Missouri S&T Magazine, December 1989

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Vol. 63, No. 5

1 989

December, 1989


MSM Alumnus

Talk, talk, talk ... one of the best things about getting together with your classmates is remembering the "good old days" and catching up on the years between.

J eanet te Koelling, Dick Bau er, '52 and Harold Koelling, '54

Kenneth Rudert, '44 and Bill Magill, '44

Armin 1'ucker, '40, Charles Remington, '49 and association executive director Don Brackhahn

A HO?!!e~ÂŁ2!!!h!!,g Scrapbook October 6-7, 1989

David Medrow gets ready for the parade to the bonfire

It was a perfect autumn weekend ... clear blue skies, a touch of fall color beginning to show in the trees and the laughter of

friends getting together again_ For alumni and students, homecoming activities ranged from bonfires to egg-tossing contests, football to class reunions, and banquets to seminars.

Students testing their designs, without much success here, at the Student Union Board Egg Catapult Contest

1989 Homecoming queen J ennifer Llewell yn MSM Alu mnus (USPS-323-500) Issu e d b i -monthly i n the in te r est of the grad u ates a nd forme r studen t. of the Missouri Sch ool of Mines and Metallu rgy and t h e Univer sity of MissouriRolla. The MSM Al u mnus is published by the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, 101 Harris Hall, University of Missouri¡ Rolla, Roll a, MO 65401-0249. Second Class postage paid at Rolla, MO and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MSM Alumnus, 101 Harris Hall, University of Missouri -Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401-0249.

Some of t h e tan gled con testan ts a t th e Team Twister contest spo nsored by Studen t Union Board. On the cover: Th e class of 1949 poses for its class pictu re; Jo Ann an d Max Burgett;54; Homecoming queen Jennifer Llewell yn; a n d stu dents participating in one of the Student Union Board sponsored activities.


December 1989

Dominic Greoo, '44, George Axmacher, '42 and Patricia

Two friends meeting over coffee.

Joel Loveridge, '39 and Ed Rueff, '40


Among the activities Student Union Board sponsored was the "Unusual Instruments Song" contest, Above are two of the entries from that contest: a group of students using kazoos and kitchen utensils; anda student "plays" music on St, Pat's Board member Pete Wehmeyer's neck. Below, the bonfire drew a large group to watch the "floats" go up in smoke; and left, a student models one of the propeller beanies given away by SUB,

Nikki Pagano sits atop a banner at t he football game,


MSM Alum nus

The Gold Miners performing a dance routine at the Silver a nd Gold reception.

Ed Rueff, '40, John Livin gsto n , '39, and Glenll Brand, '39 share a joke at th e Silver and Gold reception.

Contestants in the Student Union Board "Joe Miner Look-A-Like" contest line up for inspection by the judges.

The Chi Omegas get into the spirit of things at the football game by making a pyr a mid.

Not to be outdone by the Chi Om ega's, th e Pikes try their hand at a pyramid at ha lftime. A group of Sigma Nu a lum s gets together at t he Silver and Gold reception .


December 1989

Alumni Association meets in Rolla during Homecoming weekend

Board of Directors had varied agenda The agenda for the MSM-UMR Alumni Association Board of Directors meeting held Oct. 6 on campus during Homecoming Weekend included: • Introductions and expressions of appreciation • Discussion of the 1990 budget • Several items of new business • By-law changes • Discussion of a report by the Sections Committee • Engineering education for non- traditional students in St. Louis • Alumni Directory

I lI


The initial order of business was the introduction of new board members and an expression of appreciation to the outgoing members for their service. That item of business was followed by a discussion of the audit and the budget - both of which were approved by the Board. Action taken on the 1990 budget divided it into two parts - the short year of September to' December 1989 and the new fiscal year which will run from December to January. The budget which was approved totaled $465,000, of

Four new members of the MSM!UMR Alumni Association board of directors were installed during Homecoming. From left to right, they are: James W. Hoelscher, '48, Harold G. Moe, '48, Robert C. Perry, '49, and Randy G. Kerns, '74. which 63 per cent is for gifts to UMR, including fulfilling the $100,000 pledge for Castleman H all and allowing the association to sponsor the alumni lounge. Among items of new business ,discussed were awards for staff members for assistance to students and new guidelines for the Century Club. The Board decided that awards of $500 will be given to one exempt and one non-exempt staff mem ber in recognition of their

outstanding assistance to students. The Board also established new guidelines for membership in the Century Club. The new guidelines state that any gifts made to the MSM-UMR Alumni Association qualify a person for membership in the Century Club. By-law changes also were approved for the endowment fund and the Board itself. The by-law change in the endowment fund will allow its invest-

ment income to be used for other campus needs in addition to student scholarships and loans. The Board's by-laws were changed to allow two student representatives to become full voting members of the Board. Another item considered by the Board was the report of its Sections Committee. According to the report, there is an ever-increasing number of active sections throughout the country with more alumni participants than ever before. Along with this good news, the report stated that futur~ plans inclu,ded holding more receptions at professional society meetings. (For more informa'tion about Alumni Sections, see the article headlined "Alumni Association sections across U.S. working hard for UMR" on page 19 of the Alumnus.) On the matter of engineering access for nontraditional students in St. Louis, the Board empowered the executive committee to take any actions deemed necessary. Before adjourning, the Board members also discussed the 1990 Alumni Directory. It was decided that in order for alumni to receive the Directory, they must make a mini mum donation of$25.



1989-90 Alumni Events and Activities DATE



Chicago Admission Meeting, Chicago, Ill. Chicago Section Meeting Winter Commencement, Rolla Ark-La-Tex Section Meeting Lincolnland Section Meeting, Springfield, Ill. African-American Committee Meeting, Rolla Admissions Banquet, Cape Girardeau SME Convention Reception, Salt Lake City, Utah SME Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah Central Florida Meeting, Lakeland, Fla. Admissions Banquet, Springfield, MO. Admissions Banquet, Collinsville, Ill. Admissions Banquet, Kansas City St. Pat's Celebration, Rolla Chicago Section St. Pat's Celebration Admissions Banquet, Rolla Admissions Banquet, St. Louis Admissions Banquet, Jefferson City MSM-UMR Alumni Board Meeting, Rolla Ark-La-Tex Section Alumni-Varsity Football Game, Rolla 50-Year Reunion at Commencement, Rolla

Bob Saxer, '61, 312-584-0548 Richard Wieker, '59, 312-246-6976 Alumni Office, 314-341-4145 Phil Browning, ~48, 318-697-5248 Ed Midden, '69 217-787-1691 Lawrence George, 314-364-3169 Lynn Stichnote, 314-341-4904 Alumni Office, 314-341-4145 Alumni Office, 314-341-4145 Gerald Stevenson, '59, 813-644-4095 Lynn Stichnote, 314-341-4904 Lynn Stichnote, 314-341-4904 Lynn Stichnote, 314-341-4904 Alumni Office, 314-341-4145 Richard Wieker, '59,312-246-6976 Lynn Stichnote, 314-341-4904 Lynn Stichnote, 314-341-4904 Lynn Stichnote, 314-341-4904 Alumni Office, 314-341-4145 Phil Browning, '48,318-697-5248 Athletic Office, 314-341-4175 Alumni Office, 314-341-4145


Dec. 2 Dec. 2 Dec. 16 Jan. 20 Jan. 20 Feb. 17 Feb. 20 Feb. 27 Feb. 27 March 3 March 5 March 12 March 14 March 15-17 March 16 March 19 March 20 March 27 April 20-21 April 21 . April 28 May 10-12

MSM Alumnus


1989 MSM-UMR Alumni Association ¡awa¡rds Alumni Achievement awards

Alumni Merit awards

The Alumni Achievement Award is prE!sented for outstanding service in areas of business or academic accomplishments and for civic affairs achievement or recognition.

The Alumni Merit Award is presented for outstanding service to UMR or the Alumni Association or for recognition of some outstanding achievement in academic or business pursuits.

Norman H. Pond, '59 Los Altos Hills, California President Varian Associates Norman H. Pond received his B.S. degree in physics from MSM in 1959. He later earned an M.S. degree in the same field from the University of California Los Angeles in 1961. He began his career with Hughes Aircraft, Culver City, Calif., in 1959 in the microwave tube division . He later moved to Sylvania Electric Products, then became a group executive with Teledyne. In the early 1980s, Norman was named president of Varian Associates, a large electronics manufacturing organization in Palo Alto, Calif. The West Plains, Mo., native is a member of several national professional organizations and is a member of the U .S. Department of Defense Advisory Group on Electronic Devices.

Richard J. Stegemeier, . '50,'81 Anaheim, California Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Unocal Corp. Richard J. Stegemeier received his B.S. degree in mining engineering-petroleum option-from MSM in 1950. He earned an M.S. degree in petroleum engineering in 1951 from Texas A&M University. He received the professional degree, petroleum engineer, from UMR in 1981.

Richard joined Union Oil of California in 1951 in Texas . Since that time he has worked in progressively responsible positions in research and production of petroleum products both in this country and abroad--Japan, Australia, and Singapore. H e was appointed vice president of research in 1978, division president in 1979, president in 1985. CEO was added in 1988 and chairman in 1989. Richard is a director of the national American Petroleum Institute, is a member of several other professional organizations and is active in several California civic groups. He also serves on advisory boards at UMR, Stanford, UCLA, Northwestern and two other universities.

John D. Wolf, '67,'68,'88 Huntington Beach, California Vice President and General Manager Douglas Aircraft Co. MD-80/ DC-9 John D. Wolf earned both B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from UMR in 1967 and 1968. He was awarded the professional degree, electrical engineer, by UMR in 1988. He joined McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co . in 1967 and 15 years later was deputy director of laser communications for the company. In 1982 he was named vice president and general manager of McDonnell Douglas Electronics, and in 1986 became executive vice president, operations, of McDonnell Aircraft. This year he was named vice president and general manager of Douglas Aircraft Co. in Long Beach, Calif. Douglas manufactures the MD-80 and DC-9 aircraft. John is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He is on the board of governors for the Electronics Industries Association and is chairman of the UMR Corporate Board of Visitors.

Thomas K. Gaylord, '65, '67,'85 Atlanta, Georgia Julius Brown Chair Regents' Professor of Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology

Henry H. Sineath Rolla, Missouri Emeritus Professor of Engineering Managemen t University of Missouri-Rolla

Henry Sineath received his B.S. degree in 1944 and an M.S. degree in 1950 in chemical engineering from the University of Thomas K. Gaylord earned a B.S. degree in physics from UMR Tennessee. He earned his Ph.D. degree in the same field in 1956 in 1965, and his M.S. degree in from the Georgia Institute of electrical engineering from UMR Technology. He later received in 1967. He then received his an advanced management Ph.D. degree in electrical engidegree from Harvard University neering from Rice University in Business School in 1968. 1970. In 1985 UMR awarded him He began his 20-year career the professional degree, electrical in industry with American Viscose Corp., Philadelphia, Pa., engineer. as a senior process engineer. Following a post doctoral The company was later acquired fellowship at Rice University, Tom joined the faculty at Georgia by FMC Corp., and he conlinued to move through increasingly Tech as an assistant professor and, in the ensuing 17 years, has responsible positions. At the time he left, in 1976, to join the been named Regents' Professor of UMR faculty, he was corporate Electrical Engineering and holds vice president, chemical group, the Julius Brown Chair in that for FMC. field . He has received several For his first five years at research and teaching awards UMR, Si was visiting associate and has published extensively. professor of engineering management and was appointed His research interests include optical digital parallel processing, director ofUMR's packaging program in 1977. During his grating diffraction theory, solid second five years, he was named state holography and electricaV professor and chairman of the optical systems design. department and continued to Tom is a fellow of IEEE, a develop the packaging program fellow of the Optical Society of as director. In 1986 he was America and, several years ago, awarded the title of emeritus was named "Outstanding Young professor of engineering manEngineer of the Year~ by the agement, but continued his Georgia Society of Professional work with the packaging program. From 1987 to his retireEngineers. ment in 1988, he was named PMMI Packaging Machinery Professor.


December 1989

1989 MSM-UMR Alumni Association awards ... continued Alumni Honorary Life Service Award Membership The Alumni Service Award is presented to individuals for outstanding contributions to UMR through Service to UMR or to the Alumni Association.

Honorary Life Membership is presented to individuals in recognition of their extraordi' nary association with alumni and steudents of UMR.

Student Adviser Awards The MSM-UMR Alumni Association honors four current student advisers and recognizes their efforts in assisting students with academic and career decisions.

Peter G. Hansen, '53, '57 Professor of Basic EngineeringlEngineering Mechanics James S. Anderson, '55 Springfield, Missouri President Anderson Engineering Inc. Jim Anderson received his B.S. degree in civil engineering from MSM in 1955. For the first 10 years of his career he served as an engineer for the Frisco Railway Co., the Missouri Highway Department and the U.S. Corps of Engineers (active duty). In 1965 he joined the consulting engineering firm of WrightWeeks Inc. of Springfield. He became chief executive officer of the firm in 1969 and the firm later became Anderson Engineering Inc. Jim has been very active in national, state and local professional and civic organizations, in fact, too many to be named here. He is a registered professional engineer in 10 states. He has been particularly generous with his time in serving his alma mater. He is a member of UMR's Academy of Civil Engineers, UMR's Order of the Golden Shillelagh, and is an Honorary Knight of St. Patrick at UMR. He previously served on a UMR Chancellor's Com mission. Jim also served on the University of Missouri Board of Curators from 1984 to 1988.

Lawrence C. George Rolla, Missouri Supervisory Research Chemist U.S. Bureau of Mines Rolla Research Center Lawrence George received a B.A. degree in chemistry from Dillard University in 1957. He came to the U.S. Bureau of Mines in Rolla in 1960. Initially working as a chemist in the measurement of vapor pressure for the development of thermodynamic data, Lawrence moved to !"esearch in the recovery of strategic and critical metals from metalliferous industrial waste and the transfer of the technology to the private sector. In addition to becoming a charter member and president of the South Central Missouri chapter of the American Chemical Society, he is past president of Sigma Xi . He has been the resident adviser for Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity since it was established on the UMR campus in 1965, and has served as unofficial adviser for most ofUMR's black student through the years. He is currently chairman of lJMR's Advisory Committee on Mrican-American Recruitment and Retention , and is a member ofUMR's Committee of Friends.

Pete received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in .civil engineering from MSM in 1953 and 1957, and his ScD. degree in applied mechanics from Washington University in 1963. He joined the MSM faculty in 1953 as an instructor and attained the rank of full professor in 1965. He served 17 years as chairman of the engineering mechanics department. For the past 17 years Pete has been adviser to all undecided engineering students. He is also adviser in the current freshman engineering program and has been adviser to Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity for 36 years.

Fred Kisslinger, '42 Professor of Metallurgical Engineering Fred received his B.S. degree in Chemical engineering from MSM in 1942 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in metallurgical engineering from the University of Cincinnati in 1945 and 1947, respectively. Mter teaching at the Illinois Institute of Techno 1ogy in Chicago for 17 years, he joined UMR in 1964. Since 1986 he has been one of two freshman advisers in the department and continues his work with freshmen. He has also served as faculty adviser to the student chapter of the Metallurgical Society.

Ronald H. Howell Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Lance Williams Associate professor of History

Ron received his B.S. degree in 1958, M.S. degree in 1959 and Ph.D. in 1967 in mechanical engineering from the University of Illinois . He joined the faculty at UMR in 1966. For the past 23 years he has advised between 2560 undergraduate students in the mechanical and aerospace disciplines. He also serves as adviser to several master's and Ph .D. candidates each year. He was adviser for the student chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering for three years, and he h as spent eight years as adviser to the student chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRE).

Lance earned his B.S. degree in history in 1961 at East Tennessee State, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in the same field from the University of Georgia in 1964 and 1970. He joined the faculty at UMR in 1967. In addition to students majoring in history, Lance has been adviser to undecided students He also is the adviser for all UMR pre-law students. He has spent 18 years as adviser to the Rollamo , UMR's yearbook, and he is also the faculty adviser for Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity and the Rolla chapter of the Associated Students of the University of Missouri , a student group working on legislative m atters pertaining to higher education .

MSM Alumnus

Teaching engineering ethics UMR uses a variety of methods to make students aware of ethical issues in the profession Sanford McDonnell on ethics

state. "We discuss the legal requirement for professional engineers Sandford N. McDonnell, To help make students aware be registered and the regulations of some of the ethical questions chairman emeritus of the they might encounter in their enacted by the Missouri Board fo McDonnell Douglas Corp., careers as engineers and to teach Architects, Professional Engispoke Oct. 3 to an overflow them how to make decisions neers and Land Surveyors, which crowd in UMR's Centennial about these situations, teachers was appointed to administer the Hall. His speech, "Educating of ethics courses at UMR use a registration law," said Munger. Ethical Engineers," outlined variety of teaching methods, Smith teaches ethical theories the ways in which McDonincluding case studies , interviews in her classes by using core nell Douglas Corp. encourwith practicing engineers , and concepts which include the study ages ethical behavior in its discussions of laws, lectures, of rights, justice, respect for employees. Following are movies and recent events. persons and the promotion of some of his thoughts on the "In ethics courses at UMR, human welfare. students are encouraged to subject. "In some situations the condevelop the capacity to reason, cepts may conflict," said Smith, rather than instructed in one • The best definition of ethics that I "and those are the cases that acceptable set of rules of conhave ever heard was given by make decision making difficult." duct," said Dr. Wayne Cogell, Or. Albert Schweitzer: 'In a general Brian Griffen, a junior electrichairman of philosophy and Sanford N. McDonnell sense, ethics is the name that we cal engineering student said that liberal arts and professor of give to our concern for good behavhe believes the core concepts he philosophy at UMR. ior.'" potential that everyone has for imhas studied in Smith's class will "We hope to teach students to • We have an obligation to consider provement, we are wasting a tremengive him the background necesrecognize when they are involved not only our own personal well-being, dous resource. sary to make decisions involving in an activity that includes but also that of others and human • People in our nation are once again ethical issues after he graduates. ethical issues and, once they society as a whole. turning back to the basic values "Studying coqcepts such as the determine this, to analyze the • If the leaders of a nation, of a free rights of others and the respect upon which our freedom was founded. situation thoroughly and decide for persons will give me a solid what is the right or wrong form of republic, and the majority of Once again we are beginning to teach conduct," Cogell said. the people are not committed to the basis for making on-the-job character and values in our school Dr. Carol Ann Smith, an assodecisions and also allow me to well-being of others as well as of syst~. ciate professor of philosophy at give reasons for those decisions," themselves, then red tape, controls, UMR, said, "Taking an ethics McDonnell's speech inausaid Griffen. procedures, and laws will rush to fill course may empower people Smith and Munger received a the v~cuum and force them to do so. gurated UMR's "Educating Engineers in the Twentybecause they get to discuss National Science Foundation Those are the instruments of first Century" special lecture various remedies that have been grant to present seminars regardbondage, not freedom. series. Chancellor Martin C. proposed to help them fulfill their ing ethical issues for engineers. • It is absolutely essential for the long Jischke said that UMR's professional obligations." Through the project, they have haul in a career in engineering that purpose in ·initiating this According to Dr. Paul Munger, taught two ethics workshops on the individual considers the welllecture series is to enhance a UMR professor of civil engithe UMR campus - one for campuswide discussions on being of others. neering, "Some of the ethical faculty and one for graduate the future of engineering. • The majority of business people issues companies currently face .students. "Mr. McDonnell's topic feel that treating their suppliers, may be resolved by helping They plan to present the one their employees and their customers concerning the ethical constudents prepare at the univer: and one-half day seminar to siderations of engineers in sity level for situations they ethically is good business. professional practice is an professional engineering societies might encounter during their • Participative management is to issue which could have a sigand corporations in Missouri, careers." recognize that everyone has nificant influence on engiincluding Union Electric and Courses for UMR students something to contribute. If manageneering education in the 21st Black & Veatch. interested in studying ethical century," Jischke said. EG ment does not utilize the innate Other ethics courses at UMR issues in engineering include include "Ethical Theory" taught "Ethics of Engineering Practice" by Smith and "Ethics of Comformat used by the Board of that deal with ethical issues," taught by Cogell and Smith and puter Usage" taught by Cogell. A Ethical Review for Engineering explained Vonalt. "Professional Aspects of Engicivil engineering course, "Ethical"The students have viewed Ethics, which examines cases neering Practice" taught by movies such as 'Silkwood,' which that are brought before it, hears Legal Aspects of Civil EngineerMunger. the cases and publishes them in a dramatizes an employee's ating," is scheduled for the spring In these courses, case studies journal called the 'Professional tempt to reveal possible safety 1991 semester. A course in engiare one of the methods used to violations within a company," neering ethics was first taught in give students insight into some of Engineer,'" said Cogell. Cogell added that at the end of Vonalt said. the issues that engineers face in 1976 by Cogell and J. Kent the course, each student in the "They attended the recent their jobs. Roberts, now a professor emeritu lecture about engineering ethics "For example," said Munger, "a class interviews a practicing of civil engineering. engineer to obtain a first-hand presented by Sanford McDonnell case study may deal with an "Since that time, ethics courses account of a situation that the at UMR and wrote a paper about engineer's discovery of an incorfor engineers have been offered engineer has encountered and the lecture," he added. "They also on a regular basis and we have rect design that could affect writes a report on the interview discussed a lecture presented at public health, safety or welfare. seen a steady increase in interest in the style used by the Board of UMR by Roger Boisjoly, who Because of on-the-job pressures, on the part of students for these Ethical Review. spoke about attempts by engihe or she might be forced to courses," said Cogell . The "Practice of Engineering neers to delay the Challenger choose between covering up the Cogell and Smith said that a Ethics" course which is taught by flight, along with the processes design flaw or becoming a course in ethics could not change Cogell is an honors course and is used in reaching the decision to 'whistle blower' to disclose the a person's motivations and value offered in combination with an launch the flight and the ethical situation." preferences. honors composition class taught considerations involved." On the first day of class, "But it can aid an individual to by Dr. Larry Vonalt, a·UMR In the "Professional Aspects of students in Cogell's course are develop the skills needed to associate professor of English. Engineering Practice" course given a case study tha t illustrates understand various points of view "The students are dually entaught by Munger, students the complexity of ethical issues and to assess whether an argurolled in the ethics course and study the Missouri law that and provides five points of analyment is strong or weal<," added composition class and, once a governs the practice of engineersis. Cogell. week , we meet to discuss works ing and land surveying in the "This analysis is simil ar to the By Minnie Breuer


l>ea!mber 1989

The Right Stuff Research on aerospace plane's structure being conducted at UMR By Minnie Breuer Developing a structural material that is light enough, strong enough , and resistant enough to heat to enable the National Aerospace Plane to travel in space at speeds several times the speed of sound is a challenge being met by an interdisciplinary group of researchers at UMR. "The composite material we are developing is one of several candidates being considered for the primary structure of the aerospace plane," said Lokesh Dharani, a UMR associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and engineering mechanics. "The aerospace plane, which could be ready for civilian and military use by the year 2000, is intended to take ofT from a conventional runway and travel long distances through space in a very short period of time. "For example, a trip from New York to Tokyo may take only two to three hours," he continued. "For that reason some people are calling the plane 'The Orient Express.'" In addition to Dharani , researchers on the project are Dr. Robert Moore, professor of ceramic engineering at UMR; Dr. Len Rahaman, associate professor of ceramic engineering and research investigator in the Graduate Center for Materials Research at UMR; Dr. Delbert Day, director of the UMR Graduate Center for

Materials Research and Curators' Professor of ceramic engineering; and Dr. Veil ore Gopalaratnam, assistant professor of civil engineering at the University of Missouri-Columbia. "Our research is an example of how people with difTerent areas of knowledge can work together to design a composite material for a specific requirement," Dharani said. "A composite material is produced by combining two or more difTerent materials into one new material that may be better suited for a particular use than the original materials would be if used separately," he added. Dharani explained that the specific requirements of this project call for a material that must be lightweight, strong enough to withstand the aerodynamic stresses of travel at several times the speed of sound and resistant enough to heat to withstand the plane's high skin temperatures, which could exceed 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. "Our objective is to produce a composite material that will meet all of these qualifications," said Dharani. "None of the existing materials are suitable. They all have flaws. Plasti.c composites or metals will melt or corrode at high temperatures. "Ceramics meet the requirements because they are lightweight and heat resistant, but they are brittle and a small crack or flaw can cause them to fracture," he added. "We are investigating methods to make the ceramic materials

stronger and more damage tolerant so they won't fail even if they contain a crack or flaw," he a dded. _ One way in which ceramic materials can be strengthened is to use fibers . "The ceramics are reinforced with short fibers called 'whiskers' or wi.th long, continuous fibers," explai ned Dharani. "The term ceramic-matrix composites, or CMC, is used to describe this combination of materials and fibers." According to Moore, finding a way to make these ceramic materials more durable has been a challenge because when they fail the fracture is unstoppable. "We are trying to make these materials tougher by adjusting the relationship between the fibers and the matrix, or surrounding material, that contains them," Moore explained. "Fiberglass, which is used in a variety of products such as boats and tennis rackets, is an example of a composite material that is not brittle. When fractures occur in fiberglass, they will not spread," said Moore. "Because fiberglass would not withstand the aerospace plane's high temperatures," Moore added, "we are trying to develop a high-temperature counterpart to it." Dharani said that the CMC materials fail in a completely difTerent way than the metals used on conventional aircraft and their failure is more complex. Because of this, most of the techniques available to predict strength or failure are not suffi-

Digging up Missouri's mining history UMR historians conduct survey of mine and quarry sites Ridley, who also is chairman of the history department at UMR, A grant from the Missouri added that the survey has located Department of Natural Remore than 100 sites. It is anticisources has made it possible for pated that approximately 30 of two UM-Rolla history professors them will be of a significant to dig up some of the history nature. connected with abandoned mine "We have found quite a few and quarry sites in southeast sites where lead and zinc was Missouri . Using the $13,000 grant, Drs. mined, the remains of several iron manufacturing ventures and Harry Eisenman and Jack a site where some silver mining Ridley are conducting a survey which includes an assessment of took place," Ridley said. "We sites where minerals were exca- have also found abandoned granite and sand quarries." vated from lead and zinc mines According to the researchers, or stone quarries. The survey also will assess facilities - such one of the goals of their efTort is to assess whether some of these as furnaces , smelters and mills - used to process the minerals. sites should be nom inated as entries in the National Register "Many of these si tes are abandoned and in disrepair," of Historic Places. Eisenman said . "People some"We've found, for example, that times do not realize the histori - Mine La Motte, possibly the cal importance of these sites and oldest lead mine west of the the role they played in the devel- Mississippi, is not designated as a opment of Missouri's mineral national historical site," Ridley industry."

By Ernie Gutierrez

said . The grant also has allowed David Tajkowski, a UMRjunior in history from St. Charles , to get involved in this research project. Tajkowsld will be traveling to the sites identified by the survey and determining their exact location. "The training in map reading and orientering that I got in the Army ROTC program and my own interest in history should come in handy for this work ," Tajkowski said. This DNR grant comes from a federal fund established under t he National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 to help states administer historic preservation activities. In addition, Tajkowski 's work is partially supported by a MSMJ UMR Alumni Association student research grant.

cient for these materials . To predict the strength of difTerent materials and their damage tolerance, Dharani uses a mathematical model on a computer. "The advantage of the computer model is that difTerent materials can be simulated and studied without actually being produced," said Dharani. After Dharani's research on a particular material with computer models is completed , Moore and Rahaman produce the material in the Refractories and Structural Ceramics Laboratory at UMR. It is then tested at UMR or by Gopalaratnam at UMC. If the CMC materials are used for the aerospace plane, they might have other applications in the years ahead, according to Moore. "The principal use for these materials would be for high-speed aircraft and rockets," Moore said. "It is quite possible that ceramicmatrix composites also could be used in commercial airplanes if there is a demand for transporting passengers and products at hypersonic speeds." Support for the research project has come from various sources including NASA, the United States Air Force, the University of Missouri's Weldon Spring Endowment Fund, UMR's Center for Advanced Technology, UMR's Eminence Program in Materials Engineering and Science and McDonnell Douglas.

