Missouri S&T Magazine, June 1987

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50-Year Reunion University of Missouri-Rolla

June 7987

MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION T ele ph o ne (3 14) 34 1-4 17 1: (3 14) 34 1-4 172

MSM-UMR A lumni Association U ni ve rsit y of Misso uri-R o ll a Ro lla , Mis ouri

Vo lume 61 Number 3 J une, 1987

On The Cover

The Golden Alumni- members of the C lass of 1937- who participated in the comme nce me nt process io nal were: Left to ri g ht , front row, Fred vogt, John Sheppard , Frank Millard , W.T. Moore, C han ce llor Martin Jischke , Arthur McClan a ha n; seco nd row, Bob Lange, Ed Loga n, G len H ack m a nn , "Red" Brown, E.A . Brecke, Pete Mattei , Dorse Bishop, Hu gh Ba rcla y; back row, H e rb H a rri s, Walt Luder, Wall y Ho lz, Ozzie H olman , Bo b E lg in , Lela nd Grafft , George Di ck inso n, C har lie Be nn e r an d Frank Appleya rd. Other p hotos o f th e 50-yea r gro up , take n durin g th e reunion fe ti vities Friday, Saturday and S un day , m ay be found on pages I thr oug h 6.

MSMALUMNUS (USPS-323-S00) Iss ued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri -Ro ll a. Ente red as second class matter O cto ber 27 , 1926, at Post Office at Rolla , Missouri 65401-9990 , under the Act of March 3,1897.

OFF ICERS Term Ex pi res P resident . . .. . .• . . . . . Anhur G. Baeb le r, '55 .. ... . . .. ... 17 Zinzer Co un . . . . . ... .. 1988 S I. Louis , M O 63 123 Pres ident E lect . . • . . . . . J o hn B. T oo m ey, '49 . . . . . . . . . . . .. V E Co rp . . . . . . . . . . . " . 1988 2550 Hunting to n Ave., Alexa ndri a , VA 22303 Vi ce P res iden t . . . • . . . . . W ayne R . Broaddus , '55 .. . .. . . .. . AA I, P .O . Box 2545 . . . ... . 1988 D al t on, GA 30720 Vi ce P reside nt . . . • . . . . . Alfred J . Buesc her, '64 . . .. . .. . . . .. 624 Golfview Drive . . . . . . . 1988 Ba llwin , MO 630 11 Vice Presid e nt, . . . . . . . . J . Rab e n Patt erso n , '54 . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Box 573, . Ridge Rd . . . , .1 98 Sikeston , M 06380 I Vice Preside nt ... , .. . . . E rn s t A . W einel, '44 . . . . . . .. . . . . . 1502 W es t 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1988 O ' Fallon. I L 62269 Vice Preside nt ... , . . . . . R a b e n V. W olf, '5 1. , . . . . . . . . . . .. M e t a llurgica l E ngi nee ring ... 1988 U MR , R o lla , MO 65401 Secre tary . . . . . . . . . . . . Matt eo A . Coco, '66 . . . . . . , . . . . . . 7 115 Alice ton Ave . . . . . . . . . 1988 Afto n , MO 63 123 Treas urer . . . . . . . . , . . . J.L. " J ack" Pain ter, '50 . . .. . . . . . .. RI. 2, Box 60, ApI. # 15 5 . . . . 19 8 Wa y nes il le, MO 65583 DIRECTORS AT LARGE Te rm Ex pi res Thor Gjelsteen, '53 .. . . . . . " . ... 7300 w . Stetso n Place. #4 1, Little to n. CO 80 123 . . . . . . . . . . .. 1988 Pau la Hu d so n. '73 . .. . . . . . . . . . . 59 10 Charlotte, Houston, TX 77005 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 1989 S. Dale M c Henry, '8 1 . . . . . . • . . . . 48 14 Chelsea Way. Acworth. GA 3010 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1988 Gerald L. S teve nso n, '59 .. . . • . . . . J acobs Engineering G roup Inc .. P.O . Box 2008 .. . . . .. .. . . . . 1987 Lakeland , FL 33806 R o nald A. T a ppmeye r, '47 . . . . . . . . 2226 Co untry C lub Drive, S ugar Land, TX 77478 . . . . . . . .. . . 1987 Ca rl os Tie rn an. '54 . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 Berkshire Lane, Linco lnshire, IL 600 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989 Area Zip Cod e Nu mb ers AREA DIR ECTOR S Te rm Ex pires 00-14 Da vi d.1 . Blumc, '65 .. . . . . . . II Mu ske t Trail , Simsbury, CT 06070 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989 15-26 R ichard E. Ru e tt er, '68 . . . . . . 420 Pe nn I. , Holl ida ysb urg. P A 16648 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989 27-36 J ohn K. Olse n, '42 . . ... . .. . . One Beae h Dri ve. Apt. 1502, SI. Pe tersbu rg , FL 33701 .. . . . . . . 1988 37-45 Russell A. Kamper, '62 . . . . . . . 5674 Shadow Oaks. Da yton . O H 45440 . . . . , . . . . . ... .. ... 19 9 46-52 Robert L. Seaman, '69 . . . . . .. 29 12 Briarwood t. , Farmingto n Hills, M I 480 18 , . . .. . , . , , . 1987 53-61 Eugene J. Daily, '36 . . . . . . . . . 1114 Lincolnshire, Cham paig n, IL 6 182 1 , ... . . , . . . . . .. , .. 1988 62-62 Max A. Bu rgett , '54 . . .. . . , .. 22 19 Dewey S I. , Mu rp hys bo ro, IL 62966 . . .. . . , .. . ... . , . . 1987 63-65 J erome 1'. Berry, '49 . . . . . . .. . R oute 4, Box 41 9, R olla, MO 65401 .. . . . . . .. , ., . . . ,., .. 1987 63-65 Robert 1'. Berry. '72 . . . . . . . . . 127 16 E. 63rd, Kansas Ci ty, MO 64 133 . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 1987 63-65 Gerald W. Bersw. '65 . . . . . . . . 150 Kings Dri ve, Florissant. MO 63034 .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989 63-65 Lucien Bol on Jr. , '59 . . . • . . . . 902 S. Murra y R oad. Lee's Summit, MO 64063 .. , . , . . . , . ... 1989 63-65 Harold G. Butzer. '47 . .. , . . . . 730 Wicker Lan e. J effe rso n City. MO 65 10 1 .. . . . . . . , . . . . . . 1988 63-65 Mary S. Klorer. '8 1 .. . . . . . . . 9 165 R obin Court. S l. Louis. MO 63 144 . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . 1987 63-65 B. Nei l Lewi" '58 . . . . . . . . . . 11 5 College St., P.O. Box 627, Ke nn e tt , MO 63857 ..•. . • . . . . . 198 63-65 Robert E. Peppers. '50 .. . . . . . P.O. Box 177, He rc ulaneum. MO 63048 .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 9 66-72 J . C. "Curt" Killinger, '73 ... .. 836 Wilshire, Metairie, LA 70005 .. . . . , . . . . . . . .. , . , . . . . 1987 73-75 Roy A. Wilki ns, '66 , , . . . . . . ,Williams Cos.-W ILTEL, P.O. Box 2 1348, Tulsa, OK 741 2 1 . . ... 1988 76-77 J ames B. Chancy, '48 , . . . . . . . 162 18 Chipstead Dri ve, Sp ring, TX 77379, . . . . . . . . . , . , . ... 1988 78-84 J. Ri chard Hunt, '50 . .. . .. ,.149 13 Highway 82, Carbondale, CO 8 1623 . . . . , . , ... • , . . . . 1989 85-92 Albert S. Keevil, '43 .. . . . . . , . 1442 Yost Dri ve, Sa n Diego. CA 92109 . . . . . . . . ... . . . . ... 1987 93-99 Da vid N. Peacock. '64 . . . . . .. 35 15 Brunell Drive, Oakland. CA 94602 . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . 19

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C OMMITTE E C HA I RMAN William W. Collin>, '50 . . . ... .. . .. 160 Wilson Circle. Rolla. MO 65401 J oel r. Lo\eridge. '39 . . . . . . . . . . .. 739 o untry Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63 141 Armin J . Tucker, '40 ... . . . •. . . . . 304 Christy Dr. , R o lla , MO 65401 EXECUTIV E C OMMITT EE Robert D. Bay. '49 . . . . . .. , . . . . . Bl ack & Vea tc h, 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway ... . •... Ka nsas it y. M O 64114 Jam es B. McGrath. '49 . , . .. . . . . . . 12425 B alwyc~ Lane, SI. Louis. MO 63131 . . . . . . . . .. La\HenCe A. Spanier. '50 . . ... . . . . . 5 Pettit Drive. D" Hills, NY 11 746 ... . . . . , . • . . . . ,


Term Ex pires , , .. . . 1988

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EX -OFFICIO DIR ECTOR S Richard H. Bauer. '52 ... . . . . . . . . . Missouri Electrochem Inc .. 10958 Ltn-Valle Drive SI. Loui\, M 0 63123 Robert M. Brackbill. '42 . . . . . . . ... 914 learlake Dri\e. Dallas. TX 75225 Paul T. DO\"",g. '40 . . . . . . . . . . . . 10144 Windtng Ridge Road , SI. Louis, MO 63 124 R. O. Kasten, '43 . . . . , ... , . . . . . 901 West 11 4th Terrace, Kansas ity, MO 64114 Peter F. Matlei, '37 . . . . .. . , . . . . . 9954 Holliston Court, S l. Louis, MO 63 124 J oseph W. Mooney, '39 . . . . . .. . , .. 7383 Wes tm o rela nd . niver;ity it), MO 63130 ~I e l\in E. Nidel, '3 . . . . . ... .. . . 10601 outh Hamilt on A\e .. Chicago, IL 60643 James W. Stephens, '47 . . . . . . .. . . . 406 E. Third, Lee's ummil. MO 64063 STAFF H. Mac~aman . . . . . .. . . . . . Executive Vice-Pre,ident, M M-UMR Alumni Associa tion and Vice Chancellor, Office of Alumni Development Affair;. M-Rolla Don Brad,hahn .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . Ex ec utive Director ror Alumni a nd ons titu ent Relations Larr] 1\lIen . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . As~i~tant Director. Alumni and Constituent Relations Louise Wilson ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. Executive Staff Assistant , Alumni Development Sally White . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Editor, MSM ALUM S MSM-UMR Alumni Association. Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 6540 1-9990 han~

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Arthur McClanahan , Frank Millard, E.1. Moore and Ed Logan .

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Wally Holl and Wa lt Luder on campus tour.

Class of 1937 - 50 Year Reunion Notable events during the 1936-37 school year included the re-elect io n of F ra nk lin Delano Roosevelt as president and the defea t of Alf Landon, Rep ublican candidate from Kansas : suc h movies as "The Big Broadcast of 1937" sta rring J ack Benn y, Geo rge Burn s and Martha Raye, and "Love O n th e R un " with J oa n Crawfo rd and Clark Ga ble; p red ict io ns th at te lev ision for th e public was at leas t ten yea rs away and th at it "wou ld never supplant the mov ie;" severe floo d s in the M id west duri ng ea rl y spring and a hope th at the effects of the "Great Depression" were beginnin g to wa ne (25 perce nt of the se nior class had accepted j o bs by Marc h) . O n ca m pus- fo otball ca p tain , F rank App leyard , was elected preside nt of the se ni or class; more fresh me n we re pledgi ng fra terni ties; A I ME student chapte r p res ident , H ugh Ba rclay, introd uced lecture r Ha rry Kess ler, member of the Class of 1924; MSM ham rad io o perators ato p J ac kli ng Gy m relayed di stress calls from flo od areas; sc hedu led St. P at 's ba nd , A nso n Weeks, ca ncelled a nd was repl aced by D ick Jurge ns; men's suit s we re selling fo r $20, shoes for $3 .50 a nd shirts fo r as litt le as 98<1:; a nd st ude nts we re listen-

ing to the "Swing sensatio n of the air," Benny Goodman's Band . T hese a nd m any ot her to pics we re di scussed all wee kend by the 23 members of the C lass of 1937 a nd their wives, who re turn ed to campus fo r thei r 50th R euni on . It was a busy weeke nd beginning with hos pitalit y in "Club 37" at Zeno's Motel (headq uarte rs fo r the Class of '37) a nd fo ll owed by dinner a nd a n eve nin g of ge ttin g reaqu a inted . Saturd ay m o rning bega n with a bus tou r of th e old a nd new Rolla. L unch eo n was served a t th e Cha ncello r's Resi d ence fo ll owed by to u rs of th e ca mp us . Satu rday ni ght was t he "Go ld en A lumni Banquet" ho noring the SO-yea r a lum n i. Fo ll owing S und ay bru nc h, the ho no rees d o nn ed caps a nd gow ns a nd pictures we re take n indi vi du a lly a nd in a gro up . Buses too k the gro up t o th e New J ack ling Field to take pa rt in th e co mm ence ment process ional. A ltho ugh the wea th er had bee n bea ut iful a ll wee kend , a sudd e n sp rin g showe r curt a iled t he grad ua tio n ce rem o ni es a nd eve ryo ne headed bac k to Ze no 's fo r th e fin a l "fa rewell " eve nt. It was a memor a ble wee kend.

Bill Culbertson , Cha ncellor Jischke, Fra nk Ap pleya rd , Pete and Alice

Pa tt y Jischk e, Herb and Chita Ha rris, Bob and Carolin e Elgin a nd Arthur McCla naha n.


路 . 1992

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Matt ei.

MSM Alumnus/ l

F rank Appleyard

Hugh Barclay Jr.

Charlie Benner

Tubac, Ariz. At MSM: B.S. minin g; Inde pendent; Class Preside nt ; Footba ll captain; Blue Key; Career: Ret ired as vice presiden t, U.S. Gy psum (40 years).

Amarillo, Texas At MSM : B.S. minin g; Inde pendent; T heta Ta u; Pres . AIME; M in er; Ca ree r: Ret ired as plant manager, So uth western Po rtla nd Cement

Clearwater, F la. At MSM: B.S . met. ; Ca reer: Retired as ma nager, staff se rvices, resea rch and engin eerin g, Co ntin en· tal (Ca n Co.) Gro un

Dorse S. Bishop

E.A. Brecke

Buran "Red" Brown

M issio n, Texas At MSM : B.S. CE; Independent; ASCE; track and wrestling; Career: Retired after 31 years with ALCOA

Minneapolis, M inn .

Ho usto n, Texas

At MSM : B.S. mining; Independent; AIME; Society of Eco nomic Geologists; Ca reer : Ozark Mahonin g M ini ng Co . (21 years) and retired after 12 years with University of M innsota

A t MSM: B.S. CE; Independent; t rack; Career: Field ope rat ions ma nager, Western Geoph ysica l (37 years) and golf co urse Owner (eight years).

Pittsburgh, Pa . At MSM : B.S . Met.; In depe nde nt; Phi Ka ppa Ph i; Ta u beta Pi; AIME; Career: Re tired as ma n· age r, administ rat io n, corpo rate reso urces for Wes-

tin ghouse Electri c Corp .

2/MSM Alumnus

George Dickinson

Bob Elgin

Everg ree n, Colo. At MSM: B.S . minin g; P i Kappa Alph a; A IME ; T heta Ta u; Ca reer: O wn er (42 years) D ickinso nAsso ciates , Consultin g Engin eers. Not retired.

St. J a mes, Mo. At MSM : B.S. CE; Ind epend ent ; ASCE; Career: Own er, R.L. Elgin , Engin eers & Sur veyi ng, Roll a (retired) a nd continuin g as Ph elps Count y S urve)'or (22 years).

AIM ball; agee I

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: areer: , Rolla y Sur'

Leland Grafft

Glen Hackmann

Herb Harris

Sun City, Ariz. A t MSM: B.S. CE; Independent; ASCE; basketball; Career: Reti red as district contracting manager for American Bridge, a division of U.S. Stee l Corp. (37 yea rs).

Little Rock, Ark. At MSM: B.S . CE; Alpha Lambda Tau; ASCE; Career: Retired as deputy base civil engineer, USAF SAC Base, U.S . Army Corps of Engineers

Omaha, Neb. At MSM: B.S. CE; Independent; ASCE; football; Career: 20 years construction, retired after 16 years, SAC Air Force regional civil engineer, Offet! AFB, Neb.

O.K. "Ozzie" Holman

W.L. "Wally" Holz

Bob Lange

Hot Springs Village, Ark. At MSM: B.S. mining (pet.); Pres. P i Kappa Alpha; Tau Beta Pi; Theta Tau; Ed itor of th e Miner; Career: after 32 years with oil companies, independent Oil & Gas Development Inc. to

Carm i, III. A t MSM : B.S. ME; Independent; St. Pat 's Board (St. Pat); ASME; Theta Tau ; Caree r: Ret ired after 30 years as owner and president , Terlex Co . Inc.

Rolla, Mo. A t MSM: B.S. Ch . E.; Pres . Pi Kappa A lpha ; Sports Editor, Miner; IFC; Ira Remsen; cocaptain basketba ll ; track ; Ca reer: retired after 42 years with Fra nk B. Powell Lumber Co. (president chairman of the board.

Ed Logan

Walt Luder

Pete Mattei

Marine, III. At MSM : B.S. EE; Independent; AlEE chairman; Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Beta Pi Pres. Theta Tau; Career: Emerson E lectric then retired a fter 11 yea rs as chief engineer with Hunter E ngineering Co.

Chillico th e, Ohio At MSM: B.S . ME; Ind epe nd en t; Theta Tau ; Tau Beta Pi; Athlet ic Assoc.; Career: Retired as industrial engineer after 44 yea rs with Wear-E,'er Aluminum Inc. (Subsidiary of ALCOA).

St. Louis, Mo. At MSM: B.S. CE; Mercier-Theta Kappa Phi (pres.); football; Rollamo; Career: Constructiion then retired as executive director after 24 yea rs with Metropolitan Sewer District of St. Lou is.

MSM Alumnus/ 3


Arthur McClanahan South ampton, N.Y. At MSM : B.S. ME; ASCE; charter member and vice president Alph a La mbda Tau; Career: Ret ired as se nior mechanical engineer with Grumman

Corp. afte r a lm ost 44 yea rs with aviationcompanies.

Frank Millard

W.T. Moore

Houston, Texas At MSM: B.S . mining(pet.); Alpha Lambda Tau; AIME; Golf; Career: Aft er 37 years with Sch lumberger and Exxon, is currently chief executive officer Petrophysical Services Inc.

