Take a Closer Look
ROLLAMO 1990 Yearbook of the University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401 Volume 84
Tab le of Con ten ts Events of the Year
Sport s
living Units
Organ izatio ns
Senio rs
Photo graph ers' Best
1989-1990 ROLL AMO
Staff Editor-in-C hief Cathy Alofs
Seniors Editor Jennifer Bain
Photo Editor Jason McHaney
Assistant Editors Anthony Antonacci Rayford Chambers Michael Gawedzinsk i Chris Kloiber Laura Luther Chris Reynolds
Sports Editor Craig Eyermann Living Units Editor Tim Schwarz Susan Kay Anyan (fall) Organizatio ns Editor Angela Moerlien
Writers Janey Blue Kristi Wheeler
Photograph ers Jason Agutter Bill Booth Tim Davis Mike Gawedzinsk i Ed Hassinger Kevin Mcilvaine Bryan Penning Mike Schmid Michael Shay Tin Stansifer Eric Tavenner Adviser Lance Williams
Photo by f. McHaney
a Closer Look at
U. M. R. One look is worth more than a hundred reports, according to a Japanese proverb. This piece of wisdom fits a yearbook well. The 1990 volume of the ROLLAMO includes over 1,000 photographs. Each photo captures a moment in time at the University of Missouri-Rolla. The 1990 ROLLAMO takes a closer look at these moments in the lives of the 5,000 students of U. M. R.
Take a Closer Look at
Students The student body of the University of MissouriRolla is an unusual group. Far over half of the 5,000 students are male. This alone helps to make U.M.R. unique. Another factor that contributes to U.M.R. 's uniqueness is the large number of international students. During the winter 1990 semester, there were 480 international students enrolled. Currently, most of the international students are from Taiwan, India, China, Malaysia and the Republic of Korea. The varied cultures and traditions of such a diverse student body make the campus community distinctly different.
Ph oto by /. M cHaney
Take a Closer Look at
Relaxing Rest and relaxation. It is a necessary part of any college student's life. Whether it's a short study break or a long-planned event, U.M.R. students find many ways to relax. Many students participate in recreational activities sponsored by campus organizations, or they may attend lectures, movies and a variety of other events hosted by the Student Union Board.
Students gather around the piano in a lounge at T.J. during the annual Trig Review week .
Photo by M. Cawedzinski
Dancing the night away, Kelley Kerr in and Andy Barman enjoy themselves at one of the many parties held during the year.
Photo by M. Schmid Enjoying the result of rainy spring weather, this student takes a slide in the mud.
Photo by T. Davis
Take A Closer Look at
Athletics The University of Missouri-Rolla offers a variety of men's and women's athletics. The Miners compete at the intercollegiate level in baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, rifle, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis and track. U.M.R. students also participate in a strong intramural program which the University plans to enhance in the future with expanded facilities for intramurals.
Jennifer Schnur wa its fo r t he righ t m o me nt to act in a wo me n's baske tba ll ga m e aga in s t So uth eas t Missour i State.
Photo by }. M cHaney Miners Bill y Jo ll y, numb e r 11 , Do nnie Bro wn , 52, a nd C hri s Daw son, 31, play in a game aga inst South east Missou ri State .
Pho to by M. Schmid
Jumping for a basket, C h r is Dawson and Pau l Nee ma n , numbe r 35, p lay for th e M iners.
Photo by }. McHaney 11
I 12
The University Center cafeteria is a popular
place for faculty to gather for coffee. Here, Pro-
lessor Clyde Wade and colleagues have an animated discussion. Photo by }. McHaney
As students take a test, Professor Darryl Alofs uses the time to catch up on his own studying. Photo by }. McHaney
Take a Closer Look at
FACU LT Y Without its faculty, the University of Missouri-Ro lla could not be the educational institution that it is. The faculty at U.M.R. have expertise in a wide variety of fields. They share their knowledge and experience from studies and research with the students of U.M.R.
Professor Ridley studies in his office. Photo by}. M cHaney
Take a Closer Look at
Studying Studying. It is something that all college students must do. Most U.M.R. students will spend more than 2,000 hours in class before they graduate. If each student follows the rule of thumb of spending two hours outside class studying for every hour spent in class, a college student spends over 4,000 hours studying.
I 14
Some of the most popular co mputer labs on ca mpus are those with Macintosh computers. Chris Hawking
and Min Yu Liao work in the lab in the Math-Computer Science Building. Photo by M. Schmid
Careful measurements are impo rta nt , as Steve Ho ward kn o ws, if you
w ant accurate results o n a la b ex pe rim e nt.
Cooperation makes an y lab go faste r. Sona l Patel and David Fannin work togethe r o n a Physics lab.
Photo by M. Sch mid
Pho to by }. M cHaney
Many students, including Brad Harve y, c ho o se to study in th e library.
Photo by M . Schmid 15
Take a
Cl os er Lo ok
The Power of Speech
Former Presidential Advisor Edward E. David, )r. speaks as a guest lecturer in the "Engi neering Education in the Twenty-First Century• lecture seri es. The seri es also featured Robert G. Potter, Corporate Group Vice Pr esident of Monsanto Company; Erich Bloch, Director of the National Science Foundation; and Sanford McDonnell, Chairman of McDonnell Douglas Corporation.
Photo by M . Schmid
Former chairman of the )oint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral William ). Crowe, )r. appears as a guest speaker in the Remmers Special Artist/ Lecture Series in February. Crowe spoke about the possibility of cutting the size of the military. However, he cautioned against moving too quickly in that direction.
Photo by M. Schmid
Educating ethical engineers was the topic of a speech given by Sanford M cDonnell, Chairman of McDonnell Douglas Corporation.
M cDonnell spoke as part of the •Engineering Education in the Twenty-First Century• lecture series. Photo by T. Stansifer
Pianist Mogens Dalsgaard, an accomplished Danish musician, performed at Centennial Hall as part of UMR's Campus Performing Arts Series.
Photo by B. Booth
Sta r Performances
Spotlights frame Mogens Dalsgaard at his performance in the UMR Campus Performing Arts Series.
Photo by M. Schmid
The St. Louis Brass Quintet performed at UMR in October in Centennial Hall.
Photo by M. Schmid
I 22
Electronic equipment in the new Advanced Technology Classroom allows instructors to use an electronic
Courtesy of News and Publications
Classroom of the Future The new IBM Advanced Technology Classroom was unveiled on December 12, 1989. UMR's ATC is the most sophisticated classroom of this type in an academic setting anywhere in the world. The unveiling began with a class lesson led by Dr. Madison Daily, UMR Assistant Professor of Engineering Management. Governor John Ashcroft was also present for the unveiling. The ATC is a computerized electronic classroom of the future. It enables an instructor to display a question on an electronic blackboard at any time during a class. Each student in the class can then answer the question by means of an individual keypad response system. Daily commented that with this equipment an instructor can cover 25 percent more material. Daily also mentioned that in the future UMR plans to use the ATC to originate courses and, using satellite technology, make them available to other higher educational institutions through the National Technological University. The ATC is a joint study project of IBM and UMR.
A student participates in a class held in UMR's new Advanced Technology Classroom.
Courtesy of News and Publications 23
Gone from Tianamen Square are the pro-democracy banners and the tents of China's freedom movement, the armed guards and the chants of drilling soldiers. The Goddess of Democracy, a 33-foot-high replica of the Statue of Liberty which had become a symbol of the movement for democratic reform, has been crushed by tanks and taken away. The pro-democracy protests began on April 15, 1989 with a call by students for talks on increasing social freedoms and ending official corruption. They peaked during the week of May 15, when Gorbachev visited the country, and nearly one million people poured into the streets. Martial law was declared on May 20, 1989 and troops attempted to move into the square but were driven back by masses of citizens sympathetic to the protesters. On June 3, 1989 troops opened fire on the protesters, smashing through barricades with tanks to reach Tianamen Square. While the government claims that nearly 300 people, mostly soldiers, were killed, diplomats and Chinese say up to 3,000 died, and Chinese Red Cross officials estimate 3,600 people were killed and 60,000 injured .
Miss Missouri Debbye Turner, a mirimba-playing veterinary student from the University of Missouri-Columbia, was crowned Miss America 1990 in September.
leaving a trail of death and destruction across the Caribbean, Hurricane Hugo smashed into the coastal city of Charleston, South Carolina on September 22, 1989. Hugo's 135-mile-an-hour winds snapped power lines, toppled trees and flooded the low-lying areas of South Carolina, causing more than half a.million people to flee and leaving thousands homeless.
More than 50,000 people gave President Bush a hero's welcome at the worker's monument where Solidarity was born in a wave of labor upheaval. Bush told the cheering crowd that their struggle had produced "a time when dreams can live again" in the democratic transformation of Poland. Earlier in the day lech Walesa hosted a homestyle private lunch for the president and raised the possibility of even more aid to Poland by Western nations than the $115 million previously announced by Bush. Solidarity argues that the help is needed to ensure that public unrest does not upset the delicate progress toward democracy. But it agrees any aid should have tight controls on it, so it is not wasted as it was in the past.
Millie , the First Famil y' s springer spaniel, gave birth to four puppies on St. Patrick's Day 1989 at the White House beauty parlor.
A fiery explosion in a giant gun turret rocked the refitted battleship, U.S.S. Iowa, killing 47 sailors and injuring many others. The explosion occurred on April 19, 1989, in one of the battleship's three 16-inch gun turrets as the ship was taking part in a gunnery exercise about 330 miles northeast of Puerto Rico.
Voyager capped its historic 4.43billion-mile, 12-year tour of four planets when it skimmed 3,048 miles over Neptune's north pole in August, then dove past Triton, the planet's largest moon. It made its closest approach about 23,900 miles above the moon's surface at 2:10a.m. on August 25, 1989. Voyager went along a curving path that took it from Earth in 1977, past Jupiter in 1979, Saturn in 1981 and Uranus in 1986, and now past Neptune in search of the edge of the solar system.
The Exxon Valdez, a 987-foot tanker owned by Exxon Shipping Co., struck Bligh Reef about 25 miles from Valdez, Alaska, ripping holes in the tanker's hull and gushing millions of gallons of thick crude oil into pristine Prince William Sound. The result was the largest oil spill in U. S. history. Thousands of workers have helped scrub the oil-fouled shorelines, but as one environmental disaster consultant said, "A spill of this size in such a complex environment promises to be a cleanup nightmare." Exxon has pulled out its cleanup crews for the winter, and the state announced its own plan to protect fish hatcheries and those still untainted areas.
United Airlines pilot, Captain AI Haynes, declared "there is no heroN in the fiery DC-10 crash of flight 232 in July 1989. Of the 296 people aboard, there were 185 survivors. Aviation experts have credited Haynes with keeping the craft aloft until he reached the airport, where hundreds of emergency workers were waiting.
On June 13, 1989 Kareem Abdu i-Jabbar gave his last performance. At age 42, the oldest player in National Basketball Association history retired.
Cincinnati Reds Manager Pete Rose, one of the greatest players in the history of baseball, has been banned for life from the game for betting on his own team.
leaders of seven Western nations gathered in front of the louvre Pyramid for the opening session of the Economic Summit in Paris during July 1989. They are European Economic Community President Jacques Delors, Italy's Ciciaco de Mita, West Germany's Helmut Kohl, President Bush, host French President Francois Mitterand, Britain's Margaret Thatcher, Canada's Brian Mulroney and Japan's Sousuke Uno. A catastrophic earthquake on the San Andreas Fault rocked Northern California on October 17, 1989, killing at least 62 people and injuring hundreds. The earthquake caved in bridges and freeways, ignited fires and caused widespread damage to buildings. The quake struck during the evening rush hour, just as Game 3 of the World Series was about to begin at Candlestick Park in San Francisco. Registering 6.9 on the Richter scale, it was the second deadliest quake in the nation's history, exceeded only by the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.
On November 9, 1989, East Germany lifted restrictions on emigration and travel to the West, and within hours thousands of Germans celebrated on and around the Berlin Wall. By midnight, thousands of East Germans had entered the western part of the city which had been inaccessible only hours before. The Berlin Wall, which has divided East and West Germany since 1961, has finally begun to crumble.
Homecoming 1989
The Farther Side of U. M. R. Homecoming week, October 2 through 7, was full of activities for UMR students. The theme of UMR's 1989 Homecoming was "The Farther Side of UMR." The week began with a banner competition Monday morning. Monday afternoon, the Pi Memorizing Contest, the first of the daily spirit games, was held at the Hockey Puck. Other games held during the week included the egg catapult, unusual instruments song, stupid engineering tricks, food eating contests, team Twister competition and Joe Miner look-A-like. There also was an ongoing scavenger hunt and a Far Side Character Competition. In addition to these daily events, the Student Union Board sponsored a Homecoming Concert, which featured Thirty Eight Special. The week's festivities also included a Comedy Night, a bake-off, an ice cream social, parade, bonfire, queen competition and, of course, a football game versus Southeast Missouri.
Telltale signs of the judges' taste test - missing cake pieces - shows on Alpha Epsilon Pi's winning cake. The
cake won the overall prize in the Homecoming bake-off.
Photo by M . Schmid
Eric Crusher casts his vote for homecoming queen at a table by the Hockey Puck during Homecoming
w eek.
Champagne bottles decorate the fence in front of the Chancellor's Residence on Eleventh and State Streets. The bottles o n the Residence's fence
Photo by B. Booth
are a traditional part of Homecoming at UMR.
Photo by B. Booth
Homecoming Games
Mom always told you never to eat too much too fast, but these students ignore that advice while they participate in the Saltine and Popsicle Eating contest. Photo by M. Schmid
A corn flakes box drum would not get this Sigma Phi Epsilon band a place on the Top 40 charts, but it did win them the Unusual Instrument Contest.
Everyone's eyes are on the trajectory from this student's contraption in the Stupid Engineering Tricks Contest.
Photo by B. Booth
Photo by B. Booth
Homecom ing Saturday
A Fun-Filled End to a Week of Celebr ation
On your mark! Get set! Go!! Matt Griscom of Sigma Tau Gamma races to the finish line in Inter Fraternity Council's annual pajama race. Photo by B. Booth
Showing their support for the home team, the Miner marching band leads cheers at the Homecoming football game. The Miners lost the game 27-7 to
Southeast Missouri State.
Photo by B. Booth
Jennifer Llewellyn beams after being crowned Homecoming Queen during halftime.
Photo by B. Booth
A stern scolding from a police officer is what this Joe Miner imposter gets for causing trouble during the football game.
Photo by B. Booth
Photo by 5. Johnson
a Closer Look
Multi-Purpose Expansion and Sports Proposal
To Cut or Not to Cut
The 1989-1990 school term began under a great cloud for the university's varsity soccer, tennis and rifle programs. The UMR Athletic Department, which had been running a serious deficit for several years and had depleted its reserve fund, announced that the men's soccer team, the women's soccer team, the men's tennis team (the school has no women's team) and the rifle team would be dropped after the 1989-90 school year. The decision to end support for these Chancellor Martin jischke addresses an open forum on his sports proposal. Photo by M. Schmid
42 Sports Proposal
sports was based on three criteria: 1. MIAA Conference requirements; 2. the chronological order of addition to UMR's varsity program; and 3. the number of schools with similar programs. Concerned by the future of UMR's varsity sports program and by the interests of the school's athletes, Student Council President Bob Phillips argued to preserve the targeted sports. Enlisting the aid of Athletic Director Billy Key and Chancellor Martin jischke, Phillips encouraged the university administration to pursue all available means to support UMR's athletic programs.
Finally, on November 7, Chancellor jischke prepared a final proposal, covering the many concerns and issues involved. In addition to supporting the university's full roster of varsity athletic programs, the Chancellor also included improvements in the school's intramural program and provided for the long-term expansion of the Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose Building. Funding for these proposals would come from increases in the Student Activity Fee and also from a restructuring of the Athletic Department.
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Men's Cross Country
Developing Strength
For a team that was almost too young last year, UMR's Cross Country squad has developed into a well-rounded, consistent force. The squad was led by outstanding performances by Tim Bauer, returning after being injured most of the last season, and freshman Rob Vanderwall, who was named UMR's Outstanding Freshman in Cross Country. Known in the Missouri Miner as the "Young Guns," the Men's Cross Country team raced to second place finishes in the SlUE Cross Country Classic and the Columbia Invitational, third in the Miner Invitational and ninth in the Great lakes Regional. With these excelling performances behind them, Coach Dewey Allgoad, is now looking forward to next year. Keith Schoby (left picture) and Carey Kimmel keep a quick pace in the Miner Invitational. Photos by T. Stansifer
44 Men's Cross Country
Men's Cross Country: Row 1: Brent Ward, John Conrad, Tim Bauer, Willie Jacobs, Steve Hostetter. Row 2: Rob Vanderwall, Joe Stemler,
Ron Kochanowicz, Keith Schoby, Eric Powers, Francis Wildhaber, Cary Kimmel.
Strain begins to show on Rob Vanderwall's face as he enters the final stretch of the Miner Invitational. Cary Kimme l displays determination on the Invita-
tional's route through the UMR Golf Course.
Men's Cross Country 45
Women's Cross Country
Building Speed
Rocked by the loss of four seniors last season, the UMR Women's Cross Country team experienced a down year in 1989. Without the solid core of experienced runners, Coach Sarah Preston's team looked toward seniors Debbie Klaus and Chrissy Adkisson for inspiration. Klaus did extremely well, consistently finishing first among UMR's entrants in major meets, while Adkisson started slowly but came on stronger and stronger throughout the season. The Women's Cross Country squad is looking ahead to next season, despite the impending loss of another four seniors from this year's team. "Basically, it'll be another building year for us," observed Coach Preston, "we just hope to come back stronger." Chrissy Adkisson holds her attention on maintaining her stride in the Miner Invitational. UMR's Women's Cross Country team line up together before beginning the Miner Invitational. Photos by T. Stansifer
46 Women's Cross Country
Gina Turner, Elise Collins and Rakiyah
Mason near the finish line in the Miner Invitational. Debbie Klaus moves into position be-
hind runners from Southwest Missouri State. Photos by T. Stansifer
Women's Cross Country 47
Track and Field
Going All-American UMR's Men's Track and Field squad had a banner year, as three members of the team became NCAA Division II AllAmericans. Ray Hawthorne, Scott Musgrave and Tyson Foster each received the honor by placing in the top six of Nationals in each of their events: Ray Hawthorne in long jump, Scott Musgrave in triple jump and Tyson Foster in pole vaulting. Inspired by these outstanding achievements, the remainder of UMR's Track and Field squad challenged school records, with Casey Engstrom of Coach Sarah Preston's Women's Track and Field team going to Nationals for the javelin. Driven by these exceptional performances, Dewey Allgood's track and field team can expect to be held to high expectations next season.
Coach Dewey Allgood, watches the tr iple jump competition at Southwest Missouri State . UMR All-American Tyson Foster, displays his best pole-vaulting form at the SMSU meet.
48 Track and Fie ld
Men's Track and Field: Row 1: Pat Risener, Ku rt O 'Brien, Pat Short, Brent Ward, Kurt Daniels, Steve Hoste tte r. Row 2: Jeff Hurt, Dan
Huff, Gary Gibbs, Scott Musgrave, Glen Halley, Eric Crumpecke r. Photo by }. McHaney
All-American triple jumper Scott Musgrave stands ready for the starting signal. Jeff Hurt cuts loose in the long jump competition at the Southwest Missouri State
Women's Track and Field: Ellie Hudson, Wendi Abbott, Casey Engstrom. Photo by }. McHaney
Track and Field 49
Men's Soccer
Forging Credentials
The Men's Soccer team began the season with a sense that it might be their last as a varsity level sport at UMR. With the University looking for places to cut funds, many of the players were concerned about the future of soccer at UMR. Nevertheless, the team put their best foot forward and tried to live up to pre-season expectations. With twelve returning players, the Miners moved quickly to establish themselves as one of the top ten teams in the Midwest's Division II. Junior forward Steve Campbell and goalie Steve Temme delivered MVP level consistency in every game they played. The Miners ended the season with a mixed record, gaining respect every step of the way.
Mike Balassi catches up with the ball and sets to pass it up the line. Photo by]. McHaney
Men's Soccer: Row 1: Mike Basham, Bill Faherty, Doug Tieber, Denny Koscielski, Jeff Schaefer, Dan Blevins, Stever Temme, Mike Balassi. Row 2: Coach Robert Boucher, Bruce Campbell, Tom Dammerich, Dave Beck, Jay
50 Men's Soccer
Kniker, Carl Jung, Kurt O'Brien, Bob Schneider, Pat Snider, Chris Sulincenski, Tim Koscielski. Photo by E. Hassingery
Tom Hughes looks for an opening upfield. Photo by K. Mcilvaine
Mike Balassi moves the ball past a Southwest midfielder. Photo by]. McHaney
Men'â&#x20AC;˘ Soccer 51
Wome n's Soccer
Staying Powe r
The women's soccer team began the season under the same cloud as the men's team: uwill this be the last season?" Threatened by the same budget cuts as the men's team, the lady Miners determined to make the best of a difficult environment. Seniors Sally Puhlick, Jean Gardiner and lisa Tieber quickly proved their mettle on the field, combining to provide much of the lady Miners offense, with Puhlick having another outstanding year. Freshmen Cynthia Peters and Jennifer Ryczek also demonstrated their talent on the field, helping give the team a solid base to build from in future years. Although the lady Miners had a disappointing season, they regardlessly showed the spirit needed to last through the worst of times.
Deanna Weil throws the ball back into play. Photo by E. Tavenner
Women's Soccer: Row 1: Kim Dale, Cynthia Peters, Lisa Burwell, Deanna Wei I, Tricia Kuhne, Marijo Dimmick, Je nn ifer Ryczek. Row 2: Coach Rob-
ert Boucher, Stephanie Swift, Cathy Carlisle, Gina Dre ssel, Jean Gardi ner,
52 Women's Soccer
Cathy Wessling, Sally Puhlick, Lisa Tieber, Melissa Moore, Leslie Swayer, Mary Eise. Photo by). McHaney
Jean Gardiner scrambles after the ball to take possession away from a Missouri Baptist forward. Photo by E. Tavenner
Sally Puhlick dribbles past a Missouri Baptist defender. Photo by E. Tavenner Lisa Tieber waits for a pass opportunity in a home game against lindenwood College. Photo by T. Stansifer
Women's Soccer 53
Year of Disapp ointme nt It was a disappointing year for Coach Charlie Finley's football Miners. Finishing the season with a record of one win to nine losses, the Miners were victimized all season by an unproductive offense, critical mistakes and aggressive opposition. Throughout the season, the greatest strength of the Miners was the defensive line. The Miner defense had its greatest moment when it held the number one rushing offense of Northwest Missouri State to only one touchdown in the game on October 14. UMR's offense failed to produce however, and the game was lost by a score of 7-3. The team's only victory came with the first game of the season, against MIAA newcomer Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. Quarterback Rob Noble looks upfield after handing off the ball. Mark Diamond takes out a Pitt ball-carrier. Photos by T. Stansifer
Football: (alphabetical): Scott Adams, Chris Alverson, Vincent Banks, David Belloli, Mike Bennish, Greg Brown, Joh n Buttenob, Carlos Cain, Mike Chandler, Dave Christensen, Curt Courtney, Clint Couse, Eric Crumpecke r, Kurt Daniels, Tom DeGonia, Joe Demand, Greg Dennis, Mark Diamond, Dan Feddersen, Fred Finley, Chris Fraley, Bryan Gallaghe r, Lou Ga lway, Bre tt Goodman, Cory Greisemer, Chad Hamilton, Ron Harmon, Tom Hasenstab, John Hawkins, Ray Haythorne, Ric hard He nry, Dan Herzbe rg, Robert Hribar, Cameron Hubbs, Anthony Hudson, Don Huff, Kevin Hug, Rob Hurt, Jason Ilium, Robe rt lves, Bill Jo hnson, Que ntin Kasten, Chris Kennedy, Brad Kloeppel, Kevin Lanier, John LeCompte, Chris Long, Eric
54 Football
Loy, Art Matthews, Tom Minnick, Mike Moran, Randy Mullinax, Alex Nagy, Don Newburry, Mike Noble, Rob Noble, Tom Oberle, Shawn O 'Donnell, Chris Overton, Mark Paris, Todd Parks, Jim Peterson, Derick Philips, Cedric Portis, Bret Riegel, Kevin Riggs, Pat Risner, Steve Robertson, Tim Robinson, Rich Roland, Carl Roth, Paul Russell, Bryan Sarff, Jonation Schmidt, Jeff Schoonover, Brian Sitton, John Stein, Tom Sullivan, David Swarts, Mike Swinford, Tom Touhey, Ronnie Tyson, Kevin Underwood, Stacey Ward, Mark Whaley, Mike Widman, Mark Wojtal, Jeffrey Young, John Yukich. Coaches: Charlie Finle y, Jeff Stevens, Joe Keeton, Travis Boulware . Photo by ]. McHaney
The Miner defense creates a dogpile over a Pittsburg State Gorilla runningback. Photo by T. Stansifer Quarterback Mike Wise scans for a receiver wh ile avoiding a Gorilla lineman. Photo by B. Booth
Football 55
Defensive coordinator Jeff Stephens gives directions to defensive lineman Brian Sitton. Photo by B. Booth Defensiveback Dan Herzberg looks over the results of a Southeast running play in the Homecoming Game. Photo by }. M cHaney
56 Football
State as The Miner defense square s off against Pittsbu rg the ball is snappe d. Photo by B. Booth
Photo Punter Alex Nagy launch es a fourth -down effort. by T. Stansifer Photo Joe Deman d watche s the action from the sidelin e. by B. Booth
Football 57
Ron Tyson brings down a Central Missouri tight end. Photo by B. Booth Jeff Stephens outlines defensive strategy prior to the Homecoming Game. Photo by }. McHaney
58 Football
The Miner defense provided many of the season's highlights, as they demonstrate by blocking a Central Missouri field goal. Photo by B. Booth Meanwhile, the UMR offense never seemed able to click into gear, held back by injuries and mistakes as well as aggressive opposing defense. Quarterback Rob Noble is hampered in his drive by a face-mask penalty. Photo by B. Booth
Football 59
Jennifer Llewellyn is awarded Homecoming Queen honors by Vice Chancellor Ogrosky in the highest attended game of the season.
Matt Markel of the UMR Marching Band blares support for the team during halftime. Devoted Miner fans from both the school and the community voiced their enthusiasm for the team throughout the season. Photos by}. McHaney
60 Football
Mike Chandler and Mike Swinford do their best to break up CMSU's offensive play. Knocked back, defensiveback
Mike Noble can only watch the action. Photos by B. Booth
Football 61
Men's Basketball
Steady Progress When the Miner Basketball team enters a season, the players dream of making it all the way to the division championship. By the end of the season, this ambition is usually put aside until the next spring. History was made this year as the Miners moved progressively toward their goal, achieving a playoff bid for the MIAA for the first time. Though they dropped the game to SBU, 76-62, the Miner's proved they could be a returning force in the MIAA championship series. In earning their 7-9 conference record, and 10-15 overall, Coach Dale Martin's Miners showed steady improvement over previous seasons. Although restrained by the loss of William McCauley and Eric Brooks to injuries, the court leadership of Tony Wofford, team MVP, and Chris Dawson sparked the Miners to their better finish in the tough MIAA competition.
Eric Brooks looks for a teammate to break open for a shot. Photo by B. Booth
Men's Basketball: Coach Dale Martin, Bill Jolly, Eric Broods, Mike Parmeley, )on Huecker, Greg Sallee, Allen Griffey, Donnie Brown, Chris Schneider, Neuil Edwards, Paul Neeman, Tony Wofford, Chris Dawson, William
62 Men's Basketball
McCauley, Steve Wands, Coach Tom Deffebaugh, Assistant Coach Adrian Davis. Courtesy of News and Publications
Forward Neuil Edwards goes up to hit a jumper. Photo by E. Hassinger
Chris Dawson returns to the team's locker room after the Miners dropped from the MIAA playoffs. Photo by }. McHaney
Paul Neeman anxiously waits for a rebound. Photo by }. McHaney
Paul Neeman steers around a Southwest Baptist opponent. Photo by ]. McHaney Catching an SBU player off-guard, Paul Neeman moves in for a lay-up . Photo by ]. M cHaney
Coach Dale Martin holds a conference for the team . Photo by B. Booth
64 Men's Basketball
Freshman Mike Parmeley breaks free from SBU's man-to-man coverage.
Chris Dawson goes airborne from the key. Muscling by a defending guard, Chris Dawson maneuvers toward the net. Photos by }. McHaney
Men's Basketball 65
Women's Basketball
Winning Season
The 1990 season for the lady M iner basketball team was a time for both individual achievement and for team performance. It marked the last year of play for outstanding senior Jen Cordes, who once again demonstrated All-American level play. Breaking the 30 point mark three times during the season, Cordes also surpassed the 20 point mark an additional seven times, not to mention lead ing the team in rebounds in nearly every single game. Cordes ended her UMR career with a total of 1397 points, breaking Tanya Hough's year o ld UMR record. Coach Mary Ortelee's lady Mine rs c ontinued their winning ways from previous years, ending with a record of 17-10. With their winning spirit, the lady Miners will do very well in the future.
Coach Mary Ortelee sho uts instructio ns to senior ]e n Cordes from the side line. Photo by T. Davis
66 Wo me n's Baske tball
' Women ' s Basketball: Row 1: Jan Grote nhuis, Col e t te Ne al, Tr ish Va nD iggelen , Suza nn e Spencer, Anita Keck, Cathlin Mahone y. Row 2:
]en Cordes, ]e n Schnur, Casey Engstrom, Sarah Conyes, Stacy Mathes, Je nnifer Huggi ns.
Sarah Conyes shoots a free throw in the
home game against Northwest Missouri State. Suzanne Spencer fires a jump shot against
NWMSU. Photos by f. McHaney
Women's Basketball 67
)en Cordes prepares to pass to an open Lady Miner. Photo byÂŁ. Hassinger Suzanne Spenser slows down at midcourt to let the other Miners move into position. Photo by]. McHaney
68 Women's Basketball
Irish VanDiggelen feints a pass to the side. Suzanne Spenser looks to take advantage of a distracted Northwest player. Anita Keck and Coach Mary Ortelee pay strong attention to the game while waiting to make a substitution. Photos by ]. McHaney
Women's Basketball 69
Mixed Season
The baseball Miners experienced a mixed season this year, made up of individual highlights and team disappointment. Stung by the departure of Coach Gene Green, an excellent recruiting coach, the young team failed to catch fire under new coach Robert Boucher, who had previously only coached soccer at UMR. The Miners, by April 24, compiled a record of four wins to seventeen losses, finishing in the near bottom of all offensive and defensive categories in the MIA A. The team's overall performance however is overshadowed by several players' individual achievements. Both Eric Able and Kevin Dry were among the MIAA's top ten in batting averages, with Able hitting .362 and Dry batting .361 for a sixth and eighth standing, respectively, in the league.
Kevin Dry comes home to score. Photo by }. McHaney
Baseball: (alphabetical): Eric Able, Todd Balke nbush, Curt Courtney, Kevin Dry, Jeff Englebrecht, Brett Felton, Brett Goodman, Kirk Grantham, Tom Hart, Tom Hastenstab, Dan McCarthy, Dave Masterson, Art Matthews, Matt McQuality, Jeff Mitchell, Jamie Needham, Todd Oetting, Tim Pruett, Rick Rohlfi ng, Steve Ruffing, Gle n Shonkwile r, Wes The issen, Bre t Vopick, Gle n Weible, John Wood, Brian Zoltowski. Courtesy of News and Publications
70 Baseball
Catcher Rich Rohlfing rips a shot to-
ward the hole between third and short. Courtesy of Missouri Miner
Pitcher Glen Shonkwiler checks his swing as the ball goes into the dirt. Courtesy of Rolla Daily News
Baseball 71
Gaining Confidence 1990 was a year of great improvement for the lady Miner Softball team. Coming off a disappointing 20-21 record last year, the lady Miners rebounded with a record of 22-10, finishing strongly in the MIAA Conference. Junior Teresa Dickenson had an outstanding year at the plate, batting .385 and leading the team in nearly all offensive categories. Defensively, the lady Miners could depend on the extraordinary pitching of Kristy Weber, who compiled a record of 15-2 with an E.R.A. of 1.32. With a strong nucleus returning next year, Coach Tina Costello's lady Miners can look forward to another winning season.
Joanne Stratman launches a line drive single to the outfield. Photo by T. Davis
- - -- -- - - - --
Softball: Row 1: Leslie Wickers, Beth Wehmeye r, Teresa Dickenson, Sarah McCorkle, Christy Cheeley, Lisa Burwell, Shelly Backues, Dyan Rishe r. Row
72 Softball
2: Teri Schofield, Jenny Crede, )en Cordes, Caroline Bredeman, Kristy Weber, Joanne Stratman, Angie Honse . Courtesy of News and Publications
Joanne Stratman runs out a grounder. Jeri Schofield makes a play at first. Photos by T. Davis
Kristy Weber warms up before a game.
Photo by T. Davis
Softball 73
Tennis, Volleyball Club, Taekwondo
Courting Victory
The 1990 Tennis team enjoyed one of its best seasons ever at UMR, finishing with a 7-7 record. Though it began the year as one of the varsity level sports marked for elimination due to budgetary pressures, the team was able to rebound with seniors Brian Berkstresser, Tim Kunkel and Tim Robinson along with team MVP, junior Jon Johnson,leading t he way. With the team's top three seniors not returning next year, Coach Tom Deffebaugh can look forward to a year of developing younger talent.
Volleyball Club: (pictured): Matt Groves, Dan Finklang, Alex Scott, â&#x20AC;˘flipper," James Gusewelle, Tom Polcyn, Scott Borcherding, laura Vis
inti ne, Traci Bornman, Kerri Kraft, Mark Stranczek. Photo by M. Schmid
Tennis: Victor Turne ll, Brian Be rkstresser, Ed Suranunt, Jon Johnson, Tim Robinson. Photo by M. Schmid
74 Tennis/Volleyball Club
Taekwondo: Names not available. Photo by M. Schmid
The Taekwondo Club had another successful year with former olympic class contender Steve Shinn returning to teach newer members and to help mem-
bers entering competitions. The members of the Taekwondo Club work out. Photos by M. Schmid
Taekwondo 7 5
Getting Dirty
Mention intensity. Mention thrills. Mention mud. Combine the three for all the elements that go into UMR's Rugby club. This year was marked by UMR's ruggers almost going all the way in each tournament they played, only to fall back disappointed in crucial games. Losing to the strongly talented Mizzou club in the Langenberg Tournament in St. Louis, after crushing the previous opposition, quenched UMR's bid for its sixth state championship title. Nevertheless, the Rugby team will always be ready to get down and dirty in future events.
Mudsoaked Mike Urigh forces an opposing player to boot the ball. The ball surfaces in UMR's possession after being buried in a dogpile. Photos by 5. johnson
76 Rugby
Rising to the occasion, a pair of UMR's ruggers seek to gain control of the ball.
UMR gangs up on an opposing ball-carrier. The game gets extremely physical soon after it begins. Photos by 5. Johnson
Rugby 77
Swimming and Diving
Making the Water Boil
Coach Mark Mullin's 1989-1990 swimming team churned up the water in competition this year . Both freestyle swimmers Jeff Kuta and Mark Cresswell put in excellent times to earn distinction as UMR's top contenders, with the other team members showing strong ability and continual improvement.
Marlon )iranek breaststrokes his way down the lane while warming up before a meet. Doug Cordier freestyles forward into the lead. Photos by }. M cHaney
78 Swimming and Diving
Swimmers dive off the blocks as the gun sounds. Photo by]. McHaney Rob Wagner prepares to race backstroke. Photo by M. Schmid Doug Cordier bobs up and begins his stroke after kicking off the wall. Photo by T. Davis
Swimming and Diving 79
Water Polo
Swimming Hard
Coach Mark Mullin's Water Polo team swam off to an outstanding record of 10 wins to one loss this year, the result of the team's hard work and determination. "They all did their part," Coach Mullin reflected, "it's hard to single out just one who stood out." Nevertheless, returning players Tim Streb and Rich Berger had remarkable performances this season, Streb in the difficult center position and Berger in most offensive roles. Next year, UMR can look forward to another strong team with many of this year's players returning for another season. Mike Tolbert scans the water before making a pass during a scrimmage. Rob Wagner, in white, moves to block t he opposing swimmer's throw. Jeff Kuta strokes into a defensive position. Photos by M. Schmid
80 Water Polo
Rich Berger, number 6, prepares to fire on goal. During practice, Rob Wagner responds to Marion )iranek's motion to pass. Photos by M. Schmid
Water Polo 81
Cheerleaders, M-Ciub
Sideline Spirit
Boosting enthusiasm for school events is both a challenge and a pleasure for the members of the UMR Cheerleading Squad. Captained by Elsbeth Cook in the fall and by Debbie Walton in the spring, the cheerleaders performed at more games this year than ever before, expanding their schedule to include several of the Miners' away games for both football and basketball. Next year, the squad hopes to add even more games to their schedule. The varsity athletes of M-Ciub also did their part to draw more support for the school's teams, holding several pregame rallies throughout the year and improving spirit at the games.
M-Ciub: Names not available. Photo by }. McHaney
Debbie Walton and Ron Salamie, facing page , stir up the crowd at the Homecoming Game. Photo by }. M cHaney
Cheerleaders: Row 1: Elsbe th Cook, Re nee McQuisto n, M ichelle De priest, Stephanie Re ite r. Row 2: Don Rainbolt, Joe Guccione, Simo n Wang. Not Pictured: Andrea Budnik, De bbie Walton, Krissy Gross, Je nny Bayless, Tamiko Yo ungbloo d, Eric Parsons, Rich Guie b, Mike Smith, Joyce Pugh, Eri n Mulanax. Pho to by }. M cHaney
82 Cheerleade rs/M-Ciub
Cheerleaders/M -Ciub 83
lntramur als
Athlet ic Pursuits
A midfield collision between Phi Kapps' Jeff Collins and Hank Bersett with a Kappa Alpha forward sends the ball flying toward Phi Kappa Theta's goal. Ed Coco digs in to take possession away from his Kappa Alpha opponent. Photos by M. Schmid
Jeff Collins sets to shoot while warming up before Phi Kappa Theta's game against Kappa Alpha. Photo by M. Schmid
Kappa Sigma's Mike Fridley throws long to AI Hopkins in intramural flag football. Photo by E. Hassinger
lntramurals 85
Bob Fischer shoots a free throw against Th eta Xi. Photo by E. Hassinger The Christian Campus Fellowship's women's intramural basketball team steal the ball away from the Zeta squad. Photo by 5. johnson
86 lntramurals
Tim Litsch goes airborne while passing to the opposite side of the key in Kappa Sigma's game versus Beta Sigma Psi. Photo by 5. johnson
Sigma Phi Epsilon Phi Kappa Theta Tau Kappa Epsilon
Swimming: Pi Kappa Alpha TJ-North RHA
Football: Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Nu Beta Sigma Psi
Cross Country: Sigma Nu Alpha Epsilon Pi Phi Kappa Theta
Racquetball: Pi Kappa Alpha Sigma Nu (tie) Theta Xi (tie) Sigma Pi
Billiards: Phi Kappa Theta CCF
Sigma Phi Epsilon
lntramurals 87
Sigma Nu's Kelly Van Buren pops the ball up for Bruce Correll in their game against Delta Sigma Phi. Photo by K.
88 lntramurals
Sigma Phi Epsilon's Scott Jackson and Brian Zoltowski fight for control of the ball with an opposing Alpha Epsilon Pi. Photo by B. Booth
Tennis: Phi Kappa Theta Thai Alpha Omega
Horseshoes: Alpha Omega (tie) Sigma Phi Epsilon (tie) Sigma Tau Gamma Phi Kappa Theta
Table Tennis: VSA Sigma Nu Sigma Phi Epsilon
lntramurals 89
Trina McDaniel serves up in women's intramural volleyball. The Phi Kappa Theta little sisters hold a strategy session before taking on their opponents in the night's game. Photos by M. Schmid
Mike Sheahan takes aim in the intramural billiards competition. Photo by E. Hassinger Phi Kapp's Ken Mikulcik wipes out in racquetball. Photo by M . Schmid
lntramurals 91
Dave Bushey slaps a single down the third base line in softball competition. The Kappa Sigs line up along the field to show support for their team. Photos by ÂŁ. Hassinger
92 lntramurals
Umpire Jeff Broxson stands watch over Pike's catcher John Stein in intramural softball. Photo by E. Hassinger
Basketball: M-Ciub AFS TJ-North
Badminton: Alpha Epsilon Pi Lambda Chi Alpha Sigma Nu
Wrestling: Pi Kappa Alpha Sigma Pi Sigma Nu
Track: Sigma Nu Pi Kappa Alpha Lambda Chi Alpha
Bowling: Pi Kappa Alpha Sigma Nu Sigma Phi Epsilon
Softball: Sigma Phi Epsilon Pi Kappa Alpha Phi Kappa Theta
lntramurals 93
Dave Theison unwinds after releasing a thirty foot throw in shotput. Jay Kladiva dominates t he field in 800-meter competition. Photos by E. Hassinger
94 lntramurals
Final Standings
Men's lntramurals Pi Kappa Alpha Sigma Nu Phi Kappa Theta Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Pi Lambda Chi Alpha Sigma Chi Kappa Sigma Alpha Omega Tau Kappa Epsilon TJ-North Alpha Epsilon Pi Sigma Tau Gamma Beta Sigma Psi CCF Kappa Alpha BSU Delta Sigma Phi Alpha Phi Alpha M-Club Triangle
2432.5 2421.5 2243.5 2242.5 2072.5 1879 1842 1782.5 1768.5 1693 1610 1605 1535.5 1426.5 1409.5 1319 1206 1205.5 1119.5 1045 1043
Acacia AFROTC RHA LSC Theta Xi ABS GDI Tech Engine Club Pi Kappa Phi AFS TJ-South Kappa Alpha Psi Delta Tau Delta ASCE CSA Vets AlA A VSA Faculty Thai ASME
965 954.5 954 932 914.5 914 861.5 843 740 686 663 514 506 459 426 407 359 330 320 246 137
Women's lntramurals Little Sigs Chi Omega Order of the Sun TJHA CCF Zeta Tau Alpha Kappa Delta Alpha Omega Daughters of the Emerald RHA GDI Alpha Kappa Alpha/ ABS White Stars
997.4 966.5 892 756.5 713 657 505.5 420.5 324 203.5 124.5 120 30
Women 's event placements not available.
lntramurals 95
The Best Ever St. Pat's
1990 Have you bought your green yet? St. Pat's Board member Mike Rollet sells 1990 sweatshi rts and sweats at the hockey puck . Photo by M. Schmid Rain cannot dampen St. Pat's festivities, but it ca n postpone them. St. Pat and his court were sc hed ul ed to officiall y arrive Wednesday, but due to rain, they arrived Thursday. Photo by j. McHaney
The noontime follies d uring t he week of St. Pat's drew many students.
Photo by T. Davis
ST. PAT'S 97
St. Pat's Week
Fun and Games
Students gaze in awe at Tau Kappa Epsilon's
winning cudgel.
Photo by }. McHaney
And the winner of the Greenest Female Contest held during the Follies, is Bo Parrish, of Sigma Gamma Tau . Photo by M. Schmid
St. Pat and his court preside over the noontime follies he ld during the week of St. Pat's. Viewing the scene are Timothy Harster, Brad Wadle, David Bernhard and Jason Lowry. Photo by M. Schmid
ST. PAT'S BOARD - JUNIOR REPS: Row 1: ). Frank, M . Reynolds, L. Crame r, M. Ke lly, K. Webb, K. Smiley. Row 2: G. Nicholson, R. Buc he r, T. Piskorski, K. Me nold, S. Starwalt, G. Allen. Row 3: M. Rolle t, M. Stack. Not Pictured: P. We hmeyer. Photo by }. McHaney
ST. PAT'S BOARD - SENIOR REPS Row1: C. Pimmentel, M. Dyess, A. Bush, M . Hurst,). Spencer, D. Bernhard. Row 2: ). Balwin, M. Cook, A. Storf, M. Takatz, T. Harster. Row 3: T. Orf, ). Lowry, K. Bartz, B. Wadle. Not Pictured: ). Flake. Photo by}. McHaney
ST . PAT'S 99
Let the Revelry Begin
St. Pat's Herald, Mike Dyers announces events at the coronation ceremony. Photo by f. McHaney
Andy Storf, page, David Bernhard, St. Pat, and Allan Busch, page, wait fo r their Queen of Love and Beauty to be crowned. Photo by]. McHaney
Cyndy Stover, senior in Civil Engineering kneels to be crowned Queen of Love and Beauty. Cyndy was nomi nated by Acacia Fraternity. Photo by}. McHaney St. Pat's Board member, Mike Rollet escorts Linda Martin, Student Services Advisor, at t he coronation ceremony. Mrs. Martin was honored as an Honorary Knight. O ther Honorary Knights include Ken Fiebelman, Tom Green, Doris Houx Kirkpatr ick, james C. Sterling and Armin Tucker. Photo by M . Schmid
The 1990 St. Pat's Court: Sitting: Andy Storf, Page ; All an Busch, Page. Standing: Brad Wadle, Guard; James Baldwin, Trumpeteer; Jason Lowry, Guard; john Spencer, Master Guard; David Bernhard , St. Pat; Timothy Harster, Guard; Michael Cook, Master Guard; and Mike Hurst, Guard. Photo by T. Davis
ST â&#x20AC;˘ PAT'S
St. Pat's Weekend
An All Day Party
Rob DeChant fulfills the last requirement of becoming a student knight by meeting Alice. Photo by E. Hassinger
Every parade has a band . Tiffany Huene-
feldt and other members of UMR 's Highland Pipe Band performed at the parade. Photo by}. McHaney
Alpha Epsilon Pi's winning float makes its way down Pine Street during the parade. The float featured America's farmers, reflecting t he parade theme â&#x20AC;˘Building of America." Photo by]. M cHaney Somebody's got to do it! The St. Pat's Board, Student Union Board, and other students clean up the gymnasium of the multipurpose building after t he St. Pat's concert. Th e co n ce rt featured Shooting Star, with t he Gary Richrath Band as an opening act. Photo by M. Schmid
ST â&#x20AC;˘ PAT'S 103
a Closer Look
The Missouri School of Mines chapter of Acacia is proud to have started its fourth decade here at UMR. The men of Acacia had a great 1989-90 school year with many successful activities. They competed in the St. Pat's Games and walked away with a first place trophy.
In addition, their Queen Candidate, Cindy Stover, was victorious in winning the St. Pat's Queen of Love and Beauty. With both rush and scholarship going well, the brothers of Acacia hope to continue their successes for many more decades to come.
ACACIA: Row 1: 5. Hunt,). Meriwether,
M . Schaefer, B. Duncan, B. Saguto, W. Theissen. Row 2: S. Atterberry, R. Rohlfing, S. Schaeffer, M. Turk, K. Hicks, J. Gerfen . Photo by B. Booth
106 Living Units â&#x20AC;˘ Fraternities
ALPHA EPSILON PI LITTLE SISTERS: Row 1: A. Mason, K. Kopplin, l. Miller, l. Koenig, S. Durham. Row 2: M . Bernard, S. Voshell, D. Hunke, K. Clapper,]. McGee Row 3: B. Dare, M. Smith, M . Prenger. Not Shown: j. Pollock, P. Phegley, B. lema, D. Conner, T. Gross, B. Bird, K. Heinemann. Photo by ]. McHaney
ALPHA EPSILON PI: Row 1: T. Morrow, T. Dickey, A. Mueller. Row 2: j. Eftink, J. Baldwin, ]. Prince, ]. leather, B. Flaspohler, H. Rawlins, C. Gross, G. Graham. Row 3: B. Bell, D. Haney, B. lowe, E. Rodriguez, R. Steinmetz, A. Herigon, B. Harvey, R.
Alpha Epsilon Pi enjoyed social and academic success during the 1989-90 school year at UMR. In October, returning Alumni were treated to a third place finish in the UMR Homecoming competition. They ended the fall semester by initiating seven new brothers who finished third out of twenty-one in pledge class GPA. The winter semester was equally successful for Alpha Epsilon Pi. They played a dominant role in the 1990 St. Pat's Games and built the first place St. Pat's Parade Float. They finished third in the overall competition. Alpha Epsilon Pi's Little Sisters also had a successful year. With one of the largest pledge classes in several years, they were able to raise enough funds with their raffle to buy the house a new BBQ grill and a much needed new phone system. With numerous campus organization officers and good rush prospects, the brothers of Alpha Epsilon Pi hope to fill their house next year and remain a capital of hospitality for Fraternity Row. â&#x20AC;˘
Quinn, R. Guieb, K. Williams, B.lorber, M. Kelly, P. Wehmeyer, ]. Brase, C. Daugherty, R. Banta, C. Francis, T. Gode. Row 4: ]. Otte , P. Kram, K. Parish, S. Quackenbush, E. Parsons, F. Wilson. Photo by T. Stansifer
Living Units - Fraternities 107
A <I> A ALPHA PHI ALPHA The Epsilon Pi chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha proudly celebrated twenty-five years of active involvement on the UMR campus during the 1989-90 school year. Since their founding on April 27, 1965, the men of Alpha PhiAlpha have aspired to provide leadership and service to both the campus and the community. This was accomplished through many different activities, such as the Adopt-A-Highway program and the Dr. Martin luther King Scholarship, which is a scholarship for minority students at UMR. With their everlasting commitment to excellence, the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha hope to continue to be very active members of the UMR community â&#x20AC;˘ well into the next century.
ALPHA PHI ALPHA: Members are: ] . Schuessler, ]. Whorton, D. Wrock lage, L.
