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Clockwise from top left: Some students entertain themselves with a little football, coed team Twister, or a soapy slide down a back tarp. When those don't work, others try soccer or walking on their hands. For the faint of heart, there's always spectating in the rain.
few uoi'lue momen ts•••
One of the highlights of the 1993-1994 year was a visit from the United Kingdom's former Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. Mrs. Thatcher was the 18th person brought to UMR by the Remmers' Special Arts/Lecture Series. On February 7th, she spoke to a capacity crowd of more than 5000 people at the Gale Bullman Multipurpose Building. A few excerpts from her speech are below. '1n the end, there is no substitute for the leadership ofthe democratic nations, and our strategy ofextending to the whole world the freedom ofindividual and the rule oflaw, the market economy, the oldest system known to man. And with representative democracy, that is the strategy. Andyou find that once people get that, there is no record in world history ofan established democracy fighting another established democracy. Because democracy is rule by the people through a government, and that government can be turned out at any time.
((If we again keep our defenses strong and our message short, we shallfind we will have a steadily improving century into the next century, but again always be prepared because the price offreedom is eternal vigilance. Now ifthat doesn 't seem to be a very optimistic assessment, it is a very realistic assessment, with cautious optimism. I think perhaps the best thing ofall is that most young p eople that I find as I go around have a desire to attach themselves to some greater cause greater than themselves and to know what they're doing is not only useful but it is right. '1 know all the difficulties with increasing crime, but my friends, every day there are millions, millions, millions, and millions ofpeople in your country and mine going about their daily business-lookin g after their families, being responsible, showing some kind of responsibility to the community, contributing to the church, contributing to volunteer work. Millions, millions, and millions doing that. And there lies the strength ofour countries. "
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Above: Two photographs of UMR's Golf course . Right: A well known sign on one end of campus.
Somalia- mall African country torn by clan wars. Pr i nt u h nt tr p in to keep innocent Somali r m t rving. Pr id nt linton pulled the troops ut t k p th m from dying. The Great Flood of '93-Probably the most specta ular natural disaster in recent history. Entire cities and countie were underwater. To the sandbaggers, it emed like more sandbags were used in the flood than were u ed in the GulfWar. The Midwest showed ff it n e of community when everyone pitched in t h lp. Bill & Hillary Clinton-Along with their daughter h 1 and ock their cat, are the current residents of th White House. Violence-The social crisis of the year. Kids with handgun ; young adult murder rates continue to climb. Bosnia-The former Yugosalvian provinxe rocked by a bloody civil war. The sniper shoot anyone-including news crews and little old ladies. Haiti-The democratic government was booted out by a military dictatorship. Boatloads of Haitians flee across the Gulf of Mexico to Florida trying to escape the economic and political choas in Haiti only to be held up at refugee camps in Florida. Michael Jackson-Accused of molesting a boy , addicted to pain killers, and afficted with a skin disease. Isn't Never-Never Land a place of endless childhood happiness? Richard Nixon-Former president Nixon died in late April.
John F. Kennedy-30th anniversary of his assasination by Lee Harvey Oswald. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis-Dies from nonHodgkins cancer of the lymph system. Peace in the Middle East-Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) sign a peace agreement. Rabin and Arafat shake hands at the monumental occaison. Health Care-The great political event of the season. Hillary and Bill's dream of universal coverage could end up being a political nightmare. Rebellion in Russia-Hard liners die hard. An attempted coup d'etat by hard line communists flops after Yeltsin shells the Russian White House. The world held its breath for a week. Jordon Retires-After one of the most successful carreers in the NBA, Michael Jordan retires prompted perhaps by the murder of his father. His new career in Major League baseball seems stuck, but the endorse- 路 ments certainly aren't. California-Disaster central. Firestorms, earthquakes, riots, crime, and a shrinking economy.
NAFTA-The North American Free Trade Agreement passed in 1994 whose intent was to remove tariff barriers and promote trade between Mexico, Canada and the United States. German Skinheads-The nazi movement reborn in Germany. Many foreigners are assaulted included a memeber of the U.S. Bobsledding team. North Korea-Despite a ban on nuclear bomb development, it appears that the North Koreans are devel-
oping nuclear weapons that could be used to strike South Korea or possibly Japan.
drove a Jaguar and lived in a $300,000 house. It makes you wonder what CIA really stands for.
Schindler's List-The landmark Speilberg movie about a German who saves thousands of Jews from death by employing them in his factory.
Gambling & Smoking-Both were hot topics this year. Gambling bills found their way on to many ballots around the country. Smokers were banned from smoking in pratically any closed in space.
Nancy & Tanya-At a skating competition, Tanya Harding's associates club Nancy Kerrigan with an iron bar in an attempt to prevent her from competing in the Winter Olympics. The most over-used story of the year. Whitewater-The Clinton's land investment that went bad. Suspicious dealings made it perfect scandal material. Beavis & Butthead-These two MTV cartoon downs got bumped to late night after their antics inspired some youngsters to set fire to a house.
Kurt Cobain-The lead singer of Seattle grunge band Nirvana. He committed suicide in late April. Michael Faye-The American teenager who was given four lashes by a cane in Singapore for vandalizing property. The caning sparked discussion about crime and punishement prompting some lawmakers to proposed using caning on juvenile offenders in the United States. Rwanda-The latest African nation to be torn by clan wars. Thousands of refugees were killed trying to escape into neighboring Tanzania.
The Economy-It grew rapidly, about 7%, during the first quarter of 1994. Promptly, the Federal Reserve Board raised interest rated to prevent inflation in check.
South Africa-Formerly ruled by the white minority through aparthied, the country held its first all race elections this year.
Prozac-So, you want to be happy, successful, and confident; have your doctor prescribe this pill and for about $70 a month you can feel good.
Nelson Mandela-South African's newly elected black president. He was a political prisoner for more that twenty years before being released a few years ago.
Winter Olympics-Held in Lillehammer, Norway and the surrounding countryside. Kerrigan won silver in figure skating. Jansen, Moe, and Blair won gold in men's speed skating, skiing, and women's speed skating. The Jamaican bobsled team did nearly as well as the Americans despite the American's $500,000 custom built sled.
Generation X-The generic name given to the generation born between 1967 and 1981. Supposedly, we are all lazy, apathetic, and just like to sit and watch MTV
Aldrich Ames-A KGB mole who worked for the CIA. No one caught on despite the fact that Ames
D-Day-June 6, 1994 marked the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the end ofWorld War II in Europe. The people who survived that day once again filled the beaches of Normandy in rememberance of those who fought and died.
H om ec om in g '93
Photo by Rod Abu rto
Photo by James Anderson
Photo by James Anderson
Photo by Rod Aburto
Photo by James Anderson
Opposite: Rakiyah Mason receives the Homecoming Crown. Top left: An exhausting Belly Flop competition. Top Right: Down for the count in Jell-0 Wrestling. Middle Left: Alpha Epsilon Pi leads the race with a mounthful.. .of kiwi? Middle Right: Joe Miner takes a whirl on the gyroscope. Bottom: A dedicated SUB member sells T-shirts for Homecoming. Photo by James Anderson
Photo by T.J . Houchin
Tropical Paradise Hits Rolla During the week of September 27th to October 2nd the UMR campus was transforme d into a "Tropical Paradise" by the diligent work of the Student Union Board. The theme ofTropical Paradise was chosen in order to create an environme nt for fun and creativity. This week was a great success for every one who participated in or watched the games. The games at the puck were the Egg Catapult, Lai Toss, Jell-0 Wrestling, Food Eating Contest, Fantasy Hula Jingle, Tropical Joe Miner Look Alike, Mocktails, Bellyflop,
Photo by James Anderson
Photo by James Anderson
Photo by James Anderson
Photo by Anthony Salnas
Photo by Steve Chu
Photo by Steve Chu
Photo by Steve Chu
Opposite Top: Entangled in a game of Team Twister. Opposite Middle: Kiwi in mouth, Angela Brickner approaches the finish line. Opposite Bottom Left: Hula lessons at the Puck? Opposite Bottom Right: Christy Everett serves up an excellent Mocktail. Top left: Rain doesn't stop this Miner at the Bonfire. Top right: How low can you go? Middle: The pyrotechnicians arrange the combustible material in an optimal fashion. Burn, baby, burn! Bottom: "Hey, keep yo ur eyes on the fire!"
Photo by Rod Aburto
Photo by Jason Meriwether
Kuiui Wheel Race, and Team Twister. There were many other activities planned for this week. On Monday students began voting for the Homecoming Queen, the Queen candidates were introduced to the student body, and Michael Pace entertained the students with his comedy at the puck. On Tuesday SUB provided the students with a 'Fisheads' concert at the Miner Recreational Building. Tuesday also marked the beginning ofthe Scavenger Hunt contest, clues were given Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for the participants to use to discover secret items not on the public Scavenger Hunt list. On Friday there was an Photo by Jason Meriwether
Photo by Rod Aburto
Photo by Anthony Salnas
Photo by T.J. Houchin
Ice Cream Social on campus and the Homecoming participants decorated the front of their houses to welcome the alumni who came for the festivities. Friday night there was a Bonfire where students participated in Musical Lawn Chairs and Limbo contests. On Saturday came the Homecoming game. The Miners were on the winning side of a 44 to 8 victory over Southwest Baptist. During the game the fans rode on the Gyroscope and ate at the Bar-B-Que. At Halftime the Queens and the overall winners were presented. Rakiyah Mason was named UMR's 1993 Homecoming Queen. The First runner-up was Sandy Junge, and Janice Struckoff was the Second runner-up. In the Homecoming overall standing Zeta Tau Alpha came in first with 650 points, Chi Omega received second with 61 0 points, and Pi Kappa Alpha was third with 600 points. After the game and all of the excitement was over, Miners past and present relaxed to the SUB movies Captain Ron, and Moon Over Parador, remembering the good times they had over the past week and in weeks past.
Photo by Rod Aburto
Opposite Top Left: An adventurous Miner takes a ride on the Gyroscope. Opposite Top Right: Team members gather for a moment of celebration. Opposite Middle: The team waits for the snap. Opposite Bottom Left: Goldminers dance for their team. Opposite Bottom Right: Number fourteen makes a pass. Top: Rakiyah Mason celebrates her victory. Middle: The court is introduced to the crowd. Bottom: The first and second runners up accept their crowns. Photo by Rod Aburto
Photo by T.J. Houchin
H A L L 0
w E E N
Photo by Rod Aburto
Photo by Rod Aburto
Photo by Rod Aburto
Photo by Rod Aburto
Photo by Rod Aburto
Photo by Rod Abu rto
Photo by Rod Aburto
Photo by Rod Aburto
Opposite Top: "Come into my web!!" Opposite Middle: Local children receive candy from the T.J. residents. Opposite Bottom Left: 9 South gets into the spirit of Halloween. Opposite Bottom Right: "Ahoy, Where's me boat?" Top Left: Just another starving college student!! Top Right: "Do I know you from somewhere??" Middle Left: "Put on a Happy Face!" Middle Right: A Ghoulish gang at the Freakers Ball. Bottom: The victims of the carving contest!!
St. Pat and His Court Saint Patrick Darren Peeler
Master Guards Steve Skikas Richard Roland
Guards Jonathan Deters Paul Kinton Doug Davison Jeff Hedgpeth
Herald Michael Alley
Pages Patrick Breck Chris Rahn
Trumpeteer Jason Ainslie
Mom James Botts
Still The Best Ever Once again the 1994 86th Annual St. Pats was considered the "Best Ever" and each year UMR students strive to make the next celebration better. The preparation started early in the school year with the dedicated, persistent and usually enthusiastic sales of the St. Pats sweatshirts. With the arrival of the week of St. Pats, came the Monday morning Snake invasion. Freshman wielding shillelaghs made from locally selected small trees patrolled the campus for these
Photo by Tracey Davis
Photo by James Anderson
crawling invaders. With t he elimination of these reptiles the festivities began, a task very successfully carried out. In the afternoon on Monday and Tuesday students gathered at the puck to watch the Follies. The contests were the Full Beard Contest, Novelty Beard, Greenest Person, Hugger Stacking, and Best St. Pats Jingle. Then there were t he minute contests which were Most Sweatshirts on, Most Garters on, and Most Sweatpants on. These were
Photo by Doug Sobery
Photo by James Anderson
Top: "Got your green yet??" Middle Left: "Cha- Ching" Middle Right: "Kill the snake Freshman!!" Bottom: No their not preparing the field for crops ... its the snake corral and the fierce reptile killers.
Photo by James Anderson
Photo bt Miner Staff
Photo by Mike Fridley
Photo by Mike Fridley
Photo by James Anderson
Photo by James Anderson
followed by Most Consecutive Year's Buttons, and Most St. Pats Buttons on a Sweatshirt. Wednesday brought the arrival of St. Pat and His court to the Bandshell via the railroad handcar. Continuing from that location were more Follies including the Men's Shillelagh Contest, Leprechaun Look-A-Like, Best Definition of St. Pats, Old St. Pats Sweatshirt and Women's Walking Stick.
Photo by James Anderson
Photo by Doug Sobery
Photo by James Anderson
Opposite Top Left: Festivities at the Puck. Opposite Top Right: Lady Leprechaun skips across the stage. Opposite Bottom: St. Pat and His Court arrive. Top Left: The ZTA's are "decked" out!! Top Right: Phi Kappa Theta's 1st Place Cudgel. Middle Left: Charlie Brown and Snoopy join in the parade. Middle Right: Your candy or your life!! Bottom: Parading in style. Where's Aladdin??
Thursday marked the beginning the two days of Gonzo and Games at the Fraternity Row fields. Appearing on the first day was the Cudgel Carry and Volleyball with music by the 'The Urge!' On Friday the games continued with the Bat Race, Three Legged Bat Race, Monkey Rolls, Quarters, Somersault Race, 12 Ounce Dash, Four on the Floor, Green Tart Race, Football Toss, and Ten Man
Opposite Top Left: Taking a spill in the Bar Race Opposite Top Right: Ladies attempt Four On The Floor. Opposite Middle: Centripetal Force or Centrifugal Force?? Opposite Bottom: "Man this things heavy!!" Top: T he Gin Blossoms appear at the M ultiPurpose Bldg. Bottom Left: Queen Angie H erzog presides over ALICE. Bottom Righ t: Emre Tuskal makes his glorious trek to ALICE. Photo by Jason Hansen
Photo by Jason Meriwether
Boat Race. Music was provided by KMNR. Saturday morning started with St. Pat and Court starting down Pine Street with the traditional St. Pats Parade following. In the afternoon the Knighting Ceremony was held at the Football Field with ALICE as the honored Guest. Many gathered to experience the ceremony and to watch as those chosen were "selected" by the knights, kissed the Kings foot and dipped into the belly of ALICE. Few enter ALICE and each who does comes out a changed person. The week of St. Pats was wrapped up with the concert provided by the 'Gin Blossoms' at the Multi Purpose Building. Overall , St. Pats once again proved that anyone can appreciate this Irish Holiday and it seems as though all found time to let loose from the druggery of school work. Photo by Jason Meriwether
Many thanks to the Miner Staff for the use of their photos.
Were You There When ...
Miners Made A Difference
Photo by Anthony Salnas
Photo by Anthony Salnas
Photo by James Anderson
Photo by James Ande rson
Photo by James Anderson
Photo by Mine r Staff
Opposite Top Left: Suzi Landolphi entertains students during I.M.P.A.C.T. Week. Opposite Top Right: Paul Gilmartin stirs up some laughter. Opposite Bottom: Students enjoy a free Bar-BQue. Top: Students donate blood for campus blood drive. Middle: Sigma Chi's clean up the streets during Greek Clean-up. Bottom: "Run for Your Life" 5K marathon.
Photo by Tim Stansifer
Photo by Mike Oshea
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Were You There When ... Miners
Brought out their
Photo by James Anderson
Photo by Rod Aburto
Photo by James Anderson
Photo by Rod Aburto
Photo by Tim Stansifer
Photo by Tim Stansifer
Opposite Top Left: Students scout out possible job prospects at Career Day. Opposite Top Right: First impressions are always important. Opposite Bottom: UMR honors our soldiers on Veterans Day. Top Left: Tom Erb, looking confident, comes prepared with his resume. Top Right: Umbrellas in hand, spectators endure the rain at the Multi Purpose Groundbreaking. Middle: Formal ceremonies commemorate this special occasion. Bottom: A special golden shovel is used to initiate the construction. Photo by Tim Stansifer
eo 1s
Cross C ouotr!J
Photo by: Eric Achelpohl
Senior leader, Steve Hostetter, runs alone.
Members of the team: Ryan Unterreiner, Justim Teiken, Crazy Bob Etien, Brian Collingham, Craig McCauley, Rob VanDerWall, Chris Wildschuetz, Jon Andrews, Kevin Schwalje, Steve Hostetter, Steve Young, Courtney Mapp, Eric Achelpohl, Steve Winsett, Head Coach Sarah Preston, Asst. Coach Jeff Balmer.
UMR Racing Miners toe the line ready to crush the competition.
Photo by: Eric Achelpohl
This fall the UMR mens cross country team shocked the MIAA conference and the Great Lakes Region with their improved performance and youth. The Running Miners opened their season in good form by placing second to Lindenwood College at the Lindenwood College Lions Invitational. The very next week UMR avenged their loss to Lindenwood College en route to a championship title at the SIUEdwardsville Twilight Classic. Among those falling to the Miners were NCAA Division II power SIUEdwardsville and NCAA Division I SEMO. After the Twilight Invitational the Running Miners were ranked in the top five of the region. The cross country team continued to showcase their abilities through the Miner Invitational, where they took fourth, in what would probably be their finest team performance of the year. After losing one of their top runQ.ers to injury, the Miners went on to place fourth in the MIAA conference meet, which was their highest conference finisH in years. At the Great Lake Regional meet they went on to fmish 12th out of 30. The Miners were lead by two strong senior captians in Steven Hostetter and Rob VanDerWall. Hostetter won the Lions Invitational, placed second at the Twilight Classic, fourth at the Miner Invitational, and a record tying fourth at the MIAA conference meet. Rob VanDerWall placed third at the Lions Invitational, fourth at the Twilight Classic, and fourteenth at the Miner Invitational. Complementing the senior leadership was junior Steve Young, sophomores Bob Etien, Jon Andrews, Kevin Schwalje, and freshmen Ryan Unterreiner and Craig McCauley. The UMR Running Miners are looking forward to continued domination of the competitioin as they et their goals for next fall. Steve Young
Ryan Unterreiner pursues the regional competition at Joplin.
Photo by: Eric Achelpohl
Steve Young opens the gap on the field.
Lions Invitational SlU-E Twilight Classic Southern Stampede Notre Dame Invitational Miner Invitational MIAA Conference Great Lakes Regional
2/4 1110 3/6 13/32 4/13 4/8 12/30
Photo by: Eric Achelpohl
Rob VanDerWall concentrates on staying ahead of the Lindenwood competition.
Photo by: Eric Achelpohl
Cross Couotr!J
Photo by: Eric Achelpohl
Becky Wilson speeding her way to a NCAA Division II National berth.
Photo by: Eric Achelpohl
Left to right: Karen Rainey, Becky Wtlson, Shannon Parker, Jennifer Frazer. Pictured: Juanita Benedicta, Jessica Roberts. The women's team taking their marks as the men's team looks on.
Lions Invitational SlU-E Twilight Classic Southern Stampede Loyola Invitational Miner Invitational MIAA Conference Great Lakes Regional NCAA Div. II Nationals
Pictured is Becky Wilson who is one of only three women cross country runners in UMR history to ever qualify for the NCAA National meet.
Photo by: john Kean
Shannon Parker drives hard towards the finish chute.
Photo by: Eric Achelpohl
The UMR womens' cross country team had a difficult time filling a roster this last fall. There were never five women able to race in any one meet, but there were five that were able to compete during the season. The women Running Miners were lead by senior captain Becky Wilson. She proved that she was the competition in every race she ran. Wilson's performances this fall included first place finishes at the Lions Invitational in Saint Charles, Missouri, and the Twilight Classic at Edwardsville, Illinois, second place finishes at the MIAA conference meet in Warrensburg, Missouri, and the Great Lakes Regional meet in Joplin, Missouri. Wilson's high finish at regionals qualified her for the NCAA Division II National Cross Country meet held in Riverside, California, where she placed 52nd. This fall Wilson earned MIAA Runner of the Week, MIAA Academic All-Conference and NCAA Division II Academic All-American honors. The Lady Miners had solid performances from three first year collegiate runners. The contributing women were: freshman Jennifer Frazer, junior Shannon Parker and senior Juanita Benedicto. Next year the women are hoping to have a full team and start their climb to the top of the MIAA Conference. Steve Young
Coach Sarah Preston congratulates the Lady Miners after a tough regional race in the snow.
Photo by: Eric Achelpohl
Photo by: Rod Aburto
Offensive MVP, Ernest Brown, hurdles the defense in search of the end zone.
Photo by: John Kean
Left to right: Front Row: Fred Finley, Eivind Lesterud, Mike Wise, Malcolm Thompson, Chris Dawson, Kevin Hug, Bill Smith, Doug Fulton, Steve Howard, Ton Degonia, Jason Ilium, Matt Schwent. Second Row: Bill Brown, Matt Henry, David Wells, Elliott Jackson, Brad Moppins, D.C. Look, Les Boyum, Jim Anderson, Charlie Finley, Chris Alverson, Travis Boulware, Doug Grooms, Chris Brownell, Travis Claxton, Darren Nix, Brandon Graham. Third Row: Jason Wagoner, Chad Cagle, Arnett Thomas, David Barr, Matt Grundy, Chris Williams, Ed Reichert, Rob Graves, Todd Westermeyer, Talion Edwards, Russell Ziang, Ernest Brown, Brandon Risner, Ted Button, Chad Salli. Fourth Row: Chris Shore, Jon King, Jason Rice, Kirk Schaffer, Brian Gilmore, Cary Lange, Kevin Kestner, Dave Mickelson, Jerry Wallock, Gary Tomlinson, Brian Casserilla, Chris Marlowe, Willie Halliburton, Seth Burns. Fifth Row: Joe Knapp, Brian Wright, Joe Sousa, Mike McEnery, Chris Ward, Jason Politte, Monty Conner, Gino Lanasa, Don Gruber, Adam Dohrman, Brad Lind, Brian Alfredson, Courtney Porter. Back Row: Les Moody, Jim Van Acker, Rob lves, Brian Tilley, Tony Giacolone, Don Richards, Josh Lowery, Brian Vallely, Dan Simpson, Jim Hartman, Craig Sorenson.
The UMR football team began their centennial season in an impressive manner. In their season opener they shutout Iowa Wesleyan with a 32-0 win. This was the first time t~e Miners ~ad shutout opponent since 1988. In the second game of the season, and the SOOth game 1n UMR history, the Mm~rs defeated Washburn University, 38-14. The win against Washburn helped the Miners open the season w1th two wins, which has not happened since 1986. After the two consectutive wins the Miners went on to win one of their last eight games. Even though the Miners finished the season with a six game losing streak, there were many solid individual performances. Eivind Listerud tied the UMR single-season record with 12 field goals with 13 attempts, which tied tor fourth in the NCAA II in field goals. He also made 3 2 of 3 5 of his placekick attempts and lead the team in pionts with 56. Matt Henry finished the season with 58 tackles and four interceptions. He also averaged 10.8 yards a punt return, which ranked 22nd nationally and first in the MIAA. Ernest Brown became the second player in UMR history to surpass the 1,000 yard mark for a season. He finished third in the conference with 1050 yards. Brown also had six 100 yard games and nine touchdowns. Chris Dawnson lead the team with 38 catches for 516 yards. Mike Wise set UMR's total offense record with 4,225 yards. He had threw for 12 touchdowns and 1,242 yards, while running for 311 yards this season. Cary Lange led the Miners with 109 tackles while Darin Nix had 63 tackles and a team high six interceptions.
Six Miners were named to the MIAA all-conference team. Choosen to the first team were Eivind Listerud, Jerry Wallock, and Matt Henry. Ernest Brown, Chris Dawson, and Bill Smith were selected to the second team. Mike Wise, Kevin Hug, Cary Lange, and Darin Nix earned honorable mention. Eivind Listerud was also named to the Kodak All-American team as well as the GTE second-team Academic AllAmerican team. Five all-conference selections, Jerry Wallock, Matt Henry Ernest Brown Cary Lange, and Darin Nix will all return for the next season. ' ' James Stanfield
Quarterback Mike Wise prepares to take the snap.
Versus Iowa Wesleyan Washburn Emporia State Southwest Baptist Pittsburg State Northwest Missouri Northeast Missourt Missouri Western Missouri Southern Central Missouri
32 38 0 44 3 20 13 24 33 21
0 14 17 8 28 27 21 42 ,47 24
Photo by: Rod Aburto
Ernest Brown searches for open field.
Matt Henry returns the punt behind his blockers.
Matt Schwent pulverizes the opposing team's ball earner.
Photo by: T. J. Houchin
Photo by: Rod Aburto
Miners celebrate victory over SBU.
oee er
Jim Chapman rises above the opponents-. -~-------_j
Photo by: T. J. Houchin
Photo by: John Kean
Left to right: Front Row: Jorge Valle, Fred Amad, Keith Kendall, Rob Ridle, Jim Chapman, Andy Jenkins, Jason Jones, Abdul Ali, Brian Williamson, Greg Shultz. Back Row: Head Coach Eric Swanbeck, Jeff Titus, Scott Harrison John Knittel, William Zung, Bill Pepmiller, Alex Gioia, Ethan Hayden, Phil Hahn, Jay Quint, Brian Marks, Josh Castor, Travis Richardson, Brett Gerhart, Asst. Coach Terri Schrishuhn.
Ph il Ha hn denies the op po sit ion .
