Missouri S&T Magazine, February 1988

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Alumnus University 01 Missouri-Rolla



Alumnus Vol. 62, No.1

University of Missouri-Rolla

February, 1988

Rolla, MO 65401-9990

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Gifts to the University and Alumni Association Tota $5,630, 179 For the third time in the past four years, private giving to the Through the several years that it has taken to plan and construct University of Missouri-Rolla and the MSM-UMR Alumni Assothe V.H. McNutt Mineral Engineering Building and the Engineerciation has topped the $5 million mark. ing Management Building, the state of Missouri supplied 80 perThis total was the result of 12,516 individual gifts received for cent of the total cost of each of the buildings and private funding the Alumni and Development Funds. Of the 12,516 gifts, almost supplied 20 percent.The Health-Information-Security Building, lO,OOO were from alumni. The other gifts were from corporations, also opened this year, was built entirely with private funds-no foundations, and friends. state money involved. As a result of the impact of our graduates working as profesNow that the buildings are completed, alumni, corporations and sionals, the largest segment of the more than $5.6 million in 'donafriends of UMR are continuing to supply the private funding so tions comes from corporations and their related foundations. necessary to equip these facilities. It is this funding that makes the $3,775,000 in gifts is from companies that have many of our alumni difference between an adequate educational experience and the as employees. The second largest segment, $1,200,000, is gifts from quality curriculum expectations that are traditional to this campus. individuals. Of this last, $950,000 is from alumni. Donations from There is .one more facility that will begin to require the financial wills and bequests total $430,000 and other organizations provide attention of UMR alumni and friends . The MSM-UMR Alumni the remaining dollars. Association, this year at Homecoming, gave land to the University The $5.6 million is being used for a variety of purposes. Students for the proposed Auditorium Music Alumni Building. This propwill benefit directly when $939,000 is used for scholarships and erty was purchased by the association in 1978 and has been held by loans. As a result of several phone-a-thons and other direct solicita- the organization since then for alumni use. The time is at hand, and tion, $1,740,000 is designated for use by the various departments, this time private giving will be expected to supply 40 percent of the for their academic programs. total cost of the building. There will be further information about The largest dollar total of gifts, $1,761,000, has been specified for this proposed building in later issues of the MSM Alumnus. equipment and buildings, and includes many contributions for the The Chancellor, students, faculty and staff of the University of new McNutt Mineral Engineering and Engineering Management Missouri-Rolla take this opportunity to express a most sincere Buildings. thank you for your concern and. support.



Dedication ceremonies for the new Engineering Management Building are scheduled to be held Friday, April 8, 1988.

MSMALUMNUS ON THE COVER Representing the 161 undergraduate students who are recipients of financial aid supplied by you through the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, are, left to right, Craig Prevallet, Allen Griffey and Ron Rosner. Craig is a senior in chemical engineering from Perryville Mo. Allen is a junior in electrical engineering from Crestwood , Mo ., and Ron is a senior in aerospace engineering from Florissant, Mo. There is more information about the students your donations are helping on page 49.


Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of MissouriRolla. Entered as second class matter October 27,1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401-9990, under the Act of March 3, 1897.

MSM Alumnus/l



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MSM-UMR Alumni Association Annual Fund The MSM-UMR Alumni Association provided more than $300,000 in 1987 to the students and faculty of UMR through gifts made by alumni and friends to the annual fund . Four percent of the student body received either scholarships, loans or small educational research grants. Scholarships were provided to 161 students directly from the alumni association ranging in amount from $500 for a named scholarship to $2000 for the Alumni Association II scholarship. Another 36 scholarships were provided to the university for use in attracting outstanding transfer students from junior colleges and other four-year colleges. Forty undergraduate students also worked as educational assistants in a program in which they work on scholarly projects under the supervision of UMR professors . The names of the students and their majors are shown on page 49 of this issue. In addition to student aid, the association's board of directors assisted a number of campus-wide programs such as admissions, intramural sports, intercollegiate athletics, library, music and theater. The association has continued to recognize faculty who are outstanding undergraduate advisers with a $500 award. This award was presented to four faculty members this past year for their work with individual students. Gifts to the annual fund also allowed the Association to publish


six issues of the magazine this past year, with three sent to all alumni and an additional three sent to those making gifts to the Association. The gifts have also allowed the Association to assist the campus in student recruitment, job placement, to provide alumni to lecture in classes and work with student organizations, to sponsor alumni section meetings around the country, and to fund homecoming reunions and also the 50-year reunion at graduation. Our graduates and friends have come to recognize the needs of the campus and also the benefits they receive by making contributions to the Association. The average combined gift from individuals and matching gifts . was over $96 per person this past year and almost 1,300 alumni became members of the Association's Century Club. A new annual giving challenge program was established this year between the two largest cities in the state of Missouri-Kansas City and St. Louis. The winner of the contest received a traveling plaque at the alumni awards dinner this past fall. Kansas City was the recipient this first year.since a greater percentage of alumni made gifts and the average gift was higher from Kansas City. The traveling award will again be presented this fall. This honor roll edition of the MSM Alumnus is just one form of recognition of those who have made the difference in support of our faculty, students and alumni programs at UMR. Thank you.

Number of Gifts


3,694 325

$247,293 110,323



Alumni and Friends Gifts Matched by Companies


Matching Corporate Gift Expectancies as a result of Individual Gifts in 1987


Gifts to campus acco~nts through the Alumni AssociationDonor Designated Transfers

$ 46,851

$ 25,665 Total


The V.H. McNutt Minerals Engineering Building was inaugurated during Homecoming 1987. It houses .six departments of the School of Mines and Metallurgy.

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UMRDevelopment Fund 1987 proved to be an exciting year for UMR. In spite of the confusion of the completely new tax law and the stock market unrest in October, UMR posted its third year in four with total gifts exceeding $5 million. The appearance of the campus also changed considerably during the year. The V.H. McNutt Mineral Engineering Building was completed, as was the Engineering Management Building. Both were available for classes beginning in August. Private support amounting to $5 million was instrumental in assuring the construction of these two buildings. A third, the Health Information Security building, also was brought on-line in the spring 1987. This last building had no tax appropriated funds in its construction, and was funded completely by private giving and student fees. The Auditorium Music Alumni Building made a great step toward its construction. The Missouri Legislature approved the appropriation for phase I with the assurance that the balance would be available from the 1988 appropriations. UMR has a responsibility to provide 40 percent of the construction costs amounting to about $4 million. Of this, $2.5 million is already given or pledged to this goal and the U niversit)! anticipates completing the private fund portion during 1988.

The UMR Development Council was refined in 1987 by establishing one segment called the Corporate Board of Visitors and another representing individual friends of UMR. The purpose of each group is identical, which is to discuss and review ways in which UMR and its many publics can work together for the benefit of both. However, the goals and objectives among the corporate community are different from those of individual alumni, entrepreneurs, parents, community and the planned giving groups. It is the intent of the Chancellor and his staff to provide a greater service to each of these important segments of UMR's constituencies. Chancellor lischke has announced that "a strategic plan is being developed and refined to provide effective campus management and lay the groundwork for a major gifts campaign within the next year or so." UMR is committed to increasing and sustaining high standards of academic excellence and in order to accomplish this, private funds in addition to state appropriations will be needed to provide the size and quality of faculty which will attract superior students; to increase the financial aid available to worthy students; and to provide the campus facilities which attract both quality faculty and students.

The Chancellor, faculty and staff of the University of Missouri-Rolla take this opportunity to express a most sincere thank you for the more ¡than ten thousand contributions to the 1987 UMR Development Fund. Total gifts in 1987 amounted to $5, 272, 563. Alumni and friends of UMR can be proud of this continued flow of support. For three of the past four years, gifts in excess of $5 million have been posted . The following. tables illustrate the sources of this generous total and the purposes for which these funds were designated. Source

Number of Gifts

Alumni Other Individuals Bequests Corporations Foundations Other Organizations

6,204 2,318 34 1,641 27 62 Total

Number of gifts - 10,286 Number of donors - 6,558


Amount $

712,069 236,072 428,189 2,516,489 1,161 ,279 218,465


Purpose $

Unrestricted Student Financial Aid Research Faculty Enhancement Designated Departmental Gifts Endowment Fund Student Loans Capital Funds for Buildings and Equipment To Be Determined Total

78,982 632,555 49,332 72,670 1,723,7 14 593,649 57,193 1,761 ,190 303,278


The above figures include 1,223 corporate matching gifts totaling $231, I 34.

Financed entirely by private funding, the new Health, Information, Security Building houses the UMR Infirmary and health services and University Police and security.

MSM Alumnus/3

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The Order of the Golden Shillelagh The Order of the Golden Shillelagh was established on Founders Day in 1977 to recognize the many alun;tmi and their spouses and friends who provided significant support to the University and t.he Alumni Association. The Order was established on a four-fold commitment to excellence at the University of Missouri-Rolla. These are: 1) To recognize alumni and friends of the University wh~se concern is demonstrated through their financial support. 2) To provide means by which administration and faculty may share plans and aspirations for the University . 3) To help establish an exemplary pattern of substantial support through annual gifts and planned giving. 4) To promote increased interest in the welfare of the University on the part of others who might become members of the Order. In addition to the written acceptance to membership, there are two basic avenues a person may select to become a member: I) a statement of intent to

contribute a minimum of $10,000 during a ten-year period at a rate of not less than $1,000 a year; and 2) a planned gift of a minimum of $15 ,000. Examples of planned giving are bequests, life income agreements, charitable trusts, life insurance and real estate gifts. During 1987-88, niniteen new members have been added to the order of the Golden Shillelagh, bringing its total to 159. Each spring the memership has a formal dinner meeting. During this meeting new members are recognized and a campus program of current interest is presented. The 1988 spring meeting is scheduled for April 29 at the Adam's Mark Hotel in St. Louis. Please contact Howard Eloe, Executive Secretary, Order of the Golden Shillelagh, in the Alumni / Devlopment Office if you wish information regarding the organization. Ralph McKelvey Chairman, Executive Committee Order of the Golden Shillelagh

Members Mrs. Robert W . Abbett (F) Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Achenbach Mr. & Mrs . James S. Anderson Mrs . Marguerite C. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. J. Lewis Andrews Mr. Frank C. Appleyard Mr. & Mrs. Keith E. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Hubert S. Barger Mr. & Mrs. David J. Barr \tlr. & Mrs. John G. Bartel Mr. & Mrs. William L. BasJer Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Reade M . Beard Mr. & Mrs. E. A . Belden \tlr. & \tlrs. Donald K . Bellchamber \tIr. Maurice O. Bellis Mr. & Mrs. Jerome T. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Jack R . Bodine \tIr. & Mrs. Phillip J . Boyer (C) \tlr. & Mrs. Ro bert M. Brac kbill Mr. & Mrs. Do nald L. Castleman \tIrs. Margaret M. Castleman \tIr. & Mrs. James B. Chaney Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Christensen Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Cochran M r. & Mrs. Kim D . Colter Mr. & Mrs. J . Robert Cook Mr. & Mrs. G. Ro bert Co uch (C) \tlr. & Mrs. E. Jefferso n Crum (F) Mrs. Clara T. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Delbert E. Day Mr. & Mrs. David W . Dearth Mrs. Do rothy Radcliffe Dee Mr. Arlan R . DeKock Mr. Albert S. DeValve Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Dowling (F) (E) Mrs. Charles S. Draper Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Eck Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O . English Mr. & Mrs. T homas R . Faucett Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur S. Feagan (E) Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fennerty Mr. & Mrs. Armin F . Fick Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Finley (F) (E) Mrs. James M. Forgotson (C) Mr. & Mrs . Charles A. Freeman (C) Mr. & Mrs. Harold Q Fuller Mr. & Mrs. William H. Gammon Mr. Jerry L. Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Givens Mr. C. James Grimm (F) Mr. & Mrs. Alden G. Hacker (F) (E) Mr. & Mrs . William M. Hallett Mr. & Mrs. John W. Hamblen Mr. & Mrs. John P. Harmon (C) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hartung Mrs . Marjory Meyer Hasselmann (F) Mr. & Mrs. Gary W . Havener Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Haydon

(F) Founding M ember

4/ MSM Alumnus

Mrs. lise lleilbrunn Mr. & Mrs . Victor J. Hoffmann ;\Ir. & ;VIrs. Thomas A. Holmes (F) (E) \tlrs. Bert F. lIoover (C) \tIr. llarland H. Hoppock (C) ,-Mr. & \tIrs. William E . Iloward Mr. & \tlrs. Carl E . Ijames \tIr. & \tIrs. Robert D. Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. William S. Jenks , Jr. \tIr. & \lrs. Vernon T. Jones \lr. & \tIrs. Greg Junge \tIr. & \lrs. Oliver W . Kamper Mrs. Charles B. Kentnor, Jr. (F) \tIrs. Harry I-I. Kessler (F) \1r. & Mrs. Frcd Kisslinger Mr. Charles L. Kitchen \tIr. Perry Knight \tlr. & \tIrs. Haro ld A. Krueger \tIr. & Mrs. Frederick S. Kummer (F ) \tIr. & \tIrs. Jennings R. Lambeth Mr. & \tIrs. Eugene A. Lang \tIr. & \tlrs. Allan II. La Plante \tIr. & \lrs. Jo hn H. Livings to n Mrs. Floyd S. ;Vlacklin (F) \tIrs. Louise C. \tI archello \tIrs. Ro y W . \tIcBride ( F) \tIrs. Emil y \Iurph y \tIcCaffrey \tIr. & \tIrs. Belding H . \IcCurd y (F) ;VIr. & \tlrs. Ral ph E. \lcKelvey (F) (E) \ttr. Druery W. \l c\tlillan \tlr. & \tIrs. John W. Mitchell \tIr. & \tIrs. Joseph W . \looney \tlr. & Mrs. Geo rge E . \Iueller (C) \tIr. & \tIrs. Oscar M . \tIuskopf \tIr. & \tIrs. Ro bert H. :\3U \tIr. Kenneth R . ;\eal Mr. & Mrs. Marvin E. ;\evins, Jr. (F) Mr. & \tIrs. Jo hn K. Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ozorkiewiez Mr. John L. Painter Mr. & Mrs. John T. Park Mr. & Mrs. Murray J. Paul (F) Mr. & Mrs. IIarry R. Pearson , Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E. L. Perry (C) Mr. C. J . Potter (C) Mrs. Graee W . Prange Mr. & Mrs. James A. Redding Mr. & Mrs. Harvey J. Reed Mrs . Agnes Remington Mr. Charles Remington Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Remmers Mr. Thomas A. Remmers Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Remmers Mr. & Mrs. Murray C. Renick , Jr. Mr . Robert P . Rho ades Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Rothband Mr. & Mrs. Rodman SI. Clair (F) (E) \tIr. & \tIrs. Bernard R. Sarchet (F) Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Schafer

(C) Chart er Member

Mr. Hans E . Schmoldt (F) \tlrs. Jimmie Schmoldt \tlr. & \1rs. John E . Schork \1r. & \tIrs. James J . Scott \tIr. & \llrs. Joseph H. Senne \tlr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Sevick (C) \tIr. & \tIrs. Henry I I. Sineath \tIr. & \tlrs . Gabriel G. Skitek Mrs. Walter Snelson \tIrs. John P. Soult (C) \tIr. & :Vlrs. J. Victor Spalding \tIr. & \tIrs . Lawrence A. Spanier \tlr. & \tIrs. Ernest \t1. Spokes \tIr. & Mrs . Robert M . Springcr Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Stcvenson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J . Stewart , Jr. \ ·Ir. & Mrs. S. Allan Stone (F) \tIr. & \tIrs. C. F.P. Stueck :VIr. & \tIrs. Carl D. Sutfin ;VIr. & \tIrs . H. D. T homas \tIr. & \tIrs. Carlos H. Tiernon \Ir. & \tIrs. Jo hn B. Toomey (C) \tlr. & \lrs. Do n L. Warner \tIr. & \lrs. \tiel Weinbaum \ttr. & Mrs. Hanley II. Weiser \tIr. Rex Z. Williams \ttr. & Mrs. De\tlarquis D . Wyatt \tlr. & Mrs. \tIarvin C. Zeid

Deceased Members: \tIr. Ro bert W. Abbett (F) \tlr. & \tIrs. Carl H . I3asler \ttr. John Stafford Brown (C) \ttr. Charles S. Draper . \tlr. Jam es \t1. Forgotson (C) \Irs. C harlotte Fuller \tfrs. \tlargrete Gross \tlr. Bert F . Hoover (C) Mrs. ;\l ervin J . Kelly (C) \tIr. Charles B. .Kentnor, Jr. (F) \Ir. Jlarry II. Kessler (F) Mr. & Mrs . I-I ~rold Koplar Mrs. Thomas Witt Leach (C) \ttr. Floyd S. Macklin (F) Mrs. V. H. MeNutt (F) \ttr. & Mrs. Frank H. Mentz, Jr. Mr. James J. Murphy ;Vtrs. John L. Painter \tlr. & Mrs. Walter T. Sehrenk (F) Mr. & Mrs. Edward A . Smith (F) Mr. Walter W. Snelson Mr. John P . Soult (C) Mr. Frank E . Townsend Mr. Virgil L. Whitworth (F) Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Zoller (F)

(E) Executive Committee

Century Club ess les of nSUr.


The Century Club Honor Roll for 1987 lists the names of 1,286 donors whose gifts of $100 or more made them eligible for membership in the club. In 1986, the Honor Roll carried the names of 1,269 donors. This club is sponsored by the MSM-UMR Alumni Association and recognizes donations to the organization. The certificate of membership in the Century Club says, "an organization of alumni founded on May 27, 1967, to aid and support the University of Missouri-Rolla through substantial gifts to the MSM- UMR Alumni Association Annual Fund." There were 38 members in the first year of the Century Club and your slide rule, calculator or personal computer will allow you to figure the percentage in increase from that time to this.

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Abernathy Thomas S. ' 52 Adamick Henry S. '44 Adler Robert B. ' 70 AlTolter Allen L. '62 Akers James E. ' 53 Alexander William C. '40 Alford Rex '40 Alger Robert P. '38 Alinder Lloyd A. '72 Allen Bruce H. '77 Allen George W. Allen James L. Alsmeyer William C. '41 Altheide Richard '84 Altman Barbara H. '67 Amin Rajinkant C. ' 64 Anderhub Anthony P. ' 51 Anderson Dennis R . '74 Anderson George M. '49 Anderson Harvey A. Jr. '49 Anderson James S. ' 55 Anderson Michael B. ' 73 Anderson Scott G . ' 83 Andreae Andreas A. '41 Andreae Robert A. '69 Andreae Vicki M. ' 70 Andreas Wayne T. ' 58 Andrews Frances T. Appleyard Frank C. ' 37 Aranda Joseph C. Jr. ' 83 Archer David W. ' 55 Armstrong Gerald C. ' 58 Arnold Frederick W. Jr. ' 36 Arnoldy Richard R . '69 Askeland Donald R. Astroth Louis E. ' 57 Atkinson Marion L. Jr. '25 Aubrecht Ladimir J . Jr. '65 Austin Johll C. '42 Axmacher George W. '42 Bachmann Roy O. '74 Baebler Arthur G . '55 Baebler Matthew G. ' 79 Bailey Keith E. '64 Baker Charles R . ' 57 Baker Chester H. ' 55 Baker RonaJd E. '78 Bakhru Prakash U. '72 Baldetti Paul G. ' 81 Ballman Edward A. ' 38 Balmat Jack S. '48 Baltz Richard A. ' 81 Banks Robert L. '44 Barclay David A. '76 Barger Hubert S. '39 Barkalow Thomas W. '74 Barker Marvin W. Bames Charlie :VI. Jr. '66 Bames Richard C. ' 61 Bamett Ralph L. '70 Barnhart Herbert D. '44 Barrow Carlton W. ' 36 Barsachs Edwin H. ' 50 Bartcl Donald S. '64 Bartley Elbridge W . III '70 Bartling Donald L. ' 63 Barton C. Dean '53 Bauer Donna \1. '84 Bauer Richard H. ' 52 Bauman William J . '71 Baumann Richard E. '78 Baumgartner Gc;o rge R . ' 56 Bay Robert D. '49 Beard Mark W. '42 Beard Reade M. '36 Beck William J . ' 73 Becker Theodore H. Jr. '69 Beers Seymour J. '41 Behring Allen G. '66

Beilstein Gregory L. '79 Belden David C. ' 79 Belew Elmer W. '47 Belew Leland F. '50 .Bell Arthur H. '75 Bell Jeffrey S. '83 Bellchamber Donald K. ' 59 Bellis Gerald B. '5 1 n ellis Maurice O. '43 Benignus Thomas D. '79 Bennish Donald E. '66 Bentrup Eugene A. ' 50 Benz Paul W. '60 Berkbigler Kathryn M.P. ' 73 Berkbigler Larry W. ' 71 Berkey Vernon G . ' 50 Berndt Joseph P. Jr. '43 Berry Jerome T. '49 Berry Mrs Hugh Berry Robert T. '72 Bersett Gerald W. '65 Berthold James K. '60 . Bestor Ted F. ' 78 Bier Patrick K. ' 75 Biermann Earl E. '43 Birkner Larry Thomas ' 84 Birt Floyd D . '32 Bishop Dorse S. '37 Bissey ' Philip R. '79 Bissey Sharon R. ' 81 Blair Norman D. '41 Blendermann Gene ¡R . ' 51 Blume David J . ' 65 Blumfelder William O. ' 66 Boberschmidt Lawrence A. '65 Bodine Jack R. Bohl Carl D. ' 59 Boje George J. Jr. ' 50 Bolander Richard W. '61 Bolon Greg M. ' 85 Bolon Lucien M . Jr. ' 59 Book Mary Alice ' 85 Book Michael Andrew ' 84 Boon Thomas S. ' 75 Borgerding Lawrence H. ' 51 Borgini Fred ' 59 Borgmeyer Marvin E. ' 74 Boring William D. '69 Bossert Harry F. ' 27 Botts John W . ' 73 Boyd Charles L. ' 51 Boyd \1arvin W. '53 Boyd Robert K. '41 Boyd Ro y H. '45 Boyd Stephen J . '72 Brackbill Robert M. '42 Brackhahn Donald G . Bradley Jimmy Lee '83 Bradway Bruce R . '77 Brand t Robert R. ' 76 Braun Robert P. '76 Braun Steven S. '40 Brecke En 'in A. ' 37 Breeze f rancis V. '49 Bremer Wayne P. '73 Brewer William '32 Bridegroom Kenneth E. '49 Broaddus Wayne R. Jr. ' 55 Brockmann Lester A. ' 55 Brow n Buran W. '37 Brown Guy Jr. '40 Brown Roy G. '39 Browning Phil A. '48 Bruce Robert S. '69 Brueckman n :Ylichael A. '74 Brugger Patrick H. ' 75 Brunts Stephen C. ' 78 Buchmeier f rank A. Jr. '66 Buck Richard L. '63

Buck Robert H. '35 Buckwalter John R . '71 Budd Vincent J. '71 Buel Robert W. ' 50 Buescher Alfred J. '64 Buettner Melvin A. ' 51 Bujewski Matthew J. ' 85 Burbridge Thomas E. '79 Burke George E. '46 Burke William G . ' 59 Burst John F. '43 Busch William C.-'37 Busch ¡ William D . '42 Butler James L. '65 Butzer Harold G. '47 Byrne James M. '73 Cameron Charles V. ' 38 Campbell Jack P. '24 Campbell John R . '74 Campbell Wolfgang S. ' 79 Cappellari Lewis K . '60 Camahan Daniel L. '68 Carroll James V. '43 Carter Hal E. '71 Carter Karen S. ' 73 Cawvey James L. '78 Chaney James B. '48 Chen Wen-Liang W. ' 75 Chen Willie Y. ' 50 Christen Randolph F. ' 72 Christian Scott Allen ' 84 Chronister Donald J. ' 76 Claridge t lmond L. ' 39 Clarkson Charles F. '41 Clifton Jack H. '66 Close Maxwell L. '63 Coco Matteo A. '66 Coghill William W. '33 Coil Benjamin R. '29 Cole Allan A. ' 52 Cole Jimmy D. ' 75 Cole Ralph C. '34 Cole Richard E. '47 Cole Sidney J. Jr. ' 54 Collins William E. '69 Collins William W. ' 50 Colman Eugenia M. Comanich George W. ' 51 Conci Frank B. ' 54 Connett Robert P. '46 Cook Aaron L. '77 Cook Christopher C. ' 80 Cook Frank S. Jr. '70 Cook T homas W. '65

Coolidge Donald J. '43 Cooper Larry M . '69 Coulter Stephen J . '69 Courson Lee R . Jr. ' 59 Court Michael R . '73 Crites Joseph D. '49 Crookston James A. '42 Crum E. Jefferson '29 Culbertson William W. '37 Culnan Patrick D . Jr. '62 Curth F. Oscar '72 Dace Douglas Kent ' 82 Dalen Mark D. '76 .Dalpini David '49 Daniel Kathleen M. ' 79 Dasenbrock Arthur A. ' 51 Davidson Robert N. '60 Davis Scott Daniel ' 83 Davis Sherry L. '8 5 Davis Stuart L. '32 Davisson David C. '70 Day Delbert E. ' 58 Dean Larry J . '70 Dearth David W. '68 DeBolt Donald G. '49 Defenbaugh Kristy K. ' 80 Degenhardt Dean A. ' 74 De Guzman Valentin Danti ' 84 Delaney John F . ' 50 Delany Michael J. '48 DeLap Kenneth L. ' 52 Dernzik William G. ' 57 Denison David G . '80 Denner David K. ' 76 Denner Denise M. '76 Denney Kenneth L. ' 70 Denney Kimberly K. ' 82 Dennis William E. '36 DeRoy Glennon L. '35 Desjardins Peter E. '44 DeSpain James R . '61 Detjen Don W. '48 Deutch Morton ' 50 . Dicken Stanley C. '72 Dickens Richard L. ' 51 Diekof Frank A. '73 Dieckmann Mark D. '82 Dieffenbach Robert P. '39 Dietrich Frederick J. ' 57 Dix Larry L. '61 Dobson Richard J . '34 Doering Frank J . '70 Doerr Jerry W. '67 Doiron Donald G. '65


MSM Alumnus/ 5



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Century Club continued

ROTC Veterans' Day ceremonies in Rolla.

Dolata Edward W . '70 Donaldson Albert L. '70 Donovan Patricia L. ' 80 Donze Terry W . '71 Doss Eddie H. ' 80 Dostal Gregory G.J . ' 7] Dowell Jack B. ' 54 Dowling Paul T . '40 Downey Gary L. '62 Downs Jack S. '49 Dreinhoefer Louis. H. '70 Dreisewerd Douglas W. '66 Dressel Waldemar M . '43 Drumm Thomas M. ' 77 Duderstadt Edward C. ' 58 Dull Melvin J . '58 Dunham Robert M. '42 Dunham Roy H. '47 Dunn Ervin E . ' 51 Dunn Wyatt M. '72 Dupont Steven J. '74 Durphy Clyde A. '43 Dutton Donnell W . '35 Duvall Henry P. '62 Eagan Thomas E . '25 Ebeling John A. '69 Ecoff Ralph A . Jr. Edele James S. '73 Edgar Max E. '35 Edwards Gene W. ' 53 Edwards Mrs Francis C. Eichelberger Charles E. '49 Eimer Kenneth E . ' 65 Einsel Miller D. '62 Elliott Edward E. '39 Elliott Joseph O . '71 Elliott Lewis C . '39 Ellis Elmer Ellis J. Craig '38 Ellis Walter H. Jr. ' 57 Ellis William R . ' 39 Eloe Howard W. Emanuel Duane Arthur ' 81 Enfield Bernard M. ' 50 English Thomas O. ' 29 Englund John O . ' 53 Ensor Steven E . ' 79 + Eppelsheimer Daniel S. Eppestine David A. '71 Eppestine Diane C. '75 Erickson Alan G. '75 Erickson Christina K. '75 Espy James William ' 85 Euell Billy G. Jr. '81 Everett Edred N . '33 Evers William G . ' 72 Fadler Eugene C. '62 Fagan Durward E. '34 Fahrenkrog Richard A. ' 80 Fahrig Robert J . ' 57 Falkingham Donald H. '41 Farley Lyn R: ' 74 Farmer John O. III '63

6/MSM Alumnus

Farrell Edward C. '41 Farrell Wil liam .\1. Jr. '65 Feagan Wilbur S. '76 Fennerty Francis E. Fetterman Phillip S. '73 Feurer John A. ' 70 Fick Armin F. '41 Field Cyrus W. Jr. '67 Finley Carl.E. '45 Finley Douglas B. ' 83 Finley Fred W . '4 1 Finley T hom as J . Jr. '39 Fischer .\1 ax M. '35 Fiss Ed ward C. '36 F itzm aUI;ce Ri ch~d R . ' 77 Fitzpatrick Joseph W. '48 Flanigan Virgil J. '60 F latt William S. ' 7 1 Fleischman Robert F. ' 76 Flesh -Mrs David F lint .\1elvin C. '42 F loo d H. William '43 F lood Thaddeus F . '6 1 Flood Walker L. ' 53 Foeller Kirk C. '82 Foltyn Elizabeth M. '77 Foltyn Stephen R. '76 Ford James A. '70 Foresman Michael R. ' 67 Fornari Joseph M . ' 51 Fort George E. '40 Foster Jack D. '49 Foster Milo G . ' 79 Fournelle Raymond A. '64 Franklin Billy W . ' 57 Frantz Eric H. '68 French Eunice P. ' 84 Fricke James R. ' 75 Fris Edward S. '43 Fris Joseph P . ' 51 Fritschel Larry E. '67 Fritschen Herman A. Jr. ' 51 Fulton Anne ' 79 Galloway James H . Jr. '34 Gammeter Caroline I.M . Gammeter Walter Jr. '39 Gammon William H. '49 Gamer Harold R. '76 Garrett James H. Jr. ' 58 Garrett L. Wayne '72 Gaskill David A. ' 83 G ehle Robert Victor '84 Gerhart Bill L. '61 Gerig Martha M . '69 Gerlach Paul D . ' 57 G essley Donald ' 55 G evecker Vernon A.C. ' 31 Gibson John W . '74 Gibson Kristie C. '74 Gilliam Dale D. ' 55 Gilmore Jerry L. ' 60 Gilmore William M. Givens William A. ' 51 Gj elsteen Thor ' 53 Glasser Clifford L. '63 Glauz William W . ' 80 Glenn David E. ' 51 Glover James ' 43 Glover Nora A . '69 Godsey Terry L. ' 55 Goetemann Edwin C. '44 Goodrich ~rank N. '38 Gould David S. ' 51 Grafft Leland E. '37 Gray Joe E . '54 Green T. Howard ' 29 Griffeth Ellen B. Griffith H.M. Grimm David C. ' 50 Grinstead Willis G . ' 56 Groff Eugene R . ' 66 Guevel Lawrence A. ' 76 Gulick Gary M. ' 69 Gund Russell A. '40 Gundy Douglas G . '72 Gunther Don J . ' 60 Haas Paul A . ' 50 Habegger Ronald L. '70

lIachmuth Henry K. '67 Hacker Alden G . '41 Hac kman Kendall B. '80 IIaddock A. G len Hadley Stanton W. '79 Haffner Harold J . '3 5 Hale Edward D. '32 Haley Comer C. '48 Haley Wilbur A . '43 Hall Charles E. '40 Hall C harles L. ' 79 Halladay Haro ld W. '69 Hallett William.\1. '55 Ham John S. ' 74 Ilamilto n Leslie R. '77 IIancoc k W illiam R. . llankinso n Risdo n W. '60 lIanna Ro bert L. '43 Han sen J . Richard '44 Hansen Peter G. ' 53 Hansen Stanley S. II '67 Hardin ge Byron C. Hardy Michael E. '67 Harper William S. ' 51 Hrt J . Douglas ' 79 • Harvey Wayne C. ' 69 Harward Mark Gregory ' 84 Hastey James P . Jr. '77 Haug John B. ' 79 Hausmann Paul L. ' 52 Havener Gary W. '62 Hayden . Bruce Jeffrey ' 83 Haymes William G ~ ' 50 Haynes Alan D . '68 Haynes :Y1ichael A. '78 Head David W . '74 Head ·Eldon W. ' 58 Heath George F. '30 Hedayati Vahid ',69 Hegler Bums E. Heilig Warren '31 Heim Patricia L. ' 80 Heim Reuben C. '81 Hein Edwin A. '34 + Heiser Frederick W. '39 Heiskell Donald J. '78 Heiskell Janice T. '79 Heitmann Albert L. '25 Helberg Warren W . '44 Hellman \'tilton H. ' 52 HeUrich James H . ' 73 Hellwege William H. '47 Helmkamp Robert E. ' 76 Helwig Arthur W . ' 50 Henninger Francis H. Jr. ' 57 Hepp Joseph T . '48 Heppermann Jeffrey J . ' 81 Herman Theodore '28 Heman John F. ' 50 Herrell Robert R. Herries Michael D. ' 84 Herries Paula Elaine ' 84 Herrmann Thomas A. ' 50 Herzog Michael S. '62 Hess Robert M . ' 59 Hesse Alfred H . ' 33 Heuer Charles A. '42 Hicks Gregory K. ' 76 Hierseman Mark S. ' 81 Higbee James M. ' 66 Higgins Albert J. ' 50 Hill Albert L. ' 28 Hill E . Cecil '49 Hill William E. Jr. '42 Hilleary Alexander L. '76 Hilleary Cynthia S. '76 Hinkle Delores J. '75 Hinkle K. Daniel ' 73 Hodgdon Sam D. Jr. '28 Hoeckelman Donald E. ' 83 Hoelscher "James W. '48 Hoeman Arthur J . '32 Hofer J. Gerald ' 59 Hoffman John G. ' 80 Hoffmann Victor J . '60 Hohlfelder Eugene F . ' 51 Holley Robert G . ' 64 Hollowell William M . '69

Holmes William R. Jr. '80 Holt Michael L. ' 72 Holz Walter L. ' 37 lIonigfort Henry F . ' 52 Hoog Timoth y J. '77 Hoppe Thomas O. '70 Hord William E. '59 lIo rst William E. ' 51 Ho vis .\1ark A. '79 Howald Arthur M. '20 Ho ward Steven R. '8 1 Howe ll Bennett D. '50 Il owell Richard B. '48 lI owell Theodore R. '48 Howerton Joseph W . '38 Huang Jo ng-Chin ' 75 Huddleston James A. Jr. '66 Hudgens Lowell L. ' 59 Hud walker Marvin E. ' 59 Hughes Thomas A. '42 Humphrey Waldo D. ' 50 II unding Carl \V . III '72 Hunt J . Richard ' 50 Hunter Orville Jr. '60 I1unze Charles L.W. '33 Hurst Lindell R. Jr. ' 74 Hutchison Alden C. ' 50 Hydzik Richard M. '67 Ibarra Cheryl A . '71 Ibarra Santiago J. Jr. ' 72 Irwin James Franklin Jr. ' 82 Isbell Clarence A. Jr. ' 50 Isenmann Edward S. '44 Ivers Jeffrey L. ' 74 Jackson Earl E. ' 51 Jackson Hershel A. '71 Jacobi Stephen J . '83 Jaeger Benjamin W .H . ' 63 Jaggi Dennis F. '70 Jaquay Richard L. '63 - Jenczewski Albert C. '32 JenkIDs Robert D. ~ 53 Jennison Brian K. ' 86 Jensen James W. '41 Jerome \'tichael L. ' 76 Jischke Martin C. Joern Karl C. ' 80 Joern Vicki L. ' 79 Johanpeter Gerald R . '65 Johnson Charles W . ' 29 Johnson Gordon E. ' 59 Johnson James C. '43 Johnson Jerry 'G. ' 64 Johnston James J .R. '60 Johnston Karl A. '78 Jones Alan W. '72 Jones Eugene F . :48 Jones Richard L. ' 55 Jones Sam P. '49 Jones Thomas A. '42 Jones Vernon T . ' 53 Jordan Paul R. '60 Joslin Le Compte '34 Jurenka Gilbert G . ' 56 Jurenka Ronald D. ' 58 Justus Dayna K. ' 79 Kadwell Robert J . '65 Kaiser Richard L. ' 55 Kalchbrenner Todd J . ' 80 Kalin Thomas E. ' 57 Kalish Herbert S. '43 Kambol Stephen A. ' 75 Kamper Herbert G. '40 Kamper Oliver W. ' 35 Kamper Russell A . '62 Kang Shin S. '71 Kao Ching-Nan '70 Kapernaros E. Louis ' 50 Karbosky Joseph T. '42 Kassay Andrew W. '32 Kasten Paul R. '44 Kasten Raymond O. '43 Kausch Michael J . Jr. '77 Kebel Harlan L. '56 Keen Jerry G. '71 Keil Byron L. ' 52 Kelly Paul R. '59



Century Club continued

Kem pt:r Eloise 13. Kennedy Daniel '26 Kennedy !larry E. ' 51 Kent ~ e \'ad a A. 111 '53 Kent William D. '43 Keppel James R. '68 Kerber David Clair ' 84 Kerns Randy G. '74 Keshari Hosscin R. '60 Kidd Harold S. '39 Kidwell Albert L. '40 Kieffer Alonzo R . III ' 59 Kieffer Robert C. '60 Killinger John C. '73 Kime Max D. ' 50 King Janet M. '80 Kirberg Leonard C. '66 Kirkpatrick Harry F. '30 Kirkpatrick Ruel L. '31 Kisslinger Fred '42 Kitchen Charles L. Kleinert Andrew J. '73 Kleve Frederic W. Jr. '83 Klier Jcrome M. '63 Kline Charles R . ' 51 Klorer Mary S. '81 Klorer Robert W. '44 Klug John R. '40 Klump Michael G. ' 80 Knearem James L. ' 53 Knobel Elwood L. ' 53 Knoebel Richard H. ' 52 Knopp Charles R. '49 Knopp John V. '63 Koederitz William A. ' 51 Koelling Harold A. '54 Koeppel Beverly W. '38 Koopmann William Jr. '33 Kornacki Alan S. ' 74 Kovach John J . ' 50 Kraft Ned O. '27 Kramer Ralph H. '66 Kraus Ronald W. '64 Krispin Joseph F. ' 54 Krueger Harold A. '42 Kruep Raymond J. '66 Kuechenrneister Kenneth W. '73 Kummer Frederick S. ' 55 Kunz Charles O. '50 Kurtzhals James D. '61 Kutterer Stephanie A. ' 83 Kyburz Edward P. ' 50 LaBoube Roger A. ' 70 Ladd Harley W. '40 Lai San-Cheng '67 Lambe Clinton R. ' 72 Lambe James N. '49 Lambeth Jennings R. '41 Lammert Paul T. '79 Landers Robert G. ' 57 Lang Eugene A. ' 53 Lange Robert C. '37 Larkins Lawrence J. ' 75 Larson Eugene P. ' 51 Lasko Helen D. Lattncr James R. '78 Laurcnson Robcrt M. '6 1 Leaver Harvey B. '48 Leber Walter P. '40 Lee Chin-Ming '70 Leitterman De;rus W. '76 Leitterman Pamela A. ' 75 Lemons Charles E. '61 LePonis .Andrew E. ' 53 Leuschke Larry G. '70 Lewis B. ~eil ' 58 Lewis David M. '61 Lewis David R. ']5 Lewis DeAnn '74 Libiez James D. '63 Lieberman Warren ' 56 Liebman Christian J. '84 Ligon William R. '63 Liley James A. Jr. '44 Lincicome E . Dianne '78 Lincicomc Jamcs D. ' 77 Lindsey Kcnneth R . ' 59 Lindstrom John A. '73

Lipensky \'1i lan '53 Lipscomb G . G lenn II '81 Littlefi eld Jerold K. ' 58 Livengood Kim C. '76 Livcngood Ro ss D. '77 Livingston Jo hn H. '39 Lockett Donald 1'. ' 50 Lodoly Patricia Ann '86 Logan Edwin W. '37 Logan Vincent N. ' 70 Longshore James F. Jr. ' 56 Loveridge Joel F. '39 Luehring Elmer L. ' 55 Lusk R. Ralph '27 Luttes Craig T. ' 75 Lutz H. John ' 59 Lyons Francis D. ' 50 Lyons Helen L. '67 MacCrindle Colin C. '63 . Machado Jose A. '46 Machmer Ferdinand G. '40 Mack James O. Jr. '41 Mackaman Frank Mackaman Nancy MacZura George ' 52 Maddox Arnold W. ' 55 Magruder William H. '49 :vlangoff John N. Jr. '76 Marchal Jacques H. '48 Marchello Joseph M. . Marchello Louise Marek James D. '72 Marshall Donald W. ' 50 Martin Dan W. '52 Martin Kent W. '42 Martin Patrick D. ' 81 Martin Roy S. '30 Maschek Thomas J. '79 Mason J. Lloyd ' 53 Mattei Peter F. '37 Matthews Paul A. ' 50 Matz Alexander H. Jr. ' 57 Mazachek JuliAnn ' 84 Mazachek Keith D. ' 82 McCaffrey Emily McCallister Terry D. ' 78 McCann David L. ' 79 McCarron Donald F. '36 McCarthy John M. ' 55 McClanahan Arthur L. ' 37 McConnell William F. '42 \1cCoy Tb.omas H . '76 McCracken Mary H. McCurdy Belding H. '38 McDermott Arthur R. ' 50 McField Charles B. Jr. ' 80 McGath Michael R. '70 McGhee Vernon T. '42 McGovern Donald' R . '58 McGrath George M. Jr. '77 McGrath Jam(lS B. '49 McHenry S. Dale ' 81 Mcintyre John F . Jr. ' 52 McKee John B. '41 McKelvey James M . '45 McKelvey Ralph E. '48 McKinnell William P. Jr. '47 McLaughlin Eugene J. Jr. '61 McMillan Druery W. '76 McMullen Clifford C. '67 McNelis James C. '87 McReyno lds Elmer L. ' 34 Medlin James M. '67 Meenen Arthur R . '46 M efford ]\'ace F. Jr. '48 Meier Curtis P. '83 Melchers Alex '83 Mendcll Robert H. ' 50 Menefee James H. '36 Mengel Edmund L. '49 Mengel William K. ' 50 Meredith Virgil E. '63 Meskan David A. ' 52 Meyer Dale A. '6 5 Meyer Orville L. '43 Michel IIilbert F . '36 Michel Jocl K. '68 Miesner Thomas O. '75

Millard Frank S. '37 :Ytiller Chesta E. '50 M iller Clarence M. III '73 Millcr Edgar S. Jr. '40 Miller Harold C. '39 Miller James R. '44 Miller Lestcr L. ' 50 Miller Paul H . '63 Mills T erry L. '61 Minton Robert C. ' 58 Mitsch George L. '40 Moe Harold G. '48 Monroe Rex ' 32 Monsch Henry D. '29 Montgomery R. Gill '35 Mooney Edward W. ' 50 Mooney Joseph W. Moore Randall L. ' 77 Moore Richard E. ' 68 Moore Ronald T. ' 71 Moore Wilbern T. '37 Moran Ernest '27 \1organ William A. '49 Moritz John A. ' 54 Mouser Ronald D. '59 Moy Harry ' 51 Moyer Joseph D. Jr. '68 \'1udd Daniel T . ' 77 Mudd John T. ' 58 \1ueller Andrew P. ' 81 Mueller George E. '39 \1ueller Steve C. '69 Mulholland John E. Jr. '52 \1ulligan James A. III '72 Mulyca Walter C. '65 \1unger Paul R. ' 58 \1unn Dale A. '66 Murry Milton J. '64 Muskopf Oscar M. '42 M yers Charles C. ' 58 \1 yers Charles T. III ' 72 Myers Donald D. '61 Myers Eugene W. ' 53 :'\aiknimbalkar l\arendra M. '63 ~ation s George O. '36 l\eal Kenneth R. '30 Nebel Thomas C. '70 Neri Lewis ' 70 ~eub e rt Ralph L. '42 ~ e umann James P . '79 :'-!eustaedter James A. '43 Nevins Marvin E. Jr. '41 :'\ewberry Rosemarie C. '79 Nguyen Tri X. '79 Nicholas Harold J. '41 :,-!iedling Ivan M. '40 Nix William J . ' 80 Nolte William J. '20 Norman Amos '49 North John E. ' 73 Nothstine David E. ' 55 Nowlin Roger E. '48 Oakley David L.

Oberbeck William F. '39 Oberdick R . Kevin '76 Oberschelp William F . ' 53 Ochs Cal vin M. '49 Odom James T . '6 1 O 'Keefe Thomas J. ' 58 Okenfuss Richard H-. ' 58 Oldham Douglas G. '69 Olsen John K . '42 O 'Neill James A . '69 O 'Neill John J . Jr. '40 Otto Samuel D. ' 82 Overal Harry J. ' 71 Owens Thomas J . '68 Ozorkiewicz Ralph L. '69 Packheiser Elmer D. ' 51 PaW Robert H. '68 Painter John L. ' 50 Paladin Frank W. ' 55 Palovchik Joseph M. ' 58 Panhorst Albert C. Jr. '66 Pariani Gary J. '74 Parish George W. Jr. '55 Park John T. Parker Dennis R. '68 Parker Jerre L. ' 84 Parkes Roger D. '71 Parkinson Larry L. '64 Patterson James R. ' 54 Paul Murray J. '27 Paulsell William G. ' 50 Pautler Terrence R. '84 Peacock David N . '64 Pearce Janet Kay ' 82 Peetz Eugene J. ' 50 Peppers Robert E . ' 50 Pericich Paul Michael '86 Perkins Michael A. '67 Perry E.L. '40 Perry :'-!orris W. '68 Perry Robert C. '49 Perryman George I. Jr. '47 Peters Donald G. '64 Peterson Jay A. '61 Pfcifer Herman J. '36 Phillips Robert M. ' 82 Pillisch Herbert P . ' 54 Pippenger Jackie G . '78 Planj e Mrs Theodore Plummer Thomas P. Jr. ' 50 PoW Robert A. '42 Politte Eric Glynn '82 Pollak John A. '32 Porter Clayton G . '68 Portnoff Neil S. ' 70 Po st John R . '39 Post Samuel S. '37 Potter c.J. '29 Powell John D. Pracht Richard M. ' 54 Preiss Robert K. ' 50 Price Charles E. '64 Price Sean E . '77

One offour Student Council Blood Drives held each year.

MSM Alumnus/7

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Century Club continued

Prickett Lloyd C. ' 53 Proctor Frank E. Jr. '76 Puett mann David R. ' 72 Puetz William M. '41 Pugh James Lee '84 Quenon Robert H. Quinn Michael J. ' 75 R ackers Dennis S. '76 Radder Norman C. '72 Radder Paula D . ' 72 Raffel Ted C. '64 Ragsdell Kenneth M. '66 Raithel James F. ' 7 1 Rakaskas Jo seph E. '40 Rambow Frederick H.K. '73 Ranard Wesley J. '80 Randolph Rob rt Kirk ' 85 Randolph Robert W. '61 Rapp Randy R. '83 Rassinier Edgar A. '42 Rau James T. '78 Rauls Gary L. '70 Ray Charles T . '70 Ray James A. '70 + Ray Robert L. '47 Rea William R. '39 Rechtien Thomas J. ' 75 Rector Stephen W. '72 Regenhardt Edward T. '30 Reid Allen J . '32 Reiss John Jr. ' 71 Remington Charles R . Jr. '49 Remmers Walter E . '23 Renfro Kevin Dale ' 85 Reser Donald E. '56 R euss Lloyd E. ' 57 Rexing Walter James ' 85 Reyburn Michael K. '62 Reynolds Martin K. ' 75 Rhodes A. E. '39 Rhodes R ichard G . '41 Rice Daniel Paul '49 Rice Kenneth O. '78 Rich Jerry L. '74 Rich Larry M . '66 Richard Jon Anthony '8 1 Ridley Robert P. '40 Rieke Vernon W. '40 Ries Frank W. ' 50 Riggs W. Robert '32 Riley Kenneth G. ' 56 Riley Richard K. ' 70 Riley William A. Jr. '77 Rinne Steven P. '78 Roach Warren D. ' 51 Robb Kenneth A. ' 65 Robbins Clay ' 53 Robbins Irvin D. '48 Roberts Audrey Roberts J . Kent ' 50 Roberts Ken Roy ' 84 Robert Orner H. '69 Roberts Ronald R. '75

IFC's Fall Clean Up in Rolla.

8/ MSM Alumnus

Roberts S. Kent '69 Robertson Ronald S. '63 Robinson Gordon D . ' 7 1 Roe Lawrence A. ' 39 Roenfeldt Ilaroid R . ' 50 Roesser Robert J. ' 32 Romine E . Clark '40 Root Robert L. '49 Ross Charles J. '49 Ros Richard G. ' 59 Rothband Paul B. '43 Rou se Allen L. ' 59 Roush Philip S. '57 Roussin Ro bert W . ' 62 Rudert Kenneth E . '44 Ruenheck Raymond T. ' 50 Rueppel Melvin L. '66 Rueter Richard E. ' 68 Rumsey Donald A. ' 52 Runder Raymond H. ' 32 Runvik Richard C. '54 Rutledge William A. '46 Ruttinger Anthony J . ' 52 Rydlund Paul H. '63 Rytter Noel J. '69 Sagehorn Kearney H. ' 84 St John Roland A. ' 81 Sallas John J . '73 Samimi Mehmet Keyhan '52 Sanchez Renato '70 Sanders Co nnelly Jr. ' 53 Sanderson Jerome B. ' 85 Sanderson Karen R. ' 85 Sarchet Bernard R. Sauer Harry J. II I '79 Sauer Harry J. J r. ' 56 Saunders Wallace R. ' 57 Saxer Robert M. '6 1 Schaefer Michael E. ' 78 Schaefer Robert K. Jr. ' 55 Schaefer Robert L. ' 62 Schaeffer Willard A. III '48 Schafer Robert P. ' 52 Schamel Mrs Walt er Schamel Walter S. III '70 Scharf Fred ' 53 Schaumburg Grant W. '37 Sehelich Andrew C. '80 Schillinger Dale J . ' 56 Schind ler George A. '73 Sehlett Paul E . ' 72 Schl ueter Steven E. ' 73 Selunedake Robert E. Schmid Herman B. '40 Schmidt Ilaroid A. ' 56 Schmidt Vernon E. ' 51 Schmitt Joseph B. '42 Sc1unitz Jo seph K. '43 Schmoldt Hans E. '44 Schneider Charles S. ' 59 Schneider Norman F. ' 50 Schnell Robert J. ' 78 Schnoebelen Paul C. III ' 77

Schoen bach Ronald A. '70 Schoenefeld Karl F. III '72 Scholz Arthur E. '48 Schoonover Donovan K. '59 Schork John E. '47 Schroer · Herbert W. '60 Schu ler Leonard L. Jr. '49 Schultz Eric.! . '81 Schumacher Gary G. '63 Schumann Lloyd C. '43 Schwager John L. ' 70 Schwanke CarlO . ' 70 Schweickhard t Hazel Schweitzer Robert E. '41 Schweser Gilbert C. '66 Scott Harry S. '44 Scott James J . '50 Scrivner J. Roger '52 obert L. '69 Searnan RO Seipel John R. Jr. ' 53 Senik Sandor Karo ly '84 Senne Joseph I-I. ' 51 Serafmi Andrew James ' 85 Severtson Vernon S. ' 50 Sevick Joseph G. '49 • Shaffer James W. '42 Shah Bansidhar M . '63 Shanes Charles W . ' 7 1 . Sharp Everett W. '40 Sheahen David J. '74 Shelden J. Barry ' 81 Shelden Kathleen A. '79 Sheppard John J . '37 Shockley Gilbert R . '42 Shoemaker James L. ' 59 Shourd Roy R. ' 50 Siegrist Kermit A. ' 39 Siesennop W. Wayne ' 61 Silvers Paul L. Jr. '65 Sinunons Jeffrey F. '82 Simon David M. ' 7 1 Sinn Jerry L. ' 75 Skamenca David G. '63 Skinner \1ilton R. Jr. ' 50 Skipper David J. '76 Skitek Gabriel G. '43 Smart Samuel '5 5 Smith Benj amin K. ' 55 Smith Bruce G. ' 74 Smith Gerald K. ' 80 Smith H arlan D. '48 Smith Harry B. '42 Smith Leroy E. '39 Smith Louis W. ' 66 Smith Memphord L. '62 Smith Michael Andrew ' 84 Smith Neil K. Smith Neil S. '68 Smith P. Gene '44 Smith Robert E . Sr. ' 50 Smith Russell D . '72 Snodgrass William D. '76 Sno wden J . Russell '47 Soper William S. ' 57 Souders St even W. '74 + Soult Jo hn P. '39 Sowers James R. '69 Spalding Theodore J . '69 Spehr James L. ' 64 Spo tte Irvin C. '38 Spreitler Mark L. ' 80 Springer Frederick M. '49 Springer Ro bert M. '36 Stahl David W. ' 80 Staples Guy W. '26 Starke Dennis R. ' 70 Statler Clifford A. ' 51 Steed F. Clifton Jr. '69 Steinbach Alvin C. Steinkamp William E. '64 Stephens James W . '47 Stephenson Alan E. ' 62 Stephenson Shelly L. '82 Steuby Thomas A . '60 Stevens Billy ' 50 Stevens J<).ITles V. ' 83 Stevens Robert E . '8 1

Stevenson Gerald L. ' 59 Stone S. Allan '30 Stopkey Waldemar D . ' 52 Stovall Richard L. '49 Strain Robert A. '50 Straub Haro ld E . '49 Strauss Stephen R. '68 Stri tzel David L. '73 Stroh beck Eugene E. ' 53 Strong John F. ' 50 Stump James W. ' 55 Sturges IIerbert D. '40 Stutsman John V. '77 Sucher Robert W. ' 58 Suhre j\1aurice E. Jr. ' 56 Sullins Thomas R. '60 Sullivan Thomas J . Jr. '80 Sullivan William L. III ' 62 Summers A. Lawrence J r. '72 Summers Huey '40 Sunderland Jeffrey J . '81 Sundermeyer Robert W. '65 Sutfm Carl D. ' 59 Sutherland James R . '6 1 Sweeney James R . '52 Swinny David W. '70 'Swoboda Alexis C. '73 Tanquary Clifford C. '57 Tao Frank F. '64 Tappmeyer Ronald A. '47 Tarantola Bruce E. ' 51 Taylor George H . '64 Taylor Otis H. '42 Taylor Paul W. ' 58 Taylor Roger. K. '72 T elthorst Edgar J . '49 Telthorst James A. ' 85 Tepper Catherine L. ' 80 Terry Mark L. ~ 20 Tesar Mark W . '75 Tetley Albert L. '39 Thoele Howard W . Thomas George H. '43 Thomas Harold D. '28 Thompson Bennet R . '26 Thompson Homer F. '32 Thoroughman William C. ' 7 1 Throgmorton G.R. ' 31 Tibbs Harold E. ' 50 Tiernon Carlos H. ' 54 Tirnlin James B. ' 50 Toombs Howard L. ' 76 Toomey John B. '49 Travelstead Charles W. '74 T say Liang-Juan ' 70 T sukamoto Tadashi '75 Tucker Armin J. '40 Tucker Arthur L. '49 Tucker Norman P. '40 Tucker Paul B. ' 55 Tumipseed M.1 . ' 55 Underhill N . Robert '43 Underwood Daniel H. '76 Van Harty C. Jr. '75 Van Bramer William G. ' 51 Van Eaton Charles W . III '48 Vaninger Jon L. ' 63 Van Praag Jeffrey R . '76 Vaughn Charlie F. ' 55 Vaughn Daniel L. ' 81 Vaughn Paul E. ' 70 Virtue Leon S. '69 Vogler August J . Jr. ' 50 Vogt Fred K.W. ' 37 Waldecker Donald E. '61 Walker ~oseph D. '74 • Walker Lois J . ' 76 Walker LOlUlie R. '65 Walker MeI10n G. Walker William E. II I '84 Wallace Charles E. ' 59 Walters James T. '60 WaIz Robert L. ' 52 Warner David F. ' 7 1 Warren Robert N. ' 57 Watson Harry G. ' 51 Wa tson Kevin D. '80

*D eceased



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Century Club continued

Wicker David A. '44 Widmer Rex C. '72 Wiebe Dirk I I. '64 W icker Richard I I. ' 59 Wiese Charles W . '76 Wiethop Ru ssell 1-1 . '32 Wile Larson E. ' 51 W ilkens Ro y A. '66 Wilkerson Augustu s B. ' 23 Wilkins John M . ' 69 Wilks John C. '48 W illiams Raymond E . '84 W illiams Rex Z . '3 1 Williams Richard K . ' 70 Williams Robert M. Jr. ' 74 Williams T immy A. '80 Willis Henry R. ' 53 Wilso n Chris D. '73 . Wilson Daniel M. ' 75 Wilson M . Louise Wilson Michael A . ' 79 Wilson T ommie C. '64 Winnett Michael D . '78 Wissler Louis B. '43 Withrow Harold J . '49 Witt Leslie D . '79 Wi xso n Bobby G . Wlos Paul V! . ' 68 Wolf Ernest Wolf John D. '67

Wattenban!er Clui s V!. '4 1 Weaver S~nuel C. '64 Wc: bb Jcny J . ' 57 Webb Wi.lliam I I. '39 Webster Ro ya.l S. Jr. ' 55 Wed ge W . Keith '70 Weeks G reg A. '80 Wegener Curt L. '73 Weinel Ernst A. '44 Weingaert ner Jo hn W . ' 50 Weinland Harold A. ' 53 Weis Carl J . '43 Weise T heodore L. '67 Weiser IIan.ley H . ' 18 Weislcr August C. J r. ' 56 * Weiss Clarence B. '27 Weiss Michael W . ' 77 Welch Gary E. '62 Welke Albert H . ' 52 Wentz Charles A. Jr. ' 57 We rner Edwin J . '49 Werner Ro y C. '43 Westermayer Jill A . '76 Westermayer John C. '75 Weyand T homas E . ' 66 Wha.ley Henry P. '48 Wheelock Leroy K . ' 52 White Robert M . White Sally Whitehair Louis H. ' 59 Whitehead Robert W. '61

Wolf Robert V. ' 51 Wo lff Leonard C. '42 W ood Dennis L. '75 Wood Robert C. ' 50 Woodbu ry F ranklin B.W . '66 \V.oodGeld Richard A. ' 66 Woods Kathy Sue '84 Wri gh t Clarence J. '43 Wri ght Harold R. ' 50 Wright Robert C. '4 1 W right Wilford S. '24 Wu Chang-Yu ' 64 Wu I-Isin-Chih '64 Wulff C. Stephen '71 W urtzler Daniel R. '82 Wurtzler Pamela H . '8 1 Wykoff Da.le L. ' 78 Yoc hum Kenneth H . ' 50 Yochum Robert J . '49 Yungbluth R ussell L. ' 39 Zeid Marvin C. ' 51 Zeitinger Dona.ld Jr. '82 Zelms Jeffrey L. ' 70 Ziegler Charles K . '82 Ziegler Jo hn A. ' 77 Ziegler Karl F. '68 Zike David Scott ' 82 Zoellner Lynn E. '68 Zoller Jacques W. '42 Zvanut Carl M . '41 Z vanut F rank J. '32


Commemoratives and Memorials Each year UMR receives many gifts honoring living persons and in memory of deceased loved ones. When donations are received, immediate members of the families are notified of the names of the donors. These perpetual funds support a variety of projects including scholarships, student loans, recognition awards, artist/lecture series, library acquisitions, music and other special programs and activities. Those so honored during 1987 are as follows: Eugene C. Abernathy, ' 71 H . G. S. Anderson, '09 Mary Imogene Anderson J. B. Arthur Carl H . Basler Caesar Berutt Wouter Bo sch Mark G . Bouckaert , ' 84 Gale Bullman J . B. Butler, '24 E. W . Carlton , '26 John H . Castleman , Sr. , '42 Charles E. Christian, ' 53 Howard B. Colman, '35 Frank H. Conrad Ivo hn Roach Cook R ichard L. Cooper Frank B. Damerva.l , ' 56 h ank E. Dennie Ca.lvin C. Diederich , J r., ' 75 Jo hn Herman Dougherty John J. Doyle, ' IS Pauline B. Do yle Tho rpe Dresser, '33 Jack F . Faser, '47 James O. Ferrell , '40


Raym ond R. Finch , '43 Judith L. Flebbe, ' 76 David J. Flesh , '23 Floyd H. Frame George C. Gabler, '24 Elmer Garruneter, '26 Stephen P. Gorman O . R . Grawe C. James Grimm , '30 H. R . Han.ley, '0 I A.lbert W . Happy, ' 32 Karl F. Hasselmann , '25 P hilip I. Hendricks, '42 Mo nique Hildebrand Martin Luther King, Jr. Robe rt B. Koplar Edward P . Lasko, ' 50 R. H. (Dick) Lassley, '65 James O. Letts, '29 I. H. Lovett , '24 Doro thea M . Mentz Frank I I. '\1entz, Jr. , '41 Aaro n J . M iles, '3El Leola Millar Freddy Lee Mosby , ' 58 James J . Murphy, '35

Robert M. Nicodemus, '69 Peter H . Pietsch , '20 T heodore J . Planje, '40 Herbert L. Prange, ' 38 Stephen P. Reed T ho mas H . Reese , Jr., ' 34 John G . Roy, '30 F red C. Schneeberger, '25 Wa.lter T. Schrenk William K . Schweickhardt , '28 U. B. Senter Edward A. Srruth , '24 John P . Soult , '39 James E. Stokes, ' 31 Bruce 13. Stran g, ' 70 Jules H. Subow, '67 Bett y L. Todd f rank Edgar Townsend , ' II Bruce T ucker John Webber Gordon Weiss Anna Wiese C harles W iese Clark Wilson Patrick J. W itt , '8 5 Victor H . loller, '43

MSM Alumnus/9









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A lumni Donors to Association and University 1915 * Doyle


John J.

Atkinson .Marion L. Jr. Bakcr Donald R. Berry Mrs Ilugh Browning Bcrtie L. Eagan Thomas E. Gaincs Gcorge D. Heitmann Albert L.

1917 * Brown

John S.

1918 Doennecke Henry W. Weiser Hanley H.


1926 Birchard Harry C. Gammeter Caroline I.M. Kennedy Daniel Kitchen Charles L. Staples Guy W. Thompson Bennet R. Tyrrell Morris L.

Bash David A. Hoppock Harland H. Howald Arthur M. Nolte William J . Terry Mark L.

1922 Ackers Albert L. Bulger John L. Wheeler Ernest S.

1923 Campbell E. Taylor Dorris Milburn L. Flesh Mrs David Gatts William P. Remmers Walter E. Wilkerson Augustus B. Zimmermann Dee

1924 Campbell Jack P. Gabler Mrs Bertha Kemper Eloise B. Wright Wilford S.

1927 Barnard Albert E. Bossert Harry F. Clearman Frederick Griffith H.M. Kraft Ned O. Lusk R. Ralph Moran Ernest Parsons . Edward W. Paul Murray J . Sievers Edwin R. Smith James F. Thomas Harold D. * Weiss Clarence B.

1928 Boyer Philip J . Crumbaugh Daniel H. Donaldson James G. Faulkne~ Edward C. Freeman Charles A. Harmon John P. Herman Theodore Hill Albert L. Hodgdon Sam D. Jr. Roberts Gerald A. Schweickhardt Hazel



Rolla Building

lO/MSM Alumnus

1929 Coil Benjamin R. Crays Glenn E. Crum E. Jefferson Dresbach Charles H. English Thomas O. Green T. Howard Johnson Charles W. Jones Harlow G. Kemp Arthur H. Kim Emmet R. Monsch Henry D. Morris Orville W. Potter C.J.

1930 Alexander Verne . Davis Willard E. Crregory Marguerite A . Heath George F. King Lewis H. Kirkpatrick Harry F. Martin Roy S. Miller Dennis H. Neal Kenneth R. Payne Richard F. Regenhardt Edward T. Roy Mrs John G . Stone S. Allan

1931 Conley Jack N. Elliott Ben R. Epperson Ernest R. Gevecker Vernon A.C. Hassler Milburn Heilig Warren Herrell Robert R. Kirkpatrick Ruel L. Pace George M. Ross Charles E. Sperling Elmer J. Stokes Mrs James E. Throgmorton G.R . Wade Rolla T. Williams Rex Z.