Florence, R. Enyard, K. Rice, M. Tolbert, R. Chambers, A. Cummings, B. Wilson, M. Stevenson, E. Bulter, ]. Tansi, G. Ardrey. Photos by M. Gawedzinski
106 Living Units - Fraternities
BET A SIGMA PSI Eta Chapter of Beta Sigma Psi, the National Lutheran Fraternity here at UMR has had another busy year. Socially, it hosted the 2nd Annual Beta Benefit Bash for the American Cancer Society, the traditional Little Kings and Theta Tau Ugly Man parties, as well as many Night Caps and Dinner Exchanges with the sororities. St. Pat's was celebrated in fine spirits with a 3rd place cudgel and a 4th place overall finish. Once again, Beta Sig hosted the opening ceremonies and games for Greek Week 1990. Athletically, Beta Sig took fourth place in football and soccer and finished the year strong by capturing the Division Two soft-
ball title. Scholastically, Beta Sig earned the third highest fraternity GPA on campus for the fall semester and was once again above the all-men's GPA average. At the beginning o f the spring semester, many repairs and improvements were made to the house mainly due to extensive water damage incurred over the holiday break. The c hapter plans to expand its membership through a strong, organized rush program which will undoubted ly further Be ta Sig well into the 1990's and beâ&#x20AC;˘ yond.
BETA SIGMA PSI: Row 1: N. Dettwiler, K. Bartz, E. Wilkins, S. Wittier, ). Spencer, M . Grasch, C. Pfeuffer. Row 2: S. Costello, M . Etcheme ndy, M . Bruss, G. Niche lson, P. Eggers, D. Bariess, C. Skouby, N. Vandermeulo n, Spike, M. Roos, D. Elze, K. Braun, S. Borcherding. Row 3: P. Hasselbring, D.
Hack, T. Spyers, T. Muse, B. Biggers, T. Johnson, L. Meers. Not Shown: ). Boyancheck, B. Braasch, M. Brommerkamp, M. Burnside, C. Currie, M. O c honicky, D. Schick, ). Westhoff. Photo by M . Schmid
living Units â&#x20AC;˘ fraternities 109
DELTA SIGMA PHI The Delta Epsilon Chapter of Delta Sigma Phi has had a busy and successful year. With the graduation of many members last year, a large rush has been underway this year as well as next. Graduation has also hit Delta Sigma Phi hard this year. Their beloved mascot, Bingo, will not be back next fall. He will be greatly missed by all the brothers. The members of Delta Sigma Phi have all been busy this year working on the
DELTA SIGMA PHI: Row 1: C. Couse, C. Griesemer, S. Ward, C. Hamilton, ). Toulouse, C. Ove rton, R. Creach, M. Wood, C. Huett, ). Hartman . Row 2: S. Head, M. Wojtal, T. Minnick, C. Hubbs, D. Christensen, D. Herzberg, T. McDermott, C. Ken-
110 living Units - Fraternities
house. Many improvements, such as painting and new landscaping, were made around the house through several work weekends. The fraternity had a great performance in Greek Week this year. With a late start, the members came together for a strong finish, including a first in the tug-of-war. This shows that Delta Sig will definitely be a strong fraternity to deal with in the future, not only in Greek Week, but campus wide as well: â&#x20AC;˘
nedy. Row 3: N. Gilliland, R. Hurt, T. Young, T. Thornburgh, T. Brockmann, S. Bryant, S. Gillette, B. Seals, C. Fraley, S. Robertson. Courtesy of Delta Sigma Phi
DELTA TAU DELTA The Epsilon Nu chapter of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity has had a busy year. The members of the UMR chapter worked hard on various service projects throughout the fall and spring semesters. In particular, some members helped conduct an alcohol awareness program sponsored by the Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation called DEL TS. The program, which was held in January, included information about alcohol tolerance and alcohol related problems. With all their successes this year, the members of Delta Tau Delta have high hopes for next year to be even more successful. â&#x20AC;˘
DELTA TAU DELTA: Members are: C. Bell, ). Goethe, T. Sovar, D. Spiller, ). Tinius, ). Winkler, C. Pulay, R. Brown,). McDaniel, P. Mar, B. Braswell, ). Hill, T. Stelljes, K. Johnson, N. Gibler, M. King, F. Shick, N. Gibler.
living Units- Fraternities 111
KA KAPPA ALPHA The 1989-90 year was an exciting one for Kappa Alpha, as they witnessed the fruits of their hard work. Academically, socially, and philanthropically, the UMR chapter has reached several new plateaus. In house, KA welcomed fourteen new brothers, received the honor of performing model initiation at the National leadership Institute, and received several awards at Province Council. With strong finishes in both St. Pat's and
KAPPA ALPHA: Row 1: S. Jennings, K. Burkett,
D. Pave ly, ]. Williams, ]. Feller, Bart, G. Brown, ]. Munroe. Row 2: B. Tisch, M. Castro, K. Sessa, C. Jungers, K. Flatley, F. Steinkuhler, D. Krause, V. Smith, D. Hicks. Row 3: M. Kovarik, S. Esry, D. Dixon, ]. lawre nce, D. Engle, ]. Sander, C. Misner, F. Bildner, C. Gerard, M . Hurst, M . Uhrig, D. Allen, K. Owens, B. Sarff, B. Stei nkamp, B. Bockman, S. Starwalt, ]. Gillham, A.
112 Living Units - Fraternities
Greek Week, KA once again continues its tradition of competition and excellence in campus activities. By raising over $3000 for MDA and participating in a number of community service projects, the men of KA continue to uphold the values of brotherhood and service to â&#x20AC;˘ fellow man.
Sehrt, J, Guccione, E. Matlock, R. Tallon, T. Durbin. Not Shown: S. Ach eson, E. Bae, C. Bailey, J, Carter, A. Chabino, ]. Conn, ]. Cook, A. Dickherber, K. Ellebrecht, B. Felton, R. Gore, D. Ham ilton, B. Kindsfather, M. lickider, S. link, J, lowry, M. lyons, R. Salamie, ]. Sander, P. Sand ifer, ]. Skillington, M . Thomas.
Photo by M. Ga wedzinski
K A' Il KAPPA ALPHA PSI The Iota Omega chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity proudly celebrate d their 10th Anniversa ry this year. The UMR chapter was organized in February of 1980. Their purpose is to unite college men of culture, patriotism and honor in a bond of fraternity ; to encourag e honorable achievem ent in every field of human endeavor ; to promote the spiritual, social, intellectu al and moral welfare of its members ; and to inspire serâ&#x20AC;˘ vices in the public interest.
KAPPA ALPHA PSI Members are: A. Parke r, W
Black, D. Sample, A. Spears, T. Blue, C. Brandon D. Porte r.
Living Units - Fraternities 113
K~ KAPPA SIGMA The Beta Chi chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity has had a year to be proud of. The brothers had many student leaders among themselves this year. Rick Stehlin served as KOTTUS during the 1990 Greek Week and Bob Fischer was honored as a candidate for InterFraternity Council Man of the Year. Kappa Sigma also sponsored the first Miller Lite Pro-Beach Volleyball Tournament in April. â&#x20AC;˘
KAPPA SIGMA: Row 1: R. lllston, C. Comeau, T. Dean, M . Wrocklage. Row 2: ]. Birkendine, M. Schmidt, A. Hopkins, E. Hassinger. Row 3: K. Krause,]. Dierkes, R. Dechant, T. Litsch. Row 4: B. Fischer, D. Theisen, P. McCalla. Row 5: K. Peterson, T. Oppeau, ]. Kuehn,]. Birkenmeyer. Row
114 living Units¡ Fraternities
6: C. Simmons, S. Zychinski, C. Eyermann . Row 7: B. Spencer, T. Johnson,]. Kladiva, ]. Boysen. Row 8: l. Efthim, S. Burkemper, T. Dunnington,]. Rauch Row 9: S. Mitchell, A. Bradley, M. Fridley. Row 10: D. Thompson, T. Anderson, R. Harashe, M. Dube, K. Menold, M . Kirkbride. Photo by M. Schmid
AX A LAMBDA CHI ALPHA The past year has been full of hard work and determination for the Alpha Delta Chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha as they strove for excellence. Lambda Chi continued its strong tradition of community service by hosting the 28th Annual Chicken Benefit Dinner for the CP School and the Gingerbread House. In the spring, the Pantry Raid was held, which provided over 600 pounds of canned goods for the Rolla Nutritional Center. Academics and intramurals were also on Lambda Chi's list of accomplishments in 1989. The brothers finished second overall in grades, with the associates finishing first.
LAMBDA CHI ALPHA: Row 1: M . Strausbaugh, S. Hauk, S. Dye, C. St e phens, Marc Bahr, K. linhardt, R. Stoneking, Mike Bahr, T. Ziegler, D. Platt, B. Scott, E. lasle ton, K. Hall. Row 2: B. Kincaid, T. lynchard, ). l ecompte, ). Falke nrath, ). Hornburg, B. Stoltz, K. Taylor, S. Re nic h , ). Hartleroad , K. Korte, B. Dalton, G. Brake, S. Kostenck,
They also made a fine showing in intramurals, placing in soccer, softball, track, and badminton. Lambda Chi Alpha also had a full social calendar. Their Christmas, Valentine and St. Pat's parties were all big successes. They also partied during Greek Week, led by their IFC Senior rep, Eric Roddiger, who was honored as the Greek God Apollo. Having Brother Mike Sellberg named as IFC Man of the Year topped off a great year â&#x20AC;˘ for Lambda Chi.
R. Gasaway, P. McCormick, A. Townley, N. Spellers. Row 3: D. Carlson, B. Clark, S. Vukcevich, ). Feltz, K. Reilly, B. Cordts, G. Garnier, M . Markel, j. Hordesky, C. Pimentel, D. Brennan, G. Pfeffer, S. Diekhaus, B. McDanie l. Photo by K. M cilvaine
Living Units ¡ Fraternities 115
<I>K8 PHI KAPPA THETA Phi Kappa Theta had a great start for the 1989-90 school year. After an extremely successful rush program, Phi Kap had to acquire a new annex to make room for the 38 incoming freshmen . The fall semester went very well for the members. In scholastics and intramurals, Phi Kaps remained very competitive. They also demonstrated to the local community a giving spirit in their efforts with the Newman club haunted house, their annual Christmas party for the boys of Boy's Town and their garage sale for the benefit of Birthright. Phi Kap was very proud to have entered the Queen's float in the St. Pat's Parade this year, following last year's winning float. With an excellent cudgel, St. Pat's went great. With expectations of another solid rush, Phi Kaps are gearing up for another strong year of success â&#x20AC;˘ and achievement.
PHI KAPPA THETA LITTLE SISTERS: Row 1: J. Schroer, D. Weil, K. McDaniel, C. Schreckenberg, A. Mason, N. Puckett, H. Barstad, E. Mulanax, J. Alfermann. Row 2: L. Tippe tt, J. Brown, A. Street, C. Carlisle, D. Westcott, C. Hentges, J. Stratman, L. Tieber, S. Romer, C. Bough Photo by M. Schmid
PHI KAPPA THETA: Row 1: D. Howser, D. Blerms, D. Koscie lski, J. loc hirco, R. Buschjost, B. Holthaus, H. Bersett, J. He ttinger, P. Snider, C. Scott. Row 2: B. Carbrey, A. Schulte, C. Case, J. Yukich, T. Balkenbush, P. Winke lman, S. Robb, J. Collins, R. Hribar, J. Kniker, M. Schaefer. Row 3: M. Conne ll, K. Bockhorst, R. laurent, S. Kle in, A. Shulfer, V. Poland, J. Stratman, P. Dobson, M. Kill, D. Hotop, E. Coco, P. Bre nnan. Row 4: K. Mikule ik, C. Mue ller, J. Govro, C. Triller, M. Rollet, K. Rowe, J. Schaefer, T. Baer, J. Becher, N. Davidson, B. Winsche l, C. Rackers, J. Engeman, T. Koscielski. Row
116 living Units - Fraternities
5: B. Dionne, B. Johnson, K. Brue mmer, J. Rernkemeyer, J. Mazzola, A. Hentges, A. Schmidt, B. Moore, J. Kuehn, G. Davis, C. Fugate, S. Griffin, D. Tieber, M. luedde, K. W eppie, J. Jones, M . Keuss, M . Balassi, E. VanDeven. Row 6: S. Bader, M. Johnston, D. Hall, M. Coll ins, j. Miget, E. Granados, J. Klump, D. Rimmer, C. layton. Not Shown: C. Divin, M . Gross, T. Harster, G. Jacquin, T. Kunkel, K. O ' Brien, D. Re nfert, M. Schmid, K. Sharpe, M . Tessaro, R. Viessman. Photo by M. Schmid
IIKA PI KAPPA ALPHA Pi Kappa Alpha began the 1989-90 school year finishing the extensive construction and renovations on their house. The men of Pi Kappa Alpha constructed a very strong intramural team as well. With first place victories in racquetball, swimming, wrestling and bowling and second place victories in track and softball, Pi Kappa Alpha wrapped up the intramural season in first place overall. Pi Kappa Alpha had a successful Homecoming topped off with the selection of
PI KAPPA ALPHA: Members are: A. Adams, D. Fitzgibbons, S. Needles, J. Bossman , R. Johns, M . Radma n, B. Moore, K. Riley, D. Redington, S. Slattery, J. Mo rris, R. Schne ide r, R. Snide r II, K. We bb, S. Otto, S. Be rry, B. Fortman, M . He le in, M . Brandt, C. Tho rnto n, J. Vogt , M. Nel, W. Buc kle w, M. Crawford , M. Day, D. Elled ge,
their Homecoming Queen candidate, Jennifer Llewellyn. On the community service side, the brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha were able to collect the most money for local charities during the Greek Week Carnival. They accomplished this using their own version of Hollywood Squares. With the new construction to their house, the members of Pi Kappa Alpha have high hopes for future successful years. â&#x20AC;˘
P. Fe ue rste in, C. Green, H. Hoffmann, J. Johnson, P. Johnson, K. Kamp , C. Mallo w, R. Mine r, D. Moc ke r, G. Moody, K. Owings, T. Polcyn, D. Presley, B. San c he z, T. Scott, A. Solomo n, B. Ste wart, D. Swarts, K. Va n Hoogst rate , M . We ila nd, P. Wobbe . Pho to by K. M cilvaine
living Units - Fraternities 117
IlK <I> PI KAPPA PHI The Gamma lambda chapter of Pi Kappa Phi had an outstanding 1989-90 school year. Since they were first chartered in 1968, the men of Pi Kappa Phi have dedicated their efforts towards being an active member of the UMR community. They have upheld this tradition, through their many projects and accomplishments, which includes their national philanthropy PUSH . PUSH stands for Play Units for the Severely Handicapped. With a past built on several successful years, Pi Kappa Phi hopes to remain a strong and vital part of UMR .â&#x20AC;˘
PI KAPPA PHI: Row 1: j . Obermark, A.
Howe rto n, ]. Diede ric h, G. Christense n. Row 2: S. Borho, ]. Wh e lan, B. Maie r, P.
Caru so, G. McCandliss, D. Hanse r, T. Teko lste . Row 3: C. Steger, E. Strode r, K. Phe lps, ]. Yobby, M. Ri ce , 0 . Forre ll, L. Ede r, T. Ri sk. Courtesy of Pi Kappa Phi
118 Livi ng Units ¡ Fraterni ties
~X SIGMA CHI SIGMA CHI LITTLE SISTERS: Row 1: C. Engstrom, C. Black, N. Fetters, l. Phillips, K. Ryan, S. Conyers, K. Kalmer. Row 2: T. Clemens, S. Mathes, T. Hough, T. Van Digglen, K. Politte, C. Cheeky, ). Crede, S. Garey, ). Schnur, W. Abbot, l. Mi ller. Row 3: K. Weber, M. Casper, M. Hudson, ). Grotenhuis, V. Bhatt, S. Spencer, S. McCorkle, M. Melton, B. Halpin, ). Cordes, S. Halpin, N. McCune. Courtesy of Sigma Chi
SIGMA CHI: Row 1: ). Conrad, E. Clevenger, D. Rainbolt, ). Baker, K. Meir, ). Esparrago, L. Williams. Row 2: M. Fox, S. Menendez, ). Klien, K. Holdner, C. leach, M. Sebourn, R. Oswald, B. Broyles, S. Konerman n, ). Gle nn, M. Nelson. Row 3: M.
The end of the 1989-90 school year closed o ut a very exciting and rewarding year for the men of Sigma Ch i. Sigma Chi participated in the St. Pat's parade by building their fi rst St. Pat's float since 1988. In addition, service projects kept Sigma Chi very active all year. The second annual Derby Days sponsored by Sigma Chi brought many out to ru n and proceeds went to the Cleo Wallace Center, one of the few centers across the nation solely used for the treatment and rehabilitation of children who are learning-disabled or emotionally-disturbed. They helped to keep the highw ays clean through their Adopt-A-Highway program. They helped to dist ribute shipments of Girl Scout cookies to the different troops in the Rolla area. Also, they participated in Walk America. By their active involvement in t hese and other projects, the members of Sigma Chi wish to establish themselves as a frate rnity dedicated to serâ&#x20AC;˘ vice.
lear, ). Zawila, ). Schaller, S. Eile rman, D. loida, B. Moppins, D. Dubious, D. Tokos, T. Eisenhauer. Row 4: T. Tokos, N. Marler, R. Jacober, T. Stratman. Courtesy of Sigma Chi
living Units¡ Fraternities 119
~N SIGMA NU The brothers of Sigma Nu celebrated their first year in their new house with a year of accomplishments. Their pursuit of excellence continued with Sigma Nu's soccer team, track team and cross country team capturing first place in intramurals, while the football team took second place. The pledge class won first place in Christmas house decorations as well. St. Pat's 1990 was a special one for Sigma Nu as Brother Mike Cook was elected Master Guard and Brother Rusty Bucher was elected Vice President of the St. Pat's Board. During Greek Week, Brother Tim Breece was electe d as Poseidon for IFC and Brother William Guenther was a finalist for IFC Man of the Year. Sigma Nu is striving toward obtaining the prestigious Rock Chapter, a ve ry high honor for a â&#x20AC;˘ Sigma Nu Chapte r.
SIGMA NU LITTLE SISTERS: Row 1: M. Lillard, A. Chapman, A. Be rra, D. Pulsipher, K. Canida. Row 2: T. Santac ruz, ]. Curry, A. Martin, T. Guha, D. Kraus. Row 3: D. Weinand, K. Fle ming, A. Ge ffe rth, B. Sande r, L. He rre n, R. Todd, L. Visintine. Photo by M. Schmid
SIGMA NU: Row 1: ]. Carney, D. Fahre nkrog, C. Chio d ini, R. Yeargain, T. Santacruz, R. Buc her, K. Pace, M. Koffman, ]. Po rter, ]. Julian. Row 2: B. Green, T. Shafer, M. Dwyer, M. Ellis, M . Potte r, D. Rosenbaum, ]. Meystrik. Row 3: C. Witherspoon, ]. Smith, ]. Collins, B. Correll, C. Fridle y, W. C he n, B. Lawrence, T. NewK irk. Row 4: D. Millar, W. Falle rt, D. Hausche l, T. Hughes, ]. Lacavich, ]. Beard, S. Boyo, M. Mc Ne tt,
120 Living Units - f raternities
C. Phillips. Row 5: T. Breece, R. Hatfield, E. Hardi n, M. Cook, R. Sharfenberg, J. Teson, D. Peele r, G. Owens, S. Craig, C. Aufd e mbri nk, ). Do rn, D. O ' Brien, B. Hu nnius, K. Van Bure n , K. Ha mm ersch m id t, C. Yo ung, M. Ple in, T. Nierman, B. Mangogna, ]. Thompson, D. Tate, D. Schwetz. Photo by T. Stansifer
SIGMA PHI EPSILON The men of the Missouri Gamma Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon had much to be proud of during the 1989-90 school year. The members of Sigma Phi Epsilon showed their continued strength in intramural sports with a fourth place finish overall for the year. Several individual efforts in golf and horseshoes brought the fraternity first place honors.
SIGMA PHI EPSILON: Members are: M. Steagall, D. Wyatt, D. Koester, T. Ke rtz, B. Satterthwai t e, P. Ha lliday, E. Kozak, J. Schneider, N. Klukvin, B. Schne ller, J. Chaudoir, J. Hoffmeister, A. Johns, A. Ayer, T. Steve ns, B. Re nke n, K. Haynes, S. Hagen, M. Widman, G. Flieg, T. Wesling, M. Lalumandier, T. Drake, K. Riggs, J. Jan-
In the community service department, Sigma Phi Epsilon was once again outstanding. As they have done in the past, the brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon helped to raise money for their adopted charity, the Rolla Cerebral Palsy School. With many future accomplishments in the making, the men of Sigma Ph i Epsilon â&#x20AC;˘ will surely have many more success.
son, J. Higgins, S. Bleckle r, C. Roth, D. Holst, C. Be ilsmith, M. Done lan, B. Ware, C. Figge, T. Wolters, T. Obe rle, M . O'Connell, E. She lden, S. Steiger, T. Nitterauer, G. Potter, K. Dry, E. Haack, B. Zoltowski, M. Huber, S. Longmeyer, P. Wesling, R. Crump, M. Sharp, R. Jokerst, S. Jackson, L. Cramer. Courtesy of Sigma Phi Epsilon
SIGMA PHI EPSILON LITTLE SISTERS: Me mbe rs (not picture d) are: J. Wh ite, K. Roper, J. Tilk, B. Meder, N. Castro, M. Bennish, A. Jilg, L. Osick, S. Turner, L. Lamb, J. Obernuefemann, C. Patterson, L. Young, N. Nawojski, K. Shilli, J. Goetges, R. Calhoun, J. Oldfield, M . Hewitt, K. Gross, A. Pohl, J. Robi nson, H. Langston, ). Tatum, K. Hoffme ister, M. Sievers, N. Lahri, T. Dencker.
living Units - Fraternities 121
SIGMA PI The men of the Alpha Iota chapter of Sigma Pi had an outstanding 1989-90 school year with many accomplishments. They began by initiating sixteen new members and pledging eight additional members. This brings the total number in their house to eighty-two making them the largest house on campus. With their membership strong, Sigma Pi was able to participate in many community projects. In September, they raised more than $6000 in their Multiple Sclerosis drive. In addition, they helped to keep their two mile stretch of 1-44 clean through the Missouri Highway Department's AdoptA-Highway program. In competition, the brothers of Sigma Pi were also strong with second place finishes in both wrestling and Greek Sing. Social events also shined for Sigma Pi. Formal dances, such as their annual Orchid Ball, were all great successes. With the completion of a great year, Sigma Pi looks forward to many, many more. â&#x20AC;˘
available at time of publication.
Photo by M. Gawedzinski
SIGMA PI: Row 1: M. Cobb, B. Dowdy, R. Ross, E. Stockglausner, B. Graeler, E. Harris, D. Farnam . Row 2: j. Tottleben, K. Miller, M. Boyce, D. Dicks. Row 3: T. Ferner, S. Sunkara, M . Dunehew, C. Killian,).
McCoy, ). McGraw, G. Gibson, P. Baker, M . Selinger, E. Suranaut, M. Pedigo, M. Reynolds, T. Holland, P. Findley. Row 4: R. Gregg, S. Edward, M. Tobey, M. Ash, P. Bell, G. Chavez, S. Hoffman, P. Nguyen, S. Paul, T. Hondyshell, B. Holt, C. Williams, M . Scott, D. Herrmann, D. Dearmond, T.
122 living Units â&#x20AC;˘ Fraternities
Stein, M. Stack, L. Maguire, K. Jenicek, T. Haynes, P. Kerns, S. Hostetter, ). Armstrong,). Hiller, M. Kaeppel. Not Shown: J. Bauer, K. Bayliss, R. Berger, S. Brands, R. Browman, S. Buechler, C. Chichura, M . Chichura, L. Cook, A. Curtis, S. Dingman , M . Dyess, P. Frerking, B. Good, R. Hahler, W. Hughes, ). Holee, C. Naeger, A. Nicodym, C. Reynolds, ). Riegerix, D. Sagehorn, K. Short, ). Skaggs, A. Smith, B. Snow,). Vannest, P. Weber,). Withington .
Photo by T. Stansifer
SIGMA TAU GAMMA The brothers of Sigma Tau Gamma had another great year. They have improved their grades each semester, while still enjoying many other activities. During Homecoming, Septemberfest and St. Pat's, they enjoyed the return of many of their alumni. Sig Tau placed second in the overall St. Pat's competition and they are looking for-
ward to winning first next year. After much practice, their sand volleyball team won the Greek Week competition. After Greek Week, the members of Sig Tau relaxed in their makeshift hot tub and prepared for finals and looked forward to â&#x20AC;˘ another great year.
SIGMA TAU GAMMA: Row 1: ). Culp, R. Horst, A. Scott, B. Parrish, T. Dalton. Row 2: D. Barnes, M. Griscom, G. Wilke ning, M. Knerr. Row 3: M. Wilkening, S. Parshall, D. Ye h, ). Davis, D. Finkling, ). Frank, G. Saeger, D. Libiez, C. Hughes, B. Cornall, C. Altenbe rnd, E. Knight, N. leonard. Courtesy of Sigma Tau Gamma
Living Units - Fraternities 123
TKE TAU KAPPA EPSILON The Beta Eta Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon had an exciting and productive 1989-90 school year. The highlight of the year for the members of Tau Kappa Epsilon came during the St. Pat's festivities. For the third consecutive time, the men of TKE carried off the first place trophy in the overall St. Pat's competition, thus retiring the St. Pat's trophy. To add to their St. Pat's accomplish-
TAU KAPPA EPSILON: Members are: T.
Ahrens,). Amiel, K. Baer, S. Bahr, M . Becher, D. Berg, D. Bernhard, T. Blount, E. Boyer,). Bunette, C. Cattoor, A. Del Rosario, T. Do, M . Donnelly, S. Faser, ). Freeman, R. Goltz, D. Hemmer,). Huettenmeyer, K.
124 Living Units - Fraternities
ments, Tau Kappa Epsilon had the honor of having one of their own serve as St. Pat. Member David Bernhard, junior in engineering management, was selected for this prestigious position. David also had served the St. Pat's Board as president and float & parade chairman. With such a great year behind them, the brothers of Tau Kappa Epsilon hope for a even better year in 1990-91. â&#x20AC;˘
Kerry, D. lawrence, R. Martin, G. Martinez, D. Park, T. Piskorski, M. Plummer, D. Quick, D. Rottmann, ). Sanders, ). Steinkoetter, ). Swinford, W. Unk, T. Wankum, S. Warhover, R. Wilcox, G. Ziegler.
Photo by B. Booth
8 THETA XI The 1989-90 year was a busy and productive school year for the men of Theta Xi. Their participation and extra effort in extracurricular activities paid off. They earned second place overall in Homecoming, second place in soccer and second place in volleyball. Theta Xi also donated much of their time and effort throughout the school year to charitable causes such as the Crop Walk and Multiple Sclerosis. They presently hold the traveling trophy for the most money earned during the Crop Walk and they raised over one thousand dollars for Multiâ&#x20AC;˘ ple Sclerosis.
THETA XI: Row 1: T. Petty, Molly, Max, M. Warren, K. Maschler. Row 2: T. Weible,]. Skeeters, C. Dyer, D. Goetz, B. Bjerken, M. Takatz, V. Baum, T. Rosenthal, M. Hen dric ks, M. Ward. Row 3: E. Jaegers,]. Haywood, G. Wyatt, D. Maschler, S. Baymille r, B. Ke lsa y, M. Acuff, D . McCombs,] . Erickson. Row 4: R. Williams, B. Kle nklen,
A. Madison, T. Boydston, T. Bjerken, D. Boedeker,]. Poulson. Not Shown: T. Suilock, K. Corum, C. Fields, S. Furman, R. Hamme, M . Keating, R. Kent, S. McManigal, C. Shepherd, R. Swan, ]. Vanfossan, B. Watson. Photo by M. Schmid
living Units - Fraternities 125
TRIANGLE The year began with the men of Triangle making finishing touches to their new house. The Brothers worked hard to get the Old 'New' Rock House ready for their open house showing and house warming parties both held in October. During Homecoming their new home was officially christened by their alumni. In November, they held their first fall formal since the fire. Triangle also received
TRIANGLE: Row 1: M. Kilgore, D. Parker, ). Humphrey, B. Hoven, ). Gorsuch. Row 2: R. Mensing, Mort, B. Hunt, M. Smith, S. Puljak , G. Denzer,). Ke rns, A. Bush, ). Ice, A. Schmerer, ). Segur, M. Roberts, M . Bronstein, E. Seaman, C. Bruce, E. Wuenscher, S. Asbury, S. Vehige, ). Schwartz, M .
126 Living Units
2nd place for their nchristmas on Sesame Streetn display. In the spring, they placed in several St. Pat's events and held their Spring casual. As the year came to a close, Triangle held a Keg Wake Party for those looking for a study break during Dead Week. Overall, Triangle enjoyed a successful year and looks forward to many more rewarding¡ years ahead. â&#x20AC;˘
Hartwig, B. Schwantner, M. Dove. Row 3: B. Klopp, B. Lightfoot, N. Zagarri, G. Allen, C. Hines , ). West , M . Hathorn e . Not Shown: E. Elmer, R. Wagner, B. Booth, T. Fussner. Photo by B. Booth
The ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha as usual had a year filled with many endeavors. They attended their Sixtieth Midwestern Regional Conference in Colorado Springs, Colorado. At the conference, AKA received second place in the Midwestern Region for Undergraduate Chapter of the year. This was a great honor for the sisters â&#x20AC;˘ of Alpha Kappa Alpha.
Neal, T. Youngblood , J. Hybbard, T. Jo hnson, R. Jacobs. Phot o by E. Hassinger
living Units - Sororities 127
XQ CHI OMEGA The ladies of Chi Omega have experienced much success this past 1989-90 school year. They proudly began the year with the initiation of 15 wonderful new members. Due to their third consecutive first place in St. Pat's, Chi Omega has retired the trophy. Their experimental cudgel was impressively well done. Chi Omega also earned first place in intramural basketball and volleyball. In addition to all this, Chi Omega was first in scholarship for the tenth semester in a row. Chi Omega also had time for charity work. They participated with Kappa Alpha
CHI OMEGA: Row 1: N. Fetters, S. Yo-
she ll, S. Halpin, C. Black, S. Metzner. Row 2: D. Kolbet, D. Vale ntino, ). Jackson, M. Hoyt, B. Halpin, C. Norton, K. Sohrabi, A. )ilg, S. Connors, K. Kraft. Row 3: R. Meyer, L. Brandt, M. DePriest, ). Curry, S. Stroker, M. Carpet, D. Conner, N. Puckett, K. He inemann, K. Alle n, L. Yonker, S. Yeargain, N. Pagano.
128 living Units - Sororities
in the second annual Beach Bowl for MPA. The ladies held their annual Easter and Halloween parties for the children at B. W. Robinson state school. They also participated with Panhellenic in the Toll Road for the local Rolla charities. Many Chi Omega's worked and gave blood at the Red Cross Blood Drives. Also Wyman Elementary School was helped at their carnival by the ladies. With six pledges to be initiated, Chi Omega enthusiastically awaits the upcomâ&#x20AC;˘ ing year.
Row 4: N. Meyer, C. lunde , T. Neudecker, ). Donovan, T. Moore, K. Niehaus, B. Dare, N. McCune, S. Burrows, E. Mulanax, S. Bruns, M. Benedick. Row 5: S. Kupferle, B. Baumbach, S. lowe, Y. Scammacca, L. Brunn er , N. George, D . Walton, D . Oehlsc hlae ger, E. Cook, C. Uzze ll , H. Cole man. Photo by M. Gawedzinski
K~ KAPPA DELTA Kappa Delta was teeming with activities during the 1989-90 year. They participated in intramurals, Homecoming, St. Pat's, Derby Days and Greek Week. Their second annual Philanthropies, kidnapping of the president's and Shamrock project brought in all sorts of canned goods for L. 0. V. E. and over $500 for the prevention of child abuse. Kappa Delta members also held several personal enrichment programs. They had topics on everything from car maintenance to self defense to resume writing. The ladies of Kappa Delta look forward â&#x20AC;˘ to many more successful years.
KAPPA DELTA: Row 1: L. Reisi nge r, B. Workman, B. Brockman, N. Lahiri, J. Betlach. Row 2: D. Murphy, T. McGaugh, A. Fredrick, A. Mische, K. Milde nstein, C. Gereau. Row 3: T. Pruett, S. Miller, D. Barnhouse, L. Warbington, J. Gosnell, B. Singh, A. Shipp. Row 4: C. Edwards, E. Sweet, D. Faust, T. Casto, L. Theoni, B. Holtman, B. Palorc hik. Photo by ). M cHaney
living Units - Sororities 129
ZTA ZETA TAU ALPHA The sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha once again returned to school in the fall with the Crown Chapter Award, the most prestigious award given to a chapter by their National. They started off the semester by reaching quota during formal rush and house total early in the semester. The fall semester was a busy one with their pledge class raising a sizable amount of money which was donated to the California Earthquake Relief Fund and the first annual charity golf tournament sponsored by ZTA.
ZETA TAU ALPHA: Row 1: D. Kladiva, A. Street, ). Crowell, K. Fleming, B. Me der, L. Vi sintine. Row 2: ). Peterson, D. Pulsifer, N. Neill, B. Kilwin, M. Bohanan, D. Ballinge r, C. Sfreddo, L. Wood, A. Chapman, A. Hedding. Row 3: M. Lillard, E. Dunning, L. Molner, L. Vigna, A. Gefferth, K. Jozwiak, D. Nickolaus, W. Coleman, S. Jambore tz, R. Richie, A. Ockree. Row 4: K.
130 Living Units ~ Sororities
With the spring semester came six pledges and another wide variety of activities. The girls held service projects for local charities, placed second in St. Pat's, and worked toward a first place finish in Greek Week for the fifth year in a row. The year ended with the chapter receiving honors in their province during the annual Zeta Day, which was held in Rolla this year. The chapter received the Outstanding Service Award and the Chapter Organization Award. â&#x20AC;˘
Casper, M . DeBourge, I. Brinegar,). Llewellyn, K. Shelton, M. Sievers, A. Koike, D. Schulz, C. Hayes, D. Rozgay , L. Young, K. Faulkne r, B. Sander, A. Adams, M . Moore, N. Castro, K. Pratt, R. Beiter. Row 5: L. Smith, B. Blaske, K. Roper, K. Kluz, L. Miller, S. Nelson. Photo by]. McHaney
Duncan, K. Korte, T. Fussner, M . Seliner, M. Connel, M. Knerr, S. Head, J. Zawila, J. Chandler. Row 2: D. Allen, R. Quinn, K. Pace, J, Stork, C. Pfueffer , A. Schmerer, T. Dickey, G. Flieg, R. Stehlin, S. Hutson , N. Gibler. Row 3: J, Diederich, B. Jones, J. Jones, G. Martinez, A. Howerton, K. Rice, B. Steinkamp, K. Johnson. Row 4: P. McCalla, T. Breece, M. Helein, B. Green, T. Blue, E. Roddiger, C. Bruce, J. Tottleben, M. Acuff, R. Swan. Row 5: T. Faenger, M . Thomas, D. Hanser, M. Grasc h, D. Dicks, M . Larson. Row 6: M. Sharp, P. Hasselbring, T. Morrow, A. Mueller, D. Libiez, K. Hicks. Photo by E. Hassinger
PANHELLENIC: Row 1: J. Hubbard, E. Yonker. Row 2: J, Peterson, M . Lillard,
B. Brockman, J, Gosnell, N. George. Row 3: S. Anyan, N. Castro, S. Staehle , K. Fleming. Row 4: B. Baumbach, K. Joz-
wiak, N. Lahiri, T. Casto. Photo by B. Booth
Living Units - Greek Council 131
Photos by E. Hassinger 132 Greek Week
Photos by E. Hassinger 133
Photos by E. Hassinger 134
Photos by E. Hassinger 135
136 Greek Week
Photos by E. Hassinger
Photos by f. Hassinger
Greek Week 137
138 Greek Week
T. J• 2 & 3 SOUTH
TJ 2 SOUTH: Members are: S. )amboretz, K. Kopplin, M . Krueger, A. Lachance, D. lenley, M . Litherland, A. logan, C. Maloney, N. Mason, R. Mason, S. Mathes, M . Podgornik, A. Pohl, S. Reiter, R. Richie, P. Ruma, C. Schreckenberg, T. Schulz, C. Sfreddo, C. Totton, C. Cheeley, S. Connors, 0 . Copeland, E. Dunning, C. Gage, M. Gardner, l. Willhaus, E. Williamson, l. Wood, A. Adams, S. Bagley, C. Bean, l. Buttry, S. Collins, H. Governick, K. Gross, ). Hackett, S. Hale, D. Howard.
Photo by j . McHaney
TJ 3 SOUTH: Row 1: T. Gazaway, l. Koenig, S. Baschues. Row 2: Y. Franklin,). Wollard, E. Hawthorne. Row 3: M . Nussbaum, C. King, l. Saxbury. Row 4: A. Ockree, P. Jenkins, K. Wheeler . Row 5: M . Frank, C. Greer, M . Mesko. Row6: S. Tenny,). Morri s, C. Bean. Row 7: l. Edwards, A. Pharr, B. Knaust, l. Kessels.
Photo by M. Gawedzinski 3 SOUTH ACTIVITIES: Kiss-grams fund raiser, Penny •Mi le", Christmas decorating, floor painting, energy co nservation, Boo Buddies, Secret Santas, door decoration, and floor T-shirts.
140 Living Units - Residence Halls
T. J. 4 & 5 SOUTH
TJ 4 SOUTH: Members are: C. Bosick, R.
Boswell, K. Bridges, C. Brown, G. Brown, D. Chadaratana, T. Clark, P. Daly, C. Fox, B. Gentelin, N. Gustafson, T. Harris, C. Hoope r, C. Kennedy, C. Kunz, C. Lundy, D. Melton, R. Meyerhoff, ]. Nun ley, T. Ruyle, S. Sievere, A. Speck, P. Stall nan, ]. Strothmann, K. Tayon, S. Ward, C. Weaver, K. Weidemann, l. Wester, E. Yost. Photo by T. Davis
TJ 5 SOUTH: Row 1: W. Gilp in, ]. M cDonnell, ]. Owen. Row 2: B. Troutt, M . Lani-
gan,]. Pinge, T. Houchin, C. Dacus, R. Nelson. Row 3: B. Bode, ]. Simon, ]. Fox, M. lawrence, D. Bilbrey. Row 4: R. Frisse, ]. Randell, D. Hunt. Photo by E. Hassinger
Living Units - Residence Halls 141
6 & 7 SOUTH
TJ 6 SOUTH: Members are: N. Gilliland, P. Snider, D. lett, j. Sminchack, S. Palmtag, M. McKay, ). Stone, R. Fugina, H. Matthews Ill, R. Wohlgemuth, T. Skillington, ). Bohler, D. Prives, B. Lynch, M. Schell, T. Wicks, T. Leffelman, B. Thomas, A. Carriger, D. Nagel, B. Wagner, V. Agarwal, R. Sherry, ). Quarles, G. Scales, L. Orange, T. Stansifer, R. Sljsmeyer, j . Phillips
Photo by M. Schmid
TJ 7 SOUTH: Row 1: E. Banks, B. Graff, F. Finley, M. Thompson, A. Zoroufchy, D. Pentecost. Row 2: K. Woodard, j. Sutin, M . Konjevich, C. Newburry, S. Wilson , C. Fox, M . Payton . Row 3: B. Barrett,). Robinson, B. Hoog, M. Brooks, S. Watts, ). Decke r, A. Schadt. Not Shown: S. Bach, C. Naeger, R. Calabio, C. Cullen, M . Weathers,). Gibbs, S. Sherlock
Photo by M. Gawedzinski 7 SOUTH ACTIVITIES: SUB's mud volleyball tournament winners, second place in interfloor basketball, second place in the T. ). mural contest, second highest CPA in T. ). South , road trips, commando wargames and holiday fundraiser .
142 living Units - Residence Halls
8 & 9 SOUTH
TJ 8 SOUTH: Members are: G. Drikow, W. Dumaine, ). Ehrhardt, R. Horner, B. Kreder, ). Kuhlman, B. Kurtz, R. Niedergerke, M . Norton, V. Turnell, S. Welge, B. Wollangk, R. Woodley, T. Bagwill, ). Beutel, P. Briddell, ). Buchanan, P. Belk, B. Bill ings, C. Grimes, T. He llebusch, T. Lewis, A. McCoy, ). Steltenpohl, R. Vargas, W . Watkins, K. Willis. Photo by}. McHaney
TJ 9 SOUTH: Row 1: R. Wiggins, ). Vinson, K. )ones, C. Schilt, V. Wh ite, C. Stover, L. Reeves, A. Murphy. Row 2: P. Waeltermann, C. Martin, D. Brewer, L. Lang, D. Archibald, K. Schumer, B. Warrick, Y. Gander, D. Ling, C. Grubb Photo by }. McHaney
Living Units - Residence Halls 143
T. J. 10 & 11 SOUTH unut, I Just Live There!H
TJ 10 SOUTH: (Not Pictured) Members are: J. Arrowsmith, ]. Blue, B. Chambon , W. Davis, T. Dowdle, D. Fann in, M. Foste r, E. Fritsc h, B. Fullerton, R. Heple r, R. Je nkins, M. ]oersz, E. Johnson, M. Ke lle r, G. Kim, T. Mandry Jr., M. Mathew, S. Maycock, D. McCellan, K. Mittenzwey II , B. Moore, S. O 'Donnell, T. O'Grady, W. Patterson, l. Peterson, R. Pittman Ill, M. Repe tto, M. Shay, l. Turpin II, J. Wagner, P. West, D. Wunder.
T) 11 SOUTH: Row 1: B. Reese, Y. lei, P. Petry. Row 2: T. Schmidt, J. Pearson, G. Weatherford. Row 3: S. Wolf, D. Magidson, ]. Dosfer, C. Hindle, ]. Apperson. Row 4: B. Delaware, G. Rod e nbe rge r, A. Carso . Row 5: M. Banmon, J. Black, S. lngracia. Courtesy of
TJ 11 South
144 living Units - Residence Halls
What do almost all freshmen at UMR have in common? They all live in residence halls! Most do more than just live there, they also get involved with one or more of the many activities, such as: intramural athletics, student government, floor committees, or residence hall government. Floor communities in residence halls are governed by elected members of the floor. At Thomas Jefferson Hall (TJ) members are elected into offices of President, Vice-President, StuCo representative and food committee rep r esentative. At the Quadrangle (Quad) members are elected into offices of Governor, Lt. Governor, StuCo representative and food representative. These officers represent the floors on residence hall committees and in StuCo. They also organize floor parties and make sure their floor is involved in charity events, athletics and a variety of other events going on around campus.
Of course floor communities would not be like home without the resident assistants. Not only do resident assistants have responsibilities on their floors, but they are responsible for a large portion of the programs presented within the halls. Such programs this year were: "How do'ya handle the WILD THANG?" with the scandalous SEX BOWL; International Week; and a varied assortment of other topics ranging from paper airplanes to love, sex and dating. Hall government is composed of three organizations: TJHA (Thomas Jefferson Hall Association) forT J, RHA (Residence Hall Association) for the Quad, and IRC (lnterresidence Council) which governs both TJHA and RHA. TJHA and RHA members are composed of the president/governor from the individual floors. TJHA and RHA hold meetings to discuss upcoming events both on their floors and (Continued on page 146)
T. J. 2 & 3 NORTH
TJ 2 NORTH: Members are: B. Borcherding, B. Benson, J. Ewens, S. Rakonick, R. McNeel, P. Boiler, M. Bland, A. Boy II, J. McCain, V. Banks, B. Jenkins, J. Young, S. Virtue, S. Turpin, T. Ohlms, T. Bequette, L. Sullivan, C. Smith, D. Konneman, J, Murphy, M . Kipping, J, Boley, J, Johnson, E. Smith, J. Wood, T. Degonia, K. Vaisvil, R. Hetrick, M. Breitung, P. Hayes, H. Halladay, B. Powell, J. Stevens, B. Files, K. Morris, A. Gallup, M. Riegel, C. Kloiber, R. Roland, D. Gu iot, T. Lafser, R. Hawthrone, A. Hudson, S. Thrope, C. Halke, D. Huff, S. Bhattacharvya, B. Borgwald, M . McQuality, J, Bennett, P. Buller, R. Kochanowicz, S. Haling, K. Petrie, E. Pfitzinger, M. Amin, R. Abbott, K. Buie, B. Jolly, P. Delgado, B. Thompson, R. Wilson, D. Coffin, J. Sears.
Photo by M. Schmid
2 NORTH ACTIVITIES: TJ interfloor basketball champions, winner of Ultimate Floor Competition, Lane Springs Party, first place in Sex Bowl II and first place in the Change Drive for L. 0 . V. E.
TJ 3 NORTH: Members are: B. Costello, M. Juelfs, P. Mayabb, H. Burkemper, F. Alt, G. Schaper, L. Mills, L. Driskill, J. Hurt, C. Kincy, I. Million, A. Cureau, J. McCall, K. Irving, B. Walker, J. Brown, J. Petrikovitsch, M. Woods, B. Williams, A. Thorpe, J. Valle, C. Couse, J. Smith, D. llges, T. Heil, J. Stone, S. Akhtar, J. Huecker, C. Lenz, D. Smith, D. Leong, G. Bell, C. Goodin, B. Hix, M. Deimeke, 0 . Ayeni, M. Basham, J, Brauer, B. Suvagia, S. Subbert, J. Cain, D. Sithivaraporn , S. Sudhirakuljai, M . Kupneski , T. Bergfeld, R. lves, D. Brown, D. Osborn, S. Denney, W. Schott, R. Shepard, P. Lopez, J, Renaut, D. Radloff, D. Meyer, E. Ohare, C. Dawson, M. Howell, M . Serrage, T. Hancock, B. Collins Photo by M. Schmid
Living Units - Residence Halls 145
T. J. 4 & 5 NORTH (Continued from page 144)
TJ 4 NORTH: (Not Pictured) Members are: R. Ahlers, Z. Ault, E. Bavolar, B. Beaird, P. Bozdech, E. Burke, R. Collier, R. Cowan, C. Crandall, R. Daly, P. Ellebrecht, M . Gettinger, J. Glatz, R. Glenn, B. Goodman, D. Griffith, J. Groenemann, B. Herschbach, C. Hilburn, J. Holman, D. Hooten, S. Hunt, J. Jacobsmeyer, R. Jennigs, B. Knight, B. Krueger, l. lacey, E. Lehmann, M . long, C. Lottes, R. McAllister, K. McClendon, S. Mohapatra, B. Murphy, M. Murrell, B. Neary, E. Nelson, K. Otten, T. Patel, S. Powell, T. Pruett, R. Reibold, E. Rice, R. Rosenkoeffer, F. Simon, J. Stephens, T. Stephenson, M . Stone, D. Tajkowski, D. Thilker, S. Thilker, S. Tompson, S. Wells, P. Wilfred, M. Wise, B. Zoeller.
TJ 5 NORTH: Row 1: M . Moore, T. Falke, K. Thomason, B. Reichert, D. Salzman. Row 2: J. Smith, B. Churchich, H. Kim, S. Baver, V. Herstmann, T. Dencker, D. Dreinhoffer, B. Durwinkel, W. Coleman, S. Mangrum . Photo by M. Schmid
5 NORTH ACTIVITIES: tuck-in with 3 North, Sadie Hawkins Party, movie night, Penny Mile, candy sale for Valentines day, purchased a microwave for 5 North, created floor t-shirts and won Energy Conservation Month.
146 Living Units - Residence Halls
on campus. They plan the events and how to get people to them. The IRC is responsible for the funds given to TJHA and RHA for these events. IRC is also involved with charity work and improvement of residence hall policies, as well as sponsoring many campus wide events. Among these are the Barn Dance/Bash, Snow Ball, Suitcase Dance (where IRC gave an expense paid trip to Chicago), Shamrocker and the Boat Cruise (floating down the ol,. Mississippi). IRC was instrumental in the implementation of the Holtman alcohol policy and revisions on the quiet hour and intervisitation policies this year. Policy improvements were not the only changes that have taken place this year. Improvements in the residence halls this year will provide some new conveniences for next year's residents, making life in the residence halls more livable. Next year, refrigerators and phone service will be provided in each room
for the residents. At TJ, a new concrete bicycle pad was installed. At the Quad, rooms are having mini-blinds installed. Both complexes experienced computer facility expansions which were greatly needed. Overall, there have been many successful improvements made this year. Committees within the residence halls are a big part of student involvement, they all make residence halls a fun place to live. The 'biggee' among the committees is SAC (Student Awareness Committee) which is composed of two Intellectual/Emotio nal Committees. One is from TJ and the other is from the Quad. Some individual residence hall committees are the newspaper, publicity, food, indoorI outdoor social (sponsor of the floor mural contest and the 'Roommate Game' much like the "Newlywed Game") and the intramural committee. The intramural committee is responsible for resident participation in interfloor competition in ping pong, foosball, (Continued on page 148)
6 & 7 NORTH
TJ 6 NORTH: Row 1: S. Park, B. Bernoteit,
D. Ratliff, G. Heine, K. Kangas, ]. DeVaney. Row 2: ]. Shook, M. Campuzano, ]. Mitchell, A. Myers, T. Fuller, D. Kirtlink, ]. Herlost, R. Seydel, M . Compton, J. Rayburn. Row 3: E. Tavenner, D. Poff, D. Blankenship, V. McNully, R. Aburto, D. Guttmann, C. Dunnegan, J. Gusewelle, S. Leigh, R. Margis, W. Dumaine, T. Phillips. Row 4: T. Dammerich, G. Posten, C. Hoekstra, M. McCuin, B. Rackers, L. Dotson, K. Delinger, T. Tuohy, R. Lawson, B. Sullivan, J. Kullmann. Photo by E. Tavenner
TJ 7 NORTH: Members are: S. Abraham,
A. Aguilera, P. Allen, M. Anderson, A. Antonacci, G. Ashley, K. Beuletmann, R. Broman, D. Brundage, J. Horak, C. Huffman, A. Johnston, T. Jones, S. Jordan, K. Kimmel, M. Kronk, Y. Kwon, M . Larson, L.lee, M . Lehmann, P. Ling, C. Lucas, M . Mason Jr., B. McRoberts, B. Morris, C. Mosby, K. Murphy, K. Niekamp, A. Otten, G. Pritchett, J. Rainwater, S. Re pke, B. Ritschell, D. Robertson, C. Sciubba, R. Seggelke Jr., J. Singleton, D. Spratley, G. Svolopoulos, P. Swenson, D. Terhaar, S. Anderson, S. Combs, T. Davies, J. Davis, D. Eckrich, D. Erni, A. Everson, D. Everson, M. Fait, R. Frankenberger, S. Gibbins, J. Gillespie, E. Gorman, M. Groves, J. Haubrich, R. Tiedt, M . Turley, M. Westerheide , R. Wetzel, J. White Jr., D. White, P. Wilding, K. Zamzow. Photo by T. Davis
Living Units - Residence Halls 147
QUAD RANG LE KEllY HAll - HOUSES A & B (Continued from 146)
pool, basketball and softball. Another important committee is the special events committee. It is responsible for many exciting events throughout the year, such as the TJ Homecoming float and residence hall representation at the Greek Games. This year SAC sponsored the alcohol awareness week that was presented at both complexes. They also sponsored a financial aid program for residence hall occupants, Sex Bowl II and they brought a speaker to residence halls to inform residents of the dangers of AIDS. SAC also sponsored many charity events over the year, like the Penny Mile where floors collect pennies hoping to make KELLY HOUSE A: (Not Pictured) Members are: C. Alverson, C. Bishop, M . Botkin, C. Eggers, R. Elliot, R. Fugate, S. Fulkerson, C. Faulhaber, R. Gorton, S. Harlan, ). Stroups, M. Thompson, ). Vice, K. Voepel, T. Walls, G. Wieden, B. Zorchets, M. )iranek, M. Johnson, A. Kohler, G. Kovrik, A. Morgan, D. Olander, A. Pfau, S. Ruffing, M. Seabaugh, C. Smyser.