Alvin, Texas At MSM: B.S . ME; Alpha La mbda Tau (pres.); ASME; Phi Kappa Phi; basketball and baseball; Career: Retired as district superintend ent , AmocoStand a rd O il and Gas (34 yea rs) and 10 years as co nsultant. Bob

John J . Sheppard

Fred K. Vogt

St. Clo ud , F la . At MSM: B.S . mining; Alpha Lambda Ta u; Band; Glee Club; St. Pat's Board; Career: Retired after long ca ree r as mining engin eer.

Rolla , Mo. At MSM: B.S . Ch . E.; Independ ent ; Ira Remson Societ y; captain Rifl e Team; Career: Laclede Gas & Light , Anheuser Busch, then ret ired (Co l. ) after 30 yea rs with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

W.T . a nd Evely n Moore, Frank and Kay Millard, Frank Mackaman, and Le land and Alma Graff!.

4/ MSM Alumnu s

The alumni office will be glad to provide copies of any of the pictures shown on pages one through six. Portraits are $2 .50 each and snapshots will be $1 each. Please identify the photos you want by giving a description of the placement of each one (including page number) and the caption. Allow several weeks for reproduction. We are grateful to Bonnie McClanahan for pictures used on pages one and four.



W.T. Moo re, John Sheppard , Arthur McClanahan and Frank Millard.



E.A_ Brecke and George Dickinson

Ruth and Ed Logan

(pres.); lS.bali; lmoco· ears as

Bob and Sibyl Lange

Bill Culbertson

John Sheppard and Charlie Benner



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W.T. Moore, Glen Hackmann and?

Dorse Bishop and "Red" Brown

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Herb Harris and Ed Logan


Glen and Ruth Hackmann

MSM Alurnnus/5




Janet and Hugh Barclay

Frank Appleyard and Pete Mattei

Lon and Fred Vogt

Sandy Brown

Bonnie & Arthur McClanahan

Jane and Ozzie Holman




Coterie Prints

lion cele do



UMR C ote rie now offers print s o f four of th e orig inal MSM-UMR Buildings in seve ra l form . Th e prints were mad e from pe ncil s ketch es by U MR designer Dick Hatfield . They include th e Rolla Building (187 I) , C hancellor's Residence (1889), Norwood Hall (1903) and Parke r Hall ( 191 2). All proceed s will go to th e Co terie of UMR Faculty Wi ves Scholarship Fund. 8 x 10 Prints suitabl e for framin g- Set of 4 ........... ... .. . .... . ... . ... $ 12 Notepa per- o n antiqu e white with e nve lope (three of eac h o f th e fou r buildings) , Set of 12 ..... .. ............... . ......... $4 C hristmas Ca rd s- on antique white with enve lopes (two of eac h of the four buildings), Set of 8 ................. . . . ......... $4


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Add $ 1 to a ll orde rs to cove r th e cost of mailin g and allow t wo weeks for d eli very. Make c hec ks payab le to UMR C ote ri e Scholarship Fund. Se nd o rd ers to: Co teri e Scholarship Fund , P .O. Box 1638, Rolla, MO 6540 l.

6/MSM Alu mnus

rise Com A goV the

Missouri Governor John Ashcroft



The 114th Annual Commencement Missouri Go v. John Ashcroft cha llenged a bo ut 700 graduat es a t th e Uni versity of Misso uri-R o ll a's 114th A nnu a l Commence ment to "crea te the future with the same readiness to take a ri sk that in spi red the fra me rs of the Co nsti tution ," mak ing reference to the document 's bice ntenni a l celebration this year. "You must see what needs to be done, believe in it , and do it," he ad d ed. As hcroft also told th e grad uates th at "we need to sharpe n our nation a l competitive edge. "It's a tough cha llenge," he said , "but it's one we ca n meet. "W hat will strength en America in th e world economy," he continued, "is its human reso urce- its peo ple. This is any nation's greatest economic asset, a nd th e most prosperous nations work hard to develop it." Ashcroft ex pl ained th at this ca n be acco mplished by "getting all of our national team memb ers into th e ga me. Too many now si mpl y sit o n th e bench . "Parti al participa ti o n cuts deep into a nation 's a bility to compete in th e world market. If we have poor skills, we produce lower quality goods less effici entl y. Then if prices rise for American products of dubious qu a lit y that's not co mpetiti ve," he add ed . As hcroft a lso said that "o ur insitution s- such as our governmental programs and our educatio nal sys tem - have the res ponsib ility to fo ster op po rtuniti es for ou r people.

They enh a nce the chance for people to realize thei r potentials. And government shou ld st rongl y encourage peop le to act on th eir opp o rtuniti es a nd make th e most of th eir li ves ." " Our institutions sho uld (give) peop le challenge a nd opportunity and encourage incenti ves," he added. "When we demand that of our institutions, we build our nat ion 's hum a n reso urces a nd improve our competiti ve ness." A nother way to d evelop our human reso urces a nd meet o ur nat ion's com petitive challenge is by "asking a lot of ourse lves ," he said. " We must push o urselves to be th e best we ca n be. We mu st keep pressing towa rd th e ma rk. "] believe, " he continued, " we never cheat ourselves by asking too much of ourselves; we only cheat ourselv.es by asking too little . And I challenge yo u who are gradu atin g today to ask grea t things of yo urselves as yo u head o ut into the real wo rld . "Your country need s yo u to challenge yo urselves beca use that's how we ca n survive in the race of glo ba l competiti veness. We need yo ur mind s, yo ur tal ents, yo ur ha rd work and your success to ensure our successes nationall y." Vernon T J o nes, president of the Williams Co mp anies, Tul sa, rece ived th e do ctor of engi neering deg ree (honoris ca usa), and 15 a lumni we re awa rd ed professio nal d eg rees. Membe rs o f the C lass o f 19 37 were give n special reco gnition before a summe r showe r caused a n ab rupt closing of the ce remonies. MSM Alu mnus/ 7

Honorary and Professional Degrees Doctor of Engineering (honoris causa) Vernon T. Jones. '53, Tu lsa, Ok la. President, The Williams Companies

Chemical Engineer

Electrical Engineer

Mechanical Engineer

David Bartholic , '62 , Watchung, N.J . Vice president and busin ess d irect o r, refinin2 technology, Engelha rd Corp.

Charles E. Brinkmann , '50 , 51. Louis Manager, engineer ing and operations, Regional West, Union Electric Co.

James R. DeSpain, '6 1, Prospect, Ky. President, Carrier Vibrat ing Equipment Inc. a nd two subsidiaries

Ceramic Engineer

Engineer of M ines

Management Engi neer

Orv ille H unter J r. , '60, Co lum bia, Mo . Vice pres ident fo r researc h A. P. Green R efractor ies Co.

Ha rl a n L. Ke bel, '56 , Napervill e, Ill. D irecto r of mi nin g and exploration . Unit ed S tates Gyps u m Co.

Jo hn M . La n g, '75, T igard , Wash. Ad ministra tor, enviro nment al services, Cit )' o f Portl a nd , O re.

8/ MSM Alumnus

Chemical Engineer

Aerospace Engineer

Electrical Engineer

Robert L. Martin, '49 , Denver, Co lo . Vice preside nt of operat ions Coors Energy Co.

Dona ld R. McGovern , '58, F lorissan t, Mo. Director, design engin eeri ng McDonne ll Ai rcraft Co.

J . Derald Morgan, '65, Las Cruces, N .M . Dea n, College of Engin eering New Mexico S tate University

Metallurgica l Engineer

Civil Engineer

Geological Engineer

Josep h D. Rupp , '72, F lorissa nt , Mo. Vice preside nt , ma n ufac turing a nd en gin eerin g, O lin Corp.-Brass Gro up

Merle E. So uth ern, '61, Littleton, colo . Chief. Rocky Mo unt ain Ma ppin g Cente r U.S . Geologica l S ur vey

Jo hn R. Wa rn er, '70, Houston, Texas Vice presid ent Ry der Scott Petroleum Engineers

Metallurgical Engineer

Petroleum Engineer

Engineer of M ines

Willia m E. Wistehuff, '63, Saginaw, M ich . En gin ee r in ch a rge o f engineerin g la bs, Central Fo undr y D ivisio n, Ge nera l Mo tors

Ma rvin C. Zeid , '51, Ho uston, Texas Presid ent MCZ INC.

Jeffrey L. Zelms, 70 , Chesterfie ld, Mo. Pres ident T he Doe R un Co.

MSM Alumnus/ 9

A/ull1ni Section Nevvs _ _ _ _ __ Bay Area Section The Bay Area Section held its 5th Annual St. Pat's Part y on aturday, March 14, 1987 , at th e home of J erry and Kay Littlefield in the Sunset Distri ct of San Francisco. As usual , Firehou se Barbeque catered an excelle nt meal of hot and mild link s, chicken , pork rib s, beef ribs, potato salad, cole s law, roll s and butter. The barbeque sa uce was on eve ryo ne from ear to ea r. A keg of Lowe nbrau and jugs of win e washed it all down. The traditional St. Pat's cake finished off the meal and by the e nd of th e eve ning everyone was stuffed. Stories and recollections were exchanged by a ll. Jim Shaffer impressed th e ladies with tale of mining exploit in Asia. Scott Patterson wore hi s mid- 1960's green felt MSM St. Pat's de rby , sti ll in good shape aft e r a ll th ese yea rs. J ea n Pollard will ge t her PHT (Putting Hubb y Throu g h)when hu sband Dale mith ge ts hi s master's thi s spri ng. Fraternit y brothers J o hn Rod eri ck and Da ve Peacock saw eac h o ther for th e first time in 17 ye ars. Jerry Littlefield demonstrated

- ---,

hi s e lab ora te mod e l rai lroad , now ex te ndin g over half th e garage. Vicki Lapp co uldn't be lieve how man y alum s there were in th e Bay Area. When the tap o n the keg broke, p robably due to ove ru se, it took so m e engineering from Da ve Rob inso n and Kurt Oakes to save us all from thirst. St. Pa t's garb was everyw here wit h 16 bodies posin g for th e swea tshirt photo. Pam and Dennis Leitterman we re comp lete ly green with swea tpant s a well as shir ts. J erry Smith dredged up his old St. Pat's Board jacket for the occasion . It still had so me sig ns of " Alice" on it. Through it all , Pat Vennari wa s Pat. A fi ve minut e business mee ting was held dur ing which sec tion p residen t and board of directors member Dave Peacock discussed the sc holarship program of the Alumni Association . H e mentio ned th at acknowledgement lette rs from Alumni Associa tion cholarS'hip recipients we re on va ri ous tables throughout th e hou se and sugges ted that attendees might be interes ted in see ing how their contributions to th e Association were appreciated.

Vennari, Dillingham , Stickle, Enderle. O. Smith. Littlefie ld


Rece nt copie of th e Misso uri Min er campu news paper were a lso available. During th e meeting, Tom Enderle vol unt eered t o organize a fall dinner of th e Bay Area ection at th e Golden Gate Yacht Club in an Francisco . September or O ctobe r date is pl a nn ed . I n attendance were: Joey Tuttle , '64 ; Bruce Van Do ve r, '69; Vieki Lapp , '86 and Kare n; Mare n a nd J erry mith , '80; Laurie and Da ve Peacock , '64 , '66, '70; Denni , '76, and Pam , '75, Leitterman; Carol and Greg Copeland, '77; Scot t Patt er on, '73 and Eli7abeth Michelin; Dale Smith , '8 1, and J ean Pollard , '82; Tom Ender le, '69 , and Barb Stic kle; Ruth a nd Jim Shaffer, '42; Ma ry a nd Par Schoenky, '50; Joyce and But ch Fie belm a n , '66; Pat Vennari , '69 , and Jan et Dillingham ; Bev and Don Ke ll y, '49 ; Mir a a nd Don Lee, '72; Therese McGl a ugh lin , '85; J o hn H ayes a nd Linda H ale; Dann y Ng, '80; Da ve Robin so n and Malu Portuga l; Kurt O akes, '85; J o hn Roderick, '7 1 and Ka y and J er ry Littlefield. '58.

Dave Peacock, '64

La Al






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m \1 fo La uri e Peacock. Mira Lee. Kay Litt lefi eld

lO/ MSM Alumnus


Alumni Section News continued _____________ 'T

or tble.

:r of A

led. '64; '86

'66, 77;

Kneeling: Therese McG alughlin , Tom Enderle, Pat Vennari; Center row: John Hayes, Linda Hale, Jo yce F iebelman , Da le S mith, Janet Di llin gham , Ba rb Stickle; Ba ck row: Pa r Schoenky, Butch Fiebelman , Greg Cope land , Kurt Oakes, Dave RoIJinso n, Scott Pa tt erso n, Dave Peacock.





, '64


Roderick , Peacock, Ng, G. Copeland , C. Co peland, Mira Lee

Van Dover, J. Smith, Robinson, Ma lu Portugal

Ark-La- Tex Section T he qua rt e rl y mee tin g o f th e A r kLa-Tex C hap te r of th e MSM -UMR Alum ni Assoc ia ti on was he ld at th e La H ac ie nd a Re staura nt in Kilgore, T e xas. o n March 14, 1987. Se ve ra l me mb e rs o f th e g roup vis it ed th e fa m o us Oil Mu se um in Kil gore before ga th e rin g a t th e ho me of E li zabeth an d Willi a m Mays, '32, for cock tail s. From th e Mays' ho me th e g ro up went to th e La H acienda for more cockta ils a nd vis it ing , and a fin e M ex ican style dinn e r (or ot he r styles fo r th o se w ho cou ld n't stand th e he at).

F o llo win g dinn e r th e al u mn i and th e ir spo uses e nj oyed a n e ntertai nin g talk by gu es t speak e r Robe rt Do yle of T yle r, T ex as. A s ho rt bus iness meeting followed. F ra n k Zva nut nam ed Walt e r Bru e nin g , G rego ry Willis a nd Phil Brow nin g as a comm ittee to p re pare a s la te of name s fo r o ffice rs in th e c lub. These ca ndid a tes are to be vo ted on a t the next mee ting w hi c h is sc hed ul ed to be he ld at Bark sda le AFB on June 27,

1987. Those in a tt e nd a nce in c lud ed: Ken-

ne th D. Coc hran, '8 3; Tamara Lyn n a nd J e rry Po land , '82; E li zabeth a nd Willi a m Ma ys, '32; Leona and Gerald R o be rt s, '28; He le n a nd F. Kev il C ri d e r, '28; C arol A nn and Donald E. S impson , '75 ; Eil ee n a nd J o h n H. Li vingst o n, '39; H e le n and Walt e r Brue ning, '34 ; Lorett a a nd J o hn Mo scari , '5 1; Ardella and Phil Browning, '48 ; Barbara a nd Darrell Mu sg ra ves; Mary and Grego ry A. Wi llis, '75 ; Phil Browning, '48; and Katherine and Frank J. Z va nut , '32.

P hil Browning, '48

MSM Alumnus/ ll

Alumni Section News continued _____________ San Diego Section The San Diego Secti o n was ho no red by a visit fr o m P att y a nd Martin Ji sc h ke, C ha nce ll o r of U MR , and an cy and D o n Brac kh a hn , Exec. Dir. U MR A lumni Re la ti o ns, o n th e 28th o f M arc h . The mee t ing was held at th e Ko na Ka i C lub o n S a n Diego Bay in San Diego , Calif. , the home of Amen¡ ca's C up . Dr. Ji schke ha ve th e a lumni a talk on hi s pla ns fo r the future of MSM-UMR C a mpu s, which was an inspira ti o n to all o f us. We mi ssed Skip a nd Bill Thomas, '44, Ocea nsid e, Calif. , beca use Bill need ed a medi ca l chec k-up . But he is at ho me now, a nd loo kin g fo rwa rd t o a trip to Ha wa ii in th e near future. P atr ici a R o nketti was a g ues t of Jim Mille r, '39, fr o m Vist a, C alif. , a nd he rep o rts t hat he sees D avid C h o week ly a nd ex pects to see A . Ca rp o n in

Wi chita a nd C h a rl es Wa rd 111 Ja ckso n W yo . in th e nea r future. Frank M. Yat es , '73, re ports he is now a s ~istant traffic e nginee r with th e C ity o f San Diego. Y av uz M. Gu ve nir, '67 , of Spring Va lley, C alif. , has bee n a project engineer for Ni elson C onstruction Co . sin ce 1984, a nd is no w wo rkin g o n the larges t po o l in th e world fo r ' Sh a mu The Kill er Whale' loca ted a t ' San Diego Sea W o rld' in Miss ion Bay Par k . The p oo l has fo ur secti o ns, fo r show , medi ca l care, a nd two for breeding . It's interes ting th at m o re s pace is needed for breedin g th a n for showin g off. T he po ol h old ix-and-o ne-ha lf milli o n ga llons of sea wate r. Othe r atte nd ees in clud ed R o bin a nd Ru ss O 'D a ni e ll , '83 , Imperi a l Beac h, Ca li f. , Sa ll y a nd S te phen N icho ls, '68 ,

A Sa n Diego , Ca lif. , Eli za beth a nd Ph il Boye r, '28, E ncinit as , Calif. , La elle and John Gardne r, '51 , La M esa, Ca lif. , Wilm a a nd E. T. Rege nh a rdt , '30 , EI Cajon , C alif. Bo b Ri ggs, '77 , re po rt s that he is 'j o b-sh o pping' in Los Angeles and is now between assig nme nts. J oa n a nd H a n k Fletcher, '53 , th e secti o n fin a ncia l sec reta ry, a lso pre pared th e S t. P a t's deco ra t io ns th at graced th e mee tin g roo m , and M a ril yn a nd A I Keevil , '43, th e ecti o n exec uti ve sec reta ry, pres ided. Don Brac khahn co nclud ed a fi ne eve nin g of fellows hip with th e prese nt a ti o n of a copy of C hri te nsen a nd Ridl ey's Histo ry of MSM- U MR to A I Keevi l fo r th ree ye a rs o f se rvice a a n a rea di rector o f t he M S M- U M R Alumni ssocia t ion. A I Ke ev il , '43


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J o hn and LaNelle Ga rdn er

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icho ls, D o n Brac khahn , Sall y N ich o ls, M a rlin a nd Pa ll y Jischk e

12/ MSM Alumnu s



Alumni Section News continued_____________


Academy of Civil Engineers Elects Eight Members

Electrical Engineering Academy Names Four

Eig ht civil engin ee ring alumni of UM -Rolla were inducted int o th e U MR Aca de my of C ivil E ngin ee rs at t he group 's ann ua l meet ing thi s spring. The acade my ho no rs UM R civil engineering graduat es for th ei r co ntributions to th e civil enginee rin g profession and for their interest in UMR's students and facu lty. T he acad emy se rves as a n adv iso ry g roup to the UMR civil enginee ring d epa rtm ent. New members are: Dr. James E. Beavers, '66, Kno xv ille, Te nn ., ma nage r of civi l & architectural engineering, Marti n Marietta Ene rgy S ystems Inc., Oak Ridge , Tenn.; Matteo A. Coco, '66, St. Louis, vice preside nt, building di vis ion, J.S. A lberici Co nstr uction Co., St. Louis; Dr. Larry E. Farmer, '61, Toronto , Ca nada , vice president, Brown & R oot Interna ti o nal Inc., and pres id ent and CEO , Brown &

Fo ur e lectrical engineers were inducted int o UM-Ro lla 's Academy of Electri ca l E ngineering at the g ro up's a nnual mee ting thi s spring. The academy is an elect ri ca l engineering d epa rtm ental adviso ry group of a lumni a nd ot her electrical engineers who have mad e ou tsta nding con tributions to th eir profess ion . New membe rs a re: Dr. Thomas K. Gaylord, '65, At lanta, Ga ., Rege nts' Professo r, electri ca l engi nee ring, Georgia Institut e of Tec hnology, Atlanta; Richard J. Gillette, '65, St. Louis, president, Bridge Electronic Co., and vice president, Bridge Data Co. , St. Lou is; Wi lson W. Overall, '59, St. Louis, presid ent , Surface Systems Inc. , St. Lo uis; and John D. Wolf, '67, Manches ter, Mo. , exec uti ve vice president, operations, McDonnell Ai rcraft Co ., St. Louis.