Ph oto by:T. J. Ho uch in
Th e men's soccer team ho pe d to crack the .50 0 ma rk thi s season aft er an 8-9 sea so n the previo year bu t ended up having a ver us y rough fall. Pa rt of UM R' s dif ficulty ma y have be en du e to the tea m only returned four sta the fac~ tha t rters from last year. Inc lud ed we re: the lea din g sco rer fro m the two seasons, Jim Ch ap ma n, Ph prevtous il Ha hn in the goalie position, Sc ott Ha rri so n in the mi dfi eld an d An dy Jenkins at defense. Ma ny of the seven remaining positions were fill ed by fre shm en . Th e season ended wi th the Mine rs accumulating a 4-1 3 record. M an y of the loses tha t we re de to the me n were lopsided in the alt scoring column. Th e four wi ns for UM R ca me ag ain st Mc Ke nd ree College, Lincoln University, So uthwest Baptist University an d W est mi ns ter (w ho the y sh uto Jun ior Jim Ch ap ma n continued ut) . . , for the thi rd year, as the hig h sco rer for the soccer tea m, an d wt undoubtedly ret urn next year to ll defend his scoring title. Fre shm an goalie Et ha n Ha yd en rec ord only sh uto ut for the Miners the ed the whole season against Westminst er. Ne xt year the me n's soccer team will have a lot more experience an d ho pe ful ly wi ll be able to show a little more strength in dis patching the ir op po ne nts . Steve Yo un g
Photo by: T. J. Houchin
A full volley sends UMR onto the offensive.
Miners rally victoriously.
Photo by:T. J. Houchin
Photo by:T. J. Houchin
Stephanie Ingalls fights for the open ball.
, Left to right: Front Row: Rena Walt, Brooke Beville, Carrie Eyerkuss, Stephanie Ingalls Frances Hildin g, Angela Passanise, Sarah Maxon. Back Row: Head Coack Eric Swanbeck, Lisa Molner, Zachlyn Thomp son, Cathlin Maloney, Rachel Lewis, Kristen Stroik, Katie Masterman, Asst. Coach Tricia Kuhne, Asst. Coach Terri Schrishuhn.
The oppo ing goalie watches helplessly as the ball hits the back of the net.
Photo by:T. J. Houchin
Photo by:T. J. Houchin
Stephanie Ingalls volleys the ball upfield.
The UMR women's soccer team had one of it's toughest seasons yet. The girls came across some tough teams in the conference this year, and although they played some good soccer, the results in the end were not good enough to get them into the MIAA tournament . The girl's season ended on a high note as the team rallied to beat Washington University in a 2-0 shutout. The only two seniors on the team, Cathlin Maloney and Angela Passinise were good leaders on and off the field. Cathlin earned the Most Valuable Player award. Both girls will be missed next year. New additions to the team included Carrie Eyerkuss, Rachel Lewis, Sarah Maxon and Zachlyn Thompson. These four freshmen along with sophomore standouts Stephanie Ingalls and Katie Masterman will return next season ready to win. Serena Jagtiani
Lady Miners rise above the competition .
Jeff Kokal sinks a free throw.
Photo by: Tim Stans ifer
Photo by: James Anderson
Left to right: Front Row: Tim Holloway, Asst. Coach Don Morris, Head Coach Dale Martin, Asst. Coach Todd Franklin, Kevin Fort. Second Row: Jason Piepho, Todd Zollars, Rod Jackson, Ryan Wade, Mark Matthews, Chris Alverson. Back Row: Todd Weaver, Jeff Kokal, Jamie Brueggeman, James Sinner, Scott Rush.
The Miner basketball squad began the season with a hang as the men stacked up an 8-2 record before contests within the MIAA conference commenced. However the conference competition proved to he formidable as the Miners fmished the season with a 3-13 tally against MIAA opponents. The final overall record for the UMR basketball team, 11-15, was under the .500 mark that Coach Dale Martin was hoping to crack. Team scoring was lead by three Miners who each averaged double digit figures. Sophomore Jamie Brueggeman and senior James Sinner tied for the top scoring honors with 12.6 points per game and freshman Tim Holloway followed closely as the third highest Miner scorer. Defensively, the Miners were helped out by early in the season by senior guard Rod Jackson who broke the UMR school record for steals. Next year the Miners will return a young team in the hopes of making the MIAA conference tournament and climbing to the top of the league. Steve Young
Arkansas College Lindenwood Quincy Colorado Sch. of Mines St. Martin's Westminster Illinois College Drury Colorado Sch. of Mines Grand Valley State Lincoln Northwest Missouri Washburn Missouri-St Louis Pittsburg State Southwest Baptist Central Missouri Missouri Southern Emporia State Missouri Western Northeast Missouri Northwest Missouri Washburn Missouri-St. Louis
76 97 88 92 83 91 96 76 96 79 83 68 69 93 74 86 62 92 71 71 57 77 75 81
66 81 87 102 69 50 73 85 75 70 80 94 76 65 91 91 72 94 68 91 76 81 91 94
Todd Weaver fires one from just inside three point range.
Photo by:Tim Stansifer
Jamie Brueggeman puts one in the bucket from the baseline.
Photo by:Tim Stansifer
Phot o by:Tim Stansifer
Tim Holloway goes up over the defense for two.
Photo by: James Anderson
Chris Bohannon passes to an open Lady Miner.
Left to right: Front Row: Amy Geisler, Chris Bohannon, Christie Williams, Heather Wells, Ondrea Bermudez. Second Row: Erika Nelson, Julie Maurer, Lorie White, Katherine Kersten. Back Row: Asst. Coach Terri Schrishuhn, Asst. Coach Stacy Mathes, Maja Lundeen, Heather Hartman, Tobi Rees, Joee Kvetensky, Asst. Coach Korena Stevens, Head Coach Linda Roberts.
JL<<lt<dly MULJnt<eJrยง ยงttJnu[ggll<e tt<o JF~JnttLยง]ht <dl ~V[LmunttLJntg ยง<e<<ll ยง<O>Jnt The basketball season for the women got off to a superb start as they stacked up a 11-1 record for their first 12 games, losing only to Division I Kansas State. As the season wore on, however, the Lady Miners suffered a slew of loses brought on by inconsistent play. They finished the season with a 17- 10 overall record, which was improved over last year, and a 8-8 record in the MIAA conference. The Lady Miners also won the East Texas State Tournament, TWU Thanksgiving Classic and the SlU-E Tournament. Scoring was lead by senior Joee Kvetensky as she broke the UMR all-time scoring record with 1484 career points. This includes 520 points in her senior year alone, making her the leading scorer in the MIAA. Kvetensky averaged 19.3 points per game which also helped in placing her on the MIAA first team all-conference for the second year in a row. Christie Williams averaged 11.4 points a game and led the Miners with 102 assists en route to being selected as an honorable mention to the all-MIAA conference team. The Lady Miners will return Williams, Katherine Kersten and Heather Hartman along with a deep bench in hopes a completing a full season of good basketball. Steve Young
Heather Hartman attempts a two point field goal from inside the paint.
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Photo by: James Anderson
Lady Miners await the rebound.
Photo by: James Anderson
Abilene Christian East Texas State Air Force Cameron Kansas State SIU-Edwardsville Southern Indiana Quincy College of Ozarks Harding Lincoln Northwest Missouri Washburn Missouri-St Louis Pittsburg State Southwest Baptist Central Missouri Missouri Southern Emporia State Missouri Western Northeast Missouri Northwest Missouri Washburn Missouri-St. Louis Pittsburg State Baptist Missouri Southern
75 83 78 81 45 81 99 87 87 72 76 79 70 84 72
65 75 69 75 69 80 62 71 76 63 75 60
67 72
61 62 73 75 96
47 44 69 50 60 81 62 83 70 79 72
60 87 57 50 79 73 67 64 65
Photo by: james Anderson
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Photo by:Anthony Salnas
Swimming Miners prepare to take their marks.
Left to right: Front Row: Bill Elmore, Dave Cadoff, Rob Hagan, Pete Baumstark, Mark Munoz, Jay Meyers. Second Row: Bill Unzicker, Brad Cozad, Brian Ramsey, Randy Jones, Eric Midden, Kristen Ringkor. Back Row: Wade Haggstrom, Ed Midden, Dikan Rendic, JeffWinslow, John Mikrut. Head Coach: Mark Mullin. Assistant Coaches: Doug Grooms, Darke Milankovic.
131 Washington University 1st Washington Univ. Relay 105 Drury 109 Northeast Missouri State 59 Henderson State/UMSL 1st Big Blue Invitational 72 UMSL 90 SMSU 111 Northeast Missouri State 1st Washington Univ. lnv. Mideast Reg. Championships 1st 16th NCAA Div. II Nationals
Opponent 76 126 76 53/24 35 126 69
The UMR swimming and diving team finished yet anothe r successful season winni ng impor tant meets such as the Washington University Relays, Big Blue Invitational, Washington Unive rsity Invitational and the Midea st Regional Cham pionsh ip for the second consecutive year. The team included five freshmen standouts: Randy Jones, Eric Midde n, John Mikru t, Brand t Modli n and Bill Unzicker in additio n to divers Jason Peters and Kristen Rinkor. Unzick er, along with Dikan Rendi k met qualif ying marks to compete in the NCAA Division II National meet. Head coach Mark Mullin was "very pleased" with the team's perfor mance this year and comm ented that, "it was not just the efforts turned in by one or two of the swimmers this past year. The team worke d hard and well togeth er and it showed in the meets." The UMR swim team will not lose any of its members to graduation therefore return ing a very young and strong team next year. In addition to being one of the top teams in Division II swimming, the swim team has been named to the All-Academic team seven times in the past eight years. Serena Jagtia ni
Photo by : Anthony Salnas
Rub-a-dub-dub, four men in a tub.
Swimmers ham it up at the bottom of the pool.
Jeremy Henry scores.
Photo by:Tim Stansifer
Photo by: James Anderson
Members of the team: Andy Wegman, Todd Rastorfer, Jeff Wilson, Darin Nix, Jeremy Henry, Pete Mueller, Allen Jones, Chad Fuesting, Scott Nierman, Michael Williams, Nathan Wade, Matt Klaus, Tim Pruett, Chris Ryan, Geoff Seavey, Eric Kearbey, Gary Hubbard, Nick Winkelmann, Brody Bjornstad, Jeff Woytek, Anthony Philipsheck, Ben Likens, Jeff Ulrich, Jason Illum, Mike Wise, Joe Ketzner, Kevin Hill, Jason Wagoner. Head Coach: Travis Boulware. Assistants: Jason Hinson, Tom Hasenstab, Brett Felton.
Gary Hubb ard completes the tnntng .
Photo by: Tim Stansif er
The UMR men's baseball team conclu ded a rather disapp ointin g season April 21, 1994 in the rain as their final game (a doubl ehead er against Linde nwood College) got called after 3 1/2 inning s of play. The Miners finished the year with a 8-26 record overall, 0-15 in league play. Chad Fuesti ng (Effingham, IL) led the Miner s with a .279 battin g average. Natha n Wade (Springfield, IL) is secon d on the team with a .270 battin g average. The top Miner pitche rs Pete Muell er, Mike Willia ms and Kevin Hill had earned run averages of 1.93, 2.91, and 3 respectively. The Miner team is still young and is lookin g towards next season after havin g spent this season rebuilding and worki ng with several new players. Altho ugh the Miner s lost 19 out of their last 21 games, the players kept a positive attitud e and did not give up. Serena Jagtian i
Photo by:Tim Stansifer
Nathan Wade cracks a line drive into the outfield.
Photo by:Tim Stansifer
Eric Kearbey throws to first for the out.
Kristen King smacks the ball into the gap.
Photo by:Tim Stansifer
Photo by: John Kean
Left to right: Front Row: Melissa Rohrer, Amy Buttimer, Teri Marvich, Nicki Wray, Trod Keen, Kristan King, April Buesch, Cathy Vornberg. Back Row: Asst. Coach Dyan Risher, Head Coach Lisa Burwell, Valerie Osborn, Mary Rohrbacker, Brandy Broeckling, Kathleen Ritchey, Stephanie Ingalls, Melanie Rohrer, Asst. Coach Dave Burwell.
Melanie Rohrer fields a routine fly.
Photo by:Tim Stansifer
Mary Rohrbacker prepares to fire the ball home.
The UMR softball team proved itself this past season coming out of the MIAA tournament ranked as number five in Division II softball. With 5 of its members earning Honorable Mention AllConference honors and two breaking school and national records, it would be a surprise to say that they did not have a successful winning season. The Lady Miners were 26-21 overall and went into tournament play seeded fifth. At the end of the tournament, after losing to the last seed, beating the second and sixth seeds, and finally losing to the first seed, the girls came home - still number five. Sophomore Stephanie Ingalls earned Honorable Mention All-Conference and Scholar Athlete honors as well as breaking the school record of most walks in a season. The record was 19, Ingalls had 25. Teri Marvich earned Honorable Mention All-Conference honors as well as Scholar Athlete MIAA. Kristen King and Mary Roherbacher earned Honorable Mention All-Conference honors while Melanie Rohrer as well earned Honorable Mention All-Conference honors not to mention Rohrer broke the national record for most steals in a game setting the new record at 6. The team loses Troci Keene to graduation. This loss will affect the team as Keene was one of the top hitters. Overall, the girls felt that they played some great softball this past year, and being a young team that works so hard and well together, they hope to improve their place in the MIAA conference. Serena Jagtiani
Photo by:Tim Stansifer
Stephanie Ingalls slides safely into home plate.
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Left to right: Fron t Row: Haasan Mansoor, Jorge Valle, Mat t Ham lin, Steve Cezus. Back Row: John -Ma rk Gardener, Methi Bengisu, Ryan Saffels, Wil liam Zun g. Hea d Coa ch: Tod d Franklin.
The UMR men' s tenni s team had a rathe r diffic ult time durin g their 1994 season. The team , very youn g, faced some toug h teams in conference play and altho ugh they felt they played good tenni s, the playe rs were not pleas ed with the outco me of several matches. Seventeen year old fresh man sensation, Meth i Beng isu led the team hold ing the num ber one spot all year. Beng isu toyed with an ankle injur y for a large part of the season yet was deter mine d to stick the entir e seaso n out. Alth ough the indiv idual matches did not go too well, the Mine r doub les team s of Steve Cezu s and Jorge Valle, John Gard ner and Will iam Zung , and Bengisu and Matt Ham lin usua lly came throu gh for the Mine rs winn ing 5-4 decisions. Overall, the Mine rs playe d well and kept a posit ive attitu de and will be cond ition ed and ready to begi n play next sprin g. Sere na Jagti ani
Members of the team: Troy Pinkerton, Shane Quimby, Eric Ziegele, Brian Panka, Ryan Morris, Jeff Neeman, Head Coach Bud Mercer.
The golf team struggled the whole year to get out of the cellar, but ended up taking last at the MIAA Championships held at Osage Beach, as they finished the 54-hole tournament with a score of 1043. The Miners were led much of the year by senior Ryan Morris, however Brian Panka turned in the lowest score for the Miners at the conference tournament. Panka was followed by Morris and Shane Quimby rounded out the top three for the UMR golf team in league tournament competition. Steve Young
Craig Sorensen shows what it takes to qualify for Nationals in the high jump.
Photo by: James Stanfield
Photo by: Carlee Preston
Left to right: Front Row: Kevin Schwalje, Anna Copelin, Brandon Graham, Dyan Rycher, Ryan Unterreiner, Tom O'Neill, Maja Lundeen. Second Row: Jennifer Frazer, Becky Wilson, Ben Fish, Amy Barnes, James Stanfield, Craig McCauley, Chris Wildschuetz, Steve Young, Kim Finke. Back Row: Craig Sorensen, Crazy Bob Etien, Jon Andrews, Brian Collingham, Dave Borrok. Women's Head Coach: Sarah Preston. Men's Head Coach: Les Boyum.
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This spring the men's and women's track teams had difficulty finding athletes to compete in many events, but showed strength in the events in which they did have competitors. Craig Sorensen was the men's leading scorer both indoors and outdoors. Sorensen was a national qualifier in the indoor high jump, national provisional qualifier outdoors and a school record holder with jumps of 6 feet 10.75 inches both indoors and outdoors. Sorensen was the MIAA outdoor champion in the high jump as well. Also contributing to the Miner scoring force were: Kevin Schwalje who placed third in the indoor 1000 meter dash, Brandon Graham with his All-Conference performance in the indoor 600 meter dash, Marc McManus who set the school record in the outdoor hammer throw, Ryan Unterreiner who ran 4:03 in the outdoor 1500 meter run, Ben Fish with his time of 56.50 for the 400 meter intermediate hurdle race and Crazy Bob Etien who raced the outdoor 10,000 meter run this spring. The Lady Tracksters had several women step up in the scoring this year. The scoring leader both indoors and outdoors was Becky Wilson. Included in her long list of accomplishments was a provisional national qualifying and MIAA record performance of 17:58 in the indoor 5000 meter run and a provisional qualifying, school record and MIAA record time of 38: 19 in the outdoor 10,000 meter run. Wilson received MIAA Athlete of the Week honors as well. The Lady Miners also had great performances from: Kim Finke who set a school record and provisionally qualified for indoor nationals in the high jump with a leap of 5 feet 4.25 inches, Dyan Rysher with her AllConference finish in the women's heptathlon and school record in the long jump, Maja Lundeen who placed in both the javelin and shot put in the conference meet and Jennifer Frazer who broke the UMR women's 10,000 meter record this season (Becky Wilson broke it again the very next week at the conference meet Steve Young
Missouri Miners lead the pack.
Photo courtesy of Sarah Preston
Coaches Boyum and Preston ready to film the meet.
Becky Wilson stalks her prey in the indoor 3000 meters.
Photo by: Steve Young
Above Left: Even the police are deceiv ed by the seemingly innoc ent spinst ers. Above Right: The two ladies give each other a whimsical smile while anoth er victim drinks the deadly conco ction.
Arsenic & Old Lace is an interesting play about murder and madness. Two gracious, insane old spinsters kindly receive men who are strangely never heard from again. The grandmotherly women put the men out of their misery by serving them food laced with arsenic. Their deeds go unnoticed for some time before the bodies are discovered in the cellar.
Top: Rosemary (Nancy Sparlin) and Howard (Kevin Solofra) discuss their future together.
Right: Hal (Jonathan Oliver) tells Madge (Lisa Cutler) about another of his many extraordinary adventures.
Picnic, the Pulitzer Prize winning play by William lnge, is another one of the dramatic masterpieces performed at UMR this school year. The play is about a small Arkansas town whose peaceful balance is upset by the entrance of a young, handsome jock. The complexity of emotions and relationships is explored as the characters fall in love, get married, and mature.
Top: Flo (Amy Voss) gives Howard some instructions. Left: More than anything, Rosemary wants Hal to dance with her.
Top: Spectacular costumes accentuate wonderful voices at a medieval performance. Right, Facing Top: The choir, directed by Joel Kramme, practices Cherubini. Facing Right: A quartet of monks performs a trombone piece.
Photo by: James Anderson
JPhoto by: James Anderson
l.eft to Right : First Row : Brad Kempf, Matt Clark, Shawn Baiiley, Jamie Woolfolk, Craig Holder, Rod Parrott, Scott Ja ckson , Brain lsgrig, Jim Dietzel, James Hartman, Second Row : Chris Tchoukaleff , Tom Huffman , Craig Puder, Tim Dickey, Shawn VanAsdale, . Scott Shepherd, Branden Doster, Jeff Lewallen , Todd Kelsheimer, Thrid Row : Troy Peterson, Todd Fetter, D avid Gustavson , Dann Halter, Reid Miller, Doug Meyers, T.J . Simms , Keith Steinmetz, Bill G.reene, Joe Fortman, Troy Pinkerton, Scott Comer, Eric Pe~ers , Mark Hart , Back Row : Tom Pazdera, Glen Graham, Darell Trachsel, Darren Ross, Brad Harvey, Pete Wehmeyer, Joe Witt, Bo Lowe , Chris Francis, Darren Whitehurst , Kirk Palicki . Not Pictured : Jared Buckley, Pat Flaherty, David Glastetter, Mark Kelly, Ray Steimnetz, Gregg Rainbolt, Ron Rhodes.
Left to Right: First Row: David Barr, Jr, Kevin Buie, Malcom Townes, Mark Crawford, Second Row: Dominic Lenoir, Christopher Groves, Henry Woods, Jr., Lionel Cureau, Reginald Johnson, Tim Bell, Back Row: Jon King, Lamont Orange, Edward Butler, Lister Florence, Not Shown: Samuel Huston, Ill, Steven Howard, Christoper Alverson, Lawence George, Advisor.
!Photo by: James Anderson
Left to Right: First Row: Nathan Dennet Onyx, Dave Ferkel, Matthew Schaefer, Matthew Breitenbach, Second Row: Jason d 1 Welker, Culyer Larson, Dan Elze, Jeremy Murr1sh, · Matthew Rous, Scott W1ttler, . Steve Truemper, Back Row: Steven ~oU~ IS • Hahnel, Andrew Bauer, Paul Mueller, Jim Boyanchek, Keith Kuhlmann, Brain Albrecht, jeff Dawson, Matthew Wehmeyer
Photo by: James Ander son
Left to Right: First Row: Scott Weiner, Chad Cage I, Dave Mickelson, jason Crawford, Aaron Buerge, Brain Alfredson, Chris Ryan, jeff Wilson, Talion Edwards, Brent Humphreys, Back Row: Tom Meiser, Matt He nry, Duece Muller, Les Moody, joe Knapp, Cliff Garret, Chad Cotter.
JPhoto by: James Anderson
Left to right: First Row: Steve Barnett, Shannon Walker, Brad Butler Second Row: Jim Schrock, Greg Patience, Brad Zerr, Keith Dandurand , Gary Greene, Chris Hubbell, Chad Allen, Dun Ludwig, John Goethe Back Row: Brian Yerman.
Photo by: Jason Meriwether
Left to Right: First Row: Matt Rowold, Chris Forsman, Jason Doyle, Tom Cutlip, Travis Lynch, Brian Cunneen, Chad Farren burg, Christian Cook, Second Row: Ben Oberkirsch, Dennis Geld bach, Brad Suddarth, Matt Grundy, Jeff Shiner, Nelson Nolte, Harold Feagan, David Chullino,Aaron Shaw, Brian Haggard, Greg Kemner, Troy Hughes, Back Row: Mathew Hodkins, Chip Crossman, Bill A vise, Scott Colgrove, Derek Koestel, David Witt, Jeff Martin, David Polston, Todd McWilliams, David Tattershall, Doug Mitchell, Not Pictured: Mike Crites, Doug Davison, Brett Felton, Jeff Hedgpeth, Grant Jokerst, Jeff Kraft, Josh Lawrence, Craig Loafman, John Lucian, Jeff Lutes, James Mack Ill, Jared Marsh, Jay Meyers, Brandt Modlin, Brad Price, Jeff Riepe, Steve Schrick, Gary Stauffer, John Tarpley, Kenny Voss, Chris Wright.
Phot o by: Jame s Ande rson
Left to right : First Row: Chad Ferg uson , Josh Lowe ry, Greg Mess ler, Lloyd Ghol oson , Josh Grov e, Seco nd Row : Rich ard Ayer s, Perr y Koob , Dan Mart in, Mike Wen tzel, Matt hew Hopk ins, Justi n Bran ham , Kevi n Kest ner, Gary Ross , Thir d Row : Win ches ter Falb e, Tony Mcla ughl in, Darr yl Ande rsho ck, Four th Row: Dwa yne Dosh ier, Jame s Bott s, Jaso n Prew itt, Clay McN ail, Fifth Row: Pete r Joyc e, Shan e Mitc hell, Jason Hols chen , Sixth Row: Mat Fore sman , Mich ael Wilk ins, Chri stop her Simm ons, Rich ard Budi nger , Brain O'Ne il, John Borg erdin g, Keh Quir in, Max Tho rton , Seve nth Row : Mich ael Over felt, John Wulf , Jay Klad iva, Eigh th Row: Stev en Zych inisk i, Mich ael Fridley, Scot t Stew art, Lenn y Efth im, Tom Carp ente r, John Rauc h, Trav is Dun ning ton, Fed rico Lago s, Barc lay Noth aus, Nint h Row: John Tym a, Darr en Wal ters, Todd Opp eau, Brai n Spen cer, Kirk Pete rson , Fred Niem eier, Stev e Lefe rs, Greg ory Wal gate Not SHo wn: Jaso n Hud son, Kevin Sulli van.
Photo by: Rod Aburto
left to Right: First Row: Rob Sutton, Kevin Taylor, David Roetto, Roger Niles, Eric Ziegle, Mike Dodge, James Schock, Eric Swearingen, Second Row: Russell Zung, Ryan Hunt, Steve lair, Dean Coombes, Matt Mandry, David Boles, Bach Melick, Kyle Koederity, Matt Henry, Third Row: Paul Tran, Byron Schaeffer, Brian Malin, Brian Kincaid, Jason Baker, Corey Ray, Pat Breck, Zeph Wester, John Hartleroad, Steve lane, Tom O'Neill, Damon Swain, Back Row: Cameron Gross, Marc Bahr, Gordon Arbesmann, Nathan Staechling, Chris Cordry, Scott Preston, Brian lasey, Jason George, Erik Probasco, Brad Birky, John Sheridan, Greg Claussen, Brian Clark, David Heikkinnen, Paul McMormick, Not Pictured: Jeff Kullmann.