UMR program listed in national guide UMR is one of 900 corleges and universities profiled in a new book that describes what colleges across the country are doing to prevent drug and alcohol abuse on campus. "Peterson's Drug and Alcohol Programs and Policies at Four-Year Colleges," describes in detail the services, prevention programs and disciplinary measures that academic institutions have developed. According to Dr. Carl Burns and Dr. Camille Consolvo of the UMR Counseling and Career Development stafT, since the early 1980s more and more colleges have expanded their educational and policy role, creating peer education, intervention and other programs. These include support groups such as Alcoholic Anonymous and AI-Anon . EG


MSM Alumnus

Chemist named Cu rators' Professor Dr. Daniel Armstrong is widely recognized as an outstanding researcher By E rnie Gutierrez UMR Chancellor Martin C. Ji schke has a nn ounced th at t he University of Mi ssouri System Board of Curators has na med Dr. Da niel W. Armstrong a Cura tors' Professor of chemistry. The professorship is awarded to outstanding scholars with established reputations in their fields of scholarly expertise. Armstrong, who is a UMR professor of chemistry and head of the analytical chemistry division, is an internationally recognized researcher and authority on the subject of liquid chromatography and separations as applied in the pharmaceutical and biomedical fields . Chancellor Jischke said, "Dr. Armstrong's contributions in the field of bioanalytica l chemistry have brought him international renown as well as recognition from the chemical industry. "This distinct honor will further recognize Dr. Armstrong for his past accomplishments and bring added prestige to the UMR department of chemistry. It also will enhance his research efforts at UMR," Jischke said.

Dr . .Marvin Barker, UMR dea n of t he College of Arts a nd Sciences, said, "I a m pl eased tha t the Board of Curator s has selected Dr. Arm strong for thi s hi gh academic honor. By na ming him a Cura tors' Professor, the Board has acknowledged his stature a mong his peers and the pharmaceutical community." Armstrong developed and patented a process which separates optical isomers - mirrorimage chemical compounds which form in comparable amounts when biologically-active substances are produced artificially. In many pharmaceutical compounds , one of the isomers has desirable properties while the other one can produce unwanted side effects. Armstrong's process can select either one of the isomers. Armstrong was co-edi tor of an American Chemical Society Book and has another book in preparation. He is the author of more than one hundred research papers, nine book chapters and has presented more than 120 seminars and other presentations.¡ Armstrong received a B.S.

Dr Daniel Armstrong

degree in interdepartmental science a nd mathematics from Washington and Lee University and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Texas A&M University in chemical oceanography an d chemistry, respectively. Hejoined the UMR faculty in 1987 as a professor of chemistry. Armstrong also has taught at Texas Tech University and at Bowdoin College of Georgetown University. Armstrong is a member of Phi Lambda Upsilon (the chemistry honor society) and has been included in "Who's Who in the South and Southwest," "personalities of America," "Personalities

of the South," "American Men and Women of Science" and the "Directory of World Researchers." He received an Teaching Excellence Award from the Arts a nd Sciences Council of Texas Tech University in 1985, a Faculty Excellence Award from UMR in 1988 and an Outstanding Teacher Award from UMR in 1989. He is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Chemical Society and Sigma Xi and is a Smithsonian associate. Armstrong holds a U .S. patent for "Bonded Phase Materi al for Chromatographic Separations."

Award to honor Scott and Morris families

Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Trust endows fund By Minnie BreuE:r

The trustees of the Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Trust have contributed $25,000 to endow a fund for UMR's music program. The fund , which has been named the Scott-Morris Annual Award for Special Grants to the Music Program at UMR, was established to honor the John W. Scott and John M. Morris families of Rolla for their¡role in th e development of music activities at UMR. The annual income from the fund will enha nce UMR's music program by allowing for the purchase of items such as musical instruments, music scores and sound In anequipment. nouncing th e aw ard, Ruth Johnson, a trustee fo r th e Amy Shelton McNutt Trust, said, "The trustees are pleased to present this gift because we feel that th e close assoiation th at has exist ed for

many years among the McNutt, Scott and Morris . families and UMR will be continued with this annual grant. " UMR Chancellor Ma rtin C. Jischke said, "The association of the Scott and Morris families with the university exemplifIes the contributions of the citizens of Rolla to the growth and excellence of this university for more than a century." The first offIcial band program was started at UMR in 1926 by John W. Scott, a Rolla businessman and musician and a former student at th e university. John W. Scott was th e grandfath er of John M. Morris . Tom Coffman, UMR's vice chancellor fo r Alum ni Affairs and Development , said, "This is yet another example of th e McNutt Foundation's con tin u ed significant fin a n cial support for UMR We ar e extremely pleased with th ei r cont inued interest and support. " Dr. Wayne Cogell, associate dean of th e College of

Arts and Sciences and chairman of philosophy and liberal arts at UMR, said the award will be directed by a selection committee consisting of the UMR department chairman administering the music program, two UMR faculty members in the music program, Lenore J . Morris and John M. Morris Jr. of Rolla and a trustee of the Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Trust. In addition to Johnson, trustees of the Amy Shelton McNutt fund include RB . Cutlip, Jack Guenther and Edward D. Muir. The trustees of the fund previously established the Ray E. Morgan Annual Award for Special Achievement in Geology which is given each year to an outstanding second semester junior majoring in geology at UMR Amy Shelton McNutt was the widow of Vachel H . McNutt for whom UMR's mineral engin eering building is named. Vachel H . McNutt, a UMR alumnus

and former geology instructor, was a pioneer economic geologist who discovered numerous oil and gas deposits and the first commercial deposits of potash in the Western Hemisphere. Mrs. McNutt worked closely with her husband during his successful career as a petroleum geologist. After his death in 1936, she managed the complex McNutt operations, including Gallagher Ranch, a 10,000acre ranch near San Antonio. In 1961, Mrs. McNutt established the V.H. McNutt Foundation at UMR, naming the department of geology and geophysics as benefIciary. The income is used for the needs of the department with most of it given to students in the form of scholarships. The V.H. McNutt Memorial Foundation contributed $2 million in 1983 toward the construction of McNutt Hall.

December 1989


Stichnote named coordinator of Admissions Ambassadors By Rebecca Martin The Admissions Ambassadors Program provides an important complement to the work the Admissions Office does to make bright and talented prospective students in Missouri and throughout the n ation aware of the educational opportunities available at UMR, according to Lynn Stichnote, newly named coordinator of the program. Stichnote explained that in the program UMR alumni volunteer their services as campus ambassadors for a number of admissions-related activities. All alumni, no matter what degree they earned are welcome to join the program . "There are a number of ways in which alumni ambassadors can help the campus," she said. "These include attending college fairs, where they talk to high

"The ambassadors can tell a prospective student exactly what UMR is like as a school and what they can expect as a student here ... They also can serve as positive role models to students for the type of success that UMR can prepare them to have in their careers and also be a source of information on various careers." school students and pass out literature. "They also telephone prospective students, host receptions for high school students, work as liaisons with high school counselors in their hometowns and perform other personalized forms of recruiting," she added. "Every

Lynn Stichnote spring the ambassadors also assist with the Chancellor's Banquet Series by hosting the events and attending them and meeting prospective students." Because the alumni ambassadors are former UMR students, the insight and counsel they can provide to high school students is unique and invaluable. "The ambassadors can tell a prospective student exactly what UMR is like as a school and what they can expect as a student here," Stichnote said. "They also can serve as positive role models to students for the type of success that UMR can prepare them to have in their careers and also be a source of information on various careers." As UMR seeks to increase its national visibility, the Alumni Ambassadors Program will take on even greater importance, according to Stichnote. "The admissions staffis unable to attend every recruiting event it would like to, both in Missouri and out of state ," she explained. "The ambassadors program , however, expands the campus's resources in terms of recruiting, enabling it to expand its outreach to anywhere there is a UMR alumnus. "The campus recruited over 120 freshmen from out of state this year," she continued . "Outof-state recruiting will become even more important in the future , and the ambassadors

program can help make our efforts in that area even more successful. Currently, there are 120 alumni in 15 states participating in the program . "The alumni who are currently serving in the program have been a tremendous help and I would like to thank each of them for all of their hard work," Stichnote said. '1JItimately, we would like to have an ambassador in each of the country's major cities and in every state and even some foreign countries. "To accomplish this, however, we need more alumni to join the program ," she added. "We have had to turn down some recruiting program this year because we didn't have ambassadors in those areas." Stichnote explained that those alumni who choose to join the program will attend a yearly workshop and training session . "From there, the amount of time that the individual alumnus devotes to recruiting is strictly up to him or her," she said. "We have found that an individual can be an effective ambassador oy dedicating a minimum of about 12-15 hours a year to the task ." "We understand that these people are volunteers and that they have have jobs, families, and other commitments and responsibilities, but we are grateful for whatever help they can provide." Stichnote received a B.S. degree in animal science from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Prior to being named alumni! admissions coordinator at UMR, she was the East Coast sales representative for Brewer Science of Rolla and supervised an endocrinology laboratory for the animal science department at Kansas State University. She replaced Kim Hofstetter, who is now an engineer with AT&T in Kansas City, Mo. Stich note asked that any alumni interested in the program to write her in care of the Admissions Office, 105 Parker Hall , UMR, Rolla, Mo . 65401 or call her at 314-341-4904.

Laura Powell jOins Alumni/ Development Laura Powell of Rolla has been appointed director of development for the College of Arts and Sciences at UMR. She began her duties Oct. 2. Tom Coffman, UMR vice chancellor for Alumni Affairs and Development, said, "We are extremely pleased to have Laura join our staff as director of development for the College of Arts and Sciences. "All the members of the search committee feel that Laura will bring the right combination of high energy and enthusiasm to this position and that she will be a valuable addition to the Alumni Affairs and Development staff," he added. Powell will assist in planning and implementing fund-raising programs among alumni, corporations, foundations , organizations and friends ofUMR. Prior to joining the alumni affairs and development staff, she was an online product manager for the Missouri Lottery. She previously was a real estate salesperson for Town and County Realtors in Rolla, the general manager of the Outlook and Shopper's Guide and a promotions manager and an advertising representative for the Rolla Daily News. Powell received a B.J. degree from the University of Missouri-Colum bia.

Lynn Stichnote. Coordinato r. Alumn i/ Admis ions I would like to be an Admi s ions Ambas, ador for UMR. Please contact me and provide me w ith information on how Tcan be of assistance.




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MSM Alumnus

Computer models may help trauma victims By Minnie Breuer Doctors may be a bl e to more precisely tailor individual physical therapy treatment programs by using computer model s that sim ul ate body movements which are being developed a t UMR. According to Dr. Xavier J .R. Avula, a UMR professor of mecha ni cal and aeros pace engineerin g a nd engineering mech anics who is developing the models, th e proj ec t will use computer models that si mul ate the move men ts of the hum a n body to minimize the results of injuri es and to study the effect of external forc es on the body. Al so working on the proj ect are Dr. Robert W. Gaines Jr., associate professor of orthopaedic surgery and director of pediatric orthopaedics and spine surgery in the University of Missouri -Columbia's School of Medicine, and Dr. Saroj Sh ah , assistant professor of clinical physica l medicine and director of out-pa tient clinics at the Rusk Rehabilitation Center in UMC's School of Medicine. Avula explained that the proj ect seeks to incorporate computer models in th e rehabilitative treatment of the disabled, older adults a nd person s recovering from certain injuries or surgery. "We a lso will devise a method for evalu a ting the e ffectiveness

'With the aid of mathematical models and computers which displa:y the actual dimensions and characteristIcs of various limbs and joints, we hope to develop a physical therapy treatment designed specIfically for each patient." of rehabilitation methods used for persons who have limited movement ofth eir extremiti es," he explained. "With th e aid of math ematical models and computers whi ch di spl ay the actua l dimensions and characteristics of various limbs a nd joints, we hope to develop a physical t her apy treatment designed specifically for each patient. "As an a dditional face t of our research, we will determi ne several physical therapy variables usin g the computer model with data from a pe rson which takes into account the limitati ons on hi s or her limb andjoint movements. From thi s information, the doctor can develop an appropriate plan for treatm ent," he added. "For exa mple," Avula explained, "d urin g physica l th erapy there are limits on how much weight,. including self-weight, di sabled or injured per sons undergoin g rehabilita ti on should carry or how fa r th ey should move their limbs . These r estrictions are prescribed by the doctor depending on the ability of th e

individual. "In addition, the physically di sabl ed a nd persons convalescing from certain injuries may have limited capabilities for carrying out some of the normal activities of daily livin g such as brushing their teeth , dressing a nd feeding themselves or grab bing for a n obj ect which is out of their normal reach" he said . To sim ul ate these activities on the computer, data will be col. lected for each type of activity by observing a person during physical therapy sessions . The constraints of movement and force on that person's joints and limbs during these activities will be recorded and progra mm ed into the computer. "Using the mathematical model, the solution is obtained in the form of a computer printout from which it is possible to read limb a nd joint positions and turning ability within the limits that the individua l's anatomy will allow," Avula explain ed. "The computer model also can accommoda te the effect of treatm ent on persons with artificia l joints a nd limbs as well as different levels of

paralysis . "From the knowl edge of the person's ability, which is obtained from the computer printout, and his or her pain threshold, the doctor can prescribe individualized exercise limits during physical therapy activities," he added. Data obtained from persons at the Rusk Rehabilitation Center will be used to prepare t he input data for computer modelin g. Gaines and Shah will supervise the data coll ection a nd help prepare the input data for the computer simulations. They a lso will review the computer-determined treatment before it is prescribed. Avula hopes to begin validating the computer models for specific treatment plans in the spring of 1990. Avul a explain ed that computer-based models which predict how the body responds to mechanical stress have become useful and cost-effective research a nd developmental tools in understanding these types of injuries and devising preventive measures. "The computer model is especially effective as an alternative to direct experi mentation with hum ans and a nim a ls," Avula said. Seed funding for the research project h as been provided by the Weldon Spring Endowment Fund.

Haitian business women study at UMR and in Rolla businesses Th e group was in Roll a from A group of busin esswom en from Hai ti studi ed management Sept. 25 to Nov. 4. Th e wom en skill s durin g a six-wee k training stayed in UMR residence halls durin g the week and wit!) local program thi s fall at UMR and, .fam ili es during the weekends. while here, they sh ared in a In their classes at UMR, the cultura l exchange with local businesswomen were provided residents who served as host with management training a nd fam ili es. the essential skills and practices "The busin esswomen particineeded to run a small business, pated in a three-part program which included classroom train- Hegler said. "The participants studied s uch ing, in tern ship programs with topics as the principles of man area businesses a nd the opporagement, accounti ng a nd booktunity to experience American keepin g practices, stress ma nagelifestyles," said Dr. Kenneth M. Ragsde ll , associate vice ch a ncel- ment, personn el ma nage ment an d com munications ," Hegle r lor for academi c affairs/extensaid. sion at UMR. "Th e School of E ngi neerin g Thro ugh a n in terns hip proa nd the Center for In te rn atio na l gram with the Roll a Area ChamPrograms and Studies (CIPAS) at UMR impl emented the short- ber of Commerce a nd local businesses, th e wom en observed, term ma nagement trainin g asked questions of a nd worked progra m," Ragsde ll added. "We with people who operate small are deli gh ted that the Haitian businesswomen stayed in the businesses much like t hose in Haiti. Roll a a rea a nd studied on the "In a dditi on to their classroom UMR campus." and in tern ship trainin g, the Co-di rectors for the project gro up traveled to the state capital are Eunice French , the director a nd to Si lver Doll ar City to lea rn ofCIPAS , a nd Dr. Burns about Am erica's heritage," H egler, a professor of electrica l French said. MBr engin eeri ng at UMR.

Building for the future Construction has begun on Castle man Hall. When complete, the building will feature an auditorium, offices and facilities for UMR's music and theatre programs, and offices for the UMR Alumni-Deve lopment Office and the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. The excelIlent autumn weather has been a boon to construction. The building is scheduled to open its doors in the fa ll of 1991.

The MSM Alumnus is edited and designed by members of the staff of the UMR Office of News & Publications (Martin Blank [Director], Minnie Breuer, Gene Green, Ernie Gutierrez, Dick Hatfield, Kathy Matthews and Sally White) with assistance from the MSM-UMR Alumni Association (Jack Painter and Rebecca Martin [Student Assistant]),


December 1989

Dean Davis elected vice president of MSPE By Dick Hatfield Dr. Robert L. Davis, dean of the School of Engineering at the University of Missouri-Rolla, has been named vice president of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) by the organization's board of directors. Davis served as MSPE's treasurer in 1987 and was named secretary of the organization in 1988. He is a past president of the MSPE Rolla Chapter. Davis also was appointed chairman of the Graduate Studies Division of the American Society for Engineering Education.

Davis joined the UMR facuIty in 1965. He received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Evansvill e and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of Maryland. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers , the American Society for Engineering Education and the executive committee of the U.S. Engineering Deans Council. He is a registered professional engineer in Missouri and is a participant in the IBM Academic

Information Systems Consulting Scholar Program. Davis is a member of Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma and Sigm a Xi honoraries. He also has received the Citizenship Award, the Beneficial Suggestion Award and the Patent Award (from the Navy), the American Society of Materials Testing National Award, and Outstanding Teaching Awards at UMR. He is the author ofnumerous articles a nd scholarly publications.

Solomon named PMMI professor By Minnie Breuer J a mes J . Solomon has been appointed the Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute (PMMI) professor of packaging machinery in the engineering management department at the University of Missouri-Rolla. Solomon, who retired early from Anheuser-Busch Inc. in St. Louis where he was a packaging engineer and senior manager, also will serve as an assistant chairman of the engineering management department and as the director of the package engineering program. Dr. Yildirim Omurtag, chairman of the UMR engineering management department, said, "Jim Solomon has many years of experience in package engineering, and because of his expertise and knowledge, our packaging program will continue to grow vigorously and excel in the years ahead." Solomon will teach "Introduction to Packaging" and "Packaging Materials I" during the fall semester. At this time, 26 students have enrolled for these courses. "I consider myself fortunate to have successfully completed a

very rewarding and enjoyab le professional packaging career and to be able to start a new career teaching package engineering," said Solomon. "I look forward to my association with the faculty and students at UMR. "Packaging is approaching a $60 billion industry and is growing faster than the gross national product. Because of this , there is a strong demand for college-educated packaging professionals with technical training in subjects such as computer-integrated manufacturing, flexible manufacturing and machine-vision quality inspection," said Solomon. Students who study package engineering at UMR will be welltrained to meet industry's need for packaging engineers, according to Solomon. "The packaging program at UMR is unique because it combines engineering and management courses with studies in advanced manufacturing and packaging techniques," he explained. "As far as I know, UMR is the only school offering this type of comprehensive training in package engineering. "UMR currently offers four courses in packaging with an

additiona l one being planned next semester ," sai d Solomon. "These courses are supplemented by a packagin g laboratory, which is an integral part of the engineering management department's Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Facility," he explained. "The facility contains materials testing equipment as well as numerous packaging machines to conduct research and provide students with hands-on experience. "For the past 10 years, Dr. Henry Sineath, who was the first PMMI professor of packaging machinery, has developed the foundation for integrating packaging courses into the engineering management curriculum at UMR," Solomon said. "I have been selected to put up the brick and mortar, so to speak." While at Anheuser-Busch, Solomon was involved in packaging design and development for more than 17 years. In addition, he has held various packagi ng design positions with the Aluminum Company of America in Pittsburgh and the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Co. in Milwaukee. He also was an assistant chief chemist at The . Bemis Co. in St. Louis.

New director of placement and co-op training By Dick Hatfield Dr. Mariano Trujillo, coordinator of business industry, professional training a nd development, Houston Community College System, Houston , Texas, has been appointed director of the Placement and Cooperative Training Program at the University of Missouri-Rolla . According to Dr. Wendell R. Ogrosky, vice chancellor for Student Affairs a t UMR, Trujillo will assume responsibilities for

UMR's e fforts to assist students in their search for employment, strengthen relationships between UMR and potential employers, and locate cooperative training opportunities for students. "Dr. Trujillo's efforts also will be enhanced by faculty a nd staIr involvem ent in UMR's placement a nd coopera tive t rai ning programs," Ogrosky said. Trujillo previously served as director of the Career Planning and Pl acement Center at the University of Houston-Down-

town. He also served as a corporate recruiter for the Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO) and as a n in-training corporate recruiter for EXXON. He received a B.A. degree from Ithaca College, New York. He received master's and doctoral degrees from the University of Massachusetts. Trujillo, who is married and has two children, is succeedi ng professor Ch arles R. Remington , who is retiring after 39 years of service to UMR.

Allen Hatheway receives merit award from the U.S. Army Dr. Allen W. Hatheway, professor of geological engineering at UMR, is the recipient of the U.S. Army's Meritorious Service Medal with first oak leaf cluster. The medal is the second such award Hatheway has ,'eceived from the Army.

According to the Army, Col. Hatheway received the awa rd for "four years of efforts as Fifth U.S. Army Liaison Officer to Reserve Components in Missouri." "The work specifically deals with engineering seismologic research in the preparation for

emer gency responses in the case of a major New Madrid area earthquake, which includes the St. Lo uis and southeast areas of Missouri," Hatheway said. He has served in the active Army and Army Reserve for 28 years. DH

Documentary film by James Bogan wins national award By Ernie Gutierrez A documentary film by a UMR faculty member has been awarded a CINE Eagle in a national competition sponsored by the Council on InteIJlationa l Nontheatrical Events. Dr. James Bogan , UMR professor of art, filmed "T-Shirt Cantata" while on a Fulbright Fellowship in Brazil. According to Bogan, the film celebrates the garm ent of choice in the equatori a l city of Belem. "The messages (o n the shirts) a re frequently in English , and often quite bizarre: 'Break the Dance,' 'Infinite Liberty,' 'On the Road,' 'Track of Nobody,'" Boga n said. "Others display heroes and heroines like Charlie Chaplin, John Lennon, Che Guevara and Janis Joplin," Bogan added. "'T-Shirt Cantata' began as a list that turned poem and eventually became a 12-minute documentary film starring the amazing BRANCO as 'The Artist,'" Bogan said. According to Bogan , CINE's main purpose is to select outstanding films to represent the United States - and American cinem atography in particular in international film festivals. The film has been screened at festivals in Spain , Italy, Belgium and Germany. The documentary project was sponsored by Partners of the Americas.

Oakley re-elected to national music honor society post By Dick Hatfield . Dr. David L. Oakley, professor of music at UMR, has been re-elected as a member of the Board of Trustees of Kappa Kappa Psi, national honorary music society. Oakley, who was originally elected to that position in 1985, will serve for four more years. Oakley joined the UMR faculty in 1960. Since that time, he has developed over eight band programs at UMR, including concert band, marching band, jazz band , pep bands, chamber bands, orchestral ensembles an d the UMR Highland Pipe Band. An active participant in Kappa Kappa Psi, Oakley has served as a district governor and as national officer for the organization. In 1985, Oakley was awarded the Bohumil Makovsky Memorial Award from the organization. The award is presented biennially to individuals who have contributed significantly to college bands and have made outstanding achievements as band directors. He also serves as adviser to the UMR chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi.


MSM Alumnus

E E Building to undergo expansion and renovations By Minnie Breuer The expansion and renovation of the Electrical Engineering Building will provide the facilities and resources that will be necessary for the department of electrical engineering to meet ' the challenges of the fut ure. The project also will help the campus extend its engineering educational outreach by providing facilities that will enable UMR to deliver engineering courses to non traditional, placebound students throughout Missouri by means of modern telecommunications and satellite technology. At its October meeting, the University of Missouri System Board of Curators approved the employment of The Christner Partnership Inc., a St. Louis architectural firm, to develop preliminary plans for an addition to and renovation of the Electrical Engineering Building. The firm will prepare plans for a 39,000 square foot addition to the building and the renovation of the existing 49,025 square feet. "The expansion and renovation of the Electrical Engineering Building will enhance our present facilities in a way that will allow us to better serve the needs of the students, faculty and staff in UMR's large and dynamic departm ent of electrical engineering," said UMR Chancellor Martin C. Jischke. "The expansion also will pTovide facilities for UMR's very sma'lI aperture terminal (VSAT) program, which will extend engi neering education to nontraditional students in Missouri's urban and outstate areas through an interactive video

Electrical Engineering Building system," Jischke a dded. graduate students are enrolled. According to Dr. Walter J. "The department had 18 faculty Gajda, William A. Rutledgemembers in 1958," he added. , "We have 35 faculty at the Emerson Electric Distinguished Professor and chairman of electri- present time and some of them are housed in offices in other cal engineering at UMR, the probuildings on campus. The addiposed building addition will provide the department of electri- tional facilities will allow us to cal engineering with 25,600 reunite the department's faculty square feet to be used for auditoand staff in one building." rium faci lities for seminars and "The addition also will provide office space for faculty, staff and the department with a seminar room which will accommodate apgraduate studen ts as well as proximately 120 people. Curvarious research activities. rently, the largest room in the "The present facility was built about 30 years ago," explained building seats about 40 peo ple," said Gajda. Gajda, "and the need for additional space is apparent when we The remaining 13,500 square feet of the addition will be used compare the number of students for UMR's Media Based Programs studying electrical engineering and will house fou r candid an d faculty in the department at classrooms an d facilities for the that time with the number we have now. proposed VSAT Program, according to Dr. Kenneth M . Ragsdell, "Bachelor's degrees in electrical engineerin g were granted to UMR associate vice chancellor for academic affairs/extension. 75 students in 1958, and, last year, 217 students received "These facilities will have an bachelor's degrees," said Gajda. impact on our ability to expand "Thirty years ago there were 18 the campus's engineering educagraduate students. Now 99 tional outreach by bringing UMR

engineering courses to nontraditional, place-bound students across the state through modern telecommunications and satellite technology," Ragsdell said. "The candid classrooms will allow us to deliver instruction to students at off-campus sites at the same time that the class is being taught on the UMR campus," die explained. "A two-way video and audio capability provided by t he VSAT satellite technology will allow students at the remote site to participate in on-campus classes, which are conducted in the candid classroom, as if they were present in the room," said Ragsdell. The building renovation plans include installation of a modernized heating, ventilating and air-conditioning system; interior modifications to provide more efficient use of space; window system modernization; improved office space for graduate students; asbestos pipe insulation removal; install atio n of sprinkler systems; and electrical and telecommunications systems improvement. "In addition to the 99 graduate students, approximately 900 undergraduate students currently are studying electrical engineering at UMR," said Gajda. "Undergraduate enrollment is projected to rem ai n stable while graduate enrollment is expected to reach approximately 130 students within the next five years ." Total cost of the project is estimated at $7,762,000 which will be funded by a combination of state capital appropriations , and private funds contributed by alumni an d friends ofUMR.

Bernard Sarchet and former UMR Chancellor named Fellows of ASEM ".. .for continued distinguished service and contributions to the society." By Dick Hatfield Bernard R. Sarchet, professor emeritus of engineering management at UMR, has been elected a Fellow of the American Society of Engineering Management (ASEM) by the organization's board of directors. Al so nam ed Fellow of AS EM is former UMR Chancellor Merl Baker. Sarchet and Baker were honored "for continued disti nguished service and contributions to the society." They received the award during the Second Inte rnational Conference on Engineering Management held in Toronto, Canada, in September. According to ASEM, the election of Sarchet and Baker to this honor "is especially significant to UM-Rolla as they were instrum ental in establishin g the pioneer engineering manage-

Bernard R. Sarchet ment department at a major university, as well as being founders of ASEM, which also had its inception at UMR. "UM-Rolla's educational model has since been used by many other colleges and universities in

establishing engineering managemen t curricula , especially to support the continuing educational needs of practicing engineers ." Sarchet joined the UMR fac ul ty in 1967 as professor and department chairman and retired as chairman in 1981 to return to full-time teaching and research . During his tenure as chairman, more than 1,700 B.S. and M.S. degrees in engineering management were granted. He was nam ed UMR's first Robert B. Koplar Professor in Engineering Management in 1982. In recent years, Sarche t's efforts have been instrumental in the development of video education at UMR. He has served as director ofUMR's Video Commu nications Center and serves as chairman of the Engineering Management Curriculum Committee of the National Techno-

logical University. Sarchet, who is a founding member and first national president of ASEM, currently serves as director-at-Iarge of the organization. He is an honor ary member of the UMR Academy fo r Engineering Managers and was the first national chairman of the Engineering Ma nagement Division of the American Society fo r E ngineerin g Education . He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in chemical engineering from The Ohio State University and the University of Delaware. He was with Koppers Company Inc. for 26 years in numerous management positions before corning to UMR. Sarchet is a member of several honorary fraternities and is the author or co-author of several books in the management fi eld.