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I, '43


Root Marine Ltd. , H o uston , Texas ; No rbert A . Groppe, '57, St. Lo uis, presid ent Board of Public Service, City o f St. Louis; Don J. Gunther, '60, Hi llsbo ro , Calif. , preside nt of Bechtel Inc., San Francisco , Ca li f.; Philip A. Joswiak, '66, St. Louis, president of CONGEN Inc., Maryland Heights, Mo .; Leonard C. Kirberg, '66, G lencoe, Mo ., vice preside nt of H o rner & Shifrin Inc. , St. Louis ; and Gary M. Turner, '66, St. Peters Mo ., chief, qua li ty ass ura nce branch, co nst ruction division , U.S . Army Cor ps of E ngineers, St. Louis.


Jobs The se r v ices of UM R 's Ca ree r Develo pment and Placement Center are a v ai l ab le to alumni a s w e ll a s tud e nts. To ob tai n information a b o ut th e cu rrent job listings, a lumni need to se nd an up-to-date res um e to th e Caree r Deve lopme nt and Placement Office. The placement staff wi ll make th e resume ava ilabl e to compan ies lo o king fo r peop le with expe ri ence , a nd wil l send th e a lum nu s a copy o f t he latest j ob listin gs . If yo u wish to use thi s se rvice, co nt act: a ss i s tant dir ec tor-pl ace m e nt , Ca ree r D eve lo pm e nt and Placement Office, UMR , Rolla , M065401 (phone: 3 14 / 341-4288).


Kan sas C it y Secti on Meetin g R oya ls'S tadium . . . _........... ... . ... . . .. . . .... .. . ... _.. Jul y 16 New Orleans Section Meeting Metairie, La . . . .................... . ..................... July 25 Kansas Cit y Section Picnic Lee 's Summit , Mo ....................... ... .. . .. . ... .. . .. Aug. 15 Cincinnati-D ayto n Secti o n Meeting King's Island , Ohio ..... .......... .. ... _..... _ . . . . .. . . ... Sept. 12 Lincolnland Section Meeting Spri ngfield , Ill ................. ........ .. ... .. ..... . ..... Sept. 17 Society of Petroleum Enginee rs Co nvention Dall as, T exas ................ ... . ....... .... . . . ....... . . Sept. 29 Tulsa Secti o n Mee ting Tul sa, Okla . . ...... .. ..... ...... . .. . ...... ... . . . . . . . ...... Oct. 4 H omecoming 1987 Rolla, Mo ...... . ..... . ...... ... .. ........ . .... .. . . . .... Oct. 9- 10 Geo logica l Society of America Conve nt ion Phoenix , Ari z ....... ... ............ . . . ..... . ...... . . . . . .. Oct. 26 A lumni Ad missio ns Recepti o n S t. C h a rles , III. ........ ......... .. ...... ...... . .... .. . . ... . Dec. 5 A lumni Admi ssions Reception C rys ta l Lake, III. .. .... .. . .................... . ......... . . . Dec. 5 Society of Mining Engineers Annual Meeting Phoenix , Ari z ...... . ....... . ...... ... . ... ......... . ...... J a n. 26 MSM Alumnus/ 13




in R acti( SI 420 Min to al that


Head coach for alumni Dewey Allgood, assistant coach, Lucien Bolon, '59 and Tom Herrick, '58, UMR.

M tour urd, was


U dire( coac coac trair A John Key, '73, Salem, Mo .


Kevin Wo lf, '80, Wich it a, K.n.; Steve DeL. Roche, '81 , SI. Louis; Andy Cox , '79, West Chester, Ohio; an d Stu D unlop, '76, S prin gfie ld , Mo .

Louis Greer, '79, Denver, Colo . (with ball) and others on the alumni tea m. Joel

14/ MSM Alumnus

Alumni-Varsity Football Game The second annual Alumn i Gridiron Weekend took place in Rolla on the fourth weekend in April with most of the action occuring on Saturd ay, April 25, Support for the event came from donations by 84 alumni, 42 of whom suited up for th e game betwee n alumni a nd the Miner va rsity team, Eleve n returning alumni were on hand to act as a cheering section and the rest decid ed not to get that close to th e action , M any of the alumni particip ated in an informal golf tournament on Friday afternoon to limber up fo r the Saturday contest. Some prizes were gi ve n, but th e main event was th e ga me which pitted the ve terans aga inst th e stud en ts who were completing th eir spring football practice, UMR tr ack a nd cross cou nt ry coach and intramural director, an d former head foo tb all coach , Dewey Allgood , coached the alumni, with L ucien Bolon , '59, as ass ista nt coach and Greg Bolon , '85 , an d Brian Jenki ns, '86, act ing as trai ners, Alumni suiting up for the game were: Todd Anstin e, Bill

Bohnhoff, John Clark, Andy Cox, Steve DeLaRoach, Merle Dillow, Stu Dunlop, Scott Finke, Llo yd Flowers, Louis Greer, Perry Harris, Brad Haug, Jeff Heger, Jerry Hirlinger, Dan Holman, Ron Hutchcraft, Paul Janke, Jim Key, John Key, Joe Kin sella" Chris Kramer, Steven Kubiak , Greg McClain, Cliff Meisenh eimer, Vincent Mitchell, Ro n Mitchum , Montgo mery Morse, C hris Nisbit, Cra ig O'Dear, Larry Olive r, Bill Peach , Randy Shed , George Stock , Jon Perry, Russ Pogue, Craig Thomas , Michael T ibbits, John "Mike" Vickers, David Weaver, Kevin Wolf, Jeff Wozek, and Glenn Wilhelm, The alum ni fans included : T he two Bo lons , Kim Colter, J o n Flake, Eld on Finley, Kent on Hupp, Ge ne Kuelker, J oel Love rid ge, Ma rk Mastr oianni, Ray Rucker an d Neil Smith , The exertions of the afternoon resulted in some so re muscles, ac hes and a few bruises for th e alumni, but no major injuries, a nd a good time was had by all. The score? Well, accordin g to the coaching staff, no records were kept. It was alleged that the varsity won- but the outcome is being contested,

eam, Joel Loveridge, '39, Creve Coeur , Mo, and A,D, Billy Ke y

Lloyd Flowers, '87, gets in a few holes of golf.

MSM Alum nus/ 15

MINER SPORTS Gene Green, Editor Miners Win Baseball Honors

Eric Wiega nd , senior in civil engineering and fo rm er M in er offens ive lin em an , will comp lete his deg ree as soon as h is sched ul e with the Fa lcons permits .

Weigand Signs With Atlanta Falcons Eric Wiega nd , sta r offensive lineman for the UM-Rol la footba ll Miners, ag reed to a free age nt co ntrac t with the Atl ant a Falco ns of the Na tio nal Fo otball League. Wiega nd , a 6-2, 265-pound gua rd , was the o nl y playe r in the history of the Mi sso uri Intercollegiate Athletic Associati on to ea rn first-tea m allleague honors fo ur co nsecuti ve seaso ns. The St. Peters, Mo., nati ve ex pects to be used by the Fa lco ns at the ce nter pos ition. "I'm obviously thrilled to be getting the cha nce to try and co mpete in the NFL," Wiega nd said. " With J eff Va n ote reti ring, Atl anta t hought my quick ness co uld best be utili zed at the ce nter spot. " Quickness has long bee n Wiega nd 's st ro ng suit, a nd th at as pect of his game impre~sed Atla nt a Falco n offensive coo rdin ator J im Hanifa n d urin g a recent tryo ut. "I ran about a 4.67 40-ya rd das h and

16/ MSM Alumnus

then did it aga in," Wiegand sa id. " Hanifan thou ght he had measured the distance off wrong, took the tim e to re-measure and then I did th e sa me bas ic time aga in . After th at, I thi nk he was pretty interested." Wiegand fl ew to Washingto n, D. C., ea rlier for a tryout with the Redskins and also had bee n in co ntact with Lar ry Wilso n of th e St. Lo uis Card in al footba ll team . "A tl a nt a made me the best offe r, howeve r, a nd I was reall y impressed with Hanifan's enthu sias m a nd attitude as a line coach," Wiega nd sa id . " He see med to beli eve [ co uld do a good job as a ce nter. " Wiegand fl ew to Atl a nt a to sign the co ntract in ea rl y May a nd pl ayed in Fa lco n mini-ca mp. " It is a drea m co me true to even get this oppo rtunity," Wiegand said . " If wa nting to and wo rkin g ha rd has a nythin g to do with ma kin g it, I thin k I have a heck of a chance."

Bret VoypiCk and Dan Daily, a pair of talented sophomo res on the UMR baseball tea m, were named to the 1987 MIAA All-Co nferen ce First-Team. Voypick, a third -baseman from St. Louis, hit .364 thi s season , leadin g the Miners in total bases , hits (tied with Dail y) , runs sco red and at-bats. Da il y, an outfielder from Texark ana, Texas, hit a team-leading .381, pacing the team in hits, tripl es , stolen bases and sacri fi ces. Also named to a n a ll-co nference tea m was Miner se ni o r ca tcher J ohn Viehm a nn , who was placed on the MIAA Second-Tea m. Vie hm ann hit .341 this season with a team-high 26 RBI's and eight do ubles . The St. Louis nati ve threw out alm ost 40 percent of all base stealers, a nd made only one error in 11 5 chances behind the plate. Named to th e M 1AA hon orable menti on team for UMR were pitchers Alan J ames and Aa ro n Epperl y, sho rtsto p Greg Brummer and outfield er And y Rein it z. Miner coach Jerry M aulin , who coached th e Miners to a 15-9 ove ral l record and a 7-5 mark in the MIA A this seaso n, was na med MI AA coCoach-of-th e-Yea r with So utheas t Misso uri head coach Palmer Mu ench. T he Indians captured the MIAA So uth ern Di visio n title, edging out the Miners. SE MO we nt on to wi n the co nference tourn ament.

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Bi the I 1964 men(a se posit Kt men!

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Ke UMR Football Schedule D ATE Sept. 5 Sept. 12 Sep t. 19 Sept 26 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 3 1 No v. Nov. 14

OPP ONENT @ Misso u ri Weste rn Missouri Valle y @ P itt sb urg S tate Evangel Coll ege O P EN Centra l Misso uri (HOM EC OMI N G) Northwest Missouri North east Missouri (PAR ENT S' DA Y) @ Linco ln Universi ty @ So ut heas t M issou ri @ Sout hwes t Ba pt ist

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UMR Chancellor Martin Jischke, left , Billy Key, Athletic Director, center, and Dale Martin, new head basketball coach, announce the coaching changes at UMR . Rolla Dail)' News P hoto .

Key Retires as Basketball Coach-Names Martin as Replacement




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Billy Key, head basketball coach a t the U ni ve rsi ty of Missouri-Rolla since 1964, recen tl y announced his retirement from coac hing. Key will contin ue to se rve UM R as athletic director, a pos iti on he h as held since 1968. Key also an nounced the a pp oi ntment of Miner assistant coach D a le Martin to th e head coaching post. Martin, Key 's assistant since 1980 , previously coac hed at Ce ntr al Misso uri State. " After 37 years of coac hin g, 30 at th e co llegiate le ve l, I rea ll y felt th e time was ri ght fo r me to step aside," Key said. "I ha ve every co nfid ence that Dale will do a tremendous job wit h th e prog ram. " Key won 387 collegiate games, placing him seve nth on the a ll-time NCAA Di vision II list among coaches ac ti ve throug h th e 1986-87 seaso n. Counting high school co mpetition, Key took teams to victory in 542 games. UMR C hancellor Martin Ji sc hke pra ised Key 's co ntributi o ns to bo th th e university a nd co llegiate sports. "Coach Key has accompli shed ma ny things in his yea rs of coac hin g, a nd man y ha ve brought grea t recogniti o n and pride to th e uni ve rsit y and the community," Jischke said . " H e h as

bee n an excellent spokes man for UMR and co llege spo rt s in ge neral." During Key's coac hin g career he has se rved as pres ident of the Nat ional Associatio n of Basketb a ll Coaches , se rved as a memb er of th e Basketball H a ll-o r-Fa me Board of Directors, has coac hed a team in the National S ports Festiva l Games a nd co ndu cted a se ri es o f clinics in Brazil thr ough th e Partners of the Americas prog ra m. li sch ke said Key will no w d evote his fu ll-time effo rt to se rving as a th le ti c director / d epa rtm ent cha irman and directing pri vate fund-rai sing projects. "Many people ma y not be awa re that Coac h Key was o ne of o nl y two athl etic direc tors in th e co nference who a lso coac hed a major sport," li schke said. " So in man y ways he h as co ntribut ed over the yea rs in a double ca pacity. 1 am delight ed that we will co ntinue to have his ex pertise as UMRolla's a thl etic director." Key said he will miss wo rkin g directl y with th e stud ent-athletes at UM R bu t stressed he felt th e time was ri ght to retire from coac hing. " I ha ve a great dea l of co nfid e nce in turning the program over to Dale," Key sa id . "He is a ha rd worker, has been a tru sted assis tan t for ma ny

yea rs, and I feel he has the right quali ti es to be a n o ut stand in g co llegiate head coac h. " Key bega n his coach ing ca ree r in 1949, coaching h igh school basketball for seve n seasons at Wellsville a nd Monroe City. His collegiate career bega n in 1956 at H arris Teachers Co llege fo ll owed by a sti nt a t N icho lls S tate University in 1962. He joined UM R as head basketba ll coach in 1964 and was appoi nt ed a thl etic director in 1968 , succeedi ng Gale Bullman. The St. Louis native became departm ent chairman in 1972. During Key's caree r wi th th e M iners, UMR twice qualified for NCAA Regiona l To urn a men t play. His 1975 76 team captured th e on ly MIAA basketb a ll cha mpi o nship in Miner history. "Coachin g basketb a ll has been a n enjo ya ble caree r for me," Key said . " It has afford ed me a nd m y famil y man y o pportunities we wou ldn 't ha ve had o therwise. " It has been a rea l pri vilege to coac h at thi s uni ve rsity for 23 ye ars, a nd I ap precia te th e supp o rt of th e UM R administration , facult y, staff, stud ents, a lumni and community over th ose yea rs. "

MSM Alumnus/ 17

Lady Miners Add Height With Basketball Sign-Ups

Men Sign Hoop Standouts

Aft er co mpl etin g a 19-8 seaso n , bes t in th e tea m ' hi sto ry, U MR wo me n 's baske tb a ll coach M a ry Orte lee has recru ited so me ta lent ed pla ye rs she feels will help th e prog ra m co ntinue to move up wa rd . Orte lee has sig ned th e fo ll o win g pl aye rs to pl ay bas ketball fo r the Miners nex t seaso n: *Cy nthi a F a rrin gt o n (6 -0)- A ce nte r-fo rwa rd fo r St. Te resa 's Acade m y, K a nsas C it y, M o., Farringto n ave raged 15.4 p o ints a nd 10. 2 re bo und s a ga m e, ea rnin g a ll-distri ct hono rs. *Casey Engst rom (6-2)- A ce nter fro m R id gec re tHi g h c hoo l in P a rago uld , A rk ., Engs tro m ave raged 15 .1 po ints a nd 10.9 re bo un ds . H er tea m fini shed seco nd in th e 2A Tou rnam ent a nd she was na m ed a n all-sta te e lec ti o n. *J e nn y S chnur (5- 1 I)- A fo rwa rd fr o m W as hin gto n ( M o .) Hi g h S cho o l, S chn ur was a three-s po rt lette r- winne r. She ave raged 14. 7 p o ints a nd 8. 1 reb o und s a ga me .

U M R , 15- 1 I las t sea o n, has add ed a pa ir of ta lent ed fres hm e n a nd a powe r fo rwa rd from th e j u nior co llege ra n ks . The newes t Mine rs are: *Chr is Sch neider (6-7, 200)chn eider wa sta rt ing ce nt er and lead ing rebo u nder for Mc lue r Se n ior Hi g h Schoo l, S t. Lo u i , averag in g 7.0 po int a nd 7.S rebo un ds. *Ga ry Mi lle r (6-7, 19S)- M ille r was a three-s po rt lett erman at Casey (III.) Hi gh Schoo l, ave rag in g 19. 0 po int a nd 9.7 re bo un d per ga me. H e ho t a sc hoo l- record .603 from t he fie ld a nd .720 from th e line . Mi ller se t fo u r schoo l reco rds in tr ack a nd was a n ho norab le mention a ll-st a te se lec tion in foo tb a ll. *Ke nn y D aggs (6-6 , 20S)- D aggs ave raged 12.6 po ints a nd 7 .3 re bound s pe r gam e fo r Co lby ( Ka n .) o mmun ity Co llege. A nati ve of ew Orlea n , he was a three- po rt lett e rm a n a t ohe n H ig h Sc hoo l.

