Missouri S&T Magazine, February 1989

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Kathy Matthews



No. 1

February, 1989 '

February 1989

HONOR ROLL A message from the chancellor I would like to extend a sincere thank you on behalf of the students, faculty, and staff at the University of Missouri-Rolla to everyone who contributed to the UMR Development Fund and MSM-UMR Alumni Association in 1988. We are truly fortunate to count among our alumni and friends so many people and companies who care so deeply about UMR and its ability to meet the challenges it faces in the present and those that will confront it in the future as it seeks to continue to offer a highquality education. This year's report on the state of private giving, to UMR is a particularly pleasant one because, as a result of your generosity, gifts to the Development Fund in 1988 totaled $5,833,768, an increase of 10 percent over 1987 and the largest gift income ever at UMR. In fact, this 'is the fourth year in the last five that donations have . exceeded $5 million. It is also heartening to note that at a time when the rate of increase for corporate giving to charity has been a flat five percent over the past sever al years, corporate g ifts to UMR last year increased by 84 percent over the previous year. The alumni association report also is 'characterized by the same kind of good news for 1988. During the past year, the number of gifts from alumni and friends, as well as matching gifts, increased as did the total amount contributed from these sout'ces. What all of these figures ultimately show, I believe, is a recognition of the quality and the value to society of UMR's instructional and research programs, as well as the necessity of maintaining and

On the cover The smiles on the faces of (clockwise /1'om centeT /Tont) Yvonne Franklin, a freshman in engine.ering from Springfield, Mo.; Dr. Leonard Koederitz, professor of petroleum engineering; Tom Coffman, vice chancellor for Alumni/Development; Dr. Frances Haemmerlie, associate professor of psychology; Chancellor Martin C. Jischke; and Joe St. Clair, a freshman in aerospace engineering from Wentzville, Mo., show just how much everyone at UMR appreciates your support of the campus and the Alumni Association.

MSMALUMNUS (USPS-323-500) Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and formir students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri-Rolla. Entered .as second class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401, under the Act of March 3, 1897.

enhancing that level of quality. It is no secret that throughout its history UMR has been characterized by a tradition of excellence. The challenges of the future, however , are formidab le, and we cannot assume that th is tradition will continue to exist. As we approach the 21st century, the campus has a number of pressing needs wh ich must be met ¡ if we are to ensure that UMR's tradition of excellence will continue as the hall mark of the campus.

and plays, as well as facilities for their own concerts and dramatic presentations. The Auditorium/ Music/ Alumni Building, wh ich is in the initial phase of construction but not yet full y funded , will provide the campus with a world-class facility for holding events such as these and do much to enhance the cultural life on campus and in this part of Missouri. Finally, the concept of a sound mind, sound body that was propagated by the ancient Greeks still

This year's report on the state of private giving to UMR is a particularly pleasant one because, as a result of your generosity, gifts to the Development Fund in 1988 totaled $5,833,768, an increase of 10 percent over 1987 and the largest gift income ever at UMR. In fact, this is the fourth year in the last five that donations have exceeded $5 million.

We must continue to recruit the best and the brightest students. We also must be able to offer the scholarships ~nd other financial assistance necessary to enable many of these students to attend UMR. Today, when we distribute our finan cial aid, we run out of money long before out' needs are met. As it now stands, we cannot meet the needs of about 35 percent of the UMR students who qualify for finan cial aid. The campus also must be able to attract and retain superior faculty if we are to maintain a high level of quality in our research and instructional programs. Here in Missouri , however, we have fallen seriously behind in our abil ity to pay competitive salaries at our public universities. It is critical that our students, facu lty, and staff be provided with state-of-the-art equipment in their classrooms and laboratories. We cannot educate our students to meet the challenges of the future , nor can we conduct state-of-the-a~t research using yesterday's equ ipment. The world is simply chang¡ ing too rapidly to allow for that. Similarly, the expansion of the E lectrical E ngineering Building and the Curtis L. Wilson Library, which was designed for rough ly half the books it now contains, are crucial to the futu re of the campus. We also must ensure that our students receive as well-rounded an education as possible. They shou ld. have .access to cultural events such as concerts, lectures,

Martin C. Jischke

holds true today as evidenced by a growing interest in well ness programs on' the campus. This is important, I believe, in creating the kind of environment that attracts.the most able young people as well as faculty and staff, and it is essential that we find ways to provide more physical recreation facilities for the campus. Today, as in the past, the American people believe that their long-

term prospects for achieving prosperity and sustaining a democratic form of government depend on a first-class higher education system. Likewise, UMR's future wellbeing and its capacity to contribute to these national goals depend on its ability to perpetuate its tradition of excellence. Meeting these goals, however, will require your continued assistance 'and generosity. We hope that we can count on your support in the future as we have in the past. Ultimately, your support of UMR is an investment in the future for us all. Thank you. Sincerely, Martin C. Jischke

UMR Development Fund Source Alumni Other Individuals Bequests Corporations Foundations Other Organizations Total

Number of Gifts 5,882 2,339 23 1,631 24 53 9,952

Amount $ 556,676 175;298 118,706 4,632,704 195,032 155,352 $5,833,768

Number of gifts-9,952 Number of donors-6,548

Purpose Unrestricted Student Financial Aid Research Faculty Enhancement Designated Departmental Gifts Endowment Fund Student Loans Capital Funds for Buildings and Equipment To be determ ined Total

Amount $ 73,166 790,434 95,144 '83, 113 1,548,619 504,636 33, 108 2,702,048 3,500 $5,833,768

. The above figures include 610 corporate matching gifts totaling $259,420.


MSM Alllmnll S


A message from the president Your a lumni assoc iation li as contin ued to prov ide critically needed re ources to UMR students and facu lty as well as ass isting the campus in a number of other ways. F ive percent of the student body received either scholarships, loans or mall education research grants from the association. Scholarsh ips were provided to 160 students d irectly from the association rang ing in amou nts from $500 fo r a named scholarship to $2,000 for t he Alumni Association II cholarshi p. In addition to the above, 37 scholarships were provided to the u niversity fer use in attracting outstanding transfer students from ju nior colleges and four-yea r in t itutions. Twenty-four undergraduate stu dents a lso worked on scholarly projects under the super vision ,of UMR professors. The names of the students an~1 their majors are listed elsewhere in this issue. In addition to student aid, the associ ation's board of directors assisted a number of campuswide programs such as admissions, intramural sports, intercoll egiate athletic, library, music. and theater. The association has continued to recognize faculty who are outstanding undergraduate · ad visers with a $500 award. This

John B. Toomey award was presented to four faculty members this past year for their work with students. Gifts to the annual fund also allowed the association to publ ish six issues of the magazine this past year, with three sent to all alumni and an additional t hree sent to those making gifts to the associat ion . The gifts also have allowed the association to assist the campus in student recr Jitment a'nd job placement, to provide alumni to lecture in classes and

wo r k with student organ ization to sponsor alumn i section meetings a round the country. and to fund Homecoming reun ion and t he 50-year reuni on at g raduation. Your association has been fort unate to recogn ize th ree new a lu mn i sections th is past yearChicago, Atlanta, and McDonnell Douglas-allowing us t he a bility to com m unicate more effectively with t hose a lu mni away from Ro ll a. The students a re also pleased with t he new speaker's bureau e tablished by the association last year as it a ll ows the stude nts a n opportuni ty to interact with a lu m ni in busi ness and professional fields. As for more effectively meeting you r needs, we hope t his yea r to expand ou r a lumn i progra mm ing with establish ment of tours for alumn i and extend ing the Homecom ing weekend for a lLlmni to

share plans a nd aspirations for the u niversity. • To help establ ish an exempl a ry patter n of sub ta nt ia l support th ro ug h a nnua l g ifts and pla nned g iving. • To promote increased interest in the welfare of t he uni versity on the part of others who mig ht become members of t he Order. -In add it ion to a wri tten acceptance to members hip, t here a re two basic ave nues a person may select to become a member . A statement of intent to contr ibute a m inimum of

Members of the Order of the Golden Shillelagh Mrs . Robert W, Abbett (F) Mr . & Mrs. Gary D. Achenbach Mr. & , Mrs. James S . Anderson Mrs. Marguerite C . Anderson Mr . & Mrs. J. Lewis Andrews Mr. Frank C. Appleyard Mr. & Mrs. Keith E . Bailey Mr . & Mrs . Hubert S . Barger Mr . & Mrs. David J. Barr Mr . & Mrs. John G. Bartel Mr . & Mrs . Willia m L . Basler Mr . & Mrs . Rich ard .H . Bau er Mr. & Mrs. Reade M. Bea r d Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Bel den Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Bellchamber Mr . Maurice O. Bellis Mr . & Mrs. Jerome T. Berry Mr . & Mrs. Jack R . Bodine Mr . & Mrs . Phillip J . Boyer (C) Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Brackbill Mr. & Mrs . Donald L. Castleman Mrs. Margaret M. Castleman Mr . & Mrs. James B. Chaney Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Christensen

g ive them a n opportun ity to stay at the Lake of the Ozarks for three or four add it ional days at a specia l rate. Our a lum ni a nd frie nds have come to recognize t he needs of the campus a nd also the benefits they receive by ma kin g cont ri butions to the assoc iation. The average combined g ift fro m ind ividuals a nd matc hing g ifts was a pp rox imately $100 per per on t his past year a nd more t han 1.300 a lu mn i became members of the association's Century Cl ub. ' Th is honor roll edition of t he MSM A l llnmlls is just one fo r m of recognition of those who have contr ibuted to t he MSM-UMR Alum ni Association in suppor t of our facu lty, students, a nd alum ni programs at U MR. We look forward to your cont in ued support. Tha nk you, John B. Toomey, '49

MSM-UMR Alumni Association Sour ce Ind ividuals (Alumni and Friends) Gifts Matc hed by Compan ies

N u mber of Gifts 3,816 376 4. 192

Match ing Corporate Gifts Expectancie as a resu lt of individual gifts in 1988 Total


Amount $257,655 112,299 $369.954 57,480 $427,434

Or er of the Golden Shi lelagh .

The Order of the Golden Sh illelagh was established on Founders Day in 1977 to recogni ze the ma ny a lum ni, a lum ni spouses, a nd fr iends who provided sign ificant su pport to UMR and t he alu mni association. The Order was established based on a four-part commi tment to excellence at the Un iversity of Missou ri-Rolla. These ar e: • To recogni ze alu mni and fr iends of t he uni ve rsity w hose concern is demonstrated through their per· sonal financ ial support. • To provide means by which administration and facu lty may


$10,000 d urin g a 10-year period at a rate of not less tha n $1.000 a year. Ii plan ned g ift of a m inimum of $15,000 also quali fi es. Some exa mples of planned g iving are bequests, life income agreements. cha ritable trusts, life insura nce, and real estate gi fts .

Dur ing 1988, 13 new members have been added to t he Order of t he Golden Shi llelagh, bri ng ing its total membersh ip to 175. E ach spring the mem bership has a fo r ma l d inner meeti ng during which new members are recogn ized a nd a program about the cur rent state

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Cochran Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Coffman Mr. & Mrs . Kim D . Colter Mr. & Mrs . J. Rob e rt Cook Mr. & Mrs. G. Robert Co u ch ( C) Mr. & Mrs. E . J efferson Crum ( F ) Mrs. Clara T . Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Del bert E . Day Mr. & ' Mrs. David W. Dearth Mrs. Doroth y Radcliffe Dee Mr. Arla n R. DeKock Mr . & Mrs . P owell A . De nnie Mr. Albert S . De Valve Mr . & Mrs. P aul T. Dowling ( F ) (E) Mr s. Charle s S. Draper Mr. & Mrs . Robert A . Eck Mr . & Mr s. Gene W. Edwards Mr. & Mr s . Thoma s O . Englis h Mr. & Mrs . Thoma s R. Faucett Mr . & Mrs . Wilbur S . Fea ga n (E) Mr. & Mrs. 'Frank Fe nnert y Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Ferrell Mr. & Mrs. Armin F. Fick Mr. & Mrs. Fred \v. Finley (F ) (E ) Mrs. James M. Forgotson (C) Mr. & Mrs. Charles A . Freeman (C)

of the campus is presented. The 1989 spring meeting is scheduled fo r Apr il 2 1 in Cente nn ia l H a ll , U niv e r s ity Center-East, at U MR. P lease contact Howard Eloe. executive secretary, Order of the Go lden Shillelag h, in t he UMR Development Office, Harr is Hall , phone 314-3414054, if you wish information regarding the organi zation . .



Th 1988 mad,


UM] Ralph McKelvey Cha irman, Execut ive Comm ittee Order of the Golden Sh illelagh

Mr . & Mrs . Harold Q Fu ller Mr. & Mrs. William H. Ga mmon Mr. J erry L . Gilmore Mr . & Mrs . Paul E. Give n s Mr . & Mrs. Thor Gj els tee n Mr . C . James Grimm ( F ) Mr . & Mrs . Alden G . Hacke r ( F ) (E ) Mr . & Mrs . William M. Hallett Mr . & Mr s. John W. Hamblen Mr. & Mrs. John P. Harmon (C) Mr . & Mrs. Michael Hartung Mrs . Marjory Meyer Hasselmann ( F) Mr . & Mrs. Gary W. Haven e r Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Hay don Mrs . Use He ilbrun n Mr . & Mrs. Victor J. Hoffmann Mr . & Mrs . T h omas A.Holmes ( F )( E ) Mrs . Bert F . Hoover ( C ) Mr . Harland H . Hoppock ( C ) Mr . & Mrs . William E . Howard Mr . & Mrs. Carl E. Ijames Mr . & Mr s. Rober t D . Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. William S . Jenks, J r . Mr·s . Charles H . J ennin.g s ' Mr. & Mrs. Martin C. Jischke Mr. & Mrs . Vernon 1'. Jones

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Mr . & Mrs . Greg Junge Mr. & Mrs. Oliver W. Kampe r Mrs. Charles B. Ke ntnor , Jr . ( F ) Mrs. Harry H. Kes2 1er ( F ) Mr. & Mrs. Jos e ph J. Kinse lla Mr. & Mrs. F red Kisslinger Mr.' Charles L. Kitchen Mr. Perry Knight Mr. & Mrs . Harold A. Krueger Mr. & Mrs. Frederick S. Kumme r ( F ) Mr. & Mrs. J ennin g s R. Lambe th Mr. & Mrs . E ugene A. Lan g Mr. & Mrs . Alla n H. LaPlan te Mr . & Mrs. Joh n H . Livingston Mrs . Floyd ' S . Macklin ( F) Mrs. Louise C . Marc hello Mrs. Roy N . McBrid e (F) Mrs. Emily Murphy McCaffrey Mr. & Mrs. Belding H. Mc Cu rdy ( F ) Mr. & Mrs. R alph E.McKelvey ( F) (E ) Mr . Dr u ery W. McMillan Mr . Jame s G . Miller, II Mr. & Mrs. J ohn W. Mitchell Mr . & Mr s . J o seph W. Mooney Mr. & Mrs. Geo r g e E. Mueller (C) Mr . & Mr s . Oscar M. Muskopf Mr. Zebulun Na sh Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Nau Mr . & Mr s. Marvin E . Nevins,Jr. (F) Mr . & Mr s. Willia m F. Ob erbeck Mr . & Mrs. John K . Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ozo r kiewlcz Mr. John L . Pain t er Mr. & Mrs. J oh n T. Park Mr. & Mrs . Murray J. Paul ( F ) Mr. & Mrs. Ha rry R . Pea r s o n, Jr . Mr. & Mrs. E . L. P erry (C) Mr. C. J. Potter (C) Mr. & Mrs . John D . Powell Mrs. Grace W. P r ange Mr . & Mrs. James A. Redding Mr. & Mrs . Harvey J. Reed

Century Club The Century Club Honor Roll for 1988 lists the names of donors who made gifts of $100 or more to either t he MSM·UMR Alumni Association or to UMR. In 1988, the Century Club was segmented into jour levels of membership: Century Club for gifts of $100-249, Silver Century for gifts of $250- 499, Gold Century for gifts of $500- 999, and P latinum Century for gifts of $1,000 or more. Also, this is the firs t year that UMR and Alumni Association Century Club members have been listed together. Because of this combi· nation, a donor who has given to both the alumni association and UMR will be listed on the honor roll in the category corresponding to the larger gift. For example, a donor whose gift to the alumni association qualifies him or her for Gold Century Club memo bership and whose U"MR gift qualifies him or her for Platinum Century Club membership will show up on the honor roll, in the P latinum Century Club listing.

Platinum Century Club ~)

Achenbach Gary D . ' 63 Anderson James S. ' 55 Appleyard Frank C. '37 Arnold Will B. Bailey Keith E . '64 * Banks Robert L . '44 Bar g e r Hub ert S. '39 Bar t e l John G . '52 Bauer Donna M. '84

Mr s . Agn es Remin g ton Mr. Char les Re mington Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Remmers Mr. Thomas A . R e mmers Mr. & Mrs . Walte r E . Re mmers Mr . & Mrs. Murray C . R enick, Jr. Mr . Rober t . P . Rhoa d es Mr . & Mrs. Paul B. Rothband Mr . & Mrs. Rod ma n St. Clair ( F )( E) Mr. & Mrs . Bernard R. Sarchet (F) Mr . & Mrs. Robert P. Schafer Mr. Hans E. Schmoldt (F) Mrs. Jimmie Schmoldt Mr. & Mrs. J o hn E. S c hor k Mr. & Mrs . James J. Scott Mr. & Mrs . Joseph H. Senne Mr. & Mrs . Joseph G. Sevick (C) Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Sineath Mr . & Mrs. Gabriel ~ . Skitek Mrs . Walter Snelson Mrs . John P. Soult (C) Mr. & Mrs . J. Victor Spalding Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Spanier Mr. Ernest M . Spokes Mrs . Robert M. Springer Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L . Stevenson Mrs " Fraizer M. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. T. James Stewart, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. S. Allan Stone (F) Mr. & Mrs. C. F . P. Stueck Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Sutfin Mr. & Mrs. Harold D. Thomas Mr. & Mrs . Carlos H. Tiernon Mr. & Mrs. John B. Toomey (C) Mr. A r min J. Tucker Mr. & Mr s. Do n L. Warner Mr . & Mrs. R oyal S. Webster, Jr . Mr. & Mrs . Mel Weinbau m Mr . & Mr s. Hanley H . Weiser Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Wilkens Mr. R e x Z. Williams Mr. & Mrs. DeMarquis D. Wyatt

Beard R eade M. '3 6 B ellc h a mber Donald K . '59 Bellis Ma uriCe O . '4 3 Benson William A. '76 Betten J . Robert Bra ckbill Robert M. '42 Broaddus, Wayne R. Jr. '55 Castleman Mrs Mar garet M. Cathcart Raymond F. '51 Chaney James B . '48 Chase David M. ' 68 Colter Kim D . '73 Cook Aaron L . '77 Cook J. Robert '61 Culbertson William W. ' 37 Daily Madison M. '84 Dearth David W. '68 Dennie Powell A. '40 Denton Randy G. ' 77 Dowling Paul T . '40 Edwards Gene W. ' 53 Esp y James William '85 Evans Donald L. '61 Faucett Thomas R . Fennerty Francis E. Ferrell Floyd Fick Armin F. '41 Finley, Thomas J. Jr . ' 39 Friberg Stig E . Fuller Robert G. ' 57 * Galloway Mrs C.T. Gammon William H . '49 Gjelsteen Thor ' 53 Glover James '43 Gould David S . '51 Griese mer Herb Hacker Alde n G . '41 Hanna Robert L. '4 3 Ha rry Nowlan Oil A Hart J. Douglas ' 79 Hasegawa Hiroshi '82

Mr. & Mrs. Marvin C . Zeid Deceased Members: Mr . Rober t W. Ab b ett ( F) Mr. & Mrs. Carl H . Basler Mr . John Stafford Brown (C) Mr . Charles S. Draper Mr . James M. Forgotson (C) Mrs. Charlotte Fuller Mrs. Margrete Gross Mr. Bert F. Hoover (C) Mrs. Mervin J. Kelly (C) Mr. Charles B. Kentnor, Jr. (F) Mr . Harry H. Kessler (F) Mr. & Mrs . Harold Koplar Mrs. Thomas Witt Leach (C) Mr. Floyd S. Macklin (F) Mrs. V. H. McNutt (F) Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Mentz, Jr. Mr. James J. Murphy Mr. Kenneth R. Neal Mrs. John L. Painter Mr. & Mrs . Walter T. Schrenk (F) Mr. & Mrs. E dward A . Smith (F) Mr. Walter W. Snelson Mr. John P. Soult (C) Mrs. Ernest M. Spokes Mr . Robert M. Springer Mr . F raizer M. Stewart Mr. Frank E. Townsend Mr . Virgil L . Whitworth (F) Mr. & Mrs . Henry E. Zoller (F)

(F) Founding Member (C ) Charter Member (E) Executive Committee

Haydon Jack B. '58 Head David W. ' 74 Helt s ch Charles W. Holme s T homas A. '50 Hoppock Harla nd H. '2 0 Howell Ronald H . Howerton Jo s~ ph W. '38 Huseman Donald J . '4 3 Ijames Carl E . Jamieson George W. '50 Jenkins Robert D. '53 Jischke Martin C. J u nge Gregory '65 Killinger John C. '73 Kinsella Joseph J. '79 Kummer Frederick S. '55 Lambeth Jennings R. '41 Lang Eugene A . '53 Lyons Mrs John H. McMillan Druery W. ' 76 McPherson, George Jr. Mendoza - Bedolla, Jose Luis '84 Mitchell John B . '68 Mooney Joseph W. Morris Buddie R . '54 Nash Zebulun '72 * Neal Kenneth R. '30 Neustaedter James A . '43 Nevins, Marvin E. Jr . '41 Oberbe ck Willia m F . '39 Peavler Emily R. '81 Perry Norris W. '68 Pe t erson Jay A. '61 Pietsc h Mrs Peter H. Pra nge Mrs Herb e rt L. Ra u J a me s T. '78 R edding James A . Reed John F. L . '39 Remington Agnes

Remington, Charles R. Jr . '49 Remmers Walter E. ' 23 Reu s s Llo y d E. '57 Rhoa d e s Rober t P . '32 * Riggs W. Robert '32 Roe b ke Gary E. '77 Sauer B e v erly Jane '84 Sa uer Carl A . '83 Sauer Elizabeth A. '81 Sauer Robert Mark '83 Scha fer Robert P . '52 Schearer Laird D . Schmoldt Hans E . '44 Schmoldt Mrs Jimmie S c hor k John E . '47 Seaman Robert L. '69 Senne Joseph H. '51 Se vic k Joseph G . '4 9 Sineath Henry H . Smith Audrey S . Smith Harry B . '42 Smith Louis W. '66 Spokes Ernest M. Springer Frederick M. '49 St Clair R . A. Steinkamp Robert A . '62 Stephens James W. '47 Steve n s on Gerald L. '59 Ste wa rt , Thomas J. J r. '34 S t oe c ke r William V . Student P a trick J . ' 68 Stue c k C. F . P . '43 , Summers Mrs H u e y T iernon Carlo s H. '54 Travel s t ead , Charles W. ' 74 Tucker Armin J. '40 Webb William H. '39 Webster, Royal S. Jr. '55 Weinbaum Me lvin

. 5

MSM Alumnus

White hair Louis H . '59 Wolf J ohn D. ' 67 Wya t t DeMarquis D. '41 Yakir Marion S. Zvanut Fran k J. '3 2

Gold Cen t ury Club


Anderson Richard A. Arnoldy Richard R . '69 Axmacher George W. '42 Barsachs Ed win H . '50 Bartlett Hugh Bartling Donal d L. '63 Berke y Vernon G . ' 50 Berry J erome T. ' 49 Blis s Allen D. '38 , Bolon, Lu c ien M. Jr. '59 Bouckaert Geor ge , P . Bower William W. Boyd Robert K . '41 Breeze F r a ncis V. '49 B r ownin g P h il A. '48 Bray David J . '85 Bullard James Cecil '84 Clippard J a me s Doyle '83 Cole Ralph C. '34 Cordes Glenn E. '60 Dancy Edsel L. Davis J erry L. '64 Davis Robe r t L. De genhardt Dean A. '74 Denney Ke nneth L. '70 Dieffe nbach . Robe rt P . '3 9 Elli s J . Crai g '38 Falkin gham Donal d H . '41 Fen newald Gary J. '73 Fetterman Phillip S. '73 Finch Mrs Raymond Glad b a ch Joseph G . '7 9 Grimm Louis J . Haffner Harold J . '35 Halladay Harold W. ' 69 Hamilton Way ne A. '80 Ha nna Samir B . Helwig Arthu r W. '50 Hin kle Delores J . '75 Hinkle K . Daniel '73 Hoffmann Victor J . '60 Horst William E . '5 1 Howell T heodore R . '48 Hunter , Orville J r . '60 Johnson James L. Jones Vernon 'T . '53 Kadwell ' Robe r t J. '65 Kennedy Daniel '26 Kieffer , Alonzo R . III '59 Kiehne Arthur D. '58 Kilp Judith E . Koeppel Beverly W. '38 Landgraf, Robert Jerome '86 Lang Stephen A . Leuschke Larry G. '70 Lewin Bram J. '38 Magrath C . Peter Marchello Joseph M. Marchello Louise Marek James D . '72 Marsh Reginald T. '69 Marshall Stanley V. McClain Gregory D. '72 McClanahan Ar thur L. , '37 McHe n r y S . Da le '81 McNe al P hilip W. '76 Meenen Arthur R . '46 Mehta Jagdis h M. ,'66 Mie sner Thomas O . '75 Millard Frank S. '37 Miller Jame s R . '44 Mitche ll Hal D . Mon sch He n ry D. '29 ' Mueller Geor 'g e E ~ ' 39 Murphy James I.


Mu rphy James M. '56 Nevins David J. Nevin s Michael C. Nolte William J . ' 20 Ob ers chelp Willia m F . '5 3 Ows ley Ed A. Pa inter John L , '50 P ark J oh n T . P eccola Alla n Ke nt '82 Peresztegy Laj o s B. '65 Potte r C . J . '29 P r iCe, David B . Jr . '68 Rakaskas Joseph E. '40 R enick Ru th Ann \ Renick, Mu rray C . Jr . Rieke Vernon W. '40 Ries Frank W. '50 Ro bbin s Irvin D . '48 ' Rob e'rtson ' Cecil W. '38 Schliwa Carl W. '70 S chmid t Norb ert O . -S chroer Michael G . '83 Schweit zer R obert E\. '41 Scott James J . , '50 Skitek Gabriel G . '43 Smith Hueston M. '38 Smith James A . '47 Smith P. Ge n e '44 Stein John E . '49 Stigall P aul D . '6 2 Suellen trop , Stephe n G . '74 Taylor Otis H. '42 Thomson Richar d K. '70 Throgmor ton G . R . '31 Tuck Edward F . ' 53 Unner s t all James A . '56 Walker Lonnie R. '65 Wals h George Welke Alb ert H . '52 White Eugene Wilson Michael A. ' 79 Winter Art hur R . '63 Wolff Leonard C. '42 Yochum Robert J . '49 Silver Century Clu b

Ab del- Latif A . I smail '71 Abrams Lawrence K . '78 A d amick Henry S . '44 Alfor d R ex '40 Allen Geor g e W. Allen Har r y W. Alsme y er William C . '41 And e r son David K . '51 Andre as Wayne T. '58 Andrews William A. Armstrong Gerald C. '58 Atkinson , Marion L. Jr. '25 Austin , John C . '42 Babson Gail Anne '84 Baker Chester H . '55 Barker Marvin W. Baumgartner, George R. '56 Bayless Jerry R . '59 Berry Robert T. ' '72 Bie Wendy A. Blair Norman D. ' 41 Bland Garrett D. '73 Blume David J. '65 Bohl Car l D. '59 Borthwick John Charles '86 Boyd Cha rle s L . '51 Boyd Ma rvin W. '53 Brewer William '32 Brockma nn Le s ter A, '55 Brubaker Maurice E. ' 65 B r u ce Rob ert S. '6 9 B u el Robert W. '50 Burchill William E . '64 " B urke R obert ' F '. '50 B u rst J ohn F. '43' Burton 'William T . '82 B u zbee " Terry D . '77

Cadwallad er Lee C . '8 1 Cajili De nnis E. '85 Cameron Charles V. '38 Carl berg Charles E . '47 Carpent er Larry H. '70 Ca r r , Walte r J . J r. '40 Carroll J ames V . '43 ,Carter Karen S. '73 Ch a ng Jo seph J. '70 Cla rk Norman L. '71 Coffma n T h omas M. Cole Jimmy D . '75 Collins William W. '50 Comanich George W. '51 Cooper Evelyn B . Copp J ohn B. '67 Cr e a son Gary W. '71 Cress W. Dudle y Crookston J ame s A . '42 Cu r t h F . Os car '72 Dally, Madison M. Jr . '81 Dalpini David '49 De Kock Arlan R. De nney Kimberly K . '82 Dix Larry L . '61 Dobson Richard J . '34 Dowd James D . '44 Down s J ack S . '49 Ellis William R . '39 English Thoma s O . '29 Erickson Alan G. '75 Erxleben Richar d H. '69 Euell , Billy G. J r. '8 1 Ever s man Walter Falkenhain V . E . Farrell Ed war d C. '41 Finley Douglas . B. '83 Finle y Fred W. '41 Fischer David M. '81 Fische r Max M. '35 Flye Russell E . '71 Flynn Darrell C. '79 F ore Jack D. Fort George E. ' 40 Francis Lyman L. Franke Rob ert M . F rede rickson Jon P. '76 Fulton Dwight D. '80 F ulton Susan V . '80 Gamme ter ~ Walter' Jr. '3 9 Ge onetta Sam C . Gevecker Vern on A .C. '31 Gib s on John W. '74 Gibson Kristie C. '74 Gieseke Elmer W. '33 Gilliam Dale D. '55 Gilmore Jerry L. '60 Godsey Terry L. '55 Gr eer Louis M. '79 Gr ibble Valgene '56 Grice HaI'\~ ey H. Grider James T. '67 Gulick Gary M. '69 Gunther Don J. , '60 Hachmuth Henry K . '67 Hansen Peter G. '53 Ha rper William .~.u ,'51 , ,. Ha rward Mark Gre,gory '84 Ha ssler Milburn '31 Hastey, James P. Jr. '77 Heath Donald L. '50 Helmkamp Robert E., '76 Henry John H . '66 Heppermann J e ffrey J. '81 Hierseman Mark S. '81 Huddle ston, James A. Jr. '66 Hutchison Alden C. '50' I se nmann Edward S. '44 J ack s on Robert A. '57 J ae g er B enjamin W.H. '63 J arboe Rupert A . '38 Jure nka Ronald ' I). '58 Kamper Oliver vi. '35 Kasten Paul R . '44

Kauffma n n William M. '63 Kebel Harlan L . '56 KeTlJpe r Robert J . '49 Kent William D. '43 Ke r n s Ra n d y G. '74 Ke y Billy A. Kin n ett Do uglas G . '77 Kisslin ger F red '42 Krispin Jo sep h F. '54 Krueger Harol d A. '42 La dd Harley W. '40 Lai San - Cheng '67 Lane Charles A. ' 76 Lang Gregor y A. tang , Eu gen e A . J r . Lan ge R obert C . '37 La t t ner J ame s R . '78 Lawson Ve r n on R . '48 Lee James D . '80 LeGr and Je sse S. '38 Lor e y G . Ed win Lyons F rancis D. '50 Mack, J ames O . Jr . '41 Mackaman Erank Man g off , John N . J r . ' 76 "Manuel Oliv er K . McDermott Arthul' R . '50 Mc Ghe e Vernon T . '42 Mc I n tyre, John F . J r . '52 McKee J ohn B. '41 McKinnell William P . Jr . '47 McNelis James C . '87 Me i s enheimer , Cliffor d S . '75 Menefee James H. '36 Meyr Randy P. ' 79 Midden, Henry E. III ' 69 Miller Harold ' C . '39 Miller R obert J . M. '50 Miller , Clare nce M. III '73 Mbellenhoff Fred Moor e J oh n W. '57 Moor e Wilbe rn T. '37 Morgan Willia m A . '49 Moritz John A . '54 I' \ Mulligan, J ames A. III '72 Mun g e r Paul R. ' 58 Mu rny Milt on J . '64 Nagy J o s eph G. '72 Oberdick R . Kevin '7 6 Odom James T. '61 Okenfu s s Richard H. '58 Omurtag Yildirim Otto Robert L. '65 Owens Terry A. '77 Owens Thomas J . '68 Paria ni Gary J. '74 P a ris Brian Keith '82 Parker Jerre L. '84 Parkes Roger D. '71 Peacock David N. '64 peacock Gregory Tarr '85 Pfeifer Herman J . '36 Pfeiffer , Walter C. ' Phegley William 'T. '81 Plunkett Jerry D. '53 Ponder Paul E. Pottinger, Hardy J. II! '66 Price Peter T. '77 Puhl Joseph Albert '82 Puhl Lisa Joan '82 Quinn Michael J. .175 Reed Harvey J. Reed , Walter G,. Jr. '69 Reiss, John Jr. '71 Richardson Margaret A. Roberts Orner H . '69 Robins,?n Guy M. '70 Rockaway John D . Rohde Carl Alfred '83 Ross Richard G. '59 Rudert Kenneth E. '44 Rupp Tim r " ,. Rutledge' '" William A . '46 Sallas j~hn J . '73 , j.~

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February 1989

5 ~

¡ '63 '



i4 42

I 18


11 '76

'50 2 '52

fr .'47



, '85

Sauer, Harry J . III '79 Schaefer Michael E. '78 Schindler George A. '73 Schmoldt Hans K. '72 Schneider Norman F. '50 Schnoe belen Paul C. III '77 Schnur James Scholz Arthur E. '48 Schumann Lloyd C. '43 Schwanke . CarlO. '70 Seipel, John R. Jr. '53 Shaffer James W. '42 Shanes Charles W. '71 Sharp Everett W. '40 Shoemaker James L. '59 Shores Richard L. '80 Sinunons Jeffrey F. '82 Smith John W. '65 Smith Neil K. Smith Ted P. Souders Steven W. '74 Sparlin Don M. Spehr James L. "64 Stange Siegfried H. Starke Dennis R . '70 Steed, F. Clifton Jr. '69 Stevens Robert E. "81 Swoboda Alexis C .'73 Tappmeyer Ronald A. '47 Thoeni Allen K . '63 Thomas Craig William '84 , Thomure Daniel' F. '68 Threlkeld, Hubert R. Jr. '70 Toomey John B. '49 Trimble Selden Y. Tsukamoto Tadashi '75 Tucker Arthur L. '49 . Twitty John R. Tyler, L. John Jr. '75 Underwood Daniel H. '76 Varga ~William J. '59 Vaughn Daniel L. '81 Vaughn John C. Vehige Richard J. '68 Venable Raymond L. Vickers John M. Warner John R. '70 Watson Harry G . '51 Webb Richard A. '7.9 Wesely Robert J. '70 Whaley Henry P. '48 White Robert M. Whitebay Lee E. '77 Wiebe Henry A. Wiethop Russell H. '32 Williams Dean N. '52 Willjams Raymond E. '84 Wilson Robert J. '62 Wozek Jeffrey S. '80 Wl,lrtzler Daniel R. '82 Yeater Max L. '39 Yochum Kenneth H. '50 Yungbluth Russell L. '39 Ziercher Suzanne M. '74 Zike David Scott '82 Zoller Jacques W. '42 Century Club

! '66

9 \.




Abbott Rohn D. '66 Abernathy Thomas S. '52 Adam, Everett E . Jr. '63 Adamick, Chester J . Jr. '67 Adams Russell C. '65 Adams, Rusby Gene Jr. '81 Adler Robert B. '70 Affolter Allen L. '62 Ahlert Robert J. '59 Ahrens Mark Jeffrey '84 Akers James Edward '53 Alexander Wayne S. '70 Alexander, Ralph W. Jr. Algaier Mark D. '75 Alger Robert P. '38




Allen Bruce H. '77 Allison Charles R. '83 Alptekin Serna Altheide Richard '84 Amares'an S.P.R. '83 Anderhub Anthony P. '51 Andersen Fred L. '47 Anderson Catherine L. '83 Anderson Dennis R. '74 Anderson George M. '49 Anderson John David '81 Anderson Michael B. '73 Anderson, Harvey A. Jr. '49 Andreae Andreas A. '41 Andreae Robert A. '69 Angeli Bartholomew P. '81" Archer David W. '55 Argyros Themis V. '81 Armer Jerry A. Armstrong Roy M. '68 Arnold Kenneth B. '71 Arnold, Frederick W. Jr. '36 Ashton Harlan R. '80 Askeland Donald R. Atchley Bill L . '57 Aubrecht, Ladimir J. Jr. '65 Augustyn Philip R. Bachmann Roy O. '74 Baebler Matthew G. '79 Bagnall Kent A. '76 Bailey Donald H. '55 Bailey Rob D. '86 Bailie Keith R. '47 Baker Charles R. '57 Baker Dalton Baker Mrs Florence Baker Ronald E. '78 Baker Willard A. '36 Baker, Walter A. II '70 Bakhru Prakash U. '72 Baldetti Paul G. '81 Baldwin William M. '51 Ballantyne John A. '80 Ballman Edward A. '38 Balmat Jack S . '48 Balmer James A. Baltz Richard A. '81 Barclay David A. '76 Bardon Donald G. '53 Bares Larry F. '76 Barkalow Thomas W. '74 Barker Charles E. '74 Barker William G. '50 Barkey Elizabeth C. '80 Barnes, Charlie M. Jr. '66 Barnett Ralph L. '70 Barnhart Herbert D. '44 Barr Jo W. Barrow Carlton W. '36 Bartel Donald S . '64 Bartley" Elbridge W. III '70 Bartoli Ernest C. '72 Barton C. Dean '53 Bates Valentino T. '76 Bauer Gerald L. '68 Bauer Richard H . '52 Bauer William C . '67 Bauman William J . '71 Baumann Richard E. '78 Baumbach Don Bay Robert D . '49 Bean Fred L . '80 Beatty William A. '57 Becker, Theodore H. Jr. '69 Beckmann Karen L. '81 Beckmann Michael Roy '82 Beckmeyer Margy A. '73 Beers Seymour J. '41 Behan Thomas A. '73 Behring Allen G. '66 Beilstein W. James '71 Beistel Donald W.










' .'


, ,..



Dear Dr. Johnson: Thank you very much for your letter of April 6th. Yes, our visit to Rolla was a very pleasant one. Mary and I appreciated your taking the time, along with Dr. Park, to show us through your department. It is a great deal different and much improved since I was a student there, but it did bring back many fond memories. We feel privileged that we were able to provide the means for student scholarships and were very pleased with the first selection from the metallurgical department. The student seems to be a very nice young lady who is working hard to succeed and is a worthy recipient of the scholarship. . We enjoyed meeting you and will look forward to visiting with you again in the future. Sincerely, Paul B. Rothband, '43 Harper, Texas Belcher Donald K. '53 Belden David C. '79 Belew Elmer W. '47 Belew Lela nd F . '50 Bell Arthur H. '75 Bell Jeffrey S. '83 Bellis ' Gerald B. '51 Bender Ann Elizabeth '84 Benignus Thomas D. '79 ' Benner Charles F. '37 Bennetsen Wayne J. '41 Bennett Don Bennish Donald E. !66 Benton Clarence R. '68 Bentrup Eugene A. '50 Berg Helen M. Berg Morris Berkbigler, Kathryn M. P. '73 Berkbigler Larry W. '71 Berndt, Joseph P. Jr. '43 Bersett Gerald W. '65 Bertelsmeyer James E. '66 Berthold James K. '60 Bertnolli Edward C. Bertrand Gary L. Best John L. '55 Bestor Ted F . '78 Beuke Michael S. '75 Bicket Daniel James '84 Biddle Myr,on H. '76 Bier Patrick K. '75 Biermann Earl E. '43 Bilheimer E. Lee '52 Bingham, Lloyd W. Jr. '66 Birbeck Lester R. '50 Birchard Harry C. '26 Birk Kenneth L. '52 Birk Robert H. '75 Birkner Larry Thomas '84 Birt Floyd D. '32 Bitter, Robert F. Jr. '71 Blackmore Michael J. '74 Blake Charles A. '61 Blasdel John W. '85 Bledsoe Wayne M. Blount Robert L. '57 Blumfelder William O. '66 Bockman Gary J. '70 Boehme Vernon P. '75 Boevingloh Jeffrey J. '71 Boje, George J. Jr . '50 Bolander Richard W. '61 Bolon Albert E. '61 Bolon Greg M. '85 Bomar Sue M. '82 Bondi James O. '71 Book Mary Alice '85 Book Michael Andrew '84 Boon Thomas S. '75 Booth Margaret Ann '85 Borcherding Bradley '85

Borgerding Lawrence H. '51 Borgini Fred '59 Borgmeyer Marvin E. '74 Borgmeyer Thomas S. '69 Boring William D . '69 Bossert Harry F. '27 Boulson Charles E. '39 Bowen James M. '85 Bowman Charles S . '86 Boyd Roy H. '45 Boyd Scott S . '74 Boyd Stephen J . '72 Boyko Kenneth J. Brackhahn Donald G . Bradley James E. '59 Bradley Jinuny Lee '83 Brake Michael B. '75 Brand Glenn E. '39 Brandt Robert R. '76 Braun Paul A. '81 Braun Robert P. '76 Braun Steven S. '40 Brawley Glendon H. Brecke Ervin A. '37 Bredenkamp Ronald C. '79 Brederikamp, Henry R. Jr . '86 Bremer Wayne P. '73 Breuer Coy L . '49 Brewer, Carl A. Jr. '75 Brickner Timothy G. '77 Bridges Steven D. '74 Bridgman Samuel Briggs Leland C. '84 Brill Niles K. '42 Brillos John W. '51 Brink James L. '79 Brinker Clark D. '69 Brinkmann Charles E. '50 Brinkmann George James '87 Broaddus Mrs Wayne R. Brockgreitens, Bernard E. Jr '73 Brockhaus Douglas A. '68 Brockhaus Robert H. '62 Bronson Frazier L. '64 Brook Alan H. '7'9 Brown Buran W. '37 Brown Danny. Lynn '82 Brown Henry E. '68 Brown Roy G . '39 Brown Willis L. '70 Brown, Guy Jr . '40 Brox son Larry Z. , B r 1'eckman'n Michael A. '74 B rug ger Patrick H. '75 Brun e Robert H. '69 Bruner Susan W. Bruno Judith M. '76 Bruno Mark T. Brunts Stephen C . '78 Bryant Charles T. '66

MSM Alumnus


I Bryant J a mes Coil Benjamin R. '29 Bryant Jame s R . '47 Cole Richar d E. '47 Bryant Paul D. '81 Cole, Sidney J . J r . '54 Brzuchal ski Dale A. ' 77 Collins William E. '6 9 Buchme ier , Frank A . J r. '66 Colman Eugenia M. Buck J effr e y E. '77 Conci Frank B. '54 Buck Ric h a r d L. '63 Congiardo Ma rk R. '75 Buck {\.obe rt H . '35 Conley Ann ie Budd Vincent J. ' 71 Conn er , Danny R. '71 Bueler , Fre derick Jr. ' 79 Conner Stella Connett Robe rt P . '46 Buettner Melvin A. '51 , Connolly Dana P . '6 9 Buhr Joseph L. Cook Christop her C. '80 Bujewski Ma tthew J. '8 5 Cook Thomas Edwar d '85 B ullman Howard L. Cook Thomas W. '65 Bunc h Da v id W. '57 Coolid ge Don ald J. '43 Burbridge Thomas E . '7 9 Coop er Larry M. '69 Burge tt Max A . '54 Coope r Lloy d E . "60 Burke George E . '46 Coop er Thomas W. '60 Burke William G. '5 9 Cortopas s ' Steven A. ' 74 Burstall Fre d erick C. '80 Cothran Steph en A. ' 68 Busch Ray E . '62 Co ttin g ham William Busch Willia m C . ' 37 Coulte r Ste phe n J . '69 Busch William D. '4 2 Courson, Lee R . J r . '59 Bush James A . ' 79 Court Mich ael R. '73 Butler Jame s L. '65 Cowan Duane E . '60 Butts James D. '72 Cox An d r e w W. '79 Butzer Harold G. '47 Cox J oh n H. '48 Byrne James M. ' 73 Cox R obert A. 162 Byrne , William M. Jr . '60 Cox William H. '50 Byrum Mary L. '82 Coyle, R. Thomas J r. '62 Calcaterra Edward L. '52 Crane Harold R . '53 Call Donald H . '5 9 C r a n e Russell J . '76 Cameron Jill Alison '84 Crawfo rd James D. '26 Campbell J a ck P. '24 C r ews Eddie L . '65 Campb e ll J ohn R . '74 Cros ser Orrin K. Campbell Wolfgang S . '7 9 Crum E. J efferson 12 9 Capone Donald W. ' 58 Cru tcher T om D . '54 Cappellari Lewis K. '60 Cude , Eb er F . Jr . Capps Rober t O . '58 Culter John D . '7 6 Carls trom Geor ge M. '75 Cunnin gham J a me s R . '65 Carlton Paul F. '47 Cu r ran Steven M. 179 Carna h an Daniel L. '68 Currie R obert Wayne '84 Carpen t er Forrest L . '38 Da Silv a Ma r cus K . ' 78 Carr Ge orge H . '65 Da ce Dougla s Ken t' '82 Carson Alan W. '72 Dahls trom David W. ' 70 Carstens Joh n C. ' 66 Dale Char les L . Carter Hal E . '71 ' Dalen Mark D. 176 Carter John D . '76 Daniel Kathle e n M. '79 Casteel Charle s L. ' 70 Danzo Fra n cis V. '80 Cawns Alb e rt E . '59 Danzo Ka t h leen J . '81 Cawvey Jame s L. ' 78 Daoulas Ar thur 162 Cerulo Michael E. '74 Da senbro ck Art hur A. '51 Sesare J ose p h A. '74 David Edward G. 163 Charb o nnier William P. Davidson Phillip B. "50 Charpentier Scott D. '76 Da vids on Robert N. '60 Chas tain Russe ll Lee '83 Da vis R a lph J. ' 68 Chen Sir - Hoi '66 Davis Scott Daniel '8 3 Chen S zu - Chain F. '80 Dav is Sherry L. '85 Chen We n -Liang W. '75 Davis Steven Charles 183 Chen Willie Y . '50 Davis Wayne R. 160 Chen Winston W. '65 Davis William F. 166 Chian g Joseph S . '7 1 ' Dawson Marion Chiodini Anth ony ' Paul '86 Day Anne Marie '87 Choate Robert L . '50 Day Delb ert E. '58 Christe n Randolp h F . '72 De Guzman, Chris ten s en Lawrence Valentin Danti '84 Chris tian' Scott Allen '84 DeBolt Donald G. '49 Chroniste r Donald J. '76 Decker William W. '38 Chua ng Cheng Y. '69 Defenbaugh Krjsty K. '80 Clarid ge Elmond L. '39 Degenhart Edward R . '58 Clark Mary Lynn '75 Deken James G. '80 Clark son Charles F . '41 Del Rosario A.L. Clay Jeffrey X . Delaney John F. '50 Clayton Charles L. '38 Delano W. Jonathan Clemons Roger D. '71 Delany Michael J. '48 Clinking beard Terry A. '70 DeLap Kenneth L. '52 Clod felter Gene C. '57 Demzik William G. 157 Close Maxwell L. '63 Denise Garet W. '84 Cobble James J. '72 Denison David G. '80 Cochran Andrew A. '41 Denner David K. '76 Coco Matteo A. '66 Denner Denise M. ' 76 Coffe y Frank J. '58 Dennis Clyde Reid '83 Coga n Daniel L . '79 Dennis William E. '36 Co gell Wayne C. Denzel John Char'les '86 Coghill William W. '33 Derbak Charles B. '84

De Roy Glen non L. ' 35 DeRuntz Jose ph G . '84 Desjard in s P eter E. '44 DeSpa in J ames R. '61 Deutch M_orton '50 Dia z B r e nda :Leigh '8 2 Dic k e ns Richard L. '51 D ic kin s on Darian R. '81 Dickof Frank A. ' 73 D ieckmann Mark 'D. '82 Dierks Michae l W. '84 Dierk s Tin a L . '83 ' Dietrich Frederick J. '57 Distler Ge ne Dixon , Vewiser L '. Jr . 173 Dodd Vernon O . '67 Doerr J e rry W. '67 Dolan Gail Louise '82 Dola n Thoma s J. Dol ata E c;lwa rd W. ' 70 D olson Ge orge M . .'7 5 Donald s on Alb ert L . '70 Donov an P a tricia L. '80 Donze Ter r y W. '71 Dorf Roger A. '65 Doss Eddie H . '80

Erickson Rodney J. '83 Erler John R . Es chenbach Theodore G. E t e zadi Bijan '71 Evans John E. '52 Evans, James L . Jr. '50 Ewasko Diane Carol '83 Faber Allen B. '79 Fadler Eu g e n e C. '6 2 Fagan Durward E. '34 Fal coni J a cq u elyn M. '78 Falke Jon Cl)arles '83 Falkler Arthur C. '67 Farfa n Daniel Jo sep h '87 F a rmer , John O . III '63 Farrell, William M. Jr . '65 Faulkn er James R . '52 Feldmann J ohn C . '76 Ferre tti Michael E . '67 F e r ry Josep h D. ' 76 Feu rer Joh n A . '70 F ia la Neil A . '56 Fiebelman Harol d E . '66 F ie l d T e rry M. '71 Field s John W. F iese l e r Cath erine N. 'gO

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C ( (

G (

G G G G (

"After having the opportunity to meet and talk with a number of the alumni scholarship students, I'm proud of the fact that my gift is helping provide opportunities for such br ight, articulate, and deserving students." - Wayne R "Pat" Br oaddus, '55, Dalton, Georgia Do s s Ke v in Lee '85 Downey Gary L. '62 Dreisewerd Douglas W. '66 Dres s el Da vid Gene '86 Dressel Wal demar M. '43 Dresser Mrs T h orpe Dresse r Thomas P . Driemeier Allen H . '65 Drost e John Gerard '85 Drumm T h omas M. ' 77 Duder s tad t Ed ward C. ' 58 D ug g a n J ohn P . '76 Dull Melvin J . '58 Dunha m Rober t M, '42 D unham William J . '63 D unn E r vin E. '51 Dunn Wy att M. '72 Dupont Steven J. ' 74 Du r h am James A. '80 Dur phy Clyde A. '43 Dutton Donnell W. '35 Dye William B . '58 Eagan Thomas E. '25 , Earls John D . '48 Eash John F . ' 79 Eaton William A . '70 Ebert, Bernard C. Jr . '64 Eck Mark E . '80 Eckert Fay E. '7 6 Eckhoff J ames L. '60 Ecoff, Ralph A. Jr . Edd em an R o de r ick C . '82 Edgar Max E. '35 Edwards Mrs Francis C . Ehrlich Robert L. ' 43 Einsel Miller D . '6 2 El - Fakir Ramsey T . '84 Elam Phillip R. '59 EUfrits C . Dale ' 76 Elliott E d ward E. '39 Elliott J o seph O. '71 Elliott Lewis C . ' 39 Ellis Elmer Ellison Guy C . '52 Eloe Howard W. Emanu el Duan e Arthur '81 Englund John O. '53 Eppelsheimer Mr s Dan iel Erickson Christina K. '75 Erickson K-elvin T . '78

Fike R. Albert '60 F illmer Howar d H. ' 39 F inle y Ca rl E. '45 Finley C h arles B. Finley E . B. Fiss Edwar d C . ' 36 Fitzger ald P aul H . ''79 Fitzmaurice R icha rd R. '77 Fitzpatrick Jo s eph W. '48 Fla chsbart Barry Flanigan Vir gil J . '60 F l a tt Willia m S . ' 71 F leck Ke n n eth S . ' 78 Fle is chli J ack E . '43 Fletch e r C . Scott 172 Flint Melvin C . '42 Flood H. William '43 Flood Walker L . '53 Flowers Daniel H . '71 Foe hrwe iser Gery R . '81 Foil J ames L . ' 74 Ford Jame s A. ' 70 For?sman Mi chael R. '67 Foss Glen N . ' 66 F o ssey Robert D . Fos t e r Jac k D. ' 49 Fo s ter Milo G. '79 F oste r Terry Lee '82 Fourne lle R aymon d A . '64 F rank Willia m E. '80 Franklin Billy W. '57 Freeman Charle s A. ' 28 F r e eman Raymon d A. '72 F r e iberge r Harold C . ' 52 F reidan k Rolan d D. ' 38 F renc h Eunice P. '84 F rerking Joh,n Rober t '87 Fricke James R . '75 Fri s E d ward S , '43 F ris Jo seph P. '51 F r itchey Justin D . F ritsch el Larry E . ' 67 Fritschen , He r man A . J r . '51 F uc h s Dou glas B . '77 F uchs Mary a n n '7 9 F ulghum ¡ Gale '47 Fulton Ann e '7 9 Fulton John Charle s '85 F uns ch Owen B. '62



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February 1989

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2 2



Gab ris J o seph J . '80 Galbierz Br u ce E . ' 75 Gambill James M. '81 Gamme t er Caroline I . M. Ganley R o b ert J . ' 51 Ga no fs k y , John R . J r. '78 Ga rdne r , John W. II '41 Garn er Harold R . '7 6 Garrett, James H. J r. ' 58 Garri s on S tep h en L . '73 Ga skill David A. '83 Gaw Mar tin T . '71 Gayl ord T homas K. '65 Gebhards John H . '6 4 Gentner John M. '67 Ge ntry Timothy . W. '77 George Lawre n ce C . Ge r ar d Jame s A . '54 Gerdes R o n al d G. ' 70 Gerh art B ill L . ' 61 Ge r ig Martha M. '69 Gerlach P a ul D . '57 Ger stenkorn Dav id A. '80 Gerwe r t P hilip E . '58 Gerwin Harry L. '38 Gessley Donald :55 Gibler Carma J . ' 79 Gibson Curtis Dale '86 Gibson Melburn A. '38 Gielow Kenneth D. '70 Giesler Arthur L. , '77 Gilbert Alice Fern '84 Giles William E. ' 73 ' Givens William A . '51 Glascock Dennis G . '7,9 Glassel Clifford L. ' 63 Glauz William W. '80 Glenn David E. '51 Gnecco Richard Godwin Charles P. '72 Goeddel Kenneth J. '85 Goe ;~en Patrick H. '82 Goetemann Edwin C. '44 Good James H. '66 Good William C. Goodding Marian J. Gooding Dennis J .'56 Goodrich Frank N. '38 Goodrum Donald L. '64 Gorrell James W. '67 Go sen Theodore H. '51 Grannemann H. Neal '61 Grawe John D. '70 Gray Joe E. 'SA Greco Dominic A . '44 Green T . Howard ' 29 Green William J. ' 68 Greenley Jack W. ' 75 Greenstreet Carl W. '85 Greig Jo seph ~ E . '49 Gresko David M. '81 Griesemer Eric T. '84 Griffeth Ellen B . Griffith H . M. Griffith William L. '49 Griggs, Will Jr. '66 Grimm David C. '50 Grinstead John E. Grihstead Willis G . '56 Grosse David C. ' 69 Grotenhuis A. E. Guenther Donald E. '80 Gund Russell A. '40 Gundy Douglas G. '72 Gunn Gary Y . '59 Guvenir Yavuz M. '67 Gvillo Mark Alan '81 Haas Leonard J . Ha b e g ger Ron al d L . '70 Hackman Ke ndall B . '80 Haertling Gene H. '54 Ha g al e Thoma s J. '79 Hagni R ich ard D . '62 Hahn Floy d H. '62 Hale Edward B . Ha le ' E d ward D. '32


Hall Charles E. '40 Hall Erne s t B . '50 Hall Frank Hall Geral d D. ' 66 Hall , A . Risher Jr . '4 7 Hall , Leon M . Jr. '69 Hallerberg William L . '62 Hallett William M. '55 Hal sted David L. '73 Ham John S. '74 Hamil Patrice M. '75 Hamilt on Leslie R. '77 Hancoc k William R . Han dly Marcellu s G . '33 Hankin s Ben ja min Lee '81 Hapk inson R is don W. '60 Hannah Derek Wayne '84 Hansen J . R ichard '44 Hans e n Robe rt C . ' 49 Hans en , Sta nley S. II '6 7 Hao Wu u '72 Har d e sky Da niel Hardinge B yron C. Hardy Mi chael E . '67 Ha rig Jeffre y Allen '87 Harmon James V. '66 Har ms Steve n Ray '84 Harper Sean Patrick '85 Harrill William D . '62 Hartley Lucy Ann Harwin Richard A. '80 Haug John B . '79 Hausmann Paul L. '52 Havener Gary W. '62 Havens Marvin R. ' 71 Havens Vance N. " 74 Hawthorne John E . ' 66 Hayden Bruce Jeffrey '83 Haymes William G . '50 Haynes Alan D . '68 Haynes Michael A . '78 Hazen David R. '68 Hazen Michael R . ' 71 Head Eldon W. '58 HeagleI', John B. Jr . '51 HeagleI' , Richard B. Sr. '57 Hearst Dale M. , '72 HeggeI' John D. '86 Hegler Burns E. Heider Robert L. '66 Heilig Warren '31 Heiligenstein David A. '84 Heim Patricia L. '80 Heim Reuben C. '81 Hein Edwin A. ' 34 Heineck David W. '79 Heiskell Donald J . '78 Heiskell Janice T . ' 79 Hel d Leon J : Hellman Milton H. '52 Hellman Richard H . '78 Hellrich James H. '73 Hellwege James W. ''i'l Hellwege William H . '47 Hemman'n John G . '63 Hemp ler Robert G . ' 74 Henderson Gary R. '73 Hendricks Gene T. Henke Arthur J. Henke Elvin A. '47 Henninger , Francis H . Jr. '57 Henson Ger ald L. '51 He pp Joseph T. '48 He rma n Theodore '28 Herna n John F. ' 50 He rnton Ke nneth Herring Ral p h L. '57 Herr ma nn T homas A. ' 50 Herrmann, PaulO . I II '58 Hershey Harry C . ' 60 Herzog Mi c h ael S . '62 Hess Robert M. '59 Hes s e Alfred H. ' 33 Heuer Cha rles A. '42 Hibbard George L. ' 72






H ic k s Gregory K . ' 76 Higbe e James M. '66 Higginbotha m Donald B. Hig g in s Albe rt J . '50 Highfill Jame s K . '54 Highfill Loi s Ann '86 Hill Albert L. ' 28 Hill E. C ecil '49 Hill Lore nzo ' 70 Hill, Willia m E . Jr. ' 42 Hille ary Ale x ander L. '76 Hiller Sha rri Lynn '85 Hilligoss Edward A. ' 76 Hilt Da v id W. '77 Hobart Alber t N . Hock John R. '82 Hodgdon, Sam D . Jr. ' 28 Hodge R o ber t E . ' 60 Hodge s J o hn L. '6 1 Hoeckelman Donald E. '83 Hoe l sch er James W. '48 Hoema n T od d Alan '83 Hoerle Ellen Y . '8 5 Hoerl e Mic hael C. '84 Hoertel William W. Hofer J . Gerald '59 Hoffman John G . '80 Hofma n J erry L . '77 Hohlfelder Eugene F. ' 51 Hollander Russe ll W. '42 Hollenbach Bernard D. '50 Holley Robert G. '64 .Holmes, William R . Jr . '80 Holz Walter L . '37 Hoog Timothy J. ' 77 Hooks Warren p. '58 Hooper James M. Hopper Richard A . '62 Hord William E. '59 Hornsey Edwar d E. '59 Horton Guy Houghton Chirk F. '51 House Phillip M. ' 68 Hovis Mark A. '79 Howald Arthur M . '20 Howard Steven R. '81 Howard William E. '47 Howe Bernard F. '53 Howell Bennett D . '50 Howell John D. ' 66 Howell Richard B. '48 Howell Stephen H. ' 74 Hsu Willy Yun - Chie '83 Hsu Yung_ C . ' 68 Huang J o ng - Chin '75 Hub er Thomas V . '68 Hudgens Ellsworth W. '48 Hudgens Lowell L . '59 Hudson, Benjamin Jr . ' 71 Hudwalker Marvin E. '59 Huett Michael S . '68 Huffman Gene A. '5 2 Hughes Edwin L. '49 Hughes Richard A. '56 Hughes Thomas A. '42 Huguley John T . Humphr ey Richard L . '57 Humphrey Waldo D. ' 50 ' Hunding , Carl W. III ' 72 Hung Samuel S. '69 Hunicke James D. '78 Hunnicutt Dennis R. '58 H un t J. Ric hard '50 H unze Char l e s L . W. '33 Hupp Ke nton L . '74 H ur s t , Lin d ell R . J r . '74 H u rt Rob er t E. ' 70 Hussey Raymond L . '57 H u s t a d Paul A . '65 Hu s ton Robert E . ' 63 Hydzik Richard M. '67 Ibarra Cher yl A . ' 71 Ibarr,a, Santiago J. J r . '72 Her William' J . ' 73 I ngram B obby J . '5 9 I s a acs Lewi s W. '7 9








