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This year the s tudents of UMR faced many changes in both the university and themselves. There were. of course. changes that take placeeveryyear s uch as incoming freshmen d eciding between residence halls and greek llfe and seniors hoping that they can land their ideal job (or jus t any job at all) . During the 1994- 1995 school year. though. there was something more going on than us ual. The most obvious cha nge on campus was the movement to make all the buildings handicap accessible. Ramps a nd elevators were added to a ll the buildings that ctid n ot a lrea dy h ave t h e m . Al so. th e o ld Mtemporary- b uildings tha t housed the old cafeteria and KMNR were fina lly tom down. The KMNR ra dio sta tion was moved to the old weigh t lifting gym tha t has been rented and renovated by the univers ity. In addition to th ese chan ges . the mul ti-purpose building was under construction a ll year and lhe a ddition s hould be fini sh ed sometime in the Fa ll Semester of 1995. The extension to the electrical engineering building should start soon as well. Alth o u gh th e re seem ed to b e construction a nd destruction everywhere, it was jus t the background for the way the Hancock II Amendment s hook the campus . At firs t. only the politically minded talked of the effect of the passage of Amendmen t Seven. then when the Board of Curators forecast t hat tuition would increase by 200 to 300% and im plemented a hiring freeze the studen ts of UMR sal u p and look notice. The school even hosted the Hancock vs. Moody debate so tha t each side could present and defend It's case. On the social s ide of life. the IF'C board. after realizing tha t there was not a good time in the winter semester to hold the Greek Week fesllvi lics. decided to s tart having Greek Week in the fa ll semester. So this year. ins tead of greek week. IF'C hos ted a rush weekend for all the fra ternities a nd incoming freshmen to meet each other. All in all the s tudents took these changes in sti;de and kept on going.
Pholol(rttph by L.:m cc Wllllnms
Pho lQI.tntph by C reg Teets
Photograph by
Gre~tTcet s
Opposite Top: II Is easy to forget how
beaullful the UMR campus Is. especially during sunrise. Opposite Bottom: Going to college is not just about classes and gmdes. it is also about making friends. accepting diversity. and participating in extracurricular actlvtties. Top: At one time the only women at UMR were the male students' wives. now lhe female students are a strong force inside the classrooms as well as outside. Bottom: These nags remind those rushing by from class to class that believe it or not. lhey are lucky to be here.
Photograph by Lance Williams
Photograph by Creg Trets
Photograph by t..u~ Wllllrun.~
Oppos ite Top: Curtis Law-; Wilson Library.
Oppos ite Bottom: CasUeman llall This Page: The Rolla Building
Photograph b)
PhotOjlraph by Greg Teets
Photograph by Greg Teets
Photograph by Tracey Davis
Opposite Top: The computer-aided
lecture hall in the Engineering Management building. Opposite Bottom: The sidewalks are always filled with students in between classes. Top: The St. Pat's Board spent long hours decorating the gym for the coronation ceremony. Bottom: It was not unusual to see people green from head to toe during St. Pat's.
Photograph by Amy Rof.(ers
Photograph submitted by Brandl Modlin
Photograph by Greg Teets
Opposite Top: The swimming team got a little crazy while shaving their heads before compeUlion. Oppos ite Bottom: During warm weather. it was difficu lt to find clothes thatwould be cool enough to wear to class and to unconditioned classrooms. yet be wann enough for buildings where the alr conditioning was on full blast. Top: During the St. Pars parade. the men ofi{A won first place for their nonfloat entry of U1e rtrsl crusade. Middle Left:The women's cross county team ran in sun or rain. Middle Right: On graduation day, U1e new graduates were relieved to be out of school, yet unsure of ilie future. Bottom: The revealing of the Homecoming Queen took place during halftinle of the homecoming football game.
Photograph by Amy Rogers
submitted by
Photograph by Brldgette Ganley
Photograph by Greg Tee.ts
Photograph by Crcg Teets
Photof!rnph by Crel( Teets
Photograph by Amy
Some students were Opposite: concerned about the effect teartng down the old buildln!-(s would have on the surroundings. Construction of the multiTop: purpose addition went on a ll throughout the school year. Middle: During the sprln~ ofl995 the building behind EE was tom down. The basement was formerly used by the rifle team. Bottom: The dcslructlon of the old cafeteria took place early In the year. but the KMNR building was kept lnlact until the new radio station was renovated.
Photol(mph by Cm! TÂŤts
Photograph by Jason
Photograph by Jason
Phorogrnph by limy IWjlc"'
Opposite Top: The runners at the starting llnc of Run 4 Your Life. Oppos ite Middle: The Vetcran·s Day Ceremony held on the UMR campus. Oppos ite Bottom: One of the floats in the St. Pars Parade warned of the consequ en ces of drinking and driving. Top: The 24 hour volleyball marathon h eld at the quad raised over $ 1200 for ch arity. Bottom: Th e members of the Army ROTC participated in the Run 4 Your Life also.
4., ••
,l \.
Photograph by
'\ ~tali~
Photojtraph by Jason Ainslie
C:::R1EL.:.1g:~d. ,.:1.~-.r& August 1994:
December 1994:
•!• The baseball strike continues. This is the first
•!• J oycelyn Elders was fired after suggesting
year there has not been a World Series since 1904. •!• The students of UMR come back to school to find the doors of Delta Sigma Phi closed for good. •!• President Clinton changes the long-standing U.S. policy on Cuban immigrants, butitdoesnot stop the Cuban refugees from coming.
schools teach masturbation as safe sex. •!• A U.S. Army helicopter strays into North Korea and is shot down •!• Gingrich suggests that the allies should pull their peacekeepers out of Bosnia and provide the Muslims with arms and training.
September 1994: •!• The President formally s tarted the Americorps Natio n al Service Program which will help members finance their education for one or two years of service. •!• An immigration agreement is signed allowing 20,000 Cubans into the U.S. if Cuba stopped the illegal immigrants. •!• A gunman frres 27 rounds at the White House.
January 1995: •!• The National Hockey League strike ends and
the first game of the season is played on January 20th. •:• The O.J. Simpson trial continu es and their seems to be just as much negative media commentary on the subject as there is media on the trial itself. •:• A flood in Europe effects Belgium, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. Thousands of people are evacuated and several are killed.
October 1994: •!• Pneumonic plague spreads panic in India. The
people burn their belongings trying to get rid of the fleas that carry it. •!• Bill Clinton takes precautionary meas ures to warn Saddam Hussein not to enter Kuwait. •!• This month a s mall airplane crashes on the lawn of the White House, killing the pilot.
February 1995: •:• Denny's planned to start training minorities in several of its restaurants after complaints of prejudice were filed. •:• Federal h ealth officials approved the first h epatitis va ccine.
March 1995:
November 1994 : •!• Hanc<;>ck II (Amendment 7), which could have cau sed tuition at UMR to at least double, was voted down. The debate of Hancock vs. Moody was held at UMR on November 2nd. •!• Republicans gained control of Con gress for the first time in 40 years.
•:• Michael Jordan contemplates returning to professional basketball. •:• Two U.S. diplomats are murdered in Pakistan.
•!• On April 19th, a bomb exploded in front of the
•!• The big movies of the year were:
Federal Building in Oklahoma City leaving a crater 8 feet deep and 30 feet wide. •!• After many long court ba ttles, a federal appeals court told The Citadel to admit Shannon Faulkner to the school for military tra ining.
Pulp Fiction Forres t Gump Speed Star Trek: The Next Gene ration •!• The big music groups of the year were: Nine Inch Nails Sheryl Crow •!• The big TV s hows of the year were: Friends Mad About You •!• E-mail finally s tarted gr a bbing hold in other places around the country b esides Rolla. •!• There was a n ever -inc reas ing h ealt h con scious n ess as people b ecame vegetarians and opted for fruit drinks ins tead of s oda.
May 1995: •!• Michael Jackson marries Lisa-Marie Presley. •!• Hideo Noma is recruited by the L.A. Dodgers
from Japan to play baseball. •!• In the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, the FBI a ttempts to get more power to cra ck down on terroris t groups .
June 1995: •!• Part of Pennsylvania Ave. is closed to protect
the White House and it's inhabitants . •!• NATO air s trikes turn up the pressure on the Serbs and put the United Na tions p ea cekeepers in the middle of a ten se s howdown. •!• A controversy arises when baseball great Mickey Mantle receives a n ew liver.
July 1995: •:• Keenan. of the St. Louis Blues Hockey team, cr eates n egative m edia for himself wh en h e r eleases Glenn Anderson , Todd Elik, Vitali Karomnov, Vitali Prokhorov, Denny Felsn er. and Mike Shanahan. •!• Serbs n ow control 70% of Bosnian territory.
Rolla Goes Hollywood
During the week of October 3-7 the cam eras were rolling and the flashbulbs were popping as UMR w as transformed into a Hollywood campus. The week was great fun for all of the "Stars" lhat participated. The usual gam es h eld during th e day at th e puck included: Egg Catapult. Best Imp e rsonation. J e llo Wrestling, Fa ntasy Jing le. Foo d Eating Contest. Jo e Miner Look-a -Like. Bellyflop. Mocktails, Home Videos a nd Improvisations. Opposite: The n ew llom ecomlng Queen Trlcla Rumajumps for joy. Top: The UMR Band plays t hroug h the rain to keep the fans happy. Bottom: Safe at Home! ... Comlng! Photogroph by Hob Bordenave
Photograph by Krtsten Stroik
Photograph by Krlslcn Stroik
night Monday Griesbaum come dian Sam gave a s how at the puck. Throughout the week a scavenger hunt was held with clues being given Tuesday through Thursday a nd the deadline on Friday. Also on Friday was the Ice Cream Social free to all students and that night was the M-club Bonfire where the Pie War and Muslcal Ch a irs games were played and the announcement of the scavenger hunt winner was given. Saturday was the moment of truth for the Miner football team to "Break A Leg" as they faced the Pitt State Gorillas.
Photograph by Jason AJnsllâ&#x20AC;˘
Opposite Top: Students watch as Kristen Ringkor washes off after the belly flop. Oppostite Bottom: Stuffing down the Gummy Bears. Top: -Hey. I can look like Joe Miner and stand on one leg at the same tlmeW Bottom: -1 can't believe !just did that.Photograph by Jason Ainslie
Photograph by Kristen Stroik
Conditions were less than perfect as rain fell throughout the game. The Miners were holding steady at the half with a 14- 0 Gorilla lead. The second half didn't fair as well as the Miners ended up with a 34-0 loss. As the week came to its final curtain, stu dents dried out their clothes from watching the game and washed off the Jello from the weeks past games and prepared for the next week of academic challenge.
Top: Joe Miner struts his stuff. Bottom Bottom Left: The UMR Cheerleaders give their soaking support! Bottom Right: The Miners huddle for some last minute stra tegy. Opposite Top: "I love to play football atlhe Y-M-C-A!" Opposite Bottom: The new Queen and runner路s up protect themselves from the rain after receiving their bouquefs of roses. Photograph by Hob Oordenave
Photograph by Rob Bordenave
l' hotograph by Hob Bordenave
Homecoming Queen Candidates: Gayatri Bhatt - Student Council Theresa Pierce - Theta Xi Ashley Peifer - Kappa Alpha Missy McMurray - Phi Kappa Theta Elizabeth Fox - Triangle Leslie Frost - Sigma Nu Lisa Stiles - Sigma Pi Tara Muehe - Chi Omega Stacy Garfield - Beta Sigm a Psi Sherr! O'Neal - Kappa Delta Shannon Neimeyer - UMR Panhellenic Sheri Oberhelman - Thomas Jefferson Hall Stacy Doing - Sigma Tau Gamma Tricla Ruma - Lambda Sigma Pi Melissa Mesko - American Ceramic Society Stacy Walker - Zeta Tau Alpha Dawn McCoy - Interfraternity Council Amy Strouse - Pi Kappa Phi Heather Freeman Amanda McBane - Amer. Institute of Chern. Engrs. Katherine Vollert - Residence Hall Assoc. Kristen King - Kappa Sigma Elizabeth Zink - Lambda Chi Alpha Rachel 0. Brennan - KMNR Kimberly Lynn - MSM Spelunker's Club Polly Robinson - M-Club Sandy Eftink - QHA Tara Jennings - Acacia Photo by Rob Bordenave
Photograph by Greg TeetS
Photograph by Kristen Stroik
P hotograph by Scott Ashwell
Photograph by Kristen Stroik
aki r1g A
Photograph by Kristen Stroik
Photograph by Kristen Stroik
Opposite Top Left: Miner walls In hopes of free stuff. Opposite Top Right: Senior Christy Land prepares for an Interview. Opposite Bottom: Do these guys look like those bolling pins In the back ground or what? Top Left: John and Carol Molchan lead the way on the crop walk. Top Right: Celebrity Guests see how low they can go at the crop walk. Bottom: Zeta路s See-Saw for charity.
Photograph by Tracey Davts
Best :
E-ve r!!
Photograph by Tracey Davts
St. Pat's 1995. The Best Ever On ce again the UMR students cou nted down the "DAZE" until St. Pats as the St. Pat's committee worked hard to make 1995's celebration the "Best Ever". The work started early first semester with the annual selling of sweat s hirts as the phrase "Have you gotten your green yet?" was missed around the puck. March 6th marked the beginning of th e s n ake in vasion as Freshmen armed with their trusty s hillelaghs protected th e cam p u s from those pesky s nakes. Photograph by Trocey Davts
l'hoto,l(raph by Tracey Davts
Opposite: St. Pat and liis Court (before!) Top: TJHA slngs "BUiy Bob. Get your Green!"
Bottom Left: Gina O'Brien suits up for Sumo wreslllng. Bottom Right: St. Pat and His Court (after!)
Photograph by Amy Rogers
Pholograph by Tracey Davis
Photograph by Sroll
A~hwc ll
On Monday, March 13th, the Fo lli es e nte rta in ed students at the puck with the Full Beard, Novelty Beard , Greenest Person, and a Sumo Suils wrestling contest. Th ey continued on Tuesday where miners were entertained by Most Sweatshirts on in one minute. Ice Cream in the Face. Most Garters in one minute and a nother round of the Sumo Suit wrestling contest. Wed n es d ay. as st ud e nts fmlshed their last day of class for the week, the festivities were moved to the bandshell where s tudents enjoyed the arrival ofSt. Pat and 1lis Court. Town Beard, S hill e lagh Contest. Leprechaun Look-aLike. Women's Walking Stick and St. Pat's Jingle contest. Photograph by 5<.'011 As hwtâ&#x20AC;˘ll
Photograph by '!Tacey Davis
Photograph by Amy Rogers
GONZO games started on Opposite Top Left: Students watch March 16th at the Fraternity as an AEn turns into a "StayPufT Marshmellow Man" in the Most Row fields. Students rode Sweatshirts ln a minute contest. busses from the EE and Opposite Top Right: The TKE's show Multipurp ose buildings to see ofT their greenest person and man's the Cudgel Carrying contest best "green" friend. Opposite Bottom: ZfA perfom1s their an d the volleyball games while rendition of"St. Pat is Back!" ln the St. they listened to the music of Pats Jlngle contest. 'Suade C h ain '. Friday Top Left : Members of KA chug tasteconcluded the games at the a-like beer in the F'our on the F'loor contest. Fr aternity Row fields with the Top Right: St. Pats referee coaches a Bat Race, Three Legged Bat diZzying performance at the Bat Race. Race, Money Rolls, Quarters, Bottom: Larry Lapinski and Emily Four on the Floor, Ten Man Gordon stand proudly by the TKE cudgel. Boat Race, 12 ounce Dash , Pickled Egg Eating, and Shillelagh Toss.
Photograph by '!Tacey Davis
Phot()j(raph by 'J'racey Davis
Photograp h by Ja;on
Coron ation was held Friday night at the Mu ltiPurpose Building where Sl. Pat knight ed the Stude nt Knigh ts and Nina Woods was crown ed Queen of Love a nd Beaut y. Satu rday morni ng Rolla came out lo sec lhe Sl. Pal's Parad e with floats made by the many group s partici pating in the games . Thataf temoo nAJic e was broug ht out lo ente rta in the on looker s wh ile the Knigh ts were "Bapt ized" in h er green waters .
l'hot()j(rap h by Ja'IOn
Photol(rnph by Tracey Oav1s
Photol(rnph by Tracey Oavl'
The fes tiviti es were concluded Saturday by t he "They Mig h t Be G ia n t s .. concert, however. the Sl. Pat's Comm ittee was allowed only a few days rest before beginning to p lan for the nextSl. Pat's. as this 87 year old tra d ition con tinues at UMR. Opposite Top Left: Student Knight
kneels down to kiss the Blarney Stone. Opposite Top Right: The future Queen
of Love a nd Beauty Is escorted to the stage. Opposite Bottom: S t. Pat a nd Ills Court begin the Knighting Cere mo ny. Top Left: Theta Xi s hows ofT It's noat of "Famous Firsts·· In the parade. Top Right: Scotl As hwell helps construct a noal for the St. Pats parade. Bottom: Students watch from the stands as the S t. Pal's co•· • and commitee hurl Alice so?' into the crowd. Photo by Tracey Davis
Moving Greek Week
The Interfraternity Council made Rolla history this year when they made the decision to move Greek Week to the fall semester. The timing of Greek Week h ad become a problem due to the large number of events and holidaysduringthe winter semester. When IFC began looking for a date to place Greek Week they found there were none available. This convinced them to make this move that they had been talking about for years. It is hoped that this change will help the Greek system as well as the campu s as a whole. By holding Greek Week while the students are still fresh from the summer, the participan ts will have more energy to devote to Greek Week before they get too far into their studies. This will also give the Greek community an exciting way to involve rushees in their activities and ultimately help to make the Greek system grow on our campus. A Greek Weekend was h eld in the winter semester to cushion the change and to serve as a rush weekend for the Fraternities. There were games held at Lions Club Park and the weekend was fairly successful for all involved.
Photograph by Stacey Cranmer
Photograph by Stacey Cranmer
Opposite Top: Creek Weekend was a good opportunity for the fraternities to m eet incoming freshmen. OppositeBottom: IF'Cevenbarbequed for the occalslon. Top: Members of ZfA and KD warm up before the basketball game. Bottom: Incoming freshme n had a chance to s how off their a thle tic a bilities In games s uch as this one. Photograph by Stac-ey Cmnmer
Photograph by Stacey Cranmer
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Y outh made its presence known during the Fall sports season as several freshman and sophomore s not only participate d but led their teams in competitio ns. In football it was freshman quarterbac k J ason Politte that led the Miners to their best record in three years. On the soccer front, the UMR women started off with six straight wins. This was due in large part to the play of freshmen Amber Fischer and Natalie Sanders. The duo combined to break several scoring records over the course of the season. The men's team also did well improving on it's 4- 13 finish from a year before. The men's cross country team had its share of high points. At the Lion 's Invitationa l, sophomore Ryan Unterreine r placed first overall. Other standouts were Bob Etien and freshman Ben Mulvaney. On the women路s team , sophomor e Jennifer Frazer was the top runner finishing above all other team members in a ll meets but one. Truly, views were changing as freshman and sophomore s could no longer be seen as just another body on the field.
Photograph by submtlled by Sarah Preston
Photogra ph submit ted by unknown source
Photograph submitted by Sarah Preston
Seniors Chris Ward and Darin Nix celebrate during the Miners game with Southwest BapUst that ended much like their entire season did-- all even. Photo~raph
by Hob Bordenave
The football m i ners approached the 1994 season with the intention of improving upon last season's record of 3-7. Though the team lost Mike Wise, the alltime leader in total offense at UMR. and six other offensive starters. several newcomers stepped in to fill the positions, including freshman quarterback Jason Politte. On the defensive side, UMR had eight returning starters and a total of fifteen returning lettermen. A loss at Michigan Tech got the season off to a solemn start, but things began to look
up for the Miners with the Th e Miners bounced back following wins against the following week by beating Georgetown, Kentucky, and Northwest Missouri 20-15. Washburn. UMR was on a The following games brought three game winning streak two more defeats against with the next win at Emporia Northeast Mi sso uri and State when quarterback Jason Missouri Western. Despite all Politte scored on a one-yard the mistakes they had made run as time ran out, leading all season long, the Miners UMR to 15-14 win. still had a chance to finish The next week's above .500 going into their competition ended in a 26-26 final game against the Mules tie and left the Miners with a of Central Missouri State. 3-1-1 record going into their Unfortunately they were homecoming game against unable to win their final game, fourth ranked Pittsburg State. but still finished with one of The Pitt State Gorillas proved the best seasons they had had to be too much for UMR in a in years. 34-0 loss.
Photograph by Hob Oordcnave
While senior running back Ernest Brown blocks. quarterback Jason Politte passes the ball down field.
Senior punter Chris Shore gets off a punt with UtUe pressure as a defensive player looks on.
l'holol(raph by Hob Bordenave
Linebacker Chris Brownell and defensive lineman Jerry Wallack combine to crush an opposing ball carrier.
Photograph by John Kean
Vars ity Football: Row 1. Matt Henry. Ernest Brown. Cary Lange: Row 2.
Chris Brownell. Ted Button. Chris Williams. Brian Alfredson. Jerry Wallock. Les Moody. Danny Simpson. Chris Ward. Jason Crawford. Craig Sorensen. Chris Shore. David Wells. Darin Nix: Row 3. Billy Brown. Kevin O"Neal. Jason Doherty. Assistant Coach D.C. Look. Student Assistant Bill Smith. Assistant Coach Travis Boulware. Assistant Coach Charles Finley. !lead Coach James Anderson. Assistant Coach Les Boyum. Student Assistant Doug Fulton. Assistant Coach Doug Grooms. Student Assistant Brad Moppins. Student Manager John Schillle. Jim Wilt. Sterling Wainscott. Corey Scott: Row 4. Jeff Carter. Russell Zung. Jason Wagoner. Jeremy Markum. Jeff F'ulks. David McCormack. Brandon Risner. Chip Kee l. Bret Lindsey. Arnett Thomas. Chad Cayle. Craig Carter. Courtney Porter. Willie Halliburton. Elliot Jackson: Row 5. Jeff Shaffer. Richard Crowe. Steve Hodson. Eric Jefferson. Chris Marlow. Adam Clark. Richard Voss. Brian Casserilla. Tallon Edwards. Bryan Tilley. James McLarren. Ed Reichert. John Key: Row 6. Greg Hayes. Clint Botard. Joe Knapp. Dave Mickelsen. Jimmy llartman. James White. Rick Walsworth. Brad Lind. Mike McEnery. Justin Schaller. Brian Gilmore. Gary Tomlinson: Row 7. Jeremy Fordemwalt. Kevin Garnett. Jared Voelkerding. Jason Benne. Bryan Tilley. Joe Wilson. Josh Lowery. Tony Giacolone. Jim Van Acker. Brian Vallely. Monte Connor. Jason Politte. Freshman quarterback Jason Politte calls the signals In the Miners路 38-7 loss to the Southeast Missouri State Bulldogs.