*An gie Allphin (6-1 )- A ce nt er fr o m Co lumbus, Ne b., Allphin ave raged 17 poi nt s a nd IS rebo und s a ga m e fo r Lakev iew Hi gh S ch oo l. S he wa a n h o no ra ble me nt io n a ll-sta te nl aye r. *J a n G ro tenh uis (S-9) A g uard w ho starred for Truma n H ig h Schoo l, Ka nsas C ity, M o. , G ro tenhui s was a three-s po rt let te r-wi nn er. S he ave raged IS po ints a nd four assi ts per game for the 28-3 tea m , a nd sho t ove r S5 perce nt from th e fi eld . *Ni ki Wes t mo rela nd (S-3) - The st a rtin g po int g uard for F o rest P ark Co mmunit y Co llege, S t. Lo ui , W es tm o re la nd w ill h ave three yea rs eli g ibility at U MR . S he was th e tea m ca pt ai n a nd MVP a t Sumner Hi g h S ch oo l durin g her se n io r season. " I reall y think we have helped o u rse lves o ut," Ortelee sa id . " We ha ve add ed some he ig ht, a nd I think Grote nh uis will he lp us fill t he shoes left by team MVP Di a nn a P as ley at sh oo ting guard .

Left Tear

1986-87 Athletic Awards Spotlighted at All-Sports Banquet M a rtin R od se th , a fo ur-time na ti on a l qua lifie r a nd a n Acad emi c All-Ameri ca n membe r o f th e U M R swimming tea m , was na m ed th e winn er of th e 1987 G a le Bull man Aw a rd . The prese nt a ti o n h ig h li g hted th e Min e r All -S po rt s Ba nquet , held Ma y 4 in Ce nt ennial H a ll . " I'm ve ry ha pp y M a rtin wo n th e award ," said M iner swimming coac h Mark Mullin. " He is a lead er bo th in t he class roo m a nd in a thl eti c end ea vo r , a nd he i ve ry d ese rvi ng o f th e ho no r. " The awa rd is na med afte r th e lo ngtim e Min er a thl eti c directo r a nd coach , ho no rin g th e to p U M R ath lete w ho bes t ty pi fies exce llence bo th in a nd away fro m hi s o r he r res pecti ve s po rt. O t her lOp awa rd s a t th e ba nq uet in clud ed : th c prese nt a ti on of th e GTECoS IO Foo t ball cade mi c 11Am c rican wa rd to Min e r runnin g

18/ MSM Alumnus

back T o m Reed ; th e M M Awa rd , a n nua ll y p rese nt ed to a lumn i successful in both sports a t U MR a nd th eir chose n caree r, we nt lO M e lvi n E. lich o l, '38 ; M -club Coac h-of- th e- Yea r ho no rs we nt to Lad y M ine r bas ke tb a ll coac h ary O rt e lee; Lar ry Pay ne won the Bur r a n ost ra nd Awa rd fo r bes t ma le intram ur a l a thl e te, w hil e Ang ie 'N e bel' 1I'0n th c Wei n ba u m Awa rd fo r bes t fe m a le illl ra mur a l a thl ete. Linebacker J o hn He nt ges wo n th e Robe rt I icodem us Aca d e m ic thl ete Award for th e seco nd trai g ht yea r, and retirin g M R m e n '~ bas ke tb all coac h Bill ) Kcy \la s hon o red by th e M -Club . E ach s po rt ho no red its M os tVa lu a ble-Playe r, with th e fo ll o win g ind iv idu a l ea rn ing th e lOp s po t: F oo tb a ll- H ent ge , defe nsive MVP ; Bra d H a u g, o ffe n ive M VP .

Golf- Ba rry C raig, M VP. Rin e- P a ul L ue b ke, MVP . Me n 's occe r- Pa ul Mo r ga n , MVP . M e n's T e nni s- Bill Elbl , MVP. Wom en 's S occe r- R egina Dressel,MVP . W o mcn 's Bas ketball D ia nn a P asley, MVP . W o me n' Te nni s Liz H a nin g, MVP . W o me n ' C ross o Ulllry- Juli e Boa rd , MVP . M e n's Trac k- T im Swinfa rd a nd P at S ho rt , MV P (ind oo r a nd o utd oo r). Me n's C ross Co untry- Swinfa rd , MVP . Me n ' Baske tb a ll Du a ne Huddlesto n , MVP . Swimmin g- R odseth , MVP . Base ba ll - UMR seni o rs sha red th e MVP awa rd . oftb a ll - Lisa Ko rb a , MVP .

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Left to right: Dave Ziegler, Mike Sturdevant, New Mexico state inspector, Lyle Evans, UMR trainer Troy Harris, and Randy Reed displaying the UMR trophies. Team members Bill Se nnott and Troy Leitschuh had already returned to Rolla for graduation .

UMR Students Win Mine Safety Contest






By Julie Oaks, Rolla Daily News Wheneve r there is a disaster, trained professionals immediately rush to the rescue. Because of their training and expertise, lives are saved and potential dangers are averted. Here in Rolla at UMR, there are students who study how to save lives in mines by majoring in mining engineering. One way in which they hone their skill s is to participate in competitions. Earlier this spring six young men, Dave Ziegler, Mike Sturdevant, Lyle Evans, Randy Reed, Bill Sennott and Troy Leitschuh, along with their trainer, Troy Harris, competed in thefirst Southwest Invitational Mine Rescue Contest in Carlsbad, New Mexico, and came away with first place . The competition in Carl sbad co nsisted of two eve nts, the first event was a simulated emergency rescue in a mock min e setup on the footba ll fie ld

at Carlsbad Junior High School. There had been a gas leak followed by an explosion that left the mine fi lled with leaking gas , fire and smoke. Five people we re trapped in the mine and while three were presumed dead , it was the responsibility of the rescue team to go in and get the two remaining people. The second even t was the bench man contest. The bench man is the member of the team who makes sure that all of the breathing apparatus is working before the rescuers descend into the mine. The benchman's contest required the bench man to locate and repair a problem created in the respirators.This contest was won by UMR's Dave Ziegler. Scoring was done by deduct ing points, called 'discounts', for errors and the Rolla team won by only amass ing 25Y2 points. Harris , the team trainer, said that

the fact Rolla won was pretty impressive because they were competing with the m ining companies who dea l with these types of emergencies a ll the time. He attributes the ir win to the fact that as ide from th e time that the st ud ents spe nd in class, they spe nd many hours on their own at the UMR mine working and practicing together to be as efficie nt and precise as they can be. Another team from the UMR mining sc hoo l a lso took home top honors when they competed in a Mine M ucking contest held in Nevada earlier this year. Students from 17 different universities in the United States and Canada competed in this contest using old mining techniques. Harris lost several of his team members this spring to graduat ion . But as they leave UMR, they leave wel l prepared to handl e any emergency or di saster that could occur in the mines where they will work.

MSM Alumnus/ 19

Math Teams Win awards

Edwin R. Phelps (left), retired president of Peabody Coa l Co. ofSt. Louis, presents a clock , emblematic of (h e Old Timers Club Award , (0 R. Neal Stanton , a senior mining engineering student.

Mining Senior Wins Old Timers Club Award R. Neal Stanton , a se ni o r in mining engineer in g at U M -Ro lla , was th e recipient of th e 1987 O ld Time r ~ C lub Award. This award is present ed a nnu a ll y by t he Old T imers C lub , a n o rga nizat io n formed to promote the ad vancement of engin eerin g a nd science in the coa l industry and to recogni ze stude nts wi th o utsta ndin g academ ic achi eveme nt in mining enginee rin g. The awa rd is presented at 16 schoo ls wi th :::oal-oriented cu rri cul a across the nation. Stanton, th e so n of Mr. and Mrs. H erschel S tanton of Coffeen, TIL , wa s

ch ose n by the U MR mining enginee ring fac ult y fo r hi s acad emic achievements, leadership q ualiti es a nd extr acurricul ar acti vities. At UMR, Stanton has bee n treasurer of the stude nt chapter of the Society of Minin g E nginee rs, Cadet Deputy Comma nd er of the UMR Army ROTC battali o n and intramura.l cha irma n of th e Baptist Student U ni on. H e is a member of S igma Gam m a E p silon , a n ea rth sciences studen ts' ho no r societ y; the Pershing Rifles; a nd th e Officers' C hri stian F ell owshi p .

Tau Beta Pi "Work Day" Earns Scholarship Money Approximately $2,500 was raised by th e UMR chap ter of Ta u Beta Pi, nat io na l enginee rin g ho no r society, at its a nnu a l " Work Day" held Saturday, March 2 1. On th at d ay wo r k crews made up of stud ent mem bers and pledges of Ta u Beta Pi were ava ila ble for any odd jobs or aro und-the-h o use cho res

20/ MSM Alumnus

needed by th e C iti zens of R o ll a. Any type o f work was tackled and th e empl oye rs were as ked to pay o nl y what th ey thou g ht th e j o b was worth. The proceeds from " W o rk Day" will be used by the chapte r to award at leas t four sch ola rship s to in co ming fr es hmen stud ent s at UMR .

Two teams from UM-Ro ll a recent ly re ce ived awards in a nat io na l M a th emati cal Competition in Mode ling held at UMR. Acco rd in g to Dr. Gl e n Haddock , profess or o f math emati cs and sta ti sti cs a t U M R, o ne tea m rece ived a meritorious awa rd a nd th c o th e l' received a n hon o l"ab le me nti o n award. " Eac h o f the 156 team s th at participated in th e competition had to select one of two problems," said Haddock. "The problems in cluded a salt storage problem and a parking lot problem ." Haddock ex pl a ined that the team s were a ll owed about th ree days to complete their solutions to the problems a nd also we re allowed to use reso urces such as th e library a nd computer faci lit ies in so lving the problem th at they selected. Awa rd s the teams received and tea m members a nd th ei r facult y ad vise rs a re: Team I - Meritorious Award - P at Bain , se ni o r in computer scie nce from Rolla; Sean Foote, junior in electrical engi nee ring from Kansas Ci ty; a nd Kim Thein, junio r in applied mathematics from Roll a. Dr. Leon Hall, as sociate professor of mathematics a nd statistics , was the team's fac ulty ad vise r. Team 2- Hon ora ble Mention Award - Doug Bullock, so ph o more in ae rospace engin ee ring from Ind ependence; D avid Porter, junior in applied mathe m atics from Ind epe nd e nce; a nd Tim Red d y, se ni o r in compu ter science from Ha ze lwoo d . Dr. Haddo ck was t he team's faculty ad viser.

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Grant to Belcher

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M. C lay Be lche r, a candidate for the Ph .D. degree in enginee rin g management , has been awarded a Ri cha rd Kell y Grant from the Illumin at ing E nginee rin g Society fo r his resea rch in the effects of li g ht o n d ecisio n making. Belcher received the gra nt for hi s "utilization of lig ht in its mo st challanging, inn ovative and reso urceful way."

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Askeland Receives AFS Award

Poling Co-Authors Gases and Liquids Book

Warner Reappointed to National Committee

Dr. Donald R. Askeland , professo r of meta llurg ica l enginee rin g, is th e recipient of a service citation award from the American Foundrymen's Society In c. (AFS). Aske land rece ived the awa rd during AFS 's rece nt a nnual meeting in St. Louis . According to AFS , Askeland was cited " for a caree r devo ted to the advancement of engineering ed ucation as it relates to the metal casting industry and hi s continuing encourageme nt of hi s student s to see k caree rs in the metal casting industry." "During th e 30 yea rs that thi s award has been prese nted , on ly fi ve have been awarded to ed uca tors , and three of those five have been awarded to faculty members from the UMR ca mpus," said Dr. Robert Y. Wolf, ass istant dean of Min es a nd Meta llurgy a nd UMR professo r of metallurgical engineerin g. Aske la nd joined the UMR facu lt y in 1970 as an assistant professor and became a professor in 1982. H e received his B.A. and M .S . degrees in engineering science from Dartmouth College. He received hi s Ph.D. d eg ree in metallurgica l engineering from th e Un ive rsity of Michigan. He has se rved as adviser to the UMR st ud ent chapter of AFS since 1972. He has been named Outst a nding Teacher in 1982-83, 1983-84, 1984-85 and 1985-86. Askeland received an Amoco Teaching Award in 1982-83 and 1985-86 . Aske land a lso received an M S MUMR Alumni Associat io n Outstanding Advise r Award which recognizes excellence in the teaching of und e rgrad uates by se ni or staff.

"The Propertie s of Gases and Liquid s," a book co-authored by Dr. Bruce E. Poling, professor of chemica l engineering, recently was published by th e McGraw-Hi ll Book Co mpan y. "Thi s book , which is in its fo urth editi o n, presents va riou s meth od s to es timate tho se propert ies of gases and liqu id s w hi ch a re necessa ry for chemical process design ," said Poling. " It can be, and has been , used as a textbook, but its widest use is as a refe rence hnok. "

Dr. Don L. Warner, dean o f th e Scho ol of Mines a nd Meta llurgy at UM-Ro lla, ha s bee n reappointed to th e Adv iso ry Com mittee on Mining a nd Min e ra l Reso urces Resea rch by the U nited States sec reta ry o f t he interior. H e wa s rea pp o inted to a tw o-yea r te rm . T he commit tee co nsults with and makes reco mme ndations to the secretary of th e interior o n all matters relatin g t o minin g and min e ra l reso urces research. The comm ittee al so is charged with deve lopin g and implementin g a natio na l pl a n for research in minin g a nd min e ral reso urces whi ch takes into account o ngoing efforts in the nation's universities, th e fed eral gove rnm ent a nd pri vate ind ustry. warner JOlnea m e U MK tacult y in 1969 as a professo r of geo logica l engineering. H e was appointed d ean of th e School of Mines and Metal lurgy in 198 1.

According to Poling, portions of the book were written by Dr. John M. Prausnitz, pro fesso r of chemi ca l engineering, Unive rsity of CaliforniaBerkeley, and Dr. R obe rt C. Reid , professo r emeritu s of chemica l enginee rin g, M assac hu se tt s In stitut e of Technology . Containi ng 12 chapters and two a ppendices , the book presents a critical review of variou s es timation procedures for a var iety of properti es of gases a nd liquid s: critical and other pure component prope rties, PYT and th ermod ynamic propert ies of pure co mp o nent s a nd mi xtures, va por pressures, and phase-change enthalpi es, standard enthalpi es of formation, st a ndard Gibbs energies of formation, hea t capacities, surface ten sions, viscosities , thermal conductivities, diffusion coefficient s and phase eq ui libr ia. Po li ng joined th e U MR facu lty in 197 1. H e received bachelor's and maste r of science degrees in chemical e nginee ring from T he Ohio State University in 1967. He recei ved hi s Ph.D. degree in chem ica l engineering from the Unive rsity of Illinois in 197 1.


OCT. 9-10

MSM Alumnus12 1


Alumni Personals 1920 Word ha been received by the association that Clifford Peter Howard died in 1973. At M M he was a member of Prospectors , the Mercier Club and the Mis ouri Minin g As ociation. He received his degree in mining enginee ring. According to the a socia ti o n' most recent records (1968) he was working as a mining engineer in coal mines in Richlands , Va.

1921 rhe alumni office has been notified that Percy Grant Forman is deceased. At MSM he was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity and received his B.S. deg ree in mining engineering.

1926 Guy W. Staples writes: "The wife and I are enj oying fairly good hea lth in ou r retirement. Spe nd most of our time gar-

dening and fi hing. We till ha ve our travel trailer. But traveling is getting a bit too stren uous for us now . So now I park the trailer in one of th e Lake Eufaula Rec rea ti ona l a reas. Then all I have to do is: crawl out of bed , jump in the boat and go o ut and catch a mess of fish for breakfast." Guy and Violet's addre sis 415 Broadway, P.O. Box 62 , Eufaula, 0 K 74432.

1~ Richard F. Payne writes: " Retired, NOI I merely sto pped working the regular and usua l hours for remuneration. I've been occupied golfing, fishing, traveling, ailing and reading up in libraries on subjects I neglected while chasi ng the d oll a r. I should have " retired" 20 yea rs sooner." Richard is a co-trustee and investment co un selor for Richard Payne Revoka ble Trust. His address is Apartado 502, San Miguel Allende, 37700GTO- Mex ico.


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Notice of the death of Marion Alfred Dillingham has been received from his wife, Esther Dillingham , 2239 Gold smith Road , Houston, TX 77030. At MSM Marion was a member of Tau Beta Pi (Pres. '29-30) , the Senior Council and the Civil Engineering Society (Pres. '29-30). He received his B.S. degree (second honors) in civil engi neerin g. He began his caree r with the U.S. Corp of Engineers and after World War ll , was vice presid ent then president of Amberson Engineering. For several yea rs before he retired in 1981, he se rved as manager, technical operations, for Turner, Collie and Braden in Houston, Texas.

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1932 Edward D. " Darbey" Hale \\ rite: "Wish I co uld get to Rolla in May for my 55th. NOlI it looks kind of doubtful. My wife, Leo ra, is in a nursing ho me and I am needed here." Darbey li ves at 856 Rei mer Road, Wad swo rth , OH 4428 1. F rank J. Zva nut , '32, '3 7, writes: "The Lord wi ll ing we will be at Homecoming in October. I have rese rved a room at Zeno's." Fra nk and Katherin e live at 1024 Hansford Place, Tyler, TX 75701.


1986 Ro ll amo

22/ MSM Alumnus


Ve rn o n L As her wri tes: "Mary and I, wi th our daug hter a nd her husband , crui sed to the Scandina via n co untries in Jul y 1986. We saw 'Cats' in London after the cru ise on the Ro ya l Odyssey." Vern and Mary live at 1350 Cra ig Drive, Kir kwood , MO 63 122. Ve rn i re tired from So uth wes tern Bell.


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Alumni Personals ___________________ _ 1933 continued William Koopman Jr_ writes : " We did some trave ling to the Wes t C oast Alaska, Cancun , M ex ico with lots of golf. The big d ay comes May 8, 1987o ur 50th wedding anni ve rsa ry." Bill and Virgini a li ve a t 241 2 Heat her R oad West, Wilmington , D E 19803. W o rd of th e dea th of Cy ril Joseph Wen ger o n Sept. 24 , 1986, has bee n received fr o m his wife, J oa n M. Wenge r, 102 R o bert Ave. , Ferguso n, M 0 63 135. At MS M he was a memb er of M e rcier a nd Theta T a u. He rece ived hi s B.S. deg ree in minin g e nginee ring. H e had work ed fo r S hell Oil Co .


