" I've known countless people who were reservoirs of learning, yet never had a thought." Wilson Mizner
The Universit y provides
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"A chil d educated only at school is an uneducated child." George Santayna CAMPUS BOOK STORE
for those who seek additional
" Teaches you to walk alone." 路 Trader Horn
knowledge after high school.
"You don't learn to hold your own in the world by standing on guard, but by attacking, and getting well hammered yourself." George Bernard Shaw
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Colleg e life is compo sed
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of many facets of life.
"Life is a play! 'Tis not its length but its per路 formance t hat counts." Seneca
Y .o ur education is composed of
"Happiness, I have discovered, is nearly always a rebound from hard work. It is one of the follies of men to imagine that they can enjoy mere thought, or emotion, or sentiment. As well try to eat beauty! For happiness must be tricked! She loves sweat, weariness, and self-sacrifice. She will be found not in palaces but lurking in cornfields and factories and hovering over littered desks; she crowns the unconscious head of the busy child . If you look up suddenly from hard work you will see her, but if you look too long she fades sorrowfu II y away." David Grayson
experiences in HAPPINESS ...
Happiness - the result of being too busy to be miserable.
LOVE ... "When one loves one doubts even what one most believes." La Rochefoncauld
I '
" It is not customary to love what one has." An(!tole France
- r
"Responsibility is the thing people dread most of all. Yet it is the one thing in the world that develops us, gives us manhood and womanhood fibre." Frank Crane
"I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity an obl igation; every possession, a duty." John D. Rockefeller Jr.
"Every man is enthusiastic at times. One man has enthusiasm for 30 minutes, another man has it for 30 days, but it is the man who has it for 30 years who makes a success in life." Edward B. Butler
DIFFICULTY ... "A great many people, maybe most people, confronted by a difficult situation, one in w hich they don't know what to do, get nowhere because they are so busy pointing out that the situation should be remade so they w ill k now w hat to do." James G. Cozzens
"The real tragedy in life is not in being limited to one ta lent, but in the failure to use the one talent."
"Only the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently." Henry Ford
"The higher men climb, the longer their working day. For to keep at the top is harder almost than to get there. There are no office hours for leaders." Cardi nal Gibbons
"It's diffic ult to climb a ladder with your hands in your pock et."
"It is defeat that turns bone to flint; it is defeat that turns gristle to muscles; it is defeat that makes men invincible ." Henry Ward Beecher
"What is defeat? Nothing but education, nothing but the first step to something better." Wendell Phillips
"Every step in our progress towards success is a sacrifice. We gain by losing; grow by dwindling; live by dying." R. D. Hitchcock
"You are making progress if each mistake you make is a new one."
The basic quali ficat ions fo r an
"We sin grievously against ourselves when we get somebody to do somet hing for us which we cou ld do." HenryS. Haskins
individual who is in college ...
is that he be able to
"You can lead a boy to college, but you cannot make him t hink." Elbert Hubbard
"Getting an idea should be like sitting down on a tack; it should make you get up and do something about it."
"The fellow who says there is nothing new in the world might try think ing." Herbert V. Prochnow
to DECIDE ...
"The man who insists upon seeing with perfect clearness before he decides, never decides." Fridiric Amie l
"The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just." Abraham Lincoln
to ACT ...
"The tree in which the sap is stagnan t remains fruitles s." Hosea Ballow
"Activity is the only road to knowledge." George Bernard Shaw
"Action makes more fortunes than caution." Vauvenaogues
"To Act is to annex to our thoughts vaster fields of experience." Maurice Barres
and then to ACCOMPLISH.
"We are not here to do what has already been done." Robert Henri
"So long as I am acting from duty and conviction, I am indifferent to taunts and jeers. I think they will probably do more good t han harm." Winston Churchill
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"Only a life lived for others is a life worth while." Albert Einstein
"I fear that I am selfish when I give a gift, or help a f riend, I do it, not because I should, but because it makes me feel so good." Crysta l Shoemacher
"To love the beautiful, to desire the good, to do the best." Moses Mendelssohn
tillt ll
"Luther Burbank fell in love with plants; Edison fell in love with invention; Ford fell in love with motor cars; Kettering fell in love with research; the Wright brothers fell in love with airplanes. Someone has truely said: "Be careful what you set your heart on for it will surely come true."
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Coming Back
Many new changes greet the returning UMR student. These range from a new student I 0, to a partly finished Chemical Engineering Building, to an almost finished Student Center and even to a Mall Beautifica路 tion Project.
First Party
Weekend First Party Weekend, September 15th路 17th, was a new idea this year. The thought of a street dance was new too, but four fraternities, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Kappa Theta, Acacia and Triangle, got together and their combined efforts met with great success. The groups Circus and Puzzle alternately provided the music for the open-air dance. The next night Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes entertained the party week路 end crowd over in the Multi-Purpose Building.
House 路of Attreus Dick and Ann Albin, the House of Attreus, came to Rolla for two days of workshops and concerts on September 21st and 22nd. Besides playing before a packed Student Union Ballroom crowd, the husbandwife team also traced the beginnings of Ozark folklore and showed how they constructed their instruments. This year marked the third straight year the House of Attreus has included UM R in its national tour.
Blood Drive Great Success
Blood drives here at Rolla again produced outstanding results. On September 26th and 27th over 180 pints were collected, and another drive on December 5th and 6th drew 400 pints. The UMR Miners have always been noted for their great cooperation with the Red Cross.
S.U.B. Workshop Over thirty students took advantage of the Nation a I Leadership Methods Workshop, sponsored by the Student Union Board. The two day affair, September 29th and 30th, involved both team and individual learning experiences.
People for People Many organizations provide service for the UMR campus and the Rolla community. The lnt.ercollegiate Knights sell concessions at the football game; the University-5ponsored Industry Day brought over 50 companies for the student to look into; and the Interfraternity Council held a clean-up campaign in the Rolla Area.
The Temp est Everyman Players present their interpretation of Shakespeare's "The Tempest." The well-received troupe entertained more than 300 Miners on October 1Oth. New Orleans jazz came to Rolla on September 26th in the form of Billie and Dee Dee Pierce's Jazz Band. They represented Preservation Hall, the famous French Quarter birthplace of the "free-spirit" jazz.
Home comi ng Week end
Homecoming, October 19th, was many, varied activities for different individuals. A small crowd, Chancellor Baker and Homecoming Queen Paulette Thompson, and a die-hearty cheerleader were on hand for the Miners heart-breaking loss to the Springfield Bears in the last nineteen seconds, 3-0. Inside, some people got together for cards and others joined in different kinds of group activity.
Neil Sedaka Entertains
T he Homecoming concert was a great success. Even though B.J. T homas couldn't make it, Neil Sedaka graciously filled in and gave a large crowd of Miners and thei r dates a fine performance. He mixed some old and some new into an enjoyable early evening's enterta inment, and was justly rewarded with a standing ovation.
Coronation Highlights
T he coronation of Homecoming Queen Paulette T hompson by Student Union Board president John Lindstrom climaxed the weekend's activities. Mike Neehof, Paulette's escort, proudly leads Sigma Tau Gamma's representative up to the stage. Mike and Paulette are joined, first by the rest of the court, and then by the entire crowd in the Queen's dance. Although Miss T hompson became UMR's 1972 Homecoming Queen, many other pretty girls were also up for the nomination.
People Listen and Watch to Learn World-reknown actor Rob Inglis came to UMR on October 31st to present his interpretation of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Jose Greco teams up with Nana Lorca for a lively Spanish number. The purpose of Greco's performance is to increase the appreciation of the Spanish dance. Occasional social gatherings, such as parties.and coffeehouses, provide Miners with a chance to learn about people. Christopher (Kit) Bond came to Rolla in late October during his campaign for governor of Missouri. Here he takes time out to present his ideas and goals to KMSM's Bill Tietze.
Universit y Day
The experimental car built for the Urban Vehicle Design Contest, and winner of a special award, was one of the highlights of University Day, November 18th. Also on display was an actual Apollo moon rock. The Computer Science and Physics Departments are among those pictured showing off their facilities to the visitors.
Missou ri Miner Music
Above, the Pep Band, directed by Darrel l Elven, strikes up a spirited song during a Miner basketba ll game. At right, the Stage Band Jazz Ensemble performs with Mr. Arch Martin.
At left, Mr. Arch Martin in action; below, the Drifters play at the Homecoming Coronation Dance. At bottom, the Concert Band performs on December 4th, with Dr. David Oakley conducting. A full house turned out for the evening of music.
IFC Sing The Interfraternity Council Sing got Christmas Party Weekend, December 1st and 2nd, off to a good start. A jam-packed Student Union Ballroom saw a wide variety of performances. Phi Kappa Theta put on a skit about the Old West as they did the song "Paint Your Wagon." Theta Xi fraternity got together for a rousing chorus of "Silhouettes." Nancy Novak, Nancy Ayres and Kathy Beck, three of Lambda Chi Alpha's Crescents, graced the novelty portion of the program with a rendition of "Thoroughly Modern Millie." The Drifters provided music relief between acts.
Christmas Party Weekend
Parties were the order of the evening Saturday. Some fraternities, such as Sigma Nu, went all out for decorations. Santa Claus even made an early appearance in honor of the many pretty faces that brightened the weekend. Everyone had a way to spend their time, ranging from tapping the old keg to carrying on some very interesting conversations.
Good Cheer To All
Even in the midst of all their partying the Miners still found time to make others happy. The residents of Thomas Jefferson had a party for the members of St. James' Boy's Town. The day included roller skating, cartoons, cake and ice cream and gift giving. The graduating seniors of Phi Kappa Theta give a toast to their success. They are joined in their fun by Mrs. Rowland Johnston, a long time friend of the fraternity and their adopted chapter sweetheart. Santa Claus even found room to give a poor, deprived Miner something to keep him mindful of the joys of Christmas.
S.U.B . Spon sors Music
The Student Union Board sponsored many musical groups this year. These were comprised of dances and special performances. UM R students could also attain the nonprofession type music such as featured at "Greenhouse."
Ace Trucking Company
White Roots of Peace
The Ace Trucking Company made their premier appearance at UM R on January 20th. The group did a series of satirical and comedy acts that were styled to the mood of the Miner crowd. The program was very good, and the improvisational group received heavy applause throughout the concert路. On January 31st, the White Roots of Peace group came to UM R to explain American Indian beliefs and legends. They spoke in both English and Mohawk. A thanksgivi ng meeting in the evening followed a day of exhibits of Indian crafts and arts.
St. Vale ntine 's-
Military Ball Weekend
The weekend of February 9th and 1Oth had a double meaning. It was both Valentines party weekend and 1VIilitary Ball weekend. The highlight of the weekend came on Saturday night as Evelyn Gayer, a Mechanical Engr. senior, was crowned Military Ball Queen.
Shake speare 's Midsum mer
Night's Dream
On February 28th The National Shakespeare Company brought the "spirit of youth" to the University Center-Centennial Hall as it presented A Midsummer Night's Dream. The light Shakespeare play is a fantasy of folklore and fairies. Man's folly is laughed at, as Puck exclaims, " Lord, w hat fools t hese mortals be."
Fashio n Show
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The Student Union Board sponsored two fashion shows throughou t the year. They were both fun for the girls who got to show off, and for the guys who got to watch. The second one, on March 2nd, came off especially well.
Special Events Prese nted
On March 9th, Chitiri Arpi (Four Harps) appeared at the University Center. The ensemble features t he four leading women harpists of the Soviet Union, and represents one of the first occasions on w hich the Russians have sent a small group on tour outside t heir own country. Bramwell Fletcher appeared as George Bernard Shaw on April 3rd. A very prominent acto r, Mr . Fletcher has put together Shaw's own story, from the millions of words that Shaw wrote. On Apri l 12th, the Black Student Choir from UMSL highlighted Black Cultu re Week's activities.
During Second Semester
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St. Patrie k-Patron
Sain t of Eng inee ring
March 15-17 marked the days that were set aside to honor St. Pat, the patron saint of engineers. Much preparation went into the three days of constant activity, and much credit is to be given to the St. Pat's Board.
Roger Kramer reigned as St. Pat. On Friday, the 16th, the games were held at Lion's Club Park. Jack Phillips won the endurance contest, Jim Greer won the six-pack chug and Georgia Schmidt won the girls' quart chug.
More St. Pat's Fun
St. Patrick enjoyed himself with his lovely queen and her court. Chosen to reign as St. Pat's Queen for 1973 was Miss Marilee Robinson. The queen's court was composed of Kim Hapgood, Robbie Hummel, Linda Schilling and Ann Carmichael.
What A Weekend It Was
Achievements in Engineering was the theme of the annual St. Pat's parade. A beautiful parade was enjoyed by a large number of Miners and with townspeople, Rolla Sigma Pi's "Mickey Mouse and the Model T" taking the grand prize honors.
Sweet Charity a Success
March 22-24 marked the run of Neil Simon's play "Sweet Charity." The three performances were standing room only, as the efforts of the UM R Theater Guild and Music Department were overwhelmingly received. Top performers were Kathy Beck as Charity Hope Valentine, Rosanne Ditzel! as Helene, June Frye as Nickie and Daniel Bruns as Oscar Lindquest.
Student Union Board's
The week of March 25-30 was dedication week for the new University Center. The Rio Clemente Trio, a CasinoNightclub, and Anderson and Elven combined to highlight the activities on Thursday.
Dedicatio n Week
Independent's Weekend
A concert, dances, games and parties were the marks of a successful Independent's Weekend, held this year on April 6-8. The S.U.B. had Mason Proffit on Thursday, and then it was on to Echo Valley for the rest of the weekend.
Independ ent's Weekend Fun
The highlight of Independent's Weekend was the Coronation Dance on Saturday at Thomas Jefferson. Chris Caudell, a psychology freshman at UMR, was crowned queen.
Rugby Tournament
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On April 8-9, the UMR Rugby Clu b hosted the first annual Stag Midwest Invitat ional Intercollegiate Rugby Tournament. The Miners won their first two games, but lost in the third round to MU, and ended up fourth. Central Methodist College took first.
Gov. Bond at S.U.B. Banquet
Gov. Christopher "Kit" Bond spoke at the Student Union Board's Recognition Banquet Thursday, Apri l 12th. Gov. Bond commended the S.U.B. by saying, "We honor outstanding citizens who have made a great contribution to this University and to the State."
1973 Greek Week
Apri l 23-28 was set aside from mortal man and was proclaimed 1973 Greek Week. T he IFC scheduled a week full of activities. The mighty gods who ruled over the fun were Steve Robertson, Bob Scanlon, Mark Armstrong, Craig Fadem and Dan McBride. Steve was also named I FC Man of the Year at the banquet on Thursday. Friday was the carnival and Saturday the games.
Fun at the Greek Games
11 2
fhe Games were the highlight of the weeks activities. Joyce Kremer was chosen Queen of Greek Week, over
$1200 was raised at the carnival, and Kappa Sigma and Kappa Alpha tied for first place in the games. The Overall Greek Week title went to Tau Kappa Epsilon.
Graduatio n
Graduation marks the end of your college learning experience and sets the stage for a professional experience. Both Graduation ceremonies, in December and May, were very impressive, with over 750 degrees being granted in May.
Hom ecom ing Oue en P auRette T homps on
11 8
C olleen C ollin s
Military Ball
Evel yn Gayer
Marrilee Rolbinson
Chris Barnes
Greek Week Oueen Joyce K reuter
Goddess AphroJit e
Ouee n
An:n Carrn icb.aell
RO LLA MO Cou rt
Kathy B eck
Susie Esby
Ruth Legsdin
FOOTBALL MINERS 7 0 7 7 21 0 24 14 0 28 0
OPPONENTS 21 Kansas State-Pittsburg 49 South Dakota State 39 Missouri Southern 20 U. Wisconsin-Milwaukee 46 State Missouri Northwes t 3 Southwest Missouri State 35 Central Missouri State 7 Washington University 31 Southeast Missouri State 21 State Northeast Missouri 40 Lincoln Universit y
MINERS 32 27 27 31 33 31 48 46 32 38 50
Lincoln University Evangel Southwest Baptist Washington Universit y School of the Ozarks John Brown University Greenville UMSL Southwest Mo. State Westminster Central Mo. State SIU Invitation al 4th place SMS Invitation al 12th M I AA Conference 7th
OPPONENTS 23 32 32 24 23 25 15 15 23 17 15
MINERS 77 83 66 88 66 81 97 105 61 85 65 86 68 70 59 91 85 75 66 68 89
71 77 101 91 82
Westminster College U. Wisconsin -Milwaukee U. Wisconsin -Parkside Lincoln Universit y Kansas State-Pittsburg Ohio Dominican West Virginia Tech Central Missouri State Southwest Missouri State Northwe st Missouri State U. Wisconsin -Milwaukee Northwe st Missouri State Northeast Missouri State Central Missouri State Southwest Missouri State Southeast Missouri State Eastern Illinois Univ. Southeast Missouri State Culver Stockton Westminster College Northeast Missouri State Northwe st Missouri State Lincoln Sl U-Edwardsville Central Missouri State Southwest Missouri State
special honors to Rich Peters who became the all time leading scorer by breaking the 1000 point mark in his career at UM R.
2 0 0
5 2
5 1 1
3 '.
OPPONENTS 71 93 72 74 67 56 79 77 82 70 67 75 65 77 71 72 84 61 69 69 76 86 80 88 83 73
OPPONENTS 7 Drury College Seminary 9 a Concordi Washington Universit y 9 4 Drury College 7 Southwest Mo. State 4 Southeast Mo. State 8 Rockhurs t College 6 Southeast Mo. State College ter 6 Westmins
TRACK SWIMMING OPPONENTS MINERS 44 Missouri Valley 100 100 Northwest Mo. State 44 25 Evangel College 96 59 Washington University 85 (Indoor season) 16 Evangel College 82 17 Evangel College 71 19 School of the Ozarks 71 MIAA-7th indoors Central Mo. State Relays Parker 4th in discus Trower 4th in long jump 440 relay team 3rd Weaver 4th in 120 HH Simmons 4th in shot Brown 2nd in 100 Smith 2nd in triple jump 3rd in long jump " Mile relay team 2nd records were set by Smith in the triple jump, the 880 relay team, and indoors by Brown in路 the 300, and Snowden in 880
MINERS 593 390 490 376
OPPONENTS 573 University Arkansas State 353 Lincoln University 450 Lincoln University 385 Evangel College 7th Missouri Southern Tourney 3rd 5th Annual Bestball 6th Galveston Island Classic 4th Terre Du Lac Tournament
69 49 83 72 35 94 83 38 47 100
Southeast Missouri State Western Kentucky Principia Central Missouri State Drury College Univ. Mo.-Saint Louis Southeast Missouri State Southwest Missouri State John Brown Westminster College 2nd SEMO Relays 3rd PIASA Relays
64 30 40
69 19 28 75
66 12
MINERS 37 48 20 45 36 43 24 22 21 30
Evangel College Evangel College U. Missouri-Saint Louis Missouri Valley Lincoln University Washington University U. Missouri-Saint Louis Southwest Missouri State Southeast Missouri State Lincoln University
3 15
6 18 24 24 22
Gary McAlpin: MIAA HWT Champion ranked 9th in nation.
T he A g o n y o f D e fe a t
137 ~- - -- -
With 10 returning offensive lettermen, the Miners had expected a winning season. After the last game on Thanksgiving the Miners were left holding a 2-9 record. A few high points of the season came with half back Kenton Hupp rushing for over one hundred yards in three consecutive games. The two victories came with the defeat of Washington University and the surprise upset of highly touted Kirksville. Two Miners were named AII路Conference. Offensive guard Gary McAlpin and defensive back Bruce Stone were given 1st team honors. Bruce led the MIAA in interceptions, pulling off 9 steals. Pellick, Doering, and White were named 2nd team All-Conference. Honorable mention went to co-captain Colter, Hupp, Sullentrop, and Walsh. Coach Finley is very optimistic about the future.
Roundballers take 2nd in MIAA
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The 1972-73 Basketball team was destined to have its best season with six seniors and plenty of reserve talent. The B-ballers managed a second place finish in the MIAA behind tough S. M.S. with a 14-1 1 season mark. Probably the biggest highlight of the season came in the very last game, when team leaders Rich Peters, Rod LeGrand, and John Williams spurred a romp of Springfield. The cagers came up with some other very impressive victories this season, winning the Appalachian Classic tournament, and finishing third in the MIAA conference tournament. The Miners are losing five starting seniors this year, but Coach Billy Key is optimistic about next year's slate, with some outstanding freshmen and junior college transfers, the cagers should be as tough as ever.
Wrestlers take fourth in MIAA
The wrestling team can boast a successful season with an 8-3 mark and a 4th place finish in the M I AA conference meet. Gary McAlpin finished the season with a 13-2-0 individual record, and a 1st place finish in the conference. Steve Ganz took 3rd in the MIAA sporting a 14-6-1 record. Mike Blackmore pitched in with a 12-8-0 season followed by a 4th place finish in the conference meet. The grapplers have some very talented young members and are anticipating another strong team in 1974. As a final note, in the College National Tournament held in Brookings, South Dakota, Gary McAlpin finished 9th in the nation at heavyweight class.
Swimmers take second in MIAA-ag ain!
The swimmers became the bridesmaid to Springfield in the M IAA conference meet for the th ird year in a row. Freshman Tom Wenger was voted most outstanding swimmer of the meet. Tom, along with Tim Blood, Steve Peppers, and Ron Dutton earned the right to compete in the College National Meet in Detroit. Overall, it was a very successful season for Coach Pease and his swimmers. As t he saying goes, there's always next year, but .....
Cross Country It turned out to be a slow, disappointing year for the harriers and new coach Dewey Algood. Led by Co-Captains Mike Schepflin and Denny Mertz, the semi-speedsters managed a seventh place finish in the MIAA conference meet. Inexperience hampered the team as it struggled through a tough schedule. The harriers also participated in two invitational meets, the Southern Illinois University Invitational, and the Southwest Missouri Invitational. Next year should be a good one for the cross country team. This was a year of experience, next year will be a year of winning.
The UM R Rugby Club, now in it's tenth year, was operating at it's peak with a total of 20 scheduled games and 2 tournaments. The majority of the games were with university division teams from the midwest. The team traveled to Hammond, Louisiana for the Mardi Gras tournament. Also this year, the team sponsored the first Stag Midwest Interco Ileg iate Rugby T ou rnament at Rolla. Attending the tournament were 16 major college teams from the midwestern United States. UMR's Rugby team has been noted for it's tough, aggressive play which establishes them as one of the top college teams around.
15 1
Tennis Inexperience hampered the efforts of the UM R tennis team this season. With on ly two returning lettermen, senior Paul Pederson and junior Sam Ingrassia, Coach Ray Morgan's team faced a very disappointing season. With three freshman, and one sophomore returning, the Miners can hope for sol id improvement next year.
Golf The 1973 season has had it's ups and downs for the Miners. In t he Crossroads of America Tournament the golfers posted a twelfth place finish out of a field of twenty seven top teams. T he golfers t hen journeyed to Warrensburg to compete in the Heart of America Co ll egiate Classic, finishing sixth out of seventeen teams. Team leaders A lan Parkinson, Buddy Barnes, Jim Ogden, John Key and Mike Davis spent many hours in preparation for the conference tournament.
Baseballers • take a sw1ng at victory
The Miner Baseballers completed the 197273 season with a mediocre season. The base men encountered some rugged competition, the likes of nationally ranked UMSL, the University of Oklahoma and Tennessee Martin. Some of the Miner standouts were Steve Munzert, Mark Schrader, Steve Holcomb and Mark Smith. The UM R Baseball Team is young and the odds of bringing another conference championship back to Rolla looks optimistic.
Cindermen drive on Victory
The Miner track team accomplished some very impressive victories this season. Trouncing such schools as Missouri Valley, Evangel, Washington University, and School of the Ozarks, the Miners however cou ld only manage a mediocre season in conference competition. Some outstanding individual performers were Parker in the discus, Brown in the 100, Smith in the long jump and the triple jump, and Weaver in the 120 high hurdles. Coach Allgood is looking forward to the 1974 season. With some experienced men, and some new talent, t he outlook could be very hopeful.
Rifle team on target
Last semester's records were falling faster for the rifle team than their opponent's spirits. The leader of the onslaught was team captain, Kent Gastreich, who received first team AllAmerican honors, and a tryout for the U.S. Olympic team. With fine performances by team members Markos, Babnik, and Kohnen, the UM R gunners have become one of the nation's most qutstanding teams.
