Table of Contents
The Univ er sity .....................4 Administration .................. 20 De pa rtm ents ......................34 Chronolog y ....................... 70 Sports ..................................104
0 rga nizatio ns ..................148 Living Units ....................... 200 Classes ............................... 282 Index ....................................370
The University
Accent 1s on Growth at the
Mr. james Murphy, executive vice-president of the UMR Alumni Association, presents his contribution to President Weaver.
Archttects drawing of the proposed addition to the student Union. This bttilding is part of the Centennial Challenge Program.
Foreword As t he University of Missouri-Rolla nears its hundred th year various expansion programs shift into hig h gear. Rapid ly advancing technology makes the roles of the e ngineer and scientist in creasingly vital. In order to keep pace wit h present and fu ture demands for technicall y trained personne l the camp us of the University of Missouri-Rolla is undergoing extensive face-lifting. The Centennial C ha lle nge Program, a drive for $69 million by 1970, will provide funds for student a id , fa culty development, off-cam pus programs, resea rch, bui lding proj ects, and equipment. The fo llowing pages show UM R's transition from design to reali ty.
University of Missouri-Rol la
Another phase of the Centennial Challenge Program is the f inancing of this Humanities-Social Sciences Building.
This 2. 7 million dolwr multi-purpose auditorium-gym nasium should be completed within the next year.
Growth on the Campus Ideas are born in the minds of men and take form on paper. These blueprints then sweJI to become actuality. This is increasingly evident on the U M R campus as ideas are projected into forms of steel, concrete, and g lass. In the northe rn sector of the campus is the recently completed Materials Research Center which affords modern faci lities for scientific exploration. Over crowd ed bookshe lves and volum es stored at scattered locations on campus is no longer the case since the completion of the new library. Other problems of outm oded facilities and overcrowding also approach alleviation as the Mechanical Engineering Building addition nears completion.
The new libran;, which cost 2.2 million dollars, will be ready for use by the fall of 1968.
The completed materials research center offers the latest in laboratory facilities.
The soon-to-be-completed mechanical engineering anne x will alleviate many crowded Laboratory problems.
Growth of Activities
A swe lling enrolJment brings greater variation in extracurricu lar interests. To meet the need for a more variegated docket of activities new organizations are forming. The U M R Math C lub, the American Management Association, and the Philosophy Club have been form ed to coincide with areas of stud y. Other associations dawning on the UMR campus are the Chess Club, the College Young Republicans, the Park Board, and the Ba hai Club. The Stude nt Union Board is also expanding its recreation , lite rary a nd music, and sound programs to provide more in the way of student activities.
The Student Union Board has enlarged its activit y programs to cover all aspects of student life.
IOTA BETA SIGMA - FRONT ROW: Slocum, }., Cantwell, D. , President; Schwab, R. , Vice-President; ROW 2: Wayne, D., Chappue, C., News Director; Wallersein, ÂŁ., Chapman, R. , Treasurer.
Iota Beta Sigma is a national fraternity for Intercollegiate Broadcasters. Presently UM R owns and operates one FM station.
The Park Board was formed for the purpose of buildinp and maintaining a student park. Presently a corporation has been formed and a tract ojland has been acquired.
The Chess Club was form ed so that all UM R students interested in chess could benefit from each other's talents.
CHESS CLUB - FRONT ROW: Williams, C., Vice-President; Graham, D., President; Conrad, C., Howard. N., ROW 2: Sorter, R., Calvert, R., Kuchenig, F., Ranjbar, A., Habegger, R.
Growth of Athletics
Stude nt participation le nds t he spice that e nlive ns the U M R sports progra m. Having a tta ined a hig h ranking intramural program, U M R now turns a n eye on varsity sports. As a n a id to t he recruitme nt of capable a thletes for va rsity sports t he a thletic de partm ent is offering $43,200 in scholarships to young sportsme n. T his step- up in athle tic scholarships will furth e r th e expa nsio n program now in the beg inning stages. Twe nty-five $1000 scholarships a rc be in g given in football , w hil e fo urteen $1000 schola rships are g ranted in bas ke tba ll. C ross cou ntry offe rs three scholarships fo r a total of $4 ,200. In addition to th e new a thle tic scholarship prog ra m, a new fie ld house and expanded spo rts facilities continue to draw ath letic schola rs to UMR.
UM R cagers enjoy their third consecutive winning season.
Although Rug b y is not recognized as a varsity sport, the U M R Ruggers have nuule quite a name for themselves.
Head football coach Dewey Allgood presents Larry Oliver with hts football scholarship.
Scholarships are helping UM R build a well respected football team.
Growth of the Enrollment Hapid e:-.pansion and diversification of the nation路s economy in recent decades is primarih due to technical ach anccs in the field~ of science and engineering. This has created a tremendous demand for professional!} trained personnel. The Vniversit} of M issouri- Holla, a technical university of international prominence, enrolls one of the nations largest t'nginccring student bodies. In the years since the Second World War the size of the student bodv has increased nearlv sixfold. Enrollment figu.rcs show an enro ll mcr1t of 4742 for the fall semester of 1967, and a total of 4417 for the spring semester of 1968.
The rapid growth of the student body is starting to crowd most classrooms.
Technological advances have encouraged more people to pursue an engineering or science degree.
UM R' s enrollment has increased almost sixfold in the last 20 years.
Growth of Degrees
In past decades an engineer concerned himself solclv with the technical mechanics of his position. 路T oday society demands much more of him . ot on ly must he be an expert in his field , but also a personable indi vidual with a broad, general background. In the endeavor to offer a broade r backgro und in the humanities and other sociall y demand ed arts, U M R is offering new courses and new degrees. A Bachelor of Scie nce d egree is now being offered in Engineering Management. Also for the first time on the UM R campus a Bachelor of Arts degree is being offered in fou r areas of humanities and socia l sciences. Furthermore a Bachelor of Science degree in Nuclear Engineering will be offered, pending approval in September 1968.
Professor Sarchet has been appointed chairman of the new Engineering Management Department.
Dr. Pog ue, who has been instrumental in setting up the B.A. program. shows his secretary one of the many new books now being used.
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These are a f ew of the many new textbooks that will be used by students majoring in a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Growth of the Admini stration
Mounting enrollment figure~ call for a boo~t in the number of administrative personnel and faculty nwmbcrs . Within the past year nine addition~ h a\(~ been made to the admini!ltrath <' force and si\t~ four to the facult~. Heading the School of Engineering is Dean J. Stuart John~on, Professor of Elect rica I Engi nceri ng. Dr. Marvin Husscl Cain, Profcs~or of Histon. now heads the Department of Soeial Scienc<.:~. The third addition to the U~ l H facultv is Profe ~or Bernard H. Sarchet, head of the 路 new Department of Engineering ~1anagcmcnt. Onl~ through such expansion'i can the unh crsity maintain a sati facton facu lt, -student ratio and d eal with campus gr~>wth. 路
Arthur B. Brooks, Jr. (left), Assistant Registrar and Ronald jonston, Assistant Director of Admission, talk over the duties of their newly acquired positions. Dr. Larry M . Nicholson. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, checks out a recently purchased high-power microscope.
A new member of the Ceramics Department staff is Dr. Paul D. Ownby.
Associate Professor Dr. Stanley V. Marshall is in his first year at UM R.
The Chancellor Chancellor Baker r<'cehTd his B.S. in \Jechankal Engin<.Tring at the UniH·rsih of Kentu cb and Ph. D. at Purdue Cnh<.'rsit' .· Dr. Baker came to the L'nh er~ih of ~lis!>ouri Holla in the fall of Hl6:3 and '~a~ inau~urated a~ Chancellor on i\m crnber 6. 1964. In hi~ .5 'cars at L l\ 1H. Dr. Bah•r initiated marl\ <h ;1amic ch an~e'>. On the campus, four nc'' f>uil~l ings ha' c been completed and one more is u ndcr c:o nst ruction. In the field of stu dies. one tll'\\ d epa rtme nt a nd an A. B. degree have b<'cn started. In the field of student re lations. th e Chance ll or ha!> frequently met "'ith the leaders of the ca mpus to talk O\'cr stude nt prob lems. Ovnall, Dr. Baker has made tremendous ~Irides toward improving the Univc rsit~ of :0..1 issou ri - Hoi Ia.
Left: Dr..\fer/ Baker. Chancellor of the Unicersity of Missouri-Rolla.
Chancellor Baker and Colonel Frassrand conf er at thl' fla#poh• dedication.
Before it was completely renovated, the chancellery had served as a men's dormitory.
School Deans constantly When the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy changed its name to the University of Missouri-Rolla, the university was split up into four schools. These four are the Engineering, Science, Mines and Metallurgy, and Graduate schools. This was done to enable U M R to handle effectively the expected increase in enrollment. Each of the four schools has a number of departments contained within it. The three largest departments on the U M R campusCivil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineeringare contained in the School of Engineering. The departments of Chemical Engineering and Engineering Mechanics are also segments of the school. The School of Science embodies the departments of Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics. The constituents of the School of Mines and Metallurgy include the departments of Ceramic, Geological, Metallurgical and Nuclear, and Mining and Petroleum Engineering. The Graduate School encompasses all departments. It sets policies and standards for aJI graduate work undertaken at UM R. Under the direction of the four deans the schools have expanded their curricula, increased research facilities, and raised the academic level of U MR.
Dr. Paul Proctor Dean of the School of Science
Dr. Stuart J. Johnson Dean of the School of Engineering
impro ve acade mic level
Dr. Wouter Bosch Dean of the Graduate School
Dr. Theodore ]. Planje Dean of the School of Mines and Metallurgy
Registrar's Office The Office of the Hegistrar takes care ol the registration of '>tudent~ and keeps on file all permanent student record~ . both academic: and e\tracurril'ular in nature. lt also provides studcnb. with the collc~c eatalog and other unh crsity publications of academic: interest. All changes an d tran!>fers of credits. applications lor diplomas and graduate school and changes in curriculum arc processed h) the Office ol the Hcgistrar. Each semester the registrar notifies the -.tudc n ts' selecth c sen icc boards of tlwir standings at L ~ 1 H. Besides t he lkgi'>trar and his assistant the staff eonsists of 20 sccretarie'i and clerks.
Mr. Robert B. Lewis Director of A dmissions
Mr. Lauren A. Peterson A ssociate Registrar 26
Louise S. Tucker A ssistant R egistrar
Cooperative Program The U ~1 R CooperatiYe Program is a fh e-: car program conducted with a numbN of compan ies throughout the .S. U ndcr this plan a student may work for a company on alternate semesters and still remain classified as a full-time student. Th is enablcs undergraduates and graduates to obta in professional industrial internsh ip wh ich is closelv coord inated with the ir co ll ege cours~s. Presently, approximatd ) 400 studen ts are enrolled in the Cooperative Program.
Mr. George E. Vaughn Director of Cooperative Program
Mr. Leon Hershkowitz Director of Student Placement
Placement Office The Placement Orficc is concerned assisting graduating sen iors in making contacts with prospccth c employers. Through the Placem('nt Office a student cal1 sehcd ule interYiew dates wit h companies or particular interest to him. Undergraduates are also given the opportunit: to find summer jobs suitable to their majors. lore than 500 business firms interviewed on the UM R campus th is past year. As a resu lt of the serv ices of the Placeme nt Offiec, U ~ 1 H placed 100 % of its graduates last with
Studen t Serv ices The Office of Student Serv ices is responsible for co-ord in ating sen ices provided for stud ents by the Universit). It a lso advises the administration of add itional benefits which can be extended to the student. In an administrative capacity, the office e ncompasses t he Placement Office, the Band Program and t he Office of Student Perso nne l. In addition , th e Inte rcollegiate At hle tic Prog ram is supervised a nd co-ordinated by the Office. It is also working closely with the Office of Institution a l Research a nd the Student Union. With I nstitu tio na I Research, it is ass ist ing in a study of the status of cou nsel ing for stude nts at UM R. The programming of events of the Student Union is under the advisorv of the Office. ,
M r. Paul Pender Director of Student Services Mr. Raymond Pendergrass Director of Student Aids and Awards
Student Aids and Awards U M R provides services under the supervis ion of the Office of Stud e nt Aid a nd Awards whereby stu de nts in good standing m ay be aided in securing financial as ista nce. The student m av receive ass ista n ce in three diff~rent forms, part-time e mployment, loans, and scholarships. The work-study program which is sponsored by the Federal Government is a good source of assistance for many stud ents. Students working part-time may carry a lighter schedu le tha n non worki ng enroll ees a nd st il l quali fy for loan and scholarship assistance.
Business Office The Busin ess Office is responsible for all budgeting a nd accounting procedures at UM R. The payroll and cas hier's offices are both under the super' ision of the business office. Thev also hand le hiring of non-academic personnel. The storage and distribution of university supplies, equi pment a nd m ateria ls is also und er thC' direction of th e Busin ess Office.
Mr. Joseph D. Wollard Business Officer
Mr. Carroll C. Paulsmeyer Assistant Business Officer
The Business Office is located in
the basement of Parker Hall.
Traffic Safety The Office of Traffic Safetv has the responsibility of regu lating th.e use of automobiles bv stu dents at UM R. Each student operating an automobile while attend ing school must register with the office. Any student vio lating laws adopted by Traffic Safety is subject to disciplinary action recommended by the Police Committee of UM R. The night patrol which protects U M R bu ildings and property from damage or theft is also under the supervis ion of the Office of Traffic Safety.
Mr. John A. Tryon Director of Traffic Safety
Student Personnel The Office of Student Personnel is responsible for the general supervision of student activities. All social fraternities, eating clubs and other student socia l organizations are under the supe rvision of the office. It also hand les the adm inistration of student disciplinary rules and requests for val idation of absences from classes. T he BiWeekly Bulletin, which is printed to inform students of upcoming events is another service of the Office of Student Personnel.
Standing: Mr. Lou Moss Director of Student Personnel Sitting : Mr. Joe Ward Assistant Director of Student Personnel The Student Personnel handles all campus organization.
Dean of Faculties The Chancellor is the designat(•d principal adm inistrathe and acadt>mic officer of the L'nh ers ih of ~lissouri Rolla. The l)(•an of FacL;Ities reports to the Chancellor and is responsible for propmin~ plans consistent with esta blislwd pol icies, and for organtzlllg, operat in g, and e\ aluat ing educational scr\ ices, and lor partici p ating in faeult~ scl('etion. lie has genera l rcspousibilit~ for facull~ development, acadevelopment, and program demie general resca rc:h administration, not for prim aril y assigned specifi c.:a ll) campus-widC' research facilities a nd services. ll e is d irectly responsi ble for separate d e partme nts not assigned to a school.
Mr. Dudley Thompson D ean of Faculties
Dr. George E. Long Dean of Extension
Extension Division The E,tcnsion Division provides se n ices for both non-resid ent a nd Rolla s tudent!\. Th e St. Loub Graduate Enby administered Center, gineering UM R, offers l'\'<.'lling cou rses leading to M.S. degrees in severa l branches of e ngineering . Correspondence St ud~ is a lso a service of the office. Vis ual Educ-ation Services available to s tudent ni vN sit) facult y organizat ions and rnav also be oblaincd through the Extens ion Di vis ion . Another service is the Engineering an d Sciences Confere n ces. In coopera tion with t he academic d epart ments, lhe Extens ion Division s po nsors all on-campus co nfe re nces.
Dr. Lynn Martin Director of I nstitutiona/ R esearch
Institutional Research T he Office of Institutional Research is respo nsible for compiling and a nalyzing data needed by admin istrative officials in making educational policy decisions and judgements. It also assists in subm itting p roposals from the various departm e nts at U M R to the Board of Curators for additions or c hanges in their educational programs and equipme nt. Anothe r service performed is the coordination of visiti ng lecture rs from UM R with other colleges in Missouri.
Alumni Association The \l$\1 Alumni Association ''as organized to keep aJumui in contact '' ith L vtll. Present acti" ities of the ,h sodation indude the sponsors hip of sh o;cholar:.hips amounting to S.500 each for f n•shmcn and sophomores; two g rants ol $250 each to an outstanding professor in leaching and in rc:M•arch. and a grant-in-aid of $500 for the D<•partnwnt ol Athletic!>. The publication of the official bi-monthl} magazine. the \ IS\1 \lumnus, i · also handlc•d b~ tlw t\s<,odation.
Mr. Francis C. Edwards Executive Secretary of the Alurnni Association
Public Information The Office• of Public Information prm ide) the public "ith information COIH..'crning l \1 R. This i · done by sending nc" \ rclc.•a\c.., to ne'' paper . magazines. radio and teJe, i ion stations concerning accompli hment of U\1 R students and l'\1R in general. Also the office ach i~cs the Chancellor on uni'er it} matters concerning public information . An~ time publicit} about U~l R b needed, the Office of Public Information i ca llc•d upon to produce the necessary material.
Mr. William D. Cress Director of Public Information
Student Union The Student Union Director is responsible for the supervision and planning of activities and the expenditu re of union funds. His principle duties are to coordinate the union's recreation programs and socia l events, and the operation and main tenance of the snack bar and cafeteria. He is assisted bv a Program Director and three ot.her permanent staff members as well as a work force of students and fu ll t ime emp loyees.
Mr. William Kratzer Director of Student Union Dr. Earl E. Fiend Director of Student Health
Student Health Services Th e D irector of Stud e n t Healt h is respons ible fo r the operation of t he Schoo l Infirmary and th e supervis ion of General Health Serv ices. General H ealth Services for the student include phys ical exam inatio ns and the treatment of illnesses and inju ries received wh ile attending UM R. T hese medical services are performed by a professional staff of fu ll-time n urses a nd tech nicians and pa rt-time physicians. All students a rc e lig ible fo r these services u pon payment of fees.
Ceramics deal s with high The field of Ceramic Engineering is engaged in the development of ne" inorganic materials \\hich are thermally processed or are processed to perform at high temperatures. The curriculum is designed to prepare the stude nt for positions in plant engineering, sa les, and research and development. Laboratories provide equ ipment for the production and testing of crystalline-glass ceramic materials and ceramic coat ings for metall ic and nonmetallic materials. The m aterials preparation and fabrication laboratory contains equipme nt for grinding, mixing, casting, drawing a nd fabri cation bv various m ethods. Two furnace rooms arc al;o equ ipped with the latest com mercial firing eq ui pment and numerous c ustomdesigned kilns. Approximately $50,000 has been spent in the past three )Cars on undergraduate la boratory equipme nt used to process materials a nd determine the ir properties.
Dr. Robert E. Moore Depa-rtment Chai-rman
j im Pool m easures the internal friction of a sodium silica glass.
temperature materials
Ceramic 154 students calculate the density of a clay water slip.
Clem Drag prepares to pull glass fibers. Maury Green and Scot Taylor work on a new method for measuring tntemal friction.
Every freshman is required to take a General Chemistry Lab. The lab effectively basic the supplements Chemistry course.
All weight measurements are made on very precise analytical balances.
Ch emists explore the nature of matter
Chemistn is a science concerned with the composition 'of matter and the changes which matter rna~ undergo. The Department of Chemistry at U M R offers courses leading to the B.S., M.S., and Doctor's Degrees. Laboratory work is a prime requiremen t for chemists. The departme nt hou ses man y laboratories, g iving the stude nt an opportunity to pursue his partic ular interests. Among these are the qualitative and quantitative analysis laboratories, and the p hysica l, organic and analytical c hem istry laboratories. A nuclear chemist ry laboratory is equ ipped for the detection and meas ure me nt of ionizing radiation by Ge iger-Mue ller cou ntc rs and proportional and scintillation counte rs. Paint and JJOiymc r laboratories and a photograph ic laboratory are also avail able to students interested in these fie lds.
Dr. Wi lliam H . We bb
Department Chairman The Organic Chemistry lab gives students the opportunity to study rate reactions.
Laboratory work essential
The curriculum in Che mical Engineering is designed to prepare engineers to serve in c he mica l industries and plants using chem istry in their production. C he mical Enginee rs have had man y different positions open to them, including researc h, process development, production supervision , plant designing, product sales a nd marketing. Also many management positions are occupied by Chemical Engineers. Almost a third of a ll C he mica l Eugineers are e mp loyed in technica l ad ministration. Laboratory work is a n essentia l requireme nt for Chemical Engineers. To fulfill this necessity a unit operations laboratory provides facilities for pilot pla.nt experime nts in unit operat ions and the photographic laboratory prov ides facilities to meet requireme nts essential to research and advanced stud y.
Dr. Mailand R. Strunk
Department Chairman
Understanding the distallation process is essential to Chemical Engineers.
for Chemical Engineers
This Chemical Engineering Department display shows the process of working phosphoric acid.
Chemical Engineering Students are running a pilot plant scale experiment in the 1mit operations lab.
jim Scanlan runs a water and waste experiment/or his research project. The strength of cement must be known to insure a proper safety factor.
Civil Depart ment leads Dr. Joseph H . Senne
Department Chairman C ivil Engineering is concerned with the pla nning and construction of private structures a nd public works. Operations arc based on surveys involving accurate measurements of the surface features of the land . the underlying rock st ruc ture, and the nature of the earth between the rock and the urfacc. The Department of Civil Engineering at UM R ranks first nationally in the number of bachelors degrees g ranted and is the second largest department on campus. It has increased its staff size by 20% and added $40,000 wort h of Fl uid Mechanics equipment, g ra nted by the ational Science Foundation. Each spring semester the department a lso spo nsors Asphalt a nd Concrete Confe ren ces a nd an En vironmen ta l Sdenc:c Confere nce. T hese mc<â&#x20AC;˘tings attract e\pcrts in these fie ld s a nd e nable students to observe the app lication of the principles learned in the classroom.
Larry Littlefield is determining the saturated surface dry weight of fine aggregate.
B.S. degrees
Dennis Caffke measures the permeability of an unknown soil sample.
An oscilloscope is used for showing visually the changes in a varying current.
The electrical machinery lab gives students an opportunity to observe practical applications of theory.
Analog Computers are used extensively in the solution of electrical engineering problems.
Demand grows for Electrical Engineers
E lectrical Engineering is o ne of the most diverse profcs ions in the scie ntific world . The fie ld is di vided into fi ve m ain categories: e lect ronic de vices a nd circuits, e lectromag ne tics, e lect ric power and cncrg~ conversio n, communica tion systems, and com puter and co ntrol 路 ~ te rns. The EE Department at U ~ l R, rated as o ne of the top twenty in the natio n, offe rs both basic and advanced courses needed to ob ta in a B.S. in eac h of these five divisions. There is also an C\ce llc nt g raduate program for t hose stude nts desiring an M.S. or Ph.D . ln add itio n to classroom instruction, e ig ht modern laboratories offer the student prac tica l ex pe rie nc(' in electronics. measureme nts, co mmunications, compute rs, circuits, and m ic rowaves.
Dr. John R. Betten Department Chairman 45
Geolo gy probes the Earth The Department of Geology provides training in three areas of student choice; gcolog) as a science. geology and geophysics, and geological engineering. Major areas of study in the geological science are the application of the science to the in vestigation and solution of major earth problems, description and classifi cation of earth phenomena, and investigation of the earth. The Geophysics option is concerned with the qualification of geolog ical data through the application of ph) sics, mathematics a nd geophysics. Geological engineering is the utilization of the knowledge and principles of geology in so lving problems of engineering construction, design and mineral exploration. The department also maintains a mineral museum which is believed to be the most complete of its kind in Missouri. The exhi bit contains approximately 3500 specimens of several hundred mineral species. Dr. Thomas R. Beveridge
Department Chairman
Ted D1nkel examines thin sections to identify unknown ore.~.
Professor Grant lectures a class on mineral identification by chemical methods.
Tom Schmidt makes a mineral identification by use of such physical properties as color, hardness, and cleavage.
A student makes thin sections for identification purposes.
The Rolla Building, which originally housed the entire school, is now used by the Humanities Department.
Humanities broaden an
The Humanities arc concerned with those quali ties of man whi ch make him human. T he Department of H umanities offers a broad course prog ram which e ncompasses all undNg rad uatcs at UM R. Each student is requ ired to take at least 12 hours of human ities courses, divided eve nl y between literature and composition. T hese courses offe r the stud ent th e knowledge to reach decisions and solve problems in relative rather than absolute te rms. The departme nt also offers a Bache lor of Arts dcS!rCc in Eng lish. The stud) of Eng lish prepares th e student for a career in teaching, in writing or in any of tlw commu nicatio ns media. The humanities curri culum is des ig ned to g h e the UM R stud ent th e liberal background necessary to becoming an educated person.
Dr. Jim C. Pogu<.' Departm ent Chairman 48
Professor Stei11hach gives his class a German qutz.
Professor Oakley explains a few principles of philosophy.
eng1neers education The language lab provides tapes that can help students master a foreign language.
Professor Oeffner lectures the class on the fundamentals of calculus.
an essential part
Dr. Joseph H. Foote Department Chairman Mathematics is the primary tool used by all engineer . Each engineering student attending UM H is required to take at least 3 scmc tcrs of calculus and one semester of Differential Equations. The Department of Mathematics also offers courses leading to the Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and , for the first time, Doctor of Philosoph y degrees in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. Mathematicians arc needed in education, industry, governm ent and research. A mathematician employed in industry may assist in the mathematical formulation of problems and prepare problems for comp uter solution. He may also be engaged in mathematical research, using s t~ti s tical techniques in the design and analysis of experiments.
Harris Hall. home of the ,' ,fath Department, also houses the Computer Science Center on the ground floor.
of an engineers' education S tatistical techniques are used in the solution of many engtneertng problems.
Computers are invaluable
:- =- --- .
The tremendous growth in the use of the high speed computers has brought about a revolution in computational methods. T he Dept. of Com puter Science at UM R offers courses leading to the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science and the PH.D degree with emphasis in Computer Science. The Computer Science Center is located on the ground floor of Harris H all. A coding and programm ing room makes it possible for stude nts to prepare and correct their prog rams near the computers. A large computer room, a d ata processing room and offices for cen ter personnel occupy the remainder of the center. The staff of the Computer Science Center is available to ass ist in the preparation of p rograms and the operation of the computer systems. The library of programs, also is m aintained for use of students and faculty.
Dr. Ral p h E. Lee Departmen t C hairman
Fred jones corrects a program on one of the keypunches provided for student use.
to resea rch work
Most students at UM R elect to take at least one course in Computer Science.
The IBM Model 360-50 dfg~tal computer system is used extensively by Computer Science majors. This system contains 262,000 types of code storage.
A management graduate has a sot~nd background in principles of production , marketing, and industrial relations.
New B.S. degree offered Prof essor Frank W. Tippitt, is one of the new m embers of the En~ineering Managem ent staff.
.. _ _,.....,, .¡..-,
Studying for an engineering management quiz can turn into an all-night session.
Engineerin g Manageme nt Professor B. H. Sarchet
Department Chairman
The Depart m e nt of Engineerin g Managemen t i the :ou ngest on campus. lt provides prog rams leading to Bache lor of Scie nce in Eng ineering Management and Master of Science in Engineering Administration. Men graduating with the bachelors degree find ready acceptance by industry in production, marke ting, market deve lopme nt and indu strial relations without passing throug h the traditional route via the e ng ineering departme nts. T hose g radu ating wit h a masters degree find that they have strengthened the ir undergraduate tech nica l deg ree by adding a broad knowledge of the operatio n of industry and an insight into the latest quantitative decision-making techn iques. A new staff has been assembled of m en possessing both edu cat io nal and industria l experience. Enrollme nts in both prog rams are increasing rapid ly, partic ularly in the mas te rs program offered in St. Louis whe re these men represent more than one third of the total enrollme nt.
Fundamen tals of Engineerin g taught
The Engineering M('chanic:s curricu lum is designed particularly for students who wish to receive comprehensive training in the fundanwntal principles and con cept~ of engineering ratlwr than to specif) in a particular field. The program for the Bachelor of Science is bas('(l on a thorough background in mathcmat ics. che mistry, and physics. It provides for a stud) of the mechanics of sol ids and fluids, the nature and properties of materials, e lectrical theory, th e rmod ynamics and rate processes. The departm e nt' s four laboratori es provide facilities for vibration anal)sis, materials testing, stress analys is, and hig h pressure mechanics. Recent g ra nts have provided additional eq ui pment for the vibrations a nd high pressure mechanics laboratories. These have expanded research capabiliti es to include the stud y of dynamic material properties.
Professor Robe rt Davidson
Department Chairman
The Rockwell Hardness Test is a method of determining the hardness of various metals.
M echanics Department
A lab group measures the deflection of a singly loaded beam.
Students tn the Engineering Mechanics Department are given the opportunity to work with various testing machines.
In the Mechanics of Materials Lab students determine the compressive strengths of various mate rials.
Aerospace Degree
Reg Nations operates one of many drill presses in the Mechanical Engineering machine shop.
Labs enable stude nts to evaluate machine perf ormances.
In Mechanical Control Systems. response, oscillation . and stability of mechanical and hydraulic systems are synthesized .
by M.E. Department
The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering is one of the largest ME departments in the coun try and is the largest on the UM R campus. Aerospace Engineering, offered for the first time as a degree, is one of the fastest growing e ng ineering professions because of its in volvement in national securitv and its impact on old but unsolved problems. Mec hanical Engineering includes the study of conversion and util ization of energy, the instrumentation and control of physical processes and the design and a nalysis of sys te ms. Options in aerospace, energy conversion, m echan ica l des ig n, manu facturing and nuclear e ne rgy are availa ble to students desiring to special ize in these programs. A mechanica l engineering annex, recentl y completed, has doubled the classroom and laboratory space, providing better facilities. Dr. Thom as R. Faucett
Departm ent Chairman
All Mechan1cal Engmeers are required to take a course and laboratory in Dynamics of Machinery.
Metallurg ists transform raw ~lctallurgical Engineers are conccnuâ&#x20AC;˘cl with
the extraction of metals from orcs a nd tlw development of these metals into useable products. The M ctallu rgical Engin eering Department at UM R offers a thorough background in all phases of this field of engineering. Prefare offered in minerals erence Prowam beneficiation, ext ractive metallurgy, me tals processing, and physical metallurgy. The department also offers a degree in Nuclear Engineering as an option in Metall urgy. This is designed to train the engineer to des ign and operate nuclear reactors, and to fabr icate componen ts of reactors and t heir aux il iary equipment. Experiments in nuclear engineering courses may include use of the UM R "Swimming Pool" reactor, the first nuclear reactor in Missouri. D r. Harrv W . Weart
Departm.ent Chairman
Various properties of metals are being measured while under vacuum conditions.
materials into useful products
Professor Legsdin lectures on the principles and practice of mineral dressing. Metallurgists receive practical trai11ing in sand casting.
Bob Graham, a graduate student, measures the vibrational damping coefficient of a metal.
Mining and Petroleum supply
A mtntng engineer mwt be able to evaluate fteld d4l4 wlten m the development stage of mining. The orifice meter ts used to measure the flow rate of gas tn a tube.
raw materials to Industry Mining and Petroleum Engineers are concerned with establishing and pursuing the safest and most effective means of converting mineral resources from the natural state into usable materials. An experimental mine composed of more than 1500 feet of horizontal underground passages with an adit and three vertical shafts for access is located Southwest of Rolla. Also located at the site are two quarries which have, to date, produced more than .50 tons of broken rock. The entire facility is used for practical undergraduate instruction and for graduate level applied research. Other laboratorv facilities include the rock mechanics, geophysical engineering, and petroleum engineering laboratories. D igital and analog computers and other analytical and graphical methods are used in obtaining, analyzing and presenting laboratory data. Dr. Ernest M. Spokes
Department Chairman Students receive practical experience at the experimental quarry located Southwest of Rolla.
All engineering students take two hours of Physics laboratory in which theory learned in the classroom can be applied to e:'l:periments.
Physics deals with energy Dr. H arold
Q. Fuller
Department Chairman
Physics, is the foundation on which engineering and technology are built. The Ph ysics D epartment at UM R places emphasis on the fundamental principles of p h ysics and a thorough laboratory training. Laboratories arc well equ ipped with the necessary apparatus. The department has received three grants from the National Science Foundation for a total of $36,800 for undergraduate equipment. Physics is a broad field with opportunities for graduates in educational work, in industry and in government. A major in physics has a g reat opportunity for selection of e lectives. Because of this flexibility, the stude nt can adapt the cu rriculum to fit his particular needs and inte rests. Graduate work is offered in the departm ent leading to M.S. and doctor's degrees in Physics and to the doctorate in Eng ineering Physics.
Graduate .~t udents in the Physics Department lwce the opportunity to nw experiments dealing with electricity and magnetism.
all its forms
The UM R .. swimming pool'" reactor is used for experimentation in the field of Nuclear Physics and Radioacticity.
Students enrolled in Basic ROTC pass in review at the spring awards review.
ROTC program builds capable leaders Colonel John Frassrand
Department Chairman
The Army ROTC at UM R has the largest engineering brigade in the United States. The ROTC program is designed to promote those qualities essential to a good leade r and manager. The instruction is divided into Basic and Advanced Courses, each lasting two years. Students e lecting the Advanced Course are requ ired to attend summer training camp, which is held at an arm y post for a pe riod of six weeks. The camp emphasizes practical instru ction with particular attention given to command, leadership, topography and ballistics. Upon graduation, students who satisfactoril y complete the Advanced Course and summer camp are offered commissions by the Pres ide nt of the United States as Second Lieutenants in the U. S. Arm y Reserve.
The Pershing Rifles, a crack drill team , have won many awards in national competition.
The color guard makes an impressive showing on the drill f ield.
The Pershing Rifles proudly display their cannon during the flagpole dedication .
Social Sciences study
The Social Sciences play an important role in the education of eng ineers and scie ntists, as well as students who c hoose more broadlv based fields. Socia l Sciences a llow th e stude nt to acquaint himself with the conte mporary world. The Department of Social Sciences at U M H offers courses in historv, eco nomics, psyc hology, political science a'nd sociology. These d isciplines provide in depth stud y of man's past and present behavior, his ideas and institutions, a nd his social values. As a pa rt of the continuing growth of the Un iversity, a Bachelor of Arts degree with areas of co ncentration in Economics, History, and Psych o log~ is offered by the department.
Dr. Marvin R. Ca in
Department Chainnan Instructors are always available for consultation with students.
the contempory world
At present the office of the Social Science Department is housed in the old Chenlistry Building.
The economic, political and social history of the U.S. from colonial times to the present is covered in History 60.
Registration is a busy week for freshmen at U ~ I R. During t his time, freshmen take placement e-.:amillations to determine whether thev can recall and perform well enough in mathematics. chemistry. techni<.:a l drawing and histor). Tf the stude nts pass these exam inations the' rna' start with more advanced courses in these st;bjects. Also. the class schedu les of the students arc arranged and processed at this time. Freshmen mav enroll in either of two ways. Duri ng the su.mmer months a preregistration program enables them to spend three davs in Rolla, at a sm all cost, in orde r to complete enrollment. Lf the student is unable to attend pre-registrat ion , he may complete enrollment the week before classes begin.
Even upperclassmen have trouble when i(s time to pay their fees and schedule classes.
Numerous forms complicate
Students oftell must stand in line to get GJ>proval of their class schedule .
Payment of fees requires much time if you are not in the front of the line.
freshman Registration " If I take math at 8:30, then I can take Lit at 9:30, History at 10:30, and . .. "
Miners entertained
The Ftrst Edition wrote all of the songs that they played for the Miners.
Th e Versatiles combined three types of music in their lively presentation.
Genera I Lectures Se rv ice
The Student Council General Lectures program this year broke ground with the sound and soul of the Paul Butterfield Blues Band. Electrically amplified tones unite folk, blues, pop and jazz for a to tally unique sound . The Happen ings came next on the General Lectures docket. The ir scope ranges from current rock to soft, love bal1ads to frenzied imperso nations. Captivating the audience of the next lecture were the Versatiles, Missouri State Prison inmates whose so und co mbines rock, jazz, a nd country western. A modern beat, a pretty face, and a song to sing were t he ingredient of the First Edition rendition , a repertoire of music written entirely by members of the group. The andpipers with aid fro m Stormy and Sunny co mple ted the General Lectures' 1967-68 calender.
Sunny and Stormy added that " little extra" to the final General L ecture.
The Sandpipers, who specialize in the soft sound of music played before a capacity crowd of Miners.
All School Mixer launches
The Student Union Ballroom was packed for both the afternoon and evening dances.
Couples relax during the band's break.
Another successful mixer ends as the girls wait to board the btls.
social calendar
\Vith enthusiastic impatience, the men of UM R awaited the arrha! of about eight hundred young ladies for the annual All School Mixer. The Colleges of Lindenwood, Fontbonne, Stephens, Monticello, and Cottey were welJ represented. Aft(â&#x20AC;˘r taking a few minutes to freshen up, the girls joined the anxious Miners at the afternoon's inform a l m ixer featuring the Jaguars. After a break fo r dinner, the activities in the ba ll room resumed with a sem i-formal mixer feat uring music provided by Walter Scott and the Guise. The dance ended at midnight, leaving the girls time for farewells before the long bus rides home. The entire day was an enjoyable opportun ity for all Miners to meet college women from m idwestern schools nnd perhaps form lasting friendships. Over eight hundred girls attended the mixer.
Enthusiasm rises as the first busload of girls arrive for the mixer.
DeAnn Smith chosen queen
j erry jay and the Sheratons provided the music for the Student Union Dance.
The queen candidates were given a wa路rm welcome as they rode around the football field.
of Homec oming Weeken d
Beginning with the Class Reunion Luncheons, and continuing into the night, riomecoming festivities were in full swing Saturday. During half-time of the footba ll game, the Homecoming Queen and the h\ o runner-ups were announced bv Chancellor Baker. The Queen was Miss DeAnn Smith representing Lambda Chi Alpha, while Miss Dianna Young, De lt a Sigma Phi, and Michelle Moretti, Pi Kappa Alpha were first and second runnersup, respective!). Saturday evening's entertainment was provided in the Student {Jnion Ballroom b) Jerry Jay and the Sheratons. During coronation ccremoni<>s held at the dane{', President John C. Weaver presided over the crowning of the 1967 Homecoming Queen.
james Murphy, Executive Vice-President of the Alumni Association presented Queen DeAm1 a bouquet of roses. President john C. Weaver presided over the crowning ceremonies Saturday nig ht.
•• I
Ill Ill
-. n
Kappa Alpha won the first place trophy for the best-decorated house over homecoming.
Numero us activitie s highligh t Homecoming 1967 was the .first party weekend of the year. The annual parade and pcpra ll v on Fridav started off the weekend. A new tradi tion was· initiated to th e festivities this vcar. Th is was the bonfire contest, in which c>rganizations attempt to collect the most combu tible material for the bonfire. The contest was wo n this vear b\' the freshmen of Phi Kappa T heta. After the" rally, numerou s ca mpus organizations held parties, welcoming alumni to their Alma Mater. Saturdav before the footba ll game, Alpha Phi Alpha wo.n the annual pajama race. Both students and alumni were disappointed in th e outcome of the Hom ecomi ng game as UM 1\ lost a hard fought battle to the SMS Bears, 21-9. Add ing to the spirit and color of the wcckrnd , th e fratern ities and eating cl u bs comtructed displ a~s showing hopes of a ~ l ine r 'ictor~ over S~1 S. The troph~ for the best decorated display "as won b) Kappa Alpha' mobilized car runn ing over a SMS Bear. 80
SMS defeated UMR In homecoming game by 21-9 score.
Phil Heckler and Ray Behrens of JFC presented Alpha Phi Alpha with the trophy for wi11ning the pajama race.
Homecoming Weekend Phi Kappa Theta freshmen.
their way to winning the bonfire trophy, arrange their entry of combustible material.
Parents get first hand
The reception line gave parents the opportunity to meet and talk with school ojficfuls. Student guides from service organizations conducted tours through the different departments on campus.
look at UMR Campus On Parent's Day the university extend ed officia l invitations to the parents of all U M R students to visit the campus. After reg istration on Saturday morning parents had the opportunity to attend the Chancellor's informal interv iew sess ion. During this time Dr. Baker and facu ltv members from the different departments 路answered questions on university functions and policies. ln the afternoon man y parents attended the UM R - SEMS footba ll game and toured the residential establish ments around the camp us. Saturday evening a Banquet was held at the Roll a Hig h Schoo l Gymnasium. Chancellor Bake r gave a speech at the banquet outlining the history of UM R and the cu rrent programs of the University. SAE sponsored a display showing the various aspects of Automotive Engineering.
For many parents this was their first visit to UMR.
A civil engineering student explains some of the experiments run in the Materials Testing Lab.
Engineer's Day attracts Future students listen attentively to the many aspects of the electrical engineering curriculum.
The Microbiology Lab. arroused the curiosity of man y visi tors on Engineers' Day.
future Enginee rs
Several hundred prospecti ve students along with their pare nts, teache rs, a nd counselors, atte nd ed UM R' s annu al Enginee r's Day. The day is designed to give prospective engineers a close r look at life at UM R. Members of seve ral service groups conducted campus tou rs which e nabled visitors to famil iarize the msel ves with the faciliti es. The excellent disphl) set up by the va rious cl tâ&#x20AC;˘partments offered close-ups of the laboratories and equipme nt used in particular fields. Faculty me mbers were on hand to explain the exhi bits and answer any qu esti ons from the interested ob ervers. Also the guests heard from many ca mpus organ iza tions and clubs, whose programs rounded ou t the day's view of U M R.
Department representatives were available to answer questions.
Pledge Dance enhanced
Plt•clge part} \H't'kend wa-. prim ari l> devoted to tlw I ratern il> pl edge~. Pledges compo-.ed and carried out the thcnt('' for the various partit'" lwld around the t·ampu'> Tht·) also took ch ar~<.' of planning and t•reating the decoratiom for the fratt•rnit\ hou'><'" \ number of plcdgt• cla.,.,c., aJ.,o po~tra~ t•d a<:th <.' members in .. kib '' hit·h mimicked unmual P<'r'>nnaJil) trait., and amu'>ing C'-CIIh of tlw past )Car. Frida} and Saturday night acth itie., included hayridt•'>, coslumt• parties, and pork oulings. Throug hout tlw wcc·kend num<•rous organizations lwld .,ocial "teas·· to bdtt•r acquaint mern bt•r., and pledges. OH•rall Pledge Part} Weekend gaq• the \I iner'> a "clcomc break from the demanding L \1 R curri<:ulum
Unusual themes highlighted many fraternity parties.
A fully enjoyed party weekend i.s eliidt>nt
in the faces of these ~ rrls.
unique party themes
jim Reachner and pinmate, Susie Nicholson , swing out at a Saturday night party.
Phi Kaps theme for the weekend was" Pledge Breakout"
Snow sets mood 路for E\emplif) ing the true spirit of Chri~trnas, nunH.' rou:, carnpm organizations gave Christmas parties lor underprivileged children of the area U!> a prelude to Christmas Part) Weekend. The parties provided opportunities for the Miners and their dates to realize a tru e m ean ing of Christmas. Also highlig hting the weekend was the annual Inte rfrate rnit y Counc:il Sing, he ld on Friday evening in the Student Union Ballroom. Sigma Nu c:aptured first among the quartets with a presentation of " Pass Me By" whil e Tau Kappa Epsilon was named t he top c horus after singing .. The re is Not hing Like a Dame". F estive decorations adorned fraternit: houses and dorms, adding to the warmth and g aiety of the season. Saturday night the Student Union Board spo nsored a Christmas Dan ce featuring the talen ts of " The Kornmot ions.路路 Sigma Pi' s quartet finished second in the IFC sing.
Alumni join Pikers in singing the traditional Christmas carols.
Christmas Party Weekend
Teke' s rendition of" There is Nothing Like a Dame" won them first place in the chorus dioision.
Old Man Winter contribrtted to the party weekend a blanket of snow.
Queen judy Ann Haynes and her court reig n over the Military Ball.
Scabbard and Blade hosts The UMR Color Guard leads the Queen to her throne.
The twenty- ninth annual Mili tary Ball was one of th e social highlights of the year at U MR. Sponsored by the Scabbard and Blade, the national honorary student military association, the forma l dance featured the music of the Drifters. The eve ning's presentations began with the tapping ceremony in which seve n membe rs of the Roll a communit y and UM H facult y w<.>rc initiated as associate me mbers of Scabbard and Blade. Following the tapping ceremony was the official transfer of co mm and of the UM R ROTC Cadet Brigade. The former Brigade Commander, 2nd Lt. Frank A. Gerig Ill presented the colors to Chancellor Baker, wh o, in turn , prese nted them to the new Command er Cad et Colonel Lonn y L. Ludwig. T he high light of th e eve ning was the coronatio11 of the Military Ball Queen. Miss Jud y Ann Nayncs, re prese nti ng Lambda Chi Alpha, was selected for the honor. Her court was comprised of Miss Carol Adams, representing Kappa Alp ha, and Miss joyce Day represe nting the Pcrshi11g Hiflcs.
Full Military dress is appar路 ent on thi$ night.
annual Military Ball j oyce Day receives baslcet of flowers at annual Ball.
Miss Joy Zumbeh l Crowned Frida~
evening, at the Coronation Ball, \11 iss representing Sigma Pi, wa~ sebchl, Joy Zum lected as the ) ear路 s Queen of Lo\ c and Beauty. Chosen as her maids of honor were Miss Carol Harmony, representing Campus Club, Miss Joyce Dohr, representing Tech Club, Miss Mar) Yohscn, represen ting Sigma Phi Epsilon, and Miss Karen Weinberger, represe nting Delta Tau Delta. After the lovely Queen was crowned .. five dignilarics were initiated as Knights of St. Patrick's Court. Thev were UM R Chancellor Merl Baker, U. S. Represe ntative Richard Ichord , State Senator J. F. Patterso n, Rolla Mayor Eugene Northern, and j ohn A. T ryo n. The dance, featuring Ernie Fields and his Orchestra, foll owed the ceremonies.
Herald. Chuck Miller. signals the entrance of St. Patrick.
St. Patrick and his court enjoy the music of the Ernie Fields Orchestra.
Queen of Love and Beauty
St. Patrick p1'epares to dub six Missouri Dignitaries honorary knights of his court.
Queen joy Zumbehl makes her grand entry at the coroTiation ball.
Robert Lory proudly carried the Queen's crown.
Float parade honors Walt D isney
A sunny Saturday in March se t the stage for the UM R St. Pat'~ parade. Paving the way for St. Pat were th e St. Pat's board with mops and buckets of green paint. Then came the ga) Irish gentleman in his freshman powt>rcdmanure preader. Officials and floats insucd . The theme of this ) car's float competition wa~ .. A Tribute to Wall Disnc\ .. with Fiftv- ine rs C lub capturing the first , place trophy with their 路路snow W hite and t he Seven Dwarfs." Sigma Pi seized the second place trophy with " Alice in Wonderland", and Kappa Sigma's "Peter Pan" received third place. Among the non-float e ntries ''ere the Key Stone Kops, South Central Missouri Shrine Club, Bonnie and C lyde, Job's Daughters, and the Ile lias Cadence Corps. Beta Sig' s enfr!J was called "All Aboard for Frontier Lattd".
The theme of the entire parade was "A Tribute to Walt Disney".
Stgma Pi won the seco11d place trophy with their .. Alice in Wonderland" float .
Fifty-Niners took first place with their colorful "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" de~ign.
Phi Kappa Theta, who won first place last year, built this year's queen' s float. The theme for their jloat was "Tomorrow/and".
Kappa Sil{ma was awarded third place f or their float's portrayal of " Peter Pan".
Various activities add spice
The St. Pat's Board painted a green stripe down Pine Street Saturday morning beforP the parade.
Freshmen representing campus organizations pulled St. Pat and his knights in a manure spreader during the parade.
Phyllis McNally and her date enjoy the GD I street dance.
to St. Pat's Weekend
Adding to the spirit of St. Pat's, numerous traditional C\'ents took place around the city of Rolla. St. Pat arrh cd Frida' afternoon and was welcomed by the students at the Top H at Lounge. After a brief sta) at the welcoming, he travelled to Lion's Park where he judged the men's sL\-pack chu g and the gi rls' quart chug. A contest for the best-looking cudgel was a lso held at the park. Sig ma T au Gamm a placed first in the contest, while Pi Kappa Alpha took second. Saturday a fte rn oon St. Pat reigned over the knight ing ceremon ies held at J ackling Fie ld. The fraternities, eating clubs, a nd dorms each e lected a member to be dubbed a knig ht of St. Pat. Th is consists of the clectee be ing dumped into a vat of green refuse mixed and aged for three months b) the St. Pat"s Board.
Sig Eps and dates add the finish ing touches.
The knighting ceremonies left the newly dubbed knights in need of a shower.
Carnival highlights Friday Greek Week was the final party weekend of the year. Warm, balmy weather and high spirits combined to make it one of the best ever. The Greek Carnival held Friday night at Lion' s Park wa~ the most successful to date, taking in over S21 00 for the Bm s Town of Missouri at St. James. Tau Kappa 路 Epsi lon, came awa} with all honors at the carnival, taking first place in booth decorations, and in most mone) collected with $300. Phi Kappa Theta and Kappa Sigma p laced second and third, respectively, in booth decorations while Kappa Sigma and Delta Sigma Phi collcctecl second and third place money. P.A. systems helped in drumming up business for
the booths.
The booths showed a profit of over $2100.
Kappa Sigma's booth placed second in most money taken in and second irt the best-decorated booth category.
night of Greek Week
Alpha Epsilon P( s pie throw gave studen ts an opportunity to even the score with UM R professors.
The Dalton Gang provided music for Creeks taking a break from the action of the carnival.
A warm. sunn) cia) contributed great!~ to
the enjoyment of the Greek Week Games held at tlw Grotto in Newburg. The 1968 Greek Week Queen was Miss Lisa Valenti. rcpreS<'nling Pi Kappa Phi. First runner up was Miss Pat Cattoor of Tau Kappa Epsi lon. Overa ll ''inner of the Greek Games was Tau Kappa Epsilon. T he T ekes took first place in the chariot race and tug of war. To concl ude the afternoon at the Grotto a dance was he ld iu the pavilion with the D a lton Gang prov id ing the m usic. Saturday evening parties were held a t the various fraternity houses bro ug ht Gree k Week 1968 to a close.
T his was the Creek Week god's official chariot for the weekend.
Teke wins overall trophy for The god Zues, Ray Behrens, makes a ruling on on e of the games from the god's pavilion.
The high point of the afternoon at the grotto was the Creek games. The wheelbarrow race proved to be one of the most exciting.
second consecutiv e year Stiff competition was quite el)ident in all of the games-especially the chariot race.
Over seven hundred degrees
Dean j ohnson and Chancellor Baker present Mr. Frey with his honorary Doctor of Engineering degree.
President W eaver addressed the graduates before conferring the degrees.
Commissions in the United States Army Reserve were presented to fifty men.
Con ferred at Commencement
The ninch-fifth a nnu al Commencement exercises were' he ld on the UM R campus on Sunday ~1 ay 26, 1968. Approximately 550 B. S., 160 M.S., and 12 Pll. D. degrees were granted. For the first lim e in the historv of UM R two A.B. d egrees were gra nted . The Baccalau reate Address was given by Dr. j oseph R. Rosenbloom, Rabbi of the T e mple of Emmanuel in St. Louis .. Or. Donald N. Frcv, Vice-Preside nt of Product Manageme nt for 'the Ford Motor Company. gave the Commencement Address entitled 路路 Wh('l'(' the Action Is." U M R conferred the honorar) Doctor of Engineering degree on Dr. Fre). Also sixteen professional degrees were a'' a rded to persons who have made outstanding con tributions to the enginee ring profession.
Dr. Donald N. Frey spoke to the graduates on '' Where the Action Is".
This year's class was the largest to ever graduate from the University of Missouri-Rolla.
Spor ts
Coaches Allgood, Finley , Mercier, and Van Nostrand prepare to l{ive pep talks for the Homecoming Came.
Coaches direct
AthleHc director B1lly Key prepares a final draft of the varsity basketball schedule.
athletic program
Cross Country Coach Gale Bullman checks next year's schedule.
During the past year, Athle tic Directo r Dewey Allgood, with the aid of his staff, has no t onl y inc reased the atte nd a nce at varsity games but has also provided the stud e nts with fin e varsity teams. By expanding its fund s for athle tic sch olarships, the UM R coaching sta ff this year provided the school with winning se asons in two of the four majo r spo rts. In addition, Burr Van Nostrand is the director of Intra mural Athletics a nd a ctivities. The Athletic de pa rtme nt a t present manages a ll school sports except Rug b y with e leve n staff me mbe rs.
Dewey Allgood, head football coach, diag rams a new Miner defen se on the board.
BACK ROW, Left to Ri~ht : D. Williams, S. Kutska, 0 . McCallister, A. Richardson, R. McWilliams, S. Walker, R. Choura, T. Grieve, B. Heinle, J. Nail) , D. llarrb, E. Hanstein, ~1. Rader, M. ~ l oore, M. Clapper, S. Charmack, B. Murph) , B. Berry. vt. Jones, E. Sweet. MIDDLE ROW: R. Doyle, T . Lcirer, D. Pfefferkorn, R. Colombo, M. Holtkamp, R. Miller, j . Grawe, D. Price. L. Shiffner, E. Lane, E. Williams, F. White, F.
Miners Victimized
SEASO N RESULTS Opponents Miners Hardi ng College . . . . . . . . . . 14 25 Kansas ( Pittsbu rg) State . . . . 14 t M is ouri Vallev . . . . . . . . . . 13 34 Wi lliam Jcwcli ........... 28 14 SWMS, Springfield ......... 21 9 CMS, Warrensburg . . . . . . . . 21 0 S EMS, Cape Girardeau ...... 34 0 EMS, Kirksville . . . . . . . . . 13 7 NW MS, Maryvill e ........... 34 19 .
Winfield , K. Price, J. Stroud, P. Vaughn, L. Stout, A. Zaborac, D. Heisler, K. Schweigert, T . Leahy. FRONT ROW: L. Hill, B. Nicodemus, L. Car:>ente r, K. Florence, R. Erxleben, D . Steenrod , M. Hill, J. Moll, K. Austin , :;. Adrian, T . Owe ns, M. Fridley, C. Wen inger, D. Sauer, L. Dooms, W. Henehan, C . Taylo r, L. Oliver.
Strong Opponents
'Jewey Allgood, in his fourth year as head coach of he Miners, watches them battle an opponent.
Halfback Rich Erxleben cuts across the fteld as Bob Nicodemus and Ron Mtller lead the way.
Despite many blitzes by the S MS secondanJ, Ron Miller remained calm and had a f ine day in the passing department.
Thi year's H omecom ing game matched the Mine rs against the So uth wes t Missouri State Bears. 路 From t he begin ning the Mine rs ra n into troub le whic h thev could no t handle. It all started w hen SMS fullbac k Tom Gold broke loose fo r a 60 yard to uchdow n. This set the te mpo of the game as SM S went o n to cross the goal line again in the second a nd fo urth q uarte rs. The Mine rs scored in the second q ua rte r. The Mine r offe nse sta rted rolling a fter j oel Stro ud , Miner line backe r, intercepted a SMS pass. Afte r 2 pe nalties amo unting to 30 ya rds a nd a pass from Ro n Mille r to Rich Erxle be n, the M in c rs fo und the mselves o n the SMS 12 ya rd line. Mille r the n flippe d a pass to La rry Oliver fo r th e Mine rs on ly score. The Mine r defensive unit proved its worth la te in the first qua rte r whe n the Bea rs we re he ld for four plays whil e pos ition ed o n the Rolla 11 yard line. 110
As Sprin}!.{ie/d' s strong defensive ltne puts on a hard rush , Larry Oliver displays his style of place kicking which made him U M R' s top place kicker last season.
A Springfie ld runner finds no escape as he is confront ed by three members of the fierce Miner defensive unit.
Bears Defeat Miners 21-9
Fullback Bob Nicodem us fights Jhrough the SMS ltne as an excited crowd of alumni cheer.
An SEM S ball carrie rs' quick fakes do him no good as Miners Merl Hill, Ed llanstien, and j oel Stroud quickly pursue and trap him for a loss.
UMR Blasted by Cape lnd ian路s Safety Ed Lane tackles a Cape runner, 'saving the Min ers from an Indian touchdown.
The UM R defensive unit eagerly awaits the snap in an attempt to halt a Cape Girardeau drive before a capacity Parents Day crowd.
UM R' s f ine offensive blocking enables fullback Rich Erxleben to break into the clear and pull away from would-be tacklers f or another successful gain.
The M issouri Miners we re hosts to Southe ast Missouri Sta te College o n Pa re nts' Day. 'I'he Indians o verpowe red the Mine rs capitalizing on a ba lanced ru nning a nd pass ing attack. Bo th team s we re he ld sco reless in t he first quarte r. Early in the seco nd q uarte r SEM S bro ke into the scoring column on a t hree ya rd ru n by qua rte rback Greg Brune. La ter in t he seco nd qu arte r, the Indi a ns scored aga in o n a sho rt run . T he tea ms we nt to the locke r room at ha lf time w ith a score of 14-0 on the score board in favor of SÂŁM S. The India ns cored tw ice in the third q uarte r o n a 42 yard run a nd a 40 yard pass fro m Greg Brune to Do n Gian nola. In the fo urth qu arter t he Ind ia ns scored once mo re to ice up t he game. Whe n the fin a l g un sounde d , SEM S had de feated t he Min e rs 34-0 a nd put t he m to the ir worst de feat of the seaso n. The M ine rs reco vered 4 of 5 SEM S fu m bles during the gam e but we re un a ble to get o n the score boa rd. The closes t U M R came to scoring was o n a d rive w hich was halte d at the Indians' 22 ya rd line.
Bill Hanahan stops Springfield runner with a jarring tackle.
Individual Records Highlight Season Fullback Bob Nicodemus fights to ptck up yardage against a tough Springfielcl Bears defense.
Despite the fact t hat the \1incrs didn' t finish '' ith a winning S('<lSOil, man~ notcworth~ accomplishments <:a me to pa~s this year. T" o school records were set and one was tied. Offcnsin· end Larn Olin•r set an indh idual mark for most total -~ ards received in one game with 193 vards and lied the n•cord for most pass receptions in a sing le game with I I . Oliver was also named lo the M IAA allconference team, marking the first since l9G2 that a UM H player was selected for the first tC'am . Fullback Bob i\icodernus set a game mark for most touc:hdm' ns scored rush ing when he scored 3 times against 1\1 issouri Vallev. Nicodemus and tackl e Tom Owens were sdected as alternates to the MIAA a llconference team. Good pass protecticm gave Ron Miller ample time to ftnd the mark against Springfield.
Tom Owens leads the way as Bob Nicodemus goes for long yardage aRainst the SEMS Indians.
BACK ROW, Left to Ri~ht : T . Bor~me) er, Ass. Coach Gerald Hedgepeth, Ass. Coach Leo Christopher, Head Coach Bill} Kc). T il IRD ROW B. Bnm n. L. Bornemann. \V. Lewis, L. Piepho, J. H ead; ECOND ROW: R. Deaver, C. Ferq, J. Perr) , K. \luclltâ&#x20AC;˘r: FHOi\T HOW: B. Hurt, L. Young, ~1. Windish, G. ~ l erseal. R. Vessell.
john Jlead steals a rebound from a Central Missouri State opponent.
The UM H Miners had their best basketball cason ever. This year the squad marked a 13- LO record. This is the most number of games ever won in one season by a U M H basketball team. AI o the Miners won four contest~ in the MIAA conference, "hich b abo a record. Onl v one indi vidu al record was tied this vcar. This was achieved by John llead, â&#x20AC;˘.vho pu lled down 19 rebounds against Missouri Valley. In a game aga inst Ce ntral Missouri State, senior Randy Vessell, the M in crs' top scorer, scored the lOOOth poin t of his college career, putting him fourth among th e all-time score rs at U M H. Another accomplishme nt of the Miners during the past season ca me about wh<' n UM 1\ won the Southwest Bap tist Christmas Tournamen t.
Mike Windish and Bob Hurt battle to block a shot as Lori~ Piepho and Wayne Lewis look on in the game against SEMS.
Miner Cagers Post Two Northwest Missouri State Players scramble with Loris Piepho for a rebound.
89 67 74 72 87 76 55 62 67 65 83 79 66 54 63 69 80 80 73 73 62 52 69
Cen tral Methodist College Har ris Teachers College John Brow n Un iversity Soul hwc t Baptist Coll egt:' M is~o uri Vall ey College Pit tsburg, Kansas Sout hca t \ l i so uri State Trinitv Universitv of Texas Central Missouri 路 State Southwes t Misso uri State orth eas t Missouri State ort hwes t Misso uri State Pittsburg, Kansas ortheast Misso uri State Northwest Missouri State Southwes t Baptist Coll ege llarris Teachers College Southeast Missou ri State Missouri Valley College Central Missouri State outhwest Missou ri State Southwest Baptist College McKendree
57 59 70 64 79 62 57 80 76 89 76 70 80 65 70 63 77 43 52 63 64
55 94
An Eagle guard attempts to shake up Randy Vessell on a lay-ttp .
Centr al Metho dist Skip Young gets off a j ump shot behind a j ohn Head ~>creen .
Randy Vessell, closely pursued by Central Methodist . shoots a lay-up as Wayn e Lewis fights for a rebound po.sttion.
Routed 89-57
High letlping Randy Vessell springs to grab a rebound from two Central Methodist Eagles.
Despite the fall in g snow and cold temperature, a capacit y crowd of 2000 Miners showed up for the first basketball game of the seaso n. The gam e matched UM R against the Eagles of Ce ntral Method ist. The Miner guards stole the ball tw ice in a row and scored o n fast breaks ea rl y in the game to give the Mine rs an ea rly edge. It was the M incrs all the way, as a llconference g ua rd Hand y Vessell pumped in 27 points to lead U M H to a 89-57 romp. The M incrs' explos ive offense was equalled only by the ir tight defense. As they held Central Methodist scorclc s for 7 minutes in the second quarter, UM H tallied up 15 points. H ead Coach Bill v Kcv com mented on his team's g reat poter1t ia l l)ut a lso poin ted out his conce rn over the low shooting percentage of 36.6%. T he w in was a team <'fforl as only two M in c rs hit th e doubl(' fi gunâ&#x20AC;˘ mark. They wer<.' Rand y Vessell with 27 and Wayne Lewis with J 3 points.
Bob Hurt puts up a long jumper as Skip Young, john Head and L oris Piepho battle for rebound position.
Bob Hu rt pulls dow n a rebound as Skip Young and Loris Piepho look on.
Miners Hand CMS Mules A 73-63 Defeat Warrensburg The UM R 1iners took revenge on the Ce ntral Missouri State College Mules in a contest on the Miners' home court by defeat ing the Mules 73-63. UMR had bee n defea ted earlier in th e season on the Mu les' hardwoods by a score of 76-67. The game was plag ued by a number of mistakes on both sides, however, with persiste nt second e fforts the Miners were able to stav on top for the majorit~ of the contes t. The hig hlight of the game occurred in the ope ning minute when guard Rand y cssell scored the lOOOth point of his college career. Late in the second qu arter the Mine rs took the lead 0 11 2 charity shots by John He ad and du e to an effecti ve press were abl e to hold the lead for th e re maind er of the contest. Vessell led both squ ads in sco ring with 22 points and was backed by Bob ll urt and Loris Piepho, both of UMR, who tallied 19 and 16 points, respectively.
Harrassed by Loris Piepho and Skip Young, a CMS player attempts to get off a shot.
A W arrensburg opponent is outjumped by the Mjners' W ayne L ewis at mid-court.
l 1 ~1R defeated the Kirb\illc Bulldogs, making them the victim!> of their first M IAA confcrcnC(' ,路icton of the seasou The i\ l iners fought past Ei\IS, outscoring them by I points, 83-76. Hustle and abi lil~ lo capitalize upon their opponents numerous turnovers pia) cd irnporta11l role i11 the Miner's 'i<.:tory. Lcadi11g scorer was Paul Ozug of EMS with 29 points. Close behind was Randv Vessell of UM R with 28. Lori Piepho was ~lso a UM R standout, scoring J 7 points and grabbing 17 rebounds. In addition to Vessell and Piepho, two other Miners, Bob Hurt and Mike Windish, scored in double figures. Even though Kirksville held an edge in field goals. U M R scored on 23 of 33 c harity s hots which proved to be the margin of victory.
Mike Windish leaps high to control the tip for the Min ers.
NEMS players battle UM R guard Bob Hurt for a rebound 08 Loris Piepho looks on.
Players prepare to rebound as Wayn e Lewis attempts to add to the Miner score.
Bulldogs Fall to
UMR Cagers, 83-76
Randy Vessell. Mike Windish and Wayne Lewis hmtle down the court executing afa.~t break. 123
Co-captain judy Davidsor1 looks hopefully for a11other UM R score.
Cheerleaders Fine form is exhibited by the squad only after long hours of practice.
judy Davidson, Susy Heintz, janet Davidson, Donna Burkhardt, and Lendi Stettler signal for two more points from theM iners.
Back Miners with high enthusiasm A Miner touchdown wins a smile of admiration from co-captain Vicki Hubbard.
This year the cheerl ead ing sq uad consbtcd of seven members. Judy Davidson an d Vicky Hubbard we re elected co-captains for the '67-'68 season. The ehee rl eade rs trv to insti ll ent husiasm and excitement ln the fans at all Miner football and basketball games. This cheering can incite a team to p i a~ a much better game beca use they know that the crowd is backing them. All SC\<'11 girls have worked hard in order to create cheers which wi ll appeal to the Miner fans.
BACK ROW, Ldt to right: B. Rile~ .
J. Stuart,
R. Crcceliull. M . Burke, E. Dunning, K. Austin. NliDDLE ROW : T . Wchn<>r.
D. Laue!... S. Rolland , B. Kimball. FRONT ROW: K. Schweigert, A. Mahanna, S. Wilson, K. He llman, J. Weber.
UMR Rugby Club Expands On an in-bounds pass Doug Lauck and Mick Burke attempt to steal f he ball from an Indiana player.
The St ud(' nt Co un c il sponsored U. M.R. Rugb) Club en tered its fifth season of competiti on th is year. One sign ificant cha nge is that the Ruggcrs played an independent chedulc this year and d id not co m pete in the Missouri Ru gb~ Football Union. A weia welcome addition to the Rugb) Cl ub is Major Kcogy, the C lub's new advisor. The 路cason was hi ghlig hted by the M incr' s defeat of top-ranked rndiana b\' the score of 18-8. Resem bling a com-bination of football and soccer, U.M. H. Hugby is characte rized by hard contact and fast action.
Competitio n Keith Austin reaches out for a loose ball as teammatt>s gather to help out.
U.M .R. Ruggers watch as Tom Weimer tries to evade two Indiana tacklers.
The Varsity tennis team completed a successful season as they compiled a record of 4 wins and only one loss in regular season play. Their only loss came at the hands of Washington University by the score of 0-9. The team recorded victo ries over Southwest Baptist by the score of 9-0, Westminster, 5-4, McKendree 7-0, and Evangel 6-3. Despite their successfu] season th e team managed to finish on ly a distant sixth place in the M IAA conference match.
Coach Morgan demonstrates the correct swing for a backhand shot.
Tennis Team Faces Tough Competition
Left to right: Danny Sabo, Neil Rusch, Dick H e rron, Hich Hill, Bob f'leckal, Coach Morgan, Joe Reynolds.
Sta ndin ~ . Le ft to rig ht: Sgt. Sm ith, J. H afkc m c ~cr. R. Whe iO\e, B. H ill. D. ~1ursch, Sgt. Meredith. Knccli n~ : W. Arbogast. C. Burls. C . Duffner, C. Fo<>lt'r, D. Frauenhoffcr.
UMR Rifle Team gains top honors
Unde r the d irection of Ma te r Sergeant Wi lliam Meredith, t he rifle team has posted an unde feated season in shou lder to sho ulder compe tition this yea r. ln the a tio na l Rifle Associa tio n Conve ntio nal a nd Sectio nal the Miners placed first o ut o f t he 55 te ams. The Mine rs also capt ured first pl ace in the Inte rnatio nal Inte rcolleg iate RA Sectio nals as the y outfired 22 tea ms. Invitations we re given to Richard Wh e lovc, Richa rd Mursch, and Robe rt H ill to tryout fo r the U. S. O lym pic Rifle T ea m . In add itio n to its many honors, the squad was a lso ran ked second amo ng t he top te am s of the nat ion.
Bob Hill shows that hitting the bulls eye requires a steady hand and a sharp e ye.
Standing, Left to right : Coach Finley, M. Kissing, P. Welsch, D. Arney. P. Vaughn, D. Hemenover, K. Kappus, R. H o~cnkoetter. L. Hill. D. Gray, E. Hanstein, L. Grieve, R. llorton, R. Hassclfcld, S. Ballman, j . Lamhcrt; Kneeling : K. Browne, D. Carr, D. Duun. S. Notestine.
UMR Track Team Posts 6-4 Steve Ballman breaks the tape after a ftn e performance in the 880 yard run. Steve holds the 880 yd. UM R record.
110 33
92 41
46 J 15 71 109
OPP. Evangel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Arkansas Tech . . . . . . . . 54 School of Ozarks 53 Springfield . . . 63 SEMS . . . . . . 99 W es tminste r . . 29 W as hington U. . ...... 74 Central Methodist . . . . . . . . 37
Record Throwing hts legs and arms high, Paul Vaughn 路records a fine jump in the competition.
Fine form u dUplayed by Paul Vaughn fn the javelin.
Lorenzo Hill lunges hard in an attempt to win the shot put.
Long hours of practice enabled john Lambert to effortlessly cfear the pole vault bar.
The 1968 track season was one of man\ record breaking performances. Leading thfs year's team in total poi11ts scored was cocaptain D avid Gray. Gray compiled 93 Y.a points as eomparccl to his nearest teammate Ben Arney who c,cored 80 'h points. The conference meet held at Warrensburg was won b) NE~1S . Although the Miners smashed four school records, thev sti ll onl\' managed to take a distant sixth ,}lace in th~路 conference standings. Steve Ballman broke his own 880-vard run record as he was clocked at I :.5.5.2. In the 3-rnile run Stan otestine improved his old record by 3.5 seconds as he was timed in 1.5:20.9.
Steve Bums easily clears the high jump bar as a spectator watches.
Cindermen set new Track records Fine form and good speed helped Dave Gray, Don Hemenover, and Rich Rosenketter
fintsh strong in the 120-yard high hurdles.
BACK ROW, Left to Ri~ht : Coach Christopher, R. Eilers, B. Frescatore, A. Spector, M. Windish , D. Schrick, T. Podgorny, D. Albert, L. Shaw; M I DDLE ROW : B. Romain, J. Callahan, T . Broccard, M. Woodlock, T. Frisby, R. Karger, M. Termini, j . Il ughcs, T. Nixon ; FRONT ROW : P. Colombatto, D. Heisler, D. Miera, L. Hall, T. Smith, K. Shuey, D. Blunier.
MVP award winner Ken Chuey delivers another fine pitch.
Shortstop Pete Colombatto crosses the plate for another score against SMS.
Strategy for tire inning is planned out by Coach Christopher.
Last vcar the U M R baseball team came with in 2 'runs of winning the MIAA di vision baseball championship. This year, in a rained-o ut game, th e Miners defeated the Springfield Bears 2- l for the M IAA championship. Since rain ed-out games were not to be replayed, the UM R record of 4-3 decided the conference champion. Tom Frisby pitched a fine two-hit shutout in a ll-0 win against Warrensburg. AI Spectre and Ken Shuey led the team in hitting throughout the year.
Ken Shuey takes a ball/ow and into the dirt.
Min er catcher Terry Broccard waits for the peg as an Evangel plate.
runner crosses the
0. 0. 5 5 5
6 17 17
1 ll
Opponents SEMS, Cape Girardeau ....... SEMS, Cape Girardeau ....... SWMS, Springfield . . . . . . . . . . SW~lS, Springfield . . . . . . . . . . SEYt S, Cape Girardeau ....... SE~ I S, Cape Girardeau ....... SEMS. Cape Girardeau ....... Evangel College . . . . . . . . . . . . Harris Teachers College . . . . . . CMS, Warrensburg . . . . . . . . . . CMS, Warrensburg . . . . . . . . . . CMS, Warrensburg . . . . . . . . . .
Outfielder Den Bloom er coasts in on an easf} stand up triple.
are MIAA Conference Champions
Teammates congratulate M ike Windish on his home run against Evangel College.
3 3 3 4 6 1 4 4 8 6 0 2
The Miner's talented golf team compiled a uccessful 12-1 record t his season. Orur~ College and Kirks' ille were two of t he top teams that \\ere defeated easil ) b) the Mi ner squad. Their onl> los v. as at the hands of t he SMS Bears in the M lAA con fe rence match held at Warrensburg. The Miners p laced second in the conference as they lost to the SMS team bv the score of 797-810. Fred Parks was Medalist for U. M. R. in the conference p layoff with a 36 hole total of 151.