December 1989

Three faculty to serve on NSPE committees By Ernie Gutierrez Three members of the UMR faculty are among 16 members of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) who recently were appointed to serve on committees of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). . Dr. Donald Modesitt, associate professor of civil e ngineer¡ing, was named to serve on the Professional Development Awards Committee. This com mittee ann u ally evaluates and selects individuals who have shown outstanding advancement and improvement in the development and application of modern engineering employment practices . Dr. Paul Munger, professor of civil engineering, was appointed to the National Institute of Engineering Ethics. The institute promotes the development and understanding of ethics within the engineering profession. Munger co-directs the UMR "Ethics for Engineers Seminar" which was developed with funding from a National Science Foundation Ethics and Values Studies Program grant. Dr. Harry Sauer, Jr., dean of graduate study and professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, became a member of the Publications Committee, which provides general direction to the major NSPE publications. Dean Sauer also chairs the MSPE Publications Committee. Dr. Charles Morris, associate professor of civil engineering and president of MSPE's Rolla Chapter, said NSPE is a voluntary association of engineering professionals which strives to ensure the application of engi neering knowledge and skills in the public interest and to foster public understanding of the role of engi neering in society.

Dr. Elmer Ellis dies Dr. Elmer Ellis, president of the University of Missouri from 1954 to 1966, died Aug. 27 , 1989, in Columbia, Mo. He was 88. Ellis j oined the UM facu lty in 1930 after receiving his doctorate in history from the University of Iowa. Prior to becoming president of the University, he served nine years as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. He was made an Honorary Member of the MSM Alumni Association in 1956.

THANK YOU Martin and Patty Jischke wish gratefully to thank all for your many kind expressions of sympathy concerning the loss of Martin's father.

Wayne Bledsoe named co-editor of journal By Ernie Gutierrez Dr. Wayne M. Bledsoe, professor of history at UMR, has been appointed as co-editor of the "Comparative Civilizations Review," the official journal of the International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations. He will begin his tenure as co-editor in January of 1990. Bledsoe said "The Comparative Civilizations Review" publishes analytic studies and interpretative essays primarily concerned with the comparison of entire civilizations, the development of theories or methods useful in the comparative study of civilizations and significant issues in the humanities or the social sciences studied from a comparative perspective.

Dr. Wayne Bledsoe "We are delighted that such a prestigious journal has chosen Dr. Bledsoe to be its co-editor," Dr. Marvin Barker, dean of the

UMR College of Arts and Sciences, said. "It is an indication of the recognition he warrants as a scholar of national stature." The journal has subscribers in 30 countries in addition to the United States. Bledsoe joined the UMR faculty in 1968 as an assistant professor of history. He was promoted to associate professor and professor in 1974 and 1982 respectively. Bledsoe holds a B.A degree from Tennessee Temple University and M .A. and Ph.D. degrees from Michigan State University. He is the a uthor of the book, "The Advent of Civilization ," a nd numerous scholarly articles and has made presentations at several professional meetings.

Bob Wolf returns to full-time teaching By Ernie Gutierrez Robert V. Wolf, professor of metallurgical engineering at UMR, has decided to relinquish his duties as assistant dean of UMR's School of Mines and Metallurgy. "Last year I decided that after an eight-year tenure as assistant dean, it was time for me to get back to full-time teaching," Wolf said. Wolf added that he enjoyed counseling undergraduate UMR students as assistant dean and will continue to do so within the metallurgical engineering department in his role as full-time teacher. "I also have enj oyed the years of close association with School of Mines a nd Metallurgy faculty members outside of my home department," Wolf added. Dr. Don Warner, dean of the UMR School of Mines and Metall u rgy, said that Professor

Wolfs hard work and willingness to take on any project," Warner .said. "For example, at the request of the metallurgical department faculty, Professor Wolf acted as interim deP'!-rtment chairman during a portion of the 1988-89 academic year while a search was carried out for a chairman. He has worked well with faculty and students alike and both groups will miss his presence, as will I." According to Warner, the assistant dean duties have been re-structured in order to better serve the students. Dr. Nicholas Robert v. Wolf Tsoulfanidis, UMR professor of nuclear engineering, has asWolf has contributed greatly to sumed the duties of assistant the school during the past eight dean for undergraduate curricula years and was a great help and continuing education, and during the planning and conDr. Ronald Kohser, UMR professtruction of McNutt Hall and the sor of metallurgical engineering, subsequent move of six departments and the dean's office to the is the assistant dean for undergraduate recruitment and retennew facility. tion . "I appreciate Professor

Jack Ridley named chairman of history and political science department By Ernie Gutierrez Dr. J ack Ridley, professor of history at UMR, has been named chairman of the department of history and political science at UMR. Dr. Lawrence Christensen, who served as department chairman for three years, has returned to full-time teaching and !"esearch activities in the UMR department. "Dr. Ridley has an excellent record of teaching, research and service and is well-qualified to assume the responsibilities of chairman of the department," said Dr. Marvin Barker, dean of the UMR College of Arts and Sciences. "The department made great strides under Dr. Christensen's leadership and I am confident that it will continue to prosper under Dr. Ridley'S leadership."

Dr. Jack Ridley Ridley holds a B.A. degree from Southwestern Oklahoma State University, an M.A. degree . from the University of South Dakota and a Ph.D. degree from the University of Oklahoma.

He joined th.e UMR faculty in 1969 as an instructor of history. He became an assistant professor of history in 1970, an associate professor of history in 1975 and a professor of history in 1984. Ridley has received 17 UMR Outstanding Teaching Awards, three AMOCO Teacher Awards and three UMR Faculty Excellence Awards. In 1987, he also was a recipient of the University of Missouri Burlington Northern Award for Teaching. Ridley is a member of the Southern Historical Association and the State Historical Society of Missouri. He is the author of numerous scholarly papers and publ¡i cations. In addition, Ridley co-authored, with Christensen, thebook, "UM-Rolla: A History of MSMIUMR."

16 MSM Alumnus

Three UMR seniors receive H.H. Harris Foundation Scholarships Scho larshi ps are award ed to meta llurgi cal engin eerin g stude nts in metal s castin g by Minnie Breuer

Stacey Wells from

Three Univers ity of Missour iRolla seniors in metallu rgical enginee ring are the recipien ts of H.H. Harris Founda tion Scholar ships for the 1989-90 academ ic year. The H.H. Harris Founda tion Scholar ships are awarde d to student s who have demons trated an interest in metals casting, accordin g to Dr. Donald R. Askelan d, professo r of metallu rgical enginee ring at UMR. "Schola rship recipien ts are selected on a competi tive basis with candida tes from over 30

"Scho larshi p recipi ents are select ed on a compe ti- worth, Kan. Wells hasLeavenworked tive basis with candi dates from over 30 colleg es and summe rs for Spartan Alumin um unive rsities who are eligib le for the award s." Product s in Sparta, III., and for colleges and univers ities who are eligible for the awards, " said Askelan d. "We are very proud that the Founda tion selected three UMR student s to receive the scholars hips . "All three student s are active in a variety of campus organiz ations, includin g the student chapter s of the Metallu rgical Society and the Americ an Foundry men's Society, " he added.

UMR stud ents take part in Inter colle giate band prog ram by Dick H atfield

States. Major works for b ands have been commis sione d for these Several Univers ity of Missour i- perform ances. Rolla student s were selected for The program is part of Kapp a the Nationa l Intercol legiate Kappa Psi's and Tau Beta Band, 1989 program held in Sigma's nationa l honorar y band Stillwat er, Okla., accordin g to Dr. fraterni ty and sorority convenDavid L. Oakley, UMR professo r tion, which is held every two of music. years . "This is a very signific ant The UMR student s taking part honor for the student s who were in the program are: Tom Hodge, selected to be part of this prosenior in chemica l enginee ring, gram," Oakley said. 1457 Gettysb urg Landing , St. Oakley explain ed that the Charles , tuba, concert band; Nationa l Intercol legiate Band, Debbie Hunke, senior in engi1989 program is made up of two neering manage ment, Route 1, bands includin g the Nationa l Intercol legiate Concert Band and Stark City, clarinet , concert band; and Randy Skaggs, graduat e the Nationa l Intercol legiate student in enginee ring manage Sympho nic Band. E ach band is ment, 713 Hawtho rn, St. Ch arl es , made up of about 80 college trumpe t, sympho nic band. student s from across the U ni te d

Engi neer ing man agem ent stud ents take part in robo tics desi gn cont est

By Minnie Breuer

Several tea ms of U niversit y of MIssou ri-Roll a stud ent s recently took 'par t in a Robotics Design Con tes t , which was held as pa rt of a Compu ter Integra ted Manufa cturin g (CIM) course in e ngi neerin g man agement at UMR. Dr. Serna Alptekin , UMR a ssista nt professo r of enginee rin g m a nageme nt and the designe r and director ofUMR 's CIM laborato ry, said th e contest was made up oftive teams ofUMR student s with four or five student s on each team. The contest was limited to UMR seniors and graduat e student s in the CIM course. "The student s were asked to design a robot which would be capabl e of pi cking, up ping-po ng balls from a startin g point and moving them to' another point: Alptekin said, "A box wa s used as th e second point, which was pl aced three fee t away a nd six

inches h Igh er th a n the startm g poi nt," sh e added. Alpteki n explain ed th at t he purpose of th e expcri men twas to teach th e stude nts to work as tea m member s and to deal with th e limitati ons of designin g a machine that doesn't always work up to expecta tions, "The student s a lso had to overcom e various econom ic restrain ts includin g cost e ffectiveness of manufa cturing and product ion of th e machine s," Alptekin said. The winning team member s a re: Steve Behrend , a senior in enginee ring manage ment from Fort Leonard Wood . Keith E. Durk, a senior in e nginee ring manage ment from Hallsvil le . John Hoffm an , a senior in enginee ring m anagem ent from Jefferso n City. Donald Van Pelt, a senior in physics and team manage r from Blue Sprin_g.:.

The student s are: Randy Mullina x from Cordova , Ala. Mullina x spent one summe r working for Alabam a Ductile Casting near Birming ham, Ala., and the past summe r at UMR perform ing undergr aduate research support ed by an Olin Founda tion grant. In addition to his academ ic achieve ments, he is the starting fullback on the UMR varsity football team.

Central Foundr y Division , General Motors Corp. in Saginaw , Mich. Wells also received a scholars hil? award from the Americ an Die Casting Institut e in a nationa l competi tion last year. Brian Lux from St. Louis, Mo. Lux current ly is working on metals casting projects as a summe r intern at Wells Manufacturin g Co. in Skokie, Ill .

Meta llurg ical engi neer ing stud ent serv es as Olin sum mer rese arch er Randy Mullina x, a junior in metallu rgical enginee ring from Cordova , Ala., was awarde d a Summe r Researc h Scholar ship by the Olin Corpora tion, East Alton, Ill. As the winner of a nationa l competi tion for the scholars hip, Mullina x underto ok a research project with Dr. David Roberts on, UMR professo r of metallu rgical enginee ring, to investig ate the product ion of metal powders . Roberts on said the research involve d the use of high pressur e gas to atomize liquid metal Randy Mullin ax produce d in an inductio n furnace . The use of metal powder s as a starting materia l for compon ent lurgical enginee ring, said this is fabricat ion is now widely practhe seventh time in the last eight tice d. years that a UMR student has Dr. John L. Watson , UMR been selected in the nationa l professo r and chairma n of meta lcompeti tion. EG

Pi Kapp a Phi c hapt er rece ives awa rd UMR's Ga mm a Lambda Ch apter of Pi Kappa Phi, n a tional honor society, recieved a Ma ster Chapte r Award. The chapter received the award during ceremon ies recently held in Washin gton, D.C. Accordi ng to Pi Kappa Phi, the award is given to those chapter s that have successf ully submitt ed all paperw ork to the nationa l honor society's adminis trative office, includin g a financia l budget, pre-init iation and initia-

n on cards, membe rship reports , election of officer forms, alumni publicat ions , membe r educatio n program and a risk manage ment policy. In addition , the chapter receivin g the award must have member s in attenda nce at the society's three annual leadersh ip conferen ces and have account s receivab le with the adminis tration office. The UMR chapter is one of 28 chapter s to receive the

Sout h wind s seek s subm issio ns for 1990 Southw inds, UMR's literary magaz ine, is now accept ing submi ssions for its 1990 public ation. Alumn i who are talen ted wri ters - poetry , prose, short fiction - artists or photog rapher s need to send their submis sions to:

South winds , Engli sh Depar tment . RM 236 H-SS, Unive rsity of Misso uriRolla, Rolla, Mo 65401 . All submis sions become property of Southw inds.


December 1989

Miner Sports Miner men look for hoop impro'v ement

Lady Miners return talented group

By Gene Green

By Gene Green

Following a disappointing 9-16 season, the 198990 University of Missou ri-Rolla men's basketball team is hoping for some marked im provement. Third-year head coach Dale Martin feels the team has the talent to be very competitive, and he is excited abou t this years squad. "At one point last season, we were playing almost all u n derclassmen, and we are hoping that will pay off this season," he said. "Sophomores Tony Wofford , Eric Brooks and Paul Neeman all were afforded quality was assistant coach at Springplaying time as freshmen , and field (Mo.) Central High School. that should show in their perAdrian Davis will be a student formance this year." . assistant coach for the Miners. Wofford (6-3) established Martin said the Miners' himself as one of the league's best biggest challenge will be to rebounders, while Brooks (6-1) replace point guard Adrian Davis, showed some flashy play at the whose 15.3 average paced the guard spot. Neeman (6-4) is a Miners last season. versatile performer who Martin "Wands is a senior who has a calls "our Larry Bird-type good shot at giving us a solid lift weapon. He is all over the place, in that role, although he is diving for loose balls and making battling some pre-season injuries,"Martin said. "We must things happen on both ends." Also returning for the Miners also get some added help on the are Chris Schneider (6-7 junior), boards , as Tim Hudwalker has William McCauley (6-3 senior), graduated at the center spot." Greg Sallee (6-5 senior) Allen UMR faces a tough schedul e, playing in the Southern Indiana Griffey (6-8 senior), and Steve Wands (5-11 senior). Top newTournament, Drury College, comers for UMR include freshRockhurst College, Tampa men Donnie Brown (6-9), Billy University a nd the expanded Jolly (6-0), and Chris Dawson (6- MIAA schedule. "The conference is now in 4), with sophomore Neuil Eddivisions (UMR is in the south ), wards (6-5) eligible this season after transferring in from the Air but we will still play everyone in the league," Martin said. "It will Force Academy last year. make the race interesting and Martin will be assisted this season by Tom Deffebaugh, a for- competitive for everyone." mer Drury College standout who

Order your St. Pat's Green early. Don't leave home without it!

With nine letterwomen returning from last season's 16-9 squad, Lady Miners' basketball coach Mary Ortelee is prepared to stay among the league's top teams. UMR finished 9-5 in the MIAA last season , ranking third in the conference standings . With league play broken into divisions this season , Ortelee hopes the Lady Miners can continue to improve on both ends of the floor. "We do return the majority of our players, but we lost some good ones as well," Ortelee said. "All-time leading scorer and rebounder Tanya Hough and spark-plug guard Mary Pudlowski are gone, and they will be hard to replace." Both Hough and Pudlowski will serve as student assistant coaches this season, along with new full-time assistant Tina Costello. Leading the Miner returnees is senior forward Jennifer Cordes (5-11), who has established herself as one of the top players in the MIAA, and sophomore guard Tricia VanDigglen (5-9). VanDiggelen's 53 percent shooting from three-point range was the best in the NCAA II last season. Also back for the Lady Miners are Casey Engstrom (6-3), Colette Neal (5-8), Jan Grotenhuis (5-9), Jennifer Schnur (510), Sarah Conyers (6-0), Anita

Keck (5-7), and Suzanne Spencer (5-7). Top newcomers are freshmen Stacy Mathes (5-11 forward) , Cathlin Maloney (5-10 guard), and Jennifer Huggins (5-10 forward). "We have relied on Hough and Pudlowski for so long that it will be strange to not have them in uniform," Ortelee said. "I guess rebounding will be our biggest question mark, and we will be young at the guard spot." Ortelee knows her team faces the toughest schedule in the program's history. "We play excellent competition in the Bellarmine Tournament, West Texas State Tournament and the Florida Atlantic Tournament," she said. "Therfil are various NCAA II powers .and major NCAA I opponents represented in that action." UMR plays in the southern division of the MIAA this year; as league expansion alters the schedule. The Lady Miners and men's team will be in a division with Southeast Missouri, Missouri-St. Louis, Pittsburg State University, Southwest Baptist University anli Missouri Southern. "It should be interesting, as the top six teams go to the postseason tournament," Ortelee said . "And we certainly want to be one of those squads."

Miner swimmers look for another strong season By Gene Green Tem returning lettermen from last season's nationally-ranked team return for University of Missouri-Rolla swimming and diving coach Mark Mullin. The Miners , 13th in last season's NCAA II National Championships, finished 9-2 in dual meet action. "We have excellent quality in all the strokes, although we do not enjoy as much depth as I would like," Mullin said. "There are many freshmen who should get stronger as the season unfolds, and that will make us a much-improved team near the end of the schedule. "

UMR has looked competitive in early season action, and two of the top performers are only sophomores. Diver Jeff Mitchell won both the one and threemeter diving events in a season-opening meet against Missouri-St. Louis and the University of Louisville, while Jeff Kuta claimed the 50 and 100 freestyle titles. "We have some holes that need to be filled , but I think this will turn into a fine team," Mullin said. "And we are so young, that the progress this group makes this season should prove valuable for years to come."


MSM Alumnus

Miner Sports ... Continued Large group returns for first baseball alumni game A large group of former University of Miss6uri-Rolla bas'e ball players returned to campus Oct. 14 to play in the first annual Miner Baseball Alumni Game. Twenty-one alums returned to play, and 28 donated money to the program, as the group played the current UMR varsity in two seven-inning games. The first game ended in a 4-4 tie, with the varsity winning the night-cap 6-

first season and watch it grow from that point. We had about , twice as many as I expected, and I feel the 1990 game will attract around 40 former players." Former Miner players seemed pleased with the game, and expressed support for the future. "Everyone who played here and came back did so because we had a positive experience and enjoyed the program," said 2. former Miner outfielder Jim "I was delighted with the Steibel. "It was great to see evresponse," said UMR head eryone again, and we are going to baseball coach Gene Green. work as a group to see that this "Anytime you start an event like event gets larger each season." this, you hope to have a few the

Men's Basketball Schedule Date Nov. 17-18 Nov. 25 Nov. 29 Dec. 2 Dec. 4 . Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Jan. 4 Jan. 5 Jan. 10 Jan . 13 Jan. 17 Jan. 20 Jan . 24 Jan. 27 Jan. 30 Feb. 3 Feb. 7 Feb. 10 , Feb. 14 Feb. 17 ' , Feb. 21 Feb. 24 Feb. 28 Mar. 3

TimE" 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30

Opponent Southern Indiana !Evansville Tourney Webster University, St. Louis Central Methodist College Drury College Westminster College, Fulton Rockhurst College, Kansas City Northeast Missouri State Univ. Eckerd College Tampa University Southwest Baptist University Missouri Western University University of Missouri-St. Louis Central Missouri' State University Missouri Southern University Pitt.sburg State Universit.y' Southwest Baptist University Southeast Missouri State University University of Missouri-St. Louis Washburn University Missouri Southern University Pittsburg State University Southeast Missouri State Northwest Missouri State Lincoln University Northeast Missouri State

7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:'30 7:30 7:30 7:30

Women's Basketball Schedule _Opponent Nov. 18-19 Bellarmine Tournament McKendree College Nov. 22 Quincy College

Former Miner baseball players who returned for the alumni game are as follows: Front row, from left: Grant Degenhardt, Norm Shipley, Mike O'Dell, Alan Thomas, Kenton Eiffert, Mike Steagall, Jim Steibe), and Ed Bartel. Middle row: Kevin Havener, Mike Tee), and Rick Hicks. Back row: Dave Wiemann, Aaron Epperly, Butch Parmeley, Mike Stone, Roland St. John, John Viehmann, Dan Daily, Greg Brummer, Dave Kuethe, and D. J. Steagall. an.27 an. 30 FC'b. 3

Feb. 7

Billy Key named CMSU Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient UMR Athletic Director Billy Key has been named a 1989 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient by Central Missouri State University. Key, a 1949 graduate of CMSU, was one of two recipients during Homecoming weekend at Warrensburg. Joining Key in the special weekend was Brice Durbin, a 1948 graduate who is now executive director of the N ational Federation of State High School Associations. _ "Anytime you are honored by your alma mater, it is a great thrill ," said Key. "I would like to thank the CMSU Alumni Assocation for making this possible." The r ecipie n ts were r ecogni zed at a specia l banque t Friday night a nd th e n introduced to th e crowd durin g h a lftim e of Saturday'S CMSU-

Missouri Southern homecoming football game. Special guests that weekend were members of the 1948-49 Mule basketball team, of which Key was a member. Key received a special medallion from CMSU, as well as a framed silver platter commemorating the honor. Key served UMR as head basketball coach for 23 seasons and was named president of the National Association of Basketball Coaches and placed on the board of directors of the Basketball Hall of Fame. Last year he was part of the original group inducted into the Missouri Basketball Hall of Fame. "Perhaps one of the nicest things about the entire expe rie nce was ge tting the cha nce to see so many old friends once a gain ," h e said. "It was a great weekend th a t I was honor ed to be a pa rt of."

Feb. 10

Feb. 14 Feb. 17 Feb. 21 Feb. 24

Time TBA 7:00 2:00

West Texas Tournament Harris Stowe University Missouri Baptist University Florida Atlantic Tournament Northeast Missouri State University Lincoln University South,west Baptist University Missouri .Western University University of Missouri-St. Louis . Central Missouri State University Missouri Southern University Pittsburg State University Southwest Baptist University Southeast Missouri State University University of Missouri-St. Louis Washburn University Missouri Southern University Pittsburg State University Southli'.ast Missouri State University Northwest Misssouri State University

TBA 7:30 7:00 TBA 7:00 7:00 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 TBA TBA 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30

Swimming and Diving Schedule IDate Nov. 18 Dec. 1-2 Jan. 5 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 15-17 Mar.7-lD

Opponent Miner Relays SMS Mission Bay Invitational NE Missouri St E. Illinois Ark-Little Rock Principia Heartland Championships NCAA II Championships

Time 12:00 PM 6:00 PM TBA 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM TBA TBA

Indoor Track Schedule Date Dec. 2 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 2-3

Feb. 9 Feb. 16 "March 4

Ma rch 8-9

Opponent @ Eastem Illinois (r. .rli'n) @ UM-Columbia CWomli'n) @ Cent.ral Missouri Slate (Men) @ Central Missouri State (Women) @ Arkansas State (Men) @ Arkansas State (Wom e n ) @ Kansas Unive rsity l!\IC'n) @ Cent.ral Missouri St.atli' (Men) @ Central Missouri Statli' (Wom e n )' @ University of Missouri (Men ) @ University of Missouri (Women ) MIAA Championships @Central Missouri State (Men) @ Central Missouri Sta te (Womli'n ) NCAA Championships All home !lames in bold!


l 19

December 1989

SECTION NEWS Alumni Association sections across U.S. working hard for UMR By Rebecca Martin The alumni sections are the lifeblood of your MSM-UMR Alumni Association. They serve as the.best communications link between the graduates and the Association. Sections, or chapters as they are called at other universities, are formal or informal organizations of alumni who have an interest in staying in touch with and helping the campus. It is through these groups of Miners that alumni stay close, promote the interests of the campus and share with fellow graduates their Rolla experiences. Sections of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association are currently organized in two ways. The first is by geographical area and 22 of these sections are organized throughout the country. Missouri, as is expected, leads the country with four sections in Cape Girardeau, Kansas City, St. Louis, and Springfield. Texas and California, with three sections each, share the runner-up spot. , California has sections in the Bay Area, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Texas holds meetings in Dallas, Houston, and Northeast Texas (Ark-La-Tex sharing a section with Louisiana and Arkansas). Alumni in Illinois are organized in Chicago and Springfield, and Louisiana has an additional section in New Orleans. You will see on the map on this page the location of all the sections in the country and the areas still to be organized. The second way alumni organizes in sections is through -corporations. McDonnell Douglas formed the first such group in 1988 and holds its meetings in the corporate headquarters in St. Louis. Monsanto Corporation is now in the process of organizing the second


corporate section in St. Louis. Future plans' include a third type -of section which will represent special interest groups. For many years the Association h as held receptions in conjunction with national meetings of professional organizations such as SPEI SME, AIME, and AEG, and it is now working with such groups to develop more formal ties. Special interest groups may also want to form sections. This could include athletic, social or other organizations. The Miner Music Alumni are considering becoming the first of these special interest sections. Al though sections are as diverse as the people who comprise them, they share common bonds . .All members of sections are alumni who have attended MSM-UMR and share a continued interest in the University. Section activities are varied. For example, the Pacific Northwest Section attends a horse race each year, while the New Orleans Section has an outhouse burning each fall. In addition to the usual St. Pat's parties and Oktoberfests, other events held by the sections have included formal dinners, receptions, picnics, golf tournaments, hayrides, boat cruises, football and baseball parties, theatre functions and continuing education activities. Sections also work diligently to assist the University. Many of

• ••••••••••• •••• •• •• •••••

them have programs to help recruit students for the campus. Cape Girardeau, Kansas City, St. Louis, Springfield (MO), Chicago, and Lincolnland (IL) have formal dinner receptions or picnics to assist the campus in student recruitment. The McDonnell Douglas Section has 19 admissions ambassadors visiting with high school students in St. Louis to interest them in attending UMR. Many of the sections recruit individual alumni to attend high school or shopping center college days or to visit directly with prospective students . Sections also have been helpful in the Association's annual fund cainpaign. Kansas City and St. Louis have had an 170 Challenge Fund to determine which section's members are best ,contributors to the Association. Kansas City has won the plaque the first two years. This has increased giving in both cities. Three of the local sections (Houston, Chicago and KC) are establishing scholarship endowment funds with the Alumni Association. The income from these endowments will be used to provide scholarships to students from those geographical areas. There are many other ways these groups are helping the campus, including informing public officials at the state and national level of the financial needs of UMR and other higher education

Section Leaders

institutions and increasing audiences for athletic contests or campus based speakers. The alumni association has a total of 23 active sections (22 geographical and one corporate) across the country. Last year, because of their growing popularity, a national Sections Committee was formed . Curt Killinger,'73 , chairman of the committee, said that, "over the last few years there has been a tremendous increase in the number of section meetings and attendance." The Sections Committee, which works closely with the Alumni Association , met during MSMUMR's Homecoming weekend to discuss its goals. The committee set as its goals continuing to advance the role of sections within the Alumni Association and keeping alive active sections while focusing attention on creating new ones. The key to creating sections is to get individual alumni involved. One way to do this is to hold receptions at professional meetings. Alumni who attend these meetings will have a chance to meet with section leaders and representatives from UMR and find out about sections in their areas or how to organize new ones. Sections are an excellent way for alumni to stay in contact with one another and, at the same time, further the aims of the university. Anyone interested in joining a section can do so by contacting section leaders listed below. Individuals in Albuquerque, Detroit, Jefferson City, and Miami (FL), have shown an interest in establishing groups in their areas. Alumni interested in helping start a section can contactDon Brackhahn, Executive Director, MSM-UMR Alumni Association , Harris Hall, Rolla, Missouri 65401.

•••• • • ••••• •••••••••••••




Bay Area, Calif.