Singles Champion Singles Runner-up Doubles Champions Doubles Runner-up Team Champion Team Runner-up
Lambda Chi Alpha
TABLE TENNIS Singles Champion
Singles Runner-Up
Doubles Champions
Headington, Lambda Chi Alpha Crowell
Doubles Runner-Ups Chervitz, Kohn Team Champion Team Runner-Up
Alpha Epsilon Pi Lambda Chi Alpha Sigma Phi Epsilon
Individual Medalist Runner-Up Medalist Team Champions Team Runner-Ups
Kappa Sigma
Engineers Club
SWIMMING 200 Medley Relay 200 Freestyle Relay 100 yd. Freestyle 100 yd. Individual Medley Diving 50 yd. Freestyle 50 yd. Backstroke 50 yd. Breaststroke 50 yd. Butterfly Champions Runner-up
Allen, Houghton, Kassing, Griese Zweig, Deprat, Cortopassi, Edden Need Houghton Brinton Laneman Allen Greise McCammon Kappa Sigma Sigma Pi *denotes new
Kappa Sig
Congiardo Millon Congiardo, Key Justus, Taylor
Sigma Nu Newman Sigma Nu Newman
Champion Runner-Up Winning Team Runner-up
Singles Champion Singles Runner-up Doubles Champions Doubles Runner-up
Hawthorne Coyle Hawthorne, Dougherty Schroeder, Davis
Engineers Club Lambda Chi Alpha Engineers Club Thomas Jefferson
HANDBALL Scheckel Vail Fines, Potempa Calvin, Tibbitts
Team Champions Team Runner-up
Delta Sigma Phi Kappa Sigma Delta Sigma Phi Tech Club Delta Sigma Phi Kappa Sigma
Sig Pi PKT * Kappa Sig PiKA Tech Club* Kappa Sig Kappa Sig Lambda Chi* 52 points 39 points record
ARCHERY Marksman Runner-up Team Champions Team Runner-up
GOLF Greer Schneider Greer, Byars Schneider, Naugle
T.J. PiKA Sig Nu TKE TKE Sig Ep, Delta Sig
Moehlman Njus Greenley, Byars Lang, Steinman
Lambda Chi Campus Club Lambda Chi Engine Club
WRESTLING Weight 123 130 137 145 152 160 167 177 191 Hwt
Champion Runner-up Meremonte, Engine Anthon, PKT Brinton, PiKA Moore, Sig Ep Atkins, Sig Ep Dufner, TKE Arand, KA Gale, Kappa Sig Brummet, KA Killinger, Lambda Chi Woodruff, KA Kassing, Kappa Sig W.A. Behrens, PKT Shell, KA Blevins, Tech Club Logan , A Phi A Harms, KA Sullentrop, Schroff, KA Kappa Sig Winning Team Kappa Alpha Runner-up Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Kappa Theta, Kappa Sigma Mike Klosterman Award, Dennis Woodruff, KA
TENNIS Singles (Fall) Champion Singles Runner-up Singles Team Champion
Shanes Compton BarczewskiBuchanan ParrishSingles Team Runner-up Schroeder Doubles (Spring) Champion GreenleyParrish WhiteDoubles Runner-up Stauffer
Engineers TKE PiKA HORSESHOES Sigma Nu Sigma Nu Lambda Chi
Singles Champion Singles Runner-up Doubles Champions Doubles Runner-up Team Champion Team Runner-ups
RIFLE Team Champions Team Runner-ups High Ind. Series Ludwig High Ind. Run. up Baz-Dresch Brennecke High Prone Worse II Kneeling Ludwig Standing
FINAL INTRAMURAL STANDINGS Kappa Sig T.J. Kappa Sig Phi Kap PiKA Sig Ep Kappa Sig
995 987 269 266 99 93 84
BOWLING Team Champion Team Runner-up High Triple Series Runner-up
M.R.H.A. Sigma Phi Epsilon Lang, TKE Bergmann, AEPi
.2562 2547 579 575
TRACK Mile Run Shot Put Discus 50 yd Dash 100 yd Dash 70 yd H. H. 120 yd L.H. 880 yd Run 440 yd Relay
Hawthorne Angel Colter Meyer Thomas Mastin Neumann Hawthorne Sanuskar-Meier CharpentierWilhelm Long Jump Geers High Jump Thomas Team Champions
MRHA Lambda Chi Sigma Pi Kappa Sigma Kappa Sigma Theta Xi
Yamnitz McGrew Lyons-Harsford Collier-Ditmar
Engineers Lambda Chi Independent Sig Ep Tech Club Acacia M.R.H.A. Engineers TKE
4:54 41'8%" 115.0 5.8 10.7 9.4 14.8 2:10.3 46.4
M.R.H.A. Tech Club Lambda Chi M.R.H.A.
20'9%" 5'1 0" 282/3 281 /3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Lambda Chi Alpha Kappa Sigma Tau Kappa Epsilon Pi Kappa Alpha Sigma Phi Epsilon M.R.H.A. Beta Sigma Psi Kappa Alpha Phi Kappa Theta Sigma Pi Engineers Club Tech Club Delta Sigma Phi Thomas Jefferson Sigma Nu Sigma Tau Gamma Delta Tau Delta Wesley Mates Theta Xi Acacia Newman Campus Club Alpha Phi Alpha Liahona Alpha Epsilon Pi Baptist Student Union Triangle Pi Kappa Phi Theta Chi
2342.75 2284.00 2145.25 1996.25 1911.25 1869.00 1858.25 1691.50 1683.00 1681.50 1615.50 1559.50 1461.75 1430.50 1338.50 1281.00 1212.00 1071.00 1052.00 1029.25 978.00 942.25 936.50 876.50 697.50 625.25 531.75 525.50 318.00 232.50
SPECIAL AWARDS Team Champion Team Runner-ups
Team Champions Team Runner-up
SOFTBALL Lambda Chi Alpha Sigma Pi VOLLEYBALL Kappa Sigma Beta Sigma Psi
All Sports Champion All Sports Runner-up Intramural Athlete of the Year Consolation Trophy Outstanding Service Award
Lambda Chi Alpha Kappa Sigma Randy Lang TKE Liahona Jack Phillips Sigma Nu
Flag Football highlight s intramura ls
Beta Sig all the way
With a powerful offense and a tough defense, surprising Beta Sigma Psi captured the intramural flag football championship with a convincing 34-7 victory over Lambda Chi Alpha. Quarterback Steve Brown led the Beta Sig offense, hitting on five touchdown passes, connecting with receiver Wayne Long for four TO's. Don Schlechte hauled in the fifth and final aerial. Carl Haring and Roger Goyins led the Beta Sig defensive un it , holding Lambda Chi to only one TD. In the consolation game, Kappa Sig defeated Phi Kappa Theta in a tough 30-14 battle.
Kapp a Sig captu res Bask etbal l
Intramu ral power Kappa Sigma captured the intramu ral basketball crown in what was probab ly the most exciting basketball game of the year. The final score, Kappa Sigma 32, Engine Club 30, came after an overtim e period and sudden death. High point man was Kappa Sig's Frank Bright netting 15 points. In the consolation contest, Tech Club managed a narrow 49-47 victory over MRHA .
Kappa Sig dominates Volleyball
Kappa Sig, after an easy league win, stymied Beta Sig to gain the first place crown in volleyball. The first game saw a battling Beta Sig drop a close 22-20 game. In the second game however, it was a ll Kappa Sig, winning 21 -9. Kappa Sig was all team work, as they fed their big spikers, who devastated the Beta Sigs. In the consolation game, Lambda Chi Alpha defeated Theta Xi.
KA retains Wrestling Champio nship
In the four day wrestI ing tournament Kappa Alpha captured three first places to give them the championship. Among KA's champions were Brummet, Woodruff, and Harms. With a tally of 59 points, KA bested Phi Kappa Theta, Kappa Sigma, and Sigma Phi Epsilon all of whom tied for second wit h 32 points. Other first place champions were Behrens and Anthon of Phi Kap, Moore and Atkins of Sig Ep, Dufner of Teke, Blevins of Tech Club, and Sullentrop from Kappa Sig.
Sports are often ...
... for Individuals
Engine Club's team of Hawthorne and Dougherty edged Thomas Jefferson in the two mile cross country meet. Hawthorne crossed the finish line at 11:21.3 taking first place. Lambda Chi's Coyle finished the race in the runner-up position. In the two day, thirty six hole golf tournament, Sigma Nu's Byars and Greer managed a team low of 313 for first place honors. Newman Club finished second with a score of 314. Greer and Newman's Schneider took first and second in the tournament. Tau Kappa Epsilon won the badminton championship, with Delta Sig and Sig Ep tying for second. TKE won on the strength of a fourth place finish in singles and a second place finish in doubles play. The singles champion was Moehlmann of TJ, with doubles champs Greenly and Byars of Sigma Nu. Pi Kappa Alpha's Barczewski and Buchanan headed the field in tennis singles. Shanes of Engine Club took top spot in the individual competition.
Bowling belonged to MRHA with a team score of 2562. Randy Lang of TKE took the high triple series with a score of 579. In horseshoes, Lambda Chi's Yamnitz won the singles championship with Lyons and Harsford of Sig Pi taking the doubles championship. Kappa Sig took team honors with Theta Xi finishing a close second. Ludwig of Kappa Sig had the high indi路 vidual series of 269 giving Kappa Sig a first place finish in the team rifle meet. Delta Sigma Phi won the handball title with Bill Scheckel winning his third con路 secutive singles title. Doubles play found Finer and Potempa of Delta Sig in the number one position.
Kap pa Sig tak es fou rth stra igh t
For the fourth consecutive year, Kappa Sigma has won the top spot in men' s intramural swimming competit ion, beating second place Sigma Pi by a 52-39 margin. Three new records were set in the two day meet. Need of Phi Kappa Theta recorded a 55.9 in the 100 yard freestyle. Laneman of Tech Club set the record in the 50 yard freestyle edging Need with a 25.3 mark. In the 50 yard butterfly , McCammon of Lambda Chi Alpha took the event with a record-breaking 28.0 time. In other events, Brinton of Pi Kappa Alpha took first in the diving event, with Sanuskar of Tau Kappa Epsilon finishing second. In the final event, Sigma Pi's 200 yard freestyle relay team narrowly beat Kappa Sig.
Lambda Chi captures Softball Crown
With one rained out game after another, it looked as if the 1973 softball season would have to be completed in the fa ll. The rainfall did subside long enough to allow Lambda Chi to capture the top spot in softball. Sigma Pi proved to be a tough competitor, but were not up to the task of overcoming Lambda Chi. In the consolation bracket, Phi Kap downed Pikers 11 -6.
ends with ecstasy!
Intramural track brought with it the excitement of Lambda Chi and Kappa Sig dueling for the overall intramural championship. At the end of the two day meet Lambda Chi was sitting on top with M R HA and Sigma Pi close behind. The track victory gave Lambda Chi the number one position in intramurals. Some noteworthy performances in the meet were Engine Club's Hawthorne winning the mile in 4:54; Geers of MRHA took first in the long jump for the third straight year; TKE's 440 relay team turned in a respectable 46.4 to take top honors. Lambda Chi after three years of second place finishes, found the joys of winning the overall championship overwhelming.
Womens lntramurals BASKETBALL
Team Champion
Team Runner-Up
T.J. Dolls
Team Champions
Dollar Team Runners-Up
BOWLING Team Champion
Team Runner-Up
T.J. Dolls
Singles Champion
Singles Runner-Up
W.R.H .A.
VOLLEYBALL Team Champion
Team Runner-Up
T.J. Dolls
Winning Team
Kappa Delta
Stock Runners-Up
BADMINTON Singles Champion
Doubles Champions
Beckman Team Champion
T.J. Dolls
Team Runners-Up
TABLE TENNIS Team Champions
T.J. Dolls
Team Runners-Up
Team Champions
Team Runners-Up
T.J. Dolls
Kappa Delta
Davenport Runners-Up
Bates ARCHERY Winning Team
Reed Hadley
T.J. Dolls W.R.H.A.
All Sports Champions W.R.H.A.
All Sports Runner-Up T.J. Dolls
Women's Athlete
Karen Schumacher Kappa Delta
Hadley Ind. Marksman
Ind. Runner-Up
W.R .H.A.
Thomas Jefferson Dolls
119.00 114.75
Team Champions
Kappa Delta
Team Runners-Up
Zeta Tau Alpha
UMR coeds
competed in both individua l
& team sports, with WRHA
• com 1ng out on
top in the final standings.
Chinese Students A ssoci ation
Seated: (left to right) Liou-Ching Kwang (Treasurer), Yar-Ming Wang (Vice-President), Jun-Chin Wang (Secretary), J .K. Wang (President), Jau-shin Chang, Po-tsuan Ma. Standing: Ben Lau, Hwa Yu, Ming-shian Chu, Shyne-taul Wu, Ming-lee Gee.
India Association
Row 1: (left to right) P. Ooraibabu, O.S. Patel (Executive Member), Ramesh Shah (Vice-President}, S. Pagadala (President), P.C. Mahata (Treasurer), H.K. Mehta, Arun Kumar. Row 2: Ashor Kuma r Choudhary, Raj H . Master, PradeepTyagl, Oeshetty A. Prabhu, Siri Ram Rai, Subrata Sengupta, Badruddoza Mohammed, Arun Kumar Sinha.
Seated: Mohammad Farhadi, M.E. Findley (Faculty Advisor). Carol Dennis, Gloria Dennis (Treasurer), Nguyenvan Thanh (President). Arsalan Ghahremani (Vice-President), Mohammad Reza Anjomshoaa. Standing: Jon Langerak, Gonzalo Davila, Mostafa Assadi, Nasrin Assadi, Fakhri Facelian, Ben Lau, Dickson Yuen, J.K. Wang.
Internatio nal Fellowshi p Organiza tion of Arab Students
Row 1: Mohamed Bawondy, Dean Masli, I sam Bashimam, Mahmoud Zwawi. Row 2: Bashir A. Khalil, Ahmed K. Mahmoud, Hussein A. Ben Hussien, Mostafa J. Salem, Bashier M. Wariath.
Studen1t Associatio n Seated: Nasrin Assadi, Mostafa Rowghani, Mohammad Farhadi (Treasurer) Mostafa Assadi (President), Behnam Avij' (Secretary), Mohammad A . Anjomshoaa, Reza Fate mi. Standing: Sayed A. Hashemi, Fakhri Fazelian, Mehdi Golshani, Mohammad Fa zelian, Arsalan G. Ghahremani, Parviz Danesh.
Row 1: Tom Jackson, Paul Erlandson (M.C.I, John Adams (Reporter), Carol Langemach (Vice-President). Gary Bland (President), Jack Beers (M.C.I, David Suiter (Historian), Bob Dollar (Alumni Secretary), T.K. Mills. Row 2: Robert Scho:rringhausen, Richard Yenzer, Laura Webber, JohnS. DeGood, Cecilia Meyer, Lindell Whaley, Tom Ellison, Keith Lissant, Mike Moll, Tong Messina. Row 3: Jack May, Mike Quinn, Gary Loud, Alen Davidson, Tom Burchfield, Neal Lewis, Dan Million, Bob Pike, Chuck Hillhouse.
Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Sigma Mu
Seated: Andy Kleinert (Treasurer). Bob Scanlon (Secretary). Dave Kroeter (President), Don Bolin. Standing: John Ham, Mike Holt, Rich Christie, Ken Oster, Ken Metz.
Chi Epsilon
Seated: Juanita Ortmeyer, Larry Bergner, Steve Wilhelms, Dave Lewis (Secretary), Bob Stewart (President), Steve Lett (Vice-President), Ray Stevens (Marshall). David Erwin. Standing: Dana Reel, Bruce Johnson, Dale Wibbenmeyer, John Lauth, Norman Etling, Pat Byrne, Rich Zeidlik, Rosemary Rois, Rich Vaeth.
Eta Kappa N,u Row 1 : Ronald Pollmann, Leonard Laskowski, James Hunsicker, Ronald Lutes, Keith Petty, James Pautler, Wilfred Hegg, Greg Ritter, Robert Katz. Row 2: Ken Sutterlin, Charles Bethards David Head Ronal Fadler, Anthony Artman, Jerry Sandvous, Larry Telle, John Sallas, Tom Graves, Ronald Blaha. Row 3: Wayne Rothermich, Angel::, Bell assai, Stephen Bergthold!, Larry Montgomery, James Morolf, Tom Kreutz, Dennis Wilson, Steven Akers, Lyndell Brown.
Nuclear Honorary Society Kappa Mu Epsilon Seated (left to right): Peggy Durst (Historian), Pat Long (Secretary), Larry Lancaster (Treasurer), Debbie Fugitt (President), Paul Horstmann (Vice-President). Emilia Carcheri, Ellen Cherry, Steve Roe merman. Standing : Dana Nau, Mike Court, Dan Million, Steve Smith, Larry Sansoucie, Ken Hamilton, Willard Coates, Max Siders.
Pi Epsilon Tau Pi Tau Sigma Row 1: Gary Lederle, George Stegner, Roy Campbell, Dave Prouty, Ralph Drews, Diane Dawson, Charles McGinty, George Skosey, John Mahoney, Bruce Rau, Denny Mertz. Row 2: Mark Smith, Frank Walsh, Dave Barry, Dennis Edwards, Rick Jones, Alex Mutsoglu, Tom Gerwe, John Waller, John Payne, Ron Corradin. Doug Pennington, Jim Glasa. Row 3: Rodney Eck, Dan Buxton, Fred Campbell, Dave Stanza, Jim Bestgen, Mike McAllister, Jim Herbold, Mike Behr, Dave Polakowski, Tom Lindsenbart.
Scabbard and Blade
William H. Cohrs Ill, Marvin Adam, Ronald Fadler, Larry Altepeter, Michael J. Stelzleni.
Arnold Air Society
Row 1: Major James W . Clinton (Advisor), David G. Beshore, William F. Ruzicka, Vernon P. Boehme (Information Officer), Loren 0 . Ginter, Michael Quinn, Steve Vancil (Operations Officer), Charles Green (Commander). Row 2 (front) : Kindall Moore, Steve Goldammer, Kenneth Werner (Administrative Officer), Lyndell R. Brown (Chaplain), Keith A. Nolde (Deputy Commanded, Rolland J . Ponzer, Kenneth R. Jinkerson.
Row 1: William Louis Smith, Larry Sansoucie, (President). Roger Lee Reagan (Secretary-Treasurer). Row 2: James Lawler, Mark Smith, Dennis Pease.
Theta Tau Standing: Don Lange, Phil Weddle, Brian Murphy, Tom Kruetz, Bob Brennecke, Dan Waldrop, Bill Zaner, Rick Sauerwine, John Cummings, Jack Phillips, Mark Armstrong, Ray Christ, Bob Scanlon, Mark Smith. Not Standing: Jim Devous, Mark Kassing, Jack Costello, Sal Pagano, Jerry Dombek, Frank Walsh, Tim Holcer, Steve Suellentrop, John Weekley, Chuck Flaminio, Dave Roth, Gary Pariani, Gary McAlpin, Denny Larson, Dan Hinkle, Jim Watts, Charley McGinty, Steve Robertson, Dave Rinas.
B.a ptis t Stu den t Uni on
Row 1: Dick Smith, Marty Carter, Randy Dempsey, Lyndell Brown, David Hamil路 ton, Mike Brown. Row 2: Art Higgins, Pat Tuckey, Lee Bodenheime r, Debbie Johnson, Robert McGhee, Mary Walker, Mark Parman, Betty Compton, Pam Lewis, Elaine Vance. Row 3: Tom Mills, Lynn Sheridan, Larry Dupre, John Cadner, Mike Barger, Jim Bowie, Roger Goodman, J. Kensey Russell, Ed Hilligoss. Wayne Jordan, David Allen, Danny Clayton, Geno Addison.
Row 1: Robert Schaefer (President), Dean Tibbitts (Cor. Sec.). Warren Schmidt (Pastoral Advisor). AI Crosbie (Faculty Advisor), Tom Miesner. Row 2 : Debbie Mills, Alan Bauer, Steve Stubbs (Treasurer), Mary Foehse (Rec. Sec.), Dennis A . Wilson, Dick Stabo, Brian Lenharth, Ken Drake, Ruth Mullhatten.
Gam ma Del ta 190
Dr. R.C. Waggoner (Advisor). Jon Langerak, David Cawlfield, Jerry Johnson, Nicholas Drozdoff, H irochi Hasegawa.
Christian Science Organization lntervarsity Christian Fellowship Row 1: James Eye, Charles Hatfield (Faculty Advisor). David Rice (Executive Chairman), l'am I neoeau, uene Yow, Janet McMinn, Carol Vines. Row 2 : John Tripses, Dennis Williams, Steve Ruth, Jim Clifton, John Ladner, Jesse L. Yow, Jr., Joseph M . Pendley, Richard Alford.
19 1
New man
1 . Karen Faucett 2. Nguyen Van Thanh 3. Tim Carroll 4. Bill Knickmeyer 5. Kay Knickmeyer 6. Dick Hoffman 7. Dennis Stephens 8. Don Lammers 9 . Greg Schmittgens
1 0. Dean Wright 11. Gary Lederle 12. Ken Eppes 13. Dave Sierawski 14. Mike Cerula 15. Ross Hazelhorst 16. San drs Stake 17. Steve Meyer
Wes ley Fou nda tion
Tau Beta Pi 1. John Lauth 2. Andy Kleinert 3. Jerry Sandvos 4 . Steve Eck 5. Jeff Hartenberger 6. Jim Paulter 7. Lynne Puetz 8. Harry Ammons 9. John Sallas 10. George Stegner 11 . Robert Stewart 12. David Head 13. Dana Reel 14. Randall Staponski 15. Marvin Borgmeyer 16. Jim Bondi 17. Rosemary Rois 18. Wayne Cagle 19. Steve Bergtholt 20. Mario Gibson 21. Roger Fleming 22. Terry Shofner 23. Norman Etling 24. Paul Horstmann 25. John Baker 26. Patrick Byrne 27. Dan Cartwright 28. Jerry Crafton 29. Rob Armstrong
30. Barry Schaffter 31. Tim Kreutz 32. Randy Casteel 33. Mike Miller 34. Dave Barry 35. Mike McAllister 36. Bill Giles 37. Gary Fennewald 38. Rich Schafermeyer 39. Larry Jenkins 40. Mike Post 41. John Rosenfeld 42. John Dodge 43. Jim Thompson 44. John Waller 45. Larry Schupbach 46. Mark Hawthorne 47. Paul Clites 48. Steve Bracewell 49. Mike Hurst 50. Mark Weidinger 51. Andy Simon 52. Bruce Johnson 53. Ed Clausen 54. Tom Graves 55. John Matson 56. Jerome Dahl 57. Mike Bunch
58. Dave Prouty 59. Stephen Schade 60. John Bowlin 61. John Halloran 62. Leonard Laskowski 63. Oliver Sinon 64. Kevin Steele 65. Rich Emmanuel 66. Chuck Connelly 67. Alexandros Mucoglu 68. Dave Raterman 69. Larry Telle 70. Dale Wibbenmeyer 71. Carolyn Whiting 72. Jerry Anderson 73. Mark Heuckroth 74. Rick Dunham 75. James Hunsicker 76. Ron Lutes 77. Floyd Smith 78. Stanley Klemetson 79. John Campbell 80. John Mahoney 81. Dan Buxton 82. Mark Smith 83. Mahmoud Farhadi 84. Keith Petty 85. Charles Remington
86. Ron Fannin 87. Leon Hershkowitz 88. Edward Tharp 89. Anthony Artman 90. Robert Bonner 91. Don Montgomery 92. Chris Stanton 93. Lyndell Brown 94. Jim Edele 95. Ron Fadler 96. David Thatcher 97. Rolland Ponzer 98. Charles Lawler 99. Dan Brankensiek 100. Tom Boschert 101. Mike Behr 102. John Gleich 103. Sandra Davis 104. Steve Calvin 105. Stanley Walker 106. Charles Bethards 107. Mike Kauzlarich 108. Richard Larhms 109. Mike Campbell 110. Bob Duenckel 111. Pat Tibbits 112. Lloyd Chapman 113. Dean Tibbi ns
Alpha Prh i Omega B.l ue Key
Row 1: Craig Fadem (Vice-President), Dave Barczewski (President), Bob Brennecke (Editor), Dave Kroeter, Steve Bergtholdt, Tom Kruetz, Mark Weidinger. Row 2 : Scott Winfield, Curt Killinger, Jim Hess, Jim Bondi, Craig Goldstone (Alumni Secretary), Charles McGinty (Treasured, Tom Depauw, Steve Robertson (Secretary).
Interco llegiat e Knight s
Phi Eta Sigma
Row 1 : Lanny. Jon and Diane Frederickson, David and Sharon Hearst, George and Sandy Gulley. Shirlene and Ron Hughes. Row 2: Peggy, David and Davey Kirn, Sally and Bill Gooch, Karen and David Erwin, Dorelen and Patrick Crocker, Betty and Jim Hunsicker, Janet, John and Julie Hofer, Karen and Roger Haynie.
Associati on of Married Students
Economic s
Club Greenhou se Row 1 : David Suiter, Roger Rome, Susan Ivy, Joy Ryan. Row 2: Marvin Borgmeyer, Howard Perez, Gary Stampley.
Row 1 : Karen and Jacob Faucett, Sondra Stake, Claude Crain, S'Tell Swaboda, Claire Yates, Richard Hoffman. Row 2: John Schmuke, Laura Webber, Larry Sansoucie, Pati Schendel, Lindell Whaley. Row 3: Mark Blaser, Ross Haselhorst, David Panico, Gary Schneider.
Pershing Rifles
Row 1 : John Rosenfeld (Commanding Officer). David Crawford (Personnel Officer). Alan Kornack i (Operations Officer) , Mike Black路 more (Logisucs Officer) . Row 2 : Jerry Garland, Steven Moser, Randal Atkeisson, Douglas Powell, Gary Gray. Row 3: Freddie Ladd, Joseph LaGreek, Kevin Dhuse, Rodger Senift, John Hunt.
M-Ci ub Row 1: James Entwistle, Robert Schaefer, Allen Fails, John Peter, Jim Glasa, Eric Potts, Steve Suellentrop, John Parker, Tony Babnik. Row 2 : Larry Davis, Buddy Barnes, Dan Wenk, Pat Goeke, Denny Mertz, Kent Gastreich, Greg Roberts, Robert Arbogast, Terry Young. Row 3 : Stu Dunlop, Sam Ingrassia, Ken Burris, Bob Vanecek, Jim Wassilak, John Schoenecker, Stephen Starke, Kevin Dhuse, Wayne Bell, Terry Coker, C.R. Remington. Row 4: Richard Dillow, John Gibson, Ivan Johnson, Mark Snowden, Dave Wisch, Larry Markos, Bob Bert, M.A. Brueckmann.
Psychology Society
Row 1: Paula Cantrell, Pam Monzon (President). Sandy Mclain, Sharon Pfister. Row 2 : Kenneth Berry, Floyd Harris, Catherine Jenks (Advisor), Thomas Smith, Jim Johnson. Row 3 : Roger Van Deven (Secretary), Eugene Smith, Patrick S. Shell, J. Patrick Doyen (Vice -President), Larry W. Pitts.
Radio Club Row 1: Philip Panagos, Prof. Robert H. Nau, Rose Helen Smith, Steven Maddy. Row 2 : Michael Perry, Henry Hahn, Remo Richard McDonald, Mark Moroni, Ill, Reising. Row 3: Randa ll T ucker, Randall Staponski (President). Marion Stan Sanders, Jan Buxton (Secretary). George路 Schindler, Dave Begley (Vice-President), Jim Swaters, Jerry DeHaven, Ewin Barnett, Dave Koehler.