KELLY HOUSE B: Members are: ). Altermann, C. Arens, S. Baker, S. Blunt, ). Brown, C. Carlisle, M . Coleman, K. Faulkner, D. Feldewerth, D. Ford, Y. Franklin, K. Gross, ). Stayner, V. Wallis, ). Ward, S. White, M. Willhite,). Hsu, ). Hunsicker, D. Kliethermes, V. Legrant, A. Mason, S. Maxwell, R. Mulanax,). Oldfield, D. Ratcliff, R. Rinker, S. Romer, P. Schroeder, ). Schroer. Courtesy of T. Kram
148 living Units â&#x20AC;˘ Residence Halls
the longest line and collect the most money. Other events within the year included the Marriott Casino Night, the Marriott barbecue and many events over at the Quad. These events include: 'Trig Week', 'Welcome Back to the Quad', pool and spades, 'Spawn on the lawn' and 'Shift in the Drift' dances, Quad Movie Night, Scavenger Hunt, volleyball and chess tourneys, and TGIF's (ThankGoodness-It's-Friday parties). Residence halls provide a great opportunity for residents to develop friendships and relationships to last a lifetime. Besides just living there, UMR residents get involved, because no matter what your interests are ... there is always something to do!
KELLY HOUSE C : Row 1: W . Easley, E. Johnson, J, Kaiser, D. Klingman, G. Hoppe, H. Guerriero. Row 2: E. Sulincevski, D. Jolley, G. Raab, T. Erb, D. Darby, M . Morris, C. Pak, C. Coupland, R. Biedenstein, R. Millangue, R. Card, S. Edwards, B. Baldwin. Row 3: K. Mcilvaine, K. Harrison, G. Hamling, M. Zimmerman, G. Bender, S. Miller, M. Gassner, D. Haynes, M. Schaefer. Photo by K. Mcilvaine KELLY HOUSE C ACTIVITIES: first place in the Quad's indoor soccer tournament, Sex Bowl , Barn Bash , outings at lan e Springs, special performances by Elvis and Warren's locked closet.
KELLY HOUSE D: Members are: K. Adams, W. Alexander, B. Baldwin, D. Besch, J, Butler, S. Dahlgren, D. Dryer, K. Gerantham, M. Evans, S. Hachicho, J. Henggeler, R. Hobart, S. Hodges, R. Hudson, M. Kasinskas, J, Kimbel, T. Kram, J, Kuta, B. Lafollette, G. lamb, A. lowry, P. Martin, A. Martinez, D. McCarthy, C. Miller, D. Miner, J, Mitchell, S. Mitchem, P. Petitt, M. Ruest, D. Sanders, R. Schaffer, T. Schroeder, C. Scott, J, Simones, G. Storm, H. Sutton, C. Tanner, M. Taphorn, K. Van Haaren, S. White, D. Winkelman. Photo by ). McHaney
living Units - Residence Halls 149
HOLTMAN HALL: Row 1: l. Walker, A. Rickard, J. Starkey, S. Johnson. Row 2: P. Mack, H. Futakami, S. Wicks, S. Shockley. Row 3: C. Penzel, N. Oros, M. Calloway, J. Von Der Haar, K. Shimamura, S. Feldman, T. Bolden, J. Knutelski. Row 4: J. Balderamos, S. Koupman, l. Bhatnagar, M. Copp, J. Dalton. Photo by M. Schmid
. MCANERNEY HALL: Row 1: T. O'Hearn, T. Cruse, D. Jackson, J. Iverson, R. Holland, l. Hackman, E. Brown, A. Budnik, C. Gillespie, K. Gross, T. Banks. Row 2: G. Harper, B. Baker, B. Yelton, R. Meyer, G. Pinkley, J. Swinford, M. Chandler, C. Peters, l. Jones, C. Arens, A. Merz, S. Barber, B. Baker, D. Rice, J. Compton, C. Newcombe, B. Frantz, D. Kamadulski , M. Hathorne, B. Christie, G. Osman, P. Lepski, D. Moellring, K. Wiebe, B. Ward. Photo by K. Jlvaine
MCANERNEY HALL ACTIVITIES: self defense and crime watch seminars, pizza/ movie nights, picnics, volleyball and UMR Criminal Justice Program .
150 Living Units - Residence Halls
Courtesy of T. Kram
vis, K. Thomason, K. Kimmel,]. Wray, C. Maloney, A. LaChance, C. Tate. Row 2: j. Vinson, T. Falke, B. Bohnak, C. Martin, P. Waeltermann, R. Hetrick. Row 3: ]. Pingel, j. Morris, B. Patterson, S. Welge, P. Daly.
Couresty of T. Kram
Row 4: S. Palmtag, G. Bradley, B. Be rnote it, D. Hunt, A. Meyers, S. Watts, M. Brooks, M. Repetto, j. Valle, E. Yost, T. Sittig, M. Manoj, R. Boswell, M . Turley. Photo by T. Stansifer Living Units - Residence Halls 151
a Closer Look
ALPHA PHI OMEGA: Officers are: M. Turk, l. M iller, M . Licklider, ). Donovan.
Photo by E. Hassinger
ALPHA SIGMA MU: Not pictured. Officers are: S. Wells, A. Sago, l. Williams, B. Steinkamp. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MECHANICS: Not pictured. Officers are: M. Barkey, B. Norris, l. Hanna, D. Finklang.
ALPHA CHI SIGMA: Row 1: S. Shefchyk, C. Edwards, V. Fabella, S. Sitton, D. MacGrianna. Row 2: C. Sachs, D. Maschler, ). Vanfossan, D. Carey, M. Miller. Row 3: B. lawrence, A. Brady, D. Rivard, D. Rose nbaum, R. Wiggins, ). Starkey, T. Miller, M . Halbach. Row 4: M. McCoy, C. Divin, Z. Beeblebrox, T. Pruett, A. Cohen, "D. Platt, ). Kocktosi nosin, M . DeBarr.
Photo by M. Schmid
154 Organizations
Groups Honored
Awards Given Missy Benedick and Kathy Gunderson cook at the Society of Wome n Engineers fall picnic. The picnic was one such activity that he lped recognize the
UMR chapter of SWE as the best student section in our region at the SWE national conference.
Photo by E. Tavenner
The SAE Formula Car Team displays their creation. Once a year the Society of Automotive Engineers builds a formula car. The car is built to the students'
specifications and taste. Building the formula car gives the students a try at building a car.
Photo by K. Mcilvaine
Air Force Cadet Command are student officers in the AFROTC. Alpha Chi Sigma is a national professional fraternity in chemistry. Alpha Nu Sigma is a nuclear engineering and science honor society. Alpha Phi Omega is a national service fraternity the campus. APO has a bookstore which
will sell students' books at the price students want for the books. Alpha Sigma Mu is an honor fraternity for metallurgists.
Several groups across 路campus have received awards for various reasons this year. Among the groups honored are Society of Women Engineers, Society of Mining Engineers, Tau Beta Sigma, Kappa Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Phi and Society of Physics Students. The Society of Women Engineers received awards in two separate categories of the national conference held in June in Oakland, California. The group received the award for the best student section in the region and received the nationa l technical paper contest. Kathy Stone was the recipient of the technical paper award. The group was judged on the involvement of the members and their activities. The Society of Mining Engineers was named the Outstanding Chapter for 1989. The criteria for the award were based upon the chapter's involvement, activities and a paper reflecting the group's activities. Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi both received the Midwest District Chapter's Achievement Award. UMR's chapter of Phi Kappa Phi received the Master Chapter Award. The Society of Physics Students was named an outstanding chapter due to sponsoring various chapter activities.
society for ceramics engineers.
American Foundryman's Society
American Academy of Mechanics
promotes interest in the use and manufacture of metal castings.
promotes the science and advancement of mechanics.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics promotes
American Association of Petroleum Geologists promotes geolo-
astronautics and rocketry.
American Ceramic Society is a
Organizations 155
AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS & ASTRONAUTICS: Row 1: M. Ebbs, R. Sneed, D. Oglesby, S. Calkins. Row 2: Prof. H. F. Nelson, A. Tewari, R. Schaffer, A. Wineinger, J. Younger, S. Repke, K. Clapsu, T. Schwarz. Row 3: K. Deters, J. Thompson, A. Koike, S. Nguyen, A. Honse, S. Schmid, J. Thilenius, J. Steinler, T. King. Row 4: R. Schaefer, A. Johnston, C. Frayser, B. Bossi, S. Koop, J. Schneider, H. Ho, S. Atterberry. Row 5: M. Underwood, R. Stigall, D. Brown, F. Reinsch, M . Acuff, A. Madixon, R. Hepler.
Photo by M. Gawedzinski
AMERICAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY: Row 1: K. Stone, T. Orf, D. Jackson, J. East. Row 2: M. McQuality, T. Holland, A. Smith, W. Greene, M. Smith, A. Netzer. Row 3: M . Bruss, B. lightfoot, B. Strehlman, M . Mclaughlin, D. Szatkowski, B. Audsley, J. Hill, J. Schumer. Row 4: S. Palmtag, C. Hooper, V. Grote, A. Wilkins, T. O'Hearn, l. Bhatnagar, M. Nel, C. Gross.
Photo by f. McHaney
AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS: Row 1: A. Chmelir, B. Watson, K. Karen, K. Bellville, M . Drury. Row 2: J. Janchar, M . McCoy, G. Flieg. Row 3: A. Scott, T. Parker, C. Edwards, G. Wilkening, J.loomstein, C. Baumer. Row 4: l. luther, M. Klotz, J. Starkey, G. Hoppe. Row 5: M. Halbach, M. Kaba, A. Bell, M . Rosebrough , T. Webb. Row 6: E. Grimmer, E. Casleton, J. Dillon, C. Sachs, J. Dey. Row 7: D. Rosenbaum, A. Berra, l. Stricker, D. Weinand, B. Halpin. Row 8: J. Alvarez, E. Suranunt.
AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS (Continued): Row 1: C. Flowers, M. Manka, P. Green, l. Hackman . Row 2: M . Fox, J. Fabella, l. Danaher, T. Bereswill, S. Kellerman, A. Cohen. Row 3: J. Baughan, T. Doan, D. Jackson, C. Divin, M . Keuss, A. Fredrick. R9w 4: R. Reibold, W. Babatunde, K. Yusop, P. ling, M. Aguilera, J. Phillips. Row 5: C. Brandon, l. Simms, B. Suvagia, E. Ohare, Q. Finefrock, M . lacey. Row 6: P. Kremer, J. Bryan, D. Me Cle lland, J. Brandt, F. Rosenblum.
156 Organizations
AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT: Members are: J. Arnzen, C. Bailey, F. Bildner, S. Bowman, K. Dandurand, K. Daniels, K. Durk, S. Eischen, G. Emig, J. Ewers, B. Flaspohler, S. Frisbee, E. Fuchs, C. Gereau, S. Gillette, T. Goebel, J. Hellebusch, C. Hock, J. Hoffman, T. Hughes, J. Janchar, J. Jansen, J. lakin, K. leandra, S. lovelace, K. Me Daniel, D. Masterson, D. Maune, l. Mueller, S. Price, D. Reardon, l. Roper, C. Scott, C. Sellars, W . Shipman, C. Thompson, l. Tri mble, S. Underhill, M. Vehige, R. Wagne r, K. Wall, K. Weber, R. Weinmann, D. Willy, D. Wrocklage, I. Yafi, J. Apperson, H. Bedros, B. Camp, M . Chichura, A. Colin, K. Gunderson, M . Keyes, D. Kladiya, D. Me Carthy, K. M ildenstein, M . Murphy, J. Orr, S. .P~illips, S. Ratnabhas, M . Sievers, D. Swancutt, S. Swift, M. Swymeler, l. W1ll1ams, B. Carter, C. Chang, J. Feltz, A. Mustafa, S. Sudhirakuljai, B. Miller, J. Pelkie, C. Rasquinha, B. Reilly, M. Smith,). Bannis, S. Burgess, A. Hajakbari, ). Pursley, A. Smith, H. Yazici. Photo by M. Schmid
UMR Talent is Displayed 1'/SBE Entertains the Campus The University of MissouriRolla's chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers has annually sponsored a talent show over the winter for the campus. The organization calls the show Night at the Apollo. The show runs auditions several weeks in advance of the performance. Students who feel they have talent, whether it be singing, dancing, stand up comedy, or some other skill are welcome to audition. The performance allows students to get in front of a crowd and display their talent. The National Society of Black Engineers is one of the larger organizations on campus and sponsors several events for its members. It sponsors lectures and social get-to-
gethers. The society has received national recognition and will be taking part in a national convention where the Black Engineer of the Year will be chosen. At the same time a beauty contest is held. In the past UMR has done well in this event. Floyd Harris of the Minority Engineering Office and NSBE have been honored and will be given an award at the convention. NSBE events are becoming strong traditions at UMR and will continually entertain the campus in various ways.
The audience enjoys loud music as Robyn Duff, Vera Legrant, Sherrell Neal, Denise Ford and ]oycelyn Pugh dance across the
stage at Night at the Apollo which is sponsored by the National Society of Black Engineers.
American Institute of Chemical Engineers is a society for those students interested in chemical engineering. American Nuclear Society is for students interested in nuclear science. This year it hosted a national co路nvention for ANS here at the UMR campus.
American Society of Engineering Management is designed to advance the knowledge of management
Geoffry Bell sings for a rapt student audience at the National Society of Black Engineers' Night at the Apollo.
Photo by K. M cilvaine
and administration.
American Society of Civil Engineers is a national engineering society for students of civil engineering.
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers has the goal of advancing the science and education of the group's members. It is designed to advance the sciences of heating, refrigeration and air-conditioning.
Photo by K. Mcilvaine
neers is a national organization for students enrolled in mechanical engineering schools. Angel Flight aids in the interest of training programs of the Air Force at the university. The group sponsors service activities, such as the Rock-A-Thon and Rape Protection Seminars.
American Society of Mechanical Engi-
Organizations 157
ARNOLD AIR SOCIETY: Row 1: R. Boswell, W. Rowell, E. Haynes, T. Beerman, B. Sander, J. Rainwater, S. Shaw. Row 2: S. Virtue, T. Tschirhart,). Wollard, E. Granados. Row 3: D. Meyer, 5. Mangrum, S. Still, M. Clark, L. Herbert. Row 4: M. Deimeke, E. Huggins, M. Whalen, ). DeVaney.
158 Organizations
R&R Alternatives lfobbies Are Developed Students flock to various student organizations when rest and relaxation options run low. Many of the organizations offer a chance for students to cultivate their hobbies. One popular club is the UMR Gaming Association. When classes are over and homework is done students gather to play war games. The Chess Club and the Railroad Club offer a more traditional type of leisure time activity. The groups have a fluctuating membership of students. The Juggling Club is one of the more unusual groups on campus. The jugglers can usually be seen during nice weather at the Hockey Puck.
Artistic talent is used as Max Stenzel and Mike Kraemer paint figurines at a UMR Gaming Association Miniature Painting Session. The miniatures are collector items and are used for
role playing games. The organization's purpose is to allow students to have a chance to meet with other students who are interested in playing role playing games.
Photo by M. Schmid
Melisa Klotz spins devil sticks out at the Hockey Puck during a Juggling Club meeting in the fall. Experienced jugglers and novices can often be seen tossing pins out on the campus lawn. Photo by M. Schmid
A dragon unfurls its wings on a desk at the Miniature Painting Session sponsored by the UMR Gaming Association. The miniature
ogre and dragon are painted in bright colors with an eye to detail. The figurines are saved for collections and game pieces. Photo by M. Schmid
Organizations 159
ASSOCIATION OF BLACK STUDENTS: Officers are: S. Hutson, M. Tol-
bert, ). Hubbard.
BAPTIST STUDENT UNION: Row 1: S. Sorrell, B. Mayfie ld, C. Reinbott, R. Younger, D. Day. Row 2: S. Patel, M. Tucker, B. Clark, S. Carmichael, ). Price, K. Spengler. Row 3: Q. Finefrock, D. Sanders, R. Weir ich, K. O ' Brien, B. McRoberts, ). Rutherford, T. Marsh. Row 4: M. Hill, ). Winders, R.
lawson,). Prince, K. Brown, G. Schalk, M. Farmer, T. McCrary, ). Parrott.
Courtesy of Baptist Student Union
BETA CHI SIGMA: Not pictured. Officers are:). Higgins, T. Mussman, S. Crump, ). Kimbel. BIBLE STUDY CLUB: Not pictured. Officers are: D. Buss, ). Graff.
ASSOCIA liON OF GENERAL CONTRACTORS: Row 1: D. Clark, R. Lemongelli, R. Henke, T. McConnell, C. Chiodini, C. Mueller, K. Hall. Row 2: B. Micklewright, ). Waicekaaskas Jr., S. Fletcher, M. Gawedzinski, S. lambert, K. Chiu. Row 3: ). Kincaid, D. Webber, P. Tobben Photo by }. McHaney
160 Organizations
UMR is Earth-Aware
Members of the Environmental Protection Advocates rake up litter at the EPA Trash PickUp at Schuman Park during the fall semester.
Arnold Air Society furthers the purpose and traditions of the Air Force. It aids in the development of effective officers. Associated Students of the University of Missouri provides students a chance to take part in the policy making of the University of Missouri and in state legis lation in relation to the school. Association for Computing Machinists provides students a chance to
The group is one that is environmentally conscious and gave much support to Rolla's celebration of Earth Day. Photo by M. Schmid
share an interest in computing machinery. Association of Black Students has the purpose of uniting and gaining futher representation for black students. Association of Engineering Geologists strives to maintain a continuing knowledge of geology and related subjects. Association of General Contractors emphasizes the role of engineering
A Native American Indian dances at the Hockey Puck . The Indian is a member of the Kansas City Indian Club which performed Native American Indian dances at Rolla's celebration of Earth Day. Several events and displays were arranged to remind the public about protecting the environment from destruction . There were over twenty exhibits displayed . The Department of Conservation gave away pine seedlings to people who went to the event. This year is the twentieth anniversary of the original Earth Day . Photo by M. Schmid
in construction. Association of the U. S. Army has the goal of providing incentives and opportunities to increase militar.y skills. It provides an understanding of the defense role of all divisions of the U. S. Army.
Organizations 161
CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Officers are: R. Coker, D. Wunder, V. Biega. Photo by T. Stansifer
CHINESE STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Officers are: J.-l. liu, T.-W . Tang, M.-Y. Chi, Q .-P. lin .
CHESS CLUB: Not pictured. Officers are: P. l ei, C. Lieurance, P. Johnson, D. Dyess.
CHRISTIAN CAMPUS FELLOWSHIP: Row 1: K. Yuille, M. Keyes, C. Hopkins, S. Risbeck, P. McGlaughlin . Row 2: P. Lindemuth, l. lindsay, M. McKay, M. Jones, R. Elmer, B. Haile, S. Wynn, D. Mueller. Row 3: M . Keyes, S. Hopkins, M. lutes, M. Blotter, S. Shinn, A. Waggoner, J. McGlaughlin, K. Schneider, S. Weible, B. Humphrey. Row 4: G. lupton, G. Shonkwiler, J, Shook, T. Stansifer, G. Weible, D. Wneidt, H.-C. Perle, P. Wong, P. McDonough, M. Gardner.
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION: Not Pictured. Officers are: B. Strehlman, T. Sweeney, K. Phelps.
162 Organizations
Campus Crime
UMR Take s Preve ntive Steps Over the past year campus related crime has been an issue of growing concern. Although the University of Missouri-Rolla faces fewer occurrences of crime than other universities, the administration and student body have been concerned about protecting the student body from its effects, for there have been several reports of students attacked at night. Student Council has taken the problem of bad lighting into consideration. A special committee has been formed to take care of the problem. The committee is comprised of students as well as Vice Chancellor Neil Smith and Vice Chancellor Wendell Ogrosky. Several tours of campus were made and spots with poor lighting were noted and the security of these spots are being evaluated. Angel Flight and the female RA's at the Quadrangle have sponsored Rape Protection Seminars. The seminars include an introductory session and general coverage of the topic of rape. The seminars also include the use of self-defense. The Air Force ROTC has sponsored an escort service for those walking home after dark. Students stand outside the Quadrangle Residence Hall. The Quadrangle is one area of concern with poor lighting. There are no lights along State Street
BACCHUS is a student group that emphasizes safe consumption of alcoholic beverages. Baptist Student Union is a religious group for those who are affiliated with Baptists. Beta Chi Sigma promotes service among arrowmen. It is a service oriented group. Bible Study Club is open
between the Quadrangle and the Chancellor's Residence. Photo by B. Booth
to those interested in Bible study and discussion. Blue Key is a service and honorary fraternity. It puts out the Blue Key telephone directory once a year. Blue Sabres is a new color guard for the Air Force ROTC. It was started in 1989. Campus Crusade for Christ is for those who want to enhance their knowledge of
Jesus Christ. Chess Club promotes interest in chess and provides competition play for members. Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship is affiliated with the First Assembly of God Church. Chi Epsilon is an honor society for civil engineers.
Organizations 163
C. L. DAKE SOCIETY: Row 1: T. Keller, E. Gorman, M . Gawedzinski, C. Bishop, P. Paxton, C. Bough, l. Reeves, l. Kessels. Row 2: D. Keller, Prof. R. Laudon, K. Dellinger, K. Moore, K. Blazek, B. Gammill, B. Hopp, A. Rezerdez.
Photo by K. Mcilvaine
COLLEGE REPUBLICANS: Not pictured. Officers are: M. Foster, S. Wehmeyer, T. Mecham, S. Chughtai. COOPERATIVE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: Not pictured. Officers are: T. Gregory, B. Bjerken, S. Koop, M . Evans. COUNCIL OF GRADUATE STUDENTS: Not pictured. Officers are: M . Smith, ). Mimlitz, B. Krongschnabel, C. Borgmeyer. CYCLING CLUB: Not pictured. Officers are: M. Licklider.
ECONOMICS CLUB: Not pictured. Officers are: M. Tucker, S. Costello, R. Reichard, M . Watson.
164 Organizations
ETA KAPPA NU: Row 1: D. Schick, C. C. Bach, K. Kohm, S. Lowe, ). Schmidt, l. Riley, E. Schneier, B. Nenninger. Row 2: A. Bartels, B. Jenkens, B. Moellenhoff, C. Hawkins, G. Elbert, B. Dancy, D . Sigler, j. Joplin. Row 3: D. Melton, S. Leigh, D . Brundage, R. Elbert, A. Hussain, R. Younger, D. M edrow, Prof. DuBroff, A. Kruse.
GDI Parties Students lfave Fun Matt Bethmann and Greg Recker play foosball at the GDI Turkey Wake. The Turkey Wake was a party sponsored by t h e Independents near Thanksgiving. The party was held at the Tech Engine Club. The General Delegation of Independents, GDI, sponsors many social activities across the campus. It sponsors parties, float trips and live bands. During the winter semester the Independents sponsored a trash pick-up at lane Springs. The organization is fo r students not interested in joining Greek organizations and is also for stude nts involved in Greek life who just want to get out and have a good time.
Photo by T. Davis
Cooperative Education Association provides to new students information on the co-op program. ' Council of Graduate Students helps graduate students to meet. Cycling Club provides a means for students to bicycle together. Economics Club is for students who have an interest in economics. English Club is for students with an interest in English. Environmental Protection Advocates was started in 1989. The group supports environmental maintenance. Chinese Students Association is composed of students from Nationalist China. Christian Campus Fellowship provides Christian Fellowship for interested students. Christian Science Organization is for those affiliated with the Christian Science Church. C. L. Dake Society is open to those interested in earth science. College Republicans provides discussion of Republican politics. Li~ Pluschke relues at a GDI party. The General Delegation of Independents sponsors many parties throughout the school
year to he lp relieve the monotony of school life. Photo by M. Gawedzinski Organizations 165
GENERAL DELEGATION OF INDEPENDENTS: Row 1: M. Ochs, E. Bussen, J. Schuessler, K. Smiley, J. Zimmer, P. Hughes. Row 2: J. Chandler, N. Gible r, J. Shick, B. Headrick, M . X. Row 3: C. Sprietler, M. Cook, B. Congdon, R. Frankenfeld, D. Moyer, G. Recke r, Maddame, L. Pluschke, B. Kohring. Row 4: S. Caputa, G. Den zer, J. Kurns, S. Birdsong, G. Jeziorski, M. Bethmann, J. Hilker, J. Zung, G. Poe ttgen. Row 5: J. Herrington , S. He rrington, J. Jones, B. Jones, M . Simecek, T. Hart. Row 6: J. Me Donald, J. Carlson. Photo by T. Davis
INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS: Not pictured. Officers are: P. Schroeder, K. Miller, T. Verbanaz, C. Stover.
HELIX LIFE SCIENCE CLUB: Row 1: R. Higginbotham, L. Perki ns, K. Shelton. Row 2: M. Mason, L. lindesmith, S. Bauer, L. Warbington, C. Hayes, Prof. N. Gale.
HONORS ASSOCIATION: Not pictured. Officers are: S. Park, G. Heine, D. Schwalje, V. Horstmann.
INTERCOLLEGIATE KNIGHTS: Row 1: D. Fahrenkrog, N. Lahiri, R. Bohley, C. Dyer, D. Haney, T. Newkirk. Row 2: R. Yeargain, T. Ferkenhoff, R. Guieb, E. Elmer, D. Parker. Row 3: J. Otte, S. Briggs, A. Wilkins, T. Kettler, W. Abbott, B. Halpin, S. Burrows. Row 4: M. Grasch, J. Boyanchek, D. Murphy, D. Faust. Row 5: B. Mangogna, A. Herigon, S. Boyd, C. Shepard, E. Seaman, R. Hamme, K. Dry, R. Wagner. Photo by B. Booth
166 Organizations
ANS Conference Awards Passed Out The University of Missouri-Rolla chapter of the American Nuclear Society hosted the American Nuclear Society Midwest Regional Student Conference here in Rolla on February 23 and February 24. This is the first time UMR's chapter has hosted the conference since 1971. The conference was held in the University Center East. The conference consists of students in nuclear power programs. The students present research papers to the public at the conference. Participants were encouraged to listen to presentations on various topics. Outstanding Paper Awards were handed out to participants in the conference. The judg-ing panel for the awards was comprised of industry representatives and UMR Nuclear Engineering faculty. The recipients of the awards were Kathy Stone of UMR, John Stevens of Purdue, Eric Lowen of Wisconsin-Madison, HungYuan liu of UMC, John Ptacek of WisconsinMadison and Barton Wahl of the AF Institute. The American Nuclear Society's conference had a good turnout of about 120 people from all over the Midwest. There were participants from ten different schools. The committee chairman who planned the conference's events was Brian Audsley, a nuclear engineering student here at UMR. The conference gave students an opportunity to visit with others in the nuclear engineering field and to hear new technical papers. It was a medium conducive to lively discussion and to good cheer.
The American Nuclear Society Midwest Student Conference award recipients display their plaques. The Outstanding Paper Award recipients are Barton Wohl, Kathy Stone, Eric Loewen, John
Placek and Hung-Yuan Liu. The papers presented were technical research papers.
A banquet is given for the participants of the ANS conference on the final day of the conference.
Food and friendship was enjoyed, and then a speech was given by a keynote speaker.
Photo by }. McHaney
Photo by }. McHaney
Eta Kappa Nu is a national honor fraternity for students of elecrical engineering. Students of junior and senior standing may join. Gamma Alpha Delta is a service fraternity. It promotes lectures and various programs within the fraternity system on campus. The group has performed various service projects in the Rolla community. General Delegation of Independents is an organization for students outside the Greek system. It gives students a chance to socialize and have fun. The organization generally sponsors several parties a
month and co-hosts with KMNR the Glitter Ball, held over St. Pat's. It also held a trash pick-up at lane Springs. HELIX Life Science Club is for any student interested in discussion of biology and other life sciences. Honors Association is an honorary organization for students with good academic standing. India Association promotes understanding between students of Indian nationality and students of different nationalities. Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers is for students of electrical engi-
neering. Its goal is to further the professional development of its members.
Institute of Transportation Engineers encourages professional ethics and gives students with an interest in traffic engineering a chance to work with professional people in the field of traffic engineering. Intercollegiate Knights is a service and honorary fraternity.
Organizations 167
KERAMOS: Not pictured. Officers are: R. Schoenborn, K. Raab , D. Mcintyre, M. Fait.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: Row 1: H. Hormasji, M. Kaba, M . Findley, J. Morgan, D. Green, K. Sohrabi , J. Concannon , A. Kesavan, C. Shu, M . Lieu, T. Queen. Photo by M. Schmid
KMNR RADIO STATION: Row 1: M. Harvey, J. Jones, B. Jones, J. Carlson, G. Poettgen, V. Biundo, B. McCurren , B. Adams, J. Bee, M . Castle. Row 2: J. Kaiser, D. Farnam, B. Congdon, T. Bowness, M . Geary, L. Perkins, E. Bussen, E. Norton, T. Smith, M . Ochs, M. Randol. Row 3: J. Leith, A. Curtis, K Smiley, B. Beach, G. Mueller, J. Papin, L. Perkins, S. Bryant, K. Brown, J. Falkenroth, J. Ruzdilsky, M . Kennett, W. Risbeck, S. Duncan. Row 4: D. Budd, S. Birdsong, D. Le Blank, V. Marlof, G. Denzer, G. Elphingstone, S. Keutzer, S. Franks. Row 5: S. Mayer, M. Hudson. Photo by T. Stansifer
INTERVARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Row 1: P. Ling, A. Sparrow, T. Heil. Row 2: D. Alcorn, T. Mathai, S. Varughese, V. Wilfred, P. Whitten, R. James. Row 3: R. Huisinga, C. Hardiex, M. Scholmeyer, V. John , R. Sparrow. Photo by}. McHaney
JUGGLING CLUB: Not pictured. Members are: K. Bruer, E. Carstens, M . Castle, G. Combs, R. Me Lean, M . Klotz, J. Zung.
KAPPA KAPPA PSI: Row 1: P. Petry, M . Terry, C. Blair, R. Skaggs, R. Fugina, D. Medrow. Row 2: D. White, D. Pentecost, M. Carpenter, T. Hodge, J. Schramm, M . Tippin, J. Schoenarts, M . Markel, D. Shipley, J. Davis, D. Johnson, D. Me Cown.
KAPPA MU EPSILON: Not pictured. Officers are: M. Keuss, B. Halpin, D. Rimmer , S. Griffin.
168 Organizations
LATTER-DAY SAINT STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Not pictured. Officers are: J. Abbott, J. Carter.
UMR Serves A car wash was held outside the Walmart parking lot in the fa ll by the Veteran's Assistance Association. Jean Harlock carries off a car mat as Jeff McEntire works up a shine on a patron's car . The day was brisk and windy, but that did not deter people from wanting their cars cleaned . The mon ey raised from the car wash was donated to charity. Photo by M. Schmid
International Students Association promotes social and cultural relations between local and international students. It sponsors International day with other intercultural groups. lntervarsity Christian Fellowship is open to all interested in its Bible study program. Juggling Club is open to any student interested in learning to juggle. The jugglers can be seen out at the hockey puck on warm evenings. Kappa Kappa Psi is a music honorary fraternity. Kappa Mu Epsilon is an honor society for mathematics.
Keramos is an honor society for ceramic engineers. KMNR Radio Station plays music for the surrounding area. In April it offered $8.97 as a reward for its sign that was stolen from the top of the Blue Heron Rookerie restaurant in Doolittle. Korean Student Association promotes friendship and better understanding of native and Korean students. Latter-Day Saint Student Association is affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-Day Saints.
Visitors were frightened by Chris l enz and Douglas Glenn at the Newman Haunted House. Phi Kappa Theta and Newman Center co-sponsored the eve nt. All proceeds were give n to the Cerebral Palsy Foundation, the Gingerbread House and the Covenant House. Photo by M. Schmid
Organizations 169
NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS: Row 1: E. Hawthorne, C. King, I. Armstrong, R. Mason, S. Byrd. Row 2: C. Motley, J. Wyms, K. Steve nson, 0 . Copeland, D. Len ley, J. Hubbard, M. Smith, R. Franklin, A. Love, T. Jones. Row 3: B. Williams, J. Bell, R. Chambers, R. Covington, T. Youngblood, C. Tutt, W. Banks. Row 4: L. Stewart, T. Johnson, K. Rice, C. Neal, M. Hill.
Photo by}. McHaney LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER: Row 1: K. Spengler, J. Johnson, K. Thaemert, P. Duncan, M. Buhl. Row 2: S. Leigh , S. Hargis, R. Weber, B. Moellenhoff, P. Lampe, T. Seevers. Row 3: D. Medrow, L. Janssen, J. Gusewelle, K. Kohm .
Photo by M. Schmid
NEWMAN CENTER: Row 1: D. Massman, J. Harlock, B. Biggs, L. Dalton, L. Danaher, M . Smith. Row 2: R. Lisenbe, D. Sinow, M . Smith, D. Hinds, B. Becker, L. Friche. Row 3: M . Shea, C. Steineman, C. Borgmeyer, C. Weatherwax. Row 4: D. Keller, W . Portwine, M . Rackers, J. Diederich, V. Breja, R. Thompson, M . Me Laughlin .
Photo by T. Davis
OFFICER'S CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Not pictured. Officers are: K. Burkhalter, E. O'Connor. OMEGA CHI EPSILON: Not pictured. Officers are: K. Meyer, D. Weinand, B. Halpin, L. Vigna.
MUSLIM STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Row 1: M. Abu Bakar, B. Said, A. Othman , A. Ozturk, Z. Noor, R. Suhery, T. Gaber, M . Albegani, M. Kassar, B. Hussain, F. Ismail, A. Som, S. Said, M . Murhaza, Z. Harris, A. Theeran. Row 2: A. AI -Mehairi, A. Arshad, Y. AI -Amrani, M . Zahli, M . Asri, Z. Hussan, S. Yahya, M . Erenay, H. Thawabah , M . Kotob, A. Missoum, I. Yafi, A. Farhat, A. Hussain, M. Kaba, H. lsa, M . Zuini . Photo by M. Schmid
170 Organizations
Vets Reme mbere d Militar y Salute s The military science program at the University of Missouri-Rolla has continually given recognition to veterans of the United States military forces. Both the Air Force ROTC and the Army ROTC marched in a parade for Veteran's Day. A UMR at to recognize and remember what ceremony special done for the country was held have U. S. veterans laws Wilson library at the flag Curtis the of in front pole. Arnold Air Society planned several events during MIA/POW Week to remind people about veterans missing in action and prisoners of war.
The Blue Sabres march across campus during the fall semester. The group is a new color guard for the Air Force ROTC. Blue Sabres was started during the 1988-1989 school year.lt will march for events such as Veterans' Day and awards ceremonies. Photo by M. Gawedzinski
Lutheran Student Center is for students of the lutheran religion. It gives members an opportunity to socialize with other people of the same religion. MISSOURI MINER is the University of Missouri-Rolla 's student run newspaper. The paper is published weekly. It moved to a new office at Norwood Hall during the winter. Muslim Students Association is an organization for students of the Muslim religion. The organization gives members the opportunity to meet socially and discuss religious views. National Society of Black Engineers encourages minority students to
A ceremony is held in front of the Curtis laws Wilson library on the campus mall over Veterans' Day. It was held at the flag pole. Speeches were made to recognize the event as members
pursue and achieve careers in engineering. The chapter aids in students seeking financial aid and provides tutoring. The organization annually puts on a talent show for the student body called Night at the Apollo. Newman Center is affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church. The organization annually co-sponsors a Haunted House from which the proceeds are given to charity. Officer's Christian Fellowship is a religious organization for members of the military who want to commit their lives to Jesus Christ. It encourages its members to grow to spiritual maturity.
of the University of Missouri-Rolla's Air Force Rotc and Army ROTC stood stiffly at attention in formation in front of the library's windows.
Photo by B. Booth
Omega Chi Epsilon recognizes and promotes high scholarship and professional service. It encourages original investigation. The group is for students with an interest in chemical engineering. Pakistan Students Association promotes friendship and the exchange of culture between students from Pakistan who are attending UMR and other UMR students. Pershing Rifles encourages and preserves the highest ideals of military leadership, patriotism and military ability.
Organizations 171
PERSHING RIFLES: Not pictured. Officers are: ). Harbaugh, D. Myers, A. Semifero.
PIT AU SIGMA: Members are: ). Bauman,). Dalton, G. Mettlach, D. Mueller,). Niebergall, W. Risbeck, R. Straus, T. Banks,). Blue, S. Breckenridge, K. Brown, T. Choe, T. Clemons, M . Collings, ). Cordes, M. Dennison, R. Dressel, L. Ehlmann, M. Evans, S. Frank, K. Glannon, R. Gore, W. Guenther, R. Haar, D. Hamilton, K. Hoffmeister, W. Hooper, B. Johnson, M. johnson, M. )ones, M. )ongling, ). Klump, C. lager, ).Lammers, M.laudon, R.lavelle, M. little, T. Marsh, B. Mayfield,). Midget, R. Miller, R. Moeller, S. Musgrave, K. Potter, D. Quick,). Rapp, ). Reinkemeyer, E. Roddiger, T. Schroeder, M . Sellberg, T. Sovar, B. Viehmann, M. Voss, S. Warhover, ). Wasdyke, K. Weiseman, A. Williston, C. Witherspoon, L. Youst, T. Akiyama,). Conn, ). Donovan, R. Elliott, R. Frank, C. Goodin, G. Harper, D. Horn, M. Hunter, G. Jacquin, D. Kiehne, R. Kilcher, D. Kopp, K.lowry, S. Mayer, C. Schmidt, L. Schmidt, C. Uzzell, G. Vasel, T. Wankum, D. Wyant. Photo by M. Schmid PHI KAPPA PHI: Not pictured. Officers are: D. Myers. PHI THETA KAPPA: Not pictured. Officers are: T. Mauntel, K. Garret, G. Gurnow. PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB: Not pictured.
172 Organizations
PSI CHI: Not pictured. Officers are: R. Carman, S. Stuller, K. Adrales, E. Brown.
Culture is Shared Students Give New Ideas The University of Missouri-Rolla's international students share their culture with the student body. The international students and many of the international student organizations sponsored International Day during the winter semester. During International Day, the public has the opportunity to view exhibits students have set up displaying items from their home countries and to answer any questions the public may have. A performance is planned to introduce the public to many of the international students' native entertainment skills. Students dance and play musical instruments for the International Day show.
One of UMR's international students displays items from his native country. Clothing, money and art work are among the many items on display. Photos were provided for the visitors at International Day, he ld in the University Center East. Photo by M. Schmid
Phi Eta Sigma is a scholastic national honor society open to freshmen.
Phi Kappa Phi is a scholastic national honor society open to senior honor students. Phi Theta Kappa is an alumni association that provides fellowship to its members and assists transfer students to UMR. Photography Club is for students interested in amateur photography. Members develop their own film and exchange new information on picture taking, processing and developing.
Dancers perform native dances for the audience at the International Day Talent Show. The dancers are dressed in costumes from their homeland. The dance is one of the several performances held in
Pi Epsilon Tau is a national honorary society for students of petroleum engineering. Pi Tau Sigma is a national honor fraternity for students in the mechanical engineering department. Psi Chi is an honor society that promotes interest in the science of psychology and related areas. Psychology Club is a club open to any student interested in discussing psychology. Radio Club (Amateur) is a group of people interested in the operation of radios and interested in fellowship
Centennial Hall in the University Center East during the winter semester. The dancers danced to music from their native land.
Photo by M. Schmid
with others who are also interested.
Raiders practice field problems, map reading, mountaineering and survival techniques. The group also learns rescue training. Physical fitness is highly encouraged. The organization is sponsored by the military science department. Rock Climbing Club is for those students interested in climbing. It is a way for students to keep physically fit and to see much of nature's scenery.
Organizations 173
RAIDERS: Row 1: R. Hepler, B. Warrick, S. Whitside, G. Waldate, E. Pfitzinger. Row 2: R. Everson, R. Sears, ]. Me Cain, D. Konneman, A. Boyll, A. Speck, R. Williams, T. Polese l, ]. Shook. Photo by M. Gawedzinski
RAILROAD CLUB: Not pictured. Officers are: ]. Nash, T. Ferkenhoff, ]. Simon.
ROLLAMO: Row 1: ]. Bain, M. Gawedzinski, A. Moerlien. Row 2: L. Antonacci, Prof. L. Williams, C. Eyerman, ]. McHaney, T. Schwarz, C. Alofs.
Photo by E. Hassinger
SIGMA GAMMA EPSILON: Not pictured. Officers are: R. Cato, ]. Ovanic,
C. James.
ROCK CLIMBING CLUB: Officers are: D. Keller, V. Biega, D. Ellerman . Courtesy of Rock Climbing Club
Campus Concerns Faced Student Government Acts Students have had several issues in which they have voiced their concerns. Student Council and the Associated Students of the University of Missouri have set out to tackle these problems. Student Council provided a medium for students to discuss the use of student activity fees. Much concern was over Academic Assessment, which is mandatory. Students feel that they should be given a day off from school if they must take the assessment. Student Council has been working with the Academic Council to help solve the dissatisfaction. Student Council passed a resolution on November 28 calling for university observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. Associated Students of the University of Missouri
worked toward getting legislation written permitting student representatives to sit in on closed meetings of the Board of Curators and possibly vote. Funding for higher education was a major issue ASUM was working on. It collected letters to legislators and senators voicing concern about a hike in educational fees. There was fear that fees could be increased 50-100%. ASUM also lobbied in the state senate in support of a bill proposing that the accredited engineering colleges of the University of Missouri be provided with money to be used to purchase teaching and research laboratory equipment. The Student Council sponsors the Open Forum, in which any student can speak out and voice any of his concerns.
Rock Climbing Club is for any student interested in climbing rocks and hiking. It gives its members an opportunity to catch some of nature's scenery while keeping fit physically. ROLLAMO is the University of Missouri-Rolla's yearbook. The group is comprised of students. Any who are interested may join. The publication comes out once annually and is a photographic look at the past year. Sigma Gamma Epsilon is a national honorary professional fraternity.lt is for students involved in the earth sciences. The earth sciences include geology, mining, metallurgy and ceramics. Sigma Gamma Tau is a society that is established to recognize and honor students in the field of aeronautics. The members are those who have proved to be a credit to their profession by excel-
The Thomas Jefferson Tube, an unde rpass connecting the Thomas Jeffe rson Residence Hall to campus is covered in legalized graffiti. Student
Council allows students to use the graffiti in TJ Tube to voice concerns, make announceme nts, le t off a little steam and show off art work. Photo by M . Gawedzinski
ling in scholarship, integrity and outstanding achievement. Sigma Pi Sigma is a professional society for any students interested in physics. Its goal is to promote interest and knowledge in the field of physics and its applications to human welfare. Society of American Military Engineers has the objectives of advancing knowledge of the science of military engineering. It promotes efficiency and maintains interest in tradition. It fosters a spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding between military engineers and other branches of the military. Society of Automotive Engineers is a technical society for students who are interested in developing, designing and producing automobiles and aircraft. It emphasizes the operation and maintenance of these vehicles. It creates a for -
mula car annually. Society of Exploration Geophysicists is for students interested in the science of geophysics. Society of Manufacturing Engineers strives to educate its members in the theory and practice of all aspects of manufacturing. Society of Metallurgical Engineers is for students interested in metallurgical engineering. Society of Mining Engineers emphasizes knowledge of the science of mining and aspects of mining engineering.
Organizations 175
SIGMA PI SIGMA: Members are: H. Siriwardane, S. Johnson, P. Tin, T. Oshiro, Prof. Pringle, J. Wall mark , S. Scott, T. Bergfe ld, S. Jones, B. Shrestha, H. Chen, A. Gaus, W. Portwine.
Photo by E. Hassinger
SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MILITARY ENGINEERS: Not pictured. Officers are: R. Oswald, S. Turpin, H. Benson. SOCIETY OF METALLURGICAL ENGINEERS: Officers are: L. Williams, M. Geissler, B. Steinkamp, S. lahiri.
Photo by M . Schmid
Photo by M. Schmid
SOCIETY OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERS: Row 1: E. Brockman, N. AISaidi, Prof. Berry, P. Bucher, L. Herren, G. Smith, A. Ockree, D. Krugor , M. Warren .
176 Organizations
Campus Groups Provide Food Students Fed at UMR Events
A quiet setting is enjoyed at the Pi Tau Sigma banquet. The banquet was held in the winter semester in the University Center East Cafeteria.
Plioto by E. Hassinger
Society of Petroleum Engineers is a part of ASME for petroleum engineering students. Society of Physics Students is a society for those interested in physics. Society of Women Engineers is open to all women interested in science and engineering. Southwinds is UMR's literary magazine. Spelunkers is students who like to go caving. Student Council is the student governing body.
Student fellowship of Church of Christ (Koinonia) is a Bible study
The Student Union Board sponsored a Watermelon Fest during the summer. Brian Audsley serves rounds of watermelon to Keil Hunsak er
at the Hock ey Puck. The W atermelon Fest is one of several events sponsored by SUB to relieve summer boredom. Photo by M . Gawedzinski
group. It gave out lemonade and hot chocolate during the year.
Organizations 177
SPELUNKERS: Officers are: Harris, N. Paladin, A. Berra. Photo by T. Davis
SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS: Row 1: A. Melius, M. Benedick, C. Cicero, N. Hubing, K. Gunderson. Row 2: P. Patel, C. Totton, Y. Gander, A. Chapman. Row 3: D. Howard, C. Sachs, M. Sievers. Photo by M . Schmid
178 Organizations
Play with SUB
Joseph Martin wins money at the Student Union
Board sponsored event, Blizzard of Bucks. Several students won money by standing in a wind machine
which blew money around. The host and hostess of the gameshow made students perform odd tricks and activities. Photo by E. Hassinger Scott Dahlgren climbs a ladder to set up lights as the
Student Union Board Technical Crew works to prepare for the performance of Second City at the Cedar Street Center during the winter semester. Photo by M. Schmid
Barber & Seville perform for the campus during the SUB sponsored April Fools
Comedy Series.
Photo by M . Schmid
The Student Union looks out for stu-
dent physical fitness. Every year it
sponsors a Triathalon for those who run, swim and ride bicycles. Photo by E. Tavenner
Organizations 179
THAI STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: P. laukranjanaudom, S. Pramsaneh, S. Sudhirakuljai, T. Thirawetchayan, V. Thugsiripat, S. Kulvaranon , I. Sianawati, P. Poshyanonda, A. Atilaksana, S. Ratnabhas, A. Motananda, S. Mahawondtikul, S. Suthiwong, A. Songvejkasem, P. Fungprox, V. Sithivaraporn, K. Dusitsin, P. Kerdkaewfah, C. Thamrong, C. Jungthirapanich.
Photo by M. Schmid STUDENT UNION BOARD: Row 1: K. Van Haaren. Row 2: M. Schmid, P. Eggers, T. Pimmel, T. Tekolste, J. Frericks. Row 3: A. Holmes, C. Crossen, M. Hoyt, D. Haney, J. Zung, J. Obermark.
Photo by E. Hassinger
THETA TAU OMEGA: K. Haynes, J, Freeman, D. lumma, R. De Chant, T. Taylor, J. Kerns, J, Julian, N. Klukvin, M . Donnelly, M . Becher, D. Bernhard, M. Ellis, B. Fischer, P. Frerking, D. Hausche. M. Helein, M . Hughes, F. Husman, S. Kooch, D. Kester, C. layton, S. light, M . loethen, l. Meers, B. Moore, D. Quick, J. Segur, M . Sellberg, R. Smokey, B. Steinkamp, E. Stockglausner, M. Teel, M. Uhrig, H. Bersett, T. Breece, M. Dawg, G. Denzer, T. Distler, E. Roddiger, M. Sharp, C. Siles, J, Spencer, M . Thomas, B. Tisch, J. Tottleben, R. Yeargain.
Photo by M. Gawedzinski
TOASTMASTERS: Row 1: C. Crooks, G. Wesling. Row 2: M. loethen, S. Turner, l. Herren, J. Budhert, S. Faser, J, Smith, K. Schilli, J. Robinson, S. Sohrabi, E. Granados, A. Johnson . Row 3: C. Sachs, J. Sanders, J, Duvall, D. Farnam, M. Shah. Row 4: A. Su, J, Burger, S. Shinn, D. Amend, G. Jacqu in, J. Klump, B. Moore, M. Easterbrook, G. Storm.