Golfers post 12-1 Season A well-executed, powerful swfng is essential for good drives.
Left to right: B. Brinkhoff, P.
D. Traut, S. Coats. L. Smith, B. Cage, F. Parks, B. Palmer, Coach Mercier.
Intramural Standings '59er C lub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tech C lub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sigma Phi Eps ilon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sigma Nu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phi Kappa Theta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. R. II. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lambda C hi Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kappa Sigma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kappa Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beta Sigma Ps i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas jefferson . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Pi Kappa Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Engineers C lub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tau Kappa Epsilon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sigma Pi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1911.00 1780.00 1693.75 1663.25 1663.00 1608.25 1561.50 1499.00 1488.50 1482.00 1318.25 1316.50 1143.50 1100.25 1098.25
Delta Sigma Phi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1097.00 Sigma Tau Gamma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055.50 Shamrock Club . . . . . . . . . ... . .... 1048.00 Alpha Phi Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 1.00 Theta Xi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 948.50 Delta Tau Delta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 932.00 Campus Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927.00 Prospectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893 ..50 Baptist Student Un ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783.75 Alpha Epsilon Pi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727.50 Triangle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570.00 Theta C hi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421.25 Acacia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402.50 Phi Beta Iota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380.50 Wesley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298.50
Tech Club handed Sigma Nu its only season loss to take the IM football championship.
Tech Club captures Football Crown Frank Fix, intramural man of the year, breaks through in pursuit of a Thomas j efferson ball carrier.
T ech Club captured the intramural flag football c hampionship as they defea ted Sigma Nu by the sco re of 14- 13. This was on ly the second cha mpionship in T ech Club history as they compiled an 8-0 record this season . Sigma u, last year's c hampions, finished the ir season in second place with a 7-1 mark. A stro ng Kappa Sigma team placed third in the sta ndings as M. R. H . A. a nd Sig ma Phi Epsilon finished fourth a nd fifth respectively.
The intramural basketball title was captured by the '59er Club for the fourth straight year. Alpha Phi Alpha was beaten b, the '.59cr~ 85-48 in the deciding ga~11c. Although Alpha Phi Alpha had jumped to a ~light lead late in the first half. the '59crs rccO\'Crcd to win handily. Kappa Alpha placed third by defeating Tech Club by the score of 6 59. Th is game gave Tech Club fourth place honors as Kappa Sigma finished a dose fifth.
59ers sweep
IM Basketball Two players go high in the air for a tip off in the championship game.
For the 3rd straif.!ht 11ear, 59ers fine team has captured the IM basketball title.
The Phi Kap team proudly displays the first place volleyball irophy.
Phi Kaps retain Volleyball supremacy
Phi Kappa Theta won the U.M. R. intramural vo lleyball cha mpionship for the second straight year as they defeated a stubborn Beta Sigma Psi team in a best of three playoff series. Be ta Sig advanced its way to the finals onl y after e liminating a fine Kappa Alpha team . The final playoff Sf'r ies was hig hlig hted by a grueling two hour ma tc h wh ic h Phi Ka ppa The ta won by a narrow marg in. Following Beta Sig in the stand ings were Kappa Alpha, placing third and Pi Kappa Alpha, fourth.
Mike Windish spikes hard for another point against Beta Sig.
Although unable to place first in any of the weight groups, Kappa Alpha displayed true teamwork as they won the 1968 intramural wrestling champio nship. KA compiled 35 points as Sigma Nu and Tau Kappa Epsilon tied for second place with 26 points each. Points were awarded on a system which gave one point for entering, one point for a decision, and two points for a pin. Those who reached the finals received six team points for a pin, five for a decision , and three for a loss.
Larry Oliver strains to tum his opponent over for the ptn.
lntramura I Wrestling
The first place winners (standing) and runners up showed fine wrestling ability in the matches.
The intramural softball championship -... as taken by the '59er C lu b. The season was climaxed as th e '59ers beat Lambd a Ch i Alpha in the fin al game. Lambda Chi Alpha had to beat a strong M. R. H. A. team in order to advance to the finals competition. The '59ers found the ir wav to the finals onlv after d efeating S'igma Phi Epsilon b'y the score of 4-1. Sigma Phi Epsilon, howeve r, ma naged to place third in the overa ll softball standings.
A '59er gets set for the pitch in a semi-final game against Sig Ep.
59ers are Intramural Softball victors '59ers first place softball team helped them win first place in intramurals.
Alpha Phi Alpha proudly displays its awards for winning intramural track.
Ernie Williams takes the handoff as anchor man in the 440 yard relay.
A<I> A triumphs â&#x20AC;˘
IM Track
Alpha Phi Alpha won the intramural track championship as they compiled a total of 28 team points. Sigma Phi Epsilon was second with 21 team points as Beta Sigma Psi and T ech C lub tied for second with 19 points each. A new 440-yard relay record w as set by Alpha Phi Alpha' s tea m as they rounde d the track in 45.2 seco nds. T ec h C lub's John Wagne r broke the broad jum p record as he leaped 22' 4 Vz ". Mike Jones of Sigma Pi ran the 120 low hurdles in 13.6 seco nds to break ve t a n¡ othe r record.
The team of Dixon & Edwards from .59'ers won intramural tennis doubles.
Bob Conzelman from Kappa Alpha finished second in tennis singles.
59'ers are IM net cham pions The intram u ra l tennis s ing les crown was captured by Kappa Al pha. The KA learn finbhed fir'>l first and third in the upper and lcl\\ er dh i..,ions respective!~. The Pro'>pedors C lub placed seco nd "hile Sig m a T au Gamma and Eng irH'('rs C lub lied for third . The '>pring lenni., doubles c:hampio n... hip "a., taken b~ l he 59' e r Club. The Ka ppa Sigma douhl<路s team "as th e runnc r- u p in th e nwtc:h.
Taking till' iutramural golf troph) lor I H6i was Tt•ch Club's t<.•aan of Bob Palml'r ami Boh Cag<.' Tlu.'s<.• l\HI men lini'>lwd tlw 36 hole~ "ith a <:ombiawd lot.1l of 30i .. troke'>. ShamrO<:k ., team of \lake Bn)\\ n and Bill Lahmor placed l"oiJ<)\\ ing 31(} \trok<.' \ \\ ith !\('l'Oild do"><.' behind "<.'r<.' Thomas jdft•r<.,ou, fani'>lllng third '' ith :318 .. troke'>. and Lambda Chi \lpha fourth "ith 320 o,trol..<.•o, The individual medali'it ''a' \like Brcmn as he set a record forth<' n.• \bed wursc ''ith a 3(-i hole total of 119 Bob Palmer ami Bob Cage won the Intramural Golf trophy for Tech Club.
Palmer practices hts putting stroke as Ca~e ob!!UU\ hh form
Tech Club takes Intramural Golf
Organiza tions
ROLLAMO-FRONT ROW: Sudin, P. , Photographer; Richards, D. , C lasses Editor; Drag, C. , Editor-in-Chief; Wedge, W. , Associate Editor; McNally, P. ROW 2: Kelly, D., Photographer; Rechner, j .. Distribution Manager; Efthim, A. , Organizations Editor; H awkins. ) ., Photographer; Kissel, S. , ScheUman, L. , Literary Editor.
Rollamo Board The " Rollam o" is the offic ial st udent annual of the University of MissouriRolla. The ROLLAMO BOARD is the superv ising and publishing group responsib le for the preparation of the volume. The book is distributed in the fall of each year and covers the 路a ctivities of the previous school year. Editorial and management posts are .fill ed on the basis of continuity of service and compete nce in completing duties.
Good photography is necessary for any school yearbook.
Clem Drag, Editor-in-Chief, prepares a final draft for his section.
Rick Kolaz.
Spo rt~
Editor. checks the proportions for
a picture.
Keith W edge. Clem Drag, and Andy Efthim
check over finished layouts bef ore senclin{{ them to I he publisher.
Missouri Miner The MISSOURI M lN EH is the official publication of the students of the U nive rsity of Missouri at Rolla. The reg ular weekly addition keeps the stude nt bod y, alumni , and oth e r subscribe rs we ll informed of campus news a nd acti vities. The paper contains news, announceme nts, and sports coverage. Besides the regular iss ues, special editions like the St. Pat's and April Fool's Day issue add to the paper's varie ty. This year the stude nts e njoyed a special playmate addition .
Bob Mildenstein , make-up editor, makes some last minute checks.
MINER- FRONT ROW : Boswdl, R , Burks, C .. 'vtanaging Editor; Mildenstein, Make-up Editor; McNally, P., Fix, F., Editor-in-Chief; Julian. C., Sport'> 1:-::ditor; C o rbett. T .. Cop~ Editor; ROW 2: Ellis, P., Asst. Sports Editor; Lajeunesse, C. . 13<>) It-, G., Feature Sports Writer; Vincente. T., C ir<:ulation Manager; McKelvey, }., Features Editor; Fry, T. , Asst. Managing Editor; Attebc m . \1 .. Ad\ Crtising ~t anager; ROW 3: Kalbac, R. , A!)st. Make-up Editor; Rueter, D., Proofrcadl.'r; H awkins, J .. Photographe r; Berger, J., Sport!. Writer; Kissel , S., Weber} . , Asst. Copy Editor. 152
The staff works hard to get the papeT out on time each week. Don Rueter and Gary Burks work on the placement of copy.
Chief Announcer Dave Cantwell begins a program as Station Manager Bob Schwab looks on.
The station featured a number oj educational tapes.
KM \1 - foRO\lT HOW Lt•ttrwr. W . Faculh Ad,·isor, Cantwe ll, 0 , C hief Announcer; Schwab. R.. Station M ana~cr . t:. Prn_!.!ram Dirl·ctur; \l iddt•n. A.. Record Librarian ; Tnon. J . A<hi~or. ROW 2: \Vii on, D., Announcer, Tho ma.,, J.. nnounct:r: llt.•n,lt'' D.. Chapman. R . Bratton, J.. Slonun. J . "''t Pro~ratn Director: ROW 3: Gambier. ] .. Annou nt't'r; Whitt.•, C., Asuwunccr: \Vood, W., Barnett, j. , Announc.•t.•r; l)a .. io;, J . ReNI, S. Announcer. Wull t·r~tetn
KMSM K~l \I is the tudcnt owned and operated radio ~ tation of the V nh ers it~ proddcs K~1 ~ 1 \ I i~souri - Rolla. of L \ 1R <,tu dents and the commu nit} \\ ith a wid e 'arieh of fin e music. K \ I M features a nuinber of educational programs in addition to enlig htening guest in ten ie'' from the campus and surrou nding area. Their broadcast schedule also con tains complete coverage of all UM R var itv football and baske tball games. This ~ear th ey expanded to 303 '' atts of effected radiated powe r. This expans ion allows the station to broadca<,t ov<'r a 27 -mile radius of Rolla.
KMSM procided a wide variety of radio /~t e n in!{.
The UMR-ROTC Marching Band
UMR-ROTC Band The UMR- ROTC BAND, which was organized nearl y sixty years ago, is sponsored jointly by the Univc rsity and th e Military Science Depa rtment. It is actuall y two bands: A marching band th at plays at foo tball games and military fun ctions, and a concert band that plays on several occasions on campus and travels throughout the state and on occasions to distant pa rts of the cou ntry. In the past th ey have appeared on television, at the annu al Cotton Carnival in Memphis, Tennessee, and at th e New York World's Fair. Prof essor Oakle y. the bands director, held daily practice sessions.
1 56
The band was composed of four concert units and two marching units.
The band under the direction of Professor Oakley. warms up for one of the many concerts held throughout the year.
M-CLUB-FRONT ROW : Weitzel, P., Duren, D .. Treasurer; Cary, D., President; otestine. $. , Vice-President ; Jcn~cn , C.. Publicit) Director; ROW 2: Tracy, R. , Kenyon, R. , Smith, R., Sch<:nk. R., ROW 3: Walke r, S., Bowin, M.. Hc}nolds, ]., Browne. K.
M-Ciub The " M" CLUB is composed of varsity lettermen. Founded in 1939 as a service organization, the main purposes of the c lub are to promote sportsmanship, to lend service to spectators, players, and officials at all UM R athletic con tests. l n past years the club has so ld refres hments at football games, provided guides for campus tours, distributed basketball programs, and helped to sponsor athletic banque ts in the spring.
The M -Cfub sold refreshments at all home football games.
lnterc olleg iate Knigh ts The Osage Chapter of the INTEHCOLLECIA TE KNIGHTS , a national se n icc organizat ion, was founded on the L \l H campus on Ma) l6, 1964. 0 age chapter b composed of 100 a ctive members requiring a grade point of 3.00 of all pro~pcc ti vc freshman and sophomore members. Throug h projects such as Coronation Ball, campus to ur guides, and e rec ting cam pus signs t he chapter strives to further the ir ideals of service, sacrifice, and loyalty.
Miss Martha Honey McNeill was selected as the 1968 Duchess of Osage Chapter of the Intercollegiate Knights.
I TER-C OLLECJAT E KN IG HTS-FRONT ROW: Brewer, J., Ad visor; Rechner, J., Expansion Officer; Boyer, J., Ward, T. , Bowin, M., Pk·d~c master ; Favignano, R. , Treasurer; J ones, P., President; Mc:Kclvt.'}, J., Vice- President ; Schmidt, T., Secretary; Myb, C .. ROW 2 : Tryon, J., Advi:,or; Ro:,:,, J., Dc nlow, 1., Mangan , L., Schwanke, C., Vinson, A., RcNI , R. , Carro n, M., Byrn. E. , Mou'>cr, C ., ROW 3: Wa~goncr, J., Clark, H. . Stuckcnwycr. R., Archer, F., Allt•n, C ., Webb. S., Umphenour. D., Cielc)\\ , K.. Hard:. . G.. PortnoH. N .. Brinker. M., Paul, D. 159
Alpha Phi Omega ALPHA PHI OMEGA is a national service fraternity open to all men who have been a part of the Scouts. The Beta Omicron c hapter at UM R was g ranted its charter in 1939. The fraternit} · s purpose is to assemble former Scouts to promote service and good will to the campus, to the community, and to the uation through various service projects. APO sponsors the annual Red Cross Blood Drive and the student book store each semester.
Alpha Phi Omega sponsored a book store at the beginning of each semester.
APO- FRONT ROW : Miller, J ., Fandel, 0 ., Historian; Schade, G., Treasurer; Bertelsmeyer, J., First Vicc.·- Prcsidcnt; Drag, D., Prt'sidcnt; Ott. W ., Secretary; J ones, F., Alumni Sccrl•tar\'; McDonald, Dr. H., Advisor; HOW 2: Qua) lc, W ., Corbett. T. , Ocnlow, l . Schwedt. S. , Rechner. J., Ward, T ., Schillin)!, K., Swift, L .. Garrett, W ., R) land, 1... HOW 3 : Lail'uncsst'. C., M) lcs, C., Eilers, R., Latta, G .. Pearl. B., Lambert . ) .. Wuocls, W., Schmidt, T .. HOW 4 : j ulian. C .. John!>on, K., Bcr)!cr. J., Becker, ] .. Hawkins, J .. Moehle, C., Bakula. j .. Constance. S.. R) tter, N.
THETA TA U-FRO T ROW: Wehner, T., Frid le} . ~ 1. . Alumni Secrctar} ; Redington, M., Corresponding Sccrt'tary; Bru ce, R. , Hoelkcr. A.. Treasurer; Moll, J., ROW 2: lle<:klt>r. P., Ro!>(.'llkoetlt•r, J.• Vangilder, J.. Hill, M .• H}land, L., ~ ~ a~well , 1. . HOW 3: Kiss ing, i\1 ., Andr<'W!>, H .. Schaflrwr. i\ 1. , B<'ltrem, H.. Farrell. H., i\ lut• ll<'r. E.
Theta Tau The Iota C hapter of THETA T AU is professional eng ineerin g fraternity that was founded on the campu!> in 1916. ~ l embc rs hip has been chosen from ~ tudents who arc acthc in <.'\ Iracu rricu lar act ivities and who have scholast ic averages a bo ve that required for grad uation. The March of Dimes "Ugly Man'' campaign, the printing of the ann ua l schoo l ca len dar, and the selli ng of mums at Homecoming were some of the activities o f Theta Tau this year. They also chose a fr eshm an of th e year and sponsored numerous social functions. a
M embers of Theta Tau are also active in other extracurricular activities.
C IRCLE K-FRONT ROW: Conavay, W., Secretary; Anderson, R. , Treasurer; Legsd in, J., President; Quayle, W., Viec- Prc!> idcnt; Ott. W.. ROW 2 : Boswell, R. , Bcibtcin, }., Miller, H., Potzmann, C., Butterfield, D., Warner, }., Forest, R.
Circle K C J RCLE K is a national serv ice organization affiliated with the Kiwan is C lu b. T he chapter, since its founding at UM R in the spring of 1964, has bee n active in many campus projects. It has increa ed both in membership and service to the campus and the community. This year Circle K sponsored a book drive to co llect books for service me n overseas and he ld a work weekend to he lp local cit ize ns.
Circle K sponsored a book drive to collect books for service men.
Scabbard and Blade SCABBARD AND BLADE, a national honorary military society, was organized to raise the standard of m il itary education a t UM R. The main purpose of the organization is to help the ROTC department in orientation at Pare nts D ay and University Day. Scabbard and Blade also hosts the annual Military Ball o n campus. Other acralSlng tivities this year included money to send the Rifle team to the national meet and donating a flagpo le for t he front of the new library.
L ,.
Cadet Sergeant Major Bartley spoke at the flagpole dedicatWn for the new UMR library.
SCABBARD & BLADE- FRONT ROW : Thiessen, C ., l st Sgt. Secre tary; Ludwig, L. , 1st PLT Sgt. ; Cullic, R. , 2nd Lt. ; Roth, L. , 1st Lt. ; L ynch, J., 2nJ PLT Sgt.; D u Bois, W. , Schatz, C., ROW 2: Bruce, R., Delaney, J., Wilcox, T ., Mitche ll, F. , Freeman, R., Carl , D., Schenk, R.. ROW 3: Abernathie. W .. Finnigan, C., Spalding. T. , Price, H., Evans. J., Davis, R. , Klema, P., ROW 4: Rothermich. R.. Palmer, S., Magee, R., Wag ner, H., Anderson, R., Stratman, R., Bartley, E. 163
St. Pat's Board The ST. PAT'S BOAHD was organized in 1930. It is composed of two members from each fraternitv and eat ing club and four member~ from both t he Independent and Men's Residence I I all Association. The purpose of the St. Pat's Board i ~ to plan the e\'ent of the St. Pat's Weekend. In addition to picking a St. Pa trick from its members, the Board raises mone\ from benefit m ovies a nd ot he r projects during the year a nd uses this monc) to sponsor such activities as the Coronatio n Ball, the flo at parade, and t he knighting c:crcmon y.
To Knig ht Missouri dignitaries, the St. Pat's Board started a new tradition of having to ldss the Blarney Stone.
ST . PAT'S BOARD- FRONT ROW: Vehige, R., Snow, M., Treasurer; Fridley, M., Secretary; Fehlig, C., President; Sauer, T ., Vice-President; Moll, j ., Tryon, ].. Advisor; ROW 2: Peterson, J., Wehner, T., Arnold, R. , Agee, D., Blankenship, K., Conrad, M., Kuhlmann, R. , ROW 3: Poehler, L., Oppenheim, M., Russell, J., Eiler, S., Hoelkcr, A.,
Miller, L., Schreiner, M., ROW 4: Burbank, E ., Neumeyer, L., Crane, J., Rowland, S., Tuetken, R. , Dun ley, J., Kimball, W., ROW 5: Snider, R., Rueter, R. , Ripley, D., Ross, L. , Dunning , E., Starke, D., ROW 6 : Nothaus, N., Lieber, J., Kesler, M., Ocffner, j ., Win ters, L. , Krueger, J.
BLUE KEY-FRONT ROW: Bruce, R.. Editor; Fesler. D.. Cantwell, D. , Scm'tary; Tryon. Warr<'n T.. Bulme r. B.. M ucller, R.
J., ROW 2: Rosen koctter. J.,
Blue Key BLUE KEY is a national ho nor fraternit y composed of members selected for the ir outsta nding traits of leadership, sc holarship, and character. The motto of Blue Ke~ i~ "Serving, I Li ve". T he orga nizat ion's objectives arc to further the b c~t interests of the Univer<; ity, to promote a spirit of fraternalism among stud ents, and to fulfill obl i ~ations of service to UM H. Blue Ke\' s Activities include the student dircc.ton, the selection of the "Societv of the Year,'' the athlet ic banquet, and the select ion of the " Man of the I onth."
Blue Key distributed student directories in the fall.
STUDENT UNION BOARD-FRONT ROW: Stephens, /路 路 Secretary; Drag, C., Vice-President; Westray, W., President; Astrack, R., Treasurer; Warren, T., Director of Specia Events; ROW 2: Bruce, R., Social Director; Richards, R. , SpeciaJ Events Chairman: Legsdin, J. , Director ot Recreation; Garnett, D., Publicity Director; Vincente, T. , Director of Lit. and Music.
Student Union Board The STUDENT UNION BOARD is composed of nine members who hand le the administra tion and pl an ning of the affairs of the Student Union. The Board sponsors a great variety of activities throughout the year, all planned w ith the wishes of the student in mind. lts a nnua l program consists of an All -School Mixe r, H omecoming act iviti es, a C hristmas Dance, games and tournaments, a nd a regular series of film class ics. A st udent rna v become a member of the Board by serving diligently on any one of the Student Union Comm ittees.
Ken W estray, Student Union Board president, talks over 路 some 'ideas with Mrs. Harvey, the board's advisor.
STUDENT COUNC IL-FRONT ROW : Barrett, R., Stanfill, R. , Mueller, R. , Pokrefke, T., Treasurer; Chasten, D., Secretary; SteckPiboM., Bytnar, M., Duggin s, G. , Smith, G., ROW 2; L udwig. L. , Ram~ey, D., Lambert, J., Schilling, D., Bakula, J., Za rae, A., Leone, J., Karger, R. , Smashey, M., Bowm, M., ROW 3: Htll, E., Henaud , N., Rhoad s, R. , Ashwood , T., Sohn, D., Gemeinhardt, R. , Burns, B., Gray, D., Ricks, D., Rue, J., Hill, R.
Studen t Counci l The ST U DENT C O UNC IL is the gove rning orga ni za tion of the stude nt bod v of the Uni versitv of MissouriRolla. lt has as its rrie m bers, re prese nta ti ves from the lnd epen d e nts, M HHA, a nd fro m each socia l f ra te rnit v a nd eating cl ub. Th e cou neil strives t~) promote coope ra tion among the diffe re nt organizations on campus, to in cre ase sc hool spirit and to pro mote s uch acti vities tha t w ill bring honor to th e school.
The Student Council is a representation of the entire student body.
IFC-FHONT ROW : Fesler, D .. ll cckler. P.. Tn•asurer; Ho~en koettcr, J., Vice-President; Farrell , R., Preside nt ; Fuller. J.. St•crctary; lkhren~ . H., A'chinger. E.. HOW 2: Kncn lein, M., SchwcdL S. , FedN, S. , Moy<:'r, D., Ryland, L. , l\lueller, E.. Roth. L. . ROW 3: ·\ uman, II , j ohnsou. R , Carr, E.. T a~ l or, C. , H ahach~. F., Graul. B.. Dunkailo, P.. RO\\' 4: l'\all. G. . Regan. L. . Spencer. T. llolwnb<'n!<.'r, F.. Kaiser. S .. Shriver, B.. Ranieri. j .
IFC The lNTER-FHA T ERNITY COUNC IL, which is com posed of two delegates from each fraternity, is responsible for the coordin ation of fratcrn itv policies and activities. The purpose <;f th<.' council is to promote better relations between the college, the public, and charitable functions such as the IFC Sing and the annual Creek Week Carnival which is he ld each May.
JFC President Bob Farrel presen ted the IFC scholarship trophy.
ICC The 1'\TEH-CO-OP COL' NCIL is an organization made up of el<'<:t('(J rcpn•-
scntath es and officer~ from the si\ eating clubs on campus. The council trh cs to prm ide a elmer connection between the eating dubs. The members of the counci l "ork together to im prm e the lcl\\ cost of living provided b~ the eating clubs through the discussion of com mon problems. Activities this year includc·d parties, outings, and va rious sen ice proj ects.
The ICC sponsored several dances throughout the school year.
INTER-CO-OP CO UNC IL- FRONT ROW : Lehman, Jr. A., Bischoff, R., Treasurer; Cross, K., Secretary; Feger, T., Vice-President; Haag, A., Executive Committeeman; Brune, J., President; ROW 2: Bortmess, J., Langford, H., Sauer, D.. Edwards, T., Pokrefke, T., Carnahan, D., Kaesberg, R. , Chabman, D., ROW 3: Blunier, D., Grimm, R. , Lloyd, W., Rosenkoetter, R. , Wortman, D., Berndorfe r, A.
AUSA-FRO T ROW: Maj. Argo. J., Advisor; Walker, M. , 1st. Sgt.; Cheek. M., 2nd Lt. ; f\1urray, M .. Captain; Logel. W .. 1st Lt. : Keogh. J., Ad.,.isor; Harrison, J.. Advbor; ROW 2: Burbank. E., Smith, D., Abernathie, W., Sabo, D., Price, H.. Bennett, J.. Elfrink, M., Freeman, R.. Cable, J., ROW 3 : Hedley, Q., McGrath, C. , Williams, II. , Durham, T .. Strang, B. , Webber. G. , Berkel, E. , Bishop, W., Blackwood, It , Shawhan, 0 ., HOW 4: Strong, W., Becker, R. , Me lzer, C. , Wood, C., Rothcrmich. H.. Cantrell, J. , McCoy, S. , He imsoth , M .. Pugh, A., Conrad, C. , Thcilmann, j ., ROW 5 : Copeland, 0 ., Townson , 0 .. Arnold. R.. Carr, E. , Powell, R., VonDemfang<路. W ., Ursch , R. , Best, R.. Bartle) , E., Watte nbargcr. J., Shriver, B.. HOW 6: Harvc~ . H .. Walke nbach . S .. DuBois, W., Murray, D. , Lee, G., Pursle y, T. , Kruckeme~ cr, W ., Boehm, M., Licschcidt, K., Cranmer, R., Ingram, j ., Stratman. R.
AUSA T he Un iversity of Missouri- Rolla' s chapter of the ASSOCIATION OF THE U ITED STATES ARMY, was founded on this campus March 18, 1968. The purpose of the AUSA is to contribut<' its resources and a lso to help support the Army in creating a sound defense for ou r cou ntrv. Plus th is the AUSA has lectures from d ifferent people in the Army. The AUSA a lso works to obtain a better relationship between the Army and the local civilians.
SEG The SOC I ET Y OF EXPLORAT ION GEOP H YS ICISTS t udcnt chapter was established on this campus with the purpose in mind of uniting students who are intNested in earth sciences and rq lated fields. Besides regular month ly meeti ngs, specia l meeti ngs are often held whe n visitors of professional achievement in the earth sciences are avai lable to cond uct discussions. Annual projects include the preparation of an exhibit for Univcrsitv Dav and 路 路 the spri ng picnic.
SEC-FRONT ROW: Kchrman, R., Advisor; Elliott, R., Secre t ary; Stewart, 0 ., President; C hrisma n, C., VicePresident; Childress, L. , T reasurer.
Fessenden. R.. Bowin, M. , Historia n; PHI ETA S ICMA- FHONT ROW : Beyer, H., Corresponding Secretary; Wa rd, Neumeyer, L., Michc•l, J., Vice- President ; Schmidt. T., President; Portnofl N ., Treasurer; Mouser, G. , Keeling, M .. Scheibal, L. , Brown, R.. Rilcy, j .. ROW 2: fitzgerald , R., Reed, H., Boob, E., Ehlmann, B.. Parkes, R. , Vernon. C. , Stcudtncr. H., Cannon, J.• Steckd. G .. Dufner. C.. Ellioh. J., Cow~ill, A.. Kk•hl. B.. ROW 3: Faulstich. G., Penhollow, B., Kuhn, T. , Alc\antlc-r, H .. Morris. L., Ooerr, W., T aylor, B.. Ethridge. M .. llcllwege, j .. Gayer, j ., Zogg, W., RO W 4: M iller, W .. j aeger, M., Dunnvatanachit. S.. Cobourn, W .. Kric•gshauser. P.. Webb. $ .. Kelly, M., chultz, K.. Dozirr, K.. Barrett. A.. AI bins. j .. Turpin, L. . HOW 5: Ta' lor, ,\ ., Crocpcr. B.. Me Ki nne~ , W ., Cross. E., Jones, J., Richardson. .. Siescncr, R.• Cook, :\1. , Roberts, C., Ford , R.. Harch . C .
Phi Eta Sigma PHI ET A S ICM A is a national honora rv fraterni t. for college fres hmen who have obtained a cu m ulali vc g rade point average of 3.50 or better. Since its fou nding at the U nive rsity of Missouri - Bolla, Phi Eta Sigma has gained recog nition for outstanding freshm e n and sophomores an d has carried out va rious service projects fo r bolh l he school and the community.
AMA ln their first year, the UM R AME RIC AN MANACEM EN T ASSOC IATION is working wit hin the newest a nd fas test growing departments on ca mpus. Holding reg ular meetings AM A is rapidl y increasing its mem bership. The prime achieve men t was starting a series of manage me nt se min ars on campu s. AMA closed ou t th e 1967-68 semester with th e first annu al A lA banquet.
AMERICAN MANAGEM ENT ASSOC IAT IO - FRONT ROW : Vo~ t . F.• McDaniel. C. j r, Vice- President; Nations, R., President ; Bcslcme. j ., Faintich, D., Siegel. B., RO W 2: Hanstein, E., Gillham, If .. Hcnr) . E .• Peterson, D., Tenes, E.• Atteberry. M .. HOW 3: picldoc:h, R. , Gu lick, M., Simon, D., Moffat , B., Tho mas. J., ROW 4 : Close, M., Taylor, J., Maddux, L. , Ha rri!>, B., Ro hm, T .
17 1
., Trea.,urer; Posch, R. , SC'cr<.•tar~; Schmidt. L. . Vic<'- Presid ent; ACM- FRONT ROW : Dod~on . C.. Smith , \kAnan ~. j .. Pres ident : \ l in kit. C. . Wilson. P.. RO\\' 2: Johnson. S.. Bbchoff, H. . Ta~l o r. R.. ~ l urra~ . D., Fauth, E.. \l oflat. R.. Bnm 11. II. , HO\\' 3: Strong. W . Enwrson. j .. J o~gers t . D . Nolan. L. . Bowen , \V., Williams. L. . Hartmann, T.
Liahona Fellowship
The student chapter of the ASSOC IAT ION FOR COM PUTI NG MACH I NERY was organized o n the UM R campus in 1962. The Rolla c hapter was the second student chapter organized in the C nited tal C's. T he purpose of t he organization is to keep its m embe rs inform ed of the latest technological advances in its rap i d ! ~ growing fiel d of computing machines and compute r scie nce. The school' s computer cente r affords the opportu nit) for stude nts to do cons iderable resea rch work on th e many appli ca ti on of computers.
The Ll AIIO NA FELLOWSH lP is an organiza tion of tlw Reorganized C hurch of Jes us Christ of the Latter Day Saints. Membership in the group is open to any stude nt who is a member of the Chu rch. The purposes of the organiza tion include the de' elopmcnt of recreatio nal a<:t i' ities for members. Activities which a re sponsored by the organ izat ion promote the ideals of their religion a nd foster a spirit of f<·llows hip.
LIAHO !A FELLOWSHI P- FRONT ROW: Kan, C ., Newcom, D., President; Krueger. J., Vice-President ; Fukubayashi, II. , ROW 2 : Grice, H., Advisor; H iatt , E., Secretary; Constance, C ., Lewis, W ., Russell, R., Advisor.
AlP-FRONT ROW : Cohh. \ .. Tn.'a!>urer: Hedrick, J.. President ; Cam<-ron. H . S<·hneider. j .. Vice- President; McClure, N .. SccrC'Ian ; ROW 2: , ielwls, S.. ~~~ lcs. C .. Sdw\\engt•rdt, H.. Ward, T . Smith. R.. ROW 3 : Aufdcmbrink. E.. Diemer, H.. \Vii mont, D .. Schwartz, D., ROW 4 : Fronabarg N , K.. \I <'ier. D.. Blankenship. E.. Stovall, M .. Sadle r. R.. Cn.•t'Min. J.
AlP Organ ized in 1arch of 1962, the UM R student section of the AM ERlCAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS was founded for the purpose of bringing together stude nt s with a com mon interest in ph ys ics. The local studen t ~ect i on has an active prog ram of speake rs, films, and maintains a physics reading room. The organization also he lps in arranging displays and tours of the physics d e partm e nt.
AIME The AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGICAL ENGINEERS is a professiona l organization designed to advance among its mem bers, know ledge of the mining AIM E sponsors various gues t industry. spea kers from industry and communit y. Other activities include field trips, banquets, various outings, and th e ma inte nance of a conference room wit h a library in the Mining Building fo r the use of studen t members of AIME.
AIM E-FHO T HOW : Feder, S.. T rea~urcr: Phelps, R.. Secrctar~ ; lli nklc, S., Vice-Pr.csident; Stubblefield, R. , Irwin, R. , ROW 2: Stucker, D., Dewey, R. , Stritzel, D., Ziegler, R., Williams, R.
ASCE-FRONT ROW : Mays, L., Waggoner, J., Wethington, B., Baur, J., Vice-President; Burch, P., H yman, W., Blow, j ., fl ollrah, D., Raithel, j ., Hockett. M., Landreth, E., HOW 2: Habegger, R.. Pokrcfke. T., J ansen, R., Mtâ&#x20AC;˘ycr, W .. Mouser, C .. Price, H ., Gil!>trap. J.. Cobb, D., Schenk H., Storr'>, S.. ROW 3: Branham, J., Forrest, R., Hadmachcr, j ., Schatz, C. , ~ I iiier, W., Long. J., Keith, T .. Lueck, H., orrb, R.. Korth, \1. , Manier. M., ROW 4 : Ellis, P., Trac~. H., Rlâ&#x20AC;˘cd , R., Brum., G .. Godwin, W., Stephenson, M., Fblwr. T ., Wegc, j ., jeffrey. M., ROW 5: Hcynolds, J., Dale, B.. lle isserer. L. . Pur~ lc~. T .. Wakefield, C ., Phillip!>, R., Ricono, M.. Wiesenmcyer, J., Gill, M.
ASCE SOCIETY The object of the AM ERICA advancement the is EERS OF C IVIL E Cl of engineering education among the students and the promotion of mutual interest among its members. The ASCE offers guest lecture~ and informative movies at their meetings. The chapter at UM R has the largest membership of any chapter in the nation. It is the only student organization on campus that publishes a newsletter, " The Survey," which is distributed to students throughout the nation.
The UM R Chapter of KAPPA MU EPSlLO was established in 1961 as a national honor socie ty composed of outstanding students in mathematics. While Kappa M u Epsilon 's interests arc primaril y centered about the unde rgraduate, graduate s tudents and racu lty mem be rs arc e ligible for membership. Each yea r the society presents awards to the outstanding freshman math student and to the outstanding mathematical project at the science fair.
KAPPA M U EPS ILO - FRONT BOW : O 'Neill, T. , Vicc-Prcsidcut; Browne, R., Preside nt; Spence, D., Treasurer; Meuser, J., Historian ; Spence, J., Porte r, C. , ROW 2: Hed ley, Q., Holman, T ., Diemer, R. , Schmidt, L. , Smith, N., johnson, K., Estes, L.
SIGMA PI SIGMA-FRONT ROW: O'Neill, T. , Nichols, S., Treasurer; Schwartz. D .. Vice- Preside nt: Aufdembrink, E.. President; Sadler. R., Secrctar~; Greeson, J., ROW 2: ~lyle~. C. , Schowlâ&#x20AC;˘ngcrdt. T .. N(â&#x20AC;˘wton, F., Cobb, A., ROW 3 : Armstrong, K.. Diemer. R.. Schneider. }.. Smith. R.
Sigma Pi Sigma
Phi Kappa Phi
SIGMA PI S lCMA , the national honorarv physics fraternit r. e ncou rages high schol a;ship attainment and a profess ional spirit and friendship between the students and facu lty. The chapter at UM R received its charter from the national organization in 1950. Since then, the fraternity has sponsored many departmental social funct ions a nd visiting lecturers from other co ll eges and ind ustry.
PH I KAPPA PHI, the national sc holarship honor societ) , was founded at UM R in 19 19. Its primary objective is the recog niti on and e ncouragement of superior scholarship. Membership is limited to faculty members, sen ior students who rank in the upper L2 Y2 percent of their class and have a g rade poi nt above 3.00, and to second semester juniors having an average above 3.50. Activities include the maintenance of a student loan fund.
PHI KAPPA Pili-FRONT HOW: Aufdembrink, E., Nichols, S.. O'Neill . T .. BraJcn, 0 ., Parker. D., Yost, K., Yeh, C. , ROW 2 : Botkin, M., Browning, F. , Storrs, S., Heaberlin, A. , Sm ithson, B., Wiseman, J.
COEDS-FRONT ROW · Tucker, K.. McNall) , P , Vice- President ; Barr, N., President; Drissel. N.. SecretaryTreasurer; David~on, J.; HO\\' 2: Durand, G.. Da' itbon. ) .. H<•nderson, S.. Glick. L.
Coeds T he COE DS, a socia l g roup open to a ll women students at the Univcrsitv of Missour iRolla, strives to promote fricncish ip and the betterment of its memhers. The group was organized in 1963 and in 1965 was recognized a~ a n officia l schoo l organ ization. Meeting arc held month l) in which programs arc presented on such topics as fashions, cosmetics, and hairstyles. Th e Coeds also present a Christmas caro ling program.
Wesley THE WESLEY F O UNDATION was founded at U M R in J923, and membershi p is open to all stude nts. Throughout t he past year, Wesley has studied t he involvements of the e ngineer in problems re lating to his life and his work. The skills and tale nts of these UM R students have been utilized in service projects throughout the state of Missouri. Wesley has also presented its programs ro severa l fraternities a nd dormitories.
WESLEY FOUNDATION-FRONT ROW : Affolter, J., Bronson, B., Swearingen, P., Treasurer; Hitt, G., President; Whitney, D., Vice-President; Minich, C., Secretary; Brunkhorst, M., ROW 2: Fisher, D., Henderson, R., Rodick, S. , Berkel, E .. Schafale, R., Program C~airman; Hardwick, J., Ch~now eth . S., ROW 3: Wagner. P., Karger, R., Hall, L., Worts, ) ., Lutz, D.. Bennett, W., Sechrest. R., ROW 4: Barmett, J., Lueck, R., Fenton, G., H oelscher, S., Lachner, J., <..arre tt, W., ROW 5: Peters, U., Fauth, E., Lamar, F., Minister; Smith, N., Smith, D., Burt, W.
(SA-FRONT ROW : Jones, J., Grabski. F.. Vice-President; Orcutt, R. . Treasurer; Lay, 0 ., Faculty Advisor; !lOW 2: ~ 1urray , C., StuckN. J., H inshaw. J., Publicity Chairman ; Anderson. W.
ISA The found ing date of the l STRUMENT SOCIETY OF AM ER ICA at U 1 R was September, 1967. It was set up with the objectives to advance its members knowledge in the sciences related to the thcor} of design, manufacture, and use of instruments and controls in the various technologies. The currcn t membership of ISA is 31. The meetings cons ist of educational programs of gcueral topics in the science of measurement and cont rols.
IEEE Founded at UM R in 1963, the INSTIT UTE OF ELECTRICAL E G l NEE RS acts as a meeting place for students in the E lectrica l engineering department. IEEE enabl es students to hear outstanding programs on the latest developments in the fi eJds of e lectricity and electronics. The IEEE also provides a link bdwccn the st udents and the facult y. The organization features special publications, field trips, a prize paper con test, and other activities.
IEEE-FRONT ROW: Kuchenin~. F.. Yoothanom . N .. Sarver, P., Fowler, R. , Vice-Chairman; Quarle, W. , Otto, C.. Porter. C ., cwlon, F., Cable. j ., Schultz, j. , Tomlin , G.. McTycr, C. , Hcfrc~hmcnt Chairman; ROW 2: Kaplan, M., Bozarth, C., Reed , M ., Emerson, J., H artmann, T. , Taylor, R., Vernon, G., Rademan, K. , Kirchner, F. , Averweg, J., eal, C., Morris. L. , Midden . H .. HOW 3 : Downey, j ., Chenoweth , S .. Clark, H., Fessenden, R.. Voss, T .. Walford, E., Simmon , ]., \lcu~cr, J., ll artung, M .. Ban, ., Ties, 0 ., We bb, R., Forbeck, J., HOW 4 : Beck, G., White, j ., Graham, D., Livengood, H.. Gulick, M ., Sm:c.hc) . ~1.. Gill, J., Omohundro, \V . McCommb, W ., Noel. R.. Herzog. W. , Mitc hell, }., HOW 5: Stigall. j .. Williams, D .. Ale\ander, H ., Adams, W., Engclbr<'cht, 11., Dippel, H .. Gillmore, j ., Riche). j ., Anderson, M., Deem, J., Owens, R., Cook, F.
SIC 1A GAMMA EPSILO -FRO T ROW: Knenlcin, M., Treasurer; Oewev, R. , Secretary; Besleme, J.. President; Shah, J., Corresponding Sccr<.'lar); Trapp, J., Vicc- Prc~idcnl ; ROW 2: ~l o!>hcr, H., Schade. G., \tt ei!>enhcimc r, j ., W~,.路d~c. K., Warner, J., Fielding. D., ROW 3: Cuneo. C . Shri' cr, B.. Phelps, R., Dinkel, T. , Gentzler, E.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon S IGMA GAMMA EPSILON is a national frat ernity that unites students of geology, mining, ceramics, metallurgy, and petroleum engineerings. The objectives of the fraternit} in clude scholarship, scientific and social advanceme nt of its members , the extension of friendship and assistance among universities , and the promotion of a better relationship between the students and facu lty of the University of Missouri at Rolla.
Spelunkers The SPELUNKE RS CLUB of the University of Missouri at Rolla is com posed of students who arc interested in the C\ploration of caves. The organization was started in the early thirties and became an official school organizat ion in l949. As a member of the Missouri Spe leologica l Survey, the dub works on matters concerning cave mapping, spe leological inform atio n, a nd cave conservation.
SPEL KERS-FRONT ROW : Shannon, P.. Web!>tcr, D., Secretary-Treasurer; Buthcrus, D. , President; Garrison, E.. Vice-President; Williams, A., ROW 2: H ackbarth, H., Cartwright, G., Burch, P., Tibbs, N., Zogg, W., ROW 3: Netherton, J., Speer, W ., Warren B., Irwin, R. , Schroll, D.
ACS-F'RO T ROW : Walther, C .. Johnson. W., Secretary: Pahlmann. C .. Pre~iclcnt; Addington. L.. Hart. R.. ROW 2: Turner, T. . Chairman-Rcfn.·~hnwnt~ Committee; Davidson . L. , Ma!>IN. H.• Logan. \ .. ROW 3: Denlow. 1. , Portnoff. .. Dillon, S.
The student branch of the AM ERICA CERAMIC SOC IETY was founded in 1926. The principal activities of the society include promotion of student interests via spea kers and programs and publicity of the field of ceramics. Me mbersh ip is open to al l department majors w ith a strong interest in ceramic science. The society is working on the developmen t of ceram ic processes d isplays to be located in t he show cases in Fu lton Hall. Thev are also engaged in efforts to pub licize UMR in their home town high schools.
The SOCIETY OF PETROLEUM ENCIN EERS is open to a ll students inte rested in thr pe troleum industry. The SPE strives to keep its members abreast of the recen t developments and technological advances through student paper contests, field trips, films, and guest speakers. The SPE also works to impress upon the wou ld-be petroleum cn~incer the importance of su pporting his professional the dan ge rs of techn ica l soc icly and obsolescence.
SOCIETY OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERS-FRONT HOW : Praznik, G. , Cantwell . 0 ., Treasurer; Warren, President· Reatherford, J. , Vice-President; Sanii. M. , Arnold. Dr. M .. Advisor; Copal. V., ROW 2: Pinkston, W., Farrar, Pitner, S. , Ta} lor.. D.. M_artin, J., Schmidt, T. , Baird, J ., ROW 3: Sanchez, H., Bcrnys, ) ., Rezghi, A. , Efthim, A., Lyons, L. , Spaldm~. T., Steckel, M .
NEW 1AN CL B-FRONT ROW: Duresky. j .â&#x20AC;˘ Ryan, T .. President; Kelly, L. , H ebs(â&#x20AC;˘rcr. L .. Program Chairman; KramN. j ., ROW 2: Ruhland . ~1. . Publicity Chairman; Simmons, J., Zoellner. C. . Forbeck, j ., Zogg, W ., ROW 3 : Sicraw... ki, D., Stcllcrn . R., Prenger, R.. Kiehi, B.
Esperanto Mosamo, the ESPERA TO CLUB of UM R, was organized in 1947. The purpose of the organization is the promotion of a common auxiliary language. Members of Mosamo provide weekly programs at UM R, programs for radio audiences in Rolla, an d programs for various clubs. Promoters of Esperanto inc lude Rotary International, and UNESCO. The U.S. Army has adopted Esperanto as the official Aggressor lang uage.
EWMAN CLUB is th e organization The for the Catholic students in the UMR campus. Besides its regular meetings, the Club provides an exte nsive calender of extracurricular events for its members, including mixers, retreats, guest speakers, and communion breakfasts. ln additi on the C lub plans m a ny programs during the course of the year that are designed to be both interesting and in fo rm at ive to all of the members. ESPERA TO- FRONT ROW : Dunnvatanachit, S., Brewer, Thornsberry, V., Eaton, T .
Au vi\or; Steinbac h, A., ROW 2 : H edayati, V., Wade, L. ,
BAHA I CL B-FRONT ROW: Chehrenegar, K., Treasurer; Noble. H .. Prcsidtâ&#x20AC;˘nt; Darabi. F.. Vice-President; ROW 2: Spooner. J., Ad, i'>or; Hcda~ ati, \ .. Secrctar~; Sabharwal, K.. Tiku. P.
Bahai Club The BAHAl CL B OF UMR was recognized as a student organ ization on I ovember 13, 1967. The club sponsors ~uch things as lectures, informal gatherings, and other social activities. Membership in this association is open to all students. members of the faculty and staff, a nd al umni irrespective of race, color, class, nationality of religion. Funds arc raised bv' vo luutarv contribution.
International Fellowship The I TERNATIO AL FELLOWS I-I lP sponsors the l nternational House, which provides economical housing and a convenient meeting place for American and international students. The organization presents programs, often in cooperation with the national or regional organ izations represented on campus, which provide members and guests with an opportun it y to learn of other parts of the world. The Fellowship also sponsors an International Banquet during Decem ber.
INTERNATIONA L F ELLOWS H IP- FRONT ROW: Mahrou , A., Secrctarv; Copal, V.. Vice-President; Shini, A. , President ; Mathur, V., Treasu rer; Fi ndley, M., Advisor; ROW 2: Ka~apogiu , K., Mangunwidjojo, A.. Godwin, V., Hedayati. V., ROW 3: Mahmood, M., Izmirli, A., Taibi, A., Belrhandoria, M.
RAD IO CLUB-FRONT ROW : DeSpain, D., Treasurer; McCraw, D.. Station Manager; White, J., Secretary; Sarver, P .. Vicc-Pr<.• ,ident; \lucllhaupt, E., President; HOW 2: Big~crstall G.. Werthman, J., Conrad, C., Adkins. W. , McWilliams. L. . Widnwr. R.. ROW 3: Schmidt. B.. Holman. T. , Omohundro, W ., Flotron, C .. Curd, B.
Radio Club
Metallurgical Society
The RADIO CL l) B '" as started in the earh 1930's in one of the towers of Jackling Gym'. During the '' ar the station was moved to the Rolla Building. Th e club has facilities for handling traHic: from M R to almost anywhere in the world and welcomes any opportunity to do so. Th<· club also participates in contests with other rad io ama teurs throughout the world and has won many awards in this area.
The i\1ETALLU RGICAL SOCIETY was form<'d in Janu ary. 1968 by combining the American Societ\' of Metals and the American Institute of M ini~g and Metallurgical Engineers. It is a professional organization founded to promote interest in the professional aspects of the metallurgical field, and to suppleme nt the forma l education of the student. Periodicall y movies and lectures are presented at the reg ular meet ings and an annual field trip and outing are also sponso red.
METALLUHGICAL SOC IETY-FRONT ROW : T aylor, R., St.•cr<•tar}; PoehiN, L. , Ke lahan, M ., President; Rupsccht, W., Second Viet•- Pr<.•sident; Perkins, G., First Vice-President; Tiku, P.. HOW 2: Desai. M., Ghataua, A., Mulholland , W .. Weatherly. S .. Peters D., Smith, D., tvlorsc, W., ROW 3 : Sa~>h arwal, K.. LaPrcsta, C., Ki ss lin ~cr, F., Faculty Advisor; Simms. W., Schade, G., Butterfield, D., Berglund, R. , Sch umacker, A., Ouchek, L. , Ranjbar, A.
icola, P., Sccrctar~; Matthews. R.â&#x20AC;˘ Vice-President; Clark. j .. KARATE CLUB-FRO T ROW : McLellan, T .. Treasurer; ~1oor<.\ j .. ll b.torian; ROW 2: Ruengert. M.. ~l cGinnb . j .. Riddle. C.. Strucssel. D.. Baldwin, D.. Spr~. T .. Durham, T. , Dupree. J.. T~ lcr. L.
Karate Club
Russian Club
The UM R KARATE CL UB was founded on campus in l966. The membership at present numbers 35 stud ents. T he club plays the Korean stvled karate known as Tae Kwo11 Do, which e~1ph asizcs kicking techniques. The purpose of the club is to discipline the bod y and the mind in defensive fig hting techn iques. Over the year the club participates in various tournaments with other clubs.
The RU SS IAN C LUB was found ed in 1966. The basic aim of the club is to further the general interest in Russian studies, travel, and correspo nd ence. This is achieved by uniting tlw students, faculty, and guests of U M R who arc interested in Ru ssian culture and bv arrang ing for guest speakers. The club' has sponsored such movies as " War and Peace," " Ballad of a Soldier''
RUSS INA C LL' B-FHONT ROW: Erwin, L, Calfee, K., Vic<'- Pre~idcnt; Botâ&#x20AC;˘ckman, K., President; Vossbrink, ., Law, D. A., Facult~ Advi~or; ROW 2: Prost. S., Feland, A.. Fcland. j ., Lamb. S.. Finlt') . D.. ROW 3: Tibbs. N. , Marchand, C ., ~ l ason , J., Gilkc), R.
C HRIST IAN SCIENCE ORGAN IZATION-FRONT ROW : Phelps. R.. Clerk; Wright, S., President; Weaver, R.. Secr('tar~ ; HOW 2: Schatz, G., Ilolman. T .. Albins, J.
cso SCIE CE ORCA IZAThe CHR IST IA TIO was organized to afford the college commun i t~ with an opportunity to obtain information about Christian Science. The organization hold weekly testimony meetings, 路 annually ponsors a lcctu re by a C hristian Scicnti t, and promotes interreligious cooperation. At various limes during the school year, films, records, tape recordings, and informal talks arc presented as parts of the weekly program.
C. L. Dake The C. L. DAKE GEOLOGICAL SOC IETY was organized in memory of Dr. Charlc L. Dake, late professor of the Department of Gcolog) and Geological Engineering. The goal of the society is to create a greater interest in the earth sciences and to promote social relationship among its members. The society sponsors guest speakers, educational field trips to mining districts and areas of geological interest, and a spring picnic for geology dt' partmcnt faculty and students.
C . L. OAKE SOC iETY- FRONT ROW: Wethin~ton, B., Irwin, H., Secretary-Treasurer; Gentzler, E., Dewey, R., Kemp, W., President ; HOW 2: Wedge, K. , Butherus, 0. , Tibbs. N., Smith, C .. Garrison, E., ROW 3: Speer. W. , Collins, W ., Cartwright, G., Je nnings, T.
Climbing Club
The ROCK CLIMBING CLUB was organized at the U nivcrsitv of Missouri at Rolla in the spring of 1964. The purpose of the orga nization is to encou rage safe practices and proper techniques of rock climbing. Membership is open to an y studen t who has an interest in cl imbing. The club, which organizes climbing trips to local bluffs and quarries, supplies the needed eq uipmen t and leadership for proper dim bing safety.
Forensic Society
ROCK CLIM BING C L UB-FRONT ROW : Hackbarth, R., Kratschmer, E , President; Kemp, W. , ROW 2: Marchand , C., H ays, T. , Treasurer; Alexander, E.
T he FORENSIC SOC IETY was founded at UM R in 1963. It is composed of students interested in th e art of public speaking. Th e main fun ction of the society is to sponsor the UM R Debate Team, which engages in inte rcollegiate competition with colleges and universities across the nation. Members also participate in dramatic interpretation, poetry, and extemporaneous speaking.
FORENSIC SOCIETY-FRONT ROW : Gardner, S. , Secretary; Simon, D., Vice-President; Wolfsberger, Oesterling, W., Facu lty Advisor; ROW 2 : M urray, C., Treasurer; Warner, j ., Calbierz, C. , Monk, M.
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RUGBY-FRONT ROW: Stewart, ) .. Wehner, T. , l st Vice-President ; Ridy. R., President; Keogh, J., Advisor; Dunning, E.. St•crC'tary; Lauck. D., Vice-President; Sloan, E., Wilson. S. , Riege. J.. Treasurer; ROW 2: Handlan. T. , Mahauua, A., \I orris. C.. Ro\\ land , S., Kimball, B.. Conara~ . W.. Dillon, P.• Weniger, C., Schweigert, K., ROW 3: Crccdiu.... R., &•hn·m . R. , Fridle~ . ~1. . Equipment ~tanager, Luth. B.. Burke. B.. Dmdin~. ) .. Weber, J., Hellmann, K.
Rugby Club
Ga mma Delta
T he UM R HUG BY CLUB was fou nded in t he spring of L963. Its purpose is to foster interest in the sport of rugby footba ll a nd to b ring ho nor and recognition to its members and the U ni vc rs ity throug h competitio n w it h other teams. The first team was inexperienced, and o ften sh ort of mem be rs. Now the ruggers h ave increased mem bershi p, gained cxpericn<'r, capab le coaches, better equ ipment, and the vigoro us support of an enthusiastic stu d ent bodv.
GAMMA DELTA, the I nternational Association of Lutheran Students, was foun d ed o n th<' UM R campus in 1945. Programs and activitie~ arc plan ned to promote better Christian knowledge and serv ice and to provide Christia n fellows hip. Mem b e rship is open to a ll s ludents at th e un ivers ity. Activities include a monl hl y s u pper, guest spea kers, socia l events w ilh oth er ch apters, and a n annual reg iona l conclave.
GAMMA DELT A- FHONT ROW : Heuberlin, A., Regional Prcsid<.•nt ; Nag). D .. President; D urand . G., Corresponding Secretary; Livengood. R.. \icc- Preside nt; Schultz, J., T reasurer; ROW 2: Quayk-, W., Otto, C ., Paliseh, A.. Klcinsorge, R. , Liescheidt, K.• Heimsoth, M., Steffen, B.
IRANIAN STUDENT ORCANlZATION : Ranjbar, A., Treasurer; Khan-Abadi, M., Farazande h, A., President; Rezvani, ]., Sec retary; Haza-.i, A., ROW 2: Sanii, 1\1.. Yousefian, j .. Vicc- Prc!>idcnt; Mahrou . A.. Rezghi, A.. Darabi, F. , Amirgholi, ~1 .. lkda\ati. V.
The IRANIA t STUDE T ASSOC l ATIO was founded in 19.57 and was approved by the administration of t.J ~ ~ R in 1965. The purposes of the ISA arc to promote friendly relations betwee n the Iran ian students at UM R, to provide guidanc<· to new Iranian stud e nts on campus, and to kee p the Iranian students at UM R informed of the news concern ing Iran and Iranian students throughout the world. ISA a lso endeavors to make be tter understood the culture a nd polit ica l silualion of the country of (ran.
The NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS received its c harter in Decembe r of 1966. The organization is aimed at the promotion and protection of the profession of engineering as a social and econom ic inf.luence vital to the nation. The society is made up of over 65,000 professional e ngineers who serve industry and the public as well as the ir p rofession.
N.S. P. E. -FRO T HOW: Schaeffer, M., Gardne r, S., Secre tary; Branham, j ., Cantwell, D., Preside nt; Ricono, M., T reasurer; ~lull kopf. L.. llolman, T .• HOW 2: Durham. V., Westra ) , W., Kramer. J., Duresky, j ., Kalbac, H., Morris, C. , Corbe tt. T .. ROW 3· Bo~ wdl. R., Hutc herson . D.. Carr, E., Strau!>('r, C. , ll icb. N., He nderson, R., Hoc ke tt, M., Porter, C.. HOW 4 : Purn•ll. H., Arnold. R., Adams, W., Ta~ lor, D., Eads, C. . Forrest. H., Viland, D .. ROW 5 : Warner, J., Hoesly, R. , Lueck, R. , Thies, D., Svoboda, M., Rowland, S. , Rogge, C.
ASME-FRONT ROW : Holman, T ., Bennington, L. , Kasten, J. Secretary; Mueller. D., Vice-President-Programs; Vau~han , D .. Treasure r; Bornemann, L. Preside nt ; Ande rson, R., Vicc-Prc, idc nt- :>.l e mbe rship; Gardne r, S., \ ' icePreside nt- Publicity; Rics, , R.. Rule, R. , Grosse, D., ROW 2 : Doe rflinger, A., Il(â&#x20AC;˘d ayati, V., Benton, C. , R~ ttc r, ., Oti, E., Ste inkoettc r, C ., Chad" ick, J., Orr. T ., Garre tt. W., Ackmann , D .. ROW 3: Hilc}, J., Eaton, T ., Duresk}, B. , ll anstciu , E., Clusac, P., Downin~ . K., Uthe, R. , ~litc hcll , T ., Keeling, M., Farrell, J .. ROW 4: Moenstcr, B.. Jenson, G., Bcr~e r. J., Buche r, \1. , traul>l>, S., Featherl y, J., Andreae, R., Tice. R., Crc<â&#x20AC;˘nwood . M., HOW 5 : Huc k, j ., Melze r, C., Showmaker, H., Kmecz, C ., Obon, E., Woodland, C ., Ziegler, K., Smith, C .
The Student Section of the AM ER TCAN SOC IETY OF MECHANICAL E G INEERS was organized at UM R in 1930. The organization end eavors to present an introduction to the professional mechanical engineering field by spo nsoring industrial tours, and encouraging participation in design and technical paper contests. The local student section participates in preparing displays for University Day and sponsors stude nt delegates to the annual National Socie ty meeting.
The FEDERAT ION OF LAT IN AMER ICAN STUDE TS was organized on the UM R campus in 1961. The organization is dedicated primaril y to create understanding among Latin American, American and other foreign students. Month ly meetings are held g iving members an opportunity to present discussions about political and econo mic deve lopment in Latin American countries as we ll as a review of their folk lore and customs.
F. E. L.A. -FRONT ROW : llandlcr, R., SanMartin . E.. Adjunta, }., Preside nt ; Garcia, E., ROW 2: Barric nto!>, S. , Ascanio, C., Vice-President; Benavides, F., Secretary; Aragon, P., Reijenstein d' Acierno, C.
ORGANIZATION ARAB STUDENTS-FRONT ROW: Al-Omari, F. , President, Boulos, M., AI-Hashimi, S. , Karam, E. , Findlcv. ~1. . Advisor; Ro\\ 2: El Guindi. M., Boulds. E., Trcasur<'r; Abui-JJusn, R. , Sccretan; Karam, E., Kadii, · L. . Vic~-Pre~idcnt ; Maklad, M ., Bclrhandoriz. ~1.. Tannous, N.
Alpha Chi Sigma
OF T he purpose of the OHGANIZATIO ARAB STUDE TS at UMR is to promote mutual understanding and stronger ties am ong the Arab students on ca mpus. The organization also attempts to achieve better understanding be tween the Arab student and the American stud e nts. Through its monthlv meetings, films. talks, and discussion g, the OAS presents to all who arc interested the Arab's unique cu lture and way of life.
ALPHA C HI S I G~ l A is a national honorary fraternity for outstanding students of chemist ry and chemical engineering. The Beta Delta Chapter at the University of M issouriRolla strives to promote scholarship a nd in add it ion sponsors a safety program for a ll laboratories. The chapter also attempts to bind its mem bcrs with lasting friendship, to stri ve for the ad vancement of chemistry, and to he lp stude nts make the adjustmen t from collegia te to profess ional life. Other activities this year in cl ud ed the sponsoring of fie ld trips. guest spea kers and var ious films.
ALPH A CHI S IGMA- FRONT ROW: Smith, G. , Fitzgerald, R., Zoellner, L., Facs, j ., Vice-Master Alchemist; Parker, D., Master Alchemist ; McReynolds. G., Historian; Nissing, K., Ross. E., Master of Ceremonies; Hull, J., Divin, B., Reporter; ROW 2: Kcnncd) . L. , Braden, D., Freeman, D. , Wigginton , G., Tolliver. T. , Treasurer; Waltrip, T ., Bennett, W., Zimmer, j ., Divb. R. , Murray, C., Row 3: Ashb) , K.. Mintncr, D., Edwards, W .. Alumni Secretary; Latty, J., Pahl, R., Thk·sscn, C .. Palmer, R.. Smith, A., Lorna\, G .. ROW 4 : Throckmorton, j ., Recorder; Hornback, 0 .• Brice, B., Hobclmann, D., Traut, D., Eshbaugh, R., Oeffne r, J., Allen, G., Walker, D.
ETA KAPPA NU- FRONT ROW : Hamilton, J., Recording Secre ta ry; Spence, ].. Vice- Preside nt; Wiseman, J.. President; Spe nce, D .. Correspond ing Secrctar~; Man k, D., Sm it hson, W., T reasurer; Roth, L., Gulick, M., Wise, K., ROW 2: Durand. 0 ., Kan, C. , Engelbrecht, R., Ban, S., N(â&#x20AC;˘umc ycr, W. , Fowler, R., Bigge rstaff, C., Schultz, j ., Porter, C., ROW 3: Townson. D .. Bcsterfeldt. D., H ~clc. ., Bell, N., K ar~cr, R.. Reed , M., Gill. ]., Graham. D., Vos!>, T .. Suszko, W., ROW 4: Li "cn~ood , R., Kuchen ig, F., J o~gcrs t , D . Gillmore, J., Bell, G. , Gray, D., Smas he~ . M.. Hartung, M .. I lorn, A .
Eta Kappa Nu
The Ga mm a Th e ta C hapte r of ETA KAPPA NU is a me mber of th e associa tion of Co lle~e H onor Socie ties for stude nts e nro lled in e lectri cal e ng inee rin g. Th e cha pter at U M R supplies E. E. la boratory insura nce schola rships and ~rad ua tc school catalog ues and oth e r services to e lectrical c n~in ee ring stude nts. M embe rship into Eta Kappa Nu is res tric ted to the upper one- third of the seniors, the uppe r one-qu a rter of the juniors, and to promine nt graduate e lectrical e nginee rs.
The SO C IE TY OF WOME E C I EERS is a na tional professio na l organiza tion of wome n c ng in('crs and (wom e n wh o arc c n g in ec rin~ or scie nce stud e nts.) The purposes of th e socie ty arc to prcse n t the ideals of wome n in the e nginee ring profession a nd to e ncourage wome n with the technical aptitudes and inte res ts to e nter the e nginee ring fie ld. Th e UM R branc h sponsors seve ral eve nts a nd activities during the year including a " Coke part y" in Se pte mbe r and a picnic in May.
SWE- FRO T ROW : Kcll ~ . L. . T a) lor. R. , President; Day. J., Kalz, J., Corres pond in~ Secretary; Mi nich, C. , ROW 2: H empflin~, P., Durand, C., Brunkhorst, M., McNally, P., Bronson, 8 ., Orissel, N., Glick, L.
PHOTO CLUB-fRONT ROW : Tenes, E., Vice-President; Davidson, ]., Slocum, ]., President; Tuc ke r, K., Astrack, R., ROW 2: ~1ahn . W., Cunningham, H., Parkes, R., Daddson, J., Aschinger, E., Widmer. R.
Photo Club
Tau Beta Pi
The U~1 R Pll OTO CLU B was established with the purpose of furthering an interest in amateur photog raph~ and providing its members with helpful information concerning a ll phases of photog ra phy. Guest speakers and color movies arc added attractions at the regu lar club meet in gs. Each spring the club sponsors the Annual Ph oto Club Contest whic h is open to all studC' nts, facu lty, a nd reside nts of the U M H area.
BETA PI ASSOC IATION, naThe TA tional e ngineering honor society, was founded iu 1885. Members are se lected on the basis of characte r, and engineer in g sc holar~hip , orientation from the senior and junior classes. T hi!> year, local acti vities of Tau Beta Pi in c luded sponsoring the " Fres hman Frie nd s" coupon bookle t and awa rding th e Outstanding Fres hm a n Scholarship. Nationall y, Tau Beta Pi administe rs man y fellowships and stude nt loans in the inte rest of e nginee ring educatio ns.
TA U BETA PI- FRONT ROW : Russell, J., Engelbrecht, R. , Corresponding S(â&#x20AC;˘crctary; Ban, S., Recording Secretary; Spence, J., Prc)idenl; Mank, D., Vice-President; Smithson, B., Cata loger; Livengood, R., Treasurer; ROW 2: Durand, D., Browning, F., Ludwig, L. , Gullic, R. , Braden, D., Loma\, G., Roth, L., ROW 3: Weitzel, P., Showmaker, H. , Rackley, J., Krei lich, j ., Throc kmorton. J., Storrs, S., Wiltrip, T. , Wiseman, J., ROW 4: H amilton, j ., Strebler, M., Spence, D.. Bulmer, 8 . Berglund , R., Wood. W. , Bruns, G., Gulick, M., ROW 5: Chadwick, J., Mueller, R., Clubb, D., Bell, N., Latty, J., Thies, D., Phelps, R., Hartung, M.
KERAMOS-FRONT ROW : Drumwri~ht , R. , Treasurer; Wood, W., Vice-President ; Portnoff, N.. Zullig, D., Walther, C., ROW 2: Dcnlow, 1. , Renaud. N., Michei, J., Bcas lc~ . R., Addington, L.
KERAM OS, a national professional fraternit y open to outsta nding students in ceramic engineeri ng a nd science. was organized a t UM R in 1947. Stude nt members of the organ ization a re cho en on the basis of their c harc holarship record , and p romise of acter, success in the ceram ic field. Projects included t he bui ld ing of th e Ceramic Departme nt d isp lay for Engineer's Day.
The BAPTIST ST UDE T U 10 has grow n fro m a few students meet ing occasionally at the First Baptist C hurch to more than 175 \vho participate in regular activities. The function of BSU is to su pplement the ministr') of th e five local Baptist churches attended by students. Major events of the year included a weekend at the Lake of the O zarks, co-spo nsoring of Dr. George Schweitzer from th e Un iversity of T en nessee BS U, summer missions work, voulh lcd revival learns, and an annual spring <;uling.
BAPTfST STU DENT UN ION- FRONT ROW : Davidson, j ., Ragsdale, C., Publicity Chairman; Yount, M., Enlistment Chairman; Arney, D., President ; Davidson, j ., ROW 2; Harms, T., Davis, R., Parkes, H., Schlett, P. Hardw ick, 0 ., Greer, j ., ROW 3: ll.allock, ] .â&#x20AC;˘. Curd, W., Reed, M., &>wen, W., Schottcl, J., ROW 4 : Tracy, R., McCormick, C., Mohr, E. , Thorn, S., DevotiOnal C haarman; Hedley, Q. , Secretary; Schle f, C.
CH I EPS ILON-FRO 'T ROW : Gcile. R.. Ludwig, Ll. Zenge. T .. Gullic, R. . Secretary ; C hapman. R.. President: L on~. Lynch . j .. Treasurer; RO\Y 2: Storr~. S .. Hitt. G .. Brun~. C .. E~dmann. P .. Brcl\\ nin~. F., Armstrong, ~1. . ROW 3: Brook~. H. , Botkin, ~L . A!>track. H. , \lag<.â&#x20AC;˘c. R.. Black, P.
Chi Epsilon
Pi Tau Sigma
CII l EPS JLON, th e nati onal Civi l Engineering honor fraternit y, was install ed at UMR in 1950. The object of the c hapter is to contribute to the improveme nt o f the eng in eering profess ion by foste ring the development o f t he technical ab ilil ~ a m ong ch il engineers. Membership i chosen from the upper one-third of the junior and c njor classes of the C i\ il Eng ineerin g Department. The local chapter ha a present me mbership o f ninety- two studen ts and faculty me mbe rs.
The Misso uri c hapte r of Pl Tau Sigma, a na tional honorary M cchanical Enginceri ng frate rnity, was founded at UM R in Apri l of 19.55. Members arc se lected o n the basis of scholarship, eng ineering a bility, and c haracter. The society's objectives arc to foster high ideals o f the engineering profession and to develop its projects which are be ne fici a l to the ME Department.
PI TA U S IGMA-FRO T ROW : Fidel , L. , Vice- President; H us~ell , J., Showmakc:r, II. , Corresponding Secretary; Weitzel. P.. President. Anderson, H.. Rec:ording Secretary; Bulmcr, B. , T reasurer; ROW 2: Duren, 0 ., H amner, G., George, 0 ., C ha<!wick, j ., Roam, J., Red ington, M ., ROW 3: Holman, T. Smith , P., T hies. 0 .. Bryan, G., Hrastich, A.
IND IA ASSOC IATION- FRONT ROW : Raina, M.. Shah. B.. Vice- President; A~rawal , A. , Secre tary; \1ohta, B.. ROW 2: Sinha. B.. Vaidya. B . Patel. S.. Verma. V., Tiku. P.. Kelkar, S.
India Association
T he I lO lA ASSOCIATIO was organized on the U M R campm in 1960. Its purpose is to promote friendship a nd understanding amo ng students from India and ot her countries and to hel p [ndian students adjust to their new enviro nm ent. The Association a lso serves to acq ua int the people of Roll a with India's unique cul ture. The organ izatio n sponsors such activities as movies, documentaries, and lectures on Indian culture as part of its program to ?Cquaint UM R students with India.
The C HI ESE STUD ENT ASSOCIAT IO of the Uni"ersitv of Missouri at Rolla was founded in 1964.' The primary purpose of t he organizat ion is to bring together the C hinese st udents on campus, to develop a wholesome brotherhood among them, and to help ne\V C hi nese students adjust to the new e nvi ronm<'nl. The Association a lso introduces C him·se culture to the loca l commu nity. Activ itic!> sponsored by the organization include a C hinese ba nqu et on Christmas E ve.
C HI NESE STUDENT S- FRONT ROW : Chi, C. , Chen , C. , Chuang. C ., H uang, A., Sun, S. , Chen. M .. Shen, K., President; Li u, J., Chen , C. , Shiclo. Y., Lee, T. , ROW 2: Chiu, W., Loh, C ., ll ung, S., Tai, C., H uang, A., Lee. J., Tseng, K., Hsei, K.• Chiang, J., Che ng, T ., Shis, C .. Chi, T .. Lin, J., l l u , L., ROW 3: Tzcng, J., Lou, Y. , Chao, S. , Shan, S., Chc.•n , H., Ch1m , Y.. Tkn. T. . Chu , T. . Yang. K., Chen, S., Li, t>vl. , Hsiao, W .. Lin . W .. Chen, H., ROW 4 : Hsu, K., Shih, W., C hen, H., Chyi, D., Wang, E., Wen, C., Chin, A., Niu, T., Liong, J., Liu, C ., Liu, C., Pan, j ., Liu, C., Lin, C.
RAIDERS-FRONT ROW: Ri p lt·~. 0 .. Pe llegrino, D .. Ba rtle~ , E., S-3; W agne r. H .. E'ecuti ve Offioer; Davis, R., C o mma nd ing Office r; Spalding. T. . S- 1; Webber, G. , Asst S-3; Fn:eman , R.. ~ ~ ~<' r\ , J., ROW 2: Klem a, P.. C ha mbe rs, T ., Fessen len, R. , Vrenid•. E.. Check. \1.. Conrad. ~ 1. . Rockford . B., flc l,k\ . L . Callihan. C. . ROW 3 : Neeh , D., Spitzmiller. J., Stra ng, B., E'an~ . D .. Stovall. \1. , H utchinson. D., Coggin;. B., Plummer. J., Altepeter, M., ·ROW 4 : Eva ns. J., Short. J., Elfrin k \1. , Trou t, H., Goetz, D., Davis, J., Da' i ~. J., \l on tgo mcr~ . D., D una rd, J.