- ,

I s aa c s S . Fred '59 I s b ell, Clare n ce A . Jr . '50 I selin John W. '51 I vers Jeffrey L . '74 Jabus c h John D. '85 J ackson Earl E. '51 J ack s on Hershe l A. '71 Jackson Leroy H. '34 Jackson Ste ven D. '76 J aQobi Ste phe n J . '83 Jaggi Dennis F . ' 70 James Willia m J . Janes F r ank E. '59 Janes L y le F. ' 73 Janke Paul D. '81 Jansen Walter B . ' 68 Jaqu ay Richard L. ' 63 Jaru s Scott W. '84 Jarvi s Danny E. ' 70 Jau er, Richard A . Jr . '63 Jenk ins , Do nal d H. Jr. '50 Jenks Cath erin e G . J e nner Kenne th C . '84 J e nnison Brian K . '86 J e nse n Jame s W. '41 Jensen Mrs Emma J e rome Mich a el L . '76 Joern Karl C . '80 Joern Vicki L. '79 Johanpeter Gerald R. '65 Johnson Charles W. '29 Johnson Craig $cott '82 Johnson Gordon E . '59 Johnson James C. '43 Johnson James W. '57 Johnson Jerry G. '64 Johnson Kurt Michael '85 Johnson Ron Johnson Ronald W. '70 Johnson Theodis' '80 Johnston J a mes J.R. '60 Johnston Karl A . '78 Johnston, Ralph E. Jr . ' 50 Jones Alan Wayne ' 72 Jones Harv ey .Grady '83 Jones John E . '81 Jones Richard L. '55 J ones Sam P. '49 Jones Thomas A . '42 Jordan Paul R . '60 Joslin Le Compte '34 Jurenka Gilbert G. '56 Justus Dayna K . '79 Kaiser Martha Lee '85 Kaiser Richard L. '55 Kalia Hemendra N . '67 Kalin Thomas E. '57 Kalish Herbert S . '43 Kambol Stephen A. ' 75 Kamper Herbert G . '40 I Ka mper Russ ell A . '62 Kang Shin S. ' 71 Kapernaros E . Louis ' 50 Karbosky Joseph T . '42 Karl Christine L. '85 Kassay Andrew W. '32 Kasten Raymond O. '43 Ka usch, Michael J. Jr. '77 Ka vanaugh Bria n W. '78 Keaster Daniel J. '78 Keel e y Lawrence P . Keeven Bria n Gerard '83 Keil B y ron L. '52 Keil Edward J . '56 Keller R o g e r Lee '75 Keller Ru s sell M. ' 51 Keller Walter D. ' 30 , Kelley Ronald Thomas '86 Kelly Paul R. '59 Kelsey Elmer E. '38 Kempe r Eloise B. Ke nne dy Harry E. ' 51 Kent, Nevad a A . III '53 Ker b er David Clair '84 Kerr Albert L. ' 64 Keshari Hosse in R. ' 60



MSM Alumnus

Key John L. '73 Kibler Dewey E. '52 Kiblinge r De borah Lynn '81 Kidd Harol d S. '39 Kidwell Albert L. '40 Kieffe r Robert C. '60 Kiel Gerald W. '7 2 Kilcher Stanley M. Killian C h ristop h er M. '70 Kim Chang Don '63 Kincaid John B. ' 61 King Janet M. '80 Kipp Jeffery C. '81 Kipp Thomas E. Kirberg Leonard C. '66 Kirk, Charles P. Sr. '74 Kirkpatrick Harry F. '30 Kirkpatrick Ruel L. '31 Kissack Robert W. '75 Kisvarsanyi Eva B. '58 Kitchen Charles L . Klie Ross R, '77 Klier Jerome M. '63 Kline Charles R. '51 KlareI' Mary S. '81 KlareI' Robert W. '44 Klug John R. '40 Klump Michael G. '80 Kltitho Allyn R . '63 Kneare m James L. '53 Knoebel Richard H. '5 2 Knoll David A. '73 Knopp Charles R. ' 49 Kobawoo Chungsoo Y. '82 Koc h Stephen J. '77 Koe deritz Leonard F. ' 68 Koederitz Thomas L. '53 Kolaga Kent R. 'Koopmann, William Jr. '33 Koors Mark Robert '83 Korna cki Alan S. '74 Koshi Donald M. Kotsifakis David Peter 'Sl Kottemann, Ric hard Allen Jr. '82 Kovach John J . '50 Kraft Jon B. '8 2 Kraft Ned O . ' 27 Kramer John L . J . '70 Kramer Ralph H . '66 Kraus, Ronald W. '64 ' Kreisel MerHn Krog Carl M. ' 48 Kronst Edwin F . ' 52 Kr u ep Raymond:J. ' 66 Kuechenmeister, Kenneth W. '73 Kuhn Terrel E. '71 Kumar Atlu ri B.R. '73 Kummer Donald L. ' 55 Kunderman Vincent J. \75 Kunz Charles O. '50 Kurtzhals James D. '61 Kurz Cleve A. '75 Kurz Joseph Kuse Gary D. '75 Kutterer Stephanie A. '83 Kyburz Edward P. '50 LaBoube Roger A. '70 Ladd Richard W. '51 LaFata Kirsten Anne '85 I Lambe James N. '49 LambeI' C. Kurt '62 Lammers J ennifer An n '87 Lampe Thomas B. '61 Landers Robert G. '57 Lane Edwin D. '70 Laney Robert L. '71 Lang Catherine M. Lang Paul A. Lang Stephen A. '79 LaPiere Gilbert H. '47 LaPresta Charles R. '69 Larkins Lawrence J . '75 Larson E u gen e P . '51


Las ko H0.1en D. Las kow s ky J o hn '83 Lata l Da nny L. '74 Lath a m James I. '59 La t.ime I' Joh'n O. '66 La t zer John C. ' 61 Leach Rodney W. '7 6 Le a c h Su s an A. '80 Le amy Harry J. '63 Le a v er Harvey 13. '48 Leavitt Mrs J . E. Leber Walter P . '40 Leck, George W. III '61 Ledbetter Terry J. '73 Lee Chin-Ming '70 Lee Donald J . '80 Lee Eduardo '78 Lee Stephen K . '65 Le gal Robert P. '74 LeGrand Rodney J . '74 Lehmann Charles F. '51 Le itte rman Dennis W. '76 Leitterman Pame la A,. '7 5 Leming Paul W. '57 Leonard James V. '76 LePonis Andrew E. '53 Lewis B. Neil '58 Lewis David B. '78 Lewis David R. '75 Lewis DeAnn '74 Lewis Joseph C. '80 Libiez James D. '63 Licklider Larry C. Light Deborah K . '76 Light James P. '76 Lina John A. '63 Lincicome E. Dianne '78 Lincicome James D . '77 Lindgren Patricia Lindsey Kenneth R. '59 Lindsey Merlin D. '68 Lindstrom John A. '73

Lutz Il. John '59 Lyo n .J a mes S. '7':. Lyons C h ar-le s G. '64 Lyon s Ge t'a ld J. '68 Lyo n s He len L. '67 MacCrindle Col in C . '63 Mach ado Jose A. '1] 6 Machmer Mrs Fe rdin a nd MacMaster Edward '51 Madonna Linda M. '80 Magrath C. Peter Magrud er Willia m H. '1]9 Main Marion K. '43 Mais James H. '62 Mall Michael G . '74 Mank Darrel A. '69 Mansfield Richard E. '51 Marchal Jacques H. '48 Markland Robert E. '63 Markley John S . '40 Marquart Douglas W. '82 Marse Kenneth J. '75 Marshall David B. '71 Marshall Donald. W. '50 ¥artin Carole R. '80 Martin Dale W. Martin Dan W. '52 Martin Harold W. '48 Martin Kent W. '42 Martin Terence N . . '65 Marting Richard E. '50 Maschek Thomas J. '79 Mashek John W. '3 5 Masnor Marc L. '77 Mason J. Lloyd '5 3 Mason Robert W. '78 Massey Samuel L. '78 Mateer Mark W. '76 Mattei Peter F. '37 Mattes Henry O. '49 Mattione Marilyn J . '81 Maxfield William L. '78

Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed my check for $100. Th is is a rather small amount, but I would like it added to the William M. Hallett schol ars hi p fund for average students. I would like to supplement his scholarship in this small manner. I was an "average" student who received little or no assistance and very nearly didn't make it. I want to help those like me who otherwise might drop out. Thank you, John O. Lattimer, '66 Rowlett, Texas Lipensky Milan ' 53 Lipscomb, G. Glenn II '81 Little James Baldwin '85 Littlefield J erold K. '58 Liu Jih-Han '68 Livengood Kim C. '76 ~ivengood Robert J . '69 Livengood Ross D. '77 Living s ton John H. '39 Living s ton Robert G. '39 Lloyd G. Wesle y '69 Lockett Donald N. '50 Logan Brian Lee '83 Logan Edwin W. ' 37 Logan Terry D. '77 Longs hore, James F . Jr. '56 Lon sberg Leonard C. '38 Lo un sb u ry Peter Watts '8 2 Lovel ace, Kent Alan Jr. '86 Loveridge Joel F. ' 39 Lowe William S. Lucas, Bernard C. Jr. '75 Luecke Jerome E. '62 Luehring Elmer L. '5 5 Lundy John E. '64 Lu s k R . R a lph ' 27

May John M. '78 May, Charles D. Jr . '63 Mazachek JuliAnn '84 Mazachek Keith D. '82 McAllister Darrell McAlpin J. Gary '7 3 McBee John M. '79 McCaffrey Emily McCallister Terry D . . '78 McCarron Donald F. '36 McCarthy John M. '55 McCarthy, Rober t W. II '80 McConnell William F. '42 McCoy Thomas H. '76 McCrack e n Mary H. McCurdy Belding H. '38 McDonald Gary Wayne '82 McDo nald John Robert '53 McGath Michael R. '70 McGover n Do n a ld R. '5S McGrady Char les H . '67 McGrath James B. '49 McGrath, George M. Jr. '77 McGregor Jim L. ' 37 McIntos h Don Leslie '82 McKe lvey James M. '45

Mc Ke l vay Ra lp h E. '48 Mc Keown Jeffrey J . '84 McKinney WiHiam M. '71 McKu n e Rob e t·t McLaugh lin , Euge n e .J . Jr . ' 61 McM uHe n Cliffot'd C . '67 McReynolds Elmer L. '34 McWilliams, Roscoe R . Jr' . '7 2 Medlin James M. '67 Me e han Pauline F . Me han Michae l Martin '84 Meier Curtis P. 'S3 Meier Dennis R. '74 Meinershagen Alan V. '69 Meisenheimer Harold D. '59 Melchers Alex '83 Meng Chun-Ping J. '82 Mengel Edmund L. '49 Mengel William K. '50 Meredith Virgil E. '63 Meskan David A. '52 Metzner Henry E. Meyer Charles L. '82 Meyer Orville L. '43 Michel Daniel K. '80 Michel Hilbert F. ' 36 Milich Joseph '50 Millar Kevin M. '81 Millard MiChael Lee '74 Miller Chester E. '50 Miller Da.vid Wayne '85 . Miller Keith C. '78 Miller Lester L . '50 Miller Mark S. '78 Miller Paul H . '63 Miller Phillip C. '71 Miller Tracy A. '86 Miller, Edgar S. Jr. ' 40 Millman Martin J. 'SO Mills Susan Mingo Henry J. '59 Minton Robert C. '58 Miskell Lynn Rene '83 Mitchell Charles E. '71 Moe Harold G. '48 Moffett Donald L. ' 74 Monroe Rex '3 2 Montgomery Robert L . Montgomery William R. '58 Moody Edmund Tanner '85 Mooney Edward W. '50 Moon e y Thomas M . '82 Moore Darryl '73 Moore Jack W. '39 Moore Randall L. ' 77 Moore Richard E . '68 Moore Robert E . '56 Moore Ronald T. '71 Moran Ernest ' 27 Morgan J. De rald '65 Morgan, Grover D. Jr. '65 Morris Arthur E. Morris Charles W. '39 Morris Gordon E. '70 Morrison Donald J. '6 4 Morrison, Robert R. Jr. '71 Morrow William J. Morse B. Eric Morse Montgomery A. '79 Mose r Joan Marie '86 Moses William J. '59 Moss Louis D. Moss Randy H . Moun t William H. '73 Moy Harry '51 Moyer, Joseph D. Jr. '68 Moylett Michael T. '83 Mudd John T. ' 58 Mueller Andrew P. '81 Mueller Cathy '83 Mueller D'avid Scott '81 Mueller John D. '47 Mueller Richard D. '57









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i9 159





Mueller Robert J. 178 Mueller Steve C. 169 Mulholland, John E. Jr. 152 Mulyca Walter C. 165 Munll Dale A. 166 Munns John A. 168 Mut'phy Joseph H . 138 Mur'phy Robert J. 16 4 , Murray Gregory M. 170 Mu skopf Oscar M. 142 Myers Charles C. 158 Myers Donald D. 161 Myers Eugene W. 153 Myers, Charles T. III 172 Nagawiecki Amy Lynn '84 Nagy David C. 169 Naiknimbalkar, Narendra M. 163 Nance Terry J. 173 Natio ns George O. 136 Nawrocki Michael A . 168 Nax - John C. 173 Nebel Thomas C. '70 Neri Lewis 170 Nethington Dennis R. '72 Neubert Ralph L. 142 Neumann James P . 179 Newman Clinton V. 141 Nguyen , Kho H . 175 Nguyen Tri Xuan 179 Nicholas Harold J. 141 Nichols John W'. 150 Nickel Melvin E . 138 Niedling Ivan M. 140 Niemann Brian Scott 183 ':' Niemiste Wilbur E. 149 Niewald Paul Walter 185 Nix William ·J. 180 Noelker Amy Lynn 185 Noland Joseph R. 157 Nolte J. Mike 183 Norman Amos 149 North John E . 173 North Robert A. 167 Nothstine David E. 155 Null Steven B. 180 Nunn Thomas A. o IDeaI' Craig S. 179 OIHanlon Thomas A. 168 OIKeefe Thomas J. 158 OIKraski Stanley L. OINeill James A. 169 OINeill, John J "/ Jr. 140 Obermann David F . 178 Obermann Stacy S. 182 Gbreartuin, Ciaran Seosamh 185 Ochs Calvin M. 149 Oetting Anne Marie 185 Oetting Robert B. 155 Ogden Sylvester O. 164 Oldham Douglas G. 169 Oliver Larry J. 170 Olsen John K. 142 Ombalski, Stephen Jr. 164 Orlofsky Seymour 144 Ostapowicz Phillip G. 178 Otte Leon L. 168 Otto ' Conrad G. 169 Otto Samuel D. 182 Overall Wilson W. 159 Packheiser Franklin Q. 150 Pahl Robert H. 168 Painter James H . 160 Palaski Donald A. 183 Panhorst Terry L . 177 Panhorst, Albert C. Jr. 166 Pannone Gregory M. 182 Pantelis Paul N. 172 Parker Ronald D. 172 Parkinson Larry L. 164 Parks Robert E . Party James M. 178 Patrick William W. 175 Patterson James R. 154

February 1989

Patter'son William E. 153 Paul Jame s R. l I n Paul James T. 179 Paul ~llJ t'l'ay .r , ' '27 Pawlowski, Ale xander Jr. 160 Payne Thoma s E. '64 Pcacher Jerry L. Peccola Arnel Pe(~t7. Bryan Dale '83 Peetz Eug0.11e J. 150 Pell zcl George A . 135 Pericich Paul Michael 186 Pericich Susan Mar'ie 187 Perkins James B. '66 Perkins John W. 166 Perkins Michael A. '67 ,Pe rr y E. L. 11}0 Perry James D. 170 Perry Jonathan H. 187 Perry Robert C. 149 Perryman; George I. Jr . 147 Peters Donald G. 164 Peters John W. 172 Peters Richard E. 173 Petersen David P. 148 Petty Keith A. 173 Pfefferkorn David A. 169 Phillips Thomas E. 162 Pierce Thomas R. 147 Pierce Warren Bradley 186 Pietsch Carl W. ' Pike Robert 1. 174 Pillisch Herbert P. 154 Pippenger Jackie G. 178 Pitt Dale M. 172 Plag Darlene 181 Plag Kenneth Fred 181 Planje Ge'Qrge Plurruner Donald T. Poe, Earl J . III 173 Pohl Robert A. 142 Pollak John A. 13 2 Pool John M. 174 Poppitz John V. 160 Porter Clayton G . 168 Porter Ted E. 180 Portnoff Neil S. 170 Post Samuel S. 137 Poston Jerry L. Potter Vernon C. 152 Potzmann Kim J. 170 Powell J ohrr D. Prange Marie A. Preiss Robert K . 150 Presley Terry A. 180 Pretz James W. 170 Price Cornell J . 166 Price Sean E. 177 Prickett Lloyd C. 153 Priest Robert M. 179 Prirrun Alex T. Proctor Paul D .___ - ---Proctnr Frank F., Jr., 176 Pruitt James S . 176 , Puettmann David R. 172 Puetz William M. 141 Pugh James Lee 184 Pursell' Lyle E. Quenon Robert H. Quinn Daryl C. 181 Raffel Ted C. 164 Raithel James F. 171 Rambow , Frederick H. K. 173 Ramsey Maureen C . Ranard Wesley J. 180 Randall Harvey G. 174 Randolph Robert Kirk 185 Randolph Robert W. 161 Rankin Larry V. 165 Rapp Randy R. 183 Rasche John F. 158 Rasor John P. 136 Rassinier Ed~ar ' A. 142 Raterman David C . 173 ' ,

J1..au ls Gary L. 170 Ray Charle's J'. 170 Rea William R. 139 Rechtien Thomas J. 175 Rector Stephen W. 172 - Reeg R ichard L. 154 Regellhardt Edward T. 130 Rehm William A . 151 Reid Allen J. 132 Reinhardt Scott D . 186 Remy Renee E. 185 Renfr'o Kevin Dale 185 Renwick Ashton P. 142 Reser Donald E. 156 Retzel Arthur W. Rexing Walter James 185 Reyburn Michael K . 162 R~ynolds Joseph C . 17.0 Reynolds Martin K. 175 Rhodes A. E . 13 9 Rhodes Richard G. 141

Roth David J. 174 Rothband Paul B. 143 Rothermich Richard A. 170 Roush Philip S. 157 Roussin Robert W. 162 Ruddick, Lease A. II 166 Rudisaile Harold J. 144 Ruenheck Raymond T. 150 Rueter Richard E·. 168 Rumsey Donald A. 152 Runder Raymond H. 132 Runvik Richard C . 154 Ruser, John R. Jr . 166 Rush Todd Wayn~ 182 Rushton Melvin A: 175 Rustine . Mark Charles 185 Ruttinger Anthony J. 152 Ryan Mark E . 177 Rydlund Paul H. 163 Rydzak Kim E. 179 Rytter Noel J. 169

"I received an affordable and excellent education at UMR and feel an obligation to make gifts to help others do the same. Private gifts also maintain the eampus's outstanding reputation and that gives me a good reason to remain proud of my alma mater." - Curt Killinger, '73, Houston, Texas

Rice Daniel Paul 149 Rice David A. 174 Rich Jerry L . 174 Rich Larry M. 166 Richards Turner W. 152 Richardson Joe R. 170 Richardson Karen 1. 179 Rickard, Donald Edward Jr. 185 Ridley Robert P. 140 Riechmann Gary 181 Riggs John R. , 144 Riggs Sean Patrick 185 Riley Kenneth G . 156 Riley :Richard K. 170 Rinuner John D. 18G Rinne Steven P. 178 Roach D. Vincent Roach Louise Roach Warren D. 151 Robb Kenneth A. 165 Robbins Clay 153 Roberts Audrey Roberts Gerald A. 128 Roberts J . Kent '50 Roberts James F. 153 Roberts Ken Roy 184 Roberts Loy D . 166 Roberts Ronald R. 175 Roberts S. Kent 169 Robertson B. Ken Robertson David G. C. Robertson Ronald S. 163 Robinson Gor'cion D. 171 Rodman Mrs Wilfred Rodriguez Gregorio L. Roe Lawrence A. '39 Roemer Elmer A. 133 Roenfeldt Harold R. 150 Rogers Douglas B. 169 Rokhsaz Kamran 178 Romine E. Clark '40 Roney Bruce Q. 178 Ronzo Robert J. 167 Root Robert L. 149 Roper Max E. 150 Rorabaugh James I. 173 Rose John F. 156 Rosenauer J .M . Rosenauer Kinleigh J. 180 Ro se nauer Thomas J . 179 Ross Charles J. 149 ,


. '

Saad Afif H. 162 Sagehorn Kearney H . 182 Sakonyi Alex $. 158 Salof George A. 167 Salyers David Wayne 186 Samlml Mehmet Keyhan 152 Samrad Ardeshir 162 Sanchez Renato '70 Sandbothe L. Scott 182 Sanderson Jerome B. 185 Sanderson Karen R. 185 Sandhaus Henry W. '71 Sands Charles R. Sato Kota Sauer, Harry J. Jr. 156 Saxer Robert M. 161 Scanlon Robert J. 173 Schade Stephen S. 174 Schaefer Robert 1. 162 Schaefer Rodney A. 147 Schaefer Ruston R. 162 Schaefer, Robert K. Jr. 155 Schaeffer, Willard A. III 148 Schafermeyer, Richard G. 173 Schamel Mrs Walter Schamel, Walter S. III 170 Scharf Fred '53 Scheibal Jeffrey R. 183 Schellch Andrew C. '80 Schellch Ardell J. 157 Schierding Royce G. 159 Schillinger George R . 163 Schirrunelpfemiig, Michael A. 180 Schlett Paul E. '72 Schmaltz Robert G . 171 Schmedake Robert E. Schmidt Harold A. 156 Schmldt Michael T. 175 Schmidt Peter J. '85 Schmidt Vernon E. '51 Schmitt David W. 180 Schmitt Joseph B. 142 Schmitz Joseph K. 143 Schneider Charles S. 159 Schneider James C. 181 Schneider, Daniel F. III Schnell Robert J. 178 Schnitzer Shirley Schoene Raymond E. 158 '



, '~'






MSM Alumnus

Sucher, Robert W: Jr. '85 Volk Roger H. '68 Spalding Theodore J. '69 Suellentrop Mark D. '80 Volker Ronald E. '59 Spanier Lawrence A . '50 Sue lle ntrop Paul T. '83 Spector Stanley M. '72 Volpe Barton David '83 Sullins Thomas R . '60 Spotte Irvin C. '38 Vonalt Larry Sullivan Joseph F. '61 Spreitler Mark L . '80 VonDemfange , Sullivan Steven M. '79 ':' Springer Robert M. '36 Walter C. Jr. '70 Sullivan, Thomas J. Jr . '80 S t John Michael R. '85 Von del' Haar Marian Sullivan, St John Roland A. '81 Vondrasek Alb ert F . '5 4 William L. III '62 Stack Charles E. '64 Vorwith Robert C. '69 Summers Huey '40 Staebel Raymond J . '70 Waeckerle Christine '84 Summers, Stahl David W. '80 Waggoner Lynn H. A. Lawrence Jr. '72 Wagner Richard Kurt '84 Staley Jonathan Blake '86 Sunderland Jeffrey J. '81 Wagner, Harold W. Jr. '68 Stanley Carl R. Sundermeyer Robert W. '65 S t anton George D. '68 Wakeham Rosemary Sutfin Carl D . '59 Walker David Martin '82 Stanton Mack J. '58 Sutherland James R. '61 Walker Joseph D . '74 Stanze David C. '7 3 Suwal Gajendra M. '76 Walker Mary L . '81 Staples Guy W. '26 Swanson Gregory Kent '85 Walker Merton G. Starke Stephen E. '75 Sweeney James R. '52 Wallace Angela Caryl '87 Statler Clifford A. '51 Sweetser Victoria K. '76 Wallace Charles E . '59 Steele Anthony A . '75 Swift B. Kenne th ' 64 Walling David Matthew '86 Steinbach Alvin C . Swinny David W. '70 Walsh John G . '74 Taylor Cecil R . '70 Sylvester Dennis G. '72 Robert L. '52 Walz Taylor Fred N. '39 Tackett Charles E. '59 Wang Benjamin S. '64 Taylor George H. '64 Talbert Keith E. '71 Wang John Tsang - Chi '80 Taylor Paul W. '58 Tangri Krishan K . '52 Wang Yun '64 Taylor Philip G . '72 Tanna Virendra V. '67 Warden Timothy Wayne '83 Taylor Roger K . '72 Tanquary Clifford C. '57 Warner Don L. Taylor, Byron H. III '70 Tao Frank F . '64 Warren Robert N. '57 Telthorst Edgar J. '49 Tappe Belinda Sue '81 Washam Ray Telthorst James A. '85 Waters Juanita Tappmeyer Wilbur P. '47 Tepper Brian J. '80 Watkins Paul A. '48 Tarantola Bruce E . '51 Terry Mark L. '20 Watson Kevin D. '80 Tauser Raymond H . '56 Tesar Mark W. '75 Watson Kirby C . '66 Simon Keith David . '86 Teske James E. '62 Wattenbarger . Chris M. '41 Sineath Catherine J. '83 Tetley Albert L . '39 Weart Harry W. Singleton, Thiessen Gerald R. '68 Weaver Samuel C. '64 Maurice Brant '87 Thoele Howard W. Webb Jerry J . '57 Skain John C . '73 Thomas Harold D . . '28 Weber William James '53 Skelly Mark L. '79 Thomas, William H. Jr. Wedge W. Keith '70 Skiffington John David . '87 Thomason , June C . Jr. '65 Weeks Greg A. '80 Skinner, Milton R. Jr. '50 Thompson Bennet R. '26 Weeks, Paul Martin Jr. '86 Skipper David J. '7 6 Thompson Homer F. '32 Wehmeyer W. Earl '69 Sleboda David S. '71 Thompson LeRoy E. '56 Weidler Gary R ; '73 Smart Samuel '55 Thoroughman William C. '71 Weigel David A . '70 Smith Benjamin K. '55 Thurlo Clark Steven '86 Weinel Ernst A. '44 Tibbits Dean L. '73 Weiner Maxwell C. '41 Tibbs Harold E. '50 Dear Mr. Eloe: Weingaertner John W. '50 Tickner Dianna K. '79 Weinland Harold A . '53 Enclosed please find a check for $1,000, I would like to Till Henry A . 'G8 Weis Carl J. '43 have a theater seat named after Jack. The plate should read Tipton Brian Edward '83 Weise Theodore L. '67 "In memory of John H. Lyons '42, provided by Mrs. John H. Todd Kevin S . '79 Weiser Hanley H. '18 Toombs Howard L. '76 Lyons and family." I am sure this would please Jack, as he Weisler, Augus t C. Jr. '56 Trentmann Norman E. '71 thought so much of Rolla. Weiss Michael W. '77 Tsao Yu W. '73 Sincerely, Welch Gary E. '62 Tsay Liang-Juan '70 Welcb, John F. Jr. '40 Mrs. John H. Lyons Tucker Norman P. '40 Wells Vernon L. '49 Tucker Paul B. '55 Wentz, Charles A. Jr. '57 Tucker Richard C. '57 Werner Edwin J. '49 Tummons John Bryer '83 Smith Bert L . '53 Steinkamp William E. '64 Werner Roy C. '43 Turner Joseph Gerard '85 Smith David A. '77 Steinnerd Donald J. '74 Turner Stephen L. '71 Wesley Darrell K. '66 Smith David L. '80 Stelzer Eric H. '80 Tweedy John F. '49 West James E . '66 Smith Gerald K. '80 Stephens William E. '38 Uding George E. '59 West Robert C. Smith Gerald W. '66 Stephenson Richard W. Ulak I. James '39 Westermayer Jill A. '76 Smith Harlan D. '48 Stephenson Shelly L. '82 Underhill N. Robert '43 Westermayer John C. '75 Smith Jan Marie -'85 Steury Thomas D . '70 . U nsell Vester B. '50 Westmoreland, Smith Jason Wade '88 Stevens Billy '50 Van Bramer William G. '51 Darus S. Jr. '52 Smith Leroy E. '39 Stevens James V. '83 Van Buren James K. '63 Weyand Thomas E. '66 Smith Memphord L. '62 Stewart Richard E. '68 Van Doren Thomas P. '62 Wheelock Leroy K. '52 Smith Neil S. '68 Stewart William H. '54 Van Gilder J a mes N. '68 White Lawrence R. '86 Smith Richard A. '73 Stoll Jeffrey R. Van Praag Jeffrey R. '76 White Sally Smith Robert H. '46 Stoll Leo H. Vandeven Torie Ann '77 White Warren D. '38 Smith Roger K. '77 Stopkey Waldemar D. '52 Vaninger Jon L. '6 3 Whitehead Robert W. '61 Smith Russell D . '72 Stovall Richard L . '49 Whitehouse Bruce Vaughan Gerald W. '6 9 Smith Scarlett L. '84 Strain Robert A. '50 Wicke Gary W. '71 Vaughn Charlie F. '55 Smith William J. ' 58 Strange Mark A. '78 Widmer Rex C. '72 Vaughn Kenneth L. '78 Smith, Marcus L. Jr. '76 Stranzek T. F. Wiebe Dirk H. '64 Vaughn Paul E. '70 Smith, Robert E. Sr. '50 Straub Harold E. '49 Wieker Richard H. '59 Vaughn, William F. Jr. Smuland Robert J. '58 . Strauss Stephen R. '68 Wilcoxen Marc Lee '82 Vessell Charles R. '69 Snodgrass, Stritzel David L. '73 Wile Larson E. '51 Vessell Royce L. '76 David William '86 Stroemer Steven C . '81 Wilkens Roy A. '66 Vitale David John '85 Snowden J. Russell '47 Strohbeck Eugene E. '53 Wilkerson Augus tu s B . ' 23 Snyder Thomas E. '64 Vitek Richard K. '58 Strong John F. '50 Wilkerson Janice Kay '86 Soper William S. '57 Vogelpohl David R. '72 Stump James W. '55 Wilkey Ralph W. '38 Soughers Joe Allen '83 Vogler, August J . Jr. '50 Stutsman John V. '77 Wilks John C. '48 Sowers James R. '69 Vogt Fred K. W. '37 Sucher Robert W. '58


Schoeneberg Kenneth W. '44 Schreiner Joel · M. '79 Schroer Herbert W. '60 Schuchman Norman J. '63 Schuermeyer John B. '84 Schuler, Leonard L. J r . '49 Schwab ·Lawrence R. '76 Schwager John L. '70 Schwartz Maximilian K. '87 Schweickhardt Hazel ',' Schweser Gilbert C. '66 Scott Harry S. '44 Scott Larry L. '73 Scrivner J. Roger '52 Sedrick Gregory A . '82 Sedrick Mary E. '80 Senik Sandor Karoly '84 Sevall George W. Sfreddo Humbert E. '58 Shanfeld Irvin E. '39 Sheahen David J. '74 Shelden J . Barry '81 Shelden Kathleen A. '79 Shelton John F. '71 Shen Kuo-Shein '67 Sheppard John J . '37 Sherman L. Daniel Shields Steven B . Shilt Eldon R. '65 Shimamoto David S. '66 Shockley Gilbert R. '42 Shoemaker Larry W. '76 Shoolbred Robert A. ' '54 Shriver Bryce L. '70 Shuck Lewis W. '62 Siegrist Kermit A. '39 Siehl' Donald J . Siesennop W. Wayne '61 Silvers, Paul L. Jr. '65 Simac Michael R. '78 Simmons Curt A. '73 Simmons James W. '81 Simmons Robert W. '36 Simmons Susan Marie '84 Simon David M. '71

l 2 Z Z 2 2







... 10


February 1989

Alumni " donors

Wilks _ Roland R . '74 Willett Nary J _ '77 Williams Rex Z_ '31 Williams Ric'hard K. '70 Williams Tirruny A. '80 (To Assoc-iolioll and UMR) Williams, Robert M. Jr . '74 Willis Harold L. '86 Willis Henry R. '53 Willnow Lindle Douglas '85 Wills Mrs F loyd M. Wilson Chris D. '73 Doennecke Henry W. Wilson Dale Weiser Hanley H. Wilson Gregory M _ '85 Wilson Jay Scott '8? Wilson M. Louise Wilson Tommie C. ' 64 Wine bright George M. '80 Hoppock Harland H. Winfield, Frank Jr. '71 Howald Arthur M. Wingron Sharon Jeanne '87 Nolte William J. Winkler Glenn D. Terry Mark L . Wiseman James L. '68 Wisner Gene Edward '81 Wissler Louis B. - '43 Withrow Harold J. '49 Withrow Kerry R. '58 Ackers Albert L. Wixson Bobby G. Bulger John L. Wlos Paul M. '68 Woerheide, Arthur E. Jr . '36 Wohlert William D. '76 Wolf Ernest Campbell E. Taylor Wolf Kevin N. '80 Dorris Milburn L. Wolf Robert V. '51 Remmers Walter E. Wolfram Ralph E. '50 Wilkerson Augustus B. Wolters David J. '70 Zirrnnermann Dee Wood Dennis L. '75 Wood Kenneth W. '60 Wood Robert C . '50 Wood Teddy J. ' '79 Camp bell Jack P. Woodfield Richard A. '66' Woods Kathy Sue '84 Woracek John L. '81 Worley Morris' T . '61 Wright Clarence J. '43 Atkinson, Marion L. Jr. Wright · Harold R. '50 -,- Baker Donald R. Wu Chang- Yu '64 Browning Bertie L. Wu Christopher K. '67 Eagan Thomas E. Wulff C. Stephen '71 Gaines George D . Wurth Richard T. '75 Wurtzler Pamela H. '81 Wykoff Dale L. '78 Yallaly Stephen P. '68 Yanez Damian Peter '82 Birchard Harry C. Yang C. (Charles) '65 Crawford James D. Yates Donald V. '62 Kennedy Daniel Yelton Leonard Staples Guy W. You Jiunn-Jian '67 Thompson Bennet R. Young Terrill A. '73 Tyrrell Morris L. Yow Michael G. '77 Zaborac T . Alan '70 Zarr Gerald E. Zauner Ronald F. '68 Zeid Marvin C. '51 Zelms Jeffrey L. '70 Barnard Albert E. Zenge Thomas L. '69' Bossert Harry F. Zerkel Kenneth Omer '86 Kraft · Ned O. Zerweck, Carl ·E. Jr. '50 Lusk R. Ralph Ziegler Charles K. '82. Moran Ernest Ziegler John A. '77 Parsons Edward W. Ziegler Karl F. '68 Paul Murray J. Zirruner Paul A. '72 Seydler Frank K. Zirrunerman Wayne M. '65 Sievers Edwin R. Zirrnnermann Walter A. '62 Smith James F . Ziinnick, Harold E. Jr . '64 Zuiss John William '84 Zuiss Thomas J. '78 Zvanut Carl M. '41 Zychinski James A. '62 Boyer Philip J. Crumbaugh Daniel H. Donaldson James G. Faulkner Edward C. Freeman Charles A . Herman Theodore Hill Albert L . *Deceased Hodgdon, Sam D . Jr.

Roberts Thomas

1929 Coil Benjamin R_ Crays Glenn E. Crum E . Jefferson Dresbach C.harles H. English Thomas O. Gardner Albert T. Green T. Howard Johnson Charles W. Jones Harlow G. Kemp Arthur H. Kirn Emmet R. Monsch Henry D . Morris Orville W. Potter C .J .









Alexander Verne Davis Willard E. ':' Graybeal Joseph W. Gregory Marguerite A. ':' Harvey Edwin T. Keller Walter D. King Lewis H. Kirkpatrick Harry F. Martin Roy S. ':' Neal Kenneth R . Regenhardt Edward T . Stone S . Allan


1931 Conley Jack N. Elliott Ben R. Epperson Ernest R. Gevecker Vernon A.C. Ha~sler Milburn Heilig Warren Kirkpatrick Ruel L. Pertici Andrew L . Ross Charles E. Sperling Elmer J. Throgmorton G. R. Wade Rolla T. Williams Rex Z.







Gerald A. Harold D.

' !<

Birt Floyd D. Brewer William Crawford Edwin O. Davis Stuart L. Elsea Carl A. Hale Edward D . Johnson Leon K. Kassay Andrew W. Lundius Roy H. Meyer Henry W. Monroe Rex Pollak John A. Reid Allen J. Rhoades Robert P . Richardson James K. Riggs W. Robert Rundel' , Raymond H. Thompson Homer F. Wiethop Russell H. Wilson Frederick G. Zvanut Frank J.

1933 Asher Vernon L. Braun Walter H. Brown William A . Coghill William W.


Doll Ellen Woodman Dumm Lee D . Edgar M. Ru ssell Gieseke Elmer W. Handly Marcellus G. Hesse Alfred H. Hickman Henry S .. Hunze Charles L . W. Kaczmarek Theodore B. Koopmann, William Jr. Lambur Charles H. Lanz Fred M. Lenz William H. Musson George H. Phillips Mabel E. Roemer Elmer A. Schuhmann , Reinhardt Jr . Wehrman Alvin A. Williams, Arthur J. Jr.

1934 Absher Harold R. Benard John Bruening Walter H . Cole Ralph C . Darling James W. Dobson Ricbard J . Duncan Oscar M. Fagan Durward E. Fletcher William B. Ford, Homor T. Jr. Hein Edwin A. Hudson Richard G. Jackson Leroy H. Joslin Le Compte Maise Clemens R. McKinley John H . McReynolds Elmer L. Poese Lester E. Power William R . Sackewitz Robert A. Springer William R. Stewart, Thomas J. Jr. Sullentrup Leo J . Weigel Robert C. Westerfeld Wilfred W.

1935 Buck Robert H. Cooke, William F. Jr. Danforth Warren B. DeRoy Glennon L. Dutton Donnell W. Edgar Max E. Fischer Max M. Haffner Harold J. Hoffman Emil D . Johnson Robert W. Kamp~r Oliver W. Knoll Rudolph J. Koopmann August . P. Marxer Claude S. Mashek John W. Montgomery R. Gill Nolde, George T. Jr. Penzel George A. Solomon Russell C.

1936 Arnold, Frederick W. Jr. Baker Willard A . . Barrow Carlton W. Beard Reade M. Clanton Jack R. Daily Eugene J. Dennis William E. Fiss Edward C . Hillmeyer Frank L. Hoen er Alan J.

13 MSM Alumnus



Hoffman Richard H. McCarron Donald F . Menefee James H. Michel Hilbert F. Nations George O. Pfeifer He rma n J. Rasor John P. Roy E'd ward A . Schwalbert William H . Simmons Robert W. Springer Robert M. Thomp s on Hoyt G . Woerheid e, Arthur E. Jr .

1937 ' Appleyard Frank C 'Barclay, Arthur H . Jr. Benner Char-Ies F. Bommer Theodore J Brecke Ervin A. . Breuer Walter F. Brown Buran W. Busch William C. Cardetti Richard J Culbertson William Elgin Robert L. Hackmann Glen N. Hausmann Arthur P. Holz Walter L. Jones Walter T . Lange Robert C. Logan Edwin W. Luder Walter E. Matte i Peter F . McClanahan Arthur L. McGre gor Jim L. Millard Frank S . Moore Wilbern T . Post Samuel S. ':' Rodman Wilfred K. Schaumburg Grant W. Sheppard John J. Vogt F red K. W.


1938 Alger Robert P. Ballman Edward A. Blis s Allen D. Bochenek Alfred F. Ca meron Char~s V. Carpenter Forrest L . Clayton Charles L. De ck e r Willia m W. Ellis J . Craig Fre idank Rolan d D. Gerwin Harry L. Gib s on Melb urn A. Goodrich Frank N. Howerton Joseph W. J aenecke Donald R. Jarboe Rupert A. Kelsey Elmer E. Koeppel Beverly W. LeGrand Jesse S . Lewin Bram J. Long John R. Lonsberg Leonard C. McCurdy Belding H. Morrison Frederick Murphy Joseph H. Nickel Melvin E. Pittenger Frank H. Prou ty Chil ton E. Robertson Cecil W. Seibel Robert C. Smith Hueston M. Spotte Irvin C. Stephens William E. Walley Omar C . White Warren D. Wilkey Ralph W.

1939 Barger Hubert S. Baumann Clarence L. Boulson Charles E. Brand Glenn E. Brown Roy G. Car ter Robert A. Claridge Elmond L. Dieffenba ch Robert P. Elliott Edward E . Elliott Le wis C . Ellis Willia m R .¡ F illmer Howard H. Finle y , Thomas J . Jr . Gammeter, Walter Jr. Graber Lewis J. Jacob s James H. Jamison Marshall V . Kidd Harold S . Livingston John H. Livingston Robert G. Logrbrinck Jesse M. Love Richard W. Loveridge Joel F. Machens George E. McCaw Jack Miller Harold C. Mooney Joseph W. Moore Jack W. Morris Charles W. Mueller George E. Oberbeck William F. Pohlmann Edgar F . Post J ohn Rockwell Rea William R. Reed John F .L . Rhodes A.E. Roarig Wilbert A. Roe Lawrence A. Runyan James R. Shanfeld Irvin E. Siegrist Kermit A. Smith Leroy E. Spalding J. Victor Taylor Fred N. Tetley Albert L. Ulak I. James Vandergriff Willard C. Waters Wade D. Webb William H . Yeater Max L. Yungbluth Russell L .

1940 Alexander William C. Alford Rex Baumstark Walter A. Berglund Paul T . Braun Steven S . Brown, Guy Jr . Burgess Woodrow L. Burnett Richard W. Carr, Walte r J. Jr. Coon Joseph M. Cotterill Carl H. Dennie Powell A. Dennis, Benjamin A. Jr . Donahue James B. Dowling Paul T. Enderson William A. Followill Richard J. Fort George E. Gund Russell A. Hall Charles E. Helling Raymond P. Kamper Herbert G. Kelley, Ralph E. Jr. Kidwell Albert L. Klug John R. Ladd Harley W. Leber Walter P. -,' Machmer Ferdinand G.


Markley John S. McClendon John D. Miller , Edgar S. J'r . Niedling Ivan M. O 'Neill, John J. Jr. Olcott Eugene L . Perry E.L. Rakaskas Joseph E. Reed John F. Ridley Robert P. Rieke Vernon W. Romine E . Clark Rose Colin G . Ro s s Paul F . Rueff Edward L. S c h mid Herman B . Sharp Everett W. Smo thers William J . Sturges Herb e r t D. Summers Hu ey Tie de Jack E. Timberman DeWilton B. Tucker Armin J. Tucker Norman P. Welch, John F. Jr. Wilson F. Hugh

1941 Adams Washington Alsmeyer William C Andreae Andreas Beers Seymour J. Bennetsen Wa)'ne J. Blair Norma n b. Bottcher Hermann F. Bourne William H. Boyd Robert K. Boyt Eugene P. Clarkson Charles F. Cochr.an Andrew A. Couch G. Robert Crockett William E. Dreste Jerome P. Dunn John H . Enochs John R . Falkingham Donald H. Farrell Edward C . Fick Armin F . Finley Fred W. Gardner , John W. II Grisham Marvin C. Hacker Alden G Hall Jane C. . Hardine, Kenneth L: Jr . Hoener Fred H . Jaffe David Nathan Jensen James W. Johnson Jane C . Lambert, Chris A. Jr. Lambeth Jennings R. Loveridge Warren L. Mack, James O. Jr. McKee John B . Morris William' I. Nevins, Marvin E. Jr. Newman Clinton V . Nicholas Harold J . Pace George M. Pautler Anthony C. Pue tz William M. Rhodes Richard G. Rogers Frank B. Schoenthaler Robert Schweitzer Rober t E. Smith Floyd P. Springer James J. Wattenbarger Chris M. Weiner Maxwell C. Wyatt DeMarquis D. Zvanut Carl M.


1942 Allen John C. Austin John C. Axmacher George W. Brackbill Robert M. Brill Niles K . Buckner Harry W. Burberry Roland S. Busch William D. Clark Hugh M. Crookston James A . Cunn~gharn . Richard J. Dunham Robert M. Flint Melvin C. F uller J u lian A. Haas Harold W. Ha g ar Bailey W. Heuer Charles A. Hill, William E. Jr. Hollander Russell W. Hubbart Curtis Q . Hughes Thomas A. James W. Richard Jones Thomas A . Karbosky Joseph T. King Welby M. Kisslinger Fred Krueger Harold A . Kurtz Sam A . Lawler Wilbert J. Loesing Vernon T. Maher Leslie J. Martin Kent W. McConnell William F. McGhee Vernon T . Morris Charles T. Muskopf Oscar M. Neubert Ralph L . Nicola Nicholas J . Pagel Herbert E. Pewitt Bion D. Pohl Rob ert A . R a ssinier Edgar A. Renwick Ashton P. Sch mitt J oseph B. Sch neider, Ed ward P. Jr. Sch owalter Ke nneth A. Schuman Austin E. Sh affer J ames W. Shockley Gilbert R. Sindel , Albert T . Jr . Smi th Harry B . S t ewart Alexander L. Taylor Otis H. T h ias Raymond L . Van Nostrand R obert G. Van Pool joe Vo gelg esang Edwin C. Wade Dell C . Weidle Benjamin E. Wit t Jack A. Wolff Leonard C. Zanzie Charles E. Zoller Jacques W.

1943 Anderson William R. Bassett William H. Bellis Maurice O. Berndt, Joseph P. Jr. Biermann Earl E. Bottom James H. Burst John F. Carroll James V. Christensen Douglas N. Comann R. Kent CooUdge Donald J. Davis Cynthiarose I. Dressel Waldemar M. Dreste, Fred E. Jr : Durham Howard W. Durphy Clyde A.

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February 1989

Eck Robert A . Ehrlich Robert ' L. Fleischli Jack E. Flood H. William Fris Edward S . Gimson, William H . Jr. Glover James Gygax Edward E. H9-dley Theodore R. Hanna Robert L. Heneghan Sherald F. Huseman . Donald J. Johnson James C . Kalish Herbert S . Kasten Raymond O . Keevil Albert S. Kendall, Edward T. Jr . Kent William D . Kerper Matthew J. K~y Enos L. Krill. Francis M. Krummel, Clyde H. Jr. Lambelet Clarence A. Larson Leonard N. Leming John G. Main Marion K. Marlow Max L. Martin Gene S. McCormick Charles S. McKinney Garth G. McMath Robert P. M~yer Orville L. Neustaedter James A. Paul James R. Perkins Ira L. Quinn Patrick D. Rasmussen Rene Krebs Rosser Lewis E. Rothband Paul B. Sanders Cynthiarose I. Schmitz Joseph K. Schumann Lloyd C. Skitek Gabriel G. Spinner Leo G. Strickler Halford O. Stueck C.F.P. Underhill N. Robert Weis Carl J. Werner Roy C . Wilms John O. Wissler Louis B. Wright Clarence J .

1944 Adamick Henry S. Allen Eugene K. * Banks Robert L. Barb~r George E . Barnett William J. Barnhart Herbert D. Bridge Lorren F. Brodhacker John W. Carmichael Ronald L . Dampf Phillip M. Desjardins Peter E. Dietz Robert O. Dowd James D. Drewing Frederick H. Goetemann Edwin C. Greco Dominic A. Hansen J. Richard Hubbard William A . I senmann Edward S. Jamison Robert W. Kasten Paul R. Klorer Robert W. Kozeni Donald K. Larson Warren L. Mellis Robeft W. Miller James R. Mushovic Peter Nevin Fred E. Nuelle Ralph E.

Orlofsky Seymour Pingel Vernon J . Riggs John R. Rudert Kenneth E . Rudisaile Harold J. Schmoldt Hans E. Schoeneberg Kenneth W. Scott Harry S. Sievert O. Morris Smith P. Gene Staley Glenn L. Thomas William J. Waltenspiel Edmund J. Weinel Ernst A. Wheat Richard D.

1945 Boyd Roy H. Finley Carl E. Kasten Vernon L. McKelvey James M. Schmidt Robert F. Shank Earl M. West Amy G.

1946 Burke George E. Clayton Austin B. Connett Robert P. Jones Raymond B. Machado Jose A. Mann Robert L. Meenen Arthur R. Meyer Donald I. Olsen Oscar M. Rutledge William A. Smith Robert H.

1947 Adrian Kenneth G. Andersen Fred L. Bailie Keith R. , Belew Elmer W. Bell Warren H. Bosworth Hartley M. Bryant James R. B u tze:r Harold G. Carlberg Charles E . Carlton Paul F. Christiansen Carl R. Cole Richard E. Cross Kimble W. Cueto Eloy M. Davis Carl B. Dunham Roy H. Einspanier Bernard J. Ellerman William E. Fink Donald W. Fogarty Edwin R . Fulghum Gale Gill C. Burroughs Haak Vincent A . Hall, A. Risher Jr. Hammann Eugene E. Hellwege William H. Henke El '{in A. Henry George E. Howard William E. Johnson Philip D. Kerr Frank F . . LaPiere Gilbert H. Leone Anton Liddell John W. Little J. Edward

Lyle Samuel H. McDonald Malcolm H. McKinnell, William P. Jr. MERinnis, Charles L. Jr. Mueller John D . Perryman, Geor ge I. Jr. Pierce Thomas R. Pletz Robert C. Plimpton Gilbert Rankin Norman O. Schaefer Rodney A. Schork John E. Smith James A. Snowden J. Russell Stephens James W. Strunk Mailand R. Sullivan James D. Tappmeyer Ronald A. Tappmeyer Wilbur P. Topping Alanson D. Wagner George H. Wegener Wilbert F . ' White Robert L.

1948 Ackermann Kenneth G. Alvarez Joseph Anton Charles P. Balmat Jack S. Billy Joseph H. Boswell Paul B. ,Brassfield Henry C. Browning Phil A. Bye, Stanley E. Jr. Chaney ·James B. Cox John H. Day Robert L. Delany Michael J. Detjen Don W. Doelling Robert F. Downey William J. Earls John D. Ellis Maurice H. Ellis William A . Ellis William F. 'Emo Ronald E : Enochs Richar d C. Fisher Jame s R. Fitzpatrick Joseph W. Fulle r Leroy W. Gager Lem N. Gev ecker Robert V. Glaves John V. Grant George T . Gregory Robert O. Griessen , John III Hagan Melvin A. Halcomb Samuel P. Hammann John W. Held Robert E. Hepp Joseph T. Hoelscher James W. Howell Richard B. Howell Theodore R . Hudgens Ellsworth W. Jamboretz Lawrence J. Johnsen Stanley F. Keeley Gilbert S. Kienitz Leroy E. Kracht Robert T . Krog Carl M. Lawson Vernon R. Leaver Harvey B. Lowder Donald G. Malone Albert V. Marchal Jacques H. Martin Harold W. Mathews Donald J. ·Deceased

Mathews Walter A. McCarthy John F. McCormack George E . McGehee Charles L . McGovern James J. McGuire, Albert G. Jr. McKelvey Ralph E. Mitchell Charles M. Moe Harold G . Mueller Edward E. Niewoehner Kenneth E. O 'Neill Lawrence F . Petersen David P. Presley, William H. Jr. Procton Albert W. Riley Donald A. Robbins Irvin D. Rock Robert M. Schaeffer, Willard A. III Schmidt Donald G . Scholz Arthur E. Shwartz Alvin H. Smith David G . Smith Harlan D. Smith Hubert R. Sphar Curtis W. Stoecker Wilbert F. Tapperson, Arthur Jr. Terrasson Paul Louis Todd Fred A. Walker Richard A. Wallace John Walter Watkins Paul A. Weddle Wilbern L. \\-'haley Henry P. Whanger James R. Wilks John C.

1949 Anderson George M. . Anderson Lennart O. Anderson, Harvey A. Jr. Ballmann Richard B. Bay Robert D. Bell James E. Bennett Charles W. Berry Jerome T. Bieber Philip F . Birch Bettijeanne M. Blankenmeister Erwin G. Boaz Robert V. Bowen, Jesse W. Jr. Boyer Alexander A. Breeze Francis V. Breuer Coy L. Bridegroom Kenneth E. Carney W. Dale Carpenter Gordon L . Carroll John T. Carter William D. Chang ~ohn W. Cizek Frank J. Collier Ray B. Coolidge William H . Coplen·, Roy I. Jr. Dalpini David Danzer Carl J. Davidson Charles C. DeBolt Donald G. Downs Jack S. Duncan Richard H. Dyer Wayne F. Edwards Paul K . Eichelberger Charles E. Fennerty . Francis E .' Fliehman Maurice H. Foster Jack D. Gammon William H. Greer Paul H . Greig Joseph E. Griesedieck ' Donald L . Griffith William L. Guth Kenneth A.


Hansen Robert C . Haskell Donald F. Hill E. Cecil Holloway, Nick Jr . Hubbard, William F. Jr. Hughes Edwin L. Isringhaus Robert A . Jones Oliver W. Jones Sam P. Juneau Edward N. Kemper Robert J. Knecht Walter S. Knopp Charles R. Knutson Elmo G. Komoto Frank K. Lambe James N. Lemp Kenneth H. Letizia Daniel P. Linn Laurel G. Lloyd Charles H. Magruder William H . Martin Robert L . Mattes Henry O. McDonald J ohn E. McGrath James B . Mengel Edmund L . Miller, Fred J. 'J r. Morgan William A. Mulinaux Clifton K . Mulligan John J. * Niemiste Wilbur E. Norman Amos Ochs Calvin M. Peek Charles A. Perry Robert C. Pollish' Lloyd Puffett Bettijeanne M. Quinn Joseph S . Ratcliff John J. Raymer Gordon E. Redding James A. Reilly, John G. Jr . Reinkensmeyer Norman W, Reiss Joseph J. Remington, Charfes R. Jr . Rice Daniel Paul Roberts Warren W. Robinson Forrest G. Root Robert L. Ross Charles J. Ross Harvey D . Rowley Kermit G . Schmitt James C . Schowalter Ralph E. Schuler, Leonard L . Jr. Seelig, Albert F . Jr. Sessen George V. Sevick Joseph G. Shroyer Robert B. Shute John W. Siegel, William A. Jr. Springer Frederick M. Stadelhofer Jack Starkweath er R e ube n H. Stein John E. Stovall Richard L. Straub Harold E. Strubert Joseph N. Teas William C. Telthorst Edgar J. Telthorst Harold M. Thompson Richard H. Timmer Donald H . Tindall, Robert F. Jr . Toomey John B. Trotter Jack K. Tucker Arth ur L . Tweedy John F. Twombley Robert C. Van Maerssen Otto L. VanKirk James D. Viles Landon C. Weismantel William L. Wells Vernon L. Werner Edwin J. Wissel Charl~ K.


Withrow Harold J . Walk Norman B. Wood, James E . Sr. Wundrack William A. Wunnenberg Edward C. Yochum Robert J .

1950 Agnew, Lewis E. Jr '. Auld Thomas Bach, Wilbert E. Jr . Bage Earl A . Barker William G . Barsachs Edwin H. Bartels Eugene A. Behm John W. Belew Leland F. Bentrup Eugene A . Berkey Vernon G. Betz Irving G . Birbeck Lester R. Bloome Robert L. Boecker, Fred Jr . Boje, George J. Jr. Branson Donald A. Breit Karl K. Breuer D . ' Wallace Brinkmann Charles E. Brown Robert N . Buel Robert W. Burke Robert F . Calhoun James A. Cantwell Laurence W. Carlson Dale T . Carroll Paul F. Cl:J.ambers Frank T . Chapma n , Harrison E. Jr. Chen Willie Y . Cho~te Robert L . Church Char les H. Clark William W. Clayton Roy T. Coffee Ralph E. Coffman Joseph A. Collins William W. Cox William H . Craig Curtis L . Dampf Donald P. Dare Wilbert L. Davidson Edwin A . Davidson Phillip B. Delaney John F. Detjen Richard F. Deu tch Morton Dieringer Donald R .. Dimick Russell A. Dolecki Stanley Drake, Avery A. Jr. Dunn Karl H. Eissinger Karlheinz Eldridge Adelbert K. Erb Robert D . Evans, J a mes L. Jr. Fahien Raymond W. Fahrenbach Willia m W. Faith Robert V. Farrey Henry B. Flynn John D. Fossi Robert L. Franklin Robert O. George R.J. Glenn Donald L . Goodding Alan C. Graves, Clarence E . Jr . Gray Ivan L. Greco Louis E. Greenberg Aaron J. Gregory Scott H. Grimm David C. Hall Ernest B. Hallemann Joseph E . Hammond Gerald L. Hammond James Q.

Hampson, Walter L: Jr. Hardy Rolland L. HarTis William M. Harrison Richard N . Hauser Maximilian E . Haymes William' G . Heath Donald L . Heller Enrique S . Helwig Arthur W. Hernan John F. Herrmann Thomas A. Higgins Albert J . Hillhouse David L.. Hollenbach Bernard D . Hollis William Holme R. Norman Holmes Thomas A. Honerkamp Donald L. Houk Clarence C . Howell Bennett D. Hughes William P. Humphrey Waldo D. Hunt J . Richard Hutchison Alden C. Hyde, James C. Jr. Isbell, Clarence A. Jr . Jamieson George W. Jenkins, Donald H . Jr. Jerman Theodore I. Johnson Donald H. Johnson Edward L . Johnson John C. Johnston, Ralph E. Jr. Jorcke Oliver A. Judah Russell J. Kaller Herman C . Kapernaros E . Louis Kelly Peter B . L. King Alvin C . Knoernschild Ralph J. Knowles Carl M. Kovach John J. Krainess Albert M. Kreul Robert N. Kruse Arthur O. Kunz Charles O. Kyburz Edward P. Lockett Donald N. Lodwick Llewelyn N. Luetjen Hulen H. Lyons Francis D. Maag Raymond H. Mabie George W. Manetzke, J o seph C. Jr . Mann Carl K . Marshall Donald W. Marting Richard E. Matthews Paul A. Mattlage Raymond F . McDermott Arthur R . McDonald James E. McDonald Robert E. McNely Warren E. McNichols John R. Meier Harvey W. Mengel William i<:. Middleton Dougla s F. Milich Joseph ' ':' Miller Chester E. Miller Lester L. Miller ,Robert J . M. Mooney Edward W. Muehring John' E. Murphy Paul J. Murphy William L. Neustaedter Robert H. Nichols John W. Nolan Paul B. Novotnak Frank Packheiser Franklin Q. Painter John L. Par)<er R.C. Patten Ro b ert I. Paulsell Robert E. Paulsell William G.

Peetz Eugene J. Pennington Robert J. Peppers Robert E. Poliquin Thomas E. Ponder Robert M. Preiss Robert K. Rapp R obert A. Rees George A. Renner Linus J . Reynolds Earl G. Ries Frank W. R oach Kenneth C . Roberts J. Kent Robison Leslie B. Roenfeldt Harold R. R oper Max E. Ruenheck Raymond T. Sanders Cloice R . Schneider Norman F. Schoenky H. Parnell Sco tt James J . Settgas R obert C . Sewall Donald C. Shanafelt Mervin E . ' Silver S ~dney Sims Dale E , Skinner, Milton R . Jr. Slusher Robert C. Smith, R obert E. Sr . , Spanier Lawrence A . Springer Everett W. Starke Robert E. Steele Robert I}. Steuterman Jack A. Stevens Billy Strain Robert A . Strong John F. Szumachowski Edwin R . Terry R. Milton Theerman Harold B. Tibbs Harold E . Trianda John ,td> Tunnicliff Clarence J. Unsell Vester B . Van Nort John R. Vance John M. . Vogler, August J . Jr . Wagner Bernard C. Warfield, Raymond A . Jr . Weidman Thomas H . Weingaertner John W. Weinstein William Wilson Glenn E . Wisch William L. Wolfram . Ralph E. Wood Robert C. Wright Harold R. Wunnenberg Donald A . Wyatt Franklin W. Yochum Kennet;h H . Young, Charles Jr. Zeller Kenneth C. Zerweck" Carl E . Jr . Ziebell Wilford R.

1951 Anderhub Anthony P. Anderson David K. Baldwin William M. Ballestero, Antonio P. Jr . Banghart Roger C. Barrow Robert B . Beckman Charles A. Bellis Gerald B. Borgerding Lawrence H . Boscia Frank J. Bowkley Herbert L. Boyd Charles L. Brillos John W. Browne Thomas C. Brunkhorst Earl R. Buettner Melvin A . Bur khead, Kenneth E . Sr.



February 198 ,.,'




Sr .

Cathcart Raymond F. Chappell John R. Coben Donal d A. Comanich George W. Cotten Merrill R. Crowell Gilbert L. Dasenbrock Arthur A .. Dickens Richard L. Donaldson George R. Dowling Neal B. Dowling, ' Donald J. Jr. Dryden Joseph L. Dulberg Irving Dunn Ervin E. Elbaum Jerome K. Elliott Edwin G . Elwood William H . . Fairchild William W. Ferber George E . Ferry Charles R . Fornari Jo seph ·M. Fris J o s e ph P. Fritschen, Herman A. Jr. Ganley Robert J . Gardner, John E. Jr. I- Gehrig Dee R . Givens William A. Glenn David E. Gosen Theodore H . Gould David S. Hargus, Loren Jr. Harper William S. Hay Horace E. HeagleI' , John B. Jr. Henson Gerald L. Hestetune Daniel G. Hilburn Harold M. Hirner John A. Hohlfelder Eugene F. Holcomb Lester W. Horst William E. Houghton Clark F. Hull Roger J. Irwin David M. Iselin John W. Jackson Earl E. Keller Gerald N . Keller Russe ll M. Kenne dy Ha r ry E. Kette r Richa rd P. Kin gsborough Don ald G. Kleinkopf M. Dean Kline Charles R . Ladd Richard W. Lancaster Edgar M. Larson Eugene P. . Lattin Judson M. Lehmann Charles F. Llewellyn Henry D . MacMaster Edward Mansfield Richard E. May John E. McClard Truman E. McDaniel Hulon D. Mellott R obert N. Meyer Daniel Middour Eldridge S. Mascari John Ma y Harry Myslinski Frank J. Nap p Gordon E . Norto n Marion John Oldenburg Theodore J. Oldham William R. .Packheiser Elmer D. Parris h David D. P earson Wa lter O. P ender Paul S . Perryman , J oseph E. Jr. 'R ehm William A . Rieder Rob ert J. Riedinger, Walter B . .31' . Roach Warren D. Rober Donald L. Roller Raymond F.


Rushton William E. Schmidt Vernon E. Schweizer Charles T. Senne Joseph H . Short Wallace W. Sieck Ervin H. Silver Milton M. Simpson T h omas A. Skiles James J. Slankard Robert C. Smith Robert J. Statler Clifford A . Steinmetz Charles E. Stewart George E . Sullivan George W. Tarantola Bruce E . Taylor Donald J. Teagard en Dwight M. Theerman Wilbert K . Ts a i William Van Bramer William G. Ve nar de Jac k H. . Wat s on Har r y G. We a v er Julian Wile Lars on E. Williams Alden D . Wiseman Donald E. Wolf Robert V. Wurtz Wade C . Yeakey Richard A. Zeid Marvin C. Zeitz Edward J.