1932 Birt Floyd D. Brewer William Crawford Edwin O. Davis Stuart L. Elsea Carl A. * Gibbs Harold L. Hale Edward D . Hocman Arthur J . Jenczewski Albert C. Johnso n Leon K. Kassay Andrcw W. Kroll Arthur C. Meyer Henry W. Monroe Rex Moore David D. Pollak John A. Reid Allen J . Richard son James K. Riggs W. Robert Roesser Robert J. Runder Raymond H. Thompso n lIomer F . Wiethop Ru ssell H. Williams Arthur J. Jr. Wilson Frederick G. Zvanut Frank J .

Dear Mr. Mackaman: I was recently informed that I will again receive the Alumni Association II Scholarship next year. I am writing to thank the Alumni Association for making this scholarship available to me. It is an honor to have received this help and it is greatly appreciated .. I really enjoyed my first year at UMR and am looking forward to continuing my studies next year. Thank you again. Sincerely, Kevin L. Brown Sophomore, Mechanical Engineering Cape Girardeau

1933 Achuff Charles E. Asher Vernon L. Burkhalter Vernon O. Coghill William W. Doll Ellen Woodman Dumm Lee D. Edgar M. Russell Everett Edred N. Gilmore William M. Hesse Alfred H. Hickman Henry S. Hunze Charles L.W. Kaczmarek Theodore B. Koopmann William Jr. Lambur Charles H. Lanz Fred M. Lenz William H . Musson George H. Phillips Mabel E. Roemer Elmer A. Schuhmann Reinhardt Jr. Spotte Irvin C. Towell Arthur P. Wehrman Alvin A.

1934 Absher Harold R. Benard John Bruening Walter H. Cole Ralph C. Cunningham Robert L. Darling James W. Dobson Richard J. Duncan Oscar M. Fagan Durw~d E. Fletcher William B. Ford Hornor T. Jr. , Ga]Joway James H. Jr. Ilein Edwin A. lIudso n Richard G. Jackso n Leroy H. Joslin Le Compte . Maise Clemens R. McKinley John H. McReynolds Elmer L. Montgomery R. Gill Poese Lester E. Power William R. Sackewitz Robert A. Schamel Mrs Walter Springer William R. Stewart Thomas J. Jr. Sullentrup Leo J. Wcigel Robert C. Westerfeld Wilfred W. Asher Kenneth K.






Alumni Donors _____________________________________________________ 1935 Buck Robcrt H. Coddington William H. Cooke William F. Jr. Danforth Warren B. DeRoy Glennon L. Dutton Donnell W. Edgar Max E. Fischer Max M. Haffner Harold J. Hoffman Emil D. Kamper Oliver W. Knoll Rudolph J. Koopmann August P. Marxer Claude S. Mashek John \Y. McCaffrey Emily Murphy Emily Murphy Emily McCaffrey Emily Nixon Eager W . Nolde George T. Jr. Penzel George A. Solomon Russell C. Thias William H .

1936 Adams Nyle M. Arnold Frederick W. Jr. Barrow Carlton W. Beard Reade M. Clanton Jack R. Colman Eugenia M. Daily Eugene J . Dennis William E. Fiss Edward C. Hoener Alan J . McCarron Donald F. Menefee James H. Michel Hilbert F. Nations George O. Peebles Byron E. Pfeifer Herman J . Rasor John P. Roy Edward A. Schwalbert William H. Simmons Robert W. Springer Robert M. Thompson Hoyt G . Dear Sirs, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for making the Clyde W. Hall Scholarship available to me and other undergraduates. I have greatly appreciated this scholarship for the past three years. It has helped me tremendously in continuing toward my degree in civil engineering. I plan to to go on to graduate school after December 1987 and look forward to supporting the Alumni Association in the future. I would also like to express my appreciation for the Alumni and Scholarship Recipients Luncheon held during the fall semester. I have enjoyed talking and sharing experiences of going to school at U M R with some of the members of the Alumni Association . If it is not too much trouble, please send me some information on Clyde W. Hall. I would like to know more about him and the scholarship. Sincerely, Kim Ann Ie Senior in Civil Engineering Aurora, Colo. Editor's Note: See pge 49.


1937 Appleyard Frank C. Barclay Arthur II. Jr. Bcnncr Charles F . Bishop Dorse S. Bommer Theodore J . Brecke Ervin A. Breuer Walter F. Brown Buran W. Busch William C. Cardetti Richard J . Carrolla Ross R . Culbertson William W . Dewey John \1 . Dickinson George W. Elgin Robert L. Frame John W. Grafft Leland E. Harris Clarence H. Hausmann Arthur P. Holman Oscar K. Holz Walter L. Jones Walter T. Lange Robert C. Logan Edwin W. Luder Walter E. Mattei Peter F. McClanahan Arthur L. McGregor Jim L. Millard Frank S. Moore Wilbern T. Post Samuel S. Rodman Wilfred K. Schaumburg Grant W. Sheppard John J. Vogt Fred K.W.

1938 Alger Robert P. Ballman Edward A. Bliss Allen D. Cameron Charles V. Carpenter Forrest L. Clayton Charles L. * Cornett Roy C. Ellis J . Craig Gerwin Harry L. Goodrich Frank N. Howerton Joseph W. Jarboe Rupert A. KoepI'>el Beverly W. leGrand Jesse S. Long John R . Lonsberg Leonard C. McCurdy Belding H. Morrison Frederick Murphy Joseph H. Nickel Melvin E. Pittenger Frank H. Prouty Chilton E. Stephens William E. Wonn Frederic A. Jr.

1939 Barger Hubert S. Boulson Charles E. Brand Glenn E. Brown Roy G .. Carter Robert A. Claridge Elmond L. Corgan Myldred Dieffenbach Robert P. Elliott Edward E. Elliott Lewis C. Ellis William R. Fillmer Howard H . Finley Thomas J . Jr. Garnrneter Walter Jr. Graber Lewis J . * Hciser Frcderick W.

The north side of Norwood Hall

Jacobs James H. Jamison Marshall V. Kidd Harold S. Livingston John H. Livingston Robert G . Logrbrinck Jesse M. Loveridge Joel F. McCaw Jack Miller Harold C. Mooney Joseph W. Moore Jack W. Mueller George E. Oberbeck William F. Pohlmann Edgar F. Post John R. Rea William R . Rhodes A.E. Roarig Wilbert A. Roe Lawrence A. Runyan James R . Siegrist Kermit A. Smith Leroy E. * Soult John P. Spalding J . Victor Tetley Albert L. Vandergriff Willard C. Waters Wade D. Webb William H. Yungbluth Russell L.

1940 Alexander William C. Alford Rex Allgeier Elmer M. Baumstark Walter A. Berglund Paul T. Braun Steven S. Brown Guy Jr. Burgess Woodrow L. Burnett Richard W. Carr Walter J. Jr. Coon Joseph M. Cotterill Carl H. Cox Vernon N. Dennie Powell A. Dennis Benjamin A. Jr. Donahue James B. Dowling Paul T. Enderson William A. Ferrell Mrs J.O . Followill Richard J. Fort George E. Griffeth Ellen B. Gund Russell A. Hall Charles E: Heiss Edward W. Helling Raymond P.

Kamper Herbert G . Kelley Ralph E. Jr. Kidwell Albert L. Klug John R. Ladd Harley W. Leber Walter P. Machrner Ferdinand G . Markley John S. McClendon John D. Miller Edgar S. Jr. Mitsch George L. Morrow William J. Niedling Ivan M. Olcott Eugene L. O'Neill John J. Jr. Perry E.L. Rakaskas Joseph E. Reed John F . Ridley Robert P. Rieke Vernon W. Romine E. Clark Rose Colin G. Ross Paul F. Rueff Edward L. Schmid Herman B. Sharp ' 'Everett W. Smothers William J. Sturges Herbert D. Summers Huey Tiede Jack E. Timberman De Wilton B. Trautwein Elmer E. Tucker Amlin J . Tucker Norman P. Welch John F. Jr. Wilhite Kenneth T. Wilson F. Hugh

1941 Adams Washington Alsmeyer William C. Andreae Andreas A. Beers Seymour J. Blair Norman D. Bottcher Hermann F. Bourne William H. Boyd Robert K. Boyt Eugene P. Burgett Fred F . Clarkson Charles F. Cochran Andrew A. Crockett William E. Davidson Mrs R . Fred Dean Walter K. Dreste Jerome P. Dunn John H. Enochs John R .



MSM Alumnus/ll





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Alumni Donors ------------~~------------



Harris Hall


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1941 continued Falkingham Donald H. Farrell Edward C. Fick Armin F. Finley Fred W. Hacker Alden G. Hall Jane C. Johnson Jane C. Hardine Kenneth L. Jr. Hoener Fred I-I. Jaffe David Nathan Jensen James W. Johnson Jane C. Hall Jane C. Kyle Frank K. Lambeth Jennings R. Loveridge Warren L. \1ack James O. Jr. McKee John B. * Mentz Frank H. Jr. \1orris William I. Nevins Marvin E. Jr. Nicholas Harold J. Puetz William M . Rhodes Richard G. Rogers Frank B. Roley Rolf W . Schoenthaler Robert Schweitzer Robert E . Smith Floyd P. Springer James J. Stockton Herbert R . Wattenbarger Chris M. Weaver Richard T. Weiner Maxwell C. Wright Robert C. Wyatt DeMarquis D. Zvanut Carl M.


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Austin John C. Axmacher George W. Beard Mark W. Blankenship Gilbert' H. Brackbill Robert M. Brill iles K. Buckner Harry W. Busch William D. Clark Hugh M. Comoglio Raymond J. Crookston James A. Cunningham Richard J. Dunham Robert M. Flint Melvin C. Fuller Julian A . Hagar Bailey W. Heuer Charles A. Hill William E. Jr.

Hughes Thomas A. James W. Richard · Jones T homas A. Karbosky Joseph T. King Welby M . Kisslinger Fred Krueger Harold A. Kurtz Sam A. Lawler Wilbert J. Loesing l\orman R.I-I. Maher Leslie J. Martin Kent W. McConnell William F. McGhee Vernon T. Morris Charles T. Mushovic l'-'icholas :'vTuskopf Oscar M. Myers Edward C. Neubert Ralph L. Nicola Nicholas J . aide Fred W. Olsen John K . Pagel Herbert E. PoW Robert A. Rassinier Edgar A . Sandhaus Elmer H. Schmitt Jo seph B. Schowalter Kenneth. A. Schuman Austin E. Shaffer James W. Shockley Gilbert R. Sindel Albert T. Jr. Smith Harry B. Stewart Alexander L. Taylor Otis H. . Van Nostrand Robert G . Van Pool Joe Weidle Benjamin E. Witt Jack A. Wolff Leonard C. Zanzie Charles E. Zoller Jacques W. Allen George W.

1943 Anderson William R. Bellis Maurice O. Berndt Joseph P. Jr. Biermann Earl E. Bottom James H. Bumps Edson S. Burst John F. Carroll Jame V. Christensen Douglas N. Comann R. Kent Coolidge Donald J . DeValve Albert S. Dressel Waldemar M. Dreste Fred E. Jr. Durham Howard W. Durphy Clyde A. Eck Robert A. E hrlich Robert L. Fleischli Jack E. Flood H. William Fris Edward S. Gimson William H. Jr. Glover James Gygax Edward E. Haley Wilbur A. Hanna Robert L. Heneghan Sherald F. Johnson James C. Kalish Herbert S. Kasten Raymond O. Keevil Albert S. Kendall Edward T. Jr. Kent William D. Kerper Matthew J. Key Enos L. Krill Franci M. Krummel Clyde H. Jr. Lambelet Clarence A. Larson Leonard N.

\Tain :'vTarion K. \Iarl ow \1ax L. \1artin Gene S. \1cCormick Charles S. \lcyer Orville L. :"eustaedter James A. Prach t I ferman W. Quinn Patrick D. Rasmu sen Rene K. Rothband P:lul B. Sanders CYl1 thiarose I. Schmjtz Joseph K. Schumann Lloyd C. Skjtek Gabriel G . Stueck C.F.P. Sueme Joseph Thomas George H. C nderhill N. Robert Weis Carl J. Werner Roy C. Wilms John O. Wissler Louis B. Wright Clarence J .

1944 Adarnick Henry S. Allen Eugene K. Banks Robert L. Barnett William J . Barnhart Herbert D. Blount Darnel T. Bridge Lorren F. Brodhacker John W. Carmichael Ronald L. Desj ardins Peter E. Dick C. Alfred Dietz Robert O. Dowd James D. Drewing Frederick H. Goetemann Edwin C. Greco Domffijc A. Hansen J . Richard Helberg Warren W . Hubbard William A . Isenmann Edward S. Kasten Paul R. Klorer Robert W. Kozeni Donald K. Larson Warren L. Liley James A. Jr. Miller James R. Murphy Robert E. Musho vic Peter Northcutt John J . Pingel Vernon J. Riggs John R. Ronat Jean L. Rudert Kenneth E. R udisaile Harold J . Selunoldt Hans E. Schoeneberg Kenneth W. Sco tt Harry S. Sievert O. Morris Smi th P. Gene Staley Glenn L. Thiele Alfred W. T homas William J. Waltenspiel Edmund J . Weinel Ernst A. Wheat Richard D. Wicker David A.

1945 Boyd Roy H. Finley Carl E. Kasten Vernon L. McKelvey James M. Schmidt Robert F. Shank Earl M. West Amy G.

1946 Burke George E. Clayton Austin B. Connett Robert P. Jones Raymond B. \1ac hado Jose A. i\lann Robert L. Meenen Arthur R. Meyer Donald I. Olsen Oscar \1 . Rutledge William A. Shanks Vincent E.

1947 Adrian Kenneth G. Andersen Fred L. Belew Elmer W. Bell Warren H. Bryant James R. Butzer IIarold G. Carlton Paul F. Christiansen Carl R. Cole Richard E. Cueto Eloy M. Davis Carl B. Dunham Roy H. Einsparner Bernard J. Ellerman William E. Fink Donald W. Fogarty Edwin R. Fritz Glenn I-I. fu lghum Gale Haak Vincent A. Hanunann Eugene E. Harms Harold B. I1 ellwege William H. Ilenke Elvin A. Henning Paul Henry George E. Iloward William E. John son Philip D. Kendall Rober1 H. Kerr Frank F. LaPiere Gilbert H. Leone Anton Liddell John W. Little J. Edward McKinnell William P. Jr. McKinnjs Charles L. Jr. Perryman George I. Jr. Pierce Thomas R. Pletz Robert C. Plimpton Gilbert Pomeroy Chester M. Dear Mr. Mackaman and Alumni Association: I am writing with si ncere th ank s for the Clyde W. Hall Scho larship which I have' received from the Alumni Associati on Board of Directors. It is a great hon or to rece ive such an award , and the sc hol arship will be a big help in meet ing my co llege ex penses. As a chi ld of a family of four children, I am so lely responsible for paying for my co llege education. Without the help of orga ni zations like the Alumni Assocatio n it wou ld be nearly impossi ble'to reach my ed ucati ona l goa ls. Agai n, the scholars hip awa rd will be a big help to wa rds my ed ucational expense. I assure yo u th at it will be spent wisely and appropriatel y. Thank yo u ve ry much! Sincerely, Ronald A. Ros ner Junior in Aerospace Engineering Florissant , Mo.




12/ MSM Alumnus


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Alumni Donors _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-----;-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---:-----.-.:.~__

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1947 continued Powell John D. Rankin Norman O. * Ray Robert L. Schaefer Rodney A. Schork John E. Smith James A. Snowden J . Russell Stephens James W. Strunk Mailand R. Sullivan James D. Tappmeyer Ronald A. Topping Alanson D. Wagner George H. \Vegener \Vilbert F. White Robert L.

1948 Anton Charles P . Appelbaum Robert I-I. Aubuchon Pierre M. Balmat Jack S. Boswell Paul B. Brassfield Henry C. Browning Phil A. Chaney James B. Collar Donald H . Copeland A. Eugene Crosby R. Allen Delany :'v1ichael J. Detjen Don W . Doelling Robert F. Downey William J . Earls John D . Ellis William A. Ellis William F. Enochs Richard C. Fine Morris M. Fisher James R. Fitzpatrick Joseph W. Foley William J. Fuller Leroy W. Gauerke Reinhart C. Gevecker Robert V. Grady William J . Jr. Gregory Robert O. Griessen John III I-lagan Melvin A. Halcomb Samuel P. Haley Comer C. Hammann John W . Held Robert E. Hepp Joseph T. Hoelscher James W . Howell Richard B. Howell Theodore R . Jones Eugene F. Kaempf Leo R. Keeley Gilbert S. Kienitz Leroy E. Kracht Robert T. Kr:eutzer Robert C. LaPage Joseph A. Lawson Vernon R. Leaver Harvey B. Malone Albert V. Marchal Jacques H . Mathews Donald J. McCormack George E. McGehee Charles L. McKelvey Ralph E. Mefford Nace F. Jr. Moe Harold G. Mueller Edward E. Nowlin Roger E. O 'Neill Lawrence F. Petersen David P. Presley William H. Jr. Prokes Robert A. Ramsey George H. Robbins Irvin D. Rock Robert M.


Dear Mr. Mackaman: I have recently received notice from the Student Financial Aid Committee that I was selected for a $5000 (four-year) scholarship from the Alumni Association I Scholarship program. During the 1987-88 academic year I plan to attend Raila, where I plan to pursue a degree in ceramic engineering. I sincerely appreciate being accepted for this scholarship so I can afford to further my education at the University of Missouri-Raila. Sincerely, Dwight Haney Freshman in Ceramic Engineering Jackson, Mo.

Salvo Joseph V. Schaeffer Willard A. III Schmidt Donald G. Scholz Arthur E. Shwartz Alvin H. Smith David G. Smith Harlan D. Sphar Curtis W. Stoecker \Vilbert F. Tapperson Arthur Jr. Terrasson Paul Louis Todd Fred A. Van Eaton Charles W. III Walker Richard A. Walker Richard H. Warren Glenn W. Watkins Paul A. Weddle Wilbern L. Whaley Henry P. Whanger James R. Wilks John C.

1949 Anderson George M. Anderson Harvey A. Jr. Anderson Lennart O. Applegate Albert V. AuBuchon Edward L. ' Ballmann Richard B. Bauman Harry C. Bay Robert D. Bell James E. Bennett Charles W. Berry Jerome T. Birch Bettijeanne M. Puffett Bettijeanne M. Blankenmeister Erwin G. Boaz Robert V. Bowen Jesse W. Jr. Boyer Alexander A. Braun Edward G. Breeze Francis V. Brehe Harold C. Breuer Coy L. Bridegroom Kenneth E. Carney W. Dale Carpenter Gordon L. Carroll John T. Chang John W. Cizek Frank J. Clifton James G. Coffer Harold R. Cole Robert L. Coolidge William H. Coplen Roy I. Jr. Crites Jo seph D . Dalpini David Daniells Lucy Danzer Carl J. Davidson Charles C. Deason Roy B.

DeBolt Donald G. Downs Jack S. Duke Calvin W. Dyer Wayne F. Edwards Paul K. Eichelberger Charles E. Evans William W . Fennerty Francis E. Fliehman Maurice H. Foster Jack D, Frank Kurt H. French Robert G. Gammon William H. Greig Joseph E. Guth Kenneth A. Hanscn Robert C. Haskell Donald F. Heins Robert W. Hill E. Cecil Hogan William S. Holloway Nick Jr. Johnson Jarries L. Jones Oliver W. Jones Sam P . Kane Leonard F. Kelly Donald V. Kemper Robert J. Knecht Walter S. Knopp Charles R. Knutson Elmo G, Komoto Frank K. LaMaster Chesley C. Lambe James N. Leonard Edward C. Line Donald L. Magruder William H. Martin Robert L. Mattes' Henry O. McDonald John E. McDowell Roy C. McGrath James B. * McHenry L. Charles Jr. Mengel Edmund L. Milburn Robert E. Mitchell John W. Morgan William A. Mulligan John J. No rman Amos Ochs Calvin M. Peek Charles A. Penman Robert R. Perko Robert A. Perry Robert C. Poppitz Reinhold A. Puffett Bettijeanne M. Birch Bettijeanne M. Quinn Joseph S. Ratcliff John. J. Raymer Gordon E. Redding James A. Reilly John G. Jr. Reinkensmeyer Norman W . Reiss Joseph J . Remington Charles R. Jr. Rice Daniel Paul

Roberts Warren W. Root Robert L. Ross Charles J. Ross Harvey D. Rowley Kermit G. Schmedake Robert E. Schmitt James C. Schowalter Ralph E. Schuler Leonard L. Jr. Scofield Gordon L. Seelig Albert F. Jr. Sevick Joseph G. Siegel William A. Jr. Springer Frederick M. Stadelhofer Jack Starkweather Reuben H. Stovall Richard L. Straub Harold E. Strubert Joseph N . Sutton Glen W. Teas William C. Telthorst Edgar J. Tehhorst Harold M. Thompson Richard H. Timmer Donald H. Tindall Robert F. Jr. Toomey John B, ' Trotter Jack K. Tucker Arthur L. VanKirk James D. Van Maerssen OUo L. Viles Landon C. Weismantel William L. Wells Vernon L. Werner Edwin J . Wissel Charles K . Withrow Harold J, Wolk Norman B. Wood James E. Sr. Wright Joseph E. Yochum Robert J.

i ·


1950 Adams Clifford L. Agnew Lewis E. Jr. Allen Harry W. Arnold Hubert T. Atchison Leona L. Avery Raymond C. Jr. Baldo Alexander H. Barsachs Edwin H. Bartels Eugene A. Bates Loren K. Behm John W. Belew Leland F. Bentrup Eugene A. Berger Laurel D. Berkey Vernon G. Betz Irving G. Biddick Richard O.

MSM Alumnus/13 -;;



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Alumni Donors _____________________________________________________ 1950 continued Bloome Robert L. Bodine Jack R. Boecker Fred Jr. Boj e George J. Jr. Branson Donald A. Breit Karl K. . Brinkmann Charles E. Brown Robert N. Brown Stuart S. Buel Robert W . Calhoun James A. Cantwell Laurence W . Carl Louis H. Carlson Dale T. Carroll Paul F. Cavanaugh John P. Chambers Frank T Chandler Edward M. ~ Chapman Donald R. Chapman Harrison E. Jr. Chen Willie Y. Choate Robert L. Church Charles H . Clark William W. Clayton Roy T Coffman Joseph A. Corbin Harold E. Cox William H. Craig Curtis L. Dampf Donald P. Dare Wilbert L. Da Silva Anibal J. Davidson Edwin A. Davidson Phillip B. Davis Raymond W . Delaney John F. Deutch Morton Dimick Russell A. Dolecki Stanley Drake Avery A. Jr. Eissinger Karlheinz Enfield Bernard M . Erb Robert D . Evans James L. Jr. Eyberg Mrs Walbridge Fahien Raymond W . Fahrenbach William W . Ferreira Francisco Flynn John D. Fossi Robert L. George O. Kenneth Glenn Donald L. Goodding Alan C. Gore Arthur G. Graffagna Richard C. Graves Clarence E. Jr. Gray Ivan L. Greco Louis E. Greenberg Aaron J . Greenblatt Albert M. Gregory Scott H. Grimm David C. Haas Paul A. Hall Ernest B. Hallemann Joseph E.

Pdrker Hall

14/MSM Al umnus

I'Iammond Gerald L. Hardy Rolland L. . Harris William M. Harrison Richard N . Hart Wayne D. Hauser Maximilian E. Haymes William G. Heller Enrique S. Helwig Arthur W. Hernan John F. Herrmann Thomas A. Higgins Albert J. Hillhouse David L. Hinch Victor M. Hollenbach Bernard D. Holme R. No rman Holmes Thomas A. Honerkamp Donald L. Houk Clarence C. Howell Bennett D. Hughes William P. Humphrey Waldo D. Hunt J. Richard Hutchison Alden C. Isbell Clarence A. Jr. Jamieson George W. Jerman Theodore I. Johnson Edward L. Johnson John C. Johnson Ray B. Johnston Ralph E. Jr. Jorcke Oliver A. Judah Russell J . Kaller Herman C. Kapernaros E. Louis Kauffman Edward E. Kelly Peter B.L. Kime Max D. King Alvin C. Knoernschild Ralph¡ J. Knowles Carl M. Ko vach John J. Kreul Robert N. Kunz Charles O. Kyburz Edward P. Lasko Helen D. Lockett Donald N. Luetjen Hulen H. + Lukrofka Lovell J. Lyons Francis D. Mabie George W. Main William J. Mann Carl K. Marshall Donald W . Marting Richard E. Matthews Paul A. Mattlage Raymond F. McDermott Arthur R. McDonald Robert E. McNely Warren E. McNichols John R. Meier Harvey W. Melcher William H. Mendell Robert H. Mengel William K. Middleton Douglas F. Milich Joseph

Miller Chester E. ;Vliller Lester L. :v1oeller Richard E. Mooney Edward W . M uehring John E. Murphy William L. Neustaedter Robert H. Nichols John W. Nol~ . Paul B. Painter John L. Parker R.C. Patten Robert I. Paulsell Robert E. Paulsell William G. Peetz Eugene J. Peppers Robert E. Peterson Ralph E. Plummer Thomas P. Jr. Dear Sirs; Thank you very much for making this scholarship available. It is an honor for me to have been chosen to receive it. This scholarship will help me a lot with finances as I pursue my education at UMR. I will do my best to be a credit to the University. . Sincerly, Gary Gibson Freshman Engineering Montgomery City, Mo. Ponder Robert M . Preiss Robert K. Rees George A. Renner Linus J. Reynolds Earl G . Ries Frank W . Roach Kenneth C. Roberts J. Kent Roenfeldt Harold R . Rose Robert T Ruenheek Raymond T Sanders Cloice R. Schmidt Robert N. Schneider Norman F. Schoenky H. Parnell Scott James J . Settgas Robert C. Severtson Vernon S. Sewall Donald C. Shanafelt Mervin E. Shourd Roy R . Silver Sidney Sims Dale E. Skinner Milton R. Jr. Smith Robert E. Sr. Spaniet Lawrence A. Springer Everett W. Stallman Ralph A. Starke Robert E. Steuterman Jack A. SteveIlS J~iIJy _ Strain Robert A. Strong John F. Szumachowski Edwin R . . Terry R . Milton Theerman Harold B. Tibbs Harold E. Timlin James B.' Trianda John Tunnicliff Clarence J . Underwood Clifford B. Unsell Vester B. Vance John M. Van Nort John R. Vogler August J. Jr. Wagner Bernard C. Walker Walter W. Warficld Raymond A. Jr. Wassilak Erwin J. Weingaertner Jo hn W. Wilson Glenn E. Wisch William L. Wolfram Ralph E. Wood Robert C.

Wright Harold R . Wunnenberg Donald A. Yochum Kenneth II. Young Charles Jr. Zeller Kenneth C. Zerweck Carl E. Jr. Ziebell Wilford R.

1951 Anderhub Anthony P. Anderson David K. Arnold John M . Baldw'in William M. Banghart Roger C. Beckman Charles A. Bellis Gerald B. Blancke C. Dudley Jr. Blendermann Gene R. Bollwerk George P. Borgerding Lawrence H. Boscia Frank J. Boyd Charles L. Brillos John W. Brown Donald R. Browne Thomas C. Brunkhorst Earl R . Buettner Melvin A. Bullock Richard L. Burch William D. Burkhardt Billy L. Burkhead Kenneth E. Sr. Chappell John R . Clark Howard T Coben Donald A. Comanich George W . Cotten Merrill R. Dalton Thomas J. Jr. Dasenbrock Arthur A. Dickens Richard L. Donaldson George R . Dowling Donald J . Jr. Dowling Neal B. Dryden Joseph L. Dulberg Irving Dunn Ervin E. Durrenberger Joseph W. Elbaum Jerome K. Elliott Edwin G . Elwood William H. Fairchild William W . Ferber George E. Ferry Charles R. Fornari Joseph M. Fris Joseph P. Fritschen Herman A. Jr. Gardner John E: Jr. Gehrig Dee R. Givens William A. Glenn David E. Gould David S. Hamman Rufus W. Hargus Loren Jr. Harper William S. Heagler John B. Jr. Henson Gerald L. Hestetune Daniel G. Hilburn Harold M. Hirner John A. IIohlfelder Eugene F. Holcomb Lester W . Ho rst William E. Horton Donald W. IIoughton Clark F . Huff Wayne F. Irwin David \1. Iselin John W. Jack son Earl E. Keller Gerald ;-.J. Keller Russell \1. Kennedy !larry E. Kinane Cyril \1. Kingsborough Donald G. Kline Charles R. Knight George L.





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Alumni Donors _______________________________________________________ 1951 continued Koedcritz William A. Kolb Eu!!.cnc F. Krokro skra Edwin 1. Kupsch Robert 1. Ladd Richard \V . Lancastcr Edgar M . Larson Eugene P. Lattin 1 ud son \1 . Llcw·ellyn Il enry D. Mellott Robcrt N . Meyer Jcan L. Milligan Edward J . Minnick Charles J. Moor 1ulius H. Mo scari 101m Moy Harry M yslinski Frank 1. Napp Gordon E. Norton Marion J . Oldenburg Theodore 1. Oldham William R. Packheiser Elmer D. Parrish David D. Pender Paul S. Perryman Joseph E. Jr. Plater 1. Bryden Rieder Robert 1. Roach Warren D. Roller Joe C. Roller Raymond F. ·Rushton William E. Sarapuu Erich Schmidt Vernon E. Schweizer Charles T. Senne Joseph H. Short Wallacc W. Sieck Ervin H. Silver Milton 1\1. Simpson Thomas A. Skiles James J. Smith Jolm E. Smith Robert J. Statler Clifford A. Steinmetz Charles E. Stewart George E. Tarantola Bruee E. Taylor Donald J . Theerman Wilbert K. T one Donald R. Tsai William Van Bramer William G. Vansant Eleanor C. Venarde Jack H. Watson Harry G. Wile Larson E. Williams Alden D. Wiseman Donald E. Wolf Robert V. Wurtz Wade C. Yeakey Richard A. Zane Robert 1. Zeid Marvin C. Zeitz Edward J.

1952 Abernathy Thomas S. Alvarado Frank T . Bartel Jolm G. Basler Francis S. Bauer Richard H . Bilheimer E. Lee Borbcrg Jamcs R . Boyle James R. Bruskotter Jolm F. Calcaterra Edward L. Chorney Peter L. Cole Allan A. Coonce Homer E. Cushman Stanley R. Danzcr Richard H. Delap Kenneth L. DeLucca Michael Jr.




Drummond Floyd M. Dyc Robert A. Fannin Eugene R . Faulkner James R . Ferguson \V all ace Fern s C. Kipp Jr. Finklang John W. F rciberger IIaro ld C. Gecrs Joseph II . Gegg Edgar J. lIalm c Way ne A. Harman Charles W. Hausmann Paul L. Hausner Paul H. Heilich Raymond P. Hcllman \!Iilton H. Henry Richard L. Hockenbury. Melvin C. I ioldman Leslie F. Holmes Wallace H. Honigfort Henry F. Hrbacek Emil C. Huffman Gene A. Keil Byro n L. Knoebel Richard H. Kronst Edwin F. Licata Jack Lush Rolla S. MacZura George Maday Donald S. Martin Dan W. McIntyre Jolm F. Jr. Menke Gregory V. Meskan David A. Mosley forrest C. Mulholland John E. Jr. Newkirk Thomas F . Nolan Jolm B. Pape Earl E. Pawlo ski I3emard L. Penncy William M. Jr. Pottcr Vernon C. Priest Jolm E. Reeves Ernest J. Richards T urner W. Richey Clarence E. Rumsey Donald A. Ruttinger Anthony J. Samimi Mehmet Keyhan Sanders Eugene F. Schafer Robert P. Schiene Quentin J. Scrivner J . Roger Shaner DonaldG. Stickle Dirck B. Stopkey Waldcmar D. Stovall Jolm N. Strite Russell R . Sweeney James R. Tarr Clarence M. Thompson James M. Unger Waltcr H.

Dear Mr. Mackaman: Recently I was selected to receive a Transfer Scholarship for the 198788 academic year. I would like to take this time to express my thanks to yo u and the UM R Alumni Association for maki ng this possible. I am a sophomore from southern Illinois attending Southwest Baptist University. I am looking forward to transferring to UMR this summer to continue my education in electrical engineering. This scholarship is very much appreciateq. I would like to thank you and the Alumni Association for recognizing transfer students and for making this scholarship program possible. Sincerely, David A. Webber Junior in Civil Engineering Dahlgren , III.

Engineering Mechanics (Old Met.).

Uthoff Robert F. Van Buskirk Lyman F . Vance James F. Jr. Vanderheyden Eugene T. Varanouskas Jo seph P. Walz Robert L. Welke Albert H. Westerman Ho ward W. Westmoreland Darus S. Jr. Wheelock Lcroy K . Wickey Robert O. Williams Dean N . Williams Norman Wolfberg Leonard H. Yager O. Tirnken Zachelmeyer Norman P. Zedalis Jolm P. Zenik William J. Zvanut William H.

1953 Achterberg Ernest R. Akers James E. Akers James Edward Andre Henry E. Augustson Luther B. Barton C. Dean Bender Jolm H. Berry Charles A. Beverage Leland D . Bloess Juergen J. Boyd Marvin \V. Cole Henry M . Creamer Edward L. Eason Jack L. Edwards Gene W. Englund · Jolm O . Flood Walker L. Gilbreath Rodney E. Gjclsteen Thor I ianscn Peter G. iiaynes Myron B. I-iceger Charles II . i-ieimbaugh Kenneth G. I1eineck Dale W. ilendrickson Richard C. Jenkins Robert D. Jones Vernon T. Jost Robert D. Kent Nevada A. III Knearem James L. Knobel Elwood L. Koederitz Thomas L. Kronmueller William W. Kruger Rayford S. Kuster Ralph L. Jr. Lang Eugene A. LePonis Andrew E. Lindgren William

Lipensky Milan Ludewig James F. Mason J. Lloyd * McBeth Joseph D. McDonald Jolm Robert Minnis Hubert D . Myers Eugene W . Oberschelp William F. Park William R. Poschel Eugene J. Prickett Lloyd C. Quatraro William Reschetz Raymond Robbins Clay Roberts James F. Sacks Raymond J. Sanders Connelly Jr. Scharf Fred Seipel Jolm R. Jr. Stro h beck Eugene E. Thompson George W. Topel Maurice R. Tuck Edward F. Vienhage Robert P. Wagner Frederick R. Weber Albert L. Weinland Harold A . Willis Henry R.

1954 Aceto Wayne M. Barylski Martin W. Burgett Max A. Bums Fredrick B. Cole Joseph B. Cole Sidney J . J r. Conci Frank B. Custead Jerry R . Davis Russell E. Dowell Jack B. Fowler Thomas R. Jr. Fuller Thomas R. Gerard James A. Gray Joe E. Highfill James K. Hopler Robert B. Jr. Horine Robert A. lIughes Judson A. Jr. Humphries Richard M. Jones James C. Juskie Bernard R . Kemp Arthur H. III Koelling Harold A. Kolb Richard C. Krispin Joseph F. Leong Judson Moritz Jolm A. Morris Buddie R.

MSM Alumnus/15





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Alumni Donors _______________________________________________________

UMR Power Plant

1954 continued Munson William P. Patterson James R. Perkins Ralph C. Jr. Pillisch Herbert P. Pracht Richard M. Reeg Richard L. Rucker Ray Runvik Richard C. Schejbal John W. Shields Lyle H. Shoolbred Robert A. Sipe William E. Stewart William H. Swearingen Jerry D. Tiernon Carlos H. Voigt John E. Volker Vernon D. Vondrasek Albert F. Watkins Joseph S. Weisbrod Harold R.

1955 Anderson James S. Archer David W. Baebler Arthur G. Bailey Donald H . Baker Chester H. Barco Samuel U. Bamds Campbell C. III Berg Richard O. Best John L. Boze Ralph E. Broaddus Wayne R. Jr. Brockmann Lester A. Bruns Thomas V. Casler Walter J. Co llier Everett J. Corcoran Thomas A. Jr. Cruse Richard L. Davis Ralph T. Jr. Edwards Charles G. Fitzwater Arthur V. Germer Charles B. Gessley Donald Gilliam Dale D. Godsey Terry L. Gollhofer Frank R. Green Joseph P. Hahs Charles A. Hallett William M. Heavlin Harold D. Hurt William R . Jones Richard L. Kaiser Richard L. Kickham Lawrence T. Jr. Kolasch Jo seph A. Krieg Marlin F.

16/MSM Alumnus

Kummer Donald L. Kummer Frederick S. Lesyna Joseph F. Luehring Elmer L. Maddox Arnold W. McCarthy John M. Miles John B. Miller Charles E. No thstine David E. Oetting Robert B. Padan John W. Paladin Frank W. Parish George W. Jr. Parker Perry L. Jr. Penzel C. Gene Plache Kurt O. Ponciroli Kenneth L. Pryor Richard L. Ray Herman A. Rethmeyer James W. Jr. Rutsky Jo seph M. Sanner M. Duane Schaefer Robert K. Jr. Schuman Charles W. Scott Julius N. Smart Samuel Smith Benjamin K. Smith Floyd T. Sprick Robert W. Stimson William R. Stump James W. Thoele Howard W. Tucker Paul B. Turnipseed M.J. Van Buskirk John R. Vaughn Charlie F. Webster Royal S. Jr.

Schmidt Harold A. Schmittou Clay J. Schramm William W. Senior George L. Statler Kennyn D. Steffan Kenneth F. Stevens Don J. Su'hre \-1aurice E. Jr. Tauser Raymond H. Thompson David E. Thompson LeRoy E. Troutner David E. Unnerstall James A. Vallez Michael H. Walton Edgar D. Wei sler August C. Jr. Weiss Nicholas M. Williams Don E.

1957 Alexander William Anderson John R. Astroth Louis E. Baechle August A. Baker Charles R . Baker Donald D. Ballard Darrell D. Bardelmeier August R. Bates David W. Bayless John W. Becker Robert \Y. Berger Warren D. Bowers Donald R. Chorzel Joseph P. Jr. Clodfelter Gene C. 1"

1956 Altheide Charles R. Baumgartner George R . B~ghtol Leroy A. Bess James D. Bohres William C. Borgerding James H. Brown Donald D. Coffee Harvey Jr. Damerval Judith C. De Witt Carl L. Doe Bruce R. Ellis Elmer Fiala Neil A. Fussell Larry N. Gillham Ronald F. Gooding Dennis J. Gribble Valgene Grinstead Willis G. Hart Norman E. Hays Harry D. Herndon Richard S. Hickernell James L. Hughes Richard A. Jenkins Lloyd H . Johanboeke Roy B. Jurenka Gilbert G. Kebel Harlan L. Kruger Harry J. leBrun Louis L. Jr. Lieberman Warren Longshore James F. Jr. Mahoney Michael G. McClure R. Max Midgley Myles J. Moore Robert E. Murphy James M. Murphy Larry L. Ogle Herbert F. Remmers E. Paul Reser Donald E. Riley Kenneth G, Roe George W . Rudolph Allen H. Sauer Harry J. Jr. Schillinger Dale J.

Dear Sir: I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your continued financial assistance given me through the Alumni Association II Scholarship Award Program. Your assistance is enabling me to reach the goals I have set for my life. I also feel that I should take this opportunity to explain the drop in my grades for the second semester. On March 8, 1987, I had an accident which resulted in my having an operation performed on my ankle and leg. I now have a metal plate in my leg and six screws holding my ankle together. I was hospitalized for three days and missed two weeks of classes. recuperating at home. I was on crutches throughout the rest of the semester. When not walking I had to elevate my foot or painful swelling would occur: I missed several classes because of the pain caused by swelling and was afraid of walking on one leg with crutches in the rain. I am sure that if this accident had not occurred, I could have improved my grades and perhaps maintained the 4.0 average which I had for the first semester. : I am still limping and cannpt bend my ankle but most of t~e pain is gone. I am planning to return to Rolla in the fall and raise my GPA so that I feel worthy of the assistance you are giving me . Again, I than.k you. Sincerely, Schonda Briggs Sophomore in Freshman Engineering Cedar Hill, Mo.

Davis Gary W . Dernzik William G. Dietrich Frederick J. Eberle Robert D. Edwards Charles L. Ellis \V alter H. J r. Escott Kenneth G. Eshbaugh Robert W. Fahrig Robert J. feaster Roger L. . Fowlkes Charless W. franklin Billy W. fuller Robert G. Geil Warren C. Gerlach Paul D. Giffm Billy J. Crrantham Delbert C. Groppe Norbert A. Hammond Richard D. Hawkins David L. Hcaglcr Richard B. Henninger Francis H. ¡Jr. Henson Donald L. Humphrey Richard L. Hussey. Raymond L. Johnson James W. Johnson Norman C. Johnston Waymon L. Jones Louie G. Kalin Thomas E. . Kick David D. Landers Robert G . Lange Robert C. Leming Paul W. Lester Billy F. Lorenz James B. Matz Alexander H. Jr. Metz Gilbert F. Jr. Miller Charles L. Mitchell James L. Mueller Richard D. Needham William R. Nelson William D . Nichols Robert A . Nuffer Harold D. Pyle E!meJ G. Reuss Lloyd E . Ringer . Marvin W. Rives James C. Rollins John W. Roth Donald J. Rother John H. Roush Philip S. Saunders Wallace R. Schelich Ardell J. Schneider Robert W. Seibold Joseph M. Shriver Kenneth W. Sinkewiz Giles C. Smith Brace C. Soper William S. Sumpter David F. Jr. Tanquary Clifford C. Troutner John R . Vetter Clarence J. Jr. Warrcn Robert N. Watwood James E. Jr. Webb Jerry J . Webb Robert B. Wege Russell E. Weiler Jolm L. Weldy Charles R. Wentz Charles A. Jr. Wethington Arm P. Wisdom Kenneth B.

1958 Andreas \Vayne T. Anspach Earl E. Armstrong Gerald C. Atha Larry C. Behnken Rolland W.




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Alumni Donors ______________________________________________________ 1958 continued I30schert Ro bert J . Buchanan Jo hn O . I3urlbaw I Ierbert G. Capone Donald W. CO ITell Howard D. Cox L. Fred Crowe Jo seph E. Cullen \-liehael J.J. Cummings Bradford C. Dajani Walid Z. Day Delbert E. Duddridge Kenneth J . Duderstadt Edward C. Dull Melvin J. Dye William B. Field William R. Ford John Franke George E. Gant Charles R. Garrett James H. Jr. Gastaldi Robert A. GeIWert Philip E. Graden William F. Jr. Gregory Donald B. Gruenwald William R . Guetersloh Donald G. Guinn Harvey C. Hammock William R. Jr. Hardebeck Harry E. Harris Bobby V. Hayes Robert O. Head Eldon W. Heltibrand Dewayn W. Herrick Thomas J. Herrmann PaulO. III Hofstetter James F. Hudson Melvin C. Jackson Philip W . Jurenka Ronald D. Kiehne Arthur D . Konrad Richard J . Kroutil Joseph C. Lewis B. Neil Lin Charles S. Littlefield Jerold K. Luebbert William J . Macalady Arthur R. Mantov~ Eugene O . . Mason Dennis E. McGovern Donald R . Meyer Larry B. Miller R . Lary Miloro Joseph Jr. Minton Robert C. Modesitt Donald E. Mudd John T. Mueller Don L. Munger Paul R. Myers Charles C. :'\iemeyer William G. O' Keefe Thomas J . Okenfuss Richard H. Ortbals Jerome J. Palovchik Joseph \1 . Pfanstiel Donald G. Pisacane Louis A. Rapisardo Ro y" R. Rasche John F. Rathgeb Lawrence J. Russell Eugene R. Schaefer Orville L. Schluemer William E. Sclunidt E. Robert Jr. . Schriever Byron ~. Sco tt Ro yce \1 . Jr. Sfreddo Humbert E. Shea James M. Skouby Marion C. Smith William J. Smuland Robert J . Stantdn Mack J. Starkweather Gilbert Stevens Robert P. Stonnent Donald B. Strub Dale A. Sucher Robert W. Suddath James N. Taylor Paul W . Thomas Rex D.

Dea r M r. M aekaman : I \\(luld likt: to extend my than ks to yo u fo r mak'ing the Clyde W. Hall Schola rship avail a ble to students here at U M R. I was rece ntl y info rmed th at I was chose n to receive one for next year. This is not my first scholarship here, but I apprec iate it all the sa me. I ass ure yo u that I wi ll do my best to maintain my grades and to keep up the high reput ation of this University . Sincerely. I.o uis Tra xe l Junior in Electrical Engineering Poplar Bluff, Mo.

Unnerstall Lester A. Urban James L. Vakil Sadegh M. Vetter Ronald F . Vie Jerry D. Vitek Richard K . Wei sen stein Don J. Welch Charles R . Whitehouse Gerald D. Young Ralph O. Zieba Robert G. Zieba William D.

1959 Acksel Richard A. Ablert Robert J. Asher Charles E. Auberry William D . Aubuchon Robert D. Bauer J . Bruce Baum frank L. Jr. Bayless Jerry R. Bellchamber Donald K. BoW Carl D. Bolon Lucien M. Jr. Borgini fred Boxdorfer Robert L. Bradley Andrew J . Bradley James E. Bramon Gerald A. Jr. Bruegging John J . Buren William L. Burke William G. Cain Clarence Jr. Call Donald H. Canady Richard A. Cavalier Frank D. Cawns Albert E . Courson Lee R . Jr. Crapnell Don W . Dennison William F. Dice Fred R . Jr. Dreshfield Robert L. Falke Wilbert L. Feaster Donald R. Fuller John E . Gambill Charles L. Gilmore Rex A. Jr. Goldin I Ierbert A. I-Iahn James I I. Haseltine I Iugh W . Hess Robert M. Hofer J . Gerald Hord William E. Hom sey Edward E. Hudgens Lowell L. Hudwalker Marvin E. Hughes Robert G . Itschner Emerson C. Jackso n James D. Janes Frank E. Johnson Gordon E. Kelly Paul R . Kennedy Ralph C.

Kieffer Alonzo R . III Kim Wo n I I. Koederitz Eugene H. Kruger \Villiam A. Ku rz Caryl M. Law David C. Lemberger Robert A. Lindsey Kenneth R. Linn James E. Jr. Lum Harry K.W. Lutz H. John Mattingly Raymond C. McHaffie Gerald T. McHugh Alan H. Mcintyre Robert C. Mei senheimer Harold D. Metcalf Gerald L. Minton Paul E. Mitchell John F. Morgan George H. Moses William J. Mouser Ronald D. ~eumeier Leander A. Powell Elmer L. Pugh James E. Rader Jerome D . Range Jerome L. Ratliff John L. Reichert Joseph F. Risner James L. Robmson Marquis B. Ross Richard G. Rouse Allen L. Ruester John T. Salvo Cyril S. Scharf Joel S. Schneider Charles S. Schoonover Donovan K. Schumacher Carl R. Selle Gerald O. Shoemaker James L. Shouse Robert P. Shrum Kenneth W. Slinkerd Paul H. Jr. Smith Gaylon G . Smith Hugl::! H. Smith Max R . Spruill Victor F. Statler William O . Jr. Stevenson Gerald L. Sutfin Carl D. Thompson Billy J . Thornton Robert C. Tucker Thomas L. Varga William J . Wallace Charles E. Waxman Stanley Weimholt James E. Weinrich Albert W. Weitzel John H. Werner Donald E. Whitehair Louis H. Wieker Richard H . Winkler Nonnan E.

Woods Samuel W . Wright Robert R. Z iegler Larry N.

1960 Alyea Jerrold M. Anderson John C. Angle Ralph G . Ballantyne Edwin J. Jr. Bausch Russell L. Belew Robert R . Bennett Harold L. Bentrup Otto T. Benz Paul W . Berthold James K. Blackwell Carrol L. Blevins Howard L. Boring David E. Boston Lawrence A. Brarnfitt Bruce L. Burke Thomas D. Byrne William M. Jr. Cappellari Lewis K . Carver Ronald P . Cook Marvin D. Cooper Donald G. Cooper Thomas W. Corbin Kenneth D. Cordes Glenn E. Davidson Danny E. Davidson Robert N. Davis Garrett L. Davis Wayne R . Del Prete Anthony Jr. Dickens Walter H. Doss Delano A. Eckhoff James L. Engelhardt Bill Fink Gerald A. Flanigan Lee A. Flanigan Virgil J . Fulton Frank W. Gilmore Jerry L. Gunther Don J . Gustafson George R . Hall Donald D. Hankinson Risdon W . Hawk Ralph L. Hays Stanley E. Hershey Harry C. Hess George N. Hinckley Roger W. Hoffmann Victor J . Hunter Orville Jr. Hyatt Gordon R . James Ronald C. MD. Jobe Kenneth D. Johnston James J .R . Jordan Paul R.

A stroll on the campus mall.

MSM Alumnus/ ' 7




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AlumniDonors ____________________________________~--~----~~____ 1960 continued Jordan Thomas M. Jost C. Gary Jurgens Joel J . Kauffman James F . Keeley Lawrence P . Keshari Hossein R . Kieffer Robert C. Lamer Ronald A. Logsdon Donald L. Lovelace James T. Lukowitz Gregory J. Manley William H. Jr. Martin Henry T. Maxton Ralph C. McDaniels John L. McNeely DiiVid C. Meadows Roger D . Mertl Eugene E. Mosier Donald L. Moyers Gerald E. Muse Donald F . Patterson Gary K. Phelps Weldon L. Pohlman David S. Ponzer Henry L. Poppitz John V. Price David E. Priesmeyer William F . Jr. R agains Wilbur G. Ray Rugene Everett Reynolds Emmitt A. R eynolds Maurice M . R izer G ene C. Robinson Lee B. Schlensker James G . Schmedding Darrell J . Schroer Herbert W. Schuler Robert K. Schwartzburt Allen H. Scofield Gene L. Shears William A. Siron Robert E. Springer ' H. Robert Steinman Anthony V. Steinmann Walter D . Steuby Thomas A. Sullins Thomas R . Swartz Glenn I. Tilman Milton M. Todd Lamar S. Urban Robert J . Jr. Vacca Herman L. Wagenheim Neal T. Walker Paul M. Walters James T. Walther James J . Walton Edward E. W atson Frank White Robert M. Wood Kenneth W.

Carey Raymond E. Cassatt Gary G . Chiodini Louis J. Jr. Craig Robert L. Cunha Frederick R . Curson William N . Dear Glen F. Deppong Frank A. DeSpain James R. D ewing H. Harvey Dix Larry L. EI, Baz Farouk E.S. Elias Andrew P. Evans Donald L. Farmer Larry E. Featherston Charles R. Flood Thaddeus F. Fowler Martha S. Shultz Martha S. F rangel William L. Galliher K. Don Garvey Robert A. G ates Jack C. G erhart Bill L. Glaser Robert H. Gorczyca Frederick J. Grannemann H . l'\eal Grechus Garland K. Grindon John R. Harclerode Don M. Harvey James G. Hayes Robert H. Heglin Russell S. H enderson Robert E. Henning William A. Henry Kenneth W. Hill Jimmie L. Hillmeyer Michael J. Hinkle Kenneth M. Hodges John L. ; Hollingshad James G. Horton Wayne C. Hull Lee C. Jr. Jacks F rank E. Johnson Harold E . Kadlec Joseph P. Kimbrough Michael B. Kincaid John B. Kurtzhals James D . Larkin John M. Latzer John C. Laurenson Robert M . Leck George W. III Lemons Charles E. Lewis David M. Litzler Ronald J . Logan Robert M. Marler Donald S. Marshall Billy W. Mathews William E. Mathur Virenda K . Maune David F. May William L. McLaughlin Eugene J . Jr. McNabb Jesse E.

Dear Alumni Association: I would like to thank the Alumni Association Board of Directors for making the Alumni Association I Scholarship available to me . I am paying my own way through college, and now, with your scholarship, I will be able to afford attending the University of Misso uri at Rolla for the next four yea rs. Without it I would not have been able to attend until two years from now when I would have transfe rred from a local junior college. By starting at Rolla ne xt yea r I . will be able to participate in the General Honors Program at Rolla, which I otherwise would have missed . I am looking forward to goipg to Roll a this fall , and I truly appreciate yo ur help which is enabling me to go. Sincerely, Craig Wilding Freshman Engineering Union, Mo . Mears A. Dale Merkel E dward F . Merritt John F. Mills Terry L. Mobley G ene H . Moore Kenneth D. Mueller Glenn E . Mungle Burlin D . Myers Donald D . Noell Nelso n H. 1\'olfo Louis J . Odom James T. Ogle James R . Ostmann Donald A . Patterson Barbara R . Perry E rnest B. Jr. Peterson Jay A. Pettibon Robert B. Pezza Anthony D . Pfeuffer Ronald R . Pietsch Earl Prothero Ronald P. Putman Wendell C. Randolph Robert W . Rathburn Vinton L. Redline Richard H . Reese Bartley L. Rodolph Carl P. Jr. Saxer Robert M. Shah Ramesh C. Shultz Martha S. Fowler Martha S. Siesennop W. Wayne Smith R aymond F. Smith Ro y B.



Adams Charles T. Akey Charles D. Amsler Larry C. Arnold James L. II Barnes Richard C. Baur Richard A. Benner Robert L. Besleme James H. Biermann Robert G. Blood Paul E. Boe Richard I. Bolander Richard W. Bosse William R . Bowers S. M itchell Brake Richard L. Brenning Eugene D. Brinkman Glen A. Brunkhart Gerald E. Bums James M.




18/MSM Alumnus ,"



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The petroleum engineering wing of the Mining Building.

Southern :Vlerle E. Spieldoch Richard B. Stern Peter G. . Stevenson Curtis W. Stidham James A. Strobel Larrv G. Sturm John ¡P. Sullivan Joseph F. Sutherland James R . Thielsen F . Wayne Toepfer Louis E. True Daniel W . Twele Michael N. Wachter Donald R. Waldecker Donald E. Weber Roger C. White Charles H. White Charles M. Jr. Whitehead Robert W. Wiethop R . Harve Wistehuff William E. Wolf Sherman A. Wolfmbarger Samuel L. Worley Morris T . Zerwekh Robert P .

1962 Affolter Allen L. Alcorn Herbert R . Bartholic David B. Bearce Denny N. Boren Morris G . Brady Francis J . Breakey William S. Breitenfeld Richard T. Brockhaus Robert H . Brockmann Richard K. Campbell Richard A. Carr Virgil E . Copeland Charles C. . Cox Robert A. Coyle R . Thomas Jr. Culnan Patrick D . Jr. Daboo Ratan F . Daoulas Arthur Dave Bhalchandra T. Dell Jack H . Dore John A. Doshi Bipin N. Downey Gary L. Duvall Henry P . Eberhart Gerald E. Edmison Roger A. Einsel Miller D. Elfrink Lindell H . Erdmann Robert H . Fadler Eugene C. Farnham Arthur H. Ferguson Gary L. Fields Sidney L. Flippin James S. Funsch Owen B. G aertner Douglas A . Gonnley James \1. Govero Jerome J. Grizio Myro n E. Haas Donald W . H aas Gerald N. Hagni R ichard D. Hallcrbcrg William L. Hammo nd Michael W. Harrill William D. Harvey Lawrence E . . Hatfield David C. H au shalter Frederick W . Havener Gary W. Henderson Carol E. Kuhn Carol E . H enson Lowell L. Herzog Michael S. Hoffman Roger P. Horel Edward T. Huebner John R.

AlumniDonors __________________________________________~____~~ -'

1962 continued Iluffman Jerry W . Jacobs David C. John son R'ichard T. Jo nes C harles B. Jones W illiam R. Jr. Kamper Russell A . King Billy S. Kuhn Carol E. Henderson Carol E. Lamber C. Kurt Lause Ilerbert J . Linville Robert J. Littleton Ernest W. Luecke Jerome E . Mais James H. Malsch Peter H.F. Mantz Harold C. Markel David F. McCaw Charles K. McMurtrey Gerald D . Mehta Navnit C. Mueller James D . :Y1"ueller Richard A. Muench Carl J . Jr. Netter David E. 0"etzer Joseph T. Nichelson G. Rex Jr. Obermark James R. Otten Peter E. Overall Donald N. Ownby P . Darrell Perrey Edgar E . Jr. Persson F. ;ÂĽtichael Ploeger Richard A . Powell Winifred W . Rand Stanley E . Redington David L. Reeves Bob D . Rencehausen Gerald P. Reyburn Michael K . Roussin Robert W. Rowl~y Blair A. Sarnrad Ardeshir Schaefer Robert L. Seifried Richard W . Shah Dalichand O . Shah Dinesh K. Shepard Galen A. Smith Memphord L. Snow James W . Speckhart Frank H . Staley Jerry A. Stearns Jerry D . Steele Kenneth W . Steffens Eugene W. Stephenson Alan E. Stigall Paul D . Stokely William S. Sullivan John V . Sullivan William L. III Swanson Richard C. Teske James E. Tidmore Robert L. Tooke Robert C. Trippensee Gary A . Utterback Frank D. Van Doren Thomas P . Vaughan Bob J. Webb Larry D . Weber Jo seph R.

Dear Sirs: I was pleased to learn that I have been renewed for the Clyde W. Hall Scholarship in the 1987-88 school year. As I am working my way through school, any extra financial support I get is put to good use a nd greatly appreciated . Thank you very much . Sincerely, Galen Oellig Senior in Computer Science West Plains, Mo .


Welch Gary E. White Daniel R. Wieda Ellis \II. Wil so n Robert J . Yo rk Gerald J. Zimmermann Walt er A. Zych.inski James A .

1963 Achenbach Gary D. Adam Everett E. Jr. Alexander George D. Allen Louis B. Jr. Anderson John I-I. Arms Robert L. Bagley Ronald P. Baird Thomas B. Baker Mer! Balsman Wayne F. Bartling Donald L. Bell L. Kent Bell Lawrence E. Jr. Bentley James R . Bost Charles R. Bounds Donald R . Brady Sherman D . Jr. Brown Curtis C. Brunjes Franklin E. Buck Richard L. Burton Joe D. Carstens James R. Chung Han-Chang C hurch Jerry W. Clark Dennis A. Close Maxwell L. Crawford Jack L. David Edward G . Dillingham Albert C. Jr. Dodd Curtis W . Donis Darrell W . Eirten Frank O . Farmer John O . III Ferrill David A. Gardner Robert H. Jr. Crtanchandani Jiwat D. Glassel Clifford L. Gosney C hester H . Gunn James A. Harper Charles W. Haynes William D. Howell Robert C. Jabas Stephen D. Jaeger Benjamin W .H. Jaquay Richard L. Jauer Richard A. Jr. Jester Tod K . Kahl Richard A. Keith H. Dean Kim Chang D. Klier Jerome M. Knopp John V. Knox James R. Jr. Koch Edmund O. Koenig Walter R . Kreichelt Thomas E. Kreikemeier Kraig G. Krieger George Holton Lasmanis Raymond Leamy Harry J. Lemon James D. Libiez James D. Ligon William R . Lina John A. Lira Richard E. MacCrindle Colin C. Machmeier Paul M. Martin Richard L. Martin Wade A. Mason Donald G. McCullough Lane A . Jr. McKee Paul E. Meredith Virgil E.

Fulton Hall

Miller Paul H . Monday Marvin K. Morris Harvey E. Jr. Murray Hugh V. III Muth Arnold J . Nai.kn.imbalkar Narendra M. Naiyer Shafique Osborne Robert G. II Packwood Donald L. Poettgen George G . Poush Kenneth A. Reagan John A. Reddy Nallapu N. Reid Bill H. Ringhausen Roger J. Rintoul Richard o. Robbins Douglas A. Robertson Ronald S. Robison James B. Roth Brian J . Rydlund Paul H . Salmon R. Michael Saunders William E. Schaefer Seth C. Schattyn John M. Schillinger George R. Scholle William A. Schumacher Gary G. Schwaller David L. SeW Eugene Jr. Sevick Thomas A. Shah Bansidhar M. Shalton Lonnie J. Sieckhaus Robert H. Skamenca David G. Smith Sam L. Spencer David W . Stemler Orrin A. Sutton William R . Tankersley Ted R. Taylor Glenn R . Thomas Jere L. Thompson Larry D. Thurman Lowell E . * Trautman Dennis R. Van Buren James K. Vaninger Jon L. W.flters Frank G. Williams Ronald R. Winter Arthur R . Wood Frank D.

1964 Allison James S. Arnin Rajinkant C. Arzabe Humberto Q. Bailey Keith E. Bartel Donald S.

Bauer Kendall R . Baylor- Philip E. Beardslee Harold M. Bierman Sheldon L. Boeger J ames H. Broeking Kenneth W . Buescher Alfred J. Burkart Matthew J . r Campbell Charles E. Cannaday John L. Cassell Ralph M. Chen Ten-Hsi Chervitz Jerrold Chronister Thomas G. Cobb Calvin B. Coburn Virgil C. Jr. Cortelyou Abram L. Jr. Corwin Robert F. Cottin Daniel J . Crum Edward H . Cushman Robert L. Davis Jerry L. Dean Donald N. DeMay Paul P. Dreyer Dennis G. Dutta Mrityunjoy Dyhouse Gary R . Ebert Bernard C. Jr. Eckhoff Gerald J. Edwards Harry K. Ellebracht Clarence A . Jr. Eppelsheimer Daniel S. II Fournelle Raymond A . Ganz Stephen F. Gardner Donald T. George Edward H. III Glaese John R. Greeley Richard G . Gruber Myron E. Gum Jon W. Hahn Emmett W. Jr. Hamilton Thomas A. Harper Alan S. Harris Daniel J. Harrison Charles R . Henso n Ronald P. Hill James L. Holley Robert G. Hoppe Gerald P. Huber Harold D. Hudelson John R. Huff Philip A. Hughey Bobby R. Hulsey J . Leroy Jalbert Leonard S. Johnson Jerry G . Jones Don W. Kelty Thomas M . Kerr Albert L. KoecWein William H . Kopaskie B. Edward Kraus Ronald W. Lahde Frank U. Land Donald W .

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AlumniDonors ____________________________________~--------------~

lJMR's Stonehenge

1964 continued


Lasley Alan L. Lehman Fredrick D. III Limberg John F . Lyons Charles G. Mackie Roscoe L. Malone William M. Martel Arthur O. Martin Carl D. Mazda Rumi N. Michel David J . Mills Charles S. Jr. Mochel William R. Morris Mark W. Muns Bennett L. Murphy Robert J. Muny Milton J . Nichols Elwood B. Odendahl James P. Ombalski Stephen Jr. Orrison Gerald K. Pappas James M. Parkinson Larry L. Parr Richard A. Patel Manubhai M . Payne Thomas E . Peacock David N. Peery Larry J. Peters Donald G. Philpott James D. Price Charles E. Raber Richard F. Raffel Ted C. Ragland Glen W. Raidt Paul B. Raney Edward M. Reinheimer Charles J. Reuling Donald O. Rightnowar Donald H. Rupert Gerald B. Sagramoso Daniel E. Sanders Laurence R . Saunders John G. Sehattyn Lloyd S. Schellman Gary D. Schmidt Richard L. Sessen George N. Shepard Kenneth W . Smith Harvey S. III Snyder Thomas E. Sowell Lewis C. Jr. Spehr James L. Stack Charles E. Stadelman James H. Steinkamp William E. Stuart Robert L. Sukow Dale E . Sun Yun-Chung Sutherland Graham G. III Tao Frank F. Taylor George H .

20/ MSM Alu mnus -'

Teny Jam es W. Treffmger David J . Tuttle Joey K. Voorhis Gary L. Wang Yun Warning Clarence R . Weaver Samuel C. Wiebe Dirk H . Wilson Tommie C. Woerner Fred N. Wood Richard L. Woods Glen D. Wu Chang-Yu Wu H sin- Chih Wulfert Kenneth J. Jr. Z imnick Harold E. Jr.