Mark Eck, '80 ARCOAlaska P.O. Box 100360 Anchorage , AK 99510-0360 Work: 907-265-6916 Home: 907-345-6935

Art Winter, '63 353 W. Southern Hills Rd. Phoenix AZ 85023 Home: 602-942-4152 Work: 602-869-1283

Phil Browing, '48 Rt 2, Box 300 Logansport, LA 71049 318-697 -5248

David Peacock, '64 3515 Brunell Dr. Oakl and, CA 94602 Home: 4 15-530-6728 Work: 415-842-0725

Oliver Kamper, '35 16417 l11th Ave. Sun City, AZ 85351 602-977 -7953

John Moscari Jr., '51 503 Colem an Longview, TX 75602 214-753-7786

J erry Lit tlefield, '58 1548 36th Ave. San F rancisco, CA 94122 Home: 415-566-5275 Work: 415-768-4844 ... continued next page


MSM Alumnus

Section Leaders ... continued Cape Girardeau Max Burgett, '54 2219 Dewey St. Murphysboro, II 62966 618-684-2562 Bob Patterson, '54 P.O. Box 573 North Ridge Rd . Sikeston, MO 63801 Home: 314-471-5012 Work: 314-471-1552

Chicago,IL Richard Wieker, '59 6341 Blackhawk Trail Indian Head Park , Ill. 60525 Home: 312-246-6976 Work: 312-847-4505 CincinnatiIDayton Harold Moe, '48 1819 Rosehill Rd. Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 Home: 614-868-9628 Work: 614-837-1178 Russ Kamper, '62. 5674 Shadow Oaks PI. Dayton, OH 45440 Home: 513-434-9177 Work: 513-226-8929 Dallas Bob Schafer, '52 4426 Mill Creek Rd. Dallas, 'IX 75244 Home: 214-239-4784 Work: 214-754-8010


Byron L. Keil, '52 4101 Clayton Road East Ft. Worth, 'IX 76116 Home: 817-731-1212

Florida W. Coast Gerald Stevenson, '59 3430 State Rd. 540-A Lakeland, FL 33803 Home: 813-644-4095 Work: 813-666-1719 Georgia Pat Broaddus, '55 AAI, Inc. P.O. Box 2545 Dalton, GA 30722-2545 Work: 404-278-1989 Great BasinlNevadaINorthern Calif. Dan Martin, '52 2601 Skyline Dr. Reno, NY 89509 Home: 702-826-1330 Work: 702-322-5501 Houston Jim Paul, '43 610 N. Wilcrest Dr. Houston, 'IX 77079 713-464-1358 Kansas City James L. Foil, '74 207 NE Country Lane Lee's Summit, MO 64063 Home: 816-524-4152 Work: 816-822-3180 Chris Wilson, '73 512 Mimosa Lee's Summit, MO 64063 Home: 816-524-7151 Work: 816-274-1506 Lincolnland Henry (Ed) Midden , '69 4100 W. Jefferson St. RR 2 Springfield, IL 62703 Home: 217-787-1691 Work: 217-523-0811

Alaska Section The seventh annual Unofficial Alaska Alumni Party was held at the estate of Mark Drumm, '77, on Aug. 3,1989. I The weather was cool and cloudy as it had been for the previous week. Those in attendance were rry Suellentrop, '81; Barry, '81, thy (Dill, '79), Stacy and Kelly heIden; Dane Cantweell, '85; ark, '80, Mary and Craig Eck; ue Leach', '80; Mark Drumm ,


Tom Feger, '69 2201 Keokuk Springfield, IL 62702 Home: 217-522-5892 Work: 217-789-2260

Southern Calif. Scott Boyd, '74 20545 Vendale Drive Lakewood, CA 90715 Home: 213-402-7266 Work: 213-830-8200

McDonnellDougias Mike Ferretti, '67 McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Dâ‚Źpt.205,0343350 P .O. Box 516 St. Louis, MO 63166 Home: 314-434-7415 Work: 314-233-2996

Springfield, Mo. Gary Shaffer, '79 P.O. Box 493 Nixa, MO 65714 Home: 417-725-5024 Work : 417-869-4311

Joe Gabris, '80 9956 Knollshire St. Louis, MO 63123 Home: 314-842-7243 Work : 314-232-1079 New Orleans Robert Mitchell, '61 430 Hamilton St. Gretna, LA 70053 Home: 367-4036 Work: 682-3041 Paul Whetsell , '61 3604 Lake Providence Dr. Harvey, LA 70058 Home: 504-361-7782 Work: 504-349-4234 Pacific Northwest Joseph Draper, '81 4022 34th Ave. SW Seattle, WA 98126 Home: 206-935-2555 Work: 206-237-3846 San Diego Albert S. Keevil , '43 1442 Yost Drive San Diego, CA 92109 619-488-6072

Joe Wilson, '86 1222 N. Hillcrest Springfield, MO 65802 Home: 417-866-3659 St. Louis Bob Bruce, '69 15 Carrswold St. Louis, MO 63105 Home: 314-727-8411 Work: 314-727-0500 Tulsa Roy Wilkens, '66 Rt. 1, Box 344 Sand Springs, OK 74063 Home : 918-242-3718 Work: 918-588-3342 Washington,D.C. Sam Sands, '60 8337 Chapel Lake Ct. Annandale, VA 22003 Home: 703-978-5937 Work: 202-355-2465 Alok Berry, '81 5626 Rapid Run Ct. Burke, VA 22015 Home: 703-425-1415

Hank Fletcher, '53 10488 Orozoco Rd. San Diego, CA 92124 Home: 619-565-1442 Work: 619-944-1010

BaY 'Area Section

'77, and Blaze the Wonder Dog; Dan Pickering, '88; Terry Palisch , '86; John Kurz, '83; Richard, '83 , and Terry Beecher; Gil Scholl, '77; Kevin Renfro, '85 ; Gary Smallwood, '75; John Hentges, '89; and Lenn , '68 , Cheryl, Kyle and Kerri Koederitz . Special thanks to Drummer for hosting the event. Also in town was Bill Fogarty who had to fly out in search of Russian submarines. Lenn Koederitz , '68

In October, 1988 Ken and Mary Voertman p'ut together a fall a lumni dinner at the Red Baron in Livermore, Calif. It was a small group but we drew some new attenders from the Sacramento area. We had a good time. Among those attending were: Don , '72, and Mira Lee; Dave, '64, and Laura Peacock; Par, '50 and Mary Schoenky; Bob , '62, and Jean Donovan; Jud Leong, '54; Lora Smith , '71; Jerry, '58, and Kay Littlefield, Kurt Oakes , '85; and Ken, '5 1, and Mary Voert-

Next came the seventh annual St. Pat's Party on March 25. It was another great turnout...53 guests this year! This party was also the first stop for Chancellor Martin Jischke and new Vice Chancellor Tom Coffman during their week-long "West Coast Alumni Party and G<>lfTour." Being first, we can only hope that the Bay Area Section set the standard for the rest of their trip. There were lots of new faces in the crowd ... especially some recent grads. This has been an encour... continued next page

December 1989


Bay Area Section ... continued aging trend over the past few years . Once again, the. keg of Lowenbrau went dry ... nobody drank any of the Bud Lite ...another indication of a return to a more sane lifestyle. Firehouse BBQ did their usual great job catering this affair. Chancellor Jischke brought an '89 St. Pat's sweatshirt which brought $29 at auction! Kay Littlefield was the high bidder (but I get to wear it!). GDod times are not always for everyone. Mike:77, and Scott:73, Patterson had to return to St. Louis because of the pa ssing of their mother. The Bay Area Section offers condolences to Mike and Scott and all of the Patterson family. Those attending the St. Pat's Party were: Area director David and Laurie Peacock, '64; Jerry

Houston, Texas Section ... continued

and Kay Littlefield, '58; Warren and Ellen Hooks, '58; Par and Mary Schoenky, '50; Joey and Stella Tuttle, '64, '69; Jean Pollard, '82; Dale Smith, '81; Tom Enderle , '69 and Barbara Stickle; Don and Beverly Kelly, '49; Ken and Mary Voertman, '51; Bob and Joan Donovan, '62; Tom and Grace Blackburn, '82; Greg Copeland, '77; Hal and Joyce Fiebelman , '66; Marianne Cochran, '50; Bob and Margrid Rock, '48; Kent and Leslie Steffens , '83; Linda McCullough, '86; Charles and Carolyn Adams, '61; David Gray, '69; Maren and Jerry Smith, '80; Bill and Linda Cornell, '64; Bob McFarland, '69; Victoria S . Lapp , '86; J ames and Kathleen Schlosser, '66; Pat Vennari, '69, and Jan Dillingham; Russell Wortham, '71 ; Gerardo and Pricilla Joffe, '48.

accepted by the members present, and a list of volunteers was American Mining Congress Reception submitted for nomination. The folowing list details those elected to the various offices and appointed as committtee chair,seven years, made arrangeThe Bay Area Section of t he persons: President, Jim Paul, '43; ments to meet at the reception. MSMlUMR Al umni Association president-elect, Daniel Hinkle, It was a great opportunity for hosted a cash bar reception on '73; secretary-treasurer, Nancy J. them to renew acquaintance. Monday, Sept. 18, in the Sutter Arnold, '79; members-at-Iarge, . Room of the San Francisco Those' who signed the guest Ron Tappmeyer, '47, and Jim register were: John Baz-Dresch, Hilton in conjunction' with the '75; Joyce Day, '70;.Thor Gjel Chaney, '48. ChairpersonsAmerican Mining Congress Nominating Committee, Rex steen, '53; Gerardo Joffe, '48; convention. Alford, '40; Publicity Committee, Lenore Kelly, '70; Stanley D. The alumni association was fortunate to have Bay Area Lewis, '78; Jerry Littlefield, '58; Charles Frey, '57; Activities Dan, '52 , and Shirley Martin; president, Jerry Littlefield, '58, Committee, Kirk W. Lawson, '87; Bill Mount, '74; John Nichols, Student Assistance Committee, welcoming all alumni in attenCurtis J. Killinger, '73; and '50; Ron Parker, '72; David dance. Joyce Day, '70, and Lenore Kelly, '70, good friends Peacock, '64; Mirangin SimaMembership Committee, Michael who had not seen each other for tupang, '56; and Henry Whaley, Koop, '86. There are other '48. committee chair vacancies, as well as opportuni ties to assist these volunteers. If yOU would like to participate, please feel free to call any of those listed above. Newly elected (but long-time supporter) President Jim Paul, Although we '43, presided over the rest of the / missed a few years, meeting during which numerous Houston's annual persons were awarded Rolla OKTOBERFEST memorabilia as door prizes. celebration was back These were highlighted by the in full swing with 80 donation of the fairly recent book , Miners and spouses History ofUMR," written by "A attending. The event . UMR history professors Jack was held at the BavarRidley and Larry Christensen. ian Gardens and Thomas Jordan, '66, of Port Restaurant near MeNeches, won a prize for the morial and Heights farthest distance traveled. Blvds. on Thursday, Alumni Board representative and Sept. 28, with authenchairman of the Annual Fund tic German smoked Committee, Jim Chaney, '48, sausage, bratwurst, gave a brief overview of the knackwurst, potato Alumni Fund, its sources and salad, and sauer kraut uses , and thanked everyone for (maybe next year we their support. can have der wiener-

Houston, Texas Section

schnitzel!). No one was seen dancing the polka, but festive music and decorations were provided by our hosts and hostesses. Don (executive director of the MSMlUMR Alumni Association) and Nancy Brackhahn came all the way from Rolla to bring news of good things ha ppening on campus, as well as with our association of alumni. Don summarized the credentials of the new freshman class (Best Ever!-although some may argue for their own class); noted the new campus building efforts

Many thanks go to Dan Hinkle, '73, and Sean Price, '77, for manning the registration table, Jimmy Means, '73, for the photography, and to Bavarian Gardens hostess Beverly Reimars for the delicious meal and excellent meeting place. Special thanks to all those who attended! These included: Mr. and Mrs. Gary Althoff, '84; Wayne '58, and Bertha Andreas ; Nancy J . Arnold, '79; M.H., '51, and Jean Beaver; W. J ames, '71, and Mary Beilstein; Jim Chaney, '48; Sherri Clark, '78 and guest; George, '51, and Melba Comanich; George, '51, and Mrs. Donaldson; Austi n, '69, and Loretta Ferguson; Charles Frey, '57; Carma (Stone, '79) and Glen Gibler; John '48, and Nancy Glaves; Adil, '67, and Arnavaz GDdiwalla; Daniel, '73, and Delores (James) Hinkle; David, '71, and Charlene Jones; Joe M. and Doli Jones; Thomas H. Jordan, '66; Russell, '50, and Jacqueline Judah; Arthur, '29 and Mrs. Kemp; Curtis, '73, and Marybeth Killinger; Kirk W. Lawson, '87;Beth (Spencer, '81) and Peter Loos; Jimmy Lee, '73, and Deborah Means; Mr. and Mrs. Eric Meyer; Donald, '65, and Elizabeth Miller; James, '44, and Pearl Miller; Jim, '43, and Lou Paul; Edward, '58, and Mary Peet; Sean Price, '77; Willard? '48? and Mrs. Schaeffer; Carla Schloman, '79; Dave, '80, and Katie Simac; Robert, '71 , and Joan Smith; George Stourton, '60; Cindi (Diedrich, '80) and Rick Tharpe; Joseph , '81, and Karem, '81, Trapani; Yu Wen, '73, and Grace Tsao; Art, '49 , and Pat Weber; Mike, '77, and Debbie Weiss; Dick, '48, and Ann Whanger; Brian Larson, '85; and Larry, '73 , and Mrs. Jenkins. Upcoming events planned include: A sit-down dinner in January and the traditional St. Pat's Party in early March at the Anheuser-Busch Hospitality Room, with both dates to be announced. Hope to see you all there! AufWiedersehen! Curt Killinger, '73

McDonnell Douglas Section (Music-Alumni-Audi torium ); and thanked alumni for the 180 scholarships ($242,000) provided this year. Thank you, again, Don and Nancy. Following a social hour and dinner, a brief business meeting was held. Curt Killinger, '73, chairm an of the Alumni Board Sections Committee, opened the meeting with a proposal to adopt a more formal section organization , through adoption of bylaws and a slate of officers. This was

The McDonnell Douglas Section of the MSM!UMR Alumni Association held its fall meeting Thursday, Sept. 21, in the Prologue Room Auditorium at McDonnell Douglas World Headquarters in St. Louis. On hand were Martin C. Jischke, UMR chancellor; Tom Coffman, vice chancellor for alumni and development; Walt Gajda, chairman of electrical engineering; and Suzanne Metzner, student in electrical

engineering. Dr. Jischke was the evening's featured speaker. His address to the section members included remarks on the progress being made at UMR, the state of the campus, the exciting projects which are underway and a look to the future . During the short business meeting, section president Mike Ferretti described the work which the membership had ... continued next page


MSM Alumnus

McDonnell Douglas Section ... continued

New Orleans Section The Greater New Orleans Section held a dinner meeting at Augies Glass Garden on Sept. 15. . The session began with a social hour. Old friendships were renewed and new acquaintances were made. The business meeting followed. All alumni introduced themselves a nd gave a synopsis of their activities since graduation. Those in attendance were: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilkey, '38; Mr. and Mrs. Wally Stopkey, '52: Mr. and Mrs. Larry Boston, '60; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Whitehead, '61; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whetsell, '61; Mr. and Mrs. John Foren, '65; Robert Mitchell, '61; Mr. and M.rs. Jim Ragland, '67; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eyermann, '72; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woods, '72; Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Moore, '73; and Mr. and Mrs . Bob Lovinggood, '80. The officers elected for 1990 are: Robert Mitchell, '61, president; Paul Whetsell, '61, vice president; Sheila McDonnell, '83; secretary-treasurer; Thomas

undertaken including serving as Alumni Ambassadors, a letter writing campaign to state legislators in support of higher education, and the donation of materials to the school.

Following the business meeting a panel discussion was held with the UMR guests. Mike Ferretti, '67, for John Steimley, '65, Publicity Chairman

St. Pat's is on March 17, 1989 Make plans to be here! See you then.

Eyermann, '72, activities chairman; Larry Boston , '60, and Darryl Moore, '73, membership chairmen. The business meeting was followed by a sumptuous fullcourse dinner and additional visitation. A round of applause was given to Martha Whetsell for organizing the meeting and making the arrangements. Paul and MarthaWhetsell, '61

Third Annual Outhouse Burning A small but enthusiastic group of 13 appeared at the Whetsell residence on Friday, Oct. 20, for the Third Annual Outhouse Burning. Don and Nancy Brackhahn from Rolla joined the group for hot dog and marshmallow roasting prior to burning the outhouse. Don also visited inform ally with alumni in atte ndance about progress at their alma mater.

If you are interested in starting an alumni section in your part of the country contact: Don Brackhahn Executive Director Alumni Association Harris HaIl,.UMR Rolla, MO 65401-0249 314-341-4145


It's time to ord.er your St. Pat's Gre.en Christmas is just around the corner and St. Pat's Green makes a perfect gift for that person who has everything. Or if you just want to beat St. Pat's rush, order your St. Pat's Green today. 1990 Green items include: Green Sweatshirts (S,M,L, & XL) $15 White Sweatpants (S,M,L) $15 Child's Sweatshirt (S,M) $12 Ceramic Tankard $6

Black shot glass St. Pat Garter St. Pat button

$3 $1 $1

Orders under $10, please include $2.25 for postage. More than $10, please include $3. Remember that after St. Pat there is no Green left and we sometimes run out of certain items early, so buy your Green today! Send your order to St. Pat's Board, c/o Andy Storf, #5 Fraternity Drive, Rolla, MO 65401.



Dece mb er 1989

UMR BOOKSTORE White, youth swea tshirt b y Ch ampio n 50/ 50 poly cotton , 5-M-L-XL, $17.98 2

Gray, adult extra heavy weig ht reverse weave sweatpants by Cha mpion , S-M-L-XL, $35.98


Gray, adu lt extra heavy weight reve rse weave by Champion, with hood 89% cotto n, M-L-XL-XXL, $48.98


Men's ba ll cap wit h UMR o n front , $9.95


Natural color, ad ult sweatsh irt 90% cotton , heavy, 40.98


Gray, adu lt sweatshirt, cotton and acrylic, S-M -L-XL, $18.98


Whi te, ad ul t sweatshirt 50/ 50 poly COttO Il; S-M-L-XL, with hood $24.98, c rew $19.98


La rge UMR umbrel la, silve r/ gold , wood ha ndl e, $15.95


Cera mic ashtray with seal, b lack or white, $4.95 2

Ceramic stei n, me d. , $10.95


UMR cloth pe nnant, smal l, $1.25


Ce ramic stein, large, $12.95



Coffee cu p with sea l, cerami c, $4.99 6



Brass tone UMR key c hain , $4.50

Hand ling and Shipping Chart 2.25 2.75 3.00 3.75 4.50

Up to 12.00 12.00 to 25.00 25.00 to 50.00 50.00 to 75.00 O ver 75.00

Prices: Pri ces and styles are subject to change. Make checks paya ble to Th e UMR Bookstore. W e ship UPS. Pl ease sup ply fu ll address for delivery.

Sorry, no overseas d e li very.

UM R ca mpu s postca rds, asso rte d , 10 for $1.00 2

Stone crock with lid, $3.40


UMR cloth pe nnant, large $5.98, small $1.25


UM R window sticker, $2.00


Mi sso uri Mine rs wate r g lass, 4 for $6.00


Unive rsit y of Mi sso uri-R ol la old fa shi on glass, 4 for $6.00


UMR baby bottle (g lass), $4.50

UMR Bookstore Un iversi ty Ce nte r-West, Roll a, MO 65401-0249 Ot v.


Item Descrifl ti o n

Size/ Color

Pho ne Ord ers : (314) 341-4705 All Ord e rs Shipped UPS

Name Address City ZIP

State Phone


Su btotal

MasterCard # VISA # Expirati o n Date Minimum purchase for charge $10.00

6.225% Tax (Mo. Residents) Shi pping See Chart Total

Price of Item Each Tota l

MSM Alumnus


Alumni Notes 1922 Albert L. Ackers and his wife , Irene,live at 421 SunsetCourt,Staunton, IL62088. AI is retired from Pan American World Airlines.

Remembering Jim Grimm

1926 John Warren Merrill died March 23 , 1989, according toa note from his daughter, Laura Merrill Ruchle, of Harrisburg, Pa. AtMSM John was a member of Prospectors, Quo Vadis and the Ira Remsen Society. He r eceived his B.S. degree in chemical engineering. He was retired at the time of hi s death in Lewisburg, Pa .

1929 WarrenF. FruitdiedMayl8,1989according to information received from hi s wife, Myrtle, of7300 W. Dean Road, #174, Milwaukee, WI 53223. Before receiving his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from MSM, Warren was vice president of Pi Kappa Alpha social fraternity, a member of Quo Vadi s, Theta Tau, and in 1928, a second li eutenant in R.O.T.C. His business career was spent with Bucyrus-Erie Co. in Milwaukee , Wi sc. The death of Charles LeClair King has been reported by Jrunes K. Richardson, '32, P.O. Box 1316, Silver City, NM 88062. At MSM Charles was a member of Kappa Sigma, DeMolay, the Rollamo Board and Band. He received his B.S. degree in mining engineerin g. He began his mi ning career with the Braden Copper Co. in Chile, South America and from that time the association has little or no information about his career. Henry D. Monsch and hi s wife, Ruth, live at 1652 S. Abrego Drive , Green Valley, AZ 85614. Hank is retired from ALCOA.

1933 Willirun Woodhouse Kay died May 20, 1989, according to word received from Charles H. Lambur, also '33. At MSM Bill was a member of the Prospectors Club (which became Sigma Pi fraternity), the Rollamo Board, Quo Vadis a nd Tau Beta Pi. He earned an "M" as a member of the Miner swimmingteam and served as captain of the team for 1932-33. Bill received his B.S. degree in mining engineering and E.M. degree in 1938. Following graduation he worked for Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Co., the Hanna Coal Co. and joined the E. J. DuPont de Nemours Co. in the late 1930s. He continued his career with that company until the late 1960s then became an active minin g consultant. He retined in 1987. Bill had attended hi s 50th Golden Anniversary reunion at UMR in May of 1983. Alvin A. Wehrman writes: "I have been retired for 19 years. I play golf and fiddle with the stock market." Alvin and Jo live at 7520 Caruth Blvd., Dallas , TX 75220. He is retired from the Corps of Engineers.

1934 Lester E. Poese write s: "Vi and I recenlly moved to 934 Portsm outh Circle, Maryville , TN 37801." Lester is retired from the U.S. Army.

1935 Warren B. Danforth writes: "I hope to be in Rolla next year with my wife for my 55Lh reunion," Warren is retired from Industrial

Diamond Powders. He and KaLherine make Lheir home at 1301 Polk City Road, Haines CiLy, FL 33844.

By Sally White "When he spoke at one of our special occasion dinners, we could h ave li s te n ed to him for hours!" "H·e alw ays seem ed to know whether a student needed a pat on the back or a kick in the pants." "His h a ndsh ak e was so strong it almost hurt." "He was sort of gruff and didn't smile much-he sort of sca red you until you noticed the twinkle in hi s eyes." "He h ad a phenomenal memory for people. I think he remembered every face, every name, and everything he ever knew about every student he ever met!" "His judgme nt w as always fair. You might not agree with him or like wh at he said, but you alw ays respected hi m ." These are just a few of th e things students, alumni and faculty will remember about C. James Grimm, professor emeritus of electrical engineering who died on Aug. 14, 1989, the day after his 80th birthday, at the Ameri cana Fremont Health Center in Springfield, Mo. He was a n ative of R olla. His father was a carpenter at MSM and was later in char ge of the buildings and ground crew. Grimm u sed to maintain he was rea lly r aised by the MSM B&G people. By the time h e had fini shed his junior year at Rolla High School, Grimm had enough credits to be admitted to college, so he enrolled at MSM in 1926. Grimm worked as a lab assistant in the U.S. Public Health Trachom a Research Laboratory, a room in the basement of Parker Hall, during his time as a student at MSM . The job paid enough to cover his fees and clothi ng expenses. He received a B .S. degree in electrical engineering i n 1930, worked for Union Electric for two years, then attended Southwest Missouri State College in Springfield, taking education courses. He later did some graduate work at MSM (1932-33) and at the University of New Mexico (1936). He taught for six years in high schools in Walker and Lesterville, Mo., and was superintendent in Lesterville for two of those six years.

Government projects started in the midst of the Depression created a need for technically trained ·s upe rvi sors, so Grimm became a government employee . H e worked as an inspector of various government projects and was supervisor of the design section of the National Youth Administration in Springfield, Mo. In October, 1941 the U.S. government loaned him to the British Air M inistry where he served for 33 months as an consultant and e lectrical engineer. He was transferred to the U.S. Army shortly before D -D ay. He spent the next 22 months working for the Office of Chief Engineer, traveling by j eep through France, Belgium, Italy and Germany. He designed the electrical portion of U .S. installations being set up allove r Europe-in hos pita ls, tent camps and so on. Upon his return to the U.S., Grimm becam e a consulting engineer specializing in electrical distribution systems. During the summer of 1948, Professor I.H . Lovett, electrical engineering chairman, persuaded Grimm to come "help out in the e lectrical engineering departm ent just for 30 d ays" at the beginning of the fall semester. Tha t "30 days" lasted 26 years. He got involved right away. He was soon teaching 23 hours a week-four of those hours were three-hour la b courses---and h e was freshm en adviser, a job he k e pt throughout his MSM-UMR teaching ca r eer . He w as active in campus and profession al acti vities and worked with student chapters ofprofessional societies such as the In stitute of Electrical a nd Electronics Engineers. Professor Grimm r etired officia lly. in 1974, but h e w ound down slowly. Official retirement first mea nt ·no more teaching, but he still kept a hand in the advising program. He turned that program over to others, but continued to be avail able i n hi s office for sever a l hours each day for 10 years after retirement. Grimm earned m any honors and awar ds during his career from student a nd profession a l groups alike. He was a charter member of the UMR Academy of Electrical Engineers and served one term as its president. His a lumni activities and contributions earned h im the Alumni Service Award, life membership in the Century Club and the Order of the Golde n S hill e lagh. Bu tit is fo r his im pact on the lives of students that Professor Grimm will long be remembered. Years ago he set up the Jim Grimm Scholarship Fund in the electrical engi neering department at UMR and since then the Lovett/Grimm Tribute Fund h as been established by electrical engineering and the development office to benefit UMR students, faculty a nd the department.

1938 Allen D. Bliss writes : "Sue and I sure enjoyed attendin g the 50th COmmence· ment of the Class of 1938. It was great renewing old fri endships. We hope to return again soon." AI is retired from the Aluminum Company of America. He and Sue make their home at4911 Galicia Way, Oceanside, CA 92056.

Jim Miller sends a picture taken at hi s annual "jazz evening (Gemini Bash VII)" on June 16, 1989, for friends in the San Diego area Those pictured are: left to right, Al BIi88, '38, Joe Howerton, '38, Charles Ward, '40, and Jim Miller, '38, '39. All are Sigma Nus. Jim's hom e address is 2438-10 East Vista Way, Vi sta CA92084. Chilton E. Prouty writes: "I have been retired from Michigan State University since 1985. I am still active, having presented seven papers at geological meetings since I retired." Chip and Norma live at 4690 Kingswood, Okemos, MI 48864 . He is professor emeri tus of geology.

