and Lena V. Sarchet ScholarslUp Schlumberger Collegiate Award , Schlumberger Endowed ProfessorslUp-Electrical Engineering D. R. Schooler Memorial Loan Fund Walter T. Schrenk Loan Fund Joseph H. Senne Civil Engineering Scholarship U . B. Senter Scb-olarship Fund Shell Shell Fellowship in Chemical Engineering Shell Company Foundation Scholarship in Geological Engineering Shell Companies Foundation Scholars-Mining Sheridan Enterprises Scholarships L. T . Sicka ScholarslUp Fund Skitek/Eta Kappa Nu Scholarship Duncan S. Smith Scholarship Elmer, Leroy and Gene Smith Endowed Scholarship Jefferson Smurfit FellowslUp Walter, Venita and Shirley Snelson路 Scholarship Award Society of Women Engineers Scholarship John P. Soult Fund St. Joe Lead Company Fellowship St. Joe Minerals Corporation Scholarship Fund Standard Oil of California Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Stockett Scholarship Fund Bruce B. Strang路 Memorial Fund Mailand R. Strunk Scholarship Fund John R. Stubbins Loan Fund Neil Stueck Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering Jules H. Subow Memorial Scholarship Sunstrand Fund Scholarship Sv路e rdrup and Parcel Scholarship Fund Harvey L. Tedrow Fund Teledyne MEC ProfessorslUp-EE Tenneco Scholarships-Geological Engineering Texaco Fellowship in路 Chemical Engineering H. D. 'Tommy" Thomas Grant Carlos and Joan Tiernon Scholarship Fund Betty Todd Memorial ScholarslUp Frank E. Townsend Loan Fund E. Rowland Tragitt Memorial Loan Fund UMR Academy of Civil Engineers, Fruin-Colnon Scholarship UMR Band Fund UMR Parents' Association F und Union Pacific Foundation Scholarships Union Pacific/Rocky Mountation Energy Co. Professorship University Bookstore ScholarslUp Claude Valerius Scholarship Burr R. Van Nostrand Memorial Scholarship . Edwin W. Waggoner Loan FundDon L. and Patricia Warner Mineral Engineering Scholarship William Hamlet Webb Endowed ScholarslUp Fund Western Electric Loan Fund Westvaco FellowslUp Charles and Anna Wiese Loan Fund Clark Wilson UMR ScholarslUp Award Curtis L. Wilson Loan Fund Pat Witt Mine Safety Endowed Scholarship Wives Auxiliary of Professional Engineers Loan Fund L. E. Woodman Memorial Scholarship Fund DeMarquis D. and Louise D. Wyatt Scholarship Lewis E. Young ScholarslUp Fund Marvin Zeid ScholarslUps Zeigler Coal Company Fund H. E. Zoller Loan Fund

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i MSM Alumnus/43

l 1

1.986-87 Alumni Association Scholarship Fund ~ecipients Alumni Association Scholarship I Lori Jean Adams. Je Chem Eng Jean Marie Andersen . Sr. Chen; Tamra Kay Ba nk s. Fr. Un-Eng Rona.ld J. Ba uza. J r. El Eng . Julie Ann Betlach. Fr. Comp Sci Vicki Lee Betlach. Fr. Chem Eng Frank W. Bildne.r. Fr. El Eng Stephen M. Bleckler, Fr. EI Eng Bruce M. Borcherding: Fr, EI Eng John D . Brandt. Fe Chem Eng Timothy C. Breece. Fr, Aero Eng Da vid. M. Brennan. Fr, El Eng Donald D. Brumm. Jr. Min Eng Stephan K. Brya n, Jr, Comp Sci Jeffrey W. Bulfard, Jr. Cer Eng Andrew Carso, Fr, Chem EngCynthia Anne Cobb. Fr. Che'ffi Eng Matthew G. Collins. Fr, Mech Eng Timothy J Collins. Fr, Un-Eng David A. Cramer. Fr, Cer Eng Michael J . Dawson, Fr, Comp Sci Michael J. Dyess. Fr. El Eng Craig S. Eyermann, Fr, Aero Eng Nancy Denise Fetters, Fr, Aero Eng Thomas A. Flak, So, El Eng . Brian A. Fortman, Fr, EI Eng Gregory J. Gent. So, El Eng Nichole R . George, Fr, Un-Eng Cynthia Lynn Gereau. Fr, Comp Sci Allen S. Griffey , Fr, El Eng Ja mes V. Griffith , Fr, El Eng Johathan W. Groves, Fr, El Eng S. Michael Held, Jr, El Eng Charlene Sue Hentges, Fr, Un-Eng Charles A. Henze, Jr, Chern Eng Steve G. Hill, Fr. Pre-Lw Thoma s C. Hodge, Fr, Chern Eng R. Christopher Hughes, Fr, Aero Eng Jon Kadane, Sr, Ap Math Scott J . Kellerman, Fr, Un -Eng Colby E. Kinser, Jr, Comp Sci Bradford J. Kline, Jr, Ap Math John Kelly Klosterma n, So, Mech Eng Kan Helen Koester, Sr, EI Eng Kevin S. Kohm, Fr, EI Eng Edith Evoy Lai , Fr, EI Eng Randall J. La uf, Fr, EI Eng Darin R. Lovelace, So, Ap Math James A. McDaniel, Fr, Comp Sci David R. Medrow, Fr, El Eng John P. Miller, Fr, Mech Eng Michael D. Miller, So, Aero Eng Craig A. Mollenhoff, Fr, El Eng Peter W. Moody, Fr, Comp Sci Donald W. Mueller, So , Mech Eng Christopher S. Newcombe, Fr, El Eng Michael G. Newport, Fr, Aero Eng Erik D. Olson, So, Aero Eng Timothy C. Overstreet, So, Comp Sci


Alumni Association Scholarship II Catherine Ann Alofs. Fr. Ap Math '. Anna Marie Ambrose, Fr. Eng Mgt Kevin W. Bartz. Fr, EI Eng Denise Caro l Brandt, Fr, Un-Eng Schonda Louis Briggs, Fr, Aero Eng K evin L. Brown. Fr, Mech Eng Tara Lynn Brown, So, Comp Sci James R. Cook, Fr, Un· Eng Peggy Ann Danzer, So, Me~h Eng G ary D. Dencker, Sr, Chern Eng Timothy J. Dickinson, Fr, Aero Eng Jeannine Marie Dubuque, So, EI Eng Troy A. Haddow, Fr, Cv Eng Daniel E. Jackson, Fr, Chem Eng Rana Elaine Jones, Sr, Ap Math Marla Kay Jungling, Fr, Aero Ebg John J . Kuehn , Fr. Un-Eng John R . Ledbetter, Fr, Chern Eng Margaret Ann Murphy, Sr, EI Eng Douglas N. Owens, Fr, Comp Sci Tracy Suzanne Perkins, Fr, Chern Eng Michael S. Silliman, Jr, El Eng Anne Louise Voyles, So. Chern Eng Alumni Association Transfer Student Scholarship Deo I.N.J . Baichoo, Jr. Mech Eng Martin A. Blotter. Sr. Mech Eng


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Robert L. Phillips, Fr, Chern Eng David B. Platt. Fr, Chern Eng Charles H . Raw lins, Fr. Comp Sci Bret A. Riege l. So, Aero Eng Jeffrey C. Rigg, So, El Eng Julie Ann Robinson, So, El Eng Karen Ann Rothermich , Sr. El Eng Joan Marie Roulston, So, Chem Eng Christine M. Schilt, Fr, Met Eng Karen Sue Sedlacek, So, Mech Eng Matthew T. Sieger. Fr. Physics Chris G. Silies, Fr, Mech Eng Daniel L. Stasiak, Sr. El Eng Mary Amelia Stephens, Jr, English Karla Jean Stiefermann, Jr, Chern Eng John M . Sweaney, Jr, Mech Eng Terry Ann Tilli so n. Fr. Met Eng Brell L. Tisch. Fr. Mech Eng Nora Carroll Tochtrop. Jr. Chem Eng Leslie Helayne Vigna . Fr. Chem Eng Mac J. Voss. Fr. Mech Eng Nancy Lynn Wehmeyer, So, Ap Ml:Ith Michael N. Weidner, Fr. El Eng Brian G . Werkmeister. Fr. El Eng Ra ymond E. Wieda . Fr. Comp Sci Robin Lynne Williams. Fr. Eng Mgt David J. Wilson, Sr. Comp Sci Stephen J. Wolf. Fr, El Eng

George Axmacher Scholarship Sean K. Patterson, Sr, Comp Sci M urphy Company Scho[m'ship Donald C. Hodges, Sr, Mech Eng Robert E. Dye Scholarship Donald D . Brumm , Jr, Mi Eng Chad D. Colvin , Fr, Mi Eng Jon E. Fox, Sr, Mi Eng Dale W. Halley , Sr, Mi Eng Randal L. Hanning, Sr, Mi Eng Russell K Hively, Sr, Mi Eng William T. Marston, Jr, Mi Eng Bradley J. Murphy, Fr, Mi Eng Stephen C. Peterman, Sr, Mi Eng Donald R. Russell, Sr, Mi Eng Doreen M. Schulze, Fr, Un-Eng Roy N. Stanton, Sr, Mi Eng

Coterie Prints

:. -:


UM R Coterie now offers prints of four of the original MSM -UMR Buildings in seve ral (o rms. The prints were made fro m pencil sketches by U M R designer Dick Hatfield . They include the Roll a Building (187 I) , Chancellor's Res id ence ( 1889), No rwood Ha ll ( 1903) and P arker Hall ( 1912). All proceed s wi ll go to the Coterie of UMR Faculty Wi ves Scholarship Fund.

8 x 10 Prints uita ble for framing- Set of 4 . . . . .. . .. ......... .... .... . $12 . .. I No tepaper- on an ti que white with enve lopes (three of each of the fo ur buildin gs) . Sel of 12 ... . ..... ....... ... ........ . .. $4 Add $ I to all o rd ers to cover the cos t of mailing and allow two weeks for delivery. Make checks paya ble to U M R Coterie Scholarship Fund.

Send orders tQ: Coterie Scholarship Fund , P.O . Bo x 1638, Roll a, MO 6540 1.

44/ MSM Alumnus

Craig W. Borgmeyer. Jr. Cv Eng Court ice F. Bowman. Sr. Eng Mech Gregory R. Budd , Sr. Cv Eng James J. Corbet. Sr. El Eng Luu Viet Dinh, Sr, El EngTerry Ford, So, El Eng Athena Glavas. Jr. M;ch Eng Heidi Gossen, Jr. Aero Eng Laura Grad y. Sr, Chem E;]g Robert S. Ivy, Sr, Mech Eng Matthew F. Ja.nsen, Jr. Mech Eng Steven D. Kinsey, J1', Geo Eng Christopher A. Koch. Sr. El Eng David G . Kraenzle. Jr. Mech Eng James L. Lahm. J1', Comp Sci Kevin L. Marrs. Jr. El Eng Scott D. McCoy. Jr. Mech- Eng Jeffre y T. McMullen. Jr. El Erlg Mark C. Medley. Jr. El Eng Steven W. Meyer. Sr, Mech Eng Linda Kay Moore, Jr, Chern Eng Barton J. Nichols, Sr, El Eng Hans E. Rodgers, Jr, EI Eng Michael T. R ussell, Sr, Mech Eng James A. Sago, Jr. Met Eng Joseph R . Sauer, Jr, Ap Math Timothy S: Seevers, So , El Eng Dianna Sewell. So, Aero Eng William M . Stolte, Sr, Chem Eng Roger W. Tyree. Jr, EI Eng Linda Voellinger. Jr, Cer Eng Steven L. Wa tts, Jr. Mech Eng Thoma s J . Wil son, Jr, Met Eng HaLl-Fo,ng Wong. Jr. EI Eng

ROJ Perry Scholarship Li sa Ka y Goser. Sr. Cv Eng

Carlos & Joan Tiernon Scholarship Paul S. Korinko. Sr, Met Eng

Jerome T. & Robert T. Berry Scholarship Thomas S. Creech Sr, Cv Eng John R. Dalton, Jr, Mech Eng Kurtis J. Daniels, Fr, Mi Eng

James W. Gregory, Sr, Eng Mech Eric S. Hart, Sr, El Eng Kim Ann Ie, Sr, Cv Eng Patrick A. Kaufman, Sr. Mech Eng Daniel Lynn Meservey, Sr, El Eng Todd S. Miner, Jr, Chern Eng Linda Kay Moore, Jr. Chern E~g Rainer P. Mueller, Jr. El Eng Joe A. Nastasi. Sr. ": ng Mgt Galen R. Oellig, Jr. Cornp Sci Sean K. Patterson, Sr, Cornp Sci David B. Porter, Jr, Ap Math John E. Preusser, Sr, Mech Eng Craig S. Prevallet, Jr, Chern Eng Joseph M. Ribble, Sr, El Eng Bethanne Marie Wanner, Sr, Cornp Sci Richard E. Wawrzyniak, Jr, El Eng Thomas r Wilson. Jr. Met Eng

Alumni Edllcational Assistants Clyde' W. Hall Scholarship Everett D. Brazeal, Jr, Comp Sci Bonnie Lea Breuer, So, Un-A&S Mark R. Briesacher, So, Chern Eng March L. De Wever, Sr, El Eng

Nena Abdul-Wakeel, Sr, Comp Sci Jonathan A. Allan, Jr, Comp Sci John E. Blattel, Sr, Mech Eng Scott H. Boehmer, Jr, Mech Eng Roberta E. Brown, Sr, His~ory

Jeffrey W. Bullard, Jr, Cer Eng Cameron K. Coursey, Sr, El Eng Timothy F. Dowdy, Sr, Mech Eng Lori T. Durbin, Sr, Comp Sci Kevin B. Edwards, So, Nuc Eng Shawn M. Everly, Sr, Comp Sci Phillip D. Ferguson, Jr, Nuc Eng Johnnie B. Fiscus,Sr, Tech Wrt Laura M . Grady, Sr, Chern Eng Dale W. Halley, Sr, Min Eng Nancy E . Haynes, Sr, Psych William A. Heirieken, Jr, Nuc Eng Paul A. Hughes, Fr, El Eng Michael S. Humphrey, Sr, History Chris A. Icide, Jr, Nuc Eng Bruce D. Kasubke, Sr, Mech Eng David K. Lovelace, Sr, El Eng Sarah E. May, Jr, Econ Joe Mazzola, .F r, Aero Eng Christopher D. McDaniel, Sr, English Joyce A. Melchers, Sr, Psych Steven M. Mertz, Jr, Nuc Eng Rachelle D. Middleton, Jr, Cv Eng Yuneh Rorie, Sr, Mech Eng Mark A. Schmisseur, Sr, El Eng Steve A. Schoenig, So, English Craig T. Scott, Sr, Aero Eng Cordell E. Smith, Jr, History John C. Van Besien, JI, Engli&h Winfred Van Mourik, Sr, Comp Sci Eric W. Walters, Fr. Cer Eng Anthony E. Washburn, Sr, Aero Eng

1986-87 UMR Development Fund Named Scholarship Recipients Mary McCrae Anderson & H.G.S. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Rhonda L. Yersak, Sr, Met Eng

J. B. Arthur & Family Scholarship Vito Biundo, So, Cer Eng Julie L. Board, Jr, Cer Eng Jeffrey W. Bullard, Jr, Cer Eng William D. Clifton, So, Cer Eng Ronald D. Dennis, Sr, Cer Eng . Stephanie A. Dinwiddie, So, Cer Eng .Aron Gaus, Jr, Cer Eng John M. Kelly, Sr, Cer Eng Kenneth J. Krause, Fr, Cer Eng Yvonne M . Liske, Jr, Chern Douglas D. Mincke, Jr, Cer Eng Juliet A. Minzey, Jr, Cer Eng To&'M. Neidt, Jr, Cer Eng Andrew P. Parker, Sr, Cer Eng Cynthia A. Parker, Sr, Cer Eng . Kimberly D. Preston, Jr, Cer Eng Karen ~. Raab, So, Cer Eng ' Joshua H, Robinson, Sr, Cer Eng John D. Spencer, Fr, Cer Eng James D . Steibel, Jr, Cer Eng Anneke M. Van Der Helm, Fr, Cer Eng Linda R. Voellinger, Jr, Cer Eng Glen P. Weible, Fr, Cer Eng Mark W. Wesling, So, Cer Eng Eric G . Wilkins, Fr, Cer Eng

Wouter Bosch Endowed Scholarship

E. W. Carlton Scholarship

Jean M. Andersen, Sr, Chern Kathy A. Dean, Sr, Chern Atul S. Deshmane, So, Chern Rasoyna F. Dozier, So, Chern Katherine C. Goffeney, Fr, Chern William V. Giannobile, Sr, Chern Tamara E. Jackson, So, Chern Carol K. Kenesey, Jr, Chern Bradley J. Lorber, So, Chern Lisa C. Mueller, Jr, Chern Trent A. Overton, Fr, Chern Michael J. Pfeiffer, Grad , Chern Brad D. Rodgers, Sr, Chern Stephen E. Ruggeri , Jr, Chern Dianna K. Stevens, Fr, Chern David A. Stoeckel, Fr, Chern Kevin W. Sutton, Sr. Chern Kevin D. Weaver, Sr, Chern Roger A. Winters, So, Chern

Robin D. Meyer, Fr, Civ Eng

Donald L. Castleman Scholarship John S. Kozlowski , Jr, Mech Eng

Andy & Toni Cochran Scholarship Kenneth K. Koshi, Sr, El Eng

Frank H: Conrad Chemical Engineering Scholarship Mark Bouckaert Memorial Scholarship David T. Leitschuh. Sr, Geol Eng

Wayne R. Broaddus Sr. Scholarship

Timothy E . Carnell, Sr, Chern Eng Stephen G. Horn, Sr, Chern Eng Hathuc tIung, Grad, Chern Eng Lawrence G. Kurowski, Sr, Chern Eng Dwane A. Mattmuller, Sr, Chern Eng Jeff A. Narrow, Sr, Chern Eng Scott M. Posadzy, Sr, Chern Eng Mark T. Rosebrough, Jr, Chern Eng Richard A. Schuth, Sr, Chern Eng Venona E . Southard, So, Chern Eng Jo E. Witherwax, Sr, Chern Eng

Robert G. Ford. So, Civ Eng

Carl H. Basler Scholarship Fund

Joe B. Butler Civil Engineering Scholarship

Richtlrd L. Cooper Scholarship

Daniel H. Buss, Sr, El Eng

David L. Cobb, Fr, Civ Eng

Douglas A. Kiehne, Sr, Chern Eng

MSM Alumnus/45

Coterie Scholarship Committee Scholarship

Raymond R. Finch Memorial Scholarship

C. J. Grimm Scholarship Fund

Mary A. Stephens, Sr, English

Joel M. Wasdyke, Fr, Mech Eng

William I. Catron, Sr, EI Eng David M. Sowders, Sr, EI Eng Daniel L. Struckhoff, Sr, EI Eng Donald R. Walker, Jr, E1 Eng Arthur A. Woerheide, Jr, EI Eng

Donald G. Crecelius .scholarship

Judith L. Flebbe Memorial Scholarship

Timothy J. Edwards,

Fr ,~ ero

Lori A. Goodman, Jr, Chem Eng Linda K. Moore, Jr, Chem Eng John D. Skiffington, Sr, Chem Eng


'Karl F. Hasselmann Endowed Scholarship

Gretchen A. Brockfeld, Fr, Engr , Pamela A. Dubois, Sr, Comp Sci Steven A. Schoenig, Jr, English Mark M . Scott, Jr, EI Eng

Friends of Cross-Country Scholarship

Jeffrey S. Balmer. Sr, Petr Eng David L. Vonarx, Jr, Civ Eng

Harold Q Fuller Scholarship 1>..'

Robert J. Hock, Sr, Phys Gary W. Havener Endowed Scholarship Falkland H. Dearing Educational Scholarship

V.A.C. Gevecker Scholarship

Andrew J. Gardner, Fr, El Eng Gregory S. Martinez, Fr, E) Eng David M. Tepen, Fr, El Eng Thomas A. Weible, So, El Eng

Christopher M. Sanzottera, Fr, Civ Eng

Amy M. Noel, Sr, Appl Math Kim E. Thein, Sr, Appl Math

Mervin J. Kelly Scholarship Jerry L. Gilmore Scholarship F.,rank E. Dennie Memcrial Scholarship

Joann Connors, Sr, EI Eng Brett A. Johnson, Sr, Mech Eng Christopher L. Johnson, Sr, EI Eng Robert J . Landgraf, Sr, El Eng Cheryl K . Smith, Sr, Mech Eng Steven F . Wasleski, Sr, Comp Sci

Arnold P. Harness, Sr, Chem Eng Shawn S. Smith, Sr, Mech Eng

AlleJ;! S. Griffey, So, Engr


Stephen P. Gorman Scholarship Laura and George Easley Scholars1Up

Bryan E. Audsley, So, Nuc Eng Daniel A. Elbert, So, EI Eng Eric G. Kearns, Fr, EI Eng Glen P. Weible, Fr, Cer Eng R. Daniel Wiltshire, So, EI Eng

James Eo Long Memorial Scholarship

Christine L. Adkisson, Fr, EI Eng James P. Dierkes, Fr, El Eng Krista E. Potter, Fr, Engr Joshua M . Timmons, Fr, El Eng

Kimberly R. McMahan, Fr, Engr

Glenn & Ruth Graham Memorial Scholarship Fund

F. Stillman Elfred Memorial Schol4rship

Lyle D. Evans, Sr, Min Eng Donald R. Tone Jr., Fr, Engr

Thomas O. English Scholarship

Nicholas J. Eckelkamp, Sr, El Eng

John F. Broker, So, EI Eng Thomas J. Placht, Sr, El Eng

Theodore W. Ahrens, So, Met Eng Brad G . Baker, Sr, Met Eng Linda J. Bloomfield, Jr, Met Eng Susan A. Cheli, Sr, Met Eng Denise L. Draheim, Sr, Met Eng Danny J. Edwards, Sr, Met Eng Ann M. Groner, Sr, Met Eng Danny D. Hastings, Sr, Met Eng Daniel K. Heitzman, Jr, Met Eng Jennifer J. Hosmer, Sr, Met Eng Spencer O. Luke, Sr, Met Eng Martin E. Myers, Jr, Met Eng Daniel C. l'fix, Sr, Met Eng Christine M. Schilt, Fr, Engr SusanE. Schumacher, Sr, Met Eng Terry A. Tillison, So, Met Eng Stacey R. Wells, So, Met Eng Thomas J. Wilson, Jr, Met Eng Gary C. Yerby, So, Met Eng

Floy M. Macklin Memorial Scholarship

David W. Kiehne, Fr, Engr Katherine A. Stone, Fr, Engr

V. H. McNutt Memorial Scholarship

Al Fields Memorial Scholarship /

Paul Miles, So, Engr Mgmt Harvey H. Grice Scholarship

Thuy N . Doan, So, Chem Eng Wendy A. Jutte, So, Chem Eng Linda K. Moore, Jr, Chem Eng Fred Finley Scholarships in Electrical Engineering

John N. Bullock, Sr, El Eng Leo G . Dehner Jr, Grad, El Eng Leonard L. Frantz, Sr, El Eng John F. Noble, Grad, El Eng

46/ MSM Alumnus

H. R. Hanley Scholarship

Nancy K. Meyer, Fr, Met Eng Mary K. Pecora, So, Met Eng

I. H. Lovett Scho/~rship

Mary E. Bernard, Fr, GeoljGeoph Brent O. Callen, Sr, Geol Scott T. Drummond, So, Ge01 . Darrell W. Fallman, Jr, Geol Chauncey'E. Fleetwood, Fr, GeoljGeoph Randie L. Grantham, Sr, GeoljGeoph Wayne A. Hopkins, So, Geol jGeoph Peter R. Laudon, Sr, Geol Charles V. Muerhoff, So, Geol Andrew E. Newell, Jr, GeoljGeoph Linda P. Overshon, Fr, A&S Undec. Penny A. Phegley, Fr, Geol jGeoph Paul E. Pierson, Sr, Geol Gregory J. Schaefer, Sr, Geol jGeoph John B. Segur, Fr, GeoljGeoph Craig A. Thomas, Sr, Geol Douglas W. Whitman, Sr, Geol jGeoph Robert E. Wilson, Sr, Geol

E. J. McKee Scholarship

Phelps County-City Panhellenic Scholarship

Matthew D. Markel. Fr. Engr

Joann Connors, Sr. EI Eng Ann M. Saunders, Sr, Pet Eng

Aaron J. Miles Memorial Scholarship Gregory R. Bram, Sr. Chern Eng Carol D. Deusinger, Sr, Comp Sci Michael A. Haas, Sr. Aero Eng Bret R. Klahs, Sr. Mech Eng

Mr. & Mrs. Norl1Ul1J A. Stockett Scholarship

Wendy D. Francis, So, Mech Eng . Keith A. St. Gemme, Fr, Petr Eng


Arthur L. Pollard Memorial Scholarship MailfllUi R. St;unk Scholarship James A. Brasier, Sr, Min Eng Lyle D. Evans, Sr, Min Eng William T. Sinnott II, .Sr, Min Eng Mark W. Smith, Fr, Min Eng Roy N. Stanton, Sr, Min Eng

Burke Miller Memorial Scholarship

Allen L. Brown, So, Chern Eng Kristine L. Brush, Sr, Chern Eng Michael D . Kilgore, So, Chern Eng Sean D. McCue, Sr, Chern Eng Linda S. Miller, Fr, Engr Jeff A. Narrow, Sr, Chern Eng Gregory M. Witte, Jr, Chern Eng

Thomas H. Reese Jr. Memorial Scholarship Gerald R. Hertzler, Sr, Phys James E. Kaufmann, Sr, Appl Math Ellen R. Mell, Sr, Phys

Richard T. Miller, Fr, Civ Eng Jim P. Peterson, Fr, Civ Eng - Ronald L. Reynolds Jr., Fr, Civ Eng Gregory P. Sallee, Fr, Civ Eng Teresa L. Stover, Jr, Civ Eng

Jules H. Subow Memorial Scholarship Frederick P. Wilson, So, EI Eng

Ray Morgan A ward for Special A/:hievement in Geology Betty Todd Memorial Scholarship george H. Moellering, Sr, ·Geol

U. B. Senter Scholarship Jeffrey A. Wilke, Sr, Civ Eng

Susan M. Piontek, Sr, EI Eng Ann M. Saunders, Sr, Petr Eng

Professor Robert H. Nau Scholarship UMR Elizabeth C. Rollheiser. Sr, El Eng

Enoch R. Needles Scholarship Thomas J. Abkemeier, Sr, Civ Eng Robert R. Holmes Jr:,' Sr, Civ eng Kevin W. Low, Sr, Civ Eng Mary T. Zuehlke, Sr, Civ Eng

Bob Nevins Scholarship ' Robert H. Bersett, Fr, Engr Barry W. Craig, Sr, Met Eng Michael T . Day, Fr, Engr Scott A. Finke, Sr, Met Eng Donald J. Schnefke, Sr, ' Met Eng Mark A. Whaley, Fr, Engr