1965 Adams Russell C. Agrawal Arun K. Alford Jay \Y. Anderson Jerry M. Arnold Richard 1. Barr Ralph S. Bass Paul J. Behnke Robert E. Bergt David E. Bersett Gerald \Y. Bicknell Hilton B. Bicunas Joseph D. Bitting James L. Blume David J. Boberschmidt Lawrence A. Bohac Ronald J. Bradford Bruce H . Bradley Milton F. Branson Eugene A . Branum William H. Braschler Ro nald F . Brauer Dennis R. Brubaker Maurice E . Brunner Gary D. Bugg Stephen F . Butler James L. Buttrey John W . Byington Marvin L. Carr George H . Chi Cheng-Ken Chilton Darmy L. Cook Thomas W. Cope William R. Co rrigan John D. Dave Vibhakar R. Deken Louis R. Dierker John W. Doiron Donald G .

Doll Warwick W. Driemeier Allen I-I. Dunning Thomas H. Jr. Durnell No land R . Eimer Kenneth E . Erwin Larry L. Evans Jesse D. Faenger Eugene 1-1. Fahmi Richard C. Farrell William M. Jr. Fear Robert C. Foreman Alan R. Gaylord Thomas K. Giger D. Franklin Jr. Glass G erald E. Goodman Jack Gordon Clark G. Graham Thomas D. Grimes Gary W. Gro ss Manfred E. Habenicht W. Helmut Hafeli Dwight T. Hagen William R . Halbach Ronald E. Hammen B. Dennis Hardinge Byron C. Heidman James A. Heuer Barry S. Hoffman Nancy H . Shaw I\'aney H. Hohman Joe A. Holen Douglas E. Homer Kent G . Howard C. Martin Jr. Huang Hao-Yang Hurt Samuel R . Hustad Paul A. Jagtiani Harry Jersa . Michael J . Jobson Harvey E. Johanpeter Gerald R. Junge Gregory Kadwell Robert J. Kallor Jay S. Kettler Gerald J. Key James R. Keyes Gary E. Kiefer Dale F. Knussmarm Willard T. Koebbe Eugene R. Kove!. Steven \1. Lasker M. Owen Maggs Louis M. Magurk David W. Marlow Charles F . :vIarshall Ronald C. McAllister Roger W. McCracken William E. Meyer Dale A. Meyers Dennis M. Miller Daniel B. Molitor Jo hn D. Moreland William C. Morgan Grover D. Jr. . Morgan J. Derald Moxham Robert G . Mulyca Walter C. Musser Harry R. Myrick Charles R. III Nielsen Darrell M. Osick Glenn L. Otto Robert L. Pasek . T heodore D. Peresztegy Lajos B. Picker Melvin L. Price William J. Province E. Edward Jr. Rallo Charles N. Rankin Larry V. Robb Kenneth A. Rodriquez Jo rge M. Ryan Robert J . Shah Rashmikant L. Shaw Nancy H. Il offm an 0:ancy I-I. Shilt Eldon R. Silvc rs Paul L. Jr. Smart John D. Smith D. Eugene

Smith John W. Smith Michael D. Smith Peter A. Jr. Steimley John r. Stickler Roger H . Sundermeyer Robert W. Sunkel Thomas:vI. Suthipasnarupon Anant Terry Richard L. Thomas Donald O. Jr. Thomason June C. Jr. Thompson James W. Towers Terence G. Upadhyay Kiritkumar O. Wahler Vincent C. Jr. Walker Lonnie R . Wang lyue-Sheng Wang Wen-Li Weeks Robert E. Wells William L. Whitten Travice W. Jr. Wicklund Michael A. Wunderlich Norbert J. Yang Hsun-Kuang Zimmerman Wayne M.

1966 Abbott Rohn D. . Alexander Teny W . Allison Laton D. Bailey Edwin C. Jr. Barnes Charlie M. Jr. Basden Barry L. Beavers James E . Beger William K. Behring Allen G. Bennish Donald E. Bingham Lloyd W . Jr. Blumfelder William O . Bolen Gary R. Book' Billie W . Bowron Gary G. Brady Dale E . Bryant Charles T. Brynac M ichael J . . Buchmeier Frank A. Jr. Bufalo David J. Carlson Terrell L. Carstens John C. Chaffm G len N. Chang Homer S. Chen Sir-I Ioi Chern William W.M . Chow Li- Chi Chun Joong H. Clifto n Jack H. Coco Matteo A. Collins Raymond D. Copenhaver Roger L. Cross Ralph L. Cuzze Francis J . III

Dear Mr. Mackaman , I would like to th ank you and the Board of Directors for renewing the Alumni Association Scholarship nex t yea r. The awa rd last yea r was helpful to my family and me in paying ex penses here in Rolla, and this ad ditio nal money will make nex t year's payments come much eas ier. T ha nk yo u again . I rea lly appreciate yo ur organizati on helping to pay my way through co llege. Si nce rely, Kevin Kohm Sop homore in Electrical Enginee ring Lake Tishomingo , Okla.

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Alumni Donors -------------------------------------------Dear Mr. Mackaman a nd Board of Directors: We ha ve been advised by Karon Matlock, Financ ial Aid Adv iser, that th e Student Financial Aid Co mmittee has se lected our son, J ohn , for a $5,000 scho la rsh ip from the Alumni Association I Scholarship progra m beginning with th e 1987-88 acade mic yea r. Our entire fam ily is thrilled -th at John has been selected for this honor, a nd we would like to say a sincere thank you for'giving John this opportunity to further his ed ucati on at Rolla. Need less to say, we are quite proud of John , and we believe his progres's in schoo l came about through th e opportunities offered by the Independence School District and John's perso nal dedication to achieve. Again, we want to thank everyone involved in awarding this scholarship to John. It will be a tremendous help to us in providing his future education, and it is very much appreciated. John is looking forward to his fr,e shman year, and each of us looks forward to visiting Roll a in the near future . THANK YOU! Sincerely, John C. Winkler Judith A. Winkler, (parents) John F. Winkler Freshman Engineering Independence, Mo.

1966 continued Daniel Ro bert A. Davis Jerry W. D avis William F . DeClue Duane H. Desai Suresh A. Dew J am es B. Drcisewerd Douglas W. Dunmire Charles W . Dycus James P. Eberle Bruce W. Ferguson Thomas E. F iebelman Ilarold E. Ford William C. Foss Glen:--l. Gaitros Linda M . Vopat Linda M. Galbraith James V. Gray James C. Gress George H. Groff Eugcnc R. lIall Gerald D . Handshy Arthur W. III I-Iarmon James V. Heater Charles L. Henry Charles L. Henry John H. Herrmann John A. Hessler George R. Higbee Jamcs M. Hoffee Andrew E. 1I0gue Robert W . Jr. Holt Thomas B. II Howell John D. Huddleston James A . Jr. Hughlett Michael L. Humphrey G ary P. Hung Dick Tzu-Tien Johnson Peter F. Jones Richard L. J ong Bing-Wen

Jo zwiak Philip A. Kicffc r Frank M. Kirberg Leonard C. Kisvarsan yi Geza Klug Alfred E . Jr. Kramer Ralph H. Kruep Raymond J. Kulhan Ropert Lankford Dennis W. Latimer John O. Littlefield Larry W . Lu Chaw-Chi Lutzenbergcr Bert M. Lytle Glenn A. Jr. Marshall Steven R. Mason John T. III May Thomas J. McCarron Robert L. Jr. McKinnis Larry N. Mehta Jagdish M. Melliere Ronald A. Mertens Gary F. Meyer Robert W. Miller Charles C. \1ohr John W. . Molkcnbur Richard A. Monroe Ronald L. Moran Michael D. Moran Robert W. Moss Edward A. Munn Dale A. Nelson Donald R. Nelson Nicola A. Nelson Ronald E. Panhorst Albert C. Jr. Patel - Ramanlal A. Paul Richard R. Perkins james B. Perkins John W. Pollack Leslie A. Pottinger Hardy J. III R agsdell Kenneth M. Reinsch Lawrence J . Jr. Rice Roy D. Rich Larry M. Richardson Richard A. Roberts Lo y D . Rueppel :Ylelvin L. Ruscr J ohn R . Jr. R yd berg Carl \1 . Scaggs G utherie Jr. Schecr Samuel A. Sch ocnin ger I lil bcrt E . Schowcngerdt Franklin D . Sch wescr Gilbert C. Scott Kenneth R. Shaffer Alan D. Shah Vipinbhai R . Sloc um R oy W . Smith G erald W. Smi th Louis W. Stangel James E'. Steele James D. Stewart Leslie D . Jr. Stockhausen William T . Stover Dennis W. Stratton William B. Strickland Thomas H. T rippel Robert C. Trong Tran D. Turner Gary M. Umphrey Ronald W . Uthe Floyd H . Vest Randall L. Vopat Linda M . Gaitros Linda M . W alts Raymond J . Warda William S. W atts G erald L. W ehmeyer David P . Wesley Darrell K . W estenberg Carl H . W eyand Thom as E . Widem an Lawson G. Wilken s Ro y A . Williams M aurice A. Willi!uns William S. Woodall T homas J. Woodbury Franklin B.W.

W oodfield Richard A . Woo ley Gary G . Work Bruce V.S. Wright G o rdon Yuh Eugene Yeou-J Yung Shu C.

1967 Adamick Chester J . Jr. Acbel Cleo F. Jr. Allmon James A. Altman Barbara H. Altman Ronald L. Barrow Jo hn T . Jr. Bauer Jo seph W. Jr. Baumeyer Ervin H. Beeson James J. Bevel J erry E. Bischof Conrad W . Bo sch Adrian 'VI. Brown Dale C. Burkhalter Richard L. Calhoun William L. Capages Martin Jr. Capone Gary J. Carl .I ames W . Carter Ronald W. Chamberlain Stanley C. Chang George C. Cox William E. IV Crall Richard F. Darnell Paul E . Davidge Gail D. Kettenbrink Gail D. Decker Ray C. Deelo Michael L. Degenhardt Eugene A. Dennis Curtis L. Dinkel Ted R. Dodd Vernon O. Doerr J erry W. Dressler Donald R. D ye r Garvin H. Eastburn M ichael R. Eckstein Vernon G . E lam Anthony R. Evans Jo hn M. Evan s Ro nald E. Farnia Kho srow F ield Cyrus W . Jr. rIugrad Donald R . Jr. Foresman Michael R. f ranke Richard M. F ritschel Larry E . ful wider T ho mas Gass J o hn W. G hole Jagannath R . Graham William J . Gruenlo h James F . Guvenir Yavuz M.

Hachmuth Henry K. Hansen Stanley S. II Hard y Michael E. I1arris G ary F . Ilatcher Paul T. Helmkamp Lyndel L. Hill Ro land M. Hodges Phillip F. Hollenbeck Robert L. Hopkins Wayne J. Houser James D. Hung Ming H. H ydzik Richard M . Inman Paul L. Johnson Oscar W. J o hnson Paul E . Kalia Hemendra N. Kamman Mrs James H . Kasten Donald G. K elso Gary L. Kettenbrink Gail D. Davidge Gail D . Key Patrick C. King Randall K. Kizer Thomas L. Klein Dale E . Kuhne Phillip H. Lai San-Cheng Laufer Wayne L. Lebo J erome M. Ledbetter Ronald M. Leslie Thomas J. Lewis Robert J. Lloyd-Jones David Lyons Helen L. Marlin Paul G. Massey Larry P. Matthes Harold D. May Joseph A. McMillen T. Michael McMullen Clifford C. Medlin James M . Menke Sanford H . Mikelionis Lawrence J . Miller Richard J. Miller Samuel P . Neagle John W . Nelson David A. Neumann Charles J. Jr. No rth R obert A. O ' Daniel Charles R . O ' Leary Dennis W . Owens Gary S. Owens John M. Peer Daniel D. Peery John W. Perkins Michael A. Perkins Terry E. Petry T h om as M . Prater N ick L. Rao Yalamanchili R athbun Don ald G. R iley J ohn D. Robertson James D . Ronzo Robert J .

MSM Alumnusl21

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AlumniDonors ______________________________________________~~----1967 continued Rueh Kenneth W. Salof George A. Schloman Alan H. Sears Thomas J . Shank Donald R. Shen Kuo-Shcin Sievert Gary F. Smith Robert T. Sokol David G. Stanton Warren R. Stiffier Virgil E. Stine Howard H. Jf. Stirrat Bryan A. Stout Douglas E. Stringfellow Blair C. Su Yu-Ming Suarez John M. Sullivan Ralph W . II Turner Robert E. Sf. Vedder Richard C. Vogelpohl Richard P. Vogt Chester A. Wagner Richard V. Weise Theodore L. Welsh David M. \Vhelove Robert W, Jr. Winfrey James L. Wittenauer Gerald R . Wolf John D. Woolery William L. Wu Christopher K. Wu Tien-Yu Young Lawrence M. Zwiener James M.

1968 Amos Larry L. Annstrong Roy M. Astrack Richard F. Ayars Robert S. Bach Charles S. Jr. Baer Kenneth G. Bell Gordon W . -Bennington Leslie O. Jf. Benton Clarence R. Brockhaus Douglas A. Brown Henry E . Brune James A. Burke Charles E. Carnahan Daniel L. Carson Jon D. Chao S. (Steve) Chen Sun C. Choate Larry Dale Clark James D. Collins Walter K. Conner Leslie R. Cox Bobby T. Crow William W. Dear Mr. Mackaman: I have been very grateful to the MSM-UMR Alumni Association over the last year and a half during which you have supported me with your Alumni Association I Scholarship. The monetary support is greatly appreciated and encouraging to a college student such as C I thank you for renewing the scholarship for another year, and I hope to be eligible again next year for your further support. Thank you again. Sincerely, Darin Lovelace Junior in Applied Mathematics Independence, Mo.

2?/MSM AI\Jmn\JsM V. \.!llnmulA MG



Dallas Richard W. Damsgard James A. Danley James G . Dearth David W. Debner David E. Dillon Paul H. Doerflinger Arthur E . Doerr Earl E. Ecoff Ralph A. Jf. Eggers Stephen H. Elder Gary R. Elliott Rodger L. Everhart Vernon L. Faintich David M . feugate Robert J. Jf. Frantz Eric H. Frasco Lynn A. Frazier David E. Gentry Curtis W. Gerhard Gary E. Gerig Frank A. III Green William J . Groves Christopher B. Halford Robert J. Halterman Leroy Hardie Madonna Krekel Madonna Harris Donald J . Haynes Alan D. Henrikson Ralph L. Hsu Yung C. Huang James C. Huber Thomas V. Huett Michael S. Jackson Richard B. Jacobs Jo seph W. Jansen Walter B. Jerabek Charles D. Johnson Orville E. Johnson Stephen S. Keppel James R. Koederitz Leonard F. Koegel Frank R. Kreilich James L. Krekel Madonna Hardie Madonna Kubik David L. Larson William M. Lazarus Lloyd J .' Learning George D. Lehman A. Richard Jf. Lewis Leland Lewis Richard C. Lindsey Merlin D. Liu Jib-Han Long Joseph J. Ludwig Lonny L. Luebbert Lawrence H. Jf. Lueck Ralph H. Lyons Gerald J. Mabry Dewayne P . McCalla Carl R. McIlnay James S. Medvesky Paul A. Michel Joel K. Miller Norman R. Miltenberger James L. Mohtashemi Ali A. Moore Richard E . Moyer Joseph D. Jf. Mudd Donald P. Mueller Joseph L. Munns John A. Murray Bill M. Nagel T erry L. Obradovits Frank C. O' Hanlon Thomas A. O' Malley Michael P. Ornes Marvin E. OUe Leon L. Owens Thomas J . Ozburn Donald G . PaW Robert H. Parker Dennis R . Patterson James F . Peavler Dennis M. Pender Stephen N. Pepper Darrell W. Perry Norris W.

III Curtis Laws Wilson Library Phelps Richard W. Piepho Loris L. Pogue Jerry G . Porter Clayton G . Price David B. Jf. Reading Stephen H. Rezsonya Thomas C. Richman David W. Rueter Richard E. Ruprecht William J . Jr. Schenk , Richard W . -Schowengerdt Robert A. Schwartz David R. Sc'o tt Harold H. 'Sharp Richard E . Sherman James L. Sherrick Shermari W . Showmaker Harry L. Jf. Sidlowski Ronald E. Smith Neil S. Spiegel Julio A. Stanton George D. Stoltz William A. Storrs Stuart M. Strauss Stephen R. Swindle Kenneth R. Talley Jesse H. Teske William S. Till Henry A. Towne Robert G. Tucker Ronald M. Vehige Richard J. Virtue Richard P. Yolk Roger H. Wagher Stanley K. Wagner Harold W. Jf. Warchola Russell J. Ward Daniel K. Weuach Donald J . W10s Paul M. Wolfe Byron L. Jf. Yallaly Stephen P. Yost Kenneth D. Youngman James A. Zauner Ronald F. . Ziegler Karl F. Zoellner Lynn E.

1969 Alexander Vernon T . Allen Charles V. Anderson Michael E. Andreae Robert A. Andrew William K. V Arnoldy Richard R. Ascoli Don M. Asmuth George W. Banks Edgar N. Barr Nora A. Glover l\'ora A.

Barrett Thomas A. Becker John R. Becker Theodore H. Jf. Bell Thomas H. Berry John J. Bishop David K. Bondurant Frederick N. Borgmeyer Thomas S. Boring William D. Bourne Donald W. Bozarth Bruce A. Brandhorst Lynn D. Brendle Stephen J. Brewer David W. Brinkopf Robert L. Brown Darwin W. Bruce Robert S. Brune Gary L. Bruzewski James R. Bulmer Bruce;VI. Burbank Edward J. Burkemper Larry J . 'Burrows Eugene H. Butherus David L. Caldwell Robert E. Cary Stanley E. Case Glenn R. Castle Joseph L. Castle William C. Chang Richard L. Chapman Michael G . Chen Chao-Sheng Chow Robert Y. Collins William E. Cooper Larry M. Coulter Stephen J . Cowen Joseph E. Cretin Paul F. Cuneo Colin R. Daffron Vernon M. Danard Howard E. Daneshy Abbas A. Daniels David E. Davidson William G. Davis Joseph E. Davit Gerald C. Degenhardt Lynn J . Denham Donald C. Derhake Anthony H. DeSpain David R . Dewey Roger S. Dietrich Walter D. Dodson Cheryl A. Steffan Cheryl A. Doerr Raymond E. Jf. Dwyer James J . Eason James S. Ebeling John A. Engelbrecht Ronald L. Erxleben Richard H. ' Eydmann Phillip S. Featherly John R. Feger Thomas \1 . fleckal Robert F. Fong Ping Jf.



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AlumniDonors ______________~~----------------------------------1969 continued Foster Charles W. Frazee Richard W. rung Shiu Y. Geile Robert J. Gentzler Edward C. III George David R. Gcrig~ Martha ;vt. Givan Guy V. Glover Nora A. Barr Nora A. Gulick Gary M. Hall Leon M . Jr. Halladay lIarold W . Hartung Michael H. Harvey Wayne C. Haseltine Douglas M. Hawkins Rodney B. Heckler Philip C. Hcdayati . Vahid I'licks Norman D. Hitt Gerald W. Iloenerhoff Richard B. Hoffman Denny R . Holland Theodore W. Hollowell William M. Houf Gordon B. Huck James W. Hung Samuel S. Hurl~y Timothy J. Jones Thomas A. Jozwiak Vincent R. Kaiser Stephen J. Kelahan Michael E . Kelkar Subhash G . Kerns Wayne L. Kmecz Glenn M. Knauf William R. Knenlein Michael J. Koenig Gary R. Krall William R. Jr. Krueger John E. Kunst Michael J. Labit James R. Lacavich Richard J . Lambert James E. Jr. LaPresta Charles R. Lawson Lynn D. Liescheidt David A. Lin Ching- Liang Livengood Robert J. Lloyd G. Wesley Lowe William S. Lucas Thomas E . Lutes Donald R. Marianyi-Bezegh J~an J . :\1arsh Reginald T. Masterson Dennis J. McFarland Robert L. McGee Dennis R. McGinthia Philip L. McGrath John F. McGuire John W. McLellan Terry L.

\1ertens Michael L. \lontefusco :vlichael A. Moon Jack W. Morrisey John C. IV Morrison William J. \tlueller David L. Mueller Steve C. Muser Stephen J. \1 ylcs Charles W. ?"iehaus Robert L. l\:oggJe Michael O . ;\"othaus Herbert N. ;\"udd Barry C. Oldham Douglas G. O'Neill James A. Ozorkiewicz Ralph L. Pfefferkorn David A. Pfeiffer David C. Pierce Stephen A. Preston John C. Randoll Rodney O. Reed Walter G. Jr. Reijenstein Carlos E. Rhoton Ronald L. Roam John H. Roberts Orner H. Roberts S. Kent Rogers Douglas B. Rosenberry Lyle A. Ross Terry K . Ry1ter Noel J . Saller John D. Salomon Harry A. Jr. Sauer Peter 'vV. Saunders Martin J. Schmitt Robert P . Seaman Robert L. Slater Michael W. Smith Brian W . Smith James W. Sowers James R. Spalding Theodore J. Splettstosser James Stahl Joseph W . Steed F. Clifton Jr. Steffan Cheryl A. Dodson Cheryl A. Stevens Robert W . Stigall James R . Stratman Ronald A. Strauser Claude N. Stripling Gary L. Sullivan Michael J. Sweeney William T. Tannous Nicola B. Thies Douglas .M . Thomas Warren H. Thorn Steven W. Thorsell Carl W. Jr. Trump Paul V. Turlin Charles L Vaughan Gerald W. Virtue Leon S. Vorwith Robert C. Walker Michael R .

Walter Richard A. Wansing Alvin D. Watkins James F . Jr. Webb E. Victor Weber Gustav J. Wehmeyer W. Earl Wiesenmeyer John C. Wilcox Thomas M . Wilkins John M . Wilson Patrick J. Wissel Fred O . Witzel Richard C. Woessner James D. Woodard Ronald C. Woodward Gary K. Worstell Earl M . Jr. W ylie James G. Zenge Thomas L. Ziegenmier James'L. Ziegler Ronald S.

Dejohn 'Anthony F. Delay Russell G. Denlow Israel Denney Kenneth L. Dietrich Randall G . Doering Frank J. Dolata Edward W . Donaldson Albert L. Dorroh Robert F. III Dreinhoefer Louis H. Duchek Lawrence W. Dunning Eric D. Durham Terry E. Durham Vernon H . Mr. Maekaman and the Board of Directors: I was notified in March of my selection to receive a scholarship in the amount of $5,000. I feel that the UMR Alumni Association is making it possible for many students to meet the cost of an excellent education, both through regular scholarships and through the Alumni Sons and Daughters Grant program. I was also a recipient of this grant because I have chosen to follow jn my father's footsteps by attending UMR. Though I looked at several other schools, none was able to offer me a financial aid package anywhere close to the one I am receiving from UMR. I am grateful to the selection committee and to all of the members of the Alumni Association for making my education at UMR a reality. I am looking forward to the time in which I am able to make a donation for other students to attend this fine institution. Again, thank you and keep up , the excellent work! Sincerely, Steven L. Sievert Freshman Engineering Tulsa, Okla. Editor's Note: Steven is the son of Gary F. Sievert, '67 (M.E.)

1970 Adler Robert B. Alcott A. David Allison Melvin R. Anderson Ronald R. Andreae Vicki M. Apprill Michael R. Ashbaugh Brian W. Bachmann Gregory D. Bai W . Monty Baker Walter A. II Balaban Theodore S. Barnett Ralph L. Bartley Elbridge W. III Baur John C. Beardsley David D . Becker Ronald T. Belding Richard B. Benavides Francisco M. Bergen George E. Bjornberg PeterR. Bockman Gary J . Bohanon Joseph T. Boyer John M . Brady Linda L. Glick Linda L. Bray Michael E. Brinker Marvin J . Brown Willis L. Browne Keith H. Brownfield Boyd J. Bryant David A. Bryson Dale M. Burk Earl D . Butler Carol J. Schoenefeld Carol J. Byers Charles E. Calton Lynn B. Cannon William C. Carter John B. Casteel Charles L. Chang Joseph J. Chapman Richard G. Check Michael R . Chen Allen G. Chyi David P. Colombo Raphael C. Conroy Peter J. Cook Frank S. Jr. Corbett Timothy P. Cordes Donald L. Cox Richard D. Crites Roger C. Dahlstrom David W. Darley Leo W. Jr. Davidson Don Davidson Patrick G. Davis Jimmy L. Davisson David C. Dawson Gene C. Dean Larry J . Degen Gerald D . Jr.



Easterday Roger L. Eaton Thomas E. Eaton William A. Engineer Roy Enke Daryl D. Erlbacher Robert W. II Ethridge Max M. Evans James J. Feurer John A. Finkelstein Michael A. Finnegan Jerrey D. Fisher Thomas B. Fitzgerald Richard J. Fletcher Ro\:lert A. Fluegge Ronald M. Ford James A. Fox James L. Friese Michael M . Fuerst Robert L. Garnett Dennis L. Garrett Jack T. Jr. Gaston Charles B. Geers James R. Gerdes Ronald G. Gielow Kenneth D. Glick Linda L. Brady Linda L. Glover James K. Jr. Griffm Francis L. Griffm Ronald D. Gupta Dwarka P. Habegger Ronald L. Hager Harold W.

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Alumni Donors _______________________________________________________ 1970 continued Hailey John L. IIarnmann Kenneth K . Hamner Phillip G. Harris John M. Hencey Stephen D. Henson Phillip L. Herman William L. Hess Donald A. Hintermaier Robert W. Hirner Herman R . Hockett Mark L. Hoeckelman Leslie A. Holladay Lenore Kelly Lenore Holland Wayne E. Holt Eric M . Homyk Terrence J. Hoppe Thomas O . Horn Lany S. Horsley Michael B. Howard Lany J . Howell William e. Huckaba Randell L. Jr. Huey Danny D . Hughes William M. Hurt Robert E. Irons Theodore S. Jaggi Dennis F . Jan Der-Wang Jansen Raymond J . Jarvis Danny E. Johannpeter Walter G . Jones David B. Jordan Richard F . Jussyp Juri Kalbac Raymond L. Kao Ching- Nan Kaplan Mark S. Karger Ronald A. Kathmann Stephen J . Kean William A. Keeling Billy F. Kelly Lenore Holladay Lenore Kemp Wayne R. Killgore Ross D. Kimball William W. Kirkbride Russell L. Kinneyer Gregory J. Kistler R . Stanley Kistner Jimmie D . Koenemann Bany D . Kone Franklin W. Kopf Kent M. Kramer John L.J . Kreimer David P. Kruckem eyer William e. J r. Kuebler Kenneth L. Kuhar William F . Jr. Kuhn Thomas E. Kuss Joseph K . LaBoube Roger A. Lambert John E.

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Lane Edwin D. Lane Ronald L. Lazaras Peter J . Lee Chin-\Iing Leuschke Lany G. Lewellen Frank L. Lewis William R. Liao Cheng S. Lindquist Craig A. Lindquist Jo seph R. Logan Vincent N. Lueddecke Donald E. Lupberger David D . MahJandt Joseph N. Marchiando Anthon y F. \1astalio Kim 1. \1atoesian Dayid 11. Matthews Jerry L. \1cBride T homas D. McClain G regory E. McClure Nathaniel D. IV McCormick David W . McGath M ichael R. McKee Robert J . McKelvey James B. McQuitty William R. Metz Kenneth L. Jr. Meyer James W. Midden Leo W. Mikkelsen Clark D . Moran Michael J.R . Morie Richard E. \.1orris James L. Morris Lany D. Moss Kenneth E . Mouser Gerald F. Mueller Frank H . Mundwiller John L. Myers Danny W. Nadziejko Paul S. Nau Steven N. Navarro Richard A . Naylor T heodore W. Nebel Thomas C. Nekorchuk Russell L. Neri Lewis Nissing Kenneth J . Nolte Curtis E. Oliver Lany J . Omohundro Wayne E . Ostermann Joseph L. Owens Edmund W. Jr. Parker Dean 1. Parsons Jerry D . Peo ples Veo Jr. Phillips Marvin D . Pierce James R . Pierson Ossean E. PortnofT Neil S. Prater John B. Praznik Gregory E. Pursley Terry e. Raby David L. Ramey Roy R . Rauls Gary L.

Dear Mr. Mackama n and members of the Alumn i Associatio n Board of Directors: I than k yo u ve ry much for awa rding me an Alumni Scholarship of $1250 annually. As my plans are to pursue a double degree in nuclear engineering and physics, I will save the money not spent in my first four years to pay for my las t one-and-ahalf. Although the continued payment of this scholarship is contingent upon a GPA of 3.5, I feel confid ent that I can sustain this. I look forward to my years at UMR , and 'again, thank you. Sincerely, James Lloyd Hill Freshman in Nuclear Engineering Jefferson City, Mo. Ray Charles T . Ray Earl D. Ray James A. Reed Robert L. Rehagen Gary J Rhoads Randall L. Richardson Joe R . Ricono Marion P. Riley Richard K . Rinne Robert A. Ritter Danny J . Robinson Guy M. Rocchio Frederick J . Jr. Roche John A. Rodebush James R . Roes Theodore A. III Rommelmann David W. Rooney Michael J. Rosenkoetter Arthur 1. Ross James A. Rothermich Richard A. Rowan James M. Rowland Steve S. Jr. Ruhlman Harold W. Sanchez Renato Sanocki Peter W. e. Schaeffer Michael J . Schamel Walter S. III Schiffner Lany L. Schmidt Michael G . Schmidt T homas E. Schmitz James F. Schoen bach Ronald A. Schoenefeld Carol J. Butler Carol J . Schuck William J . Schwager John L. Schwanke Carl O . Scott Daniel E. Shannon Edward H. Shea Dennis P. Shea Michael H. Shedden Leo K. Shinn William K. Simone Angelo Sizemore La Mar T . Jr. Smith Beverl y D. Smith Cory L. Smith Ronald T. Soong Philip J.J . Spellman Daniel J . Stager Scott P. Starke Dennis R . Stefansky Thomas P. Steimel David F. Stephenson Michael W . Steury T homas D. Struessel David A. Summers James B. Sun Frank Y .S. Swinny David W. Swisher Dean O . Swyers Dan R. Swyers Don R . T aylor Cecil R . T ennill Dana D.

T homas James i' . Thomas Verner E. T homasson William :Vt. Thompson Earl A. Threlkeld I Iubert R. Jr. Timbrell I Iarnilton e. To lle 'vVilLiam L. Toth Louis F. Jr. Townsend Allen L. Jr. T say Liang-Juan T say Yeong-Jin Tuetken Richard P. T ung Chung-Yuan P. Umphenour Charles F. Vachalek Robert J. Vaughn Paul E. Vineyard William F. Wakefield Clyde F. Wand David A. Wang Fu- Yuan Wang Jaw- Kuang Warner John R . Wattenbarger James e. Weatherly Stephen M . Webb Robert J . Weber J. Scott \Veber Lawrence E. Wedge W. Keith Wege James R . Weigand Robert W. Weiss Baltasar R. Welsh John D. Wesely Robert J. Whitaker Rodney E. Whitney Dennis L. Wiegele George L. Wiley Roger D. Williams Anita L. Williams Charles E. Williams Jerome H. Williams Richard K . Winkler T homas E. W olfT T homas F. Wong Yuan-Nin Woods Warren e. Wortman Darrel E . Wunderlich D~el F. Yao Peter S. Younker Forrest A. Yowell Robert H . Jr. Yu Ming-Hsun Zaborac T. Alan Zagar Robert A. Zelms Jeffrey L. Zieger James B. Jr. Zylich Ro nald G .

1971 Alkemeyer Charles H . Allen John E. Jr. Anderson William A. Arant William S. Arno ld Kenneth B. Ash Richard L. Jr. Barro w Anne W. Bartlett Gary R . Bartlett William L. Bauman William J . Beckmeyer Ru ssell R . Behan Michael e. Belgeri James J . J r. Bendapudi Kasi V. Benoy Leslie D. Bentzinger Robert Berkbigler Lany W. Bischoff G regg e. Bondi James O. Bondurant David W. ilott Max E. Bowcrs William L. Brendel Ronald A. Bryan David O. Buckwalter John R. Budd Vincent J .

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Alumni Donors _____________________________________________________ 1971 continued Bulla Robert C. Burke Larry R . Butchko Robert G. Butler James A. Callanan Dav id \1. Cambicr Jamcs L. Campbell Robert J. Cartcr Iial E. Dear Alumni Association members: Very soon I will graduate from th e University of Misso uri-Rolla and be automatically promoted to yo ur own ra nk, an alumnus. At times I find it very difficult to believe, but after my visit to the registrar's office one morning not long ago , it is slowly sinking into my great ly overworked brain, (this reference is made for the professors who have caused this sad condition- they know who they are- and they sure ly know in what vein it is reported), that I will indeed receive that wonderfu l piece of paper for whic h I have worked so diligently. There are many people who deserve my thanks as I view these years of pleasurable intellectual torment which began with a single class, Basic Composition, in 197&". To the professor of that beginning, and to all those who followed , 1 owe thanks- for their excellence, their dedication , and the unrelenting flow of information a nd knowledge imparted to me during my tenure at UMR. Of course, the main purpose of this letter is to thank the Alumni Associat ion for providing me with the financial means.. t.e) ac!1ieve the goal of graduat ion, and so, i thank yo u heartily. It has been an honor, and , a n app reciated one. But, I also think it is desirable that you know' what a fine opportunity you have given me because of the high quality of instruction I have encountered in the humanitiessocial sciences area at o ur university. It has been excellent. I say this because I think that its value is often overlooked at a university which is thought of as an engineering institution . I have felt, subtly, the stigma of being "one of them" (a liberal arts major). Is it probable that strength in both these areas, e ngineering and humanities, t ould fail to enhance each other? A good e ngineering education can only be a ugmen ted by the quality of courses taught in the liberal arts. A quality humanit ies education can certainly . be had at UMR. You can be proud of "the other guys," too. I ha~e no doubt that I will recall my interim here as one of the best in my life. Thank you again. Sincerely, Mary A. Stephens Senior in English Rolla , Mo.

(Editor's Note: Mary was one of two marshalls for the College of Arts and Science at the December graduation ceremonies. She is now enrolled in graduate school at KU.j

Chapman James M. Chen Tak-Ming Chen Wayne Chenoweth John S. Chouarain Michael L. Choura Ronald G. Cizek John G. C lark Norman L. Clark Robert E. Clemmons Russel R. Conner Danny R. Conrad Charles P. Cook Michael M. Counsil John R. Craig Ted W. Cranmer Robert M. Creason Gary W. Curby Raymond Czajkowski Carl J. Deaver Randall L. Dennis John R. Dippold Jack D. Ditch Dennis W. Djahanguiri Farrokh Donze T erry W. Dostal Gregory G.J. Doutt Thomas R. Downing Kenneth B. Drawe Stephen L. Dumay Richard A. Edwards David L. Elliott Joseph O. Engelhardt William R. Eppestine David A. Epresi Timothy Erickson Gordon L. Ernst Raymond G. Etwert Charles M. farmer Steven J. Farrell John S. Fennedy Bruce E. Field Terry M. Flatt William S. Flowers Daniel H. Flye Russell E. Forrest Ryan L. Franklin Stephen R. Galler Wayne J. Gallup Archibald M. Gatewood Fred L. Gayer John G. Gazioglu Sadettin Gibbons Cheryl A. Ibarra Cheryl A. Gladish Lee A. Glascock Michael D. Goldfarb Marvin A. Goodwin Larry E. Grabski Stanley E . Graham John T. Gray Howard W. Gucciardo Terry A. Haberl Eugene H.A. Hahn Robert E. Hallock James K. Jr. Halter Edward M. Hanger Steven C. Hardwick Cheryl Hart Gerard J. Hayden Thomas M. Hazen Michael R. Heady J. Wendell Hedden James R. Hellwege James W . Herron William M. Higdon William D. Hockett Franklin D . Houlle Louis S. Jr. Hubbard Robert D. Ibarra Cheryl A. Gibbons Cheryl A. Ingersoll Charles J. I rvin Larry C. Jacks Robert W. Jr. Jackson Hershel A. Jahagirdar Madan G. Janoch Greg A. Johnson Leland R . Jr. Jones David R .

Jones James I-I. J udlowe Martin Kan g Shin S. Ka tin Jon D . Keen J erry G . Kelley Ronald E. K erscher Thomas E. Kim Woo I-Iyung Kirchner Frank S. Koch Alan A. Kremmcl Lawrence D. Kreutz Robert G. Kuhn Terrel E. Ladero ute Charles D. Lakie Leslie A. Lammers Dennis R. Lawso n Montie R . Lee Gary M. \1anusmare Purushottam G. Marshall David B. Martin William R . McAllister Darrell McCarty D avid L. McCormick Larry L. McCormick Robert S. Medlock Rex L. :vteier David L. Meng James C. Miller Phillip C. Mohalley Robert P. Moore Ronald T. \1orriso n Donald J. Morrison Robert R. Jr. Muniz Raymond J. Nixon Harvey P. Nolan Lawrence E. olfo Andrew P. Overal Harry J. Overturf Richard D. Pagan Ronald C. Parker Robert L. Parkes Roger D. Pfitzner Charles M. Pittman Larry P. Poertner Terry R. Polich Victor J. Jr. Pottinger Jan M. Powell¡ Charles E. Quinlisk Richard M. Rains Ronald D. Raithel James F. Redington Stephen L. Reiss John Jr. Reynolds John L. Richardson David N. Roberts Gale L. Robinso n Gordon D. Ros s Michael W. Rou sh Ronald L. Routburg Michael S. Saad Adel N. Sandella Michael S. Sanders Dee Ann Sandhaus Henry W. Schaefer D avid D. Schreiner Michael J. Schulze Ro y E . Seabaugh Allen W . Shanes Charles W. Sherwood Robert E. Siesener Robert M. Simon David M. Simpson Daniel E. Jr. Sleboda David S. Smart Robert F. Smith G. Dan Smith Gregory P . Smith Wayne D. Stanfield Dennis E. Starke Richard M. Stotler Denis L. StruckhofT Robert M. Jr. Stucker John R. Sweet Edward M. Jr. Talbert Keith E. Tayloe Charles H. Teisa Emil J . Thoroughman William C. Turner Stephen L.

Chancellor's Residence Visintainer David A. III Vogt Carl M . VonKaenel Frederick W. W agner Terry L. Warner David F. Webb Johnny S. Welsch Paul L. Wendt Alvin E. Wethington Robert L. Wicke Gary W. Widner Gary W. Williams Raymond R. Winscher Barry K . Wolfmgton Kerry P. Wood Richard A. Wulff C. Stephen Wussler Alfred J. Yancey Roger L. Yeh Shen K . Zogg William D .

1972 Alinder Lloyd A. Alspaugh David H. Anderson John R . Ayen William E. Bachmann David E . Bakhru Prakash U. Baldus Melvin W . Jr. Bartoli Ernest C. Beale John O. Bell Arthur I-I. Belsha Peter J. Benitez Juan A. Benton James R . Berkbigler Kenneth A. Berry Robert T. Black William M. Blalock Randy W. Bodeman Alan L. Bontz Daniel L. Book Neil L. Boshears Jimmy L. Boyd Stephen J. Brannan Randall J. Brown . Phillip L. Bumbicka Lawrence V. Burke Teriel E. Busch Kenneth L. Butherus Thomas A. Butts James D . Cadwallader George W. Campbell F lake C. Campo Carl A. Carmichael Dwight E. Carson Alan W. Chenoweth Daryll W. Chien John F . Christen Randolph F.

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Alumni Donors ______________________.________________________________ 1972 continued Clifton Arlene K. Co bble James J. Collings James R . Co lwell George E . III Corley Jo hn :VI. Cribb John A. Crow Michael L. C urt h r. Oscar Dicken Stanley C. Doerr Ro bert M. D unn Wyatt M. Eckelkam p Ronald M. Edwards Jo hn W . Jr. Egbert Robert I. Ernst William G. Evers William G . Eyennann T ho mas J . Finn G erald W . Fletcher Jean W . Lancaster Jean W. Ford Leland W. Forsee Gary D. Freeman Raymo nd A. Frisbee Daniel E. F ureigh Michael L. Garrett L. Wayne Gatro st Archie F. GlofT R ichard H . Godar M ichael E . Grana Dominic J . Graves Paula D. Radder Paula D . G undy Douglas G . Halbert Jeffery L. Hambacker Kurt L. Hampel James K. Hanes Lo uis W . Jr. Hanke Brett L. Harms Barry A. Harris George L. HeUrich Linus H. Herrmann James R. Heseman Calvin R . Higgins Jack R . Hill Terence M . Holliday Robert L. Holt Michael L. Hunding Carl W. III Hutchins Gerald L. Ibarra Santiago J . Jr. Jaggi Susan A. Winscher Susan A. Jesse Hugh A. Jilg Michael J . Jones Alan W . Kalter Charles J. Karably Louis S. Keith Warren N. Kifer Kenneth K . Klein Robert E . Konradi Keith E. Kovarik Casper F . Jr. Kriegshauser Paul C. Jr. Krysa Mitchel S. Kubiak Steven V . Kuo Robert L. To whom it may concern: Thank you very much for selecting me to receive a Clyde W. Hall Scholarship for the 1987-88 aca. demic year. The $\000 will help allow me to concentrate on my studies rather than take a part time job. Again, thank you. Your support is a boost to both my fin ancial situation and to my morale! Sincerely yours, Kevin B. Edwards Junior in Nuclear Engineering Rolla, Mo. Editor's Note: Kevin is the student member of the UM Board of Curators.

26/ MSM Alumnus

Kuspa John P. Lam be Clinton R. Lancaster Jean \V. Fletcher Jean W . Laramie Raymo nd F . Lauth Jo hn A. Leavitt Dallas R. Lee Do n I. Lepper Stephen P. Lester Freddie H. Loepp Arthur R. Luzynski Lawrence H. Lyo n James S. Marek James D . Markussen Merritt K. Math ur Ellen G. Mo ntague Ellen G. Mathus Steven C. Matthes Alfred W. II McClain Gregory D . McConnack Howard F . Jr. McWilliams Roscoe R . Jr. Merten Peter M . M inden Francis J . Miodunski Ro bert L. Mo ntague Ellen G. Mathur Ellen G. M ueller Kent W . M ugan John W . M ulligan James A . III M yers Charles T. III Naeger Anna F. . Nagel G erald A. Nash Lee A . Nash Zebul un Nelden James W. Nelso n Steven F. Nethington Dennis R. Neumeyer Lowell H . Nielsen Jim L. Niennann Frederick J. J r. Njus Carter Z . Ochoa Juan Guillenno Oliver Daniel L. Orella Gary J. Oster Kenneth B. Ostennann Nonnan P. Padgett Donald L. Park Dean A. Parsons Clyde T. Jr. Partridge Ral ph M. Pattiz Perry A . Perez W . Marie Phipps John O . Pitt Dale M . Price G . Lynn Puettmann David R . Radder :'-Jonnan C. Radder Paula D . Graves Paula D . Rages Kathy A . Ranek William F. Recto r Stephen W. Rice Jeffery D . Riegel Richard J . Ro ss G lenn R . R u sh Steven D . Salmo n Jerry R . Santucci Ceasar J. Scheibel T ho mas E. Schilling Michael D . Schlett Paul E. Schmo ldt Hans K . Schoenefeld Karl F. III Schuessler Richard B. Schweer Jeffery A. Schweizer F rederick A. Shanklin Gary E. Sindel Marvin V. Jr. Smith Gary A. Smith Russell D. Spector Stanley M . Stanley Ro bert L. Stehly Daniel W . Stephen s Dennis L. Summers A . Lawrence Jr. Sutherland Robert A. Taylor M ichael E. Taylor Roger K . Tenfelder Jo hn W .


Mechanical Engineering BUilding

Thies Stephen M . T ho m pson T ho mas G . T ibbits Michael B. T itus Russel L. Toth R obert C. Upchurch Gregory E . Weekley Martin L. Jr. Widmer Rex C. Williams Dale E. Winscher Susan A. Jaggi Susan A. Wissman n Harold J . Jr. Witte Donald R. Woods Ro y B. III Woo sley David E . Z immer Paul A . Zinselmeier Albert E.

¡1973 Akers Thomas D . Allen R o bert D. Anderson Glenn R . Anderson G regory T. Anderson \1ichael B. Arens T ho mas M. Atchley Katherine V . Dillon Katherine V . Baker Edwin R . Baker John W .. Barry David L. Beck William J . Beckmeyer Margy A. Rice Margy A. Behan T hom as A . Bergtholdt Stephen J . Berkbigler Kathryn \1 .P. I31and \1ichael P . Blattel Steven R . Bo rusiewich Daniel A. Bosky Marie L. Botts Jo hn W. Bowie James E. Jr. Bratovich \1att W . Bremer Wayne P . Brinton Jo hn C. Bru nner Larry A. Buechel Robert \1 . Jr. Butts Michael C. Byrne James M . Byrne Patrick M. Campbell F red W . Carter Karen S. Chatman James W . Jr. Christiansen Stephen D. Coartney C harles R . Colter Kim D . Copley Larry A. Jr. Cora Jay K .

Court M ichael R . Davies Carol A. Langemach Carol A . Degel F rank C. Dempsey Randall G . Dickof Frank A . Dierker Steven B. Dillo n Katherine V . Atchley Katberine V . Dixo n Vewiser L. Jr. Doering Dennis N . Downs Philip R . Dumser Paul J . Easterwood Michael J . Ebbesmeyer David J . Eck James M . Edele James S. Eman uel Richard L. F adem Craig L. Fahy M ichael P . Fehlig Mark G. Fennewald Gary J . Fettennan Phillip S. Fischer Lud wig J. Fitzpatrick William J . Flaminio Charles L. Fletcher Stanley T . Fortune James R . F ritchie Denis R . F ulkerson Francis M . Jr. Garrison Stephen L. Gastreich Kent D. G ault Randolph P. Gayer Evelyn L. G egg James F . George William W . Giles William E . Go ldammer Steven R . G onzcnbach Jack E. Goodman Roger K . Graves Thomas E . Greco David E . Grelle Dennis E. Grossman Alvin E. Gro tefendt Rande H . Hamilto n James R . Harten berger Jeffrey L. Ileatheriy Do uglas A . IIegg Wilfred E. Heincker William R . HeUrich James H . Henderson Gary R . Hendren Larry L. Hendren Po lly A. Reed Po lly A. Hillho use Jim L. Hinkle K . Daniel Hofer Jo hn R . Horstmann Paul W. Ilorto n Roger L. Hu kku Suman K. Jamieson Hugh V. III Janes Lyle F. Jarboe Paul L. Jr.



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Alumni Donors ________________________________________________________ 1973 continued Jones Ronald L. Keating John \1 . Key John L. Killinger Jolm C. Kleinert Andrew J. Kleinman Robert A. Kluge · Rolland H. Knoll David A. Koewing James W. Krasner Herbert C. Kroeter David W. Kuechenmeister Kenneth W. Kuntz Richard D. Lamano Larry L. Lance Richard J. Lane William L. Langemach Carol A. Davies Carol A. Laramore Robert D. Larson Dennis W. Lawler James E. Lederle GaJy J. Lett Steven K. Lewis Lawrence L. Lindstrom John A. Linsenbardt Thomas L. Luck Michael W. Ludwig Frederick W. Marthaler Daniel L. Jr. Martin Jimmy D. McAlpin J . Gary McCleary Ronnie Neil McClure David T. McGinty Charles C. Meehan James R. Menke Elaine A. Miller Clarence M. III . Milne Robert J. Mische William E. Mitchell Bruce S. Montague Michael W. Moore Darryl Moscoso A Jose A. Mueller Wayne K. Nance Terry J. Nichols Byron K. North John E. :\'ugent John C. Oligschlaeger David Ordija Victor Owens Rosemary F. Rois Rosemary F. Patterson 1.- Scott Jr. Pederson Paul E. Pendergrass Dennie L. Petermann Ernie W. Peters Richard E. Pickell Mark B. Poe Earl J. III Pozza John C. Jr. Preston Robert P. Prewitt Roger M. Rambow Frederick H.K. Rau Bruce W. Reed Polly A. Hendren Polly A. Reel Dana V. Rees Paula Hudson Reiter John R. Rice ;\1argy A. Beckmeyer :Ylargy A. Rickman Douglas L. Ritter Joy L. R yan Joy L. Robertson Stephen L. Rocoberto Michael Rois Ro semary F. Owens Ro semary F . Rorabaugh James L Ryan Joy L. Ritter Jo y L. Sallas John J. Schafale Richard G. Schafermeyer Richard G . Schilling John R . Schindler George A. Schlueter Steven E.

Dea r Mr. Mackaman, I am pleased and impressed that UMR Alumni make a concerted effort to promote quality education and assist young people in attaining their goals. L am ~lso thankful that the alumni have made the Alumni Association I Scholarship available and honored to have been selected for this opportunity. Again, thank you for your generosity . Sincerely, Todd W. Lewis Freshman Engineering Edmond, Okla.

Critchfield John W. Cropp Kenton A. Curdt J. Calvin Deaver Elizabeth E. Todd Elizabeth E. Degenhardt Dean A. Dowdy John P. Duane t'.'icholas C. Dunford Randall B. Dupont Stevef.! J . Elgin Richard L. Engberg Robert A. Enloe Bruce A. Farley Lyn R . Foil James L. Foon Gerald J. Frazer Bohn A. Gaal Gary E. Gaia Mark A. Gant Dawn E. Schuessler Dawn E . Gardner Larry W. Gibson John W . . Gibson Kristie C. Gilliam Sandra F. Marthaler Sandra F. Gooch William O. Green Charles R. Greer James F. Jr. Grotefendt Judith R Wilson Judith R. .Hadley Susan H. Rothschild Susan H. Hall Stephen W. Ham John S. Hamilton John W. Hamilton Kenneth C. Harris Norman A. Jr. Harrison Diana L. Toth Diana L. Havens Vance N. Hayes Thomas E. Head David W. Heavin Jerry W. Hempler Robert G . Hensley James R . Heuckroth Mark W.

Scott Brad H. Scott Larry L. Simmons Curt A. Skain John C. Skasick Steven M . Skelly James B. Slovensky Richard C. Smith Richard A. Stahl William H. Stance David C. Stauffer Jeffrey M. Stewart Roy T. Stratman Mark X. Stritzel David L. Swoboda Alexis C. Tattitch Stephen T. Tebow David K. Thompson J. Kenneth Timme Robert G . Toch \1aximilian Vaeth Richard M. Wallace Lloyd N. Waller John \1. Walz Michael A. Watkins Wesley S. Weddle Philip B. Wegener Curt L. . Weidler Gary R. Wemcr Kenneth W. Wilhelms Steven C. Willmore Jerry L. Willoughby Ronald D. Wilson Chris D. Wilson John R . Wilson Willis J. Yates Frank \1. Young Terrill A .

1974 . Adams Jo·h n E. Altis Martin E. Ammons Harry L. Am singer Mark T . Anderson Dennis R . Bachmann Roy O. Baker DeAnn Lewis DeAnn Baker Richard:Y1. Barkalow T homas W. Barker Charles E. Barris Stephen N. Blankenship Gary L. Blase John J . Boecker :Ylark S. Bohn Ellen B. Cherry Ellen B. Bolin Donald H. Bonczyk Bruce S. Borgmeyer Marvin E. Bradbury John F . Jr. Brennecke Robert A. Bridges Steven D. Briggs James A.

Brockmeier Robert R. Bross David K. Brueckmann Michael A. Calvin Paul N. Campbell John R . . Carron Michael D. Case Dan H. Cavinder Mark D. Cesare Joseph A. Chen Emy A-;\1ei Cherry Ellen B. Bohn Ellen B. Clarke William P. Clausen Edgar C. Clavenna Mark D. Coates Willard D. Codespoti Daniel J. Coleman Robert L.


IIeuckroth William E. Higgins Arthur J. Hoeflin ger Larry J. Holcomb W. Jeffrey Hossain Md Mosharraf Howell Stephen H. Hughes Dale W. Hupp Kenton L. Hurst Lindell R. Jr. Hurst Michael D. Hurtte James E. Iden Douglas C. Ivers Jeffrey L. Jessey David R . Johnson Bruce L. Jones James S. Judd Dennis L. Kanevsky David A. Keeling Michael F. Kellison Rodney D. Kerns Danny L. Kerns Randy G. Kinsella Michael J . Kirk Charles P. Sr. Kornacki Alan S. Kovener Gary S. Krener Gllmore W. Jr. Kuliniewicz Allen P. Lakebrink Stephen P. Lapp M. Monica Lauer M . Monica Larkins Richard R. Latal Danny L. Latall Randolph A. Lauer M. Monica Lapp M. Monica Legal Robert P. Legate John E. LeGrand Rodney J. Lenz Richard G. Lenz Sandra M. McLain Sandra M. Lewis DeAnn Baker DeAnn Lewis Neal A. Luth Louis H. III MacMann Paula J . Polette Paula J. Mall Michael G. Marthaler Sandra F . Gilliam Sandra F . Mattlage Martin R. McFarland Dan L. McKee Richard H. McKinney James L. McLain Sandra M. Lenz Sandra M. McMillian Richard D. Meier Dennis R . Melton John R . Mengel Matthew L. Messina Anthony D. Miller Gregory W. Miller Michael J. Morlang Daniel A. Jr.


Physics Building

MSM Alumnus127

AlumniDonors ______________________________________________~~---Dear Mr. Mackaman: I was really excited to hear I was chosen for the Transfer Scholarship. I would like to thank you for making the scholarship available. Receiving this scholarship really helps to boost my self-confidence. It is nice to know that someone has faith in me. This scholarship will also 'help to ease the financial burden of paying for college whi le acquiring an education . Sincere ly yours, Jeffrey L. Carril Junior in Civil Engineering Collinsville, III.

Walker Jo seph D. Walsh John G. Warfield David M. Weyhaupt Gilbert J. White James J . White Mark D. White Randall B. Whitso n Michael E. Wilks Roland R. Williams Robert M . Jr. Wilson Judith R. Grotefendt Judith R. . York larry B. Young David M.

1974 continued Motherwell Jonathan T. Mull Thomas E. Oelschlaeger Robert L. Pariani Gary J. Payne Richard D. Pence Mrs Harry Perriguey Roger W. Peterson Jerry D. Polette Paula J. MacMann Paula J. Ponzer Rolland J. Pool John M. Psihoyios Ioannis A. Queathem Robert L. Randall Harvey G. Rehkop Thomas G . Rice David A. Rice Lynn C. Sheridan Lynn C. Rich Jerry L. Roach Robert C. Robertson William G . Robinson Thomas L. Roe Denne L. Rogers William L. Rothschild Susan H. Hadley Susan H. Russell Joseph Kensey Sager David A. Sapo rita Vincent J. Savells Kenneth C. Scheumbauer John T. Schlemper Leon I. Schuessler Dawn E. Gant Dawn E. Schwartz Andrew J. Sengupta Subrata Sewell Steven L. Sheahen David J. Sheridan Lynn C. Rice Lynn C. Skosey George A. Smith Bruce G. Smith Ricky D. Smith Stephen D. Smith Willard B. Sorrels Stanley W. Souders Steven W. Speck Robert C. Staponski Randall E. Stegner George D. Steinnerd Donald J. Stranghoener Randy L. Strunk Gregory M. Jr. Suellentrop Stephen G. Talbott David L. Terry Michael L. Thalharnmer Mark G. Thompson Randall G. Tiehes Robert V. Todd Elizabeth E. Deaver Elizabeth E. Torelli Anthony J. Toth Diana L. Harrison Diana L. Travelstead Charles W. VanHouten James H.

28/MSM Alumnus

1975 Agnew Allen B. Algaier :v1ark D. Antal David D. Aronberg Garry R. Baker Bruce D. Barrack Nicholas E. Basye Richard E. Bechtold M. Scott Beem David M. Bertram Jeffery P. Bier Patrick K. Billups Frank K. Blauvelt David S. Bodenhamer Steven D. Boehme Vernon P. Boiles John H. Boon Thomas S. Bopp Jeffery T. Borowiak Thomas G. Brake Michael B. Brendel Jerome C. Brewer Carl A. Jr. Brugger Patrick H. Burke Kim A. Capps Jeffrey C. Chappel Harry A. Chen Wen-Liang W. Chou Bor-Shin Clayton Barbara J. Cole Jimmy D. Congiardo Mark R. Cooper Charles M. Cravens Robert C. Daniells Charles P. Jr. Davis Michael L. Dengi Semahat Sinharoy Semahat Dolson George M. Durbin Ronald C. Easson Sheldon A . Easterly Michael M. Ebert Joseph J. Ellebrecht David E. Ellis Thomas B. Eppestine Diane C. Gibbs Diane C. Erder Richard W. Erickson Alan G. Erickson Christina K. Evertowski Mark S. Fender Peter A. Finley Larry R. F isher Patrice M. Harman Patrice M. Flack Frank L. Forster T erry J. Fournier Joseph D. Francis David H. Freese Guy R. Flicke James R. Frueh Richard H. Galbierz Bruce E. Garnett Michael J. Gibbs Diane C. Eppestine Diane C. Grieser William V. III

Harman Patricc :v1. Fisher Patrice M . Harris Richard E . Ilartmann John C. Hellwig Gregory A . Henley Adoniea D. Randall Adonica D. Ilenry Douglas J. I'Iiggins Jerry D. Hillhouse Charles A. Ilillhouse Michael D . IIinide Delores J. James Delores J. llolcomb Steven K. I'Iolley Thomas K. Holmes Roger E. Huang Jong-Chin Irvine William D. James Delores J . Hinkle Delores J. Jansen Robert P. Jauregui-Arias Rafael Jinkerson Kenneth R .¡ Joshua Michael W. Kambol Stephen A. Kaufman John M. Keebler James H. Keil Louis H. Kiefer Jerry Kingsborough Roger H. Kissack Robert W. Knoch James W. Kobylinski Richard A. Koehler David E. Kopp Richard J. Kunderman Vincent J . K urz Cleve A. Kuse Gary D. LaBouff Gary A. Larkins Lawrence J . Leemann Gary D. Leitterman Pamela A. Thebeau Pamela A. Lewis David R. Lewis Michael P. Linhardt Steven F. Linker Rodney E. Lohman Edward J. Lorenz Mark S. Lorenz William P. Lucas Bernard C. Jr. Lueckenhoff William F. Lurtz Bruce D. Luttes Craig T. Maddox Hubert R . Mahar Clifford A. Marse Kenneth J. Marsh Janet E. Martin James H. Marting John J . McBride Gregory C. McCartney Clifford A. Mclaughlin Francis M. Jr. Meisenheimer Clifford S. Miesner Thomas O.

Milne Thomas J. \-1itchum Ronald E. :v1ittler Thomas J. :v1oore francis E. Jr. Morford Earl F. :v1uckerman David K. Mueller \t1ark B. Myers Kenneth L. i'iickolcy William E. Noel Tommy C. Oliver Pamela S. Opfer Frank M. Pace Randy C. Paschke Allen J. Patrick Wesley C. Patrick William W. Peach William J. Pham Xuan C. Potts Ronald R. Powell Raymond F. Prater Raymond B. Jr. prudic David E. Quinn Michael J. Rachels Darrell J. Rakestraw Robby Ray Randall Adonica D. Henley Adoniea D. Rechtien Thomas J. Reynolds \t1artin K. Riggs James M. Jr. Robb Bryan C. Roberts Ronald R. Rodgers Edward W. Roy Daniel c. Rushton Melvin A. St Clair Daniel C. Schaefer Melvin G . Schneider Thomas P. Sheolnik David H. Sinharoy Semahat Dengi Semahat Sinn Jerry L. Sinn Larry F. Skibiski Kevin C. Smith Thomas H . Starke Stephen E. Starkweather Michael H. Steele Donald D. Stellern John L. Storck W. Fred Sweet Darrell L. Temme Ronald C. Tesar Mark W. Thebeau Daniel W . Thebeau Pamela A. Leitterman Pamela A. Timmermann George J. Treasurer Roberta L. Wilhelm Roberta L. Trower Ronald B. Tsukamoto Tadashi Tyler L. John Jr. Underhill Thomas N. Unks John D. Van Harty C. Jr.

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AlumniDonors~ .


1975 continued Vancil Stephen P. Vogt \1ark W. Ward Terry L. Weaver Roland S. III Wegman John L. Wehmeyer Denni s B. Welch Bernard J. \Vcnk Dan K. Wcstermayer Jolm C. Wildschuetz Robert A. Wilhelm Robcrta L. Treasurer Roberta L. Williams Dcwayne B. . Williamson Richard F. Wilson Daniel \1 . Witte Anthony J . Wood Delmls L. Wright Kenton B. Y~tz William P. Zerwtg I-larry J.

Walter T. Schrenk Hall

1976 Abney Paul A. Agnew Joyce W. Aguilar Michael J. Ahal William R. Ahrens dune K. Al then Donald L. Arndt Terry L. Austin Douglas W. BagnaU Kent A. BagnaU Lindsay E. Lomax Lindsay E. Bailey Wayne P. Barclay David A. Becker Kathryn A . Hand Kathryn A . B~m Sandra R. !tames Sandra R. Bhasin Kul Biddle Myron H. Blankenship Kenneth W. Bookout Barry D. Bo)Cx James P. Bradley Dale E. Bradley David R. Brandt Robert R. Braun Robert P. Bray Lana J. Scott Lana J. Brothers Stephen A. Brown Michael D. Bruenger Mark D . Bruno Judith M. Wilson Judith M. Burton Robert E. Butz Todd R . Cannon George E. Jr. Carter John D . Castor Lawrence W . Chang Yu Tai Chronister ' Donald J. * Cieciwa Gregory A. Coffman Terry R. Coleman Kitn C. Livengood Kim C. Cottrell Ricky H. Coursen Denise K. Crane Russell J. Cummings Ted \1. Dabler Edward R. Jr. Dalen Mark D. Denner David K. Denner Denise M. Lovasco Denise M. DeWitt Robert J . Dillard David A. Di0:apoli \1ichael A. Dolle Gary L. Donovan William P.


Drechsler Terry L. Dulin Catherine L. Stellem Catherine L. Dunlop James S. J r. Dutton Roland E. Jr. Eckert Fay E. Schubert Fay E. Eckert Stephen G. Ehrhard William E. EI- Baz Hazim Elifrits C. Dale Elliott Robert D. Ellis Michael E. Elrod Eric W. Entwistle Ronald L. Feagan Wilbur S. Fill~baum John A. Fleischman Robert F. F leschner Richard A. Folta Joseph E. Jr. Foltyn Stephen R. Fowler Vercy K. Fradenburgh Lois J . Walker Lois J. Freeman Richard A . Fugate Michael W. Gamer Harold R. Gilbert Steven R. Ginnever William J. Gordy Thomas W. . Griese James C. Guevel Lawrence A. Haigh Bruce W . Hand Kathryn A. Becker Kathryn A. Harmon Cynthia S. Hilleary Cynthia S. Haug Gregory G. Helmkamp Robert E. Herman Charles Herman John D. Hesse Paul J . Hicks Gregory K. Hicks Mark T. Hilleary Alexander L. Hilleary Cynthia S. Harmon Cynthia S. Hughes RandaU L. Humme'! Robert J. Ipock D. Freddie Jacezko Michael Jr. Jackso n Ronald E. Jackso n Stcvcn D. Jaeger John J . Jerome Michael L. KaUmeycr Gary M. Kames Sandra R . Beem Sandra R . Kothari Harshed V. Krebs Danny J . Kricgshauscr John D . Krueger \1 ichael R. Kuhn Catherine M. Scholl Catherine M. Kuhn David H.

Kutz Anthony W. Lammert Leland V. Leach Rodney W. Leaver Paul H. Lee Darrell R. Leitterman Dennis W_ Leonard James V. Liefer Mark E. Livengood Kim C. Coleman Kim C. Lomax Lindsay E. BagnaU Lindsay E. Lovasco Denise M . Denner Denise M. Lueckenhoff Michael J. Luetkemeyer Kenneth E. Maddox Patrick A. Mahin Clifford A. Mangoff John "i. Jr. Marikos Mark A. Markey Richard A. McCann Lewis A. McCartney Jill A . . Westermayer Jill A. McCoy Thomas H. McGavock Michael W. McLean James T. Jr. ' McMillan Druery W. Meister William G. Melcher Richard W. Merciel James A. Jr. Miehe William K. Miller Melanie G. Naeger Melanie G. Mills James A. Moritz John Alfred Jr. Morrill Kim M. Simon Kim M. Moyes Thomas L. Naeger Melanie G. Miller Melanie G. Nail Matthew E. Niemann David W. Oberdick R. Kevin Offutt Jo seph C. III Parrish Duane L. Pelger James R . Perrymore Loyd G. Petzel Charles S. Polk Herman J . Porter Paul D. Pozzo Ronald J. Proctor Frank E. Jr. Rackers Dennis S. Rhodes Gary W. Rovak Gene L. SaUwasser Michael E. Sampson Rodney J. II Sapp Paul W. Sappington Gayle L. Satterlee Stephen C. Schelin JohnA. Schcnke Karl R . Schmale Mark W .