Photo by B. Booth
TURKISH STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Not pictured. Members are: H. Erten, S. Erten, Y. Omurtag, F. Omurtag, S. Alptekin, C. Dagli, R. Dagli, l. Acar, D. Acar, R. Koc, V. Koc, D. Alasya, R. Dedoglu, H. lsik, R. Washington, Y. lsik, A. Ozturk, H. Yazici, A. Erdogan , M. Erenay, M . Karakus, E. llgar, Y. Ertekin, D. Brown, G. Inane.
180 Organizations
School Organizations Heard Campus Media Groups Publicize UMR Several groups this year have diligently portrayed the University of Missouri-Rolla's image to the public. UMR's media/publications groups are KMNR Radio Station, the MISSOURI MINER, the ROLLAMO and SOUTHWINDS. KMNR is a student run radio station which is totally free formatted . In June this year the station activated a new transmitter and antenna, located on top of the Rolla United Telephone System Tower. The addition of the new equipment has expanded KMNR's broadcasting radius to about twenty-five miles.
MISSOURI MINER and the ROLLAMO have played a major role in publicizing and announcing student concerns. The MINER is the campus newspaper, which is distributed weekly. The ROLLAMO, UMR's yearbook, is published annually. In December the MINER and the ROLLAMO moved into new offices in Norwood Hall. Seldom heard about is SOUTHWINDS, UMR's literary magazine. The magazine is filled with poetry, short stories, art work and photographs submitted by students and faculty.
Tiffany Huenefeldt prepares artwork for the next issue of the MISSOURI MINER. Tiffany is a graphics artist on the MINER. She is working in the MINER's new office at Norwood Hall during the ROLLAMO and MINER Open House in the winter. Cookies and soda were served to visitors of the Open House. The Open House was held to familiarize the public to the new location of campus student publications and to what student staff members of the groups do to bring about the finished produ ct of published work.
Photo by]. McHaney Students line up at the yearbook distribution of the ROLLAMO. The annual distribution is held in the basement of the Rolla Building twice a year,
once in the fall and winter.
Student Union Board provides many cultural, social, educational and entertainment events on campus for the student body's enjoyment. Tau Beta Pi is a special recognition honor society for students in engineering schools. Members are of the junior and senior class. The group sponsors lectures and special charity activities. Tau Beta Sigma is an honorary band sorority. The group often co-hosts activities with Kappa Kappa Psi, the honorary band fraternity. Tech Engine Club is the only eating club on campus. It is for those who do not
Photo by M. Gawedzinski
want to eat at the residence halls or cook for themselves. The group often lends out its facilities to other campus organizations for parties. Thai Student Association is a group for students from Thailand. The group promotes cultural understanding between U. S. and foreign students on campus. Theta Tau Omega is a professional fraternity for engineering students. Candidates for the organization must have grades above that required for graduation and must show that they are active in extracurricular activities. Toastmaster's is a group which empha-
sizes communications skills. Members of the group improve their public speaking skills by preparing and delivering speeches. They also learn to read and listen analytically to others. Members also practice parliamentary procedures. The group's goal is to work toward self-improvement.
Organizations 181
UMR GAMING ASSOCIATION: Row 1: R. Seydeo, G. Schaper, C. Schroeder. Row 2: ]. Elbert, A. Wilkins, R. Lee, P. Schricker. Row 3: A. Sparrow, F. Alt, R. Sparrow, M. Stenzel. Photo by]. McHaney
VETERAN'S ASSISTANCE ASSOCIATION: Row 1: C. Brown, ]. Harlock. Row 2: M. Mclaughlin, D. Thornton, B. Biggs. Photo by M . Gawedzinski
VIETNAMESE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: Not pictured. Officers are: C. B. Cao, M. S. Ha, M . M . Luu.
UMR HISTORY CLUB: Row 1: A. Rivera, G. Magyar. Row 2: K. Basat, Prof. Gragg, J. Blue, ]. De Bord, B. Greshen. Row 3: R. Edwards, B. Simmons, R. Colier, M. Brown, C. Cagle, K. Adams, S. Bross, D. Tajkowski, L. Marshall, K. Kruver. Row 4: J. Schramm, b. Wadle, K. Cronan, E. Nelson, T. De Gonia, K. Nelson, E. Haynes.
182 Organizations
Student s Walk to Help Needy The University of Missouri-Rolla has helped the needy over the past year and kept its students physically fit at the same time. Several groups have helped in various walks for the needy. Students have supported the Phelps County Walk for the Hungry. The walk was to help supply disaster victims with food. Those who were to walk assembled at the Hockey Puck on the UMR campus. Blue Key sponsored the Super City Walk to benefit those people with multiple sclerosis. Proceeds from the walk will be used for research in combating the disease. The route for the walk began in Ber Juan Park on March 24. In late October a ten kilometer run was held at Ber Juan Park. The run was sponsored by the Rolla Jaycees and Key Sports. Prizes were given out and a barbecue was held after the run. The proceeds raised from the event went to a fund to investigate the feasibi lity of building a community center for the youth of Rolla. The community center would provide a place for youth to meet and have fun .
Spirits ran high at the Phelps County Walk for the Hungry. People of all ages showed up for the invigorating walk.
Photo by ). McHaney
Turkish Student Association promotes a better understanding and friendship between Turkish, American and other international students at UMR. UMR Gaming Association provides students with an atmosphere conducive to fun and sportsmanship while providing students a chance to play games and make friends at the same time. UMR History Club started over the winter semester at UMR. The group's goal is to provide a discussion group over historical events and also to discuss current topics. The organization is open to any student with an interest in history.
Upsilon Pi Epsilon is an honor society whose purpose is to recognize outstanding students in computer science. The students must excel scholastically and professionally in the field of computer science. Veteran's Assistance Association has the goal of supporting veteran students at the University of MissouriRolla. The group provides social activities and exchanges current VA information. This year the group collected soda can tabs for charity. Bags were distributed at every soda machine for the tabs. The group also sponsored a carwash in the fall at the parking lot at Walmart. Wesley Foundation is affiliated with
the United Ministries in Higher Education including the United Methodist, Presbyterian, Christian and United Church of Christ churches. The group is one of the more active ones on campus and sponsors several activities on campus. W. T. Schrenk Society is organized to acquaint chemistry majors with recent advancements in the science of chemistry and professional opportunities. Although the group is mainly for chemistry majors, students who have an avid interest in chemistry are welcome to the group.
Organizations 183
Take a Close r Look
SEN IOR S Syukri Abubakar
Petroleum Engineering Bryan David Adams
Mechanical Engineering Charles F. Agers
Mechanical Engineering Aaron Allcorn
Mechanical Engineering Catherine Ann Alofs
Applied Mathematics Thomas C. Anton
Mechanical Engineering Jeff D. Arnzen
Engineering Management John Artinos
Engineering Management Karen Ashford
Economics Craig Alan Bailey
Engineering Management Michael R. Bailey
Computer Science Bruce Allan Baker
Economics Joseph John Baker
Engineering Management Tamra Kay Banks
Mechanical Engineering David C. Barski
Electrical Engineering Jody Mawhorter Baughman
Chemical Engineering
186 Seniors
Numb er of Faculty per
Colleg e Division
The University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy was established in 1870. Almost a century later on July 1, 1964 the Board of Curators renamed the school the University of Missouri-Rolla. The university had five new divisions the School of Mines and Metallurgy, School of Engineering , School of Science, Graduate School and Extension Division. In 1970, the School of Science and Division of Liberal Arts were combined to form the College of Arts and Sciences. The graph depicts the number of faculty in each of the three schools during 1989-90.
0 School of Engineering
College of Arts and Sciences
School of Mines and Metallurgy
Elizabeth A. Baumbach
Ceramic Engineering Craig Robin Baumer
Chemical Engineering Kevin Scott 路Bayliss
Engineering Mechanics Lisa Joan Beardslee
Applied Mathematics Michael Robert Becher
Mechanical Engineering Lucy Ann Bell
Psychology Gene John Bender
Electrical Engineering Thomas Joseph Bereswill
Chemical Engineering
Seniors 187
Robert Wayne Bernoteit Mechanical Engineering Kelly D. Bernal Psychology Matthew J. Bethmann Mechanical Engineering Bhavnesh Bhakta Civil Engineering William Henry Biggs Electrical Engineering Vito Biundo Ceramic Engineering Brent J. Bjerken Mechanical Engineering Cindy June Black Civil Engineering Wilson Black Electrical Engineering Rose M. Blair Psychology Michelle Ann Blechle Electrical Engineering Jeffrey L. Blue Mechanical Engineering ChridopherNo eiBoone Civil Engineering Elizabeth L. Boone Electrical Engineering Bruce M. Borcherding Electrical Engineering Tomislav Borovic Civil Engineering Brent Bossi Aerospace Engineering Danielle Suzanne Bowman Engineering Management Clifford R. Brandon Chemical Engineering John D. Brandt Chemical Engineering
188 Seniors
Shawn T. Breckenridge Mechanical Engineering
Caroline J. Bredemann Civil Engineering
Matthew Alan Bremmerkamp Electrical Engineering
Gregory Scott Breuer Computer Science
Keith A. Brewer Electrical Engineering
Keith Alan Briggs Mechanical Engineering
Ross Nathaniel Broeckling Mechanical Engineering
Allen Leroy Brown Chemical Engineering
Conway Brown Economics
Don R. Brown Ceramic Engineering
Earl 0. Brown Psychology
Kevin Leroy Brown Mechanical Engineering
Robert F. Brown Engineering Management
Susan Marie Brown Civil Engineering
Tracey Dawn Brown Engineering Management
Douglas P. Bruns Civil Engineering
Michael W. Brunstein Electrical Engineering
James D. Bryan Chemical Engineering
John Buchert Electrical Engineering
Stephen Edward Buechler Electrical Engineering
Seniors 189
John Thomas Bullock Electrical Engineering )ames A. Burger Electrical Engineering John Michael Buttenob Civil Engineering Cung Bach Cao Electrical Engineering Rich Toan Chear Electrical Engineering Clarence Chenault Aerospace Engineering Allen C. Chiodini Civil Engineering Tong Ho Choe Mechanical Engineering Choon leek Choo Electrical Engineering Barbara Ann Clark Electrical Engineering Melissa Myet Clark Engineering Management Shawn D. Clark Chemical Engineering Tonya R. Clemons Mechanical Engineering Sheila R. Cochran Mechanical Engineering Albert D. Cohen Chemical Engineering Daniel Cohen Mechanical Engineering Kathleen L. Cole Psychology Jason Robert Coleman Mechanical Engineering Timothy ). Collins Geological Engineering Raymond J. Cologna Life Sciences
190 Seniors
Number of Courses Offered in
Enginee ring and Mines & Metallurgy during spring 1990 AEROSPACE
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50 Seniors 191
Elsbeth Cook Life Sciences Steven L. Cook Electrical Engineering Cory Dale Cooksey Electrical Engineering Michael D. Copp Civil Engineering Timothy A. Coppinger Ceramic Engineering M. Scott Costello Economics David Alan Cramer Ceramic Engineering Daniel joseph Craycraft Mechanical Engineering Amy Baker Cromwell Mechanical Engineering Carol Y. Crooks Electrical Engineering Timothy Forrest Dalton Computer Science Lisa Ann Danaher Chemical Engineering Becky Lynn Dancy Electrical Engineering Brad Wayne Davis Electrical Engineering Timothy Davis Mechanical Engineering Robert ). Dechant, Jr. Mechanical Engineering Michael Dennison Mechanical Engineering Christopher James Derner Mechanical Engineering James Edward DeVaney, Jr. Aerospace Engineering Alan Brent Dickherber Engineering Management
192 Seniors
Numbe r of Courses Offere d in
Arts & Scien ces during spring 1990 Applied Arts & Cultural Studies
. ·ITI§§§§§ · ~ za~ . .§.. -~ l!J:illTIII•§=:.§ § § § § § § §. ·
Economics Education English
History, Political Science Philosophy
Ml -
Physical Education
Psychology & Sociology Speech & Media Studies
Wll!-... -.. -...... ..
Aerospace Studies Military Science
Life Sciences Mathematic s & Statistics
Seniors 193
Timothy J. Dickinson
Aerospace Engineering Kristen E. Dierker
Civil Engineering Kevin D. Dilg
Electrical Engineering Ty J. Dinsdale
Economics Darrell J. Dixon
Metallurgical Engineering Thuy N. Doan
Chemical Engineering Julie M. Donovan
Mechanical Engineering Robert Dowdy
Mechanical Engineering Jeffrey A. Duvall
Electrical Engineering Christopher Jay Dyer
Electrical Engineering Jacqueline Marie East
Nuclear Engineering Jeffery W. East
Civil Engineering Mark Easterbrook
Geological Engineering Mitchell R. Ebbs
Aerospace Engineering Rita Faye Edwards
History Suzanna J. Edwards
Physics Ronald Eugene Effland
Civil Engineering Michael F. Ellis
Civil Engineering James Travis Emery
Civil Engineering Gary A. Emig
Engineering Management
194 Seniors
Tim D. Emmerich Electrical Engineering Kenneth Engelmeyer Engineering Mechanics David L. Enke Electrical Engineering Robert O'Neal Enyard Electrical Engineering Murat Nail Erenay Computer Science Gregory R. Erler Mechanical Engineering Stephen Esry Petroleum Engineering Michael L. Evans Mechanical Engineering Susan Lynn Evanson Civil Engineering Jane Marie Ewers Engineering Management Virgilio C. Fabella Jr. Chemical Engineering Steven Thomas Faser Electrical Engineering David Felin Mechanical Engineering Bryan L. Files Computer Science John E. Finke Civil Engineering Daniel C. Finklang Engineering Mechanics Eric James Finn Electrical Engineering David Alan Fischer Electrical Engineering Brian Joseph Flaspohler Engineering Management Gregory L. Flieg Chemical Engineering
Seniors 195
Yuk Fai Fong Electrical Engineering Kimberly Lynn Ford Chemistry, Chemical Eng. Keith Allen Francis Civil Engineering Scott Allen Frank Mechanical Engineering Rhonda LaSchell Franklin Chemical Engineering William Chris Frayser Aerospace Engineering Thomas W. Freeman Mechanical Engineering ]ames D. Frerking Engineering Management Chris Martin Friedrich Mechanical Engineering Ronald Joseph Frisse Electrical Engineering Edward Thomas Fuchs Jr. Engineering Management Charles Royce Fugate ]r. Mechanical Engineering ]ana S. Gabel Computer Science Nancy E. Gamel Engineering Management Andrew Joseph Gardner Electrical Engineering Stuart J. Gardner Civil Engineering Carey Lamar Gatlin Mechanical Engineering Michele E. Geary Computer Science Susan Marie Gentner Electrical Engineering Nichole R. George Mechanical Engineering
196 Seni ors
Cynthia L. Gereau
Engineering Management Richard Gilley
Computer Science Donald Eugene Glenn
Electrical Engineering Douglas Goforth
Electrical Engineering Trent Lynn Goodnight
Electrical Engineering Robert Graeler
Mechanical Engineering Steven D. Gramblin
Computer Science Daniel L. Green
Computer Science Ron W. Gregg
Electrical Engineering Allen S. Griffey
Electrical Engineering Daniel J. Griffith
Electrical Engineering David M. Crossen
Electrical Engineering Danial Anthony Guahieri
Physics/ Electrical Eng. Richard Haar
Mechanical Engineering Lynne P. Hackman
Chemical Engineering Stephen D. Hagen
Electrical Engineering Darren R. Hamilton
Mechanical Engineering Jeffery Paul Harbaugh
Mechanical Engineering Ronald A. Harmon
Mechanical Engineering Dennis Wayne Harner
Aerospace Engineering
Seniors 197
Gene A. Harper
Electrical Engineering Daniel Ray Hauschel
Mechanical Engineering Chris P. Hawkins
Electrical Engineering Erik Andrew Hefferly
Computer Science Russell H. Henke
Civil Engineering Michael Craig Henricks
Electrical Engineering Lloyd Daniel Herbert
Computer Science LeAnn Carol Herren
Petroleum Engineering Stephen Herrington
Ceramic Engineering Jacqueline Marie Hiner
Engineering Management Caroline E. Hock
Engineering Management Thomas Carson Hodge
Chemical Engineering Claudia Christa Hoeft
Civil Engineering Jeanie V. Hofer
Economics John Hoffman
Engineering Management Kimberly Ann Hoffmeister
Mechanical Engineering Anthony Holmes
Engineering Management Mary Elizabeth Holtmann
Applied Mathematics Angelia S. Honse
Aerospace Engineering Walter Brooks Hooper
Mechanical Engineering
198 Seniors
Alan Hopkins
Geophysics Amy Diane Horst
Civil Engineering Timothy Scott Howard
Engineering Management Donald Edward Howser Jr.
Mechanical Engineering Raenan Kay Huddleston
English Michael Dean Hudson
Electrical Engineering Mark Hunter
Mechanical Engineering Douglas J. Ipsen
Electrical Engineering Daniel Edmond Jackson
Chemical Engineering Danika Rae Jackson
Nuclear Engineering Richard Roy James
Electrical Engineering John Joseph Janchar
Engineering Management John Martin Jansen
Engineering Management John N. Jay
Computer Science Rex Warren Jenkins
Mechanical Engineering Daniel W. Jewell
Electrical Engineering Bruce A. Johnson
Mechanical Engineering Timothy David Johnson
Engineering Management Travis E. Johnson
Electrical Engineering Allan D. Johnston
Electrical Engineering
Seniors 199
Matthew David johnston
Electrical Engineering james Brent jones
Civil Engineering jennifer Marie Jones
Geological Engineering john S. julian
Electrical Engineering Carl F. )ung
Electrical Engineering Marla Kay Jungling
Mechanical Engineering Michael P. Keating
Electrical Engineering Michael Craig Keithly
Mechanical Engineering Scott joseph Kellerman
Chemical Engineering Kelly Denise Keran
Chemical Engineering Ann B. Key
English joel A. Kilpack
Electrical Engineering Theodore J. Klefisch Jr.
Electrical Engineering jason M. Klein
Mechanical Engineering Kevin C. Klipsch
Geological Engineering Jeff Gerard Klump
Mechanical Engineering Stephen Eugene Koehr
Mechanical Engineering Kevin Shawn Kohm
Electrical Engineering Jeffrey L. Kohne
Electrical Engineering john Michael Koly Jr.
Electrical Engineering
200 Seniors
Steven William Koop
Aerospac e Engineering William P. Koppenaal
Economic s Craig James Korte
Aerospac e Engineering Matthew James Kovarik
Electrical Engineering Eric M. Kozak
Mechanic al Engineering Michelle Lynn Kupferle
Ceramic Engineering Jongik A. Kwon
Compute r Science Chris Allan Lager
Mechanic al Engineering Edith E. Lai
Electrical Engineering Jeffrey Thomas Lakin
Engineering Managem ent Minh C. Lam
Electrical Engineering Lorinda M. Lamb
Mechanic al Engineering Jeffrey K. Lambert
Civil Engineering Michael Shannon Lambert
Civil Engineering Paul F. Lampe
Electrical Engineering Holly Diane Langston
Electrical Engineering Christopher A. Layton
Civil Engineering Gregory C. Lechtenberg
Mechanic al Engineering Jason D. Lee
Electrical Engineering Larry W. Lee
Mechanic al Engineering
Seniors 201
Phillip Ping-Jeng Lei
Engineering Management Patrick Anthony Lepski
Civil Engineering Che-Chung Stephen Leung
Electrical Engineering Charles E. Lewis II
Mechanical Engineering Michael Leroy Lewis
Civil Engineering Kenneth L. Light
Civil Engineering Scott Christopher Light
Mechanical Engineering Lisa Lindesmith
Life Sciences Stanley Benson Lindesmith
Math/ Computer Science Larry E. Lindsay
Metallurgical Engineering Tim D. Litsch
Mechanical Engineering Mahlon Grant Little
Mechanical Engineering Michael James Loethen
Electrical Engineering David Wayne Loida
Engineering Management Gerald Trent Loomstein
Chemical Engineering Bradley James Lorber
Electrical Engineering Antonia Love
Electrical Engineering Susan Lyn Lovelace
Engineering Management Julianne Marie Luca
Engineering Management Daniel H. Lumma
Electrical Engineering
202 Seniors
Gregory S. Lupton Civil Engineering Brian H. Lux Metallurgical Engineering Bryan C. Mabery Aerospace Engineering Gregory Richard Maes Mechanical Engineering Michelle Ann Manka Chemical Engineering Pamela A. Manley History Hank A. Manson Electrical Engineering Matthew David Markel Electrical Engineering Troy Allan Marsh Mechanical Engineering Charles joe Martin )r. Computer Science Rebecca Marie Martin English Kristofer )on Maschler Mechanical Engineering Dean Ray Maune Engineering Management Timothy John Mauntel Geological Engineering Scott A. Mayer Mechanical Engineering Christine Ann Mayerhoefer Electrical Engineering Brian Kent Mayfield Mechanical Engineering David W. McClellan Chemical Engineering Tim P. McConnell Civil Engineering )ames Alan McDaniel Computer Science
Seniors 203
William Mark McDaniel Mechanical Engineering Tim M. McDermott Mechanical Engineering John Charles McDonald Mechanical Engineering Paul Richard McDonough Ceramic Engineering Rex A. Mclaury Mechanical Engineering Steven D. Medley Mechanical Engineering Robert John Mense Mechanical Engineering Greg Allen Mettlach Mechanic/ Engineering Jeffery Wayne Meyer Electrical Engineering Nancy Kay Meyer Metallurgical Engineering John Charles Miget Mechanical Engineering Paul Miles Engineering Management Douglas A. Miller Electrical Engineering Robert Miller Mechanical Engineering Brian Keith Moellenhoff Electrical Engineering Robert David Moeller Mechanical Engineering Aznam Mohd-Som Mechanical Engineering Peter W. Moody Computer Science Bob G. Moore Mechanical Engineering David Alan Muessemeyer Aerospace Engineering
204 Seniors
Deborah Rachel Murphey Mechanical Engineering Kevin Michael Murphy Economics Abdul G. Nar Hussain Electrical Engineering Amy S. Nash Civil Engineering Albert Lester Neal Aerospace Engineering John Newcomer Computer Science Kenneth R. Newton Economics Phillip Ngo Mechanical Engineering Chieu Ngoc Nguyen Mechanical Engineering Peter CM Nguyen Electrical Engineering Thuan Quoc Nguyen Electrical Engineering Mark D. Nicholas Electrical Engineering Kenneth L. Nichols Mechanical Engineering Nancy J. Niemeier Civil Engineering Katherine S. Nordmeyer Electrical Engineering Dwaine Stephen Nowak Electrical Engineering John Michael Oberkirsch Mechanical Engineering Jean M. Obernuefemann Mechanical Engineering Robert J. O'Connell Electrical Engineering Edward Alan O'Connor History
Seniors 205
Anthony Barton Odom
Electrical Engineering Douglas B. Oglesby
Aerospace Engineering Timothy B. O'Hearn
Nuclear Engineering Tracy J. Orf
Nuclear Engineering Nicholas C. Oros
Electrical Engineering Brian K. Osborne
Ceramic Engineering Douglas Norman Owens
Computer Science Amy Jo Painter
Civil Engineering Michael Philip Pappas
Civil Engineering Kirk G. Parish
Electrical Engineering Robert Parker
Mechanical Engineering Dharmendra Patel
Aerospace Engineering Robert Anderson Patrick
Mechanical Engineering Cynthia Jane Patterson
Electrical Engineering David A. Patterson
Mechanical Engineering Stephen Gregorey Paul
Computer Science Mary K. Pecora
Metallurgical Engineering Tracy S. Perkins
Chemistry Robert Leroy Phillips
Life Sciences Tim M. Pimmel
Ele ctrical Engineering
206 Senio rs
David Bruce Platt Chemical Engineering Julia Ellen Pollock Electrical Engineering Bruce Matthew Ponzer Economics Martin Dexter Poole Civil Engineering Jeh-Yuen Poon Electrical Engineering John M. Pope Physics Curtis Wayne Poulson Electrical Engineering Susan Elaine Price Engineering Management Mark Spencer Pritchard Physics Mary F. Pudlowski Psychology Charles M. Pulay Electrical Engineering Dean G. Quick Mechanical Engineering Patrick G. Kagan Electrical Engineering Joseph A. Rapp Mechanical Engineering Daniel T. Reardon Engineering Management Gregory Recker Civil Engineering Barbara Ann Reilly Engineering Management Wendy E. Reinbolt Geological Engineering Curtis Ray Reinbolt Electrical Engineering Jeffrey J. Reinkemeyer Mechanical Engineering
Seniors 207
Brett Alan Renken
Electrical Engineering Matthew David Rest
Computer Science Robert N. Rickard
Electrical Engineering Bret Allen Riegel
Aerospace Engineering Donald H. Rightnowar Jr.
Civil Engineering Kenneth Rigsby
Mining Engineering Sara A. Risbeck
Life Sciences Don E. Roberts
Aerospace Engineering Julie Ann Robinson
Electrical Engineering Thomas Ora Robinson
Mechanical Engineering Timothy Sean Robinson
Computer Science William Leo Rodewald
Mechanical Engineering Thomas C. Rogers IV
Chemical Engineering Brian T. Rolli
Electrical Engineering John Romanus Jr.
Physics Lori Ann Roper
Engineering Management Eric E. Rose
Civil Engineering Fred Rosenblum
Chemical Engineering Kim Russell
Computer Science Wesley Harold Russell
Computer Science
208 Seniors
)ames Curtis Rutherford Aerospace Engineering )ames C. Sanders Electrical Engineering Brian D. Satterthwaite Civil Engineering Marla Faye Schafer English Dennis Joseph Schamburg Electrical Engineering Eric Scott Schellenberg Mechanical Engineering David R. Schick Electrical Engineering Christine M. Schilt Metallurgical Engineering Michael G. Schmid Engineering Management Scott ). Schmid Aerospace Engineering Cynthia Ann Schmidt Mechanical Engineering Richard Alan Schmidt Civil Engineering Daniel John Schmitz Computer Science John Matthew Schneider Mechanical Engineering Joseph K. Schneider Aerospace Engineering Eric Gerard Schneier Electrical Engineering Sarah E. Schroder Mechanical Engineering Philip Ray Schroeder Civil Engineering Timothy G. Schroeder Mechanical Engineering Alan Craig Schuchardt Metallurgical Engineering
Seniors 209
Stanley J. Schultz Civil Engineering Kevin D. Schwab Mechanical Engineering Steven J. Schwab Engineering Mechanics Timothy J. Schwarz Aerospace Engineering Laura Lynne Schweikhardt Computer Science Anastasia Lea Scott Chemical Engineering Carl A. Scott Engineering Management Sean David Scott Mechanical Engineering John B. Segur Mechanical Engineering James J. Seko Electrical Engineering Carol A. Sellars Engineering Management Mike S. Sellberg Mechanical Engineering Wayne C. Shipman Engineering Management David Bruce Sigler Electrical Engineering Sheldon Scott Sillyman Physics Grant Ferrin Smith Petroleum Engineering Michele Renee Smith Engineering Management Stephen R. Smith Mechanical Engineering George Vincent Sola Mechanical Engineering Barry F. Sommer Electrical Engineering
210 Seniors
Don E. Sorrell
Electrical Engineering Thomas Edward Sovar
Mechanical Engineering Nicholas 0. Spangenberg
Economics Brad Steinkamp
Metallurgical Engineering Timothy Alan -Stelljes
Electrical Engineering Tom C. Stevens
Mechanical Engineering Jeffrey L. Stitt
Mechanical Engineering Scott R. Stocking
Electrical Engineering Emma A. Stoll
English Katherine Ann Stone
Nuclear Engineering Cyndy Lee Stover
Civil Engineering Kim A. Sweeney
Electrical Engineering Evelyn E. Sweet
Mechanical Engineering Daniel J. Szatkowski
Nuclear Engineering Chris Talbott
Computer Science Jimmy Lynn Tansil Jr.
Engineering Management Richard Lee Taylor
Mechanical Engineering Todd M. Taylor
Civil Engineering David M. Tepen
Electrical Engineering Joe Richard Terwelp
Aerospace Engineering
Seniors 211
Jeffrey Alan Teson Engineering Management John M. Thilenius Aerospace Engineering Michael Joseph Thomas Electrical Engineering Shelia D. Thomas History Christopher Todd Thompson Engineering Management Lara J. Thompson Engineering Management Michael A. Tiehes Electrical Engineering Jennifer Marie Tilk Metallurgical Engineering Traci M. Todd Mechanical Engineering David M. Tokos Metallurgical Engineering Thomas L. Tokos Jr. Engineering Management Leatha M. Toliver Chemical Engineering Jeffrey Toulouse Mechanical Engineering Paul Arthur Treis Electrical Engineering Elizabeth Trimble Engineering Management Troy Alan Tschirhart Aerospace Engineering Ellen Tucker Aerospace Engineering Randy M. Tucker Civil Engineering Susan Michelle Turner Engineering Management Steven Earl Underhill Engineering Management
212 Seniors
Tim Vance
Electrical Engineering Rebecca L. Vanderwall
English Kevin John VanHaaren
Electrical Engineering Gregory W. Vasel
Mechanical Engineering Gregory Allen Vaughn
Civil Engineering Teresa Ann Verbanaz
Civil Engineering Terry Lynn Versheldon
Mechanical Engineering Bret Joseph Voypick
Engineering Management Tracy Jo Wacker
Economics Joe Waicekauskas Jr.
Civil Engineering Doug K. Wallace
Electrical Engineering David R. Wampler
Mechanical Engineering Stephen Dale Wands
Economics Chi-Sheng Wang
Electrical Engineering Deanna Lynn Warner
Chemistry Mark Nelson Warren
Petroleum Engineering Joel Michael WasDyke
Mechanical Engineering Breck Washam
Mechanical Engineering David Alan Webber
Civil Engineering Renee M. Weber
Engineering Management
Seniors 213
Kenneth W. Weerts
Mechanical Engineering Nancy L. Wehmeyer
Engineering Management Glen Paul Weible
Ceramic Engineering Robert A. Weinmann
Engineering Management Kevin Wayne Weiseman
Mechanical Engineering Veronica T. Welch
Economics Stacey Renee Wells
Metallurgical Engineering Michael David Wene
Mechanical Engineering Brian Gerard Werkmeister
Electrical Engineering Martin T. Whalen
Aerospace Engineering Loren P. Whetsell
History Pamela Lyn Whitten
Electrical Engineering James A. Whorton
Engineering Management Michael A. Widman
Civil Engineering Lewis Brian Wiles
Electrical Engineering Eric George Wilkins
Ceramic Engineering Brett Thomas Williams
Electrical Engineering Laurie Kristine Williams
Metallurgical Engineering Matthew Alan Williams
Mechanical Engineering Allen James Williston
Mechanical Engineering
214 Seniors
Bradley Joseph Wilson
Electrical Engineering Frederick Paul Wilson
Electrical Engineering R. Daniel Wiltshire
Engineering Management Tony Lee Winters
Economics Charles M. Witherspoon
Mechanical Engineering Anthony Jude Woltermann
Electrical Engineering Robert Stephen Woodley
Electrical Engineering Patricia Mahalia Wrigley
Economics Dave Paul Wrocklage
Engineering Management Robert T. Wuckowitsch
Mechanical Engineering David Wayne Wyatt
Civil Engineering Scott Douglas Wynn
Computer Science T. G. Yarbrough
Geological Engineering Gary Clifford Yerby
Metallurgical Engineering Ann L. Yocum
Geological Engineering Colin J. Young
Geological Engineering Jimmy K. Yu
Electrical Engineering Naushad Zaki
Mechanical Engineering Greg J. Ziebold
Computer Science Scot C. Zumbehl
Computer Science
Seniors 215
Graduation Dates from 12th Century Commencement recognizes the successful completion of a degree for the student and also an accomplishment for the university. Participants in the ceremonies include the graduates, faculty marshals, student marshals, honorary degree candidates and the dais group, or stage party. All participants wear the traditional black gown and mortarboard. Over a century ago, students at many American colleges wore gowns on a daily basis or at meal times. The doctorate degree was first acknowledged at the University of Bologna in the middle of the 12th century. The first bachelor's degree was awarded at Harvard in 1642. At the University of Missouri at Rolla, a total of 20,116 degrees have been granted since 1973.
Bill Veerkamp is cong r at ul ated by Chancellor Martin jischke on the completion of an electr ica l engi neer ing master's degree. Photo by ]. McHaney Smiles cover the faces of all those who know graduates at May commencement. Photo by]. McHaney
216 Seniors
Michelle Manka grasps her diploma tightly as she leaves the platform. Photo by M. Schmid One graduate dashes to his car after May commencement. Photo by M. Schmid An honorary doctorate sets a dignified example for the December graduates. Photo by]. McHaney
Seniors 217
Syukri Abubakar Aceh, Indonesia Mobil Oil Indonesia, Co.; Minor in communication.
tional Students Club. Karen Ashford Rolla, Missouri
Bryan David Adams Rolla, Missouri Charles F. Agers Desoto, Missouri Aaron Allcorn Rolla, Missouri Campus Crusade for Christ; Christian Campus House; UMR band. Cathy Alofs Rolla, Missouri Kappa Mu Epsilon; Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Rollamo; Chancellor's Leadership Class. Thomas Anton St. Louis, Missouri Jeffrey Dale Arnzen Scott City, Missouri American Society for Engineering Management; Institute of Industrial Engineers, chapter development co-chairman, membership vice-president, social chairman; ASEM/IIE representative; American Society for Quality Control; St. Pat's committee. John Artinos Rolla, Missouri American Society for Engineering Management; Drivers' Club, president; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; lnterna216 Seniors
Craig Alan Bailey Tulsa, Oklahoma Kappa Alpha. Michael R. Bailey Webster Groves, Missouri Bruce Allan Baker St. Louis, Missouri Economics Club. Joseph John Baker Kansas City, Missouri Sigma Chi. Tamra K. Banks Chesterfield, Missouri American Society of Mechanical Engineers, vice-president, planning chairman; Pi Tau Sigma, recording secretary; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Phi Eta Sigma; Society of Women Engineers. David C. Barski Springfield, Missouri Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi. Jody Mawhorter Baughman Godfrey, Illinois Alpha Chi Sigma, reporter; Omega Chi Epsilon, pledge trainer; American Institute of Chemical Engineers; Tau Kappa Epsilon Little Sisters, president, vice-president, secretary; Intramural sports
manager; KMNR DJ. Beth Baumbach Manchester, Missouri Chi Omega, vice-president, assistant rush chairman, chaplain; Panhellenic, vice-president, Greek events chairman, student knight; Varsity tennis; Blue Key; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi; Keramos; American Ceramic Society; Phi Eta Sigma; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Chancellor's Student Cabinet; Curator Scholar; Honor Roll. Craig Baumer Hazelwood, Missouri American Institute of Chemical Engineers, president; Intramural manager; Resident Hall Association, Board of Governors; Student Union Board; Intramural flag football, volleyball, swimming, wrestling, soccer. Kevin Bayliss Florissant, Missouri Sigma Pi. Lisa Joan Beardslee St. Louis, Missouri Chancellor's Leadership Class; Phi Eta Sigma; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Outstanding College Students of America; Honors Program Mentor; Curator's Scholar; Honor Roll; Little Sigmas of Sigma Chi, president, pledge trainer; Intramural sports; Chancellor's Book Scholarship; Women in Engineering Scholarship; Math Department Scholarship. Michael Robert Becher St. Charles, Missouri Tau Kappa Epsilon, vice-president; Varsity soccer; Theta Tau Omega; Interfraternity Council.
Lucy Ann Bell Steelville, Missouri Psychology Club, public relations officer.
Miner, photographer.
Gene Bender Florissant, Missouri Resident assistant; UMR theater.
Brent Bjerken Kansas City, Missouri Theta Xi, president, steward, house manager; Coop Association, vice-president; Alpha Phi Omega.
Thomas J. Bereswill St. Louis, Missouri Omega Chi Epsilon, vice-president, pledge treasurer; American Institute of Chemical Engineers; Tau Beta Pi; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Phi Eta Sigma; Varsity .Soccer; Intramural basketball, soccer; Arkansas Eastman Kodak Scholar; Honor Roll.
Cindy June Black Springfield, Missouri American Society of Civil Engineers, corresponding secretary, social chairman, Association of General Contractors; Institute of Transportation Engineers; Chi Omega, historian; Varsity track; Little Sigmas, vice-president; Rush chairman.
Tomislav Borovic St. Louis, Missouri Intramural volleyball, soccer , softball, football, billiards; American Society of Civil Engineers; Association of General Contractors; Institute of Transportation Engineers.
Robert Wayne Bernoteit Pleasant Plains, Illinois American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall Association; lntramurals; Society of Automative Engineers, secretary.
Wilson Black St. Louis, Missouri
Kelly D. Bernal Mineral Point Phi Theta Kappa; Triangle Little Sister; Psychology Club. Matthew J. Bethmann Rolla, Missouri Bhakta Bhavnesh Neosho, Missouri American Society of Civil Engineers, recording secretary; Tau Beta Pi, membership committee chairman; Chi Epsilon; Phi Theta Kappa volleyball team. William Henry Biggs Springfield, Missouri Vito Biundo St. Louis, Missouri Phi Eta Sigma; Photography Club; KMNR, DJ, music director, station manager; American Ceramic Society; Keramos; Tau Beta Pi; Cycling Club, treasurer; Missouri
Rose Blair Rolla, Missouri Psychology Club, secretary, vicepresident; History Club. Michelle Ann Blechle St. Charles, Missouri Jeffrey L. Blue Lebanon, Missouri Christopher Noel Boone Rolla, Missouri Football; Golf; Student football coach; AISC; American Society of Civil Engineers. Elizabeth L. Boone Rolla, Missouri Tennis; Softball; Little Sister of Sigma Chi; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; M-Ciub. Bruce Borcherding Washingtion, Missouri Resident assistant; Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall Association, . vice-president, intramural manager; National Residence Hall Honorary, president; lnterResidence Council; Eta Kappa Nu; Chancellor's Leadership
Brent Bossi Rolla, Missouri Danielle Suzanne Bowman Belleville, Michigan Institute of Transportation Engineers, student delegate, technical paper finalist, student conference housing and registration chairperson; Student Advisory Board, secretary; American Society for Engineering Management, vice-president of programming; Toastmasters International, treasurer; Student Admissions Ambassadors; Alph Phi Omega; Gold Miners. Clifford R. Brandon St. Louis, Missouri Kappa Alpha Psi. John D. Brandt St. Charles, Missouri Shawn T. Breckenridge Appleton City, Missouri Caroline J. Bredemann Defiance, Missouri
Seniors 219
Matthew Alan Bremmerkamp Jefferson City, Missouri Beta Sigma Psi, house manager, secretary, rush chairman; lntercolligiate Knights , expansion, secretary; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Kappa Mu Epsilon, secretary.
Gregory Scott Breuer
Florissant, Missouri
Springfield, Missouri Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Phi Eta Sigma; OSCA; National Dean's List; Vietnamese Students Association.
Douglas Bruns
Rich Toan Chear
St. Charles, Missouri American Society of Civil Engineers; Beta Sigma Psi.
Ballwin, Missouri
American Society of Civil Engineers; Chi Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi.
Tracey Dawn Brown
Rolla, Missouri
Clarence Chenault Rolla, Missouri
Michael Brunstein Keith A. Brewer Kirkwood, Missouri
Keith Alan Briggs
West Alton, Missouri Alpha Phi Omega; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Intramural sports.
Memphis, Missouri
James Bryan Ross Nathaniel Broeckling Florissant, Missouri Theta Xi.
Rolla, Missouri
A. Chris Chiodini St. Louis, Missouri Sigma Nu; American Society of Civil Engineers; Institute of Transportation Engineers; Associated General Contractors, corresponding secretary; Toastmaster; Student Union Board.
John Earl Buchert
Springfield, Missouri
St. Louis, Missouri Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Toastmasters.
Conway Lee Brown
Stephen Edward Buechler
Economics Club; UMR Veterans Club; Intramural manager.
St. Louis, Missouri Sigma Pi.
Springfield, Missouri Pi Tau Sigma; Phi Eta Sigma; Society of Automotive Engineers; Korean Student Association, president, secretary; Taekwondo Club.
Don R. Brown
John Thomas Bullock
Choon Teck Choo
New Madrid Kappa Sigma; NSPE; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers.
Kansas City, Missouri Theta Xi, house manager, secretary.
Earl Brown
James A. Burger
Rolla, Missouri Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Taekwondo Club; Chinese Student Association.
Salem, Missouri Psychology Club, president; Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Psi Chi, vice-president; APA student affiliate .
St. Louis, Missouri Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Phi Kappa Phi; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Toastmasters.
Allen Leroy Brown
Kevin Leroy Brown
John Michael Buttenob
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Willow Springs, Missouri
Robert F. Brown St. Louis, Missouri Delta Tau Delta, vice-president; Seargent-at-Ar ms; InterFraternity Council, banquet chairman; Alpha Phi Omega; Intramural football, softball, volleyball.
Susan Marie Brown Rolla, Missouri 220 Seniors
c Cung Bach Cao
Tong Ho Choe
Barbara Clark Creve Coeur, Missouri Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Baptist Student Union, president; Intramural Managers Association, treasurer; Alpha Omega intramural sports manager.
Melissa Myet Clark Lindale, Texas Air Force ROTC; Arnold Air Society; Angel Flight; American Society for Engineering Manage ment; American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics.
Shawn D. Clark
Steven L. Cook
Timothy Forrest Dalton
Buffalo, Missouri
Rolla, Missouri
Tonya Clemons
Cory Dale Cooksey
Florissant, Missouri Sigma Tau Gamma, vice-president; Alpha Phi Omega.
Affton, Missouri Tau Beta Pi; Pi Tau Sigma; Society of Women Engineers; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; American Society of Engineering Management; Varsity basketball; Sigma Chi Little Sister, treasurer; lntramurals; Curator's Scholar; All-American Scholar; UMR Alumni Scholar; Dean's List.
Trenton, Missouri Intercollegiate Knights; Beta Chi Sigma; Pi Kappa Phi; Air Force ROTC.
Springfield, Illinois
Kansas City, Missouri Newman Center Board; Omega Chi Epsilon, secretary; Tau Beta Pi, chairperson; American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Timothy A. Coppinger
Becky Dancy
Kansas City, Missouri
Raytown, Missouri Eta Kappa Nu, president; Tau Beta Pi; BACCHUS, treasurer; Phi Kappa Phi; Chancellor's Leadership Class, advisor; lntramurals.
Michael D. Copp
Sheila R. Cochran
M. Scott Costello
St. Charles, Missouri
Warrenton, Missouri Beta Sigma Psi, vice-president, rush chairman, secretary, social chairman, Seargent at Arms; Economics Club, vice-president; Student Council Student Services; Interfraternity Council, secretary.
Albert Cohen Rolla, Missouri
Daniel Cohen Kirkland, Washington
Kathleen L. Cole David A. Cramer
Newburg, Missouri Sisters of the Shield and Diamond, vice-president; Student Union Board; Alpha Phi Omega; Psi Club; Environmental Protection Advocates.
Florissant, Missouri American Ceramic Society; Keramos; Alpha Chi Sigma; Spelunkers; Intramural soccer, softball; Alumni Scholarship.
Jason Robert Coleman
Daniel Joseph Craycraft
Washingtion, Missouri
Kansas City, Missouri
Timothy J. Collins
Amy Baker Cromwell
West Plains, Missouri Association of Engineering Geologists.
Florissant, Missouri Varsity swimming; Pi Tau Sigma; Cade Chapel Choir.
Raymond J. Cologna
Carol Y. Crooks
Marshfield, Missouri
St. Louis, Missouri Toastmasters; Blue Key National Honor Fraternity; Tau Beta Pi; Spelunkers; Phi Eta Sigma; Daughters of Emerald .
Elsbeth Cook Ballwin, Missouri Chi Omega, social, spirit, derby days chairman, rush counselor, asst. pledge trainer; University Orchestra; White Roses of Sigma Gamma Tau, president, vicepresident; Helix Club; Alpha Phi Omega; Cheerleading, captain;Student Union Board; lntramurals.
Lisa A. Danaher
Brad Wayne Davis Belleville, Illinois
Timothy Louis Davis St. Louis, Missouri Swimming; American Society of Engineers; Radio Club; Rollamo; Independents.
Robert J. Dechant Green Bay, Wisconsin
Michael Steven Dennison
Ironton , Missouri Tau Beta Pi; Pi Tau Sigma; Phi Theta Kappa; American Society of Mechanical Engi neers.
Christopher Derner Washington, Missouri Tau Beta Pi; American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
James Edward DeVaney Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Arnold Air Society; American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics; Resident assistant; Air Force ROTC; Newman Center; Intramural football , soccer, track.
Seniors 221
Alan Brent Dickherber Wentzville, Missouri Kappa Alpha, parliamentarian, historian, steward, little sister coordinator; Alpha Phi Omega; American Society of Engineering Management; Intramural sports; Student Education & Loan Foundation Scholarship.
Robert R. Dowdy Chesterfield, Missouri Sigma Pi, president, herald; Alpha Phi Omega; Pi Tau Sigma; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Intramural sports.
Timothy J. Dickinson Eureka, Missouri Air Force ROTC; Students for Students of UMR, treasurer; American Association of Aeronautics & Astronautics; Volunteer tutor; Phi Eta Sigma, Freshman Honor Society; Sigma Gamma Tau, Aerospace Honor Society.
Christopher Jay Dyer Fenton, Missouri Student Union Board; Phi Eta Sigma; Intercollegiate Knights, president; Theta Xi; GAD.
Kristen E. Dierker Monett, Missouri Kevin D. Dilg St. Peters, Missouri Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall Association. Ty Dinsdale Camdenton, Missouri Darrell J. Dixon Tullahoma, Tennessee American Society of Metals; American Foundryman's Society; Metallurgical Society; Gamma Alpha Delta; Kappa Alpha Order. Thuy Ngoc Doan Florissant, Missouri Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Beta Pi; American Institute of Chemical Engineers; Phi Eta Sigma; Omega Chi Epsilon. Julie M. Donovan St. Louis, Missouri Chi Omega; Alpha Phi Omega; Daughters of the Emerald; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Pi Tau Sigma; Missouri Miner; Society of Women Engineers.
222 Seniors
Jeffrey A. Duvall Waynesville, Missouri
E Jacqueline Marie East Potosi, Missouri Jeffery W. East St. Louis, Missouri Mark Charles Easterbrook Maryland Heights, Missouri Toastmasters, secretary; Association of Engineering Geologists, treasurer, vice-president; Baptist Student Union. Mitchell R. Ebbs Grand Blanc, Michigan Rita Faye Edwards Licking, Missouri Suzanna J. Edwards Rolla, Missouri Society of Physics, president. Ronald Eugene Effland Mt. Carmel, Illinois Michael F. Ellis Hazelwood, Missouri Sigma Nu.
James Travis Emery Marion, Illinois Trap & Skeet Club, president: American Society of Civil Engineers. Gary A. Emig Highland, Illinois Tim Emmerich Russellville, Missouri KOINONIA, president; Tau Beta Pi; Student Union Board; Eta Kappa Nu, Social Committee, cohistorian; Intramural softball, football, volleyball; EE Scholarship; Motorola, Skiter/Eta Kappa Nu Scholarships. Kenneth Paul Engelmeyer St. Louis, Missouri American Academy of Mechanics; Newman Center; 1989 Rolla Community Award for Excellence in Engineering Design. David L. Enke St. Peters, Missouri Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall, floor vice president; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Phi Eta Sigma; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers. Robert 0' Neal Enyard St. Louis, Missouri Association for Black Students, president, treasurer, parliamentarian; Alpha Phi Alpha, treasurer, parliamentarian, president Murat Nail Erenay Rolla, Missouri Gregory R. Erler Florissant, Missouri Stephen Esry Moberly, Missouri Kappa Alpha, treasurer; Province Undergraduate vice-chairman; Society of Petroleum Engineers;路 Pi Epsilon Tau, vice-president, president.
Michael L. Evans Sedalia, Missouri Susan Evanson St. Louis, Missouri American Society of Civil Engineers, president; Collegium Musicom; Intramural sports; Civil Engineering Department Senior Achievement Award. Jane Marie Ewers Jefferson City, Missouri
F Virgilio C. Fabella Jr. St. Louis, Missouri American Institute of Chemical Engineers, vice-president; Alpha Chi Sigma, committee chairman; Intramural tennis. Steven Thomas Faser St. Louis, Missouri Tau Kappa Epsilon, pledge trainer; Coop program; Intercollegiate Knights; Toastmasters; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers. David Joseph Felin Springfield, Missouri Society of Automotive Engineers. Bryan L. Files O'Fallon, Missouri Association of Computing Machinery. John E. Finke Jennings, Missouri Rugby Club, vice-president, captain; American Society of Civil Engineers; Association of General Contractors; Engineers Club of St. Louis. Daniel C. Finklang St. Louis, Missouri
Eric James Finn Hazelwood, Missouri Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Coop program. David Alan Fischer Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Tau Beta Pi; KMNR "Milestone- Jazz til 3." Brian Flaspohler Glasgow, Missouri Alpha Epsilon Pi, president, vicepresident, secretary; American Society for Engineering Management; Alpha Phi Omega; Intramurals; Honor Roll. Gregory L. Flieg St. Genevieve, Missouri Sigma Phi Epsilon, secretary; InterFraternity Council, president; Alpha Chi Sigma. Yuk Fai (Kenneth) Fong Hong Kong Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Christian Campus Fellowship; Chinese Christian Fellowship, group leader; Intramural volleyball.
Rhonda LaSchell Franklin St. Louis, Missouri American Institute of Chemical Engineers; Association of Black Students; National Society of Black Engineers; Intramural sports; Track; Volleyball. William Chris Frayser Rolla, Missouri American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics; Society of Automotive Engineers. Thomas W. Freeman Rolla, Missouri James D. Frerking Kansas City, Missouri Football; M-Ciub; American Society for Engineering Management; Institute of Transportation Engineers. Chris Martin Friedrich Rolla, Missouri Society of Automotive Engineers; Society of Manufacturing Engineers; American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Kimberly Lynn Ford Kansas City, Missouri Tau Beta Pi; Omega Chi Epsilon; Intercollegiate Knights; Daughter of the Nile; Alpha Chi Sigma; American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Ronald J. Frisse Edwardsville, Illinois Students for Students at UMR; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall Association; Outstanding College Students of America.
