U11\l I lltllllll 050-1 01 054957
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For Reference Not to be taken from this room
Rolla, ffiissouri Volume 70 Nicolaus Neumann Editor
Mark Lorenz
Glenn Johney
Ed Fishback - Dave Goldhammer Lance Williams
Kathy Veit
Jackie DeThorne
Steve Ernst - Russ Brazeal
Mark Dolecki
ROLLAffiO CREDITS EDITOR-IN -CHIEF ..... Nic Neumann ADVISOR ..... Lance Williams PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR ..... Mark Lorenz BUSINESS MANAGER ..... Gregg Sullivan Becky Dye
Mark Dolecki ACTIVITIES EDITOR ..... Glenn Johney QUEENS EDITOR ..... Kent Bagnall SPORTS EDITOR ..... Mike DiNapoli
Nic Neumann Kent Bagnall
LIVING UNITS EDITOR . . ... Pau la Marcellus ORGANIZATIONS EDITOR ..... Jeanne Achelpohl WHO'S WHO EDITOR ..... Kathy Veit SENIORS EDITOR ..... Jackie DeThorne Paula Marcellus
PHOTOGRAPHERS ..... Jeane Achelpohl
Mark Lorenz Kent Bagnall Glenn Johney Nic Neumann Russel Brazeal Steve Ernst Gregg Sullivan Becky Dye Ed Fishbach Dave Goldhammer Mike DiNapoli SPECIAL CREDITS ..... Publisher - Pischel Yearbooks, Inc.
Mike DiNapoli
Technical Assistance - Paul Coram Senior Phot ography - Steven Studios 3
Activities ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •24 Queens ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• 58 Spotts ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• 104 Living Units •
• • • • • • • •
Otg aniz atio ns
• • • • • • •
••• • 154
... .234
Who's Who ••• ••• ••• ••• •• 266 Seniots ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• • 273 Closing ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• • 310
the missouri miner
r rolla, missouri
r'UMR ••• its great est oppo rtunit y . ..
On August 26th of this year Chancellor Bisplinghoff addressed the faculty at the General Faculty Meeting. In his speech he touched oh almost all of the subjects presently affecting UMR. His talk was extremely interesting, but rather long. Because of the length, the Chancellor's speech will be presented in a series of articles to be run in the coming weeks. This is the first of that series. GENERAL MEI~TING
FACULTY fall," Dr. B1sphnghoff says.
"In regard to the complamts of students who are bemg Chancellor's Remarks housed m property we leased th1s summer,' he continues, Stncc I reported to you last,...-"all staff members are dOing December, I contmue to believe stron I that UMH, thiS particular IUShtuhon and m· slltut o kc 1t, JS gomg to ~ pre nt d w1th 1ts greatest opportumt~ the next decade. By tn t1tuh s like 1t, I mean those mstltu 1ons that have a central core of sCJence and technology and a comm1tment to apply sc1ence and technologY, to soc1cty's problems. Durmg the balance of tho hme today I wlil report to you on progress durmg the pnst year together w1th my assessment of the year ahead August 26, 1975
nd be)ond ENIWI.I.MENT·
present hme 1t appears as though UMR's fall enrollment bottomed out m 1974. The present 1975 count IS 4,245 compnred w1th 4,006 reported 111 1974 By close or late reg1strat10n, 1t IS very possible that our total 1975 fall count ~ould exceed 4,300 w1th a raduate enrollment m the e1ghborhood of 475. We would hus be clo c to the 1973 fall 1gur£' and, hopefully, well on ur way to achievmg levels of nrollment ol the early 1970 s. Followlhg an apparent at10nal trend, graduate nrollment IS declmmg at UMR. decrea e of about 10 per cent not d from 1974 to 1975 La t r th rc ~.......-..LJJ~.....,_.......,........,......__
eerln gthe rolla way
Engmeermg tudents from he Um\ers1ty of M1 our1-Rolla 11l tell about "Engmeenng • e Rolla W Rolla ht 'lhur at the Engmeers' Cl of St Lou1s, 359 Lindell Blv St l.olllS ar rugh school and ollege tudent lh 1r parents nd teachers are tn\ 1ted to ttend Engmeermg t>xhlbits 111 be on display at 7 p.m. With the program tartmg at 8.15
slide show and d1scu engmeering and all facets student hfe at UMH. They ar D nm Lettterman emor 1 cJectncal engmccrmg, Louan Huylesophomore m mechamca engmeermg, Curt Ingrar sophomore m nuc1ea engmeenng, and John :E Farrell semor m meeharuca cngmeermg. There Will be question and answer per1od. UMR alumm, faculty a P...;.;;m ~~--------~ ad_ m1mstrators wlll be on haD
nergy on ere ce• A Step Towards olu ons R-
1-Jncrgy and \\ere wntten by Dr. supply of fosSil fuels 1s steadUy J Dcrald .Morgan, the con- decreasmg . Much of the research being done today, as ference director Organized JOtntly by the showed by the papers delivered Governor s .Mtssoun Energy at the conference, IS concerned council vathin the Missoun wtth alternatives to our present Natural sources of energy, while many of Oep rtment H ources, the faculty of the researchers are also mterested Unl\ ers1ty of Mtssourt-Rolta m better conservation of energy and ContmentaJ OIJ Company, m our resent s~tems . Solar. th energy conference was held on th1 campus October 7, 8, and 9
Perhaps the most pressmg 1 ue m the world today, the energy 1ssue was I looked at and dtscussed from nearly every v1ewpomt. Engmeers and SCientists came from aU parts of the country to dtscuss the problems mvolved w1th energy and to review the latest research done m this field Although the conference was open to students r no charge, few students took d anta e of the opporturuty 100 papers were N rl r ented by the r authors, and r dtvlded tnto vanous ccordmg to the1r on The alter ubJ
Chancellor Spea ks on·E nerg y Tuesday September 23, Ch ncellor Raymond B1 plmghort was the guest peaker at the meetmg of the SocJCty of Mmmg Engmcers H pccch was on the energy s1tuat10n ul the Uruted Stntes The Chancellor first pomted out how valuable an msbtutlon such as UMR w1U be, particularly m the next fey. years. Engmeers wlll be needed to develop our resources to meet our country energy needs He stated that th1s school 1s m "the nght place at the nght t1me." Many people take for granted that the present energy cns1s wtll eventually be taken care of. The feeling ts that 1f we have the technology to put a man on the moon we can surely keep our lights burnmg. Accordmg to B1sphnghoff ..thmgs are gomg to get worse before they get better" He predicted two thmgs, that the US. IS entermg mto n per1od of dcclimng standard of Hv1ng and a period ol hostile achon from fore1gn countr1es f1me IS becommg a cnt1cal factor W1thin tlle next ten years Y.e Will see a great shift m the economy Areas such as New f ngland heavaly dependent on fore1gn oil can already be seen shppmg mto a depressiOn. l nemploym nt m Rhode Island up to 15 r cent Th facts a uJt of scare ty and 1 1 I r fuel prl cs Eventually overnm nt "' II h v to peo to th r
B1 pltnghoff 1d u fu urc of ttus country w lll d pend on ats capacity to develop 1ts energy rc urces In th past 1t has been shown hoY. groy. th of energy production parallel mdustnal growth He stated the cngmeer as an tmportant part of the tndustrial growth nd necessary to meet the needs of soc1ety m energy.
I EAHTH NI<;WS) New restdcnt1al and commercial developmen ts along Callforma's 1 JOO-m1le coast Jme, as of 1977, may be reqmred to mcorporate solar healing and eoolmg untts. That's the recommendatiOn of the state Coastal Comm1ss1on, wh1ch holds JUriSdiction over de\•elopml'n t or the coastal zone I he Comm1ss1on w111 recommend to the tate teglslnlure that spec1la tax mcenh\ es be provtded to II developers who mcorporate olar heatmg mto thCJr bwldmgs It h lso r c m m<' ded that local governm ntJ long the <:o t pass so-callt'd "sun nghts ordmance to rc that all home own rs
solar technology 1sn't readily avmlable by January 1st, 1977, new bUildings wtll have to be des1gned to mcorporate solar systems when they become available. • The recommend ation, 1f adopted by the legislature, Will affect thousands of ney; coastal developments when the present near moratonum on bulldmg IS lifted The CommiSSIOn predicts that large cale olar de\ elopment could save bet ween 50 and 80 per cent of naturul gas reqUirements for heatmg and cooltng purpo
In th
The rouowmg 1s a summary of the Chancellor's to faculty December 9, 1975. Enrollment - the ChanceUor feels that thts IS the prmc1paJ ~round for optlmtsm m the future. After bottommg out m 974, UMR nchtcved a 9 per cent ncrease m enrollment m the all, Yftth good posstblllttcs for he same tn the 1976·77 cademtc year, Also UMR had 4 per cent mcrease m aduate enrollment. Housmg the Chancellor ails thts the "Achilles' heel of . MR ' as we reach for mreascd enrollment. egollattons are m progress for !rhomas Jefferson restdence and 1s the first prwnty for t, the econd bemg tlon of some form of 1tn .........~...... housmg W1th more optmg for uruverstty ,.u.•.,.. .,. and the elasticity of the ty to absorgb m prtvate housmg Thomas Jefferson tdencc hall becomes msmgly Important. The ncellor feels that the nces of haVIng TJ on some by next faU are better 5().60
the Call Showed an mcrease to ewers from last sprmg, the tightness and nguiity m market for graduates ts still Job offers are commg
t -~~~-
slowly, but With approXImately 220 employer VIStts expected m the sprmg, there ts confidence that thts year's graduates Will be placed. M1d·fo'1scal \'ear Budget Status - U MR has had to deal w1th nearly a mUlion dollar reductiOn m funds this year, and IS anttclpattng $437,000 m reallocations m the next f1scal year to meet proJected state appropnahons, Reduction were made m the work force, concentratmg mamly on admmtstrahve and support staff. The Chancellor felt that 1t was no longer poSSible to reduce the Jo;&E funds, as had been done m the past A healthy sc1ence and engmecrmg school, m hts v1ew, rcqmres an E&E percentage of nearly 30 per cent, while UMR's has dropped to below 20 per cent l'he Umvers1ty had dev1sed four plans to cope With the nnt1c1pated gap between the budget request and Coordmatmg Board's recommendation to the Governor. The difference between these two amounts IS over $11,000. Two of the plans call for a $30 semeste~ ree mcrease, tY.o call for no fee mcrease The Chancellor stated that the Governor's recommendation to the legislature was even lower than anllctpated, lower than the four plans under study. The Chancellor nas established a Rev1ew of
receives grant A gJft of $10 000 has been
ved by the Umvers1ty of uri-Rolla from the ~alhburton Education Foun-
Texas.. 1m:
r Academic Programs and a Program Rev1ew Task Force. To study academic efforts, productivity, and admlmstrative support and to provtde by June 1, 1976, n report w1th recommended actions and
ratlonale for these acttons. Another action wtll be a review of the entire alhlet1c program at UMR to establish the state of the current program, evaluate the present programs and fundmg of these, repart to the
Chancellor by Mafl recommendattonj Committee on direction of UM program's and thf fund these progra,
Fror:t SOH s new " Profile of effect. Wtule the number o MISSOUri Colleges,' published mcommg students has leveJCi t>y l:laphaznrd House, copyright off (and acutally decline• recently) the number of a4 1980 All nghts revered mmistrato rs has quadrupled 1 response. University of Missouri-Rolla UMH sbU has 1ts comput and access to Columbia' "ThiS m1dwest bastion of computer, but doesn t ha engmeera ng and sc1ence enough aUotted money to ust educatiOn Situated m the sccmc them. The Engmeermg Schoof Missouri Ozarks and consisting once unrivaled In the mld\\CS o(some 4500 undergrad uate and now competes With Columbia graduate students has seen ever-mcre asang engmeerin Sigmf1cant changes in the past cumcutum . UMR IS rap1dl f1ve years. becommg a leader In th In response to the national Humamties and Social Sc1e energy shortage, the coal p1Je ces, ho~ever, m sptte ol the fa wh1ch fuels the umvers1ty that It has the smallest bulldt power plant 1s now under allotted to those areas of an t\\enty four hoW' anned guard. unl\"ers1ty 1ts SIZe tn th New students are advtsed to country. One mteresting aspect steer clear of this area because, m keeping With long standing UMR is the appearanc e of 1 pohcy, the achons of the employees. They are suau uruvers1ty pohce on guard may dressed m shirt and ue, or sem be entarely unpredictable. UMR formal dresses, even Janitors IS one of the fortunate m- wa1tresse s. This apparcnll Utuhons - they at least have amb1guou s Circumsta nce 1
76, Ule the
lhletic Dds to
Chan cello r Bispl ingho H
• on es Qu Educa ·on in This is the last in the series of Chancello r on articles Blspllngho ff's talk to the General Fa~ultv. LOOKING TOWARD THE
FUTURE- Looking forward I would have to conclude that my v1ew of the general ouUook for the future 1s m1xed, but generally optimtstic. Insofar as addit1onal support from state appropnah ons IS concerned , I am not sangume about quack relief from the current downward budget hde In p1te of the SE"venty of energy, nonrenewable natural resource and
, 1
comparabl e f1gure being about 375,000. Thus, for the f1rst time m years, higher education w11l cease to be a growth mdustry. There 1s thus nothing in the total co!Jege-age population stabshcs that presages enro!Jment mcreases m higher education. These very statistics are, of course, also followed closely by
"I do not see and enginee ring science accorde d a higher priority in our state system .,
depend s1mply on the law of supply and demand. Rad1cal increnses m students knocking at our door wiU require radical ancrcases in demand for our graduates m companso n With other the demand for graduates. This demand has in the past been made by government, universalJ tes and mdustry.lli s not likely that there w111 be radical tncreases in demand for graduates by government and umversil1tes m the foreseeable future smce some attentuaUon in spending will be reqUired of both if sUite and national governments are to remam solvent. Rad1cal
.E. bigge r and bette r than ver
The UMR tudent sectton of e Socaety of Women meers as growtng by leaps d bOunds The membersh ip npled at the farst meeting of e semester lnst Tuesday. The ew members are not just new :eshmen; more than a third te upperclass men who have at UMR for 2 or 3 years. SWE ls a prof aonal soctety dtc ted to encouragm g ung women to constder neermg as a career. The ataonat soctety also aids rof tOnal women engmeers many ways Our chapter ages m many activtttes to n1hcr this aim. Specifacally, c talk to tudents In area hoOI to inform them about le pportumties open to them 1 enganeerm g and apphed .a n ftelds Last March we ted a semanar for Tcchmcal m n tn the Mtdwest for other p tn ur regton UMRpubhshcd tts fn'St Re ume k I t year We sold coptes to p ox mately 120 comparues
gnty qua ted speakers Wlll al wath such toptcs as:
tomen m Executive Roles: are they sought? Wbat are rcqturemen ts? Are women Ung short? ·•, ··leadersh ip es: Confhcts and Opporattes for Women;" and Markets for Women
Engen ered S
Coeds need love too! Dear Edt tor, As another party \\ee end appro ches, the socaal sttuatton on campus perststs Next weekend for St Pat ·am por "' II Hood Rolla Many of the coeds have not been an-
D拢'ar S1r I 1kc most Mmer football fans, I, too have become d1sturbed at the absence of cheer leaders at football games. J have read many letter s pu rpo rtmg to explaJO th1s gross v1olat1on of atlltetac tradillon, but most of
arc too arrogant to offer a plausible explanatiOn The g1rls tate that the~ arc "offended" bv Maner fans a nd that they don t want to be treated a s " sex objects '' Th1s Simply IS JUSt not the ca se . F 1rsUy, tf the g1rls don 't want to be treated to lewd and lasci\10US remarks, to be ogled
About Coeds
Edt tor: In reply to the leuer frorr MISS A Coed ((MINER, Dec 11 ), s kirts, Vihen practical ( niC4 weather), are a welcome ighl on this campus. That 路s not tc: say tllat the adJcctlves "dlrty" " ragged ", " sloppy" , anc " uncombed " apply to the average coed when the) reno weanng skirts; or that a lega watcher IS really mterested in a ptcce of ass. The pomt 1s thn skirts, wtth the accompan)'liij legs, usually look mcer that other forms ot dress. If thii makes me a male chauvcrust, read1ly accept that label.
A male Sam Emu
No C eerleadei'S'? Here' s Why Dear Str : many hearmg After disgruntled male Miners comment on the lack or absence of cheerleaders this fall, I woUld like to offer an explanation. We all know that UMR cheerleaders have been given htUc respect m past years. Undoubtedly the numerous lewd, degrading, and ridiculing remarks about "those UMR have cheerJeaJe rs " discouraged many a freshman cand1date After aU, who wants to be laughed at? Who wants to show thetr tgnorance by trymg
to bring spirit and dignity to an obv1ousJy ludicrous job? It IS also a well-known fact that the student body g1ves m1mmal vocal support to cheerleaders at football games. Isn't it rather ridicUlous to complam that we have no one to lead our cheers, when we have always refused to follow them anyway? It IS my suspicwn that some petUlant Miners are grieving stmply because they won 't be sceulg some gtrl 's behmd flashing by in a setres of cartwheels. Is 1t so incredible that fewer females are w1Ihng to submtt themselves for that sort of cheap entertamment?
Strangely enough, everyone seems to be complammg about "no cheerleaders," but no one is askmg "why not? " I think we all know. In the past at has been a job YJClding litUe or no thanks, litUe or no respect, little or no support, and an abundance or harassments and obsceruties to those few willing to put forth the effort. Fmally this year, no gtrl was w1lhng to put herself m such a posahon. Perhaps we should be glad - that the prcva1hng "sp1rat" among UMR coeds IS one of matunty and d1gmty Smcerely A Coed Herself
Bitch, Bitch, Bitch
ea tur es U. Housing 1975
An In-depth Look . There has been much concern and controvers y over the niversity housing facilities this year. There are some important uestions that need to be asked; "Was the University prepared for e number of housing contracts they signed?"; "Did the niversity mislead students in the representa tion of available ousing?'' amd "Is University housing worth its high cost?" The ISSOURI MINER feels this situation should be investigate d and e facts exposed. -----
More agoga mi Probl ems (the ftrst two times the man turned dov.'ll the temperature ln the hot water heater so not as I recently had dmner at a much hot water would be lost D. frtend's house, the house and extenor lights ha\ e gone happemng to be located m unrcplaced for a week or more. Nagogamt Terrace. After It ts obviOus the mamtenancc a whtlc, the conversallon turned man should be returned, but to the hvmg conditions of the even a petthon s1gned by 4G of 48 Dear Editor,
apartment, and I couldn't
bcJ1eve what the were saymg.
iving Conditions tf the .. hancellor's Dog Editor, nd 1t very distressmg to see , young, so far healthy dog ln a pen too small for SlZC, which lS fuJI of
renlcrs did no good.
that are made arc useless. The
Mizzou vs. Rolla Recently I happened to be In Columbta, M1ssourt. Dnvmg by the marrtcd student apartments, I was surprtsed by the condtllon of the place, so much so that I stopped ln. New insulated wmdows were mstalled or bcing mstalled in all the apartments and everythmg on the outstde that could be pam ted had a fresh coat of pamt on ft. Bcmg cunous I asked one of the tenants for some mformaUon and recetved the foUowlng: He pa1d $100-month for a two bedroom apartment whtch mcluded the free usc of a washer and a dryer. Once a year on the outs1de of the building, the woodwork around the windows, the panels beneath the windows, the doors to the apartment, laundry room, and garbage area, and the waterspouts and ramgutters were painted. If the tenant wished tt, h1s name would appear on a list and the Inside of the apartment would be pamtcd by the school, but the tenant m1ght have to watt from a week to several months for this to be done depending on the length of the hst of names. Endmg our bnef mtervtew, I was told that the amtenance was "good."
irhe University's View on Housing ~A
temporary soluti n'
An Interview with Jess Zinl4 Few people are happy wtth students wouldn't come to the new housmg bemg prov1ded school here. So, the search for for th1s year. Let's look at 1t accomodations bel(an. Umverslty's the from v1ewpomt: Durmg freshmen onentation, new students were told that the I he housmg office had two dorm1tor1eswere filled, but that choices路 either mform mcommg every effort was being made to students that no Umvers1ty acqwre housmg. It was at th1s housmg was avallable or lry to llffie that many students were fmd accomodaUon for the 300 led to behevc that Thomas -
JisL fnthCAhons:
Jeffcrson1laJlwould.be.tlle new
leased from pr1vate md1v1dua to house students !or the curres year
Mr. Jess Zink, of Awular Enterprises, adimts that t.b newly-aqu1red res1dence h are, m some respects, not same as the older re 1den halls, but feels that wtth pro\ements that are be1 made thev wlll oon b4> uo
a fea
res special - page 4
University of Missouri - Rolla
hope for a solution Offacmls at the Uruversaty of MIS oun Rolla are continwng to work vagorously to find solutaons to the student housmg problems an .Rolla . "It as generall} accepted that wathout a permanent solution to the housmg problem, an upper hmat to enrollment will be establtshed, ' says UMR L. Raymond Chancellor 81sphnghoff, '"and we are probably at or near that enrollment level at thas time Constdermg UMR 's mJSSton t~ proVIde more techmcally tramed graduates to fu.lf"tll the nation's growutg needs, we should provtde a maxunum flex1bahty of enrollment. â&#x20AC;˘Âˇ DtscusSJons of future student hou ang consaderahons are under way With Uruvemty-wade OffiCials an Columbta and they have expressed a destre to
fall. Dr B sphnghoff say "In reg rd to the complam of students who are be housed m property we lea thts summer,' he contanu "aiJ staff members are do thear best to solve tud n problems on an andtvtdua bas1s It 1s our policy to cons1d the comptnmts wath cooperative and concthato att1tude and work out mdavadua soluttons m the best interest o each student We arc conUnul to m ke amprovements an th physacal racahhes as rapidlY posstble and are makmg shtf m room a 1gnments whencv passable. Housing on camp and m the .Rolla commuruty severely hrn1ted nd althO we are makmg p ogre adjustments "all take ume wall reqwre the pat ence of the concerned ndivtdua
University Purchases T. J. An agreement has been reached between UMR and the Connecticut Mutual Insurance Co. to purchase the Thomas Jefferson Res1dence Hall for $1,130,000. The dorrn1tory 1s located two blocks north of the main campus at 18th and Rolla Streets It was f1rst opened as a pmate rcs1dence hall m September, 1966 but \\US closed to umvers1ty students m 1973 The purchase IS bemg fmanced through a mortgage and unrestricted and redes1gnatcd pr1vate g1fts to the UMH Development Fund. "Th1s 1s a maJor achievement for our campus," UMH Chanl路ellor Raymond I. B1sphnghoff sa1d, "and we owe .. great debt ol grat1tude to all lhOS(' \\ho ha\e worked so hard to ass1st in acqu1rlllg this facility . This IS particularly trUl' of thost> pnvate donors who helped to make th1s purchase poss1ble " Bisplinghoff sa1d that he feels th1s acqu1s1tion removes a maJor stumbling block to UMR's contmumg gro\\th. "Last fall \lie were sc.. erel) hand1capped b) Inadequate housmg. We know some students d1d not enroll at UMR as a result. If we had not ob-
tnined this dormitory we feel certam this fall's enrollment would have been severely l'Urtailed." To Open in September
leased fac1ltttes w11l be con- consider ass1gnmcnt by clusters Sidered only 1f there ex1sts a to accommodate men, women need and all permanent space IS and special interest groups such as graduate and mernational f11led" Thomas Jefferson Res1dence students. The hall has cen Hall has double occupancy tralized dmmg fac11tttes. space for 524 students, plus space for s1x res1dent ass1stants -----------~.__j and a housmg manager Its room and board charges w1ll be shghtly h1gher than for other UMR dor~mtor1e Double occupanc) rates In Thomas Jefferson v.Jll be $1 350 for the academ1c year, compared to $1,250 111 the other UMH dorm1tor1cs Smglc room occupanc) 1s $1,530 111 the new hall compared to $1,430. Summe~ occupancy m Thomas Jefferson 1s $370 for .. smglc room and $330 for u double room, compared to $335 and 295 m othen H.olla dornutones. Extras Cost More The shghtly h1gher fee for the ne\\ fac11tty IS to comver added extras such as atr cond1t1omng, lrce parkmg, elevators, swmunmg pool,loungcs on each floor and the basement level wh1ch mcludcs phys1cal f1tness and game rooms
Once all papers are s1gned and legal arrangements completed, UMR Will begm \\Ork on renovation reqUired before Thomas Jefferson can be opened for use next September. Th1s reno\ahon 1s expected to cost about $250,000 and w1ll be rmanced through an mtcrnal, short term loan involvmg other development funds. Both th1s and U1e onginal mortgage \\Ill be pmd back out of mcome from the dormitory. No state approprwted money 1s mvolved . Without Thomas Jefferson, UMI{ has dormitory space for 611 students . As of this date, the housmg office reports that 1t already has more than 850 housmg requests. 240 more than present space. Last fall's housmg shortage v.as so acute that space m pnvate fac1httes off campus was leased temporanly to house Thomas Jefferson w1ll be nbout 300 students. Joseph D \\ollard, UMR bus1ness off1cer, operated b) auxlhary enreports that "subject to terprises The des1gn of the a\ a1lab1ht~ th1s fall, these facility offers nexlblhty to
\t I •• t
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~-~-~~ . . __.- CITY LIMIT
ROLLA POP. •13,571
Join the BikeCentennial There IS still time to apply to JOan the Collegaate CrossCountry Bike Ride beang held an honor of the Ameracan Revolutaon B1centenmat, according to Steve Danz, College group co-<Jrdmator.
cover 50-70 m1les per day, and w1ll camp and stay m youth hostels on the trap. WhiJe thousands of bikers Will be on thc trail, no smgle group of nders wiH number more than 12, m order not to over-load the trail or the accommodations en
route. College students Wishing to JOm Ute mSe, starting on June 21, should vmte direcUy to CoJJegtate BakecenteMtal, 615Nevada, Sausalito, CA. 94965 and ENCLOSE A STAMPED, SEL.l''·ADRESSED EN VELOPE.