Sports Car Club
Row 1: Sam Savage, John Matson, Stanley Lawson, John Boehr, Bob Burton, Bill Stine. Row 2 : Jeff Ivers, Frank Kern, Beaufort Lancaster, Steve Grove, Pam Arvanis, John Arvanis, John Bax-Dresch.
Row 1: John Keating (XO), Gary We1dler (Commander), Gary Gaal (S-3), Randolph Latall (S-4). Row 2: Marc Arand, Bill De Porter (S-1). Larry Sinn, Don Nicholson (01), Jim Abbon (S-21. Steve Ruth. Row 3 : David Walker, Thomas Boman, Loren Ginter, James C. Hassinger, John Schmuke, Kenneth Macke, Baron Von Glos Ill.
Table Tennis
Club Row 1: Oamri Sukhotanang, David Hallocher, Kevin Groves, John Garrett (President). Gary Reynolds. Row 2 : Alan Chambliss, Mark Bruenger, Or. O.M. Sparlin (Ad路 visorl, Denis Fritchie (Vice-President), Richard Payne (Secretary). Row 3 : Prasert Jarupanich, Garry Steckel (T reasurer), William Patrick, Bill Hawthorne.
Sitting: Karl Schenke, Greg Anderson, Bill Zaner, Charles Weber. Kneeling: Jack Vance, Jeff Wilkes, Oom Grana, Jack Phillips, Jim Brchyta, Gene Meyer. Standing: Dale W1lliams, Rick Scola, Jay Tyra, Scott Kenney, Harold Winnie, Wayne Bremer.
Row 1 : Gary Holder; John Rosenfeld, Vice-President; Gary Fears, President; Kathy Lambert; Jeff Brummet; Chris Barnes. Row 2: Gary A. Hankins; Jerry Dahl; Keith Lissant; Roseanne Ditzel!; Nicholas Kuntz. Row 3 : Dan Bruns; Kathy Beck; Jan Johaningmeyer; Dean Tibbins; Jim Ott; Mary Foehse; George Cain.
Theatre Guild
American Foundry's Society
Seated : Ray Stonitsch, John D. Cummings, Dave Kroeter, Bob Scanlon, Don Askeland. Standing: Dave Hughes, Don Zweifel, David Roth, Gary Schuchardt, Dave Koehler, Bob Fleischaman, Rex Cremer.
American Ceramic Society
American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics
Row 1: John Northup, Mike Hanshaw, Chuck Hillhouse, Robert Scharringhausen, Daniel Million, John Campbell. Row 2: Marvin Borgmeyer (Vice-President), Craig Fadem, Mike Quinn, Richard Schafermeyer, Mike Ford (President), Dave McVIure (Secretary). Stephen Chilton (Treasurer). Wayne Cagle. Row 3 : H.H. Grice (Advisor), Robert Jackson, T homas Squires, Doug Peterson, Tony Messina, Judy Flebbe, Pat Blankenship, Lynn Klender, Dick Yenzer, Alen Davidson, T .K. Mills, Michael Brunson, Ed Clausen. Row 4 : David Suiter, David Barclay, John Scarborough, Terry Coffman, Harry Ammons, Ronald Edinger, James Eye, Steven Calvin, Jim Wood, Oliver Sitlan, Dave Denner, Mark Heuckroth, Denver Moore.
Americ an Americ an Institu te of Managemen ~t Chemi cal Assoc iation Engine ers Row 1: Karen Dollar (Secretary), Barry Schaffter (Treasurer), Bob Benezette (President), John An 路 derson. Row 2: Stephen Langley, Bob T i kwart, Roger Goodman, Ron Fadler, Carol O'Rourke. Row 3 : Steve McGiee, Dan Cole, Joe Offutt, Floyd Sherfield.
AIM E-Soci ety of Mining Engine ers
Row 1: Martin Brose, Mark Pickell, Juanita Ortmeyer (Secretary), George Gulley, Steve Wilhelms, Robert Milne (Treasurer), Dennis Stuart, Richard Vaeth, Jerry Hirtz. Row 2: Art Hartle (Vice -President), Frank Yates, Mark Wavering, Earl Poe, Bert Maddox, David Lewis, Fred Storck, John Legate, David Mueller. Row 3: J. Scott Patterson, Jr., Bill Olsen, Ward Cryderman, David Best, r.:artin Aubuchon, James Deken, Ed Hutson, Darrell Hibbits, Joe Porter, Robert Queathem, Willis Wilson. Row 4: Jim Elmore, Bob Stewart, Keith Barber, Richard Dickerson, Steve Spradlin, Mike Richter, Terry Caldwell, Richard Ogle, Tom Rechtien . Row 5: Norman Pooker, Frank Dolan, Curt Will iams (Cor. Secretary), Mike Huston, Tom Owen, Steve Lett (President). Pat Byrne, John Lauth, Bud Price, Richard Zeidlik.
Row 1: James Zell, Edwin Baker, R .L. Jones (President), Ronald Besser (Secretary), Michael Muenks !Vice-President), James Gearhar t. Row 2: Don Cline, Dean Tibbitts, Tom Dolan (Advisor), Wm. Bruce Miller, Susan Braaf, B1ll Ault.
Row 1 : Lawrence Rockwell, Mike Watson (Treasurer), Dan Morlang, Roger Perriguey, Doug Pennington (President). Gerald Foon, Bob Helmkamp. Row 2: Steve Huck, John Westermeyer, Reisbeig, David Wetteroff, David Polakowski, Ronald Corradin, James Books.
Asso ciatio n for Comp uting Mach inery
Row 1: Sally Riley. Diane Gibbs, Dan Case (President). Stephen Smith (Vice-President). Bill Hawthorne (Treasurer), Leonard Vaden. Row 2: Mike Cooper, Rick Nolan, Robert Preston, Brian Lenharth, Larry Hamrick, David Schade. Row 3 : Gary Crumley. Paul Horstmann, Mark Buday, Walter Haase, Ray E. Umphreys, Dean Wright.
Asso ciatio n of Engi neeri ng Geol ogist s Row 1: Mark Whitney (Vice路President}. Steve Garrison (President), K ent Gastreich (Secretary), Mike Easterly (Treasurer). Row 2: Bernie Lucas, George Glos, Mike Fahy, Ken Rapplean, Nic Neumann, Jesse L. Yow, Jr. Row 3: Roy Wagner, James Collings, Bob Hempler, Dave Rice, Roger Horton . Row 4 : Richard Hoffman, John Creveling.
C.L. Dake Geol ogica l Socie ty Row 1: Larry Nuelle, James Colltngs, Susan Blickensderfer (Secretary-Treasu rer). Richard Hoffmann, Randy Stranghoener, Sharon Shaver. Row 2 : Janice Rahr, Greg Wtllts, Bill Collins, Doug Rickman, Tim Carroll, Alexis Swoboda.
Institute of Traffic Engineers
Seated: Jerry Crafton, Don Underwood (Secretary-Treasurer). Mark Wavering (President), Frank Yates VicePresident), David Erwin, Mike Huston. Standing: Jerry Nirtz, Lloyd Reynolds, Dan Borusiewich, Norman Ettling, David Motherwell, Brad Rayfield, David Best.
Institute of Electrica I and Electronics Engineers
Metallurgical Society Seated: Eric Sparks, Gary Steckel, John Ham, Rich Christi e, Frank Minden, Don Bolin, Jyong-shi Cho. Standing: Mike Holt, Fred Kisslinger, De路 vendre Majmunder, Dave Hughes, Tom Robinson .
Socie ty of Phys ics Stude nts
Row 1: Douglas Wood, Doug Heatherly, Dennis Pease, Dr. J.T. Dowell. Row 2: Larry Sansoucie, Dale Shull, Steve Christiansen.
Chem ical Socie ty Row 1: Carol Langemach, Tom Burchfield (President). Kathryn Ogden (Secretary-Treasu rer). John Adams (Vice-President), Thomas Ellison. Row 2 : Claude Crain, Keith Lissant, Steven Calvin, John DeGood, Jack Beers.
Socie ty of Auto motiv e Engin eers Row 1: R .T. Johnson (Advisor). W.K. Mueller (Treasurer). George Skosey (VicePresident), David Ebbesmeyer (President). James Herbold (Secretary). Rich路 ard Riley (Advisor). Gerald Foon. Row 2: Steve Purvines, Michael Moder, Steven Schlueter, Michael Phelan, Dennis Stephens, John Lick. Row 3: Joseph Warren, Michael Walz , 路 Lawrence Kehagen, Rich Hovey, Fred Campbell, Joe Krugiel, Charlie Miller. Row 4 : Jim Glasa, Mike McAllister, Tom Boschert, Terry Kirchoff. Peter Rauch, Bruce Bradway, Rob Arnold.
Student Publications Board
Row 1: Dudley Gress, Floyd Smith, Rich Dunham, Gerry Wappelhorst. Row 2: Wells Leitner, Larry York, Mike Hurst. Row 3: Craig Korkorian, Paul Ponder, Dave Barczewski, Rich Remley.
From left to right: Roger Berger, John Gallagher, Patti Kackley, Joe Mulitsch, Nancy Riehl (behind tree), Kurt Priester, Ben Brown, Mike Z irkle.
From Left to Right: Dave Schepers, Classes Editor Kathy Beck, Queens Editor Tom Rossi, Sports Ed itor Bob Fleischman, Organizations Editor John Baz-Dresch, Photo Editor Amy Strunk, Queens Editor
Lance Williams. Advisor Bob Brennecke, Business Manager Dave Barczewski, Editor-in..Chief Craig Korkorian. Associate Editor Tom Depauw, Layout Editor Marvin Borgmeyer, Activities Editor Jim Watts, Editorial Assistant
Row 1: Ed Holt. Row 2 : Howie Kmak, Kristi (Secretary). Brent Blizewski (Vice路Presidentl, Dave Teske (President), G~rdon Erickson (Treasurer), John Gregowitz, Prof. Oeffner (Adivsor). Row 3: Jeff Harris, Steve Stearns, Bernard Br?ckgre1te~s, Allan Reed, Robert Brandt, Jack Lichtenberger, Michael Silger, Tony DiMercurio. Row 4: Joseph Warren, Tom M1esner, Rrck Jones, John Schilling, M.A. Brueckmann, Dennis Leitterman, Joe LaGreek.
Row 1 : Michael Carson, Mitchell Peterson, Ray Umphreys, Craig Evans, Larry Castor, Jimm Metzler, Dan Jincks. Row 2: Tim Carrol l, Andy Kleinert, Don Zweifel, Gary Ruhling, Dan Aholt, Jim Abbott, Jim Briggs, Ellen Cherry. Row 3 : John Pendergrass, Richard Harris, Mark Thai hammer, Dick Seok, Bill Hawn, Bill Murphy, Peter Lekich, Matt Wille, Ludwig Fischer, John Schmuke, Dawn Gant, Stanford Zlatnick, Jerry Dahl. Row 4 : Tom Miesner, Gerald Meyr, James Patrick, Steve Felstein, Gary Bland, Dave Warfield, Dave Teske, Howie Kmak, Phil Kunk, Barry Beresik, Pat Coley, Bill Halbert, Dennis Leitterman, Michael Silger, John Schilling, Mike LeGrand.
Saint Pat's Board 1973
21 1
Stu den t Cou ncil 197 3
Row 1: J. Connell, M. Chiles, D. Darden, J . Glasa, K. Burke, T . Neubauer, D. Dunavant, B. Hilton, T. Miesner. Row 2 : P. Reed, P. Hudson, M. Lapp, M. Logs路 ton (Treasurer), L. York (Vice-President). G. Wappelhorst (President). M. Mengel (Exec. Committeem (Advisor), W. Atchley (Advisor). Row 3: D. Cartwright, L. Lewis, M. Rousselot, M. Garnett, D. Montant,an), A. Rois (Secretary). B. Wixson (Advisor), B. Carlile K. Heisserer, M. Ragan, N. Etling, F. Pope , B. Benson, M. Herzog, M. Shankman. Row 4: A. Hoppe, L. Smith, J . Barbarito, M. Wells, T. Pulis, C. Jakubs, M. Mall, D. Montgomer y, P. Weddle, E. ChristY.
Studen t Union Board
1972-1 973
Seated 路 Left to right Dean LaBoube, Vice-President Linda Tevlin, Hospitality Director Berna D. Harvey, Program Director Joan Brune, Secretary-Treasurer Sue Hadley. Public Relations Standing, L to R Mark Kassing, Recreation Director Peter Gruendler, Special Events Director Dave Prouty. Fine Arts Director Scott Winf1eld, Social Director John Lindstrom, President
2 13
5 pee ia I Events Comm ittee
Row 1: Bill Uding, Cliff Mahar, d'Aray Holt, Jeanne Rowden. Row 2: Rex Cremer, Dan Byers, Sue Braaf. Row 3: Gary Kallmeyer, Peter N. Gruendler, Jr .. Bud Scheer, Joe Mulitsch, Andy Schelin.
Public Relatio ns Comm ittee Row 1: Evelyn Gayer, Gary Holder, Sue Hadley, Kim Morrill, Don Jackson. Row 2 : Les Schnake, Steve Peppers, Paul Erlanderson, Mark Marikos, Tom Zweifel, Terry Pulis.
Recreation Committee
Row 1 : Michael Gri ff in, Polly Reed, Mark Kassing, Mike Sail· wasser. Row 2: Jerry McCarn· mon, John Reiter, Bill Lueck· enhoH. Row 3: Dave War· field, Roland Poertner, Duane Parrish. Row 4 : Marvin Borg· meyer, Gene Manning, Harvey, Robert Arbogast, Terry Coker.
Fine Arts Committee
Brockman, Phil· David 1: Row lip Breezeel, Marsha McDonald, Ji_m Ca· rozza Jack Kolar. R ow 2: Tom M1esner, Steve' Tillman, Jan Johaningmeyer, Dav Prouty. Elmer Dotv. John Alan Fille· baum.
2 15
Row 1: Linda Tevlin, Patti Kackley, Margaret Wichard, Pam LaFoone, Paula Marcellus, Sandy Mclain, Kathy Beck. Row 2: Peggy Durst, Dave Barczewski, Monica Lapp, Margarete Spiry, Laurie Hooper, Cecilia Meyer, Carol O'Rourke, Sandy Gilliam.
Hosp italit y Comm ittee
Socia l Comm ittee Row 1: Allen Nichols, Ben Lau, Steve Rau, Jan Nolan, Scott Winfield, Bernie Lucas, Raymond Blanc. Row 2: Scott Boyd, Lonnie Lange, Ron Rogge, Mike Hobick, Robin Harris, T om Reddy, William Wilkerson.
Tau Beta Sigma
Fror:n left to right: Joel Kramme (Advisor), Cheri Smith (Historian), Roxie Mitchell, Paul Marcellus, Nancey Drissel, Diane Nau (Secretary). Den1se Lovasco, Pat Blankenship, Alexis Swoboda (President), Patricia Cooke (Treasurer), Joyce Marshall (Vice-President), Michelle Robeson .
Kappa Kappa Psi
R~w 1 : Gil Krener, Ed Scarff, Nick Kuntz, Jerry Rich (Treasurer), Ken Gentry (Vi~e-President), John Peterson. Row 2 : George Cam, Larry Sinn, Darrell Elven, George Stegner, Jim Merciel, Paul Abney, Ray Subhe1mer. Row 3: Glen Anderson, Van.ce Havens, Andy Lee, Don Borcherding, Richard McDonald, William Cunningham, Mark Boecker, Ed Hutson (Rec. Secretary), Dav1d Bonney, Joel Kramme (Advisor).
Chamber Band
UMR Chamber Band at KETC -TV. Front Row: John Baz-Dresch, Joyce Marshall, Debbie Fugitt, Dana Nau. Back Row: Jerry Rich, Ed Scarff, Norm Veit, David L. Oakley (Director), Nancey Drissel, Betsy Kahrs, Neil Compton.
UMR Concert Band
Seated: Paula Marcellus, Nancey Drissel, Nancy Nowak, Lynn Klender, Judy Flebbe, Betsy Kahrs, William P. Cunning路 h~m. Standing: Diane Nau,Joyce Marshall, Neil Compton, Clark Vance, Gary Foutch, Jim Brown, Becky Minich, LarrY S1nn.
2 18
Seated: Frank Hawkins, Debbie Fugitt, Pat Blankenship, Dentse Bronson, EliUJbeth Lovasco, Cheryl Hodges, Kei th Lissant. Standing: Don Randolph, Raude Grote fendt, Jim Turpin, Mickey Pritchett, Alan Erickson, David Heile.
Seated: Paul Wonderly, Tom Reed, Bill Hinton, Terry Smith, Fred Schmidt, William Snodgrass, Ken Schoole, Rob Kasten. Standing: David Jobe, Jim King, Jim Martin, J. Michael Jacobs, George Cain, Gary Fischer. Miller, Keith Hoemann, Craig Liebel.
Seated: Andy Lee, John ScarGarner, Ramsey brough, Stephen Doss, Dennis Calton, John Ziegler. Standing: David Barclay. John Peterson. Joey Strain, David Scheppers, Jon Brinkmann, Gary Hawkins, Jim Gearhardt.
2 19
'Ba rbe r Sho p' Cho rus
The Min ers Ban d
Dri fter s
Football Miners
Row 1: G. McAlpin, K. Colter (Co-Captsl. Row 2: A. Petri, K. Oberdick, D. Wisch, E. Potts, M. Congiardo, M. Dillow, S. Smith. K. McGune. B. McAllister. G. Haug, B.Scott. Row 3: L. Peck. D. Angell, E. LueckenhoH. B. Peach, A. LeGrand. M. Millard, D. Shell. I. Johnson, L. Wallace, T. Meyer, S. Charpentier. Row 4 : D. Cartwright. J. Carter, F. Walsh, T. Holcer, A. LaFollette, K. Freiberger, M. Gilliam. A. Winkler, B. Ajhar, S. Dunlop, S. Suellentrop. Row 5: J . White. S. Szy. manski, G. Abernathy. G. Anderson. D. Doerling, A. Christ, M. Hobnik, K. Potempa, C. Curdt, C. Pelech. Row 6 : C. Finley, J . Keeton.
Wrestl ing 1973
Row 1: M. Blackmore, J. Nugent, R. Armstrong, T. Underhill, S. Ganz. Row 2 : G. McAlpin. S. Patton, G. Miller, J. Watts, D. Williams. Row 3 : J . Falkner, W. Rapier, B. Vanecek, K. West, K. Burris, R. Ganz, C. Hawley.
Standing: Coach Key, J. Fricke, T. Noel. R. Peters, J. Ladner, J. Williams, D. McKem:ie, Coach Kirksey. Kneeling, L. Kocke, R. Vessell, R. LeGrand, K. Stalling. B. Kissack, J. Gibson.
From left to right : Coach Bud Mercier, Alan Parkinson, Jim Ogden, Danny Wenk, Buddy Barnes, Steve Brazeal, John Key.
Pistol Team
From left to right:
Brian Millburn, Charles Green, Loren Ginter (Captain), Gerald Dreise\11/erd.
Kent Gastreich: Four Time All-American
Col . Robert E. Crowley and Kent Gastreich
Rifle Team
Row 1: Col. Robert E. Crowley, Maj. Richard W. Knowles, Wayne Bell, Kent Gastreich, Larry Markos, Gregory Roberts, Sargent Screeton. Row 2: Terry Coker, Stephen Starke, Robert Schaefer, Kevin Ohuse, Tony Babnik.
UMR Base ball Team
Bottom row: Dave Kirn, Steve Hoi路 comb, Steve Munzert, Larry Davis, Eric Potts, Bobby Ajhar, David Hearst, Bud Stein, Gary Fennewald.
Top Row: Mark Schrader, Marlin Wells, Wolfe Bagly, Dale Walling, Mark Smith, Randy Heifner, Terry Douglas, Mike Bur路 rell, Bill Orsen, John Peters, Coach Kirksey.
UMR Track Team
Row 1: Don Marlin, Mike Schepflin, Tom Wykoff, Terry Young, Floyd Harris, Scotty Neuhart. Row 2 : Ken Scholle, John Herman, Brian Trower, Jim Wassilak Mark Snowden, Steve Smith. Row 3 : Coach Allgood, Mike Brueckman, Bud Garner, John Parker, Bill Nichols, Stu Dunlop, Curt Simmons, Coach Fletcher
frate rnity ... a grou p of peop le ...
... associated or formally organized ... There are twenty fraternities and two sororities at UMR. Each has its own features and personalities. The UMR I FC, one of the best in the country, organizes these individual units and has helped develop the Greek system as we know it today. Some competition between houses is demonstrated in the annual Homecoming pajama race.
Although different in size and design each fraternity house serves as a home away from home. In the last few years many new fraternity houses have been built and others improved or added onto. A few fraternities have started little Sisters organizations . These are women that undertake several projects a year for the fraternity. The Little Sisters help build floats, bake cookies, and support the fraternity intramural teams.
... for a common purpose, ...
... inte rest , or plea sure . -We bste r
Many things can happen after supper at a fraternity house. Most evenings it's watching television or playing cards. Sometimes it's a healthy freefor-all that produces a shower or a water fight. And when all is done somebody still has dishes to finish.
A Greek
This year both local sororities obtained their national charters. Kappa Delta in the fall and Zeta Tau Alpha in the spring. A few fraternities take on a community work project every semester. This improves town and campus relationships. Fraternity teams always fare well in intramural sports and are well represented on the university teams.
a man or woman ...
... i nvo Ived in the u n ive rs ity.