Photograph by Rob Bordenave
After a good defensive play. defensive lineman Chris Ward and defensive back Darin NLx celebrate as they walk off the field.
Freshman quarterback J ason Politte looks to complete 3 pass to senior wide receiver Craig Sorensen.
There Is a pUe of players as the Miners attempt to stop the Southwest BapUst runntngbaek. Photograph by Rob Bordenave
Photograph by Rob Bord~nave
Jason Politte spots an open receiver and gets ready to release the ball In the Mtners' loss to nationally ranked Pittsburg State.
Photograph by Rob Bord~OO'"'
Mlctlllan Tecll Georgetown W8shbum EmPOria SIBil SW BaPIISI PI11Jburu Stale NWMIUourl NE fellssourl Missouri West. Missouri Soulh. C8nlral MO
IIIII 6 11 19 15
OPP 20 1 0 14
0 20 1 13 21 14
34 15 38 30 11 31
Hnal Record 5-5-1
Team leaders Rushing Yards 1.rnest Brown(494) Receiving Yards Craig S0rensen(451)
Touchdowns Ernest Brown(6)
Tackles Brian GllmoreU22)
tnterceouons Darin flx(8)
Darin NIX (Defensive lac*)
Jerry W&llocll mefenstve Tackle)
Photograph by Rob Bordenave
Kicking an extra point is freshman place kicker Brandon Risner.
Photol(raph submitted by an unknown source
On his way to a first place finlsh at the Lindenwood Lion's Invitational. sophomore Ryan Unterreiner leaves the pack behind. Freshman Ben Mulvaney powers his way to the Onish line.
Photograph submitted by Sarah Preston
Photogroph by John Kean
Men's Cross Country: Row I. Jason Reneau. David Lundstrom. Ben Mulvaney. Ryan Unterrelner. Craig McCauley: Row 2. Head Coach Sarah Preston. Steve Young. Pal Hayden. James Stanneld, Jeremy WUson. Bob Ellen: Row 3. Student Assistant Jon Andrews. Dan Ragland. Eric AchelpohJ. Doug Rada. Chris Wlldschuetz. Bill lla hn.
Trying to outrun a Lindenwood opponent is junior transfer David Lundstrom.
l'hotogmph submitted by Sarah Preston
~- ---.. :&11::
The Miner cross country UMR claimed a seventh place team began the season at the ranking in the Great Lakes Missouri Sport Shake region. During the course of the Challenge in Columbia. The team finished in fourth place season, two members of the overall with Bob Etien as their men's team, Steve Young and top finisher in eleventh place. Bob Etien, earned academic The following week, the All-Conference honors from Mid-America Miners clinched a third place the Athletic s fi ni sh at the Southwest I ntercollegiate Mi ssouri State Invitational. Association. This meant that Once again, Bob Etien led the not only were they in the top team with a ninth place finish. seven runners on the team, but At this point in the season, also maintained a grade point
Meet Team Place uons'lnvtte 2/3 2n USI 4n MiUOU SMSU 3/6 an Miner 1n MilA NCAA Reg. 10/21
High Ind. Ryan Unterreiner Bob Eden BobEtien Bob Etien Ben MulVaney Ben MulVaney Ben MulVaney
Time 21:15 21:13 21:63 26:19 26:31 21:04 34.53
average above 3 .2. Another high point in the Miners' season was the running of freshman Ben Mulvaney. He ran well the entire year and p laced above all other members of the team in two meets near the end of the season. The success of these individuals led to the success of the whole team as the season ended with an impressive tenth fi nish at the 21-team NCAA Great Lakes Regional.
alace 1/30 4/5 11/61 9150 4/64 11/56 29/135
Academic All-COnference: Bob Eden and Steve Young
At the crack of the gun the Miner Men's cross country team is off and running.
Photograph submitted by Sarah Preston
- +:aâ&#x20AC;˘+ $ S+>-t,: = The Lady Miner cross cou ntry team sta r ted t h e 1994 season with a fifth place finish at the Missouri Sports Shake Challenge. Jennifer Frazer, UMR's top runner at t h e meet, finished in 23rd place. UMR finished as the top
NCAA Division II team at the Southwest Missouri State Invitational and claimed third place overall. Tracy Jones, Jamie Bertchume, and Sheryl Ziccardi all finished in the top ten and J ennifer Frazer, who received academic all-conference honors from the Mid-
America Intercollegiate Athletic Association, finished in twelfth place. The Lady Miners closed out the season with a 15th place at the NCAA Great Lakes Regional, marking UMR's highest fini sh in years.
PhotOI(roph submllled by Sarah Preston
Freshman runners Tracy Jones and Mindy Settles pace each other during a race. After a rough race. soph omore Jennifer Frazer and freshman Jamie Bertchume try to catch their breath.
Photograph submllled by Samh Preston
Leading the pack is sophomore Jennifer Frazer. while freshman Jamie Bertchume tries to catch up.
Team Place uons'lnvfte 2/3 USl 3/6 MIZZOU 5/8 SMSU 315 Miner 3/8 MlAA 6/8 NCU Reg. 15/21 Meet
11gb Ind. Jennifer Frazer Jennifer Frazer Jennifer Frazer Tracv Jones Jennifer Frazer Jennifer Frazer Jennifer Frazer
nme 20:11 20.10 20:08 19.52 19:31 19:33 20:45
2/29 3/43 23/53 1/32 8n9 12/61 31/135
Academic All-COnference: Jennifer Fraler
Photograph submitted by Sarah Preston
Photograph s ubmilted by J ohn Kean
Women's Cross Country: Row 1: Sheryl Ziccardi. Mindy Settles. Jennifer Bryan. Tracy Jones: Row 2. Student Assistant Becky Wilson. Jennifer Frazer, Jamie Bertchume. Head Coach Sarah Preston. Freshman runner Sheryl Ziccardi tries to out last her opponent in the final meters of a race.
Photograph submitted by Sarah Preston
Attempting to clear lhe ball away from opposing defenders. senior Matt Harper gets an off balance kick.
WTexas A&M
2 0
Clnlral Melh. SW MO Sllle IY 'WisleVM
0 5
Drury 2 COiullbla 2 MO-SI. lOlls 2 3 Belannill 2 MO Sollbenl liE MO Sllle 0 weslllllnsler 8 Sl. Joseph'S 5 l.lnc:oln 2 lewis 0 Hnal Record
5 0 1 0 1
3 2 3 3 5 0 5 4 0 0 0 4
J-1-1 Team Leaders:
1-scon Harrlsonl50) 2-Im Chapmanl36) 3-Brlan MarlS(23) Goals
1-scon Harrlsonl1m 2-Kevln Marlll5) 3-Josh castor, Gevan McCov.
Man W8rhooVerl3)
1-scon Harrtsonm 2-JOSII CISIOr(4) 3-Gevan MCCov. Hm Chapman, AndV Jenkins, KYle Kershaw. Brian Marlsl2)
Photograph submllt{'<i by Miner
Freshman middle forward Matt Warhoover attempts to move the ball down field in a Miners home game. Mens' Soccer : Row 1. Matt Harper, Nik Jedrt:ejewski. Andy Jenkins. Matt Warhoover. Jim Chapman, Scott Harrison. Kyle Kershaw. Jeff Woldanski. Damien Johnson; Row 2, Head Coach Swanbeck. David Smith, Josh Castor. Erik Warner. Kevin Marks, Phil Hahn. Ethan Hayden. Dan Kostecki. Brian Marks. Josh Small. Gevan McCoy. Drew Grunning. Darren Kimmell.
Photograph s ub mlllcd by John Kean
Photograph submitted by Miner
:II. Last season was one of ups and downs for the Miners. Early losses caused a rocky start, but UMR rose back up to the .500 mark by defeating Kentucky Wesleyan 5-2. The Miners took another downturn, however, with a loss to Southwest Missouri State in their home opener
and losses to Drury College and Columbia College the following week. UMR had a record of 3-51 going into the game against 17th ranked Universi ty of Missouri-St. Louis. Though the Miners lost the contest against the nationally ranked team. they still managed to
:: finish the season with a 7 -9 - 1 record overall and a 2-3 record in the MIAA. UMR's leading scorer for the season was Scott Harrison, 10 goals and 7 assists. Goalie Phil Hahn also recorded favorable stats with 6 shutouts.
In an attempt to open up a scoring opportunity, senior Jim Chapman tries to outrun a defender.
sw BIP1ISt
co l*rtstlll MO ValleY
SW BIPtiSt central Meth. SIJ Rcaburst llrlrJ Gird--Webb laniOr-RIIJne
1 2 4 4 9 1 1
~ 1 0 2 0
o 2
0 2
2 0
2 1 1 0
3 0 1 3
St. Joseph'S Wish. UniV.
0 0
MO-St. LOUis Greelvlle â&#x20AC;˘ MO State Qlllcy
Filial record
Dam leaderS: Shots 1-ftltalle 5anderSC91)
2-lmber RsdlerC90) 3-lade Mas1ermanC41)
Goals 1-Hatalle sanderSC25)
2-Amber FlscherC23) 3-crlssv EÂŤ*honm
Assists 1-lmber Rsdler, Crtssy EckhoHC10) 3-Hatane sandersC9)
The Lady Miners had their best start ever by beginning the season with a six game winning streak. Included in those wins were shutouts against Missouri, Valley. Southwest Baptist, and Central Methodist. The first loss of the season came In an overtime game against Southern Illinois-Edwardsville. UMR bounced back the following week, however. with a 2- 1 win over Rockhurst. The Lady Miners went on to win the Plzzaz Classic by defeating Gardner-Webb 2-0 and LeniorRhyne 4-1. Natalie Sanders, Amber Fischer, Stephanie Ingalls and Rachel Lewis were named to the a ll-tournament team. Overall, the season was a true record-breaker. Not only were new individual records broken. but several new team records were established as well. Freshman Natalie Sanders set the record for goals in a season with 25 and points in a season with 59. Crissy Eckhoff and Amber Fischer tied for a new assist record with 10. Goalkeeper Rachel Lewis set a new high in shutouts with 10. Overall the team set records in wins, goals, assists, points. and shu touts. The Lady Miners finished their most successful season ever with a record of 12-6-2.
After betng double-teamed by oppostng defenders. freshman Serena Jagtlani looks to pass the ball to freshman Natalie Sanders.
Photograph submill cd by Miner
Sophomore forward Carrie Eyerkuss attempts to evade a defender ln a home game for the Lady Miners.
Photo!{ruph Mobmillcd by Miner
Photograph submilled by John Kean
Women's Soccer: Row I . Date Masterman. Natalie Sanders. Tami Bowman. Jessica Dural. Stephanie Ingalls. Serena J agtiani. Kelly Rau. Cathy Vornberg: Row 2. Jlead Coach Eric Swanbeck. Assistant Coach Eivlnd Llsterud. Amber Pischer. Crissy Eckhoff. Rachel Lewis. Zachlyn Thompson. Julie Donnelly. Carri e Eyerkuss. Assistant Coach Angle Passanise.
Movtng the ball down field. freshman fonvard Crissy Eckhoff glances down briefly before blowing past an opposing defender.
Photograph submilled by Miner
It was a year of highs and lows fo r the indoor minded Miners. The men's basketball team finished with a disappointing 2-14 record in conference play. This was mostly due to injuries suffered by two of their most consistent players, Jamie Brueggeman and Jeff Kokal. That loss contributed to an eleven game losing streak that sunk the Miners into lasl place in the Mid-America Inter collegiate Athletics Association. It was an unfortunate way for senior Rod Jackson to end his career despite leaving behind team records in games played (11 0) and steals (205). The Lady Miners fared somewhat better than the men. They finished above .500 due greatly to the shooting of freshman Becky Reichard as well as the efforts of Christie Williams and Katherine Kersten. Both teams finished their season with honors as Jamie Brueggeman and Katherine Kersten were named to the Academic All-District team. Also, the UMR swimming team won the Mideast regional for t he third consecutive year. The Miners dominated the meet with six first place finishes.
Photograph by Kall Snelling
Photogmph by Kall Snelling
Photograph submitted by Brandl Modlin
ln route to a 94-621oss at the hands of the University of Mlssourt-St. Louis. freshman sensation Becky Reichard goes up for two points. Photol(l'nph by Kall Snellln!!
E =:m:::a»&L:a1c'l.e:c'l. As the views changed. so did the needs of the campus. One major need was in the area of athletics. "We had a great need for additional space . With intramural, recreation and varsity we simply did not have enough space." said athletic director Mark Mullin. To solve this problem over 4 million dollars was spent to expand the university's multipurpose building. The expansion was to include the construction of three multipurpose basketball courts. 1 squash court, a new aerobics/martial arts room and some new office
Photograph by Mlk"
space. Some changes would also be made in the existing mullipurpose building to balance out the entire complex. On the surface this construction seemed like a great addition to the campus. But not everyone seemed to ag r ee. Some stude nts questioned the use of university funds to expand a recreational facility while the possible passage of the Hancock II amendme nt threatened to double tuition. But there was justification for the allocation of funds. "ll" s just one part of a campus-wide program to d evelop leadership in our graduates. One of the best ways to do this is through physical exercise. Intramurals are a very _
productive way to allow for th is," said Chancellor John Park. Some students shared this belief in the importance of exercise and intramurals . "In order to be mentally fit, you must also be physically fit," said sophomore Carla Roth. Th ere were still those students who would have liked to see money spent in other areas. ··1 would have rather seen the money go into air condi tioning in some rooms that need it," said senior Chris Kunz.
Other students were in favor of expansion but simply did not like the way it was done. "I don't like the new indoor track. I think we would be better off making a real indoor track or nothing at all," said senior Brian Collingham in reference to the new 150 meter running track. Desp ite those few who opposed the addition to the multipurpose building, most students were happy about the changes and were pleased just to see so mething new on campus. .. I think any addition would be good because it gives more space and a llows students to use the facilities more effectively," said freshman Chris Mayb
Photograph by M lk~ Wrtxr
Phol()l.!raph by Kall Snelllnf.l
Ryan Wade directs traffic from the floor afte r attempUng to take a c ha rge from his oppone nt.
Under close defensive coverage. Rod Jackson gets a shot offjust ins ide the three point line.
Photograph by Kall Snelling
Photograph by Kall Snelling
Junior forward George Lee looks to connect on one of his 144 three point attempts.
Photograph by Kall Snelling
== The men's basketball team attacked the 1994 season armed not only with experienced lettermen but also with new talent. UMR opened its season with a 91-70 win over Lyon University thanks to the efforts of Rod Jackson (23 points), Tim Holloway (20 points) and Jamie Brueggeman ( 18 points). The Miners spent Thanksgiving weekend in Erie, PA , where they competed in the Gary Miller Classic at Gannon University. The Miners picked up a loss and a win against
Oak land and St. Augustine' s. Sophomore guard Tim Holloway was selected to the all-tournament team and Jamie Brueggeman was the tournament's top rebounder. UMR stretched its winning streak to 8-1 with wins over Rockhurst, St. Joseph's, Quincy, Maryville , Westminster, and Lindenwood. However, the Miners suffered a loss to Drury College, leaving them with a record of 8-2 going into the holiday break. The new year proved to be a chal-
lenge forUM R when they faced Missouri Western in the conference opener. Though the Miners were defeated 77-88, they bounced back with a 76-69 victory over Northwest Missouri. The following games brought losses to Washburn and the University of Missouri-St. Louis during an eleven game losing streak. This string of losses during the heart of the Miners' conference schedule would leave them with a MJAA record of2-14.
PhotOI(raph submlnNI by John
Men's Varsity Bas ketball: Row I. Scott Rush. Chris Gordon. Ryan Matthews. Jamie Brueggeman. Jeff Kokal. Marc Tompkins. George Lee: Row 2. Assistant Coach Don Morris. Tim llolloway. Rod Jackson. Ryan Wade. Head Coac-h Dale Marlin. Mark Matthews. Fontrae Martin. Jason Piepho. Kevin Fort. Assistant Coach Todd Franklin.
As the ball bounces around in the cylinder. George Lee anticipates a possible rebound in the Miners loss to lhc University of Missouri-St. Louis. Photol(n:tl>h by Kall Sncllln)(
Rod Jackson. J e ff Kok al. Jamie Brueggeman and George Lee converge on the basket as the b all rolls on the rim.
As Ryan Wade looks on in anUcipaUon. sophomore Tim Holloway look s to reduce some of the deficit facing the miners by making a free throw.
Photograph by Kall Snelling
AquartetofMissouri-St. Louis players look on as senior Rod Jackson reaches for the r ebound.
_.uMH_ OPP 10 91 14 104 11 11 80 83 65 10 14 82 60 81 68 80 68 80 19 18 88 11 69 16 100 11 86 69 89 15 90 62 94 18 95 11 81 13 81 110 11 68 13 69 82 61 69 81 94 16 68 63
lJOn MJand St. Augusdu
Qulncv Roc:lburst St. Joseph'S Mai'JVIIIe Westminster lJndenwood
Drury r.tssourt West. NWMissourl Wllstlbum MO路St. Louis Pitt. State sw a.ntst central MD MOSOutbem Emporia State
NE Missouri NWMissourt
Wlshbum MO-St. Louis Pitt. State
sw Baptist
nna1 Record 11-11 Team Leaders Points Per Game nm Holloway n6.3)
ReboundS Per Game Jamie Brueggeman (10.D Steals ROd Jacuon (35) Photograph by Kali Snelllnj;!
Assists levin Fon (83)
Blodled Shots Jamie Brueggeman (51)
Center JefTKokal wins the opening tip at a Miner home gam e.
Photograph by Kali Snclllflll
PhotO!(roph by Kall Snelling
1d.: i.
----==--t 1
Even though faced with the challenge of replacing all-time leading UMR point maker Joee Kvetensky, head Coach Linda Roberts and her Lady Miners had hopes of opening this season as successfully as last season. Though Kvctensky served as a student assistant coach this season, she left the team with a scoring gap to fill. UMR showed it was up to the challenge in its opening win agai nst Central Methodist. The Ramada Inn/
Lady Miner Classic gave the team an overtime win against SIU Edwardsville and a loss to NebraskaOmaha. The Lady Don Invitational in Ft. Wayne, TN left UMR with one win and one loss when it faced Gannon and Fort Wayne. The Lady Miners had a record of 5-3 going into the Grand Canyon Classic in Phoenix, AZ. They lost to St. Martin's College in their first game but defeated Western State 9480 in game two.
r:: Conference play was full of ups and downs for UMR. The team lost its first conference game to Missouri Western, but then defeated Northwest Missouri. UMR continued this pattern in it's following two games with a loss to Washburn, and a win against Missouri-St. Louis. The Lady Miners finished their season with an overall record of 1512 and a conference record of9-7.
Photograph submlllcd by John Kean
Women's' Varsity Basketball: Row l. Chris Bohannon. Jamie Marten s. Ondrea Bermudez. Heath er Wells. Christie WUIIams. Becky Reichard: Row 2. Assistant Coach T erri Schrishuhm. Lone While. Julie Maurer. Katherine Kersten . Jen Amason. I lead Coach Linda Roberts: Row 3. Assistant Coach Erika Nelson. Maja Lundeen. Tobi Rces. Heather Hartman, Amber Fischer. Assistant Coach Joee Kvclcnsky.
Looking d esperately for som eon e to pass the ball to Is senior Chris Bohannon.
Photograph by Kall
F'reshman Jamie Marten s closely guards her Missouri-St. L ouis opponent.
l'hotogmph by Kall
Team assist leader Christie Williams starts to move the ball down the court after a turnover.
The pass by freshman Amber F'lscher barely escapes the double team put on h er b y two Missouri-St. Louis opponents.
Photogmph by Kall SnelllnJ!
Photogmph by KaJI Snelling
M C.tnl Melli.
75 71 55 16 12 84 62
111-Gmaha Gannon 1n11.-R.
Lindenwood Qlllcy
KauUState St. Manii'S western State MOWtstem NWMIIsourl Wllllbn MIHt.lolis
94 66 83 59 84 10 54 51 66
Pitt. State SWBIPUSt C8ntraiMO MOSOutbem EIIIPOrta State Llllcolll NEWSSOirt NW I'IISSOirt
61 61
68 91
40 82 56 62
Trying to blow past her Sout hwest BapUst defenderlsOndreaBer mudez.
Elevaungabove her opponents. junior Jen Amason looks to bank a shot off the glass for two points.
78 74
80 84 65 68 16 57 68 58 79 65 52
Wlshbll'll MO-St. louis Pitt. State SWBIPtiSt
90 66 12 94 18
67 65 16 62
Anal Reconl
Team LeaderS PoiatsPerGame
BeckJ Reichard t16.51 ReboundS Per Game Katherine lenten t8.31 Photograph by Kall Snelling
Cltrlstle Wiliams t191 Assists
Christie Wiliams t1131
Junior Lori White drives the ball toward the basket in the Lady Miners win over the Univers ity of Missouri-St. Louis.
Photograph by Kall Snelling
Trying to stay on he r feet after attempting a lay-up Is team scoring leader Becky Reichard.
Photograph by Kall Snelling '
Driving along the baseline is senior Chris Bohannon.
Photograph by Ka ll Snelling
Soph omore Bill Unzick er comes up for a breath of alr during a race.