Louis T. Sicka Scholarship Thomas G . Block, Sr, El Eng . Scott A. Dunn, Fr, El Eng Jeffrey T. Forehand, So, Aero Eng Howard L. 'Gugel, So, El Eng Kevin D. Hamann, Jr, Met Eng Todd M. Harris, Fr. Aero Eng Paul L. Hasselbring, Fr, EI Eng Harold A. Heinze, Fr. Mech Eng Jeffrey M. Herbst, Fr, EI Eng Gordon W. Herron, Sr, Chern Eng Michael A. Hicks, So, EI Eng Andrew S. Howerton, Fr, Engr Gregory S. Kinn, Sr, Nuc Eng Brian J.- Lee, Sr, EI Eng Shawn E. McVey, Sr, Chern Eng Andrew T. Mueller, Fr, Aero Eng Jeffrey G. Mueller, Fr, El Eng Mark H. Privett, Jr, Mech Eng Robert D. Privett, Sr, EI Eng Thomas E. Sovar, So, Mech Eng Anthony L. Thornburgh, Fr, Chern Eng Joshua M. Timmons, Fr, EI Eng Patrick D. White, Fr, Engr Daniel M. Wilbers, Sr, Aero Eng

Randall D. Gardner, Fr, Chern Eng John R. Verduin III, Sr, Geol Eng

Burr R. Van Nostrand Memorial Scholarshp John R. Dalton, Sr, Mech Eng

William H. Webb Endowed Scholarship Melody L. Taylor, Fr, Chern

Clark Wilson UMR Scholarship Charles E. Comeau, Fr, Min

L. E. Woodman Memorial Scholarship

Robert M. Nicodemus Academic Athletic A ward John W. Hentges, Jr, Mech Eng

John T. Day, So, Physics Walter B., Venita Bowles, & Shirley J. Snelson Scholarship Steven W. Danz, Sr, Comp Sci

Colonel & Mrs. Ed Owsley (Ret) Scholarship Brian H. Supernaw, Sr, Mech Eng

Clarence C. Palmer Memorial Scholarship Suzanne L. Connors, So, Civ Eng Cynthia A. Driscoll, So, Civ Eng Douglas J. Nqlkemper, Jr, Civ Eng

Edward A. Smith Memorial Scholarship Luann M. Bleckman, Sr, Eng Mgt Andrew S. Howerton, Fr, Eng Mgt Lemuel T. Jones, Fr, Eng Mgt Gerald P. Kutz, So, Eng Mgt Lisa R. Lang, Fr, Eng Mgt Benita F . Phillips, Fr, Engr Laura M. Schisler, So, Eng Mgt Gary J. Vonder Haar, Jr, Eng Mgt

Lewis E. Young Scholarship Todd M. Becker, Sr, Aero Eng Martin D. Cibulka, Sr, Aero Eng Bryan J. Daiber, Sr, Nuc Eng Kia L. Enlow, Sr, Cornp Sci Alisa K. Houpt, Jr, EI Eng Mark L. Mayberry, Sr, Comp Sci James W. Payne, Sr, Comp Sci Mike J. Stagnaro, Sr, Aero Eng John R. Verduin III, Sr, Geol Eng

Marvin Zeid Scholarship Scott T. Drummond, So, Geol

MSM Alumnus/ 47


Robert D. Bay received his B.S. degree in civil engineering at UMR in 1949. Bay is widely known within the steel industry for his research and developHe also holds a profession'al degree in engineering management from this institu- ment of a steel placement system for continpously-reinforced pavement using patented deformed wire. Other technical achievements include his design of the tion. Bay also served as president of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association for a composite two-way slab floor system for the World Trade Center, New York two-year term in 1980-82. With Black and Veatch, Bay is responsible for the assignment, standardizaCity. , A retired Major General, United States Army Reserve, Bay commanded the tion, production and quality control of engineering. Prior to joining Black and 4l6th Engineer Command, the largest engineering unit in the Reserves, [rom Veatch, he held various positions during a 20-year career with the Laclede Steel 1977 to 1981. He is the recipient of the Distinguished Service Medal, the highest Company. In addition, he has been a consultant and a manager for major quality control , peace-time medal awarded by the military. . Bay currently serves as chairman of the State of Missouri's Blue Ribbon Panel programs in the ste,el industry, particularly in steel products for nuclear plant to review the procedures of the Division of Design and Construction. construction.

BaY 'Stresses "Commitment to Excellence" to 690 UMR Grad'uates . A "commitment to excellence" is the most important factor for achieving a successful future, Robert D. Bay, engineering manager, Civil Environmental Division of Black & Veatch, Kansas City, told 1fbout 690 graduates of UM-Rolla at winter commencement, Sunday, Dec. 21. Bay also was presented the doctor of engineering degree (honoris causa) during the ceremonies. "I define (commitment to excellence) as doing your very best under any ,given set of conditions on every task or assignment at all times," Bay said, "The world needs committed individuals who commence a task and see it through with dedication and determInation," he continued . "The world needs people who seek to achieve a goal. . "I challenge you to do your professional best on every assignment or task and to be committed to the career-for which you have been trained," Education and training was another factor Bay mentioned as being important to achieving success. "Now that you have your degrees," he said, "the real challenge is to be able to integrate into an ongoing organization , be productive, a part of the team, learn while doing, and make progress. "It's n'o t easy," he continued, "My adv'ice is to be patient , be a good listener, especially to the more experienced who have something to say, and seek advice." Bay also challenged the graduates to learn to work within the framework of a ream, ~ "It will be a major challenge to work with others professionally, for they have different backgrounds, education , viewpoints, objectives, and skills," he said.

48/ MSM Alumnus


"Somehow," he continued, "there must be enough leadership, flexibility , innovation , and statesmanship to blend these interests diplomatically into a harmonious relation ship to get the job done. " You must learn to play your role on the team , doing your share of work to the best of yo ur ability .... You must learn to be satisfied with progress measured on team performance." Other important factors for success that Bay mentioned are: - Communications. "It's common courtesy," he said, "to communicate on a need-to-know basis with all parties to the assignment or project. It builds team spirit 'and morale when everyone knows what is going, on ... My advice is 'When in doubt, communicate.'" - The use of the latest technology. The computer "has revolutionized the work we live in," he said. "No modern successful business can exist competitively without the computer. The users must manage the computer so that it is an effective and productive tool." - Community activity. "In my business, when considering new employees we look at outside activities," he said. "We have seen a direct correlation between activity which shows responsibility and maturity, with future or present potential for leadership. That trait reveals lhat a person with ambition for career advancement also recognizes that their life is influenced by the community." - Learn tO ,say "Thank you." "These two small words in my observation are the least used words in the English language." he said. "(They) foster. .. teamwork and team spirit." '

A/ul11ni Section Ne-Vtls _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Bay Area Section T he Bay Area C hap ter of the MSMU M R Alumni Assoc iati on gathered at the C hin a First Restaurant in Pa lo Al to. Ca lif. o n Qct. 25. and enj oyed a ~U lllptUOU S 12-co urse Chinese banquet. T he dinner was moved from Ming's Restaurant at the last minute since Ming's had not comp leted 'their remode ling. The ba nquet includ ed such delicacies as M u-Shu Pork , Chicke n in Lettuce Leaves, Szechwan Prawns and

Hunan S tyle Deep-Fried Whole Fish. An interestin g and informa ti ve slid e show was prese nted by U M R Geo logica l Enginee rin g Professor Dave Ba rr and his wife Kay. Their topic was their rece nt trip to C hina as guests of an age ncy of th e gov~rnme n t of T he People's ,Republic of Chi na. The following alumni a nd guests signed th e register: Dennis , '76, and Pam. '75. Leillerman; Don and Mira

Lee lili an , '72; Jerold and Kay Littlefie ld , '58 ; Dave and Laurie Peacock, '64~ Art Koe lling, '57; Richard and Bever ly Moe ller, '50; Wa rren and Ellen Hooks , '58 ; Harold and Joyce Fiebelman , '66; Par and Mary Schoenky, '50; Joey and Ste ll a Tuttle, '64; Charles and Caro lyn Adams , '61 ; John Vickroy, '75 and T herese Gain ; Paul and Sh irley Hausner, '52; Marianne Coch ran , '50: Don and Beverly Kelly, '49;

Larry and Roberta Cooper, '65 ; Jim and Peg Allmon , '67 ; Dale Smith, '81 , and Jean Po ll ard , '82; and Bob and Margaret Ray, '47. We 're all looking forward to the Annual Bay Area Alumni Section St. Pat's Party to be held at Jerry a nd Kay Litt lefield's home in the Sunset District of San Francisco on March 14, 1987.

Chicago Area Section The Second Annual Alumni Admission's Reception was held in the St. Charles, Illinois VFW Hall on Saturday morning, Dec. 6th, t986. Bob Saxer, '61, organized the event and

served as the moderator for the program that included presentations by Chancellor Martin C. Jischke; Ron Johnston, ass ociate director of admissions; Carlos Tiernon, '57, alumni '

association board member, and Don Brackhahn, executive director 01 alumni reiations. Other alumni in attendance who visited with the 20 parents and 'prospective s ~udents and

shared campus experiences were: James W. Gilstrap, '67; Robert Hazlett, '85; and Stephen S. Schade, '74. The next admission's event in St. Charles will be Dec. 5, 1987.

Kansas City Reception , . with Don Brackhahn , UMR Alumni Forty alumni and guests from MSM-UMRjoined graduates from the Executive Director, to discuss forming other University of Missouri campuses a new section in Kansas City. The organizing committee included Bob on Thursday, Oct. 9th at the Kansas Berry, '72, as the initial chairman, City Club for a reception honoring Lucien Bolon, Jr. , '59; ~esClark, '71 ; President C . Peter Magrath. The next morning eleven alumni met


Pat Davidson, '70; Jim Foil, '72; Randy Perkinson, '82; Henry L. W. Riley, '81; Bob Sauer, '83; Wayne Schmidt, '83; Cliff Tanquary, '57 and W.illis Wilson,. '73 . Other committee members unable to attend that first

meeting included : Kevin Eisenbeis, '79; Jim Stephens, '47; Jack Stewart, '56 and Chris Wilson, '73 . The new officers and board members will¡ be announced at the first.section meeting on February 12, 1987. .

MSM Alumnus/49

A lumni Section News continued ,


Tulsa Section Meeting

,I "1,

A western, style ba rbecue was held at the Keystone Lake home of. Roy and Sandy Wilkens, '66, on Sunday, Nov, 16 fo r the Tulsa Al umni Section. WiU Griggs, '66, brought his barbecue bus to the meeting and his helpers cooked , barbecue fo r the more than' fifty Min. ers a nd guests in attendance.

The alumni welcomed Cha ncellor Martin Jischke and his wife Patty, Frank and Nancy Mackama n, and Don and Nancy Brackha hn from Rolla to the meeting. . Those in attend a nce included: R , J . and Donna George, '50; Lynn Calton , 70; Will Griggs, '66; Ernie and Mollie

Ac hterberg, '5.\; Rick and Sue Katterhenry, 75; Jack and Sand y Horn, '66; Lee and Gene Veale , '42; Richard and Donna Riley, '70; Bob a nd Ginn y PahL '6~; Hans and Jimmie Schmoldt , '44; Russell Gund, '40; Faye and Ernie (Pokey) Mo ran , '27; Jim and Donna Beftelsmeyer, '66; Gary and Nancy

i' "



Bay Area Section St. Pat's Meeting San Francisco, Ca. , .. .... . .. . .. ..... .... . . ........... . . March 14 Alumni Admissions Reception & Luncheon Rolla, Mo .. . .. . .. . ..... . ........ '... . ...... . .... . . . . . .. March 22 Alumni Admissions Reception & Dinner St. Louis, Mo ...... . . ........ . .. . ..... .. . .. . ... . ... . ... March 25 Alumni Admissions Reception & Luncheon Springfield, Mo . . . ...... . . .. . .. . ........ .. .' .. .. . . . ... . . March 26 Southern California Section Meeting , Los Angeles, Ca . . . . . ... . . . .......... .. . . ....... . .. .. ... March 27 San Diego Section Meeting San Diego, Ca . . ... .. . .. . .... . . . . .. . . . ...... . ..... .. .. . March 28 Alumni Admissions Reception & Dinner Kansas City, Mo . . . . .. . ........................ . ......... April 7 Board of Directof,s, 'Meeting Rolla, Mo .. ... . . . . ... . . . .. . .......... . .. . .. .. . . .. . .... . April I I Pacific Northwest Section Meeti ng Seattle, Wa .. .. . .. .. .... . .. . ...... . . . . .. .. . ....... . ..... April 24 Legislative Recognition Day Jefferson City, Mo . ... . ..... . .. . ........ . . . ...... . ...... April 28 50-Year Reunion, Class of 1937 ' Rolla . . .. . . .. .. . ..... ...... . ... . . . . .. .. . ......... . . .. May 15-1 7 Commencement . .... . . ..... . .. '.... . ...... . .. . ........... . May 17 Alumni Alliance Meeting Roll~ , Mo . .. ........................... . .... . ... . ..... . June 5-6 New York City Alumni Section Meeting New York City, NY ....... . ... : '... . .......... . ...... . ... June 14 Homecoming, 1987 Rolla .... . . . .. . ......... . .... . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . Oct. 9-10 Alumni Admissions Reception Crystal Lake, IL . . .. . .' . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . ... . . . .. . .. . .. Decem ber 5 Alumni Admissions Reception ' St. Charles, IL ...... . . . . . .. . .. . . ......... .. . . . .... . . December ~

50/ MSM Alumnus

S ievert, '67; Robert and Betty Ponder, '50. '52 ; Ramamurthy Guru , '86; Dave and Gay le Kick, '57; Vernon and Maralee Jones. '53; Fred and Mary Lou Scharf, '53 ; Vernon T . McGhee, '42; Jack a nd Margaret Con ley, '3 1 and Pat a nd Keit h Bai ley. '64 .

Student A.ctivities UMR Student to Study in Mexico Bo Parrish, a junior in geological engineering at U M R, will have the op portunity to study in' Co lima, Mexico during the spring semester, tha nks to a Mid- America State Uni versi ties Associa tion (MASUA) International Programs Co,uncil (IPC) scho lars hip . Parrish explained that the scho larship will provide him with the opportunit y to study the Span ish language and Mexican culture at the Hacienda EI Cobano. "I pl an to return to UMR next yea"



to fin is h working on my degree in geological engineerI ng," he said . Accordirig to Dr. Bobby G. Wixson, dean of International P rograms and Studies, professor of environmental health at UMR, and chairman of IPC and the IPC scholarship selectio n committee, the program is part of a Language and Culture Program offered by the Un iversity of Oklahoma to a select number of students from MAS U A instit utions.

Kappa Alpha Psi Chapter

Bachelor's degree recipients from the University of Missouri-Rolla who earned the highest grade point average possible were: Christopher L. Johnson (left), 5098 Cross wood Drive, St. Louis, B.S . in electrical engineering, David L. Cornell (second from left) , 9019 Phio, St. Louis, B.S. in computer science, and Carol D. Deusinger (second from right), 1929 Fernwood Trails¡, Florissant, B.S, in computer science. With them is U MR Chancellor Martin C. Jischke. All three students had 4.0 G PAs out of a possible 4.0 and received congratulations ~ nd commemorative pins from Chancellor Jischke.

T he Iota Omega chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity at UMR (petroleum engineering honorary) is the corecipient of the Edward G. Irven Undergraduate Chapter of the Year award . The awa rd was presented recently as part of the frat ernity'S Diamond Jubilee Conclave held in ~ ndianapolis , Ind. T he chapter received a plaque bearing

the images of the 10 founders of the fr aternity. According to ¡Dr. Daopu T. Numbere, UMR assistant professor of petroleum engineering and chapter advis~r, Iota Omega chapter was chart~ red at UMR in February of 1980. "Although a relatively new chapter, Iota Omega has acco mplished a number of civic and campus acnievements in Rolla," Dr. Numbere said .

Two Ph.D. Family The UM -Rolla 1986 winter commencement was a red letter day for ' husband and wife Mehmet Saridereli . and Sehrazat Omurtak-Saridereliand the letters read "Ph.D." On Sunday, Dec. 21 , the Sariderelis each received a Ph.D. degree. Mehmet received his doctorate in electrical engineering and Sehrazat received hers in engineering management. According to Dr. Raymond Kluczny, associate professor of engineering management at UMR, this is only the second time in UMR's history that a husband and wife have received Ph.D. degrees at the same time. Originally from Istanbul, Turkey, . the Sariderelis came to UMR in 1980. "I had heard about UMR's engineering management department through Dr. Yildirim Omurtag, the department chairman," Sehrazat explained: "U M R is an excellent school and its engineering management department has an excellent program," she added. . Mehmet, now an assistant professor in U M R's electrical engineering . department , also was attracted by e U M R's reputation for quality. "The 'electrical engineerin g department at U M R has a very strong program," he said. Both Mehmet and Sehrazat found the move to U M R an easy transition . "Life in Istanbul is not all that different from what it is like here. People are pretty much the sa me wherever yo u go," said Mehmet. "We feel ve ry much at home," S herhrazat add ed. I n their six years at U M R the Sariderelis have managed hectic schedules. According to Mehmet, he has taught

nearly 30 courses in different areas of electrical engineeri ng, Since 1984 he has-been doing externally funded research and for the last year and a half he has taught at U M R's Engineering Cei\ter at the University of Missouri-St. Louis . Sehrazat currently is an assistant professo r;, of management at Southwest Missouri Stare- University in Springfield . She also is the' area representative of the Educational Foundation for Foreign Study, an exchange program for high school students. Thre ugh this program, students from Norway, West Germany and Mexico come to Rolla and live with American families for a year. " I was a high school exchange student myself and stayed with an American f~ mil y in the United States," she explained. Despite their busy schedules, the Sariderelis still find time to be together. "Because we are both students we each understand. the demands placed on the other and it has mad.e life easier for us ," said Sehrazat. The Sariderelis plan on staying in Rolla after co mpleting their Ph.D. degrees. " We have a lot of good fr iends here," said Sehrazat. Mehmet received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engi neering from the Swiss Institute of Techn ology in Z urich , Switze rland . Sehrazat received her B.S. degree in industrial engineering from Bogazici Uni versity in lstanb!ll , Tu rkey, and her M.S . degree in engineering management from UM R.

MSM Alumnus/ 51

MINER SP OR TS Ge ne Green, Editor Min er M en Ba ttle in W ide- Open MIA A Basketball Race T he UM -R o lla me n's basketb a ll tea m enters the fin al po rt io n of the 1986-87 seaso n, embroil ed in one of the mos t wid e-o pen confere nce races in recen t yea rs. UM R, 11-5 ove ra ll and 3-3 in th e M l AA, has an excellent chance of finishing in the top four, gaining a postseason conferen ce tourn a ment playoff spot. "Most years the league race has been one-side d , but it is anyone' s. title this year," said UMR head coach, Billy Key. "We're hopeful of at least finishing in the top four and gaining a spot in the MIAA tournam ent." U M R jumped out to an 11-3 record, includin g a 3-1 MIAA mark and an 18th place ranking in the NCAA II poll. But then somethi ng strange happene d. "We were sitting in real good shape, but came back and dropped two home conferen ce games," Ke y said. "That dro pped us to 11-5, 3-3 in league play, a nd slipped us back in the pack a bit. " The biggest highlight fo r the Miners so far in 1986-87 ca me Jan. 10, when ' Billy Walker's 20-foote r at the buzzer defeated host Central Missour i State 75-73. It was the first win ever for UMR at the C MS U Multi-P urpose Building . "Walke r has played well for us off the bench, and Duane Huddles ton has turned into one of the top scorers in the confere nce."

Reed Nam ed First-Team Aca dem ic All-A mer ican T lll11 Reed . sta rtin g fullb ack a nd To m Reed ." sa id Mine r head c'o ac h leading ru sher for th e U M-R o lla footC harli e Finley. "Tom gives 110 perce nt ball team, has bee n na med to th e o n th e fi eld a nd is able to be just as NC /\ A 11 Acad emic A 11-/\ me rica produ cti ve in the classroo m. He is Team. The awa rds, co-spo nso red by what one could really call a true the Collcge Sports Inform ati o n Direc- - student- athlete. " tors of America (CoSID A) and the Reed will be presente d the first-t eam GTE Corpora tion, were announc ed award and certifica te during the recentl y in New York . Spring All-Spo rts Banque t at U M R. GTE officials in New York plan to fly Reed become s bnly the third U M R in a represen tative to make the football player to receive the CoSIDA presenta t ion : Academ ic All-Am erica first-tea m "The odds of making it on the fir~t­ honor. Miner offensive lineman Paul team national ly are so small that the Janke was named first-tea m in 1980, accomp lishmen t is magnifie d ," said while defensive back Kim Colter was Miner Athletic Directo r Billy Key . selected in 1972. "This instituti on prides itself in providReed , a native of Winfield , Kan. , ing quality educatio n to all students , maintai ned excellen t grades in geologi- so an award like this one is truly cal engirieering at U M R. In addition vatued on campuS by students, facult y, to his academ ic achievem ents, the 5-9 , staff and fans of the footb all 195-pou nd fullback paced the Miners program ." in rushing his senior season , ga ining Reed was surprise d by the awa rd , 570 yards and scoring five notin g, "it is nice to see this type of to uchdow ns. recogniti o n given to acad emic, as well " I've very proud of a nd happy fo r as athletic ac hieve ment."

Huddles ton is averagin g 20.3 points per game after 16 games. Also in double figl,Jres for the Miners is forw a rd Julius Lewis ( 13 .7), Walker (11.8) a nd Adrian Davis (I 0 ~6). " We have shot the ball well so far, and the three-po int goal has been a good rule addition for us," Key said . " At one point we were second in the nation in the three-po int percenta ge, so it is imperative to our success to shoot the ball well." UMR currentl y leads the MIAA in The 1986-87 Lady Miner basketb all team field goal percenta ge with a .518 team has had many reasons to enjoy mark . thc season. They are shatteri ng virtually every record in the squad's history. Already 14-2 overall and 4-2 in the MIAA as the final portion of the season nears, it¡is apparen t that the Lady Miners are the surprise team of the conferen ce- any sport.

Lady Min ers Continue Que st to Best Season in Tea m Hist ory

Min er Swi mm ers Ranked 5th in NCA A II The 1986-87 swimmi ng season was suppose d to be one of rebuildi ng at UMR. But don't tell Miner secondyear head coach Mark Mullin that. f ' As the end of January approac hed , the Miners were 7-0 in dual meet competition and ranked fifth in the NCAA II Swimm ing and Diving Poll. "Being ranked is a very big honor," Mullin said . "Being rega rded as a team that is going to be in a position for a good place in the national meet is just great. " But Mullin is quick to downpl ay the poll , noting the Miners have to get ready for the national s , set March 1114 in Long Beach, Calif. C~ico State will be the host school for this season's NCAA II event. "Nation als will be very difficult for us, as we have already lost two quality swimme rs, " Mullin said. "That makes depth a real factor. " Nationa l qualifyi ng backstro kers Rick Strom (illness} and Steve Pascoe (person al problem s) will be lost to the team for the rest of the season. But a great deal of talent still remains .

Among the Miners that have already qualifie d for the national meet are: Travis Scott (one- and three-m eter diving), and Steve Goodell (distanc e freestyle and 1650 freestyle) . In addition to these two athletes , Mullins ' expects Martin Rodseth <lnd Danny Mattie to qualify for national s in two or three individu al events. Lonnie Martin is :0 I off the qualifyi ng time in the 100-met er breastst roke. T he freestyle relay team of Rodseth , M attie Joe Lundee n and either Kurt K oelli~g o'r Martin, has already made national cuts . The Miners have placed in the top ten at the national meet the last four seasons , finishing an all-time high eighth last year. "This team does not enjoy too much depth, but they work very hard and do a tremend ous job," Mullin said. "Realistically , at national s it will be ve'ry difficult placing, as we do pot have real high point scorers . "Whate ver happens , I'm very proud of this group."

The highligh t of the season was a third-pl ace ranking in the recent NCAA II poll. It represen ted the first time the women' s basketb all program had ever been ranked . "This team has really been amazing," said second- year head coach Mary Ortelee. "Quality newcom ers like Dianna Pasley and Jennifer Cordes have made a lot of differen ce, and key returnee s like Susan Mullins , Tanya Hough , Sandra Vaughn , Mary Pudlowski and others have continu ed to play well."


16 games was Mullins , who boasts a 15.4 average . Also in double figures are Cordes (14.8), Hough (13 .3) and Pasley (12 . 1). Pasley also paces the The Lad y Miners started out the M IAA in assists. with 75 . season with a 10-0 record , winning an Mullins became only the third Lady NCAA I tournam ent with victories Miner basketb all prayer to ever record over Dartmo uth Univers ity and Fur1,000 career points, and has 1,044 with man Univers ity. lJMR then started at least ten ca'r eer games left to play. conferen ce play with a 73-72 loss at "This has been an exciting season , Southea st Missour i- but it was a and we have great reason to be proud defeat that had a positive affect. of our team ," Ortelee said. "A spot in "The season before, we lost at South- the conferen ce playoffs would be great east Missour i 90-41," Orte1ee this season , because I really think we recalled . "Losing to them this season could hold our own . " by only one point on their home floor Only Mullins , Pasley, Vaughn and showed our players that they have the Melissa Warfield are seniors, leaving ability to play with anyone. " the squad with a solid nl\cleus to build ' Leading the scoring for U M Rafter on next season.

52/MSM Alumnus



Search for Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs LJ M-Rolla Chancellor Martin C. Jischke has announccd a national search for a vice chancellor for student affairs. "When Catherine G. Jenks, director of university relations, retires at the end of J une-, the student affairs portions of her responsibilities will be combined with those of the dean of students to create a vice chancellor for student affairs position," Jischke said. "This consolidation should result in salary and wage savings for the campus, greater administrative efficiency, and will emphasize the vital role of student affairs in the life of our campus by elevating non-academic student services to the level of those areas already headed by a vice chancellor." Current vice chancellor positions head the areas of academic affairs, administrative services, and alumni / development affairs. The new vice chancellor position . will be involved with the student services areas of: career development, counseling and testing, student health services, international student services, minority programs, student 'government, and Student Union Board. Members of the screening committee for the search for vice chancellor for student aTfairs include: Professors'-Harry Eisenman (chair), Darryl Alofs, Jerry Bayless, David Oglesby, Thomas O'Keefe and Catherine Riordan; staff members- Deborah Burris, Debra Robinson, and John Watson; and students- Robert Francis and Ellen Tucker.

Patent Committee Konors Wol¡f The University of Missouri Patent, Copyright, and University-Sponsored Educational Materials Committee recently passed a resolution honoring Robert V. Wolf, UMR professor of metallurgical engineering and assistant dean of the School of Mines and Metallurgy. The resolution cites Wolf for the many years of commitI;TIent and leadership he has devoted to the committee. Wolf served as a committee . member from February 1964 to September 1980, and as chairman from October 1980 to September 1986. The committee, which is made up of representatives from the four U M campuses, conveys the technical and scientific expertise of the faculty and staff to the national and international communities.