JPhoto by: James Anderson
Left to Right: First Row: Pat McCarron, Jon Waldoch, Brad Holthous, Matt Jones, Ruben Lozand, Justin Schnieders, Ben Fish, Brian Marks, Second Row: Andy Wegman, Rob Ridle, Dave Roes, jason Miller, Doug Aitkens, Mike Booth, Third Row: Darrin Hotop, Jeremy Estep, Steve Roper, Chris Trull, john Schaefer, Adam Birk, jared Lewis, Fourth Row: Mike Kill, Jay Knicker, Dan Blevins, Joe Wei I, Bill Kuess, jason Stratman, Allen Shulfer, Greg Kremer, Craig Wilde, Dave Stewart, Tom Wigington, Tony Mezines, Joe Wokurka, Craig Giessman, Michael Neuner, Back Row: Brian Holthaus, Matt Evers, Victor Poland, Joe Engeman, Pat Kuhne, Dave Baldetti, Frank Karls, Jason Dobson, Brett Harles, john Stratman, Pat Winkleman, Scott Cotriss, Curt . Lehman, Scott Borman, Phil Leukenatto, Mike Meade, Eric Landwehr, Craig Rackers, Mike Carda, Dave Talken, Greg Kutz, Jamâ&#x20AC;˘e Crutchley, Chris Aubuchon, Joe Hettinger.
Photo by: James Anderson
Back Row: left to Right: First Row: Scott Rutenkroge r, Sean Murphy, Mike Estes, Bob, Brian Maier, Eric Achelpohl, K.C. Snyder, Mitchell, Kyle , Steltenpohl Ben , Aaron Bolch, Mathew Chalmers, Mike Jackson, Keith Phelps, Karl Erdmann, Jon Steltenpohl Jeremiah Duncan, Kelley Ireland.
JPhoto by: James Anderson
left to Right: First Row: Jim Spradling, Eric leach, Mike Garvey, Wade Montgomery, Kirk Livingstone, Chris leach, Brett Saunier, Second Row: Kirk Oehlert, Paul Otto, Corey Steinman, Brad Kloeppel, jeff Paskiewicz, Mark Zurbuchen, Matt Sander, Greg Kuntz, Brandon Reneau, Forrester Wilson, Back Row: jason Dake, Justin Bohannon, Matt Rowden, Sam Clark, Chun Park, Eric Adams, jeff Wright, Eric Gorman, Bob Bohnak, jeff Rooks.
Photo by: Jason Meriwethe r
r, jeff Shush, Sean Killian, Phil Left to Right: First Row: Kirk Durbin ski, Todd Spastorfo r, Chris Aufdemb rink, Eric Burkhalte , Larry Lamb, Matt Moog, Gerhardt Eric Feminine , Dave Noel, Second Row: Chief, jeff Boschert, Nate Moron, Flake Clarke, Cam Pinzke, Cliff Ewers, Shooty, Andy Slackens, Ben Smith, Third Row: Clay Medlin, Brian Kleinstein , Tim Borgmeye r, Lance Mercurio, Drew Donnelli, Tom Scott Armstron g, Brian Ten holder, Back Row: Lamar Gerber, Liz Donavon, Jason Goins, Matt Meyer, Steve Be nnett, Mike Baumstar k, Mike johnson, Chad Sandifer-M oyer, Sean Baird, jeff Bruns, Jimbo Munsey, Chad Paul Kinton, Michael Gaylen, Shmiddy, Chris Cheese, Glenn Winham, Pat Robinson, Gary Haas, Brent Rammer, Nick Mazza, Steve Skikas, Denny Wood, jeff jerker.
IP'hoto by:
Rod Aburto
Left to Right: First Row: Eric Keller, Michael Alexander, Chris Mertz, Cory DeArriba, Brett Williams, Michael Schlueter, Second Row: Matthew Klaus, Mike Grass, Steve Beattie, Neal Chapman, Todd Zollars, Scott Moller, Russell Epstein, Adam McAllister, Gregory Hermann, John Recar, Jesse Farmer, Third Row: Dale Picolet, Forrest Kaiser, William Richardson , Patrick Smith, Sterling Wainscott, joseph Krewson, Robin Winslett, Marc McManus, Bradley Nickell, Brian Krzeminski , Artie Schweizer, Brett Denney, Back Row: joel Rickman, Randy Lierz, Brian Fortelka, jeff Nee mann, jeff Postlewait, john Schliebe, Eric Wooden, Steve Dumortier, Jim Eckrich, Greg Nelson, jason Myers, Ralph Meyer, Steve Conway, Zubin Sumariwall a, Brett Goodman, Andrew Rothweil, jason Hinson, Rich Huff, Todd Althoff.
Photo by: Tim Stansifer
jeff Mockait is, Donald Betlach, Andy Carr, Ryan Left to Right: First Row: Chad Ireland, Mike Towle, Mark Dust, Bryson Burton, Jason McDanie l, Roger Broman , Douglas Hicks, Elder, Todd McBee, Second Row: Mark Burton, Rick Steurer, Terry Bent, Steve Jeff Osterma nn, Chris Pundma nn, Randy Canis, Mathes, Courtne y A. Jogger, Lance Driskill, Ken Vaisvil, Third Row: Rob Hetrick, Billy Mittenzw ey, james Reiter, Back Row: David Hamilto n, Jeff Foerste, Larry Cook
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JPhoto by: James Anderso n
Left to Right: First Row: Jimmie Humph rey, Bill Burgar d, Thoma s Wagne r, Gary McMich ael, Joseph Schom aker, Back Row: Scott Laxton , George Davis, Eric Knight, Bill Tedesco , James Harrign ton, Michae l Ramsey , Chris Altenb ernd, Jamie Wilson , Michae l Repper ger, Shawn Bequet te, Steve Stirnem ann, Dan Shipley , Rob Wilson , Allan Appers on, Michae l Hampt on, Not Picture d: Jim Calzon e, Neil Monson , Michae l Stirnem ann, Brian Stucke nschne ider, Scott Mehaffy, Glen Saeger , Dan Storey
JPhoto by: James Anderson
Left to Right: First Row: Bart Stoessel, Mike Mueller, Adam Loddeke, Micah Baldwin, Steve Jarboe, Chad Elder, Cory Reiter, Alex Gioia,Andy Potthast, Ryan Brown, John Poertner,Tom Dunham, Back Row: Steve Bucholtz, Carl Biondo, Jim Campbell, Jason Wengler, Ken Shundo, Mike Farwig, Mark Murphy, Mike Vincent, Mark Lewandoski, James Burnette, Mike Danz, Jerome Riemann, Trung Do, Larry Lapinski, Tim Evenson, Tim Viviano, Glenn Bradshaw, Tad Dinkins, Jim Ste inkoetter, David Hicks, Matt Stergos, Jim Chapman, Not Pictured: Ben Jones, Eric Husman, Chris Hudson, Ke rry Knott, Jason Jones, Travis Claxton, Todd Owens, Greg Morrow, Jon Deters, Kevin Brendel, Ken Martinez, Steve Becher, Chris Baumgartner, Jeff Huettenmeyer, Bill Wacher, Sean Peters.
Photo by: Tim Stansifer
Left to Right: First Row: john McNeely, jeff Smith, Tim Jumps, john Jilg, Mike Greenway, Kevin Moll, Second Row.. Brian Massey, d r Back Mike Zwick, Gary Farwig,john Thien, Ryan Fisher, Craig Findley,Andrew Davids, Scott Britt, Scott Ford, Pat Schroe De ~e Row: Greg Wyatt, Bill Stewart, Jeff Haywood, Chris Fields, Matt Clipper, Not Pictured: Matt Beard, Volkan Becker, . :n Mark Bodeen, Eric Cloud, Dave Maschler, john Meyer, Greg Petit, Trent Weaver, Larry Ragsdale, Brian Robertson, Matt Wâ&#x20AC;˘ 1s ' Takatz, Terry Bjerken.
Photo by: James Anderson
Left to Right: Mike Miller, Mike Podolak, Eric Bunnell, Patrick Smythe, Erich Elmer, Curt Chaffin,Avi Schmerer, Brian Klopp, Dom Dasta, Craig Brewer, Kevin Biggers, Matt Masterson, Jim Kamper, Steve Capelle, Warren Moody, Ron Bernett, Mike Drake路, Kent Melson, Jayme Schwartz, Not Pictured: Jason Boles, Josh Brown, Josh Buedel, Jon Lust, Marc Taillon, Clayton Hines, Brian Lightfoot, Mike Dove.
Photo by:
Anthony S.aln.as
Left to Right: Monya Ortega, Carmen Murrell, Renee Penerman, Esther Walker, Not Pictured: Cheryl Cooper, Tonda Davis, Crystal Durr, Lisa James.
Photo by: Steve Chu
Left to Right: First Row: Stephanie Kelemetc, Jen Keifer, Stacy McNeil, Rebecca Monaghan, Sherri O'Neal, Second Row: ~u~ie Sellmeyer, Kristen Stroik, Jessica Thomas, Becky Pohlmann, Amy Adams, Krista Bradley, Julie Maschler, Chrissy Stelzer, T~•r Row: Amy Rogers, Stacy Garfield, Laura Donley, Chris Kump, Sarah West, Aimee' Tilling, Back Row: Angie Gambill, Laur•ane Flynn, Karla Dill, Olivia Miller, Amanda McBane, Karen Klemme, Jennifer Harness, Jayne Leubbert, Kim Benson, Julie Schroer, Amy Strouse, Stacy Doing, Mindy Gardner, Susan Goodman.
Left to Right: First Row: Mikki Beck, Kristen Ringkor, Cheryl Lusby, Heather Thompson, Allison Cambell, Chrissy Kuenzel, Tracey Davis, Stacey Cranmer, Casey Gideon, Lisa Pfeiffer, Jessica Sanson, Cassie Alsop, Angie Day, Anica Winkle, Second Row: Christy Rives, Tara Cox, Lisa Stiles, Kelly Peck, Dawn McCoy, Rachel Daugherty, Kate Gertken, Heather Pohl, Susan Cho, Sarah Banks, Amy Yaiser, Tara Kruep, Amy Rein, Carolyn Minski, Nicole Winters, Lisa Madison, Third Row: Dawn Sharp, Deena Chapman, Chris Zimmer, Rayna Koopman, Emily Gordon, Janet Roper, Kimberly Hounker, Shawn Thomas, Doris Flock, Loretta Paulson, Fourth Row: Stacy Walker, Laura Riegal, Amber Ockree, Kristan King, Lisa Molner, Laura Visintine, Nancy Neill, Christy Land, Christy Everitt, Kim Christensen, Tara Jennings, Candy McNeil, Lisa Jones, Julie Anderson, Amy Gefferth, Back Row: Leslie Frost, Julie Montefusco, Dyan Pulsifar, Jill Sandifer, Karen Griese!, Lissy Kuenzel, Janice Struckhoff, Christine Peterson, Tricia Hudson, Julie Dickherber, Angie Brickner, Christina Sfreddo, Jennifer Downes, Shannon Knudson, Chrissy Kluz, Shanon Aymond, Dawn Gregory, Wendi Abbott.
Photo By: Tim Stansifer
Mark Mesko, William Sexton, Brent Anderson, John White, Aaron Buerge, Chad Runzi, Ghiath Osman, Daniel Engle, Steven Weber, Gerald McGinness Jr, Brian Hostmann, Robert Brown, James Kendall, Mitchell Poindexter, Randy Sallwasser, Eric Black, Gene Shaw, Joseph Sueme Ill, Eric Johnson, Jeffrey Dingrando, Lucas White, Joshua Castor, John Galloway, Jeffrey Price, Michael Chau, Paul Bloomgren, Curtis Garner, Martin Gugel, Robe rt Rieffel, Collin Meuger, Arnett Thomas, Joseph Chambers, Michael Winkleman, Michael Bringer, David Delleart, Milan Shah, Travis Richardson.
Photo by: Tim Stansifer Left to Right: First Row: Jenna Deppe, Kelly Marshall, Second Row: Becky Chrisfield, Lorna Heavin, Kristin Novorich, Amy Barnes, Karen . Flowers, Julie Donnelly, Amy Kwiecinski , Diana A It, Katie Cooper, Th ird Row: Karen Henderson, Tanya Hillman, Tami Salisbury, Amy Hansen: Hilary Clark, Susan Rishell, Jennifer Little, Sen era Jagtiani, Amy Etzel, Ingrid Kaufman , Phuong Ngyen, Meredith Springs, Wendi Terbrak, Melinda ~nght, Donna Smith, Back Row: Angie Lueckenhoff, Christina Madrid, Becky Steinman, Amy lgarta, Rani Abston, Becky Dunkman, Kim Finke, Dmna Carter, Elizabeth Bock, Susan Hunn, Betsy Skiles.
Left to Right: First Row: Dave Mitchell, Darrell Upchurch, Second Row: Steve Venters, Dominic Lenoir, Brian Groff, Tim Mintner, Joe Dessau, Scott Gizzie, Phil Menkel, Thrid Row: Jeremy Niedens, Robin Findley, Barret Toombs, Chris Sherman, Matt Vandergriff, Mike Koch, Brain Rowden, jeff Burnett, Kris Hazen, David Bequette, Fourth Row: Derek Hillstrom, Mark Allen, Gerrit Leeftink, Bill Quashnock, Raja Chaudhuri, Barry Litchfield, Brain Mckee, Tim Bauer, Chirs Gettinger, Back Row: Jarrod Grant, Brandon Haroldso n, Aaron Toebben, Phil Steinmentz, Todd Hayward, ,Dryk Huffman, John Rieger, Kevin Sabacky, Tom Linhorst, Andy Holtzscher, Rich Powell, Jens Erp, Keith Williamson, Aaron Buie.
Photo by: Steve Chu
A ngela Left to Right: First Row: Amy Rogers, Kelly Sink, Gina Hurst , Elaina Hurst, Second Row: N atalie Summers, Aimee Tilling, Julie Maschler, Shelly Percle, Aimee Kraemer, Vicki uensing, D Melissa Peifer, shley A Wilman, Laurie Coley, Becky Pohlman, Amy Adams, Shari Willadsen, Back Row: W alser, Mary Grimm.
Photo by: James Anderson Left to Right: First Row: Monica Roberts, Jennifer Hellmueller, Monica Green, Amy Jones, Michelle Tucker, Kristen Templet, Cathleen Smith, Back Row: Jenny Grossman , Kelly Schmid, Krista Bradley, Laurianne Flynn, Shelly Bauer, Tressa Dickerson, Cathy Edwards .
Photo by: James Anderson
Neil Bacoski, Kelly Left to Right: First Row: Shawn McGinness, Second Row: Jarod Grobelny, Simon Crafts, Dale Martinez, Chris Bertman, N ick Mandachit, Keith lson, e N Fleetwood, Alex Bowman, Third Row: Brain Winsche l, Joel W einhold, Stefan Hamelin, Joshua Gary, Andy Muller, Jason ll, Smu Brad Elder, Brakensiek, Aaron Cypret, Joe Cushman, Fourth Row: Jeff Potthast, Justin Sutherland, Jason W illiams, Jeremy Lohman. Tom Riggs, Aaron Barnhart, Preston Jackson, Darryl Hudson, Brad Terhune Back Row: Russ Hopkins, Matt Rottm und , Barry
Photo by: Jason Meriwether
Photo by: Tim Stansifer
Left to Right: First Row: Dave Hart, Niran Fajemisin, Jay Poor, Jeff Schroeder, Eric Triplett, John Hillier, Jeremy Moore, Steve Schiebel, Second Row: Michael Chrissy, Matt Schoenberg, Steve Gorg, Back Row: Roger Petty Jr, Glen Miller, Rudy Vinkemillser, Mike Zlatic, Chad Shreve, Steve Winsett, Matt Zion, Jeff Wenzel, Karl Beal, Ted Standley.
Photo by: Tim Stansifer Left to Right: First Row: Todd Phillips, Bart Potts, Serdar Unal, Eric Schumate, james Hemrick, Tracy Camp, Fred Hopper, Bac ow. k R 路 Brian Willingham, Murat Turan, Craig Wieden, Mark Schmidt, jeff Hansen, Kevin Solofra.
Photo by: James Anderson Left to Right: First Row: Sarah Hummel, Christy Hargrove, Second Row: Natalie Dixon, Bridgette Ganley, Third Row: A.J. Johnston, Tammy Love, Becca Monaghan, Kara Waggoner, Jennifer Marshall, Deanne Haupti, Carrie Butler, Backrow: Jamie Meyers, Laura Faletto, Ann Grubb, Patti Wright, Mandi Cowell, Holly Hammontree, Suzanne Lynch, Sheri Obrhelman, Stacy Fesperman, Melissa Lane, Kristi Rhoads . Not Pictured: Christy Schafer, Stacy McNeil, Stacy Garfield, Kara Kruger, Gina Turner, Laura Clemenson, Chondell Boyd, Densie Belton, Connie Kelley, Sonya Hockaday, Kim Stewart, Kim McWard, Karen Flowers, Tonya Wiles .
Photo by: Jason Meriwether
Matthew Gasswint, Ted Yehle, Zvonko Nikolic, Joe Miller, Jason Jones, Bill Bridegroom, Mark Rages, Ben Steger, Matt Ballard, Sam St. John, Sean Hoffman , Ben Eldred , Sean Fears, Bob Babcock, Robert Moore, Todd Hartman, Jason Cassibry, Randy Cartwright.
Photo by: Steve Chu
Left to Right: Sitting: Chris Shields, Tim Parker, Dempey Rollins, Kneeling: Ed Birdsell, Andy Spurgeon, Doug Wilson, Mark Burton, Ryan Williams, Brody Bjornstad, Alex Huber, Standing: Jon West, Dan Young, Matt Peters, Matt Selph, Sunil Kumar, Craig Switzer, Rick Huber, Steve Copeland, Monte Conner, Jeff Moore, Scott Kubly, Rob Hepler, Bob Moran, Geoff Mason, Mark Lansberry, Darren Ling, Jeff Cole, Chris Thorn.
Photo by: Steve Chu Members: John Holzman, Brian Schanne I, Scott Edwards, Mike Dinwiddie, Mike Casedy, Chuck Lipoma, Tom Murawski, Scott Miller, Mike Hal~, Matt Bohl, Martin Kayadarma, Jeff Reckenwald, Wade Haggstrom, Chris Huskamp, Seth Coggin, John Boeckman, Brad Cozad, Don Cook, J~s d路 Howard, Steve Squibb, Rob Hagen, Seth Burns, Chad Daniel, Patrick Lane, Bill Elmore, Pete Baumstark, Rusty Brooks, Matt Hartle. Not PI~~: 路 Tory Nelson, Doug Rada, Jason Schoeneberg, Carlos Fernandez, Edmund Gaffney, Teri Douglas, Brent Hedding, James Allen Ill, Randy Jones, Butryn .
Photo by: T.J. Houchin
Left to Right: First Row: Katie Vollert, Jen Irons, Val Osborn, Leta Thomas, Chris Standridge, Kendra Bowen, Second Row: Sabrina Adams, Sandy Duddle, Kelly Rau, Dee Scheman, Third Row: Marion Belton, Carolyn Jones, Melissa Rehear, Kathleen Ritchey, Melanie Rohrer, Noreen Ruzchak, Tina Steck, Back Row: Rachel Evans, Teri Marvich, Nicki Wray, Julie Maurena, Maria Spechals, Emily Wehmeyer, Teri Douglas.
Photo by: Tim Stansifer
Eugene Browder, Roy Garner, Shannon Dettmer, Steve Birkholtz, Kalen Stewart, Sang Ryu , Scott Saeger, Mark Lambros , My Phuong, Tom Kavinsky, Mark Newby, Jesse Harvey, Gilbert Hamling, Matt Nichols, Matt Lujan, Dave Perkins, Laz Espinosa, Mike Hopkins, Jerry Ruch, Lisa Spindel, Dan Johnson, Michael Zimmerman, Jorge Valle, Linda Gaddie, Grant Arnold, Jamie Daniels , Mark Sokol, Jay McMackin , Doug Staley, Tina Powell, Matt Ayers, Bill Fisher, Tai Chi, Michelle Gower, Andrew Hess, Tammy Marler, Rick Gilliand, Jason James, Bill Gray, Melinda Flemming, Mike O'Brien, Holly Hultz, James Arrowsmith , Jonathon Geels.
Photo by: James Anderson
Left to right: First Row: Sandy Eftink, Farida Mehta, Tina Robinson, Lori Fry, Chris Kulifay, Stephanie Ingalls, Julie Kolbe, Amy Carroll, Cindy Crites, Valerie Phillips, Back Row: Lyle Simonton, Kevin Johnson, Ed Midden, Dikan Rendic, Sthephen Chadwick, Mike Brackett, Harry Pierson, Paul W akeland, Jason Wagoner, D avid Drake, Chris Thebeau, Philip Littlefield, David Stroman, Lewis Hickman, Rande Hackman, Robert VanHoose, Sam Groves, Kerrick Lindsey, Josh Howard.
Photo by: James Anderson Left to Right: First Row: Hoa Tang, Bill Podrazik, Keith Pimmei,Aaro n Peterson, Ryan Benefield, Nate Kaiser, Sadie Burke, Chris Winkler, Second Row: Katie Masterman , Kristi Sharpes, Sarah Maxon, Joyce Smith, Sineepatch Leepatanapah, Nancy Johnson, Lydia Barncord, Back Row: Aaron Otton, Alan Ringhausen, Greg Suolopoulos, Lori Coates, Rob Ringer, Larry Parker, Josh Lamb, David Sipp, Stacey Waggoner, Ethan Hayden.
ey 1
Second Row: Jeff Arndt, Kathy Grote, Natalie Left to Right: First Row: Todd Reimer, Craig Schneider, Jo Rieff, Joe Simones, Mark Sommerha user, , Tom Iverson, Steve Getz, Derek Hoven, Dave Ross, Jennifer Shryer, Carrie Schoflueze l, Dan Yun, Pat Schneier, Petrom, Back Row: Tim Zurowegle Perkins, Nathan W ade, Sam Arabi-Katbi, Kevin Hill, Jeff Torbit, Andy Bachle, Rich Piepho.
ey 2
Photo by: Steve Chu
Left to Right: First Row; Nicki Rogers, Joella Hubbard, Andre Taylor, Brenda Wieseler, Second Row: Raf Millangue, Steve Davis, Jullio Garcia, . Jessica Gorman, Lisa Cutler, Jennifer Marks, Theresa Hanks, Mia York, Sam Byrd, Third Row: Mike Marshall, Paul Baudendstel, Andy Bachle, E~m Wardojo, Wael Arabi-Katbi, Malcolm Hays, Chris Taylor, Omar Metwalli, Brain Edgar, Jay Jordan, Back Row: Jim Blase, David Jordan, Kevin Spmdler, Blu Englehom , Adam Webb, Jeremy White, Charles Myers.
Seville, Second Row: Charles Myers, Kendra Bowen, Back Left to Right: First Row: Katie Vollert, Scott Rakonic, Brian Himsted t, James . Row: Joe Simones , Jeff Schroed er, Vicki Wallis, Melissa Braud, Steve Johnson
~esi.teoee ~All
d \ eeoeiAtioo Photo by: Steve Chu
Eftink, Steve Lang, Second Row: Tina Steck, Katie Vollert, Left to Right: First Row: John Regan, Waylan Johnson , Tony Ingrassia, Sandy Dixon, Amy Jones, Third Row: Larry Parker, Dempse y Natalie Kendra Bowen, Jeff Schroed er, Barry Litchfield, Bridgett e Ganley, Eric Black, Zimmer man, Craig Wyzik, Jason Peters, Katie Michael rth, Rollins, Brenda Wiesele r, Chad Mathes, ian Keening, Back Row: John Whitwo Cooper, Charles Myers.
Q uA .t ~All d\ ss oe 1A t1 on
7h om As de ff er so o ~All oZ\ ssoeiAtioo
fJAobelleo1e Couoe1l
Jo te rf rA te ro 1t !J C ouoe1l
J, ife in the ~esilleoee ~Alls What makes the UMR Residence Halls more than just dorms? Hall Government. The Thomas Jefferson and Quadrangle complexes are governed by the Thomas Jefferson Hall Association (TJHA) and the Quadrangle Hall Association (QHA), respectively. Each of these bodies consists of an executive board, elected the previous semester by all the residents of the respective hall, along with the board of governors. Each house/floor elects one voting governor and lieutenant governor to be their representatives at the meetings. TJHA and QHA are responsible for improving the standard of living within their complexes. Some of their important roles this year have included Fall Fest, upgrading equipment in each hall's computer labs, purchasing items available for use by all the residents such as new sports equipment, games, videos, and magazine subscriptions. The Residence Hall Association (RHA) links together THJA and QHA and allocates money to them. RHA is composed of an executive board elected the previous year by RHA, members-at-large from the Quad and TJ, executive boards of QHA and TJHA, and several committee chairs. The Home Improvement and Retention Committee works closely with the Department of Residential Life to improve the standard of living within the halls, while the Student Awareness Committee addresses particular concerns of students and publishes a monthly newsletter. National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) consists of the top one percent of students living in the residence halls. Their goal is to recognize and promote leadership within the halls. New members are elected by NRHH after nominations by hall government leaders at the end of each semester. Each month, NRHH elects OTM's, 'of-the-months'. These are awards to honor outstanding contributions to the halls within each month, for example, student of the month, R.A. of the month, and executive board member of the month. Hall government was resposible for the majority of the social and
informational events within the residence halls this year. The fun began at the start of the year with Fall Fest, a collection of social and informational programs to make residents feel more at home the first few weeks of school. RHA's annual boat cruise was held at Lake of the Ozarks; the residents experienced quite an eventful bus ride on the way there. NRHH sponsored a leadership forum to heighten leadership abilities and spirit among the new hall leaders for the upcoming year. For Homecoming, residents enjoyed the Jump in the Hay with RHA, a combination barn dance, bonfire, and hayride. The semester was brought to a close with RHA's annlt.l.l semi-formal dance, Snowball. Over St.Pat's, RHA held a dance, Shamrocker, and a mocktails bar was set up in the TJ North Lounge. In April , RHA repeated last year's successful charity fundraiser, a twenty-four hour volleyball marathon. All proceeds were donated to the American Red Cross. RHA also sponsored an indoor soccer tournament for the halls. To close the semester, the Department of Residential Life held a banquet for hall government leaders and resident assistants. Many awards were presented including 'of-the-years' elected by RHA from NRHH's 'ofthe-months' . They were : Social Program--Club Cafe, Educational Program--the Missouri Extravaganza Conference, R.A.--Brends Wieseler, Executive Board Member--Barry Litchfield, and Student--Charles Myers and Natalie Dixon. By Natalie Dixon
thletie ~ousio9 Although residential halls, fraternities, sororities, and apartments are fun to live at, athletic houses are far better. The qualifications are strict; however, for living in such fine residencies. They are as follows : I) Residents must be in a varsity athletic sport. 2) Residents must be cool. 3) Residents must like to have fun. The swimmers' house is one of several athletic houses at UMR which meet these qualifications. The Swimmers' House, perhaps the most popular house on campus, offers many dances, games, and other miscellaneous activities. Swimmers' House members and associates include the following: Keith "Herb" Thompson, Bill "Bounty" Elmore, Randy "Rudolph" Jones, Wade Haggstrome,Jay Meyers, Rob "Saquatch" Hagen, Brad Cozad, Bill "Jr." Unzicker, Brandt Modlin, John "Capone" Mikrut, Peter "Sunshine" Baumstark, Eric "Little Ed" Midden, Dikan Rendic,Jeff "Slow" Winslow, David "Homey" Cadoff, Michael "Holme" Holm, Derek "Fiabio" Olander, Travis "Crevous" McGee, Brain "Ramsey" Rim my, Mark "Moanzo" Munoz, Mike "Zoggaroni" Zogg, Chris "Freshman" Upp, and Ed "Hoimen" Midden.