1. Steve Robertson--Phi Kappa T heta 2. Bob Moody--Acacia 3. Craig Goldstone--Aipha Epsilon Pi 4. Mike Hurst--Sigma Phi Epsilon 5. Mark Armstrong--Sigma N u 6. Craig Fadem--Aipha Epsilon Pi 7. Dave Lewis--Theta Xi 8. Dennis Hayden--Kappa Sigma 9. Professor Leroy Thompson--Advisor 10. Mark Weidinger--Delta Sigma Phi 11. Harvey Randall--Alpha Phi Alpha 12. John Hixson -- Lambda Chi Alpha 13. Art Curle--Acacia 14. Pau l Burns--T riangle 15. Bill Morley-- Delta Tau Delta 16. Dom Power-- Delta Tau Delta 17. Sal Pagano--Sigma Tau Gamma 18. Bob Scanlon--Pi Kappa Alpha 19. Keith Hoemann--Pi Kappa Phi 20. Jim Watts--Phi Kappa T heta 21. Rick Sauerwein--Sigma Tau Gamma 22. Bob Touzinsky--Delta Sigma Phi 23. Jim Barth--Tau Kappa Epsilon 24. Albert Winston--A lpha Phi Alpha 25. Don Orcutt--Theta Chi 26. Pat Campbell--Theta Chi 27. Roger Horton--Triangle 28. Ron Martin--Pi Kappa Phi 29. Don Schlechte--Beta Sigma Psi 30. John Shucart-- Kappa Sigma 31. Tom DePauw-- Lambda Chi Alpha 32. Dan McBride--Theta Xi 33. Mark Smith--Pi Kappa Alpha 34. Mark Schmidt--Kappa Alpha 35. Ron Dutton--Kappa Alpha 36. Tony Seris--Beta Sigma Psi Missing 1. Joe Cappa--Sigma Nu 2. Steve Ganz--Sigma Ph i Epsilon 3. Kevin West--Sigma Pi 4. Dave Harseii--Sigma Pi 5. A I Sanushar--T au Kappa Epsilon
1. Blake Mastin 2. Don Chronister 3. Milton Deckensheet 4. Mike McGavock 5. Fred Ludwig 6. Roger VanDeven 7. Jim Lamkins 8. Randy VanDeven 9. Art Durie 10. Art Lampe 11. Mike Edwards 12. Mark Fehlig 13. Rudy Rottler 14. Gary Robinson 15. Rod Reid 16. Bob Vornberg
17. Allen Paschke 18. Hal Black 19. Mark Jourdan 20. Jan Mackewich 21. Marty Hinson 22. Craig Jakubs 23. Billy Denny Missing 1. Dave Hardin 2. Bob Moody 3. Dennis Abeln 4. Ray Freund 5. John Waterman 6. Jerry Albers
1. Barry Sokolik 2. Howard Perez 3. Barry Bergman 4. David Sheahen 5. Craig Goldstone 6. Stephen Wilson 7. lan Taxman 8. Steven Polinsky 9. Richard Nalick 10. Pete Cedra 11. Bob Grossman 12. Stan Zlatnick 13. Steven Kreisman 14. Bill Gordon 15. Don Kohn 16. AI Silverman 17. Barry Krasner 18. John Scoggin 19. Gary Beitch 20. Sam F roh I ichman 21. Mark Schankman 22. Mickey Chervitz 23. Mark Miller 24. Bob Gold 25. Dave Thompson 26. Lou Keil
24 3
1. Leroy V. Smith 2. Harvey G. Randa ll 3. James R. Jami lton 4. Frank K. Billups 5. Dale L. Cain 6. Myron Biddle 7. James Davis 8. William Butler 9. Henry Perkins 10. Alfonso Kelby 11. William Burch 12. Eric Trice 13. Elton Grundy 14. Keith Battke 15. James MeN iary 16. Louis Anderson Jr. 17. John Ervin
18. Roland R. Wilks 19. Robert Stewart 20. Clarence Smith 21. Jeffery Clay 22. Bernard Givens 23. Samuel Brown 24. Joseph Morton 25. William J. Shain 26. William Johnson 27. Albert Winston Missing 1. Micheal Joshua 2. Darryl Morre 3. Vewiser L. Dixon 4. Robert Stallion 5. Terry Logan
1. Mark Drewes 2. Dave Driemeier 3. Mike Krueger 4. Bill Ehrhard 5. Steve Jackson 6. Bill Miehe 7. Dave Kuhn 8. Kim Kline 9. Frank Berndsen 10. Greg Carter 11 . Paul Hoemann 12. Greg Warner 13. Denny Mertz 14. Tony Seris 15. Mark Amen 16. Tom Spiegel 17. Roger Goyins 18. Dennis Anderson 19. Rich Seifert 20. Ed Christy 21. Jerry Wiegmann 22. Ron Huster 23. Guy Freese 24. Butch Johnson 25. Vern Boehme 26. Curt Wegener 27. Wayne Long 28. Carl Haring 29. Dave Shafer 30. AI Hoemann 31. Dave Kroeter 32. Steve Brown 33. Steve Linnemann 34. Ed Schmidt 35. Mark Trent 36. Ray Winkelmann 37. Fred Niermann 38. Brian Flandermeyer 39. Gary Anderson 40. Jon Trusik 41. Ron Smith 42. Jim Ott 43. Stan Lafullette 44. Mark Schoedel
1. Kevin Dhuse 2. Marc Smith 3. Steve Bader 4. Lon Wadkins 5. Kevin Merrill 6. Dave Burgener 7. A lan Gerstner 8. Gene Hunziker 9. Rick Winkler 10. John Wolf 11. Dennis Barker 12. Ala i Lightfoot 13. Greg Steube 14. Fran Bierman 15. Mark Marikos 16. Phill Hensley 17. Joe Offutt 18. Darrell Robinson 19. Bob Park 20. Dave Cawlfield 21. Rich Weaver 22. Roger Senft 23. Bruce Baker 24. Jerry Garland 25. Jack Gevecker 26. Dave Dunavant 27. Tim Holcer 28. Randy Brannan
29. John Gittemmeier 30. Dave McDonald 31. Mark Wilson 32. Ken Potempa 33. Robin Harris 34. Steve Feiner 35. Bill Scheckel 36. Rick LaFollette 37. Charlie Koch 38. Cary Billings 39. Ron Hoffman 40. Bob Yoder 41. Mickey Sims 42. Fred Grafton 43. Keith Nolde 44. Elmer Doty 45. Jeff Carter 46. Bill Renner 47. Gary Frossard 48. Bob T ouzinsky 49. Ken Pippin 50. AI Kaplan 51. Mark Weidinger 52. Jim Marolf 53. Rex Mann 54. Paul Dalluge 55. Dave Pro uty
1 . Ed Haberstroh 2. Bill Morley 3. Seymour R. Dawg 4. Kevin Farley 5. John Branum 6. Don Power 7. Paul Erlandson 8. Dick Smith 9. Gary Shanklin 10. Gary Wicke 11 . Steve Hedden 12. Jeff Wassilak 13. Merle Dillow 14. Tom Williams 15. Ray Hoppe 16. Don Dierker 17. Tom Snith 18. Dave Heile 19. Dave Lyon 20. Jerry Crafton 21. Lloyd Reynolds 22. Bob Wallace 23. Bob Jones
----- -----
~~ ~ l
- .... ~
25 1
1. Jay Brown 2. Randy Miller 3. Larry Markos 4. Dennis Dutton 5. John Naes 6. Jerry Lee 7. Dan Black 8. Keith Duncan 9. Bowser 10. John Krieger 11. Charles Riddle 12. Stephen Shull 13. Dave Landis 14. Lee Clauss 15. Gary Kallmeyer 16. Clifford Mahar 17. Jeff Brummet 18. Kirt Brimm 19. Jim Geringer 20. David Goforth 21. Phil Parman 22: Dulaney Harms 23. Dave Seaman 24. David Walder 25. Roland Poertner 26. Larry Brunner 27. Sam Ingrassia
28. Dennis Woodruff 29. Larry Davis 30. Dennis Farber 31. Don Alday 32. Ron Dutton 33. Michael Anderson 34. Kindall Moore 35. Dennis Barclay 36. Steve Smith 37. Tim Scruggs 38. Stan Darden 39. Jeff Bushnell 40. Brian Marstellar 41. Bill Clark 42. Chuck Hansford 43. Ron Roberts 44. John Teefey 45. John Stellern 46. Rick Voytas 47. Scott Osborne 48. Bill Varwig 49. Gerry Stellern 50. Bruce Russell 51. Bob Neuwirth 52. Andy Brundage 53. Bruce Hard 54. Steve Gann
1. Patricia Dunne 2. DeAnn Baker 3. Paula Hudson 4. Karne Schumacher 5. Lorraine Traynor 6. Amy Strunk 7. Natalie Ousley 8. Cathy Dulin 9. Rebecca Minich 10. Janese Stock 11 . Rebecca Stabo 12. Francine Davison Missing 1. Laura Davenport 2. Linda Hodge 3. Ruth Legsd in 4. Winnette Mason 5. Lynda Nations 6. Deronda Oldham 7. Marie Willy
1. Mike Allen 2. Bill Meister 3. Paul Vetter 4. Pat Owen 5. Bill Quinn 6. Steve Petty 7. Mark McCord 8. Dennis Springer 9. Phil Houghton 10. Charlie Tower 11. Mike Pisoni 12. Mike Fugate 13. Gypsy 14. John Smith 15. Tony Bommarito 16. Jim Griese 17. Bill Kroeger 18. Don Lange 19. Darrel Ludwig 20. Steve Losie 21. Jim Pelger 22. Randy Collins 23. Craig Payken 24. Dennis Wehmeyer 25. Gene Watson 26. Gary Ferguson 27. Larry Peck
28. Tom Belsha Rich Mazur Paul Sneed Steve Suellentrop Dog 33. Mike Barbagl ia 34. Kin Arnsmeyer 35. Fred Grass 36. Bill Wagener 37. Pat Robie 38. Mike Griggin 39. Fred Mack 40. Neil Frankenberg 41. Dwight Cookin 42. Mike Chase 43. AI Callier 44. Craig George 45. Lance Killoran 46. Jerry Kiel 47. Ron Johnston 48. Tom Pelger 49. Mike Alverson 50. Gary Abernathy 51. Mark Kassing 52. Carl Pelech 53. Carl Rezysona
29. 30. 31. 32.
1. Jim Hess 2. Jim Faulkner 3. Joe Martin 4. Steve Skasick 5. Curt Killinger 6. Mark Bruno 7. Charlie McGraw 8. Dave Lucas 9. Bob Hayes 10. Rodney Myers 11. Beowolf 12. Dan Amsinger 13. Ken Hurley 14. Jim White 15. Steve Szymanski 16. John Hixson 17. Cliff Felix 18. Don Ritter 19. Cal Curdt 20. Tom Christman 2 1. Jeff Stauffer 22. Tom DePauw 23. Mike Davis
24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
Rob Arnold Don Rogge Larry Mayfield Gene Manning Ray Komerous Chuck Naslund Mark Cavinder 31. Jim Bregg 32. John Kelly 33. Mike Hob1k 34. Steve Holcomb 35. Brad Scott 36. Jack Kolar 37. Ron Rogge 38. AI Nichols 39. Dan McNett 40. Mike Sewell 41. Mark Amsinger 42. Ron Dawes 43. Wo lfgang 44. Greg Carlson 45. Paur Gieseking 46. Jerry McCammon
1. Ed Burford 2. Mike Searey 3. Mike Wilheim 4. Ed Self 5. Dan Shelledy 6. Dan Skillman 7. Rich Markey 8. Chuck Anderson 9. John Vallar 10. Bob Born 11. Pat Harris 12. Rich Kinck 13. Dan Osbourne 14. Jim Godar 15. Dale Anthon 16. Larry Mertens 17. Tom Naeger 18. Chuck F laminio 19. John Baz-dresch 20. Steve Robertson 21. Ron Craven 22. Dave Rinas 23. Era Price Hatcher 111 24. Dan Brown 25. Chuck Staley 26. Mike McKean 27. Rusty Crane 28. Dave Brockman 29. Ken Ortmann 30. Ron Zagarri 31. Bill Behrens 32. Larry Hoeflinger
33. Gary Grote 34. Bernie Lucas 35. John Wegamn 36. Dave Muenks 37. Yellow Dog 38. Buddy Bruns 39. Dennis Rackers 40. Mike Rousselot 41 . Dave M uckerman 42. Steve Patton 43. Jim Gegg 44. Don Broekelmann 45. Tom Rossi 46. Jim Watts 47. Ruedi Fischer 48. Joe Barylski 49. Dave Viox 50. Steve Hyland 5 1. Rich Dolan 52. Jim Hummert 53. Joe Rupp 54. Joe Adrian 55. Mike Moellering 56. Burke Gallagher 57. Rick Hampel 58. Tim O'Neill 59. Bill Rosenbaum 60. Bill Udine 61. Ken Rapplean 62. Buddy Scheer 63. Mark Koeneker 64. Steve Phillips
26 1
1. Steve Koch 2. Paul Burke 3. Hans Scheider 4. John Rogers 5. Garry Roufa 6. Dave Wisch 7. Dave Erman 8. Rex Cramer 9. Steve Davis 10. Phil Weddld 11. Jim Fitzpatrick 12. Tom Utterback 13. Bruce Lurtz 14. Dave Miller 15. JeromeWillmering 16. Steve Wumming 17. John Weekley 18. John Hohenberger 19. Rich Schultz 20. Tom Bartnett 21. Dan Frisbee 22. Randy Houser 23. Chuck Yocom 24. John Cummings 25. Rich Buchanan 26. John Haley 27. Jim Beehtel 28. Tom Robinson 29. Jim Spencer 30. Terence Hill
31. Jim Junge 32. Larry Schupbach 33. Mark Dolecki 34. Denny V isos 35. Tom Domagalski 36. Rich Fleschner 37. John Brinton 38. Bob Vanecek 39. Lenny Lutz 40. Ted Greenwald 41. Charles Sidebottom 42. Mike Lueckenhoff 43. Jim Forck 44. Gary Schuchardt 45. Bill Lueckenhoff 46. Bob Fleischman 47. Bob Colombatto 48. Bob Brennecke Missing 1. Bob Scanlon 2. Dave Barczewski 3. Carter Njus 4. Mark Smith 5. Dennis Miera 6. Lloyd Henke 7. Pat Tibbits 8. Charles Weber 9. Hugh Kind 10. Tom Pinson
1. Richard J. Mu lien 2. Daniel J. Debold 3 . Linda 4. Robert W. Hoech 5. Carl M. Gioia 6. Keith I. Hoemann 7. Daniel K. Harbert 8. Gary A. Korzep 9. Gary N. Schneider 10. Ron H. Martin 11. William Coalson 12. David F. Melton 13. Michael A. Pleimann 14. Stephen E. Hale 15. Robert Bentzinger 16. Ross Haselhorst 17. Stuffed Squirrel Missing
1. Nicklas J. Bommarito 2. Charlie Daniells 3. Wm. K. Ernst, Jr. 4. Darryl Wm. Muck 5. James M. Pace 6. Ranald K. Spalding 7. Jerry W. Wright 8. Howard Stever 9. Alan Chambliss
1. Craig Korkoian 2. Joe Kracum 3. Ed Lueckenhoff 4. Mike Mason 5. Mike Smith 6. Rick Meloy 7. Poker Chip 8. Gary Downey 9. Roger Burger 10. Bill Watkins 11. Steve Conner 12. Dennis Massoth 13. Duane Parrish 14. Scott Winfield 15. Neil Bond 16. Dave Schepers 17. Mike Jacobs 18. Dave Whitaker 19. Mike Fennewald 20. Joe Cappa 21. Larry York 22. Dr. B. K. Robertson 23. Steve Fraley 24. Mark Mahnken 25. John DeGood
26. Joe Counsil 27. Mark Brown 28. Tom Schroeder 29. Mark Armstrong 30. Dan Waldrop 31. Bill Zaner 32. Dan Thebeau 33. Jerry Anderson 34. Rich Kessler 35. Carl Hunding 36. Jack Phillips 37. Jim Greer 38. Jack Greenley 39. Larry Fain 路 40. Rick Dunham 41 . Nick Barrack
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Missing Russ Byars Larry Molina Finley Teasley Farrel Haunschild Vernon Peters Ron Durbin
1. Ben Ackley 2. Jeff Johnson 3. Lobo 4. Bruce Gansner 5. Steve Babbit 6. Mike Hurst 7. Bob Adkins 8. Mike Beuke 9. Steve Perko 10. David Ortmann 11. John Guerdan 12. LaRoy French 13. Rick Katterhenry 14. Miles Whitener 15. Bernard Hoerning 16. Frank Opfer 17. Bob Heide 18. Dennis Stephens 19. Joe Hopkins 20. Pat Hohan 21. Mark Lorenz 22. Randy Nichols 23. Mike Poelan 24. Craig Liebel 25. Dave Denner 26. Kirk Hayden 27. Earl Province 28. Scott Gardner 29. Bob Brandt 30. John O'Hara 31. Matt Evertt 32. Gerry Wappelhorst 33. Randy Gault 34. Steve Petzel 35. Ralph Rojas 36. Mark Heuckroth 37. Ed Hoeferlin 38. J. W. Lowe
39. Bob Jaeckel 40. Dennis Grella 41. Jack Vance 42. Wayne Kotter 43. Jim Kauten 44. Jim Merciel 45. Lief DuVall 46. Jim Pearson 47. Dave Robb 48. Mike Wesley 49. Lance Rehm 50. John Johnston 51. Mike Emmerich 52. Larry Hendren 53. Gary Hutchison 54. Chuck Peavler 55. Mel Pohlman 56. David Mittler 57. Jerry Wessel 58. Mike Ross 59. John Dean 60. Bill Bachman 61. Charlei Raab 62. De Green 63. Steve Bridges 64. Randy Ganz 65. Frank Moore 66. Dale Wibbenmeyer 67. Jerry Harris 68. Dwight Tedquist 69. Kerry Welker 70. Clark Vance 71. Tom Zgraggen 72. Brent Thompson 73. John Marting 74. Tim Underhill 75. Harry Chappel
1. Pat Lyons 2. Charles Wasem 3. Zeus 4. Rob Armstrong 5. Tom Wilcox 6. Bill Horsford 7. Jay Jevne 8. Dave Hall 9. Rick Zeidlick 10. Dave Harsell 11. Kevin West 12. Reck Remley 13. Steve Cortopassi 14. Paul Pettit 15. Pat Goeke 16. Rick Taylor 17. Kent Vance 18. Tom Deddens 19. Steve Peppers 20. Steve Munzert 21. Steve Dickman 22. John Cordera 23. Mike Harsell 24. Rick Wurth 25. Don Gardner 26. Ted Cottrell
27 1
1. Bob Wardin 2. Gerry Hamilton 3. Gary Schlicker 4. Mike Garnett 5. Mike Gradle 6. Roger Amelong 7. Steve A very 8. Dave Ebersole 9. Earl Veasman 10. Bill Bergfeld 11. John Halloran 12. Charlie Korn 13. Bob Kostelnik 14. Steve Smith 15. Jim Martim 16. Stan Jamroz 17. Mike Gronek 18. Lois Evelyn Douglas 19. Jim Schicker 20. Russ Diefenbach 21. Bob Harrison 22. Bob Becherer 23. Copper 24. Bill Langenbacher 25. Mark Evertowski 26. Paul Verheyen 27. Mike Niehoff 28. John Dickey
29. Mark Middlendorf 30. Brian Murphy 31. Dennis Browning 32. Dan Fousek 33. Steve Moss 34. John Tucker 35. Chris Lotz 36. Terry Douglas 37. Rich Kobylinski 38. Rick Saverwein 39. Gary Holmen 40. Paul Heid 41. Ken Cropp 42. Bob Bellm 43. Steve Schaffer Missing 1. Dom Hoffmann 2. Gerry Hutchens 3. Sal Pagano 4. Dave McMillan 5. Robin Murphy 6. Jack Wallace 7. Tony Witte 8. Jim Glynn 9. John Scheumbauer 10. Bob Key 11. Chuck Roasl
1. Rich Bollam 2. Randy Lang 3. Mars 4. Jeff Mayfield 5. Frank See ley 6. Roger Keller 7. Dennis Simon 8. Rob Kasten 9. Jim Williams 10. Bill Evers 11 . Dale Williams 12. Ed Wolfe 13. Dave Walker 14. Mike Kirn 15. Ken Dufner 16. Don Kemerling 17. Jim Proe 18. Roger Hickerson 19. Don Butch 20. Dave Kirn 21. Gary Schwartz 22. Jim Polittle 23. Russ Signorine 24. Steve Evans 25. Tom Owen 26. Randy Rodems 27. Dave Puettman 28. Kent Anderson 29. Steve Meister 30. John Szabo
31. AI Loeffelman 32. Charles F ron ick 33. Denny Meier 34. Scott Charpentier 35. Dennis Larson 36. Tim Spiek 37. Roger Hill 38. Larry Reinker 39. Bill Buchmeier 40. Jim Kissel 41. Do ug Moellering 42. Greg Hellwig 43. Jim Barth 44. Steve Bergtholdt 45. Larry Steinman 46. Bob Hilton 47. Neil Compton 48. Mike Carron 49. Don Proehl 50. Dave Bernstein 51. Don Boss 52. Steve Suellentrop 53. Mark Costley 54. Dan Brock 55. Chuck Bertani 56. John Signorine 57. Kurt Wilhelm 58. Art Tinnemeyer 59. Mike Boehm
1. Bob Vezeau 2. Tom Robak 3. Rich Sieberman 4. I. P. Nightly 5. Steve Tattich 6. Pat Campbell 7. Steve Dierker 8. Mike Mertens 9. Mark Herzog 10. Don Orcutt 11. Rudy Jovanovic 12. Mike Consolino
1. Cheika 2. Gerry Schmitz 3. Steve Altgilbers 4. Dave Lewis 5. Dan McBride 6. Mike Fahy 7. Rob Garrett 8. Mike Sallwasser 9. Greg Bothwell 10. Mike McKinney 11 . Corbett Brown 12. Don Montgomery 13. Norman Veit 14. Chris Wilson 15. Bob Valleroy 16. George G los 17. Rich Donnelly 18. Bill Smith 19. Bob Fontinelle 20. John Anderson 21. Ron Rembold
1. T-Bone 2. Baby Bullock 3. Randy Kerns 4. Paul Mellies 5. Slick 6. Melvin 7. Large 8. Dave Bonney 9: Skipper 10. Bud 11. FatWallo 12. Dimples 13. Dan Roewe 14. Tommy Dispuke 15. Roger (Slut) Horton 16. Max Cooper 17. Dickie Dempsey 18. Weggy 19. Stinky 20. Dummy 21. Maypo 22. Pin Head 23. Neubs 24. Ray Kneffel 25. Chopper 26. Mr. Teebs
1. 2. 3. 4.
Missing RufasR.Jones Lars Svenson Don the Dud Buck the Dog
28 1
1. Barb Ross 2. Kim Morrill 3. Bobbie Wilhelm 4. Monica Lapp 5. Virginia Shoulders 6. Sue Walker 7. Jun-chin Wang 8. Sharon Shaver 9. Jackie Yates 10. Fay Schubert 11. Anne Koehlinger 12. Mar~aret Wichard 13. Patti Kackley 14. Pam Thompson Missing 1. Jeannie Rowden 2. Jan Johnson 3. Ann Carmichael 4. Cathy Furlong 5. Paula Cantrell
• a dorm, ... An ''Indepen dent'' can live 1n
The Independents at UM R are well represented on many campus organizations such as the St. Pats Board and the UM R bands. Due to the recent closing of two eating clubs, the remaining three enjoyed increased membership resulting in an all-round good year.
... apa rtm ent , or an eat ing club .
Many Independent groups organized their members in cheering sections at UM R footba ll and basketball games. Recognized by everyone, Independents Elvyn and Anderson have become UMR's premire entertainers working with the Miner and KMSM.
lUll,. . .
A maiority of the
studen ~t
body is independen ~t, ...
Due to increased enrollment the Womens dorm was moved to McAnerney Hall. Because of this the atmosphere of the dorm quadrangle will never be the same. The radio station KM FA suspended operations during the year due to technicalities.
The year ended with the biggest Ind ependents party weekend ever held. The whole event was well organized as there was a little something for everybody involved. A concert, games, food and dances resulted in a weekend that will be hard to top next year.
... each an individ ual sharin g commo n goals.