Hatheway Elected Fellow •


Catherine Jenks Announces Retirement

Dr. Allen W. Ha tlTeway, professor of geoJogical engineering at U M R, has been elected a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) by the organization's board of directors. Hatheway was honored during ASCE's recent annual meeting in Boston. According to ASCE, Hatheway was cited "for outstanding contributions to site characterization and re'm edial engineering for uncontrolled hazardous waste dis~osal sites." Hatheway joined the UMR faculty in 1981. He received an A. B. in geology from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1961, an M .S. in .geological engineering from the University of Arizona in 1966, and a Ph.D. in geological engineering' with a civil engineering minor from the University of Arizona in 1971. He has served on the faculties of the

lI ni ve rsit y of So uthern California, where he taught soil mec hanics from 1971-74, a nd Boston Uni versit y, where he specialized in engineering geology, from 1979-81. He has worked in the areas of porphyry copper exploration , rock mechanics instrumentation and laboratory testing of soils . He also practiced geotechrlical engineering and geological engineering in Los Angeles and San Francisco , where he was a member of several consulting firms. From 1976 until joining the UMR faculty, he served as vice president and chief geologist of Haley & Aldrich Inc., a consulting geotechnical engi'n eering firm in Cambridge, Mass . .In addition he has conducted field explorations in 20 states, Canada, the Caribbean, South America, Southeast . Asia, Korea, the / . Persian Gule: Turkey and Western Europe.

Catherine G. Jenks, director of university relations at UM-Rolla, has announced that she will retire from the l.!niversity at the end of June. Jenks has served in her current position since 1979. Prior to that, she was an instructor in psychology at UMR for 12 years. UMR Chancellor Martin C. Jischke . ~uclear said that, in her current position, Jenks has been responsible for such campus areas as planning and promoting public events, public relations, coordinating a(firmative action, and The nuclear reactor facility at UM R overseeing several student services. celebrated its 15th anniversary Dec. 8"Although she had planned to retire 12. Tours tf the facility and a seminar earlier, Kay graciously agreed to stay highlighted the scheduled events. on an additional year to assist me in highlighted the scheduled events. my new responsibilities as chancellor. According to Dr. Milan Straka, For this, I am enormously grateful." manager of the UMR reactor, the Jenks hold ~ B.S. and M.S. degrees reactor, which began operation Dec. 9, from Washington University. 1961 , was the first facility of its kind in Missouri. "The reactor is used primarily by UMR students and faculty for educational purposes and research," he added.

Reactor Celebrates 25th Anniversary


Jobs The services of U M R's Career 'Development and Placement Center are available to alumni as well as students. To obtain information about the current job listings , alumni need to send an up-to-date resume to the Career Development and Placement Office. The placement staff will make the resume available to companies looking for people with experience , and will send the alumnus a copy of the latest job listings. If you wish to use this service, contact: assistant director-placement , Career Development and Placement Office, U M R. Rolla , M 0 6540 I (phone: 314/341-4288).

Hillis Hall Retires atUMR Stonehenge Poster W 'ins . Award A UM-Rolla poster depicting UMR Stonehenge has won an Award of Excellence in the 1985-86 Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) District VI awards' competition. The poster, which was produced by the UMR Office of Public Information, features a photograph of U M R Stonehenge by Ernie Gutierrez, senior photographer.

Hillis. E. Hall, sergeant with the U M R University Police, ' retired Wednesday, Dec. 31, after 21 years of service. / Hall , who was the first full-time uniformed officer on the UMR campus, started work on March 8, 1965. He served under Chief John Tryon and has since worked under Chief Kelly Gibbons and the current director of University Police, Richard Boulware. Before joining UMR , he worked for tlie Missouri Department of Conservation in Harrisonville, Ste. Genevieve and at Table Rock Lake. He has spent a total of 35 years in law enforcement.

MSM Alumnus/53

Alumni Personals 1911 The death of Hector Julio Boza has been reported by his grandson who is living in Rolla. At MSM Hector was a member of Kappa Sigma, Tau Beta Pi and the Ath letic Association. He rece ived his B.S. deg ree in mi ning enginee ring, a professio na l degree, e ngi neer of mi nes, ( 19 16), a ri d the Doctor of E ngi neering D egree (ho nori s ca usa) ( 1956) from MSM. Du ring his career he served as a n e nginee r, vice pres ide nt of Pe ru, and Peru via n A mb ass ad o r to F ra nce. He is survived by his so n, Jorge H . Boza , '48, Lima, Peru; a nd his .gra nd so n.

Notification has bee n rece ived of th e deat h of Mrs. Mervin J . Kell y on Dec. 3, 1986. She was 96. Mrs . Ke lly was the widow of one of MSM UMR's m ost distinguished gradu ates,Mervin J . Kelly, '14 a nd '36 (Docto r of E ngineering- honoris causa). Kelly had been pres ident a nd chairma n of the board' of Bell Telephone Laborato ries a nd was a pio neer in the field of modern electronics. He was also a past president of the MSM Alumni Association. Mrs. Kelly was a charter member of VM R's Order of the Golden Shillelagh.

Ray mond E. M urph y·dicd in Dcccmber at age 88, according to a notice from his wife. Marion M. M urp hy. 762 J uniper Co urt , So no ma. CA 95476. A t MSM Ray was a member of P ros pec tors, Ta~1 Be ta Pi. T heta Tau. th e Misso ur i Mi ning a nd Me ta llurgica l Assoc ia ti o n, a nd was treas ure r of the class in 1923. He rece ived his B.S. deg ree in mining e nginee ring. and la te r ea rned an M.S. degree in geol ogy a nd a Ph. D. deg ree in geo'g ra ph y fro m the Unive rsi ty of Wisconsin'. H is teac hing ca ree r s pa nn ed pos itions at the University of Ke ntu cky, Co ncord S t a te C olle ge in A th e ns, W. Va., Penn State a nd the Uni ve rsit y of Hawaii, before he joined the facult y of Clark University in Worchester, Mass. in 1946. He served Clark as profess o~ of economic geography, editor of the J ournal of Economic Geography, and director of Clark's Graduate School of Geography. He received the title emeritus professor of economic geography in 1968. Ray published several textbooks David A. Bash writes : " On Oc·t. 30, and reference books during his ca reer, 1986, I was 90 ye a rs' old. My son, DAB received several research grants, and Jr. , gave me a birthday party at his lake was a consultant for government bodies home on Lake Eufala. Our whole fam'ily in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. He was there and a good time was had by . became internationally recognized for all. I rece ived many nice gifts. I a m still his contributions to the study of urban active and apparently in good health. I geography and was among the most fre exercise d a ily and walk, weather permit- quently cited experts in this field . In ting." David and Ruth live at 1517 Jen- addition to his wife of 60 years, he is nings Ave., Bartlesville, OK 74003. survived by a son and two grandsons.


1917 Notice of the death, in October, 1986, of Charles L. Dorris has been sent by his wife, Marjorie C. Dorris, 20 Camelot Way , #30 , South Weymouth , MA 02190-233 I. Charles was a member of the Class of 1917 and a member of L~ mbda Chi Alpha fraternit y at MSM .



Hu gh Roge rs Berr y died Dec . 29. 19X6 . I\ t MSM Hu g h was a me m ber of Dy n ami t er~. the Ira Remscn Society and was a 2nd Lt. in ' R OTC~ He received hi~ 8. S. deg ree in c he mi ca l e ng inee rin g. Duri ng his ca reer as a c hem ica l e ngincer. he spen t 38 yea rs wi th S hel l O il Co. befo re returnin g to Ro lla in 1964 to retire. He is s ur vive d by his wife, M a ry, 1200 H o me li fe Pl aza, Apt. B-3, Ro ll a, M 0 6540 I , tw o so ns, Charles, '53, 103 La Ve rne, A pt. 2, Long Beach , CA 90803. a nd Hugh R. Jr., '54, 25 27 O a tes, D a llas , TX 75228, a nd a d a ughte r, He len Ca rro ll o f Ro ll a.

1926 Harry C. Birchard writes: " I had hoped to be able to come to my 60th this year - I mad e my 50th - but other things inte rfered . I am fine and am enjoying my retirement in Florid a. Am a ble to take ca re of iny ya rd a nd walk nine holes of golf twice a week. I h ~d a go od life at MSM and what I learned there helped me to have a good a nd successful life. " Harry a nd Luella live at 38 11 Royal Palm Drive, Bradenton , FL 33507.

C. Dudley Blancke received his B.S. degree in mining engineering (geological option) from MSM in 1951. At MSM he was a member of th.e football team from 1946 to 1951, was a member of Theta Xi fraternity, the .M Club, AIME and . served as a student assistant in the physical education department. Following a long career as a mining engineer- he has been ~ith Reynolds, Union Carbide and Enco- Dudley is now semi-retired and is self-employed as a consultant. He and Martha live at Route 6, Box 699, Hot Springs, AR 71901. The following is an article by Dorothy Starns which appeared in the Nov. 20, 1986, issue of the Hot Springs (Ark.) Sentinel-Record. It is reprinted with permission of the Sentinel-Record.

Blancke, '51, Named Arkansas Poultry Queen C. Dudley Blancke will probably always be remembered by the Arkansas Poultry Federation. He is the first man to be named Poultry Queen in the 27 years of the group's cooking contest. Blancke, a retired mining engineer who won the title in June for his recipe "Chicken in Gi~ger Ale, " will prepare the dish Saturday for about 80 people at a governors' conference in Little Rock. " I've always cooked a nd enjoyed it," Blancke said Wednesday. "There 's nothing I can think of that I don't like to cook and eat." Blancke, who was also this year's poultry federation congeniality winner, received two bouquets, two silver trays, $1 , 150 and a trip for two to Mexico during the contest. His cooking also was recognized recently when he appeared as a guest lecturer at the Dierberg Cooking School in St. Louis. At the grocery store chain, he demonstrated' his ginger ale recipe, the secondand third-place recipes in the poultry federation's contest and two other recipes. He has entered the national poultry recipe contest to be held in Mississippi. The winner will receive $10,000. Blancke has traveled to every state except Alaska and has lived in many countries, including Japan, Haiti, and East, West and South Mrica. "Part of traveling is the introduction to new foods," he said . Most of his cooking, including his winning poultry recipe, is adapted from international recipes. However, many recipes cannot be copied because the ingredients cannot be found in Arkansas or they are very ex pensive, he said . Blancke, who also enjoys gardening and remodeling, said food and cooking are very similar throughout the world , adding that spices and preparation gives

food diffe rent tastes elsewhere. His travels around the U.S . have shown him the many different foods in the country and how they are prepared , Blancke said. He added that one of his favorite spots to visit in' a strange town is the grocery store, where he can see what foods are unique to the area. Blancke said that like artists, he goes through periods in which he likes to work with certain materials. Some of his cooking moods have included soups, crepes, stuffed meats, seafoods and poultry. "I enjoy working with poultry because it's so versatile/ ' he said . However, he said, his favorite foods are pates. "I think they're delightful. You can do so much with them with so many different things . I love to eat them," he said. Blancke, who enjoys working with wild edible foods for ·survival cooking, utilizes his cooking talents through his work with the Boy Scouts . Some of the foods he has used in cooking demonstrations in scouting include rattle snake, spring beauty roots, fresh water mussels and wild mushrooms. Blancke, who cooks to unwind, said he and his wife like to cook together. "I probably do more cooking than Martha does, but she's an excellent cook also," he said . "We both really enjoy cooking," Mrs. Blancke said , adding that her husband's idea of fun is reading one of the couple's approximately 300 cookbooks from cover to cover then preparing a dish from it. "I don't have the passion for cooking that he does," she said . When the couple prepares to host a party, Blancke said , his wife cleans the house whjle he cooks.

541MSM Alumnus




Alum ni Personals 1927

6. Df






A report of the death of Clyde F. Boismenue on Oct. 13. 1986. has been receiv'ed from his wife. Roberta S. Boismenue, 695 Sandsto ne Road , Route 2, Ripon, WI 54971. At MSM Clydew asa member of Bonanza . Senior Counci l, Sigma Gamma Epsi lon, the Rollamo Board , Quo Vadis. the Missouri Mining and Metallu rgy Association, and was presiden t of the Athletic Association. He worked for U.S. Steel Corp. from 1927 to 1950, was president of Winneconne Stampin g Co. for 10 years , then formed the Boismenue Co. of Winneconnt, Wis . and served as president of that firm for another 10 years until his retireme nt in 1970. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two sons, Clyde Jr. of Los An'ge les and Dr. Stuart N. of Rhinela nder, Wis .

Sam D . Hodgdo n writes, "Pushin g 83 and st ill in good shape ." Sam is retired . ' He and Hele n are li ving at 740 Timber Trail. St. Louis, MO 6313 I.


Notification has been received of the on Jan. 19, 1987, of Arthur Lenox Bradfor d. At MSM Arthur was a member of Phi Kappa Phi and received his M.S. degree it;l general science. He held an A.B. degree from the Uni versity of Missour i , Columb ia campus, and a Ph. D. from George Peabody Institute in Nashville, Tenn . He taught English at MSM, was a member of the facult y at the University of Minneso ta, headed the English departm ent at the State Teachers College in Peru, Neb. , and was head of Harold M . Griffith and his wife, Fred- the departm ent of English at New York die, write, "We moved to our new address 'State Col)ege for Teacher s in Buffalo, in October and like it very much . We are N.Y. He retired from the New York back in the Toronto area and right on State Univers ity of Buffalo . He was preLake O'n tario." Harold and Freddie 's ceeded in death (a little more than a new address is 2180 Marine Drive, Suite month) by his wife, Mary Phariss Cleino 1807, Oakville , Ontario , L6L5V2. Bradfor d, '28. (See 1928 Persona ls this issue.) d ~ ath,

Notice has been received of the death , Harlow G. Jones writes : "I am active as on April 27 , 1986, of Paul Kirk Hoover . registra r for Sons of America n RevoluAt MSM Paul was a member of Sigma tion, Tucson chapter ." Harlow is a reNu, Tau' Beta Pi and the Mining and tired Lt. Col. U.S . Army. He and Doris Met Association (secretary). He received live at 9040 E. Pine Valley Drive, Tuchis B.S. degree in mining engineering. son, AZ 85710. He began his career as a mining engineer by spendin g several years with. the Braden Copper Co . in Chile . After returnin g to the U.S. , his career took him to New York , Missouri, Utah and Kentucky. He retired in Salt Lake City, Marion A. Dillingh am writes: "There is Utah . seldom any word from' the class of '30. I know it was and still is. So, to fill the "30 Notice has been received from the Post void, let it be known that I'm still Office of the death of Charles Ferdina nd retired - more so each year- and enjoyLuckfield. At MSM he was a member of ing it fully ." Marion and Esther live at Kappa Sigma, Pipe and Bowl, Theta 2239 Goldsm ith, Houston , TX 77030. Tau, ROTC and was business manage r of the Miner. He received his B.S. degree in civil engineering. Accordi ng to alumni records, he was a consulti ng engineer in Tulsa, Okla.




George M. Pace reports his two addresses . In the winter, he and Luvenia live at 708 Lake Blue Drive, Lake Placid, FI33852 (Novem ber to April). The rest of the year their address is 7083 Paddison Road , Cincinn ati, OH 45230.

The associat ion has been notified of the death, on Dec. 9, 1986, of Mary Phariss Cleino Bradfor d. At MSM she was a member of. Phi Kappa Phi and was graduat ed with a B.S. in science and first hono rs. 'In addition to raising a famil y," she served for a number of years as an Arthur J . Hoeman writes: "Just 'celeinstruct or of English at the University of brated 53rd wedding a nni versary. Have Buffalo. one 3-year-old great grandda ughter and another great on the way . Travel a lot." Art is a retired Lt. Col. U.S . Army. He and Elizabet h live at 880 Keeler, BerkPhilip J. Boyer writes : "Elizab eth and I ley, cA 94708 . had a winter cruise from Miaini to Nassau, Jamaica , Cayman and Cozume l Andrew W. Kassay writes : "Getting aboard NCL - 'M .S. Starwa~d'. Home plenty 9f physical therapy maintai ning for quiet Christmas." Phil and Elizabeth home and two acre lot. Occasio nal live at 1640 Eolus Ave., Encinitas, CA travel." Andrew and Julia Mae live at 92024. 1559 Eastgate Road, Toledo, OH 43614 .




Charles E. Achuff writes: " Starting second year offive-y ear retireme nt plan: We travel a bit - Alaska this year, North Cape cruise ne xt July ." Charles is vice president of Achuff Architec tural Products Inc. in Fairview Park, Ohio. Charles and Mary live at 6527 Louann Drive, North Olmstea d, OH 44070.

Frank S. Millard is retired from E ) 1\ . He and Kay live at 10211 Holly Sp ' ,. gs, Houston , TX 77042.

Curt Henry Schmitz died July 21 , 1986, from a heart conditio n, accordin g to a notice from his wife, Helen Schmitz , 1263 Poplar St., Santa Rosa, CA 95407. , She wrote, "He had been restricted in all Robert P. Alger writes: "Worki ng on activities for the past ten years." At improve d method s for fresh and brackMSM Curt had been a member df Satish water resource evaluati on in Texas, yrs, Bonanz a, Senior Council , was vice by using geophys ical well logging ." presiden t of the Class of 1933, and Robert is now a consulta nt in petroearned a letter in track: He received his physics and he and Louise live at BuchB.S. degree in chemical engineering. anan Dam, TX 78609. The alumni office had little record of his business career other than he worked for Technic olor Motion Picture Corp . in Roy C. Cornett writes: ''I'm still fighting the late 1940s. He is listed as retired in cancer." Roy is retired and living at 6109 Evergla des 'Drive, Alexan dria, V A 1970. 22312.


1935 Glennon L DeRoy writes: " Retired thirteen years. Membe r, vice presiden t, presiden t of Board of Educati on, Harford County ' ten years. Memoe r, vice chairma n, chairma n of Board of Trustees, Harford Commu nity College eleven years. Membe r, executive commit tee, treasure r of Marylan d Associa tion of Boards of Educati on ten years. Membe r, , executive commit tee, vice presiden t of Marylan d Associa tion of Commu nity College Trustee s eleven years. Board of Director s Harford Educati onal Foundation." Glennon and Jean live at 949 Chesape ake Drive, Havre de Grace, MD 21078 . R.C. Soloma n writ~s : "Son Russell III (MSM '63, metallurgical engineering), is ' now product ion manage r, -Laclede Steel Co .., Alton, Ill. He also complet ed the MBA executive program at the University of Chicago recently." ¡R.C. is retired from Nationa l Steel in Granite City, Ill. He and Edna live at 409 Sunset Drive, Edwardsville, IL 62025 .


John R. Long writes : " Enjoying retirement and good health . Enjoying Ham Radio KOQUD , Work three days a week doing mainten ance at St. Mary's Semina ry, Perryville, Mo ." Jack and Sylvia live at 519 LaRose, Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670 .

.1939 Edward E. Elliott writes: "Our son, Richard , is a graduat e, B.S. electrical engineering, Class of 1971. Our eldest gqmdso n, Eric, recently complet ed his U.S .N. sea duty aboard the "C.V. Ente,rprise." I retired from C.F. Braqn & Co ., Alhamb ra, Calif., in 1981. Braun has since been merged with Santa Fe Internat ional. Virginia and I have traveled to Great Britain, the Mediter ranean , and numero us trips to I)enver to visit 'our children and grandch ildren . Also, to San Antonio to visit my brother, Dick, who'is also an enginee r grad in the Class of 1939. Dick recently retired from Westing house. H ~ rece ntly had a heart attack." Edwa rd and Virginia live at 16404 E. Janine Dri ve, Whittier , CA 90603.

Notice has been received of the death of Paul Dustin Housek necht on, Nov. 27, 1986. At MSM Paul was a member Of Lambda Chi Alpha, was presiden t of IFC, and was a member of the Miner bu siness staff. He received his B.S. degree in ge neral science (chemis try maj or). During his career he served as superint endent of t he Buffalo Works of William T. Pearl wri tes: "J ust a note the General Chemical Division o'f Allied that I am no w full y retired 'and enjo ying Chemic al and Dye Corp. He then began it ve ry much. Numero us hobbies plus a 30-year affili ation with Pepsi and_ yard and bousew ork keep my days very became presiden t of Batavia Pepsi Cola full. I'm looking forward to our 50th Bottling Co rp . and served as presiden t reunion and hope that we have a large of the Cicaro , N.Y. based Clinton 's tur'n out from the Class of '39. Having Ditch Coopera tive. He was active in traveled the US A quite extensively, we've Batavia civic organiz ations ~lso. He is learned there is no Utopia so we'll be survived by his wife, Kay, 112 Trumbu ll . staying here in Oklaho ma City and hope Parkwa y ; Batavia , N.Y., a brother , that those passing through will stop and Ralph, of Batavia and a brother, Richard give us a phone call. " William's address D ., '52, of 2519 Gracew ood. Drive, is 3016 Kerry Lane, Oklaho ma City, OK Greenbo ro, NC 27408 . 73120.

MSM Alumnu~/55


Alumni Personals

1986 Rollamo

1940 Edgar S. Miller writes: "Had a nice visit from Herb Struges, '40 and Marie from Destin, Fla. We hope to attend reunion in '90 and arouse W. 'Phil' Leber, '40, and K. A. Siegrist, '39 to attend also ." Edgar and Peg live at Six Glynn Ave., Jekyll Island, G A 31520. Robert P. Ridley writes, "Refuse to retire unless oil consulting business dries up." Bob and Nina live at 50lA Heat.\1erglen, Houston, TX 77096. Peter Simonds writes: "War book on Gallipoli campaign published October, 1986, entry in 'Directions' leading U.S. catalogue, reads: 'Simonds, Peter ,' White Silk Dress,' (approx 304 pages) Exposition Press, 1985, ISBN 0-68240163-3 , $13 .00 ." Peter is retired and he and Norma live at 2682 Flannery Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIV8M2. Herbert D. Sturges is retired. He writes: , "J.-ike all smart birds, Marie and I have flown to Florida for our permanent home . We are enjoying lots of golf and our beautiful white sand beaches." The Sturges now live at 16 Country Club Drive E, Destin , FL 32541.

Bill and, Bernadette Bourne write: "The Alumni newspa per came this week. The '41 grad s' picture ¡turned out quite well. It brought back pleasant memories of our weekend in Roll a in October. After we left on Sund ay morning, we took several back roads to Washington , Mo. where we spent the next four days. We stayed at the Bed and Breakfast Schwegman House in which our nephew has part ownership. Of course, the talk ofthe town was the big flood - the worst flood since the beginning of the town. It was pleasant visiting with our many relatives in that part of the state. The weather was great, too, until the day we left." Bill is director-secretary for Post , BuciJ. ley, Schue & Jernigan in Miami , Fla. He and Bernadette live at 510 Vittorio Ave., Coral Gables, FL 33146.

Edgar A. Rassinier, '42, '76, writes: "Retraced part of our geology field trips into Arkan sas. Enjo yed th e fall foliage, the rock shops and the impro ved ro ad system." Ed is retired from corporate practice. He and Berniece live 'at 3526 Dumbarton , Houston , TX 77025. '

John R. Enochs writes: "Retired from General Electric/ Timex Clock in August 1983. Relocated to Cape Cod to enjoy beach and water activities and a "slowed down" pace. We were unable to get ba~k to Rolla for the 45th reunion, but do hope to make the 50th in 1991. " John and Helen's mailing address is P. O . Box 952, Eastham, MA 02642.


1942 Paul W. Kloeris Jr. writes : "Enjoyi,!1g retirement even though this has been a year of 'home work.' Planning some trips next year. Had five years active service as a military engineer in World War II - Italy and Konia. 32 Y2 years in metallurgy and six years in quality engineering, electronics manufacturing. Have bragged about MSM continually. I am very pleased with the met engineering improvements facilit y." Paul and Marcia live at 8131 Sunny Brae Ave., Canoga Park, CA 91306.

Gilbert R. ¡ Shockley writes: "Retired from Reynolds Metals Co. in May, 1985. Started Shockley Construction Co. for remodeling and restoring or renovation of old houses." Gilbert and Louise live at 207 Nottingham ROl!d, Richmond , VA 23221 .

Thomas J. Mazzone writes: "Retired from Ford Motor Co. , Livonia, Mich. Enjoying Florida and Georgia with wife and childrens' families." Thomas lives at 4016Audubon Drive , Largo, FL33541. O. Morris Sievert, president of Depositron Tech Inc. of San Diego, Calif. reports that he plans to retire Jan. I. 1987. Morris and Ta Wanda li ve at 1919 Estrada Way, La Jolla, CA 92037.


R. Kent Comann writes: "Still enjoying working full time in my executive search firm. for the mining industry, Comann Associates Inc., but my wife, Marilyn, and I always allow adequate time for our world-wide' travels." Kent and Marilyn live at 2990 S. Parker Court, Aurora, GO 80014.

Warren L. Larson writes: "In July 1986, our family , including three sisters and their husbands, and brother Leonard N. Larson, '43, '47, and his wife, Maribeth, and other rel.atives had a three-week family reunion in Sweden. Two other brothers, includi'ng Eugene P. Larson, . '51, were not able to be with us." Warren is a sales manager with Supercon Inc. in Shrewsbury, Mass. Warren and Priscilla reside at 117 Lincoln St., Lexington, . MA 02173 .

Leonard N. Larson'.. writes: "Retired from American Standard , moved from New Orleans, La., to Laurel, M~ . and am working as a ceramic consultant." Leonard and Mary are now living at 8016 Ashford Blvd. , Laurel, MD 20707. Patrick .D . Quinn writes: December 10 and only 81 degrees Farenheit ~ real torture." Pat and Aileen live at 2733 55th St. , SW, Naples, FL 33999-75n . He is retired . Herman W. Pracht is a manufacturing consultant. He ' and Margaret live at 2709 Tischler Road , Bethel Park, P A 15102.

Lewis E. Rosser writes: "George Wa'gner, John H. Lyons died Oct. 26 , 1986, '47, and I are neighbors in retirement. according to a notice from his wife, Mrs. We live in an area called Charbonneau Dorothy Lyon s, 9012 Congressional about twenty miles south of Portland , Court , Potomac, MD 20854 . .At MSM Ore. We were Triangle Fraternity brothJohn was a member of Lambda Chi ers at MSM." Lew is retired and living at Alpha (president) , the freshman Dance 7900 Sacajawea Way, Wilsonville, OR Committee , ASME , the St. Pat's Board 97070 . . and Blue Key (vice president) . He received his B.S . degree in mechanical enginee'ring, an Alumni Achievement Award in 1974, and a Doctor of Engineering degree (honors causa) from UMR in 1982. After discharge from the L.F. Bridge writes: "} hit 65 last Ma'rch U.S. Army Air Force, hejoined General but am still working in the engineering Bronze Corp. and was with the com- department of Imperial Sugar Co. , pany until going with the International Sugar Land , Texas." L.F. lives at 4070 Associa tion of Structural Ironworkers. McDermed St. , Houston, TX 77025. He became general president of that organization in 1963 and remained so Fred H. Drewing writes: "Retired from , Emerson Electric in May after 41 years. until retirement in 1986. Trying to learn .how to play golf. Jack Ralph L. N~ubert, ' 42, '70, writes: "After Nickla us' records are safe." Fred and brief retire ment / management consult- Wilma li ve a t 14061 Calcutta , Chestering, I joined my oldest daughter in the field , MO 63017. real es tate business . We have 25-30 age nts a nd broke r re al es ta te ra nging Warren W. Helberg writes: " I am workfr om homes to fa ct o ry buildings . Le t me ing in th e Fa r East as a co rp o ra te co nkn ow if we ca n help yo u, 8 17-772-8500 " sult a nt to th e Emers'o n Electri c Co. of Ra lph is chairm a n of Co ld we ll Ba nk er St. Lo uis. Ili ve in Seo ul , Korea with my Ha llmark Rea lt y in Waco , Texas. He wife , Pok Hui ." Wa rre n a nd Po k Hui's a nd Ro semary live a t 26 15 Westbury mailing address is C PO Box 5537 , Seoul , Ko rea. Circle, Waco , T X 767 10.