The special college-age group be leaving from Pueblo, ol•tl ado anti all"l\ aug np )rox1mately 45 days later an R1chmond, V1rgama Thus far, ollege students from 20 states lave Jomed. 'l'be route ttself wtU along the Trans Ameraca Btke l'rall The trail will be newly naugurated thas summer, and .tudents must be members of he offacaal Bakecentennaal 1~up to nde the tra11 It 1s umated that the nders w1ll
Theatre Guild's U.S.A. To Be Presented Next weekend, the UMR Theatre Gu1ld, m commemoratton of the Bicentennial ofthe Uruted States of America, under the auspaces of the UMR Bacentenrual Committee, wiU present "Ubattqultous Sam Arraves". The play, wntten by
Revolutaonary War. The play as being directed by Nacka Talbot and ats mam characters are being portrayed by Kathy Bryan, Stan Hadley, Karen Ketterer, Carl Lippttt, Andy Schelm, Morgan Slusher, and Patty Tanaka. The production w111 be presented Thursday,
people • ••••
people who need
people •.•..
are the luckiest people •••••
••••• in the
First Party
Weekend ••••••• 30
Homecoming ••••••••• ••••• 38 St. Pats ••••••••• •••••••• 76 Independen ts
• • • • • •
Greek Week •••••••
• • • • • •
• 92
WORK, •••
AND OF •••
.. .PLAY
The Fitst School
Patty Rocks
Head East
&townsville S~tation
Carl Sandburg
On September 10 the Alpha Omega Players presented the work, " The World of Carl Sandburg." It consisted of various pieces of Sandburgs works. The Poems, readings, and songs delighted a good crowd.
Classical Piano-Duo October 20 UMR was treated to a real show by Robert and Jeffery Marlowe, playing classical piano. The twin brothers delighted the crowd with their assortment of music.
Univetsity Day
Homeco ming 1975
Jim Staffotd
SUB c:offeehouses
Ric mas ton
Theta Tau Casin o Night
SUB Fashion Show
UffiRChoirs The University and Chamber Choirs this year were active in numerous events. The fall found them performing at St. Louis and presenting some serious works, besides which they again provided the entertainment for the Madrigal Dinners. The spring led to another serious production and a trip to Memphis, presenting bicentennial music with the band.
umR Again this year the bands of UM R where active in their support of the activities of the campus. The Miner Band started the year out by playing for a Cardinals football game in Busch Stadium, St. Louis. They were also always on hand at the Miner football and basketball games, lending a great deal of support. Along with these they found the time to present several formal concerts through the year. They topped it all off with a performance at the inaugural ceremony of the 35th Annual Cotton Carnival in Memphis, Tennessee.
Blood .
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St. Pats 1976
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On the evening of April 1,2, and 3, the UMR Theater Guild presented the world premiere of the play, The Ubiquitous Sam Arrives. The play was written by Dr. George Luffel of UMR's Math depart· ment. The play was presented in conjunction with the Bicentennial Commission of UMR .
Indep enden ts Week end
Greek Week
SUB Casino Night
mark Twain
ffiilita19 Ball
Be What You Ate,
' .' ' . ... ~
men' s Vatsi ty Soccet Club .
• • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Rugby Club ••••
• • • • • • • • • •
122 123
Wate tpolo Club ••
• • • • • • • • •
Women's Vatsi ty •
• • • • • • • • •
Women's lnttam utals
• • • • • • •
men' s lnttam utals ••
• • • • • • •
It was not a good year for football at UMR, but it wasn't as bad as the 1-8-2 record would seem to indicate. There were no easy games on the schedule this season. With a little luck and a few breaks, the Miners could have easily won five or six games. The Miners seemed to be plagued by Murphy's Law: If anything can go wrong, it will. Blocked punts, fumbles, interceptions, and other miscues hounded the Miners constantly. Injuries to such key players as All American tight end Merle Dillow, running back Steve Townsell, and wide receiver Stu Dunlop crippled the team at times. The highlight of the season was the final contest against SMSU in Springfie ld. The Miners averted a winless season by upsetting a very fine team in an exciting game. The victory seemed to take some of the pain out of the earlier defeats.
ffiinets Take Fitst in ffi iAA
The UMR basketball team won the MIAA conference title for the first time in the school's history. To win the championship, they had to defeat Central and Southwest on the road in the final two league games of the season. They beat Central 74-64 in Warrensburg, and then on February 23, they travelled to Springfield where they humiliated the Bears by a score of 83-66. As the MIAA champs, the Miners represented the conference in the NCAA Co llege Division II South Central Regional Tournament held in Louisiana. Grambling College knocked UM R out of the competition in the first round by beating them 67-61. In the consolation game, the Miners faced Lincoln and lost in overti me. It was a very good year for basketball in Rolla. The team lost on ly one game at home whi le winning twelve. Their overall record of 18-9 is one of the best in recent years at UMR.
11 3
Rifle Team Finishes 8-1
Top row: Ruth Francis, David Oakes, MSG Screeton. Bottom row: Gary Shrewsberry, Mike May, Gary Mueller, Pat McCann, Chris McCann.
UffiR Pistol Team
Left to Right: Steve Allen, Burl Reynolds, Mike May, Mark Masnor, Paul McCoy, Ken Brugioni.
The Miner wrestl ing team was short on personnel at the start of the year, but it got worse as the season progressed. Injuries kept five of the top grapplers off the mats fo r most of the year. For the season, the Miners finished 2-8 in dual matches despite the fact that they never entered a match with an entry in every weight class.
Injuries Hamper Grapplers 115
Bottom row: Gary Ordelheide, Darrell Taylor, Lee Ruppert, Tom Lyons, Matt Heinicke, Mike Ackerson. 2nd row: Paul Conant (Mgrl, George Engel, John Dolan, Richard Erickson, Mark Frahenbuhl, Mark Draper, Dale Taylor. 3rd row : Coach Pease, Cathy Mullins (Mgr), Brad Schreiber, Beth Stevens (Mgr), Randy Lebbert, Larry Padfield, Mike Oclon, Bob Bert, Mike Norberg, Tim Kirschbaum, Leonard Wolff, Dana Witt. Back row: Mark Mateer, Reed Curtis, Kevin Humphrey, Rusty Curtis, Paul Vetter, Darrel Woodroof, Bill Orr, Steve Brown.
Swimmets Take 3td Sttaight
ffiiAA Ctown
11 7
Front row: Larry Wuerz, AI Whi tmer, Jim Eckelkamp, Mark Mastrionni, Greg Best. Middle row: Don Short, Ted Kelly, Bob Hart, Bill Long, Kevin Killian, Greg Derbak, John Busse. Back row: Brian Flynn, Kevin Pace, Mike Simac, Rusty Litchfield, John Moritz, Mark Moran, Coach Chuck Broyles.
UmR Varsity Baseball
The Miner baseball team battled to a 2-18 record during the 1976 season. Although beginning the year with a nucleus of good ballplayers, the team suffered from a lack of depth. UMR was unable to combine good pitching, hitting, and defense. When the pitching and hitting was good, the defense faltered and vice versa. Numerous one-run losses were an indication that the team was much better than their record showed. With a young ballclub this year, many players will be around for several more years.
VGrslty Golf
Left to Right: Royce Vessell, Tom Tatman, Coach Mercier, Wes Goodson, Mike Kieffer.
UmR Cross Country
Soccer Club
Front row: Dave Ortmann, Larry Oliver, Mike Ludwig, Ivan Rodriquez, Tom Hancock, Joe Vitale, Ron Goedeker, Tom Schnieder, Jim Matejcic, Jim Keebler. Back row: Bill Dale, Tom Wetteroth, Mike Richardson, Rich Li nk, Steve Svatic, Roger Brannon, Dom Lampe, Lee Whitebay, John Feldman, Don Brockelmann, Steve Schaeffler, Pete Telthorst, Ken Jenkerson, Missing: Paul Telthorst.
Rugby Club
Watetpolo Club
Bottom row: Phil Henry, Darrell Taylor, Paul Vetter, Bill Kroeger, Mike Norberg. Top row: Coach Pease, George Engel, Paul Conant, Lee Ruppert, Mark Draper, Matt Heinicke, Mac Mayfield, Cathy Mullins (Mgrl.
Karate Club
Womens Votsity Volleyball
Front row: Carol Russell, Paula Snyder, Joy Ewens, Coach Annette Caruso, Debbie Gower, Sally Schwager, Brenda Langkopf. Back row: Mitzi White, Debbie Bene, Peggy Cahill, Peggy Knapp, Debbie Ferner, Rhonda Reed, Margaret Becher.
Womens Vatsity Basketball
Back row: Carol Russell (Mgrl, Jeannette White, Ronnie Dorling, Teri Noelker, Peggy Knapp, Rebecca O'Dell (Asst. Mgr), Front row: Coach Annette Caruso, Joy Ewen, Debbie Gower, Kathy Holt, Jennie Adkins.
The women's basketball team had a good year although their won-lost record was only 3-7. During much of the season, the girls had trouble putting the ball in the bucket, but in the final game of the season they ran wild and beat Lincoln 62-24. The team improved quite a bit during the season and Coach Caruso expects them to be even better next year.
Team Champions Team Runner-Up Singles Champion Doubles Champion Singles Runner-Up Douoles Runner-Up;,
Team Champions Team Runner-Up (tie)
Flint Gower. Cahill Bene ,;_ Flebbe, Robeson TABLE TENNIS
Team Champions Team Runner-Up Singles Champion Doubles Champion Singles Runner-Up Doubles Runner-Up
SOFTBALL Team Champions Team Runner-Up BOWLI NG Team Champions Team Runner-Up
Harmon Rowden, Morrill Noelker Clark, Ferner
Kappa Delta Wesley . Wesley Zeta Tau Alpha AWS Kappa Delta
BAOMlNtON Kappa Delta GDI
Team Champions Team Runner-Up Singles Champion Doubles Champion Singles 'Runner-Up Doubles Runner-Up
Robeson Noelker, KnaPP Hainth 路 路 Kristof, Wobertson
FINAL INTRAMURAL RE.SUL TS Team Champions Team Runner-Up
Team Champions Team Runner-Up
Champion Runner路Up
Franklin Christian
RIFLE Team Champions Team Runner-Up High Individual High Prone
Russel Bauch
AWS Daughters of lee AWS Daughters of lee
Kappa Delta
Zeta Tau Alpha
路 '路 fi&M FOU~I
Crescents Win Girls Volleyball 129
Kappa Delta Snares 8-Sall Title 130
AWS Gains Softball Crown
AWS Captur es Womens lntram urals
FLAG FOOTBALL Sigma Phi Epsilon Tau Kappa Epsilon
Champion Runner-Up VOLLEYBALL
Beta Sigma Psi Tech-Engine
Champion Runner-Up
Team Champion Team Runner-Up WEIGHT
123 130 137 145 152
SOCCER Tau Kappa Epsilon Lambda Chi Alpha
160 167 177 191
BASKETBAL L Champion Runner-Up
BOWLI NG Tech路 Engine Sigma Phi Epsilon
Champion Runner-Up
Team Champion Team Runner-Up
Wesley Sigma Phi Epsilon
Pi Kappa Alpha Tech-Engine TRACK
SWIMMING Team Champs Team Runner-Up 100 Freestyle Diving 50 Freestyle 50 Backstroke 50 Breaststroke 50 Butterfly 100Medlay 200Medlay 200 Freestyle Relay
WINNER Heaton Davis Busby Starling Johnston Woodruff Pfitzinger Roberts Roebke Schroff
Kappa Alpha Tau Kappa Epsilon ORGANIZATION Tech-Engine Delta Sig Tau Kappa Epsilon Sigma Nu Tech-Engine Kappa Alpha Kappa Alpha Kappa Alpha Kappa Sigma Kappa Alpha
Gilbert l ahay Finch Coombs Lammert McCammon Lammert Coombs
Tech-Engine Sigma Phi Epsilon MRHA Tau Kappa Epsilon Alpha Epsilon Pi Sigma Phi Epsilon SigNu Lambda Chi Alpha Sigma Nu Sigma ehi Epsilon Tech-Engin.e
Team Champion Team Runner-Up
Alpha Phi Alpha Lambda Chi Alpha TENNIS
Team Champion Team Runner-Up Singles Champ Singles Runner-Up Doul)les Champ Doubles Runner-Up
Ward Jansen Murphy, Diestelkamp Barth, Stephen
Tau Kappa Epsilon Pi Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Alpha Tau Kappa Epsilon Sigma Tau Gamma Tau Kappa Epsilon
mens lnttamutal Wtapup
GOLF Team Champion Team Runner-Up
CROSS COUNTRY Team Champion Team Runner-Up Champion Runner-Up
Mueller Swinson
Sigma Phi Epsilon Lambda Chi Alpha Wesley Sigma Phi Epsilon
Team Champions Team Runner-Up High Individual
BILLIARDS Champion Runner- Up
Stepp Ender
Pi Kappa Alpha Lambda Chi Alpha
Beta Sigma Psi Ki!PPa Alpha Beta Sigma Psi
Heidbreder ARCHERY
Team Champions Team Runner-Up High Individual
.' Emmons
Sigma Phi Epsilon Delta Sig Sigma Phi Epsilon
TABLE TENN IS Team Champions (tie)
Team Champions Team Runner-Up
Tech-Engine Sigma Nu HANDBALL
Team Champions Team Runner-Up
Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Tau Gamma BADMINTON
Team Champions Team Runner-Up
Tech-Engine Beta Sigma Psi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Tech-Engine Sigma Phi Epsilon Tau Kappa Epsilon Sigma Nu Pi Kappa Alpha lambda Chi Alpha Phi Kappa Theta Kappa Sigma Sigma Tau Gamma Kappa Alpha Beta Sigma Psi MRHAI Theta Xi Wesley Triangle Delta Sig Acacia Campus Delta Tau Delta Alpha Epsilon Pi FLA GDI Sigma Pi Mates MRHA II Focus Alpha Phi Alpha Pi Kappa Phi Baptist Student Union
2726.6 2636.5 2602.0 2337.0 2287.0 2259.5 2139.5 2036.5 2015.5 1936.0 1921.0 1857.6 1708.5 1410.0 1399.5 1346.0 1319.5 1215.5 1190.0 1170.5 1166.0 1028.0 894.5 886.0 867.0 821.5 745.5 538.5 355.5
TEC Wins Ovetoll Title -~- a
•••.ii • i
Pikets Win Softball
A-Phi-A Stteaks to Ttack Ctown 139
KA ffiQtmen Win Ninth SttQight
TEC SpiQshes to Crown
mens lnttamutal Tennis
Wesley Bowls Over Opposition 143
Tee-Engine Captures Basketball ----
Tech Engine defeated Sigma Phi Epsilon in the finals of intramural basketball competition to earn the title. Tech Engine overcame an early season defeat in league play against Sig Ep before reaching the final. A. balanced scoring attack and some excellent ball-handling were the keys to TEC's success. Sigma Nu finished in third place as they won the consolation game.
An aggressive team from Tau Kappa Epsilon defeated Lambda Chi by a score of 5-3 to capture the intramural soccer crown. TKE led throughout the game as they scored in the first minute of play and went on to build a 3-0 half time lead. In an exciting consolation game, Sig Nu defeated Sig Tau on penalty kicks after a scoreless sudden-death overtime.
Beta Sigma Psi dealt TKE its first volleyball loss in three years in a semifinal match and went on to outclass Tech-Engine in the finals. Beta Sig's four spikers kept opponents on the defensive throughout the year as they consistently nailed the ball to the floor. TKE won the consolation game by defeating FLA.
SIG EP TAKES FOOTBALL The intramural football season was climaxed by the championship game between Sigma Phi Epsilon and T au Kappa Epsilon. Sig Ep had defeated Tech-Engine 49-20, and TKE edged Sigma Nu 35-32, to set up the f inal contest. T he championship game was played October 23, under less than ideal condit i ons. Strong winds, gusting up to 20 mph at times, created a dust bowl on the grassless p laying f ield. The wind was so strong that neither team could score agai nst it. TKE did all their scoring in the fi rst half, and Sig Ep got all their poi nts in t he second. It was an exciti ng game, and t he f inal score was Sig Ep 3 1- TKE 14.
Pan hellenic •••••• •••••• •• 156 Sororities • • • . • • • • • • • • • 158 Independents ••
• • • • •
••••• 162
Eating Clubs •.••••• •••• 164 Dorms •••••• .••••• •••• 168 I.F.C •••••• •••••• •••••• •• 190 Fraternities •••••• •••••• 194
Back row, left to right: Sherri Clark, Faye Schubert, R ich Fleschner ( I FC) ; Front row, left to rig ht: Lynn Wag路 goner (Advisor), J ill Hansbrough, Jan Defen d.
PAN HELLENIC The UM R Panhellenic Council is composed of representatives from Zeta Tau Alpha and Kappa Delta sororities. Its main purpose has been to set standards for organized rush and to inform incoming freshmen women of the opportuniti es offered by sororities. We work closely with the I FC during the Greek Week activities and participate actively in their other programs such as the I FC Clean-Up. The Panhellenic Council brings the sororities together to work toward our common goals.
)~ )J )')'~ l.f ~ hl f')! }e}J 'JJ.
Back row, I. tor.: Kathy Dill, Anne Fulton, Sally Schwager, Jill Hansbrough, Paula Marcellus; Third row, I. tor.: Jeannette White, Rhonda Reed, Kathy Leonard, Sherri Clark, Mitzi White, Denise Lovasco Denner, Debbie Ferner, Pam Hill, Cathy Dulin, and Kathy Veit; Second row, I. to r.: Lee Richardson, Beth Viessman, Missy Killian, Debbie Stevens, Deb Kusmec, Sharon Taylor, Karen Lucas, Jess Scrivner; Front row, I. tor.: Patty Reynolds, Beth Stevens, Lisa Gentry Hernandez, Sandee Sands, Jeanne Achelpohl, Debbie Bene, Sherry McDonald.
KAPPA DELTA The Kappa Deltas started their fourth year on the UM R campus with a great rush which doubled their numbers. The year progressed toward Homecoming when the pledges set up the display of "General Store". Throughout the year the KD's played in almost every intramural sport with much spirit and support. Kappa Delta's Founder's Day, October 23, was celebrated with a dinner and a program by the pledges. Just before the semester's end, KD took two second place trophies in the I FC Sing. Second semester brought St. Pat's, Greek Week, more intramurals, and of course Spring Formal. The year ended with plans for next year's fall rush.
Row 1, I. tor.: Steph Touzinski, Karen Grawe, Whiskers, Beckie Boustead, Bobbie Wilhelm, Faye Schubert, Debbie Shanta, Yeh路Fin Wang, Jan Defend, Jana Podzimek; Row 2, I. tor.: Jackie DeThorne, Chin Wang, Rita Webber, Michele Savage, Glenna Chilton, Jeanne Rowden, Barb Haintl, Paula Flint, Lora Binney, Frances Hauschildt; Row 3, I. tor.: Deb路 bie Orrick, Kim Morrill, Ella Uthe, Sandi Hagni.
Zeta Tau Alpha fraternity for women is involved in a major part of the campus activ ities here. These include various service project s, intramurals, and special university programs. Besides these, the fraternity does much as an individua l group, including such things as parties, and other informal get-togethers. Monthly programs hosting guest speakers are also held. On the whole, the fraternity stresses the importance of the well-rounded individual.
Row 1, I tor: Nick Heatherly, Steve C. Wagner, Bob Schaefer, Cameron Haston, Randy Dean, J.P. Boessen, Barry Stone, Stan Harris, Daryl Weinkein. Row 2 : John Feldman, Keith Feltz, Mona Day, Paul Wonderly, Eddie Sewing, Tim Spurgion, Steve Keaveny, Terry Coker, John Hunt. Row 3 : Unknown, Unknown, Harold Harder, John, Leslie Shaw, Gene Stinnett, Barry O'Brien, John, Rick Andris, Rusty.
CAmPUS CLUB Row 1: Randy Meyr, Ann Hall, Bill Meyer, Eddie Sewing, Steve Bollinger, Jim McDonald. Row 2: Edu Okiyehazi, Scotty Neuhart, Bob Smith, Roger Schwartze, L.G.Loos, Ron Williams, Tom Leichenauer, Tom Hernandez, Rick Windhavsen, Mike Ackerson, Mike Jones. Row 3: Jose Gomez, Steve Martins, Steve Ford, AI Garrison, Gary Gibbs, R. C. Moore, Rory McCarthy, Joe Ham, Steve Allen, Dan Roemer, Dan Underwood, Archie Taylor, Harold Harder, Harvey J asper, Mike Brunson, Koorosh Nazifi.
TECH-ENGINE CLUB Tech-Engine Club had a great year in all campus activities. In its first year of existence, TEC reached 100 members and had the lowest board bill of all eating clubs on campus. The first memorable day for Tech-E ngine came on December 5, 1975, when they burned the mortgage and became complete owners of their building. Tech-Engine showed its superiority in the Independents' Weekend games by winning the overall championship. President John Guerdan was named Independent Man of the Year. TEC was active in the intramural program, placing 1st in swimming and basketball, 2nd in softball, and 3rd in football, and winning the overall championship.
Sitting, I tor: Mike Warfel, Ray Catlett, Larry Swinney, Mike Hanshaw, Jlim Blankenship. Kneeling: Ken Jinkerson, Jeff Greene, Ken Klamert, Dave Webers, Paul Hoh. Standing: Mark Bengard, Don Dudley, Mike Heaton, Steve Gilbert, Dave Welge, Stuart Obermann, Joe Schroeder, Larry Gladish, Fred Mathews, Mlike Consolino, Lee Wehmeier, Mike Bivens, Bob Kroll, Steve Petras, Roger May, Dean Blankenship.
Sitting, I tor: Bill Rash, Tom Doering, John Pool, Paul Abney, Greg Carreâ&#x20AC;˘ II, Jim Eckelkamp, Larry Unnerstall, Jim Clifford. Kneeling: Bill Baumhoff, Mike Tindill, Rich Siebenman, Pat Palmer, Carl Hubenschmidt, Dave Friese, Joe Schroeder, Bill Guerdan. Standing: Mark Kay, Mark Bengard, Brian Beyer, Bill Steinbaugh, Charlie Brune, Bob Naeger, Bob Flemming, Bill Ahal, Mike Patterson, John Guerdan, Larry Rehegen, Larry Denny, Doug Wohlert, Ed Rogers, Randy Houser, Ed Kuhl¡ mann, Jon Pais, Maude Tarr (cook), Paul Hartman, Phil Straub.
ffiCANERNEY HALL HOUSE 1 Back row, I tor: Angie Tromba, Carol Potzman, Gina Pruitt, Sharon Biddle, Helen Brown. Row 4: Kathy Dill, Kristy Daily, Ann Kristof, Rose Mary Garrett, Anne Fulton. Row 3: Debbie Sagez, Susan Wilkerson, Deb Kusmec, Lynn Klender, Carla Scholman, Carolyn Clay. Row 2: Debbie White, Debbie Gower, Linda Vanderwal, Mary Ann Mueller, Elaine Christian. Front row: Lou Ann Ruyle, Brenda Ellerbrake, Mary Hill, Jennifer Drake, Rosie Love, Nancy Arnold.
