Missouri S&T Magazine, May 1990

Page 1

MSM VOL. 64, NO.2


A Publication of the MSM/UMR Alumni Association




ROBOTICS No longer just creatures of science fiction, robots are a reality in today's workplace and laboratories as UMR's students prepare themselves for careers in the 21st century manufacturing environment in the campus's state of the art robotics facilities

There was no beeping or wisecracking as the robot pondered its next move. Methodically, the great mechanical arm swung around, picked up a small plastic square and placed it on a tic-tac-toe board. ''Your move," Hsien-Jung Wu told a visitor to the Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory at UMR. Wu, a UMR doctoral candidate from Taiwan, wrote the computer program which enables the robot to play tictac-toe. The robots, used in several teaching and research programs at UMR, are nothing like the feisty R2D2 of "Star Wars" fame, but they do more than play tic-tac-toe. Among other things, they can weld, do simple assembly jobs and help remove and reprocess the explosives from U.S. Navy warheads. Sema Alptekin, an associate professor of engineering management and director ofthe Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory (CIM), said the lab is mainly to teach design of manufacturing systems, of which robots are a part. ''We don't teach robotics only, but how to u se them in manufacturing," she said. The lab's robots include General Electric and IBM machines, both donated, and a smaller robotic arm built by students. The three robots are part of a manufacturing system which does simple industrial tasks. Donated equipment is essential to the program, Alptekin said. "Technology changes so fast that it's quite

MSMAlumnus (USPS-323-500) Issued quarterly in the interest ofthe graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri-Rolla. The MSM Alumnus is published by the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, 101 Harris Hall, University of Missouri-RoJla, Rolla, MO 654010249. Second Class postage paid at Rolla, MO and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MSM Alumnus, 101 Harris Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401-0249.

A student works with a robot in the Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory. impossible to keep on top with state-of-theart equipment without the support of industry," she said. Computer programs called neural networks are applied to some robots to give the machines artificial intelligence. K. Krishnamurthy, a professor of mechanical engineering, is working on neural network technology in industrial processes. Neural network technology was first proposed in the 1950s, but complicated mathematics dampened enthusiasm for it, Krishnamurthy said. Today's neural networks have been improved and the technology is reemerging, he said. "Neural networks are based on the way human beings think and learn," Krishnamurthy said. ''You teach them one thing at a time."

Neural networks are now seen primarily as controllers for robotics, but could control many industrial processes, he said. He's also working on a robotic welder for a Jefferson City company that builds electrical transformers. The robotic welder will make better quality, more accurate welds than humans could, he said. With the help of a camera and a computer, machines also can be made to "see." Machine vision is a research project of Randy Moss, an assistant professor of electrical engineering. "It's basically pattern recognition-getting a machine to recognize the object it's 'looking' at," Moss said. In machine vision, a still or video camera takes a black-and-white picture of the object to be viewed. All shades of gray are screened out so th at only a black-and-white image

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A student inspects a robot arm before having it perform an assigned task.

Robots can be programmed to write.

Dr. Serna Altptekin and students (above) change a robot's programming. Students (left) program a robot "chemist."


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remains, Moss said. The image is then digitized so that a computer can interpret it. A computer doing product inspections can determine if the item is the right shape or if anything's broken off. For example, some manufacturers use machine vision to inspect for broken aspirin pills, Moss said. He's also doing research with a dermatologist on a machine vision process that would be used to spot some skin tumors. Robots are also used with high-pressure waterjets to flush explosive out of US. Navy warheads. Waterjets, with pressures of up to 55,000 pounds per square inch, can be used to cut glass, carpet, plastic, rock and other materials, said David Summers, curators' distinguished professor of mining engineering. Summers, director of UMR's High Pres-


sure WaterjetLaboratory, said the U.S. Navy had a problem removing conventional explosives from warheads because the job was too dangerous. UMR developed a robot-assisted waterjet to do the job. The device is located in a small university-owned mine off campus. A robot loads the warhead on a small train, which carries it to a specially designed table where a waterjet probe is inserted in the warhead. A powerful blast of water flushes out the warhead, turning the explosive and the plastic binder around it into a slushy mixture. The explosive is collected and the water is put in a tank for reuse. ''What's left is a clean missile and a bag of washed out explosive," Summers said. The next problem was what to do with the explosives. The Navy said it would be feasible to recycle them-if the remnants of the plastic binder could be removed, Summers said.


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Because the job requires the mixing of toxic chemicals, it also was deemed too dangerous for humans, he said. The answer was another robot. "It's a little robot chemist," Summers said. "It mixes the chemicals, runs them through the explosives and separates the explosive from the binder." Because of the danger, both operations are done in the mine and the robots are controlled from a trailer outside. Back in the manufacturing lab, the tic-tactoe game between the robot and the human ended in a tie. "It's always a tie," Wu said. Unless, of course, the human makes a mistake. The robot makes none. (Reprinted by permission of the Springfield News-Leader) ".




MAY 1990







experience of St. Pat's is difficult to capture in words, but because every picture t ells a story we'll let this photo essay give you an idea of what the 82nd annual St. Pat's celebration at UMR was like. Reigning over the celebration was St. Patrick, who was portrayed by David P. Bernhard, ajunior in engineering management from St. Louis. The follies were held March 12-13 on campus. On Wednesday, March 14, bad weather conditions postponed St. Pat's arrival and caused the downtown follies to be moved indoors . St. Pat and his court were able to make their formal appearance by railroad handcar on Thursday morning, just in time to judge the window displays of area merchants and attend Thursday activities and Friday's traditional games held at Lion's Club Park. St. Pat and his court are: (front row) pages Andy Storf and Allan Bush; (second row) trumpeteer James Baldwin, master guard John Spencer, St. Pat David Bernhard, master guard Michael Cook, and herald Mike Dyess; (third row) guards Brad Wadle, Jason Lowry, Timothy Harster and Mike Hurst. Photo by Dick Hatfield.

Below: St. Pat and the Queen of Love and Beauty at the knighting ceremony. Below left: A contestant in the" Most Consecutive St. Pat's Buttons" contest during Follies.


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Written by Rebecca Martin Photographs by Kathleen Matthews

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One of the" G'reenest Female" contestants waves a handful of snakes at St. Pat and his Court. An overview of the follies from the University CenterWest.


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t t h e coronation ceremonies on Friday night, Cyndy Stover, senior in civil engineering, was crowned the Queen of Love and Beauty; and six Honorary Knights were dubbed . They are: Ken Fiebelman, representative of Missouri legislative district #149 ; Tom Green, owner of Key Sport Shop Inc., Rolla; Linda C. Ma rtin, student services coordinator for UMR; James C. Sterling, publisher and member of the University of Missouri System Board of Curators; Mrs. James C. Kirkpatrick; and Armin Tucker, '40, retired Pan American Airlines pilot. Student knights, representing 33 student organizations, also were recognized during

Above: Honorary knights are (left to right) James Sterling; Tom Green, Ken Fiebelman, Linda Martin, Mrs. James C. Kirkpatrick, and Armin Tucker.

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he highlight of St. Pat's was the Saturday morning parade with the theme "The Building of America." Numerous floats, non-floats, and traditional parade units, as well as community and individual entries made the parade especially enjoyable for the thousands of people who gathered to watch. Saturday afternoon featured the traditional knighting of the student knights of St. Patrick. Fraternities and sororities play a large part in the St. Pat's celebration. Every year the St. Pat's Board recognizes those fraternities and sororities that made the most overall contributions during the celebration. This year's winners of the spirit trophies are: fraternities - TKE , Sigma Tau, and Alpha Epsilon Pi; sororities Chi Omega, ZETA, and KA. The St. Pat's 1990 celebration ended with the Saturday evening concert featuring Shooting Star, whose latest release, "Touch Me Tonight: The Best of Shooting Star," caused a Shooting Star craze to sweep through Kansas City last Summer. Opening act for the concert was the Gary Richrath band.

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Left: Kris Fleming, Laura Visintine and Jennie Peterson compete in the" Most Sweatpants on in a Minute" contest.

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Below: Contestants in the town beard contest model their whiskers.


Below left: A contestant in the men's shillelagh contest needs one more hand to hold his entry number.

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Interest is soaring • •• tn aerospace engtneertng The addition of a Ph.D. degree program at UMR would enhance educational opportunities in Missouri and benefit the state's aerospace industry

By Minnie Breuer A Ph,D. degree program in aerospace engineering, which UMR plans to offer beginning in the fall of1990, will enhance educational opportunities in the state and benefit Missouri's aerospace industry as well . "UMR is the only university in Missouri to offer degrees in aerospace engineering," said UMR Chancellor Martin C. Jischke. "The addition of the Ph.D. program will provide students with the opportunity to continue their graduate studies in aerospace engineering in Missouri." The Ph.D. program, which has been approved by the UM System Board of Curators, will be an extension of two programs already in existence at UMR - the master's degree program in aerospace engineering and the emphasis area in aerospace engineering offered through the mechanical engineering Ph.D. program. Dr. Robert L. Davis, dean of the UMR School of Engineering, said, "We are pleased to offer this program, which will complete the spectrum of degrees available in aerospace engineering at UMR.

years to support and expand the existing aerospace program," Armaly said. "The support from McDonnell Douglas and the state also provided the means to update equipment and facilities so that no additional funds are being requested at this time," he con-

Enrollment Increasing

Significant for Industry "The Ph.D. degree program will be significant for Missouri's aerospace industry," he added, ''because it will provide UMR with the means to educate engineers at all levels of aerospace technology." According to Dr. Bassem Armaly, chairman and professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and engineering mechanics at UMR, "Advances being developed in aerospace technology along with continued space flight and exploration will increase the demand for persons educated at all levels in the aerospace field." He added that no new financial support or personnel will be requested to implement the program. "Through departmental reorganization and a $1.2 million grant from McDonnell Douglas and $881,000 in matching state funds, 10 faculty members have been added in the last four

nel, supersonic wind tunnel , composite materials laboratory and vibration/structures laboratory . "The Ph.D. degree program is in accord with the University's Long Range Plan developed in 1984, which recommended enhancing UMR's graduate program in aerospace engineering and the mechanical and aerospace engineering department," Armaly added. Professor Bruce Selberg, associate chairman of aerospace engineering, said that the department has been developing plans to implement the Ph.D. degree program since it received the funds from McDonnell Douglas about four years ago.

tinued. "The McDonnell Douglas grant provided for the addition of an unsteady aerodynamics wind tunnel, a real-time flight simulation facility and several new experiments to the program," Armaly said. "Major upgrading has been done in all the laboratories including the subsonic wind tun-

"The Ph.D. degree program will be an important factor in encouraging graduate students and prospective faculty to enter UMR's aerospace engineering program," Selberg said. "Because graduate students pursuing a Ph.D. degree are capable of conducting more in-depth research, the university may receive more grants, thus providing additional opportunities for teaching and research in the aerospace engineering area," he explained. Armaly added that recruiting new faculty is important because of the number of faculty members with Ph.D. degrees who will be retiring within the next 10 years. Enrollment in UMR's aerospace engineering program has been increasing since the late 1970s. "Student interest in pursuing an aerospace engineering degree has been growing steadily since 1980," Armaly said. "At present, approximately 200 undergraduate and graduate students are pursuing degrees in aerospace engineering and about 190 students in the Freshman Engineering Program have indicated an interest in obtaining a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering."




Weathering the sands of time A UMR geological engineering professor is helping the Egyptian government solve the riddle of how to preserve and protect the Sphinx from further erosion

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By Dick Hatfield

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UMR's Dr. Allen W. Hatheway explains that, through time, several natural and man-made forces have combined to lessen the Sphinx' resistance to wind erosion. As a result, the sculpture of a mythical lion-beast that bears the image of the Pharaoh Cephron, has lost much of its form. The Egyptian government's concern over the worsening condition of the 4,OOO-year-old Sphinx resulted in the formation of the multidisciplinary National Research Council Working Group on the Conservation of the Sphinx, of which Hatheway is a member. As his contribution to the group's work, Hatheway recently completed an on-site study ofthe geological aspects related to preserving the monument. Hatheway explains that part of the problem is that the Sphinx lies in the quarry from which it was isolated from 70-million-year-old limestone and rests only 12 feet above groundwater level. "As a result," he says, "water migrates upward by capillary action into the body of the sculpture, dissolving salts of the limestone and then releasing them for crystallization at the surface of the monument. This, in turn, allows fragmentation and breakage of the

rock by weathering, or 'spalling,' to take place. " He added that this situation is exacerbated by the western desert winds which deposit additional salts on the monument. These salts crystallize in the variable hot-dry climate and foggy early morning conditions of the west bank of the Nile River near Cairo, where the Sphinx is located, and intensify the spalling. "Other minor pollutants that result from the air of urban Cairo have further degraded the surface resistance of the monument," Hatheway says. "This is particularly true of the upper portion ofthe body ofthe sculpture, which is constructed of rock that is less resistant to erosion





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than either the base or the head," he adds. In his report, Hatheway has recommended that a thorough geological characterization of the rock mineralogy of the Sphinx and the natural fractures along which much of the erosion is taking place be conducted. "This should be followed by an engineering remediation designed to bar the upward movement of groundwater into the rock that makes up the body of the sculpture," he says. "In addition, I believe that some redressing of the rock at and near the surface of the monument may have to be done." Hatheway also advocates restoring the monument to its original appearance. "The rear quarters portion of the Sphinx already has been re-formed using matching hand-cut limestone blocks. As a result, the Sphinx once again sports a long tail looped up along its right flank. This work was done over a threeyear period by the Egyptian Antiquities Ministry," he explains. Hatheway adds that King Tut's grandfather, who discovered the monument buried under sand 1,200 years after its completion, initiated the first efforts to repair the monument. "In addition, the Roman and Greek occupiers of Egypt made early restorations of the Sphinx," he says. "Several additional efforts also have been made during this century."

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ALUMNI NEWS Association trust funds have many uses By Rebecca Martin Your Alumni Association holds in trust a number of different funds , which the organization receives in the form of memorial gifts, bequests, living endowments, and annual scholarships. These funds provide support for a number of important areas at UMR, including scholarships, loans, faculty grants and funds for the library as well as for music and theater programs. Your Association currently handles 24 trust accounts totaling $940,000. Of this amount, restricted endowments total $696,500, unrestricted $143,000 and loan funds $33,900. In April 1989 , the Association passed a resolution seeking to double the size of unrestricted funds by 1992. What are these funds and how can alumni interested in starting or donating to a fund go about it?

Living Endowments Living endowments are created when people make a contribution of at least $2,500 to the Alumni Association, requesting that the money be invested and that only the investment income (interest ) be used. The Association handles several different types of endowment funds. A professional investment firm is retained by the Association to assure safety and maximum r eturn on all endowments and other invested funds. Cash, checks, stock and zero coupon notes are all forms in which living endowments can be made.

THE MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION University of Missouri-Rolla

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Sometimes when a student, alumnus or faculty member dies, individuals may wish to make contributions in his or her memory to benefit UMR This type of gift may be directed to the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. The organization then is responsible for overseeing these funds , which are held in special Association accounts until they are large enough to be used. When sufficient funds accumulate in a memorial fund , the Association staff asks the members of the famil y of the memorialized person how they would like the funds used. The family usually designates the funds for a specific purpose or, at times , allows unrestricted use of the funds by the Association. Several memorial funds currently exist at UMR One of them is the Planje Scholarship, which was established in memory of Theodore Planje, Sr., '40 . Ted Planje had been a faculty member, chairman of the ceramic engineering department and dean of the School of Mines and Metallurgy. Friends, family, and former students contributed to this fund and established an ongoing scholarship in his name. This scholarship is awarded annually to a graduate or undergraduate student in ceramic engineering. Another such fund , the Bruzewski Memorial Fund, was established in May 1978 in memory of faculty member Robert F. Bruzewski, '47, who taught mining engineering at MSM-UMR from 1947-78. This award is used as an emergency loan fund for mining students.

Bequests In a bequest, a person may designate what part of an estate he or she wishes to leave to the Alumni Association to benefit the campus. When the estate is settled, the gift comes to the Alumni Association, where it is used for whatever purpose the donor may have designated. The Clyde Hall Scholarship is an example of such a fund. Clyde William Hall, '14, was a mining engineering graduate who was chairman of the board of United Clay Mines Corporation at the time of his retirement. Established as a result of a codicil in Hall's will, this fund provides earnings used for scholarships given to undergraduate students at UMR The Hall fund currently provides $27,000 annually in scholarships from the invested income.


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I Zero coupon notes, which are similar to savings bonds, are notes an individual purchases for a fixed amount and that achieve a certain value after 10 to 20 years. One alumnus h as been making his insurance payments to the Alumni Association, as his insurance policy has been turned over to the Association, and the ultimate beneficiary will be the students of UMR These insurance payments are considered gifts to the Association and, as such, are taxdeductible.

Types of Living Endowments Living endowments come from several sources : individuals or families, classes, sections and fraterni ties/sorori ties. The Jerome T. & Robert T. Berry Endowment Fund for Student Athletics , which was established in 1981, is an example of a family endowment fund. The corpus of the fund is held and invested by the Association, and the resulting income is used for athletic scholarshi ps. Jerry, '49 and Bob, '72, father and son , were both football players at MSM -UMR and wan ted to assist future generations of scholar athletes. They established the endowment and each year continue to

make financial contributions to build thi's endowment. John Livingston, '39, and John Olsen, '42, are two alumni who have established loan funds to benefit the students of UMR through the Alumni Association. The John H. and Eileen B. Livingston Student Loan Fund will become effective in 1992 upon maturity of the original zero coupon notes. The John K Olsen Emergency Loan Fund was established by Olsen to benefit needy scholars in various engineering programs. Four classes have begun endowment funds. After attending their 50th Reunion, the members of the Class of '29 created a loan fund , and last year the members ofthe Class of'39 followed _ suit. Under the leadership of Joe Mooney, Bill Oberbeck and Hugh Burger, they raised $50,000 - $1,000 for every year since their graduation from MSM - by the time their reunion was held. They now have raised approximately $85,000. The Class of '40 is currently raising an endowment fund in preparation for its 50th Reunion this year, and the Class of'49 has started a fund which it hopes will be a considerable sum by the time they hold their 50th Reunion in 1999.The Chicago, Houston and Kansas City sections currently h ave restricted funds that are being developed into endowments . Each section determines how their funds will be used, usually specifying scholarships as a pnmary use. Another type of endowment fund coordinated by the Association is the Lawrence Wayne Bell Scholarship for Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. This annual scholarship, named for a Delta Sigma Phi member, was established by Bell's family in his memory. Delta Sigma Phi selects the recipient each year, while the funds are invested by the Alumni Association.

Annual Scholarships Annual scholarships, which are awarded yearly to UMR students, are anoth er type of fund the Association oversees. Currently, there are three annual scholarships in existence. The Roy Perry Scholarship was established by Roy Perry, '40, and is restricted to a student in civil engineering. The George and Norma Axmacher Scholarship, established by George Axmacher, '42, is an unrestricted scholarship. In 1979, Carlos, '54 and Joan Tiernon established the Carlos Tiernon Scholarship for students majoring in metallurgical engineering. Annual scholarship candidates are selected by UMR's student financial aid committee, and the scholarships are then presented by the Alumni Association.

Why a Trust Fund? Some alumni may wonder why they should create or contribute to a trust fund within the Alumni Association. First, these funds are put to very good use by helping students finance their education and for faculty development, as well as

(See Trust funds, page 9)

MSM Trust funds


Alumni Association Trust Funds

(Continued from page 8) other types of campus development. Second, the Alumni Association provides excellent stewardship ofthe funds. The Association oversees the trust funds and makes sure that donors are informed as to how their contributions are used. When students pick up their scholarship checks in the Alumni Office, the staff tells them who was responsible for providing the funds for their scholarships. At every meeting, the Alumni Association Board of Directors reviews how these funds are invested and expended, who has received the funds, and whether the recipients have been notified of the donor. Scholarship reci pients also recei ve certifica tes s ta ting the names of their scholarships when they receive their checks. Along with these certificates, the students receive brief biographies of the donors of their particular scholarships and names and addresses ofthe donors so that the recipient may write them a letter of appreciation. There are a number of possibilities for setting up a trust fund with the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. If you are interested in Jearning more about how to start or donate to a fund, contact Don Brackhahn at the Alumni Office, 106 Harris Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401, phone (314) 3414897 .

Living Endowments Jerome T. and Robert T. Berry Scholarshi pFund Robert M. Brackbill Fund Chicago Section Scholarship Fund Houston Section Sch olarship Fund Kansas City Section Scholarship Fun d John H. and Eilyeen B. Livingston Student Loan Fund Murphy Company Scholarship Fund Armin J. and Norman P. Tucker Scholarship Fund Alumni Association Endowment Fund IMARGAAATAI (I Married a Rolla Girl and Ain't Ashamed to Admit It) Fund Class of '29 Loan Fund Class of '39 Loan Fund Class of'40 Fund Class of'42 Fund Class of'49 Fund Alumni Association Faculty Loan F und E lectrical Engineering Loan Fund John K. Olsen Emergency Loan Fund Laclede Steel Emergen cy Loan Fund

Bequests Charles Burdick Fund Clyde William and Fannie Mae Hall Scholarship Fund Kenneth R. Neal Scholarship Fund Harvey L. Tedrow Fund Memorial Funds Eugene Abernathy Memorial Fund Lawrence Wayne Bell Scholarship Fund Thomas R. Beveridge Loan Fund Robert F. Bruzewski Loan Fund Robert E. Dye Scholarship Fund Francis C. "Ike" Edwards Fund Henry E. Gross Library Fund Harry Kessler and Steven Kessler Scholarship Fund Sam Lloyd Endowment Fund Donald Paul Odom Scholarship Fund Theodore J. Planje, Sr. Scholarship Fund Annual Scholarships George and Norma Axmacher Scholarship Roy Perry Scholarship in Civil Engineering Carlos and Joan Tiernon Scholarship

---~---------------------------- - ------------- - - - --As yo u have no doubt noticed, the MSM A lumnus has undergone some ch anges - color covers and new page layouts, to name just two - over the past year. We'd like to know what you think of the magazine, both in terms of content and appearance, and also any suggestions you TIlight h ave about ways we can further improve the publication for you. We would appreciate it if you would take the time to fill out a n~ return the followi.ng qu~stionnaire. Please send it to Martin Blank, Office of Publications, Altman Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401. We hope to present SImIlar surveys penodically m the magazine. Thank you. 1. Which of these do you read regularly. (Please circle all that apply.) A. MSM Alumnus (newspa per) B. MSM Alumnus (magazine)

5. To help in the planning of future issues of the MSM Alumnus, please indicate your level of interest in each of the subj ect areas listed below:

B. Read most of it C. Read some of it D. Read none of it

No_ _

Yes_ _

4. How do you rate the MSM Alumnus in regard to each of the following: Poor

Somewhat Interested

No Interest

A. University admissions

policies, tuition, financial aid B. Campus construction

3. Does anyone, other than yourself, read your copy of the MSM A lumnus?




A. Quality of writing __

B. Quality of photos and illustrations __ C. Range of subjects covered D. Ge neral a ppearance of publication E. Coverage ofUMR events F. Coverage of alumni news

No opinion



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Very Interested

C. Student newspaper D. Parents Letter 2. When you receive the MSM Alumnus, how much of it do you generally read? A . Read it cover to cover



MSM Alumnus Readership Survey



C. Community events






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D. Continuing education E. Cultural events (music, art, theater) F. Educational programs _ __ G. Faculty accomplishments H. Financial status of the University





UN 1. Alumni personals



J. Alumni profiles K. Politics



L. Research

M. Sports/recreation

In what other ways could the MSM Alumnus be improved:

N. Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ (please specify)

(Please attach additional sheets if necessary)

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Four legislators awarded Chancellor Medals






Faur Missauri legislatars were awarded Chancellar Medals by UMR during Faunders Day ceremanies an campus Saturday, March 10. Receiving medals were State Representative Ken Fiebelman, Salem; State Senatar Michael J . "Mike" Lybyer, Huggins; State Representative Jerry E. McBride, Edgar Springs; and State Representative Al Nilges, Baurban. The medal, which is autharized and spansared by the MSM-UMR Alumni Assaciatian, hanars individuals who. have cantributed to the well-being, grawth and develapment afUM-Ralla. They were presented by UM-Ralla Chancellar Martin C. Jischke. "It is an hanar far me to. farm ally recagnize Senatar Lybyer and Representatives Fiebelman, Nilges and McBride far their extraardinary service and suppart afUM-Ralla aver the years," Jischke said. "They have generausly given aftheir time to. help secure UMR's future as a leader in educatian." Fiebelman currently is serving his third term as representative af the 149th Legislative District af parts afDent, Crawfard and Phelps Caunties. He is vice chairman af the Hause Mines and Mining Cammittee and is a member af the Agribusiness, Agriculture, State Parks, Recreatian and Natural Resaurces and the Tourism, Recreatianal and Cultural Affairs Cammittees. Lybyer, who. received a B.S. degree in agriculture fram UMC, served twa terms in the Missauri Hause af Representatives . He currently is serving his secand .term representing the 16th Senatarial District af Sauth Central Missauri . Lybyer serves as chairman af the Senate Cammittee an Agriculture and Agribusiness and serves an the Canservatian, Parks and Taurism and Educatian, Insurance and Transpartatian Cammittees. McBride currently is serving his eighth term in the Missauri Hause af Representatives (six years representing the 130th District and 10 years repre-

Medal recipients with UMR Chancellor Martin C. Jischke (center) are (left to right): State Representative Jerry McBride, State Senator Michael J. ''Mike'' Lybyer, State Representative AI Nilges and State Representative Ken Fiebelman. senting the 144th District, which is made up af all but faur tawnships in Phelps Caunty and was farmed in 1980). He is chairman af the Hause State Parks, Recreatian and Natural Resaurces Cammittee and serves an Ways and Means, Apprapriatians-Natural and Ecanamic Resaurces, Licensing and Related Matters, Federal and State Relatians and VeteransAffairscammittees. In additian, the MSMUMR Alumni Assaciatian presented McBride with an hanarary life membership far exemplary leadership and aut standing service in 1980.

Nilges currently is serving his ninth term representing the 109th Legislative District which incl udes part af Cra wfard, Franklin and Washingtan Caunties. He is chairman afthe Hause Budget Cammittee and also. serves as a member afthe Cammittees an Legislati ve Research, Gavernmental Review, Mines and Mining and is a member afthe NCSLAssembly an Legislative Fiscal Affairs and Oversight Cammittee, chairing three afits aversight sub-cammittees.

Observed since 1969

Black History Month a tradition at UM-Rolla "Black Histary Week, which is naw Black Histary Manth, has been abserved at UMR under the auspices af the Assaciatian far Black Students since 1969," Dr. Lawrence Christensen, prafessar af histary at UMR explains. In 1986 praclamatians by the City af RaIla and UMR made the abservance afBlack Histary Manth afficial. The Assaciatian far Black Students, which was instrumental in bringing abaut this pracess, cantinues to. playa majar rale in arganizing, planning and financing the abservances. "The manth is designed to. celebrate AfricanAmerican life and culture, to. remember cantributians and recagnize current excellence in the arts and shaw the ways in which African-Americans have participated in the life af American saciety," said Christensen. "Far the last twa years the African-American Cultural Recagnitian Cammittee, which was appainted by Chancellar Jischke, has been respansible far caardinating the activities far the manthlang abservance at UMR," said Christensen.

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The chairpersan af the cammittee far the past twa years has been Capt. Fannie Waads, assistant prafessar af aeraspace studies (Air Farce ROTC). "The UMRAfrican-American Cultural Cammittee was appainted by Chancellar Jischke in May 1989 to. plan activities to. cammemarate Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday and abserveAfrican-American Heritage Manth. The cammittee is made up af faculty, staff, students and twa representatives fram the lacal cammunity," Waads said. The cammittee planned a number af activities far this year's Black Histary manth. "The highlights afthe manth," said Capt. Waads, "were the natianal telecanference 'Beyand the Dream,' the St. Lauis Repertary Theatre's praductian af 'Takened,' and the lectures by Juan Williams, reparter far the Washingtan Past. "Juan Williams had just returned fram Sauth Africa where he had cavered the release afNelsan Mandela. He spake abaut this and drew parallels between what is currently happening in Sauth Africa and what happened in the U.S . during the

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early 1960s," Waads said. Black Histary Manth is an impartant time far African-Americans. It is a time af recagnitian far all af the cantributians African-Americans have made to. American saciety. "But we are nat anly abserving cantributians af African-Americans, but we are also. educating ather peaple abaut aur culture. I think if yau can use educatian to. desensitize pea pIe, then, when we talk abaut race relatians, it makes it much easier far peaple to. readily accept each ather far being a member af the human race," she added Other events this year included: the film "Vaices afSarafina," a pragram an "The African-American in Industry," Annual African-American Heritage Banquet, AKA Fashian Revue, and a Gaspel Extravaganza. Each Tuesday, during the manth af February, KUMR featured interviews with lacal RaIla residents abaut falklare, paetry, music, and ather subjects cancerning the cantributians af AfricanAmericans.