1952 Abernathy Thomas S . Bartel John G. Basler Francis S. Bauer Richard H. Belew James A. Bilheimer E. Lee Birk Kenneth L. Borberg James R. Boyle James R. Burdi ck Richar d L. Ca lcaterra Edward L. Camp b ell Robert E. Choa t e Lauren W. Chorney Peter L . . Cole Allan A. Coonce ' Homer E. Davis Gedale D . DeLap Kenneth L. DeLucca, Michael Jr . Drurrunond Floyd M. Dye Robert A. Ellison Guy C. Evans John E. Fannin Eugene R. Faulkner James R . Ferguson Wallace Finklang John W. Fish George E. Freiberger Harold C. Geers Joseph H. Hahne Wayne A . Hallows, Raymond L. Jr. Harman Charles W. Hausmann Paul L. Hausner Paul H. Heilich Raymond P . Hellman Milton H . Hockenbury Melvin C. Holdman Leslie F. Holmes Wallace H. .H u ffman Gene A. Joh nson J unius L. Keil Byron L. Kib ler Dewey E . Knock, Daniel C. Jr. Knoebel Richard H. Kronst Edwin F. Lioata Jack Lush Rolla S. MacZura George






Maday Donald S. Martin Dan W. McIntyre, John F. Jr. McLeane Robert W. Menke Gregory V . Meskan David A. Morefield George S . Mulholland, John E. Jr . Neumann Norbert F. Nolan John B . Pape Earl E. Pawloski Bernard L. Potter . Vernon C . Priest John E. Pulford William M. Reeves Ernest J. Richards Turner W. i ,,f Richey Clarence E. Rumsey Donald A. Ruttinger Anthony J '. - , Samimi Me h me t Key h arl " Sanders Eugene F . Sc h afer R obe rt P. S ch iE:i'ne Que ntin J . . Scr ivner J . Roger Shaner Donald G. Soe hlke Richard G . Stickle Dirck B. Stopkey Waldemar D. Stovall John N. Strite' Russell R.' Sweeney James R. Tangri Krishan K . Tarr Clarence M. Timbrook Paul W. . Unger Walter H. Uthoff Robert F. ':' Van B.uskirk Lyman F. Vance , James F. Jr . Vanderh e yde n Euge ne T. Wa lz Robert L. We lke Albert H . Westerman Howard W. Westmoreland, Darus S . Jr. Wheelock Ler oy K . Wicke y R obert O . Williams Dean N. Williams Norman Wolfberg Leon ard H. Yager O . Timken. Zachelmeyer Norman P. Zedalis John P.

1953 Abendroth Reinhard P. Achterberg Ernest R. Akers James' Edward Augu,stson Luther B. Bardon Donald G. Barton C. Dean Belcher Donald K. Bender John H. Berry Charles A. Beverage Leland D . Bloess Juergen J. Boyd Marvin W. Cole Henry M. Crane Harold. R. Creamer Edward L. Duchek Burton J. Eason Jack L. Edwards Gene W. Englund John O . Flood Walker L. Freebersyser George J. Gegel Donald L. Gjel steen Thor Hansen Peter G. Haynes Myron B. Heeger Charles H. Heimbaugh Kenneth G. Heineck Dale W. Howe Bernard F..


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Jenkins Robert D . Jones Vernon T . Kent, Nevada A. III Knearem James L. Koederitz Thomas L. Kronmueller William W. Kuster, Ralph L. Jr. Lang ~ Eugene A. LePonis Andrew E . Lipensky Milan Mason J . Lloyd McDonald John Robert Myers Eugene W. Neiman Alfred S . Oberschelp William F: Ordemann Robert G. Park William R. Patterson William E. Plunkett Jerry D . Prickett Lloyd C. Proc tor Donald E. Quatrar o William R eynolds Joe B. Robbin s Cla y Robel Michael C . Roberts James F. Sacks R a ymond J. Scharf Fred Schemel John H . Seipel, John R. Jr. Smith Bert L. Spencer Donald W. S t ephenson Bennie E. Strohbeck Eugene E. Topel Maurice R . Tuck Edward F. Vienhage Robert P. Wagner Frederick R. Weber William James Weinland Harold A. Wheeler Jack M. Willis Henry R. Za pp James F.

1954 Aceto ' Wayne M. Auten R oy D. Barylski Martin W. Burgett Max A. Burns Fredrick B. Cole Kenneth D. Cole, Sidney J. Jr. Conci Frank B. Crutcher Tom D. Custead Jerry R. Egan, Paul J . Jr. Faulkner William H. Fowler, Thomas R. Jr. Gerard James A. Gray Joe E. Groteke Daniel E. Haertling Gene H. Harrunons, Reve H. Jr. Highfill James K. Hopler, Robert B. Jr. Horine Robert A. Hughes, Judson A. Jr. Humphries Richard M. Jenner Kenneth C. Johnson C. Scott Jones James C. Koelling Harold A. Kolb Richard C. Krispin Joseph F_ Leong Judson McNeill Richard L .. Moritz John A. Morris Buddie R. Munson William P. Patterson James R. Pillisch Herbert P. Puyear Robert B. Reeg Richard L.

MSM Alumnus






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Runvik Richard C . Shoolbred Robe rt A. Sipe William E. Stewart William H. Tiernon Carlos H. Voigt John E . Vondra,sek Alb ert F. Watkins Joseph S.

1955 Anderson James S. Archer David W. Baebler Arthur G. Bailey Donald H. Baker Chester H. Barco Samuel U. Berg Rich ard O. Best John L . Boze Ralph E. Broaddus, Wayne R. Jr. Brockmann Lester A. Collier Everett J. Corcoran, Thomas A. Jr . Cruse Richard L. Elswick James L. Fitzwater Arthur V. Franklin J arne sM. Gessley Donald Gilliam Dale D. Gockel Char les E . Godsey Terry L. Hallett William M. Hurt William R. Jones Richard L . Kaiser Richard L. " Kickham, Lawrence - T . J r . Kolasch Joseph A. Krie g Marlin F. Kummer Dona ld L . Kummer Freder ick S. Lane, Thomas F~. Jr. Luehring Elmer L. McCarthy John M. Newcomer Robert E. Nothstine David E. Oetting Robert B. Owens Robert E. Padan John W. Paladin Frank W. Parker, Perry L. Jr. Ponciroli Kenneth L. Powell V. Lee Ray Herman A. Redel Peter O. Rethmeyer, James W. Jr. Schaefer, Robert K. Jr. Schuman Charles W. Scott Julius N; Smar t Samuel Smith Benjamin K. Span n Gerald D. Sprick R obert W. S t u mp James W. Tuc ker P aul B. Van Buskirk J ohn R. Var sos Spyros G . Vau ghn Charlie F . Webster, Ro yal S . Jr.

1 9 56 Altheide Charles R. Baumgartner George R . Bess James D . Borgerding James H. Boyd , Virgil C. Jr . Brown Donald D. Doe Bruce R . F iala Neil A. Gillham Ronald F . Gooding Dennis J. Gribble Valgene


Grinstead Willis G. Hart Nor man E. Herndon Richard S . Hughes Richard A. Jenkins Lloyd H. Jurenka Gilbert G. Ke bel Harlan L . Keil Edward J. Layman James W. Longshore, James F. Jr.. Mahoney Michael G. Martin James A. Midgley Myles J . Moore Robert E . Morris Gorman E. Murphy James M. Queen David F. Remmers E. Paul Reser Donald E. Riley Kenneth G. Rose John F. Rudolph Allen H. Sauer, Harry J. Jr. Schillinger Dale J. Schmidt Harold A. Schmittou Clay J. Schramm William W. Statler Kennyn D. Steffan Kenneth F. Stevens Don J . Stewart Jack D. Suhre , Maurice E. Jr. Tauser Raymond H. Thompson David E . Thompson LeRoy E. Unnerstall James A. Vallez Michael H. Walton Edgar D . Weisler, August C. J r . Weis s Nichola s M-. Williams Don E . Yia nnos Peter N .

195 7 Alexander _William Anderson Robert W. Atchley Bill L. Baechle August A. ,Baker Charles R. Ballard Donald S. Bardelmeier Aug-ust R. Bates David W. Beatty William A. Beckemeyer, Edward J. Jr. Be'c ker Rober t W. Berg David W. Berger Warren D. Biddulph Robert L . Blount Robert L. Bowers Donald R. Bunch David W. Clodfelter Ge n e C. Collins, T homas J. Jr. Davis Gary W. Demzik William G . Die t r ich Fr e der ick J. Ellis, Wa lter H. Jr . Esco tt Ke nneth G. Evans L a nny L. Fowlke s Charle ss W. Franklin Billy W. Fuller Robert G. Geil Warr en C. Gerlach Paul D. Heagler, . Richard B. Sr. Henninger, Francis H. Jr. Henson Donald L . Herring Ralph L . Humphrey Richard L . Hussey Raymond L. Jackson Robert A. Johnson James W. Johnson Norman C.

. Johnston Waymon L. Kalin Thomas E. Kalinowsky Joseph F. Kick David D. Kreder Kermit R. Landers Robert G. Leming Paul W. Lqrenz James B. Martin Charles M. Mason Robert E. Matz, Alexander H. Jr. McGee_ Richard L. Miller Charles L. ' Mitchell James L. Moore John W. Mueller Richard D, Nelson William D. Noland Joseph R. Pyle Elmer G. Reuss Lloyd E. Rives james C. Roush Philip S. Schelich Ardell J . Schneider Robert vi. Segelhorst Alfred E. Seibold Joseph M. Severson Marshall L. Sinkewiz Giles C. Slates Elmer F. Smith Brace C. Smith James G. Soper William S. Sumpter, David F. Jr . Tanquary Clifford C . Trou tner John R. Tucker Richard C. Vetter, Clarence J. Jr. Warren Robert N. Watwood , James E. Jr . We bb J e rry J. We bb Robert B. Wege Russell E. Weiler John L. Weldy Charles R. Wenthe David H. Wentz, Charles A. Jr. Wethington Ann P.

1958 Andreas Wayne T. Anspach Earl E. Armstrong Gerald C. A tha Larry C. Buchanan John O. Burlbaw Herbert G. Capone Donald W. Capps Robert O. Coffey Frank J. Correll Howard D. Cox L. Fred Crowe Joseph E. Cummings Bradford C. Da y Delbert E. De genhar t Edward R . Duddr idge Kenne th J. Duderstadt Edward C . Dull Mel vin J . Dye William B. Elliott Leslie M. F ield William R . Franke George E. Furrell Richard R. Garrett, James H. Jr. Gastaldi Robert A. Gerwert Philip E . Graden, William F. Jr. Gregory Donald B. Gruenwald William R. Guetersloh Donald G . Gun ther Roy J. Hardebeck Elizabeth M. Hardebeck Harry E. Harris Bobby V.

, Haydon Jack B. Hayes _ Robert O. Head Eldon W. Herrick . Thomas J. Herrmann, PaulO. III Hofstetter James F. Hooks Warren D. Hughes, George T. III Hunnicutt _Dennis R. Jackson Philip W. J urenka Ronald D. Kiehne Arthur D. Kisvarsanyi Eva B. Konrad , Richard J. Kroutil Joseph C. Kruger Arthur R. Lewis B. Neil Light Thomas E. Littlefield Jerold K. Luebbert William J. Mantovani Eugene O. Mason Dennis E. McGovern Donald R. Metcalf, Thomas C. Jr. Meyer Larry B. Micka Donald C. Mickes Joseph A. Minton Robert C. Modesitt Donald E. Montgomery William R. Mudd John T . Munger Paul R. Myers Charles C. O 'Keefe Thomas J. / Okenfuss Richard H. Ortbals Jerome J . Pellicciotto, Theodore A. Jr. Pfanstiel Donald G . pisacane Louis A. Rasche John F. Sakonyi Alex S. Schaefer Orville L. Schmidt, E. Robert Jr. Schoene Raymond E . Schrenk Albert L. Schriever Byron N. Sfreddo Humbert E. Skouby Marion C. Smith William J. Smuland Robert J. Stanton Mack J. Stevens Robert P. Storment Donald B .. Strub Dale A. Sucher R0bert W. Suddath James N. Sutton David A. Taylor Paul W. Tomazi George D. Unnerstall Lester A. Vakil Sadegh M. Vetter Ronald F. Vie Jer ry , D. Vitek Richard K . Watts Charles A. Weisenstein Don J. Welch Charles R. West Ronald R . Whitaker Robert M. Winter Lester H. Withrow Kerry R. Wright George F. Yannopoulos Lymperios N. Young Ralph O. Zieba Robert G.

1959 Acksel Richard A. Ahlert Robert J. Asher Charles E. Auberry William D. Bayless Jerry R. Bellchamber Donald K.

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A. Jr,




February 1989 ~


Bohl Carl D. Bolon, Lucien M. Jr. Borgini Fred Boxdorfer Robert L. Bradley James E. Bramon, Gerald A . Jr. Buren William L. Burke William G. Cain, Clarence' Jr. Call Donald H .. Canady Richard A. Cavalier Frank D. Cawns Albert E. Courson, Lee R. Jr. Crap nell Don W. Dice, Fred R. Jr. Dreshfield Robert L. Ege Harold D. Elam Phillip R. Feaster Donald R. Ferguson Larry L. Gilmore, Rex A. Jr. Gunn Gary Y. Hahn James H. Herchenroeder Robert B. Hess Robert M. Heston Wayne E. Hofer J. Gerald Hord William E. ' Hornsey Edward E. Hudgens Lowell L. Hudwalker Marvin E. Hughes Robert G. Hurst Herbert L. Ingram Bobby J. Isaacs S. Fred Jackson James D. Janes Frank E. Jenkins Glenn W. Johnson Gordon E. Kelly Paul R. Kieffer, Alonzo R. III Koederitz Eugene H. Kruger William A. Kucharski Edward , A . Latham James I. Lemberger Robert A. Lindsey Kenneth R. Linn, James E. Jr. Lutz H. John Madigan Dennis D. Mattingly Raymond C. McClure David R. McHaffie Gerald T . McHugh Alan H . McIntyre Robert C . Meisenheimer Harold D. Mengwasser Joseph P. Metcalf Gerald L. Mingo Henry J. Mitchell John F. Morgan George H. Moses William J. Mueller Ronald L. Neumeier Leander A. Olsen Harold A. Overall "Wilson W. Patterson James M. Pollard Charles E . Pugh James E . Rader Jerome D. Range Jerome L . Ratliff John L. Reichert Joseph F. Robinson Marquis B. Ross Richard G. Rouse Allen L. Ruester John T. Scharf Joel S. Schierding Royce G . Schneider Charles S. Schoonover Donovan K. Schumacher Carl R. Selle Gerald O . Shoemaker James L.



Simpson Charles R. Smith Gaylon G. Statler, William O . Jr. Stevenson Gerald L. Sutfin Carl D . Tackett Char les E. Tate Charles F. Thompson Billy J. Uding George E. Varga William J. V olker Ronald E. Wallace Charles E. Wa~man Stanley Weimholt James E. Weitzel John H. Werner Donald E. Whitehair Louis H. Wieker Richard H. Williams Ross L. Wood William S. Woods Samuel W~ Wright Ro bert R. Wulfers Carl E.

1960 Alyea Jerrold M. Anderson Frede'r ick D. Anderson John C . Angle Ralph G. Armstrong Carl D. Austin Buddy J. Belew Robert R. Bennett Harold L . Berthold James K. Blackwell Carrol L. Blevins Howard L. Boston Lawrence A. Burke Thomas D . Byrne, William M. Jr. Calhoun Troy C. Cappellari Lewis K. Carver Ronald P . Colwell James A. Cooper Lloyd E. Cooper Thomas W. Corbin Kenneth D. Cordes Glenn E. Cowan Duane E. Daubel Karl J. Davidson Robert N. Davis Wayne R. Del Prete, Anthony Jr . Denney Gary N. Dickens Walter H. Douglas Freddie C. Douglas Henry I. Eckhoff James L. Fike R : Albert Fisher Melvin J . Flanigan Virgil J. Gilby Howard M. Gilmore Jerry L. Gunther Don J. Gustafson George R. Hall Donald D. Hankinson Risdon W. Harty John W. Hawk Ralph L . Hershey Harry C. Hodge Robert E. Hoffmann Victor J.

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Hunter, Orville Jr. Hya tt . Gordon R. Inglis James L. James, Ronald C. MD. Jobe Kenneth D. Johnston James J.R. Jordan Paul R. Jordan Thomas M. Jurgens Joel J. Kemper J. Paul Keshari Hossein R. Kieffer Robert C. Killian Donald R. Laffler Ronald A. Logsdon Donald L. Lovelace James T. Lukowitz Gregory J. Martin Henry T. Maxton Ralph C . McDaniels John L. Mertl Eugene E. Moit Daniel D. Moyers Gerald E. Mulherin Thomas L. Muse Donald F . Owens Doyle F . Painter James . H. Pa tterson Gary K. Pawlowski, Alexander Jr . Pohlman David S. Ponzer Henry L. Poppitz John V. Price David E. Ray Rugene Everett Rephlo Louis C. Reynolds Maurice M. Rizer Gene C. Robinson Lee B. Romano Ronald I. Schlensker James G. Schneider Richard G. Schroer Herbert W. Shadwell, Franklin W. II Shears William A. Siron Robert E. Steinmann Walter D. Sullins Thomas R. Swetitch Charles F. Taylor F.J . Tharp Charles E. Tilman ' Milton M. Todd Lamar S. Urban , Robert J. Jr. Vacca Herman L. Wagenheim Neal T. Walker Paul M. Walton Edward E . Watson Frank Wilson Harry J. Wood ' Kenneth W. Zacheis Paul R.

1961 Amidei William Amsler Larry C. Annis Donald J. Arnold, James L. II Baur Richard A. Besleme James H. Biermann Robert G. Blake Charles A.

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Boe Richard I. Bohley Thomas K. Bolander Richard W. Bolon Albert E. Bosse William R. Bowers S. Mitchell Brake Richard L. Brinkman Glen A. Brown Richard R. Brunkhart Gerald E. Brunkhorst Lloyd E. Burke David M. Burns James' M. Colburn Howard L. Cook Bchol E. CookJ. Robert Craig Robert L. 'Cunha Frederick R. Curson William N . DeSpain James R . Dewing H. Harvey Dix Larry L. El - Baz Farouk E. S. Elias Andrew P. Evans Donald L. Feather's ton Charles R. Flood Thaddeus F. Fowler Martha S. Frangel William L. Galliher K . Don Gerhart Bill L. Grannemann H. Neal Grechus Garland K . Grismore, Fred L. Jr . Hahs Jimmy D. Hampe Richard A. ~ Harris Robert A. Heglin Russell S. Henderson Robert E. Henning William A . Hodges John L. Hollenbeck Charles F. Horton Wayne C . Hull, Lee C . Jr. Ingram Melvin A. Jacks Frank E. Kearney Michael C. Kiefer Charles A. Kincaid ' John B. Kleinpeter Roger G. Koesterer Herman L. Kurtzhals James D. Lampe Thomas B . Latzer John C. Leck, George W. III Lewis David M. Logan Robert M. ." Lortz Francis E. Maguire Richard J. Marble James B. Marler Donald S. Mathews William E . Mathu,r Virenda K. Maune David F . May William L. McGaugh Everett W. McLaughlin , Euge ne J. Jr. McNabb Jesse E . Merkel Edward F. Mobley Gene H . Moeller Richard M. Moore Kenneth D. Mueller Glenn E. Mungle Burlin D. Myers Donald D. Noell Nelson H. Nolfo Louis J. Odom James T. Ostmann Donald A. Peterson Jay A . Pfeuffer Ronald R. Pietsch Earl ':' Prothero Ronald P. Putman Wendell C. Randolph Robert W.


MSM Alumnus •

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Rathburn Vinton L. Redllne Richard H: Reese Bartley L . Robinson Leland G. Rodolph, Carl P. Jr. Rueh Don L. Saxer Robert M. Shah Ramesh C. Shultz Martha S. Siesennop W. Wayne Smith Roy B. Southern Merle E. Stevenson Curtis W. Stidham James A . Stigall Garry E. Stinchcomb ,Bruce L. Stone Tony C. Strobel Larry G. Sulliv an J oseph F. Sutherland James R. Toepfer Louis E. Tripp ' Lowell E . True Daniel W. Twele Michael N. Urek a r Joseph F. Waddell Joseph F. Weber Roger C. Weetman Bruce G . Whetsell Paul R. White, Charles M. Jr. Whitehead Robert W. Wiethop R. Harve Wistehuff William E. Wolfinbarger Samuel L. Worley Morris T. Zerwekh Robert P.

1962 Affolter Allen L. Alcorn Herbert R . Bartholic David B . Baxter Kenneth D. Bearce Denny N . Boje William A. Breig William F. Breit~nfeld Richard T. Bretthauer, Raymond C. Jr. Brockhaus Robert H. Brown Karl L . Burtin James D. Busch Ray E. Carr Virgil E. Chang Dick Y. Cleve Bernard F. Cline Larry D. Cox Robert A. Coyle, R. Thomas Jr. Daoulas Arthur Da ve Bhalchandra T. Dore John A. Downey Gary L. Duvall Henry P. Einsel Miller D. Elfrink Lindell H . Fadler Eugene C. Farnham Arthur H. Funsch Owen B. Gaertner Douglas A. Gormley James M. Graham John R. Greeley Michael N. Haas Donald W. Haas Gerald N. Hager, Andrew J. Jr. Hagni Richard D. Hahn Floyd H. Hall Floyd S. Hallerberg 'William L. Hammond Michael W. Harrill William D. Harvey Lawrence E. Hatfield David C . Haushalter Frederick W.







' .

Havener Gary W. Henson Lowell L. Herzog Michael S. Hesse James R. Hoffman Roger P. Hoffmeister Jack L. Hopper Richard A. Horel Edward T. Jacobs David C . Johnson Richard T. Jones Charles B . Jones, William R. Jr . Kadakia Jayant S. Kallemeier Robert E. Kamper Russell A. Kollme Barry W. LambeI' C. Kurt Leimer Harold W. Littleton Ernest W. Luecke Jerome E. Lux Ken C. Mais James H. MaIsch , Peter H. F. Mankovich Leo A. Mantz Harold C. McCaw Charles K. McMurtrey Gerald D . Mehta Navnit C. Moss Robert D. Netter David E . Nichelson, G . Rex Jr . Obermark James R. Overall Donald N . Ownby P. Darrell Parikh Piyush S. Persson F . Michael Phillips Thomas E . Ploeger Richard A. Powell Winifred W. Pulley Bob J . Reeves Boh> D. Rencehausen Gerald P . Reyburn Michael K. Roussin Robert W. Rullkoetter Gerald W. Saad Afif H. Samrad Ardeshir Schaefer Robert L . Schaefer - Ruston R. Shah Dinesh K. Shuck LewIs W. Slocum William H. Smith Memphord L . Smith, Menard O. Jr. Snow James W. Stairs, Curtis Jr. Staley Jerry A.




Stearn~ Jerry D. Steinkamp Robert A. Stigall P aul D. Stokely William S. Sullivan, William L. III Swanson Richard C. Taylor Thomas M. Teske James E . T h eilmann Vernon E. Torno Harry C. Trippensee Gary A. Uhe Gerald C . Utterback Frank D. Van Doren Thomas P. Van Vranken Robert L. Vaughan Bob J. Wagner Charles E. Webb Larry D. Weber Joseph R. Welch Gary E. White Daniel R. Williford, Henry G. Jr . Wilson Carl R. Wilson Robert J. Woldman ,Michael L. Wolkenhauer William C. Yates Donald V. York Gerald J . Zimmermann Walter A. Zychinski James A.




David Edward G. Donis Darrell W. Dunham William J. Eirte n Frank O . Farmer, John O. III Frierdich Donald W. C . " iGardner, Robert H. Jr. Glassel Clifford L. Gronemeyer Gary F . Haffner James D. Haynes William D. Hemmann John G. Herron George F . . Holmes Robert W. Howell Robert C. Hughes Douglas J. Huston RoberT E. Jabas Stephen D . J ae gel' Benjamin W. H . Jaquay Richard L. Jauer, Richard A ,. Jr, Jennings Richard L . Johnston Lyle D . Kahl Richard A. Kaiser Donald R . Kauffmann William M. Keith H. Dean Kim Chang Don Klein Ronal d W. Klier Jerome M. Klutho Allyn R. I Knox, James R . Jr . Koch Edmund O. Koenig Walter R. Achenbach Gary D . Kreichelt Thomas E . Adam, Everett E . Jr. Kreikemeier Kraig G. Alexander George D . ' Krieger Geor g e Holton Andoe W. Victor Lasmanis Raymond Bagley Ronald P . Leamy Harry J. Baird Thomas B. , Leger Geary L. Balsman Wayne F . Libiez James D. L • Baremore James J . Ligon William R. Bartling Donald L. Lina John A . Bell L. Kent Lira , Richard E . Benn Edward MacCrindle Colin C. Bentley James R . Machmeier Paul M. Blevins Zenas C. Markland Robert E. Bost Charles R. Martin Wade A . Brady , Sherman D. Jr. Mason Donald G. Brown Glenn M. May, Charles 'D . Jr. Bruns Martin T. Meredith Virgil E'Buck Richard L. Miller Paul H. Cage Kenneth L. Monday Marvin K. Chung Han-Chang Moore Nathaniel D . Clark Dennis A . More Georgina Clements John L. Morris, Harvey E: Jr. Close Maxwell L. Mueller Gary D. Muth Arnold J. Naiknimbalkar Narendra M. Naiyer Shafique Prof. Don Warner, Dean Packwood Donald L. School of Mines and Metallurgy Poettgen George G. University of Missouri-Rolla Pain tel' Gary N. Dear Don: P~ush Kenneth A. This is to acknowledge and thank you for your letter Reagan John A. describing the status of my Faculty Enhancement Fund. I Reid Bill H . appreciate having heard from the recipients and wish ~~em Ringhausen Roger J . Rin toul Richard O. well in their various projects. ' Robbins Douglas A. Through the years I have greatly appreciated the quality Robertso:Q Ronald S. of the faculty at Rolla and am happy that I have been able to Robinson J. Winfred arrange for these awards. My concern is not to provide a R obison James B. salary supplement, and my concern is more than just good Rock Joseph P . teaching. I think my main objective was to provide an incenRydlund Paul H. Salmon R. Michael tive for the young faculty to keep improving their skills, both for their own progress and for the quality of their contribution Schaefer Seth C. Schattyn John M. to the department. Schillinger George R . Enjoyed meeting with you at Homecoming. Schuchman Norman J : Sincerely, Schwaller David L. Frank Appleyar.d, '37 Sehl, Eugene Jr . Shah Bansidhar M. Shalton Lonnie J. Sieckhaus Robert H. Smith Sam L.





February 1989

Spencer David W. Sutton William R. Taylor Glenn R. Thoeni Allen K. Thompson Larry D. Thurman Lowell E. Timmons Harrel W. Val) Buren James K. Vandergriff Wayne L. Vaninger Jon L. White Cary Dennis Williams Ronald R. Winter Arthur R. Wood Frank D.



Abel Dan L. Adams James E. Amin Rajinkant C. Bailey Keith E. Bartel Donald S. Bauer Kendall R. Baylor Philip E. Belrose Thomas C. Bierman Sheldon L. Boeger James H. Broeking Kenneth W. Bronson Frazier L. Burchill William E. Campbell Charles E. Chen Ten - Hsi Chervitz Jerrold Chittenden Rudy M. Chronister Thomas G. Cobb ¡Calvin B. Coburn, Virgil C. Jr. Cortelyou, Abram L. Jr. Corwin Robert F. Cottin Daniel J. Covell Dennis E. Crum Edward H. Cushman Robert L. Davis Jerry L. DeMay Paul P. Dickey Fred M. Downey Robert E. Dreyer Dennis G. Dyhouse Gary R. Ebert, Bernard C. Jr. Eckhoff Gerald J. Edwards Harry K. Eppelsheimer, Daniel S. Jr. Ferrell C. Stuart Floyd, David A. Sr. Fournelle Raymond A. Gardner Donald T. Garthe Robert C. Gebhards John H. George, Edward H. III Goodrum Donald L. Gunn, Chester P. Jr. Harper Alan S. Harris Daniel J. Harrison Charles R. Henry James M. Herrmann, Frederick W. Jr. Hill James L. Hoelscher Kenneth C. Hoge Philip R. Holland Gary R. Holley Robert G. Hudelson John R. Jalbert Leonard S. Jatcko Anthony L. Johnson Jerry G . Jones David S. Kamp Alan A. Kelty Thomas M. Kerr Albert L. King, Francis W. III Kirchoff William S. Koechlein William H. Kraus. Ronald W. Lahde Frank U.

Lehman, Fredrick D. III Limberg John F. Lundy John E. Lyons Charles G. Malone William M. Martin Carl D. McLain Howard J. Meehan Michael E. Mehta Devendra V. Mehta Kunjvihari R. Michel David J. Mills, Charles S. Jr. Mochel William R. Morrison Donald J. Mroch Alan B. Mueller Dale D. Muns Bennett L. Murphy Robert J. Murry Milton J. Nelson Courtney G. Nichols Elwood B. Norausky James M. Odendahl James P. Ogden Sylvester" O. Ombalski, Stephen Jr. Orrison Gerald K. Parkinson Larry L. Parr Richard A. Patel Man~bhai M. Patel Ratilal S . Payne Thomas E. Peacock David N. Peters Donald G. Raber Richard F. Raffel Ted C. Raney Edward M. Reinheimer Charles J. Reuling Donald O. Reyburn Richard L. Royer Leroy J. Ruzich Robert L . Saunders John G. Schmidt Daniel R. Schmidt Richard L. Sessen George N. Shewchuk John P. Smith Thomas M. Smith, Harvey S. III Snyder Thomas E. Sowell, Lewis C. Jr. Spehr James L. Stack Charles E. Steinkamp William E. Strunk Lawrence T. Stuart Robert L. Suetterlin Jack F. Sukow Dale E. Sutherland, Graham G. III Swift B. Kenneth Tao Frank F. Taylor George H. Terry James W. VanSteenbergen A .R . Voorhis Gary L. Wang Benjamin S. Wang Yun Warning Clarence R. Weaver Samuel C. Wedeking Milton J. Wheeler, Irving B . Jr. Wiebe Dirk H. Wilson Tommie C. Wood Richard L. Woods Glen D. Wu Chang-Yu Wulfert, Kenneth J. Jr. Zimnick, Harold E. Jr.

1965 Adams Russell C. Agrawal Arun K. Anderson Jerry M. Arnold Richa rd T

Atkinson Charles H. Aubrecht, Ladimir J. Jr. Barr Ralph S. Bass Paul J. Bergt David E. Bersett Gerald W. Bicknell Hilton B. Bitting James L. Blume David J. Bradley Milton F. Branum William H . Breeding Robert E. Brubaker Maurice E . Brunner Gary D. Bugg Stephen F. Butler James L. Buttrey John W. Carr George H. Chang Fu S. Chen Winston W. Chilton Danny L. Cook Thomas W. Cooper Larry Cope William R. Creech Harry L. Crews Eddie L. Cunningham James R. Deken . Louis R. Dierker John W. Doll Warwick W. Dorf Roger A. Driemeier Allen H. Dunning, Thomas H. Jr. Durnell Noland R. Erwin Larry L. Erxleben, Robert Jr. Evans Jesse D. Faenger Eugene H. Falke William P. Farber Ralph J. Farrell, William M. Jr. Fear Robert C. Feller ' Donald D. Foreman Alan R. Franklin, Willie L. Jr. Gaylord Thomas K. Giger, D. Franklin Jr. Glass Gerald E. Goldsmith Stanley I. , Griffin Paul D. . Gross Manfred E. Gujarathi Ramesh N. Haag, William O. Jr. Habenicht W. Helmut Hafeli Dwight T. Hagen William R. HaJ~ach Ronald E. Hanna Charles K. Heidman James A. Hoffman Nancy H. Hohman Joe A. Horner Kent G. Howard, C. Martin Jr . Huckabee John W. Hustad Paul A. Jagtiani Harry Jamison James E. Jersa Michael J. Jobson Harvey E. Johanpeter Gerald R. John David F. Junge Gregory Kadwell Robert J . Kallor Jay S . Kapadia Mahendra A. Kettler Gerald J. Keyes Gary E. King Alva H. Kircher William C. Kirkland, Kenneth C. Jr. Knussmann Willard T. Ko Kin In Kovel Steven M. Lee Stephen K. Maggs Louis M.

Magurk David W. Marlow Charles F. Marshall Ronald C . Martin Charles R. Martin Terence N. McCracken William E. Meyer Norman R. Meyers Dennis M. Miller Daniel B. Molitor John D. Montgomery Billy L. Morgan J. Derald Morgan, Grover D. Jr. Mulyca Walter C. Nickless Arthur L. O'Bryant, James E. II Oltman Robert L. Osick Glenn L. Otto Robert L. Pasek The~dore ¡ D. Peresztegy Lajos B. Picker Melvin L. Polka William E. Price William J. Rankin Larry V. Ricketts Robert L. Robb Kenneth A. Roth Leonard W. Rude Owen D. Schmitt Raymond J. Schroer Wilbert F . Shah Rashmikant L. Shaw Nancy H. Shilt Eldon R. Silvers, Paul L. Jr. Smith D. Eugene Smith John W. Smith Michael D. Smith, Peter A. Jr. Snowden, Edgar IV Spirk Donald E. Steimley John F. Stepp Edward E. Stewart David M. Stickler Roger' H. Sundermeyer Robert W. Sunkel Thomas M. Suthipasnarupon Anant Thomas, Donald O. Jr. Thomason, June C. Jr. Towers Terence G . Wahler, Vincent C. Jr. Walker Lonnie R. Wang Jyue-Sheng Wang Wen-Li Weeks Robert E. Wells William L. Whitten, Travice W. Jr. Wilson Clyde W. Wunderlich Norbert J. Yang C. (Charles) Zimmerman Wayne M.

1966 Abbott Rohn D. Alexander Terry W. Allison Laton D. Bachman David A . Barnes, Charlie M. Jr. Beger William K. Behring Allen G. Bennish Donald E. Bertelsmeyer James E. Bingham, Lloyd W. Jr. Blumfelder William O. Book Billie W. Brady Dale E. Bryant Charles T. Brynac Michael J. Buchmeier, Frank A. Jr. Carlson Terrell L. Carstens John C. Chaffin . Glen N. ,

MSM Alumnus

Chen Sir-Hoi Chow Li-Chi Chun Joong H . Coco Matteo A. Collins Raymond D . Davis William F . DeClue Duane H. Diel Willard W. Dreisewerd Douglas W. Duree David M. Dycus James P. Fie belman Harold E. Fiedler Theodore M. Foss Glen N. Fox James C. Gaitros Donald L. Germanwala Vasant S . Glover Ru ssell L. Good James H. Gray James C. Greening Frank S. Griggs,' Will Jr. Hall Gerald D. Harmon James V . Haubein Harold D. Hawthorne John E. Heater Charles L. Heider Robert L. Henry Charles L. Henry John H. Higbee James M. Hoffee Andrew E. Hogue, Robert W. Jr. Holt, Thomas B. II Howell John D. Huddleston, James A. Jr. Hung Dick Tzu-Tien Jagtiani Arjan S. Johnson Peter F . Jong Bing-Wen Jordan Thomas H. Jozwiak Philip A. Jung Robert N. ~berg Leonard C. Klug, Alfred E. Jr. Klug, John R. Jr. Kramer Ralph H. Kruep Raymond J. Kulhan Robert Latimer John O. Liu Chia - Han Lu Chaw-Chi Lutzenberger Bert "M. Lytle, Glenn A. Jr. Mack Thomas E . Margulis Malcolm H. Mason., John T. III May Thomas J. McCarron, Robert L . Jr. McDuff Charles R. McKinnis Larry N . Mehta Jagdish M. Melliere Ronald A. Miller Glenn E. Mohr John W. Monroe Ronald L. Moran Michael D. Moss Edward A . Mueller, Wendelin H . III Munn Dale A. N, Ronald L. Panhorst, Albert C. Jr . Parks R. Anthony Paul Richard R. Perkins James B. Perkins John W. Phelps, William L. Jr. Pollack Leslie A. Pottinger, Hardy J. III Powell Ronald L . Price Cornell J. Rice Roy D . Rich Larry M. Richardson Richard A. Roberts Loy D.


Ruddick, Lease A. II RuseI', John R. Jr. Rydberg Carl M. Scaggs, Gutherie Jr. Scheer Samuel A. Schoeninger Hilbert E. Schutty Philip H. Schweser Gilbert C . Shah Vipinbhai R. Shimamoto David S . Slocum Roy W. Smith Gerald W. Smith Louis W. Spence Hugh F. Steele James D. Stewart, Leslie D. Jr . Stockhausen William T. Stover Dennis W". Strickland Thomas H. Tibbs Nicholas H. Trippel Robert C. Umphrey Ronald W. Uthe Floyd H. Vest Randall L . . Vopat Linda M. Watson Kirby C. Watts Gerald L. Weber Linda M. Wehmeyer David P. Wesley Darrell K. West James E. Westenberg Carl H. Weyand Thomas E. Wideman Lawson G. Wilkens Roy A. Williams Maurice A. Woodall Thomas J. Woodfield Richard A. Work Bruce V. S. Yuh Eugene Yeou-J Yung Shu C.

1967 Adamick, Chester J . Jr. Akers Dennis T. Alexander R obert G. Barrow, John T. Jr. Baue William C . Bauer, Joseph W. Jr. Baumeyer Ervin H. Bevel Jerry E. Bischof Conrad W. ~ Boulware David G. Calfee Ralph D. Cameron John D. Capone Gary J. Carter Ronald W. Chang George C. Copp Jolm B. Darnell Paul E. Davidge Gail D . Davis Jack W. Davis Ronald D. Decker Ray C. Degenhardt Eugene A . DeLashmit William E . Dinkel Ted R. Dobberpuhl Delmar A. Dodd Vernon O. Doerr Je-rry W. Dressler Donald R. Dyer Garvin H. Eckstein Vernon G. Ellis Frank L . Evans John M. Evans Ronald E. Falkler Arthur C. Farrow James M. Ferretti Michael E. Finney Joseph C. Flugra d, Donald R. Jr. Foresman Michael R. Fouts Gary L.

Fritschel Larry . E. Gass John W. Gentner John M. Goldfeder Louis B . Gorrell James W. Gray Robert J. Grider James T. Guvenir Yavuz M. Hachmuth Henry K. Hansen, Stanle y S. II Hard y Michael E. Herold David Al Hickenbotham Harley D. Hill Roland M. Hodges Phillip F. Hoffmeister David (i;. Hollander William D. Hopkin s Wayne J. Houser James D. Hung Ming H. Hy dzik Richard M. Inman Paul L . Jarrett Walter T. Johler Craig B. Johnson Paul E. Kalia Hemendra N. Kastel Richard L . Kelso Gary L. Kettenbrink Gail D. Key Patrick C. Kizer Thomas L. Klein Dale E. Kuo Chen-Yuan Lai San-Cheng Lauletta John F. Lebo Jerome M. Lloyd :- Jones David Lyons Helen L. May Joseph A. McGrady Charles H. McMillen T. Michael McMullen Clifford C. McWilliams Daniel N. Medlin James M. Mikelionis Lawrence J. Miller Edward D . Miller Samuel P. Neagle John W. Nelson David A. North Robert A. Nussbaum Gene M. Otz Gary E. Owens Gary S. Owens John M. Owens Paul T . Peery John W. Perez, Charles E. Jr. P erkins Michael A. Powell Doyle W. Prater Nickey L. Rao Yalamanchili B. Reilly Dennis E. Rhoades Blaine J. Ronzo Robert J. Rouse David M. Rueh Kenneth W. Sadowski John M. Salof George A. Schloman Alan H. Schmidt Edward L. Seabase Peter P. Sears Thoinas J. Seth Raj B. Shen Kuo - Shein Shramovich Paul F. Sievert Gary " F . Simmons, John L. III Sokol David G. Stanton Warren R. Stewart Ben Stine , Howard H. Jr. Stout Douglas E. Sulzer Donald F. Tanna Virendra V . Tate George J .

Turner, Robert E. Sr. Wagner Richard V. Wei Joh n C . Weise Theodore L. Wolf John D. Woolery WillIam L. Wu Christopher K. You Jiunn-Jian Zwiener James M.

1968 Amos Larry L . Andrew Cha r~s L. Andrew William H. Armstron g Roy M. Astrack Richard F. Auckly Gerald W. Bach, Charles S. Jr. Baer Kenneth G. Bauer Gerald L. Beck Roger A. Bell Gordon W. Bennington, Leslie O. Jr . Benton Clarence R. Berger John M. Blackwood James D. Braden M. Douglas Brand John R. Brockhaus Douglas A. Brouwer Jerry W. T. Brown Henry E. Burke Charles E. Bytnar Michael W. Carnahan Daniel L. Chadwick Jack L. Chao S. (Steve) Chase David M. Chen ~un Chill Choate Larry Dale Collins Walter K. Combs Elton E . Connell Michael J. Cothran Stephen A . Cowles, James C. Jr. Creek, Lawrence N. Jr . Dallas Richard W. Dams gard J ame sA. Davis Ralph J . Davis Roy G. Dearth David W. Debner David E. Denningmann Elroy Dillon Paul H. Doerflinger Arthur E. Doerr Earl E. Dollar Jim A. Doyle John D. Ecoff, R a lph A. Jr . Eggers Stephen H. Evans James H. Everhart Vernon L. Faenger, Aloys H . Jr . Faintich David M. Fan ska Rudy R . Feugate, Robert J. Jr . Fix Raymond G. Frantz Eric H. Gerig, Frank A. III Grabski Frank L. Green William J. Groves Christopher B. Hal terman Leroy Harbin Robert L. Harmon Robert L. Harris Donald J. Haynes Alan D. Hazen David R. Hoelker, Anthony B . III House Phillip M. Hsu Yung C . Huang James C. Huber Thomas V. Huett Michael S.

1 1 1 1 I

J J I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~









P PI p, Pi Pc Pc Pc Pc PI


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Sh Sh Sh Sic

Srn Srn

Sp St; St( Stc Stc Str





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Va Ve



Ivai Ivai Ival



February 1989


Hwang Ching-Cherng Jackson John H. Jansen Walter B. Jerabek Charles D. Kelly Vincent E. Keppel James R. Kiso James L. Koederitz Leonard F. Koegel Frank R. Koss Richard L. Lewis Leland Lindsey Merlin D . Liu Jih-Han Logel, William R. Jr . Lon g Joseph J. Lu dwig Lonny L . Luebbert, Lawrence H. Jr. Lyons Gerald J. Mabry Dewayne P. Manson Donald A. Maycock Barry F . McKinney Joseph D. Miller Lawrence C. Miltenberger James L. Mitchell John B. Mohtashemi Ali A. Moore Richard E. Moutrie Chester L. Moyer, Joseph D. Jr. Mudd Donald P. Mueller Joseph L. Mueller Robert J. Munns John A. Murrey Jonte M. Nagel Terry L. Nawrocki -Michael A . Noltensmeyer Paul A. o 'Hanlon Thomas A. O'Malley Michael P . " Otte Leon L. Owens Thomas J. Ozburn Donald G. Pahl Robert H . Peavler Den nis M. P e n d er S t ephen N. Perry Norris W. Pieph o Loris L. Pogue Jer ry G. Pokrefke, Thomas J. Jr . Porter Clayton G . Porter Joseph B. Price; David B. Jr. Readin g Stephen H . Ruenger t Martin R . Rueter ' Richard E. Schaefer Martin P. Schenk Richard W. Schowengerdt Robert A . Scott Harold H. Sherrick Sherman W. Shors Dale G. Showmaker, Harry L. Jr. Sidlowski Ronald E. Smith Michael J. Smith Neil S. Spors Richard . E. Stanton George D. Stewart Richard E. Stoltz William A. Storrs Stuart M. Strauss Stephen R. Student Patrick J. Talley Jesse H. Teske William S. Thiessen Gerald R. Thomure Daniel F. Till Henry A. Tucker Ronald M. Van Gilder James N. Vehige Richard J. Virtue Richard P. Volk Roger H . Wagher Stanley X.Wagner, Harold W. Jr. Warchola Russell J.

Ward Daniel K. Wibbenmeyer Jerome R. Williams Roger L. Wiseman James L. Wlos Paul M. Wolfe, Byron L . Jr. Wright Stephen A. Wycoff Ronald L. Yallaly Stephen P. Yost Kenneth D . Youngman James A . Zauner Ronald F . Ziegle r Karl F. Zoe llne r Ly nn E.

1969 AI-Shaieb Zuhair Alexander Vernon T. Anderson Michael E. Andreae Robert A. Arnoldy Richard R. Asmuth George W. Banks Edgar N. Barr Nora A. Barrett Thomas A . Becker, Theodore H. Jr. Berning Richard T. Berry John J. Beyer, Harry F. Jr. Bishop David K. Bondurant Frederick N. Borgmeyer Thomas S. Boring William D ~ Bourne Donald W. Brandhorst Lynn D. Brewer David W. Brinker Clark D. Brinkopf Robert L. Bruce Robert S. Brune Robert H. Bruzewski James R. Bulmer Bru ce M. Bu n c h James D. Burk emp er Larry J. Burrows Eu g ene H. Cary S t anle y E. Case Glenn R. Chang James J. Chang "Richard L. Chen Chao -S heng Chow R obert Y. Chrisman, George F. Jr . Chuang Cheng Y. Collins William E. Connolly Dana P. Cooper Larry M. Coulter Stephen J. Cretin Paul F. Cuneo Colin R. Danard Howard E . Daneshy Abbas Ali Dflniels David E. Davidson William G. Davit Gerald C. Degenhardt Lynn J. Denham Donald C. DeSpain David R. Dietrich Walter D. Dodson Cheryl A. Doerr, Raymond E. Jr. Duncan Thomas L . Dwyer James J. Eason James S. Eastep Lawrence W. Edwards Walter A. Enderle Thomas E . Engelbrecht Ronald L. Erxleben Richard H. Featherly John R. "Feger Thomas M. Ferguson Austin L. Fitzgerald Harold R. Fleckal Rober't F.

Frazee Richard W. Fridley Michael C. Fung Shiu Y. Gaffke Dennis H. Geile Robert J . Gentzler, Edward C . III Gerig Martha M. Glover Nora A. Grosse David C. Gulick Gary M. Hall, Leon M. Jr. Ha lladay Harold W. Hart man Dennis W. Hawkin s Rodn ey B . Heckler Ph ilip C. Hedayati Vahid Hitt Gerald W. Hoenerhoff Richard B. Houf Gordon B . . Hughlett Joseph R. Hung Samuel S. Iverson Jon R. Johnson Kenneth G. Jones Thomas A. Jozwiak Vincent R. Kaiser Stephen J. Kastendieck William A. Kelahan Michael E. Kelkar Subhash G. Kerns Wayne L. Knauf William R. Koenig Gary R. Koester Richard W. Kruvand Daniel H. Labit James R. Lacavich Richard J. Lambert, James E . Jr. LaPresta Charles R . Lawson Lyim D. Livengood Robert J. Lloyd G. Wesley Lojek Jan R. Lucas Thomas E . Lutes Donald R. Lux Robert J. Mank Darrel A . Marino Joseph P . Marsh Re g inald T . Meinershagen Alan V. Mercer Robert C. Midden, Henry E . III Mintner David C. Moll John J. Morrisey, John C. IV Morrison William J. Mueller David L. Mueller Steve C. Munoz Joseph H. Myles Charles W. Nagy David C . Neumeyer Wendell D. Niehaus Robert L. Nigus Steven G. Nudd Barry C. O ' Neill James A. Oldham Douglas G. Otto Conrad G. Palmer Robert C. Pautler Harvey E. Pfefferkorn David A. Pierce Stephen A. Posch Raymond J . Preston John " C. Ray Billy G. Rector Michael R. Reed, Walter G. Jr. Reijenstein Carlos E. Roam John H. Roberts Omer H. Roberts S. Kent Rogers Douglas B. Ross Terry K. Rowold Carl A. Rytter Noel J. Sauer Peter W.

Schade Glenn W. Schnurbusch Larry J. Seaman Robert L. Shaffer Russell C. Slater Michael W. Smith Brian W. Sowers James R. Spaldin g Theodor e J . Spector Alan R. Spence r David A. Sple tts t osser Jame s Stahl J oseph W. Steed, F. Clifton J r. St effan Cheryl A. Stemmler James A. Stevens Robert W. Stigall James R . S tra tman Ronald A. Strauser Claude N. Stripling Gary L. Stroessner William A. Sullivan Michael J . Thies Douglas M. Trump Paul V. Vasquez Robert L. Vaughan Gerald W. Vessell Charles R. Vorwith Robert C. Walker Michael R. Walter Richard A. Wansing Alvin D. Watkins , James F. Jr. Webb E. Victor Wehmeyer W. Earl Wiesenmeyer John C. Wilcox Thomas M. Wilson Patrick J. Winch Richard A. Wissel Fred O. Witzel Richard C. Woessner James D. Woodard Ronald C. Worstell, Earl M. Jr. Wylie James G. Zenge Thomas L.

1970 Abernathie William E. Adler Robert B. Alcott A. David Alexander Wayne S . Alexander William D. Allison Melvin R. Alm Darrell R. Anderson Ronald R. Andrews Kenneth W. Ashbaugh Brian W. Bajaj Ram Baker, Walter A. II Barnett Ralph L. Bartley, Elbridge W. III Baur John C. Beardsley David D. Belding Richard B . Bigley Denis G. Bjornberg Peter R. Blankenship Michael E. Bockma n Gary J . Bohanon Joseph T. Books Edward F. Bosse James P. Brady Linda L. Branham John E. Bray Michael E. Brinker Marvin J. Brown Ronald D. Brown Willis L. Bryant David A. Bryson Dale M. Burford James H. B"urk Earl D. Byers Charles E. Cal ton Lynn B.

2 MSM Alumnus

22 \



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... ~.'












f Canon Ronald M. Carpenter Larry H. Carter John B. Case, James D. Jr. Casteel Charles L. Chang Joseph J. Chapman Richard G. C he ek Michael R. Chen Paul B. Chi Ching-Tseng Chiang John P. Chiu Philip L. S. Clinkingbeard Terry A. Cohen Jeffrey I. Conroy Peter J. Cook, Frank S. Jr. Corbett Timothy P. Crawford, Ronald F. Jr. Crites Roger C. Dahlstrom David W. Dalton Robert H. Davis Jimmy L. Davis Ronald D. Dawson Gene C. Dean Larry J. DeJohn Anthony F. Delay Russell G. Denlow Israel Denney Kenneth L. Dietrich Randall G. Doering Frank J. Dolata Edward W. Donaldson Albert L. Dorroh, Robert F. III Dunning Eric D. Eaton William A. Engineer Roy Enke Daryl D. Ethridge Max M. Feager Joe A. Feng Frank C. Feurer John A. Finkelstein Michael A. Finnegan Jerrey D. Fitzgerald Richard J. Fluegge Ronald M. Ford James A. Ford,. Raymond F. Jr. Fox James L. Friese Michael M. Fuerst Robert L. Garrett , Jack T. Jr. Gaston Charles B . Geers James R. Gerdes Ronald G . Gielow Kenneth D. Glick Linda L . Gore Arwind K . Gorske Dionne D. Grawe John D. Griffin Francis L . Griffin Ronald D. Gupta Dwarka P . Habeg(5er Ronald L. Hager Harold W. Hailey John L. Haley Paul E. Hammann Kenneth K . Hamner Phillip G. Hardwick ~ohn R. Harris Michael D. Heien Richard E. Heine Bernard J. Hencey Stephen D. Henson Phillip L. Herman William L. Hill Lorenzo Hinshaw James S . Hirner Herman R. Hoeckelman Leslie A . Hoesly Richard R. Hohenberger Frederick J. Holt Eric M. Horny k Terrence J. Hoover Gerald L .

Hoppe Thomas O. Owens, Edmund W. Jr. Horn Larry S. Parsons Jerry D. Howe David L. Perry James D. Huey Danny D. Phillips Marvin D. Hurt Robert E. Pierce James R. Jaggi Dennis F. Pierson Ossean E. Jarvis Danny E . Portnoff Neil S. Johannpeter Walter G. Potzmann Kim J. Prater John B. J ohnson Ronald W. Pretz James W. Jones David B. Pursley Terry C. Jordan Richard F. Raby David L. Kalbac Raymond L. Ramey Roy R. Kao Ching-Nan Rauls Gary L. Kaplan Mark S. Ray Charles T. Kemp Russell W. Ray James A. Kemp Wayne R. Ray Steven L. Killgore Ross D. Reid Jack A. Killian Christopher M. Reynolds Joseph C. Kirkbride Russell L. Rhine, George I. Jr. Kirmeyer Gregory J. Rhoads Randall L. Kistler R. Stanley Richardson Joe R. Kostic Dennis N. Ricks Dale L. Kramer John L.J . Ricono Marion P. Kratschmer Eric L. Riley Richard K. Kreider John E. Rinne Robert A. Kuebler Kenneth L. Ritter Danny J. Kuhar, William F. Jr. Robinson Guy M. Kuhn Thomas E. Rocchio, Frederick J. Jr. Kuss Joseph K. Rodebush James R. LaBoube Roger A. Roes, Theodore A. III Lane Edwin D. Roman Ronald J. Lane Ronald L. Rommelmann David W. Latta Gary S. Rooney Michael J. Latty, Charles C. Jr. Rosenkoetter Arthur I. Lee Chin-Ming Ross Lenard H . Leuschke Larry G. Rothermich Richard A. Lewellen Frank L. Rothwell Edward D. Lewis William R. Rowan James M. Litteken Kenneth W. Roy Ranjit K. Loudermilk, Abraham H. Jr. Ruhlman Harold W. Lueddecke Donald E. Rusch Neil R. Lupberger David D. Sanchez Renato Mahlandt Joseph N. Sanocki Peter W. C . Malcolm Steven J. Schaeffer Michael J . Manning Thomas W. Schamel; Walter S. III Mastalio Kim I. Schellmap Leon H. (Max) Matoesian David H. Schliwa Carl W. Matthews Jerry L. Schmidt Michael G. McBride Thomas D. Schmidt Thomas E. McClain Gregory E. Schmitz James F. McClure, Nathaniel D. IV Schnake Alvin E. McCormick David W. Schnarr James E. McGa th Michael R. Schottel Jimmy D. McKee Robert J. Schroll Dennis W. McKelvey James B. Schuck William J. McQuitty William R. Schwager John L. Meehan John J. Schwanke CarlO. Metz, Kenneth L. Jr. Sha Yung-Chau Meyer James W. Shea Dennis P. Meyers Jerry F. Sherrell Robert E. Midden Leo W. Sherrick Harold D. Mikkelsen Clark D. Shinn William K. Mirly Kenneth A. Shipman Charles S . Moore Be,.n L . Shriver Bryce L. Moore Theodore K. Si~more, LaMar T. Jr. Morgan Mark D. Smith Beverly D. Morie Richard E . Smith Ronald T. Morris Gordon E. Sober, James R. Jr . Morris James L. S pellman Daniel J . Morris James R. S tae bel Raymond J. Morris Larry D. Stager Scott P. Moss Kenneth E. Starke Dennis R. Mouser Gerald F. S tefansky Thomas P. Mundwiller John L . . Steimel David F. Murray Gregory M. Stephenson Michael W. Nau Steven N. Steury Thomas D. Navarro Richard A. Stuenkel Omar T. Neb 1 Thomas C . Suchocki Thomas P. Nekorchuk Russell L. Summers James B. Neri Lewis Sun Frank Y.S. Neumeyer Donald G. Swinny David W. Newcomb Gary L. . Swyers Don R. Nissing Kenneth J. Taylor Ce cil R. Nowak, Walter J . Jr. Taylor , Byron H. III Oliver Larry J.

Thompson Earl A. Thompson William M. Thomson Richard K. Threlkeld, Hubert R. Jr. Tolle William L. Tsay Liang-Juan Tsay Yeong-Jin Tung Chung-Yuan P. Turen tine James W. Umphenour Charles F. Van Besien Alphonse C. Vaughn Paul E. Viehweg Ronald G. Vineyard William F. VonDemfange, Walter C. Jr. Wagner John R . Wakefield Clyde F. Walk Howard J . Wang Jaw- Kuang Ward Richard F. Warner John R . Webb Robert J. Weber J. Scott Weber Lawrence E . Wedge W. Keith Wege James R . . Weigand Robert W. Weigel David A. Wesely Robert J . . Whitaker Rodney E. Whitehead James D. Wiegele George L. Williams Anita L. Williams Richard K . Wilson Dyle B . Windish Michael W. Wolff Thomas F. Wolgamott Monte L. Wolters David J . Wong Yuan - Nin Wortman Darrel E. Wunderlich Daniel F. Yao Peter S. Younker Forrest A. Yowell, Robert H. Jr. Zaborac T. Alan Zagar Robert A. Zelms Jeffrey L . Zieger, James B. Jr. Zylich Ronald G .

1971 Abdel- Latif A . Ismail Alkemeyer Charles H. Arant William S. Arnold Kenneth B. Ash , Richard L. Jr. Barrett Arthur L. Barrow Anne W. Bartlett Gary R. Bartlett William L. Bartley, William H. Jr. Bauman William J. Beckmeyer Russell R. Beilstein W. James Belgeri, James J. Jr. Bell James A. Bendapudi Kasi V. Benezette Robert.I E. Benoy Leslie D. Bentzinger Robert Berkbigler Larry W. Bitter, Robert F. Jr. ' Boevingloh Jeffrey J . Bondi James O. Bondurant David W. Borchardt Joseph G. Brendel Ronald A. Brinkman Robert G. Buckwalter John R . Budd Vincent J '. Bulla Robert C. Burke Larry R.

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February 1989

Butchko Robert G. Callanan David M. Camp bell Larry W. Carter Hal E. Center, John H. Jr. Chapman James M. Chen Tak-Ming Chenoweth John S. Chiang Joseph S. Chouarain Michael L. Choura Ronald G. Clapper Michael B. Clark Bruce B. Clar k Norman L. Clark Robert E. Clemons Roger D. Conner Danny R. Cook Henry B. Cook Michael M. Counsil John R. Creason Gary W. Deaver Randall L. Dippold Jack D. Djahanguiri Farrokh Donze Terry W. Downing Kenneth B. Dudheker Jay Dufner Carl D . Edwards David L. Eimer, Richard W. Jr. Elliott Joseph O . Erickson Gordon L. Estep Ronald L. Etezadi Bijan Etwert Charles M. Fair Michael W. Faletti James A. Farmer Steven J. Farrell John S. Field Terry M. Fischer Daniel D. Flatt William S. Flowers Daniel H. Flye Russell E. Forrest Ryan L. Franklin Stephen R. Freese Karl L. Gallup Archibald M: Gatewood Fred L. Gaus Ronald C. Gaw Martin T. Gayer John G. Gibbons Cheryl A. Gladish Lee A. Gold Robert L. Goldfarb Marvin A. Grabski Stanley E. Graham John T. Graham Ronald A. Gray Howard W. Green Richard C. Grieve Terry L. Gucciardo Terry A. Haberl Eugene H. A. Halter Edward M. Hanger Steven C. Hausman Daniel P . Havens Marvin R. Hayden Thomas M. Hazen Michael R. Hellwege James W. Herron William M. Ho Kuang C . Hochstatter Brian R. Holm, John W. Jr. Hooper James W. Hubbard Robert D. Hudson, Benjamin Jr. Ibarra Cheryl A. Ingersoll Charles J. . Jacks, Robert W. Jr. Jackson Hershel A. Janowski Gerard A. Janssen James A. Johnson Barry R. •




Sanders Dee Ann Sandhaus Henry W. Schaefer David D. Scherrer Paul K. Schmaltz Robert G. Schneider James R. Schnyder, Herbert J. Jr. Schulze Roy E. Seabaugh Allen W. Shanes Charles W. Shelton John F. Sherwood Robert E. Siesener Robert M. Simon David M. Simpson, Daniel E. Jr . Sleboda David S. Smart Robert F. Smith G. Dan Smith Gregory P. Smith Robert E. Smith Wayne D. So Richard K. Stanfield Dennis E. Struckhoff, Robert M. Jr. Stucker John . R. Talb~rt Keith E . Tayloe Charles H . Taylor .-: Arlan R. Teisa Emil J. Templer . Jerry J. Thoroughman William C . Torgeson David N.

Benitez Juan A . Benton James R. Berkbigler Kenneth A. Berry Robert T. Blalock Randy W. Boshears Jimmy L. Boyd Stephen J. Brannan Randall J. Breckinridge Dana W. Brown Robert G. Browning Norman L. Burke Steven M. Burke Teriel E. Busch Kenneth L. Butts James D. Cain W. George Carmichael Dwight E. Carson Alan W. Chenoweth Daryll W. Chien John F. Christen Randolph F. Clifton Arlene K. Cobble James J. Collings James R. Crow Michael L. Curry Robert W. Curth F. Oscar Davidson Keith G. DeClue Gary L. Dieckmeyer, Orrin J. Jr. Doerr Robert M. Dunn Wyatt M. Eckelkamp Ronald M. Edwards Gary D . Edwards, John W. Jr. "While in school, I received a couple of scholarships that Egbert Robert 1. made it possible for me to complete my education. Others Ernst William G. made it possible for me, so I feel a responsibility to help curEyermann Thomas J. Ferguson Gary E. rent and future students. Finazzo James A. "I've also found that UMR alumni have an advantage in Finley Robert L. the workplace because of the reputation of the university and Fletcher C. Scott the ability to network effectively with other Rolla graduates in Ford Leland W. the business community. Therefore, my gift will assist in Forsee Gary D. maintaining that reputation." Freeman Raymond A. -Mary Klorer, '81, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Frisbee Daniel E. Gaal John A . Gatrost Archie F . . . , . : \ . : . ' ,.,' ' '': - ' Gloff Richard H. Godwin Charles P. Miller Phillip C. Trentmann Norman E. Grana Dominic J. Turner .Stephen L , Mitchell Charles E. Gundy Douglas G. Visintainer David A. Mohalley Robert P. Gunn Richard E. Vogt Carl M. Moline Daniel D. Halbert Jeffery L. VonKaenel Frederick W. Moor Clin'ton H. Hanes, LOuis W. Jr. Wagner Terry L. Moore Ronald T. Hanke Brett L. Welsch Paul L. Morrison Donald J. Han son Steve A . Wendt Alvin E . Morrison, Robert R. Jr. Hao Wuu Wethington Robert L. Nenninger Wayne M. Harris George L. Whitford Jerald L. Nolan Lawrence E. Hawkins John W. Wicke Gary W. Nolfo Andrew P. Headington Frank C. Widner Gary W. Olson John W. Hearst Dale M. Williams Kenneth Overal Harry J. Hellrich Linus H. Williams Raymond R. Pagan Ronald C. Herrmann James R. Winfield, Frank Jr. Pandey Shashi K. Hibbard George L. Wolfington Kerry P. Parker John M. Ho Vivian K. Wood Richard A . Parkes Roger D. Holliday Robert L. Workman J. Douglas Penhollow Bert G.H. Hopkins Douglas A. Wulff C. Stephen Pittman Larry P. Hunding, Carl W. III Wussler Alfred J. Polich, Victor J. Jr. Hunyar Daniel C. Yancey Roger L. Pottinger Jan M. Ibarra, Santiago J. Jr. Yeh Shen K. Potucek Martin Jackson Jerry R. Zlatic Milton T. Powell Charles E. Jesse Hugh A. Raithel James F. Jilg Michael J. Redington Stephen L. Jones Alan Wayne Regan Joseph P. Jung Richard A. Reiss, John Jr. Kaempfer Christopher Anderson John R. Richardson Alfred G. Kalter Charles J. Bachmann Da vid E. Richardson David N. Karably Louis S. Bakhru Prakash U. Robinson Edward C. Keith Warren N. Baldus, Melvin W. Jr. Robinson Gordon D . Kepley Gary L. Bartoli Ernest C. Ross Michael W. Kessler Bruce S. Beale John O. Roush Ronald L. Riel Gerald W. Beebe Jack R. Routburg Michael .S. Kifer Kenneth K. Belsha Peter J. Sandella Michael :S¡. Klein Robert E . ~~ .~ ~). l\.'~,',' >.," ,'," ._' . '~'." . \ \ ~:. . , ~ \......... , Johnson, Leland R. Jr. Jones David R. Jones James H. Kang Shin S. Katin Jon D. Kehr William R. Kennedy, William F. Jr. Kerscher Thomas E. Kim Woo Hyung Kirchner Frank S. Klotz James A. Kraus Norman V. Kroupa Allan R. Kuhn Terrel E. Lakie Leslie A. Lammers Dennis R. Laney Robert L. Lawson Montie R. Lee George L. Little, Murvel M. Jr. Luth William L. Maher Gerald F. Manusmare Purushottam G. Marshall David B. Martin William R. Mayo Howard D. McCormick Larry L . McCormick Robert S. McInerney Bernard M. McKinney William M. Meng James C. Merwin James R.