Warming up before a race is UMR swimmer Jeff Winslow.
Photograph submitted by Brandt Modlin
JMlll! .....
118 134
ltlsb. UnN.
Wasil. Uliv. Relm.flnt â&#x20AC;˘ Missouri 129 MO-St LOuis 129 little Rock lnlte.-Third Ha~ck 21 AR-ll1tle Rock 57 sw l'tlssourl 40 ltlsb. UniV. lnvl1e-flrsl MO-SI. lOUIS 121
66 95 67 76 6 38 54 65
Mldeasl Realonal ChaRIIIOnshiQS nrsr
NCAA DiviSion I l*a.-llhiQS 141h
Gasping for a breath of air Is Jay Meyers.
Photograph submitted by Brandt Modlin
After earning their third consecutive conference championship. the UMR swimmers and their coach Mark Mullin celebrate their win. Photogl'aph submitted by Brandt ModUn
:.::.,---... For the third consecutive Sp lit , Cr oatia , a nd Bill year lhe UMR swimming won Unzicker fro m Decatur , Reg ion a l Illinois. Rendic was a member Mideast the Thi s of t he winning 400 -yard Championship. combined with a 6-1 dual meet medley team whose sit in at Regional Midea st record made for one of these th e Miners' mos t notable seasons. Championship catapulted the The only loss suffered by the Miners to the champions hip. Miners in dual meets came at Other members of the team the ha nds of Division I power were Eric Jelinek. Ty le r Sou lhwest Missouri State by Chri ste n sen and Ryan Uptmor. only six points. Six first place finishes in all Notable members of the team were Dikan Rendic out of gave the Miners a dominating
win at the championship. Wade Haggstrom won the 100-breastroke. Bill Unzicker made contributions to the team by winning the 400individual medley. the 1650fr eestyle a nd t h e 200 butterfly. The sixth win was Tyler by produ ced C hri ste n sen in th e 200 breastroke. These win s led to an outcome that had the Miners beating lhe nearest team by more than 100 points.
Photograph submitted by Brandt M odlin
Brad Cozad prepares himselfjust before lhe start of a race. Phologroph submllled by Brandl Modlin
Eric Jelinek is congratulated by a teammate after finishing a good race.
Dikan Rendlc powers his way through the water. Photograph submitted by Brnndt Modlin
Photograph submllled
bY Brandl Modlin
UMR Swimming Team: Row I. Assistant Doug Grooms. Eric Midden. Brad Cozad. Jay Meyers. Mark Munoz. Scott Tonklns. Pete Baumstark. Assistant Coach Mark Cresswell; Row 2. Dikan Rendlc. Tyler Christen sen. Eric Jelinek. Ryan Uptmor. Bill Unzicker. Rob Hagan. Ed Midden: Row 3. Head Coach Mark Mullin. Wade Haggstrom. Dan Goldak. Brian Ramsey. David CadotT. JefT Winslow. John Mikrut and 1'ravts Mcgee.
Photograph submllled by Brandl Modlin
With respect to teams, there was little to be happy about in the spring sports season. Both the baseball and softball teams ended below the .500 mark. This was especially disappointing for the lady miners who started the season with an eight game winning streak only to fmish one game below .500. The UMR Golfteam also had its problems, finishing near to last in several of its matches. The UMR tennis team did post a winning record for the second straight year, but fmished only fifth in the MIAA Championships. With respect to individuals there was a great deal of success to be seen. Records were broken on the baseball team by Nathan Wade and Dan McGinnis. Softball records were set by Melanie Rohrer, Nicki Wray, and Brandy Broeckling. Three members of the UMR golf team (Brian Panka, Matt Henry and Jeff Neemann) were named the MIAA All-Academic team. On the track, new records were set in the mile relay by the team of Denise DeGeare, Polly Robinson. Amy Barnes and Tracy Jones. A new record for the 800 meters was also sel by Tracy Jones. So even though there were few winning records put up by UMR team s the past year. there was still a great deal accomplished.
Photograph by Mike Weber
Photograph by Mtke Weber
Photograph sub mitted by Lcs Boyum
Junior left fielder Nathan Wade was an offensive power for the Miners leading the team with .333 batting average. Photop;raph by Dan Seifert
The 1995 season was one of progr ess for the Min ers. Though they finished under .500 for the eighth straight year, they won more games this season than In any other season s ince 1987. With these wins came a number of new school records. Nathan Wade broke the record
for hits with 46 and led the team with a .333 average. Dan McGinnis had 33 runs battted in to set another record. Chad Fuesting scored 35 runs to set a new mark for runs scored in a season. Even the younger miners got in on the act. Freshman Matt Bryant tied the record for most home runs in
a season with five. As a team, the Miners had a .273 average and scored 241 runs. They finished the season with a 3-16 record in conference and a n overall record of 14-28. UMR hopes for further improvement next season with the return of more than ten players.
RBI leader Dan McGinnis watches the ball leave hJs bat and sail Into the outfield.
Photograph by Dan Selfen
Vince Como shows his speed as he prepares to make the tum at third base.
Photoj.lraph by Dan Seifert
Photograph by Dan Seifert
ln the UMR home game against Quincy.
pitcher Mike Williams prepares to deliver a pitch to the plate. Junior left fielder Nathan Wade shows the form that allowed hlmc to break the single season hit record.
Photol(raph by Dan Seifert
COIIelle or ozaru COIIelle or OZIIU Willi. UllverlltJ Willi. UllverlltJ Hints-Stowe lllnls·Stowe WIJIISIJtl Mlrtettl ClllrllltOI
.............. a.MO-St. lolls MO-St. lolls MO-St lolls Wlbster Wlbster
-.sourt BIPdll -.sourt BIPdll liRcola lille*l liiCOII
EVIIIII E¥11111 MOSollllen MOSollllen MOSollllen MOSollllen QuiiCy
lllde8wood lllldeiWood Pitt Still Pitt Still Pitt Stall Pitt Stall SW BIPIISI
12 5 5 4 6 0 13 5 3 3 5 2 21 1 4 0 3 3 13 10 3 3 1 5 0 11 0 1 9 10 1 6
sw 8aPdll
3 3
1 1 1 2 6 1
a a 0 5 3 5 3 14 5 4
11 9 2 0 5 3 6
5 4 11
10 4 14 12 10 1 6
15 14 10 10 0 3 14 6 1
OnaiReconl 14-ZI
T•lelders Blltllta AVIt'IGI Nallllll Wide (.333) 1101111 Rill
Man lrJIII (5)
Willi Den Jones (5) H~ns SCOred Chad FuesUng (35)
HOlen Bases Chid FUIIUIII (21) Rill 1111111 II 1111 McGillis (33)
Team stolen base leader Chad Fuesung Is congradulated after scoring one of his 35 runs.
Rounding third base is freshman second baseman Jim Van I ten.
Photograph submllted by John Kean
Varsity Baseball: Row!. Hans Thullesen. Ted Ingalls. Rick Daugherty. Darin Nix. Vince Como. Jeff Woytek. Jim Van I ten. Kelly Fleetwood: Row 2. Scott Nierman. Scott Weiner. Nathan Wade. Mike Williams. Dan McGinnis. Andy Wegman. Ryan Burgener; Row 3. Assiastant Coach Jason Hinson. Allen Jones. Mall Bryant, Geoff Seavey. Jeff Ulrich. Brock Lcrcher. Todd Rastor fer. Chad Fuesting. Andy Dial. Head Coach Travis Boulware. Junior left fielder Nathan Wade crosses the plate to score one of his 33 runs.
Photograph by Dan Setfcn
Photograph by Dan Setfen
Junior Mary Rohrbacker prepares to throw out a runner at first base. Photograph by Dan Seifert
As the pitch Is made. junior third baseman Amy Butumer glares In at the batter. Senior catcher Aprll Buesch watches from the plate as a runner Is forced out at first base.
Photograph by Dan Seifert
Photograph by Mike Weber
- -
11&11!; The Lady Miners approached the 1995 season with hopes of competing with the top teams in the MIAA. They began the season with eight con secutive wins and won eleven of their first 14 games. As the season progressed, several school records were broken. Melanie Rohrer tied her own record of 23 stolen
bases and set new records with Thou g h UMR enjoyed 56 hits and 45 runs scored. success early on, the season With a .343 batting average came to an abrupt end when a and 28 runs batted in , first 1-5 performance at Shawnee, baseman Teri Marvich was Kansas prevented the team second on the team in most of from qualifYing for the MIAA the offensive catago ries. Tournament. The Lady Miners Second baseman Brandy finished the season with a pair Broeckling set a new record in of losses to Southern Illinois the MIAA by handling 130 at Edwardsville, bringing their chances without committing total overall record to 24-25. an error in the field.
MississiPPI C01ea8
MisSISSIPPI COiege Belarmlne Belannlne
mueneld Eureka LinCOln
Mnn Man CUIIIbel1and
Texas l.Utlleran Man
WI.HI WOOdS Bellannlne MO SOUihem MO SOuthern Pin State Pin State central Medlodlst central Medlodlst MD-St.louls MO-St. lOUis ~
Lincoln Evangel Evangel
sw B8PtiSt sw BapUst
3 6
0 4
4 8 3 5 9 10 1 19 3 12 1 4 0 1 0 1
o 3 6
o 2 1
4 11
5 5 1 2
3 2
4 8
1 5
3 1 13 5 1 13 4
5 8 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 8 10 4 6 10 9 6 1
0 4 6
CUlver-Stockton CUlver-Stockton MO-Kansas Mo-Kansas COIIeUe or St. Marv Qulncv Dana Peru State MOwestem MO Bapdst MO Bapdst
9 3 5 11 4 2 9 1
16 4
1 3
NW Mlssoult NE Mlssoult EniPOita State
2 5 1
4 3
centnl Mlssoun Wllhbum
cnv cnv
MO Western SIIJ-Edwardsvlle SllHdwardSVIIIe
o o 1 4
A pop fly sends junior Nicki Wray scrambling back to second base.
16 6 8 3
9 11
Final Record 24-25
Team leaders
Photograph by Dan Seifer\
Varsity Softball: Row 1. Amy ButUmer, Nicki Wray. Krlstan King. Jen Damron. Becca Alt: Row 2. Mary Rohrbacker. Melissa Rohrer, Teri Manrich; Row 3.Brandy Broekling, Melanie Rohrer. Kathleen Ritchey, April Buesch. Erin Collins. Valerie Osborn. Stephanie Ingalls, Shari Westbrock.
Bamna Averaae
APitl Boesch UJO) Home Runs lrlstan King (3) Wins Marv Rohrtlacller (9)
Runs SCOred Melanie Rohrer C45)
Photograph submitted by John Kean
Stephanie Ingalls digs In and wafts for the pitch. Photograph by Mike Weber
Pholop;raph by Mike Weber
Third baseman Amy Buttimer relaxes between pitches. Pho1op;mph by Dan Seifert
Sophomore Melanie Rohrer rares back before throwing out a runner at first base.
Craig McCauley tries to keep up with freshman Ben Mulvaney as they round the tum in the 5000m.
Freshman Sheryl Ziccardi looks to make a move on her opponent as she rounds the tum in the women路s 5000 meters. Polly Robinson and Brandy Miller come down the home stretch in the 400 meter hurdles.
The track team opened the season at the Rhodes College Invitational with several solid performances. The Miners finishedinsecondplaceoverall thanks to five first place finishes, and the lady Miners claimed third place overall with four first-place finishes. This was just the beginning of a s u ccessful season for UMR. This s uccess was a direct result of the efforts of s uch athletes as Rya n
Amy Barnes is all alone in the women's 800 meters.
= Unterreiner, Bob Etien, Kim 800-meters open. While Polly Finke and Tracy Jones, who Robinson set a n ew record in consistently performed well. the 400 meter hurdles. On This season was also one the men's side, Brian Gorman fill e d with broke n school broke the record for the records . The mile relay team hammer throw with a throw of of Denise DeGeare, Tracy 151' 2". Jones, Amy Barnes and Polly To end the season Bob Etien Robinson broke the record for finished 4th in the 1500 the event at S IU-Edwardsville meters and Tracy Jon es and later broke that record at finish ed third in the 800 another m eet. One member of meters at th e MlAA the team, Tracy Jones. also Conference m eet. set an individual record in the
Photograph submllled by Les Boyum
Photograph submllled by ~~~ Boyum
Ernest Brown is a s tep a head in lhe I 00 meter dash.
Photograph submllted by Les Boyum
Photograph submiUcd by Les Boyum
Vars ity Track:Seated. Denise DeCeare. Polly Robinson. SerenaJagtianl. Tracy Jones. S heryl Ziccardi. Mindy Settles. Jennifer Frazer. Amy Barnes. Maja Lundeen. RaJf Klinkenberg: Standing. Coach Sarah Preston. Steve Young. Damien Johnson. Craig McCauley. Brlan Gorman. Bob EUen. Mike Knowslti. Brlan Collingham. Doug Rada. Chrls Wildschuetz. J eremy Wilson. Marc McMa nus. Ben Fis h. Paul Prisbee. Kevin Schwa lj e. Brandy Miller. Phillip Llltlefl eld. Ernest Brown. Assistant Coach Jon Andrews. Kim Finke. David We lls. Ryan Unterreiner. Coach Les Boyum.
Jennifer Frazer is ahead of the pack In the I 500 meters.
David Wells cruises ahead of his opponents in the 200 meter dash.
Photo)lml>h submitted by Les Boyum
Legging out the last 100 yards of his 400 meter dash is Chris Wildschuetz. Photograph submitted by Lcs Boyum
Tracy Jones s hows a strong finish in the 200 meter dash.
Damien Johnson tries to outlast his opponent in the 400 meter dash.
Photograph submitted by Lc:8 Ooyum
PhOIOI(mph submlllcd by Lc:s Boyum
For the second straight year the UMR tennis team posted a winning record. This came only after the Miners won four matches before MIAA the entering Championships in Maryville, Missouri. This record was due largely in part to the efforts of players like Methi Bengisu. Chris Brannan. Matt Hamlin and Steve Kadyk. All four posted winning records in singles play over the cou rse of the season.
central Methodist Drury NW MO State
6 3
0 4 1 1
0 6 webster 9 central MethOdist 3 NE MO State KentuCky Wesleyan 1 4 Bresc:ta 5 webster 5 MO-St. louis 5th at lUI ChMIPIOnsiiiPS
o o 4
o 3 2 0
l'hotogmph submtutd by John
Varsity Tennis: ~ow 1. Pra d cep Wilfred. Chris Bra nnan. Joel Weinhold. Ma tt Hamlin: Row 2. Wtll Zung. Me lhl Bengisu. Head Coach Todd Franklin Steve 路 Kadyk. John Hesemann.
Brian Panka scrutinizes the path of his ball after making a crucial put.
Northwest Missouri State Classic MISSOUri Mlner-Rallllda Inn lnv. Crossroads Of AmeriCa Classic .._, of llleriCa T01mament
Rlvenlalllv. Missouri Westem lnv. lMI Best Ball Tournament
MilA Chaâ&#x20AC;˘onshiPs
ptace 14th 11th 15th 14th 16th 15th 2nd 10th
# of teams 15 11 16 19 16 18 3 10
Photograph by Mike Weber
Bill Kcuss places his ball before making a put. Troy Pinkerton lines up his next shot durlngtheUMRBestBaliToumam ent.
rhntogrnph by Mike Weber
==-The record for the UMR golf team speaks for itself. It was a disappointing season for the Miners. This was despite the efTorts of team m embers such as Troy Pinkerton. Brian Panka, Bill Keuss and Matt Henry. All four performed consistently well throughout
Photograph by Mike Weber
Photograph by M ike Weber
Taking a few prac licc s wings before teeing ofT is Bill Keu ss.
Photograph by
the course of the season. To dull pain of the season , three members of the team were named to lhe MlAA AllAcad emic learn. Those three were Brian Panka. MattHeruy. and JeiT Neemann.
Ma tt Henry prc pa rs to tee ofT a t Oak Meadow Count ry Club in Rolla.
M ik~ w~~r
It was a typical year for intramural sports. There was the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat, great displays of sportsmanship and couple fights. In the Mens' competition Sigma Phi Epsilon almost ran away with the title by taking first place in six out of the seventeen sports. The womens' competition was a different story. It came down to the final game but when it was all over, Zeta edged out Chi Omega for the womens' intramural championship.
Photograph by Mike Weber
Photograph by Mike Weber
Photol(roph submttted by
Intramural Vollevball Champions
Women OHA
l'hOIOI(mph by Rob 8o rdenave
Pholo!(r.lph by Rob Bordenave
Intramural Football Champions
Men siuma Phi Epsilon
women M-Ciub 87
Intramural Sigma Phi Epsilon Softball Champions women zeta Tau Alpha â&#x20AC;˘I
Photograph by Hob Bordenave
Pholol(r.â&#x20AC;˘l>h by Hol> 13ordcnavc
Sigma Nu
Swimming Champions
women zeta Tau Alpha 89
Intramural Cross Countrv Champions 90
submitted by L<m<-c I Iaman
Men Beta siama Psi/ M-Ciub
women Kappa Delta
Intramural Badmiton , Champions
Men Sigma Nu
women Chi Omega
submiiii'CI by L;J t>r<' llaman
I Iaman
l'hOiol(raph su b rm·ued b\' - L,mtc llamnn
Men Sigma Chi
Soccer Champions 92
women zeta Tau Aloha
Photograph by Mike Weber
Men Sigma Phi Epsilon
women M-Ciub 93
Intramural Track Champions
Men siama Phi Epsilon
women zeta Tau Alpha
PltOIOftraph by 1<.111 Snelllru(
by Mike Weber
Men Sigma Phi Epsilon
women zeta Tau Alpha 95
Photograph submitted by Acacia.
F'ront row. left to right: Erik Anderson. Shannon Shank. Chris Marin. Kurt Meister. Rick Burkemper. Back row. left to right: J ay Hertgodt. Wayne Hurl. Andrew Perry. Steve Knapp. John Gerfen. Not pictured: Ross McGee. Daniel Dawson. Yong KJm.
The b roth er s f Alpha Fratern· o Alpha Phi Psi chapter) h~7ci ~c: (Epsilon eir annual extravagant 81 Ball in 1994 ack and Gold the Epsilon Ph' In addition to chapters of AI' ~hapter. other p ta Phi Alph a were also .mvited o attend lhe ball. Many of other ~~mbers s chapter festivities J~~ned in th e their Epsilo Phi brothe n r s that night.
Photol(r.l 'ph submitted by Alpha Phi Alpha.
John,.~ U""
Ti Bell. Chris topher G KingBlllymB Jon Hutson. Wood Willia m Allen t;;ondHenry Marcus S K: · J•: (P,.,•Idont) Cuo·oau. Lonol•. M" k Crn::,Ma.-vln am RJoo. St£" ld J ohn•o . ogJna Flo"' nee. onl. word. Buie · Domlnic n.n Kevin Townes Ma lcolm
A <I>A
A <I>A
A <I>A
A <I>A
Photograph submitted by Kappa Alpha Pst.
Left to right. Front row: Rodrick Jackson. Torrance Jones. Back row: Michael Smith , Tony Blue.
Photograph submllled by Kappa Alpha 1'81.
Above: Helping Rolla get in the Christmas spirit. Michael Smith decorates Phelps County Bank during Pine Street Cleanup.
The objectives of Kappa Alpha Psi are to unite college men of culture, patriotism and honor in a bond of fraternity; to encourage honorable achievement in every field of human endeavor; to promote the spiritual, social, intellectual and moral welfare of Its members; to assist the aims and purposes of colleges and universities: and to inspire service in the public Interest. KAPsi means INTEGRATION of the objectives of the fraternity. colleges and the community. KAPsi means ACHIEVEMENT. Some of the activities of KAPsi includes yearly conference of undergraduate members for the development ofleadership potential, a career orientation program for youth called Guide Right and the KAPPA League, and a yearly alumni and undergraduate conferences in each region for the handling of business and ma ny networking opportunities. KAPsi means continuous training for undergraduates in the art of leadership, recognition of responsibility. a sense of purpose. intellectual competence and moral character. Selection for m embership is based upon these alms and purposes. Kappa recognizes that the 21st century will demand new techniques, new ways of thinking, and enhanced creativity. Kappa Alpha Psi encourages you to accept the challenge of the future and seek achievement in every human endeavor.
' Photograph submitted by Lambda Chi Alpha.
Left to Right. f'ront row: K. Koedelitz. D. Roetto. Isis. J. Nester. R. llunt. T. O'Neill. 2nd row: B. Schaeffer. K. Schwalje. J. Nelson. M . Dodge. M. Henry. M. Joersz. D. Boles. B. Malin. Back row: A. Webb. C. Gross. G. Miller. E. Probasco. M. Comstock. E. Hibdon. K. Hurley. P. Brerk. T. Monis. B. Lasey. J. Landis. R. Powell. Not pictured: D. Fischer. S. William s. S. Bertelsmeyer. D. Perry. M. Sartain. A. Reisinger. R. Niles. S. Preston. D. Swain. Z. Wester. J. Baker. M. Riley. D. Schulte, B. Birky. M. Plissovsky. R. Zung.
The Alpha-Delta Chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha continues to s ucceed and plays an active role on the Rolla campus. The chapter continues to grow and offers a valuable experience to all of its members . They began the past year by taking second place in intramural football. Their annual Chicken Benefit Dinner was another big s uccess and raised over $2000 for L.O.V.E .. the Gingerbread House. and The Choices for People Center. In December. everyone enjoyed their Christmas dance: a good time was had at their White Rose Formal which they held In March, and at St. Pat's. They are also planning on a great Greek Week in the upcoming year.
PbotOj!raph submitted by Lambda Chi Alpha.
Photograph s ubmitted by Phi Kappa '11leta.
Phi Kappa Theta currently has 70 active members with five away on co-op jobs. The Brothers of Phi Kappa Theta have been very active with service around the Rolla community. Different service projects include working with Hope 3, charity b enefit dinners, and scheduled highway cleanups. During the Fall '94 semester, they had 3 members earn a 4.0 GPA, Andy Martine and Matt Evers, and an associate member J eff Purvis. Phi Kappa Theta has had a busy and enjoyable '94-'95 school year.