1986 Rollamo

Robert L. Cunningham, '34, '37 , writes : " I am retired. Doing fine. Expect to be in Ro ll a visiting soon. " Rob e rt is retired from Spor lan Val ve C o. His address is 6 123 Kingsbury Bl vd ., St. Louis, MO 63112 .

1937 and Before Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: Charles A. Freeman, '28 5 Via Delizia Hillsborough, CA 94010 Gerald A. Roberts, '28 1301 Briarwood EI Dorado, AR 71730 S. Allan Stone, '30 1405 Three River East Ft. Way ne, IN 46802 Vernon A.C. Gevecker, '31 Route 2, Box 39 Rolla, MO 65401 William Brewer, '32 6799 Wetheridge Cincinnati, OH 45230

W. Robert Riggs, '32 2870 South Viz Del Bac Green Valley, AZ 85614

Herman J. Pfeifer, '36 5 South Pego Way Hot Springs, AR 71909

William W. Kay, '33 P .O. Box 100 Drums, P A 18222

Frank C. Appleyard '37 P .O. Box 1991 Tubac, AZ 85646

Elmer A. Roemer, '33 1801 Oak St. Rolla, MO 65401 Robert C. Weigel, '34 120 Emerald Drive Danville, CA 94526 Oliver W . Kamper, '35 16417 l11th Ave . Sun City, AZ 85351 August P. Koopmann, '35 9101 Flores Drive Affton, MO 63123 Eugene J . Daily, '36 1114 Li ncolnshire Champaign, IL 61821 William E. Dennis, '36 472 Oakshire Kirkwood, MO 63122

Buran W. Brown wr ites : " Hope to see a lot of 1937s at Commencement on May 17. " Red is retired. The Browns' address is J 21 11 So uth Drive, Houston , TX 77099.

1938 Word of th e death of Roger Clifford Tittel on J an. II , 1987, has been received from hi s wife, Mrs. R.C. T ittel, 2641 Washington , Co lu mb us, IN 4720 I. At MSM Roger was a me mb er of Sigma Pi fr aternity, the MSM Band , was associate ed it or of the Miner, a member of th e Rollamo Boa rd , E psil o n Pi Omicron , IF C, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa P hi, th e St. Pat's Board (he was St. Pat in 1937) a nd ea rn ed a letter in t ra ck for two years. He rece ive d hi s B.S. degree (second hono rs) 111 metallurgical engineering. He began his career with Carnegie- Ill ino is Stee l and OwensIllin o is G lass C o. then later spent many yea rs wit h Cummin s Engine Co . Inc.

MSM Alumnus123

Alumni Personals __________________

A 19 The




Reu nio n a t Homco m ing C lass Coordinato rs:


mec reet

Geo r ge W . Axmach er 3124 NW 54th S tr eet Okla hom a C ity, OK 73112

FI witl unti neel

Robert M . Brackbill 9148 Clearlake Drive Dallas, TX 75225 William D. Busch 20001 Idlewood Tra il Strongsville, OH 44136


1986 Rollamo

1938 continued J. C raig E llis wr ites : "Cont inu e to enj o y re tirem e nt. Still doing so me real es tate work . Look in g forward t o Au g ust in S t ea mb oa t Springs, Co lo . Ran into ' Hap ' Haffner, '35, rece ntl y and see Leroy Smith, '39, occas ionall y." Craig and Jo a n li ve at 13 142 Sevill e Dri ve, Sun C it y We st, AZ 85375 .

1939 Robert A. Carter w rit es: " E nj oy ing retirem e nt. Still playin g go lf. E njo yin g tr ave lin g a nd E ld e rho stel prog ram s." Bo b a nd Juli a li ve at III E . Morningsid e Dri ve, O ak Rid ge , T N 37830.

1940 Cha rles E. Hall wr ites : "Joey and I had a nice visit Eas te r Da y a t Jesse LeGrand's ('38) pl ace in Titu sville. Carl Moore a nd Bill Decker, bo th Class o f '38 , were th e re for th e a ftern oo n wi th th eir s po uses ." C ha rl es a nd J ose phine li ve a t 23 1 Albe rt a Ave. , Sa n Ca rl os, C A 94070.

Edward W. Heiss writes: "Lillian a nd I keep bu sy in retire me nt w ith trave ling a nd vo lun teer work. W e a re lo o kin g fo rwa rd to co ming back for Homeco min g." Edw a rd a nd Lillian li ve a t 253 1 E . C he ro kee, Springfield , MO 65804. Harley W. Ladd writes : " Laura a nd I pl a n to visit E ng la nd , S ca ndina via, Baham as a nd F lorid a thi s s umme r. H omeco min g in Oct obe r, as we ll. " Harl ey is a retired co lo nel w ith the U nited Sta tes Arm y. Word has bee n received of th e d ea th of Lynn Jackson Riege o n March 17, 1987. At MS M Lynn was a membe r of AS ME a nd SAME and se rved as a n NYA assista nt a nd a stud e nt assistant in t he libra ry . H e received hi s B.S . degree in m ec h a ni ca l e ngi nee ring . H e m ade a ca re e r of " mat e ri a ls h a ndlin g" a nd worked for R e public S tee l Co rp. , Glidden Paint Co. and U.S. Gyp sum , a ll of C hi cago, a nd Hapm a n Co nveyors In c. o f Kalama zoo, Mich. H e se rved as presid e nt of th e Ame ri can Mate rials Handling Socie ty. H e is s ur vived by hi s wife, Gra ce R opke Ri ege, 3 135 U .S. 19 N ., #3 04, Clea rwa te r, FL 335 15, a daughte r, a so n and five g rand c hildre n .

William E. Hill , Jr. writ es : " I a m mainl y re tired. Dickie an d I spe nd s umme rs in Ill ino is and winters in Sarasota , Fla. D o vol untee r work a t Mote Marine Science La bora to ry in th e winte r. Find worki ng wi th marin e life more interesting than m etallurgy at thi s st age of life." Hills' ho me address thi s season is 715 E. Hill Dri ve, Rock Fa lls, I L 6 107 1.

Sa m A. Kurtz wr ites: "Made it back for S t. Pa t 's. H ad a g reat tim e, but co uldn 't kee p u p w ith 'em . H ad to take a few res t period s . I'll ge t in trainin g a few weeks a head of tim e, nex t tim e ." S a m and M a rth a li ve a t 8547 Pe ndieton Dri ve , R oseville, CA 9566 1.

John K. and Barbara H. Olsen wr ite : " We have ju st returned fr o m a won d e rful trip to Antarctica wh e re we visited the USSR, China and C hil e resea rch sta tion s. This is truly a grea t trip for tho se yo ung a t hea rt. W e a re now lookin g forward t o H omecom ing a nd m y 45-yea r H o meco ming re union. Let's have a goo d turnout for th e C lass of 1942. " Th e Olse ns li ve a t I Beach Drive, Apt. 1502, S t. Petersburg, FL 3370 I.

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24 / MSM Alumnu s

Alumni Personals ___________________ 1943 The alumni office has bee n notified th a t G. Wayne Sutterfield died in 1983. At MSM Wa yne was a me mbe r of Sigma Nu fraternit y, I FC, ASM E, SAME and ROTC. H e rece ived hi s B.S. deg ree in mec hanical enginee rin g and mo ve d directl y to Office r 's Ca nd idat e Schoo l at Ft. Belvo ir, Va. H e conti nu ed to se rve wi th the U.S. Arm y Corps of E nginee rs until 1963 w hen he became tr affic enginee r fo r th e Ci ty of St. Loui s.

1944 nly



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J. Richard Hansen writes: "A fl e r nea rl y 41 ye ar s wit h Wes tingh o use I w ill reti re on Jun e I. M y wife M a rcy a nd I wi ll sta y in Pitts burgh but plan to tr ave l frequentl y . We ha ve one daughter li ving on the East Coast a nd one li vin g on th e Wes t Coast." Dick and Marcy li ve at 1462 J effe rso n Heig hts Ro ad , Pitt sburg h, PA 15 235. H e is a se nior resea rc h scien tist.

a ce le brati o n for 50 yea rs of marria ge that s ta rt ed und e r difficult co nditi o ns. Au s tin was und e r a three-ye ar co ntra ct to Cerro d e Pasco Coppe r in Peru and E lva wa s in J e rome, Id a ho. It was di scove red th a t proxy m a rri age was lega l in Pe ru . A co ntr act , in S panis h, was wr itte n by a Pe ru vi an lawye r for th e Pres byte ri a n mini ste r, F. W . Wills, to stand as p roxy for Au stin fo r th e weddin g a t Jerome on Nov. 24, 1937. The Idaho state attorn ey in Boise a ppro ved and se t the preced e nt for th e first such pro xy marriage in Idaho stat e . Late r, Austi n wa s g ranted hi s M.S . deg ree in mining e ng in ee rin g from MSM in 1946, not lon g afte r E lva had bo rne daughter , Audrey , at Waynesville. It was E lva's third 'MA' awa rd. Now there a re four childre n (two boys and two gJrl s) and ten gra nd c hildre n (fi ve boys and fi ve g irls) ." Austin , who retired in 1973 as a minin g e ngin ee r and plant manage r for Lehigh P o rtl an d Ce m e nt , eve n e nclosed a co py of th e statem e nt by the American Co nsul a r Service agent in Peru that acco mp a ni ed th e Per uvian co ntr act for th a t marri age in 1937. Austin a nd E lva no w li ve at 909 E . Hawthorn Ave. , Co lvi lle, W A 99 11 6. E ditor's note: We wish them many more happy years!

1947 Reunion at Homecoming C lass Coordinators: Elmer W . Belew 2036 Trailcrest Lane #2 Kirkwood, MO 63122 John L. Brixius 109 Valley brook Circle Hixson, TN 37343 Rodney A. Schaefer 204 Engineering Mechanics, UMR Rolla, MO 65401 James W. Ste phens 406 E . T hird Lee's S ummit , MO 64063 Ronald A. Tappmeyer 2226 Country Club Drive Sugar Land, TX 77478

Richard D. Wheat, '44, '49 wr ites: " Retired from Northrop Co rp. in May 1986 . Busy catching up on ite ms I had planned for retire me nt." Richard and Betty li ve at 47 Orle ans Road , No rwood , MA 02062.

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1946 Austin B. Clayton wr ites: "On April I, 1987, Austin a nd E lva C lay ton return ed to Co lvill e, W as h. , a ft e r com pl et in g a 24-da y tou r of Tahiti , New Zeala nd , Fiji , Au stralia and Hawaii. Th e trip was

1986 Rolla mo

MSM Alumnu s125

Alumni Personals ______________ _____ 1947 continued Philip D . Johnson writes: "Have just completed five years of retirement on our ranch in northeast Washingtonmost enjoyable." Philip and Louise's address is Route I , Box 5, Rice, W A 99167. Robert L. White has retired from Konners Inc. His present address is 3530 S .E. 30th Terrace, Ocala, FL 32671.

Joseph E. Wright is now living at 526 2nd Street, No. 101 , Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Joe is retired .

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w 1950 Edwin H. Barsachs, '50, '51, '77, writes: "Retired from Sun Exploration and Production Co. and have form ed E.H. Barsachs a nd Associates consulting on oil property acquisitions. " Ed and Barbara's address is 3755 Northview Lane, Dall as, TX 75229 .

1949 Albert V. Applegate writes: " I have rece ntl y retired from the Florida Geologica l Survey after 12 \12 yea rs with that orga ni za tion . Prior to that I worked in Venezuela for Creo le Petroleum Corp. , and th e n la ter ranched in Florida. At prese nt I am de veloping a nd se lling so me bea uti f ul land a bout 20 miles east of Tallaha ssee ." Albert's address is Route4, Box 114, Monticello , FL 32344.

Ivan L. Gray, '50, '51, writes: "Retired from Genera l Electric on June 30, 1986. Spent all 36 yea rs in the nuclear energy field." I van and Mary live at 1634 Belleville Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 .

David L. "Woody" Hillhouse, '50, '52, writes: "Retired Jan. 2 from the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md. after 19 years of se rvice in hig h vo ltage meas urem ents, follo wing 15 yea rs with General E lec tri c in Schenectady, N.Y . Most of th e latter was spent in electrical and phys ical standards." Woody lives at 14102 Flint Rock Terrace, Rockville, MD 20853 .

Word has bee n received by the alumni association that Edward Ado lph Koziboski died D ec. 20, 1985. At MSM he was a membe r of Ind e pe nd e nts, Enginee rs Club , Stud ent Council, Board of Co ntro l, St. Pa t's Board , and Alpha C hi Sigma. He se rved as vice pres id ent of th e class in 1949, a nd receive d his B.S . deg ree in chemical enginee ring. Following g raduati o n he we nt to work for th e D e Lore Division of Na ti o nal Lead Co. , mo ved to Glidde n Co. then Falstaff Brewing Co. befo re joining Miller Brewing Co.- later Phillip Morris-Miller Brewing in Mi lwaukee, Wisc., where he was a senior engineer at the time of his death .

Robert M. Ponder, '50, '52, writes: "Fo urth dau ghter was ma rried in April. Two mo re d a ughte rs and three so ns still to go. ow have four g ra nd children wi th a fifth expected in September." Bob is retired from Un ion P acific. Bob and Bett y li ve at 7709 E. 66th St., Tulsa, OK 74 133.

Donald C. Sewall writ es: " I a m now retired as of May I , 1987- plan o n trave li ng and build ing churches with a group of retirees who donate their time and talents." Donald 's address is Route 3, Box 253, Hillsboro , TX 76645 .

Sidncy Silvcr is presently working as a co nsultant for Posse hl Monta n Handelsgesselsc haft M. B. H. in Lunen, Germany. He can be reach ed at 26 Aid bury D ri ve, U pper Saddle Rive r, NJ 07458.


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1986 Rollamo

26!MSM Alumnus

Vester B. "Brownie" Unsell will retire Jun e I from th e Mi sso uri Hig hwa y and Tran s po rt atio n D e pa rtm e nt as th e Springfield area's di strict e ngin eer. He and Ruthmary li ve at 2219 Mirabeau, Sp ri ngfi eld, MO 65804.






A lumni Perso nals ___________________

ired j86.



Donald R. Brown has retired. His present address is P.O. Box 7365 , Ve ntu ra, CA 93006 .

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William A. Givens wr ites: "No newsit's been a no ther to ug h yea r in th e oi l production busin ess, but I 'm sure th a t's not news to U MR 's job placement department." Bill a nd S hirley li ve at 1390 I Westcreek Road , Piedmont, OK 73078. He is special projects manager for Woods Petroleum Corp. in Oklahoma City, Okla .



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Cy ril M . Kinane writes: "Kinane Engineeri ng is celebrati ng I S years in the busine ss of doing bulk mater ial ha ndling and processing system s. Proj ects are o n engineering cO llsulting, field supervision and complete turnk ey proj ects ." Cyril lives at 1145 N . Russell , Aurora , IL 60506. (A ddress for the business, a lso .)

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1952 Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: Dan W. Martin

2601 Skyline Drive Reno, NV 89509


1954 Richard M. "D ick " Pracht wr ites: " I am now manufacturing manager of A lcoa's Ext ru sion-Tube Di vis ion w ith headq ua rte rs in Lafayette, Ind. Sons Phil and John wi ll rece ive B.S. degrees from Purd ue U ni vers ity thi s year. C hri s works he re in Lafayette . Mary a nd I st ill res id e at 1022 West ridge Ci rcle, Lafa ye tte, IN 47905. "

David E. Nothst ine is now deputy ge nera l manager-F-15 w ith McDonnell Douglas Corp. (McAi r) in S t. Loui s. David a nd Mae J ea n li ve at 314 Oriole Drive, St. C ha rles, MO 6330 I.

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1953 John R. Seipel Jr. writes: "Formed engineering co nsultancy with so n Greg in late 1986. Wi ll speciali ze in testing underground storage tan ks. Would appreciate hea ring from Alumni in environmental and ecology to advise d et a ils of our se rvices . Still " se mi-retired" t houghl" John is pres ide nt of Seipel & As sociates, Inc. and t he company ad dress is the same as Jo hn and Marg's h ome add ress - 2325 Cypress Drive, Pawley's Is land , SC 29585

John B. Miles, '55, '57, writes: "I get to Rolla often si nce my mother sti ll lives th e re." John is a professor of mechanical e ngi nee rin g at the University of Missouri-Co lumbia . John and Beverly li ve a t 102 West ridge Drive, Co lumb ia, MO 65203.

1955 David W. Archer writes: "Ret ired Sep t. I , 1986. fro m Texaco after 32 ye ars. S tar ted own prod ucin g com p a ny, and wo rk in g mo re t ha n eve r. Grace and I both are in good health , acti ve, and tho rough ly enjo y retireme nt." Home add ress fo r th e A rchers is Ro ute I , Box 195A, Chelsea, OK 740 16.

Benjamin K. S mith wri tes : " We now spend a lmost 100 pe rce nt of ou r t ime in o ur new hom e in Kaanapa li Hillsid e on Maui. S t ill keeping act ive in t he oil business." The Smiths' ad dress is 22 Puu Ha le, Lahaina , Maui, HI 96761. Be n is pres ident a nd ow ner of Benex P et rolu em Co ., Tulsa , Ok la.


MSM Alu mnus127

Alumni Personals ________________ _ __




Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: Robert W . Eshbaugh Route 1, Box 259B New Stanton, PA 15672

Robert G. Fuller has been named editor of th e new Instructi o nal Materials Center for ph ys ics teac he rs a t th e U ni ve rsit y of Nebraska at Lincoln. R obert's curren t address is U.S. Air Force Academ y, Temporary Qu a rte rs 4208-F, USAFA Colo rad o Springs, C O 80840 .

Roger L. Feaster 401 Landings Drive Lee's Summit , MO 64063 James W. Johnson 143 Schrenk Hall, UM R Rolla, MO 65401 Jack E. Toliver 3608 Montego Court Lexington, KY 40509 Robert W. Becker has bee n self-emplo yed as a real es tate a ppraise r si nce November 1986. He was ree lected April 1987 as director of the Ball win fire protection d istri ct. He and Ca rol li ve at 1302 Bear Canyo n R oad , Ballwin , MO 63 021 . Robert W. Eshbaugh is presid ent of Retek Co rp ., 7 125 Saltsburg Ro ad , Pittsburgh , PA 15 235 (4 12-795 -432 1). The co mpan y manufactures fil a ment wi nd ing syste ms for rein force d plasti cs and composites. Rober t's home ad dress is Rout e I, Box 259 B, New Sta nton , P A 15672.