The Swimmer's live by many quotes路 "I .11 11 . If your cool, vist your nearest Swim~ t' w~ a work o~t m the end" "Deez Nuts" & "Go in hard and come out wet. er s ouse, you Will not be disappointed. But please, no girl fights.
Swimmer's House Prom
Swimmer's House Post-Parry
Swimmer's House Residents (Hosts)
The Runners' House offers a more alternative approach to activities. Some of the annual events they participate in include: Runners vs . Swimmers softball game, spades tournament, St. Pats day slammers, and evictions. Although the Runners' House resided in three different locations in the last three semesters, the newest house (permanent) is located behind Pizza Inn byTJ. So if you want to go crazy with Bob, be a Runne rs' House groupie. Runner's House members and associates include: Jon "Man in the Box" Andrews, Crazy Bob Etein, Semi-Crazy Craig, Chris Wildschuetz, Steve "catfish" Young, The Hos "Steve Hostettter",James "Go to Bell" Stanfield, Ryan Unterreinner, Rob VanDerWall, Brain "Collegeham/Chop" Collingham,Justin "Chester" Teiken , and last but least Kevin "Ballcheese" Schwajie. Runners' House Groupies include Shane Quimby, Roxanne, Jennifer, Serena, Amy, Bart, Coach, Cheryl, "Home Boy Courtney Mapp-Yeah Boy", Dustin Gibbons, Lewis n Clark, Jessica, and Dave Borrok et.al.
Runner's House members (L to R) Standing: Jon "Man in the Box", catfish, Chris, Ryan. On top of Station Wagon: James, College, Semi-Crazy, Crazy-Bob, Dustin, & Rob.
Runner's House Quotes: Ryan "Here Pouchie-Pouch ie" Bob"l'm hungry & O.K." Craig "76- 7 =? & Forget it, I don't care" "The Million-Mile Bed"
Rob & The Hos proudly present the Runner's House logo.
Jf lLJ[ยง t JRe larx Bart, Crazy-Bob, & College.
Pre-meet warm up
Jeff Balmer"Coach" John and Chop
The Swimmer s capped off a Monume ntal Year
Three Man
Where's the Beef?
I'm too sexy
Phowgraph by James Anderson
Photograph by Rod Aburto
JP>etJroll<euin Geo llog llยงtt ยง AAPG and C.L. Dake Society members (from left to right) : Shane Quimby, Dave Borrok, Jack Friesner, Lonny Boring, Michael Stewarr, David Nagel, Jason Gardner, Tim Keller, Peter Bachle, John Cash, Kevin Delinger, Lisa Webb, Frank Furman, Paula Shafer, Glen Adams, Anita Anderson, Dr. Robert Laudon
A 1nnt <elF [L<C <atlnt <C <e JF <atlnnt ii<C 搂 <O> <C [L <e tty Back Row: Ben Eldred, Byron Schaeffer, Dan Krueger, Bret Harles, Zubin Sumariwalla; Third Row: Sean Teitelbaum, Andy Rorhweil, Brian Gorman, Steve Keltner; Second Row: Mary Grimm, Ed Birdsell, Weiping Cai, Kevin Solofra, Justin Teiken, James Hemrick, Cathy Edwards, Joe Szabo; First Row: Paul Combs (Treasurer),
Julie Davenport (Secretary), Jason Canon (Vice-President), Joe Kassebaum (President)
Ph otograph by -r路1m Sransifer
AJnnueJr[uc<aunt ][ Jntยง t lL t1unt<e
A <eJr<O) Jnt<atlU[ t ~(c ยง <at Jnt<dl Aยง tJr
Jnt <O) Jllflt ~(c ยง
Photograph by James Anderson
Alnnt<elFlL<C<aunt ][ lntยง lt lt. ltlLJUt<e
Clhtelnnt~<e<at1l lEng~ne<eJLยง
Photograph by Steve C hu
A Jnnt <e Jrii <C <dl Jnt N lU( <Cll<e <dtJr ยง <O><C ii<e tty I
Back Row: Shawn Becquette (secretary), Mark Kelly, Brian Richardson, Keith Steinmetz (president), Phillip Menke!, Travis White, Rodney Pickard Front Row: Hatem Khouaja, Kirk Kriesel (treasurer) , Justin Hiller, Ashley Peifer, Emily Wicoff Not Pictured: Steve Altman, Tim Bauer, Mike Brackett, Joseph Caller,
Mather Cushman, Joe Dessan, Jason Dobson, Ken Erwin, Jeff Fugate, Mark Lansberry, Brandi Lear, Jaime McCoy, Jason McDaniel , Mace McLaughlin (vice-president), Sonya Oetting, Thomas Pazdera, Darren Ross, Bijaya Shrestha, Curtis Smith, Rebecca Steinman, Eric Stevenson, Lisa Stiles, JeffWinslow, Darryl Wrest
Alnrlt<elrti(c(aunt ยง(o)(c lL<etty (odf
ClLvH lEngtlne<eJLยง Back Row: R. Schaffer, C. Rutledge, G. Effland, M. Atkinson , Dr. Belarbi , C. Kloiber, D. Doerr, M. McCauley Sixth Row: S. Plocher, B. LeGrand , S. Rakonick, S. Jamboretz, J. Brauer, A. Adams, S. Schultz, J. Whitworth Fifth Row: T. Cuartes, D . Johnso n, S. Bachues, L. Lubicwski , T. Kuhne, S. Antle, L. Mooney, S. M ckee, D . Dreiswerd Fourth Row: C. Uphoff, A. Ludiker, J. Binder, C. Williams, B. Alfredson,
K. Stevens, Dr. Dare, Dr. LaBoube T hird Row: S. Henry, J. Crowe, G. Hines, J . Palmer, M. Voss Second Row: D. Goldak, D. Edgar, D . Lilly, K. Scott, Mr. Wilson First Row: D. Sm ith, T. Leischeidt, J . Bohler, D. Ellermann, R. Besancon, K. Derner, Dr. Sanders, Dean Bayless
Photograph bYJamc 5 Anderson
A§§ <O> <C lL <Clttt li. (0> Jnt
f JB> ll <dl <C Jk § tt1ur <dl <e Jnt t §
Photograph by James Anderso n
Photograp h by Jason Meriwether
Aยง lU[ M[
Photograph by Tim Sransifer
Back Row: Jim Cain, Michael Scott, Scott Volner, Jason Srarbuch, Darin Sanders, Jay Winkler, Alan Meredith, Brad Smull, Tom Alleman, Brian Thompson, Jonathan Helm, Dennis Cox; Third Row: Mary Grace Cleaver, John Dillingham, Greg Bundy, Irwin Wardojo, Jim Parry, Curtis Miller, Kirk Meinershagen, Jeromy Elder; Second Row: Laurie Croslin, Joshua Gary, Kate Wilkerson, Robi n Litle,
Mark Junkins, Jennifer Frazer, Jennifer Bryan, Koby Smith, Brent Fullerton;
First Row: Michele Keith, Sarah Young, Brent Massey, Matt Clark, Dan McGinnis, Amy Crenshaw, Tricia Miller
Photograph submitted by Blue Key
Chi lEpยงK.llon Chi Epsilon members: Betsy Ahillen, Kevin Alexander, Rajiv Ali, Sean Antle (president), Ron Bernet, Ken Berry, Jeffrey Bohler, Tammy Bohnsack, Adam Brown, Darryl Cain, Sheila Connors, James Culp, Joshua Davis, Jim Eckrich, David Edgar, Greg Effland (treasurer), Sreven Frank, David Glastetter, Dave Goldak, Brett Goodman, Mary Hall, Michael Hall, Mike Harper, John Hester, Bruce Holcomb, Troy Hughes, Susan
Jamboretz, Mark Joersz, Donna Joaquin, E. Chris Kuntz, Larry Lacy, Chris Lambert, Eric Landwehr, James Langan, Martin Liles, David Lilly, Glenn Lloyd, David McEuen, Scott McKee, Farida Mehta (secretary), Krista Moulin, Jennifer Mueller, Jeff Neemann, Erika Nelson, Matr Nichols, Todd Oppeau, Charles Patterson, Samantha Patterson, Scott Rakonick, Jason Richards, Jerome Riemann (pledge marshall), Alan
Ringhausen, Gerhardt Rodenberger, Courtney Sandford (vice-president), John Schroeder, Steve Schultz, MingYang Shan, Jennifer Skelton, Sukit Suthiwong, Cheryl Thomas, Peter Tian, Rui Wan, John Whirworrh, Christy Worrell, Jing-Shyang Yang, Sarah Young, Karen Yoemans (editor), Jennifer Zung
Photograph submitted by C hi Epsilo n
Photograph submitted by the C hinese Student Assoc iation
Photograph by Steve C hu
Photograph by Rod Aburto
!Back Row: Steve Lair, Eric ~urkhalter, Eric Hibdon, John ~heridan; Front Row: Naney Neill, Kelly Sink, Elaina Hurst, Jessica Thomas, [Michelle Shafer, Angela Coley
Photograph by Rod Aburto
Photograph by James Anderson
Back Row: Natalie Dixon, Ky m Gross, Tanya Schulz, Joanne Rieff, Tanya Karnowski, Casey Gideon Second Row: Lisa Curler, Christy Land, Amy Rogers, Jodi Courtin , Jesse Barnett Front Row: Marites De Los Santos, Jami Frenkel, Linda Starbuck, Kasey Keeling
Photograph by James Anderson
lE lt<at
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Photograph submitted by Eta Kappa Nu
]D)<elPÂŤ3urtJnnt <e Jnt t~<n ll 0
Photograph by James Anderso n
Photograph by James Anderson
][ntt<eJroollllegi<attt<e lKnighttยง Back Row: Tim Viviano, Chris Hudson, Kerry Knott, Craig Findley, Dave Bodeen, G reg Petit, Brett Savnier, Eric Cloud Third Row: Bill Greene, Todd Fetter, David Tattershall, Nicole Winters, Chris Forsman, Jeffrey Riepe, Jon Stratman, Michael Meade Second Row: Ken Quirin, Dwayne Doshier, Craig Puder, Sonya Oetting, Andrea Sebaugh, Mike Vincent, Karen Klemme, Mary Carver Front Row: Mike Crites, David Polston, Bob Bohnak, Matt Johnsen, Chad Farrennburg, Debbie Black, Vanessa Paul, JessicaThomas, Brandi Smith
Photograph by Steve Chu
][ Jrltlt(eJFJrll<<ll t ll<O) Jrll< Cltll ยง ltlU[ < dl (e Jrltlt
<C lllU[ lb)
International Studen t C lub O ffice rs: J es us Rodrigu ez (vice-presiden r)' G iuli ana Ze lad a (secretary) , O zgur Polar (president), Dr. Lance Haynes (faculty advisor)
Phorograph by Tim Sransifer
][ Jnttt(e Jl\V<aUFยง ii tty
(C]hur lLยง tt lL<ClUnt
lFellllo\WยงhlLp Back Row: Jason Starbuck, Steve Russell, Rob Hepler, Jenna Lin, Austin Lin Front Row: Thomas Mathai, Sheena Mathai, Kathy Whyte, Kevin Johnson, Travis Barnard, Wilma Erable, Gene Grable
19 1
][ JnlltJr;ammunr<at1l M[;aum<at g e JLยง
Aยง ยง(O><C Lclllt lL(0> Jnt
Photograph by T.J. Houchin
JfuggHng Cllub Left to Right: Travis Collins, Wade Schott, Phil Allen, Steve Denney, Tom McMahon , Jeff Burnett, Jeff Hansen, Ken Brockman, Jeremy Harris
Photograph by James Anderson
Phorograph by James Anderson
Kappa Kappa Psi is the National Honorary Band Service Fraternity. We serve the band and help Dr. Stoner with many jobs. As always, we provide sodas for band members at home football games, place yard lines on the practice field, and rake leaves for the community. Along with
our sister organization, Tau Beta Sigma, we have organized the music library, published the band newsletter called the Horning In, and sponsored a band banquet at the end of each semester. This year was extra special for us, because we had the honor of hosting the Midwest District Convention.
Back Row: Mau Benz Sixth Row: Steven Abraham, Jake Brann, Tri Gaffney, Darrin Koepke Fifth Row: Thomas Rogge, Rob Schiffer, Thomas Alleman, Tory Nelson, Scott Miller Founh Row: Carl Herbold, Geoffrey Willmoth, Bryan Gregory, Jeff Foster, Theresa Pierce, Bryan Kirchoff, Suzanne Sherman, Ingrid Kaufman Third Row: Bryan Penning, Libby Perkins, Mark Eberle, Jeff
路 h ' Bob Recktenwald, Scott SmJt . Babcock SecondRow: Brent Hedding, Craig Blair, Jason Cassibry, JeffDingrando, Skip Inskip Front Row: David Johnson .ll Dave Not Pictured: Susan MI s, . McCown, Steve Russell, Rob Fugma
Photograph by Rod Aburro
Back Row: Kirk Palicki, William Greene (vice-president), Doug Sept (president), Chris Robinson, Andy Bachle (treasurer), Watson Fulks, Mark Allen, J.R. Grohs Front Row: Chris Lewis (social chairman) , Darrin Halter, Kate Gertken (secretary), Kyle Koederirz, Matt Henry, Scott Shepard
Back Row: Bret Hades, Andy Ro thweil, Jeff Foster, Sean Teitelbaum Third Row: Jason Canon, James Hemrick, Ed Birdsell, Ben Eldred Second Row: Paul Combs, Steve Keltner, Justin Teiken, Joe Szabo,Julie D ave nport, Cathy Edwards, Brian G orman, Kevin Solofra Front Row: Dr. Reidmeyer (advisor), Weiping Cai, Byron Schaeffer, Mary Grimm (sec retary), Dan Krueger (pres ident) , Zubin Sumariwalla (treasurer), Joe Kassebaum
T Sransifer Photograph by ""
][( M[ N JR.
i J ' \
Left to Right: Milan Shah, John Powers, Chuck Renner, Laura Sutton, Lisa Harrison, Joseph Johnson, Eric Johnson, Greg Marino, Tami Salisbury, Ken Weissmann, Chris Bisset, Jason Bucheck, Woody Delp, Murat Ozbayoglu, Melissa Mesko, Mike Vincent, Tony Shaw, Ben Harvey, Jason Kinnear, Ericka Sheidt, Mark Simecek, Archie Gallup, Angie Haines, Tom Erb, Tracy Camp, Jeff Bee, Chuck Kincy, Joe Cella, Pat
Berryhill, Jennifer Zung, Greg Poettgen, Brian McCurren, Dave McCowen, Doug Sept, Alan Flagg, Sheela Yandav-Olney, Chris Morlier, Mike Pauli, Greg Olney, Mike Thompson, Matt Lee, Alletta Curtis, Tobin Roberts, Geoffry Willmoth, James Starkweather, Rory Harrington, Rhonda Delp, Bruce Heimlich, Jon King, JeffLeith, Cindy Webb
r Photograph by James Anderson
Photograph by Tim Sransifer
Lambda Sigma Pi members: Che ra
Abr ams , Ang ie Bae r, Kim Chr isti ens en, Jod ie Cou rtin , TJ Davenport, Jennifer Dow ns, Les lie Frost, Tricia Hud son , Kristen Kin g, Royna Koo pma n, Mit zi Mc inty re, Missy McMurray, Tara Muehe, Nue lle Puckett, Christi Rives, Am y Ruhland , Tricia Rum a, Daw n Sha rp, Sha wn Thomas, Kim Tho ne, Dee Ven ker, Tar a Cox , Cas ey Gid eon , Tra cy Kop etzk i, Chr isty Lan d, Car oly n
Min ski , Kar en M urp hYâ&#x20AC;˘ Tricia na Rud loff, Lin da Star buc k D:an) Wo hlge mut h, Meg BradY (advtsor
Pho rograph by James Anderson
Mi ch ae l Hi gg in s Back Row: (opportunities chair), Dirk Frisbee, Li sa Graham, Lonny Boring (publicity chair), Andy LeCren (vicepresident), Terry Hall Front Row: Karlynn Herman (Stu Co representative), Sarah Ric h ard s (secretary/treas urer), Pam Quigley, Margie Maclin (president /program chair), Therese M aus Not Pictured: Sue G ivens, Ronda Gulley, C hris Johnston, Lisa Lucas, Sharo n Snodgrass
]LlU[ lt Jht (e JF tal Jrll ยง ltlU[ <dl (e Jrlllt The Lutheran Student Center is a community of Christians, primarily of the Lutheran faith. Our activities, which include: bible studies, worship, singing, prayer, retreats, float trips, game nights , intramur al sports, camping and spontaneous road trips are open to all UMR students.
Back Row: John Petrikovitsch, Steven Thiele, Man Berndt, Troy Hartwig, Ron Six, Brandon Tripp Second Row: Mark Mcintyre, Nicki Rogers, Sean Fears, Bob Baer Front Row: James Gusewelle, Kathy Grote, Gary H aase
d t Center Phorograph submi tted by the Lutheran Stu en
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Back Row: Joe Hornburg (sports editor), Jim Ockers (copy manager) Second Row: Bryan Fortelka, Christopher Goo (business manager), Laura Wilman, Andy Dooley (assistant news editor) Front Row: Scott Davidson (advertising director), Ian Rosdilsky (photographer), Jeff Lacavich (editorin-chief), Jody Luksich (features ed~tor), Francine Belaska (managing editor), Jason Hansen (photo editor)
Photograph by Tim Stansifer
Photograph by James Anderson
M(1LJ[§ 1l ~Jont
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Back Row: Azzedine Missoum , Yahya
Khawaja, Waj id Kha n , Muh ama d Aulia, Md Ishf aqur Raza, Ali AlQah tani , Sha hrul Azmi Yus of, Moh ama d Ram adhi an, Roz ima n Abd. Rahman , Abdul Jaleel Afridi, Adel Fadhil, Bisma Husen, Maa mou n Alhalabi, Moh d Zaidi Jaafar, Ismael Saeed, Zeyad Abanmay, Md. Shari! Suk i , Sha haru din Sale h, Kha lid Khiran, Moh ama d Nasir Ibra him , Abd ul Hali m Arif f, Moh d Sha h
~<atlt ~ <O> Jnt
Han if, Tha yer Jaw har, Yehia AlAmr ani d Fron t Row: Azm i Zain al A na~, Naz arud in Che Sall eh, Adtk Soe dars ono , AI1me d Mustafa, Moh amed AI-Tholaya, Reza Mohd~, Ros lan Ahm ad, Ahm ad Farant, Nan ang Burh an, Iwan Sudrajat
Photograph by James Anderson
Photograph by Rod Aburto
Back Row:Mark Wilpor, Ross Wilpor Fourth Row: Kim Petrie, Sean Fears, Ee SungKoo Third Row: Robert Moore, Jim Arrowsmith, Omar Metwalli, Cameron Schmitt, Jeff Burnett Second Row: Eric Johnson, Chris Fields, Erick Lindsey, Sam Groves, Peter Bockholdt Front Row: Mike Belrose, 'Wally' Scott, Victoria Cook, Tim Spellman, Martin Kayadarma, John Jones
Photograph by Anthony Saln as
R.u gby Cll1u[b
UMR runs to tackle a member of the opposite team. UMR scrummies listen to the play calls during a line-out.
. h Ru All photograph s submitted by t e gby Club
1 1
UM R runs in supporr of the ball after being kicked forward. UMR second-row, Pat Winkelman, jumps for the ball during a line-out against Ft. Leonard Wood RFC.
PhotOgraph submitted by Sigma Ga mma Epsilon
Back Row: Michael Shoemaker Sixth Row: Brad Gard ner, Tom Bumgardner Fifth Row: Azmi Zainal Adnan Fourth Row: Lance Schuette, Redza Hanif, Muhamad Aidi, Gary Hazen Third Row: Roziman, Leigh Ann Snethen Second Row: Ray Bailey, Steve Jett, Kara Waggoner, Laura C lemenson , Nasse r Ismail, Mohamad Ib rahim Nasir, Elizabeth Front Row: Irene Sanchez, Ken Ewers, Angela Passa ni se, Mindy
Gardner, Dr. Jeff Caw!field Not Pictured: Mike Stewart, David Nagel
Photograph by James Anderson
Back Row: Lisa Graham, Pat Davis, Kriste Crocker, Deanna Tolly, Sarah Richards Front Row: James Parson, Lisa Mucas, Therese Maus, Andy LeCren
ยง o c [_e 1ty o if
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lEngine<eJLยง Back Row: Aaron Boyll, Mike McClellan, Drake Clarke, Steve Post, Matt King, Robert Turner, Rick Rowland, Derek Young, Patrick Smythe, John Meyer, Susan Halpin, Mark Vogt, Eric Lappe First Row: Tara Hilse, Sherri O'Neill, Kristi Heinemann, Fred Niemeier, Steve Lane, Steve Renick, Sandy Anderson, Melanie Robertson
Photograph by Rod Aburro
Back Row: Gerald 'Jamie' Haanrz, Chris 'Lizard' Huett, Doug Wright Second Row: Brandon Risner, Mike Larson, Russell Young, Zvonko Nikolic, Eric Achelpohl, Sterling Wain Scott, Terry Croxford, Tom Hasenstab, Chris Blair, Chris Upp, Ed Mitchell Front Row: Daphne Lien Place, Pam Walk
Photograph by Rod Aburto
2 11
Photograph by Tim Sransifer
lEngtlneeJm Back Row: Hamizan Maksari, Mohamad Fuad Ashar, Yehia AlAmrani, Khalid Khiran, Mark Layne, Rich Davis (president), Rob Tyre (treasurer), Steve Miller, Morris Davis, Rosalie Sidek, Tana Sripongtanakul, Izaini Bin Said Shoib, Mohd Zaidi Jafar Second Row: Azlan Rahaman Bin Yaakop, Hishamuddin Abu Bakar,
Ismail Mohd Saaid, Shannon Knudson (secretary), Azzah Abdullah, Piper Koehler, Norelis Bustaman, Nasser Ismail, Roziman Abd Rahman, Dr. Shari Dunn-Norma n (advisor), Shah Reza Front Row: Mohamad Nasir Ibrahim, Saharun Nizam Saharan, Azmi Bin Zainaladnan , Kamarul Ariffin Buang, Jon Gibbs, Mohamed
Ali AI-Tholaya, Jeff Shackleford (vicepresident), Bob Long, Affendy Bin
Photograph by Anthony Sal nas
Back Row: Mary Grace Cleaver, Laura Faletto, Stacy McNeil, Stacy Garfield, Carrie Buder, Kim Finke, Holly Hammontree, Melissa Lane, Karen Klemme, Leah Hofmann Front Row: Bridgette Ganley, Nona Young, Laura Clemenson, Amy Sauer, Rebecca Dunkman, Sema Alptek.in, Lynn Morak
The Society of Women Engineers is a national organization open to all students in engineering or engineering related fields. Our goals as a student chapter of SWE are to inform, assist, support, and network with the
students on campus and with the community. Throughout the year, SWE is involved in various activities which includes Evening with Industry, Women's Issues Colloquium, Students Awards Banquet, a high school conference, a
Christmas party for Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Girl Scoms "2+2", Science Fair Awards, and Engineering Day at the Forum.
2 13
Photograph by T im Sransifer
ยงpe1lunkeJLยง C1lub The Missouri School of Mines Spelunkers Club is the oldest organized cave exploring grotto in the state of Missouri. The MSM Spelunkers Club has been promoting caving since the mid-1930's, and continues to be devoted to locating, exploring, surveying/mapping, and preserving cave and karst
systems. Any interest from just enjoying a cave for esthetics to cave rescue training are~ offered to Club members. ; The purposes of the Club i:s to (1) bring people together who have an interest in the exploration, geology, surveying, photography, and preservation of caves and cave life; (2)
promote and teach safe caving techniques; and (3) inform people, individuals and groups, of cave conservation and preservation. To show our commitment to the envuonment, the MSM Spelunkers Club removes trash from many local area caves and has also adopted a section of!-
44 for litter removal. The MSM Spelunker Club was one of the founding grottos of the Missouri Speleological Survey (MSS), and continues to support their work. Missouri has over 5200 recorded caves, many of which are noted for their historical importance, scenic attractions,
MSM Spelunkers getting ready ro go caving in Meramec Stare Park. From left ro right: Kimberly Stewart, Rob Tayloe, Mike Scammaca, Anthon y Hofeling, and Barr Porrs. MSM Spelunkers after crawling in a lirrle mud ar Meramec Stare Park. From left ro righ t: Mike Scammaca, Anthony H ofe lin g, Bill Lyn n , Kimberly Srewarr, and Barr Porrs.