Left to Right. Front row: Ruben Lozano. Matt Jones. Steve Roper. Michael Meade, Jeremy Estep. Gerald Johnson. Jared Lewis, Bill Keuss. Jason Heck. Ben Fish. Jamie Crutchley. Adam Birk. Tom Wigington, Matt Evers. Denny Koscielski, John Schaefer. Brian Hageman. 2nd row: Brad Holthause. Pat McCarron. John Waldoch, Jeff Boyd. Jason Greenwald. Doug Aitkens. Jason Miller. Rob Ridle. Chris Trull. Joe Skerik. Matt Chowning. Greg Kremer. Joe Workorka, Mike Neuner. Eric Landwehr. 3rd row: Chris Stergos. Tim Evers, Jeremy Haines. Eric Neal, Chris Bix. MattSchuelen, JeffSmith. Mike Carda. Pat Kuhne, Scott Lasswell. Craig Giesmann. Scott Borman. Back row: S hawn Hart. Jeff Purvis, Steve Dawson. Jon Blazic, Andy Martine. Dave Stewart. Joe Wei!. Chris Scheiblhofer. Dave Talken, Scott Cotriss. Not pictured: Tom Winkelman. Andy Wegman. Matt Warhoover. Dan Shepard, Alan Schulte. Josh Small, Jim VanAcker. Dominic Velt. Kevin Marks. Drew Gunning. Steve Klein. Matt Harper. Brian Marks, Greg Kutz, Doug Kolb. Tony Mazines. Andy Jenkins. Bret Harles, Joe Engeman. Dave BaJdetti. Erik Warner.
<I>Ke <I>Ke <I>K8 102
Photograph s ubmilled by Pi Kappa Alpha.
â&#x20AC;˘ Left to Right. Front row: Nathan Fraser. Ronald Longwell. Jr .. Daniel Bruno. Darren SuJlivan. Benjamin Canlas. Marty Voss. Brian Koelling. Ross Thomasson. Brian Beyer, James Murphy. Brian Jones. Jim Fiechtl, Jarrod Stock, Brandon Wand. Bryan Guidry. 2nd row: Andrew Heap. Brent Elliot, Brett Schlueter. Nik Jedrzejewski. Nathan Seyer, Michael Lierz, Terry Shockley. Darren Carr, Scott Davis. Dale Spence. Stuart Beard, Craig Pidcock. Ryan Burgener. Kevin Como. Back row: Gevan McCoy, Jason Ruether, Jacob Brann, Brian Bingham, Trevor Abell. Ryan HoweJI, Andrew Wylie, Chrisopher Damp f. David Bunch, Rick Tokar. Brady Hays. Jason Spiva, Chad Borah. Alex Beyer.
Photograph submitted by Sigma Phi Epsilon.
Left to right. F'ront row: JefTTessin. Adam Clark. Ty Sander. Augie AJtenbaumer. 2nd row: Sterling WaJnscott, Chris Diebold, Steve Conway, Jesse Blair. Craig Glaser. Mike Schlueter. Pat Smith, Jesse Farmer. John Recar. JefT Neemann. Joel Rickman, Mike McEnery. Robin Winslett. Willie Halliburton. 3rd row: Eric Springs. Brian Krzeminski. Randy Licrz, Ted Hoog. Jason Eckert. Dale Picolet. Jon Ludlow. Mike Pcssina. Cory DeArriba. Brian Casserilla. Ben Weiler. Steve Beattie. Eric Keller. John Fickle. Mat 1\viehaus. Back row: Don Richards. Blake Tilley. Jared Voelkerding. Bryan Long. Bryan Tilley. Russell Epstein. John Schliebe. Randy Pilgrim. Chris Mertz. Lyle Simonton. Not pictured: Derek Dabrowski. Steve Dumortler. Rick Goldammer. Marc McManus. Brett Williams.
Sigma Phi Epsilon closed the 1994-95 year with a strong finish in several areas that define "balanced men. ~ Academics: With a combined GPA of2.95 for the Fall of 1994, Sig-Ep fmished third in all organizations and looked to do comparable in the Spring of 1995. Athletics: Sig-Ep lead intramurals by over 100 points in April 1995 and closed out an intramural championship at the end of that month. They have been a perrenial favorite for first place for years at UMR. Philanthropy: They have always taken time out to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Sig-Ep has s upported the Cerebral Palsy School of Rolla since the early seventies and raised at least $500 th is year. They organized a work project in March 1995 to help with manual labor needed to keep the CP School intact. Recruitment: A successful chapter draws quality men in search of enhancing their leadership skills and wanting to be a part of a winning tradition. Sig-Ep had the la rgest Spring Pledge class with five and had s igned five for the Fall of 1995 as of April 1995.
E I 104
by Tau Kappa Epsilon.
Left to right. Pront row: Tim Miller. Mall Kossmann. Cory Brooks. Jason Mueller. Ryan Daffron. Ryan Puhr. Christian Rogerson. Charles Lofton. Adam Humphrey. Brian Gosnell. Gerry Richardson. 2nd row: Tom Dunham. Bart Stoessel. Kerry Knoll. Chad Elder. Mike Vincent. Ken Martinez. Andy Potthast. Ryan Brown. 3rd row: Ch1is !Judson. Travis Arand. Greg Morrow. Thomas A. Dinkins. Matt Johnsen. Chris Reiter. Mike F'arwig. Steve Becher. Mark Murphy. Steve Jarboe. Matt Stergos. David Hicks. Jerome Reimann. Chris Baumgartner. John Deters. 4th row: Mike Mueller. Adam Loddeke. Jason Wengler. Larry Lapinski. Eric Husman. Mark Lewandoski. Jonathan Poertner. Jim Campbell. Kevin Brendel. Back row: Bill Wacker. Not pictured: Jim Chapman. Todd Owens. Jason Jonas. Alex Gioia. Will Vtzuete. Ryan Pruett.
Photograph submitted by Theta Xt.
Left to right. Front row: Jim Hahn. Matt Clipper, Trent Weaver, Bob Cesaric, Matt Kiefer, Maxie. Larry Ragsdale, Eric Cloud, John Jilg. 2nd row: James Riggs. Brian Evans. Matt Beard, Scott Ford. Todd Wallen tine, Chris Essig. Greg Wyatt. Ryan Fisher. Back row: Cory Williams, John Blair. Craig Findley, Volkan Becker, John McNeely. Scott Britt, Drew Davids, Gary Farwig. Pat Schroeder, David Bodeen, John Meyer. John Thien.
e 106
'~' h
Left to right: Sharon Lofton (Membership Chair). Consuela Kelley (President). Allyson Taylor (Vice-president/Treasurer). and Nicole Johnson (Secretary). Not pictured: Lelia Flagg (Facully Advisor). Lisa Prichelt, Tamiko Youngblood, Pamela Clayton.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc .. Xi Delta Chapter was chartered on December 8, 1981 on the University of Missouri Rolla campus. The chartering exemplified the determination and dedication found in the original founders of the first chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha. This chapter had continued to prosper and strive to make a difference on campus by participating in community service, funding an African village, and being mentors for middle school girls. Xi Delta has initiated many programs which enhance the academic, mental, and social atmosphere on this campus. The chapter has assisted many organizations and has performed many community services: aided in chartering of Rolla area NAACP, annual Crop Walk (most money raised for sororities in Fall 1990), facilitates forums relating to women and girls, and sponsors cultural awareness events. Last but not least, the chapter actively recruits well-rounded young ladies. The chapter consists of young ladies with diverse interests but common goals and aspirations: promoting education, strengthening the black family, supporting Black Dollar days, mentoring young girls, and advocating wellness for the mind, body and soul. Overall, the sorority gives more to its members t han can ever be repaid: leadership and organizational skills, community involvement, social activities, team building, and international sisterhood amongst a multitude of unique ladies!
Photogmph submitted by Alpha Kappa Alpha.
Photograph submitted by Alpha Kappa Alpha.
Photograph s ubmitted by Chi Omega.
Left to right. Front row: Traci Dake. Laura Gwinnup. Deanna Clapp. Jenny Lynn Devereux. Mirana Himes. Jessica Adams. Beth Kuenz. Jennifer Carlson. Stefanie Arndt, Jenny Schwager. Daisle Hobson-Riley. J ill Logan. Leslie Sphar, Lynnae Kempf. 2nd row: Lorna Cohen, Rana Yotter. Becky Wakely. Jennifer Hellmueller. Laura Brave. Dee Scheman. Amy Voss. Katheryne Derhake. Shannon Neimeyer, Deanna Wohlgemuth. Jennifer Gruss. Amy Ruhland. Amy Jo hnston. Karen Flowers. 3rd row: Sonya Oetting. Christy Griwach. Andrea Sebaugh. JuUe Gannon. Julie Achurch , Angie Todtenhaupt. Tressa Dickerson. S heila Keilholz. Linda Starbuck. Christina Madrid, Nina Woods, Michelle Nowak. Vanessa Paul. 4th row: Debbie Black, Maja Lundeen. Diane Lohe. Missy McMurray, Angie Herzog. Jodie Courtin. Mindy Richardson. Amy Kwiecinski, Cathy Vornberg. ZacThompson. Lisa Rothley. Back row: Laura Bytnar. Chris Scheid, Noelle Puckett. Theresa Pierce. T.J. Davenport. Susan Koeller. Angela Passanise. Tara Muehe, Jen Remley. Michelle Occhipinti, Marites de los Santos. Kelly Goodman. Jennifer Bischel. Erica Hargis.
Chi Omega is a unique sisterhood composed of nearly sixty-five members. Chi-O's are involved in intramurals, Student Council, Panhellenic. and many other campus activities. Each year Chi Omega sponsors a Spaghetti Dinner and all of the proceeds go to charity. Chi-0 actively participates in Homecoming. St. Pat's. and Greek Week. All of the Chi-O's are very busy, but still find time to exceed academically as well as to attend social events with other organizations. If you are interested in finding out more about sororities and being Greek, contact the Greek Life Office in the University Center.
111 vears of
by K.tpp.t ll<'lt.t
Lefl to n ght. F'rontto back: Jayne Luebbert. Christy Biter. Kasie Keeling. Jessica McGriff. Diana All. Lynn Taber. Wendy Lenox: Second Row: Stacy Garfield. Karlynn Herman. Trlcla Ruma. Susan lleide, Stacy Dotng. Lauriane Flynn. Chris Kump: Third Row: Laura Donley. Rebecca Monaghan. An~le Gambill. Jessica Thomas. Sherri O'Neal. Valerie Phillips. Lela King. Mindy Gardner. Glna O'Brien. Laura McKay. Susan Goodman. Amy Rogers. Aimee Till in~: Back Row: Amanda McBane. Julie Sellmeyer. Jennifer Kiefer. Tricia Rudloff. Karla Dill. Brandl Smith. Amy Strouse. Rebecca Pohlmann. Amy Adams. Jennifer Harness. Kristen Stroik. Keri Lloyd. Chrissy Stelzer. Rebecca Light. Karen Klemme.
Photograph su bmltt<"<l by 7-"ta Tau Alpha.
Left to right. F'ront row: J eanne Barkley. Heather Pohl. Tara Algreen. Janice Whillgrovc. Lori Nich ols. Jen Campbell. Doris. Lindsey Singer. Arnie Wood. Ellen Holthaus. Nancy Koelpin.Jullc Dickherber. LesUe Prost. Julie Montefusco. 2nd row: Kristen King. Pam Scarborough. Angie Anderson. HeatherThompson. Allison Campbell. 3rd row: Amy Bremer . Kristen Rlngkor. Christi Rives. Stacey Cranmer. Cassie Alsop. Kim McWard. Casey Gideon. Shawn Thomas. Deanna llauplll. Susan Cho. Alyssa F'ran zen. Kim Stewart. Marla Fisch er. Karen Griese!. 4th row: F'rancle llllding. Kelly Peck. Kim Christen sen. Tracey Davis. Emily Gordon . Tara J ennings. Nicole Win ters. J essica San son . Chrissy Kuenzel. Phanna Ly. Brook eBcvllle. 5th row: Kimberly Huonker . Shannon Knudson . Deen a Ch apman . Can ey McNeill. J ill Sandifer. Rach el Daugherty. 6l h row: Sarah Bank s. Julie And erson . Amy Yalser . M ary Rohrback er . Back row : Dawn Sharp. Rayn a Koopman . Jen Down es. Amy Rein . Christy Land. Kate Gerlken. Tricia Hudson. Chris Zimmer. C hristy Everritt. Dawn McCoy. Anica Winkle. Angle Day.
The ladles of the Eta Theta chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha had an excellent and busy two semesters this year. Coming back from National Convention with the silver award for membership which is only awarded to the top 30 chapters alon g with th e Crow Chapter Award and the addition of 15 awesome new members from formal rush started the fall semester ofT great for Zeta Tau Alpha. They continued to excel through service projects. social acllvllics. and scholarship. In September. they held their annual charity volleyball tournament hosted by Kappa Sigma and Sigma Nu with proceeds going to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. their National Philanthropy. along
with many other small service projects. October started ofT with a bang for Zeta Tau Alpha with Homecoming. Zeta was very proud of their own queen candidate. Miss Stacy Walker. as well as the Zetas who represented other houses. Congratulations to Miss Leslie Frost and Miss Lisa Stiles who were both members of the Queen's court. Zeta also hosted is annual theme party which was "Barn Dance 1994". Everyone had fun being cowboys and cowgirls for the night. Greek Sing also approached the Zeta house at the end of October with "Retroslng". Zeta "Walked Like and Egyptian", got "Physical", and showed everyone that "Girls Just Wanna Have F'un" to lake first place with help from their band from Sigma Chl. Zeta held its White Violet formal in
November . They tri ed somethtng new thi s year with seren ading their dates before the formal at their respective houses. With their n ew pledge program. December brought the Initiation of their 15 new members. Zeta began th e second semester with a tremendous rush. welcoming 11 new m embers to the house. In the meantime. they were busy sponsoring their annual "Pic In the F'ace" fund raiser and their "Seesaw Marathon". Both events raised well over $1500 for the Susan G. Komcn Breast Cancer Foundation. They also participated In bowling for Big Brothers/Big Sisters. hosted an Easter party for them. and made decorative picture frames for the nursing home In town. February brought an excellent lockIn Sister hood Retreat. It was a great
time for sisters to take a break from school and relax and have fun together. St. Pat's brought some hard work and a whole bunch of fun. Zeta was proud to present its float depleting "Famous Female Firsts" and had a great Ume participating In the follies and GonzoandGames. lnMarch.they welcomed a Traveling Leadership Consultant sent by their National organization to help them prepare for an awesome formal ru sh. The end of the semester brought lots of studying and the tnillallon of their new members Into the organization. Overall. lhey had a good Ume \vlth good friends.
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1 11
1 12
Getting a little closer to nature. I.F.C. members help out durtng the I.F.C. work day at the Greek Week fields.
Incoming freshmen and their parents were treated to a Casino Night sponsored by I.F.C. and Panhellenic.
Photograph submllled by I.F.C.
An I.F.C. member waits by the Roulette
wheel during I. F. C. and Panhellenic's Casino Night held at the end of one of the spring Freshman Orientations.
Photograph submlllcd by I.F.C.
Photograph submitted by I.F.C.
A friendly game of cards livened up the evening for these incoming freshmen and their families during the I.F.C./ Panhellenic Casino Night.
Photograph submllled by I.F.C.
The Creek Week fie lds were the recipients ofi.F.C:s hard work during the I.F'.C. work day. Photograph submitted by l.F.C.
Each of the fraternitles. sororities, residence halls, and organizations ha d the option of electing a 1995 St. Pat's Queen of Love and Beauty candidate. Not only was It an honor for the queen candida tes to be asked to represent the organization. but it was a lso an opportunity for the organization to gain points towards becoming the overall St. Pat's winner. Top Left: Nina Woods. Lambda Chi Alpha's queen candidate. Top Middle: Rebecca Light, the queen candidate from Sigma Phi Eps ilon. escorted by Mike Vls hy. Top Right: Kappa Delta's candida te. Stacy Garfield. escorted by Brian lsgrtg. Bottom: All 3 1 I 995 St. Pa t's Queen candidates a t the Coronation and Knighting Ceremony.
Photogroph by Jason Ainslie
Photogroph by Jason Ainslie
Photol(l'3ph by Jason Alnsl~
Photogroph by Jason Ainslie
Photograph by Ja'lOn
Photograph by Jason Ainslie
Top Left: KMNR"s queen candidate. Angela Haines. escorted by Kelly Williams. Top RJght: Kappa Alpha"s queen candidate. Erica Hall. escorted by Doug Davison. Bottom: Julie Cannon. Chi Omega路s queen candidate. escorted by Brad Harvey.
Photograph by Jason Ainslie
For years now, Residential Life and Greek Life have been completely separated. never cooperating or working together and often feuding. These two groups seemed to excel at stereotyping each other: hall government people were fond of referring to Greeks as 'frat boys' and those Involved in Greek Life called the residents 'dormtes'. All this started to change during the 1994-1995 school year. The year began on a positive note when, for the first time ever, Greek Life and Residential Life joined forces to hold a Greek/Residential Life Social in Thomas Jefferson Hall. Together, the two groups gathered in the South Lounge to talk to the residents. especially freshmen. about their living situations. This gave the participants the opportunity to pique interest in their respective organizations in a casual, relaxed atmosphere. Greeks were able to go directly to the residents to inform them about the Greek system. particularly rushing. while hall government was able to draw more residents into the spirit of Fall Fest. their three-week long program designed to ease the transition from home to college. Combining at the Freshman Preview. Residential and Greek Life members helped prepare incoming freshmen and their parents for the leap from high school to college. They worked together to prepare skits and videos to illustrate the many aspects of a college student's life. Each Residential Life member paired with a Greek to facilitate a small group discussion with the high school seniors and the parents about many of the fears, concerns and excitement they were experiencing about the impending move to college. The two groups also agreed to join forces and volunteer at the Campus Community Orientation program for incoming freshmen In the Fall. This requires that Greek Life and Residential Life participants return to school several weeks early and attend programs with the freshmen, helping them adjust to their new homes. Perhaps the largest example of cooperation was shown In their latest effort, the Residential Services Focus Group. This conglomeration of Greek Life and Residential Life members concentrated on improving relations between the two groups. The first Issue addressed was the use of the Academic Enhancement Center (AEC). Members of the Greek system said that they often felt uncomfortable using the AEC because of the attitude of the people living in the residence halls. Residents often complained about Greeks being allowed Resi den tia l Li fe a nd C reek represen tatives perform a s kll al a Spring Freshman Preview.
Photol(rnph by Natalie Otxon.
1 E...i:E
Incoming freshmen and their parents mingle with Greek Life and Residential Life represen tatives at Freshman Preview.
to use 'their' AEC: they didn't realize that although the AEC is coordinated by Residential Life and currently housed in the residence halls, it Is a campus-wide program open to all students. In fact. a great number of files and helpful material present in the AEC was donated by fraternities and sororities. The focus group worked on spreading this information to the residents. fraternitites and sororities to help alleviate animosltlty between the two groups. Other issues with which the group dealt focused on interaction between Residential Life and Greek Life. The idea of organizing activities and events that included both sectors of Student Life was considered, as was the idea of leaders of both groups attending some sort of leadership training together such as the annual hall government leadership forum. The organization within Residential Life and Greek Life were compared in the hopes of using the best aspects of each to improve the quality of living and leadership. Much progress was made this year towards a greater amount of cooperation and interaction between Residential Life and Greek Life. Stereotypes were forgotten, as attitudes changed drastically. If progress continues on the same level, within several years, Greeks and residents wtll be working together on policies, planning activities together, and leading together.
Photograph submitted by I.F.C.
Photograph submllted by IN.
Lcfllo right. Front row: VInce Como, Terry McCloud. 2nd row: J .R. Grohs. Luck Sinasa. 3 rd row: Charles Brock. Derek Edwa rds. Chris tian Onckcn. Ma ll Hall. Ma tt Goss. Eric Elnickt. John Krame r. Lee Poe. Ali Ozuer. Aus lin Morgan. Luke White. J oe S ueme. Back row: Ted Zeeff. Eric Johnson. Jos h wages. Chris Doyle. Not pictured: J ason Ga nley. Chris Farley. John Borgmeyer. Scoll Sewell. J eff Dingrando. Bob 1-le mbrock. Jeffrey Schoer. Bryan Webb.
Everything from Ultimate n ight and Ultimate tournament. to Snow Tackle Ultimate, lN has done it together! Murals. blood drives, St. Louis haunted hou ses. movie nights, rocky Horror Picture Show, appreciation parties. paintball , you name il. Do you doubtlhem? One phrase says il all: 'Shutlhe #$%@ up! I'.
Photogrdph submitted by 4N .
Left to right. Front row: Jason Brinker. William Sexton, Mike Pinkerton. Mike Pe likan. Tim Becke r , Mike Chypka. Kevin Robertson. E:dwin Sorina. Dave Nestle r. Barry Litchfield . Chris Ventimiglia. Eric Black. Joe Batcheler. Tallis Brown. Anthony Jones. Arnett Thomas . Mark Rooney. 2nd row: Mike Jones. Macken zie Mercer. Chris Ray, Jay Schneider. Cameron Denison, Matt Willard. Will Heid en. Chris Bookout. Will Youn t. Erik Ma rtel. Ben Retzin ger. Eric Bothe. Shannon KnoepOein. Deniz Ozisik. Tim Shepardson. Kirk Junke r, Tim Hughes. Dave Tijerina. Back row: Steve Fallon. Jamie Forrester. Mark Wilpe r. Scott Schultz. Doug Wood. Dan O'Neal. Dan Fermane k. Eric Link. Kris Scholl. Chad Lueders. Jos h Skaggs. Scott Brauer. Jac k Baker. J ason Sebright.