1945 Acc ~ rding to a notice received by the MSM Alumni Association , Jack Kunio Ozawa died in November 1986. At MSM Jack was a member of Tau Beta Pi , Phi Kappa Phi , Tech Club , Independents (pre s ident) , Student Council and AlChE. Upon graduation he was ranked first in his class of 24 students, Jack recei ved a B.S. degree in chemical engineering. After graduation he worked for Atlantic Refining Co. , M.W. Kellogg Co. , and Arco Chemical Co. He returned to Atlantic-Richfield in the late 19..60s and was the manager, process planning di vision , in the early 1970s. I n the mid1970s Jack became manager, refinery liaison, for Arco Inc. He was later manager of the new ventures technical division and the technical development analysis division of Arco. He retired from Arco last year.


1941 Seymour J. Beers writes : "Enjoying retirement th at began April 1985. Spe nding a lot of our time at home on Kiaw a h Island , S.c. " Seymour a nd Sophia li ve at 2151 Windmere, Rock Hill , SC 29730. Edward C. Farrell writes , " Still enj oying retirement. So rry to miss Homeco ming again. " Ed ward is retired. H e a nd N ita live at 112 W . Vista Drive, H ot Springs, AR 71901.

56/ MSM Alumnus

1947 Elmer W. Belew writes, "Retiring as director of public works from City of Creve Coeur (Mo .) effective Feb. I , 1987." ElI~er and Gloria live at 2036 Trailcres t Lane, No.2 , Kirkwood, MO 63122 . William P. McKinnell Jr. writes: "I ret ired fr o m t\1ara thon Oil Co. on Feb. I . 1986. At the time o f my retirement , I was res ea rch director o f Marathon's De nver Research Center." Bill li ves at 730 Fro nt Range Ro ad , Littleton , CO 80120 .

Alumni Personals 1947 continued Notice of the death of Jack Frederick Fraser on Nov. 24 , 1986, has been received. At MSM Jack was a member Sigma Nu fraternity, was an N.Y.A. assistant for the drawing department, was a member of S.A . M.E., and Interfraternity Council. He received a B.S. degree in mining engineer'i ng with a geology option. After graduat ion Jack was a sales engineer for Ingersoll-Rand Co., N.J . In the early 1960s he was a sales manager for Security Fire Door Co., SI. Louis, Mo. In the late 1960s he became vice president of Southeastern Elevator Co. I n the late 1970s-1980s he was ~xecu ti ve director of the National Association o( Elevator Contractors, Atlant~, Ga.


Chester M. Pomeroy writes: "Enjoyi ng the great climate, scenery and people of Scottsdale, Arizona since 1980. Just finished a year as W Master of Camelback . Daylight Lodge #75 F&AM in Scottsdale. We keep much busier than we desire to be." Chester and Mitzi live at 8231 E. Shetland Terrace, Scottsdale, AZ 85256.

Robert M. Rock writes: "I'm fine (retired and starting the next c'aceer) and would lik e to remember 'Cap' Hanley, who (wi th his wife) brought metallurgy to Taiwan a t age 93 (I think that's right), and Professor Clayton, who was an exccp ti onal teacher - a builder of men -and a monumental cigar smoker - which most of his students also took up. Both men of the 1940's to 50's, and long since deceased." Robert li ves at 543 Mountain View Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95401.

Willard A. Schaeffer III writes: "So busy I wonder how I ever found time to work." Willard is retired from Marafhon , and he and Edith live at 13030 Perthshire, Houston, TX 77079.

1949 W. Dale Carney has retired. , He and Mary live at 916 Carol, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Richard H. Duncan, '49, '51, retired in July 1986 as the chief scientist for White Sands Missile Range . Richard had served seventeen years in that position before retiring. He had previously been on the faculty of New Mexico State University. Richard and his wife, Helen, live at 2012 Rose 'Lane, Las Cruces, NM 88005.

John J. Ratcliff writes: "Retired from Burlington-Northern Railroad, labor relations , on Aug. I, 1986. Have now sold home here in Texas and Anna and I are moving back to 3322 S. Fairway, Apt. 1130 I, Springfield , MO 65804, until we can build there."

Gordon Raymer writes: "Retired. 'Helping' general contractor build our dream home in Oxnard, Calif." Gordon and Dorothy's mailing address is P.O. Box 1421, Point Hueneme, CA 93041. Dick Stovall writes: "Recently completed 28 years at He_ndix Oceanics Division. Enjoy ' building model ships, golf, and bridge. Would like to hear from other alumni . Soon will be grandfather for the eighth time." Dick and Joy' (Delores) live at 6527 Kessler Ave., Woodland Hills, CA 91367. Dick is a member of the manufacturing engineering staff for B,endix Oceanics in Sylmar, Calif.

John C. Wilks writes. "Retired from Donald E. Eason writes: "Retired from IBM as senior engineer / manager March McDonnell Aircraft in 1985. ~on't know I, 1986. Spending our time visiting . how I found time to work." Donald and friends and family around the country Florence live at 711 Chippendale, Kirkand managing our real estate and other wood, MO 63122, investments. Since we have four children and eleven grandchildren in the Robert G. French reports that he is now area, Poughkeepsie will remain our base resident engineer for HNTB in Natchez, of operation. Brother Bob (Robert W. Miss. Bob and Lou have moved to Apt Wilks, '49) is in the V A Medical Center, G 153, 125 Lower Woodville, Natchez, Alexandria, La. after having suffered a MS 39120. This is their "address for stroke. There'is some physical disability, The U.S. Post Office has informed the 1987," he say's . but fortunately his mind is working well. alumni association of the death of Mail can reach Bob via hls son-in-law, Donald Bruce An~erson. At MSM he c/ o Mr. Paul Hughes, Route 4, Box 2, James N. Lambe writes: "I am enjoying was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, the Kentwood, LA 70444. Both Bob and I the good life of retirement. As you Rollamo Board , ASM and AIME. He will be glad to hear from old school- know, the mining and smelting industry received his B.S. degree in metallurgical mates and invite all to 'drop in' when in is in bad shape and they receive no help engineering. According to the alulT)ni our areas ." John and Bettye's address is from the universities, including Rolla." records, he was plant manager for M & 361 Vassar R~ad, Poughkeepsie, NY James and Dorothy live at 6420 Camino, H Zinc Co. in LaSalle, III. 12603. Pimeria Alta, Tucson, AZ 85718.


1948 Paul B. Boswell is retired. He and Virginia live at 145 Partridge Road , Pittsfield , MA 01201. James W. Hoelscher writes, "Visited campus for 50th anniversary of Phi Kappa Theta fraternity chapter founding." Jim is the vice president of Central National Bank in Stanford , Conn. He and Margaret reside at 143 Shore Road, . Old Greenwich , CT 06870:

Roy T . Clayton writes: " Have been retired three years and still love it. See Big Piney four or five times a year. Five grand kids come to see us." Roy and Betty li ve at 2609 NW 120th Terrace, Oklahoma City, OK 73120.


Richard N. Harrison writes: "I have my own practice and am engi neer for Town of Hackettstown and Allamuchy Township.': Richard and Marjorie's mailing address is P.O. Box 522, Hackettstown , NJ 07840.

Theodore R. Howell has been named manager, market analysis , for A. P . Green Refractories Co. Ted and Mary live at 2807 Grs:enridge Court, Mexico, MO 65265. Roger E. Nowlin writes: "Went deer hunting, crossed log bridge, bridge broke, fell in water, water cold and wet- luck holding out!" Roger is manager, materials engineering, for General Electric. He and Mary live at 45 Lourdes Drive, Fitchburg, MA 01420. Notification of the death, on Dec. 10, 1986, of Kermit Norman Rasmussen has been received by the alumni office . At MSM Kermit was a member of Triangle, IFC, Student Council, Shamrock Cluband was vice president of the Missouri Academy of Science. After a short stint with Schlumberger Oil Well Surveying Corp. and service in the U.S. Army, hejoined Johnson Gas Appliance Co. in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and was with the company for 35 years. He is survived by his wife, Cathe rine Rasmussen , 161 8 . II th Ave. SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 , 'a son, a daughter , and five grandchildren.

Donald L. Honerkamp writes: "Just completing first yea r of retirement (Atlantic Richfield). So far enjoying it immensely. Same address." Donald lives at 1932 Overlook Road, Fullerton, CA 92631. Len Schuler,-who retired as president of General Elevator Engineering Co. of St. Louis in 1981, reports on his latest retirement activities: "Last June the start-up maintenance part or division of Bechtel's Forces was eliminated , so my five-year career (four and a half years as a start-up electrical¡ engineer) at the Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant was put on hold or stand by. In July, I accepted a temporary assignme nt for four weeks as a start-up electrical engineer for Bechtel at the TV A Sequoyah Nuclear Power Plant near Chattan'ooga, Tenn. Since Aug. 16, and until Jan. 4, 1987, I have been on holding status with

official retirement from Bechtel effective Jan. 4. I start on Social Security Jan. I (with Medicare effective the same date). Future plans include golf, which has been greatly neglected , and some consulting work- short term in electromechanical equipment and its controis-if I can find some. Meanwhile, Marjorie and I are moving to Prescott, Ariz. the middle of January (-1415 Pine Tree Lane, Prescott , AZ 86303) where we plan to really enjoy life, and living in the bea utiful state of Arizona- again! Enclosed is a photo of our new Arizona License plate. Thought some of you might be interested. "

Herman C. Kaller writes: "My wife Norma and I retired a.s of January of this year. Please note my new address (Route . 2, Box 2069, Forsyth, MO 65653). " Edward P. Kyburz is now project manager with Dole Fresh Fruit Co. of Boca Raton, Fla. Edward and Georgina live at 5337 Godbey Drive, La Canada, CA 910 II. Raymond F. Mattlage writes: "Ginny and I just comp leted 19 months of mission work in the Holy Lands . "The Mattlages live at 87 10 Glenwood , Crest wood , MO 63 126.

MSM Alumnus/ 57



1950 continued Chester E. Miller writes: " Would love to hear from old friends and associates." Chet , who is retired Air Force, is recuperating from a stroke but doing well. He and Kay live at 2304 Flora, San Luis Obispo, CA 9340 I. Robert J. Pennington writes : "Will retire from Motorola's Government Electronics Group in late November. Our retirement homeis in Flagstaff, Ariz." Robert is a manufacturing manager for Motorola Inc. He and. Helen live at 4455 Country Club Drive, Flagstaff, AZ .8600 I. H.1. Phillips is a director of engineering, AV-8B Harrier V/ STOL Fighter for McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. His address is 1605 Horseshoe Ridge Road , Chesterfield , MO 63017. Cloice Robert Sanders writes, "Retired from Caterpillar Tractor Memphis (Tenn.) Plant as plan.t engineer on Jan . I, 1983," Robert and Crystal's address is 2151 Kirby Park~ay, Memphis, TN 38119.

Milton R. Skinner writes : "Retired from Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. Nov. I, 1986, after 35 years. We will continue to live in St. Louis ." Milton and Margaret live at 11730 Bayfield Lane, St. Louis, MO 63128 .

N!Jtice has been received of the death. on No v. ~, 1986, of Stanley Eugene Compton . At MSM hewasamemberof the student chapters of MSPE. ASM E. and AIME . He received his B.S . degree in mechanical engineering and had worked with General Motors Corp. , Remington Arms Co. and Allied Corp. Bendix in the Kansas City area .

Erv Dunn writes: "Retiring early 1987. Have bought a 44-f<?ot sailboat. Plan a two-year cruise of the Caribbean and then into the Pacific." Erv and his wife, Dickie, live at 25690 Wolf Road , -Bay Village, OH 44140.

Notice of the death of Edwin J. ·Soxman has been received from Kenneth H. Yochum, '50. Ken writes: "I tried tocontact Ed Sox man on a r~cent trip to California and learned that he died suddenly shortly after Christmas of 1985 in M inneapolis, Minn ." At MSM, Edwin was active in Tau Beta Pi, Silver Key, A.C.S ., Keramos, and ASM. He received his B.S. degree in ceramic engineering. After graduation he was a research associate on an Air Force project at Alfred University, Alfred N.Y.. In the early 1960s he was a senior scientist for Servomechanisms Inc., Goleta, Calif. He became vice president, research, of Sigmatron Inc., Santa Barbara, Calif. , in ' the mid-60s.

Notification of the death of William !1enry Wohlert in September, 1986 has The death of Philip Emory Hustad on been received. At MSM Bill was a Dec . 25, 1985, has been reported by his member of the Engineers Club , ASCE, wife, Mrs. Philip Hustad, 404 E. Ellis, Chi Epsilon, Blue Key, Tau Beta Pi, Jefferson City, TN 37760. Philip trans- . played basketball, lettered in football ferred to MSM from tHe Wisconsin and served as president of the "M" Club. Institute of Technology in 1950 and He was a student assistant in P.E. and received his B.S. degree in mining engi- was on the honor roll. He received his neering with first honors. He had been a B.S. degree in civil engineer.ing. Followmember of AI ME while at MSM . After ing service with the U.S. Navy, he joined graduation he worked for TCI&R in Standard Oil Co. of Indiana at WoodBirmingham, Ala. , before joining river, III. , and was with Amoco in Alton, Tennessee Coal & Iron Co. , then beca'me Ill. at the time of his death. mill superintendent for U.S. Steel Mining Co. in Jefferson City, Tenn.

Donald S. Maday writes: "Following the Dukes' 78 CVA, he is cleaner in weight and depth of pockets , but continues to prevail as a member' of this planet." Don is retired and he and Trude live at 612-A South 15th St., Arlington, VA 22202. Gregory V. Menke is now manager, blast furnace operations , National Steel, Granite City, Ill. He and Agnes live at No.2 Weslake Drive, Fairview Heights, IL 62208 . Ernest J. Reeves writes: "Haven't been there in almost 35 ye~rs. Hopefully next October." Ernest works for Procter &. Gamble. He lives at 1.00 Bloomingdale Ave., Cranford , NJ 07016. James R. Sweeney Jr. is president of J.R. Sweeney Associates Inc . He and Phyllis live at 693 Vance Ave., Franklin Lakes , NJ 07417.

Lyman F. Van Buskirk's wife, Vursa, writes. "A 'series of strokes has left Lyman seriously handicapped physicalIy." Lyman is retired. He and Vursa live at 1267 N. Wayne, Ridgecrest, CA 93555.


1951 Gerald D. Bellis is chief design and construction engineer with Chevron USA. He and Mary live at 3908 S. Inwood Ave., New Orleans, LA 70114. Kenneth E. Burkhead Sr. writes: "As of' Aug. I, 1986, I completed 35 years with the City of Kansas City, Mo. Still employed ." Ken is chief, engineering services, water and pollution control department for Kansas City. He and Dorothy live at 5231 N. Lydia Ave., , Kansas City, MO 64118 .

, Elmer D. Packheiser writes: "I have been transferred to the surveillance radar group at Westinghouse Defense Center at the Baltimore plant. I will be configuration managerfor the TPS-63 project." Elmer and Doris now live at 307 S. Cherry Grove Ave., Annapolis, MD 21401.

Eugene Louis- Sabo died in an automobile accident on Oct. I, 1983, according to a notice from his wife, Virginia F. Sabo, '52, 4070 Gro'v eport Road , Columbus, OH 43207. At MSM Louis was a member of ASCE and received his B.S . degree in civil engineering. While in Rolla he worked with the U.S.G .S. and then joined the Ohio Department of Highways in Columbus, Ohio.

Frank T. Alvarado writes: "Am presently assigned to San Jose, Costa Rica, and am within months of completing 31 years of U.S. government service, 29 years of which have been worked overseas for Federal Highway Administration. Am now the last employee that is left of this agency in Latin America. In all probability, at the end of 1987 there: will be none. "Frank and Stella's mail- ' ing address is American Embassy, A. P.O. Miami 34020. Francis S. Basler writes: Everything the same except daughter, Jane, graduated from St. Louis University. Son, Dennis, is now at a group home in Rainbow Village and· is very happy." Francis is president of A-M Construction . He and Mary Beth live at 7817 Clymer Drive, St. Louis, MQ '63123 . Rodney C. Fons writes: "Full time operation as consulta nt since August 1984 serving industry in vibratio n analysis and dynamic bal ancing of rotating machinery. Have been vibration a nalysist since 1971 since entering field as district manager for IRD Mecha nalysis, then as manager of engineering services for William Patent Crusher Co. which afforded lJle world-wide opportunities to solve vibration problems." Rodn ey is principal consultant with Fons Co . His address is WIOO Springwood Drive, St. Louis, MO 63124.

1986 Rollamo

Emil C. Hrbacek writes , "Presently assistant vice president of Alexander & Alexander Inc. Insurance BrokerageM anager of engineering departme·n t." Emil and Mary Francis live at 9534 Iiowerton Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123.



James Edward Akers writes : "Our family enjoyed the Winter 1986 graduation ceremony in which James Jr. received his B.S. in ' chemical engineering. The ceremony was impressive in a setting which brought back. memo"ries of the 1953 Uptown Theater ceremony." Edward is a staff chemist with Shell Oil Co. in Wood River, Ill. The Akers family lives at Il818 Rosary Lane, St. Louis, MO 63138. C. Dean Barton is chief cngineer with Union Pacific Railroad in Omaha, Neb. Dean and Wanda live at 13407 Seward, Omaha, NE 68154.

John O. Englund, '53, '76 has retired and is now a self-employed consultant. His new mailing address is Thomas Mountain , Box 20B , Mountain Center, CA 92361. William E. Patterson writes: "Recently had number 7 grand child . Am deep into dog obedience training and member of Dog Writers Ass ociation of America. Hobby: Bicycle riding for ' 50-100 mile distances. " William is an economics advisor for Shell Oil Co. He and Elizabeth live at 10031 Briar Rose, Houston , TX 77042. Lloyd C. Prickett writes: "I retired March 31 , 1986 from Hamilton Standard Division of United, Technology Co. after more than 30 years employment with the company: I am presently a parttime consultant with the same company." Lloyd and Edna live at R.F.D. ~ullen Road, Enfield, CT 06082.

58/MSM Alumnus '




Alumni Personals 1953 continued Robert P. Vienhage is now chairma n of the board of Acme Structura l Inc. in Sp ringfie ld . Mo. Bob and J oan's mailing address is Route 2. Bo x :127B. Sp rin gfi eld . MO 65802.

1954 Wayne M. Aceto writes: "Started Power Services Co. in May 1986 to se rve the engine / turbine generator set asse mblers with technical expertise on mechanical . and electrical equipment. Business is slow but improving." WaYI;le and Peggy ' are living at 12404 N. Gate Court, Roscoe, IL 61073. Kenneth D. Cole writes: "I retired as chief of the supervision and insp~ction branch of the U.S . Army Corps of-Engineers, Baltimore District, on Jan. 2, 1987. I had 34 Y2 years of service. Verna and I plan to travel in our R.V. and to numerous countries overseas. We reside at 9725 Owen Brown Road , Columbia, MD 21045!'' Russell E. Davis writes: "Retired Sept. 30, 1983, after 31 years with the Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, Calif. Russ and Louise live in greater Inyokern ." Their mailing address is P.O. Box 544, Inyokern, CA 93527. James A. Gerard writes: "Started with Mcintosh Ltd. - Realty in August, 1986. Am involved with sales in industrial and commercial real estate. Working a 150 acre business park in Crystal Lake, III." Although Jim's company is in Rolling Meadows, Ill., he anctNancy live at 248 WolffSt. , Cary, IL60013. Editor's note: Jim's last name was misspelled in the December issue-we're sorry.

Donald Gesslcy is now district statT manage r. operat io ns pe rso nn e l, for South wes tern Bell , Kansas City, Mo. Don a nd Libby li ve at 11 608 W. 99th Place, Overl a nd Park , KS 662 14.

Charles A. Hahs wri tes: "A ll my three off-s pring are engi nee rs from Unjversity of Te nnessee. My oldest, Dick, is an electrical enginee r; my son Chuck and daug hter Ca rolyn a re mec hanica l enginee rs." C harles works with Martin Marietta Energy System s. His address is 109 India n Place, Oak Rid ge, TN 37830. Allan D. Holiday is a current member of the Missouri Resea rch Assistance Act (M RAA) Steering Committee. The committee, inade up of representatives of the univ;ersities, industry, ~ nd the legislature, reviews all MRAA proposals and chooses projects to be recommended to the University of Missouri Board of Curators. Alla'n is the vice president of Farmland Industries Inc. in Kansas City, Mo. His home address is 9316 Somerset, Overland Park , KS 66207. Arnold W. Maddox writes, "Am now director of McDonnell Douglas Microelectronics Center at Huntington Beach, Calif." Arnold's address is 5705 Ave. Estori, Long Beach, CA 90814. Kurt O. Plache writes: "Dee and I have moved to 3370 25th St., Boulder, Co. 80302. I am with a new company-Fluid Dynamics , manufacturers of mixing equipment and controls." Kurt is vice president of marketing for the company.

1956 Larr:y L. Murphy is now self-employed as a consultant, petroleum engineering. Larry 'and Sonia have moved to 6108 38th Ave . West, Bradenton, FL 33529.

1955 Robert G. Bening writes: "I have been promoted from regional vice president, southwest, to chief operating officer of Metcalf & Edoy Inc. This change will result in my relocation from Houston, Texas to Boston, Mass. My new mailing address is c/ 0 Metcalf & Edy, Inc., P.O. Box 4043, Woburn, MA 01888-4043." Ralph T. Davis, Jr. is now the vice president, simulation systems, with TIT AN Systems in La Jolla, Calif. He will also serve as technical conference chairman for the Ninth Industryflnterservice Training System Conference scheduled for November 1987 in Washington, D.C. In the recent past he has served as technical conference chairman, program chairman, and conference chairman. Ralph and his wife, Pat, have moved to 1116 Spa Village Drive, Cardiff-by-theSea, CA 92007.

Kennyn Don Statler is now the chief estimator/ engineer with Lafrate Construction in ,Warren , Mich. He and Deloris live at 5783 Faircastle, Troy, MI 48098.

1986 Rollamo

Fred J. Dietrich writes: "Graduated 1957, went on to Purdue for MS in 1959, worked at Collins Radio until 1962, went to Ohio State and received PhD / EE in 1968. Employed since then at Ford Aerospace in Pal o Alto, Calif. in satellite and ground station design, Have four daughters: Debra, 24, married; Michelle, 23 ,'and Karen, 22, single and all out of college; and Kris 21 , a junior at Cal. Poly. Oh yes, a wonderful wife, Pat , who is a nurse . No major accomplishments except for having a happy a nd holy family life. (What could be better?)" Fred and Pat live at 3878 Corina Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303 . Paul D. Gerlach is n<?w assistant director, program management, for Emerson Electric in St. Louis. He and Mary live at 11790 N. Ranch, Florissant, MO 63033 . Frederick M. "Mack" Glasscock writes: "Recently transferred to Los Angeles to manage Halliburton's West Coast and Alaskan operations." Mack is division manager with Halliburton Services in Norwalk , Calif. Mack and Eleanor live at 1044 Burlwood Drive, Anaheim , CA 92807-5016. James H. Johnson, '57, '60, writes : "God's goodness is still evident to the Johnson household. Business is very active, Son Brad , a native o(Rolla, was graduated from Ohio State Medical School in May." Jim is the Dayton marketing manager, defense systems and electronics group, with Texas Instruments in Dayton, Ohio. Jim and Betty live at 7710 Park Creek Drive, Centerville, OH 45459.

1958 1957 The,death of Richard Alan Cunningham of O'Fallon, III. , has ~een reported by his. mother, Mrs. Guy C. Cunningham. Richard received his B . S~ degree in mechanical engineering. His father, Guy C. Cunningham, '25, died in August, 1984.

William R. Gruenwald writes: "Left the world of the large corporation two years ago to start my own company. We now employ 17 people and are growing rapidly. Wish I'd done it sooner." Bill is president of Independent Office Machines Inc. in Bala Cynwyd, Pa. He and Diane_ live at 400 Alder Brook, Wayne, PA 19087. James F; Hofstetter is the vice president - engineering - of Tim pte, Inc. in Wayne, Neb. He and Valerie have moved to 2339 Campbell Drive , Norfolk, NE 6870 I. D.R. McGovern writes: "Now director, design engineering, for McDonnell Aircraft Co ." He lives at 14 Talismanway Drive, Florissant, MO 63034. Joseph A. Mickes is now assistant to the chief engineer-operations with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department . Prior to this promotion, Joseph was head of the Department 's main office maintenance and traffic division. Joseph lives at 3332 N. 10 Mile Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Richard Okenfuss, '58, '60, is now with Proctor & Gamble. His home address is 9132 Millcliff Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45231 . Joseph M . Palovchik writes: "Have a new position as manager, procurement, for Southwest Mobile Systems, a subsi- ' diary of Emerson Electric Corp. of St. Louis." Joe and Sandra live at 30 Bermuda Lane, Granite' City, IL 62040.

E. Robert Schmidt is now senior executive consultant for NUS Corp'. , a subsidiary of Halliburton. Robert and Marcy live at 20227 Laurel Hill Way, Germantown, MD 20874.

Earl E. Anspach is a senior engineer with Sverdrup Corp. at Arnold AFS in Tenn. Gene and Roberta are living at 402 Heights Ave., Tullahoma, TN 37388.

R. Thomas Smith recently retired. He has moved to 1960 Mittenwald, No. 717, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 with his wife, Carole.

Gerald C. Armstrong is with Phillips Pipe Line Co. as a measurement and loss control supervisor. His address is Route 9, Box 227, Odessa, TX 79765. '

Donald B. Storment is an e,nvironmental coordinator with. the U.S. Army in DeSoto, Kan . Don lives at 1913 W. Third St. , Lawrence, KS 66044.

MSM Alumnus/59

Alumni Personals James La th am is now a member of the staff of Texas In struments, Dallas. Texas. James and Ruby live a t 177 Lois, Richard so n, TX 7508 1. o lificalion of thc death of Lloyd J. Sherwood ha~ bee n rccei l'cd from hi~ wife. Viol el Sh e rwo od . P.O . Bo x 2 14. Seneca, M064S65 . At MSM Lloyd wa, a member of Ind ependen ts and ASCE . He received his B.S. degree in civil e ng ineering. Hi s career was spent wi th lh ..: Mi sso uri P acific Railr oad and with Allgeier, Martin & As;ociates in Joplin , Mo . He retired in 1985.