Keith Francis Dexter, Missouri American Society of Civil Engineers; Association of General Contractors, publicity chairman.
Edward Thomas Fuchs Jr. Kirkwood, Missouri Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; American Society of Engineering Management.
Scott A. Frank Warrensburg, Missouri
Charles R. Fugate Jr. Blue Springs, Missouri Phi Kappa Theta, alumni coordinator; Tau Beta Pi, recording secretary; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Missouri Society of Professional Engineers; Who's Who.
Seniors 223
)ana S. Gabel Florissant, Missouri Independents, publicity chairman. Nancy E. Gamel Festus, Missouri Andrew Joseph Gardner lee's Summit, Missouri Phi Eta Sigma; Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi; Kappa Kappa Psi; 1988 Missouri AllState Collegiate Band. Stuart j. Gardner Rolla, Missouri American Society of Civil Engineers; Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America; First Methodist Church of Rolla; Kappa Kappa Psi . Carey Lamar Gatlin Rolla, Missouri Michele E. 路Geary St. joseph, Missouri Susan M. Gentner Clarence, New York lutheran Student Center, vicepresident, secretary, treasurer; Chancellor's leadership Class. Nichole R. George Springfield, Missouri Chi Omega. Cynthia L. Gereau St. Peters, Missouri Kappa Delta. Richard Gilley St. louis, Missouri Donald Eugene Glenn St. Charles, Missouri
224 Seniors
Douglas Goforth Hillsboro, Missouri Trent Lynn Goodnight Freeburg, Illinois
Robert W. Graeler Chesterfield, Missouri Sigma Pi, vice-president, treasurer, house manager; Intercollegiate Knights, ASHRAE.
Richard Haar St. louis, Missouri Pi Tau Sigma; St. Pat's float committee for TJHA; Society of Automotive Engineers.
Steven D. Gramblin Jefferson City, Missouri
Lynne P. Hackman Manchester, Missouri Phi Eta Sigma, historian, recording secretary; Thomas Jefferson Hall, secretary; lnterResidence Council; Residence Hall Association; Tau Beta Pi; American Institute of Chemical Engineers, secretary; BACCHUS, charter president, treasurer; Resident Assistant; lutheran Student Center; lntramurals; National Residence Hall Honorary, vice-president.
Daniel L. Green Rolla, Missouri Association for Computing Machinery; Upsilon Pi Epsilon. Ron W. Gregg Kansas City, Missouri Sigma Pi. Allen S. Griffey St. louis, Missouri Daniel J. Griffith Florissant, Missouri Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Phi Eta Sigma; Curator's Scholarship; National Residence Hall Honorary; Thomas Jeffe rson Residence Hall, exec utive vice-pr es ident; lnterR esidence Council; Blue Key; Coop ambassador; Student Knight. David M. Crossen Osage Beach, Missouri Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Bowling Club. Danial A. Gualtieri McHenry, Illinois St. Pat's Student Knight; Missouri Min erJ copy manager; Cheer leader, captain; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Hom ec oming committee; lnterResidence Council; Resid e nce Hall Association, governor; Society of Physics.
Stephen D. Hagen St. Charles, Missouri Darren R. Hamilton Belton, Missouri Society of Automotive Engineers; Kappa Alpha; Intercollegiate Knights; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Pi Tau Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; ASH RAE. Jeffery Paul Harbaugh Ballwin, Missouri Pershing Rifles, president, vicepresident; Raide rs; Army ROTC; TECH Engine Club; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Society of Manufacturing Engineers; American Veterans Certificate of Achievement. Ronald A. Harmon Bethalto, Illinois Dennis W. Harner Monett, Missouri American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics.
Gene A. Harper Rogersville, Missouri TECH Engine Club; Board of Control; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Eta Kappa Nu. Daniel Ray Hauschel Independence, Missouri Society of Automotive Engineers, treasurer, secretary; Theta Tau Omega, treasurer; Sigma Nu, president, rush chairman, novice trainer, chaplain; Sigma Nu Freshman of the Year; Student Knight.
LeAnn Carol Herren Springfield, Illinois Zeta Tau Alpha, executive council, programs council; Society of Petroleum Engineers, vice-president; Toastmasters; Society of Women Engineers; American Institute of Chemical Engineers; Student Union Board; Little Sisters of the White Star; Gold Miners; Dean's List; Illinois Basin SPEC Scholarship; Conoco Scholarship; UMP PE Scholarship.
Chris P. Hawkins Festus, Missouri
Stephen W. Herrington Rolla, Missouri Independents, governor; American Ceramic Society; Keramos.
Erik Andrew Hefferly Collinsville, Illinois
Jacqueline Marie Hiner Florissant, Missouri
Russell H. Henke Elsberry, Missouri Association of General Contractors, president, vice-president, treasurer; American Society of Civil Engineers, special projects committee chairman, finance chairman; Chi Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; Intramural sports; Enoch Needles Scholarship; U. B. Senter Scholarship; Bruce Tucker Memorial Scholarship.
Caroline E. Hock St. Louis, Missouri
Michael Craig Henricks Ballwin, Missouri Theta Xi, vice-president, treasurer, scholarship officer; Alpha Phi Omega, Sergeant at Arms; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers. Lloyd Daniel Herbert St. Joseph, Missour i Arnold Air Society; Air Force ROTC group commander.
Thomas Carson Hodge St. Charles, Missouri Kappa Kappa Psi, president, vicepresident, recording secretary, mid-west district secretary, treasurer; Omega Chi Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi; UMR band; Pep band; Dow Chemical Outstanding Junior in Chemical Engineering. Claudia Christa Hoeft Union, Missouri Jeanie V. Hofer Salem, Missouri John Charles Hoffman Jefferson City, Missouri American Society of Engi neering Management.
Kimberly Ann Hoffmeister Cape Girardeau, Missouri Kappa Delta, president, secretary, editor; Panhellenic Council, secretary, treasurer; Blue Key, secretary; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Eta Sigma; Pi Tau Sigma; ASHRAE; Phelps County Panhellenic Scholarship. Michael Anthony Holmes Riverside, Missouri Pi Kappa Phi, treasurer; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Student Union Board, treasurer. Mary Elizabeth Holtmann Springfield, Missouri Angelia S. Honse Vienna, Missouri Varsity Softball; Order of the Sun, treasurer; M-Ciub, secretary , treasurer; Phi Kappa Phi; American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics; Sigma Gamma Tau, president; Tau Beta Pi; Blue Key; Phi Eta Sigma. Walter Brooks Hooper Kansas City, Missouri Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi; Pi Tau Sigma; Mechanical Engineering Honors Program. Alan Hopkins Richland , Missouri Kappa Sigma. Amy Diane Horst Springfield, Missouri American Society of Civil Engineers, special projects committee chairman; Chi Epsilon, secretary; Phi Kappa Phi; MSPE; NSPE; Curator's Scholarship; Chancellor's Fellowship.
Seniors 225
Timothy Scott Howard Sedalia, Missouri Campus Crusade for Christ, president; Varsity soccer; American Society for Engineering Management. Donald Edward Howser Jr. Centertown, Missouri Phi Kappa Theta. Raenan Kay Huddleston Rolla, Missouri Michael Dean Hudson Jefferson City, Missouri Mark Hunter Bridgeton, Missouri ASHRAE, president; Pi Tau Sigma; American Society of Mechanical Engineers, treasurer.
I Douglas J. Ipsen Cole Camp, Missouri
Daniel E. Jackson Festus, Missouri Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Beta Pi; Omega Chi Epsilon, pledge trainer; Phi Eta Sigma; Residence Hall Association, vice-president; lnterResidence Council; National Residence Hall Honorary; American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Danika Rae Jackson Oakridge, Tennessee American Nuclear Society, secretary; Alpha Nu Sigma.
James Brent Jones Rolla, Missouri KMNR; Independents; Student Council; Student Cabinet, ASSS.
Richard Roy James Steelville, Missouri
Jennifer Marie Jones Rolla, Missouri KMNR, DJ, business manager, personnel manager; Independents; Association of Engineering Geologists; ASSS.
John Janchar Kansas City, Missouri American Society for Engineering Management; American Institute of Chemical Engineers; Intramural sports. John Martin Jansen Scott City, Missouri Sigma Phi Epsilon. John N. Jay Crestwood, Missouri Rex Warren Jenkins St. Louis, Missouri Daniel W. Jewell Rolla, Missouri Bruce A. Johnson Joplin, Missouri Timothy David Johnson Fenton, Missouri Beta Sigma Psi; Rolla Rural Volunteer Fire Dept; American Society for Engineering Management; Intercollegiate Knights. Travis Johnson Hillsboro, Missouri Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers.
Carl F. Jung Fenton, Missouri Varsity soccer, captain; Eta Kappa Nu; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; M-Ciub. Marla Kay Jungling Pleasant Hill, Missouri Tau Beta Pi; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Society of Manufacturing Engineers; Chancellor's Student Cabinet; Mechanical Engineers Honors Program; Residence Hall, president, vice-president; Intramurals; National Residence Hall Honorary; Angel Flight, vicecommander, administration operations, public affairs; Pi Tau Sigma, recording secretary, treasurer; Collegiate Engineering Award; All-American Scholar.
Allan D. Johnston Newburg, Missouri Amateur Radio Club, vice-president. Matthew David Johnston Washington, Missouri Phi Kappa Theta.
226 Seniors
John Scott Julian Independence, Missouri Sigma Nu, rush chairman; Theta Tau Omega, inner guard, public relations; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; Trap & Skeet Club; Sigma Nu lntramurals.
Michael P. Keating Florissant, Missouri Theta Xi, secretary, vice-president; Student Council; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Gamma Alpha Delta. Michael Craig Keithly Hazelwood, Missouri Scott Joseph Kellerman St. Louis, Missouri Tau Beta Pi; Phi Eta Sigma; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Omega Chi Epsilon, treasurer, pledge trainer; Phi Kappa Phi; American Institute of Chemical Engineers; lntramurals; Curator's Scholar; Alumni Scholar; Honor Roll. Kelly Denise Keran Kirkwood, Missouri Ann B. Key Salem, Missouri Joel A. Kilpack Rolla, Missouri Theodore J. Klefisch Jr. St. Louis, Missouri Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers. Jason M. Klein Springfield, Missouri Kevin C. Klipsch Sappington, Missouri Association of Engineering Geologists, president; American Society of Civil Engineers, secretary; Veteran's Club, secretary. Jeff Klump Perryville, Missouri Tau Beta Pi, vice-pres, secretary; Pi Tau Sigma, pres, vice-pres; Kappa Mu Epsilon, pres, vicepres; Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Eta Sigma; Blue Key, vice-pres; Phi Kappa Theta, vice-pres, alumni coord, sec; Toastmasters, vicepres; Intercollegiate Knights; American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Stephen Eugene Koehr St. Louis, Missouri Beta Sigma Psi. Kevin Kohm Hillsboro, Missouri Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Eta Sigma; Intramurals; Lutheran Student Center. Jeffrey L. Kohne Washington, Missouri John Michael Koly Jr. Florissant, Missouri Steven William Koop Raytown, Missouri Phi Kappa Theta; American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics; Sigma Gamma Tau; Tau Beta Pi; Gamma Alpha Delta; Society of Plastics Engineers; UMR Cooperative Education Association. William P. Koppenaal Waynesville, Missouri Craig Korte Highland, Illinois Delta Sigma Phi; American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Gamma Tau; Knights of Columbus; Intramurals. Matthew James Kovarik Imperial, Missouri Kappa Alpha. Eric M. Kozak St. Charles, Missouri Michelle L. Kupferle Ballwin, Missouri Chi Omega, rush chairman, secretary, song leader, chapter correspondent, activities chairman; American Ceramic Society, vicepresident; Keramos; Alpha Phi Omega; Sisters 路of the Shield & Diamond.
Jongik A. Kwon Marietta, Georgia
L Chris Lager Belton, Missouri Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honor Society; Pi Tau Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; Society of Automative Engineers, president, secretary; lntramurals; Curator scholar. Edith Lai Manchester, Missouri Jeffrey Thomas Lakin Bland, Missouri Minh C. Lam San Jose, California Lorinda M. Lamb St. Charles, Missouri Jeffrey K. Lambert Dexter, Missouri Chi Epsilon. Michael Shannon Lambert Harrisburg, Illinois American Society of Civil Engineers, vice-president, treasurer; Association of General Contractors of America; Tau Beta Pi; Neil Stueck Scholarship; Egyptian Contractors Scholarship; Chi Epsilon Scholarship. Paul F. Lampe Clarinda, Iowa Lutheran Student Center, vicepresident; Intramural Manager; Intramural sports. Holly Diane Langston Jefferson City, Missouri Zeta Tau Alpha. Seniors 227
Chris Layton
Michael Leroy Lewis
Brad Lorber
Perryville, Missouri Phi Kappa Theta, social chairman; Association of General Contractors, resume book chairman; Blue Key; Chi Epsilon; Kappa Mu Epsilon, vicepresident; Missouri Miner, writer; St. Pat's Board, president, publicity; Tau Beta Pi; Theta Tau Omega; Senior Achievement Award in Civil Engineering.
Abinedon, Illinois Association of General Contractors, resume book committee chairman; American Society of Civil Engineers; Intramural basketball; Honor Roll.
Odebolt, Iowa Alpha Epsilon Pi, treasurer, alumni secretary, sister guide, steward, parent's club liaison, intramural manager; Alpha Phi Omega; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Kappa Kappa Psi; Symphonic band; Association of the United States Army; Leon Herschowitz Academic Achievement Award.
Kenneth L. Light
Rolla, Missouri Scott Christopher Light
Gregory Charles Lechtenberg
St. Charles, Missouri
Linn, Missouri Pi Kappa Alpha.
Jason D. Lee
Lisa Lindesmith
Raytown, Missouri
Rolla, Missouri
Larry W. Lee
Stanley Benson Lindesmith
Freeman, Missouri
Rolla, Missouri
Phillip Ping-Jeng Lei
Larry E. Lindsay
Chess Club, president; TECH Engine Club, intramural manager; Taekwondo Club; Student Union Board; American Society of Engineering Management; lntramurals.
Hazelwood, Missouri
Patrick Lepski
St. Louis, Missouri Head Resident Assistant; Blue Key; University Center Board of Directers; lnterResidence Council, president; UMR Alcohol and Drug Abuse Task Force; National Residence Hall Honorary, president; UMR parking, security and traffic committee; Outstanding College Students of America; Outstanding Young Men of America.
St. Louis, Missouri Kappa Sigma, vice-president, secretary, guard; Varsity Golf; American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Annada, Missouri American Society for Engineering Management; Society of Women Engineers. Julianne Marie Luca
St. Louis, Missouri Mahlon Grant Little II
West Plains, Missouri Pi Tau Sigma; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Lambda Chi Alpha. Michael James Loethen
Rolla, Missouri Charles E. Lewis II
David Wayne Loida
Kansas City, Missouri
Ballwin, Missouri Sigma Chi; Student Council; American Society for Engineering Management; Institute of Industrial Engineers; lntramurals. Gerald Trent Loomstein
Olivette, Missouri
226 Seniors
St. Louis, Missouri Minority Engineering Mentor program; Association of Black Students, resume book committee chairperson; National Society of Black Engineers, alumni chairperson; 1989 Mrs. Black Engineer Contest; Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Susan Lyn Lovelace
Tim Litsch
Hallsville, Missouri Sigma Nu; Theta Tau Omega; Alpha Phi Omega; Varsity baseball; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Toastmasters.
Che-Chung Stephen Leung
Antonia Love
Daniel H. Lumma
Edwardsville, .Illinois Kappa Sigma; Leadership Award of Merit; Theta Tau Omega; Newman Center, guitarist; Student Union Board, technical crew; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers. Gregory Scott Lupton
Edinburg, Illinois Intramural basketball, softball, football; American Society of Civil Engineers; Christian Campus Fellowship; Campus Crusade for Christ. Brian H. Lux
St. Louis, Missouri Kappa Sigma.
M Bryan Mabery Desoto, Missouri Tau Beta Pi; American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics; Sigma Gamma Tau.
Gregory R. Maes Ballwin, Missouri Residence Hall Association, vicepresident, treasurer; lnterResidence Council; National Residence Hall Honorary; Juggling Club; Spelunkers Club.
Charles Martin Jr.
Tim McConnell
Flo, Missouri National Society of Black Engineers; Association for Black Students; Association of Computer Machinery; lntramurals.
Lewistown, Missouri American Society of Civil Engineers; Associated General Contractors, recording secretary, vicepresident; Trap & Skeet Club, treasurer.
Rebecca Marie Martin Rolla, Missouri
Kristofer Jon Maschler Kansas City, Missouri Theta Xi.
Dean Ray Maune
Lecoma, Missouri
Washington, Missouri American Society for Engineering Management; Institute of Industrial Engineers; Alpha Phi Omega; lntramurals; Dean's List; Packaging Education Foundation Scholarship.
Pamela A. Manley
Timothy John Mauntel
Rolla, Missouri
Washington, Missouri
Michelle Ann Manka
James Alan McDaniel Florissant, Missouri Delta Tau Delta, 2nd vice-president, delegate to Karnea, director of academic affairs; Upsilon Pi Epsilon, treasurer, president; Student Council, academic affairs committee chairman; Association for Computing Machinery; Phi Eta Sigma; Honors College; Curator's Scholar; Alumni Association Scholar; Phillips Scholar.
Tim M. McDermott Camdenton, Missouri Delta Sigma Phi.
John Charles McDonald
Hank A. Manson
Scott A. Mayer
St. Louis, Missouri
St. Louis, Missouri
Matthew David Markel
Christine Mayerhoefer
Highland, Illinois
Paul Richard McDonough St. Louis, Missouri Lambda Chi Alpha.
Troy A. Marsh Joplin , Missouri Tau Beta Pi, office of cataloger; Baptist Student Union, fellowship counci l person; Pi Tau Sigma, Kappa Mu Epsilon; Society of Automative Engineers; Honor Roll.
Matthew Markel St. Louis, Missouri Lambda Chi Alpha, vice-president, scholarship chairman; Kappa Kappa Psi, vice-preside nt, treasurer; Phi Eta Sigma, president, vicepresident, treasurer; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Alpha Phi Omega; Outstanding College Students of America.
Foristell, Missouri
St. Charles, Missouri Tau Beta Pi, cataloger; Phi Kappa Phi; Society of Women Engineers; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Fred Finley Electrical Engineering Scholarship; Curator Scholarship.
Independence, 路Missouri Society of Automotive Engineers.
Brian Mayfield
Robert John Mense
Jackson, Missouri Baptist Student Union , president, worship leader; Tau Beta Pi; Pi Tau Sigma; Phi Eta Sigma; American Society of Mechanical Engineers, planning co-c hairman; Student Council, treasurer; Associated Student of the University of Missouri Finance Director.
St. Louis, Missouri Lambda Chi Alpha; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
Rex A. Mclaury Columbia, Missouri
Steven D. Medley
Greg Allen Mettlach Republic, Missouri
Jeffery Wayne Meyer Independence, Missouri Sigma Nu.
David W. McClellan St. Louis,. Missouri
Seniors 229
Nancy Kay Meyer
Bob Moore
Marthasville, Missouri Chi Omega.
Perryville, Missouri Phi Kappa Theta, pledge trainer , chapter editor; Toastmasters, vice-president; Theta Tau Omega, Ugly Man; Intercollegiate Knights, pledge trainer; KMNR broadcaster; Student Union Board; lntramurals.
John Charles Miget Perryville, Missouri
Paul Miles Rolla, Missouri Circle K, vice-president; Tau Beta Pi; American Society for Engineering Management.
Douglas A. Miller Rolla, Missouri Undergraduate research.
David Alan Muessemeyer
St. Louis, Missouri Eta Kappa Nu, corresponding secretary, banquet chairman; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Eta Sigma; Lutheran Student Center; Carl H. Basler Scholarship; Power Scholarship.
Robert David Moeller Fenton, Missouri Tau Beta Pi; Pi Tau Sigma; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Society of Automotive Engineers; Cooperative Education Association; Honor Roll.
Aznam Mohd-Som Rolla, Mi ssouri Pi Tau Sigma; Muslim Student Association.
St. Louis, Missouri
Mark D. Nicholas
Deborah Rachel Murphey
Kenneth L. Nichols
Kevin Michael Murphy Florissant, Missouri
N Abdul G. Nar Hussain Rolla, Missouri Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Muslim Student Association.
St. Louis, Missouri Alpha Phi Omega; American Society of Mechanical Engineers, planning chairman; Society of Amercan Military Engineers, vice-president; Commissioned Second Lieutenant; Platoon Commander; Charles W. Frees Jr. Scholarship.
Nancy J. Niemeier St. Louis, Missouri Chi Epsilon, treasurer; American Society of Civil Engineers; Daughters of Diana, treasurer.
Katherine S. Nordmeyer Amy S. Nash Virbana, Missouri Chi Omega.
Jefferson City, Missouri
Dwaine Stephen
Washington, Missouri
Albert Lester Neal Springfield, Missouri
John Newcomer St. Louis, Missouri
Kenneth R. Newton
Peter W. Moody
Rolla, Missouri
St. Charles, Missouri Pi Eta Sigma; Curator Scholar; Alumni Scholarship .
Phillip Ngo Creve Coeur, Missouri Vietnamese Student Association.
Chieu Ngoc Nguyen St. Louis, Missouri Vietnamese Student Association .
230 Seni o rs
Thaun Quoc Nguyen
Sullivan, Missouri American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics.
Robert Lowell Miller
Brian Keith Moellenhoff
Rolla, Missouri Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Vietnamese Students Association .
Glencoe, Missouri Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Beta Tau Alpha.
Edwardsville, Illinois Fair Grove, Missouri American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; Pi Tau Sigma.
Peter CM Nguyen
0 John Michael Oberkirsch St. Louis, Missouri
Jean M. Obernuefemann O'Fallon, Missouri
J. O'Connell
Massena, New York Sigma Chi; M-Ciub; Golf; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Student Council.
Edward Alan O'Connor Orange Park, Florida Christian Campus Fellowship, president, vice-president, secretary; Varsity tennis; Student Union Board; Arnold Air Society. Anthony Barton Odom Linn, Missouri Douglas B. Oglesby Rolla, Missouri American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics; Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Phi Kappa Phi; Sigma Gamma Tau. Timothy O'Hearn Florissant, Missouri Environmental Protection Advocates, president; American Nuclear Society; lnterResidence Hall Council; Residence Hall Association. Tracy J. Orf Wentzville, Missouri Pi Kappa Alpha; St. Pat's Board; American Nuclear Society, treasurer. Nicholas C. Oros Mounds, Illinois Phi Kappa Phi. Brian K. Osborne Carthage, Missouri Doug Owens Louisiana, Missouri Association for Computer Machinery, treasurer; Upsilon Pi ~psi足 lon, president; Kappa Mu ~psdon, historian; Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Chancellor's Leadership Class; National Dean's List.
p Amy Jo Painter Chesterfield, Missouri Kappa Delta. Michael Philip Pappas Mclean, Illinois Kirk Parish Herndon, Virginia Alpha Epsilon Pi, vice-president, secretary, rush chairman; Alpha Phi Omega; lntramurals; Student Knight. Robert Parker Rolla, Missour i Dharmendra Patel Whittier, California American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics. Robert Anderson Patrick Pacific, Missouri Cynthia Patterson St. Louis, Missouri Kappa Delta Sorority, treasurer, social chairman; Alpha Phi Omega, secretary, publicity chairma~; Institute of Electrical & Electromc Engineers; Taekwondo Club, secretary, historian; Little Sister of Sigma Phi Epsilon, historian; Toastmasters. David A. Patterson Rolla, Missouri American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineering. Stephen Gregory Paul Bourbon, Missouri Sigma Pi.
Mary K. Pecora St. Joseph, Missouri Chi Omega. Tracy S. Perkins Alton,-Illinois Alpha Chi Sigma; Little Sigma of Sigma Chi; Schrenk Society; Omega Chi Epsilon; American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Keith E. Phillips Florissant, Missouri American Society for Engineering Management; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Student Council; Student Union Board; Honor Roll; TECH Engine Club; Intramural basketball. Robert L. Phillips Jr. Dixon, Missouri Student Council, president, vicepresident; Varsity Swimming; St. Pat's Knight of the Court; Blue Key; M-Ciub; Phi Eta Sigma; Chancellor's Leadership Class; Curator's Scholar; Outstanding Young Men of America. Tim Pimmel Columbia, Missouri Alpha Epsilon Pi, president, vicepresident; Student Union Board, president, concert director; St. Pats' Board, guard. David B. Platt Rolla, Missouri Lambda Chi Alpha, vice-president, treasurer, steward; InterFraternity Council, Greek council, fund-raising; Alpha Chi Sigma, secretary; Omega Chi Epsilon, president; Intercollegiate Knights, president, vice-president; American Institute of Chemical Engineers; Freshman of the Year. Julia Ellen Pollock Ironton, Missouri
Seniors 231
Bruce Matthew Ponzer Rolla, Missouri Newman Center; Economics Club; Knights of Columbus. Martin Dexter Poole Rolla, Missouri Jeh-Yuen Poon Terrace, Singapore John M. Pope Bourbon, Missouri Curtis Wayne Poulson Carthage, Missouri Outstanding College Students of America; Outstanding Pre-Engineering Student; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Kappa Mu Epsilon. Susan Elaine Price Thompsonville, Illinois Mark Spencer Pritchard Kansas City, Missouri Society of Physics Students; Intramural racquetball. Mary F. Pudlowski St. louis, Missouri Charles M. Pulay St. louis, Missouri Delta Tau Delta, president, steward; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Intercollegiate Knights.
Dean G. Quick Jefferson City, Missouri Tau Kappa Epsilon, secretary, chaplain; lntramurals; Theta Tau Omega; Pi Tau Sigma; American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
232 Seni ors
R Patrick G. Ragan St. Charles, Missouri Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers. Joseph A. Rapp Fairview Heights, Illinois Daniel T. Reardon Florissant, Missouri Triangle; InterFraternity Council; Society of Auto'motive Engineers; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; American Society for Engineering Management; Sports Car Club; Gamma Alpha Delta; Alpha Phi Omega. Gregory Recker Ellisville, Missouri General Delegation of Independents, president; American Society of Civil Engineers; TECH Engine Club. Barbara Ann Reilly St. louis, Missouri Phi Kappa Theta little Sisters, president, vice-president, treasurer; Society of Manufacturing Engineers, president; American Society for Engineering Management, secretary; Institute of Industrial Engineers, secretary. Wendy E. Reinbolt Manchester, Missouri Association of Engineering Geologists; Sigma Gamma Epsilon; Toastmasters; Band; lutheran Student Center; Intramural volleyball.
Curtis Ray Reinbolt Harviell, Missouri Baptist Student Union, grounds chairman, intramural manager, basketball and softball coach. Jeffrey Joseph Reinkemeyer Jefferson City, Missouri Phi Kappa Theta. Brett Alan Renken St. Charles, Missouri Sigma Phi Epsilon . Matthew David Rest Warrensburg, Missouri Robert N. Rickard Glencoe, Missouri Sigma Chi; Air Force ROTC; Intramural softball, volleyball, golf, soccer, tennis. Bret Allen Riegel Washington, Missouri Varsity Football, captain; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Gamma Tau; Phi Kappa Phi; Intramural sports; M-Ciub, vice-president. Don Rightnowar Marion, Illinois American Society of Civil Engineers. Kenneth Bradley Rigsby Eldorado, Illinois Tau Beta Pi; Society of Mining Engineers, president, alumni secretary; Sigma Gamma Epsilon; Mine Rescue Team; Intramural sports. Sara A. Risbeck Rolla, Missouri Don E. Roberts Branson, Missouri American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics; Society of Automotive Engineers; Intramural basketball, football, softball, volleyball.
Julie Ann Robinson Kansas City, Missouri Kappa Delta; Blue Key~ Toastmasters路 Institute of Electncal & Electro~ic Engineers; Kappa Mu Epsilon. Thomas Ora Robinson Edgar Springs, Missouri Timothy Sean Robinson Grandview, Missouri
James C. Sanders St. louis, Missouri Tau Kappa Epsilon; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Alpha Phi Omega; Toastma.sters; Christian Campus Fellowsh1p. Brian D. Satterthwaite Farmington, Missouri Marla Faye Schafer Salem, Missouri
William Leo Rodewald Florissant, Missouri American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; Missouri Miner; TECH Engine Club; Cheerleader.
Dennis J. Schamburg Bloomsdale, Missouri Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu.
Thomas C. Rogers Pevely, Missouri
Eric Scott Schellenberg St. louis, Missouri
Brian T. Rolli Kansas City, Missouri Kappa Alpha. John Romanus Jr. St. Clair, Missouri Lori Ann Roper St. louis, Missouri Eric E. Rose Marion, Illinois Fred L. Rosenblum St. louis, Missouri American Institute of Chemical Engineers; Bowling Club; Cycling Club; Intramural softball, table tennis. Kim Russell Rolla, Missouri Wesley Harold Russell O'Fallon, Missouri James Curtis Rutherford Cape Girarde au, Missouri
David R. Schick Ballwin, Missouri Beta Sigma Psi, assistant treasurer, scholarship chairman; Rock Climbing Club, treasurer; Spelunkers Club, publicity chairman; Eta Kappa Nu; Institute of Electri~ cal & Electronic Engineers; Phi Eta Sigma. Christine M. Schilt Kirksville, Missouri lnterResidence Council, treasurer; National Residence Hall Honorary' president, secretary~ T.homas Jefferson Hall Assoc1at1on, vice-president, secretary. Michael G. Schmid St. louis, Missouri Phi Kappa Theta, historian, executive vice-president; Rollamo, photographer, assistant photo e ditor; Student Union. Board , board of directors; Amencan Society for Engineering Management.
Scott J. Schmid linn, Missouri Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Gamma Tau; American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics; BACCHUS, vicepresident; Student Council. Cynthia Ann Schmidt New Florence, Missouri Intramural track, volleyball, softball路 Pi Kappa Alpha Sisters of the Shi~ld & Diamond, vice-president, treasurer; Pi Tau Sigma. Richard Alan Schmidt Worden, Illinois Sigma Tau Gamma; Volleyball Club; St. Pat's Board; American Society of Civil Engineers; Association of General Contractors. Daniel John Schmitz Manchester, Missouri Air Force ROTC; Blue Sabres; Raiders; Resident Assistant; Student Apartment Manager. John Matthew Schneider Jennings, Missouri Sigma Phi Epsilon. Joseph Schneider Quincy, Illinois American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics. Eric Gerard Schneier St. Charles, Missouri Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers. Sarah E. Schroder St. louis, Missouri Philip Schroeder St. Charles, Missouri American Society of Civil Engineers; Institute of Transportation Engineers, president; Intramural football, soccer, basketball, bowling; Honor Roll.
Seniors 233
Timothy G. Schroeder Perryville, Missouri Kappa Mu Epsilon; Pi Tau Sigma; American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Alan Craig Schuchardt St. Louis, Missouri Metallurgical Society; American Society of Metals; Society of Metallurgical Engineers; American Foundryman's Society; Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Stanley J. Schultz Doniphan, Missouri American Society of Civil Engineers, corresponding secretary, recording secretary; Association of General Contractors; Toastmasters. Kevin D. Schwab jackson, Missouri Society of Automotive Engineers; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; College Republicans; Coop. Steven J. Schwab St. Louis, Missouri Timothy J. Schwarz Belleville, Illinois American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics, treasurer; Rollamo. Laura Lynne Schweikhardt Rolla, Missouri Anastasia Lea Scott Grant City, Missouri Tau Beta Pi; Omega Chi Epsilon, treasurer; American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Carl A. Scott Chanate, Kansas Sigma Tau Gamma.
Sean David Scott Grandview, Missouri Society of Automotive Engineers; Alpha Phi Omega; Theta Xi, social chairman, little sister rush chairman, Greek week chairman . John B. Segur St. Louis, Missouri Alpha Phi Omega; rifle team; Triangle, president, vice-president, librarian; St. Pat's Board, secretary, guard. James J. Seko Rolla, Missouri Carol Ann Sellars Herrin, Illinois American Society for Engineering Management, president, treasurer; Institute of Industrial Engineers; Blue Key; Student Union Board; Institute of Industrial Engineers Outstanding Student Award. Mike S. Sellberg Harrisonville, Missouri Lambda Chi Alpha, president; Phi Kappa Phi; Theta Tau Omega; InterFraternity Council; Pi Tau Sigma. Wayne Shipman Columbia, Missouri American Society for Engineering Management; Intramural sports. David Bruce Sigler Desoto, Missouri Baptist Student Union, council; Intramural sports; Eta Kappa Nu, historian. Sheldon Scott Sillyman Springfield, Missouri
234 Seniors
Grant Ferrin Smith Smithville, Missouri Society of Petroleum Engineers, vice-president, president; Leadership Award from Texas Oil & Gas Corporation. Michele R. Smith St. Louis, Missouri American Nuclear Society; American Society for Engineering Management; Circle K, secretary; Alpha Epsilon Pi Little Sisters, president, vice-president; Arnold Air Society; Intramural sports. Stephen R. Smith Berryville, Arkansas American Society of Mechanical Engineers. George Vincent Sola Kansas City, Missouri Barry F. Sommer Collinsville, Illinois Don E. Sorrell Gatewood, Missouri Independents; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers. Thomas Edward Sovar St. Louis, Missouri Delta Tau Delta, treasurer, vicepresident, secretary, sergeant-atarms; Tau Beta Pi, president; Pi Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi. Nicholas Oliver Spangenberg Rolla, Missouri Joseph B. Steinkamp Clinton, Tennessee Kappa Alpha, scholarship chairman; InterFraternity Council, secretary; Theta Tau Omega; Alpha Sigma Mu, secretary; American Society of Metals; Metallurgical Society, treasurer.
Timothy Alan Stelljes Kansas City, Missouri Delta Tau Delta, vice-president, secretary, guide; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers, president, treasurer; Intercollegiate Knights. Tom C. Stevens St. Louis, Missouri Sigma Phi Epsilon. Jeffrey L. Stitt Kansas City, Missouri Scott R. Stocking Joplin, Missouri Emma A. Stoll Rolla, Missouri Katherine Ann Stone Lake St. Louis, Missouri Society of Women Engineers, president, vice-president, corresponding secretary; American Nuclear Society, president, vicepresident; Alpha Nu Sigma, vicepresident; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Eta Sigma; Blue Key, alumni secretary; National Dean's List. Cyndy Lee Stover Marion, Illinois American Society of Civil Engineers; Society of Women Engineers; Institute of Transportation Engineers, secretary; Phi Theta Kappa. Kim A. Sweeney St. Charles, Missouri Evelyn E. Sweet Phoenixville, Pennsylvania Kappa Delta. Daniel J. Szatkowski Centralia, Illinois
T Christopher Jude Talbott Perry, Missouri Upsilon Pi Epsilon, vice-president; Association for Computing Machinery. Jimmy L. Tansil Jr. Ballwin, Missouri KOINONIA, president; Taekwondo Club, vice-president; Alpha Phi Alpha, secretary, chaplain; InterFraternity Council; Fred Finley Scholarship; Shield of Shelter Insurance. Richard Lee Taylor Gladstone, Missouri American Society of Mechanical Engineers; American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; Cycling Club; Sports Car Club. Todd M. Taylor Springfield, Illinois Lambda Chi Alpha, educator, social chairman; St. Pat's Board, sales manager; Theta Tau Omega, corresponding secretary. David M. Tepen Florissant, Missouri Student Council, recruiting chairman; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers, publicity chairman; Campus-Wide Committee, student affairs, affirmative action advisory committee. joe Richard Terwelp Quincy, Illinois Tau Beta Pi; American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics.
Jeffrey Alan Teson Hazelwood, Missouri Sigma Nu. John M. Thilenius St. Louis, Missouri American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics, chairman; Sigma Gamma Tau, vice-president; Tau Beta Pi; Intramural sports. Michael Joseph Thomas Rolla, Missouri Shelia D. Thomas Sullivan, Missouri Christopher Todd Thompson O ' Fallon, Missouri Taekwondo Club; American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics; American Society for Engineering Management. Lara J. Thompson Joplin , Missouri American Society for Engineering Management; Intramural basketball, flag football ; Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall Association, executive vice-president, floor president; Little 路 Sister of Sigma Nu. Michael A. Tiehes St. Louis, Missouri Eta Kappa Nu; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers. Jennifer Marie Tilk O 'Fallon, Illinois Kappa Delta. Traci M. Todd Chesterfield, Missouri Zeta Tau Alpha. David M. Tokos St. Louis, Missouri American Foundryman's Society; Metallurgical Society; FEF Scholarship.
Seniors 235
Thomas L. Tokos Jr.
Randy M. Tucker
Gregory Allen Vaughn
St. Louis, Missouri American Society for Engineering Management; Sigma Chi, vice-president.
Rolla, Missouri
Rolla, Missouri
Susan M. Turner
Teresa Ann Verbanaz
Springfield, Missouri Zeta Tau Alpha, vice-president; Panhellenic Council; American Society for Engineering Management; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Toastmasters; Student Union Board; Intramural sports; Missouri Miner; Sigma Phi Epsilon Golden Hearts; Varsity Softball; 1987 Greek Week Queen .
St. Louis, Missouri American Society of Civil Engineers, concrete canoe, special projects, finance committee; Institute of Transportation Engineers, treasurer.
Leatha M. Toliver Springfield, Missouri American Institute of Chemical Engineers; Cheerleader; Voices of Inspiration choir; Baptist Student Union; National Society of Black Engineers.
Jeffrey Toulouse Hillsboro, Missouri
Paul Arthur Treis St. Louis, Missouri
Elizabeth Jane Trimble Houston, Missouri Independents, secretary; American Society for Engineering Management; Society of Manufacturing Engineers; Missouri Miner, staff writer, managing editor, assistant news editor, editor-in-chief; St. Pat's Student Knight; White Roses of Sigma Tau Gamma.
Troy Alan Tschirhart Glendale, Arizona Jazz Band; UMR Band; American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics; Arnold Air Society.
Springfield, Missouri Tau Beta Pi, vice-president, cataloger, work day chairman; Phi Kappa Phi; Sigma Gamma Tau; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Tau Beta Sigma, treasurer, corresponding secretary, recording secretary; American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics; Daughters of the Emerald; Society of Women Engineers; Juggling Club; Intramural volleyball; Marching and Concert Band.
u Steven Earl Underhill Imperial, Missouri American Society for Engineering Management; Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
Sullivan, Missouri
Rebecca L. Vanderwall Rolla, Missouri Student Council, secretary; Southwinds; ASUM, communications director; Student Union Board; English Club.
Kevin John VanHaaren Parkville, Missouri Student Union Board, director of technical services committee.
Gregory W. Vase I Fenton, Missouri 236 Seni ors
Perryville, Missouri
Bret Joseph Voypick Manchester, Missouri
Tim Vance Ellen Elizabeth Tucker
Terry Lynn Versheldon
w Tracy Jo Wacker Owensville, Missouri
Joe Waicekauskas Jr. Raymondville, Missouri Association of General Contractors; American Society of Civil Engineers; Chi Epsilon; Honor Roll.
Doug K. Wallace St. John, Missouri Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Taekwondo Club.
David R. Wampler Farmington, Missouri
Stephen Dale Wands Rolla, Misouri
Chi-Sheng Wang St. Louis, Missouri Table Tennis Club, founder, presi dent; Tau Beta Pi; ~hi Kappa Phi; Curator's Scholarship.
Deanna Lynne Warner Lesterville, Missouri Mark Nelson Warren DesPeres, Missouri Joel Michael WasDyke Gladstone, Missouri Breck Washam St. Louis, Missouri American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, vice-president; Beta Chi Sigma, secretary; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Eta Sigma; Kappa Mu Epsilon; Delta Sigma Phi, secretary, philanthropy chairman, alumni chairman. David Alan Webber Dahlgren, Illinois Renee M. Weber Springfield, Missouri American Society for Engineering Management, fund-raising chairman; Chi Omega, steward; Daughters of Lee, vice-president; Lutheran Student Center. Kenneth W. Weerts Pacific, Missouri Students for Students of UMR, vice-president, treasurer; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers. Nancy L. Wehmeyer Holts Summit, Missouri Glen Paul Weible Bonne Terre, Missouri Varsity Baseball; Keramos; American Ceramic Society; Alpha Chi Sigma; M-Ciub; Christian Campus Fellowship; Intramural manager. Robert A. Weinmann St. Louis, Missouri
Kevin Wayne Weiseman Salisbury, Missouri Kappa Mu Epsilon; Phi Kappa Phi; Pi Tau Sigma, recording secretary, vice-president; Tau Beta Pi; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; TECH Engine Club, treasurer. Veronica T. Welch St. James, Missouri Economics Club, treasurer. Stacey Renee Wells Leavenworth, Kansas Michael David Wene St. Genevieve, Missouri Brian Gerard Werkmeister Arnold, Missouri Eta Kappa Nu; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers; Newman Center; Intramural sports. Martin T. Whalen Poplar Bluff, Missouri Air Force ROTC; Arnold Air Society, comptroller, administrative officer; American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics; Sigma Gamma Tau. Loren P. Whetsell Steelville, Missouri Marching and Concert Band; Student Council; Kappa Kappa Psi, band honorary ; Alumni Board, student representative; Library / Learning Resources committee. Pamela Lyn Whitten Hazelwood, Missouri James A. Whorton St. Louis, Missouri Kappa Sigma; St. Pat 's Board; American Society for Engineering Management.
Michael A. Widman Highland, Illinois American Society of Civil Engineers; Varsity Football; M-Ciub; Sigma Phi Epsilon. Lewis Brian Wiles Willow Springs, Missouri Eric George Wilkens St. Charles, Missouri Beta Sigma Psi, pledge class vicepresident, carpenter, assistant steward; Keramos. Brett Thomas Williams Rolla, Missouri Laurie Kristine Williams Alton, Illinois Matthew Alan Williams Ferguson, Missouri Allen James Williston Lamar, Missouri Pi Tau Sigma, treasurer; Wesley Foundation, tool room manager, in-house man, worship director; Intramural sports; Cave exploring; Exxon fellowship; Amoco fellowship; Curator's Scholar ; Mechanical Engineering Honor Roll. Bradley Joseph Wilson St. Louis, Missouri Alpha Phi Alpha, vice-president, corresponding secretary, treasurer; Association for Black Students, president, t reasurer; Minority Engineering program; National Society of Black Engineering Students ; lntramurals ; Minority Engineering Scholarship; Shell Incentive Scholarship; Honor Roll. Frederick Paul Wilson Old Monroe, Missouri Alpha Epsilon Pi.
Seniors 237
R. Daniel Wiltshire Canton, Missouri Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers, chairman, vice-chair man; Beta Chi Sigma, vice-president, secretary, treasurer; American Society for Engineering Management; Parachute Club; Toastmasters. Tony Lee Winters Rolla, Missouri Student Union Board, concert committee; Psychology Club; Economics Club. Charles Michael Witherspoon Kansas City, Missouri Sigma Nu .
Anthony Jude Woltermann Centerville, Missouri Robert Stephen Woodley Bridgeton, Missouri Eta Kappa Nu; Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers. Patricia Mahalia Wrigley St. Charles, Missouri Dave Paul Wrocklage St. louis, Missouri Kappa Sigma. Robert Timothy Wuckowitsch Kansas City, Missouri Theta Xi . David Wayne Wyatt Cape Girardeau, Missouri Sigma Phi Epsilon; American Society of Civil Engineers; Association of General Contractors. Scott Douglas Wynn Brentwood, Missouri
Colin J. Young Missouri Association of Engineering Geologists, vice-president; Sigma Gamma Epsilon, president; Sigma Nu, pledge trainer. Arvada~
Jimmy Ka Yip Yu Manchester, Missouri Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers, membership committee, computer society; Association for Computing Machinery; Society of Automotive Engineers, supervisor; Eta Kappa Nu Electronics Hobby Club, lab supervisor; Student Union Board, public relations committee secretary, films & video committee; lntramurals; Chinese Students Association; Honor Roll; Outstanding College Students of America. Taekwondo Club; Coop.
T. G. Yarbrough Rolla, Missouri
Naushad Zaki St. louis, Missouri
Gary Clifford Yerby Morton, Illinois Sigma Chi; ROTC; Metallurgical Society; Iron and Steel Society Scholar .
Greg J. Ziebold St. louis, Missouri
Ann L. Yocum Columbia, Missouri Kappa Delta; Association of Engineering Geologists; Sigma Gam-
238 Seniors
rna Epsilon.
Scot C. Zumbehl Chesterfield, Missouri
Nuclear engineers Dan Szatkowski, Tracy Orf, Garianne McNutt and Jackie路 East are ready to file in for the opening procession at Gale Bullman.
Photo by f. McHaney
Graduates enjoy the breeze after May showers forced commencement ceremonies indoors.
Photo by f. Mchaney Congratulations are welcomed after a hectic week of finals.
Photo by f. McHaney
Seniors 239
This student seems to feel that there is nothing wrong with showing off a diploma when it's earned from UMR . Photo by M. Schmid
Dan and Shirley Jewell enjoy delicious foods and pleasant conversation during the after-graduation reception at the Chancellor's residence. Photo by }. McHaney Parents are amazed at what their sons and daughters have accomplished during the past few years at UMR . Photo by }. McHaney
240 Seniors
A graduate's relatives take the opportunity to save May commencement memories for the family photo album. Photo by M. Schmid Martin Jischke, Chancellor since 1986, addresses graduates at December com mencement.
After years of challenging school work but also many fun times with friends, December graduates patiently wait to receive t heir diplomas. Photo by }. McHaney Graduates have some fun during May commencement ceremonies. Photo by }. McHaney
Seniors 241
Relatives try to attract the attention of family members who participated in May commencement.
Photo by }. McHaney
Master of Science candidates search for
their places before the playing of Pomp & Circumstance.
Photo by M. Schmid
Ed O'Connor hands out diplomas toeager December graduates. Photo by }. McHaney
242 Seniors
Bubbles emerge from the crowd of May
graduates. Photo by]. McHaney After commencement ceremonies
concluded, many graduates met with friends who had watched the graduation. Photo by ]. McHaney
Seniors 243
Cleo Kottwitz listens intently to speakers at December commencement. Photo by}. McHaney Some graduates enthusiastically wave to relatives, while others remain calm throughout May ceremonies. Photo by M. Schmid
Students gather after the May commencement ceremonies. Photo by }. McHaney
244 Seniors
The Blue Sabres present the flags making
December commencement complete. Photo by]. McHaney
Seniors 245
C. Peter Magrath participates in December commencement.
Photo by }. McHaney
246 Seniors
Fifty-year alumni listen to the commencement address which precedes their recognition by the Chancellor. Photo by M. Schmid Michelle Smith is congrat ulated by Chancellor Martin Jischke for receiving her bachelor's in engineering management. Photo by f. McHaney
Seniors 247
Graduates and relatives enjoy the postcommencement reception at the Chancellor's residence . Photo by ]. McHaney More relatives and friends wave as video cameras zoom in on the graduates. Photo by ]. McHaney
248 Seniors
Ron Hackett satisfies his appetite at the Chancellor's reception. Photo by]. McHaney
This mining graduate attended commencement with a sense of humor and a special hat. Photo by]. McHaney
Seniors 2-49
a Closer Look
Affecting the Effects of Alcohol Live from Centennial Hall the Flourescent High Tops student band performs at an indoor picnic which addressed alcohol issues. Photo by M. Gawedzinski
252 Student Life
Alcohol was an important issue at the U. M. R. campus this year. Counseling and Career Development offered a Substance Abuse Prevention Program (SAPP) coordinated by Dr. Carl Burns and Dr. Camile Consolvo. They offered a variety of written and audio/visual materials on alcohol and drugs throughout the year. Alcohol Awareness Week was October 15-21. One of the events which took place during this week was the towing of a wrecked car onto campus. The wrecked car served to heighten the awareness of drinking and driving. A mock roadblock was also set up at which information was given out concerning the week's activities. Some of the activities featured mocktails, which are intended to take the place of alcoholic beverages. On January 19 and 20 Delta Tau Delta alumnus Tim Stelljes conducted a program sponsored by the Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation called DEL TS. This was a six hour program designed by the Prevention Research Institute in Lexington, Kentucky. One purpose of the program was to provide information on how much and how often people can drink without a significant increase in their risk for alcohol related problems. Alcohol issues were also addressed by many other campus organizations, including BACCHUS (Boost Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Student) and campus wide committees.
Scenes from various alcohol awareness events held throughout the year. Photos by M. Gawedzinski
• • •
Cooking up a storm for Lambda Chi Alpha's 28th Chicken Benefit.
Photo by M . Gawedzinski
Todd Balkenbush of Phi Kappa Theta.
Photo by M. Schmid
254 Student Life
Santa and Phi Kappa Theta elf spread cheer for Boy's Town. Photo by M. Schmid
Slippin' and slidin' at Sigma Tau Gamma. Photo by E. Hassinger
Alpha Phi Alpha has a big turn out for their 25th anniversary. Photo by M. Gawedzinski
Getting pumped for Greek Week.
Photo by B. Booth
Student life 255
Debra Hunke and Beth Dare enjoy Alpha Epsilon Pi's little Sister Rush.
Photo by E. Tavenner
Santa addresses the Christmas troops at Phi Kappa Theta.
Photo by M. Schmid
Guests are greeted at Alpha Phi Alpha's 25th anniversary.
Photo by M . Gawedzinski
Brothers Reardon and Bruno work on a Triangle Formal Banner.
Photo by B. Booth
256 Student Life
Closer Look
Getting rowdy at Greek Sing.