,( .....

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MSM Alumnus

. 24

Kocher Frederick L . Kohlberg Arthur A. Konradi Keith E. Krie gshauser , Paul C. Jr. Kuenze.r Richard R. Kuspa John P . Larcker David F. Lauth John A. Lee Don I . Lepper Stephen P. Leslie Russell E . Loiseau, Paul B. Jr . Lu Vivian K . Luzynski Lawrence H. Lyon James S. Marek James D. Markussen Merritt K. Martin Russell J . Mathur Ellen G. Mathus Steven C. Matthes, Alfred W. II McBroom Thomas J . McClain Gregory D . McCormack, Howard F. Jr . McSpadden Alan W. McWilliams, Roscoe R. Jr . Meldi Ronald L. Merten Peter M. Minden Francis J. Miodunski Robert L. Montague Ellen G. Moody . Robert A. Moore Joseph R. Moots Paul C . Mueller Kent W. Mugan John W. Mulligan, James A. III Myers Kenneth R. Myers, Charles T. III Nagel Gerald A.. Nagy Joseph G. ' Nash Zebulun N\'llson Frederick E. Nelson Steven F. Nethington ' Dennis R. . Nielsen Jim L. · North Michael A. Ochoa Juan Guillermo Oestreich Melvin C. Oliver Daniel L. Olson Charles E. Orella Gary J. Oster Kenneth B. ,

Summers, A. Lawrence Jr. Sylves ter Dennis G. Taylor Michael E. Taylor P hilip G. Taylor Roger K. 'fenfelder John W. Thompson Thomas G. Tibbits Michael B. Toth Rob e rt C. Trancynger Michael L . Verkamp John R. Vogelpohl David R . Vornber g Robert W. Walker, Harvey C. Jr. Ward Joseph R . Wassilak John R. Weber Marvin L . Weekley j Martin L. Jr. Welker Dennis J. Werthman, John P. Jr. Widmer Re"x C. Witte Donald R. Wong Hau-Tak Woods, Roy B. III Woosley David E. Zimmer Pa!-ll A. Zinselmeier Albert E .

Fadem Craig L . Fehlig Mark G . Fe nnewald Gary J. Fette rman Phillip S. F is c her Ludwig J . F itzp at rick William J . F le tcher Stanley T. Fortune James R. Freiberger, Ke nn eth H .. Jr . Fr it chie .Denis R. Frossard Gary J. Fulkerso n, Francis M. Jr. Garrison Stephen L . Gastreich Kent D . Gauss Montie J. Gaye r Evelyn L : Giles William E. Gonzenbacq Jack E. Greco David E. GrQtefendt Rande H. , ., Hall Davi d A . Halsted David L. Hamilton James R. Hanneken Michael A. Ha rris Gerald L. Heincker William R. Hellrich James H . Henderson Gary R. Hendren Larry L . Hillhouse Jim L . Hinkle K. Daniel Hoffman Ronald J. Akers Thomas D. . Horton Roger L. Alverson V. Michael Hunsicker James C. Anderson Gary S. Iler William J. Anderson Glenn R. Janes Lyle ·F. Anderson Michael B . jansky Jonathon P. Baker John W. Jurgens, Carl A. Jr. Barry David L . Kahle Thomas A. Beckmeyer Margy A. Keating John M. Behan Thomas A. Key John L. . Bergman Barry M. Killinger John C. Bergner Larry G . Kleinrrian Robert A. Ber k bigler Kathryn M. P . Kluba Denis M. Black, Harold E. Jr. Kluge . Rolland H. Bland Garrett D . Knoll David A. Bland Michael P. Koewing James W. Blattel Steven R. Kolta Adel Z. Borusiewich Daniel A. Kramer Roger L. Bosky Marie L. Krasner Herbert C. Bowie, James E. Jr . Kroeter David W. Braun, Joseph F. Jr. Kuechenmeister Kenneth W. Bremer Wayne P. Brockgreitens, Bernard E. Jr.Kumar Atluri B.R. Kunkel, Arthur K. III Brown, Thomas S. III Kuntz Richard D. Brunner Larry A. Lamano Larry L. Bruns, Bernard A. III Lane William L. Burchfield Thoma,S E. Langemach Carol A. Butts Michael C. Larson Dennis W. Byrne James M. LeBrell Charles R. Byrne Patrick M. Ledbetter Terry J. Carter Karen S. Lederle Gary J. Chinn Terry L. Chumley Timothy G. Lee Hermes Coartney Charles R. Lett Steven K. Colter Kim D . . Lewis Law'rence L. .,."" .. ,., Cora Jay K. Lick John D. Court Michael R. Lindstrom' John A. Cunningham William P. Linsenbardt Thom'a's L. ~'·""· '·. ' ) ' }' Davies Carol A. Loud Gary D. Da vis Michael F. Magger. t Gary · G. Degel Frank C. Marienfeld Mark L. Dekold Joseph M. McAllister Michael R. Dempsey Randall G. McAlpin J. Gary Denney Gary G. McClure David T. Dickof Frank A. McGinty Charles C. Dierker Steven B. Meehan Jarries R. Dixon, Vewiser L. Jr. Miller, Clarence M. III Doering Dennis N. Milne Robert J. Dumser Paul J. Milton Zenapha J. Earnest Randal E. Montague Michael W. Ebbesmeyer David J. Moore Darryl Eck James M. Morris Charles C. Edele James S. Mount William H . Elkins Ronald G. N <lnce Terry J. Emanuel Richard L. Nax John C.


Pantelis Paul N. Park Dean A. Parker Ronald D. Parsons, Clyde T. Jr. Partridge Ralph M. Pattiz Perry A. Peters John W. Phipps John O. Pitt Dale M. Price G. Lynn Puettmann David R. Rector Stephen W. Reynolds Keith D. Rogger Wilbert R. Rush Steven D. Salmon Jerry R. Scheibel Thomas E. Schlett Paul E. Schmoldt Hans K. Schoenefeld, Karl F. III 'S chuessler Richard B. Schultz Kenneth N . Sicking Mark A. Sindel, Marvin V. Jr. Smith Gary A. Smith Russell D . . Spector Stanley M. Stahl Le Roy W. Stanley Robert L. Stehly Daniel W. Stephens Dennis L. Strattman Douglas H. "
















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North John E. Obermeyer Dusty W. Qgden, James N. III Og le ][. Ri chard OligsC'hlaeger Dav,id Ordij3 Victor Owens Ros e mary F. Patterson, J . Scott Jr. Payne John R . Ped e rson Pa ul E. P(~ndel'g l' ass Dennie L . Perry Larry D. Petermann Ernie W. Peters Richard E. Petty Keith A. Peveler Michael W. Pickell Mark .B. Poe, Earl J. In Preston Robert P . Prewitt Roger M. Rambo\Y Frederick H . K. Raterman David C. Reel Dana . V . Rees Paula Hudson Remley Richard C. Rice Margy A. Ritter Joy L. Robertson Stephen L . Rocoberto Michael Rois Rosemary F. Rorab.augh James I. Ryan Joy L. Sallas John J .. Sample Sarah D. Scanlon Itobert J. Schafermeyer Richard G. Schilling John R . Schindler George A. 'L, Scott Larry L. Scott Stewart A. S.h ofner Terrence D. Simmons Curt A. .~ , Sit Steve Skain John C. Skasick Steven M. Skelly James B. Slovensky Richard C. Smith Richard A. Stanze David C. Stein John L. Stewart Robert L. Stewart Roy T. Stritzel David L. Suetterlin Kenneth M. Swoboda Alexis C. Tattitch Stephen T. Taylor Charles Ray Taylor Donald D. Tibbits Dean L. Timme Robert G. Tindill John J. Tsao Yu W. . Vaeth Richard M. Viox David F . . Wade Edward N. ) Walz Michael A. Watkins Wesley S. Weddle Philip ' B . Wegener Curt L. vleidler Gary R. Werner Kenneth W. Whiteside John W. Wilhelm Daniel L. vlilh elm s Steven C. Willoughby...- Ronald D. Wilson Chris D. Wilson Willis J. Wurtz · Mark T. Young Terrill A .

1974 Adams J ohn E. Aiello Joseph · A.



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Alb er't Ronald C. A lti s Martin E. Ammons Harry L . /\nc! ( ~ r'son Denn is R. ' i\ tkins Paul F. Bachman, William G. Jr. Bachmann Roy O. Baker DeAnn Baker Richard M. Barkalow Thomas W. o Barker Charles E. Billington John T . Blac k John F. Blackmore Michael J, Blase John J. Bohn Ellen B. Bolin Donald H. Bonczyk Bruce S. Borgmeyer Marvin E. Boyd Scott S . Brennecke Robert A, Bridges Steven D. Briggs James A. Bross David K . Brueckmann Michael A. Campbell Doug~s E. Camp bell John R. Cerulo Michael E. Cesare Joseph A. Cherry Ellen B. Clausen Edgar C , Clavenna Mark D. Coates Willard D. Codespoti Daniel J. Cortopassi Steven A. Critchfield John W. Curdt . J. Calvin Dahl Jerome P. Deaver Elizabeth E. Degenhardt Dean A. Dirkers Suzanne M. Duenckel Robert J. Dunford Randall B. Dupont Steven J . Durst Margaret M. Elgin Richard L. Engberg Robert A. Enloe Bruce A. Feldmann Mark A. Foil James L. Fontine lle Robert C. Frager Alan R. Gaia Mark A. Galli Donald H. Gant Dawn E . Gibson John W. Gibson Kristie C. Gilbert John A. Gresham John D . Grotefendt Judith R . Hadley Susan H. Hall Donald E. Hall Stephen W. Hallford Daniel V . Ham John S. Hamilton John W. Hamilton Kenneth C. Hammel Lawrence 'vi. Harding Jack E. Harris, Norman A. Jr. Harrison · Diana L. Havens Vance N. Hayes Thomas E. Hayes Thomas R. Head David W. Heavin Jerry W. Hempler Robert G . , Herrick Cecilia M. Hervey Steven R. Heuckroth Mark W. Heuckroth William E. Higgins Arthur J. Hildebrandt Robert L. Hoeflinger Larry J . Howell Stephe n H.

February 1989



Hudiburgh, Gary W. Jr. Hughes William Joe ]-Iupp Kenton L . Hurst, Lindell R. Jr. Hutchison Gary L. Iden Douglas C. Ivers Jeffrey L. Jessey David R. Jones J ames S. Kaplan Nic holas Keeling Michael F . Kerns Danny L. Kerns Randy G. Kieffer Thomas P. Kinsella Michael J . Ki:r:k, Charles P. Sr. Kornacki Alan S. Krener , Gilmore W. Jr. LaFollette Richard E . Lakebrink Stephen P. Larkins Richard R. Latal Danny L. Legal Robert P. Legate John E. LeGrand Rodney J . Lenz Richard G . Lenz Sandra M. Lewis DeAnn Lewis Neal A. MacMann Paula J . Mall Michael G. McFarland Dan L. McKee Richard H. McKinney James L. McLain Sandra M. McMillian Richard D '. McPhe rson Billy R. Meier Dennis R. Melton John R. Merritt, Donald B. Jr. Mertz . Denny W. Messina Anthony ,0. Millard Michael Lee Miller Michael J. Moffett Donald. L. Mon ie, Russell D . Jr. Motherwell Jonathan T. Mu s smon Richard W. Neumann Nicolaus P. Padgett Samuel C. Pariani Gary J. Payne Richard D. Perriguey Roger W. Peterson Jerry D. Pike Robert L. Poeps e l Margaret M. Pol akowski David R. Polette Pa ula J. Pool John M. Post Michael A. Queathem Robert L. Raab Charles L. Ragan Michael E . Randall Harvey G. Rapple an Kenneth J . Rastorfer, John E. Jr. Reddy Thomas E. Rehkop i ~T,~ omas G, 11 Rice David A . Rich Jerry L. Ritchie David A. Robertson William G. Roe Denne L. Roth David J. Rothschild Susan H. Rousselot Michael D. Russell Joseph Kensey Sager David A. ... Sander s Marion S . Saporita Vincent J. Saxon Dav id L . Schade Step hen S. Schankman Mark S. Schlem per Leon I. Schmittgens Greg.:-:y M.

S c hoe llbeck Donald W. Schue ssler Dawn E . Schwartz Andrew J. Se lim Ali A. Sewell Steven L. Sheahen David J. Skosey George A. Smith Kenneth E. Smith Ricky D. Smith Willard B. Souders Steven W. Spalding Ronald K. Speck Robert C . Spradlin Stephen R . Staponski Randall E. Steele Kevin Stegner George D . S teinnerd Donald J . Struckhoff J ohn J. S·trunk, Gregory M. Jr. Suellentrop Stephen G. Talb ott David L. Taylor Ronald R. Teefey, John J . Jr. Terry Michael L . Thalhammer Mark G. Tiehes Robert V . Todd Elizabeth E. Toth Diana L. Tra~elstead Charles W. Umphreys Ray E . VanHouten James H. Volkaitis, George L. Jr. Walker Joseph D. Walsh John G. Warfield David M. White Mark D . Whitson Michael E. Wilks Roland R. Williams, Robert M. Jr. Wilson Judith R. Wood Barry K. Young David M. Ziercher Suzanne M. \



Abbott James W. Adams Eric B. Algaier Mark D. Baker Bruce D . Barrack Nicholas E. Bechtold M. Scott Bell Arthur H . Berning, Duane E . Jr. Bertram Jeffery P. Beuke Michael S. B ier Patr ick K. Birk Robert H. Black Danny R. Blauvelt Dav id S. Bode nhamer Steven D. Boehme Vernon P. Boiles John 'H . Boon Thomas S. Borcherding, Donald A. Jr. Borowiak Thomas G. Brake Michael B. Brendel Jerome C. Brewer, Carl A. Jr. Broshears · William E . Brown Ricky J. Brugger Patrick H. Burke Kim A. Burnham Joseph L. Carlstrom George M. Chapman Stephen R. Chappel Harry A. Chen Wen-Liang W. Chou Bor-Shin Clark Mary Lynn Clayton Barbara J. Cole Jimmy D. Colvin David A.

Congia rdo Mark R . Cooper Charles M. Cravens Rob e rt C . Daniells, Charles P. Jr. Dolson George M. Easterly Michael M. Ebert Joseph J. Ellis Thomas B. Erickson Alan G . Erickson Christina K. Ernst, William K. Jr. Finley Larry R . . F orster Terry J. Francis Claude E. Freese Guy R . Fricke James R . Frueh Richard H. Galbierz Bruce E. Garnett Michael J . Goyer Randolph W. Greenley Jack W. Hamil Patrice M. Hanshaw Michael J . Harman Pa trice M. Harris Stanley J. Hartmann John C. Held Bernard D. Henry Douglas J. Higgins Jerry D . Hillhouse Michael D . Hinkle Delores J . Hitt Robert S. Hoffman Janice M. Hoffman Wayne L. Holcomb Steven K . Holmes Roger E . Hopkins A. Ray Huang Jong-Chin Hunt Ronald D. Hurley Kenn~ th W. Irvine William D. James Delores J. Jansen Robert P . Jinkerson Kenneth R. Kambol Stephen f'.. . Kaufman John M. Keller Roger Lee Kissack Robert W. Knoch James W. Koehler David E . Kopp Richard J . Kunderman Vincent J. Kurz Cleve A. Kuse Gary D. Larkins Lawrence J . Leemann Gary D. Leitterman Pamela A. Lewis Da vid R. Linker Rodney E. Lohman Edward J. Lorenzen Stanley D. Lucas, Bernard C. Jr. Lueck~nhoff William F. Lupo Michael V. Maddox Hubert R. Mahn Michael A. Marse Kenneth J. Marsh Janet E. Marting .John J. McBride Gregory C. McCartney Clifford A. McElhiney Daniel L. Meisenheimer Clifford S. Mertens Ferdinand J. Meyer Steve A. Micnhimer Terry L. Miesner Thomas O. Miller Randy B. Mittler Thomas J. Muckerman David K . Mueller Larry E. Myers Kenneth L. Nash Terry S. Nguyen Kho H. Opfer Frank M.



MSM A lumnu s

Pasc h ke Alle n J . ·P a trick We sley C. Patrick William W. Pinaire Ron ald Powell Raymond F . Prater, Raymond B . Jr. Prudic Dav id E. Quinn Michael J. Rakestraw Robby Ray Rauch Peter C . Reading Douglas A. R e chtie n Thomas J. Reed Thomas J. Reynolds Martin K. Riggs , James M. Jr. Roach Mary Lynn Robb Bryan C. Roberts Ronald R. Rodgers Edward W. Roy Daniel C. Rushton Melvin A. Schaefer James V. Schaefer Melvin G. Schmidt Michael T. Schneider Thomas P. Schuler David P. Shcolnik David H. Sieber Mary L . Simpson Donald E. Singer Richard J. Sinn Larry F . Skibiski Kevin C . Starke Stephen E. Starkweather Michael H. Steele Anthony A. Steele Donald D. Steen Kenneth B. Stein, Clarence R. III Stellern John L. Storck W. Fred Sweet Darrell L. Temme Ronald C. Tesar Mark W. Thatcher David A. Thebeau Pamela A. Timmermann George J . Treasurer Roberta L. Trnka Mary L. Trower Ronald B . Tsukamoto Tadashi Tyler, L. John Jr. Underhill Thomas N. Unks John D . Varwig, William H. III Ward Terry L. Weaver, Roland S. III Wegman John L. Wehmeyer Dennis B. Welch Bernard J. Wenk Dan K. Wester~ayer John C. Wilhelm Roberta L. Williams Dewayne B. Williamson Richard F. Wisch David J. Wood Dennis L. Wurth Richard T. Zgraggen Thomas R.

1976 Abney Paul A. Ahal William R. Ahrens June K. Anderson Charles A. Arndt Terry L. Atkeisson Randal A. Austin Margot H . Bagnall Kent A. Bagnall Lindsay L . Bailey Wayne P. Barclay David A. Bares La rry F. Bates Va le ntino T .


Baumhoff Willia m B. Beck er Kathryn A. Benson William A . B iddle Myron H. B oden hame r Charles R. Bookout Barry D. Boxx James P . . Bradley David R . Brandt Robert R . B r aun Robert P. Bray Lana J. Brothers Ste phen A . Brown Michael D . Bruno Judith M. Burton Robert E . Cannon, George E . Jr. Carter John D . Castor Lawrence W. Chambers David J . Charpentier Scott D. Chronister Donald J. Coberly David L. Coleman Kim C. Cottrell Ricky H. Coursen Denise K. Crane Russell J. Culter John D. Dabler, Edward R. Jr. Dalen Mar k D. Denner David K. Denner Denise M. DiNapoli ' Michael A. Dolle Gary L. Donovan William P. Duggan John P. Dulin Catherine L . Eckert Fay E. Eckert Stephen G . Edney John W. Ehrhard William E. El- Ba.z Hazim Elifrits C : Dale Emmerich Michael L. Feldmann John C. Ferry Joseph D. Fischer Thoma s .W. Folta, Joseph E . Jr. Frederickson Jon P. Freeman Douglas L. Garner Harold R . Gilbert Steven R. Gilliam Allen E. Gower Deborah K. Griese James C. Haigh Bruce W. Hammers William L. Hand Kathryn A. Headrick Victoria K. Helmkamp Robert E. Herman Charles Herman John D. Hesse Paul J. Hicks Gregory K . Hicks Mark T. Hilleary Alexander L . Hilligoss Edwarc;l. A. Hilton Robert E. Holloman Victal' E. Huff Gregory M. H ummel Robert J. Jackson Ronald E. Jackson Steven D. Jaeger John J. Jerome Michael L. Kelahan Robert C. Keller Melvin W. Klouzek Ronald D. Krebs Danny J. Kuhn Catherine M. Kuhn Dav id H . Kutz Anthony W. Lammer t Leland V . . Lan e Charles A. Leach Rodney W. Lee Darrell R.

Lee J He Yon Le itte rman De nni s W. Le onard James V. Le wis Jeffery L. Lie bel Cra ig A. Light Deborah K. Light James P . Livengood Kim C. Lomax Lindsay L. Lovasco Denis e M. Lueck e nhoff Michael J. L u etkemeyer Kenneth E. Mahin Clifford A. Mangoff, John N. Jr. Marikos Mark A. Marshall Richard J. Mateer Mark W. McCann Lewis A. McCartney Jill A .. McCoy Thomas H. McCubbins Susan K. MeGa v ock Michael" W. McMillan Druery W. McNeal Philip W. Meister William G. Melcher Richard W. Meyer Thomas E. Miehe William K . Mink David W. Morrill Kim M. Moyes Thomas L. Mudd Richard W. Muenks Caroll D . Mullen Michael J. Niemann David W. Oberdick R. Kevin Offutt, Joseph C. III Ostrodka David L. Parrish Duane L. Proctor , Frank . E. Jr. Pruitt Jame.s S . Puetz William C. Rath John A. Rembold Ronald J . Rhodes Gary W. Riley Linda K. Sampson, Rodney J. II Searl' Richard A. Schelin John A. Schenke Karl R. Scherrer Leo J. Schmale MarkW. Scholl Catherine M. Schubert Fay E. Schwab Lawrence R. Schwager Sally S. Scott Lana J. Shoemaker Larry W.. Simon Dennis M. Simon Kim M. Sinn Eliza beth A. Skillman Daniel W. Skipper David J. Small Sally S. Smith David B. Smith, Marcus L. Jr . Stack Irvin R. Stellern Catherine L. Stewart James S. Sutton David L. Suwal Gajendra M. Sweetser Victoria K . Swenty Brian J. Swinarsky Gerald Telthorst Paul J . Terschluse Gary F. Thompson David F. Tibbits Patrick A. Toombs Howard L. Torres John P. Turner, James M. Jr. Underwood Daniel H. Vail Roger I . Van Praag Jeffrey R. Vasel Melvin F.

Verheyen Paul E . Vessell Royce L. Virtue Steven C . Vlcek Robert W. Wassilak Jeffry P. Weiland Edward G. Welshon, R. Allen Jr . Westermayer Jill A. Whiteside Terry L. Wiese ChaTles W. Wilkerson Susan K. Wille Matthew J. Wilson Judith M. Woes sner Michael E. Wohlert William D. Wood James D.

1977 Allen Bruce H. Alsberg Charles F. Alvey Mark S. Andres Paul D. Ashrafzadeh Azarnoosh Bakhshi Virendar S. Bingaman Donald C. Bischof Steven P . Boegner Philip J. Brickner Timothy G. Bruns John M. Brzuchalski Dale A. Brzuchalski Debra M. Buck Jeffrey E. Burgi Jill B. Buzbee Terry D. Ca wlfield David W. Christians William R. Claus Jeffrey J. Colvin Kathleen M . Cook Aaron L. Cover Theodore L. Cowan Keith J. Cravens Lessa· R. Cullen Mary D . Dallas Robert P. Denton Randy G. Derbak Gregory S . Drumm Thomas M. Duff Harrell L. Eckelkamp James T. Eloe Paul W. Ewens Joy M. Filla Michael J. Fitzmaurice Richard R . Fronick David H. Fuchs Douglas B. Gallagher John B. Gentry Timothy W. Gianino Kenneth M. Giesler Arthur L. Gioia Joseph M. Grelle James E. Haggard Henry, E. Hamilton Leslie R . Hampel Richard G. Hanus Jill B. Hastey, James P . Jr. Hatcher, Price III Heller Clarence J. Herman Herbert H. Hertfelder Warren \oJ. Hilt David W. ~Hofman Jerry L. Hoog Timothy J. Hummert, James B. Jr. Johnson Stanley C. Kausch, Michael J. Jr . . Kelley David D. Kent Clark K. Kersting Debra M. Kinnett Douglas e. Kirn Michael D. Klie Ross R.

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February 1989

Kobylinski Edmund A. Koch Daniel B. Koch Stephe n J . Kolze Thomas J . Kossina Paul G. Kunce Ralph D . Lampe Dominic P . Lampe Steven W·. Leonard Kay E. Leonard Robert G. Lincicome James D. Livengood Ross D. Lobbig Michael O. Logan Terry D. Loos, Louis G . II MacGlashan Mark L. Marx Michael A . Masnor Marc L. Mattes, Roy J. Jr. McDonald Mary D. McGrath, George M. Jr. Meyerkord Kathleen M. Middendorf John R. Miller Steven B. Minne Eric M. Moore Randall L. Morgan Twyla D . M'osby Randall L. Murrell Scott L. Myers Rodney S. Naeger Robert J. Neary Gordon F. Nielsen Kurt S. Northup, John H. III Owens Terry A. Panhorst Terry L. Pelech Jack Perry David L . Post Steven W. Price Peter T. Price Sean E. Rabaduex , James E . Jr. Rauzi Thomas J. Reid Billy W. Renner John W. Roe bke Gary E. Ruhling Gary A . Ryan Mark E . Sammet Dennis M. Sample William G. Schnettgoecke Lambert G . Schnoebelen, Paul C 'III Sebree Mark M. Shackelford Michael L. Sie benman, Richard B . Jr. Silies Leslie W. Smith David A . Smith Roger K. Spears Rick K. Steib Stephen S. Stutsman John V. Sudheimer Raymond A. Sudholt Terry A . Swinney Larry D. Thompson Joy M. Thorn David L. Valla Leo B. Van Houton D. Larry Vandeven Torie Ann Vogel Ern est F. Wacker Robert C . Walker John Weadon Timothy L. Weiss Michael W. 'Wenzlick John D. Whelan Francis D. White bay Lee E . Willett Nary J. Williams Ronald J. Winkler Richard P. Wyatt Bradley J. Young Clarissa C. Yow Michael G . Ziegler John A. .:,', ..

.1 ::


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1978 Abrams Lawrence K . Akinsanya Adebowale O. Amelu nke Michael M. Baker Ronald E. Balliew Elaine A . Baumann Richard E. Baumann Steven M Beauchamp Robert ·w. Behr Vance L. Bell Michael K Bernstein Crai'g S. Best Dana C. BestGr Ted F. Bezdek William J. Binz Daniel L . Bodenhamer Kevin C. Boeckman Michael W. Bonilla, Alfredo III Braddock Paul F . . Brisbee Mary B. Brittle Maria E. Brugioni Kenneth P . Brugnara Michael A. Brunts Stephen C. Buchheit Gerald J. Buffington Darrel L. Calla h an Susan L. Campbell William T. Cawvey J ames L. Chamberlain Ethan A. Christian Elaine A. Coffman Mary B. Cole Patrick L. Conde Dan iel C. Coonrod Neil R. Gothern · Douglas K. Da Silva Marcus K . Danuser Jon L . Davidson Glen R. Davis Alan L. Day Ramona E. Deckerd Ha rold L . DeThorne Jacquelyn M. Dohogne Leo R. Donahoe, James L. III Ellerbrake Brenda E . Engeman Ivan L. Erickson Kelvin T. Erler Gary A . Everett William M. Falconi Jacquelyn M. Fleck Kenneth S. Fosnach t Donald R. Ganofsky, John R. Jr. Goldammer Russell L. Goodlet Roger F . Gredell Thomas R. Green Alan W. Haferkamp Jeffrey J. Haynes Michael A. Heimbaugh Gary G. Heindselman, Verle J. Jr. Heiskell Do nald J. Heiss erer Melvin R. Hellman Richard H. Hemmann Howard N. Hepler Thomas E . Hoffman Martin D. Holcomb Charles L . Holland, David K. Jr. Holtgrieve Kenneth R. Huck Mark F. Hunicke James D. Hunter John J. Ivy, James M. II Jenkins William W. Jobes Robert M. Johnson Michael E. Johnson Robert J. Johnston Karl A . Kamler Patricia L. Kavanaugh Brian y,'.

Keaster Daniel J . Kelley Thomas D. Kertis Robert A. Kinchen Dennis J. Kuhlmann, Edward F. Jr . LambIe John E. Lang Gregory A. Lattner James R. Lauer Rick J . LautEmschlaeger . Steven D. Lawrence Jackie L. Lay Steven C . Lee Eduar do Le vings David M. Lewin Harold Lewis David B . Liescheidt Brenda E . Lincicome E. Dianne Little Jonathan L. Long . Gregory P. Loulselle Allan R. Mason Robert W. Mas se y Samuel L. Mathews }'red MI. Maxfield William L . Maxwell Gary R . May John M. McCallis ter Larry D . McCallister Terry D. McCarthy Rory M. McGee Rich ard E. McMinn Rita S . Mees David R. Melcher John P. Miller Keith C. Miller Mar k S. Mitchell Robert C. Mueller Rober t J . Muldoon Richard A. Newtown, Glenford A . Jr. Nichols William P. OIBrien, Joseph R. Jr . o IDell Daniel G. Ober mann David F. Olson Stephen A. Ostapowic z Phillip G. Parker James W. Parks James S . Party James M. Pears on Russell M. Pens e David L. Pl?rkins Gregory S. Pham Van Thanh Pippenger Jackie G . Posey Jack W. Pratt Michael L. Pyron John T. Ramirez William Ra u James T. Retluneyer Stephen J. Rin _ teven P. Rivero Sergio N. R oenfeldt Mark A. Rokh sa z Kamran Roney Bruce:Q. Rust-ige Gregory J. Schaefer Micha el E. Sch:;efer, Dona.ld B. Jr. Scharf David R. Schnell Robert J. See s David H. Seppelt Mark E. Serniak Steven G. Shah Pankaj C. Shoemaker Stephen H. Sika, i Tony Silver H. Ward Simac Michael R. Speer E . Dianne Statler David E. Steiner Robert M. Stevens Rita W. Stockhecker Rita S. Stolwyk John N. Strange Mark A.

Sutton James L. Taggart Gary J. Tenholder Robert J . Vaughn Kenneth L. Wagner Ramona E. Walther Donald G . Webber Rita W. Webers David M. Webster' Edward P. West rdaie Randy J. White Kevin D. Wilmsmeyer Maria E. Winter David G . Wong Eduardo Wootten John M. Wy koff Dale L. Zuiss Thomas J.

1979 Acker Ronald K. Arnold Nancy J. Baebler Matthew G . Bagley William C. Basler Michael J. Bauhof Frederick C . Belden David C. Bell, Ralph R. Jr. Benignu s Thomas D. Benton Reginald H. Benz Larry J. Beyer Brian J . Bilgram Walter R. Birchler Donal d C. Bird David M. Bissey Philip R. Bookout R ussell J. B oone J u d ith E . Brake Paul L. Brauks Craig W. Braun David G. Bredenkamp . Ronald C. Bridge s Thomas L. Brink James L. Brook Alan H. Bueler, Frederick J r . Burbridge Thomas E. Burg Kenneth M. Bush James A. Bush Susan J. Butler Ralph A. Calise Salvatore J. Campbell Wolfgang S. Carney Edwin R. Casaleggi Susan H. Chambers Maryann Clark George A. Cogan Daniel L. Conant Paul C. Cox Andrew W. Cox John M. Crane Lois M. Cromer Eric J. Curran Steven. M. Dale William M. Daniel Kathleen M. Diebold Stephen M. Dill Kathleen A. Ditch Mark A . Donaldson Keith L. Doyle Patricia A. Eales Christopher J. Eash John F. Eisele Renny L. Englehart William E. Etem Richard D. Eversoll Dana K. Faber Allen B. Feeler Steven S. Field Linn A. Fitzgerald Paul H. Fleddermann Kim E. Flynn Darrell C. ' Forck Glen F .

MSM Al um n us

Ford Stephe n P. Foster Milo G. Foste r , Kenneth R . Jr . Fu c h s Maryann Fulton Ann e Ga rdner Donald J . Gibler Carma J. Gladbach Joseph G. Glascock Dennis G. Grace William W. Greco David J. Greer Louis M. Hadley Stanton W. Hagale Thomas J. Harding, Alfred D. Jr. Hart J. Douglas Haubert Andrew E. Haug John B . Heideman Brian D. Heimburger Stanley A. Heineck David W. Heiskell Janice T. Hengel David P. Henson D. Kent Hill, James D . Jr. Hoedl Roberta L. Holcomb Timothy J . Holm Susan J . Hoormann Katherine A. Hovis Mark A. Hrenak, John A. Jr. Huffman Vicki L . Hummel John E. Isaacs Lewis W. Jacobi Carl L. Joern Vicki L. Johnson Stephen C. Jones Mark A. Justus Dayna K. Kallenberger 'Daniel L . Kaveler Paul R. Keeler, Robert D. Jr. Kelly Joseph M. Kemp, Wade O. III Kinsella Joseph J. Kirk Dallas L. Kovack Michael J . Krahenbuhl Mark D. Kremmel Terry L. Krusie Ronald S. Kuelker Eugene L . Kuo Li-Jen David Lang Stephen A. Lewis Jeffery S. Lewis, Lloyd D. II Linsenbardt James R. Lockington Steven M. Lorge David L. Lucas Karen L. Luehrman Lois M. Madden Timothy J. Maschek Thomas J. May Michael M. McBee John M. McFall, Richard W. Jr. McSherry James T. Melville, Frank A. Jr. Meyr Randy P. Miles ' Kathleen M. Milster David C . Minor Robert D . Morse Montgomery A. Myers Jimmie B. Naeger Dennis P. Neumann James P. Nguyen Tri Xuan O'Daniell Michael ' W. O'DeaI' Craig S . Pa gan J ohn C. Paul James T . Pesich Radisav L. Phillips Kevin D. Pile, Thomas N. Jr. Pokorny Eugene W. Poor Homer L .


Potthast S u san H . Priest Rober t M. Protte Gary R . P undma nn Joel A. Ree d Cr aig W. Richardson Karen L. Robinson Jerry N. Roper Judith E . Ros e nauer Thomas J. Ros e ner William J. Ruder Joseph ' A. Rudolph Roberta L. Runge Mark E . Rydzak Kim E. Sauer, Harry J. III Schisla , Robert M: Jr . Schmid Kenneth R . Schmitt Randall J . Schreiner Joel M. Schurk Mark J. Shaffer .Gary W. Shelden Kathleen A. Sherman Terry A . Skelly Mark L. Slusher Morgan P. Smith Keith A. Smith Raymond J . Stabo Robert N. Stalnaker Kevin W. St arling , James E. Jr. Stock Michael D. S tone Carma J. Sullivan Ste ven M. Sundvold Prescott D. Svatek Steven M. Talley, William S. Jr. Thorn Dallas L. Tickner Dianna K . Tochen Paula L. Tochen - Bell Paula L. Todd Ke vin S. Tomic Randall J. Tordoff David B. Underwood Gary L . Unnerstall, Lawrence H. J r . Veatch ' Ann E . Vilbert James S. Wayne Gregory L. Webb D!lvid L. Webb Richard A . Whitty Ann E. Wilson Lloyd C . Wilson Michael A. Wolf Lawrence D. Wood Teddy J. Yuhas Johanna M. Zimmer Donald W.

1980 Asfour Karim W. Ashton Harlan R. Bachman Clay C. Ballantyne John A. Barbour Koelle G. . Barkey Elizabeth C. Bates Thomas W. B e an Fred L. Be cher Margare t M. B een Robert J . Booher Paul D. Briggeman Leah I. Bright Paul K . Burstall Frederick C. B yn urn Michael R . Callahan Dana J. Chen Szu-Chain F. Ciardullo Da niel A. Clark Gary D. Clarkin Kevin B. Collins Diana L. Conrad Celia V. Cook Christopher C. Costello Patrick A.

Cotton Lois A. Crid er Jos e ph A . Cunningham Dana J . Daily Kristy K . Danzo Francis V. Defenbaugh Kristy K . Deister Robin R. Deken James G. Denison David G. DeShazo, Henry N . II Dickinson George R . Dittmaier Thomas A . Doctorman James R. Donovan Patricia L . Dorsett Deborah A . Doss Eddie H . Downer Karen M. Dulle Richard G. Durham James A. Dyer James A . Dykman John R. Eck Mark E. Ederle John A. Eggimann Keith A. Engelken Robert D. Engeman Diana L. Fieseler Catherine N. Fischer Steven J. Flaim Lynn M. Foy Debora h A. Fr ank William E. Frankenbach David G. Fulton Dwight D . F ulton Susan V. ,Gabris Joseph J. Gamewell Robe rt L. Gaston Rick L. Geerlings Jack F. Ge rstenkor n David A . Gla dden Robert A . Gla uz William W. Glos ie r Robe rt' A. Gray Robert Layton Grelle R e gina Guenther Donald E . Hackman Kendall B. Hagni Ann Marisa Hamilton Wayne A. Hardin Dennis E. Harwin Richa rd A. He ide Debra L. He im P a tricia L. Heneghan De an P. Henry Lindsey R. He r bert Karen M. Herman Lori J. Hildenbrand Timothy L . Hilke David L. Hoffman John G. Hofmeister, William R. Jr. Holman Daniel E. Holme s Lindy L . Holmes, William R. Jr. Hoolehan, James W. II Hrovat Kinleigh J. Iloputaife Obiajulu I. Jacobs Linda M. Joern Karl C . Johnson Isaac H . Johnson Theodis Kalchbrenner Todd J . Kang Inchul Keith Michael W. King Janet M. Kla vetter Elmer A . Klump Michael G. Kyser, Edward A. III Latina, Harry D . Jr. Lau MiIl;g Kit Le Quye n Cong Leach Susan A . Lee Donald J . Lee Dong Min Lee James D. Lewis J ,?seph C. '

Le wi s R e gina Loes ch Janet L. Loe sch Terry L. Lohmann Mary E . Madonna Linda M. Marfice James P. Martin Carole R. Martin Stanley O. Mathey, John D. Jr. McCarthy, Robert W. II McClanahan Clinton D. McEvilly Michael J. McGowan-Shaw Merrily A . McN icholl Daniel G . Michel Daniel K. Milks Stephen W. Miller John T. Millman Martin J. Mills Ma tthew J. Moning Russell R. Muehlfarth, Earl I. Jr. Nebbitt E. BruGe Nebbitt Lori J. Ng Daniel C.K. Nix William J. Norris Clay A. Null Steven B. O'Halloran John R. 'Palmer Scott A. P ayne Susan V. P e avle r Robert D. Pe nning Martin O. Peveler Kenneth E. Phillips James T. Porter Ted E. Presley Terry A. Pyron Ca therine N. Ranard Wesley J. R e hkop Lon Edward Reiter Janet L. Rirruney Jane t M. Ronchetto Gene C. Rosenauer Kinleigh J. Rotramel John D. Scheiter Gene L. Schelich Andrew C . Schimmelpfennig Michael A. Schmitt David W. Schneider Robert M. Sedrick Mary E. Shackelford Charles D. Shores Richard L. Simac David W. Smith David L. Smith Gerald K . Smith Kenneth C. Smith Mark S . Sparks Brent G . Sparks Lois A . Spreitler Mark L . Stafford Michael J. Stahl David W. Stassevitch Eric Stellner Mark S . Stelzer Eric H. S truemph ' Dennis J . Suellentrop Mark D. Sullivan, Thomas J. Jr. Tarr Gerald M. Tepper Brian J. Thebeau Patricia L. Theiler Celia V. Turner Susanna I . Urban Mark A. Vinh Tieu Viox Mark G. Volker James A. Walz Mark D . Wang John Tsang-Chi Wankum John L. Watson Kevin D. Weaver David L. Webster Phillip L. Weeks Greg A. Wehner Scott C.

. 28

February 1989


Werner Franc~ J. Wes sel James L . Wesselschmidt Keith D. West Jerry Doug Wille Robert J. Williams Timmy A. Winebright George M. Winter Benjamin P. Wolf Kevin N. Wozek J effr ey S. Yan William Y.R. Zimmerman Kenneth M.



Adams Tamara J. Adams, Rusby Gene Jr. Anderson John David Andrew Paul D. Angeli Bartholomew P. AI' gyros Themis V. Bahr Thomas Joseph Baldetti Paul G. Ball Tamara J. Baltz Richard A . Barnes Darlene Becker Patrick John Beckmann Karen L. Berry Christopher W. Bichel Scott B. Black Scott Edwin Bohler Scott J . Boll Dennis F. Bollinger Nancy J. Boone Michael W. Boyle William L. Bratcher Michael D. Braun ' Paul A. Broadhacker Dennice Bruner Samuel Louis <Brunts Randall T . Bryant Paul D. Busse David R. Butler S tan Martin Cadwallader Lee C. Campeau, Benjamin R. Jr. Cashner Fred R/. Cayse Robert W. Colborne Bruce J. Cooke Ka thleen J. Cooper Cindy D. Cooper NUchelle C . Cothern Charles K. Croessmann Charles D. Daily, Madison M. Jr. Danzo Kathleen j. Darst Jeffrey W. De la Roche Steven T . Detrick, George W. III Dewar Harold L. Dickinson Darian R. Dillon Donna Lee Dowlen DiarteE , . I~l Dreiling Randall G. Drew Cindy D. Dunlil,y ~I}rf, <- {phn . Dunlevy Robert Allen Eikmann Barry R. Ellerbrake Barbara E. Emanuel Duane Arthur Emhoff Rosemary Ann Ernst Gregg M. Euell, Billy G. 31' . Fearon Michael F. Fischer David M. Flannigan Michael J. Fleck NUchelle c . Fleiss Douglas N. Foehrweiser Gery R. Foster Rick Lynn Fox Terry J. Frederick Gerald L. Frick Elizabeth A. Gallagher Alissa M.

Gambill James M. Garner Steven L. Gentles Maureen C: George John W. Gettemeyer Glen R. Gilbert Jeffrey W. Grantham Bill A. Grassmuck Michael D. Gresko David M. Grooters Shellie K. Grounds Douglas R. Gvillo Mark Alan Hadley Rosalie J. Hammond Samuel Dale Hankins Benjamin Lee Hardy, Kenneth B. III Harig Maureen C. Harris Daniel W. Harris NUchael E. Harrison Mark R. Hart Edward E. Hart, John A. III Harvilla, Geor ge Jr. Hasselplug Diane C. Heim Reuben C. Heppermann Jeffrey J. Hiebert Yoelit Hannah Hierseman Mar k S. Hoffmann Robert J. Holst Timothy W. Howard Steven R . Howell Joseph W. Howell Lea Anne Hoyt Randal L . Huang Scott Lin Huber TerrY"R. Hubert BOI).nie S. Huck James Ronald Huck M'a rk StePhen Hursh 'Dale S. Hutter Kenneth J. Jackson Dennis B. Janke Paul D. Jasper Randal L. Jones John E. J ourdon Mark R. Kaltenbronn James G. Keithly Michael E. Kelly Annette L. Kelly Pa trick Gerard Kiblinger Deborah Lynn Kientzy Eugene G. Kipp Jeffery C. Kirby, James R. IV Klorer Mary S . Kohl Karen L. Kolbet Marilyn J . Kotsifakis David Peter Kowelman Dennice Kreher Deborah Lynn Krishnamurthy Gopalan Kuhlmann R obert C. Lancaster Eric M. Lang Elizabeth A. Larson Ro~'a:u~ j. Lawler Mary E. Le Crone Annette L. Leach, Russell. F. Jr .' Leipold L. Richard Lewis Randall W. Lipscomb, G. Glenn II Logan James Craig Majors Mark Evan Malone Keith Dennis Maneke Joy L. Marra NUchael D. Mattione Marilyn J. McCoy NUchael Monroe McHenry S. Dale McMichael Gary P. McNally. Mark T. Meyer Dave Millar Kevin M. Milligan Ronald G. Minks Allen G.

Mue ller An drew P . , Mue ller Dav id Scott Nagel Neal Bor d en Navidi Salar Nealon Mark J. Netzler Bruce W. Nigro Wm Reed Nussbaum Richa rd A. Oehler Nancy J. Oxley Ray T. Peavler Emily R. Phegley William T. Phillips Mark A. Plag Darlene Plag Kenneth Fred Ponder Joseph L. Powitzky ,Lawrence. ,C_ P utnam Mitchell D. Quinn Daryl C. Ratliff Jack D. Reed Pamela H. Renick Thomas Jerome Renz John W. . Richards Jon Anthony Riechmann Gary Riley Henry Lee W. Robold Edward L. Rogers, Roddy Jack Ruppe Michael J . Sappington Mary L. Sauer Elizabeth A. Schaeffer Wayne G. Schaffer Jeffry Fred Schmid t Michael E. Schneider James C. Seagren Eric H. Shapiro Yoelit Hannah Shelden J. Barry Sherrell Diane C. " Shiels Daniel Moore Shilling Edward C. Shipley Norman G.

Whetsel J ames D. Williams Mark Allen Wingfield Roy O . Wisne r Gene Edward Woracek John L. Wurtzler Pamela H. Yanez Brian Anthony Yeager Karl T . Youll D . Greg Zahner, Herbert W. III

1982 Adams Stephen Scott Adams Steven Richard Akers David BrtaJ;l Allmeyer James S . An selm Donald G. Aurig Billy Gregory Avery Michael Robert Bachman Terry Lee Baggett Betty C. Baldwin John Irving Beckmann Michael Roy Birdsell Clifford J. Blackburn Thomas Wayne Bledsoe Jeffrey P. ' Bomar Sue M. Brown Danny Lynn Bruhn Jeffery Neil Burak William Henry Burke Patricia T. Burton William T. Byrum Mary L. Case Darrell Roy Chatron William Alan Clamors Doug Edward Clifton K~ith Alan Dace Douglas Kent Dahlgren Russell H.

"I've felt that contributions in time and money to the fund are an investment in the future of America. Since our campus trains the scientific-technological leaders of the future, our gifts are going to help educate those individuals who will be part of the solutions, rather than part of future problems. Through these gifts, we are, helping build that future." -Joe Mooney, '39, St. Louis, Missouri


Short Mark J. Sicken dick Barbara E. Sicking Lawrence A. Silkwood Blake E. Simmons James W. Smith John M. Sprenkle Keyin Ray St John Roland · A. Starkey Daniel Jim Steurer Gregory N. Stevens Robert E. \ Stroemer Steven C. Strubberg Carl G. Stucky Mark A . Sunderland Jeffrey J. Tappe Belinda Sue Taylor Charles M. Telthorst Lea Anne Thebeau Dennis J. Tice Jon P. Tomazi Keith G. Tucker ~ Tad NUchael Underwood Diane E. Unverferth W. James Vaughn Daniel L. Walker Mark T. Walker Mary L. }fl Whetsel Alissa M.

Dawson Bruce A. Delong Charles M. Denney Kimberly K. Diaz Brenda Leigh Dieckmann Mark D . Dillman Robert John Dolan Gail Louise Domino Debra Ann . Duncan Kevin Tyler Eddleman Roderick C. Ehlert M~rk, C~rl,. . • El- Fakir William Emmendorfer Steve Entwistle Paul J. Eppy Thomas M. Ernest Terry Lee Fischer Joseph G. Fitzsimmons Mary N. Fleschner Linda L. Flom Timothy Curtis Fos ter Terry Lee Freise Timothy C. Fre und, Thomas J. Jr. Frick Steve John Froidl Gerald Paul Gabbert John Charles Gahn Gerald S . Garey Patrick Joseph Glauz Robert Scott ·


I oj.

MSM Al um nus


Goert zen P atrick H. P a t el Vipulk umar B . Gr ojean Ri chard M. Peacock" ' Char les King Gr u e n e wald Mar ia M. Peccola Allan Ke nt 路 Guenther Douglas G. Perkinson Ran dall M. Haberstock James K . P e ze shk Fa ri d Hasegawa Hiroshi P h am T rang P . He rr Robert J. Philipp Michelle Re n e Hieb e r t Gr egory Lee Plyler Laura Anne Hin k amp Ste phen B . Pollard Jean Marie Hock J ohn R . Preus s Martin Ed war d Honeycutt Kenda ll A. Puhl Joseph Albert Hood Joh n William Puhl Li sa Joan Horak Brenda Le igh Pulley . Craig Martin Huang Rong - Fong Ramberg Jeffrey R. Huff Michael Lee Reed Lisa J oan Jackson James M. Richey Charles A. Johnson Craig Scott Roesch James Richard Johnson Vicki Sue Rothery Mary Frances Jone s Mark Alan Rueschhoff Thomas Kelly Timothy Joseph R u sh Todd Wayne Sagehorn Kearne'y H. Kier Scott Bryan Sakoulas Stacy S . Kirchhoff Allen S. Salomon Glen Arthur Klein Jeffrey P. Sandbothe L . Scott Kobawoo Chungsoo Y . Sanders Keith M. Kopsky, Raymond 路J. Jr . Kottemann, R ichard Allen Jr. Schaake ~ark Donald Scherer Kenneth Paul Kraft Jon B. Schmerb auch Karl J . Kroeger. David W. S.chn eid er Susa n Krueger Debra Kay Schn ell . William J o se ph Kru ger Douglas Way ne S cro g gins Roberta S . Lamb, J ames Earl III Sedrick Gregor y A . La ndon Scott E . S e tman Mar k Alan Larson Marvin L . Sextro David Charles Lee William Robe rt Shu Min - Chun Jenny Lewis Valerie Rene Sickendick Michael H. Little Debra Kay Sieve rs B r ia n Keith Little Russell D. Signorino Kimberl y S . Liu Siahg - Chun Silkwood Laura Anne Lockhar t Frazer R. Simmons Jef frey F . Lounmala P h aivanh Smith Lynn Ellen Lounsbury Peter Watts Snow Alice Elaine Lynch Janet Louise Stephenson Shelly L . Macher Thomas John Str e e t Kimber ly S. Maes Mich elle Rene Su tterer Kevin G. Ma g rude r Michae l J. ' Timothy Alan T oomey Maiefsk i David Pau l Tracy Gregory Wayne Malin Charle s D. Tra n T r a ng P . Mallol Carlos T y burski Joseph R .. March Randall S. Van Me t e r Marvin Louis Marcott Frank Art h ur Veat c h Bobby R a y Marquart Douglas W. Vega Lui s FaI).or Mar tin Ted Alan Walker Dav id Mar tin Marting James E . Weiman Lawrence Alan Mayberry Edward D. Weinhold Betty C. Mazachek Keith D. Welch John Homer McCoy Susan White Wa de James McDqnald Gary Wayne McGinnis Roberta S. Whitehea d Wayne Lee McIntosh Don Leslie Wiese John Scott McKee Jeffrey W. Wilcoxen Marc Lee Meiners Janet Louise Wilder James Oliver Meng Chuw Ping J . Williams Christopher E. Mertzlufft , 'Robert H. Jr. Wirz . Mary L. Meyer Charles L. Wun drack Bruce Miles Meyer Linda L. Wur tzler Da niel R. Meyer Thomas 路A. Yanez Damia n Peter Middleton Michael R. Ze itinger, Donald Jr. Monie Charles Bruce Ziegle r Char lesK . Mooney Thomas M. Ziegler William A. Morr is Sue M. Zike David Scott Mueller Ray T. Nau Alice Elaine Neas Jeff Lee O'Connor David" M. O'Mara T imothy P. Allison Charle s R. Ober mann Sta cy S. Amar esan S. P .R . Oldham, Ha rrod A . III And ers on Ca t herine L. Olsen Steven Paul Armstrong, R obert E. Jr . Ortwerth Mary Susan Arnd t Donald John Otto Samuel D . Ar ndt Eva Elizabeth A sha b rann er David B . Pannone Gr egory M. Ausmu s Da v id L . P aris Brian Keith Baganoff Lisa K . Park John Harris Baker Cat h y J ane Parks Thomas Keith Barickman Elizabeth Pashia Gregory Earl


Barle t Dougla s R. B a rnes, Dav id Kent II B asle r Mark De nnis Bas t Ch a r le s Alan Be c k Lawrence A . Bell Jeffrey S . Bind e man n Dian a Sue Blackford T o dd Alan Bohnhoff Willia m J. Br adle y Jimmy Lee Brady Amber Megann Brandon Dwi g ht W. Bryant Dennis G . Buchschach er Cynthia Marie Bundy Patr ick W. Burkhead Nich olas W. Carter Rich ard D . Cassell Sharon M .. Chak ravart i Arvind Chalmers Scott 路S. Chastain Rus sell Le e Clark St e phen Paul Clay Mark Alan Clippard James Doyle Cochran Kenneth D. Conrad Paul Dean Cook Mark A. Crawford Larry Dean Dallme y er Michael P . Dar nell R obert J . Davis S cott Daniel Davis Steven Charles De la ' Roche Rochelle . Ann Dennis C1yde R~ i d Denton Nancy Lea Dierks Tina L. DOdson Clifton E. Dohmen Diana T . Don er Karl 1. Du n can James Michael Dutton Don a ld J ene Dzie dzic Daniel A. Ea s son Edward Henry Ent wistle Tere s a L. Erickson Rod n ey J . Erutti Gle nn Ar nold Ewasko Dia ne Carol Fahne stock Susan E. Falke J on Charles Ferracane Frank Fields Bernard M. Finley Douglas B . Fleck Gregory M. F olta James Allen Fortune Michael Dale Foster Joyce E. Fritz Michael A. Garland Steven Ray Gaskill David A. Gassel Nancy Sue Gaynor Lisa K. Ge iser Amy Elizabeth Gieg II Kenneth W. Gildehaus Patricia Ann Gobelman Steven Lee Graham William Harry Green Catherine M. Ha den Ma rk Lamar I (I Hahn Sarah Jane Harrington Daniel L. Harrington Laura Ellen Harris Charles A. Harvey Allan H. Ha yde n Bruce Jeffrey He irholzer Joyce E. Henry Richar d A. He r r ma nn Kathy Lynn He tlage David T a lbot Hill Kenneth Lela nd Hinke b ein Steve G. Hinn ah De n n is W. Hitt Mark Alan Hoeckelman Donald E . Hoema n T odd Ala n Hsu Willy Yun-Chie

Hunn in gha k e J eff J . Israel ' Caroli n e Ann Is r ael Lewis Da nle r' J ackson R icha rd J. J acobi Step h e n J . J a r rett John P . Jenkin s James Thomas J ohns on Barbara Lynn J ohnso n Christopher Jones Harve y Grady J one s Ke n neth Ala n Jones Lynn Rene Jone s Nancy Lea Ka p p Cynthia Mari'e Kas p erski Elizabeth Keeven Brian Gerard Koenig stein R ichard Koors Ma rk Robert Kopp R oger T . Kottwitz John David Kozlowski Ken J ohn Kristof Kenneth A . Kuhl P aul Charles K ullmann Annette Marie Kntte re r S t epha nie A. Lak inger Susa n E . Lally Ca the r ine L. Lally Mic h a el J oseph Lang Paul Anthony Lan g hor st Phillip G . La s kowsky John Lichtenwalner . Peter Litzsinger Barrett T . Lockhart Ca thy Logan Brian Lee Long Ear le Gray Love Jeffrey T homas Lund Nan cy S u e Ly n c h Gr egory A . Mabrey Matthew Louis Mahnken Joe l Lynn Malin Diana Sue Maller y Linda Le igh Markus Donal d Gerard Ma s e k Joh n Albert McCown Allen Ler oy McCurr en Gregory T . McDonnell Sheila L . McKay Michael t3. McN ally John Michael McShane Earl E. McSpadden Tina L . Mehta Mahesh H. Meier Curtis P. Meitz Gregory S . Melchers Alex ' Merry Ralph L . Miskell Lynn Rene Mitchell, John W. III Moore David Glenn Moylett Michael T. Mudd Carol Mueller Cathy Mueller Charles R. Mugel Douglas Napier Muret Carolyn Louise N azari N ersi Nebrig Dean Loui s Neupert Richard Hugh Niemann Brian Scott Nolte J. Mike O'Donnell Michael Oldroyd Juanice E . Osman John Howard Pachlhofer Peter M. Palaski Donald A. Pantelides Christakis Peetz Bryan Dale Pettijohn Bradley Ala n P or t e r Marshall Ray P r ezbindowski Robe rt 'Alan Proctor Charle s Wesley P u chta Richa rd W. R a id t Ca thy Jane' R a ma chandran N .