HOUSE 2 Front row: Carmen Rodriguez, Eva Jane Powell, Joellen Brandmeyer, Karen Ketterer, Kim Fleddermann, Kathy Bryan. Middle row: Diana Lyon, Pam Setser, Kathy Hand, Lana Bray, Kathy Atteberry, Margaret Lloyd, Rita Stockhecker, Rita Kompa, Patye Thomas, Jeannette White, Zoraida Carrero, Carol Russell, Paula Flint. Back row: Darlis Burris, Margaret Becher, Mary Lohmann, Karen James, Maria Wilmsmeyer, Janet Fischer, Carol Foster, Peggy Cahill, Crazy Sue Haslett (behind towel), Ann Giesler, Cheryl Westphal.
Standing: Susee Grant, Cindy Locke. Bottom row: Judy Roper, Rebeoca O'Dell, Paula Snyder, Lois Luehrman, Sue Maskill. Middle row : Katie Kundel, Toni Davis, Marla Kump, Monica Williams. Top row: Jan King, Karen Lucas, Beverly Hartman. Not shown: Mitzia Garibaldo, D iana Mains, Nan Bert, Kathy Leonard, Kerrinda Kubinski. 路
Row 1, I to r : Jo Ellen Pursley, Patricia Tanaka, Jana Trampe, Joy Ewens, Marianne Mangiaracina. Row 2: Joan Knobbe, Kay Thornton, Sandra Day, Debora Woolbright, Kathy Mullins, Johanna Yuhas. Row 3 : Carla Yager, Patricia Ann Whittaker, Linda Steinhoff, Paula Tochen, Ella Uthe, Valerie Brenner, Linda Andrews.
ffiRHA BOARD OF GOVERNORS Front row, I to r : Russ Reynolds- House C, Fred Durrenberger- House B, Steve German- Secretary, Greg Chamberlin- President, George Reynolds-VP, Steve Allen- House 4, Jon Manning- House 3. Back row, I tor: Gary Smith - House 5, Larry Wetzel - Carnahan Hall, Stanley Scott- House A, Marcus Da Silva- RollaMo Inn, Steve Vannatta- Hause 0, Reginald Benton- Campus Inn, Tom LaskowskiMiners Inn, Paul Navert- House 7, Mark Rudy-House 8.
HOUSE 3 Sitting, Row 1: Jim Nicks, Steve Dansberry, Jeff Williams, Guy Renshaw, Graig Brauks, Doug Montgomery, Dave Askren, Joe Driskill, Moss Prewitt, Steve Lacy. Row 2 : Gary Nekula, Steve Bross, Sam Bruner, Richard Starh, M ike Faust, Tom Dittmaier, Mike Noble, Jeff Keeve, Mark Stangl, Richard Sumner. Standing, Row 1: James Davis, Jon Manning, Steve Tillman, Trent Parkhill, Skip Garner, Ken Foster, John Stutsman, Jim Hirschman, Roger Sanders, Pat Farrar. Row 2: Ben Humphries, Mike Haynes, John Muehlfarth, Mike Schaefer.
HOUSE 4 Sitting, I tor: John Warmack, Dave Hilt, Mike Lobbig, Doug Fuchs, Mike Mullens, Bruce Bales. Standing, Row 1: Dave Johnson, Mike Priest, Pat Hughes, John Busse, Joe Grana, Warren Cadwell, Mike Coldiron, Ken Gianino, Karl Johnston. Row 2: Jim Parker, Dave Oakes, Art Collins, Paul Kossina, Bruno Stopka, Mark Hadley, Jim Basch, William Snobgrass, Steve Allen, Dan Smith. Row 3: Tim Zuiss, Steve Pohl, Robert Henry, Bruce Cooper, Kirby Diller, Mike Haas, John Ziegler, Rich Robertson, Bob Clark. Not shown: Dale Bradley, Ron Coates, Ben Duback, Lloyd Ferrell, Mike Foley,John Ganofsky, Dan Grandberry, Steve Guntly, Denber Harper, Roger LeMoster, Dave Loesch, George Major, Larry Oliver, Tim Sandidge, John Scruggs, Tyrone Simms, Jeff Smith, Robert Stepp, Mike Todd, Steve Urazalich, Dennis Webb, Mike Whitmere.
ALTmAN HALL HOUSE 6 Row 1: Robert Goodin, Ronald Farley, Doug Smith, Richard Box. Row 2: Michel Wilson, Leslie Witt, Tim Daher, Allan Brook, Emanuel M orris. Row 3: Mike Coryell, Gary Schaeffer, John Moore, Bruce Bartlett, Nacer Belaroussi. Row 4 : David Weeks, Joe Murphy, John Thro, Matt Wi lle. Row 5: Mike Marler, Jeff Fenton, Shawn Goodin, Keith Wilson. Row 6 : Mark Reichardt, Jim Barnett, Jim Linsen路 bardt, Kenny Pevler, Marc Dabney. Row 7: Steve Wade, Bill Pepper, John Cox, Joe Schrodt, Scott Weber, Orrie Rouse. Row 8: Kerry Fiscko, Gerald Ward, Mike Fisher, Donald Bouck, Charles McField.
HOUSE 5 Front row, I tor: Ramiro Garcia, Craig Lunte, Raymond McKinney, Jim "Bunlips" Doubek, Mohammed Akbi, Kenneth Fleck, Ron Gutermuth, Brian Brumback, Mitch Wagner, Albert Charles, Kent Riley, Mike Fletcher, Ken Gilbert, Tim McGraw, Steve Sutterer, Gary Smith, Weldon Gray, Keith Horton, Darrell Weber. Back row, I tor: Ted Paul, Doug Rinehart, Mark Scamahorn, Tony Guyer, Ron Taylor, Glenn Weidler.
HOLTmAN HALL HOUSE 7 Standing: Roger Veile, Gary Mueller, Gary Becka, Joel Pundman, Teddy Wood, Bob Shumate, Rich Magee. Row 3 : Ralph Tucker, Kent Cummings, Ron Rowe, Greg Baker, Koelle Barbour, Jim Betry, Devin Bodenhamer, lou Reinisch, Mark Pinkston, Mark Petry, Ken Goedeker, Robert Chapmen, Ray Hoffman, Sam Puckett, Alix Parginos. Row 2 : Mike Ehret, Frank Melville, M ike Gregory. Charles Bagnell, Kevin Todd, Michael Miller, Dave Mees, Keith Chrisman, M i tch Levings, Dave Scharf, Brad Dixon, Joe O'Brian, Eddy Webster, Robert Hodgson, James Jeffries, Rich Massey. Row 1: Curt Ingram, Jim Fox, AI Means, Jim Puckett, Paul Naurt, Dave Dennison, Russell Leach, Randy Wilson, E. R. Uber, Mike Heitzman, Terris Cates.
HOUSE 8 Bottom row, I tor: Mark Rudy, Mohammed Golkar, Ron McCiellahn, Joe Fischer, Steve Simmons, Vic Kerns, Jim Myers, Steve Lautenschlaeger, Kurt Rieke, Jim Towery. Sitting路 along rail, I tor: Steve Mitchell, Craig Lucas, John Hehmeyer, Gary Transmeier. Standing along rail, I tor: Mike O'Daniell, Steve Curran, Steve McCulley, Charles Moore, Kirk Bellar, Harlan Ashton, Ron Drusie, Barry Nelson, Jack Posey, Jeff Kelly, Don Wortham, Jim Mills, Mike Hardesty, Floyd Vaughn, Dave McNair, Mike Person, Leo Hanison, Dan Roper,Jim Rooney, Andy Drake, Jim Pozzo, Dave Bishop, Kevin Hale, David Hackett, Paul Kaveler, Ed Jenke.
HOUSE A Row 1: Thirapit Vatanapradit, Steve Botkin, Mark Marmino, Daniel Keaster. Row 2: Bradley Aman, Rick Leeser, Stanley Scott, Dirk Holt, Ernest Onyia, Michael Woody. Row 3: Bill Wilkerson, Bill Hoehn, Tim Hokomb, Mark Courtney, Gary Van Dusen, Freddy Ford. Row 4: Larry Oliver, Craig Barnes, Ray Hinton, Glen Forck, David Garnier. Row 5: Bob Saussele, Bob Allen, Dan Eh lmann, M ike Miller, Dan Perkins.
HOUSE: 8 Row 1, I to r: Ken Brown, John Melcher, Efic Adanns, Jeff Lux, Tom Bender, Greg Gell, John Garrett, Dave Tordoff, Mark Ballard. Row 2: Grey Chamberlain, Steve German, Greg Lovell, Fred Durrenberger, Terry O'Laughlin, Ken Burris, Mark Herr, Chris Hays. Row 3: Gary Wilcox, Kelly McGinnis, Carl Renfrow, Steve Lay, Ron McClanahan, Tim Gentry, Gryce Dreeszen, Greg Blythe. Row 4 : John Pogue, Kevin Finder, Milo Wieberg, Ken Schmid, Steve May, Kurt Bauer, Greg Lammert, Richard Lilleston, Ray Hinton, Brian Ramey, Jerry Welch.
Back row, I tor: Chris Schroder, Dennis DeBont, Mike Weiss, Mike Ludwig, Don Birchler, Bien Miller, Steve Thiedke, Alan Lord, Steve Mueller, Ken Rice, Jim Colliton, Bob Mueller. Row 2 : Mike Stilz, Bill Hoff, John Jones, Craig Logan, Louis Greer. Row 1: Sheriff Tim Pasley, Warren Hertfelder.
HOUSE C Back row, I tor: Jim Hill, Allen Kintz, Mike Tansey, John Scarborough, Dan McElhiney, Mark Westerdale, Joe Ferry, Koug Austin. Row 2: Ed Keppel, Ros Kirkpatrick, Gary Gailey, John Rosenberger. Row 1: Don Walther, George Reynolds, Russel Reynolds, James Eye. Not pictured: Ed Lille.
HOUSED Row 1, I tor: Kevin Miller, Steve Vennatta, Harry Tilford, Aniefiok Eka. Row 2 : Bob Evans, Steve Haupt, Paul Buschmeyer, Bruce Snow, Alan Benson, Rodney Leach, Ivan Engeman, Rich Shanks, Tony Esteban, Jeff Erb, Rodney Sampson. Row 3: Steve Janke, Tim Guethler, Doug Monnig, Mark Kozlowski, Don Mann, Steve Kuehn, Joe Tobin, Rich Etem, Marc Masnor, Adi Akinsanya. Row 4: Greg Crews, Don Schilling, Fred Humphreys, Mel Vasel, Leland Lomas, Jim Cartwright, Gary Rapp, Arthru Wilkins, Tim Holst, Cliff Klein, John Farrell.
ROLLAmO INN Back row: Ken Doerr, Jhonny Shaw, Paul Rogers, Mark Zuibre, Gary Shrewsbury, Terry Ryan, John Pagan, Steven De La Roche, Dave Kemper, Osteien Gerdes. Middle: Rick McCall, Rick Denton, Tim Lyons, Clifford Free, John Caps, Chris Johnson, Harold Twyford, Mick Scnieder, Charles Rackers, Keven Humphey, Dave Allen, Walter Bell, Rick Lusk. Front row: Leo Turek, Brian Besecker, Greg Kaiser, Ken Heitzman, M ike Bryan, Chr is Wi lson, Reggie Benton, James Richardson, Sha路 hab Makanyand. Reclining: Jim McDanial.
CAmPUS INN Row 1: Marty Staples, Mike Rinner, Dave Park. Row 2:: Chris McCann, Paul Lam路 mert, Jim Newman, Jerry Thomas, Greg Mertz, Jim Lattner, Don Sherrill, John Rey, Brian Tucker. Row 3: Tom Bates, Kevin Holt, Dave Bush, Dave Brewer, Larry VanHouten, Paul Krueger, Larry Benz, Don Meek, Phil Stout, Ed Haldeman, Kelvin Erickson, Elihue Ackerson, Carl Faust, Marcus DaSilva, Ernesto Delgado, Bob Crull, Mark Fredrickson, Jeff Miller, Pete Holden, Phil Scot, Hichard Helman, Bruce Allen, John Shelnut, Charlie Goodman, Milo Foster, Dennis Allen. Row 4: Jeff Mitchell, Luis Roquebert, Doug Buhler, Hose Luis Andrade, Don Likes, Kevin Rey, Tim Oberle, Roger Gist, Mike McCauley, Steve Lingle, Tom Wetteroth. Row 5: Mike Warokomski, Morgan Slusher, T im Brickner, Mike Emzie Ellis, Steve Deardeuff, Tim Weadon, Ron Ernst, John Crowder, Larry Pense. 1\lot pictured: Dave Ober路 man, Mike Wyatt, Hyong Shin Kim, Ugwuwna Nwaiwu.
CARNAHAN HALL Front row, I tor: Randy Nunley, Robert Bourne, Tom Stark, Lee Ruppert, Mike Maupin, John Renz, Jim Speiser. Row 2: Monty Morst, Larry Wetzel, Bill Degraeve, Kevin Gallatin, Randy Tomic, Paul Pennington, Mike Monrotus, Russ Steward, Robert Lee. Row 3: John Crnic, Don Meyer, Brad Noward, Dean Clark, Chanin Chaonirattisai, Dale Morse, Paul Ludwig, Stan Hadley, Sterling Wallace, Ray Wood. Not pictured: Jim Humphrey.
T-18 AND T-19
Back row: Steve Spradlin, Phil Bogler, Dave Mery, Jean Royall, Don Heiskell, Hiram Boshers, Richard McFall, Salvador Lezama. Front row: Gary Peterein, Jeff Goldberg, Ellis Leopard, Mike Dixon.
Row I, I tor: Glenn Brand, F. Hodag, Tom Williams, Militant, Steve Johnson, Unknown, Rod Breuer. Row 2: Mark Macke, Mark Hierseman, Tom Kvale, Dennis Lee Kelley, Steve Zigrye, Walter Billingham.
IFC Back row, I tor: Herb Alcorn, Craig Hafner,Randy VanDeven, Marc Smith, Mkie Lackner, Dave Diestelkamp, Stu Dunlop, Ray Ehrhard, Bob Bieg, Larry Shipers, Bob Stabo. Third row, I tor: Kent Springer, Joe Kracum, Rich Fleschner, Aaron Cook, Jeff Welzbacher, Greh Melton, Hillis Pratt, Brad Parrish, Don Bingaman. Second row, I tor: Rusty Crane, Dave Thompson, Jeff Wassilak, Gregg Carlson, Mike Bell, Mark Pledger, Val Bates, Dennis Gilliam. Front row,l tor: Tom Calzone, Dan Rembold, Tom Meyer, J im Schicker, Mark Berger, Paul Andrew, Fred Marshall.
On roof, I tor: Jon Oanuser, Gene Young, Steve Croy, Jim Lamkins, Blake Mastin, Dave Strang, Duke Snider, Leo Valla, Roger Parisa. On ground, front row, I to r: Aaron Cook, Jim Ehrnardt, Bill Martin, Ron Mueller, Ted Wooten, Leon Thompson, Doug Southard. back row, I tor: Bill Christians, Fred Ludwig, Dove Hardin, Mike McGavock, Emmett Redd, Mark Peterman, Dave Funke.
Our secretary was asked by the ROLLAMO office to write a paragraph on our fraternity during the 1975-76 school year. After considerable thought, he asked the members what should be put in the yearbook article. His inquiry brought forth two points. First, no one could decide just exactly what to put in the article, and more importantly, it was brought to his attention that no one ever reads the articles. Instead, everyone looks at the picture. Therefore, our secretary refuses to write an article which he doesn't precisely know what to write about and which no one will read anyway. "It would be a complete waste of my time." The Secretary.
ALPHA EPSILON PI Row 1, I tor: Val Bates, Keith Houghton, Shultz, Bob Wille. Row 2, I tor: ian Taxman, Dave Sheahen, Darr ell T ucker, Joe Briscuso, Jerry Willic k , Barry Krasner, Peter Goldberg, Todd David, Dale Cobb, Brad Lightle, Ron Eckhoff. Row 3: Rick Campbell, David Lip nick, Jerry Gusdorf, Mike Knight, Larry Jackson, Bob Yerbu ry, Larry Maxwell, Richard Finch, Gene Kulengowski. Roof: Robert Meredith, Eric Hirsch, Dana Best, Dave T hompson, Rob Stamer.
In 1975-76, Alpha Epsilon Pi enjoyed a very outstanding year in activities and scholarship. Striving to impress upon our members the importance of becoming a well-rounded individual, AEPi pa rt icipated in the I FC Fall CleanUp, staged a work day at Boystown, and started plans for a traffic safety project with the Ro lla Police Department.
We started the year off socially with a rush function with ZTA. To add to our fun and excitement, we became lumberjacks for I FC Sing, built a St. Pat's float, and collapsed our chariot in the chariot race at the Greek Week games. All of these events were followed by action-packed, fun-filled parties. To break our monotony, we finished the semester by achieving the highest fraternity gradepoint and most improved gradepoint awards from the I FC.
ALPHA PHI ALPHA Row 1, I tor: James Brown, Terry Logan, Dewey Pruitt, Thomas Cleveland, Robert Jackson. Row 2: Kevin Jeckson, William Harris, Kenneth Hernton, Leroy Smith, Fred Mar路 shall, Randy Donaldson. Row 3: Greg Skannal, Marc Murray, Thomas King, Henry Perkins, Mark Pledger, Virgil Work, Richard Parks, Henry Ailey, Steven Parks, Herschel Jackson, Ronald Carr.
The Brothers of Epsilon Psi Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha dedicate themselves to brotherhood. In our house here at Rolla, we try to extend our high moral standards as well as imprint the necessity of good academic standings to our pledges. We believe ourselves to be instruments of communication and have been delivering a message of brotherly love through the songs we sing, the steps we take, and in our everyday endeavors. Our house is always open and visitors are always welcome.
BETA SIGmA PSI Row 1, I tor: Tony Avena, Chris Hays, Val Brenner, Paul Marting, Jon Trusik, Ella Uthe, Mary Ann Mueller, Francis Hauschildt, Sandy Day, Laura Binney, Jeannette White, Glen Ziolko, Bill Ehrhard, Mark Drewes, Mark Roenfeldt. Row 2: Ray Ehrhard, Steve Goldammer, Brian Fiehler, Jim Sutton, John Heidbreder, Dave Driemeier, Mike Krueger, Tim Schmidt, Kathy Atteberry, Patty Scholl, Tom Uhlmansiek, Dennis Kenchen, Roger Zimmerman , Steve Rinne. Row 3: Phil Straub, Steve Lampe, Dennis Anderson, Jeff Wickel, Steve Jackson, Bill Miehe, Paul Ludwig, Jim Peuster, Eric Burgdorf, Linda Steinhoff, Steve Liescheidt, Brenda Ellerbrake, Kent Lina, Dave Kuhn, Denny Merty, Robert Johnson. Row 4: Paul Hoemann, Dave lhms, Ron Coulter, R. Craig Hafner, Rex Brown, Jim Weinhold, Brad Kasten, Art Giesler, Doug Doenges, Brian Emling, Mark Amen. Windows: Steve Ensor, Stuart Obermann, Ed Schmidt.
Beta Sigma Psi is a national social fraternity comprised of Lutheran men. This past year we captured first place in intramural volleyball, and actively participated in all other sports. We again showed our strong St. Pat's spirit by building the third place float and a superb cudgel that placed third. The brothers of Beta Sig also worked together to design and construct a memorial bar and louge in the house. Our Little Sisters planned various social activities throughout the year which included a sock-hop and a square dance.
DELTA SIGmA PHI Left front : Edward Dixon, Ted Wiesehan, Bill Brunkhorst, David Milster, Tim Williams, J. F. Wickey, Gene Noe, Jow Hopkins, Joe Offutt, James Brink, Tom Burbridge, Jonnie Roberts, Steve lnberson, Jim Vogan, Mark Wilson, "Frosty," Darrell Robinson, David McDonald. Second row: Russ Webb, Phil Hensley, Todd Davis, Glenn Kelley, Dave Goldammer, Brian Chaney, Mike Lackner, Rich Hemmer, Jim Hamilton, Bruce Thomason, Jeff Freeland, Dave Connelly, Paul Hartwig, Bob Arnold, Curt Hohnson, David Ruprecht, Mark Marikos. Third row : John Dolan, Geoff Lambert, Gary Cline, Kent Lueders, Phil Kaplan, John Hicks, Richard Stratmann, Dave Sorrell, Dave Brauch, Richard Weaver, Roy DeRousse, Arthur Hyde, Larry Bell, Jerry Garland, Mark Lekar, Alan Lightfoot, Clifford J. Baumer, Tim Madden, Robert Hartwig. Top: Bruce Baker, Randy Oleson, David Prouty, Don Cline, Roger Senft, Rick Yelton. Not shown: Mark Wiswell, Bob Park, Marc Smith, Dave Caulfield.
The brothers of Delta Sigma Phi have overcome another year of the Rolla Blues here at UMR. Starting the year out with 36 new pledges, things have continued to roll thanks to rush chairman Don Cline and others. John Dolan captured the trophy for the pie-eating contest at Homecoming and the house took second place in the twelveth man award. Todd Davis was the proud recipient of the outstanding intramura l wrestler award and the bowlers led by Eddie Dixon took first place. The house also won the Gamma Alpha Delta award for planning and execution of projects.
Row 1, I tor: Joseph Morales, Rick Klien, Heidi, Gary Underwood. Row 2: Tom Schmitt, Joseph Melt on, Zeke, John T rousdale, Warren Greenwalt, Marc Bru ns, Marc Bunz. Row 3: M ike McCall, Dave Lieser, Dave Heile, Jeffry Wassilak , David Hall, Kell y M cGrath. Row 4 : Douglass Rickman, William Tierney, Bill By rd, Ter ry Presley , Mike Hauser, Ovid " T obey " Yadon, Jo hn Branum, Hillis Pratt, Charles Parker.
Delta Tau Delta has been active in school and community affairs this year. We held our annual can-goods collection drive for the needy during Christmas and also organized the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign for Rolla. W~ participated in GAD, painting and Insulating the homes of elderly P?,ople. as our project. We know we re out In the sticks," but if you ' re ever out here, stop in.
Once again, Kappa Alpha had a very satisfying year. For the ninth consecutive year, KA placed first in intramural wrestling. The brothers also did well in tennis, softball, swimming, horseshoes, and bowling. KA's excelled academically and were active in campus affairs. KA undertook several all -house work projects with Gamma Alpha Delta, and received two awards for outstanding participation. Again, KA held the annual Christmas party for the needy children, and was actively involved in the successful Muscular Dystrophy Drive. Kappa Alpha's proudest achievement this year was the initiation of 21 outstanding men into the fraternity. The outlook for next year is even brighter.
Front row: Lee Clauss, Mike Ekholm, Robert Boon, Art Amoroso, Scott Chappell, Tim Clif路 ford, Ron Steingruby, Steve Puricelli, Ron Craig, Scott Mattlage, Mitch Baker, Joe Fuqua, Rob Thurmond, Harold Steury. Second row: Bob Schroff, Dennis Dutton, Charles Riddle, Dick Dorste, Mark Call, Mike Marx, Ron Webelhuth, Dude Harms, John Ballantine, Dave Holland, Mark Winnett, Ed Fishback, La'rry Thiemann, David Brooks, Mark Fourwier. Third row: Roland Poertner, Jerry Lee, Doug Hart, Tim Bradley, Dan Kouarik, Harold Parris, Robert Stockdale, Mike Ferguson, Harlan Meyer, Marc Arrand, Bob Rott, Randy Crustals, Tom Dill, Don Short, George Schubert, Tom Kolze, Steve Sanders, J im Fallon, Scott Newby, Rusty Still, Jim Hodak, Phil Boegner, Mark Pfitzinger, Paul Russell, Greg Perkins, Jeff Brummett, Tom Hagel. Four路 throw: Gary Kallmeyer (pres.), Joel Schreiner, Steve Neuwrith, Mike McKee, Randy Bell, Mark Gammon, Gary Roberts, Steve Miller, Kevin M illar, Tom Pile, Daved Crowley, Bill Maples, Ray Sudheimer, Mike H igginbotham. Not present: Reed Curtis, Mark Vincent, Stu Dunlop, Rick Louiselle, Terry Buzbee, Greg Copeland, Mike Winnett.