Photo by M . Schmid
• • •
T. ). marches on during the Homecoming Parade.
Photo by T. Davis
Student Life 257
Take a Triangle's pledges get dressed up for Greek Sing. Photo by B. Booth
Closer Look
• • •
Yet another trip down Sig Tau's waterslide. Courtesy of Sigma Tau Gamma
258 Student life
Beta Sig cudgel crew show off their third place trophy. . . Courtesy of Beta Sigma Psi
Volleyball as usual at the Quad. Photo by]. McHaney
Greg Denzer and Jill Goetges pose with Gumby at Triangle. Photo by B. Booth
The basement at Beta Sig always has a party atmosphere. Courtesy of Beta Sigma Psi Andy Storf works on breaking his other leg at St. Pat's. Courtesy of Sigma Tau Gamma
Student Life 259
Photographers' Best
The Old is Reflected in the New
260 Photographers' Best
PhorobyM. schmid
Photo by M. Cawedzinski
Photo by B. Booth
Mountain Road Photographers' Best 261
Photo by B. Booth
What We See
Ignore Him but He Won't Go Away
262 Photographer.' Best
Photo by /. McHaney
Photo by B. Booth
What A Bee Sees
Photo by E. Hassin!fer
Photographers' Best 263
Photo by). McHaney
The Back Window
Photo by M . Schmid
264 Photographers' Best
Photo by f. Hassinger
And the Shot is
Photo by B. Booth
Two-Bit Brains
Photographers' Best 265
Photo by M. Schmid
Musical Intensity
266 Photographers' Best
Photo by S. Johnson
Where's the Water?
PhotobyM. cawedzinski
Photographers' Best 267
Photo by M. Gawedzinski
Photo by M. Schmid
Gateway to the West
268 Photosraphers' Best
Pharo by M. Schmid
A Little Kiss, A Beautiful Smile, A Moment Captured
Pharo by]. M cHaney
Dust to Dust
Photographers' Best 269
Photo by M. Gawedzinski
Photo by E. Hassinger
270 Photographers' Best
Photo by/. McHaney
Photo by B. Booth
Ahhhh Photographers' Best 271
Phoro by/. McHaney
uThe paths to glory lead but to the grave" -Thomas Gray
272 Photographers' Best
Photo by M. Gawedzinski
Devil's Icebox
Photo by B. Booth
Red Rose
Photographers' Best 273
Photo by M. Schmid
lighting the Way to the junkyard
Photo by 8. Booth
Birthday 274 Photographers' Best
Photo by ). McHaney
Please Help
Photographers' Best 275
A Abdui-Jabbar, Kareem 31 Abubakar, Syukri 186, 218 Abbot, W. 119 Abbott, R. 145 Abraham, S. 147 Aburto, R. 147 Acacia Fraternity 101, 106 Acheson, S. 11 2 Acuff, M. 125, 131 Adams, A. 11 7, 130, 140 Adams, Bryan David 186, 218 Adams, K. 149 Adkisson, Chrissy 46 Agarwal, V. 142 Agers, Charles F. 186, 218 Aguilera, A. 147 Ahlers, R. 146 Ahrens, T. 124 AIAA 95, 155, 156 Abbott, J. 168 Abbott, W. 166 Abu Bakar, M. 170 Acar, D. 180 Acar, L. 180 Acuff, M. 156 Adams, B. 168 Adams, K. 182 Adrales, K. 172 Advanced Technology Classroom 23 Agarwal, V. 166 Agrawal, A. 166 Aguilera, M. 156 Air Force Cadet Command 154, 155 Air Force ROTC 94, 163, 171 Akhtar, S. 145, 170 Akiyama, T. 172 AI-Am rani , Y. 170 AI-Mehairi, A. 170 AI-Saidi, N. 172, 176 Alasya, D. 180 Albegani, M. 170 Alcorn, D. 168 Alexander, W. 149 Alfermann, J. 116, 148 Ali, M . 170 Allcorn, Aaron 186, 218 Allen, D. 11 2, 131 Allen, G. 99, 126 Allen, K. 128 Allen, P. 147, 162 Allgood, Dewey 44, 48 Alofs, Cathy 174, 186, 218 Alofs, Darryl 12 Alpha Chi Sigma 154, 155 Alpha Epsilon Pi 34, 87, 89, 93, 95, 103, 107, 256 Alpha Kappa Alpha 95, 127 Alpha Nu Sigma 154, 155 276
Alpha Omega 89, 95 Alpha Phi Alpha 95, 108, 255, 256 Alpha Phi Omega 154, 155 Alpha Sigma Mu 154, 155 Alptekin, S. 180 Alt, F. 145, 182 Altenbernd, C. 123 Alvarez, J. 156 Alverson, C. 148 Alverson, Chris 54 Am, P. 168 Amend, D. 180 American Academy of Mechanics 154, 155 American Association of Petroleum Geolog 154, 155 American Ceramic Society 154, 155 American Foundryman's Society 95, 154, 155 American Instil. Aero. and Astro 95, 155, 156 American Institute of Chemical Engineers 156, 157 American Nuclear Society 157, 167 American Society of Civil Engineers 95, 156, 157 American Society of Engr. Management 156, 157 American Society of Mechanical Engineers 95, 157, 158 Amiel, J. 124 Amin, M. 145 An, K. 168 Anderson, M. 147 Anderson, S. 147 Anderson, T. 114 Angel Flight 157, 158, 163 Anton, Thomas 186, 218 Antonacci, A. 147, 174 Anyan, S. 131 Apperson, J. 144, 156 Arce, J. 176 Archibald, D. 143 Ardrey, G. 108 Arens, C. 148, 150 Armstrong, I. 170 Armstrong, J. 122 Army ROTC 171 Arnold Air Society 158, 161, 171 Arnzen, Jeff D. 156, 186, 218 Arrowsmith, J. 144 Arshad, A. 170 Artinos, John 186, 218 Asbury, S. 126 Ash, M. 122 Ashley, G. 147 ASHRAE 157, 158 Ashcroft, John 23 Ashford, Karen 186, 218 Asri, M. 170 Assoc. Students of the Univ. of MO 158, 161 , 175 Association for Computing Machinists 160, 161 Association of Black Students 95, 160, 161
Association of Engineering Geologists 160, 161 Association of General Contractors 160, 161 Association of the U.S. Army 160, 161 Atilaksana, A. 180 Atkinson, H. 164 Atkinson, J. 164 Atterberry, S. 106, 156 Audsley, B. 156, 167, 177 Aufdembrink, C. 120 Ault, Z. 146 Ayeni, 0. 145 Ayer, A. 121
B Babatunde, W. 156 BACCHUS 160, 163 Bach, C. C. 164 Bach, S. 142, 160 Backues, Shelly 72 Bader, S. 116 Bae, E. 112, 158 Baer, K. 124 Baer, T. 116 Bagley, S. 140 Bagwill, T. 143 Bahr, Marc 115 Bahr, Mike 115 Bahr, S. 124 Bailey, C. 112, 156, 186, 218 Bailey, Michael R. 186, 218 Bain, J. 17 4 Baker, B. 150 Baker, Bruce Allan 186, 218 Baker, J. 119 Baker, Joseph John 186, 218 Baker, P. 122 Baker, S. 148 Balassi, M. 116 Balassi, Mike 50, 51 Balderamos, J. 150 Baldwin, B. 149 Baldwin, J. 107 Baldwin, James 101 Balkenbush, T. 116 Balkenbush, Todd 70 Ballinger, D. 130 Balwin, J. 99 Banks, E. 142 Banks, T. 150, 172, 186, 218 Banks, V. 145 Banks, Vincent 54 Banks, W. 170 Banmon, M. 144 Bannis, J. 156 Banta, R. 107 Baptist Student Union 95, 160, 163 Barat, B. 170 Barber, S. 150 Bariess, D. 109 Barkey, M. 154 Barman, Andy 9
Barnes, D. 123 Barnhouse, D. 129 Barrett, B. 142 Barski, David C. 186, 218 Barstad, H. 116 Bart, 112 Bartels, A. 164 Bartz, K. 99, 109 Basal, K. 182 Baschues, S. 140 Baseball 70 Basham, M. 145 Basham, Mike 50 Basketball 62 Bauer, J. 122 Bauer, S. 166 Bauer, Tim 44 Baughan, J. 156, 186, 218 Baum, V. 125 Bauman, J. 172 Baumbach, B. 128, 131 Baumbach, Beth 218 Baumbach, Elizabeth A. 187 Baumer, C. 156 Baumer, Craig 218 Baumer, Craig Robin 187 Baver, S. 146 Bavolar, E. 146 Bayless, Jenny 82 Bayliss, K. 122 Bayliss, Kevin 218 Bayliss, Kevin Scott 187 Baymiller, S. 125 Beach, B. 168 Beaird, B. 146 Bean, C. 140 Beard, J. 120 Beardslee, Lisa Joan 187, 218 Becher, J. 116 Becher, M. 124, 180 Becher, Michael Robert 187, 218 Beck, Dave 50 Becker, B. 170 Bedros, H. 156 Bee, J. 168 Beeblebrox, Z. 154 Beerman, T. 158 Beilsmith, C. 121 Beiter, R. 130 Belk, P. 143 Bell, A. 156 Bell, B. 107 Bell, C. 111 Bell, G. 145 Bell, Geoffry 157 Bell, J. 170 Bell, Lucy Ann 187, 219 Bell, P. 122 Belloli, David 54 Bellville, K. 156 Bender, G. 149 Bender, Gene 219 Bender, Gene John 187 Benedick, M. 128, 178 Benedick, Missy 155 Bennett, J. 145 Bennish, M. 121 Bennish, Mike 54 Bensen, H. 160 Benson, B. 145 Benson, H. 176 Bequette, T. 145 Bereswill, T. 156 Bereswill, Thomas J. 219 Bereswill, Thomas Joseph 187 Berg, D. 124 Berger, R. 122 Berger, Rich 80, 81
Bergfeld, T. 145, 176 Berkstresser, Brian 74 Bernal, Kelly D. 188, 219 Bernard, M. 107, 176 Bernhard, D. 99, 124, 180 Bernhard, David 99, 100, 101 Bernoteit, B. 147, 151 Bernoteit, R. 176 Bernoteit, Robert Wayne 188, 219 Berra, A. 120, 156, 178 Berry, Prof. 176 Berry, S. 117 Bersett, H. 116, 180 Bersett, Hank 84 Besch, D. 149 Beta Chi Sigma 160, 163 Beta Sigma Psi 87, 95, 109, 259 Bethmann, M. 166 Bethmann, Matt 165 Bethmann, Matthew J. 188, 219 Betlach, J. 129 Beuletmann, K. 147 Beutel, J. 143 Bhakta, B. 156 Bhakta, Bhavnesh 188 Bhatnagar, L. 150, 156, 164 Bhatt, V. 119 Bhattacharvya, S. 145 Bhavnesh, Bhakta 219 Bible Study Club 160, 163 Biedenstein, R. 149 Biega, V. 162, 174 Biggers, B. 109 Biggs, B. 170, 182 Biggs, William Henry 188, 219 Bilbrey, D. 141 Bildner, F. 112, 156 Billings, B. 143 Bird, B. 107 Birdsong, S. 166, 168 Birkendine, J. 114 Birkenmeyer, J. 114 Bishop, C. 148, 164 Biundo, V. 168 Biundo, Vito 188, 219 Bjerken, B. 125, 164 Bjerken, Brent 219 Bjerken, Brent J. 188 Bjerken, T. 125 Blace, Cindy June 219 Black, C. 119, 128 Black, Cindy June 188 Black, J. 144 Black, T. 162 Black, W. 113 Black, Wilson 188, 219 Blair, C. 168 Blair, R. 172 Blair, Rose 219 Blair, Rose M. 188 Bland, M. 145 Blankenship, D. 147 Blaske, B. 130 Blazek, K. 164 Blechle, M. 180 Blechle, Michelle Ann 188, 219 Bleckler, S. 121 Blerms, D. 116 Blevins, Dan 50 Bloch, Erich 18 Blotter, M. 162 Blount, T. 124 Blue, J. 144, 164, 172, 178, 182
Blue, Jeffrey L. 188, 219 Blue, T. 113, 131 Blue Key 160, 163, 183 Blue Sabres 162, 163, 171 Blunt, S. 148, 160 Bockhorst, K. 116 Bockman, B. 112 Bode, B. 141 Boedeker, D. 125 Bohanan, M. 130 Bohler, J. 142 Bohley, R. 166 Bohnak, B. 151 Bolden, T. 150 Boley, J. 145 Roller, P. 145 Boone, Christopher Noel 188, 219 Boone, Elizabeth L. 188, 219
Booth, B. 126, 170 Booth, Photo by B. 258 Borcherding, B. 145 Borcherding, Bruce 219 Borcherding, Bruce M. 188
Borcherding, S. 109 Borcherding, Scott 74 Borgmeyer, C. 164, 170 Borgwald, B. 145 Borho, S. 118 Borkhalter, K. 160 Bornman, Traci 74 Borovic, Tomislav 188, 219
Bosick, C. 141 Bossi, B. 156 Bossi, Brent 188, 219 Bossman, J. 117 Boswell, R. 141, 151, 158 Botkin, M. 148 Boucher, Robert 50, 52, 70
Bough, C. 116, 164 Boulware, Travis 54 Bowman, Danielle Suzanne 188, 219 Bowman, M. 162 Bowman, S. 156 Bowness, T. 168 Boyancheck, J. 109 Boyanchek, J, 166 Boyce, M. 122 Boyd, S. 166 Boydston, T. 125 Boyer, E. 124 Boyll, A. 17 4 Boyo, S. 120 Boysen, J. 114 Boy II, A. 145 Bozdech, P. 146 Braasch, B. 109 Brackett, T. 170 Bradley, A. 114 Bradley, G. 151 Brady, A. 154 Brake, 258 Brake, G. 115 Brandon, C. 113, 156 Brandon, Clifford R. 188, 219
Brands, S. 122 Brandt, J. 156 Brandt, John D. 188, 219 Brandt, L. 128 Brandt, M. 117 Brase, J. 107 Braswell, B. 111 Brauer, J. 145 Braun, K. 109 Breckenridge, S. 172 Breckenridge, Shawn T. 189, 219
Bryant, S. 110, 168 Buchanan, J, 143 Bucher, P. 176 189, 219 Breece, T. 120, 131, 180 Bucher, R. 99, 120 Buchert, john 189 Breitung, M. 145 Buchert, John Earl 220 Breja, V. 170 Bremmerkamp, Matthew Bucklew, W. 117 Budd, D. 168 Alan 189, 220 Budhert, J, 180 Brennan, D. 115 Budnik, A. 150 Brennan, P. 116 Budnik, Andrea 82 Breuer, Gregory Scott Buechler, S. 122 189, 220 Buechler, Stephen Brewer, D. 143 Edward 189, 220 Brewer, Keith A. 189, Buhl, M. 170 220 Buie, K. 145 Briddell, P. 143 Buller, P. 145 Bridges, K. 141 Bullock, John Thomas Briggs, Keith Alan 189,
Bredeman, Caroline 72 Bredemann, Caroline J.
190, 220
Briggs, S. 166 Brinegar, I. 130 Brockman, B. 129, 131 Brockman, E. 176 Brockmann, T. 110 Broeckling, Ross Nathaniel 189, 220 Broman, R. 147 Brommerkamp , M. 109 Bronstein, M. 126 Broods, Eric 62 Brooks, Eric 62 Brooks, M. 142, 151 Broomhead, S. 176 Bross, S. 182 Browman, R. 122 Brown, Allen Leroy 189, 220
Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown,
B. 166 C. 141, 182 Conway 189 Conway Lee 220 D. 145, 156, 174,
Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown,
Don R. 189, 220 Donnie 10, 62 E. 150, 158, 172 Earl 220 Earl 0. 189 G. 112, 141 Greg 54 H. 164 J, 116, 145, 148 K. 160, 168, 172 Kevin Leroy 189,
Brown, M. 164, 172, 182 Brown, R. 111 Brown, Robert F. 189,
Bullock, T. 125 Bolter, E. 108 Bunette, J. 124 Burger, J. 180 Burger, James A. 190, 220
Burgess, S. 156 Burk, P. 174 Burke, E. 146 Burkemper, H. 145 Burkemper, S. 114 Burkett, K. 112 Burkhalter, K. 170 Burnside, M. 109 Burrows, S. 128, 166 Burwell, Lisa 52, 72 Busch, Allan 100, 1.01 Buschjost, R. 116 Bush, A. 99, 126 Bush, President 32 Bushey, Dave 92 Buss, D. 160 Bussen, E. 166, 168 Butler, J, 149 Buttenob, John 54 Buttenob, John Michael 190, 220
Buttry, L. 140 Byrd, S. 170 Byun, K. 168
Brown, Susan Marie 189, 220
Brown, T. 158 Brown, Tracey Dawn 189, 220
Broxson, Jeff 93 Broyles, B. 119 Bruce, C. 126, 131 Bruemmer, K. 116 Bruer, K. 168 Brundage, D. 147, 164 Brunner, L. 128 Bruno 256 Bruns, Douglas 220 Bruns, Douglas P. 189 Bruns, S. 128 Bronstein, Michael 220 Bronstein, Michael W. 189
Bruss, M. 109, 156 Bryan, J. 156 Bryan, James 220 Bryan, James D. 189 Bryant, E. 160
C. L. Dake Society 165 Cagle, C. 182 Cain, Carlos 54 Cain, J, 145 Calabio, R. 142 Calaway, M. 182 Calhoun, R. 121 Calkins, S. 156 Calloway, M. 150 Camp, B. 156 Campbell, Bruce 50 Campbell, D. 158 Campus Crusade for Christ 162, 163 Campuzano, M. 147 Canida, K. 120 Cao, C. B. 182 Cao, Cung Bach 190, 220 Caputa, S. 166 Carbrey, B. 116 Card, R. 149
Carey, D. 154 Carlisle, C. 116, 148 Carlisle, Cathy 52 Carlson, D. 115 Carlson, J. 166, 168 Carman, R. 172 Carmichael, S. 160 Carney, J, 120 Carpenter, M. 168 Carpet, M. 128 Carriger, A. 142 Carso, A. 144 Carstens, E. 168 Carter, B. 156 Carter, J. 112, 168 Caruso, P. 118 Cary, D. 176 Case, C. 116 Casleton, E. 156 Casper, K. 130 Casper, M. 119 Castle, M. 168 Casto, T. 129, 131 Castro, M. 112 Castro, N. 121, 130, 131 Cato, R. 174 Cattoor, C. 124 Chabino, A. 112 Chadaratana, D. 141 Chambers, R. 108, 170 Chambon, B. 144 Chandler, J, 131, 166 Chandler, M. 150 Chandler, Mike 54, 61 Chang, C. 156 Chapman, A. 120, 130, 178
Chaudoir, J, 121 Chavez, G. 122 Chear, Rich loan 190, 220
Cheeky, C. 119 Cheeley, C. 140 Cheeley, Christy 72 Cheerleaders 82 Chen, H. 176 Chen, W. 120 Chenault, Clarence 190, 220
Chess Club 159, 162, 163 Chesterfield 238 Chi, M.-Y. 162 Chichura, C. 122 Chichura, M. 122, 156 Chinese Students Association 95, 162, 165
Chiodini, A. Chris 220 Chiodini, Allen C. 190 Chiodini, C. 120, 160 Chiu, K. 160 Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship 162, 163 Chi Epsilon 162, 163 Chi Omega 95, 128 Chmelir, A. 156 Cho, Y. 168 Choe, T. 172 Choe, Tong Ho 190, 220 Choi, J. 168 Choi, S. 168 Chong, G. 168 Choo, Choon leek 190, 220
Christensen, D. 110 Christensen, Dave 54 Christensen, G. 118 Christian Campus Fellowship 86, 87, 95, 162, 165
Christian Science . Organization 162, 165 Christie, B. 150
Chughtai, S. 164 Churchich, B. 146 Cicero, C. 178 Clapper, K. 107 Clapsu, K. 156 Clark, B. 115, 160 Clark, Barbara 220 Clark, Barbara Ann 190 Clark, D. 160 Clark, M. 158 Clark, Melissa Myet 190, 220
Clark, S. 182 Clark, Shawn D. 190, 221
Clark, T. 141 Clemens, T. 119 Clemons, T. 172 Clemons, Tonya 221 Clemons, Tonya R. 190 Clevenger, E. 119 Cobb, M. 122 Cochran, Sheila R. 190, 221
Coco, E. 116 Coco, Ed 84 Cocquyt, L. 172 Coffin, D. 145 Cohen, A. 154, 156 Cohen, Albert 221 Cohen, Albert D. 190 Cohen, Daniel 190, 221 Coker, R. 162 Cole, Kathleen L. 190, 221
Coleman, H. 128 Coleman, Jason Robert 190, 221
Coleman, M. 148 Coleman, W. 130, 146 Colier, R. 182 Colin, A. 156 College Republicans 164, 165
Collier, R. 146 Collings, M. 172 Collins, B. 145 Collins, Elise 47 Collins, J. 116, 120 Collins, Jeff 84, 85 Collins, M. 116 Collins, S. 140 Collins, T. 160 Collins, Timothy J. 190, 221
Cologna, Raymond J. 190, 221
Combs, G. 168 Combs, S. 147 Comeau, C. 114 Compton, J, 150 Compton, M. 147 Concannon, J. 168 Congdon, B. 166, 168 Conn, J, 112, 172 Connel, M. 131 Connell, M. 116 Conner, D. 107, 128 Connors, S. 128, 140 Conrad, J. 119 Conrad, John 44 Conyers, S. 119 Conyes, Sarah 66, 67 Cook, E. 128 Cook, Elsbeth 82, 192, 221
Cook, Cook, Cook, Cook, Cook,
J, 112 L. 122 M. 99, 120, 166 Michael 101 Steven L. 192,
Cooksey, B. 178 27'7
Cooksey, Cory Dale 192, 221
Cooperative Education Association 164, 165 Copeland, 0. 140, 170 Copp, M. 150 Copp, Michael D. 192, 221
Coppinger, Timothy A. 192, 221
Cordes, J. 119, 172 Cordes, )en 66, 68, 72 Cordier, Doug 78, 79 Cordts, B. 115 Correll, B. 120 Correll, Bruce 88 Corum, K. 125, 178 Costello, B. 145 Costello, M. Scott 192, 221
Costello, S. 109, 164 Costello, Tina 72 Council of Graduate Students 164, 165 Coupland, C. 149 Courtney, Curt 54, 70 Couse, C. 110, 145 Couse, Clint 54 Covington, R. 170 Cowan, R. 146 Craig, S. 120 Cramer, David A. 221 Cramer, David Alan 192 Cramer, L. 99, 121 Crandall, C. 146 Crawford, M. 117 Craycraft, Daniel Joseph 192, 221
Creach, R. 110 Crede, J, 119 Crede, Jenny 72 Cresswell, Mark 78 Cromwell, Amy Baker 192, 221
Cronan, K. 182 Crooks, C. 180 Crooks, Carol Y. 192, 221 Crossen, C. 180 Cross Country 44 Crowe, Admiral William
J. 18 Crowell, J, 130 Crump, R. 121 Crump, S. 160 Crumpecker, Eric 48, 54 Cruse, T. 150 Crusher, Eric 35 CSA 95 Cullen, C. 142 Culp, J. 123 Cummings, A. 108 Cureau, A. 145 Currie, C. 109 Curry, J. 120, 128 Curtis, A. 122, 168 Cutler, P. 180 Cycling Club 164, 165
D Dacus, C. 141 278
Dagli, C. 180 Dagli, R. 180 Dahlgren, S. 149 Dahlgren, Scott 179 Daily, B. 176 Daily, Madison 23 Dale, Kim 52 Dalsgaard, Mogens 20, 21
Dalton, Dalton, Dalton, Dalton, Dalton,
B. 115 J. 150, 172 L. 170 T. 123 Timothy Forrest
192, 221
Daly, P. 141, 151 Daly, R. 146 Dammerich, T. 147 Dammerich, Tom 50 Dampier, S. 160 Danaher, L. 156, 170 Danaher, Lisa A. 221 Danaher, Lisa Ann 192 Dancy, B. 164 Dancy, Becky 221 Dancy, Becky Lynn 192 Dandurand, K. 156 Daniels, K. 156 Daniels, Kurt 48, 54 Darby, D. 149 Dare, B. 107, 128, 256 Darnell, C. 182 Daugherty, C. 107 Daughters of the Emerald 95 David, Edward E. 18 Davidson, N. 116 Davies, T. 147 Davis, Adrian 62 Davis, Brad Wayne 192, 221
Davis, G. 116 Davis, J. 123, 147, 151, 168
Davis, T. 174 Davis, Timothy 192 Davis, Timothy Louis 221 Davis, W. 144 Dawg, M. 180 Dawson, C. 145 Dawson, Chris 10, 11, 62, 63, 65 Day, D. 160 Day, M. 117 Dean, T. 114
Dearmond, D. 122 DeBarr, M. 154 DeBord, J. 182 DeBourge, M. 130 Dechant, R. 114 DeChant, Rob 102, 180 Dechant, Robert J, 192, 221
Decker, J. 142 Dedoglu, R. 180 Deffebaugh, Tom 62, 74 Degonia, T. 145 DeGonia, Tom 54, 182 Deimeke, M. 145, 158 Delaware, B. 144 Delgado, P. 145 Delinger, K. 147 Dellinger, K. 164 Delors, Jacques 32 Delta Sigma Phi 88, 95, 110
Delta Tau Delta 95, 111, 252 Del Rosario, A. 124 Demand, Joe 54, 57 deMita, Ciciaco 32 Dencker, T. 121, 146 Denney, S. 145, 162
Dennis, Greg 54 Dennison, M. 172 Dennison, Michael 192 Dennison, Michael Steven 221 Denzer, G. 126, 166, 168, 180
Denzer, Greg 259 DePriest, M. 128 Depriest, Michelle 82 Derner, Christopher 221 Derner, Christopher James 192 Deters, K. 156 Dettwiler, N. 109 DeVaney, J. 147, 158 DeVaney, James Edward 192, 221
Dey, J. 156 De Bord, J. 182 De Chant, R. 180 De Gonia, T. 182 Diamond, Mark 54 DiBuono, E. 154 Dickenson, Teresa 72 Dickey, T. 107, 131 Dickherber, A. 112 Dickherber, Alan Brent
Duff, Robyn 157 Dumaine, W. 143, 147 Duncan, B. 106, 131 Duncan, P. 170 Duncan, S. 168 Dunehew, M. 122 Dunlop, T. 174 Dunnegan, C. 147 Dunning, E. 130, 140 Dunnington, T. 114 Durbin, T. 112, 164 Durham, S. 107 Durk, K. 156 Durwinkel, B. 146 Dusitsin, K. 180 Duvall, J, 180 Duvall, Jeffrey A. 194, 222
Dwyer, M. 120 Dye 258 Dye, S. 115 Dyer, C. 125, 166 Dyer, Christopher Jay 194, 222
Dyers, Mike 100 Dyess, D. 162 Dyess, M. 99, 122
192, 222
Dickinson, T. 154 Dickinson, Timothy J. 194, 222
Dicks, D. 122, 131 Diederich, J. 118, 131, 170
Diekhaus, S. 115 Dierker, Kristen E. 194, 222
Dierkes, J, 114 Dilg, Kevin D. 194, 222 Dillon, J. 156 Dimmick, Marijo 52 Dingman, S. 122 Dinsdale, Ty 222 Dinsdale, Ty J. 194 Dionne, B. 116 Distler, T. 180 Divin, C. 116, 154, 156 Dixon, D. 112 Dixon, Darrell J, 194, 222
Do, T. 124 Doan, T. 156 Doan, Thuy N. 194 Doan, Thuy Ngoc 222 Dobson, P. 116 Donelon, M. 121 Donnelly, M. 124, 180 Donovan, J, 128, 154, 170, 172
Donovan, Julie M. 194, 222
Dorn, J. 120 Dosfer, J, 144 Dotson, L. 147 Dove, M. 126 Dowdle, T. 144 Dowdy, B. 122 Dowdy, Robert 194 Dowdy, Robert R. 222 Drake, T. 121 Dreinhoffer, D. 146 Dressel, Gina 52 Dressel, R. 172 Drikow, G. 143 Driskill, L. 145 Drury, M. 156 Dry, K. 121, 166 Dry, Kevin 70 Dryer, D. 149 Dube, M. 114 Dubious, D. 119 DuBroff, Prof. 164
Elbert, J. 182 Elbert, R. 164 Elicker, M. 180 Ellebrecht, K. 112 Ellebrecht, P. 146 Elledge, B. 178 Elledge, D. 117 Ellerman, D. 174 Elliot, R. 148 Elliott, R. 172 Ellis, M. 120, 180 Ellis, Michael F. 194, 222 Elmer, E. 126, 166, 170 Elmer, R. 162 Elphingstone, G. 168 Elze, D. 109 Emery, James Travis 194, Emig, G. 156 Emig, Gary A. 194, 222 Emmerich, T. 178 Emmerich, Tim 222 Emmerich, Tim D. 195 Engelmeyer, Kenneth 195
Engel meyer, Kenneth Paul 222 Engeman, J. 116 Engle, D. 112 Englebrecht, Jeff 70 English Club 164, 165 Engstrom, C. 119 Engstrom, Casey 48, 49, 66
Enke, David L. 195, 222 Environmental Protection Advocates 161, 164, 165
Enyard, R. 108 Enyard, Robert O'Neal Easeerbrook, M. 160 Easley, W. 149 East, J. 156 East, Jackie 239 East, Jacqueline Marie 194, 222
East, Jeffery W. 194, 222 Easterbrook, M. 154, 180 Easterbrook, Mark 194 Easterbrook, Mark Charles 222 Ebbs, M. 156 Ebbs, Mitchell R. 194, 222
Eckrich, D. 147 Economics Club 164, 165 Eder, L. 118 Edward, S. 122 Edwards, C. 129, 154, 156, 182 L. 140
Edwards, Edwards, Edwards, Edwards,
Neuil 62, 63 R. 182 Rita Faye 194,
Edwards, S. 149, 178 Edwards, Suzanna J. 194, 222
Effland, Ronald Eugene
195, 222
Erb, T. 149 Erdogan, A. 180 Erenay, M. 170, 180 Erenay, Murat Nail 195 Erickson, J, 125 Erler, Gregory R. 195 Erni, D. 147 Ertekin, Y. 180 Erten, H. 180 Erten, S. 112 Esry, Stephen 195 Eta Kappa Nu 164, 167 Etchemendy, M. 109 Evans, M. 149, 164, 172 Evans, Michael L. 195, 223
Evanson, S. 156 Evanson, Susan 223 Evanson, Susan Lynn 195 Everson, A. 147 Everson, D. 147 Everson, R. 174 Ewens, J. 145 Ewers, J. 156 Ewers, Jane Marie 195, 223
Eyerman, C. 174 Eyermann, C. 114
194, 222
Efthim, L. 114 Eftink, J. 107 Eggers, C. 148 Eggers, P. 109, 180 Ehlmann, L. 172 Ehrhardt, J. 143 Eilerman, E. 164 Eilerman, S. 119 Eischen, S. 156 Eise, Mary 52 Eisenhauer, T. 119 Elbert, G. 164
F Fabella, J. 156
Fabella, V. 154 Fabella, Virgilio C. 195, 223
Faenger, T. 131 Faherty, Bill 50 Fahrenkrog, D. 120, 166 Fait, M. 147, 168 Falke, T. 146, 151 Falkenrath, J. 115 Falkenroth, J. 168 Fallert, W. 120 Fannin, D. 144 Fannin, David 15 Farhat, A. 170 Farmer, M. 160 Farnam, D. 122, 168, 180 Faser, S. 124, 180 Faser, Steven Thomas 195, 223
Faulhaber, C. 148 Faulkner, K. 130, 148 Faust, D. 129, 166 Feddersen, Dan 54 Fehrenbacher, A. 158 Feldewerth, D. 148 Feldman, S. 150 Felin, David 195 Felin, David Joseph 223 Feller, J. 112 Felton, B. 112 Felton, Brett 70 Feltz, J. 115, 156 Ferkenhoff, T. 166, 174 Ferner, T. 122 Fetters, N. 119, 128, 174 Feuerstein, P. 117 Fiebelman, Ken 101 Fields, C. 125 Figge, C. 121, 164 Files, B. 145 Files, Bryan L. 195, 223 Findley, M. 168 Findley, P. 122 Finefrock, Q. 156, 160 Finke, John E. 195, 223 Finklang, D. 154 Finklang, Dan 74 Finklang, Daniel C. 195, 223
Finkling, D. 123 Finley, Charlie 54 Finley, F. 142 Finley, Fred 54 Finn, Eric James 195, 223 Fischer, B. 114, 180 Fischer, Bob 86, 114 Fischer, David Alan 195, 223
Fitzgibbons, D. 117 Flake, J. 99 Flaspohler, B. 107, 156 Flaspohler, Brian 223 Flaspohler, Brian Joseph
Foster, M. 144, 164 Foster, Tyson 48 Fox, C. 141, 142 Fox, J. 141 Fox, M. 119, 156 Fraley, C. 110 Fraley, Chris 54 Francis, C. 107 Francis, Keith 223 Francis, Keith Allen 196 Frank, J. 99, 123 Frank, M. 140 Frank, R. 172 Frank, S. 172, 174 Frank, Scott A. 223 Frank, Scott Allen 196 Frankenberger, R. 147 Frankenfeld, R. 166 Franklin, R. 170 Franklin, Rhonda LaSchell 196, 223 Franklin, Y. 140, 148 Franks, S. 168 Frantz, B. 150 Frayser, C. 156 Frayser, William Chris 196, 223
Fredrick, A. 129, 156 Freeman, D. 170 Freeman, J. 124, 180 Freeman, Thomas W. 196, 223
Freiberger, K. 180 Frericks, J. 180 Frerking, James D. 196, 223
Frerking, P. 122, 180 Friche, L. 170 Fridley, C. 120 Fridley, M. 114 Fridley, Mike 85 Friedrich, Chris Martin 196, 223
Frisbee, S. 156 Frisse, R. 141 Frisse, Ronald J. 223 Frisse, Ronald Joseph 196
Fritsch, E. 144 Fuch, Edward T. 196, 223 Fuchs, E. 156 Fugate, C. 116 Fugate, Charles R. 196, 223
Fugate, R. 148 Fugina, R. 142, 168 Fulkerson, S. 148 Fuller, T. 147 Fullerton, B. 144 Fungprox, P. 180 Furman, S. 125 Fussner, T. 126, 131 Futakami, H. 150
Flatley, K. 112 Fleming, K. 120, 130, 131
Fletcher, S. 160 Flieg, G. 121, 131, 156 Flieg, Gregory L. 195, 223
Florence, L. 108 Flowers, C. 156 Fong, Yuk Fai 196 Fong, Yuk Fai (Kenneth) 223
Football 54 Ford, D. 148 Ford, Denise 157 Ford, Kimberly Lynn 196, 223
Forrell, 0. 118 Fortman, B. 117
Gamel, Nancy E. 196, 224
Gamma, Sigma Tau 258 Gamma Alpha Delta 164, 167
Gammill, B. 164 Gander, Y. 143, 178 Gardiner, Jean 52, 53 Gardner, Andrew Joseph 196, 224
Gardner, M. 140, 162 Gardner, Stuart J. 196, 224
Garey, S. 119, 162 Garnier, G. 115 Garret, K. 172 Gary Richrath Band 103 Gasaway, R. 115 Gassner, M. 149 Gatlin, Carey Lamar 196, 224
Gaus, A. 176 Gawedzinski, M. 160, 164, 174
Gazaway, T. 140, 180 Geary, M. 168 Geary, Michele E. 196, 224
Gefferth, A. 120, 130 Geissler, M. 176 General Delegation of Independents 95, 165, 166, 167
Gentelin, B. 141 Gentner, Susan M. 224 Gentner, Susan Marie 196
George, N. 128, 131 George, Nichole R. 196, 224
Gerantham, K. 149 Gerard, C. 112 Gereau, C. 129, 156 Gereau, Cynthia L. 197, 224
Gerfen, J. 106 Gettinger, M. 146 Gibbins, S. 147 Gibbs, Gary 48 Gibbs, J. 142 Gibler, N. 111 , 131, 166 Gibson, G. 122 Gillespie, C. 150 Gillespie, J. 147 Gillette, S. 110, 156 Gilley, Richard 197, 224 Gillham, J. 112 Gilliland, N. 110, 142 Gilpin, W. 141 Gilstrap, E. 178 Glannon, K. 172 Glatz, J. 146 Glenn, Donald Eugene 197, 224
Glenn, Douglas 169 Glenn, J. 119 Glenn, R. 146 Gode, T. 107 Goebel, T. 156 Goerke, B. 176 Goetges, J. 121 Goetges, Jill 259 Goethe, J. 111 Goetz, D. 125 Goforth, Douglas 197, 224
Gabel, )ana S. 196, 224 Gaber, T. 170 Gage, C. 140, 182 Gale, Prof. N. 166 Gallagher, Bryan 54 Gallup, A. 145 Galway, Lou 54
Goltz, R. 124 Good, B. 122 Goodin, C. 145, 172 Goodman, B. 146 Goodman, Brett 54, 70 Goodnight, Trent Lynn 197, 224
Gore, R. 112, 172 Gorman, E. 147, 164 Gornall, B. 123 Gorsuch, J. 126 Gorton, R. 148 Gosnell, J. 129, 131 Governick, H. 140 Govro, J. 116 Graeler, B. 122 Graeler, Robert 197 Graeler, Robert W. 224 Graff, B. 142 Graff, J. 160 Gragg, Prof. 182 Graham, G. 107 Gramblin, Steven D.