1939 Walter F. Breuer writes: Hazel and I continue to enjoy California's fin e coastal weather." WaIL is retired. Th e Breuers live at 37 W. Garden Green, Port Hueneme, CA 93041. Robert Alfred Carter died suddenly on Jan 10, 1989, according to word from hi s wife, Julia Carter, 111 E. Morningside Drive, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. At MSM Robert was a member of the Engineers Club, Alpha Chi Sigma and served as a student assistant in the chem istry department. Prior to coming to MSM , he had earned AB and BS degrees at Southwest Missouri State Teachers College and h e received his B.S. degree in chemical engi neering from MSM . Following graduation he worked for Combustion Engineering Co. in St. Loui s, the Mi ssouri Public Health Service in J efferson CiLy, Carbide-Carbon Chemical Corp. Lhen Union Carbide Co. in Oak Ridge, Tenn. He reLired from Union Carbide in 1984. Jrunes H. Jacobs, '39, '40, 'SO, wriLes: "James is retired from Union Carbide. He recei ved a professional degree in Matallurgical Engineering in 1960." James and Gayle live at 2212 Parklake Pointe, Venice, FL 34293. The following letter was received frem Harold S. Kidd, '39. His addre.. i. Strada Panoranica·Coal, 37018 Malcesine, VR43,ltaly: "I missed my 50 year reunion in May. I was in Walter Reed Army Hospital , Washington, D.C. for extensive eye surgery. I was in the hospital most of the fall , winter and spring. I am now back in Italy trying to catch up with things. I have just been reading the stack of letters I received from you, from the Chancellor, and from members of the Class of '39. It makes me sad that I could not get there but I am glad that so many did and wrote to me . I am proud to be a member of the Class of '39. There is no finer group. Please make sure that I get a copy of the Alumni magazine which has the picture. of the '39 reunion. I would like to see how those old characters look now, while I can still see a litlle. You people arc doing a good job - keep itup."

December 1989

25 reunion last October. Now looki ng forward to our 50th in 1993. Hope we have a great turn out." Home address for the Camanns is 2990 S. Parker Court, Aurora, CO 80014.


1944 Peter E. DesJard ins writes: "I have been in contact with Doc Sam Ellison in Austin, Te xas recently. He is trying his best to lead me to the pyritized fosils near Springfiel d." Pete and Dorothy live at 2941 La Monta Drive,Spr ingfield, MO 65804. Heis retired from Hawthorn e Oil and Gas Co. Alan P. Ploesserw rites: "I r etired in February 1989 as vice president -operation s of Philex Mining Corp. , Baguio, Philippine s. Spent 35 years in the Philippin es and two years in Africa and now enjoying living in Tucson but with summers in Alaska." The home address for Ala n and Betty is 7520 N. Village Ave. , Tucson, AZ 85704.

1945 Class of 1938 and Before ; First Row: VU'gini a Sperling , Elmer Sperlin g, '31, M.A. Gibson. '38, Maxine Gibson, Charles Hunze, '33, Edna Hunze, Virgini a Horn, Rex Horn, '32. Second Row: Alice Mattei, Pete Mattei, '37, Vernon Asher, '33, Mary Asher, Jackie Haffner , Hap Haffner , '35, John Sheppa rd, '37, Ruth Monsch , Hank Monsch , '29. Third Row: Elmer Nickel, '35, Cecil Roberts on, '38, Willis Roberts on, Ruth Hackma nn. Glen Hackma nn. '37, Gertrud e Roemer , Elmer Roemer , '33, Russell Miller, '29,. Leona Roberts , Gerald Roberts , '28. Top Row: Hueston Smith, '38, Edith Smith, Jesse LeGran d, '38, Myrene LeGran d, Mel Nickel, '38, Mary Lou Nickel, Clarelle n Howert on. Joe Howert on. '38, Mary Buck, Bob Buck, '35. George E. Machens writes: "Thank you so much for the great pictures taken at my 50th Class Reunion. It certainly was a celebratio n that Margaret and I will always r e member. Everythin gwassow eU planned and went beautifull y." George 'is retired from American Standa rd. He and Margaret live at 2416 W. Moss Ave., Peoria, IL 61604.

Class of 1940 Golden Alumni Reunio n at Comme ncemen t May 10-12, 1990

1940 Walter A. Baumsta rk wri tes: "We have just moved back to th e St. Louis area after 35 years absence. Mary and I are looking forward torenewin gold fri endships. " WaIter and Mary now live at 15009 Claymore Court, Unit3, Chesterfie ld, MO 63017. He is retired Guy Brown Jr. writes: "I am chairman of the Zoning and Planning Committe e of the Village of Lakeway. Also, I am a mem ber of Village Building Committe e. I have been retired for five years and am e njoying golf

five days a week." Guy is retired from Weatherf ord Oilfield. He and Lucille live at 408 Lakeway Drive, Austin, TX 78734. William A. Enderso n writes: "I have been r etired 1 2 years. rm still away behind in projects- but having fun." William is retired from Shell Oil Co. He and Kathy live at 111 Via Mesa Grande, Redondo Beach, CA 90277. Herbert D. Sturges writes : "Marie and I travel a good deal. Last year we vi sited Alaska and Yosemite. We look forward to (Class 00 40's - 50th anniversa ry party." Herbert is retired from SPS Technolog i es. He and Marie make their home at 16 Country Club Drive, E, Destin, FL 32541.

1942 John C.Allen writes: "I am back in Hawa ii after four years in Burma. I am taking a rest until the political situation in Burma settles down. I'm still working as an aqua-cult ure engineer consultan t." John and Chili 's address is 2333 Kapiolani , #3314, Honolulu , HI 96826. John is m a naging director of Overseas Technical Associate s Ltd. of Hong Kong.

RichardJ .Cunning hamdied July6,19 89. At MSM Richard was a member of ASCE, the "M" Club (he was captain of the football team in '41), was a Student Council alternate a nd served as a student assistant in physical education . He received his B.S. degree in civil engineeri ng. Following service in the U.S. Navy, he worked for the U.S. Corps of Engineers , then the U.S . Federal Power Commissi on. He retired from government service in 1986. Richard is survived by his wife, Alice Cunningh am, 5328 N. 78 Way, Scottsdal e, AZ 85253. Edwin C. Vogelge sang writes: "I flllally retired August 8. While on vacation , I met and visited with E.S. Fris, '43." Edwin and his wife, Louise, make their home at 9056 Cordoba Lane, Crestwoo d, MO 63126.

Robert F. Schmidt writes: "I retired on Aug. 31, 1989, as technical director and am now serving part-time as a technical consultant to my company. " Bob is retired from Colonial Metals Co. in Columbia , Pa. He and Juliet live at 210 Locust St., Wrightsvi lle, PA 17368.

1947 Harold G. Butzer writes: "We h ave three 'exception al' grandchil dren." Ha rold is the president of Harold G. Butzer Inc. in J efferson City. He and Catherine live at 411 Schellridg e Road, J efferson City, MO'65109. William P. McKinne ll Jr. writes: "After r etirin g as research director at Marathon Oil Co., my son , Bill , and I started an environmenta l clea nup fInn , West Hazmat Corp. in Denver and Casper. The business is expandin g in to California at present." Bill and Marilyn live at 730 Front Range Road, Littleton, CO 80120. Bill is special adviser for West Hazmat Corp., Environm ental Contracto rs, whose address is 7670 S. Vaughn Court, Englewoo d, CO 80112.

1948 1943 R. Kent Comann writes:

"I still enjoy working full time at my executive search firm , Com ann Associate s Inc., and my other firm, Mining Placemen ts lnc. However, my wife, Marilyn, and I always find time for our travels. We just completed at 25-day cruise on the Royal Viking Sun, covering Norway and the Baltic. Enjoyed our 45th class

Wilbur F. Wickizer died Aug. 9 , 1989. Wilbur's academic career at MSM was interrupted by service in the U.S. Army Air Force during World War II. At MSM he was a member of ASME and he received hi. B.S . d egree in mechanic al engineering. He began his career with Schlum berger Well Surveying Corp. in Tulsa, Okla. , but returned to his hometown of Springfiel d, Mo. in 1950 where he worked as Springfie ld's city engineer and also worked on heating, and air condition ing for the Frisco Railway Co. until 1958, when he establishe d his own company, Wickizer Engineeri ng and Land Surveying Co. Among other engineeri ng projects, he worked on some 342 subdivisio ns duringhis career. At the time of his death, he was working, with his children, on the reconstructi on of Dade County's 1838 Dilday Grist Mill. He is survived by his wife,Cath erine, three sons, a daughter and six grandchil dren.

1949 Richard B. Ballman n writes: "I r etired fro m Thiem Corp., Oak Creek, Wis., on Feb. 1, 1989. I will be doing some private consulting , catching up on my golf, and spending a lot of time at our cottage in Summit Lake, Wis." Th e home address for Richard and Lacey is W263 S2339 Cambridge Ave., Waukesh a, WI 53188.

Classof 1939,F irstRow :A.E."D usty"Rh odes,M arjorieR hodes,H ughBar ger, Amalie Barger, Janet Brand, Glenn Brand, Ken Tuckett , Joel Loverid ge, Leroy Smith, Bill Morris, Joe Mooney . Second Row: Bill Oberbec k, June Oberbec k, Eilyeen Livings ton, John Livings ton, Tom Finley, Agnes Finley, Tom Bertch, Rae Grimm Bertch, Clarenc e Bauman n. Betty Bauman n, Bob Klug.

Lucille Daniells, the wife of Charles p , Daniells, '49, who died in 1986, reports a new address as of July 22, 1989 of 5904 Westridge Road, Kansas City, MO 64133. Her telephone number is 816-356-8 076 . Maurice H . Fliehma n writes: "I retired Decem ber 1988 after 39 1/2 years with IBM . I'm spending a lot of my retirem ent time visiting my children in North Caro-


MSM Alumnus

26 lina, F1orida, and Californi a and my parents in Missouri." Maurice and Lorna make their home at 2460 Prince Howard Lane, Marietta, GA 30062. Donald V. Kelly writes: "I am retired after 33 years with Lockheed mi ssiles and Space Co., Sunnyvale, Calif. but living on Lake Almonor, Calif. My wife, Bev, and I are both active in community affairs and I play bad, bad tennis. Many (Miners and locals) will remem ber J uani ta Davis , my first wife, from Scott's DrugStore and every fra ternity bash and St. Pat's ever held. We lost Juanita December 1982 after a long illness. She and I had four children , now grown." Don and Bev's address is P.O. Box 1562, Chester, CA 96020. James N. Lambe writes: "Dottie and I h ave been in Tucson for 18 years and we love it. We have been r etired for eight years. Anyone coming to Tucson must come and see us - we are in the book ." The Lambes' address is 6240 Camino Pimeria Alta, Tucson, AZ 85 718. He is r etired from ASARCO Inc. Gordon E. Raymer wri tes: "My son Dan's book 'Aircraft Desi gn : A Concept Approach', wa s just published by Am erican Institute of Aeronautics and Astron autics. Everyone buy a copy'" Gordon is r eti red from Lockheed. He and his wife, Dorothy, live at5124 Beachcomber St., Oxnard, CA 93035. Word has been r eceived of the death of Leonard Louis Schuler Jr. on Aug. 25, 1989. Leonard's academic career at MSM was interrupted by service in the U.S. Arm y Air Force during World War n, but while at MSM he was a mem berofIndepcndents, the Engineer s Club, the Student Council, a nd AlEE. He received his B.S. degree in electrical engineeri ng. He began his engineering career with Hunter Hayes Co. of Austin, Texas-and the Phoenix Elevator Co. in Arizona. H e r eturned to St. Louis in the early 1960s to take over the company hi s father founded i.n the 1930s, General Elevator Engineering Co. He was president of the company for 20 years until it was sold in th e early 19806. After a year's r etirement in Arizona , Leonard became a construction engineer for Bechtel, working on the Nuclear Power Station at Palo Verde, Ariz. , for five years. h e retired agai n in 1986. Leonard received the MSM-UMR Alumni Achievement Award in 1971. he is survived by hi s wife, Marjorie, 1415 Pine Tree Lane, Prescott , AZ 86303, four children a nd seven grandchildren. Edward C. Schultz writes: "Betty and I are r etired, building a new h ome and pla ying golfin the Rio Grande Valley of sunny sou th Texas." Edward and Betty live at Ala mo Country Clu b, Box 379, Ala mo, TX 78516. He is r etir ed from Herzog Contract,. ing Corp.

Class of 1949,

First Row: John Schmitz, Sandy Schmitz, Emma Pollish, Lloyd Pollish, Walter Knecht, Shirley Knecht, 'Shirley Clooney, Dot Raymer, Gordon Raymer, Clara Anne Padfield, Ralph Padfield, Albert Landon C. Viles writes : "I a m looking for- Seelig, Ruth Seelig. ,Second Row: Kneeling- Charlie Ross, Mary "Moe" Kraus, Robert Kraus, Pat Peek, Charlie ward to seeing other 49'ers at our forthcomPeek, William Hubbard, J erry Berry, John Mulligan, Bob Clooney, Terry McGrath, Jim McGrath, Donald ing 40th r eunion. We have just r eturned to Orla ndo from a tTip to California to see our Atkisson. Third Row: .James Feltmann, Nonie Ross, Johnny Cook, Markie Cook, Don DeBolt, Mary Lou new granddau ghter again before she be- DeBolt, Amelia Hubbard, Joe Quinn, Charlotte Quinn, Rosemary Straub, John Stein, Dorothy Stein, Carolyn comes a toddler. Prior to that trip, we h ad Blankenmeister, Erwin lliankenmeister, Dale Marie Springer, Pat Weber, June Atkisson. Fourth Row: Izzy great fu n at Penn State burning out our Feltmann, Shirley McCallis te'r , Robert Tucker, Dolores Tucker, Dale Carter, Mary Carter, Harold Straub, brains on an Elderhostel Computer Course." Agnes Remington, Charles Remington, Helen Bridegroom, Kenneth Bridegroom, Anita Ehrler, Jack Ehrler, Landon is r etired fr om the U. S . Air Force. Fred Springer, Arthur Weber. Sixth Row: Betty Perry, Odis McCallister, Bob Rohr, Marilyn Rohr, Floyd He and Virginia make their home at 10128 Wright, Betty Wri ght, Robert Isringhaus, Dee Isringhaus, Joe Reiss, Janet Reiss, Thelma Mattes, Jim Clifton, Matchlock Drive , Orl ando FL 32812. Lacey Ballmann, Richard Ballmann, Kitty Strubert. Seventh Row: Bob Perry, George Anderso n, George Juenger, Charlie Lloyd, Betty Lloyd, Jesse Bowen, Velma Bowen, Jim Miller, Rose Marie Miller, Henry Mattes, David Wisdom, Kelly Toomey, John Toomey, Joe Strubert. Eighth Row: Donald Kelly, Beverly K e lly, Rita Greig, Gene Greig, Virginia Viles, Landon Viles, Jo Collier, Ray Collier, Dick Marting, Bob Yochum, Marian Yochum, Betty Marting, Ed Telthorst, Betty Telthorst, Harold Telthorst, Virginia Telthorst.


Eugene A. Bartel. writes: "I have been retired for four years a s of Sept. 1. I have been doing consider a ble traveling in the sprin g and fall and takl ng care of my 'Daylily' garden during the summ er ." Gene is r etired from the Mi s soun Highwa y and Transportation DepartmenL. He and Marilyn live at 3821 Mitchell Ave., St. Joseph , MO 64507. lWy T. Clayton writes: "I will be back i n October to enJoy the autum n colors. I am still enjoying r etirement after fi ve and a h alf year s. Betty and r enjoyed a week with Dale and Martha Sim s in Las Almos , NM. Dal e i s also a '50 alumni." Roy is retired from Halliburton . He and Betty Lou live at 2609 NW 120 Terrace , Oklahoma City, OK 73120. Stanley Dolecki ha s been elected pre sidentrelect of th e Mi ssouri Society of Professional Engineers. lnst.allati on ceremonies were held at the society's 52 nd Annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony at the Breckenridge on the Lake resort in Osage Beach , Mo. in June . Stan is project man,:,ger

and manager of new business development for the St. Louis office of Black and Veatch Engineers-Architects. He and N ancy live a t 16248 Windfall Ridge Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Richard N. Harrison writes : "I am still the town engin eer plu s pnva te consulting practice ." The address fm' Richard and Marjorie is P.O. Box 522 Hackettstown , NJ 07840. William F. Herndon writes: "I retired a s a colonel from the Air For ce after 34 years of active and r eserve duty. I r etired from the Missouri H ighway and T ra nsportation Department as a geologist in Novem ber 1984." William's address is 2822 Monterey, St. Joseph , MO 64507. Thomas A. Hernnann, past president of The Missouri Society of Profes sional Eogi ¡ neer s , has been appointed to the Missouri Clean Water Commission . Tom is vice presideotlmana gerofthe civil and environmeot.al division of Zurheide - Herrmann Inc. in St.

Louis. He and Mary live at 707 Dutch Mill Drive, Ballwin , MO 63011. lWbert E. McDonald writes: "I r etired in 1982. Retired again in 1988. I am still doing consulting work for Oak Ridge National Labs in Oak Ridge, Tenn." The home address for Robert and Barbara is P.O. Box 22632 , St. Petersburg, FL 33742 . Seymour Megeff died March 18, 1989, according to a notice from his wife , Anita Megeff, 23 Kingswood Drive, Old Bethpage, NY 11804. At MSM Seymour was a mem ber of Al pha Epsilon Pi , AlME, the St. Pat's Board, ROTC, Tau Beta Pi, Blue Key and the Am erican Foundrymen's Society. He was also on the honor roll several times. He received hi s B.S. degree in met.al lurgical engineering. Following gra du a t ion he worked for several companies in the Long Island, New Yor k area, and, a t the time of his death , was engineering manager for Telecommunications Industries Ioc. of Columbia , Md.

Vernon S . Severtson writes : "1 h ave been r etir ed two years after having worked four years for the Eimco Corp. and33 year s for the U.S . Gypsum Co. My wife, Laur a bel, a nd I enjoy playing duplicate bridge and tTaveling. We reside at9141 E . Su tton Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85260: lWy R Shourd writes: "I r etired [rom Schlumberger Ltd. after 39 years. We are m a k ing our home in H ou sto n and Galveston." Th e hom e a ddress for Roy and Pat is 263 SugarberryCir cle, Hou ston, TX 77024. Word h as been r eceived of the death of lWhert Doyle Whitme r on April 6, 1989. At MSM Robert was a member of AIME and served as a student assistant io the mining department. He r eceived .his B.S . degree in mining eogineeri ng. Following graduation he served as a mining engineer in Kentucky, Mi ssou ri , Kansas, New Mexico and Colorado. At the time of his death h e was manager of mines and direc-

December 1989

27 tor of engineeri ng for Pittsburg and Midway Coal Mining Co. of Denver. He is survived by his wife, Page Whitmer, 6181 S . Forest Court, Littleton, CO 80120, and a daughter.

1951 Gilbert L. Crowell writes: "Prior to th e year end, I hope to complete a 9500 sq. ft. capsule/c annister storage building, rack supported ; earth cover (2) additiona l storage magazine s; com plete surveillan ce cam era security installatio n and initi ate state of the art bead blast (plastic) installatio n. Tomahaw k is one of the more reliable systems." Gilbert is a senior facilities engineer (field) for General Dynamics /Convair Division in San Diego. He and his wife, Marie, live at 411 Palm bark St., Vosta CA 92083. Neal B. Dowling writes: "We're still survivingin the hot dese rt southwest . Betty is doing well and we both are looking forward to Homecom ing '91 - our 40th ." Neal is a sales engineer for Phili ps Com ponents Discrete Products Di.vision in Tempe,Ar iz. He and Belly Jane make their h.ome at 4201 E. Hano St., Phoenix, AZ 85044. Ervin E- Dunn writes: "We are currently in Grenada, W.I. cruising tQ Venezuela on oursailbo at. We will spend several months in Venezuel a and ofT islands." Erv is retired from H.K. Ferguson ~o. The h ome address far t h e Dunns is 309 E. Osceola, Stuart, FL 34994. Elmer D. and Doris Packheis er's new address is 5 Holly Road, Pasadena , MD 21122. Elmer is an engineer for Westinghouse in Baltimore .

Class of 1954Fi rst Row: Carlos Tiernon , Joan Tiernon , Frank Conci, Leona Conci, Frederi ck Campe n, Bill Feldmil ler, Jeannin e Volker, Bette Humph ries, Susan Holloch er, Sue Krispin , Mary Cole, Joyce Smith, Bert Smith ('53). Second Row: Joe Gray, Edie Gray, Herb Lincoln , Jack Dowell, Bob Patterso n, Martha Patterso n, Vernon Volker, Richard Humph ries, Ralph Hollcoch er, Joseph Krispin , Sid Cole, Nancy Gerard. Third Row: Jim Toutz, Pat Toutz, Max Burgett , JoAnn Burgett , William Stewart , Clemie Stewart , Peggy Aceto, Jeanett e Koelling , Harold Koelling , Ludie O'Brien , Roberlt O'Brien , Jim Gerard_ Last Row: Wayne Aceto, Poo Bennett , Punch Bennett .

William A. Rehm writes: "With the adventofh orizontal drilling for petroleum , geology is again coming to the forefront because we are not sampling the epoch but, instead, are concentra ting on strata," William is general manager for Becfield Horizonta l Drillingin Houston. The Rehms live at 12558 Westerly Lane, Houston, TX 77077.

1952 James R Boyle writes: "1 retired and am starting to travel. " James is r e tired from the U.S. Bureau of Mines. He and Lucille live at 9 Forest Manor, Northpor t, AL 35476. John B. Nolan writes: "I conlinuet o keep involved with TIlinois Departme ntofTransportation historical bridge projects. The departme nt has produced a slide show on Illinois bridge history 'Spanning the Prairies' for which I prepared the script. The show has received favorabl e comment s througho ut the U.S. Showings may be arranged through the minois Departme nt of Transpor tation Bureau of Inform ation Services, Springfie ld." John is a senior structura l engineer for MTA Inc. in Springfi eld. He and Maxine, live at 66 Circle Drive , Springfie ld, IL 62703. Darus S- Westmor eland Jr. writes: "l am now fishing full-tim e." Darus is r etired as manager of district admi nistration for the Missouri Public Service Commissi on as of Dec. 31, 1988. He and his wife, Evangelin e, make their home at 3804 S . lOth St., Blue Springs, MO 64015.

1953 Eugene J. Poschel writes: "Expectin g grandchil d number 12 in October 1989. I'm working with Life Inc. to save the unborn child." Eugene and hi s wife , Virginia,live at 594 L'Ombre Court, N.E., Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548. He i s retired from civil service with the U.S. Air Force.

1955 John R Van Buskirk writes: "I retiredin January 1989 after 34 years with the Navy at the Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, CA. Joann and I are enjoyi ng travel in our motorhom e and volunteer work for

C lass of 1959Fi rst Row: John Adams, Nettie Adams,. Jeanne Hughes , RobertH ughes, Pauline Baum, Frank Baum, Jean Patterso n, Jim Patterso n. Second Row: Bob Lember ger, Beverly Lember ger, Leland Long, Patricia Long, John Mitchel l, Jacquel ine Mitchel l, Jim Jackson , Willade an Jackson , Sammy Bolon, Lu Bolon, Marilyn Moses, William Moses. Third Row: R. David Plank, Earline Moulde r, Gerry Stevens on, Jeannie Stevens on, Richard Groves, Doris Groves, Delores Brown, Gil Brown, Jerry Bayless , ShirIey Matheu s, John Matheus _ Fourth Row: Jane Wieker, Dick Wieker, Ed Hornsey , Norman Pond, Natalie Pond, Bud Cottrell , Kay Cottrell , Virgini a Colandr ea, Tom Colandr ea.

1957 A_R Dick Bardelm eier writes: "I retired from the Federal Aviation Administ ration after 31 years on June 2,1989. I establi shed YAR Associate s Inc. who provide professional services in aviation program support." Dick's address is 1 Fairhope Court, Annapoli s, MD 21403. It is also his company' s address. John W. Bayless writes: "1 am working in constructi on m anagemen t with the Bartow - Malow Co. of Detroit, Mich . I am currently involved in a pre-trial detention facility for the City of Jacksonvi lle, Fla." John's addressis 560 Authur Middleton , Orange Park, FL 32073 . Kermit Richard Kreder died April 10, 1989. He was a member of Lambda Chi Alph a fraternity , ACA, Keram os and lettered in track while attending MSM. In 19$7 he graduated with a B.S. degree in ceramic engineeri ng and earned hi s M.S. degree in engineeri ngmanag ementin 1969. Prior to joining McDonne ll Douglas during the early 1960s, Kermit worked for Curli ssWrighl in Wood Ridge, N.J., and American -

Standard an d North American Aviation in California . He is survived by his wife, Patricia Kreder, 401 Hunters Ridge, Sl. Charles, MO 63301. John L_ Mothers head Jr. writes: "I retired from AT&T Federal Systems after 32 years of service on June I, 1989. Daughter , Roberta, is r e turning to coll ege at the University of North Carolina- Raleigh to pursue an animal science d egree. Son, Brett, raising junior year, is pursuing an education degree, English m ajor, at the Universit y of North Carolina- Greensbor o. My wife, Becky, is now working full-time at Friend Home (retireme nt cen ter) as a developm ent and personnel assistant. We have two grandsons, Christan a nd Grant, by daughter and son-in-law , D.C. 'Chip' Gross." John and Becky make their home at 3001 Harnett Drive, Greensbo ro, NC 27407.

William D. Nelson and his wife, Sally, give their home address as 1509S. Oakland St., Aurora, CO 80012. He is a senior construction specialist for CIGNA Loss Control Servi ces Inc. of Philadelp hia, Pa.