The death of Lloyd Carl Laciny of a hea rt attack on Feb. 18, 1984, has been report ed by hi s wife, Kay K. Lacin y, 539 Hi cko ry Ho ll ow, Kir kwoo d , MO 63 122. A t MSM Llo yd was a membe r of Sigma Alpha Eps il o n frate rnit y. He received hi s B. S. d eg ree in mec hanica l enginee ring, th e n joined th e fac ulty a t M SM as an instructor until receiving his M.S. deg ree in th e same field in 1960. H e bega n hi s career in industry wit h Eme rson E lectri c, moved to North Amer ica n in Ca lifornia , back to Monsa nt o C hemical Co . in St. Loui s an d was a me mber of th e e ngineer gro up , adva nced design , with McDonnell Douglas a t th e time of hi s d eat h. Mrs. Lac in y says, " M y hu sba nd was ve ry proud of MSM a nd his past associa tion with it, both as a stud ent a nd as a fac ult y member."


James L. Mitchell wri tes: "The first of Ap ril Jim and J oAnn mo ved into their new ho me in th e Sp ring Creek subdi visio n in Springfield , Mo. They are both enjo ying thei r new jobs in Springfield Jim a t D ayco Technical Ce nt er a nd J oA nn at Co ld we ll Banker Real Estate." The Mitchells li ve at 2003 E. Lakewood , Springfield , MO 65807.



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1958 John O. Buchanan , '58 , '61 , wri tes: " \ have recen tl y taken th e state exam, passed , a nd certified by th e T exas state fire mars hal 10 be qua lified as a supervising e nginee r for th e planning, purchas ing, installati on, supply, selling a nd maintenan ce of fi re protec tion sys tem s. Thi s ap pl ies mai nl y to new construction but may a lso be for up gradin g of ex isting structures. T he titl e used on th e job is ' RME ' (responsible managing empl oyee)." J o hn is a civil e nginee r co nsulta nt wi th Co-Tex (Cons ult a nts of Texas). His add ress is 126 C lover, Lake J ack son, TX 77566.

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Humbert E. " Bob " Sfreddo is now th e di strict e ngin ee r for Dist rict 10, based in Sikeston , Mo. for th e Missouri Highway a nd Tran spo rtat ion Department. Bob has bee n with the department si nce 196 \. Th e Sfreddo family li ves at 109 Linda Dri ve, Sikeston , MO 6380 1.

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1959 A report of th e d eath of William To dd M itchell in December of 1986 has been recei ved by th e associa ti on. At MSM he wa a member of Ind ependents, Tech Club and A l EE-I RE. H e received his B.S. degree in electrica l engineeri ng. At the time of his d ea th he was a unit chi ef with McDonnell Douglas.

28/ MSM Alumnus

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Alumni Personals ___________________

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1959 continued Joseph R. Reichert is now chief of engineerin g supp ort with th e Cit y of Ka nsas Cit y (M o.) Public Wo rk s Depa rtm ent. J ose ph a nd Ma ry li ve at 73 12 C ha rl otte, Kansas Cit y, MO 641 3 1. Louis H. Whitehair writes : "Still breathing and drew last week's pay check." Lou li ves at 3579 DeH art Pl ace, Apt. 2, St. Ann , MO 63074.

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Douglas A. Dallmer, head of Cast Meta ls Sys tems Inc. in th e Chi cago a rea, is co-auth or of an a rti cle titled "Factory With A F uture" in th e M a rch-April issue of Die Castin g M a nage ment magazine. An introdu cti o n to the a rticle says, "The ma rketpl ace offers long-term opportunities for die casters who can evolve to meet its more dema ndin g requirements. But, how does o ne plan and im plement the di e casting ... " Dougla s' addr ess is 619 Fred eri c ks bur g Co urt , Na perville, IL 60540. Le'e A. F lanigan received an enginee r of th e year awa rd , materi als and processing, from R ocketd yne, a di vision of Rock well Intern atio nal in Ca noga P ark, Ca lif. Lee's address is 151 Spring C rest La ne, Harves t, AL 35749.

J errold M. Alyea wr ites : "Appo inted by Go vern or Ashcroft to be Co mmissio ner of J ackson Co unt y Electi on Board. " J erry is th e presid ent of Co mplete Build ing Center in Bl ue Springs, M o . J erry a nd J ud y li ve at 1009 44t h St. , Blue Springs, MO 640 15.

1962 R euni on at H omecoming Class Coordinators: H . Pat D uv all 11100 30th P lace SW Seattle, W A 98146 Eugene C. Fadler 116 N. Evangeline Dearborn Heights, MI 48127

Bruce L. Bramfitt, '60, '62, '66, writes: "Received a promoti o n to resea rch fe llow in Ma rch- have been with th e research dep artment of Bethlehem Steel for more than twenty years." Bruce and J oa n res id e at 16 P leasa nt Drive, Ro ute 7, Beth elhem, PA 1801 5. T he deat h of J a mes Alan Carpenter was reported to the associat ion by J oseph F . R eichert , '59.Jimdied on J a n. 28 , 1987 , after a ten-m onth battle wit h lun g cancer. At MSM he was a member of Kap pa Alph a and ASCE. He received his B.S . degree in civil engi neering. J im bega n his caree r wit h t he Ill inoi s Division of Highways, mo ved to th e City of Ka nsas Cit y (M o.) a nd th en to Okl aho ma in the mid-70s. At the time of hi s dea th he was Streets Ma intenance Engineer fo r the Cit y of T ulsa, a pos iti on he had held fo r 13 yea rs. He is sur vived by his wife, M a ry J a ne, 6 129 E. 49th , Tulsa, OK 74135 , th ree children and one granddaughter.

Word has bee n received of th e death , on M a rch 22 , 1987, of Henry Allan Toigo . At M S M he was a member of Ind ependents, Pe rshing Rifl es, th e Rifl e Club, th e Gl ee C lub , T ech C lub , S tud ent Co un cil , New man Club , Blue Key and the tr ac k tea m. He received his B.S. deg ree in ph ys ics. Fo ll owing gradu ation he wo rk ed fo r Weste rn Electri c, Aut ometri c Co rp. , A meri ca n Ca r & Fo undry a nd Na ti o nal F arm a nd P ower Equipment. H e is sur vived by his moth er, Ge nevieve Toigo , 130 I S. D ouglas Ave. , Springfield , IL 62704, a nd three so ns.

James W. Joiner 320 Math- Computer Science, UMR Rolla, MO 65401 Ke nneth D . Murdock 1342 Wyntercreek Lane Dunwoody , GA 30338 R ichard O. Ro use Route 1 Benton, IL 62812

ROBERT E. HODGE Robe rt E. Hodge has bee n named pres ident of M idCon Services of Hou ston , T exas whi ch provid es centrali zed manage ment o f gas suppl y, t ra ns po rt ati on and exchan ge, and off-sys tem marketing acti vities fo r Mid Con pipelines . His prev ious positi o n was seni or vice-pres ident fo r pla nnin g a nd administrati o n. Robert 's current address is 503 Edgebro ok, Shorewood, IL 60435 .

Robert C. Tooke 4312 Ridge Court Wayzaia, M N 55391 Jerry W. H uffma n writ es : " Have reloca ted fr om Al exa ndr ia, Va. to Hermitage, Va . in th e Waynes bo ro-S taun to n area." J erry is th e owne r o f A ut oventure. H is new address is Hermit age Oa ks, Route 2, Box 296, Waynes bo ro, VA 22980.

MSM Alumnus129

Alumni Personals __________________


1964 John F. Limberg wri tes: "Have been promo ted to engineering manage r of medium tru ck produ cts a nd manufacturin g supp o rt depa rtm ent o f Bendi x C ha ss is and Bra ke C ompo nent s Di visio n of Allied S ig na l. D a ughte r Mi chelle ( bo rn in Ro ll a) is now a fli g ht a tt end a nt fo r TW A . J ack , Evie, and fo ur o th er children li ve at 16629 Yorkto w n Road , Gr an ge r, IN 46530."

1963 Gary G. Cassatt wa s recentl y promoted to manager of composites , re sea rch and devel o pment, with Boeing. He li ves on Rout e 2, D erb y, KS 67037.

Jack L. Haum has bee n promoted to ge ne ra l m a nager for Handi-Pa c In c. a nd th e Blanke P lastic Co . Jack was previousl y with Borg- Warner. His current address is Route 4, Box 264 , Union , MO 63084.

Donald G. Peters w rites : " T oo k ove r as d irect o r of engi nee rin g a nd h o usin g fo r U.S . Arm y Ga rri so n- Pa nam a in M ay 1986 . R es ponsible for maintenance, repa ir, construction , pro vision of utilities to a ll U .S. A rm y fac ilities in P a na ma. Al so responsible for hou sing military and ci vilian persons in the U.S. Arm y Garr ison. Big business- o ver 1,000 empl o yees a nd annua l budge t aro und $70 milli o n ." Don a nd S ue's add ress is PSC Box 1153, APO Miami 34002.


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Driv Robert E. Markland is a p rofessor and departm e nt c hairman , managemen t scie nce, with th e Col lege of Business Ad mini stration, U ni vers it y of South Ca rolin a. Robert writes, " R ece ntl y (March , 1987) pub li shed third college level textbook : Quantitati ve Met hods:

Applications to Managerial Decision Making(J o hn Wil ey & Sons)." Robert's address is 5 12 Kette rin g Dri ve , Co lumbia, SC 292 10.

Wa lt Mue ller Jr. ha s bee n na med vice presid ent, engineerin g explo rati o n, environm e nta l a ffa irs, fo r Arc h Min era ls Co rp. He is now wo rkin g o ut of th e company's corpora te S t. Louis offices. He a nd S usa n w ill shortl y be moving from McMurray, Pa . to th e St. Louis area . In th e m ea ntim e, con tac t Walt a t Arch M inera ls Co rp. , 200 N. Broadway , S t. Lou is, MO 63 102.

30 / MSM Alumnus

Bansidhar M . S hah writes: "Sta rt ed profess ional e ngineering office in Long Island ... so lar e nergy system s, design of energy efficie nt hou sing, m ode rni zati o n of ex istin g hom es . A lso providing co nsultin g enginee ring se rvice in aeros pace stru ctures. (Job shopper)." H e is president of S unil S ystems, 51 36 Aco rn S t. D ee r Park , N .Y. Ba nsi a nd Prav ina resid e a t 20 Ke nmore St. , Di x Hills, NY 11746.

David G. a nd S haron Skamenca w rite: " W e are fin a ll y se ttl ed in nort he rn New J ersey. J o sh is a seco nd -g rad er a nd hi s interes t in sc hoo l has in creased to fift y percent. D avid works for K om line-Sande rso n, a filtra ton equipment co mpan y. S h a ron ha s t wo j o bs- ho use enginee r a nd a t th e hos pita l." The Skamencas li ve a t 154 Hillsid e Ave. , Brid gewate r, NJ 08 807 .

1965 William Howell Branum, '65, '66, is now exec uti ve vice pres id ent of Profess ional Se rvice Indu stri es In c. H owell a nd Jud y res ide a t 32 I I Old Blue Rid ge, San A nt onio, TX 78230.





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UMF Gera ld J . Roe, '65, '67, '69, has bee n elected presid e nt of the Ir on a nd Stee l Society for a one-yea r te rm. H e is a prog ra m manager, prod uct a pplica tion s, fo r Bethl ehe m S tee l Co rp. H e li ves at 1708 C love rl ea f S t. , Bethle he m , P A 18017.



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Alumni Personals ____________ _ _____ _ Leonard C. "Len " Kirberg is now exec uti ve vice pres id e nt with Horne r a nd Shiprin Inc. H e a nd Mary live at 1600 Hi c k o ry Knob , G le ncoe, MO


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77080. Richard P . Vo gelpohl is a captain with Co ntin e ntal Airlines sta tion ed in D en ve r. His new hom e add ress is 8 Oakmont Lane, Little to n, CO 80 127.

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Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators:

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Cy rus W . Field writes: "Sta rt ed m o bi le was te rec la mation co mpan y t wo years ago, operating in T exas a nd Louisiana. Co ncentra ting in solids / liqu id se paration for co nso lid a ting and vo lum e redu ct ion to minimi ze disposal c h a nges to major oil co mpanies ." The n a me of the co mpan y is GTC Co rp. 8920 Lawnda le "A ," H o ust on, TX 770 12. Cy and Jo sie li ve a t 2411 Lexfo rd L a ne, Houston , TX

1986 Rollamo

1965 continued

Ted R. Dinkel

2815 Cameron road Falls C hurch, V A 22042

1968 Thomas M_ Sunkel , '65, '70, is now se nior planning e ngineer wi th t he Mi sso uri High way & Transportation D e partment. Tom and Bett y li ve at 800 K ay ly n Dri ve, J effe rso n Ci ty, MO 65101.

Richard L. Kastel 21 S hamblin Florissant, MO 63034 Donald C. Scarpero 1201 Kennamer Drive SE Huntsville, AL 35801


Richard L. Burkhalter wri tes: "May of 1986 emp loyed at Mid A me ri ca Engineers In c. as a proj ec t manage r, C hi cago, III. O ld es t son, Karl , wi ll be e ntered in Rolla as an e ngin ee ring stud e nt in the fa ll of 1987." Richard li ves at 45 14 Laurie Lane, C rys tal Lake, IL 600 14.

Ga ry Turner, '66, '72, was recently inducted int o th e co urt of h o nor by Kappa Alpha Ord e r, a na tional co ll egia te fraternity. Gary recei ved thi s honor for hi s lea de rship , co un sel and support fo r th e UMR c hap te r a nd th e Ord e r. He was a lso elected to UM R's Academy of C ivil E nginee rs thi s s pring (see page 13). Gary is th e direct or of facilitie s e ng inee ring a nd o pe ra tion s wit h th e Army A viati o n Systems Co mmand. Gary res id es at 8 Carriage Court Way West, St. Peters, MO 63376. H e is a form e r mayo r of th a t city.

Will iam L. Ca lhoun w rit es : " Th e utilit y indus try is poised fo r m aj o l' advances in th e near future . Our nuc lear p lant is now co min g o n-lin e. The next concern s will co nce ntra te o n de reg ulation , cogenerati o n, holdin g co mp any for m a ti o ns a nd whee lin g electrical power. The m ajor e mpha sis w ill s hift to th e tra ns mi ss ion sys te m 's a bilit y to mo ve power ac ross the U.S . W e look to our uni ve rsities to produce compete nt engineers to mee t thi s." William li ves at 7 Foxhill , Monticell o , TL 6 1856. H e wo rk s for I llin ois Power Co .

CAMERON E. FERGUSON Ca meron E. Ferguson has bee n p rom o ted to manage r, process e ngin ee ring, in th e R esea rc h a nd Developme nt Di visio n of A. E. Staley M a nufac turin g Co . Hi s c urre nt address is 1748 N. S teve ns, D eca tur , I L 62526.

MSM Al umnus!31

Alumni Personals ___________________ 1969 Edward C. Gentzler III writes: "Expect to rece ive my MBA from Sea ttl e I nternat io na l Uni ve rsity June 12' Currentl y work in g as a p roposa l specia list wit h Boe in g Aerospace Co. A lso tak in g courses in artificia l intelli ge nce and working on a n extension of my PROSPECTOR in my s pare (???) time." Edwa rd's add ress is 541 1 - II 0th St., C- 18, Tacoma , W A 98499 . John D. Sa ll er wr it es : "J ohn a nd Do nn a Sa ll er a rc li vin g at 3405 B,¡y n Maw r Dri vc, St. C ha rlcs, MO 6330 1. J o hn is enginee ring managcr for So un do lier in Fe nt o n, Mo . T heir so n, Kevin , 19, is a fr es hman at Florissa nt Va ll cy Co mmunity Co ll cge. Dau ghtcr, Kri stie, 16, is a so ph o morc at St. C ha d es West. T he fam il y enj oys crcw in g on hot ai r ba lloo ns. "

1970 Peter R . Bjornbe rg is now a res ide nt engin ee r with Sve rdrup Corp. - Philadelp hia Transit Co nsul tants in Phi ladelp hi a, Pa. Pe ter's addrcss is P.O. Bo x 164 , Mt. La urel, NJ 08054.

Joseph E . Grimm writes: " I rej o ined S porl a n Va lve Co . as St. Louis di stri ct ma nager. My wife and two children will be relocat in g with me to St. Loui s in Jun e." Mea nwhil e J oe is li ving at 27 Austin P lace , G lend a le, MO 63122.

32/MSM Alumnu s

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Theodore S. "Ted" Irons writes : "Made th e ca reer switch from engi nee rin g to av iat io n in '83. C urren tl y fl y a Cess na C itati o n fo r Di emake rs In c. based in Monroe C ity, Mo. E nj oy eve ry minute ofit! "Ted res id es at 8 10 Pa rk St. , Mo nroe City, MO 63456.

Billy F. Keel ing writes: "Fou nd ed E nviroE nergy E nginee rin g Inc ., a firm spec ia li zin g in all fo rm s of enviro nm ental a nd energy co nsultin g. Have had eight yea rs' ex perience with t he M isso uri Department of Natu ra l Reso urces a nd nine years as a profess io na l enginee r with a n engin ee rin g firm." Bill y and Jan et's address is Ro ute I, Box 11 8, Co lumb ia, MO 6520 1.

David H., '70 , '86, and Janet Matvesian write: "Dav id a nd Jan et M a tvesia n would li ke to an noun ce the bi rth of th eir seco nd c hild , Ste ph e n M ichae l, o n M a rch 3, 1987. Dave is worki ng fo r Pet,¡o li te Co rp. in St. Lo ui s in enginee rin g se rvices. To Hu c k, Root , A. J. a nd Nick - hell o yo u guys."T he Matves ia ns li ve at 3205 Bradl ey Ave. , Gra nite C it y, I L 62040.

John L. Sc hwager has bee n promo ted to sc ni o r vicc prcs id ent a nd dirccto,' with A la mco In c. Hc a nd Caro lli vc at 7 12/\ J amcs St., Brid gc po rt , WV 26330.

1986 Ro ll amo


!lobert J. Webb writes : "Engin ee rs- to enh a nce yo ur ca ree rs a nd perso na l developmcnt, j o in Toa st mas tc rs Int e rn ationa l." Robc l"l is a sales e ngin ce r with Ha ll ib ul"l o n, Brown a nd Roo t. His add,'css is 6960 Bell airc, No. 1308, Ho usto n, TX 77074.