Photographs submitted by the Spelunkers Club
recreational and scientific values, and as critical habitat for a variety of threatened and endangered species. The MSM Spelunkers Club tries to locate and protect all of the caves in our region. Other member grottoes of the MSS across the state have the same ambition. In Addition to the MSS, there
are organized caver'', and multi-day Memberships caving national a is organization, the National currently eight dollars per year caving trips, many to out-ofSpeleological Society (NSS), or five dollars per semester. No state areas. Our meetings are is every Wednesday at six o'clock experience that serves cavers across the previous country, and even other necessary; just a desire to cave, pm in room 204 of McNutt nations. And lastly, there is and learn more about them. Hall. The club acan be reached caving-related Some of the benefits of being a through campus mail in care of much information that can be member are use of Club the Department of Geology/ accessed via computer mailing equipment, access to caves that Geophysics. are not open to the "nonlists and BBS's.
Photograph by James Anderson
ยง tt<atJriAl<e<e t ][ Jnt tt<eJrJnt<at t ti(o) Jnt<atll
Photograph by Anthony Salinas
Photograph submitted by the Student Fellowship of Church of Christ
ttu den It lF d lllo~v ยงlht fLp odf Clhumnch oif ClhurfLยงIt ((lKofLnonil<at))
Back Row: David Brown, Jesus Rodriguez Second Row: Nathan Decker, Eric Allison, C hristina Serban, Cathleen Smith, Tracy Downs, J.T. Cochran Front Row: Shannon Parker, Mandy Sutterfield, Terry Hobbs, Carrie May, Doug Kraus, Michael Bruce
ยง ltlLJ[ <dl (e Jrlt t <C <0) lLJUrlt <C llll The Student Council voice on campus currently consists of approximately 115 representatives. StuCo Officers during the '93-'94 school year Steltenpohl, Ben were President; Andrew Sears, VP of External Affairs; Clay Cooper, VP of Internal Affairs; Eric Hirsch, Treasurer; and Stacy
Doing, Recorder. Student Committee, Shawn ErdmanCouncil has seven standing University Relations, Josh Services committees to achieve their Grove-Student goals and keep the student voice Committee, Brandi Lear-Public Chairs of those Relations Committee, And alive. committees are Neil Bacoski- Scott Rutenkroger-Campus Community Relations, Keith Organizations Committee. B 1a c k f o r d - C a m p u s Inprovements Committee, Matt Benz-External Funding
Photograph by Rod Aburto
2 18
ยงl\'v1[ยง1rA i
Back Row: Jim Wagner, Tena Glover, Kim Borchacyre, Tricia Beard, Dr. Stephen Douglas Front Row: Dr. Evalee Lasater, Tracey Davis, Ke:ren Goetz, Kelly McGarit y
Photogra ph by James Anderso n
2 19
Photograph by Tim Stansifer
In 1993-94 the Student Union Board brought a wide variety of activities and programs to UMR. National Shakespeare Touring Company, Second City, College Bowl, Gin Blossoms Concert, Tropical Paradise Homecoming, April Fools Comedy Series, Pumpkin Carving Contest, Virtual
Reality, Fun Flicks, Indoor Soccer Tournament, Easter Egg Hunt, blockbuster movies like Malice and Sliver and more. Student Union Board consists of concerts, performing arts, leisure and recreation, films and video, technical services, variety entertainment and special events committees.
Back Row: Jennifer Zung, Jenny Keene, Jeni Skelton, Susan Goodman, Tina Faughn Second Row: Sara Tenney, Jim Munsey, JeffWright, Mike Matthews, Front Row: Anthony Antonacci, Steve Booten, Ron Rhoades
Photograph byT.J. Houchin
22 1
]B) <e lt Klt ]p> ll
Ph otograph by James Anderson
Back Row: Sandra Nelson, Amy Keaton, LP Cook, Jason Kindle, Derick Skouby, Tiffany Christensen Front Row: Amy Katschman, Valerie Lindner, Amy Kwiecinski, Nancy Lambertson, Karen Schoor, Jessica Gorman, Beky Hoepker
Tau Beta Sigma is a water and cups for the band hope to continue it in the national band sorority. Our members. After all Jazz, future. Each year we also design purpose is to serve the various Symphonic , and Marching and sell Marching and Jazz bands here at UMR. band concerts we organize band T-shirts as one of our Throughou t the year we work receptions for the audience and many fundraisin g projects. directly with the band director musicians at Castleman Hall. Our biggest project by far this to keep things running In an effort to increase interest year was hosting the Tau Beta smoothly and we help him out in music, we have been sending Sigma-Ka ppa Kappa Psi whenever possible. During small ensembles to play at local Midwest District Convention . marching band camp and home schools. This is the first year Although it was a great deal of football games, we provide that we have done this, bur we work, it was a huge success.
Photograph by James Anderson
Photograph by James Anderson
Back Row: Brian O'Neill, Jason Meyers, Christopher Goo, Pat Johnson, Tom Carpenter, Eric Husman, Jason Hudson, Scott Burkemper, Dave Bushy, Dan Blevins, Eli Price Second Row: Chris Scheiblhofer, Todd Oppeau, Shawn Craig, John Lehmbeck, John Stork, Darren Walters, Chris Reiter, Bryan Schreller, Ryan Barr, Joe Hornburg, Greg Morrow, Ben Jones, Tony Fussner,
Clayton Hines , Matt Leap, Scott Stewart, JeffLacavich, Tim Faenger Front Row: Barclay, Nothaus, Brian Fortelka, Steve Renick, Bill Avis, Sean Peters, Scott Davidson, Pat Kuhne, Bill Wacker, Mark Murphy, Matt Foresman , Steve Skikas, Doug Davison
Photograph submitted by Toastmasters
Back Row: Lynn Neal, Fred Meyer,
James David, Ed Stephens Front Row: Chris Ottsen, Jack Glad bach, Jeff Quarles, Greg Bradley, Scott Saeger
Photograph by Sceve Chu
Left to Right: Nookaiah Kolluru, Dirk Heydtmann, Steve Denney, Reuben Wetzel, Julie Cook, Eric Heien, Katherine Kersten
Photograph by James Anderson
Phorograph by T.J. Houchin
\\V<attt <e Jr JP> <o> ll <o> The UMR Miners staned off the fall season by hosting our old rivals Vanderbih and SIU-C. The resuh was yet another sweep of the competition as UMR took two games from Vanderbilt and another from SIU. UMR's Ed Midden and Paul Baudendi stel proved to be a formidable force for the visiting Salukis as UMR dealt them a 14-0 shut-out. UMR's first road trip was played at the Salukis den . SIU-C hadn't forgotten the shut-out and was
looking for blood. UMR had an easy road to the championship as Miami of Ohio and Vanderbilt proved to be little challenge. UMR's success in these games was due to the stellar play of Michigan great Ryan 'The Ghost' Hahn and Doug 'The Fossil' Cordier. SIU was ready for the championship game and came out firing. However, UMR took over in the second half due to Brian 'Povarani' Schrameyer. Kurt Steinmann added a hat trick to seal the Salukis fate . UMR ended their season at
(c ll1u[lb)
the Jayhawk' spool. The competition proved to be easy as theMiners swept the tournament in three games. Keith 'The Bobber' Thompson came alive in the tournament adding his share of goals. The overall record was 100. The team would like to thank Paul for all his work in his four years with the team and we would also like to thank all the fans that supported us through another successful season.
Back Row: Mark Munoz, Keith Pimmel , Keith Thompson, Alex Kombokis, Ed Midden , and Travis McGee Front Row: Ryan Hahn, Kurt Steinmann, Paul Baudendistel, Doug Cordier Eric Midden, and Brian Schrameyer
Photograph by Tim Sransifer
Rahayu E. Abdul Rahman Economics Zairal A. Abdul Rajak Petroleum Engineering Brian P. Alfredson Civil Engineering Elizabeth J. Allen English
James H. Allen III Civil Engineering Philip H. Allen Mechanical Engineering Catherine A. Alonso Psychology Ali D. Al Qahtani Geology/Geophysics
Nimesh A. Amin Electrical Engineering Danielle L. Anderson Mechanical Engineering James A. Anderson Physics Waell. Arabi-Katbi Mechanical Engineering
Gordon G. Arbesman Computer Science Richard C. Ashabranner Mechanical Engineering Mohd Fuad B. Ashat Penoleum Engineering Michael R. Atkinson Civil Engineering
Shelly A. Backues Civil Engineering Angela L. Baer Engineering Management Theodore R. Baer Computer Science Marcus J. Bahr Chemical Engineering
Steven B. Barnett Mechanical Engineering Faith D. Bass-Glenn Physchology/Hisrory Paul L. Baudendistel Electrical Engineering Kenneth A. Baxter Mechanical Engineering
Patricia I. Beaird Elementary Education Francine M. Belaska Mechanical Engineering Shawn E. Bequette Nuclear Engineering Kyle L. Bergman Computer Science
Randall A. Berry Electrical Engineering Eric P. Bertram Mechanical Engineering Laura A. Best English Robert R. Best, III Psychology
Kevin K. Beutelmann Mechanical Engineering Jennifer J. Bischel Computer Science Thomas J. Black IV Computer Science Daniel J. Blevins Civil Engineering
Brian D. Bode Management Systems Jeffrey A. Bohler Civil Engineering Tammy M. Bohnsack Civil Engineering John W Borgerding Mechanical Engineering
Aaron K. Boyll Metallurgical Engineering James R. Brauer Civil Engineering Roger L. Broman, Jr. Metallurgical Engineering Russell H. Brooks Geological Engineering
Lynette K. Brunner Engineering Management Steven L. Buchholz Mechanical Engineering Andrea J. Budnik Engineering Management Vej Bulsuk Engineering Management
Seth D. Burgett Mechanical Engineering Nanang Burhan Metallurgical Engineering JeffreyS. Burner Engineering Management Ryan L. Buschjost Chemical Engineering
Catherine Carlisle Metallurgical Engineering Amy E. Carroll Chemical Engineering John W Cash Geology Jack D. Catron Mechanical Engineering
Jeannette M. Chalfant Engineering Management Melissa A. Chittenden Mechanical Engineering Paras Chungwatana Engineering Management Kit L. Clark Civil Engineering
Michael D. Clonts Mechanical Engineering Larry E. Cook Mechanical Engineering Omekia E. Copeland Electrical Engineering Joyce A. Crawford Electrical Engineering
Jennifer L. Crede Metallurgical Engineering Terry E. Croxford Mining Engineering Patricia E. Cuartas-Villegas Civil Engineering Alfred J. Cureau, Jr. Mechanical Engineering
Thomas L. Dammerich Mechanical Engineering Michael T. Danz Electrical Engineering Kimberly A. Daschke Life Science Dominic G. Dasta Electrical Engineering
James R. David Geophysics Shanna L. Davis Life Science Michael J . de Stefano Electrical Engineering Thomas M. D egonia, Jr. History
Stephen K. D enney Computer Science John R. Dillingham Ceramic Engineering Jenny L. Dillon English Nicholas T. DiMercurio Electrical Engineering
Bruce G . Dionne Geological Engineering Stanley A. Doan Mechanical Engineering Paul J. Dobson Nuclear Engineering Laura L. Donley Chemical Engineering
John R. Dorn Mechanical Engineering Beth B. Dorrance Electrical Engineering Michael E. Drake Electrical Engineering Daron W. Dryer Mechanical Engineering
Angela K. Dufner Mechanical Engineering Willie DuMaine Computer Science Chad A. Dunnegan Chemical Engineering Erica D. Dunning Engineering Management
Chris D. Duong Electrical Engineering Khang V. Duong Biochemistry B. Scott Dye Metallurgical Engineering Mike A. Easley Chemical Engineering
David B. Edgar Electrical Engineering Gregory E. Effland Civil Engineering David A. Ellermann C ivil Engineering Michael R. Elliott Electrical Engineering
Lori S. Emmons Chemical Engineering Farrell D. Epperson Mechanical Engineering Thomas J. Erb Elecrrical Engineering Michelle D . Eslinger Philosophy
Timothy S. Evenson Chemisrry Elizabeth C. Everett Aerospace Engineering Christina E. Everritt Life Science David G. Everson Geological Engineering
Tina M. Faughn Life Science Brett J. Felton Engineering Management JoMarie M. Flahire Mechanical Engineering Bradley C. Flauaus Chemical Engineering
Melinda S. Flemming Computer Science Christopher D. Flint Chemical Engineering Chris E. Francis Geological Engineering Richard B. Frankenberge r Electrical Engineering
Daniel J. Friedman Mechanical Engineering Dirk J. Frisbee English Leslie N. Frost Chemical Engineering Robert L. Fugate Electrical Engineering
Robert C. Fugina Electrical Engineering Brent A. Fullerton Engineering Management/ Economics Archibald M. Gallup Civil Engineering Bradley S. Gardner Geological Engineering
Matthew C. Gasswint Mechanical Engineering Jon M. Gibbs Petroleum Engineering Denis P. Gladbach Mechanical Engineering Karen S. Goetz Applied Mathematics
MarkS. Goldsmith Biochemical Engineering Eric J. Gorman Geology Heather R. Governick Geological Engineering Michael D. Grabber Mechanical Engineering
Lisa D. Graham Psychology Kevin D. Grant Computer Science John D. Grater Electrical Engineering Kimberly E. Gross Engineering Management
Rebecca F. Grunbaum Civil Engineering Tania Guha Computer Science Michael M. Hall Civil Engineering Susan A. Halpin Metallurgical Engineering
David M. Hamilton Engineering Management David C. Hamlin Mining Engineering Pleamon F. Hamlin Civil Engineering Mohd Shah Redza Hanif Petroleum Engineering
Douglas S. Hanneken Mechanical Engineering Amy M. Hansen Metallurgical Engineering John C. Harderoad Mechanical Engineering Thomas J. Hasenstab Mining Engineering
Frederick A. Hausch Mechanical Engineering Douglas E. Heckel Geological Engineering Kristi A. Heinemann Metallurgical Engineering Sean C. Henry Civil Engineering
Robert L. Hepler Aerospace Engineering Brian M. Himstedt Mechanical Engineering Steve D. Hodges Mechanical Engineering Raita D . Hoech Chemical Engineering
Brian E. Holthaus Mechanical Engineering Douglas A. Hopper Mechanical Engineering James M. Horak Mechanical Engineering D arrin A. Hotop Mechanical Engineering
Steven B. Howard Mechanical Engineering David L. Howell Electrical Engineering Gary B. Hubbard Mining Engineering Particia L. Hudson Mechanical Engineering
Christopher S. Huett Mining Engineering Michael K. Humphrey Mechanical Engineering Stephen T. Hunnius Chemical Engineering Brian A. Hunt Mechanical Engineering
Sheri M. Huther Aerospace Engineering Gokhan Inane Engineering Management Gabrielle M. lnce Geological Engineering Manuel A. Irizarry-Robles Life Science
Anuar S. Ismail Mechanical Engineering Mohd N. Ismail Petroleum Engineering Robert G. lves Metallurgical Engineering Connie M. Jansen Engineering Management
Alex E. Jernigan Electrical Engineering David P. Johnson Civil Engineering Steven D. Johnson Electrical Engineering Kelly L. Jones Chemical Engineering
Sandra E. Junge Mechanical Engineering Kelly L. Kalmer Electrical Engineering Frank C. Karfs Chemical Engineering Troci M. Keen Ceramic Engineering
Stephanie L. Kelemetc Electrical Engineering Todd N. Kelsheimer Mechanical Engineering Fauzul K. Khan Electrical Engineering Keng H. Khong Mechanical Engineering
Mark Kilgore Civil Engineering William W Kipp Geological Engineering Brian P. Klein Mechanical Engineering Christopher A. Kloiber Civil Engineering
Rachquel C. Kluz Engineering Management Ronald G. Kochanowicz Electrical Engineering Lawton C. Komo Electrical Engineering Steven M. Kraemer Electrical Engineering
Kerri M. Kraft Mechanical Engineering Scott D . Kramer Mechanical Engineering DouglasS. Krause Metallurgical Engineering Melissa A. Kuenzel Chemical Engineering
Jeffrey D. Kullmann Engineering Management Christopher R. Kunz Electrical Engineering Larry A. Lacy Civil Engineering Stephen M. Lane Metallurgical Engineering
Sandra J. Langendoerfer Mining Engineering Gregory D. Langjahr Electrical Engineering Eric L. Lappe Metallurgical Engineering Ross A. Laurent Metallurgical Engineering
Aaron D. Laws Aerospace Engineering Anthony X. Le Electrical Engineering Laura E. Ledgerwood Mechanical Engineering Brian L. LeGrand Civil Engineering
Michael J. Lehmann Computer Science Lisa M. Lemongelli Ceramic Engineering Allison C. Leonard Psychology Kurt W. Leucht Electrical Engineering
Martin W. Liles C ivil Engineering D enise M. Ling Electrical Engineering Charles E. Lipoma Mechanical Engineering Mary A. Litherland C ivil Engineering
Robyn G. Litle Chemical Engineering Philip D. Littlefield Chemical Engineering Matthew S. Long Electrical Engineering Robert E. Lowe Mechanical Engineering
Lisa M. Lucas English Karenda D. Lutz Chemical Engineering William R. Lynn Mechanical Engineering Margorie J. Maclin English
Brian A. Maier Chemical Engineering Thaddeus M. Mandry, Jr. Mechanical Engineering Tammy F. Marler Applied Mathematics Rakiyah Y. Mason Mechaincal Engineering
Douglas W Mathes Mechanical Engineering Stacy L. Mathes Civil Engineering Christian A. Matt Electrical Engineering Shonie C. Maxwell Computer Science
Patrick B. Mayabb Engineering Management Paul A. McCormick Geological Engineering Kevin A. Mclwaine Geological Engineering Douglas M. McLaud Computer Science
Erin B. McLaud Ceramic Engineering Jay H. McMackin Mechanical Engineering Kirk D. McMenamin Ceramic Engineering Farida Mehta Civil Engineering
Tilmann V. Melick Mechanical Engineering Todd B. Messenger Civil Engineering Dennis M. Meyer Electrical Engineering Richard T. Meyer Mechanical Engineering
Rafael K. Millangue Chemical Engineering Darin B. Miller Chemical Engineering Patricia K. Miller Mechanical Engineering Mohamad-Nasir MohamadIbrahim Petroleum Engineering
Shahrul-Azmi Mohd-Yusof Electrical Engineering Lisa M. Molner Electrical Engineering Lisa M. Mooney Mechanical Engineering Maria T. Moore Mechanical Engineering
Kimberlee A. Morris Electrical Engineering Krista L. Moulin Civil Engineering Bradley J. Mouser Mechanical Engineering Chris A. Mueller Civil Engineering
Julaine M. Munro English James D. Murphy Electrical Engineering Jamie R. Myers Electrical Engineering Stephen D. Myers Chemical Engineering
Kyaw M. Naing Electrical Engineering EdW Needham Electrical Engineering Nancy J. Neill Civil Engineering Stephen R. Nicholso n Electrical Engineering
Thomas C. Nield History Shane M. Nieukirk Electrical Engineering Karla K. Noel Chemical Engineering Mark D . Norton Electrical Engineering
James E. Nunley, Jr. Electrical Engineering Michelle Occhipin ti Psychology Derek J. Olander Mechanical Engineering G. Suzanne Olson Psychology
Todd S. Oppeau Civil Engineering Lamont D. Orange Compute r Science Ghiath Osman Computer Science Aaron J. Otten Mechanical Engineering
Kenneth R. Owens Electrical Engineering Shawa Padakannaya Chemistry Edward T. Palmer Electrical Engineering Carla C. Parodi Computer Science
Aaron E. Penn Chemical Engineering Christine M. Peterson Chemical Engineering Kirk A. Peterson Mechanical Engineering John F. Petrikovitsch Electrical Engineering
Marshall D. Philips Aerospace Engineering Thuan D. Pho Electrical Engineering Van Q. Phung Electrical Engineering Terry W: Pieper Electrical Engineering
Theresa M. Pierce Chemistry Gary A. Pinkley Mechanical Engineering AmyL. Pohl Mechanical Engineering Lawrence C. Pollard Electrical Engineering
James A. Pope Electrical Engineering Cedric A. Portis Mechanical Engineering William Prada Mechaincal Engineering Lisa M. Prichett Engineering Management
Noelle R. Puckett Mechanical Engineering Craig ] . Rackers Mechanical Engineering Matthew N. Radman Chemical Engineering Michael Scott Rakonick Civil Engineering
Denise C. Ratcliff Chemical Engineering Dale L. Redhage Mechanical Engineering Lisa M. Reeves Geology Scott D. Repke Aerospace Engineering
Elisabeth A. Rikand Mechanical Engineering Alan C. Ringhausen Civil Engineering Robin C. Rinker Chemistry Dyan R. Risher Engineering Manageme nt
Anne T. Roberson Life Science Freeman E. Robinson Electrical Engineering Gerhardt ] . Rodenberg er Civil Engineering Spring A. Romer Geophysics
James D. Ross Nuclear En~ineering Ian Rozdilsky Metallurgical Engineering AnneW Rugur Hisrory Larry F. Rupp Aerospace Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering
Chris B. Rutledge Civil Engineering Dion M. Sagez Computer Science Shaharudin Saleh Petroleum Engineering Cara Saling Psychology
Alan D. Sanning Psychology Lisa L. Schieferle Mechanical Engineering Douglas F. Schieszer Chemical Engineering Patrick B. Schneier Chemical Engineering
Karen E. Schoor History Wade H. Schott Metallurgical Engineering Cynthia M. Schreckenberg Mechanical Engineering John L. Schroeder Civil Engineering
Julie M. Schroer Mechanical Engineering Steven R. Schultz Civil Engineering Tonya L. Schulz Mechanical Engineering Kimberly C. Schumer Civil Engineering
Brian A. Scott Mechanical Engineering Matthew M. Seabaugh Ceramic Engineering Eric V. Seidler Electrical Engineering Douglas M. Sept Applied Mathematics
Christina L. Sfreddo Civil Engineering Brian S. Shanor Electrical Engineering Bethanie S. Shaw Chemical Engineering Jeffrey A. Shaw Electrical Engineering
Scott Shockley Mechanical Engineering Jeffrey J. Shook Civil Engineering Karen L. Shook Mechanical Engineering Brad T. Shortt Mechanical Engineering
Allen D . Shulfer Electrical Engineering Robert D. Simrell Electrical Engineering Viroj Sithivaraporn Engineering Management Christopher P. Smith Physics
David M. Smith Civil Engineering Lynette A. Smith Mechanical Engineering Christopher P. Smyser Mechanical Engineering Shawn C. Steen Psychology
Scott J. Steiger Electrical Engineering Jonathan M. Steltenpohl Ceramic Engineering Korena B. Stevens Civil Engineering Peter Scott Stewart Metallurgical Engineering
Tom H. Stiegemeier Geological Engineering Jason A. Stratman Mechanical Engineering Janice A. Struckhoff Mechanical Engineering Donald I. Stukey Life Science
Thomas H. Sullivan Electrical Engineering Gregory A. Svolopoulos, Jr. Engineering Management James A. Swinford Mechanical Engineering Scott A. Swoboda Computer Science
John C. Tarpley Mechanical Engineering Daniel D. Taylor Mechanical Engineering Cheryl L. Thomas Civil Engineering Cynthia M. Totton Engineering Management/ Economics
Quynh D. Tran Electrical Engineering Hsiem C. Tseng Electrical Engineering Lena V. Tsoulfanidis Chemical Engineering Emre M. Tuksal Mechanical Engineering
Teresa M. Turner Civil Engineering James R. Uehling Mechanical Engineering Kelly S. VanBuren Civil Engineering Robert T. VanDerWall Mining Engineering
Sheena Varughese Computer Science Steven L. Vehige Mechanical Engineering Prashant Vemireddy Mechanical Engineering Nicholas J. Venezia Computer Science
Joe D . Villines, III Management Systems Katherine M. Vollert Chemical Engineering Murdani Mohamad Wan Electrical Engineering Yiwan Wang Computer Science
Brent A. Ward Mining Engineering Phillip J. Weber Mechanical Engineering Reuben W Wetzel Computer Science John I. Whitworth Civil Engineering
Amy M. Williams Aerospace Engineering RobertS. Williams Geophysics Kendall 0. Willis Electrical Engineering Patrick J. Winkelman Mechanical Engineering
Joseph L. Witt Physics John R. Wittkop Mechanical Engineering James I. Wonders Mechanical Engineering Lori D. Wood Life Science
Nancy J. Wood Psychology Darryl J. Wrest N udear Engineering John E. Wulf Civil Engineering Karen D. Yeomans Civil Engineering
Robert F. Young Electrical Engineering Winson N. Yu Electrical Engineering John F. Yukich Engineering Manageme nt Stacey L. Zbinden Chemical Engineering
Michael J. Zimmerma n Geological Engineering Matthew D. Zion Computer Science Amir R. Zoroufchy Electrical Engineering Jennifer P. Zung Civil Engineering
Angela R. Brickner Mechanical Engineerin g Byron J. Delaware M echanical Engineerin g Gary L. Hazen Geological Engineerin g Bradley C. Kloeppel Civil Engineerin g
Please, let them pronounce my name right.
Pop Quiz: What was the graduation speech about?
Decem ber gradua tes get creative with their mortar boards.
A good time was had by all, even the choir and orchestra.