MSM UM-Rolla included in Peterson's guide UMRhas been included in the 1990-91 edition of Peterson 's Competitive Colleges, a publication profiling approximately 300 of the nation's colleges and universities that consistently have a large number of applicants with above-average creden tials. "Peterson's Competitive Colleges" allows students to compare one college with another by providinginformation about enrollment, majors, costs, computing facilities and athletic programs for each school listed. In addition, the publication highlights a statistical breakdown of high school ranks, SAT percentiles and ACT ranges for each freshman class; retention rates at each college after the freshman year and at graduation; and the percentage of each school's recent graduating classes attending graduate and professional schools.

Consulting Engineers scholarship awarded Jonathan C. Johnson , a junior in geological engineering at UMR from Fremont, Neb. , has received a $1,000 cash scholarship from the Consulting Engineers Council of Missouri. Johnson was one of three students in Missouri and the only UMR student to receive the scholarship in 1990. The award was presented at the council's Awards Banquet held recently in Kansas City. To be eligible for the annual award, students must be juniors or seniors in the upper one-half of their class and interested in pursuing a consulting engi neering career. Recipients are selected on the basis of an essay written for the competition, their grades and co-curricular activities.

SPE graduate fellowship awarded Lloyd Heinze, an instructor and Ph.D. candidate in petroleum engineering at UMR, was recently awarded a Society of Petroleum Engineers graduate fellowship. The fellowship is one of eight grants given throughout the United States by the Society of Petroleum Engineers. The total value of the fellowship is $5,000. A candidate for fellowship must be enrolled as a full-time student (including time spent teaching) in a petroleum engineering graduate program as a candidate for a masters or doctoral degree in petroleum engineering.

IFC renovates playground The UMR Interfraternity Council has renovated Rolla's Tenth Street playground. They spent Saturday morning March 4 installing a new basketball goal and repairing and painting the playground equipment. The playground is used by children of the Rolla Head Start Program. The repairs were made possible by donations from the Frank B. Powell Lumber Company and the Rolla Wal-Mart store. The UMR-IFC has traditionally h elped th e community with projects such as the remodeling of the Holloway House and playground renovation.


Geological engineers

Environmental interest creating opportunities Geological engineering graduates who choose to pursue careers in environmental areas a re likely to find their knowledge and skills in demand by employers , according to the chairman of UMR's department of geological and petroleum engineering. "Because ofthe growing concern and need to protect and preserve the Earth, there is an expanding job' market for persons with the background necessary to work in the field of environmental engineering, as it has come to be called," Dr. David J. Barr said. "In fact, environmental engineering was included as one of the top 10 career areas for the 1990s in a recent issue of Graduating Engineer magazine," h e added. Barr also explained that, at present, the demand for environmental professionals far ex. ceeds the supply. "In the department, we get on the average about one call a day from consulting firms and federal and state agencies wanting to hire geological engineering graduates for en vironmental positions," Barr said. "The work that will be done in these jobs ranges from disposing of wastes that pose a threat to public safety to protecting the quality of the aquifers from which we extract the water we drink," he added. Two UMR students planning careers in the environmental field include Rebecca Cato, who received a master's degree in geological engineering in December, and Bo Parrish, who received a bachelor's degree in geological engineering in December. "I chose this area of study because of my interest in earth science and mathematics ," said Cato. "Geological engineering is a multidisciplinary area, and when I took a course that dealt with environmental concerns, I became interested in that area." Parrish received a Trans World Airlines environmental scholarship for the 1989-90 academic year because of his interest in the prevention of groundwater contamination. In addition, Parrish said his career plans also include hazardous waste management and waste site reclamation. "Because of the laws regulating environmental cleanup, there is a market for people who are pursuing environmental engineering careers," said Parrish. Barr noted that the legislation regulating hazardous waste cleanup includes Superfund, which deals with the characterization and cleanup of previously used hazardous waste sites, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), which controls sites in current use. "These laws along with others such as federal clean air and water acts are increasing the need for environmental professionals and, because of these laws, there is every indication that the demand will continue," said Barr. "The December 1986 issue ofGeotimes magazine stated that the job demand has increased significantly for disci plines associated with waste management," said Barr.

"Because of the growing concern and need to protect and preserve the Earth, there is an expanding job market for persons with the background necessary to work in the field ofenvironmental engineer-


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-Dr. David J. Barr "The article also predicted thatapproximately 8,000 geological engineers and hydrolOgists, or those who monitor and prevent the pollution of water supplies, will be needed in the near future," he added. UMR is one of 12 universities in the nation which offer degrees in geological engineering, according to Barr, and the department's curriculum and faculty are geared to the environment. "For example," said Barr, "Drs. Jeffrey D. Cawlfield, Cary L. McConnell and Don L. Warner, who also is dean of the UMR School of Mines and Metallurgy, are experts in monitoring and protecting groundwater. "Dr. C. Dale Elifrits teaches courses in sanitary landfill design and operation and mined land reclamation; Dr. John D. Rockaway has expertise in hazardous waste site characterization; and Dr. Allen W. Hatheway is a specialist in hazardous waste management and cleanup," explained Barr. UMR students can choose a number of environmental courses such as "Geological and Geotechnical Aspects of Hazardous Waste ManagementI and II," which are taught by Hatheway. "These two courses concentrate on site and waste characterization," said Hatheway, "or, in other words, they seek to teach students to answer the questions 'how harmful is the environmental threat in the area and what might be required to clean up the land?' "In almost all cases, monitoring and protecting the groundwater is of the greatest concern because of its ability to carry contaminants to drinking water supplies," Hatheway added. Another course which focuses on environmental concerns is "Environmental Geological Engineering," which is taught by Elifrits. "The course deals with the design and operation of sanitary landfill sites and the remediation of disturbed sites, which includes regrowing vegetation to control water runoff and soil erosion," said Elifl'its.






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Hatnblen receives ACM education alVard

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ser ved as secreta ry of ACM from 1972-76. Oth er recipients of th e award incl ude William F. Atchison, Samuel D. Con te, Th omas E. Hull, Thomas A. Keenan , William B. Keh I, Edward J. McCluskey, Silvio O. Navarro, Werner C. Rheinboldt, Earl J . Schweppe, William Viavant a ndDa vid M. Young Jr. Hamblen, who received the t itl e of professor emeritus of computer science at UMR in 1987, joined the UMR faculty in 1972. He received an A.B. degree in ma thema tics from Indian a University in 1947 a nd M.S. and Ph .D. degrees in ma thema tics-st a ti stics from Purdue University in 1952 and 1955 , res pectively.

Dr. John W. Hamblen , professor emeritus of computer science at UMR, is the recipient of an Associa tion for Computing Machinery (ACM) award for outstanding contribut ions to computer science education. He received the award during ceremonies held in February, in Washington, D.C. According to ACM, the award , which is part of ACM's Special Interest Group for Computer Sci ence Education (SIGCSE), is presented to each member of ACM's 1968 Curriculum Committee on Computer Science. That committee was established in 1962 by ACM as a subcommi ttee of the Education Committee of ACM. Hamblen served as ch airman of that committee from 1976-81 and also

Hamblen also served as the chairman ofUMR's department of computer science. He has directed computer centers a t Southern Illinois University, the U ni versity of Kentucky, and Oklahoma Sta te U niversity. He served as presiden t of the Association fo r Educational Da ta Systems (AEDS), chairma n of the American F ederation of Informa tion Processin g Societies (AFIPS) Educa tion Committee and as secretary of AEDS . He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and also served on the AFIPS Boa rd of Directors and Audit Committee. Hamblen is the recipient of an AFIPS Education Award in 1985.


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Castleman Hall Construction of Castleman Hall, which will feature an auditorium, offices and rehearsal rooms for UMR's music and theatre programs, and offices for University Advancement and the MSM-UMR Alumni Ass ociation has benefited from a mild winter and w arm spring. The building is scheduled for completion in the autumn of 1991.




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For distinguished contributions

Batra accorded Fellow status in ASME h as lectured in France, Italy, West Germany, Spain , Egypt, India, Japan , Taiwan , Brazil , Can ada a nd Mexico . Batra has served as a major adviser to six doctoral students. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, U.S. Army Research Office, McDonnell Douglas Corp. , IBM Corp. , Nat ional Center for Supercomputing and Dames & Moores In c. He is the ch airman of the 22nd Midwestern Mechanics Conference to be held in Rolla in 1991. Previously, he chaired the 18th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science Inc. held at UMR in 1982.

Dr. Romesh C. Batra, professor of engineering mechanics at UMR, has been elected a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). The honor is bestowed on members of ASME who have made distinguished contribution s in the mechanical engineering profession. Batra received a Ph.D. degree in engineering mechanics from The Johns Hopkins University in 1972. He joined the UMR faculty in 1974. He is the a uthor or coauthor of 80 pa pers of which 60 have been published in 20 refereed j ournals. He has presented his research findings at 35 universities and research laboratories in the United States and other countries and has presented papers at 55 national and international conferences. He

Two named Shell Scholars at UM-Rolla



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Alfred CureauJr., a UMR freshman in engineering from University City and Kevin Robertson , a UMR freshman in engineering from Festus h ave been named Shell Scholars at UMR. As Shell Scholars, they will receive scholarship assistance through the Shell Incentive Funds program. The Incentive Funds, which are provided by the Shell Oil Company Foundation, are intended to


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encourage outst anding students belonging to ethnic minorities in th e United States to pursue a course of study in business or t ech nical fields leading t o the baccalaureate degree. At UMR, Cureau is a Minority Engineering Program Scholar and is on t he UMR honor roll. At UMR, Robertson is a Minority Engineering P rogram Scholar and is on th e honor roll. He also is a member ·of the Society of Hispa nic Engineers.




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Southwestern Bell Scholars named at UMR Rakiyah Mason , a UMR freshman in engineering fro m St . Louis, a nd J erry McCall , a UMR freshma n in engineering from St. Loui s h a ve been na med Sout hwestern Bell Schola rs a t UMR. As Southwestern Bell Scholars, they will receive schola rship assistance a nd participa te in the summer internship program a t Southwestern Bell. The scholarship and internship program are intended to encourage outstanding students belonging to ethnic minorities in the United States to pursue a course of study in business or technical fields leading to the baccalaureate degree. At UMR, Mason and McCall a re Minority Engineering Program Scholars. She is a graduate of Pattonvill e High School where she was a member of the National Honor Society. She also was listed in "Who's Who AmongAmerican High School Students." At UMR, McCall also is a Minority Engineering Program Scholar. He is a graduate of Parkway North High School where h e participated in the Salvation Army Community Service Project, the math club and the INROADS program.



MINER SPORTS Season outlook protnising for football Miners Concentrating on linebackers and offensive linemen, head coach Charlie Finley and his staff have signed an outstanding group offootball players for next fall's season. "We have an excellent new group of players coming in for the 1990 season," Coach Finley said. "With the young men we have returning from last year's squad, we should be improved next season." The newest UMR football players are: J eff Buss - Highland, Ill. (Highland H.S.), 6-3, 210, linebacker. Jeffis an outstanding student and was recognized as an Illinois State Scholar, played fullback on offense and outside linebacker on defense. LemontA. Chambliss- Decatur, Ill. (MacArthur H.S.), 6-0 , 180, running back. Lemont, who also competes in track and field, is a top prospect with 4.5 speed in the 40-yard dash. Daniel Dold - Emporia, Kan. (Emporia H.S .), 64,275, lineman. Daniel is ajunior college transfer, having graduated with honors from Coffeyville (Kansas) Community College. He was a first Team All Jayhawk Conference selection . Douglas E. Fulton - Centralia, Ill. (Salem Community H .S. ), 6-1, 200, linebacker. Douglas was captain of both his football and basketball teams as a senior, was selected as the offensive player of the year at tight end and the team's Most Valuable Player. He also started as a defensive end. Matthew J. Schwent - Ste. Genevieve, Mo. (Valle H.S. ), 6-1, 205, linebacker. Matthew also participated in basketball and track and made the All Conference and All District teams as a fullback and linebacker.

Craig A. Sorensen - Bonner Springs, Kan. (Bonner Springs H.S.), 6-2 , 180, wide receiver. Craig played as a wide receiver and free safety, making All Kansas City Metro Second Team and Second Team All State. He has 4.5 speed in the 40yard dash. Kenneth R. Waymon - Pocahontas, Ark. (Pocahontas H.S .), 6-3, 215, linebacker. Ken neth played at quarterback, tight end and linebacker in high school, earning All District Team Honorable Mention. John I. Whitworth - Freeburg, Ill. (Althoff H.S .), 6-4, 225, offensive lineman. John played left tackle in high school, earning All Metro First Team recognition . Joe Gailey - Springfield, Mo. (Hillcrest H.S.), 61, 210, center. Joe played center on offen se and tackle on defense, was recognized for his outstanding leadership as a sophomore, was selected as the outstanding lineman as a junior and made All Conference Honorable Mention. Robbie L. Graves - Branson, Mo. (Branson H.S.), 6-1 , 215, defensive lineman. Robbie was an All Conference honoree as a gua rd on offense and in the defensive line. J asonM. Huelsing-St. Louis, (Mehlville H .S.), 5-10, 180, wide receiver. J ason played wide receiver in high school, making the All Conference and All District teams . His senior year he had 39 receptions and 18 touchdowns. Reginald C. Johnson - St. Louis (CBC H.S. ), 63, 215, tight end. Reginald played fullback and linebacker in high school and was the team's leading rusher his senior year. Walk-ons include Keith Louis Short, a wide

Football Schedule Date Sept. 1 Sept. 8 Sept. 15 Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Nov. 3 Nov. 10

Opponent Washburn University @ Northeast Missouri State Missouri Western

Hall of Fame Game @ Illinois State University Open @ Southeast Missouri State Northwest Missouri

Homecoming @ Pittsburg State University @ Central Missouri State Missouri Southern

Parents' Day @ Southwest Baptist

Home games in Boldface Special events in italics All home kick-offs 1:30 p.m., away games are TBA

receiver from Vianney High School in St. Louis; Jonathon Thomas, a fullback-noseguard from Lee's Summit, Mo.; Todd M. Althoff, a lineman from Liberty, Mo .; Jesse L. Harvey, a lineman from Chillicothe, Ill. ; Dwight E. Howdesh ell, a running back from Fenton, Mo.; William A. Avise, a lineman from Lee's Summit, Mo .; and Jarrett, a quarterback/free safety from Sullivan, Mo ., who is transferring in from East Central Junior College.

Winter sports wrap-up

Men, women cagers, swimmers complete seasons After a difficult non-conference schedule, the 1989-90 men's basketball team at UMR finished the season strong and showed great promise for next year. The Miners finished with a 10-16 overall record, 7-9 in the MlAA. This record in league play was the team's best in several years and earned UMR sixth place in the MlAA and its firs t ever conference playoff berth under the present Conference Cham pionshi p Tournament format. UMR lost in the first round of the tourney, 76-62 , against Southwest Baptist at Bolivar. Southwest Baptist, along with Southeast Missouri State, Missouri Western and Central Missouri State went on after this to urnamen t to represent the MlAA in the NCAA Division II Basketball Championships. ''We showed steady improvement over the season," Coach Dale Martin said. Leading this year's team was Tony Wofford, a 63 sophomore forward from Parma, Mo. Tony was the leading scorer with a 14-point average, the leading rebounder with a 6.1 average and was second team all-MlAA. Another key performer for the Miners this year was Paul Neeman, 6-4 sophomore forward from Wentzville, Mo.


The 1989-90 Lady Miners finished their best basketball season ever in the powerful MlAA, as they tied for third place with an 11-5 record. This gave the women the home floor advantage in the Conference Ch ampion ship Tournament (another first). But the Miners dropped a tough 60-56 decision to Missouri Western. For the season , the Lady Miners finished with a 17-11 overall mark. UMRfaced six teams rated in the top 20 throughout the season-a season which included a holiday tournament in Florida. The 1990-91 schedule includes a return to the Bah amas for a holiday tournament in December. Leading this year's squad was J ennifer Cordes, 5-10 senior forward from St. Louis. Jennifer completed h er play at UMR by becoming the all time Lady Miner scoring leader with 1,416 career points. The four-year starter is second on the all time rebounding list at UMR, was elected to the MlAA All Conference Team all four years and this year became th e first-ever female GTE Academic AlIAmerican at Rolla. She led the team in scoring this year , averaging 17.1 points a game a nd in rebounding with a 8.1 average.

• •• For the second year in a row, Coach Mark Mullin's swimmers culminated another successful

season by sending two individuals to the NCAA nationals at Buffalo, N.Y., in early March. Jeff Kuta and J eff Mitchell admirably represented UMR at the n ationals. Kuta, a sophomore from St. Louis, earned All America recognition by finishing seventh in the 50yard and 100-yard freestyle events. This was his second straight trip to the nationals. Mitchell, a sophomore from Edmond, Okla. , made his fi rst trip to the nationals in one- and threemeter diving. He placed 13th in the first round on the low boa rds, which advanced him to the second round. He did not make it out ofthe first round on the high boa rd, however. Coach Mullin also said he was very pleased with this season, considering the difficulties under which it began . The squad lost four members expected back from last year's team before the season even started. In dual meets the Miners finished with a 6-3 record and two ofthe three losses were to Division I t eams - Southwest Missouri State and Louisville. In all , UMR faced five Division I teams during the season. It also competed in the Midwest Heartla nd Classic in Omaha, finishing third in the 13 team field behind the University of Alaska-Anchorage and Creighton University.




HOMECOMING IS OCTOBER 12 AND 13 and it' s Reunion Year for many of you. In addition to the free educational seminars and traditional homecoming activities , thi s year wi ll feature a number of student-related programs and a visit to the Chancellor's Residence, as well as an extension of the fun at Tan-Tar-A resort at Lake of the Ozarks. We expect HOMECOMING 1990 to be the best ever and we know that you ' ll e nj oy all the Homecoming events. The schedu le below will give you details regarding the special activities. Please return the reservation f01111S so all will be ready for your arrival on October 12! Don Brackhahn Executive Director

The students have chosen this year's Homecoming theme:



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SCHEDULE OF EVENTS MONDA Y, October 8 - THURSDA Y, October II - Stude nt sponsored Homecoming activities . Cal l Student Ac ti viti es at 34 1-4220 for more information regarding specific eve nts.

quar· ;rans· 9:00 a.m. -4:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m.


1:00 p.m.-4:00 1:30 p.m. -4:30 1:30 p.m.-4:30 5:30 p.m .-8 :00 8:00 p.m . 8:30 p.m.

p.m . p.m. p.m. p.m.


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1:30p.m . 6: 15 p.m . 7:00 p.m .-9:00 p.m . 9 :00 p.m.

SATURDAY, October 13 ALL-ALUMNI BREAKFAST, Centennial Hall , Unive rsity Center-Eas t Section Leaders Breakfas t and Meeting REGISTRATION continues in Mine r Lounge Admissions Ambassadors Workshop EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS continue A Visit to the Chancellor 's Residence - drop in for coffee any time betwee n 10:00 and II :30 a.m. , 506 Wes t Eleventh Street FIELDHOUSE FEED for all alumni and friends, Gale Bullman Multi -Purpose Building. Features reserved seat ing for the Reunion Classes of 1940 and before, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985. Class Pictures will be taken at 12: I 5 p.m . Football K ickoff - MINERS VS. NORTHWEST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY CASH BAR RECEPTION , Miner Loun ge, University Center-East AWARDS BANQUET, Centennial Hall , Uni versity Center-East Annual Meeting, MSM-UMR Alumni Association , Centennial Hall , Un ive rsity Cen te r-Eas t

1:30 p.m.-3 :30 p.m.

SUNDA Y, October 14 African-American A lumni Recruitment & Retention Comm ittee

7:30 a.m. -9:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m.-1O:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m.-I I : 15 a.m . 8:30 a.m.-! 0:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m .-12:00 noon 10:00 a.m. - I I :30 a .m.


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FRIDA Y, October 12 REGISTRATION - Miner Lounge, Un iversity Cente r-East Ice Crea m Social - near the Hockey Puck Student Team Twister Tournament - Hockey Puck Student-Alumni Golf To urnament, Ca mpu s Go lf Co urse Alumni Association Board of Directors Meetin g, Mark Twa in Uni versity Ce nte r-East EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS (prese nted by faculty and alumni ) SILVER & GOLD REUNION BUFFET RECEPTION, Centennial Hall , University Center-East Homecoming Parade - leaves from Uni versity Cente r-East. Join the parade to the Ath letic Fields! Homecoming Bonfire & Fireworks Display - Athletic Fields

11 :30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m .

Reunion classes will receive additional mailin gs prior to Homecoming regardin g spec ial re union events.


during rIeart· the 13 ,a-An-

Don ' t forget to c heck at the Reg istration Desk for late e ntri es into the sc hed ul e of events, as we ll as for spec ific inform ation regardi ng reunions ! For assis tance with Homecoming rese rv ation s, call or write: Alumni Office, Harri s Hall , UMR, Rolla , MO 6540 1-0249. Inform ation number: (3 14)341-4 145. FAX number: (3 14)34 1-6091.

AY. 1990

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ALUMNI/STUDENT GOLF TOURNAMENT Irwe would like to participate in the go lf tournament at Homecom ing. Number of Part icipants : _____

_ _ SILVER & GOLD BUFFET RECEPTION ($ 15.00 per perso n)

Please send additiona l informati o n to: _ _ ALL ALUMNI BREAKFAST ($3.00 per perso n) NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ ___ FIELDHOUSE FEED - REUN ION LUNCHEON ($5. 00 per perso n)

CLASSYEAR __________

_ _ A WARDS BANQUET for the presentation of Alumni Meri t, Ach ievement and Servi ce Awards ($ 15.00 per person)

ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C ITY _ _ _ _ _ __ STATE



Z IP _ _ __


Total cost per person for ALL events: $43 .00

Card Number: _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __

PARTNER'S RELATIONSHIP (c irc le all that apply): I. Spouse 2 . Son or Daughter 3. C urrent UMR Student 4 . Fe ll ow Alumna/Alumnus (C lass Yea r): _ _ __ 5 . Othe r (Please spec ify) : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Expirati on Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

*If you w ish, a partner may be ass igned by the Student Union Board.

Name as printed on card: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

Please return to: Aaron Bradley, SUB Office, 2 18 University Center-Wes t, UMR , Ro ll a, MO 6540 1.

CHECK ENCLOSED IN THE AMOUNT OF: _ _ _ __ _ _ Please charge to my credit card : _ _ Vi sa


MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS TODA Y! Reg istration is easy way you choose to do it.


• BY PHONE: Call (3 14) 34 1-4 145 , and have your credit card information ready . • BY FAX: Our FAX number is (3 14) 34 1-609 1, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m . Monday through Friday. Fill out the reg istration form or fo rm s, and include yo ur credit card information. • BY MAIL: Fill out th e reg istratio n form or fo rm s, and mail with your check or cred it card information to Alumni Office, Harri s Hall , UMR , Ro lla, MO 65401 Whatever you choose, we must have your reserv ati o ns by OCTOBER 5, 1990! NAME #1: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ NAME#2: __________________________ ADD RESS ___________________ CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STATE

ZIP _ _ __

L __ _ ____ __ _____ _ ~ _ _ __ __ ~

I-~--- - - -------- - --- ----, I

TAN-TAR-A HOMECOMING EXTENSION OCTOBER 14, 15 & 16, 1990 _ _ Yes, I/ we plan to attend' Number of persons ___ Si ngle or double room? _ _ _ _ ___ Any special req uirements, such as non -smoking, ground fl oor, etc. ?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ You wil l be responsib le for payment for your room(s). Wo uld you like to guarantee yo ur room with a credit ca rd? If so, please provide the fo ll owing information:


Ca rd type (V isa, Mastercard , etc.) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Card number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Expiration Date _ _ _ __

L_ ~----------- -- -------~

Name o n ca rd _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __

\ I I J



YOUR NAME(S) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

/ Mark your rt?" calendar for Homecoming! October 12-13

\ \

\ \ / /



ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C ITY ___________ STATE

Fo ph W m

ZIP _____

HOMEPHONE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WORKP HON E __________

*B Bu *D **

CLASSYEA R ___________ To make yo ur rese rvati ons, please FAX or mail thi s form to the attenti on of Lindsay Bagnall , A lumni Office, Harri s Ha ll, UMR, Ro ll a, MO 6540 1. FAX number: (3 14)34 1-609 1.

L __________ _ __ __ _ _ ___ _____ MAY 1990



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EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS Limited space is avai lable in each program, so adv ance registrations are necessary. You will be given your first cho ice if at all poss ible and space permits. Please number the classes on each day in order of preference.

Number of Reservations

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 l. Travel Photography, Ern ie Gutierrez ( 12:00 noon-2:00 p.m.)

2. SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION: Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Packag ing Laboratory , Serna Alptekin ( 1:00-1 :30 p.m.) 3. Making the Dual Career Fami ly Work, Debra Robin son ( I :00-2:00 p.m.) 4. Oak Leaves & Sh ille laghs : Eng ineering Education in the Ozarks, Lawrence Christensen & Jac k Ridley (2:00-3:00 p.m.) 5 . The Japanese System of Process Control & Productivity Impro vement p.m.)

An Overview, Henry Wiebe (2 :30-4 :30

6. The Ozarks During the Civ il War, John Bradbury (3:00-4:00 p.m.) 7. A Medieval Window: The Gothic Cathedral , Wayne Bledsoe & Harry Eisenm an (3:30-4:30 p. m.) 8. Assertiveness Training, Camille Consolvo (3 :30-4:30 p.m.) 9. Atomic-level Architecture of New Materials: Electrodepos ited Ceramic Superi atti ces, Jay Switzer (3:30-4 :30 p.m. )

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 10. SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION: Advanced Technology C lass room, Eng ineerin g Management Building, Madi son Dail y (9 :00-10:00 a.m.) II. Looking Backwards: UMR Customs & Stori es, Michae l Patri ck (9:00- 10:30 a. m.)

12. All You Wanted to Know About Radon But Were Afraid to Ask, Purush TerK onda (9:00-11 :00 a. m.) 13. The Arm y Engineer's Rol e in Space, M. Merrill Stevens (9 :30-10:30 a.m.) 14. Tornadoes: Fact & Fiction, Joseph Minor ( 10:00-11 :30 a.m.) 15. Is Electricity Hazardous to Your Health?, Walt Gajda ( 10:30-11 :30 a.m .) 16. Changing Careers, Gene Van Matre & Sam Burton ( 10:30- 11 :30 a.m .) Class reservation cards with assignment of c lassroom may be picked up at th e Homecoming Center-East on Friday or Saturday before the scheduled class.

R ~g i s tra ti o n

desk in the Miner Loun ge of the Uni versity

NAME #1: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ NAME #2: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ZIP _ _ __

ADDRESS _ _ _ _ __ __ ___ CITY _ _ _ _ __ __ STATE HOME PHONE _ _ _ __ WORK PHONE _ _ _ _ _ CLASS YEAR


L ______________________ __ ~ __________________


* Motels * For your convenience, we have compiled a list of local mote ls with addresses and phone numbers. We hope th is will help you find accomodations for Homecoming weekend. The following motels are members of the Rolla Area Chamber of Commerce: *Best Western Coach light, 1-44 & Martin Springs Dr. 34 1-25 11 (800-528- 1234) Budget Deluxe Motel, 1908 N. Bishop, 364-4488. *Drury Inn , Jet 1-44 & Hwy 63 North, 364-4000 (800-325-8300) **(Howard Johnson is reserved for Class of '50, Go lden Alumni and Board Members, and these alumni may call the Al umni Office for reservations on first-come, firstserved basis). *Town House Motel , 1207 Kingshighway, 34 1-3700. *Wayfarer Inn, 1505 Martin Spring Drive, (Ex it 184) 364-3333. **Zeno 's Motel & Steak House, 1-44 & Martin Springs Dr. 364-130 l.