February 1989 1

Rapp Michael Scott Rcrpp Randy R . Rasch John M. Reinesch Rick Joseph Renner Kevin Jerome Rhodes Robert C. Riney Thomas Lloyd Rin.ker Greg C. Roberts Teresa L. Rohde Carl Alfred .· Sargent Donna Renee , Sauer Carl A. Sauer Robert Mark Schaefer Diane Carol Scheibal Jeffrey R. Schmidt Dr Gordon S. Schmidt Wayne Schmitt Kathy Lynn Schnettgoecke Gary Schnieders John P. Schroer Michael G. Seiwald James B. Settle, Benjamin A. Jr. Sheridan Jeffrey C . Silver Mark Edward Sineath Catherine J. Skeens Barry Joseph Smith Geri E. Smith Mark Steven Snider Joan Marie Soehngen Robert W. Soughers Joe Allen Sparlin Amber Megann Spindler Gerald R. Spyers Michael E. Stachowski Michael J. Stelzer James Stevens James V. Stevens Lisa Ann Stone Charles L. Stovall Thomas M. Straeter Richard H. Street Norman Earl Stringer Shelton L. Stroder Micnael David Suellentrop Paul T . Sutton Eric Dean Tabar Marcel Taylor Charles E. Tay lor Donald R. Taylor Eva Elizabeth Tesson Jackie Lea Tettambel Mark E. Thorns berry Marcus J. Thuet Elizabeth C . Tipton Brian Edward Tolcou Gregory J. Trampe Alan Leslie Tucker Edward Orvil Tummons John Bryer Tutko Peter Mark Unverferth Richard L. Villhard Wesley G. Volpe Barton David Wagner K~nneth Neal Wainright Richard E. Walck Cynthia Marie Walker Merton G . Wallace Thomas T. Warden Timothy Wayne Weissert Joseph M. Wes~elschmidt Doug Westrich Curtis A. Westrich Lisa Ann Whaley Carolyn Louise Whitchurch Joseph A . White Timothy L. Wickert Mark Alan Wilkinson Renate A. Williams David P. Williams Mark Alan Wojciechowski - Pau~ L. Wolfgeher Paul A. Zink David E. *Deceased

1984 Aceil Smaeil M. Ahlvers David Donald Ahrens Mar'k Jeffrey Allison Ricky Lee Altheide Richard Anderson Gregory J. Babson Gail Anne Bacon David L. Baker Patrick A. Balogh Sandy Kay Bauer Donna M. Bauer Mark E. Beardsley Mark A. Beechner Angela S. Bender Ann Elizabeth Bene Wayne J. . Bergman William G. Bicket Daniel James Birdsong Darla Kay Birkner Larry Thomas Black Michael K. Bohler Marjorie A. Bollinger David Harrison Book Michael Andrew Booth Robert Paul Bowser Stever Robert Brackbill Mary L. Bradley, Edward J . Jr. Briggs Leland C. Bulil Margaret Linn Bullard James Cecil Cameron Jill Alison Carroll Stephen T. Carter Ann Maxine Chang Pao- Lin Christian Scott Allen Church Jeffrey W. Clare David Murray · Claspill Gary Lee Cole Andrew George Collins Michael E. Compton Julie Ann Cook Terry Lynn Coonan Katherine Jane Cordonier Guy Andrew Courtway Sheila L. Crouch Diane E. Crutcher Micnael Ray Currie Robert Wayne Daily Madison M. Dalton Thomas J. Davidson Ronald Wayne De Guzman Valentin Danti I DeBaets Diane E. Denise Garet W. Derbak Charles B. Deruntz John Timothy DeRuntz Joseph G. Diekemper Edwin V. Dierks Michael W. Dillingham Sheryl D. DiMaggio- ' Ga'spare Doherty Wayne W. Dolan Elizabeth Anne Dow David Harold Dow Diann M. Dow Stephen W. Drury Beverly Jane Dunn Daniel Michael Eads James Merwin Easson Gregory L . Eberhard t Donna M. Eberhart Gerald Todd El- Fakir Ramsey T. Ellis Casey Patrick Engemann Carl A. Engler Daniel George Eversman Michael W. Fiebig Kieth Bennett Fleck Katherine A. Flesher Daniel Joll :l

Fogarty . Kevin Gerard Ford Laura Anne French Eunice P. Frey Patricia Ann Gahen Loree A. Gahring Scott Donald Garringer, Hal L. Jr. Gaston JuliAnn Gebre-Egziabher Tekle Georgen Randy G. Gilbert Alice Fern Gillespie, Robert J. III Giltner Scott George Glynn Mary Eileen Goldammer David E. Golterman John S. Green Gerald Wayne GI:eenwood Chris S. Griesemer Eric T. Grounds Todd Alan Guen ther Julie Ann Hackler Amy Ka t hleen Haldiman Valerie Lee Halsey Gail Anne Hannah Derek Wayne Hardy Gregory John Hargis Mark E . . Hal' gis Mary L. Harms Steven Ray Harrison Benjamin K. Harrod Scarlett L, Harward Mark Gregory Hawk Donna R. Heiligenstein David A. Benderson Joy Lane lle Herre Mary Ellen Herrick Mark T. Heumann Rober t Gerard Hill Linda Ann Hil ty John Herman Hock John Aloys Hoerle Michael C. Holland James P. Hubach Clay Medlin Hughes Julie Dolores Hughes Larry Martin Hull Sheryl D. leans Edward R. Jackson Douglas A. Jarus Scott W. Johns David W. Johnson Janis ' Gail Jones Keith Norman Judd David Eugene Kanyok Robert C. Kerber David Clair Keuss Steven David Kimes Steven Day Kinsey John Michael Kleypas Mark Louis Knaup James William E:niepkamp David I. Koehl' Phillip A. Koester Catherine A. Kohl Kenneth R . • Kohrmann Larry Gene Kowalski Gary M. Krumrey Gregory N. Krumrey K'arol Lynn Kuchem Douglas Leo LaBerg John Joseph Lamb, Richard C. Jr. ,Langenfeld Paul M. Laske Robert Alan Lechner Stephen J. Leeds Terry Clayton Lewis Bryan Jay Liebman Christian J. Lo Chin - Hwang Long Amy Lynn Lueck Keith William Lyon Charles W. Macke , John George Jr. Magruder Robert Tad Marshall William K. Martin Mark ~ Abell

' I~

Martinez Richard G. ·Mazachek JuliAnn McIntosh Gregory A. McKeown Jeffrey J. McLaughlin Patricia A. Mehan Michael Martin Mendoza- Bedolla Jose Luis Metzler Susanne Marie Meyer .Gene Ray Meyer, Kenneth A. Jr. Miley David S .. Miller Denise Warden Minter Nelson O. Mitchell 'I,'homas O. Moeller Karen ' Sue Morlock Steven Paul Morris Daniel Philip Muehlenkamp Thomas J. Muskopf 'Scott Harold Nagawieckl Amy Lynn Narzinski Matthew L. Neher Janese Annetta Nienhaus Jeff J. O'Neil Edwin E. Oermann Gregory S. Owen Susan Owen Park Anthony Sangdo Parker Jerre L. Parrett Alan V. Pautz Jeffrey D. Pavelka Cynthia F. Pearce Te.rrance Edwin Peick Patricia A. Pellegrino Charles A. Peterein Brent J. Poppe Stephen James Pressly Robert Bruce Pugh James Lee Reed Kimberly Jo Reinhard Donna R . Reinsager Mark Lee Renne Mark Joseph Ripp Bryan Jerome Robbins Ronald E. Roberson Kenna R. Roberts Ken 'Roy Rood · Mark D. Roth T~othy L. Rowe Loree A . Rupprecht Richard E. Russom Todd Eugene Sargent Tia Denise Sargent Tia Denise Sauer Beverly Jan~ Scandura, Philip A. Jr. Schlueter Gerald F. Schmid Gregory Scott Schneider James V. Schnider Walter A. Schoen James Lee Schoenecker Timothy Schrems Karol Lynn Schuermeyer John B. Schwent Dale Gerard Seck Sheila L. Senik Sandor Karoly Shadley James Kevin Shah Rajiv I . . Shapiro Doron Sharp Walla ce Keith Shay Julie Dolores Shelton Mark Alan Shore Mary C. Simmons Susan Marie Skouby David C. Smith Dale E. Smith Scarlett L. Sprenger Heraleen E. ' Sprenger Michael K. Sprengnether Ronald J. Stavig Wendell C. Steagall David James Steinbrueck Roger C. Studer James Edward Svoboda Gregory T . f.n-,.·

>-. ;

MSM Alumnus


Thomas Craig William Thompson Russe ll Ray Trampe Da vid Ma rk Tran Dung N goc Triller Daniel J. Tryon Susan Owen Tucker: Richar d A . Tulenko , Paul A. Jr. Uppot Jan ard a nan O. Ve ssell Rodney J. Voda Susanne Marie Voegtli Leo Paul Von Rump Kath erine A. Waddell George R. Waeckerle Chr istine Wagner Richard Kurt Wagner William C. Walker, William E. III Webb Mark A . Weingaertner David A. Wertis Katherine Jane White Marjorie A. Wilkes Kimberly Jo Williams Raymond E. Williams Valerie J. Wilmes, John G. Jr. Windhorst Kathy Sue Wise Andrew Colt Wlos James Joseph Woods Kathy Sue Yarbrough Kenna R. Young Jeffrey D. Zeltmann Michael D. Zikes Bradley C . ZuissJohn William

1985 Abdel-Malek Hany H . Abeln Douglas Lee Aguilar Omar I van Ahmed T anzeer T . M. Allemann Sherry Kay Altensee James F. Amidi Dariush Anderson Cha rlotte ·M. Andrew Christa D . Armstrong Steven S . Ay John Michael Barto n David Scott Beckmann Kenneth W. Beerma n Carolyn L. Be nder Laura Jean Bevans Judy Kay Blasdel John W. Blechle Michael Joseph Bohanan Montgomery A. Bolon Greg M. Book Mary Alice Booth Margaret Ann Borcherding Bradley Bourquin Daniel Jack Bowen James M. Boyd Bruce Alan Boyhan John William Breitbarth James Edward Bretzke Steven Mark Bretzke Virginta L. Broy David J. Bujewski Matthew J. Burton Peter Michael Busche Gregory C. Buth Donald James Cajili Dennis E. Cantley Fred Armon Can'twell Ellen E. Carmody Daniel David Carroll Todd Anthony Charney Martin ' H. Chou Jeff S. Christians Gregory Lee Coggins Mic hael J. Colbert Char le s R. Conci Jan Marie :-' .. . . -







Cook Thomas Edwa rd Cooper Suzanne Marie Crane Kamila Jean Crippen Timothy Carl Curry Timothy Joseph Curtis Ke nne th I v a n Daues Jerome -A. Davis Kathy Lynne Davis Laur ie E. Davis Sherry L . Dawdy Jan C . DeCastro Maria L . DeClue Ann Katherine Degonia Christa D. Derryberry Darrell W. Dinsdale Kenton S. Dohmen Luke Raymond Donaldson Tracie A. Doss Kevin Lee Douglas Laura Marie Droste John Gerard Dunbar Richard Ammen Durand Travis Loyal Dussold Thomas M. Eagle H. Gene Elliott Judy Kay Engert Lisa Anne Eshelman Marc W. Espy James William Fagan Judith Agnes Feiner Deirk Alan Feiner Maria L.Fitzgerald Frank M. Fochtmann Virginia L. Freiner Barry Douglas Fulton John Charles Gielow Mary Alice Glauz Rebecca Jean Goeddel Kenneth J . Graham James Chester Gray Karen R . Gre e n street Carl W. Green s tree t Lisa Ann Grieshaber Matthew L. Hage n Kir s ten An n e Hank s Phillip Jon Harman P a ul Scott Harper Sean P a trick Harr Ka ren Michelle ,Haye s Ch ristopher M. He ber le Ge offrey O. Heisse Richard James He llebusch Donna G. Helton, Birchell Ray II Hendershott Glenn .E. Henry Robert Glen Herberholt Steve James Herman Stuart R. Herzog Robert C. Hiller Jeffrey Allen Hiller Sharri Lynn Hirtz Boyd Alan Hoerle Ellen Y. Hunter Terri Lyn Hwang In-Cheol Jabusch John D . Jeffers Andrew Jay Johnson Christine E. Johnson Kurt Michael Jones Kenneth Brian Kacera Deborah L. Kaiser Martha· Lee Kammerer Ned John Karl Christine , L. Keller Tracie A. Kietzer Kenneth N. Kirchner Christopher D. Klamm Scott William Kneisler John F . Koch Jeffrey W. Koehler Kurt Devlin Kovacich William L. Krack Jeffrey Alan Kramer Christopher T. Krause JoAnn . "


Krueger James W. La Manque Ronald G. Laaker Joseph W. LaFata Kirsten Anne Lakey Nicholas John Latham William Joseph Lawson Kirk William Lawson Larry F. Layne Mark Alan Lee ' Brad Alan Lekey Rodrick W. Lemke ' Matthew James Lincks Gary Michael Little James Baldwin Ludwig Catherine T. Lueckenhoff Larry Gerald Luter Karen Michelle Lynn Kent W. Maddex Jeffrey Lewis Maichel Mark Edwin Maly Andrew R. Marcel Suzanne Marlow Randall Scot Marr James Stuart Maskey Margaret Ann Matthews Paul M. Matustik Louis A. Meier Michelle Jean Mertz Raymond Paul Meuser William Ralph Miller David Wayne Miller Everett K. Mitori Steven Kei Moody Edmund Tanner Morton Arthur Thomas Mueller Gary Joseph Mueller Paul G,. Murphy Mark Edward Myers Susan M. Nealon Terri Lyri Ney T h e re s a Ann Niet Charlie Niewald Paul Walter Noelk e r Amy Lynn' Nor man Ch rista M. O 'Keefe Ma tthew J . OI Ne il Sh e r ry Kay Oberdick Susan M. Oberkirsch George J. Obr e a rtuin Ciaran Seosa mh . Oetting Anne Marie Olmstead Randall David Olmstead Sheila M. . Pautz Charlotte M. Peacock Gre gory Tarr Perry Corinne Norine Polus Lisa Ann Prude Mark Alan Pumphrey, Norman D. Jr. Pyatt ·James N . Randolph Robert Kirk Raper Stephen Alexan Rapp Robert Craig Redel Judith Agnes Reed Barry Lynn Rehm Jeffrey C. Remy Renee E. Renfro Kevin Dale Rexing Walter James Rickard, Donald Edward Jr. Riechers Kevin Leroy Riggs Sean Patrick Riggs Sharri Lynn Riney Suzanne Marie Ritchey James Neil Roberts Dennis Allan Roberts Jeffrey Austin Rogers Forrest W. Rohr Lawrence F . Rosser Robert J. Rowe Goebel Tod Ruether Donna G. Rustine Mark Charles Sacre Jeffrey Allen Sanderson Jerome B. -




Sanderson Karen R. Schamel Timothy A. Schibler, Kenneth Jr. Schlumpberger Michael X. Schmidt Peter J. "Schoen Cynthia Ann Schreiber Bradley Scott Schwartz Daniel W. Schwartz Scott Morgan Shannon Matthew John Shed Randy Jerome Simmons Mark Alan Smith Brent R. Smith Jan Marie Smith Keith Wayne Smith Ross Morris Snyder Mark Theodore Sokoloski Michael S . St John - Michael R. Steiniger Michael T. Stout Richard F. Strope Er.ic Simon Sucher, Robert W. Jr. Sullivan Cheryl M. Swale Robert Earl Swanson Gregory Kent Tappmeyer Bruce A. Telthor13t James A. Thomas Tracy J 0 Thomson Daniel E. Tompras Anthony D. Turner Joseph Gerard Upman William D. Verdusco Frank P. Vest Ann Marie Vitale David John Warnecke Mark Robert Warner Mark J . Warren Bary Rirk Weatherford Jeffrey Gene ' Weaver Thomas L . Webb Dav id B. We s,t e rhau s, Theodore J. III We s terma n Ellen Y. White Gary John Whit ten Pau l Alan Wieldt Mitchell C . Wilkerson Douglas L. Willnow Lin dle Dougla s Wilson Gregory M. Wise ma n Curtis Dean Wolf Ernest Wood Randall Alan Yescavage Michael Alan Ziegelmeyer Theresa Ann

1986 Akers, James Edward Jr. Albers James Edward Andersen Kristen L. Andresen Lisa Lea Anna Thomas Joseph Appelbaum Susan G. Aria Christopher S. Aslakson James David Asselmeier, David A. Jr. Babcock Bryan D. Baechle Timothy Paul Bahora Greggory T. Bailey Rob D. Baldwin Alexander Luke Bales, Jimmie Dwane Jr. Barbey Mitchell Owen Bare Kristopher It. Bauer Steven Xaver Baugh Zerir Baum, Donald Lee Jr. Beldo Terry Wayne Benjamin David John Bernhard Charles G. Beutler Curt Allan Beyke Christine Joy Biedenstein Catherine Ann ..



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Hun· hak Jack Jaco

February 1'989








Birch Benton Roe Black Michael S. Black Suzanne Renee Bolick Christopher W. Boning Steven Karl Borthwick John Charles Bowman Charles S. Brandt Kristina M. Bredenkamp, Henry R. Jr. Brown Glendor David Buck, John Paul Jr. Buckrucker Elizabeth A. Callihan John Brent Capone Linda Marie Carpenter Kevin Neal Chapman Thomas Gerald Chiodini Anthony Paul Claudius John Sancles Cobb Dennis Allen Cotterman Douglas Ray Cress Jill Janene Crowe Robert Alan Cunningham Kenton D. Curtis Michael James Czysz Paul Michael Daily Bonnie F, Dalton William M, Dehner, Leo George Jr . Denzel John Charles Derrick Kevin Keith Dierkes Mark C. Dietzel David A. Dini, Louis Angelo Jr. Doerflinger Cynthia L. Dressel David Gene Droste Patricia Joann Dwyer Ann Elizabeth Ehrhard Herbert Joseph Elmore Andrew Curtis Emde Charles Brian EttIeman Michael Steven Farrar Vicky Leigh Fenner Christine G, M. Fiscor Stephen J. Fiscus James Elmer Foreman . David Paul Forst Robert John Franklin Elizabeth A. Franta Celeste M. Freebury Jennifer Marie Freitag James Warren Gibson Curtis Dale Gill Eric Douglas Ging Joseph A. Glaeser Scott Alan Goeddel Monica Maria Goser Lisa Kay Gran t Alexander L . Greiner David M. Griggs Jacq.ueline Guggina William H . Gutierrez Cecilia A. Hake Melissa Anne Halley Dale William Harris Robert James Hasse Julie Sue Hegger John D. Heinze, Lloyd R. Jr. Henry Ronald Bruce Herman Edward William Herum Barbara Ann Hettenhausen David N, Higginbotham Nanci Eileen . Highfill Lois Ann Hinkamp Michael Gerard Hinnah Elaine Dianne Hirlinger Jerry Paul Hively Russell K. Hoehn John Eric Howard Kathleen Moira Howe Kevin Scott Hunt Ohlen Michael Isakson ·Paul F. Jackson Lisa R. Jacobsmeyer Tom Kevin •

Rose David Leonard Jenkins Brian W. Ruby Theresa Ann Jenkins Rodney L. Rupert-Wayne Kathie Jenn Andrew A. Salyers David Wayne Jennison Brian K. Sanga Sasikant Johnson Christopher L. Savage Michael J. Johnson William M. Scalfano Douglas A . Jones Timothy Dale Schaal Carol Annette Joslin Vicky Leigh Schalker Kirsten F . Kauffmann Steven Gerard Schath Michael L. Kaufmann Phillip Gene Schlotzhauer David S. Keeton Randall C. Schneider Kevin Wayne Keiser Kimberly P. Schneider Michael A. Kelley Ronald Thomas Shaughnessy Trace Steven Kilhoffer Anthony R. Siebert Martin J . Kilpatrick Lori Sue Simon Keith David Kindred Robert Shannon Skoog Andrew Jay Klahs Jay Kurtis Slover Nancy Ann Kleeschulte Daniel Joseph Smith William Daniel Klump Charles S. Snodgrass David William Knocke Kevin J. ~inger Mark A. Knollmeyer Timothy K. Spitznagle Richard James Knudsen Andrew T. Stabenow Jeffrey Glenn Knudtson Bruce Alan Staicoff Cathy Lynn Kohler John Philip Staley Jonathan Blake Kolbet David Michael Steinbart Raymond M. Kolkmeyer Scott O. Stewart Scott C. Koop Michael David Stewart Terry L. Kopff Andrew James Stuntzner Mark 'C. Krueger Cur tis A. Kuhnert Jeffrey Joseph Sullwold Lisa Lea Lampazzi Amy Marie Sulze Helen Virginia Landgraf . Robert Jerome Summers David Brent Lapp Jennifer Marie Szatkowski George N . Lauber Deborah Marie Tauser Joseph Raymond Lauber Mark Daniel Thompson Gary L. Lee Gary Richard Thurlo Clark Steven Lee Jeannine S. Tibbits Dan James Leftwich Jeffrey Lee Timson George Robert Lindstedt Monte L. Tipton Lawrence S. Litherland Jeffery Scott Tran Tan Nhat Lorey Robert Lewis Turner James Brent Lovelace, Kent Alan Jr. Vandersteen Diane A. Ly Nguyen Cam Verduin, John Richard III Mahler Mary Albertine Villavicencio Monica Maria Manda Suzanne M. Vincenc Thomas Frank Mayville Patrick James Volmert Kenneth Girard McGowhd Patricia Joann Wagner Cynthia L. McLemore Kimberly P. Walden Marvin Dale Meitz · Deborah Marie Walker Brian David Melchers Joyce Ann Walker Douglas J. Middendorf J. Timothy Walling David Matthew Miller Susan Emily Warren Walter Alan Miller Tracy A. Weber Stephen Paul Montague Mark A.. Weeks, Paul Martin Jr. Mooney John Michael West Martin Larry Morris Lisa R. Westermeyer Daryl L. Moser Joan Marie White Lawrence R. Myers Jon C. Wilbers Daniel Matthew Wilke Jeffrey Allan Myers Timothy Gerard Wilkerson Janice Kay Nguyen Vien Quoc Willis Harold L. Noel Amy Marie Wilson Jay Scott O'Brien Diane Marie Wilson Joseph Paul O'Dell Michael P. Wiseman Karen W. O'Doherty John Sullivan Wolfe Lois Ann Olson Janet Kathleen Wright James Robert Olson Kenneth Dahlma Wright Richard Allen Owensby Roger Wayne Zavadil Matthew Edward Pericich Paul Michael Zerkel Kenneth Orner Phillips Richard Steven Zoellner Richard Lee Pierce Warren Bradley Zoss Charles M. PirtIe Patrick W. Pisoni Joseph Gerard Pleis Daniel Robert Pontius James T. Priesmeyer William T. Arnold Daniel Thomas Ragan Kevin Alan Backer Denis Andrew Raines Kevin Buck Backs John Henry Randolph James G. Rauschenbach Robert Jerome Ball Cheryl Renee Ballinger Clinton Troy Reinhardt Scott D. Basham Darryl Shawn Rellergert Carla Ann .Bayless David James Rimmer John D. Beebe Thomas Lynn Roberts Karen W. Behr Gayle Marie Robinson Ernest B. Belcher Marc Clay Rogaczewski Julie Ann








.... ,.

. ...


,~- ..-'

Biggs Roger Earl Blake Angela Renae Bock Daniel John Boes Ann Leslie Bollini Jeffrey Scott Bond Vincent S. Boone Mark Ryan Brands John Joseph Brewster Larry T. Brinkmann George James Brown, Richard C. III Bruhn Kurtis Matthew Brusati Patricia L. Cain Bruce Nelson Chen Yung- Rwei Clegg Richard Lewis Cline David William Cole John Randolph Collins John Michael Creech Thomas S. Cune William Patrie Davis Stewart Wade Day Anne Marie Dollins David Wayne Dulle Stephen J. Duncan Jerry Lee Eckelkamp Nicholas John Eddens Hugh Roger Egan Robert James Ernst Joseph Gerard Eufinger Brett A . Farfan Daniel Joseph Fraley Janet Sue Frerking John Robert Fulkerson Melody Kay Gann Thomas Lavell Geile Renee Ellen Gentsch Michael D. Giovanoni Karen S. Gordon Joey Thomas Green Robert Bruce Greene Lawrence Lundy Harig Jeffrey Allen Harness Arnold Paul Haug Bradley D. Hess Richard Paul Higginbotham Scott Alan Holloway Darrell Lee Holubar Martin A. Horton Lesley Ann Houser Rachel Lynn Hutchcraft James Ronald Ie Kim Ann Jacobsmeyer Kevin John Jancich, Peter John Jr. Kaegi Steven Todd Kearney Charlene P. Keller Hollye Sandra Kiehne Annette Marie Kiehne Douglas Arthur Kleekamp Kurt Richard Kohler Jon - Paul Koller Cyn thia A. Kreher James Cletus Krull Jay ' Joseph Lammers Jennifer Ann Leitschuh David Troy Lill Deryl L. Lynch Jeffrey C. Lyons Jeff Lynn Maher Shawna Marie Maley Michael Paul Mannes Karen Lee Mattie Daniel Tad Maxwell Daniel J. Mayberry Mark Lane Maynard Joseph Bea McBride Michael Scott McGownd Brian Keith McNelis James C. Merideth Marcus Edward Meservey Daniel L . Meyer Michele Renee Morris Gregory Earl Mueller Thomas Richard '





. ~

. -~ •

, - ~j

MSM Alumnus



", Mullins Susan. Renee Napier Micheal Dean Nelson Gary W. O'Brien Michaei P. O'Kraski Stuart Daniel Oehlert Laura A. Owens James Anthony Packard Rachel Lynn Paris Yvonne Suzanne Partin Gary K. Pasley Dianna L. Pemberton Timothy M. Peper Michael David Pericich Susan Marie Perry Jonathan H. Pflant z Steven W. Phillips Karen Lee Pogue Russell Lee Folowy Renee Ellen Powell John P. Ray Daniel E. Reddy Timothy Joseph Reed Linda Marie Reed Thomas Lee Riley James Scott Roychoudhury Raj Shekhar Russell Donald R. Russell Richard A. Rustige John Stephen Sales Catherine E. Scalfano Linda Jo Schneider Annette Marie Schneider Paul Andrew Schwartz Maximilian K. Selle Brian Todd Sexton Bradley Wayne Simpson Alan D. Singleton Maurice Brant Skiffington John David Smith Jeffery Joel Smith Kraig UrlJan Sonderman Sandra M. Stuertz Tim Alan Sutterer Jeffrey Gerard Tarr Jeff Allan Tate Michele Renee Thibodeau Mark Leo Tibbits Susan Renee Turley Thomas Martin Tutko Linda Marie VanGenderen Stephen D. Venkatachalam Dinesh Vetter Greg Ronald Wagner Todd Gladden Wallace Angela Caryl Wampler John Arthur Wegener Lynn Marie Whittet Kurt Allen Wier Mark John Wilson Kenneth Brian Wingron Sharon Jeanne Winkle Stanley Curtis Winston Ann Leslie Woodward Michael G. Woytus John Martin Yu John Kaiking

McDonell Andrew James McNally ' William B. Minzey Juliet Ann Olmstead David Wesley Ozersky Sharon Dawn Pautler John Bradsher Pennell Marvin John Quinn Michael John Rawlings Michael E. Rice Gregory Rich William Earl Robbins Jerald Wayne Rodgers William Jeff Sagmlm Faith Ann Schuman, George William II Seiler Matthew Shepard, Edward Anthony Smith Jason Wade Snyder Donald Earl Stover Teresa Lynn Talley Darrin Lee Trautman Rod ' Fredrick Tutko Richard Lewis Vogel Randall Lee Zarr Mark David

1988 Bindbeutel Pamela Bradley Richard Thomas Cruts Tracy Lynne Dombi Pamela Downey Joseph Mark Ederle Steven Edward Fritz Steven Lee Frost Faith Ann Hathaway Carolyn Sue Howard Don Kevin Karakus Musa Kastenholz Nicholas E. Kelly Brian Michael Kullmann William J . Lamprecht Jonathan R .


Non-alumni donors



and UMR)

AT&T Fdn Atkinson Edward Aubrey, Leo A. Jr. Augustyn Philip R. Austin Powder Co Automated Packaging Systems AZ Public Service Fdn



Anonymous A P & J B Green Fdn A P Green Refractories Co Abbott Laboratories Fund ACF Foundation Inc Adams W.G. Admire Wilma N. Adolph Coors Co Adrian Joseph H. Aerospace Corp Aetna Life & Casuality Fdn Ahland Wayne Akzo Coatings Inc Alcoa Alcoa Fdn Alcoa Inter Con - X Alcon Laboratories Inc Aldridge Barbara Alexander, Ralph W. Jr. Allen George W. Allen Harry W. Allendale Mutual Ins Co Allied Corp Fdn Allied Signal Inc - Bendix Allison Fred Allison Martha Alofs Darryl J. Alptekin Serna Alumax Inc Aluminum Comp of America AMAX Fdn Inc Ambrose L. Siagian ArneI' Bank of Rolla Amer EI Power ArneI' Inst of Chern Engrs ArneI' Standard Fdn American Nat'l Can Co American Soc for Engr Ed American Soc for Metals Int' American Society of Civil Engr Amoco Amoco Fdn Amoco Oil Co (Research & Dev) AMR/ Am Airlines Fdn Amsted Industries Fdn Anderson James Anderson Richard A. Andrews William A. Anheuser-Busch Fdn Anna C Bosch Living Trust APAC- Kansas Inc Applied Color Systems AR Power & Light Archem Inc Archer William T . Arco (Dallas) Arco (Los Angeles) Arco Fdn Ark Dept of Education Arkwright Mutual Ins Co Armco Fdn Armer Jerry A. Arnold Will B. Arthur \ Treal Arthur Andersen & Co Fdn Asarco Fdn Ashee Thurman M. Asher Kenneth K. Ashland Oil Fdn Inc Askeland Donald R. Associated Elec Coop Inc AT&T

B F Goodrich Babcock Daniel L. Backs John H. Bailey Jeannetta E. Baile y Velma Baker Dalton Baker Mrs Florence Baker Randy Baker Ruth E. Baldwin Jean Baldwin, James Jr. Balenton Robert Ball Corp Balmer James A. Balston Filter Prod Banta, W.C. Jr. Barker Marvin W. Barr David J. Barr Jo W. Bartlett Hugh BASF Wyandotte Corp (NJ) Basler Electric Co Batchelor John B. Batra Romesh C. Baumbach Don Baumer Clifford J. Beavers Charitable Trust Bechtel Fdn Becton Dickinson Fdn Beech Aircraft Fdn Beistel Donald W. Bell Delores Bell Robe,rt J. Bell Communications Research Bennett Don Berg Helen M. Berg Morris Berger Samuel L. Berger Ted Bernoudy Eleanor R. Berry John H. Bertnolli Edward C. Bertrand Gary L. Berwald David M. Berwald Irvin Betten J. Robert BHA Group Inc Bie Wendy A. Bieniek Ronald J. Biermann Gene Bird Mary J. Black & Veatch Fdn Blake Mrs Ruth R. Blase Edwin W. Bledsoe Wayne M. Blount Inc Blue James M. Blue Heron/Rookery Restaurant Blum Frank D. Bodine Aluminum Inc Boeing (Seattle) Bogan James J. Bohley Ronald G. Bohn Foundry Inc Boland Joseph B. Bolinger David Boll Herman Bontempo Arnold Borcherding Duthiel tI. Borg-Warner Fdn Boster Norman B. Boston Margie V.

BoO! BoW BoW BoW BoY: BoY 'BP ' Bra( Bra l Bral Bral Bra~

Bral Bral Bral Bre E Bre~

BreI BreI BreI BreI Brid Bris Broa Brol Brol Bro~

Bro} Brt Brut BrU! BrUI Bru: BfY~

Buhl Buhl 'Buil IJIi1lr


Burl Bur Bur, Burl BUfr Burr Burl Burt Burt Bust Buss Buth Byk

Cabo Cain Calla Calo CalV Cam Cam Cant Canb Card Care Carg Carl Caro Car Car Car Car Car Cas Cas Cas Cas Cate Catl CaV Cen Cen Cen







February 1989


Ce ntral & South We st Fdn Bouckaert George P. Central Federal Savings ' Bower William W. & Loan Bowles Joe Ed Central II Pub Service Co Bowness Robert A : Chambers Nancy Boyanchek Joyce Chamier-Wixson Suzanne Boyko Kenneth J. Char bonnier William P. 'BP America Charlesworth W. L. Brackhahn Donald G. Chastain Gary Brandt Barbara J. Chavez Rosa Roman Brandt Howard E. Chesebrough- Pond's Brandt Robert E. Che sler Phillip G . Brase Arlyn E. Chevron Che mical Co Braun Gregory Chevron Companies Brawley Glendon H. ( New Orleans) Brawley Marvin L . Chevron Companies Breece Carl (San Frrlncisco) Bressler Alvin Chevron USA Inc Brewer Marcia J. Chia Tai Conti Co Brewer Roy Christensen Lawrence Brewer Terry Christensen Maxine J. Brewer Science Inc Christopher Leo L . Bridgman Samuel Christy Refractories Bristol Myers Fund Chrysler Corp Fund Broaddus Mrs Wayne R. Church & Dwight Brown Carol A. CH2M/ Hill Brown Mrs Joy Cicero Rene Brown Motors Inc CIGNA Fdn· Broxson Larry Z. Cincinnati Bell Inc Brt Carol CITGO Petroleum Corp Brugger Michael J. Citibank NA Bruner Susan W. Cities Service Fdn Bruno Mark T. Cla m co Corp Bruss Eldor Clark J . Be v e rle y Bryant James Clark Stephen L. Buhl, Howard K. Jr. Clark Ter ry Buhr .Joseph L. Class <:if 37 - Rolla Hi School Builders Assn of Mo Cla y J e ffr e y X . Bullman Howard L. Clayton Don ald Bullman Mrs Gale Clerrnnon s Mrs Mar g aret L. Burch Charle s E. Cleveland Cliffs Fdn Burd Joyce Clorox Co Burger Marian G. Cobb , John We s ley III Burlington Northern F dn Coff in Neil Burne tt Don Coffman Ge orge Burns & McDonnell Coffma n Kathlyn L. Burrell Butch Coff man T homas M. Burt on P aul Coge ll Don n a Kae Burton Wilber t W. Busine s s Men's As surance Co Cogell Wayne C . Coh en Geral d L . Buss man Cohe n Mrs Ge orge Butler Mfg Co F dn Coh en Pearl Byk-Chemis U SA Coldwell Banke r R e al Estate Coleman 'Robert E. Colgate- P a lmolive Colma n Euge nia M. Color Cor p Qf Amer ica Cabot Corp Fdn Cain Marvin R. Columbia Gas Trans ' Corp Callahan Carter Columbus & Tsunako Craft Calodney Martin M. Columbus Craft Calvin Opera House Columbus Southern Camden Bernell Power Company Campbell Soup Co Combined Federal Campaign Canton -Elevator Inc Combustion Engr Inc Cantrell Charles C. Comeau Jim J. Cardolite Corp Cominco American Career Research Systems Inc Corrnnon Bond Associates Cargill Inc Con-Edison Carlo Joseph W. Condray Michael Carolina Power & Light Co Conley Annie Carpenters District Council Connecticut Nat'l Bank Carr George E. Conner Stella Carrier Corp Fdn Inc Conoco (Ponca City) Carson, Mrs Joseph O . Jr. Conrad Charles Carter Mining Co Cons Natural Gas Co Fdn Case Austin Consol Coal Castle Deborah L. Con tel Corp Castleman Mary Lou Continental Bank Fdn Castleman Mrs Margaret M. ':' Continental Can Co Inc Caterpillar Fdn Cooksey Robert Catlett Michael Cooper Eugene A. Cavender Richard Cooper Evelyn B. Centerre Bancorporation Cooper Industries Fdn Centerre Bank - Rolla Corcoran Donald Centerre Charitable Trust Corn Arthur


Costain Coa l Inc Coterie Scholar ship Corrnnitte e Cotten Thomas R. Cottengim Bob Cottingham William Couch Gary Council for Chern Research Inc Cowan Grace Cowe n Richard C . Cox Nor ma n Cox R oberta J . Cra ngle Dal e E . Crawf o r d F ittin g Co Cray Res earch F dn Cress W. Dudley CRL Inc Cronin Donald L. Cross Warren E. Crosser Orrin K. Crowell Homer Cude, Eber F. Jr. Cunningham Floyd M. Curley Koboldt Agency Cyclops Fdn

D Dilhlgren Frank Dale Charles L. Dalton John R . Daly Cla udette Da ncy Eds el L. Da niells Lu c y Da nzer Ronal d Dattilo Marion David son Mrs R. Fred Davies Jerry Davis Francis M. Davis Robert L. Daw s on Marion Dawson Vonda Day . J esse Day co Corp (SprinKQeld) Deere & Co Fdn DeiS Lynee DeKock Arlan R . Del Rosario A . L . Delano W. J ona than DeLassus James E . Delta Sigma Phi Depr ies t Jame s G . DePriest Scott, A . De troit Edison Dev ilb i ss Robert J. Dharani Loke sh R. Diamond Mike . Diamon d R a ymond F . Digital Equip Corp Distler Gene Doboy Packaging Ma ch Inc Doe Run Co Dolan Thomas J. Dole Fresh Fruit Co Doll Paul N. Don's Pro Shop Donnelly Joseph T . Dooley William M. Doty Gene Warren Douglas Stephen A. Dow Chern (Midland) Dow Chern Fdn Dow Corning Dowd Scott A. Dowdy Marge Downes Ervin Doyle John J. Trust Dresser Mrs Thorpe Dresser · Thomas P. Dresser Fdn Inc Dresser Indu s t r ies Dubroff Richard E . Dude nhoeffe r J ohn

Du denhoffer Ran dy Duke P ower Co F dn Dunca n David M. Dunste dter David E. DuPont Duppe r Larry L. Duree Mrs Nadine

E Eas tma n Kodak (Roches t er) Eaton Corp Ech elber ry Larry E c h ols Willia m Edler Anna L. E d ward D Jones & Co Edwards Elizabeth Edwards Mrs Francis C. EG&G Fdn E gyptian Educational Bureau Eisenman , Harry J. III Elf Aquitaine . Inc Eli Lilly & Co F dn Elliott Virginia W. Ellis > Elmer Eloe Howard W. Emerson Electric Emken Kurt Empire District Electric Co Engelhard Corp Engelmann Robert Engle P atricia Enid & Crosby Kemper F dn Enix Kenneth R . Enron - F dn Ent s minge r B u s Epp elsheime r Mr s Daniel Epstein Erwin H. Erkiletian Maxine Erler John R . Ernst & Whinney Fdn Erten Hay ri M .. Eschenbach T heodore G. Essary Ercie E . Eta Kappa Nu Ethyl Corp Eve rsman Walter Exxon (Houston) E x x on Educational Fdn Eyb e rg Mrs Walbridge

F F V Leach Charita ble T rust Fac tory Mu t ual Engr Fal ke nh ain V . E. Fal kenrath R o g er s H . Family Car e Cent of St Roberts Fannin D. Rona ld F a rrell Elizabeth A. Faucett Thomas R. Fdn for Chern Research Inc Feakes Doug Fechter ·John Fed of Soc For Coatings Technology Federal-Mogul Corp Federated Dept Stores Inc Foundation Fer kenhoff W. H . Ferner Alan M. Ferrell Floyd Ferro Corp Fidelity Union Life Ins Co Fields John W. Fierke John R. Fieser Ben Fiestone Trust Fund Files Dennis E. F in c h Mrs Raymond F indley Ma r s hall E. F ine Morris M.

. 37

MSM Alumnus

Finke lstein Edward Finley Charle s B. Finley E. B. Fique t, Louis A. III FL Industries Inc Flachsbart Barry Flex-O- Lite Fluor Corp (MG) Fluor Daniel Inc Fluor Fdn FMC Corp FMC Fdn Ford Charles S. Ford Motor Co Fund Fore Jack D . Forshee Margie Fossey Robert D . Foster Gerald Foundry Educational Fdn Fox Donald C. Fox Mark France Garland Francis . Lyman L. Franke Robert M. • Fred S James Co Inc Fred Weber Inc Fredrick Martha Ann Frericks David Friberg Stig E. Friend Da vid Friend M.E . Fritchey Justin D. Frost Michael D. Fryer Lonnie Fst Bank Nat 'l Assoc Fugate Charles R . ':' Funk Joseph N. Funk Mrs Joseph

Goodding Ma r ian J. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co Gor man F dn Gou l d Ele c tron ic s Inc Govie r John P. Grabiel John P. Grace Fdn Inc Gragg Larry D. Grawe Mrs O.R . Great Northern Nekoosa Corp Green , John L. Jr . Greer Cecil J. Gregg Jay Gregory James Gr ice Ha rve y H . Gr iese mer Herb Griffeth Ellen B . Griffith H. M. Grimm Loui s ' J . Grinstea d John E . Grossman Robert E. Grotenhuis A . E. Gruhn William Grumman C9rp , GTE Corp Guy F Atkinson Co


GA TechnologIes Inc Gabler Mrs Bertha ~'Galloway Mrs C. T. E state Gamma Xi Sigma Nu Gammeter Caroline I. M. Garbi Sally M. Gargus Ralph Garner Larry D. Garnett Jack V. Garnett Luther 0 ·. Gassen Gerald W. Gates Robert H. Gaub Dolores Gelsinger Richard General Atomics General Dynamics Corp General Electric (Bridgeport) Gene-ral Electric Fdn General Motors Corp (Detroit) General Motors Corp , (Flint) ':' . General Motors Corp (Warren) General Motors Fdn Inc Gent Elinor Geonetta Sam C . ',' George Lawrence C. Geo technical Services Inc Gerber Michael J. Giboney Carl J. Gibson Harriet D. Gilmore Mrs Martha L. Givens Bernard Givens Mark E. Gleason Wilfred C . Glenn John L. Glock Robert W. Gnecco Richard Godfre y J a queline T. Golden Denve r Goldner Marvin L . Good William C . - ' ' , -,I.'!


,~" " ',~


Helton Jimmie G . Helton Lloyd Helton Marie Hemmer Ozzie E . Hendricks GenE;! T. Hendrickson M. R. Henke Arthur J . Henley William I. Henry Kay Henry Mark He nry Walt He n ze Walter Her cules Inc He rin g Ro ger H. Hernton Ken neth Herrma n Lumber Co Hewle tt - P ackard Co F dn Hi-Speed Checkweigher Co Inc Hicks Ray Hiett Abstract Co Higginbotham Donald B. lIjghline Plating Inc Hildebrandt Roger A. Hillcrest Drugs Inc Hindle Del Hobart Albert N. Hockanson Loren Hoeltge Eugene Hoertel William W. Hoeshst Cleanese Corp H B E Corp Hoffman Mrs Max H B Fuller Co Hoffman William R . Haake John Hohenfeldt Ralph D . Haas Leonard· J. Hollandsworth Gloria L. Hachmeister Robert J. Holliday Gregory A . Hackett :Q.avid E . Homestake Mining Co Hale Delores J. Honey Garrett Hale Edward B . Honeywell Fdn Hall Dennis C. Hooper James M. Hall Frank Hooper Steven Hall George W. Hopkins Howard S. Hall James Hopper Mrs Edward Hall Pauline V. Horn Charles E. Halladay, Harry Sr. Horst Weston Halliburton Education Fdn Horton Guy Hallmark Cards Inc Hospital Trust Hamilton Rutherford Hou'gh Barbara Hamlett Patrick W. Houpt Leo A. Hal;lcock William R. Household International Hanna Samir B. Howard Scott A. Hansen Enid C . Howard Johnson / Rollamo Corp Hardesky Daniel Howe Wallace B . Hardinge Byron C. Howell Richard F. Hardtke, Fred C. Jr. Howell Ronald H. Hardy Ervin J . Howlett David Hargis Dorothy M. Huff Hal M. Harper Hazel Hughes Thomas E. Harper Patricia A. Hughes Aircraft Co Harris Michael L . Huguley John T. Harris William M. Humphrey Lois H. Harris Fdn Hunt Dennie D. Harry Mrs Eloise Hurst Larry J. Harry Nowlan Oil Trust Husman Fred Hart June E. Husmann Arthur L. Hartford Steam Boiler & Insp Hylton Ralph C. Hartley Lucy Ann Harvey Edward J. Harvey Herbert Hasselma nn Karl F. Tru s t Hatfield Richard B. IA Resources Inc Hatheway Allen Wayne IA - IL Gas & Electric Hausmann Ronald IBM Hawkins Sharon I CI Americas Inc Haxton R . A . Ijames Carl E. Hayes Greg IL Mining Inst Haynes W. Lance IL Power Co Hedl Ronald K. Indiana Michigan Power Co Heermann Wa yne Indu s trial Risk Insurers He flin Berth a Industrial Wire Prod inc He g le r B urn s E. In gersoll- Rand Heits c h Charle s W. Inland Steel (Chica go) Held Leon J . In s t of Nuclear Power Oper Helm R oy Int'l Salt Co He lming Ronnie I n U Pap e r Co Fdn







In U T o u rs of Rolla Iowa Re s ources Inc Irion Arthur L. Island Creek Coal Co Itschner Emerson C. ITT Corp

J J B Arthur Family Fund J B Reynolds Fdn J M Products Inc J S Alberici Constr Co Jackson Glen S. James William J . James River Corp Jame s S Priamos Prod Inc Jamison John ' P . Janda Wayne E . Jayn~ Mitcq Jeansonne Diane J e fferson Smurfit Corp Jella Joyce L. Jenks Catherine G. Jenks, William S. Jr. J ennens Rachel M. Jensen Mrs Emma Jim Dawson Memorial Jischke Martin C . Job James T . John Mathes & Assoc Inc John's Firestone Johnny's Smoke Stak Johnson Ann C. Johnson Barb Johnson Charles A. Johnson James L. Johnson Ron Johnson & Johnson Johnson Controls Fdn Johnston Allan D. Johnston Ronald L . Jokela William A. Jolley Denis Jolley J . B. Jones Bill Jones Clinton E. Jones James A . Jones Robert W. Jones Thomas W. Jones Timothy W. Jones, Richard B . Sr. Jos E Seagram Tx Pacific Oil Jutte Ann L.

K Kambouris George Kansas City Sect KC Power & Light Co KC Society For Coatings Technology Keane James M. Keeley Lawrence P . Kellner Quinn Kellogg Ronald T. Kemper Elo ise B . Keran Terrence B. Kerley Clay Kerr-McGee Key Billy A. Key Sports Shop Kilcher Stanley M. Killion D . D . Kilp Judith E. Kinder Janet D. King Deverne King James K. King Robert Kingsford Co Kinsey Thomas Kipp Thomas E.

J{irt }(irt



J{loe }{Iu e }{I un

Knal }{niF }{nol

}{oct Koct Kohl Kolal Kolb Konr Kopl Kop~

Kosa Kosh

Kova KraE' Krarr Kram Kreb Kreis Krog Krus KTT]

Kuba Kuell Kurt<

Kurz Kust!



Lahm Lama Land Land: Lane

Lang Lang

Lang Lang Lang Lang


Lan g~

Langs LaPag LaPon Larkir Larsol Lasko Laub Laudo La wso La wso Lea Lear Leavit Lee


Leigh Lernst Leong Letts Lever Lewis Lickli Light Lind g Lindg Lockh

Lone Long Long


Lorey Lotz

37 .






I Inc



Kirby D.M . Kirby Robert F. Kirkpatrick James C . Kitchen Charles L. Kloepple Al H. Kluczny Raymond M. Klwnp Leo K n a pp C h arle s E . Knipp a Lyndon Kno bbe Len Ko ch Mark G . Koch En g r Co Inc Kohrma n n Allen Kolag a Ken t R . Kolb et Oscar J. Konrad Paul Koplar Enterpr ises Inc Koppers Co Fdn Kosar k R andy L . Koshi Donald M. Koval Leslie R . Kra ft Inc Kram Francis L. Kramme Joel 1. Krebs Carolyn A. Kreisel Merlin Kroger Co Kruse Esther M. KTTR - KZNN Radio Station Kubala Zbigniew Kuelker Richard Kurton N.S. Kurz Joseph Kusterer Donald P.



Laclede Gas Co La ger quist Corp Lahm F rank J. Lamar J e r r y Lan d Rober1. M. Landi s & Gyr Inc Lan e Jeffrey W. Lang Ca therine M. Lang Gregory A. Lang Mary Claire Lang Paul A. Lang Ste phen A. Lang Wayne Lang, Eugene A . Jr. Langkawel Joe Langston Wayne LaPage Joseph A. LaPointe , Eugene Jr . Larkin & Assoc Larson W.D. Lasko Helen D. Laub Stephen M. Laudon Robert C . Lawson C. Glen Lawson Lucy E. Lea C.H. Lear William T. Leavitt Mrs J.E . Lee Shen Ching Legsdin Mrs Adolph Leighly, H. Phil Jr. Lemstra Andrew Leong Dick C. Letts Mrs Marian K . Lever Brothers Co Lewis James W. Licklider Larry C. Light Raymond L. Lindgren Patricia Lindgren William Lockhart Ramon Lone Star Industries Inc Long Robert Long Insurance Agency Inc Look, Dwight C. Jr. _ Lorey G. Edwin Lotz Phillip M.



Louisiana La nd & Ex p Co Lowe Willia m .S . Lowry Mike LTV Steel Co Lueckenhoff Roger Luedde Gary Lutzen Karl Lynch Mac h - Miller Hydr o Inc L y on Louis e R . Lyon s Mr s John H .

M M W Kello g g Co Mace Debbie Mace Eun ice R . Machmer Mr s Ferd inand Mac kaman Frank Mackama n John C. MacSithigh Gear oid P. 'Maginel C. James Magogna Stanley V. Magrath C. Peter Mahoney Patricia Maid Rite Drive In Malberg Noling . Mall Martin Mallinckrodt Inc Manuel Oliver K. Manzone Mario G. Mapco Fdn Marathon Oil Fdn Marchello Joseph M. Marfice Paul Margulis Augusta Markley Jane Marley Fund Marsh & McLennan Co Inc Marshall Nancy Marshall Stanle y V. Martin Dale W. Martin Marie tta (MD) Martin Marie tta F dn Masengill C. H . Massman Const Co' Matchell Audry Mathis I.S. Mathis L . M. Matthew s Ka thy Matthe w s R ic hard H. Mawhorter R. L . Max Mary B. Maxus Energy Corp Maxwell George B. May Jack C. May Robert L. May Co Fdn Inc Maydew Theodore D. May tag Fdn Inc Mazanec Richard B. Mazzola John McAllister Darrell McCaffrey Emily McCarthy Blgd Co McClintic Ruth E. McClure Loretta McCollum Julie Larson McConnell Cary L . McCracken Mary H. McCutchen A. C. (Mac) McDonald Hector O. McDonald Shirrell L. McDonald's Restaurant McDonalds Corp McDonnell Douglas Co McDonnell Douglas Fdn McEwen Ethel McEwen Malcolm McHenry Howard R. McHenry L . Charles McIlwain John McIntosh Hazel McKay James McKenzie Lee E.




McKune R obert McM illian Fra nk McMUli n Br u ce McMullin Don a ld McMu rtrey Paul B. Mc nutt, V H Me morial F d n McPh erson, Geo rge Jr . McRae John Mead Technologies In'c Meagher Phyllis Medrow Robert A . Meehan Pauline F. Melick Ross A. Mensing Kenneth Meramec Group Meras Jose G. Metcalf Dale Metcalf Douglas H. Metge Steven Metzner Henry E . Metzne r John R . Mey e r J. A . Meyer Jame s F . Me yer Robert A . Mich ael S cott J. Microsoft Mid - East Mo Contractors Association MidCon Corp Middle South Services Inc Midwestern Soc of Tel Engrs Miller M. Michael Miller Richard W. Mills Marie Mills Susan Minnesota Mining & Mfg Fdn Minnich Louise Mitchell Hal D. Mo Golf Assn Mo Minerals Inc Mo Public Service Mo Refractories Co Inc Mobil Oil Fdn Mod-Tap Corp Modern Barber Shop MoellenhoffFred Moh:han John R. Moloney Timothy R. Momper George Monsanto Co Monsanto Fund Montgomery Robert L. Mooney Audrey Moore Charles Q. Moore David D. Moore Weldon Moore McCormack Resources Inc Morey Beth Morgan Joseph E. Morgan Ray E. Morgan William C. Morgan Winona Morris Arthur E. Morrison - Knudsen Morrow William J. Morse B. Eric Morton Thiokol Moss Louis D. Moss Randy H. Motorola (Schaumburg) Motorola Fdn MRD Corp Mu.llally Dist Co Inc Mullen L.E. Murphy James 1. Murr James

N N, Steven Naeger Tom Nalco Chemical Co Napp er Rich ard






February 1989 .

Narup, Mrs Henry Jr. Nash Mrs John S. Nat Gas Pipeline Co (Ark) Nat Gas Pipeline Co (I L) Natl Act Council-Minorities Natl Assoc Exc Indus t Res Natl Con s for De g in Minority Natl Distillers & Chern Corp Natl Gypsum Co Natl Paint & Coatings A ssn N a tl Steel Corp Nau Elizabeth Nau Robert H . Nawojski Robe rt A. NCR Corp NCR Fdn Neary Bob Neeman Calv in A . Nelson H. F r e derick Nevin s David J. Ne vins Michael C . Ne v ins Family Fdn New England Power Serv Co Newkirk Joseph K. Newmont Mining Corp Nichols Clifford L. Nicholson Anna L. , Nims Associatel> Inc Nix Jim NL Industries Fdn Inc Nobbe William F. Noltensmeyer Mrs Paul Noranda Aluminum Inc Fdn North American Coal F dn North American Philips Corp Northeast Utilities Northern Mrs Eugene Northern Illinois GasNorton Carol Norton Company Fdn Inc Novak Justine F. Null & Son Funeral Home Nunn Thomas A. Nunnally Edwin C. NY Life Fdn

o O'Brien James P. O'Brien & Gere O'Kraski Stanley L. O'Meara John Oakley David L. 'Oherle Robert W. Occidental Pet Charitable Foundation Ogrosky Wendell R. Ohio Power Co OK Gas & Electric Fdn Inc OK Seismic Corp Old Ben Coal Corp Olin Corp Charitable Trust Oliver Samuel C. Oller, Russell I. Jr. Olson Ethel M. Olson Hel,en A . Olson James C . Omurtag Janet Omurtag Yildirim Orchard Noel Ortelee Mary Ousley Allen Outboard Marine Corp Owens Carma Jean Owe ns Garland C. Owe ns-Corning Fiberglas Corp Owens- Illinois Inc Owsley ' Ed A . Oxenhandler Louis Ozark Equipment Co *Deceased



MSM Alumnus


Pruett Opal V. Pryor W.B. Pu blic Service Co Of CO Puckett Edgar J. PA Power & Light Co Pumpelly Helen Fennell Pacific Li ghtin g Corp Purina Mills Inc Packaging Education Fdn Inc Pursell Lyle E. Packa ging Machinery Putnam Charles Mf g Inst Panhandle Eastern Corp (MG) Panhandle Eastern Pipeline (KC ) Quaker Chemical Fdn Park John T. Quaker Oats Fdn Park Keith Quantum Parker- Hannifin Fdn Quenon Rober t H. Parks Robert E. Quick Gale W. Parrott Edward Parson s J a n Patterson James F. Patterson L. A. Patton J erry Raef C harles Pa uls FranKlin B. Rahaman Mohamed N. Paulson Leonard F. Rahner Robert M. Paulson Lore tta Ralston Purina Co Ramsey Maureen C. Peabod y Coal Co Rand Willard C. Peacher J erry L . R a tzlaff Donald E. P earce Ellen Raytheon Co Pear son Darryl RCA Corp P eccola Arnel Reager Bert Pence Mrs Harry Reed Ernest P enico Anthony Peo ples Gas Light & Coke Co Reed Harvey J. Reed Morris E. Pe psi Co Fdn Reese Construction Co Perillo Renald Remington Agnes Perri guey Donald E . Renick Ruth Ann P esante J ose Renick, Murray C. Jr. P eterson Lauren A. Replogle C. Dale Pe trollte Corp Research CottreU Inc Pfeiffer Walter C. Retzel Arthur W. Pfizer Inc Reynolds Metals Co Fdn P help s Co-City Panhellenic Rhodes Equipment Co PHH Group Fdn Inc Richard Elizabeth P h ilip Morris Inc Richards Howard Phillips Fibers Corp Richards Lynda L. Phillips Petroleum Fdn In c Richardson Margaret A. Phy s ics Dept Richardson & Bass Cons Co Pierce Mau rice C . Ricker E. Eugene Pietsch Carl W. Riddle John H. Piets ch Mrs Peter H. Ridley Jack B. Piggly Wiggly Ries Walter L. Pillsb ury Corp Rifkin Anna "Pimentel Mauricio F. Rigler A.K. Pin s k y Rose Riley Creek Boys Pittman Leonard W. Ringo Myra Pitts David Riordan Catherine A . Plag Fred A. Risbeck John S . Planje George Rivers Jack L. Planje Mrs Theodore Roach D. Vincent Plastics Res arch & Dev Roach Louise Corp Plummer Donald T. Robert B Young, MD Plunk Warren A. Roberts Audrey Pod zimek Josef Roberts Winona C. P o g u e Jim C. Robertson B. Ken P oling Bruce E. Robertson Bruce L. P on der Paul E. Robert on David G. C P or ter Gary D. Robinson J. Kent P oston Jerry L. Roches er & Pittsburgh Powell Bowman Coal Co P owell John D. Rock Paint Distributing Corp PPG Industries Fdn Rockaway John D. Prange Marie A. Rockaway Lmda l . Prange Mrs H rbert L. Rock ell IntI Corp Trust Price R os lnd Concrete Co Rodman rs \v'ilfred PricE' Brothers Pdn Rodriguez Gregorio L. P r irrn 1 Alex T. Roger Adams Olds Buick Pro Lngrs in Priv PracticL Rogers Corp P rocess Control Consultat Rogers, Thoma. Clay Jr. Prock R. W ohm & Haas Co Procter & Gamble (Cape ';i1') 1 oUa rea \lusic Teachers Procter & Gamble Fund Association Rolla Eye Clmic Inc ( MG) Rolla Monument Co Proctor Paul D. Rolla Standard Ser P r oduction Finishes Inc




Rollings C . L. Rollins R uby M. Rosenau e r J. M. Rosenb urg J anice E. Ro enthal Ra n dle R oss J ames L. Ross Ray A. Roth James P . R owden Harold Rowden Wilma Rowden Zane Rozdilsky Jack Rucker Ray R u pp T im Russell Clarence J. Ru ssell Do n ald M. R u ssell Robert Bru ce R u ssell Robe rt R. Rust In t ll Corp

s S Central Chemical Soc iety Sachs Ala n Sager Thomas J . Sahara Coal Co Inc Sandefur Robert L. Sands Charles R. ands William Sanko vich Richard Sarchet Bernard R. Sato Kota Sauer Katherine A. Sayles Rowenna W. Scanlan Ellen L. Schaefferkoetter Louis Schamel Mrs Walter Schearer Laird D. Schirz Kathleen Schlechten Mrs A.W. Schlotzhauer Wes Schlumberger Fdn Schm dake Robert E . Schmidt Norbert O. Schmoldt Mrs Jimmie Schneider Harold Schneider Virginia L. Schneider, Daniel F. III Schnitzer Shirley Schnur James Schoby Patricia A. Schoenfeld Harold Schomburg Ronda Schowengerdt George C. Schuessler Robert Schultz ChrIstian Schwartz John A. Schweickhardt Hazel ScientifIc Re earch Society Scientific Software Corp Scott Edna M. cott Herman A.¡ Scott Sharon Scott Paper Co Fdn Sczepanski John W. Seay William Spllberg Bob D. Sellers-Sexton Inc Senne John 1:.. Sevall George W. Shanker Stanford D. haw David W. Shawnls River Ci y Grill Shea Thomas J. Shearson Lehman / ArneI' Expr ' s ' Sheffield John W. Sh II Compani s Fdn Inc Shell Oil Co herman L. Daniel Sherrer L. A. Shields Mildred Shield - Steven B. Shockley Leon

Short Mrs Madge Shults Char les L. Shultz George B. Sickman Robert Sieck Gwe n H . Siehr Donald J. Sigler J ame!? W. Siltala J on a t han E. Sine ath Hen r y H . S irgo Mr s Marth a S kag g s H. Edward Skillin g t o n Gen Skorda! Henry Smit h Arthur Smit h Audrey S . Smith Bernar d E . Smith Carol A . Smith Har old A. Smith Kenneth A. Smith Neil K . Smith Roy Smith Ted P . Smith Timothy E. Smit hKline Be ckma n Fdn Soc iety Of Minin g En g rs Sohio ( Cle v ela nd) Sommer Loyola Sonoco P roducts Co So u t hard s Lee Southe r n CA Ga s Co So uthw e s ter n Bell F dn So u thwestern Bell Tele Co Sovar Don Sowers Tom Sparks Carl s E. Sparks Stephen Spa rlin Do n M. Spencer William A . Spokes Ern est M. Spoone r Jeffrey D . Sporlan Valve Co Springcreek Sand al Co Spring fiel d Comp -Consultants Squar e D Co Square D Fd n Squibb Corp Squ ires Harold S t Clair R.A . S t Gemme Dale St J oseph Ligh t & Power Co S t Louis Paint & Coatings Association S t Lou is Soc for Coatings Tech nolo g y Stan dard Oil Production Stange S iegfried H. Stanley Carl R. Stapp Paul R. State arm Compan ies F d n Stauffer Communicat ions In c Stauter Mark C. Steele D. Keith Steinbach Alvin C. Stephenson Richa r d W. tevens M. 1errill tevens, William W. Jr. Steward .James H. tewart eharles A. Stobie Irvin Stoeck r William V. Stokes Mrs James E. Stoll J ffrey R. Stoll Leo H. Slone James Stone K nneth Stone Ron D . S tone & Webster S t ranzek T.F. S t reet Owen Strom Kenneth W. S tuart Gladys S tu tzman Gladys S uarez L.A. S u bo w Shar on H. S ullins Wayne

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '1 '1 '1 1 1

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1 T T



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February 1989

Surruners Mrs Huey Surruners Russell Sun Refining & Marketing Company Sutherland Wayne Swanson Gregory M. Swope Karen F.





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; Fdn ons Inc .

w. fr.

Taber's Products Inc Taoo B~ll Talley Alfred L. Tandy Corp /Radio Shack Taylor Mary H . Ted P Smith Tektronix (Beaverton) Teledyne Inc (Los Angeles) Teleflex Fdn Tenneco Inc Tenneco Oil Exp & Prod Tessaro Michael W. Teter Eugene K. Texaco Philanthropic Fdn Textron Corp The Equitable Fdn The Turner Co Thessing Theodore A. Thoele Howard W. Thomas Harold C. Thomas, William H. Jr. Thomas, Birdsong, Clayton . & 'Haslag Thompson Carl D. Thompson Marcey Tillrrian Richard J. Timpe Malcolm Toft Mrs Donald Toledo Edison Toll George Tonding Lowell Tourville D. L. Tragitt Mrs E. Rowland Trampe David A. Transameriea Fdn Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Travelers Companies Fdn Inc Trettenero Leslie Triad Printing & Office Products . Trimble Selden Y. Trinova Trombetta George C. Troyer Jerry D. Trumbo Alistair Trunfio Nino Trunkline Gas Co TRW Fdn (Cleveland) Tschirhart Leslie H. Tsoulfanidis Nicholas Tucker Elinor J. Turnbough ' Clarence Turner James H. Turner Rich Turnham Pete Twitty John R. TX Eastern Trans Co TX Instruments TX Oil & Gas

u U S Air Wash Nat'l Airport U S Geological Survey Ullmann Leo C. UMR Chemistry Faculty UMR Courtesy Fund UMR History / Political Sciences Unell Sam Union Electric

Union Electric Char Trust Union Pacific Corp Union Pacific Fdn Unisys Corp United Engr & Const LTD United Savings & Loan Assn United Services Auto Assn United Technologies United Telecom-Spectrum United Telephone Co Unklesbay A.G. Unocal Fdn US Fidelity & Guaranty Co US Steel USG Fdn

v V A/N C Power Co Van Horn John D. Van Matre Gene L. Van Pelt Donald Lee Van Rhein Erik J. Van Wyk Frank J. Vaughn John C. Vaughn, William F. Jr. Veenstra Charles K. Venable Raymond L. Vickers John M. Viehmann Edward D. Vista . Chemical Co Volosin Betty J. Vonal t Larry Vonder Haar Marian Voss Joseph L. Voypick Joseph A .

w Wade Hilda E . Waeckerle Janet M. Waggoner Barbara M. Waggoner Lynn H. Wakeham Rosemary Wal-Mart Fdn Walker Mrs Arthur W. Wallach Stanley E. Walsh George Walsh Michael T. Walsh William Waltman Josephine P. Warner Don L Warrenton Refining Inc Washam Ray Waste Management Inc Waters Juanita Watkins William Watskey Joe W. Watson Donald J. Wausau Insurance Co WCB Group / Kendall Pub Co Weart Harry W. Weber Simon Wehmeyer Ronald A. Weinbaum Melvin Welch Bonard Welch Lorraine J. Wells C.R. Wells Charles Werkmeister Russell West Robert C. Westbrook Sandra J. Westerheide Ralph Westinghouse (M9) Westinghouse Education Fdn Weston Linda Wheeler Robert J . Whirlpool Corp Whirlpool Fdn Whitcomb Tom White Eugene White Richard A. White Robert M.