1986 Rolla mo

1958 continued James E. T wyman writes, "Si nce 1983 , have been providing consu lt ing se rvices in metallurgical engineering and q ua lity pl a nning a nd ma nage ment, while located in t he Minnea po lis / St. Pa ul , M in n. a rea." J a mes lives a t 6828 Ri dgev iew Drive, Ed ina, M N 55435.

Gaylon G. Smith is now an assistant to th e direc torofhighways with the Ill ino is D e partment of Tran s portation in Springfield , Ill. Gaylon and Rut h ie are living at 4 Willimantic, Roc heste r, IL 62563. Ca rl D . S utfin writes, "We beca me me mbers in t he O rde r of t he Go lde n S hillelag h in 1986 ." Ca rl is th e M era mec P la nt assista nt m anager wi th Uni o n Elect ric in St. Louis . Carl and Bett y live a t 68 14 Co p pe r Fa lls¡ Co urt , S t. Lo uis, M O 63 129.



Jo hn R . Grin do n i~ nOI~ c.\ec utilc I icc pres idcnt of Cencit Inc . Jolin and Shirky lilt: at X53 Coachlighl. Ha/..:hlood. ~O 63042 .

Ed mund O. Koc h i, no\l a mortgage loan ollieer wi t h Hom..: Sal ing in In Illg. 'I e.\ ;I' . fdmul1J and Dori, 1111 ma\"e tht: ir home at 1716 Lakc Hill. Plano . TX 7502.1 .

Robert M. Saxe r, '61, '62, Illile : "I hmc bccn wo r\,.in g \\ ith Alumni and Admissions to recruit in this area. See D o n Brackhahn and Ron J o hn sto n. We're hal ing good re,ult~ and Dr . Ji sc hk e ~poke at our rcce nt o pen h()u~c o n Dec . 6." Bo b is a ';Jle. manager ~I ith Amcec Corp. in Oak Brook. III. Bob 's address is 704 E. Cedar Ave., St. Charle , IL 60 174 .

R ussell So lo m a n III i now production manager. Laclede Steel Co .. Alton, Ill. Hea l 0 co mpl eted the MBA executive program at the Univer ity of Chicago rccently. Thi information wa upplied by proud father. R .C. Solo man , '35.

To n y C. S to ne is now ow ner of J ad asa t Ent e rpri ses . He a nd Sylvia li ve a t 1241 T roja n Dri ve, Casper, WY 82609.

Louis F. Toepfer is now an e ng inee r with th e atura l Gas Corp. in San F ra ncisco, Ca li f. He a nd J a net m ake th eir ho me at 3223 Fa irview, Ala med a, CA 9450 1.

William S. W ood has retired a nd is now a n en g inee ring consu lt a nt. He and M u rie ll ive a t 5046 E . Ea rll Drive, Phoeni x, AZ 8501 8.

1959 John G . (Jerry) Borma n wri tes: "Son, M ic hae l, gradu a ted fro m the Unive rsity of Wisco nsin- Mad iso n wi th a B.A. in eco nom ics in 1986. Da ughter, Elizabe th , is a so ph omore maj o ring in fashion m erc h a nd is ing at t he Univers ity of Wisco nsin-S to ut. Da ughter, Ca ro lyn, is junior a t S horewood High School." J erry is a qua lity control manager for Lo uis A ll is a nd he and Mary live at 4077 N . P rospect, Shorewood , WI 532 11.

Stanley Wa x man wri tes: "M uc h fa mil y news! O ur son-in-law is grad uating from U niversi ty of Miami Law Schoo lyo u nger daughter is graduating [rom U nive rsity of Delaware, a nd so n is graduati ng from Livi ngston High Schoo lall in J u ne." Stan works for the fe d eral gove rn ment a nd t he fa mi ly address is 18 R ossmo re Te rr ace , Livi n gs t on , NJ 07039 .

P hilip R. J o hnso n wri tes: " I n July of this year the family , Susan and \l ur boys Gary and Neil, opened a pet store in W heeling, Il L, called Anima l Antics, a t II Sout h Schoenbeck Road." P h ilip and Su an live at 7422 N. Olcott , Chicag9, IL 60648. He i a plant engineer fo r H. Kramer & Co. Pa ul R. Kelly writes: "New j o b, facility manager for Intersil , Cupertino , Calif. , as of November, 1986. Intersil is a em iconductor manufacturer and division of General Electric. I am re ponsi ble for facilities con truction operation and mai ntenance a t a ll domestic and offshore locations. Paul and Carol live at 1027 Hiawatha Court, Sunnyvale, CA 94087.

1960 B.J. A ustin write : "Appointed to posi¡ tion of director of engineering, White Consolidated Indu tri es Inc., Range Product Division, pringfield, Tenn ., and will m ove to th e a hville area in th e spring of '87 . Product brand I will be re ponsible for are Tappan , Frigid ai re, White-We tin gho use , Ke lvi nator and Gib on." B.] . now li ve at 7941 Ramsdell Dri ve, Rockfo rd , M 1 49341. R. W. "Hank" Ha nkinso n , '60 , '62, i ' now manager, technical sys tem , with Phillip Petroleum o . Hank a nd Lyla live at 70 I Sooner Pa rk Drive, Bartl e vi lle, OK 74006 .

Harold M . Beardslee, '64, .70, writes: " I m rece ntl y returned to the R o lla area as the directo r, Enginee r Ce nter Tra nsiti o n office, F t. Leo na rd Wood . Res po nsi ble fo r m oving the U.S. Army E ngi neer School fro m Ft. Belvo ir, Va. to F t. Wo o d ." H a ro ld li ves a t 18 Kirby, F t. Leo nard Wood , MO 65473 . Jerrold Chervitz is now pres ident a nd CEO of Ad va nced Cellula r Tec hn o logies Inc. He a nd Zeta live a t 1524 S hoemaker, St. Lo uis, MO 63 146. Cla rence "Clancey" A. Ellebracht Jr ., '64 , 7 2, wri tes: "Work fo r AT&T in De nvcr in produc t ma nageme nt of syste m S5 PBX digi ta l switc h." lancey and Sharron live at 7336 S . G lencoe Co u rt. Litt leton. CO 80 122.

1962 Eugen e C. F adl er, '62, '66 , wri tes: " I'm working in the safety regula tions area of Ford (Auto Safe ty Office) and was se nt to Germany to help launch our new Scorpio for the U.S . market. Barb went with me for part of th e trip and we e njoyed Germany befo re Christmas. Thi summe r our four dau g hters will all be tee nagers (pray for u) . e riou Iy, we are very proud of the!r many scho lastic and social ac tivi t ies. We are amazed at their hectic and busy pace ." The Fadlers live at 11 6 N. Evange line, Dearborn Heigh ts, M 1 48 127.

A report has bee n rece ived of the death of Joseph Wa Iter H ra dsk y. At MSM Joe was a member of I ndepend ents, the Engineers Club, A ME, Gamma D elta and had been on the Honor List. He received hi B.S . degree in mechani ca l engineering. Following graduation he joined McDo nnell Aircraft Co. in St. Lo uis and was a manufacturing speciali t (sheet me tal fa b rication) wi th McDon nell Douglas at the time of his death.


Je rr y G. J o hnson , '64, 7 5, is principal s pecialist, cie nt ific app lication, wit h McDonnell Dougla Aero pace Informatio n Services in S t. Louis. Jerry a nd Mary live at 11644 rroyo Drive, Florissant, MO 63033. M ilto n J . M urr y, '64, '80, writes : "My son, J a me i attending Univer it y of Missouri-Columbia majoring in math and history. Presently I am helping to install and program SYS 36 computer at U.E. marketing departme nt. Best regards to C las of '64." Mi lto n is a project e ngineer fo r U ni o n Electric. He li ves at 7044 Ma rde l, St. Lo uis, M O 63 109.

J err y W. H uffm a n writes : " I have relocated to rural Wa ynes boro , Va . I retired from th e ational Science Foundation in 1980 afte r eventeen year ervice with the ' . . An tarctic Research Program. " J e rry is now se lf-empl oyed as owne r of Autoventure ( yn theti c lubricants). J er ry and Gundel' new mailing addre Route 2, Bo x 296, Wa yne boro, V 22980 . Pete Ma isc h i the enior proj ect manager with Weye rh ae u er in Tacoma. Was h. Pe te and Marilyn live at 30201 27th Ave., Federal Wa y, WA 9S003 . Do na ld N. Ove ra ll i now engineering manager for Lanxide Corp . of I ewark Del. Don and Beth live at 493 S . Old Middletown R oad, Media, PA -19063.

1986 Rollamo

60l MSM Alumnus


Alumni Personals 1965 Stephen F. Bugg is noW co nstructi o n man ager for Anheuser Busch. He a nd Barbara li ve at 9739 Fall Rid ge Trail , SI. Loui s, MO 63127.

1986 Rollamo


Dan L. Chilton writ es: "H a rvey Ho usc reunion was held in Rolla . Jul y 4 a nd 5, 19X6. Att ending we re Mel and Dann y Allison, '69; Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Alexander, '64; Mr. and Mrs. Roger Smith,. '65; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Nothaus, '69; Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Lahmeyer, '66, and sons' Glen and Keith : and Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Chilton, '65. Campu~ tour, canoc trip on the Current River .. good visiting and B.S. and a Saturday night dinner with,M r. and Mrs. Doug Harvey attending made for a great weekend! Hope to do it again next year.;' Dan's address is 929 Pine Hill Drive, Decatur, I L 62521.

Wayne M. Zimmerman, '65, '72, writes , "Ass umed th e additi onal res po nsibiliI ies of th e sub conll:acting and purchasingdepartmentonAprill , 1986. " Wayne is th e vice president , estimating / subcontracting , with Ho s pital Building & Equipment in St. Louis. Wayne and Karen live at 3439 Glen Arbor Drive, St. Louis , MO 63125.

Roger A. Dorf is now vice president, extended support services, Cullinet Software Inc., Westwood, Mass. He and Sandy have moved to 4 Huckleberry Hi,1I Lane, Hingham, MA 02043.

James M. Pappas has received the annual Illinois Award from the Illinois Association of Sanitary Districts for outstanding work in the field of pollution control. He was chosen for leader- Onur Egemen writes: "Currently marship in protecting streams, establishing keting manager for Marine Colloids programs to monitor the quality of Division of FMC Corp ., covering all streams, and for improving the overall sales activities in South America, Africa, quality of wastewater treatment in the and Asia for a specialty line of food . state of Illinois. James has been execu- additives." Onur lives at Sutton Towerstive director and chief engineer for the 903B, Collingswood, NJ 08108. Bloomington and Normal Sanitary District in Bloomington, Ill. since 1980. He D.F. Giger writes: "I am living in Mexlives at 305 N. Bone St. , Normal, IL ' ico, Mo . with my wife, Norma, and three children Julie, Susan and Jana. I 61761. own Giger Appliance Service Co." Frank and his family live at 222 E. Monroe, Larry L. Parkinson writes: "We have Mexico, MO 65265. finished the design and construction and are now operating a state-of-the-art zinc G.R. Johanpeter has been promoted to melting, casting and machining plant to systems manager, information systems, produce electrogalvanizing zinc anodes for Southwestern Bell Telephone in St. for Great Lakes Steel Corp." Larry is Louis. G.R. and Vicki live at 9327 the plant manager with Intefamerican Manoroak Court, St: Louis, MO 63126. Zinc. He and Adrian live at 2614 Bent Oak, Adrian, M I 49221. Robert J. Kadwell is now president of Tellus Consultants. Robert lives at IIII Sheridan Ave. N., Minneapolis, MN David N. Peacock writes: "I've been 55411. working projects in the Asia / Pacific' division .o fChevr..onOverseasPetroleum M. Owen Lasker writes: "After eleven Inc.-Papua, New Guinea, Australia, years in the gas turbine and compressor Pelau, New Zeland, India and Burma. business in the' Middle East, my family Enjoying doing total exploration agai!1." and I are repatriating to N.orth Conway, Dave's address is 3515 Brunell .Drive, N. H. for a complete change of environment as well as career. We will be living Oakland, CA 94602. in a small resort area in northern New Hampshire which is known for its skiing Laurence R. Sanders writes: "Present and year round tourist activities. After position is section chief in charge of twenty years in industry I will now be material and process group on F / A-18 switching careers to become a stock"Hornet" fighter project. I've worked at broker with a small New England brokMcDonnell Douglas in St. Louis since erage firm. We are looking forward to a 1969." Laurence lives at 2 Otis Henry more settled and relaxed life in the UniCourt, St. Charles, MO 63303. ted States and hope to have the opportunity to reflect back upon, and remember with fondness, our years in the Kenneth J. Wulfert Jr. is now planning Middle East." director, detergents division, with Monsanto Co. in St. Louis. Kenneth and David W. Magurk is now branch manaCaroline live at 12 Portland Drive, St. ger / associate with Sear-Brown Associates. David and poris have moved to 32 Louis, MO 63131. Farmer St., Canton, N.Y. 13617. Harold E. Zimnick Jr. is an engineering manager with General Dynamics in Pomona, Calif. Har.old lives at 1264 Albright Ave., Upland, CA 91786.

Donald E. S pirk writ es: "Noti ce new add ress , moved Jul y 1986 fro m Ph oe ni x to .3137 N. 84 th P lace, Scottsda le, AZ 85251. In June 1986, I was pro moted to manager of th e Elect ric S ystems Enginee rin g Depa rtment of th e Sa lt Ri ve r Project (an electri c public pu wer utility in Phoeni x, Ari z.)."

Larry V. Rankin writes: "Vice president, engineering, .Betz Laboratories Inc., Trevose, Pa. 19047." He lives at II Old Nursery Way,. Furlong, PA 189-25.

John O. Lat imer is now enginee ri ng manage r with Castex Castin g Co rp . in Mesquit e. Texas. J ohn and Mo ll y's maili ng ad d ress is Box 124, Row lett , T X 75088 .

John T . Mason III, '66, '71 , wri tes : " Appointed as assistant dean of enginee rin g at Te nnessee Technical Unive rsity in August 1986." John lives at 1241 Wo od la ke T race , Cookeville, T N 3850 I. Jesse T. McMahan, '66, '73, writes: " Am now deput y for avionics control at Air Forces' Aeronautical System Division, Wright-Patterson AFB. Spent previous year at I nd ustrial College of Armed Forces in D.C. as a student." Jesse (who is a Col., USAF) and Priscilla live at 3569 Eastmoor Drive, Beavercreek, OH 45431. Larry M. Rich is now coordinator, employment compliance, for Chevron USA in San Francisco. Larry and Diane live at 1884 Las Gallinas Axe. San' Rafael , CA 94903.

1966 Allen G. Behrine is now technical manager for Metcalf and Eddy , Arlington Heights, Ill. He and Elizabeth live at 121 E. Witchwood , Lake Bluff, IL 60044. Glen N. Chaffin is now quality assurance manager with Reynolds Metals· in Richmond , Va. Glen and Fran live at 13613 Quail Hollow Lane, Midlothian , VA23113. Don Fuller, P.E. reports: "Don has accepted a position as planning engineer with Paducah Power System , Paducah, Ky. Also, he is currently serving as state secretary for the Kentucky Society of Professional Engineers." Don and Jenny live at 100 Bentwood, Paducah, KY 42003. • James V. Harmon is now a senior staff engineer with Rockwell I nternational in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. James and Linda are living at 2360 Brookland Drive N.E., Cedar Rapids , IA 52402. Notice has been received of the death of Laurence Joseph Higgins. At MSMUMR he was a member of Sigma Nu, the MSM Radio Club and ASCE. He received his B.S. degree from UMR in civil engineering. According to alumni records, he had worked for Bethlehem Steel , Combustion Engineering Lummus and Research Cottrell.

Louis W. Smith is now vice president, prod uction operations , with Allied Bendi x Aerospace in Arlington , Va. Louis and Sharon have moved to 6873 McLean Province Circle, Falls Church, VA 22043. The death , on Jan. I, 1986, of Kurt David Waltlter has been 'reported .by his wife, Essma Walther, 42 Cliff Drive, St. Louis, MO 63125 . At UMR Kurt was a member of Independents, Prospectors, IEEE, the Association for Computing Machinery and was on the Honor List. He received his B.S. degree.in electrical engineering. At the time of his death he was a senior engineer for McDonnell Douglas. In' addition to his wife, he is survived by three children, ages 5, 3, and IO-months. Fr.a nklin B. W. Woodbury is now senior staff engineer with U,S. Bureau of Mines in Washington, D.C. Frank lives at 2801 Park Center, Alexandria, VA 22302. Shu Chien Yung is a team leader with Rockwell Hanford ·Operations. Shu Chien and Shu-Shih reside at 2133 Cascade Court, Richland, W A 99352.

James A. Huddleston is now an advisory programmer for IBM Corp, Rochester, Minn. He and Judith have a new mailing address: Route I, Box 798, Oronoco, MN 55960-9765. Glenn A. Lytle writes, "Returned to the U.S. Air Force foreign technology division at Wright-Patterson Air ' Force Base, Ohio as a civilian. I was stationed there while on active military duty from 1966 to 1970. The family and I will be moving to the Dayton area in the spring." The Lytle family's current address is 160 Hillcrest Drive, Bluffton, OH 45817.

MSM A/umnusl6l .

Alumni Personals A.R. Lehman, '68, '7J, i~ director of marketing for Union Carbide in Geneva. Switzerland. He 'and Marlene li ve at 32 ch d e C ha ntene ur, Ch - 1234 Vessy , Switzerland. He writes: ''I'd love to hea r from any old fri e nd s tr avel ing or living near Geneva, Switzerland." Jmeph.l. I.on~ i, 110V. thl' di ,tric t 111<111"gcr. procurcm c nt contra c ting , with Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. in SI. L.oui s. Jo e al1d I .ih hy li\-e at 5644 (irecnton Wa y. Sl. L o u i~. MO 6312X . Robert H. Pahl, '68 . '70. '74. 1, nov. ,upc r \' i ~o r - fu<:" a nd tec hn ica l ,uPPOrtwith Phillip ~ Pctrolcum. Ho h and (jinn~ li vc a t 3:15 Turkey C reek . Bartlesville. OK 74006. 1986 Rollamo

1967 James A. Allmon writes: "Since the recent shutdown of Judson Steel, I have been busier than ever with consulting to the steel industry and the expansion of Peg's electronic office service company, Allmon's Office Overload." James and Peg live at 174 Midland Way, Danville, CA 94526. Kenneth C. Bollinger writes, "Currently district sales manager for Monsanto's plastic division in the southeast U.S .A." Kenneth's address is 1045 Willeo Court , Marietta, GA 30068. Martin Capages Jr. writes: "Recently promoted from assistant chief engineeroil and gas division , to ' manager of administration and engineer servicesexploration and production division. Kerr McGee Corp. Martin live~ at 304 N. Cricket Hollow, Edmond, OK 73034. James W. Carl writes: "I havejust trans e ferred to duty as resident officer in charge of contracts, Pacific, U.S. Navy, where I provide urgent and unique equipme.r1t and material support from continental U.S. sources to naval shpre activities in the Western Pacific and Indian Ocean areas." J ames works at the Naval Facilities. Engineering Command , Western Division , in San Bruno, Calif. He and Charlene live at 618D Wescoat Court, Mountain View, CA 94043.

David Lloyd-Jones is now division engineer manager, dairy I bakery di vision with The Kro ge r Co . in Cincinnati , Ohi o . He a'ud Vicki li ve at 1122 Whitepine Court, C incinnati , OH 45230_ Ed Schmidt is now president of Baron Aviation, P.O. Box 516, Vichy, MO 65580. He writes: "Baron Aviation is one of six companies operating Cessna Aircraft's new C-208 'Caravan' series of gas turbine single engine aircraft for Federal Express." No tification has been received of the death, on Sept. I , 1985, of James William Smith. Jim received his M.S. degree in mechanical engineering and worked fo r McDonnell Douglas before joining the Cal Tech Jet Propulsion Lab of Pasadena, Calif., where he served as a thermodynamics engineer.

Robert E. Turner Sr. is now general supervisor, metallurgy, with Central Foundry, a division of Ge'neral -Moto'rs, in Defiance, Ohio . Robert and Nicki's address is 719 Westwood Drive, Defiance, OH 43512 .

Joseph M. Schardl Jr., '68, '74, writes: "USS C hemi.ca ls is being spun off by USX Corp. as a separate (new) publicly held company to be caI.\ed Aristech Chemical Corp." J oseph' !ives at 15634 Thornbrook Drive, Houston , TX 77084.

W.c. Castle writes: "Suzan (wife), Alex, 13, and Ben , 11. anci I live in Ru'xton, Md., (Baltimore suburb). Proctor & Gamble operations manager." The Castles live at 7919 Springway Road, Ruxton, M D 21204. Joseph L Cowen writes: "I\fter ten ye ar~ in Carl Junction, Mo. (the last thre e ,elf-em pl oyed), I ha ve joi ned USCPl as senior mechanical engineer. u s c rl i ~ a ha ndl er. tran s porter and dispo se r of ha zardou~ industrial waste. S ue , Clint , Christi and I now' live in . Oklahoma City at 7613 Doris Place (nI32)." ¡E.F. Dore writes: "Fred and Cynthia Dore are parents of a new daughter, Whitney Ley ton, born Oct. 27, 1984." Fred works for Ford Motor Co . He and his family live at 35689 Fredericksburg Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48018. John A. Ebling writes: "Have recently relocated to the Phoenix area with McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Co., builders of the Apache Helicopter- the most sophisticated attack helicopter ever built. During the past three months have been member of contract negotiating team, located in St. Louis , to settle a four year, multi-billion dollar contract for 300 plus additional attack helicopters." John is the manager, Data Systems Development , for the project. He now lives at 1110 S. Alma School Road, No. 5227, Mesa, AZ 85202. David Krllusch writes: "Living in Davison, Mich. and working on advanced engine project for B-O-C Powertrain Group in Flint, Mich." David and Bonita's address is P.O. Box 352, Davison, MI48423.

1969 Don M. Ascoli Sr., writes: "Currently executive vice president of Checkmate Technology Inc., manufacturer of computer peripherals for Apple computers. Welcome all UMR students and alumni to visit our facility in Tempe, Ariz." Don lives at . 1404 E. Dunbar, Tempe, AZ 85282. Checkmate Technology is located on 509 S. Rockford Drive.


William W. Crow is now program manJohn M. Gentner has been named presi-- ager with E merson Elec tri c in SI. Louis. dent of Blaw Knox Food .and 'Chemical He and Judith make their home at 14800 Equipment Co. of Buffalo , N .Y. John F rais Dri ve , F lorissa nt , MO 63034. and Mary have been living at 1818 Cheshire, Cheyenne, WY 82001 . Rodger L. Elliott is now ex ploration Charles H. McGrady writes' "I am cur- director w ith Ph illip s P e trol e um in rently on a temporary fie ld ass ignment Housto n. Rod ge r a nd Vicki li ve a t 1007 (for nine months) at the south Texas Mi llsto ne Co urt, Sugar Land, TX 77478. nuclear project near Bay City, Texas. I hope to return to my home in the James L. Kreilich, '68, '72, is a se nior spring." Charles works for Bechtel ECAD tec hn o logist with ETA System s Power Co rp. and li ves at 12407 Keynote in SI. Paul, Minn . Jim and Mary li ve at 140g Albany, SI. Paul, MN 55108. Lane, Bowie, MD 20715.

62/ MSM Alumnus

Jerry G. Pogue writes: "Business continues to be good. Both sons are married, and oldest will graduate this year with BSCE degree. We are now grandparents. Still fish a lot! Want to work less ." J erry is self-employed as pres ident of Best Mobile Homes Inc . He and Mary li ve a t 110 Silverwood Trail. Hot Springs, AR 71913.

Robert T. Smith is now a senior research specialist for 3M in Austin, Texas. He and Phyllis live at 3806 Emerald Hill, Round Rock, TX 78681.

Joh!1 M. Evans reports that he is now senior vic~ president, system power operations, for Kansas City Power & Light. John and Linda live at 11015 W. 122nd St., Overland Park, KS 66213. Ronald E. Evans is now manager - civilwith R. T. Patterson Co. Inc. in Highland, Ind. He and Jeanne live at OS-545 Madison St. , Winfield, IL 60190.

Norris )V. Perry writes: "The ,He ge nscheidt Corp. of Troy. -Mich .. recentl y announced the appointment of Norri, W. Pe rry as national sales manager. The Perrys will. be relocating to Michigan in the near future, after 17 years in Maryland."

Stanley E. Cary is now .a substation engineer with City Utilities in Spring- ¡ field, Mo. Stan and Pricilla's mailing a.dd ress is RI. I, Box 120, Pleasant Hope, MO 65725.

Thomas H. Bell writes: "Recently promoted to vice president of IRECO Inc. Re spo nsible for nitrogen products production and marketing. Transferred to Louis iana , Mo. in August 1986 from DOf!ora, Pa. Building new home and looking forw a rd to moving in with Carol and children- Susan and Tomm y- in early Feb ruary 1987." The Bell fa mil y's new address is I Pa ri s Hills, Louisiana, MO 63353. Lynn D. Brandhorst is now Western regional manager for Computer Deci,io ns. Lynn lives at 93 Broadway, Los Gatos, CA 95030.

LARRYJ.SCHNURBUSCH Larry J. Schnurbusch, '69, '71, is now director, corp.orate administration, with Laclede Steel Co. in SI. Louis. Hi s respon s ibilities includ e e ngi nee ring , e nergy. environmental affairs, stel res and traffic function s, and purchasing activities. Larry, Beve rl e:y and their two children live at 12248 Winrock Drive, SI. Louis, MO 6314-1.







Alumni Personals 1969 continued John E. Krueger \\ ritc~ : "Our fanlJly I'ccc ilth' mOH'cI from Hllll\ton to Midland. Tcxa~ \\ith Mobil Oil. (I\l1gu~t 19t\6 ) T\\() L'hildrcll - .knna (14) and Chad (12)." John i~ a gL'llphy,icallllanager with M(loil Oil. The Krucger's now li\.:: at .1502 W()odhavcn. Midland. TX 79707.

William F. Kuhar Jr. is now chie!' e ngincer, electrical cnginccring. for Eureka. H(' and Kath y ha vc' moved to 3 16 S. Hcr~hc \' Ro ad, Bloomington. I L 6 170 I.