4N had an incredibly successful year this year, nearly sweeping the TJHA year-end awards. Among their awards were 'Floor of the Year' , 'Lieutenant Governor of the Year路, Josh Skaggs, 'R.A. of the Year', Barry Litchfield , and 'Informational Program of the Year路. the 4N Gazette. The Gaze tte was a newsletter published monthly by the members of the floor to keep each other informed and entertained. Included were reports from the RA's and floor officers. poetly, Interviews, and, of course, the 'Gtmp of the Month Award'.
The coveted title of 'Ultimate Floor' was also awarded to 4N after a busy year of winning one TJ competition after another; whether it was a charity fund-raiser or a fun-filled game , Four North was involved. In addition to all the TJHA recognition, 4N al s o received spe c ial recognition from RHA and NRHH who elected Chris Ray 'Student of the Year'. one of the highest awards in hall government. 4N bonded together from the start and spent the rest of the year leaving their mark and, most importantly, having fun.
Chris Ray. Kris Scholl. 拢ric 'Gimp路 Link. Josh Skaggs. and Tim Becker pay h om age to their beloved RA. Barry Litchfield.
Photograph by Natalie Dixon.
Photograph submitted by 5N.
Left to right. Fron t row: Ka lie Cooper. 2nd row: Laura F'alletto. Hilary Clark. le Phillips. Kelli Marshall, Kim Carroll. Becky Scheidt, J ennifer Delancey. Erin Kenney. 3 nd row: Sara Willia ms. Jessie Ko lla, S usie Ris hell. Genevieve Lorna Heavin, Alicia Ziegler, Ingrid Kaufman. Kim Vanhorn. 4th row: Kelly Schmid . Vanessa Goodwi n. Becky Brown . Betsy Bad e. Mandy Mertz. Teresa Tonya Hillman. Donna Smith. Karen Rainey. Back row: Holly Lamar (cut). Amy Drexe lius . Lucy Kna up. Rachel Lewis. J enny Grossmann. J e n Finkel. Heather Lightbody. Michelle Irwin. Rebecca Gann, Shiloh Kirkland.
rhotol(raph submitted by 65.
Left. to light. Front row: Duffy Mooney. Cedrlc Feaster. Richard Lee, Chrls Vida uri. Shawn Maloney. Demon Barker. Aaron Schmi tt. Nick Loadholtcs. Bill F'cllows. Jason Haas. 2nd row: Keith Brooks, J effWoldanski. Doug Dean. John Durako. Tony Hang. David Bodna1路. Alan DeLosSantos. Kevin Lewis. Ross Wittier. Brad S h ores. 3rd row: Brlan Wohlgemulh, Larry Kenchel. Enoch Moeller. Tim Jumps. Gino Lanasa. Walker Cole. Joshua Williamson. Joshua Howard. Pri ce Poster. John Mllkantn.
Photograph submitted by 7S.
Left to right. Front row: Thomas Ward III. Jeremy Fordemwalt. Steve Sauer. Jason Baker. Patrick McVay. Tony Coburn. 2nd row: Justin Kilmer, Ma rk Massman.
Karl Beal. Sean Simpson. Dustin Olson (govcrner). Brian Gettinger. 3 rd row: D.J. Simmons . Dave Schmidt. Jason Wibbenmeyer. Steve Schiebel. John Schillie. John Lambert. Mike Montcrastclli (R.A.). Shady Sharar. Back row: Mike Weber. Richard Crowe. Rusty Wilson (lt. governor), Bill Steinhour (11re marshall). Matt Silver. Chris Mason. Cory Burnett.
7S started off the year with a blast with a canoe trip. Throughout the year, they made home movies of themselves doing both normal and odd things and were s hocked to discover that they were charged $400 for allegedly breaking one of the South Tower elevators.
Jason Baker. c in ematograp h er extraordinaire. captures a few moments of his floormates lives on 111m forever.
Photograph submit ted by 75.
s ubmitted by 95.
Left to right. F'ront row: Jennifer We ngler. Melissa Lane, Tanya Peters. Jennifer Engle. 2nd row: Laura Gwinnup. Mandi Jo Cowell. Sul'..annc Lynch. Mindy Settles. Kali Snelling. 3rd row: Ann Grubbs. Stacy Fesperman. Cathy Bramhall. Kayleen Huebert. Back row: Cathy Edwards. Chris tine Miller. Christy Hargrove. Chon d ell Boyd. Kam my Bartz. Jamie Myers. Stephanie Sebacher. Not pictmed: Angie Anderson. Tami Bowman. Na ta lie Dixon. Bridgette Ganley. April Schmidt. PalU Wright.
9S has been an active floor this year in many areas. They sponsored their annual Trick-or-Treating Night for the Rolla area children which received the TJ HA Social Program of the Semester award. Nine South also took third place in TJHA's Deck the Halls contest and had Secret Santas at Chrismas time. They had a weekly movie night, and many 9S residents were involved in activities such as intramural sports, theatre productions, orchestra and, of course, hall government.
Bridgette Ganley relaxes after a long. hot day at Camp Moval. Hall government and RA'sattended training two weeks before classes star ted and spent 3 horrid days at Moval.
Photograph by Natalie Dixon .
12 5
Photograph submltl<:d by I OS.
Left to right. Pront row: Tavis Harris, Dave llart. Ali Tonga. Bill Bridegroom. 2nd row: Bob Moore. Bob Babcock, Dave NetT. Back row: Ben Eld•·ed. Steve Kova cc. Steve Cox. Z.J. Baker. Brent DeOrnellas. Sean HotTman. Rex Weatherford. Paul Phelps. Chester Woodall.
Photograph submitted by House C.
Photograph submlll ed by House C.
Left to right. Front row: Julie Carroll. J essica Adams. Jessica McGriff. Back row: Sarah Brubaker. Lori Sheehan. Heather Nations, Jennifer Eckstein.
Left to right. Front row: Becca Alt. Jessica Adams. Melissa Rohrer. Back row: Erin Collins. Jen Damron. Shari Westbrock.
House C went every which way this year, but they all got together for a few photos and a lot of fun. From varsity athletics (they've got basketball, softball, soccer, cross country, and track covered) to being little sisters of fraternities to being members of sororities, they're involved in everything.
Anika Stucken-Schneider. Jenny Berger, Erin Collins and Rachel Durst celebrate Christmas in the 1V Lounge.
Photograph submitted by House C.
Photograph submitted by I louse 2.
Left to right. Front row: Dave Perkins. Dempsey Rollins. Car l Berkel ma n. David Jordan. Chris Taylor. J ay Jordan, J eremy White. Kevin Spindler. Sam Byrd. Ka ren Hunt. 2nd row: Brian Sharp. Carl James. Victoria Presser. Theresa Hanks. Leta Thomas. Lan Pham, J essica Gorman. Bryan Kirchoff. Back row: Mark Waites. J eremy Prinster, Joella Hubbard, Michelle Miller.
:..-:..----.. == 128
Photograph by Jason Ainslie.
Phot"'(raph "''"nlltr<l b) lloooo;c 6
Left to rtght. Front row: I leather Vaughn. Scott Moll. Mark Cowell. Aaron T oebben. Sam St. J ohn. 2nd row: Angela Mercer . Brande Horrtgh s. Katie Rice. Back row: Stephanie field . Sheri Oberhelman. Amanda Mills. Andre Taylor. Darryl Ehlers. Jeremy Markum. Clinton Borchardt. Not pictured: Amy S mith . Ell7.abeth Schuler. Kri st in Marco. Blu Englehom. John Boeckmann. Doug Rada. Ellen Huggett. Jennifer Chism. Kelly Cross. I lolly Hammontree. Skye Studabakcr. Theresa Burkhart.
House 6 ha d a busy year. They took multiple trips to J efferson City to go ice s kating and they also wen t repelling. The walls of the ha llways look on new life with the mura ls they pa inted . The RHA indoor soccer tournament provided a chan ce for t he house to play soccer together. Ilousc 6 a lso went hiking and enjoyed a nice relaxing house picnic together.
Ratio? What ratio? Scotl Greer doesn't seem to have any problem finding pretty girls In Rolla!
Members of 4N decorate their floor in preparation for TJliA's annual Deck the Halls Contest.
Photogr.:tph submitted by Joe Simones.
by Barry Utchfleld.
Photograph submitlcd by J()(路 Simoncs.
Rich Piepho and Noel Ludwick lake a break in between programs at Residential Life's annual Fall Training for RA's and hall government.
'Hey! That's my job!' Ryan Benefield Is caught off guard al a party where he's supposed to be the one taking pictures.
Phoiol(raph submilled by Joe Simone~.
The T J I lA ladies basketball team won the intramural championship for the second year In a row thanks partly to their fabulous coach es. Ryan Benefield. Joe Simones. and Barry Litchfield.
PhOIOjlraph submitted by Joe Simoneâ&#x20AC;˘.
Armed with a bucket of water. JefT Schroeder seeks revenge on the houligans who tossed him in the pool.
Pholol(rai>h submillcd by Barry LllchOeld.
A friendly game of spades keeps 4N out of trouble and gives them a way to procrastinate. A group of hall leaders walt for the start of a program at th e NRHH Leadership Trip.
Photol(raph submilled by Joe SimonCS¡
At the NRJ Ill Leadership Trip. these happy campers polis h up their team building skills while playing with Tinker Toys.
Photograph submitted by J~
Backstage during UMR's production of Oklahoma!. Bridgetle Ganley. Eric Allison. and Natalie Dixon enjoy a break before their next entra nce.
Photo)lroph â&#x20AC;˘ubmllted by Kathy Reynolds.
l'hotogroph submitted by Natalie Dlxon.
After serving as woomsmen in a friend's wedding. Joe Slmones and John Wiltworth cut loose at the recepUon. House C celebrates birthdays in style!
Photograph submitted by Brenda Wieseler.
MYou've lost that Iovin' feelin! "' These guys hope that serenading their sweethearts will win back their hearts.
Photogmph submil!ed by Nntalle Dixon.
WelcometoQuadSquar es! (theQuad's version ofl lollywood Squares) Today"s stars a re Bndgette Ganley and Rich Piepho. presidents ofTJ IIA and QHA. Jason Geiger. Quad RD. and Dave Perkins. QHA treasurer.
MPlease don't write me up. I mean. document the situation!" The strangest creatures ride in the TJ elevators.
These hall government types seem quite interested in the composition of one of the trails at the NRHH Leadership Trip. Photograph submitted by Joe Simones.
Photo!!fllph submillcd by Joe Simones.
13 4
Photograph submllled by Joe Stmones.
Photograph submtutd by Aaron &hmtdt.
It's amazing what some people wiU do for volleyball. These Volleyball Clubbers practiced at 6:00am twice a week and then got up before the sun one Saturday to travel to Columbia to play MU's V-ball Club.
Photograph submtued by Nat.11it' Dixon
No float is complete without a word from its sponsors. Natalie Dixon and the Bridgette Ganley paint advertisements for the TJ I lASt. Pat's f'loat. The Pirst Woman at UMR/MSM'.
lfyou're stranded on a deserted Island. what should you do first? At the NRHH Leadership Trlp. these folks learned that a good leader would calm the hysterical person and treat the s unburn viclim before lookjng for food.
Photograph submllttd by Joe Stmones
Even without a regulation volleyball available. these creative Quadlings managed to play some sort of sand vball.
Photograph by Natalie Dixon.
Durtng 1995. all incoming freshmen and their parents were required to attend Freshman Preview. the UMR version of orientation. For the students who preferred an early session to a summer, three different sessions were offered during February and March . Student representatives from Residential Life a nd Greek Life joined together for "Making Connections", one of the many portions of Freshman Preview. For "Making Connections~, parents and incoming students were divided into separate, small groups with two facilitators, one from the residence halls and one from the Greek system. The facilitators participated in three skits dealing with the academic, social. and campus connections at UMR. Each skit was followed by a discussion period during which the facilitators answered any questions their groups asked; facilitators also offered any comments and advice which they thought would be helpful to their groups. The parents found the program to be very beneficial. "It was the most in teresting and useful part of the entire orientation--our only chance to speak with students in a s mall group and ask them anything we wanted." said Brenda Dixon, the mother of an incoming freshman. Kevin Solofra, one of the
!PC and Panhcllcnlc representa tives prepare to mingle with th e Incoming freshmen and their families and Inform them of the opportunities of C reek Life.
l'holol-(raph by Nalalic DiXon.
, ::1:Âť-
Wat ching one of the skits. a group of parents ponder th e points th e student actors m ak e and remember questions th ey h ad about college life. Photol(mph by Natalie Dixon.
Th is h appy Greek represen tative Is manning one of the tables of IFC and Pan h ellenic's Casino Night which was h eld as a social for th e Incoming freshmen and their families a fter t he "Making Connections" program .
facilitators, found that in general, the parents had many more questions and conce rns than the students did. Another facilitator, Erin Kenney. agreed with Kevin and added that "How's the food?" was one of the most commonly asked questions she heard from students and parents alike. Jeff Schroeder. one of the Residential Life representatives. thought that several things made the Freshman Preview program successful. "The opportunity for prospective students to talk about college with 'rear students was great: so was the free pizza.~ he said. One of the Panhe ll enic Council representatives. Karlynn Herman, found the program to be an excellent way for incoming students to find out what college was really like, to meet current students, hand for us to meet them." As a whole, the student facilitators involved with the "Making Connections" program felt that it was much more fun and useful than any part of the old orientation program which they attended. They also enjoyed knowing that they might have made the transition from high school to college a little smoother for some people; the students welcomed the chance to share some of the knowledge they have acquired over the years they have been at UMR.
Photogmph by Natalie Dixon.
Photograph by Krislcn Sl rolk .
Throughout the 19941995 school year, the IFC sponsored many events which have benefited the campus, th e community, and various charities. With the help of the Greek community, the IFC donated a record amount of money to local charities. Proceeds from Greek Week and Greek S ing helped them donate almost $800 to the Cerebral Palsy Schools and other charities. The IFC a lso sponsored a loose change drive for the South Central Missouri Shriner's Club, which helps disabled
and crippled children of low income families. They raised $200forL.O.V.E.lastyearwith this event. The IFC has also sponsored canned food drives and recyclable metal drives benefitingL.O.V.E. Duringthe Greek Week blood drive, Greeks accounted for almost 75% of the 730 units of blood donated. The IFC also adopted at 2.0 mile stretch oflnterstate Highway 44 east of Rolla for litter control. The IFC has also spon sored several soc ia l events to celebrate Greek life and to bring their fraternities and sororities closer togeth er .
During the fall. the IFC sponsored the Greek Hayride and Greek Sing. The hayride featured a pig roast, live band, bonfire, and hundreds of friends together for a great time. Greek Sing featured a battle of the bands between individual fraternities. Last year, Greek Week was a huge s u ccess; all the fraternities and sororities rallied to celebrate the annual event. In a change of policy, the lFC decided to move Greek Week '95 to the fall. One of the IFC's biggest concerns is to increase the number of people involved in
the Greek system. The IFC has mailed a Rush booklet to all incoming freshmen. has sponsored Greek events at the spring orientations, and holds a Greek Rush Weekend. The Rush Weekend has the sole purpose of exposing nonGreeks to the Greek system and showing them what it has to offer. Last fall, over 200 new individuals joined the Greek system. They hope to help increase this number for next fall.
Photo!(rai>h by Kristen Stroik.
QI IA officers : Tina Powell (secre ta ry). Derek Hove n. (vice- president). Ri c h Piepho (president). They're holding Da ve 'Buddha ' Pe rkins (trea s ure r).
Photo!(tnph by Nat.lll~ Dlxon
Ja.:;on Ain;;,lic:路.
TJHA officers: F'ront row: Eric 'Gimp路 Link (treasurer). Melissa Lane (vicepresident). Back row: Bridgette Ganley (president). Krls Scholl (parliamentarian). Jeff Burnett (secretary). Photograph by Natalie Dixon.
D""""r"""" D
u eL. ,
........... I
Left to rtghl. F'ront row: Erin Kenney. Brenda Wieseler. Dempsey Rolllns. Jason Peters. Ian Koenig. Natalie Dixon. Joella llubba rd. 2nd row: Melissa Lane. Ryan Beneneld. Tony Wagner. Chris Ray. I leather Deutscher. Marty Klipp. Sam Byrd. Bridget tc Ganley. VIcki Wallis. Ras h a AI-Chusaln. 3 rd row: Travis Raines. Rich Piepho. Kevin 'The Sloth' Solofra. Josh Skaggs. Barry Litchfield. Derek Hoven. Eric Link. Kalle Cooper. Bill F'ellows. Mandy Hlse. Cerrlt Leeftlnk. Ch ad Math es. Chris DeBons. Back row: Jon Cecls. John Hun ter. Krls Scholl. J eff Burnell.
Ploo1ogmph submitted by Joe Slmones.
Rl lA officers: Chad Mathes (treasurer). Dempsey Rolllns (fundralstng officer). Natalie Dixon (correspo n din g secretary). Katie Cooper (recording secretary). fan Koenlg(co-chair). Jason Peters (co-chair).
!'holograph submllled by Joe Slmones.
ROAD CONS1RUC1\0 Photograph submltt~ by l{yan
Left to rtght. Front row: James Seville (advisor). J oe Slmones (historian). Jeff Schroeder (president). Barry Litchfield. Back r ow: RJch Piepho. Brenda Wieseler. Natalie Dixon. Dempsey Rollins (vice-president/treasurer). Not pictured: Kendra Bowen. Melissa Braud. Sandy Eftink. Chad Mathes. Charles Myers. Katie Vollert. Tony Wagn er. Vicki Wallis.
NRJ Ill docs weddings. too! Katie Vollert. Dempsey Rollins. Joe Simoncs. Natalie Dixon. and Jeff Schroeder goof orr durtng lhe wedding reception of former NRHH members Brian and Melissa Hlmstedt. Photogr.tph
by Scott
Joe Slmones and Barry Litchfield try to crush Ryan Benefield after the Residential Life banquet.
Photograph by Natalie Dixon.
The damage to this elevator was caused by a fire one night. which In tum caused an evacuation of the South Tower unt113:00 In the morning, not to mention a visit from the state fire marshall.
Barb McDowell, from the TJ Front Desk. seems to be having delusions of grandeur. Nap time! Zvonko Nikolic and Jeffrey Paul Schroeder seem to think that Sarah Hummel is a p111ow. Photograph by Natalle Dixon.
Photograph submitted by Joe Stmones.
Photograph submitted by Barry Litchfield.
Photograph submitted by Brenda Wieseler.
Photograph submitted by Barry Lltehfleld.
These ladles of House C strut their stuff for the camera.
This 4N resident returned from a weekend of fun much the same way we all do. w1shtng the weekend wasn't over.
"He's onjirel" The R.A. duty lounge became the place to be over St. Pat's. and Super Nlntendo NBA Jam (Tou rnament Edition. of course) became the game to play.
Photograph by Natalie Otxon
The event: NRHH Leadership Tr1p. The Bunker路s Archie program: Neighborhood. The (not-so-apparentat-first) topic: discr1mlnaUon.
Photograph submitted by Joe Slmones.
Photograph by Nelson Nolle \
Top: During 1994 Potty's Book store
opened. gMngstudentsa choice where to buy and sell back their school books. Bottom: Until th e extens ion of the electrical engineering building is completed. some classes will be held in the EE a nnex located across the street from the main building. Opposite Top: Many hours were spent moving KMNR into this new building when their old one was finally tom down. Opposite Bottom: Seniors a nd co-op students came to Industry Day to talk to company representatives. Freshmen enrolled in freshmen engineering class were a lso required to attend the event.
Photograph by Nelson Nolle
.i _
f'hOIOI!nlPh by Nrbon Noll<·
Pholol(raph by Kristen Stroik
Photo.l(rtoph by Rob Bordena•·•
Photograph submlll('d by Tracey Da•1s
Photo.l(nll>h by Jason AJn;lle
Opposite Left : At each home football game, the UMR band played for the enjoyment of the audience. Opposite Bottom Left: In each sorori ty. special events such as getting lavaliered or engaged were annou nced by holding a cand lelight. This particular one announced Tracey Davis's engagement. Opposite Bottom Right: It takes a special kind of outgoing person to be Joe Miner. Top: By the time competition came around. a year of practice and meets had made the swimming team close. Bottom: In some majors. students found that homework and projects kept them in the computer labs most of the evening.
Pho1ograph submitted by Brandl Modlin
Pholograph by 1'racey Davis
Photograph by Jason Ainslie
Photograph by Jason Ainslie
Photograph by Krtstcn Stroik
Photograph by Krtsten Stroik
Opposite Top Left: The Joe Miner look-a -like contest was one of the few times during the year when it was acceptable to look like a hoosier. Opposite Top Right: In this contest. originality made an Impact on the judges and the audience. Opposite Bottom: Was it an honor or a punishment to be in the belly flop contest? You decide. Top: Many students went to the puck after classes to watch their friends make fools of themselves. Bottom: The fraternities tried to put their biggest eater in the Gummi Bear Eating Contest. That way they had a chance of winning, plus there was more food for everyone else at lunch.
Photograph by Jason Ainslie
Photograph by Amy Ro~ters
Top: With the snak e invasion behind them. the freshmen proudly carried their shillelaghs in the parade. Bottom: The th em e of the parade was "Famous Firsts" and Chi Omega's float was the First Temptation. Opposite Top Left: The queen's float is al ways done by t h e winning organiZation of the year before. Opposite Top RJght: This float was America's F'irst Car . Opposite Bottom Left: The little kids loved the llonorary Knights. who were dressed in green jackets and hats and throwing candy. Opposite Bottom RJght: No parade would be complete without important people wav1ng from convertibles.
Photograph by Amy R()f!ei"S
Photograph by Tracey Oavts
PhotOIU':IPh by Amy Rogers
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._.YJC'S•IIUI .,..