Other Mote ls in Rolla are: *American Motor Inn, 18 10 N. Bishop, 341-2555. *Comfort Motel, Bus. Rt. 1-44 West, 364-4 156. *Econo Lodge, Martin Springs Dri ve, 341-3 130 (800-446-6900)(off ex it 184). *Interstate Motel/Bestway Inn, 163 1 Martin Springs Drive, 34 1-215 8. *Rolla Inn (was Holiday), 1701 Martin Springs Dri ve, 364-7977 . *Rustic Mote l, 81 2 Hwy 63 South , 364-6943 (800-458-9279). Thrifty Inn, 1-44 & 63 North , 364-1 333. *Western Inn, 1605 Martin Springs Dri ve, 341-3050. * Ind icates pool **Indicates indoor pool



SECTION NEWS Houston Section Houston alumni gathered at the Anheuser-Busch hospitality room in Houston on Friday, March 16, 1990. One hundred seventeen a lum s, spouses and guests registered for the traditional Houston St. Pat's celebration. Honored and recognized at the meeting were: Curt Killinger, Texaco Houston, former New Orleans Area Director and present Houston Area Director (and Section Photographer); Rex Alford, former Houston Area Director an d current Nominating Chairman; Nancy Arnold, computer programming consultant, Houston, Secretary-Treasurer; Charley Frey, Texas Highway Dept., Ellington Field, Publicity Chairman. All of the above are serving as members of th e Houston Section Executive Board. Also recognized were Gary Pariani, AMOCO Houston , former St. Pat Board member 1972-73, and Warren Carroll, consultant Houston, 1957 St. Pat. Brief reports were made on section activities including student recruiting by Killinger, nomination of officers by Alford and the current state of the Houston Scholarship fund by Jim Paul. Awards were made to Jean Laverty, Beaumont, for the "Most Original St. Pat Day Costume" and to Maurice VandenBerg, Baytown, for the "Oldest Rolla T-Shirt." Drawings were made for many door prizes. A good time was had by all. Weare grateful to Anh euser-Busch for being such a good host. Introduced for the first time was a special-designed green T-shirt with the words "Missouri Miners" and "Houston" surrounding a picture of the familiar miner. Our initial supply

was sold out and several orders taken. If others have interest in purchasing a T-shirt, you may call Jim P aul at 71 3464-1358. Proceeds go to the Houston Section Scholarship Fund. Alumni in attendance were: Rex '40 and June Alford; Nancy Arnold, '79 M.H. '51 and Jean Beaver; Steve '70 and Zora Becker; Tom Beebe, '87; Les Birbeck, '50; Warren Carroll , '59; Jim Chaney, '48; Jeff Chou , '85; Bruce '8 1 and Janet Colborne; George '51 and Melba Comanich ; Joe '69 and Sue Cowen; P. Dean Culnan, '62; Ervan Darnell, '85; Dan Dees, '88; Mart '82 and Sherry Dieckmann; George '51 and Ellen Donaldson; Ron Featherston, '61; Charley Frey, '57; Bill Geisel, '86; Adil '67 and Arnavaz Godiwalla; Mellissa Gulley, '84; Michael '78 and Deborah Haynes; John Hegger, '86; Alphonse '84 and Tracey Hegger, J r.; Mr. a nd Mrs. P.E. Ilavia, '70; E.S. Isenmann, '44; Marshall Jeffers, '39; Kaylynn Johnston , '87; Ed '86 and Carla Kaiser; Arthur '54 and Suzanne Kemp; Donna '83 and Philip Kerig; Curt '73 and Marybeth Killinger; Bob '63 and Pat Koester; Brian Larson, '85; Jean Laverty, '88; Robert Linville, '62; Bill '71 and Vivian Lu; Michael Luck, '73Jimmy Lee '73 and Deborah MeansTerry Micnhimer, '77; Don '65 and Liz Miller; Steve Munday, '89; Gary '73 and Barbara Pariani; Perrin R. Roller, '80; Dennis Stanfield, '71; Joe '81 and Karen '81 TrapaniMaurice '74 and Elaine VandenBergh; Bill '88 and Karen '89 Veerkamp; Arthur '49 and Pat Weber ; Mike'77 and Debbie Weiss; Harry '59 and Mary West; and Bob '49 and Marian Yochum

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Submitted by Jim Paul , '43





Midwestern spring Admissions Banquets Admissions Banquets were held in several Midwest cities this spring to h elp prospective students and their parents learn more about UMR. Several alumni helped by attending these banquets and talking to prospective students about t heir UMR experiences. Those alumni a re listed below - thank you all for your attendance! St. Louis Dave Dressel, '86 Paul '81 and Christa Degonia '85 Andrew Mike Ferretti, '67 (emcee) Jim Longshore, '56 Tom '70 a nd Janet Manning Rolla John Wiggins , '70 Lindsay Bagnall, '76 Jim Perkins, '66

- -- - -- -


Keith Wedge, '7 0 (emcee) Collinsville, IL Jack Hayden , '79 William Phelps, '66 Gerry Uhe, '62 (emcee) Jefferson City Calvin Ochs, '49 (emcee) John '68 and Pat Davis James Roberts, '53 Mike Taylor, '72 Cape Girardeau Bob Sfreddo, '58 (emcee) Gerald Buchheit, '78 Dennis Stover, '66 Roger Montgomery, '70 Roger Ellis, '71 Kansas City Lu '59 and Sammy Bolon Gary Creason, '71 Greg Skannal, '85

Willis '73 and Nancy Wilson Ray Kasten, 43 Michael Perry , '72 Doug Nolkemper, '89 Robert Sauer, '83 Kevin Eisenbeis, '79 Chris Wilson , '73 (emcee) Cliff '57 and Bettie Tanquary Springfield, MO Garry '79 and Peggy Shaffer (emcee) Pete '44 and Dorothy DesJ ardins V.B. "Brownie" '50 Unsell and J eanette Collins Emmett Redd, '77, '79, '86 Larry '79 and Carol Wolf Kevin Skibiski, '75 Todd Wagner, '87 Angela Wollard, '72, with her husband Joe Wollard, retired UMR administrator

Miami meeting A group of interest ed alumni met on November 18,1989, at the home of Rene Leonard in Miami to discuss organization of a Miami Section . Gene Green , former baseball coach and sports information director at UMR, attended the meeting to bring news from campus. Those in attendance were: Paul Singer, '58; Rene Leonard, '61; Jose Botta, '65; Michael Guerrero, '68; William Bourne, '41; Ian Radin, '69; Mike Kempf, '75; Scott '86 and Karen Rothermich '87 Lucas; Royal Webster, '55; and Gene Green. Submitted by Rene Leonard









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St. Louis Lecture Series

Cape Girardeau basketball reception The alumni met at the Holiday Inn in Cape Girardeau on February 21st following the UMR-SEMO basketball game. Th e twenty graduates a nd families were greeted by athletic director Billy Key and his wife Naomi , and alumni director Don Brackhahn and his wife Nancy. Andy Hoffee '66 , from Bonne Terre was in the area for a job for Union Electric, but broke

On February 27, 1990, Professor Walt Gajda kicked off the St. Louis Lecture series with a talk titled "Is Electricity Hazardous to Your Health?" The small but interested crowd thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Gajda's lecture and learned all about the possible h azards and non-hazards ofth e electricity with which we live every day. Those in atten dance were: George Axm acher, '42; Lin dsay Bagnall, '76; Kent Bagnall, '76; Don Brackh ah n ; Edward J. Bra dley, Jr. , '84; Jere Calliston, '64; David Endorf, '85 & Denni s Bouse; Sam Graefe, '83; Phil J ozwiak , '66; John L. Painter, '50; Cha rles Rolf; Philip S. Roush , '57; Lloyd Sch attyn,

'64; Dave Strawhun, '78; and Ralph E. Wolfram, '50; Dr. Bruce McMillin was the speaker on March 8, 1990, presenting "Parallel Processing: Termites vs. Chainsaws". His informative and interesting talk was enjoyed by the following alumni and friends : George Axmacher, '42; Earl Bage, '50; Lindsay Bagnall, '76; Jeff Bertram , '75; Don Brackhahn; Thomas A. Hrastich , '65; Phil Jozwiak, '66; Joe Krispin, '54; Phil Langho rst, '83; Rozann McClimens, '81; Jim Mersinger; Arum ugam Ramasamy, '89; Jack Paint er, '50; Blaine Stone, '74; and Laura Powell.

away long enough to greet the other Miners in a ttendance. Among those in attendance wer e: C. P unch Bennett, '54; Max, '54, and JoAnn Burgett ; Don , '66, and J enny Fuller ; Andy Hoffee, '66; Bob, '58, and Norma Sfreddo; C. Bob Simpson, '59 and son Ch a rles; Bill, '54, and Clemmie Stewar t ; Billy and Naomi Key; Don and Nancy Bra ckhahn.

Florida West Coast Section

Lincolnland Section On F ebruary 10th thi r t y-fi ve alumni and friends were guests at the home of Brett and Janet Crotty in Pet ersburg, Illinois, for a win ter evening cock t ail party. Guests from Rolla were Dr . Joseph Minor, Ch airman of the Civil Engineering Department at UMR, and his wife, Ann . Dr. Minor, in his present a tion to those assembled, discussed the make-up of the student body, the pr ograms, and future direct ion of th e campu s. Also joining us fr om Rolla wer e Don Brackhah n, Execut ive Director of th e Alumni Association , and his wife Nancy. Don brough t a video of Homecoming '89 and also the new admissions video, which were enjoyed by all. It was a great way to pass a winter evening, spending time with old friends and meeting new ones. Special th anks to Brett and Janet for their wonderful hospitality.

New officers for the section are: Tom Feger, President; Larry Lewis, President Elect; Rich Mochel, SecretaryfI'reasurer. Rich Berning and Gary Hutchison are both Members at Large. Many thanks goes to Ed Midden for his past efforts as President. Those in attendance were: Rich , '69, and Carolyn Berning; Terry, '72, and Deb Burke; Dick and Carol Cordier(parents); Brett, '83, and Janet Crotty; Tom, '69, and Joanne Feger; Mr. & Mrs . Pat Giacomini '83; Gary, '74, a nd Debi Hutchison ; Dan , '74, and Lauri Kerns; Larry '73, an d Betsy Lewis; Ed, '69, and Anne Midden ; Rich , '64, and Sandy Mochel; Greg Morris, '87 and guest; Jerry, '70, and Mary Parsons; Paul, '76, and Janet Telthorst; Pat, '88, and Cheryl Toby; Bob Uthoff'52; Don and Nancy Brackh ahn; Joe and Ann Minor.

On March 3, 1990, 26 alumni and frien ds met at th e beautiful home of Gerald and Jeannie Stevenson in Lakeland, Florida. The around the pool party brought an exchange of stories about life on campus from those who are on campus now and those who had not been in Rolla for a number of years . The alumni grou p was joined by retired Dean of Engineering Stuart Johnson and a UMR Co -op student Lori Stricker, working in Lakeland at Jacobs Engineering. Gerry, vice president ofthe Alumni Association , welcomed those in attendance and introduced Tom Coffman, Vice Ch ancellor for University Advancement, and Don Brackhahn, Director of Alumni Relations. Vice Chancellor Coffman brought greet-

ings from the campus and discussed campus programs and plans for the future. Don Brackhahn explained the progress made by the Alumni Association in recent years and showed a video tape of"1989 Homecoming" and a new video used by the admissions office. T h ose in attendance in clud ed : Lloyd, '50, and Dot Bird; Don Brackhahn; Tom Coffman; Warren, '35, and Katherine Danforth; Bill , '66, and Sara Ford and daughter Melissa; Dean Emeri tus Stuart Johnson and his wife, Lucille; John, '73, and Nancy Keating; David, '80, and Kathy, '83, Schmidt; Bob, '64, and Jean Sommerkamp; Gerry, '59, and Jeannie Stevenson; Val, '5 1, and Barbara Stieglitz; Lori Stricker; John, '50, and Marge Van Nort; Ralph, '58, and Joan Young.

Arizona meeting On Friday, March 16, 1990, the Engineering Operations group of the General Motors Desert Proving Ground (Mesa, AZ) had its third annual Engineering St. Pat's Celebration. Each year, we've had lunch followed by an "engineering competition". In years past, the competition has been to build a paper airplane that can fly the farthest. This year, the "nerdathalon" was introduced! The events inclu ded air rifle target shooting, horseshoes, nerf basketball, and fi-

nally a slide rule competition (only one of13 engineers got the problem right! )_ This event is just a way to recognize our engineers and St. Pat's is the right time to do it, as anyone from Rolla would agree. Thanks to my boss , Ed Blough, who started the tradition (even U ni versity ofN ew Mexico al urns know St. Pat is the Patron Saint of engineers! ). Submitted by Eric Minne, BSEE, Class of '77
















Ark-La-Tex Section

Bay Area Section The Bay Area Section ofthe MSMUMR Alumni Association held its 8th annual St. Pats party on March 17, 1990 at the San Francisco home of Jerry and Kay Littlefield . Forty one alums and guests enjoyed a sumptu ous feast of barbequed beef and pork ribs, chicken, hot and mild links, cole sla w, potato salad, and sourdough rolls catered by San Francisco's famous Firehouse BarBQue. A specially decorated "Miner Cake" was served for dessert. The stories, recollections and memories flowed freely as everyone had more than enough anecdotes to go around. In attendance were Dave Gray, '69; Bev and Don Kelly, '49; Marthe and John Nichols, '50; Ed Waltenspiel , '44; Stella and Joey

Tuttle, '64; Laurie and Dave Peacock, '64; Victoria Lapp, '86 and guest; Ruth and Jim Shaffer, '42; Ellen and WarrenHooks, '58; Matt Koebbe, '83; Mala and Dave Robinson; Hanna Shu, '85; Scott Patterson, '73 and guest; Maren and Jerry Smith, '80; Linda and Bill Cornell, '64; Barb Stickle and Tom Enderle, '69; Mustafa Hasan; Bob (S p an k y) McFarland, '69; Linda McCullough, '86; Angela and Richard Henry, '83; Mira and Don Lee, '72; Suzanne and Mike .Simms, '83; Kevin Smith, '82; Dale Dietzel, '82; and Kay and J erry Littlefield, '58. For all the other Bay Area alums , do it for sure next year! Your friends asked about you this year! Dave Peacock '64, '66, '70

The ARK-LA-TEX Section held its Winter meeting on January 20,1990, starting with a fellowsh ip hour from 4-6 p.m. at the home of Mr. a nd Mrs. John Livingston , in Elm Grove, LA. At the end ofthe open house, the party moved from John 's hom e to the Barksdale Air Force Base Officer's Club for cocktails and a st eak dinner. There were 21 of us gathered at John's home and 20 at the restaurant. After dinner there was a short business meeting. Frank Zvanut started the festivities by telling ajoke on John Livingston and John promises to have one on Frank for the next meeting. John Moscari was supervising all ofthis as President. The group set the next two meetings for : April 21st in Tyler, Texas - host to be Frank Zvanut. July 21st in Longview, Texas - host to be J ohn Moscari. Basil Compton told a few more anecdotes from the 50th Yea r Alumni

Reunion party in Rolla this past year and had a good many more good things to say about this happy affair. On a more somber note, a memorial was sent in memory of William R. Mays, '32, who passed away the week before the meeting. Our sincere sympathy goes to Elizabeth Mays and she is invited to any and all future meetings. The twenty-one in attendance at the Winter meeting included : Phil, '48, and Ardella Browning; Walter, '34, and Helen Breuning; Basil, '39, and Clydelle Compton; Mrs. F . H. (Annie) Conley; Kevil, '28, and Helen Cri der; John, '39, and Eilyeen Livingston; Mr. & Mrs . Bill Livingston, guests; John , '5 1, and Loretta Moscari; Louise Patton, friend of MSM; Gerald, '28, and Leona Roberts; Don, '75 , and Ann Simpson; Frank, '32, and Katherine Zvanut. Submitted by: Phil Browning

New Orleans Section The Greater New Orleans Section alumni met on March 17, 1990, at Copeland's Cajun American Cafe on Lapalco Boulevard in Harvey, Louisiana (on the West Bank from New Orleans). Eighteen alumni and spouses met to celebrate St. Patrick's Day and eat Cajun food. We also viewed two video tapes provided by the Alumni Office: the 1989 Homecoming Highligh ts and the Admissions Office recruitment video. Not only did the president, Bob Mitch ell, make all th e arran gements, but h e also brough t in the TV and VCR.

The following alumni were present with their wives: Bob Mitchell, '61; Lawrence Boston, '60; John Foren , '65; Michael Kinsella, '74; Thomas Lacy, '77; Darryl Moore, '73; Wally Stopkey, '52; Paul Whetsell , '6 1; Ralph Wilkey, '38. After an 8'11joyable meal and a lot of reminiscing, the meeting broke up, but not before Dar ryl Moore offered to help organ ize t he next get-togeth er a crawfish boil, sometime in early May. Submitted by Wally Stopkey

SME reception

Arizona meeting On April 8, 1990, Marian and Armin "Rip" Fick were the gracious hosts to a gathering of MSM alumni at their winter home in Green Valley, Arizona . Enjoying the company and reminiscing about the "good old days" and escapades while in Rolla were: Mr. Frank Appleyard, '37; Mr. and Mrs. WayneBennetsen,'41;Mr. Glenn Crays, '29; Mr. and Mrs. Armin Fick, '41; Mr. and Mrs . John Frame, '37; Mr.

MAY 1990

and Mrs. Lawrence Meyer, '36; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Monsch, '29; Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Sphar, '48; Mr. and Mrs. James Springer, '4l. Discussions of a wide variety oflifetime work and pleasure experiences with the thread of the common bond of experiences at MSM gave an afternoon of pleasure to this group of old in years but young in heart Miners and their charming spouses.

A reception was held on Febru ary 27, 1990, at ·the SME Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah . All those a ttending th e convention were invited, as well as local alumni. Norbert Neuma nn, '52, sh owed pictures of his class and earlier ones (h e was the Rolla mo photographer). All in attendance enjoyed seeing old friends a nd reminiscing abou t old t imes in Rolla. Those in attenda nce included: Dick '62 an d R ach ael H agn i; Norbert F. Neumann '52; Loring '55 and Bonnie McMor ris; Roger Dewey '69; J .E. Stevens '32; Phillip S. Fetterman '73; Thomas R. F uller '54; Hayri and Sevim Erten ; Vic '60 and Rosey Hoffman; Harry Messenger; Terral G. Young '66; Frank Skudrzyk ; J im '50


J( and Edna Scott; Mel '38 and Mary Lou Nickel; Mark J . Freund '86; Vince Castelli '50; Joe Y. Kim '69; Dave Summers; Harold M. Hilburn '5 1; Duke Pa rk '75; Frank '37 and Jo Ann Appleyard; Harlan '56 and Marcia Kebel; Bob Miller '50; Sidney Green '59; Richard B. Erickson '80; Ken Ko '70; Cyndie Walck '83; Mike Greeley '62; Dan Ganey '73; Greg Wessel '74; Robert '71 and P eggy Wade; R. Lee Aston '50; Thor Gjelsteen '53; Wayne R. Kemp '70; J eff C. Dubbert '85; Randall J. Lubbert '78; J ack Burst '43; Ch arles A. Sorrell; Robert D. Brown , Jr. '67 ; Gill Montgomery '34; J .W. Baxter; F rank Bena vides '70; Morris '61 and Sue Worley; Bill '64 and Anna Jacobs; and Rich Rimbach '62;








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PROFILES Strike up the band! ~

Rolla family plays a part in composing the musical'heritage of MSM-UMR and ensuring its future


John Scott leadS the Miner band on parade in 1943

By Minnie Breuer In the mid-1920s, John W. Scott, a Rolla businessman, pharmacist and musician initiated the first official band program at UMR, and in recognition of Scott's role in developing the music program and his family's support of UMR, the trustees of the Amy Shel ton McNutt Charitable Trust last fall contributed $25,000 to endow a fund for the music program. According to Ruth Johnson, a trustee for the Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Trust, the Scott-Morris Annual Award for Special Grants to the Music Program of UMR was presented to continue the close association that has existed through the years among the McNutt family, the Scott and John M. Morris families of Rolla and UMR

Musical talents ."John Scott possessed considerable talent in the field of music," recalls his grandson, John M. Morris Jr. "He could play any musical instrument, was the town piano tuner and was active in forming and directing local bands and orchestras during the turn of the century. "In 1926, an ROTC unit was established at UMR and my grandfather volunteered to direct the ROTC band, which consisted of 32 male students," said Morris. "He served in that capacity until 1946, never accepting any compensation for his services. "He often donated music and instruments for the band's use ," added Morris. "Some ofthose instruments are on display in Harris Hall at UMR" He had other connections with the university as welL

Scott attended UMR, then called the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy (MSM), from 1887 through 1889. In 1905, his business, John W. Scott, Drugs, Books and Paints, was established at Eighth and Pine streets in Rolla," said Morris, "and students could purchase school books and supplies and music and musical instruments there. "In the early days of UMR, between 1900 and the World War II era, a closeness existed among the townspeople, students and faculty because transportation to and from the students' homes was difficult," said Morris. "My grandmother, Stella, who attended UMR from 1891 to 1892, assisted at the store," continued Morris, "and through the years she helped students by providing them with a good meal, loaning them a little money when they needed it or nursing them through illnesses. "Like many of the townspeople, my grandparents provided rooms for students in their home," he said. One ofthe Scott's boarders was V.H. McNutt, who later became a pioneer economic geolo-

John W. Scott & Co. Drugs, Paints & Books in 1915



gist and discovered numerous oil and gas deposits a nd the first commercial deposits of potash in the Western H emisphere. ''V.H. McNutt lived with the Scotts from 1906 to 1909," Morris said. "Mter his marriage, his wife, Amy, also stayed with them. "That began the friendship between the McNutt family and their descendants and the Scott and Morris families that has existed for over 90 years," he added.

A family tradition The relationship between the Scott and Morris families and UMR also has continued. Morris explained that John and Stella Scott had two children, Olive, his mother, and Walter, who graduated from UMR in 1919. "My mother also was an accomplished musician and played the pipe organ," he said . "She was chosen the third St. Pat's queen at UMR in 1917." In 1919 she married John M. Morris, who received a bachelor's degree in mining engineering from UMR that same year. Mter he died in 1956, Olive returned to Rolla and, like her parents, kept students in her home and was active in university and alumni functions until her death in 1972. Other family members who also were associated with UMR included T.C. Morris, UMR class of 1919; Reginald Scott Dean, UMR class of 1917; and George R Dean, professor of mathematics at UMR from around 1896 to 1937. Olive's son, John M. Morris Jr., was the third generation to continue the family's association with UMR. "Mter graduating from Northwestern University, I returned to Rolla because my grandfather asked me to manage the family business," explained Morris. "I managed and owned the firm , which was then called Scott's Drugs and Scott's Books and Music, from 1947 to 1986. "Altogether, my grandfather and Ioperated the business at the same location for (See Scott-Morris family, page 21)

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MAY 1990




UMR aluInnus, professors work on steel project Kenneth B. Downing, '7 1, senior staff engineer, Inland Steel Company, is serving as pilot plant manager of the American Steel Institute's (AISI) Direct Steelmaking Research program - the same program in which two UMR ceramic engineering faculty members are working to develop advanced refractory materials for steelmaking. (The research by UMR's Dr. Robert Moore and Dr. Joe Guha into the development of ceramic materials for refractory vessels that will allow cleaner steel to be produced was reported in a story printed in the February 1990 issue ofthe MSM Alumnus) . The Direct Steelmaking Research program is designed to develop a new "direct" process for making steel tha t would be more economically efficient and reduce production costs, thus helping to revive America's steel industry. The new process would eliminate the need for coke ovens, blast furnaces and basic oxygen furnaces. Besides a cleaner procedure, the new technology will save time, energy and money. It is estimated that when the new process is implemented, the capital and operating costs of st eel making will be reduced from 15 to 20 percent.

Construction of a smelting vessel, refining vessel and auxiliary equipment in a pilot plantinPenn Hill s, Pa., began last year. The plant is expected to produce 120 million tons of steel when it begins operations early next year. The steel industry currently converts coal in to coke in coke ovens. Coke is burned in a blast furnace to fuel the process of turning iron ore into iron. Iron is turned into steel in a basic oxygen furnace . The direct steelmaking process would begin with coal, eliminating th e need for coke and th e pollution-causing ovens where coal is burned to become coke. It would be a continuous and closed process, rather than the open and batch manner in which steel is presently made. In a newspaper interview, Downing explained that the new process "we're trying to develop is to go from iron ore , coal, and oxygen to liquid steeL" The process would occur in a sort of steelmaking module, rather than in separate buildings on a huge expanse ofland. Liquid st eel would be produced with three steps: - Molten metal, iron ore pellets, oxygen, and coal

are mixed in a smelter or vessel. During the reaction, carbon monoxide is formed and broken down into carbon dioxide, which produces an enormous amount of heat. That energy is used in the bath. This process ultimately produces semi-st eel. -The liquid is then put into a vessel where carbon is removed. -The next step is desulfurization. All three steps are continuous. After the thir d step, the steel can be sent to a ladle metallurgy station, where ingredients are added depending on the type of steel desired. From there steel is cast into its basic shapes. Downing al so said in a n interview that the pilot plant facility is th e only one of its kind in America and is "well-suited for what we intend to do ." The project will cost $30 million over a threeyear period. The Department of Energy will fund 77 percent of the project with AISI member companies funding the remainder. Downing holds a B.S. degree in engineering management.

Scott-Morris family a part of MSM-UMR musical tradition (Continued from page 20) 100 years," said Morris. Morris and Lenore Jones, UMR's 1946 St. Pat's queen, were married in 1947. Through the years, both h ave been active supporters ofUMR. John served on the Ch ancellor's Development Council during the 1970s. John and Lenore also serve on the committee which will direct the Scott-Morris Annual Award. Other committee members include Dr. Wayne Cogell, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and chairman of philosophy and liberal arts at UMR; Dr. David Oakley, UMR professor of music;

and Joel Kramme, UMR assist ant professor of music. "Th e annual income from the fund, which will be approximately $2,300, will enhance UMR's music program by allowing for the purchase of items such as musical instruments, music scores a nd sound equipment," said Morris. "The university band program will be given the highest priority in allocating the funds. "In presenting the Scott-Morris Annual Award, Ruth Johnson and the other trustees of the Amy Shelton McNutt Ch aritable Trust are enhancing the music program at UMR that h as developed through the years since John W. Scott began it 64

Upcoming Section Meetings and Events As of April 18, 1990 Date


May 9 May 10-12

AMC Reception, Cincinnati, OH 50-Year Reunion at Commencement, Rolla, MO Lincolnland Section Golf Outing St. Louis Section Lecture Series St. Louis Section Golf Tournament Alumni Alliance Meeting AAPG Reception, San Francisco, CA Washington D .C. Section St. Louis Section Cardinals Baseball Houston Section Picnic Ark-La-Tex Section, Longview , TX Class of '42, Escondido, CA Houston Section Meeting SPE Convention Reception, New Orleans, LA AEG Convention Reception, Pittsburgh, PA Homecoming, Rolla, MO

May 15 May 15 May 19 June 2-3 June 4 June 23 July 13 July 15 July 21 Aug. 21-26 Sept. 22 Sept. 25 Oct. 2 Oct. 12-13

Contact Harold Moe '48, 614-83 7-1178 Alumni Office, 314-341-4145 Rich Mochel '64, 217-782-5928 P hil Jozwiak '66,314-993-11 03 Alumni Office, 314-341-4145 Alumni Office, 314-341-4145 Dave Peacock '64, 415-842-0725 Sam Sands '60, 202-3 55-2465 Cal Curdt '74,3 14-992-7053 Kirk Lawson, '87, 713-589-2563 John Moscari '51, 214-75 3-7786 Bob Pohl '42, 314-822-1637 Jim Paul '43, 713-980-6629 Alumni Office, 314-341-4145 Alumni Office, 314-341-4145 Alumni Office, 314-341-4145

years ago," Morris continued. "This award to the music program is one of a number of ways that the McNutt fa mily has supported UMR," he added. In 1961 Amy McNutt established the V.H. McNutt Foundation at UMR, naming the department of geology and geophysics as beneficiary. The foundation contributed $2 million in 1983 toward McNutt Hall. The trustees of the Amy Shelton McNutt Trust previously est ablished the Ray E. Morgan Annual Award for Special Achievement in Geology, which is given to an outstanding second semester junior in geology at UMR.

Thank you to MSM-UMR alumni The following was excerpted from a letter received from UMR Ch ancellor Martin C. Jischke. It is reproduced here to provi de you, the MSM-UMR alumni, with an idea of where a part of yo ur con tribu tions to the Alumni Association is being spent. "I was pleased to receive your letter of March 1 with the good news that the MSMUMRAlumni Association would be providing over one quarter million dollars in schol arships for the 1990-91 academic year. As tuition costs continue to rise, th e need for scholarships for worthy students becomes more and more critical. "The additional allocations for Castleman Hall, Bellman Fund, Library, academic advising awards, and for music and theatre will be so helpful in the development of these areas . "On behalf of the faculty , staff and students ofUMR, I express sincere appreciation for the generosity and support of the alumni. The MSM-UMR Alum ni Association is to be ap plauded for its significant contribution to the campus."

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Signed: Martin C. Jischke, Chancellor

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The home addresses of al umni will be included in the Alumni Notes section of the MSM Alumnus only if the alumnus submitti ng the item specificall y req ues ts that it be incl uded. Addresses of alum ni will be fo un d in the Alumni Directory which will be sent to Assoc iat ion Donors in December of thi s year. inc identa ll y, the records and subseq uently ava ilable infonnation are onl y as accurate as those supplied by you. so please ens ure that what you prov ide the Alu mni Association is up to date and accurate. Remember that all suggesti ons for improvements in the publication are we lcome.