Nathanie l D. McClure is' a ge neral with Delco Elec tronics. He and Annette liYe at 865 S. 450 East. Ko~omo,IN 46902. ~ upcr v i sor

John C. Preston writes : "New address: Tom Nebel writes: "Tom. Sue a nd their 705 Rock Hill Drive, Rea' Bud, IL three children. Matt , IJ. Livi, 10, and 62278. Same employer- Illinois Power Beth, 6, a re calling Ohio home after 'Ii vCo. -- for the past 18 years. New posi- ing here for four ye ars. Tom has bee n tion : maintenance supervisor at Bald- with Hew lett-Packard for 10 years and win Power Station." _ has been district sa les ma nager for four. To retain hi s youth, Tom attempts to Robert W. Stevens reports that he is , refe ree basketball ga mes in his spa re sta rling his 18th year with the Co rps of time." The Nebel's ad dress is 1514 N. Marshall. Middletown. OH 45042. Engineers in Kan sas City, Mo. He and Carol Ann live at 1805 NE 4th SI., Blue Springs, MO 64015. Edmund W. Owens is now th e president owner of Demco Eq uipmen l. He Gerald W. Vaughn, '69. '70, is now and Caro line li ve at 5 Prospect Ave .. manager, central purchasing , with Middletown, NY 10940. EN RON Corp. in Houston , Gerald and Maureen live at 16311 Southampton, Neil.S. Portnoff is now manufacturing Spring, TX 77379. managc-r with GTE in Towanda, Pa. Neil and Susan live at 302 Pine, Towanda, PA 18848. Randolph W. Schmelzel writes: "New position effective Oct. 27, 1986- director of operations, Fries & Fries, Cincinnati, Qhio. Fries & Fries is a division ~f Mallinckrodt Inc." Randolph and Diane live at 7299 Brushwood Drive, West _ C hester, OH 45069.

1970 Francisco M. Benavides wriies: "Frank joined Penta Engineering Corp. in - August 1986 as a principal of the firm. 'Penta pro vides engineering services for industrial plants." Frank and Michele live at 25 Willow Hill. SI. Louis, MO 63124. Patritlk G. Davidson is now a partner with Black & Veatch, Kansas City, Mo. He and Caroline live at 12102 Goddard" Overland Park, KS 66213 . Larry J. Dean writes:" Assigned to Lantirn program in charge of radar testing. Previously in charge of group- of soft. ware specialists with expertise in AP operating systems. Radar expertise needed on Lantirn program." Larry is a senior systems engineer with Martin MarietJa Corp. He and Linda live at 3496 Exeter Court, Orlando, FI 32806. David R. Hankins is now department chief, project / market ma nage ment, with AT&T Technologies in Greensboro, N,C. David and Reggy live at 4509 Doncaster Drive, Greensboro, NC 27406. Leslie Hoeckelman, '70, '75, principal technical specialist and manufac.turing engineer for McDonnell Aircraft, writes: "Received a promotion in December. We have started initial product with the automated drilling system for the Harrier wing. Hello to the old House 6 gang." Leslie and Bonnie live at 509 Duchesne Drive, O'Fallon, MO 63366,

Daniel J. Spellman writes: ."Recently promoted to chief, flood plain ma nagement services, for the Ohio River Division. Corps of Engineers. 'Also received commu-nit y servic'e award Jrom th e Tec hnical Societies 6f Cincinnati earlier in 1986." Daniel is living a t 6900 Bridgetown Ro ad, Cincinnati, OH 45248. The alumni office has received a report of the death of Harry B. Steele III on Dec. 14, 1986. At UMR Harry was a merriber of Independents, Campus Club, MRHA, ASCE, Newman Club, and the Student Union Board . He received his B.S . degree in civil engineering. Following graduation he joined the Missouri State Highway Department, where he served for 16 years. He was District Traffic Studies Engineer in Kansas City. He is survived by his wife, Mary Ann Steele, Kearney, Neb., a daughter, Samantha, and his parents, four brothers and a sister. .

Thomas E. Winkler writes: "After 12 yea rs with Carondelet Foundry, bought my own business - Litearama, (formerly owned by fattier-in-Iaw, John H!lghes) on Feb. I, 1986. Children - Patrick, age 14, and JUlie, age II." Thomas, Carol and their two children live at 50 I 0 Ambs Road, St. Louis, MO 63128.

Bruce Ronald Winsor received a Juris Doctor degree fro~ the University of Denver at commencement ceremonies on Dec. 7, 1986. Bruce's address is 1573 Jackson St., Denver, CO 80206.

1986 Rollamo

Randall Noon writes: "After the re~ent incorporation of . Dressler Consulting Engi neers Inc., I was designated chief. engineer for the failure analysis section." Randall lives at 1730 W. Third St., Topeka, KS 66606.

1971 Gary R. Bartlett is now the vice president of planning with MidCon . Corp_ in Lombard, ilL Gary and Margaret's address is 809 Ramsgate Court, Naperville, I L 60540.


RamonF. Bradham (Lt. Col.) plans to retire from the military service in February after 22 years of service. Ramon is currently the deputy district engineer at Fort Drum in Watertown, N.Y. After retiring, Ramon willtake a managemerit position with a local development concern, Development Authority of the North Country in New York. Richard W. Eimer Jr. announces the birth on Aug. 17, 1986, of a new daughter, Renee Aileen. Richard is with Illi-' no is Power Co. and he and his' family live at 33 Dellwood Court, Deactur, IL 62521. Archibald M. Gallup, '71, '83, writes, "presently commanding the 41 st Engineer Battalion, 10th Mountain Division, located at Fort Drum, N.Y . His address is 8000 B. General Grant Drive , Black River, NY I3612.

Juan Guillermo Ochoa writes: "After 14 years with Carton de Colombia, a subsidiary of Container Corp. of America, Chicago, I1L ,/ Jefferson Smurfit Corp, Alton, IlL , I have been appointed as a general manager for Medellin ShipjJing Container Plant. Previous assignments had coveted technical and managerial positions in the line as well as staff." J ua n may be reached c/o Carton De Colombi a, P .O. Box 1179, MedellinColombia. Roger D, Parkes writes', "Same old job, we just moved our office to a new location." Roger is manager of system operatio ns with -Missouri .Public Service in Lee's Summit, Mo. Roger's new address is 1024A S.E. Seventh Terrace; Lee's Summit, MO 64063 . Gordon D. Robinson writes: "We have a new son, Andrew Austin, born June 25, 1986 . He joins an older sister, Amanda. After 10 years, we have finished re-habbing our house so we are probabiy doomed to move." Gordon and Catherine live at 6141 Columbia Ave., St. Louis, MO 63139. He is manager, research, fOF Monsanto.

J. Wendell Heady writes, "I fished 'in Tim Wilmarth wri.tes: ~I am married Canada last May and caught a 17 pound , and have a son, Jonathon, 2. We are on 4 ounce Northern Pike on Perrigo Lake, a three-year assignment to Saudi Arabia Ontario, Canada." Wendell is an engiand have been here one and abalf years neer, security I and C, with Union Elecnow. We just returned from a six-week tric in Reform, Mo. (near Fulton). His ' trip around the world." Tun 'is with and Kathleen's mailing address is Route Foxboro Co. The Wilmarths'mailing I, Box 279, Russellville, MO 65074. address is P.O. Box 647, Pammam, . Saudi Arabia. Ronald E. Kelley is now director .of. operations for MCI Telecommunications in Chicago. He and Jean live at Victor F. Wilreker, '71, '72, writes: "Vic, Elaine and son, Ben, transferred to 6019 Mill Bridge, Lisle, IL 60532. Westinghouse Defense, Baltimore, Md., Lawrance H. Luzynski is now design from Pittsburgh, Pa. two years ago. Vic , manager, train inspection systems, for is now program manager, WeStinghouse Harmon Electric, Grain Valley, Mo. He Signal Processing Program." The Wiland Ellie live at 3604 Sou~h 10th St. rekel's live at 555 Arundel Drive, Severna Court, Blue Springs, MO 64015 . Park, MD 21146.

t. MSMAiumnus/63

Alumni Personals Douglas A . Hopkins w rit e~ : " Direct ,) r of pub lic work s. C it y of Markwood . Moved t o a nice h o u ~c in Kirkwood w ith wife and' lovely4 1/c year ~) Id daughter." T he Hopkins I'ami ly li ve, at 14.17 Woodgat e . Kirkwood. MO 6.1 122 . Robert E. Klei n w rit es: " Mo ved In Octobe r to a hou se ove r look in g the Ohio Ri ve r. Fa nt as ti c vie w of t he ri ve r from my patio a nd d eck." Rob e rt i ~ chi ef, e ng in ee rin g hou sin g and management div ision, wit Ii t he U.S. Army at th e J e ffe rso n Pro ving Grou nd in Madi son. Ind. Hi ne w address is Rout e 2. Ho x 464 , Hano ve r. IN 47243.

1986 Rollamo

1971 continued C. Stephen Wulff writes , " Have bee n promoted a nd tran sferred to chief e ngi neer of Golden Grain Division of th e Quaker Oats Co. "-Steve and Ne llie li ve at 2626 Calle Morelia, Pleasanton, CA 94566. Frank Y. Yen is now living at 3913 Anvil Drive, Troy, MI 48083 .

David F. Lareker, '72, '74, wri t e~ : "Pre ~ ­ en tl y the Ernst & Wh inney professor o f accounting at th e Wharton Sc hool, Uni ve rsi ty of Pennsylvania. Married a nd th e fat he r of a 3-yea r- o ld d a ug ht e r a nd I-year-o ld so n." T he Larckers li ve a t 1064 Bea um o nt R oad. Berwyn , PA 193 12. Freddie H. Lester w rit es: "T he s ummer of 1987 wi ll find Lex ie and m yse lf re turning t o the stat es after s pe ndin g five ve ry pleasurable years in Panama." Freddie a nd Le x ie 's c urre nt m a iling address is PSC Box 2846, APO Miami 34002. Freddie is deput y directo r of e nginee ring a nd housing at Ft. C layton , R e public of Panama.

Marvin T. Eaves, '73, '19, writ es : "Ma rvin and w ife, Ruth A nn , ,e nd th e ir bes t wis hes to th e C lass o f 19 73. We are li vin g in the Ka nsas Ci ty a rca w he re I'm work in g fo r Th o ma s J . Lipton." The Eaves' address is 1623 Brame C ircle, Lee's S ummit . MO 64063. Ca ro l A. (Langemach) Davies wr it e, : " J o hn and I a nn ounce the birth o LJ en na Mari e (~ n Ma y I ~ . In6 . Jcnnajoill> big , is ter!> I,au ra a nd Sara." C aro l is a seni o r de velo pm ent c hemi s t with Dow Chem ica l in Midland . Mich . The Davies fa mil y li ve, a t 85 1 I Pierce R oad, F reeland . M I 48623. I

James M. Eck w rites : "Stea rn s-Roger was boug ht by Air Products a nd became S t e arn~ Ca t a lyti c. a nd h a~ again bee n so ld to U nit ed E ng in eers and wi ll now be ca ll ed S tea rn s R oge r. " J a mes is li vin g a t 6563 Windh a m , P arke r, CO 80134. A lvin E. Grossman is now a lead e nginee r w it h McDonn e ll Aircra ft in S t. Lo uis. Alvin's home address is 5 Nassa u C ircle, St. Louis, MO 63 146. James L. Hess is c urre ntl y a stati st ical co ns ultant for E. 1. DuPont de 'Nemqurs & Co. Jim writes, "My wife (we were m a rried when I was a senior a t UMR) and I have four children ages 11,7, 5, a nd 5 (twins!)." The Hess family lives at 6910Glen Willow, Beaumont , TX 77706.

David R. Puettmann is now a senior sales representative with Smith Kline Beckman Corp . in St. Louis. D av id is living at 5523 Wieland Drive, St. Louis, M063128.

1972 Robert T. Berry writes: "I a m happ y to report that the Kansas City Section , MSM-UM R A lumni Association is off the g r o und and roll(ng. As president for 1987, I invi te a ll K .C. area alums to join us. A n acco un t of o ur Feb. 12 meeting will appear in the next issue of the Alumnus, an d we d o plan to march in the Kansas City St. Pat's Parade as a non-float entry. If we haven 't reached you with details , please call me ." Bob is the director of project development with Burns & McDonnell. Bob and June's address is 12716 E. 63rd Street, Kansas C ity, MO 64133.

Marv Sindel writes: "Marv is the power generation manager fo r Genera l E lectric in St. Louis. H is principal duties are the re pai rs of GE turbine-generators in the M id west." Marv's address is 4124 Buckley Ridge Co urt , St. Louis , MO 63125.

Jean W. Fletcher is now an assist a nt professo r of economics a t G ettysburg Coll ege in Gettys burg, Pa. Je a n and Robert live at 6 Bell Bluff Court, Gaithe rsburg, MD 20879 . Barry A.l:larms writes: "A career c han ge from consu ltin g civi l engineer to commercial rea l estate broker has brought new inspiration and excitement to a burnt-o ut e ngineer. Site development e xpe rience is an aid to ind ustria l site sale s." Barry is with C. Don Jo y ner Commercial Rea l Estate. Hi.s address is 1809 Pel h a m Road, Greenville, SC 29615.

64/MSM Alumnus

1973 Dav.id L. Barry is se ni or project e ng ineer with Frito-Lay In c. in Irving, Texas. David and M eg live at 1936 Ma x we ll Drive, Lewisv ill e, TX 75067. Michael R. Court is now work in g as a communicat io ns co ns ultant. He a nd J<.rist in a m ake th eir home at 730 Trave rs Lane, F lossmoor, IL 60422.

Arthur K. Kunk el III i ~ nnw con tract> 1ll~lIlagn I,ll' f-Iuur- I) ani c l. He a nd Ca rol li\c al In hiller R Ujd . Battlc Creck . 'v1 1 4<)0 17. Gary J. Pariani w rit es: "Todd C hri st op he r wa~ born Ma y 8. 1986 , in Cuck ricld , Eng land. A ll indicaiions a re he's d erinit e ly future SI. Pat 's Board m a teria l. I I' we ge t o ut of Engl a nd." Gary is a st aff pe t ro le um e ng in ee r wi th Amoco Co. in Lo nd on, E ng land . Gary, Ba rb a ra a nd Todd C hri stoph e r's mailing address is P.O. Box 43 8 1, Houston , TX 77210. nobert .J. Scanlon writ es : ''\'m lookin g I ' lr w~lrd 10 seei ng t he new (metallurgical)

lacil it y. PIca,,: gi ve rd)' regard,S to Bo b W.) \I and I)on Aske la nd ." R o be rt works ror Ca te rpillar In c. He li ves at R o ut e 4, Whi s pering Oak s, ''v1etamora, I L 6 1548. A lexis C. Swoboda, ,' 13, '75, is no w se ni or production e ngin ee r for Diamo nd Shamrock Exploration Co. in Den ve r, Co lo. Alexis lives at 16492 B Eas t R.adcliff place, Aurora, CO ~ OO 15 . Ken Thompson reports that he is now di ves titure project manager for ARCO in Demf:r, Colo . Ken and Pat are li\? ing a t 30537 Ise nberg Lane, EvergreeI;!, CO 80439.


Roger K. Taylor is now project e ng in ee r fo r UTE Wes'tern , Shaftner, Cali f. He ! eceives hi s mail at P.O. Box 440380, Aurora, CO 80044.

Chris D. Wilson w rit es, "Member a t la rge for the new ly found ed Kan sas C ity section Alumni group." C hris is a profes sio nal e ngineer II for th e City of Kansas C ity, Mo. He and M a rsha li ve a t 512 Mimosa, Lee's S ummit, MO 64063.

John Keating wa s rece ntl y promo ted to be neficia ti on super int e nd e nt , C lea r Sprin gs Min e. Int e rn a ti o na l Min e ra ls & Chem ica l Co rp. in Bartow, Fla. He li ves at 6203 Ivanhoe , Lak e land , FL 33803.

Richard M. Baker wri tes: " H ave transfe'r red from the U .S. Ar m y, Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. t o work for U.S. Army South a t Fort C layt on , Panama. Sc hedul ed fo r a two-year tour to e nd in July 1988." Richard's m ai ling address is PSC Box 2537, APO, Miami, FL 34002.

John Curtis Killinger, '73, '80 h as bee n ap pointed Area Director (zip code area 66-72) on th e MSM-UMR Alumni Association Board of Directors. Curt replaces Pete Desjardins, '44, who moved out of the a rea, back to Springfield, Mo . Curt is exploration planning coordinator for Texaco Southern Ex ploration Division in New Orleans, La. At UMR Curt was a membe r of Lambda Chi Alpha. He rece ived hi s B.S. degree in a pplied m a th a nd hi s M.S. degree in e nginee rin g manage me nt. He a lso has been taking courses a t th e Unive rsity of Houston a nd T ul a ne Uni ve rsit y, work ing toward ano th e r g radu ate degree in pet rol e um e ng in ee rin g. Be fore mo vin g t o th e New O rl ea ns a rea, C urt was wi th Ge tt y O il in Houston. He and Marybe th li ve a t 836 Wil s hire Blvd ., Me t air ie, LA 70005.

Marvin W. Borgmeyer, '74, '75, wri tes; "Our third so n , Michael , was born June 6, -1986, " M a rvin is a senior zo ne supervisor for Exxon Chemicals. He a nd Susan live at 734 Shady Lane, Baton Rouge, LA 70810 . Willard D. Coates writes: "Eric is now 6 years old 'and loves first grade at St. Mary 's School. Erin is 3 years old and c(')J1siders .herself to be quite grown-up now . And we thought we were busy when the c hildren were yo unger!" Willard is th e ass ista nt coordinator for sc hed ulin g syste m s a t¡ Purdue U ni versit y. The Coa tes famil y m a ke s their home at 517 N. 30th , Lafayette, IN 47904 . Kristie and John Gibson (both '74) work for Ph illip s Petrole um in Bartlesville , Ok la. Kristi e is now th e gas purc hases maI1a ge r a nd J o hn is now gas sa les coo rdin a t or. T heir m a ilin g address is P.O. Box 4 28, Bartlesville, OK 7400.5.

Alumni Personals 1974 continued Randolph A. Latall writes: "Have recently changed positions within Texas Instrument s - Austin - as a printed wiring board process e ngin eer a nd superv isor to ma te rials engineer. This important work brings an o pportunit y to work day-to-day problems and advanced PWB materials app lica tion." Rand y li ves at 2303 Orleans, Cedar Park , TX 786 13. Richard G. Lenz writes: "Sandy (McLain, '74) and I m oved to a new home this spring. I still work for Caterpillar In c . . in th e C IM Technology g ro up. Sandy keeps busy with C hristy, kindergarten, a nd Katie , 18-months." The Len z family is now li ving at 706 W. Deerbrook, Peoria, IL 6 16 15. John R . Melto n writ es: "I halT n:ccnt ly been promoted to senior e ngi nee r at I nl ~ nd St ee l Co. " J o hn's add ress is 18 13 N. Re ns selaer. Griffith . I N 4li3 19. Joe and Lois (Fradenburgh, '76) Walker write: "We have two children . Christopher is 2 Y:! a nd Tracy Lynn is 4 'months old . We would enj oy hearing fro m our a lumni friends ." Joe is a principa l applications spec i a list with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. The Walker family is living a t 32 Newberry, St. Peters, MO 63376. David M . Youl!g is principal engineer in the program engineer dep artment with Harris Corp. Dave and Nancy's address is 1553 North Ridge Lake Circle, Longwood, FL 32750.

1975 Duane D. Bequette, '75, '76, writes: "Promoted to general superviso r process ing- pottery, Kohl er Co., at Kohler , Wis., from supervisor industri a l engineering / qualit y assurance a t Brownwood, Texas. " Duane a nd Leesa now live at Route 2, Box 579 , Oostburg, WI 53070. Acco rdin g to a phone ca ll from hi s father , Calvin Charles Diederich di ed in Apr il 1986 . Ca lvin rece ived a B.S . d eg ree in mechan ical engineering . After graduat io n from U M-Ro ll a he attended th e Universi ty of Michigan . Richard E. Harris is now th e c hief operati o ns engineer with C leme nts Energy in Golden, Co lo. He a nd Tricia a re living at 1957 S. Urban S t. , Lakewood, 80228.


Michael A. Mahn writes: "Ginny and I have three boys no w. I'm curren tl y a senior'de 'ig n e ngineer work in g o n diese l e ngin e deve lop ment (Ca ter pilla r In c.)." Mi ke a nd his famil y's ma iling address is Ro ut e 2. Box 175 A . Princeville, I L 6 1559. James H. Martin (!.("DR, U.S . N.) writes: " I am now ass ista nt head o f the Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance fac ilit y aboard Nav a l Air Tes t Ce nt e r, Patuxent Ri ve r. Md. It ¡is th e larges t aircraft resea rch. deve lopme nt. tes t , and eva lu a ti on facilit y in th e free wo rld . An exciting cha nge fr o m sea dut y aboard aircraft carrie r!>. Will be gct tin g marricd on Marc h 14, 1987. mak ing it a grea t St. Pat's'" Jim li \'C!> a t 68 Holly Hill. Ca lifornia MD 20li ll}-95 19. William E. Nicko ley writ es: " A b usy 1986. Birth of S usa n in May 1986 mak es us now a fami ly of six. New emp loyme nt in Jul y 1986 brings more res po nsibilit y. New house in Octobe r 1986 gives us res!. We say 'Hi' to C hrist ia n Campus H ouse a lu mni - please wr ite." William is a mec ha nical project e nginee r with Haze let &--Erdallnc. in C hi cago. The N ickoley fami ly now lives at 125 S. Hud so n, Westmont, IL 60559 . Lawrence A . Rockwell writes: "Fe bruary 1986 obtained employ'ment with A-R-A Manufacturing in Grand Prairie, Texas , as senior mechanical designer." Lawrence lives at 790 I Lazy brook Drive, Watauga, TX 76148. Ronald B. " Brian " Trower writes: " I ha ve wo r ked for Wisco nsin P owe r & Light Co. for eleve n yea rs , currently as an administrative superintendent in a coal-fired p owe r plant. My wife a nd I have two boys, ages 7 and 4." Brian, C hris and their so ns li ve at 6 10 Lyndhurst Dri ve. J a nesville, WI 53546. Lynn (Klender) and Lee, '77, Whitebay write: "We are a li ve a nd we ll in Ponca City, Okl a. Both a re emp loyed b y Conoco a resea rch e ng inee rs. Vi sitors a re welcomed , as we cannot trave l much - expec tin g seco nd c hild thi s spring. "The Whitebays' address is Route 2, Box 750, Po nca C ity, OK 74601.

Terry L Drechsler i~ nov. min c engi nee r fo rT,he Doe Run Co ., Boss , Mo . He and Sue Ann rece ive their mail a t R o ut e I. Box 14E, Salem . MO 65560 . Ale x and Cindy Hillear'y, both '76, write: "C ind y (H armo n) has a new j o b wit h Comserv Co rp . Mo ved int o a new house in J u ne. It has a lready hit ze ro-d eg ree s in th e Twin C ities here ." A lex a nd C ind y li ve a t 2385 Windcrest. Eagan , MN 55 123. A lex is with Cary Researc h Inc. John Jaeger, '76, '81, writes: ''I'm working on my Ph. D. in we ld ing engineering a t T he Ohio State University." John lives a t 148 Montana, St. Charles, MO 63303. He works for th e Corps of Engineers, St. Louis D ist rict. Paul H . Leaver is manage r, es tim at ing, with H a rb e rt Int e rn a ti ona l in Birm in gham. A la. Pau l and Kath erine li ve at 3433 Sherfie ld. Birm ingham. AL 35223. Jim Leonard, '76, '84, writ es: " I have bee n appo int ed c ha irman o f I EEE Go\e r nmcnt Proc ure me nt a nd Reg ul ati o ns Coml11i u ee . " Jim works for McDonncli Douglas a nd li ves a t 255 Patterso n Lane, Florissant , M 0 6303 1. Kim (Coleman, '76) and Ross, '77, Livengood now have two ch ildren , Danie l (May 25, 1982) and Rachel (Jan . 28, 1986) . Ro ss is superviso r of softw are engineeri ng at Vitek-M cDo nnell Douglas Health Systems and Kim is fulltime mom and part-time IBM-PC software consultant. The Livengoods live at 1214 Rivoli , Manchester, MO 63011. Thomas McCoy is now foreign accounts payab le clerk for Ediso n Brot hers of St. Louis. He li ves a t 12115 We ns ley, Florissant , MO 63033. Robin A . Murphy, '76, '78, '85, is now a n engineer with ARMCO in Midd letown , Ohio . Robin's address is 1506 Lawn , Middletown, OH 45044. Richard E. Murray writes: "I have bee n wit h Mot o rola now for 10 yea rs and am c urre ntl y a sect io n manage r working on mobil e. two-w ay radio de ve lopment. I a III plar ri ed to a Texas g irl a nd ha ve two children, Nat ha n, 5, a nd Mega n, 3." Ri ck and hi s fa mil y li ve at 3507 Lagust,¡um . A rlin gto n. TX 760 17.

The death , du e to ca n ~ r . o f Joseph R. Sch roeder o n Nov. 6. 19!16. has been report e d b y hi s wife . Mar y A n~ Sc hroeder , 1147 Briarhurst. Manchester. MO 6302 1. Joe received his B.S. deg ree from U M R in enginee rin g manage ment. Fo ll owi ng g raduatio n. Joe joined Squa re D Co. in Park Rid ge, III. as a field engineer, was promo ted to bra nch manager in Bismark , N.D., a nd , at th e tim e of his death , was a n acco unt manager for th e co mp a ny in S t. Louis. Larry W. Shoemaker wri tes: " We ha ve a new daughter, Susan Ashley, born Sept. 13. 1986. I am now in vo lve d ~ ith licensing Phillips refining tech nol ogy world wide." Larry is a licensing specialist for Phillips Petroleum. He and Linda a nd fam il y li ve a t 4727 Rolling Meadows Road , Ba rtl esville, OK 74006.

Lois (Fradenburgh) and Joe, '74, Walker wrjt e: "We have two ch ildren. Ch risto pher is 2 Y:! a nd Tracy Lynn is 4 months o ld . We wo uld enjoy hea ring from our alumni friends." The Walker fa mily is li ving at 32 Newber ry, St. Pete rs, MO 63376. Jeffry P. Wassilak wr ites . "I moved into a new house in December." Jeff is a se nior environmental engineer with A. C. Kirkwood & Associates in Kansas City, Mo. His new a~ddress is 1941 N .E. Pa tterson Drive, Lee's Summit, MO 64063. Charles W. Wiese, '76, '77, writes: "Have received promotion to supervisor of process development in the resea rch and d evelopment department of Olin Corp. A m in charge of facilities for prototype and development of medium caliber amm un ition in defen se sys tems gro up. " C harles and Kathleen reside at 305 Blosso m, Cartervi lle, IL 62918. Kenneth L. Woods has been promoted to cor p o ra te principal and director of Crane and Fleming/ Meco in Hannibal, Mo. His new respons ibili ties wi ll include ass istin g th e pres ide nt in mal)agement of the firm, as we ll as his engineering duties. Kenneth , Donna a nd their daughters, Laura and Heather, live at Route 2, 38Paris Hills, Lou isiana, MO 63353.

1976 Va l.en tino T . Bates, '76, '78, wr it es: "Recen tl y started my ow n co ns ultin g firm. Khafra Engi nee rin g Co ~ s ult an t s In c. Ho pe to open an o ffi ce in Boston fir stlju arter 1 9~7. We're headqu arted in Atlanta, Ga." Valentino li yes a t 3167 Petite Fores t Dri ve. Marietta, GA 30062.