Photograph by Amy lwgcrs
'.''"' .. '* ~ ._.... ~- ..· ... FORT LEONARD WOOD PARADE MARSHALl - - - -- f
Photograph by Amy Hogers
Photograph by Tmt'cy Davl'
PhOIOI(rol>h by 1'rn<'cy Davis
Photograph by Tracey Davis
Opposite Top: All the fra ternity freshmen we re re quired to ma ke s hillelaghs so they would be a ble to k ill the s nakes during Lhe week be fore St. Pat"s. S ome of the dorm fresh men also made s hillelaghs . Opposite Bottom: The re was a huge turnout to see the knights thrown into Alice. Top: Chi Omega d id a song a nd dance rou tine for the St. Pat"sJing le con test. Middle: The object of this game is to bounce a quarter in a cup and run around the board three Urnes, over and over as fast as you can. Bottom Left: The sorority freshmen were required to make walking sticks . Bottom Right: In a ddition to the fullest beard con test. the fra te rnities also received points for the number of mem bers tha t grew beards for S l. Pafs.
Photograph by Amy Hogers
Photograph by Tracey Dav1s
Photograph by Amy Rogers
Top: Sigma Nu perfom11ng their St. Pat's Jlngle. Bottom Left: Two things that helps organizations win points from the St. Pat's Court are s uggestive material and women. Bottom Right: Many hours are spent preparing for the c udgel contest by the organizations who compete. This Is AEn路s entry. Opposite Top: In the Most Garters In One Minute contest the garte rs arc kept ln ice water Oiled buckets to make the competition more lnteresUng. Oppos ite Bottom: The arrival of St. Pat and his Court a t the bandshell on Wednesday. Photograph by Amy
Photograph by Tracey Davts
PhOtOfUnph by Tracey Oavts
Photograph by Tracey Davis
Photograph by Tracey Davts
Photograph s ubmitted by lhe Missouri Miner
First Row: Brian Fortelka (Sports Editor). Christopher Goo (Editor-Jn -ChieO. Jodie Courtln and Justin Ferguson. Second Row: Ryan Shawgo. Chad Slaughter (Copy Manager). Linda Starbuck (Managing Editor). Josh Buedel (Advertising Director) and Laurie Wllman (Features Editor). Third Row: Michael Oshea. Mike Hunt. K.C. Snyder, Rachel Limbaugh. Andy Dooley (News Editor) and Dawn Osborn. Fourth Row: Lauric 1\vccdy and Doug Sobcry (Photo Editor).
l'hOIO!(I'itJ>h â&#x20AC;˘ubmtued by lh<" Cold Mine,-,
Fall Squad Members: Jessica 1:3arnett. Lisa Cu tler. Marites de los Santos. Natalie Dixon. Angle Gambill. Gayle lloppe. Tonya Karnowski. Becky Pohlmann. Joanne RJeiT. Amy Rogers and Teresa Tamburello. Spring Squad Members: Jessica Barnett. Marltes de los Santos. Natalie Dixon. Theresa Hanks. Ann Marie lloemer. Gayle Hoppe. Danica Stovall and Teresa Tamburello.
16 1
Photograph submitted by the Radio Club
Left to rig ht: Dave Stuart. Paul V. Craven, Mark Schmidt. Dr. Nau and Eric Raub.
::p.: =:i.1eÂť::ll3. -:.:-;a,--.:a
l'hOIO!(r<IPh stobllliUed by PI
F'ronl Row: Robert Brown. Muhamad Aidi Abd -Rahman. Ed May. Rachel Evans and Nasir Mohamad Ibrahim. Back: Mohamed Nasser Ismail. Bill Greene. Mat Twlehaus. Tom Bumgardner II. Rlch Davis. Jesus Rodriguez. Mark Layne and Dr. L.F. Kocdcritz.
CÂť:az1-ee;& L C::::l1:i. ]p:!
Photograph submlucd by Omel('' Chi Epsilon
First Row: William Reed. Blu Engle hom. Deena Chapman. Mary F'rank. Julie Cannon. Ron Longwell. Andre Taylor and Tony Hatfield. Second Row: Sam llanlin. Mike Zogg. Jason Brinker. Chad Laramore. Roxanna Whitfield. Tara Kruep. Bill Burgard. Jonathan Winter. Heather Wyman. Meredith Springs. Olivia Trost. Pam Miles. Robert Ribbing. Rachel llouchins. Steve Russell and David Jett.
Photo!(raph submitted by Toastmasters
Left to Right: Fred Nie meier. Jason Holschen. J anelle Anderson. Chris Wright. Christina Robinson. George Sessen. Aaron Shaw. Mark Vogl. Dr. Steve Watkins a nd Kent Melson.
Photograph submlllrd by Sl,::ma Camma Epsilon
First Row: Jeremy Baumgardner. Kara Waggoner and Laura A. Clemenson. Second Row: Peter Zimmerman. Steven Gorg. Derek Mauntel. Keilh Kuhlmann. Doug Mauntcl. Jason llolschen and Emesl Brown .
Photograph s ubmitted by Society of Women .,nglneers.
First Row: Vanessa Goodwin and Jamie Sokolls. Second Row: Laura Faletto. Laura A. Clemenson. April Reed and Tina Sleek. Third Row: Sherry Woodward. Vicky Presser. Meredith Springs. Lynn R. Morak. Becky Bown. Amanda Sartain. Tonya Reuck. Nanette Smith and Tracy Jones.
Pholograph submllled by the Society or Pelroleum Engtneers
First Row: Roslan Mokhtar. Azlln Abdullah. Jeff Woytek. Abdul All and Roslan Ahmad. Second Row: Rozlman Abdul Rahman. Abdulla Abd Rahman. Mohd Shaharum Abu Hassan. Zanarlah Awang. Rachel Evans. Surayatl Yaakub and Abu Hassan Daud. Third Row: Ghazall Tambl. Sherry Woodward. Randy Rltzen. Tana Srlpongtanakul. Mohd Rodzlan Mohd Hilmi and Dr. Shari Dunn-Norman. Fourth Row: Rob Tyre (President). Eric Cloud (Treasurer). IAln ce Callaway. Mat Twlehaus (Secretary). Janet Roper (Vice Presid ent). Rich Davis. Eric Fritsch. Peter Laudon. Walter Akers and Rob Brown.
:i.C&L3 11
Q,-..:a; a,1:i."f;3r ~e»::ll1"i;rc:» 1
Photograph submitted by the Amertcau Society ror Quality Control
From Left to Right: Tauqulncy McDonald. Esther Walker (Treasurer). Brian Caldwell (Secretary) and Connie Jansen (President).
Betsy Bade, Jessica Barnett. Michelle Bauer, Lisa Cutler, Julie Davenport. Sandy Eftlnk. Jessica Gorman, Angie Grubbs. Theresa Hanks. Tonya Karnowskl. Amy Katschman, Denise Kozlowicz, Jennifer Marks. Jennifer Martychenko. Mandy Mertz, Lynn Morak, Tanya Peters. Daphne Proffitt, Joanne Rieff, Dionne Roberts. Natalie Ross, Noreen Ruczhak. Carrie Schafluetzel, Christina Standridge, Tina Steck and Sharon Powell-Advisor.
Photograph submitted by Gamma Oeta Stgma
Photograph submitted by Lambda Sigma Pt
First Row: Stacy Garfield. Ashley Peifer. Mandy Sartain and K1m Stewart. Second Row: Marla Fisher, Casey Gideon. April Reed. Kristen Ringkor. Dee Venker. Dawn Sharp. Mitzi Mcintyre and Tricia Ruma. Third Row: Katheryne Derhake, Amy Ruhland. Kim Christensen, Christy Land. Linda Starbuck. Christi Rives and Nina Woods. Fourth Row: Kristen King. Tricla Rudloff. Jodie Courtln. Zac Thompson. Carla Folkerts. Karen Murphy. Trlcla Hudson. T.J. Davenport and Deanna Wohlgemuth. Fifth Row: Kim Thone, Shawn Thomas and Leslie Frost. Not Pictured: J ennifer Downes. Rayna Koopmann. Missy McMurray. Tracy Davenport. Carrie Williams and Jessica Thomas.
Photograph submllled by M-Ciub
M-Clu b Members: Jon Andrews. Jen Arnason. Pete Baumstark. David Borrok. Chris Brownell, Jamie Bertchume. Amy Buttlmer. Dave Cadoff. Chad Cagle. Brian Colling h am. Brad Cozad. Crissie Eckhoff. Bob Ellen. Carrie Eyerkuss. Brian Gilmore. Robb Graves. Rob Hagan. Wade Haggstrom. Ethan Hayden. Matt Henry. Stepha nie ingalls. Elliot Jackson . Serena J agua nl. Tracy Jones. Krlslan King. Rachel Lewis. Brad Lind. Terl Marvlch. Kate Masterman. Julie Maurer. CraJg McCauley. Jay Meyers. Ed Midden. Eric Midden. John Mikrut. Ben Mulvaney. Mark Munoz. Daren Nix. Valerie Osborn. Keith Plmmel. Jason Politte. Brian Ramsey. Todd Rastorfer. Ed Reich ert. Brandon Risner. Kathleen RJtchey.Polly Robinson. Melanie Rohrer. Melllsa Rohrer. Natalie Sanders. Mindy Settles. Bill Smith. Gary Tomlinson. Ryan Unterreiner. BUI Unzicker. Jarry Wallock. Scott Weiner. Mike Williams. Jeff Wilson, Nicki Wray. Steve Young. S h eryl Ziccardi and Russel Zung.
EL:p"'l;i::a ; "'I; !llii"'l;-a:ad.e:::ll1"'I;
Photograph s ubmllled by BSU
Front: Chris Goldsmith, Jay Jordan. John Dllingham. Jennifer Frazer. Erwin Wardojo. Rocky Mella, Brent Massey. Laurie Croslin, Danlelle Miller. Amy Crenshaw. Karenda Lutz. Kirk Meinershagen, Mlya Barr and Aaron McDonald. Second Row: Ken Lindsey. Chris Thorn. Matthew Peters. Jarrod Grant. Aaron Coleman. Joshua Gary, Chris Penningroth. Darin Sanders, Daniel Ragland. Hans Thullesen. Kate Wilkerson. Michael Scott. Jim Cain. Greg Bundy. William Bain, Rlchard Lee. David Jordan, Curtis Miller. Mark Junkins. Jesse Cooper. Aaron Farmer. Mark Boss. Mary Frank. Bruce Bunswell. Michele Moats and Mike Moats. Third Row: Jonathan Helm, Dennis Cox. John Spttzmlller. Brad Smull. Nell Brady. Michael Madden, Rob Catlett. Rlck Lawson. Andy Dare. Ryan Fr anz, Eric Crawford. Adam Peterson. J on Richards, Brandon Keith. Ken Kostedt and Rick Gerdes.
Right: Advisor Dr. Steve Watkins. Below: Advisor Dr. Martessa Crow.
Photographs submll!ed by Eta Kappa Nu
Rebecca Light. Janice Mattox. Matt Long. Mike From left to rtght: Tim Alt. Brtan Mueller. Matt Roos. Sean Bentley. Matt Spaethe, Andy Bachle, Chris Osterloh. Kjar. Angle Urbane and Fred Hopper.
&a.1&a.:.-p-&i& LJDL !lllii-1;-w..:aCI.~JDL-1;
Photograph submitted by Malaysian Student OrganiZation
Members: AlTcndy Yusof(Prestdenl). Muhamad AJdi (VIce President). AI!Jaapar. Abdul NaOk. Mohd Noh. Mohd Sharum. Roslan Ahmad. Hj. Ahmad Falant. Khat rut Rejal. Roslan Mokhtar. Azlln Abdullah. Roztman. Hallzaln Ar!ff. Mohd Rodzlan. Zanartah Awang. Sur ayaU Yaakub. Nur Hazllna. Mohd Shahrll. Zamrl Stdek. Bahrtar Salamon. Azran Adzmt. Mohamed Flruz. Mohd Roza.i ni. Abu H assan Daud. Ahmad Muzammll. Umar Abd. Aztz. Sazalee M Darts. Shuhally Yusoff. Zatrtn Zainuddln. Mohd Nazeem. Mohd Shahrul. Khalrul Nizam. Ghazali Thambt. Noor llasnah. Wan Nursuzllna. AlTendt Adzmi. Muhamad Suffian. Heok Peng Pang. Tham Kong Yuc. Tan Tcck Leng and Yuen Ttng AJ. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Shari Dunn-Norman.
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Photo sumbttted by AAPC I C.L. Dake Ceologtcal Society
First Row: Karl Finke. Steve Needles. Jeff Scholl. Tom Goebel and John Cash. Second Row: Jack Friesner. Mark Fennel. Brian Collingham (Pres ident). Dr. Richard Hagni (Chairman). Lisa Webb (Secretary). Klmberly Stewart (Treasurer) and Rob Graves. Third Row: David Borrok, Jim Kocher. Bijan Khazal. Irene Sanchez. Mike Scammacca. Art Kogut, Lonny Bortng and Scott Schneider. Fourth Row: Dave Ryckman (VIce President) and Frank Furman.
Pholo submllled by Circle K
Members: Lance Haman. Craig Welfry. Lee Krueger. Lindsey Singer. Laura Brave. Robert Doupe. Teresa Tamburello. Kim Van Hom. Shiloh Kirkland. Kevin Wolff. Matt Caw. MacKenzie Mercer. Jason Brinker. Mike Janes. Tim Becker. Karyn Griffin, Jennifer Schottel and Wendy Lenox.
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Photograph by Rob Bordenave
Photograph by Krtstâ&#x20AC;˘n Strotk
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Photograph s ubmlned by Omega Stgma
First Row: Hilary Clark, Sadie Burke. Emily Wehmeyer . Zachlyn Thomp son. Karen Murphy. Susan Rishell. Kelly Rau and Carrie Eyerkuss. Secon d Row: Lucy Knaup. Stacey Waggoner. Nancy Johnson. Natalie Sanders, Sarah Maxon. Rachel Lewis, Vanessa Goodwin, M ichelle Irwin, Crlssle Eckh off. Lyd ia Bamcord. Amy Barnes. Valerie Ph illips. Stacy Garfield and Taml Bowman.
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Photograph submitted by the Juggling Club
From left to rtght: Oleg Lagoviyer, Bill Delong. Patri ck Kaneko, James Stange. Jeff Book. Travis Collins and Jeff Hansen.
18 1
Photograph by Rob Oordenave
First Row: Yt-Kang An and Rachel Houchins. Second Row: Scott Moll. Ben Barnhart. Matt Meadows and Dennis Cox.
Photographs submitted by Aikido Club
Tim Parker (left) and Terry Chevalier practice a technique durtng a seminar.
Photograph submitted by Arnold Air Soelety
First Row: Tim Casmlre. Second Row: Tara Muehe. Cathy Vomberg and Chris Willard. Third Row: Bill Quashnock, Travis McGee. Chris Autrey. Carl Mullen. Craig Schneider and Josh Markell. Fourth Row: Benjamin Lerman, Brian Hertford, Patrick Maddox and Alex Jerntgan.
18 4
Phologmph by
Photographs submltted by Amertcun Nuclear Society
Top Left: On February 16. 1995. ANS erected a p ro-nuclear billboard along 1-44 by Sullivan. The blllboard will stay up until at least August 16. 1995. Top Right: From left to nght: Rodney Pickard (Treasurer). Mark Kelly (P resident). Pat Flaherty (VIce President) and Brian Richardson (Secretary). Bottom: ThemembersoftheAmer1can Nuclear Society.
First Row: Michael Krueger. ClatreNechol Sevier. Stacy Waggoner and Shawn Crossfield. Second Row: Tony Blaylock. Joe Zh ang. Wllletta Fitzpatrick. Laura Tweedy. Nicole Mason. Robyn Litle. Heather Freeman. YahlaFedei.HoaTanga ndJasonGUes. T h ird Row : Jo n Cole. Joseph O'Fiaherty. BUI Fischer. BUI Gray and John Wokurka. Not Pictured: Larry Parker II. Ron Porter. And! Jaegers. Krlb Sltathan l. Brian lies. John Durako. RJazul Hasan and Ertcka Scheidt.
Photographs submitted by the Taekwondo Club
Bill Fischer and Jon Cole self-defense demonst r ating techniques.
18 7
f'hotograph submitt ed by Newman Center
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Photograph by Greg Teets
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PholO!,'raph submitted by NSPE
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Photograph submitted by Spelunkers Club
Members: Rob Tayloe (President). Bart Potts (VIce President). Kim Stewart (Secretary/Treasurer). Richard Dalton. Chris Hoer. Steve James. Patrick Anstaett. Hal Baker. Nathan Barrow. Mildd Beck. Steve Bennett. Joshua Bissey. Juslln Block. Jtm Bowman. Tim Bruns. Patrick Burd. Michael Carlson . VIckie Clark. Lorna Cohen. Jim Collier. Terry Cruse. Steve D'Arche. Steve Davis. Ryan Delapp. Ian Downard. Darryl Ehlers. Gregory Frost. Kathy Grote. Laura Gw!nnup. Carl Herbold. Jr .. Jon Isaacson. Mike Johnson. Nancy Johnson. Michael Jones. S haron Jones. lngeborg Kaus. Angela Kleine. Wayne Kuethe. Todd Kuethc. David Lllly. Sarah Maxon. Eric Murr. Dan Ombalski. Nick Paladin. Kathy Reese and Kathy Reynolds.
The Missouri School of Mines Spelunkers Club Is the oldest organized cave exploring grotto in the state of Missouri. The MSM Spelunkers Club has been promoting caving since the mid1930's, and continues to be devoted to locating. exploring. surveying/ mapping. a nd preserving cave and karst systems. Any interest from just enjoying a cave for esthetics to cave rescue training are offered to
club members. The purposes of the club Is tol) bring people together who have an interest In the exploration. geology. surveying. photography. and preservation of caves and cave life: 2) promote a nd teach safe cave techniques: and 3) Inform people. Individuals and groups. of cave conservation and preservation. To show o ur commitment to the environment. the MSM Spelunkers Club removes trash from many local
area caves and has also adopted a section of 1-44 for litter removal. No previous experience Is necessary: just a desire to cave. and learn more about them. Some of the benefits of being a member are usc of club equipment. access to caves that are not open to the 路non-organized caver". a nd multi-day caving trips. many to out-of-state areas.
~路~----------------------------------------------------------------------~ 191
Pholol(raph by Jason Ainslie
PhotOj(mph b\' Kr1Men Stroik
Phot<>l(rnph by n-acey Da•ots
Phot()!(raph bv Jason Ainshe
Photograph submitted by the Cheerleaders
First Row: Erica Hall. Rachel Durst. Lisa Madison. Second Row: Alex Herr (captain). Christina Standridge. Sandy Eftink. Jennifer Martych enko. Dionne Roberts (captain). Rusty Brooks. Third Row: Tanya Peters. Steve Kunze. Lewis Hickman, Anika Stuckenschneider
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PholO!(r.lph by Kristen SltOik
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Photo~raph by Kristen Stroik
Photograph submitted by KME
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Photo by Scott Ashwell
Row I: Ron Fannin. Mary Ann Seyer Koen, Robert Davis Row 2: Archie Culp. Doug Carroll. David Oglesby. Ralph Flori Row 3: Ed Camey. Ed Homsey. Dan White. Tom Bryson
Pho to by 'lnl('CY Oavb
Row 1: Row 2: Row 3: Row 4:
Nuran Ercal. Patricia Callahan. C harles Heitsch. Michael VanDeMark Jay Switzer. Samlr I Ianna. Nicholas Leven Us. James StofTer William J am es. Oliver Manuel. Donald Beislel. Terry Bone Ken Robertson
Photo by Tracey Davts
Left to Right: Dean Jerry Bayless. David Richardson. Paul Munger. Abdeldjelil Belarbi. John Kincaid. Richard Stephenson. Charles Dare. PurushTerkonda. Wei-Wen Yu. Joseph Wilson. Jerome Westphal. John Stevens
20 4
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PhOIO by Nalallt' [)lXon
Photo by n-acey Davis
Dr. Stephen Douglass Jr. and Dr. Evalee Lasa ter
Photo by 1'racey Davis
Left to Right: Steve Raper. Paul Smilh, Bill Omurtag. Henry Wiebe. Bernie Sarchet, Benli, Kofi Nyameke. Venkata AJlada. Jerry Greenway. Don Meyers. Cihan Dagli
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Photo by Tracey Da,•ls
Row I : Robert C. Laudon. Neil Anderson . J ay Gregg Row 2: Ernst Bolter. S. Kerry Grant. Ri chard llagni (Chairman)
Photo by Tracey Da,;,
Left lo Rlghl: William Ingram. Roberl Roe. Louis Grlmm. Tim Randolph. Troy ! lic ks. S tephen Clark. Roger He ring. Jagdtsh Palel. Ilene Morgan. Albert Goodman. J a mes Joiner
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Photo by Tracey Davis
1s t Row: H.L. Tsai. W.F. Lu. J.A. Drallmeier. L.R Koval. D.L. Cronin. D.C. Look 2nd Row: K.Krishnamurthy, S. Prakash. D.J. Alofs. F. Liou, L.R. Dharani, S. Khanna. B.F. Aramaly 3rd Row: H.J. Sauer. S.C. Lee 4th Row: C.R Barker. T.F. Lehnhoff. D.S. Stutts. H.F. Nelson. S. Roy. R. Medrow. D. Riggins. T.S. Chen
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Photo by SroH A..,hwrll
Row 1: David Summers. John W. Wilson (Chalman). Charles J. llaas. Jerry Tien Row 2: Marian M azurkiewicz. Ahmet Unal. Pau l Worsey Not Pictured: D. Hammlsh Miller. Richard Gertsch
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the are What graduates taking with them? They have their diplomas securely in hand. and are ready to face the world (or hope they are). But face it... they've spent so much time here in Rolla. a little poe-dunk town in the middle of nowhere. when they leave, what will they remember? Lack of women? Lack of shopping? Rotten weather? Their first snow? All of these were answers written on the "Senior Memories" sheets that were handed out during senior pictures. But there HAS to be more than that. .. Well, what's Rolla known for? We know that those "other schools" see us as THE engineering school, but when someone mentions Rolla, what's the first thing that pops into people's minds? The answer is easy--St. Pat's. To be honest, many people mentioned St. Pat's in one way or another. Mark Joersz will remember "the way the St. Pat's board REALLY was". Joseph Bauman recalls "those poor idiots with the tree stumps beating on those poor defenseless rubber snakes". There is no denying it. St. Pat's will always be a part of life at UMR.