KAPPA SIGmA Row 1, I tor: Paul Conant, Craig Wolff, Tom Gredel!, Perry Ruebsamen, Kenny Staab, Roger Brennan, Paul Kuehn, Dave Jones, Tom Shilling, Bruce Tipton, John Chance, Kurt Winget, John Lodderhose, Matt Ed Jantosik, Jim Galaske, Paul Reed, Glenn Mabie, John Schott. Row 2 : Matt Curran, Mike Clark, Christian, Mark White, Bob Simpson, Scott Hayes, Rick Krieger, Frank Jost, Jeff Feaster, Bill Kroeger, Steve Suatek, Ron Acker, Dave Perry, Mark Drumm, Dave Ausmus, Jim Zaloudek, Don Brown, Ted Bestor, Russ Brazeal, Steve Ernst. Row 3: Mark Gredel!, Tom Hankens, Jack Halloran, Steve Blair, Andres Dasso, Bruce Bowermaste r, Bruce Dunlevy, Mike A.llen, Mike Fugate, Bill Meister, Bob Arasmith, Neil Frankenberg , Dan Boersner, Charley Tower, Mike Btll AIt, John Moles. Row 4: Kent Springer, Jeff Buck, Larry Buchtman, Bill Franz, Jim Pelger, Bob Rapisardo, Haul, Gary Roebke, Doug Freeman, Paul Vettner, Mike Griffin, J. C. Griese, Paul Sneed, Pat Owen, Dennis Springer. Not pictured: Firm Hanneke, Bill Wagener.
The school year 1975-76 proved to be very successful and rewarding for Kappa Sigma. Once again, Kappa Sigma excelled in scholarship, leadership on campus, athletics, and of course, social life. Kappa Sig has remained active on campus with a strong showing in intramurals and capturing first place in Homecoming decorations two years in a row. The acquisition of a superb freshman class has helped us to remain on top at UMR as a fine brotherhood. The Beta Chi chapter of Kappa Sigma's chapter house presents a personal challenge to each member to help to carry on the fraternity traditions, and continually strive to improve the chapter.
Lambda Chi Alpha was very active in public relations this year. Our 14th annual Benefit Chicken Dinner was met with great success. We were able to donate about $500 each to the State School # 23 and the Cerebral Palsy School. The famous Lambda Chi gang "kidnap ped" the Rolla city mayor and chief-of-police. They were held for a ransom of food which was donated to 20 needy families in Rolla. We skated with the children of State School #23. At Halloween time, we invited the kids over for cake and ice cneam with a few games thrown in for fun. Christmas rolled around and "Santa" visited the children of the State School once again.
LAmBDA CHI ALPHA Front row: B. K. Walker, Beau, Mike Sewell, Ron Rogge, Bill Murrey. Second row: Jim Allen, Stan Harmon, Sam Massey, Jerry McCammon, Diana Wolverton, Carry Ackelmier, Davita Smith, Debbie Manning, Dan Amsinger, Bob Roewe, Kris Bowser, Gregg Carlson, Ann Kristoff, Joy Davis, Sandee Sands, Paula Marcellus, Sue Hazlet, Amy Billington, Jim Waechter. Third row : Gary Dilge, Steve Wachtel, Don Rogge, Scott Winter, Jon Wolverton, Greg Rustige, Joe Stevenson, Darryl Walters, Larry Shipers, Lou Ann Nichols, Mike Boothby, Fred Merian, Pat Pagano, Jeff Smith, Mike Smith, Linda Bryson, Brad Scott, Bill Camp路 bell, Brain Walker. Front row roof: Bruce Bryant, Charlotte Marsh, Greg Bonagurio, Mark Schumaker, Gene Pokorny, Don Ulrich, Tom Gebhardt, Wende Edson, John Bunchor, Barb Susie, Steve Brunts, Debbie Garrels, Gene Manning, George Shannon, Kevin Huther. Second row roof : Marla Knaup, Joe Martin, Greg Mueller, Rob Arnold, John Renz, Steve Vercellino, Chuck Robertson, Mike Pomeroy, Jay Camp路 bell, John Keeley, Bob Brennan, Mary Ann Carnahan, Joe Butler, Jerry Lewis, Jim Riordan, Sam Balsiger, Jim Werner, Marianne Mangiar路 acina, Chuck Packwood, Randy Bradshaw, Darrel Woodroof, Judy Wil路 son, Les Hamilton, Kent Field, Paul Hager, Rick Smith. Window: Bill long, Dave Lucas, Dennis Jones.
Mrs. Rowland Johnston . . . "We are bitch" -Purdue, 1976 ... Ruedi, are you still here? ... Little Blisters ... SHAVING CREAM ... Bert's Rigor Mortis . .. Homecoming Bonfire .. . Hee-Haw . . . Dancin' Joe doing Uncle Sam during St. Pat's .. . it DOESN'T rain Greek Week . .. Queen's Float ... Bruno's on Thursdays . . . Foosball championsh ips ... Long nights and dirty c:arpets in Top Front .. . Look at the guy (?) with the ponytail . .. Stuccoing not only the walls ... 32, but we could have had 50 easily . . . Still don't have enough snowflakes ... Discos:: the Board and Co .... Pitching horseshoes ... Higley's horse collar ... Cindy, wanna plav Pinchy-Win chy ... Spiderman .. . the Ding chugging and .. . Santa and the Fairy
Sitting, I tor: Banjo, G. B. Muends, Freddy Shelledy, E. Self, Beans Binz, J. Abernathy, D. Fendler, Wally. Second row: T. Ziggy, Finlebrain, B. Hoeflinger, Timo Neill, E. Burford, Hoss, Jamious II, J. Petrechko, Massah, M. Searcy, B. Kertis, Chicken, J. Martine, J. Gofer, Bubbles, D. Skillman, Pussy, M. Williams, J. Gallagher, Hans Moning, Bo, Bucky B., J. W., J.P. Hastey, Ruedi, Boneserelli, Snidely, J. Rosseye. Third row: J. O'Reilly, C. J. Crane, Den-Den, Roger Dodger, The Max, L.A., Heavy Blimp, Hots Frisch, Rich-Rich, Whop Vallar, Fojo, Greasy Lou, B. Schaller, J . Hummert, Gomad, D. Brzuchalski, Hemel Temel, M. Marshall, Roy Drew, O.T.R. Troll, M. Alvey, E. Kobo, T. Benoist, Stones, Dancin' Joe, B. S. Banovic, Machine Gene, Squared Tan, C. Sullivan, M. Stochl, Stork Hampel, M. Lester, Meyer's Richardson, P. Hurd, Denass, Dino Heneghan, D. Hoyle, M.D. O'Keefe, J. Rich, Brian Maskill, M. Kojerker. Above: K. Spalding, B. Uding, D. B. Brockman, Chrome Dome, F. (Fifi) Fuzua, Oscar Linck, P.A., T.H.E. Gupta.
PI KAPPA ALPHA PI : Robbie Campbell, Tim Erman, Larry Wolf, Ken Luechenhoff, Jeff Welzbacher, Jim Junge, David Kreher, Tom Sontheimer, Gary Golhofer, Gary Sedlacek, George Engle, C>avid McCann, Robert Schnell, Hugh Kind, Daniel Wall, Bill Lueckenhoff, Jim Lattaman, Dave Wisch, Larry !Elliott, Pat McCole, Dave Leigers, Terry King. KAPPA: Jim Long, Steve Brooks, Tim McSherry, Mike Mueller, Elob Rundle, Mark Miller, Mark Smith, Rex Cramer, Charles Sidebottom, Jim Kamp, Bob Smith, Jack Scanlor1, Jim Ward, Bob Fleischman, Dennis Moore, Ron Reed, Ted Greenwald, Randy Ward, Rich Eiler, Dave Winter, Don Wernert. ALPHA: Bill Schlittler, Mark Dolecki, Mike Party, Gary Maxwell, Jim Lincicome, Steve Bay, Ethan Chamberlain, Russ Dahmer, Bruce McCoy, Don Weidinger, Mike Lueckenjoff, Stan Frisbee, Bob Welsch, Torn Williams, Kevin White, Len Lutz.
.. . serves the community in which we live through participation in service projects . . . . is leadership and involvement whose qual ities are displayed on campus as well as in the chapter house . . . . is a social fraternity which strives to present its men with a well rounded social life . . . . offers its members a home away from home with an unlimited number of lifetime brotherly friendships.
Pi Kappa Phi is small, but that very situation has promoted a closeness where it's hard to run away from problems and get lost in the crowd. Love fulfills all the commandments. However, anything that is worth something must be tested. Living with a small group of people is an ideal way of learning and growing in love toward each other. In Pi Kappa Phi, responsibility and work is shared. Interests are diversified and range from audio equipment to tennis.
PI -KAPPA PHI Top row, I tor: Joe Gioia, Walter Rothe, Dave Leutzinger, Mike Stocker, Howard Stever, Ron Martin, Dave Strelow. Bottom row: Steve Hankel, Bill Stein, Steve Hale, Don Bing路 aman, Keith Hoemann, Randy Picolet, Greg Hale.
SIGmA NU Steps: Rick Meloy, Nick Barrack, Steve Lewis, Ed Gold, Dave Kornfeld, Bob Ruzensky, Jay Fisher, Mark Mahnken, Leo, Phil Ostapowicz, Dave Whitaker, Joe Coursil, Joe Kracum, Finley Teasley, Bob. Porch: Robin Thrasher, Bob, John Lyle, Dave Kelley, Bob Costello, Rick Webb, Bill Pendleton, Dennis Lammert, Paul Richardson, Dave Heineck, Brad Parrish, Kim Gipson, Joe Safron, Jim Spencer, Bob Minor, Walt Lovell, Bill Dale, Duane Parrish, Jim Starling, Steve Treis, Jeff White, Harry Burford, De路 Wayne Gerber, Larry McNamara. Roof: Mark Ryan, Dennis Massoth, Dave Richardson, Jim Upchurch, Dave Strawhum, Matt, Sabre, Randy Armstrong, Duane Marble, A I Davison, J im Boverie, John, Jim Heaser, John DeGood, Phil Xount, Larry Molina, Larry Padfield, John Auman, Mark Brown, Jim Brelle.
The brothers of Sigma Nu, members of the oldest fraternity on campus, enjoyed another year of growth and advancement. We began the year by pledging a freshman class of 19 men. These young men combined with the upper classes enabled us to place in the top four in both scholastics and intramurals. We stayed active in campus events by building a float for St. Pat's and participating in Theta Tau Ugly Man.
SIGmA PHI EPSILON Front row, sitting from left: Bob Schoonover, Bill Kolee, Dave Braun, Don Thurman, Jim Scott, Bill Cissel, Forest Dunn, Gary Fanin, Kurt K innevan, John O'Hara, Mike Burlison, Devin Denner, Jim Hunicke, Tom Rothermich, Dennis Herman, Joe Bierschwal. Second row, kneeling: Ron Henderson, Dan Vance, Tim Brown, Steve Petzel, Joe Tybor, Mike Finnegan, Glen Vermette, Kent Koeneman, Bob Zipp, John La Fiore, Craig Eilers, Paul Mannochio. Third row: Craig Liebel, Tom Underhill, Ron Atkins, Joe Kettinger, Mike Emmerich, Rocky Andes, Greg Wilson, Randy Sherer, Bob Burton, Jim Vii bert, Larry Weurz, Alan Mannbeck, Les Lindley, Mike Coombs, Dwayne Lause, Tom Bach, John Barker, Gerry Wessel, Mark Lorenz. Fourth row: Bruce Copeland, Randy Ganz, Bob Brandt, John Gefferth, David Wib路 benmeyer, Vince Murphy, Brian Heuckeroth, Harry Chappel, Ralph Rojas, Ken Kuetcher, John Swinson, Jim Wessel. Fifth row: Roger Kingsborough, Doug Gross, Ken Grelle, Mike Beuke, Myron Grubaugh, Dave Denner, Mike Lewis, Bernis Brekrus. Flag pole: Dan Mudd. On shoulders : Ed Englehart. On overhang : Tim Underhill, Gary Heimbaugh, Bruce Bachman, Steve Perko, Andy Cox, Greg Siegrist, Mike Noelke, John Marting, Jim Bextermueller .
The school year of 1975-76 was a very productive year for Sigma Phi Epsilon. We started the year off by welcoming 35 pledges, the largest pledge class on campus and in our national fraternity. This has also been a very good year for sports. So far we have taken a first in football, handball, and archery and a second place in basketball. We plan to finish very high in intramurals. Our public relations has been outstanding especially within the community. We received the "Outstanding Community Service" from the Rolla Chamber of Commerce along with collecting over $1000 for the American Lung Association by participating in a spirit run to Columbia.
Tau Kappa Epsilon's major accomplishment during the 1975-76 school year was the construction of a three story addition to the TKE house. Construction began during the summer and was completed in January 1976. Finishing touches, including paneling in the basement and a bar, were added in March. Governor Bond formally dedicated the new house during St. Pat's party weekend. More then fifty alumni from across the country returned for the occasion. TKE was well represented in intramurals as they finished first in their league in all five major sports. A championship in soccer and a third place finish overall capped off a successful year. Other accomplishments for the year included winning Greek Week for the fifth year in a row, placing second in I FC Sing, hosting the Second annual TKE Mid-America Softball Tournament, and completing two major service projects.
TAU KAPPA EPSILON Sitting, I to r: Jeff Steinhart, Bruce Kates, Dan Stephen, Bill Grace, Kevin Lahay. Steve Schaeffler. Mike Busby. Tom Hancock, Joe Vitale, Rich Roser, Scott Charpen路 tier. Standing, I tor: Kent Richardson. Jim CooleyJ Stege Geiger, Pete Telthorst, Bob Keller, Bill Warwick, Rhein Dabler, Troy Padilla, Jeff Wilson, Rene Schroeder, Dennis Simon, Bob Mitchell, Mark Hoffman, Brian Edwards, Alan Esker, John Signori no, Dan Beckerle, Ron Jansen, Jim Barth, Lee Lammert, Greg Steurer, Dan Kissel, Mark Moran, Mike Criste, Don Kemerling, Art Tinnemeyer, Dave Thorn, John Rath, Paul Telthorst, Steve Jennemann, Gary Dial, Tom Rvan, Mark Abernathy. John Eash, Steve Diffey, Ray Buehler, Rod Cameron, Mike DiNapoli, Bob Bieg, Dean Lindstrom, Mike Strobl, Ken Dufner. Ledge: Joe Soughers. Window: Jeff Mayfield.
SIGmA PI First row, I. tor. : Leonard Wolff, Trouble; Second row: Steve Partney, Antares, Gary Lake, John Hummel, Jerry Arthur; Third row: Robert Kelahan, James Cawvey, Jerry Huchzerm eier, David Lomax, Kerry Hay, Kevin Killian, Sean Price, Dennis Gilliam, Randy Lubbert, Dana Witt, Mark Krahen· buhl, Mike Mayou, Bill Orr, Jim McKenzie; Top row: Chris Cook, David Rinehart, Tom Briscoe, Ted Cottrell, Richard Worth, Mark M ateer, Joe Clapp.
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The school year of 1975-76 was very rewarding for the men of Sigma Pi. The first semester saw the brothers participating in the I FC Clean-Up, lntramurals, and the I FC Sing, and sponsoring an all-campus party at the Chapter House. We also had our annuai"Great Pumpkin" on Halloween. The second semester began with the initiation of ten fine men into the chapter ranks. The construction of our St. Pat's float began, following the appearance of "green" on campus. Officers at the start of the school year were Ted Cottrell, President; Sean Price, Vice-President; Steve Partney, Treasurer; Tim Kirschbaum, Secretary; Randy Lubbert, Alumni Secretary.
SIGmA TAU GAmnlA Row 1, I. tor.: Ted Cocos, Dave Brown, Tom Podorski, Randy Hughes, Terry Sherman, Dave Kolk路 meier, Michael Garnett, Steve Schaffer, Jim Martin, Paul Verheyen, Roger Amelung, Ed Ellebracht, Randy Moore. Dave Ebersole, Phil Webster, Greg Parker, Matt Snook, Phil Verling, MikEt Coyle; Row 2 : Robin Murphy, Steve Dipple, Mark Middendorf, Paul Sicking, Mark Evertowski, DavEt Diestelkamp, AI Jare, Steve Moss, Larry Conner, Bill Hirts, John Diecker, Greg Wayne, Ken Ogle, AI F=unke, Gerry Hamilton, Mark Plag, Jeff Stevenson, Darrel Plank, Gary Aymen, Gene Kuelker, John Middendorf, Gary Holmes; Row 3: Jim Schicker, Brad Crutcher, Rusty Litchfield, Greg Suddarth, Kun Ruff, Don Schaefer, Jim Coldwell, Steve Moldane, Barry Baiotto, Rich Kobylinski, Mark Kay, Nguyen Vinh Thanh, Mark Schroepfer, Rich Kopp, Dave Birenbaum, Jim Rau.
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Back row, I. tor.: Gary Sandbothe, Rick Smith, John F. Kennedy, Paul Roemerman, Keith Schumacher, Dave Koncak, Mike Norton, Jim Oursler, George Glos, Armand Brucker, Ron Rembold, Jack Bruns, Dorian Middlekauff; Middle row: Mike Yarbrough, Danny Rembold, Dave Stockdale, Brian Miles, Andy Smith, Steve Kovac, Randy Johnson, Kevin McConnell, Ed Heckman, Chris Rosser, Steve Burr, Gary Howorth, Dave Lewis, Bob Valleroy; Front row: Mike Sallwasser, Phil Chicoineau, Bob Wright, Steve Sallwasser, Bob Berri, Chaika, Tom Calzone.
The Alpha Psi Chapter of the Theta Xi Fraternity has had a very busy summer and fall semester. The Chapter more than doubled its membership, and again filled its house. With such an increase in manpower, the Chapter participated in many special events, such as several community work projects, a party for children attending the Rolla State School, an active participation in intramurals, and despite the number of members, the Chapter managed to take the APO Blood Drive Trophy.
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Triangle, a social as well as a professional fraternity, is a brotherhood of engineers, architects and scientists. Its membership has grown to the point of expansion into an Annex next door-Triangle West. We are active in the Gamma Alpha Delta sponsored work projects and recently aided in remodelling a building in St. James for the senior citizens of that community. With these accomplishments behind them, Triangle is eagerly looking forward to the new challenges of its fiftieth year.
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TRIANGLE Bottom row, I. tor.: Bill Nichols, Brian Rock, Dave Bonney, Mike Bell, Jim Parks, Dewayne Roberts, Bob Brewer, Jeff Porter, Gary Campbell, Bill Pepper; Next row: Jim Wegrzyn, Randy Bissey, Vic Ratkowski, Mark Sebree, Harry Laswell, Terry Kremmel, Greg Melton, Kevin Clarkin, Mike Johnson, Keith Barton, Keith Bockelman, Roger Goodlet, Dennis Allen, Bill Storoy; Short row in center: Gary Harland, Karl Joern, Dave Noel路 ken; Top row: Gary Shellenberger, John Fitzpatrick, Ralph Tucker, Bob Durbin, Bob Borcherding, (head & hand) USO, Bruce Stuart, Steve Lightbody, Wayne Greaves, Dave Bullock.
Student Government •••••••• 235 Service ••••••••••••••••• 238 Publications •••••••••••• 240 Religious •••••••••••••••• 241 lnt rcultural.
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military ••••••••••••••••• 248 Special Interest. • • • • • • • • • 250 Honotaries••••••
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music ••••••
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Little Sisters••
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First row, I. tor.: Steve Liescheidt, Mona Ogle, Edie McCaw, Ron Rembold, Paul Williams; Second row, I. tor.: Bill Alt. Carol Foster, Jeanne Achelpohl, Steve Brothers, Dick Sumner; Third row, I. tor.: Bruce Bryan, Debbie Orrick, Eric Hirsch, Rick Yelton; Fourth row, I. to r.: Ken LueckenhoH. Mike Stilz, Jana Trampe, Duane Parrish; Fifth row, I. to r. : Bobby Wixson, Jim Martin, Steve Goldammer, Tobey Yadon; Sixth row, I. tor.: Virgil Work, Marc Dabney, Bob Mitchell, Andy Schelin, Tom Snodgrass; Seventh row, I. tor.: Randy Scherer, Randy Moore, James Saylor, Mike Johnson, Bennett, Dale Brzuchalski, Sam Enns, James Cawvey; Not pictured: Bill Christians, Paul Schnoebelen.
First row, I. tor.: d'Arcy Holt, Carl Hayworth, Rex Cramer; Second row, I. tor.: Tim McGraw; T hird row, I. tor.: Bob Welsh, Jackie DeThorne, Mrs. Berna Harvey; Fourth row, I. tor.: Bob Bur ton, Ethan Chamberlain, Brian Rock, Bill Bray, Steve Bross, Phil Yount.
• • •
SPECIAL EVENTS Fn::>nt row, I. tor.: Steve Wagner, John Feldman, Ann Giesler, Melanie Miller, Sue Braaf, Karen Solari; Middle: Jeanne Achelpohl, Lee Richardson, Andy (Kid) Schelin, Randy Meyr, Pat Mudd, Bob BurtonDilrector; Back row, I. tor.: Don Weidinger, Bob Klauser, Steve Goldammer, Joe Kettinger, Dolph Henderson.
RECREATION Sitting, I. tor.: Phil Bissey, Mike Bell, Bob Brewer, larry Molina, Steve Brothers, Philip Yount, Steve Ford, Dave Soizer, Jeff Claus; Standing, I. tor.: Melvin Heisserer, Phil Boegner.
Front row, I. tor.: Carma Stone, Twyla Morgan; Middle row, I. tor.: Kathy Colvin, Lindy Lomax, Glenna Chilton, Jackie Dethorne-Director, James Brown; Back row, I. tor.: Jim Ward, Dave Kreher.
Front row, I. tor.: Cri!: Cape (Space man), Marc A. Treppler, Bob Brewew (Nurd), Mikey Patterson; Middle row, I. tor.: Marc Bunz, Bill Bray-Director, Alex Lindberg, John Collier, Tom Williams, Russ Dahmer, Bob Smith; Back row, I. tor.: Steve Partney, Gary Harland, Ken Leukemeyer (Blitzed), Sam Enns, Pat Noland (Red), Larry Schwab, Jim McDonald, Mike Burns, Bob Stuart (Arky).
Front row, I. tor.: Jim Bouverie, Elaine Christian, T im McGraw-Director, K~rrin?a Kubinski, Arthur Giesler; Back row, I. tor.: Ed Banovic, Ed Rush, R1ch E1ler, J1m Latteman.
F~ont row, I. tor.: Jon Manning, Fred Marshall, Gary Maxwell, R1chard Kovner; Back row, I. tor.: Walter Griffin Bob Arnold Jim O'Neill, Bob Welsh - Director, Dennis Moore, Sam Enns. '
Ji'!' Latteman, Jim Lincicome, Steve Brooks, Kathy Dill, Ethan Chamberlain - Director, Dave Schade, M1chael Burns.
First row, I. tor.: Karl Joern, John Feldman, Vic Ratkowski, Roger Goodlet, Bruce Bryant, Gary Harland; Second row, I. tor.: Bill Storoz, Tom Williams, Brian Rock-Director, Jul ie Miller, Sherry McDonald- Director.
Front row, I. tor.: Dave Shade, Steve Bross-Director, Myron Grubaugh, David Askren, AI Harding; Back row, I. to r.: Steve Tillman, Jeff Williams, Gary Gibbs, Stanton Hadley, T imErman.
Front row, I. tor.: Kelly McGrath, Bill Ehrhard, unknown, Dean Lindstrom, Pat Mudd, Kevin Clarkin, P~ul Telhorst; Middle row, I. tor.: Steve Goldammer, Scott Mattlage, Gary Howorth, Rhonda Reed •. Kat~y D1ll, Jackie Dethorne, Dave Holland, Paul Andrew, Joe Offutt, Gary Dial; Back row,l. tor.: Steve ~·esch•e~H. Ray Ehrhard, Kathy Veit, Rusty Goldammer, Larry Thiemann, Mark Gammon, unknown, Gary Cl •ne, Hillis Pratt, Gary Maxwell, Dan Stephen.
Front row, I. tor.: Ann Giesler, Mark Dolecki, Patty Reynolds, Rich Fleschner, Ken Lueckenhoff, Mark Alvey, Bill Nichols, Bob Roewe; Back row, I. tor.: Randy Crustals, Patye Thomas, Sally Schw~ger, Bob Schnell, Jim Junge, John Hohenberger, Len Lutz, Jeff Welzbacher, Dan Skillman, Aaron Cook, M•ke Lueckenhoff.
Front row, I. tor.: Joe Martin, David Muenks, Bill Miehe, Paula Marcellus, Mark Dolecki, Dave Denner; Middle row, I. tor.: Bob Born, Joe Offutt, Vern Boehme, Dave Wisch, Ruedi Fischer, Jeanne Achelpohl, Denise Denner; Back row, I. tor.: Ed Haberstroh, Dave Kuhn, Don Cline, Jim Waechter, Bob Fleischman, Brad Scott, Bill Lueckenhoff, Rich Fleschner.