GARY R . BARTLETT Gary R. Bartlett has been elected vice pres id ent of gas suppl y at th e Houstonbased Mid Co n Services. Bart let t j oi ned MidCon in 197 1. Hi s prev iou s po siti on was vice pres iden t of cor po rate pl a nnin g. Ga ry's p"ese nt address is 3050 Post Oak Road. Ho uston, TX 77056. Gera rd J. Hart writes : " We have fin all y co me home fr om ove rseas to stay. I co mp leted my part of th e C han nel Island Power Stati on in Darwin, N .T., Aus trali a, a nd return ed to th e U.S. via our o ld ho me in Sema ra ng, Ind ones ia. I have returned to Black and Veatc h Power D ivision as a proj ect co ntro ls man age r, a nd look forward to a lo ng stay in Kan sas Ci ty." Gerry a nd Au ro ra li ve at 104 16 S ma lley, Kansas Ci ty, MO 64 134.

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Lawnv 45246.

Word has bee n rece ived by th e associat ion of the dea t h of Peter Ch rist Karras. He rece ived his M .S. degree fr o m UM R in enginee rin g manage ment, a nd at th e t ime of hi s dea th was a section chi ef, design, with McDon nell Do uglas. He is sur vived by hi s wife , Fr ied a M. Karr as, 6685 Hyde Pa rk Sq ua re, Flo rissan t, MO 63033 .

JOhn F new po: Vices fo in \Val 1986. I Thorn\\ th ree ki

Alumni Personals _______ ____________ 1971 continued The computer science d ep a rtment reports th e death of Warren Joseph Rosenauer, who received hi s B.S. d eg ree in co mput er science from UMR. Acco rdin g to alumni record s, Warren was a computer programmer with General Motors in Anderso n, Ind.

James R. , '72, '74, and Diana Collings wr ite : "Our first ch ild , a hea lthy so n, Grant T yler, was born on Feb. 5,1987 ." James is a district reservoir engineer with Grace Petroleum. He, Diana, and Grant live at 12005 Victoria Place, Oklahom a City, OK 73 I 20.

1974 William G. Eve rs w rites : " M y wife and I a re ex pecting our seco nd chi ld in A pri l 1987. We have relocated to St. Peters, Mo. I am working for McDonnell Douglas as a production operations planning s pecialist. Looking forward to visiting R o lla and th e TK E hou se durin g Homeco ming 1987 ." William a nd P a ula li ve at 23 Spe nce r Cro ss ing, St. Peters , MO 63376.


Steven J. Dupont is now the owner of Quoin Software in Bala Cynwyd, Pa . S teve n and Eli za bet h li ve at I II E. Levering Mill Road, Bala Cynwyd, P A 19004.

Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators:

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Robert T. Berry 12716 E. 63rd St reet Kansas City , MO 64133 Santiago J. Ibarra Jr. 405 Lampwick Court Naperville, IL 60540

Gary D. Forsee w rites : "P ro moted to pos it ion of se rvice vice pres ide nt, netwo rk o pe ra tion s, F edera l gove rnm ent , fo r AT & T. Mo ved fr o m New J erse y to 10807 M e lanie C ourt, Oakton , V A 22124, with my wife, Sherry , and daughters Melanie, 10, and Kara , 7."

Jon A. Kremer 2812 Williams Creek Road High Ridge, 1'10 63049 William M. Black wri tes: "I wa s designated an enro lled actua ry by th e joint board for the enrollment of actua ri esDepartment of Labo r-D epartment of Treasury- on May 5, 1987. I am now eligib le to practice under ERISA. " Bill is a n assistant actuary with Cowa n Actua rial Co. He an d Jane live at 12160 Lawnview Ave. , # 12, C in cin nati , OH 45246.

John F. C hien w rit es : " I h ave assumed a new position as sup er viso r of d es ign se rvices for Wood wa rd -Clyde Co nsultants in Wa ln ut Creek , Cali f. since Oct. I , 1986. A lice and I now li ve at 1542 Thornwood Drive, Concord, CA with three kid s- Lil y, Jane and Jimm y."


1973 Patrick M. Byrne writes: " Our seco nd d a ughter was bo rn on Oct. 21, 1986. Erin Theresa is doingjust fine and lu cky for Mom a nd Dad her big s iste r Kim (3 yea rs old) think s it is fun to have her a ro und. " Patrick is a project m a nage r for Massman Cons tru ction Co. The Byrnes live at 15 W. Bridlespur Terrace, Kan sas Ci ty, M 0 64 114. Jack E . Gonzenbach w rites: "P romoted to ge neral manager at Harmon Electronics. Now res idin g a t 21 16 Timbe rline, Blue Springs, MO 64015. "

Jonathan T. Motherwell is a new. 1987 . pa rtn e r wit h Dames & Moo re . He is manager of design services for the firm's Intermountain Region as well as manager of Dam es & Moore's H ouston office . Prior to joining Dames & Moore in 1983, Motherwe ll had nin e yea rs of c ivil geot ec h nical engin ee ring expe rie nce in vol ving nu clear po wer plant s. offshore structures, open-pit mines, ha rb ors a nd docks , petro chem ica l plants a nd haza rd o us was te fa cil it ies. Jonathan , Ca th y and their two d a ught ers, Emily and Eli za bet h, li ve at 12800 Briar F o res t, No. 176. H o uston , TX 77077.

MSM Alumnus/33

Alumni Personals ___________________ , Edward W. Rodgers, '75, '76, is pres-

A 19

entl y an engineerin g superviso r specia list wi th th e So uth Dako ta Departme nt of T ra nspo rt ati o n. He a nd Kath y J 0 li ve at 573 W. I I St. , Winner, SD 57580.

Stephen P . Vancil , an Air Fo rce Ca ptain , has bee n deco ra ted with the Meritorious Service Meda l at Ba rk da le Air Fo rce Base, La. T he Meritori o us Se rvice Medal is awa rd ed specifica ll y for o ut sta nding no n-co mb a t merit o ri o us achievemen t or servicc to the United States . Steph en's add ress is 3305 Kin gsfo rd Pl ace, Bossier Ci ty, LA 7 111 2.

1986 Rollamo

1975 James W. Bradley has been promoted to manufacturing engin eering manager of th e Emerson Electri c Plant in A va, Mo . He a nd Sa ra h live at 7729 New Hampshire, St. Louis, MO 63 123.

The ass ociatio n has received a report of t he death , in late 1985 or early 1986, of John Burton Creveling. He received his B.S. in geo logica l engi nee rin g and an M.S. in th esamefield in 1976 . He began thi s ca reer with Conoco in Oklahoma and moved to L. R. Squ ier Associates in Oswego, Ore. He lived in Issaq uah, Wash. at the time of hi s death. George M. Dolson is now assistant profess or, renal di vision, wit h Baylor College of Medicine / Veterans Hospital in Hou ston. George and Bonnie live at 5923 Vickijohn , Houston , TX 77096 .

Mic hae l J. Ga rnett , '75 , '77, is no w a seni o r project engin ee r with General Moto rs in Milfo rd , Mi ch. Michael lives at 55 10 Curd y Road , Howell , M14 8843 .

34/ MSM Alumnus

Stephen A. Kambo l writes : " I ha ve been wo rkin g overseas for Lou is Berger I nternational for the past 2-p lu s years. After comp leting an as sig nm ent in S o uth Korea early in 1986, I mo ved on to a rura l road s deve lopment project in Pakistan. My work there wi ll be completed in June, at whi ch time I will relocate to a nother ove rseas postin g. I ca n be co ntacted at 2 10 David St. , No. II , Carson City, NV 8970 I.

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Bernie and Jody Welch write: "Congratulati ons to Bill ('75) and Ruth Morley o n th eir move to J a pan! We will visit yo u in '88 ." Th e Welch fa mil y li ves at 1004 West End , Ca pe Gira rd ea u, MO 63701.

F rancis E. Moore Jr. writ es:" ew baby Apri l 29 , 1987 (seco nd child) , Cas a ndra Lynn. First child , J ess ica ico le (two yea rs, Dece mber)." Fran cis is a meta llurgica l enginee r with Kansas City Powe r & Light. F rancis, Jud y and their two daughters li ve at 313 . Fl o rence, Lee's Summit , MO 64063.

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1976 John J. Marti ng anno un ces the birth of a second daughter, Valeri e. on March 24 , 1987 . J ohn is a petroleum engin ee ring evalu ator for Lee Keeling and Associa tes. The Martings' address is 6547 E. 60th , Tul sa, O K 74045.

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Ga ry M. Ka llmeyer writes: " Currently participating in the impl ementati on of the int egrat ion strategies for th e Rigid Packaging a nd Aeros pace/ lndu trial Products Di vi io n of ALCOA-S EI and coo rdin atin g th e info rm ati o n sys tems developme nt between three plants in those di vi ion s." Gary's addres is 1422 Pa rkm o nt Road , Alliso n Pa rk, PA 1510 I.

Sall y S. (Schwager) Small writes: " Daughter, Am y Lynn , wa born Oct. 17 , 1986. I have retired fr o m the business wo rld to be a ho mema ker. "S a ll y and J ac k li ve at 1003 7th St , Dodge Cit y, KS 67 0 1.

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Alumni Personals ___________________

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1977 Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: Michael F. Lackner 11809 England Overland Park, KS 66210

Harvey E. Goodma n writes : " My wife's name is Mary; we ha ve two daughters, ages 2Y2 and 13 months." Harvey is a se ni or geo logical engineer wit h Tenneco Oil E & P. T he Goodmans' address is 205 SI. Nicho las Dri ve, Lafayette, LA 70506.

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Aaron L. Cook writes: "B rend a and I are pleased to announce th e birth of our daug hter, Rebecca, on Apri l 12, 1987 . Becky has a big brother, Benj am in , who is 18-months old. " The Cook fami ly li ves at 6762 Win chester Co urt , Fort Worth , TX 76 133. Aa ro n is with Taylo r & Co. in Fort Worth.

Thomas M . "Mark" Drumm writes : "Just opened a fis hing reso rt in Skwen tna , Alaska o n the Id itarod Trail. If yo u eve r get to Alaska, sto p by." Mark is em pl oyed by Arco Alaska Inc. as a Kup aruk Operations represen tati ve . His address is 445 1 E. 135thSt. , Anc horage, AK995 16.

Kim Fow ler wri tes: " I a m completing five years empl oymen t wit h the Applied Ph ys ics laborator y of the J ohns Hopkins Universit y. Th e wor k has bee n varied and cha ll enging. Th ough my group is designated as computer enginee ring, I ha ve been des igning and developing projects from sa tellit e vid eo sys tems to medical de vices ." Kim 's add ress is now 5911 Grand Bank s Road, Co lumbi a, MD 21044.

John N. Sto lw yck , '78, '84, writes: " Enjoying work in the utilit y industry a nd now fath e r of two beautiful gi rl s, Ad ri enne, 2Y2 years, and Gabrielle, I mon th. " The Sto lwyck's address is 8 15 Sunset, Liberty, MO 64068.

Terry A. S udh olt writes : "We have a new addition to the family- Jeremy Michael Sud holt, born Feb. 27 , 1987 . We survived another New York wi nter." Terry is a con str uction manager for Gilbert Commonwea lth Inc. of Reading, Pa. He and Diann live at 486 Kilbourn Road , Rochester, NY 146 18.

The dea th , by drowning, o n Feb. 15, 1987 , of Lo uis Taylor Ward Ill , has been reported by his wife, Myra E. Ward , 806 3 1st St. , Bettend orf, Iowa, 52722. Lou is rece ived hi s B.S . degree in mec hanical enginee rin g from UM Rand at the time of his deat h, was a design enginee r with John Deere Co . In additi o n to his wife, he is survived by a son and two daughters.

1978 Darryl L. Brinkmann writes: "Dar ryl a nd Robin built a home on ten ac res near Argenta this past yea r. We have two so ns, Eric, 3, and Scott, !. Darryl is a manu fact urin g systems engineer at Ca terpillar Inc." The Brinkmanns' ad dress is Route I , Box 97 , Argenta, IL 62501. Alan W. Green writ es : "I ha ve recentl y returned to wo rk wi th F lu or at their Resource Recovery project in Wellingford , Ct. " Alan and Co llee n's add ress is 39 Berkley Ave., So uthingt on, CT 06489.

1979 Philip "Randy " and Sharon (Vanderwal, '81) Bissey a nnounce the birth of th eir first child , Jennifer Lynn , on Dec. 19. Rand y is a sa les engi nee r wit h Cooper Industries and Sharon is a programmer / anal ys t with S hell Oil. T he fam ily li ves 2930 Gree n Field s Dr ive, Sugar Land, TX 77479.

1986 Ro ltamo

Ala n H. Brook writes : "R ecentl y mo ved up to a staff de ign engi neer pos ition within G.E. Binghamto n, N.Y. Engi ne Co ntr o l Pa ckaging Design Group. Home li fe is great. Mar y Ann is pregna nt wit h o ur third child , due Ap ril 22." T he Broo ks live at Route 2, Knight Road, Vestal , NY 13850.

MSM Alumnus/35

Alumni Personals __________________

1980 Dennis E. and Leta Renee Hardin write: "We are expecting our first in A pril. Dennis has been self-employed since January, and loves it! " The Hardi ns li ve at 1938 N. Wood Court, Wichita, KS 672 12.

1986 Rollamo

1979 continued Glen F . Forck writ es: "Ma ry E llen and I were mar ri ed o n Oct. 4 , 1986. I received an MBA from Bradley University last December. C urrently, I am work ing for Caterpi ll ar Inc. as a d evelopment engineer in the electrica l a nd electroni cs d epartment." T he Forcks li ve a t 7107 N . Miramar Drive, #2, Peoria , IL 6 16 14. David Kuo, '79 , '81, wr ites: " Inte rn ational M in ing a nd F ue ls Services was found ed to promote trade between t he U.S. a nd Ch ina , primaril y in coal. We promote prod ucts as we ll as se rvices. S hou ld a ny of yo u need a ny marketing serv ices, p lease ca ll m e a t (2 14) 235-2 149." Da vid is vice pres id ent o f th e co mpan y. Hi s address is 131 1 E. Spring Valley Road , R ichard so n, TX 7508 l.

Robert A. Riess writes: "Curre ntl y working as th e man age r of fi eld constru cti o n for Texas Eas ter n Gas Pipeline Co. Still li ving in th e W ood lands , T exas a rea with my wife, Becky , a nd my two so ns, Rob Jr., 6, and R ya n, 3 years o ld ." R o bert's Address is 20 E. Torc h Pin e C ircle, T he Wood lan d s, TX 773 8 1.

Terry L ., '80, '86, and Janet L. (Reiter, '80) Loesch write: "Terry received his master's degree in computer science in December 1986. Terry is a system programme r at Mo nsanto's Research Center. Janet works as a p rogrammer / analys t at Ge nera l America n. " The Loesc hs now li ve at 3591 Q uee nshill , St. Lou is, MO 63 129.

Clayton Price, '80, '85, is "st ill " a gradua te stud en t in th e ma th emat ics departme nt at UM R wo rkin g o n hi s Ph.D. C layton's add ress is Rou te I, Box 253 , Ro ll a , MO 6540 1.

Mark G. Viox is n ow a proj ect e ngin ee r with A nh euser-B usch (Metal Co ntain er) in S un set Hill s, Mo. H e a nd Janet (Knobbe, also '80), res id e a t 348 Ca melli a, Webster Groves, MO 63 11 9.

Tim Williams wr ites : " Joined Brinkmann C o. as project m a nager in May 1986. W e a re a relati ve ly small fir m , but growing ra pidl y, bui ldin g reta il shopping ce nt e rs and ot he r commerc ia l bu ildin gs. I marri ed C heryl Babsby o n Oct. 10 , 1986. C heryl wo r ks for Ca bot , C abot & Fo rb es, a commerc ia l deve lope r in St. Louis." Tim and C heryl li ve a t 2372 H idd e nm eadow Lane, Manches ter, M 0 6302 1.




Sharon R. (Vanderwal) and Philip R . "Randy" Bissey, '79 write: "We a re pleased to a nn o un ce the birth of our first chi ld , Jennifer Lynn, on Dec. 19, 1986. Sharo n is a programmer / analyst with Shell Oil. Randy is a sales engineer with Cooper I ndustries. Rand y, Sharon , and Jennifer li ve at 2930 Green Field s Drive, Sugar Land , TX 77479.

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Gerald L. Frederick is no w a com municat ions net wo r k d esig ner with First Union Co rp. Gerald and Bette live at 62 11 Park Road, Charlotte, NC 282 10.

Randal L. Hoyt wr ites: "Rece ntl y purc hased a home. Maria a nd I had a baby daughter, M ega n Brooke, in September 1986." The H oyt fam il y now li ves at 1006 Renee Drive , Sherrard , IL 6 128 l.

Barbara A. (Stoecklein) McPherson writes: " Ph il a nd I h ave just bought our first h o me, so uth west of Toled o at 147 Freedom Lane, Watervi lle, OH 43566 . Now we a re o nl y three miles fro m the pla nt. We are both working for Manville Sales Corp . P hil is a n engineer and I'm a produ cti o n sched uler."

E dward D. Sewell wr ites: " I grad uat ed from UMR with a d eg ree in ma th ematics and worked four yea rs for a pens ion cons ult ing firm whi le picking up an M.S . fro m St. Lo ui s University. Since A ugust of 1985, I h ave bee n a ttending Co rn ell Uni vers it y, Ith aca, N.Y ., workin g toward a Ph .D. in opera ti o ns resea rch. After a yea r at Cornell , I was awa rd ed a three-yea r Olin Fe ll ows hip a nd thi s August I wi ll leave to spend a ye ar in German y working on research ." Edward's perman e nt address is 140 South 35 th St. , Bellev ille, IL 62223 .


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36/ MSM Alumnus


Alumni Personals ___________________ 1981 continued

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Ro y O . W ingfield writes: " I m oved for a promoti o n to Ka isersla uten, F ed era l R ep ubli c of Ge rm a ny. I a m now a progra m ma nage r. No t as mu ch fun as des ign wo r k, but it pays t he bills. R oy wor ks with the D epartment of th e A rmy, and ca n be reac hed a t HQ 2 1st S UP CO M, Attn: ACSEH -EC, A PO NY 09325-3730.