W. T. Shrenk
The RAIDERS were first recog nized as a campus o rganiza tion in Janua ry, 1967. Established as a volunt ary unit of the ROTC program , the Ha idc rs provide training and ins tru ction for all military stude nts who want to learn more than is taug ht in th e class room . Using ne arby Ft. Leonard W ood and C lark National Forest for the ir fi eld training exe rcises, th e Raide rs condu ct weeke nd patro ls and simu late d nig ht missio ns.
T he W . T. SllRENK SOCIETY was found ed in 1960 as a s tud e nt a ffiliat e of the Ame rican Clwmi c:al Socic·t y. Th e o bjectives are to acquaint the c:lwrn istr y stud e nt with the professional as pe<:ls of the s<.:ie ncc, and to promote good relations betwee n t he st ude nt and facult y. This past year the soc ie ty has a ided in the acli viti<'S of Univers ity Day by g iving tou rs thro ug h the Che mi ca l E ngineering Building a nd setting up ex hibits.
W. T . SC II REN K SOC IET Y- FRONT HOW: \lo hr, J r. E.. Lamb S .. Da~ . j . O ri~l>el. N . Fa nska. R. . Preside nt ; Schlaf, T ., S<.•t•rt• t ar~ - Tn•a., ur<• r , BOW 2 : Tappmeye r, W., Fa<:ult ~ A<h bor; Lut;., D.. Altc pt'ler. ~ 1. . Faes, J.• Walke r, M. , Burns, H ., Koch, j ., Wilson, L.
19 5
AIC HE- FRONT ROW : Divin. B.• Mosko pf, L. . Re porte r; Benne tt, W ., Vice- Presid e nt ; Vre nic k, E., Rapp, E. , President ; Throckmorton. J., Secretan; Mc Reynolds. C., T reasurer; Latty, J., Ross, E. , H ull, J., ROW 2: Steffe n, B.. Fitzgerald , R.. Bo~well, B., Beifstein. J., Braden, D., Pa hl, R., Sm ith, A., Tolliver, R.. Darari-Aii abad, F., Lomax. G .• ROW 3 : M urray. C.. Weiler, R., H aiducek, B., Edwards, W., H ~c l tine, D .• McCormick, L. , Palmer, R., Wat kim, j ., Ne uwirt h, 0 ., Sandolla, ~ t. . ROW .t : Ashby, K., Wusslcr, A., Med lin . C., Canon, R., Thiessen, C., Fe rguson, D.. Schroede r, C., Dierolf. Jr. R., See land, M., ROW 5 : Schwanke , C., Farmer, J., Allen, C., Hobelmann, D.. Jo nes, J., Traut. 0 ., Ocffn c r. ) .. Ott. W., Schnettle r, M.
Alpha Sigma Mu
The UM R stude nt cha pte r of the AMER ICAN I STIT UT E OF C H EMICAL E GIEE RS was cha rte red in 1939. It prov id es the student w ith a t mos ph e re fo r professiona l deve lo pm e nt th roug h progra ms prese nted by hig hly tra ined professiona l me n from industry. Twice AIC h E has rece ived th e Blue Key Award for the cam pus organiza tion w ith the best prog ra m . l n addition to the bimonthly meetings, spring and fall outings g ive the stude nts and fa culty a cha nce to associate on an informa l leve l.
ALPHA SIGMA MU, the nat iona l honor fra te rnit y for me ta llurg ical e ng inee rs, was founded a t U M R in 1958. Me mbe rship into t he fra te rnity is limited to those me ta llurgy stu d en ts who are in the uppe r one-th ird of th e ir class. Its pu rposes are to furthe r the a rt and scie nce of me ta ls, to promote a nd recogn ize schola rship a nd p rofessional a tta in me nt, a nd to make bette r re lations among m e tallu rgy schools.
ALPHA SIGM A M U-FRO T ROW: Ke la han, M., La Presta, C. , Fesle r, D., President; Sandusky, D., Vice- President; ROW 2 : Ruprecht, W ., Berg lund , R. , Schumache r, A., Cox, B.
AJAA- FRO T ROW : l\1orris. C., Cain. G., Tenes, E., FcathNi y, J. R. , Quayle, W .. Brendle, S .. Secretary; Whithaus, D., Trea~u rcr ; Lieder. R., Steinkoettcr, G., Chadwick, J., ROW 2: Kruse, 0 ., Ac krnann , D., Ziegler. K., Orr, T ., Scheffel, C., Oti, E.. Saxton, R., Da' i!>. R., Greenwood, M., ROW 3: ~1icra D., C hrista ncll. R., Heuermann, C.. Phillip~. G .â&#x20AC;˘ Publ ici!~ Chairman ; Bucher, ~1. . Olson, E., Downing, K., Browne, K., Capelli, T .. HOW 4 : ~ l cGee, D., Smith. G .. H uck, J., mphenouv, C.. Wood~. E., Efthim. A.. Clubb. D., trauss, S.. H olman. T. , Amo~. D.
Kappa Kappa Psi
T he AME RICAN INST ITUTE OF AERONAUT ICS A 0 ASTRO AUT IC S at the U niversit v of Missouri-Rolla serves as a li nk between the tude nt a nd advances made in space technology. The AIAA is conce rn ed with problems of propu lsion, instrumentation , guidance, materials, astrophys ics, and related space-age fie lds. Stude nt me m bers are acquainted with deve lopments in these fie lds throug h d iscussion g roups and g uest speakers.
KAPPA KAPPA PSI, a national honorarv frate rnity for college bandsmen, g ives recog nitio n for o utsta nding achieveme nt in the fi e ld of music. Th e fraternity's purpose a rc to promote the welfare of the college band , to ho nor outstanding bandsme n, to stimu late campus leadership, a nd to stre ngthe n the ties between college bands. Del ta Gamma C hapter, fo u nded in 1958 at the UM R campus, was last year chosen as one of the top ten c hapters in the country.
KAPPA KAPPA PSI- FRONT ROW : Dawson, G., Wedge, K., Preside nt; Thomas, J., Secretary; Schoeffe l, R., Trca~urc r ; Blume ntritt, H., Taylor, R., ROW 2: Musterman, S., Kurtz, T ., McCormick, C. , Schocffel. W ., C lick, J., Conrad. C .
PERSH ING RIFLES- FRONT ROW: Palmer, S., Asst. Drill Master: MiiiN, W., 1st Sgt.; Kwiecinski, T., Public In formation 01 fic.w; Fo~ter, C.. Commanding Officer; Arras. C., I st Lt. ; 0 ' Nc•ill, J .. Executive Office r; Kruckcmcyer, W. , S-2; Anclc·r~on , R.. Pledge• Traim•r; Wilcox. T. . S-4, 2nd Lt. ; Cowen, j .. S-3, Operations Officer; ROW 2: Gunter, j ., Wagner, P.. Mitchell. F .. Pugh, A.. Asst. S-2; Wattenbarger, j ., Ingram, j ., Wilson, L. , Fecht, R., Watson, T .. ROW 3: Ward. R.. Wim.or, B.. Sene~. L. . Judd. ~1. . Bon:hardt, j ., Sigrist, J., Garrett, W., ~ l c llna~ . j ., Roth. L., ROW 4: li enee~. S., Fc.•nton, G .. Schreiner. R.. Buc k'' alter. j .. FNguson. D.. \Jillcr. W .. Nenninger. W., Houde~ hell, D .. To~ raks, (; , ROW 5: Rothe rmkh. R. . &)\\lin. R., Zoclltwr. C.. Potzman n, K., Gro~s. E., VonDemfangc, W., Asst. -3; Jungermann, K.• Sloan. G.
Pershing Rifles
Ch i Alpha
Membership in the PERSHI G RIFLES is open to all basic ROTC cadets. Compan} K-7 maintains an {'\.hibition drill team , which has placed either first or second at the last e ight annual Heginwn tal Assemblies. Last year the team performed at the Memphis T e nnessee Cotton Carnival. The company also maintains a pistol team , rifle team , standard squad and platoon, and suppli es a color guard and cannon detail at all football games.
The membership of the CHI ALPHA organization consists of those stude nts who arc members of the Assemblies of God Churches. The purpose of Chi Alpha is to provide a link between the college campus and the c hurc h. It strivt's to furnish the college campus and t he church. lt strives to furnish the college stu d<'lll with spi ritual training, social activiti.cs and serv ice. Social activities of the organ ization include such things as recrea tion at the church and combin ed activities with chapters from nearby colleges.
C HI :\LPIIA- FRO\IT ROW : Richardson, T., Godwin, W .. Wool(•n . B.. S<'cretar\'-Treasurer; Chandler, E.. Vice· President; Fin~ado, N. , ROW 2 : Hughes, V. , Gunter, j. , Bryant, D., Hughes, D.
i\10SLEM ST DENT ASSOC IATION-FRONT ROW: i\t angunwidjojo. A.. TreasurN; Kasapoglu, K., Mah mood, M., Secrc ta r; ; Taibi. A. , ROW 2: Bclrhandoria, l\ 1. , Lala. K., lzmirli, A.
The MOSLEi\1 STUDENT ASSOCIATION at the Univcrsih of Missouri-Rolla has as its purpose the pron1otion of brotherhood and goodwill among students who arc m e mbers of the Mo lem faith. Th is vcar t he \ schedu led discu sion groups and ·gues t siJeakcrs at their meetings whic h we re held period icall y throughout the year. T his ht·lpecl to inform the student body and commun it) of the goals and ideals of the Islam relig ion.
The UMR SOC IETY OF AUTOMOT IVE E GI EERS is the largest and one of the most active branches in the nat ion. In three of the l.ast four yea rs it has been recognized as an Outstanding Student Branch by the S.A. E. Activities include field trips as presentations from so me of th e most p rominent m e n from th ese fie ld s. The U M R branch a lso sponsors a showing of new cars each fa ll and an au tomobile safely check.
SAE- FRONT ROW : McGee. D. , Morris, C.. H olman, T ., Sti~all, D., Vice- President, Gatley, W. , Faculty Advisor; H uber, T .. Prc!.itknt ; Redin~tou , M., Secretary; Ebbesmeyer, $., Roam, J., T iee, R.. ROW 2: Bukowski. J., Hcda:ati , V., 1itc hc ll, T ., Aimcrilo, M., Rytter, ., Breckinridgc, D., Schillinger, R., Schafl('. R. , Sandclla, M., Garrett , W., Kruse, 0 ., ROW 3: Powell , C., Benton, C .. Murray, D., WheiO\ c. R., Davis, R., 1offat, R., Brinke r, M .. Kasten J., Bytnar. M .. Hard\\ ick. D., ROW 4 : Meeker, W ., Oures k~ . B.. Moe nstcr, B.. Buete r, D., Smith, G., Glusac, P., Eads, C., Frc iert, H.• Ct•orgc, D .. Schaeffer, M .. ROW 5: Shanholtzer, T ., H art, G .. Stcllcrn, T ., Showmaker, H., Uthc, R., Berge r, J., lloward, N., Altrup, C .. Stripling, G., Lee, R. , ROW 6: &•nningtor, L. , Clubb, D .. Wunde rlich, D.. Um phe nouv, C ., T hies, D., Bucher, M., Olson, E .. Davis, J., Sinar, M.
Living Units
202 1
308 W. 19th Street is the presen t location of Acacia.
Members worked together in takin g care of the house.
Acacia The Univers ity of Missouri- Rolla Chapter of ACAC IA was found ed on N ovcm be r 16, 1958, fift y- four years afte r th e founding of the first Acacia Nat iona l Fraternity C ha pte r at th e University of Michi gan, in 1904. Th e purpose of Acacia is to provide a strong bond of fraterna l fri e ndshi p a mong the brother and to prepare members for their active part in the community upon graduat ion. The brotherhood cons ists of students w ho are e ithe r the ons or brothers of M asons or who have been recommended bv two Masons. Based upon Masonic p'rinciples Acacia st riv es to attain hig h scho lastic ac hievements wh ile at t he sa me time taking an active part in a ll campus and socia l affairs. T heir sc holastic achievements has bee n show n by a high percentage of brothe rs having bee n e lected to scholastic and honor fr a ternities. This vear me mbe rs have dist inguis hed themse lves by holding such offices as vice president of Phi Eta Sigma, historian of Ph i Eta Sigma, a nd vice pres ide nt of Scabbard a nd Blade. The ir campus activ ities vary from participation in a ll intramural sports to me mbers taking an active part on committees responsible for the planning of St. Pat's, Military Ball, a nd Greek Week.
The neighborhood dogs knew where they could get some attention.
ACACIA- FRONT ROW : Peterson , J., Secretary; Stanfill, It, ' Vice- President ; l\1ichc l. J , 2nd Vicc- Prco,idcnt; Neume}cr. L.. Treas urer; Neumeyer. W., Presiden t; Kirm(') cr. G.. Steward; ROW 2: Hig-.bec. R.. Newcomer, T., Lakebrink, ., Ritcher, ~ 1. . 1 ecce. 0 .. ROW 3: Phelan. E., Westfall. L. Jr. Gibson, R.. Stcvall. C., Caner, R.. Hoth , L.
At 401 E. 7th Street stands the AEPi house. The living room was used for both studying and relaxing.
Alpha Epsilon Pi The u Deuteron Chapter of ALPHA EPS1LO PI wa~ founded on ~la\' 15, 1947, at the \lissouri School of ~lines and Metallurg~ . Although the chapter became inacth c in 1952, it was reactivated on ~1a\ 4, 1963, and reinstalled on :vta) 8, f966. Sin ce the n, it has g rown from fi ve c harter members to its pre e nt membership of thirty nine. One of the fratcrnitv' s most important goals is to h 'cp · up the hig h grade point which this year brought them the lFC Scholarship Award and the Studt·nt Council Scholarship Award. On campus this year, AEPi gained some prominen ce in the fields of sports, st udent government. and campus activities. Athleticall y, Nu Deuteron had its best season in football , being in tight contention for the league championship. In student government one of the brothers was 'icc-preside nt of the Student Cou n<:il. ~ lam other brothers held offices in vario~s honoran· and professional fraternities and societies.
Many assignments were straightened out over the phone.
ALPHA EPS II.ON Pl- FHONT ROW : Hoffman, H., Eidclman. L.. Collwrl. K.• f'ainti ch, D.. Joseph, M., Lt. Master; Schw<'<Jt, S, MC'mbcr-at-Largc: Cohen, J., Scribe; Oakes, H.. Fal'lalty Advi~cr; ROW 2: Gottlieb, C., Kaplan , M., Denio\., , 1. , Coldstdn, M.. Cordon, W.. Friedman, K.• Jolly. S.. ROW 3: Houtburg, M.. Kaplan. B.. Ban, C .. Feldman , C.. Pearl) . B.. Portnoff. .. Elit>r, S., Siefel, B., ROW -1 : Balaban, T.. Bacr. II ., Goldstein. L. . Auerbach, J., Cast , H.. Kirk. G.. Fed(•r. S., ROW 5: Krcm, 8., Oppenheim. M., Cold. R.• Cohen. T. Mayer, M., Hochman, 1., Calk•r, W.
Alpha Phi Alpha Three years have passed since the founding of Epsilon Chapter of ALPHA PHI ALPHA on the ·campus of the University of Missouri- Rolla. These three years have brought with the m g reat strides and advances for a young fraternity. This is evid enced in eve rvthing from scholastic achievement to athletic competition. This year Alpha Phi Alpha won the annual pledge class l?.ajama race before the hom ecomin g fo otball game. They also came in first place in inte rmural track and second place in intramural baske tball. The men of Alpha Phi Alpha hold aloft concepts of high scholastic standa rcls, hi g h moral character. and brotherly love. These things are th e prime req uisites of a successful co llege career and a successfu l future. Each year they grow, adhering to the ir motto; " First of all, se rvants of a ll, we shall transcend al l." Alpha Phi Alpha took first place in intramural track.
ALPHA PH I ALPHA-FRONT HOW: Iarsh. R , Treasurer; Harvey, W. , House Manager ; Price, D., Vice- President; Ramsey. D., Presidt•n t; Winfield . F., Secretary; Cole man, R., Sphinx Maste r; Hi ll, L. , ROW 2: Fl ye, R., Reed, W. , Peoples, V., Brown. J., Parliamentarian ; e lson, L., Carr, R.. White, H., ROW 3: T hurman , C., j ohnson, R., IFC Re presen tative; Hishaw, H. , lorrison, R., Denton, L. . CooJwin, L.
... ,,, ....... ..,...,..........,. .........•.. .,.. ...,..... ....•,•...... . ••• ··.:•"•..... ,.... , ,.
Hig hway 63 at Elm. You can profit by each others mistakes when studying together.
Beta Sigma Psi Due to the completion of its new home o n Fraternit\ Drh c and its accclcrated rush program, BETA SIGMA PSJ has reached more and more of the Lutheran students. In the past few years membership has increased greatly and presently stands at sixty men li ving in the• hou~c with hig h hopes for a large pledge class this coming fall. The Beta Sigs arc active in all phases of campus life, and its mem bers pr('Sent ly hold offi ces in such organizations as ASM E. Math Club, St. Pat' s Board , IFC, ACM, and SEC. Always in con ten tio n on the ath le tic field, Be ta Si g has placed among lhc leade rs in intramural standing for the last seve ral years. Scholarship also is of prime impo rtance among the members. Be ta Sig has been among the top three g rade point houses on campus for t he last three years with its active g rade point fir~t among frat erni ties again in '68. On the national level, Eta Chapter has rece ived the award for most outstand ing chapter of Be ta Sigma Psi for 1966-67. Pete Silkworth just fixed an everring snack.
BETA S IGMA PSI- FHONT ROW : Ollinge r. F., Hartman, 0 .. Ist Vice- President ; Kot•nig, G., Treasurer; Warrnann, R. , Sl•crctary; 1-lellwcg<'. 13., Stc·ward; Mueller, E., Presidt•nl; Hocncrhoff. R., Social Chairman; Sauer, P.. Sunocki, P., E'chcq ucr; Bcrkbi~hl'r. L. , HOW 2: Baile}. H., Krtt\<', 0 ., Williams, j .. Sie~cnuop, B., Vahle, M., Corrc:. pondin~ Secrt'tar~; Roth. A., Williarm, \1. , Janis, R.. Di<'ckuwH·r. 0 .. Seiler!, R.. Silk,,orth. P.. ROW 3: Breitenbach. R ,
Zie~lcr, K., L<·hcnbaucr, D., Tegtmeyer, It , Koerner, R., Kopf, K. Sample, M. Klobucher, S., Orr, T., 1\owold, C., ROW 4: Mdcr, 0 ., Engelhardt. W., Schad<•, C., Frcicrt, R., Bcishir, M.. Bcr~s ickcr, R., Bertrand. W.. Wusl>lcr, R., Sehuppau. W., Schmaltz, R., ROW 5: Hownkol'llcr, J., t\lcyerholtz. J., Jan:.l>cn. J., Ericson, C.. lloflman. C.. Probl>t, L.. Harm,, K. Kruep;er. J., Nicrmann. F . Gr<'cn. R.
Number 2, Fraternity Drive.
The dining room was also great for studying.
Number 3, Fraternity Drive.
DELTA SlGMA PHI- FRONT ROW : Doyle, J., Bruce, B., Termini, M ., Sgl.-at-Arms; Taylor, C., Treasurer; Snow, M.. Vice-President ; Fuller. j .. President; Jones. F., Secretary; Rotlebush, J., Thompson, J., Red ington, M., HOW 2: Stanzc, A., Ril e~ . J., Myles, C.. Fronabargcr, K., Johnson, S., Richards, R., Murray. D.. Nicodemus. R. , l\1erre ll. W., Teter, R., Donze, T., ROW 3: Whitnc)'. D.. Plcdgemaslcr; Copeland. D.. Walkcnbach, S.. Social Chairman ; Wiegner. j ., Niedcrschmidt, ]., Malicoat, F., Starke,
D., Akin . W.. Kimmcrly, R., Harvey. II. , Fiuazzo, J., ROW 4 : McClain, S., Maschman n, D., Ward, T. , Kistner,
Min ney. J., Beshore, D.. Hellwegc, J.. Hinkle. S.. Forrest, R., Boswell. B., ROW 5: Stratman, R., Powell. H., Lee. H. , H istorian; Cox. R., Latta, C., Vaug l1an. C., Twichell. T. , Lachncr, J., CoJ>.. B. , WitzeL H. , Allen, C., ROW 6: Conway, J., Jlousc Managcr; Ltâ&#x20AC;˘c, G., Bcrwzctte, R. , flawkinl>, C.. Asst. House Manager; Graham, j ., Nelson, M.. Starke, R. , Jasper, B., Kemper, G.. Edwards, D.
Delta Sigma Phi The Delta Epsilon chapter of DELT A IC \1 A Plll "as fou nd ccl on the L' ~1 R ca rnpu ~ on March 10, 1957. An international socia l fraternit~, Delta Sigm a Phi has 109 chapte rs throug hout the United States and Canad a. D<'lta Epsilon is composed of .57 acth c members seck in~ the same mutual goals of sc h olar~hip, leadership. and companionship. ln its short C\.istencc of ll \cars on this campus. Delta ig has dev(' lopcd a reputation of scholarsh ip and leadership. A " modern fratcrnit)" with a mature pledge program, De lta Sig just fin ished its second vcar in its new house. (t consists of 'two structures: a "round house" for dinin g and recreation a nd the sleep ing and st ud ~ quarters which boast unsurpassed student conditions. Throug hout its life, De lta Sigma Phi ha strcs cd sc ho larship a nd eng ineered leadership while at the same tim e taking an active part in all school affairs. Fred jones explained the operation of 'Delta Sig's new kitchen. Members could go into the round house to watch television without disturbing those who were trying to study.
Rt. 4, Vichy Road
2 14
The Delt' s came on strong in the S t. Pat's Parade with their tribute to Walt Disney.
Delta Tau Delta Epsilon Nu chapte r of DELTA TAU DELTA was founded on Decem be r 4, 1964, as Ka ppa Phi. The following year, Kappa Phi became a colony o f De lta Tau De lta, a national frate rnity. During these formati ve years, they have bee n very active in. campus activities. They have participated in a ll intramural eve nts as we ll as the games on party week-ends. Man y D e lts were me mbers of campus organizations this past year. Through the past three years, De lta Ta u D elta has prospered and grown. At the present, there are ninetee n members and eigh t pledges living in the frate rnitv house. The house, built in 1963, offers co mfortable liv ing for the me n. They are anticipating a house of a bout fifty men in the near futu re.
The Delt' s chariot team was pulling hard all the way.
DEL TA TAU D ELTA-FRONT HOW : Hopper, S. , Asst. Treasurer; Vermillion. B. , Sgt.-at-A rrns; Dit¡trich, W., Corresponding Secre tary; Aschinger, E., Preside nt; Hoff, M., Vice- Prcsicknt; Cranmer, H., Recording Secretary ; Dunka ilo, P.. Ritua list; ROW 2: Deshazer, V., Neill, J.â&#x20AC;˘ Slcboda, D.. Bath , 0 ., Parks, C. , Walke r, ].. Spe ncer. D.. ROW 3: Schre ine r, M., Creek, V .. Sherfield , F. , Mack, A.. Wicke, C .. Pe te rsen. V .. Crane. M .. ROW 4 : Paullus, T .. Treasure r; Caraas, D.. H oppe, T., Benay, L., Ricks, D., Will iams, J., T homason, L.
Number 1, Fraternity Drive
Kappa Alpha Beta Alpha Chapter of KAPPA ALPHA Order was founded at the Missouri School of Mines in 1904. Since that time the chapter has grown to be one of the major frat ernities on campus. Kappa Alpha is an active participant in campus affairs and organizations. Of its 72 members, Kappa Alpha bas as a brother the UM R 路路Fres hman of the Year." Also this past year, Kappa Alpha men he ld major offices in campus organizations. lmportant offices he ld were President of the Student Uniun Board, Vice-president of Blue Key, and Treasurer of IFC. An active participant in intramural sports, Kappa Alpha won the wrestling c rown and took third place in basketbal l. In addition , the d il igent efforts of the brothers brought Kappa Alpha first place in th e Homecoming decorations contest. Other house functions Lhis year brought aboul man y needed improvements including a new concrele tennis and basketball court. This cannon was used by Kappa Alpha for special occasions. 216
Brothers relaxed at a friendly game of cards during a study break.
KAPPA ALP H A - FHON'l~ ROW : Fischer, j ., Parliamentarian ; Frankcuficld , 0 ., Tr<•asurcr; Glanc~·. F., Corrcspondin~ Secretary: Kuhlmann. H. . Vice-Prel.iuent; Graul. B.. President ; Rhea, C. , Recordin~ St•crctary; Alexantkr. W. , Sdwlar~hip Officer; Woodruff, M ., ll istorian ; Joplin, R.. Sgt.-at-Arrm. ; ROW 2: Conzclrnan, H.• johannpetcr, W.. Dure~k', 13 , Lindqui,t. C. , Curt h. 0 ., Hill. R., Pil•rcc. ]., Fr~ . Pc<·hk• .... I). HOW 3: Wilson. S.. Weston, J., Litzinger, \V , \l aupin. ~ I , Burb, G., Doerr, S.. Bozza~ .
G.. Bozzay, L. . Carr, D., HOW 4: Fish<-r. H.. Hobb. H.. Horwfcngcr, j .. Dd .an~c . R., Printz, R. j r., Bo~ d. D.. Po<•rtncr, T .. Schciba l, I ... Asst. Treasurer; Mt•ndcll. H.. HOW .5: Fi~>(·ht•r, H. , £3urkc, L. , Rhodes, B. , Hut'lt•r, D.. St<•llcin. T .. Brinkman, R., Neuwirth, D.. Fat•rlwr. D .. Lillard, J , HOW 6: ~ l oorc C., Gcmeinhardt, H.. Rain,, S.. w, lit•, G . \Vat h. H.. Craig, i\1 ., Rarnsc~ . R., lx·han, ~ I.
The Kappa Sig's showed some spirit for an intramural football game.
1201 State Street
Kappa Sigma While kee ping the ir g rades up and staying near the top each yea r in intramural athletics, the broth e rs of KAPPA SIGMA still find time to pa rtic ipate in suc h worthwhile projects as collecting money for th e Ma rch of Dimes. This year they won one of the The ta Tau Ug ly Man trophies by collecting the mos t mon ey pe r man. The importance of leade rship, social life and , above all, brothe rhood is also stressed to each new Kappa Sigma ple dge during his ple dge training as we ll as to all active me mbers durin g their stav at UM R. Offices he ld thi s year by Kappa Sigs include President of the IFC, Vice preside nt of the Inte rcollegiate Kn ights, Presid e nt of Blue Key and Secretary of The ta Tau. In addition, a Kappa Si g was sele cted to re ign as Zeus over the Greek W eek festivities. Ray Be hrens portraye d Ze us for Greek Week, 1968.
KAPPA SIGMA- FRO T ROW : M c K e l vc ~·. j .. Romine, B.. Guard ; Cordes. 0. , Treasurer; Hedrick. J., 2nd VicePresident ; Wood, C .. Pres ident ; Moll, J., Secretary ; Melzer, C., Guard ; Behrens, R., Vincente. T. , ROW 2: Kruc~e r, D.. Becker, R., Bourne, D., Hofe r. B.. Klein, K.. Sloan. E. . Crawford , R.. Social Chairman ; Schmidt, T. , Vaughan, G., ROW 3: Handlan , T., Lemasters, $., Dowling, J., White,
11., Blurne ntritl , H., Eatt rlon , S.. Ward, R., Woodlock, M., Schob, T. , ROW 4: Rib·. H., Lauck, D., Wi<.·hlinski, T., Beers, }.. Fridley, M., t haplain ; Callahan, J., Killgore, R. , Hot•!. R., ROW .5: Thorst·ll. P., Sunukjian, J., Thomson , H.. McNt"rncy. J., Ferry, C. , Vau~han , D., Hcnnckes, ]., Dobbins. 0 .. Smith. T.. Brt'cc.·t•. D.. Hcppl'. H.
1705 Pine Street. Lambda Chi took second place in intramural softball.
Lambda Chi Alpha LA \t BDA C III ALPHA, the third social f raternih , established
its 1\l pha Delta Chapter at L \1H in 1917. Lambda Chi boasts of it influ<.'tH.'<.' in building leaders hip qualities among its members. The nume rous campus organization offices held by Lambda Chis and thei r participation in civic affairs has earned Lambda Chi its reputation as being one of the mos t aeth e fraternities on campus. An C'\ten~ h e public re lations program \\as another of its outs tanding attributes. The brothers' initiath <.' won the national first place troph) for outstanding public relations. As a side lig ht , the men of Lambda Chi had exce ll ent taste in their choi<.:c of the opposite sc\, \\ hich was 'cri fied b) victories for the last four Lambda Chi queen candidates up through the ~ !iii tar) Ball th b year.
Mike Potter found a way to relax while studying.
LAMBDA C lll ALPII A-FRONT ROW : Wehner, T .. Dinges, ]., Potter, M.. Social Chairman ; Bcrtt'l~ meyN, J., Pled~<· Trainer; Slack, G., Vic<·-Prcsidt'nl: Parh. F.. President ; Warner, J., S(•crctary; Miller. It , Tr<.'asurcr; Swift, L. , Steward ; Bulrner, B.. ROW 2: Stan~lein , D., McGrew, C., lll·i~ . H.. Hogge. C., Headin~ton , F . \1cAIIbter, D., Rowland . S . St•ld<•n, T .. Baur, j .. K<•ohanc. W , ~ l ac:Donald . B.. ROW 3. Edwards. H.. Beil~tcin , J., Smith, R., \1 cDonald. J . Noland. j.. Hdlin. L . Gardner. S.. Branum,
B.. Quick. E., Allen, j .. ROW -1 : j ohnson. 0 .. ~I<:Ciain , C., Fac n~er . A.. Garrett , H. . Bryan , C.. Bcrr). B., Wolfsbt·r~cr, j. , Farrar, ll , Martin, H., Schi ll in~ . K.. Blanke, E., HOW 5: Co:-., J., Chrhtman, H., Stoltz, W., Warren, T., Kladh a, A., Randolph, W. , llouS<' Managt•r; Pot7marm, C., Butt<'rfi<•ld . D., Ct'or)!<.'lt, t\1. . ROW 6: Sunderrm·,·t•r, M , Ott. W.. Lcgsdin, j .. ll i~torian : ;\Iiiier. P . Perr) , J., \luclk-r, K., Suoboda. \1.
The men got an early start in building the St. Pat's Queen Float.
PHI KAPPA THETA-FRONT HOW: Mildenstein, R. , Secretary; Adrian, C. , Ritter, D., Goedde, J., lhler, D., Caffke.. D., Schade, C. , Treasurer; Schmidt, R., Vice-President; Drag, C., President; Fix, F., Executive Vice-President; Rocchio, F. , Pledge Master; Ward, D. , Executive Council; eusel, S., Dallas, R. , Wethjngton, B., Hellm awn, K., ROW 2: Herbst, S., Fisher, M., Spaunhorst, V., Zlatic, M.. Brown, j ., Deschler, D., Balcstreri, J., Assistant Treasure r; Jones, R. , Kaiser, S., Schellman; L., Bazdrcsch, J., Scanlan, J., Hartwig, L., Morfcld." R. , Sandler, ]., Bauman, W., Hahn, M., Posch, R. , Schweigert, K. , ROW 3: Vennari, j ., Nolfo, A. , Kennedy, B., Klug, R. , Rapp, D., Crams, K. , Kolaz, R. , Padbcrg, J., Maune, D. , Ray, S. , Miller, C. , Weber, j .. Kalbac, R., Keuss, 0 ., 222
Steward; Mues, R., Siebert, P.. Assistant Steward; Rupp, M. , Executive Council; HOW 4: Viox, P. , Hilmes, S. , Schmidt, P. , Schuck, B., Stokes, J., Bokermann, D., Roettgcn, L.. Roth, C. , Rhodes, J., Naeger, J.. Boschert, T . Meehan , j ., Weiskopf, K. , Wulff, $. , Reynolds, R., Mascot Chairman; Corbett, T. , Chapter Editvr; ROW 5: Couri, E. , Apprill, M. , Kuhn, S., Kimball, B., Trapp. R., Bcnsko, J., Kuntz, j .. Frauenhoffer, D., Kwiatkowski, J., Wand , D., Boes, D., Zimmer, j. , Rechncr, j ., Assistant Treasurer; Tikwart, R. , Frecbcrsyser, W., Financial Secretary; Jones, T., Roche, J., HOW 6: Crecelius, H., Dietsch, M.. Struckhoff, B., Suher, F., Herr, E. , Lulh , W., Schmidt, K., Elli, M ., Kissel, S.. Burke, B. , Sargeant at Arms; Sturgeon, M., Crernminger, C., Grawe, j., Huber, H. , Marischen, j .
Phi Kappa Theta Missouri Mu C hapter of PHI KAPPA T H ETA National Fra te rnity was fo unded on the U M R cam pus as the O rder of Cardinal Me rcie r in 1925. Since then, the frate rnity has been one of the foremost houses on campus, a nd has pa rticipated in a ll phases of campus acti vity. T his year, Phi Ka ps held suc h offi ces as Editor of the Rollamo, Editorin-Chief of the campus newspa per, Presid e nt of Al p ha Phi Omega, Pres ide nt of T he ta Tau, Preside nt of Inte rco lleg iate Kn ig hts, Editor of the ln te rfrat路ern ity Council Newspape r, a nd nume rous othe r offices in the many ca m pus organ izations. This year, the me n of P hi Kappa T he ta buil t the Queen's Float for the annual St. Pat's Cele bration and won the trophy for most money collec ted in the annual Ugly Ma n contest. P hi Kaps also stood in the top five in overall intram ura l stan din gs. All in a ll, Phi Kappa Th e ta enjoyed a successfu l year.
Eceryone enjoyed the Phi Kap booth at the Greek Week Carnival.
707 State Street
2 23
Pi Kappa Alpha
Members and their dates enjoyed a Sunday afternoon at Meramec State Park.
This year the Alpha Kappa Chapter of Phi KAPPA ALPHA was selected as the top chapter in the country out of over 140 chapters. It was the fourth time Lhc Pikers at UM R have won the coveted Smyth Award , tying a national record. The award was based on proficiency in chapter reporting, alumni relations, house corporations, scholarship, leadership on campus, and public relations. Of the twenty-one students named to Who's Who in American Colleges and U nivcrsities, three were Pikes. Members held 25 major offices on campus, including the presidency of ten organizations. They had six varsity lettermen including three starters on the varsity baseball team. Community service projects included 90% participation in the com munity blood drive, a Christmas party for underprivileged children, soliciting for the muscular dystrophy drive, and doing repair work on the St. James Boys Town's athletic fie ld. In the area of scholarship, twenty-one brothers were placed on the university's first and second honor roll.
PI KAPPA ALPIJA- FRO'\!T HOW : Bacy<>n. H. . Nation,, H . lkr~cr, D.. Pled~t·mastN; Kruvand. D . Trt•asu rcr; Dollar. J . Prc~ idcnt : Grab-.l..i S. Efthim. A., A~-.t. Houw \lana~cr ; Sirm. S . HOW 2 Altcberr~ . ~ 1 . llou't' ~lana~cr; Gabbard. \1. , ~ f usl..opf. L. . Hit·hard!>. D., Trt•asurt•r; Brandt B.. L<m . H. . II iltt•rhrand . K.. Plcd~e Prt•sid<•nt . \Vo()(J.., ~ HO\\ 3· Chapman H \\ 't·d~e. K.. fc~lcr. D . ijiedNman. S.. Graham. T . Ca,tro, T. . Heck. A . \l,wllN, 0 .. Thorou~hrnan . W .. HOW -! : ~aut>r. T . Blanl..cno,hip. K.. Qua\ lc. W .. Bra~ . K . Pondroli. j .. Hohenb<·r~t·r. F, S<:hdf. R. Stc\\ard; Schultz. H.• Colombatto, P.. H<lufa. C . llale~ . j .. ROW 5 . \li<•ra, D., Chrbtanell, B., Frbhee, T .. St'<:rctan ; Albert D.. Woo<k E . H<'wermann. C .• Phillip~. C .. Capelli , T. 224
â&#x20AC;˘., .
9th and Bishop
Everyone had a great time at the Grotto during Creek Week.
Pi Kappa Phi PH I BETA IOTA was establi.,lwd as fraternit~ at the L' nh elibit~ of \1i5ts<mri-Rolla on \Ja,· lb, IH63. On ~o,cmbcr 16. L961. · tlw' became a colon) of PI KAPPA Pll I :'\ational Fratcrnit\ . Last ·Fall the chapter had the high c'>t overall grade point of the Iratt•rnities, and their pledges won tlw IFC scholar5thip troph) . Though they arc• small and their main emphasis was on scholarship, the~ didn't neglect the athletic ami social events of the year. The~ participated in all intramural sports, and had man) parties throughout the year. The Fraternity was well reprcsent<'cl across campus with brothers holding offices such as Brigade Commander of the ROTC program and VicePresident of the M SPE. Their brothers were acthe in such honorar) organiza:. tions as Alpha Chi Sigma, T au Bda Pi. Eta Kappa ~u. Scabbard and Blade, and Pershing Rifles.
a local
A good magazine would always take ones mind off school for a while
1704 State Street
The living room proved to be a popular place for relaxation.
PI KAPPA PHl- F.HONT HOW : Ludwi)!, L.. Hou!>e Mana~cr; HetzeL D., Warden; McBride, j .. T reasurer; Spencer. T. , Archon ; ShrivN, B., Secretary; Um·h. H.. Chaplain ; Roberts, 0., ll btol'ian; HOW 2: Klema, P. , Mosher. H., Simmons, H., Schnettler. M. , Camenzind, S.. Gioia, M., HOW 3: Wabon , T.. Derickson, N. , Dierok•, It Jr. St•ncl>, L., Winsor. B.. Scherrer. P.. HOW 4 : Wibon. L., Lammi. A.. Bcntzingcr. R. , jun~crman11 , K.. I n~ram , J.
Social develo7m1ent was one aspect of college life that Sigma Nu did not neglect.
SIGMA NV-FRONT ROW: Hilgendorf, R., Powers, j ., Watkin~ . J., TreasuH'r; Kucnz, J., Lt. Commander; Wilham, K.. Commander; Hhoads, R., Pled~c larl!hall; Bmnkhor~t . S.. Ht•corder; Gasper, G., Kunst, M.. ROW 2: BH·r. j ., Schwa~cn, j .. Steward; Hill. ~ f. . Vcrcbcl) i, E. , Fleming. j .. ll ou~e ~1 ana~cr; Suszko, B., Ryland. L.. Cillx-rt, ).. HOW 3: LaGrasse, ).. Whcatlc). L. . Rcporlt'r; \\' rit!hl. S . &•c:kman. K. As~t. Plt'dgc ~ l arshall; 'eel. T..
In intramurals. SIG~l-\ Nl orH.:<' again appeared at the top a!> the brothers combined their athletic abiliti<.·~ to "in the l961 0\ erall c~ampion ship. Sigma ~u has continued it<., v. inning ''a) s b) placing high in almost C\ er) intramural sport this ) ear. Christmas brought <.,till anothN troph) as the Sigma Nu quartet finbhed l'ir<.,t in its dh·ision at the annual IFC Sing. During the past year. rnembNs of Sigma Nu have held major offices in organizations such as the S t. Pat· s Board and the I FC. Sigma Nu also carried a heav)' membership in ll<lllorary organizations with major offices being held by brothers in several of these. Sigma Nu has spread its good w ill through the communit) this past ) car b) staging activities such as a Christmas party for underpri\'ilcgcd chil dren and b) remm ing several dead trees from a neighboring church) ard .
ROW 4: Simonsen, M.. M ont~onwry, R., Shinpaugh, B., Schall, L.. l larlrnan, T., Gilbert, T. , Schlueter, D., ROW .:;; Yowt•ll . B.. E~tlwr. R., ~ 1 unscy, j .. Sentinel; Cm~~. E.. C:arpcntt·r. M . I J u~IH'~. J.. Byar:., R.• ROW (): Martin, J . Counsil, J • Grig~~. P.. Knl!>ka, S. Pitner, S.. Andrews. ll. Adams, R.. Young,
j .. Chaplain;
JOOi Main Street
The Sil{ Eps had a very imwessive St. Pa{s Float.
~ ~·
,::, :·. : ~ ~
500 W. 8th Street
Sigma Phi Epsilon The M b~ouri Gamma Chapter of the SlC\It\ PIIJ EPSILO was found e d at tht• L nhcrsih of i\ l issou ri-Rollu on \Ia' 10. l9-l7. Since that time Sig Ep has distinguished itself in t'\Cr~ facet of college activities. Sdwlastic:all~. it has made a name for itself by carr~ ing one of the hi~hcst grade.· point a\(·ragcs of the big fralt•rniti<•s on campus. In the past fc,, ~cars. Sig Ep has finished C\lrcrncly "<·II in lntran1ural Sports. espeeia ll ~· wrcstliug. One of the <.'\presidents of the fraternit~ held the offict• of Business ~ l ana~er on the .. l\ 1incr.. taff. and one of their nwmbers also served as sec:retarv. In addition, the Treasurer of the Intercollegiate Knights is a Sig Ep. By 1969 or 1970, the Sig Eps hope to ha\(?
moved into a brand ne\\ fratcrnit ,. house on Fratcrnitv How. The llC\V house is being design<'cl to accommodat<· all the needs of its eight~ mcmbNs plu s man~ more.
PHJ EPS ILON-FHON T HOW : Connoll\', D.• Knc·n~I. . Tr<'a'>urer; Eill'r'>. H.. \'ict·- Pre~idcnt; Ci' ;.Ill,
S I C~ I A
G. President . Ze~<:h , R . lk<:order; Barrett , H.. Jr.. Chaplain ; Hamilton, j .. HO\\' 2: Sander,, H.. Troutman. 1\ • Fa' ignano. H . B~ rne. J.. \Vojtkow~ki. D.. Durand. D .
~1. .
ROW 3: Seh\\t•izt>r. A.. Wi<•clwm. S., E\t'rt•tt ,
The Sig Eps played the Fifty-Niners in intramural softball.
j . Stant kid. D.. L hllwrn , J., Ft•t·hter. C.. llarting. 0 .. Cibiltcrra. T .. \l undwiller. J., Wb~t·l. F.. Crt'l' ll, j ., Rood. \1.. Crt•t•n. E.. ~1 k-hit'. G.. \l ad><'m. \\'., HOW .5: Ba,lt>r, D.. Culit·k. · G. . Crimm. J . 1\:nd<•rg~t. 0 . Sandu<;k~. I) . Glenn. C. Smith, C . llO\ \ 6· \ll'rlt•nbach . C. , \leComa.,, ~ 1. . En~t·l. H.. Tonto. \\'.. Lun:hhurgh. T. . ll ull. J.
Sigma Pi The goal of SIGMA PI is to develop the \\ell-rounded man. This is shown by their emphasis on scholarship, on extracurricular activities, and on the intramural sports at the University of Missouri- Rolla. This year Sigma Pi won a national award for their publication in their fraternity magazine. During Creek Week, their chariot tied for first place on overall appearance and second place in the race. Sig Pi's St. Pat's float took second place and won the originality trophy. In addition, they sponsored the St. Pat's Queen. During the Christmas party weekend their quartet took second p lace in the JFC Sing. Their emphasis on scholarship is show n by having twelve of their brothers in honorary organ izations. Members also held several offices on campus including Vice-President and Secretary of the American Nuclear Society and Treasurer of the Metallurgical Society. The Stg Pi's celebrated wfnntng a close intramural softball game.
S I C~1A PI -FRO T ROW : Ellie;, P., Altheimer. B., Aft•\ander, W.. Bondurant. F., Secrctan; Dudzik, B.. T n.•a.,u rt•r; Worth, B.. President; Steckel. ~I. , Vic:t·· Pre~ident ; M user. S.. llerald ; Becker. II.. House ManagN; T~ ndorf. J.. Orr. £3.. HOW 2 : Finch. J.. Seo~~ins , K.• Crtl\\l'll , H.. Grcen\\ood. ~ I , Julian. C .. Turco. ~1. . Bo~le, G.. Krt•it·nkamp. G.. Shoekl<.·~ IL Tnt<.'' · D.. Elliott. j .. \'anN<"trand. J.• ROW 3 : Pcl\\ell. C . Ko\\alcz~k. T . \\'pi''· B.• Lu<:io. D . Cummim. L . ll<.'inlt·. R . J une~. \1 . Sa\ll·
rclli. S. , Laj<.•une'>'>e. C., Salvati, P.. Merod , M. , ROW 4: Meyer, L. , Mot•nstN. 8.. Bishop, B., \ 'anDt•Boc, A., Pressler, D ., Polcvn, A. . Hanstcin, E. , Barker, H., Con~('r, G.. Woodl>, W., Miller, C .. Johns, G., HOW 5: Cochran, L. , ConrH:r. W., Ill. Weidner, R., Davidson, L., Berger, j ., Hcblt•r. lJ., Dt'tcr, K.. Stripliu~. C., Baker, W., Harri~on , F:., Stt•dt•l, G.. ROW 6: Ostt•rmann j , Bucher, \I.. T''t•llman. D. Bca~~~ . It, Coste. H , j<.·n~cn, G., ~·kcr. H.
Sig Pi escorted the Greek Week Royalty.
206 E. 12th Street.
Sigma Tau Gamma SIGMA TAU GAM MA has progressed rapidly in social, sc holast ic, and extrac urric u lar activit ies on campus. To promote sportsmans hip and team spirit. they participated in intramural sports. The Alpha Omega Chapte r also offered to each member a wellrounded social life. This year Homecoming was very successful with the re turn of ma ny alumni to the house. Other social fu"nctions during the year included the White Rose Dance, Valentine's Dance, St. Pat's, a nd Greek Week. Also, the house held its annual New Year's Dance in St. Louis which is open to all U M R students. In addition, the house e ngaged in a number of community activities. In · the fall , the chapter joined th e N1uscu lar D ystroph y fund drive. They also sponsored the annual Tri-S ig Christmas Party for underprivileged ch ildre n along with Sigma Ph i Epsilon, and Sig ma Pi. In addition the chapter makes an a nnual Science Fair Award presentation to a d eserving exhibit in the South Central Missouri Science Fair held each yea r in April at UM R.
Sig Tau portrayed the Keystone Cops in the St. Pat's Parade.
SIGMA TAU CA~I lA-FRONT ROW: &·II. T., ll oelkt·r. A. II I, Commandt.•r; Kb~ing, ~I. . Vil·e- Prl':.idcnt; D<•l allt.'~. J.. Pr<"sidc nt : Bakula. J., Trca~ur<•r; Scare~. J., ~k h t.'ll lll · bauer. J., Kot~s. C .. Kosti<:, D.. HOW 2: Vardiman, S.. Sicking. ~I.. \iall , W.. Pt.•tcrson , D.. Jansen. W.. \ 1ilkr. L . Fousek. D. ll ahn. D.. ROW 3: llutchim, G . \1 urph~ ,
Stt.'iamk~. T., Scntind ; Bell, A.. Elfrink, M., £,am, J., Ciac:hino. E., Gerhard , C. , ROW 4: Allwrl~. T., Dm lc, B., Call , D.. Burzc n, D.. Hush Chainnan; llot<.• hkiss. H., ~kW<'l'll<'\. B., llarrb, C., Stdfen, E.. Kurtz, T. , Witt<.'. J.. Leigh. ~r. . Doering. F.. ~I arl..ham. H
200 ÂŁ . 12th Street
Member!! and th efr dat es soak up a little sun during Creek Week.
Tau Kappa Epsilon was the overall Greek W eek winner.
TAU KAPPA EPSILON- FHONT HOW : Loughrig<.'. C., Pledg<.• Trainer; Con~tanc:t•, S., rl btorian; Stt•wart, }., Stt•ward; Moutric, C.. Pre~idcnt; Heagan , L. , ict•- Prcsidt•nt; Fandel, D., Sec:rctar~; Lamlx·rt, }.. Chaplain; Tut•, H. , Sgt.-at-Arm ; ~I U\ w<.·ll. 1.. A!>st. Plcdg<.• Trairwr: HOW 2: ~lcFaddcn . T ., Andcr-.t>ll, B.. Politte, }.. Timpt•, W.. Oavi~. B., Ken~ on. It, Ro<.·ht•, H.. Praznik. G.. &•rt-
schmann. D., ROW 3: Link. j .. Mahanna, A., Zeiler. T., Farrell, B., Bauer, L., Broyles. P. , Olson, G., Leonard, ~ 1. . Kenyon, H. , ROW 4 : Montgomcr) , D.. Burris, R., Hinl. haw . }., Montgomery. M.. Schaffner, M., Stuckt•r, J., Bain, }.. Bau<.'r, G .. Condon, J., ROW 5: ~1uir. S., Orcutt, H.. Stefanic. D .• Fi<.her, E., Boehm, ~1. . W<.•st, C .. \1ochle. C . Bethel. J . Roll<', 0 , Katzman. \ 1.
Tau Kappa Epsilon The mod<.路rn un h crsil\ demands leader hip and responsibilit~ from its students. TAL' KAPPA EPS ILON'S ans"ver to thb inc:lucles ha' ing the President of the I FC. \'ic:c-president of the AlAA, President of the ISA. and Secretary of the VM H Rugby Club. In addition the) took first place honors in 1968 Greek Week competition, "on the second plac:c award for their Homecoming Displa) . won second place in intramural wrestling, and won first place in the annual I FC sing. Paralleling a rapid ) ~ growing campus and increasing enro llment. TEKE' s plans for c\pansion include constru ction of a new $300,000 lh ing complex located north" est of the campus on Fraternit\ How. This new house is being phinned for the near future.
Chet ,\1outrie u:ith Teke's .\fascot. King 1107 State Street
Tlwta Chi Pre~ ident , Doug Whitting ton, admires their newly won trophies.
Til ETA CH I- FRONT HOW· Curlt'o. C.. Pl cd~t· \ lar,hal ; Stc.·ruber~ . T .. Trc.•a'~•rN ; Whittington. D.. Prc.·,id(•nt ; Burn'>. 8., \ 'icc -Pre!.idc.•nl . Bartolo. D.. Se<:rt'tar~ ; HO\\' 2 \ Jc.•H•r, J., Chaplain , \lmcr, D.. Bell. \V .. Tu rck. R.. Brod,rnc>ier, H.. Harmon. J . HO\\' 3: Die rker. S . Starl,e' . H.. Sof)(:zak P.. ll i,lorian . llc rmg. B.. Ratn\t'\ . \1
Theta Chi Epsilon Chi Chaptc:r ol TH ET.\ CI LJ formed on \lcl\ IS, 1963 at the U nh ersil\ of \ I i'>sou ri- Hoi Ia. The' are a small 路lwuo.,e aJI(I their acth itic~'> are limited. but the' o.,till haH' brothers in Alpha Phi Omc.:ga, the student union. the ~chool band. and man~ of the professional soc:iet ies. Th b 'ear the,路 recch cd an a\\ ard in the Al,)ha Phi o'mcga blood drh e. Tht'\ also ''on a\\'ards for \\US
the l\1arch of "Dimes, .. Ugl~ !'dan .. contest, the Greek Week Booth contest,
and the shille lagh contest. The chapter has many plans for future cxpansi<>ll. Lli way 63 is to be widened and the fratcrnit\ will rccei\'c m<,)llC) from the sale o.f a portion of its laud for this purpme. Follmving this, the school plans to bu) the remaining property. \Vith the combined monc\ lrom these transactions. Theta
C hi plam to build a IH.' \\ houo.,c equipped for c.\pan 路ion in nwmbership.
1202 Bishop Street .
Tom Sternberg catches up on a little studying.
Theta Xi The Alpha Psi C hapter of THETA X l was ~ra n tcd its c harter at the U n i ~ "ersih of Missouri- Holla in October H, 1949.- At Theta Xi scho lars hip hold s the position of utmost importan'cc, but social acti' ities ba lance out each me mber' 'i life. The~ participate in man~ intramural sports, <.'\tra curricular activities. and communil) projects. The brothe rhood of Theta Xi e ndeavo rs to assist each member to de ve lop his pote ntial to its ma\imum without loss of his own individualih. Keeping the house in top physical cond ition is a responsibility shared by a ll their me mbe rs. Las t semester there were several projects unde rtaken to imprme their living coudi tions. The fall semester at Theta Xi began with the traditional Viking Part) at H omccom in ~ and the spring semeste r ended with the Greek Week festiv ities w hich a lways prove to be fun for all. Two of the brother.\ formed a welcoming party for girls that came to Rolla for an all-school mixer.
THETA XI- FRONT ROW: Ll<·wt·llyn, D .. Jr. Stt•wtml; Smith. C.. llorny. B.. Vice-President ; Dejohn, A.• President; li ard~. R . Tr('tl\urN; CalchH•II . R . Secrctar~. E\au.... J., Schular... hip Officer; ROW 2: Trafka, P . Hdnhardt. P , Wagner. P . Htr\\t•ll. E.. Fri<'r. I) . Smid. F.. E~k·•. D.. HOW 3 \ht•r, j ., Prottt'. C., Oben. W.. 1\ lM. J . Parks. j .. Walt~r!>. ~ I . Dunn . \1.. RO\V 1: ll acknc~. \\' . ll a,~dfcld. R.. nu.,h Chairman , Ounw~. C., Braunt·. K . Walt(•r.,, H., Kirk, C .. HOW 5: Ros~. L.. Stert.'lt. K.. La~ ton. P.. Apples<·ecl. D .. Flatt. W .
100.5 Pine Street
Theta Xi made a wtiqtte display for our homecoming game
against the Springfield Bears.
Frank Ha/r;achs is escorted by his fraternity·· brothers.. to Frisco Pond.
THIANCLE- FHONT HOW: Brt•wt·r. P.. Steward ; Grimsh aw. C .• Recording St•<:rl'lary; Cu~ . J.. Trcasurl'r ; Wt•)!rt:yn. J., President; Harri!>. J., \'i<.'c-Prt·,idcnt ; H arri~. D.. 1-fou,\.t' \ lanagcr: ROW 2: fcugatc. B . Dbrnukc. T . Arnold. R . Fo~lt•r. E.. Crane. \'.. Hah adl~. F.. A~'>t. Trca~ur<'r:
VonKaenel, F .. ROW 3: Dein. H., Curr, K . Hue, J.. Kerfoot . j .. Craham , L. , Polka. R.• HOW 1: Hlwint•t•kl'r. P . ~1. .
Parlianwnl:.trian · Iron., T \ l ;1tsegoocl. C : k ant·r~k'. D.. th !>l. limN' \l anagrr; Horton. R Ht'(•d .
E.. HOW .): Sdwt·m·ek. I.
Triangl e TH I \r\GLE, a national frat<'ntih for engineers, archile<:ts. and scielitists, was founded at the Unhersit\ ol Il linois in 1907. Because of their limited membership of persons r<'latcd to the sciences. th<'' form a strong bond of friendship ·and brotherhood. Triangle takes parl in all intramurals and in the past h' o years tlw~ have fi lled some of their empty spots on the mantle. During this time tht• bowling team captur('d second and third place trophies in l ntcrfraternit~ bo'' ling. St. Pat's L9()7 prO\·ed fruitful as their first float in two 'ears took first place in the novice d ivlsion. They did not slack on scholarsh ip, winning the improvement troph~ i n the spring of 1967. During this time the~ held the ·clwlar'>h ip cup once for ha' ing an 0\ erall of 2.52 for the house. The .. Old Rock House" has a new spacious addition and in the ncar future they hope to sec their dream of two more floors added to this addition. Triangle did well again in intramural bowling. 807 State Street
' I
Indep enden ts
Campus Club The C.\ \I PL'S CLL B b the nc" est of the si\ cooperath c eating clubs on the L'~lH campu!). The members are proud of their high standard of dining, and their mm·e to a IIC\\ building next Scptt•mbcr will insure a thoroughly enjoyable atmosphere for the future. The rH.''" dub faciliti<'s v.i ll comprise more than 2000 square feet of dining area. capable of sen ing 175 members. The kitchen area will em cr bOO square ft·ct and ''ill contain complct(' modern stainless steel equipment. Plans for the nc'' building include a lounge area, and the entire building will be airconditioned. Arran~cmcnts for the new fncil it ics mark the culmination of four ~ear~ of development since the establishment of the Campu~ C lub in Decemlwr of 1963. The dub has aided strongh in the de' elopment of the intcrco~>JWratiH' system. and this ~ear t\\ e ul\ ot its mcm bers held offices in other ·campus organizations. T he snow of the year left its mark on the Campus Club.
CAMPUS CLUB-FRONT HOW : Crccnm C., Board of Con· Irol; Sander, J.. Board ol Coni rol; Hicono. M., Board of Control; L<·hman, Jr. i\. , IJmim·~~ i\l anagN; Ca)tlc, W.. \ ict·· t>n·.,idcnt. So<.:ial Din·dor; Fq~cr. T.. Pn•,i<l<-nt; Fo" lt'r. H.. Secret an··Tn·a~un•r; l laal!, A.. Het·ordin~ Stwt'lar~; Blo". J., Amirgholi. \1.. Hm!>, E., f>il·pcr. C .. Burian, J . ROW 2· Branham. J . ~lrothcr. G.. Bnm ning. F . ' ll<m maker. H.. Huh land. \I . Bt•rndorf(•r. ,\ ~ullh an. j .. Dulltwr. C .. Crandt•ll. C . li nt''. D.. llockt'tt, \I . Porll'r.
24 6
C., ROW 3 : Abul· ll u~n . R.. Rush Chairman; Pl·llq~ rino. 0 ., Otto. C., Sohn. D.. Sc:hn<'ick-1·. J., Schoplcr, C.. Stroc!lsner. B.. Scott. W .. Johmon, W .. ll utc:herson. D., Kc•rnJWr, W., Freeman, R.. HOW I : Durham, V.. Collkr. T .. Williams, L.. E' am. D .. Thomas, <:.. ~ I a~c·ot Chuirrnan; Frm•schn<>r. T . On... tott, I. , Slil!all. D , Board ol Control. L\ rwh. D.. Cram· j . HOW 5. Hdwt·. E. Hohimon , Ehbl'!>mt-~N. ~ lkb'>l'rt'r. L., jolll''> J Thic·'· D.. S . \kKinnl'\ \\' Ce~scl. 13.. E~hbaugh. H . Winters. L.. Pluh. D
This hungry bunch of men enjoyed a cas路ual mea in the club'~ dining hall.
There was nothing like a little relaxation after a good meal.
The ENG IN EE RS' CLU B, lm:atcd at 3 12 West 16th Street, is lhc oldest and mosl established of the six clubs thal now operate at U MR. T o d ate, it is Lhe onh- club to build its own new building specifically designed for the club's purposes. The Eng ineers' Club provides 19 meals pe r week for a pproxim ately. 200 stude nts. ln addition it provides a local point for soci al eve nts, representation
and supervision for lhose intcrcs led in intramural a thl e tics, a nd an organization to motivate leade rship and campus recog nitio n for the indepe ndent student. The club is a st uden t owned and operated corporat ion. Professional cooks are hired , and the re mainder of the work is allocated on a need basis to stude nts who apply for the jobs. Th e club has monthly meetings, and the final powe r of decision rests in the club membership. There was always plenty of good cold milk to go with each meal.
E 1C I EERS CLUB-FHONT HOW: Bremer. C .. Geist'!. R., Kaesberg, H.. Enderle, T.. Hug hes. D.. Sabharwal, K., LlO\d . W ., President; Schunrbusc:h. L.. Treas urer; Meuser, j ., Slwrman , L. . Klt1ba, D., fimmo , $., Bischoff. R.. ROW 2: Becker. R., Worthman . D.. Peters, D. . Bozarth, B.. Jochum, R.. Board of Control; Docke ry. C.. Estes, L. , Stc:de. H., Board of Con trol ; De).(enhardt, L., Hard~ . C .. Warden . P.. Shawlmn, D.. Brown , II. , ROW 3: ~latthews. E.. Hollb. }.. john:.. G.. Newcom. D.. DuBob. W.. Gulick, i\1 .. Williams ...A.• Angelkh . ~1. . Sipp, \1. . Ct'orgt•. D..
Ccile, H.. Webbe r, G. , Mastalio, K., ROW 4: Mucllhaupt, E., Breeden. J., Gill, M., Heed, M.. Hedley, Q .. Bartlett, W .. De haven , ]., Mason, J., Leu, C. , Mcllnay, ]., r-.1urph~. S., McGee. D., Hc imosth, ~1. , I~OW 5: Orsc:heln , H., Gree n, R.. Arant, W., Ta~lor, B.. Everl'tt, W., Saxton, H., F'orbcck, J., Speer. W., Ford, H. . Ganaway, D., Pautler, ll. , Chrisman, C., Business Manag<'f. HOW ('): George, j ., Crct•ne. T. . Andreae, H.. Pfeiff er, D., Adams. W.. Bocek, R. , Smashe~. M. , Collins. W.. Arnold~ . H.. Fbhcr. T., Best, H., Thorn~bc rry. V.
312 W . 16th Street
Wholesome meals were served by the Engineers路 Club.
Fifty-Niners' Club ''Tops" is the word the FIFTYN I'\! EHS' used to describe their acth ities for this past \ear. Winning the first plae(' trophy a;1d th e workmanship troph~ in the St. Patrick's Day Parade Float Contest with th eir entn . " SttO\\ White and th e Seve n o~, arl s." and ranking at the lop of the intramural standings have made the Fifl~ -nin ero; stand out among campus organization . The club sen es 20 rrwal-. per wee k and had an averag e mont hh board bill of $3-!. The cleanup after 'meals is done by students who do the work in re turn for th eir board. The dub has adcl{'(l new equipme nt to tlw ir faci li ties this vcar to give their 2.50 members e ffici~·n t and 'more ceo nom ieal meals. The club is located at 205 \Vest lOth Stree t in the basement of the Fireston e Building.
20.5 W. lOth Street
FIFTY- I ERS-FRONT ROW: Hendon , B.. Karsh. B.. Lit•,cfwidt. K.. Addin~ton . L. . Kemp, R., Reuther, A.. SanN, P.. Sunclernwye r, T .. B<>rglund . R. , Chapman , D., Prt•sidt•nt ; Carron, G., j anoch, C., l-lahn. II. , By(' rs. C. , Soda( Chairman; 110W 2 : King , 0. , Parks. W ., I larch' ic~ . D.. M atthew~. R.. ~ l acio::., E.. CariN. H., i\lcFarland, H.. B~ rn, E.. Gullic, R.. Smith, H , Daniel. j ., Bnm 11. \V . Strt't'~er. L.. ROW :3: Thrd~l'ld , II . Hiddle, C .. Hogl'r'. ) .. Pt•nholllm . B., Brdwr. K . Brown, D .. llollrah. (). ~l·mon . C . \\'attenbar~N. j .. Stallion . \1.. Pugh. \ ., Sdwn ~ . R.. Carmn . ~ 1. . HO\\ 4 : Hoger~. j .. Ha.,<:h. I' .
Iagee, R., Martin. K.. Brown, R., Schm' en~<.>rdt . R.. Heitman, J., lfarbison, J . Fullbright, j ., Cantre ll. j .. Shaw. D., j ame. H., Gunter, J.. jennings. T .. HOW 5: Attebery, L. , Stuckemeyer. R., Preston, J., ArchC'r, J., Pctcrsmeycr, M .. Wt•gc, J.. G ill. j .. HogNs. H., Burbcrry, D., Mangan , L.. Edward!>, T. , Gregory, H.. P" ~i n , R., ROW 6 : Del.e, P.. Croepcr. 8 ., Goct7., I) , Snlilh. \ ., Cross, E.. Rost·nkoeltl'r, H . Ta~ lor. R.. \\'l•bb. S. HobNhon , D.. \Vade, L. , Omohundro. \\'., \leume~l·r. I) , ~dlllaar<'. S. ,
Rulz. A • Lt•t•,
J • Burrow<,. C.
This was the before and after of the Fifty-Nilllm' first place float.
Th<' PHOSPECTOHS' CLUB, formerlv known as the Miners' Club, was organized on Novemher 10, 1956. It is presently located at 100.5 Elm Street, with 106 members. The men of Prospectorc,' Club stand out among the cooperath c eating clubs sdwlastically. this ~ear maintaining a 2.47 grade point average. "hich was high for the eating club-.. The men of the dub work toget lw r to give it recog nil ion in intramural sports and to be well represented in campus organizations. T hey sponso red spring and fall outings to compl<.'t<' the social life of it members.
A few Pro!>pectors' Club members eagerly awaiting the start of eventn.E{ chow.
PROS PECT O RS-FRONT HOW: Mueller, R.. Vice- Prt•sident ; Andrews, C ., Tate, T .• Krcmmel, D., Po linski. D ..
BorlnH.''>'>. j .. President ; Carnahan, D.. Secr<.'lar' -Tn·a~urN; Danlt'y, J.. Board ol Din•etors; Edwards, E.. Rile}. ~ 1. . Bw.ill<.''>~ ~l aua~t·r: Conara~. W.. HOW 2: Danw. J.. Chamber'>, j ., Kin:hrll'r, F.. VonDcmfaugc. W., &·rtt•lscn. J . Cros'>. K.. Fari~hon . C .. Wd>h. T. Kerns. W.. Gambit•, R.. ROW 3: Schatz. H.. Baird. J., Walford, Jr. E . Schnake, S.. Et·kl·rt. 0 .. O' Jlara. J.. lntr:.unural \ l ana~er: Pai~ . J . H ra~tich , A.. j mH.' '· D , BO\V -l : Rh} ne. C .. Crain , D., Cr.uw. C.. \lont~olller} . T .. llmrchin. H . Straw.~ . S., St·hm.• nbac:h, H . Ginn. B . \ Jill!>. } .. Zimmerman. 0 . ROW 5 : Loj!an. \ . Thornton. K.. Turlin. C .. Po... ton. \ I. , Etzenhou,t•r. H . Cluntz. D.
100.5 Elm Street
The Club portrayed King Arthur in the
St. Pat's Parade.
Everyone enjoyed decorating the Christmas tree with popcorn.
Shamrock Club SHAM ROCK, located at 1107 Pine Street, provides a central location for its members to ge\ together for an allaround social life and economical meals. This vcar was an excellent one for the dub. 'n was a year for fostering club spirit and a ge neral work-together atmosphere in the club. Shamrock members worked hard to produce a fine fl oat for the St. Patrick's Dav Parade a long "vith a street dance for 't he same weekend. They also sponsored other successfu l dances for party weekends and a dance for the local teenagers to foster better Miner- Rolla citizen relationships. Shamrock also ranked high in intramural spo rts.
Members gave a hand in cleaning up after every meal.
1107 Pill e Street
SHAMROCK CLUB-FRON T ROW: Cadwkk, j ., Schwartz. D.. Heaberlin , A.. Wise, K.. Krieg. \\'., Board of Control; Crct•n. B.. Board of Control; Splctt~to~~N. J. Trea~ urer; Mc.·Tye r, C., Secrctarr; Blunier, D.. Prt•sident; Crimm, t anager; Cros)C, D.. Dri~st• l. S., Durand. R.. Business C., Hempfling. P., Coulter, J., ROW 2: Thic•me. W., Dorroh, H. . llacke, K.. \Iewton, F . Latt~ . J., Seabaugh. J • Hannel<•n, ~I. . Fauth. E.. \I iller. J . Bester! ddt. 0 .. Labit. J.. Cobb. A., Storrs, .. Tsimprb, D.. \1 iiiN, R., HO\A.' :3: ~lc~lichael. D.. Waltcrman, D.. Cablt', J., 1\.l ays, L.. i\lcCorrnick, C., Craig. C.. Holman . T. , Jat ar, R., Durham. T .. II i~gim. J., llous<.>, II.. Stcudtner, H., Darabi, F., Wd>.,ter, D., I lcdavati, \ , Smith, R., HOW -t : Pab.,t. A..
Shelor, K., llrubakcr, W., Trae\', R., Shanholtzer, T., Hart , G. . Kar~er, R . Fadlt•r. R., Gctz, j .. D<.'\\C~ . Dt•Ruih•r, J .. Schaclt-r, P.. i\ larah. T. . Graham . D.. i\h-t•<.'<'' . C.. Cripps. ~1 .. LaBoube, D.. Paul , D.. HOW .5: Crifft'lh, T., llt>ndc.•rson, H., Shinn. W ., Lehmann. S., Brune, J . Bartl<.-\', E.. Lan~ford. H ., Board of Control, Rodick. S.. l"kola. P.. mith . A. Fenton . C .. Bruce. P , \lontgonwn D.. Wilmont. I) . Kcll~ . D Barndt. J . Sigri<.t. J , Ha' . B.. ROW (): Butlt·•. J.. Lle,,<•ll,n. j .. Clark. H.. Spalding. T .. Li\ e ngood, H., Dupree, J., Kleinsorg<'. H.. Bo~se, J.. ., Schmidt. L. , Ccrtk'>. R.. Phillips, Joggerst, D., S111ith. \ I • Higdon. W , Luek, R.. Wendt. A.. Sunderdick, \\'., Cidtm. K.• La Boulw. R.. john.,on. K.
Tech Club TECJI CLUB was founded in 1948 and is OIH' of the oldc~t organizatiom of ib natur<· on the L'~l R campu s. The Club building, locatcd al 1:3 10 Pine, prm ides a central location lor its members to take part in ib 111 an~ activit ics, as well as SN\ ing economical meals dose to llw campus. Well known for its fine food and cquall~ fine athl etic heritage, Tech Club annualh stod.s mam of the ,·arsih athletic teams and in · the past 1-:l ·~car'> ha finished first in intramurab <.' ight limes and second four times. This year, Tech Clu b's Business ~ I auager, Tom Owens, was drafted in the eighth round by the Grce n Ba' Packers. T'' o of the officers on the tudenl Council ''ere also from Tech Clu b. Tech Club members re present a tru(' c.-ross section of · all campus activities.
Members could wash dish es for free board.
TECH CLUB-FHONT ROW: Hommdmann, D., Board of Control ; Vc hi,gt', H. •. Smith, G., Board of Control : Schilling, D.. Board ol Control ; Sauer, D., Pokrcfkc. T., Secrt'laryTrca:.urcr; B' tnar. \I. ,·n . D.. Ta'' ill, F.. Eaton, T , Duggim. ·c . Burl(•, R.. Dcm Ill' ' · 1. ROW 2 Stigall. 1.. ~d1atz. G.. \Jahlandt. \ .. Palnwr. ft. Zaborac. ·\ , Hade man. K.. \ ernon. G.. We~eh . H . Krausz. A.. Schmidt. H. , Clwnm,·t•th. I I . nadmacher. J.. HO\\' 3: Baile~. ~I. . Schad-
fer. M.. To~ . R., Ca~<'. H. , Dooms, L.. Bruns. C., Ei<.tt•r· hold, C. , Kirkman, K.. Tarro, R., Canfield, L.. LaCopo .• ~I. . Silkwood, A., HOW 4 : Bea~Je, . D., \l cL<•IIan. T .. I toward.
L c•onl'.
1.. Shepherd:
\lcDcl\\ell, I ..
Florem·<·. K.. Hahn 1 Ho-.), L.. Coultt>r, (; , Slapak, 1 HO\' .) : Wagner. 1.. Winter~. D , Dit•nwr H . Hi<·ht•\ J.. Wan,in)!, A.. Slwrrdl. R.. Parkt•r. G . Conrm . I~ . Di~t IN. D.
131 0 Pine Street The club brought members together for many interesting discussions.
MRHA The ~1 EN'S HESIDE CE HALL ASSOCIATION pr<)\ ide., the students with all the rwn•ssilics for comfortable and com·enient lh ing. The ~1 RHA operates a rad io station for the dorms, a TV lounge in the basement of Altman ( lall , launclrv facilili<•s in Altman and H oltman Halls as \H.' ll as an ice machine, p ing pong tables. and a pool table. The ~1 RHA organiz<.'s intcrdonn athletics ami takes part in intramural athletics. T he organ ization placed 7th in intramu ra l sports for the fa ll scmcstt•r. T hey a lso pu hi bhcd a donn newspaper, "The V. l. P.," sponsored ''The Iron Whee l" during part~ weekends, p rm iclcd big name bands for \1 H H A members, and this 'car for the first time entered a float · in the St. Pat' s Parade, \\'inning t he nm ice float t roph).