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1928 Golden Alumni Reunion at Homecoming, Oct. 12-13, 1990, Class Coordinators (1940 and before); Charles A. Freeman, '28, 500 Almer Road, #204, Burlingame, CA 94010 GeraldA. Roberts, '28,1301 Briarwood, El Dorad o, AR 71730 S . Allen Stone, '30, Three Rivers E., Apt 1205, Ft. Wayne, IN 46802


Vernon A.C. Gevecker, '31, Rt. 2 Box 39, Rolla, MO 65401


William Brewer, '32, 6799 Wetheridge, Cincinnati, OH 45230








Elmer A. Roemer, '33, 1801 Oak St., Rolla, MO 65401 Robert C. Weigel, '34,1580 Gary Road, Apt. 109, Walnut Creek, CA 94526 Oliver W. Kamper, '35,13373 Plaza Del Rio Blvd., Apt. 2251, Peoria, AZ 85381 August P . Koop mann, '35, 9101 Flores Drive, Affton, MO 63123







E ugen e J . Daily, '36, 1114 Lincolnshire, Ch a m paign, IL 61821 H e rman J . Pfeifer, '36, 5 South Pego Way, Hot Spr ings, AR 71909 F rank C. Appleyard , '37,P.O.Box 1991, Tubac, AZ 85646 J.Craig Ellis, '38, 13142 Sev ille D r ive , Sun City Wes t , AZ 85375 Joseph W. How er ton, '38, 17691 Belle Helene Ct., San Diego, CA 92128 Belding H . McCurdy, '38, 12485 2nd St. EN 102C, Treasure Island, FL 33706

Joseph H. Murphy, '38, Box 201, Georgetown, CA 95634 Melvin E . Nickel, '38, 10601 S. Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 Hubert S. Barger, '39, P .O . Box 2507, Evansville, IN 47714 William F . Oberbeck, '39, 1971 Meadowtree Ln., Unit 6, Kirkwood, MO 63122 Paul T . Dowling, '40, 10144 Winding Ridge Rd., St. Louis, MO 63124 George E. Fort, '40, 3939 NW 34th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73112 E. L. "Roy" Perry, '40, 7313 100th Ave. SW, Tacoma, WA 98498

The death of Robert Knowlton Grantham on Nov. 11, 1989 , has been reported by h is wife, Ruth Grantham of P inckneyville, Ill. At MSM Bob was a member of Theta Tau, the Ira Remsen Society and was vice president of Bonanza. He received h is B.s . degree in ch emical engineering and earned an M.S. degree in t he same field in 1929. Following graduation h e worked for Sinclair Oil Co. for several years then changed h is occupation to farm ing. Theodore Herman writes: "Just celebrated my 85th birthday and 22 years in retirement. I had to take a year's leave of absence on the golf course to tak e care of my fami ly; but I will soon be back slammin' that golf ball a mile less some 4680 feet. Congratulations to all for the great progress at UMR." Ted is retired from Kaiser. He and Audrey live in Ontario, Cali f. Sam Dunlap Hodgdon Jr. died Jan . 5, 1990 . While attending MSM, Sam was a member of Kappa Alpha (vice president), president of Quo Vadis, president of the MSM Players, a member of Pipe and Bowl, Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Senior Council, and ROTC. He was a member of t h e varsity footba ll team an d the "M" Club. He received his B.S. degree in mech anical engineer ing. Following graduation he worked fo r Commonwealth Steel and the Graver Corp. before joining Metal Goods Cor p. of St. Louis in 1931. He retired from t h at com pany as vice president in 1975, beco ming president ofH&G Greenhouses Inc. a nd working u nt il his fina l reti rement in 1980.

1929 Notification of the death ofAlbert T. Gardner on Dec. 3, 1989, h as been received by th e alumni office. At MSM AI was a member of Phi Kappa Phi and was gra duated with first honors and a B. S. degree in electrical engineering. F ollowing gr a duation h e joined Westingh ou se Electric Co . t h en moved to Imperia l Electric Co. of Akron, Ohio, in 1938 . He retired from the company as an electrical enginee, D.C. motor design, in 1979.

1930 Marguerite A. Gregory writes: "Michigan is very beautiful this year - lots of snow and ice. I love keeping in touch with MSM . Sort of li ke keeping in touch with my youth. As one gets older, it is lots more important. I'm one that knows." Marguerite is a retired school teacher.

1931 The death, on Sept. 12, 1989, of Rue I Lee Kirkpatrick, Lubbock, Texas, has been reported by his sister, Mrs. R. H. Fulton. Ruel was a member of Theta Tau and Kappa Sigma at MSM. He received his B.S . degree in mechanical engineering and, following graduation, joined Pure Oil Co. of Houston, Texas and Chicago, Il l. He was with the company for a number of yea rs , became self-employed as a research engineer with oilfield specialties, and in 1953, retired from engineering to become a rice farmer and cattle rancher in Texas.


his meritorious service to UMR-MSM . He is survived by two sons and two grandsons.

1932 Stuart L. Davis writes: "I had my 80th birthday on Feb. 17. I called the celebration the year ofthe 'Big 0 '. During the last six months I turned 80, my wife, Mickey, hit 70 and son , Stu, Jr. hit 50. That's 200 years of living and we're a ll going strong." Stuart is a retired colonel in the U.S. Air Force. FrankJ. Zvanut, '32, '37 , writes: "I am in good health, play tennis regularly. We celebrated our 52nd wedding anniversary doing seven days a nd nights in the whitewaters of th e Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. Seven days and nights with no phone, no newspaper, no T.V. , no radio and 168 miles with more than 60 rapids and nota single McDonald's sign!!! " Frank is a retired ma nufacturer's represe ntative for Cabot Corp. He and Katherine live in Tyler, Texas.

Rex Z. Williams died Dec. 20, 1989. A native of Rolla , Rex was a graduate of Rolla High School and entered MSM in 1927. He was a member of Lambda Chi John O. Farmer di ed in May of 1989 Alpha fraternity , Satyrs (president), Theta accordingtoa notice received by the alumni Tau, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, was office. At MSM John was a member of president of his freshman class and r e- Bonanza and Quo Vadis. He received his ceived his B.S. degree in metallurgica l B.S. in mining engineering and was engineering, graduating with highest awarded the professional degree, mechanihonors. He joined the MSM faculty as an cal engineer , in 1942. Following graduinstructor in engineering mechanics. In ation John worked for Carter Oil Co. , Oti s 1936 he received an M.S. degree in engi- Pressure Control Inc. and became vice neering mechanics from the University of president and general ma nager of Jones, Wiscons in and later, in 1937, earn ed his Shelburne and Farmer in Oklahoma City B.S. degree inci vil engineering from MSM. in 1947. The business moved to Russell Still on the MSM faculty , Rex became a Kansas in the early 1950s and later be: professor of engineering mechanics then came John O. Farmer Inc., Oil Production . chairman of the department. He later served as associ ate dean of MSM, the number two position on campus at that time. Not long after he joined the facu lty, in 1933, h e developed the Thomas and John Benard, who is retired in HightWilliams Mining Co. which operated just stow n, N.J., writes: "My health is still south of Rolla. The business became the good. I keep busy tracking U.S. and foreign largest produ cer of pyrite in Missouri but news , latest advances in high tech, comit closed in 1938. In 1952, the president of puters, economic trends a nd the stock Rolla State Bank (Rex's father ) persuaded market. I'm disappointed by the lack of Rex to leave MSM a ndjoin the bank as ex- news from the class of '34 and '35 ." ecutive vice president. He became president of the bank in 1960 when his fath er Hornor Taylor Ford Jr. died Nov. 26, died and held that position until 1975 1989, following a six-month illness. At when he became chairman of the board. MSM Homor was a member of Lambda Rolla State Bank's assets (when he first Chi Alpha fraternity, was a member of became a member of the board in 1943 ) ROTC and the Officers Club and particiwere a little more than $7 million. In 1989 pated in varsity track. He received his B.S. assets of the same organization (now degree in electrical engineering. FollowBoatmen's Bank) were listed as more than ing graduation, he taught in Springfield, $93 mill ion. In 1975, when he retired as Mo . until the beginning of World War II presidentofthe bank, he resumed h is close when he joined the U.S. Army Corps of ties with the University. He was appointed Engineers. In 1946 hejoined the Veterans' a member of the University of Missouri Administration and served in a number of System Board of Curators and continued V.A. hospitals before becoming director of in t h at capacity until 1982 serving a year the Veterans Administration Engineering as president of the board . Th rough the Services in Washi ngton, D.C . in 1964. In years, Rex h ad been a member of the this capacity his nationwide program was MSM-UMR Alumni Association Board of responsible for facilities, alterations main Directors for 18 years, h e received t he tenance, engineering maintenan ce, conAlu mn i Merit Award in 1952 an d, shortly 'structingoperation, security and real propafter it h a d been established, received t he erty for all V.A. hospitals t h rough out t h e UMR Ch a ncellor's Medal in recognition of world. After serving as director of V.A.



MSM hospitals in North Carolina and Arkansas for three years, he retired in 1974 and returned to live in Springfield again. He is survived by his wife Rosemary, two daughters, a son and eight grandchildren. William R. Springer writes: "Lydia and I are well and looking forward to our 54th wedding anniversary on July 1, 1990." William is retired from Armco. The Springers live in Aurora, Colo.

1935 August P. Koopmann writes: "We are hoping to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary this year with our family in California. Looking forward to visiting with old friends at this year's reunion, which will be 55 years. We are a ll well and enjoying life in St. Louis." Gus is retired from Phillips Petroleum Co.

1937 Frank C. Appleyard is the recipient of the Hal Williams Hardinage Award from the Society of Mining Engineers of AIME. The award was given "in recognition of outstanding achievements in the exploration for and mining of industrial minerals and particularly gypsum, as well as his dedication and commitment to the Society of Mining Engineers of AIME." For 40 years Frank was with United States Gypsum Co. and retired in 1981 as vice president-raw material resources. Frank lives in Tubac, Ariz. , and continues to do some consulting work for U.S. Gypsum. This item was sent to the Alumnus by H. William Flood, '43. Charles F. Benner writes: "I am acti ve in the management of a condominium association and play golf two or three times per week." Charles is retired from Continental Can Co.

1940 Russell A. Gund writes: "Planning to return to the 50th reunion at the May Commencement." Russ is retired and lives in Bixby, OK. Albert L. Kidwell writes: "Marcia and I do a great deal of traveling. I am active in mineralogy aad working with collectors' organizations." Al is retired from Exxon and living in Houston, Texas. Edgar S. Miller Jr. writes: ''We're planning big on being there in May '90 to help celebrate our 50th; I missed graduation in '40 as I was in training in Pensacola." Edgar is retired from the New York Central Railroad. George L. Mitsch, who is retired, writes: "Looking forward to May 10-12 for my 50th anniversary ofcomrnencement. Hale and happy in Fort Wayne, Ind."

1941 Kenneth L. Hardine died Nov. 22, 1989. At MSM Kenneth had been a member of the MSM Forum, the Shamrock Club, the Board of Control, Theta Tau and the St. Pat's Board. He participated in intramural sports and was an NYA assistant in the drawing department. He received his B.S. degree in civil engineering and worked for the U.S.G.S. in Rolla and Bismarck, N .D. following graduation. In 1943 he became an ensign in 107th Naval Construction Battalion and served in the Navy until 1946. He joined H.H. Gunther Construction Co. in Galesburg, Ill. as a construction engineer and retired from the company 37 years later in 1983. Kenneth is survived by his wife, Margaret, a son, a daughter, his mother, one brother and two grandchildren.



Chilton E. Prouty writes: "Since 'retiring from Michigan Sta te U niversi ty, I have a consulting company (GEO-Dynamics Corp.) operating mostly in the Michigan basin."

Russell W. Hollander writes: "My wife and I, plus a good friend , enjoyed the alumni activities earlier this year. Looking forward to our 50th anniversary in 1992. We will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary the following year." Russell is retired from Southwestern Bell Corp. in Wichita, Kan.

1939 Thomas J. Finley Jr. writes: "I am fully retired from Washington Steel Corp. where I was general manager of sales for 20 years. Agnes and I attended the 50th anniversary of commencement for the Class of '39 in May and also Homecoming in October. Our Alumni Association did an outstanding job in providing our comforts." James mak writes : "A Happy and Joyful New Year!" James and Wilma Jean live in Springfield, Ill. Max L. Yeater writes: "All of my retired! retiring friends have plans for continued activities and involvement as do 1. Mine equal Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute employment (part time) and research in AI, information science and reactor safety, and being thankful for continued good health (exercise yes, toxic intake, no)." Max is Executive Officer/School of Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y.

MAY 1990

Notice of the death of Frank Edwin Johnson on Dec. 15, 1988, has been received from his wife, Edna B. Johnson of Glen Haven, Colo. At MSM Frank was a member of the Engineers Club, Alpha Chi Sigma, A.1.Ch.E. and the Radio Club. He received his B.s. degree in chemical engineering. Following graduation Frank worked for Radford Ordnance Works in Virginia, Hercules Powder Co. in Kansas and, after World War II, joined Cities Service Refining Corp. in Lake Charles, La. In 1952 he joined the research and development department of Phillips Petroleum Co. in Bartlesville, Okla.

1943 Notice has been received of the death, on Dec. 30, 1989, of Robert Lee Ehrlich. At MSM Bob was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, the Rollamo Board, Alpha Chi Sigma, Blue Key, S.A.M.E. and ROTC. He served as a student assistant in


LUMNUS chemistry. He received his B.S. degree in chemical engineering and joined the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers following graduation. After World War II, he joined Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co. in Kansas City and served the company in a number of locations, including twice in England, until his retirement in 1980. UMR awarded Bob the professional degree, chemical engineer, in 1971 and he received an Alumni Achievement Award in 1974. Max L. Marlow writes: "My son, Steven M. Marlow, '86, works for Olin Industries at Red Lion, Pa." Max is retired from General Dynamics-Freeman Coal and lives in Pinckneyville, Ill. Robert Palmer McMath died of cancer on Nov. 8, 1989. At MSM he was a member of Engineers Club, S .A.M.E., Theta Tau, A.S .M.E. the Miner Board and ROTC. He also served as secretary of his class. He received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering. Following graduation, Bob went directly to the Corps of Engineers and remained a member ofthe Corps until .his retirement as a lieutenant colonel in 1968. At that time he joined the Fairfax County's office of waste management and retired as director ofthe line maintenance division in 1987. He is survived by his wife, Virginia, two sons and three grandchildren. Notice of his death was sent to the alumni office by his sister, Louise Kuehn of Kirkwood, Mo. Lloyd Charles Schumann died July 5, 1989, following a nine-month illness due to a malignant brain tumor, according to a report from his wife, Fran Schumann, of Sun City West, Ariz. At MSM Lloyd was a member of Tau Beta Pi, AIME, the Glee Club and served as a student assistant. He made the honor roll twice. He received his B.S. degree in mining engineering and, following graduation, worked for the U.S. Bureau of Mines in Rolla and Wisconsin before joining the U.S. Navy. After World War II, he worked for Atlantic Refining Co., Carter Oil Co., and Humble Oil & Refining Co. before joining Exxon in 1971. He retired from Exxon in 1984 as southwest division planning manager.

1944 Lorren F. Bridge writes: "I am retired. Doing several volunteer jobs." Lorren is retired from Imperial Sugar Co. A note from Bob Wolf, '51 , reports the death of Willis H. Clark on Oct. 14, 1989. At MSM Bill was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity and Blue Key. Bill and his wife, Ruth , lived in Bryan, Texas . Robert O. Dietz, one of six of America's pioneer leaders in aerospace ground testing, was inducted as an Arnold Fellow in recent ceremonies conducted at the Arnold Engineering Develo.pment Center (AEDC) at Tullahoma, Tenn. The induction marked the culmination of efforts by leading members of the scientific community to .accord recognition to individuals who h ave made substantial and exceptional contributions to advancing research at AEDC. In a brief note from Robert, he stated, in part: "The attached (an article pertaining to the induction) might help indicate the quality of MSM training." Dietz is now retired from AEDC having completed his career with the organization as deputy for planning. He lives in Manchester, Tenn.


Glenn L. Staley Jr. writes: "Enjoyed immensely seeing old friends and playing in the Alumni band at the October 1989 Homecoming ... My wife, June, also retired from teaching and unlike myselfis substituting. Rah for M2A2." Glenn is selfemployed with his office in his home,










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Reunion at Homecoming, Oct. 12-13, 1990, Class Coordinators: Carl E. Finley, 401 East 4th Street, Lamar, MO 64759 Vernon L. Kasten, 1145 Shady Lane, Jackson, MO 63755

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Fred L. ¡Andersen writes: "We are traveling about four months a year both domestic and foreign . Welcome contact from fellow alumni, especially mining classes of '46, '47, and '48. I am involved part time in real estate." Fred retired in May 1989 from Tanner Systems .


Elroy M. Cueto writes: "I retired after 40 years in the steel business." Elroy retired from Madison Metal Services.

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Thomas R. Pierce writes: "Quail hunting and farming. Thomas is retired. He and Enzena li ve in Sparta, Tenn.


Chester M. Pomeroy writes: "Still enjoying pleasant living in Scottsdale, Arizona after nine and one half years here out of the ice and snow. 'Mitzi' and I are busy in community and church activities. We enjoy spoiling our grand children . I remain active in 'Masonic' organization and charities. I received my 50-year pin this March and am a Past Master, Past Potentate and 33 degree honorary." Chet is retired from DuPont Co. after 30 years. He is presently doing consultant work.

1948 Peter F. Bermel writes: "I am still with the U.S . Geological Survey after 42 years, now as assistant director for programs. My principal hobby is barbershop quartetting. Are there any other MSM-UMR alumni in SPEBSQSA (Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartetting in America Inc.)?" Charles M. Browning writes: "I retired in 1966 after 31 years with the Garrett Corp. (Allied-Signal). We spend the summers in Flagstaff and the winters near Phoenix. We love it!" Reinhart C. Gauerke writes: "I retired from Sandia National Labs in November 1987 after 35 years. Incorporated as A&R Technical Audits Inc. in July 1988. The main thrust of the corporation is quality engineering, specializing in manufacturing plant and organizational quality audits." Bud is vice president-contracting officer-for A&R Tech. Audits' Inc. in Rio Rancho, N.M. Nace F. Mefford Jr. writes: "Hanging onto this crazy nearly defunct oil business until I can breath again. I am out of the Beverly Hills office into a one-man office closer to the oil fields . How can anybody retire in this business (or what's left of


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it.!)." N ace is vice president acquisition for Harcor Energy Inc. in Houston. John C. Wilks writes : "Bettye June and I are still enjoying retirement. Still spending half of our time on the road tending and mending some of our property. Hugo cost us about 60 feet off the beach front of a little cottage we have in North Carolina. Fortunately, no structural damage to the house. Brother, Bob, '49, still in War Veteran's Home, Jackson, LA 707 48." John is retired from IBM. He a nd Bettye June live in Poughkeepsie, N.Y.


ane, Jesse W. Bowen writes: "I enjoyed the 40th reunion. " J esse is retired form Siemens Energy and Automation in Boston. He and Velma li ve in Dent, Minn.

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Kenneth E. Bridegroom writes: "I have requested of Union Electric, my former employer, to offer matching funds for retirees ofthe company. I have contacted the president, E.K. Dille. He has recommended this be done." Paul H . Greer writes : "I retired Dec. 15, 1989, after 391/2 years with Motorola Inc. in Chandler, Ariz. At the time of retirement, I was manager of reliability engineering for bipolar gate arrays for the ASIC Division of Motorola's semiconductor sector. I will be staying in the Phoenix, Ariz. area for retirement." William F. Hubbard Jr. writes: "Really enjoyed Homecoming - my first. Very cold Christmas for Florida." William is retired from the U.S. Corps of Engineers. He and Amelia live in Lutz, Fla.

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Donald V. Kelly writes: "Bev and I are enjoying life in the Sierra s on Lake Almanor. Retiremen tis grea t -seems a shame one has to become old to do it. I still play tennis and ski as well as I ever did though - very badly." Donald is a retired staff engineer for Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. in Sunnyvale, Calif.

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Landon C. Viles writes: "Having attended the 40th year reunion, we are now looking forward to attending no later than the 45th ... the good Lord willing! We have experienced the worst central Florida December in a 100 years." Landon is retired from the U .S . Air Force.



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1950 Reunion at Homecoming, Oct. 12¡13, 1990, Class Coordinators: William W. Collins, 1608 Wilson Circle, Rolla, MO 65401 Stanley Dolecki, 16248 Windfall Ridge Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63005 Aaron J. Greenberg, 2820 Hereford, St. Louis, MO 63139 Charles O. Kunz, Route 1, 392 Big Bend Drive, East Alton, IL 62024 Larry A. Spanier, 5 Pettit Drive, Dix Hills, NY 11746 Robert A. Strain, 1539 Hummingbird Hill Lane, Ellisville, MO 63011 A.E. Barnes writes: "I retired from Thi-

okol Corp . Huntsville Division March 31, 1989, after 36 1/2 years. I worked as project engineer, program manager, and then 28 yea rs as ma rketing ma nager for R&D a nd production of solid propellant rocket motors. My wife, Pat, is also retired great life! We have two sons and one granddaughter li ving her e in Huntsville. 'Y'all come'." Notice of the death of Henry B. Farrey on Nov. 30, 1989, has been received from hi s wife, Rosalie F a rrey, of Effingham, Ill. At MSM Henry was a member of A.I.M.M.E. and had been on the honor roll three times. H e received his B.S. degree in mining engineering. Following graduation, Henry worked for Eagle-Picher Corp . for several years before moving to a job with the Illinois Department of Transportation. He retired in 1981. William L. Gabelmann writes: "Will be back for my 40th reunion. The good Lord willing." Gabe is a self-employed consulting petroleum engineer in Pampa, Texas. DavidL. Hillhouse, '50, '52, writes: "Plan Homecoming return for my 40th this fall. " David is retired from the U.S. Bureau of Standards a nd lives in Rockville, Md. William Hollis writes: "We are both now retired. Still keep in touch with a few MSM friends." Bill retired as a metallurgist with GE. Oliver A. Jorcke writes: "Looking forward to our 40th reunion at Homecoming '90 ." Ollie is executive vice president and man ager-machinery-for Colcord-Wright Machinery in Fenton, Mo. Robert J. Remacle died Oct . 13, 1989, according to a notice received by the alumni office. At MSM Robert was a member of Chi Sigma, ASME and served several terms on the Jackling Terrace Council and as chairman of that body. He was also on the honor list four times. Following graduation Robert worked for the Illinois Central Railroad and Standard Oil Co. before moving to Amoco. H e retired from that company in 1986. At the time of his death, he was living in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. Robert C. Slusher writes: "I hope to get back to Rolla for my 40th reunion this fall. After five years of retirement, I'm glad I didn't try to make a living as a fisherman." Robert is retired from B-P American-Sohio a nd lives in Oklahoma City, Okla. William P. Weinstein, executive director , Cons ultin g Engineers of Ontario, has received the Profe ssional Engineers Citizenship Award for his work in helping encourage the teachingofmanage rial and techn ical s k ill s to people in developing nations. The a ward was presented to Weinstein by the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario at a dinner in Toronto. Charles Young Jr. writes : "Advice to my colleagues: do as I did. Ma rry early (I was 23). Marry a woman who is restless a nd a mbitious in her own right. Have kid s early. Use your profession to support your wife as you both m ature. I am 66. My wife is 63 a nd has a Ph.D. in home economics. She is working and I am supporting her

LUMNUS working here and there and housekeeping. She h as a few more years to go in order to rea p the benefits of her longevity at Maryland University. She took on fu lltime employm ent after the kids had grown up a nd she is playing professional 'catchup' now! Our combi ned incomes are substantial. Butofmore importance is the fact that she, herself, is fin a nci a lly independent - too often not the case with widows. The 'catch' is that the wife m ay not a ppreciate your sacrifice. Butas time goes byshe will as mine has don e." Cha rles retired from the U.S. Navy in 1979. Carl E. Zerweck has informed the Alumni Association Office tha t information he duly submitted for inclusion in the 'personals' of the MSM Al umnus has been di sregarded or, worse yet, overlooked. Admittedly, Carl, your information fell through a "crack in the floor" and was never printed. And for that we apologize and promise, hopefully, that such wi ll never happen again. For those readers who do know Carl, he is now retired from civil service and is proj ect m anager for the school district ofUniversity City. Incidentally, both Carl and Jean are strong su pporters ofMSM -UMR which makes the above incident even more regrettable. Wilford R. Ziebell died recently according to a notice r eceived by the alumni office. A member of the Engineers Club at MSM, Wilford received his B.S. degree in mining engineering. Following gradu ation he was employed by U.S . Gypsum Co. a nd he retired from the company in 1986, after having served there for some 26 year s.

1951 David K. Anderson writes: "Living on my ranch in northern Nevada and doing petroleum and geothermal consulting work." David is retired from Chevron Companies. Wi,lliam M. Baldwin, '51, '57, writes: "I have been honored as 'Engineer of the Year' by the Big Bend Chapter of the Florida Engineering Society and nominated for the sam e State Award." Bill is president/owner of William M. Baldwi n, P.E ., P .A. in Tallahassee. Cyril M. Kinane writes: "Kinane Engineering is closing a n excellent year. Jo Kinane is vice president and I am president . Getting materials out of min es as fast as possible is our goal. The mines h ave been interested in saving a buck and we fee l we are doing just that." The death of Leslie E. Smith has been reported to the al umni office . At MSM Leslie was a member of Pi Ka ppa Alpha, the Rollamo Board, ASCE and MSPE. He received his B.S . degree in civil engin eering. Following graduation he was employed by McDonnell Douglas and retired from the company in 1986.

fer service in addition to an occasional consulting assignment." Raymond is a selfemployed consultant in Princeton, N.J. Leslie F. Holdman wri tes : "Nothing new. Just enjoying retirement and my pontoon boat." Leslie is retired from Schlumberger a nd lives with his wife, Marianne, in Fairfie ld Bay, Ark. George MacZura writes: "As the first president of the UNIFIED International Technical Con fere nce on Refractories (UNITECR), I was pleased by the worldwi de cooperation which made UNITECR '89 (November 1-4, Disneyl a nd Hotel) a great success! Abou t800 from 40 countries heard more than 150 technical pa pers di stributed as a two-volume proceedings of about 2000 pages. DelegateslPa pers included USSR, 6, China, 3, Poland, 3. UNITECR '91 in West Germany, '93 in Brazil and '95 in Tokyo are scheduled." George is applica tion a nd market development manager, refractories for ALCOA in Pittsburgh. Donald A. Rumsey writes: "Wilma and I retired last May a nd are enjoying traveling and doing the things we never had tim e for." Donald retired as professor of engineering at Adironda ck Comm unity College. The Rumseys li ve in Glens F all , N.Y. Quentin J. Schiene writes : "Covering Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Arkan sas, and Florida." Duke is a sales representative for MagnecolMetral of Addison, Ill.

1953 Thor Gjelsteen has resigned as president of Ferrett Exploration Co. , but will remain on F errett's board of directors. Thor is now chairman of Frontier Gold Resources Inc. in Denver. He a nd Marianne live in Littleton, Colo. Elwood L. Knoble writes: "Back from Saudi Arabia. I would like to hear from Richard Ladd, '51." Elwood is an engineering branch supervisor for the Air Force a t Hill AFB in Utah. He and Hoa live in Kaysville, Utah. An articl e in the Kansas City Times announced the death of Walter Raymond Smith on Nov. 6, 1989, in Olathe, Ka n. The alumni office has had no word of Walter since 1955. At MSM he was active in football , basketball, track and the "M" club, and served as a stud ent assistant in the athletic department. Wa lter was a member of Chi Epsilon and ASCE and made the honor list several times. He received his B.S. degree in civil engineering. Following graduation he went into the service. William F. Meek writes: "I am working in the space station projects office, test and verifi cation." William is a n ae rospace engineer with NASA at Houston, Texas.

1952 John E. Evans writes: "I'm semi-retired living with wife, Jackie, at 7115 Crest Road, Rancho Palos Verde, CA 90274. I sell some industrial an d commercial property in southern Californi a." John is with S.E. Mattox in San Pedro, Calif. RaymondL. Hallows writes: "In my semiretirement, I operate a film-to tape trans-

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Homecoming It's important to register for Homecoming so that all of your friends will know you are here!

MSM 1954 Robert E. Hanss wTites : "I've been in Mexico five years and this year work as coordinator of a progTam of literacy and adult educati on in Coatzacolcos, an oil port and petrochemical complex, with a very low education level." Robert works in pastoral ministry for Sacred Heart Parish. Richard C. Runvi~ writes: "I retired at the end of 1989. Certification AAPG pending." Rich retired from U.S. Gypsum Co. He and Jo Ann li ve in Arcade, N.Y. W. Ronald Woodall died Oct. 16, 1989, according to a notice received by the alumni office from Joyce Woodall. Ronald was 56 . At MSM Ronald was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity and ASCE. H e received his B.s. degTee in civil engineering. Following gTaduation he joined the Missouri State Highway Department and remained with that organization throughout his career.

1955 Reunion at Homecoming, Oct. 12-13, 1990, Class Coordinators: Art G. Baebler, 17 Zinzer Circle, St. Louis, MO 63123 Campbell C. Barnds, 9848 Briar, Overland Park, KS 66207 W.R. "Pat" Broaddus, P.O. Box 2545, Dalton, GA 30722 Richard L. Kaiser, 5706 Park Lane, Dallas, Tex 75225 Robert B. Oetting, 235 Mechanical Engineering, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 John W. Padan, 19338 Frenchton PI., Gaithersburg, MD 20879

1956 James L. Taylor died of cancer on Dec. 14, 1989, at his home in Oswego, Ore . At MSM he was a member of AlEE and I.R.E., and received his B.s. degTee in electrical engineering. James was a life long employee ofthe U .S. Corps of Engineers serving that organization in seven locations throughout the Midwest and western United States .