Other senio rs, like Barbara Corzine, Christa Kacer, Muhamad Jaapar, Mitzi Mcintyre, Janet Roper, Jason Sallee. Scott Shepard, and Dyke Walden will remember all the great friends they've made over the past years. As Randy Kixmiller wrote, "I'll always remember the good times we had in Rolla where there's nothing to do. " Wait a second ... Nothing to do? Is he for real? What about studying, tough classes. tests. finals--all a part of the dedicated student? Don't worry. some people will never forget that TOUGH! was college "Continuo u s. unending. relentless studying" is what Troy Hartwig will remember. 'The Bags under my eyes that grew exponentially with the proximity of finals" is what Chad Farrenburg wrote. Apparently, Michael Arbini LIVED at the library. So UMR is not the easiest school to graduate from. and will be remembered for it. So many memories. so little s pace. I'm sorry that I cou ldn't Write everything that everyone remembers, but here are some responses that 1 feel say what memories at UMR are truly made of.
·1he wav we laugh and have a good time; as we complain about how much we have to do and how we hate our classes... -Rebecca Posten
"College is tar more than classes, exams, and grades. The friends 1·ve had, the things 1·ve learned, the activities 1·ve done, the dinerences 1·ve made- all of these are tar more imponant than the GPA 1wrote on mv resume. When 1hang mv diploma on the wall, 1·11 know it represents a first-class education in lite. To all those people who helped me, to all those people who taught me, to all those people who shared so much with me, 1cannot even begin to express 1 mv gratitude. It vou·re reading this, vou know who vou are:· -Jen Schroeder
..The one thing 1will alwavs remember about UMR is the collection of diUerent people, t personalities, and cultures ... -Heather Freeman 1will alwavs remember the trulv wonderful people that 1have met, and the friends that 1 have made, not onlv fellow students, but the tacultv and stan members as well. And 1·11 alwavs remember how patient Austin and Drek were with me!.. -Angel Brown
J ..
· ·1he unpredictability and surrealness of evervdav events which in manv unfathomable wavs have altered mv lite·s scope... -Geonrev Willmoth ..This is where 1•grew up· and learned to learn... -Shavne Yeislev
2 15
Paul Abbott Jalil Abdul Chera Abrams Steven Abraham
Mohd Abu Hassan MuhamadAbd Rahman Roslan Ahmad Caleb Alexander
Maamoun Alhalabi Chad Allen Robert Allen Raheela Amir
Sandy Anderson Bradi Ansinelli Michael Arbini Becky Arnold
2 16
Scott Ashwell James Ayers Marc Barmeier Travis Barnard
Ryan Barr Joseph Batcheler Joseph Bauman Sean Bentley
Shawn Bequette Anthony Berhorst Kevin Biggers Jenifer Binder
Tony Blaylock Jennifer Blevins David Bodeen Steven Booton
2 17
David Borrok Christine Boyer Jerry Bradshaw Scott Brauer
Russell Brooks Eugene Browder Angel Brown Kevin Brown
Daniel Bruno Christopher Bryant April Buesch Herbert Buford
Scott Burkemper Gordon Buswell Laura Bytnar Weiping Cai
2 18
Benjamin Canlas Jason Canon Deena Chapman Kim Christensen
Laura Clemenson Eric Clinton Brian Collingham Steve Conway
Jeffrey Cool Clay Cooper Cheryl Cooper Barbara Corzine
Jeffrey Counsil Amelia Crenshaw James Crowe Tom Dancey
2 19
Kristen Danley Tamra Davenport J. Davis Rich Davis
Tracey Davis Jennifer Deis Todd DeVeydt Deborah Dicus
Thorn Dinkins Stacy Doing Julie Donnelly Michael Dove
Christina Duker Erica Easley Chris Eggers Mark Ely
Joe Engeman Lazaro Espinosa Winchester Falbe Chad Farrenburg
Larry Fausett William Fischer Patrick Flaherty Dean Ford
Elizabeth Fox Steven Frank Clarence Franklin Heather Freeman
Chad Fuesting Jeffrey Fugate Mindy Gardner Rick Gerdes
22 1
John Gerfen Jason Giles James Glamann Dean Glastetter
Jeffrey Glick Luisa Gomez-Gudin o Kelly Goodman Susan Goodman
Randall Gorton Jon Govro Brandon Graham Nathan Green
Ryan Grohmann Henry Guerriero D Mark Haddock Philip Hahn
Craig Haley Darin Halter Eunkyu Han Lisa Harrison
Bobby Hart Terry Harton Bradley P. Harvey Troy Hartwig
Matthew Henry Brian Heriford Keith Herion Jeff Hickman
Tara Hilse Rebecca Hoepker Tressie Hollins Michael Holm
Brad Hoppe Frederick Hopper Rachel Houchins Jason Hudson
Julie Huff Sean Huggans Marcus Huggans Jason Hughes
T . Hughes Jimmie Humphrey Sheri Huther Travis Irvin
Muhamad Jaapar Ernestine Jackson Connie Jansen Joshua Jarvis
Mohd Jasmani Darrick Jensen Amy Jensen Mark Joersz
Kelly Johnson Nicole Johnson Reginald Johnson Steven Jones
Torrance Jones Mark Junkins Christa Kacer Martin Kayadarm a
Shelley Kellar Jamie Kelly David Kemp Katherine Kersten
Cheryl King Kristan Ki.n g Kristen Ki.n g Randy Kixmiller
Steve Klein Lynda Kliewer Alexander Kombokis Rayna Koopmann
Dennis Koscielski Gregory Kremer Patrick Kuhne Christine Kump
Joee Kvetensky Jeff Lachance Larry Lacy
Holly Lamar
Martin Lamar David Lamb Tim Lamb Christy Land
Liana Land Mark Lansberry Mike Larson Richard Lawson
Ji Yon Lee J olyn Leslie
Rebecca Light Brian Lightfoot
David Lilly Valarie Lindner Michelle Link Steven Linnebach
Tammy Love Allan Ludiker Jeffry Lueddecke Eric Ludwig
Tammy Marler Michael Marstall Andrew Martine Kenneth Martinez
Brent Massey Janice Mattox Michael McClellan Jaime McCoy
Travis McGee Mitzi Mcintyre Brian McKee Missy McMurray
Matt Meadows James Medlin Sajeev Menon Henry Midden IV
Scott Miller Mohd Mohamed Suki Ken Moeckli Reza Mohdar
Brad Moppins Nathaniel Moran Jayson Morand Traci Morgan
Ryan K. Morris Peter Mueller Ahmed Mustafa Karl Neville
Fred Niemeier Barclay Nothaus Julie Nowell Joseph O'Flaherty
Brian O'Neill Harry Omoregie Chad Owens Heok-Peng Pang
Matthew Parker Greg Patience Samantha Patterson Thomas Pazdera
Chris Penningroth David Perkins Eric Peters Rodney Pickard
Dale Picolet Gregory Posten Rebecca Posten Christina Powell
Matthew Pritzker T. Ramsaroop Haji Rahman Christopher Reiter
Dikan Rendic Charles Renner J. Scott Reynolds Chris Riemann
Jerome Riemann Polly Robinson Janet Roper M. Ross
23 1
Abdul Roziman Stephanie Ruehling Robin Ruiz Randy Russell
Steve Russell Jason Sallee Darin Sanders Willie Sandin
Amy Sauer Kevin Schaefer Brian Schanuel Christopher Scheiblhofer
Christine Scheid Kirk Schoeck Steven Schrick Jeffrey Schroeder
Alan Schulte Andrew Sears Rebecca Selinger Daren Shanholtzer
Scott Shepard Erik Shores Zamri Sidik Joseph Simones
Robert Skaggs Jennifer Sketton Charlie Smith Gregory Smith
J . Smith Jeffrey Smith Craig Sorensen Matthew Spaethe
Lisa Spindel Miguel Spidle John Spitzmiller Cori Stanley
Kerwin Stretch Michelle Student Darren Sullivan Cherie Summa
Jennifer Suttmoeller David Talken Chris Talley Andre Taylor
Jeff Thomas Cheri Thompson Tom Threlkeld Malcolm Townes
Craig Uphoff Angela Urbane Jim Vance Kirby Vandivort
James Vaughn Mark Vogt Catherine Vollet Kenneth Voss
Marty Voss Douglas Vucich William Wacker Rebecca Wakely
Dyke Walden Richard Warsnak Marsha Wayman W. Wates
Lisa Webb Brenda Weber Shawn Weber Wayne Weber
David Welsh Dan Wendeln Kristine Wheeler Darren Whitehurst
Chris Whitfield Roxanna Whitfield Brian Wibbenmeyer Todd Williams
Michael Wilkins Geoffrey Willmoth Frances Wingert Robin Winslett
Jeffrey Wright Carla Wyatt Gregory Wyatt S. Wyatt
Deborah Yamnitz Shayne Yeisley TingYuen Mfendy Yusof
Khjryr Zakaria Michael Zlatic Michael Zogg Joseph Jung
Azlin Abdullah Phillip Barnes Stephen Chadwick Matthew Chalmers
Julie Dickherber Tracy Downs Donna Joaquin James Kimbel
Cathy McMillan Mark Rollins Thomas Ruth Aaron Shaw
Chris Wright
Yes, someday we may all say lhat cliche, to our children, our nieces, or our nephews. But what glorious event will follow? What are these gr aduating seniors going to remember as the major events that shaped life while they were at UMR?
Some. like Anthony Berhorst, will recall the visit of Margaret Thatcher. Others may remember world events. Matthew Roos wrote, "Certainly the most memorable event to occur while I attended UMR was the collapse of the Soviet Union and the removal of the Berlin Wall."
Many. such as Benjamin Can las. Greg Wyatt. Nicole Johnson. Cheryl King. Patrick Kinhe. Missy McMurray. and Sam a ntha Patterson will remember graduation as a high point. After so many years ... "My job offer- $50.000 at Santa Fe Railroad. Six years of school and it paid off big!" is what Elizabeth Fox said.
Then there are those who will remember their own personal triumphs. Ryan Grahmann won the in-line hockey club cup. a n d Craig Sorensen placed third in the high jump at the NCAA national track meet and became an All-American. Cheryl Cooper recalls the chartering of the Sigma Delta chapter of Delta Sigma Theta. Brian Collingham had a 4.0, at midterm. once. Sleven Frank is proud because he passed the EIT exam. Michael Dove was a god ... during Greek Week. (It's not every day you get to be a god.) Kimberly Christensen will remember going into ALICE.
Julie Nowell met Bryan Guidry here at UMR. and Wilson Yates met his fiance ... something very special. Travis Irvin's incredib le moment occurred when his fian ce said yes to his proposal. Steve Russell was able to put trust in Jesus Christ as his savior. All this shows that the important events in our lives may not be those that everyone knows about. but sentimental highlights.
Or the slightly odd. like Tammy Love's event, when her residents kidnapped her and her duty partner. and put her in leather restraints. They have pictures!
'1n this small universitY town. 1saw the wortd. At UMR, I met German, Chinese, TUrkish, Malaysian, Peruvian, and Thai students plus countless others. 1 saw a Malaysian wedding ceremony, ate Thai cuisine, and learned the Chinese language. College Is truly a time to broaden one's horizons." -Rick Lawson
Photograph by Brtdgette Ganley
Photograph by Brtdgette Ganley
Photograph by
Photograph by Brtdgette Ganley
Photograph by Brtdgeue Ganley
!'holograph by Brtdgelle Ganley
Photograph by Brtdjlelte Ganley
Photograph by Bridgf1tr Ganley
..&.c-l;:i.-.r:i.-l;:i.~:~ .&. Steven Abraham, Comp Sci St. Louis, MO Kappa Kappa Psi Maamoun Alhalabi, ChE St. Louis, MO Swimming, Basketball Chad Michael Allen, ME Independence, MO Promise Keepers, Wilderness S u rvival
Ryan P. Barr, CE Sigma Nu Fraternity, Theta Tau Omega, ASCE, Asst. Wrestling Coach for Rolla H.S., Instructor at Quantum Leap Skydiving Center Joseph Wesley Bauman, EE Fishing, Diving Shawn Bequette, NucE Festus, MO Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity, American Nuclear Society
Roslan Ahmad, Petroleum E Langkawi Island, Anthony Berhors t , Malaysia Comp Sci Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Jefferson City, MO Society of Petroleum Intramural Sports, MSM Eng., Malaysian Student Spelunkers Club Organization, Muslim Student Association Kevin Biggers, Met E Maryland Heights, MO Michael E. Arbini, Triangle Fraternity, ChemE Missou ri Miner, Met. St. Louis, MO Society, Tau Beta Pi Toastmasters International, AIChE, Tony Blaylock, CE Alpha Chi Sigma, Jackson, MO Omega Chi Epsilon UMR Tae Kwon Do, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, Scott W. Ashwell, ME Phi Eta Sigma, TJHA, ~t. Louis, MO ASCE UMR Solar Car Team ' UMR Trap and Skeet Jennifer Blevins, ME (President, Treasurer), St. Peters, MO Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma (Treasurer), Sigma, ASME, Spanish Amateur Radio Clu b, Club Rollamo Yearbook (Asst. Editor), ASME, SAE 244
Steven Lee Booton, AE Blue Key (second VicePresident), Tau Beta Pi (President, Presidentelect), Sigma Gamma Tau (President, VicePresident), SUB (Technical Services Director), IFC David Borrok, Geology /Geophysics Novinger, MO M-Club, Phi Kappa Phi, C.L. Dake Geologic Society Christine Boyer, EE Potosi, MO Chi Omega, Tau Beta Pi, HKN, SWE, IK, Newman Center Cath olic Organization, GM Co-op, Blu e key Angel Brown, Psych Belle, Mo Psych Club, Volunteer Work with the community, Weightlifting Kevin L. Brown, EE Nashville, IN UMR Toastmasters Dan Bruno, CE Maryland Heights, MO ASCE, Pi Kappa Alpha Christopher L. Bryant, Psych Rolla, MO Veterans Club, Psychology Research Assistant
Scott Burkemper, CE Old Monroe, MO Kappa Sigma Fraternity (second VP), St. Pat's Board, (Pres, St. Pat), Theta Tau Omega (Casino Nigh t Ch air), ASCE Laura Bytnar, ME Florissant, MO Chi Omega, KMNR, Alph a Phi Omega
~ Weiping Cai, Ceramic Keramos, Acers Benjamin Canlas, ME Springfield, MO ASME (Secretary, Treasurer), Pi Kappa Alpha, Intercollegiate Knights Deena R. Chapman, ChemE Paducah,KY Intramurals, Zeta Tau Alpha (Scholarship and Ritual chairman), Omega Chi Epsilon (President, Secretary), Alpha Chi Sigma (Secretary, PR), Blue Key, AIChE, SWE. Gamma Alpha Delta Service Organization, Omega Sigma Kimberly Chris tensen , EE Avon, IL Zeta Tau Alpha, Lambda Sigma Pi
Eric Clinton, AE Senath , MO AIAA (President, V.P., Treasurer), BSU (Fellowship Chairman, Worship Leader). Sigma Gamma Tau (Treasurer). SAE-Aero, CADD Users Group Brian Collingham, Geology /Geophysics Tarkio, MO AAPG, C.L. Dake Geological Society, MClub, Men's Cross Country, Men's Indoor and Outdoor Track
J . Michael Davis, EE Ironton, MO Richard L. Davis, Petroleum St. Clair, MO Society of Petroleum Engineers, Pi Epsilon Tau, Intramural Sports Tracey Davis, Comp Sci St. Louis, MO Zeta Tau Alpha, Rollamo, SMSTA Thomas A. Dinkins IV, Ceramic Crestwood, MO Tau Kappa Epsilon (V.P., Sgt.-at-Arms), Student Council, American Ceramic Society, IMA
Cheryl L. Cooper, ChemE St. Louis, MO Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (Pres ident), NSBE, Julie Donnelly, ChemE Association of Black St. Louis, MO Students, AIChE, KMNR Cross Country, Track, Soccer, AIChE Barbara Corzine, Psych Michael W. Dove, ME Rolla, MO Web ster Groves, MO Psychology Club Triangle Fraternity (first V.P., Scholars hip, Philanthropist), Gamma Alpha Delta (Pres., Sec., Treas.), IFC (Sec, god Kristen K. Danley, CE Brireaus) Springfield, MO CCF, Intramural Volleyball, ACE, AGC
Tamra J . Davenport, Eng Mgt Weston, MO Chi Omega (President), Panhellenic Council (Sec\Treas) , Lambda Sigma Pi (V.P.), Blue Key (Sec.). ASEM, Freshman Orientation Committee, Solar Car Team, ASQC, SEM
Mark Ely, Life Sci Waynesville, MO Weightlifting, Phi sigma Gamma, Iota Honor Society
Chad Farrenburg, Bio Chem E Sikeston, MO Kappa Alpha Order, SUB, AIChE, IK, Omega Chi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi Larry W. Fausett, CE Branson , MO Chi Epsilon, Tenth Street Baptist Church
William Fischer, Eng Mgt Bloomsdale, MO TKD (Sec.). SME (Pres., first Vice-chair), EMS Patrick James Flaherty IV, Nuclear Portageville, MO Alpha Epsilon Pi, Tau Beta Pi, ANS, Intercollegiate Knights Elizabeth A. Fox, Eng Mgt Ellington, MO ASQC (Pres), ASEM (V.P.), Toastmasters, UMR Solar Car Team (Project Planner), Alpha Iota Delta (V.P.). Homecoming Queen Candidate 1994, Co-op Training Program Steven Frank, CE Rich Fountain, MO ASCE, Chi Epsilon Clarence Franklin, Jr. , Comp Sci Independence, MO ACU (Pres), TJHA, QHA, RHA, Resident Assistant Heather Freeman, Chemistry Rolla, MO Schrenk Society, UMR Tae Kwon Do
Chadwick J. Fuesting, CE Effin gham, IL Varsity Baseball Jeff Fugate, Nuclear Margate, FL American Nuclear Society, IK, GDI
c;;.. Mindy Monique Gardner, GE Raymore, MO Kappa Delta (V.P. Public Relations, Activities, Rush Counselor), Blue Key (Alumni Sec.), Sigma Gamma Epsilon (Pres.), Lambda Sigma Pi (Treas.). Tau Beta Pi, SUB (Leis ure and Recreation, Concert committee), Association of Engineering Geologists, Co-op Education Student, Miner staff writer, Transfer Student Association, Daugh ters of Lee, Editor for Alumnus, Panhellenic, St. Pat's Queen nominee 1994 John E. Gerfen, Met Ballwin, MO Acacia Fraternity (President, Rush Chairman, Social Chairman, Alumni Secretary, Historian), Alpha Phi Omega (Historian), American Foundrymen's Society James Glamann, CE Washington, MO CCF, ASCE Steel Bridge Committee, Awana Club, Vineyard College
David Glastetter, CE Cape Girardeau, MO Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Phi Omega. Chi Epsilon Luisa Gomez-Gudin o, ME Kirkwood, MO Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (V.P., Treas.). ASME, Hispanic Culture Comm.i tte (Co-Chair) Susan Goodman, ME Poplar Bluff, MO Kappa Delta, SUB, SWE Ryan Grohmann, ME Hecker, IL UMR In-line Hockey Club, Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma, ASME Nathan Green, EE Seymour, MO ROTC, Raiders Henry James Guerriero n, ME New York, NY ME 161 TA, KMNR, SUB (Concerts Committee), Student Council Chairperson
:E.: Mark Haddock, GE Collinsville, IL Hunting, Hiking, Fishing Haji A. Fatani Haji Abdul Rahman, ChemE Melaka, Malaysia MSO, MSAAIChE Darin Halter, ME Benton. MO Alpha Epsilon Pi, Tau Beta PI, Student Council, Pi Tau Sigma, Kappa Mu Epsilon 246
Bobby Hart, Eng Mgt Warsaw, MO Alpha Iota Delta, BSU Troy Hartwig, ME Lee's Summit, MO Lutheran Student Center, ASME, NSPE Bradley P. Harvey, CE Nelson. MO St Pat's Board, AlphaEpsilon Pi. Alpha Phi Omega, AUSA. Mohd Shaharum Abu Hassan, Petroleum Kedah, Malaysia MSO,MSA Matthew T. Henry Florissant, MO La mbda Chi Alpha, Kappa Mu Epsilon, Omicron Delta Epsilon Pang Heok-Peng, EE Malaysia Malaysian Student Association Keith Franklin Herion, ME Diggins, MO Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma, ASME Jeff Hickman, ME Joplin, MO Formula SAE Team, ASME, Pi Tau Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Eta Sigma, Kappa Mu Epsilon, SME Rachel Houchins, ChemE Ellington , MO Karate, Collegium Musicians Jason Hudson, Eng Mgt Lake St. Louis, MO Kappa Sigma, Alpha Phi Omega, Beta Tau Omega, IoPP, ASEM, SME
Marcus A. Huggans, EE St. Louis, MO NSBE, IEEE, ABS, Intramurals, RA, Student Apartment Manager, OURE, Student Teacher, Counselor Sean A. Huggans, ME St. Louis, MO Football Sheri Huther, AE Arnold, MO AIAA, SWE, Order of the Engineer, NASA Research, OURE Research, Teaching Assistant