J ames M . J a ckso n has bee n pro mo ted to th e pos iti o n of e ngineer in g specia list with Nor throp W ilcox. He a nd Ca ro l Live at 7932 N .W . M ilrey Drive, Ka nsas C it y, Mo 64 152. Gary L. Marquart was recent ly registe red as a p rofess io na l engineer by t he Missouri Board for Architects, Professional E ngineers a nd Land S urveyo rs. H e is curre ntl y a n elect rical engineer wit h U n io n Electri c and is pursuing a g radu ate deg ree a t M a ryv ille Co llege.



J effre y W . M cKee writes: "I no w wo rk fo r Sand e rs a nd T h o m as, a n AI E firm o utside of P hil adelphia , as a se nior HV AC p roject engineer. A wh ole new gro up to te ll UM R S t. Pat's stori es to!" J effrey lives at A pt. 53 A, Gree ntree H o use, Do uglassv ille, PA 195 18.

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1982 Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: James E. Lamb III 1511 Scenic Drive Rolla, MO 65401 Laura Plyler Silkwood 213 Pennsylvania Ave. Lebanon, TN 37087 Michael R. Avery writes : "The skiin g was great in New England thi s winter. So was St. Pat 's in Rolla , M O.I Mo ved int o my new ho use o ve r New Yea r's . M y new address is 153 Ga ll up Hill Road , Led ya rd , CT 06339 ." Michael is a rese rvoir engineer with Pfi zer Oil Field Product s Group in Groton , Ct. Lori (Looser) Henson write s: "I am currentl y working at Wate rhout C onstructin as an es timator. I got ma rri ed in November, 1984, to Joe Henson and we now have a beautiful boy named Bryan. He was born Feb. 9, 1987. Our current address is 6532 Marmaduke, St. Louis, MO 63 139. H ey, C lass of '82! Any fi veyear reunion plans?"

G regor y M . P a nnone is now wo rk ing with Ge nera l Mo to rs CPC D ivis io n in W a rren , Mich . Greg and M a ry's address is 3435 Sas ha baw Road , Oxford , MI 4805 1. Donna K. Parks writes : " I received my M.S. in environm ental enginee rin g in Jul y 1986. Now wo rking as th e e nfo rcement engineer in the NPDES section of th e Arkan sas Department of Po lluti on C ontrol and Ecology . I am really enjo ying m y new job." Donna 's address is 1003 Arrow head Drive, A lex and er, AR 72002. Marvis L. Ridgely beca me Mrs. John La ndon o n Fe b. 28, 1987 . M ar vis is still emplo yed with D ee re a nd C o. , in Des M o ines, I owa. Her new address is 1205 Ann P a rk way, Idi a no la , IA 50125 . Todd W. Rush, '82 , '84, writ es : " I am currentl y employed by M cD onnell D ouglas in th e compute r-aid ed design drafting tr a ining d epartment. My fiance , Mart y Za va la, a nd I are li ving at 1239 E . C reve Coe ur C rossing Lane, C hes terfi e ld , MO 63017 , and plan to wed on Se pt. 6, 1987."

1986 Rollamo

M ichael Joseph S haramita ro writ es: " I have relocated to Tampa with my wife , l (ind a, a nd children J oey, 3Y2, a nd Gin a, 2. I a m currentl y es timating new projects for M cCa rt hy So uth east a nd adju sting to thi s southern li ving." M ichae l a nd his famil y a re li ving at 15 70 I Pinto P lace, T a mp a, F L 33624 . C hristopher E . Williams writ es : " It is to ug h to sec ure e mpl oy me nt in your fi e ld o f stud y th ese d ays . Wh e n yo u fina ll y sec ure a jo b, eve ryo ne yo u wo r k a nd assoc ia te with apprec iates th e qualit y o f edu cati o n you rece ive a t UMR. I a m pro ud of U MR. " C hri sto ph e r is a n eng in ee r with th e C it y o f Ka nsas C it y, and li ves at 225 E . 33 rd St. , N o. 14, Ka nsas C it y, MO 64111.

1983 Donald J. Arndt is prese ntl y a so ftw a re e n g in ee r pr og r a mm e r- a n a lys t wi th T exas In strum ents, in T e mpl e, T exas . He a nd Eva (T ay lor) Arndt li ve a t 95 13 Orid e. Austin . T X 78753 .

MSM Alu mnus/3 7

Alumni Personals _ _ ___ _____ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ Ly nn R. Jones writ es: "S ta rted this yea r in a new depa rt ment a t Boeing Co mpu ter Services . Am do ing co mputer a nimati o n in a oftwa re resea rch and develo pm ent a rea. I rea ll y enj oy it. Also, I got cngaged on Valentines' Dayl Wo uld enjoy hea ring fr om co llege friend s and class mates." Lynn 's add ress is 34 15 Countrys ide, Wichit a, KS 672 18. Ph ilip D . M cPherson wri tes : "Barbara (Stoeck lein), '81 , a nd I have just bought o ur first ho me, sout hwest of T oled o at 147 F reed om La ne, Waterville, O H 43566. Now we are onl y three miles from th e plant. We are both working for Ma nvil le Sales Co rp . [ am an enginee r a nd she is a prod uctio n scheduler."

1986 Ho llam o

Gregor y S. and D ebora h L. (Lauber, '86) Meitz live at 4936 Waringford Drive, St. Lo uis, M O 63 128 .

Timothy L. White writes : "C urrentl y wo rk ing o n my mas ter's at Sta nford Unive rsity. Schoo l seems tougher seco nd time a round , but nothi ng a Roll a grad ca n't handle. " Timoth y can be reached at 705 C roth ers Memo ri al, Sta nfo rd , CA 94305.

Clyde Dennis writes: " I go t tired of Hughes Aircra ft so I've ta ken a jo b wi th Rich Inc.- close r to home. Ma ry Jo and I a re ex pect ing our first chi ld in No ve mber (Pe rh aps a future Roll a grad ?)." Cl yde is a manu fac turi ng engineer with Rich In c. He a nd M a ry Jo li ve a t 11 28 W. Beech St. , C hillicothe, l L 6 1523 .

Daniel C. Dennis writes: " We a re living in St. Lo uis wi th our 6-month-o ld daughter, J enn ifer. Da n is a powerplant produ cti o n engineer at Monsa nt o's W.G. K rummr ic h Pl a nt in Sa uge t, Ill. Ma ri e (Meiners) is enha ncin g her civil degree wo r kin g towa rd a n a rchitectural degree at Mera mec. Our address is I 103 Ra lp h Terrace, St. Louis, MO 63 11 7. "

38/ MSM Alum nus

Bryan D . Peetz, '83, '85, writes : "T wo years out from Ro ll a a nd still go ing stro ng. Life co nt inu es to present interestin g o pp ortunities, one of which was the chance to fl y. I go t hoo ked, a nd by the tim e a nyo ne reads this I should have my pi lot 's li ce nse. I hea r that Ri ch and Ca thy Heisse a re ex pecting a baby soo n. I ho pe the poo r kid doesn't get hi s father's looks." Brya n resid es at 545 1 I nd ependence P a r kwa y, Apt. 2004 , Pla no, T X 75023 . He is a des ign enginee r for Texas Instr uments. William L. Prehm writes : " I've moved ! I fina ll y ow n so me property. Aw, prosperit y is o h so weet!" Will ia m is a prod uctio n a nd sto rage engineer fo r N ort hwest Nat ura l Gas Co . Hi s new address is 17506 Brite T ree Circle, Port la nd, OR 97006. Ja mes W. Shelby wri tes: " I wi ll be leaving the se rvice in December 1987 a nd att endin g grad uate schoo l at UMR in J a nu ary 1988 ." James's ad dress is H HC 10th En Bn, A PO New Yo rk, N Y 0970 I. He is a n executi ve offi ce r with the U.S. Arm y engineer unit in Ge rm any.


Phil Unil writ l I ho sciel 3 92

1984 Mike and Mary (Gielow, '85) Book ha ve a new home a nd a new address- 1214 D orn ewood Pl ace, Ball win , MO 6302 1. Jeffr ey A. Brun in g has bee n promoted in th e U.S. Air Force to the rank of first lieutena nt. Jeff is a mechani ca l enginee r at Kirtl and Air Force Base, .M. , with t he Ai r Force Space Techn o logy Ce nter. His ma ilin g address is c/ o Lawrence Bruning, Route I, Leasburg, MO 6553 5.

1983 continued Jim L. Bradley writes: " I was promoted to ma nufacturing engin ee ring manage r of Emerson Electr ic Moto r D ivisio n's Ava facility in J a nuary of th is yea r. We have also rece ntl y bought our first home." J im and Sa rah's add ress is Ro ute I, Box 562 , Ava, M 0 65608.


Mary E. Gly nn writes: "Current ly wo rkin g towa rd a mas ter's degree in geo logica l engin eering at the Uni versity of Arizo na, T usco n. Major emph as is is in rock mechanics and tun neli ng. Resea rch incl udes a geotechnica l stud y fo r th e sup erco ndu cting sup er co ll id er (Ari zo na proposa l)." Mary's present address is 8 11 E. Prince, No. 208, Tucson, AZ 857 19. Pamela J . Graves writ es: " Well , the time has fin ally co me! Zol L. Singleton and I will be tyin g the knot on June 6, 1987 in Ka nsas Cit y. Wi sh us lu ck l " P amela 's prese nt add ress is 400 Sterl ing Rid ge Dr ive, Augusta, GA 30909. Scott W. Ja rus writes: "Two-a nd -a- half years wit h IB M have bee n quite a n ex perience. My wife and I spent six mont hs in Sco tla nd a nd were able to see Europe. I wa s just pro moted to seni o r ass ociate enginee r. I a m a lso cha ngi ng jobs from man ufacturi ng into development or indu stri al enginee ring. Best regards to a ll back at U MR ." Scott and Debbie live at 104 Wes ker Circle, Durham, NC 27703.

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Alumni Personals _ __ ________________

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1984 continued Phillip A. Koehr is now a stud ent at the University of Missou ri-St. Louis. He writes : " I'm back in sc hoo l full-tim e and I hope to fini sh my B.S. in compute r science in December." Phil is li vin g at 3892A Humphrey, St. Louis, M063116.

Jack E. Ramsey Jr. writes: "Married 1985. Changed jobs Dec. I, 1986.Living in Arizona and loving it. Getting a tan shouldn 't be a problem. " Jack is a process / project engineer with Mico-Rel in Tempe, Ariz. Jack and Juli a's address is 544 East Sout hern , No . 257 , Mesa, AZ 85204. Kenneth O. and Rosemarie Schwer write: "Melanie Nicole Schwer was born Jan . 13, 1987a nd weighed 7Ibs. , 100z." Kenneth is an electri ca l des ign engineer with McDonnell Dou glas. The Schwers live at 10019 Mayo Drive, St. Louis, Mo 63123. Sandor K. Senik writes : "] 'm the chief of operation s for th e co mmunication s group in Ita ly for the Air Force . I also handle communications security throughout the co untry. St aying in to uch wit h all the opera tions keeps me hopping and dog-gone busy . Italy's a bl ast and the skiin g is great ." Sandor and Anna's address is P.O. Box 100 I, APO NY 09293.

Jeffre y D. Yo ung writes : "After onl y a year in Kansas Cit y we are moving to St. Lo uis, where ] have accepted a position with J o hn Mathes and Associa tes in Co lumbi a, III. " The Youngs' new address will be 683 9 C hin a La ke Dri ve, St. Louis, MO 63 129 .

Grego ry L. Christians writes: "S till in Louisiana attending University of Southern Loui sia na wo rkin g o n my master's in geo logy _ Hope to fini sh nex t sprin g. Also work in g pa rt-time as a geo logist for Barton Oil a nd Gas ." Greg li ves at 228 Ca ledoni a, Lafayette, LA 70508. Jan M . C~nci - S mith writes : "Ba by due in July." She and Brent R. Smith , '86, li ve at Route I , Box 78B , Ed d yv ille, IL 62928 .

1985 F rederick K. Baganoff writes : " I am attending UCLA as a graduate student in as tronom y. 1 ca n be reached through the depa rtm ent at this address : UCLA Astronom y Depa rtment , 405 H ilga rd Ave ., Los Angeles, CA 90024. " Mary A. (Gie low) Book writ es : "M ike, '84, and I wi ll soon ha ve a new add ress, once the house is comp leted. Sometime in May Ollr new address wi ll be 12 14 Dornewood Place, Ball win , M 06302 1. " Mary is a systems enginee r wit h] BM.

Kamila J. Crane, '85 , '86 , has accep ted a positi o n as a structural enginee r in th e brid ge di vision of the Sverd rup Co rp. of St. Louis, Mo . Her present address is 10829-F, Chase Park La ne, St. Lou is, MO 63 141. Robert R. "Bob" Lankston writes: " I bega n a new jo b in Janu a ry with the S perry Ae rospacc G r-oup in Ph oe ni x, Ariz . I am doin g aerodynamic a nd propulsio n modeling o n an MD-80 simul ator we a re building. My ne w ad dress is 2529 West Cact us Road , Ap t. 20 16, Ph oenix , AZ 85029 in th e land of endless sunshine!"

Russell R. Thompson rece nt ly married Janice Marie Teffer of Sp ring City, Tenn. Russe ll is an enginee r with the Tennessee Va lley Au th orit y at th e Wa tts Bar Nuclea r Power Plant. Their current address is 5000 Lake Reso rt , Terrace # 307E, Chattanooga, T 374 15. Joy A. Va ughn has bee n promoted 111 th e U.S. Air Force to the rank of first lieutenant. Jo y is chief of the maintenance support branch at And rews Air Force Base, Md. , wi th th e 89t h Military Airlift Sq uadron. J oy a nd Robert 's address is 4256 Dogwood La ne, No .2, Was hin gton , D. C. 20335.

1985 Rollamo

MSM Alumnu s/39

Alumni Personals __________________ 1985 continued Timothy H. Lewis writes: " H i, eve rybod y ! I fin ished my MSEE in Dece mbe r, and no w I'm work ing in th e Avion ics Lab here at Wright Patterson Air Force Base . I'm e njo y ing pri va te fl ying and working reg ul ar hours for a change." Tim is a first lieu te nant in th e United States Air Force. Hi s ad dress is 5117 Worchester Drive, Dayton , OH 45431.

Andrew J. Serafini writes: " I am now working as an operations and training specia list in th e drilling d e partme nt of th e Ar a bi a n Gulf Oil Co . in Benghazi, Libya . I rece ntl y became e ngaged to Suzanne Muelle r, a student in UMR's chemical engineering and psychology d epartments, a nd e njo y frequent visi ts to Roll a." A ndrew's mailing address is 8 1 Governo r Dri ve SW, Ca lga ry T3E 4Y8, Canada.

John J. and Julie A. (Deles) Stansfield, both '85, write : "J ohn and Julie got married in Augu st. John is a teac hin g assista nt in mathe matics and will get an M.B.A. in Ma y 1988 . Juli e is a resea rch ass istant in biochemist ry and wi ll begin medical schoo l at Mi zzo u in the fall of '87." The Stansfields live at 13A Universit y Terrace, Co lum bia , MO 6520 I.

Gregory M . W ilson writes: " I ha ve just cha nged companies and I'm no w a de ve lopme nt engi nee r for Mobil C hem ica l's plastic packaging division in Rochester, N. Y. Doroth y and I love up state New York a nd now live a t 14 Bo xwood La ne, Apt. 7, Fairport , Y 14450."

/ TODD J. REIDT Todd J. Reidt, of Bloomsdale, Mo. , has graduated from U.S. Air Fo rce pilot tr aining and has received sil ver wings at Columb us Air Force Base, Miss . He is now a seco nd lieutena nt with th e Air Force. Hisc urrent address is 148 Mississipp i Ave. , Columb us AFB , M S 3970 I.

Jeffrey A. Sacre wri tes: "Lt. Sacre has successfull y co mpl eted th e U.S. A rm y Medi ca l Se rvice Corps Officer Basic Course a t Ft. Sam H ous ton , Texas. He is eage rl y a nti cipating his first duty assignment at th e E n v ir o nm e nt a l Hygiene Agency." J eff's address is Rout e 2, Box 56 A , Low ry MN 56349.

40 / MSM Alumnus

M ichael A . Yes cavage wa s rece ntl y promo ted to bodys hop electri cal enginee r for GM / EDS a t th e new Fairfax II a ut o mot ive asse mbl y pl a nt in Kansas C it y, Ka n. Hi s prese nt address is 5323 Cottage Ave., Ka nsas C it y, MO 64 133 .

1986 Randall C. Bilbrey has bee n co mmi ss io ned a seco nd lie ut e nant in t he U.S. Air Fo rce . H e is c urre ntl y statio ned at Kell y ir Force Base , T exas .

1986 Rollamo

T ro y E. C rowley is now a process engineer with th e DuPont Plant in Moberly, Mo. He was a co-op student at the plant before receiving his BS ME d egree. Troy a nd Betheny li ve at 715 Union Ave ., No. 10, Mobe rl y, MO 65270.

Deborah L. (Lauber) Meitz is now an engin ee r wi th McDonn e ll Douglas. S he a nd Gregory S. Meitz , '83, li ve at 4936 Waringford Dri ve, SI. Lo ui s, MO 63 128. C harles V. Rothermich, a second lieut enant in th e U.S. A ir Fo rce, has g raduated fro m th e sa tellite ope rations office r's co urse at Lowry Ai r Force Base, Co lo. C harl es' mailin g address is 41 3 Dove Drive, SI. C ha rl es , MO 63301. Bren t R. Smith writes : "Jan (ConciS mith, '85) a nd I are expect ing a ba by in Jul y." The Sm ith s li ve a t Route I, Box 78 B, Edd yv ille, IL 6292~

Brent " Bebo" Summers writ es: "Working in th e design department for Detroit Tool. New address is 1153CTwi n Maples Dri ve, Lebanon , MO 65536."





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1987 Annual Alumni Fund Contribution



Ho me Address: 0 Pl ease chec k box if new info rm ati on is in cluded. Street _________________________________ Ho me Ph one_______________ State ZIP _ _ __ City ___ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ Spouse's Name Is spouse an alum nus? 0 Yes 0 No Bu siness Inform ati on: 0 C heck box if new info rm ati on is inc lud ed. T itle ___ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Employer _________________________________________________________ Street__________________________________ Work Phone_______________ State_____ ZI P_ _ __ C ity ___ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Pl ease make chec ks payabl e to the: " MSM-UMR Alumn i Assoc iati o n." Annu al Alumni Fund contribution s are tax dedu ctibl e. $500.00 $75.00

I 1

1 $250.00 I 1





$100.00 I





Contributions totali ng $100 or more quali fy fo r the Cen tury Cl ub

o Company matchin g gift fo rm




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