The dom1radio station was operated from the basement of Altma11 1/all.
Altman Hall
Altman Hall ,\L T\IA '\ llALL is eli\ ided into Home FiH' and H ouse Si\. The m<.'ll of House Fi\'<.' led the ~I RIIA in rnam a<.·tivities. Thev ranked first athlcti~al h. w in n ing tlw· interdonn foothall ehati1pionship for the third cons<·cuth c ~ear. and placing ~econd in softball. The~ also ranked Gth out of 12 hous('~ in scholastic standings, " ·ith a 2...10 grade point a' ('rag<.'. House Fh c men also took part in man~ e\tra-curri<:ular acth iti<·~. lla\ ing four ,· arsil~ lettermen and two St. Pat's Board representatives. ll ouse Si:\ also took part in mall\ of the M RII A activiti(•s. Th ev had on~· man on t he 'ar~ity rifle sqw1~l and also the President of the Judicial Board. The men of H ou c Si\ ranked second in ~chola~tic standing wit h a 2.6.S grade point U\ erage.
Many hours were spent in !he television room localed in Altman Hall.
ALTMAN II AI.L- FRONT nOW: Wagner, R., Social Committe(•; Fry<', E., Lt. Govt>rtwr; Docri tt).!, M .. Judicial Board Chairman ; lkcd. S.. Per-.onnel A"i.,tunt; Hichanbon . T. , l.t Cm ernor: Niettlt'i<'r. T . Scc·rdan -TrC'a~urer ; Hu-.M·ll. 1.. Cc·~<·~k~ . S.. Gm C'rttor; \kCormit·k. C.. Pc.•r.,omwl j\.,.,j,tant: Arbo).!a~t. \V., Cm t•t nor: Ld3rc•ll. 1 . Walk. II .. HOW 2 Hut·k \1. , Fowl<·r. 1 . ll imnwll S.. \!eH'r. W, Hec•d. L. . Cobourn. \\'. 1\n ic.·kttH'~<· r . \\ .. lll'n<.'t''· S . Dei<Jn<'' · H.. Judidal Board: Se\\dl. J . \ arrottt'. )\. \\'olfL A.. 'i<•.,etr. H Food Commitlt•t•, HO\\' :3 Bc•tkNditc·. (; Carrt'tL \\' . \\ alkc•r. H . Pre~id<•nt. Bnan. I) . Prc•.,idl'trl ol''' Club. 1dfre\ . \I . \I illt•r \\ . lluebrwr. C:. ~chr()(•der (. . Dil'rolp H.. t'cland. \I . Sdwfa,tk Chairman. Sah ati. P. Hmc·n.IIIN. \\' . H{)\\ I H~ an. I). \ i<'" Ill . j . \\ u-. .. lc·r \ .. ,\ndrt'""· J .. Dale. R . Iron-.. ·1 Ha,for. 0 .. Bort"hardt. J . Holwrt'>on. J.. Fk•tdl<.'t. H . Onant. R.. Sizt·nwn• L. Poc.•hlt•r. 1. .• Chaplin: RO\\' .) \ndt•r'><'n. j .. 0\C~rturl. H. Pll'd\!l' Chairman. Turpin L . Chairman of \thlt•tic.· Conunitlt•t•: Bebk~ . L. . \l oran. \I . \ olkrnar, R.. A~hb~ . :-.1 • Brt•c•d in~. D.. Nc1m irth. D.. ll m.•t·kdman. L. Judidal Board . \\oil f. T. , Pu blicit~ Chairman; llt•n rit'ks. R.. Daw.,on. P.. Soda I Chairman .
Farrar Hall The dorms are centrally located and near the campus.
Farrar Hall FAHH,\H HALL is made up of I louse Three and llou c Four. The men of llouse Three ra nked third in softball and fiflh in football in their lcagu<'. The~ had a g rade point a\'(.•rag e oF 2..3-l, ranking l<.•nth in the dorms. The\ \\ere \\ell represented on campus. ha' i;1g OJH' of their nwmbers o n the Student Council and another on the ,·ar. ih Football and track team~. The men ~>f House Four ranked eighth in the dorms scholas ticull~ with a grade point average of 2.:37. Th e' also ranked sh:th in softball and third in football iu their intNdonn league.
It was often necessary to do a lot of late studying to stay caught up.
FAHRAH HALL- FHONT ROW. Houdeshell. 0. , Beirhandoria, ~ 1 .. Fmdt.•r. H., Kk•ma. P. , Purcell. H.. Governor; C<xlk, R.. St•cretar~ ·- Trt.•a , urt.•r; Long. J., Pt.•rsonnel Assistant ; Binesh . 11, Con,laJtce. C.. Carter, j ., Personnel Assistant ; Pt.•aehcc. C., Gm t•rnor ; Stamrn, D., Lt. Gov<.:mor; Daniel. E.. Secretan - Tr<.·u~urer ; Uovcc, D.. HOW 2: Sudin , P.. Sutherland, L. .' Jlamillon , S. ., Fi~chcr, D., Butler, j., Cross, J.. Plumnwr. J.. h l~t.·r,oll . C.. Lot•sch . G.. Lutz. D., Morit>, R.. Brookma1 ., J. , Hidenour, F., j udicial Board ; Banh ~ 1. . Quinli,k. H . HOW 3: Wiedmann. ~1. . Boercker. G.. Wollin~ton . K.. I kif<.'r, J .. George, S.• L~om. L. . PriSMl\ '>k~ . A.. Happold. J., llammoud, \1. , DuCharme.
~lar.,hall ,
H.. Slaton . j .. Bbc:hofl. G.. Foon. j ., ROW ~ld)aniel. G.. Dot•rr, W .. (\ Jorrow, H.• Hu!>wll. j .. Slolllbt•n,ki, T. . Stovall. M., Bowen, W., Burnett . H.. Dumrn, D.. Andersen. K.• lzimirli . A.• Muir, D.. Amkr'> oll. B. , HOW 5: Allen. H.. Whvte, M .. William:., D., Walkt.•r, t\1. , judicial Board ; Bray. i., llartman. j .. A~h woocl , T.. Tt•asle~ , G., Albins. J., Harris, \1. , Sil'l><'m, W.. Eads. H. . f3owt·r'>, B.. Yo:.t, £.. ROW 6 : I !all. C . judidal Board ; Da\i<,, C . l kyl. j .. Tijan. F.. Bulbit.•rz. C.. ll aun, ~ 1. , \ 1i Ide. J., Borriel>. H.. Ro~cr\, D.. 1\: ld 11, C .. \1addu\. L.. Pen•lla. j .. \JcCommi.,, W .. Du(..'ht.•k. L., F()()d Cornmittt.•e Chairman ; I lorton. S. -1 : Jarrett, W ..
Holtman Hall The men of HOLTMAN HALL arc proud of their new donn . It is now in its second year of operation and is di"idcd into two houses. House Seven ranked 4th in the dorms scholasticall v, with a g radepoint average of 2.6 L. The men had a fall and spring outing and
look active part in interdorm athletics, placing 3rd in softball and 5th in football in their league. They a lso participated in many extra curricular activities, haviug a St. Pat's Board representative and a varsity footba ll player. The me n of House Eight had a 2.38 g. p.a., ranking 7th in the dorms. House Eight ran ked 6th in the ir league in softball and football. Thev took an active part in M RHA acti~ities, having the M RHA president in the house. Members of Holtman Hall are active in MRHA government.
HOLTM AN HALL- FRONT ROW : Eatherton D.. Scholastic Elections Chairman ; Townson, D., Radio Committee, Judicial Board: Cheek, M. , Social Committee; Hammer, G.. Person nel A~s i stant ; Gottschalk, E.. Sccretarv; Musterm an, S., Lt. Covt•rnor; Picrcc, $.. Governor; Williams, H ., Pre~idcnt ; Clubb, D., Governor; Gilstrap, )., St'crctal! ; j t'nkin!., H., Fcr~mon, M .. Dawson , G., ROW 2: Fear, D., Yount , ~1 .. Bukowski. j ., Saudclla, M., Price, H .. Hccrcution Chairman; Steenrod , D., Rockford, B., Voss. T .. Kau, W ., k\lillrnun, Ft. Tht•ilmann. )., Wilson, P., Wu, \ '., HOW 3: Ilurt. It, Furgerson, j ., Russo, H. , Krizanich. &
G.. Brchc, G., Gates, C. , Black, P., Korth, M., Vogt, C., Scholast,ic Chairman; Ellis, M ., Agee, D., Drzakowski, H. , Huhl, W., ROW 4 : Simmons, R., Eads, C., Peterson, L. , Sloan. G.. Lee, R., Sweet, E. , Turner, H., Moore, H., Olson, C., Hartmann, T. , Raithel, J., Oivin. B.. Secrl'tarvTrcasurcr; ROW 5: Bi~le~ , D., Licklider. P., Kuhn, 1;.• Schltz, K., Kc ll}. M. , Reynolds. J., Long, J., Flood Committee; oel, H.. Deem, J., Meister, S., Da"i!., R., Henson, P. , L.t. Governor; HOW 6: Hinkle, L. , Flick, H. , Tes~on. T.. Emer~oo , J., Fer~uson , D., Keith, T., Schlaf, T. , Rutherford. D., Vmphenouv, C.. Lutz. J.
Holtman Hall
The lounge in Holtman Hall provided a good place to study.
Kelly Hall All f reshmen were required to make and carry shillelag hs the week bef ore S t. Pats.
. ll (
-~ :.,~
·- ~
. \ ·~
· · - --
, . _ .-
-~ ~ -~ ·-
Kelly Hall KELLY HALL is made up of houses A, B, C, ancl D. The men of House D led the university scholastically with a gradcpoint average of 2.91 . The y also placed well in interdorm athletics, winning second in football. House C ranked third scholastically, with a gradepoint average of 2.63. The y also won the interdorm softball championship. House B ranked fifth in the dorms scholastically, having a 2.4.2 g. p. a. The men of House B boast ol winning their first softball game in six years. House A, more commonly known as the "snakepit," ranked twelfth in the dorms scholastical ly. and placed fourth in their league in interdorm football and oftball.
Dinner time was always popular.
KELLY HALL- FRONT ROW: Palmer, S.. Recorder, judicial Board ; Williams, E., Personnel Assistant; Winsor, B., Lachner, G., Tekolte, T.. Haves. R., Buechler, T., Butherus. T .. Gladish, L., Seabau).{h, A., Scull. G.. Tolliver, T.. Governor; Green, A., ~I iddt•n. E., Judicial Board ; ROW 2: Brennan. D., O'Neill, J., ·Bum pus, C., Weibrecht, R., Lcwi ~. S., Armstron).{, K., Bla11kenship, E. , <'hring, P., Wea ther!~ , S.. Erhardt, C., Abcrnathie, W., Reed , j., Baker, E.. Baldwin, D., Tomlin, G.. ROW 3: Wagner. P.. Clwuoweth, S., Peetz, D., Schneider, J., de Para, D.. Pinkston. W., King, A., Johnson, E.. Sweeney. W.. Personnel Assistant; Vineyard, W. , Kiehl, B.. Mammen , R. , Harris, D.. Davb. R. . Personnel Assistant; HabeggE.•r, R.,
ROW 4: McGiathlin. j ., Moore, J., Personnel Assistant ; McQuerter, D. . apiel, W .. Heinlein. D., Buckwalter, j ., Parkes, R. , Renick, S., Thies, D. , Shelton, J., Hess. D., Branstetter, H., Visintaincr. D., Ward , H., Zogg, W., HOW 5 : Moss, H. , Stubbs. ) .. Chief of Ordinanct•; Will iams, D., Ehlmann, B. . M ulvancy. M.• Bentiinge r. R., Abcrnathic, D., Whit(•. J., Dolata. £. , Lt. Governor; Alc.\ ander. H., Governor; Kuhn. T. , Judicial Board ; Kt'llcr, S., Maher, J.. Niema11, R.. Lou).{. L. , ROW 6: Zoellner, L., Kccno~ , P., Zoellner, C., Purs le~, T., Coen. L. , Wakcfi<.'ld , C., Thorpe, A. , Thorpe, 0 ., Owens. R., Caus, R.. Publicity Chairman; Hoclscllt'r, S.. Simpson, D., Dobbs, R., Baker, J., Herzog, W.
McAnerney Hall ~lcANERNEY HALL is divided into House One and House Two. The men of House One took part in man} M RHA acth itics, having members se rve as radio committee chairmen, dorm newspaper ed itor, and Vice-president and Treasurer of M RHA. House One ranked 9th in the dorms scholasticall y, with a 2.36 grad e point average. and placed 4th in softball and 6th in footba ll in their league. The men of House Two ranked 2nd in softball and football in the ir interdorm league. They had a 2.34 grade point average ranking 11th in the dorms. The men of House Two took an active part in many varsity sports, and are well represented by their Student Council member.
The MR HA sponsored the" Iron Whee{' on party weekends.
McANEHNEY HALL- FRONT ROW: Hoenig, L. , VicePresident; Hayden, T., Robinson, G., Clous. C., Re naud, N.. Halcv, P.. Treasurer; Burns, H.. Personnel Assistant ; Taes, J., · P<>rsonncl Assistant; Degen, j ., Secretary; Finnigan, C., Governor; Enke, D., Sipes, R., Clemons, R.. Lt. Governor; Huste r, D., ROW 2: Jeffress, J., Hodge, T .. Perrv, W., Juspt•r, W., Aim, 0 ., Webb, J., Loebach, C., Walker, M., Watkins, J., B<K'c, D., Cody, P., Fessenden, R., t\l e an , L. , Vincent, D., ROW 3: Curd, W., Toth, L., Rvltcr, N. ·u . Governor; Bc~le\ , R., Walden, T. , Dobrowolski. J., Hubbl>, W., Widner, G., Cannon, J. , Hancock, S.,
Conrad, C., Wunnicke, E., Forsyth, P., Adler, R., ROW 4: Click. J., Wilcox, T., Mohr, E., Rotherm ich, R., Miltenberger, J., Erickson, L., Hallock, j ., jenkins, R. , Brendel, R., Kercher, R., Sherwood, R., Simmons, j ., Schwanke, C. , Stcinncrd, M., ROW 5: Langenberg, L. , Richardson, D., Frcscatorc. R., Charmack, S., Glusac, P., Berghaus, S. , Sm ith, C., Altrup, G., Oldham, D., McCoy, j ., Abernathy, G., VonKacncl, F., Aaeusler, G., Haiducek, R., HOW 6: Shirley, L., Kcnchcl. M., Ulrich , J., Braun, J., Colcno, D., Brkc, B., Di ppel, fl. , Swoboda, R. , Rothery, K., Norton, M., Allen , C., Girard, C.. Todd, R., Allen, j .
McAnemey Hall It often helped to study together.
Ke lly.
L., Secretary-Treasurer;
Vice-Presiden t;
Rogers, J., House Mother: Durand, G., President; H(â&#x20AC;˘mpfling, P., ROW 2: Day, j ., Kalz, j ., Taylor, R., Dillon, K., Fin<:h, 0. , ROW 3: Schocndcld, C., Burch, P., Minich, C., Huang, A. , Sun, E.
There was always a group ready to get
a game of canasta started
Girls' Dorm itory The GiRL'S DOR i\1 lTORY provides living facilities for fourteen ~iris, both graduate and under graduate students, and the Ho use :\lothcr. Here the girls find a friend I~ atmosphere for both stud~ ing and loungi ng. If an ~ one is not in the mood fo r stud~ ing the) can gen e ra ll~ find sonwonc read~ to chat or pia) a gam<' of ca nasta. The House Mo th e r b a h' a)s willing to discuss any problems the g irls might have o r to join in tha t fricndl) game of Canasta. The Women's Hcs idence Orga nization is composed of the unde rgrad uate students res iding in the dorm. New officers arc e lected at the beg in ni ng of each se mes ter and it is their clutv to hand le finan ces and corrcspond~ nce conccrnin~ the dorm.
The phone w~ alway~ pretty much in use.
1203 State Street
Thomas jefferson Dormitory.
Thomas jefferson provides many recreational facilities.
Thomas Jefferso n Dormit ory T ll O 1AS JEFFEHSOt RESIDENCE HALL, in its second ) ear of operation, houses 373 m en and 14 women. The res ide nts of Thomas Je ffe rson arc just getting their governme nt and social acth ities organized, but even with this handicap, they placed high in intramura l athletics, while having a n aboveaverage gradcpoint. Luxur) accommodations are provided, with TV and stud y lounges on each floor as well as a ce ntral lounge overlooking the swim ming pool. An e~crcise room, recreation room, and laundn· faci lities are provided for the residents· usc. Big narne bands are provided during party weekends and month ly movies are shown to complete t he social li fe the residents of T homas Jefferson enjoy.
A piano is avatlable in the lounge for those with musical ability.
T HOMAS J EFFERSON-FRON T ROW : Vrcnick, E., White, C., Bronson, B., Athl<'tic Committee; Arras. C., Food Committee; Brunkhorst, \1 ., Social Committee; Branstetter, E., Social Comm ittl'e; Zambon, E., H yman, W., Jones, B., Person~. P.. Oonnall e~. B., Wolf, L., Personnel Assistant; Johnson. L., He is ler, D., Judicial Board; ROW 2: Juneau, C., Wilson, D.. Trcntrnann , N ., Fecht, H., Flotron, C., Curti~. S .. Williaml.. II., Brown. B.. PinkNton, J., Bowin, M ., Boehmer, D., Howell, W., Athletit Committee; Duncan. S .. Crane, C., Schmidt. T. Treasurer; ROW 3: Farrell, j ., Donze. T .. ~lcCannc~. N.. Tokraks. C .• Wcl,eh, P., Fogle, D .. J udicial Board: Duren. D., Chairrnan-E\ccutive Council; ~larc hiando, A., Bcirrw, J., Murray, C. , Welsch, W., Vicc- Prc~ident ; Werner. K., Hutchcraft, D., Kehr, B., Walker, D., Personna! Assistant; ROW 4 : Hinkle, S., Bar-
gents, L., Jun~ermann. K.. Rutherford, L. , Hermcsmc\er, .\1. , Stoke!>, S.. Throckmorton . J., Guthrie. j ., Vice-President of Publit'it~ ; Boc' in~loh, J., ~leCormick, L., Haberl, E., Harrm. T ., Hoss, J., Andn:" , W .. Heintz, P., Ahmann. C. , ROW 5: Mitc hell, J., Ke ller. D., Barrett. A.. Cambicr, J., Wood. W., judd . M., Simon, D.. Olson. J., Downing, K., Kathmann. S., Avery, ] .. Chairman of Food Cornrniltcc; Howard, B., Food Committt•t•; Ditch, 0 .. Frasco, L., Bramle), W . ROW 6; Brecht. ~ I , Padgett. D., Taylor. A.. Ticmann, I) . Liede r, R.. Borgman. R . Potzrnann. K , Judicial Board Chairman; lluc k, J., Krnct~l . (; . Chairman of Publit'it~ ; Nolan, L. . Patrick. R.. Stepht·n~on, ~ I. . Oppliger, T. , Oavi!>, ]., William!>, D. , Personna! A~sistant ; Berning, H., Suchocki, T. 271
The Inde penden ts ltved throug hout Rolla in private houses and apartments.
INDEPEN DENTS-FRONT ROW: Strauser, C., Tenes, E. , Oeffner, Dr. R. , Faculty Advisor; Pokrefke, T., Treasurer; Vehige, R. , President; Chasten , D. , Sgt. -At-Arms ; Duggins, G. , Board of Gove rnors; Mank, D., Wilson, P., Dorroh, R. , ROW 2: Branham, J., Niemen, R. , Shelton, J., Byrn, E. , Vernon, G., Rademan, K., Sigriet, j ., He ncey, S. , Voss, T., Gladish, L. , ROW 3: Thomas, S., Chadwick, J., H e rmesmeyer, M. , Dure n, D., McQuerter, D., Guthrie, J.,
Gt.'Orge, $. , Beirne, ]., Wiedmann, M. , ROW 4: Baygcnts, L., Clark, R., Crane, J., Rchagen , G., Judd, M .. Du chck, L., Preston, ) ., Wallerstein, E., Anoreae, R., Marchiando, A., ROW 5: jasper, B. , Gluntz, D., Nicola, P., Glusac, P., Tiemann, D., Brown , M., Moore, R., Seabaugh, A. , Mastalio, K., ROW 6: Brehe, G., Devenport, j. , Gessel, A., Etzenhouser, R. , Potzmann, K., Thies, D., Dippe l, H ., Alle n, G. , Big ley, D.
Independents With me mbe rs hip open to any nonfraternity student, the l ND EPEN DENTS. a lso known as GDI, is the larges t organ ization on campus. Its underlying nonobjectives are to encou rage frate rnity cam pus participation and to provide a socia l instrum e nt for ils 760 members. T his year the Ind ependents sponso red a wide range of activities incl uding dances, hayrides and outings, movies, and the pu blication of an lndependent newspape r, "The SixtyMiner." GDI held monthly mee tings , g iving the independent stude nts a chance to partic ipate in student self-gove rnment at UM R.
INOEPEN DE TS- FRONT HOW : Rockford. R. , Webber, C. , Board of Governors; Ocffncr, ft. Advisor; Pokrcfkc, T., Treasure~ ; \ 'ohigc, . R., President; C.hasten, D... Sgt.-a tArms; Eaton , T. , ClenHm~. R., Jcnkms. R., On:.~l'l. 1., ROW 2: Ruck, :-.1.. Hayden. T., \ !eyer. W., Ro-.cnbcr~ ~. L., Avcrwcg. J., Ingersoll, C.. Johmon , K.. Hancock. S.• Gottschalk. E.. Ferguson, M ., Cannon, j .. Huhl, W., HOW 3: Conrad. C., Cable. j ., Furgl' r~on , j ., Sa.\ton, R. , Hoenig,
L.. Simmons, J., Korth. M ., Oldham, 0 ., Eckert. D., Murray, C. , Kercher, R.. ROW 4 : 0\'crtud , R., Krizanich, C .. Lee, H. , Gulick. ~f. . Smith. A. , Lieber, J., VonDemfange, W., Vrenick, E.• Pugh, A., , R., Tokraks. C., ROW 5: Adam ~. W., Rkono, ~1. . Bennington, L. , Calbierz, C.. Ocffncr. j .. Haun, ~1 .. Llo}d. W., Borgman. R. , Wege, J., Kuhn , T.
Professor Richard Oeffner, the Independents advtsor, speaks at a CD/ meeting.
The CD / hayride was very well attended. The Independents spon~>ored many ~>ocial functions throughout the year.
Married Students
Nagogami Terrace NACOGAMI TERRACE consists of an attractive group of two stor} masonry apartments, built b) the universit\ for the use of married students and their families. The apartments, which were opened in the spring of 1960, arc composed of 48 units. All apartments include a living room , kitchen, bath and one or two bedrooms. They arc conveniently located in re lation to t he main campus, yet still contain spacious play areas on the grounds.
Many playground facilities are available at Nagogamt Terrace.
Nagogam i Terrace
Many married students find trailers to be very comfortable.
Don and Cleta Baily and Kim lived at Huffman Trailer Court. Don was a g raduate student tn Civil Engineering.
nWho's Who Among Students
Raymond A. Behrens
Dennis John Fesler
David A. Cantwell
Robert J. Feugate, Jr.
Wayne C. Cuelbert
Larry Dale Choate
C lemens Paul Drag
Robert Clarence Fick
Frank A. Gerig
Leonard F. Koederitz
Donald B. Lambert
Americ an Univers ities and College s"
Leland Lewis
John C. Morrisey
Robert J. Mueller
Charles H . Painter II
Lester C. Ro th
Theodore Ray Warren
William Keith W edge
William Allison Wolf
Not Pictured Charb j . Fehlig Robert T . M ildcnstcin
Abernathy, L D. Adams, J. B. Albrecht, G. H. Allen, C. V. Anderson, D. K.
Abram, j. D. Adams, W. A. Agee. D. D. Allmann, S. C. Andjelich. D. N.
Ackerman . J. Adrian , G. C. Ahrens, J. H. Amos, L. L. Andrews, C. E.
ROW 1 ABER ATHY, Ivan Dale; Pe rryv ill e, Missouri ; Unclassified. ABRAIIM , John Davis; St. Louis, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering. ACKERMAN, John ; Webs ter Groves, rvt issouri; Mechan ical Engi nccri ng. ROW 2 - ADAM S, Jerry Blane; Quincy, Illinois; Mechanical Engineering. ADAM S. Wayne Arthur; St. Marys, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. ADR IAN, Glen Gchard; j efferson City, Mis~ouri ; Geology. ROW 3 - ALBREC HT, Gene H.; Springfield, Missomi ; Mechanical Engineeri ng. AG EE, Daniel David ; Creve Coeur, Missouri; Mechanical Eng ineering. AHRENS, 286
Gail McCormack tunes in, and turns out for the Student Union dance Friday night of MilitartJ Ball W eekend.
John H., Jr.; St. Louis, Missouri; Mechanical Eng ineering. ROW 4 - ALLE , Charles Verlyn; Ozark, Missouri ; Mechanical Eng ineering. ALLMANN, Steph en C.; Kansas City, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. AMOS, Larry Leon : Rolla, Missouri ; Ci vil Eng ineering. ROW 5 - ANDERSON , David Keith ; Kansas Cit-v, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Tau Kappa Epsilo;1 ; ASME; Albert C. Bean Scholarship. ANDJEL ICll, David N.; St. Louis, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. ANDR EWS, Charles E.: Rolla, Missouri; Civil Engineering.
Andrews. H. Astrack, R. F. Bailey, G. V.
Armstrong, R. M. Aufdembrink. E. M. Ban. S.
Arnold, R L. Bacr, K. G. Banks, E.
Arnold, R. D . Baer, L. J. Barger, C. R.
Ascanio. C. F. Bacven, R. A. Barrett, T. A.
Sen 1or s ROW 1 - A DREWS, Howard 0., Jr.; Independence, Missouri; Civ il Engineering. ARMSTRONG, Roy M.; Fort Scott, Kansas; Civil Engineering. ARNOLD, Richard Lloyd; Fest us, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. ARNOLD, Robert Dale; East St. Louis, Illinois; Electrical Engineering. ASCA JO, Carlos F.; Rolla, Missouri; Unclassified.
ROW 2 - AST HACK, Richard F.; St. Louis. MissotJri; Civil Engineering. AUFDEMBR INK, Eugene M.; Rolla, Missouri; Pll\sic!>. BAER, Kcnn\' Gilbert; Perryville, Missouri; Civil En~inee rin ~. BAER, Larry J.; Perryville. Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. BAEYEN, Robert Alan; Webster Groves. Missouri; i\ letallurgical Engineering.
HOW 3 - BAILEY, Car" Van ; Rolla, Missouri; C ivil Enginct•ring. BA1 , Stt'\'t';l; L' niver~it~ City, MisS<HJri ; Elcetrieal Engineering. BA NKS, Edgar Neil; Le.\ington. 7\1is~ouri ; ~ l echanical Engineering. BARGER, Charles H.; Bolla, i'vl issouri; Ci\'il Engin(•ering. BARRETT, Tltorna~ A. ; Rolla. Missouri; Civil Engi ncNing.
Proudly, A <f> A accepts the trophy for winning the 400 yard pajama relay at the Homecoming game.
Bartolo, D. R. Beasley, H. D. Bell, . J.
Bartels, D. L. Bechtold, D. H. Bennett, W. R.
Bartholome, R. H. Becker, T. H. Bennington. L. 0 .
Basa, L.A. Behre ns, R. A. Benton, C. R.
Bauer, G. L. .Bel~e ri,
J. J.
Berenzen, T. A.
Beard, S. Bell, G. W. Berger, J. M.
ROW 1 - BARTELO, Donald R.; Mincolo, New York; Unclassified. BARTELS, David L. ; Rolla, Missouri ; Electrical Engineering. BARTHOLOM E, Russell H.; Rolla, Missouri ; Civil Engineering. BASA, Laddie Anton ; Lyons, lllinois; Electrical Engineering; GD I; Tech Club. BAUER, Gerald Lee; Chesterfield, Missou ri ; Chemical Engineering. BEARD. Stephen; Farmington, Missouri ; Chemistry. ROW 2 - BEASLEY, Robert 0 .; East Alton, Illinois; Ceramic Engineering. BECHTOLD, Duane H.; Rolla, Missou ri ; Electrical Engineering. BECKER, Theodore H. Jr. ; Belleville, Illinois; Mechanical Engineering. BEH HENS, Raymond A.; Pine Lawn, Missouri ; Metallurgical Eng ineering; Kappa Sigma, President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President ; AIM E. VicePreside nt; ASM ; AIChE; MSPE; AFS ; Theta Tau, President; Miner, Features Editor; IFC, President; Ru~b y Club, President, Secretary; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities; Rugby Team. Co-Captain. BELGERI, James J.; St. Louis, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering. BELL, Cordon W.; Lamar, Missouri ; Electrical Engineering; Campus C lub; COl; IEEE; Eta Kappa u; Curators' Award.
Reg Nations demonstrates the preCJstOn and sktll needed for many of the tools in the mechanical engineering lab. 288
ROW 3 - BELL, Noel James; Salem, Missouri ; Electrical Engineering. BEN NETT, William R. ; Meridian, Mississippi ; Chemical Eng ineering. BENNINGTON, Leslie 0 .; Weston, Missouri ; Mechan ical Eng ineering. BENTON, Clarence R.; Rolla, Missouri ; Mechanical Enjl;incering. BERENZEN, Thomas A.; Eugene, M issouri; Mathematics. BEHGER, John Merrill ; Jen ning:., Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Sigma Pi, Secretary, House Manager; AS M E; SA E; NSPE; A PO; Miner Staff; Honor List.
ROW 1 - BERGFELD, jt•romc V.; St. Louis, Mbsouri: Electrical En~illC'crin~. BERRY, john james; St. Ann, Missouri ; Cen<>ral Studit·'· BESTERFELDT, Daniel E.; HazchH>od, \1 is~o uri ; l~lt•ctri ca l Engineering. ROW 2 - BIGGS, Pdcr \1 k·hacl; \larceline. \1 issouri; Mechanical Enginc<>ring. BLAC K, David Paul; joplin. Missouri : Elt>ctrical En~incering BLACKWOOD, j ames 0 .; \Jurph)sboro, Illinois, Cidl Engineering. ROW 3 - BOCAHT H. BONE, Fran~ic ~l errill ; Bardwell, Kentut·k) ; \1echanical Engineering. BONO, Thomas Lee; Alton, lllinob ; Electrical Engineering; Tech Club; Independents; COl; APO, President of Epsilon Phi Chapter. ROW 4 - BORNE~1ANN , Leonard J.; St. Louis, Missouri; Mechanical Enginccrin~. BOTKIN, Mark Eugene; Belle, Missouri; Civil Engineering; ASCE; SAE; Tau Beta Pi; Chi Epsilon ; Dr. Enoch R. Needles Scholarship; Dean's List; MSPE; joe E. Butcher Scholarship; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate. BOURNER, Robert E.: Sparta. Illinois; Electrical Engineering.
Sen 1or s
Eager Suzi Hines awaits another miner B-Ball victory.
Bergfeld, J. V. Bi~l(s, P. E. ~arth , B. A. Bornemann, L. J.
Bern•, J. J.
Black. D. P. Bone, F. ~1. Botkin, M. E.
Bestcrfeldt, D. E. Blackwood, J. D. Bono, T. L. Bourner, R. E.
"Don't ask me. I'm only a janitor!"
ROW l - BOW\1 \N, Charle~ \V; Rolla. Mi~souri; Electrical Engi11N•ring. BOYD, Louis jerome; \ lexico, Elc•c:trical Engint'cring. BOYD, William ~lissouri, Watts: Rolla, \1issouri: Chil Enginecrin~ BRADEN, Meh in D.; Affton, ~1 issouri; Chemical Engineering; Kappa Alpha; AICh E; APO; Intercollegiate Knights; Alpha Chi Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi; Miner Staff; Curator:.' Award; Easley Scholarship; Honor List; SHADLEY , Hoger Wayne; Lee's Summit, Missouri; Physics; COl; Fifty- iners Club; AlP. ROW 2 - BHAND, john Robert ; Thousand Oaks, California; Electrical Engineering; Shamrock Club; ~ I RHA; GDI; IEEE: Eta Kappa Nu: St. Pat's Board; UMR Second Honors t\ ward; ;\!orth American A" iation College Scholarship. BRAN DHOIST, L} nn Dell ; j efferson City, Missouri; Engineering Management. BRAUNE, Kurt Hermann; Shrewsbury, ~lissouri; Mechanical Engineering. BHENDLE, Stephen John ; Whiteman Air Force Base, Mi:.~ouri ; Mechanical Engineering; Prospectors Club; AIAA; ASME; AlChE. BREY ILLE, David A.; Affton. M bsouri; Electrical Engineering.
UM R Defenders close in on Cardinal ball carrier in cmcial play against William jewell College.
Bowman. W. T. Brand, j . R. Brewer, L. C.
Bo~d .
L. J.
Branclhor!>l, L. D. Breyfogle, F. W.
Bmd, W. W. Br~unt•, K. II. Brice, B. W.
ROW 3 - BHEWER, Larry C.; Kansas Cit), Missouri; Cnclassified. BREYFOGLE. St. Ann, ~ l bsouri ; Mechanical Engint•ering. BRICE, Brad I(·~ W.; Hannibal, ~l issouri; Chemical Engineering. BRINKO PF. Robert L. ; Cape Girardeau, \ l is~ouri; Civil Engineering. BOCCAHD, Tl'rr~ Joe; St. Ann. Mi"mari ; ~ l echanicaJ Engineering; Kappa Sigma; Dean'~ Lht ; Varsity Baseball.
Braden, ~1. D. Brendle, S. j . Brinkopf, R. L.
Bradle\, R. W . Breville, D . Broccard, T. J.
S e n
o r s
ROW I - BROC II AL S, Oougla~ A.; \lanchcster. \1 isCh il Engint.•t•ring, M RHA. judicial Board Chairman, Gmcrrwr; .\SCE, \ISPE; APO; lntercolle~iate Knight~ ; Tau Beta Pi ; Chi Epsilon: Phi Kappa Phi. \'ice-Prt•sident. \lt•\\ man Club: Phi Kappa Phi Bookplatt• A'"ard ; Fir~t llcmor\ Award, Universil\ cholarship: Curators· Scholarship. BROOKS, Ronnie E.; Nc\\ ton, lllinob ; Ch il En~ineering. BROVWER, jerr~ W .; Ashur} . \1ic,~ouri ; Electrical Engineering.
ROW 2 - BROW , ll t'm} Euward: St. joseph, i\lissouri, Ch il En~inct•ring BROW , Thomas Edward; Rolla Missouri; Electrical Engineering. BROWNE, Richard H.; Kirh\(1od, ~ t issouri ; \ tathcmatics. ROW 3 - 81{0\VNING. Fred Ra'; West Frankfort, Ill inois; Civil Engineering. BR UBA'K EH. William R. ; Belleville, Illinois; Civil Engineering. BRUNE, James A.; Brinktown , ~1 issouri ; Mechanical Engineering; CO l; Shamrock Club; SAE; ASM E; NSPE; Student Park Board ; cwman Club; ICC. President.
Brochau~. D. A. Brown , II . E. Browning, F. R. Brunner, J. ). Buhash, J. E.
Brooks, R. E. Brown , T. E. Brubaker, W. R. Brvan, R. M. B1ilrncr, B. M.
Brouwer, j . W . Browne, R. H. Bmne, ). A. Budt, W. ). Bundstein, J. L.
BRUNNE R, j ohn J.; St. Louis. Missouri: Engin<•Ning. BHYAN, Robert ~ 1. ; Rolla. ,\l issouri; i\ lechanit·al Engineering. BUOT. William j .; Rolla. i\ I issouri ; Electrical Engineering. ROW 4 -
~ l echanical
BU II ASII, j ames Edward ; Shrewsbury. HOW 5 t>.lissouri; \ lcchanical EngincNing. BULMER, Bruce M.; Ozark, 1issouri; Mechanical Engineering. BU OSTEIN, j ohn L.; St. Louis, Missouri; Physics.
Like t~is fearless adventurer, other members of the Cltmbing Club spend m any challenging hours scaling such heights. 291
Suzi seems 'intrigued with her ring,
otherwise she is enthusiastically cheering the Min ers on to triumph.
Burberry. D. A. Burkemper, L. J. Burns, T. L. Byrne, j . P.
ROW 1 - BURBERRY, David A.; Benton, Illinois, Mathematics. BURFORD, Jerry N.; University City, Missouri; Physics. BURCAHD, Kenneth C.; Mascoutah, Illinois; Mining Engineering. BURKE, Charles E.; Rolla, Missouri ; Metallurigical Engineering with a Nuclear Engineering Option. ROW 2 - BURKEMPER, Larry Joe; Old Monroe, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. BURKETT, Robert A. ; North Little Rock, Arkansas; Electrical Engineering. BURNS, Harry Alan ; Kansas City, Missouri; Chemistry. BURNS, Rant! all K.; Neosho. Missouri; Electrical Engineering.
Burford , J. N. Burkett, H. A. Burrows, E. H. Bytnar, M. W.
Bur~ard , K. C. Burns, H. A. Butherus, D. L. Campbell, T. C.
Burke, C. E. Burns, R. K. Butler, J. H. Canfield, L. R.
ROW 3 - BURRIS, Terry Lee; St. Joseph, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. BURROWS, Eugene H. ; Kansas City, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering. BUTHERUS, David Lewis; St. Louis County, Missouri; Geology; Campus Club; M RHA; C. L. Oake Geological Society; Spelunkers Club, Secretary-Treasurer, President ; Curators' Scholarship; V. H. McNutt Scholarship; V. H. McNutt Summer Field Camp Scholarship. BUTLER, James Hall; Rolla, Missouri ; Civil Engineering. ROW 4 - BYRNE, John P.; Kansas City, Missouri; Chemical Engineering. BYTNAR, Michael W. ; St. Louis, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering. CAM PBELL, Thomas C.; Kansas City, Missou ri ; Electrical Engineering. CANFIELD, Laurence R.; St. Joseph, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering.
Se n
r s
ROW 1 - CANNADY, Roger Leon; Rolla, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. CANTRELL, John W.; St. Charles, Missouri; Unclassified. CANTWELL, David A. ; Memphis, Tennessee; Petroleum Engineering. CARNAHAN, Dannv Lt>e; Mt. Vernon , Illinois; Civil Eng ineering. CA RR." Kenneth Edward; Le bannon , Missouri; Unclassified. ROW 2 - CARTWR IGHT. Gary J.; Springfield, Illinois; Geology. CAU BLE, George M. ; Cape Girardeau, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. CHADWICK, Jack Lee; North Kansas City. Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. CHAMBERS, Thomas G., Jr.; Kansas City, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; M RHA, Board of Governors, J udicial Board; Raiders. CHANDLER, Edward S.; Galena, Kansas; Electrical Engineering; Shamrock Club; IEEE; Chi Alpha. Vice-President; Dean's List. ROW 3 - C HAPMAN, Kenneth R.; j o hnston City, Illinois; Civil Engineering; ASCE; KMSM , Program Director; Chi Epsilon, Secretary; Iota Beta Sigma, Treasurer. CHILDS, William D.; Indianapolis, fndian a; Civil Engineering; GOT; MRHA; Fifty- 1iners Club; ASCE; Student Union Publicity Committee. CHOATE, Larry Dale; Gamaliel, Arkansas; Civil Engineering ; Fifty-Niners Club, Steward, Business Manager; ASCE, Treasurer, President; NS PE; Phi Eta Sigma; Chi Epsilon ; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi ; ICC, Treasurer; Independents; Hallmark Foundation Scholarship; Dean's List; First Honor Award ; Frank L. Flvnt Memorial Award; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. CLARK, James Dale; St. Louis. Missouri; Electrical Engineering; Campus Club; IEEE; ACM ; Karate club, Historian; Dean's List. CLAYTON Michae l S.; Hayti, Missouri ; Civil Engineering. Cannady, R. L. Cartwright. G. J. Chapman, K. R.
Cantrell, J. W. Cauble, G. M. Childs, W. D.
Parents and prospective students were shown many of the school facilities on Engineers Day.
Cantwell, D. A. Chadwick. J. L. Choate, L. D.
Carnahan , D. L. Chambers, T. C. Jr. Clark, J. D .
Carr, K. E. Chandler, E. S. Clayton, M. S.
Creek flower child lets it all hang out.
Seni ors CLUBB. Gar~ Dean : Springfield , Mi!tsouri ; Engin<'Ning; ~I RIIA ; AIAA ; SA£; IEEE; Pi Tau Sigma; Tau B<>ta Pi; ~I RIIA llou!>e CO\ernor; llonor List. COATES, Thomas C.; Mound Citv, ~ li~ souri ; Civil Engineering; COl ; M RIIA , Lt. Governor ; ASCE. COATS, St<'v<•n Edward ; West Plains, M is~ouri ; Mechanical EngineNing; Engineer!> Club; SAE; Coif Team ; Honor Li ~t. HOW L -
~l e(·hanical
ROW 2 - COCHRA . , Lincoln 0 .; Greenfield, Jllinois; lc.•chanical Enginl'ering ; Sigma Pi, Historian, Secretary; ASME; SAE; Alpha Phi Omega. COLBERT. Kenneth Jay; Universit)' Cit~. Missouri ; Civil Engineering. COLE, David Leslie: Ft. Worth, Tt•., as; Mechanical Engineering ; COl ; Fifty-Nincn, Club, Social Committe.'<': AIAA; SAE: 7\ ISPE; Alpha Phi Omega. Clubb, C. 0 . Cochran. L . I) Cole. L. J. Colcgrouc, C. A. Comstock, C. D.
Coate!>, T C Colbert, K Coleman. j 0 . Collim, W . K. Con noll~ , D. P.
Coats. S E. Cole. 0 L. Colt' man. R. Cmnb,, E. E. Cooper, C. l~.
ROW 3 - COLE, Larr~ j ay; Cranb~ . ~I is-.ouri : Ch i1 Engirwcring; CO l: Shamrot·k Club: ASCE. COLE~IA . Jeromt• 0 ., Jr.; Prairi<' Village, Kamas; Civil Engin<'cring ; Sigma Phi Ep~ ilon , Vice-President; ASCE; Theta Tau ; Student Council ; Student Union Board : ~liner Board. COL EM AN, Robert Lee; St. Louis, ~1b !louri; Physics. HOW 4 - COLEGROVE, Georg<' A ; Vic h~ . ~li~!>ouri ; Pin ~ics. COLLINS, Walter Ke ith ; Kansru. Citv, ~ I i~ Prmpectors · Club; Engineering; Electrical :.ol;ri ; l Eit E; Eta Kappa Nu ; Tau B<'la Pi. COMBS, Elton Eddie ; Hamilton, Missomi; Mt•chani<:al Engineering ; SAE. ROW 5 - CO~ISTOCK , Glen Dadd , Rolla, ~~i ~\ouri ; Chil Enginccrinl! C0\1;'\0LL\ , Dana P.• Bush. ;'\t•\\ ) ork , Civil EnginN•ring; Sigma Phi Ep!>ilon ; Chi Ep~ilon ; High llonor Award. COOPER. Gar~ Edward, Medina, New York ; Mcc:hanical Engirwt•ring.
Copeland . 0 . 0 . Cozad, J. M. Cross, J. K.
Cornell, R. 0 . Crabtree, T . F. Crow, W. W .
Cowen, J. E. Creek, L. Cummins, E. J.
Cowles, J. C. Cremer, A. F., ll Curnmin~. L. R.
ROW l - COPELAN D, Da' id Otto; Rolla, Missouri; De lta Sigma Phi. CO HNELL, Civil Engineering; Ralph D. ; St. Louis, Missouri ; Me tallurgical Eng incPhi Epsilon; APO; Pershing Rifles; c rin~ ; Sigma S 1 E. COWEN, Joseph E.; Joplin, M issouri ; Mechanical Engin ee rin~. COWLES. James C., Jr. ; Rolla. Missouri ; Metallurigical Engineering. COX, Bobb} Tyson ; Ozark, Missouri ; Metallurgical Engineering ; Delta Sigma Phi, Sergeant-at-Arm s; AFS; AIM E; The ta Tau, Outer Guard ; Alpha Sigma Mu ; St. Pat' s Board ; Curators' Award ; FEF Scholarship; Student Union Social Co mmittee; St. Pat's Guard. ROW 2 - COZAD, j ohn M .; Rolla, Missouri ; MechaniF. , Jr.; C RABTREE, Thomas cal Enginee ring. Arnold , Missouri ; Mathematics. CREEK, Lawrence N., J r.; Kansas City, Missouri; Civil Engineering:
Cox, B. T. Crimmins, D. B. Cuneo, C. H.
C HEMEH, Adolph F., ll; Rolla. Missouri; Electrical Engineering. C Rl M M INS, Darrell B.; Cobden, Illinois; Mechanical Engineering; Fifty- iners Club; Pi T au Sigma; Tau 13<-ta Pi. ROW 3 - CHOSS. j o hn Ke ith ; Des PNes, Missouri ; Civil Engineering; Prospectors Club; ASCE; Al AA ; ICC. Secretary; Photo C lub; Radio C lub; Curators' Award. C ROW, William W. ; Rolla . Missouri, Mec hanical Engineering. C MM INS, Eu~ene J., J r.; St. Louis, ~ ~ issouri ; Electrical Engineering; Shamrock Club; Summe r Busines~ Manager; IEEE, Secret an ; KMSM , Chief Engineer; Honor List; Newman C lub, Treasurer; Haclio Club. CUMM INS, Lyndell Ray; Greenfield, Illinois ; Civil Engineerin~; Sigma Pi, ASCE; I FC; President, Vice- Preside nt, Secretary; EO, Colin Ryan ; Garrison, New Dc:1n's List. C York ; Geological Engineering.
The UMR Rugby Club is considered one of the toughest in the nation.
Cunningham. II. R. Om id on. W. C. Delane~, R. L.
Dalla'>, H. W. Da\'il>, It J.
Dennin~rnann .
Daml>gard, J. A. Da,i!.. H. G. Dc~e. P.
Daniels, j . L. Dawbarn. J. A. De,cnport. R. D.
Oanlc) , j . G. Deat hcra~c.
D. R. Dietrich, W. D.
Darr, R. J.
Del ane~. ).
0. Dillon, P. H.
HOW I - CUNNINGHAM , Howard H.; Kcokuk. Iowa;. Mechanical Engim•Ning. DALLAS, Hichard W.; . St. Genevieve, Missou ri ; Civil Engineering; Phi Kappa Theta. DAMSGAHD, james A.; Rolla, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering. DANIELS, Jerry Lee; Bluford, t\IL<,sou ri ; Mechan ical Engineering; COl; Prospectors Club; SAE; ASME; Pi Tau Sigma. DANLEY, James C.; Springfield. ~lbso uri ; Ci\ il Engineering. DARR. HobNt j oseph; j er~c) "ille, Illinois; Civil Engineering; Sigma Pi. ROW 2 - DAVIDSON, William C.; St. Louis. Missoun ; Ci\'il Engineering. I)A VIS, Ralph john; Alton, lllinob ; Ph,.,ics; M RllA; Al P; Scabbard and Blade; Raiders, Co.mmanding OfficN; cwman Club; Mc Donnell Cooperath(• Engineering Student. DA \'IS. Ho) George; Ft·~lus, Missouri; Ch il Engineering; ASCE; Spelunker-, Club. DA WBAHN, John Alma; Independence, Missouri ; Mechanical Engint•t•ring. DEAT II EHAGE, Donald H.; St. Louis, M i s~o uri ; Electrical Engineering; M IU lA; Intermural Football. Softball, Volle~ ball. DELANEY, jamc~ 0 .; Brook I~ n. Ne" York; Ci\ il Engineering.
Sigma Nu and Tech Club played a close and hard fought game for the intramural football championship with Tech Club barely edging Sigma Nu. 296
ROW 3 - DELANEY, Robert L. . Jr; St. L oui~. ~ l is sou ri ; Electrical En~inccring; C Ol ; ~1 RHA ; IEEE; Newman Club. DE Nl CMANN, Elrm; Rolla, Mi!.souri ; Electrical Engirwering. DESE: Phillip 0. ; Overland , Missouri ; Electrical Engi nN•ri ng. 0 EVENPOHT, Ronald 0 .; Burfordville, ~l i\\ouri; Elt•ctrkal Engirwering; Gamma Delta; Prmpt•t·tor~ Club; IEEE. DIETRICH, Waltt"r D . Bdle"illc. lllinob, Mechanical EngineNing; Delta Tau Delta; IFC DILLON. Paul lfarold; St. Loui~, ~ l issouri ; Ch il En~int'Ning; Prospectors Club; ASCE.
Seniors HOW I - DINGES, j ames Russell ; Rolla, Missouri ; Mecha nical Engineering; Lam ba Chi Al pha; SAÂŁ; AS1\rl E. DIN l. Said; Tehran, Iran; Mechanica l Eng ineering; AS ~ I E; Pi Tau S i ~m a; Baha Club; International Club; Iranian Association. DI SPAIN, David Ray; Farmington. Missouri; Electrical Engineering; IEEE; Radio Club; Treasurer.
ROW 2 - DIVIS, Richard T. ; St. Ann, Missouri; Chemical Engineering; COl ; Fifty-Nincrs Club; AIChE; Alpha Chi Sig ma. DOERING, Marvin Ross; Affton, Missouri; Chemical Engineering; M RHA; AJChE; Dean's List. DOER R, Earl E.; Du po, Il lin<>is; Civil Engineering; COl ; Tech Clu b; SAE; ASCE; Radio Club. ROW ~ - DOERR, Raymond E., Jr. ; Creve Coeur, Missouri ; Mechanical Eng ineering; Kappa Alpha, Recording Secretary; SAE; AIAA; AS ME, President, Treasurer; lFC. Secretary, DOGLE. Secretary, DOLLAR, james Alan; Bre ntwood, Missouri ; Electrical Eng ineering; Pi Kappa Alpha, Secretary, Pledgemaster; ISA, Secretary; AIAA; IEEE; Kappa Kappa Psi, Treasurer; Band Honorary. ROW 4 - DORRELL, Edward W., J r. ; Eureka, Missouri ; Mathematics; Shamrock Club; M RHA; BSU, Vice-President ; Esperanto, Preside nt; Curators' Award ; Dean's List. DOUGLASS, Clyd e M., Jr.; Salem, Missouri ; Electrical Engineering; IEEE; Curators' Award. DOWNS, Melvyn E.; Rolla, Missouri; Mechanical Eng ineering.
With style like this, it's ed8y to see why Phi Kappa Theta took first place in intramural volleyball. Dinges, J. R.
Divis, R. T. Doerr, R. E.
D orre ll, E. W .
Dini, S.
Doering, M. R. Dogie. J. L. Douglass. C. M.
Dispain, D. R. Doerr, E. E. Dollar, J. A. Downs, M. E.
A 59' er goes up f or an easy break-away shot against A 4> A in the finals f or the in tramural championship.
Seni ors ROW 2 - DU PRE E, j ames f.; Kansas City, Missouri; Electrical Engint'cring; \1 RH A; Shamrock C lub; IEEE, Vict•-Cha irman; Alp ha Phi Omega; Karate Club; BSU; C ura tors' Award, Studen t Union Literature and M u~ic Committee. D L, RAN D. Don Kenneth; De llwood, \I is:,ou ri; Electrical E n~dn ccring; Sigma Phi Epsilo n; IEEE; Inte rcollegia te Knig hts; Phi Eta Sig ma, Trea!>urc r ; Eta Kappa Nu ; Tau Be la Pi ; Phi Kappa Phi; Cura tors' Award ; Dean's List; Phi Ka ppa Phi Bookpla te; UM R Ho no r's Award. EASON, j a mes Scott ; St. Louis. Missou ri; Electrical Enginl'ering; Shamrock C lub, P reside nt; Independents, Board o f Co\ e rnors; IEEE; ACM ; ICC; Raide rs. EA ST EP. Lawre nce W.; Sprin~fie ld, Illinois; Civil Eng ineering; GDI ; _ASC E; Dean s List. EBELING, John Arthur; Washmgton, Missouri ; Electrical Eng ineering; Kappa Alpha; FiftyNine rs Club. Board of Co ntrol, Stude nt Co uncil Reprcscnta ti, e; IEEE; Stud e nt Council.
Homecoming queen candidates and their da tes dance away the night at the Student Union . DOYL E, J ohn Dean ; Vie nna, M issouri; 1\0W I Civil Eng i nee rin~. DRAG, C le mens Paul; St. Joseph, Missouri ; Ceramic Engineerin~. DUBOIS, W illiam ; Kirkwood, ~l isso uri ; Electrical Eng ineering. D UE RR, Cal vin £ .; St. Lo uis, Missouri ; Che mical Eng ineering ; Phi Kappa Sig ma; Fifty- Nine rs Club AIChE; Phi Mu Alpha. DUGG INS, Cary I loward ; Potte r~ ville, Missou ri ; Electrical Engineering; GD I, Board of Gove rnors; Tech C lub; IEEE; Stude nt Counci l; Raide rs. Doyle, J. P. Du p ree, J. F. Eckle r, P. E.
Drag, C. P. Durand , D. K. Edward s, E. W.
Dubois, W. Eason, J. S. Egge rs, S. H .
ROW 3 - ECKL ER. Paul Eugene; Bre ntwood , ~ lissouri ; Chemistry; Tau Ka ppa Epsilon ; ACS; Alpha Chi ~ig ma; Dean's List. EDWARDS, Eddie Wa) ne; Spnngfield, M issou ri; Electrica l E ng ineering ; GDI; Pr~s pcctors C lub, Vice- Preside nt; . Stude nt C ~apter of ~ tsVtceEngtne ers, ProfessiOnal of Societv souri Prcside nt; NS PE, Vice-Preside nt; I EEE; Dean's Li ~· EGGERS, Stephen H.; Brentwood, Missouri ; Mechamcal Eng ineering; Fifty-N iners Club; GD I; ASME; SAE. EIDEL MAN, La rr) B.; St. Loui , Missouri; Electrical E ngineering; Alpha Epsilo n Pi; APO. EIDSON, Charles R. ; Affton, M issouri; Electrical Eng ineering.
Due rr. C. E. Easte p, L. W. Eidelman, L . B.
Duggins, G. H. Ebeling, J. A. Eidson , C. R.
ROW I - ELDER, Garv Htn: Holla, ~lissouri; Electrical Engin(•(•ring. EIELEMAk Lurn B.; St. Louis. ~1issouri ; Eleclri<.·al Engirwcrin~; Alpha Epsilon Pi ; APO ELLIOTT, Hod~er, Lee, Alton, Illinois; ~1 ining Engineering "ilh a Ccophvsi<.·<, Option; Shamrock Club; \I RIIA; CD I; SEG. Seerdar~; Spdunkers Club: Band. RO\\' 2 - E'\ D EHLE. Thoma., Earl ; t. Louis. ~lis souri; Ci' il Enginet•ring. E\IGEL, Cilbbcrt A.. Jr; St. Loub. \lb">uri; Cht•rnhtn, Shamrock Club; COl ; Honors u.,t; Dt•an\ u . . t .ENGEL. Richard Rust; Kansas Cit~. \1 i"ouri . \I t•chanical Engineering; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sccrctar~: AS \1 E; A PO. ROW 3 - EHICSO , Charlt•s ll.; Springfield, Illinois; Computer Science; Beta SiKma P~i: AC\1. EHXLEBE . Richard H.; St. Louis, M il>Mnrri, Civil Engineering. EVERH ART, Vernon L.; Holla. Missouri, Civil Engineering. ROW 4 - EVANS, Jarnc' llcnry; Vandalia, Missouri; Civil Engineering; Tech Club; GDl; ASCE; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Scabbard and Blade; Chi Epsilon. Editor ol The Transit; Enoch ccdles Scholarship; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; R. Curators' Award ; Tau Beta Pi Freshman Award; ROTC Scholarship. EWENS, Fred J. , II; Florissant. :.. tr,souri: ~ ! athematic., . EYMA ' N. Phillip S.; St. Cencvie,c, ~ l issouri ; Ci' il Engineering; Prospectors Club; C Ol; Chi Ep!>ilon; Second Honors A\\-ard; Dean's Lr,t.
ROW 5 - FAENCER, Aloys H.; St. Louis, Missouri; Ch il Engirwcring. Lamba Chi Alpha, President, Plcd~e Trainer. E\t·cutiv<' Council; ASCE; NSPE; Theta Tau. FAES. john Gerard: St. Louis. ~lissouri; Chemistr}. FAINT IC H, Da"id M .; Rolla, Missouri ; En~ineer ing Management.
Elder, G. Enderle, T . E. Ericson, C. H. Guans. J. II. Facngcr, A. H.
Elelcman. F. Engel , G. A. Er-:lcben, H. H. Ewcn!>, F. J. Faes, J. G.
Elliot. R. L. En)!:cl. R. H. E,·erhart. L'. L. Evdmann, P. S. Faintich. o. M.
The Pikers exhibit the hippie spirit for their Christ-
mas Party.
2 99
Tight plays were the ntle in the Si{{tna Nu versus Tech Club championship game.
Faintich, M. B. Farris, K. E. Feger, T. ~1. Fick. R. C.
HOW I - FAINTICH, l\l ar:.hall B.; Universit~ City, M is~ouri ; ~ ! athematic!>. FAHAZA DEH, A. ; Tehran, Iran; ~kchauical EngitH:t•ring. FARRAR, Billy F.. Jt·.; Arkadelphia. Arkansa!>; Pt'lrolcum Engin ecr in~ . Ft\HHELL. Hobert C.; Allton, Missouri; Unclas~ificd. ROW 2 - FARRIS. Ken neth E.; Rolla. Mbsouri; Electrkal Engineering. FA t..:TII , Edmond S.. Ill ; Desoto, \lb~o u r i ; Computer Science. FERBER. Ste"en L.; 1 l'\\ York, i'\ew York; ~lining Engineering; Alpha Ep!~ilon Pi , Treasurer; A I ~ ! E, Treasurer; IFC; Dean·~ Lbt; llonor Roll; Robert Emmel Dye Scholarship. FECI·HER, Charles E.; Rolla, Mis~ou ri ; Mechanical Engiueeri ng.
Farazandeh, A. Fauth, E. S. Ferguson, C. Field. L. V.
Farrar, B. F. Feder, S. L. Fesler, D. J. Fingado, N. S.
Farrell. R. C. Fechter, C. E. Fcugatc. R. J. Finnigan, D. E.
ROW 3 - FEGER, Thomas M.; Springfield , Illinois; Civil Engineering. FERGUSON, Cameron F.; Rivermines,. Missouri ; Chemical Engineering. FESLER, Denms John ; Affton, Missouri; Mctallurigical Engineering. FEUGATE, Robert J., Jr.; St. J o~cph, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. ROW 4 - FIC K. Robert Clarence; St. Lo ui~ . \li'>souri ; Mechanical Engineering. FJELD, Lawn•nce . ; Ferguson, ~I issou ri ; Mechanical Engineering; ~1 R HA; Pi Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; Honor Li~t ; McDonne ll-Douglas Co-op; Curator~· Scholarship; Varsity Tenn is; Intramural Football, Swimming. Tennis. FINCADO. Noel S.; Stateu Island , New York ; Physics. FINN IGAN, Orville E.; Hunnc•wc•ll. f\lissouri ; Electrical Enginccrin~ .
Seniors ROW 1 -
FISCHER, j ames E.; St. Louis, Missouri; Enginct>ring; Kappa Alpha; SAE; ASM E; AST~t E; ~I incr Staft. Fl'rlCERALD, Harold R., Sedalia, Missouri; U nclassificd. FIX. Frank F.; St. Joseph. ~ l bsouri; Electrical Engineering. FIX, Raymond L.; Rolla, lissouri ; Electrical Engineering. FLECKAL, Hobert F.; St. j <>llcph, Missouri ; Electrical ~lechanical
Eng i necr in~.
ROW 2 - FLEMING, Donald N.; Jefferson City, Missouri; Civil Engineering. FORTNER, Royce W.; St. James, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering. FORT UNE, Larry E.; Raytown, Missouri; Computer Scie nce. FOST ER, Charles Wa) nc; Bernie, Missouri; Civil Engineering. FOWLER, Richard W.; St. Louis, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. ROW 3 -
FOX. Rodger Ellis; Harrisburg, Missouri; Engineering: Lamba Chi Alpha. FRANK, james A.; Rolla, M is!>ouri, Mechanical Engineering. FRANTHO~I. FRASCO, L} nn Allen, Springfield, Illinois; Ci~il Engineering. FRAZIER, David Edward; Rolla, Missouri; Civil Engineering. ~ t cchanical
Fischer, j . E. Fleming, D. M. Fox, R. E.
Fitzgerald, H. R. Fortner, R. W. Frank, J. A.
The snow was deep both inside and out during fall semester finals week.
Fix, F. F. Fortune, L. E. Franthom. R. G.
Fix, R. Foster, C. W. Frasco, L. A.
Fleckal. R. F. Fowler. R. W. Frazier, D. E.
The slap on Lewis' hand didn't stop him from making two points against Northwest Missouri State .
Friel lev. M. C. Cant, C. L. Ccilc, H. J. Gentzler, E. C. Gerhard, G. E.
Fuesting, D. J. Casper, G. A. Gcmeinhardt, R. C. George, D. R. Gerig, F. A.
Caines, D. L. Cegesky, P. S. Gentry. C. W. Gerber, J. A. Ciachino, E. R.
ROW l - fRIDLEY , Michael C.; Rolla, Missouri; Civil Eng ineering. FUEST!NC, Darrell J.; Rolla. Missouri ; Civil Engineering. GAI NS, David Lewis; Rolla, Missouri ; Civil Engineering.
ROW 2 - CANT, Car: Lee ; Kansas City, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. GASPER, George A. , Jr.; Kansas City, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Sigma Nu ; ASi\1 E; Honor List; Varsity Basketball. GEGESKY, Phillip S.; j()plin, Missouri:' Mechanical Engineering.
ROW 3 - CEILE, Robert John ; Shrewsbury, Missouri; Civil Engineering. GEMEINHARDT, Roger G.; Grandview, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering. GENTRY, Curtis W. ; Rolla. Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering. ROW 4 - GENTZLER, Edward C.; Decatur, Illinois; Geology; Engineers Club; C. L. Dakc Society, President; AlM E; SEC; Sigma Gamma Epsilon ; Spelunke rs Club; Rock Climbers Club; V. H. McNutt Scholarship. GEORGE, David R.; Shrewsburv, Missouri, Mechanical Engineering. GERBER, John A., Jr. ; Rolla, Missouri ; Civil Engineering. ROW 5 - GERHARD, Gary Edward ; Rockford , Illinois; Petroleum Engineering. GERIG, Frank A., lll ; Rolla, Missouri ; Civil Engineering; Sigma Nu, Lt. Commander, Commander; ASCE; AOP; Blue Key; Chi Epsilon, Pledge Marshall, President; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi ; Karate Club, Historian, President; UM R ROTC Briga~le Corn~and er; .Blue ~e v Man of the Month ; Who s Who 1n Amencan Colfcgcs and Universities. CIACH INO, Ervin R.; Kirksville, Missouri 路 Mechanical Engineering. '
Cibiltcrra, T. V. Gilmore, T. R. Goedde, J. C.
Cieselmean, W. A. Givan, C. V. Coessling, J. R.
Gilkey, R. L. Cluntz, D. A. Cordon, J. R.
Gillham, H. J. Glusac, P. Gossett, C. B.
Gillmore. J. G. Godwin, W. R. Grabski, F. L.
Sen 1 or s ROW 1 - GIBILTERRA, Thomas V.; Ferguson, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Sigma Pl~i Epsilon, List. Dean's Board ; Pat's St. Vice-President; GIESELMEAN, William A.; Wood River, Missouri, Electrical Engineering. GILKEY, Roy Lavern ; .Deepwater, Missouri; English; Shamrock Club, Treasurer; Scabbard and Blade ; Pershing Rifles, Drill Master; Russian Club; Military Ball Board; first Honor Roll ; Dean's List. GILLHAM , Herbert j.; Rolla, Mb~ouri ; Unclassified. GILLMORE, j. C.; Rolla. Missouri; Electrical Engineering. ROW 2 - GILMORE, Teddy R.; St. j oseph, Missouri ; Civil Engineering ; Fifty-Niners Club; ASCE ; M Club: Dean's List ; Varsity Golf. GIVAN, Guy Van; Independence, Missouri ; Ceramics; Sigma Phi Epsilon; ASC; AFS. GLUNTZ. David Allen ; St. Louis, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering; Prospectors Club; GD l; MRHA ; ASME; SAE; IAAA. CL USAC, Pete; Kirkwood , Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; M RHA; COl ; SAE; ASME. CODW I , Wcslev R. ; Rolla, 1issouri ; Civil Engineering; Shamrod. Cfub; ASCE; Chi Alpha. Sccretar~ . Treasurer; llonor Lbt.
For the Homecoming Came the crowd filled the stands and the opposite hill side.
ROW 3 - GOEDDE. joe George; j efferson City, Mbsouri; Civil Enginet•ring. GOESSLINC, james H.; St. Louis, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering. CORDON, j ames R.; Campbell. Missouri ; Electrical Engineering. GOSSETT, Chari<.'~ B.. II; Independence, Missouri; Engineering ; IEEE, Program-Chairman, Electrical Vice President GRABSK I, Frank L. ; Sprin~ficld , lllinob ; Civil Engine(•ring; Tau Kappa Ep,ilon ; ASCE; AIAA; Scabbard and Blade; Student L nion Buard; ISA; Treasurer; Honor List ; Varsit~ Track.
Crady, R. L. Creer, D. L. Grimshaw, C. T.
Graham, W. D. Greeson, J. B. Groves, C . B.
Graul, B.]. Gregory, W. B. Guada, F. j .
ROW 1 - GRADY, Hobert Lee; Popular Bluff, ~is颅 souri; Electrical Engineering; Engineers Club; CDI; IEEE. GRAHAM, Warre n Dean ; Springfie ld, Missouri; Electrical Engineering; Shamrock Club; MRHA; IEEE: Intercollegiate Knights; Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Kappa Kappa Psi, Secrctaq; Band ; Honor Lbt. GRAUL, Barry james; St. Loui:., Missouri; M echanical Engineering; Kappa Alpha, Treasurer; ASME, Treasurer, Secretary; ASTME, Secretary; SAE; IFC. GRAY, David Leslie; Kansas City, Missouri; Electrical Engineering; GDI; Fifty-Nincrs Club; M Club, Secretary, President; Eta Kappa Nu ; Student Council; Spelunkers Club; Dean's List; Curators' Award; Varsity Track, Captain ; 1967 Trackman of the Year. GREEN, Charles P.; Springfield, Illinois; Civil Engineering; Campus Club; ASCE; GDI. GREEN, Dennis Lvnn; Norris Cit}', Illinois; Electrical Engineering; Fifty- Niners Club; CDI ; Tau Beta Pi, Treasurer, Vtce President ; Eta Kappa Nu, President, Vice President; Honors Award ; Dean's List ; Steinmesch Memorial Scholarship. ROW 2 - GREER, De nnb Lynn ; St. Louis, Missouri; Civil Engineering ; F'ifty- Nincrs Club; GD I; ASCE; MSPE; C hi Epsilon. GREERSON , joseph B.; Univcrs itv Citv Missouri; Phvsics. GREGORY, William B.; Carthage,' Missouri ; Mathematics; ACM . GREMARD,
Gray, D. L. Cremard, W. L. Guaitis, j . J.
Green, W. J. Grimm, R. j . Cuisti, L. A.
William Lee; Ro lla, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. GRIFFETH, Thomas j .. Jr.; Hannibal, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. GRIMM , Robert J.; Wentzville, Missouri; Shamrock C lub. Business Manager路 GDI; SAE; ASM E; APO; ICC; Newman C lub; Hono; List. ROW 3 - GR IMSHAW, Charles T.; Mobe rlv Missouri; Civil Engineering; Triangle, Steward路,' Corresponding Secretary; ASCE; Student Council; Student Union Committee. GROVES, Christopher Byron ; Rolla, Missouri; Civil Engineering. CUDA, Francisco J.; Valencia, Venezuela; Mechanical Engineering. GUAITIS, john Jonas; St. Louis, Missouri; AlP; Spelunkers Club; Photo Club. CUELBERT, Wayne C.; Creve Coeur, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering ; Campus Club; Preside nt, Board of Governors; Independents; AIAA ; SAE; ASM E; Intercollegiate Knights; Blue Key, Treasurer; Phi Eta Sigma, Corresponding Secretary ; Pi Tau Sigma; Tau Beta Pi ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Newman Club; Student Union Board Publicity Committee; Student Council ; ICC; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; General Motors Scho larship; First Honors; Illinois Power Conference Award. CUISTI.
Candidates for Homecoming Queen anrlously await the announcement of the Queen.
Green, C. P. Griffeth, T . ]. Cuclbcrt, W. C.
Sen 1 or s ROW 1 - GU LICK, Matthew C.; j oplin, Missouri ; Ek•ctrical Engineering; Enginet•n, Club; GDI; !EEl~; Phi Theta Kappa; Eta Kappa u, Vice Prc~ ident ; Tau B<.•ta Pi; Curators' Award: Honor Roll; Alumni Scholar~hip. GU LLIC, Hobert Cl~ de; Eldorado, lllinoi'; Civil Engint•cring; Filty-Niners Club; GD I; ASCE; t>.ISPE; Chi Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi ; Scabbard and Blade. Tn•a urer; Stcinmesch \femorial Scholar~h ip ; ALSA A"ard; llonor List; D<•an\ List; D\IS. ROW 2 - GUY, j ohn Lero}; St. joseph, Missouri ; Mathematic~ . HAAG, Alan Loui~ ; Hannibal, \1issouri; Ci\ il EngirH.•t>ring; Campus Club. Recording Secretar~ , Board of Directors; lndepcndt•nt'>; ASCE; \tSPE; ICC, E'<'cutive Committt•ernan; Dea n·~ List; Curators' Award and Scholarship. HACK E, Kenneth Paul ; St. Louis. Missouri; ~lcchanical Engineering ; Shamrock Club. ROW 3 - HALFORD. Robert James; Chadwick, Missou ri; Electrical Engineering; IEEE; Curators' Award. HALL. Randal D.; Rolla. Missouri; ElectricaI Eng inrering; Tech Club; IEEE; Honor List. HALL, Ronald William ; St. Louis. \1 issouri; Electrical Engineerin~ . ROW 4 - liAM ILTO , j ames Lee; Hazelwood, Missouri ; Electrical Engineering ; Sigma Phi Epsilon; IEEE; APO; Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi, Recording Sccrctar} ; Intercollegiate Knights; Eta Sigma. Historian; Newman Club; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; Dean\ List. H ANDLAN, Timothv M.; St. Lou is, Missouri; Mt·chanical En~ineering ; Kappa Sif!ma; SAE. Secretary; Theta Tau; \1 iner Staff; St. Pat s Board, Vice-President; Rugb\ Club, ~ t o-;t \'aluablt• Back of 1966-67; St. Pat's Guard; Varsit~ Ba!>cball. HANNEKEN , Michael 1\.; Villa Rid ~c. Missouri; Unclassified .
"The First Edition" put out a first rate sound for the Miners.
Gulick, M . C. Gll\ , j. L . Halford, R. J. Hamilton, J. L.
Gullic, R. C. ll aa~. A. L. HalL R. D. 1landlan, T . M.
Cunzcl. J. ~I. Hacke. K. P. II all. R. L. I Ian II<.' ken, ~I. A.
This tri-axial compression testinf.{ machine is only one of the many advanced pieces of equipment in the soils lab.