Sup port you r

MSM -UM R Alum ni Asso cia tion


MSM Alumnus

1958 News ofR. Larry Miller comes from his wife, Sandy, 1037A West Jewell Ave., Lakewood, CO 80226. She writes: "Larry is currently working out of the country. He is employed by one of the corporate offices, Gesellschall: Fur E1ektrometallurgie MBH in Dusseldorf (the group headquarters is Metallurg Inc. in New York). He is mine supervisor for a Niobium (Columbium) open pit mine some 100 miles NNW of Gom a in the mountains near the equator in Zaire, Africa . Metallurg is a major world producer of tantalum and niobium for the specialty steel, superalloy, hard m etal, hard facing, electronics, metallurgical and chemical industries. I will r emain h ere. in the Denver area, taking a month from work twice a yeartovisit. lam planning a trip in late October through November and am very anxious to see Lary, visit the min e site, take a photo safari through the various game preserves in Kenya, a gorilla walking trek, as well as a trip to the Kenya coast." The alumni office has been notified of the death of William Joseph Smith, on May ' 5, 1989. At MSM William wa s a member of the Shamrock Club, Independents, Class of 1964 First Row: David Blume, Mary Blume, Alan Kamp, Marian Gardner, .;rean Nebel. Joanna ASCE, Chi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, '!Jld Phi LaRose, Alecia Campbell. Arlene Voorhis, Harriet Smith.. Second Row: Judie Crede, Bill Crede, Don Gardner, Kappa Phi. He was on the honor list eight Milton Murry, Harrell LaRose, Charles Campbell, Gary Voorhis, Tom Smith, Ouida Steinkamp. Third Row: times and was graduated with a B.S. degree Clarence Wagner, Nina Wagner, Jeanie Ferrell, Stu Ferrell. Dale Mueller, R.G. Greeley, Don Hausgen. Tom in civil engineering with honors. Follow. ing graduation, he worked for Chrysler Johnson. Larry Parkinson, Bill Steinkamp. Corp, in Detroit, but returned to St. Louis to work for McDonnell Aircraft Co. where 'came to MSM all:er receiving thre~ degrees Plan to visit daughter, Tamara, in Germany he was a production assurance mana ger in mechanical engineering from the Israel next fall. I am also planning a visit to at the time of his death. He is survived by Institute of Technology. While at MSM he Alaska." Graham is with the U.S. Corps of his wife, Mrs. W. J . Smith, 4177 Galatin, held fellowships in the mechanical engiEngineers in Waltham, Mass. He and Judy Bridgeton, MO 63044. A Memorial Scholneering department and with the State live at 64 Depot Road, Hollis, NH 03049. arship Fund has been established at UMR Mining ExperimentStation. He was a memin his na me. berof AS ME and received his M.S . degree in mechanical engineering. At the time of his death he was employed by the Flight Dynamics Laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton. He was a leader in Lucien M. BolonJr. andhis wife, Sammy, the application of artificial intelligence to live at 902 S . Murray Road, Lee's Summit, flight control systems there. In addition to MO 64081. Lu is retired from the U.S. Fedhis son, he is survived by his wife, Rachel, eral Highway Commission and has issued 5436 Savina Ave., Dayton, OH 45415, a a challenge to the KC. Section to keep the daughter and his mother. 1-70 'Challenge Plaque' in KC.! Lu is immediate pa st president of the KC. SecNorman L. Brown, '62, '69, presented an Martin M Rogers writes: "I retired all:er tion . "Old Surveyor" program at the annual 28 years in the Army Corps of Engineers meeting of the Missouri Chapter of The with the rank of colonel. I started work for Wayne E . Heston writes: "I recently reNature Conservancy in Sullivan, Mo. on tired as a full partner in the law firm of Rutgers the next day. Two children. Dea Sept. 30. The program is a recreation of the Angela graduated from VP1, May '89, with a Rom es, Waldorf, Heston,Jamesson, Baltilife of a surveyor on the Missouri frontier degree in interior design. Son is a senior at more, Md. My wife; Jean, and I have reand gives a history of the early surveys of James L. Hill has been appointed direcVPI in aerospace engineering. Kathryn and turned to the Ozarks to live and raise MorMissouri. Norman is project surveyor for I have been married 24 112 years. I haven't gan horses. Our new address is Rt. 2, Box tor of research for A.P. Green Industries the Missouri Department of Natural Rebeen back to Rolla'since graduation - maybe Inc. In his new position, James will be 74C. Republic, Mo 65738." sources in Rolla. The mailing address for 1990- 30 years." The Rogers live at 7 Kings responsible for a staff handling research Norman and ¡Roberta is Route 5, Box 640, Way Drive, Holland, PA 18966. Martin is and development projects on all brick and Leander A. Neumeier, '59, '60, has reRolla, MO 65401. director, physical plant, at Rutgers, the State tired from the U.S. Bureau of Mines Rolla specialty products for the company as well University New Jersey. as raw materials management. James Research Center where he had held the position of research supervisor since 1974. joined AP. Green Industries Inc. ;,;; 1964 Michael R. Vancil writes: "I am still runLee and his wife , Joanne, make their home as a research engineer. In 1982 he rening - occasionally competitive . I remain ceived a professional engineer degree in at 301 Lariat Lane, Rolla, MO 65401. deeply involved in the motorcycle industry Brian J. Roth, '63, has been chosen the ceramic engineering from UMR. He and (why not? - another alumnus -Ruby GoldUniversity of Missouri system representahis wife, Jean, live .at 1815 Bennington, stein-was in boxing ... do you remember?) tive at the inaguration of Dr. Nils Hasselmo Mexico, MO 65265, with their two chilFour grandch ildren at the last coun t. Al u mni as president of the UniversityofMinnesota, dren, Deborah, 15, ~d Stephen, 13. from 1957 through 1960 should write if they Minneapolis - St. Paul, on Friday, Oct. 20, James Larry Inglis, '60, '62, writes: "I remember me. Return guaranteed." Mi1989. Roth is vice president - information Eric J. Norman, who is an assistant prohave been appointed process engineering chael is in sales with Hap Jones Distributservices for Control Data Corp. and is a fessor of experimental medicine at the supervisor at the Terra International Inc., ing in San Jose , Calif. His home address is member of the UMR Corporate Board of University of Cincinnati Medical School, manufacturing division, Blythevi1le For7380B Cray Road, Morgan Hill, CA 95037. Visitors. Brian lives at 13733 Wellington is the co-lateral owner of the Norman mulation Plant." Larry and Willa live at Crescent, Burnsville, MN 55337. Clinical Laboratory in Cincinnati. It is a 1405 Ward Lape Ext, Blytheville, AR specialty lab for testing the urinary meth72315. ylma1.onic acid as an indicator of vitamin B12 deficiency." Eric and his wife, ClauJohn H. Miller writes: "Manville just dia, live at 1044 Sunwood Court, Cincincompleted a $2,500,000 expansion of R&D nati,OH. Facilities at the Waterville Technology John F. Merritt writes: "I am presently Jerrold Chervitz writes: "Last year, my Center complex to support increased techpartner, Jim Nations, and. I arranged a Vinod T. Patel writes that he has been working as project manager on a unique nical efIorts in fiber glass reinforcements, leverage buyout of Acme Equipment Comtransferred by the products division of flood control project at Hannibal, Mo. This micro-tiber.and speciality mats. Ten engipany. The company is a 55-year-old manuUnited Technologies Automotive to divi6.7 million dollar project provides flood neers and technicians have been added in sion h eadquarters in Dearborn, Mich. protection to a 19-square-block area of facturerofsWnless steel food service equipthe past year to support the new proment. We're having a lot of fun in our new Vinod's new address is 44465 Penney downtown Hannibal including the Mark grams." John is the director of technology low-tech business and struggling to bring Court, Canton, MI 48187. Twain historical area .. Stage I construction for Manville Corp.in Waterville, Ohio. He the company's manufacturing into the is expected to begin in November 1989 with and his wife, Barbara, live at 29666 Choon K. Quan writes: "I am now with project completion expected in May 1992." 1980's." J errold is CEO/chairman of the Chatham Way, Perrysburg, OH 43551. company. He and Zeta live at 1524 Shoethe office ofcivilian radioactive waste manJohn isn project manager for the U.S. Army maker Court, St. Louis, MO 63146. agement (OCRWM) at the Department of Albert J. Moellenbeck writes: "Last Corps of Engineers in Rock Island, IL and Energy. I am involved with site characyear Charlotte and I retired and moved to lives at 1918 Gregory Court, Bettendorf, IA Virgil C. Coburn Jr. writes: "I was proterization studies at YuccaMountain,Nev. 52722. Santa Fe. We have bought a beautiful moted to director of r esearch and developand with performance assessments for ranch above Red River, N .M. and .pl an to mentforOlin Corp. Defense Systems Group, licensing applications." Choon and Richard B. Spieldoch, '61, '70, writes: "I go into the r a nching business. I work halfWinchester Division , in December of 1988." h ope that, with th e advent of the U.S . Army tim e as CEO of a company in the NYC Virgil and Wanda live at 16739 Stanford Engineer's School at F t . Wood, the civil area. Ch arlotte is a part-time registered John M. Brewer wri.t es: "Only a Place Drive, Florissant, MO 63034. rew copies are left of my book nurse here in Sa(lta Fe. We love retire - department will be in t h e lead for developing programs for professional develop'ment ment and are working on making it a full'Steal-Easy: My Home Town'. Daniel S. Eppelsheimer, Jr., was chosen people at all levels ofinstruction." for Corps time job." Albert is the CEO for Biotech They will soon be collector's item s Dick and Judy live at 21 N. Walling Drive , as t he Universi ty of Missouri system repreIndustries Inc. in Wycroff, NJ. The Mosince no further printing is sentative to the inauguration of Dr. Adrian St. Louis, MO 6314L He is con struction ellen becks' home address is 22 7 Ca mino planned." John is professor Tinsley as president of Bridgewater State manager for Day and Zimmermann. De La Sierra, Santa Fe, NM 8750l. emeritus of English at UMJ.t The College, Bridgewater, Mass., on Oct. 28, Brewers' make their home at 801 Graham W. Wood writes: "I will retire 1989. Dan is a research scientist at MassaWord ofthe death of Elisha Rachovitsky Bray, MO 65401. chussets Institute of Technology. He lives from civil service June 16, 1990. Looking on Nov. 30, 1988, has been received from at 88 Wachusett Ave. Arlington, MA 21740. forward to tTaveling with my wife, Judy. his son, Harel. A native of Israel, Eli sha








December 1989

1965 Thomas F. Scanlan III has been appointed head of the waste management operation section in the environmental and health protection division of the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Thomas and his wife, Margaret, make their home at 1501 Campbell Station Road, Concord, TN 37720. Vadie G. Sisk writes: "I am an airline captain with United. Oldest son, Robert, is a fighter pilot - married with two daughters. Middle son, Rocky, will graduate in March with a M.E. from Mankato State, Mankato, Minn., and is married with a son. Youngest son, Bryan, is a student (senior) at Man'k ato State, Minn." V.G. and Donna receive mail at Route 3, Box 600-3A, Lake Geneva, WI 53147. 1966 Rohn D. Abbott, '66, '68, writes: "The Alaska region of Shannon and Wilson' Inc. has openi"ngs for geotechnicalJwaste management staff. M.S. Geotech-Environmental or Hydrogeology perferred - call Rohn Abbott at 907-452-6181." Rohn is senior vice president of Shannon and Wilson Inc. in Fairbanks, Alaska. His home address is 182 Crest Drive, Fairbanks, AK 99712.

1967 Michael E. Ferretti spoke to the Society of Women Engineers on the UMR campus. Gale E. "Gene" Addison, '74, spoke ¡to the same group in August. Both are members of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association Speakers Bureau, a group ofalumni wh o have volunteered to return to the campus to speak to groups and classes. Mike is engineering section manager for McDonnell Douglas Aircraft in St. Louis . He and Georgia live at 2492 Country Place Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Mike is also acli ve in the new McDonnell Douglas Section of the Alumni Association. Gene is a senior R&D chemist with Petrolite Corp. ill Webster Groves, Mo. He and Karen livp at614RunningCreek, Ballwin,M0630? ' Yavuz M. Guvenirwrites: "Ijoined Lusk Construction Co. as general manager of the San Diego, Calif. division. I also became the grandfather of a baby boy in January 1989. Chere and I still reside in SpringValley,Calif.,a suburb of San Diego. Our address is 609 Carlsbad St., Spring Valley, CA 92077. Home phone 619-4702638. Work phone 619-452-8673." Dennis W. O'Leary writes : "I've been mapping the sea floor of the Atlantic Exclusive Economic Zone using long-range sonar images. Also, topical studies of sea floor stability, causes and mechanisms of mass movement on continental slopes. Still have some interest in the Mississippi embayment and the Rolla two degree quad." Dennis is a geologist with the U .S .G.S. at Woods Hole, Mass. HeandChristinemake their home at 735 Palmer Ave., Falmouth, MA 02540. Terry E. Perkins was appointed a member of the Missouri Dam and Reservoir Safety Council by Gov. John Ashcroft, and has been confinned by the General Assembly. Terry is amanagerwith AMAX 1oc.'s operations at Boss, Mo. and is responsible for all phases of operation and maintenance of the largest lead-zinc mine in the nation. Heand Shirley live at4 Missouri Ave ., Salem, MO 65560.

Class of 1969 First Row: Holly Behrens, Saundra Mildenstein. Priscilla Carey, Stan Carey, Bob Seaman, Bob Bruce, Elmer Hill, Anne Midden, Carol Bell. Second Row: Ray Behrens, Robert Mildenstein. Robert Stevens, Carol Stevens, Carolyn Berning, Rich Berning, Anna Hill, Ed Midden. Tom Bell. The death, in August, of Ronald Joseph Herzog has been reported to the alumni office by Richard L Vehige, also '68. At UMR Ron was a member of Independents, the Tech Club, SAE, the Student Union Board, AS ME, the Newman Club and Pi Tau Sigma. He held a number of scholarships, was on the honor list several times and was graduated with first honors. He reoeived his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering and a master's degree in the same field from UMR in 1973. Ron's engineering career was spent with American Oil Co. He lived in East Alton, IL.

Mark E. Botkin, '68, 70, '73, writes: "After 16 years of maniage, we have our firstson, Benjamin, now 21months." Mark is a senior staff research member of the General Motors Research Lab in Warren, Mich . He and Patrica live at 1338 Greenleaf Drive Rochester, MI 48309.

WilliamR. Knaufwrites: "New addressAugust, '89. New employer-October, '89. We relocated toStatesville,N.C. Ijoined the regional staff of Southern States Cooperative, Inc., responsible for retail and wholesale volume in farm supply commodities for the state of N.C ." William and Sandy now live at 2110 Council Ave., Statesville, NC 28677.


Please order . your reunIOn photos directly from Kabance Photo Services See order form below

Shiu Yin Fung died March 29, 1989, according to word r eceived by the alumni office. At UMR Shiu was a memberofthe Chinese Student Association and the international FeUows. He received his M.S. degree in applied mathematics. Following graduation he taught in a community college in Arkansas then moved to Philadelphia, Pa. where he joinoo the ranks of the self-employed and opened a Chinese r estaurant.

Donald Leon McCoy has been promoted tomanagerofthe design definition department of the Sandia Co. in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Leon has been with the company for 20 years. He has been a systems engineering supervisor since 1978. Leon and his wife, Debbie, make their home at 9016 Camion Del Sol, NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111 with their two children. RobertL McFarland writes: "Imoved to San Francisco from Phoenix last March to accept the position of senior supervising engineer with Parsons, BrinkerhofT, Quade and Douglas.¡ Robert and Barbara make their home at 1029 Paloma Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010.

Please use this form to order your reunion photos Photo SeNices PO. Box 2754 St. Louis, MO 63116 (314) 773-0088

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Frank L Grabski writes: "I recently received an outstanding performance rating and the Regional Administrators Award." Frank is a division bridge engineer with the U.S . Federal Highway Administration. He and Linda live at 5223 Halls Ferry, Baton Rouge, LA 70817.

Class of 1969: Mike Fridley, Diane Fridley.

Eddie W. Edwards writes: "As of June 1989, I have taken a position with Valmet Builders Inc., a new company (ooly one year old) formed to provide 'turn-key' installation ofValmet paper machinery equipm ent. Gayle, Anna, 14, and Patrick, 7, will be following in early August once the new house is completed." Ed has requested that all mail be sent to him at his business address of Electrical Engineering Staff Manager, ValmetBuilders Inc., P.O. Box 410648, Charlotte, NC 28241.



David L Gray writes: "Jacqu e is expecting our first child in March. We attended the San Francisco Bay area alumni St. Pat's party for the second year. I was recently promoted, in May, to manager-controls, tactical support systems, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co." Dave and Jacque make their home at 415 Ives Terrace, Sunnyvale, CA 94087.



o o o



MSM Alumnus


1970 Vicki M. Andreae writes: "I was promoted in February to principle associate." Vicki is with CACI Inc. Federal in Arlington, Va. Her home address is 2632 N. Pocomoke St., Arlington, VA 22207. David D. Beardsley writes: "I have jus t completed an assignment as resident engineer for construction of the 'Berth 9' container pier for the North Carolina State Port Authority in Wilmington, N .C., and have r eturned my family to St. Louis." David is a bridge structures engineer with Sverdrup Corp. The Beardsley's address is' 11009 Modesto Drive , St. Ann, MO 63074. Michael A. Finkelstein writes: "Son, Adam, is in New Zealand on a nine-week foreign exchange. Daughter, Amy, is a drummer in the Trumbull High School band. Wife,Joyce, is pursuing her master's in counseling at the University of Bridgeport." TI,e Finkelstein's home address i s 14 Captain's Walk, Trumbull, CT 06611. Mike is program m anager-strategic-for G.E. in Bridgeport, Ct. Bill F. Keeling writes: "I just completed three years of business ; consulting in energy conservation, a ir pollution, asbestos, and other hazardou s waste management areas." Bill is president of Enviro-Energy Engineering Inc. in Ashland, Mo. His and Janet's home address is Route I, Box 118, Columbia, MO 65201. Bruce W. MacDonald writes: "I am attending Harvard University under an Air Force fellowship and will graduate in June 1990 with a master's degree in public admini stration." Bruce is a deputy director, operations and maintenance for the U.S. Air Force at Scott AFB, Ulinois. He and Brenda live at6929 Broken Oak Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129. Dennis W. Schroll writes: "I have been working through the year on improving methods of test programs by using experimental design techniques of Taguchi . Hopefully, these m ethods will save the U.S. Air Force money and improve the quality of Air Force aircraft. De nnis a a civil service employee at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. He a nd Kathleen live at 1527 Benson Drive, Dayton, OH 45406.

1971 Thomas G . Durham writes: "1 now have my own consulting bu siness , T.D. Engin eering Inc., which specializes in engineering and operations for the mining and associated businesses with emphasis on economic evaluations for projects and acquisations. My wife, Pam, and I have three teen!lgers: Ka tie, 17, Christie, 15, and Scott, 14." The Durham family lives at 3635 Emily Way, Carmel, IN 46032, which is also Tom's bu sine ss address . Larry E. Goodwin, district staff ma nager for Southwestern Bell, brought hi s daughter, Erika, tocampus in June to participate in the Minority Engineering Program 's two-week Introduction to Engineeringfor Minority Hjgh School Students Course. Erika attends Hazelwood East High School a nd plans to enroll at UMRin the fall of 1991. The Goodwin family lives at 6655 Foxshirc Drive, Florissant, MO 63033.

Gerri (Harlan) Tyler writes: "I am now in information systems tactical planning with U.S. West in Bellevue, Wash . Our children are Katy, 13, and JeIT, 8. 1 use my psychology d egree daily on the job and with our children. Myhusband, Dean, is a fin a ncial analystfor U.S. West." Dean and Gem make their hom e at 16733 NE 41st Street, Redmond, WA 98052. Robert L. Wethington, '71, '72, r eports the following: "My primary work in recent years has involved the usc ofGPS (Global Positioning Satellite) Syste m in projects building Geographic Reference System frameworks for data bases in the Kansas City and St. Louis metro areas." Robert's hom e address is Route 5, Box 642, Rolla , MO 65401. He is a project surveyor with the Department of Natural Resource s in Roll a.

Class of 1979First Row: Mary Towery,three Towery children, James Towery, Michael O'Daniell. Susan West, Mike West, and two West children, Amanda and Mike Jr., James Humphrey. Second Row: Carol Wolf, Laura Wolf (child), Steve Sallwasser, Fran Erickson, Kent Henson, Dayna Justus, Sherri Lewis, Diana Tickner, Valarie Bagnell, Kay Sooter, Jana Zigrye. Third Row: Larry Wolf and son, Donna Sallwasser, Kelvin Erickson, Darrell Milburn, Lloyd Lewis, Charles Bagnell. Mark Ziobro, Steve Zigrye.

1972 Jack R. Beebe writes: "I am the tTaining coordinator for the Illinois Comm erce Commission in Springfield, Ill. I train staff in the usc of microcomputers and software installed. I live in Petersburg, TIL with my wife, Sheila, and our daughter, Sophie, 5." the Beebes hom e address is 307 W. Jackson, Petersburg, IL 62675. Robert T. Berry has been elected secretary of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers. He was installed during the society's 52nd Annual Meeting at the Breckenridge on the Lake resort in Osage Beach Mo. in June. Bob is vice preside nt for environmental-civil division of Burns and McDonnell EngineeringCo., Inc. in St. Louis. Heis alsoa director of the MSM-UMRalumni association. Bob and June make their home at 12716 E. 63rd St., Kansas City, MO 64133. William M. Black writes : "Jane and 1 arc pleased to announce the birth of our fIrst child, David Jose ph Black. He was born on July 3,1989. He weighed in at 6 Ibs. 10112 ozs. and was 21 inches long. So, the class of 2011 has another potential candidate." Bill i s a senior actuary with Noble Lowndes in Chicago. The fa mily's home address is 4302 Chesapeake Drive, Apt. 3C, Aurora, IL 60504.

Class of 1974 Ffrst Row: Floyd Harris, Grette Herrick,

Roger Phillips, Kensey RusselL Second Row: Robert Engberg, Tom Herrick,Ginger Phillips, Mary Russell.

Carey B. Bottom, '72, '75, '79, has been appointed director-physical and analytical chemistry/research and developm ent at the Schering-Plough Research facility in Miami, Fla. Carey will be respon sible for all analytical and physical chemi stry r esearch activities rela ted to the development of transdermal delivery systems and solid dosage forms for pharmaceuticals. The Bottoms, Carey and Christine, reside at 2017 Sacramento, Ft. Lauderdale, FL33326. Robert M. Doerr tells the alumni office that h e and hi s wife, Vivian, were r ecen tly visited by Prakash U. Bakhru , also'72 , his wife, son, and daughter. Prakash is still with Dow Chemical and was enroute back to the Houston area. On a trip to Bankok, Thailand, Prakash h a d tried, unsuccessfully, to contact Domri Sukhotanong, '72, '74. Salil Banerjee, '72, '74, Prakash's roommate while a ttending UMR, was tra ns- . ferred to Norway by Exxon some seve n years ago but Prakash h as si nce lost track of him. The association doesn't have good addresses for these two alumni, either. The Bakhru's new address is 104 Strawberry Drive, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Bob and Vivian Doerr live at39 McFarland Drive, Rolla, MO 65401. Bob is r etired from the Bureau of Mines in Rolla. George 1.. Harris writes: "Recent events have provided Ann and me with a new opportunity with Black a nd Veach International. 1 am currently assigned toa waste-

Class of 1984 First Row: Robert Moore,Teri Oster, Sandra Bladow, Craig Bladow, Edward Bradley, Steve Gerberding.

December 1989

31 water project in Cairo, Egypt. We should be here for the next year or two. The address here is BVlIJMM , 96 Ammar Ibn Vasser Street, Nozh a, Heliopolis, Cario, Egypt. Sarah a nd Aaron are anxious to start school at the Cario American College." Juan G . Ochoa's mailing address is Smurfit-C arton De Colombia , Apartado Aereo 1179, Medellin, Colombia. Juan is the general manager of the Medellin Plant. Juan writes th at his nephew, Mario Campuzano, will enroll in aerospace engineering at UMR this fall. James D. Snarren berg writes: "We are the proud parents of twins, Chelsea Lynn and Victor James born June 17, 1989." James, Cindy and fam ily live at 11825 N . 55th St., Scottsdal e, AZ 85254. James is a n emergen cy room physicia n in Scottsdal e. Edmund C. Wiggins has been named section head in the ECI data hardware engineering departme ntofE-Sy stems Inc. in St. Petersbur g, Fla. H e was with Alvey Inc. in St. Louis and Barry-We hmiller Electronic s in Clearwat er Fla. before joining ECI in 1985. Edmund's home address is 7511 121st Terrace, North, Largo, FL 34643.

1973 Steven L_ Garrison write s: "I am being transferre d to the Baltimore area to assume responsib ility for another of Kidde's divisions. Dottie and I will be moving to the shores of Chesapea ke Bay in late October." Steve is a senior vice president with Kidde Consulta nts Inc. in Jessup, Maryland 20794. Kindall W. Moore wri tes : "I was recently r eassigned to HQ MACIDOVA as chiefC141 pilot. Glad to r eturn to the area so we can again enjoy party week ends at UMR." Kindall and Cindy live at 228 Mimosa Drive , Belleville , IL 62221. David R. Robb and Su san Chapman were

married in an evening serviceat the Un.ited

Methodis t Chur ch in Chenoa, TIl . on June 10, 1989. David is employed by GTE North in Blooming ton, Ill. He and Susan live at 2003 Single Tree Lane, Bloomi ngton, IL 61701 . Maximil ian Toch writes: "P.E. in Virginia and Loui siana but currently managing Army research program s for the Chief of Staff, Army. John Kincaid, '61, is an old colleague of mine - please give him my regards." Max and Terry Ann , also, '73, live at 6924 Highland St., Springfiel d, VA 22150.

1974 Gale E. "Gene" Addison spoke to the Saciety of Women Engin eers on the UMR ' campus in August. Michael E . Ferretti, '67, spoke to the same group. Both are members of the MSM-UMR Alumni As~ ciation Speakers Bureau, a group of alumni who have volunteer ed to r eturn to the campus to speak to groups and classes. Gene is a senior R&D chemist wi th Petralite Corp. in Webster Groves, Mo. He and Karen live at614 Running Creek, Ballwin, MO 63021. Mike is engineeri ng section manager for McDonne ll Douglas A;rcraft in St. Louis. H~ and Georgia live at 2492 Country Place Drive, Maryla nd Heights, M063043 . Nicholas C. Duane writes : "After 15 years I still find myself employed in the Internatio nal Petroleum Industry asa reservoir engineer, thanks to the basic and sound engineeri ng concept taught to me as a civil engineeri ng student at UMR. Keep up the good work." Nich olas and Diane live at 1606 Rollinghill Circle, Garland, TX 75043. Stephen R. Fraley writes : "I am working in the rur Force Center for Studies and Analyses at the Pentagon. Expecting twins in December ." Stephen is a major in the

Air Force. He and hi s wife, Ch arlene, li ve at 3720 12th St. South , Arlington , VA 22204.

1092 Red Mill Blvd., Virginia Beach , VA 23454.

Louis G. Loos II, 77, '82, writes: "I am a civil engineeri ng consultan t with Built Environm ent Technolog ies of McDonne ll Douglas." L.G.'s mailing address is P.O. Box 9968, Kirkwood , MO 63122.

Jerry W. Heavin h as bee n elected president a nd chief opera ting officer of t he Red River Valley and Western Railroa d Co., Wahpeton ,N .D. J erry h as compl etedgraduate studies at the Massachu setts Institute of Technolog y prior to his new assignm ent. He and Marla live at 2528 Lakeview Drive , Fergus Falls, MN 56537. The Red River Valley Western is a 667-mile regional r a ilroad servin g central and southeast ern North Dakota . James S. Jones writes: "I'm still teaching at Graceland College. I took a year ofleave to attend the Universit y of Iowa and sin ce then have been chi pping away at the com puter science Ph.D. program . H ard to do from Timbuktu . Pat's now full-time with her practice in town (Lamoni). Mark's in the second grade and Becky's in presch ool this year." The Jones family lives at 632 S. State, Lamoni, 1A 50140. Michael F. Keeling writes : "I am currently back at UMR working towards a master's degree in engineeri ngmanag ement after being selected by the Departme nt of the Army for a long-term training appoi ntment." Michael's address is Route 2, Box 574, Newburg, MO 65550. Ronald E. Sherard Jr. writes: "I was m arried July 22, 1989, to Judy." Ronald is an area engineer with the Kan sas Departme nt of Tran sportation . He and Judy live a t 300 S. Jefferson , Plainville , KS 67663 . (1974) John M. Szabo writes: "I received my M.S. degree from the Universit y of TIlinois at Chicago. Enjoy life with wife, Carol, and daughters , Adren ne, 10,.a nd Erin, 4." John is a project manager for Kuderna Associate s in Chicago. He and Carol make their h ome at 1311 S . 12th St., S1. Charles, IL 60174. Maurice E. VandenB ergh writes: "Elaine and the children (Jackie and Katie, 12, and Gene, 8) a re all happy. We arc all experienc ing growth and change and loving every minute of it. We hope the same for all the students, alumni , an d friends." Maurice is

plant manager for Miller Thermal Inc. (Alloys Internatio nal Division) in Baytown. Texas. Home address for the Vander Ber ghs' is 3120 Decker Drive, Apt. 1802, Baytown, TX 77520.

1975 TonyS.B abnikwr ites: "I became ach emical pilot plant group leader at Abbott Labs in June. I have worked a t Abbott since July 1986. I am now working with the manufacture of surfactan t TA u sed for RDS (Respiratory Distress Syndrome ) in prematur e babies. I will be promoted to m ajor in Se ptember in the U.S. Army Reserve. 1 am a youth church leader and plan to be a camp coun selor in August." Tony's hom e address is 212 Burton Ave. , Waukega n , IL 60085. Thomas S. Boon writes : "1 r eturned to the U.S. after ten years in Saudi Arabia - r ever se culture shock is surpri sing." Thom as is a senior project manager for the Ral ph M. Parsons Co. in Pasadena , Calif. He and Cynthia live at 15 Woodru sh, Irvine, CA 92714. Steven K. Holcomb write s: "As of June I, I was tra nsferred and became the di vision superinte ndent for KPUGas Service in the Missouri Kansas Division." Steven and Sue (Walker) , al so '75, (who attended UMR from 1971 until 1973) live at 14008 Tomahawk Drive, Olath e, KS 66062. Pamela (Thebeau ) Leitterm an writes: "I earned my ten-year award with the Hewlett-Packa rd Co. I am still an R&D section manager with HP's Personal Compute r Group in Sunnyval e, Calif. We, myself, Dennis, '76, '77, Eric, 4, and Craig, l,live at 1637 Waxwing Ave., Sunnyval e, CA 94087. James II. Martin, alieutena ntcomma nder in the U .S. Navy, has recently returned to Norfolk, Va after deployme nt to the Mediterranean where he Served aboard the USS Guadalca nal. During his six months on the USS Guadalca nal, the ship visited Rota and Palma De Mallorca, Spain; Toulon, Fran ce; Haifa, Israel ; Izmir, Turkey; and Naples and Nettuno, Italy. James and Tina live at

1989." He and Twyla Lee r eside at 1116 E. Olive, Rich Hill, MO 64779.