The post-graduation search for one's friends and family can almost be as difficult as graduation itself.
ince 1928, Sverdrup Corporation has been recognized as one of the nation's l~g ll;;;;;;;;;;=o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l Engineering, Architectural and Construction finns. Sverdrup would like to thank the University of _ ..f t . .t; ~ Mt:.:路 Missouri-Rolla for contributing~ our -=-:'"--路路:.;; . . ~- ..,.., .,. ,.~ . _success with the many outstanding graduates we've employed .,,.,:.. over the years. c
On behalf of the
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Congratulations! Class of 1994
Monsanto's does. Our Saflex' brand interlayer- commonly used in car windshields to prevent shattering - protects the enig matic portrait of the Mona Lisa. That same material was also used in an intricate architectural addition to the Louvre museum itself. And those are just a few examples of how we've elevated our science to an art form. Our researchers have also created one of the best drugs available for treating high blood pressure. Some are developing gene tically improved crops - such as insect-resistant cotton. Others at The NutraSweet Company, a Monsanto subsidiary, recently perfected the first all-natural fat substitute . At Monsanto, there's a world of opportunity we're passing on to th e best and brig htest college gradu ates- from biology and c h e mi stry to a multitude of e ngineering and compute r scie nce disciplines. Opportunities to advance or support our work in highpe rformance c he micals, plastics, coatings and fibers . Life-giving pha rmace uticals. Ag ric ultural che micals and the biotech-based s upe rtechn ologies o f agrige ne tic s . You provid e the tale nt and motivation, we'll provide the tools. From our $150 million Life Sciences Research Center to a multimillion dollar annual investment in ongoing research, Monsanto is making an enormous commitment to the fu ture. Millions of users and c on s umers a re g rateful for our leade r ship role in hundre ds of products and technologies. What will your contribution be? Please send your resume to The Agricultural Group, a unit of _Monsanto Company, 800 North Lindbergh Blvd., Bldg. C2NB, St. Louis, MO 63 167, Attn: V.B. Martinez. We're an equal opportunity employer, m/f/d/ v.
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Congratulations to all 1994 Graduates
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HNTB Corporation 1201 Walnut, Suite 700 Kansas City, Missouri 64106 (816) 472-1201
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Congratulations, Graduates
8000 Maryland Avenue Su it e 1560 St. Lou is. MO 63 I OS (3 14 ) 726·6463 FAX (3 14 1 726·9599
Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc.
2814 S. Golden, P.O. Box 754 Springfield, MO 65801 417-881-1204
Contractors • Design Builders • Cons truc tion Manag ers
Wholesale Power Supplier to Rural Missouri An Equal Opportunity Employer
Congratulations Class of 1994
cisco Systems 2043 WoodlandsParkway Suite 112 St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 991·7916 (314) 991-6710 (fax)
(314) 968-3300 (314) 968-4502 FAX
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WEST MOTORS, INC. 705 Highway 63 South Rolla, Missouri 65401
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Phone (314) 364-7077 or (800) 844-7077 Fax(314)364-4314
(314) 364-5858 BUSINESS (314)341-5961 FAX
"Builders of Butler Buildings" Office (314) 364-4200 5273 Home
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COLDWELL BANKER WATSKEY AND BAKER REAL ESTATE 1007 HAUCK DRIVE ROLLA. MO 65401 An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldv.e Banker ResJdent1a Atl1ha1es Inc
COALSALES CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF '94 Pe.body COALSALES eomp.ny 701 Ma!i(et Street, Su~e 830 St. Louis, Missouri 63101-1826
MERAMEC OIL COMPANY, INC. 301 W. WASH INGTON ST. JAMES, MO 65559 ( 314) 265-3266 OR 364-7377
Howard Johnson Lodge 127 HJ Drive Rolla, MO 65401 314-364-7111
Southside Shoppers World Hwy 63 South Rolla, MO
Lodge & Restaurant
SUPERCENTER Central Missouri's Regional One-Stop Shopping Center
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OPEN 24 -HOURS 7 DAY A WEEK Rolla, MO • 500 S. Bishop • 3-41-9145
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WE WISH OUR SENIORS THE BEST OF LUCK! Marriott Management Services_ Educa tional Food Serv1ce D1v1s1on University of Missouri · Rolla 1046 Norwood Hall Ro lla. MO 65401
1049 Kingshighway Rolla, Missouri 341-3909
Congratulations Class of 1994
Sales Monoger
901 S. Bishop
Fox 314-434-0524
Rolla, MO 65401 314-364-6051
United Telephone is Your one Convenient source for all your telephone needs.
Sl. l~d. • Sl. louis, MO
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STEVE MORENO - 1- BD0-325- 3312 EXT. 414
A-1 Moving & Storage, Inc. "Family Owned and Operated Since 1959"
Michael L. Duncan Sales/Dispatch Coordinator
615 S. Highway 63 Rolla, Missouri 65401
Tel. (314) 364-21 00 (800) 467-2100 Fax : (314) 364-8359
Tom Everley Wade Swartz Ken Koepke Sr. Sales Engineer
Agent for Allied Van Lines
~ua'<t Z'~We-1~. 814 SOUTH BISHOP ROLLA, MISSOURI 65401
?EiiKIN ELMEil The Perkin-Elmer Corporation 12855 Flushing Meadow Drive St. louis, MO 63 I 3 I- I 824 Phone (314) 821 -5 921 Fax (314) 821-6415
2206 Welsch Industrial Court St. Louis, MO, USA 63148-4222 (314) 432-2845 FAX
(314) 569-0991 (800) 325-1398
Melvin W. Lelbacb Director Marketing/Business Development
_._IJ ...,
Zenor Company
Machine Shop Services HughesM Zenor, Owner
PHILLIPS BROTHERS PRINTERS 1555 West .Jefferson Springfield, Illinois 62 705 217 /787·3014
P.O. Box640
~ t>WBLL/S
YORK. Delp Heating and Air Conditioning Mechanical Contracting, Ventilation 108 E. 7th Street Rolla, MO 65401 (31 4) 364-1159
Lumber & Home Center
6th & Rolla Street Downtown Rolla Call 364-1212
Your complete lumber, hardware and home decorating center.
IIAl VviP/AUVA Sofuwl S!JiWni [Jnc.
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Dennis B. Moore
a fully authorized Value Added Reaeller
Sales (314) 822·9958 Service(314) 965·3290 Fax (314) 965-2260
BLAISE COOPER S.lea • S.rvloe Conaultant
ST. LOUIS VALVE & FITTING CO. 1 0844 Qravole lnduatrlal Ct. St. Loula, Mlaaourl &3128 BualrM. . (314) 842,.5050 (314) 842-a204 FAX (314) 434-&321 Home
DR. RICHARD L ELGIN ~eisu:n:d ~eist<:n:d
Professional Eneinec:r Land Surveyor
Rich Dougherty Market Manager
&NIISITY ~ UIUWS/tiN IKe! CABLEVISION FOR THE ROLLA AREA 1304 Highway 72 East 364-5206
I 364-1971 I HWY 63 SO. ROLLA, MO
JANET WRIGHT General Manager I Sales Manager
Ferrellgas 18th & Frisco PO. Bo• 978 Rolla. Missouri 65401 Telephone:· 314/364·1121 Residence: 314/341 ·8015
Rolla, MO 66401
Phone: Inside Rolla 364·2110 Outside Rolla Call800·622·4406 FAX314·364·8677
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Specialized Lighing Dis tributor 4501 SWAN AVE. ST. LOUIS,M068110
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Engineering Company
11250 Hunter Drive • Bridgeton, MO 63044 • 314-731-3020
Manufacturer of automotive service equipment ... distributed world-wide.
Box 575 ROLLA , MISSOURI 65401 314-364-6783
Arch of Illinois A Division of Apogee coal company
Congratulations Class of 1994
P.O. Box 308 Percy, IL 62272
65401 314-364-5586
.. . ·J~ ......... .
I *
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ng oo For Peopl e Who Can Make a Diffe rence Degrees: BS-MS in ChE, EE, ME At Procter & Gamble, we're looking for people who are willing to accept challenges at the outset of their careers. Creativity is a must as you look for innovative approache s to business solutions. Importantl y, we are committed to providing you with opportuni ties that allow you to reach your maximum potential. That's good business for us, as well as for you. An Equal Opportunity Employer
Anheuser-Bu The Grad uate s of University of Mis~~._..~_i:aa;nc.-<:::10~ The Anheuser-Busch family of companies congratulate s the C u~.:>,.\,)7...part of the proud and distinguished group of men and women graduates of the University of Missouri-Rolla. The very best to all of
ANHEUSER-BUSG-1 COMPANIES Equal Opportunity Employer
Abanmay, Zeyad 202 Abbott, Wendi 135 Abdul, Rahayu E. Rahman 232 Abdul, Zairal A. Rajak 232 Abdullah, Azzah 2 12 Abraham, Steven 194 Abrams, C hera 39, 198 Abston, Rani 138 Achelpohl, Eric 45, 123, 2 11 Adams, Amy 134,141,1 78 Adams, Eric 124 Adams, G len 173 Adams, Sabrina !51 Adnan, Azmi Zainal 202, 208 Afridi, Abdul Jaleel 202 Ahillen, Betsy 183 Ahmad, Roslan 202 Aidi, Muham ad 208 Ainslie, Jason 26 Airkens, Doug 122 AI, Ali D. Qahrani 232 Al-Amrani, Yehia 202, 2 12 Al-Qahrani, Ali 202 Al-Tholaya, Mohamed Ali 202,
2 12 Albrecht, Brain 116 Alexander, Kevin 183 Alexander, Michael 126 Alfredson , B. 178 Alfredson, Brain 11 7 Alfredson , Brian 53 Alfredson , Brian P. 232 Alhalabi, Maamoun 202 Ali, Abdul 59 Ali, Rajiv 183 Alleman, Thomas 194 Alleman, Tom 18 1 Allen, Chad 11 8 Allen, Elizabeth J. 232 Allen, James H . III 232 Allen, Mark 139, 195 Allen, Phil 193 Allen, Philip H . 232 Alley, Michael 26 Allison, Eric 2 17 Alonso, Catherine A. 232 Alprekin, Serna 213 Alsop, Cassie 135 Air, Diana 138 Alrenbernd, C hris 128 Althoff, Todd 126 Alverson, C hris 53, 67 Amad, Fred 59 Am in, Nimesh A. 232 Andershock, Darryl 120 Anderson, Anita 173 Anderson, Brent 137 Anderson, Danielle L. 232 Anderson, James A. 53, 232 Anderson, Julie 135 Anderson, Sandy 2 10 Andrews, Jo n 45, 89 Antle, Sean 178, 183 Antonacci, Anthony 220 Apperson , Allan 128 Arabi-Karbi, Sam 155 Arabi-Karbi, Wael 156, 232 Arbesman, Gordon 12 1, 232 Ariff, Abdul Halim 202 Armstrong, Scott 125 Arndt, Jeff 15 5 Arnold, G rant 152 Arrowsmith, James 152, 205 Ashabranner, Richard C. 232 Ashar, Mohamad Fuad 212 Atkinson , M ichael 178, 232 Aubucho n, C hris 122 Aufdembrink, C hris 125 Aulia, Muhamad 202 Avise, Bill 39, 11 9, 224
Ayers, Matt 152 Ayers, Richard 120 Aymond, Shanon 135
Babcock, Bob 148, 194 Bachle, Andy 155, !56, 195 Bachle, Peter 173 Backues, Shelly 178, 232 Bacoski, Neil 143, 2 18 Baer, Angela 198, 232 Baer, Bob 200 Baer, Theodore R. 232 Bahr, Marcus 121, 232 Bailey, Ray 208 Bailey, Shawn 114 Baird, Sean 125 Bakar, Hishamuddin Abu 2 12 Baker, Jason 121 Baldetti, Dave 122 Baldwin, Micah 129 Ballard, Mart 148 Balmer, Jeff 4 5 Banks, Sarah 13 5 Barmeier, Marc 39 Barnard, Travis 191 Barncord, Lydia !54 Barnes, Amy 89, 138 Barnett, Steven 11 8, 233 Barnhart, Aaron 143 Barr, David Jr. 53, 115 Barr, Ryan 224 Bass-G lenn, Faith D. 233 Baudendistel, Paul L. 156, 228,
233 Bauer, Andrew 116 Bauer, Shelly 142 Bauer, Tim 139 Baumstark, Pete 75, !50 Baumstark, Tom 125 Baxter, Kenneth A. 233 Beaird, Patricia I. 2 19, 233 Beal, Karl 145 Beattie, Steve 126 Beck, Mikki 135 Becquerre, Shawn 177 Bee, Jeff 197 Belaska, Francine M . 20 l , 233 Bell, T im 11 5 Belrose, Mike 205 Belton, Marion 151 Benedicto, Juanita 5 1 Benefield, Ryan 154 Bengisu, Merhi 86 Bennett, Steve 125 Benson , Kim 134 Bent, Terry 127 Benz, Mart 194,2 18 Bequette, David 139 Bequette, Shawn E. 128, 233 Bergm an, Kyle L. 233 Bermudez, O ndrea 7 1 Berndt, Matt 200 Bernett, Ron 131, 183 Berry, Ken 183 Berry, Randall A. 233 Berryhill, Par 197 Beerman , C hris 143 Bertram, Eric P. 233 Besancon, R. 178 Best, Laura A. 233 Best, Robert 233 Berlach, Donald 127 Beurelmann, Kevin K. 233 Beville, Brooke 63 Biggers, Kevin 13 1 Bin, Azlan Rahaman Yaakop 212 Binder, J . 178 Biondo, Carl 129 Birdsell, Ed 149, 174, 196 Birk, Adam 122 Birkholrz, Steve 152
Birky, Brad 12 1 Bischel, Jennifer J. 233 Bisset, Chris 197 Bjornstad, Brody 79, 149 Black, Debbie 189 Black, Eric 137, 157 Black, Thomas J. IV 233 Blackford, Keith 2 18 Blair, Chris 2 11 Blair, Craig 194 Blase, Jim ! 56 Blevins, Daniel J . 122, 224, 233 Bloomgren, Paul 137 Bock, Elizabeth 138 Bockholdr, Peter 205 Bode, Brian D . 233 Bodeen, Dave 189 Boeckman, John ! 50 Bohannon, C hris 70, 71 Bohannon, Justin 124 Bohl, Mart !50 Bohler, Jeffrey A. 178, 183, 233 Bohnak, Bob 124, 189 Bohnsack, Tammy M . 183, 233 Bolch, Aaron 123 Boles, David 12 1 Boles, Jason 39 Booten, Steve 220 Booth, Mike 122 Borgerding, John W. 120, 233 Borgmeyer, Tim 125 Boring, Lonny 173, 199 Borman , Scott 122 Borrok, Dave 89, 173 Borthacyre, Kim 219 Boschert, Jeff 125 Borrs, James 26, 120 Bo ulware, Travis 53, 79 Bowen, Kendra 15 1, 157 Bowman, Alex 143 Boyanchek, Jim 116 Boyll , Aaron 2 10, 234 Boyum, Les 53, 89 Brackett, Mike ! 53 Bradley, Greg 226 Bradley, Krista 134, 142 Bradshaw, G lenn 129 Brady, Meg 198 Brakensiek, Nick 143 Branham, Justin 120 Brann, Jake 194 Braud, Melissa ! 57 Brauer, Jam es 178, 234 Breck, Patrick 26, 121 Breitenbach, M atthew 39, 116 Brewer, C raig 131 Brickner, Angela 20, 135 Bridegroom, Bill 148 Bringer, Michael 137 Britt, Scott 130 Brockman , Ken 193 Broeckling, Brandy 83 Broman, Roger 127, 234 Brooks, Russell ! 50, 234 Browder, Eugene !52 Brown, Adam 183 Brown, Bill 53 Brown, David 2 17 Brown, Ernest 52, 53, 54, 55 Brown, Robert 137 Brown, Ryan 129 Brownell, C hris 53 Bruce, Michael 2 17 Brueggeman, Jamie 67 Brunner, Lynette K. 234 Bruns, Jeff 125 Bryan, Jennifer 18 1 Buang, Kamarul Ariffin 2 12 Bucheck, Jason 197 Buchholz, Steven 234 Bucholtz, Steven 129 Bud inger, Richard 120
Budnik, Andrea J . 234 Buerge, Aaron 117, 137 Buesch, April 83 Buie, Aaron 139 Buie, Kevin 115 Bulsuk, Vej 234 Bumgardner, Tom 208 Bundy, Greg 18 1 Bunnell, Eric 13 1 Burgard, Bill 128 Burgett, Seth D . 234 Burhan, Nanang 202, 234 Burke, Sadie ! 54 Burkemper, Scott 224 Burkhalter, Eric 125, 185 Burner, Jeffrey S. 234 Burnett, Jeff 139, 193, 205 Burnette, James 129 Burns, Seth 53, ! 50 Burton, Bryson 127 Burton, Mark 127, 149 Burwell, Dave 83 Burwell, Lisa 83 Buschjosr, Ryan L. 234 Bushy, Dave 224 Busraman , Norelis 2 12 Buder, Brad 118 Buder, C arrie 147, 2 13 Buder, Edward 115 Buttimer, Amy 83 Button, Ted 53 Byrd, Sam 156
C adoff, D ave 75 C age!, Chad 117 Cagle, C had 53 Cai, Weiping 174, 196 Cain , Darryl 183 Cain, Jim 18 1 Cambell , Allison 135 Camp, Tracy 146, 197 Cam pbell, J im 129 C anis, Randy 127 Canon , Jason 174, 196 Capelle, Steve 13 I C arda, Mike 122 Carl isle, Catherine 234 Carpenter, Tom 120, 224 Carr, Andy 127 Carroll, Amy 153, 234 Carter, Diana 138 Carrwrighr, Randy 148 Carver, M ary 189 Casedy, M ike 150 C ash, John 173, 234 C asserilla, Brian 53 Cassibry, Jason 148, 194 Castor, Joshua 59, 137 Carron, Jack D . 234 Cawlfield , Jeff 208 Cella, Joe 197 Cezus, Steve 86 C hadwick, Stephen 153 C haffin , C urt 13 1 C halfant, Jeannette M . 234 C halmers, Mathew 123 C hambers, Joseph 137 C hapman , Deena 135 C hapman , Jim 58, 59, 60, 129 Chapman , Neal 126 C hau, Michael 137 C haud hu ri, Raja 139 C heese, C hris 125 C hi, Tai 152 C hittenden, Melissa A. 234 C ho, Susan 135 C hrisfield , Becky 138 C hrissy, Michael 145 C hristensen, Kim 135. 198 C hristensen, Tiffany 223 C hullino, David 119
C hungwarana, Paras 234 Clark, Brian 121 Clark, H ilary 138 Clark, Kit L. 234 Clark, Matt 114, 18 1 Clark, Sam 124 Clarke, Drake 2 10 Clarke, Flake 125 Claussen , G reg 121 Claxton, Travis 53 Cleaver, Mary G race 181, 213 Clemenson, Laura 208, 213 Clipper, Matt 130 Clonts, Michael D . 235 C loud , Eric 189 Coates, Lo ri 154 Cochran, J .T. 2 17 Coggin, Seth 150 Cole, Jeff 149 Coley, Angela 14 1, 185 Colgrove, Scott 119 Collingham, Brian 45, 89 Colli ns, Travis 193 Combs, Paul 174, 196 Comer, Scott 114 Conner, Monty 53, 149 Connors, Sheila 183 Conway, Steve 126 C ook, C hristian l 19 Cook, Don ! 50 Cook, Julie 227 Cook, L.P. 223 Cook, Larry 127, 235 C ook, Victoria 205 Coombes, Dean 12 1 Cooper, C lay 2 18 Coo per, Katie 138, 157 Copeland, O mekia E. 235 Copeland, Steve 149 Copelin , Anna 89 Cord ier, Doug 228 Cordry, C hris 121 Corriss, Scott 122 Cotter, C had l l 7 Courtin, Jodie 198 Cowell , Mand i 147 Cox, Dennis 18 1 Cox, Tara 135, 198 Cozad , Brad 75, 150 Crafts, Simon 143 C raig, Shawn 224 C ran mer, Stacey 135 Crawford , Jason 11 7 C rawford , Joyce A. 235 C rawford , Mark 115 Crede, Jenni fer L. 235 Crenshaw, Amy 181 Crites, C indy 153 Crites, Mike 189 C rocker, Krisre 209 Crosl in , Laurie 18 1 rossman , hip 119 C rowe, J. 178 C roxford, Terry 21 l, 235 C rutchley, Jam ie 122 C uarras-Villegas, Patricia E. 235 C uartes, T. 178 C ulp, James 183 C un neen, Brian 119 C ureau, Alfred J . Jr. 235 C ureau, Lionel 115 C urtis, Alletta 197 C ushman, Joe 143 Curler, Lisa ! 56 Cutl ip, Tom 119 Cypret, Aaron 143
Dake, Jason I 24 Dam merich, T homas L. 235 Dandurand , Keith 39, 118 Daniel, C had ! 50
Daniels, Jamie ! 52 D anz, M ichael T. 129, 235 Daschke, Kimberly A. 23 5 D asra, Dominic G. 13 1,235 Daugherty, Rachel 13 5 Davenport, Julie 174 , 196 Davenport, T.J. 198 David, James R. 226, 23 5 Davids, Andrew 130 Davidson, Scott 20 I , 224 Davis, George 128 Davis, Joshua 183 Davis, Morris 2 12 Davis, Par 209 Davis, Rich 212 Davis, Shanna L. 235 Davis, Steve !56 Davis, Tracey 135, 2 19 Davison, Doug 26, 224 Dawson, C hris 53, 54 Dawson, Jeff 116 Day, Angie 135 DeArriba, Cory 126 Decker, Nathan 21 7 Degonia, Thomas 53, 235 Delinger, Kevin 173 Delleart, David 137 Delp, Rhonda 197 Delp, Woody 197 Denney, Brett 126 Denney, Stephen K. 235 Denney, Steve 193, 227 D eppe, Jenna 138 D erner, K. 178 Dessau, Joe 139 deSrefano, Michael 235 Deters, Jonathan 26 Dettmer, Shannon 152 Dickerson, Tressa 142 Dickey, Tim 114 Dickherber, Julie 135 Dietzel, Jim 114 Dill, Karla 134 Dillingham, John 18 1, 235 Dillon, Jenny L. 235 DiMercurio, Nicholas T. 235 Dingrando, Jeffrey 137 , 194 Dinkins, Tad 129 Dinwiddie, Mike 150 Dionne, Bruce G. 236 Dixon, Natalie 147, 157 Do, Trung 129 Doan, Stanley A. 236 Dobson , Jason 122 Dobson , Paul J. 236 Dodge, Mike 12 1 Doerr, D . 178 Dohrman, Adam 53 Doing, Stacy 134, 2 18 Donavon, Liz 12 5 Donley, Laura 134, 236 Donnelli, Drew 125 Donnelly, Julie 138 Dooley, Andy 20 I Dorn , John R. 236 D orrance, Beth B. 236 Doshier, Dwayne 120, 189 Doster, Branden 114 Do uglas, Stephen 2 19 Douglas, Teri 15 1 Downes, Jennifer 135, 198 Downs, Tracy 2 17 Doyle, Jason 11 9 D rake, David 153 Drake, M ichael 13 1, 236 Dreiswerd, D. 178 Driskill, Lance 127 Dryer, Daron W. 236 Duddle, Sandy 15 1 Duensing, Melissa 14 1 Dufner, Angela K. 236 DuMaine, Willie 236
Dumortier, Steve 126 Duncan, Jeremiah 123 Dunham, Tom 129 Dunkman, Rebecca 138, 2 13 Dunn-Norman, Shari 2 12 Dunnegan, Chad A. 236 Dunning, Erica D . 236 Dunningron, Travis 120 Duong, Chris D . 236 Duong, Khang V. 236 Durbinski, Kirk 125 Dust, Mark 127 Dye, B. Scott 236