White Ronald J. White Sally Whitehouse Bruce Whitson Hilbern WI Power & Light Co Widman Larry A. Wiebe Henry A. Wiles Johnie J. Wiley Willabelle L. Wilhite Kenneth T. Williams Charles E. Williams' John Williams Robert Williams Companies Wills Mrs Floyd M. Wilson C. E. Wilson Dale Wilson M. Louise Wilson, Thomas R. Jr. Winkler Glenn D. Wisco~sin Power & Light Co Wise James N. Withers Mark Wives Auxiliary Of Prof Engrs Wixsoh Bobby G. Wixson Douglas C. Wolf Dorothea Womack Leland Women in Mining St Louis Chapt Woodard Edgar Woodward Bruce Woolsey Edwin Woolsey, Fisher Attorneys Woracek Louis Worthy Willie Lee Wu Cheng-Hsiao Wyloge Leona Wynne Louis Wyss Clarence


Commemoratives & memorials Each year UM R r eceives many gifts honoring li ving persons a nd in memory of deceased loved on'es. When donations are received, members of the immed iate families are notified of the na mes of the donors. These perpetual funds support a variety of projects including scholarships. student loans, recognition a wards. artist/lecture seri es, library acquisitions, music. and other special programs a nd activ ities. Those so honored during 1988 are:

Commemoratives Herbert C. DeValve V. A . C. Gevecker Harvey H. Grice C. James Grirrun William M. & Jane M. Hallett Thomas A. Holmes George McPherson J. Derald Morgan Robert H. Nau Bob & Hanna Nevins Agnes C. Remington J. Kent Roberts William A. Rutledge Patricia A. & Harry J . Sauer, Jr. Joseph H. Senne Gabriel G. Skitek Mailand R . Strunk Dudley Thompson J. Michael Vickers William H . Webb Clar k Wilson


Eugene C. Abernathy, '71 H . . G. S. Anderson, '09 Mary Imogene Anderson J. B. Arthur Juel H. Barker Carl H. Basler Lawrence W. Bell, '80 Yakir Marion S. Jesse R. Bodine Yeager Wendell L. Wouter Bosch Yelton Leonard Mark G .. Bouckaert, '84 Yonker Richard , H . Clyde W. Bower , '14 Younger Charles Wayne R. Broaddus, Sr., '31 Yu Wei-Wen Gale Bullman Thomas C. Burger, '50 J. B. Butler, '24 E. W. Carlton, '26 John H. Castleman, Sr., '42 Zarr Gerald E. Charles E . Christian, . '53 Zeno's Steak House & Motel Howard B. Colman, '35 Zernicke Steve Francis H. Conley, '27 'Zias Charles F. Frank H . Conrad Ziegler Paul I vohn Roach Cook Richard L. Cooper Frank E. Dennie John Herman Dougherty John J. Doyle, '15 Pauline B . Doyle Thorpe Dresser, '33 Robert E. Dye, '12 F. Stillman Elfred, '17 David A . Elliott, '65 Daniel S. Eppelsheimer E.M. "Slim" Everitt Jack F. Faser, '47 Raymond R. Finch, '43 . Judith L. Flebbe, '76 Floyd H . Frame George C. Gabler, '2 4 Charles T. Galloway Elmer Garruneter, ' 26 *Deceased Stephen P. Gorman Xerox Corp




MSM Alum nus

David Fischer Gale Fulghum James Gerard Curtis D. Gibson E. W. Gieseke Charles P. Godwin The Silver and Gold Club Honor Golden Rule Insurance Roll for 1988 lists the names of donors (Darell Jackson)whose gifts of $100 (silver member- . James H. Good ship) or $250 (gold membership) supJohn D. Grawe port intercollegiate sports at UMR. Louis M. Greer Membership in the Silver and Gold Val Gribble Club entitles members to special Harvey and Martha Grice parking privileges for home football Eric T. Griesemer and basketball games, to attend sevMichael Hearst eral social events each year, and to Warren Heilig visit the club's hospitality room before' each home basketball game. John- H. Henry The 1988 Silver and Gold Club Joseph T. Hepp members are: - Herrman Lumber ' Co. (Eddie & Cassandra Herrman) Gold Members Michael S. Huett Gene A. Huffman Richard and Mary Anderson Dennis R. Hunnicutt Keith Bailey Kay and Bill Jenks, Jr. Lucien M. Bolon Jr. John's Firestone R. M. Brackbill (Gary and Cathie John) Bruno's Michael Joshua (Mark and Judy Bruno) Ron D . J urenka Burr Van Nostrand Eloise B. Kemper Scholarship Fund Robert J. Kemper Larry H. Carpenter J. L. Key Les Clark Gerald W. Kiel Kim D. Colter Dudley and Kay Cress Jeff C. Kipp Silver Members Robert Dallmeyer Thomas E. Kipp David and Julie Deart.h Robert & Linda Kissack Henry S. Adamick Powell A. Dennie Fred and Rhea Kisslinger Rusby Gene Adams, Jr. Richard Erxleben Charles L. Kitchen Harry W. Allen Dr. & Mrs. V. E. _ Falkenhain American Bank of Rolla Ross R. Klie Floyd and Caroleen Ferrell William and Shirley Andrews Leonard F. Koederitz Charlie and Dixie Finley Thomas L. Koederitz Frank C. Appleyard Jack and Carolyn Fore .Ralph H. Kramer Philip R. Augustyn George Fort Joseph F. Krispin Gail A. Babson Frank E. Dennie . KTTR- KZNN Radio Station James A. Balmer Scholarship Fund Col. Harley W. Ladd Marvin W. and Alice Barker Mr . and Mrs. William Gammon Elbridge W. Bartley , III Robert C. Lange ' Gene and Ann Edwards Jame s D . Lee Richard H. Bauer Scholarship Fund Long Insurance Jerry and Shirley Bayl~ss George Walsh Chevrolet (Bill Jenks, III) Wayne Bennetsen Thor Gjelsteen Brian Lee Logan Don and Carol Bennett Herb Griesemer "Joel LQveridge Jerry & Mary Frances Berry Donald L. Heath Darrell McAllister Michael J. Blackmore ' Hebbelel' Bottling J. Gary McAlpin Greg M·. Bolon (Steve and Susan Bowles) John M. Mc Carthy Thomas S. Borgmeyer Harland H . . Hoppock Gregory McClain John C. Borthwick Scholarship FundJames L. McGregor Don and Nancy Brackhahn Harland H. Hoppock John B. McKee Samuel J. Bridgman Howard Johnson's Bob and Lou McKune Jeffrey E. Buck Jerry and Robert Berry Elmer L . McReynolds Vincent J . Budd Clifford S. Meisenheimer Scholarship Fund Max A. Burgett Jim Dawson Memorial Michael L . Millard' Centerre Bank of R~lla Missouri Home Care Chancellor and Mrs. Scott D. Charpentier When the alumni association was (Terry & Margaret Cossette) . Martin C. Jischke Lawrence and Maxine young, life memberships were soliWilliam J. Morrow Johnny 1 s Smoke Stak Christensen cited to finance the organization, The Louis and Jeannine Moss (John & Wendi Hoch) following alumni hold fully paid life Wayne C . Cogell Donald D. and Nancy Myers Robert J. Kadwell memberships. Each has a permanent Coldwell Banker R. Kevin Oberdick William M. Kauffmann place on the honor ·roll of donors. (Watskey & Baker) Robert B. & Tommie Oetting Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kennedy Thanks to all of you. William W. Collins Stanley & Darlene O'Kraski W. D. Kent Frank Conci Larry J. Oliver Billy and Naomi Key Crawford, E.A., '29 Jan Conci-Smith Stephen Ombalski Key Sport Shop De Cousser, Kurt Herman, Mark R. Congiardo Phillip ana Lori Ostapowicz A. R. Kieffer '22 Thoma~ W. Cooper Terry A. Owens Joseph J. Kinsella De ' Yalve, Albert Steihler, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Cordes George A. Pensel Harold A. J(rueger r~;i3 William and Pam Cottingham - Paul M. Pericich Jennings R. Lambeth Tom D. Crutcher Grimm, C. James, '30 James B. Perkins J oseph M. Marche llo Steven C . Davis Potter, Charles Jackson, '29 Dale and Linda Martin John W. Perkins Rochelle and Steven Smith, Hueston Merriam, '38 McDonald I s J ames and Susan Perry DelaRoche Swift, Roy Erwin, '34 David Pfefferkorn Joe and Molly Morgan Larry Dix Wheeler, Erne~t Sterling, '22 Carl W. Pietsch Buddie R. Morris Walter and Elizabeth Jerry L. Poston MSM/UMR Alumni Association Eversman J. E. Rakaskas Mullally Dist. Co. Francis E. Fennerty Richard L . Reeg James M. Murphy Gary J. Fennewald' William A. Rehm Robert M _ Nicodemus Douglas B. Finley Joseph C. Reynolds Memorial Fund Mr . and Mrs. E.B. Finley Margaret A. Richardson William J. Nolte

O. R. Grawe Clyde W. Hall, 1,14 Charles ' E . Harding Edwin T. Harvey, 130 Karl F. Hasselmann, 125 Philip 1. Hendricks, 142 Monique Hildebrand Martin 'Luther King, Jr. Robert B. Koplar Edward P. Lasko, 150 ' John W. Love, 142 1. H. Lovett, '24 John H. Lyons, '42 Ferd G. Machmer, '40 Ralph March Joseph McMahan Vachel H. McNutt, '10 Aaron J. Miles, '30 Freddy Lee Mosby, '58 James J. Murphy, '35 Kenneth Neal, '30 Robert M. Nicodemus, '69 Donald Paul Odom Frank W. Owens, '51 Peter H. Pietsch, '20 Theodore J. Planje, 140 Herbert L. Prange, 138 Stephen P. Reed Thomas H. Reese, Jr., 134 W. Robert Riggs, '32 Wilfred K. Rodman , 137 Walter T. Schrenk William K. Schweickhardt, 128 U. B. Senter Edward A. Smith, '124 Wallace Smith John ' P. Soult, '39 June A . Spokes James E. Stokes, '31 Bruce B. Strang, '70 Fraizer M. Sfewart, '40 Jules H. Subow, '67 Hu.e y Summers , '40 Richard Tennyson Betty L. Todd Frank Edgar Townsend, '11 E. Rowlan d Tragitt, 123 Lyman F. Van Buskirk, '52 A. W. Walker , 124 Gordon Weiss Anna Wiese Charles Wiese Roberta Winkler

Lifetime memberships

Silver and Gold Club

Ozark Equipment Co. John L. Painter John and Dorcas Park Herman P. Pfeifer Walter and Marian Pfeiffer Charles J. Potter Charles & Agnes' Remington Irvin D. Robbins Gary E. Roebke Roger Adams . Buick-Oldsmobile Tim W. Rupp Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. (John) Sauer, III Norbert O. Schmidt John E. Schork Robert E. Schweitzer James J . Scott Joseph G. Sevick Show Me Electronics (Floyd Ferrell) . Mr. and Mrs. Neil Smith Ted and Louise Smith State :Farm Insurance (Jerry Poston) Ronald A. Tapp'meyer Armin J. Tucker J. Michael Vickers . Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. John C. Vaughn Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Weinbaum Louis H. Whitehair



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February 1989


Vernon W. Rieke Charles J. Ross L. Scott & Doris Sandbothe Harry J. Sauer, Jr. Rodney and Helen Schaefer Robert L. Schaffer Mr. & Mrs. James M. 'Schnur Arthur E. Scholz Joel M. Schreiner Norman J. Schuchman Seeger Toyota of Rolla Sellers Sexton Inc. (Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sexton) James L . Shoemaker Richard L. Shores Michael R. Simac Robert W. Simmons Samuel Smart Irvin C. Spotte Robert and Helen Springer Jonathan B. Staley Siegfried and Elizabeth Stange . James W. Stephens Richard W. Stephenson William H. Stewart Wilbur & Marian Tappmeyer James Teske Albert L . Tetley Craig W. Thomas Thomas, ' Birdsong, Clayton & Haslag, P. C. John B. Toomey Triad Printing (Gene Cresswell) Tadashi Tsukamoto Norman P. Tucker Daniel H . Underwood United Savings and Loan (Ron Calhoun) Kenneth L. Vaughn Richard J. Vehige Charles R." Vessell Royce L. Vessell Christine L. Waeckerle Lynn H. Waggoner Don and Pat Warner Chris M. Wattenbarger Richard Wieker Russell H. Wiethop Janice K. Wilkerson Evelyn Wills M. Louise Wilson John D. Wolf Leonard C. Wolff Jeffrey S. Wozek Russell L. Yungbluth Alan Zaborac Gerald E. Zarr Ronald F. Zauner Zeno's Enterprises, Inc . Kenneth Zer kel

Na:med scholarship recipients Mary Imogene Anderson & H. G. S. Anderson Memorial Scholarship Nancy Elaine Butler, Sr, ChE

J. B. Arthur & Family Scholarship Cynthia Marie Arens, Fr, Engr Elizabeth Ann Baumbach, Sr, CerE Heather Kathleen Benson, So, CerE Vito Biundo, Sr, CerE Mark Edward Biznek, Sr, CerE Julie Lynn Board, Sr, CerE William David Clifton, Sr, CerE John Andrew Conrad, So, CerE Terry Alan Cruse, So, CerE Ronald Dean Dennis, Grad, Cer~ Matthew John Etchemendy, Jr, CerE Michael David Eudy, Sr , CerE Jason Cresean Frank, So, CerE Aron Gaus, Sr, CerE Kara Joyce Kopplin, Fr, Engr Douglas Reed Niermeyer, Sr, CerE Timothy Matthew Peters, Sr, CerE Timothy T. Popp, Sr, CerE Karen Renee Raab, Sr, CerE Robert Arnold Schneider, Fr, Engr Darren Wayne Smith, Fr, Engr Patrick D. Tepesch, So, CerE Robert Kent Wade, Jr, CerE Glen Paul Weible, Jr, CerE Eric George Wilkins , J'r, CerE

Carl H. Basler Scholarship Fund Mark McCay Scott, Sr , EE


Myers etting

Stephen Grad, Andrew Grad,

E. Ruggeri, Chern R. Thomson, Chern

Mark Bouckaert Memorial Scholarship Joseph Paul Shukys , Sr, ME Wayne R. Broaddus Sr. Scholarship Fund Stephen Glen Starwalt, Fr, Engr

Joe B. Butler Civil Engineering Scholarship David Allen Ellermann, Fr, Engr J ason Matthew Schnepp, - -Fr, Engr

Donald L. Castleman Scholarship Fund Darryl Dean Presley, So, CerE

John H. Castleman Memorial Scholarship Fund Stephen Glen Starwalt, .Fr, Engr

Charles Christia7J. Scholarship Joann Christine Stratman, So, Engr

Andy & Toni Cochran " Scholarship Michael Sherman Sebourn, Fr, Engr

Frank H. Conrad Chemical Engineering Scholarship Farhad Adib, Grad, ChE Timothy Edward Carnell, Grad, ChE Robert W. Richmann, Sr, ChE Karla Jean Stiefermann, Sr, ChE William Martin Stolte, Sr, ChE

Ivohn Roach Cook Memorial Scholarship Tracey Lynn Baker, Fr, English

ras ki


Dr. Wouter Bosch Surface Coating Scholarship William Mark Barnett, So, Chern Kimberly Lynn Ford, Sr, ChE Sherree Lee Gaskins, Sr, Chern Yvonne M. Liske, Sr, Chern Ernest John Perrica, Fr, Chern Renee Raper, Sr, Chern Leigh Anne Reisinger, Fr, Chern Adam Clinton Rider, Fr, Chern Paula Marie Rossi, Jr, Chern

Richard L. Cooper Scholarship David Wayne Kiehne, Jr, ME Scott Alan Quackenbush, Sr, AE

Coterie Scholarship Committee Scholarship Sandra Kaye Davidson, Sr, ME

Donald G. Crecelius Scholarship Bradley L. Beach, Fr , Engr

Friends of Cross-Country Scholarship Tim Andrew Bauer, Jr, EE John Andrew Conrad, So, CerE Ronald Alan Rosner, Sr, AE Joseph Nicholas Stemler, So, AE

Falkland H. Dearing Educational Scholarship Darrell Allen Burmester, Fr, Engr Mark Norman Nel, So, NE Kurt Markley Owings, Fr, Engr

Frank E. Dennie Memorial Scholarship Allen Sparkman Griffey, Jr, EE

Pauline B. & John J. Doyle Scholarship David McKinley Allen, Grad, EE . Earl Otis Brown, Jr, Psych Charles Everett Comeau, Jr, Min Becky Lynn Dancy, Jr, EE Clara Maureen Edwards, So, Chern Jeffrey Scott Eftink, So, Engr Andrew Joseph Gardner, Jr, EE Brian C. Giltner, Sr, CE Walter Brooks Hooper, Jr, ME Andrew Patrick Johnston, Jr, AE Randall Scott Kuzniakowski, Sr, CE John W. Luther, So, CS Kevin Lee Marrs, Sr, EE John Meiborg, Sr, AE Joel Alan Philliber, So, MetE Christopher Allen Thornton, Jr, Phys Marcia Maynard Waggoner, Sr, Engl

Thorpe Dresser Memorial Scholars.hip Tracy Suzanne Perkins, Jr, Chern

Laura & George Easley Scholarship Rickey Wayne Jennings, Fr, Engr Kevin Earl Patterson, So, Applied Math

F. Stillman Elfred Memorial Scholarship Susan Elizabeth Housh, Sr, MetE Lonnie Eugene Schubert, Jr , MetE

MSM Alumnus

Thomas O. English Scholarship David McKinle y Alle n , Gr ad , EE

Thomas R . Faucett End owed Sc holarship Jennifer Lynn Co'l lier, Sr, ME John Ralph Dalton, Sr, ME Mark Steven Yungbluth, Sr, ME

St even Feder Memorial Sch ol arship Jeffr e y Scott Hawk , Sr, Min

Raymond R. Finch Memorial Scholarship Noeida Castro , Fr , Engr

Fred Finley Scholarships in Electrical Engineering Christopher Alan Franklin, Sr, EE David Kurt Klaffenbach, ,Sr, EE

Fred W. & Mary K. Finley Minor ity Sch olarship Carey Lama r Ga tlin , Sr, ME

Judi t h L. Flebbe Memorial Scholarshi p Lynne P. Hackman , Jr, ChE Anastasia L. Scott, Jr, ChE

Harold Q Fuller Scholarship K., -Charles Straub Jr., , ', "'. ': ~r , Phys.



Glenn & Ruth Graham , Scholarship Deni s e Carol Brandt, Jr, Me t E ' Daniel Nelson Fa ron , Sr, Met E Mary Louise Hav r is, J r, Me t E Daniel Kenne t h Heitzman, Sr, MetE Martin E. ' Myers, Sr, Me t E Christine Marie Schilt, Jr, MetE Jerald Alan Smith, Sr, MetE Joseph Bradley Steinkamp, Jr, MetE Stacey Renee Wells ,

Sr, Me tE Gary Cliffor d Yerby, Sr , MetE

Grice/Strunk Scholarship Suza nne Elaine Garrett , So , ChE Judy Kay Jaeger, Sr, ChE Perry Louis Mar, Jr, ChE Arth ur John Matthews II, So, ChE Anthony Lane R~)Use , Sr, ChE Anastasia Lea Scott , J r , ChE Janet L. Tieman, Sr, ChE Elizabeth Anne Wholf, S r , ChE

C. James Grimm Scholarship Benjamin Page Bridge s , Sr, EE Da vid Lloy d Harfs t , J r , EE Nic h olas Chr i stop her Oros , Jr, EE James Jay Seko, Sr', EE H. R. Hanley Scholarship Mark Ste ven Geissle r , So, Met E

. '/


';. .0

V. A . C. Gevecker Civil Engineering Scholarship Roger Kim Mensing, Fr ; Engr

Jerry L. Gilmore Scholarship Jeremy Ryan McCoy, Fr, Engr

Stephen P. Gorman Scholarship ' Christine Lynn Adkisson, Jr, EE Jeffrey Gerard Beetz, Sr, CerE Jonathan Vincent Clark , Fr, Engr James P. Dierkes, Jr , EE Sean Michael Griffin, So , EE Tuan Viet Huynh, Fr, Engr Jeffrey Howard Ki n g, Fr , Engr Robert Dean Nelson, So, AE Krista Elaine Potter , Jr , ME B r ian E. Schwantn e r, Fr , Engr

Albert W.' Happy Scholarship Susan Marie Brown, Sr, CE Paul Winston Ridlen, Sr, CE

Karl F. Hasselmann Scholarship Glenn Steven Brenneke, So, ME Mitchell Edward Gassner, Fr, Chern Amy Lorraine Mason, Fr, Engr Darren Fredrick Rosenbaum, Fr, Engr Mark McCay Scott, Sr, EE Kenneth Gregory Sessa, So, Engr Gary W. Havener Endowed Scholarship Lisa Joan Beardslee, Jr, Appl Math Mic helle Lynne Carpet, So, Appl Math

Carl J. H eim Endowed Scholarship Rebe cca Workman , So, EE

Harland H. Hoppock Athletic Scholarship Clint David Johnston, Jr , Engr

Mervin J. Kelly Scholarship D ou g las Clifton Bla k e, Sr, AE Ben ja min P a g e Brid g es, Sr , EE Bryan L. Files, J r , CS Willia m J oseph Gue nther, Jr , ME

Frank H. & Dorothea M. Mentz Endowed Scholarship ' Richard William Hoffman, Sr, ME Matthew Harold Johnson, Jr, - ME Barry Fra nklin Koch, Sr, EE David Gerar d Krae nzle, Sr, ME Don al d J . Le b a ige , J 1', AE R odn ey Bru ce Viessman , J r, C S Willia m Howard Wa tson, J r , ChE




steph€ Sr, Meli sSf So,

Dana I Rich ar Jr, I Kennel So,



KiJIlber Sr, Lori G

Aaron J . Miles Memorial Marti n Luther King Jr. Scholarship Memorial Scholprship William Cla rence Elliott III, Samantha Mary Moss· Bledsoe, Jr, AE Sr, EE ' Perry Louis Mar, Jr, ChE


Eugene A. Lang Family Scholarship Casimir James Eichenseer, Sr, Min

ScM Clara! So, I Kristin Sr, I

Mark B. Layne Scholarship James Hiler Robinson, Fr, Engr

I. H. Lovett Scholarship J e ffrey Michael Stark, Sr, , EE Floy , Mauri ne Macklin Memorial Scholarship Da v id ' Wayn e Kie hne, Jr, ME Katherine Ann Stone, J r, NE

E. J. McKee Scholarship Thomas Gerard Deiters, So , Engr Matthew David Markel, Sr, EE

V. H. McNutt Memorial Scholarship Lyman Tbdd Anderson, Fr, Geol/Geoph Clifford Wade Bishop, Fr, Geol/Geoph Kerrie Ann Blazek, Fr, Geol/Geoph David ' Matthew Brooks, 'Fr, Geol/Geoph Simon Paul Broomhead, So, ' Geol.LGeoph Julie Lynn Crowell, Fr, Geol/Geoph Stephen Robert Gentry , Fr, Geol/Geoph Michael Richard Hartwig, Fr, Geol/ Geoph Wayne Alan Hopkins, Jr, Geol/ Geoph David John Keller, Sr, Geol/Geoph Andrew Evan Newell, Sr , Geol/Geoph Paula Sue Paxton, Fr, Geol/ Geoph Aaron Ramon Rezendez, Fr, Geol/Geoph Jeffrey Stephen Zawila , F r , Geol/ Geoph

Burke Miller Memorial Scholarship Michael E. Mall,Sr, Phys Chrisfopher Allen Thornton, Jr, Phys '


Arthur Ray Morgan Award for Special Achievement in Geology George H. Moellering, Sr, Geol/Geoph Charles Vincent Muerhoff , Jr, Geol/Geoph

Professor Robert H. Nau Scholarship Michelle M. Law, Sr , . . EE Enoch R. Needles Scholarship Suzanne Lynn Connors , Sr, CE Robert Gale Ford, Sr , CE Kevin Michael Nelson, Sr, CE Michael P. Pappas, Sr, CE

Bob & Hanna Nevins Scholarship Mark Ian Cresswell, Fr, Engr Jeanne Kay Jackson, Fr, Engr James Allen Lewis, Fr, Engr Randy Lane Mullinax, Jr, MetE

Robert M. Nieodemus Academic Athletic Award John David Meyers, Sr, E Mgt


Travis Kurtis So, ! Brian, Todd R Da-mon



c:,cnc 'Miche' Jr,

TlzomaJ Memoi Jeffrey Jim P.


Sr, ( Gregor)

So, C

Daniel ! Cynthia

Agnes ( Scholl Debra 1 Jr, A J. Kent

Engin Richard

Fr, E

Chris E,

Colonel & Mrs. Ed Owsley (Ret) Scholarship Matthew Finley Laudon, So, ME

lJ. B. I Michael' Sr, C] Joann C' So,



February 1989

Clarence C. Palmer Memorial Scholarship

Sr, EE

, AE n,

Stephen Francis Bader, Sr, CE Melissa Rose Benedick, So, CE Dana L. Coe , So , CE Richard Joe Huizinga, Jr, CE Kenneth Gregory Sessa, So , CE

Phelps County-City Panhellenic Scholarship ,

Kimberly Ann Hoffmeister, Sr, ME Lori Grace Stapp,' Sr, AE

Peter Pietsch Memorial Scholarship



Clara Maureen Edwards, So, Chem Kristin Renee Snyder, Sr, Chem Arthur L. Pollard Memorial Scholarship



James A. Redding Scholarship


Michelle Andrea Hoyt, Jr, GeolE Thomas H. Reese Jr. Memorial Scholarship


Eugene Bae, So, EE John Patrick Baker , So, AE Allen Leroy Brown, Sr, ChE Robert Allen Coker, So, EMgt Jeffrey Todd Forehand, Sr, AE Howard Layne Gugel, Sr, EE Kevin Dwayne Hamann, Sr, MetE Jeffrey Michael Herbst, Jr, EE John Louis Iverson, Fr, Engr Branden Lyle Jones, Fr, Engr K. J ason Lowry, So , ME Timothy John Mauntel, Sr, GeolE Charles Ian Million, Fr, Engr Jeffrey George Mueller, Jr, EE Thomas Edward Sovar, Jr, ME Sailendra R. Sllnkara, So, Engr

Travis Kent Cook, Fr, Engr . Skitek/HKN Endowed Kurtis James Daniels, Scholarship So, Min Timothy Durell Emmerich, Brian J. Goerke, Sr, Min Jr, EE Todd R. Mills, Sr, Min Da - mon A. Parks, Fr, Engr



Louis T. Sicka Scholarship

J effr(!y L. Carril, Sr, CE Jim P. Peterson, So, CE Rodney Dewayne Riley, Sr, CE Gregory P hillip Sallee, So, CE Daniel M. Smith, Fr, Engr Cynthia Lee Stover, Jr, CE

Edward A. Smith Memorial Scholarship

Lisa R. Burwell, Jr, EMgt Brian Virgil Carter, Fr, Engr Jacqueline Anne Haggerty, Jr, EMgt Andrew Scott Howerton, Jr, EMgt ' Benita Fay Phillips, Jr , EMgt Suzanne Lynnette Spencer , Fr, Engr Jeffrey Michael Wood, Fr, Engr

Walter. Venita & Shirley Snelson Scholarship Agnes C. Remington Scholarship

Debra Michelle Fause, Jr, Appl Math J. Kent Roberts Civil Engineering Scholarship

Richard John Falkenrath, Fr, Engr Chris Edward Figge, So, CE

Richard Joseph Straus , Sr, ME


John P. Soult Memorial Scholarship

Bhavnesh Bhakta, Jr, CE Brian C. Giltner, Sr, CE Claudia Christa Hoeft, Sr, CE

June Allan Spokes Memorial Scholarship

Stockett Scholarship


B. Senter Scholarship

Neil Stueck Endowed Scholarship

H\,lgh Dennis Forsythe, Sr, CE

Jules H. Subow Memorial Scholarship

Andrew T, Mueller, Jr, CE

Betty Todd Memorial Scholarship

Marilyn Virginia Feldewerth, Sr, ME

UMR Memorial Scholarship

Randall Don Gardner, Jr, ChE

Burr R. Van Nostrand Memorial Scholru--ship

Andrew Scott, Adams, fr, Engr Kevin Dale Underwood, Fr, Engr

J. Michael Vickers Endowed Athletic Scholarship

Cassandra Lee Engstrom, So, Engr Scott Allen Musgrave, So, ME ' Bret Joseph Voypick, Sr, EMgt William Hamlet Webb Scholarship

Kristin Renee Snyder, Sr, Chem Anne Louise Voyles , Sr, Chem Clark Wilson UMR Scholarship

Dana Lynne Hix, Sr, Min Patricia Elena Cuartas-Villegas, Fr, Engr Benjamin Floyd Jones, Fr, Engr Mr. & Mrs. Norman A.

Michael Douglas Harms, Sr, CE Joann Christine Stratman, So , CE

Timothy John Mauntel, Sr, GeolE Gretchen Dionne Rogers, So , GeolE Wendy Ellen Schmidt, J1', GeolE

Lori Diane Brandt, Fr, Engr

J(l1'd Joseph H. Senne Civil Engineering Scholarship

Bruce B . Strang Memorial Scholarship

Christina Louise Hulsey, Fr, Engr

Pat Witt Mine Safety Endowed Scholarship

Dana Lynne Hix, Sr, Min L. E. Woodman Memorial Scholarship . Matthew Henry Commens, Sr, Phys Michael Alan Stuller, So, Phys DeMarquis D. & Louise D. Wyatt Scholarship

Mark Steven Yungbluth, Sr, ME

Lew is E. Young Scholarship

John F. Broker, Sr, EE Karla Marie Casper, So, EE Michelle Andrea Hoyt, Jr, GeolE John Michael Koly Jr., Jr, EE Ann Elaine Kruse , Sr, EE Tracy Jo Wacker, Sr, Econ Breck Ray Washam, Sr, ME Marvin Zeid Scholarship

Jeffrey Scott Hargrove, Sr, PE Andrew Evan Newell, Sr, Geol/Geoph Keith Alan St.Gemme, Jr, PE Dirk Wriedt, Sr, GeolE

MSM Alumnus _ f


44 ••









Alum.ni Association scholarship recipients Alwnni Association Scholarship I Lori J. Adams, Sr, Ch E Vick A garwal, Fr, Fr Eng Rob ert T. Ahlers, Fr, F r Eng. Charles S. Bach, So, AE Tamra K. Banks, Sr, ME Timothy J. Bergfeld, Fr, Phys Shawn T. Berry, Fr, Fr Eng Stephen M. Bonham , Fr , Fr Eng Guy A . Brady, So, Cer Cassandra Brya nt, So, EE Andrew Carso, Jr, EE Jason W. Carter, So, Met E Michael J. Cavin, Fr, Fr Eng Anne M. Chapman, Fr, Fr Eng Douglas T. Cordier, So, EE Craig M. Cullen Fr, Fr Eng Neil D. Dettwiler, So, AE Torrey A. Diciro, Fr, Fr Eng Oliver D. Fa:r:rell , Fr, C Sc Nanc y D. Fetters, So, AE Thomas A. Flak, Sr, EE Robert C. Fugina, Fr, Fr Eng Gary L. Gibson, So, ME Kevin S. Glannon, So, ME' Kenneth G. Gregory, ' Fr, Fr Eng Allen S. Griffey, Jr, EE Harry R . Halladay Jr., Fr, C- Sc Greg S. Heine, Fr, EE Allen L. Hentges, Fr, Fr Eng Jeffrey A. Herzog, So, EE Kevin D. Hicks, Fr, Fr Eng James L. Hill, So, NE Craig A. Hindle, Fr, Fr Eng Thomas C. Hodge, Jr, Ch E Nancy A. Holterman, Jr, Chern Frederick W. Husman, So, EE Brian L. Jenkins, So, EE Scott J . Kellerman, Jr, Ch E Roland R. Kilcher, Jr, Eng Mech Michael D. Kilgore Sr, Ch E Kerry F:: Kimmel, Fr, Fr Eng Colby E. Kinser, Sr, C Sc Kevin S. Kohm, Jr, EE Donna K. Kraus, So, AE Edith E. Lai, Jr, EE Scott J. Leigh, So, EE Darin R. Lovelace, Sr, Math Christopher L. Mallow, So, Cer E Donald A. McDowell, Fr, Fr Eng David R. Medrow, Jr, EE Kenneth J. Mikulcik, So, AE Michael S. Moats, Fr, Fr Eng Peter W. Moody, Jr, C Sc

Donald W. Mueller, Sr, ME Scott A. Musgrave, So, ME Donald M. Newburry, So , ME Dawn L. Nickolaus, Fr , Fr Eng Robert L. Niedergerke, Jr, C Sc Erik D. Olson, Sr, AE Nicholas C. Oros, Sr, EE Timothy C. Overstreet, Sr, C Sc Douglas W. Pentecost, So , AE Robert L. Phillips, Jr, L Sc David B . Platt, Jr, Ch E Timothy M. Ragan, Fr, Fr Eng Bret A . Riegel, Jr, AE Patrick D. Risner, Fr, Fr Eng Victoria J. Scammacca, So, EE John T. Schmidt, So , EE Keith E. Schoby, Fr, Fr Eng Christine A. Sheehy , Fr, Fr Eng Steven L. Sievert, So, E Mgt Gregory G. Stettes, Sr, ME Julie A. Stewart, Fr, Fr Eng . Michael A. Stus, Fr, Fr Eng Scott A. Subbert, Fr, Fr Eng Kim E. Thein, Sr, Math/Psyc Mark L. Underwood, So, AE Leslie H. Vigna, So, eh E Mac J. Voss, Jr" ME Peggy A. Waeltermann, So, C Sc Jay A. Wailmark, So, Phys Michael N . Weidner, So, EE Dawn R. Weinand, So, Ch E Lewis B. Wiles, Jr, EE Robin L. Williams, So, AE Albert F. Winkeler III, Fr, Fr Eng John F. Winkler, So, AE Gregory M. Witte, Sr, Ch E Christopher A. Wolf geher, Fr, Fr Eng Douglas S. Wyant, So, ME

Leigh A. Reisinger, Fr, Fr Eng Scott A. Snoble, Sr, ME Suzanne L. Spencer, Fr , Fr Eng Michael A . Stuller, So, I?hys Ellen E. Tucker, Sr, AE Anne L. Voyles, Sr, Ch E Scott G. Warhover, Jr, ME

Deborah A. Romberg, Sr~ EE Ronald A. Rosner, Sr, AE Laura M. Schisler, Sr , EE Shelli K. Starrett, Sr, EE Richard L. Traxel, Sr, EE Roger W.• Tyree, Sr, EE Kevin W. Weiseman, Jr, ME Lawrence R. Youst, Jr, ME·

Transfer Student Norma and George Axmacher Scholarships Scholarship Benjamin P. Bridges, Marijo Dimmick, Fr, C Sc Sr, - EE Jeffrey A. Curran, Sr, ME Carl W. Debrock, Jr, ME Jerome T. and Robert T. Michael S. Dennison, Berry Scholarship Sr, ME Carl E. Roth, Jr, ME Chris J. Derner, Jr, AE William C. Elliott III, Robert E . Dye Scholarship Jr, AE Andrew D . Bryan, Sr, Min Darren C. Eufihger, Christopher M. Canon, Sr, ME Sr, Min Rori J . Fiocchi, Sr, EE Charles E. Comeau, Jr, Min Peter T. Friend, J r, ME Travis K. Cook, Fr, Min Trent L. Goodnight, Sr, EE Gerald J. Haantz, Pr, Min David L. Harfst, Jr, EE Jeffrey S . Hawk, Sr, Min Jeffrey A. Hellebusch, Roger S. Hickam, Sr, Min Sr, E Mgt Daron M. Hunt, Fr, Min Russell H. Henke, Jr, ME Da-Mon A. Parks, Fr, Min ' D. Horst, Sr, CE Arriy Kenneth B". Rigsby, Jr, Min Timothy R. Hymer, Jr, Met E Scott C. Johnson, Jr, EE Harry and Steven Kessler Clint D. Johnston, Scholarship Jr, Fr Eng John P Hollenbeck, Jeffrey L. Kohne, Jr, EE Jr, Met E Susa'n E. Housh, Sr, Met E Michael S. Lambert, Jr, CE Michael J. McCann, Jr, CE Nicholas C. Oros, Sr, EE Murphy Company Scholarship Kwang H. Park, Jr, EE Robert A. Parker, Jr, ME Gregory A. Mettlach, Martin D. Poole, Jr, CE Sr, ME Randall G. Richards, Sr, EE Brock A. Roseberry, Donald Paul Odom Jr, EE ' " Scholarship Anthony L. "Rouse, David N. Ilges, Fr, Fr Eng Sr, Ch E Dana L. Salzman, " Jr, Met E E. L. "Roy" Perry Stanley J. Schultz, Jr, CE Scholarship Anastasia L. Scott, Amy D. Hors t, Sr, CE Jr, Ch E James J. ~eko, Sr, EE Carlos and Joan Tiernon Cyn thia L. Stover, J r " CE Scholarship Stephen T. Vanskike , Alwnni Association Andrew M. Speck, So, NE Scholarship II Fr, F r Eng Ken A . Westhoff, Jr, EE Catherine A. Alofs, Philip T. Wong, Jr, AE Jr, Math Robert S. Woodley, Jr, EE Victor L. Biega, Fr, Fr Eng Clyde W. and Fannie M. Lawrence R. Youst, Jr, ME Joseph R. Boland, Sr, AE Hall Scholarship Kevin L. Brown, Jr, ME Lynn C" Berning, Sr , EE Tara L. Brown, ' Sr , C Sc Brenda S. Brugger, Alwnni Educational Peggy A. Danzer, Sr, ME Sr, Hist Assistants Timothy J. Dickinson, Cyn thia A. Carron, Sr, EE William G . Alexander, Jr, AE Troy L. 'Cline, Sr, C Sc Sr, EE Jeannine M. Dubuque, Kevin B . ' Edwards, Sr, NE Earl O. Brown, J r I Psyc Sr, EE Joseph E . Fischer III, Aful Deshmane, Sr, EE Bradley A. Foreman, Sr, EE Sr, Ch E Sharon G. Douthitt, Angelia S. Honse, Jr, AE Aron D" Gaus, Sr, Cer Jr, Econ Amy D. Horst, Sr, CE Eric G. Kearns, Jr, EE Clinton S. Housh, Sr, AE Daniel E. Jackson, Jr, Ch E Diana L. Kolbet, Jr, EE John K. Klosterman, Sr, ME Jeffrey G. Klump, Sr, ME Gregory S" Martinez, Jr, EE Scott K. Krone, ' Sr, EE John J. Kuehn, So, EE Todd S. Miner , Sr, Ch E Jennuer A. Lynch, Jeffrey D. Kuta, Linda K . Moore, Sr, Ch E Sr, Math Fr, Fr Eng Rebecca Martin, Jr, Engl Diane M. Oehlschlaeger , Matthew A. Licklider, Edward A . Montgomery, Sr, L Sc Fr, Fr Eng Sr, Ch E Steven C. Panhorst, Mark S. Moellenhoff, Sr, EE Suzanne Mueller , Sr, Ch E Sr, C Sc Michael L. Noble, So, Phys Mark Nel, So, Fr Eng Douglas N. Owens, Jr, C Sc James J. Pfeiffer, Sr, CE Timothy O'Hearn, Jr, NE Lara C" Phillip s, Sr , AE Robert L. Parsons, So, GE


February 19f \

Henry J. Overkamp, Sr, Ch E Hal S. Padgett, Sr, L Sc Jeff A. Phillips, Fr, Chern I

Sr, AE r, EE 1', EE Sr, EE , EE







Jerald A. Smith, Sr, Met E Brenda S. Stegeman, So, Fr Eng Michael E. Stevenson, ,








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MSM ,Alumnus


ALUMNUS UMR's factory of the future By Donna Bryson The Associated Press Rolla, Mo.-For students working in a miniature factory at t he University of Missouri-Rolla, the future of Am eri ca n business is now. "When our stud ents go into ind ustry, they wi ll have state-of-the-art knowledge" t hat will affect decisions about expanding the rol e of robots and automated machines in the work place, said Serna Alptek in , designer of the futuri stic business laboratory. Alptekin is a mechanical and industrial engi neer who directs the university's computer-integrated manufactur ing and packaging laboratory. The laboratory, established two years ago at a cost of $120,000, is the only project of its k ind in t he state and one of the more advanced such programs in t he country. Tom Akas of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers said Alptekin had cr eated "a model for imilar laboratories . ... Students can see how the factory of the futu re operates." The Society of Manufacturing Engineers has recognized Alptekin as an Outstand ing Young Manufacturing Engineer. In her laborator y, a conveyer belt at waist level carri es parts from storage shelves to a robot that dominates the room like a silent, 4-foot metal se ntry. The robot is a Vshaped , jointed arm on a pivoting base. The arm can be fitted to allow It to grasp, lift a nd turn objects of differing sizes to suit a variety of tasks. The robot then swivels to place parts in position at the automated lathe or milling machine. The entire factory would fit inside a basketball half-court. The machinery is of the type used to make small parts in meta l cutting shops, Alptekin said . Students learn to program a computer and automated machines linked to it in a complete manufacturing operation-retrieving raw materials from the storage shelf unit, which can be programmed to supply appropriate parts from its inventory; lifting and placing the parts in position with the robot's arm; and shaping parts into finished products at the lathe. Students using the laboratory have designed and produced engraved key chains and in tricate mazes and puzzles out of plastic and plex ig lass. But t he product is less important than t he process. Alptekin sa id form er students had entered fi elds as di sparate as av iation and financial consu ltin g . In the factory of the future, according to the university's mod el, human chatter will be replaced by the click-clack of machin es. "Ours is quite unique. It's totally integrated," Alptekin said , referring to programming that a llows com ponents such as the automated storage system to "talk to" the computer th at controls the ma nufacturing process,

Kathy Matthews

Dr. Serna Alptekin informing it about the avai lability of parts. Alptekin said it was this aspect that set the laboratory apart eve n from industries where robots and automated machines have. become almost common place. There, she said, robots perform specific tasks in "islands of automation," but human workers r emain responsible for ' keeping inventory and coordinating d ifferent aspects of t he production line. Alptekin said automat ion was widesp read in the automob ile indust ry, but she would like to see it expanded . "It should be used in any industry," she said . "It's difficult to justify economically, but if quali ty is the concern , then it can be easily justified. "At least our students will' be aware of t he enhancements a nd developments in this area, a nd whe n t hey make deci sions as engineers and managers, t hey will take this into consideration." A master's degree cand idate a na-

Iyzed the ex i's ting system wit h an eye to altering it to create a new product. Alptekin said the student identified what new production components were necessary and determ ined how they co uld be integrated into the system. A doctoral cand idate is developing computer software that will allow the system to d iagnose itself. The system could be prog ra mmed to recognize when a component is not working and then decide to switch to manufacturing a product that does not involve the disabled component, much as hum an ma nagers wou ld react. Grad uate stud ent Bob Borchelt said the equipment he was using was on the cu tting edge of manufacturing. "Truthfully I can't say that I was expecting t his level of expertise," he said. "I know that our lab is one of t he best of its kind in an educationa l institution." The laborato ry, like the enti re engineering management program, calls on computing, mechanical,

electrical and chem ical skills-and teamwork. "For us, for managers, t he entire system is important," Alptekin said. She said she was continually finetuning the laboratory. Last year, the¡ original robot was replaced with one able to perform more tasks. She now is considering buying a robot with vis ion sophisticated enough to act as an inspector . The university spent $30,000 to upgrad e la boratory equipment in 1987. An estimated $60,000 to $70,000 was earmarked in 1988. International Business Machines Corp. recently pledged $1.2 million in computer eq uipm ent and software to the university as part of an IBM progr am to aid 48 collegebased roboti cs laboratories acros the country. "Students show that there's a severe national shortage of instructional materials in t his growing a nd criti cal area," said Andy Russell , a spokesma n for IBM. "IB M will benefit because we wi ll be helping to t rain t he ... workers and dec ision makers of today and tomor row."

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UMR factory is national news The Associated Press' sto ry on the UMR engineerin g manage ment department's "factory of the future" received nation al as well as statewide med ia coverage. The resu lt was that even more people throughout the cou nt ry have come to kn ow UMR as a quality academic institution where one ca n receive a state-ofthe-art edu cation that prepares them for the challenges of the fu t ure. To date, we know that t he story

appeared natio na lly in t he Chicago

Tribul1 e. Detro it News. B inllinghom Nel/'s, St. Palll Pioneer Press Dispatch, Kllo.!"!'ille Jourl/al. FOlt M!Jers (Flo.) Nel/'s-Press. Bryon (Te.,¡as) Eogle. Greells/ioro (N.C.) News & Record. Stuart (Fla.) News. a nd Sail Alltollio L i{Jht. In Missouri , the sto ry has appeared in the St. Low's Post-

Dis)Jatch. [(an.~as Cit!! Tilll e.~. JeJrerCit!J News- TrilJ1() /(,. erlolia


Democm t. Spl1ngjielrl New.~-Leader. SlIII1111it JOll l'l1al. CO/thage E,'el1il1g Press, St. Joseph NewsPress Gazette. Sikestoll DoiliJ StCII/ dan/. and J oplin Glohe. Lee:.~

If you saw the story in your hometown paper and it doesn't appear in this list. the staff at UMR's News & Publications Office wou ld love to hear from you. You can write them at Build ing T-ll West. UMR, Rolla. MO 65401-0249.






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February 1989

Honorary degree to Walter Keller




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UMR's winter commencement on Saturday. Dec. 17. was a n occasion in which the past was honored and celebrated and the futur e of hi gher education in Missouri was considered. DlI\' ing commencement, Dr. Waiter D. Keller, professo r emeritus of geology at the Un ive rsity of Missouri-Columbia and a member of UMR's cIa s of 1930. was awarded the doctor of eng ineering degree (honoris causa). In his commencement address, Edwin S. Turner, newly elected president of the University of Mis-' souri System Board of Curators, told the audience that ~ow is the time for Missouri to increase its investment in higher education to maintain quality and accessibility for future generations. "Missouri needs to put its money where its future is-in its young . people," Turner said. Turner was appointed to the Board of Curators by Gov. John . Ashcroft in 1985. Since that time he has served the Board as chairman of the Academic Affairs. Finance and Physical Facilities Co mmittees. He is a real estate and insurance broker based in Chillicothe. He received aB.S. degree in agricultural ec;onomics from UMC in 1962. In 1972 Turner served as campaign coordinator for the late Congressman Jerry Li tton and continued to serve the congressman as his chief of staff and administrative assistant in Washington, D.C. While in Washington . D.C., Turner organized and was co-found er of the U.S. ,.: ! (':·~'-l.~!"

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House of Representatives Administrative Assi tants Association . He is active in commu ni ty affairs, hav ing served as president of the Ch illicothe Area Cha mber of Com· merce and cha irman of the Ai rport Board. He is presently se rving as vice president of the Chill icot he Ind ustrial Development Co rporation . Turner received th'e Outstanding Civic Leadership Award in 1984 from the Missouri Municipal League and the Outstanding Member Award in 1987 from the Ch ill icothe Area Chamber of Commerce. Keller received a B.S. degree in ceramic engineering from UMR in : 1930, an A.B. degree in geology from UMC, and A.M. degree in geology from Harvard and a Ph.D. degree in geology from UMC. He worked as a ceram ic technologist for A. P. Green Refractori es Company, Mex ico, Mo., for several years and served as a consultant in the area of fire clays to several companies' for many years. Keller was a member of the faculty of the geology department at UMC from 1932 to 1970, sen ' ing as its chairman from 1941 to 1945. He received th e title of professor emeritus in 1970. He is a 50-Year Fellow of the Geo" logical Society of America and was honored by UMC with the naming of the Walter D. Keller Auditorium in the Geology Building. He also is a Smtonstall Fellow of Harvard Uni versity About 660 degrees were awa rded during commencement, wh ich was held in the Gale Bullman MultiPurpose Building.

Kathy Matthews

Dr. Walter D. Keller

Kathy Matthews

Curator Edwin S. Turner


MSM-UMR AluITlni Speakers Bureau You can help us extend UMR students' learning experiences beyond the classroom and the laboratory and into the "real world" by participating in the MSM-UMR S-peakers Bureau. As a partic ipant in the bureau, you will meet with students a nd talk to them about your job and your professional experiences, as well as your company and the way it does business. Since its establishment by the MSMUMR Alumni Association, the speakers bure~u has proven so popular that we need to add to the list of available speakers. This list is made ava ilable to , facu lty and student groups, who then select speakers for classes, association meetings, a nd other suitable occasions. Speak ing to students can be a rewarding experience for all concerned. Not only can students benefit from the prac· tical experience and professional expertise you share with them, but thei r enthusiasm and curiosity also can prove to be contagious. So help us enhance a UMR education by sharing a li ~tle of yourself with students. Possible presentation topics include: • Careers in all th e UMR disciplines-aerospace, ceramic, chem ical, civil, electrical, geological, mec hanical. metallurgical, mining. nuclear, and petroleum engineer-

ing; engineering management; engineerin g mechan ics; chemistry; computer science; geology and geophysics; life sciences; mathematics ' and stat istics; phys ics; economi cs; English; history and political science; philosophy; and psychology. • Specific technical aspects of any of the above areas • Career development/ professional development • Transition into management • Sales/ marketing • International travel • Special i'nterests/ hobbi es For the most part, participation in the MSM-UMR Speakers Bureau wi ll be a labor of loyalty and love. Few stud ent or departmental organizations have surplus fund s avai lable, so you wi ll need to be willing to trav.el to UMR at your own expe nse or, possibly, in conjun ction with other business. If you are interested in speaking to student groups, please take a few minutes to complete the attached form and mail it to th e alumni association. When you send in the form , you are not com· mitting to speak. You retai n the right to decline a presentation. Please take this opportu ni ty to share your experience with the students at UMR.

Alumni Speakers Bureau Registration Form Mail to MSM-UMR Alumni Association, 101 Harris Hall, Rolla, MO 65401-0249 Please include me in the Alumni Speakers Bureau. Na me ___________________________________________________________ Degree(s), _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Year(s) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Address _______________________________________________________ Phone: Home _______________________

Work _____________________

Employment HistOl'Y ' (last 10 years) Current Position Company _______________________________________________________ Title J 01:) Descri ption ___________________________________________________ Immediate Past Position Company _________________________________________________________ Title Job Description ___________________________________________________ Presentation topics and/or areas of specialization _______________________

o Evenings Availability: Organizations you .are involved in

o Days



Special interests/ hobbies _____________________________________________ Additional information and co mments



MSM Alumnus


SECTION NEWS Great Basin Section A group of MSM-UMR alumni have peti tioned the association to form the Great Basin (Nevada and northeastern Californ ia) Section. The photo below is

of individua ls who are part of the organizing committee. The petition will be presented to the board at its sem iannual meeting April 22.

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St. Louis Section more than 160 alumni and friends came out to the reception to see old friend s and visit w ith the coaches and players. Athletic Director Billy Key welcomed t he group and thanked them for their support.

The St. Louis Section of the MSMUMR Alumni Association hosted a reception at the Adams Mark Hotel on Oct. 22, following the UMR vs. SEMO football ~e played at Busch Stadium. Even though the Miners didn't win, /


Jan. 1: B.S. if and la at the 1 career etyofo


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Washington, D.C. Section The fall meeting. of the Washington, D.C., Section was held Saturday, Oct. 1, 1988, at the home of Earl, '43, and Olga Biermann in King George, Va., on the banks of the Potomac River. In add ition to a Virginia brunch and informal conversations about recent chan ges on campus, Don Brackhahn, executive director of the association, spoke to alumni in attendan ce about the new Auditorium/ Music/ Alumni Building, which will be located directly south of the Chan cellor's Residence, and the programs being put in place to keep UMR an outstanding scientific technological university. John Toomey, president of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, and his wife, Kelly, were there to greet alumni . Sam Sands, president of the

local section, distributed mementos from the campus. A tour of the vin eyard s a nd a wine cell ar was ably led by Earl Bierman and many walked the beach hunting for artifacts to take home. Those in attendance included Greg, '86, and Valerie Bahora; Robert, '66, and Linda Bakula; Alok , '85, and Pinki Berry; Earl. '43, and Olga Biermann; Don and Nancy Brackhahn; Ceci l, '48, and Shirley Branson; Sidhartha, '82, and Rina Das; Steve, '73, and Dottie Gar riso n; Elmer Pack he iser, '5 1; Edgar, '39, and Hazel Pohlman; David , '70, and Patricia Rommelmann; Sam, '60, and Stephanie Sands; Martin, '62, and Marilyn Seitz: John , '49, and Kelly Toomey; and Jim, '53, and Carol Weber.

Chicago Section On Dec. 3, 1988, the Chicago Area Section met for an evening r eception and hosted UMR Chancellor Martin C. Ji sc hke. Kathy, '79, and Erik Andersen held the reception at their lovely hom e in Burr Ridge. Those attend ing the reception enjoyed visiting with Chancellor Jischke and hear ing his presentation on the current status of UMR. Dr. Ji schke's talk was informative, a nd the alumni were particularly inte rested in the many changes at UMR and the plans for UMR's future. Don Brackhahn, executive directo r of the alumni association, and his wife, Nancy, also attended .

Alumni and their guests attending the reception are: Kathy (Bryan), '79, and Erik Andersen; Charles Boillot, '66; Merrill, '51. and Marie Cotten; AI, '33, and Emilie Hesse; Cheryl (Gibbons), '71, and Jim , '72, Ibarra; Harlan, '56, and Marcia Kebel; Ralph, '66, and Carol Kramer; Richard, '68, Judy and Keith Phelps; Charlotte Parelka, '79, and Douglas Re itz; Ken, '65. and Vicki Robb: Bob, '61 , and Linda Saxer; Steve Schade, '74; David, '69, and Carol Spencer: Carlos, '54, and Joan Tiernon; Dick, '59, and Jane Wi ekeI': and Ken , '58, and Frankye Woodruff. Cheryl Gibbons Ibarra, '71 President

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February 1989



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1920 Harlan H. Hoppock writes: "I retired from mining in 1925 after working in Pitcher Okla. , Telluride Co., Tonopah, Nev., Serbia and Chile. At the age of 92 I'm still perking but slow ly." Subsequen t to 1925. Harland was employed by the W. T. Rawleigh Co. of Freeport, III. Prior to his retirement from this company in the mid-sixties, Harland spent time in Japan, Madagascar, France and, of course. the . USA. His home address is 1528 W. Harrison, Freeport, IL 6~032.



According to word received by the MSMUMR Alumni Office, John L. Bulger, now retired as superintendent for Gouverneur Talc Co. Inc. of Norwalk, Conn., spent some 25 years working for the mining industry in Me){ico and Bolivia. John , who is 92 years old, lives alone, drives, has an extensive rock collection and, apparently, enjoys the Alumnus magazine, accord ing to Greg Langevin, John's neighbor, who sent us this news. John resides at • 96 Johnstown St. , Gouverneur, NY 13642.


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Joseph Melching Wanenmacher died Jan. 12, 1989, at age 87. He received his B.S. il}-rrJining engineering from MSM and later earned M.S. and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Wis.consin. Joe's ear ly career was spent as a geologist for a variety of oil compan ies in South America a nd Canada. He joined Shell Oil Co. in 1932 and remained with the company until he established his own consulting firm Keplinger & Wanenmacher-in partnership with C. H. Keplinger of Tulsa, in 1944. It was one of the earliest consultin g co mpanies in the field. That partnership was dissolved in 1966 an d he formed Wan enmacher , Brown & Mueller-later Wan enmacher & Mueller-and remained president until his retirement two year s ago. "Dad was kn ow n for his reserve estimates and mineral appraisals and he was referred to by many as the 'dean of petroleu m engineering' because he trained so many of today's engineers and consultants," said hi~ son, Joe Wanenmacher Jr. of J'ulsa. Other survivors include his wife, Orvalyn-Dsborn ' Wanenmacner, 4636 S. Jamestow n, Tulsa, OK 74135, a daughter, Patricia Apple, of Pennsylvania, and six grandchildren. Joe reaeived an Alumni Associ ation Award of Merit in 1955, and · he was a "Life Member" of the Association. Notice of the death was sent to the alumni office by Hans E. Schmoldt, '44, of Bartlesville, Okla.

1928 Charles A. Freeman writes: "I have just learned of the demise of Donald R. Baker, '25, in November , 1988. I presume his wife, Vera, has or will inform you (see December Alumnus). I am si mply

covering in case she hasn't." Cha rles lives at 500 Almer Road , #20A . Burlingame, CA 94010.

1929 Harlow G. Jones, who is a retired lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army, writes: "Still play ing golf and fishin g." Harlow and Dori·s li ve at 9040 E. Pine Valley Dri ve, Tucson, AZ 85710.

1930 The death of Kenneth Robeson Neal, on Dec. 31, 1988, has been repo rted by his son, Harry C. Neal, P.O. Box 458. Sara· sota, FL 33578. At MSM Kenneth was a member of Prospectors and DeMolay. He received his B.S. degree in mining engineering. Following grad uation he worked as a mining engineer in the Tri-State area of Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri until after World War II. In 1946 he moved to Gainesville, Texas, and was a petroleum engineer in that state until his retirement in 1972. He and his wife, Sybil , moved to Florida and she died in 1982. Kenneth was a member of the UMR Order of the Golden Shillelagh.

1931 William L. McCracken died Nov. 19, 1988, according to a note received from his wife, Vivian R. McCracken, 27672 Echo Valley E. , Apt. 130, Farmington Hills, MI 4801 8. At MSM, Bill was a member of Satyrs, Quo Vadis, president of Tria ngle, Student Council, class president, '31. In terfratern ity Council, and was commissioned a second lieu tenant (ROTC) in 1931. He r eceived his B.S. degree in ceramic engineering and later earned his Ph.D. from Iowa State University. He served with the 402nd Engl'. W.S. Bn . and attained the rank of major. After WWII he worked for Detrex Corp. as a research engineer. He remained with Detrex an d in 1970 he was made director of Planning and Development. Bill retired in 1981.


Can in Patterson, N.J. and Crown Cork a nd Seal Co. in Philadelphia, Pa. He retired in 1980. In addition to his son, he is su rvi ved by hi s wife, Helen, 85A Cambridge Circle, Lakehurst, NJ 08733. The Springers were members of the UMR Order of the Golden Shillelagh and she co ntinues the membership.

Notice of the death of Francis A. Click has been reported to the alumn i office by Phi Kappa Theta fr ater nity. At MSM Fra ncis was a member of 'Mel'cier Club (now Phi Kappa Theta) a nd was on the executive committee of AlEE . He received his B.S. degree in mechan ical engineering. . After li ving in Montana a nd New Mexico for a number of years, he returned to Misso uri a nd was a hig hway desig ner for . the Missouri Highway a nd Transporta- Robert P . Alger, whose home address is P.O. Box 3, Buchanan Dam, TX 78609, tion Department in Springfield. writes: "I do part-time consu lting for the E llen W. Doll writes: "Still entertain ing Texas Water Development Board to improve uses of borehole geophysicaL logs school , church, a nd commun ity g roups by fo r ground water quality and aq uifer giving musical programs with 23 tuned quali ty assessment. I gave a paper at 'cow bells' from Bavaria. It's a wonderful retirement hobby! Acquired two more Kansas City meeting of the Association of great grandchildren in 1988 bringing the Geological Engineers last October." Alger total 'greats' to eight. (Another plus of is retired from Schlumberger.


reaching retirement age!)" Ellen's home address is 814 Beech Ave., Charleston, WV 25302. She is a retired teacher: Another death, that of Francis James Louney, has been reported to the alumni office by Phi Kappa Theta fratern ity. At MSM Fran c i~ was a member of Mercier Club .(now Phi Kappa Theta) and he received his B.S. degree in ceramic engineering. His entire career was spent with Ha rbisol)-Walker in Vandalia and Fulton, Mo. Following his retirement, he moved to Pickerington, Ohio. The alumni offi ce has received word of the death of Jac k Gerlach of Toledo, Ohio. He attended MSM in 1933 a nd was a member of Phi Kappa Theta fratern ity (k nown as Mercier Club at th at time).

1935 Notice has been received of the death, on Nov. 12, 1988, of Donald Jay Doan. At MSM he was a member of Sigma Xi research organization. He received his B.S. degree in metallurgical engineering and earn ed a Ph.D. degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Don's career was spent as a research metallurgist and staff scientist with Eagle-Picher Co. in Ohio, Indiana, and Jop lin, Mo. At the time of his death he was still a consultant for the company in Joplin.

1932 1936

He's done it again! Frank Zvanut played 77 games of tennis on his 77th birthday at the Tyler Tennis and Swim Cl ub. Frank, Frank L. Hillmeyer, who is . reti red, who plays tennis every day, started play- . writes: "I recently went through the ing the game in 1924. His birthday tradi- Panama Canal. This was quite an engition of playing one game for each year neering feat of simplicity. It is amazing to began when he was 60. Several friends see." Frank lives at 10 Coloni al Village organized 25-game shifts to help him Court, #D, St. Louis, MO 63119. co mplete this year's goal. Frank's picture (in color) appeared in the local paper, but Robert Mark Springer died Dec. 12, it didn't say how many of the games he 1988, according to notice from his son, won or lost. Fra nk li ves at 1024 Hansford Steve. At MSM Robert was a member of Place, Tyler, TX 75701. . Lambda Chi Alpha and the Orton Society. He received his B.S. degree in cera mic engineering. Early in his car eer he worked for General Chem ical Co. and Hursey Construction Co. in East St. Louis a nd Belleville, Ill. , then Montgomery Ward and Carnegie Steel Corp. in Chicag!? He later worked for Cont inental

1939 Irvin E. Shanfeld writes: "Looking forward to seeing the 'boys'." IrvI who is retired, and Mignon, live at 725 Langton Drive, Clayton, MO 63105. Charles W. Morris sends the following: "Retired in 1973 after 32Yz years mostly with the Bureau of Naval Weapons. At the time of my retirement, I was head of all quality assurance functions in the manufacturing areas for the Bureau of Naval Weapons at McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. From 1943 to 1945 I was in Eastern Aircraft, Trenton, N.J., with the Navy. M. ·K. Smart, '37, Triangle Fraternity, was Navy engineer. Ross Carrolla, '37, and Marvin Breuer, '35, were there too as stress engineers with Eastern Aircraft." Charles' home address is 30 Quin ton Hill Court, St. Louis, MO 63137. The death, on Nov. 13, 1988, of Forrest T. Troutner, has been reported by James W. Jenson, '41 , of 15 Holly Circle. North Augusta, SC 29841. At MSM, Forrest was a member of MSM Band, the Radio Club, AIEE , Officers' Club, Student Council , was class vice president, Engineers' Clu b, Miner-Rollamo Board of Control, the Glider Clu b, and he served as an NY A assistant. He received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering. Forrest started his career with Dron Electric Co. in Granite City, Ill. After service in WWII, he was electrical engin eer for the Hercul es Missile System, Redstone Arsenal, Ala. He retired in 1981. He is survived by his wife, Max ine, Route 2 Box 402, Centerville. TN 37033 .