First row, I. tor.: Ken Kutscher, Bruce Kates, Sharon Brady, Je~nne Achelpohl, Debbie Shanta; Second row,l. tor.: Mike McCall, M1ke Sallwasser Bob Dallas, Steve Kovac, Ron Mueller, Jim Junge, Bob Durbin; Third' row, I. tor.: Father Don Lammers, William Harris, Walt Lovell, Bob Schnell, Mike Lackner, Bob Brennan, Duane Marble, James Sutton, Bill Maples, Joe Neyer, Jon Trusik, Bill Samples, Gary Harland, Clif Baumer, Larry Shipers, Richard W. Stephenson, Rev. Clayton Smith.
INTERCOLLEGIATE KINIGHTS Bottom row, I. to r.: Joe O'Brien Jim Puckett David Brockman, J im Kettinger, Ron Craig; s~ ond row, ~- to r.: Ted Bestor, Jay Petrechko, Gl'ant Hamlet, J1m Cawvey; Third row, I. to r.: Rich Tota, Tom Fennessey, David Muenks, Joel Looney, Bob Boon, Pete Kinman; Fourth row, 1. tor.: Joe Of~u~t, Larry B.uchtmann, David Levings, Don We1dmger, Kevm Skibiski, Gary Kallmeyer.
INTERCOLLEGIATE KNIGHTS AUXILIARY ~ront row, I. tor.: Jennie Adkins, Wilma Kirn, Phyl路 Its Lanza, Reta Russell, Kathy Atteberry Susan Wilker路 son. Rosie Love; Back row, I. tor.: Pat Scholl, Aito Stockhecker, Lana Bray, Ronnie Durling, Debbie Gower, Peggy Cahill, Elaine Christian, Linda Vander路 wal, Joyce Agnew, Joy Ewens, Nancy Edmonds.
First row, I. tor.: Duane Marble, Mike Marx, Burton Walker, Larry Bell; Second row, I. tor.: Rich Stratmann, Phil Boegner, Bill Pen路 dleton, Jay Fisher; Third row, I. tor.: Jeff Claus, Ray Sudheimer, Jim Fallon, Don Short; Fourth row, I. tor.: Steve Ingerson, Jim Peuster, Mike Allen; Fifth row, I. tor.: Mark Trent, Rex Brown.
First row, I. tor.: Matt Wille, Sam Enns, Dave Ebersole, Joe Hopkins; Second ~ow, I. tor. : Joe Offutt, Gene Pokorny, Rick Campbell, Mark Plag; Th~rd row, I. tor.: Paul Hager, Gary Cline, Steve Henkel, Lou Reinisch.
Front row, I. tor.: Bob Valleroy, Randy Johnson, Steve Kovac, Linda Ponzer, Ron Farley, Art Stevenson, Ted Cottrell; Back row, I. tor.: Bob Born, Dan Rembold, Gary Sandbothe, Dan Shelledy, R ich Markey, Paul Andrew, Bill Uding, Ed Burford, Bruce Schaller, Denny Gilliam.
First row, I. tor.: Dave Heile, Paul Abney; Second row, I. tor. : Bill Ahal, Doug Wohlert; Third row, I. tor.: Jim Abbott, Brian Sulli van, John Golzy, Ron Wi lliams, unknown, Jon Frederickson, Craig Bernstein, Bob Wright; Fourth row, 1. tor.: Robert Clark, John La Fiore, Marc T reppler, Jeff Bradshaw, Judge Hamilton, Dan Williams, Dennis Hart, Greg Best; Fifth row, I. tor.: Mary Foehse, Brian Smith, Larry Wolf, Skip Garner.
First row, I. tor. : Larry Roddy, Steve Lay, Jim Detry; Second row, I. tor.: Allen Gilliam, Lou Reinisch, Kurt Rieke; Third row, I. tor.: M ike Mathews, Robbie Campbell, Roger Parisa; Fourth row, I. to r. : K athy Colvin, M arc Treppler, John Garrett, Linda Ponzer.
Front row, I tor: Andy Boys, Nick DeLarber, Ralph Flori, Don Lammers, Mike Sallwasser, Jim Abbott, Debbie Kloeppel. Middle row, I tor: Dick Hoffman, Jim Puckett, Mike Cerulo, Mary Garrett, Bob Berri, Tom Heitert, John Garrett, Steve Sallwasser, Steve Kovac. Back row, 1 tor: Mark Blaser, Laura Blaser, Rick Wurth, Ed Schulte, Ken Brugio1ni, Margaret Lloyd, Brian Rock, Suzanne Duncan, Kevin Finder, Bob Naeger.
BAPTIST SITUDENT UNION First row, I tor: Doug Steen. Diana Dietzler, Maria Wilms· meyer, Beverly Hartmann, Nancy Edmonds, Kerrinda Kubin· ski. Second row, I tor: Lana Bray, Brian Lenharth, Tim Cox, David Stinson, Archie Taylor, Roy Owen Wingfield. Third row, I tor: Bill Million, Jim England, Dr. Pyron, Michael Hester, Don Meek, Tim Mc•Graw. Fourth row, I tor: Robert Schaefer, Mike Barger, Bill HHifner, Jesse Parrott.
Front row, 1 tor: Ron Schrenker, Reid Herzog, Pam Herzog, Pat Spenc:er, Lois Traudenburgh, Dave Dillard, Kim Coleman. Middle row,l tor: Morgan Slusher, Joe Tull, Wanda Tull, Vern Durham, Jim Highfill, Terri Payne, Steve Spencer, Bill Zimmerly, Cameron Haston. Back row, I to 1r: Gordon Lewis, Dr. Proctor, Clayton Smith, John Scott Pearson, Debbie Kloeppel, Ben Dubach, Susan Williams, Joy Aycock, Sandi Hagni, Bob Chapman, Rebecca O'Dell, Mark Strange, Rusty Brian, Ramsey Garner, John Daugherty, Ronald Guttermuth, Steve Adams, Rick Schrenker, Terry Smith.
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GAmmA DELTA Front row, I to r: Glenn Johney, Kerrinda Kubinski, Beverly Hartmann, Mary Foeshe, Pastor Hillsabeck, Sue Schoedel, Paul Hager, Mike Farris. Back row, I tor: Dave Strelow, Walter Billingham, Dave Milster, Chuck Hillhouse, Ross Liv路 engood, Mark Schoedel, AI Crosby, Tom Kvale.
Front row, I tor: Mike Mathews, Dan McElhiney, Jim Clifton, Mark Draper. Back row, I tor: Peter Ojo Sanni, Mary Draper, Gene Yow, Rodman Kirkpatrick, Terry Bollinger.
Front row, I to r: Theresa O'Day, Vera Maiko, David Thatcher. Back row, I tor: Russell Brinkman, Kurt Humphrey, Ciro Davila, Jerry Collins, Duane Elliott.
Front row, I tor: Juan Silva, Luis Dieurn, Jesus Rivero, Salvador Lezama, Ramon Dnrono, Jose Gomez. Back row, I tor: Marcos Urbina, Eduardo Lima, Luis Aguilera, Jose Angel Rodnguez, Luis Muchacho, Luis Carrero, Edecio Pacheco, Edgar Orlando Rodriguez, Edgar Gil, Pedro Castillo.
AFRICAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION First row, I tor: Ben Obika, Aniefiok Sunday Eka, Adebowale Akinsanya, Sanusi Paul Adebayo. Second row, I tor: Oliver A. Onyewuenyi, Charles Nchako, Kola路 wole Muse, J. Tamba Mayah, Funso Lawai. Third row, I tor: Ernie Onyia, Chrys. Johnny Obot, Alabi Ganiu, Oki Edu, Innocent Mark, Air lhonre, Stephen Nwaiwu. Fourth row, I tor: Sylvester Joan, Peter Sanni.
ASSOCIATION OF BLACK STUDENTS First row, I tor: Keith D. Conaway, Robert F. Henry, Carey Garland, Thomas L. James. Second row, I tor: Terry Moore, Zachary McNeal, Gina Pruitt, Paul E. Sims, Jimmy Brown, Floyd Harris, Virgil Card, Terry D. Logan. Third row, I tor: James Richardson, Elihue Acker路 son, Kenneth C. Hernton, Michael W. Todd, Steve Townsell, Simeon Layne, Jr., Mark E. Pledger.
mETALLURGICAL SOCIETY First row, I tor: Mike Chisom, Charles Neuhart, Sharon Taylor, Kenton Wright. Second row, I tor: Joe Clapp, Larry Cas路 tor, Ken Burris, Fred Kisslinger, John Keating. Third row,l to r: Dennis Robertson, Andy Schelin, Ray Prater. Fourth row, I tor: Steve Blair, Jeanne Achelpohl, Rick Krieger, Bruce Tipton, Rajendra Shah, Rick Cottrell. Fifth row, I to r: Vinay Chaskar, L. Robert Hurst, Miladin Curovic, Ken Metz.
AmERICAN FOUNDRYmAN'S SOCIETY First row, I tor: Fred Kisslinger, Mark Mateer, Andy Schelin, Dennis Robertson. Second row, I tor: Mike Searcy, Steve Blair, Keith Schuette, Don Chronister. Third row, I tor: Don Askeland, Nuri, Sharon Taylor, Rich Fleschner. Fourth row, I to r: Kenton Wright, Ming Yuh路Chu, Felipe Farinez, Bruce Bachman. Fifth row, I tor: Unknown, unknown, Greg Carroll, Dave Epperson. Sixth row,l tor: Manfred Wuttig.
First row, I to r: Unkonwn, Deb Woolbright, Bruce Allen, Douglas Stout, Terry Howell. Second row, I tor: Joe Faber, John Vallar, Myron White, Ed Hilligass, Jim Cole, Dave Allen. Third row, I to r: Steve Tillman, Dave Hoyle, John Mclaughlin, Norm lstermann, Steve Lautenschlaeger, Norm Hass, Orie Rouse, Patty Whittaker. Fourth row, I tor: Luis Aguilera, Ronny Sadri, Larry Molina, unknown, unknown, Rick Melcher, John Little, Ruedi Fischer.
First row, I tor: William Ballard, Lana Bray. Second row, I tor: Kurt Humphrey, Charles Schlef, David Suiter. Third row, I tor: David Eber路 sole, Jeffrey Kec k, Brian Flandei'meyer. Fourth row, I tor: C.A. Sorrell, Paul Baker, Gordon Lewis, H.U. A nderson, Jeffrey Stevenson.
AmERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING First row, I tor: F. Kempf, D. Repp, M. Nail, C. Dulin, D. Muenks. Sec路 ond row,l tor: D. Sutton, D. Battiest, B. Hendrix, A. Hendrix, J. Edney. L. Richardson, T. Fennessey. Third row,l tor: D. Weinkein, S. Ford, J. Jaeger , B. Ellerbrake, A. Love, S. Wilkerson, S. P. Clemence, M. Wille, A. Bass. Fourth row, I tor: B. Uding, D. Glynn, M. Dickensheet , D. Mink, A. Schwartze, B. Kates, D. Stolt, W. Kirn, S. Tillman, D. Fendler. Fifth row, I tor: D. Skillman, A. Crane, A. Markey, P. Allen, D. Fischer, B. Swenty, M. Brown, A. Laughlin, C. Veesaert, D. Brockman. Sixth row, I tor: K. Kunkel, D. Gawlik, K. Bodenhame r, M. Heitzman, D. Chambers, D. Elgin, A. Larkins, G. Aronberg, T. Micnhimer, J. Wenzlich. Seventh row, I tor: J. Blankenship , M. Lester, D. Hennighan.
Left to r ight: Price Hatcher, Mark Alvey, Sak Kongsuwan, Bruce Haigh, Vern Boehme, Ali Selim, Rick Larkins, Mohammad Huo, Suppamas Pracharvej, Dan Skillman.
ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGISTS First row,l tor: Reid Walker, Jim M clean, John Creveling, Dennis Gl eason, Dick Hoffmann. Second row, I tor: Steve Tillman, Dale Hudson, Sherri Clark, Wes Wimmer. T hird row, I tor: Stephen Adams, John Daugherty, lou Holt, John Carter . Fourth row, I to r : John Short, A llen Agnew , Matt Curran, Mark Gredel! , Mike Fugate.
First row, I tor: J. Detry, S. Kuehn, P. Kinman, B. Heitz. Second row, I tor: D. Kefoglu, M. Wieberg, A. Kompa, J. Heller, K. Rieke, J. Turner. Third row, I tor: J. Garrett, S. Newby, M. Marx, T. Burbridge, D. Webb, Dr. K. Dunipace. Fourth row, I tor: T. Clinkingbeard, D. Strawhun, D. Webers, S. Bihr, F. Ipock, D. Smith, M. Palmer.
First row, I tor: B. Ruzensky, D. Leitterman, L. Lammert, L. Wolf, Second row, I tor: M. Mills, A. Esker, Dr. F. Kern, A. Chapman. Third row,l tor: G. Best, B. Snodgrass, A. Scarr, J. Bode, J. Mangoff, R. Schmitt. Fourth row, I to r: K. Keitel, M. Westerdale, M. Vasel, M. Mattione.
SOCIETY OF PHYSICS STUDENTS Front row, I tor: A. Brinegar, E. Boesl, D. Wood, S. Walker, B. Nel路 son, B. Elliot, J. Hunt. Back row,l tor: R. May, L. Perry more, K. Whi snant, E. Aedd, B. Dewitt, G. Sammelmann, C. Deigel.
Front row, I tor: Kim Kline, Mark Fulks, Glenn Johney, Curtis Grueing, Den路 nis Mills, Steve Conner, Duane Williams. Back row, I tor: Unknown, John Moore, unknown, Jim Casstevens, Joe Brascasco, Dave Johnson, Carla Yager, John Pool, Harlan Nelson, David Epstine, Walter Counsbery, Leslie Koval.
First row, I tor: Kerls, Grice, Wilhelm, Turnbough, Beresik. Second row, I tor: Quinn, Wilson, Foley, Stone, B. Smith, Webber, Centner. Third row, I tor: lacy, Wyatt, Schroeder, Swinney, Brenner, Trampe, Todd. Fourth row, I tor: Naeger, Berg, Nicks, Roper, Saylor, Schwab, Brandmeyer, Cawl路 field, Bakhshi. Fifth row, I tor: Barclay, Flebbe, Johaningmeyer, Klender, Mees, Calvin, Webster, Levings, Blankenship. First row, I tor: K. Miles, P. Clarke, S. Karnes, M. Madras, l. Guevel, T. Whiteside. Second row, I tor: D. Kloeppel, M. Garrett, S. Culwell, R. Stockdale, E. lillie, B. Ortbals, R. Freeman. Third row, I tor: D. Schade, C. Harmon, K. Bauch, M. Baker, S. Vrazlich, A. Danhorst, H. Jawer. Fourth row, I tor: M. Mueller, T. Leichenauer, M. Taylor, l. Hamrick, K. Darby, M. Higginbotham. Fifth row, I tor: M. Bune, A. Htlleary, P. Horn, P. Maddox, D. Budd, M. Curry, S. Guntly.
C.L. DAKE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY First row,l tor: Joyce Payne, Torie Vandeven, Rona Wh lttall. Second row, I tor: Susan Collins, Jan Rohr, Brenda Talty, Julie Miller. Third row, I tor: Bob Ballard, Mark Reising, Ken Searcy, Greg Frank, Terry Panhorst. Fourth row, I to r: Mark Marikos, Chuck lane, John Shelnutt, Jim Brown, Doug Rickman, Dave Hoffman.
First row, I tor: Steve Brothers, Melvin Heisserer, louann Ruyle, Dennis Kinchen, Guy Renshaw, Phil Boegner. Second row, I tor: Dwight Bushnell Robert Britton, Dan Kovarik, Bill McAllister, Fred Meyers, Ga~y Golhoffer, Alan Zachary, H. R. Sharp. Third row, 1 tor: James Sutton, Ed Jantosik, Mike Miller, Steve Post, Randall Dean, Ron Schrenker, Rick Schrenker, D. C. Look.
PERSHING RIFLES First row, I tor: Darrell Milburn, James Rooney, T. E. Sandidge, Terry D. Coker. Second row, I tor: Gary Transmeier, Major Dois Webb, Nicole Talbot, RobertS. Bourne.
RAIDERS First row,l tor: Anne Fulton, James D. Humphrey, Gary Dameron, Thomas Stark, Richard A. Jones. Second row, I to r: Dave Wills, Bevan Collins, Susan Williams, Roy Owen Wingfield, Charles Smith, Edgar Ray, larry McAllister.
ASSOCIATION OF WOmEN STUDENTS Front row, I tor: Lenard Klender, P. Knapp, Supe Russell, "Giesie" Giesler, M & M, Terri Noellar, Cheryl Westphal, Michelle Robeson. Back row, I tor: Judy Flebbe, L. Crayens, J. J., Pat Thomas, Joy Ewens, Carol Foster, Margaret E. White.
CHESS CLUB First row, I tor: Danny Huff, Edward P. Hodge. Second row, I tor: Michael E. Ellis, Robert V. Stepp.
Seated: Bob Evans. Back row, I tor: Stan Hadley, Dr. John Brewer, John McVay.
ASSOCIATION OF GRADUATE STUDENTS Front row, I tor: Bob Kuhlmann, Jim Stubbs, John Aldag, Bob Ballard, Jerry Kiefer, Frederick Rambow. Back row, I tor: Jerome George, Terry Pickett, Mike Cerulo, Steve T illman.
F_irst row, I to r: Dewey Algood, Bill Meyer, Jim Hodak, Mark Pfitzinger, John Guerdan, Ken
Ji~kerson, Joe Morales, Larry Conner, Rocky Andes, David Wibbenmeyer. Second row, I tor: Enck Lugor, Steve Warger, Mark Roenfeldt, Ed Heckman, Mark Miller, Gregg Carlson, John Dol_an, Rodney Sampson, Rick Yelton, Gary Roebke. Third row,l tor: Norman Henry, Jerry Sm1~h, Steve Geiger, Jon Danuser, Allen Welshon, Bob Nunnally, Charles Mattson, John Fitzpatnck, Fred Marshall, Jim Waechter. Left to right: Mike Aguilar, Rodney Leach, Ken Scholle, John Jones.
ffi-CLUS First row, I tor: Richard Erickson, Matt H einicke, Bill Warner, Rick Cooper, Jerry Hofman. Second row, I tor: Brad Schreiber, Paul Vetter, Greg Best, Jim Hunicke, Mike Simac, Gary Roebke. Third row, I tor: Gene Kuelker, Jeff Lewis, Veronica Durling, John Moles, David Weaver, Andy Cox. Fourth row, I tor: Terri Noelker, Carol Russell, Joy Ewens, Dan Roper, Ken Burris, Greg Haug, Jerry Smith.
RADIO CLUB First row,l tor: Ron Lile, Mark Miller, Barry Wealand, Dave Mery, Prof Nau. Second row,l tor: Charlie Brune, Jim Swaters, Steve Sutterer, Tom Zuiss, Mark Call, Dan Smith, David Bertagnolli. Third row, I tor: Ken Gianino, Lee Ruppert, Greg Best, John McVay, Galen Johney.
First row, I tor: Mike Jerome, Bruce Bales, Dan Angeli, J. C. Griese. Second row, I tor: Mike Coryell, Kevin Dberdick, Mark Drumm, Rick Petri. Third row, I tor: Jim Grelle, Rick Webb, Steve Lewis, Kevin Richardson, Jim Doubek, Mark Sullentrop, Matt Christian, David Jerome, Bruce Kates, John Burton.
First row, I tor: Hugh Kind, Rich Markey, Ed Lueckenhoff, Barry Baiotto, Gerald Meyr, Roland Poertner, Joe Vehige, Mike Kirn, Bill Wagener. Second row, I tor: Dwight Tidquist, Mike Mayou, Jay Jost, Kent Richa rdson, John Heidbreder, Rich Weaver, Joe Grana, Gary Underwood, George Schubert, Bob Naeger, Jim Grelle. Third row, I tor: Bill Merten, Rex Thurman, Rob Stamer, Bill Nichols, Jim Doubek, Gene Young, Steve Wagner, Ellis Sisk, Brian Walker, Tom Sontheimer, Paul Koeper, Jack Bruns. Fourth row, I tor: AI Jare, Gary Howorth, Joe Gioia, Bud Allen, Leo Valla, Tab Schmidt, Mark Lekar, Mike Schaefer, Randy Picolet.
SCUBA CLUB Front row, I tor: Martin Lamb, Mike Cooper, Dan Romer, Mike Richardson, Richard Etem, Tom Dill. Back row, I to r: Clark Craig, Ed Li the, Steve Porcelli, Ken Bauch, Dr. Harry Wean.
SPORTS CAR CLUB First row, I tor: Mike Price, Jim Hood, Bob Burton, Bob Peterson, K. Rob Runner. Second row, I tor: Pete Sawtelle, Sharon Davis, Art Tinnemeyer, Charlie Davis. Third row, I tor: Dave Kelley, Ed Foster, Allen Allred, Rob Clark.
SPELUNKER'S CLUB First row, I tor: Mike Faust, Erik Tilman, Robin Bohnenkamp, Mike Mullen, Jon Trusik, Debbie White, Mark Trent. Second row, I tor: Bob Ballad, Michael Maus, Richard Freeman, Kerrinda Kubinski, John Heidbreder. Third row, I tor: Terry 路
Collins, Kirby Diller, Tom Williams, Laurey Costich, Mark Hadley, Wes Wimmer. Fourth row, I tor: Michael Roberson, Jim Bowman.
THEATRE GUILD First row, I tor: Bruce Chamberlain, Dave Jobe, Barry Stone, Ron Acker, Jan Johaningmeyer. Second row,l tor: Jo Ellen Pursley, Jana Trampe, Pat Tanaka, Mary Foehse, Morgan Slusher, Karen Ketterer, Nicole Talbot, Andy Schelin. Third row, I tor: Kathy Bryan, Stan Hadley, Rob Clark, Paul Braddock, Rod Cameron.
Front row, I tor: Ken Searcy, Peter Price, Joyce Payne, Danny J. Me· Murphy, John Brown. Middle row,l tor: Edward W. Aluson, Dave Thompson, Douglas Rickman, Melvin J. Aycock, Laurence M. Nuelle. Back row, I tor: Terry Panhorst, Myron Bockhorst, Charles Lane. Not pictured: Barry Mercer, Joy Ewens, Fred Fass, Torie Vandeven, Dr. P. D. Proctor (Advisor).
Front row, I tor: Charles Bodenhamer, Terry Coffman, Gary Schaeffer, James D. Wood, George Reynolds, Larry Schwab, Dave Barclay. Back row, I tor: Ray Sud· heimer, James Saylor, Debbie Kersting, Ed Kobylinski, Bruce Poling, Ronald Pin· eire, Gary Maxwell.
CHI EPSILON Front row, I tor: J. O'Brien, J. Bayless, B. Kates, T. Micnhimer, D. Kerns, J. Pool, D. Wisch, V. Bates, B. McAllister, D. Muenks, M. Dina· poll, C. Mahin, G. Aronberg. Back row, I tor: B. Peterson, D. Sutton, J. Rau, K. Woods, A. Laughlin, C. Veesaert, T. Sudholt, J. Jaeger, D. Kuhn, E. Rodgers, A. Dabler, A. Larkins.
Front row, I tor: Luis Muchacho, Steve Gilbert, Warren Caldwell, Joe Martin. Back row, I tor: Doug Kinnett, Jerry Smith, Larry Brew· er, David Craycraft, Allen Nichols, Marion Arnold, Richard Henry, James Clifton.
First row, I to r: D. Mees, M. Hardesty, M. Levings, K. Thornton. Second row, I tor: S. Lacy, M. Foley, J. Puckett, M. Miller, A. Webber. Third row, I tor: M. Quinn, D. Gerber, J. Degood, D. Kersting, K. Schuette, T. Beresik. Fourth row, I tor: J. Erb, G. Cline, Dr. J. Hufham, Dr. D. W. Beistel, L. Scherrer, N. Talbot, V. Bakhshi. Fifth row, I to r: J. Wool, D. Barclay. J. Flebbe, C. Cooper, G. Fishcher, G. Chappell, P. Blankenship, A. Stockhecker . Sixth row, I tor: B. Naeger, S. Duncan, G. Foutch, T . Coffman, S. McGinley, D. Scharf, C. Hillhouse, G. Pruitt, L. Wehmeier. Seventh row, I tor: M. Robeson, D. Suiter, A. Messina, B. Wyatt.