Scholl Catherine M. Kuhn Catherine M. Schubert Fay E. Eckert Fay E. Schwab Lawrence R. Schwager Sally S. SmaU saUy S. Scott Lana J. Bray Lana J. Shea Patrick R. Shoemaker Larry W. Simon Dennis M . Simon Kim \1. \10rrill Kim M. Sinn Elizabeth A. Skillman Daniel W . Skipper David J. SmaU saUy S. Schwager saUy S. Smith David B. Smith Norman S. Snider S. Duke Snodgrass William D. Spencer James T. Stack Irvin R. Stellem Catherine L. D ulin Catherine L. Swenty Brian J. Swinarsky Gerald Tatman Thomas A. Telthorst Paul J. Terschluse Gary F . Toombs Howard L. Trimble John R. Underwood Daniel H . . Vail Roger I. Van Praag Jeffrey R . Vasel Melvin F. Vehige Jos~ph A. Ve1illa Carlos D. Verheyen Paul E. Vessell Royce L. Virtue Steven C. Vlcek Robert W. Wagner Stephen C. Walker' Lois J. Fradenburgh Lois J . Wasserman Leonard H. Wassilak Jeffry P. Westermayer Jill A. McCartney Jill A. Wiese Charles W. Wille Matthew J. Wilson Judith M. Bruno Judith M. Wimmer Wesley A. Woessner Michael E. Wohlert William D. Wood James D. Woods Kenneth L. Ziegler Stephen).

Dear Sir: I want the Alumni Association to know that I appreciate the $5000 four-year scholarship which I was chosen to receive. The additional $ 1250 yearly will certainly lessen the financial burden on me and my family while I am in college. I plan to attend the University of Missouri-Rolla this fall. I hope that I can represent you well while in college and later on in the business world. Thank you for recogn izing my academic success and high test scores. Your scholarship award is certainly an encouragement to me. Sincerely yours, Brian L. Jenkins Fresh man Engineering Camdenton, Mo.

MSM Alumnus129



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Alumni Donors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1977 Allen Bruce H. Allen Paul M. Alsberg Charles F. Alvey Mark S. Andres Paul D . Ashrafzadeh Azamoosh Bingaman Donald C. Bischof Steven P. Blair Steven L. Bockelman Keith L. Boegner Philip J. Bollinger Terry B. Bradway Bruce R. Brewer Lawrence O . Brickner Timotny G. Bruns John M. Brzuchalski Dale A. Brzuchalski Debra M. Kersting Debra M. Buck Jeffrey E. Buzbee T erry D. Cadwell Warren D. Christians William R . Claus Jeffrey J . Cody Patrick J. Colvin Kathleen M . Meyerkord Kathleen M. Cook Aaron L. Copeland Gregory C. Cover Theodore L. Cowan Keith J. Cravens Lessa R. Harding Lessa R . Dallas Robert P. Darby Kevin P. . Derbak Gregory S. Di Quarto Maria G. Gharakhani Maria G . Drumm Thomas M. Eckelkamp James T. Eloe Paul W . Ewens Joy M . Thompson Joy M . Fitzmaurice Richard R. Foltyn Elizabeth M. Freise David G . Fronick David H. Fuchs Douglas B. Gaebler Robert F. Gallagher John B. Gharakhani Maria G . Di Quarto Maria G . Gioia Joseph M. Goodman Harvey E. Greenwald Ted A. Gutierrez Ernest Haggard Henry E. Hahn Veronica D. Jansen Veronica D . Hamilton Leslie R. Dear Mr. Mackaman: I was recently informed by the Student Financial Aid Office that I have been selected to receive a scholarship made available by the Alumni Association Board of Directors. I cannot begin to say how excited I ~m to receive this scholarship . It will really help pay for my continuing education here at UM R. A good education is so important nowadays, and UMR is one of the ~e s t schools in the natio n for gettmg a good education in engineering. I would like to sincerely thank you and the Board of Directors for making this scholars hip possible. Sincerely yours, Roger Wayne Tyree Senior in Electrical Engineering Sullivan, Mo.

30lMSM Alumnus


Harding ' Lessa R. Cravens Lcssa R. Hartman Paul G. Hastey James P. Jr. Hillis :\1ichael D . Hilt David W. Hofman Jerry L. Hoog Timotl lY J. Hummert James B. Jr. Izer Terry M. Jansen Veronica D. Hahn Veronica D. Johnson Stanley C. Kausch Michael J. Jr. Keats Dennis R. Kelley David D. Kent Clark K. Kersting Debra M. Brzuchalski Debra M. Kinnett Douglas G. Kim Michael D. Klie Ross R . Kobylinski Edmund A. Koch Daniel B. Kossina Paul G. Ladage John J . Jr. Lampe Dominic P . Lampe Steven W . Leonard Robert G . Liescheidt Steven G . Lincicome James D. Linck Richard P . Livengood Ross D. Logan Terry D. Loos Louis G . II MacGlashan Mark L. Marx Michael A. Masnor Marc L. Mastroianni Mark L. Mattes Roy J. Jr. McDowell M ichael D. McGrath George M. Jr. Metheny William E . Jr. Meyerkord Kathleen M. Colvin Kathleen M . Minne Eric M . Moore Randall L. Morgan Twyla D. Mosby Randall L. ' Mudd Daniel T. Mullins Kathleen M . Wright Kathleen M. Murrell Scott L. Naeger Robert J. Nielsen Kurt S. Noland Leslie A. No rthup John H. III Owens Terry A. Panhorst Terry L. Parkhill Stuart T. Pelech Jack Perry David L. Post Steven W. Price Peter T. Price Sean E. Rauzi Thomas J . Reilly Scott M. Reis Steven J . Riggs Robert A. Riley William A. Jr. Roebke Gary E. R uhling Gary A . Sammet Dennis M. Sample William G. Schnettgoecke Lambcrt G . Schnoebelen Paul C. III Schwartze Roger A. Sebree Mark M . Shackelford Michael L. Sillyman Joey E . Smith David A. Stinnett Maurice E . Stutsman John V. Sudheimer R aymond A. Sudholt Terry A. Talbot Nicole L.M . Thompson Joy M . Ewens Joy M. Thorn David L.

Thumian Donald R. Ulrich Donald L. Valla Leo B. Vallar John J. Vandeven Torie Ann Van Houton D . Larry Vanzo Mark A. Vatanapradit Thirapit Vento John A. Vogel Ernest F . Wacker Robert C. Walker David L. Walker John Walker Rhonda A. Walter Brian H. Wang David C. W eiss Michael W. Welzbacher Jeffrey D . Wenzlick John D. Widner Ronnie D. Willett Nary J . Williams Ronald J. Windecker Harry L. Wolverton Jon A .. Wonderly Paul E . Wright Kathlecn M . Mullins Kathleen M. Wyatt Bradley J. Young Clarissa C. Yow Michael G. Ziegler John A.

1978 Abrams Lawrence K. Albee Stephen E. Allcn Stephen L. Baker Gregory J . Baker Ronald E. Ballad Robert V. Baumann Richard E. Becker Jo seph J . Behr Vance L. Bell Michael K. Beresik Theodore L. Bestor Ted F . Bezdek William J. Binz Daniel L. Bodenhamer Kevin C. Bonilla Alfredo III Brinkmann Darryl L. Brisbee Mary B. Coffman Mary B. Brugnara ' Michael A. Brunts Stephen C. Bulftngton Darrel L. Bullman Mrs Gale Callahan Susan L. Campbell William T. Cawvey James L.

Chamberlain Ethan A. Coffman Mary B. Brisbee Mary B. Colliton James E. Corbin Gary A. Crocker Melva D. Dagestad Pamela S. Whaley Pamela S. Davidson Glen R. Day Ramona E. Wagner Ramona E. Deckerd Harold L. DeThorne Jacquelyn M . Falconi Jacquelyn M. Durbin Rpbert C. Ellerbrake Brenda E. Liescheidt Brenda E. Epperson Joseph Erickson Kelvin T. Everett William M. Falconi .Jacquelyn M. DeThorne Jacquelyn M . Faler Dennis L. Farley Stanten K . Fields Richard E. Fleck Kenneth S. Fournier Mark A. Freeman Robert D. Ganofsky John R. Jr. Goldammer Russell L. Goodlet Roger F . Goodson Richard W. Grantham Rodger P . Gredell Thomas R. Green Alan W. ... Greene Jeffry J . Grice John V. Hargis Gary L. Harrington Nancy E. Harris Patrick L. Haynes Michael A. Hciskell Donald J. Hepler Thomas E . Hilton Wilma K. Kim Wilma K . Hogenmiller Glenn D. Holcomb Charles L. IIolland David K. Jr. Hunter John J. Johney Glenn E. Johnson John E. Johnson Robert J . Johnston Karl A. . Jones Dennis D . Kamler Patricia L. Kastcn Bradley¡ W . Keaster Daniel J . Kelley Thomas D. Kinchen Dennis J . Kirkpatrick James C. Kim Wilma K. Hilton Wilma K . Kuhlmann Edward F . Jr. Kunz Frcderick L. Lahay Kevin M.



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Alumni Donors _____________________________________________________ 1978 continued '" Lambe rt :'vlichael \Y. Lambie Jo hn E. Lang Grego ry A. Lattner James R. Lautcnschlacger Steven D. Lawrence Jac kie L. Levings David:V1. Lewis David B. Lewis Stcven R . Liescheidt Brenda E. Ellerbrake Brenda E . Lincicome E. Dianne Speer E. Dianne Long Gregory P. Love Rosemary.\ll .. Ludwig Michael F . Martin Daniel L. Mason Robert W. Massey Samuel L. Maxfield William L. Maxwell Gary R. Maxwell Lawrence E. May John M. McBee Shara M. Mount Shara M. McCallister Larry D . McCallister Terry D . McFarland Raymond M. .\IIcMinn Rita S. Stockhecker Rita S. .\IIelcher John P. Mescher Kirk T. Mitchell Robert e. Mount Shara M. McBee Shara M. Mueller James G. Mueller Robert J. Muldoon Richard A. Nauert Paul J. Jr. O' Dell Daniel G. Olson Stephen A. Ortbals Robert J . Ostapowiez Phillip G . Padfield Lawrence J . Parker James W. Parks James S. Party James M. Perkins Gregory S. Pham Van Thanh Pippenger Jackie G . Poertner Ronald L. Posey J ack W . Po st Mark K. Pozzo James R. Pratt Michael L. Rau James T. Reed Danny A. Rethmeyer Stephen J. Rice Kenn eth O. Rinne Steven P. Rivero Sergio N. Roberts James M. Roenfeldt Mark A. Rokhsaz Karnran R ustige Gregory J . Schaefer :'v1ichael E. , .; Schnell Robert J. Schulte Dennis W. Sees David I I. Seppelt Mark E. Sewell Kenneth R . Shoemaker Stephen H . Sikavi Tony Silver H. \Yard Simac :'v1ichael R. Smith Michael J . Speer E. Dianne Lincicome E. Dianne . Sperling David J. Statler David E . Stockhecker Rita S. McMinn Rita S. Stolwyk John N. Stone Barry N. Strange Mark A. Sutto n James L. Taggart Gary J. T enholder Robert J .

Dear Mr. Mackaman: I just rece ntl y received a letter advising me th at I will o nce again receive the Alumn i Associat ion II Scholarship for the academic year 1987-88 in the amount of $2000. I wo uld , at this time, like to ex press my since re appreciation for being a rec ipient again. T~e scholarship proved to be of great ass istance this academic yea r and I'm sure it will in the yea r to co me as well. Thank yo u for the financial support I've been given in my college endeavo rs. Sincerely, Timothy J. Dickinso n Sophomore in Aerospace Engineering Pacific, Mo. Tipton Bruce R . , Toth Richard J . Unklesbay AG. , Vance Danni e. W agner Ramona E. Day Ramona E. Walther Donald G. Webers David M. Webster Edward P. W esterdale Randy J. Whaley Pamela S. Dagestad Pamela S. Wilson Gregg A. Wilson Gregory Miles Winnett Michael D. Winter David G. Wright James M. Wykoff Dale L. Yin R obert W. Zachritz Walter H . II Ziolko Glen A.

1979 Aguilar Debra C. Kusmec Debra e. Arnan Bradley A. Arnold ]\ancy J . Avery Karen S. Ludwig Karen S. Bach Thomas E. Bachman Bruce C. Bacbler Matthew G . Bagley William C. Bagnell Charles R. Jr. Baron Timothy J. Bauhof frederick C. Beilstein G regory L. Belden David e. Benignus T homas D . Benton Reginald H. Bilgram Walter R. Bissey Philip R. Braun David G. Bredenkamp Ronald e. Bri scuso Joseph V. Brook Alan I I. Brooks Howard L. Buehler Douglas P. Bueler Frederick J r. Burbridge Thomas E. Burford Harry B. Bush Susan J. Holm Susan J . Campbell Wolfgang S. Camey Edwin R. Gasaleggi Susan I I. Po tthast Susan H. Clark George A Cocos Theodore Co nant Paul e.

Cox Andrew W. Crane Lo is M. Luehrman Lois M. Cromer Eric J. C rull Robert J. Curran Stcven M. Daniel Kathleen M . i\liJes Kathleen M. Dill Kathleen A. Shelden Kathleen A Dismuke Steven R. Do nald son Keith L. Doyle Patricia A Drew Roy M. Eales Christopher J . Eash Jo hn F. Eisenbeis Kevin R . Englehart William E. Enso r Steven E. Ernst Ro nald L. Ctem Richard D. Feeler Steven S. Fischer Rudo lph H. Flynn Darrell e. Forck Glen F . Ford Stephen P. Foster Kenneth R . Jr. Foster Milo G. Fulton Anne Gibler Carma J . Stone Carma J. Giovando Robert G . Gladbach Jo seph G. Glascock Dennis G. Greer Louis M. Hadley Stanton W. Hall Charles L. Harding William G. Hart J . Douglas Haug John B. Hebble Terry L. Hehmeyer John M. Heimburger Stanley A . Heiskell Janice T. Hengel David P. IIenson D. Kent Herr Mark A. Hoedl Roberta L. Rudolph Roberta L. Holcomb Timothy J . Holm Susan J. Bush Susan J. Hoo rmann Katherine A . Ho vis Mark A . Hrenak John A. Jr. Huffman Vicki L. Joem Vicki L. Hummel John E. Humphrey James D. Isaacs Lewis W. Jacobi Carl L. Jansen James L. Joem Vicki L. Huffman Vicki L. Johnson Stephen e.

Justus Dayna K. Kelly Joseph M. Kenney Kevin M. Kinsella Joseph J. Kirk Dallas L. Thorn Dallas L. Kitipitayangkul Prasert Kno epke John R. Komos Walter J. Krahenbuhl Mark D. Kremmel T erry L. Kristof Ann e. Smith Ann e. Krusie Ronald S. Kuelker Eugene L. Kunkel Katherine K. Wesselschrnidt Katherine K . Kuo Li-Jen D . Kusmec Debra C. Aguilar Debra C. laFata Christopher M . Lammert Paul T. Lang Stephen A Lewis Jeffery S. Lilleston Richard N . Lockington Steven.\ll. Ludwig Karen S. A very Karen S. Luehrrnan Lois M. Crane Lois M. Lunte Craig E. Mabie Glenn J. Madden Timothy J . ' Maschek Thomas J. Mattione Vincent G. Mayfield Blayne E. McBee John M. McCann Christopher E. McCann David L. McFall Richard W . Jr. Miessner Rebecca S. Nelson Rebecca S. Miles Kathleen M. Daniel Kathleen M. Miller Leon W. Jr. Million Bill G. Montgomery Douglas B. Mormino Mark E. Morse Montgomery A. Myers Jimmie B. Naeger Dennis P. Naeger Duane.\ll. Nankivil Mark A. Nelson Rebecca S. Miessner Rebecca S. Ne umann James P. Newberry. Rosemarie e. Nguyen Tri X. Nunnally Robert e. O ' Daniell Michael W. O' Dear Craig S. Pagan John C. Potthast Susan H. Casaleggi Susan H. Priest Robert M.

University Center-East and West Buildings

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AlumniDonors __________________________________________~_=~--~~~ 1979 continued Pu ndmann Joel A. Quenon Robert H. Rich Joseph M. Richardson David H . Riess Robert A. Riley Kent 0 : Roess Douglas A. Rosener William J. Ruder Joseph A. Rudolph Roberta L. Hoedl Roberta L. R unge Mark E. Sallwasser Steven V. Sauer Harry J . III Schmid Kenneth R . Shelden Kathleen A. Dill Kathleen A. Shirley Jerry W. Simmo ns Stephen W . Slu sher Morgan P. Smi th Ann C. Kristof Ann t. Smith Gary M. Smith Keith A. Smith Raymond J. Sowden Steven K. Staab Kenneth F. Stabo Robert N. Stalnaker Kevin W. Steinhoff . Linda J . Z iolko Linda J . Stief Duane D. Stock Michael D. Stone Carma J. Gibler Carma J . Stupka Michael T. Sullivan Steven M . Sundvo ld Prescott D. Svatek Steven M. Swinson JoJ:m R . Thorn Dallas L. Kirk Dallas L. Tickner Dianna K. Todd Kevin S. . Tordoff David B. Turek J. Leo Unnerstall Lawrence H . Jr. .vandeven John G. Veatch Ann E. Whitty Arin E. Vilbert James S. Virtue Michael D . Watson Lowell R . Wayne Gregory L. Webb David L. Wesselschmidt Katherine K . Kunkel Katherine K. Whitty Ann E. Veatch Ann E. Wiesehan Theodore M . Wilson Lloyd C. Wilson Michael A . Witt Leslie D .

32/ MSM Alumnus

Wolf Law rence D. Wood T edd y J. Yem Alfred Wai-On Yuhas Johanna M. Zigrye Stephen L. Z iobro Mark S. Z iolko Linda J . Steinhoff Linda J.

1980 Adams David L. Adkins Jimmie D . AJJen Jacqueline S. Graham Jacqueline S. Ao ufi Rabah Asfour Karim W. Ashton Harlan R. Barbo ur Koelle G. Barkey Elizabeth C. Barringer Larry L. Bartlett Bruce L. Bates Thomas W . Bean Fred L. Becher Margaret M. Been R obert J . Bilgram Ramo na A. Hooker Ramo na A. Birkemeier T homas M. .Bleikamp Lawrence K. Booher Paul D . Bowermaster Bruce A. Bryant Danny T. Carnevale J. Ken Carter Mark D. Casey John T. Charleville Ro nald J . Ciardullo Daniel A . Clark Gary D. Clarkin Kevin B. Coleman Donald M. Cook Christopher C. Coombs Michael D. Costello Patrick A. Crider Joseph A. . Cul ver Robert E. Daily Kristy K. Defenbaugh Kristy K . Danzo Francis V. Defenbaugh Kristy K . Daily Kristy K. Denison David G . Dennison John R. DeShazo Henry N . II Dillow Merle D. Dittmaier T homas A. Donovan Patricia L. Dorsett Deborah A. Foy Deborah A. Do ss Eddie H.

Dear Frank Mackaman, This letter in sent in gratitude of my recently recejved' Alumni Asso'ciation I Sch.o larship. I ass ure you that the money involved is wellgive n. Perhaps rm a bit egotistical, but I believe that I am a wise investment. Someday, I hope to return the aid to other deserving ¡ students, but for now, all I can do is again express my thanks for helping me in iny struggle to succeed . Sincerely, Mi ke Adams Freshman Engineering Raytown, Mo . Durham James A. Dyer James A. Dykman John R. Eck Mark E. Eggimann Keith A. Eiffert Jackie P. Pleis Jackie P. Eiffert Kenton L. Ellsworth Betty M . Erb R ebecca S. Montgomery Rebecca S. Fahrenkrog Richard A. Fehl Barry D. F ieseler Catherine N. Pyro n Catherine N. Foy Deborah A. Dorsett Deborah A. Frankenbach David G . Fulton Dwight D . Fulton Susan V. Payne Susan V. Galloway R onny N. Gamewell Robert L. Gaston Rick L. Geerlings Jack F. Gerstenkom David A. Giovando Carol A. Scalise Carol A. Gladden Robert A. Glauz William W . Glosier Robert A. Godsy Catherine L. Tepper Catherine L. C.rraham Jacqueline S. AJJen Jacqueline S. Granger Leslie L. \1cIntyre Leslie L. Gray Robert L. Grelle Regina Lewis Regina Guenther Donald E. Guinn Max A. Hagan Kevin J . Hagemann Sherry Lea A. Shipman Sherry Lea A. Hagni Ann Marisa Hamilton Wayne A. Hardin Dennis E .. Heide Debra L. I Icim Patricia L. Thebeau Patricia L. Helfrich T homas J . Heneghan Dean P. Henry Lindsey R . Hi gginbotham Michael J . Hild enbrand Tim oth y L. Hilke David L. Hoelscher Sandra M. Simmons Sand ra M. Hoffman John G. Holman Daniel E. Holmes William R . Jr. Hooker Ramona A. Bilgram Ramona A. Huchingson Scott B. Jaco bs Linda M. Madonna Linda M. Joem Karl C. Jo hnson Isaac H . Johnson Theodis

Johnsto n James R . Jost .)effrey J . . . Kalchbrenner Todd J. Keith Michael W. King Jane t M . Rimmey Janet M. Klavetter Elmer A. Klu mp Michael G. Knobbe Janet M. Kuhlmann James T. Kyser Edward A. III Langerak Jon W . Leach Susan A. Lee Donald J . Lee James D . Leibrandt Charles'vV. Lcichenaue r T holT\as F. Lewis Regina G relle Regina Linck Charles E. Lippitt Carl E. Loesch Janet L. Reiter Janet L. Loesch T erry L. Lovinggood Robert W. Madonna Linda M. Jacobs Linda M . l'vlarfice James P. Martin Carole R. \1assmann James J . Mathey John D. Jr. McCarthy Robert W. II \lcDaniel Ernie C. .. McEvilly Michael J . McField Charles B. Jr. McGowan-Shaw Merrily A. \lcIntyre Leslie L. Granger Leslie L. \lcKervey Gerard W . McVey Elizabeth A. T hurman Elizabeth A. Millman Martin J . Montgomery Rebecca S. Erb Rebecca S. Muehlfarth Earl I. Jr. Mueller M ark~ . ;-\ebbitt E. Bruce Ng Daniel C. K. l\icholson Lawrence A. "ix William J . ~ o rri s Clay A. "iovak Robert M. "ull Steven B. O 'Conno r Thomas M . O ' Hallo ran John R. O ' Keefe Thomas J . IV O xfo rd \1ary E. Siemsgl usz Mary E Payne Susan V. Fulton Susan V. Penning Martin O. Peveler Kenneth E. Pleis Jackie P. Eiffert Jackie P. Porter T ed E. . Presley T erry A. Price Clayton E. Pyron Catherine N. fi eseler Catherine N. Rackley Kevin D. R aines Ronald L. Ranard Wesley J . Reed David E . . Rehkop Lon E. Reiter Janet L. Loesch Janet L. Rinuney Janet M. King Jane t M. Ronchetto Gene C. Ro tramel John D. Rueth er Steve A. Scali se Carol A. Giovando Carol A. Scheiter Gene L. Schelich Andrew C. Schenewerk Mark S. Schimmelpfennig Michael A. Schmidt Michael S. Schmitt David W.


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Alumni Donors _____________________________________________________ 1980 continued Schneider Robert:vl. Schubert Stephen J. Schumacher Keith W . Sheets Jeffrey W. . Shipman Russell C. Shipman Sherry Lea A . Hageman n Sherry Lea A. Shores Richard L. Siemsglu z Mary E. Oxford Mary E. Simac David W. Simmons Sandra \1. IIoelscher Sandra M. Smith Carol Potzmann Smith David L. Smith Gerald K. Smith Keith S. Smith Kenneth C. Smith Ronald L. Smith Thomas A. Snyder Brian K. Sparks Brent G. Spreitler :vIark L. Stafford Michael J. Stahl David W . Struemph Dennis J. Suellentrop Mark D. Sullivan Daniel R. Sullivan Thomas J. Jr. Tepper Brian J. Tepper Catherine L. Godsy Catherine L. Thebeau Patricia L. Heim Patricia L. Theisen Edward -G. Thomas Paul H. Jr. Thurman Elizabeth A. McVey Elizabeth A . Timm Gary A. Turner Susan I. Urban Mark A. Van Maele Kevin M. Vasquez Eduardo E. Vinh Tieu Viox Mark G. Volker Fredric W. Volker James A. Walz Mark D. Watkins Jerry W. Watson Eugene T. Watson Kevin D. Weaver David L. Weeks Greg A. Werner Francis J. Wesselschmidt Keith D. West Jerry Doug White Stanley L. Wibbenmeyer Brad L. Wille Robert J . Williams Timmy A. Wilsey Mark E. Winebright George M . Winter Benjamin P. Wolf Kevin N. Wozek Jeffrey S. Yan William Y.H. Zimmerman Kenneth M.

1981 Andrew Paul D . Anthony James M. Bahr Thomas Joseph Baldetti Paul G. Baltz Richard A. Banks Ernest Kelvin Bames Daniel B. Beckmann Karen L. Kohl Karen L. Bell Ronald T .

Straumannis Hall (MRC)

Bengard Greg George Berry Christopher W. Beyer Thomas Gerard Bissey Sharon R. Vanderwal Sharon R . Bohler Scott J . Boll Dennis F. Boone Michael W . Bradham Vicki E. Brase Deborah Diane Brown Deborah Diane Brown Deborah Diane Brase Deborah Diane Brown Mark K. Brunts Barbara E. Brunts Randall T . Bryant Paul D. Busse David R. Butler Stan Martin Cadwallader Lee C. Calandro Michael B. Cashner Fred R. Chung Chihping Clark Michael Lynn Clayton Bryan Joe Colborne Bruce J. Coleman Victor D. Cooke Kathleen J. Danzo Kathleen J. Cooper Michelle C. Fleck Michelle C. Cothern Amy S. McDaniel Amy S. Crannell Ann M. Craven Ronald W. Croessmann Charles D. Danzo Kathleen J. Cooke Kathleen J. Dashti Christine M. O 'Neil Christine M. Dashti Gholam Hossein Davidson Elizabeth A. Lenhart Elizabeth A. Davidson James Edwin De la Roche Steven T. Demand Donald James Detrick George W. III Dick Raymond A. Diestelkamp Charles S. Dillon Donna Lee Dolan Gerard J. Dougherty Roger K. Dowlen Diane E. Underwood Diane E. Draper Joseph Gibbs Dreiling Randall G. Drury Raymond L. III Dugan Maureen Alane Dunlay \1ark John Dunlevy Robert Allen Eikmann Barry R. Ellerbrake Barbara E. Sickendick Barbara E. Emanuel Duane Arthur


Ernhoff Rosemary Ann Enberg John F. Jr. Ernst Gregg M. Euell Billy G. Jr. Fass Fred W.R. Fey Ronald James Fieseler Wayne G. Flannigan Michael J . Flcck Michelle C. Cooper \1ichelle C. Frederick Gerald L. Freeman Ellen L. frick Elizabeth A. Lang Elizabeth A. Gallagher Aliss~ M. \Yl1etsel Alissa M. Gamer Steven L. Gentles Maureen C. Harig Maureen C. Gettemeyer Glen R. Gilbert Jeffrey W. Giles James Laurance Goldsmith Eric S. Grantham Bill A. Gresko David M. Hafner Jim Charles Hannigan Patrick J . Harig Maureen C. Gentles Maureen C. Harris Daniel W . Harrison Mark R . Hart John A. III Harvilla George Jr. Hasselplug Diane C. Sherrell Diane C. Heim Reuben C. Heppermann Jeffrey J. Herrmann Timothy E. Hiebert Yoelit Hannah Shapiro Yoelit Hannah Hierseman Mark S. Holst Timothy W. Howard Steven R. Howell Joseph W. Howell Lea Anne Telthorst Lea Anne Huang Scott Lin Hubert Bonnie S. Huck Mark Stephen Hunt Donald P. Jr. Hutter Kenneth J . Janke Paul D. Jasper Randal L. Johnson Michael R. Jones Bradford C. Jones John E. Jourdon Mark R. Keithly Michael E . Kelly Patrick John Ketcherside Keith C. Kiblinger Deborah Lynn Kreher Deborah Lynn Kinzinger Douglas Kipp Jeffery C. Kipp Stephen Edward Klorer Mary S. Knowles Robert Bruce Jr. Kohl Karen L. Beckmann Karen L. Kotsifakis David Peter Kreher Deborah Lynn Kiblinger Deborah Lynn Kremer William B. Krishnamurthy Gopalan Kuhlmann Robert C. Lancaster Eric M. Lang Elizabeth A. Frick Elizabeth A. Leipold L. Richard Lenhart Elizabeth A. Davidson Elizabeth A. Lipscomb G. Glenn II Logan James Craig Long Larry L. Loos-Spencer Elizabeth A. Marra Michael D. Martin Patrick D. \1cCoy Michael Monroe McDaniel Amy S. Cothern Amy S.

McGartland Kevin G. McHenry S. Dale McNally Mark T. Meyer Douglas Eugene \1illar Gerald Millar Kevin M. Miller David L. Jr. Minks Allen G . Moser Francis G. Mueller Andrew P. Mueller David Scott Muller Thomas D. Munie James M . Tealon Mark J. Netzler Bruce W. Nigro Wm Reed Olson Robert A. O' Neil Christine M. Dashti Christine M. Phillips Mark A. , Pollock Patrick A. Powitzky Lawrence C. Prueter David M. Quinn Daryl C. Ralston Keith A. Ratliff Jack D. Reed Pamela H . Wurtzler Pamela H. Reed Rebecca S. Renick Thomas Jerome Richards Jon Anthony Robold Edward L. Roesch Michael T. Rogers Roddy Jack Roster Willi R. Rowe Ronny L. St John Roland A. Sauceman Gregory P. Sauer Elizabeth A. Schultz - Eric J. Sedovic Peter S. Shapiro Yoelit Hannah Hiebert Yoelit Hannah Shelden J. Barry Sherrell Diane C. Hasselplug Diane C. Shilling Edward C. Shipley Norman G. Short Mark J. Sickendick Barbara E. Ellerbrake Barbara E. Sicking Lawrence A. Silkwood Blake E. Simmons James W. Smith Dale Michael Sprenkle Kevin Ray Stevens Robert E. Stroemer Steven C. Stucky Mark A. Sunderland Jeffrey J. Supornsilaphachai Boonsong Tappe Belinda Sue Taylor Charles M. Telthorst Lea Anne Howell Lea Anne Thuet Louis J. Tomazi Kcith G. Townsend John Keith Turner Cheryl E. Dear Mr. Maekaman: I would like to express my gratitude to you and to the Alumni Association for renewing my scholarship for next semester. This schol arship is appreciated because it helps keep college expenses manageable for me and my family. The Alumni Association is to be commended for their fine work . I look forward to the day that I ca n help others receive their education, as the committee has done for me. Sincerely, Donald W. Mueller Jr. Junior in Mechanical Engineering Florissant, Mo.

MSM Alumnus/33

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Alumni Donors ___________________________________________________ 1981 continued You ngblood C heryl E. L nJ e: r~\'oo d Diane E. D wkn Diane: E. V:.t.ndcrwal Sharo n R . Hi sey Sharon R. Vaughn Daniel .L. Weingarth Lewl C. Whetsel Alissa M. G:lUagher i\lissa M. Whetsel James D. Williams Chuck E. WingfIeld Roy O . Wood Jennefer Ann Wu mler Pamela II. Reed Pamela II . Yanez Brian Antho ny Yeager Karl T. Youll D. G reg Youngblood C heryl E. Turner heryl E. ZaJuler Herbert W. III Zettwoeh R obert N.

1982 Adam Marvin John Adam Stephen Seoll !\Jlmeyer James S. An selm Do nald G . Aurig Bill y Gregory Avery Mi chael Robert Bagge tt Betty . Weinhold Bett y C. Beckmann Michael Roy Blackb um Thomas Wayne Bledsoc Jcffrey P. Block Steven Ross Boshears Jo hnn y II. Brandt Robert James Brown Danny Lyrul Brown G us II. Buchschac her \tI ark A. Bu nemann Morris C. Jr. Burak Wi.l.liam Ilenry Burt o n William T. Bu schling Tan1mie Lynn Parrish T ammie Lynn Cain Lawrence J . Jr. ase Darrell Roy hatron William Alan C hen Vicky Evano ff Vicky Clamors Doug EdwMd Clifton Keith Alan Conrath Do uglas C. Dace Douglas Kent Dalligre n Russell ll. Dawson Bruce A . Ddon ' h ~rl es M. D<.:nm:y Kimberl y K. Dial. Brenda Leigh Il o rak Br 'nda L<.: igh Di ckmnnn MMk D. Dillman Robert .l o hn Di.llon Janet Elaine Do lan Gai l Louise Dungey Karen Lo ui e Wheat n Karen LO UIse Du ngey Nick J. Ehlert M:lrk C U'1 Eipp r M:.uy E. immons M':UY E. En sign Tho mas R . F ppy 'l"h mas M. [ m est T erry I,ee Ervin 'I'lmo thy Ray Esry Thomas ' raig h~U1off Kl:! ly Blinn F\'an ff Vicky ' hen Vicky h lt l, Ru ssell Le:e

34/ MSM Alumnus

Fi eher Joseph G. htzsimrn ons Mary N. Foeller Kirk C. Ford Mary Ellen Telker Mary Ellen rrei e T imo th y C. rro idl Ge rald Pa ul G illardi Joseph Jr. G inn James Whiteake G lauz Robert Scott Gnade Joseph AlbeIt Goe rtzen Patrick II. Goldwasser Charles M. G ran t Brian Joseph Grieves Sco t Edward G uenther Douglas G . Il arba ugh J. Mark Hasegawa Hiroshi Ilastings Robert Lee Hemze Michael i\lJen Ilcligman Robert L. lliebert Gregory Lee Ilinkamp Stephen 13. llitchcoek William S. Ilo lland Kathleen P. Moran Kathleen P. Ho lm James Ilenry Honeycutt Kendall A. Horak Brenda Leigh Diaz Brenda Leigh I louse Randy Lee Ilunter Jeffery Lee Irwin James Franklin Jr. Jackso n Jam es M. Jo hn so n Vicki Sue Jolulsto n Robert M. Jones JOlul B. Jr. Jo rdison Rand y S. Kelly Timo th y Joseph Kier Scott Bryan Kirchho ff Allen S. Kiser Tho mas Dan.iel Kobawoo C hungsoo Y. Kopsky Raymo nd J. Jr. Ko ttemann Richard Allen Jr. Kozlowski James K. Kraft Jon B. Kramer Robert Way ne Kyser Dale' An thony Lamb James Earl III Larson Marvi.n L. Lindley III lI aro ld T. Little Ru ssell D . . Lo unmala Phaivanh Lou nsbury Peter Watts Lynch Janet Loui c Meiners Janet Lo uIse Maag Marlene Dawn Macher T ho mas Jolm Maes Michelle Rene Philipp Michelle Rene Magruder Michael J. Malin C harles D. Manning Richard r. Marco tt frank Arthur Maresehal Michael C. Marquart Douglas W . Maltin Ted Alan Marting Jame E. Ma ybeny Edward D. Mazachek Keith D .


Lad ies and Gentlemen: I wo uld like to thank you for renewing my Alumni Association \I Scho larship for the 1987-88 academic yea r. 1 a ppreciate th at this scho la rship will be ava il able to me during the winter semester of 1988 since I will be a co-o p at Mc Donnell Douglas d uring the fall semester of 1987. Thank you for yo ur co ntinued uppo rt. ineerely, Ta ra L. Brown Junior in Co mput er Science Florissa nt, Mo.


:VIc Co y Su san Schneider Su an .VIc\)onaJd GalY Wayne ;\l c .rinnis Roberta S. Scroooins Roberta S. McIn~~sh Don Lesl.ie Mc Kee Jeffrey \Y. Meiners Janet Lo uise Lynch Janet I,o uise Mertzlufft Robert I I. Jr. Mesko T hom as Otto Meye r Charles L. Meyer Dennis Jay Midgley Ma ureen E . Murph y Maureen E. Miller Jo hn Robert Mooney Thomas M . Moran Kathleen r . 1I01land Kathleen P. Moran Patrick Jo hn Moser Steven Anthony :Vlueller Ray T. Murphy Maureen E. Midgley Maureen E. :'\au Alice Elaine Snow Alice Elai ne Naumann Robert T. Jr. O'Connor David M . Olsen Steven Paul Ommen Rebecca Elaine O' l"eil Jo lm Moore Ott Philip Robert Otto Samuel D. ParulOne Gregory M . Paris Brian Keith Park .I 0 lul Harris Parks Do nna Kay Pan"ish T ammie Lynn Bu schli.ng Tamrn.ie Lynn Palliek Mark Roman Pearce J,LI1et Kay Peccola !\Jlan Kent Perkin so n Randall M. Pezeshk Farid Philipp Michelle Rene Maes Michelle Rene Phillips Robert M . Politte Eric Gl ynn Pollard .l ean Marie Porter Susan Learme Robbin Su san Leanne Prcuss Martin Edward Pruitt Dewe y L. Puhl Jo seph Albert Puhl Li a .Joan Reed Lisa Joan Pulley C raig Martin Reed Alvin Roy Reed Lisa .Joan Puhl Li sa Joan Ro bbin s Su san Learme POlter Susan Learme Ro esch James Richard Rose Brcnt D. Rothery Mary Frances Ruebling Edward X. R ueschhoff Thomas Rush T odd Way ne Sandbo the L. Sco tt Sanders Keith M. Scanlo n Jamcs C. Schaake Mark Do nald Sehaeperkoe tter Vemon R. Scherer Keith \Y . Scherer Kenneth P:1U1 Sehi -rhoff La wr 'nee C. Jr. Schme rbauch Ka.rl J . Schneider usan McCoy SU S ~LI1 Schwepp<.: Robert Jo hn Scroggi ns Ro belta S. McG ilU1i s Roberta S. Simmo ns .J effre y F . Simmo ns :Vlary E. Eipper M:.uy E. Sm ith Pau l J . Smith Warr 'n A. III Snow Alice Elaine l"au Alice Ela.ine

St~lficld i1Jian 1'-. Sll:phcnso n Shell y L. Ste\'en 'on Robert T. Sto ne Do uglas Dail Sutlerer Kevin G. Telke r Mary Ulen I:ord ;\l arv Ellen Toomey Timot hy Alan T yburski .J oseph ' R. Voss David AI~U1 Walker Dav id \I artin Walter Brian Jo'seph Wehnnan Jucl D. Weinho ld Betty C. Baggett Betty C. Wdch Jo lm II omer \Vheato n Karen Louise Dungey Karen Louise White Wade James Whitehead Wayne Lee Wi.lcoxen Marc Lee Wi.lliam s Christopher E . Witt Richard Jam es Wurtzler Dan.iel R. Yanez Darn.ian Peter Yoder John T. IV Zarse Richard T. Zeitinge r Donald Jr. Ziegler Charles K . Z iegler WiJ.ljam A. Z ike David Scott Z immer Scott C.

1983 Abshier Jo lm' C. !\Jbrecht M ichael Anderson Scott G. Aranda Joseph C. Jr. Arndt Do nald John Ascher Andy Scot.t Ashabrarmcr David 13. Baker Cathy Jane Raidt Cathy Jane Bardsley Jeannine:VI. rronekiewicz Jeannine M. Barefi eld Timothy L. Barlet Do uglas R . Barne David Kent II Baltho lme \1 ark Em il Uast Charles !\Jan Baumgart ner Robert Beck Lawrence A. Bell Jeffrey S. Belmett Barto n E. Bindemann Diana Sue Ma.lin Diana Sue Bi se Melinda E. . Blackfo rd Todd Alan Blaylock Jo hn Ray Boluilioff WiJ.ljanl J . Boyer Michael Kevin Boyle Stanley Clyde Bradk y Jimm y Lee Urady Amber Megrum Sparlin Amber Megarul Brando n Dwight W . Brenner Micheal W. Bri scoe Louis R . Broome \tIMk Allen Bro wn Randall Kent Bruner Da\'id Al len Bryan t Denni s G . Burkhead ~i e hola s W. Bum s Do nald Raymond :lrfo ll David Mark C hen Wen-Ling Clark Stephen Paul Ckndenn \' Ro nald D. Cl ip pard ' James Do~' l e Commel ord Jo hn An tho ny Co nrad Paul Dean Cook Mark A. o lt o n J:lITIes Dean Co urso n G regory Dean

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Alumni Donors _______________________________________________________

Engineering Research Laboratory

Cox David Duane Crawford Larry Dean Czar Lamont Henry Daily Charles Ramon Dallmeyer Michael P. Daumn Kow-Jen Davis Scott Daniel Davis Steven Charles Dennis Clyde Reid Dennis Daniel C. Denton Nancy Lea Jones Nancy Lea Dilday Margo Rae Dobbs Daniel Ray Dohmen Diana T. Doner Joan O. Pohorsky Joan O. Dunajcik Karen Ann Dutton Donald Jene Dziedzic Charla C. Niccoli Charla C. Dziedzic Daniel A. Easson Edward Henry Edwards John R. Eilering James E. Elting O. Keith . Endicott Cynthia Ernst Beverly M. Erutti Glenn Arnold Ewasko Diane Carol Schaefer Diane Carol Fields Bernard M. Finley Douglas B. Fizer Todd J. Folta James Allen Foster Joyce E. Heirholzer Joyce E. fronckiewicz Jeannine M. Bardsley Jeannine M. Garland Steven Ray Gaskill David A. Gassel :'\ancy Sue Lund Nancy Sue Gieg II Kenneth W. Gildehaus Patricia Ann Gillham Jenelyn Sue . Gordon Kevin Michael Graf Susan Kathleen Graham David Brian Gray David Andrew Gray Richard W. III Griesemer Kevin Scot I laden Mark Lamar Hahn Sarah Jane Hardy Helene Ann Harrington Daniel L. Harrington Laura Ellen Harris Charles A. Harvey Allan H. Hayden Bruce Jeffrey l'leaton Stanley Dean Heirholzer Joyce E. Foster Joyce E. Henry Richard A. Hetlage David Talbot

Hill Kenneth Leland Hinnah Dennis W. Hitt Mark Alan Hoeckelman Donald E. Hoeman Todd Alan I-lowe Douglas ' B. Immele Jay Brian Israel Caroline Ann Israel Lewis Daniel Jackson Richard J. Jacobi Stephen J. Jenkins James Thomas Johnson Barbara Lynn Johnson Christopher Jones Harvey Grady Jones Lynn Rene Jones Nancy Lea Denton Nancy Lea Jungklaus Matt Kasperski Donald J. Keeven Brian Gerard Keeven John Leonard Kleve Frederic W. Jr. Koors Mark Robert Kopp Roger T. Kottwitz John David Kozlowski Ken John Kullmann Annette Marie Kutterer Stephanie A. Lakinger Susan E . Lally \1ichael Joseph Lammers Jeff J. Lang Paul Anthony Lichtenwalner Peter Litzsinger Barry Lund Nancy Sue Gassel 0iancy Sue Lynch Gregory A. Mabrey Matthew Louis Maher Patrick John Mahnken Joel Lynn Malin Diana Sue Bindemann Diana Sue Marchello Joseph M. Markus Donald Gerard • Martens Patrick A. Matsuzawa Yasuo McCown Allen Leroy McCurren Gregory T. McGill Duncan Eric McKay Michael B. Mcl'\ally John \1ichael :V1cshane Earl E. Mehta Mahesh H. Meier Curtis P. Meitz Gregory S. Melchers Alex Miller Brian W. Minicky John Stephen Mitchell John W. Mitchler Steven C. Morris Lynn C. Vandervelden Lynn C. Moylett Michael T. Mugel Douglas Napier

Muret Carolyn Louise Whaley Carolyn Lo ui se :--:elson Christine Anne ;\guyen Dinh Quy l\'iccoli Charla C. Dziedzic Charla C. Niemann Brian Scott Nolte John M. O' Donnell Michael Oldroyd Juanice E . O' Leary Florence Ann Osman Jo hn Howard Oswald David Leon Pachlhofer Peter M . Palaski Do nald A. Peetz Bryan Dale Pettijohn Bradley Alan Plan je Mrs Theodore Po hl Richard Anihon I • I Po ho rsky Joan O . Do ner Joan O. Po rter Marshall Ray Postiglione ;Vlichael Prehm William L. Puleo Peter A. Jr. Raidt Cathy Jane Baker Cathy Jane Rakers Roger M. Rapp Randy R. Rasch John M. Reinesch Rick Joseph Riney Thomas Lloyd Rinker Greg C. Robertson John Mark Robinson Thomas R. Rohde Carl Alfred Rollins Katherine A: Sitton Katherine A. Roney Kevin Patrick Rost Denise Ann , Rowe Rodney Dean Sallee Randy William Sargent Donna Renee Sauer Carl A. Sauer Robert Mark Schaefer Diane Carol Ewasko Diane Carol Scheibal Jeffrey R . Schmidt GordanS. Schnettgoecke Gary Schulze William C. Settle Benjamin A . Jr. Shelby James Wayne Simpson Nicholas R. Sitton Katherine A. Rollins Katherine A. Smith David Russell Smith Geri E. Solomon Richard M. Sonnabend Leslie Ann Soughers Joe Allen Sparlin Amber Megann Brady Amber Megann Spindler Gerald R. Spirz Michael L Spyers Michael E. Stachowski Michael J. Steele Steven W. Stehn Thomas Lloyd Stelzer James Stevens James V. Stovall Thomas M. Straeter Richard H. Street Norman Earl Stringer Shelton L. Stroder Michael David Sutton Eric Dean Syrigos Christopher Tabar Marcel Tatkow Michael Ian Tavenner Alan Wikey Taylor Charles E. Tesson Jackie Lea Tettambel Mark E. Thornsberry Marcus J. Thuet Elizabeth C. Tipton Brian Edward Tolcou Gregory J, Trask Donald Alan

" .. ,"




Treat Jon Worth Tummons Jo hn Bryer Turner David L. II Uhrig Jeff Alan Ulrich Steven Edward Vandervelden Lynn C. Morris Lynn C. Villhard Wesley G. Volpe Barton David Walker Merton G. Warden Marc Joseph Warden Timothy Wayne Washau sen Darren Lee W eida Charles Cecil Weissert Jo seph M . 1 . Welsh Ricky Dean Wesselschmidt Do ug West Bruce Douglas Westrich Curti s A. Whaley Caro lyn Louise Muret Carolyn Louise Whitchurch Joseph A. White Robert S. White Timothy L. Wilkinson Renate A. Williams David P. Williams Mark Alan Wilshire Jay P. Windes David Wolff Patrick Joseph Wolfgeher Paul A. Yan Desmond Yu Shin-Liang Zink David E.




1984 Aceil Smaeil M. Aeker Sharon Kay Afflick Daniel T. Ahlvers David Donald Alexander Bentley Cletis Allison Ricky Lee A1theide Richard Anders Anton Allen Anderson Gregory J. Anderson Maurice C. Archer Glenn George Babson Gail Anne Halsey Gail Anne Bacon David L. Bardsley David Scott Basler Gregory Allen Bauer Donna M. Bauer Mark E. Bene Wayne J. Bennett Jamie Ann Luca J arnie Ann Birkner Larry Thomas Black Michael K. Blaes Daniel Michael Bohler Marjorie A. White Marjorie A. Bollinger David Harrison Bolton John Chris Book Michael Andrew Booth Robert Paul Boynton Thomas W. Bradley Edward J. Jr. Brake James Dean Brandel Ann Louise Brandon William S. Budd Matthew Joseph Buhl \1argaret Linn Buyco Ishmael Hankin Carroll Stephen T. Carter Ann Maxine Christian Scott Allen Church Jeffrey W. Clare David Murray Claspill Gary Lee Clauss Mark Wayne Coonan Katherine Jane Wertis Katherine Jane

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MSM Alumnus/3 5




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AlumniDonors ________________________________________~____~---1984 continued Cordner Matthew R . Cordonier Guy Andrew Crosby Donald Patrick Crouch Diane E. Crutcher Michael Ray Currie Robert Wayne Daily Mad i on M. Dalton Thomas J. Daubel Karl J. Jr. Davidson Ronald Wayne Dc Guzman Valentin Danti Deruntz John Timothy DeRuntz Joseph G . DeVries Douglas M. Diekemper Edwin V. DiMaggio Gaspare Donley Mark Edward Dopher Robert Conrad Drury Beverl y Jane Sauer Beverly Jane DuIU1 Daniel Michael Eberhart Gerald Todd Ellis Casey Patrick E veker J ames V. Eversman Michael W . Farina Cynthia A. Hall Cynthia A. Fleck Katherine A. Von Rump Katherine A. Fo rsythe Dave Paul Freiberger Keith French Eunice P. Frey Patricia Aill1 Giu-dner Gerald Kemal Garringer Hal L. Jr. Gassel Jay Bernett Gaston JuliAnn . Mazachek JuliAnn Gehle Robert Victor Generous Christopher Georgen Randy G . Gilbert Alice Fern Giltner Scott George GlyIU1 Mary Eileen Goetting Karla L. Goetz Robert Joseph Goldammer David E. Golterman John S. Graves Pamela J . Green Gerald Wayne Greenwood Chris S. Groff William Thomas Grounds Todd Alan Hackler Amy Kathleen Haldiman Valerie Lee Hall Cynthia A. Farina Cynthia A. Halsey Gail Anne Babson Gail Aill1e Hannah Derek Wayne Harms Steven Ray Harrison Benjamin K. Harrod Scarlett L. Smith Scarlett L. llartman Martha Ellen Il arward Mark Gregory Il awk DOIU1a R . Reinhard DOIU1a R. Ilays James Patrick ll ays Victor Daniel Ileiligenstein David A. I lend rson Joy LaneLle Ilcrre Mary Ellen Ilerries Michael D. IIerries Pau la Elaine Kovarik Paula Elaine I Icumann Robert Gerard llock John /\.Ioys IIoLland James P. Ilrbacek Gregory Otto Ilubac h Clay Medli.n IIuss John Michael leans Edward R. !1isevic Mario Jackson Douglas A. Jaru s Scott W. Jaszarowski James K.

361MSM Alumnus

John s David W. John son Janis Gail Kaiser Charles F. KaltenbroIU1 Lori Ann Kei er Murl \t1itcheLl Keller Bruce David Keller Kevin Andrew Kelly James Anthony Kerber David Clair Keuss Steven David Kimes Steven Day Klorer John P. Knaup James William Kniepkamp David I. Koehr Phillip A. Koester Cathdine A. Kohrmann Larry Gene Kottemann John S. Kov2 ik Pau la Elaine Herries Paula Elaine Kowalski Gary M. Krull Ronald Edward Krumrey Gregory N. Krumrey Karol LyIU1 Schrems Karol LyIU1 Kruse John Scott Krygier Edward Daniel Kryst Thomas Edward Kuchem Douglas Leo Lamb Richard C. Jr. Lamb Wayne Allen Langenfeld Paul M. Leeds Terry Clayto n

Poppe Stephen James Porter Randall Keith Pressler David Wayne Pries Stephen Mark Pugh James Lee Purol David :Vlcrritt Ramsey Jack E. Jr. Reed Kem Robert Reinhard DOIU1a R. Hawk DOIU1a R.



Liebman Christian J. Li1e Sherry /\nn La Chin-llwang London Mike E. Long Amy LyIU1 Nagawiecki Amy Lynn Lowe Douglas Alan Luca Jamie Aill1 BeIU1 e tt Jamie Aill1 Luer Jon Hamil Lyons Kevin :Vl ichael Macke John George Jr. Marshall William K. Martin Dennis Gerard Martinez Richard G . Matsunami Scott M . Mazachek JuliAnn Gaston JuliAnn Mcgrath Jack T. McLaughlin Patricia A. Melugin Clay Eugene Mendoza Douglas M . Mendoza-Bedolla Jose Luis Meyer Gene Ray Meyer KeIU1eth A. Jr. Miley David S. Miller Daniel Edward Miller Denise Warden Miller Ronald Alan Mitchell Thomas O. Moeller Karen Sue Morgan Alan Paul Mori Thomas J. Mo rlock Steven Paul Mom s Daniel Philip Morrison Robert K. M uehlenkam p Thomas ~ . Mu tchler Daniel Lee Nagawiecki Am y Lynn Long Am y Lynn Nisbet Christopher J . Nusbaum Ro bert Leo Odum Mark A. O ' Neil Edwln E. O 'Shea James Robert Paredes Alan M . Parker Jerre L. Pautler T errence R . Pautz Jeffrey D. Pearce T errance Edwin Peick Patricia A. Perera- Bendavid Jaime U ri Pelicich Jo seph T . Peterein Brent J. Phillips Ronald L. Pohlman Randall /\.Ian

Relj a Frank Earl Riegel \t1 ark Iloward Ripp Bryan Jerome Robbins Ronald E. Roberson KeIU1a R . Yarbrough KeIU1a R. Roberts Ken Roy Roesler Ralph Ross Rolf Robert Carl Rood Mark D. Sagehorn Kearney i I. . Sauer Beverly Jane Drury Beverly Jane Scace Kimberl y Scandura . Philip A. J r. Schaeffer Tim C. Schn ucker Paul Mark Schoen James Lee Schoenecker Timothy Schrems Karol LyIU1 Krumrey Karol LyIU1 Schwent Dale Gerard Schwer KeIU1eth Oscar Senik Sandor Karoly Shadley James Kevin Shah R ajiv I. Shapiro Doron Sharp David Clyde Sharp Wallace Keith Shillito Michael J . Simmons Susan \t1arie Skouby David C. Smith Michael Andrew Smith Scarlett L. Harrod Scarlett L. Smith Tim Lewis Sprenger Heraleen E. Srock Christopher S. Stanfield David C. Steckel Michael¡ D. Stock Mark A. Stone William Alan Stratton James M . Studer James Edward Thomas Craig William Thompson Russell Ray Tucker Richard A. Turkal David James Vessell Rodney J . Von Rump Katherine A. Fleck Katherine A. Waddell George R . Waeckerle Christine Wagner Richard Kurt Wagner Robert Scott

Walker William E. m Wanbaugh Linn Watson Jeffrey F. Webb Mark A. Weingaertner David A. Weir Robert J. Wertis Katherine Jane Coonan Katherine Jane White Marjorie A. Bohler Marjorie A. Williams Gaston Robert Williams Raymond E. Williams Valerie J . William son Michael Earl Wilson Dale Keith Windhorst Kathy Sue Woods Kath y Sue . Winter Dale \t1ichael Wise Andrew Colt Woods Kathy Sue Windhorst Kath y Sue Yarbrough KeIU1a R. Roberson KeIU1a R. Yates Joseph Barton Young Jeffrey D. Zeltmann Michael D. Z uiss John William

1985 Abdel-\t1alek Hany H. Aguilar Omar Ivan Ahmed Ejaz Altensee James F. Andrew Christa D. Degonia Christa D. Anstine Todd James Ay John Michael Bac ker Brian David Baoanoff Fred Keith B;che Martin Joseph Jr. Barnes Kevin Ray Barron David Lee Barton David Scott Beckmann KeIU1eth W . Beerman Carolyn L. Bench Mike W. Bergmann Thomas A. Bolon Greg M. Book Mary Alice Gielow Mary Alice Booth Margaret Aill1 . Maskey Margaret Aill1 Borcherding Bradley Brandon Steve H. Bretzke Steven Mark Bretzke Virginia L. r:ochtmann Virginia L. Bruhn Christopher J .


¡ .,... . . .


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4',. .


Alumni Donors _______________________________________________________ Bujewski \btthew J. Burgess John \l ichael By~e \-[olly Cassidy Cajili Dennis E. Campbell Brian E. Cannody Daniel David Cates Robert E. Charney \lartin H. Chou Jeff S. Christians Gregory Lee Clossick James Pat Colbert Charles R. Colvin Darryl John Conci Jan \[arie Smith Jan Marie Conway Daniel F. Cook Thomas Edward Cooper Suzanne \-larie Riney Suzanne \larie Crane Kamila Jean Crippen Timothy Carl Dashner John Steven Daues Jerome A. Davis Kathy Lynne Davis Laurie E. Davis ShefI)' L. Dawdy Jan C. DeCastro\-laria L. Feiner Maria L. Degonia Christa D. r~drew Christa D. Dermott Jeffrey C. Dixon Samuel Lathan Dohmen Luke Raymond Doss Kevin Lee Douglas Laura Marie Eagle H. Gene Edmondson L. Vincent Ellenberger Wayne Leon Ellis Michael G. Engert Lisa AIme Eshelman \1arc W. Espy James William Evans Mark J. Feiner Deirk Alan Feiner ;VIaria L. DeCastro :\1aria L. Flake Barbara J. Kniepkamp Barbara J. fiuegel Heidi-Jo Starilield Heidi-Jo Fochtmarm Virginia L. Bretzke Virginia L. Freiner Barry Douglas Froehly Mark Gerard , Garrido Robert William Gielow Mary Alice Book Mary Alice Glauz Rebecca Jean Goeddel Kenneth J. Gooch William O . Jr. Gray Karen R. Sanderson Karen R. Greenstreet Carl W. Greenstreet Lisa Ann Polus Lisa Ann Grieshaber Ylatthew L. Groennert Todd C. Guest Matthew Blake Hakenewerth David J , Haldiman Tina Suzette Hall \1ark Ronald Harper Sean Patrick Harr Karen Michelle Luter Karen Michelle Harris Edward Steven Hartman Keith Alan Hazlett Robert C. Heberle Geoffrey 0, Hediger Robert T, Heiken James G, Helton Birchell Ray II , Herberholt Steve James [Icrzog Robert C. Hiller Jeffrey Allen I-Iiller Sharri Lynn Riggs Sharri Lynn Hopkins Catherine J. Houpt Ronald Allen

lloward Lisa AIm :\leyer Lisa AIm llume Joyce Susan Weinhold Joyce Susan lIunter Terri Lyn ;\'ealon Terri Lyn Jabusch John D, Jaskowiak Scott Eric Johnson Christine E. John son Kurt \Iichael Jones Kenneth Brian Jones Thomas Joseph .II. Justis Paul Glcnden JI. Kacera Deborah L. Kaiser Martha Lee Kammerer ;\'ed John Karl Christine L. Kessler Paul Eric Kid well Rex Thompson Kirchner Christopher D. Kneisler John F, Kniepkamp Barbara J, Flake Barbara J. K'oehler . Kurt Devlin Kovacich William L. Krack Jeffrey Alan Kramer Christopher T. Krause JoAnn Krenning Dennis Paul Krueger James W. La \1anque Ronald G, Lankston Robert Ray Lawson Larry Allen Lawson Larry F. Lee Brad Alan Lemke Matthew James Lewis Timothy Hugh Lichtenwalner Dan J . Livingston Hans G. Ludwig Catherine T. Luter Karen \1ichelle Harr Karen \-lichelle Lynn Kent W. ;\lackaman Nancy Maddex Jeffrey Lewis Madenjian Edward O. Marchello Louise Marlow Randall Scot Marr James Stuart Maskey Margaret Ann Booth Margaret Ann \1assoth Anita Joan Murray Anita Joan Matustik Louis A. Ylayes Scott E. McWhinney Steven Leroy Meier \1ichelle Jean Merritt Clay Edgar \\ertz Raymond Paul Meuser William Ralph \-teyer Lisa Ann Howard Lisa Ann Meyer Todd David \-tiller David. Wayne Miller Everett K. Minihan John F. JI. Mitori Steven Kei \-toody Edmund Tarmer \-torris Dan M. Morton Arthur Thomas Mueller Paul G. Murphy \1ark Edward Murray Anita Joan \-tassoth Anita Joan Nealon Terri Lyn Hunter Terri Lyn Nebeker Lori Ann Reeves Lori Ann Ney Theresa Ann Ziegelmeyer Theresa Ann . iewald Paul Walter Norman Christa \-1. Oakes Kurt Benton Oberdick Susan \-t. Oberkirsch George J, Oetting Anne \larie O' Keefe Matthew J . Olmstead Randall David Olmstead Sheila M. Parmone David L.