I.C.C. 1. Charley McGinty 2. Paul Metzler 3. Jim Dorroh 4. Stephen Smith 5. Jim Foil 6. Dean Tibbots 7. Sam Padgett 8. Greg Fackler 9. Wayne Bremer 10. John H. Dodge 11. Randolph Latall 12. Mike Miller
1. Mary J. Twellham
2. Jeannie L. Chester 3. Susan P. Heidemann
4. Janice Bates 5. Doris A. Behr 6. Linda S. Porter 7. Theresa L. Hacker 8. Ruth A Mullhatten 9. Sharon L. Taylor 10. Janet L. Defend 11. Marilyn A. Mee 12. Denise M. Lovasco 13. Sandy R. Heath 14. Dawn E. Gant 15. Jan L. Johaningmeyer 16. Nancy A. Shelton 17. Kimberly S. Morrill 18. Amy L. Dueker 19. Patti L. Mayer 20. Susan M. Braaf 21. Patricia D. Blankenship 22. Mary E. Foehse 23. Patricia A. Doyle 24. Suzanne M. Dirkers 25. Jean A. Hermeyer 26. Deronda J. Oldham 27. Ramona K. Ogle 28. Delores A. James 29. Diane C. Gibbs 30. Judith L. Flebbe 31. Joan M. Zerr 32. Vera E. Maiko 33. Pau Ietta R. F ranee 34. Margy A. Rice 35. Melanie G. Miller 36. Nancy J. Riehl 37. Kathie M. Murray 38. Lynn J. Klender 39. Mary L. Roach 40. Colleen A. Collins 41. Georgia L. Schmidt 42. Janet P. Johnson 43. Christine A. Lyon 44. Pamela S. Oliver 45. Linda K. Riley 46. Jill A. McCartney 47. Catherine Rieser 48. Roxie L. Mitchell 49. Jun-chin Wang 50. Mary L. Sieber 51. Rosemary F. Rois 52. Caroll A. Rogers 53. Nancy S. Becker 54. d'Arcy Holt 55. Karen Do liar 56. Robert Dollar 57. Carleen K. Gass 58. Patricia A. Pijut 59. Mac
1. Donald Hesskaup 2. William Baumhoff 3. Ronald Gutermuth 4. Anthony Artman 5. John Botts 6. Randall Hughes 7. Paul Weauhdener 8. Steven Hughes 9. Stanley Sorrels 10. Dana Meyers 11. Stan Linsenbardt 12. Stephen Adams 13. Michael Post 14. Tom Joyce 15. Dan Stark 16. Andy Schelin 17. Andrew Wilson 18. Thomas Linsenbardt 19. Kenneth Hamilton 20. James Dickmeyer 21. Michael Post 22. William Yamnitz 23. Stephen K ienstra 24. Saint Pattrick 25. Eugene Haas 26. Chris Cantrell 27. Mike Aguilar 28. Ron Edingre 29. Dave D lech le 30. Steve Moser 31. Bill Blechle 32. Bob Overfreld 33. Nelson Hodge 34. Jim Blevins 35. Phil Breezdel 36. Wayne Peters 37. John Pool
38. Dennis Holcomb 39. Bob Elliot 40. Dave Barclay 41. Gary Klingensmith 42. Randal Atkeisson 43. Herman Polk 44. Donald Hoffman 45. Robert Arbogast 46. Ronald Berry 47. Ronald Berry 48. David Barry 49. Ballard Simmons 50. Anthony Artman 51. Danny Klopfer 52. Max Siders 53. Terry Mel ntire 54. Charles Wiese 55. Duane Berning 56. Carl Hubenschmidt 57. David Chambers 58. Stephen Kam bol 59. Bruce Bradway 60. Edward Davis 61. Douglas Wood 62. George Keith 63. Robert Preston 64. Mike Dorlac 65. Alan Reynolds 66. Don Bircherding 67. Paul Huber 68. Greg Halfer 69. John Irvin 70. John Zielger 71 . Bill Merth 72. Paul Clites 73. Carl Carpenter
1. Dennis Stephens 2. Martin Aubuchon 3. Greg Jarboe 4. Tom Zweifel 5. Vince Pirano 6. Pat Huke 7. Lude Rohde 8. Petar Lekich 9. Larry Scott 10. Bill Doll 11. Tom Ferguson 12. Steve Tillman 13. Jim Pruit 14. Joe Martin 15. John Hunt 16. Bob Helmkamp 17. John Roth 18. Dave Roberts 19. Jeffry Gibson 20. Greg Miller 21. Lancerlot Overmyer 22. Mitch Peterson 23. Joey Connell 24. Jim Barbarito 25. Robert Clark 26. William Snodgrass 27. Dennis Kriegshauser 28. AI Hall 29. Larry McNary 30. Dave Bruns 31. Chris Cape 32. John Oualmann 33. Mark Reising 34. Mike Mall 35. Tony Messina 36. Nick Neumann 37. Richard Auer 38. Terry Coffman 39. Robert Cope 40. Norman Pooker 41. Jimmy Chatman 42. Lawrence Czajka 43. Scott Scheerer 44. Vic Turnage 45. Jim Stewqrt 46. Bernie Held 47. Marty Reynolds
48. Mark Blasser 49. Tom Rechtien 50. Frank Cage 51 . Dennis Calton 52. Don Jackson 53. Dennis Gronemann 54. Paul Millr 55. Dave Loesch 56. Rick Scarr 57. Dave Kassabau m 58. Andy Schwartz 59. Ron King 60. Gary Foutch 6 1. Alfred Matthes 62. Mark Bording 63. John Vogel 64. Chris Rock 65. Jim Stephens 66. Phil Kinz 67. Mike Holland 68. John Weseremayer 69. Dale Fox 70. Duane Bequette 71. Hermes Lee 72. Don Head 73. Dennis Demereckis 74. Doug Pennington 75. Randy Tucker 76. Larry Lowry 77. Bi II Petrovic 78. Bob Oueathen 79. John Mangoff 80. Bobby Bader 81. Steve Weis 82. Ken Drake 83. Leon Givens 84. Nick Kuntz 85. Dave Polakowski 86. Gary Wilcox 87. Gerald Foon 88. Don Hall 89. De Vie 90. Ted Hoeltje 91. Greg Reuter 92. Steve Wagner 93. Gary Sammelmann 94. Greg Schmittgens
1 . Jeffery Bertram 2. Tom Ellison 3. Dan Wenk 4. Dave Colvin 5. Dave Suiter 6. Marvin Borgmeyer 7. Ron Pozzo 8. John Peterson 9. Bill McAllister 10. Melvin Heisserer 11. Jerry Dreisewerd 12. Giorge Skosey 13. Stanley Howell 14. Mike Mathews 15. Chia Ko 16. Russ Pfeifle 17. Steve Brothers 18. Lloyd Boatright 19. John Sallas 20. Jim Brendel 21. Ron Hunt 22. Steve Bocenhamer 23. George Robin 24. Steve Burton 25. Marc Arand 26. Mike Jennings 27. John Tripses 28. Rich Schafermeyer 29. Duaine Robertson 30. Rich Noah 31. Bob Chapman 32. Rob Siefard 33. Rich Waldschmidt 34. Jon Pais 35. Tom Barkalow 36. Steve Chilton 37. Gary Fischer 38. Dave White 39. Chuck Steffens 40. Dan Williams 41. Dan Byers 42. Walter Griffin 43. Dan Clayton 44. Chuck Swarthout 45. Kent Hoke 46. Dale Mertens 47. Leon Smith 48. Matt Nail 49. Tim Carrill 50. Rick Scola
51. Mike Holthaus 52. Mike Lampse 53. Payl Allen 54. Steve Bohlman 55. Randy Johannes 56. Greg Byers 57. Terry Drechsler 58. Terry Young 59. Darrell Lee 60. Don Wells 61. Mickey Pritchett 62. John Eden 63. Phil Panagos 64. AI Garrison 65. Randy Price 66. Randy Staponski 67. Frank Hawkins 68. Steve Eck 69. Paul Crouch 70. Bill Sallas 7 1. Brian Millburn 72. Con Lampe 73. Joel Looney 74. Jim Gearhart 75. Roger Perriguey 76. Dan Hughes 77. Leon Schlemper 78. Ray Koining 79. Dan Hallford 80. Steve Wagner 81. Larry Randolph 82. Lew Ruesler 83. Mike Determann 84. Brian Trower 85. Jim Engel 86. Bill Nichols 87. Greg Strunk 88. Ron Albert 89. Bob Becker 90. Randy Strunk 91. Dave Prigel 92. George Cain 93. Marty Mattlage 94. George Cornwell 95. Jime Rowe 96. Monte Dechard 97. Terry Sohn 98. Lou Reinisck 99. Gus Johnson
1. Jim Turner 2. Larry Castor 3. Charlie Schindler 4. Neil Hill 5. Michael Schmidt 6. Art Stevenson 7. Mike Niere 8. John Feldmann 9. Gary Weidler 10. Earl Boesl 11. Joey Sillyman 12. Ken Cockerham 13. Rick McLean 14. Edward Rush 15. Alan Sullivan 16. Ken Burris 17. Eric Adams 18. Micheal Lupo 19. Mike Mullen 20. Richard Buck 21. Paul Hesse 22. John Waller 23. Grant England 24. Allen Grinegar 25. Wayne Carlson 26. Bob Rossi 27. Rich Melcher 28. Ed Hilligoss 29. Dave Allan
30. Mark Buday 31. Greg Chamberlin 32. Dave Schade 33. T im Edele 34. Russ Beckmeyer 35. Paul Marion 36. Gary LaBouff 37. Joel Claudius 38. Gary Henderson 39. Thomas O'Connor 40. Mike Grant 41. Lonnie Heldenbrand 42. Jeff Pose 43. Rick Jones 44. Mike Tackett 45. Willie Chasteen 46. Doug Powell 47. Randal Thompson 48. Mike Stone 49. Jim Frey 50. James King 51. David Maxwell 52. Dennis Nickell 53. Jim Hauser 54. Jim Geers 55. Mike Pratt 56. Jim Koeper 57. Bill Yamnitz 58. Bob Yamnitz
House C 1. Bill Hinton 6. Doug Knuth 7. Shastri Manohar Maharaj 8. Michael Mitchell 9. Kevin Steele 10. Sam Rucker 11 . Dan McElhiney 12. John St. Clair 24. Steve Artz 25. Ray Kern 26. 路Duane Montana 27. J. Q. Qualls 28. Gary Neutzling 29. George Schindler 30. John Olhman 31. Gary Kuse 32. K. Daniel Hinkle 33. Jim El liot 34. T imothy Croll 35. George Reynolds 36. Don Williams 62. John Ladner 63. Claude Zimbelmann 65. Don Speck 67. Bill Miller 68. Dan Lettruth 69. Randy Graves 70. Steve Vansil 71. Jim Van Horten 72. Bud Stein 73. Randall Baker 76. Tony Torelli 77. John Scarbough 78. Gene Yow 79. Jack Brand 80. Don Rice 8 1. Mike LeGrand 82. James Hassinger 83. Angelo Bellassai 84. Rufus Elemo 85. James Eye
HouseD 2. 3. 4. 5. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
Mike Helms Ron Blaha Bryon Nichols Bob Duenckel Rick Poh lman Bob Perrey Paul McCoy Kevin Johnson Mike Mann Mike Moll Robbie Rakestraw Lewis Shaw Fred Storck Rick" RED" Williamson 23. Marc Masnor 37. Steve Stubbs 38. Kurt Bleikamp 39. Nurl Birer 40. Tom Graves 41. David Vancil 42. Jim Keebler 43. Sherman Griffith 44. Steve LeClair 45. Joe Red ican 46. Frank lin Brown 47. Fred Schmidt 48. Stan Weaver 49. Ray Sud heimer 50. Paul Wil liams 51. Rick Erder 52. David Brad ley 53. Tom Reed 54. Jim Burris 55. Mike Pyeatt 56. Greg Hicks 57. Terry Micnhimer 58. Gary Rapp 59. Rodney Leach 60. Bil l Murphy 62. Steve Schade 64. Mike Brunson 66. Les Koi ke 74. Jim Turpin 75. Paul Wonderly 86. Dan T uck
THOMAS JEFFERSON 1. Bill Ahal 2. Tony Poroni 3. Kent Tallyn 4. Kevin Skibiski 5. Mark Fulks 6. Larry Marklin 7. Ellen Cherry 8. John Gregowitz 9. Marsha Collins 10. Gary Anderson 11. Steve Rose 12. John Gibson 13. Rene Schroeder 14. Dick Lenz 15. Mark Foege 16. Stan Menderski 17. Randy Dever 18. Liz Tod 19. Diane Beckmann 20. Cheryl Smith 21. Debbie Mills 22. Chuck Berg
23. Tom Dz ur 24. Dan Rede l 25. Marshall Chowning 26. Dennis Mills 27. David Mink 28. Rick McDonald 29. Tom Lahmeyer 30. Don Sisteki 31. Mike Oldelehr 32. Tom Milne 33. Mike Steffens 34. Mike Jerome 35. Non Resident 36. Greg Duckett 37. Bruce Enole 38. Mike Calvert 39. Rick Cottrell 40. Gary Kramer 41. Tom Sieffert 42. Steve Stieb 43. Gary Shoop
1. Fred Nelson 2. Mike Grant 3. Kate Ogden 4. Keith Lissant 5. Louis Mayes 6. John Edgar 7. Larry Schwab 8. Leland Rucknagel 9. Ken Lesser 10. Tony Poron i 11. Steve Calvin 12. Jan Buxton 13. Curt Simmons 14. Greg Frank 15. Kim Allen 16. Bob Benson 17. Fred Schaefer 18. Greg Heseman 19. John Wiesehan 20. Stan Menderski 21. Kent Gastriech 22. Terry Nance 23. Eric Minne 24. Wayne Fisher 25. Jack Strostiener 26. Dave Durengton 27. Mark Schroeder 28. Bi ll F lies
1. Gary Lederle 2. Pat Coley 3. Gary Hawthorne 4. Mark Simmons 5. Mike Fessler 6. Mark Fulks 7. Kurt Brinson 8. Joy Osborn 9. Brent Kuhnhenn 10. Jan Nolan 11. Mike Sextro 12. Leonard Veden 13. Paul Abney 14. Richard Dillon 15. Paul Chapman 16. Bob Kessler 17. Tom Sieffert 18. Cathy Dulin 19. Polly Reed 20. Sue Hadley 21. Kathy F rendh 22. Ann Sullivan 23. Kathy Beck 24. Cindy Willoby 25. Mark Clavenna 26. Jack Lichtenberger
27. John Skain 28. Robert Golsich 29. Berry Beresik 30. Jim Bowie 31. Steve Martens 32. Randall Schmidt 33. Bob Teihes 34. Jim Logan 35. Tom Arens 36. Mike Cooper 37. Jan Breidert 38. Bruce Bonczyk 39. Neal Lewis 40. Steve Hamilton 41 . Rick Ackerson 42. Greg Roberts 43. Randy Throckmorton 44. Karen Schnelle 45. Joe Toth 46. Phil Davis 47. Don Cline 48. John Tindall 49. Bob Janes 50. Steve Kopetz 51. Ken Sample 52. Dan Block
1. Jim Conrad 2. Judy Wilson 3. Carol Langemach 4. John Gohring 5. Charles Hyman 6. Mike Davis 7. Stephen Abeher 8. Kim Brooke 9. Gale Layton 10. Edward L. Mabie 11 . Tob Timme 12. Terry Burke 13. Tomas G. Smith 14. Terry Coker 15. Thomas M. Boman 16. Lvis 0. Rodriguez 17. Larry Adamski 18. Bill Ernst 19. Bonnie Briggs 20. Wilford Hegg 21. Ronald Corradin 22. Frank Krainess 23. Marty Carter 24. Larry J. Jenk ins
25. Paul Horstmann 26. Tom Trancynger 27. Michaiel Hale 28. Michael King 29. Alan Carson 30. Ralph Orews 31. Dan Buxton 32. Vernon Durham 33. Jim Carozza 34. Susan B. Howell 35. Steve Hall 36. Paul W. Colozza 37. Marvin Eaves 38. Terry Cloth 39. Paul Kelly 40. Ron Engelbrecht 41. Larry Bernger 42. Paul Crawford 43. Chuck Roast 44. Jack Ginnever 45. Dan Oliver 46. R. Hank Birk 47. Joe Haake 48. Jim Woodruff
49. John Ham 50. Vince Pellegrino 51. Chip Beef 52. Marvin Doberenz 53. Richard Alford 54. Dan Fugate 55. Calvin Diederich 56. Tom Holloy 57. Jim Fricke 58. Jim Clifton 59. Roger Holestine 60. John H. Dodge 61. Ramsey Garner 62. Robin Easley 63. James Collings 64. Archie F. Gatrost 65. Gary A. Hankins 66. Steve Alcock 67. John P. Edwards 68. Jeff Capps 69. Ben Dover 70. Douglas Grmming 71. Bill Goehman 72. James H. Herbold
1. Tom Miesner 2. Gerald Meyer 3. Stephen Langley 4. Neil Downandeater 5. Michael Quinn 6. Mike Magee 7. Doug Lacke 8. Randolph Latall 9. Mike Miller 10. Douglas Wood 11. Robert Lindsey 12. Lally Samsoucie 13. Brian Sullivan 14. Richard Lenzing 15. Sharon Pfister 16. Pam Thebeau' 17. Carl Mueller 1B. Tony Meir 19. Can Million 20. John Reiter 21. D. Rothermich 22. D. Schubert 23. Tom Squires 24. Darrell Prior 25. Dave Smith 26. Ron Schrenker 27. Rick Schrenker 28. Terry Smith 29. Terry Faes 30. James Rorabaugh
31. Ken Jones 32. Lindell Whaley 33. Joy Ryan 34. Carolyn Whiting 35. Steve Spradlin 36. Willy Makeit 37. Tom Reed 38. William J. Mundy II 39. Larry Morris 40. Joe Morrison 41. Rick Holan 42. John Rosenfeld 43. Ed Albee 44. James Nischwitz 45. Roger Reagan 46. Bill Nickoley 47. Danny Borusiewich 48. Greg Ritter 49. Kenneth Luetkemyer 50. Karl Schoenefeld 51. Bill Board 52. Jerry Rich 53. Jim Davis 54. Keith Whalen 55. Rich Schneider 56. Rick Tegethoff 57. Terry Witthaus 58. Robert Schaefer 59. Mark Smith 60. Dennis Pease
• .•
s:l'' 1. Tom Hayes Mark Birchler Mark Cowell Rick Brown Mark Vogt Steve Smith 7. Mark Liefer 8. Ed Clausen 9. Terry Riggs 10. Gary Johney 11. Jesse Yow 12. Doug Strattmen 13. Jeff Wilkes 14. Mark Hawthorne 15. Jim Bestgen 16. Larry Lewis 17. Dan McFarland 18. Gary Birk 19. Tom Nichols 20. Joe Ferrante 21. Mike Phillips 22. Kevin Dolan 23. G ilmare Krener 24. Scott Christians 25. Dean Degenhardt 26. Roy Bachmann 27. Kensy Russell 28. Wayne Sanders 29. Jack Keller 30. Bruce Mitchell 31. Rich Larkins 32. Ed McJimsey 33. Keith Houghton 34. John Middleton 35. Dave Cathy 36. Dave We lge 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
John Creveling Marlin Wells Jim Pautler Art Kunkel 41. Ben Brown 42. Floyd Harris 43. Bob Barnes 44. Pat Long 45. Scott Kenny 46. Rod Taylor 47. Jon Townsend 48. Jerry Bayer 49. Bill Ruzicka 50. BiII Jerden 51. Don Merritt 52. Rich Ouinlisk 53. Joe Lagreck 54. Larry Lancaster 55. Keith Hovis 56. Greg Jecker 57. Mike Roth 58JJ 59. Gene Smith 60. Pat Shell 61. AI Richardson 62. Paul Ditty 63. Tony Hodges 64. Ruges Martin 65. Wes Martin 66. Gene Addison 67. Doug Peterson 68. Fred Smith 69. Dennis Leitterman 70. Charlie Shanes 71. Jack Beers
37. 38. 39. 40.
1. Lynn Price 2. Bill Cowan 3. Lyle Gastineau 4. T om Beha n 5. Gary DeClue 6. Rich Williamson 7. Jon Jansky 8. Erland Martinez 9. Jim Dorroh 10. Jim Martin 11 . Jim Johnson 12. George Dolson 13. Ben Brockgreitens 14. Dean Delker 15. Greg Colman 16. Larry Zerwig 17. Rich Barger 18. Galen Joh ney 19. Keith Petty 20. Tom Bogler 21. Bruce Gastimeau 22. Dave Carter 23. Bill McPherson 24. Mi ke North 25. T. G. Rehkop 26. Dale Hughes 27. John Reynolds 28. Jim F Iem ing
29. Tom Burjeck 30. Harry Zerwig 31. Brent Blizewski 32. Ron Jackson 33. Mike Coyne 34. Pat Mulvay 35. Bob Roberts 36. Rich Laughlin 37. Ron Dougherty 38. Jim Scheller 39. Joe Wong 40. Mike Zirkle 41. Steve Sit 42. Nancy Drissel 43. Vince Tipp 44. Steve Goldammer 45. Lyndell Brown 46. Charles Green 47. Rich Dick erson 48. Gene Weaver 49. Leo Scherrer 50. John McCarthy 51. Charlie LeBrell 52. Steve Schlumpberger 53. Gene Meyer 54. Harry Wissmann 55. Wayne Bremer
32 1
e 1. Rick Cory 2. Jom Foil 3. Jonathan Motherwell 4. Bill Hawthorne 5. Frank Yates 6. Dean Tibbits 7. Bob Pobst 8. Darrell Elven 9. Tom Kieffer 10. Brian Gilbert 11. Steve Kinder 12. Mitch Fowler 13. Dave Head 14. Bill Gregory 15. Gary Mackey 16. Dennis Wood 17. Gary Gaal 18. Larry Sinn 19. Larry Rehage 20. Jim Blessong 21. Michael Court 22. Terry Cloth 23. Jay R. Stillwell 24. T . Mitch Hancock 25. Mike Mvenks 26. Doug Calvin 27. Cesar Magnin 28. Kul Bhasin 29. Ernest V. Sciaroni 30. Angelo Villosenor 31. Alfredo Figueras 32. Arras Sinnarwalla 33. Manuel Gonzalez 34. Frank Dolan 35. Robert Wokurka 36. Mik'e Cory 37. Joe Vehige 38. Steve Millsap 39. Leland Neher 40. Salvador Guccione 41 . Bob Dobrynski
42. Steve Zeigler 43. Ernie Ward 44. John H. Boehr 45. Bruce Johnson 46. Oduardo Rojas 47. Mike Logston 48. Shelly Nugent 49. Sam Padgett 50. Robert Katz 51. Raj N. Master 52. Bill Board 53. Chu Ming-Shian 54. Carolyh Burchfield 55. Thomas Gerwe 56. Gary Loud 57. Dale Schnieders 58. John E. Aldag 59. John R. Schmuke 60. Ken Haug 61. Tim Collopy 62. Joe Brenneke 63. Donnie Wilkerson 64. Bob 0. Brayfield 65. Rande Grotefendt 66. Jim Hillhouse 67. Bob Moody 68. Steve Ruth 69. Ron Willoughby 70. Bruce McCray 71. Dale Thomas 72. Dennis Feurer 73. Mike Silger 74. Les Schnake 75. Dean Heseman 76. Dave Warfield 77. Steve Gi Ibert 78, Pau I Motzler 79. Ken Jinkerson 80. Bud Garner 81. RobertS. Maxwell 323
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enjoyed intra-sc hool activitie s
33 1
a few played . . . while most watcJb.eJ .
but som.ehow, we still had tim.e to partyo
"Education is dynamic and is tested by what the educated man does in the world. It was the tragedy of the Middle Ages that the scholar, the man with the cultivated mind, found the world intolerable and withdrew from it. The obligation of the educated man is quite the contrary. The characteristic of a free society is that there is no privilege that is not to be counterbalanced by an appropriate responsibility. Unhappily there are men who all their lives plow the fields and take the crops from the soil of freedom and make no effort to restore the fertility ... education is a privilege ... it involves the responsibility of Leadership." Clarence B. Randall
'The half-life of an engineer is a couple of years, and I'm convinced, and the people I associate with are too, that the big thing about going to school is what you learn outside the classroom ." Russ Byars
"Extra curricula r activities help you to learn to work with people- you meet a lot more people and learn what others think and feel." Gary Pariani
"A high school graduate comes to UM R to get an education. If he graduates from college with only the knowledge taught in the classroom, he has not accomplished his goal." Dave Barczewski
"Campus activities help a person to broaden their background and make them more outgoing and helps to develop personality." Dave Puettman
"In regard to my years at Rolla, I feel the following quote from the Bible applies." "Your eyes behold strange sights, and your heart utters disordered thoughts;. . They struck me, but it pained me not; they beat me, but I felt it not; When shall/ awake to seek wine once again?" (Proverbs 23:33-35) Steve Robertson
"The basic advantage of the ME curriculum is that it's a very versatile curriculum. Every company in some way requires the services or knowledge of an ME. For this reason it is one of the easiest curriculums to get employment through." Terry Hill
'The years here have been enjoyable because of a gaining of friends. Friends that will be kept for a lifetime, I think that's important." Mark Armstrong
"One advantage to Rolla is it's a smaller school, students have a much better oppor tunity to get involved." Alard Kaplan
'The best quality of this school is the good reputation it has for an engineering school,路 but the big disadvantage on the other hand is that the curriculum here at UM R offers almost nothing but engineering, and it's hard to get a well rounded education." Carter Njus
"I decided on Petroleum Engineering because it sorta fit me, what I like. It really seemed practical and down to earth. There's a good relationship between the teachers and students. It's a very practical experience and it pays well. " John Shucart
"The problem with extracurricular organizations at UM R is that the people who join them aren't genuinely interested. On larger campuses, people join because they have an interest in the organizations' activities. At UMR many organizations are simply lists of names. All many members ever want from the organization's to use it's name on their resume sheet. And in many cases, that is the organization's only purpose." Rick Remley
"College offers a student many aspects of an education; studies are important, but the greatest educational opportunity available lies within the students themselves. An academic education is extremely vital in today's society, but unless a student can associate and motivate himself with other people, he has neglected himself of not only a part of his education, but of a part of his life as well." Tom DePauw
'The greatest part of your education at UM R can be from campus involvement_路 it teaches you how to deal and work with people, which is really what you'll be doing out in industry. n John Haley
"I think too many students miss a very important part of their college career by not taking an active part in one or more extracurricular activities. Too many students are weekend warriors. They leave Rolla as early as they can on Friday afternoon and don't return until Sunday evening. This makes it all the more difficult to become active on campus. I think, if Rolla and UMR offered more activities of interest to students one would not see this mass migration out of Rolla every vveekend." Charley McGinty
"An institution of higher learning is not merely an abode for an academic education; rather it also serves as a foundation for social development and world enlightenment." Bud Bruns
"I think that the organizations you belong to are as important to your education as the classes you attend. Organizations teach you how to work with people." Carol Langemach
"Brothers, let's build on the foundation which our engineering curriculum has prepared us; even though the road to success tends to be unpaved at times." Darryl Moore
'Through participation in extracurricular activities, especially the Student Council, I've learned that it's more important to strive for a "four point" not in your course work but in life-with other people." Rosemary Rois
"It's a small atmosphere. It's more home, more conducive to developing relationships with different people in your department. You get to do a lot more as part of the school." Jim Mulligan
"The power of positive thinking was one my great路 est aids in my college career. It's amazing, but true, that whatever the mind can conceive and believe, one can achieve, if he believes in himself." Craig Fadem
"Extra-curricular activities expand your opportunities for new activities, new friendships, and responsibility and leadership experiences. It's an aspect of school life that no one should miss-if they do, they've missed half of what they're here for." Diane Dawson
"The spirit of St. Pat's has dropped significantly since 1967 unfortunately. Fewer shillelaghs and beards are seen each year. St. Pat's used to bring the whole student body together. It was a super weekend that everyone really looked forward to." Pete Dawson
'The UMR student probably spends more time on extracurricular activities than students elsewhere. It's a matter of psychological survival. Involvement disrupts monotony and broadens education." Steve Goldammer
L ..
"Dear Scooter, trips, hastle, offers, prediction, decision, career? location, hurry--need to know, letters on wall, spacily nasty, short 4 years, Electrical Board of Trade "Best All Around". Tough: Scared "Not for wealth, rank or honor, but for personal worth and character. " Love Steve Bergtholdt
"In college people really grow up and learn a lot about living and working with people and what the business world is all about." Paul Burke
"Unlike what a lot of people in this school think, there is a lot more to an engineering education than what is in the textbooks. An employer wants more than someone to push a slide rule-they want someone who can communicate and work with other people. That's why people have to be involved in activities other than just classwork." Gerry Wappelhorst
'This place can be quite desolate at times, and the student finds that he must become involved to escape the pressures. " Dave Kroeter
'The secret to getting through Rolla is realizing the most important lessons are learned outside the classroom." John Dodge
"The present criterion for determining a professor's status should be changed to include, as it's primary element, the results of a student conducted evaluation system, for it is very apparent that many professors are apathetic about their teaching ability." Tom Akers
'To me the most important thing one can develop in four years of college is the ability to communicate with and work with people." James L. Hess
G.R. Anderson
N.J. Bommarito
W.R. Bell
W.K. Brune
J.E. Breidert
G.P. Carter
Comp uter Scien ce
M.A. Court
M.S. Danner
J.S. Edele
M.F. Davis
C.D. Haring
V.J. Dickerson
J .H. Hellrich
P.W. Horstmann
J.L. Dumay
J.L. Ivers
L.F . Janes
P.J. Jarupanich
O.H. Kohn
L.G. Koike
K.D. Lesser
C.D. Lindquist
A.L. Matthews
R.N. McCleary
E.A. Menke
M.A. Rice
W.A. Rosenthal
M.G. Roth
J.A. Lindstrom
A.A. Loeffelman
G.W. Miller
M .W. Montague
L.A. Rucknagel
W.F. Ruzicka
O.L. Manhaler
R.T. Nolan
M.D. Shilling
G .N. Scheider
M.E. Siders
J .P. Vannostrand
A.D. Virgin
C.L. Smith
H.J. Walker
J.M. Stauffer
M.L. West
M.V. Stratman
S.B. Winfield
C.R. Taylo r
R.C. Zagarri
Engineering Management M.K. Armstrong
S.G. Bennett
M.J . Bielick
R.J . Christ
J .R. Cromer
C.A. Botero
J.D. Butts
D.J. Carr
P.O. Crocker
W.M. Dunn
G.J. Frossard
R.K. Goodman
T.M. Goymerac
G.J. Heseman
K.D. Hinkle
J .A. Jeffries
D.M. Kluba
J .J. Gregowitz
D.T. Hearst
C.A. Jurgens, Jr.
E.R. Matthews
E.L. Merritt
G.W. Meyer
G.A. Mirgain
B.E. Modde
Y.S. Park
T .P. Pelger
J .A. Pit kens
A. Pirrone
J .L. Sams, Jr.
B.W. Schaffter
C. Tosi
J .R. Verkamp
F .W. Sherfield
D.F . Viox
T.D. Shofner
J . Watson
K.L. Snearly
E.V. Tokraks
D.T. Witte
M.T. Wurtz
Civil Engineering M .T . Amsinger
G .L. Anderson
R.L. Barkav
S.M . Bergman
L.G. Bergner
E.E. Blanke
D.A . Borusiewich
T.A. Behan
D.C. Best
J .L. Boshears
J.E. Bowie. Jr.
P.L. Brown
T .L. Burke
J.M. Burton
P.M. Byrne
T .W. Caldwell
A.W. Carson
J.W. Chatman
T .G. Chumley
C.R . Coartney
N.J. Compton
W.H. Cohrs Ill
W.M. Cryderman
C.R. Davis Ill
A.G. Dempsey
B.E. Douglas
R.E. Earnest
F.F . Follmer
R.P. Freund
A.A. Hartle, Jr.