Attention Alumni! Do you have any old MSM, UMR or SI. Pat's sweatshirts you'd like to contribute to a permanent collection for display at UMR events. They can be in any condition - c ut off, abused, or whatever. And how about old slide rules, especially circular rules? Each item donated will be permanently marked with the donor's name and class year. Contact: Bob Saxer. '6 1, '62, at 704 E. Cedar Ave., SI. Charles, IL 60174, (708) 584-0548, for detai Is . Thanks for your help.


Lloyd Reuss, '57, named president of General Motors Corporation Lloyd Reuss , '57, has been named president of General Motors Corporation. The appointment becomes effective in August. Reu ss is currently serving as the executive vice president of GM's North American Car and Truck Group. He He has bee n with GM since 1959. He began hi s career as an ex perimental engineer and has held positions in the ChevTOletEngineering Department, including chief design engineer for Chevrolet's Camaro, Nova, and Vega. In 1973, he became divisional manager of product planning for ChevTolet and in 1975 was appointed chief engineer, Buick Mo-

1957 Robert J. Fahrig writes: "After nine months retirement in 1988, I started a new career with Stone and Webster Engineering in Houston, Texas. I am the responsible progTam manager and vice president for their world-wide catalytic cracking refining process." Donald J. Roth writes: "I left Continental Can Co. after 26 years to start, with a partner , a new company, Polly star Packaging. The new company is developing and will be manufacturing hi-tech, all plastic, easy opening lids for food cans." Don is vice president-operations for Pollystar Packaging Inc. in Norwalk, Conn. Russell E. Wege writes: "I have had 23 years of very satisfying work in flood control, shore protection, and clean-up of derelict vessels and piers in NY harbor. Been married for 31 years, and have two children and two gTandchildren." Russell is senior engineer for the NY Department of Environmental Conservation in Albany. Kenneth B. Wisdom wTites : "1 was promoted in April 1989 to di vision manager of the onshore producing division, Eastern E&P, Texaco U.S.A. in New Orleans, La."


tor Division. He also served as director of engi neeri ng, Chevrolet Motor Division. He is a member of Pi Tau Sigma and Tau Beta Pi honor fraternities and the Society of Automotive Engineers. He holds a B.S. in mechanica l engineering from UMR and also has been awarded the doctor of engineering degTee (honoris causa), the professional degTee of mechanical engineering, and the Alumni Achievement Award by UMR. He is a graduate of the Sloan School for Senior Executives at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

streets a nd, specifically, to the transportation and traffic division of which I am the administrator. Rita and I enjoy our 'new' house which we moved into last year." Robert Russell Dowdy died Sept. 19, 1989, in Burlington, Iowa. While at MSM Robert was a member of th e MSM Glee Club, Independents and was on the honor list. He received his B.S . degTee in electrical engineering. Robert was a senior electrical design engineer for General Electric for 25 years and was a Navy veteran ofthe Korean War. He is survived by his wife, Jean, a son, three daughters, his mother and three gTandchildren. Kenneth W. Shrum has been nominated to fill a vacancy on the Missouri Court of Appeals, Southern District. Shrum received his undergraduate degTee in chemical engineering from UMR and his law degree from UMC in 1962. He is married and has four children. The family lives in Marble Hill, Mo.

1960 Reunion at Homecoming, Oct. 12-13, 1990, Class Coordinators: Bruce L. Bramfitt, 1647 Pleasant Dri ve, Bethlehem, PA 18015 Glenn E. Cordes, 1218 Hollins Drive, St. Louis, MO 63135

George D. Tomazi writes : "I was appointed by Gov. John AiIDcroft in December 1989, to be chairman of the Missouri Board for Architects, Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors . This board licenses and regulates individuals and organizations that practice in these three disciplines." George was awarded a Professional DegTee in electrical engineering from UMR in 1970. He is with Mallinckrodt Inc. in St. Louis.

Virgil J. Flanigan, UMR, 224 ERL, Rolla, MO 65401

Richard K. Vitek has been elected to a three year term as chairman of the advisory board ofthe Chemical Research Foundation at UMR. Richard, a Brookfield, Wisconsin resident, is chief executive officer of VariQuest Technologies Inc. and president of its subsidiary Fotodyne Inc., both of New Berlin, Wis.

William A. Anderson wTites: "My wife, Joella, passed away March 17, 1989, after a ten-year illness . I am at home at4214 N. Stauton St. , El Paso, Texas . If you come thTough, drop by or call at 915-542-1125." William is retired from the U.S. Army and works for the Providence Memorial Hospital in EI Paso.


Louis C. Rephlo writes; "I changed employers -from AT&T to West Virginia Power - during February 1990. Will be relocating personal residence from Overland Park, Kan . to Lewisburg, W.V. sometime during 1990." Louis is now vice president-electric operations for West Virginia

Robert L. Boxdorfer wTites: "I will be fini shing 31 years with the City of St. Louis in June. Last July the street lighting division was moved to the department of

Jerry L. Gilmore, 211 South Hwy 63, Box 13, Rolla, MO 65401 Don J. Gunther, 714 Shadywood, Houston, Tex 77057 Kenneth W. Wood, 10847 Britoak Lane, Houston, Tex 77079

Power Company in Lewisburg, W.Va. Burton D. Winderknecht writes: "Mary Lee and I have moved to Hilliard (Columbus), Ohio and I have taken a new job with Becker Powders Inc. I hope to make it back in '90 for my 30th anniversary." Burton is a technical manager for the company.

1961 S. Mitchell Bowers writes: "On January 18, 1990, I was lai d off from foreman position at Centrifugal and Mechanical Industries in St. Louis. I am working part-time as a partner in a snow plowing business, an d looking for full-time work as an engineer or as a college teacher in the St. Louis area." Farouk E.S. EI Baz, '61, '64, was recently honored as 'The Egyptian-American Person ofthe Year' by the Egyptian-American Organization . The organization, which was establis h ed in 1984, promotes understanding and cooperation between Egypt and the United States. Dr. EI-Baz is director of the Boston University Center for Remote Sensing. He and Pat live in Concord, Mass. Roger G. Kleinpeter writes: "I was elected in March 1989 as Selectman, Town of Plymouth, for a three-year term." Roger is director, academic computers, Plymouth State College in Plymouth, N.H.


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Robert W. Piekarz died Nov. 2, 1989, in Vale, Ore., while on a business trip. At MSM, Robert was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity , AlMElPetroleum (chairman), Sigma Gamma Epsilon, the Rollamo Board, the Society of Exploration Geologists and was a student assistant in mining. He was on the honor list several times. He recei ved his B.S. degree in mining engineering with a geological option and received an M.S. degTee from MSM in 1962. He joined Eagle-Pitcher Co. following gTaduation a nd was vice president of engin eering and environmental affairs for the company at the time of his death. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy, of Reno, Nev., and three sons. Raymond F. Smith died Feb. 1, 1989, according to information received by the association. At MSM he was a member of the Math Society, Tau Beta Pi and Sigma P i Sigma. He received his B.s. degTee in physics. There is no further information about Raymond except that he was retired in 1987 and lived in Blue Springs, Mo.





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ani Richard T . Johnson, '62, '64, is now chairman of the mechanical engineering department of the College of Engineering at Wichita State University, Wichita, Kan. Rich joined the UMR faculty in 1967 and, over the years, was promoted from instructor to professor in the mechanical engineering department, until moving to Wichita in the fall of 1989. Robert J . Linville writes: "I transferred to Houston, Texas with Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Co . in late 1988. I became eligible for an early retirement progTam in

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mid-1989 a nd took early retirement as of November 1989 from Panhandle Eastern. I've been traveling extensively since retiring two and one half months ago. I plan to stay at my current address in Sugar Land, Texas." Robert lives at 1506 Riverbend Crossing, Sugar Land, Tex 77478. Notice of the death of Max Allen Nelson on F eb. 20, 1989, has been received from his wife, Sharon, of Logansport, Ind . At MSM Max was a member of Ttiangle fraternity, and was on the honor list. Following graduation he was em ployed by Essex International for a number of years until he beca me co-founder, vice president and secretary/treasurer of Controls Inc., an electronics m anufacturing company . In addition to his wife, he is survived by a daughter a nd two sons. Donald V. Yates writes : "Enjoying usual stressful life. Eldest da ughter is married and living in Cleveland. Youngest daughter and son are in college." Donald is section chief electronics for McDonnell Aircraft in St. Louis .

1963 Maxwell L. Close, '63, '68, writes: "In October of 1989 I was transferred from Combustion Engineering's process automation business in Rochester, N.Y. to the fossil systems business in Rochester, N .Y. to the fossil systems business in Chattanooga where we manufacture boiler systems and components. In January 1990, C-E was acquired by ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) and we are in the midst of in tegra ting into a new corporate environment." Max is general manager for Asea Brown Boveli in Chattanooga.

1964 David J. Michel has been named a Fellow of ASM Interna tional, the advanced materials society. H e was selected "for innovative contzibutions towards the effects of neutron irra diation and elevated temperature on the properties of materials for adva nced energy a pplications ." David is research metallurgistlhead, high temperature materials section, physical metallurgy branch , material science and technology division of the Naval Research Labora tory, Washington, D.C. ASM established the honor of F ellow to provide recognition of members for distinguished contributions in the field of engineered materials. David lives in Alexandria, Va. Larry L. Parkinson writes : "My son, Eric, was drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates Baseball Club in the 22nd round of the college baseball players draft held June 6, 1989. Last summer he pitched for their minor league team in Princeton ville, Va. and this fall he pitched for the Pira tes Minor League Team in the Florida Fall Instructional League. His 1990 contract has been assigned to the Salem Bucca neers, Salem, Va. Salem is the top ranking team of the three Pirate minor league teams in the 'A' Division. I a m vice president and general manager , InteramericanZinc Inc., Adrian, Mich ." Ronald C. Wittenauer writes : "I have occasionally been negotiating and managing large constlUction projects in California and spending as much time as possible between projects at Cynthia's and my home in Montana. My new Belgian-Draft horse


The Alumni Association has received notice of the death of Robert J. Ryan, St. Louis, chairman of the Finance Committee ofNooterCorp. Ryan had been awarded the professio nal degree, mechanical engineer, by UMR in 1965.

Reunion at Homecoming, Oct. 12-13, 1990, Class Coordinators:


Gerald W. Bersett, 150 Kings Drive, Florissant, MO 63034

E. David Hayes writes: "E-H Engineering Ltd. has moved to a new address with expanded fac ili ties and staff. It still has 'Progress Thru Innovative Design' as its objective for design/fabrication of special electronic test fixtures and custom laser! electronic product design for industrial use." Dave is president of E-H Engineering Ltd. in Lincoln, Neb.

stud colt is keeping me very busy in my spare time." Ronald is a self-employed construction manager .

Milton F. Bradley, P.O. Box 281, Salem, MO 65560 James E. Cornelison, 245 Oleson Drive, Naperville, IL 60540 James R. Cunningham, 1489 Royal Springs, St. Louis, MO 63122 RobertJ. Kadwell, 1111 Sheridan Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55411 Walter C . Mulyca, 54 Westwood Drive, Massena, NY 13662 Clyde A. Vandivort, 1849 Bridlebrook Lane, Kirkwood, MO 63122 Thomas H . Dunning is one of three internationally recognized scientists named to direct the new Molecular Science Research Center at the U.S . Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest Laboratory. Tom has been appointed associate director of molecular theory and modeling. The molecular theory and modeling group will focu s on molecula r processes occurring in gases, liquids and on surfaces. An understanding of these processes is important when solving environmental problems in the subsurface or atmosphere. The Pacific Northwest Laboratory at Richland and Sequim, Wash. , is a national multi program laboratory operated for the D.O.E. by Battelle Memorial Institute. Tom also serves on the a dvisory board of the Foundation for Chemical Research in the chemistry department of UMR. He and Sylvia a nd their fi ve children now live in Richland, Wash. Harold F. Meier Jr. died of an apparent heart attack on Dec. 31, 1989, according to notice received by the al umni office. At UMR, Harold was a member of Beta Sigma Psi fraternity, ASME and made the honor list. He received his B.S. degree in m echanical engineering a nd his M.S. degree in engineering administration in 1966. Following graduation he worked for McDonnell Aircraft, Trane Co. and Honeywell Sa les for several years before joining Barber-Colman in Rockford , Ill. He had been with that company for seven years and was ma rketing manager for the company at the time of his death . He is survived by his wife, Heath , a nd two sons of Rockford. Alton J . Nute, '65, '67, '69, writes: "I retired from Texaco Resea rch on Dec. 1, 1989. I am currently in the process of getting ready to move back to Maine for my retirement." Alton was a research petroleum engineer with Texaco. Robert L. Otto, '65, '75, '79, (Col. ) writes: "Deploying to Honduras January 1990 with a task force to build a road through the mountains. Al so build schools a nd a firehouse plus drill water we lls. We will rotate National Guard a nd Army Reserve units every two weeks for their annual training to build the roads, schools, .etc." Bob is a task force commander in the U.S. Army in Bryan, Texas.

WarrenE. Kruegerwrites: "My daughter, Marjorie (Marjie) Krueger, began attending UMR in the fall of1989 as a sophomore majoring in math." Warren is ma rketing research manager for Hallmark Cards Inc. in Kansas City. Louis W. Smith has been named president of the Kansas City Division ofAllied-Signa l Aerospace CompanyeffectiveAprill. The division is a part of Allied-Signal Inc. of Morristown, N.J. Louis joined the company in 1966. He has h eld a number of supervisory positions in Kansas City, Arlington, Va., and Torrence, Calif. Prior to his new position he was assistant genera l manager for administration a t the Kansas City Division.

1967 Michael R . Kistner writes : "After working in the steel manufacturing industry for 20 years, I am now in the Portla nd cement manufacturing business. My position, since July 1988, is plant maintenance m anage r of T exas Indu str ies Inc. Midlothian Cement Plant. Donna and I have two teenagers; Steve is 16 and a junior in high school, and Kathe is 18 and a freshmen in Baylor University. We have lived at 703 E isenhower Drive in Ducanville, Texas for the past eigh t years."

1968 James R. Keppel, president of Ram Tool and Hoist in Houston, Texas, writes: "Ram Tool and Hoist is a new company. I am still president of Airdyne, Lafayette and Airdyne, Houston." Gary L. Mann writes: "I received my juris doctor degree from Oklahoma City University in May 1989, and have been admjtted to the Bar to practice law in Oklahoma. I was also promoted to lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve the day following graduation from Law School. Sandra works for Microage Computers, daughter, Stacey, is a senior at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, majoring in graphic design. Daughter, Sheryl, is a junior at Edmond High School, a third year varsity letterman on the swim team and a straight 'A' student." Gary is district manager-rates and tariffs-for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. in Oklahoma City. Richard J . Vehige writes : "I was for-

merly vice president - marketing - and have been appointed vice president Missouri operations. In this position, I will oversee all of Southwestern Bell Telephone operations for the state and will have more than 6500 employees reporting to me. My wife, Carol, and I will move four of our seven children with us to Kansas City . Our oldest son, Mike, graduated from UMR in August 1989."

1969 Stanley E. Cary writes: "It doesn't seem possible but my son, Dave, is almost a senior at UMR and my other son, Mike, is in his second semester atSMSU in Springfield. How time flies when you're having a good tim e!" Stan is senior engineer for the City of Springfield, Mo. Richard H. Erxleben writes: "I was recently promoted to president of Kupferer Bros. Iron Works in St. Louis, Mo." David L. Gray, '69, '70, writes : "On March 11 my wife, Jacque, gave birth to a baby girl, Lesli e Ellen Gray, in Mountain View , Calif." David is manager-controls tactical support systems for Lockheed in Sunnyvale, Calif. Lonnie D. Schmidt writes : "I am responsible for managing a group oftelecommunication technologists that establishes the telecommunication strategic direction for McAir, does product evaluations, system development/integration and establishes the telecommunications standards product list. He a nd Nancy live in St. Louis . Brian W. Smith, '69, '70, writes: Hurricane Hugo severely da maged the military installations in and around Charl eston, S.C. I a m currently the project manager for the Hugo repair/restoration effort for work in excess of$150 million which should be completed by the end ofthe fiscal year." Brian's wife, Beverly, '70, is a management systems analyst with the U.S. Navy. Cheryl (Dodson) Steffan writes: "Our daughter, Rachel Ann Steffan, has won Nation a l Melit Scholarship Finaliststatus. Rachel, who is currently first in her class at McCluer High School , wi ll be attending Northeast Missouri State University next fall." Cheryl is a consultant for Spencer and Spencer Systems Inc. in St. Louis. Cheryl and Michael live in Florissant, Mo.

1970 R eunion at Homecoming, Oct. 12-13, 1990, Class Coordinators: Eric D. Dunning, Route 2, Box 534F, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Roger A. LaBoube, UMR 209 Civil Engineering, Rolla, MO 65401 Thomas W. Manning, 11131 Saucier Drive, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Larry J. Oliver, 16021 Autumn Oaks Circle, Ellisville, MO 63021 Anne M. Springer, Route 2 Box 214, Bourbon, MO 65441 W. Keith Wedge, 1302 Eastwood, Rolla, M065401

Brian J. Branagan writes: "I retired as a


MSM colonel in the U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers in November 1988 after an exciting and rewarding career of almost 30 years. Enjoying life in Atlanta and doing some consulting. Six kids have a ll gr a du ated from Florida State."

wife, Nancy, co ntinues to manage a travel agency." Darrel is in technical sales for GMT Systems in Waverly, Iowa.

Dale M. Bryson writes: "In June 1989 I completed my Ph.D. in computer science education at the University of Oregon. I am ch airma n of the technical department at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore. The technical department includes programs in mathematics, computer science, civil engin eeri ng, and electronics . My wife, Arlene, and I have two children. Our son, Lynn, is a pastor in Portland, Ore. and our daughter, Robyn , is a senior, majoring in elementary education , at Pacific Union College in Angwin, Calif."

The alumni office has r eceived word of the death of Anne Whitney Barrow, who died in a plane crash in Angel Fire, N.M., on July 2, 1989. Anne received an M.S. degree in comp uter science from UMR and was employed as a computer progr flmmer and systems ana lyst with Loral Corp. , form erly Goodyear Aerospace, in Phoenix, Ariz. She h ad been with the company for 18 year . She is survived by her husband, John T. Barrow, '67, electrical engineering supervisor for the Arizona Public Service Co. in Phoenix, and her parents in Eldon , Mo.

Larry J. Dean writes: "I am working at Martin Marietta in Orlando, Fla . I am married to Linda and we have a son named Matthew who is 13. I am currently a project engineer on the T ADSIPNUS Program (for the Army AH-64 helicopter)." Eric D. Dunning, '70, '72, writes: "I am the engineering and construction manager for Proctor an d Gamble's Cape Girardeau plant. My wife, Darlene, an asso ciate professor at Southeast Missouri State University, and I have four daughters: Erica, a freshman at UMR, Lisa, ajunior at Cape Central High School, Kimberly an d Jennifer in the second and first grades respectively at Hawthorn Elementary School. We're currently planning on attending the St. Pat's activities in March 1990 - my 20th anniversary of being St. Pat." Mike and Pat (Cleveland, also '70) Herron recently moved to Sti llwater, Okla., where Mike is director of electric utilities for the City of Stillwater. Mike and Pat have two children , Bill , 15, and Kristen , 12. James Hinshaw writes: "I was recently appointed president of Climax Control Inc. , a heating, air conditioning contracting company in Phoenix, Ariz ." Beverly D. Smith is with the U.S. Navy as a management sys tems a n a lyst in Charleston, S.C. Her hu sband, Brian, '69, '70, is project manager with the U.S. Navy. Reinhold W. Thieme II died Nov. 29, 1989, according to word from his cousin . At UMR Reinhold was a member of Shamrock, ASME, SAE, NSPE and the Debate Club. He received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering and, since graduation, h ad been working for the U.S. Patent Office as a patent classifier. He is survived by his wife, Kathleen, of Blevins, Ark. A. Michael Tinkey became president and general manager of St. Louis County Water Company on Sept. I, 1989. He joined County Water in 1958. Michael was awarded an M.S. in engineering management from UMR. He and Joyce live in Florissant, Mo. Darrel E. Wortman writes: "I a m with a new company, GMT Systems, but still selling specially designed equipment. My


The assoc iation has been notified of the death of Stephen W. Berghaus on Aug. 12, 1989, as a result of cancer. At UMR Stephen was a member of IEEE, MRHA, Eta Kappa Nu an d had been listed on the h onor roll. He received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering and worked for Shell Oil in New Orleans, La., following graduation. In 1976 he became a graduate student and received an M.A. degree in theology in Richmond, Va. At the time of his death he was a minister of the Presbyterian Church. He is survived by hi s wife, Betty, and a daughter, 7, of Durham, N.C. Gayle (Durand) Boevingloh writes: "I've been in the computer consulting business for 12 years, the last eight with Spencer and Spencer Systems Inc. My husband, Jeff, also '71 , has been with McDonnell Douglas in a variety of assignments for almost 20 years . Our son, Brian, is 13 and beginning to think about what to study in college." The family lives in Chesterfield, Mo. David W. Bondurant writes: "I am now director of business development for Ramtron Corp . of Colorado Springs, Colo. Ramtron is developing the ferroelectronic m emory, a new type of nonvolatile semiconductor memory ." Ronald G. Choura writes: "We are doing fin e in Michigan. I ha ve been adding to my normal work duties for the past year by working for Governor Blanchard's Telecommunications Task Force as the project director. I a l 0 became chair of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners' Cornm unications Cost Allocations Committee and was appointed to the PCC ONA Conference.- Ron is assistant director policy plan/evaluation for the Michigan Public Service Commission in Lansing. Roger D . Clemons writes: "I'm doing well with Allendale in our Midwest Region in Chicago. I still enjoy restoring Victorians. My home in LaGrange is completed and I'm now working on a farmhouse located just north of Kansas City." Roger is regional vice president-regional engineering manager for Allendale Insurance Co. in Oak Brook, Ill. Carl D. Dufner writes: "We are looking forward to next year when our daughter, Angie, will be entering the M.E. program at UMR. We hope to be able to renew some old friendsh.ips with fellow graduates during some of the homecoming weekends." Carl is director-engineeITing department, of Associated Electric Co-op in Springfield,


LUMNUS Jeu FoonJr. writes: "I'm a full-time supervisor of the underground transmi ssion engineering grou p at Los Angeles DepartmentofWater and Power. Also, I'm a parttime stockbroker for Baraban Securities. My wife, Judy, and the 'kids', Kimberly , Brandon, an d Ru ssell , keep busy with teaching, tennis, volley ball , piano, violin, guitar, fishing, and intendo. Our address is 709 ac hi Way, Monterey Park, Calif. 91754." Kerry S. Friedman wl~tes: "I am the vice president, general man ager of Hydro Dra matics, Fountain Division, Mis ouri Machinery and Engineering. We de ign and sell deco rative fountains nationwide. One recent project was the Climatron Temperate House in the Missouri Botanical Gardens in St. Louis. My wife, Debbie, the chi ldren, Ryan , 2, Andrew, 1, an d I have moved to Manchester, Mo." Ronald E. Kelley writes: "After two short years in northern Virginia-D.C. area we're moving to Dallas this summer. The company is moving its engineering headquarters there. Jeanne and I have two children, Taryn , 12, and Scott, 8." Ron ald is director of engineering for MCI Communications Corp. Robert T. Moss writes: ''We are currently in the process of converting our computer system s from Honeywell mainfram es to CDC mainframes. I have the task to convert the Corps' central payroll system which pays about 55,000 employees." Robert is supervisor-computer program analyst for the U.S . Army Corps of Engineer III Omaha, Neb. Joseph R. Wiegner has been promoted to the post of director of product engineerin g for Vitek System , Inc. In this new position, he will supervise the engi n eeri ng of a ll Vitek products. Joseph has been associated with Vitek s ince 1977 when he was part of a group that developed the original Vitek System for use in a NASA space experiment. He and Linda li ve in Ballwin , Mo.

1972 Carey B. Bottom, '72, '75, '79, has been a ppointed directorphysical and analytical chemistry/research and development at the ScheringPlough Research facility in Miami, Fla . Schering-Plough Research is the pharmaceutical research arm of Schering-Plough Corp. H e is responsibl e for all analytical and physical chemistry research activities related to the development of transdermal delivery systems and solid dosage forms for pharmaceutical . Beforejoining Schering-Plough , Carey h ad worked for Marion Laboratorie Inc. an d the Drackett Co. a division of Bristol-Myers. Randall J . Brannan writes: "10 March 1989, I formed a small coal company. We contract mine for Sharples Coal Co. of Sharples, West Virginia." Randall is presi-

dent of B and F Enterprises in Danville, W.Va. Stanley C. Dicken, '72, '73, writes: "I got married toSharon Van Huss in 1989. I also moved to a new position in Conoco in Houston, Texas in 1989. A good year!" Stanley is director, field a utomation support, for Conoco. A note fi'om Robert M. Doerr describes, in part, some of the events that transpired dUl~n g Homecoming celebration. "We had an interesting visit fi'om Harold, '54, and Jeannette Koelling during Homecoming; we had not seen them , except briefly, since we visited them in Starkville in 1971. We had some conspicuous non-visits during Homecoming. Albert, '49. and Ruth Seeling did not even let us know that they were coming to Rolla; he and I were coworkers during the '50s and they have visited us here in the past. Teresa, '84, and Tim, '86, Kassen did not make it to Homecoming. They now have a second son, Daniel, born Nov. 12, 1989, at 9 lbs. He is grandkid number fiv e." Unrelated to Homecoming, Bob mentioned that Cheryl, wife of Robert W. Hoech, '73, won an award of considerable con eque nce for her Christmas gingerbread house. Bob is retired from the U.S. Bureau of Mines.




S Gary E. Ferguson writes: "In January 1990 I will begin work on a project in Hawaii on the island of Oahu . I will be there for approximately 30 months. (l began working for Black and Veatch Sept. I, ' 1989)." He is a field project manager. Louis W. Hanes Jr. writes: "I will be marrying Loni Merschbrock on Saturday, July 7, 1990, in Silverthorne, Colo. We wi ll make our home in Ca lifornia at 20 Shasta Lane, Novato. Would like to hear from a ny old 'bums' still kicking out there." Bill is self-employed as a genera l engineering contractor in Navato.


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Roger L. Hitchings writes: "Even after 14 years devoted to the res arch and development of cellular telephone system s for Motorola Inc., I am still having a ball leading a development team in this fastpaced industry. Thanks to my professors at UMR for helping to make this possible. " Roger is manager of engineering for Motorola Inc. in Arlington Height , Ill. DonaldE. Nash writes: "I manage a multimillion dolla r/multi-year contract in support of nuclear weapons effects testing conducted by th e Air Force Weapo ns Laboratory at Kirkland AFB , N.M. I am also the 1989-1990 section chairman of the Albuquerque Section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and serve on the National Committee for Flight Tests." Don is vice president ofBDM International Inc. in Albuquerque. G. Lynn Price writes: "I recently assumed the operations superintendent position at our 2400 mw lignite-fired generating station. My wife, Sandra, also works for T. U. Electric in the transmission distribution division . We welcome company." Both Lynn and Sandra are employed by T.U. Electric in Tatum , Texas. Paul E. Schlett writes: "We have just moved in preparation for service of the Lord Jesus Christ for the rest of our lives. Many things are happening in the world. Our prayer for UMR students is that you equip yourselves to make a difference in the world. Look for jobs which provide those opportunities. Let money be least

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important and the world will be bles ed because of you. Read Matthew Chapter 6, especially Verse 24. " Paul is a seminary student in Schenecta dy. Dennis J. Welker, '72, '81, has joined Burns & McDonnell's St. Louis office as a senior civil engineer. He will serve as senior project manager responsibl e for the company's civil engineering services in the St. Louis area. He specializes in wa ter resources , hydrology, and hydraulics . H e is experienced in surface transportation, drainage and flood control, water distribution systems, sanitary sewers and site development. Prior to his employment with Burns & McDonnell, he was with the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District. Lawrence J. Wickerham writes: "I received my Master of Education from the University of Missouri-Columbia in December of 1989." Lawrence is director of computer science at Jefferson College in Hillsboro, Mo.

1973 Thomas D . Akers, '73, '75, writes: "I am excited about making my first shuttle flight in October 1990 as a mission specialist on STS-4l. We will be deploying the Ulysses satellite that will investigate the polar regions of the sun ." Tom is a major in the Air Force with NASA at t h e Johnson Space Center (Mail Code CB) in Houston. Tom was in Roll a March 22 to s peak to Air Force ROTC and other UMR students about the space program. Tom, Kaye Lynn and their two children live in Seabrook , Texas.