Sen 1 or s HOW l - HARBIN ; Hobert L. ; Rolla, Missouri; Civil Engineering. HARMON, Robert Leo; St. James, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. HARMS. Kenneth Dean ; St. Joseph. Mis~ouri ; EnginC'Nin~ ; Beta Sigma Psi. Second Vic(• President; ASCE; Intercollegiate Knights; Gamma Delta ; Honor List. IIAROUTUNIAN, Alfred C.; Tehran. Iran; Electrical Engineering; ISA, Treasurer. Harris, B)' ron Lee; Desloge, Missouri; Engineering Managt'mcnt; AMA; Varsity Track. ROW 2 - IIARH IS, Donald J.; DeSota, Missouri; Mechanical Engi rwcring; Triangle, HARRIS, James EH'rt; Colfa~. Illinois; \lechanical Engineering; Kappa Sigma; ASME; SAE. HAUER, Wahcr C. , Jr.; Mah·erne, Nt•\\ York; ~l echanical Engineering; Prospectors Club. HAWK INS, Robert S.. ll; Chillicothe, Missouri; Electrical Engineering; GD I; IEEE; Ilonor List. HAWKI NS, Rodney Bruce; Texico, Illinois; Chemistry; Prospectors Club; CDI. HOW 3 -
HAYNES, Alan David; St. Ann. Missouri; Engine<.'Ting; Delta Sigma Phi. HAY ES, Wilson Lynn ; Loogootee, Illinois; Electrical Engineering; Scabbard and Blade; BSU . HAYS, Thomas Edgar; Briclgton, Missouri; Civil Engineering; Campus Club; Scabbard and Blade. President; Spelunkers Club; Rock Climbers; Raiders; Distinguished Military Student Award. H EABEHLI N, Allen Lee; Kirksville, Missouri; Electrical Engincerin~; COl ; Shamrock Club; lEE£; \ ISPE; Blue Key; Ets Kappa u; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi ; Gamma Delta. Regional Vice President, Prc~idcnt; Band; niversity Scholarship; Curators' Transfer Award. ll EBER LlE, Terence J.; Farmington, Missouri; Civil Engineering; Engineers C lub. ~kchanical
Flames soar high at the annual Halloween outhouse burning.
Harlien, R L. Harris. 0 J. Haynes, A. D.
Harmon, H. L. Harris. J. E. Hayne~. W. L.
Harms, K. Hauer, W C. Hays, T. £.
Haroutunian, A. C. Hawkinl>, H. S. Heaberl in, A. L.
Harris. B. L. lla\\ kins, R. B. llcbcrlic, T. j .
ROW 1 - H EC KLER, Philip C.; Left Isla nd C ity, New York; Civil Eng ineering. H EFLIN , Larry Smith ; J efferson City, Missouri ; Electrical Eng ineering; Lamba C hi Alpha; AlP; APO ; Phi Eta Sig ma; Sig ma Pi Sig ma; Student Council; C urators' Scho larship. HEITMAN, Harvey j .; Kirkwood, Missouri; Mechanical Eng ineering; Fift y- ine rs C lub; M RHA; GD I; SAE.
ROW -:1 H ETZEL, Dennis Paul ; Breese. Illinois; C ivil Engineering; Fifty-Ninc rs Clu b; Inde pe ndents; MRHA; C D!; ASCE; MSPE; UMR Band ; Stude nt Union Board. HIC KMA N. 1v1ichael J.; Holla. Missouri; Mec ha nical Eng ineeri ng; Lamba Chi Alpha; ASME; SAE; ASTM E. HlCKS, No rma n Dale; Springfi eld. Missouri; Civil E ng ineering; ASCE; NSPE.
ROW 2 - H E ITZMANN, john E.; St. Louis, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; SAE; First and Second Ho nors. HEL LWEGE, Lo nn ie M. ; Gle ndale, Missouri; Me chanical Engineering; Beta Sigma Psi; ASI\1 E; AIAA ; Intercollegiate Knights; Evans Sc holarship. H ENEHAN, Wil liam M .; Ro lla. Missouri ; Electrical Eng ineering.
ROW 5 - H IC KS. Troy Don; Eldorado, Illinois; Mining Eng inee ring. HI L BU RN, Howard Lynn; Cassville. Missouri ; C ivil Eng ineering; GD I; Sha mrock C lub; ASC E; BS U; Spe lunke rs C lub; C urators' Award . HILG E DORF, Ro be rt L. ; Betha lto, Illinois; C iv il Eng ineering; Sig ma Nu, Pled ge JVl a rshal ; ASCE; Scabbard and Blad e. Secre tary.
ROW 3 - H ENNECKE, Edward W.; Gordonville. Missouri ; Chemistry. H EN RIKSON, Ralph L. ; Kankakee, Ill inois; Electrical Engineering; M RHA, Judicial Board, House Sc holastic and Ele ctions Chairman ; IEEE; Wesley Foundatio n; Glee Club. HERZOG, Ronald Joseph ; Farmington, Missouri; Mechanical Eng inee ring; Tech Club; GDJ ; SAE; ASME; Pi Tau Sigma; Newman Club; Curators Award ; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; H ono r List; Monsanto Company Scholarsh ip; F ische r Governo r Co mpan~ Scholarship.
Heckle r, P. C. H eitzma nn, J. E. Henne cke, E. W.
Hetzel, D. P. Hicks, T . D.
Heflin , L. S. Hellwege, L. 1'v1. Henrikson, R. L. Hicka n, t\1. Hilburn , H . L.
Heitma n, H . J. Hene han. W . M . Herzog. R. S. H ic ks. . D. H ilge ndorf, R. L.
Fellow student and veteran of the St. Louis Playboy Club, Sl."ip Matthews. entertains the M iners with his fresh comedy.
30 7
Cross country is a intramural sport.
popular fall
Hinchcliff, S. J. Hochman, I. P. Hoffman . D. H. Holland, R. G.
Hindeleh, A. S. Hodel, M . J. Hoffman, G. A. Hollowell, W. M.
Hinton, D. R. llocl kcr, A. B. Hohman, G. M. Holtgreve, J. C.
Hobclmann, D. W. llocllcr, W. C. Holland , L. C. Homcslc}'. D. M.
Senior s ROW I - HINC HC LIFF. Sammie J.; Blair!>dllc, lllinoi'>; Clwmical Engint't:ring; l ndt'J)('ndcnt!>; -T ech Club; AICh E; Alpha Chi Sigma; Wc.,l<·~ Foundation. I liNDELE II , Atallah S. ; lkirut , L<•banon; Electrical Enginet>ring; Engineer~ Clu h: BS ; lntcrnationa I Organ ization ; OAS. Prc~ident ; llonor Lbt. HINTON, Don lla~ ; Kamas Cit~ . \I i'>M>ttri ; Civil Engineering; Sigma Nu , ASC E; cwman Club. IJOBEL \ IA ' N. Da,id W.; St Charles. ~ I is ouri ; Cht•mil·al Engineering; F ift~ ~iner' Club; AIChE; Alpha Chi Sigma. HOW 2 - HO C H~IA , Ira Paul ; Brookhn. , ew York; Ch il EngineNin~ ; Alpha Ep!>ilon Pi. HOD EL, ~1 ~ron John ; Eureka, Illinob ; ~h·chanil:al Engineering; Fifty1iners; GO I; ASM E; SA E. IIOELKER. Anthony B.; Pil•dmont, Missouri ; Engiru.•t•ring Managem<•nt; Sigma Tau Gamma. House Manager. Alumni Corrcspondt>nt, Publidt~ Chairman ; AMA : Theta Tau ; St. Pat\ Board ; !'>tudt.•nt Union Publicity Conunittt.•e
HOELLER, Warrt•n J., Jr.; Bctht·~da , Maryland; Mechanical Engineering. ROW 3 - JI OFF~ I AN , Dennv Ray; Na!>hvillt'. lllinoi:.; Civil Enginct•ring; Tech Club ASCE. II OFFMA N, Gary Alan ; Jefferson City, Missouri ; Cht·mical Engineering; Beta Sigma Psi; AlChc; Alpha Chi Sigma; Intercollegiate Knights; Gamma Delta: Stndt•nt Union Committee; Dean\ List; Curators' Scholar.,hip!>. II OII~IAN. Gerald ~ l; St. Charles, \ lissouri ; \l cchanical Engincerinj.!. HOLLA ND. Larry Curtis; Fannington, ~1 issouri ; Chemical En~ineerin g; AICh E; 1., nion Carbide Engineering Scholar'>hip. ROW 4 - IIOLLAND, Rodney C.; Holla, Missouri; Civil EngincNing. HOLLOWELL, William M.; California. ~I issouri ; Mechanical Engint•cring; En~ineNs Club; GDI; SAE; ASM E. HOLTGHEVE, J arne~ C.; Collin:.ville. lllinoi!t ; Electrical Engincl'ring ; Tech Club; lndcp<·ndt.•nts; GDI; IEEE, Prt'sidt•nt; Pt•r-.hing Rines, Drill TPam; Dean·~ Li!.t. 110\1ESLE'r , D<lnald \1 ; Wt•ntn illc. ~li~souri; Electric:al Engineering ; IEEE
ROW 1 - HOTCHKISS, Robert S.; St. Ann. Mis::.ouri ; lcchanical En~ineering; Sigma Tau Gamma, President, Vice President, Secretary, Rush Chairman; AIAA; Pi Tau Sigma, President; Tau Beta Pi; Intercollegiate Knights; IFC; Student Union Board; Dean's List; Curators' Award. HOVIS, Donald Luther; Fredericktown. Missouri; Chemical Engineering. HOUSE, Hartford Lynn; Bonne Terre, Missouri; Chemical Engineering; Shamrock Club, Board of Control; AIChE; lntercollegiatc Knights, President. Regional President; Canterbury Club; Student Union Committees; Glee Club, President, Secretary; St. Joseph Lead Co. Scholarship; Curators' Scholarship; Honor List. HOUSE, Phillip M.; St. Louis, Missouri; Civil Engineering; GDI; Tech Club; MSPE. HRASTICH, Allan C.; Brentwood. Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Prospectors Club; ASM E; Pi Tau Sigma; Honor List. ROW 2 - HUCK, James Wayne; St. Louis, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; ASME; AIAA; Scabbard and Blade. HUCKABA, David Lee; St. Louis, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; SAME. HUETT, Michael Scott; Mountain Home, Arkansas; Civil Enginee ring; Tech Club; GD I; ASCE; NSPE; Chi Epsilon, Treasurer; M Club; Enoch R. Needles Scholarship; Honor List; Varsity Basketball. H UG H ES, Darrell Ray; Leadwood, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Engineers Club~ Chi Alpha; Honor List; National Educational Opportunity Scholarship. H UGHES , Virgil W., Jr.; Leadwood, Missouri; Physics; Engineers club; Chi Alpha; Robert Emmitt Dye Scholarship; Second Honors. ROW 3 HULL, James L.; St. Louis, Missouri; Chemical Engineering; Fifty-Niners Club; AIChE; Alpha Chi Sigma; Curators' Award. H ULLEER, T. J. HUMMEL, Arthur R. ; Osage Beach, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; GDI; T ech Club; SAE; Tau Beta Pi; Pi Tau Sigma; Eta Kappa Nu; Independents. HUNT, Michael Taylor; Framington, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. HUNTER, H erbert L.; Chemokee, Alabama; Mechanical Engineering; BSU. Hotchkiss, R. S. Huck, J. W. Huii, J. L.
Hou is, D. L. Huckaba, D. L. Hulleer, T. V.
Paul Black sneaks by as St. Pat's pages inspect freshmen's shillelaghs.
House, H . L. Huett, M. $. Hum mel, A. R.
House, P.M. H ughes, D. R. Hunt, M. T.
Hrastich, A. C. Hughes, V. W. Hunter, H. L.
Blond Lendi Stettler and Donna Burkhart watch the play develop.
Seniors ROW 1 - HU RST, Ro na ld David ; St. Ge nevieve, Missouri; Civil Engineering; GDI ; Shamrock Club; ASCE ; NSPE; APO; Dean's List; Stude nt U nio n Committee. HU RTT, Robe rt j acob; Flo rissant, Missouri; C ivil Engineering; GDI; M RHA ; ASC E; Newman Club. H USTON. Samue l M.; Cheste rfie ld , Missouri; Civil Engineering. ROW 2 - HYD E, Noel C.; Ove rland, Missouri ; Electrical Eng ineering; GDl; M RHA ; IEEE; Eta ~appa Nu ; BSU; IFC, Preside nt; Hono r List; Curato rs Scholarship. IHLER, David W.; j e ffe rson City, Missouri; C ivil Engineering. lSSAK, Ga ry J. ; Carlyle , Illinois; Electrical Eng ineering; GDI ; Tech Club; Ne wman Club; IEEE. Hurst, R. D. 1-lvdc. . C. Jackson, J. H. Jacobs, J. W. Janse n, W. B.
Hurtt, H. j . Ihlcr. D. W. jackson. J. T. j a mes, R. K. J anuary. C. L.
Husto n, S. M. Issak, G. J. Jackson, M. C. j anis, H. R. Je rabek, C . D .
ROW 3 - JAC KSO N, Jo hn H . ; Kansas C ity, Missouri; C ivil Eng ineering. JACKSON, j ohn T .; St. Louis, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineeri ng ; Inde pende nts; SAE, Treasure r; H onor List. JAC KSON, Mic hae l G.; St. Louis, Missouri ; Electrical Eng ineering. ROW 4 - JACOBS, j oseph W. ; Me ta, Missouri ; Che m ical Engineering. JAMES. JANIS, Richard Ron; St. Louis, Missouri; Mechanical E ng ineering; Be ta Sig ma Psi; ASM E; AIAA; Pi Tau Sig ma; Tau Beta Pi; Curators' Award ; Dean's List. ROW 5 - JANSEN, Walte r B.; St. Lo uis, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Sig ma Tau Gamma; SAE; ASME; ASHRAE; Stude nt Counc il. JAN UARY, Garry Lee ; St. Lo uis, Missouri; Electrical Eng ineering. JERABEK, Charles D.; St. Louis, Missouri; Civil Engineering; Kappa Sigma, Guard; ASCE; The ta Tau ; Blue Key; Rugby Club, Vice Preside nt, Treasure r; Letterman's Club; Rolla Lions' Club Scholarship; Varsity Football, Co- Captain.
Jespersen, T. R. j ohnson, J. L. Jozwiak, V. R.
j o~gerst, D. I. Jo nson, 0 . E. Junp;meyer, 拢.
Jones, D. B. j ohnson, S. S. Kaesberg, R. L.
Jones, J. H. Johnson , W. E. Kaiser, K. W.
Johnson, E. 0 . J ohnstone, D. E. Karberg, A. F.
ROW 1 - j ESPERSE1 , Terry Ray; Goodman, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; C DI; Shamrock C lub; Dean路s List. J OGCERST, Donald l. ; St. Genevieve, Missouri ; Electrical Engineering. JONES, David Bryan, St. Lou is, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Prospectors Club; SAE. JONES, James Harold; Be lleville, ll linois; C hemical Engineering. JOHNSON, Edward 0.; St. Louis, Missouri ; Electrical Eng ineering; CD I; Fifty-N iners C lub; IEEE; M RHA, Publicity Committee Chairman. ROW 2 - JOHNSON , Je rrold Lee; Caseyville, lllinois; Electrical Engineering; Fifty-Niners Club; C DI; IEEE; Radio C lub. JOHNSON, Orville E.; Jefferson City, M issouri; Mechanical Engineering. JO H NSON, Stephen S.; Paris, rllinois; Civil Engineering; C DI ; . Prospectors C lub ; ASCE; MSPE; NSPE; Studen t H ousing Board ; AUSA. JOHNSON, Wayne E.; Jefferson C ity, Missouri; Ceramics; Campus C lub; COl; ACS, Secretary. JO HNSTONE, Donald E.; Affton, Missouri ; Electrical Engineering.
Miners move the ball in for another score.
ROW 3 - JOZWIAK, Vincent K.; St. L ouis, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; GDI ; Fifty-N ine rs Club J UNGMEYER, Ernest W .; j efferson City, Missouri. Civil Engineering; Campus Club; GD I; ASCE; MSPE. KAESBERC, Ralph Lee; Sparta, Illino is; Civil Engineering; Engineers C lub; ASCE; lCC. KAISER, Ke nneth W .; Sedalia, M issouri; Electrical Eng ineering; Shamrock Club; IEEE; NSPE; Scabbard and Blade; Miner Staff; Spelunkers; Gamma De lta, President, Treasurer, Secretary, Regio nal Vice President, T reasurer; Dean 's List; ROA Award. KARBERC, Alan F.; St. Louis, Missouri ; Civil Engineering.
Ka~~ in~.
D. D.
Kcll\ on, H. W. Kk·s·ath, \ . L.
Kastindieck, W. Kerns, W. L. Klosterman, ~1.
Keith, D. L. Ke~ , J. W. Kmecz, C. M.
KASSING, David Dale; St. Louis, ~1issou ri ; Kappa Sigma. Treasure r; AFS, SecretaryTreasurer. Pr(•sid(•n t; Alpha Sigma Mu, Secretary; FEF Scholar.,hip. KASTINDIECK, William ; Billin~s. Mi~~ouri ; Mt•<.· hanit-al Engineering. KEITH, Dicke) Lt.•e; 811 t Ialo, t\ 1b~ouri; Petroleum Enginee ring. K ELAHA~I . Miduwl E.; El Paso, Texas; Me tallurgy; Filt\'-NinNs Club; CO l; AIME; ASM , Preside nt; AFS; l ntercolle~iatc Knights; Alpha Sigma Mu ; ASARCO Scholar~hip ; ll onor List. KELLER, Terry Graham ; Belleville, Illinois; Mechanical Engineering. KEMP ER, Wa~ u<.· William ; &•rger. Missou ri; Electrical Engineering; Campus Club; COl. ROW J -
ROW 2 - KENYO, , Richard W .; Springfield, Missouri; vnclassified. KER S, Wa}ne L. ; St. joseph , Missouri ; Ci' il Engim•(•ring; Prospectors Club; M RHA; ASCE; \ 'arsit} Football. KEY, John William ; Des loge, ~lis souri, \lt•chanical Engineering; ASE; Wesley Foundation. lo..I SO. Jam('\ Lee; California, Missouri; Mechanical En~iuccri ng; Fift,- ine rs Club; SAE; ASM E; Pi Tau Sigma; lntNcollegiate Knights. KISSI C. \lichad H.; Pacific, Mi<,souri ; \1ctalluqn . KLEMA, Philip T.; St. Lou b . \1 issouri ; Ch il Engineering; Phi Beta Iota; ASCE; Scabbard and Blade; Raiders.
Kelahan, M . E. K~o. J. L. Koch!.. J. E.
Kemper, W. W. Kle ma. P. T. Koenig, G. R.
HOW 3 - KLESATH, Vernon L. , J r.; Rolla, ~ lisso uri ; Crncral Studies. KLOSTERMAN, Michae l J.; St. Louis, Missouri ; Geology; Sigma Phi Epsilon . Theta Tau ; Si~ma Gamma Epsilon, Secretary; Student Counc il ; Stuck·nt Union Special Events C ommittee; First Honors; Second Honors; V. H. McNutt Scholarship l45 lb. Intramural Wrestling Champion ; IFC Sing Winning Quartet. KMECZ, Glenn Michael ; St. Louis, .Missouri; Mechanical Enginee ring; Independe nts; ASM E. KOC EJS, j ames Edwin; St. Louis, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Kappa Sigma, Vice President; ASM E; SAE; Theta T au ; Miner Features Editor; IFC, Treasurer; Rugb r C lub; Student Union Board, Literary and Music Director. KOEDERITZ, Leonard F.; St. Louis, Missouri ; Chemical Engineering; Kappa Sigma, Vice President. Guard ; AIChE; Circle K, President, Pledge Trainer: M C lub; Alpha Chi Sigma; Blue Key, Alumni Sccretar}; Tau Beta Pi ; Miner Staff; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities; First Honor~ List : Dean's List; Curators' Award : Varsit) Track, Captain. KOE IC, Gar) R.; St. Louis, Missouri ; Compute r Science; Beta Sigma Psi, Rush Chairman, As~ i stant Treasu re r, Assistant Steward: ACM , President, Secrctar}; AlP; Student Union Recreation Committee.
In preparation for future officer positions, ROTC cadets drill and drill and drill .. ..
Kelle r, T . G. Kissing, ~ 1. R. Kocderitz, L. F.
Sen i ors ROW 1 - KORB, Michael C.; Perry, Ohio; f\1ining Enginee ring; Sigma Alpha Epsilon ; AIM E; Sigma Gamma Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi; Don B. McCloud Memorial Scholarship; Honor List. KORN, Charles S.; Overland, Missouri; M cchanical Engineering. KORTH, Michael Vaughn; Libert}. Missouri; Civil Engineering; M RHA; COl ; ASCE. ROW 2 - KRAUSCH , David Lee; Labadie, Missouri ; Unclassified. KREIL IC I-1, James L. ; St. Mary路s Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Shamrock Club; Independents; GD I; ASME; SAE; NSPE; APO; Pi Tau Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; Pi Tau Si~ma; Newman Club; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; Deans List; AFS Award; Curators路 Award; Student Council Award. KRIEG, William Lloyd; St. Louis. Missouri; Electrical Eng ineering; Shamrock Club; GDl ; IEEE. ROW 3 - KUCHENIG, Fred W.; St. Louis, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. KUHLM A N, Craig F.; Columbus, Ohio; Mechanical Engineering; Shamrock C lub; GDI; SAE. LAFFERTY, Dannie F.; Thayer, Missouri; Electrical Engineering; Fifty-Niners Club; CD I. ROW 4 - LAM BERT, D onald B.; Granite City, Illinois; Engineering Management ; Sigma Nu, Vice President, Secretary; AFS; SAE; Alpha Phi Omega; Theta T au, Secretary; Blue Key; Newm an Club; IFC, President, Secretary; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities; Dean's List; Three Foundrv Education Foundation Scholarships. LAMBE RT, Ja'mes E. , Jr.; St. Louis, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. LAMMI, Alan William; Kirkwood, Missouri; Computer Science.
Rain clouds gather in the East over the Civil Engineering Building. Korb, M . C. Krausch, D. L. Kuch~nig, F. W. Lambert, D. B.
Korn , C. S. Kreilich, J. l:. Kuhlmann , C. F. Lam bert, J. E.
Korth, M. V. Krieg, W. L. Lafferty, D. F. Lammi, A. W.
This is what made the Military Ball party weekend swing.
Band members take shelter under the football stands while awaiting a wet half-time show. ROW I - LAPRESTA, Charb R.; Crystal City, Missouri; MPtallurgy; Shamrock Club; AIME; AFS; Intercollegiate Knig ht ~; Alpha Sigma Mu; H onor List; Catapillar Tractor Scholarship. LARSON, William M. ; Berwyn. Illi nois; Mechanical Engineering; Campus C lub; CO l ; SA t-:; Spclunk<.路rs Club. LATTY, James A. ; St. Loub, Mis~ouri; Chemical Engineering; Shamrock Club; AIChE, Treasurer; Alpha Chi Sigma; Tau Beta Pi ; ewman Club; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; Honor List. LAUCK, Vincent M.; Rolla, Missouri; Mechanical EnginC'cring. LAWSON, Lynn Dale; Webb City, l issouri; ~ l cchanical Engineering. ROW 2 -
LAZARUS. Lloud Jay ; New York. New York; Engineering with Aerospace Option; Sigma Pi, Pledge Trainer, Parliamentarian ; AS:'v1E; SAE; AIAA; APO; ~liner Board. LEA~11 C, Coerge D.; Lockwood, 1issouri; Civil EnJ?:ineering. LEE, Young II; coul. Korea ; Electrical Engineering; NSPE. LEH~ I AN , Arthur R. , Jr.; Marbsa, Illinois; Electrical Engineering ; Campus Club, President. Vice President, ~lechanical
Laprcsta, C. H. Lazaru$,, L. J. Lewis, L.
31 4
Larson, W. M . Learning, C. D. Licklider, P. L.
Latty, J. A. Lee, Y. I. Lieber, J. W., Jr.
Business Manager. Board of Control; Independents; IEEE; Scabbara and Blade; MSPE; Blue Key; ICC, President, Treasurer; Who's Who in American Colleg<.路s and Universities; Independent Man of thC' Year; Honor List. ROW 3 - LEWIS, Leland; Washington. Missouri; Civil Engineering; Fifty-Niners Club, President; CDl; ASCE; Chi Epsilon; Scabbard and Blade; ICC; Honor List; Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities; Di.~tinguished Military Student Award ; Varsity Baseball; Student Union Publicity Committee; M Club; Intramural Sports. L IC KLIDER, Phillip L. ; Hazelwood , Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering; MRHA; ASME; SAE. LI EBER, John W ., Jr. ; St. Louis, ~ lissouri; Mechanical Engineerin~. LIESCHEIDT, David A.; Jefferson C it ~. ~lissouri ; Mechanical Engineering; Beta Sigma P~i. Secrctar~; ASI\t E, Vice President, President ; Gamma Delta; Student Council. LINDSEY. Merlin D.; Sikeston, Missouri; Electrical Engineering; FiftyNinNs Club; Tau Beta Pi ; Eta Kappa Nu. Lauck. V. M. LeHclman, A. F. Liescheidt, D. A.
Lawson, L. D. Lehman , A. R., J r. Lindsey, M . D.
ROW 1 - LINDSEY, Richard M.; Kirkland, Illinois; Mining Engineering with a geophysics Option; Prospectors Club; COl; SEC, Trt>asurer; Intercollegiate Knights; Texaco Scholarship; Honor List. LINK, John K.; Jefferson City, Missouri; Chemical Eng ineering; Tau Kappa Epsilon, Historian ; ISA; AIChE; Alpha Chi Sigma; Kappa Kappa Psi; Student Union Board Publicity Committee; ROTC Band ; Drifters; Honor List; Intramural Tennis Champion; Varsity Tennis. LLOYD, Glenn Wesler; Ellington, Missouri ; Electrical Engineering; Engineers Club; Independents; GDl; ICC. ROW 2 - LOCKWOO D, David F.; St. Louis, Missouri; Mechanical Enginee ring. LOCEL, William R., Jr. ; Rolla, Missouri; Mechanical Enginee ring. LOMAX, Granite City, Illinois ; Chemical Engineering. ROW 3 - LONG, George Louis; Joplin, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. LONG, Joseph John; St. Louis, Missouri; Civil Engineering. L OUCH RIGE, Alan C.; Springfield, Missouri; Ceramics.
Lind se~, R. M. Lockwood, D. F. Long, C. L. Lovell, D. W. Lucas, T. E.
Link, J. K. Logcl, W. R..jr. Long, J. J.
Low, C. R.
Luce, T. A.
Lloyd, C. W . Lorna, G. L. Loughrige, A. C. Lowe, J. W. Ludwig, L. L.
ROW 4 - LOVELL, David W. ; St. Louis, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering; Sigma Phi Epsilon; AIAA. LOW, Clyde .Ray; St. James, Missouri; Civil Enginee ring. LOWE, joseph W. ; Kansas City, Missouri; Civil Engineering. ROW 5 - LUCAS, Thomas Eugene; Rolla, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. LUCE, Timothy Allen; Rolla, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. LUDW IG, Lonny Lee; Columbia, Illinois; Civil Engineering.
Intramural wrestlers f rom KA and A ~ A between periods in 175 pound championship match.
This Northwest Missouri State defender has llO way of stopping Randy Vessel's two points.
Luebbert, L. H. Lynch, j . F. Mack, C. j. Mann, C. L.
ROW 1 - LUBBERT, Lawre nce H.; Linn, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. LUECK, Ralph Herbert; Bridgeton . Missouri; Civil Engineering; Shamrock Club; ASCE; NSPE; UCCF; Wesley Foundation; Eccumenical on Campus Program. LUX, Robert Joseph; Cart h an~, Missou ri ; Electrical Engineering; COL LYONS, Ge rald J. ; Rolla, Missouri; Geology. ROW 2 - LYNCH, j oseph Frank; North Little Rock, Arkansas; Civil Enginee ring ; Engineers Club; ASCE; Chi Epsilon ; Scabbard and Blade; UCCF, Vice President; Honor List. MABE, William Jerald; Pocatello, Idaho; Mec hanical Engineering; M RHA; ASME; AIAA; Pi Tau Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; Curators路 Award ; Lewis E. Young Scholarship; Honor List. MABRY, Dewayne P.; Naylor, Missouri; Civil Engineering. MACIOS, john, Jr.; St. Louis, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering.
Lueck, R. H . M庐e, W.j. Mahrou, M.A. Manson, D. A.
Lux, R. J. Mabry, D . P. Malone, D. S. Marino, J. P.
Lyans, C. j . Macious, J. Mank, J. F. Markus, H. D.
ROW 3 MACK, C harles J.; Forest Park, Illinois; Metallurgical Engineering; Prospectors Club; ASM; AIME; Sigma Gamma Epsilon. MAHROU, Mohamad Aci; Te hran, lran; Chemical Engineering; Shamrock Club; AlChE; IF; JSA. MALONE, David Scott ; Mountain View, Missouri; Civil Engineering. MANK. James F.; Salisbury, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Campus Club; CDI; ASME; SAE; Pi Tau Sigma; Newman Club; Sterling Taff Branson Award; Dean's List. ROW 4 - MANN, Gary LeRoy; St. joseph, Missouri; Mathematics; MRHA; ACM; BSU ; Curators' Award; Honor List; ROTC ; Chicago Tribune Award; Professor of Military Science Award. MANSON, Donald A. ; East St. Louis, Illinois; Civil Engineering; ASCE. MARINO, j oseph P. ; Berwyn, Illinois; Electrical Engineering; Prospectors Club; COl; IEEE. MARKUS, Howard David ; Rolla, Missouri; Electrical Engineering.
Seniors MARTIN, Donald L.; Kirks\illc, ~li!>souri; \1 A HTIN, ~lad, Allen; Rolla, Ceramic~. '-lARTit\. Thomas G.; Rolla. \lcchanical EnginN•ring. \I A SON, BenjaSikc~ton, ~I is\ouri; Electrical En~incering; Fift~-Nin(;'rs Club; IEEE; Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Honor List. \!ASSET, jimm~ C.; West Paducah. K(;'ntuck~; Electrical EngirH.•t•ring; Tech Club; GDI; Eta Kappa 1 u.
ROW l Electrical Missouri; ~ ~ issouri; min H .;
ROW 2 \1ASSl-: Y, Lonll\ H.: St. Louis, ~lissouri ; ~1echanical Engineering. MATHEWS, Robert L.; Berkeley, ~ l i~souri; Electrical En~irwcring ; Fifty-Nincr~ Club; GD I; MRHA; IEEE: Newman Club; KMSM -F~f; Radio Club; Karate Club, Vice President: MAUNE, Curtis Au~ust; London , England; Chemical Engineering. MAXWELL, Ira C. , Jr.; Kansas Cit~. Missouri; Enginccrin~ Management ; Tau Kappa Epsilon, Historian ; A!AA; IEEE; APO. H istorian; Theta Tau. MAYER, Morrie; Univc~itv Cit\', rllinois; Ceramic Engineering; Alpha Epsilon · Pi. Vice President; ACS; St. Pat's Board ; Student Union Recreation Committee. ROW 3 - McCALLA, Carl H.; Worden, Illinois; Civil Engineering; ASCE: Chi Ep~ilon . McCARTY, Bill} Wa~ne; Dc\ter, 'vtbsouri; Elct'lrical Engikeering. ~ l cC L U RC. Ralph \Varn.•n; \'crona. ~1issouri ; ~te chanical Engineering McCONAGH IE, Darryl W.; joplin. .Missouri; Electrical EngirwNing; Shamrock Club. ~lcCOR~IICK , Craig C. ; Flori~sant. Missouri; Computer Science; M RHA, Houst.· Governor. Personnel Assistant; AC~I ; BS , Social Chairman; Honor List.
Martin , D. L. Mas!>C\, I.... R. McCaha, C. R.
~1artin , M . A. Mathews, R. L. McCarty, B. W .
Signa Nu shows they can sing at the IFC Sing.
Marlin , T. G. Maune, C. A. McClurg, R.
Mason, B. H. Ma,wcll, I. C. McConaghic, D. W.
Mas~c~ , j . C. Mayer, :'\1. McCormick, C. C .
Students in electrical machinery lab experimenting wtth a synchronous machine to determine its voltamp characteristics.
Sen 1 or s ROW l - McCOY. Donald L. ; Hermitage, Missouri; Mechanical En~inccrin~ ; Engineer!> Club; Tau Beta Pi; Ti Tau Si~ma ; Honor List. McCRAE, Robert F.; Farmington, Illinois; Electri<:al Engineering; Tech Club; GDI ; IEEE; SAE; Eta Kappa Nu ; Wesley Foundation. Treasurer, State President of ~ l <•thodist Studt•nt \Jovemcnt ; Duplicate Bridge Club; Honor List. ~kEL II NY, Robert Hoy; Rolla, Mis~o uri ; Mechanical En~incering.
HOW 2 - McF'EHH IN, Larry Lee; Odessa, Missouri; Mechanical EngincNing. McCree, Dennis R.; Potosi, Mi'>sou ri ; Mechankal Engineeri n~; Engineers Club; SAE; AIAA. ~lcGRAW , Dale W.; St. Charles, Missouri ; Electrical Engineerin~ .
D. L.
~lcFcirin , L. ~ltGregor,
E C. McLean. R. L. McReynolds, C. W.
R. F.
D. It ~lc llua~. J. S. Mc~'l ill ian. H. K. Mcincrs ha~au . A. \'
McEihm . R. R. ~lcGra\\·. D. W. ~IcKinnc~. J. D. ~kNcrm.·~.
J. ~I .
Mcrod. M. E.
ROW 3 - McGREGOR, Edward Caylan; Sterle, Missouri; Civil En~incerin~; ASCE; Dow Freshman Scholarship. MciL AY, james S. ; Florissant, Missouri; Computer Science. McK INNEY, J. D. ; Willow Sprin~s. Missouri ; Prospectors Club; GDI; ASCE; MSPE. Treasurer; Student Union Committees; Student Council ; Karate Club. Sccrctar~; Honor List. HOW 4 - McLEAN, Roger Lynn ; Cape Girardeau, Missouri ; Civil Engineering. McMILLIAN, Robert Kent; Deepwater, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering ; Prospectors Club, Board of Control, Intramural Manage r; CD! ; ASM E; MSPE; Dean:s List; Baseball. McNEHNEY. j on M .; Carthage, \1i'>M>uri ; Civil Engint•Ning; Kappa Sigma; Sharmrock Club; ASCE; ~ISPE; AIAA. Treasurer; Hugh~ Club. ROW 5 - McREYNOL DS, Gerald W.; Affton , MbM>uri; Ch<'mical Engirwt•ring; M RHA, I Ioust• Cowmor; AlCh E. Alpha Chi Sigma, ll btorian ; Curator!>' Trea~urcr; \ward ; Dean·!> Li't. M EINERSHAGEN, Alan V.; lndt•pt•ndt•nc<'. ~1 i!>'>ouri; \ 1£'chanical Engin<•t•ring ; Fift~ 1\inN'> Club; COl ; SA£; A \ I E, APO. ~IEROD . ~ l i<:hacl Ed,,in ; Ek•IJc,illc. lllinoi<.; Ek•<:trical Engirwt•ring; Sigma Pi ; IEEE.
Mcvcr, C. E. M iliman, R.
Montefu~co, t\1.
Mezines, S. A. Miltenberger, J. L. Moore, M. F.
Miller, C. A. Milte nberger, S. Moore, R. E.
Nurse Oictra Nations gives her husband. Reg. a shotshe looks like she enjoys it.
Miller, L. C. M intner, D. C. Morfeld, R. F.
Miller, N. R. MitchI.' II, F. L. ~1 orri , A. G.
ROW 1 MEYER, Charles E.; Sedalia, t\-lis!>ouri; \letallurgical Engi neering; Prospectors Club, Busin<.'!.s \-tanager; COl; A l~I E; AS~I ; Spelunker:. Club; ICC. M EXINE$, SteV<'n Alexander; St. Louis, M b!>ouri ; Physics; Fifty-N incrs Club, Board of Control ; MRHA, House Officer; CO l; AlP; ASCE; Kappa Kappa Psi. Treasurer; Student Union Literature and Music Committee; Spelunkers Club; UM R-R OTC Football , Concert and Military Bands. MILLER, Charles A.; Rolla, Missouri ; Civil Engineering. MILLER. Lawrence C.; St. Louis. Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Sigma Tau Gamma; AIM E; St. Pat's Board. MILLER, orman R.; Joplin, ~lisso uri ; Mechanical Engineering; Pros pector~ Club; GDI ; ASM E; SAE; Intercollegiate Knight!>; Phi Eta Sigma; Pi Tau Sigma, President ; Tau B<.>ta Pi ; Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; Honor Lbt ; Acme Machine and Foundary Scholarsh ip; Curator~· Award ; Te:o.i<:o Scholarship; Sylvia Farney Scholarship. HOW 2 - MILLMAN , Hobert J.; St. Loub, Mb~ouri ; Civil Engineering ; M RIIA ; ASCE. M ILTEN BEHCER, James L. ; Flori~:.ant, ~I is!>ouri; Civil Engineering; MRHA ; ASCE; APO. ~IILTENBERCER , Ste"cn E.; Rock Hill, \I issouri , Electrical Engineering; Engineer!> Club; ~I HHA; CO l; Intercollegiate Knighb ; Eta Kappa Nu; Kappa \lu Ep~ ilon ; Tau Beta Pi ; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; llonor Li~t. 1\1 INTNER, Da\id Carl ; St. Louis, M isloouri; Cht•rnical Engineering. M lTC II ELL. Flo~ d Leroy; Rapid Cit~. South Dakota; Mechanical Engineering. ROW 3 - MONTEFUSCO, Michae l A.; Peoria, Illinois; Electrical Engineerin~ . IOORE. Marlin F.; St. Louis, \lissouri ; Civil Engineering; M RliA ; CD I; ASCE. ~IOORE . Hidmrcl E.; Fredt•rickto\\11. ~ l i,so uri ; Ph ~sics; AlP; lntert·oll<•giate Knights; Sigma Pi Sig~ia Secretan-Trca... urN· Honor List. \ IORFELD, noocrr . t .; •·<•cnmon<l t' t<.•lghh, \1issouri: X.l<.'chanical Engineering: Phi Kappa Theta, Social Chairman ; ewman Club: Rollamo; M i!l<'r; Junior Varsit~ Hi fie Team. MORRIS, Albert C.; Tadorvillc, Illinob; Ci\il En319 gineering; M RII A; l'Wrna•i Club; Varsity Football.
Morris, C. E. Moutrie, C. L. ~ t ue ller, S. C.
Morrisey, J. C.
J. D. Mueller, R. J. ~toyer,
Morse, W. II. ~1 ozzano, S. G. Mullhaupt. E. W., Jr.
ROW 1 - MORRIS , Charles Eu~ene; Des Pcre~. Missouri, Mechanical En~ineering; Fifty-Niners Club; SA£; AIAA; MSPE, Rugby Club. ~10RRlSEY, john C., IV; St. james. Missouri; Metallurgical Engineering; Pi Kappa Alpha, Vice President; ASM ; i\ l M E; AFS; AIAA; Newman Club; NES, President; Alpha Phi Omega, President, First Vice President, Treasurer; Circle K. Vice President. Secretar~, Treasurer; Alpha Sigma M u, Treasurer; National Society of Scabbard and Blade, President; lnterservicc Council, Chairman; Student Union Social and Publicity Committees; Blue Key; Who' o; Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities; Foundn Educational Foundation Scholarship. \IORSE. Wafton H.; Ccnten illc. Iowa; ~ l etallurgical Engitwcrin~; Campm Club; .AFS. AS~l. MORTELLAR O, &·ncdict M.; St. Louis, Mbsouri; Mec hani<:al Engineering; SAE; NSPE; Dean\ MORTON, Hobert ; St. Louis, Mi-.souri; Ekctrital Engineering; Sigma Tau Gamma, Trt•asurer; Shamrock Club; Secrdan. Treasurer; \ISPE; IEEE; Hollarno; ~ l iner; IFC ; Giee C lub. \!OSHER, Ronald A; Auburn. New York; Metallurg~ with a Nuclear Option; FiftyES ; Niners Club; independe nts; AIME; ASM; SAE; Secretary; NSPE; Sigma Gamma Epsilon; Honor List. ROW 2 - ~IOUTHIE, Chester L.: • a)lor, \1bsouri; Computer Science; Tau Kappa Ep,ilon, Steward. Chaplin, Vic<.• President; AC~I : I nterc:ollt.•giatc Knights: Tau Beta Pi ; General Motors Scholar~hip; Honor List; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate. MOYER. Donald J., Jr.; 1athematics; Theta Chi. Vice Paducah, Kentuch; President. Secret an; AC:-.t : Stud<.•nt L nion Board ; I FC. ~ I OZZA,O, Sari ·cent'. Wright Cit), M i!>souri, Elec-
Mortellaro, B. Mudd, D. P. ~tullenh, P. D.
Morton, R. D. L. ~1unns, j . A.
Mosher, R. Mueller, j . L. Murphey, C. D.
trical Engineering. M U DO, Donald Philip; St. Louis, ~1 issouri ; t\lechanical Engineering. \ 1 U ELL EH, David Lou is; St. Gene' ie" c. \ I issou ri; El('ctrical Engineering; Pi Kappa Alpha. Steward; lSA ; IEEE; MSPE; ewman Club; Radio Club; Glee Club. MUELLER, joseph· L. ; Sedalia, Missouri; Electrical Engineerin~; Prospectors Club; COl; M RIIA; Eta Kappa Nu; Dean·~ List. ROW 3 - MUELLER, Steven C.; St. Louis, ~lbsouri; Chemical Engineering; Beta Sigma Psi, Rush Chairman; AIChE; Alpha Chi Sigma; Gamma Sclta; IFC ; Student Union Committee. MULL ER, Robert J.; St. Genevi('ve, Missouri ; \ 1cchanical Engineering. MULLHA UDT, Elmer W.; St. Louil>. Xlissouri; Elt•ttrical Engineering. ~t UL LE LX. Paul D.; Kirks,illt'. \lissouri; Electrical Engineering; Shamrock Club; GD l ; SAE; IEEE; Eta Kappa Nu; Alpha Phi Sigma; Sigma Zeta; Honor List. M UNNS, john Arthur; Kansas City, La mba Chi Engine<.•rin~; Metallurgical 1 issouri : Alpha, St•crctar). Assi$tant S<.•crctar); A IME. ANS ; , ES; S PE; AFS; AS\1; Alpha Phi Omega. Prc!.ident, President, Scer<.'lary. Corr('sponding Vice Second Secretary; Student Park Board; Theta Tau ; Alpha Sigma M u, Vice Pres id<.• nt; Iota &·ta Sigma; Blue Key, Presidt.•nt, Alumni Sceretarv; Tau Beta Pi ; SEF; Canterburv· Club; KMS:-.t -F~1 ; I FC; Student Union Literan -~i usic Committee; For<.•mic Sociel\; Jlonors Award; Dean's List; Who's Who Among s'tudt•nts in American Colleges and Unh cr11iti<·~; Who\ Who in Marley Company Frate rnitit•:.; Colle~<.· American Scholar.,hip; Blue K<·y Man ol tht• \ lonth. M UHPHY, Charb D.; Oa~land , Missouri ; \ lechani<:al Engineering; Kappa Sigma; Rugb~ Club
Sen 1 or s ROW I - MURPHY; j ames R.; St. Ann , Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Si~ma Tau Gamma; ASME, AIAA; Student Union Lilerar~ and Music. Special Events Comrnitt('es; ~1cDonndl Douglass Co-op; Curators' Award and Scholarship; Honor Lbt. :0.1 L RRA Y, Bill Billings. ~ti!. ouri; Mechanical Engineering. ~1a\ ; ew Yorl..; ~IURRAY, 1\lauricc William; Brookhn, Civil Engineering; Alpha Phi Alpha,· Vice President; Fifty-Niners Club; ASCE; Student Council; AUSA; Varsity Football. Theodore C.; Affton. Missouri; Engineering \1 URREY, jont<· \1 .; Rolla. ~1 isMHiri; Ci,il EngiucNinK ~1USTEH\1A . Steven R.; W<•bster Gro\es, 1\tissouri; Electrical Engineering; M RIIA, Lt. Gmcrnor; IEEE; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Kappa M u Ep~ilon, Kappa Kappa Psi, Treasurer; Radio Club; Honor List; Curators· Scholarship. ROW 2 -
~l cchanical
ROW 3 - NAGEL. Tcrr~ L.; Virginia Beach. Virginia; Electrical Engineering; Fifty-Niners Club; COl; IEEE; SPE. NALL. William \11 ., Jr.: St. Louis, Missouri; :-.tcchanical Engineering. NATIO S; Reginald Owen; Apple Valle} , California; Engineering Management; Pi Kappa Alpha; AMA, President, Secretary; ACM ; Rolla mo. Literary Editor. Editor-in-Chi<{ Associate Editor, Photograph} Editor; Varsity Swimming Letter; Blue Key, Alumni Sccrclar~.
Now its time to find yourself a date.
Murph) , j . R. Murray, T. C. aglc, T. L. Neal, G. W.
Murra\ , 8 M . ~l urrcy. J. M . Nail, W. M., Jr. Naumann, F. E.
Murra\ , 1\1. W. ~l ustc~man, S. R. Nations. H. 0. Ncct, T. II.
EAL, Gar~ W.; Litchfield, Ill inois; IEEE; ROW 4 Honors List. NAU;..tAt\ • Francis E.; jennings. ~li s souri; Mechanical Enginecring. NEET. Timothy H.; Independence. Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering; Sigma Nu. President, Treasurer; MSPE; AFS; IEEE; APO; Theta Tau ; Blue Key; lfC. Secretary; Honor List. Curators' and AFS Scholarships. Eager Miners await the bus Loads of girls for the ail school mixer.
These Lindenwood girls don't look like they were unattached for long. ROW 1 - NEUSEL, j ohn Stephen; Florrisant, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. NEWTON. Frederick L. ; Hannibal, Missou ri ; Shamrock Club; IEEE; Circle K, Secretary, Treasu rer; Sigma Pi Sigma; Phi Eta NeuseI. J. S. Noggle, 1. 0 . Obradou its, F.
Newton, F. L. Nolen, M. B. Oelger, J. D.
Nichols, C. S. Norman. D. B. o·Hanlon, T . A.
Si~ma. Corresponding Secretar>; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; llonor List. NICHOLS. Charles Stephen; ~lt. Vernon. \tb~ouri; Plnsics; Theta :--.i. President, AlP; Phi Kappa Phi; Sigma Phi Sigma. Tau Beta Pi; Kappa Mu Ep!>ilon; Phi Eta Sigma; Student Council; Honor List. lEilAUS, Hobert L. ; Florissant, M is~ouri; Civil Engineering: Sigma Pi. Prt·~ident, Vice President. Sc..•cretan, Hll',h Chairman; IEEE: ASCE. Student l nion Ct>mrnittc..·e on Special E'ents; D<'an s List. N IXON, Francis Tc..·rry; Cuba. ~ l issouri; Electrical Enginc..•c..•ring; Tau B<•la Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi ; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; Honor List; Lewi~ Young Scholarship; Curators' Scholarship; Varsit> Basl..etball. ROW 2 - NOGGLE. \lichael Otis; Caruthersdllc..•. ~lis souri; Civil Engineering. OLEN, Michael B.; Ladue, Mbsouri ; Electrical Engineering; Fifty-Niners; Independents; M RHA; GD I. NOHM AN. Donald B.; Bloomfield. i\ lissouri; El(•ctrical Engineering. NUDD, Barr~ C.; Cokhel>tcr. Illinois; Ch il Engineering ; ham rock Club; ASCE; Band. LSS. 1 orman William; St. Louis, Missouri ; Petroleum Engineering. ROW 3 - OBRAN OOVITIS, Frank C.; St. Louis, Missouri; ~1 cchanica l Engineering. OELCER, j ohn Doyle; Overland . \l issouri; Electrical En~-tinceri ng; Engineers Club; IEEE; SAE; Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Beta Pi ; Eta Kappa Nu; Intercollegiate Knights; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; Honors List; University Scholarship; llonors Award; Eta Kappa Nu Scholarsh ip. O' IIANLON , Thomas Allen ; Potosi, ~ 1is~our i ; Mining Engineering; Shamrock Club; AIME, President; Sigma Gamma Epsilon; Wesle) Foundation. O'HARA, James Edward; cosho, Missouri, ~lcchanical Engineering. OHNIM US, Steven William ; St. Louis, Missouri; Chemical Engineering with a Petroleum Option; Kappa Sigma; M HilA, Athletic Chairman; AIChE; Theta Tau ; Miner; Park Board of ISC; Union Oil Scholarship; NSF Undergraduate Research Grant; Kappa Sigma Leadership Award; Dean's List; llonors Award; Curators' Scholarship; Varsity Swimming; Raiders; M Club; Intrarnurals DOM C.
Niehaus, H. L. Nudd, B. C. O'Hara, j. E.
Nixon, F. T. Nuss. N. Ohnimus, S. W.
Sen 1or s ROW L - OLLI:\CEH. Frank Loua-.. ~t. Louie;, ~li'>!>ouri; Physic::.; &•ta ~i~ma P~i. Prc,ident, \ i<.·l' Prt•,idt•nt, Correspond inA Sccrclar); AI P. Sigma Pi Sigma, Vice Prcsid(•nl ; Gamma D(•lla; Pistol Team OLSEN, Richard Galen; Kansas Cit}. Missouri; Electrical Engineering : Campu'> Club: IEEE; Tau Beta Pi. Corr<>sponding Secrctar). Eta Kappa \.u, Corresponding Secretary; Kappa \1u Epsilon, Pre!>ident, Sigma Pi Sigma: Phi Kappa Phi: Hadio Club, Curators' A\\ ard: Curators' Scholar.. hip; lni\ersit) Schol:.w.hip; Honor List. O'MALLEY, ~1ichael P. ; St. Louis, ~lissouri; tvlcchanical Engineering ; Phi Kappa Tlwta, Social Chairman, Assistant Ste.,,ard ; ASME; SAE; ASTME; AIChE; Newman Club; Miner Board: Rollamo Board; Dean\ List. Kt•nneth Da' id ; Bolla. ~ l ~ouri; ~lceh anieal EngiawNing "ith A£'ro pat'<.' Option ; AlA.\; SAE; llonor List ; Curator~· Award. 0'1\ EILL, Janw~ Allan; East St. Loub, Illinois: ~lc•chanical Engineering. 0 ' EILL, Thomas F. , Jr.; St. Louis, Missouri; Ph) sic~; CDI ; ~I RII A; Tau Beta Pi; Kappa Mu Epsilon, Sc<:rt•tar); Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi : Sigma Pi Sigma; Honor List ; l nh er.,it) Scholarship; C\1 Scholarship. ROW 2 -
O' ~EAL ,
Ollinger, F L o·Neal, "- D. Omes. \I . E. Owcrh, C. D. Ozment , C. fL II I
Ol ~<·n.
H G. A. Otto. C. C. 0\\ C'!l\, T. J. Painter. C. II., ll
o·'('ilL J
0 ' \lallt•\, ~1. P. o·:'\eill, T F. Otto, D. L. Ozburn, D. G. Pab. j . A.
ROW 3 - ORNES. ~ l anin E. ; Brashear, ~1issouri ; Mt•chanical Engirwering. OTTO, Conrad C.; St. Louis, Missouri; Electrical Engineering; Campu~ Club; lEEE: Gamma Delta, President, Corre~ponding Secretar); Radio Club. Station Acth ities Chairman; Curators' A\\ard OTTO. Da' id L~o: Riwn ie" , ~lis\ouri; Computt•r Science; Sigma Phi Epsilon; A I P, \ ·ice Pre~i dent ; AC~ I . Vice Pr~~ idcnt ; l ntNwllt·~ iatc Knight~ ; Theta Tau , Secrctar~; Blue Ke~ : Tau &•ta Pi ; Phi Eta Sigma; Dean':, Li!>t. ROW .t - OWE S, Ch<trlcs David ; Holla, '\1issouri; Petrokum Engincerin~ OWE1 S, Thoma~ James; St. Loui~ . \1 il.souri; Ci' il Engineering. OZBURN, Donald Ct•n<•; Pinckne~' ille, Illinois: \lechanical En~ineering ROW 5 - OZ~I E T, Charles B.: ~tonelord, Illinoi'>; Ek•c:trical Engineering ; Engiawer!> Club; I ndependent~; IEEE: SAE; Karatt• Club. PA INTEH, Charles H., II; St. Joseph. M is ouri; Electrical Engineering. PAIS, Jerome A.; St. Lou b. ~ I bsouri; ~lcehani<:al Engineering : Prospectors Club; AS\1E: ATAA; SAE. Mixers bring many beautiful girls to the predominately male campus.
This pretty visitor seems to be having a good time.
Palmer, R. E. Parker, D. R. Peavler, D. M. Perry, N. W .
ROW J PALMER, Ralph Edward ; Steelville. ~lis Chemical Engineering : Fifty-Niners C lub; AIChE; Alpha Chi Sigma. Pre~idcnt, Master of Ceremonies ; UM R Band; Honor Lil>t ; Curators· Scholarship. PALMER. Robert £ .; St. Loui!>, Missouri; ~ t c chanical Enginec.>rinp:; Tech Club; GDI. PALMER . Scott D.; H azelwood. ~1 issouri ; Ph, sics; M RHA. Recorder, judicial Board. Secret ary~ Treasurer; Pe rshing Rifles. Assbtant Drill ~t aster; Scabbard and Blade; Newman. PARK. Se-Jung; Milwaukee. Wisconsin ; Electrical Engineering. ~ouri ;
ROW 2 - PARKER. Dennis Rav ; East St. Louis. Illinois; Chemical Engineering. PARKER, John A H.; Rolla. ~1 issouri ; ~lechanical Engineering. PARKER. \lichael A.; St. Lo uis. ~1issouri ; ~techanical Engineering. PARKS, James Larr~ ; Rolla. ~fissouri ; ~1 c chanical Enginee ring; Lamba Ch i Alpha, Secretar~ and Editor, C ircle K, President. Secretary; Blue Kc~. Secretary: T au Beta Pi ; Pi Tau Sigma; Secretary; BSU ; Student Coundl; Curators· Scho lar,hip; Who' s Who in Ame rican College:> and L' ni,<.•rsitic~ ; Honor Award; Dean's List ; \'arsih Golf: ROTC; ~1 Club; Distinguished \1ilitan Stuclent; Stucl(•nt £\ecuthe Forum
Palmer, R. E. Parker, j . Pellegrind, D . R. Pe~so n , D. L.
Palme r, S. P. Parker, M. A. Pende r, S. N. Peterson, D. M.
Park, S. j . Parks, j . L. Perkins, G. G. Petry, J. C.
ROW 3 - PEAYLER, Dennis Michael ; Independence, X-1issouri; Mechanical Engineering ; Sigma Nu, Pledge Marshall ; APO; Theta Tau ; Student Council; Dean's List; Honor List. PELLEGRINO, Danny; Wood Rive r, Illinois; Civil Engineering; Campus Club; Raiders. PENDER, Stephen Neal ; Rolla. Missouri; Civil Engine<>ring. PERKINS, Ga11 Gene; Wadsworth. Ohio; ~tetallurgical Engineering. ROW 4 - PERRY. Norris W.; Newport News, Virginia; Engineering Management; Sigma Nu; AJME; ASM ; AFS; AMA. PERSON, David L. ; Rolla, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering. PETERSON. Donald M.; St. Louis, M issouri; Engineering Management; Sigma Tau Gamma; SAE; AMA. PETRY. Jim C.; St. Louis. Missouri; \1cchanical Enginet•ring; Tech Club. Vice President. Intramural Manager; Independents; M RHA; ASM E; SAE; Circle K; Newman Club; St. Pat' s Board ; Dean\ Li ~t ; Intramural Sport!>.
Sen 1 or s ROW l - PETTER$. Richard Allan; Flat River. Missouri; Physics. PFEIFFER, Douglas L. ; St. Joseph, Missouri; Electrical Engineering; Engineers Club; COl: IEEE; Spelunkers, PHELPS, Richard William; Kankakee. Illinois; Mining Engineering ; Shamrock Club: AIME; NSPE; Intercollegiate Knights ; Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Tau Beta Pi; Christian Science Organization; Dean's List; Honors Award ; Illinois Mining Institute Scholarship; Old Timers Award. PHILLIPS, Terrell T .; Springfield, ~ lissouri; Metallurgical Engineering. PIEPHO, Loris Lee; Hobard. Indiana; Mechanical Engineering. ROW 2 - PITT. John M. : Dallas Cit~. Illinois; Mining Engineering; Campus Club; CDI: AIM£, President; Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Vice President ; Scabbard and Blade; Tau Beta Pi; Weslev Foundation. President: Vice President ; WAAIM E s·cholarship; Deister Concentrator Company Scholarship. PLE~t ON , Joseph 0. ; M t. . Vernon. lllino!s; .Prospectors (jub: Civil Engineenng; GDI; Deans L1st. PUHLl\lAN. t;. A. t'ULr Ut., Jerry Gale; Rolla. Missouri: Civil Engineering. POKREFKE. Thomas ].. Jr. ; St. Louis. Missouri: C ivil Engineering; Tech Club. Secretary-Treasurer; M RHA; Independents, Treasurer; ASCE; ICC; Student Council. Treasurer: Honor List: Varsity Swimming. ROW 3 - PORTER. Clayton C.; Kansas City, Missouri: Electrical Engineering; Campus Club; IEEE; NSPE; Eta Kappa Nu; Kappa Mu Epsilon. PORTER, Jose ph B. ; Rolla, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; CDI; ASME; SA£; NSPE; Curators' Scholarship; Dean's List; Varsity Football. POTT. Jan Douglas ; St. Louis, Missouri, Mechanical Engineering; Fifty-Niners Club; COl ; SA£. POWERS, Richard W., J r. ; Rolla, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. PRESTON, Gerald Dale; East Prairie. Missouri: Electrical Engineering. Petters, R. A. Pitt, J. M. Porter, C. J.
Pfeiffer, D. L. Plemon, J. 0. Porter, J. B.
With ma11y new friends made at the mixer, all too soon the Miners are alone again .
Phelps, R. W. Pohlman. C. A. Pott, J. D.
Phillips. T. T . Poque, J. G. Powers. R. W.
Piepho. L. L. Pokrefke. T. J. Presson. G. D.
The girls dorm - the " Better Half' of UM R?
Sen 1 or s ROW l - PRESTON , j ohn Curtis; Red Bud, Illinois; Mechanical Engineering; Fifty-Niners C lub ; CDL PHEW ITT, t eil David; Huntsville, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; CD I; SAE; Curators' Scholarship. PRICE, David Birdet; St. Louis. Missouri ; Unclassifiecl. ROW 2 - PRICHARD, Howard M.; Flippin, Arkansas; Physics; Engineers Club; AlP; GDl; Sigma Pi Sigma; BSU; Russian Club; Karate Club; Philosophy Club. PROFFER, j ames Lee; Bloomfield. Missouri; Electrical Engineering. PRUCHA, James R.; Lombard, Illinois; Electrical Eng ineering.
Prl'l>ton, J. C. Prichard, II. M. Quick, E. A. Hadzom , P. Q. Happ, E. B.
Prl'''itl. N. D. l"roffl·r. J. L.
Hackle~. ~I.
Rahl, R. 11. Ra~ .
B. C.
Pril'<', D. B. Prucha, J. Radmachcr. J. J. l~an kin, H. F. Ha~ , J. A.
ROW 3 - QUIC K, Edgar Alan ; Christopher, Illinois; Cerami<.' EnginecriJJg; Lamba Chi Alpha; ASC; M Club, Plcclge Trainer; Football. RAC KLEY, Marion Jay; Rolla, Mis!>ouri; Metallurgical EngineNing. RADMACI-lER. James J.; Freeburg, Missouri; Civil Eng ineering; Tech Club; Indcpendenb; ASCE; SPE; Honor List. ROW 4 - RAOZOM , Paul Q., Jr.; St. Lou is, Missouri; Electrical Engineering; Sigma Tau Gamma, Treasurer; AIAA; IEEE; Newman Club. RAHL, R. H. RANKIN, Richard F.; Holla, Missouri; Civil Engineering; Fifty- iners Club; ASCE; Scabbard and Blade, Treasurer; Pershing Rifles, Drill Master; OM S; Chicago Tribune Award ; PMS. ROW 5 - RAPP, Eric Bayard, Rolla, Missouri ; Chemical Engineering. RAY, Billy Glenn; Buffalo, Missouri ; Civil Engineering; Fifty-Nincrs Club; Independents; ASC£; MSPE; Curators' Award. RAY, J. Alan ; Spickard, Missouri; Civil Engineering; Shamrock Club; CO l; ASCE; Chi Epsilon; Scabbard and Blade; Wesley Foundation; Military Ball Comm ittee; Curators' Scholarship; OM S; Dean's List; First Honors.
Reading, S. H . Rezsonya, T. C. Robbins, P. E.
Reathe rford, J. D. Ribaudo, S. Roberts, 0 .
Redington, M. F. Riley, M. W. Rodgers, J. L.
Reed, W. G. Rister, G. W. Roemer, E. A.
Re inhardt, J. E. Roam , j . H. Roos, H. W.
ROW 1 - REA DING, Stephen H.; Forestville, Maryland; Electrical Engineering. REATH E RFORD, Jim D.; Moweaqua, Lllino is; Pe troleum Eng ineering; Eng ineers C lub. Secretary; SPE, Vice President ; Pi Epsilon Tau, President; Dowell and Sch lumberger Scholarships. REDINGTON, Mic hae l F.; Rolla, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. REED, Walter G. ; St. Louis, Missouri; Unclassified. REINHARDT, jo hn E.; St. Louis, Missouri ; Electrical Engineering; Shamrock Club, Secretary; GDI ; IEEE; Phi Eta Sigma; Honor List ; Cu rators' Award. ROW 2 - REZONYA, Thomas C. ; St. Louis, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Theta Chi, Vice Presiden t, President; ASM E; SAE; MSPE. RIBAUDO. Salvatore; St. L ouis, Missouri; Mechanical Eng ineering; ASME; SAE. RILEY, Mic hae l W.; Sedalia, Missou ri ; Electrical Engineering; Prospectors C lub, Business Manager; GDl; IEEE; M Club; BSU; ICC; Honor Roll ; Varsity Baseball. RISTER, Gerald Wayne; Ro lla, Missou ri ; Mechanical Engineering. ROAM , j ohn H arold ; Carthage, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Shamrock Club; SAE; Pi Tau Sigma; Dean's List.
GDI beer bust. f II bet she wins.
ROW 3 - ROBBI S, Paul E. ; Odessa, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; M RHA; Dean's List. ROBERTS, Orne r Howard ; Rolla, Missouri ; C hem ical Engineering. RODGEHS, Je rry Lee; Gallatin, Missou ri; Physics. RO EM E R, Edward A.; Ro lla, Missouri; Mechanical Enginee ring; Dean's List. ROOS, Robe rt W., Jr.; St. Louis, Missouri ; Electrical Engineering; Phi Kappa The ta, Vice President, Tre asurer; ACM , Treasurer; Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Kappa M u Epsilon, Vice Preside nt , Treasurer; Newman Club, Editor; Miner; Photo C lub; Dean' s List; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate.
Rosenbaun, D. E. Roth , J. L. Ruhl , F. W.
Rosenbe rr y, L. A. Roth, L. C. Ruprecht, W. J.
Rosenkoe tte r, J. B. Rowald, C. A. Russell, J. H.
ROW 1 - ROSENBAU N, David E. ; Ro lla, Missouri ; Civil Eng ineering : ROS EN BERRY, L yle; Joplin, Missouri ; Electrical Eng ineering; GDI; IEEE ; AIAA. ROS EN KOETTER, J ames Brian ; Kirkwood , Missouri; Mechanical En~ in ce ring; Be ta Sig ma Psi, Vice Presid ent; ASME; SAE; APO; Theta Ta u; Blue Key; Ti Tau Sig ma; Inte rcollegia te Knig hts, Preside nt, Vice Presid ent; Gamma De lta; IFC. Judicial Board C hairma n ; Black and Veatch ME Scholarship; Ho no r List. ROSS, Charles F.; De nver, Missouri; Compute r Science. ROSS, Edgar A.; Auburn, lllinois; Che mical Eng ineering; Campus Club; GDI ; AIChE; Alpha C hi Sig ma. ROTH , Jo hn L.; Gle ndale, Missouri ; Mathematics; Fiftv-Nine rs Club; GDI; SAE, Vice Preside nt; Radio Club. ROW 2 - ROTH, Lester C.; Festus, Missouri; Electrical Engineering; Acacia, Preside nt, Senior Dean ; lEEÂŁ; APO: Eta Kappa Nu ; Tau Beta Pi; Scabbard and Blad e, First Lt. ; Inte rcollegiate Knig hts; IFC; Pershing Rifles, Drill Maste r; Phi Ka ppa Phi Bookpla te; Honor List ; Who's Who in Ame rican Colleges a nd Uni versities; Army HOTC Scholarship; C urators' Schola rship; Supe rior C adet Awa rd; C hicago Tribune Award ; Ame rican Legion Award . ROWALD, Carl Alle n: Kirkwood, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering. RUEN GERT, Ma rtin R. ; St. Louis, Missouri; Electrical Eng ineering; Fifty- Nine rs Club; CDI ; IEEE ; Karate Club. RUE , Jo hn C.; Rolla, Missouri; Electrical Eng ineering. RUETER, Richard E.; St. Louis, M issouri ; M echanical Eng ineering. ROW 3 RUHL, Fredrich William ; Ind e pendence, M issouri; Electrica l Engineering; Shamrock C lub; GDI ; I EEE; Photo C lub; Radio Club, Vice Preside nt, Sta tion Mana~c r. RUPRECHT, William J., Jr.; St. Charles, Missouri; Metallurgy; Fifty- Niners Club; GDI; AFS; ASM; Alpha Sig ma Mu ; Sigma Gamma Epsilon. RU SSELL, j ames Harold ; Ladd, Illinois; Mechanical Enginee ring . RYTTER, Noel J. ; Independe nce, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; M RHA; ASM E; SAE, APO. SABCZAK, P. SABO, Daniel L.; Jennings, Missouri ; Ceramic Eng ineering; Kappa Alpha; ACS ; Alumni Association Scholarship; Student Union Special Events Committee; Varsity Tennis.
Ross, C. F. Rue ngert, M . R. Rytte r, N.J.
Ross, E. A. Rue, J. C . Sabczak, P.
Roth, j . L. Ruetter, R. E. Sabo, D. L .
Pom-poms add even more color
Sen 1 or s ROW l - SADLER. Robert A.; Springfield, Illinois, Phvsics. SA"'J DEHS, Hobert S.; Odessa, Missouri; Chemical En~in ccrin~. SANDCSKY, Oa' id W.; St. Joseph. \1 is~ou ri ; \ lctallu rigica l Eng ineering; Sigma udear Engineering Societ) ; Phi Epsilon. Recorder; APO; lnt ercolle~iatc K ni~ht~. Scribe; Alpha Sigma ~ lu . Vice President; Tau Beta Pi, lJ\1 R Honor Award. ROW 2 - SA 11, \ lanuchchr; Ke rmonshah. Ira n ; Petroleum Engineering; ISO; lF. SARVER. Pat; Independence, f\1issouri ; Electrical Engineering; Fift)·-Niners Club ; CO l; IEEE; NSPE; Radio Club; K.C. Special Scholarship; Curators' Award ; Honor List. SAVAGE. James Mic hael ; Liberal. MiN>uri; Chemical Engineering. ROW 3 - SAUER. Pete r W. ; St. Louis, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. SAUER, Thomas V.; Chester, Illinois; Civil Engineering; Pi Kappa Alpha; ASCE; Circle K; Newman C lub; St. Pat's Board ; Scabbard and Blade. SCHA EFER, Marcus J.; Bourbon, Missouri ; Electrical Engineering; Engineers Club; COl; IEEE; Gamma De lta. ROW 4 - SCHAEFER, Martin P.; Bourbon, Missouri; Mechanical Engineeri ng; Engineers Club; CO l: ASME; SAE; AIAA; Gamma De lta; Honor List. SCHAEFER. Paul E.; Wellsville, Missouri; Electrical Engineering; Shamrock Club; CO l ; ewman Club, Vice President. cal T.; St. Louis. MisTreasurer. SC HAEFFER, souri ; Electrical Engineering.
The computer cen ter serves students by calct~lating data with such machines as this 360-50 IBM Digital Computer. Sadler, H. A. Sanii, ~t Sauer, P. W. Schaefer, M. P.
Sanders. R. S. Sarver. P. W. Sauer. T.V. Schaefer, P. E.
Sanduskv, D . W. Savage, j. M. Schaefer, 1. j . Schaeffer, N. T.
for the U M R cheerleaders.
Sen 1 or s ROW 1 - SCHATZ, Grcf,!:or~ M.; Brookl~n. New )ork; Chil Engineering; T('ch Club; GDl; ASCE; Scabbard and Blade; CSO, Secrctan. SCHOWENCERDT, Hob<>rt Alan; 0' Fallon. ~li~!>ouri.; Ph\ sics: Fifh- ' incr~ Club; AlP; Si~ma Tau Sif,!:ma; Curator!>· Sc:IH)Iarship; llonor List SCll EFFEL, Gar~ A.; Rolla, ~I is~ouri, \1echanical Engineering. SC HEFF, Ron; Uniwrsit~ Cit), ~ I is~ouri; Chemical Engineering; Pi Kappa Alpha, Steward; AIChE; AIAA; Circle K. SCHEIDEL, Lam L : Lcbannon, Illinois; Ch il Engineering. · HOW 2 - SCHEJ K, Richard W.; L<•mav, ~l is~ouri; Ch il Engineering; Fifty-Niners Club; G'ol; ASCE; NSPE; Circle K; \1 Club; Scabbard and Blade; Yarsit) Crolos Country. SCHLU lTEH, Patrick H.; Rolla, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. SCH EIDER, j . Oa\ id ; Bland, Missouri; Physics; Campus Club; AIP; Sigma Pi Sigma; Tau Beta Pi ; Honor List. SC II EIDER, Holla. Missouri: Unclassified.
Enthusiasm and peanut butter glow on the face of a Miner fan .
Schatz, C. W . Schenk, R. W. Schnorbusch, L.
Schowengcrdt, R. Schlueter, P. H. Schoeneck, j . L.
Scheffel, G. A. Schneider, J. D. Schopfer, C. A.
HOW 3 - SCH U RBUSCH, Larry J. ; Old Affleton, Mis!>C>uri; Electrical Engineering; Engineers Club; Independents; GDl; IEEE; MSPE; NSPE; AIAA; Photo Club. SC HOENECK, j . Larry; St. Joseph, Mis~ouri; Electrical Engineering; Triangle; IEE E. SCHOPFER. Carl Albert; Chester, Illinois; Mechanical Engineerin~; Campus Club; ASME; SAE; AIAA; Pi Tau Sigma; Tau Beta Pi ; Student Union Social Committee; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; Honor List; Honor Award; Union Oil Scholarship. SCHRIC K, Richard E.; Wcb~tcr Grove~. I issouri ; Ceramic Engineering; Sigma u; AIChE; ASCE; Theta Tau; St. Pat's Board; M Club; Rugby Club; Rolla Lions Club Scholarship; Var'>il) Football, Baseball. SC H U~IACHER, Art; St. Louis, Missouri; Metallurgical Engineering; Tech Club; COl; ASM; AIM E; Alpha Sigma Mu; Catepillar Scholarship; Honor List. Scheff, R. F. Scheidel, L. L. Schneider, R. L. Schncidl'r, J. D. Schrick, H. E. Schumacker, A. H.
ROW 1 - SCIIW ARTZ, David Ray; Roscoe, Missouri ; Physics; Shamrock Club; Sigma Pi Sigma; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Honor List; Honor Award. SCHWEIGERT, Bernard St. Genevieve, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. SCOTT, Harold Harwood; Springfield, Missouri; Chemical Engineering; Engineers Club; M RHA; AIChE; ROTC Band; Glee Club; UCCF; NCF; Honor List; Honor Award; Union Carbide Co-op. ROW 2 - SCOTT. Wcsl<''' E.: jdfcrson Cit~. \lissouri; Mechanical En~irH.•t•ring. Campus Club; SAE; Science Fair Scholarship; Dean\ Li~t SEA\I A~. Robert Ball" in. ~lissouri: \lcchanical Engineering. Lero~ ; SEARC). James A. Florissant. \lissouri: \lechanical Engineering; Sigma Tau Gamma. Sccretar~; :\.$~ 1 E; ASHRAE: IFC. EITZ. Glcnnon C.; St. Louis. Xlissouri; ROW 3 Electrical En~irwerin)!. SETTEHCREN. Ro} T.; St. Louis, X1bsouri; ~lechanical Engineering. SEVALL, George W.. Jr.; Kirh~ood. Mi!>souri; Metallurgical Engincerin~; Acacia, Vic(' President, Secrctar~; AFS; AIME; ASM; lFC. ROW 4 -S HANK, Melvin Paul; Granby, Missouri; Mechanical Engirwerin!!; SAE; Pi Tau Sigma; Curators' Scholarship. SHARP, Ri<:hard E.; Fredericktown, Missou ri ; Civil Engincerin!!; ASCE; Dean's List. SHEF F EE, R. E.
Schwartz. D. H. Scott, W. F. Seitz, C. C. Shank, M.P. Sherman, L. A.
Schweigert, B. E. Seaman, R.L. Settergren, R. T. Sharp, R. E. Showmaker, H. L.