Dear MI. Maekaman: I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the UMR Alumni Association for selecting me as the recipient of the Transfer . Scholarship for the 1987-88 academic year. I plan on working hard to achieve an academic record at UMR as good as my record at Florissant Valley Community College. Having the support of you and the UMR Alumni Association will make this a more obtainable goal. Thanks again. Sincerely, Darren C. Eufinger Senior in Mechanical Engineering Dellwood, Mo. Peacock Gregory Tarr Pelster Marita Lynne Perren Steve E. Polus Lisa Ann Greenstreet Lisa Ann Ponder Daniel Eric Prude Mark Alan Pumphrey Norman D . Jr. Randolph Robert Kirk Rapp Robert Craig Reed Barry Lynn Reeves Lori Ann Nebeker Lori Ann Renfro Kevin Dale Rexing Walter James Rickard Donald Edward"1r. Riechers Kevin Leroy Riggs Sharri Lynn Hiller Sharri Lynn Riney Suzarme Marie Cooper Suzarme Marie Roberts Dennis Allan Rodriguez Jo seph Mark Rogers Forrest W. Rowe Goebel Tod Ruestman Peter T. Sacre Jeffrey Allen St John Michael R. Sanderson Jerome B. Sanderson Karen R. Gray Karen R. Schaefer Christopher Schibler Kenneth Jr. Schmidt Peter J. Schreiber Bradley Scott Schwartz Daniel W. Schwartz Scott \1organ Scrivens David Alle;} Sec Allan A. Serafini Andrew James Sharmon l\1atthew John Shed Randy Jerome Shrewsbury John Shuemaker Stan H. Simmons Mark Alan Simpkins David A. Skannal Gregory D. Smith Brent R. Smith Jan \1arie Conci Jan Marie Smith Ross Morris Smith Todd Walker Sokoloski l\1ichael S. Stanfield Heidi-Jo Fluegel Heidi-Jo Steyer Kevin J. Stilley Russell Lynn Stock George Michael Stout Richard F . Strope Eric Simon Stumpf Patrick J. Sutterer Timothy J. Swanson Gregory Kent Swartzel Heidi C. Swieca Mike Gerard Tang Cynthia Telthorst James A. Thomas Tracy Jo

Tonsi Regina \-larie Trost David Paul Verdusco Frank P. Vest Ann Marie Vitale Dave John Voss Greg Robert Warnecke Mark Robert Wazlawek. Peter J . Weatherford Jeffrey Gene Weinhold Joyce Susan Hume Joyce Susan West Norman Edward Westerhaus Theodore J . III Westhoff Michael C. Wilkerson Douglas L. Wilinow Lindle Douglas Wiseman Curtis Dean Wojnar Vladimir Wolf Ernest Yescavage Michael Alan Yoseph Yonathan Zdankiewicz Joe Vincent Ziegelmeyer Theresa Ann Ney Theresa Ann

1986 Akers James Edward Jr. Albers James Edward Allee Lisa Dawn Andersen Kristen L. Andresen Lisa Lea Sullwold Lisa Lea Ankenbrand Kevin Patrick Anna Thomas Joseph Aria Christopher S. Aslakson James David Asselmeier David A. Jr. Babcock Bryan D. . Baldwin Alexander Luke Bales Jimmie Dwane Jr. Bare Kristopher R. Barnes David Orlan Bauer Steven Xaver Baugh Zerir Bax ~ Brenda Rose Dickneite Brenda Rose Bellm Leslie Louise Birch Benton Roe Black Suzarme Renee Boning Steve Karl Boswell Rodger D. Bowman Charles S. Brandt Kristina M. Bredenkamp Henry R. Jr. Buescher John R. . Butler Ricky Eugene Capone Linda Marie Carpenter Kevin Neal Cassity Bryan Keith Chapman Thomas Gerald Chiodini Anthony Paul Cress Jill Janene Crews Michael Eric Crowe Robert Alan Crowley Troy Edward Cunningham Kenton D. Czysz Paul Michael Dalton William M. Davies Jeffrey C. Demand Ronald Paul Dennis Glenda Louise Denzel John Charles Dickneite Brenda Rose Bax Brenda Rose Dini Louis Angelo Jr. Distler Michael Joseph Donovan David F, Droste Patricia Joann McGowhd Patricia Joarm Duckett Kathleen Carey Eaker Andrew Byron Eck David Alan Eggen Roger Edwin Elmore Andrew Curtis

MSM Alumnus/37




1986 continued Emde Charles Brian Erger David Robert Eschweiler M ichael James Ettleman Michael Steven Fan:ar Douglas Howard Farrar Vicky Leigh Jo slin Vicky Leigh Fenner Christine G.M. Ferber Patrick J ohn Finke Scott Alan F iscus James Elmer Fogarty Robert A. Forst Robert John Franklin Elizabeth A. Freitag James Warren Gimmy Kirk Alan Ging Joseph A. Glaeser Scott Alan Goser Lisa Kay Gott Nancy Gertrude Kaegi t\ancy Gertrude Greenwood Daniel Wayne Griggs Jacqueline Guenther Kevin Jo hn Guggina William H. Haake John Martin Hall Sandra Jean Harris Perry D . Hasse Julie Sue Heger Jeffrey B. Heinze Lloyd R . Jr. Henry Ronald Bruce Hilbig Bradley Donald Hinkamp Michael Gerard Hirlinger Jerry Paul Hoeferkamp Douglas Alan Hoehn John Eric Hoff Gregory Ronald Hovater Arthur K. Jr. Howard Kathleen Moira Howe Kevin Scott Huelse Mark Robert Hughes Janet Lea Hull Christopher J. Hume John Allen Hurley- Tessy Marie Husmann Greg Louis Irby Yvette Renata Jacobsmeyer Tom Kevin Jenkins Jerry Brian Jenn Andrew A. Jennison Brian K . Johnson Valerie Ann Johnson William M. Jordan Robert Dean Joslin Vicky Leigh Farrar Vicky Leigh Kaegi Nancy Gertrude Gott laney Gertrude




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_____________________________________________________ Keeno y Kevin Thomas Kemper Pau l Joseph Jr. Kin g John Michael Kleeschulte Daniel Joseph Knocke Kevin J. Knudsen Andrew T. Knudt son Bruce AJan Kolkmeyer Scott O. Koop M ichael David Kramer Thomas F. Kuhnert Jeffrey Joseph Kuntz Frank R. Lauber Deborah Marie Meitz Deborah Marie Leftwich Lany Todd Lindstedt Monte L. Linhardt Douglas Allen Linn Rebecca Ann Litherland Jeffery Scott Lodoly Patricia Ann , Lucas Diane Millikin Diane C. Marlow Steven :'1.-1. Mayville Patrick James McCue Sean Douglas McGowhd Patricia Joann Dro ste Patricia Joann McVey Stephen John Meitz Deborah Marie Lauber Deborah Marie 'Mentis David Michael Meyer Albert C harles Jr. Meyer Stephen J . M iddendorf J. Timothy Miller T racy A. Millikin Diane C. Lucas Diane C. Millikin Samuel A . M()ore Everett Allen Ne umann Jeff W. O ' Doherty John Sullivan Olson Kenneth Dahlrna OrIer Gregory John Oswald Terry Allen Parker M ichael Dale Parr Nathan Wayne Pericich Paul Michael Pierce Warren Bradley Pirtle Patrick W. Pisoni J oseph Gerard Placht Thomas John Pleis Daniel Robert Priesmeyer William T. Raines Kevin Buck Randolph David Lawrence III Reinhardt Scott D . Rellergert Carla Ann Reuber Kent Bowen Riggs Brian Edward Rogers Steven Wayne Rose David Leonard



R oss Scott Douglas Rowe Jo hn M. Rupert-Wayne Kathie Salyers Davi.d Wayne Schaal Carol Annette Schierh off Teresa M. Schledorn David E. Schneider Kevin Wayne Schneider Michael A . ShelJhouse David Wayne Srriith Rowdy Lee Snodgrass David William Spalinger Mark A. Sparks William J . Stabenow J effrey Glenn Stacy Steven R. Starwalt Michele Renee Stennett ;\lark Alan Stewart Terry L. Story Kevin Paul Sullwold Lisa Lea Andresen Lisa Lea Sulze Helen Virginia Summers David Brent Tauser Joseph Raymond Thompson Gary L. Thurmon Charles W. Tibbits Dan James Timson George Robert Toarmina Christopher Toner Michele Lynn Tran Tan :\hat Turner James Brent Underwood John Anthony Vandersteen Diane A. VanPelt Lee Gordon Verduin John Richard III Vo Anh i'goc Von \1inden Catherine Walden Marvin Dale Walker Douglas J. Ward T imothy Mark Warren Walter Alan Weeks Paul Martin Jr. Westermeyer Daryl L. Westrich Michael Joseph Wieberg Pe&,"Y A. . Wilbers Daniel \1atthew Wilke Jeffrey Allan Wilkerson J anice Kay Wilkins Brent Franklin Wilson Jay Scott Wilson Joseph Paul Wiseman Karen Winifred W orsey Gillian Mary Wrigllt James Robert Yaakub Amil Jo yce Zavadil Matthew Edward Zoss C harles M. Zumwalt Kenneth Wayne .

1987 Arnall Thomas Frank Dacker Denis Andrew Dallinger C linton Troy Dallinge r Teresa Ann Haubrich Teresa Ann Dehr Gayle. \farie Bone Ronald i'ichola C line David William C rai g Darry William C reasman Son Francois Duncan Jerry Lee Eddens Hugh Ro ger Ferris Michael Alan Gerlt William R. Haag William Otto III Haas Michael Anthon Hargro ve S. Keith Haubrich Teresa Ann Ballinger T eresa Ann Haug Bradley D . . Hayes Michael Willia Hennessey James Raymond Holmes Robert Ray Jr. Horton Lesley Ann Hutchcraft J ames Ronald Jonason Don Edward Jones C hristopher D . Korinko Paul S . . Kreher James Cletus Lammers Jennifer Ann Lyons J eff Lynn Maul John Andrew MeGownd Brian Keith Me:\'elis James C. Mitchell Vincent Paul Mouton Steven !v1ark O ' Drien Michael P . O ' Kraski Stuart Daniel Partin Gary K . Pericich Susan Marie Perry Jonathan H. Reeves Sarah Ruth . Rockaway John D. III Sales Catherine E. Schmidt Ronald Wayne Schneider Jon Carl . Sciubba Lisa Marie Sieckhaus Steven Robert Singleton \1aurice Brant Sisto Vito Joseph Suthiwong Sukit Thomas William R. III Umbach Brian B. Vetter Greg Ronald Wilson Kenneth Brian Winkeljohn Christopher F.

SME "Joe Miner" Belt Buckle and Hard Hat Stickers

The UMR Student Chapter of the Society of Mining Engineers is offering for sale to alumni o ur belt buckle and hard hat sticker. Proceeds from these sales wi ll enab le SME to pa rticipate in a va riety of activities including fie ld trips, honor banquets, special projects and our bi-annual outing. Orders and checks shou ld be made out to the Society of Mining Enginee rs a nd shou ld be ma iled to Randal Manning, 226 McNutt Hall, UMR, Rolla,

38/MSM Alumnus

MO 6540 1. Please ship buckles at $7.50 each and _ _ _ _ __ hard hat stickers at $ 1. 25 each. Enclosed please find a check for $ _ _ _ __ Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __




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Non-Alumni Donors-Association and University A Anonymous( 'vlisc A 0 Smith fdn A P Green Refractories Co Aaron W.W. Abbott Laboratories Abbott Woodrow W. Abernathy Glen Acuff - Dan Adams :YIichael W . Aerospace Corp Ahland Wayne Air Products & Chern Inc Akins Joan Akzo America Inc Alabama Power Co Albers Robert Albert Harold L. Alcoa Fdn I Alex Pizza Palace Alexander Ralph W. Jr. All-Fill Inc Allen James L. Allied Corp Fdn Allison Fred Alumax Inc Alvey Inc A:YIAX Fdn Inc AMAX Zinc Co Inc Ambrose L. Siagian Amer Bank of Rolla Amer Cyanamid Co ' Arner El Power Arner Foundrymen's Society Amer Inst of Chern Engrs Amer Motors Corp Amer Standard Fdn Arnerican Hoist & Derrick Co American Hospital Supply Corp American Soc for Engr Ed Amoco Fdn Amplifier Research AMRjAm Freight Fdn Amsted Industries Fdn Anderson James Anderson Martha Anderson Max D. Anderson Richard A. Andrews Frances T. Andrews William A. Anheuser-Busch AR Power & Light Arco (Dallas) Arco (Los Angeles) Arco Fdn Ardrey Patricia A. Armaly Bassem F. Armco Fdn Armer Jerry A. Armstrong State College Arthur Andersen & Co Fdn Artioli Mario Arts Bill J. Aschinger Jack Ash Sharon Kaye Ashland Oil Fdn Inc Askeland Donald R. Asplund Roger V. Assoc Gen Cont of St Lo uis Associated Elec Coop Inc AT&T Fdn

A T& T Technologies Atlas Powder Co ATR Wire & Cable Co Inc Atro Engineered Systems Inc Aubrey Leo A. Jr.


B F Goodrich Babcock Daniel L. Backs John I-I. Badger Co Inc Baker Instruments Baker John P. Baker Randy Baker Ruth E. Balmer James A. Banez Col ita R. Barmes-Shaughnessy Inc Barker Marvin W. Barklage Donald Z. Bartlett Hugh Bartlett Walter BASF Wyandotte Corp (NJ) Basler Electric Co Bass Billy R. Bass James J. Batra Romesh C. Baugh David G. Baumbach Don Baumeister Michael Baxter American Fdn Beard James B. Beauman H.G . Beavers Inc Bechtel Bechtel Fdn Becton Dickinson & Co Beech Aircraft Fdn Beezley Rubul Beistel Donald W. Belden Frances Happy Bell & Howell Fdn Bell Communications Research Bell Delores Bell Robert J. Beloit Corp Benjamin Moore Co Bennett Don Bennett Gerald H. Bennetts Robert Berg IIelen M. Bernoudy Eleanor R. Bertnolli Edward C. l3ertrand Gary L. Berwald Irvin Bie Wendy A. Bieniek Ronald J. Bildner Thomas M. Bishop's Black & Veatch Black & Veatch Fdn Black Barbara S. Bledsoe Wayne M. - - - - - -BlOCK - Ll6yd- Fr. .. Block Thomas W. 13l0m Dric Blount Inc Blue Bill Dear Mr. Mackaman: Blum Frank D. I am writing in regard to the Blunt James D. Alumni Association I Scholarship BOC Group Inc that I was recentl y awarded. I Boeing (Seattle) would like to thank yo u for this Bogan James J. scholarship and say that I consider Bohley Ronald G. it an honor to have been selected as Boise-Cascade a recipient. I also would like to say Boland Jo seph B. I was pleasantly surprised when I Boll Herman was notified and I plan to put this Bonham Harold Booth Rand y aid to good use. Thank you. Borcherding Duthid H. Sincerely, Borg-Warner Richard Kreisel Bosch Mrs Wouter Freshman Engineering Bouckaert George P. Warsaw, Mo. Bowles Joe Ed


, McAnerny Hall in the Quad

Bowness Robert A. Boyd Elza Boyer Clifford J . Boyko Kenneth J. BPH-Utah International Inc Brackhahn Donald G . Brandt Robert E. Braschler C!if Brase Arlyn E. Braun Gregory Brawley Glendon H. Brawley Marvin L. Brewer John W . Brewer Roy Brewer Science Inc Bridge Data Co Bridgman Samuel Bristol Fred A. Jr. Bristol Myers Broaddus Mrs Wayne R. Brockway Glass Inc Brown Bill Brown Diana Brown Gloria Brown Gordon R. Brown M. Granger Brown Nelson Brown Victoria Brownstein Gussie Bruce Tucker Mem Sch Trust Fd Brunswick Corp Bruss Eldor Bryant James Buelt John E. Buhl Howard K. Jr. Buhr Joseph L. Builders Assn of Mo Bullard Cecily C. Burd Joyce Burgdorf Bill Burger King Burlington Northern Fdn Bums & :YIcDonnell Busalaki John A. Busby Harry Butler Mfg Byington Howard

c C-E Refractories Cabot Corp Callahan Carter Callen Ernest Calodney Martin M. Campbell Soup Co Canfield Ruth H. Cantrell Charles C. Cardolite Corp

Carey OJ. Carey Tom Carle Curtis W . Carnahan Reginald Carolina Power & Light Co Carrier Corp Fdn Inc Carson Mrs Joseph O. Jr. Carwile Stanley J . Castle & Cooke Inc Castle Deborah L. Castleman Donald L. Castleman Mrs Margaret M. Cat & the Fiddle of Spfld Caterpillar Fdn Cavender Richard CBI Foundation Celanese Centerre Bancorporation Central & South West Fdn Central II Pub Service Co Chamier-Wixson Suzarme Charbonnier William P. Charrnar Inc Chastain Gary Chemagnetics Inc Cheng Franklin Y. Chesebrough-Pond's Chesler Phillip G . Chevron Companies (Denver) Chevron Companies (San Fran) Christensen Lawrence Chrysler Corp Fdn Church & Dwight CH2M jHill Cibulka Norman CIGNA Fdn Cincinnati Bell Inc Citibank NA Cities Service Fdn Clark John Clay Jeffrey X. Clayton Donald Clemmons Mrs Margaret L. Cleveland-Cliffs Fdn Cloninger Larry H . Clorox Co Cochran Darmy COffill Neil Coffman George Coffman Kathlyn L. Cohen Gerald L. Cohen Mrs George Cohen Pearl Coin Acceptors Inc Coldwell Banker Real Estate Cole Joe Coleman Ollie G. Colgate- Palmolive Colton -Lester Corp Columbia Gas Trans Corp Columbus Craft Columbus Southern Power Co Combs Norman G . Combustion Engr Inc 'Comeau Jim J.

MSM Alum';usi 39

Non-Alumni Donors ·_________________________ C continued Common Bond Associates Condray Michael Connector Casting Inc Conner Stella Conoco (Houston) Conoco (Ponca City) Cons Natural Gas Co Fdn Consol Coal Contel T elecom Continental Bank Fdn Continental Can Co Inc Cook Howard D. Cook J. Robert Coons E .A. Cooper Eugene A. Cooper Evelyn B. Cooper Ind Cooper Industries Fdn Coover Donald P. Copeland Burl Corcoran Donald Com Arthur Corning Glass Fdn Cottingham William Council for Chern Research Inc Country Kitchen Restaurant Cox Norman Cox W.E. Craig Mary R. Craig Wallace C. Crawford Kenneth Cray Research Fdn Cress W. Dudley Crider Mary Ann Cronin Donald L. Cross Warren E. Crosser Orrin K. Crowder R.G. Crum Mary A. Cruse Michael Cude Eber F. Jr. Cullison Elizabeth Cummins Engine Co Cunningham Floyd M . Curley Koboldt Agency Cyclops Corp

o Daane Adrian H. Dahlgren Frank Dale Charles L. Dalton Forrest J. Dancy Edsel L. Daniels Armand Daniels Don Danzer Ronald Dare Charles E. Daughters of Am Revolution Davis Edmond

Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall

40/MSM Alumnus

Davis Francis M . Davis Jack Davis Jerri V. Davis Theodore E. Dawson Darrow F. Dawson Vonda Day Paul Dayco Corp (Springfield) DeBoard James Decker Vinton E. Deere & Co (Moline) Deere & Co Fdn DeKock Arlan R . Delano W. Jonathan De Lassus James E . Del Rosario A.L. Dent Casey De Pasquale Joe De Priest Scott J\. Detroit Edison Devilbiss Robert J. DeWitt Dorothy A. Diamond Shamrock Dickinson Steve Diederich Calvin C. Sr. Digital Equip Corp Dillards Dillon Emmit Dishman Donald Dixon Edgar Doczy Willette Doe Run Company Dole Fresh Fruit Co Donati Louis J. Donnelly Joseph T. Douglass Stephen A. Dow Chern (Midland) Dow Chern Fdn Dow Corning Dowdy Marge Drake A very Ala Dresser Dal Dresser Fdn Inc Dresser Mrs T horpe Dresser T homas P. Driefke Gerald E . Duban Herta Dubroff Richard E. Dudenhoffe r Randy DufEn Virginia S. Duggan Thomas . Dun & Bradstreet Corp Fdn Duncan David M. Dunham H. E . Dunn Lloyd M. DuPont Duree Mrs Nadine

E E F Hutton & Co Inc E R Wagner Mfg Co Eagle-Picher Ind Inc (Ohio) Eastman Kodak (Batesville)

Eastman Kodak (Rochester) Eaton Corp Eberhardt James Econo Lodge Edmondson Wayne Edwards Mary L. Edwards Mrs Francis C. EG&G Fdn Eichenseer Casimir J. Eisel Robert Eisenman Harry J. Elder Richard J. . Elf Aquitaine Inc Elgin Knowles & Senne Inc Elkem Chemicals Inc Ellis John Ellison Dixie Soult Elmer Franz Eloe Howard W. Eloe JoAnn K. Emanuel Jack H. Emerson Electric Empire District Electric Co Engelhard Corp Engelmann Robert Enix Kenneth R. Enron Fdn * Eppelsheimer Daniel S. Epstein Erwin H. Erler John R. Ernst & Whlnney F dn Erten Hayri M. Ethyl Corp Euler Delores E. Eversman Walter Ewing Miss Ruth A. Exxon Educational Fdn Eyberg Jim

F F V Leach Charitable Trust Factory Mutual (Maine) Fall<enhain V.E. Farrell Elizabeth A .. Faucett· T homas R. Fechter John Fed of Soc For Coatings Tech Federal-Mogul Corp Fehrrnann Walter Felts James A. Ferkenhoff W.H. Ferner Alan M. Ferrigno Vineyards & Winery Ferro Corp Fidelity Union Life Ins Co Fiebelman Kenneth Finch Dorothy E. Findley Marshall E . Finkelstein Edward Finley E .B. Fiquet Louis A. III FL American Electric Flachsbart Barry Flex-a-Lite Flowers Lloyd Fluor Fdn FMC Fdn Ford Motor Co Ford Motor Co Fund Fore Jack D. Forshee Margie Fortman Paul Fossey Robert D. Foster Gerald Foundry Educational Fdn Fox Donald C. Francis Lyman L. Frank Donald C. Freeport Brick Co Friede Donald Friendship Chap 214 OES Fritchey Justin D. F riz Laura J. Frohning Louis Frost · Michael D.

Fru-Con Corp Funk Joseph N. Furman Joellyn

G GaMy Carol Gaddy Maude Gahr Mabel .. Galloway \1rs CT. Gamma Xi Sigma Nu Gamer \1elvin L. Garrett Corp Gates Corp Gaub Dolores Gehrke Wiladean B. General Dynamics Corp General Electric (Bridgeport) Gcneral Electric (Fairfield) General Foods Corp General Mills Inc General Motors Corp (Detroit) General Motors Corp (Flint) General Motors Corp (Warren) General Motors Corp Delco Elec General Telephone & Elec Fdn Gent Elinor George Lawrence C. Georgia -Pacific Corp Gerstein Abe Giboney Carl J .. Gibson Herman E. Giddens Brett Giese Henry Gilbert Harry A. Giuliani Dolores Giuliani Robert Gleason Wilfred C. Glenn John L. Glidden Co Glock Robert W. Cfnecco Richard Gododia Sandra K. Goggins Robert L. Goin Jon R. Goldberg Barry Golden Rule Ins Co Goldfader Stanley J. Good William C. Goodding Marian J. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co Gordon M . Troy Gore O.E. .Gorman Foundation Govier John P. Grace Fdn Inc . Gragg Larry D . Grand Met Consumer Prod Inc Grawe Mrs O.R . Green Edward Greer Cecil J. Grice Harvey H. Griesemer I;erb Grimm Louis J. Grinstead John E. Groff Larry GTE (NY) GTE (IL) Gulf States Utilities Gunter Gene Gusdorf Corp Gwin Mrs Oscar M. Jr.

H H BE Corp H J Heinz-Hubinger Hachmeister Robert J . I lack Harry E. Iladdock A. Glen Hale Albert D. Hale Barbara N. Hale Edward B. Hall Dennis C.


Non-Alumni Donors ________________________________________________ H continued Halliburton Education Fdn Hallmark Cards Inc IIamblcn John W. Hamilton Rutherford Hamlett Patrick W. Hammann Harold P. Hampton Judy Hancock William R. Hanking William H. Hanna Samir B. Harding George W . Hardtke Fred C. Jr. Hardy Ervin J. Hargis Dorothy M. Haroldson Kurt J. Harper June Stewart Harper Patricia A. Harris Fdn Harris J.T. I-larry Nowlan Oil A Hart June E. Hartford Nat'! Corp Hartford Steam Boiler & Insp Ilartley Lucy A . Harvey Edward J. Hasselmann Est Karl F. Hatheway Allen Wayne I Jaynes William Hedl Ronald K. Heermann Wayne To the Alumni Assocation Board of Directors: Your assistance through the Alumni Association I Scholarship for the 1987 -88 academic year is greatly appreciated. You are my only financial aid for my final year so your assistance is important. Thank you, Dan Stasiak Senior in Electrical Engineering Conway, Mo. Heflin Bertha Hegler Burns E. Heilbrunn llse Heitsch Charles W. Heitt Abstract Co Held Leon J. Helm Roy Hemmel Helen Hendricks Gene T. Hendrickson M .R. Henke Arthur J . H\!n1ey William E. Henry L Doherty Ed Fdn Henry Walt Hercules Herndon Chester Hemnan Lumber Co Hewlett-Packard (Palo Alto) Hickle William E. I'licks Otto Hicks Ray Hidlebaugh Ernest Higginbotham Donald B. Hildebrandt Roger A. Ho Peter C. Hobart Albert N. Hobbs Larry Hodorowski Jerome J . Hoertel William W. Hoffman Irwin B. Hoffman Mrs :Y1ax Hoffman Richard H. Hohenfeldt Ralph D. Hollandsworth Gloria L. Holliday Gregory A. Holt Leslie Honeywell Hooper Steven Hopper Mrs Edward Hom Charles E. Homer & Shifrin Household International

Howard Carolyn A. Howard Johnson/ Rollamo Corp Howe Wallace B. Howell Richard F . Howerton Louise Howser Don H UA Associates Inc Huang Ju-Chang Hughes Aircraft Co Hughes Dean G. Hughes Thomas E . Hunt L.W. Hunter Mrs Lee Hurley John E. III Husman Fred Husmann Arthur L. Hutcherson Curtis D. Hylton Ralph C.

IA Resources Inc IA-IL Gas & Electric IBM IE Sing O . Ijames Carl E. IL Mining Inst IL Power Co Industrial Risk Insurers Industrial Wire Prod Inc Ingerso 11- Rand Inst of Ind Engrs Intel Corp Inti Paper Co Fdn Irion Arthur L. Island Creek Coal Co

J J B Arthur Family Fund J B Reynolds Fdn Jacobs Arthur W. Jacobson Mary B. James Carl J., DDS James River Corp James William J. Janda Wayne E. Jantz Curtis Jay Carter Inc Jeansonne Diane Jefferson Smurfit Corp Jella , Joyce L. ' Jenks Catherine G. Jenks William S. Jr. Jenks III William Jensen Mrs Emma Jett Elden M. Jim Dawson Memorial Jischke Martin C. John Fluke Mfg Co Inc John H Dougherty Trust John Mathes & Assoc Inc John's Firestone Johnny's Smoke Stak Johnson & Johnson Johnson Ann C. Johnson Barb Johnson Charles A. Johnson Controls Johnson Farley Johnson Russell 1. Johnson Willard V. Johnston Allan D. Johnston Ronald L. Jokela William A. Jolley J .B. Jones Bill Jones Damon P . Jones James A. Jones Robert W. Jones Thomas W. Jones Thomas W., DDS Jordan John

Jordan Lo well Jos E Seagram -Tx Pacific Oil J ungling Rod Jutte Ann L.

K Kaiser Joseph W. Jr. Kambouris George Karr George Karraker David O . Kaufman Charles L. KC Institute of Ind Engrs KC Society For Coatings Tech Kean R.J . Keeling H.H. Kellner Quinn Kellogg Ronald T . Kelly John V. Kendzior Joan C. KENT Kerley Clay Kerr Jeff Kerr-McGee Kerr-McGee Fdn Key Billy A. Key Sports Shop Kilcher Stanley M . Killion D .O. Kilp Judith E . Kinder Janet D. King Deverne King James K . King Robert Kinney Thomas Kipp Thomas E. Kline Harold W. Klosterman David Klotz Rudy Kluczny Raymond M . Klump Leo Knapp Charles E. Knight Perry Knippa Lyndon Knobbe Len Kochanski Joe Koehler Frederick D . Kohrmann Allen Kohser Ronald A. Kolaga Kent R. Kolbet Oscar J. Koller A.J. Jr. Koplar Enterprises Inc Koppers Co Fdn Koshi Donald M. Koval Leslie R. Kraemer Sandra Kraft Fdn Kram Francis L. Kram Liz Kramme Joel 1. Kraus Carl H . Krebs Carolyn A. Kreisz Frank Kridelbaugh Leon E .' Kroger Co Krueger Sarah G . Kruse Esther M . Kuerzinger Bill Kurz Joseph Kusterer Donald P. Kutz Celia Senne

L Laclede Gas Co Lahm Frank J . Lam Chich Q . Lamar Jerry Land Robert M . Landmark Bancshares Corp Landstad Peter D. Lane Jeffrey W. Lang Wayne

To the Alumni Assoca ti on Board of Directors: This yea r I received a $1250 scholarship. I wish to thank you for the renewa l of this scholarship for the 1987-88 school year. The assistance to further my education is greatly appreciated. I really enjoy attending UMR and plan to continue to attend school here to receive a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering. Thank you again . Sincerely, Nancy D. Fetters Sophomore in Aerospace Engineering Fenton, Mo . Lange Frank Langkawel Joe Langston Wayne LaPointe Eugene Jr. Larkin & Assoc Larson Lewis Larson W.O . Lassley Mrs R.H. Lattice Semiconductor Corp Laub Linda R. . Laudon Robert C. Lawson C. Glen Lawson Jack Lear William T. Leavitt Mrs J .E . Ledbetter Linda Lee Shen Ching Leeds & Northup Legsdin Mrs Adolph Leible Valentine B. Lemstra Andrew Leone Joseph B. Letts Mrs Marian K. Lever Brothers Co Lewis James W. Libbey-Owens-Ford Co Licklider Larry C. Light Raymond L. Lindgren Patricia Linscan Systems Inc Livingston Eldon Lone Star Industries Inc Long Robert Look Dwight C. Jr. Loomstein Jack Lorey G . Edwin Louisiana Land & Exp Co Lourenco Jade K. Lowe Mary Esther Lowe Reubon Lowry Mike Lueckenhoff Roger Lynn Carl A.

' M M W Kellogg Construction Inc Mackaman Frank MacSithigh Gearoid P . Magee Michael H. Maginel C. James Magnusson Irene Mahoney Patricia Malberg Noling Mall Martin Mallinckrodt Inc Malone Eileen Manuel Oliver K. Marathon Oil Co (Ohio) Marfice Paul Margulis Augusta Markley Jane Marley Fund Marrs James Marshall Stanley V .

MSM Alumnus/4 1





Donors ____________________________________~-------------

M continued \1 artin L. Ge ne M artin Luther E . \1 a rtin Mari etta (\tID) Mart in R obert M a sm all Const Co M athi Alfred ;\1awho rter R . L. M awho rt er Ro bert :\1 ax i\l ary B. \1 ax us Fner&'Y Corp M axw dl Geo rge B. :'vfay Co rdn Inc Maytag rdn Inc \1 aza nr.r. n ir h il rd R M azzo la Jo hn \1 c Bride Jam es M cCartney Mfg 0 M cClintic Ruth E. M cClure Lo rett a M cCrac ken Mary II. M cCut chen i\. . ('VIac) Mc Da niel A vis A . M c Do nald lIecto r O. Mc Do nald Shi rrell L. Mc Do nald's Restauran t M c Do nn II Do uglas Mc Do rU1ell Do uglas Fdn McFarland Ro bert H. M c Il wain Jo h.n M c Kay Gerre P. M c Kenzie Lee E. Mc Kinley M ary L. Mc Millian F rank \1 cMullin Do nald McMurtrey Pa ul B. ,Vlc Pherso n Geo rge Jr. M ead Tec hno logies Inc M eagher Ph yllis M edrow Ro bert A . M elehers W.W . Melick Ro s A. M elto n Ray M etro plos I larry P . Metzner Henry E. M etzner Jo hn R . M eye r C harles M eyer Do nald J . M eye r J.I\ . M eye r J am es r. M eye r Robert A . Michae l Sco tt J . Micro o ft Mid-East \1 0 o ntracto rs Ass n Mid o n Corp Midd le So uth ervices Inc Miles Arturo R. Miller Kenneth D . M iller Ri hard W . Miller W ayne Miller William E. Mills Susan Miner Music Alumni Assn Miners J ac k Minne r Bo b G. M inneso ta M ining & M fg F dn M ississippi un e Co M isso uri Ilo m e arc Mistler R obert M o Go lf Assn Mo I ,am inates Inc Mo Po rtl and em ent Dear Mr. Mae ka ma n, I w uld li ke \0 th a nk yo u a nd the U M R Alu mni 1\ socia ti o n fo r fund ing my tr a nsfe r sc ho la r hip . T his was th e first scho la r hip th at I have eve r received a nd I ca n't tell y u howe cit ed I was to ge t a lett er o f no t ifiea ti o n. n e aga in . th a nks a nd I hope to put th scholars hip to good u e. S ince rely yo urs. T imo th y Schroeder Juni o r in Mec ha ni ca l Enginee ring Pe rryvi lle, Mo .

42/ MS M Al umn us

M o Public Se f\'i ce \1 0 Rl:f"rac tori es Co Inc :'vI oat Wesley \lobil Oil Fdn \1 o d -T ap Corp \tl o del T est A ssocia tes M oe llenho ff F red ;\tl o mper Geo rge :\l o nday Blidge Cl ub :'vlo n santo \1 o nsa nto Agr Prod Co \l o nsanto Fund \1 o n a nto Indu strial C hem Co :'vlo nt go m ery Ro bert L. :'vl oo re C ha rles \1 00 re R . \1 c Kay \1 oo re Weldo n \1 o rgan J oseph E. :'vl o m s I\rthur E. \1 0 rris Carl :'vl o m s J o hn \1 o m so n Diann a K . \1 o m so n Kenn eth M o m so n - Knud sen \1 o rse B. E ri c :'vl o rto n Thio ko l :Vl osby Ercie E. Moss Lo ui s D. \l oss Ra nd y II. M o to ro la ( Phoeni x) :Vlo to rol a (Sc ha umburg) ;\lo to rola Fdn :Vl o uldcr Berni ce :Vl o ullta u1 View Fabri cating Inc :'vlRD Corp :Vf S \1 -U MR Alurruu Assn :Vluehlenk amp \1ario n \1ueller Do nald W . \1ueller Fred C. \lullcn L.E. Mundt Velma R . Murray !\fichael L. Murray / llaU Adyt M yers Ilaro id E.

:'-."llrthe:.lst Ltilities :'-."orthern Lngr & T estin g Ine :'-."o rthern Illinoi s G as :'-."o rt o n Company Fdn Inc :'-."o \¡a Bio medical :'-."ull & So n Funeral I10 me :'-."ull Pa ul E. :'-."unn Tho m as A. 0:unnall y Ed win C. :'\ Y Life rdn

o O ' lllien & G ere O akley D:.I\"id L. O berl e Ro bert W . O ' Bri en .l a mes P. Oehlert Ro nald W . Oellig Galen Offer Albert D . OK Gas & Electri c Co O ' Kraski Stanley L. Old Ben Coal Co rp Olds Do nald J . Olin Corp C ha rit a ble Tru st Oller Russell I. Jr. Olso n Eth el:'v1. Olso n Ro nald E. Omurtag J a net Omurtag YildUim Orschel.n Co O sborn Ri chard W . Outboard Marine Corp O verkamp Helen M. Owens Audrey Roberts Audrey Owens Canna Jean Owen s-Corning Fiberglas Corp Owen s-lLli.nois Inc O wsley Ed A.


N N al co C hemical Co Napo li David L. Naru p Mrs Ilenry Jr. ;--.iat Gas Pipeline Co (I L) Natl Act Co un cil -Mino lities Natl Assoc of Ele vato r Cont Na tl Con s fo r Deg .in M i.no rit y Na tl Di stiller & C hern Corp Natl Gypsum Co Natl Paint & Coatulgs Ass n Na tl Steel o rp Na u Elizabeth Na u R o bert I I. Nayeb-lI a henU Ali A. ;--.i R Fdn Nea f G. Joseph Neal Law rence Nelso n Al gean Ilelen 1. Nelso n II. Frederick Nelso n J ack A . N Iso n R o n Ne uha us David C. ]\ievin Dav id J . Nevin s Michael C. New England Power Serv Co New Era E nterp rises New , \c th ds Newberry Larry Ne wmo nt Mining Co rp Nicho ls C liffo rd L. 0: iem iller Marvin E. N im s A 'socia tcs Inc l\'ix Ji m NL Ind u tries Fd n Nobbe William r. l\'olt ensmeyer \1 rs Pau l No randa 1\lu mi.n um In Fd n Nonnan Peter M. North American oal Fdn 'orth Ameri an PhiJip orp

P A Power & Light Co Pacific Lighting Corp Pac ific T elesis Fdn Packaging Edu catio n Fdn Inc Pac kaging Machinery M fg Inst P adgett lIal S. Palmer R. M erle Pa nhandle Eastern Pipeline(K C) P anh andle Ea tern PipeLine(TX) Park J o hn T. Park Keith Parker-Ila nn ifin F dn Pa.rk s Ro bert E. P a rkview Missio nary llap C hurch Pa tterso n L.A . Pa tt o n J erry Pa uls rranklin B. Paulso n Leo nard r . Pa utler Ed win W . PC B Piezotro lucs Inc Pea body Coal Co Pc eola Amel Pen nzo il Co Pentecost Jo hn PepsiCo Fdn Perillo Renald PelTiguey Do nald E. Perry Lela nd A . Pesante Jose Peterso n La uren A . Petro lite Corp Pfeiffer Wal ter C. Pfizer Inc Phelps Co Associa tes Phelps Co- it y Pal1hellenie Phelps Co unt y Ilist Society 1'1111 Gro up Fdn Inc Ph illi ps Petro leum Fdn Inc Pietsch Mario n Pi men tel \1 auric io F. Pi.nsky Ro e Pi nee r Ban k & T r u ~ t 0

Pitts David Pia !!. rn:d A . Pla~ je George Pl ank James T . Plummer Donald T . Po dzimek Josef Poe Isado re Po llock Joe Po nder Pa ul E. I'o pp Ray m o nd 1'0 11er G . Sco tt Porter G ary D. Powell Bowman Po we ll Jim Powe ll Lumber Co PPG Industries Pra nge \1 arie A . Prange \1rs Ilerbert L. Preferred Ri sk Group Price Brothers Fdn Price Wa terhouse Fdn Prirrun Alex T . Process Control Consultan ts . Procter & G amble (Cape Gir) Proc ter & G a mble (C incinnati) Pruett Opal V. Public Service El & G as Puckett Edgar J . Pursell Lyle E. Putna m C ha rles Pyro n Howard D . Gentlemen: I was recently informed by the Financial Aid Advisor for the University of Missouri-Rolla that I have been selected to receive a scholarship from the Alumni Association I Scholarship program. I will do my very best to merit this honor, and hope that someday I can be a member of your Association and extend the same help to Rolla 's next generation of " Miners. " Sincerely, Frederick W . Husman Freshman Engineering Crestwood , Mo.

Q Qua ker C henUcal Fdn

R Raab Ro bert R ace n J anet B. R ahaman ;\10 hamed N. R alsto n Purina Co Ram sey Susan L. Ra nd Willard C. R ay th eo n Co R C \ Corp Rca Glc n ¡ ~. R eager llert Redman T o m Reed E rn es t Reed Il af\'ey .J . Reed y Enrica G. Reese Con structi o n Co Reiehh o ld C hemi cals Inc R einers Ji.m Renfest In c Reni ck \1urray C. Jr. Replogle C. Dale Revlo n Research Center Inc Rexno rd Inc R ey nolds \1 etals Co Fd n Rh odes Eq ui p ment Co Ri ce G reg Richard Elizabeth Ri hard s Ilo ward

Non-Alumni Donors _________________________ +

Nagogorni Terrace Richards Lynda L. Richardson Margaret A. Richterkessing Fred Ridley Jack B. Riedge David Riedy John K. Ries Walter L. Riord¡a n Catherine A. Risbeck John S. Rivers Jack L. Roach D. Vincent Roach Louise Roaseau-ttce Linda C. Roberts Fred D. Roberts Mark Robertson B. Ken Robertson David G.c. Robinson J . Kent Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Co Rockaway John D. Rockwell Inti Corp Trust Roger Adams Olds Buick Rohm & Haas Co Rokos George Roland Lester Rolla Area Music Teachers Assn Rolla Family Practice Clinic Rolla Fine Arts Museum Rolla Inn Rolla Kiwanis Club Rolla Monument Co Rolla Standard Ser Ron Vickery Const Co Roosman William B. Rosenauer J .M . Rosenblum Daniel Rowden Harold Rowden Zane Rowell Willie J . Rupp Tim Russell Clarcnce J. Russell Robert Bruce Russell Robert R. Russell William D. Ru st Int 'l Corp

s Sachs Alan Sager Tho mas J . Saguto William P. St Peters Dale Salem Publishing Co Sam 's Tire Service Sandefur Robert L. Sandell Catherine E . Sandler Richard Sand s Edward Sankovich Richard Santa Fe Southern Pacific Fdn Sarchet Bernard R. Saunders Carol Sayles Rowenna W.

. *Deceased

Schaefferkoetter Larry Schaefferkoetter Louis Schatz Lonnie Schearer Laird D. Scherrer Oscar Schili Anthony Schirz Kathleen Schlotzhauer Wes Schlumberger Fdn Schmidt Norbert O. Schneider Lee T. Schnitzer Shirley Schnur James Schowengerdt George C. Schroeder Gerald F. Schroeder Ken Schuessler Robert Schultz Christian Schumacher Caroline Schuman Alma M . Schwartz John A. Seay William Sedlacek Frank J. Seeger Toyota of Rolla Inc Sefton Martha Sellers-Sexton Inc Senne John E. Sevall George W . Shackleford Karen C. Shade Victoria C. Shanker Stanford D. Shaw David W. Sheffield John W. Shell Companies Fdn Inc Shell Oil Co Sherwin Williams Fdn Shields Steven B. Shlanta Stephen Shults Charles L. Shultz George B. Sickman Robert Sieck Gwen H. Siehr Donald J . Siemens-Allis Sigler James W. Sigma Chi Fdn Sineath Henry I I. Singer Co Singer Ira Slater Di xon James Slawso n Melvin . Slo ne Dwight E. Smith Antho ny J . Smith ,\udrey S. Smith Bill O. Smith Carol A. Smith I Iarold A. Smith Jo n D. Smith 0:eil K. Smith Richard D. Smith T ed P. Smith William R. Smith Kline Beckman Fdn Smoot Jack Smurfit Pension & Ins Ser Co

Snelson Walter Snowden Carrie Society of Mining Engrs Sohio (Cleveland) Sonat Fdn Inc Sonoco Products Co Southards Lee Southern Bell Southwestern Bell T ele Co Sovar Don Sowers Mrs Edward Sowers Newspapers Inc Sparks Carles E. Sparks Stephen Sparlin Don M. Spears Johnnie Spokes Ernest \1. Spooner Jeffrey D. Spreng Alfred C. Springer Maurice Spurgeon Doyle Square 0 Co Square 0 Fdn Squibb Corp Squires Harold SSUMR St James Class of 1943 St Jose'p h Light & Power Co St Louis Soc for Coatings Tech St Patrick Catholic Church Staley Continental Inc Stanadyne Stanley Lopata Rev Trust State Farm Companies Fdn Stauter Mark C. Steele Mrs Harry B. III Stehlin Vincent R. Steinbach Alvin C. Steinberger Robert Steinmetz Ronald W. Stephens John M . Stephenson Richard W . Stevens Do n L. Stevens William W . Jr. Stewart Mary Stobie Irvin Stockdale Ronald Stoecker William V. Stoll Jeffrey R . Stoll Leo H. Stone & Webster Stowe Ferrell Strom Kenneth W. Stuart Gladys Stutzman Jonathan Subow Sharon H. Sudduth Larry Summers Russell Sun Company Inc Sun Oil Co Of Pa Sundstrand Corp Fdn Sutherland Tom Sutton Mrs Lavonne Swanson Gregory M. Sweeney Peter H.

T T R Engineering Taber's Products Inc Talley Alfred L. Tandy Corp/ Radio Shack TBW Industries Inc Tektronix (Beaverton) Tektronix Inc Telefl ex Fdn Tenneco Inc T enneco Oil Exp & Prod Terrill James A. Teter Eugene K. Texaco Philanthropic Fdn Textro n Corp T he Copper T ree T he Sansone Gro up T hessing T heodo re A. T homas Barbara K. T homas Harold C.

Thomas Birdsong Clayton & Hasl Thompson David W. Thompson Dudley Thompson Marcey Thongham Piane ,Thornburgh Jack Tillman Richard J. Tinsley Harold R . Todd Mary Glddens Toledo Edison T oll George Tourville D.L. Tragitt Mrs E . Rowland Transamerica Fdn Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Travelers Companies Fdn Inc T raxel William L. Trelford Paul Trettenero Leslie Trimble Selden Y. Trinova Troutt Myrlen Truax Geral R. TrunkIine Gas Co TR W Fdn (Cleveland) Tucker Elinor J . Tuell Stanley W. Turner JamesH . Turner James L. Turner Ron Twitty John R. Twitty Realty TX Eastern Trans Co TX Gas Trans Corp TX Instruments

u UUmanIl Leo C. U MR Coterie U MR School of Engineering Unell Sam Union Electric Union Electric Char Trust Union Pacific Fdn Union Texas Petroleum Unisys Corp United Engr & Const LTD United Savings & Loan Inc United Services Auto Assn United Technologies United T elecom-Spectrum United Telephone Co Unity of the Ozarks University of II/ IBM Unnerstall Paul J . Unocal Fdn Urban William C. Jr. US Fidelity & Guaranty Co US Naval Research US Steel USG Fdn

v V H McN utt Memorial Fdn Vaida \1rs Peter P . Van Beaumont Will Vandiver Jack Van Matre Gene L. VanPelt Donald Lee Van W yk Frank J. Vaughn Jo hn C. Veenstra Charles K. Venable Raymond L. Vickers Jo hn M. ViehmanIl Edward D. Villaseno r Aristeo E. Viskase Corp Vista Chemical Co Vonalt Larry Vonder Haar Marian Vulean Materials Co

MSM Alumnus/43

Non-Alumni Donors _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


West Robert C. Westerheide Ralph ' Westinghouse (MO) Westinghouse Education Fdn Westrup Philip Westvaco Corp Wheeler Robert J. Whirlpool Corp Whitcomb Tom White Don White Eugene White James White James E. White Larry White Richard A. White Ronald J. White Sally Whitener Glennon Whitson Hilbem WI Electric Power Co WI Power & Light Co Wicker Robert Widman Larry A. Wiggins Charlotte Wight Jeffry Wilks Terry Williams Charles E. Williams Co Williams Lance Williams Robert Wills Floyd M. Wilmad Glass Co Inc Wilson Ben Wilson Dale Wilson M. Louise Wilson Mrs Joe Wilson Richard Wilson Thomas R . Jt.

Wacker Leo L. Wade Hilda E. Waeckerle Janet M. Wae1terman James Waggoner Barbara M. Waggoner Lynn H. Waggoner Marcia M. Wakeham Rosemary Wal-Mart Fdn Walker Floyd A. Walker Mrs Arthur W. Wallenbum Laurence Walraven Donald Walsh Chevrolet Ware Curtis L. Warhover Roy Warner Don L. Warren Eugene F. Waters Charlotte Watkins William Watson Donald J . Weart . Harry W. Weatherington Richard Weatherwax Carol Lynn Weber William L. Wehmeyer Ronald A. Weinbaum Melvin Weinmann Edward P. Welch Lorraine J. Wellcome Research Labs Wells C.R. Wells Charles Wendy Goldberg Merck Isotopes , Werkmeister Russell Wesselowski Tom

Winkelman Vincent R. Winkler Glenn D. Wise James N. Wisland Richard Witco Corp Witt Frederick Wives Auxiliary Of Prof Engrs Wixson Bobby G . Wixson Douglas C. Wolf Alicia M. Wolf Dorothea Wolf Mary A. Wollbrinck James H. Womack Leland Wood Kenneth Woodward Bruce Woolsey Albert Woolsey Edwin W orId Book Inc Wu Cheng-Hsiao Wulfmeier William W. Wyatt Shirley Wylam Dennis Wyloge Leona


Yu Wei-Wen Yukon Antiques & Music


Xerox Corp


Zarr Gerald E. Zavadil Denis Zeno's Steak House & Motel Zenor Hughes M. Zernicke Steve Ziegler Paul Zink M. Jess Zinselmeyer A..G. Zobrist George W .

Yaklr Marion S. Yeager' Wendell L. Yellow Freight Fund Yelton Leonard Yersak Ronald C. Young , Carol Young Robert B.

''JOE MINER" LIMITED EDITION PRINTS A new series of "Joe Miner" lithographs has just been completed by UM·Rolla's centralized printing department. . The prints are 16" x 20" , full-color-with particular fidelity in t!le color printing-and were produced on heavy·weight neutral pH paper made 'from 100 percent cotton fiber. Each print is numbered and there are only 1,000 available. The artist is Harry Sparling who was employed by UMR in 1969. Cost of each print is $75. All profits from the Limited Edition Series will be used to establish a campus s~olarship fund. The standard "Joe Miner" print-8" x 10" in color-is available also at a cost of $12.50 each. Order -forms are below. .

r-~~------------~~------------~.~.-.~',~.~------~~~~--~~~~~~, ' r_------------------------~~--~------~~~ bRDERFORM

Shi'p ping Address , '

"(Please print or type) " Quantity


,' "



Amount Enclosed


~'., J - ..




" Joe Miner" Limited Edition PrinJ~ at $7l) ea ~ h ;



x 10"

ITh1.S riHering is not pa'n of Ihe limited edii\ on


Phone( __AC ~--~~~------------~----~~­

University of Missouri -Rolla . Office of Centralized Printi ng Bldg . T - 11 West Rolla , MO 65401·0249

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se;le;1Pnce rncludes

shiPPing 'It ha ndling,!

Make checks payable to Uf!,1R .

44/ MSM Alumnus


at $12 .50 each " '

May be paid by Check, MasterCard or VISA. •

' /'


BOx or Rou,e

Shipping and handfing at $5 per print ·

"Joe Miner" print(s) 8 "


) ",

S1feet Addrus,



, Check E'riclosed





Date Shipped ___ -___ -___

.:. Signature (For Credit Card Orders)

Terms anc;l Conditions Remember . S60 per limited edition print sold will be used in a scholarship fund to aid meritorious student s in ach ieving their educational goals. and is tax deduc tible. ' Since the total number of print s in the limited edition series is one thousand it is recommended that orders be pla ced without delay. All orders w i ll be nu mbered sequentially in the order received and w ill be filled on a first -come first -served basis. Order s will be filled commencing with the sma llest number available . No request for a particular number w ill be considered. All orders are subject to availabil ity and a ny claims resu lting from shipping error , mi sunderstanding or other cau se incide ntal to an order wi ll be limi ted to th e initial purchase pri ce . Pl ease all ow 4 -6 weeks for delivery.

Silver and Gold Club The Silver and Gold Club Honor Roll for 1987 lists the names of donors whose gifts of $100 (silver membership) or $250 (gold membership) support the athletic department's intercollegiate sports at UMR. Membership in the Silver and Gold Club entitles members to special parking privileges for home football and basketball games, to attend several social events each year and to visit the club's hospitality room before each home basketball game. The 1987 Silver and Gold Club members:

Henry S. Adamick Roger Adams Olds-Buick Harry W. Allen Elmer M. Allgeier American Bank of Rolla David K. Anderson Richard A. Anderson Fr~ C. Appleyard ATC Stephens, Inc. Badger Co., Inc Keith E. Bailey James A. Balmer Elizabeth C. Barkey Elbridge W. Bartley, III Richard H. Bauer Jerry R. 'Bayless Don Bennett Jerome 1'. BerTy Robert Berry Lucien M. Bolon, Jr. Thomas S. Boon Thomas S. Borgmeyer Robert M. Brackbill Donald G. Brackhahn Eugene D. Brenning Samuel Bridgman Robert S. Bruce Judith M. Bruno John F. Bruskotter Vincent J. Budd Burger King Max A. Burgett James B. Chaney Charles L. Clayton Coin Acceptors, Inc. Coldwell Banker Real Estate Sidney J. Cole , Jr. Kir:n D . Colter Thomas W. C00per Glenn E. Cordes William Cottingham W. Dudley Cress Jerry W. David Jim Dawson Memorial David W . Ds:a,rth Powell A. Dennie John Dowdy Paul 1'. Dowling Randy Dudenhoffer James S. Dunlop , Jr. Ja.mes A. Durham -

Gene W. Edwards A. Curtis Elmore Richard H. Erxleben Mrs. W. P . Eyberg V. E. Falkenhain Francis E. Fennerty Douglas B. Finley Jack D. Fore George E. Fort William H. Gammon Thor Gjelsteen H. Neal Grannemann Valgene Gribble Ilarvey I I. Grice Herb Griesemer Kevin Scot Griesemer James W. Hellwege John H. Henry Gerald L. Henson Herrman Lumber Co. Larry Hobbs Harland H. Hoppock Thomas Huber Paul D . Janke William S. Jenks, Jr. William S. Jenks, III Martin C. Jischke John's Firestone Johnny's Smoke Stak Howard Johnson /Rollamo Corp. J 3.I1).es Johnson Ronald D. Jurenka Robert J. Kemper Daniel Kennedy William D . Kent Billy A. Key Key Sports Shop Alonzo R. Kieffer, III Joseph J. Kinsella Jeffery C. Kipp Fred Kisslinger Charles L. Kitchen Leonard F. Koederitz Ralph H. Kramer Joseph F . Krispin Harold A. Krueger Harley W. Ladd Rodney. J . Legrand John H . Livingston Joel F. Loveridge Joseph M. Marchello

Samuel L. Massey Donald J. Mathews Gregory D. McClain McDonald's Restaurant Jim L. McGregor Don L. McIntosh John B. McKee Gilbert F. Metz, Jr. Missouri Golf Association Missouri Home Care Weldon Moore Joseph E. Morgan Buddie R. Morris William J . Morrow Montgomery A. Morse Louis D . Moss MSM-UMR Alumni Association Donald D. Myers Marvin E. Nevins, Jr. Larry Newberry Larry J. Oliver Stephen Ornbalski, Jr. Terry Owens Thomas J . Owens John L. Painter John 1'. Park George A. Penzel James B. Perkins John W. Perkins Richard E. Peters David A. Pfefferkorn Herman J. Pfeifer Phelps Co. Associates' C. J. Potter David B. Price, Jr. Joseph E. Rakaskas Charles R . Remington , Jr. Margaret Richardson Irvin D. Robbins Gary E. Roebke , Rolla Family Practice Clinic Rolla Inn Charles J. Ross Ray Rucker . Tim Rupp Mehmet Keyhan Sarnimi Harry J . Sauer, J r. Harry J . Sauer, III Scenic Shelters R obert L. .Schaefer

Rodney A. Schaefer Norbert Schmidt Arthur E. Scholz John E. Schork Robert E. Schweitzer James J. Scott Seeger Toyota of Rolla, Inc . Sellers-Sexton, Inc . Joseph G. Sevick James L. Shoemaker Samuel Smart Neil K. Smith Irvin C. Spotte Robert M. Springer Ralph A. StaIlman James W. Stephens Richard W . Stephenson William H . Stewart Stephen G. Sullehtrop Ronald A. Tappmeyer Otis H. Taylor James E. Teske Craig William Thomas Harold D . Thomas Thomas, Birdsong, Clayton & Haslag John B. Toomey Tadashi Tsukamoto Armin J. Tucker Norman P. Tucker Daniel H. Underwood United Savings & Loan, Inc. United Telephone Co. William J. Varga John C. Vaughn . Richard J. Vehige J . Michael Vickers Lynn H. Waggoner Floyd A. Walker Don L. Warner Chris M. Wattenbarger Melvin Weinbaum Louis H. Whitehair Richard H. Wieker Russell H. Wiethcip Floyd M. Wills Kevin N . Wolf Richard A. W oodfie1d Gerald E. Zarr Jess Zink

MSM Alumnusl 45

Corporate Matchi-ng Gif~s

I !


Abbott Laboratories Aerospace Corp. Air Products and Chemicals Inc. Alabama Power Co. Alcoa Foundation Allied-Signal Inc- Bendix Alumax Inc. AMAX Inc. American Airlines American Cyanamid Co. American Electric Power Co. Inc. American Motors Corp. American Standard Inc. Amoco Corp. AMR/AM Freight Fdn. Anheuser-Busch Cos. Inc. Armco Inc. Arthur Andersen & Co. Fdn. Ashland Oil Inc. Atlantic Richfield Co. Atlas Powder Co. ATR Wire & Cable Co. Inc. AT&T Co. BASF Corp. Baxter Travenol Laboratories Inc. Bechtel Power Corp. Becton Dickinson & Co. Beech Aircraft Corp. Bell Communications Research Inc. Bell & Howell Co. Beloit Corp. Benjamin Moore Co. Blount Inc. BOC Group Inc. The Boeing Co. Boise-Cascade Corp. Borg-Wamer Corp. Bristol Myers Co. Brockway Glass Co. Inc. Brunswick Corp. Burlington Northern Inc. Burroughs Corp. Butler Manufacturing Co . Cabot Corp. Campbell Soup Co. Carolina Power & Light Co. Carrier Corp. Castle & Cooke Inc. Caterpillar Tractor Co. CBI Foundation Celanese Corp. Centerre Bank Central & South West Foundation Chesebrough-Pond's Inc. Chevron Corp. Chrysler Corp. Church & Dwight Co. Inc CIGNA Fdn. Cincinnati Bell Inc. Citicorp/Citibank Cities Service Oil & Gas Corp. The Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co. Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. Claro x Co. Colgate-Palmolive Co. Columbia Gas System Inc. Columbus Southern Po wer Co. Combustion Engineering Inc. Conoco Inc.

Consolidated Natural Gas Co. Consolidation Coal Co. Continental Bank Fdn. Continental Can Co. Ipc. Continental Telecom Inc. Cooper Industries Inc. Coming Glass Works Cray Research Inc. Cummins Engine Co. Inc. Cyclops Corp. Deere & Co. Corp. Detroit Edison Co. Diamond Shamrock Corp. Digital Equipment Corp. Dole Fresh Fruit Co. The Dow Chemical Co. Dow Coming Corp. Dresser Industries Inc. Duke Power Co. Dun & Bradstreet Corp. Eaton Corp. EG&G Inc. Elf Aquitaine Inc. Emerson Electric Co. Engelhard Corp. Enron Corp. Ernst & Whinney Fdn. Ethyl Corp. Exxon Education Fdn. Factory Mutual Engineering & Research Federal-Mogul Corp. Fidelity Union Life Ins. Co. Fluor Corp. FMC Corp. Ford Motor Co. Garrett Corp. Gates Corp. General Dynamics Corp. General Electric Co. General Foods Inc. General Mills Inc. Georgia Pacific Glidden Co . B. F. Goodrich Co . Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Gould Inc. Grace Fdn. Inc. Grandmet Consumer Prod. Inc. Great Northern Nekoosa Corp. GTE Corp. Gulf States Utilities Halliburton Co. Hallmark Cards Inc. Harris Corp. Hartford Nat'! Corp. The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co. HBE Corp. H J Heinz Co. Hercules Inc. Hewlett-Packard Co. Honeywell Inc. Household International Inc. Hughes Aircraft Co . E F Hutton & Co. Inc. IBM Corp. ICI Americas Inc. Industrial Risk Insurers Ingersoll-Rand Co . International Paper Co. Iowa Resources ITT Corp. James Rivers Corp. Johnson Controls Inc.

Johnson & Johnson M W Kellogg Co. Kerr-McGee Corp. Koppers Co. Inc. Kraft Fdn. Laclede Gas Co. Leeds & Northup Lever Brothers Co. Libbey-Owens-Ford Co. Lone Star Industries Inc. Louisiana Land & Exploration Co . MalIinckrodt Inc. Marathon Oil Co. The Marley Co. Martin Marietta Corp. John Mathes & Assoc. Inc. Maxas Energy Corp. May Department Stores Co. The Maytag Co. McDonnell Douglas Corp. Microsoft Midcon Corp. Middle South Services Inc. Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. Inc. Missouri Public Service Mobil Oil Corp. Mod-Tap System NA Corp. Monsanto Co. MO Portland Cement Morrison-Knudsen Co. Inc. Morton Thiokol Inc. Motorola Inc. Nalco Chemical Co. National Distillers & Chemical Corp. National Gypsum Co. National Steel Corp. Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America NCR Corp. New England Power Servo Co. New York Life Insurance Co. Nirns Associates Inc. N L Industries Inc. Noranda Aluminum Inc. North American Co;U Corp. North American Philips Corp. Northeast Utilities . Northern Illinois Gas Norton Company Fdn. Inc. OK Gas & Electric Co. Olin Corp. Owens-Coming Fiberglas Corp. Owens-Illinois Inc. Pacific Lighting Corp. Pacific Telesis Fdn. Panhandle Eastern Corp. Parker-Hannifm Fdn. Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. Pennzoil Co. PepsiCo Inc. Pfizer Inc. PHH Group Inc. Philip Morris Cos. Inc Phillips Petroleum Co . PPG Industries Inc. Preferred Risk Group Price Brothers Co. Price Waterhouse Fdn. Procter & Gamble Co. Public Serv Electric & Gas Co.

Quaker Chemical Corp. The Quaker Oats Co. Ralston Purina Co. Raytheon Co. RCA Corp. Rexnord Inc. Reynolds Metals Co. Roche;ster & Pittsburgh Coal Co. Rockwell International Corp. Rohm & Haas Co. Rust Int 'l Corp. St. Joe Minerals Corp. Santa Fe Southern Pacific Corp. Joseph E. Seagram & Sons Inc. Sheller-Globe Corp. Shell Oil Co. Sherwin-Williams Fdn. Siemens Energy & Auto Inc. Singer Co. A. O. Smith Fdn. SmithKline Beckman Corp. Sonat Inc. Southern Bell Southwestern Bell Fdn . Square D Co. Squibb Corp. A. E. Staley Manufacturing Co. Stanadyne Inc. Standard Oil Co. (Ohio) State Farm Insurance Co. Stone & Webster Inc. Sun Company Inc. Sun Oil Co. of PA Sundstrand Corp. Fdn. Tandy Corp./ Radio Shack Tektronix Inc. Teleflex Fdn. Tenneco Inc. Texaco Inc. Texas Instruments Inc. Textron Inc. Toledo Edison Transco Energy Corp. The Travelers Corp. TrunkIine Gas Co. TRW Inc. TX Gas Trans. Corp. TX Eastern Trans. Co. Union Electric Co. Union Pacific Corp. Union Texas {letroleum Unisys Corp. United Engr & Canst. LTD United Services Auto Assn. United Technologies Corp. United Telecommunications , Inc. Unocal Corp. U.S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co. U.S. Gypsum Co. U.S. Steel Corp. Viskase Corp. Vista Chemical Co . Vulcan Materials Co. Westinghouse Electric Corp. WI Electric Power Co. The Williams Companies Wisconsin Power & Light World Rook Inc. Xerox Corp. Yellow Freight Fund

Lifetime Memberships When the Alumni Association was young, life memberships were solicited to finance the organization. The following alumni hold paid-up life memberships. Each has a permanent place on the honor roll of donors. Thank you all.