Front row, I tor: Tom Pond, Pham Quy Chot, Dan Underwood, Dennis Leitterman, Paul Abney, Mike Cerulo, Ross Livengood. Second row, I tor: Mel Vase I, Gary Nekula, Rich Murray, Mark Mills, Bill Maples, Mark Call, Jim Detry, Dan Hughes, Vicky Headrick. Third row, I tor: David Perry, Lonnie Heldenbrand, Mark Westerdale, Charles Nchako, Bruce Lowe, Dennis Appel, Dave Brandon, Nick Barrack, Jim Pruitt, Dr. Jack Bourquin.
Front row, I tor: William Ballard, Lana Bray, Chris Sorrell. Second row, I tor: Paul Baker, Kurt Humphrey, Charles Schlef, David Suiter. Third row, I tor: C. A. Sorrell, Advisor, Jeffrey Keck, Brian Flandermeyer. Fourth row, I tor: Gordon Lewis, H. V. Anderson, Jeffrey Stevenson.
Front row, I tor: Thomas Moder, Tom Kolze, David Shade, Amy Billington, Glenn Weidler, David Bishop, Bill McKee. Back row, I tor: Jim Joiner, Bob Letton, Mitch Baker, Ray McFarland, Gary VanDusen, Jack Posey, Paul Schnoebelen, Steve Bollinger, Peter Sawtelle. Front row, I tor: Keith Houghton, Don Chronister, Ken Burris, Dennis Robertson. Second row, I tor: Ray Prater, Mark Blaser, Kenton Wright, Richard Christie. Third row, I tor: Ram Narasagoudar, Ming-Yuh Chu, Felipe Farinez. Fourth row, I to r: Jeanne Achelpohl, Steve Blair.
Front row I to r: Alex Hilleary, Ron Taylor, Larry Hamrick, Mark Mueller. Back row '1 tor: Steve Vrazalich, Joyce Agnew, Carla Schult, Arthur Wilkins, Gle~n Weidler, David Schade, Robert Stockdale, Elizabeth Sinn, Cindy Harmon, Bill McKee, Larry Guevel, Terry Whiteside.
Front row, I tor: Dave Muenks, Fred Webelhuth. Second row, I tor: Fred Storck, Pete Kinman. Third row, I to r: Maria Diquarto, Bobby Vee, Ramona Day, Bob Kuhlman, Bill Christians, Mike Dinapoli. Fourth row, I tor: Terry Micnhimer, Dennis Leitterman, David Kutilek, Jim Detry, Dan Underwood, Rick Scarr. Fifth row, I tor: Tobey Yadon, Skip Garner, unknown, Donald Long, Randy Forchee, Steve Wagner, Tim Bradley. Sixth row, I tor: Pham Chat, John Donham, Daryl Magers, John Duggan, unknown, Warren Cadwell, unknown, Roland Poertner.
Front row, I tor: Russ Reynolds, Rich Larkins, George Reynolds. Second row, I tor: Ray Prater, Nicole Talbot, Carol Foster. Third row, I tor: David Brandon, Mike Chisolm, David Dillard, Richard Schrenker, Ronald Schrenker. Fourth row, I tor: Dan Kerns, Don Repp, Ross Livengood, Stuart Berg, Rick Vogel, Keith Keitel. Fifth row, I tor: David Barclay, Larry Schwab, Jo Ellen Brandmeyer, unknown, Mike Sallwasser, Phil Chicoineau, Brian Flandermeyer. Sixth row, I tor: Jefferson Harrell, unknown, Dan Koch, unknown, unknown, Tim Bradley, Roland Poertner, Bill Ogroski.
Front row, I tor: Dave Lucas, Gerald Meyr, Jeff Carter, Mike Kirn, Ruedi Fischer. Middle row,l tor: Rick Winkler, Mark Dolecki, Bob Fleischman, Mark Moran, Hugh Kind, Craig Hafner, Bob Born, John O'Reilly, Dennis Kinchen, Jim Hummert, Roland Poertner. Back row, I tor: Jim Griese, Kurt Wilhelm, Randy White, Len Lutz, Bobby Hilton, Dave Driemeier, Rich Markey, John Vallar.
Front row, I tor: Rodney Meyers, Jim Waechter, Dave Wisch, Jim Griese, Randy White. Middle row, I tor: Bill Warwick, Dude Harms, larry Shipers, Bill Long, Sam Massey, Kevin Oberdick, Bill Meister, Ron Rembold, Joe Vehige, Randy VanDeven. Back row, I tor: Jim Junge, Charlie Sidebottom, Montie Carr, Mike Jerome, Bill Wagener, Jay Jost, Kent Richard-
First row, I tor: Amy Billington, Maribeth Grechus, Vera Maiko, Paula Marcellus, Ella Uthe, Debbi Kloeppel. Second row, I tor: Kathy Bryan, Jeanne Achelpohl, Doris Behr, Lessa Cravens, Jan Johaningmeyer, Judy Flebbe, Lynn Weiss. Third row, I tor: Glen Johney, Stan Hadley, AI Harding, Steve Watson, Paul Abney, Dave Cawlfield, Bill Heifner, C. Mark Peterman. Fourth row, I tor: Dave Thatcher, Tom Burbridge, Doug Adamson, Barry Stone, Carl Trauth, Dave Ebersole, Steve Allen, Mark Draper, Paul Wonderly.
First row, I tor: Kim Coleman, Sandee Sands, Lynn Weiss, Sherry McDonald, Diana Lyon. Second row, I tor: Mary Foehse, JoEIIen Pursley, Nannette Bert, Patti Tanaka, Debbi Kloeppel, Sheila Leininger. Third row, I tor: Teresa Bruner, Kathy Bryan, Kim Fledderman, Judy Roper , Jan Johaningmeyer, Margaret Arman, Lillian Spreng. Fourth row, I tor: Steve Adams, Steve Watson, Doug Wood, Mark Marikos, Dan Hughes, Rod Cameron, Stan Heimburger, Morgan Slusher, Bob Baumgartner. Fifth row, I tor: Dave Thatcher, Stan Hadley, Pete Horn, Don Meek, Paul Buschmeyer, Carl Lippitt, Carl Trauth, Randy Picolet.
Front row I tor: Mona Day, Susan Callahan, Nicole Talbot, Doris Behr. Second row, I tor: Joyc~ Marshall, Pam Schroeter, Pat Blankenship, Nancy Brown. Third row, I tor: Mrs. Agnes Remington, Mary Foeshe, Elizabeth Sinn, ILois Luehrman.
Front row,l tor: D. Jobe, Mr. Frank Erickson, B. Lightle, J. Mangofif, S. Gilbert, D. B. Smith. Middle row, I tor: T. Doering, B. Smith, P. Braddock, P. Abney, J. Ziegler, T. McCallister, A. Yelton, M. Snodgrass, A. Gist. Back row, I tor: B. Metheny, S. Partney, G. Campbell, M. Mochel , D. Borcherding, D. A. Smith, K. Diller, G. Fischer, J. Looney, T. Gentry, B. Hinton, D. Tucker, J. Baxter, J. McVay, A . Acker, L. Bell, M. Foster, P. Wonderly .
Front row, I tor: Glen Brand, Bob Dippold, Ivan lngeman, Ric Washburn, L. G. Loos, Reta Russel, Debbie Kersting, Greg Haston, Patty Meyer. Back row, I tor: Ted Beresik, Jack Ginnever, Bill Halbert, Kathy Hahn, Sam Denton, Tony Holm, Mark Bruenger.
' ~ Greg Row 1, I tor: Bernie Held, John Heller, Emil Reiser Ill, Patti Mayer. Back row, 1 tor: Paul McCoy, Robert (Bud) Allen, Johnny Tucker, Easson.
DAUGHTERS OF LEE Front row, I to r: Linda Call, Sandy Turnbough, Carol Potzmann, Janice Whitney, Angela Trumba. Second row, I to r: Mrs. Van Nostrand, Jackie Dethorne, Keri Bauch, Cathy Dulin, Phyllis Lanza, Nicki Talbot.
Front row (sitting), I to r: Debbie Barton, Liz Lorey, Giuseppa Diquarto. Second row, I to r: Leah Briggeman, Kim Coleman, Michelle Robeson.
CRESCENTS Front, I tor: Wanda Edson, Pat Pagano. First row, I tor: Cary Ackelmire, Ann Kristof, Debbie Garrels, Marianne Mangiariacina, Lou Ann Nichols, Sue Haslett, Charlotte Marsh, Judy Wilson. Second row, I tor: Amy Billington, Ann Veatch, Lorrie Werner, Lmda Bryson, Debbie Manning, Marla Knaup, Kim Owens, Karen McVey.
First row, I tor: Lee Richardson, Margaret Arman, Vicki Headrick. Second row, I tor: Cheryl Westphal, Kim Allison, Becki Miessner , Margot Austin, Mitzi White. Third row, I to r: Patty . Reynolds, Jill Hansbrough, Patye Thomas, Kathy Veit, Sally Schwager, Lindy Lomax, Shern Clark.
First row I tor: Brenda Ellerbrake, Mary Ann Mueller, Cathy Scholl. Second r~w. I tor: Linda Steinoff, Laurey Costich, Sandy Day, Kathy Atteberry. Third row, I tor: Jeannette White, Lora Binney, Ella Uthe, Frances Hauschildt. Not pictured: Terry Noelker, Val Brenner, Pat Scholl.
First row, I tor: Karen Ketterer, Mary Larko. Second row, I tor: Deb Kusmec, Yeh路Fin Wang. Third row, I tor: Lynn Klender, Mar路 garet Lloyd, Kathy Bryan. Not pictured : Bonnie Wilhite, Nancy Vogel.
DAUGHTERS OF DIANA Front row (sitting), I to r: Jan Touzinsky, Sue Rey, C:arma ~tone, Mary McDonald, Barb Wilding. Second row, I tor: Wr~ma Krrn, Rhonda Reed, Barbie Bening, Debbie Bene, Sharon Rrchards, Debbie Ferner.
ORDER OF THE SUN Front row, I to r : Cindy Locke, Paula Flint, Susee Grant, Debbie Woolbright, Katie Kunkel, Barb Haintl. Back row, I tor: Judy Roper, Glenna Chilton, Jo Ellen Brandmeyer, Karen Grawe, Jennifer Drake, Elaine Christian, Sue Maskill.
Neil Frankenberg, Mechanical Engineer Michael Griffin, Petroleum Engineer
Judy Flebbe, Chemical Engineer Larry Hamrick, Computer Science
Ruedi Fischer, Mining Engineer
Harold Harder, Mechanical Engineer Joseph Offutt, Engineering Management David Denner, Chemical Engineer
Denise Lovasco Denner, Life Science Bill Lueckenhoff, Civil Engineer Martin Reynolds, Electrical Engineer
Tom Underhill, Civil Engineer Jeanne Achelpohl , Metallurgical Engineer Dave Muenks, Civil Engineer
Tom Meyer, Civil Engineer Paul Williams, Nuclear Engineer Rich Fleschner, Mechanical Engineer
Harvey "Brad" Scott, Life Science Dennis Rackers, Civil Engineer
Alan Benson, Geological Engineer
Depcutment of Chemistry
Depcutment of Computer Science
DepQrtment of Geology & Geophysics
DepQrtment of HumQnities
DepQrtment of mQthemQtics
DepQrtment of Physics DepQttment of SociQI Sciences
280 281
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING DepQrtment of ChemlcQI Engineering
DepQrtment of Civil Engineering
DepQrtment of ElectrlcQI Engineering
DepQrtment of Engineering mQnQgement
DepQrtment of Engineering ffiechQnics
DepQrtment of AerospQce & ffiechQnicQI Engineering
SCHOOL OF miNES &mETALLURGY DepQrtment of CerQmlc Engineering
DepQttment of ffietQIIurgicQI & NucleQr Engineering
DepQrtment of GeologicQI, ffiining, & Petroleum Engineering
PAM BALDWIN: Chemistry, GDI TERRI BONE: Chemistry
JAMES M. BOWMAN : Chemistry, Spelunkers' Club GARY A. CHAPPELL: Chemistry, Alpha Chi Sigma, ACM, ACS, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi
TERRY D. COKER: Chemistry, Pershing Rifles, Wesley Scabbard and Blade, Trap and Skeet Team, Russian Club, SUB, Rifle Team, M Club, Campus Club, GDI CYRUS E. CROWDER: Chemistry, Phi Eta Sigma. Board of Governors, MRHA RICHARD H. JOHNSON: Chemistry, Shamrock Club DENISE LOVASCO: Chemistry, Blue Key, Kappa Delta, Russian Club, Who's Who
MELANIE MILLER: Chemistry, Alpha Chi Sigma, SUB, Marching Minerettes LAWRENCE L. OLIVER: Chemistry, ACS EVA PODZIMEK: Chemistry M. BRET SHACKELFORD: Chemistry, Scuba Club
ROBERT SIMPSON: Chemistry, Kappa Sigma, W. T. Schrenk Soc. TIM SPURGEON: Chemistry PATRICIA DOYLE: Life Science, GDI, Alpha Chi Sigma, KA little Sisters PAULA MARCELLUS: Life Science, Kappa Delta, ROLLAMO, GAD, SUB, Lambda Chi Little Sisters, Phi Kappa Phi, Choir, Tau Beta Sigma, Blue Key
MICHAEL J. AGUILAR: Computer Sci路 ence, Karate Club, Cross Country Team DOUGLAS W. AUSTIN: Computer Sci路 ence, BSU EARL BOESL: Computer Science. SPS, ACM,GDI DAVID D. BONNEY: Computer Science, Triangle, GAD, ACM, Kappa Kappa Psi
WI LLIAM L. BOYLES: Computer Science, ACM, SME, AI ME EUGENE M. CLOSE: Computer Science, Mates ALAN DAM HORST: Computer Science, ACM, Mates
JANET DEFEND: Computer Science, Zeta Tau Alpha, SUB, ACM THOMAS FIALA: Computer Science, Varsity Baseball TOM FISCHER : Computer Science, ACM DENISE FLEMING: Computer Science, AWS
JOSEPH E. FO LTA, JR: Computer Sci路 ence, Phi Kappa Theta. Phi Eta Sigma, Upsilon Pi Epsilon, "Miner", ACM, Newman WILLIAM GINNEVER: Computer Sci路 ence, St. Pat's Board, GDI, KME, Phi Kappa Phi, UPE. ACM, Campus Club, Spelunker's Club LAWRENCE GUEVEL: Computer Science, ACM, UPE. KME EDWARD L. HABERSTROH : Computer Science, Blue Key, APO, St. Pat's Board, ACM, Delta Tau Delta
RICHARD G. HAMPEL : Computer Science, Phi Kappa Theta, Chess Club LARRY G. HAMR ICK: Computer Science, ACM, Phi Eta Sigma, IK, Phi Kappa Phi. Upsilon Pi Epsilon
KATHY HAND : Computer Science, GDI, Phi Kappa Phi PATRICE HARMAN: Computer Science. ACM JOHN HARTMANN : Computer Science, ACM STEPHEN L. HASTINGS: Computer Science. ACM, GDI
ANNIE M. H IGH: Computer Science, Wesley ALEXANDER HILLEARY: Computer Science, Upsilon Pi Epsilon, ACM KEVIN HOEY: Computer Science JOSEPH P. HOPKINS, JR: Computer Science, Delta Sigma Phi, Kappa Kappa Psi, Beta Chi Sigma, I K
JOHN R. HOUSER : Computer Science, UPE, ACM, KME HARVEY RAY JASPER: Computer Science, Campus Club
GARY KALLMEYER: Computer Science, SUB, APO. IK, UPE, Kappa Alpha BARRY KRASNER: Computer Science, Alpha Epsilon Pi , ACM
JACK P. LICHTENBERGER : Computer Science, GDI Jl LL McCARTNEY: Computer Science, GD I, ACM EARL F. MORFORD: Computer Science, Wesley, Photo Club, ACM. KME, Varsity Basketball KIM MORRILL: Computer Science, Zeta Tau Alpha, SUB
FREDERICK E. NOLLEY: Computer Science, ACM RANDOLPH OLESON: Computer Science, Delta Sigma Phi, APO, ACM JEFF ROSE: Computer Science, Student Council DAVID B. SCHADE: Computer Science, Phi Eta Sigma, SUB, KME, UPE, ACM, Curator Scholar, Lewis E. Young Scholar
CARLA SCHULT: Computer Science, Christian Campus House, ACM, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship ELIZABETH A. SINN: Computer Science, ACM, UPE, Tau Beta Sigma, SWE, Band MARC SM ITH: Computer Science, Delta Sigma Phi, I FC, Beta Chi Sigma, Band TOM H. SMITH: Computer Science, Delta Tau Delta, ACM, Beta Chi Sigma
MICHAEL H. STARKWEATHER : Com路 puter Science, Rugby Club, GDI MICHAEL P. TAYLOR: Computer Science JOHN R. TRIMBLE: Computer Science
LARRY UHER: Computer Science, ACM, Phi Kappa Phi JEFFREY R. VAN PRAAG: Computer Science, Phi Eta Sigma, Tech Club TERRY WHITESIDE: Computer Science, ACM, UPE, KME
BOB WILDSCHUETZ: Computer Science, Wesley, Pershing Rifles, ACM, Liahona, Photo Club NARY J. WILLETT: Computer Science, ACM CHARLES F. YARNALL: Computer Sci路 ence, GDI, ACM, Varsity Baseball STEVE ZIEGLER: Computer Science, ACM, UPE, GDI, Student Council, Tech Club
MYRON BOCKHORST: Geology, C. L. Dake Geological Society
ROBERT J. JOHNSON: Geology, Beta Sigma Psi
MARK MARIKOS: Geology, C. L. Dake Geological Society, AAS, FOCUS T I MOTHY O'NEILL: Geology, SUB, Phi Kappa Theta
WADE J. REINHEIMER: Geology, Amer路 ican Society of Petroleum, Geologists JANICE M. ROHR: Geology, C. L. Dake Geological Society BRENDA TA LTY: Geology, SWE, C. L. Dake Geological Society DAVID F. THOMPSON: Geology, Alpha Epsilon Pi, IFC, Arnold Air Society, AFROTC
JOHN D. UNKS: Geology TOR IE VANDEVEN: Geology, C. L. Dake Geological Society, SWE JOHN HERMAN: Geophysics, SEG, Cross Country, Track GABR IEL R. NEWMAN, JR: Geophysics, BSU,SEG,AAPG,GSA,ASP
BRUCE L. EDWARDS, JR : English DEBRA MANNING : English, KMNR, Lambda Chi Little Sisters
DORIS ANN BEHR: Math, Band, Tau Beta Sigma, SWE, I KA RICHARD A. BOX: Math BONNIE A. CROUCH: Math,SWE, KME, BSU, Phi Kappa Phi LOIS J. FRADENBURGH: Applied Math, KME, Wesley Foundation
RAMSAY GARNER : Math, Wesley Foundation, Tech Club, KMSM, Campus Club, Track, KMNR JOHN HUNT: Math, SPS, ACM
AMY MACORMIC: Math, KA Little Sisters VERA E. MALKO : Applied Math, Tau Beta Sigma, Liahona, Orchestra, Choir
JOYCE MARSHALL: Math, Tau Beta Sigma, Band WILLIAM E. MCKEE: Math, KME, Christian Campus House, CCH Singers, Campus Club
ROBERT D. ELLIOTT: Physics, Sigma Pi Sigma RICHARD W. EADER: Physics, Campus Club, GDI, Astronomy Club, Bicycling Club, KMNR JOSEPH D. FERRY: Physics CLAIRE E. GUIDICINI: Physics, Phi Kappa Phi
THEODORE HOELTJE : Physics, Campus Club ROGER E. MAY: Physics, Astronomy Group, Society of Physics Students, Tech-Engine Club SANDRA MEYER: Physics MICHAEL J. MOCHEL: Physics, Band, Arnold Air Society
BRUCE D. NELSON: Physics, Sigma Pi Sigma, SPS, Astronomy Club LOYD G. PERRYMORE: Physics, Society of Physics Students, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Eta Sigma, Sigma Pi Sigma, Astronomy Group
LOU REINISCH: Physics, Phi Eta Sigma, Sigma Pi Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi, Beta Chi Sigma, IK, UMR Engineer GARY SAMMELMANN: Physics, Society of Physics Students, Phi Eta Sigma, Sigma Pi Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi, GDI
KERRY L. WHISNANT: Physics, Society of Physics Students, Phi Eta Sigma, KME, Sigma Pi Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi, Campus Club DOUGLAS E. WOOD: Physics & Math, Society of Physics Students, Phi Eta Sigma, Sigma Pi Sigma, KME, Campus Club M. GENE YOW: Physics, lntervarsity Christian Fellowship, KME, MRHA
WALTER L. BARTON : Economics, Economics Club, Russian Club DAVID GREEN : Economics
MIKE SHERMAN: Economics, Economics Club JOHN R. SHORT Ill : Economics, Eco路 nomics Club JIM W. WHITE: Economics, Economics Club HOLLIS MORELAND: History , Student Social Science Advisory Council, History Club
GEORGE L. SPANEL, JR : History JUNEK. AHRENS: Psychology, Psychology Students Association, Phi Kappa Phi DONALD E. BAXTER: Psychology MICHAEL D. BURNS: Psychology, Psy路 chology Club, SUB, Mates
CEC IL L. ELLIS: Psychology, Psychology Students Association LINDSAY E. LOMAX : Psychology, Psychology Club, SUB, PiKA Little Sisters PAUL E. McCOY, JR : Psychology Psychology Students Association, Pistol Team, GDI, Theatre Guild FRANCES S. MORRIS: Psychology
RUTH OAKES: Psychology, Psychology Club JOAN Sl EBELTS: Psychology, French Club, Psychology Club MICHAEL N. WATKINS: Psychology, GDI, Psychology Club BARRY L. WEST: Psychology
LONDELL ALLEN: Chemical Engineering DAVID A. BARCLAY: Chemical Engineering, Alpha Chi Sigma, AIChE, Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Eta Sigma, Omega Chi Epsilon PATRICIA BLANKENS HIP: Chemical Engineering, Alpha Chi Sigma, AIChE, SWE, AWS, Tau Beta Sigma, IKA CHARLES BODENHAMER: Chemical Engineering
RICHARD BOYD: Chemical Engineering, Acacia GREGG BYERS: Chemical Engineering, Tau Beta Pi, AIChE, Omega Chi Epsilon SHELLEY J. CLAUDIN: Chemical Engineering, AIChE, Alpha Chi Sigma, GDI TERRY R. COFFMAN: Chemical Engineering, Alpha Chi Sigma, AIChE, MRHA, Omega Chi Epsilon
DAVID K. DENNER: Chemical Engineering, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Blue Key, Tau Beta Pi, IK, AIChE JAMES EYE: Chemical Engineering, AIChE, lntervarsity Christian Fellowship, MRHA JUDITH L. FLEBBE: Chemical Engineering, Alpha Chi Sigma, AIChE, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, Omega Chi Epsilon, PiKA Little Sister, AWS, Band RONALD L. GUTERMUT H: Chemical Engineering, MRHA, Wesley Foundation, AIChE.