L.H. Hellnch
J .D. Crafton
D.L. Erwin
N.G. Eiling
p. Falkenberg
F .M. Fulkerson
J.A. Gibson
C.R. Green
M.C. Hale
D.L. Henry
D.O. Hibbits
J.E. Hill
J .R. Hofer
E.C. Hunziker
A . Kaplan
W.A. Koehrer
A.D. Kuntz
S.C. Lawson
M.A. Logston
G.S. Kwong
D.W. Larson
S.M. Linnemann
D.A. Lewis
G .G. Maggart
S.M. Huston
D.L. lilian
P.W. Kelly
D.C. Knuth
G.R. Kramer
K. Koechenmeister
K.K. Marshaus
A.A. Mauzy
A.L. Meier
F.J . Niermann, Jr.
W.E . Nonon
R.E. Peters
M.B. Pickell
J .P. Menens
H.R. Ogle
E.J. Poe II I
J . Minoff
M.E. Mitchell
D.N. Motherwell
J. K. Ortmeyer
J.S. Patterson, Jr.
W.M. Perez
E.R. Potts
W.F. Raneks
B.M. Rayfield
D.V. Reel
C.W. Rezsonva
M.G. Richter
T.W. Richter
A.J. Riegel
J.A. Schilling
~~I!M/111/CJ N
S. Sit
M.H. Steffens
O.J. Teske
S.M. Skasick
D.L. Stephens
D.O. Underwood
R.C. Slovensky
J .M. Smit
R. L. Smith
C.T. Steffens
R. L. Stevens
R.L. Stewart
T .L. Stouse
D.l. Stovall
S.F. Visnouske
E.N. Wade
A.M. Vaeth
J.E. Ward
W.S. Watkins
M.E. Wavering
P.B. Weddle
D.J. Welker
W.E. Welsch
L.L. Whiteside
S.C. Wilhelms
N.D. Wood
D.E. Woosley
Chemical Engineeri ng K.R . Anderson
G.D. Bland
S.R. Blattel
K. D. Colter
L.A. Copley
A.D. Boyd
K. B. Cr aig
R.O. Bude
A. F. Davidson
A .W. Cagle
M .L. Dickhaus
C.L. Fadem
G.J. Fennewald
A .A . Goyins
A .H. Grotefendt
D.T . McClure
C.M. Meyer
S. J. Calvin
M.T . Eaves
M.D. Ford
A .W. Matthes
P.L. Mihalik
T .K. Mills
M.T. Moll
M.A. Pekarik
O.T. Power
O.H. Sanders
R.G. Schaefermeyer
J .A. Schweer
J .J. Thomas
T .R. Thomure
J.R. Townsend
G.A. Warner
L.E . Whaley
R.R. Wilks
J .L. Willmore
G.O. Woodring
T.A. Young
H .D. Abeln
G .S. Anderson
N .D. Bade
S.M . A kers
M .B. An ruso n
B.G . Ashbaugh
A.T. Artman
G.L . Bair
R .J. Baker
Elec trica l Eng inee ring D .L. Begley
S.J. Bergtholdt
B.W. Blizewski
J.D. Belcher
A.G. Beliassai
R .E. B laha
M.R . Bohmer
J .D. Bowlin
G.S. Brendel
W.H. Coalson
H.L. Crawford
A.D. Delker
G.G. Denney
J .B. Brock
P. Danesh
J.H. Dodge
L.A. Brown
M.A. Campbell
G.L. Davis
F.C. Degel
J.M. Dekold
S.W. Dunkmann
A.L. Emanuel
D.A. Falkenheim
M.G. Fehlig
M.A. Foege
J .A. Franklin
M.C. Butts
A.L. Finley
M.P. Ford
K.H. Freiberger
L.J . Fischer
C.D. Fox
A.B. Gastineau
R.P . Gault
J.F. Gegg
G.W. Gerlach
R.H. GloH
J.E. Gonzenbach
J.R. Haake
W.E . Hegg
P.S. Ho
R.W. Hoech
F .A. Gianotti
J.T. Hager
S.R. Howell
K.H. Gilmore
S.E. Harper
C.T. Huck
J .L. Gleich
J.L. Hartenberger
J .C. Hunsicker
G.E. Johney
T.A. Kahle
A.D. Katz
L.F . Laskowski
L.E. Lawler
K.D. Lawson
W.H. Manshardt
W.F. Manson
L.A. Marklin
T.E. Kreutz
H. Lee
J.W. Mardle
A.C. Kuzdas
A.D. Laramore
R.T. Lindsey
D.H . Lundin
G.N. McFerron
S.J. Menderski
P.R. Metzler
l.l. Montgomery
B.S. Mitchell
C.J. Mueller
O.M. Mundis
T.J. Nance
M.E. Niehoff
M.F. O'Hara
J .M. Palmer
J.A. Pautler
G.J. Perez
K.A. Petty
M.P. Pfanschmidt
O.K. Powers
D.O. Prigel
G.A. Ritter
J.J. Sallas
A.M. Pollmann
K.S. Priester
T.D. Pulis
D.C. Raterman
K.D. Reynolds
T.E. Ryan
D.R. Robb
J.l. Rorabaugh
E.W. Rothermich
W.L. Rumold
J.L. Sandous
G.A. Schindler
G.K. Schwartz
L.L. Scott
D.H. Scrutchfield
W.H. Sheppard
J .C. Skain
M.A. Stampick
K.M. Suetterlin
C.L. Sullivan
J.L. Susanj
L.B. Telle
L.N. Wallace
H.A. Weber
G.R. Wetdler
M.G . Wulls
D.R . Wilson
H.R. Winnie
K.J . Wong
J .L. Whitener
C .M. Stellern
W.H. Stine
D.R. Tho mas
L.l. Stralk
R .J . To uzinsky
K.W. Werner
C .A. White
E.R. Yaeger
P.A. Zimmer
Math emat ics
V .A. Holtmeier
M. Motsoasele
M.E. Spiry
J .C. Killinger
R. L. Rothermich
E.A. Steiger
T .O. Akers
B.J. Briggs
J.C. Ellison
E.M. Carcheri
A.H. Chambliss
R.W. Cope
C.C. Fuller
J.R. Hamilton
J .L. Hess
P.C. Lafoone
P.E. Shackles
P.J. Thomas
R.l. Holliday
Geol ogy H .B. Hahn
S.B. Howell
J.D. Johnson
M.J. King
D.R. LaBollbe
J.A. Middleton
J.A . Mulligan
M.A. Pace
D.L Rath
D.E. Rice
D.L. Rickman
T.A. Scowcroft
A.C. Swoboda
F.C. Smith
J. Woodruff
Mecha nical Engine ering
T.M. Arens
D.J. Bast
T.C. Boschert
W.K. Buchmeier
F.W. Campbell
A.D. Allen
V.M. Alverson
K.H. Arnsmeyer
D.L. Barry
M.A. Behr
J.W. Botts
C.S. Burnett
J.O. Carson
A.J. Benson
K.A. Brune
D.G. Calvin
R.G. Casteel
R.K. Chang
S.J. Cortopassi
M.R. Davidson
J.E. Davis
D.M. Dawson
T.F. DeClue
D.C. Dettleff
P.R. Downs
R.E. Drews
D.J. Ebbesmever
J .M. Eck
D.R. Elven
G.B. Fakonas
J.B. Fakonas
C.T. Fillinger
A.R . Dietrich
R.S. Eck
J .R. Fortune
A.T . Dimercurio
D.C. Edwards
D.G . Fluchel
'I L.S. Gast•neau
E.L. Gaver
K.L . Gentry
W.R . Gregory
M .A . Hardin
F.R. Heifner
W.R. Heincker
G.K . Henderson
J .H. Herbold
W.O . Herchenbach
L.A. Holt
S.R. H rach
A.A. Hughes
O.E. Hurley
G.P. Keefe
L. M . K illoran
C.H . Kleine
J.W. Koenig
L.L. Lewis
J.D. Lick
L.G . Kruse
J.V . Laux
C.R. LeBrell
T.L. Linsenbardt
M.E. Lohmann
W. Love
D.B. Maples
B.G. Marsteller
J.D. Martin
A.P. Martin
S.E. McKinney
T.M. McKinnis
J.L. Means
W.L. Miller
M.A. McAiuster
W.E. Mische
G.J. Lederle
J.T. Mahoney
C.C. McGintY
M.U. Moder
W.L. Moo n
A. Mucoglu
W.K . Mueller
C.Z. Njus
J.E. North
J.R. Payne
.M.W. Peveler
R. L. Pobst
J.C. Pouo
J .A. Qualls
B.W. Rau
M.E. Aissell
R.J. Rodems
J.T. St.Ciair
F.P. Schaefer
M.A. Scheidt
J.D. Scheller
D.A. Schlechte
S.E. Schlueter
M.H. Schneider
E.K. Schneider
D.E. Scholl
M.E. Sims
F .J . Pope
J.A. Phillips
L.N. Reinker
R.L. Retzinger
4 .....
F.L. Smith
W.H. Stahl
J.J. Stewart
D.H. Strattman
D.C. Sranze
••••• ····~ } •••:!.!..
S.T. Tattich
---A. Taylor
R.G . T imme
W.L. Wiedermann
G.S. Woods
S.A. Tempe
K.C. Volner
T.B. Williams
L.J. Zerwig
R.O. Thomure
J .M. Waller
M.A. Walz
J . Wang
H.R. Wheeler
Chemistry C.A. Vandoren
R.A. Barnes
W.P. Bremer
T .E. Bruchfield
R.D. Corcoran
P.E. Erlandson
C.A. Langemach
K.J. Lissant
J.L. MacDonald
Aeronautical Engineering B.E. B rockgremens
G.D. Colman
G.M. Schmittgens
W.B. Stone
G.W. Thompson
C.M. Whiting
G .T. Weir
M.E. Adam
R.L. Hoffmann
M.W. Bratovich
R.L. Horton
J.R. Collings
K.D. Gastreich
C.M. Gioia
F .E. Krainess
D.L. Schubert
C.A. Simmons
J.W. Halloran
M.S. Whitney
Geological and Ceramic Engineering
Humanities and Social Sciences
V.J. Bognar
C.E. Callihan
M. Chiles
B.J. Cape
N.R. Drissel
S.S. Edwards
A.A. Hayek
J.R. Herrmann
E.R. Kahrs
K.A. Lambert
l.D. Lick
V .W. Lomax
J .A . Scott
J.K. McMinn
H.J. Perez
J .W. Rogers
R.L. Stabo
C.H. Stein
A .L. Strunk
J.L. Ryan
D.L. Trost
J.A. Schlegel
M.F . Willy
Nuclear Engineering E.R. Baker
R.L. Bessor
M.L. Bunch
B.A. Correal
M.C. Grant
R.L. Jones
M.F . Muenks
D.L. Tibbitts
Physics M.J. Barger
J.E. Lawler
S.D. Ch ristiansen
R .A. Mann
W.J. Fitzpatrick
S.R. Goldammer
J.E. McCormack
L.A. Sansoucie
R.S. Schwentker
C.E. Tothill
J.J. Bazdresca
P.S. Fetterman
G.R. Fackler
D.G. Ganey
J.P. Haley
G.J. Hatfield
J.L. Key
A.J. Kleinert
Metallurgical and Mining Engineering
D.W. Kroeter
F.J. Minden
I.A. Psihoyios
J.D. Rupp
J.A. Moscoso
R .J. Scanlon
W.H. Mount
K.E. Oster
J.O. Phipps
R.C. Schneider
C.W. Travelstead
D.J. Zweifel
Petroleum Engineering J .S. Brune
G.R. Christopher
M. Farhad1
W.W. George
L.J. Jenkins
D.C. Long
S. Manohar-Maharat
B.M. Nariath
S.J. Pagano
G.J. Pariani
S.R . Shaw
J. K. Shucart
Student Index A
Abbott, James 210,189 Abeln, Herbert 367 Abernathy, Gary 256 Abney, Paul 312 Absher, Stephen 314 Ackerson, Ricky 312 Ackley, Benny 268 Adam, Marvin 196,383 Adams, Eric 304 Adams, John 184,206 Adams, Stephen 298 Adamski, Lawrence 3 14 Addison, Gale 190,318 Adkins, Robert 268 Adrian, Joseph 260 Aguilar, Mike 298 Ahal, Bill 308 Aholt, Daniel 210 Ake rs, Steve 366 Akers, Thomas 374 Albee, Steve 316 Albert, Ron 302 Alock, Steve 308 Aldag, John 322 Alday, Don 252 Alford, Richard 191,314 Allen, David 190 Allen, Robert 252 Altepeter, Larry 196 Altgilbers, Steve 278 Alverson, Vernon 376,256 Amelung, Reger 272 Amen, Mark 246 Ammons, Harry 202 Amsinger, Daniel 258 Amsinger, Steve 258,358 Anderson, Charles 260 Anderson, Dennis 246 Anderson, Gary 308,358 Anderson, Gary 246,367 Anderson, Jerry 266 Anderson, John 278 Anderson, John 202 Ander son, Kent 274,365 Anderson, Louis 244 Anderson, Mike 252 Anthon, Dale 260 Arand, Marc 149,302 Arbogast, Robert 197,215,298 Arens, Thomas 3 12,376 Armstrong, Charles 270 A rmstrong, Mark 238,266,357 Arnold, Robert 206,258 Arnsmeyer, Kenneth 256,376 Artman, Anthony 298,367 Art~. John 306 Ashbaugh, Billy 367 Atkeisson, Randal 195,197,298 Aubuchon, Martin 203,301 Auer, Richard 301 Ault, Willian 203 Avery, Steven 272 Ayars, Nancy 75 B
Babbit, Steve 268 Babnik, Tony 155,226,198 Bachman, William 268 Bachmann, Roy 318 Bader, Bob 258 Bader, Steven 248 Bair, George 367 Baker, Bruce 248 Baker, Deann 224 Baker, Edwin 203,386 Baker, Randal 306 Baker, Robert 367 Barbaglia, Michael 256 Barbaroto, James 212,301 Barber, Keith 203
Barclay, D~Wid 262,298 Barclay, Dennis 252 Barczewski, David 168,216 Barger. Michael190,386 Barger, Ricky 320 Barkalow, Thomas 302 Barkau, Robert 359 Barker, Dennis 248 Barnes, Robert 318,382 Barnett, Ewin 198 Barrack, Nichols 266 Barry, David 298,376 Barth, James 238,274 Bartnett, Thomas 262 Barylski, Joseph 360 Bast, Ronald 376 Bates, Jam ice 376 Bayyle, Keith 244 Bauer, A lan 190 Baumhoff, William 298 Bayer, Gerald 3 18 Baz-dresch, John 260,387 Becherer, Robert 272 Bechmann, Diane 308 Bechtel, James 262 Beck, Kathryn 75,312 Becker, Nancy 296 Becker, Robert 298 Beckmeyer, Russell 308 Beers. Hack 206,318 Begley, David 198,367 Behan, Thomas 320 Behr, Doris 296 Behr, Michael 186,376 Behrens, Willeam 260 Beitch, Gary 242 Belcher, J.D. 367 Bell, Wayne 197,226 Bellassai, Angelo 306,367 Bellm, Robert 272 Belshe, Thomas 256 Benezette, Robert 202 Benhussein, Jussein 183 Bennett, Steven 357 Benson, Robert 3 10,376 Bentzinger, Rober t 264 Bequette, Duane 258 Ber esik, Barry 2 10,312 Berg, Charles 308 Bergfeld, William 272 Bergman, Barry 242,359 Bergner, Larry 175,314,359 Bergthold!, Stephen 274,367 Berndsen, Frank 246 Berning, Duane 298 Bernstein, D~Wid 274 Berry, Dennis 195 Berry, Ronald 298 Bert, Robert 197 Bertani, Charles 274 Bertram, Jeffery 302 Besser, Ronald 203,324 Best, David 205,354 Bestgen, James 187,318 Beuke, Micjael 268 Bhasin, Kulbhushan 322 Biddle, Myron 244 Bielick, Michael 357 Biermann, Francis 248 Billings, Cary 248 Billups, Frank 244 Birchler, Mark 318 Birer, Mehmet 306 Birk, Gary 3 18 Brik, Robert 314 Black, Danny 252 Blackmore, Micheal 147,197 Blaha, Ronald 306,367 Bland, Gary 184,210,365 Blanke, Edward 304 Blankenship, Patricia 202,296 Blaser, Mark 196,301 Blattel, Steven 365 Blechle, William 298 Bleikamp, Kurt 306 Blessing, James 322
Blevins, James 298 Blickensderfer,S. 204 Blizewski, Brent 210,320,367 Bloch, Daniel 312 Blood, Timothy 149 Boatright, Lloyd 302 Bodenhamer, Steven 302 Bodenheimer, Lee 140 Boehm, Michael 274 Boehme, Vernon 246 Boehr, John 322 Boesl, Earl 304 Segler, Thomas 320 Bognar, Vance 384 Bohlmann, Steven 302 Bohmer, Michael 367 Bolin, Donald 184 ,314 Boll am, James 274 Boman, Thomas 199,314 Bommarito, Anthony 256 Bonczyk, Bruce 312 Bond, Nathaniel 266 Bording, Mar k 258 Borgmeyer, Marvin 195,196,202, 215,302 Born, Robert 260 Borusiewich, Daniel 205,316,359 Boschert, Thomas 306,376 Boshears, Jimmy 359 Boss, Donald 274 Botero, Carlos 357 Bothwell, Gregary 278 Botts, John 298,376 Bowie, James 312,359 Bowlin, John 368 Boyd, Austin 365 Braaf, Susan 214,296 Bradley, D~Wid 306 Bradway, Bruce 206,298 Brand, Jack 306 Brandt, Robert 210,268 Brannan, Randall 248 Branum, John 230 Bratovich, Matt 383 Brayfield, Bob 322 Breezeel, Phillip 215,298 Bregg, James 258 Breidert, Janice 3 12 Bremer, Wayne 294,322 Brendel, Gerald 368 Brendel, James 302 Brennecke, Robert 262 Brenneke, Joseph 322 Bridges, Steven 268 Briggs, Bonnie 341,374 Briggs, James 210 Bright, Frank 163 Brinson, Kurt 312 Brinton, John 173,262 Brock, Jordan 274 Brockgreitens, B.E. 320,382,210 Brockman, David 215,260 Broeklemann, Donald 260 Brose, Martin 203 Brothers, Stephen 302 Brown, Ben 318,384 Brown, Coeben 278 Brown, Daniel 260 Brown, Franklin 306 Brown, Lyndell 320,368 Brown, Mark 266 Brown, Michael 190 Brown, Phillip 359 Brown, Ricky 318 Brown, Samuel 244 Browning, Dennis 195,272 Brueckmann, Michael 197,210 Bruenger, Mark 260 Brummet, Jeffrey 2 15,252 Brundage, Edward 252 Brune, John 388 Brune, Kenneth 376 Brunner, Larry 252 Bruno, Mark 258 Bruns, Bernard 260 Bruns, Daniel 206
Bruns, David 301 Brunson, Michael 202,306 Buchanan, Richard 168,262 Buchmeier, William 274,376 Buck, Richard 304 Buday, Mark 304,204 Bude, Ronald 365 Bunch, Michael 386 Burch, William 244 Burchfield, Carolyn 322 Burchfield, Thomas 206,282 Burford, Edward 260 Burgener, David 248 Burger, Reger 266 Burjeck, T homas 320 Burke, Kim 2 12 Burke, Pau I 262 Burke, Teriel 3 14,359 Burnett, Claude 376 Burns. Paul 238 Burr is, James 306 Burris, Kenneth 197,304 Burton, James 359 Burton, Stephen 302 Bushnel, Jeffrey 252 Butch, Donald 274 Butler, William 244 Butts, James 357 Butts, Michael 368 Buxton, Daniel 187,314 Buxton,Jan 198,310 Byers, Dan 168,2 14,302 Byers, Gregg 299 Byrne, Patrick 185,203,359
c Cage, William 258 Cagle, Albert 202,365 Cain, Dale 244 Cain, W. 215,302,382 Caldwell, Terry 203,359 Callier. Alan 256 Callihan, Cora 384 Calton, Dennis 258 Calvert, M ichael 308 Calvin, Douglas 322,376 Calvin, Steven 202,206,310,365 Campbell, Fred 187,206,376 Campbell, John 202 Campbell, Michael 368 Campbell, Pat rick 238,276 Campbell, Roy 187,250 Cantrell, Chris 195,298 Cape, Bonnie 384 Cape, Chris 301 Cappa, Joe 266 Capps, Jeffrey 2 10,314 Carcheri, Emilia 374 Carlson, Gregg 258 Carlson, Wayne 304 Carozza, James 2 15,314 Carson, Joseph 376 Carter, David 320 Carter, Gregory 246 Carter, Jeff 248 Carter, Martin 130,314 Cartwright, Dan 2 12 Case, Dan 204 Casteel, Randy 376 Castor, Larry 210,304 Cathey, David 318 Cavinder, Mark 258 Cawlfield, David 191,248 Cedra, Peter 242 Chamberlin, Gregory 304 Chambers, David 298 Chambliss, Alan 200,374 Chang, Jawshin 182 Chang, Ricky 377 Chapman, Paul312 Chapman, Robert 302 Chappel, Harry 268 Charpentier, Scott 274
Chase, Michael 256 Chasteen, William 304 Chatman, James 301,359 Cherry, Ellen 210,308 Chervitz, Michael 242 Chester, Jeannie 296 Chiles, Richard 212,384 Chilton, Stephen 202,302 Cho, Jyong 205 Chowning, Marshall 308 Christ, Ray 357 Christians, Scott 318 Christiansen, Stephen 206,386 Christie, Richard 184,205 Christman, Thomas 258 Christopher, Gary 388 Christy. Edward 212,246 Chu, Ming 182 Chumley, Timothy 359 Clark, Robert 301 Clarke, William 252 Claudius, Joel 304 Clausen, Edgar 202,318 Clauss, Lee 252 Clavenna, Mark 312 Clay, Jeffrey 244 Clayton, Danny 190,302 Clirton, James 191,314 Cline, Donald 203,312 Clites, Paul 298 Coalson, William 264,368 Coartney, Charles 359 Coates, Willard 186 Cockerham, Kenneth 304 Coffman, Terry 202,301 Chrs, William 188,359 Coker, Terry 197 ,226,314 Cole, Daniel 202 Coley, Par 210,312 Colling.s, James 314,383 Collins, Colleen 296 Collins, Marsha 308 Collins, William 204,256 Collopy. Timothy 322 Colman, Gregory 320,382 Colombatto, Robert 262 Colozza, Paul 214 Colter, Kim 139,365 Colvin, David 302 Compton, Neil 27 4 Compton, Norma 359 Connell, Joe 212,301 Conner, Steven 266 Conrad, Jim 314 Consolino, Michael 276 Cooper, Michael 204,312 Cope, Robert 301,37 4 Copley, Larry 365 Corcoran, Roger 372 Cordera, John 270 Corey, Mike 322 Corey, Richard 322 Cornwell, George 302 Corradin, Roald 187,314 Correal, Jose 386 Cortopassi, Sandy 377 Cortopassi, Steven 270 Costley, Clifford 274 Cottrell, Ricky 308 Counsil, Joseph 266 Court, Michael 186,354,322 Cowan, William 320 Cowell, Mark 318 Coyne, Michael 320 Crafton, Jerry 205,250,359 Craig, Kinley 365 Crain, Claude 196,206 Cramer, Rex 201,214,262 Crane, Russell 269 Craven, Ronald 260 Crawford, David 197 Crawford, Harold 368 Crawford, Paul 314 Creveling, John 204,318 Crocker, Pat 196,357 Croll. Timothy 306 Croner, James 356 Cropp, Kenton 272 Crouch, Paul 302 Crumly, Gary 204 Cryderman, Ward 203,359 Cummings, John 201,262 Curdt, John 258 Curie, Arthur 238 Czajka, Larry 301
D Dahl, Jerome 210,215 Danesh, Parvitz 368 Danner. Mary 354 Darden, Stanley 212,252 Davidson, Alen 184,202,365 Davidson, Francine 254 Davidson, Marc 377 Davila, Gonzalo 182 Davis, Robert 359 Davis, Edward 298 Davis, Gerald 368 Davis, James 377 Davis, James Leon 244,316 Davis, Larry 197,252 Davis, Michael F. 314,354 Davis, Michael L. 258 Davis, Philip 312 Davis, Steveen 262 Dawes, Ronald 258 Dawson, Diane 187,377 Dean, Jon 268 Debold, Daneil 264 Deckerd, Monte 298 Declue, Tom 320 Deddens, Tom 270 Defend, Jamet 296 Degel, Frank 368 Degenhardt, Dean 318 Degood, John 206,266 Deken, James 203 Del< old, Joe 368 Delker, Richard 320,368 Demereckis, Dennis 258 Dempsey, Randall 190,359 Denner, David 202,268 Denney, Gary 268 Dennis, Gloria 182 Depauw, Thomas 238,258 Determann, Michael 298 Dettleff, Dennis 378 Dhuse, Kevin 226,248 Dickerson, Richard 203,320 Dickerson, Vicky 354 Dickey, John 272 Dickhaus, Mark 365 Dickman, Stephen 270 Dickmeyer, James 298 Diederich, Calvin 314 Diefenbach, Russell 195,272 Dierker, Donald 250 Dierker, Steven 276 Dietrich, Andrew 277 Dillon, Richard 197,312 Dillow, Merle 250 Demercurio, Tony 2 10,377 Dirkers, Suzanne 296 Ditty, Paul 318 Ditzell, Curtis 275 Doberenz, Marvin 314 Dobrynski, Robert 320 Dodge, John 294,314,368 Doering, Dennis 139 Dolan, Francis 203,322 Dolan, Richard 260 Dolecki, Mark 262 Doll, William 301 Dollar, James 184,296 Dollar. Karen 202,296 Dolson, George 320 Domagalski, Thomas 262 Donnelly, Richard 278 Dorlac, Michael 298 Dorroh, Jim 294,320 Doty, Elmer 215,248 Dougherty, Ronald 168,320 Douglas, Bruce 359 Doullas, Terry 272 Downey. Gary 266 Downs, Phil 377 Doyen, J.P. 195 Doyle, Pat 296 Drake, Kenneth 190,258 Drechsler, Terry 298 Dreisewerd, Jerry 226,302 Drewes, Mark 246 Drews, Ralph 187,377 Driemeier, David 246 Drissel, Nancy 320,384 Drozdoff, Nick 191 Duckett, Gregory 308 Dueker, Amy 296 Duenckel, Robert 306
Dufner, Kenneth 274 Dulin, Catherine 254,312 Dunavant, David 212,248 Duncan, Keith 252 Dunham, Richard 366 Dunkmann, Steven 368 Dunlop, James 197 Dunn, Wtatt 357 Dunne, Pat 234 Dupre, Larry 190 Durham, Vernon 314 Curington, David 310 Durst, Margaret 186,216 Dutton, Dennis 186.216 Dutton, Ronald 149,238 Duvall, Leif 268 Dzur, Tom 308
E Earnest, Randal 359 Eaves, Marvin 314,365 Ebbesmeyer 206,377 Eber sole, David 272 Eck, James 377 Eck, Rodney 187,298 Edele, James 354,304 Eden, John 298 Edgar, John 310 Edinger, Ronald 202,298 Edwards, Dennis 187 ,377 Edwards, John 314 Edwards, Sarah 384 Ehrhard, William 246 Elemo, Rufus 306 E IIi ott, James 306 Elliot, Robert 298 Ellison, Joseph 374 Ellison, Thomas 184,206,302 Elmore, James 203 Eleven, Derrell 70,322,377 Emanuel, Richard 368 Emmerich, Michael 268 Engel, James 302 Engelbrecht, R. 314 England, David 305 Enloe, Bruce 308 Entwistle, James 197 Erder, Rechard 306 Erlandson, Paul 184,2 14,250,382 Erman, David 262 Ernst, William 314 Ervin, John 244 Erwin, David 185,196,205,359 Etling, Norman 185,205,212,359 Evans, Craig 210 Evans, Steven 274 Everett, Jack 268 Evers, William 274 Evertowski, M. 272 Ete, James 191 ,202,306 F