Gusewelle, J. 147, 170 Gusewelle, James 74 Gustafson, N. 141 Guttman, D. 162 Guttmann, D. 147
197, 224
Granados, E. 116, 158, 180
Grant, K. 162 Grantham, Kirk 70 Grasch, M. 109, 131, 166 Green, B. 120, 131 Green, C. 117 Green, D. 160, 168 Green, Daniel L. 197, 224
Green, Gene 70 Green, P. 156 Green, Tom 101 Greene, W. 156 Greer, C. 140 Gregg, J. 154 Gregg, R. 122 Gregg, Ron W. 197, 224 Gregory, T. 164 Greisemer, Cory 54 Greshen, B. 182 Griesemer, C. 110 Griffey, Allen 62 Griffey, Allen S. 197, 224
Griffin, S. 116, 168 Griffith, D. 146 Griffith, Daniel J. 197, 224
Grimes, C. 143 Grimmer, E. 156 Griscom, M. 123 Griscom, Matt 38 Groenemann, J. 146 Gross, C. 107, 156 Gross, K. 121, 140, 148, 150
Gross, Krissy 82 Gross, M. 116, 160 Gross, T. 107 Grossen, David M. 197, 224
Grote, V. 156 Grotenhuis, J. 119 Grotenhuis, Jan 66 Groves, M. 147 Groves, Matt 74 Grubb, C. 143 Guahieri, Danial Anthony 197 Gualtieri, D. 170 Gualtieri, Danial A. 224 Guccione, J. 112 Guccione, Joe 82 Guenther, B. 160 Guenther, W. 172 Guerriero, H. 149 Guha, T. 120 Guieb, R. 107, 166 Guieb, Rich 82 Guildly, M. 164 Guiot, D. 145 Gunderson, K. 156, 178 Gunderson, Kathy 155 Gurlen, S. 182 Gurnow, G. 172
Ha, K. 168 Ha, M.S. 182 Haack, E. 121 Haar, R. 172 Haar, Richard 197, 224 Hachicho, S. 149 Hack, D. 109 Hackett, J. 140 Hackett, Ron 249 Hackman, L. 150, 156, 160
Hackman, Lynne P. 197, 224
Hagen, S. 121 Hagen, Stephen D. 197, 224
Hahler, R. 122 Haile, B. 162 Hajakbari, A. 156 Halbach, M. 154, 156 Hale, S. 140 Haling, S. 145 Halke, C. 145 Hall 258 Hall, D. 116 Hall, K. 115, 158, 160, 182
Halladay, H. 145 Halley, Glen 48 Halliday, P. 121 Halpin, B. 119, 128, 156, 166, 168, 170
Halpin, S. 119, 128 Hamby, P. 162 Hamil, C. 154 Hamilton, C. 110 Hamilton, Chad 54 Hamilton, D. 112, 172 Hamilton, Darren R. 197, 224
Hamling, G. 149 Hamm, T. 154 Hamme, R. 125, 166 Hammerschmidt, K. 120 Han, J. S. 168 Hancock, T. 145 Haney, D. 107, 166, 180
Hanna, L. 154 Hanser, D. 118, 131 Harashe, R. 114 Harbaugh, J. 172 Harbaugh, Jeffery Paul 197, 224
Hardiex, C. 168 Hardin, E. 120 Hargis, S. 170 Harlan, S. 148 Harlock, J. 170, 182 Harlock, Jean 169 Harmon, Ron 54 Harmon, Ronald A. 197, 224
Harner, Dennis W. 224 279
Harner, Dennis Wayne 197 Harper, G. 150, 172 Harper, Gene A. 198, 725 Harris, 178 Harris, E. 122 Harris, Floyd 157 Harris, T. 141 Harris, Z. 170 Harrison, K. 149 Harster, T. 99, 116 Harster, Timothy 99, 101 Hart, T. 166 Hart, Tom 70 Hartleroad, J. 115 Hartman, J. 110 Hartwig, M. 126 Harvey, B. 107 Harvey, Brad 15 Harvey, M. 168 Haselhorst, R. 172 Hasenstab, Tom 54 Hass, G. 162 Hasselbring, P. 109, 131 Hassinger, E. 114, 178 Hastenstab, Tom 70 Hatfield, R. 120 Hathorne, M. 126, 150 Haubrich, J. 147 Hauk, S. 115 Hausch M. 180 Hauschel, D. 120 Hauschel, Daniel Ray 198, 225 Hawking, Chris 14 Hawkins, C. 164 Hawkins, ChrisP. 198, 225 Hawkins, John 54 Hawkins, S. 172 Hawthorne, E. 140, 170 Hawthorne, Ray 48 Hawthrone, R. 145 Hayes, C. 130, 166 Hayes, P. 145 Haynes, D. 149 Haynes, E. 154, 158, 182 Haynes, K. 121, 180 Haynes, T. 122 Haythorne, Ray 54 Haywood, J. 125 Head, S. 110, 131 Headrick, B. 166 Hedding, A. 130 Hefferly, E. 160 Hefferly, Erik Andrew 198, 225 Heil, T. 145, 168 Heine, G. 147, 166 Heinemann, K. 107, 128 Helein, D. Hausche. M. 180 Helein, M. 117, 131 HELIX Life Science Club 166, 167 Hellebusch, J. 156 Hellebusch, T. 143 Hemmer, D. 124 Hendricks, M. 125 Henggeler, J. 149 Henke, R. 160 Henke, Russell H. 198, 225 Henricks, Michael Craig 198, 225 Henry, Richard 54 Hentges, A. 116 Hentges, C. 116 Heo, D. S. 168 Hepler, R. 144, 156, 174 Herbert, L. 154, 158 280
Herbert, Lloyd Daniel 198, 225 Herigon, A. 107, 166 Herlost, J. 147 Herren, L. 120, 176, 180 Herren, LeAnn Carol 198, 225 Herrington, J. 166 Herrington, S. 166 Herrington, Stephen 198 Herrington, Stephen W. 225 Herrmann, D. 122 Herschbach, B. 146 Herstmann, V. 146 Herzberg, D. 110 Herzberg, Dan 54, 56 Hess, S. 158 Hetrick, R. 145, 151 Hettinger, J. 116 Heu, D. 168 Hewitt, M. 121 Hicke, M. 178 Hicks, D. 112 Hicks, K. 106, 131 Higginbotham, R. 166 Higgins, J. 121, 160 Hilburn, C. 146 Hilker, J. 166 Hill, J. 111, 154, 156 Hill, M. 160, 170 Hiller, J. 122 Hindle, C. 144, 176 Hinds, D. 170 Hiner, Jacqueline Marie 198, 225 Hines, C. 126 Hix, B. 145 Ho, H. 156 Hobart, R. 149 Hock, C. 156, 158 Hock, Caroline E. 198, 225 Hodge, T. 168 Hodge, Thomas Carson 198, 225 Hodges, S. 149 Hoeft, Claudia Christa 198, 225 Hoekstra, C. 147 Hofer, Jeanie V. 198, 225 Hoffman, J. 156 Hoffman, John 198 Hoffman, John Charles 225 Hoffman, S. 122, 180 Hoffmann, H. 117 Hoffmeister, J. 121 Hoffmeister, K. 121, 160, 172 Hoffmeister, Kimberly Ann 198, 225 Holdner, K. 119 Holee, J. 122 Holland, R. 150 Holland, T. 122, 156 Holman, J. 146 Holmes, A. 180 Holmes, Anthony 198 Holmes, Michael Anthony 225 Holst, D. 121 Holt, B. 122 Holt, T. 162 Holterman, N. 158, 160, 182 Holthaus, B. 116 Holtman, B. 129 Holtmann, Mary Elizabeth 198, 225 Holtman Hall 150
Hondyshell, T. 122 Honors Association 166, 167 Honse, A. 156, 174 Honse, Angelia S. 198, 225 Honse, Angie 72 Hoog, B. 142 Hooper, C. 141, 156 Hooper, W. 172 Hooper, Walter Brooks 198, 225 Hooten, D. 146 Hopkins, A. 114, 176 Hopkins, AI 85 Hopkins, Alan 199, 225 Hopkins, C. 162 Hopkins, S. 162 Hopp, B. 154, 164 Hoppe, G. 149, 156 Horak, J. 147 Hordesky, J. 115 Hormasji, H. 168, 170 Horn, D. 172 Hornburg, J. 115 Horner, R. 143 Horst, A. 162 Horst, Amy Diane 199, 225 Horst, R. 123 Horstmann, V. 166 Hostetter, S. 122 Hostetter, Steve 44, 48 Hotop, D. 116 Houchin, T. 141 Hough, T. 119 Hough, Tanya 66 House, R. 182 Hoven, B. 126 Howard, D. 140, 178 Howard, Steve 15 Howard, Timothy Scott 199, 226 Howell, M. 145 Howerton, A. 118, 131 Howser, D. 116 Howser, Donald E. 199, 226 Hoyt, M. 128, 180 Hribar, R. 116 Hribar, Robert 54 Hsu, J. 148 Hubbard, J. 131, 160, 170 Hubbs, C. 110 Hubbs, Cameron 54 Huber, M. 121 Hubing, N. 178 Huddleston, Raenan Kay 199, 226 Hudson, A. 145 Hudson, Anthony 54 Hudson, Ellie 49 Hudson, M. 119, 168 Hudson, Michael Dean 199, 226 Hudson, R. 149 Huecker, J. 145 Huecker, Jon 62 Huenefeldt, Tiffany 102, 181 Huett, C. 110 Huettenmeyer, J. 124 Huff, D. 145 Huff, Dan 48 Huff, Don 54 Huffman, C. 147 Hug, Kevin 54 Huggins, E. 158 Huggins, Jennifer 66 Hughes, C. 123 Hughes, M. 180
Hughes, P. 166 Hughes, T. 120, 156 Hughes, Tom 51 Hughes, W. 122 Huguley, M. 158 Huisinga, R. 168 Humphrey, B. 162 Humphrey, J. 126 Hunke, D. 107, 180, 256 Hunnius, B. 120 Hunsaker, Keil 177 Hunsicker, J. 148 Hunt, B. 126 Hunt, D. 141, 151 Hunt, S. 106, 146 Hunter, M. 158, 172 Hunter, Mark 199, 226 Hurst, M. 99, 112 Hurst, Mike 101 Hurt, J. 145 Hurt, Jeff 48, 49 Hurt, R. 110 Hurt, Rob 54 Husman, F. 180 Hussain, A. 164, 170 Hussain, Abdul G. Nar 205, 230 Hussain, B. 170 Hussain, S. 170 Hussan, z. 170 Hutson, S. 131, 160 Hwang, J. 168 Hybbard, J. 127
I Ice, J. 126 II gar, E. 180 llges, D. 145 lllston, R. 114 Ilium, Jason 54 Inane, G. 180 India Association 166, 167 lngracia, S. 144 lnstit. of Electrical & Electronics Engr 166, 167 Institute of Transportation Engineers 166, 167 Intercollegiate Knights 166, 167 Interfraternity Council 38, 131 International Students Association 168, 169 lntervarsity Christian Fellowship 168, 169 Ipsen, Douglas J. 199, 226 Irving, K. 145 lsa, H. 170 lsik, H. 180 lsik, Y. 180 Ismail, F. 170 Iverson, J. 150 lves, R. 145 lves, Robert 54
J Jackson, D. 150, 154, 156 Jackson, Daniel E. 226 Jackson, Daniel Edmond 199 Jackson, Danika Rae 199, 226 Jackson, J. 128 Jackson, S. 121 Jackson, Scott 89 Jacober, R. 119 Jacobs, R. 127 Jacobs, Willie 44 Jacobsmeyer, J. 146 Jacquin, G. 116, 158, 172, 180 Jaegers, E. 125 Jamal, M. 170 Jamboretz, S. 130, 140 James, C. 174 James, R. 168 James, Richard Roy 199, 226 Janchar, J. 156 Janchar, John 226 Janchar, John Joseph 199 Jansen, J. 156 Jansen, John Martin 199, 226 Janson, J. 121 Janssen, L. 170 Jay, John N. 199, 226 Jayachandran, R. 166 Jenicek, K. 122 Jenkens, B. 164 Jenkins, B. 145 Jenkins, P. 140 Jenkins, R. 144 Jenkins, Rex Warren 199, 226 Jennigs, R. 146 Jennings, S. 112 Jett, D. 142 Jewell, Daniel W. 199, 226, 240 Jewell, Shirley 240 Jeziorski, G. 166 Jilg, A. 121, 128 Jiranek, M. 148 Jiranek, Marlon 78, 81 Jischke, Martin 42, 216, 241, 247 Jivajee, H. 170 Joersz, M. 144 John, V. 168 Johns, A. 121 Johns, R. 117 Johnson, A. 180 Johnson, B. 116, 158, 172 Johnson, Bill 54 Johnson, Bruce A. 199, 226 Johnson, D. 168 Johnson, E. 144, 149 Johnson, J. 117, 145, 170 Johnson, Jon 74 Johnson, K. 111, 131 Johnson, M. 148, 154, 172 Johnson, P. 117, 162
Johnson, S. 150, 16~ 176 Johnson, T. 109, 114, 127, 170
Johnson, Timothy David 199, 226
Johnson, Travis 226 . Johnson, Travis E. 199 Johnston, A. 147, 156, 160, 172
Johnston, Allan D. 199, 226
Johnston, M. 116 Johnston, Matthew David 200, 226 Jokerst, R. 121 Jolley, D. 149 Jolly, B. 145 Jolly, Bill 62 Jolly, Billy 10 Jones, B. 131, 166, 168 Jones, J. 116, 131, 166, 168
Jones, James Brent 200, 226
Jones, Jennifer Marie 200, 226
Jones, K. 143 Jones, L. 150 Jones, M. 162, 172 Jones, S. 176 Jones, T. 147, 170 Jongling, M. 172 Joplin, J. 164 Jordan, S. 147 Jozwiak, K. 130, 131 Juelfs, M. 145 Juggling Club 159, 168, 169
Julian, J. 120, 180 Julian, John S. 200 Julian, John Scott 226 Jung, Carl 50 Jung, Carl F. 200, 226 Jungers, C. 112 Jungling, M. 158, 172 Jungling, Marla Kay 200, 226
Jungthirapanich, C. 180
K Kaba, M. 156, 168, 170 Kaeppel, M. 122 Kaiser, J. 149, 168 Kalmer, K. 119 Kamadulski, D. 150 Kamp, K. 117 Kang, S. 168 Kangas, K. 147, 182 Kansas City Indian Club 161
Kappa Alpha 84, 85, 95, 112
Kappa Alpha Psi 95, 113 Kappa Delta 95, 129 Kappa Kappa Psi 155, 168, 169
Kappa Mu Epsilon 168, 169
Kappa Sigma 85, 87, 95, 114
Karakus, M. 180
Karen, K. 156 Kasinskas, M. 149 Kassar, M. 170 Kasten, Quentin 54 Keane, J. 160 Keating, M. 125 Keating, Michael P. 200, 227
Keck, Anita 66, 69 Keeton, Joe 54 Keithly, Michael Craig 200, 227
Keller, D. 154, 164, 170, 174
Keller, M. 144 Keller, T. 164 Kellerman, S. 156 Kellerman, Scott Joseph 200, 227
Kelly, M. 99, 107 Kelly House A 148 Kelly House B 148 Kelly House C 149 Kelly House D 149 Kelsay, B. 125 Kelsey, M. 178 Kennedy, C. 110, 141 Kennedy, Chris 54 Kennett, M. 168 Kent, R. 125 Keramos 168, 169 Keran, Kelly Denise 200, 227
Kerdkaewfah, P. 180 Kerns, J. 126, 180 Kerns, P. 122 Kerrin, Kelley 9 Kerry, K. 124 Kertz, T. 121 Kesavan, A. 168 Kessels, L. 140, 164 Kester, D. 180 Kettler, T. 166 Keuss, M. 116, 156, 168 Keutzer, S. 168 Key, Ann B. 200, 227 Key, Billy 42 Keyes, M. 156, 162 Kiehne, D. 172 Kilcher, R. 172 Kilgore, M. 126 Kill, M. 116 Killian, C. 122 Kilpack, J. 180 Kilpack, Joel A. 200, 227 Kilwin, B. 130 Kim, C. M. 168 Kim, G. 144 Kim, H. 146, 168 Kim, S. 168 Kimbel, J. 149, 160 Kimmel, Cary 44, 45 Kimmel, K. 147, 151 Kincaid, B. 115 Kincaid, J. 160 Kincy, C. 145 Kindsfather, B. 112 King, C. 140, 170 King, M. 111 King, T. 156 Kipping, M. 145 Kirkbride, M. 114 Kirkpatrick, Doris Houx 101
Kirtlink, D. 147 Kladiva, D. 130 Kladiva, J. 114 Kladiva, Jay 94 Kladiya, D. 156 Klaus, Debbie 46, 47 Klefisch, Theodore 200, 227
Klein, Jason M. 200, 227 Klein, S. 116 Klenklen, B. 125 Klien, J. 119 Kliethermes, D. 148 Klingman, D. 149 Klipsch, Kevin C. 200, 227
Kloeppel, Brad 54 Kloiber, C. 145 Klopp, B. 126 Klotz, M. 156, 164, 168 Klotz, Melisa 159 Klukvin, N. 121, 180 Klump, J. 116, 172, 180 Klump, Jeff 227 Klump, Jeff Gerard 200 Kluz, K. 130 KMNR Radio Station 168, 169, 181
Knaust, B. 140, 158 Knerr, M. 123, 131 Knight, B. 146. Knight, E. 123 Kniker, J. 116 Kniker, Jay 50 Knutelski, J. 150 Ko, K. 168 Koc, R. 180 Koc, V. 180 Kochanowicz, R. 145 Kochanowicz, Ron 44 Kocktosinosin, J. 154 Koehr, Stephen Eugene 200, 227
Koenig, L. 107, 140 Koester, D. 121 Koffman, M. 120 Kohl, Helmut 32 Kohler, A. 148 Kohm, K. 164, 170 Kohm, Kevin 227 Kohm, Kevin Shawn 200 Kohne, Jeffrey L. 200,
Kraft, K. 128 Kraft, Kerri 74 Kram, P. 107 Kram, T. 149 Kraus, D. 120, 174 Krause, D. 112 Krause, K. 114 Kreder, B. 143 Kremer, P. 156 Kreuger, B. 182 Krongschnabel, B. 164 Kronk, M. 147 Krueger, B. 146 Krueger, D. 172 Krueger, M. 140 Krugor, D. 176 Kruse, A. 164 Kruver, K. 182 Kuehn, J. 114, 116 Kuehn, S. 178 Kuhlman, J. 143 Kuhne, Tricia 52 Kullmann , J. 147 Kulvaranon, S. 180 Kunkel, T. 116 Kuntz, K. 172 Kunz, C. 141 Kupferle, M. 154 Kupferle, Michelle L. 227
Kupferle, Michelle Lynn 201
Kupferle, S. 128 Kupneski, M. 145 Kurns, J. 166 Kurtz, B. 143 Kula, J. 149 Kuta, Jeff 78, 80 Kwon, Jongik A. 201, 227
Kwon, Y. 147
201 , 227 Kopp, D. 172
Koppenaal, William P. 201, 227
Kopplin, K. 107, 140 Korean Student Association 168, 169 Korte, Craig 227 Korte, Craig James 201 Korte, K. 115, 131 Koscielski, D. 116 Koscielski, Denny 50 Koscielski, T. 116 Koscielski, Tim 50 Kostenck, S. 115 Kotob, M. 170 Kottwitz, C. 182 Kottwitz, Cleo 244 Koudougnon, B. 160 Koupman, S. 150 Kovarik, M. 112 Kovarik, Matthew James 201, 227
Kovrik, G. 148 Kozak, E. 121 Kozak, Eric M. 201, 227 Kraemer, Mike 159
Lambert, Michael Shannon 201, 227 Lambert, S. 156, 160 Lammers, l路 172 Lampe, P. 170 Lampe, Paul 227 Lampe, Paul F. 201 Lang, L. 14.3 Langston, H. 121 Langston, Holly Diane 201 , 227
Lanier, Kevin 54 Lanigan, M. 141 Larson, M. 131 , 147 Lasleton, E. 115 Latter-Day Saint Student Association 168, 169 Laudon, B. 154 Laudon, M. 172 Laudon, Prof. R. 164 Laukranjanaudom, P. 180
Lauon, C. 176 Laurent, R. 116 Lavelle, R. 172 Lawrence, B. 120, 154 Lawrence, D. 124 Lawrence, J. 112 Lawrence, M. 141 Lawson, R. 147, 160, 162 Layton, C. 116, 180 Layton, Chris 228 Layton, Christopher A. 201
Leach, C. 119 Leandra, K. 156 Lear, M. 119 Leather, J. 107 Lechtenberg, Gregory
Kohring, B. 166 Koike, A. 130, 156 Kolbet, D. 128 Koly, John M. 220, 227 Konermann, S. 119 Konjevich, M. 142 Konneman, D. 145, 174 Kooch, S. 180 Koop, S. 156, 164, 174 Koop, Steven William
Lambert, Jeffrey K. 201,
L Labreque, D. 176 Lacavich, J. 120 Lacey, L. 146 Lacey, M. 156 Lachance, A. 140 LaChance, A. 151 Lafollette, B. 149 Lafser, T. 145 Lager, C. 172 Lager, Chris 227 Lager, Chris Allan 201 Lahiri, N. 129, 131, 166
Lahiri, S. 176 Lahri, N. 121 Lai, Edith 227 Lai, Edith E. 201 Lakin, J. 156 Lakin, Jeffrey Thomas 201, 227
Lalumandier, M. 121 Lam, Minh C. 201 , 227 Lamb, G. 149 Lamb, L. 121 Lamb, Lorinda M. 201 , 227
Lambda Chi Alpha 93, 95, 11 5, 254, 258
Lechtenberg, Gregory Charles 228 Lecompte, J. 115 LeCompte, John 54 Lee, J. 168 Lee, Jason D. 201, 228 Lee, L. 147 Lee, Larry W. 201 , 228 Lee, R. 182 Leffelman, T. 142 Legrant, V. 148 Legrant, Vera 157 Lehmann, E. 146 Lehmann, M. 147 Lei, P. 162 Lei, Phillip Ping-Jeng 202, 228
Lei, Y. 144 Leigh, S. 147, 164, 170 Leith, J. 168 Lema, B. 107, 180 Lemongelli, R. 160 Lenley, D. 140, 170 Lenz, C. 145 Lenz, Chris 169 Leonard, N. 123 Leong, D. 145 Lepski, P. 150 Lepski, Patrick 228 Lepski, Patrick Anthony Leung, Che-Chung Stephen 202, 228 Lewis, Charles 202, 228 Lewis, Michael Leroy 202, 228
Lewis, T. 143 Le Blank, D. 168 LeMay, R. 160 Liao, Min Yu 14 Libiez, D. 123, 131, 170 281
Lickider, M. 112 Licklider, M. 154, 164, 170 Lieu, M. 168 Lieurance, C. 162 Light, K. 162 Light, Kenneth L. 202, 228 Light, s. 180 Light, Scott Christopher 202, 228 Lightfoot, B. 126, 156 Lillard, M. 120, 130, 131 Lin, Q.-P. 162 Lindemuth, P. 162 Lindesmith, L. 166 Lindesmith, Lisa 202, 228 Lindesmith, Stanley Benson 202, 228 Lindsay, L. 162 Lindsay, Larry E. 202, 228 Ling, D. 143 Ling, P. 147, 156, 168 Linhardt, K. 115 Link, S. 112 Lisenbe, R. 170 Litherland, M. 140 Litsch, T. 114 Litsch, Tim 87, 228 Litsch, Tim D. 202 Little, M. 172 Little, Mahlon G. 228 Little, Mahlon Grant 202 Little Sigs 95 Liu, Hung-Yuan 167 Liu, J.-L. 162 Llewellyn, J. 130 Llewellyn, Jennifer 39, 60 Lochirco, J, 116 Loethen, M. 180 Loethen, Michael James 202, 228 Loewen, Eric 167 Logan, A. 140, 162 Loida, D. 119 Loida, David Wayne 202, 228 Long, Chris 54 Long, M. 146 Longmeyer, S. 121 Loomstein, Gerald Trent 202, 228 Loomstein, J, 156 Lopez, P. 145 Lorber, B. 107 Lorber, Brad 228 Lorber, Bradley James 202 Lottes, C. 146 Louis, St. 238 Love, A. 170 Love, Antonia 202, 228 Lovelace, S. 156 Lovelace, Susan Lyn 202, 228 Lowe, B. 107 Lowe, S. 128, 164, 170 Lowry, A. 149 Lowry, J. 99, 112 Lowry, Jason 99, 101 Lowry, K. 172 Loy, Eric 54 LSC 95 Luca, Julianne Marie 202, 228 Lucas, C. 147 Luedde, M. 116 Lumma, D. 180 Lumma, Daniel H. 202, 228 Lunde, C. 128 282
Lundy, C. 141 Lupton, G. 162 Lupton, Gregory S. 203 Lupton, Gregory Scott 228 Lutes, M. 162 Luther, L. 156 Lutheran Student Center 170, 171 Luu, M. M. 182 Lux, Brian H. 203, 228 Lynch, B. 142 Lynch, S. 172 Lynchard, T. 115 Lyons, M. 112
M M-Ciub 82, 93, 95 Mabery, Bryan 229 Mabery, Bryan C. 203 MacGrianna, D. 154 Mack, P. 150 Maddame, 166 Madison, A. 125 Madixon, A. 156 Maes, Gregory R. 229 Maes, Gregory Richard 203 Magidson, D. 144 Magrath, C. Peter 246 Maguire, L. 122 Magyar, G. 182 Mahawondtikul, S. 180 Mahoney, Cathlin 66 Mahoney, K. 156 Maier, B. 118 Mallow, C. 117 Maloney, C. 140, 151 Mandry Jr., T. 144 Mangogna, B. 120, 166 Mangrum, S. 146, 158 Manka, M. 156 Manka, Michelle 217 Manka, Michelle Ann 203, 229 Manley, Pamela A. 203, 229 Manoj, M. 151 Manson, Hank A. 203, 229 Mar, P. 111 Marching Band 38 Marcus, K. 160 Margis, R. 147 Markel, M. 115, 168 Markel, Matt 60 Markel, Matthew 229 Markel, Matthew David 203, 229 Marler, N. 119 Marlof, V. 168 Marsh, T. 160, 172 Marsh, Troy A. 229 Marsh, Troy Allan 203 Marshall, L. 182 Martin, A. 120 Martin, C. 143, 151 Martin, Charles J. 203, 229 Martin, D. 174
Martin, Dale 62, 64 Martin, Joseph 179 Martin, Linda 101 Martin, P. 149 Martin, R. 124, 178 Martin, Rebecca Marie 203, 229 Martinez, A. 149 Martinez, G. 124, 131 Maschler, D. 125, 154 Maschler, K. 125, 174 Maschler, Kristofer Jon 203, 229 Mason, A. 107, 116, 148 Mason, M. 166 Mason, N. 140 Mason, R. 140, 170 Mason, Rakiyah 47 Mason Jr., M. 147 Massman, D. 170 Masterson, D. 156 Masterson, Dave 70 Mathai, T. 168 Mathes, S. 119, 140 Mathes, Stacy 66 Mathew, M. 144 Matlock, E. 112 Matterrand, Francois 32 Matthews, Art 54, 70 Matthews Ill, H. 142 Maune, D. 156 Maune, Dean Ray 203, 229 Mauntel, T. 160, 172 Mauntel, Timothy John 203, 229 Max, 125 Maxwell, S. 148, 178 Mayabb, P. 145 Maybery, B. 174 Maycock, S. 144 Mayer, S. 168, 172 Mayer, Scott A. 203, 229 Mayerhoefer, Christine 229 Mayerhoefer, Christine Ann 203 Mayfield, B. 160, 172 Mayfield, Brian 229 Mayfield, Brian Kent 203 Mazzola, J. 116 McAllister, R. 146 McAnerney Hall 1SO McCain, J. 145, 174 McCall, J. 145 McCalla, P. 114, 131 McCandliss, G. 118 McCarthy, D. 149, 156 McCarthy, Dan 70 McCauley, William 62 McCellan, D. 144 McClellan, David W. 203, 229 McClelland, D. 156 McClendon, K. 146 McCombs, D. 125, 164 McConnell, Tim 160, 229 McConnell, Tim P. 203 McCorkle, S. 119 McCorkle, Sarah 72 McCormick, P. 115 McCown, D. 168 McCoy, A. 143 McCoy, J. 122 McCoy, M. 154, 156 McCrary, T. 160 McCuin, M. 147 McCune, N. 119, 128 McCurren, B. 168 McDaniel, B. 115 McDaniel, J. 111, 182
McDaniel, James Alan 203, 229 McDaniel, K. 116, 156 McDaniel, Trina 90 McDaniel, William Mark 204 McDermott, T. 110 McDermott, Tim M. 204, 229 McDonald, John Charles 166, 204, 229 McDonnell, J. 141 McDonnell, Sanford 19 McDonough, P. 162 McDonough, Paul Richard 204, 229 McDowell, B. 158 McEntire, Jeff 169 McGaugh, T. 129 McGee, J, 107 McGlaughlin, J. 162 McGlaughlin, P. 162 McGraw, J, 122 McHaney, J, 174 Mcilvaine, K. 149 Mcintyre, D. 168 McKay, M. 142, 162 Mclaughlin, M. 156, 170, 182 Mclaury, Rex A. 204, 229 Mclean, R. 168 McManigal, S. 125 McNeel, R. 145 McNett, M. 120 McNully, V. 147 McNutt, Garianne 239 McQuality, M. 145, 156 McQuality, Matt 70 McQuiston, Renee 82 McRoberts, B. 147, 160 Me Cain, J, 174 Me Carthy, D. 156 Me Clelland, D. 156 Me Combs, D. 164 Me Connell, T. 160 Me Cown, D. 168 Me Coy, M. 156 Me Crary, T. 160 Me Curren, B. 168 Me Daniel, K. 156 Me Donald, J. 166 Me Dowell, B. 158 Me Intyre, D. 168 Me Laughlin, M. 156, 170 Me Lean, R. 168 Me Quality, M. 156 Me Roberts, B. 160 Mecham, T. 164 Meder, B. 121, 130 Medley, Steven D. 204, 229 Medrow, D. 164, 168, 170, 180 Meers, L. 109, 180 Meir, K. 119 Melius, A. 178 Melton, D. 141, 164 Melton, M. 119 Menendez, S. 119 Menold, K. 99, 114 Mense, Robert John 204, 229 Mensing, R. 126 Meriwether, J. 106 Merz, A. 150 Merz, J. 172 Mesko, M. 140 Mesplay, L. 162 Messenger, T. 178 Mettlach, G. 172
Mettlach, Greg Allen 204, 229 Metzner, S. 128 Meyer, D. 145, 158, 162 Meyer, Jeffery Wayne 204, 229 Meyer, K. 170 Meyer, N. 128 Meyer, Nancy Kay 204, 230 Meyer, R. 128, 150, 162 Meyerhoff, R. 141 Meyers, A. 151 Meystrik, J. 120 Micklewright, B. 160 Midget, J. 172 Miget, J, 116 Miget, John Charles 204, 230 Mikels, D. 176 Mikulcik, Ken 91 Mikuleik, K. 116 Mildenstein, K. 129, 156 Miles, Paul 204, 230 Millangue, C. 180 Millangue, R. 149 Millar, D. 120 Miller, B. 156 Miller, C. 149 Miller, Douglas A. 204, 230 Miller, K. 122, 166 Miller, L. 107, 119, 130, 154 Miller, M. 154 Miller, R. 172 Miller, Robert 204 Miller, Robert Lowell 230 Miller, S. 129, 149 Miller, T. 154 Million, I. 145 Mills, L. 145 Mimlitz, J, 164 Miner, D. 149 Miner, R. 117 Minnick, T. 110 Minnick, Tom 54 Mische, A. 129 Misner, C. 112 Missoum, A. 170 MISSOURI MINER 170, 171, 181 Mita, Ciciaco de 32 Mitchell, J. 147, 149 Mitchell, Jeff 70 Mitchell, S. 114 Mitchem, S. 149 Mittenzwey 11, K. 144 Mocker, D. 117 Moellenhoff, B. 164, 170 Moellenhoff, Brian Keith 204, 230 Moeller, R. 172 Moeller, Robert David 204, 230 Moellring, D. 150 Moerlien, A. 174 Mohapatra, S. 146 Mohd-Som, Aznam 204, 230 Molly, 125 Molner, L. 130 Moody, G. 117 Moody, Peter W. 204, 230 Moon, S. Y. 168
Moore, B. 116, 117, 144, 180 Moore, Bob 230 Moore, Bob G. 204 Moore, K. 154, 164 Moore, M. 130, 146 Moore, Melissa 52 Moore, T. 128 Moppins, B. 119 Moran, Mike 54 Morgan, A. 148 Morgan, J. 168 Morris, B. 147 Morris, J. 117, 140, 151 Morris, K. 145 Morris, M. 149 Morrow, T. 107, 131 Mort, 126 Mosby, C. 147 Motananda, A. 180 Motley, C. 170 Moyer, D. 166 Mueller, A. 107, 131 Mueller, C. 116, 160 Mueller, D. 162, 172 Mueller, G. 168 Mueller, L. 156 Muessemeyer, David Alan 204, 230 Mulanax, E. 116, 128 Mulanax, Erin 82 Mulanax, R. 148 Mulinax, E. 178 Mullin, Mark 78, 80 Mullinax, R. 154 Mullinax, Randy 54 Mulroney, Brian 32 Munroe, J. 112 Murhaza, M. 170 Murphey, Deborah Rachel 205, 230 Murphy, A. 143 Murphy, B. 146 Murphy, D. 129, 166 Murphy, J. 145 Murphy, K. 147 Murphy, Kevin Michael 205, 230 Murphy, M. 156 Murrell, M. 146 Muse, T. 109 Musgrave, S. 172 Musgrave, Scott 48, 49 Muslim Students Association 170, 171 Mussman, T. 160 Mustafa, A. 156, 170 Myers, A. 147 Myers, D. 172
Ne~I Aibert
Lester 205,
Neal, C. 127, 170 Neal, Colette 66 Neal, Sherrell 157 Neary, B. 146 Needham, Jamie 70 Needles, S. 117 Neeman, Paul 11, 62, 63, 64 Neill, N. 130 Nel, M. 117, 156 Nelson, E. 146, 182 Nelson, K. 182 Nelson, M. 119 Nelson, Prof. H. F. 156 Nelson, R. 141 Nelson, S. 130 Nenninger, B. 164 Netzer, A. 154, 156 Neudecker, T. 128 Newberry, D. 182 New burry, C. 142 New burry, Don 54 Newcombe, C. 150 Newcomer, John 205, 230 NewKirk, T. 120 Newkirk, T. 166 Newman Center 168, 169, 170, 171 Newton, Kenneth R. 205, 230 Ngo, Phillip 205, 230 Nguyen, Chieu Ngoc 205, 230 Nguyen, P. 122 Nguyen, Peter CM 205, 230 Nguyen, S. 156 Nguyen, Thaun Quoc 230 Nguyen, Thuan Quoc 205 Nichelson, G. 109 Nicholas, Mark D. 205, 230 Nichols, Kenneth L. 205 Nichols, Kennth L. 230 Nicholson, G. 99 Nicholson, S. 182 Nickolaus, D. 130 Nicodym, A. 122 Niebergall, J. 172 Niedergerke, B. 160 Niedergerke, R. 143 Niehaus, K. 128 Niekamp, K. 147 Niemeier, N. 162 Niemeier, Nancy J. 205, 230 Nierman, T. 120 Nitterauer, T. 121, 158 Noble, Mike 54, 61 Noble, Rob 54, 59 Noor, Z. 170 Nordmeyer, Katherine S. 205, 230 Naeger, C. 122, 142 Norris, B. 154 Nagel, D. 142 Norton, C. 128 Nagy, Alex 54, 57 Norton, E. 168 Naseer, A. 170 Norton, M. 143 Nash, Amy S. 205, 230 Nowak, Dwaine Stephen Nash, J. 174 205, 230 National Society of Black Nu, Sigma 87 Engineers 157, 170, Nunley, J. 141 171 Nussbaum, M. 140 Nawojski, N. 121
0 O'Brien, D. 120 O'Brien, K. 116, 160 O'Brien, Kurt 48, 50 O'Connell, M. 121 O'Connell, Robert J. 205, 230 O'Connor, E. 154, 170 O'Connor, Ed 242 O'Connor, Edward Alan 205, 231 O'Donneii,S. 144 O'Donnell, Shawn 54 O'Grady, T. 144 O'Hearn, T. 150, 156, 164 O'Hearn, Timothy 231 O'Hearn, Timothy B. 206 Oberkirsch, John Michael 205, 230 Oberle, T. 121 Oberle, Tom 54 Obermark, J. 118, 180 Obernuefemann, J. 121 Obernuefemann, Jean M. 205,230 Ochonicky, M. 109 Ochs, M. 166, 168 Ockree, A. 130, 140, 176 Odom, Anthony Barton 206, 231 Oehlschlaeger, D. 128 Oetting, Todd 70 Officer's Christian Fellowship 170, 171 Oglesby, D. 156, 174 Oglesby, Douglas B. 206, 231 Ogrosky, Wendell 163 Ohare, E. 145, 156 Ohlms, T. 145, 162 Olander, D. 148 Oldfield, J. 121, 148 Omega Chi Epsilon 170, 171 Omega, Chi 258 Omurtag, F. 180 Omurtag, Y. 180 Oppeau, T. 114 Orange, L. 142 Order of the Sun 95 Orf, T. 99, 154, 156 Orf, Tracy 239 Orf, Tracy J. 206, 231 Oros, N. 150 Oros, Nicholas C. 206, 231 Orr, J. 156 Ortelee, Mary 66, 69 Osborn, D. 145 Osborne, Brian K. 206, 231 Oshiro, T. 176 Osick, L. 121 Osman, G. 150 Oswald, R. 119, 176 Othman, A. 170 Otte, J. 107, 166 Otten, A. 147 Otten, K. 146 Otto, S. 117
Pecora, Mary K. 206, 231 Pedigo, M. 122 Peeler, D. 120 Pelkie, J. 156 Pentecost, D. 142, 168 Penzel, C. 150, 154 Perkins, L. 166, 168 Perkins, TracyS. 206, 231 Perle, H.-C. 162 Pershing Rifles 171, 172 Peters, C. 150 Peters, Cynthia 52 Peterson, J. 130, 131 Peterson, Jim 54 Peterson, K. 114 Peterson, L. 144, 178 Petitt, P. 149 Petrie, K. 145 Petrikovitsch, J. 145 Petry, P. 144, 162, 168 Petty, T. 125 Pfau, A. 148 Pfeffer, G. 115 Pfeuffer, C. 109 Pfitzinger, E. 145, 17 4 Pace, K. 120, 131 Pfueffer, C. 131 Pagano, N. 128, 170 Painter, Amy Jo 206, 231 Pharr, A. 140 Phegley, P. 107 Pak, C. 149, 168 Phelps, K. 118, 162 Pakistan Students Philips, Derick 54 Association 170, 171 Philips, Robert L. 231 Paladin, N. 178 Palmtag, S. 142, 151, 156 Phillips, B. 178 Palorchik, B. 129 Phillips, Bob 42 Panhellenic 131 Phillips, C. 120 Papin, J. 168 Phillips, J. 142, 156 Pappas, Michael Philip Phillips, Keith E. 231 206, 231 Phillips, L. 119 Paris, Mark 54 Phillips, Robert Leroy Parish, K. 107 206 Parish, Kirk 231 Phillips, S. 156 Phillips, T. 147 Parish, Kirk G. 206 Phi Eta Sigma 172, 173 Park, D. 124 Phi Kappa Phi 155, 172, Park, J. 168 173 Park, S. 147, 166 Parker, A. 113 Phi Kappa Theta 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 93, 95, 116, Parker, D. 126, 166 168, 169, 254, 255, 256 Parker, Robert 206, 231 Phi Theta Kappa 172, 173 Parker, T. 156 Photography Club 172 Parks, Todd 54 Pimentel, C. 115 Parmeley, Mike 62, 65 Pimmel, T. 180 Parrish, B. 123 Pimmel, Tim 231 Parrish, Bo 98 Pimmel, Tim M. 206 Parrott, J. 160 Pimmentel, C. 99 Parshall, S. 123 Pinge, J. 141 Parsons, E. 107 Parsons, Eric 82 Pingel, J. 151 Patel, Dharmendra 206, Pinkley, G. 150 231 Piskorski, T. 99, 124 Patel, P. 178 Pittman Ill, R. 144 Patel, S. 160 Pi Epsilon Tau 172, 173 Patel, Sonal 15 Pi Kappa Alpha 87, 93, 95, 117 Patel, T. 146 Patrick, Robert Pi Kappa Phi 95, 118 Anderson 206, 231 Pi Tau Sigma 172, 173, 177 Patterson, B. 151 Patterson, C. 121 Placek, John 167 Patterson, Cynthia 231 Platt, D. 115, 154 Platt, David B. 231 Patterson, Cynthia Jane 206 Platt, David Bruce 207 Patterson, David A. 206, Plein, M. 120 Plummer, M. 124 231 Patterson, W. 144 Pluschke, L. 166 Pluschke, Linda 165 Paul, S. 122 Podgornik, M. 140 Paul, Stephen Gregorey Poettgen, G. 166, 168 206 Poff, D. 147 Paul, Stephen Gregory Pohl, A. 121, 140 231 Poindexter, B. 176 Pavely, D. 112 Paxton, P. 164 Poland, V. 116 Polcyn, T. 117 Payton, M. 142 Polcyn, Tom 74 Peacher, J. 178 Polesel, T. 174 Pearson, J. 144
Ovanic, J. 174, 176 Overton, C. 110 Overton, Chris 54 Owen, J. 141 Owens, Doug 231 Owens, Douglas Norman 206 Owens, G. 120 Owens, K. 112 Owings, K. 117 Ozturk, A. 170, 180
Politte, K. 119 Pollock, J. 107 Pollock, Julia Ellen 207, 231 Ponzer, Bruce Matthew 207,232 Poole, Martin Dexter 207, 232 Poon, )eh-Yuen 207, 232 Pope, John M. 207, 232 Porter, D. 113 Porter, J. 120 Portis, Cedric 54 Portwine, W. 170, 176 Poshyanonda, P. 180 Posten, G. 147 Potter, G. 121 Potter, K. 172 Potter, M. 120, 166 Potter, Robert G. 18 Poulson, Curtis Wayne 207, 232 Poulson, J. 125 Powell, B. 145 Powell, S. 146 Powers, Eric 44 Pramsaneh, S. 180 Pratt, K. 130 Prenger, M. 107 Presley, D. 117 Preston, Sarah 46, 48 Price, J. 160 Price, S. 156 Price, Susan Elaine 207, 232 Prince, J. 107, 160 Pringle, Prof. 176 Pritchard, Mark Spencer 207, 232 Pritchett, G. 147 Prives, D. 142 Pruett, T. 129, 146, 154 Pruett, Tim 70 Psi Chi 172, 173 Psychology Club 172, 173 Puckett, N. 116, 128 Pudlowski, Mary F. 207, 232 Pugh, Joyce 82 Pugh, )oycelyn 157 Puhlick, Sally 52, 53 Pulay, C. 111 Pulay, Charles M. 207, 232 Puljak, S. 126, 170 Pulsifer, D. 130 Pulsipher, D. 120 Pursley, J. 156
Q Quackenbush, S. 107 Quadrangle Residence Halls 163 Quarles, J. 142 Queen, T. 168 Quick, D. 124, 172, 180 Quick, Dean G. 207, 232 Quinn, R. 107, 131 Quinones, D. 178 284
Rernkemeyer, J. 116 Resident Hall Association 87, 95 Rest, Matthew David 208, 232 Reynolds, C. 122 Reynolds, M. 99, 122 Rezerdez, A. 164 Rho, H. 168 Rice, D. 150 Rice, E. 146 Rice, K. 108, 131, 170 Raab, G. 149 Rice, M. 118 Raab, K. 168 Richie, R. 130, 140 Rackers, B. 147 Rickard, A. 150 Rackers, C. 116 Rickard, Robert N. 208, Rackers, M. 170 232 Radio Club (Amateur) Ridley 13 172, 173 Riegel, Bret 54 Radloff, D. 145 Riegel, Bret Allen 208, Radman, M. 117 232 Ragan, Patrick G. 207, Riegel, M. 145 232 Riegerix, J. 122 Ragan, T. 178 Riggs, K. 121 Raiders 174 Riggs, Kevin 54 Railroad Club 159, 174 Rightnowar, Don 232 Rainbolt, D. 119 Rightnowar, Donald H. Rainbolt, Don 82 208 Rainwater, J. 147, 158, Rigsby, K. 176 182 Rigsby, Kenneth 208 Rakonick, S. 145 Rigsby, Kenneth Bradley Randell, J. 141 232 Randol, M. 168 Riley, K. 117 Rapp, J. 172 Riley, L. 164 Rapp, Joseph A. 207, Rimmer, D. 116, 168 232 Rinker, R. 148 Rasquinha, C. 156 Riordan, Prof. C. 172 Ratcliff, D. 148 Risbeck, S. 162 Ratliff, D. 147 Risbeck, Sara A. 208, Ratnabhas, S. 156, 180 232 Rauch, J. 114 Risbeck, W. 168, 172 Rawlins, H. 107 Risener, Pat 48 Rayburn, J. 147 Risher, Dyan 72 Reardon, D. 156, 256 Risk, T. 118 Reardon, Daniel T. 207, Risner, Pat 54 232 Rist, S. 178 Recker, G. 166 Ritschell, B. 147 Recker, Greg 165 Rivard, D. 154 Recker, Gregory 207, Rivera, A. 182 232 Robb, S. 116 Redington, D. 117 Roberts, Don E. 208, 232 Reese, B. 144 Roberts, M. 126 Reeves, L. 143, 164 Robertson, D. 147 Reeves, S. 180 Robertson, S. 110 Reibold, R. 146, 156 Robertson, Steve 54 Reichard, R. 164 Robinson, J. 121, 142, Reichert, B. 146 180 Reilly, B. 156, 176 Robinson, Julie Ann 208, Reilly, Barbara Ann 207, 233 232 Robinson, Thomas Ora Reilly, K. 115 208, 233 Reinbolt, Wendy E. 207, Robinson, Tim 54, 74 232 Robinson, Timothy Sean Reinbolt, C. 160 208, 233 Reinbolt, Curtis Ray 207, Rock Climbing Club 173, 232 174, 175 Reinkemeyer, J. 172 Roddiger, E. 131, 172, Reinkemeyer, Jeffrey J. 180 207 Roddiger, Eric 115 Reinkemeyer, Jeffrey Rodenberger, G. 144 Joseph 232 Rodewald, William Leo Reinsch, F. 156 208, 233 Reisinger, L. 129 Rodriguez, E. 107 Reiter, S. 140 Roe, F. 182 Reiter, Stephanie 82 Rogers, Thomas C. 208, Renaut, J. 145 233 Renfert, D. 116 Rohlfing, R. 106 Renich, S. 115 Rohlfing, Rich 71 Renken, B. 121 Rohlfing, Rick 70 Renken, Brett Alan 208, Roland, R. 145 232 Roland, Rich 54 Repetto, M. 144, 151 ROLLAMO 174, 175, 181 Repke, S. 147, 156 Rolla Association of
Satterthwaite, Brian D. Guitar Engthusiasts 209, 233 174 Saxbury, L. 140 Rollet, M. 99, 116 Scales, G. 142 Rollet, Mike 96, 101 Scammacca, V. 128 Rolli, Brian T. 208, 233 Schadt, A. 142 Romanus, John 208, 233 Schaefer, J. 116 Romer, S. 116, 148 Schaefer, Jeff 50 Roos, M. 109 Schaefer, M. 106, 116, Roper, K. 121, 130 149 Roper, L. 156, 176 Roper, Lori Ann 208, 233 Schaefer, R. 156 Schaeffer, S. 106 Rose, Eric E. 208, 233 Schafer, Marla Faye 209, Rose, Pete 31 Rosebrough, M. 156 233 Rosenbaum, D. 120, 154, Schaffer, R. 149, 156 156 . Schalk, G. 160 Rosenblum, F. 156 Schaller, J. 119 Rosenblum, Fred 208 Schamburg, Dennis J. Rosenblum, Fred L. 233 233 Rosenkoeffer, R. 146 Schamburg, Dennis Rosenthal, T. 125 Joseph 209 Ross, R. 122 Schaper, G. 145, 182 Roth, C. 121 Schell, M. 142 Roth, Carl 54 Schellenberg, Eric Scott Rottmann, D. 124 209, 233 Rowe, K. 116 Schick, D. 109, 164 Rowell, W. 158 Schick, David R. 209, Rozgay, D. 130 233 Ruest, M. 149 Schilli, K. 180 Ruffing, S. 148 Schilt, C. 143 Ruffing, Steve 70 Schilt, Christine M. 209, Ruma, P. 140 233 Rupert, G. 176 Schmerer, A. 126, 131 Russell, Kim 208, 233 Schmid, M. 116, 180 Russell, Paul 54 Schmid, Michael G. 209, Russell, S. 154 233 Russell, Wesley Harold Schmid, S. 156, 160 208, 233 Schmid, Scott J. 209, 233 Rutherford, J. 160 Schmidt, A. 116 Rutherford, James Curtis Schmidt, C. 172 209, 233 Schmidt, Cynthia Ann Ruyle, T. 141 209, 233 Ruzdilsky, J. 168 Schmidt, J. 164 Ryan, K. 119 Schmidt, )onation 54 Ryczek, Jennifer 52 Schmidt, L. 172 Schmidt, M. 114 Schmidt, Richard Alan 209, 233 Schmidt, T. 144 Schmitz, D. 162 Schmitz, Daniel John 209, 233 Schneider, Bob 50 Schneider, Chris 62 Schneider, J. 121, 156, 158 Schneider, John Matthew 209, 233 Sachs, C. 154, 156, 178, Schneider, Joseph 233 180 Schneider, Joseph K. Saeger, G. 123 209 Sagehorn, D. 122 Schneider, K. 162 Sago, A. 154 Schneider, R. 117 Saguto, B. 106 Schneier, E. 164 Said, B. 170 Schneier, Eric Gerard Said, S. 170 209, 233 Salamie, R. 112 Schneller, B. 121 Salamie, Ron 82 Schnur, J. 119 Sallee, Greg 62 Schnur, )en 66 Salzman, D. 146 Schnur, Jennifer 10 Sample, D. 113 Schoby, Keith 44 Sanchez, B. 117 Schoenarts, J. 168 Sander, B. 120, 130, 158 Schoenborn, R. 168 Sander, J. 112 Schofield, Teri 72, 73 Sanders, D. 149, 160 Scholmeyer, M. 168 Sanders, ). 124, 180 Schoonover, Jeff 54 Sanders, James C. 209, Schoor, K. 180 233 Schott, W. 145 Sandifer, P. 112 Schramm, J. 168, 182 Santacruz, T. 120 Schreckenberg, C. 116,140 Sarff, B. 112 Schricker, P. 182 Sarff, Bryan 54 Schroder, Sarah E. 209, Satterthwaite, B. 121 233
Schroeder, C. 182 Schroeder, P. 148, 166 Schroeder, Philip 233 Schroeder, Philip Ray 209 Schroeder, T. 149, 172 Schroeder, Timothy G. 209, 234 Schroer, J. 116, 148 Schuchardt, Alan Craig 209, 234 Schuessler, J. 108, 166 Schulte, A. 116 Schultz, Stanley J. 210, 234 Schulz, D. 130 Schulz, T. 140 Schumer, J. 156 Schumer, K. 143 Schwab, Kevin D. 210, 234 Schwab, Steven J. 210, 234 Schwalje, D. 166 Schwantner, B. 126 Schwartz, J. 126 Schwarz, T. 156, 174 Schwarz, Timothy J. 210, 234 Schweikhardt, Laura Lynne 210, 234 Schwetz, D. 120 Sciubba, C. 147 Scott, A. 123, 156 Scott, Alex 74 Scott, Anastasia Lea 210, 234 Scott, B. 115 Scott, C. 116, 149, 156 Scott, Carl A. 210, 234 Scott, M. 122 Scott, S. 176, 178 Scott, Sean David 21 0, 234 Scott, T. 117, 160 Seabaugh, M. 148, 178 Seals, B. 110 Seaman, E. 126, 166 Sears, J. 145 Sears, R. 174 Sebourn, M. 119 Seevers, T. 170 Seggelke Jr., R. 234 Sehrt, A. 112, 158 Seko, James J. 210, 234 Selberg, 258 Seliner, M. 131 Selinger, M. 122 Sellars, C. 156 Sellars, Carol A. 210 Sellars, Carol Ann 234 Sellberg, M. 172, 180 Sellberg, Mike 115 Sellberg, Mike S. 210, 234 Semifero, A. 172 Serrage, M. 145 Sessa, K. 112 Seville, Barber & 179 Seydel , R. 182 Seydel, R. 147 Seydeo, R. 182 Sfreddo, C. 130, 140 Shafer, T. 120 Shah, M. 170, 180 Shake, S. 176 Shami, H. 170 Sharfenberg, R. 120 Sharp, M. 121, 131, 180 Sharpe, K. 116 Shaw, S. 158 Shay, M. 144 Shea, M. 170
Sheahan, Mike 91 Shefchyk, S. 154 Shelden, E. 121 Shelton, K. 130, 166 Shepard, C. 166 Shepard, R. 145 Shepherd, C. 125 Sherlock, S. 142 Sherry, R. 142 Shick, F. 111 Shick, J. 166 Shilli, K. 121 Shimamura, K. 150 Shinn, S. 162, 180 Shinn, Steve 75 Shipley, D. 168 Shipman, B. 182 Shipman, W. 156 Shipman, Wayne 234 Shipman, Wayne C. 210 Shipp, A. 129 Shockley, S. 150, 176 Shonkwiler, G. 162 Shonkwiler, Glen 70, 71 Shook, J. 147, 160, 162, 174 Shooting Star 103 Short, K. 122 Short, P. 176 Short, Pat 48 Shrestha, B. 176 Shu, C. 168 Shulfer, A. 116 Sianawati, I. 180 Sieger, M. 178 Sievere, S. 141 Sievers, M. 121, 130, 156, 178 Sigler, D. 164 Sigler, David Bruce 210, 234 Sigma Chi 95, 119 Sigma Gamma Epsilon 174, 175 Sigma Gamma Tau 98, 174, 175 Sigma Nu 87, 88, 89, 93, 95, 120 Sigma Phi Epsilon 37, 87, 89, 93, 95, 121 Sigma Pi 87, 93, 95, 122 Sigma Pi Sigma 175, 176 Sigma Tau Gamma 38, 89, 95, 123, 255 Siles, C. 180 Sillyman, Sheldon Scott 210, 234 Simecek, M. 166 Simmons, B. 178, 182 Simmons, C. 114 Simms, L. 156 Simon, F. 146 Simon, J. 141, 174 Simones, J. 149 Singh, B. 129 Singleton, J. 147 Sinow, D. 170 Siriwardane, H. 176 Sithivaraporn, D. 145 Sithivaraporn, V. 180 Sittig, T. 151 Sitton, Brian 54, 56 Sitton, S. 154 Skaggs, J. 122 Skaggs, R. 168 Skeeters, J. 125 Skillington, J. 112 Skillington, T. 142 Skquby, C. 109 Slattery, S. 117 Sljsmeyer, R. 142 Smiley, K 168 Smiley, K. 99, 166
Sminchack, J. 142 Smith, A. 122, 156 Smith, C. 145 Smith, D. 145, 178 Smith, E. 145 Smith, G. 172, 176 Smith, Grant Ferrin 210, 234 Smith, J. 120, 145, 146, 180 Smith, L. 130 Smith, M. 107, 126, 156, 164, 170 Smith, Michele R. 234 Smith, Michele Renee 210 Smith, Michelle 247 Smith, Mike 82 Smith, Neil 163 Smith, Prof. C. A. 170 Smith, Stephen R. 210, 234 Smith, T. 168 Smith, V. 112 Smokey, R. 180 Smyser, C. 148 Snavely, A. 162 Sneed, R. 156 Snider, P. 116, 142 Snider, Pat 50 Snider 11, R. 117 Snow, B. 122 Soccer 50 Society of American Military Engineers 175, 176 Society of Automotive Engineers 155, 175, 176 Society of Exploration Geophysicists 175, 176 Society of Manufacturing Engineers 175, 176 Society of Metallurgical Engineers 175, 176 Society of Mining Engineers 175 Society of Mining Engineers, 155, 176 Society of Petroleum Engineers 176, 177 Society of Physics Students 155, 177, 178 Society of Women Engineers 155, 177, 178 Softball 72 Sohrabi, K. 128, 168 Sohrabi, S. 180 Sola, George Vincent 210, 234 Solomon, A. 117 Som, A. 170 Sommer, Barry F. 210, 234 Songvejkasem, A. 180 Sorrell, Don E. 21 1, 234 Sorrell, S. 160 SOUTHWINDS 177, 178, 181 Sovar, T. 111, 172, 180 Sovar, Thomas Edward 211, 234 Spangenberg, Nicholas o. 211 Spangenberg, Nicholas Oliver 234 Sparrow, A. 168, 178, 182 Sparrow, R. 168, 182 Spears, A. 113
Speck, A. 141, 160, 174 Spellers, N. 115 Spelunkers 177, 178 Spencer, B. 114 Spencer, J. 99, 109, 180 Spencer, John 101 Spencer, S. 119 Spencer, Suzanne 66, 67 Spengler, K. 160, 170 Spenser, Suzanne 68, 69 Spike, 109 Spiller, D. 111 Spratley, D. 147 Sprietler, C. 166 Spyers, T. 109 St. Louis Brass Quintet 21 St. Pat's Board 99 Stack, M. 99, 122 Staehle, S. 131 Stallnan, P. 141 Stansifer, T. 142, 162 Starkey, J. 150, 154, 156 Starwalt, S. 99, 112 Stayner, J. 148 Steagall, M. 121 Steger, C. 118 Stehlin, R. 131 Stehlin, Rick 114 Steiger, S. 121 Stein, John 54, 93 Stein, T. 122 Steineman, C. 170 Steinkamp, B. 112, 131, 154, 176, 180 Steinkamp, Brad 211 Steinkamp, Joseph B. 234 Steinkoetter, J. 124 Steinkuhler, F. 112 Steinler, J. 156 Steinmetz, R. 107 Stelljes, T. 111, 166 Stelljes, Tim 252 Stelljes, Timothy Alan 211, 235 Steltenpohl, J. 143 Stemler, Joe 44 Stenzel, M. 182 Stenzel, Max 159 Stephens, C. 115 Stephens, J. 146 Stephens, Jeff 56, 58 Stephenson, T. 146 Sterling, James C. 101 Steve, S. 178 Stevens, J. 145 Stevens, Jeff 54 Stevens, T. 121 Stevens, Tom C. 211, 235 Stevenson, K. 170 Stevenson, M. 108 Stewart, B. 117 Stewart, L. 170 Stielow, M. 176 Stigall, R. 156, 174 Still, S. 158 Stitt, Jeffrey L. 211, 235 Stockglausner, E. 122, 180 Stocking, Scott R. 211, 235 Stoll, Emma A. 211, 235 Stoltz, B. 115 Stone, B. 154 Stone, J. 142, 145 Stone, K. 154, 156 Stone, Katherine Ann 211, 235 Stone, Kathy 155, 167 Stone, M. 146 Stoneking, R. 115
Storf, A. 99 Storf, Andy 100, 101, 259 Stork, J. 131 Storm, G. 149, 180 Stover, C. 143, 166 Stover, Cyndy 101 Stover, Cyndy Lee 211 , 235 Stoverink, J. 164 Stranczek, Mark 74 Stratman, J. 116 Stratman, Joanne 72, 73 Stratman, T. 119 Straus, R. 172 Strausbaugh, M. 115 Streb, Tim 80 Street, A. 116, 130 Strehlman, B. 156, 162 Stricker, L. 156 Stroder, E. 118 Stroker, S. 128 Strothmann, J. 141 Stroups, J. 148 Student Council 163, 175, 177, 178 Student Fellowship of Church of Christ 177, 178 Student Union Board 180, 181 Stuller, S. 172 Su, A. 180 Subbert, S. 145 Sudhirakuljai, S. 145, 156, 180 Suhery, R. 170 Sulincenski, Chris 50 Sulincevski, E. 149 Sullivan, B. 147 Sullivan, L. 145 Sullivan, Tom 54 Sunkara, S. 122 Suranaut, E. 122 Suranunt, E. 156 Suranunt, Ed 74 Suthiwong, S. 180 Sutin, J. 142 Sutton, H. 149 Suvagia, B. 145, 156 Svolopoulos, G. 147 Swan, R. 125, 131 Swancutt, D. 156 Swarts, D. 117 Swarts, David 54 Swayer, Leslie 52 Sweeney, Kim A. 211 , 235 Sweeney, T. 162 Sweet, E. 129 Sweet, Evelyn E. 211, 235 Swenson, P. 路147 Swift, S. 156 Swift, Stephanie 52 Swinfard, T. 172 Swinford, J. 124, 150 Swinford, Mike 54, 61 Swymeler, M. 156 Szatkowski, D. 156 Szatkowski, Dan 239 Szatkowski, Daniel J. 21 1, 235
T 285
T.J. Hall Association 151 Taekwondo 75 Tajkowski, D. 146, 182 Takatz, M. 99, 125 Talbott, C. 182 Talbott, Chris 211 Talbott, Christopher Jude 235 Tallon, R. 112 Tang, T.-W. 162 Tanner, C. 149 Tansi, J. 108 Tansil, Jimmy L. 211, 235 Taphorn, M. 149 Tate, C. 151 Tate, D. 120 Tatum, J. 121 Tau Beta Pi 180, 181 Tau Beta Sigma 155, 180, 181 Tau Kappa Epsilon 87, 95, 98, 124 Tavenner, E. 147 Taylor, K. 115 Taylor, Richard Lee 211, 235 Taylor, T. 180 Taylor, Todd M. 211, 235 Tayon, K. 141 Tech Engine Club 95, 165, 180, 181 Teel, M. 180 Tekolste, T. 118, 180 Temme, Stever 50 Tennis 74 Tenny, S. 140 Tepen, David M. 211, 235 Terhaar, D. 147 Terry, M. 168 Terwelp, Joe Richard 211, 235 Teson, J. 120 Teson, Jeffrey Alan 212, 235 Tessaro, M. 116 Tewari, A. 156 Thaemert, K. 170 Thai Student Association 89, 95, 180, 181 Thamrong, C. 180 Thatcher, Margaret 32 Thawabah, H. 170 Theeran, A. 170 Theisen, D. 114 Theison, Dave 94 Theissen, W. 106 Theissen, Wes 70 Theoni, L. 129 Theta Tau Omega 180, 181 Theta Xi 86, 87, 95, 125 Thilenius, J. 156 Thilenius, John M. 212, 235 Thilenivs, J. 174 Thilker, D. 146 Thilker, S. 146, 182 Thirawetchayan, T. 180 Thomas, B. 142 Thomas, F. 176 Thomas, M. 112, 131, 180 Thomas, Michael Joseph 212, 235 Thomas, Shelia D. 212, 235 Thomason, K. 146, 151 Thompson, B. 145 Thompson, C. 156 Thompson, Christopher Todd 212, 235 286
Thompson, D. 114, 154 Thompson, J. 120, 156 Thompson, Lara J. 212, 235 Thompson, M. 142, 148 Thompson, R. 170 Thornburgh, T. 110 Thornton, C. 117 Thornton, D. 182 Thorpe, A. 145 Thorton, C. 178 Thrope, S. 145 Thugsiripat, V. 180 Tieber, D. 116 Tieber, Doug 50 Tieber, L. 116 Tieber, Lisa 52, 53 Tiedt, R. 147 Tiehes, Michael A. 212, 235 Tilk, J, 121 Tilk, Jennifer Marie 212, 235 Tin, P. 176 Tinius, J, 111 Tippett, L. 116 Tippin, M. 168 Tisch, B. 112, 180 TJ North 87, 95, 257 TJ South 95, 257 TJHA 95 TJ 2 North 145 TJ 2 South 140 TJ 3 North 145 TJ 3 South 140 TJ 4 North 146 TJ 4 South 141 TJ 5 North 146 TJ 5 South 141 TJ 6 North 147 TJ 6 South 142 TJ 7 North 147 TJ 7 South 142 TJ 8 South 143 TJ 9 South 143 TJ 10 South 144 TJ 11 South 144 Toastmasters 180, 181 Tobben, P. 160 Tobey, M. 122 Todd, R. 120 Todd, Traci M. 212, 235 Tokos, D. 119 Tokos, David M. 212, 235 Tokos, T. 119 Tokos, Thomas L. 212, 236 Tolbert, M. 108, 160 Tolbert, Mike 80 Toliver, LeathaM. 212, 236 Tompson, S. 146 Tottleben, J. 122, 131, 180 Totton, C. 140, 178 Touhey, Tom 54 Toulouse, J. 110 Toulouse, Jeffrey 212, 236 Townley, A. 115 Track and Field 48 Traver, M. 172 Treis, Paul Arthur 212, 236 Triangle 95, 126, 256, 258, 259 Triller, C. 116 Trimble, Elizabeth 212 Trimble, Elizabeth Jane 236 Trimble, L. 156 Troutt, B. 141
Tschirhart, T. l~tl Tschirhart, Troy Alan 212,236 Tucker, Armin 101 Tucker, E. 17 4, 180 Tucker, Ellen 212 Tucker, Ellen Elizabeth 236 Tucker, M. 160, 164 Tucker, Randy M. 212, 236 Tuohy, T. 147 Turk, M. 106, 154 Turkish Student Association 180, 183 Turley, M. 147, 151 Turnell, V. 143 Turnell, Victor 74 Turner, Debbye 25 Turner, Gina 47 Turner, S. 121, 180 Turner, Susan M. 236 Turner, Susan Michelle 212 Turpin, S. 145, 160, 176 Turpin II, L. 144 Tutt, C. 170 Tyson, Ron 58 Tyson, Ronnie 54
u Uhrig, M. 112, 180 UMR Gaming Association 159, 182, 183 UMR History Club 182, 183 Underhill, S. 156 Underhill, Steven Earl 212, 236 Underwood, Kevin 54 Underwood, M. 156 Unk, W. 124 Uno, Sousuke 32 Upsilon Pi Epsilon 182, 183 Urigh, Mike 76 Uzzell, C. 128, 172
v Vaisvil, K. 145 Valdez, Exxon 29 Valentino, D. 128 Valle, J. 145, 151 Vance, Tim 213, 236 Vandermeulon, N. 109 Vanderwall, R. 178 Vanderwall, Rebecca L. 213, 236 Vanderwall, Rob 44, 45
VanDiggelen, Trish 66, 69 Vanfossan, J, 125, 154 VanHaaren, Kevin John 213, 236 Vannest, J. 122 Van Buren, K. 120 Van Buren, Kelly 88 Van Deven, E. 116 Van Digglen, T. 119 Van Haaren, K. 149, 180 Van Hoogstrate, K. 117 Vargas, R. 143 Varughese, S. 168 Vasel, G. 172 Vasel, Gregory W. 213, 236 Vaughn, Gregory Allen 213, 236 Veerkamp, Bill 216 Vehige, M. 156 Vehige, S. 126 Vellanki, M. 166 Venott, A. 162 Verbanaz, T. 166 Verbanaz, Teresa Ann 213, 236 Versheldon, Terry Lynn 213, 236 Veteran's Assistance Association 95, 169, 182, 183 Vice, J. 148 Viehmann, B. 172 Viessman, R. 116, 160 Vietnamese Students Association 182 Vigna, L. 130, 170 Vincent, A. 160 Vinson, J, 143, 151 Virtue, S. 145, 154, 158 Visintine, L. 120, 130 Visintine, Laura 74 Vitt, P. 174 Vocum, A. 160 Voepel, K. 148 Vogt, J, 117 Volleyball Club 74 VonDerHaar, J, 150 Vopick, Bret 70 Voshell, S. 107, 128 Voss, M. 172 Voyager 29 Voypick, Bret Joseph 213, 236 VSA 89, 95 Vukcevich, S. 115
w W. T. Schrenk Society 182, 183 Wacker, Tracy Jo 213, 236 Wade, Professor Clyde 12 Wade, R. 154 Wadle, b. 182 Wadle, B. 99, 182 Wadle, Brad 99, 101 Waeltermann, P. 143, 151
Waggoner, A. 162 Wagner, B. 142 Wagner, J, 144 Wagner, R. 126, 156, 166 Wagner, Rob 79, 80, 81 Waicekauskas, Joe 160, 213, 236 Wakeland, C. 182 Waldate, G. 174 Walker, B. 145 Walker, L. 150 Wall, K. 156 Wallace, D. 166 Wallace, Doug K. 213, 236 Wallis, V. 148 Wallmark, J. 176 Walls, T. 148 Walterman, P. 182 Walton, D. 128 Walton, Debbie 82 Wampler, David R. 213, 236 Wands, Stephen Dale 213, 236 Wands, Steve 62 Wang, Chi-Sheng 213, 236 Wang, Simon 82 Wankum, T. 124, 172 Warbington, L. 129, 166 Ward, B. 150 Ward, Brent 44, 48 Ward, J. 148, 180 Ward, M. 125 Ward, S. 110, 141 Ward, Stacey 54 Ware, B. 121 Warhover, S. 124, 172 Warner, Deanna L. 213, 237 Warren, M. 125, 176 Warren, Mark Nelson 213, 237 Warrick, B. 143, 164, 174 Wasdyke, J. 172 WasDyke, Joel Michael 237 Wasdyke, Joel Michael 213 Washam, B. 158 Washam, Breck 213, 237 Washington, R. 180 Water Polo 80 Watkins, W. 143 Watson, B. 125, 156 Watson, M. 164 Watts, S. 142, 151 Weatherford, G. 144 Weathers, M. 142 Weatherwax, C. 170 Weaver, C. 141 Webb, K. 99, 117 Webb, T. 156 Webber, A. 172 Webber, D. 160 Webber, David Alan 213, 237 Weber, K. 119, 156 Weber, Kristy 72, 73 Weber, P. 122 Weber, R. 170 Weber, Renee M. 213, 237 Weerts, Kenneth W. 214, 237 Wehmeyer, Beth 72 Wehmeyer, Nancy L. 214, 237 Wehmeyer, P. 99, 107 Wehmeyer, S. 164 Weible, G. 162 Weible, Glen 70
Weible, Glen Paul 214, 237 Weible, S. 162 Weible, T. 125 Weidemann, K. 141 Weil, D. 116 Weil, Deanna 52 Weiland, M. 117 Weinand, D. 120, 156, 170 Weinmann, R. 156 Weinmann, Robert A. 214, 237 Weirich, R. 160, 174 Weiseman, K. 172 Weiseman, Kevin Wayne 214, 237 Welch, Veronica T. 214, 237 Welge, S. 143, 151 Wells, S. 146, 154 Wells, Stacey Renee 214, 237 Wene, Michael David 214,237 Weppie, K. 116 Werkmeister, Brian Gerard 214, 237 Wesley Foundation 182, 183 Wesling, G. 180 Wesling, P. 121 Wesling, T. 121 Wessling, Cathy 52 West, J. 126 West, P. 144 Westcott, D. 116 Wester, L. 141 Westerheide, M. 147 Westhoff, J. 109 Wetzel, R. 147 Whalen, M. 154, 158 Whalen, Martin T. 214, 237 Whaley, Mark 54 Wheeler, K. 140 Whelan, J. 118 Whetsell, Loren P. 214, 237 White, D. 147, 168 White, J. 121 White, S. 148, 149 White, V. 143 White Jr., J. 147 White Stars 95 Whitside, S. 174 Whitten, P. 168 Whitten, Pamela Lyn
214, 237 Whorton, J. 108 Whorton, James A. 214, 237 Wickers, Leslie 72 Wicks, S. 150 Wicks, T. 142 Widman, M. 121 Widman, Michael A. 214, 237 Widman, Mike 54 Wiebe, K. 150 Wieden, G. 148 Wieseman, K. 180 Wiggins, R. 143, 154 Wilcox, R. 124 Wildhaber, Francis 44 Wilding, P. 147 Wiles, L. 178 Wiles, Lewis Brian 214, 237 Wilfred, P. 146 Wilfred, V. 168 Wilkening, G. 123, 156 Wilkening, M. 123 Wilkens, Eric George 237 Wilkins, A. 156, 166, 182 Wilkins, E. 109 Wilkins, Eric George 214 Willhaus, L. 140 Willhite, M. 148 Williams, A. 178 Williams, B. 145, 170 Williams, Brett Thomas 214, 237 Williams, C. 122 Williams, J. 112 Williams, K. 107 Williams, L. 119, 154, 156, 170, 176 Williams, Laurie Kristine 214, 237 Williams, Matthew Alan 214, 237 Williams, Prof. L. 158 Williams, Prof. L. 174 Williams, R. 125, 174 Williamson, E. 140 Willis, K. 143 Williston, A. 172 Williston, Allen James 214, 237 Willy, D. 156 Wilson, B. 108 Wilson, Bradley Joseph 215, 237 Wilson, F. 107
Wilson, Frederick Paul 215, 237 Wilson, R. 145 Wilson, S. 142 Wiltshire, R. Daniel 215, 238 Winders, J. 160 Wineinger, A. 156 Winkelman, D. 149 Winkelman, P. 116 Winkler, J. 111 Winschel, B. 116 Winters, Tony Lee 215, 238 Wise, M. 146 Wise, Mike 55 Witherspoon, C. 120, 172 Witherspoon, Charles M. 215 Witherspoon, Charles Michael 238 Withington, J. 122 Wittler, S. 109 Wneidt, D. 162 Wobbe, P. 117 Wofford, Tony 62 Wohl, Barton 167 Wohlgemuth, R. 142 Wojtal, M. 110 Wojtal, Mark 54 Wolf, S. 144 Wollangk, B. 143 Wollard, J. 140, 158 Woltermann, Anthony Jude 215, 238 Wolters, T. 121 Wong, P. 162 Wood, J. 145 Wood, John 70 Wood, L. 130, 140 Wood, M. 110 Woodard, K. 142 Woodley, R. 143 Woodley, Robert Stephen 215, 238 Woods, M. 145 Woodward, M. 178 Workman, B. 129 Wray, J. 151 Wright, P. 162 Wrigley, Patricia Mahalia 215,238 Wrocklage, D. 108, 156 Wrocklage, Dave Paul 215, 238 Wrocklage, M. 114
Wuckowitsch, Robert T. 215 Wuckowitsch, Robert Timothy 238 Wuenscher, E. 126 Wunder, D. 144, 162 Wyant, D. 172 Wyatt, D. 121 Wyatt, David Wayne 215, 238 Wyatt, G. 125 Wyms, J. 170 Wynn, S. 162 Wynn, Scott Douglas 215, 238
X X, M. 166
y Yafi, I. 156, 170 Yahya, S. 170 Yarbrough, T. G. 215, 238 Yazici, H. 156, 176, 180 Yeargain, R. 120, 166, 180 Yeargain, S. 128 Yeh, D. 123 Yelton, B. 150 Yerby, G. 160 Yerby, Gary Clifford 215, 238 Yobby, J. 118 Yocum, Ann L. 215, 238 Yonker, E. 131
Yonker, L. 128 Yoo, K. 168 Yost, E. 141, 151 Young, C. 120, 160 Young, Colin J. 215, 238 Young, J. 145 Young, Jeffrey 54 Young, L. 121, 130 Young, T. 110 Youngblood, T. 127, 170 Youngblood, Tamiko 82 Younger, J. 156 Younger, R. 160, 164 Youst, L. 172 Yu, Jimmy K. 215 Yu, Jimmy Ka Yip 238 Yuille, K. 162 Yukich, J. 116 Yukich, John 54 Yusop, K. 156
z Zagarri, N. 126 Zahli, M. 170 Zaidi, J. 170 Zaki, N. 170 Zaki, Naushad 215, 238 Zamzow, K. 147 Zawila, J. 119, 131 Zeta Tau Alpha 95, 130 Zia, S. 170 Ziebold, Greg J. 215 Ziegler, G. 124 Ziegler, T. 115 Zimmer, J. 166 Zimmerman, J. 180 Zimmerman, M. 149 Zoeller, B. 146 Zoltowski, B. 121 Zoltowski, Brian 70, 89 Zorchets, B. 148 Zoroufchy, A. 142 Zuini, M. 170 Zumbehl, S. 160 Zumbehl, Scot C. 215 lung, J. 166, 168, 180 Zychinski, S. 114
COLO PHON Volume 84 of the University of Missouri-Rolla ROLLAMO was prepared by the 1989-1990 ROLLAMO staff. The year book covers events in the time period between june 1989 and May 1990. The 304 page book was printed on 100 pound paper by Walsworth Publishing Company in Marceline, Missouri. The text type for the book is 10 point Optima. Captions are set in 8 point Optima and photo credits are set in 8 point Optima Italics. Heading types are from the Optima and Benguiat type families. All word processing was done with the Walsworth Publi shing Compa ny 's Comtran software for copy editing and indexing. The cover was designed by Tim Schwarz and Cathy Alofs and was finalized
by Walsworth Publishing Company. The cover material is slate grey leathertone # 902 with embossing, silkscreened and mylar finishes. Varden Studios took the senior and faculty portraits. Most group pictures and candid photos were taken by ROLLAMO staff photographers. Black and white dev e lop i ng was done by ROLLAMO photographers in the staff darkroom. The faculty directory was produced by the University of Missouri-Rolla News and Publications Office and printed by Walsworth Publishing Company. Our Walswort h Publishing Company re prese ntative was Paul Magnin.