46/ MSM Alumnus

Crawford , E.A. , '29 De Cousser, Kurt I Jerman , '22 De Valve, Albert StcihIer, '43 Grimm, C. James, '30 Neal , Kenneth Robeson , '30

Potter, Charles Jackson , '29 Smith, Hueston Merriam , '38 Swift, Ro y Erwin , '34 Wanenmacher, Joseph M., ' 23 Wheeler, Ernest Sterling, ' 22

Named Funds Eugene Abernathy Memorial Fund Academy of Civil Engineers fund Academy of Electrical Engineers Fund Academy of Engineering Managers Alcoa Alcoa Fellowship-Ceramics Alcoa Foundation Scholarship Alcoa Research Fund-Materials Research Center The All American Swimming Scholarship Allied Scholarship Fund Alumni Student Loan Fund AMAX AMAX Coal Scholarship AMAX Missouri Lead Scholarship AMAX Missouri Lead Scholarship-Metallurgy American Metal Climax Foundation Fellowship Climax Molybdenum Undergraduate Scholarship Climax Undergraduate Programs-Mining Engineering American Smelting and RefIning Company Scholarship American Society of Mechanical Engineers Loan Fund AMOCO AMOCO Foundation Incorporated AMOCO-Geological Engineering AMOCO Production Foundation Scholarships-Geophysics Anaconda Aluminum Scholarship Mary Imogene Anderson & H.G.S. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Robert A. Armstrong Loan Fund J. B. Arthur & Family Loan Fund Scholarship Fund ASARCO Foundation Atlantic Richfield-Geological Engineering Atlantic Richfield-Strunk Fund Norma and George Axmacher Scholarship Jack Babbitt Student Emergency Loan Fund Chester S. Barnard Loan Fund Kay A. and David J . Barr Endowed Fund Carl H. Basler Scholarship Fund Maurice O. Bellis Scholarship Jerome T. and Robert T . Berry Endowment Fund for Athletics . Caesar Berutt Memorial Loan Fund Thomas R. Beveridge Loan Fund Black and Veatch Scholarships Boeing Scholarship Fund Dr. Wouter Bosch Surface Coating Scholarship Fund Mark Bouckaert Memorial Scholarship ~ Ianche and John H . Bowles Scholarship Fund Jack K . Boyd Memorial Fund Award Robert M . Brackbill Fund Donald L. Branson Memorial Loan Fund Wayne R . Broaddus Sr. Scholarship Fund John Stafford Brown Faculty Excellence Fund Robert F. Bruzewski Loan Fund Gale Bullman Athletic Fund Burdick Endowment Fund Joe B. Butler Memorial Award Joe B. Butler Scholarship Fund Campus Vending Scholastic Award Campus Veterans Association Loan Fund E. W. Carlton Scholarship Fund Donald L. Castleman Scholarship Fund John H. Castleman Memorial Scholarship , Chemistry Monsanto Fellowship Charles Christian Memorial Achievement Award in Civil Engineering Captain Carl G. Christie Memorial Fund Class of 1929 Fund Class of 1937 Faculty Excellence Fund Class of 1939 Loan Fund Class of 1940 Fund Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company Scholarships Andy and Toni Cochran Scholarship Combustion Engineering (CE Refractories) Scholarship Co minco American Scholarship Fund CONOCO CONOCO Fellowships-Mines and Metallurgy CONOCO Scholarship-Mines and Metallurgy Dr. Frank H . Conrad Loan Fund Frank H. Conrad Chemical Engineering Scholarship Fund Consolidation Coal Company Gift-Mining Engineering Consolidation Coal Company Scholarships Ivohn Roach Cook Memorial Scholarship Fund Nick Cooksey Memorial Scholarship Richard L. Cooper Scholarship Coterie Scholarship Committee Scholarship Donald G. Crecelius Scholarship Fund Eben R. Crum Student Loan Fund G. Clement & Richard A. Cunningham Endowed Scholarship G . Raymond Cuthbertson Challenge Fund C. L. Dake-John S. Brown Library Acquisition Fund Robert F. Davidson Memorial Loan Fund

Delbert E. Day Endowed Scholarship Falkland H. Dearing Educational Scholarship Fund Frank E. Dennie Memorial Scholarship Fund John Herman Dougherty Library of Mines and Metallurgy Dow Scholarship Fund for Chemistry Pauline B. and John J. Doyle Loan Fund Thorpe Dresser Endowed Scholarship Fund DuPont Grant-Chemical Engineering Fund Robert Emmett Dye Scholarships Laura and George Easley Scholarship Eastman Kodak Eastman Kodak Fellowship in Chemical Engineering Eastman Kodak Scholarship Fund Robert A. & Dorothy F . Eck Endowed Scholarship Fund Ecodyne Corporation Scholarship- Civil Engineering Francis C. Edwards Memorial Fund F. Stillman Elfred Memorial Scholarship Fund Thomas English Scholarship Fund Ensign-Bickford Mining Fund E XXON EXXO N Fellowship Account-Petroleum Engineering E XXON-Monterey Mining Engineering Fund EXXON Teaching Fellowship-Mining Engineering Jack F. Faser Endowed Scholarship Fund Thomas R . Faucett Endowed Scholarship Fund Steven Feder Memorial Scholarship Fund Ferro Corporation Award in Ceramic Engineering Al Fields Memorial Scholarship Raymond R. Finch Memorial Scholarship Fund Fred Finley Scholarships in Electrical Engineering Fred W. Finley Fellowship in Communications Fred W. & Mary K . Finley Faculty Excellence Fund Fred W. & Mary K. Finley Minority Scholarship Fund Fred Fisher Memorial Loan Fund J. L. Flebbe Memorial Scholarship Fund Foundry Educational Foundation Fund Floyd H. Frame Electrical Engineering Scholarship C. R. Freeman Fund Harold Q Fuller Scholarship-Loan Fund Charles T. Galloway Memorial Loan Fund Garnrna Xi Chapter Sigma Nu Scholarship Fund General Motors Scholarships Getty Oil Company Getty Geological Engineering Fund Getty Mining Engineering Fund Getty Mining Scholarships V. A. C. Gevecker Scholarship Fund Jerry L. Gilmore Scholarship Paul E. & Ann E. Givens Loan Fund A. Frank Golick Memorial Award in Metallurgy Stephen P. Gorman Fellowship Stephen P. Gorman Scholarship Glenn and Ruth Graham Scholarships O. R. Grawe Memorial Fund A. P. Green A. P. Green Brick Company Award A . P. Green Fire Bricks Company Fellowship A. P. Green Refractories Scholarship Harvey H. Grice Scholarship Fund C. James Grimm Scholarship Fund C. James Grimm Tribute Scholarship Fund Henry E. Gross Endowment Gulf Oil Gulf Oil Corporation Honors Scholarships Gulf Oil Foundation Professorship-Mines & Metallurgy Gulf Oil-Pittsburgh and Midway Coal Scholarship Clyde W. and Fannie M. Hall Scholarships William M. & Jane M. Hallett Fund John W. Hamblen Computer Science Endowed Scholarship H. R. Hanley Scholarship Fund Albert Happy Scholarship-Civil Engineering Harbison-Walker Charitable Fund Scholarship John P. Harmon Loan Fund James G. Harris Memorial Scholarship Henry H . Hartzell Loan Fund Karl F. Hasselmann Endowment Scholarship Fund Karl F . Hasselmann Loan Fund Gary W. Havener Endowed Scholarship Carl J. Heirn Scholarship Fund Hercules Powder Company-Chemical Engineering Fund Leon Hershkowitz Scholarship Fund Troy Don Hicks Memorial Scholarship Loan Fund Lawrence R . Hinken Loan Fund Thomas A. & Joan Holmes Endowed Fund Anthony Homyk Fund Harland H. Hoppock Athletic Scholarship Harland H. Hoppock Scholarship Monty M. Horst Memorial Scholars hip Fund Russell Hunt Memorial Scholarship Richard E . Ichord Loan Fund


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I ;

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MSM Alumnus/ 47

Named Funds continued Illinois Mining Institute Scholarship IMARGAAATAI Fund Imperial Chemicals Industries Fellowship Ingcrsoll- Rand Scholarships- Mining-Geological Enginccring Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation Mining Enginecring Fund International Minerals Corporation-Ceramic Engincering Jaelding Educational Fund Jackling Loan Fund Jackling Summer Institute Fund Lucy Wortham James Scholarship Loan Fund Catherine G. & William S. Jenks Jr. Endowed Scholarship fund J . Stuart Johnson Endowcd Scholarship Kaiser Alumi,num . .. Kaiser Aluminum Scholarship Fund Kaiser Scholarship Fund-Ceramic Engineering Mervin J . Kelly Scholarship Fund -, . I ~ ; Daniel Kennedy Essay Awards ' Harry Kessler Scholarships Steven Kessler Scholarships King, Carver, Joplin Museum/ Memorial Loan Fund Martin L. King Memorial Scholarship Loan Fund Robert B. Koplar Professor of Engineering Management Fund Harold A. Krueger Athletic Scholarship Laelede Steel Emergency Loan Fund Eugene A. Lang Family Scholarship Larkin and !Associates Scholarship Fund Mark B. Layne Scholarship : John, H. and Eilyeen B. Liyingston Loan Fund Sam Lloyd Endowment Fund . I. H. Lovett Tribute Scholarship Fund "M " Club Loan Fund Floy Maurine Macklin Memorial Fund . Joseph M. and Louise Marchello Endowed Scholarship Maytag Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering Martha McCormick Transfer Scholarship E. J . McKee Scholarship V. H. McNutt Faculty Assistance V. H . McNutt Memorial Fellowships V. H . McNutt Memorial Scholarships George McPherson Jr. Endowed Fellowship Frank H. and Dorothea M. Mentz Endowed Scholarship Mid-East Missouri Contractor's Associational Scholarships Aaron J . Miles ;\1ernorial Scholarship Fund Burke Miller Memorial Scholarship The Minerals Industry Educational Foundation Scholarships Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Scholarship Missouri Society of Professional Engineers, Women's Auxiliary Loan Fund Monsanto Chemical Company-Chemical Engineering Fund Monsanto Company Mechanical Engineers J . Derald Morgan Endowed Scholarship Ray Morgan A ward for Special Achievement in Geology MSM-UMR Alumni Association Educational Assistant Fund MSM-U MR Alumni Association Faculty Loan Fund MSM-UMR Alumni Association-KC Section Scholarship MSM-UMR Alumni Association Scholarship Funds Murphy Company Mechanical Contracting Engineering Scholarships National Steel Corporation Fellowship Professor Robert H. Nau Scholarship-Electrical Engineering Enoch R . Needles Scholarship in Civil Engineering Enoch R. Needles Speech Award Bob Nevins Scholarship in Metallurgical Engineering Bob and Hanna Nevins Endowed Scholarship Newmont Mining Scholarship-Metallurgy Robert M. Nicodemus Academic Athlete Award NL Industries Foundation Scholarship Roger E. Nolte Endowed Fellowship' Donald Paul Odom Memorial Scholarship Old Ben Coal Corporation Scholarships Olin Summer Project Grant-Metallurgical Engineering John K. Olsen Emergency Loan Fund Colonel (Retired) and Mrs. Ed Owsley Scholarship Ozark Lead Company Scholarship John W . Page Scholarship Fund-Mining Clarence C. Palmer Memorial Scholarship Fund Peabody Coal Fellowship Roy Perry Scholarship in Civil Engineering Petro Lewis Corporation Scholarship Phelps County-City Panhellenic Scholarship Fund Phi Kappa Phi Loan Fund Peter H. Pietsch Memorial Scholarship-Chemistry Theodore J . Planje Sr. Scholarship Fund Arthur L. Pollard Memorial Scholarship Fund Arthur L. Pollard Trust Fund Harry W. L. Porth Distinguished Lecture Series in Engineering Portland Cement Scholarship ,

48/ MSM Alumnus


Ilcrbcrt L. Prangc Loan [:und Procter and G amblc Fellowship Pu blic Scrvicc Co mpan y of Oklahoma Scho larship J. A. Rcdding Scholarship Stcphen P. Rced Scholarship Thomas II. Recse Jr. ;\1 emorial Scholarship · Thomas H. Reesc Jr. Profcssorship in Civil Enginccring The Refractories Institute Refractories Institute- FIRE Scholarships Agnes C. Remington Scholarship Fund Charles .R . & Agnes C. Remington Studcnt Loan Fund Walter E. Remmers SpcciaJ Lecture-Artist Fund l' Robert P. (Dusty) Rhoades Loan Fund • J. Kent Roberts Civil fngincering Scholarship . Rochester and, Pittsburgh Coal' Fellbw~hips-Mining Rolla Lions Club Loan Fund . ,. Rolla Mcmon~ Unit American 'Legion Loan Fund Rolla Rotary Club Loan Fund William A. Rutledge-Emerson Electric Co. Professorship in Electrical Engineering Bernard R. and Lena V. Sarchet Scholarship Schlumberger Collegiate Award Schlumberger Endowed PrafessorshiikElectrical Engineering D. R. Schooler Memorial Loan Fund · ( Walter T. Schrenk Loan Fund. Joseph H. Senne Civil Engineering Scholarship U. B.. Senter Scholarship Fund Shell . . , Shell Company Foundation. Scholarship in Geological Engineering Shell Companies Foundation Scholars-Mining Shell Fellowship in Chemical Engineering Sheridan .Enterprises Scholarships L.T. Sicka Scholarship Fund Henry H. & Betty H. Sineath Packaging Engineering Endowed Fund Skitek/Eta Kappa Nu Scholarship Duncan S. Smith Scholarship Elmer, Leroy and Gene Smith Endowed Scholarship Jefferson Smurfit Fellowship Walter, Venita and Shirley Snelson Scholarship Award Society of Women Engineers Scholarship Standard Oil of California Scholarship Fund St. Joe Lead Company Fellowship St. Joe Minerals Corporation Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Stockett Scholarship Fund Bruce B. Strang Memorial Fund Mailand R. Strunk Scholarship Fund John R . Stubbins Loan Fund Neil Stueck Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering Jules H. Subow Memorial Scholarship Sunstrand Fund Scholarship Sverdrup and Parcel Scholarship Fund Harvey L. Tedrow Fund Teledyne MEC Professorship-EE Tenneco Scholars'hips-Geological Engineering Texaco Fellowship in Chemical Engineering H. D. 'Tommy" Thomas Grant Dudley Thompson Endowed Fellowship Fund Carlos and Joan Tiernon Scholarship Fund Betty Todd Memorial Scholarship Frank E. Townsend Loan Fund E. Rowland Tragitt Memorial Loan Fund UMR Academy of Civil Engineers, Fruin-Colnon Scholarship UMR Band Fund UMR Parents' Association Fund Union Pacific Foundation Scholarships Union Pacific/ Rocky Mountation Energy Co. Professorship University Bookstore Scholarship . Claude Valerius Scholarship . Burr R . Van Nostrand Memorial Scholarship J. Michael Vickers Endowed Athletic Scholarship Fund Edwin W. Waggoner Loan Fund Don L. and Patricia Warner Mineral Engineering Scholarship William Hamlet Webb Endowed Scholarship Fund Gordon Weiss Memorial Fund Western Electric Loan Fund W~stvac'o Fellowship Charles and Anna Wiese Loan Fund Clark Wilson UMR Scholarship Award Curtis L. Wilson Loan Fund Pat Witt Mine Safety Endowed Scholarship Wives Auxiliary of Professional Engineers Loan Fund L. E. Woodman Memorial Scholarship Fund DeMarquis D. and Louise D. Wyatt Scholarship Lewis E. Young Scholarship Fund Marvin Zeid Scholarships Zeigler Coal Company Fund H. E. Zoller Loan Fund

1987-88 Alumni Association Scholarsh'i p Fund Recipients A lumni Association Scholarship I

Matthew C. Acuff, Fr, AE Lori J. Adams, Sr, Ch E Michael A. Adams, Fr, EE Charles S. Bach, Fr, ME Tamra K. Banks, Jr, ME Ronald J. Bauza, Sr, EE Thoron J. Bennett, Fr, Chern Bruce M. Borcherding, Jr, EE Guy A Brady, Fr, Cer Donald D. Brumm II, Sr, ,Min Stephan K. Bryan, Sr, C Sc Cassandra Bryant, Fr, EE Jeffrey W. Bullard, Sr, Cer Delbert I. Capehart, Fr, C Sc Andrew Carso, So, EE Jason W . Carter, So, Eng Matthew G. Collins, So, ME Douglas T. Cordier, Fr, Fr Eng Neil D. Dettwiler, Fr, AE Nanc,Y, D. Fetters, So, AE Thomas A. Flak, Sr, EE John P. Flake, Fr, ME Jason C. Frank, So, Cer Gregory J. Gent,)r, 'EE Gary L. Gibson, Fr, AE Cynthia A. Gillespie, Fr, EE Kevin S. Glannon, Fr, ME Allen S. Griffey, Jr, EE Jonathan W. Groves, Jr, EE Mark E. Guvemator, Fr, EE Dwight D. Haney, So, Cer S. Michael Held, Sr, EE David W . Hemmer, Fr, ME Charles A. Henze, Sr, Ch E Jeffrey A. Herzog, Fr, EE James L. Hill , Fr, NE Thomas C. Hodge, Jr, Ch E Nancy A. Holterman, Fr, Fr Eng Frederick W. Husman, Fr, EE Brian L. Jenkins, Fr, EE Scott F. Jokerst , Fr, EE Scott J. Kellerman, Jr, Ch E Roland R. Kilcher, Fr, EM Michael D. Kilgore, Sr, Ch E Colby E. Kinser, Sr, C Sc Bradford J. Kline, Sr, App Math Kevin S. Kohm , So , EE Donna K . Kraus , Fr, AE Richard A. Kreisel, Fr, ME Edith E. Lai, So, EE Peter B. Lassen, Fr, Fr Eng Scott J . Leigh, Fr, EE Todd W. Lewis, So , Eng Darin R . Lovelace, Sr, App Math Christopher L. Mallow, Fr, Cer Gerald R. McCray , Fr, l\IE James A. McDaniel, Jr, C Sc David R. Medrow, Jr, EE Kenneth J. Mikulcik, Fr, AE John P. Miller, Jr, ME Peter "V. Moody, Jr, C Sc Jeffrey S. Morris, Fr, EE Donald W. Mueller, Sr, ME Scott A. Musgrave, Fr, ME Donald M. Newburrry, Fr, Fr Eng Duc T. Ngo , Fr, C Sc Robert L. l\'iedergerke , So, C Sc Erik D. Olson, Sr, AE T imothy C. Overstreet , Jr , C Sc Douglas W. Penteco st , Fr, AE Robert L. Phillips, So, L Sc David B. Platt , So , Ch E Kathy S. Powell , Fr, EE Mathew M. Rice, Fr, EE Bret A. Riegel, Jr, AE Jeffrey C. Rigg, Sr, EE Michael Rossi, Fr, Fr Eng Victoria J . Scarnmacca, Fr, Fr Eng John T. Schmidt, Fr, EE Steven L. Sievert , So, Eng Mgt Chris G . Silies, So, ME Jeffrey E. Skillington, Fr, EE Ricky L. Spurlock , Fr, NE Daniel L. Stasiak, Sr, EE \1ary A. Stephens, Sr, Engl Karla J. Stiefermann, Sr, Ch E Robert J. Suess, Fr, EE

David P. Theisen, Fr, EE \1ark L. Underwood, Fr, AE Leslie H. Vigna, So, Ch E Mac J . Voss , So, ME Peggy A. Waeltermann , So, C Sc Michael N. Weidner, So, EE Dawn R . Weinand , Fr, Ch E Craig W . Wilding, F r, AE Lewis B. Wiles, Jr, EE Robin L. Williams, So, AE John F. Winkler, Fr, AE Gregory M . Witte, Jr, Ch E

Alumni Association Scholarship II Catherine Ann Alofs, Jr, App Math Denise C. Brandt, So, Met Schonda L. Briggs, So, AE Kevin L. Brown, So, ME Tara L. Brown, Jr, C Sc Peggy A . Danzer, Sr, ME Gary D. Dencker, Sr, Ch E Timothy J . Dickinson, Jr, AE Jeannine M . Dubuque, Sr, EE Suzanne E. Garrett, Fr, Ch E Carolyn S. Hathaway, Sr, L Sc Angelia S. Honse, So, AE Daniel E. Jackson, So, Ch E John J. Kuehn, So, EE Michael L. Noble, So, Phys Douglas N. Owens, So , C Sc Robert L. Parsons, Fr, Fr Eng Tracy S. Perkins, Jr, Ch E Ronald A. Rosenkoetter, Fr, NE Michael S. Silliman, Sr, EE Michael A. Stuller, Fr, Phys Ellen E. Tucker, Sr, AE Anne L. Voyles , Jr, Chern Scott G . Warhover, So, Eng Howard A. Wilkins, Jr. , Fr, Fr Eng Timothy B. Younker, Fr , C Sc ,- ,

Transfer Student Scholarship John J . Adrian , Jr, EE Christina E. Ames, Jr, EE Mark E. Barkey, Jr, E:vi David C. Barski , Jr, EE Daniel F . Bertel, Sr, EE Marie E. Blue, Jr, Cer Tiong.Chin Boo, So, EE Jeffrey L. Carril, Sr, EE Jacqueline M. East, Sr, NE Darren C. Eufmger, Sr, ME Daniel L. Green, Sr, C Sc Dennis W . Hamer, Sr, AE Jeffrey A. Hellebusch, Jr, Eng \1gt Daniel D . Horst, Jr, ME Sonja E. Jobe, So , Chern Randall S. Kuzniakowski, Sr, CE Michael E. Mall, Sr, Phys Christine A . Mayerhoefer, Sr, EE John Meiborg, Jr, AE . Gregory A. Mettlach, Jr, M~ William E. Moser, Jr, ME Randy L. Mullinax, Jr, ME Brian J . Nenninger, Jr, EE Jim A. Niebergall, Sr, ME Robert A. .Parker, Jr, ME Curtis W. Poulson, Sr, EE Susan E. Price, Jr, ME Paul D . Pyla, Sr, Ch E Curtis R . Reinbott ~ Jr, EE Kathleen H . Ryan, Jr, EE Dennis J. Schamburg, Jr, EE Tim G . Schroeder, Jr, ME Alan C. Schuchardt, Sr, ME Ryan D. Sneed, Sr, AE Gregory G . Stettes, Jr, ME Mark A. Stielow, Sr, ME Richard J . Straus, Sr, ME Joseph R. Teiwelp, Jr, AE Kent E. Thomas, Sr, EE David A. Webber, Jr, CE Hau-Fong Wong, Sr, EE

A lumni Educational Assistants ~ena Abdul·Wakeel, Sr, C Sc Jonathan A. Allan, Sr, C Sc John II. Backs, Sr, EE Eric W . Becker, Jr, EE Sara M. Bishop, Sr, Mgt Scott H. Boehmer, Sr, ME Roberta E. Brown, Sr, Hist Brenda S. Brugger, Sr, Hist Jeffrey W. Bullard, Sr, Cer Joann Connors, Sr, EE Lori T. Dubin, Sr, C Sc Mary E. Edwards, Jr, Psyc Dawn E. Elmore, So , Psyc Shawn M. Everly, Sr, C Sc Phillip D. Ferguson, Sr, NE Paul Galbraith, Sr, Met Laura M. qrady, Sr, Ch E Nancy E . Haynes, Sr, Psyc William A. Heineken, Sr, NE Michael S. Humphrey, Sr, Hist Chris A. Icide, Sr, NE Gregory S. Kinn, Sr, NE David K. Lovelace, Sr, EE Sarah E. May, Sr, Econ Joe P. Mazzola, Sr, CE Christili~ E. McLees, Sr, Engl Rachelle D . Middleton, Sr, CE Troy W . ?'-iorcross, Sr, C Sc Arnold J. Ramsey, Sr, Ge E Mark A. Schmisseur, Sr, EE Steve A. Schoenig, Jr, Eng! Craig T . Scott, Sr, AE Cordell E. Smith, Sr, Hist Andre T. Spears, Sr, Ch E Siew Leng Tay, Jr, EE Cheryl D . Tefft, Sr, App Mafh Winfred VanMourik, Sr, C Sc John C. VanBesien, Sr, Engl Eric W. Walters, Jr, Cer Anthony Washburn, Sr, AE

Norma and George Axmacher Scholarship Sean K. Patterson, Sr, C Sc

Jerome T, and Robert T. Berry Scholarship Carl E. R oth , Jr, ME

Robert E. Dye Scholarship Andrew D. Bryan, Sr, Min Casimir J. Eichenseer, Sr, Min Randal L. Hanning, Sr, Min Roger S. Hickam, Jr, Min Steven J . Home , Sr, Min William T . Marston , Sr, :viin Alec M. Patterson, Sr, Min C1irla A. Sainato'; 'J\", Min' Mark W. Smith, So, Min Gregory F . Sutton, Sr, Min

Murphy Company Scholarship

Clyde W. & Fannie M. Hall Scholarship Jo seph R. Boland, Sr, AE Cynthia A. Carron, Sr, EE Kevin B. Edwards, Sr, NE Eric S. Hart, Sr, EE Kim A. Ie, Sr, CE Patrick A. Kaufman, Sr, ME Daniel L. Meservey, Sr, EE Todd S. Miner, Sr, Ch E Linda K. Moore, Sr, Ch E Rainer P. Mueller, Sr, EE Diane M. Oehlschlaeger, Jr, L Sc

Galen R . Oellig, Sr, C Sc Sean K. Patterson, Sr, C Sc Lara C. Phillips, Jr, AE David B. Porter, Sr, App Math Craig S. Prevallet, Sr, Ch E Ronald A. Rosner, Sr, AE Laura M. Schisler, Jr, EE Shelli K. Starrett, Sr, EE Richard L. Traxel, Sr, EE Roger W. Tyree, Sr, EE Richard E. Wawrzyniak, Sr, EE

Clyde Hall was a 1914 graduate of the Missouri School of Mines with a Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering. He was awarded the further degree Engineer of Mines in 1923. He died in 1973. He was survived by his wife, Fannie, a Rolla native, whose maiden name was Mitchell. Upon her death their entire estate was given for scholarships. Half of the estate's proceeds came to the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, a quarter to the Rolla Public Schools and the other quarter to his high school in Kansas. His professiona1 life was spent with the United Clay Mines Corp. of Trenton, New Jersey and he was Chairman of the Board when he retired in' ,\, 1953.

Scott A. Snob1e, Sr, ME

E. L. "Roy" Perry Scholarship Ronald R. Crto n Jr., Sr, CE

Theodore J. Planje Scholarship Elizabeth Baumbach, Jr, Ger

On campus he was a Sigma Nu, lettered in baseball and was a member of the Student Council. He is listed in the 1931 edition ofWfio's Who in Engineering. As far back as we have records, he supported the Alumni Association, with moderate gifts, 10-25 dollars per year. Fannie continued that support after his death. The trust which supports the scholarships is administered by a Florida bank and has a capital worth of $336,270.90 (market) and an estimated annual income of $22,000. The income is spent j on scholarships. There are no survivors, so the Halls' generoSIty cannot be ackowledged. We can 0.n1y hope that they recognized during their lifetimes that they would have a profound affect on future students. Their influence for good will last in perpetuity.

MSM Alumnus/ 49

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1987 Recipients of UMR Named Scholarships



l J


Im ogene A nderson & H.G.s. A nderson .liemorial Scholarship


Jo seph Bradley Steinkamp, So , "letE

\)on:.dd Earl \kG o\\'an Jr. , Sr, ChE Richard A. Schuth. Grad, ChE Claudia L.c" \nnette Tut! , Jr, ChE

J. B. Arthur & Family Scholarship

Richard L Cooper S cholarship

I leather Kathleen Benso n, Fr, Engr

Frederi ck Paul Wil so n, Jr, EE

Vito Biundo, Jr, CerE Julie Lynn Board, Sr, CerE Jeffrey Wayne Bullard , Sr, CerE William David Clifton , Jr, CerE John Andrew Conrad , Fr, Engr Terry Alan Cruse, So , Engr \lichael Joseph Debarr, Jr, CerE :Y1ichael Da\'id Eudy, Jr, CerE Jaso n Cresean Frank, So , Engr Non Gaus , Sr , CerE Douglas D. :Ylincke, Sr, CerE Juliet Ann \linzey, Sr, CerE Tod :Ylichael l\eidt, Sr, CerE Douglas Reed :\iermeyer, Sr, CerE Cynthia Allisann. Parker, Sr, CerE Timothy T. Popp, Sr, CerE Karen Renee Raab , Jr, CerE James Dale Steibel , Sr, CerE Linda R. Voellinger, Sr, CerE Robert Kent Wade , So, Engr Eric George Wilkins , Jr, CerE

Fred Finley Scholarships in Uectrical Engineering

KeVin Glen :Y1eCalmon , Sr, FE Denae R . Skouby, Sr, EE Judith L. Flebhe ;He'rnorial Scholarship John Dale Brandt , Jr, ChE Sien IIooi 'Yek , Sr, ChE

Coterie Scholarship Committee "';cholarship

Keasha Leandra, Sr, Engr Mgt

Floyd H. Frame Endowed Scholarship

Robert Joseph Chrum, Sr, EE Donald G. Crece/ius Scholarship

Wesley Thomas Tremper; Grad , EE

Harold Q Fuller Scholarship Ellen Roosman Mell , Sr, Phys

Friends of Cross-Country Scholarship

Tim Andrew Bauer, So , ChE David Lawrence Vonarx, Sr, CE . Falkland H. Dearing Educational Scholarship

Andrew Joseph Gardner, Jr, EE Gregory S. Martinez, So, EE ;\lark Norman Nel, Fr, Engr

Jeny L Gilmore Scholarship .Michael Jerome Weber, Sr, CE 'S tephen P. Gorman Scholarship

-.Christine L. Adkisson, So, EE James P. Dierkes, Jr, EE Krista Elaine Potter, So, Engr Jo shua Mark Timmons, So, Appl \1ath

Carl H. Basler Scholarship Fund Frank E. Dennie Memorial Scholarship

Daniel Harrison Buss, Sr, EE

Allen Sparkman Griffey, Jr, EE

Dr. Wouter Bosch Surface Coating Scholarship

William Mark Barnett , Fr, Chem Thoron James Bennett, Fr, Chern Clara :'viaureen Edwards, So, Chem Cheryl Yvonne Fisher, Sr, Chern Kimberly Lynn Ford, Jr, ChE Sherree Lee Gaskins, Sr, Chern Carol Kathleen Kenesey, Sr, Chern Susan Elaine Lindhorst , So, Chem Yvonne M. Liske, Sr, Chern Lisa Carol Mueller, Sr, Chern Trent A. Overton, So, Chem Renee Raper, Sr, Chern Stephen E. Ruggeri, Sr, Chern Kevin W. Sutton, Sr, Che~ 111ark Bouckaert Memorial Scholarship

\lark David Wohlstadter, Sr, ChE

Pauline B. & John J. Doyle Scholarship

Earl Otis Brown, So, i)syc Charles Everett Comeau, So, ;V'l in Becky Lynn Dancy, Jr, EE Theresa Marie Emmett, So, A&S Patricia Jean Fort, Sr, \IE Brian C. Giltner, Jr, CE Walter Brooks I-looper, So , ME Andrew Patrick Johnston, So , AE Kristin Leigh Kay, So, Appl Math Christina M. Knox, So, Hist Randall Scott Kuzruakowski, Sr, CE KC\'in I.ce \1a;TS, Sr, EE

Glenn & Ruth Graham Scholarship Brad G. Baker, Sr, Met Eng _Linda J . Bloomfield, Sr, Met Eng Susan A. Cheli, Sr, Met Eng Terry Alan Cruse , So , Met Eng , Danny J . Edwards, Grad, Met Eng KristoI?her :vIatthew Franken, Fr, Engr Christina Diane I land. fr , Phys Daniel K. Heitzman, Sr, Met Eng Spencer O. Luke, Sr, Met Eng Martin E. Myers, Sr, :'vIct Eng Susan E. Schumacher, Sr, Met Eng Stacey R. Wells, Jr, Met Eng Gary C. Yerby , Jr, \Iet Eng

Harvey H. Grice Scholarship

John :vIeiborg, Jr, AE Steve Wayne :vIeyer, Sr, :vIE Joel Alan Philliber, So , Met Thomas Lee Reed, 'Sr, GeolE Michael Jay Runzi, Sr, Psyc Christopher Allen Thornton , So, Phys

John Dale Brandt, Jr, ChE Thuy I\. Doan, Jr, ChE Randall Don Gardner, So , ChE Lynne Patricia Hackman, Jr, ChE Daniel Edmond Jackson, So, ChE Tracy Suzanne Perkins , Jr, ChE David Bruce Platt , So , ChE

Laura & George Easley Scholarship

C. James Grimm Scholarship

Eric Gerard Kearns, Jr, EE Mark Joseph Kipping, Fr, Com Sci Kevin Earl Patterson, Fr, Appl Math

Tracy Garrett Drysdale , Sr, EE l\icholas John Eckelkamp, Sr, EE William Jo seph Javurek , Sr, EE David Michael Sowders, Sr, EE


Wayne R. Broaddus Sr. Scholarship Fpnd

Brian Michael Kelly, Sr, CE Joe B. Butler Civil Engineering Scholarship

Curtis Paul Plunk , Fr, Engr E. W. Carlron Scholarship

Christopher Wayne Huffman , Fr , Engr Donald L. Castleman Scholarship Fund Darryl Dean Presley, Fr, Engr Charles Christian Scholarship Derek Dwight Ingram , So, CE A ndy & Toni Cochran Scholarship David Gerald Riazi, Fr, Engr

F. Stillman E/ji-ed Memorial Scholarship

Christopher Michael Canon, Sr, Min Casimir James Eiehenseer, Sr, :vIin Marcie Lyn Goodman, So , Min Jeffre y Scott Haw k, Sr, Min Alec :vIichael Patterson, Sr, Min :Y1ichael Patrick Sturdevant , Sr, \lin Brad Michael Wadle, Fr, Engr

50/MSM Alumnus

Jean Stewart Craft, Fr, Engr

Albert W. Happy Scholarship

Gregory R. Budd, Sr, CE R yan Bradley Iloward, Sr, CE Brian Michael Kelly, Sr, CE

Thomas O. E nglish Scholarship

William Isaac Catron , Sr, EE Daniel Lawrence Struci<hoff, Sr, EE Lewis Brian Wiles , Jr, EE Thomas R. Faucett Endowed Scholarship

Frank H . Conrad Chemical Engineering Scholarship Timothy E. Carnell, Sr, ChE James Elmer Coons , Grad, Ch E Lori Lee Goucher, Sr, ChE

H. R. Hanley Scholarship

John Ralph Dalton, Sr, \lE Raymond R. Finch Memorial Scholarship Patrick D. Tepesch, Fr, Engr

Karl F. Hqsselmann Scholarship

Glenn Steve n Brenneke, Fr, Engr Dawn :VI. Campbell, Fr, Engr ;'vlichael Wayne Foster, Fr, Engr \-lark .\IlcCay Scott, Sr, EE Kenneth Gregory Sessa, Fr, Engr

Carl J. Heim Endowed sclwlarship

Rebecca On-lJma Workman, fr, Engr

--- i l 11




Jlervitl J. Kelly Scholarship Douglas Clifton m ake , Jr, At: Bryan L. files, Jr, Com Sci Willian1 Joseph Guen ther, Jr, \IE

Ph elps County-City Panhellenic Scholarship J\Iln \l ur;e SaunJers , Sr, Pet E "anc)' Ann Wojciechowski, Sr, EE

I. H. Lovell Sch.olarship I mn Ch:lrlcs Ikrning, SL rc Christopher Alan Franklin, Sr, EE Mark S. Moellenhoff, Sr, EE

Peter Pietsch .Hemorial Scholarship Sonja E. J o be , So , Chern Thomas Paul " eaf, Fr, C hern William Brian 0:elson, Fr , Chern August J oseph Ponstingl Jr., Fr, C hern

F10y Maw'ine Macklin ,Hemorial Scholarship David W. Kiehne , So , \rIE Katherine A. Stone, So, ]\E

E. J. McKee Scholarship Thomas Gerard Deiters , Fr, Engr Matthew D. Markel, Jr, EE

V. H. 1l-lcNull lHemorial Scholarship Simon Paul Broomhead, So, Geol/Geoph Brent O. Callen, Sr, Geol/Geoph Scott Joseph Dahlgren, So, Geol/Geoph Wayne Alan Hopkins , Jr, Geol/Geoph Charles Vincent Muerhoff, Jr, Geol/ Geoph Andrew Evan Newell, Sr, Geol/Geoph Michael William Reese, Fr, Geoli Geoph Jeffrey William Tottleben, Fr, G eol/Geoph Robert Eugene Wilson, Sr, Geol/Geoph

Frank H. & Dorothea 1'\11. lHentz Endowed Scholarship Lance Michael Clark, Fr, L SC Susan Elaine Lindhorst, So, Chern

Aaron J. iWiles ,Wemorial Scholarship J effrey Dean Hanna, Sf; ME Bret Robert Klahs, Sr, ME

Burke !\Ililler JWemorial Scholarship Carolyn J ane Gold, Sr, Phys Terrance Richard Harrison , Sr, Phys

Ray lHorgan A ward for Special Achievement in Geology Paul Eugene Pierson, Sr, Geol

Professor Robert H. Nau Scholarship George William Schuman II , Sr, EE

Enoch R. Needles Scholarship Suzanne Lynn Conors, Jr, CE Robert Gale Ford, Sr, CE Kevin Wade Low , Sr, CE Mary Therese Zuehlke, Grad, CE

Bob Nevins Scholarship Steven Vinson Campbell, Fr, Engr Mark Allen Whaley, So, Met

;Hailand R: Strunk Scholarship ~;tephen James Iloak , Sr, ChC Robert Gerard Ilolt , Sr, Ch E Robert Carl \rIchner, Sr, Ch E R ichard A. Schuth , Grad , Ch E Karla Jean Stieferrnarll1, Sr, Ch E Jules H . Subow i\llemorial Scholarship Timothy Jude Kempf, Sr, ME Betty Todd Memorial Scholarship Karla Marie Casper, So , Engr

Arthur L. Pollard Memorial Scholarship William Thomas Sinnott II , Sr, \lin

James A. Redding Scholarship Robert Eugene Wilson, Sr, Geol/G eoph

Thomas H. Reese Jr. 111emorial Scholarship Jeffrey L. Carril, Sr, CE Dawnrae Clark, Jr, CE Brian C. Giltner, Jr, CE Andrew J. Horstman, Jr, CE Robert Charles Leingang, So , CE Michael P. Pappas, Sr, CE Jim P. Peterson , So, CE Rodney Dewayne Riley, Jr, CE Gregory Phillip Sallee, So, CE

U. B. Senter Scholarship Paul Gerard Meiners, Sr, CE

Louis T. Sicka Scholarship Jeffrey Todd Alvarez, Fr, Engr E ugene Bae , Fr, Engr John Patrick Baker, Fr, Engr Thomas Gerard Block, Sr, EE Robert Allen Coker, So, Engr J effrey Todd Forehand, Sr, AE lIoward Layne Gugel, Jr, EE Kevin Dwayne I (amann, Sr, \-let J effrey Michael Ilerbst , Jr, EE John Gilbert lIumphrey , Fr, Engr K. Jason Lowry , fr , Engr J effrey George ;\1ueller, So , EE Thomas Edward Sovar, Jr, \rtE

Skitek/ HKN Endowed• Scholarship Nancy 1\1111 Wojciechowski , Sr, EE

U1WR IWemorial Scholarship Randall D. Gardner, So, ChE J. IHichael Vickers Endowed Athletic Scholarship TinlOthy Scott Hudwalker, Sr, CE William Hamlet Webb Scholarshp Teresa Marie Blue, Fr, Chern Elisabeth Lyn l\'o rton , fr, Chern Anne Louise Voyles, Jr, Chern Clark Wilson UMR Scholarship Sharon Kay Dampier, Fr, Engr

Pat Witt Mine Safety Endowed Scholarship Dana LYlme I Iix, Sr, .\-lin

L. E. Woodman .Memorial Scholarship Gerald Richard Hertzler, Sr, Phys Jolm William Towns, Sr, Phys DeMarquis D. & Louise D. Wyatt Scholarship J effrey Dean Hanna, Sr, ME Lewis E. Young Scholarship John F. Broker, Jr, EE Alisa Kay Houpt , Sr, EE \rIichcllc Andrea Hoyt , So , Engr J o hn Michael Koly Jr. , Jr, EE \rIark Lane \rtayberry, Sr, Com Sci Breck Ray Washam , Jr, ME Marvin Zeid Scholarship Daniel Pickering, Sr, PetE Dirk Wriedt, Sr, Geol Eng

Edward A. Smith iHemorial Scholarship Lisa R. Burwell , So, Eng Mgt Steven Cary Dunston, Sr, Eng \rIgt Andrew S. I Iowerton , So , Eng Mgt Lemuel T. Jones, Fr, Eng Mgt Gerald P. Kutz , Jr, Eng Mgt Benita fay Phillips, So , Eng Mgt Jill Kathleen Schirz , Fr, Engr Lea Aim Schackles , So , Eng Mgt Gary J. Vander Ilaar, Sr, Eng \1gt

R ohert Ill. Nicodemus A cademic A thletic A ward .JohIl W. I kntges, Sr, ME Walter, Venita & Shirley Snelson Scholarship J)onald Craig I1odges, Sr, :vIE Colonel & Mrs. Ed Owsley (Ret) Scholarship David Bruce Platt , So, ChE

Clarence C. Palmer Alemorial Scholarship Stephen Francis Bader, Sr, CE Kim Ann Ie , Sr, CE Paul Kevin Kendzior, Sr, CE Rand y Michael Tucker, Jr, CE

Society of Scots Scholarship Roderick Donald \r1acDonald , fr , A&S

AIr. & 1\Il1'S. !Yorman A. Stockett Scholarship Sabrina Lea Whitman, Fr, Appl \Iath Richard Tracy Wilson, Fr, Engr

MSM Alumnus/5 1

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Fire at Triangle A fire at Triangle fraternity which consumed the second and third floors and caused extensive smoke and water damage to the first floor and basement of the house, broke out about 3 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 14, the day spring semester classes started at UMR. The "old rock house" at the southwest corner of 9th and State streets in Rolla, two blocks from the main' UMR campus, has been the horne of Triangle mem bers since 1927. Fire department investigators determined that the cause of the fire was a short in an electrical outlet on the seco nd floor. "It burned undetected for some time in the wall, then spread to the third floor ," says Rolla Fire Chief Bill Oliver. Oliver declared the building uninhabitable and estimated the damage at between $350,000 and $400,000. About II stud ents were in the house at the time the fire was discovered. They fou ght the blaze with fire extinguishers for about five minutes before the fire dep artment arrived and they were forced to evacuate the structure. Firefighters from Rolla Ci ty, Rolla Rural a nd St. James fire departments battled the fire as hundreds of UMR stud ents, faculty and Rolla residents watched from a distance. It quickly became appare nt that the damage would be extensive. Within a cou nle of hours, D r. Wendell Ogrosky, vice chancellor for student affairs, and his , laff had mad e arrangeme nts for temporary housing, food service a nd replacement of books and supplies. Twenty-six Triangle members were a ble to stay in McAnerny Hall in the Quad - across the street north of their house- and ea l in Ray l Cafeteri a. The universit y even made arrangeme nts for members to call ho rn e to break the news to their parents. Four members of the fraternity , mostly grad uate stud ents, were housed in the I raternity's annex at 607 W. 9th St. T heir living a rrangements were not affected by the fire , but th e other 26 members lost their horne and varying amounts of {.e r, o na l possess ions. Co mm unit y supp ort was forthcomin g immediately. Other fraternities ,. sorori1 t'. and Rolla res idents supplied clothing, perso na l items and extended many offe rs of a sista nce. Ten days after th e fire, the fraternity members and their faculty adviser, Dr. John Watson, assoc iate professo r of metallu rg ica l engineering, had made their assessme nts a nd were look ing to the future. The 26 Triangle members are now livi ng in th e Regency Apartments, on 16th Street, across the street from UM R 's Electrical Engineering Building. They

52 /MSM Alumnus

are making plans to rebuild the second and third floors of their house and refur~ bish the first floor and basement. "Our insurance should cover most of the rebuilding cost," says Tom Nichols, senior in petroleum engineering from Lawrenceville, IlL and president of Triangle. "we hope to start the reconstruction in March and it should be finished in time for us to move back into the house by August 15, when the fall semester begins. "Of course, insurance and rebuilding won't solve all our problems," Nichols ~ontinues. "We have lost some files and records, but we were able to salvage some, too. As soon as we can make a complete study of the files, we may call on some alumni to help us replace some of our records." It wasn't only Triangle re ~o rds and files that were lost. Bill Moser, St. Pat's historian, lost his files, too. Any UMR alumni prossessing material pertinent to either of these files is urged to contact the Triangle members. The address is still P.O. Box 238, Rolla, MO 65401 .and the phone numbers are 314-364-8968 and 341-364-8217. "An experience like this is a shock ," Nichols says, "and we have considered all sorts of alternatives. We are particularly grateful for the expressions of concern from our alumni. Our traditions mean a great deal to us. We are the only combined professional and social fraternity on the Rolla campus (all members must be enrolled in engineering, the physical sciences or arc hitecture) and we have been in the same house since we were founded. We want to stay there." "The 'old rock house' was built around the turn of the century by Millard F. Faulkner, a nd was his horne," says John D . Powell , '47, Triangle alumnus and one of the owners of Powell's Lumber & Horne Center in Rolla. "The exterior was made of local rock but the interior was mostly wood . "The Faulkner family rented the house to Triangle in 1927 when the fraternity was formed from a nucleus of the Grubstakers' Eating Club which originated at MSM in 1902," Powell said. "Triangle has been there through thick and thinthin being during World War II when there were only three members- and the fraternity bought the house in 1946." "1 t is an old house, but it 's our house and we want to keep it," says president Nichols. "I have a word of advice for alumni of all fraternities and sororities. See that periodic checks are made of the wiring in your house . It might save you from experiencing what we've been going through."




Dear Alumni, The loss of one of our students, Anthony Busalaki on February 13, brought great sadness to the entire campus, and with this letter and accompanying statement, I want to update you , the alumni. Because the circumstances surrounding Anthony's shocking death suggest that abusive consumption of alcohol was a contributing factor, enhanced awareness of alcohol abuse and the dangers associated with alcohol must be achieved. Based on the evidence available to me, it is clear that underage drinking took place at an event sponsored by a recognized student orga'n ization, the St. Pat's Board, in violation of university policy. I have visited ";"ith St. Pat's Board representatives, and, on February 18, I told them that as a preliminary step, I am hereby requiring the St. Pat's Board to adhere to these conditions: 1) All St. Pat's Board meetings must be held on the UMR campus; 2) No alcohol is to be served at events sponsored by the St. Pat's Board; and 3) The "Extravaganza" event of the St. Pat's celebration, traditionally held on Thursday of St. Pat's week and which has developed a focus on alcohol, is to be cancelled. None of the other St. Pat's events is cancelled. Activities such as the Friday games, which include the shillelagh and cudgel contests, will be held but with no alcohol. UMR's eighty years of St. Pat's festivities , as you well know, have become a campus tradition, and I am looking forward to this year's events which represent that tradition. I am proud to be a knight of St. Patrick, and I enjoy the. annual parade and coronation and the greening of the campus with St. Pat's colors and characteristic contests such as 'the "best beard" and "leprechaun look-alike." But certain aspects of St. Pat's must change. The horrible occurrence of February 13 makes clear that changes must be made. Indeed, in talking with students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents, members of the community, and members of the St. Pat's board, no one, absolutely no one, has said to me, "you don't have to do anything." Teachers, and I consider myself to be a teacher, do not come to a university to deal with the kind of horrible tragedy which occurred with Anthony's death. This has been a sad and painful experience for all of us. I believe we owe it to ourselvesstudents, alumni, faculty, staff, and all members of the university family- to recognize clearly that we must make some changes. If the change is going to work, if it is really going to be effective, I think that students must have a leadership role in . it, and I am confident that they will accept this challenge of leadership. I have asked Vice Chancellor Wendell R. Ogrosky to form a task force of faculty , staff, and community representatives to accelerate the implementation of an enhanced alcohol awareness education program. Funding for an alcohol and drug abuse counselor on our campus was established last September, and Dr. Camille Consolvo was hired recently to fill this position and to futher develop programming for the campus in this area. I have also asked Sean Foote, president of the Student Council, to convene a task force of students to make recommendations to the campus administration for additional steps that can be taken to help the campus deal with the problem of alcohol abuse. I believe it is important that students participate in these deliberations and assume part of the responsibility for the development of policies to curb alcohol abuse and avoid tragedies of the sort that took place on February 13. It is my hope that in taking these steps we will prevent further tragedies . Out of this sad and painful experience can come a new awareness and progress.

Martin C. Jischke Chancellor

Presented at the February 18 meeting of the UMR Academic Council.

TO: The Campus Community FROM: Chancellor Martin C. Jischke The traged y of the past weekend has caused considerable sadness a nd reOection on the UMR campus among stud ents, faculty , staff, and administration. One of our stud ent lead ers has died . The cirumstances surrounding Anthony Busalaki 's shocking death suggest th at abusive consumption of alcohol was a contributing factor in this tragedy. Thus, alcohol abuse and the dangers assoc iated with alcohol have become issues which must be addressed more strongly by the campus. Based on the evidence available to me, it is clea r that underage drinking took place at an eve nt sponsored by a recognized student organization, the St. Pat's Board , in vio lation of University policy. Thus, as a preliminary step , I am hereby req uiring the St. Pat's Board to adhere to the following conditions: I) All St. Pat's Board meetings must be held on the UMR campus. 2) No alcohol is to be served at events sponsored by the St. Pat's Board. 3) The "Extravaganza"event of the St. Pat's celebration, traditiona lly held on Thursday ofS t. Pat 's week and which has developed a focus on alcohol, is to be cancelled. I have asked Vice Chancellor Wendell Ogrosky to work with the St. Pat's Board and its faculty adviser, Dr. Virgil Flanigan , to ensure co mpliance with these conditions, to review the bylaws and traditions of the St.Pat's Board and to make such changes as are need ed to ensure full compliance with the University's policy a nd the laws of the State of Missouri. Because inquiries surrounding last weekend's occurrence are continuing, these sanctions are to be viewed as preliminary and subject to revision as circumstances and these ongoing inquiries warrant.

In addit ion, I have as ked Vice Cha ncellor Wendell Ogrosky to initiate two other actions that are designed to enhance und ers tanding on the campus generally of the dangers of alcohol a buse and to limit the occurrence of a lcohol abuse. First, I have asked Vice Chancellor Ogrosky to fo rm a task force of facuity, staff, a nd co mmunity representatives to accelerate the implement atio n of an enhanced alcohol awareness education program. Funding for an alcohol and drug abuse co unselor on our campus was established last September in the FY'88 budget. A person was hired in January to fill this position and to further develop programming for the campus in this area. In light oflast weeke nd's occurrence, I. believe it is essent ial that the implementation of this enhanced progra mming be accelerated and we are calling on members of the faculty, staff,.and co mmunity to help the campus in this effort. Second , I have as ked Mr. Sean Foote, President of the Student Counci l, to convene a task force of students to make recommendations to the campus ad ministration fo r add itional steps that can be taken to help the campus deal with the problem of a lcohol abuse. I believe it is important that students participate in these deliberations and ass ume part of the respo nsibility fo r the development of policies to curb a lco hol abuse and avoid tragedies of the so rt th~t took place on Saturd ay. I have visited with Mr. Foote a nd he has agreed to marshal the resources of the Student Co uncil for this effort. It is our hope that in tak ing these steps we will prevent further tragedies like th at of the past weekend. Out of this sad a nd painful experience can co me a new awareness and progress. 2/ 18/ 88

MSM Alumnus/53


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Winter Commencement


William A. Rutledge, '44, '46 William A. Rutledge, '44, '46, retired vice chairman and chief operating officer of the Emerson Electric Co., received a doctor of engineering degree (honoris causa) at UMR's Winter Commencement Sunday, Dec. 20 . Prior to his retirement, Rutledge served as vice chairman and chief operating officer of the Emerson Electric Co. While at Emerson, he also served as group vice president from 1974-76 and executive vice president for operations from 1976-77. In addition, he served as a director of the company. Rutledge received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering from UMR in 1946 and the professional degree of electrical engineer from UMR in 1976. Following his graduation, Rutledge joined the General Electric Company in Fort Wayne, Ind ., and remained with GE until 1974. With GE he held a series of marketing, engineering, manufacturing and executive positions, including that of general manager of the General Purpose Motor Department of the Appliance Components Division. He also served in the¡ U.S . Army from 1948-49. He received an Alumni Achievement Award from UMR in 1972 and is a charter member of the UMR Academy of Electrical Engineers. The William A. Rutledge-Emerson Electric Co. Professorship in Electrical Engineering was established at UMR in his honor by the Emerson Electric Co. He holds seven ¡U.S. patents.

Dr, James C. Fletcher Dr. James C. Fletcher, administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, addressed the approximately 650 degree candidates during Winter Commencement exercises in the Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose Building. Fletcher is the first person to head NASA on two separate occasions. He was the fourth NASA administrator from April 1971 to May 1977 and became the seventh head of the agency in May 1986. Upon leaving NASA in 1977, following his fi rst term as administrator, Fletcher served as the William K. Whiteford Professor of Energy Resources and Technology at the University of Pittsburgh, where he remained until May 1986. During this period, he also headed his own consulting firm, James C. Fletcher & Associates. Fletcher has. developed patents in sonar devices and missile guidance systems. He has been associated with the President's Science Advisory Committee (nine years as a member of subcommittees and four years as a member of the committee itself) and has served on several Presidential Task Forces and numerous government-industry committees. He received a B.A. degree in physics from Columbia University in 1940 and a Ph .D. in physics from the California Institute of Technology in 1948.

Highlights From Dr. Fletcher's Commencement Address Dr. James C. Fletcher, NASA administrator, told graduates at winter commencement that if America "is to continue to grow and prosper in this increasingly competitive world, we must constantly replenish our pool of scientists and engineers. " He also told the graduates, most of whom received degrees in engineering and science, "Scientists and engineers provide the fuel that keeps the engine of our economy going and growing. They are the key to new knowledge and to technological advances, technological growth and technological leadership. "We need all of those ingredients to keep America's competitive edge sharp and the American economy prosperous and growing," he continued. Fletcher explained that 'not too long go, most Americans took the United States' technological leadership in the world for granted . "The belief was that we had progressed farther and faster than any nation on earth and that no other nation ever could catch up," he said. "Today, we know better," he continued. "We face serious challenges to our national security. And global economic competition threatens our future economic security. In fact, we see the inroads of foreign competition in every sector of our society."

541MSM Alumnus

He further cautioned the graduates that there is no room for complacency in our society, because the United States' technological leadership is by no means assured for the rest of the century and beyond . "Just as we worked long and hard in the past to achieve technological leadership , so, today, we must put our shoulders to the wheel again to secure America's future," he said. "And we are doing that," he added. "All across America, in both government and the -p<ivate sector, there's a new spirit of determination to achieve greater productivity growth, quality enhancement, competitiveness and excellence across the board. And , fortunately , these thrusts come not a minute too soon." Fletcher also said that "America's civil space program represents our national achievements in a way no other program can- i.n a way the world can see, can understand and can respect. "Because the program is not only open , but also on the cutting edge of technology, it stimulates innovation, productivity and creativity," he added . "It continues to spawn new knowledge, new industries, new products and processes and new jobs. It excites our imaginations. And most of all, it inspires America;s young people to give the best that is in them and to aspire to excellence in all they do."


UMR Tackles Research Problem for Truman Dam Proiect To offset ecological concerns with innovative design, a research team from dam while keeping fish away from the pumpback equipment," Morris explains. UMR's civil engineering department is working on a way to prevent fish kills Here at UMR, experiments are underway to determine the feasibility of the during pumpback at Truman Dam. dike. According to Morris, the dike would be comprised of rocks of various sizes The team effort is in conjunction with the Associated Electric Cooperatives stacked on top of each other and spanning the channel below the dam's generat(AECI) of Springfield, Mo., the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Missouri ing facilities. The dike would have to withstand the maximum water flow of Conservation Commission. Gerry Diddle, general manager, and Jim McNabb, 64,000 cubic feet per seocnd , without significantly changing the water level. .'58, director of engineering, at AECI have been instrumental in the coordination Such a project poses many difficulties . The group has been conducting research using spherical particles, which simulate various rock sizes, and actual of the project. "Fish kills have been a serious problem ever since the first pump back tests in rock, to determine the effects of rock size on energy loss and the best rock configuration to prevent fish from penetrating the barrier. Pains have been taken to 1982," commented Charles Morris, associate professor of civil engineering and a member of the five-man study group researching a possible solution. simulate real-life conditions at the dam, so live fish have been used during the According to Morris, pumpback tests were halted in 1984, when it was deter. experiments. Computers have aided in collecting data for the project, which also mined that too many fish were being killed during the procedure. includes some basic reseach on water turbulence. During pump back, the turbines at the dam are reversed and water below the "We still have many long-term questions to answer," Morris adds. "But we dam is pumped back into the reservoir. Pumpback is needed to maintain adethink the dike is an effective way of preventing fish kills at the dam. The dike quate water levels for future hydro-generation, but the process endangers potenwould probably require little maintenance, and we estimate the costs of the protially large numbers of fish, which are drawn into the turbines and killed when ject to be reasonable." The group has express~ d optimism regarding the future of their proposal, and pump back begins. The research team, which also includes Rodney Lentz, associate professor of Morris says he hopes that eventually, the project will move from research to a civil engineering, Ronald Modesitt, associate professor of civil engineering, John formal proposal. Kincaid, lecturer, civil engineering, and Nord Gale, chairman and professor of "Missouri has a large stake in the outcome of this problem," Morris argues. the life sciences department, has proposed a "porous rock dike" as a possible "Without the use of such pumpback units, the costs of AECI electricity will increase. Since about eighty percent of AECI customers are Missouri residents, solution. "The dike would be designed to allow water to flow freely to and from the this is an important issue for Missouri."

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A sample of the roc:k used in the experiment.



Measuring the now of water from tiledike during the experiment.

MSM Alumnus/ 55

A/ul7lni Section Nevvs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Springfield (Mo.) Section T he annual dinner meeting of the Springfie ld section was held on T uesday, ov. 10, at the Ri verside Inn in Ozark , Mo. The gro up was joined by Jim Sterling, new curator of the Universit y of Missouri, from Bolivar, Mo . Following the dinner, a special citation was presented to Wilbur Feagan for his guidance and dedication in establishing the local section. An election of officers was held and the fol-

lowing were selected to direct the organizatio n for 1987- 88: President- Nick Heatherly, '78 Vice President- Ron Marlin, '86 Secretary / Treasurer- J oe Wilson, '86 Director- Kevin Skibiski, '75 Director- Gary Shaffer, '79 John, '7 1 and Evelyn, '73 Gayer, As h Grove, received a copy of A History of MSM-UMR . written by campus professors Christensen and Ridley,

The Go lden Gate Yacht Club in San Francisco was the scene as the Bay Area Section of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association held its fall dinner on Saturday, Nov. 21,1987. Arrangements were courtesy of Tom Enderle, '69; and Barb Stickle. After cocktails and hors d 'oeuvres, a prime rib dinner was heartily enj oyed by alumni, spouses and guests. Following the meal, sectio n president, David Peacock, '64, asked all present to remember the spirit and drive of Bob Ray, '47, who had recently passed

away. Bob was a former Bay Area Section organizer and had served for many yea rs as Northern Pacific Coast Representative on the MSM- UMR Alumni Board of Directors. Frank Mackaman, executive vice-president of the associati on and vice chancellor of alumni / development affairs, informed attendees of the changing scene of the Rolla Campus . Jerry Littlefield , '58, announced that he and his wife, Kay, would again host the annual Bay Area Section St. Pat's Party, scheduled for Saturday, March 19, 1988, at their

for having traveled the greatest distance to the meeting. Ron Fannin, acting dean of the School of Engineering, then spoke on the "Freshman Engineering Program- Origins and Progress." A question-and-answer session followed the prese ntation . Those in attendance at the meeting included : Teresa and Nick Heatherly, '78; Evelyn, '73 and J ohn, Gayer, '71; Jim Sterling, cura-

tor; Gary Baumgartner, '61; Jeanie and Kevin Skibiski, '75 ; Ron Marlin, '86; Dixie and James Anderson, '55; Nancy and Jim Anderson, '78; Colt Wise, '84, '85: Ruth and Frank Pomeroy, '49; Dorothy and Pete DesJardins, '44; Bette and Wilbur Feagan, '76; Ron Fannin, acting dean of the School of Engineering; and Don Brackhahn, executive director of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association .

. 1

Bay Area Section

56/MSM Alumnus

spacio us home in the Sunset District of San Francisco. In anticipation of his retirement, F rank Mackaman was presented with a memento of his visits to the Bay Area Section activitie's: a three-inchsquare, 99-piece wooden jigsaw puzzle scene of the Golden Gate Bridge, supposedly the world smallest jigsaw puzzle. Those in attendance at the Bay Area Fall Dinner were: Kay and Jerry Littlefield , '58; Kurt Oakes, '85; Joan

Judkins, guest; Laurie and Dave Peacock , '64; Helen Peacock, guest; Don Kelly '49; Ruth and Jim Schaffer, '42; Patrick Vennari, '69; Jo and Fred Cunha, '61; Carol and Greg Copeland , '73 ; Steve and Nellie Wulff, '71; Daniel Ng, '80; Ellen and Warren Hooks, '58; Scott Patterson, '73; Bruce and Bill Paulsell, '50; Tom Enderle, '69; Barbara Stickle; Marc Pelletier, '85, and guest; Saeed Azimi, '84; Don and Mira Lee; Mary and Ken Voertman, '51; and Frank and Nancy Mackaman. Dave Peacock, '64



Bay Area Section


Mira and Don Lee, Scott Patterson

Greg Copeland, Don Kelly, Carol Copeland

Scott Patterson, Bill and Bruce Paulsell, Greg Copeland, Dan Ng



San Diego Section The San Diego Section was host to alumni railway buffs from San Diego, - Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and Imperial Counties Saturday, Nov. 14, 1986, and were condu.cted on a tour by Al Keevil, '43, the senior civil engineer for the Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Association. The tour included a noon luncheon at the Chateau Basque in Manzanita, Calif., and a ride on the Pacific Southwest Railway Museum's -diesel-powered scenic standard-gage (4'-8W') railway operat-

ing over the once San Diego Arizona & Eastern right-of-way from Campo

to Miller's Creek, California and return. Two trains a day leave Campo (elv. 2,543 feet) on every Saturday and Sunday during the year and pull the grade to Miller's Creek (elv. 3,021 feet) . The alumni met people they had not seen for 45 years. From San Diego County were Ethel and Al Jervic, '33-Pacific Beach; Marilyn and Al Keevil, '43-Pacific

Beach; Sally, Freddy and Charles Nichols, '68-San Diego; Joan and Hank Fletcher, '53-San Diego; Wilma and E, "Tiny" Regenhardt, '30 -EI Cajon; and Lloyd H. Jenkins, '56, came from Long Beach, in Los Angeles County. Representing Orange County were Mark MacGlashan, 77Seal Beach; LaVerne and Rene Rasmussen, '43-Fullerton; Leona and John "Jug" Rasor, '36-San Clemente; Marilyn and Fred Todd, '48-Fullerton; Barry, 71, Sue, 72, Winscher, Jeremy

('99) and Eric CO I)-Riverside; Diane, '84 and Harold, '84, Crouch with Brina (8 mo)-Riverside; and Betty and Don Haskell, '49, came from Ocotillo in Imperial County. The accompanying photos attest that everyone enjoyed themselves. The plan for the future is another possible ride when the Pacific Southwest Railway extends its operations to Hipass, sometime late next year. Al Keevil, '43.

MSM Alumnus/57

MINER SPORTS Gene Green, Editor

Duane Huddleston receives a game ball after scoring his 1,OOOth Miner point. Presenting the ball is UMR head coach Dale Martin.

Huddleston Climbing ~ear Top of Miner Lists After leading the UMR men's basketball team in scoring last year, Duane Huddleston must have wondered what he would have to do for an encore. Midway through his senior season , he has found the answer. . By becoming one of the top threepoint shooters in the United States, Huddleston is averaging more points than last season and is quickly climbing near the top of many Miner career record lists. The 6-5 guard recently put on a shooting display that few Miner fans had ever imagined seeing. In UMR's 89-70 win over Northeast Missouri, Huddleston scored 38 points, including an incredible seven straight treys in the second half. His

58/ MSM Alumnus

bright spot for the Miners, 7-10 overall . and 2-5 during the first half of MIAA play. He is averaging 22.2 points per game, and is leading the conference in When a player shoots the threesteals. pointer at a 35 percent clip, NCAA "Everyone thinks of him as the great statisticians say he is shooting above shooter, but he has proven he is a total average from the long-range distance. After 17 UMR games, Huddleston is player this season," Martin said . "He leads the league¡in steals, is second on shooting an amazing 54 percent from the team in assists and has¡ really been three-point range. a leader on the floor. " "He could shoot the three-pointer Huddleston has a chance to accompwith anyone in the country," said lish an almost unheard of statistic. He . Miner head coach Dale Martin. "Any nearly has more steals than turnovers. division, any team- it doesn't matter. There aren't many who shoot it better "That is almost impossible to do," than Duane." Martin said. "Anyone who handles the ball as much as Duane does is going to Huddleston has been the major point totals came despite playing only 26 minutes of the game, due to foul trouble.

be charged with quite a few turnovers, yet he has 40 steals and only 43 turnovers. That tells you a lot." Huddleston will undoubtedly finish second on the all-time Miner career scoring list, trailing only former standout Curtis Gibson. He should, however, end up taking-and makingmore field goals than anyone in Miner history. "I think we will improve going around the league for a second time," Martin said of the Miners. "And Huddleston will be a big part of whatever success we have." And a spot in the MIAA postseason playoffs would be just the encore Huddleston had in mind.

Jim Pfeiffer

Jennifer Cordes

lady Miners Battle Year of Iniuries

Pfeiffer Named Academic All-American

When the 1987-88 women's basketball season began, Lady Miner head coach Mary Ortelee liked what she saw. After all, UMR was returning four starters from a 19-8 team of a year ago, and Ortelee had reaped her best recruiting year ever. But then things started to unravel. First it was learned that leading scorer and rebounder Tanya Hough would be medically red-shirted because of knee surgery. Then sophomore standout Jennifer Cordes was shelved for the early part of the season due to a stress fracture. Along the way, starters Mary Pudlowski and Colette Neal were also on . the shelf, forcing Ortelee to play the youngest lineup in the MIAA. UMR, 8-10 overall and 2-5 during the first half of the MIAA season, has the services of Cordes back for the stretch drive. Ortelee is pleased with her return, and hopes things work out in the long run.

UM Rolla's offensive tackle Jim Pfeiffer has been named to the 1987 NCAA II Football Academic AllAmerica First Team. The award is co.sponsored by the GTE Corporation and the College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA).

"We were forced to play some young players quickly this year, and I hope this pays off next season," she said. "Even though this has been .a tough situation, the freshmen progress has been satisfying." Freshman forward Cynthia Farrington has paced the Miners in scoring most of the season, while freshman center Casey Engstrom has improved more rapidly than Ortelee ever imagined. Fellow freshman Jan Grotenhuis has started most of the season at guard, giving the Lady Miners some young veterans for the second half of the season. "There have been mistakes made, . but that is to be expected with a young team," Ortelee said. "We will try to improve during the last half of the season, and make an MIAA playoff spot. Doing that with this young team would be a real accomplishment. " And I 988-89 should be very nice when a healthy Hough and Cordes join UMR 's "veteran" sophomores.

Pfeiffer, a 6-3, 240-pound junior from Pattonville High School in Bridgeton, Mo. , has maintained a high grade-pOint average in aerospace engineering. His selection gives UMR an unprecedented two straight first team selections in football . Former Miner fullback Tom Reed was named to the GTE-CoSIDA first team in 1986. "I'm certainly very proud of Jim, as it is a real tribute both to his academic abilities and the reputation of this institution," said Miner head football

coach Charlie Finley. "The odds of making this team are unbelievable, and it is a real thrill for UMR to have back-to-back first team selections in football . " Pfeiffer has been a member of the MIAA All-Academic Team the past two seasons. After lettering in 1986 as a reserve tackle, he started most of the Miner football games this past season. "We ,are all thrilled for Jim," said UMR athletic director Billy Key. "Since we pride ourselves in utilizing true student-athletes, an award such as this is some of the best news our department can receive." Pfeiffer was the only player from the MIAA to make the national academic team, and was only one of three players in the district to make either the first, second or third teams.