Charles A. Hillhouse, '75, '77, writes:" A d a ughter, born Dec. 20, 1986, Tamara Gai l Hillh ouse, joins the family. Ou'r first c hild , Sandra J a ne Hillhouse is 2 Y:! Ted and Mona C ummings (both '76) yea rs old ." Charles is a researc h chemi- . write: Ted and Mona Cumm in gs rccal engineer with Tennessee Eas tm a n turn ed to Huntsville, A la. sho rtl y beforc Co . The Hillhouse family lives at 249 De the C ha llenge r tragedy. Mona (Ogle) , is an aerospace eng inee r for NASA o n th e Lee Drive, Kingsport , TN 37663. Hubble S pace Telescope. Ted is a des ig n Kenneth Jinkerson rs now director , eco- engineer for C hrys le r Automotive, renomics and planning, fo r Derby Refin- sea rc h a nd design." The Cummings' ing. He li ves at 2320 Country Club address is 13014 Astalot, Hunt sville, AL Road, EI Dorado, KS 67042. 35803.

1986 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus/65

Alumni Personals 1976 continued Vicky (Headrick) Sweetser writes: " I am still a design engineer with HcwlellPackard. Dave and I now have tw o children. a boy born last August, and a girl, 3 yea rs old." Vicky and Dave live at g 135 Turman Court. FI. Collins, CO 80525.

Ross, '77, and Kim (Coleman, '76) Livengood now ha\'c two children . Daniel (May 25.1982) and Rachel (Jan . 28. 1996). Ross is supervisor of software engineering at Vitek-McDonnell Dou路 glas Health Systems and Kim is fulltime mom and part-time IBM-PC software consultant. The LivengooQs live at 1214 Rivoli. Manchester. MO 63011.

Bradley J. Wyatt writes. "'I have been elected seen路tary-treasurer of the east Texas sectionllfthe American Institute of Chemical Engineers." Brad is a senior chemical engincer with Texas Eastman Kodak in Longview. Texas. Hc anJ Pam live at 1809 Northwood Court. Longview. TX 75605.

Michael A. Marx is now manager. project engineering-retail marketing. with Standard Oil Co. of Ohio. Mike and Sandy live at 路 8681 Oakwood Lane. North Royalton. OH 44133.


Tom Roth wri,tes: "We recently moved . Paul M. Allen writes: "I have recently into our new home which I built myse lf changed jobs. I'm now a project engi- since moving to the Mattoon area. I neer for Shellor Globe Corp. in Keokuk , have worked at Blaw-Knox ConstrucIowa. Our sons are now 7, 6, and 2, and. tion Equipment Co . as a design engineer we're expecting #4 in February." Paul since March of 1986. Our new address is and Ginger still live at 410 South 13th, Route I. Box 275 , Lerna, I L 62440. Hamilton. 1L 62341. Kenneth Paul Searcy died Dec. 8, 1986, after a long illness according to a notice from his parents, Mr. and Mrs . Paul R. Searcy, Crocker, MO 65452. He received his B.S. degree from UMR in geology. At the time of his death Kenneth was a development geologist with Chevron Inc. of Oklahoma City, Okla.

John V. Stutsman writes: " I recently accepted a position as systems director at J. H. Ellwood & Associates in Chicago. Previously, I was senior analyst at Northern Indiana Public Service Co. in Hammond, Ind. I graduated from U M R with a BSEE in 1977 and from Purdue University with an M.S. in management (concentrating in accounting and finance) in 1983. I also got my PE registration in 1981 and passed the CPA exams in 1983. Kathy (BS-Pharmacy, 1977, Purdue), our son Brian (will be 3 in March), and I will still live at 8713 Monroe Ave., Munster, IN 46321."

BRUCE R. BRADWAY Bruce R. Bradway is now technical service and quality manager, air systems division witli the commercial systems group of The Trane Company. Bruce has been with Trane since 1977. The Bradway family lives at Route I, Wolter Joy M. (Ewens) Thompson writes: "After six months in Minnesota, Dave Road, West Salem, WI 54669. and I are back home in Washington. Our new address is 22716 N. E. 12th Warren D.路Cadwell writes, "Praise God Place, Redmond , WA 98053." Joy is a with us fot the arrival of our baby picture framer at Framer vs. Framer in daughter, Melanie Ann, born Ocl. 8, Redmond , Wash . 1986, at 6 pounds, 3 ounces." Warren is a reservoir engineer with Sun Co. ill Oklahoma City. Warren, Marlyne and David L. Thorn writes: "Still selling Melanie Ann live at 6200 N. Allison, robotic systems to aerospace industry. Oklahoma City, OK 73112. 1987 should be a very good yea r. 1986 wasn't bad either. Andy (now five years Jill (Bur~) Hanus writes: "My husband , old) enjoys the snow. We built a sevenVern, and I stiJJ' work for John Deere in foot-tall snowman last week." David is a Waterloo, Iowa. We had our first child , sales engineer with Accuratio Systems Daniel, on Oct. 12, 1985." The Hanus in Clawson, Mich. David and Dallas family lives at 6209 Westbrook Road , (Kirk, '79) li ve at . 1085 Meadowcrest, Cedar Falls, IA 50613. Pontiac MI 48017. Michael Lackmer, '77, '79, writes: "Cynthia and I have been in Kansas City since Lee and Lynn (Klender, '75) Whitebay July, 1984. I workfor Allied Corp. / Ben- write: "We a re alive and well in Ponca dix, Kansas City Division, and s he C ity , Okla. Both are emp loye d by works for Locke Equipment Co . We Conoco as research engin e~rs. Visitors have a daughter who will be five in J a n- . are welcomed as we cannot travel uary, 1987." The Lackmers' address is ex pecting second child this spring." The 11 809 England, Overland Park, KS , Whitebays' address is Route 2, Box 750, Ponca Cit y, OK 74601. 662 10.

66/MSM Alumnus

1978 Stephen L. Allen writes: "We have a new bo y named Richard , born Aug. 27, 1986." Stephen is a graduate 'Student in engineering management at U M-Rolla. He and Jud y now live at 308 W. 16th SI., No. 203. Rolla , MO 6540 I. Robert V. Ballad is now a chemist with General Electric in Cincinnati , Ohio. He and Janet li ve at 1906 Poplar Drive, Loveland, OH 45140. Bruce Bergman, '78, '80, writes: "Bruce and Kathy Bergman are now living at 13702 Edinburgh, Olathe, KS 66062. Still working for IBM , but now as systems engineer in our marketing group. Amelia, 7, is in first grade now and Rebecca is three years old. Enjoying the Kansas City area very much . A little closer to the grand parents." Jerry Buchheit writes: "Sandy and I are now living at 2334 Lakeshore Drive. Jackson , MO 63755. Daughter, Sara, is 5, and son Nathan, is 2." Jerry is a project engineer for Amerock Corp. , Sikeston, Mo.

Douglas K. Cothern writes : "Currently a ,oft ware development managcr for Pill.a Hut Inc .. a subsidiary of PEPSICO . Diane and I have a beautiful family in Jeremy Matthew (4 ~ ) and Andrea M'lr;' (I Y~). I completed my MBA in Il)~ I and have recently been nationally certified in data processing management by successfu'lIy completing the requirements for the Certificate in Data Processing(CDP). "The Cothern family lives at 145 Bonnie Brae. Wichita. KS 67207. and can be reached by phone at (316) 6gJ-6010.

Ferrill E. Ford writes: "I am now working for Standard Oil. Haven't changed jobs - the company changed again. Doing process instrumentation. Debbie and the boys (Trey, 6, and Derek, 4) are doing fine . Would like to hear from old friends. Current address is 837 Morningside Drive, Gretna. LA 70056."

John J. Hunter writes: "Continuing work on my house. Am finishing the roof restructuring this fall and winter. then I can start remodeling the inside . The house i~ sort of like the story about Abe LincoIn's axe: 'it's had three new axe handles and two new heads , but it's still Abe Lincoln '5 axe!' The work is interesting, keeps me quite busy and is good exercise." John is a senior project engineer for Hallmark Cards. He lives at 8214 Oak, Kansas City, MO 64114. Karl Johnston writes: "First child, Robert Welch Johnston. was born May 21, 1986. He was 21 Y2 inches long. 8 Ibs. 5 ~ OlS . at birth. He has kept my wife on her toes ever since." Karl i.s with McDonnell Douglas and the family lives at 342 Twisted Oak Court , Ballwin. MO 63021. Gregory A. Lang reports the birth of a third child, Kenneth Andrew, 'on May 27, 1986. Greg is manager of business development for CanAm Gold Corp. in Denver, Colo. He and Sharon and family live at 9395 W. 74th Ave., Arvada, CO 80005. Louann (Ruyle) Prough writes : "Gary and I have two little sons, Ethan 4, and Andrew 2, I am now a full time wife and ' mother, except for teaching a high school math class one hour a day in il local private school." Louann and Gary live at 201 Seiler Road, Godfrey. IL 62035. Ken Rice writes: "Returned to U.S. in September after two-year assignment in Perth, Australia. Our third daughter, Katherine. was born Nov. 16, 1986. I am !lllW staff petroleum engineer, West Africa Group. with Chevron Overseas Petroleum in San Ramon. Calif." Ken, .lackie and family now li ve at 53 ,\'p ache Court, San Ramon, CA 94583.

RANDY E. DEWHIRST Randy E. Dewhirst is now principal enginee r with the applied unitary refrigeration systems division of the commercial systems group of The Trane Co. He has been with Trane since 19i8. Rand y and his family reside at 661 Green Cou rt , Onalaska, WI 54650.

Robert J. Schnell, '78, '86, writes: "Finally completed M .S.E.E. at night throu g h th e LJ M R-Graduate Education Ce nte r in SI. Louis'" Robe rt is an enginee r tor Union Electric. He lives at 911 Summer Leaf, SI. Charles, MO 63303.


Alumni Personals 1978 Michael J. and Carol (Potzmann. '80) Smith write: "We now ha vc two children . Craig Michael born Sept. 19. 1986 and Kyle Robert born Dec. 7, 1984. Carol is a computer engineer at Caterpillar, and M ike is a design engineer at Caterpillar." The Smith famil y li ves at 2704 W. Meadowlark, Dunlap. IL61525.

John F. Eash writcs: "My family and I 1lH),cd hack t\1 Missouri in March 1986 aftcr spcnding I Y: y.:a rs in New Mex ico. I am I.:urrently a scnior engineer in the F-15 Fligh t Test department at McDonnell Douglas Corp. Wife is M,arie. Son. Timothy, is 3 years." John and Mari.: li ve at 4622 Bria rgate Drive, St. Charles. MO 63303.

Mark U. Stefanik is pre~ently a mi ssio~ary in Africa. He may be reached c / o 2109-3 8th Ave. South, Seven Springs, FL 33552.

Bradley A. Aman writes : "I assumed the additional duties of drilling superintendent for Farrar Oil Co. in January 1986. Sue Ann is comptroller at a local bank. Guy will be 4 years old in March. Michael was born Dec. 3, 1986. We don't have any problems $27 / bb1. oil wouldn't solve." The Aman family lives at 409 Wren, Mt. Vernon, IL '62864. Matthew G. Baebler writes: "Kathy and I had our first child , Michelle. She was born July I, 1986. In October, Amoco Oil transferred us frOm Housto n, Texas, to the Hampt o n Roads area of Virginia. We hope to stay here for a few years and put do wn a few roots as Amoco has transferred us five times in the las t six .yea rs." The Baeblers now li ve at 598 C hink a pin Trail. # 102, Newport News, VA 23602. The address for Wolfgang S. Campbell is P.O. Box 12 15 , Mind en, NV 89423. He is a research and development engineer for Bently Nevada. Robert J. Crull writes : "Principal enginee r with Teledyne Brown Enginee ring, worki ng on space station proposal." Robert now li ves at 4006 Nelson Drive, Hunts ville, AL 358 10. Kathleen M. Daniel writes: "I am still working at TW A, and J er ry is working for Storage T ec hnology. Our so n, Adam, is 18 mo nths old." Kathlee n is a technical spec ialist with Trans World Airlines. She and J erry li ve at 1515 Baker St., Kansas Ci ty, MO 64068-3005.

Mark E. Eck is a senior operations enginee r with Arco Alaska Inc. Mark and Mary live at 733 W. Fourth, Anchorage, AK 99501.

Rob E. Garner writes: "Since earning an M.S. degree in mechanical engineering in 1980, I have become a registered profess ional engineer in the state of Illinois. I a m currently employed with Siemens Steve and Jana, 79, '81, Zigrye write: Transmission Systems in Northlake, Ill:" "We added a second son to our family. Rob's address is 2203 Wing St. , Rolling Scott Andrew' was born Aug. 5, 1981>'. 1,1 Meadows, IL 60008. Steve a nd Jana work for Conoco Inc. They live at 120 Woodbury, Ponca City, William W. Glauz is a civil engineer with the Los Angeles Department of Water OK 7460 l. and Power. He and Gayle live at 1236 Mark S. Ziobro, 79, '82, writes: ''I'm Orange Grove Ave., South Pasadena, still in Houston working as. staff engi- CA 91030. neer for Co noco Specialty Products Inc. I've bought a house and settled in. My Notification of the death of Thomas G. new address is 7722 Brykerwoods Drive, Grass has been received from his parHouston, TX 77055. " ents, Fred"and Rosemary Grass, 833 Hi

STEPHEN P. FORD Stephen P. Ford writes: "Still living in Austin, Texas. Recently promoted to vice president of Garney Companies Inc . of Kansas City, Mo. I am in charge of the branch office in Austin which handles the majority of contracts in the . state of Texas. "Stephen 's address is 706 Robert and Julie Been write: "Julie and Little Oak Drive, Austin, TX 78753 . I are expecting our first child in January. Julie works for the Air Force as a Jim Galaske writes: "Rhonda and I are flight medical technician and I'm workliving in Collinsville, III. I work for ing on submarines for the Navy (specialGranite City Steel and Rhonda is home izing in hydraulics)." The Beens live at with children, Collette and Clint. " Jim 203 Wallace, Vallejo, CA 94590. Robert and Rhonda live at 729 Peachtree, Col- is a project engineer at Mare Island. linsville, IL 62234.



Robert E. Culver is now senior quality co nt ro l engineer for Allied Bendix Aerospace, Kansas City, Mo. He and Tonya li ve at 6807 E. 144th St., Grandview, MO 64030.

Johanna M. Yuhas is now senior project engineer for General Motors in Milford , Mich. Joh a nn a and spouse, Dennis Kinchen, 78, Iive at 10836 C urrier Court, Brighto n, M I 48 116.

Ted Waldhart writes : "Moved to Allanta this veal' with.,Phillips 66 as a marketin g re pr~se nta iive. Alice is se lling rea l estate. Patti, 6, is in first grade. John 4, is in preschool. Atlanta is beautiful and we love it." Ted and Alice now li ve at 3040 Wayward Drive, Atlanta, GA 30066. Michael. D. Winnett writes : "Kim and I have two boys, David ,. 7, and Christopher, 5. I am a project manager for Pepsi-Cola. Working on several projects in the L.A. area including a new bottling plant. Have now lived in St. Louis, Los Angeles, Houston and Connecticut since graduation. We have enjoyed all of them , but we have no plans to move further north. Too cold!" The Winnett's live at 5 Hillcrest, Bethel , CT 06801.

Kenneth F. Staab is now vice president engineering- with Cross Timbers Oil in Fort Worth . Texas. Kennet h and Kerry live at 2709 Wo odside , Arlington, TX 76016 .

Stanley A. Heimburger reports that he is now a technical specialist, specialty applications, with FMC in Princeton, N.J. Stan and Ellen are living at 891 New Road , Richboro, PA 18954.

Patrick CosteI\o is now an assistant shift supervisor for Illinois Power in Havana, Ill. Pat lives at 1600 Paris Drive, Godfrey, IL 62035.

Crest Drive, St. Louis, MO 63125. Tom received his B.S . degree in chemical engineering and had been employed as plant" engineer by Gulf Oil-Warren Petroleum in Tulsa, Okla. Kendall B. Hackman is now a 'senior mechanical engineer with' Amoco Production Co. in Alvin, Texas. Kendall is living at 2623 Amaranth, Houston, TX 77084. William R. Holmes writes, "Second future Miner, Robert Samuel, born Dec. 2, 1986." Bill is a senior engineer, electronics, with McDonnell Aircraft in St. Louis. Bill and Jane live at 1402 Langholm Drive, Florissant, MO 63031. James T. Kuhlmann writes: " Have recently taken a position with Zoltek Corp. in St. Lo uis with their process equipment division. Had previously been with Monsanto as a senior engineer." Jim's address is 731 Zeiss Ave., St. Louis, MO 63125.

James L Jansen writes: "Recently moved into the new house on Flameglow; working for Southwestern Bell as a distribution . services supervisor; Nicholas is 4 years old now and Stacy is a pediatric RN for St. John's Mercy Medical Center." The Jansen family's new address is 2760 Fla meglow , St. Louis, MO 63129.

Martin J. Millman, '80, '82, '84, writes: "We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our second child in May, 1987. Our first child , Emma, keeps Judy and me very busy no w that she can walk and talk . Otherwise eve ryt hing is about the same here in Richmond , Va." Martin worked for DuPont. He and Judy live at 13002 Glengate Road, Midlothian, VA 23 113.

Edward C. Jantosik Jr. writes: "Celebrated th e birth of o ur first child , a son, o n Aug. 16, 1986. Stephen Edwa rd is hea lth y a nd d o ing well." Edwa rd. is a n e ngin eering s pec ia list with Emerson Electri c. He a nd Dorothy li ve at 2702 China Lake Drive, St. Louis, MO 63 129.

Robert Michael Novak reports: ''I'm presently doing CMOS VLSI design at H.ew lett-P acka rd. A lso enr o lled at Co lorado State Un ive rsity as a gradu ate student in physiology. We're enjoying skiing in the mountains." Robert and Kat hy live at 2812 Claremont Drive, Ft. Co llins, CO 80526.

David L. McCann writes: "I am a field engi neer with General Electric's industrial a nd engineering sales and services di vis ion . Received G E's 'Qua lity of Custo mer Service Award' in Se ptem ber 1986. " Dave lives at 1106 South 32nd St. , Oma ha, NE 68 105.

WILBON L. COOPER Wilbon L. Cooper was named a "Yes I Can" special achiever for 1986. The "Yes I Can" forum of recognition was created by the St. Louis Se ntinel to provide public recognition to individuals of high ac hievement in the Black Community. Will is an engineer, rates, with Un ion Electric Company.

Lo'n Rehkop has been registered as a Professional Engineer by the Missouri Board of Architects, Professional Engineers, and Land Surveyors . Lon work~ for the Kansas City Power and Light Company. He li ves at N.W. Park, Lot 24, Route I, Clinton , MO 64735.

MSM Alumnus/67

Alumni Personals 1980 continued Robert M. Schneider writes: " Curre ntl y a process supervisor for Amoco . Ha ve 路two children - Katie, 2 ye ars. Chris, 6 months. I am pursuing an MBA degree at SI UE ." Robert works for Am oco Petroleum Additives Co. He and hi s family live at 4902 Ed Mor, Alton. IL 62002.

Carol (Potzmann) and Michael J. Smith, 78, write: "We now have two children. Craig Michael born Sept. 19, 1986 and Kyle Robert born Dec. 7,1984. Carol is a computer engineer at Caterpillar, and Mike is a design engineer at Caterpillar." The' Smith family lives at 2704 W. Meadowlark, Dunlap, IL 61525. Gerald K. Smith writes : "I am out of the oil field and into h~t water- thanks to my recent transfer to Chevron Geothermal. The Bay area is a great place to work and live!" Gerald is a geothermal reservoir engineer for Chevron in San Francisco . He and Maren live at 3615 Corte Segundo, Concord , CA 94519. Michael J. Stafford writes: "I have been transferred to the southern California division of Chevron USA as a result of the Gulf/ Chevron merger. I am a lead engineer in the mechanical group of design and construction engineering." Michael's new address is 1142 Monte Sereno Drive, Thousand Oaks , CA 91360. Frank J. Werner is now a proje c t manager with J .M . Thompson. He lives at 1801 Manuel, Raleigh , NC 27612 .

Robert J. Wille writes: "Bob and Therese Wille announce the birth of their second son, Michael Patrick , on Sept. 13, 1986. "The Wille family lives at 6125 N . Fairlane Drive, Peoria, IL 61614 . Bob works for Caterpillar Inc.

1981 Richard A. Baltz is now a se ni o r process enginee r with M o nsa nt o Co., Nitro, W. V. He is living at 626 Ro xal a na Hill s Drive, Dunba r, WV 25064 . James E. Davidson is a proj ect enginee r with I. T. Co rp. in M a rtinez, C alif. His ma iling address is P .O . Box 27953 , Co nco rd , CA 94527-0953.

Stephen E. Kipp writes: "1986 turned out to be a big year in Georgi a. Married Patt y Korkll ch of New Cumberl a nd. Pa. (Shippe nsburg St ate Go liege, Shippe nsburg h, Pa ., '83 ) and accepted a position as product sales manager with a fo rm er custo me r, C ont a ine r Products, Newnan , Ga . Still living in Lilburn, Ga. north east of Atlanta but hope to move close to new job in 1987." Steve and Pa tt y live at 5155 Paisley Court, Lilburn, GA 30247. David E. Nadel writes: ") am currently half-way through grad uate school in electrical engineering. I would like to remind the alumni that fair trade legislation is in the best intetest of engineers. Let's all get involved! Write your congressman." David is a senior engineer with EG&G Florida at the Kennedy Space Center. His address is 2226 Westfa ll Drive, Union Park, FL 32817. Donna C. (Tubbesing) Ray writes: "Mike, '83., and I moved to St. Louis. I'm an enginee r for McDonnell Douglas and Mike is a soil technician for Soil C onsultants. Hey , Ann finally.got rid of the blue junker." Donna and M ike live at 2759 Steamboat Lane, St. Charles, M063301. Ed Shilling writes: "]'m still helping build airplanes here in Georgia. Also , Joel learned to tie his shoes last week - all by himself!" Ed is a fabrication manufacturing engineer for Lockheed-Georgia . He a nd Debbie a nd fa mily live a t 153 Brid gesto ne Drive, Marietta, GA 30066. Billie F. Spencer Jr. recently presented a n e ng ineering mech a nics seminar, "Stoch astic Mode ling of Fatigue Crack Propagation," at UM-Rolla . Billie is a member of the civil engineering department at th e Uni ve rsity of Notre Dame. His address is 1423 Enchanted Forest, South Bend , IN 46637.

1982 Betty (Weinhold) Baggett writes' "Bo bby a nd I have moved to 15 Penn y La ne, Ca rt ersville, G A 30120. I have a j o b with th e cit y wa te r dep a rtm e nt. It ure is hot do wn he re!"

Gregory J. Grindinger writes, " I'm a ca ptain in the U .S . Air Fo rce ta ti o ned a t Ra mste in Air Base, Wes t Ge rm a ny. " Greg's m a iling address is P.O . Box 11 83, APO New Yo rk 09021.

Ron and Carol Blanehorn write: "We a re pleased to a nn o unce the birth of our seco nd child , C hristo pher Andrew. H e was bo rn Nov . 15, 1986 a nd we ighed 9 po und s, 13 o unces. Ron is with Shell Oil a nd was pro m oted last year to electrical engineer." The Blankenhorns live at 2333 Yorktowne Drive, La Place, LA 70068.

Mark S. Huck writes: " C ind y a nd] have ' bought our first house ami are really enjoying it." M a rk and Cindy now live at 2619 Sioux Ave., Independence , MO 64057-2218 . Mark works for Harrington & Cortelyou Inc.

Jeffrey P. Bledsoe writes, " First daughter, Bonnie Michelle , born Oct. 7, 1986." J eff is a senior electrical engineer with General Dynamics in Fort Worth, Texas . Jeff, 路Laura and Bonnie live at 1321 W . Charles, Weatherford, TX 76086.

68/MSM Alumnus

Kimberly K. Denney writ es: "Our plant is now owned by U.S. Industrial Chemicals and I've been promoted to production engineer. What a hectic year!" Kimberly and spouse, Michael T Doyle . live at 2519 Corral Trail, Friendswood, TX 77546 . She is now production engineer for USI-Syngas In Deer Park, Texas. Kelly and Vicky (Chen) Evanoff write: "Starting to settle down. We will have our first child May I, .1987. 路Both our jobs are going very well so we both will continue to work. Don't worry- after . two years the t-hree of us will be back on the ski slopes." Vicky is a systems analyst wit\:t Travelers Inc., and Kelly is a shift supervisor with General Electric. Kelly and Vicky live at 72 Peterson Road, Granby, CT 06035. Peter F. Fitzsimmons writes: "Married in June, 1986, to Martha Pinick. Expecting a baby in April, 1987!! Just moved 't o new duplex. Want to hear from TJ. and everyone else." Peter is chief engineer, design and production for Ensley Tool Co. He 'and Martha now live at 7245 Wyandotte, Kansas City, MO 64114. Vicki S. Johnson writes : "I survived a year at the University of Kansas doing the course work for a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering. I'm settled back in at NASA-La ngley now working on a 'dissertation and many other projects. New address: 409 Holloman Drive, Hampton, VA 23666." Allen Kirchhoff writes : "Working for the Navy at McDonnell Aircraft C o . on the A V-8B Harrier." Allen and Bea live at 4706 Sun Lake Drive, St. Charles , MO 63301. Michael J. Magruder writes: "I am now living and working in England. It's quite a change from California, but it is an adventure. The address is Box 806, APO NY 09210-5362 . I'd like to hear from my old college friends. I've lost touch completely! C heers to all!" Michael is a se nior scientific programmer for Lockheed.

Eric G. Politle writ es: " Recently relocated to Exxon's Division office in New Orlean ~ . Sue. Amanda and I expecting anoth er addition in January. Let's hear from ~omc of t he guys my work phone is 504-561-4104 and home is 641-5945." Eric and Sue now live at 108 Herwig Bluff Road , Slidell. LA 70461. Shelly L. Stephenson is now production t:nginecr with Cominco American in Carlin. Nev. Shelly lives at 756 Fir. No. 5. Elko. N V 8980 I. Brian J. Walter writes: "Just returned from a five-week training program in Japan. Started a new position with Mazda Corp. as a quality contro)' specialist." Brian's address is 2109 N. Wilson, Royal Oak , MI 48073 .

Joh~ T. Voder and his family 'recently moved to 5921 Appaloosa Way, Orlando, FL 32822. John is a Main PropUlsion Assistant with the U.S. Navy. John writes: "Florida is great , the weather is just like San Diego only it rains occasionally. We finally arrived and have settled in a beautilUl villa with lots of children in the neighborhood for Shelley to play with. Terry h~s gone back to school at the local junior college and is very nervous about it after being out for nine years. I am still on leave and loving it- can't wait till I retire! If any of you make it out this way, please come and see us."

1983 Michael K . Boyer is now a patent examiner with the U.S . Patent Office in Arlington , Va . Michael is living at 300 Ancell Street, Alexandria, V A 22305 . Mark A. Cook writes: "I got married in May. My wife, Kri s, is a 1983 g raduate of Illinois . I'm living in North Dallas and work for Lockwood , Andrews & Newnam. I'm currently using COGO to set the alignment for expansion of Highway 121." Mark and Kris live at 7920 Skillman, No . 119, Dallas, TX 75231.