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John C. Brinton writes: "I began my new position as G.E. Fanuc's PLC representative in March 1989 . The high tech world of industrial com pu ting is exci ting due to the constant technical innovations . I am having fun! " John is a sales engineer for G.E. F anuc Automation in St. Louis. Steven D. Bryant writes: "I was promoted to a new position in October 1989. I have been with White-Rodgers Division of Emerson Electric for five years. I was formerly director of product engineering." Steven is now division di r ector, manufacturing engineering for White-Rodgers in St, Louis. Thomas E. Burchfield, '73, '75, '77, has been selected as National Institute for Petroleum and Energy Research (NIPER) director of energy production research. In his new position, Tom will oversee all of the department's efforts in geoscience and reservoir characterization, along with the development and a pplication of a variety of emerging enhanced oil recovery techniques. He and Melba live in Bartlesville, Okla. Rande H. Grotefendt, who is married to Judy (Wilson, '74), is a senior engineer for Eastm an Kodak-Texas Eastman. Rande, Judy and their three kids li ve in Longview, Texas. K. Daniel Hinkle writes : "My wife, Delores (James, '75) and I welcomed the addition of our third child, Victoria Michele, on Nov. 8, 1989. She joins brother Travis, 9, and sister Kay, 6. Delores works

as a petroleum engineer in the reservoir engineerin g se rvic es organi zation for Mara thon Oil in Houston. I am a lobbyist , also for Mara thon , in Houston." Da n's ti tle is governmen t affairs - m a nager southwesl r egion. Dennis C. Pease writes: "Colleen a nd I now h ave two children ; Steven Edw ard , born No vemb er 29, 1987, and Eli za beth (Betsy), born May 4, 1989 . They keep life from being slow a nd boring; we have to keep thinking to try and stay a head of them ." Dennis is senior experim ental engineer for Delco System s Opel'a tion s in Gol eta , Calif. Joe A. Pickens writes: "Evelyn a nd I recently moved to Scottsdale, Ariz. when my ar ea of r esponsibility was incr eased to include both Arizona and Nevada for military a nd civil works construction for the Los Angeles District of th e U.S. Army Corps of Engineer s." Kurt S. Priesterwl;tes: "Our boa rd-l evel computer business is doing well , but we need an MSMlUMR hardware/software engineer! Should have design experi ence \vith 286/386 architectures. Call Kurt a t 903-877 -8700." Kurt is president of Computer Dynamics Inc. in Greer, S.C. Mark X. Stratman writes: "I was t ran ferred to the Houston office of Price Wa terhouse and now serve as partner-in-ch arge of systems developm ent services for the central region of Price Waterhouse. My new address is 2107 Hickory Park, Kingwood, Texas 77345." Alexis C. Swoboda, '73, '75, has been elected to the board of directors of the Society of Women Engineers for 1989-9l. She wi ll represent the Society of Women Engineers members and students in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississi ppi, and Texas. Alexis is a senior production engineer for Maxus Exploration Co. in Dallas, Texas. Carl Tosi writes: "Sandy and I are currently living in Media, P a . I am employed as a construction engineer for th e Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. " Curt T. Williams writes : "I am currently serving a three yea r tour in Germany as a civilian employee for the U.S. Army in the Directorate of Engineering and Housing in Worms, Germany. Upon completion of the last year of this a ssignment, I will be chief of oper ations , m aintenance director , of th e military community (9000 people population ) - utilities, operations, buildings and grounds maintenance and repair , environmental management, fire protect ion, and energy conservation. The job involves a staff of 160 personnel with six nationalities."

Information needed Anyone having information on Model Bridge or Egg Drop Contests, please send such to Robert Saxer, '61, in care of the Alumni Office, 101 Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 6540l. Thank you

LUMNUS 1974 Jose ph A. Cesare writes: "Joseph A. Cesar e a nd Associa tes Inc. h as remai ned busy even with th e s low Colorado economy. We h ave been invo lved with several interesting proj ects including: cla im evaluation on a porti on of t he Wash ington subway; engi neering a nd observa ti on of construction of a 6.5 milli on cubic ya r d ea rt h dam in Colorado a nd ini t ia ting of engineering services on th e Lak e at Las Vegas dam in Neva da and va ri ou s failure evalua tion s." J oe is presi dent of J ose ph A. Cesar e a nd Associates In c. in Englewood, Colo. Nicholas C. Duane wri tes: "Di a ne a nd I are doing fin e in Ga rl a nd , Texas . La ura is learning to drive a nd Amber a nd Tim ar e acti ve in sch ool a nd sports activiti es. I continue to pursu e my inter est in m odel rail roa ding a nd a m active in t he Society of P etrol eum Engineers . Diane is continuing her education in elem enta ry education ." Nick is senior reservoir engi neer for Sa nta Fe Mineral Inc. in Da llas . James W. Duggan writes: "After tours in Colorado Springs, Colo. , Australia, Albuquerqu e, N .M., a nd fOUl' years at t he Pentagon, I am currently th e de puty director for inform ation m a nagement at H eadqu a rters Air Force Logisti cs Comma nd a t Wright-Patterson AFB , Ohio." J a m es is a major in th e U .S. Air Force . He a nd Ca thy live in Dayton, Ohio. Gilbert W. Fuller writes : "On May 31 I will retire honorably with 39 years from The Empire District Electric Company. In July 1990, I will be in Prescott, Ariz. I will be doing part-time consulting." Gilbert is a superintendent-environm enta l engin eer for Empire District Electric Co. Judith (Wilson) Grotefendt writes: "I've started working full- t ime as an instructor a t Kilgore College. Rande, '73, is still at Texas Eastma n as a senior engin eer in safety. We are both busy chasing three busy kids , 12, 10, a nd 7." The fa mily li ves in Longvi ew, Texas . Alan S. Kornacki writes: "We s pent last summer in The Netherl a nds wh er e I did resea rch on th e origin of na tural gas a t Shell's E&P r esearch la b located just outside The H agu e. We t horoughly enjoyed th e Dutch hospitali ty and scenery. We only wish our 18-month-old son, Evan wer e a little older so he'd have a m emory of it too." Alan is a senior geologist for Shell Oil Co. in Houston.

is 3112 . I fi g ure I can get back in to teaching with out too mu ch troubl e wh en I a m ready. I am doing som e part-ti m e work t u tori ng students for ch emi cal dependen cy trea tmen tatE dgewood in Washingto n ." Peggy, Jefry and fa mily li ve in Washingto n , Mo . Susan (Hadley ) Rothschild wl'ites : "I enj oy working with Sandy in our ow n comp a ny although we do s pend a lol of time ta lki ng shop. We look forward to traveling m ore t hi s year an d next." Su san is vice presiden l of Sandy Ro th schild a n d Associates in St. Louis . Randall E. Stapons ki, '74, '81, wri tes: "Bl ake Ra nda ll was born July 12, 1989. He j oins Candra, 7, a nd Jace, 4, at hom e." Rand a ll is a n electrica l engin eer with So uth wes tern Power Administration in Springfield , Mo . Joseph D. Walker is a senior applicat ions s peciali st for McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. He a nd Lois (Fradenburgh, '76) ha ve three children a nd live in St. P eters, Mo. James J. White writes : "I was m a rried in 1987 t o Kimberly Dea n . Da ugh ter , Kriste n is 16 months old. " Jim is a software engin eer with H ewlett-Packa rd. Patricia (Long) Wist writes: "J eff is in th e third gra de and making straight A's . S ar a is 3 a nd attends preschool , whil e I contract downtown . I try to onl y work during the school yea r , so I can enjoy the summers offwith th e kid s . Luckily, David thinks it's a grea t idea too." Patrici a is a self-employed contract programmer.

1975 Reunion at Homecoming, Oct. 12-13, 1990, Class Coordinators: Garry R . Aronberg, 8651 Barby Lane, University City, MO 63124 Nicholas E. Barrack, P.O. Box 1568, Rolla, MO 65401 Delores (James) Hinkle, 4019 Felicia Drive, Sugar Land, Tex 77479 Ronald Pinaire, 1129 Valleyview, Wichita, KS 67212 Kevin C. Skibiski, Route 5 Box 17, Ozark, MO 65721 Alexis C. Swoboda, 3216 Basil Court, Dallas, Tex 75201

Anthony L. Mei writes: "lam chiefofthe l Mary Lee (Sieber) Trnka, 513 NE 113 environmentalmanagementsection,South Street, Kansas City, MO 64155 Pacific Division , Corps of Engineers . I manage the hazardous/toxic waste pro- Allen B. Agnew writes, in part: "I assisgrams for the division. I r emain active in tant coached the Reston Wom en's U.S. the Army Reserve. As a soon to be pro- Volleyball Association Seniors (3 0 and over) moted major (EN), I am chief, training to a 9th place ti e in the Nation als in Wicdivision, DPTM, 6211th USAG." He is hita a few year (4?) ago and was an honsupervisor-environmental engineering- orary coach ofthe USA Deaf Women Team for the Corps of Engineers in San Fran- that won the Gold at th e Deaf Olympics in California in 1985! Believe itorel se - The cisco. Washington Post actua lly carries most Robert L. Pike writes: "After three years UMR basketba ll and footb a ll scores, so I of one week in-country fo ll owed by one keep somewhat a breastofthe news ." Allen week out-of-coun try, I appear to be home is a mining engineer with the US BUleau for awhil e. " Robert is a project engineer for of Land Ma nagementin Wa shington, D.C. M.W. Kellogg Co. in Houston, Texas. Mark D. Algaier writes : "Daughter, Margaret (Durst) Poepsel writes: "I ha ve Marisa Joy , was born March 3,1989. Grand decided to take off a year or two from work total of fiv e; three boys and two girls. I am and stay home with my children-the gui lt president of Kansas City Society for Coatgot tome-onechild is 10, oneis 7, and one ings Technology. In 1989, Missouri Soci-

'--------1MSM N ety of Professional Engineers Award new product division - awarded to Hillya rd Chemical - MA developed product." Mark is director of R&D for Hillyard Chemical in St. Joseph. Thomas S. Boon writes: "I returned to the U.S. (Pasadena, Calif. ) afte r ten years in Saudi Arabia! The travel and experience was great but it is great to be hom e too!" Thomas is a senior project manager for Ralph M. Parsons Co. He and Cynthia live in Irvine, Calif.

Timothy L. Dace has joined the staff of Murphy Co. Mechanical Contractors a nd Engineers, St. Louis, as a senior project manager. Peter A. Fender has joined Burns & McDonnell as a senior hydrogeologist in the firm's waste management group . He directs remedial investigations, corrective actions and hydrogeologic assessments for private industry clients such as refineries, commercial airlines and automobile manufacturers. Burns & McDonnell is an employee-owned consul ting engineering firm headquartered in Kansas City, Mo. David H. Francis writes: "In April 1988, my family and I transferred into DuPont Co. (parent company of Conoco) in Delaware where I am responsible for the corporate data center's equipment and technology planning." Davi d is a consultant for DuPont in Hockessin, Del. Delores (James) Hinkle and her husband, Dan, '73, welcomed their third child, Victoria Michele, on Nov. 8, 1989. Victoria Michelejoins her brother, Travis, 9, and her sister, Kay Dee, 6. Delores is employe d by Marathon Oil in Houston as a petroleum engi neer in the reservoir engineering services organization. Steven K. Holcomb writes : "I have been transferred to the Mission, Kansas divi sion ofKPL Gas Service as division superintendent." Steve and Sue live in Olathe, Kan . Stephen A. Kambol writes: "I have just completed an assignment in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, as the project coordinator on the Kaohsiung subway feasibility study. Prior to that, I spent several months in Bangladesh as the design manager on 100 miles of national truck roa ds that required emergency reconstruction as a result of severe damage caused by the devastating flood of 1988. Early in 1990, I expect to move to Korea as the deputy project manager for preliminary engineering on the SeoulPusan high-speed rail project." Steve is with Louis Berger International Inc. Brian G . Millburn writes : "I moved from the Headquarters, U.S. Space Center Command exercise plans staff to the Headquarters, Air Force Space Center Command program plans staff this last summer. Since both are on Peterson AFB, Colo., my home address remains 8129 Brigantine Drive, Colorado Springs, CO

80920. I pinned on major leaves in February 1987 and have been a single dad to three fin e boys since 1986. They are Andl'ew, 9, Matthew, 7, and Daniel, 5." Ronald R. Potts writes: "I have been working for Dames and Moore for 2 1/2 year s, primarily in conducting and ma naging ground water contamination assessments and r emedi al planning. " Raymond F. Powell writes: "I am r etiringfrom th e U.S . Army Corps of Engineers in January. Ihave a new position with E.L. Hamm and Associates Inc. Engineering and Management Consultants. The position is project manager for A-76 contract a t Goddard Space Fligh t Center (NASA). I will be managing a facility engineering contract. I also received my P.E . in August after much study." Harty C. Van Jr. writes: "After ten years with the Regiona l AnlOCO Office in New Orleans, I now find myselfstill with Amoco but working in Amoco's new concept of an offshore business unit. My current responsibili ties include coordi nation of envi ronmental, safety, a nd regulatory affairs, whi le working as a petroleum engineer associate." Harty and Evelyn live in Pearl River, La.

1976 Michael J . Aguilar and his wife, Debra (Kusmec, '79) now live in Verona, Wis. , with their two children, Elizabeth, 7, and David, 3. Mike is president of his own company, Aguilar and Associates Inc. an information systems training and consulting company. In 1989, Michael received an M.B.A. from St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa. Deb is a senior product consultant for CUNA Mutual Insurance Group . Kul B. Bhasin is a winner of one of Research and Development magazine's 100 most significant new technological developments of the past year. Kul is senior research scientist in the solid state technology branch of the space electronics division of NASA's Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. He and his colleagues developed an Optical Integrated Receiver which accepts a single digitally-modulated optical input signal and produces a 16cha nnel electrical output signal which h as been decoded from the optical input. Among th e benefits of the optical component are reduced size, weigh t and power consumption by 10 times and weight by 2.5 tim es . The optical component can be used in any system in which high-speed digital data must be transmitted from point-to-point in seria l format, then used in a parallel , or decoded, format at the destination. Kul and his wife, Charlotte, '77, li ve in Westlake, Ohio. Robert R. Brandt writes: "I left employm ent with General Electric Mobile Communications las t September a nd bought a two-way ra di o communica tions business in Ft. Worth , Knight's Communications Inc. We are a fr a nchised GE dealer -warranty service shop . My wife, Glynn , and I had a girl, Kayla LaRae, born on Feb. 27, 1988. She is a real joy and treasure . Our a ddress is 126 Donna Circle, Highland village, (a community North of Dallas ) Tex 75067. Our phone is 214-3170505. Call or visit anytime." Robert is coow ner of Knight's Communications Inc. in Ft. Worth .



Theodore M. Cummings writes: "My wife, Ramona, also '76, is working on the Hubble Space Telescope la unch." Ted is a product design engineer for Acustar/Chrysler in Huntsville. David K. Denner writes : "We are still li ving in Anniston, Ala . with our three children, Darcy, Daniel , a nd Michael. I am plant manager at Monsanto and on the Board of Directors of South trust Bank of Calhoun County. Denise (Lovasco, also '76) is co-owner of the Doll Cottage." Gary L. Dolle writes : "I have recently been given an assignment in the regulatory a rea of the company. This is quite a switch from my previous technical assignments. I fe el it is an excell ent ca reer enhancement and opportunity." Gary is an ar ea manager for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. in St. Louis. W. Jack Ginneverwrites: "Currently developing imaging products to reduce pa per a nd studyi ng ways of using geothermal principles to h a rn ess hum an output. Married seven years a nd have two sons, Zach, 10, and Nathan, 3." Jack is a technical sales manager for 1. Levy and Associates in St. Louis. D. Freddie Ipock writes : "May 1990 will be my 13th year atcity utilities. I currently work in the substation engineering department doing mostly 69KV and 161KV relaying. In 1989 I completed the M.B.A. degree from Drury College." Freddie is an Engineer IV for the City of Springfield, Mo. John R. Lees Jr. writes: "Morgan Elizabeth was t OIil OIl 3·c·pt. 21, 1989. All are doing fine (I'm broke; I work for a university.) Internet Mail: lees @egr msu. edu." John is manager, systems a nd network software services for Michigan State University in E ast Lansing, Mich. Charles L. Sidebottom (Marsh) writes : "I took my stepfather's name after college as most of you know me by Sidebottom . Hello to Terry Whiteside ('76) and Larry Guevelle ('77) - where the heck are you guys???" Charles is business system manager for Edison Brothers Store in St. Louis. Robin A. Murphy, '76, '78, '85, was a recipient ofthe Armco Research and Technology Technical Achievement Awa rd for the second half of 1989. Robin is a research engineer for Armco in Middletown, Ohio. Timothy G. O'Neill writes: "I a m currently working for the U.S . Geological Survey Rocky Moun tain Mapping Center fi eld survey unit." Tim is a cartographer for the U.S.G.S. Mapping Center in Denver. Rodney J. Sampson writes: "Daughter, Fiona (born Nov.16, 1988) doing fine. My new position at Home Office is a real challenge. Wish well to all classmates and fri ends for 1990 and beyond ." Rodney is an associate database specialist for Home Office Reference Labs in Lenexa , Kan . Dennis M. Simon writes: "Kim, '76, received her MBA degree from UM-St. Louis in May 1989. I received a promotion to assistant watershed m a nager at Metro St. Louis Sewer District. We have two children , LaNae, 6 in April 1990, and Brett, 4 in February 1990." Don G. Smith writes: "I am r esiding in Phillipsburg, Kansas. Mary and I are the

proud parents of four children: Daphne, 12, Aaron, 9, Vanessa, 5, and Mathew, III 2." Don is a project engi neer for Tamko in Phillipsburg, Kan. Marcus L. Smith writes; "I was promoted Oct. 1, 1989, to CIO position with newly formed Mallinckrodt Medical Inc." Marc and Barbara li ve in Des Peres, Mo. Lois (Fradenburgh) Walker writes : "I have been 'retired' since my oldest was born. We now have three children, Christopher,5 1/2, Tracy, 3 1/2, and Brianna, 2. I keep busy being a kindergarten room mother and classroom aid, church nursery coordinator, children's church teacher, a nd mother's club program chairman. Joe, '74,is still a computer programmer and project leader, etc. at McDonnell Douglas." The family lives in St. Peters, Mo.











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Mark L. Bengard has joined the staff of Murphy Co. Mechanical Contractors and Engineers, St. Louis, as manager of the designlbuild department. Charlotte A. Bhasin is employed by the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. She and her husband, Kul B. Bhasin, '76, li ve in Westlake, Ohio. Kul is with NASA's Lewis Research Center. Terry B. Bollinger, '77, '80, writes: "I will be joint author on a pa per that will be in IEEE Software in either November 1990 or J anuary 1991. The paper is entitled 'Making Software Reuse Cost Effective' by Bruce Barnes (NSF) a nd Terry Bollinger. I also just won the 1988 Best Paper Award (slow turn-around!) for all of Conte I Corp. for a paper en titled 'Reuse Rules: An Adaptive Approach to Reusing Ada Software'. Things are going well!" Terry is senior member Contel Tech Center in Ch antilly, Va. Barbara (Armistead) Bryant is a secretary at the Manchester. Packaging Company in St. James, Mo. She and Michael, '79, who is a production engineer for the sa me company, have added a little girl to the family which now numbers four. John E. Carter was featured on Rolla's public radio station KUMR earlier this year. As a r epresentative of Doe Run Mining Co., he accepted calls and questions from listeners regarding Doe Run's operations. John is a n environmental engineer for Doe Run Co . and lives in Viburnum, Mo. Kevin P. Darby writes : "I was married to Ka ren in May 1989." Kevin is a system analyst for Southwestern Bell Corp. in St. Louis. Bruce L. Edwards Jr. , associate professor of English a t Bowling Green State University, has been named a Heritage Foundation Bradley Resident Scholar. The purpose of the Bradley Scholar Program is










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to provide distinguished scholars from around the world an opportunity to work on long-term research projects. Dr. Edwards will work on a book explaining how to rehabilitate western literacy. Robert F. Gaebler, '77, '81, writes: "My new position as 'software engineer' has me working on real-time avionics software . Quite a change from communications network research. My colleagues and our customers are great people to work with. Sal and the boys, Robbie, Davie, Timmy, Phil, and ?, and I love Wisconsin. The new arrival this April will make us the 'House of Seven Gaeblers'." Bob is software engineer for Insight Industries Inc. of Platte ville, Wis. Jill (Burgi) Hanus writes: "My husband, Vern, and I still work for John Deere in Waterloo, Iowa. Outside of work, one 4year-old son and twin 2-year-old daughters keep us very busy. Life is fun at our house!" Jill is an engineer with Deere and Co. Warren W. Hertfelderwrites: "Now have two children. Michael is 2 1/2 and Catherine is seven months ." Warren is employed by McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis.

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Kay E. Leonard writes: "I am currently teaching math and computer science at Nova University and math at Broward Community College. I will start work on my math Ph.D. at Florida Atlantic University in the fall. " Kay lives in Plantation, Fla. Donald R. Otto writes: "Carol and I are doing fine. She is busy directing her nursery (Do and Learn Day Nursery). I enjoy working at General Electric in the digital design department where I'm involved with satellite circuitry." Donald is a member of technical staff for G.E. in Princeton, N.J.

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Robert D . Petersen has joined Burns and McDonnell's St. Louis office as senior project manager. He also will serve as manager of design and quality control for the St. Louis office. He has been with Burns & McDonnell for 12 years .

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J . Erik Tilman writes: "We are enjoying ourselves in the 'other' Washington. I am going on 12 years with Hewlett-Packard. Robin (Bohnenkamp, '78) is very busy raising our two children, Laura, 10, and Rebecca, 8. We get back to Rolla every cou ple of years to visit family. The campus sure has changed. There have been many improvemen ts." Erik is a manufacturing development engineer for Hewlett-Packard.


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Gary E. Roebke writes: "Recently transferred from Chevron Overseas in San Ramon, Calif. to Chevron USA in New Orleans. New address is 4007 Lennox Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70131." Gary is drilling superintenden t for Chevron.

Brian H . Walter writes: "I am working on a Space Station Freedom Computing service support contract. Nice to know you have Apollo wotkstations. We support 95 of them and over 150 PCIAT clones networked across Marshall Space Flight Center's backbone with connectivity to other NASA spacestation sites across the nation and even in Japan." Brian is a senior member, technical staff for Boeing in Huntsville, Ala. Gary K. Warren writes: "I am currently living in Houston teaching sales techniques


LUMNUS U.S. Department of Energy in St. Charles, Mo.

to the sales force in North America . I will be traveling the world in 1990 putting on sales seminars. I am not using my engineering degree anymore but I couldn't h ave gotten here without it." Gary is manager trill ning and developmen t for Sch umberger Well Services.

Steven P. Rinne writes : "I am back in St. Louis as an operations super viso r for Factory Mutual Engineering." Factory Mutual Engineering is located in Earth City, Mo.

Nary J. Willett writes: "I just completed two years in Tennessee as a visiting professor. Now have a group doing field deploymentofnew software release fOl-international customers: Singapore, !tlay, Aruba, Brunei, et al. Lots of travel involved and cra zy hours." Nary is a technical supervisor for AT&T-Bell Labs in Naperville, Ill.

Robert J. Schnell, '78, '86, writes : ''We mo ved into our new hom e over Memorial Day week-end 1989 and started things off right by h aving two Miners for overnight guests the first nigh t. Jan is expecting our third addition to th e family due Feb. 10, 1990." Bob is an engineer with Union Electric in St. Louis. Marilyn (Brotherton) Slack writes: "Mark an d I celebrated ou r 10th wedding anni versary during 1989, and I just celebrated my 10th anniversary with Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. My newest assignment as area manager is to be outside plant engineering quality reviewer for the Dallas section. Mark and I reside at 1280 Shores Blvd. in Rockwell , Texas."

1978 Alan L. Davis wTites: "I have two children, 6 and 4 years old. I'm president of Add Truss Co., Inc, I would like to locate or hear from Greg, '72, a nd/or Lou Frank." Thomas W. Fennessey wri.tes: "I have been outin the D.C. area for more than two years now and in my condo a little more than one year. I am working for the Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division of the Federal Highway Administration and was recently promoted to supervisory geotechnical engineer."

Robin (Bohnenkamp) Tilman a nd h er husba nd, Erik, '77, a re the parents of two children , Laura, 10, a nd Rebecca, 8. Erik is a manufacturing development engineer with H ewlett-Packa rd. Inwoo Yoon writes: "I am alive and well with my wife, Agnes, and the two boys, James and David. Since moving to the new company last year, I'm making good progress. My address is 2124 E. 144th St. , Olathe, KS 66061." Inwoo is a projectengineer with Aviation Systems Inc. in Overland Park, Kan.

Richard W. Goodson writes: "I am now the father of two boys, Kyle, 2 1/2, and one due in January 1990. Other than fatherhood, same old stuff - d-ifferent time period." Wes is controller for 4 State Maintenance Supply Inc. in Coffeyville, Kan. (Editors Note: Confirmed Feb. 1, 1990, it's a boy - Chad Marcus, 6 lbs, 15 ozs) .


John V. Grice writes: "We just had our second son, Jared Victor, on Dec. 12, 1989. The older son, John Laurence, is 61/2. We live in Raymore, Mo. KittyJo is raising the boys while I am a statistician for AlliedSignal."

Debra (Kusmec) Aguilar and h er husband, Mike, '76, live in Verona, Wis. (five miles south of Madison). They have two children, Elizabeth, 7, and David, 3. Deb works for CUNA Mutual Insurance Group as senior product consultant for CDNA's Computer Information Center. Mike is president of his own company, Aguilar and Associates, an information systems training and consulting firm.

Michael A. Heitzman, '78, '83, writes: "We added number four , Marc Anthony, in November 1989 followed by a move to the District of Columbia where I am now an engineer for the asphalt division of the U.S . Department of Transportation. My wife, Jill, and the children, Michael, Mindy, and Melissa welcomed Marc andjoined me in D.C. on New Years Eve. Give us a call for a visit anytime."

Philip R. Bissey writes: "Sharon (Vanderwal, '81) and I are expecting our second child in April. J ennifer is now 3 and is great. Our jobs (and Jennifer) keep us busy. We've been in Tulsa for 1 1/2 years now and like it very much. We can be contacted at 8202 S. New Haven Ave., Tulas, Okla. 74137." Randy is senior sales engineer for Cooper Industries in Tulsa.

David K. Holland Jr. writes: "We are ha ppy to announce the birth of a daugh ter, Melanie Katherine, on June 15, 1989. Big brother, Trig, is proud of her. Look for a blue moon as the almost impossible happened - Tom Dill, also '78, got married Oct. 21! He may get domesticated yet! Good wishes, Tom and Scarlett!" Dave is senior research group leader at AnheuserBusch Company in St. Louis.

James L. Brink writes : "I am still working in beautiful west Texas. I am working on Chevron's newest C02 proj ect, a $70 million dollar project to coax another 16 million STB recovery. If anyone wants to get away from it all, come visit us , that's where we are at." James is reservoir engineer for Chevron in Midland, Texas.

Larry D. McCallister, '78, '79, and his wife, Lynn (Weiss, '79), will move to West Point, N.Y. in May 1990 where he will be an assistant professor in the engineering department of the U.S . Military Academy. Larry is a major in the U.S. Army. He recently completed his doctorate in civil engineering at the University of Texas.

Michael A. Bryant writes: "Barbara (Armistead, '77) and I moved back to Rolla almost five years ago. We added a little girl to the family and are now a family offour. As a manufacturing production engineer , I am only able to read about exploits in the gold fields in which I used the revel. Good luck to all that venture forth and search for that elusive nugget." Michael is a production engineer for Manchester Packaging Co. in St. James, Mo.