1940 Word has been received of the death of Samuel R. Boutin. At MSM, Sam was a member of ASME. He received his B.S . degree in mechanical engineering. He. began his career as a field engineer for General Electri c Co. in Chicago, Ill. In 1958 he moved to Webster Goves. Mo., as an installation a nd service engineer for the same company.


MSM Alumnus

William A. Enderson, who is retired from Shell Oil Co. and lives at III Via Mesa Grande, Redondo Beach, CA 90277, writes: "Retired from ShellQil Wih;m-gton (Calif.) Refinery.in April, 1977. Busier than ever. Further behind in all projects and enjoying every minu.te." John D. McClendon writes: "We are enjoy ing our golden years here in J:vIontesano, Home of the Tree Farm . We're due so uth of the Olympic Peninsula and 10 miles east of Gray's Harbor. It's a wonderful place to retire to if you can take the heavy winter rains. The summers are cool and beautifu l. The cost of living nere is comparatively low . I recommend retirement here." John's home address is 415 N. River St., Montesano, WA 98563. Herbert D. Sturges wr ites: "I was grieved to hear that Huey Summers, '40, died in Mobile, Ala. last year. Huey and I took the same train east after oilr graduation. Marie and I playa lot of golf, do a good deal of traveling, and are generally very busy visiting and being visited by our nine children, 36 grandchildren, and three great-grandchi ldren." Herbert, who is retired, lives at 16 Country Club Drive E., Destin, FL 3254l. Notice has been received of .the deatli, on Dec. 4, 1988, of Lawrence E. 'Lambelet. At MSM he served as president of Kappa Alpha, held several offices in IFC and was a member of Theta Tau and Student Council. He was also an NY A assistant. He received his B.S. degree in mining engineering with a petroleum option , Lawrence began his career with the U,S. Army Corps of Engineers then moved to the U.S. Geological Survey, Topographic Division. In 1965 he became project manager of a United Nations assistance program with India. He developed a state-ofthe-art mapping center and training institute in Hyderabad, India. He returned to this country in 1971 where he became a ,representative for Wild Heerbrugg Instruments Inc., a Heerbnigg, Switzerland firm. When he retired from Wild Heerbrugg, he established his own consulting firm, Photogrammetric Consultant Services Inc. of Sterling, Va, Lawrence was a past director of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, was a Fellow of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping and was an honorary member of the Indian Institute of Surveyors. He is survived by his wife, Myrtle H. Lambelet, 16 Lowry Court, Sterling, V A 22170, and his brother, The Rev. Clarence A. Lambelet, '43, 36 E ast Main St., Flemington, NJ 08822.

1941 Herman K. Bottcher writes: "We have moved into our new condominium-still in Hastings. The new address is 1543 Liberty Lane, Hastings, MI 49058, Since there will be no more gardening, snow shoveling, home maintenance, etc., I have obtained a realtor license-State of Michigan-this past July, to use the extra, open time," Herman is r etired from Gulf-Western , John R. Enochs writes: "I hope to be able to retum for '41's fiftieth in 1991." John and Helen's home address is P.O. Box 952, Eastham, MA 02647. Marvin C. Grisham writes: "Before retirement I never worked as an engineer but used my engineering knowledge to guide me as a manager, I thank MSM for the good training. Since retirement I continue active work in farming and also


Robert Louis Banks died Jan. 3, 1989 following a lengthy illness. Bob transferred to MSJ14 after two years at Southeast Missouri State College in Cape Girardeau. At MSM he was a member of A Christmas letter from Nathan and Bena Jaffe g ives details of their work Robert A. Pohl writes: "I completed Engineers Club, AIChE, Alpha Chi with the Boys-Girls Clu b of Monterey phase I ,of a management consultant as- Sigma, was a student assistant in the Park and an account of a five-week trip to signment -durin g Decembe r with t'he chemistry department and was on the England-Scotland-Ireland in August/ Sep- Intemational Executive Service Corps for honor list for two semesters. He received tember, They spent three weeks partici- a new chemical enterprise in Sao Paulo, his B.S. degree in chem ical engineering. pating in Elderhostel programs and two Brazil. I learned how to survive in an He also received a professional degree weeks on their own, Saw and leamed a lot. economy where weekly infl ation is 20 from UMR in 1976, the Alumni Merit Nate, who is now a consultant and expert percent or 1,000 percent yearly, I expe- Award in 1980 and a Doctor of Engineerwitness on colorfast coatings. added : "You rienced living in a metropolitan area of 17 ing (honoris causa) degree in May, 1988. run into Miners everywhere! Last Apri l million of which 12 million live within Follow ing grad uation . Bob worked in at an Elderhostel at Arizona State Uni- Sao Paulo the capitol of the state of Sao Coffeyville, Kans. for a cou pIe of years, versity in Tempe, it was a pleasure to Paulo. Sao Paulo growth rate is 500,000 the n joined Phillips Petroleum Co. in share the week with Welby K. King, '42, per year, Theft on the streets of Sao Paulo Bartlesville. (See June 1988 issue of the and his charming wife, Dorothy, One of is so common one carri es less than five lViSM Alumnus for details of his wo rk the highlights was the new governor Rose dollars cash and wears no jewelry. Sixty with Phillips and excerpts from his 1988 Mofford's talk to our class, thanks to percent of Brazil's industrial capacity is 'commencement add ress.) After a distinDorothy's effort. And one -week later, we concentrated in the state of Sao Paulo." guished career with Phill ips in plastics visited with Ben Weidle, '42, and , his The Pohls' home address is 1720 Green- research-he held or co-held 64 U.S. ing Lane, Kirkwood MO 63122. Bob is patents and 140 patents in 26 foreign vivacio~s wife, Dorothy, in Albuquerque, N,Mex. Ben took us on a qu ick tour of retired from Monsanto ·Chemical Co. in countr ies, had published extensively and· Indian trading posts and we bought a St. Louis. was the recipient of many professional couple of Indian rugs for our son's office. awards-he retired from the company in Ben recently retired from Westinghouse 1985, He is survived by his wife, Mildred and is 'very active with the local Chamber Kathleen Banks, 1610 S.E. Hampden of Commerce." Nate and Bena ' live at Road, Bartlesville, OK 74006, three daughters. three sisters and five grand12814 Collins St., North Hollywood, CA children. A memorial endowed scholar91607. Jack E. Fleischli sends the follow ing: "I ship fund has been established in Bank's am president of Capitol Oil and Grease Co. name at UMR, the "Robert L. Banks Frank B. (Buck) Rogers sends the folInc., selling industrial lubricants in the Scholarship in Chemical Engineering." lowing: "On Oct. 29 I was inducted into U.S ,A., Europe, South America, Japan, Friends who care to remember him in the MSM/ UMR Athletic Hall-of-Fame." and China. Also, I am a life und erwriter, this way may forward their gifts to the Buck and his wife, Gail , live at 11911 a member of the Million Dollar Round development office at UMR. Hidden Lake Drive, St. Louis, MO 63138. Table and am on the Board of Directors Buck is retired from National Steel. for Christ College and Lutheran Church Foundation (LCMS). Children: One son is a lawyer, one daughter a teacher, another son is in college and another daughter is in high school." Jack's home address is 28212 San Marcos, Mission Viejo, CA Notice has been received of the death, on Harry W. Buckner of 1744 Englewood 72692. June 21, 1988, of Lloyd F. Kohrs, St. Drive, Lemon Grove, CA 92045, writes: "I' Charles, Mo. Lloyd attended MSM and was just elected to a four-year term as a Cynthiarose h'ene Davis Sanders sends was a member of Sigma Nu fraternity. director oi the Helix Water DistrICt." us her sister's (Florence Marie Davis Harry is retired from General Dynamics. -Klinkerfuss, '42) address. A retired The alumni office has received notice of teacher, Cynthiarose lives at 3718 76th the death of William J. Flanagan of Raymond H. Carmack di ed March 31,. Street, Kenosha, WI 53142. Denver, Colo. He attended MSM during 1985, according to a note received from 1945 and was a member of Phi Kappa his wife, Eleanore J. Carmack of 9942 Theta fraternity (formerly Mercier Clu b Warshire Drive, St. Louis, MO 63132. At or Theta Kappa Phi). MSM, Ray was a member of Alpha Chi Sigma (Master Alchemist) and AIC hE. He received his B.S. degree in chemical Lorren F. Bridge writes: "I am retired as engineering, He began his career with of September, 1987, as a packaging engiKoppers United Co. and later become neer for the Imperial Sugar Co. Am now general supervisor, Caramel Color Plant, doing several volunteer jobs-Covenant for Union Starch and Refining Co, In Hartley M. Bosworth writes: "Retired House, city cou ncilman, police department April after 33 year s with Bechtel as a 1953 he moved to production superintenand juvenile court volunteer." Lorren and control systems engineer," Hartley lives dent with Asbestone Cor p. He retired in Carolyn live at 4070 McDermed Drive, at 779 27th Ave" San Mateo, CA 94403, the mid-1980s, Houston, TX 77025. trave l a good deal." Grisham li ves at 1836 Pebble Brook Drive, New Braunfels, TX 78130.

of 1942 or. Longboat Key (Sarasota, Fla,) in April, 1989." Charl es is retired from Stone and Webster and lives at 1247 Lucaya Ave .. Venice, FL 34292.






Joseph T. Karbosky writes: "I have been retired for six years, and enjoying it. I spend most of my time fish ing, hu nting, golfing, bowling, etc. Geneva and I do some traveling in between my activities." Joe is retired from the Phillips Petroleum Co, He and Geneva live at 4419 Grandview Place, Bartlesville, OK 74006.

George L PelTyman, 104 Trading Block Notice has been received of the death, on Lane, Forrest, V A 24551, represented the Nov, 11. 1988, of Donald W. Frommer. University of Missouri at the inauguraAt MSM. Don was a member of the tion of Dr. James D. McComas as presiShamrock Club, Lambda Ch i Alpha, dent of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute SAME, ASM, ROTC and he was on the and State University held on Dec. 3, 1988, honor list for two semesters. He was Perryman is employed by the U,S. govawarded a B.S. degree in metallurgical ernment. engineering, After discharge from t he U.S. Army, he was employed by ALCOA, Florenc~ Marie Davis Klinkerfuss is In 1948 he returned to Rolla with the U.S. The alumni office has received word of living at 3532 Hopewell Road, Wentzville, Bureau of Mines, In 1960. Don was made the death of Eugene Mal'shal of St. MO 63385, according to a note from her supervising research metallurgist, U.S. Louis. He attended ' MSM during 1947 sister, Cynthiarose Irene Davis Sanders, Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines, and was a member of Phi Kappa Theta '43, of Kenosha, Wisc. Twin Cities Metallurgy Research Center, fraternity (formerly Mercier Club or Minneapolis, He later became acting chief, Theta Kappa Phi), Herbert E. Pagel writes: "I am selling metallurgical engineering, U.S, Bureau used equipment: air compressors, drag , of Mines, Washington, D.C, In 1978, he lines, bridge cranes, hydraulic cranes, was senior consultant-m inerals process, special danes, and switch engines." HerDravo Corp. bert is part owner of George M, Meriwether, Inc, He and Martha li ve at 3113 O. Morr'is Sievert, '44, '70, reports: Pike Road, Birmingham, AL 35208. "Retired and enjoying golf, fishin g , and Lawrence (Larry) F. O'Neill, who is hunting." Morris lives at 1919 Estrada retired from Washington University in Chal'ies E. Zanzie writes: "I joined the St. Louis, Mo., writes: "E njoying retireWay, La Jolla, CA 92037. Waterford Golf Club, a new course, in the ment very much," Larry and Becky live Waterford subd ivision of Venice, Fla. at 448 Wildwood Parkway, Baldwin, MO Looking forward to a reunion of the Class 6301l.


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. 3, 1989 ob trans, at South, \lâ‚Ź Girar, ember of Pha Chi nt in the as on the e.l¡eceived gtneering. al degree mni Merit Engineer, Mal', 1988. worked in e of years m Co. i~ ue of the his work mhis 1988 r a distin, in plastics d 64 U.S. 26 foreign sively and rofessional lmpany in e, Mildred Hampden )06. three ive grand, d scholarI in Bank's L. Banks


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February 1989


Our sons are an ME a nd an a rcnitect from the University of Kentucky. The family will have five UMR graduates for a total of seven engineers a nd one architect as well as a CPA and a n RN ." Gene is project mr'l-agement departm ent head, Martin-Mrietta Energy Systems Inc. The Larsons \~ve at 2300 Harrison, Paducah, KY 42001.

Robert P. Rauch writes: "I retired on Oct. 31. 1986, after 37 years with McDonnell Douglas Corp. I bought a cruisi ng houseboat in 1987 and have become a 'River Rat.' My broth er , Eugene J . Rauch, '43, died in' 1987." Robert lives at 2932 Concordia .Lane. St. Charles, MO 63301. Notice of th e death, on Oct. 18, 1988. of Michael Casimit' Zwirb1a has reached the alumni office. Michael attend ed MSM fl:om 1940 to 1942 and from 1946 to 1948. He was a member of Theta Kappa Ph i. Theta Tau. served as treasurer of the St. Pat's Board and was on t he honor list. He received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineerin g. His professional career was spent with Shell Oil Co. in Massach usetts, Indiana, Colorado, Wyoming, Texas and New J er sey. At the time of his retirement he was manager, environmental engineering. Michael lived in Marble Falls. Texas.

1949 Gordon L. Carpenter of 6251 Newbury Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92647, writes: "I wrote my book on electronic circuit design because I feel that most universit ies teach too rriuch theory and not the basic fundam entals and practical design procedures. As a development engineer for satellites and missiles for the Air Force for more than 20 years, I feel that universities need to train young engineers to be ab le to 'perform' in the engineering field." Carpenter, who received his master's degree from the Uni versity of Colorado, is now an associate professor of electrical engineering at California State-Long Beach. Lynn F. Hartmann died Sept. 3, 1988, according to a notice from his wife, Helen Hartmann, 40 Rolling Hills Drive, Florissant, MO 63033. At MSM Lynn was a member of ASME and served as a student assistant in the li brary. He was on the honor list. He received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering. Lynn's career was spent at Emerson Electric Co. He was senior design engineer at the time of his reti rement in I'983. In add ition to his wife, he is survived by a daughter, Pat Wiese of Florissant. John J. Mulligan w.ites: "Mineral exploration and mine development are booming in southeast Alaska and adjacent ' British Columbia. The Alas ka Miners Association wi ll host a conference on hard-rock mining in Juneau. Alas ka, in the spring of 1989." John is owner of Mulligan Associates in Douglas, Alaska. His a nd Peggy's address is P.O. Box 335, Douglas, AK 99824 (same for business). Richa,rd L. Stovall writes: "I recently r'etired. Let me tell you-each morning I get up, it's like the start of a three-day weekend. It's great!" Richard is retired from Allied Signal and he and Joy live at 6522 Kessler Ave., Wood land Hills, CA 91 367. Laurel G, Linn wri tes: "I have started playing golf again after 40 plus years 's ince Rolia. How many rem.e mber the lO-hole MSM golf course with sand 'greens?' We plan on being bac k for our 40th r eun ion at homecoming." Laurel is r etired from Northrop Corp. He and Marilyn n live at 16222 Monterey Lane, #377, Huntington Beach, CA 92649.

John E. May wr ites: "I am no longer with General Electric but doing independent consulting." John's home and business address is 29 Lakeview Circle, Skaneateles, NY 13152,

Don Davidson, '70, left, and Eric B. Adams, '75, at a MENSA convention in Bloomington, Minn. MENSA, is an inte l'l1ational society for persons with IQ test scores within the top two percent of the population. Eric is president of the Minnesota Chaptet' of MENSA, Both Eric and Don have worked with Control Data Corp. Eric is an electrical e ngi neer with the company and Don, who has his own consulting business, is a ther.mophysics consultant. Don's home address is P,O. Box 27372, Golden Valley, MN 55427.

1950 John C. Johnson lives at Route 1 Box 199, West Sacramento, CA 95691. He is retired. Alvin C. King wri tes: "I reti red in 1987 after 30 years with Granite City Steel." Alvin and Verna live at 1362 Franklin, Ed wardsville, IL 62025. Joseph Milich writes: "I am retired after 33 years with Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. Deanie and I are enjoying retirement. We are so busy that I don 't know how I ever found time to work." The Milichs live at 75 Ledgewood Drive, Glastonbury, CT 06033 . . H. Parnell Schoenky, who is retired, writes: "I am now tak ing courses in geology, paleontology, anthropology, and archaeology. Ther e is life outside of the laborato ry-and it isn't obsolete every three years!" Parnell lives at 1720 Karameos Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94087.

Marriage involves total commitment. I did what I wanted tp do for the Navy. But I programmed an early retirement (age 56) to allow my wife the opportunity to play 'catch-up' after our kids left home. SHE got her Ph.D. in economics at t he age of 50 and is 'on the road' now, after 41 years of a satisfying marriage. Unfortunately her mother has Alzheimers (cost about $1,500 per month), so we are edgybut together! OK?" The Youngs reside at 903 Balmoral Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20903. Walter L. Hampton Jr. writes: "I am now a consulting engineer specializing in waste managem~nt and pollution control." Walter further says: "Right now I'm helping DuPont with some of their waste treatment faci lity implementation and wastewater minimization. Seems obvious we've all got to work harder at preserving the planet and I thin k chemical engineers are especially well qualified to take the lead." Walter, whose home and business address . is P.O. Box 2363 NMS, Niagara Falls" NY 14301. is self-employed.

Donald C. Sewall, Route 3 Box 253. Hillsboro, TX 76645, wr ites: "I retired from the Railroad Commission of Texas wher~ I was the regional engineer for tWe' Dallas, Texas area. I have been doing Theodore H, Gosen writes: "I retired in volunteer work with the Texas Baptist 1981 after 30 ye:! ": in the employ of men , building churches throughout the ARCO at its Carson, Calif. refin ery. Joyce state of Texas. I have also been traveling a nd I still reside in t he same house in in my fifth wheel around the U.S., sightLakewood that we purchased in 1952. My seeing and visiting grandchildren." current hobbies a re golf, the Dodgers arid our grandchildren; not necessarily in that John W. Weingaertner, who is retired, order. Joyce and I often think of the reports: "Nothing new." John and Jean happy days spent in Rolla from 1946 to live at 7538 Kirky Court, St. Lou is, MO 1951."- Ted and Joyce live at 2734 Year63119. ling St., Lakewood, CA 90712.

195,1 ,

Franklin W. Wyatt writes: "I am retiring Jan. 1, 1989, after 38 years with Un ion Carbide. I had two fu ll careers: The first was 15 year s in uranium ores and product processes, the second was 23 years in bulk distribution of petrochem icals by barge and ocean tankers." Frank a nd Lois live at 2018 Park wood Road, Charleston, WV 25314.

Richat'd P. Ketter, '51, '70, wri tes: "We gave up the big house a nd moved into a co ndo bu t have a reasonab ly sized back yard that will be 'a putti ng green." The Ketters live at 1900 Carlton Court, Lebanon , PA 17042. Ri chard is retired from Bethlehem Steel.

Eugene P. Larson writes: "Last of four children, E li zabeth, will g radu ate from Charles Young Jr., now retired from the UM R in May, 1989, in civil engineeri ng. Navy, has as his "official" title-house- Another daughter , Rosalie Hadley, gradhusband- with his wife, Eleanor, as his uated from UMR in ME , in 1981. E lizaemployer. He reports fur:' er: "No joke! beth will marry Grant Phillips, '88, '89.

David D. Parrish writes: "I will be retiring the end of April 1989 and am looking forward to doi ng some traveling and pursuing hobbies." Dave and Myra's home address is 2544 Waterman, Granite City, IL 62040. He is currently vice presiderit of oper ations for C. D. Peters Co. Paul S. Pender writes: "I have been elected president of the Lansing High-1 2 Club. Th is is a Masonic service club, meeting weekly, which collects scholarship money for th e George Wash ington Un iversity a nd the DeMolay boys organization." Paul and Evelyn's address is 1257 Ivanhoe Drive, East Lansing, MI 48823. Paul is retired from Holmes and Black Inc.

1952 George E. Fish writes: "With my wife, Margaret, I have visited Maine, Vermont, F lorida, Washington, Oregon, Canada and many places in between. My li ttle AstroVan, purchased at retirement in June 1986, now has more than 48,000 miles on it. Enjoying every minute." George is retired from Unocal Corp. and lives at 3800 Spyglass Road, Oklahoma City, OK 73120. The death of Robert F, Grady III was reported by his wife, Janet Grady, 9 Spyglass, Salem, NC 29676. At MSM, Bob was active in ACS, held several offices in Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity and was on the honor list. Upon graduation, he was commissioned a second lieutenant ROTC. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in ceram ic engineering. Bob started his career with U.S. Steel Corp.'s South Works in Chicago, Ill. The fo llowing year he returned to Missouri to work for A. P. Green Refractories Co. In 1961 he started work for Martin-Marietta from which he retired in 1986 as vice president, technology, for the Magnesia Specialities Division. After retirement, he joined Clemson University as adj unct professor of ceramic engineerin g. Bob was a member of the American Ceramic Society, AIME and participated on several ASTM committees. In addition to his wife, Janet, he is survived by a son , two da ughters a nd two grand children. Geot'ge MacZura writes: "As a trustee of the refractories division of the American Cer a mic Society, I was instrumental in organizaing the International Executive Board for sponsoring a United International Conference of Refra ctori es (UNITERCR) to meet biannually and to rotate between the USA, Japan , Eu rope, and Latin America. The first UNITERCR will be held in November 1989 at Anaheim , Cal if. Subsequent meetings are schedu led for Ge rm any, Brazil, and Japa n. I am the first pres ident of this new global organization to advance refr acto ry technology around the world. Alum ni Robert E. Farris, '51, '61; Samuel J . Schneider, '52, '75; Charles G. Mat'vin,

MSM Alumnus


'67; and the chairman of t he UMR ceram ic engineering departme nt. Robert E . Moor e, '56. '62, a re actively invol ved in organi zing UN ITE RCR '89." George and Mary L. live at 725 Orchard H ill Drive, Pittsburg. P A 15238. J ohn E. P riest writes: "I decided to g ive up private consulting since it kept me away fro m home. I joi ned ATC E ng ineering Consul tants Inc., as the senior vice president and chief of eng ineering in April a nd Pam and I moved to Colorado in July. We welcome fri ends for a visit an d don't mind serving as a Denver ski base." The Priests live at 4996 S. Lafayette Lane, Englewood, CO 80110. Ernest J . Reeves writes the follo wing: "I've waited 36 years to write this word: RETIRED. If anyone wants a fishing partner, call me!" Ernest and Roberta's home address is 100 Bloomingdale Ave., Cranford, NJ 07016.

1953 James E. Akers writes: "My wife, Meryl, and I enjoyed the 35th ann iversary ~Ie­ bration at Homecom ing this past October." J im and Meryl li ve at 11818 Rosary Lane, St. Louis, MO 63138. Notice has been received of the death, on J uly·21, 1988, of Forr est L. Noll J r . of Hattiesb urg, Miss. Forrest attended MS M and was a member of Lam bda Chi Alpha fratern ity. James F, Zapp writes: "Retired from Phillips Petroleum Co. as area engineer supervisor after 3 3 ~ years. My present home is Billings, Mont. I worked in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Montana in the exploration and production department in all phases of engineering. My wife and I have three children, two girls and a boy, and three g randchildren. My youngest daughter, Mary, is an electrical engineer for Rockwell International." Jim and Genevieve live at 334 Dani St., Billings, MT 59101. The al umni office has received word of the death of Arthu r C, T hompson of Harrisville, N. Y. Arthu r attended MSM during 1953 and was a mem ber of Sig ma Pi frate rni ty.

1 954 Wav ne M. Aceto writes: "Same old stuff. Wo; k, travel, tr avel some more, work some more, Only Alaska to F lorida this past year, instead of Egypt to Cal,ifornia, Looki ng forward to a nother one-booooring!" Wayne a nd Peggy's home address is 12404 N. Gate Court, Roscoe, IL 61073. He is a principal in the firm of Power Services Co. J ames A. Gerard reports this followi ng: "I'm really enjoying my new car eer in com mercial and industrial real estate. It is a good tie-in between my civil engineering degree and MB A in fin ance. We'r e expecting g randchild #5 in December. Nancy and I are going to celebrate our 35th wedd ing anniversary w ith a trip to England, also in December . Spent an evening with Bob O'Brien, '54, a nd his wife, Ludie, in Louisville, Ky., in September. Enjoyed the reminiscing about the 'old times.' " James' home address is 248 Wuff St. , Cary, IL 60013.









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Ri cha l'd L. Reeg writes: "I' was promoted to produc t ass urance ma nager for Cr ane Defense Systems, a divis ion of Un idynam ics of St. Louis." Ri chard and Rachelle's home add ress is 4822 Moccasi n Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123.

engin eering. F ollowing g radu ation he worked for McDonn ell Aircraft Corp. , then Fo rd Motor Co. in Dearborn, Mich. At the time of his death, he was m anager of eng ineering des ign for O'Brien Co rp. in St. Loui . He is sur vived by his wife, Doris, P.O. Box 192, High Ridge, MO 63049.


Carl R. Schumacher wri tes: "I am looking forwa rd to visiting the campus with my Boy Scout Troop on Meri t Badge Day, F eb. 25, 1989. This will be our third visit. Beta Chi Sigma, UMR scouting service fratel'llity, is to be commended for thei r efforts." Carl and Ramona Ann live at 3962 Bowen , St. Louis, MO 63116. He is an engi neering manager III for the City of St. Louis-Water Division.

James R. Becker repor ts that he is selfemployed and owns th e firm of BeckConsulting Engineer. He consu lts in the areas of forging, extrusion, die design, lu brication and ma terials. His home and business address is 15710 Congo Lane, Houston , TX 77040.

1960 Daniel D, Moit of 347 S. Maid Marian La ne, Scherervill e, IN 46375, writes: "Daniel Sr. celebrated 28 years with Sherwin- Williams. Daniel Jr. graduated from the Uni versity of Indiana in marketing. Da ughter, Karen, will graduate in Dece mber 1988 from Purdue in nursing, and younges t son, Mike, is a fres hman at Purdue in computer tech." James H. Painter sends the following information: "I am employed as an advanced technology branch ch ief working in aerodynamics, computational fluid dynamics, propulsion, and thermodynamics at McDonnell Douglas. We now have

1957 Gary W, Davis writes: "I have a new job as projects manager for the range department, test and evaluation directorate, China Lake Naval Weapons Center." Gary's home address is 1008 Sherri, Ri dgecrest, CA 93555. F r a ncis H. Henninger J r. reports his address is P.O. Box 88, Highland L~k es , NJ 07422. He is senior manufactur ing engineer for Allied-Signal Inc,-Bendi x at Teterboro, N.J . James L, Mitchell of 2003 E. Lakewood, Springfield, MO 65807, writes: "James L. Mi tchell became d irector of research and development for Ridewill Corp. in August 1988."

1958 Elizabeth Hardebeck of Route 4 Box 92, Rolla, MO 65401 , writes: "Retired July 1, 1988, from Mid-Continent Mapping Center of the U.S. Geological Survey after 30 years with the same organization,"

Harla n Kebel, '56, proUl;lIy displays his new Christmas present (tire cover from his son, Eric). Harlan is director of mining and exploration for U.S. Gypsum Corp. and is active in the Chicago Area Section of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. His home address is 1325 Royal St. George Drive, Naperville, IL 60540.


Franklin W. Shadwell of 1100 Melody Thomas E. Light writes: "I've recently . Lane, DeSoto, TX 75116, writes: "Mechanmoved to Camp Zama, Japan (near Tokyo), ical and Pneumatic Systems has expanded with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. into larger facilities. In addition to our In October 1991, Pat a nd I will retire to convey ing systems and dust collecting the Sacramento, Calif. a rea. Please use systems, we now manufactu r e constr ucmy business addr ess (J apan) for correstion and utili ty trailers which we market pondence." Light's business add r oss is: under th e na me of Carryall Trailer." Chief. Contract Administration Br anch, F rankl in is president and owner of the U.S . Army Engineers Dis tr lct-JalJa n com pany. USAED-J, Box 25, APO San Francisco, CA 96343-0061 . George E. Uding wr ites: "I took on additi onal responsibil iti es as of J a nuary 1988. Lester H, Winter wr ites: "In F ebru ary I am now C.E.O. for Nor't h A merican 1988, I merged Thompson, Winter and Portl and Cement activi ti es of Societe des Associates, P. C, Consulting E ngineers, Ciments Francais of Pa ris, France. I reBelleville, with Vollmer Associates, Colmain president of Coplay Cement Co. of li nsv ille (consu lt ing eng ineers). Home Nazareth, .Pa. After 30 years of marriage office: New York, N .Y, Vollmer ranked and fi ve d au ghters, my wife, Margo, died 142nd in ENR list of top 500 firms. We sudd enly Septe'm ber 11. I visited Rolla have maintained a new offi ce in Bellelast summer fo r th e first tim e in 28 ville, III., wh ich I am in char ge of. I split years." George's home address is 34 North my ti me between Belleville a nd Coll insMiller St. , Nazareth, PA 18064. ville." Lester's ho me address is 314 Ag nes Dr ive, O'Fallon , IL 62269. The alumni office has received word of the death of Robert Real, of Bell eville, Ill. He attended MSM during 1959 and was a member of Phi Kappa Theta fraternity.


Notice of the death of Gerald Parker Robinson has been received by the alumni office. At MSM Gerald was a member of ASME and was a student assistant in the mechanical engineering department. His name appeared on the honor list every semester wh ile he was in school and he was graduated with second honors. He received his B.S. degree in mechanical fJ},~

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The alumni office was recently notified of the death at Richard Allen Wise on Oct. 7, 1977. At MSM Richard was a member of ASME, SAE , Pi Tau Sigma and was on the honor list. He received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering. Following graduation, he worked for B. F. Goodr ich then with the assemb ly division of General Motors in Kansas City and Warren, Mich. •

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six grandchildren." The Painters live at . 1931 Rustic Oak Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Lamar S. Todd writes: "I was promoted to sel;ior eng ineer." Lamar is wi th Elkem Metals Co. in Niagara F a lls, N. Y. He and Ma ri lynn live at 107 N. Brier Road, Amherst. NY 14150. Karl J. Daubel writes: "I retired from acti ve duty wit h the Ar my last yea r. I now work with Ft. Leo nard Wood on the remed ial action to clean up an old TNT prod uction site at Weldon Spring. Mo. Shi r ley and L live at 15022 Willow Lake Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017." Karl is a senior research associate with the University of Cincin nati.

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Frank A. Deppong writes: "Visited the campus between business trips this December and was impressed with the,'new' campus-all the new buildi'ngs! . . . Had a wonderfu l chat with Professor Flanigan." Frank is owner of Serra Associates, Mountain View, Calif. His home address is 10664 Baxter Ave., Los Altos, CA 94022. James R. DeSpain, '61, '87, sends the following: "I am on the board of directors of 'Show Case Greater Uluisville: a nonprofit corpOl'ation formed to develop the Louisville water front. I am also co. "

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Carl P. Rodolph Jr. reports that he has now been with Greiner Engineering Inc. (vice president for 'operations) for a year and is responsible for a fu ll range of consulting engineering and su rvey fo r the New Mexico operations. He is currently the presidentoUhe Albuquerque chapter of the New Mexico Society of Professional Engineers. Carl's add r ess is Star RoLte, Box 1290. Corrales, NM 87048.

James J. Baremore. '63. '68. writes: "I have been moved to the laboratol'Y's management staff with responsibility for all interfaces between the laboratory and members and staff of the United States Congress." Jim and Peggy live at 14418 Alene Court. NE. Albu querque, NM 87123.


Andrew J. Hager Jr. of P.O. Box 30, ·Mt. Vernon. MO 65712. writes: "I am an attorney, solo practioner, in Mount Vernon, Mo., having practiced here since 1969. I am an active member of the Missouri Army National Guard in grade of colonel (06). having served on active duty with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers." Barry W. Kollme writes: "I have worked in Air Force facility engineering since 1969. I am currently wo rking in the facilities and util ities division at HG military airlift command, Scott AFB, II!., as a corrosion control and special projects engineer. My most recent project required the engi neering and construction management for the DOD prototype model command center. Included was the integration of the global decision support system high speed computer network with laser pz:ojector displays. I have now returned to my normal duties which consist of pI'oviding cathodic protection consulting services to 15 Air Force bases. Mary Lee and I live at 707 J uniper Drive. O'Fallon. IL 62269. Both OUI' children are married . r would enjoy hearing from alumni." James H. Mais writes the following: "My brother. Raymond Mais, '62, passed away in February. 1988. Ray spent his entire career since graduation with Century E lectric Company." Jim lives at 1701 Fawnvalley Drive, St. Louis. MO 63181 and is employed by Aeromaster Inc. as a sales engineer. (See AP1'-l 1988 MSM Alumnus) Dinesh K. Sh ah writes the following: "Our daughter, Natasha. will be in college next year and our second daughter, Tania. will be in high schoo!." Di nesh is with Morton Thiokol Inc. He and Sumitra reside at 4021 North Park Circle, Irvine. CA 92714.

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Gary wor ks at Edwards AFB. Calif .. and lives at HCR 1. 3773 Knox Ave .. Rosamond. CA 93560.

Eugene C. Fadler writes: "It is good that Ford Motor Co. is doing great in the marketplace these days-J have three daughters in college and one in hi gh schoo!. Barbara and I have our hands full just trying to keep up with the girls and their boyfriends. Just keep buying t hose Fords!" Gene and Barbara live at 116 N. Evangeline, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127. He is principal staff engineer for Ford.



chaIrman of 'Fri ends of Kentucky High School Athletics.' a private group fOl'med to raise scholarships for student athletes$175,000 raised over the past three years." Jim's address is Carrier-Vibrating Equipment (he's president), 3400 Pern Valley Road, P.D. Box 37070. Louisville, KY 40233.

Bipin N. Doshi, '62, '63, writes: "In J anual'y 1988 I purchased Schafer Gear Works Inc.;' Bipin is now the president and CEO of the firm in South Bend, Ind. His home address is 748 River Pointe Road. Mishawaka, IN 46544.

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Gary A. Trippensee writes: "I am currently managi ng the X-29 for lVal'd swept wing flight researc h proj ect for NASA."


John L. Clements writes: "I was recently promoted to systems engineer at GTE Commun ications System . My son. Andy. has started this year at the University of Arizona where he is majoring in engineering physics. My wife. Flora, is substitute teadchi ng in the Par adise Valley School District." The Clements live at 8935 E. Yucca St.. Phoenix, AZ 85028.

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Alfred J. Buescher. '64, '83, has been appointed vice president a nd manager of the environmental di vision at Sverdmp Corp. in St. Louis. Al is also vice president of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association . His home add ress is 624 Golfvi€w Drive. Ball win. MO 63011. Lan'Y L. Pal'k'inson wr ites: "I have been promoted to vice president and general manager-operations by Interamerican Zinc Inc., Adrian. Mich. IZ I has grown to become the second largest zinc recycler in the USA. Also. for adult volun teer service to the Boy Scouts. I have been awarded the 'District Award of Merit' by the Wolverine Cou ncil. Boy Scouts of Ameri ca and the 'Good Shepherd Award' by the American Baptist Churches." Larry's home address is 2614 Bent Oak Ave .. Adrian, MI 49221. Larry is a member of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association Board of Directors.




1967 The following has been received from James M. Farrow: "Jim and Becky Farrow now live at 912 Main Road, Independence. MO 64056, with Anna. Leslie and Seth. Jim i president of a small civil engineering and surveying firm wi th 12 employees. Major emphasis of this firm is in land development and site planning of streets. parking, sewers and other utilities for residential. commercial and industrial development." The name of the firm is Metropolitan Hands-Engineering Inc .. 10106 E. Truman. Independence. MO 64052. Henry K. Hachmuth writes: "Fatima and I had our second son. James Mark Silva Hachmuth. on Dec. 3. 1987. I have been promoted to senior staff adviser for Phillips' Lice nse Division." The Hachmuths' home address is RR 3 Box 7260. Bartlesville, OK 74003. David A. Herold writes: After the Army (liJ73) we moved with Ingersoll Rand to sf. Louis, Kansas City, Corning. N.Y. to Charlotte, N.C. Started kitchen remodeling in 1980. We now have a nice business with two showrooms and seven employees." David is president of American Kitchens. He lives at 700 Ashmeade Road, Charlotte. NC 28211. U

Robel-t E. Huston writes: "I was named an LTX Corporate Fellow this yeal:. As a' co-founder of the Trillion Corp .. an LTX division. I have been a lead ing architect in the design and application of sem iconductors VLSI test systems." Bob's home address is 5819 Vargas Court, San Jose. CA 95120. Shafiqu e Naiyer reports that he has joined E ngineering Service Corp. (ESCO) as a project manager. Prior to joining ESCO. Shafique wo'r ked for consu lting engineering firms in southern California, the Los Angeles Coun ty Road Department, Missouri Highway and Transportation Department, and Holmes and Narver Inc. Shafique and Nusrat live at 110 N. Chapel Ave .. #15, Alhambra, CA 91801.

1964 Henry William Bryant Jr. writes: "My son. W. T, Bryant. is a freshman at U:MR." Bill is plant manager, Calsicat Division. for Mallinckrodt Inc. in Erie. Pa. His home add ress is 1361 Mulberry Lane, Fairview. PA 16415. Gary D. Dyhouse, '64, '66, '74, reports: ''I'm teach ing some gl'aduate level hydraulics and hydrology classes for UMR at the graduate extension center on the UMSL campus. I've come the full circletak ing them 20 years ago, teaching them today." Gary's home add ress is 5430 Casa Royale. St. Louis. MO 63129. He is chief of t he hyd r aulic engineering section for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District. William (Bill) S. Kirchoff writes: "I was recently appoin ted to the 'Plann ing and Economic Development Comm ission' of the newly incorporated city of Ch es~r­ field. Mo." Bill is a sales engineer fol' USG Interiors and lives at 17627 Wild Horse Creek. Chesterfield. MO 63005. Chades E. Stack reports the fo llowing: "I am still located at Mexico, Mo., with A. P. Green Industries. now an independent company, since its spin-off from USG ' Corp. in 1988. I have been pl'oud to assist Dick Hagni as a member of the geologygeop hysics development board. Any ideas regarding department needs are solicited. Continued support from all alumni is also critical to future improvements." Charles' MeXICO address is Route 4. Mexico. MO 65265.

Larry Cooper of 1337 Cerro Verde Drive. San Jose, CA 95120 wl'ites: "In my position at ALPS Electri c I am responsible for advanced product development for compu ter mass storage dev ices. ALPS' is a large electronics fi r m based in Japan." William P. Falke writes: "I retired from the U.S. Army on June 30. 1988. after 23 years sel'vice. I accepted a position as manager, quali ty systems, with Laclede Steel Co. effective July 15, 1988. I am married wi th three children. Our oldest daughter. Tanya M., is a freshman at UM R this year." Falke's home address is 16064 Clarkson Woods Drive. Chesterfield, MO 63017. John W. Smith, '65, '67, '68, of 10305 Latting Road. Cordova, TN 38018, is a professor in the department of civil engineering at Mem phis State University. He brought his son, David, to the campus in November. David has been accepted for admission in UMR next fall. The death of J ohn F. Bradbury Sr., has been reported by his son. John F. Bradbury Jr., manuscript specialist for the Western Historical Manuscript Collection on the Rolla campus. John Sr. was a member of the ROTC faculty at MSM during the late 50s and early 60s. He was associated with the Phi Kappa Theta fraternity .

Harold E. Hughes, vice president of Rhutasel and Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, Freeburg, Ill. has been promoted to the rank of captain in the U.S. Coast Guard Reserves. Harold and Marilyn and three children live at Route 2 Box 194A. Millstadt, IL 62260.

1968 Leslie O. Bennington Jr. writes: "I am listed in 'Who's Who in the West' and 'Who's Who in Amer ica.' " Les and Susan live at 6 Shan non Drive. Glenrock, WY 82637. He is self-employed as a chartered financial consultant and a chartered life underwriter.

1966 The death of Jaffer T. Ghadia li has been repor ted by his wife. An ta Ghadiali, 12112 E. 25th Street South , Tulsa, OK 74129. At UMR, Jaffer was active in Pi Tau Sigma, India Association. International Fellowsh ip, SAE and was on the honor list five times. He received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering. He began his cal'eer with Westinghouse E lectric Corp. In 1974, J affer became a senior financial analyst for Xerox Corp. At his death. he was an attorney at law in Tulsa, Okla. James E. West, '66, '68, writes: "Last year I changed my career with IBM and am now in marketing as an adviso ry systems engineer with the Evansville. Ind. branch office. Susan a nd I li ve in Newburgh and ou r chi ldren. Beth and Michael. attend the Front Range Community College in Denver, Colo." The Wests now live at 7833 Woodland Drive. Newburgh. IN 47630.

Theodore "Ted" Warren Theodore "Ted" Warren, currently president of FW A Drilling Co. Inc .. a Texas Oil and Gas subsidiary. has been named executive vice president of TXO Production. Prior to joining FW A in 1981. Ted worked for Gulf Oil and Helmerich and Payne. His home address is 2905 Garden Grove. Wichita Falls. TX 76308.

MSM Alumnus

Richard ' W. Phelps reports that he is now president of Phelps and Associates. Professional Mining Consultants. He cites the strengths of the firm as: experienced professional (Phelps has 20 years experience as a mining engineer) expertise in operations. engineering. bene ficiation. geology and safety in coal. metal and 'nonmetallic sectors; work in tight time frames requiring tact and discretion; computer and facsimile machine equipped. Recent clients have included: operators for acquisition and joint venture targeting; inve tment bankers for multiple mine financings; and attorney~ for contract oversight. The firm's address is 2450 Partridge Lane. Northbrook. IL 60062. phone: 312-5643247. Richard adds: "Eldest son. Keith. has bee n accepted at UMR for the fall 1989 term in freshman engineering. Paul is five years behind and studying hard." The alumn i office has received notice of the death of Ke ith Hellman of St. Louis. He attended UMR duri ng 1968 and was a member of Phi Kappa Theta fraternity.

1969 Nora A. Glover of 98 Lafayette. Chatham. NJ 07928, wr ites: "Ron and I had an add ition to the family a year ago. Jill Alexander Glover." Nora is a staff manager for AT&T in Basking Ridge. N.J.


Steph en J . "Jack" Herman has been named president of the Critical Care Division of C. R. Bard Inc. He has been with the division since 1982. The com pany is a leading multinational developer. manufacturer and marketer of health care products. Jack and his wife. Karen. live at 28 Summer. Andover. MA 01810. Dennis F. Jaggi has been promoted to vice president and regional manager of the Northern Region. Texas Oil and Gas Corp. He has been with the company since 1981. Dennis' home address is 12222 Laneview Drive. Houston. TX 77070. He is a new ly elected director of the MSM/UMR Alumni Association . Charles C. Latty Jr. reports: "I transferred from the advanced transm ission department in Livonia to the advanced engine activi ty in Allen Park during September of 1987." Chuck is a production design engineer with the Ford Motor Co. His home address is 33129 W. Chicago. Livonia, MI 48150. Thomas D. McBride wri tes: "I recently joi ned the Nelmor Co. as manager of engineering. Nelmor manufactures size redu ction equipment used in plastics recycling a nd disposal." Tom lives at 36 Deerfield Road. Shewsbury. MA 01545.

Ar·chibalrl. M. Gallup, '71. '82, reports he . is a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army serving as the chief of the engi neer pe rso nnel proponency office. e ngineer school. Ft. Wood. Mo. He visited campus in November with his son. Archibald. who plans to enroll at UMR next fall.

Lawrence H . Luzynski writes: "As of Dec.!. 1988. I was em ployed by the Burlington Northern Railroad as eng ineer of systems design with headquarters in Overland Park. Kans." Lawrence and Ellie live at 3604 S. 10th St. Cou rt. Blue Springs. MO 64015.

Richard C. Green writes: "Currently enjoying work, hunting and fishing. Would like to hear from Tom Lynge, '72." Richard's home address is 756 Winding Bend Lane. Manchester. MO 63021. He is chief planning engineer. management division. Troop Support Command in St. Louis.

Joseph Mazuranic died Nov. 18. 1988, of heart failure according to a note received from his wife. Lisa Kahn. of99 Wachusett St.. 1st Floor. Jamacia Plain. MA 02130. Joseph received his B.A. degree in English and earned a master' degree in library science at UMC. He held positions at Ellis Library UMC and the library system of Harvard University. He was a staff member of Boston University Library at the time of his death. His death was also reported by Vernon Asher, '31, and Dr. Jim Wise. chai rman. department of English. UMR.

Gordon D. Robinson writes: "I put in a swimming pool this summer and noticed a dramatic increase in the number of close personal friends I have. And I always thought it was my personali ty and winning smile." Gordon's home add ress is 6141 Columbia Ave., St. Louis. MO 63139. He is employed with the Monsanto Co. in St. Louis. Alfred J. Wussler writes: "Alfred J . Wussler was recently promoted to the position of principal plant 'e ngineer for the Farmington division in the newly created North Region of the EI Paso Natural Gas Co. Al still works in the company's Farmington. N.Mex. division office. where he has been employed for the past three years." Al and Jerry reside at 3203 N. Municipal. Farmington, NM 87401.

Gary R. Koenig sends the following: "I am currently in Korea for two years with wife and daughters. Director of data center in Seoul processing Lucky-Goldstar work in joint venture with GM/ EDs. Our sons stayed in Texas where we will return in two years. Looking forward to touring the Orient whi le here. Enjoyed the Olympics and the Paralympics tremendously." Gary's address is 151A UN Village Hannem-Dong, Yongsan-Gu, Seoul. 140-210 Korea. Gary L. Stripling of 1305 Stony Brook. Garland. TX 75043, writes: "Our fam ily will be relocating from Garland to Waco. Texas. at the end of the 1988-89 school year . We have been transferred from Electrospace Systems Inc.'s main office in Richardson. Texas. to a new aircraft modification facility located near Waco. ESI is primarily a defense contractor which employ approximately 1.200 engineers of all disciplines. My department includes 35 engineers who design major modifications to existing military aircraft. We are looking forward to continued steady growth under the direction and support of Chrysler. who directly purchased ESI in October 1987."


Guy M. Robinson writes: "I was transferred to Jakarta. Indonesia. in January 1988 as manager of gas activities for Conoco Indonesia. Bali is just great for a vacation!" Guy's mailing address is Conoco Inc .. P .O. Box 2197-Jakarta. Houston . TX 77252.


Stephen J. "Jack" Herman

Paul E. Schlett writes: "Work has been busy . . . much travel to many places: Colombia. Venezuela, Argentina, Greece. Italy, Germany. England and Japan. People around the world have many needs. Carrol and '1 continue to be certain that all of the world's problems would diminish if people would turn to Jesus Christ rather than trusting in their own ability. God's laws in the Bible are just as important as God's laws in nature. we think more!!" The Schlett's home address is 77 S. Hillside Ave .. Succasunna, NJ 07876. Paul is a refractories engineer for Exxon Research and Engineeri ng Co.. Florham Park. N:J.


David W. Rammelmann writes: "Dave has been named 'Engineer of the Year' by the Maryland Society of Professional Engineers. The award recognizes his active participation in professional and technical societies. his commitment to the professional development of young engineers and success in managing Boyle Engineering Cor.p.'s D.C. office." David and Patricia live at 12215 Old Colony Drive. Upper Marlboro. MD 20772.

Wayne P. Bremer writes: "I have been appointed linear low dens ity polyethylene product manager for the USI division of Quantum Chemical Corp. Janet and I and the three boys have· moved to 9801 Bennington Drive. Cincinnati. OH 45241."

David W. Brondurant writes: "I recently joined Ramtron Corp. in Colorado Springs. Colo .. as director of marketing. Ramtron is a pioneering startup in ferroelectric nonvolatile semiconductor memories." David and Judy's home address is 4025 Becket. Drive, Colorado Springs. CO 80906.

A. Ismail Adbel-Latif The following is taken from information received from A. Ismail Adbel-Latif: "J was appointed program manager and principal investigator of the radiator and structur al coatings contracts in early 1987. As a result of my work in execution of this program. I received a letter of praise from the branch ch ief of the Air Force Materials Laboratory. This was my third award of this nature in my nine years at GE (Division Technical Group Award in 1982 and Professional Recognition Progl'am Award in 1986)." "Izzy" and his wife, Dr. Zahra Mowafy. live at 610 Nazelwood Road. Ardmore. NY 19003-1818.

1972 John W. Edwards Jr. writes: "This spring Carrie and I, and our three daughters-Allison. Laura and Meridithmoved to a new house at 9810 Connell. Overland Park . KS 66212. This summer. I joined HDR Engineering Inc. and opened their new office in the Kansas City area." John is the enior project manager for HDR Engineering.

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Hans K. Schmoldt. '72, '78, reports: "Want to say hello to Mike and Donna Fearon, '81. To those t hat like to collect rocks. Grand Ju nction is known for dinosaur bones. fossil insects and leaves. mica. amethyst. flourite. barite and quartz crystals." Hans is self-employed and liveS at 239 W. Fallen Rock Road. Grand Junction. CO 81503.

David W. Rammelmann

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Ron Bude. M.D., writes: "I have been in the private practice of radiology for a little more than seven years now. DUI'ing that time. I have enjoyed the amenities (and aggravations) a private practice position provides but I have alway felt that something was lacking. Last June. everything came together at once. In the space of a week. I decided to forsake private ·practice. applied for' and was accepted to a one-year fellowship at the University of Michigan Medical Center in cross-sectional imaging (magnetic resonance imaging, computerized tomography (CAT) and ultrasound). Although I am conversant in the latter two. I am not trained in MRl. I will have an opportunity to do research (perhaps in MR contrast agents) and intend to pursue a career in academic radiology. hopefully at the University of Michigan. I feel comfortable 'with the decision and eagerly look forward to a career in research and teaching. I may yet put my knowledge gained at UMR to good use. I feel much better suited to embark upon a research career with my UMR background than if I had gotten a degree in biology 'or liberal arts." Ron's address is 1412 First St .. Monominee. M1 49858.

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Stephen L. - Gardson writes: "Kidde's senior management has just purchased the company (Kidde's Consultants Inc.)rated #84 in ENR 500. I am serv ing as treasurer of the Association of Engineering Geologists and treasurer of th e Virginia Society of Professional Engineers." Stephen li ves at 9713 Brent St.. Manassas. VA 22110.

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ett John M. Keating wr ites: "I have been promoted from beneficiation uperin tendent at IMC Ferti lizer's Clear Spring (Fla.) plant to the Haynsworth (Fla.) plant. IMCF is the wo rld's largest private produceI' of agr icul tu re chemicals with extensive mining faci li ties in Florida for mining phosphate." John and Nancy's home address is P.O. Box 1086. Bartow , FL 33830.








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John D. Lick writes: "Diane, also '73, and I had a great time at Homecoming this year! We and our kids, Brian, 15, Steven, 13, Jeni, 10, and Kevin. 8Y2,wish every.one a great new year." John is a construction supervisor for Union Electric. The fam ily lives at 7 Oxford Drive, Washington, MO 63090. Michael A. Walz writes: "I've rece'ntly transferred to Black and Veatch CivilEnvironmental Division and I am working on control systems for water and wastewater treatment plants and supervisory control and data acquis it ion (SCADA) systems for water and wastewater systems." Mike's home address is 7400 Highgrove, Grandview, MO 64030. John T. Mahoney writes: "I've started in an executive M.B.A. program at the University of New Hampshire. I 'plan to graduate in June. 1990." John's home address is 20 Foster Drive. Beverly, MA 01915. He is a product manager for Atwood & Morrill of Salem. Mass. Joseph P. Warren wr ites: "I am now a resident of Wisconsin, where I'm work ing for Simon Aerials Milwaukee as a sen ior project engineer. Clair is continuing her studi es at the University of WisconsinMilwaukee. Anna is now 7 and Ph ilip is 4." The Warren family lives at 1176 N. 72nd St. , Wauwatosa, WI 53213. Don L. Young Jr. writes: "I retired from McDonnell-Douglas Corp. in 1987, and moved to Tyler. Texas where I started a consult ing engineering practice." Don and Libby live at 1205 Woodlfand Hills Drive. Tyler, TX 7(i701 . phone (214) 561-4405.


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Vicki live at 609 Showplace Court, Ball'win. MO 63021. -

a nd is AIMD officel' for the USS Gllada /callerl.

J. Calvin Curdt writes: "I' started on Nov. 1. 1988. for Coopers and Lybrand as a supervising consultant. 1 am now the treasu rer for the MSM/ UMR Alumni Association. St. Lollis Section." Calvin li ves at 722 Redstart Drive, Ellisville, MO p3021.

Thomas G. Naeger writes: "Just moved from Conn ecticut to the Buffalo. N.Y. a rea with' wife. Rose: son. Matt, 9: and daughter. Lauren. 6. I have a new position as assistant manager. computer operation. for Linde division of Union Carbide Corp. My primary responsib ili ty is to provide national direction to our process comp uter control effort. What was that computer science cour e telli ng me what computers could do?" The Naege rs' home add ress is 29 Rana Court, Will iamsv ille, NY 14221.

Thomas P. Kieffer wri tes: "After nine yea rs of research a nd development wo rk for a boil er manufacturer. 1 now have a production job for a strain gage ma nufactureI'. I was married in June to Leslie Ann Ellis of Raleigh. formerly of Akron , Ohio." Tom is the special operations manager for Measurements Group Inc. The Kieffers live at 5201 Cedarwood Drive, Raleigh. NC 27609. Richard G. Lenz wr ites: "I have just received a promotion to technical support project leader in charge of PC application software' support, research and evaluation for Caterpillar Inc. Sandy continues to be in charge of fam ily development and support servi ces on the home front for our two daughters, ages 7 and 3." Richard and Sandra (White, also '74) live at 706 W. Deerbrook Drive, Peoria, IL 61615.

1975 Bruce D. Baker ends the following: "I was promoted to plant superintend ent in June 1988 for the Empire Electric Co.'s Riverton (Kans.) plant. My family consists of wife. Becky, daughters Brandi, 11, and Morgan, 2Y2." The home address for Bruce and his family is Route 10 Box 584, Jopl in, MO 64804. Robert H. "Hank" Birk writes: "Jenny and I and Clarissa (age 4) were recently transferred from Dow's Louisiana Division to the company's central research engineering laboratory in Midland, Mich." The Birks now reside at . 3206 Swede Road, Midland, MI 48640-3843. Sheldon A. Easson, '75, '76, writes: "Telos Federal Systems is a Department of Defense contractor whose primary product is computer software for DOD weapons systems. I am now senior software engineer forTelos and am getting to start work on a program to do command and control functions for a missile launcher system. This software wi ll be written in the Ada language. I have not counted a neutron in about five years." Sheldon's home address is 4821 NE Winfield Circle, Lawton, OK 73507.

Mat·y Lee (Sieber) Tmka writes: "Chuck and I are still li ving at 513 NE 513th St., Kan sas City. MO 64155. We have been in this house five years. Chu ck is working for Technicon Instruments Corp .. where he repairs computer-driven blood chemistry testing eq uipment in hospitals and labs. Because he works out of the house, it only takes him about two minutes to get to his office- in the basement. He is also going to school at the night program offered by Park Coll ege. I have been working for the Social Security Administration for almost seven years. This is the second time I have worked for Social Security. In the late 70s, I worked in personnel, but then took a three-year sabbatical. I finall y got bored with sitting at home, so I returned to Social Security. Here I have been able to get involved in the agency's computerization on the regional level. In 1983 a small computer was installed. I worked with another person in training the office personnel to use the computer, developing ' new applications, writing programs to produce desired reports. modifyi ng existing programs to meet regional needs and sometimes tying all these things together to produce an information system. In March of this year , Social Security began installing personal computers aci'oss the cou ntry. It was, for the most part, my first experience with PCs. It also meant starting from scratch again with training the office personnel to use the PCs, developing new appl ications, etc. Needless to say, I am very busy at work. I'm also very happy in my job, since it allows me to be with a lot of people and work with computers, both of which I enjoy. Of course, I wou ld love to hear from any old (I use that word caut iously) friends from UMR. I would also like to make new friends of any alumni close by which I am unaware of. Please feel free to write or call 816-734-4047 any . time."



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Charles H. Hansford writes: "Currently Richard . M. Baker writes: "I have at the University of Missouri-Columbia ' r eturned from work ing overseas in working on a master's degree in mechan iPanama a nd now wark at DEH at Ft. cal engineering." Charles has moved from Leonard Wood, Mo. We are expecting . Kissimmee, F la. to 209 Coll ier Lane, Fulour sixth chi ld on St. Pat's Day '89." ton, MO 65251. Dick and Theresa's home address is HCR 33 Box 34, Lenox, MO 65541. Roger L. Keller, '75, '82, writes: "I just started a new job as a blasting engineer Bruce Bonczyk writes: "Recently pro- with Dynatech Corp., a drilling and blasting contractor in the New York area. My . moted to chief of the legal section and staying way too busy. Wendy and I say famil y and I will soon be moving i'nto our new home at 20 Vining Drive, Simsbury, hi to our friends." Bruce is employed as CT 06070." general counsel for Ill inois Capital Development Board. He and Wendy James H . Martin writes: "I will report to live at 2420 Westchester, Springfieid, the USS Guadalcanal (LPH-7) on April IL 62704. 1. 1989. The Guadalcana/ is a landing David K. Bross writes: "I am into my 15th year of teaching physics at Parkway West. I'm sending mere students to Rolla and enjoying reading about former students who have graduated ." David and ,

platform helicopter ship based in Norfolk , Va. I will be the head of the aircraft intermed iate maintenance department." The Martins live at 1092 Red Mill Blvd. , Virginia Beach , V A 23454-5844 . James is a lieutena nt co mm ander ir. ,.he U.S. Navy "f.'


Randal A. Atkeisson wri tes: "I am working as a section head at Honeywell on optical storage systems. My wife, Liz, and I have a daughter, Rachel, 6, and a son , Rustin . 2. We enjoy living in the 'valley of the sun ' at 150 16 N. 24th Ave .. Phoeni x. AZ 85023." Valentino R. Bates, '76, '78, writes: "I was recently selected to 1989 Who's Who is the South and Southwest." Valentino is the president of Kh afra Engineering Consultants in Atlanta and lives at 3167 Petite Forrest Drive. Marietta, GA 30062. Donald J. Chronister, '76, '80, writes: "Two co-workers and I recently received a patent on an improved method for melting titanium. zircon ium , and other reactive alloys. The process, called InductionSkull Melti ng. uses a slotted, water-cooled copper crucib le surround ed by an induction coil within a vacuum chamber. The

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key adva ntage of the process is that th e metal being melted does not come into contact with a ny cerami c crucibl e materials and remains free of ceram ic inclusions." Don's home address is 15462 Duxbury Way. Cheste rfi eld. MO 63017. He works at McDonnell Douglas. Gary L. Dolle reports: "I am enjoyi ng my job back in a St. Louis area engineering organization. I am respons ible for add ing 'fiber optic and digital facility equipment in the eastern half of Missouri over the next two years." Gary and Patricia's home address is 5707 Greenton Way. St. Lou is, MO 63128. Gary now works as an area manager, transmission equipment engineering, for Southwestern Bell. Stephen G. and Fay S. Eckert send the following from Germany: "Greetings from Wiesbaden , West Germany! Steve transfen-ed to a new position as assistant project ma.nager for the Dow Corning Plant here. We're settl ing into our new house with our two boys, Joshua, 7, and Andrew, lO-months. Please wrIte us at this address using U.S. first class postage: Stephen G. and Fay S. Eckert, c/ o Dow Corning Corporation , International Mail-C01l8, Midland, MI 48686-0994." Jon P. Frederickson writes: "I am now workin g at Renaissance GRX in Bellevue, Wash . My firm manufactures high performance graph ics boards for the IBM PC and clones. I'm currently the lead engineer for our bios and utilities group of software engineers." Jon's hGme address . is 7408 58th St., Court W, #101, Tacoma, WA 98467. Duane L. Parrish writes: "I was recently promoted from manager of manufacturing engineer to operation manager for Killark Electric Manufacturing Co. (a division of Hubbell Inc.). New job duties and four kids sure keep a person busy." Duane and Sue li ve at 2701 Ashfield Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129. Raymond F. Powell writes: "We have moved back to Springfield, Va. after five years living in Europe." Raymond' and Judy live at 70ll Cottontail Court, Springfield , VA 22153. Ray is chief, plans and programs, and deputy chief of staff, eng-ineer, for the U.S. Army Materiel Command. Rodney J. Sampson of 3021 Campbell , Kansas City, MO 64109, writes: "Susan and I are proud to announce the birth of our first daughter, Fiona Rose Sampson, on Nov. 16, 1988. I am currently under contract to Marion Laboratory. I work for Datronics Inc. as a contract programmer. Currently rehabbing my home and active in community association as treasurer." Larry W. Shoemaker writes: "I was recently promoted to manater of technical service-licensing. This was the job that Henry Hachmuth, '67, had. He has since become our senior technical advisor. The job has certainly been a challenge so far." Larry is with Phillips Petroleum and his home address is 4727 Rolling Meadows Road, Bartlesville, OK 74006. Don G. and Mary Smith are the proud parents of the ir fourth child, Matthew, born on Sept. 19, 1988. Matthew joins Daphne, 10, Aaron. 7, and Vanessa. 4. Don is a project engineer for Tamko Asphalt Products at the Phillipsburg, Kan s. plant. Don and his famil y live at 374 Morse Drive, Phillipsburg, KS 67661. James D. Wood wr ites: "1988 was a pretty good year! I bought a tow n house. My new address is 3345 Deep Well Court.


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MSM Alumnus


Abingdon, MD 21009. I was promoted to the rank of major in the U.S. Army Reserves and was selected as 'Young E ngineer of th e Year' by the Maryland Society of Professional Engineers. I also became certified as a 'Certified Hazardous Waste Specialist.' " James is an environme:1tal engineer with the U.S. Army Environ Hygiene Agency, Air Pollution Engineering Divi ion. at Aberdeen Proving Ground.