Fackler, Gregory 294,387 Fadem, Craig 202,238 Fadler, Ronald 196,202 Faeber, Dennis 252 Faes, Terence 316 Fahy, Michael204,278 Fails, Allen 197 Fain, Larry 266 Fakonas, John 377 Falkinberg, Pete 359 Falkengeim, Dennis 368 Falkner, Frances 258 Farhade, Mahmoud 388 Farley, Kevin 250 Faucett, Dennis 196 Fears, Gary 215 Fehlig, Mark 368 Feiner, Steve 248 Feldmann, John 304 Felix, Clifford 258 Felstein, Steven 210 Fennewald, Michael 266 Ferguson, Gary 256 Ferguson, Thomas 301 Ferrante, Joseph 318 Fessler, Michael312 Fetterman, Phillip 387
Feurer, Dennis 322 Figueras, Alfredo 322 Fillebaum, John 215 Fillinger. Charles 377 Finley, Robert 368 Fischer. Gary 302 Fischer. Rudolph 260 Fischer, Wayne 310 Fitzpatrick, James 262 Fitzpatrick, William 386 F landermeyer. Brian 246 Flebee, Judy 202,296 Fleis, William 310 Fleichman, Robert 262,201 Felmming, James 320 Fluchel, Donald 377 Flechner, Richard 262 Foege, Mard 308,368 Foehse, Mary 190,296 Foil, James 322 Follmer. Frank 360 Fontinelle, Robert 278 Foon, Gerald 206,256 Forck, Jim 262 Ford, Michael 202,368 Fortune, James 377 Fousek, Daniel 272 Foutch, Gary 258 Fowler, Mitchell 322 Fox, Charles 258,368 Fraley, Stephen 266 France, Pauletta 296 Frank, Gregory 310 Frankenberg, Neil 256 Franklin, James 368 Frederickson, Jon 196 Freese, Guy 246 Freiberger, Kenntth 368 French, James 268 French, Kathleen 312 Freund, Ray 360 Frey. James 304 Fricke, James 314 Frisbee, Daniel 262 Fritchie, Denis 200 Frohlichman, Sam 242 Fronick, Charles 274 Frossard, Gary 248,357 Frgate, Dan 314 Fugate, Michael 256 Fugitt, Deborah 186 Fulkerson, F. 360 Fulks, Mark 308,312 Fuller, Charles 314
G Gaal, Gary 199,322 Gallagher, John 260 Ganey, Daniel 387 Gann, Steven 252 Gansner, Bruce 268 Gant, Dawn 210,296 Ganz, Randall 268 Ganz, Steven 147 Gardner. Donald 270 Gardner, Scott 268 Garland, Jerry 197,248 Garner. Ramsay 314,322 Garnett, Michael 212,272 Garrett, John 200 Garrett, Robert 278 Garrison, Robert 302 Garrison, Stephen 204 Gass, Charleen 296 Gastineau, L yle 320,378 Gastineau, Roy 320,368,197 Gastreich, Kent 155,204,226,310, 383 Gatrost, Archie 314 Gault, Randolph 268,369 Gauss, Montie 534 Gayer, Evelyn 214,378 Geers, James 304 Gegg, Jim 260,369 Gentry. Kenneth 378 George, Steven 256 George, William 288 Geringer, James 252 Gerlach, Blenn 369 Gerstner, Alan 248 Gerwe, Thomas 187,322 Gevecker, Jack 248
Giannotti, Frank 369 Gibbs. Diane 204,296 Gibson. Jeffrey 301,360 Gibson, John 197,308 Gieseking, Paul 258 Gilbert, Brian 322 Gilbert, Steven 322 Gilliam, Sandra 2 16 Gilmore, Kenneth 369 Ginnever, Willwim 31 4 Ginter, Lorn 199,206 Gioia, Carl 264 Givens, Bernard 244 Givens, Leon 258 Glase, James 187,197,206,122 Gleich, John 369 Gloff, Richard 369 Glos, James 199,204,278 Godar. James 260 Goehman, William 3 14 Goeke. Pat 197,279 Goforth, David 252 Gohring, John 3 14 Gold, Robert 242 Goldammer, Steven 320,386 Goldstone, Craig 238,242 Golisch. Robert 3 12 Gonzalez, Manuel 322 Gonzenbach, Jack 369 Goodman, Roger 19 0,357 Gookin, Dwight 256 Gordon, Willism 424 Goyins, Roger 16 1,246 Goymerac, Thomas 357 Gradle, Michael 272 Grafton, Frederick 248 Grant, Michael C. 3 10,386 Grant, Michael J. 304 Grass, Frederick 256 Graves, Randal 306 Graves, Tom 306 Gray, Gary 197 Green, Charles 320,360 Greenley, Jack 266 Greenwald, Ted 262 Greer. James 168,266 Gregory, William 322,378 Gregowitz, John 2-10,308 Grelle, Dennis 268 Griese, James 268 Griffin, Michael 215,256 Griffin, Walter 302 Griffith, Sherman 306 Gronek. Michael 272 Gronemann, Dei is 258 Gorssman, Robert 242 Grote, Gary 260 Gortefendt, Rande 322,365 Groves, Kevin 200 Gruendler, Peter 214 Grundy, Elton 244 Guccione, Salvadore 322 Guerdan, John 268 Gulley, George 197,203 Gutermuth, Tonald 298 H
Haake, Joseph 314,369 Haas, Eugene 298 Haase, Walter 204 Haberstroh, Edward 250 Hacker, Theresa 296 Hadley, Susan 2 14,312 Hager, Joseph 369 Hahn, June 375 Halbert, William 210 Hale, Michael 314,360 Hale, Stephen 264 Haley. John 262,387 Halfar, Gregort 298 Hall, David 270,361 Hall, Donald 258 Hall, Stephen 314 Hallford, Daniel 302 Halloran, John 272,387 Ham, John 184,205,314 Hamilton, David 190 Hamilton, Geyyy 195,272 Hamilton, James 244,374 Hamilton, Kenneth 186,298 Hamilton, Stephen 3 12 Hampel, Richard 260
Hamrick, Larry 204 Hancock, Thomas 322 Hansford, Charles 252 Hanshaw, Michael 202 Hard, Bruce 252 Hardin, Michael 378 Haring, Carl 161,246,354 Harms, Dulany 252 Harper, Stephen Harris, Gerald 2 10 Harris, Jeff 210 Harris, Patrick 260 Harris, Richard 2 10 Harrison, Robert 272 Harsell, David 270 Harsell, Michael 270 Hartenberger, J.L. 369 Hartle, Arthur A. 213,360 Haselhorst. Ross 196,264 Hassinger. James 199,306 Hatcher, Price 260 Hatfield, Gary 387 Haug, Kenneth 322 Hauser, James 304 Hawthorne, Gary 3 12 Hawthorne, Mark 3 18 Hawthorne, William 200,204,322 Hayden, Dennis 238 Hayden, Kirk 268 Hayek, Richard 384 Hayes, Robert 258 Hayes, Thomas 318 Haynie, Roger 196 Head, David 322 Head, Donald 258 Hearst, David 196,357 Hearst, Sharon 196 Heatherly, Douglas 206 Heath, Sandra 296 Hedden, Steven 250 Hegg, Wilfred 314,396 Heid, Paul 272 Heide, Rober t 268 Heideman, James 296 Heider, Jon 278 Heifner. Fred 378 Heile, David 250 Heincker, William 378 Heisserer, Karl 212 Heisserer, Melvin 302 Held, Berbard 301 Heldenbrand, Lonnie 304 HeUrich, James 354 Hellrich, Linus 360 Hellwig, Gregory 274 Helmkamp, Robert 203,30 1 Helms, Cli fford 306 Hempler, Robert 204 Henderson. Gary 304,378 Hendren, Larry 268 Henry, Dennis 360 Hensley. Phillip 248 Herbold, James 187,314,378 Herchenbacher. William 378 Harmeyer. Jean 296 Herrmann. James 384 Herzog, Mark 212,276 Haseman, Gregory 3 10,357 Haseman, Orville 322 Hess, James 258,374 Hesse, Paul304 Hesskamp, Donald 298 Heuckroth, Mark 202,268 Hibbits, Darrel 203,360 Hickerson, Roger 274 Hicks, Gregory 306 Higgins, Arthur 190 Hill, John 360 Hill, Nel304 Hill, Roger 274 Hill, Terence 262 Hillhouse, Charles 184,202 Hillhouse, Jimmy 322 Hilligoss, Dward 190,304 Hilton, Robert 212,274 Hinkle, Dan 206,357 Hinton, William 306 Hixson, John 238.258 Ho, Patrick 369 Hobick, Michael 2 16,258 Hcxlges, Nelson 298 Hodges, Virgil 318 Hoech, Robert 264,369 Hoeferlin, Edwar d 268 Hoeflinger, Larry 260
Hoeltje, Theodore 258 Hoemann, Allen 246 Hoemann, Keith 238,264 Hoemann. Pau I 246 Hoenig, Bernard 268 Hofer, John 196,360 Hoffman, Donald 298 Hoffman, Ronald 248 Hoffmann, Richard 196,383,204 Hogan, Patrick 268 Hohenberger, John 262 Hohlt, Edward 210 Hoke, Kent 302 Holcer, Tim 248 Holcomb, Dennis 298 Holcomb, Steven 258 Holder, Gary 214 Holestine, Roger 314 Holland. Michael 258 Holley. Thomas 84 Holliday, Robert 374 Hollocher, David 200 Holmes, Gary 272 Holt, Ann 214,296 Holt, Larry 378 Holt, Michael 184,205 Holthaus, Michael 302 Holtmeier, Ver non 374 Hopkins, Joseph 268 Hoppe, Ray 2 12,250 Hopper. Sam 250 Horsford, William 270 Horstmann, Paul 186,204,314,354 Horton, Roger 204,238,383 Houghton, Keith 3 18 Houghton, Philip 256 Houser, John 262 Hovey, Richar d 206 Hovis, Keith 3 18 Howell, Stanley 302,396 Howell, Susan 3 14,375 Hrach , Stanl ey 378 Hubenschmidt, Carl 298 Huber, Paul298 Huck, Carl 369 Hudson, Paula 2 12,254 Hughes, Dale 320 Hughes, Daniel 302 Hughes, David 201,205 Hughes, Randall 298 Hughes, Ronald 196,378 Hughes, Steve 298 Huke, Joseph 301 Hummert, James 260 Hunding, Carl 266 Hunsicker, James 196,369 Hunt, John 197,301 Hunt, Ronald 392 Hunziker, Eugene Hupp, Kenton 139 Hurley, David 378 Hurley, Kenneth 258 Hurst, Lindell 276 Hurst, Michael 238,268 Huster, Ronald 203,205,360 Huston, Samuel 203,203,360 Hutchixon, Gary 268 Hutson, Edward 203 Hyland, Steven 260 Hyman, Charles 3 14
lilian, Don 360 Irvin, Hohn 298 Ingrassia, Samuel 197,252 Ivers. Jeffrey 354 lvy,Susan 196
J Jackson, Donald 2 14,258 Jackson, Robert 202 Jackson, Ronald 320 Jackson, Steven 246 Jackson, Joseph 2 12,268 Jaeckel, Rober t 268 James, Delores 296 Janes. Lyle 355 Janes, Robert 3 12 Jansky, Jonathan 320
Jarboe, Gregory 301 Jarupanich, Prasert 355 Jecker, Gregory 318,320 Jeffries. James 357 Jenkins, Larry 314,388 Jennings, Michael 302 Jerden, William 3 18 Jerome, Michael 308 Jevne, Jay 270 Jincks, Danny 210 Jinderson, Kenneth 322 Johaninlgmeyer, Jan 2 15,296 Johannes, Randy 298 Johney, Galen 320 Johney, Gary 3 18,369 Johnson, Bruce 185,322 Johnson, Debra 190 Johnson, Ivan 197 Johnson, James 378 Johnson, Janet 296 Johnson, James E. 195,320 Johnson, Jeffrey 268 Johnson, Jerry 191 Johnson, Kevin 266 Johnson, Robert 246 Johnson, Willaim 244 Johnston, John 268 Johnston, Rona ld 256 Jones, Kenneth 3 16 Jones, Rick 187,210,304 Jones, Robert 250 Jones, Ronald 205,386 Jordan, Wayne 190 Jovanovic, Rudolph 276 Joyce, Tom 298 Junge, James 262 Jurgens, Carl 357 K Kack ley , Pat 2 16,282 Kahle, Thomas 369 Kallmeyer, Gary 2 14,252 Kambol, Stephen 298 Kaplan, Alard 248,361 Kassabaum, David 258 Kassing, Mark 2 15,256 Kasten, Robert 274 Katterhenry, Richard 268 Katz, Robert 322,369 Kauten, James 268 Keating, John 199 Keebler, James 306 Keil, Louis 242 Keith, George 298 Kelby , Alphonso 244 Keller, Jack 318 Kelley, John 258 Keller, Roger 274 Kelley, Paul 314,36 1 Kernerling, Donald 274 Kenny,Scott 3 18 Kern, Ray 306 Kessler, Richard D. 266 Kessler, Robert 3 12 Key, John 387 Kieffer, Tom 322 Kiel, Gerald 256 Kienstra, Stephen 298 Killinger, John 258,374 Killoran, Lance 256,378 Kinder, Stephen 322 King, James 304 King, Michael 3 14,375 King, Ronald 258 Kirchhoff, Terry Kirn, Daved 196,274 Kirn, Michael 196.274 Kissel, James 274 Kleine. Charles 379 Kleinert, Andrew 184,210,387 Klender, Lynn 202,296 Kline, Kim 246 Klingensmith, Gary 298 K lopfer, Danny 298 Kluba, Denis 357 3 5 I Kmak, Howard 210 Knuth, Douglas 306,316 KoC.H. 302 Kobylinski, Rickard 272 Koch, Charles 248 Koch, Stephen 262 Koehler, David 198.201
Koehlinger, Anne 282 Koehrer. William 360 Koeneker, Maek 260 Koenig, Ray 379 Koeper, James 304 Kohn, Don 242,355 Kohnen, Thomas155 Koike, Lester 306,355 Kolar, Jack 215,258 Komerous, Ray 258 Kopetz, Steven 312 Korkoian, Craig 266 Korm, Charles 272 Kornacke, Alan 197 Korzep, Gary 264 Kostelnik, Robert 272 Kotter, Wayne 268 Kracum, Joseph 266 Krainess. F. 314,383 Kramer, Gary 308,361 Krasner. Barry 242 Kreisman, Steven 242 Krener, Gilmore 318 Kreutz, Thomas 369 Krieger, John 252 Kreigsharser, John 301 Kroeger, William 256 Kroeter, David 184,201,246,387 Krueger, Michael 246 Kruse, Lawrence 306,379 Krygiel, Joseph 206 Kuhn, David 246 Kuhnhenn, Brent 312 Kumar, Arun 182 Kunkel, Arthur 3 18 Kunnemann, Edward 276 Kuntz, Nicholas 200,258 Kuntz, Richard 361 Kuzdas, Adrian 369 Kwang, Liou 182 Kwong, George 361
L LaBoube, Dean 375
LaBouff, Gary 304 Lacke, Douglas 3 16 Ladd, Fred 197 Ladner. Johb 191,306 LaFollette, Richard 284 LaFollette, Stanley 246 LaGreek, Joseph 197,318 Lahmeyer, Thoman 308 Lambert, Kathryn 384 Lampe, Dominic 302 Lampe, Michael 302 Lamcaster, Larry 186,318 Lang, Charles 274 Lange, Donald 216,256 Langemach, Carol 314,382,184,206 Langenbacher, W.E. 272 Langley. Stephen 202,316 Lapp, Mary 212,282,216 Laramore, Robert 369 Larkins, Richrd 318 Larson, Dennis 274,361 Laskowski, Leonard 370 Latall, Randolph 294,316,199 Lau. Benildus 182 Laughlin, Richard 320 Lauth, John 185,203 Laux, Joseph 379 Lawler, Charles 370 Lawler, James 189,386 Lawson, Kenny 370 Lawson, Stanley 361 Layton, Earl 314 Leach, Rodney 306 Lebrell, Charles 320,379 LeClair, Stephen 306 Lederle, Gary 312,379,187 Lee, Darrell 302 Lee, Gerald 252 Lee, Hermes 258,370 Legate, John 203 LeGrande, Michael 210,306 LeGrand, Rodney 144 Leitterman, Dennis 210,318 Lekich, Petar 2 10,301 Lenharth, Brian 190,204
Lenz, Richard 308 Lenzing, Richard 316 Lesser. Kenneth 3 10,355 Lett, Steven 185,203 Lewis, David 185,361 Lewis, David 238,278 Lewis, Larry 212,318,379 Lewis, Neil 184,312 Lichtenberger. Jack 210,3 12 Lick, John 206,379 Lick, Linda 384 Liebel, Craig 268 Liefer, Mark 318 Lig,tfoot, Alan 248 Lindquist, Charles 355 Lindsey, Robert 316,370 Lindstrom, John 65,355 Linnemann, Stephen 246 Linsenbardt, Stan ley 298 Linsenbardt, Thomas 298,379 Lissant, Keith 184,286,310,382 Loeffelman, Alan 274,355 Loesch, David 258 Logan, James 312 Logston, Michael 212,322,361 Lohmann, Marvin 379 Lomax, Victor 385 Long, Pat 318 Long, Wayne 161,246 Looney, Joel 302 Lorenz, Mark 268 Losei, Steven 256 Lotz, Chris 272 Loud, Gary 184,322 Lovasco, Denise 296 Love, Wallace 379 Lowe, Joseph 268 Lowry, Larry 258 Lucas, Bernard 204,216,260 Lucas, Ralph 258 Ludwig, Darrel 256 Luechenhoff, Edward 266 Lueckenhoff, Michael 262 Lueckenhoff, William 2 15,262 Luetkemeyer, Kenneth 316
Lundin, Douglas 370 Lupo, Michael304 Lurtz, Bruce 262 Lutz, Leonard 262 Lyon, Chris 296 Lyon, David 250 Lyons, Pat 270 M
Ma, Po 182 Mabie, Edward 314 Macdonald, John 382 Mack, Frederick 256 Macke, Kenneth 199,278 Mackey, Gary 322 Maddox, Hubert 203 Maddy, Steven 198 Magee, Michael 316 Maggert, Gart 361 Magnin, Cesar 322 Mahar, Clifford 214,255 Mahata, Prafulla 182 Mahn, Michael 306 Mahnken, Mark 266 Mahoney, John 187,379 Majmundar, D. 205 Maiko, Vera 296 Mall, Michael 212,301 Mangoff, John 228 Mann, Rex 248,386 Manning, Eugene 215,258 Manohar, M. 306,388 Manshardt, William 370 Manson, William 370 Maples, Durwood 379 Mardellus, Paula 2 16 Marikos, Mark 214,248 Marion, Julian 304 Markey, Richard 260 Marklin, Larry 308,370 Markos, Larry 155,196,226,252 Marshaus, Kurt 361
Marsteller, Brian 252,379 Martens, Steven 312 Marthaler, Daniel 355 Martin, James 272 Martin, Jimmy 320,379 Martin, Joseph 258,301 Martin, Ron 238,264 Martin, Ronald 379 Martin, Ruges 318 Martinez, Ohep 320 Martmg, John 268 Mesli, Azidean 183 Masnor, Marc 306 Meson, Donald 266 Massoth, Dennis 266 Mester, A . 182,322 Mathews, Michael 302 Matthes, Alfred 258,365 Matthews, Ernest 356 Matthews, Randy 355 Mattlege, Martin 302 Mauzy, Alan 362 Maxwell, David 304 May, John 184 Mayer, Pat 296 Mayes, Louis 3 10 Mayfield, Larry 258 May field, Naldo 274 Mazur, Rich«d 256 McAllister, Mike 187,379 McAllister, William 302 McAlpin, Mianes 139,247,206 McBride, Den 238,278 McCammon, Jerry 258 McC&fthy, John 320 McC«tney, Jill296 McCleary, Ronnie 355 McClure, David 202,365 McCord, Maec 256 McCormack, James 386 McCoy, Paul 306 McCray, Bruce McDonald, David 248 McDonald, Marsha 2 15 McDonald, Richard 198,308 McElhiney, Dan 306 McFarland, Dan 318 McFerron, Gordon 370 McGhee, Robert 190 McGhee, Stephen 202 McGinty, Charles 294,379,187 McGrew, Charles 258 Mcintire, Terry 298 McJimsey, Edw«d 318 McKean, Michael 260 McKinney, Michael 27~ McKinney. Stanley 379 McKinnis, Thomas 379 McLain, Sandra 195,216 McLean, Richard 304 McMinn, Janet 191,385 McNairy, James 284 McNary, Larry 301 McNett, Dan 258 McPherson, Billy 320 Means, Jimmy 379 Mee, Marilyn 296 Mehta, Hari 183 Meier , Tony 3 16,362 Meier, Dennis 274 Meier, Stephen 274 Meister, William 256 Melcher, Richard 304 Meloy, Richard 266 Malton, Cavid 264 Manderski, Stanley 398,310,370 Mengel, Matthew 212 Menke, Elaine 355 Merciei,James 268 Merrill, Kevin 248 Merrill, Donald 318 Merritt, Eric 358 Mertens, Dale 302 Mertens, Joseph 362 Mertens, Larry 260 Mertens, Michael 276 Mertz, Denny 187,197,150,2 46 Messina, Tony 184,202,301 Metz, Kenneth 184 Metzler, Paul 210,294,322,3 79 Meyer, Marie 365 Meyer, Gene 322,358 Merers, Dana 298 Meyr, Gerald 210,216 Micnhimer, Terry 306
Middendorf, Mark 372 Middleton. John 318,375 Mieha, William 246 Miesner, Thomas 210,215,190,2 12, 316 Mihalik, Pat 365 Millburn, Brian 226,302 Millar, Charles 206 Miller, D8Yid 262 Miller, Gregory A. 301 Miller, Gregory w. 355 Miller, Mark 242 Millar, Melanie 296 Miller, Michael 294,316 Miller, Paul 258 Miller, Randy 252 Miller, William 203 Miller, William L. 306,379 Million, Dan 184,186,202,3 16 Mills, Debra 308 M ills, Dennis 190,308 Mills, Thomas 184,190,202,3 66 Millsap, Steve 322 Milne, Thomes 203,308 Minden, Francis 205,387 Minich, Becky 254 Mink, David 308 Minna, Eric 310 MinoH, Jerry 263 Mirgain, Girard 358 Mischa, William 379 Mitchell, Michael 306,362 Mitchell, Roxie 296 Mittler, David 268 Modde, Bradley 358 Moder, Michael 206,379 Moehlamann 168 Moellering, Douglas 274 Moellering, M.D. 260 Moll, Michael 184,306,366 Montague, Michael 255 Montana, Duane 212,306 Montgonery, Donald 2 12,278 Montgomery, Larry 370 Monzon, Pam 195 Moody, Robert 238,322 Moon, WByne 380 Moore, Denver 202 Moore, Francis 268 Moore, Kindall 252 Morlang, Daniel 203 Morley, William 238,250 Moroni, Remo 198 Morrill, Kimberly 222,296 Morris, Larry 3 16 Morrison, Joe 316 Morton, Joseph 244 Moscoso, Jose 387 Moser, Steven 197,298 Moss, Steven 272 Motherwell, David 295 Motherwell, Jonathan 322,362 Motsoasele, Motlatsi 374 Mount, William 387 Muckerman, David 260 Mueller, Carl 3 16,370 Mueller, Dave 203 Mueller, WByne 206 Mueller, Wendelin 380 Muenks, Michael 260,386 Mulitsch, F J. 214 Mullen, Michael 304 Mullhatten, Ruth 190,296 Mulligan, Jim 375 Mullin, Richard 264 Mulvany, Patrick 320 Mundis, David 370 Mundy, William 316 Munzert, Steven 270 Murphy, Brian 272 Murphy, William 210,306 Murray, Kathie 296 Myers, Rodney 258 N Naeger, Thomas 260 Naes, John 252 Nail, Matthew 302 Nalick, Richard 242 Nance, Terry 3 10,320 Naslund, Charles 258 Neher, Leland 322
Nelson, Frederick 310 Neubauer, Thomas 212 Neumann, Nicolaus 204,301 Neutzling, Gary 306 Neuwirth, Robert 252 Nichols, Byron 306 Nichols, Glenn 216,258 Nichols, Randolph 268 Nichols, Thomas 318 Nichols, William 302 Nickell, Dennis 304 Nickoley, Edward 3 16 Niehoff, Mike 65,195,272,37 1 Niere, Michael 304 Niermann, Frederick 246,362 Nischwitz, James 316 Njus, Carter 380 Noah, Richar d 302 Nolan, Janet 2 16,312 Nolan, Richerd 204,355 Nolde, Keith 248 North, John 380 North, Michael 320 Northup, John 202 Norton, William 362 Nowak, Nancy 75 Nuelle, Larry 204 Nugent, Shelley 322
0 O'Connor, Thomas 304 Offutt, Joseph 202,248 Ogden, Kathryn 206,310 Ogle, Harold 362 Ogle, Ramona 296 O'Hara, John 268 O'Hara, Mark 37 1 Ohlman, John 306 Oldelehr, Michael 308 Oldham, Deronda 296 Oliver, Daniel 314 Oliver , Pamela 296 Olsen, Billy 203 O'Neill, Timothy 260 Opfer, Francis 268 Orcutt, Donald 238,276 O'Rourke, Carol 202,2 16 O'Rourke, Eileen 216 Ortmann, David 268 Ortmann, Kenneth 260 Ortmeyer, Juanita 185,208,362 Osborn, Joy 312 Osborne, Robert 252 Osbourne, Daniel 260 Oster, Kenneth 184,387 Ott, James 215.246 Ousley, Natalie 254 Overfield, Robert 298 Overmyer, Lance 301 Owen, Patr ick 256 Owen, Thomas 263,274