In Memoriam This book is de dicate d in me mory of the follow ing stude nts who die d du ri ng t he 19891990 acad e mic year: Margare t Antoine Kenda ll Li nk Robe rt Dean Ne lson
288 Colophon
~acu{ty Allgood, Dewey Jr., Physical Education, 1950, M.A., 1949, Colorado State. Alofs, Darryl J., Mechanical Engineering, 1970, Ph.D. , 1969, Michigan. Alptekin, Serna, Engineering Management, 1984, Ph.D., 1981, Istanbul. Anderson, Max D., Electrical Engineering, 1975, Ph.D., 1967, Arizona State. Armaly, Bassem F., Mechanical Engineering, 1969,Ph.D., 1969,Califomia-Berkeley. Askeland, Donald R., Metallurgical Engineering, 1970, Ph.D., 1970, Michigan. Avula, Xavier J. R., Engineering Mechanics, 1967, Ph.D., 1968, Iowa State. Babcock, DanielL., Engineering Management, 1970, Ph.D., 1970, UCLA. Baird, Thomas B., Computer Science, 1957, M.S ., 1963, Missouri-Rolla. Barr, David J., Geological Engineering, 1972, Ph.D., 1968, Purdue. Batra, Romesh C., Engineering Mechanics, 1977, Ph.D., 1972, John Hopkins. Benjamin, Colin 0., Engineering Management, 1987, Ph.D. , University of West Indies, Trinidad.
Betten, John R., Electrical Engineering, 1962, Ph.D., 1962, Iowa State. Bieniek, Ronald J., Physics, 1981, Ph.D., 1975, Harvard. Bledsoe, WayneM., History, 1968,Ph.D., 1969, Michigan State. Blenski, Gregory P., Military Science. Blum, Frank D., Chemistry, 1986, Ph.D., 1981, Minnesota. Bogan, James J., Jr., Art, 1969, Ph.D.," 1979, Kansas. Bolon, Albert E., Nuclear Engineering, 1965, Ph.D., 1965, Iowa State. Bolter, Ernst, Geochemistry, 1965, Ph.D., 1961 , University of Freiburg. Book, Neil L., Chemical Engineering, 1978, Ph.D., 1986, Colorado. Boucher, Robert D., Physical Education, 1988, M.Ed., 1983, West Chester. Boulware, Travis L., Physical Education, 1987, M.A., 1984 Tennessee Tech. Brown, Harry A., Physics, 1965, Ph.D., 1954, Wisconsin. Brown, Roger F., Life Sciences, 1978, Ph.D., 1968, Colorado State. Bryant, Richard R., Economics, 1977, Ph.D., 1984, California. Bryson, Thomas E., Basic Engineering/ Engineering Graphics, 1987, M.S., 1972, Missouri-Rolla. Cain, Marvin R., History, 1967, Ph.D., 1960, Missouri-Columbia.
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Callahan, Patricia M., Chemistry, 1989, Ph.D., 1983, Michigan State. Carlson, Gordon, E., Electrical Engineering, 1970, Ph.D. , 1964 Kansas State. Carson, Ralph S. C., Electrical Engineering, 1964, Ph.D., 1964, Illinois. Carstens, John C., Physics, 1968, Ph.D., 1966, Missouri-Rolla. Cawlfield, Jeffrey D., Geological Engineeri ng, 1987, Ph.D., 1987 CaliforniaBerkeley. Chandrashekhara, K., Engineering Mechanics, 1985, Ph.D., 1985, VPI. Cheng, Fr a nklin Yih, Civil Engineering, 1966, Ph.D., 1966 Wisconsin. Christensen, Lawrence 0., History, 1969, Ph.D., 1972, Missouri-Columbia. Cohen, Gerald L., Russian, 1968, Ph.D., 1971, Columbia. Costello, Christina D., Physical Education, 1989, M.Ed., 1989, Temple. Cox, Norman R., Electrical Engineering, 1981, Ph.D., 1980, Texas. Cronin, Donald L., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 1970, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology. Crosbie, Alfred L., Mechanical Engineering, 1968, Ph.D., 1969, Purdue. Culp, Archie W., Jr., Basic Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering, 1961 , Ph.D., 1970, Missouri-Columbia. Cummins, Elizabeth, English, 1974, Ph.D., 1985, Illinois. Cunningha m, David R., Electrical Engineering, 1969, Ph.D., 1969, Oklahoma State.
Dagli, Cihan H., Engineering Management, 1988, Ph.D., 1979, Birmingham. Daily, Madison, Engineering Management, 1984, Ph.D., 1984, Missouri-Rolla. Dare, Charles E., Civil Engineering, 1977, Ph.D., 1968, Iowa. Dawson, Darrow F., Electrical Engineering, 1969, Ph.D. , 1966, Arizona. Day, Delbert E., Ceramic Engineering, 1961 , Ph.D. , 1961 , Pennsylvania State. Deffebaugh, Tommy L., Physical Education, 1989, B.A., 1985, Drury. DeKock, Arlan R., Computer Science, 1968, Ph.D., 1968, South Dakota. Dent, Samuel R., Military Science. Dharani, Lokeswarappa R., Engineering Mechanics, 1982, Ph.D., 1982, Clemson. Drallmeier, James A., Mechanical Engineering, 1989, Ph.D., 1989 Illinois. DuBroff, Richard E., Electrical Engineering, 1985, Ph.D. , 1976, Illinois. Emanuel, Jack H., Civil Engineering, 1968, Ph.D., 1965, Iowa State. Epstein, Erwin H., Sociology, 1973, Ph.D., 1966, Chicago. Erickson, Kelvin T., Electrical Engineering, 1986, Ph.D., 1983, Iowa State. Eversman, Walter, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 1978, Ph.D., 1964, Stanford. Everson, Robert, Military Science.
Fannin, D. Ronald, Electrical Engineering, 1970, Ph.D., 1970, Texas Tech. Finaish, Fathi, Aerospace Engineering, 1988, Ph.D., 1987, Colorado. Finley, Charles B., Physical Education, 1965, M.S., 1968, Missouri-Columbia. Forbush, Thomas, Military Science Frank, Ronald L., Life Sciences, 1988, Ph.D., 1985, The Ohio State University. Gajda, Walter J., Jr., Electrical Engineering, 1986, Ph.D., 1970, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Gale, Nord L., Life Sciences, 1968, Ph.D., 1966, Brigham Young. Garver, August J., Mathematics, 1959, M.S., 1964, Missouri-Rolla. Gay, Timothy J., Physics, 1983, Ph.D., . 1980, Chicago. Gee, Henry R., Mathematics, 1985, Ph.D., 1985, Michigan State. Gelles, Gregory M., Economics, 1989, Ph.D., 1989, West Virginia. Gragg, Larry D., History, 1979, Ph.D., 1978, Missouri-Columbia. Grant, Sheldon K., Geology, 1965, Ph.D., 1966, Utah. Gregg, Elizabeth M., Engineering Management, 1989, MBA, 1982, Michigan State. Gregg, Jay M., Geology, 1988, Ph.D., 1982, Michigan State. Grimm, Louis J., Mathematics, 1969, Ph.D., 1965, Minnesota.
Haddock, A. Glen, Mathematics, 1966, Ph.D., 1961, Oklahoma State. Haemmerlie, Frances M., Psychology, 1978, Ph.D., 1978, Aorida State. Hagen, Donald E., Physics, 1971, Ph.D., 1970, Purdue. Hagni, Richard D., Geology, 1956, Ph.D., 1962, Missouri-Columbia. Hale, Barbara N., Physics, 1971, Ph.D., 1967, Purdue. Hale, Edward B., Physics, 1969, Ph.D., 1968, Purdue. Hall, Leon M., Mathematics, 1985, Ph.D., 1974, Missouri-Rolla. Haynes, William L., Speech/Media, 1984, Ph.D., 1982, Minnesota. Heinze, Lloyd R., Petroleum Engineering, 1984, MBA, 1975, Wyoming. Hicks, Troy L., Mathematics, 1967, Ph.D., 1965, Cincinnati. Higginbotham, Donald B., Engineering Management, 1984, B.S., 1959, Washington. Highfill, James K., Engineering Management, 1987, M.S., 1960, Missouri-Rolla. Hill, Otto H., Physics, 1964, Ph.D., 1957, Texas. Ho, Chung You, Computer Science, 1967, Ph.D., 1962, Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute. Hornsey, Edward E., Basic Engineering/ Engineering Mechanics, 1963,Ph.D., 1967, Missouri-Rolla. Hoskins, Merle, Military Science.
Howell, Ronald H., Mechanical Engineering, 1966, Ph.D., 1966, Illinoi s. Hubing, Nancy E. , Electrical Engineering, 1989, Ph.D., 1989, North Carolina State. Hubing, Todd H., Electrical Engineering, 1989, Ph.D., 1988, North Carolina. Hutbam, James B., Life Sciences, 1969, Ph.D., 1968, Nebraska. Huguley, John T., Aerospace Studies. , Isaac, Kakkattukuzhy M., Aerospace Engineering, 1982, Ph.D., 1982, Viginia Polytechnic Institute. Job, Duksung, Engineering Mechanics, 1986, Ph.D., 1986, VPI. Johnson, James W., Chemical Engineering, 1958, Ph.D., 1961 , Missouri-Columbia. Johnson, Walter, Economics, 1988,Ph.D., 1971 , Oklahoma. Joiner, James W., Mathematics, 1959, Ph.D., 1971, George Peabody. Keeton, Larry J. , Physical Education, 1969, M.S., 1965, Central Missouri State. Key, Billy A., Physical Education, 1964, M.S., 1956, Washington (Missouri). Kincaid, John B., Civil Engineering, 1982, M.S., 1972, Missouri-Rolla. Kisvarsanyi, Geza, Geology, 1962, Ph.D., 1966, Missouri-Rolla. Koederitz, Leonard F., Petroleum Engineering, 1975, Ph.D., 1970, Missouri-Rolla. Kohser, Ronald A., Metallurgical Engineering, 1975, Ph.D., 1975, Lehigh.
Kosbar, Kurt L., Electrical Engineering, 1989, Ph.D., 1988, USC. Koval, Leslie R. , Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 1971, Ph.D., 1961 , Cornell. Kramme,Joeii.,Music, l968 , M.A. , 1965, Iowa State. Krishnamurthy, K. , Mechanical Engineering, 1986, Ph.D., 1986, Washington . K won, Young Wuk, Engineering Mechanics, 1987, Ph.D., 1985, Rice. LaBrecque, Douglas J., Geophysics, 1989, Ph.D., 1989, Utah. Laviolette, Michael J., Mathematics, 1989, Ph.D., 1989, Southwestern Louisiana. Law,DavidA., Russian, l%6, Ph.D. , 1966, Utah. Lee, Shen Ching, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 1967, Ph.D., 1966, Washington. Lehnhoff, Terry F. , Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 1968, Ph.D., 1968, Illinois. Leighty, Hollis P., Jr. , Metallurgical Engineering, 1960, Ph.D., 1952, Illinois. Lentz, Rodney W. , Civil Engineering, 1979, Ph.D., 1979, Iowa State. Liou, Fue-Wen, Mechanical Engineering, 1987, Ph.D., 1987, Minnesota. Little, Robert W., Electrical Engineering, 1989, M.S., 1989, Missouri-Rolla. Look, Dwight C., Jr. , Mechanical Engineering, 1969, Ph.D. , 1969 Oklahoma. Lu, Wen F., Mechanical Engineering, 1989, Ph.D., 1989, State University of New York.
Lutz, Paula M. , Life Sciences, 1987, Ph.D., 1981, Duke. MacSithigh, Gearoid P., Engineering Mechanics, 1981, Ph.D., 1982, Minnesota. Madison, Don H., Physics, 1988, Ph.D., 1972, Florida State. Manning, Joseph B., Computer Science, 1988, M.S., 1985, Purdue. Manning, Linda M., Economics, 1989, Ph.D., 1989, Illinois-Ch icago. Manuel, Oliver K., Chemistry, 1964, Ph.D., 1964, Arkansas. Marshall, Stanley V., Electrical Engineering, 1967, Ph.D., 1967, Missouri-Columbia. Martin, Dale W ., Physical Education, 1980, . M.S., 1979, Central Missouri State. Mattox, Douglas M., Ceramic Engineering, 1989, Ph.D., 1966, Rutgers. McMillin, Bruce M., Computer Science, 1988, Ph.D., 1988, Michigan State. McWilliams, Scott N., Military Science. Metzner, Henry E., Engineering Management, 1976, Ph.D., 1973, Utah. Miller, F. Scott, Metallurgical Engineering, 1987, M.S., 1987, Ohio State. Minor,Joseph E., Civil Engineering, 1988, Ph.D., 1974, Texas Tech. Modesitt, Donald E. , Civil Engineering, 1960, Ph.D., 1970, Oklahoma State. Montgomery, Robert L., Psychology , 1968, Ph.D., 1968, Oklahoma State.
MorosotT, Nicholas, Chemical Engineering, 1989, Ph.D. , 1965, PolyTech Institute of Brooklyn. Morris, Charles D., Civil Engineering, 1978, Ph.D., 1978, Illinois. Moss, Randy H., Electrical Engineering, 1981 , Ph.D., 1981 , Illinois. Myers, Donald D., Engineering Management, 1979, Ph.D., 1974, St. Louis. Najm, Mahdi Y., Engineering Management, 1989, Ph.D., 1983, Texas A&M. Nelson, Harlan F., Aerospace Engineering, 1968, Ph.D., 1968, Purdue. Newkirk, Joseph W., Metallurgical Engineering, 1987, Ph.D., 1983, Virginia. Nisbett, J. Keith, Mechanical Engineering, 1989, Ph.D., 1988, University of Texas at Arlington. Numbere, Daopu T., Petroleum Engineering, 1982, Ph.D., 1982, Oklahoma. Oetting, Robert B., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 1964, Ph.D., 1965, Maryland. Oglesby, David B., Basic Engineering/ Engineering Mechanics, 1968, Ph.D., 1969, Virginia. O'Keefe, Thomas J., Jr., Metallurgical Engineering, 1964, Ph.D., 1965, MissouriRolla. Olson, Ronald E., Physics, 1981 , Ph.D., 1967, Purdue. Omurtag, Yildirim, Engineering Management, 1986, Ph.D., 1971, Iowa State. Ortelee, Mary M., Physical Education, 1984, M.S., 1983, Lamar. Oster, Donald B., History, 1967, Ph.D., 1969, Missouri-Columbia.
Oster, Kenneth B., Basic Engineering/ Engineering Mechanics, 1980, Ph.D., 1976, Missouri-Rolla. Ownby, Paul D., Ceramic Engineering, 1968. Ph.D., 1967, Ohio State University. Pantelides, Christakis P., Civil Engineering, 1988, Ph.D., 1987, Missouri-Rolla. Park,JohnT.,Physics, l964, Ph.D., 1964, Nebraska. Parris, Paul E., Physics, 1986, Ph.D., 1984, Rochester. Peacher, Jerry L., Physics, 1969, Ph.D., 1965, Indiana. Pearson, Lon, Spanish, l 970,Ph.D., 1973, California-Los Angeles. Perry, Dennis R., English, 1987, Ph.D., 1986, Wisconsin-Madison. Pottinger, Hardy J., Electrical Engineering, 1972, Ph.D., 1973, Missouri-Rolla. Prakash, Sally, Basic Engineering/Engineering Graphics, 1985, M.S., 1985, Missouri-Rolla. Prakash, Shamsher, Civil Engineering, 1978, Ph.D., 1962, Illinois. Preston, Sarah L., Physical Education, 1984, M.S., 1974, Tennessee. Pringle, Oran A., Physics, 1985, Ph.D., 1981, Missouri-Columbia. Pyron, Howard D., Computer Science, 1959, Ph.D., 1971, Iowa State. Ramsay, Christopher W., Metallurgical Engineering, 1989, Ph.D., 1989, Colorado School of Mines. Rao, Vittal S., Electrical Engineering, 1981, Ph.D., 1975, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi.
Richards, Earl F., Electrical Engineering, 1958, Ph.D., 1971 , Missouri-Rolla. Richardson, David N., Civil Engineering, 1984, Ph.D., 1984, Missouri-Rolla. Riordan, Catherine A., Psychology, 1979, Ph.D., 1979, New York-Albany Robertson, B. Ken , Chemistry , 1965 , Ph.D. , 1965, Texas A&M. Robertson, David G. C., Metallurgical Engineering, 1986, Ph.D., 1968, New South Wales. Rockaway, John D., Jr. , Geological Engineering, 1968, Ph.D., 1968, Purdue. Rupert, Gerald B., Geophysics, 1960, Ph.D., 1964, Missouri-Rolla. Sager, Thomas J. , Computer Science, 1982, Ph.D., 1973, New Mexico. Sanchez, Juana, Economics, 1989, Ph.D., 1989, Washington. Sankovich, Richard , Physics, 1977, M.S., 1977, Pennsylvania State. Sauer, Harry J., Jr. , Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 1957, Ph.D., 1963, Kansas State. Schaefer, Rodney A., Basic Engineering/ Engineering Mechanics , 1947, M.S., 1950, Missouri-Rolla. Schmitt, John L., Physics, 1974, Ph.D., 1968, Michigan. Scrivner, Jack M., Mathematics, 1957, M.S., 1961, Missouri-Rolla. Selberg, Bruce P., Aerospace Engineering, 1968, M.S. , 1965, Michigan. Sheffield, John W., Mechanical Engineering, 1980, Ph.D., 1975, North Carolina State.
Smith, Carol A., Philosophy, 1971, Ph.D., 1972, Pittsburgh. Smith, Paul D., Engineering Management, 1989, M.S., 1971 , Missouri-Rolla. Solomon, James J., Engineering Management, 1989, M.B .A. , 1954, St. Louis. Sparlin, Don M., Physics, 1968, Ph.D., 1964, Northwestern. Stanton, Stewart E., Electrical Engineering, 1986, Ph.D., 1982, Iowa State. Stephens, Jeffrey M., Physical Education , I 988, M.Ed., 1989, Southern Illinois. Stigall, Paul D., Electrical Engineering, 1970, Ph.D., 1968, Wyoming. Stuller, John A., Electrical Engineering, 1979, Ph.D., 1971, Connecticut. Summers, David A., Mining Engineering, 1968, Ph.D., 1968, Leeds. Swancutt, George L., Basic Engineering/ Engineering Graphics, 1955, M.S., 1954, Colorado State. TerKonda, Purush K., Civil Engineering, 1967, Ph.D., 1968, Texas. Tranter, William H., Electrical Engineering, 1969, Ph.D., 1970, Alabama. Tsai, Hai-Lung, Mechanical Engineering, 1986, Ph.D., 1984, California-Berkeley. Tsoulfanidis, Nicholas, Nuclear Engineering, 1968, Ph.D., 1968, Illinois. Vonalt, Larry P., English, 1975, Ph.D., 1968, Florida. Wade, Clyde G., English, 1965, Ph.D. , 1967, Missouri-Columbia.
Waggoner, Raymond C., Chemical Engineering, 1965, Ph.D., 1964, Texas A&M. Walters, Frank G. , Computer Science, 1958, M.S., 1963, Missouri-Rolla. Warner, Don L., Geological Engineering, 1969, Ph.D., 1964, California-Berkeley. Watson, John L., Metallurgical Engineering., 1981, Ph.D., 1971, Bristol. Weart, Harry W., Metallurgical Engineering, 1964, Ph.D., 1957, Wisconsin. White, Daniel R., Basic Engineering, 1970, Ph.D., 1970, Missouri-Rolla. Wiebe, Henry A., Engineering Management, 1969, Ph.D., 1970, Arkansas. Williams, Lance, History, 1967, Ph.D., 1970, Georgia. Wolf, Robert V., Metallurgical Engineering, 1952, M.S., 1952, Missouri-Rolla. Woolard, Johnny, Military Science. Worsey, Paul N., Mining Engineering, 1981, Ph.D., 1981, New Castle upon Tyne. Wu, Whang-Zong, Engineering Mechanics, 1982,Ph.D., 1982,Ca!ifornia-Berkeley. Ybarra, Robert M., Chemical Engineering, 1984, Ph.D., 1980, Purdue. Yu, Wei-Wen, Civil Engineering, 1968, Ph.D., 1960, Cornell.
Legend Information is printed in the following order: name, department, year began at UMR, highest earned degree, year degree was granted, and school granting the degree.
Not Pictured Abrate, Serge, Aerospace Engineering, 1987, Ph.D., 1983, Purdue. Acar, Levent, Electrical Engineering, 1988, Ph.D. , 1988, Ohio State. Adawi, Ibrahim H. , Physics, 1968, Ph.D., 1956, Cornell. Alexander, Ralph W., Jr. , Physics, 1970, Ph.D., 1968, Cornell. Anderson, Harlan U. , Ceramic Engineering, 1970, Ph.D., 1962, California-Berkeley. Anderson, Richard A. , Physic s, 1958, Ph.D., 1959, Kansas State. Armstrong, Daniel W., Chemistry , 1987, Ph.D., 1977, Texas A & M. Bain, Lee J. , Mathematics, 1963, Ph.D. , 1963, Oklahoma State. Balakrishnan, S.N., Aerospace Engineering, 1985, Ph.D., 1984, TexasAustin. Barker, Clark R. , Mechanical Engineering, 1967, Ph.D., 1967 , Illinois. Basye, Charles R. , Engineering Mechanics, 1965 , Ph.D., 1965, Iowa State. Bayless, Jerry R., Civil Engineering, 1959, M.S. 1962, Missouri-Rolla. Beistel, Donald W., Chemistry, 1968, Ph.D., 1963, Delaware. Belich, John E., Physical Education, 1977, M.S., 1976, Indiana State. Bell, RobertJ. , Physics, 1965 , Ph.D., 1963, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Bertnolli, Edward C., Electrical Engineering, 1965 , Ph .D., 1965 , Kansas State. Bertrand, Gary L. , Chemistry, 1966, Ph.D., 1964, Tulane. Best, John L., Civil Engineering, 1955 , Ph.D., 1965, Vanderbilt. Biagioli, Anthony J. F., Mathematics, 1985, Ph.D. , 1982, Wi sconsin. Biolsi, Louis, Jr. , Chemistry, 1968, Ph.D. , 1967, Rensselaer Polytechnic In stitute. Birman, Victor, Mechanical Engineering, 1989, Ph.D., 1983, Institute of Technology, Haifa. Boone, Jack L., Electrical Engineering, 1968, Ph.D., 1968, Denver. Boston, Margie V., Music/Drama, 1980, Ph.D., 1980, Iowa. Bourquin, Jack J. , Electrical Engineering, 1968, Ph.D., 1968, Illinois.
Brant, John J., Aerospace Studies. Capek, Frank J. , Civil Engineering, 1956, M.S. , 1961 , Missouri-Rolla. Chen, Ta-Shen , Mechanical Engineering, 1967, Ph.D., 1966, Minnesota. Cheng, Pi-Yu C., Chemistry, 1987, Ph.D., 1972, Wisconsin. Cheng, Shirley N-C. , Electrical Engineering, 1987 , Ph .D., 1982, Washington. Clark, Stephen L., Mathematics, 1987, Ph.D., 1987, Tennessee. Cogell, Wayne C., Philosophy, 1967, Ph.D., 1969, Mi ssouri-Columbia. Collier, Harvest L., Chemistry, 1982, Ph.D., 1977, Mississippi State. Crosser, Orrin K., Chemical Engineering, 1966, Ph.D., 1955, Rice. Davis, Robert L. , Engineering Mechanics, 1965, Ph .D., 1965 , Maryland. Dolan, Thomas J., Nuclear Engineering, 1971, Ph.D., 1970, Illinois. Dopher, Robert C., Electrical Engineering, 1985, M.S., 1984, MissouriRolla. Doty,GeneW.,Engli sh, 1967, M.A., 1967, Kansas State Teachers College. Edwards, Charles L. , Mechanical Engineering, 1957 , Ph .D., 1971 , Arkansas. Edwards, Doyle R. , Nuclear Engineering, 1963, Ph.D., 1963, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Eisenman, Harry J., III, Hi story, 1967 , Ph .D., 1967, Case Western Reserve. Elifrits, C. Dale, Geological Engineering, 1980, Ph.D., 1980, MissouriRolla. Engelhardt, Maxwell E., Mathematics, 1969, Ph .D., 1969, Mi ssouri Columbia. Erten, Mehmet H., Mining Engineering, 1979, Ph.D., 1946, Stanford. Eschenbach, Theodore G., Engineeri ng Management, 1988, Ph.D., 1975, Stanford. Findley, Marshall , Chemical Engineering, 1965, Ph.D. , 1955, Florida.
Flanigan, Virgil, J. , Mechanical Engineering, 1965, Ph.D., 1968, Illinois. Furst, John E., Physics, 1989, Ph.D., 1983, Flinders, University, Southern Australia. Garbacz, Christopher E., Economics, 1969, Ph.D., 1969, Iowa. Gillett, Billy E. , Computer Science, 1964, Ph.D., 1964, Oklahoma State. Green, Bruce H., Environmental Planning, 1970, Ph.D., 1970, Iowa State. Grow, David E., Mathematics, 1989, Ph.D., 198 1, Nebraska-Lincoln. Haas, Charles J., Mining Engineering, 1964, Ph.D., 1964, Colorado, School of Mines. Hahn, James H., Electrical Engineering, 1985 ,Ph.D. , 1977, MissouriRolla. Hall, Richard H., Psychology, 1988, Ph.D., 1988, TCU. Hamlett, Patrick W. , Political Science, 1980, Ph.D. , 1980, CaliforniaSanta Barbara. Hanna, Samir B., Chemistry, 1963, Ph.D., 1963, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Hansen, Peter G., Basic Engineering/Engineering Mechanics, 1953, Ph.D., 1963, Washington (St. Louis). Hardtke, Fred C., Jr., Chemistry, 1965, Ph.D. , 1958, Oregon State. Harvey , Arthur H. , Petroleum Engineering, 1970, Ph .D. , 1968, Oklahoma. Hatheway, Allen, Geological Engineering, 1981 , Ph.D., 1971 , Arizona. Heagler, John B., Jr., Civil Engineering, 1958, C.E., 1954, MissouriRolla. Hegler, Burns E., Electrical Engineering, 1968, Ph.D., 1969, Kansas State. Hentzel, David R., Economics, 1967, Ph.D. , 1967, Southern Illinois. Hering, Roger H. , Mathematics, 1988, Ph.D., 1988, Southern Illinois. Herrick , Thomas J. , Electrical Engineering, 1961 , M.S ., 1968, Missouri-Rolla.
Houtman, Wayne, Aerospace Studies Howard, Scott A., Ceramic Engineering, 1984, Ph.D., 1984, Alfred . Huang, Ju Chang, Civil Engineering, 1967, Ph.D. , 1967, Texas-Austin. Ingram, William J'., Mathematics, 1989, Ph.D., 1964, Auburn. Insall, Eugene M. , Mathematics, 1989, Ph.D., 1989, Houston. Jischke, Martin C., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 1986, Ph.D., 1968, Massachu setts In stitute of Technology. Keith, Harold, Engineering Mechanics, 1978, Ph.D., 1967 , Illinois. Kellogg, Ronald T. , Psychology, 1979, Ph.D. , 1978, Stanford. Kern, Frank J., Electrical Engineering, 1966, Ph.D. , 1966, Oklahoma. Kluczny, Raymond M., Engineering Management, 1979, Ph.D., 1979, Arizona State. Knight, William N. , English, 1975 , Ph.D., 1968, Indiana. LaBoube, Roger A. , Civil Engineering, 1989, Ph.D., 1977, Mi ssouri Rolla. Laney, Robert L. , Engineering Management, 1975, C.P.A., 1974, Missouri-Columbia. Laudon, Robert C., Geology, 1979, Ph.D., 1975, Texas. Leininger, Ellen V ., Psychology, 1987, Ph .D., 1979, Toledo. Leininger, Gary , Electrical Engineering, 1987, Ph.D ., 1970, New York-Buffalo. Liapis, Athanasios 1. , Chemical Engineering, 1979, Ph .D. 1977, E.T.H., Zurich. Long, Gary J. , Chemistry 1968, Ph.D., 1968, Syracuse. Macelroy, James M.D. , Chemical Engineering, 1982, Ph .D., 1983 , University College, Dublin. Manley, David B., Chemical Engineering, 1970, Ph .D., 1970, Kansas. Mazurkiewicz, Marian , Minin g Engi neering, 1981, Ph .D. , 1969, Wroclaw . McConnell, Cary L., Geological Engineering, 1985 , Ph.D., 1981 , Oklahoma.
Not Pictured McDonald, Hector 0., Chemistry, 1963, Ph.D., 1960, Arkansas. McFarland, Charles E., Physics, 1960, Ph.D., 1955, Wa hington. Medrow, Robert A., Mechanical Engineering, 1967, Ph.D., 1968, Illinois. Mentis, David M., Computer Science, 1986, M.S., 1986, MissouriRolla. Metzner, John R., Jr., Computer Science, 1973, Ph.D., 1972, Pennsylvania State. Miller, Richard W., Philosophy, 1968, Ph.D., 1970, Illinois. Moen, Richard, Military Science. Moore, Robert E., Ceramic Engineering, 1957, Ph.D., 1962, MissouriColumbia. Morgan, John M., English, 1970, M.A., 1969, Kansas. Morresse, Steven C., Aerospace Studies. Morris, Arthur E., Metallurgical Engineering, 1965, Ph.D., 1965, Pennsylvania State. Morris, Jack F., Electrical Engineering, 1962, M.S ., 1965, MissouriRolla. Mueller, Gary E., Nuclear Engineering, 1980, Ph.D., 1980, MissouriRolla. Mullin, Mark E., Physical Education, 1985, M.A., 1981 , Northeast Missouri. Munger, Paul R., Civil Engineering, 1958, Ph.D., 1972, Arkansas. Neogi, Parthasakha, Chemical Engineering, 1980, Ph.D. , 1979, Carnegie-Mellon. Oakes, Robert A., Philosophy, 1965, Ph.D., 1966, Pennsylvania. Oakley, David L., Music, 1960, Ph.D., 1972, Indiana. Okafor, Anthony C., Mechanical, Engineering, 1986, Ph.D. , 1986, Michigan Tech. Parks, William F., Physics, 1966, Ph.D., 1964, Iowa. Parry, Myron G. , En g ineering Mechanics, 1961 , Ph.D., 1968, Illinois.
Samaranayake, V. A., Mathematics, 1983, Ph.D., 1983, Kansas State. Saridereli, Mehmet K., Electrical Engineering, 1986, Ph.D. , 1986, Missouri-Rolla. Schearer, Laird D., Physics, 1971 , Ph.D., 1966, Rice. Schmid, Kenneth R., Mechanical Engineering, 1980, M.S., 1981, Missouri-Rolla. Schmidt, Norbert 0., Civil Engineering, 1966, Ph.D., 1965, Illinois. Schmidt, Peter, J., Engineering Management, 1985, Ph.D., 1985, Missouri-Rolla. Shaller, David A., Engineering Management, 1968, Ph.D., 1967, Cleveland State. Siehr, Donald J., Chemistry, 1961, Ph.D., 1957, Wisconsin. Singer, Phyllis E. , Mathematics 1986, Ph.D., 1985, Ohio State. Sitton, Oliver C., Chemical Engineering, 1980, Ph.D., 1979, MissouriRolla. Smith, Carol A., Philosophy, 1971, Ph.D., 1972, Pittsburgh. Smith, Norman S., Mining Engineering, 1976, Ph.D., 1976, MissouriRolla. Srivastava, Arvind K., Nuclear Engineering, 1979, Ph.D., 1976, California. Stanojevic, Caslav V., Mathematics, 1968, Ph.D., 1955, Belgrade. Stephenson, Richard W., Civil Engineering, 197 1, Ph.D. , 1971 , Oklahoma State. Stoffer, James 0., Chemistry, 1963, Ph.D., 1961 , Purdue. Tang, Min Ming, Mathematics, 1970, Ph.D., 1970, Northwestern. Tien, Jerry C., Mining Engineering, 1985, Ph.D., 1988, Missouri-Rolla. Trimble, Selden Y.V., Mathematics, 1971, Ph.D., 1969, Kentucky. Van De Mark, Michael R., Chemistry, 1986, Ph.D., 1976,Texas A&M. Van Doren, Thomas P., Electrical E ng ineering , 1967, Ph.D. , 1969, Missouri-Rolla.
Patel, Jagdish K., Mathematics, 1975, Ph.D., 1968, Minnesota. Patrick, Michael D., English, 1966, Ph.D., 1966, Missouri-Columbia. Patterson, Gary K., Chemical Engineering, 1990, Ph.D., 1966, MissouriRolla. Podzimek, Josef, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 1971, Ph.D., 1952, Charles. Pogue, Jim C., English, 1964, Ph.D., · 1964, Missouri-Columbia. Pogue, Marilyn, English, 1974, Ph.D., 1967, Missouri-Columbia. Poling, Bruce E., Chemical Engineering, 1971 , Ph.D., 1961, Illinois. Prater, John B., Computer Science 1982, Ph.D., 1970, Missouri-Rolla. Ragsdell, Kenneth M., Engineering Management, 1984, Ph.D. , 1972, Texas. Rahaman, Mohamed N., Ceramic Engineering, 1986, Ph.D. , 1978, Sheffield-England. Ray, Chandra S., Ceramic Engineering, 1982, Ph.D., 1974, Calcutta. Rechtien, Richard D., Geology, 1966, Ph.D., 1964, Washington (St. Louis). Reed, X. B., Jr., Chemical Engineering, 1978, Ph.D., 1965, Minnesota. Ridley,JackB.,History, 1969,Ph.D., 1970 Oklahoma. Rigler, A. Kellam, Computer Science, 1969, Ph.D., 1962, Pittsburgh. Rivers, Jack L., Physics, 1956, Ph.D., 1956, Cincinnati. Roach, Donald V., Chemistry, 1965, Ph.D., 1962, Missouri-Columbia. Roe, Robert P., Mathematics, 1989, Ph.D., 1987, Wyoming. Rokhsaz, Kamran , Mechanical Engineering, 1989, Ph.D., 1988, Missouri-Rolla. Rosebrough, Elizabeth P., English, 1989, M.A., 1986, Indiana. Sabharwal, Chaman L., Computer Science, 1986, Ph.D., 1967, Illinois. St. Clair, Daniel C., Computer Science, 1978, Ph.D., 1975, MissouriRolla.
Venable, Raymond L., Chemistry, ' 1964, Ph.D., 1963, Louisiana. Wempe, Gerald M. , Aerospace Studies. Westphal, Jerome A., Civil Engi- , neering, 1975, Ph.D., 1973, NevadaReno. Wilkerson, Ralph W., Compute• Science, 1984, Ph.D., 1973, Southem Illinois. Wilson, Edward A., Electrical Engineering, 1986, Ph.D., 1984, Kansas. Wise, James N., English, 1967, Ph.D., 1964, Florida. Wixson, Douglas C., English, 1976, Ph.D., 1971 , North Carolina. Woods, Fannie J., Aerospace Studies. Wu, Cheng-Hsiao, Electrical Engineering, 1983, Ph.D., 1972, Rochester. Wulfman, David S., Chemistry 1963, Ph.D., 1962, Stanford. Zhu, Zhen-Guo, Engineering Mechanics, 1989, Ph.D., 1988, Rutgers. Zobrist, George W., Computer Sci· ence, 1982, Ph.D., 1965, MissouriColumbia.