Glenford A. Newtown Jr. writes : "I was promoted to lieutenant colonel on Sept. 23, 1989, in the U.S. Army Reserves . Assumed command of the 2nd Brigade, 85th Division (Training) effective Sept. 1, 1989." Glenford is a project engineer with the


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Ralph A. Butler writes : "I joined Nuclear Energy Consultants Inc_ in June 1989. NEC offers engineering and management consulting services to the nuclear utility industry." Ralph is principal engineer for NEC Inc. Keith L. Donaldson writes: "I never thought I would work in Kokomo , Ind. for ten years but I guess plans ch ange. Sue and I are expecting our second child in February. Steven, who is 4 , is looking forw ard to th e baby's birth." Keith is business relations analyst for EDSlDelco Electronics in Kokomo. Francilda A. Erickson writes: "I'm still not working. I am taking a class or two each semester at UMR. I volunteer at two schools in Rolla. I'm involved with the Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts. For the second year, I will be coaching a 4th grade team in the Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics math contests." Paul H. Fitzgerald writes: "I received an M.B.A. degree from SIU-Edwardsville in September 1989." Paul is lead engineerdesign-for McDonnell Douglas-Aircraft in St. Louis. Milo G. Foster writes: "I was recently promoted from pl a nt manager of the Lakeview Feminine Care Plant to director of manufacturing projects for KimberlyClark's feminine care business in Neenah, Wis . I h ave the responsibility for leading manufacturing, planning, and capital project activities. But the biggest news is the birth of our first child, Kathleen Elaine, on April 27 . She sleeps eight hours straight at night, thanks to her mother's (Barbara) daytime stimulation. Barbara is taking a year's le av~ from teaching. Stephen A. Lang, '79, '80, is chief engineer for Santa Fe Mining in Albuquerque, N.M. He and Elizabeth (Frick, '81) recently became parents of their third girl, Stephanie Marie. Harriett "Lynn" (Weiss) McCallister writes: "My husband, Larry, '78, '79, and I will move to West Point, N.Y. to the United States Military Academy in May 1990 where Larry will be an assistant professor in their engineering department. Larry recently completed his Ph.D. in civil engineering at the University of Texas and is a major in the U .S. Army . I hope to be teaching in the physiology department." Lynn also has h er doctorate. Charles E. Mattson writes: "Greetings from sunny California . My wife, Karen, and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary last December. We have two sons, Roger, 7, and Ryan, 18-months. We also h ave a Golden Retriever and three cats. At work I was promoted to GS-14 (called DP4 here at NWC) last fall. I was co-author of a paper on an Adjustable Beamwidth Antenna which was presented at the IEEE SouthCon Convention held in Atlanta, Ga . last year." Charles is a systems engineer for the U.S. Naval Weapons Center at China Lake, Calif. Robert D. Minor writes: "My wife, Janice, and I are both employed by MarionMerrell Dow Inc. She is a MRP II planner a nd I am a senior project engineer. We recently built a new house in Lee's Summit, Mo. and reside at 928 NW Highpoint Drive, Lee's Summit, MO 64081." Rebecca (Miessner) Nelson, '79, '80, writes: "Mike was transferred on July 15,

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MSM 1989, from ElLxon in ew Orlean to Esso Production UK in Lond on. I r esigned Janua ry 1989 to stay at home with Laurel, now 18 months old . Maybe she will learn to speak with a British accent!" Craig S. O'Dear was nam ed a partner a t the law finn of Bryan , Cave, McPhee ters, a nd McRoberts in Kansa s City, on Jan I , 1990. Brya n , Cave, McPh ee t er s, and McRoberts is a leading na tional and international law firm. In a ddition to Kansas City, the firm has offices in St Louis; New York ; Riyadh; Saudi Arabia; and Dubai , United Arab Emirates. It has 149 partners a nd a total of 336 lawyers . Minh (Nguyen) Parrett, '79, '80, has three children, Oanh, Wi lliam, and Cai tlin. Minh is a software engineer for Electronic Data System in Milford, Mich . Her husband, Alan, '84, is currently senior project engineer for General Motors at the Milford Proving Grounds. Robert L. Shirron writes: "Moving to Ft. Polk, La. about June I, 1990, to become battalion comm ander of the 588th Engineering Battalion." Robert is a lieutenant colonel in the U .S. Army. Gregory L. Wayne writes: "All is well in Houston. The family is well - Staci is 6 and Tyler i 18-months. Kathie is a computer support analyst with Chevron and doing great. I was recently promoted to lead electJical engineer at M.W. Kellogg. Bu iness is good. Kathie a nd I can't believe we've already been here 10 years. Time flies when you are having fun!!"

1980 Reunion at Homecoming, Oct. 12-13, 1990, Class Coordinators: Gino L. Balducci, 420 Hwy C, Chesterfield, MO 63005 Thomas A. Dittmaier, 2607 Morningside Drive, Blue Springs, MO 64015 Joseph J . Gabris, 9956 Knollshire Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123 Charles B. McField, P.O_ Box 16166, Kansas City, MO 64112 Keith and Katie (Kunkel) Wesselschmidt, 11275 Claywood Drive, St. Louis, MO 63126 Mark G. Viox, 348 Camellia Drive, Webster Groves, MO 63119 Robert J. Wille, 1007 West Stratford Drive, Peoria, IL 61614 Marilyn S. Daum writes: "I finall y finished my M.S. in computer science fi'om Roch ester Institute of Technology. I am currently working for Kestrel Institute a nd Reasonin g Systems Inc. in Palo Alto, CA." Marilyn li ves in Hayward , Calif.

father elated. Now we have 2/5's of a basketball team." Neal is with Kaiser-Francis Oil Co. in Tulsa, Okla. George R. Dickinson writes: "Still enjoy living in the Austin a rea . Would like to hea r from any Grub Club members - it's been 10 years!" George is a process enginee r for Tell Labs Inc. in Round Rock, Texas. He and Connie li ve in Pflugerville, Texas. Daniel Michael Dunn writes : "I've ba iled out of Superfund but remain in consulting for environmental clean-up projects. I'm with a sma ll engin eeri ng firm affi li ate d with an RCRA stabilization/disposal facility. Peoria Disposal Co. provides turn key service throughout the Midwest. My traveling is of shorter duration and di stance than when in Superfund." Daniel is a geological engineer/project manager for PDC Technical Services Inc. in Peoria , Ill. Jackie (Pleis) Eiffert writes : "Kenton, '80, and I are in Houston. Kenton still programs for Shell Development Com pany and I a m at hom e with Kristen, 3, and Bethany, l." David W. Harnagel writes : "I joined Bissell and Karn 's bridge design staff in October 1989." David is senior project m a nager for Bissell and Karn Inc. in Sacra mento. Karen (Dower) Herbert writes: "I am now product manager at Sinclair and Rush. My husband, Richard 'Chester' Herbert, '80, is a project engineer atJ effer son Smurfit. Our address is 950 Saddle Drive, Florissant, MO 63033." Lindy "Lee" Holmes writes : "I have been working for the Kansas Department of Tra nsportation for a lmost 10 years now and have been promoted to a civil engineer III position. Sherry and I have two daughters, Stefanie, 6, and Michelle, 2. I pla n on spending the rest of my career in Topeka with the Kan sas Department of Trans portation. James T_ Kuhlmann writes: "I just thought I'd check in a fter a few yea rs. First, I'm back at Monsanto and, seco nd, I have a new address: 4124 Tiffany Trail Court, St. Louis, MO 63129. Also, I saw Steve Ford, '79, and Bud (Bon) Allen, '79, at Steve's wedding last summ er. Bud's a parent ... what a scary thought!" Jim is a senior process engineer for Monsanto/C DI in St. Louis. Linda (Jacobs) Madonna writes : "1 recently changed jobs and now work for McKenzi e Methane Corp. as a geological engineer. I am developing a coalbed methane play in th e San Juan Basin , N.M. My addres s is 504 E . Otero Court, Littleton, Co 80122." Her hus band , David, '83, is with Public Services of Colorado .

Janet (Rimmey) King writes: "Edw ard a nd I are proud to a nn ounce the birth of our second child, Jonathan Edward, born Oct. 8, 1989." Janet is with Ameri can Express Health Systems in Hazelwood , Mo.

Michael R. Oetting writes: "I am enjoying my new job a t the John Dee re Technical Center as a n intern a l consulta nt on design with plastics. E lena has star ted 'Flying Change' stables and is training horses. Matt and Jon a re now 9 and 7 and into Cub Scouts. Call, we'd love to hear from yo u - (309) 944-2062." Michael is a senior engi neer with John Deere Technical Center in Moline, Ill. The family li ves in Geneseo, Ill.

Henry N. DeShazo II writes: "Our newes t a ddition , Aaron Taylor, a rri ved on St. Pat's 1990. Baby a nd moth er doing fin e-

Perrin R. Roller writes:. "A good thing ca n't last forever. After four yea r in so uthern Calif. a nd globe trotting to variou s




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oth er places, I'm now back in Houston. I am currently working in the floating drilling sectio n at Chevron's Drilling Technology Center." Pamela (Windle) Staley writes: "I am still with Amoco in Denver and a m currently an acq uistion-divestment project manager for the Denver Region." Scott C. Wehner writes : "We were transferred to Midland, Texas, last summer. The dust is just beginning to settle now. Traci and the boys are fine. Friends are invited to drop by when in town . Our new address and phone fo llow: 3603 Berm ud a, Midland, Texas 79707, (915) 699-7567 or 688-2968 ." Scott is division EOR project engi neer for Texaco. William V. H . Yan writes: "I got transferred to Mazon, IlL , fr om Houston in May, 1989. It is a lot cooler here than in Houston . We did not expect to see snow in October. We both missed our friends from Houston. Guess what? I will be transferring again - to Chicago-in the next few months, to move into a new office due to the reorganization ." William is an engineer supervisor for ARCO Pipe Line Co. He and Yen Yu live in Morris, Ill.

1981 Sharon (Vanderwal) Bissey is a progr ammer/analyst for Shell Oil. She a nd her husband, Philip, '79, li ve in Tulsa, OK. They are the parents of Jennifer 3, and a baby is expected in April. Robert Bromley has been promoted to assistant s up erintendent of environmental engineering for the Empire District Electric Company in Joplin, Mo. Hejoined the company in 1981 as su perv isor of fuel management. Bob, Sandy and their three sons, Bobby, 7, Charlie, 6, and Patrick, 3, live in Carl Junction , Mo . Paul D. Bryant writes: "Presently I'm a senior design engineer at McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. I recently received a master of science degr ee in mech anica l engineering from Washington Un.i versity. My wife, Barb , a nd daughter, Donna , born in December 1989, are doing fine a nd presently reside at 12256 Tempo Drive, St. Lou is, MO 63146." Russell E. Davis writes: "Number three child du e in a few weeks!" Russell is a staff e ngineer for Allied-Signal Inc.-Bendix in Kansas City, Mo. Robert A. Dunlevy writes : "I am enjoying the construction testing industry in Kansas City, Mo. PSI is continuing to open new opportuni ties for me a nd wi th the new acqu isition of Hall-Kimbrel , I hope to see more UMR geological engineers." Robert is a staff engin ee r for Professional Service Indus tries Inc. in Riverside, Mo. Alissa M. Gallagher, '81, '83, writes: "Fear of giving birth at Phelps County Ho pital kept us away at Homecoming but we were at St. Pat's with five-month -old Ryan in tow. " Lisa is a m anufacturing engineer with Sonoco Graham Company in Maryland Heights , Mo. Husband, James D_ Whetsel, also '81, '83, is a field

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engineer for Atlas Plumbing Supply in St. Louis. Maureen (Harig) Gentles writes : "I received an M.S. in software engineering in Dec. 1988. I was promoted tomanagerof the diagnostic engineering group for Concun:entComputerCo. in Tinton Falls, N.J." Maureen and Thomas live in Freehold, N.J. Elizabeth (Frick) Lang writes: "Steve, '79, '80, and I had our thi I'd girl, Stephanie Ma rie, on Dec. 26, 1989." Steve is chief engineer with Santa Fe Mining and the family lives in Albuquerque, N.M. S . Dale McHenry was selected as the University of Missouri System representative to the inaguration ofIrvin D. Reid as president of Montclair State College in Montclair, N.J. on Friday, April 6, 1989. Da le is district engineer with AT&T Communications and is a member of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association Board of Directors. William Reed Nigro writes : "We just opened up our second Torres' Pizzeria in August. It is in Lenexa, Kan. My brother is managing that store. I am engaged and getting m arried in October, the week after Homecoming in Roll a ." Bill is president of Nigro and Sons Inc. in Kansas City, Mo. Nancy (Bollinger) Oehler writes: "We have two children , Michelle, 3 112, and Kevin, 18-months. I am currently staying hom e with the children and plan to go back to work when they geta little older. Nancy, Larry and family live in St. Louis.


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Mark J. Short, '81, '86, writes: "I got married last July to Sandy. We are living in Raymore and I am sti ll at Marion Merrell Dow worki ng in R&D trying to help them publish new drug applications." Mark is a systems analyst for Marion Laboratories Inc. , in Kansas City, Mo. Randy A. Southmayd, '81, '88, writes: "Janet and are proud parents of two beautiful girl s, Katie, 4, and Melissa, 1. I can't believe I went back and got my master's degree!" Randy is branch manager for McDonnell Douglas Aircraft in St. Louis . Diane (Dowlen) Underwood wlites: "My husband, Mark, and I are expecti ng our third child at the end of July. We have a girl, 4, and a so n, 2. " Diane is a computer science instructor at Navarro College in Corsicana, Tex.


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William T_ Burton writes: "My wife, Ka ren has been appointed to the Methodist Ch urches in Elsberry effective November 15. The move was sudden but we have ettled in and seem to be getting along." Bi ll is CAD/CAM Program/Analyst for McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. Darrell R . Case writes: "I received my Missouri P.E . in April 1989. I am currently a consulting engineer for Tennill and Associates, working mostly at a Jewish Ho pital in St. Louis."


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Robert David Gillis writes : "I recently completed my MEd . at Harvard Uni versity. I am currently teaching physics at the Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, CT, and attempting to manage the development of a computer network/data acquisition lab/ gra phics workstation in the science de-


MSM partment. If any alumni have any ideas on hardware/funding, please let me know!"

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Michael L. Huff writes: "Life in Ponca City is great. I've been married to my wonderful wife, Delia, for 2 112 years . We had our first child, Joshua Lee, in December. Being a parent is wonderful! I work in the scientific ap plications section of Conoco's Computer and Telecommunications department." Michael is a senior analyst for Conoco. Charles and Diana, '83, Malin write: "We are enjoying the Cincinnati area after our first year h ere. Diana recently was promoted to section leader in the R&D department of Quantum Chemical Corp. USI Division." Charles is a lso with Quantum Chemical Corp . Steven K. McCullough writes: "Lynn and I are proud to announce the birth of second son, Daniel Ryan. His older brother, Timothy Adam, helps keep us busy." Steven is a senior engineer, technology, for McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. Charles B. Monie writes: "I have been promoted to lieutenant in the Civil Engineer Corp. U.S. Naval Reserve. We are in the process of moving to Meridian, Miss. where I will be the assistant public works officer." Steven P . Olsen writes: "I am still working for Luk but in Germany. My new address is B uehlertal Strasse 47, 7580 B uehlBaden, Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)." Steven is a project engineer for Luk and Company.

to office manager of the Des Moines area office of Environmental Science & Engineering Inc. in December 1989. I a lso received my P.E. and P.G. registrations in 1989. My wife, Vanitta, and I h ave two children, Christy, 4, and Paul III, 2." Mark A. Cook writes: "we are now living in Pretoria, South Africa. This is a very beautiful co untry. We have been touring as much as possible. I a m working for the State Department on a new American Embassy. The Ambassador is a frequent visitor to our site!! We are fine . My address for my friends is U .S. EmbassylPretoria RSA, Department of State, Washington , D.C . 20521-9300." In other news Mark writes: "Th e political situation here is very complex and it is my feeling that the American press has not given us an accurate accounting of all facets of the myri ad of groups and personalities involved. I hope everyone h ad a wonderful St. Pat's. I sure miss Rolla at St. Pat's time of year." Mark is a professional engi neer/office engineer for Sverdrup Corporation. Jeanne (Hilker) Draper writes: "Our first child, Jennifer Lynn , arrived at 12:32 a.m. on Dec. 26, 1989. Mom , Dad , and baby are doing fine!" Jeanne is a computer engineer at UMC in Colum bia , Mo . Husband John, '83, is a resident physician at the UMC Hospital and Clinic. Charla (Niccoli) Dziedzic writes: "Dan, '83, and I had a baby girl named Rose Christine on Dec. 8, 1989. Everyone is healthy and we love being parents ." Charla is a senior engineer for McDonnell Douglas Aircraft in St. Louis. Daniel is with Southwestern Bell in Creve Coeur.

LUMNUS am enjoying my new position and environment." Mike is with Complete Health , Inc. as director of underwriting. Patrick A. Pollock writes: "Life is great in the Pacific Northwest where men are men and Sasquatch are scared." Patrick is a project engineer for Anvil Corp. in Bellingham, Wash . Richard W. Puchta writes :"Linda, Emily, and I are fine . We now own a hom e. We keep plenty busy with church activities, raising our da ughter, and taking ca re of our house. I sti ll bird hun t when I can , and bagged my fir st sage grouse last September." Rick is a hydrologist in the Water Resource Division of the U.S.G.S. in Salt Lake City. The family lives inSandy, Utah. Eric D. Sutton writes : "I left Mesa in October of 1989 when Dyco Petroleum of Tulsa offered me a job as a geological engineer, dual reservoir engineer a nd prospecting geologist res ponsibility. Williford Energy offered me a job with an ORRI (Over Riding Royalty Interest) which I co uldn 't refuse in March of 1990." Eric is now a n area geologist for Williford Energy Co. in Tulsa. Jeffrey S. Treshnell writes: "It is hard to believe that it has been six years since graduation. I h ave been married four of those years to a wonderfu l woman named Lea . My job at Data-Tronics is always challenging. I work mainly with CICS application maintenance and development, and ha ve recently started working with DB2. Best wishes to all myoId fri ends from UMR, especially my roommates." Jeffrey is a lead systems analyst programmer for Data-Tronics Corp . in Ft. Smith, Ark.

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Sigrid (Green) Pericich, '82, '84, writes:

reliving on Merto help "Mark )orato-

"Joseph, '84, and I are proud to announce the birth of our first child, Lindsay Nicole, born on Nov. 26, 1989." Sigrid is an engineer with the Federal Government. Joseph is with Black & Veatch. The family lives in Overland Park, Kan.

Laura E. Harrington writes: "Dan, '83, and I have moved to Grand Cane Louisiana. Dan is chief engineer for Nabors Trailers. I am staying at home with our three daughters, Elizabeth, 4, Natalie, 2, and Hannah, 2-months. "

Douglas A. Weiss writes: "I am currently working for McDonnell Douglas in Fort Worth, Texas as a flight test engineer assigned to the General Dynamics Co."

writes: YObeaul. I can't naster's Iger for . wuis.

Amir M. Shahnazary, '82, '84, writes: "I am doing very well in my job and my success is due to guidance of people such as Dr. Jack Bourquin and Mr. Lou Moss. I am grateful to these people who changed my life." Amin is a senior plant engineer for General Motors.

Frederic W. Kleve Jr. writes : "I am head of terminal maintenance services providing shops a nd contracted maintenance support for more than 100 storage tanks of up to 1.5 million barrel capacity and onshore/offshore loading facilities at Saudi Arabian Oil Company's Ras Tanura and Juaymah terminals ."

Robert S. White writes: "Maeve and I have experienced quite a few changes over the past year. I graduated from Cornell University's Johnson Graduate School of Management with an M.B.A. last May . In August, Maeve Anthony a nd I were married and traveled to the South Pacific for our honeymoqn. We bought a hom e in Indianapolis where I work for Eli Lilly in manufacturing strategic planning."

Ron M. Livaudais writes: "I married Joan Moser, '86, in July of 1989." Ron is a senior design engineer with McDonnell Douglas Training Systems in St. Louis.


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Douglas D. Stone writes: "I am running the new stereolithography (SLA) lab just opened at McAir. The SLA makes plastic parts from surfaced CAD models out of a liquid acrylic material. We are investigating the SLA's many engineering and manufacturing applications." Douglas's title is engineer-design for McDonnell Aircraft in St. Louis. John T. Yoder, IV, writes : "Just out of the Navy after seven years . I am returning to St. Louis and looking forward to it. I would like to hear from a ll of myoId Rolla friends. Contact me at 1860 Arundel Dri ve, Florissant, MO 63033." John's note indicates h e will be working for Container Corporation of America in Chesterfield.

1983 Timothy L. Barefield writes : "Katryn (Davidson, '84), and I now h ave two children, Michael, 2 1/2, and Stephan born Sept. 30, 1989." Tim is manager oftechnical services for Robert D. O'Byrne in Kansas City, Mo. Paul D. Conrad writes: "I was promoted

Michael D . Madonna is a senior programmer for Public Service of Colorado in Denver. Linda, '80, is a geological engineer with McKenzie, also in Denver. Diana (Bindermann) Malin is a section leader in the R&D department of Quant um Chemical Corp.-USI Division in Cincinnati . Her husband, Charles, '82, is also employed with Quantum Chemical Corp. Denise (Rost) Mausshardt writes: "I'm still teaching part-tim e for St. Loui s Community College and I also work parttime for Jefferson College. I enjoy the community coll ege teaching better than high school because the stud ents are more motivated. Chuck and I plan to purchase a home (hopefully!) this summer." Michael B. McKay writes : "I h ave accepted a new position with. a young and growing company in Birmingham . It is much colder here than in Miami (BunT)! I

Katryn (Davidson) Barefield and her husband, Tim, '83, ha ve two children, Michael,2 1/2, a nd Stephen, born Sept. 30, 1989. Tim works for Robert D. O'Bryan in Kansas City, Mo. Angela S. Beechner writes: "I am managing the structu ra l programming section at Fort Leonard Wood. I'm in the process of implementing 'PAVER' and 'ROOFER' programs for the Fort. It's very interesting work and I'm t hrilled that I was ab le to stay in the area. I married Mark Rolufs in June of'88. We recently bought a house on Salem Ave. and are remod eling it ourselves." Angela is with the Directorate of Engineering and Housing at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Jamie (Luca) Bennett writes: "Marc and I are expecting our first baby in May. We are both ve ry excited an d it's supposed to be a boyl" Jamie is a senior buyer for Texas Instruments in Lewisville, Texas.

James G. Berndt writes: "I have taken a new job with Exxon Chemical and have moved to Long Beach, Calif. I am looking forward to meeting up with other alumni who have located out h ere. My new address is 1811 Termino #7202, Long Beach , Calif. 90815 , (213) 597-0243." James is senior technical sa les representative for Exxon Chemical. Robert D. Booth is manager of systemsnetworking operations at the University of Illinois-Urbana. Bob a nd hi s wife , Margaret (Maskey, '85) are expecting their second child in July. Julianne is 2. The family lives in Heyworth, II I. William E. Buscher writes: "Springfield , Illinois is getting better all the time! My wife, Tracy, and I are proud keepers orthe first a ddition to our family, a cat named Cowboy-Yee Ha!" William is an environmental engineer with the Illinois Environmenta l Protection Agency. Michael E. Collins writes : "After fiv e years with NIB CO of Blytheville, Ark. , I accepted a job as se nior industrial engineer with Mueller Company in Deca tur, IJI." Joseph E. Crow Jr. writes: "I was awa rded my P.E . (Illinois) in July 1989. I was promoted to civil engineer V - maintena nce field engineer - in November 1989." Joe is with the Illinois Department of Tra nsportation in Collinsville, III. Michael R. Crutcher writes: "I am working on my master's degree at Vanderbilt University. I hope to graduate by the fall with a degree in environmental engineering and then begin work. I am looking forw a rd to it." James M. Eads writes : "1 took the professional engineers test in October. Got the results in February and passed." J a mes is a projec t manager for Ten-acon Consultants Inc. in Lenexa, Kan. and lives in Independence, Mo. Donna M. Eberhardt writes: "I'm still working for Navy procurement at McDonnell Douglas on the F-15 depot and the F18 a utom atic test equipment. Things are going well , but there's nothing new going on." Donna is an electronics engineer for the U.S. Navy at McDonnell Douglasin St. Louis . Mary Eileen Glynn writes: "Still in Mi ssissippi and staying warm. Hey (that means hello down here) to Dan, Greg and Chris. Stay out of troubl e, ya hear l" Eileen is a civil engineer-geotechnical for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Vicksburg, Miss . Julie (Shay) Hughes writes: "Larry, '84, and I had our first baby last July. His n ame is John Leverett Hughes. I recently compl eted the M.B.A. program at the Kansas City satellite campus of Webster University." Julie is senior engineer for Olin Corp. in Independence, Mo. and Larry is a systems engineer for Olin. Debra (Reeves) Kimes writes: "After four and one half years on the work force , I would strongly recommend the engineering management department be changed to an industrial engineer program. In Texas that is what employers a re familiar with ." Debra is a mechanical engineer for Abbott Labs in Irving, Texas. Debbie and Steve, '84, live in Grapevine, Texas. He is a proj-

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ect manager for Stearns Airport Equipment in Fort Worth. James A. Miller writes: "After five years in Arkansas, Lee Ann and I h a ve moved to Florida. Quite a change! We are expecting a n addition to the family in June." James is a syst em s programmer/analyst for Lockheed Space Operations Co. in Titusville, Fla. Daniel P. Morris writes: "I'm in ch ar ge of marketing for a Swiss injection molding machine company, Netstal, in t h e packaging industry. I got married in August to Natalie Charielle." Daniel is a market development engi n eer for Netstal. James H. Ohlms writes : "My wife, Cindy, and I ar e proud to announce the birth of our first child, Stephanie Taylor. Sh e was born on Aug. 23, 1989. We r eside in Lubbock, Texas. I am employed as a petroleum engineer with Texaco USA." Alan V. Parrett is a senior project engineer for General Motors Milford Proving Grounds. Dr. Parrett and his wife, Minh, '79, '80, have three children and the family lives in Novi, Mich. Minh is a software engin eer for EDS (Electronic Data Systems). Cynthia F. Pavelka writes: "I am now a ttending the U niversi ty ofTexas at Austin for my M .S. degree in civil engineering in the environmental and water r esources department. I decided to return to school after Tenneco sold their oil company. My new address is 6201 Sn eed Cove, #1433, Austin, Texas 78744." Joesph T. Pericich is a mechanical engin eer with Black & Veatch in Kansas City. H e and Sigrid (Green, '82) announce the birth of a daughter, Lindsay Nicole, on Nov. 26, 1989. The family li ves in Overland Park, Kan. Ronald L. Phillips writes: "I've spent a lot oftime monitoring flight testing for the F -15E at Edwards AFB, Calif. I recently became a charter m ember in the 'Friends of Dan Schwartz (BSAE '85) Society'." Ronald is an engineer-technology-for McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. Stephen J. Poppe writes: "I h ave now qualified as engineer and surface warfare officer. I moved from th e reactor department into the deck department as assistant first lieutenant. Margie and I are both very h appy after the birth of our healthy baby boy, Michael." Steve is with the U.S. Navy aboard th e U.S.s. Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71 ). H e and Margie and Michael live in Ch esapeake, Va. Frank Earl Relja writes: "Shortly after graduation, I moved to Tulsa, Okla. In 1987 I married Marcy Robinson, '84, a nd on July 1, 1989, we became proud parents of a baby boy, Garrett Steph en. We now r eside in Broken Arrow, Okla. Marcy is the assistant supervisor/data evaluator for Core Laboratories in Tulsa and I am presently working with HNTB as r esident engineer a t the Tulsa International airport." Bryan Jerome Ripp writes : "I r ecently worked with Dr. Rockaway on a proposed U.S. Soil Conserva tion Service darn on Mozingo Creek near Maryville, Mo." Bryan is a senior engineer with Geotechnology Inc. in St. Louis.

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news earlier this year that Motorola was granted patents on two of the projects on which I participated as a digitaVSW design engineer. I , among others , was named as an inventor on both patents." Teddy is a design engineer for Magnavox in Ft. Wayne, Ind. James E. Studer, '84, '85, writes: "I became a licensed profession a l engineer in early 1989. I'm enjoying the challenge of m anaging groundwater remediation projects for private clients and providing technical support on oth er geotechnical a nd environmental projects at WoodwardClyde Consultants. Anita is staying busy at Sprint." James is an assistant project engineer for Woodward-Clyde Consultants in Overland Park, Kansas. Scott D. Sumner sends the following news: "I am a senior ex ploration geologist. Just fini shed working six and one-half years for Shell Offshore Inc. in New Orleans. Presently transferred to Shell Western in Houston." Robert J. Weir, '84, '85, writes: "I m arri ed the beautiful Venus Dibruno on June 17, 1989. We m ak e our horne in Albuquerque, N.M. and are expecting our first child in August of 1990." Robert is senior member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories. Dale Michael Winter writes: "I am working at Old Ben Coal Co. in southern Illinois as a longwall maintenance supervisor. Kay and I h ave a da ughter, Kayla Jean, who is 11/2." Ronald K. Winters writes: "Kathy an d I now reside outside of Pasadena. I a m working in the test opera tion s department for the space station electrical power system . Kathy is pursuing a Ph.D. in molecular biology. Our address is 1417 Curran La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011 ."Ronald is a technical staff m ember for Rocketdyne in Canoga Park, Calif.

1985 Reunion at Homecoming, Oct. 12-13, 1990, Class Coordinators: John M . Brown, 9020 De Boupre Drive, St. Louis, IL 62203 Kamila J. Crane, 14 Grande Pas eo, San Rafael, CA 94903 Randal S. Curtis, 602 Tuxedo, Webster Groves, MO 63119 Jeffrey and Sharri (Riggs) Hiller, 11413 Matthews Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73162 Laura (Pagano) Sherry, #2 Timber Creek Lane, Platte C ity, MO 64079 Gregory D. Skannal, 7575 West 106th Street Apt. 128, Overland Park, KS 66212 M ichael G . Wisland, 10 Forsythia Lane, Olivette, MO 63132 Tanzeer T.M. Ahmed writes : "Like to wi sh a h a ppy and a pros perous New Year to one and all connected with UMR. I became a franchisee for Domino's Pizza in July 1989. Now I own two stores and business h a s been awesome ." 'Tanzeer a nd Sh ameen live in Millbrae, Calif.

Teddy Paul Roberts writes: "I received

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LUMNUS Lisa Anne Engert writes: "I'm still a civil engineer at the Naval Weapons Station in Ch arleston , S.C. My house a nd I survived hurrica ne Hugo but there ar e no trees left in th e yard!"

John M. Ay writes: "I bought a house. Things are going fairly well. I'm switching from technical writing to configuration managem ent with Harris Corp. in Palm Bay, Fla.