TRAN DINH HUNG : Chemical Engineering, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi , AIChE STEVEN N. JAQUAY : Chemical Engineering, AIChE
JAN L. JOHNANING MEYER: Chemical Engineering, AIChE, Theatre Guild, PiKA Little Sister, SUB, UMR Engineer, Alpha Psi Omega LYNN KLENDER: Chemical Engineering, AIChE, WRHA, Omega Chi Epsilon, AWS
PAULS. MONTI: Chemical Engineering, AIChE RONALD PINAIRE: Chemical Engineering, Omega Che Epsilon, AIChE, Bicycling Club, GDI KENNETH F. POTEMPA: Chemical Engineering, A IChE, Football GEORGE E. REYNOLDS: Chemical Engineering, Omega Chi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, MRHA, Trap and Skeet Team
MICHELLE A. ROBESON: Chemical Engineering, AIChE, Alpha Chi Sigma, Tau Beta Sigma, I KA, Band JOHN P. SCARBOROUGH: Chemical Engineering, A IChE, MR HA GARY A. SCHAEFFER: Chemical Engineering, Tau Beta Pi, Omega Chi Epsilon, AIChE, Rifle Team LEO J. SCHERRER: Chemical Engineering, GDI, Engineers' Club, A IChE, Alpha Chi Sigma, Wrestling
LAWRENCE R. SCHWAB: Chemical Engineering, A IChE, Campus Club, SUB, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, Omega Chi Epsilon LARRY SHOEMAKER: Chemical Engineering, Sigma Phi Epsilon, AIChE, I FC Bowling Team GREGORY S. TOTH: Chemical Engineering, AIChE, Campus Club EUGENE L. VREN ICK: Chemical Engineering
JAMES D. WOOD: Chemical Engineering, AIChE, Omega Chi Epsilon, Alpha Chi Sigma, Scabbard and Blade, AMS, Phi Eta Sigma, BSU, Russian Club
YUNG Ml YANG: Chemical Engineering, A IChE
Bl LL AHAL: Civil Engineering, SAE, ASCE, Tech Club, Tech-Engine Club, KMNR, KUMR PAUL ALLEN: Civil Engineering, ASCE
MARK E. AMEN: Civil Engineering, Beta Sigma Psi, ASCE MARGOT AUSTIN: Civil Engineering, Chi Epsilon, ASCE, PiKA Little Sister, GDI, Rugger Hugger
CLAUDE W. BAGBY: Civil Engineering, ASCE, AI ME, ITE, Campus Club, Baseball KENT A. BAGNALL: Civil Engineering, ROLLAMO JOHN J. BARKER: Civil Engineering, Sigma Phi Epsilon, ASCE DANE G. BATTIEST: Civil Engineering, ASCE, Tau Beta Pi
CRAIG R. BOWERS: Civil Engineering, ASCE, Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon DALE E. BRADLEY: Civil Engineering, ASCE, Alpha Chi, Chi Epsilon, KME, Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi JEROME C. BRENDEL: Civil Engineering, Chi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi , Curators' Scholar, GD I, ASCE, SUB MIKE BROWN: Civil Engineering, GDI ASCE
MICHAEL W. CALVERT: Civil Engineering, ASCE DAVID J. CHAMBERS: Civil Engineering, ASCE HARRY A. CHAPPEL: Civil Engineering, IFC, ASCE, Soccer Club, KMNR, Sigma Phi Epsilon DAVID E. COBB: Civil Engineering, ASCE
DAVID A. COLVIN: Civil Engineering, Phi Eta Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, ASCE EDWARD R. DABBLER, JR.: Civil Engi路 neering, Tau Kappa Epsilon, IK, APO, Chi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Eta Sigma, ASCE, KMNR MARC DABNEY : Civil Engineering, Student Council, ASCE, MRHA GEORGE DANESHGAR: Civil Engineering, Soccer Club, ASCE
DALE R. DECLUE: Civil Engineering, ASCE MICHAEL A. D INAPOLI: Civil Engineering, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, ASCE, IK, Chi Epsilon, ROLLAMO MARKS. DOLECK I: Civil Engineering, Blue Key, Theta Tau, ROLLAMO, Pi Kappa Alpha, APO, SUB, ASCE KENNETH DRAKE: Civil Engineering, Gamma Delta, Concrete Canoe, ASCE
CATHY DULIN: Civil Engineering, Kappa Delta, SWE, ASCE, KA Little Sister JOSEPH J. EBERT: Civil Engineering, Phi Kappa Theta, ASCE, Newman Club, GAD JOHN EDNEY: Civil Engineering, ASCE, CE Newsletter WILLIAM E. EHRHARD: Civil Engineering, Beta Sigma Psi, APO, ASCE
MICHAEL L. EMMERICH: Civil Engineering, Sigma Phi Epsi lon, ASCE, ITE, SUB
RON ENTWISTLE: Civil Engineering, ASCE, Sigma Phi Epsilon, St. Pat's Board
REZA-FATEMI: Civil Engineering, ISA JOHN FELDMANN: Civil Engineering, ASCE, SUB, Campus Club, Karate Club, GDI, Soccer Club TOM FENSKE: Civil Engineering, Chi Epsilon, Campus Club, ASCE
WILLIAM J. FLEIS: Civil Engineering, ASCE, Phi Eta Sigma, Campus Club, GDI, Chi Epsilon, Co-op LARRY D. FORNEY: Civil Engineering, ASCE TERRY FORSTER: Civil Engineering, ASCE, Newman Club
GUY R. FREESE: Civil Engineering, Beta Sigma Psi, APO, Chi Epsilon, ASCE DOUGLAS J. GAWLIK: Civil Engineering, ASCE, MRHA Board of Governors, Concrete Canoe
DAV ID GLYNN: Civil Engineering, ASCE, GDI ROBERT E. GOLD: Civil Engineering, Alpha Epsilon Pi, IFC
TOM GORDY: Civil Engineering, Chi Epsilon PATRICK E. GOWER: Civil Engineering, ASCE, AI ME, Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, RA, UMR Magazine EDWARD P. GRIFFITH: Civil Engineering DULANY R. HARMS: Civil Engineering, Kappa Alpha, APO, Student Council, Theta Tau, ASCE
DANNY L. HARRIS: Civil Engineering, Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, ASCE GREGORY G. HAUG: Civil Engineering, Football, Phi Kappa Theta, M路Ciub, Blue Key, Intramural Managers, ASCE F. STEVEN HAUSLADEN: Civil Engineering, GDI, Rugby Club, Rock Climbers, Chi Epsilon WILLIAM C. HAWN: Civil Engineering, ASCE, Rugby Club, St. Pat's Board, GDI
RONALD R. HENDRIX: Civil Engineering, ASCE, GDI PAUL HESSE: Civil Engineering, ASCE, Mates GREGORY K. HICKS: Civil Engineering, ASCE, Phi Eta Sigma ROBERT HUMMEL: Civil Engineering, Chi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, ASCE
MOHAMMAD A. HUQ: Civil Engineering, ASCE,ISC MICHAEL JEROME: Civil Engineering, Rugby Club, St. Pat's Board, Theta Tau, ASCE, GD I, TURH BRUCE KATES: Civil Engineering, Tau Kappa Epsilon, ASCE, GAD, Rugby Club
RICK KATTERHENRY: Civil Engineering, Sigma Phi Epsilon, ASCE KIM SEON KEM: Civil Engineering
RONALD KLOUZEK: Civil Engineering, WILLIAM H. KROEGER: Civil Engineering, Swimming, Waterpolo Club, ASCE, Kappa Sigma, M-Ciub, Intramural Managers DAVID H. KUHN: Civil Engineering, ASCE, Chi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, IK, Blue Key, Beta Sigma Psi
RICHARD D. LAUGHLIN : Civil Engineering, ASCE, Chi Epsilon, GDI DAVID LEWIS: Civil Engineering, ASCE. Theta Xi , APO,IFC RODNEY E. LINKER : Civil Engineering, ASCE WALTER H. LOVELL: Civil Engineering, Sigma Nu. ASCE, ROLLAMO, KMNR
WILLIAM F. LUECKENHOFF : Civil Engineering, Pi Kappa Alpha, Blue Key . Chi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, SUB, ASCE, Who's Who KENNETH LUETKEMEYER: Civil Engineering, ASCE, SUB . GDI RICHARD A. MARKEY: Civil Engineering, St. Pat's Board, Theta Tau, Blue Key, ASCE. Missouri Miner, Phi Kappa Theta, APO LEWIS McCANN : Civil Engineering, RockClimbing Club
THOMAS McCOY: Civil Engineering MICHAEL W. McGAVOCK: Civil Engineering, ASCE, Acacia JAMES L. McLAFFERTY: Civil Engineering WILLIAM G. MEISTER: Civil Engineering, Kappa Sigma, ASCE, Chi Epsilon, Theta Tau , APO, IK
JAMES A. MERCIEL, JR.: Civil Engineering, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Kappa Kappa Psi, ASCE TOM MEYER : Civil Engineering, IFC, Football, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Tau, Chi Epsilon, Blue Key, APO. IK, ASCE, Who's Who
THOMAS C. MILLER: Civil Engineering, American Society of Photogrammetry JAMES A . MILLS: Civil Engineering, ASCE
STEVE A. Ml LLSAP: Civil Engineering, ASCE, Tech Club, GDI THOMAS J. Ml LNE: Civil Engineering, ASCE, GDI
DAVID W. MINK: Civil Engineering, Acacia, Chi Epsilon, ASCE RICHARD W. MUDD: Civil Engineering, ASCE, GDI
DAVE MUENKS: Civil Engineering, Phi Kappa Theta, Who's Who, Blue Key, Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, IK, ASCE, Phi Eta Sigma MATTHEW E. NAIL: Civil Engineering, ASCE, GDI, MRHA
R. KEVIN OBERDICK: Civil Engineering Football, ASCE, Theta Tau, M路Ciub FRANK M. OPFER: Civil Engineering Sigma Phi Epsilon, ASCE DAVID PARKES: Civil Engineering ASCE, Chi Epsilon JOHN C. PARKS: Civil Engineering ASCE,MSA
STEVEN PERKO: Civil Engineering, Sigma Phi Epsilon, APO, ASCE, Rugby Club DENNIS RACKERS: Civil Engineering, Missouri Miner, Phi Kappa Theta, Chi Epsilon, IK, Tau Beta Pi, ASCE, Board of Publications ROBB IE R. RAKESTRAW: Civil Engineering, ASCE JOHN A. RATH: Civil Engineering, ASCE, IK
RONALD M. REED: Civil Engineering, Pi Kappa Alpha, Tau Beta Pi RON REMBOLD: Civil Engineering, Theta Xi, Student Council, Theta Tau, APO, Missouri Miner, ASCE
RONALD P. REPP: Civil Engineering, Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, MSA, ASCE STEPHEN SATTERLEE: Civil Engineering, Chi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, ASCE
KARL R. SCHENKE: Civil Engineering, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Rugby Club, St. Pat's Board, ASCE FREDERICK SCHM IDT: Civil Engineering, ASCE, Campus Club, Band ROBERT W. SCHMITT: Civi l Engineering, ASCE
MARK A. SCHULTE: Civil Engineering, GDI, MSA, ASCE RIC HARD A. SHANKS: Civi l Engineering, Phi Eta Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, ASCE, Phi Kappa Phi DENN IS M. SIMON: Civil Engineering, Tau Kappa Epsilon, ASCE, IK DON E. S IMPSON: Civil Engineering, ASCE, Concrete Canoe, Order of the Engineer
DAN IEL SKILLMAN: Civil Engineering, Phi Kappa Theta, APO, ASCE IRV IN STACK: Civil Engineering, ASCE, NSPE CLINT STRAIN: Civil Engineering, Chi Epsilon, ASCE DAVID L. STRELOW: Civil Engineering, Student Council, Pi Kappa Phi, ASCE
WALLACE F. STURM II : Civil Engi· neering, ASCE DAVID L. SUTTON : Civil Engineering, ASCE, Concrete Canoe
BRIAN J. SWENTY: Civil Engineering, ROTC, ASCE, IK, Scabbard and Blade, Chi Epsilon, Christian Science Organi· zation CRA IG THOMSON: Civil Engineering, Delta Tau Delta, St. Pat's Board, ASCE,APO
WILLIAM V. TIERNEY: Civil Engineering, ASCE, Delta Tau Delta JOHN W. TINDALL: Civil Engineering, ASCE DARRELL K. TUCKER: Civil Engineer· ing, Alpha Epsilon Pi, St. Pat's Board, ASCE, I K, Intramural Managers ROGER I. VAIL: Civil Engineering, ASCE
STEPHEN C. WAGNER: Civil Engineer· ing, Tau Beta Pi, Chi-Epsilon, ASCE RONALD F. WEBELHUTH: Civil Engi· neering, Kappa Alpha, KME, Tau Beta Pi, ASCE, IK, Chi Epsilon, Circle K R. ALLEN WELSHON : Civil Engineering, ASCE, Mates SUSAN K. WILKERSON : Civil Engineer· ing, ASCE, SWE, WRHA, I KA
MATTHEW J. WILLE: Civil Engineering, Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, Rugby Club, Beta Chi Sigma, MRHA, GDI, RA WILLIAM D. WOHLERT: Civil Engineering, Tennis, KMNR, ASCE, Tech-Engine Club DENNIS A. WOODRUFF: Civil Engineering, Kappa Alpha, APO, Theta Tau, ASCE KENNETH L. WOODS: Civil Engineering, ASCE, Chi Epsilon
PAUL ABNEY: Electrical Engineering, Eta Kappa Nu, Kappa Kappa Psi, Band, KMNR, BSU, Tau Beta Pi, Tech-Engine Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes GARY ALBERT: Electrical Engineering, Campus Club, IEEE GARY L. BAUCHE: Electrical Engineering, KME FRANK R. BAUER: Electrical Engineering, Photo Club
GREGORY L. BEST : Electrical Engineering, Eta Kappa Nu, IEEE, W<ZEEE, Baseball, KMN R, M-Ciub LELAND S. BIHR: Electrical Engineering, DAVID E. BRANDON: Electrical Engineering, Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, AFROTC, IEEE, Radio Club RICK BROWN: Electrical Engineering, I EEE
DAVI D L. BULLOCK: Electrical Engineering, Triangle, IEEE PHAM OUY CHOT: Electrical Engineering, Vietnamese Association, IEEE, Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi RO BERT A. CLARK: Electrical Engineering, IEEE, Sports Car Club, KMNR, Theatre Guild JIM CON RAD: Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Campus Club, Wesley Foundation, Newman
THEODORE CUMM INGS: Electrical Engineering, GD I JAMES DETRY: Electrical Engineering, Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, UMR Engineer, Missouri Miner, Phi Kappa Phi, IK, Beta Chi Sigma AMY DUEKER: Electrical Engineering, Wesley Foundation, Campus Club, SWE SUSAN ECKEL: Electrical Engineering, Gamma Delta, IEEE
EVAZ FANAIAN: Electrical Engineering, Swimming DAN FUGATE: Electrical Engineering, Scuba Club, IEEE LOREN 0. GINTER: Electrical Engineering, Kappa Alpha, IEEE, Raiders, Arnold Air Society, AFROTC RICHARD A. HARMON: Electrical Engineering, Kappa Alpha, IEEE, SUB
LONNIE G. HELDENBRAND: Electrical Engineering, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Eta Sigma, IEEE CLIFFORD HELMS: Electrical Engineering, Campus Club PATRICK J. HERTICH : Electrical Engineering, Sigma Tau Gamma DANIEL J. HUGHES: Electrical Engineering, Eta Kappa Nu, Campus Club
FREDDIE IPOCK: Electrical Engineering, IEEE RON JACKSON: Electrical Engineering, GDI, IEEE
JOHN M. KEEVEN : Electrical Engineering, IEEE MIKE KRUEGER : Electrical Engineering, Beta Sigma Psi, IEEE
DAVID KUTI LEK: Electrical Engineering, Sports Car Club, IEEE, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu TONY KUTZ: Electrical Engineering DENNIS W. LEITTERMAN : Electrical Engineering, IEEE, Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Eta Sigma, UMR Engineer, GDI, Sixty-Miner, IWC, Engineer's Club, Tech-Engine Club, M RHA, Who's Who, Co-op CRAIG A. LIEB EL: Electrical Engineering, Sigma Phi Epsilon, APO, Band
STAN LINSENBARDT: Electrical Engineering, IEEE DAVID LOESCH: Electrical Engineering, IE EE, MRHA BRUCE A. LOWE: Electrical Engineering, Eta Kappa Nu, IEEE JOHN N. MANGOFF: Electrical Engineering, Phi Eta Sigma, IEEE, ISA, Band, Kappa Kappa Psi, MR HA, GDI
DONALD L. MARLEN: Electrical Engi· neering, Cross Country. Track, Basket· ball, IEEE, Wesley Foundation, Chess Club DRUERY McMILLAN : Electrical Engineering, IEEE CLIFFORD S. MEISENHEIMER: Electrical Eng .• Football
HAROLD MICHEL: Electrical Engineering, Campus Club, Wesley Foundation, Liahona RANDY B. MILLER : Electrical Engineering, IEEE, Campus Club PAUL Ml LO: Electrical Engineering CHARLES R. MOEDE : Electrical Engi· neering, IEEE, KMFA, Tau Beta Pi
JOHN F. MORRISSEY : Electrical Engineering, Delta Tau Delta, IEEE DON A. N ICHOLSON: Electrical Engineering, Raiders, Pershing Rifles, IEEE, Wesley Foundation, Arnold Air Society GARY D. OTTOLINE: Electrical Engineering, IEEE
MAX H. PALMER: Electrical Engineering, IEEE ROY A. PEETS: Electrical Engineering, IEEE ALAN PERKS : Electrical Engineering, Eta Kappa Nu, IEEE
JAMES S. PRUITT: Electrical Engineering, IEEE, Eta Kappa Nu WILLIAM C. RASH : Electrical Engineer· ing JAMES S. ROWE: Electrical Engineering, Wrestling
RICK SCARR: Electrical Engineering, IEEE, Tau Beta Pi EDWARD A. SCHMIDT: Electrical Engi路 neering, Beta Sigma Psi, APO, GAD, IEEE DAVID B. SMITH: Electrical Engineering, Kappa Kappa Psi, Band, GDI, Tech Club
JOHN L. SMITH: Electrical Engineering, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Kappa Phi, MSA, IEEE PETER D. SM ITH: Electrical Engineering, IEEE ROBERT N. SMITH: Electrical Engineering, IEEE, Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi WILLIAM D. SNODGRASS: Electrical Engineering, Tau Beta Pi, IEEE, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Eta Sigma, MRHA, Band
DENNIS D . STEPHENS: Electrical Engineering, IEEE, GDI, AMA ERIC R. STRAATMAN: Electrical Engineering, IEEE , GDI, IEEE Hobby Club IAN F. TAX MAN: Electrical Engineering, Alpha Epsilon Pi, IEEE, MSPE, NSPE, Band TERRY A. TAYLOR: Electrical Engineering
WILLIAM TAYLOR: Electrical Engineering JAMES TURNER: Electrical Engineering, IEEE LAWSON J. TYLER, JR.: Electrical Engineering, IEEE DANIEL H. UNDERWOOD : Electrical Engineering, Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi
MEL VASEL: Electrical Engineering, Eta Kappa Nu, IEEE, MRHA MARK WESTERDALE: Electrical Engineering, Eta Kappa Nu, IEEE, MRHA ROBERT E. WRIGHT: Electrical Engineering, Theta Xi, KMNR, Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi
MARK BENGSTON: Engineering Management, Waterpolo Club, EMA, Swimming HAROLD L CRAWFORD : Engineering Management, IEEE, EMA, Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi LARRY M. DUPRE: Engineering Management, BStJ CAROL L FOSTER : Engineering Management, Tau Beta Pi, SWE, Student Council, SUB, Theatre Guild, WRHA, Flag Twirler, EMA, KMFA, Volleyball
MARK A. FULKS: Engineering Management, Curator's Scholar, AIAA ALLEN R. HOEMANN: Engineering Management, ASME, AMA, Beta Sigma Psi STEVE HOLCOMB : Engineering Management, Lambda Chi Alpha, Baseball
GREG HUFF : Engineering Management, EMA, SAE, ASME LOUIS H. KEIL: Engineering Management, Alpha Epsilon Pi, St. Pat's Board
PATTI MAYER: Engineering Management, GDI,IWC, EMA, Choir GERALD MEYR: Engineering Management, St. Pat's Board, GDI, Theta Tau, Blue Key, Campus Club, APO,ICC, IWC, SUB, EMA, Who's Who TOM MIESNER : Engineering Management, SUB, Student Council, GDI PATRICK G. NICOLA: Engineering Management, AMA
JOSEPH C. OFFUTT: Engineering Management, Delta Sigma Phi, Blue Key, Who's Who, APO, Beta Chi Sigma, IK, Phi Eta Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi; EMA DUANE L PARRISH: Engineering Management, Sigma Nu, APO, Student Council, SUB, Circle K, GAD, ASCE, AMA
WILLIAM W. PATRICK: Engineering Management, Alpha Phi Alpha, APO, Black Student Association, KMNR, EMA BEN PENDLETON : Engineering Management STEVE PLUMMER : Engineering Management, EMA, Trap and Skeet Club
WILLIAM PUETZ: Engineering Management ROBERT A. RANDALL, JR.: Engineering Mgt. St. Pat's Board, GDI, Forensics Society, MSA, EMA RALPH A. ROJAS: Engineering Management, Sigma Phi Epsilon, AMA
BERNARD H. SCHEER Ill: Engineering Mgt., Phi Kappa Theta, Blue Key, Theta Tau, St. Pat's Board, AMA DON G. SMITH: Engineering Management, E. LEON SMITH: Engineering Management, AMA, AIChE TERRY A. SMITH: Engineering Management, AMA, Wesley Foundation
JAMES S. TAYLOR: Engineering Management, EMA, Trap and Skeet Club VICHAK TENGAUMNUA Y: Engineering Management JOHNNY TUCKER: Engineer Management SAMUEL L. WEHN: Engineering Management
PAUL WELLS: Engineering Management OVID YADON: Engineering Management, Delta Tau Delta, Tau Beta Pi, Student Council, APO, ASME, SME, AMA
DAVID A. DIL LARD : Engineering Mechanics, Wesley Foundation, AAM, Tau Beta Pi THOMAS K. FIELD: Engineering Mechanics, AAM, Circle K, Tau Beta Pi, Lambda Chi Alpha
JOEL LOONEY: Engineering Mechanics, IK, Kappa Kappa Psi, Band WILLIAM K. MIEHE: Engineering Mechanics, Beta Sigma Psi, Arnold Air Society, Blue Key, AAM, A IAA, ASME, AFROTC
STEVEN L. CONNER: Aerospace Engineering, Sigma Nu, AIAA CURTIS GREWING: Aerospace Engineering, Tau Beta Pi, AIAA VICTOR E. HOLLOMAN : Aerospace Engineering, AIAA, Association of Black Students GERALD R. LEE: Aerospace Engineering, A IAA, ASME, M-Ciub, Kappa Alpha, KME
CECI L 0. LOCK LEAR : Aeronautical Engineering, A IAA JAMES H. MARTIN: Aerospace Engineering, Sigma T au Gamma, MSM Climbing Club, AIAA, SAWE, Sigma Gamma Tau, Student Council, MSPE
DENNIS K. Ml LLS: Aerospace Engineering, A IAA, GDI TOM SEIFFERTT: Aerospace Engineering, AIAA
GABRIEL J. ACEVEDO: Mechanical Engineering, FELA, ASME ROBERT W. ARNOLD: Mechanical Engineering, Lambda Chi Alpha, Swimming, SAE RANDAL ATKEISSON: Mechanical Engineering, SAE, ASME, Arnold Air Society, Pershing Rifles, MRHA BRUCE D. BAKER: Mechanical Engineer· ing, Delta Sigma Phi, SAE, ASME, St. Pat's Board
BILL BAUM HOFF: Mechanical Engineering, ICC, GDI, Engine Club, Tech-Engine Club, Intramural Managers
MATT E. BECKER : Mechanical Engineer· ing
FRANK K. Bl LLUPS: Mechanical Engineering, Alpha Phi A lpha, Association for Black Students, APO JAMES D. BLEVINS: Mechanical Engi· neering, SAE, ASME, Pi Tau Sigma, GD I NATHANIEL D. BOND: Mechanical Engineering, Football, Sigma Nu, ASHRE BARRY D. BOOKOUT: Mechanical Engi· neering, ASME, SAE, SME, Pi Tau Sigma
WI L LIAM T. BRANDT: Mechanical Engi· neering, ASME STEPHEN A. BROTHERS: Mechanical Engineering, Student Council, SUB, ASME MARK D. BRUENGER: Mechanical Engi· neering, GD I, ASME ROBERT E. BU RTON: Mechanical Engineering, Sports Car Club, I K, Pi Tau Sigma, SUB, Sigma Phi Epsilon
JIM CLIFTON: Mechanical Engineering, lntervarsity Christian Fellowship, ASME, Pi Tau Sigma, Campus Club MARK D. DALEN: Mechanical Engineer路 ing, SAE, Sports Car Club KATHY DOYLE: Mechanical Engineering, GDI, AWS, Volleyball, Basketball DON DUDLEY: Mechanical Engineering, Tech Club, Football, Wrestling, ASH RAE, ICC
RICHARD J. DUNN: Mechanical Engineering ERIC W. ELROD: Mechanical Engineering, Pi Kappa Alpha, APO, SAWE, ASME MARKS. EVERTOWSKI: Mechanical Engineering, Sigma Tau Gamma
JOHN FARRELL: Mechanical Engineering, ASME RICHARD A. FLESCHNER: Mechanical Engineering, Pi Kappa Alpha, APO, I FC, Pi Tau Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, Blue Key, Who's Who Jl M FORCK: Mechanical Engineering, A.SME, Pi Tau Sigma, SAWE, ASH RAE, Pi Kappa A lpha
EDWARD L. FOSTER: Mechanical Engineering, Sports Car Club, SAE, ASME RICKY L. FOSTER: Mechanical Engineering, Sigma Phi Epsilon NEI L F. FRANKENBURG: Mechanical Engineering, Kappa Sigma, I FC, Theta Tau, Blue Key
DOUGLAS L. FREEMAN: Mechanical Engineering, Kappa Sigma ALLEN E. Gl LLIAM: Mechanical Engineering, ASME, UMR Engineer, Cycling Club,IK, GDI JIM GRACE: Mechanical Engineering, Trap and Skeet Club J. C. GR I ESE: Mechanical Engineering, Kappa Sigma, Theta Tau, Student Council, ASME, AIAA, Circle K