Marc L Masnor writes : "Don na and I are still workingin Tulsa and we're doing well. I've run in to a few of th e guys from Kelly Ha ll-House D but would like to hear from more." Marc is with the U.S. Army Corps of Engi neer s in Tul sa. He an d Donn,a live at 4913 N. Walnut Drive, Sapula , OK 74066, telephone (9 18) 2247901.

Thoma s P. Reel h as been named resident engineer for the Anheuser -Bush Houston brewery. Thomas has six years experienc e in three of the company's 12 breweries . Prior to this promotion , he was assistant resident engineer at the Anheu ser-Bu sch brewery in Jacksonvi lle, Fla . His address is 17306 Nevelson Circle, Spring, TX 77379.

1976 Jon P . Frederic kson wri tes: "I am working out of my home as an independ ent SfW consultant. I specialize in developin g Macintosh a pplication programs . It's great to not 9-5 it anymore!" Jon's home and business address is Rou te 5, Box 291 , Vashon, WA 98070. Dennis W. Leitterm an, '76, '77, writes: "I continu e to m anage a team of network consultants in Hewlett-P ackard's Network Project Center in Cuperino , Calif. Th e team is primarily involved in the planning and design of large computer networks for HP customers. I am the secretary of the Profession al Engineer s in Industry (PEl) division of the National Society of Professio nal Engineers (NSPE}. I also chair the WESCON Technical Paper Sessions Committe e . Pam, '75, and I, together wi,th Eric, 4, and Craig, I , live at 1637 Waxwing Ave., Sunnyval e, CA 94087." William G. Meister is president of Pike Coal Company in Pikeville, Ky. Bill and his wife, Deborah , '77,live at218 Walters Road, Pikeville, KY 41501 . Debor ah works in the development office a t Pikeville College. Paul W. Sapp, '76, '78 , wri tes: "On Sept. 30, 1989, I married Mary Alice Smitll. We now live at 15748 NE 70th Court, Redmond , WA 98052." Paul is engineeri ng lab manager for Microcomputer Electronics Corp. in Kirkland, Wash. Thomas L Wallace has been transferre d by the CH2M1Hill Co. from Atlanta to their Denver , Colo. office. He has been with the company for four years since retiring from the Army in 1985. He reports "1 am enthu siastic about the article on wastewat er treatm ent pl ant design that a ppeared in the August Alumnus, and h ave passed it around the company suggestin g they incorpora te it into future u se." His address is currently CH2M1 Hill , P.O. Box 22508, Denver, CO 80222. Tom's family plans to join him in Denver as soon as possible.

1977 Jimmie D. Clifford writes: "I am now a project engineer for J.l. Case, designing hydraulic systems for mobil e equi pment." He and his wife, Mary, live at 1640 Furman Drive, Napervill e, IL 60565. Michael J. Filla, '77, '81 , writes: "I wa s recently promoted to engineeri ng superviso r of the transmiss ion services departme nt of Mississip pi River Transpor tation Corp. We are the proud parents of a baby girl , Lauren Michelle Filla , born Jan 27, 1989. Her older brother s, Joseph and Christoph er, are now 5 and 4." Mike, Laurie, and the family make their hom e at 119 Westridge Park Lane, Ballwin, MO 63021. Michael W. Jones writes: "We celebrated our third marriage anniversa ry April 5,

Deborah A- Meister writes: "Bill, '76, '78, is still with Shell Oil, now in Central Appalach ia as president of Pike County Coal. I have accepted the position of dir ector of grant preparati on at Pikeville College. We'd love to hear from UMR friends; if you're not planning a vacation to Appalach ia this year, at least write to us." The Meisters' address is 218 Walters Road, Pikeville, KY 41501. Chester E. Nichols writes: "I am consulting in gold and platinum exploratio n in Nevada and California and am editor and publisher of'Explor e' for the Association of Explorati on Geochemi sts. I returned from my .a nnual trip to Mecca wh ere I clim bed the 4,OOO-foot peaks of New Hampshir e and lectured on the grand verities of the geology of the White Mountain s for the Appa lachi an Mountain Club." Chet's address is 1192 La Via Way, Sparks, NV 89434.

1978 James L Cawvey writes: "Our family expanded on April 27, 1989, with the arrival of twins. Zachary and Amy were born seven weeks early but are now doing great. They're flnally sleeping through the night, but there were times over the past few months wher e it felt as ifI were back in Rolla pulling'al l nighters'. Daugh. teT, Jessica, 4, enjoys being a big sister." Von, Jan and family live at 12800 Sum mer Drive, Anchorag e, AK99516 . Von is a senior area engineer with ARCO Alaska Inc. David M. Davis, 78, 78, has been promoted to t h e position of deputy director of engineeri ng and housing (DEH) at Ft,. Leavenwo rth Kan. Hereport sthat"DE H is a 300-person organizat ion compri sing of engineers , architects , pliillning, budgeti ng and main tenance personnel who support the public works function at this major army installatio n." Dave, Melissa, an d their three sons, Scott, 11, Mark, 3 an d Steven, l,live at 1026 Holman, Leavenworth, KS 66048. Thomas R. G~edell, 78, '80 , writes: "Missouri Departme nt of Natural Resources has vacancies in environm ental engineeri ng, particular ly in the waste managem ent fields (solid waste, hazardous waste a nd su perfund clean-up). Civil engineer graduates make good candidates. If interested , contact DNR Personnel a t (314) 751-2518." The mailing address for Thom as and Carla is Route 2, Box 2209, Holts Summit, MO 65043. He is with the Missouri Departme ntofNatu ral Resources in J effer son Ci ty. John Luc Lesire died May 18, 1989, as the result of a brain tumor, according to his wife, Diana Lesire, Route I , Box 281, Villa Ridge, MO 63089 . John r eceived his B.s. degree in civil engineeri ng and an M.S. degree in engineeri ngmechan ics from UMR in 1984. He was a se nior engineer , tech nology , for McDonne ll Douglas rurcraft in St. Louis. Randell J. Lubbert writes: 'Tve moved back to illinois and I'm working for the Coal Research Center at Southern Illinois Uni versity-C arbondale as a dragline training instructor ." Randy's address is Route 5, Box 310-lB, Murphysb oro, IL 62766. David L Onstott has been promoted to manufact uring engineeri ng superviso r at the Square D Plantin Monroe, N.C . David joined the company in 1977 in Columbia , Mo. He has served as an industria l engineer, cost engineer and, most recently, as

MSM Alumnus

32 the manufacturing engineer and superviacr of a product team that manufactures circuit breaker boxes at the rompany's facility in St. J oseph. David and Winona live at 331 Rose Arbor Ume, Matthews, NC 28105. Michael J., '78, '80, and Carol (Potzmann) , '80, Smith announce th e birth of their third child, Keri Rachel Smith. She was born June 2,1989. Kyle is now 4 and 1/2 and Craig is 2 and 3/4. Both Mike and Carol work for Caterpill er Inc. The Smith s mak e their home at 2704 W. Mea dow Lark Lane, Dunlap, IL 61525. David G. Winter writes: ''Linda and I are expecting our first child in January. I am beginning m y 10th year at Hart-Crowsernow in charge of all geotechnical work for commercial developments." Da vid is an associate with Hart-Crowser in Seattle. He and Linda make th eir hom e at 7565 45th Ave. SW., Seattlg; WA 98136.

1979 Bradley A_ Aman writes: "Our third child, Sallie Marie, was born on June 8, 1989. Guy is 6 112 and Michael is 2 112. Sue Ann is a CPA and teaching accounting at SIU-Carbondale. I became production manager for Farrar Oil Co. in July 1989, r esponsible for all drilling, production, and engineering." The Amans' address is 409 Wren Drive, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864. Salvatore J. Calise, '79, '81, writes : "Maria and 1 have an addition to the family . Dre w was born in March of this year and our four-year-old daughter, Meghan , is bu sy learning to ride her bicycle without training wheels." The Calise fa mily lives at 6506 Kestrel Circle,Ft. Myers, FL33912 . J ohn i s the br anch office manager for Camp-Dresser and McKee in Ft. Myers. Mark A. Jones writes: "I am continuing to perform failur e analyses of electronic components, particularly solid state devices (diodes through VLS1 microcircuits) and capacitor s . My present contributions to the laboratory include improving the optical microscopy equipment and establishing plasma etching capabilities. 1 r eceived an award for outstanding performance in 1988." Mark is a physicistfor the U.S . Navy in Indianapolis, indo He lives at 9455 Timberview, Indiana polis, IN 46250. Susan N ikola;sen's death, in 1984, has been r eported to the alumni office by her brother, E rnest Nikolaisen Jr., also '79, Route 2, Box 97B, Cuba , MO 65453. Susan r eceived her B.A. degree in history. She lived in Cuba, Mo. Stanley C. Sikes writes : "1 was married on July 29, 1989. My wife, Neus, two stepsons, Dustin, 6, and Mike, 4, and I reside at 5 Clarke Ave., Pocomoke City, MD 21851. H opefully, the Aegis Combat Systems Ce nter tha t's being cons tructed under the contract I was sent h e re to administer will be comple ted around the end of the yea r , and the Navy will send me to Spain (my wife's a citizen) or Ital y for a public works j ob," Stanley is the assistant resident officer in charge for the U.S. Navy at Wallops Island, Va.


Dianna K Tickne r writes: "l was promoted to director contract administration, in January. I am still working towards an M.B. A. a t the University of Montana." Dianna is with Western Ener gy Co. in Billings, Mont. She and h er husband, . Stephan , li ve at 1540 W. 9th StTeet, Laurel , MT 59044. Katherine "Katie" (Kunkel) Wesselschmidt, '79, '81, lives with her h usband, Keith, '8 0, and their two boys, a t 11275 C laywood Drive, St. Loui s, MO 63126. Kei lh r eports th at Katie can be found appearing on KMOX Radio in St. Leuis.

1980 William W. Glauz writes: "I was just recently promoted lothe position of engineer io charge of water quality and hazardous materials for the power system of the Les Angeles Department for Water and Power. Gayle and I are still li ving in south Pasadena

Inchul Kang writes: "Developed world's fastest (20 Mbps) Viterbi Decoder ASIC (Appli cation Specific Integrated Circuit). Paper will be presented at Milcom 89 at Boston ." Inchul is a senio; engineering specialist for Stanford Telecomm Inc. in Santa Clara, Calif. and lives at 239 Jo Drive, Los Gatos, CA 95032, with hi s wife, Sunae. MingKLau writes: "My wife and Iare now living in California. I am working on my Ph.D. at Stanford University. Our address is Hulm e 5H, Escondido Village, Stanford, CA94305." Miogis a member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories, AJbuquerque, N.M . M e rrily A. McGowan-Shaw writes: "l h ave been accepted into the U.S. Army's loog-term civilian training program and am currently enrolled in George Washington Uni versity's master of science program in biostati stics, fully funded by the Army medical d epartmen t." Merrily and Charles live at 1121 Tucker Lane, Ashton, MD 20861. Wesley J. Ranard writes; ~I h ave been promoted from supervi sor of pr ocess engi neering, quality control, at J efferson City, Mo. to manager, pr ocess engineering. We are moving ba ck to N e wton , Iowa. Susanne and I had a baby girl in April named Amanda." Wesley is with the May tag Company in Newton . The Ranards live at 538 West 9th Street, North, N e wton , IA 50208. David W. Schmitt writes: "Kathy (Hermann), '83, '89, and I a r e now in southwest Florida soaking up the sun and warmth. I am a pr ojectmanagerwi th a consulting firm - Hole, Montes and Associates and Kathy is a commercial sales engineer with Florida Power and light (FP&L). We have an eightmonth-old named 'Popeye'. He is a Mexican red parrot (a r eal Florida pet)." David and Kathynowliveat8522 Tamara Court, Bonita Springs, FL 33923. Carol (Potzmann) and Michael J., '78, '80, Smi th announce the birth of their third child, Keri Rachel Smi th. She was born J une 2, 1989. Kyle is now 4 and 112 and Craig is 2 and 3/4. Both Mike and Carol work for Caterpillar Inc. The Smiths make their home at 2704 W. Meadow Lark Lane, Dunlap, IL 61525. Scott S. Vollm.ar writes: "My s pou se, Barba r a, teaches chemistry and physics at De Soto High School and 1 am interested in r equir ements for admission, scholarships, or training seminar s for myself and students available at UMR. Do you encourage knowledge of foreign language (2 yrs.)?" (Ed. note : Appropriate m a terial was sent to admissions for res ponse.) Scott is a n engineer for Guarantee E lectric Corp. in St. Louis. The Vollmars' address is Route 3, Box 251A, Festus, MO 63028.

Kevin D . Watson wri tes: "As you can tell from th e enclosed articles , I had an 'interesting' summer. I started back to work in August and continued my physical therapy through the first of September. Anyway! work is great, Susan, my wife, is great. Kevin sent a July 6, 1989, Dallas Mornin g News item de tailing an incident outside his h ouse. Five teenagers threw a sh avingcream-filled balloon in frontof a passing car. Men in the car yelled at and chased the teenagers. Kevin heard shouts and we nt outside. The teenagers sought h is h elp. Three men got out of the car and ganged up on Kevin who bit one man's h and to free h imself. As he ran toward h is house lo call the police, oneofth e men gota gun outofth e car and shot Kevin in th e left side. Ke vin is senior production e ngineer with ARCO. The Watson;; live at 9946 Gooding Drive, Dallas TX 75520. Keith D. Wesselschmidtwrite s : "Besides being h ome with our two boys, Katie, '79, '8 1, can be found appearing on KMOX Radio in St. Louis. I am busy working hard for Anh eu ser-Busch Co." Kei th and Katie make their home at 11275 CJaywood Drive, St. Loui s, MO 63126 . Tim A. Williams write s : "My wife , Cheryl, is still with Heitman Properties and I a m with Brinkmann Con s truction Co. Cheryl and I a r e expecting our first child in November. We both arc excited t o be parents." Tim is project manage r with KG. Brinkmann in St. Louis. Tim and Ch eryl live at 453 Sl. Thomas Isle Lane, Grover, MO 63040.

1981 Paul G. Baldetti writes: "Dana and I are proud to announce the birth of our daughter, Brynn Marie, on June 26, 1989." The Baldetlis live at 1700 Beechwood Drive, Troy, OH 45373. P aul is the presi dent of Prosse rlEnpo Indu stri es Inc. in Piqu a, Ohio. Robert W. Cayse wri tes: "My wife, Julie, and our three boys, Brian, 5, Andy, 4, lind Joseph, 2, a re fine. Have been traveling a lot supporting a ero-optics tests of gas cooled mi ssle seeke r windows. Hun stville is great! Come on down!" Robertis principal aeromechanics engineer for SY Technol ogy Ioc. The family is in the process of moving from T e nnessee to H untsvill e, AJa. Bruce J. Colborne writes: "We are living in Sugar Land, Texas with two-year-old d a ugh ter, Janelle Ma rie. We h ave plans to build a new home in Missouri City, T exas. We will be the general contractor for the project. Scheduled to br eak ground in early '90." Bruce is a sales engineer with Trane Co. in Houston . He and Janet live at 13775 Greywood, Sugar Land, TX 77478. Gerald L. Frederick writes: "Bette and 1 announce the birth of a daughte r , Jessica Fi ss, on May 3, 1989. I am a telecom analyist with Apple Computer. Bette is a civil engineer for the City of Charlotte." J erry and Bette ma ke their h ome at 6211 Park Road, Charlotte, NC 28210. Bruce M. McCoy writes: "I still ru n Boeing Military Airplanes' Fiber Optics Developmental Lab. The la b quadrupled in size two year s ago (1700 Sq. Ft.). We are worlcing in many 'cutting edge' areas of fiber optics. I am also d e veloping a new small business with my partner (in Branson, Mo. ). The company is called Fiber Opti cs and Engineering T echnology Services (FO&ETS)." Bruce's address is 1712 Ca therine, Wichita, KS 67213. Paul A. M e tcalf h as r eceived h is master's degree in engineering managem ent science from Wichita State Univer sity in May. Paul is an operational analyst for Boeing i n Wich ita. His home address is 8212 Grail, Wichita, KS 67287 . Ronald G. Pric hard is the new director of the construc tion and engineerin g services

group at CIGNA Loss Control Services in Philadelphia. Hi s home address is 223 S. Horace St., Woodbury, NJ 08096. This information was supplied by Willi am D. Nel¡ son, '57, who is with the same company. Henry L. Riley writes: "l am now attending the University of Notre Dame Law School. I will investigate patent la w while here. It 's a good feeling to be the only engineer in my class - I have a B.S . in M.E." Henry's address is3414Scarlet Maple Court, Sou th Bend, IN 46628. Daniel M. Shiels writes: "I am worlcing for a r eal estate developer who is d evelopin g Governors Club, aJ ack Nicklaus golf cour se! residential community." Daniel is with the Lee- Moore Oil Co. in Sanford, NC and lives at 103 1 Wirewood Dri ve , #301, Raleigh, NC 27605.

1982 Michael R. Avery writes: "In June, I tran sferred within Pfizer from the oil fi eld pr oducts group lo Pfizer pigm e nts in East Sl. Lou is . I am now a process engineer (or at least becom i ng one!). I bought a house in south St. Louis ci ty and am h avi ng a great time seeing old fri e nds." Mike's a ddress is 4952 Loughborough Ave., St. Louis, MO 63109. Thomas W. Blackburn, '82, '84, writes: "l r ecently bought a h ou se in t he mountains and it's only 30 minutes from work . I'm getti ng married Nov. 25th to Grace, a lovely young lady I m e t in Texas. Wha t a banner yea r !" Tom is se nior project professional for Ander son Geotechnical Consu l tants in Roseville , Calif. Hi s address is 425 Ci r by Way, Apt. 94, Hoseville, CA 95678. Dougl as K Dace writes: "I h ave been transferred back lo drill ing and I'm working over seas in Cabinda, AngoJa-28 days on and 28 days orr. Jody and I had our first baby on Dec. 4, 1988. Her name is Sarah Elisabeth. Since I'm working overseas, we moved back h ome to Missouri." Douglas is a drilli ng engineer with Chevron Over-

seas Petroleum Inc. Their home address is 404 Country Lane, Sullivan, MO 63080. Michael L. Dunnermann writes: 'You're not in Kansas any more', tha t's all we h ear since my re cen t promotion and transfer to Las Vegas ... the land of h ot sun and little rain. Interesting place to visit but...." Michael is a quality superintendent for Georgia Paci fic there. The new address for Michael and Terri is 2480 Oak Glen Way, Las Vegas, NV 89115. Kirk C. Foeller wri tes: "l am compa ny com ma nder for a 191-man combatsupport ¡equipment engineer company and command three water well drilling detachments which d eploy world wide." Kirk and Su san live at 157 Si sler , Fort Bragg, NC 2830 7. H e is commander for 362nd Engineer Co. (CSR) at Ft. Bragg. Bruce It; Fortune writes: "l h a ve been with Martin Marietta for almost si x years now. My wife, J ennifer , and I sha re 'our ne w home with ou r daughter, Mandy, 3 11 2, and our son , Adam, who will be a year old in October." Bruce is a process engi neer with Martin Marietta in Oak Ridge, Tenn. The Fortune family r esides at 1218 Carollwood Road, Knoxville, Tenn. 37932. Lori (Loose r ) Henson writes: "l had a grea t time seeing everyone at the Chi-O 10-year r eunion in April-wh ere all got to see me in my 'maternal' phase. I gave birth to Eric Michael on June 30, and h e's wonderful. Bryan is 2 and 112 now. I'm still worlci ng as an estimator, but on a part-time basis . Joe and I still live a t 6532 Marmadu ke, St. Louis, MO 63139." Raymond J. Kopsky Jr., '82 , '85, writes : "I r eceived the Young Engineer Award for Professional Achievement from the St. Louis Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers. I r eceived the award on September 15, 1989. I presented a paper on 'P eople and Practicality in Wate r Managem ent' in July 1989 a t the LIFE symposium in Newark, Delawar e. The symposium was sponsored by two divisions of the Am erican Society of Civil E nginee r s. 'LIFE' is an acronym for legal , institu tional, financial and environmental aspects o f w ater resources manage ment ...

Raymond is a hydraulic engineer-potamology with th e u.s. Army Corps of Engi neers in St. Louis and lives at 5027 Kain Drive Shrewsbury, MO 63119 . James D. Lawson writes: "l am employed as a senior engineer at the supe rsonic r esearch track s (SNORT Facility) at the Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, Calif." James' address is 941E California Ave ., Ridgecrest, CA 93555. Ted A. Martin has r eceived h is professional engineer (P.E. ) license in special ceremonies held r ecently in the capitol r otunda in J effer son City, Mo. He is presently employed by George E. Butler and Associates of Lenexa, Kans . Ted and Debor a live at 9805 118th St. , Overland Park, Kan s. 66210. Willi am J. Schnell wri tes: "It's beeen a busy summer l I'm still the r esiden t engineer for the Missouri Highway and Tran sportation De partment in west county, St. Louis. Major pr ojects a t 1-270 a nd Route 40, new Route 141, and the r econstruction of Route 40 are k eeping me ou t of troubl e! My wife, Jaye, and I enjoyed 'getting away from it all' in Hawaii for a couple of week s in June." Bi ll and Jaye make their home at 1508 Bayonne Drive, St. Louis, MO 63138. Jeffe ry Lynn Smith writes: "My wife, Lori , '84, and I are proud pare nts of our first child , Bryan, born June 3.1988. He is 1 plus now and goin g full s peed ahead. We are doin g fine h ere in Ft. Worth and like Texas very much ,especiallythe mild, short winter s! !" J erris a a process engineer with the Manville Corp. Th e Smiths live at 7009 Welch Court, Ft. Worth, TX 76133. Hilde (H=el) Swoboda writes: ~My hu sba nd, Vince nt E. Swoboda, '84, and I became parents of a baby girl, Lisa Ann, born on Aug. 9, 1989. I am a manager in product assu rance for Sherwood Medical Co. Vince is an e nginee r working for Re liable Chemical Co." The Swobodas live at 2452 Country Wood Drive, Maryl a nd Heights, MO 63843 . James Traylor wri tes: "l am a project engineer , have been for a few years, wi thin the Electronic Warfare Branch. Wargames require a lot of paperwork, ECN, ETa, etc.

December 1989


I just returned from a week at Virginia Beach four weeks age, Anaheim, Calif. last week and will be at Orlando in two weeks. I'm also a real estate broker with Century 21. Between Virginia Beach and Anaheim, I sold two houses. I hope to sell two more before leaving for Orlando. Epcot, here I come again." James added the following P.S. "Fellow alumni and anyone else, if you are reading this now and you know me, please write! James Traylor, P.O. Box 19886, Indianapolis, Ind., 462190886."

1983 CathyJane (Raidt) Baker writes: "William, '84, and I, and our 'daughter, Erica, have just moved. Our new address is Route 4, Box 34A, St. Joseph, Missouri 64507." Alice B . Beechner writes: "I moved lo Chicago in May to become quality assurance manager of ChelTY Electrical Products, Fabrication Division. I am having a great time in t h e 'big city'!" Alice lives at 5629 N . Austin Ave., Chicago, IL 60646. Mark All an Cook writes : "I took a new job with the Sverdrup Corp. I have moved to Washi ngton, D.C. to train for a th reeyear overseas assignment. I will be working on a new U .S. embassy in Pretoria, Sou th Africa. Kris and I are very excited! We leave in late October and will be back once a year for R&R. 111 send an address to my friends!" The present address for Mark and Kris is 4326 S . Golden Ave., Springfield, MO 65807. Clifton E . "Terry" Dodson writes: "I am currentl y project manager for pum p station SCADA upgrade for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. I'm spending lots of time in Alaska. I married Ann Scherman on June 3,1989. I received my P.E. in '88." Terry is with Control System International in Overland Park, KS. He and Ann live at 14609 Locust, Olathe, KS 66062.

Louis in th e next few months. I will be opening a n office for Albert H. HaIrr Associates, the civil consulting flrm with wh ich I am presently employed." Unti l the move, Curtis and Lisa make their home at 255 S. Ga rden Ave., Roselle, IL 60172.

1984 William James and Cathy (Raidt, '83) Baker now live at Route 4, Box 34A, Sl. Joseph , MO 64507. William is an associate engineer with A1tec Industries in St. Joseph. Douglas R. Boone wri tes: "I am annou ncingth e birth of my two sons, Trevor Douglas Boone, age 4, and Kazton Michael Boone, age 2." Douglas is an engineer with Molorola in Phoenix. He and Chel;e and sons maketheirhome at 1203 W. Marlboro D,;ve, Chandler, AZ 85224. Paula (Kovarik) and Michael D. '83, '84, Herries write: "We are still living in and enjoying th e city of New Orleans. Mike recently received a promotion to senior engineer in t h e environmental de partment of Waldemar S . Nelson & Co. Inc., an engineering consu lting fIrm in New Orleans with whom he has been working for the past fou r years . He also h as recently received his Registered Professional Geologist license from the state of Arkansas. Paula is still working for Exxon as a senior project engineer in the produ ction department. She also attends Tulane U niver sity on a parttime basis, working for an MBA .. .. may be in school forever. We're both looking forward to Mardi Gras in 1990 ... Laissez Le Bon Temps Rouler .. ." The Herries live at 2630 Calhoun St., N.ew Orleans, LA 70118. Steven and Debbie, 'also '84, Kimes wri te : "Steve is still traveling with work, spending a lot of lime in Houston and Miami . Deb bie was recently promoted to mechanical engi neer in R&D at Abott Laboratories . Our home address is 5319 Acta,rest Court, Grapevine, TX 76051." Steve is project manager for Stearns Airport Equipment in Ft. Worth.

Michael, '83, '84, and Paula (Kovarik, '84) Herries write: "We are still living in

Mark A. Logomasini writes: "After work-

and enjoying the city of New Orleans.

ing several years in bio-pharm industry in

Mike recently received a promotion to

Southern California, I am getting ready to start a company providing equipment to

senior engineer in the environmental de -

partment at Waldemar S. Nelson & Co. Inc., an engineering consulting fIrm in New Orleans, with whom he has been working for the past four years. Also, he has recently received his Registered Profession al Geologist license from the State of Ark ansas. Pau la is still working for Exxon as a senior project engineer in the production de partment. She also attends Tulane University on a part-time basis, working towards an MBA. We're both look i ng forward to Mardi Gras in 1990 ... Laissez Le Bon Temps Rouler ... ." The Herries' address is 2630 Calhoun St., New O rleans, LA 70118. 1983 Kimberly Hofstetterrecei ved a master's degree in engineeringmanagementin May, 1989. Her earlier B.S. degree was in petroleum en gineeri ng. Kim is now an engineer with AT&T in Kansas City, Mo. She was previously al umniladmissions coordinator at UMR. Kim 's new address is 3525 NE -rndependence , Lee's Summit, MO 64064. Randy R. Rapp wri tes: "The second year at Fort Knox is going well. Being back with a troop unit is a great pleasure - too bad it won't last longer." Randy is a major and battalion executive officer in th e U.S. Corps of Engineers at Fort Knox. He and Kathy live at 980 Hillcrest Drive, Radcliff, KY 40160. Kathy (Hermann) Schmitt, "83, '89, writes: "Da.vid, '80, and I are now in southwest Florida. David is project manager with a consulting fIrm , Hole, Montes and Associates, and I am a commercial sale engineer with Florida Power and Light (FP&L). We have and eight-month-old named 'Popeye'. He is a Mexican red parrot (a real Florida pet)." The Schmitts' re side at 8522 Tamara Court, Bonita Springs , FL 33923. Mark E . Tettambel writes : "I am a sales engineer for Watlow Electric covering the Kansas City and Denver region. Jane and Ilive at 10426 W. 125th Terrace, Overland Park, KS 66213." Curtis A. Westrich writes: "Lisa and I are happy to be moving back home to St.

this indUSt.TY. Old fri ends give me a call at

714-722-8116." Mark is a technical sales representative for Sartorus Corp . in Haywood, Calif. His mailing address is P.O. Box 15071, Newport Beach , CA 92659. Gregory A. Mcintosh received his Master of &ience degree in engineering managementfrom Wichita State Universityin May. Gregory is an avionics engineer with Boeing in Wichita. He and his wife, Joyce, live at 269 Village Lake Drive, Derby, KS 67837. Thomas Ed Orscheln "Tites: "I have recently relocated to t he Houston, Texa~ area where I took a position with SterlingChemicals as a maintenance engineer for their acetic acid plant. My wife, Cindy, and I are expecting our first child in October." Tom and Cindy make their home at2020Spinnaker Drive, League City, TX 77573. Brent J. Peterein writes: "[ have been mamed for two years and recently bought a home in St. Louis. I would appr eciate hearing from any old schoolmate s. Drop me a line at 1115 Reale, St. Louis, MO 631383976." Brent is employed by Olin Corp. in EastAlton , IL. He and Elizabeth live at the above address . Bryan J . Ripp writes: "1 became a licensed professional engineer in Missouri and Illinois. I was promoted to senior e ngineer for Geotechnology Inc. and a m presently offIce manager for the St. Louis m etro east office." Bryan lives at 1606 High School Drive , St. Louis, MO 63144. Ronald E. Robbins, '84, '86, writes: "I am to be married Nov. 25, 1989, in Bella Vista, Ark. to Teri Sale of Ft. Smith. Undoubtedly a 'best ever' phenomenon!" Ron is with the Hanna Oil and Gas of Ft. Smith a nd lives at 2219 South 7" Ft. Smith, AR 72901. Ralph R. Roesler writes: "Ruth a nd I announce the birth of our third child, Jacqueline Theresa, May 17,1989. All is going well and we both love Borger, Texas!" Ralph is a reservoir engineer for Phillips Petroleum in Borger. The Roeslers ' address is Box 3332, Stinnett, TX 79083.

