Missouri S&T Magazine, February 1990

Page 28

badl y needed. It cleared off nicely soon, howe ver, and e veryone enjoyed a nice aftern oon. Among those attending were: Tom '69 a nd JoAnn e Feger and famil y; Regg ie ' 79 and Cy nthi a Benton and famil y; Bob '52 and Jun e U th off; Dan '74 and La uri Kern s and son Patrick who is currentl y a stud ent at UMR; Erik O hare, currentstu dent, and family; and Ed ' 69 and Anne M idde n and fam il y.

Section news Ark-la-lex

Ed Midd en, '69

Compton ; Rande, ' 73 , and Judy, ' 74 , Grotefendt, an d their three chil dren, Jill , Kath y and Cindy Grotefendt; John , '39 , and Eil yeenLivingston; John , ' 51 , and Loretta Moscari; Louise Patton, friend of MSM; Frank , ' 32, and Katherine Zvanut, and their grand son , Eric Zvanut; Don and Nancy Brackhahn , Rolla. The business session for the fall meeting was ex tremely short and was handl ed while me mbers were eati ng. The nex t mee tin g will be Jan. 20, 1990 , at the Barksdal e Air Base Officer's Club as gues ts of John and E il yee n Livingston.

O n Satu'rday, Oc tober 2 1, 1989 the Lincolnland Section of the MSM-UMR Alumni Assoc iati on metatEd and Ann e Midden 's far m fo r a hayride and bonfire. Alumni and guests rode through the Centra llllino is co untrys ide on Ed 's hay wago n, then enj oyed bra twurst grilled over an open fi re accompanied by dishes carried in . To real ly get the bonfire go ing, th e crowd burned a lacquered card board outh ouse in memory of the old days of Homecoming at UMR . Accord ing to Ed, " lacquered ca rd boa rd rea ll y goes up fa st!." T he fire died dow n abo ut 10 p.m., and a good tim e was had by all. Among th ose atte nd in g were: Brett '83 and Janet Cro tty and two guests, Earl '52, '5 8 and Dolores Pape, Larry '73 and Betsy Lewis, Jerry '70 and Mary Parsons, Bob '7 1 Cook and famil y, Leo '70 M idden, and Ed '69 and An ne M iddenand fam il y.

Phi l Browni ng, ' 48

Ed M id den, '69


ey may


The Ark-La-Tex Sec tion met at the home of Phil and Ardella Browning on Saturday, Oc t. 2 1, 1989. The event was held on a beautiful afternoon in a rustic country settin g . John and Loretta Moscari helped hos t the even t along with Randy Grotefendt servi ng as as sistant chef. The guests enj oyed fi shing in Phil' s lake evn th ough there were no fi sh caught. The two biggest hits of the day were the ice cream bars that people had for dessert an d the pony rides . T he kids rod e "O ld T hunder" unti l nine o 'clock tha t ni ght. For those who co uld not be 'dow n on the farm ,' th e menu inc luded bar-bqued steaks, potato salad , tossed salad and baked beans, fo llowed by ice cream bars for dessert. T he usual dips, dri nks and good fellowship preceded the mea l. Fo r an ex pert opi nion of the qual ity of the ice cream bars, ask e ither John Livingston or Nancy Brack hahn. They both qua li fy as ex perts in th is departme nt. In addition to the food, the gro up was informed abo ut camp us progress by Don Brackh ah n, exec utive director of th e alumni associa tion. The 24 in attendance at th e fa ll meee tin g included: P hil , '48, and Ardella Brownin g; Carol Browning an d her two children , Jacob and Ashley Brown ing; Wa lter, '34 , and He len Bre unin g ; Basil , ' 39, and C IYde ll e


St. louis

The Li nco lnla nd Section of th e MSM-UMR Alumni Associati on held a picnic on Sunday, Jul y 23, 1989 at East Forest Park on Lake Spring fie ld. Hot dogs were the ma in menu item, with eac h person brin ging a di sh to share. This was a famil y e vent, and the children real ly enjoyed play ing frisbee and baseba ll. Their parents joined in the baseba ll game and tried th eir hands at horseshoes as we ll. Theday started out rain y , but no one co mpl ai ned as th e ra in was

A group of inte res ted S t. Loui s alumni met on Mo nday , January 22, 1990, at Schne ithorst' s in C lay ton to e lect officers and plan the ir acti vities fo r the coming year. Calvin C urdt , '74, will serve as pres ident, Phil Jozwiak , ' 66, as vice pres ident and Rodn ey LeG rand , '74 , as sec retary- treasurer. Pas t pres ident Bob Bruce, '69, we lcomed the alum ni and introduced Calvin Curdt 1O preside over the meeting. President C urd t ta lked abo ut th e upco ming lec tu re se ri es in S t. Lo ui s, menti oning MSM Alumnus 27

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