Scott, H. H . Searcy, J. A. Sevall. G. W. Sheffee, H. E. Shuey, K. C.
ROW 5 - SHEHX-IAN, Lee Armon; Normandy, Missouri; Engineering. SHOW\1AKER, Harry Lee, Jr.; Charleston, i\ I issou ri; Mcchanical Engineering; Campus Club; SAE; ASM E; Pi Tau Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; BSU; Honor Lil>t,; Lnion Oil Foundation Scholarship. SH EY. Kenneth C.; Cuba, \1 issouri; Electrical u; Dean's List; Varsity Eng;incering; Eta Kappa Baseball. \1etallur~ical
With hippies like Diane. the Pikers Christmas Party had to be a success.
Sidebottom. G. L. Sims. J. Q. Slocum, J. R.
Sides. D. E. Sims. S.C. Smalley, D. K.
Sidlowski. R. E. Sin~h. G. B. Smid, F. F.
Simmo ns. R. E. Sipes, R. L. Smith, B. W.
Simmons. R. A. Slater, i\t. W. Smith, C. L.
Simms, W . R. Sloan, E. J. Smith. G. S.
Sigma Nu throws a swinging Party. ROW 1 - SIDEBOTTOM . Ge rald Lee; Kansas City, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Phi Beta Iota, Secretarv; ASM E; SAE; AlAA ; ASH RAE; MSPE. SIDES,路 Donald E.; Cape Girardeau. Missouri: Civil Enginee ring; ASCE; Dean's List. SlDLOWSKL Ronald E.; Stickney, Illinois; Electrical Engineering. SIM MONS, Richard W.; Savannah, Missouri; C ivil Engineering; M RHA. Personnel Assistant: ASCE; Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Eta Sigma, Secretary; Chi Epsilon ; Kappa Mu Epsilon ; University Scholarship. SIMMONS, Ronald Alan; Conway, Missouri; Physics; GDl; MRHA; Al P. SIMMS, William Robert; Madisonville. Kentucky; Metallurgical Engineering; Prospectors Club; AIME; ASM ; AFS: MSPE; ISA. ROW 2 - SIMS, J. Q.; Sikeston, Missouri; Civil Engineering: ASCE; Honor List. SIMS, Stephen C.; Florissant. Missouri; Mechanical En~ineering ; Pi Kappa Alpha; ASTME; SAE; AFS: ASME; APO. S INGH, Gajinder B.: Bihar, I ndia; Mining Engineering. SIPES, Ronald Lee; St. j oseph, Missouri ; Electrical Engineering; M RHA, Governor; IEEE; Phi Eta Sigma, Treasurer; Eta Kappa Nu: Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi ; Kappa Mu Epsilon; UMR-ROTC Band. SLATER, Michael W.; St. joe. Missouri. Mechanical Engineering; MRHA; GDl ; SAE. SLOAN, Edward J.; Baldwin, New York; Geologica l Engineering; Kappa Sigma; SEG; Ru~by C lub, Secre tary. Co-Captain; V. H . McNutt Scholarship. ROW 3 - SLOCUM . James R.: Kansas Citv, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Photo Club. President ; KMSM . Engineer. SMALLEY. Dennis K.; St. C harles. Missouri; Electrical Engineering; Tech Club; GDI; IEEE; Newman Club. SM ID. Fred F.; Rolla, Missouri; C ivil Engineering. SM lTH. Brian Walter; Bellpo rt, Illinois. Civil Engineering. SMITH, Gary Spurgeon; Malden, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Shamrock C lub; GDI; AIAA; ASME; SAE.
Seniors ROW 1 - SM ITH , Mic hael John ; Joplin, Missouri ; Ch iJ En~ in eering; ASCE. SMIT H, Ne il Sanford; Tre nton. Missouri; Computer Science- SM IT H , Ronald Gwyn ; Rolla, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. ROW 2 - S\IITIJ , Victor Jacob ; Lebanon, \ 1issouri; Electrica l En~ineer in~. Fifty-Nincrs Club; IEEE; SAE; BSL ; ROTC. Concert Band. SMIT H. William Ra\'.; Joplin, ~1 i!>sou ri ; \ techanical Engineering; Shamrock Club: Pi Tau S i~ma; Phi The ta Kappa; Honor List. Si\fiT H SO . Bill ~ J amc!> ; Rolla. \tissouri; Electrical Engineeri n~. ROW 3 - SNYDER, C ar~ Allen; Aurora, Missouri; i\te cha nical Engineering. SOMMER, Do na ld L. ; O' Fa llon, Illinois; C ivil En!!in<'cring; Tech Club; GDI; Inde pe ndents; ASC £ ; Tau &ta Pi ; C hi Epsilon ; H onor List. SOTTA, Anth on ~ E.; St. Charles, Missouri; Chemical Engineering; AlC hE, Treasurer. ROW 4 - SOWERS, James Robert ; Rolla. Missouri ; Compute r Science. S PECTOR, Alan R.; Cni\'e r.sity City, M is!>ouri; Electrical Engineering; .Al pha _fl?sllon Pi. President, Secretar~; l nte rcollcgJatc Kmg hts; Stude nt Council, \ 'ice President; Varsity Baseball ; KM SM Radio; T raffic Sa fct ~ Committee. SPENCE. Da,id R.; Ferg us1.on. ~1issouri ; Electrical Engineering; Prospectors C lub; Sha mrock Club; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Ka ppa 1\u, Treasurer; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Curators' Award.
Cape runner tries a futile attempt Miner tackler. Sm ith. \1 . J Smith. N. S. Smith.\'. J. Smith. W. R. Sm der. G. A. Sommer, D. L. So~\'ers, J. R. Spector, A. R.
to elude Sm ith. R. G. Smithson. B. J. Sotta. A. E. Spence, D. R.
SA£ New Model Auto Show annually takes place on campus.
3 33
Chancellor and Mrs . Baker applaud St. Pat's entrance at the Coronation Ball.
Sen 1 or s ROW 1 - SPENCE, James J. ; Cairo, Illinois; Electrical Eng ineering; Campus Club; GO! ; SAE; IEEE; Intercollegiate Knights; Kappa M u Epsilon, Treasurer; Tau Beta Pi, Recording Secretary; Eta Kappa Phi Bookplate; Honor List; Illinois State Scholarship Certificate. SPENCE, Karl K. ; Cairo, rllinois; Mechanical Enginee ring; Campus Club; ASM E; SAE; AIAA; Newman Club; Raiders; Honors List; PMS Award. SPENCER, David A. ; Rolla, Missouri ; Engineering Manageme nt; Delta Tau Delta. ROW 3 - SPENCER, Thomas J.; Ferguson, Missouri ; Computer Science. SPIEGEL, Julio A. ; Santiago, Republic of Panama; Electrical Engineering; SPLETTSTOSSER, James; St. Louis, Missouri ; Metallurgy; Shamrock Club, Treasurer; Independents; COl; AFS ; AIM£; ASM ; CSO. Spence, J. j . Spencer, T. j . Spurgeon, K. D. Stanton, G. D. Stevens, E. E.
Spence, K. K. Spiegel. J. A. Stamm, D. A. Steinbrueck, G. L. Stevens, R. W.
Spencer, D. A. Splettosser, j . Stanfill, R. E. Steinberg, T. C. Stewart, W. E.
ROW 3 - SPURGEION, Kent Douglas; Kirkwood, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering; Shamrock Club; Independe nts; M RHA; AlEE; AIAA; SAME; Wesley Foundation; Honor List. STAMM , Douglas A.; St. Lou is, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering; M RHA; Honor List. STEFFE£, Richard E.; Kansas City, Missouri ; Civil Engineering; Fifty-Niners Club. ROW 4 - STANTON, George David; Lake Ozark, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering; STEfNBRUECK, Gary L. ; Ellisville, Missouri; Electrical Engineering; Beta Sigma Psi; IEEE. STERNBERG, Thomas C.; Kirkwood, Missouri; Mathematics; Theta Chi, Secretary; APO; IFC; Glee Club; Raiders ; Intramural Sports. ROW 5 - STEVENS, Edwin Edsel; Fenton , Missouri; Civil Engineering. STEVENS, Robert William ; Cameron, Missouri ; Civil Engineering. STEW AHT, William £. . Jr.; Overland , Missouri; Mechanical Engineering ; Tau Kappa Epsilon; AIAA; Theta Tau; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Eta Sigma; Pi Tau Sigma; Honor List; Intramural Sports.
Stigall, D. R. Stolts, W. A. Strauser, C. N. Strauss, S. R. Sundermeyer, M. L. Sundermeyer. T. L.
Storck, R. K. Strebler, M. X. Sunukjian. J. P.
Southwest Baptist gets the tip away from the Miners at the beginning of the 4th quarter.
Storrs, S. N. Strocssner, W. A. Swar1 1 C. L.
Stratman, R. A. Strobel. L. E. Sweeney, T. E.
ROW 1 - STIGALL, Donald Ryan; Springfield, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering. STOLTZ. William A.; Rolla, Missouri; Engineering Management; Lamba Chi Alpha; ASCE; BSU ; IFC; Circle K; M. Club; Student Union Recreation and Special Events Committee; Varsity Football and Golf. STORCK. Robert K.; St. Louis, Missouri; Civil EnginpNing; Fifty-N iners Club; COl; ASCE: Rugby Club; Karate Club. STORRS. Stuart M. ; Hannibal. Missouri ; Civil Engineering; Shamrock Club; ASCE; Circle K, Sccretar}' and Treasurer; Tau Beta Pi; Chi Epsilon ; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; Dean's List; Honor List. STRATMAN, Ronald A.; Vienna, Missouri ; Civil Engineering; Delta Sigma Phi; ASCE; Scabbard and Blade. ROW 2 - STRAUSER, Claude Norman; Sullivan, Missouri; Civil Engineering ; Campus Club; GDI ; ASCE; NSPE; MSPE; ACS; BSU; UMR-ROTC Band. STRAUSS. Stephen Richard; Malvern, Arkansas, Mechanical Engineering; Prospectors Club; Independents; ASM E; AIAA. STREBLER. Michael; Webster Groves, Missouri; Physics; Engineers Club; CDI; M RHA; Sigma Pi Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Kappa Mu Epsilon ; Phi Eta Sigma; Newman Club; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; Honor List. STROESSNER. William A.; Jefferson Cit}', Missouri; Civil Engineering; Campus Club. STROBEL. Lam Elmer; Russeh.illc, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. ROW 3 - SUNDERMEYER. Melvin L.; Cedar City, Missouri; Civil Engineering; La mba Chi Alpha; ASCE; SAE; MSPE; Student Union Publicity and Special Events Committee. SUNDERMEYER. Tom; House Springs. Missouri; Geophysics ; Fifty-Nincrs Club, Secretary; SEC; Phi Eta Sigma, President; Tau Beta Pu; Phi Kappa Phi; Curators' Award; McNutt and Texico Scholarships; Dean's List. SUNUKJIAN , John P.; Troy, C\\ York; ~l cta llurg}; Kappa Sigma; AS~ I; AIM E; AFS. SWADLEY, Gerald L.; Kansas Cit}, Missouri Mechanical Engineering; Shamrock Club; ASM E; APO; ICC; Dean's List; Curators' Award; K.C. School District Scholarship. SWEENEY, Tom; Festu~. Mi~souri; 335 Electrical Engineering; Independents.
Swindle, K. R. Thiessen , C. R. Thresher, C. W.
Talbutt, C. A. Thomas, W. H. Throckmorton, J. H.
Tate, M. B. T hompson, J. E. Ticc. R. H., Jr.
If we only had co-eds like Cl.lil McCormick of the " Classmen."
Taylor, R. D. T homure, D. F. Towne, R. C.
Thames, H. 0 . Thorn, S. W. Trachsel, G. L.
Thies, D. E. Thorsell, C. W. , Jr. Trejbal , W. G.
ROW 1 - SWINDLE, Kenneth R. ; Sarcoxie, Missouri ; Mechanical Engineering ; SAE; AIAA; Tau Beta Pi ; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; Honor List. T ALBUTT, Charles A.; Joplin, Missouri ; Electrical Engineering. TATE, M ichacl Bruce; Rolla, Missou ri ; Metallurgy. TAYLOR, Ralph Dale; Tipton. Missouri: Electrical Engineering; IEEE; MSPE; ACM; Kappa Kappa Psi, Secretary; Curator!\' Award; Honors List. THAMES, Harold 0 .; St. Louis, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. THIES, Donald E.; Glasgow, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; Campus Club; COl ; SAE; MSPE; Inte rcollegiate Knights; Pi Theta Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; Newman Clu b; Honor List; Student Cou ncil Honor Award. ROW 2 - THIESSEN , Gerald R.; Rolla, Mis~our i ; Chemical Engineering. THOMAS, Warren ; Kansas City, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering; M RHA; SAE; Rock Climbers Club, Vice President. THOMPSON, John Edward ; Jefferson City, Mis~o uri ; Civil Engineering ; Delta Sigma Phi: ASCE; M Club: Scabbard and Blade; Chi Epsilon ; IF; Student Union Board; Delta Sigma Phi Pledge Scholarship Award ; Dean's List ; ACM H Award; Varsity Track, Swimming; Rugby Club. T HOMURE, Daniel F.; Fenton, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. THOR , Stc,en William; Florissant, Mbsouri; Electrical Engineering ; Shamrock Club; IEEE; BSU . THORSELL, Carl W., Jr.; Kansas City, Missouri ; Computer Science; Kappa Sigma; ACM ; Rugby Club. ROW 3 - T HR ES HER, Charlc'> W.; El Dorado Springs, M i!\souri; Mechanical Engineering ; ASt\1E. Secrctar) THROC KMORTON , John Howard ; Popular Bluff, Missouri; C hemical Engineering; AICh E; Alpha Chi Si~ma; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; Honor Li'ot. TICE, Richard H., Jr.; St. Loui~. ~tissouri ; Mechanical Engineering; ASM E; SAE; llouor Lbt. TOWN E. Robert G. : St. Louis, Missouri ; Electrical Eng ine<•rin~. TRACHSEL, Garry L. ; Holts Summit, Missouri ; Mechanical Engine<•ring; Prospectors Club; MSPE: AIAA; ASM E; TR EJBAL, William J.; Rolla. Missouri, Ceramic Engineering .
Seniors TH ICA \fO. Stcph<.·n Sah utore: St. Loui~. Electrical Engineering Tl CKER. B~ ron Barr; Ewter. ~ti~~ouri, Elcctrkal Engineering. TL'CKER. Ronald XIorgan; Il<•matitc. Xlissouri: Ch il Engineering. ROW L -
TY t DORF. John W.; Perth Ambo~. New Engirwcring: Sigma Pi, Secretary; ASME; SAE; tE l~; Pi Tau Sigma; Dcan'l> List ; Intramural Wrestling. Traek and Softball. UNTERHAEHRER, William ; Brunltwick, Missouri ; Electrical Engineering; Engineers Club; CDI; IEEE. l 1 'TERREINER, Robert J.; Perr~ ville. Missouri; Electrical Engineering; Engineers Club; GDJ. ROW 2 -
ROW 3 - UR JWSK I. Nikolai; South River, New Jersey; Engineers Club; Mathematics: .i\CM; Circle K; Student Union Recreation Committ<.•c; Russian Club, Publicity Chairman. UTHE, Halph John ; St. Louis, ~1 issouri; Mechanical Engineering. VAC II A, Charles J., III; Ha,·in. Ohio; ~ l ctallurg~; A1~ 1 E; AS~l: SAE. ROW 4 - \'AC HALEK. Jam<.· R.; Fcstu!>, ~1issouri; Electrical Enginee ring; Campm Club; \1 RHA; GOI; IEEE. \'ANCE, Joe .; Kama'> City. Missouri ; ~ J e chanical Enginccrin~ : Pi Kappa Alpha ; AST~IE ; A l AA; SA£: APO, ecrl'tan and Trca'>urer; Circle K. \'ANGILDER. Jame~ N:; Jacbon, \1issouri; ~ l echanical Engineering.
A" quarterback sneak" gets the first down for the Miners.
Tricamo. S. S. T}rtdorf.J . W. lrh\ski. 'J. Vachalck. J. R.
Tucker, B. B. Untcrnachrer, W. E. l the, R. j . Vance, J. N.
Tucker, R. M. Unterreiner, R. J. Vacha, C. J., lll Vangilder, j . N.
You never know what to expect on party weekends.
Seni ors
A view at the west .side of the new Library. HOW 1 - VANlNGER, Stan; St. Louis, ~lissouri; Electrical Enginecrin~; Shamrock Club; IEEE; Eta Kappa Nu ; Scabbard and Blade; IC F; Gamma Delta. VAN 1\ IETER. Jos<'ph Louis; Richland H eig ht~. 1\ l i~ ouri; Electrical Engineering; Shamrock Club; Campus Club; MRHA; IEEE; Eta Kappa Nu ; Tau Beta Pi ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Honor List; University Scholarship. VAUGHAN. Gerald W .; St. Louis, Missouri ; 1echanical En~ineer ing; Kappa Sigma; ASME; SAE: Theta Tau ; BS U; ~ l iner Board: Student Council; Rugb~ Club. \ 'EHIGE. Richard J.; Old ~ t onr()(.'. ~lissou ri ; Mechanical Engineering; Tech Club; CD I; Independents; ASl\ lE; SAE; Newman Club; St. Pat's Board; Student Council; Intramurals. VEJVODA. Donald ; St. Louis, Missouri; Electrical En~ineeri ng; M HilA; IEEE. aninger. S. F. Visos. J. D. Wagher, S. K.
Van.\lct<.•r, 1 L. Volk. H. I I. Wagner, H . W.
Vaughan. C. W . \'on.t. C. 1. Walker, D. E.
HOW 2 - VlSOS. John Dennis; St. Louis. Missouri; Ph\sics; Pi Kappa Alpha; AIAA. Pre~ident, Treasurer, Seeretan · AI P, T rcasurer; A PO, Cirde K: Kappa Kappa · Psi, President, Secretar}; Canterbu q Club; Hollamo Board. VOLK, Roger II. ; Fenton, Missouri; Electrical Engineering; Beta Sigma Psi; IEEE; Radio Club. VORST. Carl J.; St. Ann, Missouri; Electrical Engineering; Fifty-Nincrs Club; COl; MRHA; IEEE; !SA; MSPE; \1 odcl Railroad Club; KM FA Radio; Honor Lbt; Curators' Award; PMS Award; Co-Op Student. VOSS. Jerome; Beaufort. .\1issouri; \1 echanical Engineering; Tech Club; COl; Honor List. WACHEH. Stan lcv K.; Oneida. Illinois; Civil Engineering; Prospectors Club; Scabbard and Blade; BSU, President. ROW 3 - WADE, Lance V., Jr.; Independence, Missouri; Electrical Engineering. WAGNER. Harold W., Jr.; Alton, Ill inois; Physics; ~I RHA ; Scabbard and Blade: Raiders: McDonnell Aircraft Co-Op Scholarship; Am1v ROTC Scholarship. WAL KER, Darw yn E.: Spri~gfi eld, M is~ouri: Chemical Engineering; Alpha Chi Sig ma; Pcrshin~ Rifles. WALKER, Michael R.; S~. Louis, Missou ri ; El<•ctrical Enginccri~~i M RHA, Pr~s t dcnt; Vice President, Treasurer; IEEE; lntercollcgtate Knights. WALKER, M icha7l Willi~m ; East St. Louis, Illinois; Electrical Engineenng; Tnangle; IEEE; APO; Student Council, Secretary; Honor List.
Vchigc, R. J. Voss, j . 1. Walke r, M. R.
Vejvoda, D. 1· Wade, L. V., Jr. Walker, M. W.
ROW 1 - WALLACE, Larry James : Rolla, 1\1issouri ; 1\ lechanical Engineering. WALSH. james j .; St. Louis, 1\lissouri ; Civil Enginccrin~: Tech Clttb; 1\1 HilA; COl; ASCE; l\1 Club; Curators' Award and Scholarship: Co-Op of M cOon nell-Doug Ia~ Corp.: Cross Countrv. Track. WALTRIP; T<'rr~ Gene; Rosana, Illinois; Chemical Engineering.
HOW 2 - Ward, Daniel Keith; Rolla, Missouri; Mechanical Engineering. WARD, Donald L. ; St. Louis, Missouri; Engineering Management; Phi Kappa Theta; ASM E; SAE; ewman Club; Miner; Rollamo; St. Pat's Board. WARRE , Ted; Kansas City, l\ lissouri ; Petroleum Engineering; Lamba Chi Alpha. Viet• President; SPE; AlME; ES; SAE; IEEE; 1 SPE; APO; Pi Epsilon Tau, Vice President; Blue Key; BSU; Student niun Board; Foren:,ic Societv. Vice President, SecretanTreasurer, Librar~an; 'Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; Honor List; Who s Who In American Colleges and U nivcrsities; Curators' Award; Intercollegiate Debate Team ; Faculty Public Occasions Committee; Student Traffic Safety Comm ittee; Armco Steel Corp. Scholarship; Kansas Cit~ Board of Edttcation Special Scholarship; Petroleum Engineering Undergraduate De,·elopment Scholarship.
HO\V .5 -
WEITZEL. Pan! S.; Ravtowu, Missouri; Mcchani<:al Engine('ring; Tech Clnb: :\1 HHA, C DI; AS'. IE; t\IAA; ~I Clnb; Jnt<'rcollcgiate Knights; Tau Beta Pi; Pi Tau Sigma; Student Council; Phi Kappa Phi Bookplate; Honors List; American Power Confcr<>nee Award; \'arsity Track. Football. WENIGEH, Charle:. H.; St. Louis. i\lissouri; 1\ lcehanical Engirwering. WESTFALL, Lewis E.. Jr.; Paterson, New Jersey; Physics; Acacia, Treasur<'r; SAE; Nuclear Engineering Societ~· ; Canlcrbur~ Club; Raiders; Pershing Hi fie~ ; Cross Countn. Wallace, L. J. Ward, D. K. Washburn, W. T. Weaver. H. F. Weitzel, P. S.
Walsh , j. J. Ward. D. L. Watkim., J. B. Wcgrz~· n ,
J. E.
Weniger, C. H.
Waltrip, T. G. Warren, T. R. Wean.~r.
C. W.
Wehner, T. G. Westfall. L. E.
ROW 3 - WASHBU Rt , William T. ; M t. Prospect, Illinois ; ~ l echanical Engineering. W ATK I S. John Bruce; St. joseph, Missouri; Chemical Engineering; MRH A; AIChE. WEAVE !~. Gerald W. ; Marion, Illinois; l\ lechanical Engineering.
HOW .J - WEAVER, Ronald F.; St. Louis. Missouri; Electrical Engineering. WEGRZY , Jamc~ E.: East St. Louis. Illinois; Physics. WEHNER, Thomas G.; Lebannon, ~ I issouri; Mcehanical Engineering.
There's never a dull moment at a basketball game when the Miners are there to lend their support.
At 120 feet up, a Climbing Club member pauses to look down.
WC'thington, H. L. Wip;ginton, C. W. Winch, H. A. Wislwrd, D.
ROW I - WETII II\CTO'\ . Hob<>rt L . Civil Enginet•ring: Phi Kappa Thda ; \~CE : C. L Dakt• Soeit'l~ \\'ETTAC II. Dontdd j .. ~<'" idl<'~. Pt•nm~ hauia; \lt•t·hani<:al EngitH:<•rin!!. \\' EIIJLE.\1 \1 EYER. Car~ \\'a~ tiC; Holla, .\ l iw1uri : Ci' il Eu~inn·ring. WE IDE\IA:\ . Ro~ L<'<lll ; Holla. \I i~'ou ri ; Ch il Engi m•t•ri ng. ROW 2 - WIGCI 1 TON. Gun \\'a,ne : Rolla . .\ l is,ouri: Chemic:al Engine<•ring. \1\' l Lc:ox. · Tom .\I. ; N<.'' ada, .\li,,ouri; Ch il Engim•t•ring; \I HI LA; ASCE: APO; Raidt•r'>: Honor Cist. \VI LLIAM S, Pcr~hing Hi fit•!>: Ro~er L(•(•; Hollu. Mi'iMHtri~ i\ktullurg~ . WINCJI ESTI': H. Larr~ G.; Hollu. 1\1i<.~ouri ; C:i\ if Enginet•ring.
Wt'ltaeh , D. J. Wilco:-.. T . M . Winl<'r!>, L. A. Wit:r.t•l, H. C.
Wibbenmcver. j . H. Wideman, H. L. Win<:hcstcr, L. G. Williams, li. L. Wiseman . J. L. Wise, K. B. Woltkoioski, D. E. Wohlberg, R. W.
\\' 1;'\CH. Richard A.: Dcslol!<.'. .\li..,mari; 3 \h•d.anieal Engineering; SAE; BSL. \VI TERS. Lmrt•nt'<.' ,\ .: lngk,idt•. Illinob: Ci' il Engine<.•ring, CamP"' Club: J\SCE, St. Pat's Board ; ICC; Park Board. \\ I~ E. K<.•tHldh B.; Joplin. ~ I issouri; Elt•clri<.·al Enl!int•t•ring; Shamrock Club: IEEE; \I SPE; Eta Kappa 1\u: Tau &•ta Pi; Curators· dwlar!>hip: D<'an\ u,t. WISE.\IAN , James L. ; Jamesport. .\ l is~ouri; Elt'l'tri<.·al Engi nt·<.·ring. Hm'
HOW ·I - WISII EHD. David; St. Jo~t·ph, i\l i'i,ouri; Elt•tlrieal Eugint•ering. WITZEL, Richard C.; l .t•ma~. \!i ,~<Htri; Ci\'il Engineering: Delta Si!!ma Phi ; ASC I~; ewnaun Club. WO IILBEI1G, Hichard \\'.; St. Louis. ~ l i,:-.omi: Civil Engine<.'ring. WOLTKO IOSK I. Donald E.; Ft•rgu)>OII, ~1is~ouri; Ml'<:han il'a I Engitw<.·rin~t.
Senior s ROW I - WOLEY, Paul F.: Jennimt.,. ~ l bsouri; ~lc chanic:al En~incering: Tau Kappa Epsilon: AS\1 E: SAE: \'ar,it\ Tra<:l-. ~Jan ol till' h·ar \\ OLF. \\'illiarn Allbon : Ca''' illt'. ~ l issouri: \lt•c:hanil·al En~ineer ing \VOLFE. B~ ron L. , Jr.; Dt•arnorn llc·ighb. \lichigan; \lt•chani<:al Engincerin!.{: \\ OLFESBEHGER. Oa' id E.: Rolla, :-.lissouri ; Clwmic:al Enginl'cring. WOO D. Glenn Charles: St. Louis, \1 i!>,ouri : \I echanical En!.{int·erin!.{. ROW 2 - WOODARD, Ronald C. ; 0\erland , t\1issouri ;
~lcc:hanical .En~inccring; Pro:.pcctors Club. WOODRUFF. ~I ichael Ra': OH"'rland. \I i-.souri ; 7\Jechanical
Engi nceri ng. WO R'I~H. Bruce Charlt•,, \1 orton Cnn e, lllinoi~ : \lcchanical Enf,!;inet•ring. \VR IG li T, Stephen A.; St. Loui~ . :-.lissouri; :-. lechani<:al En!.{inccring. WRISTEN. Da' id B.; St. Jo-.eph. \Ji!.\c>uri; Engineering \ lanagcnwnt ; Lamba Chi Alpha. ROW 3 - ) OST, Kenneth Dale: St. Loui.,, ~lisso uri ; Ch il Engint•ering ; ASCE: Tau &Ia Pi ; Chi Epsilon ; Honor Award; Honor List. YOL' NC. James A. ; Rolla, l\ lissouri ; Civil Engineering. YO NCt-.1AN, J ame~ Allen; Alfton. Illinois; Chemical En gineering. ZAK, Thomas S.; Jennings, Missouri ; \kchanical Engineering: Tech Club; COl ; SAE; AS \1 E; lion or Roll. ZEL:-.tER. Hobert R.; Excelsior Spring-.. ~ l i\SO uri ; ~ l e chanical Engineering; Campm Club; CO l; Newman Club. \Vole\·, P. F Woodard, H. C. Yost, K. 0 .
Wolf. W. A. Woodruff. ~1 . R. Young, J. A.
The concert band arrangements.
Wolf{'. B. Worth. B. C. Youngman, j . A.
the Miners with many new
Wright, S. A. Zak, T. S.
0 . E. Wood, C. C. Wri'>tl'n, D. B. Zelmcr. H. H.
ROW 1 -
ZIEGLER, Karl Frederick; Jennings. MisEngineering; Beta Sigma Psi ; AS~ I E; A IAA; Theta Tau ; Intercollegiate Kuights; Pi Tau Sigma; Gamma Delta; Honor List; Co-Op of MeDonnell-Douglas Corp. ZIMMER, John J.; Maplewood, Missouri; Chemlcal Engineering; M RH A; AICh E; Alpha Chi Sigma. ZOELLNER, Lynn Edward ; Perryville, Missouri; Chemical Engineering.
Ziegler. K. f .
Zimmer, J.
~ l echanical
Zoellner. L. E.
Soccer star. champion wrestler, and exciting football player, Larry Oliver uses his skillful toe to collect three points.
s en1ors •
ABER:--.:ATH\ han Dalt• ALBRECHT, C.t•nt• H A:>IDRE\\ , Chark.., A.' ORE\\' \\'illiam II A.XTHO:>.I~. Ht•nn F AR\ISTRO~C. Hm \1 AL CKL \ ~raid \\a' lit' AL FDE\1 BRI:'\K. l:.u~tt'rH.' \1 A\'S RS. Robert Sl·ott 8:\£\ E:\. Rolx·rt ,\lan BAILEY Lr" i' Cmnt BECK. Ro~er t\ . BEECH, john Elli,nu BELCEHT. )arne~ j . BISHOP. David Kendall BLACKWOOD, janw~ D. BLAKEY. Johu K. BOHG}.I EYJ::H, Thunm S. BORNEMANN, Lt•onard J. BORTi\1 ESS, jumt''> W . BOL'SI\IAN. William T . Jr. BOW;'o.IAl\. Charles\\'. BOY D. Lout\ ) t•rnnw BRA:-.IDHOHST. L~ tut Dt•ll BHA rrO:\. Jarne' S BRE\'ILLE, Da' id \ BROCK\! EIER. jamt''> D SHOOKS, Runnt<· E BRO\\':\. Ht•nr' Ed" ard BRO\\ :>.,Joe Ho-;., BRL' :>IE. Can Lt•o BRL ;o..";o.."ER. John J BRL :>IS, Ceor~o:t• llcriX'rt BR\' A:--.:T. Stt·H·n Duant· BL RFORD, Jem N BL' HIA~. John F Bt.. HJ ECK, Thoma., H Bl:HRIS. Tt•m Let• BUSBY, john Carroll BYR ' 1::, John P. CADWELL. Torntn) Ln"<'ll CAMPBELL. Tho rna., C CA ASTAH, Fntnci' D CAHEY, Lawrence M . CAHLSON, Ct•nr~c E. CHAM BEHS, Tlwmu., G.. Jr CHASE. Da' id \1. Cl-1 ER II ENECM~ . Kho.,ru" CLARKE.johnE.jr . CLA \'TO. , \I ich:wl S. COLf::>,JA '\, Rob;:rt Lt•t• COl\ DE, William H . Jr CO'\l\ ELL, \ltdw·l J COO,CE. \\'illtam C COOP Ell. Can bh' arcl COTH H \ ' Stt•pht·u \ CO\\'E' . jnwph F CO\\ LF~ J.unt•, ( Jr. CH.\BTHEF Thun~o1' I jr CR E.\ Til, llm Charlt·' CREEK L:mrt•nt-..· ' jr 1\iCII.\\1. Duualtl C. CL ' CL ' ' ll\(.1 L\ \1 , llu" urd II DARROL'GH. \luniu A 0 .\\ IT (;Naltl Ch tit· DA \\' BAHN, John Alma Dl::t.,\:'\E\ , jullll'' 0 DENNI:'\G\L\ '\IN, l· lm' . OESE. Ph IIIII) 0 DIH \I WHIC:IIT, Hidwrd <.. DLIBOI~. William DUGAN. William T EIDS0\1, Clwrlt·' H E~I)EI\LE. l'huuw, htrl F\IGEI., Gilh<·rt A , jr ETTI. E\1 \l\ I rt·d \ C\ Fill.\ . Jamt·' llarn f Al\SK \ 1\udulph 1\ Jr
wi t hout f \lto\Z.\ '\DEH. A F \HRELL. Rubert<. I \RRI~ Kennt'lh E. IFHLIG. Charle<o J FITZCEHALD. Harold R. FL\ Ha,muntl G. FL \l\1 . Thuma~ Alfred FO~ll \ CE. Eu~enc J FOSTFH. Chark"> Wa~ne l ·lt\~K.Jame~A
(, \1\1 ES. Da>id Lc'l j, CARHETT. Ri<'hard F:. GERLITZ. Can \\'a, oe
GIESEL~L\:-., \Villi~m A.
GILES, james Stanle~ GOEDDE. joe Gcor~tr GOESSLING, james H. CHEESON, jo;,cph B. GHF\IAHD. William Lee GHO\' ES. Chri .. topher B. GL EST. C:harb H. Cl Y. J ohn Leru~ IIAIIl\ Richard \\'a, nc II \ L E. Hubert C. . HALL. llarn Frederick IL\LL. Hun;ld William ll.\LL,\DA\. Hamid Will II \L TER\1.\:-.. Lcrm 11,\ \IL". \lrchad H II\ " -0 '. Dennb R. II \HB". Rubert L . II \R\10:-.. Hubert l.t-'~• II\\ FS. Oanm \I art in II \ZEl\. Da' id Riclaartl IlEA D. Juhn G IIECKLFI\. Phillip C IIEDRICh..John L IIE~l::JI ,\~. \\'illiam II. IIENNECKE, Edward W IIENNENIIOEFER. Thoma' IIILT0:-.1. l{ubt·rt Juhn Ill BEH, Thurnas Valle IIL1STO . Samuel M. 11\WIN, Hichard M. jACKSON. John H. jACKSON. ~lichacl C. jACKSON, Richard B. j ,\COB~. Jmcph W . JOHNSON. Hichard W JOIINSON. Thomas H. JOII '\~STONE. Donald E. J Ol\ E~ . Ronald Kenton 1\ \CER Brut:(' Frank !... \RBEHC. Alan t...ECK . Jt•ffrt'' Drrn~·an t...~:LI . FH. Tt•rn Graham t...FI.L \' \ 'in~-..·nt Ed" Jrd t...FI'PFL jim ltichard t...l'l'lFL. Da' id Hubert t...L \[)I\ \ . \lkn Jern KI.F~ \Til . \t·rnun L. Jr. !...Oil' ( .hark" S. t...lll-:\1 . Barn Zalc IG. Fr{•d \\' t...l Cll 1.."0\VEJIR. Ronald K. 1.,\Zo\RL S. Llu'd Ja~ LEE. ().,, id Warren
I.E 1-:. \ "'"'!! II
I.EESEi\t,\NN . Hobt•rt A. LENTl, l.uuh F. LEL'SCH I\ E. Larr~ Gl'lll' J.FWIS . Hidrurd Carl LOCKWOOD. Dall' Wa\'lll' 1.1( KWOOD. DJvid F.. I.OCEL. \\'illiam lt. Jr 1.0\1 \\ (;,m Lt'unard Ll ( AS Thuma' EuKt'lll' I \0 S Gerald J.
\1\BH\ Ot•"a'm•J> \1 \( ' Ill' S Thurna' Lukt· \1 \H( II " I ) (harln P \1 \ H!! II He~i nald I' \1 \llT"I- jillllt'' Lt·tm \1 \S~F\ l.unm H \1 \l 'E. Curti> ,\u~u'l \kBRIJ)I- . ChJrlit•l \kCA'' \lidult'l H \kC1\HT\ Bilh \\'a, m• \ k< H •\ 1\\ . I)a "d Ll't' \kCli.I.AII. \\' rllrt• E.. jr \J l'F \DDE:'\ . William J \kFI·:HHIN, Lum Lt'<' \11•.0\ ESh. \ , P:w'l \mire" \1 EEl... Ell, William K. i\ll·: HTE. S. Thoma' L. i\.11 LLEH. La" rt•nt·t· C \II Ll.\ t \!\ , 1\uhl.'rt J \IILTENAEHCEI\. Stt''t'n \II NT EH. Du' id Carl \JITCII Fl. I., jdrn·' C. \IITC JIFLL. John 13 \IOIIT\'lJII.' \11 \li \khar \1001\lo )nl' ( arl \JOOIU.. Hutt<rld Hm \100\ Dk·k Oli> it·r \IORI\1!11- \ Juhn C \ll \:ZO \ 'ktur \ll HH \\ Bilh \Ia' \JL HHF\ Juntl· \1 '\DFHI lhl"iln " .l S El.. Jcrhn 'ltt•plwn \;I( ' JI()l.~O' Thonhl\ J> "CI\ ELL. ll,l\ mund \ 'OBEI .. I luran• \ NOH\1 \'\ , Donald B 'L 'l!!. 'mman Willralll 0\VEt\S, Thontu\ Jumt'' OZBL H\1. Donald Juna·' PAIII.. lluht·rt llaruld PAIII.I\I i\ o N, Cl'lll' A Pi\1\lTEH. Churb II . II l'i\I.LISKA , 1\m T , Jr. PAHKt-: H. Dt•ruti\ Htl~ PAHKER. juhn A H PAHKI·:n. \li('hal'l,\ PAl I.IC. l'ronl.. Ill PENDER. Sll'pht•n l'\t•al PEPPEH. Oam·ll W PIIII.I.IOS. Tt•rrt•ll T PIEI'IIO. l.uri' l,t't' POWEllS. Jamt'' Pan ,PIWSSO.,.,, (.t·rald Dal t• PH ICE. 1),1\ rd Flirdt't PHL ( II\. jJmt'' Ll't' Pl 1\S I F\ Jt'"t't' H\ PP 1-.m· B.l\ artl Ill \1)"(. 'lh•H•n II \I Kh.ll'l Hl·.o"c HI· FD. \\ ultt·r (. 1111.1-:\ \Jilhat·l \\' Ill!'! Tl· H Ct:rald \\a \Itt' IIOBEH 1~. J),tmll IIODCEII!'!, jt·rn l.t·t· HOOT/., William I·. HO~E. Franl'i' i\lidrat'l 1\0SI-: KOETTEil. Hk·hard HOSS , Clturlt•, F HOTII, John I.. HOWOI.D, Cal'l 1\llt•n Hl' E. johu C. Ill ZICII, Hklwd llu' SADL El\, 1\uhnt A ~;\1~fEIII.EE, jol111 jumt'' !'!CII \ El I· Ell. :--,•,11'1 ~CII.\ I· I· ' 1-: R. \ltdrat•l J. SCIIEIRLI.. l.rm L.
CH \; EIDEH. Jat·uh I) SCH L Lrl. Allan Thoma' SCH\\ \RYl, Da\ltl Ha' SCH\\'EIGFHT. Bcrn.trd E. !>E.\ \1 A'· Huht·rt l ... rm ~ELLER~. J<·m Honald !>I:.TIFHCHE\. Hm T SH ER:O.J.\:-., Lt•e .\rmun ~I \IS. Gt•rald Da' itl SIH.\CLS.\ . Stl•plwn C. SLOAN. Ed" ard jat"b !>\liD, Fred F S\IITH. Brian \Valtt•r S\IITII. Carlton l.t•t• S\IITHSON. Bill~ Jume> SOWEHS. )arm•, Hol>l'rt SPHEITZEH, Donald K. ST.\NTON, Ceur~l' Da' id STEELE. Gerald john STEW AHT. Hichartl E. STIGALL. Donald R' an STORY, Amlin Bud STUDENT. Patrkk J STL 0\'\ IN. \\'illtam C 5\\'ADL.E\ , C:..·raltll.t•un S\V,\RYl. Tem Ker~h T.\LBL n · Charlt·' ,\ T.\ \'LOH Juhn Pan I TE~t... E. William ~ THIESSF::'\. Gt·rald 1\ THO \I \S. Jame\ En' in THO \IPSO:'\ juhn E Tl-10\1 PSOl\. l\al1lh) T!-10\ll HE. Danil'l " T00\1 B~. \h in Ech1 nt TR.\:\TH \\I. Hunuld <. TL CKER. Runaltl \lur)!an TL' LLOCH. \lidtut·l \ 'l·ru LTH E. Hal ph Juhu \ ANGILDER , Jamt·., :0. \'ALCHI\N, Ct·rald W. \'OCT. Dun Halph WALL. Hunuld Brul-e WALTER , Hiduml Alun WALTHIP. Tt•rn Ct•rtt: WAllO. Daniel Kt·ith WEA \ 'ER. Gerald W WEBEH. john (;u,tn' WEH JlSTEN. \\a\ Itt' w WEI:....BERCER. Halph K. WEi\ IG EH. Charlt·~ II WHITF Da,icl Lw \\'IBBE:'\ \1 E\ ER. Jerome II WIGCI:\TO, , Car> Wa\lll' WILCO:\. Da' id \I arlin \\'ILK"~· Juhn \litohud WILLI\ \IS . Ru~;·r l.t•t• \\ I~ 1-1 ER [l, Oa\ld \\'01-ILBERC 1\iduml W \\ OJTKO\\ SKI. Donald F.. \\ OLF. William \lli\on \\ OLZ. Gar> 1\ rl·hul~ W\COFF, ilunald Lt't' YALLAL \' , Skphen P YOUl\G\IAN. James Alll'u ZAL ~TEll. llO ALD F ZEILER. ThunHl'> \V;r, m· ZFJ.~IS. Jl'ire' I. ZIJ<:CLEH. Honold S. ZIEN ER. lloht·rt Alvin ZOELI.N 1': 11. L~ 1111 Edward
Pete Legsdin escorts Lamda Chi's candidate, judy Haynes, at the Military Ball coronation. Minutes later judy was crowned queen of the ball.
Addington, L. A. Allen, D. C. Anderson, C. D.
Albert. D. B. Allbon. ~1. R. Anderson, M. E.
Anderson. H. H. K. H. Ashwood , T. L. Annstron~.
Ande rson, R. W. Arney, D. E. Astolfi, R. L.
Abcrnathie, W. E. Alexander, V. T . Altcrmatt. R. D.
Andreae, R. A. Arnold~ , R. R.
Atteberry, M. E.
Abul- Husn, R. S. Allcmann, W. C. Amos. L. L.
Arbo~a~t . W. J.
A'>chingrr, E. D. Avcrwcg, J. A.
J un1ors Aumen, H. j . Baldwin. C. L.
Bahor, C. S. Barnes, D. S.
Bailev, M. R. Barnes, J. J.
Baird, J. L. Barnett, j . W.
Barr, N. A.
Bartley, E. W.
Baylor, M. L.
Beck, G. F.
Becker, R. T. Bever, H. F. Bloechle, D. P.
Becker, V.J. Biggerstaff, C. D. Boce k, }. R.
Benavides, F. Big ley, D C. Bockman, G. J.
Berger. D. A. Black, P. D. Boeckman, K. I.
Berglund, R. H. Blankenship, K. D. Boehm, W. F.
Best, R. N. Blevins, R. Brandt, B.J .
3 45
J un1ors
Brannon, G. Bremer, G. C. Brown, J. M.
Bruzewski, J. R. Bunch, J.D. Burford, J. H.
Bulla, F. W. Burbank, E. J. Burke, J. E.
Bullinger, R. G. Burch, P. A. Burns, H. L.
Bray, M. E. Brewer, P. L. Brown, J. K.
Breedon, J.D. Brinker, C. D. Brown, fl. A.
Breitenbach, R. Brown, H. L. Bruckne r, R. A.
Bush, D. B. Byers, C. E. Canon, R. M.
Butler, J. H. Cable, J. W. Carl, D. E.
Butterfield , D. A. Cahalan, J. E. Carter, H. L.
T he vivacious Stormy and Sunny were well received as they chanted their new sounds in music in a dual appearance with the Sandpipers.
Carter, J. B. Ca:.t ro. T. I. Can. S. E. Chambcrl>, J. L.
Case. ] . 0 .
Chaoman. 0 . D. Castll'. J. L. Chapman, M. G.
Chapman, R. G. Chehrcnc!!;ar, K. Chrisman. J. G. Clegg, P. D.
Chappue. G. W. Cht·no" c rt h. H . E. Chrblanell, R.C.
Cobb, A. R.
Chaslt•n, D. L. Childrl"•~. L. B. Christman. E. R. Cobb. D. E.
Cheek. \ 1. H. Chrisman. C. Choun. H. E. Cohen, J. I.
Collins, W . E. Conduff, ). F. Coo\)cr, G. 0 . Cou lcr, G. D.
Colona, L. J. Constance, S. J Cooper. L. M. Couture, D. G.
Combs, ) . D. Cook, F. S. Cordes, D. L. Craig, C. ~1.
Conavav. W . L. Cook./ .' 1â&#x20AC;˘. Coste! o, H. W. Crain. D. L.
Mothers are often surprised and impressed when they are first introduced to the highly technical world of their student sons on Parents Day.
Crane, C. D. Curd. W . H. Crane. J. M . Dabrwr. J. M.
Cr<>tin. D. F. Daffron, V. M .
Cripps, ~1. P. Dalton, R. H.
Dawson, G. C .
Darahi, F. D. Deem, J. 0 .
Dl'lt•r. K. W.
Dananl. ll. E.
Dockt•n, G E. Do'' m·~ . J C. Durham. T. E.
c~ .
R. S.
Dod -,on. ( :. \
Duffner, C. C. Durham , V. II.
Oaude rma n, N.M . Degen ha rdt, L.J.
Dickman. G. L.
Doerflinger. A. E. Dun kailo, P. A. Dwyer, J. J.
Daumc, A. F. Dej o hn, A. F. Dillon, S. E.
Davidson , J. E. Denham. D. C. Dippcl, II. C.
Davb, J. D.
De ruite r. J. L.
Dh·in . B. E.
Dorroh. R. F.
Duren. D. D. Eathe rton, D. F.
J un1ors
ROTC cadets receive awards at the annual military review. Edwards, M. A. B. F. Estes, L. E.
El~ in ,
Eiler, S. H. Engelbrecht, R.L. Fande L D. R.
Elfrink, L. P. Erwin, J . D. Farme r, j . D.
Fear, D. L. Fickling, D. H . Flick, R. M.
Featherly,). R. Finnegan , J. D. F lorence, K. T.
Fenton, G. E. Fish er. G. W. Forsyth, A. P.
Edwards, R. T. Emerson, j . D. Etling, C. P.
Ferguson. A. L. Fisher, T. B. Frazee, R. W .
J un1 ors
Freeman , G. D. Fulks. R. T.
Freeman, R. L. Fullbright, J. L.
Frimel, R. L. Fuller, J. K.
Gamache, E. L.
Garcia, E.
Garrison, E.
C<'ist-1, R. W . Goste, H. Green, D. C.
Gctz, J. A. Gott lie· b. C. L. Green, E. E.
Gill, ]. M.
Gottschalk, E. F. Greene, T. L.
Frvc, E. E. F~rry. J. R. Gay, J. L .
Gill, M. L.
Graham, J. L. Greer, J. R.
Gilstrap, J. W. Cravitz, M. E. Cremmingcr, G.W.
Gioia, M.P. Grayston, D. V. Grosse, D. C.
J un1ors
Haeffner, J. M. Hahn, M. R. Halvachs, F. J.
Hardwick, J. R. Harris, L. H. Hart, R. L.
Hardy, J. D. Harrison, D. ] . Hartmann , T . C.
Harms, T. E. Harrison, G. E. Hartung, M. II.
Hahn, J. K. HaiL L. ~1.
Hacfle. P. B. Hale, R. C. Hamner, P. G.
Haeusler, G. F. Haley, P. E. Hana rpour, ~1.
Harbison, ) . D.
Harvey, W. C. Havman, D. G. Heimsoth, M .M .
Hatfield,). G. Hedayati, V. A. Heisserer, L. D.
Havens, P. G. Hedley, Q. E. Henderson, S.
Don Albert. voted the Miners " Most Improved Player" . watches the play as he crosses the plate.
Hensll'\ , D. L. Hill, f. ·P. Hcrnstrom, T. R. H ill, ~ 1. F.
llcrtt·l. C. D. H itt. G \V H t•m>~. \\ . It llo<:kett, \ 1. L.
Hoenig. L. D. Horn . L. S. Howard, L. J. Jacobs, P. W.
lim·, It•' . H. R. llornbaek. I) L. li m\~·. D L j ames, H. L.
!loHman . H. I. ll ornhur~ . B. H. I hit'~ , D. D. j all(.'S, G. K.
Horn. A. j . Houf. C. B. H uske~ . \I. R. j ansen, H. J.
Jeukim. H. E.
j eust•n. P. E. C. t\ .
Joha uu p<'ll' r.
W. G. Joncl>, C. \\'. Kai'>t'r, S. J
Kalz. j . L.
JOlll''· H. K.
Jochum , H. C. Johns. G. ~ 1. Joplin. H. A.
Kammcrer. J. J.
Joc.·uk, P. L. Jone:>, F. H. jO'>(•ph , ~1. II. Kan , W.
Wasting 110 lime. Colombatto flys across the plate for another score forUMR .
3 54
Kam•vskv. D. A.
Kemu. R. W . Kaplan. ;o.L S. Kennedy, L. D.
Kaq~er, R. A. K eus~. D. A.
Kl'lb . D. P. Khanabadi, M. 11.
Kilh!ort•. H D. Knapp. L. J Kremnwl. D. C
Kummer, D. \1. K us~. J. 1\.
Lauck, D. E.
Kirchner. F S. Km•nk·in, \J. j . K rueknw~ <'r.
Kurnnwr. C. L.
Labit , J. It Law, S. H.
Kirk, C. P. Koehn. C. E. K ruegcr, J. E.
Kunst, M. j . Laca\ ich. R. J. Leanhardt , D. E.
Kbtler, R. S. Kola7. H.. \ . Kn" and, D. II.
Klotz, J. A. Kowalcz~ k, T. Kuhar, W . F.
Kluba, D. \1. Krehbi<'l. S. C. Kuhlmann. R. E.
Kur~t. T. J. Landreth, E. W. Lcanhardt, D. W.
J un1ors
Girls f lew high whe11 Creeks started a blanket loss at the Grotto.
Lehmann. S. \I. Leuzin~ . W. C. Lincoln , M .A.
Lchuholf. \1. F. Lcoue. J. G. Lindqubt, J. It
Linclwrr~ . j . T Llcwdl~ 11. J. D.
Lucckenholl. A. I I.
Littt'ken, K. W . Loebach. C. P. L ucddcckc, D. E.
Leggett, V. A. Lcmp. K. T . Lt'riche. E. C.
Lit7ingcr, \\'. K. Lon)!, J. R. L undergan, ~1. L.
Legsdin , j . P. Lenm·t•r, R. t\1. Lit'~dlcidt.
K. W.
Lh <'ngood . R. J. Lut'io, J) A. L u~ lwr ,
C. P.
J un1ors
Lutz, J. M. R J.
~ianier , ~l. S.
L\'nchard. T.
Lmn. R. D. ~lank , D. A.
~ l aehl , H. C. Marshall, f . J.
Mas~e~ .
~·l asters.
Mat row. L. K.
i\ latthcws. E. R.
~ l agC'<',
~ 1.
MeAnan~. J. W. ~ltKinnev, R. C. Melly, J. P.
R. S.
McC lain. G. E. McLellan, T. L. Mertens, M. L.
McCormack, P. B. Mcl\1urlrcv. D. R. Meyer, J. W.
~ l cCullough , J.
F. W. R. Meyer, J. W. ~1 c: Quitty.
McFarland . R. L . C. W. Midden, H. E. M tT\'(~ r.
McGarth. C. ~ 1. ~kellin . C. W. M ikkelst•n, C. D.
J un1ors
Mild , W.M . Minich , C. Moon, J. W .
Miller, J. D.
Miller. R. A.
Mirl\ , K. A. Mo<)n , K. H.
Mitch ell, T. L. Moore, J. L.
Nagy. D. C. Neumeyer, D. C.
Nigus, S. C.
Moric, R. E.
Mulholland , W. T. l\ lnscr.
S. j.
Mue lle r. D. L.
Mundwillcr, J. L. Myles, C. W.
Muir. S. J. M liiiOZ , J. 11.
Nae~cr. K. C.
acger, J. E. kodc mus, R. M . Niles, S. £ .
Miller, W. A. MoHat, R. A. Moore, T. K.
Nebel, T. C. it•meicr, T. A. Nimmo, S. M.
Contestants pause to eliminate losers with broken eggs ill games for the Creek Week picnic.
K. J.
Notestine. S. W. , ocl, K. C. othau , H. N.
Noh<'. C. E.
Oldham, D. C.
Obt•rndoriN..\ .j \ ortou. J. ~ 1. Oehrlc. G. F.
On:.tott. L. L.
Parks, F. B. Peters. D. C.
Oli\ <-r. J C. Orr. H. II. Pautlt>r. II. E. Peterson, L. C.
Ol,t·n. W. B.
Omohundro, \ V. E.
Pldlcrkorn, D.A.
Ott. \V. K. Peachec. C. T. Pfe iffer, D. C.
0\lt'rmann. J. L. Pa~ m·. J. D.
Pit•rct>. S. A. Pcl<l~orn~ ,
T. <:.
Po it'~ n. i\. J.
Potzma1111. C. ,\.
Pipkin, It H. Po<•. D. 1.. Pouc:iroli , J. t\ . Pm' ell, G. L.
Pitrwr. S. L. Poelr ler, L. L. Po~c h , H. J. Pre nger. D. II.
Plank. W. E. Pok ro~'· C. Pottt'l'. :'vi. L. Price, II . L.
BM11~ kllif{hted in the page.\' breu: ~ seldom a pa.s.~ice experience at
St. Pats.
Prinz. R. E.
Pur!>le' , T. C. Pu~h. ·A. L. Qua~ lc. W. L.
Pull e~, J. R. Raub, G. L.
Pun:d l. H. 0 . Ha~ . E. I)
Rea~an , L. R. lkinbotl, ~ 1 E. He1.' ani. )alar
Hidw~ .
Hidt•nour. F. J Ho<.·~<.:h , E. R.
Rector, 1\1 . R. Reller~('rL H. \ .
Hhea, C. J
Hieb . D 1..
J. D.
Rie~<:. Ro~t'r!t,
D. B.
Reed, J. F. Renaud, . F. Rhod e~. T. L.
Hieono. \1. P. HittN. D. J. Ru~~ers , H. G.
Reed, M. L. Reuther, A. C. Hh~ ne, C. A.
Heed , S. L. Rezghi, E. Richard!ton , T. 1..
Reed . M. R. Ht•\ nolds, H. E. Hithartk D. ~1.
Hiddlt·. C. W.
Hobb, R. F. Holun, G. T.
J untors
Having been knighted, it's time to spit out the special S t. Pats knighting water and climb out of the ceremony tub.
Rosen koctter, A. Rusch, 1 . R. Sanocki, P. W.
Ross, L. H . Rvland , L. G. Saunders, M. J.
Savorelli, S. J. Scheublein , j. K. Schlef, C. L.
Schade, G. W. Schilling, K. L. Schlutow, C. R.
Roman, R. J. Ross. T. K. Sago, W. L.
Schade, G. 1. Schillinger, H. C. Schmelzel, R. W.
Romine, B. R Rothermich, R. A. Sander, J. W.
Schatz, R. L. Schlaf, T. F. Schm idt, L. 0 .
J un1o rs Schmidt. R. W. Schultz, J. T.
dunidt. T. S. Schwab. H. E.
Shaefer, R. T.
Shaw, D. H.
Shepherd. L. G.
~ 1.
Smith, F. C.
SherrelL H. E. S loan. E. J.
Smith, G. L.
Schmier bach. \1. D. Sears. T. S. Shaw, D. W.
Shini. A. S. Smasht•' . \I \\ Smith, LIt
Schroeder. H. A. Selden. T. ,\ Shawgo, G. W.
Siebern. 0 . \\'. Smith .. \ . \\' Sm ith, P. D.
Sinar, \1
Smith. D. D Smith, H. L.
Sinha. B. K. Smith. D. W. Smith. W. S.
J un1ors
Sober, J. R. Spiller. J. S. Steed. F. C.
Spalding. T. J. Spitzm iller, j . A. Steele. R. I.
Swcene\ . W. T.
Ta:v lor, n.
Sti).!all. J. H. Strong. W. P. Sulli' an. ~1. J.
Sto{'llller. S. H. Struckholl H. ,\ J , Sundt•rdick. \ '. J.
Stripling. G. L. Sullh an. J. L. Suszko. \V. A.
B. W.
t •
Spaunhorst, V. H. Spr~ , T. L.
Steenrod, D.
Swift. L. R. T~m ill . F.
Tea. lc~ , G. C.
Spencer, T. L.
Stt>ckcl, F. M. Stemmler, J. /\.
Swoboda. R. C. Tavlor. C. H. Tc;te~. E. D.
For a novelty entry. 111:<1> carried the world's largest St. Pat's hat in the St. Pat's parade. Tt">'>on. T 0 Thom:h. J P. Tt'~ torll
L. S. Thompson, W. M.
Thalhamnwr. E. 0 . Thormb<.•rr' . \ .\ .
Thies. 0 . ~1. Thornton, K. W .
T hrelkeld. H. R ToiJi, cr. T L. Townson. D. H. Turek, R. C.
Til·rnann. D. A. Tomlin. C . P. Trat·'· H. G. Turlin, C. L.
Tiku. P i\. Tooml'\. D. L. Traut , b L. Turner, T . W.
Tockstt•in. \1 . Toth, L. F Troutman. K. Uhlhom, J. 0 .
lrich. t\ 1. H. Vt•rcbt•h-i. E. H. Von De;nfan~t·. W. Wakt·field. C. F.
UnderwoPd. E. R. VNrnillion . B. N. \ o~~. T . H \\'allt•r,tt•in. E. It
Usser\', II. D. Vertr~·e~ . D. L. Wa~n t•r. J. It \\' allgren. E. C.
Vennari. J. P. Viland. D. Wagner. P. Walther, G. C.
Wand ~.
J. P. Wat:-.on , J. 0 .
Waming. A. D. Wattenbar~cr.
j . c.
These beauties are the candidates for St. Pa(s locely queen . Lucky St . Pat!!
\\'arden . P. J. Watt!>. R. A.
\Vatkim., J. F. Wt·aH·r. M . L.
Wd>h, E. V. W t•dge, \\'. K. Wiq!<.'ll'. C. L.
William,. D. H. \Villiarm. L. 0 . Wilmont. 0 . A.
Webb. R. L.
Wt•ge. j . H. \ Vief>cnmc~ cr.
J. c.
\\'illiam,, E. G. \\'illiarm, ~ 1. C. Wilson, P. J.
Weber, j . S. Wchme\ cr. \V. E.
Wi~~ins. E. c.
\\'illiams. H . \\'. Willis. 0 . C . Wolfsbc r1!e r,
J. R.
Weber, L. E. Weiss. B. R. \Vildt. J. H.
W ebster. D. W . Westra\', W. K. Wile~ . ·R. D.
Webster, W. D. Whitaker. R. E. Wille. T . J.
William,. J. H . Willis, T . 0 . Wol~amott, M . L.
J un1ors
Wood . W. P.
Woodland . C. H.
Woodward , C 1\.
B. R.
Wu, V. I I.
Wortman, D. E. Wurtz, J. L.
Debbie, Gwynn ~. and Oictra watch in amusement as their dates put the finishing touches on a float for St. Pats.
Wylie, J. G.
Ztâ&#x20AC;˘nge, T. L.
Ziener. R. i\.
Zimmlâ&#x20AC;˘nnan, D. I l
Zoll , B. C.
Zullig, D. L.
Steve Biederman found that sometimes running in the Creek W eek chariot race can become a bit precarious.
Depar tment s
Athlet ics
Chemic.'al Engineering .. ... .
Athll'tic Ot•partment .
. . 40
Chem istr·> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Civil Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Computer Science
Baseball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 134 Basketball .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 16
Cheerleaders . . . . .
Football . . . . .
Golf .
Intramural Sports .
Electrical Engineering ... , . . . . . . . .. ... . .. 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . ... . ..... 46
Humaniti(•s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mathematics .. . . . . . . . . . . . . , ... . . • . . . . . 50 Mechanical Engineering .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 58 Mechanic~
.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 56
Tennh ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Metallurgy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 60 M iii tar} Science . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 66 Mining and Petroleum ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Physics . . . . . .
. 64
Social Science . .
. 68
Rifle . . . . .. ... .
Rugby ..
Frater nities
Living Units
Acacia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-l
Altman I Iall . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Alpha Epsilon Pi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Alpha Phi Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 208 Beta Sigma Psi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 210 Delta Sigma Phi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 212
Campus Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .... . . .... 246 Engirwcrs Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 248 Farrar I I all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Delta Tau Delta . .
. . . . . .
. .. . 124
Fifty-Nincrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 250
Kappa Alpha . . . .
. . . . . .
. ... 216
Holtman .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Kappa Sigma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Lambda C hi Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. 220 Phi Beta Iota . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . 222 Phi Kappa Theta .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Independents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Kelly Il all . . .. . ... . . ... .... . . . . .. . . . 265 McAncrn}' H all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 266
Pi Kappa Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 226
Married Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Sigma Nu . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. .... 228
Prospectors C lub . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Sigma Phi Epsilon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Sigma Pi
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shamrock Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 2,54
Sigma Tau Gamma .
. 234
Tau Kappa Epsilon .
. 236
Theta Chi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Theta Xi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 240 Triang le . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . 242
Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Tech Club ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . 256 Thomas Jcffcrson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 Women\ Rc.,iden<.'(' llall
Organizations Alpha Chi Sigrna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alpha Phi Omega . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . Alpha Sigma \lu . . . . . . . . . .... . American Ceramic Suciel) . . . American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Anwrican l n~t itu te of Chemical Engineers .. American 1nstit11te of i\lining • Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . American Institute of Ph~sics . . . . . American ~tanagcment A~!>ociation . . American Socit•t} of Ci' il En~incers . American Society of Mechanical Enginet•rs . A ~socia tion for Computing Machinery . . . . . . A''ociation of Unitcd State~ Army . . . . . . . . . . Bahai Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bapt ist Student Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blue Key National Honor Fraternity . . . . . . . . . Chinese Students Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chi Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chi Epsilon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christian Science' Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circle K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. L. Dake So<:icty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cot•ds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EspNanto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eta Kappa Nu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federation of Lat in American Student<; . . . . . . . Forensic Socict) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gamma Delta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . India Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lu~t itutc of Electrical and El<'dronic Engineer!> . . lm.trument ocict} of America . . . . . . . . ..... lntc>r-Collegiat(' Knig hts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inter Co-op Council . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . lntcr-Fratcrni l) Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International Fellowship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iranian Students Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kappa Kappa Psi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1',9 160 19() l i~)
197 196
173 l it li t
li4 l8b
172 170 181 192 165 19·1 198 193 1&-t 162 18-t 176 180 190 188 18.5 l8(i 194 177 177 159 169 168 181 187 ! Hi
Kappa \1u Ep,ilon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Karate Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Kt•rmos . . Llahona Fellowship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 "'M" Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 \1 iner Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.52 \loslcm Stucknts Am>ciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 National Socit't~ of Profes!>ional Engineers . . . . . . Ibi Newman Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1~0 Organization of Arab Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 189 Pt•rshing Rifb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Phi Eta Sigma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Phi Kappa Phi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Photo Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Pi Epsilon Tau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Pi Tau Sigma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Hadio Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Radio Station K~tS~ t -n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Raiders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 11ock Climbing Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Hollamo Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Hugb) Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Russian Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Scabbard & Blade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Sigma Gamma Epsilon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 L75 Sigma Pi Sigma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 . . . . . . . . Engineers Automoth·e of Society 170 Society of Engincf.'ring Ceo ph) sics . . . . . . . 179 Societ) of Petroleum Engineers . . . . . . . . . Society of Women Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Spelunkers Club . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . ... 178 St. Pat's Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-t Student Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 167 Student Union Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Tau Beta Pi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Theta Tau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 UM H- ROTC Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Wc•sle) Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Who's Who . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 W. T. Schrenk Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 195
Acknowledgements COLO PHON Faculty Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Professor Karl Mou lder Professional Photography Portraits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Del Valle Studios Croups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bradford and Fitzsimmons Technical Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Hook Publisher .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walsworth Compan y Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pat Vcnnari
The 1968 ROLLAMO is printed in an edition of 3800 copies on 100# Meade Printflt•\. Body Copy i!t 12 point Primer, cut lines 10 point Primer italics, and head-, arc 30 point Futura Medium Bold.
Student Index Abt:rnathi<'. Dl.'uui' L. Abemathie. Wilham E
t\lx·rnath~ .
i': u)!l'lll' ( .•\l~:rnath' han Dalt• Abram. f~hn Da' 1\ Abui- Husn. Rare S
266 .. 2S6 . 2h6 189,246. 344
Ackerman, Jnhn . . . . 286 Ackmann. David t\lun ... 188,191 Adums. Jerr~ Slant· . 286 ,\dams. Ronald Carl 228 Adams. \\'a, ne Arthur .. lii lSi 2-IS.2i-t.21,6 .\ddinl!tnn. Lam \ 178,192, 250,3.t-l AclJunta, :\lnralt·~ J C . . . .. J~ Adler, Rnbr:·rt Burl . . . . . 266 Adrian. Glen Gdwrcl . . . lOh, 223,286 Agr!.'. Daniel Da' id 164. 262,21,6 1\~!ra\\al. Arun Kurn<tr 194 \hmann. Gent• Hnnwr 210 Ahrens, John H . Jr 2&6 Aimerilo. :\lkhacl Ra' 199 i\1-Hashimi, Sahrnia K 189 Al-Omari, Faruul. S. . . . lk9 AI-Shaieb. Zuhair F . . . . . 213 Albert, Donald Bruct• ... 134,224. Albins. Jame> Harn
l i I.
l&-1,261 .. 100 JS.5 171 , 177,265 Ale\andcr, V('rnun T. . . . . . 344 Alt'xander. Wu} nc S.. . . . 216 Abander, William D. .. . 232 Allernann, William C. 344 Allt•n, Charlc> ll 213,261 Allen, Charles \'t•rh n 2-'l6 Allen, Dan I Curtis 34-l Allen, Gre~un S 159,1b9. 196.266.272 Allen, james F. . . . 221 Allen, John E Jr. . 266 Allisun. Me lvin Ru)' .. . : . .. 344 Allman, Stcpht•n C 286 Aim. Darrell R. .. ' 266 Altl.'peter, ~I ichael \ .. 19.5 Ahermatl. Ro) Dain . 344 Altheimer, Ben \\' . 232 Ahrup, Gar~ Jos('ph 199.266 Amirl(holi, \l ohammed lSi, 246 AnHI~. Larr~ Leon 286,34-1 Anderson, Bruce . . . 261 Anderson. David K<'ith . 286 Anderson, Can Dun . . . . 344 Andl.'rson. Jimmv Dale· 259 Anderson. Keith Dean 261 Arldt•rson. \ lichacl E lii.3-I.J Anderson. Ronald ll 163. 19h,34.t Andt·r~on. Ronald W . 162, 188, 193.344 Anderson, William F 177,236 ;.ndjelich, David N . . . . 286 Andreae, Robt:rl A .. ISS. 241>,2i2,344 Arltlre'' • William K 270 Andrev.s. Charlc~ E 252,2&6 Andrews. Howard 0 . Jr 161. 228,2Si Andrews, Jame• (; 259 An~telich. 1\lichacl 11. . 2-18 Appcr,()n, Don J()st•ph . . .. 240 Apprill, Michael H. •.. 223 Arant, William S .. 248 Arho~ast. William J . 129. 2.59,344 ,\rchl.'r, j ames Fret! 159.250 Arrnstron)!. Kendall H li3, l 75.26.'5.:344 Annsl ron!!, Rm \1 193.287 \lbrecht. Cenl.' H Al<'\ander Emmrl C., Jr Ale,andcr, Harold R ..