Alumni invited to pro,!ide nominations


The MSM j UMR Athletic Hall-of-Fame Selection Committee asks that our alumni contact us regarding any nominations they may have, or any input they wish to make regarding the Hall-of-Fame. As stated in the By-Laws, eligible candidates fall into three categories: (I) MSM j UMR letter winners, coaches and others who may have made exceptional contributions to the athletic program. A. Athletes are as follows : I. Tv\ ust p,e ~ letter w.inner. 2. Must have graduated (although the requirement may be waived by unanimous vote of committee). 3. Fifteen years time lapse since candidate participated. 4. Candidate must have displayed character and a corilmittment to' the ideals and principles to which MSM j UMR adhere. 5. A candidate's related accomplishments after leaving MSM j UMR may be considered in making the selection . . B, Coaches: 1. Five years must elapse since active coaching at MSM j UMR to be eligible. 2. Former coaches may not be considered for induction if serving on the Hall-of-Fame Selection Committee. (Presently no coach is on this committee) C. Unless physically incapacitated, or if a posthumous award is being given , all candidates for induction into the Hall-of-Fame must be present at the induction ceremony. Send all nominations and other suggestions to: Billy A. Key, Director of Ath letics, Athletic Department, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401-0249. He will see that the selection committee gets the nomination or suggestion.

MSM Alumnus/59

Admissions Am¡b assadors News On December 5, 1987, two alumni-admissions recruitm~nt events were held near Chicago. Invited guests included prospective students and their parents, alumni, and high school counselors. The morning activity was held in the VFW Hall in St. Charles, IUinois . Bob Saxer, '61 , '62, who organized the event and donated the refreshments, acted as master of ceremonies. The program began with a videotape about UMR and a presentation from the admissions office. We were very pleased to have fourteen prospective students from the area on hand to learn more about UMR. Fourteen local UMR alumni attended the event, and many offered testimonials about the value of a UMR education. The alumni who participated in this activity included: Robert R . Morrison, Jr., 71, Kathleen Anderson, 79, Cheryl (Gibbons) Ibarra, 71, S. Jim Ibarra, 72, Joe Howell, '82, Lea Anne (Telthorst) Howell, '81, Alan Leffelman, '69, Harlan Kebel, '56, Robert J . Wilson, '62, Stephen

Schade, 74, Ken Woodruff, '58 , '64, Ray Daboo, '62, Don Shaw, 70, and Bob Saxer, '61 ; '62. The success of the event can be attributed to the hard work of Bob Saxer and the support of the other alumni who participated. The afternoon activity was held at the Ambutal in Crystal Lake, Illinois. Jim Gilstrap, '67 , was the organizer of the event. (Thanks also to Jim for donating refreshments.) The program included a videotape, a campus overview from the admissions office and a slide show given by the alumni office. We were very happy that ten prospective students attended the activity. Several UMR alumni showed their continued interest and support by participating. These alumni included Robert R. Morrison Jr., 71, Fred Fass, '81 , Alfred H. Hesse, '33, Ron Sid lowski, '68, Clyde Wakefield, 70, James Gerard, '54, Howard Myers, '67, and Jim Gilstrap, '67. The efforts of Jim Gilstrap and the rest of the alumni who participated are responsible for the activity's success.

Bob Saxer, '61, '62, tells prospective students about UMR.

The recruitment event in St. Charles, III.

Kathleen Anderson, '79, R.J. Wilson, '62, Joseph and Lea Anne Howell, both '81

Prospective students and parents at Crystal Lake, III.

Continuing Education Courses Here's a list of some of the extension continuing education short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR. Where titles are not self-explanatory you may call for major detailed information including costs. Call the office of the Dean of Continuing Education and Public Service, 314/ 341 -4156. Written requests should be addressed to the same office, 103 Mining Bldg., University of Missouri-Rolla, MO 6540 l. PROGRAM



March 21-22


School of Mines & Metallurgy Practical Mine Ventilatio'n Design and Control School of Engineering Fifth Short Course on Machine Foundatipn Design Engineer-in-Training Introduction to Elements of Engineering Managing Professionals Project Engineering: Interpersonal and Group Skills 1988 Fundamentals of Engineering 1988 Fundamentals of Engineering 31 st Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems

Feb. 29-March 4 March I-April 7 March 3-April 21 March 24-25 April 18-22 June 13-17 Aug. 8-12 Aug. 11-12

St. Louis

~ St. Louis

St. Louis St. Louis Kansas City Rolla Rolla St. Louis

College of Arts and Sciences Maintenance Coatings for Contractors and Paint Inspectors 56th Short Course on The Basic Composition of Coatings 16th Short Course on Paint Formulation Conformal Codings Physical Testing of Paints and Coatings

Feb. 22-24 Feb. 29-March 4 March 14-18 April 18-20 May 16-20

Times and dates of courses may change nearer to the time of the course.

60/MSM Alumnus

Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla

Necrology The following deaths were reported to the Alumni Association between Jan. I and Dec. 31, 1987.

Hcnry E. Anthonis, III , '68 Jamcs Anthony Aubrecht, '65 Woutcr C. Bosch Rodrick Mauricc D. Cameron , '78 Sidncy Capp, '40 Jamcs Alan Carpenter, '60 Joseph Francis Carroll, '38 Harold H. Christy, ' 17 William Joseph Collins, '60 Robcrt Edwin Condit, '48 Roy Charles Cornett, ' 38 Ruth Crawford John Burton Creveling, '75 Harry Wendell Cutshall, ' 39 Frank Bradley Damerval , ' 56 Andrew R. Devereux, '24 Russcll E. DcWitt, '41 Marion Alfrcd Dillingham, '30 Raymond Donze , '26 Robert Schult Dorsey , '42 Charles Stark Draper, ' 75 David Arthur Elliott, ' 65 John Andsen Emery , '40 David M. Feldbaum , '45 Colman Louis Fenwick, ' 37 Ragan Ford, '23 James Morris Forgotson, '22 Hugh G. Forman, ' 50 Percy Grant Forman, ' 21 Weldon Franklin Fulghum, ' 58

Steven Ray Gciger, '77 Harold Lewis Gibbs, '32 Ralph Clare Graham, ' 31 Allan Lee Gregson, '60 Kyle Kurt Hansel , '73 Eads G. Hardaway, '35 Emmet Keith Hassler, ' 62 Frcderick Haucnstein , '03 Frcdcrick William Heiser, '39 Eugene Farrell Hill, ' 38 Amos William Hoggard, ' 31 Frederic Howard Holt, '35 Clifford Petcr Howard, '20 Shay D. Huffman, '54 Jamcs Hutchison, '42 Edward L. Jackson, '61 Jacob J. Jare, ' 50 Harold Nils Johnson, '49 Billy Ray Jones, ' 56 James Harry Karrunan, '67 Peter Christ Karras, '71 . Raymond Anthony Kelly, '42 Robert Roy Kenyon, ' 39 Harry Harvey Kessler, ' 24 Mary Lee (Johnson) Koewing, '33 Michael Vaughn Korth, '70 Edward Adolph Koziboski, ' 50 George Eulyess Krouse, ' 53 Stanley Milton Kulifay, '42 Lloyd Carl Lacmy, '57

Richard Harold Lassley, '65 Roy Alexandcr Lindgren, '23 Lovell Joe Lukrofka, ' 50 Clarence S. Marvin , '30 John William Matson, '74 Jo seph D. McBeth , ' 53 John IIoppcr McCutchen, '38 L. Charles McHenry, Jr. , '49 William Eugene McKee, '76 Jo seph Louis McMahan , Jr., '66 John C. Mick, ' 58 Eberhard Harrunel Miller, '47 William Todd Mitchcll , ' 59 Thomas Randolph Morgan , '31 Wilbur Jay Moulder, '26 Mrs . Richard Oeffner James Joseph Offut, ' 32 IIenry Newton Peterson , '61 Vincent Peter Picco , '39 Dale Wayne Popejoy, '73 Earl Vaughn Porter, '37 John 'Shelby Putnam, '33 Donald Jo seph Quinn , ' 52 Robcrt Lewis Ray, '47 Frederick Ross Richardson, '46 Lynn Jackson Riege, '40 George L. Riley, '23 Bill Roy Roark, '49 Warren Joseph Rosenauer, ' 71 Fred Christ Schneeberger, '25

Michael Wayne ShanfeId, ' 18 Kenneth F. Sheckler, ' 37 Edward Willis Simpson , Jr. , ' 38 Harry Whyte Smith, ' 51 John Pelham Soult, '39 Edgar Walter Spinzig, Jr., '48 Marvin Wayne Steadman, ' 52 Mildred B. Strunk William Lewis Sullivan, Jr., ' 39 G. Wayne Sutterfield, '43 Langdon B. Taylor, ' 51 Clare Jackson Thorpe, '35 Roger Clifford Tittel, ' 38 Henry Allan Toigo , '60 Dennis Raymond Trautman, ' 63 Kor Uyetake , '45 Peter Paul Vaida, '47 Jerome Joseph Voss, ' 69 Louis Taylor Ward , III , ' 78 Francis Edward Wees, ' 51 Clarence Bernard Weiss, '27 Cyril Joseph W~nger, '33 Robert Eugene Whaling, ' 73 Barbara Anne Wiggins , ' 82 Clyde Edward Wilhite, ' 31 Dwayne Russell Witherspoon, '49 Kenneth Leroy Yoksh, ' 72

Faculty Deaths

Gordon E. Weiss

Daniel S. Eppelsheimer

Gordon E. Weiss, professor of engineering management at UMR for the past Daniel Snell Eppelsheimer, professor emeritus of metallurgical and nuclear 20 years, died Nov. 19, 1987, in Rolla. He was 61. . engineering at UMR, died Jan. I, 1988, at his home in Rolla. He was 78. Dr. Weiss held two doctorate degrees, a doctor of jurisprudence from the UniDr. Eppelsheimer served actively on the UMR faculty in both departments for versity of London and a Ph.D. from the University of California. He earned his 31 years. During his career at the university, he taught all classes in metallurgical bachelor's degree in industrial psychology from Butler University, Indianapolis, engineering except those in mineral dressing, taught all classes dealing with Ind., and his master's degree in business administration from the University of nuclear materials, was instrumental in obtaining Missouri 's first nuclear reactor California. He began teaching engineering management at UMR in 1968. for the campus and served one year as department chairman. Weiss was a tail gunner with the U.S. Navy in World War II. He served in the He earned his B.S. degree in 1932 from Harvard University in mining and Asiatic Theatre. metallurgical engineering and his Sc.D. in metallurgy in 1935. He is survived by his wife, Harriet, 521 St. Johns, St. James, MO 6553:i, sons , Eppelsheimer was the first person with a Sc.D degree ever hired by Union Thomas W., '70,14361 Ladue Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017, Rex, daughter, Carbide, and helped set up the company's first corporate research laboratory in Lynn (Weiss) McCallister, '79,200 Cinnamon Lane, Euless, TX 76039, and one Niagara Falls, N.Y. granddaughter. Memorial contributions can be made to the Gordon E. Weiss He later served as head of the Engineering Experiment Station and as profesMemorial Fund, c/ o UMR Development Office, UMR. sor of industrial engineering for the University of New Hampshire from 1938 to 1946. During this time, he supervised production of uranium and other materials Mrs. Karl Kershner for the highly secret Manhattan Project. Helen LaDona Kershner, wife of the late Professor Karl Kershner, died Jan. Dr. Eppelsheimer also served as science adviser for three Missouri governors, 17, 1988, in Rolla. She was 88. James Blair, John Dalton and Warren Hearnes. He also served as the Missouri Mrs. Kershner was a Rolla resident since 1920. Her husba~, Karl Kershner, representative and past chairman of the Southern States Energy Board. was a graduate student assistant in the chemistry department in 1920 and became He is survived by his wife, Marion, P.O. Box 299, Rolla, MO 65401, sons, an instructor in the chemical engineering department in 1921. He retired from Daniel II, '64, 88 Wachusett Ave., Arlington, MA 02174, David, and four the department in 1948. grandchildren. Mrs. Kershner is survived by a daughter and three grandsons.

MSM Alumnus/61


Alumni Personals 1918



A note from Henry W. Doennecke confirms that he is still retired. He and Beulah li ve at 23 1 N. Yukon, Tu lsa, OK 74 127.

Clarence B. Weiss diea Oct. I, 1987. At MSM Clare nce was a member of Quo Vad is, Dynamiters, Independe nts (presid ent), the Ira Remsen Society (secretary), t he Se ni or Council, was treas urer of the Class of 1927, and ea rned an "M" in wrestling. He received his B.S. and M.S . ( 1928) degrees in chem ica l engineering from MS M and later earned his Ph.D . degree from th e Un iversi ty of Michigan. He taught for o ne yea r at Ra ndol Schoo l near his home town of Ca pe Gira rd ea u a nd in 1933 joined the researc h department of Buckeye Cellulose Corp. in Memphis, Tenn., a subsidiary of Procter and Gamble Co. During his lengthy career with Buckeye Cellulose, he was plant manager and a sales representative. He also served as director of corporate relations for Memphis State University. Following retirement he became an author and traveled extensively. Clarence is survived by his wife, Mae Weiss, 156 St. Albans Fairway, Memphis, TN 38111 , two children, five grandchildren and a brother.

Notice has been received of the death, on Oct. 12, 1987, of Thomas Randolph Morgan. He received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering. According to alumni records he had served with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nebraska District. His home was- in Rock Port, Mo. "l!':.¡

1920 Arthur M. Howald is retired from LibbeyOwens-Ford and lives at 13851 Roachton Road, in Perrrysburg, OH 43551.

1924 Word has been received by the alumni office of the death of Andrew R. Devereux (date unknown). At MSM Andrew was a member of Tau Beta Pi and Phi Kappa Phi. He received his B.S. degree in metallurgical engineering. He began his career with Western Electric Co. then moved to Goldsmith Brothers Smelting & Refining Co., later a subsidiary of National Lead Co. He retired during the early 1960s. His home was in Chicago.

Wilford S. Wright has notified the alumni office that he and Eva are still living at 2427 Country Club Drive, Medford, OR 97504.

1925 Albert L. Heitmann is living at 11 0 N. Washington , Mt. Pu laski , IL 62548.

George Pace comments: "Please get rid of the Joe Miner cartoon character." George and Luvenia live at 9083 Paddison Road, Cincinnati OH 45230. Editor's note: The Miner (depicted in various ways over the years- but in its

present form for approximately the past 20 years) is the official symbol for the Rolla campus as approved by the UM Board of Curators. The Alumnus would welcome further comments.

1932 1928 Charles A. Freeman writes: "Enjoyed vis it with Frank and Nancy (Mackaman) but sorry we weren't able to attend the Saturday evening outi ng at the Yacht Cl ub . Had to leave town Saturd ay morning." Charlie and Betty live at 500 Almer Road , #204, Burlingame, CA 940 10.

Ted Herman writes: "Audrey and I are in reasonably good health. We just celebrated our 58th wedding an niversary, and I celebrated my 83rd birthday on Oct. 13, 1987. I won the University Club Golf Tournament with a net score of 66 on Oct. 23- played Pebble Beach Golf Course in the rain. The fee of $125 was a gift from my son. "Ted and Audrey may be reached at 649 W. El Morado Court, Ontario, CA 91762.

James Joseph Offutt died Sept. 29 , 1987, acco rding to a notice received by the alumni office. At MSM James was a member of Pi Kappa Alp ha, Satyrs, Theta Tau, Tau Beta Pi, IFC, the Miner Board, the Rollamo Board, the St. Pat's Board (vice president) and played football. He served as St. Pat in 1931. He received his B.S. degree in ceramic engineering. Also, he received two Ceramic Engineer professional degrees, one from MSM in 1936 and one from UMR in 1967. James began working for A.P. Green Refractories Co. in Mexico, Mo ., during the summer while he was still in school. When he was graduated in 1932, he began working for the company in the lab and at the mail desk. Through the years he was promoted to increasingly responsible positions in the company, becoming executive vice president and a corpo rate director in 196 1 and president of the co mpany in 197 1. He retired on Nov. 30, 1972. He was a member of seve ra l profess ional a nd civic groups and co mpleted the advanced ma nage ment program at Harvard Business Schoo l in 1954. James is sur vived by hi s wife , Jane Yates Offu tt , Route 3, Mexico , MO 65265 , two so ns, four daug hters and five gra nd children.


1934 Robert L. Cunningham, retired from Sporlan Va lve Co., lives at 6123 Kingsbury Blvd. , St. Lo uis, MO 631 12.

1935 Glennon L. DeRoy writes: "I retired from Edgewood Arsenal in 1973. I've been married for 44 years to Jean Anderson DeRoy and we have two children, Robert and Patricia, and three grandchildren. I was a member (president and vice president) of the Harford Co unty Board of Education from 1974 to 1984; a member (treasurer and vice president) of the Maryland Association of Boards of Education , was the first congressional member, Federal Relations Network, of the National School Boards Association, am a member (vice cha irman and chai rman) of the Harford Community College Tr ustees, from 1975 to present, and am a member (vice presid ent and member of the executive committee) of the Maryland Associatio n of Community Co llege Trustees, from 1975 to present." T he DeRoys live at 949 Chesapeake Drive, Havre de Grace, MD 2 1078 .

. Donnell W. Outten writes: "Both well. No change." Donnell, a ret ired teacher, a nd Ruth still reside at 51 Burdett Road , Charles E. Achuff wri tes: "On a fi ve- Atlanta, GA 30327. year ret ireme nt plan: Starting my third year." Cha rles is vice presid ent of Ac huff Eads G. Hardaway died in March, 1986, Arch itectura l Products Inc., 2 1565 Lo- accordi ng to a note from Betsy R. Harrain Road, Fairview Pa rk , OH 44 126. daway, 4 Lake Crest Drive, Greenville, He and Mary live at 6527 Loua nn Drive, SC 29609. During the time Eads attended MSM, he was a member of Sigma Nu . North Olmsted , OH 44070.


62/MSM Alumnus

No tice of the death of Mary Lee Johnson Koewing on Oct. 27,1987 , has been sent to the alumni offi ce by classmate Ellen Woodman Doll, 814 Beech Ave., Charleston, WV 25302. Daughter of an MSM professo r, Eugene Lee Johnson , 1918-1940, Mary Lee was active in an MSM dramatic society (had a role in "Adams Apple") and was a member of a St. Pat's court while in school. She earned a B.S. in general science and was one of three women to graduate from MSM in 1933. She also earned B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of Missouri-Columbia. She married Robert A. Koewing and was an active career woman. She spent 30 years as a teacher of math and a counselor, seven years as co-owner and operator of a country store, two and a half years with Boeing Aircraft (checking original layouts) and ten years as a part-time clerk in a bookstore. Mary Lee attended her 50-year reunion in Rolla (with both of the other female grads in her class) in May, 1983. She is . survived by a sister, Sue Brannock, 1009 Denmark, Wichita, KS 67212. Burial was in the Rolla Cemetery.

Alumni Personals

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1935 continued

with a petroleum op ti on. According to John Post , "Except for World War II , R.C. Solomon writes: "I stay busy with ' when he was a B-17 bomber pilot based church work and as a guest lecturer on in England , Ted's ent ire career was in various engineering subjects-labor rela- the Oil Patch. He retired several years tions, management, Ead's Bridge, metal- ago as vice president, production for lurgy of nails, etc." Russell is retired Colorado Oil Co. (Coastal States)." In from National Steel Corp., and his recent years Ted was self-employed as a address is 409 Sunset Drive, Edwards- petroleum consultant. He is survived by his wife, Pauline, of 17 Viking Drive, ville, IL 62025. Englewood , CO 80 II 0, and a daughter, Holly. Ted received an Alumni Service Award from the alumni association in 1971, a professional degree, Petroleum Engineer, from UMR in 1972, and he was a past director of the MSM- UMR otice has been received of the death, Alumni Association. on Nov. 29 , 1987, of Colman L. Fenwick. At MS M he was a member of Lambda Ch i Alpha. He received his The alumni office was notified recently B.S. degree in civil engineering. He that Vincent Peter Picco died nine or ten served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy years ago. At MSM Vincent was a during World War II and had been chief member of Mercier (president and vice design engineer for the city of St. Louis president), IFC, Theta Kappa Phi and for many years. He designed the bicycle was an alternate representative on the .paths in Forest Park and most recently Student Council. He received his B.S. was responsible for the World's Fair- degree in mechanical engineering. Alumstyle street lamps in the Central West ni records show that he served in the End . He retired in 1982. Colman is sur- Pacific during World War II, and while vived by his wife, Conn ie Fenwick, 9731 the records show no busi'ness affiliation, Twincrest Drive, St. Louis, MO 63126, . they do show him living in St. Louis a daughter, two sons and five grandchild- since 1945. ren.


Albert L. KidweIl writes: "Retired in 1984 after 34 years with Exxon Production Research Co. (and predecessors). My chief geological interest now is mineralogy and mineral collecting- especially the phosphates. Kidwellite was named for me in 1978. Marian and I do a great dea l of traveling, but I usually have my rock hammer along." The Kidwells live at 14403 Carolcrest, Houston, TX 77079.

George H. Thomas writes: "Got out of the drilling contracting business last year. Purchased an inland barge transport company (Higman Barge Lines) which moves crude oil on the intercoastal waterways between Mobile, Ala. and Corpus Christi, Texas." George is president of the company. He and Marianne live at 934 Briar Ridge, Houston, TX 77057.

DeWilton Timberman writes: "Enjoying retirement by traveling and golfing. I spent last summer touring Alaska, Yukon and Jasper National Park." DeWilton li ves at 101 Fairview Ave. , West Haven , CT 06516.

1944 Lorren F . Bridge writes: " Retired Aug. 31 , as packaging engineer with Imperial Sugar Co. , Sugar Land , Texas." Lorren and Carolyn live at 4070 McDermed Drive, Houston , TX 77025.

1941 Donald H. Falkingham writes: " We're back in the business with my own firm and a 50 percent firm , Fal-Car Energy Co . We take interest in wells to be drilled for oi l and gas ." Donald and wife , Mary Margaret , live at 5918 S. At lanta Place, Tulsa, OK 74105.



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J.W_ Howerton writes: "After six years as snowbirds here, we finally moved here permanently in Rancho Bernardo." J.W. retired from Western Electric in 1980. His and Clarellen's new address is 17691 Belle Helene Court, San Diego, CA 92128. Clifton "Chip" Prouty, professor emeritus at Michigan State University, writes: "I remember that in '38 there were 700 students at MS Mines & 'Met, including seven coeds- all very popular. It was, and still is , a great school. I retired fr6m MS U after 30 years of teaching with II years before that at the University of Pittsburgh , and before that, U.S. Geological Survey (Trace Elements) and U.S. Tennessee Valley Authority (engineering geology Ft. Loudoun and Norris dams). In '36-'38, I was the only graduate assistant (in geology) and taught, among other things, the course in map interpretation. I was the only one in class after St. Pat's." Chip lives at 4690 Kingswood Drive, Okemos, 'M I 48864.


Notice of the death of Sidney Capp (originally Caplovitz) 'on April 12, 1986, has been received from John Rockwell Post, '39, 4567 Prospect, Littleton , CO 80123 . Sidney received his B.S. degree in metallurgical engineering. According to alumni records, he had been president of S.A.S. Equipment Co. of north Bergen, N.J. and lived in Cranbury, N.J. He is survived by a daughter, Maxine (Seibert).

Notice of the death of Frederick William "Ted"Heiser on Nov. 29,1987, has been received from John Rockwell Post, '39,4567 Prospect, Littleton, CO 80123. Ted was a transfer to MSM from the Wisconsin Mining School. He received his B.S. degree in mining engineering

Herbert D. Sturges writes: "Golf balls have no respect for age, experience or authority." Herb is retired from SPS Technologies Inc., and he and Marie live at 16 Country Club Drive E. , Destin, FL 32541.


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The geology-geophysics department has notified the alumni office of the death of John A. Emery (date unknown). At MSM John was a member of Sigma Nu, was sports editor of the Miner, was a member of both the swimming and tennis teams, and was active in intramural sports. He received his B.S. degree in mining engineering with a geology option. John began his career with the Missouri State Highway Department in 1940, became a Lieutenant (jg) in the U.S. Navy, and after World War II, worked for Bradley Mining Co. in California, New Mexico and Idaho. He became affiliated with St. Joe Lead Co . and worked at #9 Fed. Mine in Flat River. The mine was later purchased by Fluor Corp. John lived in Sullivan, Mo.


1942 Mark W. Beard writes: "We really enjoyed the 45th reunion at Homecoming. Trave1ing, golfing and skiing make retirement" great!" Mark and Shirley live at 2529 Cardilla Ave. , Hacienda Heights , CA 91745.

Notice of the death of Stanley Milton Kulifay, on Sept. 2, 1987, has been received by the alumni office. At MSM Stanley was a member of AIChE, Alpha Chi Sigma, Sigma Xi, and was president of the College Science Club. He received his B.S. degree in chemical engineering, and, in 1947, received an M .S. degree in the same field from MSM. His career was spent with Monsanto Co. in research. He retired in late 1986. He is survived by his wife, Marie A. Kulifay, 44 Graeser Acres Road, Creve Coeur, MO 63141.

William A. Hubbard has retired from the inorganic chemicals division of Mobay Corp. , Baltimore, Md. He joined the operation in 1964 when it was known as the Pemco Products Group, served in various sales and marketing positions and was vice president and general manager of the Pemco busin'ess from 1972 to 1980. In recent years he has been involved in the development of new markets. He was previously with Shell and Amoco . Bill writes: "e. Alfred Dick, '44, and I have been partners for five years in owning two radio stations (WROG-FM and WALl-AM) in Cumberland , Md . We have just sold these stations so now I will be fully retired. In order to keep myself a little bit busy, I am going int o the business of owning and operating coin-op telephones ('pay phones '). My wife, Liz, and I will continue to live at 709 Hampton Lane , Towson , MD 21204 ."

1945 1943 James H. Bottom writes: "Retired as manager of product control for BASF Fibers (was American ENKA) in March 1987. Am enjoying sailing on Lake Norman- as it is my front door." His and Helen's address is Route 6, Box 602, Mooresville,- NC 28115.

Roy H. Boyd writes: "After 41 years of employment in the Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior, my wife, Doris, and I are taking time to enjoy some foreign travel in Europe and North Africa. Our third daughter graduated from college the ye'lr I retired (1986) ." Roy and Doris live at 5013 N. 33rd St. , Arlington , VA 22207.

MSM Alumnus/63 7

Alumni Personals 1945 continued

and se rved as business manager for the Rollamo. He received his B.S. degree in Notificati on of the November death of mec hanical engineering and later earned Kor Uyetake has been received by the a n M .S. degree in business from Haralumni office from E.R. Fogarty, '47, vard U ni ve rsity. After his father's death 717 No ttingham Road, Wilmington,DE in 1957, he left the position of interna. 19805. Kor, a nati ve of Oregon, trans- tional sales manage r for Co rning Glass ferred to MSM from the University of Works to take over management of his Washington. He was a member ofT nd e- father's com pa ny, Exact Level & Tool pend e nts, T ec h C lub , E ngineers C lub Co . of High Bridge, N.J. Under his lead(Board of Co ntrol) , Stud ent Co un cil , ers hip , the comp a ny grew from its small A I M E, a nd served as a st udent assistant regionalized profile to a national brand in both th e mining department a nd the company and a division of Hyde Manulibrary. He received his B.S. degree in facturing Co. Peter established original mining engineering and a n M.S. degree designs and patents on man y existing in the sa me field in 1947 . He began his levels and helped develop government career with Hayden Coal Co. in Hay- sta ndard s for levels. He was active in bro , coro . then mo ved to Sa lt Lake several professional groups-serving as City, Utah. According to Fogarty, "He president of the American Hardware owned Minerals Equipment Co. in Salt Manufacturing Association. He was the Lake City, one of the largest used min- recipient orthe Norman Leukens Award ing equipment yards in the United from the National Wholesale Hardware States. " Association and the Hardware Marketer of the Year Award . He was active in civic organizations also- serving two terms as mayor of Clinton, N.J. a nd was on the board of directors of several civic groups. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two daughters , two stepsons and five grandchildren . Notification of the death of Frederick R. Richardson has been received from his wife, Roberta Richardson, 72 Country Club Drive, Danville, IL 61832. A transfer from Kansas City Junior College, Frederick was a memb~r of Independents, Engineers Club, Student Council , ASM , Theta Tau , AIME, Phi Kappa Phi and was a student assista nt in the No tice has been received of th e death , library a nd the metallurgical engineer- o n May 28 , 1987, of Robert Edwin ing department. He received his B.S. Condit. At MSM he was a member of degree in metallurgical engineering wit h Theta Kappa Phi a nd ASME. He refirst hon ors. Frederick bega n his career ceived hi s B. S. degree in mechanical at Ft. Kno x, Ky., moved to Carnegie- engineeri ng. In 1951 he joined General Illinois Steel Corp . in Pe nnsylvania, Electric Co. in Bridge port , Conn. , then then joined General Electric Co. a nd moved to the company's Home Laundry remained with the co mpan y in Massa- Equipment Depa rtment in Louisville, Ky. where he remained until his retirechusetts, Michigan and Danvi lle, Ill. ment in 1985.




64 / MSM Alumnus


ROGER NOWLIN AND "CATCH." Roger E. Nowlin writes: "Met with Ed Davidson, '50, in September. He hasn't changed one bit, and is still a great guy. Having fun . Life has been good to me. Enjoy salmon fishing . Can't shoot deer for sour apples, though." Roger and Mary live at 45 Lourdes Drive, Fitchburg, MA 01420.

Raymond J. Juergens writes: "Retired May I, 1987, from McDonnell Douglas. Residing with wife, Margaret, at 18015 Shepard Ridge Road , Glencoe, MO 63038. " Harvey B. Leaver, director of public works for Leavenworth , Kan . reports a move to a new house . The new address is 107 Willow Drive , P .O . Box 124, Lansing, KS 66043.

J.R. Whanger, '48, '49, wri tes: " Retired from Hughes Tool Co. in J a nuary and will c'o ntin ue to li ve at c urrent address in Ho usto n, Texas . I am look ing forwa rd to man y o utdoor ac ti vities and trave ling without suc h ti g ht time sc hedules ." James a nd Ann li ve a t 5514 Creek bend , Ho usto n, TX 77096.

HAROLD G. MOE Harold G. Moe writes : "As usual, I took second in the 400M swim in the Central Ohio Senior Olympics. Wait until next year. The gu y who beats me will be 65. I am enclosing a photo for yo ur foldout. " Harold is vice president of Ahle rs, Moe & Associates Inc. He lives at 1819 Ros e Hill, #11, Reynoldsbury, OH 43068. Editor 's note: We wo uld have tried to

make the photo into a centerfold, but figured the staple might inflict permanent damage.

Academic Comm ittee and manager of the Developmen t Center of In orga nic Materials of the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics . Mrs . Min Szugwe i heads a large gro up of engineers a nd scientists a t the Shanghai institute of Cera mics who a re develo pin g va rious chalcogenide glasses for use in optical information storage devices. For futher informatio n see Dr. Del Day's "Shanghai Section" report in the December issue of the


C.W. Van Eaton writes: "I got up this morning with nothing to do and I a m already half through! " C. W. is self employed. His address is Box 1356, Ardmore, OK 73402.

William P. McKinnell Jr. writes: " William P. McKinnell , B.S. Met. , retired fr om Marathon Oil Co . in 1986. With his so n he has started a new firm , West Corp. , 3676 S . Natches Co urt, Englewood , CO 80110. West is a contracting firm pro vid ing e nviro nmental services to industry, governme nt a nd environmental consultants." William and Marilyn live at 730 Fro nt Range R oad , Littleton, CO 80120.

Peter Paul Vaida died in the cras h of his private airplane on Sept. 29, 1987, according to a note from his wife, Ritter Vaida, 14 C hristine Place, Washington , NJ 07882. " He was very proud of yo ur school. May be someday I will visit," she . says. Peter, wh o came to t his country from Italy as a small child, attend ed MSM from 1940 to 1942. He took time out to serve as a pilot in the army during World War II , and returned to campus from 1945 to 1947. He was a member of Lambda C hi Alph a, ASME, th e Photography Club , the M iner Board , IFC,

R .C. "Bud" Gauerke writes: "Retired from Sandia National Labs Nov. 4, 1987. I am now doing some part-time quality engineering consultant work for Sandia Consultants Inc." Bud and Anita li ve at 850 Player Loop SE , Rio Rancho , NM 87124 .

Frank J. Cizek writes: "Presently head up Mototron Inc., Manufacturing Systems Engineers, a firm I founded 17 years ago . During my past career, I have taught at four U.S . universities, the last being Villanova. Have an earned doctorate in mechanical engineering. I plan to retire someday." Frank and Marjorie live at 214 Oak Hill Road, Bala Cynwyd , PA 19004.

Richard H. Duncan, '49, '51, recently retired as chief scientist at White Sands Missile Range. He supervised all technological and scientific activities at White Sands and was involved in deve lo ping several impo rtant comp o nents in the natio n's missi le defe nse system . Richard received his B.S. in electrica l e ngineering and his master's in ph ys ics. In 1954, he co mpleted his d octo ra te in ph ys ics a t the Universit y of MissouriCo lumbia. Ri chard a nd Helen reside at 2012 Rose Lane, Las C ruces, NM 88005. Bill Roy Roark died Sept. 30, 1987, according to a notice from Charles C. Davidson, '49, 2425 Ohio , Joplin, MO 64804. Bill was a member of the basketball team at MSM and received his B.S . degree in mining engineering with a petroleum option. He joined Sinclair Oil Co. following graduation and was with the company (even after it bacame Atlantic- Richfield) in Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Colorado and back to Louisiana until he retired in 1980 to Joplin , Mo. , then Grove, Okla. He is survived by his wife, Ruth Roark, Route 2, Box 2-9, Grove, OK 74344, a so n, a daughter and four grandchildren .

John C. Wilks writes: " Bettye June a nd I are still e njo yi ng retirement. Still li ving a t 36 1 Vassar Road , Poughkee psie , NY 12603." J o hn was wit h IBM .

T he alumni office has received a repo rt of the death of L. Charles McHenry Jr . He received his B.S. from MSM in mining e nginee rin g a nd during hi s ca ree r worked for Te nn essee Coa l a nd Railroad Co. , Eimco Co rp. , St. J ose ph Lead Co. and Hannah Mining Co. At th\,! time of his death he was li ving in Iron ton , Mo.

Yin Zhiwen (formerly Chih Wen Ying) and his wife, Sze Kwei Min, '48, may be reached through the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, C hinese Academy ofSciences , 86 5 Changning Road , Shanghai , C hina . Yin Zhiwen is c hairman of the

William H. S haw has retired from th e position of ass ista nt to the chief e nginee r, planning and des ign , at the Mi sso uri Highway a nd T ransportation Department's main office in Jefferso n City. He and M a rth a reside a t 1822 Green Meadows, J effe rso n City, MO 65101.

Alumni Personals 1949 continued The alumni office has received notice of路 th e death of Dwayne Russell Witherspoon o n Oct. 10 , 1987. At MSM Dwayne was a member of Sigma Phi Eps ilo n, the Society of Exploration Geophys icists , was on the honor li st several times a nd received th e Phi Kapp a Phi Bookplate Awa rd. He received his B.S . degree in mining engineering with a geo logy opti on. Fo ll owi ng grad uat ion, he joined Texaco Inc. , Geophysical Divisio n, where he wor ked his way from seis mic recorder in wes t Texas and New Mexico to the positio n of divisio n geoph ys icist in th e Houston Division. He ret i(ed from Texaco in 198 1, moved to Co lorad o, and established a nd ma intai ned a geq phys ica l office for Bea rd Oil Co. of Oklahoma Cit y. He is sur vived by his wife, Mildred Ellen Witherspoon, 33 179 I nve rness Drive, Eve rgree n, CO 80439 , three children a nd four gra ndchildren.

1950 Dale T. Carlson writes: "Retired as environmental engineer for Adolph Coors Co. July I , 1986. Have recov.ered well from emergency open-heart surgery in August, 1987. My serious heart problems were first discovered while preparing to take a routine treadmill test in a major hospital cardiac unit. Am enjoying retirement, traveling, reading and spending time at my mountain cabin." Dale's address is 87 14 W. 67th Place, Arvada, CO 80004 .

William W.- Fahrenbach writes: "Enjoyed visiting friends in Rolla in the summer of I 986- after an absence of 36 yea rs! Howtheol 'schoolhasgrown! Be back in 1990." William is retired as a forest engineer with the U.S. Forest Service (R hineJander, Wisconsin , Nicolet N ati onal Forest). H is add ress is 1985 Larsen Drive, Rhinelander, WI 5450 I.



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Joseph E. Hallemann writes: "Mary Ann and I continue to work and travel with the Friendship Force, an international organization promoting friendship, and hopefully peace, through understanding, appreciation and acceptance. Members of this Friendship Force stay in the homes of families in many countries and host families from these countries in our homes. These 'exchanges' afford the opportunity for a better insight into the lives, hopes and desires of people throughout the world . This activity, coupled with grandchildren, family and volunteer work, keeps us relatively busy." Joseph is retired from McDonnell Douglas. He and Mary Ann live at 295 West St. Anthony Lane, Florissant, MO 63031.

Max D . Kime writes: "After 37 years wi th th e same co mp any (un heard of) , I'm now retired. My ge neral ed ucat ion at ' MSM' has se rved me well. Would enjoy hearing from old classmates and eve n profs. Pl an to fish a lot at our lake 'Ta rnsid e' co tt age." Max was a senior process engi neer with No rth American Phi lips Corp. He and Ruth live at 825 Essex, Wes t Lafayette, IN 47906 .

Robert H. Mendell writes : "Retired in April , a nd went to work in June in Alaska, replacing a section of bighway and a bridge. Beautiful co unt;y." Robert is a project manager for Sve rdrup Corp. He an d Dora li ve at 1130 Dovergate, Kirkwood , MO 63 122. .

Eugene J . .Peetz writes: "A nita and rece ntl y moved to the Los Ange les area. I have acce'pted a two-year relocation ass ignment from St. Louis to'Haw th orn for McDonnell Douglas. 路Our nome is at 30540 Camino Porven ir in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90274. We are soaking up the California sunshine while we contemplate whether this should be our ret irement location ."

Norman F. Schneider Sr. writes: "Moved aga in. Just o ne mile, but different city. No yard to speak of and after a half-acre back yard, quite a relief. Hope to do some traveling this year ('88). Heading to Alaska in June ! Will spend February in south Texas." Norman and Jeannette may be reached at P.O. Box 2 10395, Bedford , TX 76095 . Norman is retired from Phillips Petroleum.

James B. Timlin writes : "Moved to F lorida and am golfing every day." Jim is retired from Alcoa a nd his and Marianna's address is now 16596 Bear Cub Court SW, Ft. Myers, FL 33908.

George R. Donaldson, senior vice president , Gruy Engineering, Houston, Texas, writes: "Son, Guy, married '85 grad Tracie Keller in January '87. They a re living in Arlington, Texas." George and Ellen live at 1635 Scenic Ridge Drive, Houston, TX 77043.

William W. Fairchild wr ites: "Still carrying o n as a co nsulting palynol ogist, but recently have found more time for ga rdening, fi shing, skiing and dirt bike rid ing. Haven't seen the campus since graduat ion, but hope to make it to Homecoming soon. " Willi a m's firm is Fairchi ld Geo logical Services and his address is P.O. Bo x 91 1, Taos, NM 8757 1.

Eugene F . Ko lb writes: "Was recent ly promoted to principal engineer." According to alu mni records, Euge ne is with Allied-S ignal-Bend ix in Towson, Md. He lives at 12 11 8 Jerusalem Ro ad , Kingsville, MD 21087.

Elmer D. Packheiser writes: "I spent October and November, 1987, in Cairo, Egypt, instructing the Egyptians o n how to co-produce TPS 63 radars, which will be used around the bord ers of the country as a defe nsive measure." Elmer is wit h Westingho use E lectric Corp. in Baltimore. He and Doris live at 307 S. C herrygrove Ave., Annapolis, MD 2 1401.

Richard A. Yeakey writes: " I retired from Morton Thiokol in March, 1987. I'm spending time traveling, hunting, golfing, fishing and doing volunteer hospital work and some substitute teaching. Still acti ve as parade master of Shrine Oriental Band. Jean and I plan to go to Mexico in late fall for a short 'vacation.'" Richard a nd Jean's address is 664 E. Medowland Drive, Brigham City, UT 84302.

Clifford B. Underwood, 9665 W. 21st Ave., Lakewood , CO 80215, writes: "Retired from Rock well Intern a tional , Rocky Flats Plant in September, 1985. "


1951 Gene R . Blendermann wri'tes: "Was one of the founders ofU .S. Petroleum Co rp . an d am now ch a irman a nd pres ide nt of the corporation. The co rp orat ion is currentl y co nce ntratin g its reso urces to maximize the recovery of petroleum waxes and crud e oil. " Gene and Vera li ve at Rivermere 3B Alger Court, Bronxville, NY 10708.

John Robert Chappell has been se lected as district engineer fOI the District 4 (Kansas Cit y) a rea of the Missouri Highway a nd Transpo rtation Department. John li ves at 90 1 Nort h 12th St., Blue Springs , MO 64015 .


1987 RoUamo

No ti ce has bee n received of the death, on Oct. 17, 1987, of Donald Joseph Quinn . After servi ng in the Army Air Force, Don came to MSM where he was a member of AIME, the Dake Society (p resident), served as vice president of Sigma Gamma Epsilon and was a student ass istant in the mining department. He received a B. S . degree in mining engineering with a geology option . For seve ral yea rs fo ll owing graduation he served as a geologist with Pure Oil Co . and Texas Crude O il Co . in Texas. In 1963 he mo ved to Calgary, Alberta, Canada, where he became a geologist with Calgary Crude Oil Ltd . He is survived by his wife, Myrna Quinn, Box 15, 'Site 2-553, CaigaryT2POM2, 21 , Alberta, Canada, 12 children and eight grandchildren.

A report of the deat h of Marvin Wayne Steadman has been received by the alumni office . Marvin was a transfer from the Wisconsin Institute of Technology and was a member of the Canterbury Club at MSM. He recei ved hi s B.S. degree in mining engineering. During his career he worked for Caterpillar, V.c. Benderoff Construction Co. , Gulf Bitulithic, CRC-Crose International Inc., and was owner of Sta-Safe Manufacturing Co. in Houston, Texas. He lived in Katy, Texas .

Leslie F . Holdman writes: "We moved to Fairfield Bay, Ark. It is a resort area with tw o 18-hole golf courses and country clubs , located on the north shore of James R. Sweeney writes: "Have been in Greer's Ferry Lake, approxima tely 85 the consulting field for five years . Curmiles north of Little Rock. Rea ll ye njoy- rently working on projects for Exxon ing th e go lf a nd the lake." Les lie a nd Chemicals. Still look forward to going Maria nne 's new ad d ress is Route 2, Box to work each morning (Retire? - Hell 40 I , Fairfield Bay, AR 72088. NO! - I'm having too much fun!)." Jim is president of J.R. Sweeney Associates John E. Priest writes: " I left Harza Inc. He and Phyllis live at 693 Vance Enginee rin g Co. in Jul y and am serv ing Ave ., Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417. as a consulta nt in the U.S. and a broad with emphasi s on nation al and regiona l planning for water (irrigat ion , hyd ro Gary E. WeIch writes: "Formed own power, dams, water quality) , land and business offering environmental manpower development. Have been work- agement services to industry." Gary is ing in California and Pakistan since president of Welch Associates, 173 H illJul y." John an d Pame la li ve at 90 I town Village, Suite 313, Chesterfield , Chestnut Ave., Wil mette, IL 6009 1 (also MO 63017. He and Gwen live at 3 13 his business address). Wildforest Court, Ballwin, MO 63011.

MSM Alumnus/ 65


Alumni Personals William Soper writes: " Recently relocated from Seattle, Washington, area to St. Mary's area in southeast Georgia to work at new submarine base at Kingsbay. Still with General Dynamics' electric boat division, now installing training submarine systems at new training fac ility for Trident submarines." Bill lives at 120 Gross Road , Apt. 2B, Kingsland, GA 31548.

John P. Hager has been named the Haze n Research Professor for ex tracti ve metallurgy at Colorad o School of Mine. John has been a member of the CS M faculty since 1965 and has served as head of the metallurgical engineering department from 1971-74. John will use the gi.ft to continue research efforts in the fie ld of extractive metallurgy. John lives at 2054 C restvue Circle, Golden, CO 80401.


1987 Rollamo

1952 continued


O.T. Yager Jr. writes; "The Yagers and the James Vances enjoyed returning for our first Homecoming since graduationhope to return in five years." O.T. is manufacturing manager for Columbia Corp. of Chatham, N. Y. He and Marion live at 168 East Market St., Rhinebeck, NY 12572.

Frank L. Carroll has been promoted to assistant to the chief engineer, planning and design, at the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department's main offtce in Jefferson City. Frank, Jane and f8il1ily can be reached at Route I, Box 68B, Jefferson City, MO 65101.

1953 Notice has been received of the death of George Eulyess Krouse. At MSM he was a member of Independents, Tech Club and the Petroleum Club. He received his B.S. degree in mining engineering with a geology option. His career was spent with Texaco in Kansas, Oklahoma and Illinois. The alumni office has been informed' of the death , on Nov. 4, 1987, of Joseph D. McBeth. At MSM Joseph was on the honor list severa l semesters and recei ved his B.S. degree in mining engineering. He began his career with Kennecott Copper Corp. in Nevada, moved to Trap Rock Corp. in West Nyack , N.Y. , then moved back to Nevada where he held managerial positions with both Newmont Mining Co . and Carlin Gold Mining Co. in Elko and Carlin, Nev.


Ralph T . Davis Jr. writes: "Am vice president of Phoenix International Inc. and am in charge of a new training and simulation division located in Carlsbad, Calif. This division was started based on new contracts with the Air Force and the Army. Also served as technical conference chairman for the Interservice j Industry Training Systems Conference held in Washington, D .C. during the week of Nov. 30, 1987, and was moderator for the Embedded Training panel during that conference." Ralph lives at 1116 Sea Village Drive, Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007. Charles A. Hahs writes: "My sons, Dan and Charley, are engineers and my daughter, Carolyn, is also an engineer." Charles is with Martin Marietta Energy Systems Inc. and he lives at 109 Indian Place, Oak Ridge, TN 37830.


Wayne M . Aceto writes: "Made it through the first year of being in consulting with larger bald spot, more gray hair and a much skinnier wallet. Looking forward to 1988." Wayne is the principal in his own business, Power Services Co. His business, and his and Peggy's, address is 12404 North Gate Court, Roscoe, IL 61073 .

Paul D. Gerlach writes: " Retired from Emerson Electric in January '87. Started work with Lenco Inc. , Electronics Division, Jackson, Mo., in February '87, close to two sons and grandchildren. We now live in Mary's parents' 135-year-old home . Spending spare time making it livable." Paul and Mary live at 2861 Hopper Ro ad , Cape Girardeau, MO 6370 I.

Richard C. Kolb writes: "Enjoyi ng retirement after 31 yea r with Public Service Co . of Oklahoma as powe r tat ion superintendent and res ults department supervisor. Have a full-time hobby restoring old cars and furniture ." Richard li ves at 5312 S. 71 E. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74 145.

Billy F. and Beverly Lester presently live at 1961 Everest, Idaho Falls, ID 83402. They write: "We wo uld be pleased to hear from any former acquaintences." Billy is a se nior engi neer, nuclear research, and nuclear fuel examination engineer for Westinghouse Electric.

66/ MSM Alumnus

Bill Gruenwald writes: "Now have three grandchildren. Business is growing rapidly and all in family doing well." Bill is president and owner of Independent Office Machines Inc. of Bala Cynwyd, Pa. He and Diane live at 400 Alderbrook Drive, Wayne, PA 19087.


1961 Donald E. Waldecker reports that he was recently named a member of IBM's senior technical staff. He is with IBM in Austin, Texas . Don and Jacquelyn live at 3306 Arrowhead Circle, Round Rock, TX 78681 .

Gary B. Chullino has been promoted to construction division engineer at the main office of the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department in Jefferson City. J

1960 Paul W. Benz writes: "I've re-entered the business world as president of Sylvan Industrial Piping Inc. of Perth Amboy, N.J. Sylvan specializes in process piping installations for the chemical, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries . I am leaving seven and a half years of retirement, during which I traveled and did volunteer work." Paul's address is liS Holland Road, Middletown, NJ 07748 . Lewis K. Cappellari tells us he is an electro-optics systems engineer working in the advanced tactical programs division for Hughes Aircraft Co., EI Segundo, Calif. Lewis lives at 4092 Delmar Ave., Long Beach, CA 90807. Kenneth D. Corbin reports: "M .C.L. Blackwell, '60, recentl y accepted the position of chief operations division, Kansas City District of the Corps of Engineers. He a nd wife, Doris, are now li vi ng in the Kansas City area (1 don 't ha ve his address yet)." Ken is with the St. Louis 0istrict of the Corps of Engi neer . His address is 1776 Go lden Lake Court , Chesterfield , MO 630 17. otice of the death of Allan Lee Gregson in April, 1987, has been recei ved by the alumni office. At MSM Allan was a member of Triangle, the ewman Club, AIEE-I R E, the Ro ll amo Board a nd was listed in " Who's Who." He received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering. His entire career was spent with Union Electric.

ECHOL E. "BUD" COOK Echol E. " Bud" Cook, professo r of civil engineering and mechanics at Southern lllionois Unversity-Carbondale, spent the fall semester as visiting professor at Taiwan's National Ch<mg Kung University (NCK U). While in Taiwan, Bud taught and conducted re earch under a grant from the National Science Council of Taiwan. He also helped et up a joint conference sponsored by both universities. Bud's ho me addres is 321 South Lu Court , Ca rbondale, I L 6290 I.

1962 William L. Baumgartner writes: "1 have retired after 23 years with the Alaska Department of Transportation and Department of Highways. Mo ved onto my State Homesite on Prince of Wales Island . The only infrastructure at Whale Pass is a Forest Highway. It's only 50 miles to the nearest paved road." William's add ress is General Delivery , Whale Pass, AK 99950.


Alumni Personals




:d Ig


1962 continued Eugene C. Fadler writes : " Barbara and I have two of our fo ur girls in college, and one is a senior in high school. Our 'baby' is in the 8th grade. Thank God , Ford is making money and with our new cars planned for the early 90's- 'You ain't seen nothing yet!' The challenges are bigger than ever, but it is starting to be fun again. I am in my samejob in vehicle safet y, but the job is changing a lot. We are becoming more international in scope, and I've traveled to Europe, Mexico and Brazil the past several years. Of course, we still have our u.s. responsibilities, so the job is busier." The Fadlers live at 116 N. Evangeline, Dearborn Heights , MI 48121.

N.M. Naiknimbalkar writes: "V isited India to see my folks for three weeks. On the way spent a few days in Hong Kong and Tokyo (Oct.-Nov. 1987). ChildrenAsha, daughter, is sophomore at Central Washington University. Another daughter (also sophomore) is at Washington State University. Son Alexis is in 10th grade." N.M. is a principal engineer with Westinghouse-Hanford Operations . He and Magda'iena can be reached at 302 Torbett, Suite 160, Richland , WA 99352.


Dinesh K. Shah writes: "I have trans-ferred from the manufacturing group at Morton-Thiokol Dynachem Divis¡ion to the technical operation group as a director of coating technology." Dinesh lives at 4021 North Park Circle, Irvine, CA 92714.













:nY les ale




1963, Maxwell L. Close writes: "Will be moving from Columbus, Ohio to Rochester, N.Y. as soon as we can find housing. Have accepted position as senior vice president, general manager, of the Taylor Products organization within Combustion Engineering Inc. 's process automation business." Meanwhile, Max may be reached at: Senior Yice President, Combustio!l Engineering, P.O. Box 110, Rochester, NY 14692. Stephen O. Jabas writes : "At the end of 1986 I concluded 23 years of service with Geosource Inc. as regional manager. Twenty years ofthat service was foreignin the Middle East, Far East and Africa. Am currently on extended vacation / semi-retirement until oil industry stages a comeback, whereupon my intention is to go into consulting." Stephen's address is 9080 Wilcrest Drive, Houston, TX 77099. Richard Kahl writes: "We moved to Frankfurt, West Germany in June, 1987. I am working as a construction manager for the U.S. Army Engineering Division" Europe. We enjoy the 'law and order' maintained by the West Germans. My son , John , graduated from Kansas University in mid-December with a B.S. in civil engineering." The Kahls' address is U.S. Army Eng. Div. , Europe; Attn: EUDCD-CM, APO, NY 09757 .

Jay W. Alford writes: "Retired in '86 as executive vice president of Intermet, and president and director of subsidiaries (Columbus Foundries & Columbus Neunkircher). My wife, Linda, and 16year-old son live at 7001 Standing Boy Road, Columbus, GA 31904. My oldest son, Brian, is a freshman at Furman University."

Ronald J. Bohac writes: "Currently marketing manager for ProMac Systems, B.F. Goodrich Co.,in Brecksville, Ohio." Ron's address is 2402 Audubon Road, Akron, OH 44320.

George H. Carr writes: "Have 'survived ' the first yea r of being in business for myself and enjoy the variation of clients and projects." The company is Carr Engineering Services, 33 W. School St., Bonne Terre, MO 63628. George and Helen's home address is Route I , Box 143B, Annapolis, MO 63620.

Gary Trippensee writes: "I am currently the NASA project manager for the X-29 . forward-swept-wing flight research vehicle." His address is 3773 Knox Ave., HCR #1, Rosamond, CA 93560. Gary E. Welch announces the formation of his own business, Welch Associates, offering environmental management services to industry. The address is 313 Wildforest Court, Ballwin, MO 63011.


Keith Bailey, executive vice president of fin ance and administration for The Williams Companies, kicked off the Tulsa Area United Way fund-raising campaign this fall by riding a camel and lellding a safari of vehicles at the Tulsa Zoo . Keith, former president of Williams Pipe Line Co. of Tulsa, served as chairman of the . Tulsa United Way campaign. Keith's wife, Pat, reports that they met their United Way goal of $11,254,542. (Tulsaarea employees, retirees and The Williams Companies contributed $430,420 of the amount-lOS percent of their goal) The Baileys live at 4337 E. 74th Place S., Tulsa, OK 74136. All this was contributed to the Alumnus by Hans Schmoldt, '44, 3305 Woodland Road, Bartlesville, OK 74003, with the comment, "The camel. appears to be buckling under the load." Thomas Chronister has a new job. He's title manager, sales engineering, for Bodine Aluminum in St. Louis. Also, he has a new address-#3 Paris Court, Lake St. Louis, MO 63367.

Notice of the death of David Arthur Elliott has been received from his wife, Kimberly Burne-Elliott, P.O. Box 2039, Sunnyvale, CA 94087. At UMR Oavid was a member of Independents, Shamrock , Liahona, IEEE and ASME. He received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering in 1965 and a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering in 1966. During his career David worked for Ling-TemcoVought, Fairchild-Hiller, Data Service Co., Textron-Bell Aerospace and E.H. International iit Texas, Florida, Connecticut, Arizona and California.

Larry V. Rankin is senior vice president for Betz Laboratories Inc. He is "responsible for international and European sales and marketing along with production, distribution and purchasing for all domestic operations, corporate engineering and corporate marketing communications. Betz is a world leader in specialty chemicals for water treatment and process applications in the industrial marketplace." Larry's address is II Old Nursery Way, Furlong, PA 18925.

Nancy Shaw writes: "J ust received my Ph.D. in ceramics from the Un iversity of Leeds, Leeds , England." Na ncy is a senior ceramics engineer with NASA's Lewis Research Center. She can be reached at 29125 Edgewood Road , Bay Village. OH 44140.

(Mr.) June C. Thomason Jr. writes: "Have been promot~d from vice president of manufacturing and engineering with the Glidden Co. to executive vice president." His home add ress is 291 51 Nor thfield Road , Bay Village , OH 44140-1335.

Vincent Wahlen writes: "Working in nuclear facility safety for the U.S. Department of Energy, Richland o.peratio ns Working principally on fast-flux les' facility and N reactor." Vincent's addreso is 506 Meadows Drive So uth , Richland , WA 99352.

1966 Leslie D. Stewart Jr. reports: " Les: Was promoted to m<;l nager, materials 'engineering, for the Allison Transmission Division of General Motors Corp. and built new home during 1987. Linda: Received a B.S in elementary education and is teaching. Patti: received a B.S. in music education and is teaching. Also, married 2nd . Lt. Michael N. Selby. Susan: Junior in high school." The Stewarts' address is 9230 Eagle Meadow Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46234 .

Franklin B.W. Woodbury writes: "Am currently serving as president elect of the Virginia Society of Professional Engineers. Will take office as state president in June, 1988. Also, was just elected to a three-year term on the national Board of Directors of the American Society of Engineering Management." Franklin is a senior staff engineer for minerals and materials science with the U.S. Bureau of Mines in Washington, D.C. He lives at 2801 Park Center, Alexandria, VA 22302.

John R. Hudelson writes: "Joined RandSham'blin-Hudso n in August as chief electrical engineer. RSH provides enginee ring, project management and construction management se rvices to the chemical and pulp and paper industries ." John and Hanni can be reached at P.O . Box 4257, Monroe, LA 71211. D.E. "Dan" Sagramoso, P.E., is now chief engineer and general manager of the Flood Control District of Maricopa County (Arizona) . His home address is 4436 E. Ludlow Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85032.

1987 RoDamo

MSM Alumnus/67

Alumni Personals 1967 Larry Boberschmidt wri,tes: "Boberschmidt & Associates (19 Water St., Milford, OH 45150-phone: 513-8317722) would like to hear from any alums or friends when they may be visiting the Cincinnati area. " Larry is president and owner of the Cd,mpany. He and Joyce live at 5413 Belle'Meade Drive, Batavia, OH 45103,

Harold D. Matthes, '67, '72, has moved to 11444 RegencyC6urt, Parker, CO 80014., He is erI).plQyed by Public Service Co. of Colorado. D. Michael Welsh 'writes: "Have had a v~r;ieiy bf1tiff~ient assignme~t~ over the past 20 years at Armco-Kansas City and am currently se~ior metallurgist at the #2 melt shop complex." Mike lives at 7501 Manchester, Kansas City, MO 64138.

1968 Les Bennington has been listed 'in the 21st edition of Whos Who in the West. Les, a Certified Life Underwriter, is selfemployed. His and Susan's address is P.O. Box 2049, Glenrock, WY 82637. Bobby T. Cox writes: "'I have been branch manager (Alumax Foils Inc., Prime Metals Division) since 1980. Tripled sales during that time. I'm still married to the same lovely woman that came to all those wild party weekends. We celebrated 21 years in January, 1988. Our oldest daughter, Bobi Jean, is majoring in business at West Georgia College, youngest daughter , Keri Kristen, is a junior at Alexander High, and son, Jeremy, II, is busy being a kid ." The Cox family lives at 6330 Baldwood Drive, Douglasville, GA 30135. Lee Halterman writes: "Lee, Debby and their new daughter, Kendra, are still enjoying life in Albuquerque, N. M. Lee is vice president of exploration for Min Search Inc., working in precious metals throughout the Western U.S."The Haltermans' address is 820 Piedra Vista N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87123.

William M. Larson reports that, as of William L. Sago., '69, '70, P.E., was July 1987, he is project engineer, pro- reappointed senior vice president of duct design, for Procon Products of Russell ,& Axon Inc., during the annual Murfreesboro, Tenn. His address is 394 meeting at corporate headquarters in St. Highfield Drive, Murfreesboro, TN ¡Louis. Bill lives at 9909 Heatherton, St. Louis, MO 63123. 37130.

Norris W. Perry writes: "New address: 753 Grand Marais, Grosse Point Park, MI 48230. New job: National sales manager for Hegenscheidt Corp., Troy, Mich. Daughter, Dana, is a junior at Michigan State and son, Travis, is captain of his wrestling team. I would like to he~r from John Olson, '66, and any Sigma Nus from the mid-60s-20 years ago."

Thomas D. McBride writes: "I recently joined NETCO Automation of Haverhill, Mass ., as an engineering manager. NETCO is a manufacturer of automated electronic circuit board assembly equipment." Tom lives at 36 Deerfield Road, Shrewsbury, MA 01545 .

Tom Nebel was o.ne of l5 sales manag- ' ers wo.rldwide cho.sen to be a member Jero!De J. "Jerry" Voss died March 4, of Hewlett-Packard's 'P residents' Club. 1987" according to a note ~rom !:tis wife, , Jeanette Voss, 12 Green Hills Drive, Tom and Sue received a vacatio.n in Shelburne, VT 95482. At UMR Jerry Palm Springs for this award, They visited Stephen P. Yallaly writes : "I have started was a member of Independents, Tech . Barry,'71" and Sue, '72, Winscher 'en 'my own consulting firm- Process Con- . Club, Newman Club, ASME and NSPE. route at Riverside, Calif. Tom, Sue, ¡ trol Consultants Inc. We specialize, in He. received his BS. degree in mechani- Matt;)4, Livi, n, and Beth, 7, reside at in's trumentation and process control. cal engineering. Following graduatio.n' 1514 N. Marshall, Middletown, OH The business is going very well.'" Ste- he.jo.ined Gen'eral Electric in Mattoo.n, 45042. phen may be reached at 4617 Colima Ill. , t00k time out to serve in the U.S. , Court, St. Louis, MO 63218 . Air Force: returned, to General Electric, Earl D. Ray writes: "Started my own and atthe ti'm e of his death was manager consulting company, Earl D. Ray Engiof tool engineering'at General Electric in neering, providing traffic and transporBurlington, Vt. ' tation engineering services." Earl's address is 535 Eiler St., St. Louis, MO 63111. "

1969 Nora A. (Barr) Glover writes: "Jill Alex'andra Glover was born August 7,1987 ." N ora is a staff manager for AT&T. She and Ronald and family reside at 98 Lafayette Ave., Chatham, NJ 07928. Dennis R. McGee writes: "Recently was promoted to plant engineer for the Annapolis Mineral Products Plant of GAF Chemicals Corp." Dennis' address IS HCR 82, Bixby, MO 65439.

S. Kent Ro.berts writes: "Received an M.S. in real estate development from MIT in September and have started a development company in Boston." Kent's company is named Ty-mar Development Co., 2000 Commonwea lth Ave ., Auburndale, MA02166, Kent and Janice live at 84 Eldredge St. , Unit #5, Newton , MA 02158.

1987 Rollamo

68/MSM Alumnus

G.W. Vaughan writes: "I want to wish everyone a happy holiday. Thanks and appreciation to those alumni ,w ho have helped me this tough year." His address is 16311 Southampto.n, Spring, TX 77379.

Vincent Logan is senior quality control supervisor for Harbison-Walker Refractories in Fulton , Mo, He and Linda live on Route I, Box 64, Fulton , MO 65251.

1970 ' Louis H. Dreinhoefer writes: "I have been at the corporate headquarters of the Aluminum Co. of America for the past seven years. In my position, 1 provide technical expertise on controls and safety for process furnaces corporate wide. Business ~ravel has taken me to England and Japan. I have a wife and two children." Louis and Patricia live at 3335 -Benden Drive, Murrysville, P A 15668.

Larry W. Duchek gives a resume of his career since leaving UMR. In 1970 he started in the engineering department for Zion Nuclear Power Station, and from 1971 to 1976 he was a nuclear fuel in~~ector in the co.rpo.rate quality assuran~e department. In 1976-77 he was in nuclear fuel purchasing and then became part o.f the o.perating staff of the Dresden Nucl'ear ' Power' Station? 'Ft6'm 1981 ' 'to. 1984 he was assistant to the LaSalle Project Manager, LaSalle Nuclear Power St ation, then moved to eorporate errlergency planning in charge of ERF for a year. Since 1985 he has been a mode project engineer for atmospheric dispersion computer programs and is now senior emergency planner for Co mmonwealth Edison Co, in Chicago, Ill. He lives 2603 Glasgow , Joliet, IL 60435, Jerrey D . Finnegan writes: "Jerrey and Barbara Finnegan and two sons, Patrick and Matthew, have moved to 1225 Virginia Ave., Libertyville, lL 60048, Jerrey is wo rking at Abbott La bs as a project manager and wishes all alumni a happ y St. Pat 's (a nd a safe one)."