Easley, Mike A. 236 Eberle, Mark 194 Eckrich, Jim 126, 183 Edgar, Brian 156 Edgar, David 178, 183, 236 Edwards, Cathy 142, 174, 196 Edwards, Scott 150 Edwards, Talion 53, 117 Effiand, Gregory 178, 183, 236 Efthim, Lenny 120 Efrink, Sandy 153, 157 Elder, C had 129 Elder, Jeremy 143, 181 Elder, Ryan 127 Eldred, Ben 148, 174, 196 Ellermann, David 178, 236 Elliott, Michael R. 236 Elmer, Erich 13 1 Elmore, Bill 75, 150 Elze, Dan 116 Emmons, Lori S. 237 Engeman, Joe 122 Engle, Daniel 137 Englehom, Blu 156 Epperson , Farrell D. 23 7 Epstein, Russell 126 Erable, Wilma 191 Erb, Thomas 197,237 Erdman, Shawn 2 18 Erdmann, Karl 123 Erp, Jens 139 Eslinger, Michelle D. 237 Espinosa, Laz 152 Estep, Jeremy 122 Estes, Mike 123 Erien, Bob 4 5, 89, 90 Etzel, Amy 138 Evans, Rachel 15 1 Evenson, Timothy 129, 237 Everett, C hristina 20, 135 Everett, Elizabeth C. 237 Everrirr, C hristina 237 Evers, Mart 122 Everson, David G. 237 Ewers, Cliff 125 Ewers, Ken 208 Eyerkuss, Carrie 63, 65
Fadhil, Adel 202 Faenger, Tim 224 Fajemisin, N iran 145 Falbe, W inchester 120 Falerro, Laura 147, 213 Farmer, Jesse 126 Farrenburg, C had 11 9, 189 Farwig, Gary 130 Farwig, M ike 129 Farani, Ahmad 202 Faughn, T ina 220, 237 Feagan, Harold 119 Fears, Sean 148, 200, 205 Felton, Brett 79, 237 Feminine, Phil 125 Ferguson, Chad 120 Ferkel, Dave 116
Fesperman, Stacy 147 Ferrer, Todd 11 4, 189 Fields, C hris 130, 205 Findley, C raig 130, 189 Findley, Robin 139 Finke, Kim 89, 90, 138, 2 13 Finley, C harlie 53 Finley, Fred 53 Fish, Ben 89, 90, 122 Fisher, Bill 152 Fisher, Ryan 130 Flagg, Alan 197 Flahire, JoMarie M. 237 Flauaus, Bradley C. 237 Fleetwood, Kelly 143 Flemming, Melinda 152, 237 Flint, C hristopher D . 237 Flock, Doris 135 Florence, Lister 115 Flowers, Karen 138 Flynn, Laurianne 134, 142 Foersre, Jeff 127 Ford , Scott 130 Foresman, Mart 120, 224 Forsman , C hris 119, 189 Fort, Kevin 67 Forrelka, Brian 126 , 201 , 224 Fortman , Joe 114 Foster, Jeff 194, 196 Francis, Chris 11 4, 237 Frank, Steven 183 Frankenberger, Richard B. 237 Franklin, Todd 67, 86 Frazer, Jennifer 49, 51, 89, 90, 181 Fridley, Michael 120 Friedman, Daniel J. 23 7 Friesner, Jack 173 Frisbee, Dirk 199, 237 Frost, Leslie 39, 135, 198, 237 Fry, Lori ! 53 Fuesring, Chad 79, 80 Fugate, Robert L. 237 Fugina, Robert C. 238 Fulks, Watson 195 Fullerton, Brent 18 1, 238 Fulton, Doug 53 Furman, Frank 173 Fussner, Tony 224
Gaddie, Linda ! 52 Gaffney, Tri I 94 Galloway, John 137 Gallup, Archibald 197, 238 Gambill, Angie 134 Ganley, Bridgette 147, 157,2 13 Garcia, Jullio ! 56 Gardener, John-Mark 86 Gardner, Bradley 208, 238 Gardner, Jason 173 Gardner, Mindy 134, 208 Garfield, Stacy 134, 2 13 Garner, Curtis 137 Garner, Roy 152 Garret, Cliff 11 7 Garvey, Mike 124 Gary, Joshua 143, 18 1 Gasswint, Matthew 148, 238 Gaylen, Michael 125 Geels, Jonathon 152 Gefferrh, Amy 135 Geisler, Amy 7 1 Geldbach, Dennis 119 George, Jason 12 1 Gerber, Lamar 125 Gerhardt, Eric 125 Gerhart, Brett 59 Gerrken, Kate 135, 195 Gettinger, C hris 139 Gerz, Steve 155 Gholoson, Lloyd 120
iacolone, Tony 53 G ibbs, Jon 2 12, 238 G ideon, Casey 135, 198 G iessman, raig 122 G illiand, Rick 152 G ilmartin, Paul 32 G ilmore, Brian 53 G ioia, Alex 59, 129 G izzie, Scott 139 G ladbach, Den is P. 238 Glad bach, Jack 226 G lastetter, David 183 G lover, Tena 2 19 Goethe, John I 18 Goetz, Karen 2 19, 238 Goins, Jason 125 Goldak, Dave 178, 183 Goldsmith, MarkS. 238 Goo, Christopher 20 I , 224 Goodman, Brett 126, 183 Goodman, Susan 134, 220 Gordon, Emily 135 Gorg, Steve 14 5 Gorman , Brian 174, 196 Gorman, Eric 124, 238 Gorman, Jessica I 56, 223 Governick, Heather R. 238 Gower, Michelle 152 Grabber, Michael D. 238 Grable, Gene 19 1 Graham, Brandon 53, 89, 90 Graham , Glen 114 Graham, Lisa 199, 209, 238 Grant, Jarrod 139 Grant, Kevin D. 238 Grass, Mike 126 Grater, John D . 238 Graves, Rob 53 Gray, Bill 152 Green, Monica 142 Greene, Bill 114, 189 Greene, Gary I 18 Greene, William 195 Greenway, Mike 130 Gregory, Bryan 194 G regory, Dawn 135 Griese!, Karen 13 5 Grimm , Mary 14 1, 174, 196 Grobelny, Jarod 143 G roff, Brian 139 G rohs, J.R. 195 Grooms, Doug 53, 75 Gross, Cameron 12 1 Gross, Kimberly E. 238 Grossman, Jenny 142 Grote, Kathy 155, 200 Grove, Josh 120, 2 18 G roves, C hristopher I 15 G roves, Sam I 53, 205 Grubb, Ann 147 Gruber, Don 53 Grunbaum, Rebecca F. 238 Grundy, Matt 53, 11 9 Gugel, Martin 137 G uha, Tania 238 G usewelle, James 200 G ustavson, David 11 4
H aanrz, Gerald 2 11 H aas, Gary 125 H aase, Gary 200 Hackman, Rande 153 Hagan, Rob 7 5, 150 H aggard , Brian 39, 119 Haggstrom, Wade 75, 150 H ahn, Phil 59, 60 H ahn, Ryan 228 H ahne!, Leland 116 H aines, Angie 197 H all, Mary 183 H all, Michael 183
Hall, Mi had M. 238 Hall, Mike 150 Hall , Terry 199 Hallibunon, Willie 53 Halpin, Susan 210 Halpin, Susan A. 238 Halter, Darrin 114, 195 Hamel in, Srefun 143 Hamilton, David 127, 239 Hamli n, David . 239 Hamli n, Matt 86 Haml in, Pleamon F. 239 Haml ing, Gilbert 152 Hammontree, Holly 147, 213 Hampton, Michael 128 Hanif. Mohd hah 202 Hanif. Redza 208 Hanks, Theresa 156 Hanneken, DouglasS. 239 Hansen, Amy 138,239 Hansen, Jason 20 I Hansen, Jeff 146, 193 Hargrove, C hristy 147 Harles, Bret 174, 196 Harles, Brett 122 Harness, Jennifer 134 Haroldson, Brandon 139 Harper, Mike 183 Harrington, James 128, 197 Harris, Jeremy 193 Harrison, Lisa 197 Harrison, Scott 59, 60 Hart, Dave 145 Hart, Mark 11 4 Hartle, Matt 150 Hartlcroad, John 121, 239 Hartman, Heather 7 1, 72, 73 H artman, James 114 Hartman, Jim 53 Han man, Todd 148 Harrwig, Troy 200 Harvey, Ben 197 Harvey, Brad I 14 Harvey, Jesse 152 Hasenstab, Thomas 79, 211, 239 Haupti, Deanne 147 Hausch, Frederick A. 239 Hayden, Ethan 59, 60, 154 Haynes, Lance 190 Hays, Malcolm 156 Hayward, Todd 139 Haywood , Jeff 130 Hazen, Gary 208 Hazen, Kris 139 Heavin , Lorna 138 Heckel , Douglas E. 239 Hedding, Brent 194 Hedgpeth , Jeff 26 Heien, Eric 227 Heikkinnen , David 121 Heimlich, Bruce 197 Heinemann , Kristi 210, 239 Hellmueller, Jennife r 142 Helm, Jonathan 181 Hemrick, James 146,1 74,196 Henderson, Karen 138 Henry, Jeremy 78, 79 Henry, Matt 53, 54, 55, 11 7, 12 1, 195 Henry, Scan 178, 239 Hepler, Robert 149, 191 , 239 Herbold, Carl 194 Herman, Karlyn n 199 Hermann, Gregory 126 Herzog, Angie 31 Hess, Andrew 152 Hester, John 183 Herrick, Rob 127 Hettinger, Joe 122 Heydrmann, Dirk 227 H ibdon, Eric 185 Hickman, Lewis 153
Hicks, David 129 Hicks, Steve 127 Higgins, Michael 199 Hilding, Frances 63 Hill , Kevin 79, 80, 155 Hiller, Justin 177 Hillier, John 145 Hillman, Tonya 138 Hillstrom, Derek 139 Hilse, Tara 2 10 Himstedt, Brian 157, 239 Hines, Clayton 224 Hines, G. 178 Hinson, Jason 79, 126 Hirsch, Eric 2 18 History 235 , 245, 247, 248 Hobbs, Terry 2 17 Hodges, Steve D . 239 Hodkins, Mathew 1 19 Hoech, Raira D . 239 Hoepker, Beky 223 Hoffman, Sean 148 Hofmann , Leah 2 13 Holcomb, Bruce 183 Holder, C raig 114 Holloway, T im 67, 69 Holschen, Jason 120 Holthaus, Brian 122, 239 Holthous, Brad 122 Holtzscher, Andy 139 Holzman, Jo hn 150 Ho pkins, Matthew 120 Hopkins, Mike 152 Hopkins, Russ 143 Hopper, Douglas A. 239 Hopper, Fred 146 Horak, James M . 239 Ho rnburg, Joe 20 1, 224 Hostetter, Steve 44, 45 Hostetter, Steven 46 Hosrmann, Brian 137 H otop, Darrin 122, 239 Hounker, Kimberly 135 Hoven, Derek 155 Howard, Josh 150, 153 Howard, Steven 53, 240 Howell , David L. 240 Hubbard, Gary 79, 80, 240 Hubbard, Joella 156 Hubbell, Chris 11 8 Huber, Alex 149 Huber, Rick 149 Hudson, C hris 189 Hudson, Darryl 143 Hudson , Jason 224 Hudson, Particia L. 240 Hudson , Tricia 135, 198 Huett, C hristopher 2 11, 240 Huff, Rich 126 Huffman, Dryk 139 Huffman , Tom 114 Hug, Kevin 53, 54 H ughes, Troy 11 9, 183 H ultz, Holly 152 Hummel, Sarah 147 Humphrey, J immie 128 Humphrey, Michael K. 240 Humphreys, Brent 11 7 Hunn, Susan 138 Hunni us, Stephen T. 240 Hunt, Brian A. 240 Hunt, Ryan 12 1 Hurst, Elaina 14 1, 185 H urst, G ina 14 1 H usen, Bisma 202 Huskamp, C hris 150 Husm an, Eric 224 H urher, Sheri M . 240
Ibrahi m, Mo hamad Nasir 202, 2 12
Igarra, Amy 138 Ilium, Jason 53, 79 Inane, Gokhan 240 !nee, Gabrielle M . 240 Ingalls, Stephanie 62, 63, 64, 65, 83, 85, 153 Ingrassia, Tony 157 lnskip, Skip 194 Ireland, C had 127 Ireland, Kelley 123 Irizarry- Robles, Manuel A. 240 Irons, Jen 15 1 Isgrig, Brain 114 Ismail, Anuar S. 240 Ismail, Mohd N . 240 Ismail, N asser 208, 2 I 2 Iverson, To m ISS lves, Ro bert 53, 240
Jaafar, Mohd Zaid i 202 Jackson, Elliott 53 Jackson , Mike 123 Jackson, Preston 143 Jackson , Rod 67 Jackson , Scorr 114 Jafar, Mohd Zaidi 2 12 Jagtiani , Senera I38 Jamborerz, Susan 178, 183 James, Jason 152 Jansen, Connie M . 240 Jarboe, Steve 129 Jawhar, T hayer 202 Jenkins, Andy 59 Jennings, Tara 135 Jerker, Jeff 125 Jernigan, Alex E. 240 Jett, Steve 208 Jilg, John 130 Joaquin, Donna 183 Joersz, Mark I 83 Jogger, Courtney A. 127 John, Sam Sr. 148 Johnsen, Mart 189 Johnson , D . 178 Johnson, Dan 152 Johnson, David 194, 240 Johnson, Eric 137, 197, 205 Johnson , Joseph 197 Johnson , Kevin !53, 19 I Johnson, Mike 125 Johnson, Nancy 154 Johnson, Pat 224 Johnson, Reginald 11 5 Johnso n, Steven 157, 240 Johnson , Waylan 157 Johnston, A.J. 147 Jones, Allen 79 Jones, Amy 142, 157 Jones, Ben 224 Jones, Carolyn 15 1 Jones, Jason 59, 148 Jones, Jo hn 205 Jones, Kelly L. 240 Jones, Lisa 135 Jones, Matt 122 Jones, Randy 75, 76 Jordan , David 156 Jordan, Jay 156 Joyce, Peter 120 Jumps, T im 130 Junge, Sandra E. 24 1 Junkins, Mark 18 1
Kaiser, Forrest 126 Kaiser, Nate 154 Kalmer, Kelly L. 24 1 Kamal, A.ffendy Bin 2 12 Kamper, Jim 131 Karfs, Frank 122, 24 1 Kassebaum, Joe 174, 196
Katschman, Amy 223 Kaufman, Ingrid 138, 194 Kavinsky, Tom 152 Kayadarma, Martin 150, 205 Kearbey, Eric 79 , 8 1 Keaton, Amy 223 Keen , Troci 83, 24 1 Keene, Jenny 220 Keene, Troci 8 5 Keifer, Jen 134 Keith , Michele 18 1 Kelemetc, Stephanie 134, 241 Keller, Eric 126 Keller, T im 173 Kelly, Mark 177 Kelsheimer, Todd 114, 24 1 Keltner, Steve 174, 196 Kem ner, G reg 11 9 Kem pf. Brad 11 4 Kendall, James 137 Kendall, Keith 59 Kersten, Katherine 7 1, 227 Kestner, Kevin 53, 120 Kerzner, Joe 79 Khan, Fauzul K. 241 Khan , Wajid 202 Khawaja, Yahya 202 Khiran, Khalid 202, 2 12 Khong, Keng H . 24 1 Kho uaja, Hatem 177 Kilgore, Mark 24 1 Kill , Mike 122 Killian, Sean 125 Kincaid, Brian 12 1 Kincy, Chuck 197 Kindle, Jason 223 King, Jon 53, 11 5, 197 King, Kristen 82, 83, 85, 135, 198 King, Matt 2 10 Kin near, Jason 197 Kinton, Paul 26, 125 Kipp, W illiam W. 241 Kirchoff, Bryan 194 Kiso , Steven 116 Kladiva, Jay 120 Klaus, Matt 79 Klaus, Matthew 126 Klein , Brian P. 24 1 Kleinstein, Brian 125 Klemme, Karen 134, 189, 2 13 Kloeppel, Brad 124 Kloiber, C. 17 8 Kloiber, C hristopher A. 241 Klopp, Brian 13 1 Kluz, C hrissy 135 Kluz, Rachq uel C. 241 Knapp, Joe 53, 11 7 Kn icker, Jay 122 Knight, Eric 128 Knittel, John 59 Knott, Kerry 189 Knudson, Shannon 135, 2 12 Koch, Mike 139 Kochanowicz, Ronald G . 241 Koederirz, Kyle 12 1, 195 Koehler, Piper 2 12 Koening, Ian 157 Koepke, Darrin 194 Koestel, Derek 1 19 Kokal, Jeff 66, 67 Kolbe, Julie 153 Kolluru, Nookaiah 227 Kombokis, Alex 228 Komo, Lawton C. 24 1 Koo, Ee Sung 20 5 Koob, Perry 120 Koopman, Rayna 135, 198 Koperzki, Tracy 198 Kraemer, Steven M . 24 1 Kraemer, Vicki 14 1 Kraft , Kerri M . 24 1
Kramer, Scott D. 241 Krause, Douglas 21 7, 24 1 Kremer, Greg 122 Krewson, Joseph 126 Kriesel, Kirk 177 Krueger, Dan 174, 196 Kruep, Tara 135 Krzeminski, Brian 126 Kubly, Scott 149 Kuenzel , C hrissy 135 Kuenzel, Lissy 135 Kuenzel, Melissa A. 24 1 Kuess, Bill 122 Kuhlmann, Keith 116 Kuhne, Pat 122, 224 Kuhne, Tricia 63 , 178 Kulifay, C hris 15 3 Kullmann, Jeffrey D. 242 Kumar, Sunil 149 Kump, Chris 134 Kuntz, E. C hris 183 Kuntz, G reg 124 Kunz, Christopher R. 242 Kutz, G reg 122 Kvetensky, Joee 7 1 Kwiecinski, Amy 138, 223
Lacavich, Jeff 20 I, 224 Lacy, Larry 183, 242 Lagos, Fedrico 120 Lair, Steve 12 1, 185 Lamb, Josh !54 Lamb, Larry 125 Lambert, C hris 183 Lamberrson, Nancy 223 Lambros, Mark 152 Lanasa, G ino 53 Land, Christy 135, 198 Landolphi, Suzi 32 Landwehr, Eric 122, 183 Lane, Mel issa 147, 213 Lane, Patrick I SO Lane, Stephen M . 242 Lane, Steve 12 1,2 10 Lang, Steve 15 7 Langan, James 183 Lange, Cary 53, 54 Langendoerfer, Sand ra J. 242 Langjahr, Gregory D . 242 Lansberry, Mark 149 Lapinski, Larry 129 Lappe, Eric 210, 242 Larson, C ulyer 116 Larson, Mike 211 Lasater, Evalee 219 Lasey, Brian 121 Laudon, Robert 173 Laurent, Ross A. 242 Laws, Aaron D . 242 Laxton, Scott 128 Layne, Mark 2 12 Le, Anthony X. 242 Leach, C hris 124 Leach, Eric 124 Leap, Matt 224 Lear, Brandi 2 18 LeCren, Andy 199, 209 Ledgerwood, Laura E. 242 Lee, Matt 197 Leeftink, Gerrit 139 Leepatanapah , Sineepatch 154 Lefers, Steve 120 LeGrand, Brian 178, 242 Lehman, Cu rt 122 Lehmann , M ichael J. 242 Lehmbeck, Jo hn 224 Leischeidt, T. 178 Leith, Jeff 197 Lemongelli, Lisa M. 242 Lenoir, Dominic 115, 139 Leonard, Allison C. 242
Lesterud, Eivind 53 Leubbert, Jayne 134 Leucht, Kurt W. 242 Leukenatto, Phil 122 Lewallen , Jeff 114 Lewandoski, Mark 129 Lewis, C hris 195 Lewis, Jared 122 Lewis, Rachel 63, 65 Lierz, Randy 126 Likens, Ben 79 Liles, M artin 183, 242 Lilly, David 178, 183 Lin, Austin 191 Lin, Jenna 19 1 Lind, Brad 53 Lindner, Valerie 223 Lindsey, Erick 205 Lindsey, Kerrick 153 Ling, Darren 14 9 Ling, Denise M . 242 Linhorst, Tom 139 Lipo ma, C harles 150, 242 Listerud, Eivind 54 Litchfield, Barry 139, 157 Litherland, Mary A. 242 Litle, Robyn 181, 243 Little, Jennifer 138 Littlefield, Philip 153, 243 Livingstone, Kirk 124 Lloyd, G lenn 183 Loddeke, Adam 129 Lohman, Tom 143 Long, Bob 2 12 Long, MatthewS. 243 Look, D .C. 53 Love, Tammy 147 Lowe, Ro bert 11 4, 243 Lowery, Josh 53, 120 Lozand, Ruben 122 Lubicwski, L. 178 Lucas, Lisa M . 243 Ludiker, A. 178 Ludwig, D un 11 8 Lueckenhoff, Angie 138 Lujan, Matt 152 Luksich, Jody 20 1 Lundeen, Maja 7 1, 89, 90 Lusby, C heryl 13 5 Lutz, Karenda D . 243 Lynch , Suzanne 147 Lynch , Travis 119 Lynn, W illiam R. 243
Maclin, Margorie 199, 243 Madison, Lisa 135 Madrid, C hristina 138 Maier, Brian 123, 243 Maksari , Hamizan 2 12 Malin, Brian 121 Maloney, Cathlin 63, 65 Mandachit, Keith 143 Mandry, Matt 121 Mandry, T haddeus 243 Mansoor, Haasan 86 Mapp, Courtney 45 M arino, G reg 197 Marks, Brian 59, 122 Marks, Jennifer 156 Marler, Tammy 152, 243 M arlowe, C hris 53 Marshall, Jennifer 147 Marshall , Kelly 138 Marshall, Mike 156 Martin, Dale 67 M arti n, Dan 120 M artin, Jeff 11 9 M artinez, Dale 143 M arvich, Teri 83, 85, 151 M aschler, Julie 134, 14 1 M ason, Geoff 149
Mason, Rakiyah 18, 23, 243 Massey, Brent 18 1 Massey, Brian 130 Masterman, Katie 63, 65, 154 M asterson, Matt 131 Mathai, Sheena 191 Mathai, T homas 191 Mathematics, Applied 238, 243, 248 Mathes, C had 157 Mathes, Douglas 127, 243 Mathes, Stacy 7 1, 243 Matt, C hristian A. 243 Matthews, Mark 67 Matthews, Mike 220 Maurena, Julie 15 1 Maurer, Julie 7 1 Maus, Therese 199, 209 Maxon, Sarah 63, 65, 154 Maxwell , Shonie C. 243 May, Carrie 2 17 Mayabb, Patrick B. 243 Mazza, Nick 125 McAllister, Adam 126 McBane, Amanda 134 McBee, Todd 127 McCarron, Par 122 McCauley, C raig 45 , 89 McCauley, M. 178 McC lellan, Mike 2 10 McCormick, Paul A. 243 M cCowen, Dave 197 M cCoy, Dawn 135 McCurren, Brian 197 McDaniel, Jason 127 M cEnery, Mike 53 McEuen, David 183 McGariry, Kelly 2 19 McGee, Travis 228 McGinness, Gerald 137 McGi nness, Shawn 143 M cGinn is, Dan 18 1 Mcintyre, Mark 200 Mcintyre, Mitzi 198 Mciwaine, Kevin A. 243 Mckee, Brain 139 McKee, Scott 178, 183 McLaud, Douglas M . 243 McLaud, Erin B. 244 McLaughlin, Tony 120 McMackin, Jay 152, 244 McMahon, Tom 193 McManus, Marc 90, 126 McMenamin, Kirk D. 244 McM ichael, Gary 128 McMormick, Paul 12 1 McMurray, Missy 198 McNail , C lay 120 McNeely, John 130 McNeil, C andy 135 McNeil, Stacy 134, 2 13 McWi lliams, Todd 11 9 Meade, Michael 189 Meade, Mike 122 Med lin , C lay 125 Mehta, Farida 153, 183, 244 Meinershagen , Kirk 18 1 Meiser, Tom 11 7 Melick, Bach 12 1 Melick, Tilmann V. 244 Melson, Kent 13 1 Menke!, Phillip 139, 177 Mercer, Bud 87 Mercurio, Matt 125 Meredith, Alan 18 1 Mertz, C hris 126 Mesko, Mark 137 Mesko, Melissa 197 Messenger, Todd B. 244 Messler, G reg 120 M erwalli, Omar 156, 205 Metzger, Collin 137
Meyer, Chad 125 Meyer, Dennis M. 244 Meyer, Fred 226 Meyer, John 210 Meyer, Ralph 126 Meyer, RichardT. 244 Meyers, Doug 114 Meyers, Jam ie 147 Meyers, Jason 224 Meyers, Jay 75 Mezines, Tony 122 Mickelson, Dave 53, 11 7 Midden, Ed 75, 153,228 Midden, Eric 75, 76, 228 Mikrut, John 75, 76 Milankovic, Darke 75 Millangue, Rafael 156, 244 Miller, Curtis 18 1 Miller, Darin B. 244 Miller, G len 145 Miller, Jason 122 Miller, Joe 148 Miller, Mike 13 1 Miller, O livia 134 Miller, Patricia K. 244 Miller, Reid 114 Miller, Scott 150, 194 Miller, Steve 2 12 Miller, Tricia 18 1 M inski, Carolyn 135, 198 Mintner, Tim 139 Missoum, Azzedine 202 Mitchell, Dave 139 Mitchell, Doug 119 Mitchell, Ed 21 1 Mitchell, Kyle 123 Mitchell, Shane 120 Mittenzwey, Billy 127 Mockairis, Jeff 127 Modlin, Brandt 76 Mohamad-lbrah im, MohamadNasir 244 Mohd, Fuad Ashar 232 Mohd-Yusof, Shahrul-Azmi 244 Mohdar, Reza 202 Moll, Kevin 130 Moller, Scott 126 Molner, Lisa 63, 135, 244 Monaghan, Rebecca 134, 147 Montefusco, Julie 135 Montgomery, Wade 124 Moody, Les 53, 11 7 Moody, Warren 13 1 Moog, Mart 125 Mooney, Lisa 178, 244 Moore, Jeff 149 Moore, Jeremy 145 Moore, Maria T. 244 Moore, Robert 148, 205 Moppins, Brad 53 Morak, Lynn 21 3 Moran, Bob 149 Marlier, C hris 197 Moron, Nate 125 Morris, Coach Don 67 Morris, Kimberlee A. 244 Morris, Ryan 87 Morrow, Greg 224 Moulin, Krista 183, 244 Mouser, Bradley J. 244 Mucas, Lisa 209 Muehe, Tara 198 Mueller, C hris A. 244 Mueller, Jennifer 183 Mueller, Mike 129 Mueller, Paul 116 Mueller, Pete 79, 80 Muller, Duece 117 Muller, Jason 143 Mullin, Mark 75, 76 Munoz, Mark 75, 228 Munro, Julaine M . 245
Munsey, Jim 220 Munsey, Jimbo 125 Murawski, Tom 150 Murphy, James D. 245 Murphy, Karen 198 Murphy, Mark 129, 224 Murphy, Sean 123 Murrell , Carmen 133 Murrish, Jeremy 11 6 Mustafa, Ahmed 202 Myers, harles 156, 157 Myers, Jamie R. 245 Myers, Jason 126 Myers, Stephen D. 245
Nagel, David 173 Naing, Kyaw M. 245 Nasir, Mohamad Ibrahim 208 Neal, Lynn 226 Needham, Ed W 245 Neemann, Jeff 87, 126, 183 Neill, Nancy 135 Neill, Nancy J. 245 Neill, Naney 185 Nelson, Andy 143 Nelson, Erika 7 1, 183 Nelson, G reg 126 Nelson, Sandra 223 Nelson, Tory I 94 Neuner, Michael 122 Newby, Mark 152 N gyen, Phuong 138 Nichols, Matt 152, 183 Nicholson, Stephen R. 24 5 Nickell, Bradley 126 Niedens, Jeremy 139 Nield, Thomas C. 245 Niemeier, Fred 120, 210 Nierman, Scott 79 Nieukirk, Shane M. 245 N ikolic, Zvonko 148, 211 Niles, Roger 12 1 Nix, Darin 53, 54, 79 Noel, Dave 125 Noel, Karla K. 245 Nolte, Nelson 119 Norton, Mark D. 245 Norhaus, Barclay 120, 224 Novorich, Kristin 138 Nunley, James 245