3 72
Arm•\ . Dunald Ert'l•ll
1;30, 192,:34-1 ,\rnuld Hie hard Lim d . 21,i \nmld Rubert Dall16-l. IiO, l '>i.2-12.2hi \mulch . Hichard R 241,,341 Arra' ,\nnt• (... l9h,2i0 ;\'>(·aniu, Curlm F lllb,2ki Asdlin)!t•r, Eric Dcun 161!, 191 .214,34·1 \,Jrb, , Kl'ith 11;9,196 hhh, , \lnrris Alan 259 ,\'h"u•KI. Tom L . 161 2()1 ,344 \<,lnlli. llichard Lt·c . 344 A\lrat·l.. Richard F 166.191. 193,21>7 1.52, Ii 1,224,344 Attdwn . Larn E. . .. 250 Auerbach Jnei B. . 206 liS, Aufdt·mbrinl... Eu~enc \l 115.28i .\uman. Har~ Jame\ . . 1()1;,3-15 \u\1111 Kt•nneth Keith 10'>. 126, 127 Iii, 345 t\ H·r~ , Ja nrcs Oak 210.2i4 Bat•r, I ian,., Alan . 206 Baer, Kenn); Gilbert . .. . 287 Bowr. Larr~ J. 287 Bae\l'n, Hubert Alan 224,2/)i Bahnr. Charles S 345 Bailt·~ Car) \ 'an 267 Baile' \1ichael R. .. 210 256,345 Bain, Joseph Edward . 236 Baird, James Larry . 179, 252.345 Bal..t•r, £,erelt C 265 26.') Bal..t•r, Julm 1\1 ichacl Bal..c·r, Waller A , II 232 Bal..ula, Juhn CharJc, 160. 167,234 Balaban. Theodore S 206 Baldwin. Duncan Bcn 183,2()5 Babtrt.:ri, Joseph Jr. 223 Oallrnun, Stt•phen II 130 Bun. Geor)(!.' . . . . 206 Ban. Stc·' en li/, 190, 191.21)7 2')7 Ban"'. Edgar Neil Banh \lichael Ra' 261 Bar~t·r. Charles R.' 21>i Barl..t•r, Ronald Eldun 232 Barnrs. Dana Sue . 345 Bnrnt·~. Johny joe .. . 345 Barul.'ll. James W. 154.176. 2.34.3-!.5 Barr. Nnra Ann I 76,3-15 Barrl'll, Arthur Lt·t• l i 1,270 Bam·ll. Robert E. , Jr 167,2.'30 &rrell. Thomas A 21,i R.irrit• nlo~. Scr~tiu 11>1> Barlt•k David L. 288 Barthnlome, Russell II 2&8 Barllt•) , Elbrid~c W. 163, 170. 19.5,254,345 Bnrtnlu, Donald R ... 236.21!8 Btt\a Laddie Anton 28/l Bath, Oann~Jac:k 21-1 Baut•r Ct·ral Lee 2:36,21,1, Bam•r La" renee L 236 Bauman. William J 223 Baur, John Colman 174.221 Ba~ gt•nt•. Lawrenc.'l' W. 270, 272 Bm lnr, 1\1aurice L' nn 345 8!1/·Dre.. eh, John · 223 lk•ard Slt•pheu 2')8 Bc·asJc, Dale E. 256 &>3\le~ Rubert D 19'2, 2111>,2:32 &'C:htolcl. Duane H 2'>1> 8t'<.J.. Gnnlon Franch lii,3-15 &'CI..N, John R .• 160
&ockt·r. Ronald Thomas &ocl..t•r Rn\ \rthur . &:cl..t•r Tht•<ltlurc H . Jr.
liO. 21 '>.232 232. 2~'>
81.'<: \ ictur Juhn :lt5 fX'(.'I..ntan. !..enneth N., Jr. 22b IX'<'r\, jonathan G. . 211) lk·!J:It•\ . Rm Burle . . . . 266 Bt·har;, ".I it•ha<'l Cliff 2Hi &•hn·n•. Rn\ntmtd A. 100. 126.if>l 16.'>.1h6. 21'>. 2~ .2~ IX•il\tt'in. \\ allt'r J. Hi2, 196.221 B<•rrne, John \ l ichael 2i0. 2i2 &1\hir. \lil.'hael T 210 Bcl~t•ri, Jame~ J. . 2hS Bl'll. Arthur lloward 234 Bell. Gurdon W, 190.2!38.21111 Bell. Nul'l Jamc>s . 190. 191 .21;8 Bel>k~ . Lei.' Earl 19.5,2.59 &·ua' ide\. Francisco . lh'>.3-1.5 Bent•tt'llt•. Robert E. 213 Bennett. Jes<c> ' Daniel liO &•nrwll, William R. . li6, 11!9, IX·nnin~lun,
Leslie 0
lllll, I ~J.2i 1.21lli lknov. Lc;lil• Dale . 214 lknsku, jarn~'' M. 223 Benton. Clarence R. IfY!, 199,21!.'> fk>ntzin~er, Rnbert 226,265 &·rendzcn Thoma~ A 21)b &•r)!t•r, D<'an Alfred 224.345 fk>r~tl.'r, John \t errill . 152. 160.188,199,232,21ll) 13cr~fcld, jerome V. . . . . . 289 fk>r~o~huu~. Stephen W. . . . . . 2()6 lk·rltlund, Ralph H. 182, 191 Berkel. Echdn Marlin 1iO, Ii6 Bcrnin)!, Richard T 270 Jk>rr~ , Juhn James 2'>9 Bcm , Hubert Ta\ lnr . 108,221 &•rtcl .. <·n. James L 252 &•rll'l~mt'yer. John J. . . 160,221 Bcrlrttnd, Wilfred Rn' . . . . 210 &•rbchrlHllln. Daniel ' L. . . . 23() &o;hore, D:l\id G. . . . .. 213 Bc..leme. James H 1i 1.1 i& &_..,I, Ri<'hard Dale . . I iO Bt'\1. Rkhard 'leal 24'>,3·t5 Bc<.lt•rfddt. Daniel E. 190. 25-1.2M) lk~ cr. II orr~ F'.. Jr. . . 345 Bc~ cr. Juhn ll. . . .. 159,171 Bi<'derman, Steven A. . 224 Bi,ggcrstarr. Gt•ne D.. 11!2, 190,34.5 Bif,!gs, f><'ll.'r \I ichal'l 289 262.2i2.31.') Bi~tl<•' Dt•ni' C Biu('slt. Bizhan 261 Bi!.ehuff. Grt' )!lt C. 261 Bisdwfl. Rolwrt F. 169, 172,241l Bbhup, William R. 170,232 Black, David Paul 289,345 Blad, Paul D<•an . . . 193,262,3()!.) Blat•l..\\uod, James D. 21)9 Black" nod. Rubert E. I iO Bl.lllkt• Eth• ar<l E. . . 221 Blanl..t•n,hip. Ech, ard R 173, 26.5 Blanl..emhi1>. Kenneth 164, 22 1,34.3 Blt·vlns, llichard R. . . . 34.5 Blurncul rill, 11ubcrt E. 197,21/l 131u nit•r, Dt•nnh L)•nn 131. 137, 169,:2.54 S.~t·t•l.. Juhn Hudne~ 2·111,:3 15 S.> Can John 3 15 Br>t•cl..nlilll Kathn n I 11,3,315 Br>ehm. \lichacl ·J. li0,236 IXK•hm, William F 3-15 Br1{'hnwr. Da,id F 270
Boercl..t•r, (,;~n Norman . . 261 Bokcrmann l)anwl C. 223 Bone. Franl..k• \l l.' rrill 2'S9 Br11H1. Thuma\ I .t'l' . . . 2h9 Bmks. Ed\\;lr<l Franci\ lil Br>rchardt Jm~·~>h C .. ll)l).2J9 Borgman. Ilona d Lc>e .. . 270.27 I Bornemann. Lt•unard J 116. 18H.21!9 Bnrtmess. Jonw~ W 169,2.)2 Brxchert. Tt•m J 223 Bosse. Jamt•\ Paul 2.5-1 152, lli2 S.-..." dl. Rolx·rl \\' lh6,19(dl3 Br1tkin. \larl.. btl!<'ne 175. 193.2h9 Bourrw, Dun aid W . . . . . . . . 21 I! Bourner, Holwrl E. . 21!9 Br1wen, William W. . . . . . . 172, 192,2(il Bowc>r~. William [., nn . 2(j I Brmin. L\lartin C. 15~. 1.39, 167.1il .2i0 Br"' lin. Hilt•' 0 Il l 19~ Br1H-e. Danit•l Earl 261 Br>\d, Da,id \1ichael . 216 Br>) d. Loui\ Jt•rome . 290 Bo~d. Williarn Walls . . . . . 290 Br>ylt·. Gerry J arne~ . . . 1.'>2.232 Br1Zarth. Brut·<• Allan . . . I 77,2.tll Brach:n, 1\kh in D. . . . . 1i5, 11)9, 191, 19(>.200 Bradle~ , Ho~t·r Wa) ne . . 290 Brand. John Unbt:rt . 290 Brandhorst. 1., nn Dell . 290 Branch. Bam Ja> 224,345 Branham, Julm E. 174.186. 246,272 Branrtnn, Gurclnn .. .. .. . . 346 Brun~tellt•r. ~:lizu A. . 2i0 Branstellt•r. llt•nn R. . 21j.) Branum. Llmd sennett . . 221 Brallun, Jam~'\ ~ 154 Bmune. Kurt IINmann . 240.290 Bra, , \ l ichael Ech•ard . 261.316 Breeht. :\lariwr Fred . . . 270 Brcckinriclltc. Dana W, . . . . 199 Brcew. David Ha> . .. . .. . 21 H Bret•dcn, Jamc·~ Daryl . . .. . 3-16 Brt·edc·n. Jon Clark . . . . . . 241! Bret•diu~:. Danid Carl 259 Brehe. Can Fred 262,272 Breher. Kerinelh \\' 250 Breitenbach, llichard 210,3-16 Bremer, Can Carl 24!1,3-16 Brt•ndel. Ronald A ... . ... 266 Brendle, Sh.'l>lwn John .. 197,290 Brennan, Oanil'l P. . . . . . .. 2fi5 Breville. David A. . . . . 290 Brewer. Larr) C. . . . 290 Bre'' er, Paul L. . . . 242.346 Bre' fll).llt'. Fmrt•<,t W. 290 Brke, Bradlt•\ \\ . 1&.266.200 Brinker, Clarl Delton . 316 Brinl..!.'r, \ Ian in J 159.199 Brinkman, Hulwrl G. . 21() Brinkopf. Rnlwrl L. 138.290 Bmccard, Tc>rr~ Jot• 134, 136.290 Brockhaus, Douglas t\ . . . 291 Bmcl..meier, llichard H. 238 Bmmle, , William H., Il l 270 Bmnsun, Brenda Lnu . 116, 190.2i0 Brookman. jat·l. Da' id .. 2.51) Brooh, Rnnnit• E. 19.'3.291 Brouwer, Jt'rr> W .. .. 291 Brn" n, Dou~lu~ Arthur . .. . 250 Bru'\fl, llorr)' Lee . . . 172, 2 11!.316 Bm"n. lknn Ed"urd 291 Brown. jarnt•, Charl!.'s 223 208,:}.1() Bnm n Jarnt'' \1 Bnl" n. Jt•rr\ l..t>nneth . 3-16 Bnm n \ I it-had II 2i2 Bm" n. Ranch Lt•t• . lil Bn'" n, Rulx·rt Arthur . 346
. . 210 . . IJ() 2.)() 291 . 250 130, l51>. HJ7 I i4.291 Bn"' Ill', Ril·hnrd II )';'.') Bn"' 111111:. Fred Ro1 I 91 19:3,2 16.291 236 llM It•\, Philip E. . • 2.3 I 291 Bnrhal..t•r William R. 2.3 I Bnrt.•(•, Pctt.'r Paul l<H, llnr<'<'. Rubert S. . . 163. I !).5, 16(),:213 346 Bnrt•knl'r, Holx•rt Alan 169.2.3 I 291 Brune, james A. I i6. Bnrn~hur~l. ~ I an C. 100.2i0 . 22'> Bnul~hcrr,t, Slt•plwn J :291 Bnrnrwr. John J . I 14. Bnrns. Gt~rr~e Hcrlx•rt 346 Bnr7t'"'~i. james R. :2-39 Bn an. Da' id Orland . Hl3.221 Br~ au. Gam Robert 291 Bn au, Rub~rt ~I. . 2.;9 lln ani. Herbert Eu~em• lbS. Brlt'ht•r, \1 arshall E.
Bnr" 11. Hulx-rt D.. J r Bnm 11 Hubert G.. Jr. . Bnr" 11 Holx•rt Lt'<rnard . Bnm 11 Thmnas Ed" ard Bnm n, Willi\ L. Brownt•. Kl'ilh Harlan
191, 1~~!.232
19'1.26.5 BucJ..,, alter. John R. 291 Budt. \\'rlliam J . . 26.5 B11cchler, Thomas john 19H.2Ci2 Bu~cm ~~i. /mcph I .. 346 Bulla. Frt.·c eric~ W. . 3·16 Bulllngt•r, Rodney G. 11).5, B11lnwr. Bruce ~1. 191 , I 9.'3.221.291 26.3 Burnp11,, Gar~ William 346 Bun<' h. J anlt'~ l)a, id 291 Bund,tl'in. J11hn L. . 16-t. Burban~ . Ech,ard J. I i0,.'3.J6 2.30,292 Burbt.•m. Da' id A. 292 . Burford: j t•rr~ N. • . 292 Bur~urd, Kl'uncth C. 246 Burian, John E. 12Ci. Bur ~t•, Bartle' J .• J r I 1)().223 292 BurLt.· Clrarlc·' E. 216 Bur~t· Larn Ru~~ell 292 Bur~empc.'r, Larr~ Jere . 292 Bur~t·ll. Hulx·rt ,\ Bur~hart. Dcrr1na Jn . . . . 12.5,310 152,2 16 Bur~'· Can ~lnrris . 19.), Bum~. llarr~ Alan . . 2Ci6.292 292 Burn\, Randall K. . 16i.236 Burn>. Hobert Lnui' 13.'3 Bum~. Stt.'' en Rnnald 236 Burri\. Hicharcl ~1. 292 Burri' Tt•rn Lee 2.30.292 Burrm1 ~. Eir~l.'ne H . 176 Burl, William Howard 23-l Bur7.l'll, Don i urmau . 346 llll',h , Duunt• Burtnn 118, Butlrt"ru\, David Ll'wi~
lll.J 2H2 Buthl'rll\ Thorn~ A Butler, james Andrew Butlt•r, J.unt·~ Hall Buttt•rlit·lcl Da1 icl t\ .
292.346 162. I ,')2.221 .3 16 221> 81un. Ku~'l'll Dunn 246 B} bt·t·. Eu~t·nt· C. . 221) Byt'l', junw~ Richard 2.'50,3-16 B~t·r, , Charb Ellis 159,2.) ().2i2 BHII . blclit• Dt'(• 230.292 B~ rllt'. Jnhn P 161, 199. luar \1 khacl \\' 2.56,292 liO, Cahlt'. John \\ illiam lii,2.5-1.27 1.:316 131S.256 Cn"t', Hcrbt•rt M., Jr. 131,346 . Cnhalun, Jnn1l'\ E. . I!Ji Cain, William CcHrj!l' . 240 Cal<hH·II. Hidrard J 11)3 CalfN• Kan·n \ 23-1 Call. Danrt·l \larlin 21 S Collah::rn. \Jartin J 19.3 CJIIihau. Charles F 1.")1 2i0 Carnbil'r jJmt'~ L::r<'t'' 226 Canwn.t~nd , Cramlall S l 13 Cunwron, Rtl\\ J. . .
Campbdl Thuma\ L. Canlidd l .•urrcnc:t• R CaunacJ, lln~:t·r Leon Carrncrrr. Juhu Da1 id
. . • 2l)2
2.}-1,292 29:3 Iii , 266,2il 196,3Hi li0.20!l 1.3-l
C:uwn, Hnuald \!arlin Cantri.'IJ, Jnhn \V CautiH·II Da' id \ J(~) li!J. I '>i 2.30.28-l,:!CJ:l 191 221 Capelli. rhcrrna' J Carl. DJnit-1 Fuc;eut> . . . . . :3-l b . . 1(,;3 Carl. Hul)(•rl \ Carnalrau Dallll\ Lt•t> . . . . . I 69. 2.32.29-'3 10'1 Caqwntt•r l.arn II. 2211 Carpt•ntt•r, \lil'l1ad L. I01!,21 6 Carr, Danu~ Jowph Hill. Carr. Kt•nr•t·lh Ed11 ard . . liO.l'>l 242.29:3 20'1 Carr Ronald Sidne' :2.5 0 Carrcrn CNard Ju\.;ph . 0 Carron. \lar~ Kt•nn' 2.50,311 CariN, llo\\ tml Let• . 26 I CartN. J amt·' \1 . . . . . . 3 1i Cartt•r, Julrn Burtuu Cartwri).(lrt, Gar~ J. . . • . . 171S. 184.293 20-1 Can t•r, llichanl E. 3 41 Car' Stanlc·' Em~eue . . • 31i Ca.,~·. Jarm'' Da' icl . 311 C.l'>lk•, Jmq>h l.t'" i\ . 2·16 Ga.,tlt·. \\ illiam Carl . 224 Ca.,tru. Thurn~ Juhn . 2~):3 Cau bit·. Gtw~t· M. . . . . 11lh, H) I Chachlit·~ . Jar~ Lt•t• . 19.'3. 19i,2.)4,212.2fl3 2.32,:Hi Chnmher\, Jl'lfrt·~ L. . 19:>. Chamlwr\. Thum~ G .. Jr 293 19!,,2f)3 Chandlt•r. l-:Cl11 ard S .. 19-1 Chao. Sun~·Siwu~ 169.250 Chapmau, l)t•rulh D. 1.5-1. Chapman. Keurwlh R. 100.293 3-li Chapman. ~I it'hael C . 224.3 1i Chapmun. Hit-hard C. . 31i Chapput•. Cl•rald W. IOH.2Cxi Charmal·~. St•utt R I ()I, Cha.'>tt·n l)c·uni' Ll't> 2.56,2i2.21 1.:3 11 liO. Cht't'~ . \Jrt·lrat•l Rubert 19.3.2h2 ,;311 ll,l ,31i Clwlrrt•nl',l(ar ll.hmrc"' lSI Clrt•n, Chin).(· Kuu 194 Clwn. ll nl~t·r Er-Chah . . . 191 Chen, Marjurit• i\1. . . 19-1 Cht•n)!. Tlurma' C. . . . 252.3 16 Cht.•nmn·t h, II amid E. li(i. lil.26.3 Cht•nmlt•th. JohnS 19·1 Chi. T~nii.I(·Yuan 19·1 Chian.l(, Ju~ph Shin~t . . . 3-li Childrc\\, Lam B 293 Child~. Willian) D. . . . . . . . 19-1 Chin, Anton Choate. Dale . . . 284,293 . . . .. .. 347 Choun. Hobl•rt E. Clurura, Honald Garv . .' . • .. 108 . 194 Chcm . Yun~·Chun~ ·n 170, Chrhman, Jamt'\ G. . 24R,3-17 191, Cltri~tarl<'ll Rubert C. 224,3-li 221 ,3-li Christman, Ed11 in Rm HH . Chu, T,ai· Shjr . . 191 Ch~ i, Da' id Pt·rnl' . . . . I()/) Clapper, i\ lidlat•l B. . . . 1&'3,293 Clar~ . Jarm·' Dalt.' 1.3fl, Clar~ . llolwrl Dcru,l(las I il.254.212 29:3 Cia\ 1t111, \1 icl1at>l S 266,21 I Cleinml\, Hn~tt•r Dean 191 .2fi6 Clic~. jnmt'' '-'nn 171 Cluw, Ma\\H'II L. 2Ci6 Clom, Chari<•, Edl(nr . . 191, Clubb, Gar~ Dt•on . . . . . . 193, 1Hi , 199,2Cl2,2!J4 . 2fl.J Coull'~. Thmno.' C Ccr:lt'>, Stt•\t'n Edward . . 13ll.2HI 173. Cobb, \)au llandall I i .) .2.) 1.:3-11 li'l Cubh. Da' id Fu)(t'llt' 266.31i 171 ,2.59 Cnbuurn, \\ illiam C 2.'32 2~)·1 Ccr<:hr:~n. l.iut·crln D
266 Ct~d~ . Patrk~ Jcht•ph 2(),) Ccrcn. Larn l'aul 206.:341 Cnhc>11. jdiw, lrJ 206 Cuhl.'tl. Tt'rn Hrdmnl 20<;,2t).J Culbt•rt. il.l•nnt•lh Ju' 2~)·1 Cole. Lun~ ja1 . . . . 294 Cult•man, )t•mmt• I) . Jr. 2()/),29-1 Cok·man, Hcrbt•rt Lt't' 266 Colt•nu. D:~lt• l\id1ard . 246 Collier. Thcuna' \1 29-t Cullirl\. \\ altc·r ll.t"ith 1'>4 Cullirh. \\ illiam Earl '!-1!>,34'; I:J.I Culmnbattu Phillip J 135,221 Colombo. Raphael C. . . 108.135 348 Colona. lAI\\ rt'lll't' J. 29-1 Combs. Elton Fddit• 3-m Combs. [t•rold Dnalll' 294 Ccrmstuc . Glt'n Da' id . 162. Cuna\3\ , \\aht·r L., Jr. lb6.2.52.:W, 2:36 Condon. John {, . Jr . 31'; Cundurl. jalllt'' F . )r Cml)!t•r, Glt-nn Jnn, J r . . . . 232 Cunnoll~. D.1na P. . . . . 230,2fJI liO. Cmrrad. Charlt•, P 182.191.2(i(i.21 .. 16-1, 19.) Ccrnrad. \Jar~ C. B 2.5 6 Conrm. llcrbc.•rt L . I 12. Cuusl~n~~·. Char)(', D 261 160. Con~tant't.' . StcH'II J 236.341) 213 Cmma~ . john Thomas 216 Cunzclman, Huhnt E 171.261 ,3-IS Cm~. Frau~ S. 3-11) Co11l... John Lowt•ll . 171 Couk, \1 it·hat•l \I artin 29-1 Cuuper. Can ~':tl" ard 3-18 Cooper. Gerald Da1 id 3-lh CtMrper, l.arr~ \lnrtrn 1iO, Cupl'land. Da' rd Otto 213,29.) 1,'52. Corbett, Timnth) P. !60.187.223 2 18,341) Curdcs. Donald Larr\ . . . . . 2f).) Curndl, Halph I) . .. 3-lb Co~lellu, Ra\ mund W . 256.3-1!, Coulter. G:~r' 1)\, a' ut• 2.)-1 Conher John Charll'\ 22!) Conusil. Jnhir Ha' mund 223 Cuuri, 1:-:CI" <lrd Juwph 3.Jl) Couture. Danit•l G . 19&.29.3 . Cowen, Joseph E. .. . li I Cowgill. Allan M . . . 295 Cowie~. jurnt'\ C., Jr. . . 196. Ctl\, &rbh~ Tv\CIII 213,29.5 221 Co\, ) ames Let• 213 Co~. Richard Don . . 29.5 Cozad. J uh n ~I 295 Crabtree, Thuma\ F.. Jr. 254.3-11) Craig. Charb ~I Craig, Micke> H. D. . . . . . 216 252,3 11! Crain, Danny Lee . Crane. Grel{ Hubc.·rl . . . . . . 270 164, Crane, )arne~ M nr~tan 246.2i2,341l . . . . . 21-1 Crane, M ichacl W 240 CrJnc. Vincent J> liO. Cranmer, Ruhcrl \l urn 214 21 ~ Cra1dnrd, Ruuald F Crcccliu\, Hunuld M . . . . . 126, 186,223 29.3 Creek, Luwrcnt'l' N , Mr. Crerk, Verner \'., Ill . . . . . 214 29.3 Crt•mer, Adolph F II 3-lb Cretin, Paul h•rreul 29.3 Crimmin'>, Darrt'll B 25-1, Cripps, ~licha(') Paul 3-l~
Cnrss. Jdfre~ t\l;rn Cross, John ll.c•it h Crtm, William W Cru" c>ll , Hunald F Cmnmin\, Eu~tt'llt' J .. Jr•• Cmnmin\. 1.~ ndt•ll 1\a~ • . Cunt•o, Culin R'an Cunninj!lr::un, llm•ard R
261 16~).
2.52,29.3 29.) 232 29.5 2:32. 29.)
li'l. 2.%.29.3 HJI. 29()
1~. ( urcl. William Hu~h Jr 192.200.341> 216 Curth, Fcrnanclu Q,car 270 Curti>. Samut'l Dcnui\ . 348 DahnN. John M. . 348 Dallmn. \'t•rrwn M I 74.2.59 Dal1•. Hobt•rl Fraud\ . 223.296 Dalla~. llichard W. 348 Dalto n. Herbert Ht•nn 252 Dame. Jerr~ L' nn 296 Dam\~anl Jaml'\ A 3-19 D.urard 1-l<m ard F 261 Dan rei . Ed" ard Lt'<rll 250 Dunid. John Gcml(t' 296 Dunk·ls, J!!rr} l.t•c 164,2-52.296 Ounlt·~ . jame~ G. 296 Darr. Huhert jmeph . 349 D.llrdcrman, Nurm:ru M 349 Da1nnc. Arthur F Jr 125, Da1 ul\tlll, Jant'l L. li6.191.192 124. Da' id,on Ju1h Frlt•t•n 12.3, 1i6. 191 , 192,349 I 79.232 Da1 id~on , Lanrt·ncc \\ Da' id,un , William G . . . . . 296 261 Davb. Charles llurlt•' 195 Da'i'. Jimmy Lcmt•ll 154.270 Da1 i~. John 11 199,270 Da' i~. John Lt·nnard 163. Da' i~. Ralph John 19.5.265,296 19'2 Da1 "· Richard \h in . 296 l)a, i~. Richard Ch•un 191, Du1 h . Ronald Dean . . . . 199,262 Dm b , William W . . . . . . . .. 236 . . . . 296 Dtr" barn, Johu Alma 19i.2(i2,349 Da\1\on, Cent• C 259 Da"'on. Peter Jmc>ph 190, l)a, . Jm<."t: Linda 195,269 240,3-19 Dt•Jcrlrn, Anthun} F . 296 Dt•athl'ragc. Oimald H 116 Dea' l'r, Randall Lt'l' li7 ,262,349 Dt'CIIl, jake Otis . . 266 Dt·~l·n. Gerald Dubol\ . . . . 248.3~9 Dt'!(l'nhardl, L~ nn J . 248 Dd1a' en. Samu(') J 2-42 Ddu. Rubert llt•nr' . . 163. Dt'laru: 1. Janw~ 0 . •. 23-1,296 259, Dt·lant'} . Rubert L , J r 296 216 Dt'lan~t·, Richard Dt•nham, Donald C. . . . . . 349 159, Dt•nlow, Isreal HiO,I i9,192,206 . 296 Dt•nningmann. Elm~ . 208 Ot•nlnn, L<l\al C . . . 265 Dl·para, Domingo ~: 1 226 Derickson, onel, Jr . 2iH.349 Deruiter. John L. . . . 182 D.,;ai, Mahendra \' . 223 Dt">chler, Da' id A. . 250,296 DL'SI', Phillip 0 . . Despain. David Hay . . • . . . 182 Deter, Kennet h Wilnwr .. . . 232, 349 212 Dt•' en pori , Jerr> L> un . 296 Dt•' cnporl, Ronald D li3. Dt"'l'). RO$tcr Snclt I i'>.1M.~.349 . 349 Diekman, Glc>ndu Luu 210 Dk·ckmc~er, Orrin, Jr 173. Diemer. Richard I Jtorm ' 174, Dit'rker. Stc\'en B. . . . . . . 23!! .. 196, DiNolf. Hnnald K., Jr 226.259 214.296 Dietrkh. \\'allt'r D . 22.'3 Drl'l,t·h \Jar~ Curnd 126. Dillon. Paul Harold 1~.296
Dillun, Stanlt•\ E Dln~c~. janw~ Hmwll Dini, Said .. l>in~t·l. Ted llit-hunl l)ipJX'I. 1il-nr~ C. Dt\lllll~t·.
Tum \ Dt,tlt•r Donald B, Jr. Drtc:lr Dcnui\ \\ allt'r l>i1 in llt·nm t::cl\1 in •
179.34f) 22 1,297 . .. 29i liS Iii, 2Ci(i,2i2.349 . 2-12
256 210 1~9.
I f.l6.2(:;2,:349
Oh i,. H•t•h;ml I Dnhhin' Da' id Jnlm Duhlh, llnlwrt I .et• ()ulumwi,J..•. J11\t•ph \ Du<:l..t•n ( harlt•, I Do~tl,un ( lll'r\ I \nn ... Oo~t··r \rthur I • Do~t•rrul( \I an iu II•"' Out·rr Earl 1Dc~t•rr Ha' nmnd r , Jr Out•rr ~li'/>heu \llt'n Dtt~.'rr \\ 1 liam I Ill Dolata, Edward \\ Oo~lar Jamt·\ \lan Donnallt•' Bt.·H·rh ll Dunn·. 'ft•rr\ \\a\ nt• Omrn\ I an\ Dalt• Durrcll. Fd" ard \\ J r Dorroh, llolwrt I Ill .
Douglass, Cl)de M, Jr. Om' lin)(. John Jnwph Do\\11('1,
Downi1114. Kt·lnll'th H
1Sfl.2!l7 21'1 2h.3 2bh 21S,;Wl
I 72.:liH ISS,:li'J 2.39.2!17 2!17 297 216 Iii :2hl 265 2:2UlJi 2i0 21:l2i0 IO'>,l>h :2!17 2.)-1. :2i2,:3-JI.) 297 12b. 11,(),211, Iii, 2.3G.:349 )/)~.
Do\\ n\, ~ld' \11 E. 29i Do~lt•. Janw' l.t>t' 213 Dm It:, flo bert Jmt•ph IOS.2:3.{ Otrlit•r, 1\t•nllt'th \1 Iii Oral(, Clemt'n' l'aul :Ji. 100.150.160.lli6.22:3.211 1,29S Orh,t•l \lllllt't'' R 171i. I ~lO.I !).>2.">-1 27 .J Dnam,Hil(ht. HidHircl ( .. 192 017aln\\\li Rkhard J. 2<i2. 2i·l Dubui' \\ illiam Hi-'3 . I i0.2.J'>.29S Out·harnw. Jat·l Ed\\Jrd 261 Out·ht·l. La" rt•nt't' \\ I !,2. 2(il 212 2:32 Oudzil. Brut•t• F'" urd Dut·rr. Cah in F 291> Dl•flner. Carl Gt•ur~te• 129. 246,3-19 Duflll'r, Carl l)uant• l'i I Du).(!(ill'. Can lhmurd l!l'i. Dumm. Churlt·' Duu)tlll' 2(il Dunard. Juhn D , Jr )!).3 Dunt·an. Steplwn St~Jll 2i0 Onukailo, Pl'lt•r A. . . 16~. 21 ·1.3H> Dunn, ro.t k·hut•l Frt•clric 2·10 Ounnin).(. Eric Dol!• 12<l. 1(}1, 1h(j lil,lkO Dun•natanachtt. Surin . 11!.'3. Dupre!', Jamt>' F. 25-1,29'> Durand. Don K!'mwth 100. 191 .2.'30. 2911 Durand. (;a, It• Lct• I';'(; . 1116.190.2.3·1.2h!l Duren Dun O.t' 1tl I:30. 1.31l, llJ3.2i0.2i:U 1!1 Olm·'l' BNnnrcl J I '10. l'a';' l'>i,. I~JCJ. 2Hi Durham, Tern F liO 11):32.).1 :319 Dmham. \ l'rtlnn llo\\ ard I '>fi 2-16.3-19 2-10 Durm•' Holwrt G 1ft, Jarm•, J 3-19 261 Eack Ho).(t:r L)alt• 2~Jb Ea"m. Jamt·' Su•tl Eastq). L1m rcnt'l' \V 2!J'a 262.:34!1 Eatht•rhul. Oa\ id " Eatherton. Stt•H•n ;\I 211> Eaton, Thoma' Eldon lliO. IRH,2.3h.2i-l Ebht'\IIW\l'r, Stl'\'('11 ll. 199,21(i Ebdin)(, 'john i\rthur . 29~ Ed..t•rt, Du' id Pcrn 252.2i.J Ecklt•r, Paul Eu).(t:llt' . . 291! Edwartb. Eddit• \oVa, II<' 2;32.29~ Ed"artk \lidl(wl A 3.)0 Edwanh. llid1ard \ 221 1:-:tlwank Roht•rt l'l'rn I(i9. 2.50.3.')() lfiH.I06 Ed'' ard~. Waltt•r 1\ llt·n !.')(), Ehhim. Andrt'" P. Jr I/9,197 .22.J
E!!~'''' Stt·pht·n It
Fhluwnn Bnun h.urt Fidl'l•11•u• B Fid,on, ( :harlt·' H Filt•r St.mlt·\ llarri' Eilt•Y.. Ronald blward Ei,t..rlwltl. ( lwrlt·' \ Eldt•r. Can Ra' Fldrc·d~t· hunald Dt·an Fllrinl l.urc•n P. Fllrinl.. \larl ,\nthun~
2H ... 171.21).3 2()(>.:2H'a :2lJ... lbl :200,:3-)() 1:31. l(i(),2:30 2.)h ;2~~)
. :3.30 liO. 19.).2:H :3.30 El~iu. Bm d Fle•min~ . 22:3 Elli. \1 ithat'l Jc"eph Ellintt Ju,t·ph o,car 111.2:32 Elliott. HcKII(cr Lt•e• li0.2HH Elli~. \1 khad Duu 2h2 Ellb. l>aul Hol(<:r 1.32. I i 1.2:32 Emt•r,uu. Jolw D.t' id 172. li7.2G2 :3.'50 2-J<.;. 2!)9 Eu~l'l. Gilbert :\., Jr. 29H En~t·l. Rid•ard Hml 2:30.:W!) En~l'lbrt•t·hl. Honald L. 17i. . 190.1 !li ,!J.30 Enl(t•llwdt. \\'illiam H 21 () Enkl', Dan I Dean I i 1.2!i(i Erhardt. <.:an Hobt·rt 2().') Erit·J..,nn. Lain \ . 2(i(i Erit·~nn. Charlt.-, H 210,299 En,in han .\l\1111 1~3 1:n11n jamt-. f)" i~ht 3.')() l·"nld>t·n. Rirhard II I0'1. 10'1.1 10.113.29() 174.2-1~..').)0 E\lt''· L.arn F'~rl Esther. Robert Alan 22b Ethridl(t'. .\Ia\ \I id1ad 171 :J,)() Etlinl(. Chark•, P 2.32. Fllt•nhnu\t'r. R<>t·k~ D 272 E\alh, Danm H a~kd 19.>.2-16 2:3.J E'a'"· James. Henr~ 1":, ans. Juhn \\' 163.1!).'),210 2:3() E't:rclt, Jad; ;\lattht•" 2-11, f:, t•n•ll. William \\' E\t•rhart. \ 'ernun L 2!l9 E\\t'lb, Fred j .. II 2!J9 E\llmann, Phillip S 19:3.2!)9 240 E' k•r. Da' id Allen Fadlcr. Runald jamt'> . 2.H 221,299 Faen~cr. Alo~ s F;ll'rhcr, Dale• Hobert 21<i Ftws. jol111 Cerard .. 1~9. I9-5.2fifi.200 Faintid1. Da,·id ~I. . I11 ,20<1.211!> Faintich, \lar~hall B 300 Fandl'l. 0<\\'id It 160.23(i.3.5 Fau,ka. Hudolph n.. Jr. . . . 19.5 Farazandeh, A. . . . . . 187,300 Fari~hnn. Charlt'lt .\. 2.)2 Farnwr. Jcrr~ Dale 196.:3.50 Farrar. Bilh F.. Jr I 71), 221.:300 Farrdl. Jnhn ~~~~' t'll Hs'>.270 Farrell llubert C 100. I(i 1. 1M.2-'3b.:300 Farri,, Kt·nrwth E. :300 I aul,tith. Gan C Ill Fauth Edmun'd S. Ill 172. 17(i.2..3.J.:30() 1.')!),2:30 Fa\ il(rHUln. Ra' mund J 262.:).')0 Ft•ar. Da' id Lon•n. Jr I Sl,, h•atlll'rh . John H. 19i,:3.30 19H,2i0 Ft'(·ht. Ronald Luui' Ft·t:htN, Charlc> E. 2.'30.300 Ft'(lt•r. Slt'H'n L. . . 16S. I i3.20<i,!300 Ft·l(er, Thoma~ 1\ I. . . . . 16!:1. 246.300 Fehli!l. Charl e~ J. J(j.l Fdand. Am"tead ~I .. IV . IH-'3 Fdund, jud) ~ l arie . . . 1~3 F<·ltlman, Charlt•;.. . .. .. .. . 206 Ft•rllou, Can Earl . I i(i. . 2:YI,!l.50 Ft•r).(U\1111. .\u~tin 1.. 19S,:3.50 Ft•rl(uwu. Cumewn E. 300 Fer~tu>on. Dann~ Eh iu IH6, 19';,262 l'l'rltll\on. :">larl Hale . 262.27·1
h•rl\ Charlt•' I h111n<1'
. . . I IIi. 21C, re ... lw Dt'IIIU\ John I(j.), lb!,,l%.:2:21,2'>-1 ')()() l't"'''utlt·n. limn \1 Iii lii.l9.5.:2fi<i Ft·u~alt·. Huhnt J.. jr 242. :2'>-1.:300 I id,, Huhe:rt ( lart·m~· 2'>-1 :300 19:3.:300 ilt·ld. l ·'" ll'lll'l \ 1';''>,:3.')0 l'it•lclin~ D<~nald II ln1a71u J.tllll'' \ 21:3 llud1. l);•runmla R 21>S 2:32 l'mt-h John l:cl\\ .trd 1%.300 I illl(.tcln. '"d 'a Fi11lt'\ Dl\it• l.c•t• 1'>3 I i11m·~au Jt•rrt•\ I) :no Finllil(.ul On ilft• F 163. 26fi.:300 l"hdw1 Danit•l Dadd 2(il 216.:301 Fi,t·l~t·• . jamt'' E 21(; Fi,dler llil'hanl K. Fi,ht·• Duugla> Elnwl' JiG 2:36 ll\liW. Eugc•u;· A .. Jr. Fbho•r, <:an \\'iJ,on :3.)0 22.'3 Fi,l~t•r. \1 ithwl S. Fi,lll'r. llulwrt l.t'" i' 216 Fi,lwr. Tluuna' Burton 17-1. 2-1~.3.50
Fill.)!t•rald. llarold H Filz)!t•rultl. Ridrard
h\ Hm 1111111d (, Flail. \\ illi;~m 'a Fb·lal Hulx·rt F Flt.•minl(. Dunald ' Flt·mill){. jarnt•, \\ Fll'ldwr Hnl>t•rt \ Flitl Holwrt \I an in
Flurt'llt't.' h.t•nt T
J i I.
IMI. I 0(1 140. 152 :22:3,:3() I 301 2-10
121,.:301 301 2211 2.59 :2(i:2. 3.50 10~.
2.56,350 Flot ron. Can l.t•c IS2.210 Fh t•. llll,wlf 1~. 20'1 1-nJ.dt·. l).n id lhmlall 270 FcMIII, )t'll, Jr . 261 177, Furht·tl. Jarll<'' L l'>0.21h hwd. Ha' mu11d F. lii .2.Jb Fwrt•\t, 1\' an I"l't' . I62. lt.I,JI)i,21:3 2()6,3.)0 For\\ Ih. '' llt·n Pt'lt'l' Forlllt'l', Hm·t·t· V.'. :30 1 Fnrll•nt•. l.t;rn E. . :30 1 3(1 1 Fn,ha~tt·. l':u).(~'lll' J. . . Fu,ll'r. Churlt•, V.' a\ Ill' 129, 198 2-12 Fn~ll'r, Eldon Curti' Fnu,t·l. Da11il•l Pl'lt•r 23-1 fm, lt•r, Jarnt'' Flu~d 259 Iii. Fe"' lt·r. Hidwrd W 190.246.301 Fu,, HodgN. Ellh 301 I· rani... J11nw> \ 301 Franlt•llfh·ld. Dt'\\t'' . 216 I· 1".1\(' U, 1.\ 1111 ·\Iil-Ii 2i0..'301 129,22:3 Frarlt'nhulit•r Dcnui' FrJ/t't'. 1\il'llolr!l \\' 3.50 1- rwit•r. [)a, id Ed" ani 301 Frccbers) scr. \\' T 223 ht•eman. Gt.•nr).(t' l)a, id 189. 351
Fn·crnan, Richard L. I 63. IiO, 19.5,244,3.51 Fr(•t·~t·. Karl Lt•slic 246 Fn•k•rl. Hirhnrd Alan . 199, 210 Frcscatorc. Rubert D. 134,266 Frid lcv. Micha\'1 C. lOll. . 12(i, I 61.164, lliG,2 18,302 Frier. Da1 id jnmt•s 240 Frlnlt'l. 1\nbt•rt Ll'l' 3.51 Frbbt.'l'. Thnmas Gl!'nn 134, 224 Frnt•\duwr, Timotln \V. 246 Fronabnrgcr, Alit• II ' K 173, 213 Fl'\, Timothy R . 152.216 F11t'. Edwin Eugt•nt• . 259,351 302 1-uc,lill!l. Darrell J FuJ..ubll\'ashi llaruhi'a 172
llonald ThonHl~ Fullbri).(hl. Jamc\ Lee·
Fullt•r jt•rn Ketlh
2.30. 3.;1 lh~.
213.2:51 Fu~ef\nn. Jat!.. \\ . II 262.2i I Fur~. Jamt•s Lt•m\ • . . . 351 Cahbard . \lit-had C. . . • . 221 Caint·~. Da' id Lt·" i\ . 302 CalbicrL. C:harlt·' J. I/).), 261.211 Galkr. \\'a, ne J.n . 200 Gamarht·. Ed" ard Loui\ 3.51 2.52 Gamble. Ranth F 2-11, Cana" a1 Franl..lin 0 302 Cant. c'a~ L<:t' Gardner. Stc\t' n \1 1~3. ll,i.J~.221
Cn~ns. Oa' 1d Brit:<'
21-1 1().3 Carnett. Dcnni, Lt•t• Garrett. Lloyd W HiO. 188,191).199.2.3!> Garrett, Richard E. 22l Garrison, Edwiu J. lil),l1;4,3.51 Casper, Ccor~e A.. Jr. . . 221!,302 Cast, Harold W. . . . . . 206 Cates, Willium C. 2()2 Gatewood. Frt•d 242 Cans. Ronald C. . 26.') Ca~. Jnrdan Lee 3.) I Cayer. Jnhn Gordon li I Cegcsk~. Phillip 5 2.59,30'2 Geilc. Robert john 19>'3. 241>.302 2-111, Geisel. Ronald Waller 3.31 Cemeinlmrdl. Rc~t·r C. 161. 216.302 Centn, Curti., \\' 301 Cc>ntzicr, Ed" .trd (.' li'a. 1~ .302
Da' id R
19-'3. 199.2-1&,30'2 24S Ccm~e. Jnlm Smtt Ceorl(c. Stephan Alan 261.2i2 221 Gcor~e~. \lkhat>l H Gerber, john \ ., Jr. 302 Gcrde~. Ronald G 2.32 Gerhard. Car~ F..c.lward 231. 2.'>4.302 Ccrig. Frauk A. Ill 21>4,:302 G<'Ssc l. Alrrl'd F 24(i,2i2 Gctz. James Anthon~ 254,3.3 I Ghatalia. t\~hw i n K. . 182 Ciachinn. En in It 234,302 Cibiltcrra. Thoma\ V. 230. 303 Gielow. Kt•ruwlh Dal(• ... Gieselman. William A. . 302 Gilbert, John ·Paul . . . ... 2211 Gilbert. Thoma\ E. 221! Gillev, Hm La,eru lli-'3,:303 Gill. )ame; \Janson Iii. 190.2111.3.3 I Gill, Michael Lloyd 174, 24~.3.31
Gillham. Ht'rbert j Cilli!!. Jame\ Ralph Gillmore. J. C.
111.:303 2.)() Iii. 190.3<~3
Cilmure. Tt><leh H Gilstrap. Jes\e \\
3();3 174. 2Ci2,3.31 2.52 226,3.31
Ginn. Bilh Wallll' Cinin. \Iarin Paul 2()(j Girard. Chari!'' L. Ch·arl, Cu' \'an 230.30.'3 Gladish. ~ Allen . . . . 265.272 GlanC). Flt>tclwr, Ill 216 Clcnn. Can Tlwma\ . 230 Clitk. Lin<fa Lee .. li6.190 Cluntz, Da' id Allen .. 252, 272,3013 Clusac. l'l'tl' . . 1/Sk, I 99.2h6,2i2.303 Godwin. Wc~lt·~ II. 174, lf)~.3()3
Cocdclc. Jra<• G('orgl' 2213,130.'3 Gt)('ssliu).t, jamc' H 3!~3 Coel"l, Oo~lc I' 195.2.50 Go).(gins, Bernard Lt'<' . 195 Gold, Hnbt:·rt Luui\ . . 20!i 2()(j Gt~<btcin. Le\\ •~ A Cold~tt•in. \ larl 206
Gnpal \ llt'n<it-r ~ath Gurdon jillllt·' R Cnrdnn \\illiam Gt"'<' tt Charlt·' B . II Gt>'>h', llohNt Guttlit•b, Churb L. Cnlhc.·hall. Fd\\ard F C:ralh~i I ·raul L. Gr-ah'>li Stanlt·' E. Cra<h Hnlx•rt Lee Graham J•·rn L~ It· Grah;un l .arn Paul Gmh;un Tom ~1. Gr,tham \\'a.rren Dt•an f...t•nnc.·th janw~ Graul 11arn Jamc~ . GrJ\ it.l, \lichael E. CrJ\H' John Da' id (;ra, Da' id Lt·~lie
179. IO,I :3():3 2()() :3();3
2:32.3.3 I 206,3.; I 2(i2 27 1,3.31 I;;.f3<1:3 221 3().1
$.31 2U 22-1 Iii. I 00,2.}1.:30-1 223 ]())), 2lb.30-l 3.31 10~. :2:2.3
l33.15~. 11ii I!)() :3().1
Cnl\ ~ton, Da' id \ '. Crt't' n, J\llt•n Joseph Cr(•c.•rt, <:harb P. . . Crec.•rt Dortald Calton C:rt•t•rt, Edward J. . Crt•C'n, Frnit• Eu~C'ne Crc.·c.·n Jc.·ffn.>~ J Crc.•cn \Iamke E.. Jr Grc.·C'n Randall Lee Grt•t•n, llamlull Wa\lu: Crt•c.·n. Rnlx•rt E.. ill . Crc.·C'n llnhNt \lad. Grt•c.•rt, William joel . . Grc.•cn\1 nud. Charles ~I. Creer Dt•nni~ L'nn Grc.w Jimrm Ra~ Crc.•t'\1111 Juwph B
:3.51 2().3 246,30-1 3.)1 :230 3.51 :2:30 !37 210 :210 24'> 2.54 30-1
11$/:i. 197.232 30-1
192.3.51 li3. I i .3.:304 2.)() Cn•)<:un Hobert H 30-1 Grt•)<:un . William B 30-1 Crl·manl. William Let• . 223. Crt•mmin~er. Grc){or~ W. 3.31
Cn•,ham. Jnhu Da' id Gric.'' t•, Tt·rn Lee Grillt'lh. Thomas J • Jr Gri).!~' · Pl'lcr Frank Grirnrn. Rolx·rt J.
213 10l;, J:30 1.5-1
10-1 :2:20, 1()9 230.2.)~ .:3()-1
242. 30-1 I i J.'2.3<J Gmept·r. Burl D. 221> Gm''· Ed"ard P. 171. Cro.,~. Eth\in \I., Jr. 19'i.2.)() 1))',:2.)1 !3.31 CnMt'. Oa\ld C :.sO-l Crm es. Chri~topher B. :30-1 Cuada, Franci\t11 J 2)) I 304 Cul'llx·rt. \\'a~ ne C. 171. (;ulil'~. ~ l utthC'" C. Ii7. 1~)0, 191.2:30.21h,2i l.f305 163. Cullic. llolwrt Chde . 191.1 H3. 2.)(),f3<).5 19h.2.30 <:nnlt'r Jamc.·' Dale '3().3 <:unzel Janu:'> \I 2i0.2i2 C:uthrit• Jamt'' Let· 2·12.305 Gm Jnhn Lt•rm lb9. ll ao~~ t\lan Louh 216,30.3 li 1.26i) llaht•j.t).!t' r. llonald L. 2i0 llalwrl, Etr).!c.•rw H. t\ . 171-l.ll).'j lladhurth. Hobrrl W 2.).1,3().5 llat•le 1\t.·nncth Paul 2-10 Hat·lm•' \\'a, ne Tha' er 3.52 IIad lrwr. Jon. \ I iehae'l 3.52 II ad It• Pl'lt•r Bruct.• 2b6.3.52 Hat'll'>lt•r. Gan F. 12CJ l laf~t'llll'\ l' r, Ccur~c F 231 Hahn Donald E. . 2.30 llahn. I Jtonn 0 .. 25(),352 llahn. Jo~c/)h Kent . 223,3.52 lluhu \tina ... I H. . 100,2()6 llaiduct·~ RoiX'rl C 3.32 11all-, llolx•rt C. 22 1 J l ak~. John Paul 2b(i,3.52 Hale.·'. l'aul Ed" ard 305 llalrurd Hnlx·rt Jaml'~ . 261 llall. Gar~ F 3().'i llall, Handle D. . . • .
.. 142. 2hu 16-'>.212 :1.);2 Hahadh, Fr,anl.. J HJO Jlanuhon Jamt'' Ln• . • IHI .2:30,3().j 21ll llamihuu. Stt.•plwn F 2()1 llammuud. :"\lolmmmed 193. Hamrlt'r, l'hill1p Can 2Ci:2,:).)2 2b6.2i·l Hant:tK.'~ Skpht.•n II 211). Handlan IHIH>t ll\ \1
ht•it7mann. Johu 1':. .. Hcll mann 1\c·ith \1
Handlt•r \ntlmm H 2.3.J.:3():) 11:lnrwl..t•n \ltt·hat•l ,\ . . 100, H:ul'lt'in Fch• ard Lt•t• . 112,1:30.1i l , ll\.'>,2:32 2.30,:3.')2 Hnrhi,on. J unw~ Oalt• lfl2 Hard" it·~ . 1)," id It 199.2.)0 lih. Hard" it·~ . Julm Hnlx·rt :3.):2 139. Harth Cc.•rald Ouu).!la, Iii.:! Ill :3.52 Har<h . j.unt'' l)a,id 2-10 liard; , Hubert H.. Jr 2:31) Harmon, Juhn Patri1·l . 306 Harrnou, Holwrt Leu .. 210,3()() Harm~. 1\c.•rllll'th Dean . HJ2. 1-Jarrn\, Tt.•rr' Ed" art! 270.3.32 306 Harnutuman \llrt'll C. li 1.30b Harrb. B' run Lt't' 10!,,:26.3 Harri... l)a, id Lt.•c.• 24:2.:3()6 Harri'>. Donald J . 234 Harri,, Gt•url(c L . 3()(j 11arris. Jume\ E' 1.•rt 3.32 llarri~. Larn Ha' . 2(i l Harri\. \I kliat.·l ·o,KI~te 232 Harrh. Hil'hurd Ed~ar 3.)2 Harri\on Danid J 3.32 Harri,un (;ill)('rl E. 17() Harri,on Jame\ \1 199.2.5 I Hart, Gerard Juhn .. lih. Hart, Rulx•rt Lt'" b 2(i2,3.32 . 230 HartinJ.(. Brut'l' Warne . ' 2()1 l·hrtman, Jowph P 22S Hartman, Tt:rn Lt·t• 172 Hartrnaon. Timotll\ C. 177.2b2.:3.)2 Iii Hartunl! \llt had II. . 190 19 1,:).):2 22:3 Hart" i~. l.c.•unard E. Hant'\ , ll ul!h \\'arrt.•n . 170.21 3 1-larH•; , Wa~ nt• C. . . . . 208.:).32 1-Ja.,,elr<·ltl. Hundall C. . . 130,240 352 Hutlic·ld, Jt•rr' Glen 300 1-Jaut•r, Wultt•r C.. Jr. 261 .27 1 Haun. \1' n111 ~tuart :352 HaH·n'. Phillip (, 21:3 Ha" Lin\. Cliftun P 150. II a" ~in, . Juhn \\'in)ton 1.52.160 306 Ha" ~in,, Hoht•rt S.. II . . Hawkirh. Rudrll'' Bruce . . . :306 Hal'(lt•n. Thunw; ~1. .. . . 266,2i4 :3.52 H a~ man Dt•nnh Cll'nn . 306 H a~ Ill''· ,\I an l)a, id 3()(i Ha' nc.'' · \\' il,un L\ nn I~).3()(i I Ia' ' · Thuma' Ed~ar I i .) .2.31 Ht·alwrliu. \llt•n Lt·e . 116.11S. I20 Head. Julm C 221 l·h·atlin~ttun, Fmnl C 306 Helx•rllt•. Tt•H•nct' J . 224 Ht•t:k AuJ.Iu't Earl. Jr. . HecklPr, Philip C. . . . . . . . lb I, ](i8.30i JliO, Ht><ln~ ati. Vahid A. . . . . . lSI 1Si, I~. J99,2.).t.:3.52 IiO Ht'tlle~ Quiut·t.· E. 174. J9'2.2-11,,3.)2 173,210, Hedrick. John L. 221 ,307 Hctlin. Smith .. liO, Heinholh. ~h·hin \1. 186.2·18.:3.)2 IOS,232 Ht•inlc.•, Rulwrt W lkinlt·in, Da' itl Earl . . . . . 2Ci.3 125 Hemt1 :"\tan Su~nn 2i0 Heintz Phlllrp Lt•e 10'>. IIebier. Dt•nui' Gene 232.270 171 Heissc.•rt·r. l.arn D L.'x). 2-Hi.:3.32 . . 250,f30i Hl'itrnan ll un t·~ J
llt•ndc"'nn !>a111lr.J l.t·t· lll'ndon. Bilh I \ 1111 llt•twhan \\'rlliun1 \1 llt•nncc~l'. Ed" ard \\ llc•nnl.'kc>. John B ll<•nrit·l.,, Ronuld II l knri~~•m Ralph L llt<nn. En!!<'lll' C,\\.Jnn llensle, rhnit·l I l't Ht•nsle\ Hn\ D.llt• llcu.t•n. l>hillrp Lt·ru' . I kppc. Rit·hard \I an Herbst, Stt•pht•rr Ru' llt•rmeMHt'' C'r, \I idiut•l
Halluc.l , Juhu
I '>6.2 P).:l().) 11)'1
30i 12b. lMi -H·3
Hdl"et-:t' jam•·' \\ Ht•ll" t.·~t·. Lunuit• \1 lll·rnerul\ cr Dumald F lll'mpflin){. l':ttrid:1 I .
210.307 1:30,13.'3
Ht•net'' Stepht•n
2.54.269 19!1, 2.59.272
I k nder" '" · Hiehard I ..
I·Jtormtrwn. Tc.·rn II . Ht-rr. Ed"ard John . . . Herrin. Richard llo~.:er . lJ crtel Curt h De.·an ller?ug. Brut·<· Ed" art! llcm~. William llalph Ht'Ss. Dmwld Arthur . Hetzel, D<·uni' Paul llt-ucrmunn. Charlc.·~ A
1oi .2.5 t 176/3.52 2.50 10S,:307 30i . 2 1S 259 30i 171 :35:3 l .).j
2()2 211; . 223 270. 272
. 223 121) . 3.).'3 . 230, li7. 265.:3:}.'3 . . 26.5 226 30i '19i. 224 261 I i2 :30i
Ht•d , jamt·• Holwr t Hiatt. William E IJiclam. \1 iehad 1~i.307 llicks. :\nrman Dale.· . 307 II ic~s. Trm Don Higdun. \Viii rum Oa' id . . . 2.).J 2.5-1 . . HiJ.(!(ins. Jac~ lla} H ilhuru, ll tm •.rcl L\1111 . .. 30i 228,30i Hil~cudorl. Holwrt '1.. 16i . llill. Elnwr \V 3.53 H Ul. John P 101>. Hill. Lnrt•u;w 1:30,132.2CJb 100,. Hill. \l crlt• I· 112. Hi 1.22'>.3.53 .. 216 Hill. Raudall Stt•plwn . . . . . 121) Hill. l~ichurd l);n id . . . IIii II ill. llohcrt Ln· lliltcrbrand, C. Kenny ... . . 224 llimmell, Stc.·plwn Earl . . . 259 30b llinch<·lifl. Summit• J 30!1 Hindell'11 \tallah S 262 Hinkle, Llmd Jr 173.213.270 Hinkle. Stcplwn \\ .. 177.236 Hino.ha" . jarne' S 30b Hinton, Onn Ha' 208 ll i~ha" . Robt•rt · jallll'\ . . li(i, llitt. CNald \V:l\'rll' . 193.3.5f3 . . . l ll!l, llobdmaun, Da\id W. 196,301-1 206,30b llndunau, Ira P:wl .. 17-1. Huc~dt. \l arl I 'nn llri ,246,3.53 SOh I todd. \1' rou John Hnd~e. Anthon\ l.t•t• .• ... 2(i6 . 259 lluec.·ldman. Lt·~lit• 218 Hue I, Rubert F . Jr. 161, Hoclkcr, Antlwm B. 1G.J,2.'3.J,308 . . 30/:i Hodler. Warren J , Jr Ji(i,265 HodschC'r. Smtt II 266. Hoenig. La" n·nc."t.' D 274,353 1Si,3.53 Ht)('sl~ , Richard Hn} 218 llnfer, Rolx•rl \\'illiarn llnffman. Dl•nm Ra\ .. . .. 308 Hoffman. Gar) Alan ... 210,f301l Huffman. ll m\'t~rd lru . . 20Ci,3S3 168,224 lloht·nlwq.(t'r, F J 3()!S Hohman. Ct•rald \Jan in 308 llolland, Lam Curtis 3011 llnlland. llodut'\ G 30'1 Jloii<>'H'II. \\'illiiun \1 174.2.)0 Hullrah. Da\ld F li.J, Holman. Tt•rr' Lt•t• I1;2.1!)[.1H'> 19:3,19i.19!J.2.)~
Holt~re' e. jame~ C Holtkamp. \lichael Ra~ Humefeuger, jame) W Homesle\ , Donald 1\1. Hoppe, Thomas OliH•r . Hopper. Sammv Wa\nl' . Hnrn. Alan James Horn. Larr} S. . llurnbacL. Dnnald L.
308 lOS 216 308 . 214 . 214 190,3.33 353 189.353 240.353 Hornbur~. Bradle~ H. 130, llurtun. Rogt•r Lerm 242 261 I lorton, Stanle\ \II an 23-1,309 llotchkiS~o, Rolicrt S. 2.52 llnu chin. Richard Lt•t• 11oudt~hcll, Dalt• Let• .. 198,261 llouf. Gorden Bradlt·' . .. . . 353 254,309 HmJ\l', Hartrord Linn 309 Hnuse. Phillip M 108.353 Howard, Lam Joe 199.256 llo"ard. Nebon L., Jr. . 2i0 Howard. Rolx•rt Jowph 3.53 , , , lltme. Dan Lee 2i0 l hmdlh William L , Jr. 193, li mstic , Allan C. . . 252.309 194 llsu. Kuan· Yuan . . . .. 194 J lu. Lih-Da . . 194 lhwnJ!, Adolf C. . . 194. lluan,g. Audrc' Liu· \IC'i
125 ll ubbard. \ 'icJ.., J Hubbs. William Ed" ard . . . 266 . . . 223 Huber, Hichard i\ . .. 199 lluhcr, Thomas Valle . Huck. james Wayne .... ... 188, 107,270.309 . . . 309 ll uckaba. David Lc·c .. 309 Huett. \1 ichael Srott 2-16.353 lluc'. Danm David 230 Huff. John bale . . 198, 1-lul(he). Darrell Ra) 24&,309 Hul(he~. john E" inJ! . . . 134,228 19&,309 Hughes. Virgil W. Jr Hull. james L. . . . 189,196.309 . 309 Hummel, Arthur It HunJ!, Samuel Shuen .. . ... 194 . 309 Hunt. \1 ichael Ta\ lor 309 lluntcr. Herbert . 310 Hu~t. Ronald Da' id 116. llurt, Robert Eul(cnc.• l1i,120.l22 ll urtt, Hobert Jacob . . . . . . 310 . 353 Huskey, Miles Ray 266 Hmtcr, Harold Dean . . . . 310 Huston, Samuel M. . . 270 Hutchcraft, Douglas . • . 187.246 H utcher~on, Dane C. .. 234 I lutchins, Gerald L . . 195 Jlutchinsun. Donald 1::. 190,310 lhde, 'oel C. l i4,2i0 I h man. Wilda E. 223,310 lhler. David W. ln~tcr~oll. Charles J. . . 261,274 ln){r;un. Joseph M. . . . . . . . liO, 198,226 242.2.'59 Irons, Theodore S. Ji3,178. 184 lrw iu, Richard M . 310 Isaak. Cary J 310 Jaclson, John H 310 J ac~n . John T. 310 Jacbon. Michael C 310 Jacobs. Joseph W. J amb~. Philip Wa~m· . , . . 353 Jae){<'r, to. lark Edward . . . . . IiI James, ~onald Ll!>yd ...... ~ . . . 35a Jane~. George Krrk 210.310 Janis. Richard Hon . . 250 Janoch. Greg Allen . 174, Jaruen. Ra~mond J 250.353 . 23-1,3 10 Jan>t'n, Waller B. 210 Janssen. jame) Allen 3 10 january, Carl) Lt•t• . 261 Jarrett, William A.. 213, J ~p<•r, William J. 266,272 266 Jeffress. Joel Glenn 174,259 )cffre> , \4ichael H 266 J<'nkins, Robert Ll'tlll 262, jenlins. Rodnt:'~ Earl • 274.3.54 11i.J,250 jennings. Terry Let• .
jenstn. Glenn ·\lan . l.~h.ll>-).2~2 3.')4 Paul Edward Jerabek, Charle' D 310 Jespersen. Tcr~ Ra' 311 juchum. Ronald Gene .. . j nenk, Paul Le" is 354 )!~erst. Dunald I 172. 190,2.~-t.:JJ I 2}6.3.;.1 Johntlltpder. Waltt•r G 24b.35-l jnhn~. Gar~ t\llen john~. Gem~e \1 . 23"2.3.'>4 Johnson. Edward 0 . , . 311 Johnson, jerrold Lee 31 I l(iO, Johttson. Kenneth D 254 27-1 114 Jvltn~on. Kenneth C. 210 Jnhn~nn. Leland R . j r John~on, Of\ illc• E. 221
Lenore \'iola
johnson. Ronald \\.
J<thnson. Sherril Hu1
172.213 '31 1 li9. 2-16.311
John~on, !>tephcn
jnhnsun, \Va> Ill' E.
Johnstone. Donald E. • Jnll~. ShM~ lr' in~ . Jonc~.
• .. 311
Bunuic \lark· . 270 232 Jnncs. Charles \1 Jones. Da' id Brvan . 31 I Jones, David Ra} . . . 252 Jones. Fred Richard . . . 52. 159 100.213,35-1 Junes. Cleo \\'alker . 354 Jones. jamc~ Hamid . 311 jones. james Hoover . J i I. 196,246 jones. Richard K. 22.'3.3.5-1 jones, Ronald Kenton . . . 3.54 jones. Thomas Bernard . 223 Joplin. Raymond A. 216.3.54 jo!>Cph, Mark Howard ... 206.354 )!rt\\ iak, Vincent R. . . 311 judd. Michael Ray 198, 270.272 Julian. Cn•Jtur~ Ll'c 1.52. 160.232 j uncau. Chark·s E. '210 j ungerrnann, Kenneth 198. 226.270 Junjo!mC) t•r. r.rnc~t W 311 Kadji. Lurbt \luhuml 189 Kac,bc•r~:. Halph l.c·c· . lfiH. 2-lls.311 311 Kai5cr. Kl·mwt h \V 161;, Kuiwr Stc•pht•n J 223.3.34 1-32. lts'i.223 Kalz, Juequd' ne L 1~.10. 26),3.5-1 Ka.rnmcn:r. jii\<'Ph J Jr 3.54 K:111, Cheon~ Kwot.. 172. 190.262,3.5 I Kanc,.k, , Da' id Alan . 2-12.3.5-1 J...apluu. ·\lark Stephen Jii. 206,3.~-1
Kaplan. Rulxort Paul 200 Kappus. Karl William 130 Kar;un. Edmnud .\ lti9 J...arbc~. Alau 311 J...arl(l'r, Huuuld i\ 134. 167 t7o.I00.2.31 :l5t Karsh, Barry J . 50 Ku\apu~lu. Kadri ~ lkl H)9 Ku.~'ill\1 . l>u\ id Dale :312 Ku.,ten, Jun BradJ,., I ~~.19<J Ka.,teclllit·c~. Williom 312 K.1t hmann. Sh'Jllll'n j 270 !l.o~twtuu \I!dnwl L' un 2:lli Kc<t·lml!;. \lid tad C. I i l.l'>~ li,('(.•IHt\ Rofxort P. 2fi.3 Kchr. William ltalph 210 Kl•hnnun Rnhcrt f 110 Kl'ilh.tdt. Eddie• Dt•uu 212 Krith. Did' Lee· :112 J...l"ith. Thocitu' Lul(t"tlt' IiI. 2ti2 !l.t•lahou. \1 ich.ll'l 1.. 1'12. 19b,fll2 !l.clka• Suhha~h G 19-t J...c·l11·r i)un <:.ul 270 !l.c:ll!'r !:ltt'\t'll \llau 26.1 J...dl,•r l't•nl (.ruhotlll 312 t.;o J...dh 1),11 11! Perlin\ 2.) 1,:1.) I
Kdh , \1 khllt·l G('n~t· . Kclh . \lkhacl \\ Kenip. Ru~scll Wibnn
1<;0, 190.2fl8 262 I il
2.50. 312,3.3-1 l~·l.
Kemp<•r. Kt'nchel, Kt•nne<h Kc•mw<h Kt•n' nn. Kem nn
(~lrJ.(t' Wa~ne
10-3 213
B • • William • .
\lartin Fmnk Larf\ Dt•an William ~ Rc~ Ed" Rit·hurd W Kt~•hanl' \\"illtnm 1:: Kcrclwr. Hubert J. Kerfoot, jack LE'ml~ kt•m:.. \\"'1' nc L. Kc,lt·r. \I il-hacl R K.t''"'· D;lllid t\lbl:rt Kt•,. Juhn William Khanabadi. \lohamud H.
Kiehl, Benjamin W., Jr KiliRnre. Ross. David K1mhall , William W. Klmmcrh . Rubert A Kin~ AlfrNI Let• . Kin!!. Duul{la.\ Hcc·d Kirchner FrauL Slm11n
:312 2Ci6 11;9,;3.;-t li.)l).2:3b 236
221 266.21 I 242 2.32.312 l!i-1
22-'3.3.)..1 :312 11-Si. s:;.t Iii. IIS0,265
126. Hi-1 .11>6.223 213 26.5
Iii. 252.3:).) 2·10.355
1\.irf... Churb Paul Kirl... C..•rhurd Walter 206 Kirmeyer, Gregory j . 20.J !l.~u. James Lt.-c . 312 Ki~•d. Burton S 150.1.32,223 K~lng, ~I iehael R. 130, 161,23-1.312 Ki5tler, Hichard S. 355 Kl~tncr jim Dean 213 Kladil a ..\lien krr~ 221 Klt•in. Gaf\ •\lfl'll 261•in, Kip. Dnu~lus 21~ i...!t•msor~:t•. Ha\ rnuml A l'>b.
11~'3. (H.), 22h.21il
Klc•,o~th. \ c·ruou L.. J r J...lohlll'~t·r. Stl'' t·n Lc•t•
J...lo\tnmau \lit'hud j . Klot1 jalllt'' \Ill' !I k:lulm, Dt•ni' \1 !l.lul!. ll!!."hu1d Jan•b 1-.nwn. Glt•nn ;\I ithnel Knatlll. l.arr' Jnlll!'\ 1-:ltt'lt t•in. \li<"llat•l J
.3 12 :312 11 () :312
I 2&.:3,).) 21~
'].).) 22:3 I'tl'i. 2i0.:112
\\ l lm d l\!il1t,hJIIWI l1u1d '( !l.n/u111d1. ( '''" \\ "' nt· lo:rul'Lt•llll'll'f, \\ II Iiu1n
I rt·tl \\
J...uc.•n/, j,lllll'' \I idlat•l Knhar. \\ illi.uu Fran~ J...uhlrnaun CrJil! f ll.uhhn ann Hnhc.·rt 1:.
1 .~;
. :11'3 2.)(; -'3.;) 2-12 I !J1.:31 '3 21lli 2;;2.
21 f..ll:} til 2£>2. 211 Jj()
3.35 Hli. 19<J.210 . 2-tl, Iii. 190.313 22'o :].;.3
:) 1:3 Hi-1, 2Hi.3.5.3 22'3 !l.ulm Sh'\1.'11 l. Kuhn. Tt•nd [tf\\ iu Iii 2fi3.2i.t 1\umnll'r Da' 1d \lt•h n1 :3.).5 1\wnmc.•r /(;unlnu I tmt•ll . :).}.') !...1m'l \ ..·had JIN"flh 221>.
!l.uull, jatllt'' 1\a\lllllml 1\urtz. Tht•t•dnn· J ii.ILS~. jcN'j}" lo..irfl\ . Kut-ka Slt'l>l>l·n Poul
;}.;,; 223
2-'3-l :).').) 210 3.>.5 It»>, 22~
j.llllC.'\ \ "'" it•l'iu,~i. Timutll\ j l.Jhlt. J.unc.·' 1\idld!cl L.ahuuhc·. l)c.•au H Labuul><.·. Hu~c.·r \llc.·u l.acaHt:h. tl1dt.crd J Lnduwr. C:t.•rald L
22:3 (t)S
2.5-t ,.l,) .) 2.31 2-~1
:3.).3 I ';'r;
Lac·upu, \1 ik\' H Lallt•rh D.11111ic· F La~tra,.\t·. juhn \ ' Lll)•·unc~>e. Charlt•> \
21:3.26.5 2.;b 313 22\ 1.32.
Larnar. William Fwd Luuh. stc.·~t· ( hark,
lliO 2:32 l7fi . . I '1:3.
lfii. Eu~tcnc.· Clur~ {..JY, Lee
2~-1] 13
:31'3 130
l :)2. Ifill. If);'' :Bb
LII\!Uil \ illl't"llt "1>1'1 L!ll!t'l \\ilium II . Jr. l.uh C'haul! \ il'U L11111U\ Gar\ l.t·cmanl
l.nnHill, \lau \\'illiam l.m11lrdh L'thl n11l \\ ud1•
;!2(;,:313 I i -1 :).).)
l >1111' Fthl in l),•,m I .lllltc.'ubc.·r~:. I.Mf\ \ l.Jill!lord ll ol\\ .mi n.•h·
W't.l 12 2b(l
16!1 ;2.)1
l.aprt•\t,l ( hadl'' H
106,:111 l .<~r\nn
Wilham \ 1
'311 11;1).21=3 10,!) I() I
llXi.2.} 1.:31 I Lm•t·k Dou~tla.. E1" 111 126. 1Mdl't.3.3.3 Lant ~- \ iut~·ut \L -'3 11 ).').3 L<N. !:lamut'l 1\c•hc·rt ..•. l..t\1\1111 (., 1111 Dale.• 31 -t 21() La1 tun, Paul Dc•nuun Lanrn,. l.lo11l ja1 :31 I II»> Lt·al" Thont~" Pat1wL l.c·an;iut.: <.c.·uq.(!' I) 3 11 2-)h l.t•llll·ll John llull 17(1 L!<t" Ct•url(t· l .II\\ !l'llt~· 21 .'3 I.e.~ Jo•(f\ II\\ oll I!JI (.,,.. joltu Holwlf 2.;() l.t•e Ihi\ mo 111d l.t"nuarcl ~h:21 27 I l.n·. Hnnald 11:.1\ 10H,21:} I .1'1' r'"ll)(·( :hint.: I!) I l.t•t• Yuun~ II :3 11 l.t·lldmatl \lun F =3 I I l..t:~~ctt. \ ir~lnia Ann 35t'i l.c·1Nlin jnlm l'etc.·r 131). lb2,1hh.22l :3.3h I .t·h<"uiMm·r Da1 ld II 210 IhH, l.1•lunuu. \1thur II Jr :!lli.'314 l.dlllloll\11 ~IC'(Iht•ll \I 211 }.j(j •• :].jh l .t•huholl \l!t'h<tt·l I Ll'llt'r t"lwn1a' \1. \I r lOS 21k l.t•llla\11'1\ , I'll I ;),)li I .t'IIIP l\1'tll Til\),., I .1 tlll\l'l tinlwd \I ;'J.j() l 1'11/illl( \\"'Ill (
. a.;"
2.~6.3.36 :3.~6
21.'1 Lt"' is. Leland 21).5.31-1 Lc.•\1 i.;. St('phcu Gleun 26.5 Lt"'' b. \\' n\111.' l:n, iu IIi. 11S,l2l 123.!302 l.c."\ll'>, \\' illiJIII 1\;llph I72 l.i \liult rau HH L~Lii<kr Phil11p L. 262.31-l Lldx·r. julm \\ • J• lb-1. 274.311 l.ic.·tlc.·r. Htt,wll II 191,270 311·wlll'idt Da1 1tl \·,dwidl. J...c.·mwth \\ ItO. 186.23(),;}.)() l.illar~l j"'l'ph D,l\ ill • 216, Chiu~t·l ianl( . . . . • HH l.m, J;ud;mtttl! .. HI~ Liut·uln. \lartin .\ ;}.)b l.indqu"t Cnul( \lou • • . 2Hi l.indquht. Jt><t•ph II 3.36 Limlw, \lc.•rlin D. :li .J Limbe.·\ llithuul \I :31.5 l.inl'lll.•rr' , Juhu I :3.)6 Lin~ Juftn K :31.5 I.HI!ll( . jll\ltl \\ IIIII! HJ.I f .lllt•k,•u kt'IIIU'II! \\' 3.36 I lttldit•lcl. Lam \\ 43 l.ittillltt'r \\ 11lla111 II. 2 I b.:3.)(j I h1 ( '· \It• , H).l I iu Clwuduu juh11 • t!l·l l.n1, Cflla·CIHIIll! 19·1 1.111. jill IIJII . lU-I l.iH'IIIt<HKI, llllh<·rt jot• Iii l ...i HICJ.IH I,2.)-l,:l.)(i Ll••" c.· II~ 11, l).uud j 2.W I.Je,~elh 11 ).l!llt'' D ' 2.) 1.:3.3(i I '''"I C:lc.·lm \\ ,.,Jt'' 169. 2~~.211 "31.) . l.uc:k \\ uud l)d 1 id I :3 1.} l.ut•hac.·h. Ct·r.tld (>uul 2£:16.
L.uulllrl Dnuuld 8 l.umlll'rl janw~ F Jr Lumlx·rl joh11 Ed" .111l
! .
126.21) 164.210
3.).) 1-.udwni~t.
Km"and , Daniel !Ia~
l.uttu , (.an ~tq>hcu
Km>t'. OJ l\ <·r l.