1977 Bruce H. Allen writes: "Bruce and Kathy have moved into their new home in East Tawas, Mich., and are proud to announce the birth of #2 on. Craig Raymond . born 'Feb. 23, 1988. The other children are Bryan, 6, and Melissa, 2~ . " Bruce is plant manager for the U.S. Gyp urn Co. in Tawas City. The Aliens live at 1432 Tawas Beach Road, East Tawas, MI 48730. David A. Heile wri tes the following: "After spending nine years in Austin, Texas, des ign ing a nd implementi ng automated manufacturing systems for IBM, I now work out of an IBM branch office in Milwaukee helping our customers implement computer integrated manufacturing. Becky and I have a daughter, Claire, who will be turning 3 in February 1989. Our new address is 2004 N. Hi Mount Blvd. , Milwaukee, WI 53208, telephone 414-475-5623." .

Garwell. Houston. TX 77035. Dan is employed by Shell Oil Co. in Houston. Martin D. Hoffman, M.D., 22W28609 Louis Avenue, Pewaukee, WI 53720, writes: "After completing residency, I took a faculty position in the Department of Phy ical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Medical College of Wisconsin in July 19 6, where I am now an as istant professor. My clinical work is in ports and physical medicine, and my research has been in exercise and circulatory physiology." John J. Hunter writes: "Work ing on many gift-wrap projects for Hallm~rk . Spending much of my free time fixing up my house. my car, and my pick-up truck! It keeps those engineering skills honed to a fine edge!" John lives at 8214 Oak, Kansas City, MO 64114. Brian Kavanaugh writes: "My wife d ied on May 18 of this year (1988) on our ninth weddi ng anniversary (see December i sue of Alumnus). Sue Maskill Kavanaugh received her B.S. degree in chemical enginee rin g in 1979. She lost her battle with cancer, but she never lost her spirit. Thanks to a ll our fri ends from Rolla for your thoughts and prayers. Enclosed is a photo of Sue that captures her personality well." Brian is a project engineer with Texas Instruments. His address is 2231 Big Bend, Carrollton, TX 75006.

Kurt S. Nielsen writes: "In July I accepted a new position as vice president, manufacturing, for FWG H otchkiss Building Products Inc., a manufacturer of sash and louver products. This meant a relocation from Wisconsin to Connecticut." Kurt's new address is 33 Sycamore Drive, Torrington, CT 06790.

1978 Kevi n C. Bodenhamer writes: "Mary and I now reside at 4919 Orleans, Lake Charles, LA 70549. I am plant manager, responsible for two natural gas proces ing plants in south Loui iana." Kevin works for OXY, NGL Inc. in Lake Arthur, La. James L. Donahoe III writes: "Rona (Whittall), '78, wa elected for 'a Lilly Teaching Scholar Fellowship for 198889 for her work in the geology department at the Un iversity of Alabama." The Donahoes' home add ress is 4501 Woodland Hills Drive. Tuscaloo a, AL 35405. James is a resea rcher in the University of Alabama geology department. Daniel W. Goodall was married to Lori Elizabeth Young in Houston, Texas, on Sept. 3. 1988. The coupl e lives at 5838


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H. Ward Silver' writes: "RBR Engineering is thriving and. at home, we moved into a delightful old farm on Vashon Island. Apologies to all of the old fri nd I have been unable to write or call. I intend to be les socially inept in 19 9. All card and letters gratefully received at P.O. Box 927, Vashon, WA9 070."

Jam~s L. Sutton, '78. '79, report : "1 am currently supervising a portion of the McDonnell Douglas Unigraphics II National Training enter. We are re ponsible for providing CAD/ CAM/ CAE training to ou r commercial clients. My pecialtics are in finite element and mechanisms analy is, VAX/VMS and Unix operating ystems and networking DE C. H-P, Apollo, etc." Jim's home address i 116 Dunham Court. St. Charles. MO 63303. Glen Ziolko writes: "We had our fir t child, Gwen na Catherin e, on May 26,1988, an d we are thoroughly e nj oy in g our daughter. We are both e mployed at LTV Aerospace and Defense Co. in Dallas, Texas. I am se nior CAD/ CA M systems specialist overseeing the develop ment of application software for composite parts. Linda (Steinhoff), '79, is a lead facili ty systems engineer designing material handling .applications for composite parts. We live at 3416 Ar chway Cour t, Arlington , TX 76016."

1979 Salvatore J, Calise send the following information: "We are all doing fine in Ft. Myers, Fla., with my return to Camp Dresser and McKee Inc. as office manager. Marla is semi-retired and enjoyjng life with our daughter, Meghan. who is 3Y2 years old :t.lready." The Calise home address is 6506 Kestrel Circle, Ft. Myers, FL 33912.

Terry L. Panhor st, '77, '79, writes: "We moved from Houston, Texas, to work at Shell's first gold mine in the Mojave Desert, Calif. Phyllis, Jennifer, 5, and Bryan,' 4, are enjoying life in Lancaster. Soon to move north to begin new projects in Nevada." The Panhorsts reside at 42935 Lemonwood Drive, Lancaster, CA 93536. John D. Wenzlick writes: "I was promoted to materials research engineer for the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department in Jefferson City effective Nov. 1, 1988. I am still fly fishing for trout whenever I can." John and Linda's home addres is 1611 North Brook Court, Jefferson City, MO 65109.

be back i,.. the St. Louis area." The Roenfeldts live at 218 Oakmont Farm Drive, Ballwin, MO 63021.

Sue Maskill Kavanaugh, '79 Gregory A. Melton writes: "I am now working for the Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology in Little Rock . I am enjoying a new home in the country at Route 4 Box 693, Benton, AR 72015. with my wife, Debbie. and two sons, Corey and Zachary." David and tacy (Sakoulas, '82) Obermann write: "David is till at IBM and we are till enjoying Austin. P.S. Please send rain." The Obermanns' address is 3308 Perry Lane, Austin, TX 78731. Steve Olson reports the following: "I've been in Chi cago for a year now and recently moved into the city north of the Chicago Cub's park. I sell computer network ing equipment for 3CO M Corp .. covering Wiscon in and Illinoi . My addr i 5017 Winchester , #30, Chicago, IL 60640." Mark A. Roenfeldt, '78, '80, writes: "Plenty of news to report. We were blessed with a second son, Andrew, on June 18, 1988. Al 0, thi sum mer I accepted a position with Fruco Enginee rs, the engineering arm of F ru-Con orporation-a design/build organization. Mark. Cheri, icholas, 3~, and Andrew are happy to ~',










Kathleen M. Daniel of 1515 Baker St.. Liberty, MO 64068, writes: "In addition to our 3-year-old. Adam, we now have a little girl , Ashley Elizabeth. born Sept. 16, 1988. They are keeping us busy. I am still at TW A in the MVS software group and Jerry is still with Storage Tek as a sy terns engineer." Darrell C. Flynn writes that he is an engineer with the NUS Corp. of Gaithersbu rg. Md. He Iives at 462 Stewart, ApL. 6. Monroe, MI 48161. Darrell also wrote: "Still living on the razor's edge." Maryann C. Fuchs writes: "Maryann Chambers Fuch . '79, and Douglas B. Fuchs, '77, '79, announce the arrival of Bradley Aaron , bo rn May 3, 1988. Daniel James is now 3Y2 years old. Maryann i a petroleum engineer with Si nger Oil Co. Douglas is in the Exploi tation Group at OXY USA Inc. Home is 10506 Eagle Lane, Oklahoma City, OK 73162." Cr a ig . O'Dear of 1230 West 69th t., Kan as City, MO 64113. wri tes: "On Oct. 1, 1988. ] resigned from the Sti nson, Mag a nd Fizzell law firm to join five other attorneys in opening a new law office in Kansas City for the Bryan, Cave, McPheeters and McRober ts law firm. Bryan, Cave is the largest law firm in Mi souri , with approximately 300 lawyers. Our largest offi ce, wh ich was the firm ' original office, is in St. Louis. The firm also ha offices in Washington, D . .; Los

Angele: ew York: Phoenix ; London: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia a nd Dubai. U. A.E." Thomas J . Rose nau e r end the following: "Kinleigh (HI'ovat), '80, and] have moved from Michigan to Trinidad where I am working for Amoco T rinid ad Oil Co. a a drilling uper\'i or." Mail for the Ro enauers hould be sent to: Thomas J. Rosenauer, Expatriate-Trinidad, P.O. Box 4381. Houston. TX 77210.

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ca l A. Shcarer, '79, '80, writc : "] was promoted recently to district manager of the New Iberia di, trict for chlumbergcr Well and Offshore ervices. My wife, Tammy, ha received her bachelor's degree in accounting (with honor) from the University of Texas at Tyler. We'\'e just finished building a new house and both daughters are doi ng well in chool. A recent recruiting trip to UMR brought back many fond memorics. Can't wait to do it again!" The Shearer fam ily lives at 1001 E. Dale St. , 0.703. New Iberia, LA 70560.

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dau Patricia A. Centner write: "On Aug. 10, 1987. I profes ed vows a religious sister in the Bernardine Franciscan Sister. I am now enjoying my second year in mini try and religious education at Sacred Heart Parish in Gladwin." i ter Patricia's address is 330 N. Silverleaf St., Gladwin, M1 48624.

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Timothy J. Holcomb wri tes: "I am vice president a nd general manager of Holcomb Foundation Engineering which is a fami ly owned consulting engi neering bu ines specializing in soi ls te ting for foun dations and all types of materials, tests for construction. i.e. p.C. co ncrete. Bitu concrete, soils, steel and var ious stabilization mixtures." Tim a nd Mary's home address is RFD #7, Box 199, Carbondale, IL 62901. Gregory Wayne and Kathie Rupert, Wayne, '86, write: "On ept. 10, we had child number two. Tyler Matthew was born weighing 8 Ibs. 10 oz. Our daughter. Staci, turned 5 on New Year's Day." Kathie is employed by Chevron Cos. Greg i a eninr engineer with Allied ignal Inc.-Kellogg. The family' address is 14922 EI Tesoro, Hou ton, TX 77083. Steve Zigrye reports: "Jana L. Zigrye, a lso '79, and I have moved to 4012 Deer Lake Circle, 11'0 pect, KY 40059. I am a process engincer with Rohm and Haas Kentucky Inc." Linda (Steinho ff) Ziolko writes: "We had our first child, Gw nna Catherine, on May 26. 1988, and we are thoroughly enjoyi ng our daughter. We a re both employed at LTV Aerospace and Defen Co. in Dallas, Texas. Glen, '78, i a senior CAD/CA M systems pecialist overseeing the development of app li cation software for composite pa rts. I am a lead facil ity systems engineer designing material hand ling application for composite parts. We live at 34 16 Archway Court, Arling'ton , TX 76016."


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Denni Mark L. Skelly wr ites: "Debbie and I have added a student to the UMR class of 2010. Brian Christopher was bo rn July 20, 1988. I am now an area manager with Southwestern Bell in St. Louis." Debbie and Mark live at 14858 Grassme re Court, Chesterfi eld , M0 63017. Kevin W. talnaker wri tes: "I was promoted to staff program mer for IBM in May 1988." Kev in and his wi fe, Sue Ann , live at 392 Maplefield Drive, Raleigh, C 27613.


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Richard A. Webb sends the fo llowing: "In January I was promoted to director of technical services for the Far East region of Pepsi-Cola. I am now responsible for engineering. production, quality assurance, product/ package development, p\lrchasing, distribution and government regulatory affairs for our 41 production facilities in Australia, Bangladesh. Brunei, Indonesia, Laos. Malaysia, New Caldonia, New Zealand , Papua New Gu inea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tahiti, Thailand and Vanuatu. Shirley and I are expecting our second child at the end of the Chinese Year of-the Dragon-February. Vanessa wi ll be 3 i~ October and has kdapted well to the Asian culture. Our new address is: 82 Grange "Road, #22-02 The Colonnade, Singapore 1024, Republic of Singapore."

1980 RobertJ. Been of203 Wallace Ave. , Vallejo, CA 94590, writes: "Jul ie and I have a dau ghter, Joanie Renee, 2. I am still with . the Mare Island Navy yard working on flushing systems and liquid oxygen systems. Julie flies for the Air Force Reserve all over the western U.S., Hawaii and Alaska. It does her good to get out of town once a month. My work has defin itely improved as fal' as· g~od technical work (engineering) goes." .

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Craig Daniel Eck, Class of 20 10 Mark E. Eck, who lives at 15740 Southpark Loop, Anchorage, AK 99516, writes: "We want to annou nce the birth of our first child, Craig Daniel E<;k, born Ju ly 21 , 1988. My wife, Mary, who is also an engineer for ARCO, and y have worked in Alaska for two years and really enjoy it."


res: "We lerine, on oroughly bDth em' !fense Co. a senior verseeing software .d facility erial han' ite parts· t Arling'

David W. Stahl of 124 Rodborough Road, Colum bia, SC 29210, writes: "I am really enjoying t he South and my employment with' th e Michelin Tire Co. I hope this ' message finds each of you in the best of health. I wo uld be most in terested in hearing from.frienCls and classmates. Best wi·s hes." Mark G. Viox writes: "My wife, Janet (Knobbe), '80, gave birth to our first child , DanieL in November 1988." The family resides at 348 Camellia Drive, Webster Groves, MO 63119. Mark is an executive assistant with Anheuser-BuschMetal Container Subsid iary. The Alumni Office has received a report of the death, on Oct. 31, 1988, of Michael A. WoIters. He died as the resu lt of an aulomobile accident. Mike received a B.S. degree in civil engineering. He had been employed by the Arkansas State Highway Department. David E. Reed, '80, '82, writeS: "Built a house at 5910 Bay Springs L!J.ne, Colorado Springs, CO 80918-8136. Rebecca, '81, '82, is becoming a housewife, mothering F elisa, 3~ , and Joel, 1. DI·. Dave continues to work for Q-pot Inc."

1981 John D. Anderson writes: "C athy (Lally), '83, and I completed our MBAs at Denver University and were then transferred to Kan~as City. I was transferred with P itts and Midway and Cathy with Arthur Andersen and Company. We just fin ished building our first home and have moved in. We miss the wonderful Denver climate but enjoy being near family." John and Cathy live at 5060 W. 194th Ten;ace, Stil well, KS 66085.

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aughter, ·'s Day." :OS. Greg d Signal Idre is 7083.


Robert A. Gladder and Carol An ne Forward were uniteS in marriage at the Governor's Gardens in Jefferson City on Oct. 8, 1988. Both are employed by the Missouri High way and Transportion Department in Jefferson City. The Gladdens' home address is 2512 Lexiflgton, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Dennis E. Hardin writes: "I've managed to stay self-employed for two years now as a micro-computer guru. Leta and I are expecting our second offspring in June." Dennis and Leta live at 1938 N. Wood Court, Wichita, KS 67212.

Karen (Kohl), '81, '84, and Michael, '82, Beckmann wri te: "Both Mike and Karen are still work ing at PPG in Milwauk ee. Having a great time sailing on Lake Michigan and traveling as much as we can." Mike and Karen are chemists with PPG Industries in Oak Creek, Wis., and live at 10600 W. F ri ar Lane, Franklin, WI 53132. Scott J. and Marji (White, '84) Bohler send the following: "Scott still works for the New York State Public Service Commission and was promoted again to senior evaluation engineer. Marji still works at home-with Zachry Nathan and Amy she has her own nursery school. ' The kids, house, and church keep them busy. Marji even took on a sen ior high youth group. But they are enjoy ing it all." The home address fo r Scott and Marji is 394 Eighth St., Crystal City, MO 63019. Barry R. Eikmann writes: "My wife, Diana, and I are doing fine. Our children, Geoff and Katy, are growing up fast. I am enjoying my job as facilities/maintenance manager for Hussman Refrigeration in the R&D department." Barry's home add ress is 11574 Arroyo, Florissant, MO 63033.

Michelle C. Fleck writes: "Ken and I are doing fine in our res pective jobs-no real news there. We will be ex pecting our first 'little one' in late February 1989. We are very excited and looking forward with great anticipation to the new addition to our family." Michelle's husband, Kenneth . S. Fleck, '78, is employed as a mine geoloKinleigh (Hrovat) Rosenauer's mailing . gist with Arco Inc.-Beaver Creek Coal, while Michelle conti nues her education at address is: Kinleigh. Rosenauer, ExpatriEastern Utah Col l eg~. The Fleck's home ate-Trini dad, P.O. ~ox 4381, Houslon, address is 205 N. Carbon A\ {)., Price, UT TX 77210. 84501. Martin J. Millman, '80, '82, '84, writes: "Judy (Parker), '81, Emma, Gin nie and I are enjoying living in Wilmingto n, Del. We've been here since October 1987." The Millman family address is-4 E. St. Joseph Court, Wilmington. DE 19808. Martin is MS&D manager for DuPont.




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David M. Gresko writes: "Lisa and I are proud to announce the birth of our son, Robert David, on Nov. 9, 1988. Rob weighed in at 7 Ibs. 6 oz. Mother and son are now home and doin g great. I am still working as senjor project engineer for ARCO ' Chemical Co. in Channelview, Texas." Dave and Lisa's home address is 2043 Lake Hills Drive, Kingwood , TX 77339. Paul D. Kreader writes: "I am working for IBM in telecommunications networks. I live at 121 Noel Ann Coilrt, Cary, NC 27511 (Raleigh area)." Judith (Parker) and Martin J. Millman, '80, write: "Martin, Judy, Emma and Ginnie are enjoying living in Wilmington, Del. We've been here since October 1987." The Mill man family ad dress is 4 E. St., Joseph Court, Wilmington, DE 19808. John E. Ren z writes the following: "I was recently promoted to tecl:mical manager, Owens Corning Fiberglass, Fort Smith, Ark . plant. Facility is a state-ofthe-art plant which produces fiberglass mat for various roofing products. My wife, Yvol),ne (Turenne), '81, and daughter, Tori, are enjoying the return to God's country. Living in four locations in the seven years since graduation has been tough." The' Renz family lives at 3413 Ramsgate Way, Fort Sm ith, AR 72903. Diane C. Sherrell writes: "Diane (Hasserpl ug) Sherrell and her husband, Roger, an nounce the birth of their daughter. Laura Diane. She was born on Oct. 18, 1988, and weighed 7 Ibs. 6 oz." The Sherrells live at Route 1, Bradyville, TN 37026. Diane is an engineer with Calspan Corp. Daniel M. Shiels writes: "I graduate from Duke University's MBA program in 1986. Living, single, in Raleigh, N.C." Daniel is the assistant to the president for LeeMoore Oil Co. W. James Unverferth wr ites: "Much has hap pened since my last update. I got married to Nancy Meyer, Texas A&M, '81: on Feb. 21, 1987. We are also excited about our baby girl, Katherine Marie, born June 21, 1988. We moved to Dallas when I was promoted to the division office as a reservoir engi neer. Nancy, Kathie, and I now reside at 1405 Baker Drive, Cedar Hill, TX 75104. Hopefully, things will settle down now." James is with TXO Production in Dallas. Jeffrey W. Emling writes: "Currently living in Sterling, Va. outside of Washington, D.C. I work for a land development firm as a construction manager and run an exciting I,OOO-acre project. I've bought a townhouse here and love the area. My new address is 183 Selgrove Court, Sterling, VA 22170." Wade W. McLain wri tes: "My wife, Jan (Sigle), '82, and I celebrated the birth of our first child, Megan Renee, on Sept. 1, 1988. Just after that I switched my career direction and went to work for IBM as a systems engineer. Both changes have been very rewarding and I look forward to 1989." Wade and Jan live at 414 Mission Cou rt, St. Louis, MO 63130. Donna C . (Tu bbes ing) and James "Mike," '83, Ray write: "Mike and I have moved to Virginia. Mike works for Soli te Carolina tone quarry, as a secondar; crushing supervisor. I am working as a civil engi neer for the town of Ashland. No we haven'L bought a house, no kids. not even a fancy car-but, boy clo we have a good Lime. Hey Ann l " The Rays live on Route 3 Box 40-29. Ruther Glen. VA 22546.


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Rebecca Reed , '81, '82, writes: "We bu ilL a house at 5910 Bay Springs Lane, Colorado Springs, CO 8091 8-8136. I am becoming a housewife, mothering Felisa. 3 ~ , and Joel, 1, but I still have time to practi ce the violin Dave, '80, '82, continues to work at Q-pot Inc." Charles E. "Chuck" Williams writes: "Still living in Rolla and wor king for the Missouri Survey. Patty is working at a print shop as a typesetter. Natalie is in kind ergarten and Monica just turn ed three. I work almost exclusively on hazardous waste projects now, rev iew ing groundwater monitoring and site remediation plans. In October 1988, I presented my first professional talk at the Association of Engineering Geologists' annual convention on the groundwater hydrology of a karst ar ea north west· of Springfield, Mo. As time permits, I will be writing up the results of my research for an open-file report. I am currently serving as vice chairman of the St. Louis section of AEG." Chuck, Patty, and the girls live 203 Woodland Drive, Rolla, MO 65401.

1982 Michael and Karen (Kohl), '81, '84, Beckmann write: "Both Mike and Karen ate still working at PPG in Milwaukee. Having a great time sailing on Lake Mich igan and traveling as mUGh as we can." Mike and Karen are chemists with PPG Industries in O~k Creek,. Wis., and live at 10600 W. Fri'ar Lane, Franklin, WI 53132. Brian S. Culp was recently married to Marilyn Kay Grass at Council Road Baptist Church, Bethany, Okla. The new couple's address is 2305 Greenmeadow, Carrollton, TX 75006. The groom is employed by Arco Oil and Gas Co. based in Dallas, Texas. The bride plans to attend U niversity of Texas Medical School. Brian is the son of Professor and Mrs. Archie Culp. Diana E. Esry writes: "I 'retired' from engineering two years ago to stay home with my two daughter s. In April 1987, I started a word processing business whic h I run from our home. We ar e expecting our third child in May." Diana's business is called "The Last Word." Her business and home address is 401 N.W. Lincolnwood I?rive, Lee's Summit, MO 64063. Gerald P. Froidl of 1305 Waggoman, Ft. Worth, TX 76110, writes: "I've been out of engineering for about 2!/:! year s and I'm beginning to miss it. I will graduate from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a master's in divinity next December (1989). I am pursuing a career in industrial chaplaincy-I can at least hang around with some engineers then!" Peter W. Lounsbury is a surveyor/engineer with Toothman-Orton Engineers in Boise, Idaho. Peter's home address is 924 N. 10th, Boise, ID 83702. Stacy (Sakoulas) and David, '78, Obermann wr ite: "David is still at IBM and we are still enjoying Austin. P.S. Please send rain." The Obermanns' add ress is 3308 Perry Lane, Austin, TX 78731. Samuel D. Otto of 621 E. 66th St.. Kansas City, MO 64131, writes: "1988 was a big year for me. I earned my )Vl'issouri P.E . license, got married (Dr. Jane E. Pennington-pedialrician) on Sept. 24. and just returned from a 2Yz week vacation in Australia! I can't wait to see what

MSM Alumnus


1989 bring-s." Sam is a se nior engineer with Allied Signal In c. (Kan as City Division). Richal'd D. Purgason wr ite: "I am pleased to announce the arr ival of our second child, Genn a, a g irl. Work in Athlone, Irela nd continues to keep us overseas and we exte nd an invitatio n to visit us should you co me to Ireland ." T he mailing address for the Pu rgasons is c/ o E lan Corp .. 1300 Gould Drive, Gainesville, GA 30501. Richard is director of PharmaZome Production for Elan Co rp. Shelly L. Stephenson of 756 Fir, #5, Elko, NV 89801, repor ts: "I am working on the feasibili ty study for the Kinsley Project, a small gold d.e posit in eastern Nevada. I am enjoying the change." Shelly is a production engi neer for Com inco American. Frank A. Marcott writes: "Working at Boeing is still fun and life is sure enjoyable here in the Pacific Northwest. My new address is 21620 14th Ave. South , #C101, Des Moines, WA 98198. They moved our organization to a new complex in south Seattle so I had to move also." John T. Topi writes: "My wife, Debbie, a nd I had twin boys, John Robert and Matthew Arron, born on Sept. 22, 1988. We are all doing fin e." John and Debbie live at 2100 North Delaware, Independence, MO 64050. John is a senior mechanical engineer with the U.S. General Service Administration (GSA).


1983 ,

Donald J. and Eva Elizabeth Arndt, both '83, write: "We are still enjoying sunny Texas weather . Don' is at Texas Instruments working on graphics printers and Eva is a n instructor for a software firm. Big news in our li v.es is Jonathon Taylor, who arrived on Oct. 19, 1988, weighing in at 6 Ibs. 13 oz. What a pleasure and a joy he is!" Don and Eva live at 410 Patricia Road, Georgetown, TX 78628. Nancy L. (Jones) Denton writes: "Would like to hear what some of th e ME .profs are up to. especially emeritus profs like Prof. Schowalter." Nancy repor ts she is an assistant professor of metallurgy at Purdue University. She lives at 719 N. Chauncey, W est Lafayette, IN 47060. Bernard M. Fields of 4200 Lockfield St. , #707, Houston , TX 77092, writes: "I am presently wo rking on NASA's space station program at the Johnson Space Center . It is al ways a pleasure to hear from and support the ME department at UMR." Bernard is a mechanical engineer with Lockheed Engineering a nd Science Co. James Allen Folta wri tes: "Finished my Ph.D. in chemical engineerin g fr om the U ni versity of Illinois in July of 1988 and started work at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in September." His title at the lab is engineer ,and his hom e address is 5551 Jacquiline Way, #2, Livermore, CA 94550. Lauren Ain ley Heffelman wr ites: "I am worki ng for the University of Tenn essee Institute of Public Service as a n environmental consulta nt. I work with local governm ents whi ch have environmental prob lems a nd qu estions." Lauren's home address is 130 Christi Place, Pleasant View, TN 37146. Richard A. Henry writes: "Finall y got Angie (Good ing) graduated from CalState University-Sacramento this past

sp ring with a !:l.S. in business/ M.I.S. Started my third hospital project here in Northern California this summ er. but hope to get in pl enty of sk iin g at Tahoe th is winter." Richard 's hom e add ress is 66 Saginaw Circle, Sacramento. CA 95833. David Talbot Hetlage writes: ''I'm still work ing for Zur heide-Hermann Inc., consulting engineers, but I have been promoted to manage r of a utomation. I received my P.E . regi tration in Augu st and have purchased a house in Glend a le outs ide of St. Louis. My new address is 774 Brownell , Glend ale, MO 63122." Glen T. Kaegi writes: "Presently I have , achieved a shift tec hni cal advisor (STA) ce rtification and a n NRC SRO li6!ense for the Duane Arnold Energy Center in Palo, Iowa. My job title is operations shift superviso r." Glen's home address is 21 32 North Tow ne Court N.E., #4, Cedar Rapid s, IA 52402. Ken J. Kozlowski wr ites: "I recentl y was married in St. Louis on Nov. 26, 1988, to Adriann (Wi llman) Kozlowsk i. I am a sales/ construction engineer fQr CECO, a nationwide concrete formwork company." Ken a nd Adriann live at 5120 S. 98t h Plaza, #3, Omaha, NE 68127. Randy R. Rapp, a majO!' in the U.S. Army Corps of Eng ineers at Fort Knox , Ky., writes: "I mad e th e transition from the Pentagon back to the real Army without diffi'cul ty'; what a pleasant change! The weeks are no less busy , though. We are expecting a n add ition to the fami ly in March 1989. Life is good ." The Rapps' hom e address is 980 Hillcrest Drive, Radcliff, KY 40160. Patrick W. Bundy writes: "I was married this past summer to Suzanne Bigham. I am still workin g at Sparian Valve Co. as a sales engin ee r for upstate New York. My new address is 7538 Sugarwood Lane, North Syracuse, NY 13212." Robert W. Clark, '83, '86, writes: "After 4Y:! years at Sargent and Lundy as a licensing project engineer and a proposal manager, I decided to get out of the big city of Chi cago. I've recently moved to Little Rock, Ark. to work with another consu lting firm (Young Engineering Services Inc.). Kent Barnes, '83, and! share an office and employer. I am continuing to do lice nsing work." Clark lives at 42 High Timber , Maumelle, AR '72118. The alumni office has received' notice that Brad L. Mason of Arnold , Mo. was killed on May 12, 1984 . He attended UMR from 1979 to 1983 and was a me mber of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. Jame M. "M ike" and Donna (Tubbesing), '81, Ray write: "We have moved to Virginia. Mike works for Solite, Camlina ston e quarry, as a secondary cru shing superv isor. Donna is a civil engin eer for the town of Ashland. No, we haven't bought a house, no kid s, not even a fancy car. But, boy do we have a good time." The Rays live on Route 3 Box 40-29, Ruther Glen, 22546.

1984 :'1

Gail (Ha lsey) Babson wr ites: recently returned to Rolla to take part in the first a nnu a l Wom e n's Basketba ll A lu mni Game. Although we were beaten bad ly by the younger team, it was great to see everyo ne again." Ga il li ves at 2705 N.W. Bent Tree Circle, Lee's Summit, MO 64081 and is employed by the Southwest-

ern Bell T elep hon e Co. in Kansas Gity as manage r, switchin g engin ee ring.

They li ve at 1640 Cliffwood Drive. Virg ini a Beach, V A 23456.

Mal'ji (White) and Scott J. , '8 1, Bohlel' se nd the foll ow ing: "Scott still wo rks for the New York State Public Service Co mmission and was 'promoted again to senior evaluation eng inee r. Marji still works at home-w ith Zachry Nathan and Amy she has here own nursery school. Th,e kids, house, and churc h kee p th em busy. Marji eve n took on a senior high youth group. But they a re enjoying it all." The home address for Scott and Marji is 394 Eighth St. , Crystal City, MO 63019.

John B. Schuermeyer wr ites: "Brad a nd Patty Schuermeyer have a seven-monthold son, Marc Brian, born May 15, 1988. Our address is 303 1 Marwick Ave., Long Beach, CA 90808." Brad is in the B-2 Division of th e Northrop Corp. in Pico Rivera, Calif. Sheila L. Seck writes: "I am still employed at Allied-Signal in Kansas City. In December, I will finish my master's in business from Rockhurst College." Sheila lives at 6516 W. 102nd St., Overland Park, KS 66212.

Matthew R. Cordner writes: "I am now happily married to Pamela White from . Kinston, N.C. We are going to Australia Russell R. Thompson writes: ' "I was in February to do some job hunting." The recently promoted 'to a sen ior engineer Cordners' home address is 1'7 13 Arbor position in Sequoyah's (nuclear plant) site Mill Circle, Bedford , TX 76021. Matthew li censing section. My current projects is .currently a des ig n engineer for Bell include the 1989 Sequoyah FSAR update Helicopter-Textron in Ft. Worth. site coordination and involvement with the Westinghouse Owners' Group. I don 't Guy A. Cordonier writes: "Our child, get to Missouri very often but would like Elizabeth, was born Aug. 2, 1988. I am to hear from the old crowd." . Russell's graduating from the University of Min- home adress is 1432 Marrick Drive, nesota with a Ph.D . in chemical engineer- Soddy-Daisy, TN 37379. He works for ing in February 1989 and have a position TVA. with Sh ell Development in Housto n, Texas." Guy, Nancy and the baby's pres- Leo Paul Voegtli writes: "I received a ent address is 1029 29th Ave. , S.E., Apt. M.S. in eh.E . in December 1987, from C, Minneapolis, MN 55414. the University of IIlinois-Urbana-Champaign. I will be co mpleting my Ph.D. in \ . . Mary Eileen Glynn of 2240 Cherry St., 1989." Leo li ves at 2108 W. White, #136, Vicksburg, MS 39180, writes: "After ChampailSTI, IL 61821. graduation , I worked two years in research for the Corps of Engineers, Vicks- David Weingertner reports: "David filed burg, Miss. In 1986, I moved to Tucson his Ph.D. thesis at UC-Berkeley on Ju ly for graduate school at the University of 27, 1988. He and Laurie have since moved Arizona. I was fortunate to work with the to Houston and bought a house a nd are geotechnical investigation team for the masquerading as grown ups." Dave is an Arizona Superconducting Supercollider associate' r esearch engineer with Shell proposal to the Department of Energy. I Development Co. He and Laurie live at fini shed my degree in December 1987, 7610 Shangrila Lane, Houston, TX 77095. and returned to wo rk for th e" Corps of Eng ineers at Waterways Experiment Douglas A. Behm writes: "My wife, Cindy, and I welcomed the addition of a Station in Vicksburg." baby boy to the famil y, Jacob Douglas Michael C. and Ellen (Westerman, '85) Behm, weighing in at 8 Ibs., 8 ozs." The Hoerle write: "We have been here in the Behrns reside at 2011 E. 48th St., Kansas Kansas City, Mo. area for about a year City, MO 64130. Doug is a process enginow and are enjoying the area immen- neer with Meco Electroplating. sely. There's nothing like the 'Great Midwest.' Mike really enjoys his job with Cargill and Ellen finall y got a 'real' job with Hercules. It wou ld be great to hear from old colleagu es in this area." Mike and Ellen live at 714 N.E . Thames Drive, T. M. Tanzeer Ahmed writes: "We have Lee's Summit, MO 64063. our first son, Faraz Ahmed, 15-monthsRobert Tad Magruder writes: "Atten- old. He's a super intelligent baby. For tion UMR alumn i working in the Detroit, su re he will be a 'M iner' one day. We are Mich. area! If" you are interested in get- expecting our second one in the third ting together with fellow Miners in Greek week of February 1989. I miss Rolla and town th is sp ring, contact either Valerie UMR a lot. I wish there were lots of Williams, '84, at 313-694-5424 or Tad or opportunities in and around Rolla. I would Angela (Murch) Magruder at 313-285- love to settle down there and serve the 6638." The Magruders live at 4431 Quarry school a nd the comm unity." Tanzeer and Road , Wyandotte, MI 48192. Tad is a his wife, Shameem, live at 240 Hill Ranch manufacturing engineer with American Dri ve; Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. He is a civil engineer for Diversified EngineerSunroof. ing of Westlake Inc.


Daniel P . Morris of 20 Author ity Drive, Fitchburg, MA 01420, writes: "I am engaged to be married to Natalie Charielle on Aug. 19, 1989. I am working for a Swiss injection molding machinery company, Netstal Machinery Inc. The plastics industry is grow ing fast. I hope UMR can soon offer some courses in plastics processing." Steven J. Poppe wri tes: "Currently enjoying the life of a happy new lywed with my wife, Margie, her e in Virginia Beach. Also enjoyin g my tour on board t he na tion's newest aircraft carrier." Steve is the reactor electrical d ivision officer on the U.S.S . Th eodore Roosel'eit (CVN-71).



David S. Barton provides the following information: "I was marriedlastApril to the form er Valeri e J6 Ditty. We both wo rk for EDS at the GM tech center in Warren, Mich." The Bartons live at 1669 Bloomfield Place Drive, Bloomfield, M1 48013. Sharon A. Berger writes: "I recently accepted a job with Graham ~esources in Covington, La., just 25 miles north of New Orlea ns. I'm presently an eng ineer in the rese rvoir group preparing rese rve evaluations and acquisition recomm end ations." Sharon's home address is 5410 Highway 22, Un it C. Mandeville, LA 70448.







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February 1989

James E. Breitbarth, '85, '88, writes: "I gl'aduated with an M.S. in engineering management in December 1988 and started working as a design engineer for Caterpillar Inc., Decatur, IlL that same month. I'm presently working on differentials and final drives for off-h ighway trucks. My new address is 3728 Northhaven Court. Apt. 2E. Decatur, IL 62526." Chl'istopher D. Cragg writes: "Received SRO (senior reactor operator) license in August and married Chandrika Thammavaram in September 1988." Chris is a shift technical adviser for Texas Utilities Electric of Glen Rose. Texas. His home address is 2622 Bayberry, E,uless. ' TX 76039,

" Jerry A. Daues re'ports he rece ntly graduated from tlie University of Missouri-St. Louis with an MBA and is now employed as an engineer with Shell We tern Exploration and Production Inc. in Houston. Texas. Due to extensive travel. Jerry is maintaining his home address as 12697 Hemet Ave., Bridgeton. MO 63044. Ellen (Westerman) and Michael C., '84. Hoerle write: "We have been here in the Kansas City. Mo. area for about a year now and are enjoying the area immensely. There's nothing like the 'Great Midwest.' Mike really enjoys his job with Car.gill and Ellen finally got a 'real' job with Hercules. It would be great to hear from old colleagues in this area." Mike and Ellen live at 714 N.E. Thames Drive, Lee' Summit, MO 64063. Ronald A. Houpt of 3081 Pheasant Run Drive, #703, Lafayette. IN 47905, writes: "Currently, I am an a leave of absence from Allison Gas Turbine Division of GM in pursuit of a master's degree in mechanical engineering at Purdue University. Funds are tight anc! regrets are few." Karren M. (Harr) Luter writes: "Helio Ul\1R! My husband, Bill, and I have recently moved to a new home in Lee's Summit, Mo. Things are going very well for us. I'd love to hear from my college friends." Karren's home address is 704 N.W. Eagle Ridge, Lee's Summit, MO 64081. She is a human factors specialist with AT&T Communications in Kansas City. Anne Marie Oetting, '85, '88, of 822 Harvest Bend Lane, #37, Laurel, MD 207Qk writes: "I started my Ph ,D. in September at the University of Maryland. My area of specialization is rotocraft handling qualities. I will be married in May (in Rolla) to Loyd Spence, a Texas Aggie mechanical engineer who just . accepted a job in Maryland with EG&G Pressure Science. I finished my M,S. in aero engineering in August at the University of Texas-Arlington." Bl'uce and Debra Phillips are the parents of a new baby gi rl named Bonnie Andrina. Bonnie Andrina was born on Dec. 12, 1988, weighing 6 lbs. 15 ozs. Bruce and Debra live at 2601 John B. Dennis Highway, #910, Kingsport. TN 37660. Edward G. Sewester (Ens.) recently completed Officer Candidate School (OCS) at the Naval Education and Training Center. NewP91't. RL Edward's permanentaddress is 4953 Sutherland, St. Louis, MO 63109. Frank P. Verdusco writes: "I was recently moved up to the systems integrator position with my company. I am currently exploring the possibility of starting my own business as a computer systems

consultant. I am still single, ali ve and well and living in K.C., Mo." Frank js presently employed Optimation Inc. His home address is 5426 N.E. 41st Terrace. Kansas City, MO 64117. Theodore J . Westerhaus III wr ites: "I recently took a position as a sales engineer with Weatherly Laboratories. I am their new sales representative. Our com· pany does reservoir fluid studies (private work). Living' in uptown New Orleans is great." Ted lives at 5231 St. Charles Ave .. Apt. B, New Orleans, LA 70115. Ronald A. Houpt writes: "Currently. I am on a leave of absence from Allison Gas Turbines and am in the pur!:\uit of a mas·· ters degree in mechanical engineering at Purdue University." Don's address is 3081 Pheasant Run Drive, #703. Lafayette, IN 47905. Hans G. Livingston writes: "I have married Donna Jean Sanders of Indianapolis: gained a 4-year-()ld stepdaughter, Emily; and moved into o~r new home ... all this past summer. 1988 has been a great year!" The Livingstons reside at 7824 Cardinal Cove S. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46256. Hans is a mechanical engineer for the U.S. Navy at the Naval Avionics Center. Robert "Jeff" Rosser writes: "I left Dresser Industries in Peoria, IlL at the end of September for the desert Southwest. Since then I've worked as a mine engineer for American Girl Mining' Corp. at their southern California gold mine." Jeffs home address is 2950 S. Mary Ave., #19. Yuma, AZ 85365. Christopher Schaefet' writes: "I am still working for Dow Chemical and dodging hurricanes here on the Gulf coast. Say, where are all of those B.S. Ch.E.s I graduated with in '85?" Chr is lives at 400 Timber Creek Drive, Apt. 916, Richwood. TX 77531.

1986 John and Jennifer Buescher, both '86, write: "Our son, Joshua, was born on March 4. 1988. Jennifer is no longer work· ing and we have moved into a house in the northern Lake County." John and Jennifer live at 204 Hickory Drive, Lindenhurst, IL 60046, John is supervisor of technical support for Information Data Management. John S. Claudius of 9129. Schweiger Court, Apt. 121. Lenexa, KS 66219, writes: "I completed my master's oral defense at the University of Kansas (honors); my degree is M.S.Ch.E. I started at Marion Laboratories on June 30, 1988, in the research and development division. I got married on Oct. 1, 1988." The Alumni office has learned that Jonna Lou Cole is now engaged to mar ry Richard G. Horn, '87, in October 1989, David G. DresseIl sends the following: "Dave is a quality procurement representative for McDonnell Aircraft Co. in St. Louis, His current address is 44 \)zark Lane, Arnold, MO 63010." I Celeste M. Franta writes: "I will marry Ken Barry in April 1989. I pl'esently conduct sampling investigation for RCRA hazardous waste facilities ill the U.S. EPA Region II. We conduct investigations over the Southeast U.S. It's been interesting work." Celeste lives at 110 Chateau Court, #17. Athens, GA 30606.

Jacqueline Griggs writes: "Hi everybody' Hope you all are doing great. I love my new position. If there is anyone looking for a summer job, have them send me a resume next semester (I hire all the techs), See you at St. Pat's." Jacqueline is a su pervisor, field laboratory servi ces. Midwest Subsurface Testing Inc. She lives at 2504 Remington, St. Louis, MO 63144. Brian W. Jenkins, '86, '87, writes: "I star ted work at Michelin Tire Corp. in October 1988, in Greenville, S.C. As a matrice designer, r am involved in design of molds used to make tires." Brian's home address is 4001 Pelham Road, Apt. 103, Greer, SC 29650. Brian K. Jennison, who is wor king on his Ph,D. in electrical engineel'ing at Purdue Un iversity, has been gran ted the $15,000 1,988-89 Cowan Scholarship by IEEE. Brian's home address is 400 N, River Road, Apt. 1010, West Lafayette, IN 47960, Gregory J. OdeI' writes: "I am currently designing experimental test hardware for the development of future engines ·that will s rp¥s the highly competitive G,E. products." Gregory is a facilities engineer for Pratt and Whitney Aircl'aft. He lives at 19 G' rden St., Rocky Hill, CT 06067. Kathi Rupert-Wayne writes: "On Sept. 10 we (Greg, '79) had child number two. Tyler Matthew was born weighing 8 lbs. 10 oz. Our daughter, Staci, turned 5 on New Year's Day." Kathie is employed by Chevron Cos. She and Greg live at 14922 EI Tesoro, Houston, TX 77083. David S. Schlotzhauer, '86, '88, of 50 Cedar Bluff Drive, Apt. 13, Lake St. Louis. MO 63367. writes: "I finally finished with school and accepted a job with Jacobs Engi neering as an environmental engineer. I am working at the Weldon Springs site remedial project (a Department of Energy clean-up site). Gayle Behr, '87. is back in St. Louis and we are planning a May, 1989 wedding." Michael K Sinnett writes: "I am finish ing the second year of graduate school in aerospace engineering. I just finished a month-long trekking trip in Nepal and a month in an Eskimo fish camp on the Yukon River in western Alaska, My research concerns flight simulation and is funded by a three-year National Science Foundation Fellowship. Attention all past AE grad ~ : Kamian got his Ph.D,!" Mike's home address is Route 7 Bo,' 11, Rolla. MO 65401. David G. Dressel reports: "I am a quality procut'l'ment representative for McDonnell Airel'aft Co. in St. Louis. My CUfl'ent ,address is 44 Ozark Lane, Arnold. MO 63010:' Stephen L Martinek writes: "I have relocate" my family to SOUl h Carolina to head a major expansion project f~r Dayco. This is for a m inimum of three years." Stephen and family now live at 239 Suffolk Dl·ive. Aiken, SC 29801.

1987 Gayle M. Behr writes the following: ''I'm very gland to be back in the St. Louis area, Da\'e Schlotzhauer, '86, '88, and 1 are planning a May 20, 1989, wedding." Gayle Ii ,,>g at 3210 Pleasant Valley Drive, St. Charlps, MO 63303.

Roger E. Biggs writes: "I will marry Genevieve R Foster ('86 UMC) on Sept. 23, 1989." Roger, whose home address is 304 Eighth St., Crystal City, MO 63019, is a senior systems designer for United Van Lines in Fenton, Mo, Brian C. Buchanan of 5250 N, Knoxville, #316, Peoria, IL 61614, writes: "I accepted a job at the Technical Center at Caterpillar in Peoria in August. I now live in Peoria. At work I am a design engineer where I have design control of frames on small track-type tractors." Kevin M. Bullock and Michaele Lynn Miller were married June 4. The wedding took place in Hazelwood, Mo. The couple now resides at 3448 Devils Glen Court, Bettendorf, IA 52722. Kevin is employed by the Aluminum Company of America in Davenpvrt, Iowa. Karen S. Giovanoni of 5091 Ridgeview Drive, Arnold, MO 63010, writes: "I began working for Honeywell-St. Louis in March 1988, in commercial buildings division. Have already been to Minneapolis twice for training in pneumatic and electronic controls. I enjoy my job but the hours are long sometimes. I have learned that homework doesn't end with school." Richard G. Horn writes: "I'd like to announce my engagement to Jonna L. Cole, '86. The wedding is to be in October 1989." Richard is with Eagle-Pitcher Industries Inc. and lives at 2525 E , 32nd St., #147, Joplin, MO 64804. 'Larry G. Manning, who is a graduate student at The Ohio State University, writes: "Will be completing M.S. degree in nuclear energy in August 1989. I worked as a summer engineer for Electri cite de France in Paris, France, the summer' of 1988." Larry's home address is 4173 Arbutus Ave., Grove City, OH 43123. Daniel Tad MattIe of 11020 Dunklin Drive, Apt. 303, St. Louis, MO 63133, writes: "Getting married to Terri L. Parker on Nov. 23, 1988." He is an associate engineer with McDonnell Douglas. Joseph Bea Maynard writes: "1 am doing fine. Dow has many opportunities to grow. I am still getting used to the Texas way of life. I discovered that education is priceless. For those who find frustration abundantly at school (i.e. Qr. Reed's classes), don't give up. It is definitely worth every classroom hou r!" Joe is a chemical engineer for Dow Chemical in Freeport, Texas. His home address is 420 Garland Drive, Apt. 1302, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Donald R. Russell writes: "I am still the mine engineel' at Brewer Gold Co. in Jefferson. S.c. My wife, Leslie (Whalen), .. also '87, is sti ll employed by Associated Engineering Co, in Charlotte, N.C. On Oct. 17, 1988, we had our first son, Samuel Henry RusselL" The Russell family lives at Stonehenge Apts, C-8, Monroe. NC 28110. Sharon Jeanne Wingl'on writes: "Hi, everyone! I'm doing fine. Hope all is well in your wo rlds! I'm working for Contel of Missouri based out of Wentz ilIe, Mo., but will be working in Russellville, Ark. until June, 1989. I would love to hear from you:' Sharon's home address is 624-F Broadmoor, Chesterfield. MO 63017.


MSM Alumnus


Rod F. Trau t m a n writes: "I am now living in Houston. Texas. I am working for Texas I nstr uments as a technical al es assoc iate and loving every minute of it." Rod 's home address is 8600 S. Course Drive. #1111 . Houston. TX 77099.

Bradley T. Amberger writes: "I am employed in the power and control systems g roups, hydraulics section , We use CA TIA extensively for aircraft zone models and layouts." Bradley is a n associate engineer with General Dynamics in FL Worth. His home address is 3720 Greenwood Creek, 11215. Ft. Worth, TX 76109.

William E. Veer'kamp and Karen Sue Sedlacek were married Aug. 6, 1988. at the First United Methodist Chu rch in Dexter. Mo. Bill is cu rrently a graduate student in electrical eng ineering at UMR. Karen, who also attends UM R. is a seni or in mechanical engineering. The couple resides at 1707 . Olive, Apt. 1. Roll a. MO 65401.

Gregory J. Gibson recently completed the Aviation Offi er Candidate School at the Naval Aviation Schools Command. Naval Air Station, Pensacola. Fla. Greg is an ensign in the U .S. Navy. His permanent home add ress is 7205 Eastern Ave .. Kansas City, MO 64133. Kevin Howard's new home address is 1406 Magnolia West, 11 16, E xcelsior Springs, MO 64024 . Don is a project e ngineer with Orbseal in Excelsior Spr ings.




Gregor y J. Gibson

Rllndy Vogel writes: "I am now working as a civi l engineer in the airport design group of Crawford. Murphy and Tilly Inc. of Springfield. III. I am also working at find ing things to do in my pare time since g raduation. My address is IIC 2317 Old J acksonv ill e Road. Springfield . IL 62704. phone 217-787-1491."







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TELEPHONE (314) 341-4897; (314) 341-4172 OFFICERS

President ... .. ........ . ..... . ...... .. . . ... John B. Toomey, '49 ... . , .... . . . .. . ................... VSE Corporation . .. . . .... . ....... .. .. " .. . ... .. . . ....... 2550 Huntington Avenue Alexandria, V A 22303 President Elect ........ . ... . .. . . . . ... ...... J. Robert Patterson, '54 ..... . ... . ..... . ... . . . . . ... . . . . P.O. Box 573 N. Ridge Road ... . .. . ..... . . ...... . . . ..... . . Sikeston, MO 63801 . Vice President ......... . .... . . . ............ Wayne R. Broaddus. '55 ... . ... . .. . .. .. ...... . . . .... . . . AAI ... . ..... .. . .... . . \ . . .. : . .. .. .. . . . ............. . .... P.O. Box 2545 Dalton. GA 30722 Vice President ... : ................. . .. . .... Alfred J. Buescher, '64 .. . ......... . .... . ......... . .. . . 624 Golfview Drive . . ... ... . ..... . ................... . ... Ballwin, MO 63011 Vice President. .... . . . .... . .... . .. . ........ Gerald L. Stevenson, '59 ... : .. . ... .... .. . .. . .... . . .. . . . J acobs Engineering .... .. . . ... . .. . . ..... . .... . ....... . ... P.O. Box 2008 Lakeland, FL 33806 Vice President .. .. .. . ... . . ... .. ... ......... Ernst A .Weinel, '44 ... .. ...... . ..... : . ............... 189 Weinel Place .. . ........... . . . ......... . ......... . ... O'Fallon, IL 62269 Vice President . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . ......... . . .. Robert V. Wolf, '51 ... . . . . .... . .. .. . . . .. .. .... . ..... . . Metallurgical Engineering ...... ... . . . ... . .... .. . ..... . .. UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 . Secretary ................ . . ...... . ...... . . Matteo A. Coco, '66 ......... . ........ . .. . .. . .. . .... . .. 7115 AlicetQn Avenue . ..... . . . . . ............. . . .... . .. . . . Affton, MO 63123 Treasurer . . .. . ... . ... . ........ : .. .. .. . .... J. L. "Jack" Painter, '50 . ........ . . . , . . .. .. .... . . .. . . .. P.O. Box 723 ... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. : .... . ..... . . . . .... . .. . . 1700 E. 10th Street Rolla, MO 65401


1990 1990

1990 1990

1990 1990 1990 1990

DIRECTORS AT LARGE John G. Bartel, '52 ....... . . . .... . .. . .... . ........ . . 200 Was\1ington, Hermann, MO 65041 ........ . . . .... . . .. . .... . .. . ... .. . .. .. . .... .. ...... . .. . . . . .. . .. ... Robert S. Bruce, '69 . .. . . . .... .. ........ . . . ...... . .. 15 Carrswold, Clayton, MO 63105 .. . ..... . .... .. ........... . ....... . . . ........ ... ............... . .. . .... Paula Hudson Rees, '73 . .... . .... ..... .... . .. .. ..... Sovran Bank, 6610 Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD 20817 ........ .. ..... . .. . ...... . . ... . ....... . ........ . S. Dale McHenry, '81 . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . ....... .4814 Chelsea Way, Acworth, GA 30101 .... .. ........ . .... . ... . . ... ................ . ..... . ... . ...... . ... Larry L: Parkinson, '64 ..... .... ... . . . ... . . .. .... . .. . 2614 Bent Oak Avenue, Adrian . MI 49221. ......... .. .......................... .. ........... . ........... Carlos Tiernon, '54 ... . ...... . ........ . ... . ...... . .. 61 Berkshire Lane, Lincolnshire, IL 60015 ... . ... . ...... . . . .. . . . ... . ......... . ...... ... . . . . .. . .... . .....

1990 1991 1989 1991 1990 1989

AREA DIRECTORS Ar ea Zip Code Numbers 00-14 David J. Blume, '65 .......... . ....... . ..... . 11 Musket Trail, Simsbury, CT 06070 ............. . ....... .. ....... . .. . . . ... . .... . ... . .... . ........... . . 1989 15-26 Richard E. Rueter, '68 . ... .... . ..... . .. . . .. .. PPG Industries, P.O. Box 11422, Pittsburgh, P A 15238 ........................... . . . .. . .............. . ... 1989 27-36 Royal S. Webster, '55 . ....... . ... . ... . ....... 12421 S.W. 21st Lane, Miami, FL 33175 . .. .... . ......................... . ... . . .. . ... . ............ . .. . .. 1991 37-45 Russell A. Kamper, '62 .......... . ....... . ... 5674 Shadow Oaks, Dayton OH 45440 .. . ..... . ....... . ...................... . ..... . ... . ......... . ...... 1989 46-52 Robert L. Seaman, '69 ... . ....... . .. . ...... . . 29812 Briarwood Court, Farmington Hills, MI 48018 . .. . .. . . .. . ...... . ....... .. ...... . : .............. . . .. 1990 53-61 Robert M. Saxer, '61 .... .. ..... ...... .. ...... 704 E . Cedar Avenue, St. Charles, IL 60174 ....... . ................. . ....... .. .......... . ...... ... ...... 1991 62-62 Max A. Burgett, '54 . .......... . . . ........... 2219 Dewey Street, Mur physboro, IL 62966 . ... . .... . ...... . ... . ... . . . .......... . ... .. ...... . ... ... .. . .. 1990 63-65 Jerome T. Berry, '49 ...... . ...... . .... . ..... Route 4 Box 419, Rolla, MO 65401 ... . ....... . . . ............. . .. . . . .... ... .. . ...... . ........ . ...... . .... 1990 63~65 Robert T. Berry, '72 ... . . . . : ........ . . ... . . . . 12716 E. 63rd, Kansas City, MO 64133 . . ..... . ..... . . . . . . . . ... . .......... . ......... . . . ........ ... .... . .. 1990 63-65 Ger ald W. Bersett, '65 .. _ . . . ...... . . . ~ ... : .. . 105 Kings Drive, F lorissant, MO 63034 .. .... . .... ~ ............ .. .... . . . ...... . ... . .. . ...... . : ... . ..... . 1989 63- 65 Lucien Bolon J r., '59 .... .. . . ..... . . . .... . ... 902 S. Murray Road, Lee's Summit, MO 64081 ... . . .. . . . ...... . ... . ...... ... . . ...... . . ......... . , ....... 1989 6::\-65 Mary S. Klorer, '81 ........... . ............. 1726 49th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53208 ......... . .. .. ...... . . ......... . ..... . ........ . . . ........ . . ...... 1990 63-65 Robert Pepper, '50 ..... . . .'.. .. . . . . .. . ...... . P.O. Box 177, Herculaneum, MO 63048 .... . ......................... . .. ... .... .. . . .. . .. . ............. . . 1989 63-65 Bob Sfreddo, '58 .............. .. ........ . ... 109 Linda Drive, Sikeston, MO 63801 ........ . ... . ...... . ..... .. ......... . . . ........ . . . .... . ....... . .... 1991 63-65 James Van Buren, '63 ....................... 9807 Copper Hill Road, St. Louis, MO 63124 .... . ....... . .. ... .... ... . . .............. .. ......... . .... . .. 1991 66-72 John C. "Curt" Killinger, '73 .. . .............. 836 Wilshire, Metairie, LA 70005 .......................... . ................... . ...... . ... . ... . . ... . . ... 1990 73-75 Roy A. Wilkens, '66 . . : ... ........ . . . .... . ... Wi ll iams Cos.-WILTEL, P.O. Box 21348, Tulsa, OK 74 121 ........ . . . . . .. . ..... . ..... . . . .......... . . .. . . 1991 76-77 Denn is F. Jaggi, '70 .. . ..... . . . ...... .. ..... . 12222 Laneview, Houston, TX 77070 ......................... . . . .. . ....... . . . .. .. .... . . . ....... . ........ 1991 78-84 Richard Hu nt, '50 .. . .. . ..... . . .. . .. . .... . ... 14913 Highway 82, Carbondale, CO 81623 .. .... . ..................... . ....... . ........ . ..... . ........... 1989 85-92 Dan Mar tin, '52 ..................... . ....... 2601 Skyline Drive, Reno, NV 89509 ........ .. ...... .. .... . ..... . ................. . . . .... . .. . .. . . . ...... 1990 93-99 David N. Peacock, '64 ....... ... . ... ' " .. ... . 3515 Brunell Drive, Oakl and, CA 94602 ....... . .. . .. , . . . ... . ... .. .......... . ..... . ...... . . .. .. . ..... . . . . 1991

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN James B. Chaney, '48 ................. . . , ...... . .. . . 16218 Chipstead Drive, Spring, TX 77379 Thor Gjelsteen, '53 ............ .. ..... . ...... .. ..... 7300 W. Stetson Place, #41, Littleton, CO 80123 William W. Colli ns, '50 . ......... . .. . ...... .. . .. . ... 1608 Wi l s(;i~ r;ircle, Rolla, MO 65401 Joel F. Lover idge, '39 ..... . .......... . ........... . . 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Ronald Tappmeyer, '47 .. .. ............ . .. .. . .. . .... 2226 Country Club Drive, S"gar Land, TX 77478 Armin J . Tucker., '40 .. . .... .... ....... . .. . ......... 304 Chr isty Drive, Rolla, MO 65401

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Arthur G. Baebler, '55 .... : .... . . . ... . . . .. . ........ 17 Zinzer Court, St. Louis, MO 62123 . .. ......... . . . .. . . .. ......... ... . . .. . ..... . . . . . ...... . ........ : . . . 1994 James B. McGrath, '49 .......... .. .... .. ... . . .. .... 12425 Balwyck Lane, St. Louis, MO 63131 . . . . .. . .. . ................... . ... . .... . ... . .... . .. . .... ... . . .. 1992 Lawrence A. Spanier, '50 ............. ... .... .. ..... 5 Pettit Drive, Dix Hills, NY 11746 .. . . .......... .. . ...... . ... .. .......... . ... . ........... . . : ..... . ..... 1990

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Richard H. Bauer, '52 ......... . .. . ... . . . .... . ..... . Missouri E lectrochem Inc., 10958 Lin-Valle Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123 Robert D. Bay, '49 ............. . ..... . .... . , ... , . . . Black & Veatch, 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64114 Robert M. Brackbill , '42 ...................... . ..... 9148 Clearlake Drive, Dallas, TX '75225 Paul T. Dowling, '40 .. . ........... .. . . .... . . . . . .... 10144 Winding Ridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63124 R. O. Kasten, '43 ........ . . ... .... . ..... . ... . ...... . 901 W. 114th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114 Peter F. Mattei, '37 ............... . ... .. . . .... , .... 9954 Holl iston Court, St. Louis, MO 63124 Joseph W. Mooney, '39 . ............ . . . .............. 7383 Westmoreland, University City, MO 63130 Melvin E. Nickel, '38 ......... .. ..... . .............. 10601 S. Hami lton Avenue, Chicago, IL 60643 J ames W. Stephens, '47 . ..... .. . : .. . .. .. .. . ......... 406 E . Third, Lee's Summit,. MO 64063

STAFF Thomas M. Coffman ........... . ........ .. ... . . ... . Vice Chancellor, Office of Alumni/Development Affairs, UM-Rolla Don Brackhahn .. , . . .. . . .. .... . .... . ........ . .. . .. . Executive Director, MSM-UMR Alumni Association Lindsay Bagnell , '76 .. .... . ........ . ... . .. . . . ... ... . Assistant Directo r, MSM-UMR Alumni Association Louise Wilson . . . ........ . .. . . . .... . .. . . . .. .... .... E xecutive Staff Assistan t. Alumn i/Developmen t

MSM-UMR Alumni Association, Harris Hall, Rolla, MO 65401

MSM Alumnus


1989 Alumni Association Calendar of Events Date Mar ch 4 Ma r ch 7 March 8 Ma r ch 10 March 11 Ma rch 13 March 17 March 17 March 17 Mar ch 21 Ma rch 25 1 Ma rch 30 Mar ch 31 Apri l 1 Ap ril 20 April 21 Apr il 22 May 11- 13 Sept. 18 Oct. 6-7 Oct. 8 Oct. 8- 11 Nov. 11 Dec. 16



Meeting/ Eve n t Flor ida Meeti ng, Vero Beach, Fla. Alumni Admissions Dinner , Colli nsv ille, III. Leg islative Recog nition Day. J efferson City, Mo. Kansas City Section St. Pat's Pa rty, Kansas City Dall as/ Ft. Wo r th St. Pat's Party, Ft. Wor t h Alumni Adm issions Dinner , St. Lou is, Mo. Campus St. P at's Celebration , Ro lla Houston Sect ion St. Pat's Pa r ty, Houston, Texas Chicago Sect ion St. Pat's Party, Chicago, III. Alumn i Admissions Dinner , Kansas City, Mo. Bay Area Section, Sa n F rancisco, Calif. Ari zona Section, Phoenix , Ar iz. Southern California Section. Los Angeles, Calif. San Diego Section , San Diego. Ca li f. Class of '42 Reunion, Long boat Key . F la. Board of Directors Dinner , Brackhahn Hom e, Rolla Alumn i Board of Directors Meet ing, Ro ll a 50-year Reunion at Commencement, Roll a AM C Reception. San Fra ncisco. Ca li f. Homecoming, Roll a Afro-Am er ican Alumni Comm ittee, Ro lla SPE Reception, San Anton io, Texas . Pare nts' Day, Ro lla Win ter Commencement, Ro lla







Contact J ohn Toomey, '49 Ki m Hofstetter , '83 AI Buescher, '64 Lucien Bolon, '59 Byron Keil, '52 Kim Hofstetter , '83 Alumn i Offi ce J im Paul , '43 Cheryl Ibarra, '71 Jim Foil , '74 J erry Littlefi eld , '58 Art Winter. '63 Scott Boyd , '74 AI Keevil , '43 Bob Pohl, '42 Alumni Office Alum ni Office Alumni Offi ce Alumni Offi ce A lumni Offi ce Law rence George Alum ni Office Alumni Office Alumni Office




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MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION University of Missouri-Roll a Roll a, MO 65401 -0249

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