1988. Come visit us when you're in Kansas City; we've got the room. I hope all of my old (young) classmates are as happy as we are." William is load control analyst for the City of Independence and Light Department. Wayne M. Hanley, '81, '83, writes: "Our son , Michael Bradley, was born on Jan. 18, 1990." Wayne is a grad ua te teaching assistant at Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg.

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Montgomery A. Bohanan writes: "In 1989, I was promoted to production manager at Raska's Dairy in St. Louis. My wife, Yvette, took a job with Meridan Technologi es as an associate engineer/computer programm er. We built a new house in Grover, Mo. and we a re expecting our second child in April 1990 . Rebecca will be 3 in March 1990. Margaret (Maskey) Booth writes: "Bob, '84, a nd I ar e expecting our second child in July. Julianne is 2 years old now and growing and changing constantly. Bob is now a m a nager a t the University of Illinoi s ." Bruce Alan Boyd writes: "I am purchasing natural gas on Texas Gulf Coast for Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America and United Texas Tran smission Company, both MidCon Corp. gas transmi ssion companies." Bruce is district supply re presentative - gas acquisition for MidCon Services Corp. of Houston. Alan C. Brown was killed in a helicopter accident near Tucson, Ariz. His wife Debra , in a letter to the a lumni association, had this to say: "Alan was killed in a h elicopter accident while he was on active duty as a Special Forces a rmy officer on March 12, 1989. He was 32 years old at the time of his death. Fifteen persons were involved in the accident and all died. The crash occurred n ear Tucson , Ariz. while the helicopter was en route to a training ar ea." Alan graduated in May 1985 with a B.S. degree in mathematics and was commissioned in the Army as a 2nd lieu tenant. Debra and h er two children now live in Rolla, Mo. Rodney L. Chaney writes: "I h ave filed for election as presiding com missioner of Phelps County, Missouri and would welcome you support." Rodney is business m an ager for Don's Pros hop Inc. in Rolla. Shelia C. Demand writes: "Ron and Ijust had our first child on Jan 19, 1990. Her n ame is Stefanie Lynn. " Sheila is a field engineer for Industrial Risk Insurers in St. Louis. Nelson R. Emerson writes : "I am currently working mostly on the new Navy A12 advanced tactical aircr aft program and will be m oving to Patuxent River, Maryland to work on it full-tim e som etime in the not-too-distant future ." Nelson is a n engineer-flight test-for McDonnell Douglas Air craft in St. Louis. Maria (DeCastro) Feiner writes: ''Deirk, also '85, and I ar e doing well. We built a horne in Bolingbrook, Ill. and moved in Oct. '89. Jonathan is getting bigger everyday. We'd love to h ear from everyone." Deirk is production supervisor for American National Can Co. in Chi cago. William. O . Gooch writes: "Valerie, Hillary, 11, and' Billy, 8, and I ar e all well. We built a large house in Independence in

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Ellen (Westerman) Hoerle is a chemical en gineer with The C.W. Nofsinger Compa ny, an affiliate of Burns a nd McDonn e ll-Engin eers Architects-Consult ants of Kansas City, Mo. Her husband , Michael, '84, is with Cargill Inc. and they live in Lee's Summit, Mo.







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John D. Jabusch writes: "After being in New York for n early five years, I met a wonderful woman who h as agreed to marry m e! Stephanie Murphy also works for IBM as a computer programmer. We will be m arried in September." John is a senior associate engineer for IBM in Endicott, N.Y.


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Matthew S. Jeffries writes: "I m oved to Michigan (Canton) in 1986,joined Ford as a CAD/CAM systems development engineer. I received a n M.S. in manufacturing systems engi neerin g from the University of Michigan in 1989." Roderick W. Lekey writes: "I'm graduating in March of 1990 with an M.S. in infor mation systems. Righ t after that I'll go back to flying F-18 Hornets." Roderick is a naval aviator stationed at the Navy Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif. Karen (Harr) Luter writes: "Bill a nd I are still fine. I have a new title at AT&T system s an alyst a nd designer. I'm enjoying this position but can't h elp wondering what it h as to do with m etallurgical engi neering." Karen is with AT&T in Kansas City. Michael R . Mayer writes: "This is m y first time writing; sorry it took so long. I will be getting m arried in the spring. I am looking forward to hearing from those I have not heard from. My new address is 2229 Murray Forest Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043." Michael is a primary mill m et allurgist for Laclede Steel Co. of Alton, Ill. Kurt Benton Oakes writes: "Much has happened since last contact. In May of 1988, I married Joan Judkins whom I had met while working in Colorado. Along with Joan came two teenagers (futur e Rolla grads? I hope), Eric, 15, a nd Melody, 14 . In March of 1989, I accepted the position of mill produ ction superintendent for the Feldspar Corp. in Middletown, Conn. The cross country move was an experience and very worth while. We enjoy southern New England very much." Bruce G. Phillips writes: "I got m arried to Debra Scarola on May 7, 1987. We met in gradu a te school at Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, Fla. We had a baby girl, born Dec. 12, 1988, and her name is Bonnie. I am currently working at

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Bechtel in Kingsport, Tenn." Bruce is a project engineer for Bechtel.

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Colleen (McGee) Randall has been with Shell Oil in Houston for five years as a geophysical programmer. Her husband, David L. Randall, '86, has been with NASA at the Johnson Space Center in Houston for three years,


Heidi Leigh Rutz, '85, '88, writes: "I'm currently living in central Alabama with my husband, Roger Hildebrandt, a nd teaching math at Auburn Univer sity a t Montgomery. My new address is 748 Silver Hills Drive, Pra ttville, AL 36067 ," Jeffrey A. Sacre is a captain in the U.s , Army and an engineer for hygiene agency waste disposal at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md. His wife, Mary (Besterfield, '86) is an industrial engineer for the U ,S, Army at Aberdeen, Matthew J. Shannon writes: "ENSCO is currently constructing a new hazardous waste incineration facility just outside of Phoenix, Ariz, and I am being transferred out there to help during the shakedown and to set up the r egulatory affairs department!" Matthew is an environmental project manager for ENSCO , He lives in El Dorado, Ark. Todd Walker Smi th wri tes: "I was named department 'Employee of the Year' 1989DMAHTClData Services Department," Todd is a computer systems programmer for the U.S, Department of Defense, and lives in Gaithersburg, Md. Robert W. Sucher writes: "Went on a seven day Hawaiian adventure after it started getting cold in southern California - you know, in the 50s or 60s, Came back with a tan and now all geared up for some weekend skiing. I'm still with McAir at Edwards AFB and almost done with a M.s.E.E. at California State University, 'Hey!' to all the snowbirds in the Midwest including Rich, Ken, and the folks; also good luck to Frank in KC. with the new business!" Robert is an electronics engineer with McAir, Mark J. Warner writes: "I resigned from Marathon Oil Co , in September 1989 and accepted the position of manager of petroleum engineering with OKC Limited Partnership in Dallas, Texas, We are a nonoperator with properties mainly in the offshore Gulf Coast. Our capital budget exceeds $25 million annually so I spend most of my time evaluating our investment alternatives and meeting with bankers and lawyers, Field work is a distant memory at this point! " Bary K. Warren writes: "I recently received a promotion to major account executive with the Public Service Company of Oklahoma in Tulsa. My family a nd I reside at 1809 N, Butternut Ave., Broken Arrow, Okla. , telephone 918-250-4052," Steven H. Werling writes: "I was marriedonNov, 11, 1989 to Ca rol Ann Coffey," Steven is a geotechnical engineer for ALT and Witzig Engineering in Indianapolis, Ind. Steven J. Westcott writes : "My wonderful wife, Desiree (Rinehart, '86) a nd I have a beautifully adorab le daughter, Jasmine Lange, born May 5, 1989! We are both employed by the State of Missouri in Jefferson City. Desiree is a Missouri Department of Natural Resources environ-


Brenda (Dickneite) Bax writes: "Jim a nd I are fine . We recently moved into an 'old' home near th e city in Richmond Heights, Mo, Jim has started law school full-tim e and I am cha nging positions at Procter and Gamble to technical ma nager for our syntheti c granul es opera tion," Robert D. Carlson writes: "I am working on progr am ma nagement activities on Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) as project leader," Robert is proj ect manager with Systems Planning Corp , in Arlington, Va, Anthony P. Chiodini writes: "I just finished my third year with Union Electric Co, and purchased my first hom e in south County, I a m currently a ttending UMSL to ea rn an M.B,A. Too ma ny things to do and not enough time .. ," Anthony is an a ssist ant engineer for Union Electric in Maryland Heights , Mo. David L. Cornell writes: "I now have the 'perfect' job a s a computer systems engineer at Procter and Gamble, I travel around the country troubleshooting and developing process control systems , I test and develop systems from process control, relational database management, graphics interfaces and communications in our lab which contains Honey well , HP, VAX, Modcomp, IBMPC and PS/2 computers and broadband and baseband networks , Cincinnati is a great city. Letters , calls, and visitors always welcome." Suzanne Renee Cunningham writes : "Hello UMR! I've been working for NASA at the Kennedy Space Center for three years and I love my job, I have a new position wh ere I handle/oversee any major engineering problems with the thermal protection system on all the shuttles, I'm also still working on my master's in space technology. My husband is working on a degree in electronics , Keep lifting up the space program, We've been married six wonderful months (since June 24, 1989)." Suzanne is an aerospace engineer-flight structures-for NASA. Timothy W. Farquhar has begun F-16C training at Luke Air Force Base in Phoenix, Ariz. H e is a second lieutenant in the U.S, Air Force , Gary D. Heuermann writes : "I presently work at General Dynamics as a computer systems engineer in Fort Worth, Texas." Jay Kurtis Klahs writes: "In 1989 I received an M.B .A. from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville." Jay is an operations a nalyst for Emerson Electric in St. Louis. Robert L. Lorey, '86, '87, writes: "I recently switched to the geotechnical engineering discipline but I'll still be invol ved with hydrogeology projects, Shelly is now the head coach at the Montgomery Gymnastics Club. " Robert is with CH2M1Hill in Montgomery, Ala " as a geotechnical engineer. Steven M. Marlow is employed by Olin Industries in Red Lion, P a , according to a note from his fa ther, Max L. Marlow, '43. Diane (Lucas) Millikin writes: "We relocated to Houston after completing gra du-

LUMNUS ate school. Sam, '86, accepted a position with PPG Industries Inc. a s ar ea supervisor-new products , I accepted a position with Exxon Co, USA as sales r epresenta tive, speciality products. Our a ddress is 14423 Sha nnon Rid ge Ro a d, Houston, Texas 77062." Brian G. Mitchell writes: "My prima ry job r esponsibilities/du ties are : (1 ) Enforcemen t of th e Resource Conse rvation a nd Recovery Act a nd th e hazardous waste regulations and (2) Review and a pprove gr oundwa ter moni to ring pla ns." Bri a n is a n en vironmental engi neer wi th the EPA in Ka nsa s City, Mo. John M. Mooney wri tes: "I was marri ed in September 1989 to Nina Herold, a native Chicagoa n, We sta rted on a fa mily soon a fter. Pixel was born in August 1989 a nd has already m astered t ree-climbing and plant ea ting. He is a fin e ca t and we're very pleased with him , Joan Moser married Ron M. Livaudais, '83, in July 1989. She is with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. David L. Randall wri tes : "Colleen McGee Randall, '85, ha s worked for Shell Oil for fiv e ye ars as a geophysical programm er. I have worked for NASA for three yea rs in Mission Control. As of now, our 'kids' a re a cocker spaniel (Bra ndy) and a chow-collie (Spats) , Our a ddress is 850 Seafoam , Houston, Texas 77062." Mary Jane (Paganini) Reinhardt writes: "I married Jim Reinhardt, '86, in June 1987. We are expecting our first child in April 1990." Mary Jane is systems user administrator for Mallinckrodt Medi cal Inc. in St. Louis. Jim is a sales engineer for Flecther-Reinehardt Co. in Maryland Heights, Mo. Kathie Rupert-Wayne is a computer support analyst with Chevron in Houston, Her husband, Gregory, '79, is lea d electrical engineer for M,W, Kellogg CoDresser, also in Houston, Ka thie and Greg have two children Sta ci is 6 and Tylor is 18-months. Mary (Besterfield) Sacre writes: "I graduated from Purdue Uni versity with an M,S , in industrial engineering in 1988 and moved to the East Coast to work for the Army. Married Jeff Sa ere, '85, '86, We definitely enjoy the married life." Mary is an industrial engineer for th e U,S, Ar my at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Ma ryland. The Sacres live in Bel Air, Md. David B. Sauer writes : "I a m now working for the City of St. Louis as a computer progra mmer 1. I am getting m arri ed on May 19, 1990 to Judy Marie Gladback of Affton, Mo," D. Brent Summers writes: "I started as ma nufacturing engineer with Admiral in October, Bought a house, E verything is going great." Bebo a nd Shelle li ve in Galesburg, Ill. Desiree (Rine hart ) Westco tt a nd her husba nd, Ste ve, '85, have a da ughter , J asmine La nge, born May 5,1989. Desi ree is employed as an environmental engineer with th e Missouri Department of Na tural Resources in J efferson City, and Steve is with the Sta te Data Center. Robert E . Zdvorak writes : "I a m getting ma rri ed to Ma ri a Ann H elmsing of Chesterfield, Mo. in June 1990, My four year

a nniversary with Roadway Express, a leader in the less th a n-truckload tra nsporta tion industry, is also in June 1990. I am also an M.B,A. student at Fontbonne College." Robert is a floor forem an for Roadway Express a nd lives in Ballwin, MO.

1987 P e ter D. Arman recently j oined R,W. Mur ray Co" a S t. Loui s d esig n/build ge ner al contracti n g firm , as a project engi neer. H e will be responsible fo r project draw ings, specification review, estima tio n , acquis iti on of materials and on-site subcontractor coordina ti on. Scott A. B erger wri tes : "I am a progr ammer/a na lys t for Professional Computer Associates in St. J oesph , Mo. We are system s designers a nd consul ta n ts installing mi crocomputers, LANS, and custom software. I'd love to hea r from you; call or write me." Natalie Anne B e tz wri tes : "I recen tly became engaged and plan to marry in December. I am still working on my Ph,D, in biochemistr y at th e E ppley Ca ncer Research Institute in Omaha, Neb. My research deals with the cis-and trans-regulation of t he Ha -ras oncoge ne a nd its role in skin tumorigenesis. Gra duate school is great and I plan to finish up within a year a nd a ha lf and th en continue my research in cancer ." Roger E. Biggs writes: "I was married Sept, 23 , 1989, to Genevi eve R Foster , a 1986 graduate of UMC in journalism." Roger is a senior systems developer/designer for United Va n Lines in F enton, Mo. Pat Oscar Bischel writes: "I a m still working in IBM's printer development lab here in Lexington. Being a part of th e new IBM Laserprinter - 4019 was very exciting." Pa t is a n associat e progra mmer for IBM in Lexington, KY. Laura Ann Caldwell writes : "I'm working for a multi-discipline civil engi neering consulting firm as a recycling specia list for our solid a nd hazardous waste di vision. Thejob has its perks , I seem to be spending the winters in our Florida office , Love to hear from everyone," Laura is with RO , Za nde and Associates Ltd. in Columbus, Ohio, David L. Carper, '87, '88, writes: "I'm currently working as an engineer in the planning di vision, U ,S. Bureau of Recla mation , Salt Lake City, Utah . I'm really enj oyi ng the inter-mountain west a nd my position has me involved in everything from loggi ng cores on hazardous waste sites in Aspen, Colo, to running ra pi ds on th e Colorado Ri ver fo r water quality studies." Cathy J aneen Corley W1; tes: "I presen ted a pa per on 'Capital Budgeting', a techniq ue I automated fo r use during prelimina ry budge t drills, at the June 1989 Military Operations Research Symposium. I am now co-chair of the 'Decision Analysis Working Group' for M. O.RS. Last fa ll, I spent six weeks fi lling in as a teacher at a local community college, teaching sta tistics ! (And successfullyl ) My goal for 1990 is

. ~ .

MSM Lifetime memberships When the Alumni Association was young, life memberships were solicited to finance the organization. The following alumni hold paid-up life memberships. Each has a permanent place on the honor roll of donors. Thank you all. E.A. Crawford, '29 Kurt Herman De Cousser, '22 Albert Steihler DeValve, '43 Charles Jackson Potter, '29 Hueston Merriam Smith, '38 Roy Erwin Swift, '34 to find out about becoming a contestant on 'Jeopardy'." Cathy is an operator research analysis for the U.S . Army at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Kevin B. Cosper writes : "We had our second child, Sam, in August 1989." Kevin is a project engineer for Ohio Materials in Findlay, Ohio. Catherine (Driver) Distler writes: "I just began working for Management Advisory Group (MAG), a recently-incorporated consulting firm. We specialize in maintenance and energy-consulting. The work is very interesting. Hello to everyone at UMR." David W. Dollins writes : "I married Judi Jones on March 10. Currently I am pursuing my M.BA through SIU-Edwardsville at an off-campus location." David is an environmental project engineer with the Illinois EPA, and lives in Springfield, Ill. Anthony E. Feicht writes: "March 26, 1990, will be Lisa's and my anniversary. I miss seeing everyone in the engineering management department. Hello, especially to Serna. See ya all soon." Anthony is an analyst-configura tion managem'e n t-McAir division of McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. S. Keith Hargrove writes: "I am presently pursuing a Ph.D. in industrial engineering at the University of Iowa. After graduating from UMR in May 1987, I worked for General Electric in New York and Pennsylvania for two years (manufacturing management program)." Mary (Asbury) Hinkebein writes: "Keith and I were married in May 1988. We bought a house in Lenexa, Kan. one year ago which has kept us very busy. I am presently working for Allied Signal (Bendix) and Keith is with HNTB. Our new address is: 14426 W. 92nd TelTace, Lenexa, Kan. 66215. " Sandra L. Huellinghorst writes: "I have been working at McDonnell Douglas for two years . I am getting married in April to Rich Simpson." Sandra is a cost estimator for McDonnell Douglas. Anthony T. Kaczmarek writes: "I am presently an M 3 stud ent a t the University of Missouri-Columbia." Paul S. Korinko writes: "Life's been good. Our baby is k eeping us busy. I am into my third year as a Ph.D . candidate in ma terials engineerin g." Paul is a gr a du ate re-

MAY 1990

search assistant at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. Jay J. Krull writes: "In August of last year I began working for EDS (Electronic Data Systems). After eleven weeks oftough (but tolerable) training, I was assigned as a systems engineer to the GMAC account here in Fairborn. I've been here since November and I still have boxes tounpack l The Dayton area isn't too bad but I miss my friends back in St. Louis. James E. Melland writes: "After working as a geological engineer for a year and a half, I've been given a temporary assignment as a production engineer. Shell is good at giving you different assignments to keep your job interesting. In the past year, environment has become a really BIG concern with all the oil companies ." James is an associate geological engineer for Shell Western Exploration and Production Inc. in Bakersfield , Calif. John E. Prideaux writes : "I am a C-141 pilot with t h e 86th Military Airlift Squadron. I married the former Deborah L. Schutz, a free lance writer, on March 19, 1988." John is a lieuten a nt in the U.S .A.F. stationed at Travis AFB , Calif. John G. Schrader writes: "My wife, Barbara, and I are residing in south St. Louis with our young son, Christopher. Barb teaches one-half day preschool during the week and has her B.S. in early childhood/special education . I'm currently designing single-and three-phase motors for the pool, SPA, and jetted tub market." John is an application engineer for Magnetek Century Electric in St. Louis. Michael Duane Stokes writes: "I'm working a s an RF test engineer. I work on various RF missiles and antennas. I really enjoy my job." Michael is an electrical engineer at the U.S. Navals Weapons Center at China Lake, Calif. His wife, Brenda Kay, also '87, is a mathematician at N.W.C . KurtJ. Unnerstall writes: "Well, I'm still living in God's country, outin Washington, Mo . Michelle and I welcomed the birth of our second child in January. That makes two beautiful little girls named Andrea and Lauren. I'm still working for O'Brien and Gere Engineers in south St. Louis County, doing a wide variety of civil and environmental engineering projects ." Wendre R. Vaughan writes: "To Jennifer Diller: I lost your address two years ago. Let me know where you are. My address is 1955 Bells Ferry Road, Apt. 424, Marietta, Ga. 30066. To anyone else, I'm still alive! Added two cats to the family and didn't get married." Wendre is staff geological engineer for Law Environmental in Kennesaw, GA. Francis G. Vonder Haar writes: "Life ha s been very exciting since joining GE. I am a member of GE's MMP Program and am working in a joint venture company in Tokyo, Japan. I have learned much from my Japa nese associates a nd enjoy life here ve ry much." Francis is a production engin ee r for GE . His business a ddress is Yokogawa Medi cal Systems, 7-127 Asahigaok a 4 Chome, Hino-Shi, Tokyo, Japan, 191. Sharon Jeanne Wingron writes : "Hi everyone! I am doing well .. Enjoying my new job with Anheuser-Busch a nd also enjoyi ng New E ngla nd. I do miss Missouri

.LUMNUS (and even Rolla!) from time to time. Would love to hear from you or have visitors!" Sharon is brewing supervisor for Anheuser-Busch in Menimack, N.H.

1988 Linda L. Desilet writes: "I work in the engineering department ofthe AMRAAM Joint Special Projects Office for the Air Force and Navy. What I learned has been very hel pful especially in performance and stability and contro!." Linda is a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force stationed at Eglin AFB, Fla. Jeffery L. Donner has been accepted to the Master of Business Administration program at Texas Christian University in Ft. Worth. Joseph Mark Downey writes : "Tamara and I are settling into our new home in St. Peters, Mo. Tamara is working for Farm and Home Savings in Chesterfield, Mo. I am still working for McDonnell Douglas as a design engin eer." Mark Edward Henke writes : "I was married on June 23, 1989. I am working drag and performance in the aerodynamics department on naval advanced design." Mark is an engineer-technology-with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. Mark A. Hewlett writes: "I will marry an alumna, Kelly Keran, '89, May 19, 1990, in St. Louis. We will move to Lake Jackson, Texas. I will work for Hoechst-Celanese and she will work for Phillips Petroleum." Bruce A. Kessel writes: "I am working at MCAIR (McDonnell Aircraft Co .) and am pleased by the changes in the curriculum announced in the chairmans' newsletter'. Keep it up!" Editors Note: Bruce is evidently referring to the changes in the E.E. curriculum. Alexander W. Kott III writes: "I just got out of Caterpillar's training program for engineering. My final assignment is in large engine engineering. I am in charge of concept design of the 3500B to go into possible production in 1995. My job is very challenging and exciting. So far, I've been enjoying earning money. I haven't saved much though. My girlfriend, Amy, and I have gone to San Francisco (before the big quake), Panama City Beach, Fla., and Washington, D.C. since graduation." Alex is an engine design/design engineer with Caterpillar Inc. in Peoria . Richard K. Milner writes : "I'm a second lieutenant in the Air Force working in the foreign technology division, Systems Command at Wright-Patterson. We do evalu-

Reduced tuition for alumni sons and daughters Do you have a son or daughter planning to attend UMR? If you live outside Misosuri , you' ll be interested in the Alumni Sons and Daughters Grant. Your children may be able to attend UMR wirhouthaving to pay the out-of-state !Ution rate! Contact the Alumni Office for an application fonn.

I ations on foreign aerospace weapon systems including everything from air-to-air missiles to satellites."



Rainer P. Mueller writes : "I am getting married to Jean Leonard, '89, (chemical engineering) this year. I will be finishing my master's degree in electrical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in May." KarenA. Nimmo writes: "I will begetting married Apri l 28, 1990, to Leslie Palmer. Les is also an electrical engineer and he works for McDonnell Douglas . (Unfortunately, he gradu ated from Columbia instead of Rolla )." Karen is a systems engineer for McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis, Mo. Joyce L. Replogle writes: "I am enjoying working for IBM and have been involved with a project in Topeka, Kan . for the Santa Fe Rai lway Co. We have designed and implemented a DB2 system tohave an on-line system for access to all of the contracts and deeds associated with the beginning of the railroad. I'm excited to hear the changes being made at Rolla." Joyce is a systems engineer for IBM and lives in Overland Park, Kansas. Timothy L. Ritter writes: "I've recently been promoted to project engineer for E.W. Keith and Associates, a n engineering services firm in Springfield, Mo. I've been with the firm for nine months and am now a member of the National Society ofProfessional Engineers, an organization which I highly recommend to any E.I.T. or P.E . Marline Marie Faherty and I were married in September of 1988 and are expecting our first child in April of 1990. Mark R. Sandfort writes: "Golder is looking for entry level (and other) engineers . We have also been using some co-ops." Mark is a geological engineer with Golder Associates in Mt. La urel, N.J. Daniel A. Schaubroeck writes: "I am currently responsible for monitoring plant performance and making improvements where possible. I am also the responsible engineer for our Unit I condensate and feedwater systems. Keeping busy, but enjoying every minute of it!" Daniel is an engineer for Arkansas Power and Light in Russellville, Ark. John A. Scheer writes: "I have been very busy working lots of over-time and playing with a new baby boy. His name is Daniel and he was born Nov. 26, 1989. Good luck with the new PC equipment." John is an engin eer electronics with McDonnell Douglas in St. Ch arles, Mo. George W. Schuman II writes: "Melissa and I have recently moved to the Ft. Worth area, an d I've just started a job with Motorola's Mobile Products Division. So far we think Texas is super. Howdy to all of the old TEC gang and the rest of our friends. Drop us a line." Bill is an electrical engineer with Motorola in Ft. Worth. KennethA. Shelton, '88, '89, writes: "My present ass ignment in the Air Force is to Headquarters, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), Cheyenne Mountain AFB in the Command, Control, and Communica tion s (C3) Directorate, Space Combat Operations. I also completed the Air Force Undergraduate Space Training (UST) in October 1989 for certification as a space operations officer." Kenneth lives in Colorado Springs, Colo.


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Lori Grace Stapp writes: "I am now working on my master's in a erospace engineering at the University of Cincinnati through GE's advanced course in engineering. I a lso work full-time , so I'm keeping busy." Lori is an engineer/engineering development program for GE in Cincinnati. Rod F. Trautman writes: "I have transferred from Houston to Detroit and am a technical representative for Texas Instruments. Michigan is great and I would love to hear from the 'DAGS'." Richard L. Tutko wlites: "I am working for the Air Force as a systems programmer and database administrator. The computer center here is very diverse, from VAX to CDC, IBM and a Cray XMP 2/16. The work is challenging but satisfYing. I hope you get the new PCs soon! Ha ppy St. P a t's!" Richard is a computer programmer for the U.s. Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio. Komson Wagner writes : "I m a r r ied Leatha E. West April 19, 1989." Komson is a lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force stationed at Tyndall AFB , Fla. The couple lives in Pa nama City, Fla.

1989 Richard E. Cochran Jr. ha s joined S.H. Smith and Company of Cape Girardeau a s a project engineer. Jean Marie Leonard of Salem, Mo. will marry Rainer Peter Mueller, '88, later this year. Mike Garvin Morey writes : "I have been writing programs in C for data acquisition and analysis/graphing for the lead-acid battery industry. We write applications for DOS and UNIX." Mike is a programmer for Compusci Inc. in St. Louis. Michelle (Davis) Symes writes : "Duane, '88, and I were married on Jan. 14, 1989, and we are both currently working at Caterpillar Inc. in P eoria, Ill. I am a logistics engineer in the purchasing department and Duane is a development engineer in the laser processing department. We would love to hear from any of our old friends! Our address is 2805 W. Larchmont, Apt. B34, Peoria, IL 61615, phone (309) 688-6991."

MSMAlumnus The MSM Alumnus is written, edited, photographed, and designed by the members of the staffs of the UMR Office of Publications (Martin Blank, Kathy Matthews, and Sally White) and the Office ofNews Services (Minnie Breuer, Ernie Gutierrez, and Dick Hatfield) with the assitance of the MSM -UMR Alumni Association (Jack Painter and Rebecca Martin [student assistant)). Special thanks to Greig Olney, Engineering Management, for his assistance in arranging the robots for the cover photograph.

Association Annual Luncheon Alumni Association Scholarship recipients and Educational Assistants were honored at the MSM-UMR Alumni Association's Annual Luncheon on April 21.

If you are interested in starting an Alumni Section in your area contact: Don Brackhahn Executive Director MSM-UMR Alumni Association Harris Hall UMR Rolla, MO 65401 (314) 341-4145

Don't forget to fill out the Homecoming reservation forms on pages 14-16 of this issue of the MSMAlumnus

See you on campus October 12-13




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MSM UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401-0249, Telephone


OFFICERS PI'l'sidt'nl l ' I·(',i( I(,llt -('I('('t

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Homecoming is October 12-13 We're looking forward to your return to campus for Homecoming. To make planning your visit easier, this issue of the MSM Alumnus contains: • Homecoming Schedule of Events • Reservation form for meals and football game • Registration forms for: Alumni/Student Golf Tournament Homecoming Extension at Tan-Tar-A Educational seminars • Listing of Motels See you on campus this fall!

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