O 'Brien, Mike 152 O 'Neal, Sherri 134 O 'Neill, Brian 120, 224 O 'Neill, Sherri 2 10 O 'Neill, Tom 89, 121 Oberkirsch, Ben 11 9 Obrhelman, Sheri 147 Occhipinti, Michelle 245 Ockers, Jim 20 I O ckree, Amber 135 Oehlert, Kirk 124 Oetting, Sonya 189 Olander, Derek J. 245 Olney, Greg 197 O lson, G. Suzanne 245 Onyx, Nathan Denner I 16 Oppeau, Todd 120, 183, 224, 245 Orange, Lamont 11 5, 245 Onega, Monya 133 Osborn, Valerie 83, 151 Osman, G hiath 137, 245 Ostermann, Jeff 127 Orren, Aaron 154, 245 O tto, Paul I 24 Orrsen, Chris 226 Overfelt, Michael 120 Owens, Kenneth R. 246 Ozbayoglu, Murat 197
Padakannaya, Shawa 246 Palicki, Kirk 114 , 195 Palmer, Edward T. 246 Palmer, J. 178 Panka, Brian 87 Park, hun 124 Parker, Larry 154, 157 Parker, han non 49, 50, 51, 2 17 Parker, Tim 149 Parodi , aria . 246 Parrott, Rod 114 Parry, Jim 181 Parson, James 209 Paskiewicz, Jeff 124 Passanise, Angela 63, 65, 208 Patience, G reg I 18 Patterson, Charles 183 Patterson, Samantha 183 Paul, Vanessa 189 Pauli, Mike 197 Paulson, Loretta 135 Pazdera, Tom 114 Peck, Kelly 13 5 Peeler, Darren 26 Peifer, Ashley 141, 177 Penerman, Renee 133 Penn, Aaron E. 246 Penning, Bryan 194 Pepmiller, Bill 59 Percle, Aimee 14 1 Perkins, Dave 152, 155 Perkins, Libby 194 Peters, Eric I 14 Peters, Jason 76, 157 Perers, Matt 149 Peters, Sean 39, 224 Pererson, Aaron 154 Pererson, Christine 135, 246 Peterson, Kirk 120, 246 Peterson, Troy 114 Petit, Greg 189 Petrie, Kim 205 Perrikovirsch, John 200, 246 Petry, Roger 14 5 Pfeiffer, Lisa 135 Phelps, Keith 123 Philips, Marshall D. 246 Philipsheck, Anthony 79 Phillips, Todd 146 Phillips, Valerie 153 Pho, Thuan D. 246 Phung, Van Q. 246 Phuong, My 152 Pickard, Rodney I 77 Picoler, Dale 126 Pieper, Terry W. 246 Piepho, Jason 67 Piepho, Rich 155 Pierce, Theresa 194, 246 Pierson, Harry 153 Pimmel, Keith 154, 228 Pinkerton, Troy 87, I 14 Pinkley, Gary A. 246 Pinzke, Cam 125 Place, Daphne 2 11 Plocher, S. I 78 Podolak, Mike 131 Podrazik, Bill I 54 Poerrner, John 129 Poengen, Greg 197 Pohl, Amy L. 246 Pohl, Heather 135 Pohlman, Becky 134, 141 Poindexter, Mitchell 137 Poland, Victor 122 Polar, Ozgur 190 Politte, Jason 53 Pollard, Lawrence C. 246 Polston, David 11 9, 189 Poor, Jay 145
Pope, J mes A. 246 Poner, ourrney 53 Portis, dri A. 246 Post, teve 210 Postlewait, JdT 126 Potthast, Andy 129 Potthast, Jeff 143 Potts, Bart 146 Powell , Rich 139 Powell , Tina 152 Powers, John 197 Prada, William 246 Preston, Sarah 45, 89 Preston, corr 121 Prewitt, Jason 120 Price, Eli 224 Price, Jeffrey 137 Prichett, Lisa M . 246 Probasco, Erik 121 Pruett, Tim 79 Puckett, Noelle 198, 247 Puder, Craig 39, 114, 189 Pulsifar, Dyan 135 Pundmann , llTis 127
Quarles, Jeff 226 Quashnock, Bill 139 Quigley, Pam 199 Quimby, Shane 87, 173 Quin t, Jay 59 Quirin, Ken 120, 189
Rackers, raig 122, 247 Radman, Matthew N. 247 Rages, Mark 148 Rahman, Roziman Abd. 202, 2 12 Rahn , hris 26 Rainey, Karen 49 Rakonick, con 157, 178. 183, 247 Ramadhian , Mohamad 202 Rammer, Brent 125 Ramsey, Brian 75 Ramsey, Michael 128 Rastorfer, Todd 79 Ratcliff, Denise C. 247 Rau, Kelly 151 Rauch, John 120 Ray, Corey 121 Raza, Md Ishfaq ur 202 Recar, Jo hn 126 Recktenwald, Jeff I 50, I 94 Redhage, Dale L. 247 Redza, Mohd Shah Han if 239 Rees, Tobi 7 1 Reeves, Lisa M . 24 7 Regan, Joh n 157 Reichert, Ed 53 Reimer, Todd 155 Rein, Amy 135 Reiter, C hris 224 Reiter, Cory 129 Reiter, James 127 Rendic, Dikan 75, 76, 153 Reneau, Brandon 124 Renick, Steve 210, 224 Renner, C huck I 97 Repke, Scott D . 247 Repperger, Michael 128 Reza, hah 2 12 Rhoades, Ron 220 Rhoads, Krisri 147 Rice, Jason 53 Richards, Don 53 Richards, Jason 183 Richards, Sarah 199, 209 Richardson , Brian 177 Richardson, Travis 59, 137 Richardson, William 126 Rickman, Joel 126
Ridle, Rob 59, 122 Rieff. Jo 155 R.ieffel , Robert 137 Riegal. Laura 135 Rieger, John 139 Rieman n, Jerome 129, 183 Riepe . Jeffrey 189 Riggs, Barry 143 Rikand , Elisabeth A. 247 Ringer, Rob 154 Ringhausen, Alan 154, 183, 24 7 Ringkor, Kristen 75, 135 Rinker, Robin C. 24 7 Rinkor, Kristen 76 Rishell, Susan 138 Risher, Dyan 83, 89, 90, 247 Risner, Brandon 53, 2 11 Ritchey, Kathlee n 83, 151 Rives, Christy 135 . 198 Roberson, Anne T. 247 RobertS, Linda 7 1 RobertS, Monica 142 RobertS, Tobin 197 Robemon, Melanie 210 Robinson, C hris 195 Robinson, Freeman E. 247 Robinson, Par 125 Robinson, T ina 153 Rodenberger, Gerhardt 183, 247 Rodriguez, Jesus 190, 2 17 Roes, Dave 122 Roetto, David 121 Rogers, Amy 134. 14 1 Rogers, Nicki 156, 200 Rogge, T homas 194 Rohear, Melissa 15 1 Rohrbacker, Mary 83, 84, 85 Rohrer, Melanie 83, 84, 85, 151 Rohrer, Melissa 83 Roland, Richard 26 Rollins, Dempsey 149, 157 Romer, Spring A. 247 Rooks, Jeff 124 Roper, Janet 13 5 Roper, Steve 122 Rosdilsky, Ian 20 I Ross, Darren 114 Ross, Gary 120 Ross, James D. 247 Ross, Natalie 155 Rorhweii , Andrew 126,174, 196 Rottmund, Matt 143 路 Rous, Matthew 116 Rowden, Brain 139 Rowden, Matt 124 Rowland, Rick 2 10 Rowold, Matt 11 9 Rozd ilsky, Ian 247 Ruch, Jerry 152 Rudloff, Tricia 198 Rugur, Anne W. 247 Ruhland, Amy 198 Ruma, Tricia 198 Runzi , C had 137 Rupp. Larry F. 247 Rush, Scott 67 Russell , Steve 191 Rurenkroger, Scott 123, 2 18 Rutledge, Chris 178, 248 Ruzchak, Noreen 151 Ryan, Ch ris 79, 11 7 Ryu, Sang 152
Saaid, Isma il Mohd 212 Sabacky, Kevi n 139 Saeed, 1smael 202 Saeger, Scott 152. 226 Saffels, Ryan 86 Sagez, Dion M. 248 Saharan, Saharun Nizam 2 12 Said, lzaini Bin Shoib 2 12
Saleh, Shaharudin 202, 248 Saling, Cara 248 Sal isbury. Tami 138, 197 Salleh, Nazarudin C he 202 Salli , C had 53 Sallwasser, Randy 137 Sanchez, Irene 208 Sander, Matt 124 Sanders, Darin 181 Sandford, Co urtney 183 Sandife r, Jill 135 Sandifer-Moyer, Chad 125 Sanning, Alan D. 248 Sanson, Jessica 135 Sauer, Amy 2 13 Saunier, Brett 124, 189 Schaefer, John 122 Schaefer, Matthew 116 Schaeffer, Byron 12 1, 174, 196 Schaffer, Kirk 53 Schaffer, R. 178 Schannel. Brian ! 50 Scheiblhofer, C hris 39, 224 Scheman, Dee 151 Schiebel, Steve 14 5 Schieferle, Lisa L. 248 Schieszer, Douglas F. 248 Schiffer, Rob 194 Schliebe, John 126 Schlueter, Michael 126 Schmerer, Avi 13 1 Schmid, Kelly 142 Schmidt, Mark 146 Schmitt, Cameron 205 Schneider, Craig 15 5 Schneier, Patrick 155, 248 Schnieders, J usrin 122 Schock, James 12 1 Schoenberg, Mart 145 Schofluezel, Carrie 15 5 Schomaker, Joseph 128 Schoo r, Karen 223, 248 Schorr, Wade 193, 248 Schrameyer, Brian 228 Schreckenberg, Cynthia M. 248 Schreller, Bryan 224 Schrishuhn , Terri 59, 63, 7 1 Schrock, Jim 11 8 Schroeder, Jeff 145, 157 Schroeder, John 183, 248 Schroeder, Par 130 Schroer, Julie 134, 248 Schuette, Lance 208 Schultz, Steven 178, 183, 248 Schulz, Tonya L. 248 Schumate, Eric 146 Schumer, Kimberly C. 248 Schwalje, Kevin 45 , 89 Schwartz, Jayme 131 Schweizer, Artie 126 Schwent, Matt 53 Scott, Brian A. 248 Scott, K. 178 Scott, Michael 18 1 Scott, Sterling 2 11 Scott, Wally 205 Seabaugh, Matthew M. 248 Sears, Andrew 218 Seavey, Geoff 79 Sebaugh, Andrea 189 Seidler, Eric V. 248 Sellmeyer, Julie 134 Sel ph, Matt 149 Sept, Douglas 195, 197, 248 Serban, Ch ristina 2 17 Seville, James 157 Sexton, William 137 Sfreddo, C hristina 135 , 249 Shackleford , Jeff 2 12 Shafer, Michelle 185 Shafer, Paula 173 Shah , Milan 137. 197
Shan, Ming-Yang 183 Shanor, Brian S. 249 Sharp, Dawn 135, 198 Sharpes, Kristi 154 Shaw, Aaron 119 Shaw, Berhanie S. 249 Shaw, Gene 137 Shaw, Jeffrey A. 249 Shaw, Tony 197 Sheidr, Ericka 197 Shepard, Scott 195 Shepherd, Scott 114 Sheridan, Joh n 121, 185 Sherman, C hris 139 Sherman, Suzanne 194 Shields, Chris 149 Shiner, Jeff 11 9 Shipley, Dan 128 Shmiddy, Mike 125 Shockley, Scott 249 Shoemaker, Michael 208 Shook, Jeffrey J. 249 Shook, Karen L. 249 Shooty, Lance 125 Sho re, Chris 53 Shortt, BradT. 249 Shreve, Chad 145 Shryer, Jennifer 155 Shulfer, Allen 122, 249 Shultz, Greg 59 Shundo, Ken 129 Shush, Jeff 125 Sidek, Rosalie 2 12 Simecek, Mark 197 Simmons, C hristopher 120 Simms, T.J. 114 Simones, Joe 155, 157 Simonton, Lyle 153 Simpson, Dan 53 Simrell, Robert D. 249 Sink, Kelly 141, 185 Sinner, James 67 Sipp, David 154 Sithivaraporn , Viroj 249 Six, Ron 200 Skelton, Jeni 220 Skel ton, Jennifer 183 Skikas, Steve 26, 125, 224 Skiles, Betsy 138 Skouby, Derick 223 Slackens, Andy 125 Smith , Ben 125 Smith , Bill 53, 54 Smith, Brandi 189 Sm ith , Cathleen 142 , 2 17 Smith, C hristopher P. 249 Smith, David 178, 249 Sm ith, Donna 138 Smith, Jeff 130 Smith, Joyce 154 Smith, Koby 181 Sm ith, Lynette A. 249 Smith , Patrick 126 Smith, Scott 194 Smull, Brad 143, 181 Smyser, Christo pher P. 249 Smythe, Patrick 131 , 210 Snethen, Leigh Ann 208 Snyder, K.C. 123 Soedarsono, Adik 202 Sokol, Mark 152 So lofra, Kevin 146, 174, 196 Sommerhauser, Mark 155 Sorensen, Craig 53, 88, 89 Sousa, Joe 53 Spasrorfor, Todd 125 Spechals, Maria 151 Spellman, Tim 205 Spencer, Brain 120 Spindel, Lisa 152 Spindler, Kevin 156 Spradling, Jim 124
Springs, Meredith 138 Spurgeon, Andy 149 Squibb, Steve 150 Sripongranakul , Tana 2 12 Sraechli ng, Nathan 121 Staley, Doug 152 Standley, Ted 145 Standridge, Chris 151 Stanfield , James 89 Starbuck, Jason 181, 191 Starbuck, Linda 198 Starkweather, Rory 197 Steck, Tina 151 , 157 Steen, Shawn C. 249 Steger, Ben 148 Steiger, Scott J. 249 Sreinkoerter, Jim 129 Stei nman , Becky 138 Steinman, Corey 124 Steinmann , Kurt 228 Steinmentz, Phil 139 Steinmetz, Keith 11 4, 177 Steltenpohl, Ben 123, 2 18 Steltenpohl, Jonathan 123 , 249 Stelzer, C hrissy 134 Stephens, Ed 226 Stergos, Matt 129 Steurer, Rick 127 Stevens, Korena 71, 178, 249 Stewart, Bill 130 Stewart, Dave 122 Stewart, Kalen 152 Stewart, Michael 173 Stewart, Peter Scott 249 Stewart, Scott 120, 224 Stiegemeier, Tom H . 250 Stiles, Lisa 135 Stirnemann, Steve 128 Stoessel, Bart 129 Stork, John 224 Stratman, Jaso n 122, 250 Stratman, John 122, 189 Stroik, Kristen 63, 134 Stroman, David 153 Strouse, A my 134 Struckhoff, Janice 135, 250 Stukey, Donald I. 250 Suddarth, Brad 11 9 Sudrajat, lwan 202 Sueme, Joseph III 137 Suki , Md. Shari! 202 Sullivan, T homas H. 25 0 Sumariwalla, Zubin 126, 174, 196 Summers, Natalie 141 Suolopoulos, Gregory 154 Sutherland, Justin 143 Suthiwong, Sukit 183 Sutterfield, Mandy 2 17 Sutton, Laura 197 Sutton, Rob 12 1 Svolopo ulos, Gregory A. Jr. 250 Swain, Damon 12 1 Swanbeck, Eric 59, 63 Swearingen, Eric 121 Swinford, James A. 250 Switzer, Craig 149 Swoboda, Scott A. 250 Szabo, Joe 174, 196
Talken, Dave 122 Tang, Hoa 154 Tarpley, John C. 250 Tattershall , David 11 9, 189 Taylor, Andre 156 Taylor, C hris 156 Taylor, Daniel D. 250 Taylor, Kevin 12 1 T choukaleff, C hris 114 Tedesco, Bill 128 Teiken ,Justin 45, 174, 196
Teitelbaum, Sean 174, 196 Templet, Kristen 142 Tenholder, Brian 125 Tenney, Sara 220 Terb rak, Wendi 138 Terhune, Brad 143 Thebeau, Chris 153 Thiele, Steven 200 Thien, John 130 Thomas, Arnett 53. 137 Thomas, C heryl 183, 250 Thomas, Jessica 134, 185 . 189 Thomas, Leta 15 1 Thomas, Shawn 135, 198 Thompson, Brian 18 1 Thompson, Heather 135 Thompson, Keith 228 Thompson, Malcolm 53 Thompso n, Mike 197 Thompso n, Zachlyn 63, 65 Thone, Kim 198 Thorn , Chris 149 Thorton, Max 120 Tian, Peter 183 Tilley, Brian 53 Tilling, Aimee 141 Tilling, Aimee' 134 Titus, Jeff 59 Toebben, Aaron 139 Tolly, D eanna 209 Tomlinson, Gary 53 Toombs, Barret 139 Torbit, Jeff 155 Totton, Cynthia M . 25 0 Towle , Mike 127 Townes, Malcom 115 Trachsel, Darell 11 4 Tran, Paul 12 1 Tran, Quynh D. 250 Triplett, Eric 145 Tripp, Brandon 200 Truemper, Steve 116 Trull , C hris 122 Tseng, H siem C. 250 Tso ulfa nidis, Lena V. 250 Tucker, Michelle 142 Tuksal, Emre M. 250 Turan , Murat 146 Turner, Robert 2 10 Turner, Teresa M. 25 0 Tuskal, Emre 31 Tyma, John 120 Tyee , Rob 2 12
Uehling, James R. Ulrich, Jeff 79 Una! , Serdar 146 Unterreiner, Ryan Unzicker, Bill 75, Upchurch, Darrell Uphoff, C. 178 Upp , C hris 21 1
45, 46, 89, 90 76 139
Vaisvil, Ken 127 Valle, Jorge 59, 86, 152 Vallely, Brian 53 VanAcker, Jim 53 VanAsdale, Shawn 114 VanBuren, Kelly S. 250 Vande rgriff, Matt 139 VanDerWall , Robert 45, 46, 47 , 250 VanHoose, Robert 153 Varughese , Sheena 251 Vehige, Steven L. 251 Vemireddy, Prashant 251 Venezia, Nicholas J . 25 1 Venker, Dee 198 Venters, Steve 139 Yerman, Brian 118
Villines, Joe D. III 25 1 Vincent, Mike 129, 189, 197 Vinkemillser, Rudy 145 Visintine, Laura 135 Viviano, T im 129, 189 Vogt, Mark 2 10 Vollert, Katherine 15 1, 157,25 1 Volner, Scorr 18 1 Vornberg, Cathy 83 Voss, M. 178
Wacker, Bill 224 Wade, Nathan 79, 80, 8 1, 155 Wade, Ryan 67 Waggoner, Kara 147, 208 Waggoner, Stacey 154 Wagner, Jim 2 19 Wagner, Thomas 128 Wagoner, Jason 53, 79, ! 53 Wainscorr, Sterling 126 Wakeland, Paul !53 Waldoch, Jon 122 Walgate, Gregory 120 Walk, Pam 2 11 Walker, Esther 133 Walker, Shannon 11 8 Walker, Stacy 13 5 Wallis, Vicki 157 Wallock, Jerry 53 . 54 Walser, Shelly 14 1 Walt, Rena 63 Walters, Darren 39, 120, 224 Wan, Murdani Mohamad 251 Wan, Rui 183 Wang, Yiwan 25 1 Ward, Brenr A. 251 Ward, C hris 53 Wardojo, Erwin 156, 18 1 Warsnak, Rich 39 Weaver, Todd 67, 68 Webb, Adam 156 Webb, C indy 197 Webb, Lisa 173 Weber, Phillip J. 25 1 Weber, Steven 13 7 Wegman, Andy 79, 122 Wehmeyer, Emily ! 5 1 Wehmeyer, Marrhew 11 6 Wehmeyer, Pete 114 Wei!, Joe 122 Weiner, Scott 11 7 Weinhold, Joel 143 Weissmann, Ken 197 Welker, Jason 116 Wells, David 53 Wells, Heather 7 1 Wengler, Jason 129 Wentzel, Mike 120 Wenzel, Jeff 145 West, Jon 149 West, Sarah 134 Wester, Zeph 12 1 Westermeyer, Todd 53 Wetzel, Reuben 227,25 1 W hite, Jeremy 156 White, John 137 W hite, Lorie 7 1 W hite, Lucas 137 White, Travis 177 W hitehurst, Darren 114 Whitworth, J. 178 W hitworth, John 157, 183 W hitworth, John I. 25 1 W hyte, Kathy 191 Wicoff, Emily 177 Wieden, C raig 146 Wieseler, Brenda 156, 157 W igington, Tom 122 W ilde, C raig 122 W ildschuetz, C hris 45, 89 W ilkerson, Kate 18 1
Wilkins, M ichael 120 Willadsen, Shari 14 1 W illiams, Amy M. 251 Williams, Brerr 126 Williams, C hris 53, 178 Williams, C hristie 7 1 W illiams, Jason 143 W illiams, Michael 79, 80 Williams, Robert S. 25 1 Williams, Ryan 149 W illiamson, Brian 59 W illiamson, Keith 139 W illingham, Brian 146 W illis, Kendall 0. 25 1 Willmorh, Geoffrey 194, 197 Wilman, Laura 141,201 W ilpor, Mark 205 W ilpor, Ross 205 W ilson, Becky 48, 49, 50, 89, 90, 91 Wilson, Doug 149 Wilson, Forrester 124 Wilson, Jamie 128 Wilson, Jeff 79, 11 7 Wilson, Rob 128 Winham, Glenn 125 Winkelman, Patrick J. 25 1 W inkelmann, Nick 79 Winkle, Anica 135 Winkleman, Michael 137 Winkleman, Par 122 Winkler, C hris 154 Winkler, Jay 18 1 Winschel, Brain 143 Winserr, Steve 45, 145 W inslerr, Robin 126 Winslow, Jeff 75 Winters, N icole 135, 189 Wise, Mike 53, 54, 55, 79 Witt, David 119 W irr, Joseph 114, 25 1 W irrkop, John R. 251 W irrler, Scorr 11 6 Wohlgemuth , Deanna 198 Wokurka, Joe 122 Wonders, James I. 25 1 Wood , Denny 125 Wood , Lori D . 25 1 Wood , Nancy J. 252 Wooden, Eric 126 Woods, H enry Jr. 11 5 Woolfolk, Jamie 114 Worrell , C hristy 183 Woyrek, Jeff 79 Wray, Nicki 83, ! 5 1 Wrest, Darryl J. 252 Wright, Brian 53 Wright, Doug 2 11 Wright, Jeff 124, 220 Wright, Melinda 138 Wright, Patti 147 Wulf, John 120 Wulf. John E. 252 Wyarr, Greg 130 Wyzik, C raig 157
Yaiser, Amy 135 Yandav-O lney, Sheela 197 Yang, Jing-Shyang 183 Yehle, Ted 148 Yeomans, Karen 183, 252 York, Mia ! 56 Young, Dan 149 Young, Derek 2 10 Young, Nona 2 13 Young, Robert F. 252 Young, Russell 2 11 Young, Sarah 181 , 183 Young, Steve 45, 67, 89 Yu, Winson N . 252 Yukich, John F. 252
Yun, Dan ! 55 Yusof, Shahrul Azmi 202
Zainaladnan, Azmi Bin 212 Zbinden, Stacey L. 252 Zelada, G iuliana 190 Zerr, Brad I I 8 Ziang, Russell 53 Ziegle, Eric 87, 121 Zimmer, Chris 135 Zimmerman, Michael 152, 157, 252 Zion, Marrhew 145, 252 Zlatic, Mike 145 Zollars, Todd 67, 126 Zoroufchy, Amir R. 252 Z ung, Jennifer 183, 197, 220, 252 Z ung, Russell 121 Zung, William 59, 86 Z urbuchen, Mark 124 Zurowegle, Tim 155 Zwick, Mike 130 Zychiniski, Steven 120
Dr. Lance Williams
In closing, I'd like to dedicate this book to Dr. Lance Williams. For more than twenty years Dr. Williams has served as the Rollamo advisor. Many professors are advisors to campus organizations, but being an advisor to the Rollamo is truly unique. When most campus organizations wind down and cease operations at the end of the semester, the Rollamo is reaching critical mass. For as long as I can remember, the book has been finished just before the start of the Fall semester. For Dr. Williams, that means the summer is full of questions from stressed-out editors and confused publishers. Even when the book is finally finished there is no rest. The bid for the next book has to be written and sent out, editors and photographers have to be recruited, and next year's equipment and supplies must be bought. In addition to taking care of his teaching responsibilities, during the school year there are staff problems, money problems, and StuCo problems. As Often, Dr. Williams has been the voice of wisdom for a "green" staff. "Will this look good? Can we do this? How much will it cost?" are common and difficult questions to answer. And, in dealing with the publishing house, there are many technical questions that can only be answered by an experienced professional. Dr.Williams has always stood by the staff during difficult times like after the death of an editor in 1990. I, being the one who replaced him, especially appreciated Dr. Williams' concern, support, and encouragement. During the past four years that I have worked with him, I have found him to be a caring, helpful, and respectable advisor. In conclusion, I believe I speak for the more that 60,000 students who have received one of your yearbooks-thank you, Dr. Williams, for the hard work, patience, and diligence in helping us remember our years in Rolla.
Greg Teets, Editor-in-Chief Colophon Volume 88 of the Un iversity of Missouri-Rolla 1994 Rol/amo was printed by the Delmar Printing and Publishing Company of Charlotte, North Carolina. Layouts were done on Aldus PageMaker速 5.0 and submitted on disk to the publisher. Fonts used include Matura Script Capitals, Tekton, Gill Sans, Colonna MT. All trademarks and copyrights remain the property of their respective owners.