p Pace, James 375 Padgett, Samuel 294,322 Pagadala, Sreemanth 182 Pagano, Salvatore 238,389 Pais, Jon 302 Palmer, Jack 371 Panagos, Philip 198,320 Pariani, Gary 389 Park, Robert 248 Park, Young 358 Parker, John 197 Parman, Mark 190 Parman, Phillip 252 Parrish, Duane 215,266 Patel, Dinesh 182 Patrick, James 210 Patrick, William 200 Patterson, James 203,362 Patton, Stephen 260 Pautler, James 318 Peyken, Craig 256 Payne, John 350 Payne, Richard 200 Pearson, James 268 Pease, Dennis 184,206,316 Peavler, Charles 268
Peck, Larry 256 Pekerik, Michael 366 Pelech, Carl 139,256 Pelger. James 256 Pelger, Thomas 256,358 Pellegrino, Vincent 314 Pendergrass, John 2 10 Pendley, Joseph 191 Pennington, Douglas 187,258 Peppers, Steven 149,270 Perez, Gregorio 371 Perez, Howard 242,385 Perez, W. 362 Perkins, Henry 244 Per ko, Steven 268 Per ray, Robert 306 Perr iguey, Roger 203,302 Perry, Michael 198 Peters, Richard 164,362 Peter s, Wayne 298 Peterson, Douglas 202,318 Peterson, John 302 Peterson, Mitchell 2 10,310 Petrovic, William 258 Pettit, Paul 270 Petty, Keith 320,370 Petty, Stephen 256 Petzel, Charles 268 Peveler, M. 380 Pfanschmidt, Michael37 1 Pfeifle, Russell 302 Pfister, Sharon 195,316 Phelan, M ichael206 Phillips, Jackie 266,380 Phillips, M. 3 18 Phillips, Stephen 260 Phipps, John 387 Pickell, Mark 203,362 Pickens, Joe 358 Pijut, Patricia 246 Pike, Robert 184 Pippin, Kenneth 248 Pirano, Vincent 301 Pirrone, Anthony 310,358 Pisoni, Michael 256 Pitts, Larry 195 Pleimann, Michael 264 Pobst, Robert 322,380 Poe, Ear1203,362 Poertner, Roland 215,252 Pohlman, Melvin 268 Pohlman, Rick 306 Polakowski, David 187,258 Polinsky, Steven 242 Politte, James 274 Polk, H erman 298 Pollmann, Ronald 371 Pooker, Nor man 203,30 1 Pool, John 298 Pope, Frederick 2 12,380 Porter, Linda 203,296 Pose, Jeffrey 304 Post, Michael 298 Potempa, Kenneth 248 Potts, Eric 197,362 Powell, Douglas 197,308 Power, Donald 238,250,360 Powers, Danny 371 Pozzo, John 380 Pozzo, Ronald 302 Pratt, Michael 302 Preston, Robert 304,298 Price, Bermard 203 Price, Gary 320 Price, James 302 Priester, Kurt 371 Prigel, David 371 ,302 Prior, Darrell 326 Pritchett, Robert 302 Proehl, Donald 274 Prouty, David 2 15,287,248 Province, Earl 268 Pruitt, J«nes 301 Psihoyios, loannis 387 Puattmann, David 274 Pulis, Terry 214,212,371 Purvines, Stephen 206 Pyeatt, Michael 306
a Quells, John 300,306 Qualmann, John 301
Queathem, Robert 203,258 Quinlisk, Robert 318 Quinn, Michael 205,184,316 Quinn, William 256 R
Raab, Charles 268 Raclers, Dennis 260 Ragan, Michael 212 Rai, Siri 182 Rakestraw, Robbie 306 Randall, Harvey 215,238,244 Randolph, lawrence 302 Rapp, Gary 306 Rapplean, Kenneth 204,256 Raterman, David 371 Rath, David 375 Rau, Bruce 187,380 Rau, Steven 216 Rauch, Peter 206 Rayfield, Bradley 205,362 Reagan, Roger 189,316 Rechtein, Thomas 203,258 Reddy, Thomas 216 Redel, Daniel 308 Redican, Joseph 306 Reed, Allan 210 Reed, Poley 215,312 Reed, Thomas J. 316 Reed, Thomas K. 306 Reel, Dana 185,362 Rehagen, Lawrence 206,322 Rehkop, Thomas 320 Rehm, Lance 268 Reinisch, louis 302 Reinker, Larry 300,274 Reising, Mark 198,301 Reiter, John 215,316 Rembold, Ronald 278 Remley, Richard 270 Renner, William 248 Retzinger, Roger Reuter, Gregory 258 Reynolds, Alan 298 Reynolds, Gary 200 Reynolds, George 306 Reynolds, John 320 Reynolds, Keith 37 1 Reynolds, lloyd 205,250 Reynolds, Martin 301 Rezsonya, Carl 256 Rice, David 204, 191 Rice, Donald 306,375 Rice, Margy 296,355 Rich, Jerry 316 Richardson, Alfred 318 Ritcher, Michael 362 Ritcher, Thomas 362 Rickman, Douglas 250,375 Riddle, Charles 252 A iegel, Richard 362 Riehl, Nancy 296 Reiser, Catherine 296 Riggs, Terry 318 Riley, linda 296 Riley, Sally 204 Rinas, David 260 Rissell, Michael 380 Ritter, Donald 258 Ritter, Gregory 316,371 Roach, Mary 296 Roach, Robert 195 Robak, Thomas 276 Robb, David 268,371 Roberts, David 301 Roberts, Robert 320 Roberts, Ronald 252 Robertson, Dwaine 302 Robertson, Stephen 238 Robie, Ambrose 256 Robin, George 302 Robinson, Darrell 248 Robinson, Thomas 205.262 Rock, Christopher 258 Rockwell, Lawrence 203 Rodems, Randal 274,380 Rodriguez, Luis 314 Roemerman, Steven 186 Rogers, Caroll 296 Rogers, John 262 Rogers, John W. 385 Rogge, Donald 258
Rogge, Ronald 216,258 Rohde, Ludwig 301 Rohr, Janice 204 Aois, Rosemary 185,296 Rojas, Oduardor 322 Rojas, Ralph 268 Rome, Roger 196 Rorabaugh, James 316,37 1 Rose, Steven 308 Rosenbaum, William 260 Rosenfeld, John 197,316 Rosenthal, Wayne 355 Ross, Barbara 282 Ross, Michael268 Rossi, Robert 304 Rossi, Thomas 260 Roth, David 201,301 Roth, Michael 355,318 Rothermich, Eugene 37 1 Rothermich, Richard 374,316 Roufa, Garry 262 Rousselot, Michael212,260 Rowden, Jeanne 214 Rowe, James 302 Rucker, Samuel 306 Aucknagel, Leland 355,310 Ruesler. Lewis 302 Auh ling, Gary 210 Rumold, William 371 Rupp, Joseph 256,387 Rush, Edward 304 Russell, Bruce 252 Russell, Joseph 190,318 Ruth, Stephen 291,199,352 Ruzicka, William 318,355 Ryan, Joy 196,316,385 Ryan, Thomas 371
s Salla.s, John 302,371 Sallas, William 302 Sallwasser, Michael 215,278 Sam mel mann, Gary 258 Sample, Kenneth 312 Sams, John 358 Sandbothe, Gary 278 Sanders, Darrell 366 Sanders, Marion 198 Sanders, Thomas 318 Sandvos, Jerry 371 Sansoucie, Larry 186,189,206,196, 316,386 Sanuskar, Albin 173 Sauerwein, Richard 238,272 Scanlon, Robert 184,201 ,387,238 Scarborough, John 202,306 Scarr, Richard 258 Schade, David 204,304 Schade, Stephen 306 Schaefer, Frederick 310,380 Schaefer, Robert 190,197,226,316 Schafermeyer, R. 202,302,366 Schaffer, Stephen 272 Schaff tar, Barry 358 Schankman, Mark 242 Scheckel, William 248 Scheer, Bernard 214,260 Scheidt, Michael 380 Schelin, John 214,298 Scheller, James 320,380 Schepers, David 195,266 Schepflin, Michael 150 Scherrer, Leo 320 Scherrer. Scott 301 Scheumbauer, John 272 Schicker, James 195,272 Schilling, John 362 Schilling, Michael 355 Schindler, Charles 304 Schindler, George 198,371,306 Schlegel, John 385 Schlemper, Leon 302 Schlicher, Gary 272 Schlueter, Steven 206,380 Schlumpberger, S. 322 Schmidt, Edward 246 Schmidt, Fred 306 Schmidt, Georgia 296 Schnidt, Michael 304 Schmidt, Randall 312 Schmidt, Robert 238 Schmittgens, G. 258,382
Schmitz, Gerald 278 Schmuke, John 196,322 Schnake, leslie 214,322 Schneider, Elmer 262,380 Schneider, Gary 196,264 Schneider, Michael 380 Schneider, Richard 3 16,387 Schnelle, Karen 312 Schneiders, Dale 322 Schoedel, Mark 246 Schoenecker, John 197 Schoenefeld, K . 316 Scholl, Dennis 380 Schrader, Mark 310 Schrenker, Richard 316 Schrenker, Ronald 316 Schroeder, Rene 308 Schroeder, Thomas 266 Schubert, Dennis 316,383 Schubert, Fay 282 Schuchardt, Gary 201,262 Schultz, Richard 262 Schumacher, Karen 254 Schupbach, larry 262 Schwab, lawrence 310 Schwartz, Andrew 259 Schwartz, Gary 274 Schwartz, George 371 Schweer, Jeffrey 366 Sciaroni, Ernest 322 Scoggin, John 242 Scola, Ricky 219,302 Scott, Harvey 258 Scott, Judith 385 Scott, larry 301,371 Scowcroft, Terry 375 Scruggs, Timothy 252 Scrutchfield, Donald 371 Seaman, David 252 Searcy. Michael 260 Seely, Frank 274 Seifert, Richard 246 Self, Edward 260 Senft, Rodger 197,248 Sengupta, Subrata 182 Seris, Anthony 238,246 Sewell, Michael 258 Sextro, Michael 312 Shackles, Peggy 374 Shafer, David 246 Shah, Romeshchandra 182 Shanes, Charles 318 Shanklin, Gary 250 Shaver, Sharon 204,282 Shaw, Lewis 306 Shaw, Steven 389 Sheahan, David 242 Shell, Patrick 318 Shelledy, Daniel 260 Shelton, Nancy 296 Sheppard, William 372 Sherfield, Floyd 250 Sheridan, lynn 190 Shofner, Terrence 358 Shoop, Gary 308 Shoulders, Virginia 282 Shucart, John 384,238 Shull, Dale 206 Shull, Stephen 252 Sidebottom, Charles 262 Siders, Max 186,298,356 Siebenman, Richard 276 Sieber, Mary 296 Sieferd, Robert 302 Signorine, John 274 Signorine, Russ 274 Sliger, Michael 310,322 Sillyman, Joey 304 Silverman, Alan 242 Simmons, Bland 298 Simmons, Curt 310,383 Simon, Dennis 274 Sims, Michael 284.380 Sinha, Arun 182 Sinn, Larry 199,322 Sinnarwalla, A. 322 Sistek, Donald 308 Sit, Steve 320,363 Sitton, Oliver 202 Skein, John 312,372 Skasick, Stenen 258,263 Skibiski, Kecin 308 Skillman, Daniel 260 Skosey, George 187,206,302 Slovensky, Richard 363
Smit, Jan 363 Smith, Cheryl 308,356 Smith, David 360 Smith, E. Leon 302 Smith, Eugene 381,375 Smith, Floyd 381 Smith, Frederick 318,375 Smith, John 256 Smith, Leroy 2 12,242 Smith, Marcus 189,248 Smith, Mark A. 266,318 Smith, MarkS. 189,238 Smith, Richard L. 190,250,363 Smith, Ronald 246 Smith, Rose 198 Smith, Stephen 186,205,294,318 Smith, Stevn D. 252 Smith, Steven M. 272 Smith, Terry 316 Smith, Thomas G. 195,314 Smith, Thomas H. 250 Smith, William 278 Smith, William Louis 189 Snearly, Kenneth 358 Sneed, Pau1256 Snodgrass, William 301 Sohn, Terry 302 Sokolik, Barry 242 Sorrels, Stanley 298 Sparks, Eric 205 Speck, Donald 306 Spencer, James 262 Spiegel, Thomas 246 Spiek, Timothy 274 Spradlin, Stephen 203,316 Springer, Deinis 256 Squires, Thomas 202,316 Stabo, Becky 254,385 Stahl, William 381 Stake, Sondra 196 Staley, Charles 260 Stampick, Martin 272 Stampley, Gary 196 Stanza, Daved 187,381 Staponski, Randall 188,302 Stark, Danny 298 Starke, Stephen 197,226 Stauffer, Jeffrey 258,356 StClair, John 296,380 Stearns, Steven 210 Steckel, Gary 200,206 Steele, Kevin 306 Steffens, Charles 302,363 Steffens, Michael 308,363 Stegner, George 187 Steib, Stephen 308 Steiger. Edward 374 Stein, Clarence 306 Stein, Claudia 385 Steinman, Larry 274 Stellern, Gerald 252,372 Stellern, John 252 Stelzleni, Michael 188 Stephens, Dennis E. 268 Stephens, Dennis L. 301,363 Stephens, James 258 Steube, Gregory 248 Stevens, Ray 185 Stevenson, Arthur 304 Stewart, James 301 Stewart, John 381 Stewart, Robert 244 Stewart, Steve 185,203,363 Stillwell, Jay 322 Stine, William 372 Stock, Janese 234 Stone, Michael 304 Stone, Walter 139,382 Stonitsch, Ray 201 Storck, William 203,306 Stouse, Timothy 363 Stovall, David 363 Strack, Larry 373 Stranghoener, A . 204 Stratman, Mark 356 Strattman, Douglas 318,381 Strosnider, Jack 310 Strunk, Amy 254,385 Strunk, Gregory 302 Strunk, Randy 302 Strart, Dennis 203 Stubbs, Steve 190,306 Sudheimer, Ray 306 Suellentrop, Stephen 139,256 Suellentrop, Steven 197,274
Suetterlin, Kenneth 372 Sueter, David 184,196,202,302 Sullivan, Anne 3 12 Sullivam, Brian 316 Sullivan, Claude 373 Sus.anj, Jeffrey 373 Swarthout, Charlws 302 Swaters, James 198 Swoboda, Alexis 196,204,375 Szabo, John 274 Szymanski, Stephen 258
u Underhill, Tim 268 Umphreys, Ray 204,210 Underwood, Delmer 205,363 Utterback, Tom 262
T Tackett, Michael 384 Tallyn, Kent 308 Tattitch, Stephen 276,281 Taxman, fan 242 Taylor, Allan 381 Tayolr, Charles 356 Taylor, Richard 270 Taylor, Rodney 318 Taylor, Sharon 296 Teefey, John 252 Tegethoff, Richard 316 Taffe, Larry 373 Tempe, Stephen 381 Teske, Davie 210,363 Thalhammer, Mark 210 Thebeau, Daniel 266 Thebeau, Pam 191 ,316 Thomas, Dale 322,373 Thomas, John 366 Thomas. Phyllis 374 Thompson, Brent 268 Thompson. David 242 Thompson, Gary 382 Thompson, Pam 282 Thompson, Paullette 60,65,304 Thomure, Randall 366,381 Throckmorton, R. 312 Tibbits, Dean 294,396,203,197, 215,322 Tiehes, Robert 312 Tietze, William 66 Tillman, Steven 215 Timme, Tobert 314,387 Tindall, John 312 Tinnemeyer, Arthur 274 Tipp, Vince 320 Todd, Elizabeth 308 Tokraks, Eugene 358 Torell, Tony 306 Tosi, Carl 358 Toth, Joseph 312 Tothill, Charles 386 Touzinsky, Robert 234,248,373 Tower, Charles 256 Townsend. Jon 318,366 Trancynger, Tom 314 Travelstead, Charles 387 Traynor, Lorraine 254 Trent, Mark 246 Tri ce, Eric 244 Tripses, John 191 ,302 Trost, David 385 Trower, Ronald 302 Trusik, Jon 246 Tuck, Daniel 306 Tucker, John 272 Tucker, Randall 198,258 Tuckey, Pat 190 Turnage, Victor 301 Turner, James 304 Turpin. James 306 Twellmann, Mary 296 Tyagi, Pradeep 182
Vaeth, Richard 195,203,363 Valier, John 260 Valleroy, Robert 278 Vance, Chester 270 Vance, Clark 268 Vance, Jack 268 Vancil, David 306 Vancil, Stephen 306 Vandeven, Roger 195 Vandoren, Carol 382 Vanecek, Robert 197,262 Vanhouten, Jim 306 Vannostrand, Jean 356 Varwig, William 252 Veasman, Earl 272 Vaden, Leonard 204,312 Vehige, Joseph 322 Veit, Norman 278 Verheyen. Paul 272 Verkamp, John 358 Vetter, Paul 256 Vezeau, Robert 276 Villasenor, Angelo 322 Vines, Carol 19 1 Viox, DOYid 260,358 Virgin, Robert 356 Visnovske, Stanley 363 Visos, Dennis 262 Vogel, John 258 Vogt, Mark 3 18 Volner, Kecin 381 Voytas, Ricky 252
w Wade, Edward 363 Wadkins, Lon 248 Wagener, William 256 Wagner. Roy 204 Wagner, Stephen 302 Waldrop, Dan 266 Watdschmide, Richard 302 Walker, Davik 274 Walker, David L. 199,252 Walder, Harry 356 Walker, Susan 282 Wallace, Lloyd 373 Wallace, Robert 250 Waller, John 187,304,381 Walsh, Frank 187 Walz, M ichawl 206 Wang, Jaw 172 Wang, Jun 182,282,296,381 Wang, Yar 182 Weppelhorst, Gerald 211 Ward, Ernest 322 Ward, Jacque 363 W.-field, David 210,215,322 Wariath, Bashier 183 Warner, Gregory 366 Warren, Joseph 206,2 10 Wasemc, Charles 270
Wasiilak, James 197 Wassilak, Jeffry 250 Watkins, Wesley 364 Watkins, William 266 Watson, Eugene 256 Watson, Jerry 358 Watts, James 238,260 Wavering, Mark 203,205,364 Weaver, Gene 320 Weaver, Richard 248 Weaver, Roland, 306 Webber, Laura 184,196 Weber, Harry 373 Weddle, Philip 212,262,364 Weekley, John 262 Wegener, Curt 246 Wegman, John 260 Wehmeyer, Dennis256 Weidinger, Mark 238 Wedler. Gary 199,304,373 Weir, Gerald 382 Weis, Steven 258 Welge, David 318 Welker, Dennis 364 Welker, Kerry 268 Wells, Donald 302 Wells, Marlin 3 18,373,212 Welsch, William 364 Wenger, Thomas 249 Wenk, Dan 197,302 Werner, Kenneth 197,302 Werner, Kenneth 373 Wesley, Michael 268 Wessel, Gerald 268 West, Kevin 270 West, Marsha 356 Westermeyer, John 258 Whalen, Keith 316 Whaley, Lindell316,366,196,184 Wheeker, Harry 381 Whitaker, DOYid 266 White, Clayton 373 White, DOYid 302 White, Jim 258 Whitener. Joseph 373 Whiteside, Larry 364 Whitener, Miles 268 Whiting, Carol 316,382 Whitmey, Mark 204,383 Whitson, Michael 203 Wibbenmeyer, Dale 185,268 Wichard, Margaret 216,282 Wicke, Gary 250 Wiedermann, Walter 381 Wiegmann, Jerry 246 Weise. Charles 278 Weisehan, Hohn 310 Wilcox, Gary 258,270 Wilhelm, Kurt 274 Wilhelm, M ichaal 260 Wilhelm, Roberta 282 Wilhelm, Steven 185,364 Wilkerson, Donald 216,322,203 Wilkes, Jeffrey 318 Wilks, Roland 244,366 Williams, Curt 203 Willaims, Dale 274 Williams, Daniel 392 Williams, Dennis 191 Williams, Donald 306 Williams, James 274 Williams, John 144 Williams, Pau1306 Williams, Thomas 250,381,320 Williamson, Richard 306 Willis, Gregory 204 Willmering, Jerome 262 Willmore, Jerry 366
Willoughby, Cynthia 3 12 Willoughby, Ronald 322 Willy. Marie 385 Wilson, Andrew 298 Wilson, Chris 278 Wilson, Dennis 190,373 Wilson, Judith 314 Wilson, Mark 248 Wilson, Stephen 242 Wilson, Willis 203 Winfield, Scott 216,266,356 Winkelmann, Ray 246 Winkler, Richard 248 Winnie, Harold 373 Winston, Albert 238,344 Wisch, DOYid 197,262 Wissmann, Harold 322 Witte, David 358 Witthaus, Terry 3 16 Wokurka, Robert 322 Wolf, John 248 Wolfe, Charles 274 Wonderly, Paul306 Wong, Kamsong 320,373 Wood, Dennis 322 Wood, Douglas 206,298 Wood, James 202 Wood, Norman 3 16,364 Woodring, Gerald 366 Woodruff, Dennis 252 Woodruff, James 314,375 Woods, Gary 381 Woosley, David 364 Wright, Dean 204 Wu,S. 172 Wunning, Steven 262 Wurth, Richard 270 Wurtz, Mark 358
y Yaeger, Edwin 373 Yamnitz, Robert 298,304 Yamnitz, Willaim 304 Yates, Claire 196 Yates, Frank 203,205,322 Yates, Jacqueline 282 Yenzer, Richaed 184,202 Yocom, Charles 262 Yoder, Robert 248 Young, Terrill 197,392,366 Yow, Jesse 191,204,318 Yow, Michael191,366 Yu, H. 182 Yuen, Dickson 182
z Zagarri, Ronald 260,356 Zaner, William 266 Zeidlik, Richard 185,203,270 Zell, Jamrs 203 Zerr, Joan 296 â&#x20AC;˘ Zerwig, Harry 320 Zerwig, Stephen 320,381 Zgraggen, Tom 208 Ziegler, John 298 Ziegler, Stephen 322 Zimberrnann, Claude 306 Zemmer, Pau I 373 Zirkle, Michael 320 Zlatmick, Sanford 210,242 Zewifel, Donald 201,210,387 Zewifel, Thomas 214,301
ROLLAMO Staff Faculty Advisor
Lance Williams
Editor . . . . .
Dave Barczewski
Business Manager
Bob Brennecke
Layout Editor . .
. Tom Depauw
Associate Editor .
Craig Korkorian
Activities Editor
Marv Borgmeyer
Sports Editor .
Tom Rossi
Queens Editors
Organizations Editor
Bob Fleischman
Seniors Editor . .
Dave Schepers
Who's Who Editor
Jim Watts
Photography Editor Student Index Technical Assistance
Amy Strunk Kathy Beck
John Baz-Dresch Mark Dolecki Paul Coram
Photographers: Mark Amen John Baz-Dresch Ben Brown Bert Gallagher George Griffin Charles LeBrell Rich Linck Joe Mulitsch Nick Newman Carter Njus Charlie Sta ley Miles Whitener Mike Zirkle Staff: Roger Burger Jerry Dahl Mark Dolecki Tom Goymerac Pete Gruendler Sandy Heath Patti Kackley Lenny Lutz Paula Marcellus Marilyn Mee Melanie Miller Kathie Murray Nancy Riehl Jim Watts
The main purpose of the ROLLAMO is to serve as a historical memoir of college days. A book that you can pick up 10 years from now and rei ive some of the events that happened during the 1972-1973 school year. I feel each editor did an outstanding job in fulfilling this commitment. This year we semi-dedicated the book to the new student University Center. Mainly because without student support, the new "Union" would not of become reality as quickly as it did and without this same student support the ROLLAMO could not be published. Student support is necessary for the survival of every organization and activity at UM R and I hope this support keeps up. If you as an individual feel that the book could be improved please join the staff and help bring about these improvements. I'm not going to single out any individual praise for various sections, primari ly because everybody did such a good job, that their sections will speak for themselves. Besides doing a fine job, the editors stuck pretty close to their deadlines, an d we were able to get the book to the publisher by the end of May. Which is the earliest it has ever been turned in. I would like to express appreciation to both the photographers and the staff members, who do so much work for the book and get no special recognition. Individuals like those listed on the preceding page contribute many creative and useful ideas to the book. I wou ld like to thank them all for their support. Finally I'd like to thank the student body for giving me the opportunity to serve as Editor. Because it has truly been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. Thank you,
Dave Barczewski