Missouri S&T Magazine, Summer 1999

Page 36

Alumni Notes --------------------------------------------------------------------

19305 1932


Jose ph E. S tevens. CerE: " 1 ce lebrated my 90t h birthday o n March 6, 1999, at home in Washin g ton , Utah:'

Alumni Association Mission and Goals




The association will proactively strive to create an environment - embodying communication with and participation by MSM-UMR alumni and friends to foster strong loyalty to UMR and growth of the association . The association will increase its financial strength as well as provide aid and support to deserving students, faculty, and alumni friends.

GOALS • Improve communication with an d expand the involvement of alumni - especially recent graduates and current students. • Increase financial resources of the association and the university. • Strengthen alumni section activity. • Increase volunteer support to the university and its students. • Provide a ve hicle for coordination with various alumni organizations. The officers and other members of the association's board of directors provide leadership and actual participation to achieve these goals and fulfill this mission. For their efforts to be a success, they Ileed YOUR active participation as well, in whatever alumni activities you choose.

Robert A. Sackcwitz, CEo 'Tm still han gi ng in there and e nj oying a long retireme nt , thanks lO UM R."

Walter L. Holz, ME: "We mo ved 10 Ca li fo rn ia in 1988 10 be close to ou r fami ly. We are enj oying the Californi a wea ther and sai ling on Monterey Bay:'

19405 1942 Robert A. Poh!. ChE, rece ived the Alu m ni Merit Awa rd from the MSM-UMR Alumni Assoc iati on. He is a consultant to the president of Slay Industries of St. Loui s.

1947 Harold G. Butzer, CEo Prof CE·98. preside nt ancllreasurer of Haro ld G. Butzer Inc. , was o ne of 17 graduates to receive an honorary profess iona l degree from UMR duri ng winter commenceme nt. • Roy H . Dunham , ME: "After 9 years as an independent consul tant. I fu ll y retired in January 1998. He len and I moved into a new horn e in October 1998:'

''This is my fifth book !'" J o hn J. Ratcliff, CE: " I have been relired 12 years last August. My bride of 48 years continues to sparkle - bU I I still haven't go tten my golf scores down to my age !"

19505 1950 Robert L. Bloome. CerE: " Have been relired fro m GM s ince Nove mber 1987. We have been e nj oying our retireme nt ," · A nib a l Jose da Sil va , Phy s: "Federa l ho lidays for retirees means di srupti o n of mail servi ce : o the rwise. they are meani ngless as far as a d ay off is co ncerned ," • Ralph E. J o hnston , MetE: "My c areer has been devoted to manufac turin g ope ra tions, princ ipall y c o mputer-based plannin g syste ms. Metallurgical e ng in eeri ng background has been extre n1e ly valuab le!"

1951 Harry F. Dreste, Ph ys : " Enjoyi ng retireme nt past several years. Keep bu sy wi th hOllse. ya rd. hobbies. vo lunteer wo rk , etc . Like work ing o n good o ld cars (Studebakers), elec tri c tra ins. and


1959 G. II seeo n

Daniel Kennedy,

CE'26, celebrated his 99th birthday in a big way thi s year Kennedy, a decorated veteran of both World Wars, rece ived the French National Order of the Legi on of Honor (Chevalier), France's highest honor, during a March 5 ceremony at Fort Leonard Wood's Army Engineer Center Kennedy, who was born March 5, 1900, enl isted in the Missouri Army National Guard in May 1917, as the United States entered World War I. He was twice wounded in action in France in 1918. When World War II broke out, Kennedy relinqu ished his disabil ity status to rejoin the Army and was assigned to serve as a map maker to the Gen. George Patton and the U.S. 3rd Army. Using his cartography ski lls, Kennedy helped locate some German artillery that threatened advancing U.S. forces. For this service, Patton persona lly decorated Kennedy with the Bronze Star During the March 5 ceremony, Maj. Gen . Robert B. Flowers of Fort Leonard Wood introduced Kennedy as "a real American hero." French Vice Consul Jean Paul Bossuge praised Kennedy as "an American hero, a French hero and a hero of the world ."

1949 Robert C. Ha nsen , EE, is the author of Phased Array Alllellllas. rece ntl y publi shed by Wi ley.

retire go\'er

Kennedy awarded French Legion of Honor

be lo ng to two old car clubs. Some medical proble ms. cance r treatment. Do ing okay:' • Clark F. Hou ghto n, CEo of Mid-Misso uri Oil Co. in Ka iser at the Lake of the Ozarks, has been e lected as Ihe 1999 chairman of the Petroleum Marketers Assoc iat io n of Ame ri ca (PM AA ) . • Rll y mond F. Roller, MGeo: "Had severe heart att ac k Nov, 13, 1998 three weeks in hospital. Ho me now and recovering. W ill take time : '

1952 C harles L. Neiheiser. PetE: "I ret ired fro m She ll Oi l Co . in 1991 and happy ever after:' • John B. Nolan , CE: " Married Dorothy Denney on Ma y 24. 1998. Moved to new add ress at that time ."





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Ray L. Kollmeyer. EE. re tired from A merenUE in 1996 . • Donald R . Walter, EE: "Began retire ment on Feb. I. 1999. after 25 plus years with Machine Products Corp."

1958 Robert .I. Boschert , EE: ''I'm work ing o n lowcost hydroelectric powe r installation s for homes in the wilderness. There 's no mo ney in it. JuS[ a hobby." • Rob ert E. Spratt , Ph ys : "I enj oyed readi ng the news letter prepared by the phys ics depa rtm e nt: ' • Ma un g A. Thein. MetE: " I



MSM ·U MR ALUMNUS I SUIlliller 1999

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