R. CRAIG HAFNER : Mechanical Engineering, Beta Sigma Psi, Theta Tau, IFC, ASME, Sports Car Club, SUB WI LLIAM L. HAMMERS: Mechanical Engineering, ASME CHARLES HANSFORD : Mechanical Engineering, SAE, ASME, ASH RAE, Kappa Alpha DONALD D. HARDIN : Mechanical Engineering, Acacia, I FC, Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma
KERRY R. HAY: Mechanical Engineering, Sigma Pi, ASME ROBERT E. HELMKAMP: Mechanical Engineering, Student Council, Pi Tau Sigma, GDI, Phi Eta Sigma, MRHA, IWC PAUL R. HOEMANN : Mechanical Engineering, Beta Sigma Psi, IK, ASME, Pi Tau Sigma
JAMES HOOD: Mechanical Engineering, Sports Car Club, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, IK, SAE MAR ION HOORMANN: Mechanical Engineering, ASH RAE, Karate Club, Campus Club JOHN A. IRVI N: Mechanical Engineering, SAE,ASME
MELVIN KEL LER: Mechanical Engineering, IK, Tau Kappa Epsilon RICHARD J. KOPP: Mechanical Engineering, Sigma Tau Gamma J. DENN IS KRIEGSHAUSER: Mechanical Engineering, ASME, FOCUS
CLEVE KURZ: Mechanical Engineering, ASME, ASH RAE DAMON A. LEWIS: Mechanical Engineering JEROLD L. LEWIS: Mechanical Engineering, Lambda Chi Alpha, Photo Club MARK LIEFER: Mechanical Engineering, SUB, GD I, ASME, SAE
JAMES P. LIGHT: Mechanical Engineering, SAE, ASME, Pi Tau Sigma, GDI MARKS. LORENZ: Mechanical Engineering, ROLLAMO, Pi Tau Sigma, Sigma Phi Epsilon ERICK J. LUGO: Mechanical Engineering, FELA, GDI, Soccer Club, ASME, SME
JULIAN P. MARION: Mechanical Engineering, Delta Tau Delta MICHAEL MATHEWS: Mechanical Engineering, UMR Engineer, GDI, ASME
DON McCAW: Mechanical Engineering, ASME, SAE, Mates, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi MICHAEL L. McKEE: Mechanical Engineering, Kappa Alpha, Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma BILL MILLION: Mechanical Engineering, ASME, ASH RAE, Tech-Engine Club, BSU
STEVEN L. MOSS: Mechanical Engineering, Sigma Tau Gamma, APO, Pi Tau Sigma GREGORY L. MUELLER: Mechanical Engineering, Lambda Chi Alpha, ASME KOOROSH NAZIFI: Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Campus Club DAVID A. NIEMANN: Mechanical Engineering, Lambda Chi Alpha, ASME
DAVID A. NOELKEN: Mechanical Engineering, Triangle, Student Council, SUB FRANCISCO NORIEGA: Mechanical Engineering, FELA, ASME, GDI RAMONA OGLE: Mechanical Engineering, Student Council, ASME, Pi Tau Sigma, PR Honorary, Marching Minerettes. JAMES A. PELGER : Mechanical Engineer路 ing, Kappa Sigma, ASME, AFS
ROLAND G. POERTNER: Mechanical Engineering, Kappa Alpha, St. Pat's Board, Theta Tau, Pi Tau Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, SUB, SAE, ASME RONALD POZZO: Mechanical Engineer· ing, ASME, ASH RAE MICHAEL PRICE : Mechanical Engineer· ing, Sports Car Club, ASME LAWRENCE J. REHAGEN: Mechanical Engineering, SAE, Pi Tau Sigma, Tau Beta Pi
CHARLES RIDDLE: Mechanical Engineer· ing, Kappa Alpha LINDA K. RILEY: Mechanical Engineer· ing, SUB, ASME, SWE, Pi Tau Sigma LARRY RODDY: Mechanical Engineering, ASME, UMR Engineer MANUEL A. ROMERO: Mechanical Engi· neering, FELA, ASME, ASHRAE
MARK SCHMALE: Mechanical Engineer· ing, ASME MARK SCHOEDEL: Mechanical Engineer· ing, Beta Sigma Psi, Pi Tau Sigma, Gamma Delta, APO, ASME RICHARD G. SCHRENKER: Mechanical Engineering, Tau Beta Pi , Pi Tau Sigma, Phi Eta Sigma, ASME, Wesley Foun· dation, Campus Club
RONALD C. SCHRENKER: Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi, Wesley Foundation, Campus Club GARY SHELLENBERGER: Mechanical Engineering, Triangle, ASME MARVIN B. SHIMP: Mechanical Engineer· ing, ASME
DUKE SNIDER: Mechanical Engineering, SUB MARK SNOWDEN: Mechanical Engineer· ing, M·Ciub, ASME, Track ARTHUR E. STEVENSON: Mechanical Engineering, Missouri Miner, Pi Tau Sigma, Rifle, SPE, M-Ciub, lntervarsity Christian Fellowship, Pershing Rifles, ASME
BRIAN SULLIVAN: Mechanical Engineering, KMNR, Phi Eta Sigma, Pi Tau Sigma KEITH E. TALBERT: Mechanical Engineering, ASME
YEN YUNG-TAND: Mechanical Engineer· ing, Tech Club PAUL J. TEL THORST: Mechanical Engi· neering, Tau Kappa Epsilon, APO, Soccer Club, ASME NGUYEN VINH THANH: Mechanical Engi· neering, Sigma Tau Gamma, Phi Eta Sigma THOMAS TIMME: Mechanical Engineering, Pi Tau Sigma
STEVEN C. VIRTUE: Mechanical Engi· neering, ASME, GDI ROLAND S. WEAVER Ill : Mechanical Engineering, GDI, Campus Club, ASME, Theta Tau DONALD W. WILKERSON: Mechanical Engineering, Pi Tau Sigma, ASME, Tau Beta Pi
DEWAYNE WILLIAMS: Mechanical Engineering, SAE, BSU, Campus Club GREGORY G. WILLIAMS: Mechanical Engineering, Karate Club, ASME, Trap and Skeet Club, Diving Club PAUL F. WOOD: Mechanical Engineering, Spelunkers' Club, Student Council
RICHARD A. ZACHARY: Mechanical Engineering, ASME, SAE JAMES G. ZELCH: Mechanical Engineer· ing, SAE, ASME JOHN A. ZIEGLER: Mechanical Engineering, Band, Kappa Kappa Psi, SAE
DUANE D. BEQUETTE: Ceramic Engi路 neering & Engineering Management, Mates, EMA, ASC, GDI LANA S. BRAY: Ceramic Engineering, SWE, WRHA, BSU, ACS, Keramos, IKA, Tau Beta Pi BRIAN FLANDERMEYER: Ceramic Engineering, ACS, Keramos, Tau Beta Pi CARLTON F. SORRELL: Ceramic Engi路 neering, ACS, Keramos
ROYCE VESSELL: Ceramic Engineering, ACS, Keramos, Basketball
JUN-CHIN WANG: Ceramic Engineering, Zeta Tau Alpha, Pi KA Little Sister, I FC, PHC, Chinese Students Association
GREGG CARLSON: Metallurgical Engineering, Lambda Chi Alpha, I FC, Theta Tau, SAE, Met. Society, AFS LAWRENCE W. CASTOR: Metallurgical Eng. Alpha Sigma Mu, Met. Society, GDI RICK H. COTTRELL: Metallurgical Engineering, Met. Society, AFS ROBERT F. FLEISCHMAN : Metallurgical Eng., Blue Key, Pi Kappa Alpha, Theta Tau, IFC, ROLLAMO, AFS, Theatre Guild, AIME, APO, Alpha Psi Omega, Who's Who
HUGH KIND: Metallurgical Engineering, Pi Kappa Alpha, St. Pat's Board, Theta Tau, AFS MICHAEL P. LEWIS: Metallurgical Engineering, Alpha Sigma Mu, Tau Beta Pi, IK, ASM, AI ME, Sigma Phi Epsilon JAMES L. McDONALD: Metallurgical Engineering, Campus Club, Karate Club, Scuba Club, GDI, SUB, A I ME, AFS JOHN O'REILLY: Metallurgy, Phi Kappa Theta, Theta Tau, AFS
JEFFREY L. POSE: Metallurgy, AFS, Wesley Foundation, M-Ciub, MRHA RAYMOND B. PRATER: Metallurgy, Alpha Sigma Mu, Tau Beta Pi, Met. Society, Theta Xi DENNIS A. ROBERTSON: Metallurgy, AFS, ASM, Alpha Sipma Mu ANDY SCHELIN: Metallurgy, Met, Society Student Council, SUB, Theatre Guild
GARY SCHUCHARDT: Metallurgical Engineering, Pi Kappa Alpha, Theta Tau, St. Pat's Board, AFS MIKE SEARCY: Metallurgy, Phi Kappa Theta, AFS, SUB RAJENDRA S. SHAH: Metallurgy, India Association, ASM JAMES T. SPENCER: Metallurgy, AFS, Pi Kappa Alpha, Circle K
TOM TAT MAN: Metallurgical Engineering, AFS, Golf SHARON L. TAY LOR: Metallurgical Engineering, Kappa Delta, ASM
GARY A. BECKA: Nuclear Engineering, MRHA,ANS MOHAMMAD-BEHBAHANI: Nuclear Engineering
MARK BORDING: Nuclear Engineering, MRHA, ANS, Newman Club, Nuclear Honor Society SUSAN M. BRAAF: Nuclear Engineering, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, SWE, GDI, ANS, SUB DONALD A. CLINE: Nuclear Engineering, Delta Sigma Phi, Student Council, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Eta Sigma, ANS, IK, APO, Blue Key, Beta Chi Sigma JON P. FREDERICKSON: Nuclear Engineering, KMNR, Tau Beta Pi, ANS, Phi Eta Sigma
JERRY K. GARLAND: Nuclear Engineering, Delta Sigma Phi, Pershing Rifles, Scuba Club, Scabbard and Blade, Theatre Guild, ANS, Parachuting Club HAROLD GARNER: Nuclear Engineering, ANS, Spelunkers' Club, GDI WILLIAM K. HINTON: Nuclear Engineering, Kappa Kappa Psi, ANS DARRELL LEE : Nuclear Engineering, Tau Beta Pi, ANS
DONALD G. LONG : Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Honor Society, ANS, Tau Beta Pi RICHARD M. LUCKETT: Nuclear Engineering, ANS GARY E. MUELLER : Nuclear Engineering, Rifle , ANS, MRHA MOHAMMAD MUJEEB : Nuclear Engineering, ANS
CHARLES S. PETZEL: Nuclear Engineering, ANS, Sigma Phi Epsilon, GAD MICHAEL B. THOMSEN: Nuclear Engineering, ANS CHARLES WI ESE: Nuclear Engineering, MRHA, GD I, ANS PAUL E. WILLIAMS: Nuclear Engineering, Student Council, SUB, Tau Beta Pi, IK, Phi Eta Sigma, MRHA, GDI, Academic Council, Who's Who
DANIEL BOERSNER : Geological Engineering, Kappa Sigma, APO, IK MICHAEL M. CULLEN : Geological Engineering, Tau Kappa Epsilon, AEG, SPE MONTE E. DECKERD: Geological Engineering, AEG, IK, GDI ROLAND E. DUTTON: Geological Engi neering, SME
MARK T. HICKS: Geological Engineering, Rugby Club SUSAN B. HOWELL : Geological Engineering& Geology, GDI, AEG, Wesley Foundation, MSPE, NSPE FAY E. SCHUBERT: Geological Engineering, Zeta Tau Alpha, PHC, AEG, Tau Beta Pi
JUANS. AGUDELO: Mining Engineering, FELA CHARLES ANDERSON: Mining Engineer· ing, Phi Kappa Theta, Basketball, I K, AIME, ASCE DANNY L. CLAYTON : Mining Engineer· ing, AI ME, SME, BSU PHI LIP DAVIS: Mining Engineering, AIM E. Bicycle Club, Sigma Gamma Epsilon
ALAN DAV ISON: Mining Engineering, Sigma Nu, Tau Beta Pi, ASME TERRY DRECHSLER : Mining Engineer· ing, SME JOHN A. FILLEBAUM: Mining Engineer· ing, SME
RUDOLPH H. FISCHER: Mining Engineer· ing, Phi Kappa Theta, Scuba Club, SME, Theta Tau, Blue Key, AEG, Newman Club, Sigma Gamma Ep~ilon, Who's Who EDWARD H. HILLIGOSS : Mining Engi· neering, SME, Phi Eta Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi ROGER KELLER: Mining Engineering, Baseball, Football, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Sigma Gamma Epsilon, AI ME, SME
JOSEPH J. KRACUM: Mining Engineering, Sigma Nu, APO, KMNR,IFC, SME, AI ME DENNIS M. MASSOTH: Mining Engineer· ing, Sigma Nu, SME, Circle K RICHARD MELCHER: Mining Engineering, Basketball, Football, Sigma Gamma Epsilon
DANIEL P. SHELLEDY: Mining Engi· neering, Missouri Miner, Phi Kappa Theta, Blue Key, AI ME JOHNNY P. TORRES: Mining Engineer· ing, AIME, SME MIKE E. WAGNER: Mining Engineering, AI ME, SME G. MICHAEL WHIT E: Mining Engineer· ing, Tau Beta Pi, AI ME, SME, Sports Car Club, Golf
All AFJEI: Petroleum Engineering JAMES 0. BARTH: Petroleum Engineering, Tau Kappa Epsilon, SPE LARRY BREWER : Petroleum Engineering, SPE, BSU GUILLERMO 0. CAZORLA: Petroleum Engineering
SCOIT CHARPENTIER: Petroleum Engineering, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta Tau, IFC, APO, IK, Pi Epsilon Tau, Football STEVEN R. GILBERT: Petroleum Engineering, Kappa Kappa Psi, Tau Beta Pi Pi Epsilon Tau, SPE, Tech-Engine Club, BSU, FCA DWIGHT L. GOOKIN: Petroleum Engi路 neering, APO, IK, Phi Eta Sigma, SPE, Pi Epsilon Tau, Kappa Sigma
ROBERT JANES: Petroleum Engineering, SPE JOSEPH M. MARTIN: Petroleum Engineering, Lambda Chi Alpha, Blue Key, Circle K, APO, Student Council, SPE, Pi Epsilon Tau VALDEMAR J. MONTILLA: Petroleum Engineering
PEDRO NAVARRO: Petroleum Engineer路 ing, FELA EDECIO PACHECO: Petroleum Engineering, LARRY A. PECK: Petroleum Engineering, SPE, Pi Epsilon Tau, Football, M-Ciub, Kappa Sigma
JAMES L. PROE: Petroleum Engineering, Tau Kappa Epsilon, IK, APO, Pi Epsilon Tau, SPE FAIZUL RAMJOHN: Petroleum Engineering, SPE, International Students Organization EDWARD M. SELF: Petroleum Engineer路 ing, Phi Kappa Theta, KME, Pi Epsilon Tau, Phi Eta Sigma, SPE ARTHUR TINNEMEYER : Petroleum Engi 路 neering, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Sports Car Club,IK, Pi Epsilon Tau, Keramos, Photo Club, SPE IUU,'
Nikon ~
' ~.
by kent bognoll
by glenn johney 314
by nic neumann
by motk loten.z 317
INDEPENDENTS Campus Club ............ . ................ Campus Inn ..... . ....... . ................ Carnahan Hall .. . . . .............. ... ...... Kelly Hall - House A ...... . ................ Kelly Hall - House B ......... . ............. Kelly Hall - House C ........ . .......... . ... Kelly Hall- HouseD ....................... McAnerney Hal l - House 1 . ..... . ........... McAnerney Hall - House 2 ....... . .......... Farrar Hall- House 3 ...................... Farrar Hall- House 4 ... . .................. Altman Hall- House 5 ................ . .... Altman Hall- House 6 ... .... . . ..... . ..... . Holtman Hall - House 7 ....... . ............ Holtman Hall - House 8 . ............ . .... .. Meyers Hall .............................. Miners Inn . . .. . .. . ....................... Tech-Engine Club .............. .. ....... . .. Wallace Hall ..................... . ..... . ..
166 185 186 180 181 182 183 168 169 174 175 176 177 178 179 170 187 167 170
I.F.C.................................... Pan hellenic ............................... Acacia .................................. Alpha Epsilon Pi .......................... Alpha Phi Alpha .......................... Beta Sigma Psi ..... . ............... . ...... Delta Sigma Phi ........................... Delta Tau Delta ........................... Kappa Alpha .... . ......... . . . . . ....... . .. Kappa Delta ..... . ..... . ........... . . . .... Kappa Sigma ... . ......................... Lambda Chi Alpha .. ... .. . ... .. . .... . ...... Phi Kappa Theta ............... . .......... Pi Kappa Alpha . .... . . . . . . . ... . ........... Pi Kappa Phi ............ . ..... .. . . ... . ... Sigma Nu . ...... .. .. . .. ........ . ......... Sigma Phi Epsilon ........................ . . Sigma Pi .......... . . . ..... . .... .. ...... .. Sigma Tau Gamma ............... . ......... Tau Kappa Epsilon . . ...................... . Theta Xi ......... . ...... . .......... ..... Triangle . . . . : . . . . . ....... . . . ............. Zeta Tau Alpha .. . ..... .... .............. .
QUEENS Rollamo Queen . . . ........... . ........... . . 60 Homecoming Queen ........ . ....... . .... . ... 62 Military Ball Queen .. . ... . . . ... . . . .......... 64 St. Pat's Queen ..... . ..... .. .. . . . .......... 66 Greek Week Queen ............... .. ......... 70 Independent 's Queen ...... . .... . .. . . .. ...... 72
3 18
188 156 194 196 198 200 202 204 206 158 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 224 226 222 228 230 160
ORGANIZATIONS African Students Association .. . .............. 243 Alpha Chi Sigma .......................... 254 Alpha Phi Omega ...................... . ... 238 Alpha Sigma Mu ............... . ... . . . . . ... 255 American Ceramic Society ......... . ......... 244 American Foundry men's Society . .. .. . ........ 244 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics .................. .. .. 246 American Institute of Chemica l Engineers ....... 247 American Society of Civil Engineers ....... . . . . 245 American Society of Mechanical Engineers ...... 247 Association of Black Students .. .. . . . . .. . ..... 243 Association of Women Students .. ............. 248 Association of Computing Machinery... . . ...... 247 Association of Graduate Students ...... . ...... 249 Association of Married Students ...... . ....... 250 Association of Engineering Geologists .......... 245 Baptist Student Union ........ . .......... . . . 241 Beta Chi Sigma .... . . .. ................... 239 Blue Key . ...... . ........ .. ..... . .. . . . ... 238 Campus Christian House .... .. ........ . . . ... 242 Chamber Band ...... . . . . . ........... . . . . .. 259 Chamber Choir . . .... .. .. .... .. . . .. .... .... 257 Chess Club . ... . ..... .. . . . . ....... . . . . . ... 248 Circle K . ..... . ..... .. . .... .......... . . .. 239 Concert Band .. . .... . ... ... ......... . ... . . 259 C. L. Dake Societ y ....... . ... .. . . ........ . . 247 Daughters of Diana............ . ............ 263 Daughters of Lee ............ .. ............ 262 Eta Kappa N u .............. . ........... . . 255 Federation of Latin American Students ......... 243 Forensic Club ............... .. ......... . . 249 Gamma A lpha Delta .......... .. . . .......... 238 G.D.I. . .......... . ........ . . . .......... 261 G.D.I. Board of Governors . .. . . . . . . . . ...... . . 260 I.E.E.E .... .. ...... .. ............ .. ...... 246 Independents Weekend Committee ... . ........ 260 Institute of Traffic Engineers ................. 245 Intercollegiate Knights ...................... 239 Intercollegiate Knights Auxiliary .. . .... . ...... 239 lntervarsity Christian Fellowship ............ . . 242 Intramural Managers . . ....... . ............. 249 Jazz Band . ..... .. ...... . ............. . .. 259 Karate Club . ... . ...... . .................. 249 Kappa Kappa Psi ................... . ...... 258 K appa Mu Epsilon ......................... 255
Keramos ... ... .. . ... . . ................... 255 Liahona Fellowship ........................ 242 Little Sisters of Delta Sigma Phi .. . ....... ..... 262 Little Sisters of Lambda Chi Alpha .. . ......... 262 Little Sisters of Pi Kappa Alpha ........ . ...... 262 Mates ..... .. ................. .. ...... . .. 250 "M" Club ....... . ..................... . .. 246 Management Association .................... 246 Metallurgy Society .... . . .. ... . . . ..... . ... . . 244 Missouri Miner ........................ .. . .. 240 Newman Center ... .. .................... . . 241 Omega Chi Epsilon ......................... 254 Order of the Sun ....................... . .. 263 Pershing Rifles . .. . .. ... ...... . ... . .. . ..... 248 Phi Eta Sigma ...... .. ....... . ... .. ....... 255 Pi Epsilon T au ........... . ................ 254 Radio Station, KMN R ...................... 240 Radio Club .. . ..... . ... .. .. . .. . ....... . ... 250 Raiders . . ......................... .. .. . . 248 Rock Climbing Club ................ . ..... . . 252 Rollamo Staff .............................. 2 Rollamo Photographers . . . .... ... . .... . . . ..... 2 Rugby Club ...... . .............. .. ....... 251 Sigma Gamma Epsilon . ... . ...... . .......... 254 Sisters of Alpha Epsilon Pi .... . .......... . . .. 263 Sisters of the Gold Rose . ...... . .... . ....... 263 Scuba Club ......... . ...... .. .... . ....... 252 Society of Mining Engineers .................. 244 Society of Petroleum Engineers ............... 245 Society of Physics Student s ............ . ... . . 246 Society of Women Engineers ................. 252 Spelunkers Cl ub ........................... 253 Sports Ca r Club ........................... 253 St. Pat's Board ..... . .... . . . ............. . . 25 1 String Ensemble ......... . . .. ... .. ...... ... 259 Student Council ........... . ............. .. 235 Student Union Board . .... . ................. 236 Tau Beta Pi ....... . ...... . .... .. .. . .. . . .. 256 Tau Beta Sigma .... . ................ . .... . 258 Theatre Guild . . . .. . ..... ... .............. 253 Theta Tau ............................... 256 UM R Dames ............... ... ......... . .. 249 UM R Engineer ............................ 240 University Choir .. . .. ...................... 257 Upsilon Pi Epsilon ......................... 255 Wesley Foundation ..... .. ... .. ............. 241
EDITOR'S NOTE During the past few years the yearbook staff has come under frequent attack by the students and the organizations representing the students. Most of the complaints have been fair and just, poor copy, bad pictures, and too often large amounts of b lank space have been some of the reasons. I personally agree with most of these complaints, this is one of the reasons why I wanted the editorship for the 1975-76 Rollamo. With this book, I hope all complaints can be stopped. There has been a lot more work put into the planning, photographer, and general layout than there has been in the last several years. So for the few who read this ending note, I give you the best possib le yearbook that I and this staff could possibly put together under the current financial situations. For those who believe that the yearbook should be optional, no possible way. Just as an example, Western Illinois University has nearly 13,000 students, of which on ly 1,800 buy yearbooks. The cost of their book which is the same size as this one, without the color division pages and end sheets, is $17. So how many students on this campus would buy a yearbook for $17. I'll leave it at that. This book would be nothing without the hard work of Mark Lorenz and Kent Bagnall, a special thanks to both of them for their help and photography. Thanks also to Glenn Johney, best of luck with the 1976-77 Rollamo. And Jackie DeThorne, Mike DiNapoli, Paula Marcellus, the bobbsey twins Steve Ernst and Russel Brazeal, and all the other photographers. This book could not function without the help and encouragement of our advisor, Lance Williams, take care counci l person and get out of the racket before they corrupt you. Pischel Yearbooks with Pau l Coram have been super, its been a pleasure. Steven Studios with their wierd photographers have been great, thanks for the monkey. And to UM R, the last 6 years have been special and even fun years, to you, pull your head out. Se La Vie
Nic Neumann- 1975-76 Rollamo Editor