Karl D. Morrison writes , "I am currently a manufacturing engineer in the adv a nced manufacturing development depa rtme nt of the GMC division, Detroit Diese l Allison Division ." Karl lives at 3169 Watergate Place, No. 4, Indiana polis, IN 46224. St ephen A. Moser writes: "I recentl y got married a nd have moved to a new address. Ka ren and I live at 2828 W. Lincoln Ave. , No. 262, Anahe im , CA 9280 I." Steve n work s for Doug1as Aircraft C o. Rebecca E. Ommen is a programmer a nal yst with Forrest T Jones Co . in Kans as City, Mo. Rebecca is living at 4328 Harrison, Kansas City, M064110. Matt Piskulic is a senior engineer, advanced marketing group, Emerson Electric, St. Louis , 路Mo . He lives at 1477 Pepperdine Court, St. Louis, ~O 63021 .

1986 Rollamo

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Alumni Personals 1983 continued Nancy L. (Jones) Denton writes: "Jack Denton (former co-worker and student) and I got married over the summer and finished our respective M.S. degrees at Purdue in October." Nancy works for Digital Equipment Corp. S he a nd Jack li ve at 32- 10 Briarwood Lane, Marlborough, MAO 1752.

Sarah Jane Hahn is now a materials application engineer with General Electric in Cincinnati, Ohio . Sarah is living at 70 Farragut Road, Greenhi lls, OH 45218.

I.ynn C. (Vandervelden) and James R. Morris Jr. (Both '83) send the following: "Jim is flying the F-16 and we are stationed at Hill AFB in Utah. We are still skydiving in the summer and took up skiing for the winter. I am working as an enginee r with General Dynamics on the base. Our new address is 844 E. Oxford Drive, Kaysville, UT 8403(." , R. Christopher Noonan writes: "I continue to work on avionics for Texas Instruments in Dallas . I have yet to meet a lady to take home to meet Mom, only ladies I want, to take home. Dallas has many advantages Rolla lacks." Christopher lives at 2500 Park Blvd ., No. 5U, Plano, !X 75074.

David A, Gaskill is now senior project J. Mike Ray writes : Donna (Tubbesing, engineer with Sperry Corp. in Albu-, '81), and I moved to St. Louis . Donna is querque, N. M. David and Gretchen live 'an engineer for McDonnell Douglas at 5223 Vista Bonita N .~., Albuquerque, and I am a soil technician for Soil Cons.ultants." M ike and Donna live at 2759 NM 87111. Steamboat Lane, St. Charles, M 06330 I. Laura and Dan Harrington, both '83, write: "We have moved to Route I, Box 271, Anna, I L 62906. Dan is chief engineer for Transcraft Corp. and Laura is staying home with our daughter, Elizabeth. "

Patrick J, Maher writes, "Have taken a position as associate engineer with Zurheide-Hermann Inc. , Consulting Engineers in St. Louis." Pat and Barb reside at 1818 S. Eighth SI. , SI. Louis, MO 63104.

John A. Masek writes: "I have just married Linda Sisk, a schoolteacher from Mountain Grove, Mo., and we are living in Cabool, Mo. I am presently a general aggregate inspector for the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department in Willow Springs, Mo." John and Linda's address is Route 3, Box 195, Cabool, MO 65689.

Charles K. Reed is now sen ior materials engineer for Vought Missiles Division, Dallas Texas. He ¡ lives at 3304 Sweetgum Trail, Apt. 218 : Arlington, TX 76014. Darren L. Washausen writes: "I'm currently working at Goodyear Aerospace 'Corp9ration in Akron, Ohio. I'm also atteriding night school at Kent State for. an MBA degree. Stacia is going to school for accounting and plans on get-' ting her CPA." Darren and Stacia live at 7933 Heatherview, Massillon, OH 44646.

1986 Rollamo

James D, Cotton writes: "Following graduation I attel)ded the Color-ado School of Mines and received my M .S. in metallurgical engineering in 1986. I'm now employed as a metallurgical materials & process engineer by Boeing Aerospace Co. in Seattle, Wash." Jim's new address is 1300 Eagle Ridge, #Q 1115, Renton W A 98055. Gaspare DiMaggio reports that he is now an electrical engineer with DiMaggio Electrical Co . His address is 6416 Eichelberger, St. Louis, MO 63109. Keith Alan Freiberger is now senior programmer analyst, data communications, for Hewlett-Packard in Palo Alto, Ca lif. His address is 2044 Montecito , #26, Mountain View, CA 94043 . John S. Golterman is now a manufacturing engineer with Bailey 'Corp. in Berger, Mo. John lives at 109 E. Fourth St., Hermann, MO 65041.


Benjamin Keith Harrison writes: "I haye left Monsanto to take a position on the faculty of the chemical engineering de- I partment of the University. of South Alabama. Please note my ~ew address. 7' Benjamin now lives at 6416 Shetland Court, Mobile, AL 36609.

Daniel T. Afflick writes : "Darla and I have moved to 2332 Halfmoon, Apt. G, St. Louis, MO 63114. No little Miners in , the near future . I work at McAir in artiDenise Ann (Rost) Mausshardt writes: ficial intelligence. I'm sure all of my Steven R. Harms is an electrical engi"After leaving UMR, I took a secondary friends, like Brian Peetz, agree that I neer for Texas Instruments , Lewisville, Texas. He now lives at 9849 W. Valley math teaching job at Raytown High' could use some." . Ranch Parkway, No. 2055, Irving, TX School. I have been there ever .since 75063. January 1984. At Raytown, I teach Mark J. and Gail A. Ahrens (both '84) mainly freshman students. Classes include, Algebra I, Pre-Algebra, Everyday write: "Our address is now 723 Chans lor James P. Hays writes, "I will be married Math and Geometry. The 1987-88 year Ave., Ferguson, MO 63135. Hope you're to Sherry Hoeppner on May 2, 1987." holds promises of an Enriched Geome- doing we ll. " Both Mark apd Gail are James works with c.J. Patterson and try class though plans are not yet industrial engineers at MDAC-Stl. (Mc- lives at 9834 Willow, Apt. I A, Kansas Donnell Douglas Aircraft Co.-SI. City, MO 64134. _ permanent. On a personal base, at UMR Louis). I was Denise Rost. However, on June 14, 1986, I married a wonderful fellow , Sheryl D. Hull write s : "Moved III so I am now Denise Mausshardt (proGreg Anderson writes: " I'm li ving in Jef- October 1986 to P.O. Box 92, McGirk nounced "MOUSE-HEART"). My stufe(son City and getting ready to go to MO 65055. She is a structural designer dents at school have a field day with that Kansas C ity, Mo . with a job change." for the Misso uri Highway and Transname!" Denise's address is 8328 SterGreg is a structural design engineer with portation Department, Jefferson City, ling, Raytown, MO 64138. the Missouri Highway and Transporta- Mo. tion Department. His current address is 4908 Rainbow Hills, Jefferson C it y, David C. Kerber writes: "I am currently Alex Melchers writes, "Daughter Rachel MO 65101. an engineering officer of the watch Anne arrived Oct. 29 , 1986." Alex is an (EOOW) trainee on board USS Virginia engineer, electronics, ' with McDonnell (CGN-38). My address is FPO New Douglas in St. Louis. Alex, Holly i!nd David Murray Clare is now a self- York , NY 09590-1 I65. " David is in the Rachel live at 1555 Vearling, Florissant, employed consultant. He lives at 2641 U.S. Navy stationed out of Norfo lk , MO 63033-3147. Louis Ave., St. Louis , MO 63144. VA.

Chuck Kaiser writes: "New job at McDonnell Dquglas Aircraft Co. in the strength department." Chuck's address is 9535 Fantasy Lane, St. Louis, MO 63126. Douglas M. Mendoza is now a quality assurance supervisor with Coke Bottling - St. Louis. Douglas' new address is 2037B Tavel Court, St. Louis, MO 63146. Mark J. Nienhaus has changed his address to 6820 Trail Lake Drive, Ft. Worth , TX 76133 . He works for General Dynamics. John and Karen (Anderson, '85) Pigott were married in August, 1986. John works for Motorola Inc. and Karen works for Goodyear Aerospace Corp . Their address is 5038 S. Hardy, #1096, Tempe, AZ 85282. Philip A. Scanbura Jr. writes: "Just changed jobs-quit Honeywell and went to Sperry Aerospace! Now Honeywell bought Sperry! They just couldn't get along without me! Happy Holidays!" Phil lives at 14002 N. 49th Ave., #1096, Glendale, AZ 85306. Tim Schoenecker is now a graduate student and a -graduate teaching assistant in engineering management at UMR. Tim's local address is 940 Merriweather, Rolla, MO 6540 I, and his permanent address is 5701 Delor, St. Louis, MO 63109.

Bryan K. Smith writes: "I have accepted the position of prod uction manager with Buckman Laboratories' Cadet Missouri -Plant effective Dec. I ; 1986. Buckman is a manufacturer of specialty chemicals serving the paper, water treatment and paint industries." Bryan li ves at 1607 East Division , Springfield , MO 65803.

James E. studer, '84, '85, write~ : "I am currently a senior staff engineer with Woodward-Clyde Cons ultants. I'm primarily working o n environmental problems for private and governmental concerns. Anita is in the banking business. We 'd like to hear from you guys! Living at 757.5 W. 106th St., Apt. 238, Overland Park, KS 66212."


MSM Alumnus/69

Alumni Personals 1985 John M. Ay writes: "W ill finish my master's in tec hnica l writing in June. The past yea r a nd a ha lf have been busy with teaching and studying. It's easiest to contact me through my folks a t 1731 River Road, Annapolis , MD 21401." John is studying at Northeastern University in Boston . Greg M. Bolon writes: "I am currently working on the traffic d'ivision with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. I recently beca me engaged to Sherrie Craft. M y c urrent address is 9807 Willow, Apt. lA, Ka nsas City, MO 64134." Richard G. Dawson writes: "I am now an engineer in the engineering technology division (ETD) of McDonnell Aircraft Co. (MeA' R) , in the aerodynamics department. The project I am working on is the AOV F-15." Richard 's address is 4018 San Fernando, St. Charles , MO '63303. Nelson R. Emerson writes: "Started working in the flight test data processi ng department at McAir (McDonnell Douglas Aircraft) in February, 1986. It's a pretty neat job, a lot better than writing COBOL progra ms to do payroll!" Nelson lives at 1316 Ithaca Circle, St. Charles, MO 63303 .

Richard J. Heisse \Hit e,: "I !WH' bt'e n prom o ted to the p o~ iti o n of assembly a nd packaging su pe rviso r at Sun'ival Technology Inc .. a ph a rm ace uti ca l com pa ny hcre in St. Loui,. The biggcst news however. is th a t Cath y a nd I a re expectin g o ur first child. duc so metime in eaFIy June. Both of us are very excited a nd can hard ly wait for him (or he r) to ge t he re." Richard and Cathy live at 3751 Delor. St. Louis. MO 63116. Kurt D. Koehler writes: ''I'm in grad school working under Dr. Numbere in the area of thermal recovery. Hopefully , I'll have a streamtube steamflooding model completed shortly. To anyone reading this: Rolla's just not the same without the old crowd."路 Kurt's address is 1321 Hillview, Rolla, MO 65401. Susan M. Oberdick is now an e nvironmental engineer with the Environmental Protection Agency in Kansas City. Susan's address is 8500 N. Cosby, No. 13, Ka nsas City, MO 64154.

Matthew Olsen writes: "I recently have bee n promoted from development engineeno operations supervisor for Magnox Inc ., which is a leader in producing magnetic iron oxides for the vid eo, audio and computer tape industries." M atthew lives at 311 Carriage Hill Drive, Pulask i, V A 2430 I.

Mark R. Hall writes': "How's it going? Everything is great at this end. Couldn't have planned it better. I a m technical路 service manager for Petrochem Services Inc.- an environmental service contracto r and e mergency spill respo nse team. Very interesting and challenging. Very safety-minded. I'm getting married to Debbie o n April 4, 1987. New address will be 2255 Summerhouse Drive, # II , St. Louis , MO 63146. Debbie and I are anxious to hear from you . Home phone 314-86 8-5366 , work 314-521-3600 . HARK Beta Delta '84."

Mark D. Peterson was commiss ioned an Ensign in the U.S. Navy upon completion of Aviation Officer Candidate School. He lives at 1857 Atwood Drive, Apt. 90J , Pensacola, FL 32514.

William L. Kovacich writes, "Recently accepted a p osition as metallurgica l labo ratory supervisor a t the Eas t P eo ri a complex (Caterpillar, Inc.)." William's address is 5803 Hay meadow Cuurt, Apt. 2A, Peoria, IL 61615.

Ka'ren (Anderson, '85) and John, '84, Pigott were married in August, 1986. John works fo r Moto rola Inc. a nd Karen works for Goodyear Aerospace Corp . Their actdress is 5038 S. Hardy, # 1096, Tempe, AZ 85282.

Gregory T. Peacock writes: ''I'm finally on first shift, a nd bought a house to ce le brate! New address is 1315 S. Washington St., Kokomo , IN 46902." Gregory works for Delco Electronics Corp.

Harry L. Reed is now manager, adva nced space propul sio n. with the U.S. Air Force at th e Los Angeles Air Force Station. Barry is living a t 4040 W. 130th. No. 10. Haw thorne, CA 90250. Jerry Sanderson write, : "Karen Gray, also '85, and II inally got married and wc moved back 1(1 St. Louis from Texas. I am a programmer \\ il h Datama .\( and Kare n i~;J Fot:,rammer with McDonnell Duuglas." .J erry a nd Kare n are now li ving al 7720 Gis,ler. 2W. St. Louis. MO 63117. Christop~er Schaefer writes: "I am currently working in Resea rch Engineering 路 .. a process , project engineering group for Dow's Texas Division research . Recently I was selected 10 beco me a member of a mathematical modeling group Deing formed forTexas Division. ~Christopher lives at 400 Timher Creek Drive. Apt. 916, Richwood , TX 77531 路.

Richard C. Stocke's mother, Lois Stocke, reports a new address for Richard and his family, 2439 Sullivan Co urt , Owens boro , K Y 4230 I. Sh e writes: " Richard is married and has a da ughter, Sarah, age 2 y;" and he and his wife- are expecting twins any day now! We are so proud for Richard . He works for Te xas Gas in Owensboro , KY. He sta rted his job Ja,nuary, 1986. It is a terrific job and we thank our God in Heaven a nd Jesus Christ our Savior! We also thank your school and all those who work and teach there . May God bl~ss you all." Timothy J. Sutterer is now a team manage r with Procter & Gamble in Cape Girardeau, Mo . Tim and Karen's mailing address is Route 4, Box '3I9, Jackson, MO 63755. Kim W. Tracy writes: "Since leaving UMR, I began work at AT&T Bell Laboratories in Naperville , Ill. Bell Laboratories sent me to Stanford Unive rsity for my Master of Science in Co mputer Science. I emphasized in heuristics and artifical intelligence. Now, I am back in Naperville working for Bell Laborato ries as a systems engineer on the 5ESS telephone switch . My current primary duty is to follow a nd develop ro uting a nd numbering sta ndards as . th ey pertain to the 5ES~." Kim is ri ow living at 2788 Village Green Drive, Apt. C2, Aurora , IL 60505. David J. Vitale wri tes: ''I'm an engineer workin g in th e night simul ation departme nt at McDonnell Douglas. I work on the F I5 E simu lation as we ll as vario us o th e r FI5 MS IP projects." David lives at 8500 Kathlyn Drive, Berkeley, MO 63 134.


1986 Rollamo

70/ MSM Alumnus

Lisa Allee is a technical projects .engineer for Amoco Oil Co. , Whiting, Ind . She lives at 405 Home Ave ., Oak Pa rk, IL 60302.

Michael P . Baldwin \H ite, : "I all1 pn:semployed ",ith DOE . Southwestern Power Admlni~tration. l'ini shed IWhour class III be certified accident inves ligator. Debbie and I had a 7 pound, 2 ounce !Wl August 17." Mi c hael and Debbie live at 204 Deanna La ne. Nixa. 'VI 0 65714. enll~

SUl.anne R. Black wntes: "H ello U M R from sunn y Florida' I'm very excited about working at NASA-Kennedy Space Center. It 's not eve ry job that one can work on the space sh.u ttle. I work on the Thermal Protection System (TPS) . Thanks to Dr. Askeland for AE 241. Keep in touch." Suzy liv~s at 3550-G Sable Palm Lane, Titusville, FL 32780.

Jane M . Bokermann writes: "Engaged to Karl E. Aselage of Creve Coeur. Mo. on Oct. 2, 1986." Jane lives at 48460 Denton, Apt. 205, Belleville, M 148111. Robert J . Bufe Jr. writes: "I am currently working in the propul sionthermodynamics department a t McAir (McDonnell Aircraft Co.) I am on the F-15E project." Robert's address is 725 Madison Lane, Florissant, MO 63031 . Kevin J. Knocke reports that his wife is expecting in March . Kevin is with Guarantee Electric and they live at 4170 Loughborough, St. Louis: MO 63116. Jeffrey S. Litherland is now a civil e ngi-. neer I for the Illinois Depart ment of Trans.portation in Effingham, Ill. His address is ' 1614 Hillside Drive, # HI , Effingham, I L 6240 I . Matthew J. Masalskis has moved to 911 Dutch Mill , Ballwin , MO 630 11. He works for McDonnell Douglas Corp. Jim Pontius writes: "I am currently enjoying a position in th e F I A-18 strength department at McDonnell Aircraft , along with indoor soccer, vo lleyball and other activities at Mac." Jim lives at 810 Airport Road , Ferguson, MO 63135 . Bryan Todd Maser writes: " I am working at A VSCOM (Army Aviation Systems Command) as an aerospace engineer in the propUlsion branch. I'll be an intern for three yea rs durin g which a lot of training a.nd trave ling will be in- ' vo lved ." Bryan's new address is 737 1 Norma ndie Court , Apt. C, HazeI;.vood , MO 63042. David W. Salyers is a n e ngineer in tra ining for Tenneco Oil Co. in Lafayette, La. He, his wife, Robin, and two girls, Ashley a nd Kara moved to Lafayette in June 1986. The Salyers family's new address is 608 Cobblestone, Lafayette, LA 70508. John A. Underwood wr ites, "Curre ntl y on one year training co urse with Caterpillar in Peoria." John a nd Stepha nie live a t 7213 Rockvale Drive, No. 104, Peoria, IL 616 14. Marvin D. Walden is a n assoc ia te.design engineer with E-Systems. Ma rvin and Christina now live a t 3403 Tipps, Greenville, TX 75401.

MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Telephone (314) 341-4171; (314) 341-4172


Term Expires

President . . . . . . • . . . . . . Arthur G: Baebler, '55 .... • . . . . . . •• 17 Zinzer Court ••... . . . . . . 1988 St. Louis, MO 63123 President Elect .. . . . . . . . John B. Toomey, '49 .•...•. .. . . . . . VSE Corp .. •. . . •. . . . . . . . . 1988 2550 Huntington Ave., Alexandria, VA 22303 Vice President . . . . . . . . . Wayne R. Broaddus, '55 ....•... ; .. MI, P.O . Box 2545 . . . . . . . . . 1988 . ' Dalton, GA 30720 Vice President . . . . . . . . . Alfred J . Buescher,'64 . . . . . • .....• 624 Golfview Drive . . . . . . . . • 1988 Ballwin, MO 6301'1 Vice President . . . . . . . . . J . Robert Patterson, '54 . . . . • . . . . . . . P.O. Box 573, N. Ridge Rd . .. •. 1988 , Sikeston, MO 63801 Vice President '..•.....• Ernst A. Weinel,'44 •.•...•..•.•.. 1502 West 50 • ....•• ...•. . 1988 O'Fallon, IL 62269 Vice President . . . . . . . . . Robert V. Wolf, '51 . . .. .' . . . . . . . . . . Metallurgical Engineering •.... 1988 . UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 Secretary . . . . • . . . • . . . . Matteo A. Coco,'66 ..•• '••....•••• 7115 Aliceton Ave . . . . . . . . • . • 1988 _ , . Affon, MO 63123 ' I Treasurer . • . . . . . . • . . . J.L. "Jack" Painter, '50 . . . . • . . • . . . . 1610 Wilson Circle . . . . . . . . . . 1988 , Rolla, MO 65401


,Term Expires

:rhor GjelsteenJ '53 . • . . . . . . . • . . 7300 W. Stetson Place, #41, Littleton, CO 80123 . . . . . . .•• ... 1988 Paula Hudson, '73 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5910 Charlotte, Houston, TX 77005 . . . . . . . . .• .. .• • . •. .. 1989 S. Dale McHenry, ' 81 ......••... 4814 Chelsea Way, Acworth, GA 30101 . . . . . . . . • . ....•.• . 1988 Gerald L. Stevenson, '59 ....••.•. Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., P.O. Box 2008 .••••........ 1987 Lakeland, ·FL 33806 Ronald A. Tappmeyer, '47 .•••.... 2226 Country Club Drive, Sugar Land, TX 77478 •• . . . • . . . . . . 1987 Carlos Tiernon, '54 ...• , • •...•. 61 Berkshire Lane, Lincolnshire, IL 60015 ...• ••. . • . . . . . . . . 1989

Area_Zip Code Numbers


Term Expires

00-14 David J. Btume, '65 .• , . , .•• 11 Musket Trail, Siinsbury, CT 06070 .•.• •••• .... ', ....•• 1989 15-26 RichardE. Rueter, '68 .•, •••• 420 Penn St., Hollidaysburg, pA 16648 ....•••.. • •.•...• ~ .1989 27-36 John K. Olsen, '42 .•..••••.• One Beach Drive, Apt. 1502', St. Petersburg, FL 33701 ....' .••• 1988 37-45 Russell A. Kamper; '62 ••• .. • . 5674 Shadow Oaks, Dayton, Of-:l45440 . . . . . . ... , ......• , .1989 46-52 Robert L Seaman, '69 •••.• ; .8305 N. Yellowstone, Route 7, Muncie, IN 47302 •.........•• 1987 53-61 Eugene J. Daily, '36 ••• • ..•.. Daily & Associates, 816 Dennison Dr., Champaign, IL 61820 •••• ,1988 62-62 Max A. Burgett,'54 ••• ••• ; , • 2219Dewey St., Murphysboro, IL 62966 • •• •... , . . . . . . , •. 1987 63-65 .Jerome T. Berry, '49 , •••..•. Route 4, Box 419, Rolla, MO 65401 •... .- , •••••••••• ...•. 1987 ,,63-65 Robert T. Berry, '72 .. , .. , , ~ .127,16 E. 63rd, Kansas City, MO 64133 •.•• ...•.....•• .•. 1987 63-65 Gerald W. Bersett,'65 ....•.• i50 Kings Drive, Florissant, MO 63034 : •• •..•....•... •• . 1989 63-65 Lucien Bolon Jr., '59 .. , . . . . . 902 S. Murray Road, Lee's Summit, MO 64063 . . . . . , . , ... , .1989 63-65 Harold G. Butzer, '47 .. , .. ~ ' • . 730 Wicker Lane, Jefferson City, MO 65101 ... , .....•.•• , .1988 63-65 Mary S. Klorer, '81 •.•• , •... 9165 Robin Court, St. Louis,MO 63144 .. , ..••.••...... , ,1987 63-65 B. Neil Lewis, '58 . : • .. • •• • • 115 College St., P.O. Box 627, Kennett, MO 63857, , •• •. • ..•• 1988 63-65 Robert E. Peppers, '50 •... , • • P.O. Box 177, Herculaneum, MO 63048 • • • ••••. •••••• ••• ,1989 66-72 John Curt Killinger, '73 . . . . . . . 836 Wilshire, Metairie, LA 70005 .•.. , ..-.... , .. . •••.• .• 1989 73-75 Roy A. Wilkins,'66 . . . . . . . . . Williams Cos.-WILTEL, P.O. 'Box 21348, Tulsa, OK 74121 • ....• 1988 76-77 James B. Chaney, '48 •.•...•• 16218 Chipstead prive, Spring, TX 77379 •••.•.•••. .• ...•. 1988 78-84 J . Richard Hunt, '50 ..••....• 14913 Highway 82, Carbondale, CO 81623 ~ .•••. ••.••..• •• 1989 85-92 Albert S. Keevil, '43 ....• ' .•.. 1442 Yost Drive, San Diego, CA 92109 •... , ••.••• •..•... 1987 93-99 David N. Peacock, '64 ....•.. 3515 Brunell Drive, Oakland, CA 94602 •...•••.••... , . , .. 1988

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN William W. Collins, '50 , •.•••••••• 1608 Wilson Circle, Rolla, MO 65401 Joel F, Loveridge, '39 ..•••.••••• ,739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Armin J. Tucker, '40 .•..•. ' ... , .. 304 Christy Dr., Rolla, MO 65401


Term Expires

Robert D, Bay, '49 . . . . . • . . . . . • . . Black & Veatch, '1500 Meadow Lak~ Parkway, •.•..•••..••. 1988 I Kansas City, MO 64114 James B. McGrath, '49 ..• •...... . 12425 Balwyck Lane, St. Louis, MO 63131 .. , , ...•..•..••• 1992 Lawrence A. Spanier, '50 ••.. • . . . . . 5 Pettit Drive, Dix Hills, NY'11746 .•.•..•...•.•... ; •... 1990

EX·OFFICIO DIRECTORS Richard H. Bauer, '52 •. , . . . . • . . . . Missouri Eledrochem Inc., 10958 Lin-Valle Drive St. Louis, M063123 Robert M. Brackbill, '42 . . . . . . . . . • 9148 Clearlake Drive, Dallas, TX 75225 Paul T. Dowling, '40 •.••.....•.• ,10144 Winding Ridge Road, St. Louis, MO '63124 R.O. Kasten, '43 .•..... .•.•.. . ,901 West 114th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114 Peter F. Mattei, '37 .••..•....... 9954 Holliston Court, St. Louis, MO 63124 Joseph W. Mooney, '39 -: . . . . . . . . . 7383 Westmoreland, University, City, MO 63130 Melvin E. Nickel, '38 . . . . . . . . . . , ~ 10601 South Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 F.C. Schneeberger, '25 • . . . . . . . . . . One Briar Oak, St. Louis, MO 63132 James W. Stephens, '47 . . . . . . . . . ,406 E. Third, Lee's Summit, MO 64063

STAFF Frank H. Mackaman • . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Vice-President, MSM-UMR Alumni Association and . Vice Chancellor, Office of Alumni/Development Affairs, UM-Rolla Don Brackhah'n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director for Alumni and Constituent Relations -Larry Allen . . . . . . . • . . • . . • .... Assistant Di,rector, Alumni and Constituent Relations Louise Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . • • .. Executive Staff Assistant, Alumni/Development Sally White . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . Editor, MSM ALUMNUS MSM-UMR Alumni Association, Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401-9990

MSM Alumnus/71

Campus ~o lo'r


University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401 -9990




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