Peter Sano.cki reports that he is now manager of construction for the Metro- ' politan St. Louis Sewer District. His home address is 102:37 Buffton Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123 .

William K. Shinn has been promoted to Alcoa's Evansville, Ind. operation, to assume the position of systems engineering supervisor. He will also have responsibility for the Evansville engineering's total quality control program. William, Diane and family live at 5600 Ironwood, Newburgh, IN 47630.

H. Ray Threlkeld writes: "My son, Thomas, has run and lettered in crosscountry the last two years (freshman and sQphomore) for his high school team. What are the opportunities for athletic scholarships at UMR in crosscountry? I believe he has the grades to qualifyforUMRand his interests (automotive design and plastics j ceramics) fit well with UMR's curriculum. Please let me know what you can." Ray's address is 1320 Harvey Road, Knoxville, TN 37922. Editor's note: This letter has been

referred to crosscountry coach Dewey Allgood, and Ray should have heard from him by now. Also- don't forget to inquire about the details of the policy waiving out-of-state tuition for sons and daughters of alumni.

To.ny Tolani, '70, '73, was promoted last year to vice president at Structural Dynamics Research Corp . where he's worked since his graduation (Ph.D . in 1973). His current responsibilities include managing the international business ofSDRC. Tony, Shalini, Niki and Sam now live at 2122 Hunters Point Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45244.






Alumni Personals 1970 continued Anita Williams, '70, '73, writes: "Presently working as a free-lance geologist with local consulting companies. Coauthored a fun book this yea r called '"Ride Guide to the Histo ric Alaska Railro ad " and a m now lea rning ho w to market it l " Anita li ves at 13201 Ridgewood Circle, Anchorage, A K 99516. Richard K. Williams writes: "Recently changed employment. Now have general management responsibility (vice president and general manager) for the business and manufacturing affairs of Kane Molass Laboratories, a subsidiary of Madison Chemical Company ." Dick and Suzanne live at 816 Stevens Creek Lane, . Decat ur, I L 62526.

1971 Gary R. Bartlett is vice president, gas supply, for MidCon Services, Houston, Texas. He and Margaret live at Ij431 Wilkshire Court, Houston, TX 77069.

Dennis W. and Kathryn Ditch write: "We're a bit slow with notifications, so we have several bits of news. Two years ago we moved. We're now about 50 miles out of Kansas City on 40 acres. Our address is Route 2, Box 172, Garden City, MO 64747. We now have three sons: Kelson, 5, Morgan, 2, and Cameron, 10 months. Obviously we have plenty to keep us busy."

Dave and Diane (Gibbs, '75) Eppestine write: "We would like to report the birth of our first child, Peter David, on Sept. 13, 1986. We are taking turns as a 'Mother Miner' with Pete and we're still at the same address in St. Louis." That address is 729 Buckley Road, St. Louis, MO 63125. Dave is with the Corps of Engineers and Diane is a systems analyst with Southwestern Bell.

W. Michael Herron has been named general manager of Marshall (Mo.) Municipal Utilities, according to the Dec. 7 issue of Public Power Weekly. M,ikehas been with the utility since 1983 and was formerly superintendent of electric'operations. He and Pat (Cleveland, also '71) live at 617 W. Summit, Marshall, MO 65340, with son, Bill, 13, and daughter, Kristen,. 9.

Gordon D. Robinson writes.: "Still having a great time at Monsa nto and at home- reco nstruction continues! With a ny luck I won't be done with either any time soo n. " Gordon and Catherine li ve at 6141 Col umbia Ave. , St. Louis , MO 63 139.

1973 Edwin R. Baker wri tes: " I and my wife , Diane, a nd children , Ross, 6, and Brent, I , moved this y路ear. I was promoted to regional manager of materials for Gene ral Electric- nuclear energy- in Oak Brook, Ill. " The Baker's new address is 1500 Cortl and Drive, Naperville, IL 60565.


William P.. Cunningham has joined the Missouri Cities Water Co. as its first Raymond "Randy" and Cecilia Freeman 'write : "We have moved to 12626路 full-time engineer and will be responsiWh i's perirtg Hill' 'Lane , :Creve Coeur, ble for planning and development activiM 063146. Elizabeth is 13 and Mark is ties. He will work out of the company's St. Charles office and serve all five divi4." 路Randy is with Monsanto . sions . William, Karla and two sons live 1987RoDamo at 10215 Cedarhurst, St. Louis, MO 63136. Hugb W. Harvey Sr. is in England serving路as Ingersoll-Rand's marketingdirector, compaction and milling division, in JameS and Melanie (Sarchet, '74) Koew- 1974 Europe, the -Middle East and Africa (a ing write: "Melanie and I are-happy to two- or three-year assignment). His ad- announce the birth of Ashley. She was Gary L. Blankenship writes: "Have red'ress is: Sales Engineer, Ingersoll-Rand, born Sept. 27, 1987, and is being enter- turned to my first job-with Douglas Southmoor R 'o'a'd, ManChester . tained by Laure, 9, E,in, 7, and Chris- Aircraft Co. as section manager, acouSM239LH, United. Kingdom. topher, 4. We moved to the east of Pitts- ,!ics engineering. My phone is 213burgh last year and would love to hear ' 593-5802. DAC needs engineers, espefrom our friends. Our new address is 103 cially in acoustics! Am enjoying sunny . Santiago "Jim" Ibarra writes: "I was Overlook Circle, Monroeville, PA 15146. Sout.hern California with my wife and promoted to research associate in April. James is senior research engineer for three kids. We just had a swimming pool Am the Amoco Corporation expert in PPG Industries, Fiber Glass Research and spa built and wonder how we lived without one for so long! Best wishes to welding and have responsibility for direct- Center, in Pittsburgh. all in A E. " The Blankenshi ps' add ress is ing welding research." Jim and .cheryl 25881 Evergreen Road, Laguna Hills, (Gibbons, '71) live at 405 Lampwick CA92653. Court, Naperville, IL 60540. Daniel, '73, '75, and Sandy (Gilliam, '74) Marthaler write: "Dan and Sandy live at Jim Mulligan writes: "Just finished devel- 4531 NE 57th, Portland, OR 97218 , oping an Eocene age, Wil;;ox formation , with their 4-year-old son, Jonathan. Marvin E. Borgmeyer, '74, '75, writes: point bar sand in central Texas (22 oil Dan works at BEA K Consultants as sys- "As of Jan. 1, 1988 , I was promoted to wells with gas cap behind pipe). Nothing tems manager and Sandy is now a technical department head at the Exxon Chemical Americas ' Baton Rouge chemilike trying to predict sand quality in a homemaker. " cal plant. We are expecting our fourth reworked sand body! ' I'm still active child in May. The others are Matthew, with the local geological society, and as chairman of the Scholarship Committee, will J. Scott Patterson Jr. writes: "Sure en- 7, Jeffrey , 4, and Michael , I Y2. We all award close to $6,000 to geology stu- joyed the autumn alumni dinner of the enjoy Louisiana, where I've been since dents in the Dallas area. My wife, Gini, San Francisco chapter. The Macka- graduating in 1975. The Borgmeyer ad presented us with our fourth child, a ' mans delighted all of us ." Scott is a civil dress is 734 Shady Lake Parkway, Baton girl , Shannon Kaye, on Sept. 18, 1987." engineer with the Marin County Flood Rouge, LA 70810. Jim is vice president of LaRue, Moore and Schafer Inc. He and his family live at 1902 Columbia Drive, Richardson, TX 75081 . Dale M. Pitt, '72, '75, writes: "I am a technical specialist at McDonnell Aircraft Co. -where . I have recentl:y been appointed principal investigator in charge of research in the area of unsteady aerodynamics and flutter. My wife, Jal)., is busy with our 16-month-old son, Andrew."The Pitts live at 8507 Maylor Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123.

Stephen W. Rector writes: "I left Petrolewis Corp. in July 1987, after four years as vice president and general manager. I took the opportunity to start my own company, S&S Energy Inc., 330 North Cheryl (Gibbons) Ibarra writes: "Jim, Belt East, Suite 210, Houston, TX 77060, '72, was promoted to research associate and closed my first acquisition of oil and in Ap ril. He is the Amoco Corporation gas properties on July 31 , 1987. I now expert in welding and has responsibility manage those properties and am involvfor directing welding research." Cheryl ed in buying additional properties." and Jim live at 405 Lampwick Court, Stephen and Susan live at 6106 Post Naperville, IL 60540. Oak Court, Spring, TX 77379.

Control District. He lives at 3 Regent Court, Novato, CA 94947.

Eric R. Potts is a major in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He is branch chief, Engineer Force Systems Branch, U.S . Army Engineer School, Ft. Belvoir, Va. He lives at 12112 Stoneford Drive, Woodbridge, VA 22192.

Mark X. Stratman has been promoted to M CS partner with Price Waterhouse. Mark lives at 2840 Brockton Lane North, Plymouth, MN 55447.

Terrill Alan Young writes: "Our third child- and third son- was born on June 28, 1987 . I continue to work in R&D on disposable diapers." Terrill is a product development engineer with P&G. He and Kath y live at 5387 Sanrio Court, Cincinnati, OH 45247.

John Dowdy writes: "Completed II years with Goula , Computer Systems Division , Earth City, Mo., in September, 1987. I manage the sales support team of systems analysts and specialists in a 16state region within the mini and minisuper computer industry. Judy and I have thr~e children- Michelle, 8, Heather and Erin, 4-year-old twins." The Dowdy family Iiv.es at 329 Bri~tleco'ne Co.urt, St. .Charles, MO 63303 .

Thomas L. Holt has been promoted to supervising engineer with Caterpillar Inc., Peoria, m. He will have responsibility for the design of the D7H Track Type Tractor. His previous assignments with Caterpillar have included a fouryear position in Phoenix, Ariz. and , mo re recently, a position as engineering liaison with Europe and Japan. Tom lives with his family, wife and two children, at 703 Firethorn Drive, Washington, IL 61571.

MSM Alumnus/69

Alumni Personals Rafael Jauregui-Arias writes: " My wife, Kathleen McCoy-Jauregui, and I have been blessed with the July 4, 1987, arrival of our first child, Teresa Kathleen." Rafael works for Unidynamics. He and Kathleen live at 464 Longfellow Ave., Kirkwood, MO 63122. David E. Koehler writes: "Janice and I are the proud pa rents of a new baby girl, Michelle, born Oct. 7, 1987." D avid is president of Casting Impregnato rs Inc. , Skokie, Ill. He and Ja nice and fa mil y live at 507 Abbeywood Court, Oak Brook, IL 60521.

1987 Rollamo

1974 continued M. Hossain is a senior structural analysis engineer (vibration) fo r Ga rrett Tu rbine Engine Co. His address is 625 W. M c~e ll i p s Road, Mesa, AZ 8520 I.

Melanie (Sarchet) and James Koewing write : "We are happy to announce the birth of Ashley. She was born Sept. 27, 1987 and is being entertained by Laure, 9, Erin, 7, and Christo pher, 4. We moved to the east of Pittsburg h last year a nd would love to hear from our friends. Our new address is 103 Ove rlook Circle, Monroeville, PA 15146."


Sandy (Gilliam) and Daniel, '73, '75, Marthaler write: "Dan and Sandy live at 4531 NE 57th, Portland, OR 97218, with their son, Jonathan, 4. Dan works at BAK Consultants as systems manager and Sandy is now a homemaker. "

A report to the alumni associati on indicates that John William Matson died two years ago. At UMR J ohn had been a member of the Spo rts Car Club and Ta u Beta Pi . He received his B.S. degree (magna cum laude) in mecha nical engineering. Following graduation he joined Chrysler Corp . and , as far as is known, was still with the comp any at the time of his death.

Richard H. McKee has a new position, area manager, plate products division, with USS Gary Works South / Gary Plate. Rick and Beth can be reached at 188 Amhurst Court, Valparaiso , IN 46383.

Michael J. "Boots" Miller writes : " I now ha ve an M. A. in business management and a n M.B.A. a nd am a graduate of the Armed Forces Staff College, Norfo lk , Va. My jo b is wit h the J oint Chiefs of Staff, Operatio ns Division Pacific Comma nd ." Boots is with the U.S. Air Force a nd he lives at 73 12 Sterling Grove Drive, Springfield , VA 22150. Anthony Torelli writes: "Gail and I were married on May 16, 1987. We are now official suburban drones, with 'a house' in the suburbs, a dog and a weed eater. " Anthony is an assistant actuary with WAUSAU Insurance Companies. He and Gail live at 301 Urban St. , R othschild, WI 54474. Joseph D. Walker writes: " Lois, myself and the kid s are d oing fine. Our third child is due at any time. Gotta provide those future alumni . We are looking fo rward to a great 1988. Best wishes to all. " J oe is a senio r applicatio ns specialist with McDo nnell Douglas. He and Lois and fa mily live at 32 Ne wberry, St.Peters, MO 63376. John R. Weese, '74, '75, P.E., writes: " Have accepted a position with Huth Engineers Inc. in Lancaster, Pa. , as staff engineer. Huth is a 41-year-old top 500 A/ E firm specializing in engineering, architectural planning and surveying consulting services with public and private clients. My wife, Judy (former secretary in the EE department at UMRfor Dr. Robert Betten- in the early and mid-70s), and I will be living in Landisville with our two sons, Justin, 9, and .Brandon, 7. " The family's home address is 31 24 Windsor Drive, Landisville, PA 17538.

1975 Matthew L. M engel writes: "Matt, his wife (the former Susan Luffel of Rolla) and their two sons, Chris, I I, and Cameron, 8, are living j ust outside of Charlotte, N.C. Matt works for a division of Cela nese Corp. as a project leader specializing in local area networks and telecommunications." Matt and Susan's address is 710 Swift Court, Matthews, NC 28105.

70/ MSM Alumn us

Diane (G ibbs) Eppestine wri tes : " Dave, '71 , and I wo uld like to re port the birth of our firs t child , Peter Da vid , o n Sept. 13, 1986 . We are ta kin g turn s as a 'Mother Miner' with Pete and we're still at the same address in St. Lo uis." T hat add ress is 729 Buck ley Road , St. Lo ui s, M 0 63 125 . Dia ne is a systems a nalys t with So uthwestern Bell a nd Dave is with the Co rps of Engineers.

Tho mas O. Meisner writes: "It 's bee n a busy year. I survived the reo rga ni zatio n and had two tempora ry ass ignments to Lo nd o n as well. I a m now manager of . pla nning and deve lopment with Co noco's supply and transportatio'n department. I also had a n enjoya ble trip back to Rolla recruiting." Tom and Kathy live at 725 Cheltenham Drive, Kat y, TX 77450. Roberta Wilhelm Treasurer writes: "I'm enj oyi ng staying home with the children. Jeanne is 8, Paul is 6, and Laura is 4. I'm busier now than when I 'worked'sch oo l activities, community service wo rk and being a Brownie leader. " Roberta, Willia m and family live at 201 N. Marth a, Lombard , IL 60148.

1976 David and Denise Denner, both '76, write: "We moved to Anniston , Ala. in April, 1987, and received a famil y addition in August with the birth of our third child , Michael. Dave is plant manage r for Monsanto a n,: Denise has started a porcelain doll business."¡ The Denner family lives at 30 12 Woodbridge Drive , Anniston, AL 3620 I.

James L. 'McDonald has received a $10,000 Best of Program Award for his entry in the Annual Design, Engineering and Fabrication Award Program sponsored by the James F . Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation of Cleveland , Ohio . James is an engineer with the special construction department of Louisville Gas & Electric Co. He a nd Laurie live at 1709 Deepwo od Drive, J efferso nville, IN 47130.

Paul W. Sapp, '76, '78, writes: " I am still a live and well in the Pacific No rthwest. Our company is growing and has recently ,mpved to a bea utiful new fac ility 9verlooki ng the Sammamish Va lley." Paul is engineering lab manage r fo r M icroco mputer Electronics Corp . in Kirkland , Was h. His home address is 4200 l28th SE, Bellevue, W A 98006.

Kim (Morrill) and Dennis Simon, both '76, write: "Kim is almost finished with her M .B.A. (UMSL) and enj oying the children, LaNae, 4, and Bret , 2. Dennis is a civil engineer with the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District. " The Simons live at 3880 Fairway Drive , Florissant , MO 63033.

Joe Vehige writes: "Working as a senior applications engineer for Emerson Electric Motor Division in St. Louis. I've been there 10 years- hard to believeand I feel like I'm 21 (but only on Friday nights). I live in St. Charles, 835 Water, St. Charles, MO 63301, with wife, Jeanine, daughter, Sarah, 10, and sons, Bill, 8, and Jacob, 5."

Michael N. Watkins writes: " My family and I have moved to Des Moines and I have a new title- director of support services for the Mid-Iowa Council , Boy Scouts of America." The Watkins' new address is 1440 Mattern St. , Des Moines , IA 503 16.

Stephen G. Eckert writes: "We will soo n be having our second child (in J a nuary) a nd I co mpleted 10 yea rs with Dow Co rning this yea r." The Ecke rts' address is Ro ute I, Box 86A, Carro llton , KY 41008.

1977 S't even R. Gilbert writes: " I am still th ankfull y employed as a consulting petro leum engineer for DeGolyer & MacNa ughto n in Dallas. Patti a nd I a re pro ud to a nno unce the birth of a ba by brother for our 2Y2 -yea r-old so n, Nathan. J eremy Richa rd Gilbert was born June 23 , 1987 (7 lbs. 3 oz., 19 inches lo ng)." Steve, Patti and family live 2000 C herbourg, Plano, TX 75075.

Bruce H . Allen writes: " Have had two promotions during 1987, one to production engineer in Chicago, Ill. , and the most recent promotion to plant manage r ofU .S. Gypsum's company plant in Alabaster, Mich." Bruce and Kathy can be reached at Route 5, Tawas City, MI 48763.

John N. Mangoff Jr. writes: "Very busy durin g the pas t yea r- got married and bought a house. Sue and I are real happy and doing great. Still wo rking at Shell Oil Wood Ri ve r M anufacturing co mplex as seni o r engineer in instrumentati on. Hi to all House 4 alumni & dead dogs, too ." Jo hn and Sue live at 49 Elmwood Dri ve, Glen Carbon, IL62034.

Warren Cadwell writes : "Marlyne, Melaine and I arrived here in Denver in October. I'm on temporary duty here with Sun Exploration and Production Co. for six to nine months. Looking forward to enjoying the 'Rockies' while we're here. " The Cad wells may be reached at 8965 E. Florida Ave., #12-305, Denve r, CO 80231.

Alumni Personals Ii Ig n路

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1977'continued John Ladage Jr. writes : "On March 30, 1987, 'we had ' our 4th child ; Elizabeth Kay. On June I, 1987, I was pTOmoted to senior chemist with Catholine Co . Sue and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary on Sept. 17, 1987." The Ladage family lives at 852 1 Eulalie, Brentwood , MO 63144. Kurt S. Nielsen writes: "In路June, 1987, I started a new custom millwork shop in partnership with one other person. We will manufacture New England-style corner china cabinets and built-in ironing boards." Kurt's new company is named Oshkosh Millwork Co. He and Kathy live at 1340 Westhaven Drive, Oshkosh , WI 54904. Robert A. Riggs writes: "The Job Shopper's motto: 'Variety is the spice oflife.' There's been plenty, working for five companies in the last two years. Now stuck in middle of Nowheresville, but, like everything else in the life of a Job Shopper, only temporarily!!" Bob is a contract engineer with Elliott Turbomachinery Co. of Jeanette, Pa. He can be reached at 1245 Pennsylvania Ave., San Diego, CA 92103. Ernest F . Vogel writes: "I am a senior chemical engineer in the control systems department of Tennessee Eastman's Engineering Division." Ernest lives at 421 Coralwood Drive, Kingsport, TN 37663. John D. Wenzlick, P.E.,is afield bridge inspector with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. He lives at 1611 North Brook Court, Jefferson City, MO 65101.

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Bradley J. Wyatt writes: "Pam and I were blessed with the birth of a daughter, Emily Jordan, on Oct. 8, 1987. She weighed in at 7lbs . 60z., and has one brother, Justin Bradley, 6," Bradley is a chemical engineer with Texas Eastman Kodak. He and Pam and family live at 1809 Northwood Court, Longview, TX 75605 .

Steve Olson writes: "I'm in a new townChicago- have a new job- back to my roots, selling! I am responsible for a five-state territory, selling to var's. All are specialized resellers of local a rea n~tworks for PCs , and 3COM is a leader in this area. Go Cards!"Steve works for 3COM Corp. of Schaumburg, Ill. He lives at 299 N. Dunton Ave., #309, Arlington Heights, I L 60004. James Michael Party writes: "Have a new arrival. James Michael Party Jr. was born on Sept. 3,1987, and joins his sister, Lauren, age I \12, as a member of the Party family ." James Sr. is employed by Wagner & Brown and the family lives at 4502 P atman Place, Midland , TX 79707. Jack G. Pippenger writes: "We have been transferred to North American Coal Corps ' Cleveland headquarters to work in a new subsidiary company, North American Construction and Reclamation . My new home address is 5794 Bradford Way , Hudson , OH 44236. Waiting impatientlY for our ten-year reunion this coming fall. " Jack is chief engineer with North American Construction and Reclamation. Sergio N. Rivero writes: "Mireya and Sergio and their three children, J acquie, Yare and Sergio Jose, live in Calle Mercurio, 90-150 Trigal N ort, Valencia, Carabobo , Venezuela. Sergio worked for Pequivem, Moron Fertilizer Complex for four years and now has been with Intequim as plant manager for five years producing resins for paints, wood , plastics, textiles, adhesives and formaldehide . " David E. Statler writes: "I have accepted new employment as chief engineer with Rochester Metal Products, Rochester, Ind . Will be relocating in 1988. I am very excited with the new opportunities afford. ed with this change."



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1978 Lee Ann and Andrew W. Cox, '79, have moved (with their three children) to 3352 Lyon Drive, Lexington , K Y 40513. Andrew is now sales manager for Old Ben Coal Co. John J. Hunter writes: "Continuing to spe nd most of my free time remodeling my house. Seems like a never-ending job- kind of like painting the Golden Gate Bridge. Once I'm done at one end, there is more work beckoning at the other end! I enjoy it though , and it is ve ry good exe rci se." John is a senior project e ngin ee r for Hallma rk ' Cards . The address of th e hou se is 82'14 Oak, Ka nsas Ci ty. MO 64114.

Carma (Stone) Gibler writes: " I'm doing process deve lopment work on thermoplastic rubbe r for Shell Development. We enjoy Houston and stay busy fixing up our house." The Giblers live at 410 Southchester, Houston, TX 77079. Stanley A. Heimburger writes: "I am now working for FMC Industrial Chemicals, peroxygen chemicals division , in Princeton , N.J. My wife, Ellen, so n, Stephen, daughter, Catherine, and I reside in nearby Bucks County, Pa." The Heimburger address is 891 New Road, Richboro, PA 18954.

Randy Paul Meyr married Wendy Lynne Schnur in Kansas City on Oct. 24, 1987. Randy is a senior industrial engineer at Allied Signal-Bendix, Kansas City Division and Wendy, who received B.A. a nd M .D. degrees from UMKC. is a resident ph ys ician at the Baptist Medica l Center in Kansas City. The couple lives at 16 15 NE Debonair Drive, Lee's Summit , MO 64063.

Mark Ziobro writes : " I've changed jobs and am now at DuPont's Sabine River Works in Orange, Texas. I am an area engineer in the Ethylene Co polymers area . My new address is 1804 Rein Ave. , Orange, TX 77630."

1980 Thomas W. Bates writes: "In June, 1987, I resigned my position as a metroliner capta in for Air Midwest and accepted a posi tion as a B-727 flight engineer with Co ntinenta l Air Lines. I have co mpleted training and now fl y out of Denve r, Co lo. In January, 1988, I begin training for a promotion to Boeing 737300 First Officer (co-pilo t). For this new position I will be tra nsfe rred to Hous. ton , Texas, although Chris a nd I will

co ntinue to li ve in St.Charl es, Mo. where C hris will continue her career as a ce rtified public accountant." The Ba tes' address is 41 3 Timberid-ge Drive, St. C harles, MO 63303. Robert E. 'Culver writes: "I completed all course work required to complete an M .B.A. with an emphasis in quantitative analysis this month (Dec. 12, 1987)." Robert is a senior quality engineer for Allied Signal-Bendix, Kansas City Division. He and Tonya live at 6807 E. 144th St., Grandview, MO 64030.

Kristy (Daily) Defenbaugh writes: "Brad and I welcomed the arrival of our first child on Nov. 7, 1987; a daughterKayleigh Anne." Kristy is an environmental regulato ry engineer wi th Mobil Oil. She and Brad may be reached at 3631 Shipman Lane, Spring, TX 77388 .

Patricia Thebeau Heim writes: "Andrew Cha rles was born Aug. 24, 1987, and was welcomed home by his 3-year-old brother, Christopher. Reuben, '81, will start as a vice president of engineering at M Bank in Dallas in January." Patricia is a systems analyst for Fidelity Union Life in Dallas. The Heims reside at 2305 Brookdale Drive, Arlington, TX 76014. John Hoffman writes: "Have been promoted to staff petroleum engineering supervisor for Amoco Production Co. a nd have moved . back to west Texas. :-, Whatever happened to myoid school buds? Time fo'r a get-together. I can lie reached at 3216 Stutz, Midland , TX 79705 or call 915-689-7634."

M ichael W. Keith, '80, '82, writes: " Have been at Gulfstream Aerospace now for two yea rs. Am working in a new discipline under the flight sciences department called 'vehicle software management. ' In this new group , a m responsible for control of flight software. My wife , Cynde, and I have two so ns, Zachary, 27 months, and Benjamin, 3 months." The Keiths live at 68 Robinson Loop, Richmond Hill, GA 31324.

Matthew Baebler writes: "My famil y and I have been in Virginia for a year now, and we a re loving the area. Our famil y has grown to four with the birth of our so n, Patrick, o n Aug. 25, 1987." Matthew works for Amoco Oil Co . and th e Baeble r family lives at 9 Plantation Road , Newport News, VA 23602. Andrew W. Cox is now sales ma nager for Old Ben Coal Co. He writes: "We (wife, Lee Ann, '78, a nd three children) arrived in Lexington in August. Our new add ress is 3352 Lyon Drive, Lexington , K Y 40513 ." John F. Eash writes: " I am currently working in the F-15 flight test group at McDonnell in St. Louis. My wife, Marie, had a ba by girl (Christina) on Sept. 28, 1987 . Our son , Tim. will be 4 years o ld in March." The Eas h family li ves at 4622 Bri a rgate Drive,? t. C harles, MO 63303.

1987 Rollamo

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Alumni Personals 1980 continued Carl Lippitt writes: "Caitlyn Elise Lippitt was born N ov. 2, 1987. We now have three children, and enjoy skiing. I'm a lead enginee r at Honeywell (Sperry D efense Systems Division) for development of a new qu ad redundant flight co ntrol system fo r the C- 17A Airlifter being built by DAC-Long Beach." The Lippitt family lives at 10404 Karen N E, Albuquerque, NM 87111 .

Martin J . Millma n, '80, '82, '84, wri tes: "J udy a nd I recen tl y ad ded a eco nd daug hter to o ur fa mil y. Virgini a was born April 23, 1987 . In A ugust, I was transferred by DuPon t from Richmond, Va ., to Wilm ington , Del. , and made manager of th e ap pare l market serv ice and deve lo pme nt gro up - Dacron. "The Mi ll man fa mily lives a t 4 E. S t. Jose ph Co urt , Wi lmingto n, D E 19808.

Larry and Jud y Nicholson write: "Lar ry a nd Jud y a re d oing fin e with th ei r fo ur boys in ewar k, Del. J ud y-is wo rkifl g a a sa les pe rso n a nd La rry is a n a rea ma nager at DuPo nt-Cha mbe rs Wo rk s. " The ic ho l o n's address is 703 Le high Road , ewa rk , D E 197 1 I.

Reuben and Patricia (Thebeau, '80) Heim write: " Andrew C ha rl es was born A ug. 24, 1987, a nd was welco med ho me by hi s 3-yea r-o ld broth er, C hristopher. Re ube n will ta rt as a vice pres ident of e ngin ee rin g a t M Ba nk in Da ll as in J a nua ry. Pa tri cia is a systems a na lyst for Fid elity Uni o n Life in Dallas." The Heims li ve a t 2305 Broo kdal e Drive, Arlington , T X 76014.

Jeffrey and Patricia Sheets (both '80) writ e: "J eff is now working fo r th e na tu ra l gas ma rke tin g gro up of Phillips Petro leum in H o usto n, Texas. Pa t is ta kin g time off wo rki ng to pursue th e full -time jo b of ra isi ng o ne-year-o ld Da ni el. Pa t, Jeff a nd Da ni el now ca ll Misso uri City, Texas, home ." T he S hee ts' add ress is 3306 Hig h P ine Dr ive, Misso ur i it y, TX 77459.

Timothy E. Herrmann writes: "Obtained P. E. in 1987 . . Am workin g fo r Union Electri c o n th e Ca llaway Unit." Tim 's add ress is 2430 Village Gle n Co urt, Mary la nd Heig hts, MO 63043.

Gerald K. S mith wri tes: " I a m still wo rking fo r C hev ro n Reso urces (geo th erm a l rese rvo ir e nginee r), but th e o ffi ce ha moved fro m Sa n F ra ncisco to Sa n Ramo n, la lif. I will be sta rtin g law schoo l part-t Ime a t Go ld e n Ga te Uni ve rsit y in San Francisco beginning Jan . II , 1988." Jerry a nd Ma re n live a t 36 15 Co rte Segundo, onco rd , CA 945 19.

Jeff Heppermann writes: " [ was transfe rred ove r to C hev ro n Geoscience Co. in Ma rch fo r a two-yea r training ass ignme nt. Up to thi s point ['ve been working o n processing se ismic d ata from Canad a a nd th e Gulf of Mex ico . I'm learning a lo t, hav ing fun a nd ['m o nly te n minutes fro m home in rush hour (not bad for Ho usto n). I wish yo u all th e best of luck!" J effs address is 9218 Roos , Housto n, TX 77036 .


Karen McCoy writes: ''I'm currently wo rking on th e space station for McDo nn ell Douglas. " Karen is a stress e ngineer for the company. Her address is 45 15 Bonnell Drive, # 19E, Huntsville, AL 35816.

John M. Bancek writes : " I fi na ll y took th e plunge a nd went back to school. ['m attendin g th e Uni ve rsity o f Ca liforni aS ant a C ru z, trying to readju st to being a stud ent o nce again ." J o hn may be reached a t 36 1A We tern Dri ve, S anta Cruz, CA 95060.

Kevin Rackle y writ es : "S andr a a nd I have bee n li ving in Ph oeni x fo r a bo ut o ne-a nd-a-ha lf yea r now, a nd a re growin g to reall y lo ve th e a rea. I a m now ," " wo rkin g fo r Ari zo na Public Service a t Karen (Kohl, '81, '84) and Mike Beckthe Ari zo na uclea r P owe r Project as a . mann, '82, wri te: " We a re now bot h s hift tec hn ical ad vise r, a nd rea ll y enjoy worki ng fo r PP G Industr ies in Mil wa uth e work . I wo uld rea ll y enjoy hea rin g kee as for mulating che mis ts. Wh a t a fro m a ny of my fri e nd s a nd class ma tes cha nge fro m Fl o rida! Actu all y, we're fro m th e Roll a d ay that ha ppe n to be in looki ng fo rwa rd to o ur first s no wfall in fo ur yea rs- think we'll ta ke up skiin g. th e a rea."The R ac kl eys live a t 1441 2 ow t ha t we're close r to R oll a, ho pe to 45th Ave. , Gle nd a le, AZ 85306. see so me of yo u a t St. Pa t's o r G reek Wee k. "The Beck manns li ve a t 10200 W. Gene Ronchetto writes:" 1987 was qu ite Fria r La ne, Fra nkl in, W [ 53 132. a yea r fo r th e Ro nchett os . Andrew wa bo rn in May a nd in Jun e I was promo ted to my new pos iti o n of ma nage r, Joe F. Cox , '81, '83, wr ites: " M y wife, q uality services, for Emerso n Electr ic. S usa n, a nd I are th e p ro ud pa re nts of a T he n we moved to a new ho use. T he ba by girl , :raylo r Bri a nnn e, bo rn Jul y cha nges still have n't slowed dow n." Ge ne 25 , 1987, in Missio n Viej o, Ca li f. " The a nd Ma ry's new address is 12965 Bulto n Cox add ress is 18936 Ca nyo n View Dri ve. T rabu co Can yo n, C A 92679 . Co urt, C reve Coe ur. MO 63146. "

Edward L. Robold writes: "I am the qu a lity ass urance supervisor for Combibl oc Inc., Columbus, Ohio. Our plant prod uces asceptic packaging that we ship a ll o ve r the world ." Edward lives at 4211 Haughn Road , Grove City, OH 43123. Ron L. Rowe reports: " First child , E mily D a nielle Ro we, was born Feb. 28 , 1987 . Wife, J a rni e, is working at Life Investors as ~ se ni o r acco untant." Ron is a plant perfo rm a nce e ngineer for Iowa Electric Light a nd Power. The Rowe fam'ily lives 2428 Fifth Ave. S E, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403.

Greg Youll, '81, '83, writes: "I'm still working for the U.S. Army Troop Support Command in St. Louis. Last summer Ilateralled to a different office. New work is interesting." Greg lives a t 424 Droste, St. Charles, MO 6330 I.

1982 Betty Weinhold Baggett writes: "Bobby and I have moved to 16 Forest Hill Drive SW, Cartersville, GA 30120." Mike and Karen (Kohl, '81, '84) Beckmann write: "We are now both workin g for PPG Industries in Milwaukee as formulating chemists . What a change from Florida! Actua"Ily, we're looking forward to our first silOwfall in four years- think we'll take up skiing. Now that we're closer to Rolla, hope to see some of you at St. Pat's or Greek Week. "The Beckmanns live at 10200 W. Friar Lane, Franklin, WI 53132.

Steven R. Block reports: "Steve, his wife, Donna, and son, Nei l, are now living in Elizabethtown , Ky. Steve has recently been assigned to a special project group whose main goal is to implement the use of statistical process contro l and other statistical methods in the .dimethyl siloxane polymer units. He works for Do'w Corning Corp ." The ) Block family's address is 433 College St. , Elizabethtown , K Y 4270 I. Chey Chang writes: "Moved to new address with wife and two sons." H'e is an industrial engineer with Remco Inc. Their new address is 1820 S. Hidalgo Ave. , Alhambra, CA 91801.

Kimberly K. Denney writes: "Still enjoying Houston. Was recently promoted to production area superintendent. I really Diane C. (Hassenplug) Sherrell sends a like this new job and this company. USI message to th e campus and to parents of Chemicals Co. is growing and the future wo uld-be e ngineers: " Please encourage looks terrific. ,; Kimberly and Terry live co-o p employment at Arnold Engineer- .. at 2519 Corral Trail, Friendswood, TX in g D eve l o pn;t~ nt Center, where I work., The co mpa nies currently involved are 77546 . Ca lspa n, Sverdrup a nd Schneid er Services. This air ' fo rce station run s wind Kirk C. Foeller writes: "Currently the t.unn els- great for M. E.s and A. E .s." operations an.d training of~icer for t?e Di a ne is an o perations epginee r for engineer sectIOn of the First SpeCial . Ca lspa n AEOC Division A'rnola " 'Operations Command (Airborne) ll;t AFS, T~nn . He r address 'is Ro ute I, Fort Bragg, N.C."Kirk's address is 157 Brad yville, TN 37026. Sisler, Fort Bragg, NC 28307.




Edward C. Shilling, 2520 Annalee Ave. , Brentwood, MO , 63144, writes: "I'm now working for Valentec-Kisco Inc., in S t. Lo uis. I wo rk as a manufacturing e nginee r in resea rch a nd develo pment of o rd na nce prod ucts."

1987 Rollamo

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Beth Spencer (Loos) writes: " Beth a nd he r hus ba nd , Pete r, a re li ving in Ho uston. Beth is getting adjusted to wo rking and rai sing th eir 9-month-old da ughte r, Amanda." Beth is technical manage r for La w Engineering. Th e fa mi ly lives at 2727 S. Belgravia , Pearl a nd , TX 77584.

James F . Irwin Jr. writes : "Bonnie and I are proud parents of a baby boy, James Franklin Leon Irwin III, born Nov. 19, 1987. I am still working with Oklahoma Gas and Electric, Company as a plant engineer." Jim and fami ly live at 15109 Pheasant Run, Choctaw, OK 73020. Thomas O. Mesko writes : "Still e mployed . Still pa ying ta xes. Still contributing to UM R geology and geophysics department." Tom work.s for th e U.S. Geological Survey. He lives at 1204 Sycamore Drive, Rolla, MO 65401.

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Alumni Personals 1982 continued Michael J . Magruder writes : " It 's go ing on two years th at I've bee n li ving in Yorkshire , England. I love it here! I was in Missouri in June for my high school class reunion . I'm just sorry I was not able to make it to the UMR reunion. Cheers to James Lamb III. Michael is a systems analyst for Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. He can be reache'd at Box 806, APO New York, NY 09210-5362.

Nancy Sue Lund married Jay B. Gassell, '84, '87, on June 20, 1987. The couple now lives at 7020 N. Bales, Apt. 24 I, Gladstone, MO 64119. Nancy Sue is a civil engineer with the U.S . Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District. Doug Mugel writes: "I have been senior staff geologist for Woodward-Clyde Consultants, S,t. Louis office, since August, 1987. Am working on hydrogeologic and geotechnical projects. I completed one year of graduate work in hydrogeology ·at ' Penn State in May 1987 (Ph.D. candidate)." Doug's address is 4217 Gardenview Drive, Apt. 4, .St.· - Ann, MO 63074.

Mary E. (Mary Beth Eipper) Simmons writes: "Jeff (also .'82) and I are both reservoir engineers with Shell. We are being transferred from New Orlean's to Houston in January. Jeff will be working at the research center in Bellaire and I'll be at the production office on the northwest side of town. Hopefully, we will be abIe.~o find a place to live somewhere in between!" .~


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David Clair Kerber and Ellen Meehan were united in marri age on May 16, 1987 . The newlyweds honey mooned in the Blue Ridge Mountains. David is an E division officer with the U nited States Navy assigned to the USS Virginia. David and Ellen now li ve at 3525 Shawn Cou rt, Norfork, VA 23456.

Donald and Holly Jo, '84, Harrison have moved to 790 N. Cedar Bluffs Road, #1012, Knoxville, TN 37923. Donnie has accepted a position with International Technology Corp. in the Knoxville area.

Maureen E. (Murphy) Midgley writes: "Husband, Stephen, '82, and I are working .in Lansing, Mich. I'm a senior process engineer for PPG; Steve is production scheduler for GM-B.O.C. We just had a daughter, Ellen." The Midgleys live at 521 Wildwood Drive, East Lansing, MI 48823.

Brian Keith Sievers recently passed all requirements of the Missouri Board of Architects & Engineers to become a licensed engineer. Brian is a foreman with Associated Sheet Metal. He and Joanna can be reached at Route 6, Box 97A. Jackson , MO (i3755.

James A. Kelly writes: "Work ing in the fi eld of data communications." James is a programmer with JBM Electronics. He li ves at 1840 Yaq ui , Flo rissant, MO 63031.

James D. Clippard writes: "After fourplus very good years with Shell, I elected to go with a new company, Stratigraphic Systems, as vice president, technology. Though I worked in the Rocky Mountain Division at Sh~ll , I have always lived in Houston, a~d I seem to be destined to stay for a while longer." Jim's address is 12727 Westmere, Houston, TX 77077 .

Robert Charles Rhodes Jr. married Patricia Ann Bettels July II , in Butler, Mo . Bob is a civil engineer with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department and Patri'cia attends UMKC School of Dentistry. The couple now lives at 2820 Mansion Drive, #1304, Independence, MO 64055 .

1987 Rollamo

1984 Timothy C. Adams, First Lt., U.S. Army, is a chemical officer with the 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C. He has been decorated with the Commendation Medal, awarded to those individuals who demonstrate outstanding achievement or meritorious service in the performance of their duties. Tim's permanent address is Route 1, Box 51, Mountain View, MO 65548.

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Glenn Archer writes: "Life is great here in St. Louis. I'm running and partying and living with another alumnus, Clint Campbell, also '84. It's hard to believe that we've been out more than three years! I look forward to hearing from any of my classmates, so drop Clint or me a line." Glenn is an electrical engineer with Norcliff Thayer. The ArcherCamp ell address is 2066 Runningridge Court, Maryland Heights, MO 63043.

Douglas L. Kuchem writes: "We are happy to announce the birth of our first child, Matthew Douglas, on Aug. 10, 1987. " Douglas is with General DynamicsFort Worth Division. The family lives at 3001 W. Normandale, Fort Worth, TX 76116. Thomas J. Muehlenkamp writes: "Am curently working full-time at McDonnell Aircraft Co. and working part-time towards MSME degree at Washington University: My area of specialization is mechanical design / dy'namics." Tom lives. at 8036 Wynwood Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123 .

Bob Nusbaum writes: "Expecting chil,d number two in May. Child number one (Erin, 2Y2 years) is already a computer bug and teaching dad some tricks. Mimi has a successful piano business. Bob is finishing research on some Utah and Nevada tuffs and has begun working 'with Eocene bentonites (source matching) in North Carolina." Bob is an assistant professor in the geology department of the College of Charleston, Charleston, SC 29424.

Barbara Ann Wiggins died December 22, 1987. She received her B.A. in economics (cum laude) from UMR. A' native of Rolla, she was empioyed by the Mark A. Ballantyne has accepted employfederal governmenrin'Kansas City, Mo. She is survived by her mother, Mary M. Katherine (Sitton) Rollins writes: "Tra- ment with Fairchild Industries in Wash- Stephen Poppe is in the U.S. Navy. He Wiggins, 906 Ridgeview, Rolla, MO . vis, also '83, and I are enJoying our jobs ington, D.C. He is a supplier quality writes: "Currently enjoying a tour on at Hercules Inc. in Louisiana, Mo., and engineer. Mark and Wendy's address is 6540 I, and three sisters. board USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVNour son, born July 6, 1987."The Rollins 12840 Lockbury Circle, 4F-I I , German71). My duties include mana~ng the family lives at 308 Mary's Drive, Louisi- town, MD 20874. reactor electrical division and standing .'Ya~e D. WOQdring, Capt.! U.S. ~Yt . ana~ M? 63353 . . James D. Cotton writ!'!s: "All i~ well at · } -watch as' ct:pmpulsi'on plant watch offi'is serving with ·the 5~7 ~h Engineer BatBoeing. -I'm currently wOI:king on ad- , cer;!' Steve's-address is c/o USS Theotalion in West Germanr. -W;'yile "Toby" S~bmidt married S'ue vanced materials for a heavy lift vehicle dore \ Roosevelt- (CNV-71), FPO New -. t . Cahill during the ,T hanksgiving weekend . for 'hauling large payloads to space." York, NY 09579-2871. f ,." Wayne w'o rks for' Burns &. McDonnell James lives at 1300 S. Eagle Ridge, and is activ~ in the Kansas City Alurrtni #Qi II~, Renton, WA 98055. Section. SUe .aICe-n<is law school 'at Robert C. Rolf writes: ~Expecting new- . } r, . UMKC. They live at 834 E. 93rd Ter- Ed~Diek~mperwrites:"Juststarteda born in January, '88." Robert is with,: new job as a software engineer for Southwestern Bell Telephone in St. race, Apt. A, Kansas City, MO 64131. . ~ 1983 .. Em~rson Ele.etric. My wife, Tammy,:, ~Louis. His address is 1445 Burning Tree, ; ! I an~ I are expecting our second child in Florissant, MO 63033. D. Kent Barnes Il;writes: "I joi ned Doug W~~midt :ovrites: "I h~ve Jun,e. We have just bought a house an~ . . ,'r" .. ,. _ ., r, ,. :'f)" ,. Young E~gineering: S~rVices -in -July, - takerro~ the dutres of ~I~e.c~or of saf~~y, our' new address is 929 Cherry Lane, . . . .. -: . ~. I.· SUS~ M. S~moDS , ~ntes: l 'am now 1986. My job is primarily focused on ' alo~g With my rf:_s~onslblhtll:S as project Troy, IL 62294:" workmg fot Anheuser-Busch Compan.. .",. p;oject 'management, 'including work . engmeer,for the city of Shawnee, K.a~: I Jay B. Gassell, '84, '87, married Nancy" ies Inc:, as a' project/ process enginec:~., with the EQ program a~d control r~rim hav.e purcha~ed a home, also, and mY Su~ Lund, '83, on June 20, 1987. The ' Mynew'addressis4542BraungateDri,:e, . d~ign review(CRDR~ program 3..t Arkan-__ new a~d~es~ IS 7100 Larsen Lane, Shawcouple now lives at 7020 N. Bales, Apt. St. Louis, MO 63128." sas power and Lj gh,t Cq.'s ANO-I and n,:e MISSIOn, KS 66203." 241 ~ Gladstone, MO 641 19. . ANO-2 plan.ts. My primary project is the re-design ~~d retrofit of the ANO-2 Desmond Y. Van writes: "I have been Holly Jo and Donald, '83, Harrison William E. Walker III writes: ' ''Sheree 'c ontrol room.- I was married in Sep- working for ARCO TransportatioJ;l Co. have a new address: 790 N. Cedar Bluffs Lyn Vavak and I plan to we'd July 23, tember, 1987, to Tanna J. Lentz, who is as a research engineer for more than a Road, #1012, Knoxville, TN 37923. 1988. We will reside at 89 E. Cape Rock a graduate of Harding University in year now. I have been fairly busy from Drive'.in Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. Searcy, Ark. She is a registered nurse work and our 20-nionth-old baby girl. James Jaszarowski writes; "Hi to all Sheree is a graduate of .the Houston working in labor and delivery at the Sure would like to visit UMR again members of THE Frat!" He is a metal- School of Fine Arts." William is a University Med Center here in Little when I get tlie chance." Desmond's lurgical engineer with Caterpillar. James mechanical engineer with Lone Star Rock. Our new address is 7815 W. 28th address is P.O. Box 531, Independence, and Kelly live at 334 Pinecrest Drive, Industries, Inc. He can be reached at the St., Little Rock, AR 72204." Metamora, IL 61548. KS 67301 . above address.


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MSM Alumnus173


Alumni Personals 1985 John M. Ay writes: "I started working for Harris Corp. in September. I'm working as a technical writer in a software documentation group ." John's address is 3395 Wedgewood Drive N.E., #204, Palm Bay, FL 32905. John M . Burgess reports: ~'I have officially been promoted to foundry engineer, metallurgical lab supervisor, for Modern Wheel Co." John 's address is 1036 Mahanna, Long Beach, CA 90813 . Darryl Colvin reports that he is a 1st Lt. in the U.S. Army and also a gr.aduate student in metallurgical engineering at the Colorado School of Mines . His address is 1300 Golden Circle, # 1-212, Golden, CO 8040 I. Lisa Engert writes: "I am still working as a civil engineer at the Naval Weapons Station in Charleston, S.c. We maintain all Navy housing, base buildings, drainage, paving and railroads. The variety of projects makes the . job quite interesting." Lisa's address is 326 Amy Drive, Goose Creek, SC 29445. Sharri and Jeff Hiller, both '85, write: "Jeff and I are still working as construction inspectors for the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. There are several other Rolla grads down here now, too! We don't have any kids yet-just two dogs." The Hillers live at 11413 Matthews Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73162. Edward Madenjian writes: "Is there anyone out there in the real world? I'm still here deep in the 'bladder' of TexasFreeport. Drop me a line ." Ed works for Dow Chemical and lives at 400 Timbercreek Drive, Richwood , TX 77531. Anita J . Massoth-Murray writes: "Thomas and I recently moved into our new home at 9000 Scottish Pastures ~ Austin, TX 78750. I work at Texas Instruments as a process development engineer and Thomas started his photography business last year. We keep busy with church and profession al groups and enjoy the warm Texas weather. We would love to hear fro m fellow grads, especially those in our area ." Michael T. Moylett writes: "Currentl y working as a production geo logist in the Permi an Basin. I ha ve access to plenty of mesq uite trees, tumbleweeds, lizards and dust- need any? Actu ally, Big Bend , Gualdalupe Mountains and Sacramento Mountains are beautiful and geologically intrigu ing." Michael is a senior geo logist with Exxo n Co. USA . His address is 6 14 W. Storey, Mid land , TX 79701. Christa M. Norman writes: " I am currentl y a sen ior loss-p revention re presentative with Libert y Mutua l Insurance Co . in the Chicago area. I can be reached at 12 Forest Hill D ri ve, Ap t. # 101 , Glen Ellyn, IL 60 137. I recently returned from Scotland - Nessie says hello !"

74/MSM Alumnus

Mark Alan Prude writes: "I married Teresa Lynn Chapman on Oct. 10, 1987." Mark is ~ith Shell Chemical Co . and he . and Teresa live at 731 Sycamore St. , Apt. 1000F, Belpre, OH 45714.

Donald Baum Jr. has joined John Mathes & Associates Inc., as staff hydrogeologist, responsible for groundwater investigations and field studies at known and suspected hazardous waste sites. Donald lives at 2805 Olde Chelsea, St. Charles, MO 63301.

R. Kirk Randolph writes: "We have been transferred to Beaumont, Texas, with my job. Monica and I have bought . Suzanne R. Black writes: "Greetings a house and settled in. Having come from warm sunny Florida! It's been over from Kansas City, we're struggling to a year since I came to work for NASA. acclimate to the 75° temperature here in And the excitement is building as we December. " The Randolphs'new address prepare for the launch of the space shutis 2115 Stacy, Beaumont, TX 77707. tle Disco.very in the summer of 1988. Kirk is' an estimator ' for APAC-Texas The work hours are long these days, but the space program makes it all worthInc., Trotti & Thomson Division. while. I also have completed one year toward my master's degree in space technology (only three years to go takWalter J. Rexiog writes: "I have become ing one course a quarter). Keep looking a born-again Christian and state with up!" Suzanne's address is 3550-G Sable joy that Jesus saves!, and, oh, so much Palm Lane, Titusville, FL 32780. more! My new address is 1124 Windbrooke Drive, Apt. #202, Prairie View, Steven H. and Nancy L. (Young) DunIL 60069." Walter is a staff member with ham, both '86, were united in marriage the United States Gypsum Corp. on June 13, 1987. The newlyweds spent

Karen and Jerry Sanderson, both '85, write: "Jerry and Karen bought a house in July 1986, and are still settling in. . Jerry just changed jobs and is now a senior analyst with Continental Baking. Karen is a business programmer / analyst for McDonnell Douglas. We'd like to say hi to the old gang!" The Sandersons' address is 1297 Springhurst, Florissant, MO 63031.

Christopher Schaefer writes: "I'm still working for Dow Chemical (Freeport, Texas) as part of a process analysis and modeling group. Our emphasis is in reactor modeling and non-linear optimization. It was interesting to meet a number of UMR co-op students here at Dow this year and see myself just a few years ago. Good luck to all of you!'" Chris lives at 400 Timber Creek Drive, #916, Richwood, TX 77531. Scott Sokoloski writes: "All is well. My new address is 104 South Oyster Bend Lane, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Go St. Louis Blues!" Scott is a production engineer for Dow Cheinical USA, in Freeport, TX 77541.

their honeymoon on a Caribbean cruise to the Bahamas. Steve is a selling engineer with Ford Motor Co. They plan to live in the Detroit, Mich. area. James W. Freitag reports the following: "Job title-process engineer. CompanyOrbseal, manufactures automotive sealants and adhesives. Responsibilitiesprocess and production engineering, laboratory formulatin~. , research and development of new products and customer. technical service. Can be reached 'at 816-637 -4452." Jim 's address is 116 Kathy Lane, ,Excelsior Springs, MO 64024. Jacqueline Griggs is now an engineering technician for Midwest Subsurface Testing in Maryland Heights, Mo . Her address is 6125 A. Michigan Ave., St. Louis, MO 63111. J. Timothy Middendorl Nrites: "Upon graduation from UMR in aerospace engineering, I completed ' Ifficer's Training School (OTS) at San /. otonio Texas, as a Distinguished Gradu; '·e. This earned me a regular commission i.1the USAF. I am currently at Colorado Springs, Colo. in the Air Force Space Command , 'flying' military communicati.)ns satellites. " Tim, a 2nd Lt., lives at 47:{ Picturesque Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80917.

Kathleen S. Rupert-Wayne writes: "This year I was transferred out of geophysics into the computer testing and support division. I'm currently involved in supporting the VAX computers and doing system software testing. I've also gone back to night school to pick up computer programming." Kathleen lives ~t 14922 EI Tesoro, Houston, TX 77083, and sh..: works for Chevron Geosciences. Karen Wiseman writes: "I have been working as a software engineer at Emerson Electric in St. Louis for the past year and am enjoying it." Karen lives at 11102 Wiskow Drive, Apt. B, St. Louis, MO 63138 .

1987 Denis A. Backer, 101 Flamjngo Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123, sent his greetings to the chemical engineering department and declared his intention of returning to campus on Christmas party weekend. John H. Maul writes: "I was married Nov. 20, 1987, to Kim McCoy, also '87. We will be living in Indianapolis, Ind."

Jon C. Schneider writes : "After graduation I· began work in the propUlsion department of McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co. ih St. Louis. All is going well, and I'm living at Knollwood Apartments (5415-K, Knoll Crest Drive, Hazelwood, MO 63042) , only five minutes from work. Can't beat it! My phone numbers are: 314/ 233-4610 at work, and 314/731-5719 at home." Gary L. Seider joined A . ~ . Chance Co. in Centralia, Mo ., in early July. He is an engineer in th~ Chance Research Center. Gary lives at 529 Orchard , Centralia, MO 65240. John Allen Yates married Rochelle Jane Joanna McNaughton on Aug. 22,1987. John is a mechanical engineer with General Dynamics. The newlyweds now reside at 5004 Overton Ridge, #321, Fort Worth, TX 76132.

1986 Kevin Ankenbrand writes : "I have been employed as the chemist for Champion Laboratories Inc., of West Salem, III. , since December 1986." Kevin ca n be reached at Route I , Box 64, Browns, IL 62818.

Mitchell O. Barbey has accepted a position with Computer Systems Development Corp. of Fairfax, Va. He is employed as an aerospace engineer and computer scientist in the firm's St. Louis office at Aviation Systems Command . Mitchell and Deborah live at 2354 SuCasa, Apt. B, Florissant, MO 63031.

1987 Rollamo

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:21 ,

OFFICERS Term Expires President ... . ............... Arthur G. Baebler, '55 .................... 17 Zinzer Court ................... 1988 St. Louis, M0 63123 President Elect ...... . ...... . Jo hn B. Toomey, '49 .. . .................. VSE Corp . .. . .... . ............... 1988 2550 Huntington Ave., Alexandria, VA 22303 Vice President . . ....... . ..... Wayne R. Broaddus, '55 . . ... . ..... . . . .... AAI, P.O. Box 2545 . . . .. . . . ....... 1988 Dalto n, GA 30722 Vice President . .... . ... . ..... Alfred J. Buescher, '64 . . ..... . . . ..... . .... 624 Golfview Drive . . .. . . . .......... 1988 Ballwin, MO 63011 Vice President . .............. J. Robert Patterson, '54 ......... . ......... P.O . Box 573, N. Ridge Rd .......... 1988 Sikeston, MO 63801 Vice President ............ . .. Ernst A. Weinel, '44 ... . .................. 1502 West 50 ..... . . ............... 1988 O'Fallon, IL 62269 Vice President ....... . . . . . ... Robert V. Wolf, '5 1 ............. . ... . .... Metall urgical Engineering ........... 1988 UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 Secretary . . .. . ... . .......... Mat(eo A. Coco, '66 ................. . ... . 7115 Aliceton Ave ......... . ........ 1988 Affton, MO 63123 Treasurer ........... . .. . .... J.L. "Jack" Painter, '50 . .. . . . .... ... .... . . 1700 E. 10th St. ... . ... . . . . . ...... . 1988 Rolla, MO 65401 DIRECTORS AT LARGE Term Expires Jo hn G. Bartel, '52 ........ . ........... 200 Was hington, Hermann, MO 65041 ......... . ...... . ............. 1990 Thor Gjelsteen, '53 ............ . ....... 7300 W. Stetson Place, #41, Littleton, CO 80123 ..... . .. . .......... . .. 1988 Paula Hudson Rees, '73 ................ 5910 Charlotte, Houston, TX 77005 .......... . . . . . .................. 1989 S. Dale McHenry, '81 ................. 4814 Chelsea Way, Acworth, GA 30101 ................. . . . .......... 1988 Larry L. Parkinson, '64 .............. . . 2614 Bent Oak Ave., Adrian, MI 49221 .. . . .............. ......... . . .. 1990 Carlos H. Tiernon, '54 ................. 61 Berkshire Lane, Lincolnshire, IL 60015 ............. . ............ . 1989 Area Zip AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires Code Numbers 00-14 David J . Blume, '65 ....... . ...... 11 Musket Trail, Simsbury, CT 06070 .. . ................. . . . ........ 1989 15-26 Richard E. Rueter, '68 . . . . . ...... 420 Penn St., Hollidaysburg, P A 16648 . . ..... . .................... . . 1989 27-36 John K. Olsen, '42 . . . . ... ........ One Beach Drive, Apt. 1502, St. Petersburg, FL 3370 I ................. 1988 37-45 -Russell A. Kamper, '62 . . .... . .... 5674 Shadow Oaks, Dayton, OH 45440 ..... . ........... .. ..... . ..... 1989 . 46-52 Robert L. Seaman, '69 .. .... . .. . . 29812 Briarwood Ct., Farmington Hills, MI 48018 ..... . . . . . . . ........ 1990 53-61 Eugene J. Daily, '36 ... . ...... . .. 1114 Lincolnshire, Champaign, IL 61821 ... . ..... . . . ................ . 1988 62-62 Max A. Burgett, '54 ............. 2219 Dewey St., Murphysboro, IL 62966 ........ . ................... 1990 63-65 Jerome T. Berry, '49 . . . . ......... Route 4, Box 419, Rolla, MO 65401 . ..... . . . .................. . ..... 1990 63-65 Robert T. Berry, '72 ............. 12716 E. 63rd , Kansas City, MO 64133 .......... . ................... 1990 63-65 Gerald W. Bersett, '65 ............ 150 Kings Drive, Florissant, MO 63034 ......... . ........... . . . . . .... 1989 63-65 Lucien M. Bolon Jr. , '59 ......... 902 S. Murray Road , Lee's Summit, MO 64081 ......... . ............. 1989 63-65 Harold G. Butzer, '47 ........ . ... 730 Wicker Lane, Jefferson City, MO 65101 ................. . ........ 1988 63-65 Mary S. Klorer, '81 .............. 9165 Robin Court, St. Louis, MO 63144 ........................ . ... . 1990 63-65 B. Neil Lewis, '58 .... . . ... . ..... . P.O. Box 627, Kennett, MO 63857 ............................... . .. 1988 63-65 Robert E. Peppers, '50 ...... . .... P.O. Box 177, Herculaneum, MO 63048 ............................. 1989 66-72 J. C. "Curt" Killinger, '73 ......... 836 Wilshire, Metairie, LA 70005 ................ . ...... . ........... 1990 73-75 Roy A. Wilkens, '66 ............. Williams Cos.-WILTEL, P.O. Box 21348, Tulsa, OK 74121 . . .... . ..... 1988 76-77 James B. Chaney, '48 ............ 16218 Chipstead Drive, Spring, TX 77379 ............ . . . .. . . . ..... . .. 1988 78-84 J . Richard Hunt, '50 . .... . . ...... 14913 Highway 82, Carbondale, CO 81623 .... . .. . ... . .. . ... . ... . .... 1989 85-92 Dan W. Martin, '52 .............. 260 I Skyline Drive, Reno, NV 89509 ...... . . . ... . .............. . .... 1990 93-99 David N. Peacock, '64 ........... 3515 Brunell Drive, Oakland, CA 94602 .. . ......... . .... . ...... . . . . . 1988 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN William W. Collins, '50 ................ 1608 Wilson Circle, Rolla, MO 65401 Joel F. Loveridge, '39 . . ............... . 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Gerald L. Stevenson, 59 ............... . Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. , P .O. Box 2008 , Lakeland , FL 33806 Ronald A. Tappmeyer, '47 ............. 2226 Country Club Drive, Sugar Land, TX 77478 Armin J . Tucker, '40 . . ....... . ..... . .. 304 Christy Dr., Rolla, MO 6540 I EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Term Expires Robert D. Bay, '49 . . . . .. . ............. Black & Veatch, 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway . . . ... . .... . ............ 1988 Kansas City, MO 64114 James B. McGrath, '49 .......... . ..... 12425 Balwyck Lane, St. Louis, MO 63131 ..... . .. . . . ....... . ...... .. 1992 Lawrence A. Spanier, '50 ....... : .. . .... 5 Pettit Drive, Dix Hills, NY 11746 .... . ............. . . . .... . ...... . 1990 EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Richard H. Bauer, '52 ................. Missouri Electrochem Inc., 10958 Lin-Valle Drive St. Louis, MO 63123 Robert M. Brackbill, '42 . . ............. 9148 Clearlake prive, Dallas, TX 75225 Paul T. Dowling, '40 ...... . .. . ... . ... . 10144 Winding Ridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63124 R. O. Kasten, '43 .. . ............... . .. 901 West 114th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114 Peter F. Mattei, '37 ....... . . . ......... 9954 Holliston Court, St. Louis, MO 63124 Joseph W. Mooney, '39 .... . . .......... 7383 Westmoreland, University City, MO 63130 Melvin E. Nickel, '38 .. . ...... . . . ...... 10601 South Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 James W. Stephens, '47 ................ 406 E. Third , Lee's Summit, MO 64063 STAFF Frank H. Mackaman . . ........... . .... Executive Vice-President, MSM-UMR Alumni Association and Vice Chancellor, Office of Alumni / Development Affairs, UM-Rolla Don Brackhahn ............... : ...... Executive Director, MSM-UMR Alumni Association Louise Wilson . .. . ..... . .............. Executive Staff Assistant, Alumni / Development Sally White ... . .............. . . . ..... Editor, MSM ALUMNUS MSM-UMR Alumni Association, Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401-9996

MSM Alumnus/ 75


Date Alumni Admissions Reception Springfield, Mo. . ........ . .............................. March I Legislative Recognition Day Jefferson City, Mo ...................................... March 2 Alumni Alliance Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas .... . .. . ......................... March 3 Kansas City Section Meeting Kansas City, Mo . ............... . ... . ........•........... March 4 Alumni Admissions Reception St.Louis, Mo ............. . ....... . ..... . ............... March 8 Bay Area St. Pat's Party San Francisco, Calif. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 19 Alumni Admissions Reception Kansas City, Mo .. . . .. .... . ......... ... .. .. .. . . . .. . .... . March 22 Houston Alumni Meeting Houston, Texas ....... . .............. .. .... . .. . ....... . March 26 Corporate Board of Visitors Meeting (Committee of 100) Rolla, Mo ... .. . . .............. -: .... . . .......... . ........ April 8 MSM-UMR Alumni Association Spring Board Meeting Rolla, Mo . . . . .. . .... .. .... . . .. . .. . . .............. . ... April 22-23 . Alumni-Varsity Football Game Rolla, Mo. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. April 23 Order of the Golden Shillelagh Dinner St. Louis, Mo. .. . .. .. .. . ...... . ............ . ............ April 29 McDonnell Douglas Organizational Meeting & Open House St. Louis, Mo. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. April 30 50 Year Reunion at Commencement Rolla, Mo . . : . . .. .. . . .. .. ...... . . . .. . ..... . .. . ........ May 13-15 Homecoming Rolla, Mo ... .. . .. .. . .................. . .... . ............ Oct. 7-8

MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401-9990



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