Missouri S&T Magazine, Winter 1998

Page 46

Section News - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -

Hurricane Georges disrupts alumni events

Above, left to right (go illg a rOil lid the table) : h oy Pillkertoll '97, Shalll/oll '96 Pillke rtoll , Jell Carter alld her husba nd Steve Durham '9 1, Bell Groner '92, Chris Klllllp '95 (stallding). Back, leji to right: Dealla Cash '93 alld Eric Seamall '93.

Mid-Missouri Section Wine Tasting Section President Polly A. Hendren '73 210 S Glenwood, Columbia, MO 65203-2712, {5731449-0124 The Mid-Mi ssouri Section met July 11 , 1998, at Les Bourg eois Vineyards for a soci al. About 20 alumni we re in attendanc e. Finger foods w ere provided to go along with the wine. All was going we ll until the Budweiser blimp flew over, making most of us wonder wh y we were all drinking wine and not our preferred drink - BEER ! Among those in attendance were: Eric Wuenscher '93, Steve Durham '97 and Jen Carter; Bill Ernst 72; Bill '58 and Verna Luebbert; Bruce '82 and Jan Dawson; Karen Henderson '97; Josh Buedel; Chris Kump '95; Eric Seaman '93; Pam Manley '90; Deana Cash '93; Troy '97 and Shannon '96 Pinkerton; Darleen We stco tt '92; Ben Groner '92; Paul '95 and Helen Jobe. (Submitted by Darleen We stcott '92)

M-Club Alumni ... Th e men and women of M-Club are looking forward to another prosperous year. We annually sponsor many events, some are Reading with Miners, Junior Olympics, and the ath letic banquet. We also organize Homecoming events, donate to scholarships, actively participate in intramura l sports and, more impo rtantly, provide support to fe ll ow athletes. On e of our programs that we are very proud of is Reading with Miners. Thi s program was started in the fall of 1996 as a way to become more involved with the youth in our comm unity. The program currently consists of approximately 15 first grade classes. A Above: A stue/ent athlete reads to student athlete volunteers his/her time her 1Sf grade class through the eac h week to read to a cla ss and talk Readin g w ith Mine rs p rogram. about UMR and ath letics. Thi s program gives the child ren positive role models in the community. More importantly, the chil dren see UMR students exce lli ng both academica lly and athl etically. In the two years this program has been in existence, it has shown to be very successful. We hope to continue this program for many years to come. M-Club wou ld like to thank all of our alumn i for your conti nued su pport throug hout the years. If you would like to contact us, our e-ma il is mclub@umr.edu.

Th e impending threat of Hurricane Georges caused the cance ll ation of two alumn i eve nts th is fa ll. Bill Gammon '49 reported that the regular fall lun cheo n of the West Florida Section was ca nceled because of mandatory evac uations that were in effect for many areas in the region . In addition, the alumni reception scheduled to be held in conjunction with the SPE annual conference in New Orleans, La ., was canceled along w ith the SPE annual conference. Unfortunate ly, seve ral faculty members, so me students and alumni were al ready in New Orleans at the time of cancel lation and were unable to leave until the threat of the hurricane passed .

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Nominations Wanted! Would yo u lik e to nom inate someone to serve on the MSM-UMR Alumni Association Bo ard of Directors?




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Perhaps you ' d li ke to to volu ntee r to serve yourself? How about nominating one of yo ur fellow alum ni for one of the alumni awards?

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Now you can do both of these things on th e Web!

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Check it out at httpj/www.umr.edu/alumni/, and then click on "Talk to us" to find the correct forms.


Or feel free to e-ma il us at alumni@um r.ed u or call {5731341-4145 to request a no min ation form.

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MSM¡UMR ALUMNUS f Winter 1998

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