Vincent E. and Hilde (Hummel, '82) Swoboda are the parents of a baby girl, Lisa Ann, born Aug. 9, 1989. Vince is an engineer for ReliableChemical Co. and Hilde is a manager in product assurance forSherwood Medical Co. in St. Louis. Vince and Hilde make their home at 2452 CountTY Wood Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63843. Rodney J. Vessell was married to Becky Ann Lackman at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Westphalia, Mo. on Saturday, June 10,1989. The groom isemployed at the OffIce of Administration State Printing Center in Jefferson City, Mo. Thecoupleresides at 3125 Southwood Circle, JefTerson City, MO 65101.

1985 Greg M. Bolon writes: "Sh errie and [have recently moved to Macon, Mo. as part of a promotion with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. [am now a district maintenance engineer. Our new address is 1409 Primrose Lane, Macon, MO 63552." . Chri stopher J. Carpenter writes: "Gina Marie Tonsi, also, '85, and I are offIcially husband and wife as of May 27, 1989. We live i n beautiful suburban South County near Ted Drewes. Fu ture plans are careers, twins, and St. Pat's '90. Hello to Brad, BDN, Z, JJ, KR.A. , Zart and all of the TKE's out of town. Our home phone is 843-6932." Chris and Gina live at 10436 Bimini , St. Louis, MO 63123. William M. Carty, '85, '87, and Sylvia Bryant, '86, write: "We were married in Rolla Aug. 27, 1988,andarecurrentlyworkingon our Ph.D.s at the University of Washington in Seattle." The couple's home address is 800 Densmore Ave. N., Seattle, WA 98103. Michael D. Finch writes: "I married Carolyn on Nov. 8 , 1986. We are expecting our fIrst child in the spring of 1990. I received engineering professional registration in Florida in August 1988 . . Looking forward to the future as a father and as an engineer." Michael is a surface water permitting supervisor with the Southwest florida Water Management District in Bartow, Fla. He and Carolyn live at 1132 Ridgegreen Loop, North, Lakeland, FL 33809. Wayne M. Hanley writes : "[ presented a paper this spring at the Missouri Conference on History (at Lake of the Ozarks). I will present a paper this fall at an international conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Elizabeth and I are expecting our fIrst child in February of 1990." Wayne is a graduate teaching assistant:instructor at Central Missouri State University at Warrensburg. The Hanleys' make their home at 300 W. Gay, Warrensburg, MO 64093. Steve James HerberhoIt wri tes : "Lynnette and [have been married for about six mon t h s now. She is currently in school for her com puter science degree. I ha ve been on theA-12 program for on e-and-a-h alfyears and I am now responsible for canopy severance for the crew escape system." Steve is with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. He and Lynn ette live at 10626 Carrollwood Way, St. Louis, MO 63128. William A Lashley writes: "I left Amoco earlier this year and went to work as a n operations engineer at Phillips 66 Co.'s Ryton facility in Borger, T exas . Ryton or PPS (polyphenylenesuillde) is a high-performance t h ermoplastic u sed in various markets but primarily in the circuit board industry and is also being used more in t h e autom obile industry. (Phillips currently is'involved in a joint venture with the automobile industry to produce cam shafts and other engine parts out of Ryton!) This is a very exciting job and I am using more of my engineering abilities." Bill and Kelly live at 818 Tranquill y Lane, Borger, TX 79007. Dan J. Lichtenwalner writes: "I am still at MIT, department ofmaterial science and engineering. lam hopingtogetmyPh .D. by the summer of 1990. My research involves the reactive sputtering process (for the deposition of thin fIlms). I a m trying to shed some light on some parts of t he process which aren't well understood." Dan's address is 305 Memorial Brive, RmH 308A, Cambridge, MA 02139. K"nt W. Lynn writes: "I was glad to read about the successful project t o remodel and m a ke use of the glassed-in office at th e entrance to the Civil Building. I've begun working on my master's in business ad-

ministration at Nebraska-Omaha. Work and school are keeping me busy. I traveled to both Europe and Canada this year - looking forward to Japan next year." Kent lives at 5812 Pacific St., Omaha, NE 68106. He is employed by IBM as an account systems e ngineer in Omaha. Randall D. Olmstead writes: "I was separated from the Air Force on Sept. 12, 1989. Went to work for McDonnell Douglas Electronic Systems Company in Huntington Beach, Calif.,on Sept. 13,1989." Randy and Shelia, also, '85, make their home at 6700 Warner Ave., Apt 10-A, HuntingtonBeach , CA 92642. Mark L. Overmann writes: "We bought our first home in April. On Halloween we are expecting our fIrst child." Mark is a manufacturing enginee~ with Ingersoll Milling Machine in Rockford, Ill. He and Debbie live at 5385 Gettysburg Drive, Loves Park, IL 61111. David E. Prater and his wife, Marleen (Matlock), '86, live at 105 S. Thompson, Jackson, MI 49203. David is a chemist w ith Aeroqu i p Corp. - Ge n . Corp. in Jackson. Marleen is a chemist with the City of Jackson. Kevin L. R iechers writes : "Amanda Riechers was born Dec. 4, 1988! I now work in the foreign plans unit of the illinois Department of Transportation." The Riechers family lives at 2712 York Road, Springfield, IL 62703. Jerome "Jerry" Sanderson writes: "Karen, also '85, and I were blessed with our fIrst child, a boy!, Zachary Gray, on July 8, 1989. I was recently promoted to lead analyst at Continental BakingfRalson Purnia. Karen is a programmer part time at McDonnell Douglas." The Sandersons live at 1297 Springhurst, Florissant, MO 63031. Michael Scott Sokolo.ski writes : "Margie and I are pleased to report the birth of our fIrst child, Michael Daniel , on Sept 4, 1989. (He is doing flne, but is still undecided on his major!) I am now working at Dow's state of the art 'Texas Kiln' in the environmental operations department." The home address for Scott and Margie is 104 South Oyster Bend Lane, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. &ott i s an environmental engineer for Dow Chemical USA in Freeport, Texas. Frank P. Verdusco writes: "On Oct. 1, 1989 I will be offically in business for myselfin the field of computers and systems consulting and design . The name of my company is 'CPU Help Ltd.' I would like to say 'hello' to the old gang from th e Newman Center, especially Bob in California. A1so,Nick. Dropmea line." Frank's hom e address and the address of his new business is 5426 NE 41st Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64117. David R. Ziegler, '85 , '87, writes: "Having worked one year for TRECO (explosives), I have recently accepted a job wi th The Felds par Corp. in Spruce Pine, N.C . I will be relocating my fa mily to the Asheville, N.C. area shortly from Atlanta , Ga. Kevinwas1-year-oldinJuly." He and Myra are doing well. TheZieglers' present address is 1531 Huntington Drive NW, Marietta, GA 30066.

1986 Michele (Toner) Banks writes: "I worked at Texas InstTUments in Dallas, Texas for one and one half years and during t hat time m et my then fIance , Bryan. In December of '88 we moved to the Sun shine state of Florida. Bryan washired by NASA and I was hired as a system safetyengineerfor Lockheed, NASA's primary shuttle processing contractor at Kennedy Space Center. Bryan and I were married on July 15, 1989, and are living happily at 365 Wainai Drive, Merri tt Island , FL 32953 ." Henry R. BredenkampJr. writes: "I am presentlylivingin Ankara, Turkeyonacoproduction project building F-16 aircraft. The country is beautiful, people are great, and the culture is an e xperience. I will be in Turkey for one more year." Henry is with General Dynamics-Ft. Worth Division. His title is MRBlLiaison Engineer, International Programs. His address is Rou te 5, Box 926, Burleson, TX 76028. Sylvia Bryant and William M. Carty, '85, '87, write : "We were married in Rolla


MSM Alumnus

Aug. 27 , 1988, and a r e currentl y working on our P h .D.s a t the Univer sity of Wash ington in Seattle." The cou ple's home address is 800 Densmor e Ave. N., Seattle, WA 98103. Suzanne (Black) Cunningham ,writes: "Hello UMR. The biggest news is I married a wonderful , godly man this past June. He also works at the Spa ce Center on the sh u ttle. Weare very happy. Columbia just launched and Atlantis is the next to go. Everybody keep your s pirits up for the space program." Suzanne is an aero-

space engineer, AST flight &tructu r es, at the Ken n edy Space Center in Florida. She and new husband , Philip, live at 1695 Harrison , #142, Titu sville, FL 32780. lWge r A- Edmiso n J r _is the acting head of land a cqui sition - plats and pl ans - for th e Illinois Departm ent of Transportation in Effingham . He, a nd hi s wife, Kendal , and daugh ter, Pa ige , live at 304 Au stin Ave. , E ffingh am, IL 62401. John R Fre rking wri tes: "1 am working in Kan sa s Ci ty with Hydro Conduit Corp., a reinforce d concrete pipe m anufacturer,

in technical promotion . Al so, I am curr ently in a ba ttle wi th my two brothers, one with whom I live in downtown Kansas City, to see who gi ves up bachelorhood firs t. The other brother will fini sh a t UMR in May 1990. " John 's home a ddress is 426 W. 11th St., Kan sas City, MO 64105. Daniel W. Greenwood wri tes: "I a m n ow

back in the Midwest workin g for ATEC Associa tes Inc. in Da yton, Ohio. After spending three year s in Albany, Ga. with th e soils and m a teri al engineer s, I plan to begin workin g on' my master 's degree thi s fa ll and should get my P.E. in about a year. I would like to h ear from th e AEG gang!" Daniel's a ddress is 1439 Wiley St., Fairborn , Ohio 45324. David M_ Greiner wri tes; "We just r ecently moved into a new hou se which will give u s plenty of r oom for our first child which is due a t the beginnin g of Se pte mber." The Greiner s' new address is 4138 Fairview, St. Louis, MO 63 116. Da vid is with Courion Indu stries in St. Loui s.

Phillip G. Ka ufmann writes: "And you though t your h ours were lon g? The U. S . Arm y Combat Engin eers : 'U's nota way of li fe; it is your li fe!'" Philli p is a f,rst li eute nan t and a platoon leader in the Combat Engineer s of t h e U.S . Army. His address is Box 333, 9th Engr. B n, APO NY 09 162. Suza nne M. Ma n d a writes ; "1 moved back to S t. Loui s in April and a m now wor kin g as a project engineer for Anheu ser- Bu sch Corpor ate Engineer . Glad to be back!" Su e's address is 9904 S levin Lane, St. Louis, MO 63123. Marleen (Matlock) Prater writes: "I am cu rrently wor king at a waste water treatment plant fo r th e City of Jackson. I analyze (chemi cally and biologically) th e wastewater and wastewater sobds as they enter the plant. I also analyze surface water sam pIes and all indust ries and townshi ps which discharge into the City of Jackson sewer coll ection system. I am married and no children yet. My husband is a lso a UMR graduate from the Chemical Engineeri ng Dept." Marleen's husband is David E. Prater, '85, a nd is employed as a chemist wi th AeroquipCorp-Gen Corp in Jackson, Mi ss. The Matlocks' home address is 105 S. Thompson, Jackson, MI 49203 . Michael S. Stein is a software engineer for AlL Systems Inc. His address is 23 High St. , Sayville, NY 11782.

1987 Denis A- and Catheri n e Claire (Duncan) also '87, Backer n ow live a t 1276 Dautel, St. Louis, MO '63 146. He is a process engi neer for Tetra Plastics in Chesterfi eld, Mo. and Clai r e is a process engineer for Lever Br oth er s in St. Louis. Mark J. Bellington writes : "I am working as a QA engineer and working with the safety department. I have taken cour ses in the area of quality assu r ance technology a t a local community college." Mark is the quality assurance manager for Action Products Co., Inc. in Odessa, MO. His home addressis Route 2, Box 14C, Odessa, MO 64076.

Linda A- Beran writes : "I will be moving the rust of Augu st . P lease note change of address." Linda's n ew address is 18294 Lakebend Drive, Jupiter , FL 33458. Linda is a hydrogeologist for Engineering Science Inc. of Oak Brook, TIl. Craig M. Boewe writes : "1 am an engineer at Ford Motor Co. and live in Cleveland , Ohio. I am pursuing a master's degree in electrical engineering." Craig's a ddress is 2360 E. 31st Street, Lorain, OH 44055. lWberto J . Calme t's address is Las Camelias 174, Li ma 27, Peru , South Am erica. Roberto is with Ca lm et In geni er ossa, Las Cam elias 174, San Isidro, P eru , S outh America. lWbe r t R H olme s Jr., '87, '89, writes : "1 a cce pted a position with the U.S . Geological Survey, Water Resources Division , here in. Roll a as a civil engineer . I married the form er Joa nne Kausch in 1988, and she is now finishing a B.S. in metallurgical engineering." Robert and Joanne live at 927 Forrest Drive, Rolla , MO 65401. lWbert G. Holt writes : "1 have come a long wa y from Rolla , Mo. I am now working for a control system s ven dor named Rosemount. My major function is to genera te the software for DCS a pplications. The office I work out of is located in Minnea polis, MN. Good fi shing and plenty of snow sports. I can't think of a pI ace I'd r a ther be. Dropme a bne, if you r em em ber me. Business a ddress is 12000 Portland Ave. S, Burnsvill e, MN 55337, Phone: 612-895-2321 ." Robert's home addre ss is 2525 Willia ms Drive , #149 , Burnsvill e, MN 55337.

Julie Ann (Minzey) FIelder writes : "1 married Eddie Alan F1exter of Richmond Mo. at our new house in St. Louis. Honeymooned in Colorado." Eddi e and J u lie live at 9438 Br enda, St. Louis, MO 63 123. Julie is an ap plications engineer for Chri sty Refractori es in St . Loui s. Mikael lWbe r t Fre dholm writes: "My company ch anged names from AIX to Al coa Electronic Packaging. I just moved to the beach. Ifanyone is in San Diego, look me up. You can try surfing. I sure can't get the h ang of it yet." Mik ael's address is 1719 Kenn in gton Road, Levcadia, CA 92 024. R e gina lWse Kunzler wri tes: "1 mi ss the fun ti mes with a ll my 'met buddi es'. Don't mi ss thermoofP-chem. I'm doing well atm y job - things a re taking off pretty quickly. I1l be marrying Marty Topi , also '88 , Se ptember 16 a nd weTI be living in Evansville , Indiana. Thanks for the overwhelming amountof metallurgical knowledge,it's been handy." Regina is a quality assurance engineerwith Alcoa in Newburgh , Ind. and b ves at 5148 Sou thlake Drive, Eva nsville, IN 47715. Joyce Replogle write s: "I am enjoying workingas acon sultantfor IBM in Kansas

City. Currently, I am on contract atSanta Fe Railway Co. in Topeka, Kans." Joyce's a ddress is 11639 Melrose, #149, Overland Park , KS 66210. Teresa Lynn Stover writes: 'Tm doing great and enjoy m y job," Teresa is a constru ction inspector for the Missouri Highway and Tran sportation Department. Her address is 659 Turtle Cr eek Drive, St. Louis, MO 63 141. J e ffrey E. Sullivan was r ecently commissioned a n ensign in the U.S . navy upon compl etion of Officer Candida te School. The ma il in g a ddress for JefTrey and hi s wi fe, Cynthia , is 1005 Turkey Run , Rolla, MO 65 401.

1989 Robert E. Gerlt married Lori Jane Viebrook on Jan. 6, 1989 at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cole Camp, Mo. The bride and groom are presently attending UMR. Bob, '89, is a graduate student in computer science and Lori Jane is a senior in applied mathematics. Bob and Lori make their home a t 922 Forest Drive, Rolla, MO 65401.

Kim Ann Ie writes : "I am continuing my work toward an MBA a t the Univer sity of Houston along with a full tim e job. I'm enjoyin g it her e in Te xas." Kim is a mechanica l con tr act engineer for Exxon and lives a t 2401 Repsdorph , #414, Seabrook, TX 77586.

Annette (Schneider) Kiehne r eports tha t Do ugla s A- Kiehne, al so, '87, is a developm ent engi neer for 3M Co. in Au stin, Texa s. An nette and Dougl as live a t 10616 Mellow Meadows, #46C, Austin , TX 78750. John Dell Long writes: "Geotechnicals look ing for work should check with Westinghouse-lots of positi ons a vaila ble ." John is a staff geo-technical engineer for Westingh ou se E nvironm ental: Geote chni cal a t Blountville, Tenn . He a nd his wife, Gwen , li ve at 605 Palmyra Drive, Kingsport, TN 37663 . S a r a h R Reeves writes: "I a m a live and well - bou ght a h ouse in south county. Roo ming with a girlfri end I've known since ju n ior hi gh sch ool. I a m working as a la bor a tory su pervisor for Lever Br others a nd r eally enjoying it." Sarah lives at 9708 Jacki e Lane, St . Louis, MO 63123. Thomas P. Wilshu sen writes: "MY UMR degree h as mea nt a lot to me - everyone recognizes the name a n d knows for wh at it stands. With a ll of t he recen t and pendi n'g retireme nts, Ihope the CEdepartmen t seizes its great opportunity to h ire qual ity replacements a nd increase UMR's already excellent repu tation."

Thomas is an environ-

men tal engineer with Engineering-Scie nce Inc. in Austin, Texas. His home address is 3543 Gr eystone Drive , #1025 , Au sti n , TX 78731-2315.

1988 !Whert W_Benson writes: "Mywife , Karla, and I have been blessed in abundance. My work has been good and we have three fine children, Hea ther Re nee,James Robert,and Hannah Rae. Ji m Epharm - if you're sti ll ali ve, call me at my St. Louis number, 314843-4383. You owe me $50." The Bensons resideat 7338 Whitehaven Drive, Grantwood Village, MO 63123. C. John Clark and Dawn Charise Wi egand , also '88, were ma rried in St. Charles, Mo. on May 13, 1989. John is employed as a transportation engi neer with the Texas Department of Highways in Abilene, Texas. Dawn is presently employed as a toel design engineer with Texas Instruments Corp. in Abilene. The couple makes their home at 3818 Earl's Cove, Abilene , Texas 79606. The new address for Mark J. Danz and his wife, Cheryl , is 2416 W. 57th Street, Davenport, IA 52806. Mark is an assistant engineer for Iowa- Dlinois Gas and Electric in Rock Island , IL . .

Mark Twain portrait donated Harold Crane, '53, Hannibal, and hl s daughte r , Kamila Cran e , '85, of San Rafael, Calif., rec ently presented this portrait of author Mark Twain to UMR for display in the Mark Twain Room of the University Center-East.

Remember St. Pat's •


March 17, 1990 See you on campus!!


December 1989

MSM-UMR 'A LUMNI ASSOCIATION Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401, Telephone 314-341-4145 OFF1CERS President President-elect Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

John B. Toomey, '49, J. Robert Patterson, '54, Wayne R. Broaddus, '55, Alfred J . Buescher, '64, Gerald L. Stevenson, '59, Ernst A. Weinel, '44, Robert V. Wolf, '51, Matteo A. Coco, '66, J . L. "Jack" Painter, '50,

VSE Corp., 2550 Huntington Ave., Alexandria, VA 22303 P.O. Box 573 N. Ridge Road, Sikeston, MO 63801 AAl, P.O. Box 2545, Dalton, GA. 30722 624 Golfview Drive, Ballwin, MO 63011 Jacobs Engineering, P.O . Box 2008, Lakeland, FL 33806 189 Weinel Place, O'Fallon, IL 62269 305 G McNutt Hall" UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 7115 Aliceton Avenue, Affton, MO 63123 P.O. Box 723,1700 E. 10th Street, Rolla, MO 65401

1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990

DIRECTORS AT LARGE John G. Bartel, '52 Dennis F. Jaggi, '70 Mary S. Klorer, '81 S. Dale McHenry, '81, Larry L. Parkinson, '64 Alissa Gallagher Whetsel, '81

200 Washington, Hermann, MO 65041 1509 Nighthawk Drive, Edmond, OK 73034 1726 N. 49th St., Milwaukee, WI 53208 AT&T, Route 2021206 North, Room 4B232, Bedminster, NJ 07921 2614 Bent Oak Avenue, Adrian, MI 49221 816 S. Berry, St. Louis, MO 63122


1992 1991 1991 1990


AREA DIRECTORS Area Zip Codes 00-14 James W. Hoelscher, '48 15-26 Robert C. Perry, '49 27-36 Royal S. Webster, '55, 37-45 Harold G. Moe, '48 46-52 Robert L. Seaman, '69 53-61 Robert M. Saxer, '61 62-62 Max A. Burgett, '54 63-65 Jerome T. Berry '49 63-65 Robert T. Berry, '72 63-65 Gerald W. Bersett, '65 63-65 Lucien Bolon Jr., '59 63-65 Robert S. Bruce, '69 63-65 Robert Peppers, '50 63-65 Bob Sfreddo, '58 63-65 James Van Buren, '63 66-72 Waldemar D. Stopkey, '52 73-75 Roy A. Wilkens, '66 76-77 John C. "Curt" Killinger, '73 78-84 Randy G. Kerns, '74 85-92 Dan Martin, '52 93-99 David N. Peacock, '64

143 Shore Rd., Old Greenwich, CT 06870 302 Fox Chapel Rd., Apt. 500, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 12421 S.W. 21st Lane, Miami, FL 33175 1819 Rose Hill Rd., #11, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 9812 Briarwood Court, Farmington Hills, MI 48331 704 E. Cedar Avenue, St. Charles, IL 60174 2219 Dewey Street, Murphysboro, IL 62966 Route 4 Box 419, Rolla, MO 65401 12716 E. 63rd, Kansas City, MO 64133 105 Kings Drive, Florissant, MO 63034 902 S. Murray Road, Lee's Summit, MO 64081 15 Carrswold, Clayton, MO 63105 P.O. Box 175, Herculaneum, MO 63048 109 Linda Drive, Sikeston; MO 63801 9807 Copper Hill Road, St. Louis, MO 63124 1405 Moss Lane, River Ridge, LA 70123 Williams Cos.--WILTEL, P.O. Box 21348, Tulsa, OK 74121 14823 Preston Park, Houston, TX 77095 5231 Valhalla Dr., Boulder, CO 80301 2601 Skyline Drive, Reno, NY 89509 3515 Brunell Drive, Oakland, CA 94602

1992 1992 1991 1992 1990

1991 1990 1990 1990

1992 1992 1990

1992 1991 1991 1990

1991 1991 1992 1990 1991

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN James B. Chaney, '48 . William W. Collins, '50 Thor Gjelsteen, '53 Richard Hunt, '50 Joel F. Loveridge, '39 Paula Hudson Rees, '73 Ronald Tappmeyer, '47 Armin J. Tucker, '40

16218 Chip stead Drive, Spring, TX 77379 1608 Wilson Circle, Rolla, MO 65401 7300 W. Stetson Place, #41, Littleton, CO 80123 14913 Highway 82, Carbondale, CO 81623 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Sovran Bank, 6610 Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD 20817 2226 Country Club Drive, Sugar Land, TX 77478 304 Christy Drive, Rolla, MO 65401

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Arthur G. Baebler, '55 James B. McGrath, '49 Lawrence A. Spanier, '50

17 Zinzer Court, St. Louis, MO 63123 12425 Balwyck Lane, St. Louis, MO 63131 5 Pettit Drive, Dix Hills, NY 11746

EX-OFF1CIO DIRECTORS Richard H. Bauer, '52 Robert D. Bay, '49 Robert M. Brackbill, '42 Paul T. Dowling, '40 R. O. Kasten, '43 Peter F. Mattei, '37 Joseph W. Mooney, '39 Melvin E. Nickel, '38

Missouri Electrochem Inc., 10958 Lin-Valle Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123 Black & Veatch, 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64114 9148 Clearlake Drive, Dallas, TX 75225 10144 Winding Ridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63124 901 W. 114th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114 9954 Holliston Court, St. Louis, MO 63124 211 N. Central, Clayton, MO 63105 10601 S. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, IL 60643

STAFF Thomas M. Coffman Donald G.Brackhahn Lindsay Lomax Bagnall, '76

Vice 'Chancellor, Office of Alumni/Development Affairs, UM-Rolla Executive Director, MSM-UMR Alumni Association Assistant Director, MSM-UMR Alumni Association


1992 1990



ANNUAL FUND THE MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIAT ION University of Missouri-Roll a Supports:

CENTURY CLUB PREMIUMS CENTURY ($100- 249) Each year- Listing in Honor Roll Editi6 n of MSA-! Alumnus -'- Century Club decal Year 1- 4- Certificate of membership Year 5- Plaque with plates designating member years Future- Membership plate for that year

Scholarships Educational Assistants Athletic Programs Music Program Student Awards Faculty Awards Libraries MSM Alumn us Newsletters Homecoming Alumni Awards Commencement Class Reunions Area Meetings Alu mni Records Alumni Directory Special Projects Student Loan Fund Named Scholarship Funds

SILVER CENTURY ($250- 499) - All of the above , with Si lver designation - Sepia-toned limited edition lithographs Year l - Rolla Building Year 5- A/M /A Building Year 8- 01d Metallurgy Building Year 2- Chancellor's Residence Year 6- McNutt Hall Year 9- Harris Hall Year 3- Parker Hall Year 7- Fulton Hall Year 10- UMR Sionehenge Year 4- Norwood Hall

GOLD CENTURY ($500-999)


- All of Ihe above, wil h Gold designation - Lithograph is fram ed - Two free tickets to Silver and Gold Homecoming Party (on request)

-All of the above, with Platinum designation - Complimentary season pass for ath letic , and performing arts programs on campus -Special reception on campus hosted by chancellor - Spe ~al parking privileges on request


(Gifts Are Tax Deductible)


1989 Annual Alumni Fund Contribution Name__________________________________________________


Home Address : 0 Please check box if new informat io n is in c luded. Street______________________________________ Home Phone_____________ City State_ _ _ Zip,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Spouse' s Name Is spouse an alumnus? 0 Yes 0 No Business Information : 0 Check box if new in fo rmati on is included. Title ' Employer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~

Street_______________________________________ Work Phone _ _ _ _ _ _ __ C ity State_ _ _ Zip,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please make checks payable to the: "MSM-UMR Alumni Association." Annual Alumni Fund contributiqns ar~ tax deductible. Century Clubs

1$1000.00 1 ,.....--,1-$500-.00-,1




1$10000 1

Platinum G o ld Silver Century Contributions totaling $100 or more qualify for the recognition c lubs.




1 I



Do you want a Joe Miner decal?


1 I

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0 No



MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, MO 65401 -0249




UMR 11 9 HUM- SOc. SC I RO LLA ,


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