!l.nkkmt·H·r. William W 2.;H II:!K"h, Jam!'' \lartm HJ-5 Koch~. Janws Ed"in :312 Kocdt-ritl. l.t·on::ml I· 2~ 1.:3 I2 f.ol('hu. Charlt'' I . .3,3.3 Kuomil(. Gat\ H 210.:312 Koerner, Rov Kurt 210 . .. 22!3.355 Kolat Richard t\. Knpl Kc•nt \lil·had 210 li.<ll b. \lldlUt'l ( :31 '3 1-.uru. Chatlt•s 'o :31:3 Kurth. \lldtJI'I \ uud111 II I. 2h2.2i"l,-ll :l 11.!1\tic Dt•uni., '\ :2:31 !l.ut \\ C.r!'l(!ll\ S 2:11 !l.u\\ nit·/\ L 'I f1addc•11, J. 2:32 ll.nunt•r juhu I .ouis 1\.ruhdmwr. Em· Lt'l' Kro~u,dt. Do~1 id l.l''' 1\ rami. \ll,ut 1- Jr 1\ rdthi1·l )IC\t'll ( 1\.rt•it·u~ump. Gc·ruld II'lhd· j:lnll"\ L. Krl'rn B.ll!\ lalt• J...rt•muu-1. DnnJid C.-m•
Kml!gcr Da' id Let• . Knwi!cr Jnhn 0 Kmct.:er. jnhn Ed" ard
)1•l11t 1\111(1'! Lon)(. jl"t·ph john
li9 2.)2 liO, 31.) I fJ.I l'l~l
191 H)(i.31.) 3).)
262.3.)(; 1i I,
I ~1:1.211 1.:11.; I.IUIIt. I urn 11.,, 2M l.o"l 'IUII!:!Jhnnl( 1!)4 Luul(fmgc•. \lou L. . 2-'3h.3 1.') LuH•II. 1),1\ icl \\ 3 1.; Lu" . C:h dt· llo1' :3 I.3 Lol\\ . llnhc.•rl Eul(l'll!' 22·1 l.u\\t'. juwph \\ 3(.; l.ul·u~. Tlunml\ En~otc'!ll' 31.5 Luw. Tinwth• \llc.·u :3 1.') l.lll'lll Da\ld .\ 232.:3.56 Lucl\\ i~. l.onm Ll'c· 163. !Iii, Hll.l!J;l.22b.3 I.5 Lut•blwrt L.m t(•nw II. :3Hi l uc.·t~. llo~lpl. I h·rlx:rl IiI. 17b.l '17,2.)1 :} Ih i.lwc.·k•·ul.oll. \rthur II :J,j(j l.m·dck·c·kt· Donuld F. 3.36 Luuclt·rl(au. \lidlolc·l { . 3.56 l ,.,Ju•1 ( 1t.1111'' I' Jr 3.31i l.uth. \\ 11li.un I. 12h, 1Mi.223 I .nit t>ul! • Hohc.•rt 171\. IH.).!!Iil l.utt john \I ic.ltud 2(i2.3.37 I .tl\ llulwrt jo"t•ph 316 I l!lt·h. D<11 hi Cc.•m)(t' 216 I ~11!'11 , joN•ph I r.111k IIi.'!. I!J:l fltb I \llc.lto~rd , Tonum, Jr. :3.1'i 1.' on llohc.·rt l>cco~ne :3.;7 I.\Cttl\ (,t,•ntld J .1Jii L11111' l.arn F I i 11.21il \I,,),.. \\ ill1am jc.·tJicl :}I(! \l.1lu\ Do•Wa' 1w I' fllh \I,Hi)un~ld, H111n• \\ 221 \t,c.( tm. h lll''t \I • ;F;O \l.~t·n". John l1 :31h \l.wk \uthun\ \wht·\\ :211 :)11, \l,u ~ ( lt.1rlt·' jolllll"\ \ l.ulchl\. I .tm Ho~' lil .2hl
3.51 l(l3, 193.2.50,3.56 I~. \laho~nna 'limun \lherl . . 236 . 2fi.5 \lalwr (~·mid f . . 256 \lahlandt. /c"t•ph :-... \lahn. \\'il ium Jmt•ph . . . . . 191 Mahrou, ,\ luhamud Ali . . . IIH , 187,316 261 Mair, 0:1\ id Clare 213 \lulk-oat. Frcddit• Lt•e \lalom·, l)u,ld Scull .. . .. 316 \lamnwn. Holx•rt W 26.5 159.2.5() \1<Hlgan. La" rt•llee S \(,Ull(llll\\ idJIIJII, ;\ . ~. 181.199 114.3.56 \lanit•r. \IKhad ~ 190. \Jan~. Darrd \ 316 \lan~ J.unt'' l 'ranc:i\ :316 \(ann, <:an Lt•rm :J(6 \lan\1111, D11nald \lien 2.54 \larah . Tt·rr~ Janw> 183, IISS \lart·hand , Chllrlt•:> P. . 210. ~larchiando. Anthon~ f' 212 Marino, jo\l'ph Pl•h:r . . . . . 3 16 t>. l urkham. Hunald D. . . . . . 234 316 Mar~ us. llu" urd Da' id \lar\h. Hcginald T . . . . . . . 201i 351 \lar,h:tll. Furn•;t J 261 \lar\hall. llolx·rt \\ . Jr . 31 i \lo~rtin. Donald L 119.221, \lartin. j1"t•ph E. 2.50 \l,utin . k t·mwth E. 311 \lurtin . \lar~ \llt•n 221 \lartin , Hil'hard C. . . . 311 \lartin. Tlwmu' C ~hht'hmann. D.111il'l E. . .. . 213 :\(u,on, &•njarni11 II. . . . . . . 3 17 183, 1-l:t\lln, J:um•, ll erbcrt
\l:u·hl , l\11nald ( \lat.(t·t• 1\u"l'll Judt·n
.. 35t . . . 311 .311 248,212 li9.3.5i 11>1 . 3.51
I> laSH'\ . l)a, i<l \1 it'hael \la,w~ . Jimnl\ C. \(a,\t'' . Lutlll\ H. \ (a,tulio, 1\im Ian \(a,ter\, Rulxort S \J athur. \ irendm "\Jatrcm . Lmda I\a' \lallht•'"· Frm·'t Ra'
3.51 Lls3. 250.317
1\I:Htlll'. Curti\ \ u):\1\l ~launl', Danit•l Lt't' 1\lunpiu. 1\lidHid W. 1\la"''t•ll . Ira C .. Jr.
223 216 lfj I . 236,311
~ladx•m . William S 1\laH•r, \l,rril• \lo~' s. Larn Wt•>k'' \lt·~\lli,tt•r ' Darrdl ·C. \kAnum . John \\ . II \lcBndt•, Juw1>h E. . \kC.1IIa. Carl H \h:Carh . Bilh \\a' ne \lt< :lain Gn·~:un E \ll{ :lum Juhn 'i~,.u \ll{:lurt•. Nathanit-1 1). \kCimt.(. 1\ulph Wum·u 1\lt•Conuul\, \Villiam \V
1\kCorwt.(hic, Durn I W. \ lcCornlut·~. l't'rn 13. \kCunnk~ . Carl II \ ltCornllt·~. Charll·~ C . \kCunnlt·k l..trn Lt'<lll \ lcCm Donald Lcw1 \ kCo~ . Julllt'' Hulx-rt ~k<:m . !)tt'\l' \ll;·n \ kCnw. llulx·rt F. 1\lcCtdlou).(h, Jt'"'' F \le Duttid. Gt·ur~t· i\1 1\kDonald . Gt•rald Gt•ne \ lcDcm t•ll . I ,,tm \\'u, Ill' \ lt+lhalll , Hol>t·rt Ht;, \ld·addt•n Tum \lkn \kF.crlall(l Hubt•rt Lt•t• \ld 't·rrin l.arn l.t•t• \ kGt>t' l>t·nm' Rn"
230 206.311 114,2.5-1 IOS,221 li2.35i 226
. 311 311 221.3.51 213 l'i3 311 Iii, 261 3 1i 3.57 192, 191.2.5-1 2.59. 311 196, 210 31~
266 110 . :31 /) . . :3.57 I i 1.2() I . 221 2.)(:)
31/i 23() 250. 3.51 :31 t, 19';', 199.:Ws.:31 ~
\k(:ulnl'. Jimmie D . . . \lcGiuthlin. Jtthn L. . . . \kGrath. Ct•or)!e \1 • J r.
265 110 3.5i 182.31!; \k(.ru'' . D.1le \\' 31h \kCrt').(or, Edward C. 221 \kCrt'\\ Can Duane 19/S, \lcllua~ . Jami.·~ S 248,318 .. . . 152, 159,218 . 318 \kKinne~ . Joseph D. . 35i \kl\innt'' . Hunald C. li1.246 \ll'IOnnt·~ . William M. . 318 \kLt•an · Hu~t·r L)nn (1)3, \ld .t•llan . Tl'm Linn 256.351 2.5-1 \k\lit-hael Dannie Lee . 31'> \((\lillian , Hubt'rt K. 3.51 \k\lurtrt'' Daniel R. 150. \kNalh . Ph'll~ \1. 152, 116, 190.26~ . . 266 \kNan. Lorn Loraine 2 18, 1\ kNt•r;tt·~. J ,;n Mart in 318 265. i\kQucrll'r, l)ou~las W. 272 . 3.57 \kQnill~. William R. 189. \Idle~ nold~. Gerald W . 196,318 Iii. \lc'l\er. Charles W . 254,3.')1 2:34 \k\\ ('Cilt'' . Bn an P. 11>2 \k\\ illiarm, L\le \\ 101) \k\\'illiam~. R~I'>Coe, J r. 196,3.57 \kdlin. Clt•ndle W 2.5-1 ~((•et't'' . Charlc~ D. 223 \lt•t•han, John Joseph 199 ~ll·t·~t·r, William K I i3, ~lcit•r, Du' id Lawrence . . 210 318 ~lt·inenlw~cn . Alan V. I i8 1\lt•henhdmer, james K. 262 1\li•i,tt·r. Staub L. . 3.57 \Jtolh . jt•Hrt·~ Paul 110, \ldtt•r, Gn·gg 1-1. 11)7,21& 216 \lt•ndt·ll, Frt-drid. i': 230 \ lt•rlt•nhadl . Chri~ C . \INtl(l. \ l idlat•l Edwin 232. 318 213 \krrt'il. EH•rell \\'. 116 urmau :'olt•rwal, Gan . 357 1\krtt•m, ;\I ichael Lee . l 14. ;-..(1'11\t'r, Ju,eph A., Jr. 1Ti,248 . .. 3 19 i\lt•\t'l , Charb E. 2311, 1-lt•H•r, J ume~ Wilbert 3.51 232 \lt'\l'r, Ldaml II. li.J. \Je,t•r William Dadd 2.59,214 210 \It•\ crlwhz. John 0 . 319 \letint'\, ~It'\ en A Iii , \I icht•l Jalllt'\ Hcnr~ 2().1
192 . • \lidlt'l. Jod Keith . 230 ;\I k·hie, (:(·or~t· :\II an \liddt•u, il t•ttr~ E.. ill . . . . . I.'H , 177,2(j.),3.57 13-1. ;\l il·ru. Dt•nnb Edmund . . 197.22·1 . 3.37 \liU1·I"•n . Clark D. \lild . \\'illiam 1\lichael 3.58 261 ;\l ilde. J.unt•, II ( .}2, \lildcn~tt'in. Hobert T. 223 319 \lillt·r ( h .. rlt•' .\ 2!32 \ ltllt•r. Curt~~ Eu):cne 223 \ltlltor. Gt•rald F . lhO. \I illt·r. John O.wtd .. 2.5-1,3.3!) 164 . ~lili;•r, l.J\HCIIl'l' C. 2:l-1,319 . 31~) I> I iller. Norman H. 221 ~ lilk·r. l'hillip Crai~ . 2.3 1 \lilk·r. HogN Alan 3.5!> \I il lt•r. llo).(t'r ,\lk·n . . . IO!l. \lillt·r. 1\onald Jowph . 109.110, 115, (()2,221 I %.3.))) \ltllt•r. \\ illi.un A 171 \ltllt•r \\ illiam Dalt• Iii 1%,2.39 262,319 \llllmun , Holx•rt J
2.32 \I ill\, j a me~ \I arion . . 319 \lihcnlwr.l(er, James 1.. 266.319 \liltenlx•rl(l'r. Ste,eu . 112, \linich. Chc~l .... I16, 1~J0.26.'i,3.'>~ 213 \I innc'. John :'\lartin 1&9,319 \Iintner. Da,id Carl 3.51! \I irh . 1\enueth A. ICi-'3. i\ I itd1ell, Flo vel Len" 198,319 . . Iii, ;\litdwll, Jnhn Wilson 270 1\litdl(.'ll, Thomas Lcun ISS. 199.3.51l 160,2:36 \lodtlc. Carm Robert lbi, \foell\tcr. Bartun \\'. 199,232 171 , Morrat, Robert Andre" 19'2 \lohr. Edward C . 19.5,2fifi 19-1 \lohta, Brijgopal R \loll, John Jo;eph . IO.'i. 161 , 164.218 II).) \lonk. Marviu Elcn . 319 Mnntd n~c.~>. M ichacl A. 195. i\lout~orncry. Dennis 1\1. 251 228 MonlJtmner~ , James E. 2:36 ~1ontl(umer~ , Juc D .. Jr. 236 \lunt).(umer~ \1ichacl P. 2.)2 \lont~tornt• n . Timuth~ E. 3.51 \loon . Joic~ \\'. . . 216 \ltK>n~. Charlt·~ Car>un 1'>3.2M \luurl'. james \\' .. Jr. 3.5~ \ltKtre. Joe Le'' i~ . 319 \ltKtrt:, 1\lartin Francis lOS \lmrc. ;...iichael W. 319 McH>rt', Richart! E. 262,212 Moore. Honuld Roy . 358 Moore, Theodore K. 2.)9 ~luran, l\1 iehael jost'ph . 223,319 ~ l orlcld. Rubert F. 26 1,3.58 1\lorie, Richard Earl 319 \lorri~. Albert C . 12(), \lorri\. Charles E. 1!>6, 1Si, l!)i, l99.:320 II 1.1 'ii \lurri~. Larn Dean 2t,.3,320 \lurrbt·~ . John C. 201! \lurrhnn. Rubert H.. Jr 261 \lo m"' · Rubert W. l"s2. ~ lor~e. Walton HaHit'' 320 . 320 Mortdluw. Benedict 320 !\lorton, Hobert . . . . I18. :\lmlwr, Honald A. . . 226,320 2(;.) 1\lu;~. Hobert Thoma; . 212 i\ lotw):ood. Ccor):c l 1.39. :\louwr. Gerald F. lil , l74 2:36. \ luutrit•. Che~tcr Let' . 320 16.'>. \lu\er. J nol?ph D.. Jr. 23'i.320 320 \lotLano. Sari C<me 320 \ludd. Donald Philip :320.224 \ludlcr. l)a, id Lmci' l/)/!,3.31) \ludl;·r. Oa,id Louh I Iii . ;\ ludkr, Ed" ard i\. 1()8,21 0 320 1-lm·llcr, Jn;t•ph L. IICi. :\lnt•llt•r, 1\ent William 221 1Cl.3, \lnt•llt·r. Hobert J. 167. 1HI ,2.52.2!).3,:UO 320 \ illt'llt•r ~teH' n C. 1';2.2 1'> \lm•llhaupl. Elmer \\' 223 \lm•,, Hit-hard Charlt•• 236,2.3'i \hur ~tt•,en Jame~ I ~2.3.3~ \lulhullaml. \\'a\lw A . 320 \lullt'nh. Paul Dt'an 21~3 \luh ane' . ;\I it'hael P. 230,:3.')'1 \lund" illt·r, John L. 320 i\ ln llll), Johu Arthur :l)l) ;\luuoz. Jo;eplt H ~·nr) 22H 1\ln t l\l'~ . James Hmnml :320 \lurph~ . Chnrlt•\ D. 23 1, \ lurph' . J;un(.'' !lilt•\ !321 2 1H \lurpll\ . Skpht·n \\' 10~ \luq>h'. William Joltu :321 \lurra\ Bill \(a, Iii \lurra'. <:hark~ John I!).), 1'19.1%. 2111.:21 I
110, 112,199,213 170.321 \lurra~ . \lauril'C W 321 \lurra~ . Thcodure C 321 \htrre'. Jemie \I. 129 \lur~ch. Richard Da\id 232, Mu\er, Stephen J amc:. 3.58 l!!i, Muskupr, Lawrence J 196,224 Musterman, Steven H. 197. 262,321 195,240 M~t·rs, Jack Dale . . . . 159, M~ lt•s. Charles W . . 160. 173, 17.5.213,358 223. Nat·~er. James Edwin 3.58 358 l\ac~ter, Kenneth C. 321 '\al(el. Tern LHlll l'i6.3.58 '\a~' . Da' id C. . . 234,321 Null. William \1. , Jr 108 Nail~ . John &: martl 26.5 Nat>it.>r. William S 58, Nations, Reginald 0 . 111.224,321 Naumann. Fruncis E. . . . . 3~1 Neal, Car~ Wayne . . . , . 117,32 1 3.58 t•bel , Thomas Cah in . 204 t'<'CC, Oscar C. 195 l'<'h . Donald f.dwarcl . 1\t-et: Timoth' Harrd . . 228.321 265 i':dmn~,t. Peter Lant'l' 214 l'..cill. James Rubert 20h ;>.t'lwn, Lam E 213 ebon, ;\liehael Lc<' 198 1\enningcr, \\'a~ ne \I . . .. 118 'etherton, john W . 2.5() cnmcvcr. Donald C 164. Neume~cr, Ltmcll II . . . 171.204 . euse.l. john St(•phen . . . 223,322 euw1rtf1, Davtd II. . . . . . . 196. 216,259 172. t'\\'C'IIIll, Dan' in Kl'ith 248 2().1 i':t>\\'t~mwr, Tlwodorl' M li.). ~<"'tun , Fredcrit'~ L. Iii.2.54.:322 113. ;>. iclwl:.. Charb ~ I 7.3,:322 108, ;>.k,Kit•mu~. Rnhcrt \I 109.111 . 114.11.j ,213.3.; 8 IH2. Nicola, Patrie~ C 2.34.212 2 13 ic<lers<:hmidt. John C. 322 Nk• huu s, Rnlxort 1.. 2(~'5.272 it•rnan. Roger Paul 2.59,3.')/j it·mcicr. Thoma; A. 2 10 iennunn. Fretkrick J. 2.59 Nk;eu. Hichard E. 3.58 i'\ib. Stephen Edward 248.3.58 Nimnw. Stephen \1 1&9.3.59 Ni."ins.t. Kenneth j . 194 Niu. T~an·Faung 134,322 , iwn. Francis Tt•m 11,1 Noblt'. Horace A.. · .. Iii, 1\ot•l. Robert C. 262,3.59 o~t~lc. ;\I khat• I Oti\ 322 Nol:u1d , John Wa~ nt· . . . , . 221 okn. ~I id1at'l Blaint• 322 Nullo, Andrt!w Paul 223 oltc. Curt is Enin 3.59 Norman. Ouuald B. 322 Nurri\, Hu):cr D. I i4 Norton. Jamc~ \lit-had 3.39 ;>o;m ton , \I it-had I) 2C:i6 ~ute)tirw. Stault·~ \\' 130. (.)1,,:3.)9 1\uthau~. Herbert l\ 164.:3.39 ·udd . Barn Cia' 322 'u\~. Nurman \\'illium 322 ({)9, Obt·rntlorfl'r. 1\lan J. 2-IG.3.>9 Obrudm it~. Fruuk C. 322 (().1, Ot'IIncr. Juhn Allan
\lurra'. Dennis Ra}
Ot•hrlt•. Can Frt•tlt•ric Od.l(c.or, Jului Du~ It• Ohanlun, ThtiiiHI\ ,\ Ohara, Jame~ Edward Ohninm~. Stt•plwu \\ Oldham. Dcnt)!la, (,
!3.39 322 :322
252, '122 :322 2fi(i, 21 1 .'3.39
Olher. jacl.. Clt·nn Other, Lam Jc~ Ollin~ter.
3.59 lJ. l()l), 111 , 1 IS 3-!1 Frank Lnui.' 210. 323
Obt>n. Richard Cairn Obt'n. William lkn Obon f.lmt'r Curl
'l.nrn' \\';~\ 11c
Penelotpc:• ' l Per"'"'· l>.a• t<l 1~ Pet~·r... D.t• itl Carl
l!Ti.l99 2!16.21i2
• 3:2:3 177, 1,1)2 250,:).)9
Oneal. Kunl'lh D""cl Oucill. Jamc~ \I.Jn
171 17.),l.!.'l
Ouc11l. Thnnt.h I , )r
:!46 :).}9 16-1:206 .!70 r;7, ;?)I; 323 23.2 ~).;£1 l ... t;. 191,.:!10 .!4" 2:12 3,j9 IS'I l'fi
()u,lntt. L<&rr\ IM Opp•·nht•im, \lnrn
Optlh!o!t·r, O.trt.Jicl R.tH' Orcutt, 1\urwJd 1..,·" '' Onw>, Mal'\oln E. Orr Rubt·rt B , Jr. Orr. Tl11•ma' W1rlt
01'chl'ln. I lam S o,tt•rmaun, Jnwph I ~ Oti Enri•tlll' \IIM.·rtu lliO Ott WilliMn K • 1h;'! 19t• 22Ul.j9 <:..-c•r~t·
166. !!I 3.!-t
Pru,t, :\tan 'lm•ua
:!70 3:!.t
Olwn Gn:Rl(un G Ol,on, juhn Waltt·r Omallt•\, \I acho~el P Omululmlru, Wu~ ut' F
Ottu, Conrad
Ptrn jamt'' D.mbum
1'1.! 21'1 :J.i9 l'd\:f'l'll ,
\ 'ktur, Jr O.•ualtl \1
l'l'lt•r"'"· I .art~ l)t~ Pdt•N•u, l.cmnit• (~·au• l'dt•r ... on, \ll,·hacl J l'cln , hunt:' G. l't.·ll··r~urn l>a• ttl \ l'lcallcr, l>o~• ttl C Plo•tlh·• I).,.,ILJ.o~ l~ J•J.,.Jp,, Hathartl \\ I~'IISI
l'hllhl>!o, <.lt'IIIIOIII :0. l'htllll>' \lllr\ln llo Phllhfl', lh<"har.J f l'hllla,~. rwdl I
Olio. Oa1 ad l t•u
,'!.;11 .!7 ~ .31)
O•t•rturl. Ra~h.tnl D (),.''"'· C:harlc, Da• ad·m, Rc~inaltl "-dh
zu.; 3~
:!'ll ..lll .!IJ2 3-)<J • .!~
210 IS9 ,1f!6 • 17Y
2'1-1. :l,!:l 252,3:2.1 1116
Pllis, Jt·rumt' \ • P;alht h \llt·n Eth(llr
Pulnwr H.1lph Ed" urtl
rJrm:r. 1\nh<.•rl
Polmer ltubt-rt
1:>\. I Hf>,2.)..1,32 I
Palmt•r St,ll
.)2 1
IHS. lD5 :1:2 I
( Pur~. '>c·}lllllt Purl..~·r
P.ukt•r. Jnhn \ R Parl-er, \lh:hud \
Pori.•"· n~~~·r l'orh C 'h,~rlt·• \\ Par~< l'n·tl BHun l'ilr~• J~o~mt<o Lllrf\
ParL•. juhn Chllrl•·, Pur~ Ru.:t·r I llar.. ttl Pari.• \\ llla.un Huh<•rt P 1td 'luhh.a·h~ lr.unlra 1\atn•·l. Ha< \
,..... 1. t>......1.1
1'.1\ lit'. J~mn
l> l't ~ldllt ', Cah 111
\lit· II
19.:! 2~)
I'•'U• In, ().:nnh \ I l'l'\'hJ,., llnu;~Jd 'I 1'·~·11, n.aml lo.l·ith l'..tll'ltttrw, R
l'<n•lcr, ~lt•pho 11 l'ral 1\ n•lt·t!(<nt . \\'tlllillll A Penh olio", lkrl C tl ..
IIJ'i,.!.!l :.!.>1 li-t .! 16 Ill;,
210 li I, 1!11 210 IIH
l'•"' dl <.htlt• ~~ .. unl l'o"H·II (;a,. I t'" I~ I'•"• dl flit hilrrl Jn•n•
I )'12.) I 211 l t!in'i'l
l'.ml 1;.1" r~l
n., "'""J ()
l'n·--lu , llidllllll II l'n·'"''" Ct·raltl 1>-tlt•
3l4 :Wi
l'n•" 111, :'\;1·il r>a1 itl l'tKI . n... nl Bmlt't
.Zih 321 112-l
Juhn C'
l'rkt, 1.•••
.!:111 1';1,2:)0 ~()!!
~bl 1~1.
:.!1 1!171•
.!2.'l3#;fl 2;2 3~;
lt;2 2ll ,3h0 IllS
lfll ~'U Mil
I ill .ZI 'l 3!.) ;!l.'i
f)(J(I I 'IIJ
tilth r l>anu•
l(jj l!O'\
-~' 221
lli'i I\.!
.23 lllb <.Jl(l
Ul iO
3Z6 -21 1'17
l"; 16'1 l~'ll·l
llnllhuh•nl Jim I) li9 327 Htdantor }•IlK' jul111 'ilt I ,jfl I ~I I till 2,2.'} lte<.'lotr, \ltdo • I Rm ltnlon~:tnn \II• t.•• rl I If•I UJ'j lli't,JI "' 3.!7 IS ~•I
11•'-d )ulon f< • Jr llo't'tl \lldo;sd 1,.-. lkt'\1 \lidau..t lleuhc:n 11.*1 lin~ I. Huhnt I rn
t.:a• ...
2.',g ~••
ll1't ,J \\ ulh r (; lltlo.ll(t'll <.an /""'t)h Ht•ttt·n~lt'lu , ( ar '"' f llrlnhott, \lit had l lld11IUuch Julu. 1:. lit anluuclt lin • muaul I' lltt• n..... J,t \lllrlon llt·llt nto rl Huualtl \ 11•'11.111•1 :\n(lllllll I lhru•l. 'tcph••u II Ht•utlu·r. \ll•·rl C' lit•\ "'''"'
n, 'm•hk
Huhu t I
1'11"""1..' , \lt •\luotlt r l'noiKt , I.urn \hdou• I
~Ill tl~h
3(;1 327 l!-411
221 361 11.1':'. I £;2 2tif• :J4'•1 2M l~'i
t:i' li '-'11 ~1
lltlll.ltl I
n. ""'"II jo0l11r Thum;..
:)(,( lit!
Jlt':' :l(,J
( rl
111,(.. c ~. ... ,••, 1\ht·nlttl.t r. l'lu 1p J Ill" Ill"' II mcbll I n1~·d•·· T,.,,. 1... Hh•'llt•), \\ tlh:un II lll11 lit . t laarlr' \ H•l~uul.. ~.,r. tth•r.• n., u ...., \1
I f,l 1711 17 llhl,lW
l}l.i 2"Jfl.
.! li! 31•1 I j"; lfl2.~ 1'1,31•1 I i9
171 171 !,;•)
Ill'/\ IIIII
171 l!h l.!h 111'1 .!II>! 'l!fl
lltdl.ool""'· \lin tl (. lilt J.,lflf\ull, J);a\ kl :0.: llad•anl"'" I h· ''""' I
1'17 "I• I
.! 16,.,. tl .;!.:12 lhi.;lXS ~l
• \\ aHh
'"' ~
Ul'i i,;tl
i!ll ~·I
I 3
Hnum Juhn llarultl
IIJIJ,32; Rt~th
_l(l !}61
2i lit 2.26 .,.
lluhhln• •••ul •
llul• rt• (.uk ll-,lk tlt~lt'fh Omt•r
Huhc'fl..,lll I) tfllllcl I lhol ...,,..... 1 Ill[.. I' Htdthnt•n ( .<tnlun I> Hnhluwn Slt1tlwn I' liood11 Julm \lhc'f1 H"d" H •n;altl II "' unl
I ~ .. l.funl
.IIi U.'l
H••'l!• l,.'t. I n•• m"'r • ''"'lo"' \ul(u•l
n J• rn ll••liti ~,, ,,Ja,n ll•·~·la
t d\\ rtl llol\ "'""''.:• II I .(')lit \ Ho'l(t n l>ttnltlou R K•..:• r~ Juml" llul>t rl l{•'l:•" Juhn H1•lll'rl Rt.,:t-n lladt:ml ( • H•<!!J!<' C lllttl." I Knhm Cot•lfl(l 11141fllll.\
\\ llf1f' ll
H1M nh. m
t 'lo• \
m. VII 21h
1b.! 13 1 3h2
~· 2.lU Zl(t
27 l,)!t ,32'1 271,~..,
li•"t'ul.a• ttrr, \rlluu Ro"' ul..t• tlt•r )llllo•., B
Hae.. nLn, lh•r
~~· !!21
Uu1 kl I
Hl•nunrlmnllll II~\ I.I \\ H••11l Mk Itad IJ,,ma• Ht•" llul""'' \\ 11l•lo II1!WIII1lll'f
l-5(1 -lCI3!tl
fUrn llilfp I
lhN flhanlll
I > tiJHi-4
2!1 2•11361
Hull,• l>nn11M 1111 hoard II•Mnan llotnultl J'"''ltlt
I til , l t.U,I&i,l20.:l2H lilt hoanl I I l~l
II1M c t. .. rlt" I """!lll \llt•ll
If 11,.2';41 3~'!
1\'J 1'.1" ~ lh 31'1 IW,!iU IIU !! Ill .2.54> !1112 .J .!Ill
II<OM Janlt'~ \l .. n fl,,.., l.u'' "'"" II 1(,.-. I tauml I h llr\ n."' ru" to;, t.. Hutla \ll•u l«luuu,.l llotlh t h:ult l<lu aml ~'l Rutlo Julau I :l!'t ltulh IA"Itr ( 1(, lb'i,TI.lll.l!ll , l'llt 2!li,:Z.Sl. U'i Hut I.. maid1 Ill< h~ttl \ It• Jill IU!!.-t••..002 llotll1<•n to;, 1 Ill ~I !!t1G Ht~afn' )nt I 214 H••rthun: \I k ltoul ~ II1Mlarnl ~It·• ~
jnl111 (
ll111 lllo!t rl \1111111 II Htk lu IJon11l1l \I~"
fll,3hl Ill~ 1-:'1
J• •h;,
l>o~• ill
lt~h r, (~ruM
\Imam 1\atlal
2,jij,llZE 1}2 19-1 11 ti I 2fi2 .Hi
l'tt<'t'. 1\•'"'"'lh ( '. Jr l'rk~hard, ll<m anJ \I
l'n•lh·r, J,mu·• I .t~·
1\adLUm l"aul () ll;a;:owllalt· tllll .. rd n K•lna \luhu11 1.111 Ilium I' d ltoulhd Jarn•.,. I llann~·· t h;arle~ ll llantow ', l>•• Q!ht Ham'~< ' \1 :art~~~ () lbntlnlpll \\ ltl~;&au I' IWUt'rl J:un~
llo•\\Urtl \I
H;apJt I rl< lloa' ltrtl RllpJ• ~d Juutm• J Hlnl-h J'lall1p <.lt•aua lluol• (~<If\ R~a• aalh t.lrnn Ron , fltlh Thorntun R:a• l ~rl 1),.,. R:n . j \l;~n Ra\, 'Itt'\ <'II 1..~ RIUil\1 \t.b.B Rt';l<hnl! 'llt11t... n II tlt'liJ-:1111 I rn H
I''"' ..II lin hur<l \\'alltt•
I ';I -~-72
Hanlin IlK hurd f J\app Dunut.l l..u
.!.!1 360
F'•ottma11n, Uarl.. \ l'utzmrmu, Jo;(rn
l'o rdl.1 Jaolo. Hul.,•rt
Pntl•·r. \lk·laill I
l'llfh'r J••"·IJh 8 1!.) l'uflnuf( \t·tl Sit' \I'll I ';I) t71,17!11!.r1-flfi ......dt , lli.l\11\111111 J' ti~ . \1
160 lUi~~
H.. n,
177, 1~':'. 1 1 M121h
P'"'""· ( la.n·n• ,.
11,;,171, 1-.tJ
rlowhnudn·r. J•mt')
Ih; , IIlli r; I .!.jt,l7:Hi I IUS ""~roO\,, ( ltarll'3 ~1111 Potln n, \nclrf" Juhn 2-ll.rli.O f'ulallt•, jiiiiiL" l".th< ,.,.I Pul~a . ll•naalcl \llrt~l ~U l'umamlo. Jiilllf" \ .!.! 1,31111 p,.,J, Jann'J ( anotll :lit Purlt·r, ( 'lo~~tun (, l'i I.
l'nll, Jan O.utl;l.u
Qulldt•, \\a\ ne
.!21 .~;9 .1~ 1
\'t-.. )r
"'''"'"'· c ..., c;,.,", l't•rr~. Hilh \ RH!(I•n
l'nlrd~t . I lanna.l~
2 I IIJI '3:.!6
}t'ff\ l •• ,,.
Hkhunl 0
Quml"lo., ltachard \1 Rao:t..l•" :\la~Jiotlo 11;~~.1, rn;ul t\••nnct 1 J.,Jm
Po••rtm•r. lt•rn I\ p,~~~~--
1!1 10'1 r;j9 .,;y .!4S,32.'> Iii
I ~m l.c.'f'
1 • Jr
1\0!tl. llr-1111
.'l21 • 17.), I hll.321 32-1 .12 1
llan•n•• \laarlo111 Paul Iii l'oi -It> .:271 !161 H~tltllt• ( hark \\'u\ lit 2503bl•tlfiiJr fn'<ltl\ J 261 til ltll':l:• Jnl111 1),~ ttl l'ili II I 'I n.....' Hunaltl I 1\a:,•bn• Julm Rldurnl .!O·I llalo. Jufm Utmadt Iii 1'1 .IJ Rtk\, \\ Hilt\ MI !Uti'I \\ l2!i RUt•• llut• rt I Jr
...!I 32'
Pall, Juhn \ladtad f'Lh. Ol·nnl• HunaM f'Lln~ . Walham •· f'l<'muu jtm-111. Oh• t•r Pluanm.-r, Julm l>o1\ kl
19'1.L)IJ .!i-1 SfJO 360
Qu1t•l., I ,flo\at \l,tn
l'ap~ln Rulx·rl R\1111 l'alnt•r, Stt·pht•n l.\lc
p, ••,
Pulle\ J~>lan Httll<~l
liO I i1 .!O.'J,3fJ(}
Othuru, U.tnald t-:c.-n ..·nt ChurJ,., 8 • Ill l'llb'l, \lbt·rt l.tnlh P.ttljtetl Ouawl.l Lt·t• Puhl. R1>bt•rt Hurokl P11ltlmann, Gt·rw ,\ P.Untt·r. Charlt" I I , II
21l .. ,,
117.120121 122 31.; l'tt·rt-.•, j11rnt~ Jt.ur• 216 P•·rno, !llt·phcu '''"' l'ua~erlun , ja\ t'o.-;lt r Puali.•tun \\'l\liam t,, c
1 t.;,.n.'l
Pnll hn jllnl<.~ H
171, Jilt!.! 16,:121
I ';I. .!SI:t3hl
l'lt.'llt'r, <:ar> \\'a"'" I'K'pltn l.urb l.(t'
IS.l 210 SZG
Prnllt• ( :;,,. Rulx·rl
lim I• r lilt iuud I Huh I I "•lokla \\ lluhl \\ llli;am l,a,, lluhlanrl \I 11 I. 11 I II Hulo
llu ~' \hul..lwn
ltupn·drt \\'illiarn J
1'-;2, IH!J.;32~
12~.:3bl llu~d1 'wtl Hulwrt :210 Hu,,t·ll. ( .h:lrlt•' F 1().1 Hu"dl janw' llaruld I!JI , I5J:3 :2.')'1 321) :2hl Hu"t•ll, jnhn \lic·hal'l 2hZ Ru""· Holand J 2h2 Rutherlnnl. Dalt• \\ 270 Hutlwrlurd. l.imldl (. ;2.){) !lutz. \lan \1 idiJt·l . ;2.')<) R' .111. Da' id \rtltur IW R;an. Thnm." j.tlllt'' thO. R'land Lam Clt·n lhl lh~.:22'1.:3h2 . l(i() R\ttl'r, ,,,...1 Jm 1'>'1 I!J<J.2h4i :):2'1 I'll Sahhar" al. l\ul11 ant '> II,:!,:?. I'> 12~. 17().;3;2!., Sal)(l, Danid 1.. 17:3. Sadlt•r, Hobt•rt \ Ii.).:32!J !3!i2 Sa~.:n. \\ illimn Lt•o, Jr 210 Srunplt·. ~ I il'lllwl H 11'>11 San-.\lartiu, Hahwl \1 17!) Santht•7. Ht•nato I !Xi. Sunddla. ~I khat·l S lH!J.21>2 2.J(;,:3b2 !,andct, J"'t•ph \\ . 32!-J Sander,, Holwr t S 22:3 :,andler, Jarnt'' Ed" ard 196 Sandu,J..,. Dn\id \\' 2!30.32H 171) 1:0.7,:32'1 Sanii-\l t>rnar \I 210.3h2 Satu,..·l.i l'dt•r \\ 177 Sal'\ t·r. \\' ,1\ lit' I !,2,2-W :32H 10'>. l!i<J.2.)b 21032'1 Sam•r l'l'lt·r \\ lli1 , 22~.:329 Sallt't Tluun.h \ :)(;2 Saundt•r, \lartnt J :);2\) :,a, al!t'. Jalllt'' \1 ichal'l ;2:3;2,:36:2 Sa1 urdli. ~.unul'l J 197 ~a\11111. Huht•rt ' 2-1'>.27-1 22:3 St·.utlan j.tlllt'' \\ 17•'> Sdtadt•. Clt•nn \\ill n·d Pi:2 210.:'l!i2 Ih() ~dtadl' Cnrdutl J anw' :22:).:3hl I!JH,:3:W Sdtat•lt•r, ~ Ltrt'l" J :329 Sthat•lt•r \lartiu l'aul 2.) 1,!3:2!! Sdtadt•r. Paul E. 1!,7,::nc; Sc:ltadlt·r. 1-.lic:hat·l J. . :329 Sdtadft·r. t'lca l T. 17!i, HJH Sl'halult·. Hidturd C Hi 1.23Ci SC"huff ner. ~ I idtud J. 22~ S<"hall. L.trn Jarm'' I(i!), SchaLl.. Crt•~.: on \1 . 17~ . 1'1 1.2.)h.27 t.:1:)() :2.:>2.:3!i2 Sdtatz. Holwrl Lt·uu 22·1.:3:30 Schl'll Honald F I!J7 :3:)() Sdtdll'l. C.m \ Iii Scheihal, Lenn J. :3:30 Sdtl'iht•l Lam I. 1.)0 Sdwllrnan L<'on llt•nn :22:3 1.)'1 Sdrt·uk. Hidtanl \\ I ();3 171,2.)(1 :):3() 221i Sdwrrt•r l'.wl 1... :)h2 Sdll'uhl,•w Jarrlt'' 1... 2:31 )c:ht·umhaut·r Johrr 1 Ill'> Sdtillrrt·r l.arn 1.. lh7 ;!.)(i Sdullntt.:. Dautl\ l.t•t• lh() Sdullmt.:. l...t•utu•th I. 221 ,:3h:'! WH.:3h2 ~drillint.:t•r Hobert (. I().), !,dtlal , Thorn:" Fulturr :'!h2,:3h2 1!12 ~dtktt , l'•url hh1 ani 228 Schlueter. Dennis C. :3:30 ~chlul'lt•r Patrit·l.. II 31i2 ~ddrrtu". Carl II 2 1() Sdunahz. Hulwrt Can :31i2 Sdtuwl~t·l. llaudolph \V ~dunidt , f..t'lltll'th l)alt• 223 l Sdtrrtidl. l.uurrit• Dult• 171,2.) 1,!3Ci2 :223 !,dunttlt Paul \\'illt.un 2.;h -.duntdt llolwrl L . 22:3.3!;.'3 ~dnmdt lloht·rt \\ 1.)!) -.dunidt l'huma' I 171 270 0
160. 179.211>.3()3 I 1,2 Sdunidt William Lutz :3('>3 'ldrmit·rh,tt•h \1 iltun P 250 '>o.:htr.lart· ~taulc' D 246 '>dult'ider Da' id C 173, Schucidt·t . Jacub D 17.5.2-16,3.'30 265 'ldlllt'idt·r. Jllnrt.·; R 330 '-dllleidt·r. Jm('ph D 330 '.>dllll'idt·r. Hichanl L. 1%. Sduwttler. \ltthad R 226 24-'l '>duturbuwh. Larn j. 218 'lt:hob, Thurn~ Albert 197 '>d~tl(.•llel. \\'a' nc L. . 252 'ldult'nbach. Runalcl :\. 2-12,3$0 'ldlllt'lll't'l J. Larr~ . 2-16. ~chupft•r. Carl ,\llx•rt
Sdunidt Thurna, S.
:330 ~dwttt•l. Jimm~
Dale . ~dHI\1 t'IIL:l'l'(lt. F. D.
Sl'hrt•irwr. ;\lichad J Sdu·t·int•r. Hnhl'l't W. !,d.tritl... II it·ha rd £. ~dnut•dt·r. Charb E. ~dtl'l.>t'der. Hichurd \ . !ldnull Dt'llll~ \\'a, nt• . Sdutt·l... \\'illiatn J. · Sdurlt7. John Thoma'
192 2-18, 330 17:3, 175,2.50 16-1,21-l 191; . 330 I 96.2.59 :3()3 Iib 22:3 177.
SdHtltz. 1\.entwth ' t•il ~dmltz Hkhard John SdHtmadtt•r. \rthur H Sl'hnp\"llt, \\alter \I an . ~dt\\ a >. Hobert ~~~"in
171 .262 :22-1 1'>2. 196.:3:30 210 1.5-l. 3(;.:)
22'> 1.)9. 196.266 17:3. Sdll\ MIL. Da' id Ra~ . . 17.:>.2.5-1.:3:31 ICiO. 16.'>.20h !3:31 Sdt\\t•it.:t·rt. llt•rnard E. I0'>. Sdt" t•it.:t•rt, l...t•nul'lh H 12h. IMU2:3 230 Sdt\\l'i/l't. \rthur A. . . . . 232 St,t.:l!i"'· 1\t•i th W . !33J St,lt, llarold llal'\\ uod ... 2-l(i. St\111. \\'l,•,lt•l l::dward 331 . 265 . . Scull Can Allen . 265.:272 St·.th.ur~lt. ,\ lll'n W. 2.5-1 St•ahau).(lt. Jt•m A 3:31 !warnun. 1\olx-rt Lt.•rm 23-1.:33 1 ~t·arn., .Jaml'~ Alan · !)()3 St•ar,, 11uunru. ~. . 176 St'l:ltrnt. Rut.:cr 196.2.5!) St~·l.urd . \lidM•I H. 210 St•ilt•rt Hol!t'r Janw; . :3:31 ~t·ttt . Glt·nnon C . . 221 . St•ltlt•n Thulll•h \If rt•d John Lnub Sdn1 allkt•. Carl Orin
)t·flton Gt•nt.• Lant.• )t'lll'' La\\ retK'l' H Sl'llt•rl(rt•n. Rm T "t'\.tll Cl'nrt.:t• \\ ., Jr.
l%.:!2(i :3:31 lb'>. 20-1.:3:31 2.5H
'lt"H'II, Jt·rn Tunll·r 3(j:J 'lltal'ft•r , Ha\ mond T 19-1 '>hair Bllltt,;,•ndra G. Iii) '> Ja\antknruar S. :3:3 1 ~h.nt~. \ftoh in Paul :3:3 1 ~h.tq>. Hit-hard E. Slt.l\\ , Duuald II.. J r . 2.;(),:3Ci.'3 31;:3 ~lt.t\1. Donald \\'a"w . . . Sha\\).(11. Gar~ W . · . . . . . . :)();) Ii0.2-lb Sh•t" han. Dun Lt>e 265.272 ~ht·ltuu, john E. Shcn, Kuo-Shein . . . . . . . . . 194 2.i6 Slu·plwrd. Charb A. 3()3 Sht·plwrd, Lort'll C 21-l Sltt•rlidd. Flmd W 2-11;,:3.'31 Sltt•nrlall. Lt•..i ;\rrr11111 256,:363 Slrt.•rrdl. Holx·rl E. 2Cib 'lht'l'\1 ot><l. llnht:rt HH Shi,tu l!H 'lltih. ( llltt•n-llnru)t I bl.3<i3 'lh1111, \'aad Simaa11
2.).j Shtnn, William 1... . 221S Shinp.urt.:lt. William J 2Ci4i 'llttrlt•'." Don 232•\ Rkkt•l \\ 19.) Shurt John H Ill I'>IS. Shtmma~t.·r llarn 1... Jr I!J 1.15J:3. W9.:!.J(i.:3:31 Hi'>. Shrh l'r Bnt.~· I i1111 170 17'>.22(i . 13-t 1:36.:3:31 Shtu·'· Kt•ntll'th ( .• 2:3-1 ~il'kin)(, \I ark \u~.:u't :3:32 S idd)(lltmn Gt•r aid I. 3:32 ~iclt•>. Donald Ern't :3.'32 Si<llu" ol.r Ronald F 2b t.:3M Sicbcrn. 0 \\ '" nt• 22:3 Sil'bcrt Paul Hot.:t•r 171.206 ~it')(t•l. Robert Jol'l 2:30 Sit.')(rbt,_ M ichat•l \ 1'>0 SierawU!. Da' id \l.111 171 Sit':.encr. Hobt•rt \1 210 Sit'j,l'llllllj>, RuiJ\•rt \1 HJ.), Si)(rist. Jt•rn \lan 2.54.27:2 2.j(j Silkwut><l. All <•n f..t•nl SiJJ..,\!>rlh. Pt• tt·r .\ 210 177. SimnH>tl\, Jot• :'o.lilton IH0.2!1Ci.27.J 332 Simmon,, Hi('hard E. . 226, SimnHHI,, Hmwlcl Al:ln .. 2Ci2.332 1()2.3-'32 Simms. William B Ii 1.1 1>.:>.210 Simon, Da' td \1 221> Simumcn, :-.lidtnl'l G Simpson, Danil'l E., J r 265 3.'32 Sim,, J Q 22-1 Sim'>, Stt•pht•n Churlt'' 199,3f>3 Sinar. \1 khat•I \1 3:32 Sin)(h. Ca,mdl'r B 266.3:32 Sipc~. llonald l.t•t• 2.JS.:3!>:3 Sii>Jl. \lrd1ad II 2.59 Sizcmurt• Lamar. T Jr 221 Slac~. Franl'" C 2.56 Slapal.., Jame' William 332 Slat<'r. \I icha<•l \\ .trd 261 Slalom. Jonathan [) :21-l Slel>4><1a Da' id Stt·' l'u I !Xi. Sloan. Ed" ard Jamb 21 k,332,3(i3 198.2()2 Slu:tn. Ct•m)(t' F . 111 1.3 1, Slt><:UIIl Jullll'\ Hubt•rt 191 ,3.'32 . 332 Smalb . Dt·nnh 1\. 167, Sma,lll'l, 1\lurl..m \\'a\llt' . 17i. I00.2.JI>.3!i.'3 240.332 Srnid. Fred F 11)9, Smith. Alan Wmnt• . IH6,2.54.2i.J.:3<i3 332 Smith, IJrhut \Valtt•r 3!32 Smith, Carlton Lt•c . 240 ~mith, C:harlc' Arthur . 230 Smith. Con Ll't' li0. 11l2.3('i3 Smith, Dariid W. 36.'3 ~mith, Dt•nni' Dt•an 363 Smith, Frt'<lt•ri<:k (. IMU!*J,;J(i3 Smith. Gan J., nn H>7 197 .3-'32 Smith. Gan S 111-1.266 ~mtth. Grt•t.:ur' Paul 13'>.363 Smith Lam llut.:t.•r 3:3.'3 Smith. \I kh:lt'l John 172. Smith 't•il Sanford 171 17b,2.J.l.:};33 19-'3,!363 Smtih l'uul Dt•\lt't 173. Smith, llandall l.t•t• 17.3.17h.2.5-1,3M 2.:>0 Smrth Hobh \ludx·th 1 .)~ Smith Holwrt E 3.'3.'3 Smith. Ronald (;" 1 n 2111 Smith Thumm Clinton 2.50,33:3 Smith. \ it•tur Jat~>h 33.'3 Smith William lla' 363 Smith. William S. · I /.5. Smith~on, Hill~ Janll'' 190.191.333 16-1,2 13 Suo\\', .\lartiu Ha' 333 Smdt•r, Cat~ Alli.·n 231! Sofwzak, Paul J. 3()4 Soln·r. Jatilt'' 1\.. J r Hii .2 16 Sohn, Dan! F 333 Sornntt•r. l)nnuld Lt•(• 333 Sutta. Anthml\ E 3:33 SowN,, J amt•\ 1\olwrt Hi-'3. Spaldint.: Tht•o><lon· J Ii!l, I!J.;,2.)1 :3(;-1 3(>.1 Spaunhur\t, \ crnun H 0
134,3.'33 lili, lR-1.2-IS Spence. David Ra\ 114, 190.191 :333 Spt•nt-c. Jaml'> Jowph 1i -1. 191,3.'3-1 334 Spence, Karl Kenrick . . . . 214.33~ Spt•n<.w. Da' td A. I 00 Spencer. jamc~ j 3().1 Spt·ncer Tern L Hil>, S1Jt>11<.-er. Thoma.!> J 226.33-1 :33-1 Spie).!el. Julio ,\ Ill Spicldueh. Rkharcl B 3().1 Spiller Jack S. 19.5.36-1 Spit7millt>r, Jmcph .\ 25-1.33-1 Spl!'ttstu~\er, Jam!'> lb-'3,36-1 S pn . Thuma' Lt•" i' 33-1 Spuf)!:t'tln. 1\ent D 2.>0 Stall inn, \I ieheal \\ . 261.3!34 ~tanllll, Dougla> A. 230 Stanfit•ld. Dt•nnis E.. l67.2Q.I.3:3-I Stanrill. Hulx·rt E. 0. 221 Stau)(lcin, Daniel C. . Stanton. Ccnr!(t' Dm itl " 33-1 2 13 Stanzt:. Arthur Em~t 164.2 13 Starl..l', Dcnnb R. 2 13 Starke. Hichard :-..1. • 238 Starke'. Randall \V. 167. Stl'l'kel. Francb :1.1. 179.232.3() I 171,232 Steckel. Can Lee . 36-1 ~tl't'd. Flo~ d C .. Jr. 248,:3().1 Stl't·lc. Rubl'rt L lOS. Stt.•t•nmd. Donald . 262.36-1 236 Stl'lanic. Dcnni' E. 23.1 Stdan;k'. Thuma-' P 23.1 Steflen. Earl 1\cnnl'th 1%, 196 Stt·fft•n. \\'illiam Lt•c :33·1 Slt'inbrut·ck. Can Lee 266 St<•inncrd. ~lichael \\' II;(), Stl'llern, Ted H en~ 199,216 36-1 Slt'mmlt·r. Jame> A 166 Stcpht•n,. Juhu "'"''lc~ 17-l. Skphcn,un. \1 ich11cl \\' 2i0 2.JO Stt-rdt. William Kt•nl 2:3.') Stt•rnhcr~.:. Thoma~ C. 12.5.310 Stl'tllt•r. Lt•ud i t\. 171 ,2.) 1 Stt·utltnl'f. Ralph H. 33-l Stt'' ''"'· Edwi11 Edst• l 33.1 SIC\ t'"'· Hoht•rt W. liO Stcwttrl, David Mack 186,23() Stewart. Jamc> E. 33-1 Stt•wart, William E. Jr. Sti~all. Douald Hyan . . . . . . 199. 2-16.3:3.') 177. Sti~ta l l. J:tme' H. . . 256,3(;-1 . 36-1 Stolt'nncr, Sherrill 1-1. 223 Stoles. J:tlllt'~ Hanc~ . 2i0 Stokes. Steplwn n 221,33.) Stultz. William A 261 Stumbt:l'\ki. Thoma\ L. 3:3.5 Stor<L. Rubert 1\ 17 I Storr,, ~tuart :-.lnr!(:tll 17.:>.191 . 19¢3.25-1.33.:> I()!, Stout. Lt•llnard \ I an 111 173.19.5 2lil Stmall. Rnlx•rt \1 170. If).) Str-ant.:. Brut't' &1unch 16;3. StrJtman. Honald \ Ii0.213.3:3.3 llli. Str-allot•r. Claude 272,3-'3.) Ill!,, Str-aus>. Stephl'n ll 197,2.52,:3:3,') 191.3.'3.3 Strc·bk·r. ~ I iehael X. 2.50 Strl't'~Cr. Lant·c M ilu lf)9, Stripliug. Can Lc:c 232,3().1 I011,1 i3 Stritzd. Da\id Lee 3$.) Struhl'l, l.arn Elmer 246.3:3.) Stml'~>rwr. Will iam A. IiO. I i2.3(H Slro11g. Wil liam P. 2-lh Slmthl'r, Grt•gur~ L IOIS. II 0.1 12 Stroud, Charle, J. 223,3(i l StnKkhufl. Hnlwrl :\1 18.'3 ~tnrcm.J. Dndcl Alan 173 ~tuhblclit'ld 1\unald 21~) Stubbs. Jame> \I.. J r 1.)9, Stm:kt•nw~ t•r. Hauch I L. Spector, Alan Hitchic Stx-er. Wade Eclward
379, Danil•l Alan Stucker. Jnhn Rubert Sudin, Paul Jkounrtt Suh~r. Frank Rv~ Sullivan. J omc~ L , Jr. Sullivan. Michael J Sun, Shih· Ying Sunderdick, Vincent J. Sunderme~er. \lrhin L.
173 177,236 150,261
. 223 246,
3f>4 36-J
194,269 2.54,364 221. 33.5 250. Sunderme~cr, Thuma., L 335 218.335 Sunukjian, {nhn Peter . 190, Su~zkn, Wi liam A 228,364 261 Sutherland, Lam Rn' 1&1,221 SHlbiKia, ~lichad F 33.5 S"adJe~ . Gerald Leun I 76 S\\earin~en, Paul \ 33.5 S" ecne' , Thomas E 265.364 S" ecne\. William T I 0&,262 S\\cct..Edward ,\1 iltnn 160,221,364 SwiFt, Larry R. . . 336 Swindle, Kenneth R. . . . 266,364 Swubll(la, Ra ~monel C. 194 Tal, George Ru-Chi 138,336 Talbutt, Chark·s A 189,364 Tannnus. Nit~1la B 256 Torm, Richard &n 336 Tate. Michael Brut't' 252 Tate. Thomas Jerunw 2.56,364 Towill. Farid jad . 171,270 Ta~ lur, Arlan Hu~s 171,248 Tn~ lur, B~ ror r II. 108, Taylor. Cedi Hay 168.213,364 179, Ta, lur. Donald Herron . 1()7,259 Iii Ta' lur, John Paul T ,., lor, Ralph Dale 172, 177, 197,336 182, Tn~lur, Rebeccn W~nn 190.269,366 250 Tavlor, Rnnnlcl Ccut• 261 ,364 Teasle} . Glenn C . . 26.5 Tckutte, Tern Nt·al 171 . T(•nt•s. Edward Brut'(· 191.197.272,364 213 Trrmini. ~lichael J 262.36.5 Tt.~sun . Thnmas 0 . 36.5 Tt.~tnrrr. Lee Stewart Thalharnmer, Edward D. . . . 364 Thames, Harold 0. . . . . . . 336 Theilrnann. Jnlrn Meit•r . . . . 170, 262 . 2.54 Thit-me, Reinhold \V 187, Thies. Donald E. I 91 , 193. 199,246.212,336 I 77, Thie~. Dnu)!las \I 265,36.5 Thiessen. Gt•rald R. 163. 189.196.336 Tlu•mas, Gregor\ 246 Thomas, jamc~ Erwin 154, 171,197 T humM. Warren H. 336 Thmnasun, Larn j ot• 214 Thurnpwn. John F 213.336 Thurnpsun, William \I . 365 Thum~url , Richard K 218 Thomure, Daniel F . 336 Thurn, Ste,en William 192.336 Thornsbt-rry, Vanet· \ . 180. 248,31>5 Thnrntnu, Kenneth W ... 252,365 . 265 Thorpe, Da' icl Rus\l' ll . 218.336 Thm~ell, Carl W ., Jr 250,363 Threlkeld. Hubert R. 336 Thresh~r. Charles \\ 189, Thruc L.nwrtun, Juhn I I 191, 196.270.::>36 . 208 Thurman, Car\ D. . 17F!, Tibbs. ichnlas 11. .
183.184 Tiw. Hkhard H .. Jr.
188. 199,336 Tit·rnann, Dale Alan 270.272 Tit: n, Tsnng Ynn~ 194 TiJan, Fred 261 TiL.u. Pran Nath 181. 182. 19-4.365 236 Tirnpt•. Walter H.• Jr.
'l 111.l..\ll'in \le h1n Todd , Hkhurd E:lrl ToL.raL.,, Euge ne \ . Jr.
266 I!J~.
1119, I !l6. 2b.5.:3f~3 Iii, Tomlin, Ckorw P.• Jr. . . 26.5,3().5 36.5 Tmcnt•\ Damd L. 266.36.'5 T uth , Louis F , Jr ;J.' lfj Tu" Ill', Rubert C liO. Tcl\\mun . De nm Ha\ 190.262 2.5 6 Tm , Hubert Powell 336 Trad1~el. Carn Lerm 232 True' . David Thuma~ 1~. Trut•\ . Ronald Glenn 171. 1~)2. 2.>-1 ,36.5 li~ Tr.tpp. John S . 22:3 , Tmpp. Richard A 131). Traut, Donald Le rm I h9. 19fi/l6.5 336 Trt•Jbal William J. 270 Trentmann, 1 ormarr f. . 337 Trk·anw. Stephen S. 195 Trnnt. Jo~cph l-l al . 230,365 . Tnoutrnan. Keith 194 T\t·ng, Kun-Chao . . . 2.).1 T\impri!., Constantint• 337 Tut·, BHon Barr 176. 191 Tucl er. Rhudora 1\ 337 Tut•h•r, Ronald Murg;ln 164,2.'36 Tul'lken, Richard P 238,365 Turck. Ra' rnnnd Carl 2.52,36.5 Turlin. Cliarles L. . 262 Turnt•r, Ro~rt Allen 179,365 Turner, Thomas W. 171 ,259 Turpin. Lee Edward 213 T" k·hcll. Tern· Allen 183 T~ler. La\\son' J., Jr 232.337 T~ ndorf. Juhn \V 194 Twng, Jaw-Sh~ong 230,365 Uhlhorn , John D. 266 Ulrich , James Gregory . 366 Ulrich , ~lichael l-lenr\' . 159. Umpherrou r. Charles 'F. 197. 199.262 . 366 Lmlt•rwood, Elmer Hun 337 L ntcrn;~ehrer, William 3.'37 I., nll'rr('iner, Rubert J 3.'37 l,rh•,L.i \'iL.ulai I 10. l mt•h, Richard Wa~ ue 226 . 366 I., S>er~. Ho~ t D., Ill . Utlrt•, llalph john . . . 168, 199,33i 337 Vucha. Charb J. , Il l . 33i Vat·hulck , James R. 210 Vahle, \lkhael Qli,(•r 194 \ 'aitha. Bhalchaudra 1\ 224.337 \ ant-e, Joe ;..;eel . 232 \ 'andt•biH:, Alan C . 161.337 Vangilder, James . 338 Vaninj.(l'r, Stan F. . . . 232 Vunnu~trand, jean P. Vurdlrnan, Steven . . . . . . . 234 2.'59 Varrone. Nichnlas j . 188.218 \'au)(han. Duauc Ra~ 213 Vau~:han. Gerald R. 21S.3.'38 \ au~:han, Gerald W 10~. 130, 131 \ Jn)(hn. Paul E. 164. Vl·hige, Rit·hard J 256,272.27..f.3-'38 33/) \'l'J'udu, Donald J 223. Vt•nnari. Joseph P.. Jr. 366 228.366 Vt•rebcl' i. Ernest R. 214.366 \'l•r cnilliun, B' ron N Iii . \ 't•runn, Ceur~e :\1. Iii .2.56.272 \ t•rtrt•es, Dennis Let• 366 116, \ t-:.,dl. Charles R 11/U 19, 123,316 .5 3. Vic~·11h:. Tirrwth' M. 1.52. 1(;(), 211) . 2.39 Vic\\ , John Arthur, Ill IIS7,3()(j \'ilund , Donald . . . . . 266 Vinl't'nl. Delmar F . Jr 26.3 Vim•• ard, William F 1.59 \ irl\urr, \Jan Ru\sell 223 \in\, Paul -\ndrcw . 2().) \ bintainer Da• id A 3~ \is;"· Jnhn Dennis 262 \ 'cl)!t. Curl \ latthe"
171 \ c ~~:t F n·d 1\.arl II 3.'3'1 \oiL.. Hu)(l'r llerbert 2.59 \ uiL.nmr. Rubert \\' 170. \ undt•mfan~:c. \Valtl'l' C. l9B,23 2,27 1,366 212, \curkal'lll-1. Frt•<ll·ricL. 266 3.'31, \ 'ur,t , Ca rl J•" <•ph 331; \ '"' Jt•rucnt• Ju'>Cph 177 \ ''"'· Thcun J\ Robert 190.2()2.212 'J(j(j 1').'3 \ ,..,, h rinl \anc' C H).), \ ' rt•nicL., Eu~:ent' Loub . 196,2i0.27..f Wade, l.ur~t·t• \'.. Jr 180. 230.:33/i 15H, l7.J \\'al:).(CIIIt'r, JU\ £ .. Jr . 3'3'1 Waf.(lll'r ~taufc:, 1\e rrt lli.'3. \\al.(rrt'l llamld Willb 1 9.3.:3:3~
\\ a~:ut•r J ohu Richard •
2-56. 36(j 2.JO Wuf.(nl' l. Pa).(t' t\ ., Ill 17U. W.r~lll'l , Pl'ter 19H.265.3!i6 2.39 Wa~-trwr, Honald Clark . . 17-1, \Vukdidtl , Chde F. 26.3.:366 . 2(j(j \\'alden. Tt•rr~ jamc\ Iii Wallonl Ed" ard T . Jr 2.52 2.'59 \\'aiL.. l-IeI\\ urd James liO Walkl•llhach. Steve L. lh9. \Val kt•r, D:mv~ u E. 270,331) 214 Walkt•r, jurne~ Warren 266.338 Wallrer, Michael R. I i0.3:J.'> Wulll·r. \1 ichael W. HJ.3 .261 WaiL.t•r, \h run E. 2:;9 Waller. Rit·ha rd L. 10'1 \\'aiL.t•r, Sll'' en E. 1.311.21:3 3-'39 \\allacc . Lam James 1-3 ·1. Wallcr,lt•in. Ed" ard R. 272.3(i() 3(i(j Wull).(rt•n, Edward C .. Jr. 3-'31, Walsh , J.tuw; J . . . . 2.51 \\'uhl'rrnun . Dull' \\'a' nt' · Waltt•r,, \la1L. S. 210 179. \\'altlwr. Gc:url!c: (.;. , Jr 192,:3b6 IMJ. Waltrip Tt•rr~ Cc:ne 191.339 223 Wand , Da• itl Alan . . • 3()(; Wumb. james J>. 194 \Van~. Edwin C . C . 2.56..'3<>6 Wamin~:. Ah in D. . . 3.'39 \\'ard . Danit'l Kt•ith . 22.:3.339 Ward, Donald Lt•c 19&.26.5 \\'arcl. Ril·hard f . 211) \\'ard , Rubert Lee 1.59. . Ward. Tt•rrent't' Ra' i60. 171 , 173,213 162, Warucr, John Hichard 17/S, II)7,221 Warren, Theodore Ra'· . . . . I().), 166. I i9.221 ,2S.5.339 339 Wa.,hburn. William T. 221),'l, Jaml'S F. Jr 366 196,266.:3!39 \\'atL.ins, John B. 3(){) ille On alllC\ J Watson, 170, Wattt•nhar~-ter, James C. 19!S,2.50.:3(i(j 2Hi.3(j(j Watts, Hkhard A. lll2,2C).j Wcallll'rh . Ste\>hcn i\ I. 3:3SJ WeaH'l , Ct•ralc W. . . . . 366 WNH·r. \ l it·had Lt~m 11,4,339 \\'t•a\t·c Hunald F :367 We bb. Earl \'k tur . 2()(; Wt•bb. Joluun Stephen 17i.:3b7 \\l'bb. Honuld Lant-..· 1.39, Wd>b. Stanlt•' llarn lil ,2·11$ . . 170. \\'dlhN, (;t'Hr)(t' A. . . l !).5,2.)0.:2i I 1:2(i, \\'dwr jallll'' Courad 1.'52. 1'l(i,223 3fii \\ t•l)(•r, John !'> tillt !llii \\ l'l)(·r. l.a•Ht•ntoe E. Wd>\lt•r IJJ, rd \\' 17'>. 2.).1,:3(ji 3Cii Wd>-lt•r \\ illi.1111 D.. Jr.
1.50. \\'ill i.uh t.:. • • . . 17'>. 1S l. I<Ji 22..f.28.3.:3hi 17 I. We,~te. Jamt•\ II 2.50. 27·1.:367 242.339 Wt•)(rt.~ n. ) tllll('\ E. 3(i7 Wt•lrrllt'l t•r, Waltt•r E. 12(), Wc:hnt'l I'hurm1~ G. I 27 I (j I. I 6·1.1'>6.221.3:3!) 26.; \\'t- ihrecht lln~tl'r I' 2:32 \\'l'idut'r Hoh•:rl \\' 1% Weilt• r. Rolx·rt Ch rb 22:3 \\'ebkupl , lo..t•\ ill R 232,31i7 Wt•i". B.1lta,ar II. !.)b. \Vpitzcl , Paul StcH·n 191.193,:3.'39 1:30.270 \\l'lsc h. l'aul Ll•rm 2i0 \Ve b eh \\'illrarn 1-: n!'d HJ4 \\'t•n. Ch rr n- \lin~: 2->-1 \\'t•nclt \h in Farl . 10~. \\'c.•ni~l·r Charlt·~ I I \\'t'<l~te.
2i0 \\c:rncr, 1\.l•nrrl'lh \\' 1'>2 Wt•rthrnan. J ohll P.. Jr. • .. 2.;c; We,cJ, Holwrt J<l(.' . . . . 23(i West ,. C; harlt•., 0 .. Ill 204. \\'t·,tlall. l.t•"i' E.. Jr 339 21 6 Wc.•stun. John ( :ulliu~~ l bh, \\'c.·~trJ~. William K 1~7.3h7
174 J,'>.J.22:3.310 :310 Wcttach . Dou,,Jd J 22,0, Whc.·at b . Charle' L. ,' J(jj \Vhital..c.·~. Hotlnc.•\ E. ).)1 . \\'hitc.·. Churlt·' \ndr~·w 210 101>.201> \\'hilt'. Frc.•d \lfo nzu 1';7, \\'hitc.'. Jaml·~ \\'a, m· • \\'ethirr).(luu, Hobert L
11>2. 21~5
21,0, \\'lritl'. llobt•rt T . Jr 1";(1.213 \\'hitne' Dl'nlli' Lt·rm . . 21)1 Win tc.' \h ron Kt•rrt . · :3-10 Wil)lx·nrnt·~ t•r, Jl'WIIIl' H. 2 1H Wichlin,L.i, Tlnunas D. 21 I \\'k-kl·. Gan \\'ibc1u 3 10 \\'ick•marr. ilm Leon I '12. \\' idrne r. Rt'\ Chari ••, 192 21){) \\' idrwr. Can \\ 2:3 0 Wit·dwn' ~ll'l>lwn \\ 21il . Wit•drnurur. ~lurl Jmcph 272 :}(jj \Vil'g<•lt•, Gt:or,,(t' Lnub I i.t.') (ii Wil·serllll<' ~ t•r. John C. Wi\!~111,, Edmund Craig . . . . 367 l.'lO. Wil!~tinton, Can \Va~ ne . 3 10 Wibl\. Thuma., \1 Hi3, 19'>.2()(>.:340 3()7 \\'ildt, Jo,eph lll·rrnanrr . . . . :!Iii \Vile~ . Hogw Dalt· •.• 3(i7 \Ville, rtwmus J 17/l Williarm. t\nitu 1.. Iii. \V illiarus. Darrit•l A. 2..fli,2fi5 261 \\' illiarm. Da• id \V. 2i0,3h7 \\'illiam s. DnuJ.(Ju., R. 10'1. \\'illiarm. Frnc.•,t G 14.5.2().) ,3()7 2i0 William\, llaruld Dt•un . . I iO, \Villiarm. llt'IH\ \V 262,;3Ci7 21-J \.Villiurn,, jaml'' T. 210,3()7 Williaul\, )l'rtlllll' II I i2. \\'illiacm. Lam 0 2-16,:367 ;J()j \\' illiulll\. \lit-had C. \\'illiarn,, Hcl)!t'r Lc.·c.· 340 ;J()j \\'illi~. Donald Ct•nt• ;}(ij Willi\, Tc.·rn Dauit-1 17:3, Wilnwnt. l)u, id \llau .. 2.5-1,:3()1 1-3t27() Wilson. 1), It• ll1uc.•c.• HJ.3, Wibon. Lu" n•uc.•t• ;\I . Jr. Wil'""· l'alrrt·L. Jt~lur
\\'inch. Hrc.hard \llau \VindJc.•,lt•r. l.urn (,
262 2i:2.:3h7 L!li. ll)(i.21h :310 :310
. . 116. Windbh. \lidiUI'I W . ll i,l22,123.13 1, 1!3i, l-12 IO'i,20h \\ infidd. Fran~ \\ lll'oor,
Bntt"l' Hnnald
Wiutt•r,, Daml'l T Wint1·r~. La'' n·utt• A.
\\ L'cman. Jaml'\ L. •
. 2.56 164.
2-16.:3-lO 190. 2.51.3-lO r;.:,, 190.191,!340
\Vblwrd, Du' id . . . . . . \Vi.\~el.
\\ 'itte.
Frt•d Owen . . .
(;, rl
\\'itzd , Richard C.
. . 340 230 23-1 213.3-10
\\ uhlberg. Hichard \\'
\\oil'' · Paul Finle' . Wult: Laura i\1111 : • Wull. Williurn Alli~on
3-11 2i0 2fi.5. 3-ll 3-ll 2.59 259
\\ulft:. BH<IIl I . Jr \\'ulff. \ Ia 11 \1 il hacl \\oil f. Tlurrnu' Frilucb
\Vullinjtlt>ll, ll.l•rn P. Wolhhl'l'\!l'r. Juhn R.
261 11>.5, 221.3-ll,:l(ii
\\'ukanwtt. \lt>nt<· L' It: \\'c•><l. Glenn ( harie,". . •
36i 1iO. 21h,3-l1
\Vnud , Willtam P.
1.5-l, 191' 192.2i0.3C>8 3-l I WtH>dard, Hunald C.
Wt•t<llilnd, Carl Ra' \\uodlnd•. Juhn \ t: \\tH>drufl. \lidntcl Ra' . WcK><b. ~~h' in Thnmas . WcK>ds, Stt•plwu Wa~ ne \\'t>l>(ls. \\'arrt:u Chip \\ tw>(l\\ ard. G.m Kt:ith
\\'c,.rlt:n. Bubb' R:l\
Wurth,· Brun· <:harlt:s
Wortman. Darrd E. \\ urh. Jaml'' bl" ard
\\'li)!ht. Steplwn A.
I '>1).361>
216,3-11 , . 19i. 224 22-l 160.2:32 3f>& 1%,:3f>8 2.'32, 3-l l
Hi9. 2-1&.:36'> li6 IM.:3-t 1
Wrilo:ht, Stc·plwn Earl \Vri\1<'>1. Da' id B. . . . Wn. \'inccnt lloi- Pun .
22h 34L 2(j2, 3()1)
\\ ulff, CharJ,., S \\.undNiich, Danm F \Vunuit·kc, El·~hur·d L'. Wurtz,
Lw .
,\II rl·d J \Vn,,ll'f. Ruht•rt :\ \\ \ Itt•. JJnl(''o (; Yang. K"un~ Ynh . Ydr. Chnn!(·Lian!( YcKrthanum, Nurong Yr"t. Cunnl'l Jo:, t•rett Y•"l. Kcncwth Dale Yuung CNald Lt•c w,,..~lt·r.
223 199
2Ci6 3()1! 1%,259 210 216.:369 19-l li-5 Iii 261
li-5.3-11 116,
11/i 1:!0,121 3-ll ,\, 228 YuuuK. Junw~ Ut•t• . . . . Youngman, Jamc$ Allen . . . 341 Yount, '.1ichael Ray . . . . 192,262 Yousefian, javad . . . . . . . . 187 Yowell, Robert H. Jr. . . . . . . 228
Yotul!(. Jamc~
Zaborac, Thomas Alan .. 101:!,167, 256 Zak. Thomas Stanley ... , .. 341 Za.mbon, Elaine Marie . • .. 270 Zeiler, Thomas Wayne . . . . . 236 Zelmer, Robert R. Jr. . . . . 341 Zenge, Thomas L. . . . . 193,369 Zcsch, Raymond Ralph . . . . 230 Ziegler, Karl F. . . 188, 197,210, 342 173 Ziegler, Ronald S. . . . . Zicner, Robert Alvin . . . . . . 369 Zimmer, Jerome Robert ... 223 Zimmer, john Jay . . . . . 189,342 Zimmerman, David H. . . 252,369 Zlatic, Milton Thomas . . . . 223 Zoellner, Cl~de F. . . 180,198,265 Zoellner, Lynn Edward .. 189,265, 342 171,178, Zogg, William David 180,265
Zoll, Bobby Gene . . . . . . . 369 Zullig, Dennis Lee . . . . . 192,369
Mmeline, Mo., U.S.A.