:.:: Travis W. Irvin, Comp Sci Bethany, MO Sigma Pi, IFC, Gamma Alpha Delta, ASQC, Cross Country, ACM, Toastmasters
Muhamad Ali Jaapar, ME Malays ia Malaysian Student Association. Student Council Ernestine Renee Jackson, History St. Louis, MO Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Alpha Theta Mohd Rozaini Abdul Jalil, ME Malaysia MSO, MSA, ASME
Connie Marie Jansen, Eng Mgt Cape Girardeau, MO ASQC, Lutheran Student Center, SME, SWE, SEM, Solar Car Team Amy Christine Jensen, Mgt Systems Marshall, MO Student Association of Management Systems, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi Mark B. Joersz, CE Florissant, MO Student Ambassadors, Lambda Chi Alph, Chi Epsilon, Toastmasters, UMR TECHS, ASCE Nicole Monique Johnson,EE St. Louis, MO Alpha Kappa Alpha (Pres, VP, Sec), Voices of Inspiration, NSBE, Student Council Reginald C. Johnson, ME St. Louis, MO Alpha Phi Alpha, NSBE, Student Ambassador , Minority Engineering Program
::.ÂŁ Christa E. Kacer, CE Bettendor, IA Pi, University Beta Tau Orchestra, ASCE Martin F . Kayadarma, AE
J akarta, Indonesia Sigma Gamma Tau, Show-Me Anime, Phi Eta S igma
Shelley Kellar, Eng Mgt St. Charles, MO IPP, SPE, SME, Delta Delta David Kemp, Eng Mgt St. Louis, MO ASEM, Solar Car, Student Council Cheryl Marcia King, CE Kansas City, MO Kristan C. King, Met Overland Park, KS Varsity Softball, MClub, Tau Beta Pi, Alpha Sigma Mu, American Foundrymen's Society, American Society of Metals, Foundry Education Foundation James A. Kimbel, AE Jackson, MO SAE-Aero, Student Council, Alph Phi Omega Randy Kixmiller, ChemE Linn, MO Acacia, AIChE, Alph a Phi Omega, Omega Chi Epsilon , Tau Beta Pi Rayna M. Koopman, ME
Manteca, CA Lambda Sigma Pi, Delta Lambda, Peer Techs, Zeta Tau Alpha, ASME, ASHRAE. Chancellor's Leadership Class, Advisory Committee for the ME Dept. Greg Kremer, CE Jefferson City, MO Phi Kappa Theta
Patrick A. Kuhne, GE Florissant, MO Phi Kappa Theta, Varsity Soccer, Theta Tau Omega, Association of Engineering Geologists
Larry Lacy, CE Chi Epsilon, CADD User's Group Holly L. Lamar, ChemE Quincy, IL AIChE, SWE, OURE, RA, QHA, RHA, SAT Martin Lamar, Chem E Rolla, MO ASChE,OURE David Lamb, Geology I Geophysics Chamois, MO C.L. Dake Society, Phi Kappa Phi, SAME, Intramurals Christy Land, EE Glen Carbon, IL Zeta Tau Alpha, SAEFormula Car Team, Goldminers, SUB- Fine Arts Committee, Lambda Sigma Pi Rick Lawson, AE Kansas City, MO AIAA, BSU, International Programs, Entrepreneur Brian Lightfoot, Nuc Bolivar, MO Triangle, Tau Beta Pi, American Nuclear Society
Valarie D . Lindner, EE Tau Beta Sigma, Ka ppa Mu Epsilon, IEEE, Phi Eta Sigma, Pep, Marching, and Conert Bands Tammy Love, History Springfield , MO Phi Alph Theta, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Lambda Delta, Kappa Delta, Cheerleading, RHA, TJHA, QHA, RA
Tammy Marler, Math Putosi, MO MAA, Show-me Anime Andrew Martine, Life Sci Little Rock, AR Phi Kappa Theta, APO, Phi Sigma Brent Massey, CE Neosho, MO ASCE, BSU, UMR Baseball, Concrete Canoe Janice K. Mattox, EE St. Joseph, IL Eta Kappa Nu, IEEE, University Band, Intervarsity Chris tian Fellows hip, Tau Beta Sigma, Phi Eta Sigma Mitzi Mcintyre, CE Lambda Sigma Pi, ASCE, Alpha Chi Sigma
Missy McMurray. Eng Mgt Kansas City, KS Chi Omega, Lambda Sigma Pi (Pres, VP). Tau Beta Pi, Alpha Iota Delta, Blue Key, IPP (Pres, VP), Omega Sigma (Pres). ASEM, SPE. ASQC, SME, Solar Car, Alph Phi Omega Matt Meadows, ME Mulkeytown, IL Honors Program H. Edward Midden IV, EE Springfield, IL Varsity Swimming, Water Polo Club, MClub Scott Allen Miller, Physics Staunton, IL Kappa Kappa Psi, Miner Marching Band, Ozark Highland Band Reza Mohdar, Eng Mgt Jakarta, Indonesia MSA,ASQC Ryan K. Morris, Econ Rolla, MO Four year Varsity Golf Pete Mueller, EE Billings, Montana HKN Honor Society, HKN Hobby Club, IEEE, Varsity Baseball, Intramural Football
Cathleen A. McMillan, ChemE St. Louis, MO Alpha Chi Sigma, AIChE, SWE, ASQC, DOE
James David Lily, CE Maroa, IL ASCE, Chi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, SUB, Spelunkers, Honor Roll 247
Chris Penningroth, AE/History Spanish Lake, MO AFROTC, AlAA
Fred William Niemeier, Met St. Louis, MO Rebecca Ruckman Kappa Sigma (Grand Posten, CE Master, Grand Crocker, MO Treasurer), Blue Key ASCE, Phi Kappa Phi, (frrst VP, Alumni Sec), Concrete Canoe, Honors Tau Beta Pi, Alpha Program, National Honor Sigma Mu, American Society Foundrymen's Society (Pres, VP, Sec) , SME (first VP, Treas) APO, IK, Theta Tau Omega, Muhamad Aidi Abd Intercollegiate Tennis Rahman, Petroleum Malaysia Julie Nowell, GE MSA, Sigma Gamma St. Louis, MO Pi Epsilon Tau Epsilon, Track
C» Brian E. O'Neill, Mining Pekin, IL Kappa Sigma (Rush Chairman, Social Chairman), Theta Ta u Omega (Pres, Treas, Sec, Pizza Night), UMR In -line Roller Hockey (Founding Member, Pres, Treas), Society of Mining Engineers Harry Omoregie, EE Aubor, Nigeria Table Tennis, Soccer
:.:Greg Patience, Comp Sci Sedalia, MO Delta Tau Delta (Sec), Southwinds (Treas), ACM,CCF Samantha Lynn Patterson, CE St. Louis, MO ASCE, AGC (Corr. Sec.), Chi Epsilon (VP) , NSPE
Charles Renner, GE St. Louis, MO AEG, Tau Beta Pi, NSPE, SUB, KMNR Jerome A. Riemann, CE Springfield, MO Tau Kappa Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, Blue Key, Chi Epsilon, ASCE Matthew Roos, EE St. Louis, MO Beta Sigma Psi, IFC, Eta Kappa Nu, Alph Phi Omega Janet Roper, Petroleum West Frankfort. IL Zeta Tau Alpha, Delta Lambda, SWE, SPE (VP) SUB, TECHS Stephanie Anne Ruehling, Eng Mgt Frohna. MO SPE (Pres, VP), IPP (VP, Sec), SME (VP)
Steve Russell, Chem E Lee's Summit, MO Marching Band, Pep Band CCF, NCF, Orchestra, Jazz Band
s Harold Jason Sallee, Comp Sci Blue Springs, MO Living Poets Society, GDI Duane W. Sandin, EE Jackson, MO IEEE, APO Brian Schanuel, CE Wright City, MO ASCE, Roller Hockey Club Christopher M. Scheiblhofer, Met Eureka, MO Phi Kappa Theta (Pres, Sec), IFC (VP) , Theta Tau Omega, Alpha Sigma Mu, Blue Key Christine M. Scheid, ME St. Charles, MO ASME, ASHRAE ' Student Ambassador ' Chi Omega (Treas, Ass istant Chapter Correspondent, Song Leader) Steven M. Schrick, ME Kansas City, MO Kappa Alpha Order, APO, ASME, ASHRAE • Toas tmasters
Jeff Schroeder, Physics St. Ch arles, MO Head Res ident Assistant, RA, RHA (CoChair) , TJHA (Pres, VP), NRHH (Pres, VP, Sec), National Communications Cooridinator, Undergraduate Physics Research, OURE (Floor officer, SPS (Pres), Mathematical Association of America (Pres) , UMR TECHS, Multicultural Awareness Program, Freshman Orientation Facilitator, Alcohol Education Advisory Committee, Student Organization Leadership Develoment Committee, Southwinds (Editor and Writer) Andrew Sears, EE Blue Springs, MO Student Council (Pres, VP External Affairs), Sigma Chi (Treas, Sec), IEEE, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Eta Sigma (Sec), Toastmasters (Sgt. -at-arms) Daren Shanholtzer, EE Springfield , IL Jazz Band, SUB Aaron M. Shaw, ChemE Raytown, MO Kappa Alpha Order, St. Pat's Board, Blue Key Toastmasters, AIChE, Omega Chi Epsilon, Alpha Phi Omega, UMR Honors College, Hangliding Club Scott Shepard, ME Marshall, MO Blue Key, Tau Bet Pi, Pi Tau Sigma, Alpha Epsilon Pi, IK
Zamri Sidik, Chem E Malaysia MSA, MSO, AIChE Robert W. Skaggs, CE Arnold, MO ASCE, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi Jeffrey R. Smith, CE Augusta, MO AGC, ASCE, Concete Canoe Craig Sorensen, Mining Bonner Springs, KS Varsity Football, Varsity Track, Phi Kappa Alpha, SME, M-Club Miguel Lloyd Spidle, EE Braymer, MO IEEE, Intramural Sports, Golf, Weightlifting
-:r Dave Talken, ME J efferson City, MO Phi Kappa Theta, Phi Eta Sigma, IK Chris Allen Talley, ME Paris, MO ASME Malcolm S. Townes, ME St. Louis, MO Alpha Phi Alpha, NSBE, ASME
-.:7 Craig Andrew Uphoff, CE Findlay, IL Steel Bridge Chairman, ASCE,AGC
,. Mark W. Vogt, Met Eureka, MO UMR Met Society, UMR Studen t Council, Toastmasters Kenneth Voss, CE Jefferson City, MO Kappa Alpha Order, Blue Key, Chi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, Gamma Alpha Delta, Toastmasters, ASCE, AGC, Student Activity Fee Board, SUB, Newman Center Marty A. Voss, CE St. Louis, MO Pi Kappa Alpha, IFC, ASCE
Dyke Walden, EE Memphis, MO Intramural Softball And Football Richard J. Warsnak, Comp Sci Overalnd Park, KS Sigma Nu, Phi Kappa Phi, Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Phi Eta Sigma, EXCEL, Gamma Alpha Delta, IFC, University Theatre, ACM Lisa Ann Webb, Geology /Geophysics Beltan, MO Chancellor's Leadership Class, AAPG, C.L. Dake Society (Sec), Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Chris Whitfield, CE Webb City, MO ASCE, Surverying Lab TA Roxanna Whitfield, ChemE Webb City, MO AIChE, Omega Chi Epsilon Brian Wibbenmeyer, ME Florissant, MO Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma, ASME, Orchestra Michael Wilkins, GE St. Charles, MO Kappa Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, AEG, Alpha Chi Sigma, Phi Eta s igma, UMRTennis, Intram urals Geoffrey Willmoth, Nuclear Lee's Summit, MO Kappa Kappa Psi (Pres, VP, Historian), Concert Band, Marching Band, Orchestra, Pit Orchestra
Shayne Yeisley, CE Kansas City, MO Sigma Nu , ASCE, Studen t Ambassadors, IK Mfendy Yusof, EE Malaysia MSO
Khairur Rejal Zakaria, ME Malaysia MSO,ASME Michael Zlatic, ME St. Louis, MO UMR Volleyball Club (Pres), Student Council, TJHA (Seven Sou th Governor, Informational Programming Chairperson)
Chris Wright, ME St. Joseph, MO Kappa Alpha Order, Pi Tau Sigma, Toastmasters, Blue Key, Alpha Phi Omega, Newman Center, SUB Greg Wyatt, EE Forsyth, MO Theta Xi, IFC, Intram urals Wilson D. Yates IV, CE St. Peters, MO UMR Roller Hockey Club, ASCE
Shawn J. Weber, EE Jackson, MO IEEE, Tau Beta Pi, HKN
Congratulations Class of 1995
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To be come onolhe r aotld led cuatomer con Scotts.
OZ ARC/ GAS EQUIPMENT, INC. 12343 HWY. 63 SOUTH ROLLA , MISSOURI 65401 314-364-6783
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Johnson Controls, Inc. Automotive Systems Group 2730 West Main Street Jefferson City, MO 65109
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Consulting Engineers
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Our Company Philosophy Is Simple. Hire The Best. Be The Best. SBC Communications Inc. is gearing up for what amou n t~ to a technological revolution in communicatiorh. If you have the expertise. the imagination. and the team \[>irit required for the challenge. we need you. If vou want a career in a company that's redefining
co;11111unicat ion~. a company where you can be your be~l. then contact u~. You ·11 feel at home here. Plea~e
'end your
SBC Communication ~ Inc. Corporate Recruiting One Bd I Center. Suite 22-1 S1. Loui,. Mo. 6~10 1
Communiralions lnr.
Cqu,lt Oppor1ut111y Employtlf
YORK. Delp Heating and Air Conditioning Mechanical Contracting, Ventilation 108 E . 7th Street Rolla, MO 65401 (3t4) 364- 1159 Rooon L Delp P E (314) 765-4465
Roben L Delp Jr (3 14) 364-4370
General Manager I Sal es Manager
SpeciaUzed Lighing Distributor
• Foundation Engineefing • Soil Testing • Environmental • Construction Testing 8706 Manchester Road • Brentwood, Missouri 63144-2724 (Brentwood) 314-968-1642 (St. Cha~es) 314) 447-1642 (FAX) (314) 968-3557
t-100-325 - ~12
EXT. 414
CIIALSIH.ES Congratulations Class of 1995 "--occy COALSALU eon.-r 701 Mall<el Stteet. Sure 830 St. Louos. Missouri 63101-1826
MetroArea314· 535·1314 1·8()(). 797·1914 FaJC535·5471
Reg.st<r<d Profusoonal Englll..r Reg.stered Land Surveyor
Area Code 314 364-6362 FAX. 364-4 782
r---- --- ------------- -------------------, GET RECOGNITION ON CAMPUS. (WITHOUT WAITING UNTIL SENIOR YEAR.)
Start a Greek chapter. Why submit to housecleaning and the elephant walk when you can be a founder?
Champion a cause. Focus on something most people take for granted like field mice or saturated fats.
Dress unusually. Recent retro styles are too obvious. Try genie shoes and a fez, instead.
Enter poetry competitions. Sonnets about lost love, sunflowers and the space under staircases tend to win.
Get a Citibank Photocard. With your picture on your card, you'll be recognized everywhere. As will fraudulent users.
Abbott, Paul ........... 216 Abd, Umar .............. 175 Abd Rahman, Muha m a d 163,1 68, 175,2 16,248 Abdul Jalil, Mohd .. 216, 246 Abdul Rahman, Roziman . 168, 175, 232 Abdullah, Azlin ...... 168, 175, 238 Abell, Trevor ......... .. 103 Abraham, Steven ... 216, 244 Abra m s, Chera ....... 216 Abu Hassan, Mohd Shaharum ..... 168, 216, 246 Achelpohl, Eric ......... 42 Achurch, Julie ........ 108 Ada ms, Amy .......... . 109 Adams, Jess ica 108, 127 Adzmi, Affendi ........ 1 75 Adzmi, Azran .......... 175 Ahmad, Rosla n ...... 168, 175,216,244 Aitkens, Doug ......... 102 Akers, Walter .......... 168 Al Ghusain, Rasha .. 142 Alexander, Caleb .... 216 Alfredson, Brian ....... 39 Algreen, Tara .......... 110 Alhalabi, Maamoun 216, 244 Ali, Abdul ... ........ .... 168 Alla da, Venka ta (FAC) 207 Allaudin, Mohd Firuz 175 Allen, Chad .... 216, 244 Alle n , Robert .... .... .. 216 Allen, William ........... 99 Allison , Eric ............ 133 Alofs, D.J. (FAC) ..... 210 Alsop, Cassie .......... 110 Alt. Becca ......... 74, 127 Alt. Diana ............... 109 Alt. Tim ..... ........... .. 174 Altenbaumer, Augie 104 Amir, Raheela ......... 216 An, Yi-Kang ............ 183 Anderson, Angie .... 110, 125 Anderson, Erik ......... 98 260
Anderson, J ames .. .... 39 Anderson, J a n elle .. . 165 Anderson, Julie ...... 110 Anderson, Neil (FAC) 20 8 Anderson, Sandy .... 216 Andrews, Jon .... 42, 78, 172 Ansinelli, Bra di. ...... 216 Anstaett, Patrick ..... 191 Arand, Travis .......... 105 Arbini, Mich ael ...... 214, 216, 244 Ariff, Halizain ......... 175 Aramaly, B.F. (FAC ) 210 Amason, J en ..... 58, 60, 1 72 Arndt, Stefanie .. ... .. 108 Arnold, Becky ... ...... 216 Ashwell, S cott .. 3 1, 217, 244 Au trey, Chris .......... 184 Awang, Zanariah ... 168, 175 Ayers, James .......... 217 Aziz .. ..... .. .... ........... 175
Babcock, Bob ......... 126 Bachle, Andy .......... 174 Bade, Betsy .. .. 122, 1 70 Bain, William .......... 1 73 Baker, Hal .............. 191 Baker, J ............... .. 101 Ba ke r, Jack ........ .. .. 121 Ba ker, Jason ...... .... 124 Baker, Zechariah .... 126 Baldetti, Dave ......... 102 Banks, Sarah ......... 110 Barker, C.R. (FAC) .. 210 Barker, Demon ....... 123 Bark ley, Jea nne ...... 110 Ba rmeier, Ma r c ....... 217 Ba rnard, Travis ..... . 21 7 Barncord , Lydia ...... 180 Barnes, Amy 66, 77, 78, 180 Ba rnes, Phillip ........ 238 Ba rnett, Jessica ..... 161 , 170 Barnhart, Ben ... ..... 183 Barr, Miya .... ......... . 173 Barr, Ryan .... .. 217, 244 Barrow, Nathan .... .. 191
Bartz, Kammy ........ 125 Batcheler, Joe 12 1, 217 Bauer, Michelle ...... 170 Bauman, Joseph ... 214, 217,244 Baumgardner, Jerem y 166 Baumgartner, Chris 105 Baumstark, Pete65, 172 Bayless, Dean Jerry (FAC) ...................... 204 Bea l, Karl ............... 124 Beard, Matt ............ 106 Beard, Stuart ......... 103 Beattie, Steve ......... 104 Bech er , Steve .......... 105 Beck , Mikki ............ 191 Becker , Tim .... 121 , 177 Becker, Volkan ....... 106 Beistel, Donald (FAC) 203 Belarbi, Abdeldjelil (FAC) ....... .... ......... .. 204 Bell, Tim ...... ... .......... 99 Ben e field, Ryan ..... 13 1, 132, 142, 144 Bengis u, Methi .... ..... 81 Benli (FAC) .. ... ........ 207 Benne, J ason ........ .. . 39 Bennett, Steve ........ 191 Bentley, Sean. 174, 217 Bequette, Shawn ... 217, 244 Berger, Jenny ......... 127 Berhorst, Anthony. 217, 239, 244 Berkelm an , Carl ..... 128 Bermudez, Ondrea ... 58, 60 Bertchume, Jamie ... 44, 45, 172 Bertelsmeyer, Scott. 101 Beville, Brooke ........ 110 Beyer, Alex ..... .. ...... 103 Beyer, Brian ........ ... 103 Bhatt, Gayatri ... ....... 23 Biggers, Kevin. 21 7, 244 Binder, J enifer. ....... 2 17 Bingha m , Brian ...... 103 Birk, Adam ............ . 102 Birky, Brad ............. 101 Bischel, Jennifer ..... 108 Bissey, Joshua ....... 191 Biter, Christy ........... 109 路 ............... 102 Bix . Chns Black, Debbie ... ...... 108
Black, Eric ......... .. .. 121 Blair, J esse .. ........... 104 Blair, John ............. 106 Blaylock, Tony 187, 217, 244 Blazic, Jon ............. 102 Blevins, Jennifer .... 217, 244 Block, Justin .......... 191 1 Blue, Tony .... .......... 100 Bodeen , David 106, 217 Bodnar, David ........ 123 Boeckmann, John .. 130 Bohannon, Chris 58, 59, 61 Boles, David ....... .... 101 Bolter, Ernst (FAC) 208 Bone, Terry (FAC) ... 203 Book, J eff ... ............ 181 Bookout, Chris ....... 121 Booton, Steven 217, 244 Borah, Chad ........... 103 Borchardt, Clinton .. 130 Borgmeyer, John .... 120 Boring, Lonny ......... 176 Borman, Scott ........ 102 Borrok, David 1 72, 176, 218, 244 Boss. Mark ............. 1 73 Botard , Clint ............ 39 Bothe, Eric ............. 121 Boulware, Travis. 39, 71 Bowe n , Kendra ... .... 143 Bowman, Jim ......... 191 Bowman, Tami 49, 125, 180 Bown, Becky ........... 167 Boyd, Chond ell ... .... 125 Boyd, Jeff ............... 102 Boyer, Christine .... 2 18, 244 Boyum, Les ..... .. . 39, 78 Bradshaw, J erry ..... 2 18 Brady, Ne il ............. 173 Bramhall, Cathy ..... 125 Brann, J acob .......... 103 Brannan, Chris ...... .. 8 1 Braud, Melissa ....... 143 Brauer, Scott .. 121, 218 Brave, Laura ... 108, 177 Breck, Patric k ..... .. .. 101 Bremer, Amy .. ........ 110 Brende l, Kevin ........ 105 Brennan, Rachel ....... 23 Bridegroom, Bill ..... 126
, '
Brinker, Jason121 , 164, 177 Britt, Scott ............ . 106 Brock, Charles ....... . 120 Broeckling, Brandy . . 66, 73, 74 Brooks, Cory ....... ... 105 Brooks, Keith ... ... ... 123 Brooks, Russell ..... . 218 Browder, Eugene .... 218 Brown, Angel. 215, 218, 244 Brown, Becky ......... 122 Brown, Billy ........ 39, 99 Brown, Emest ... 38, 39, 41, 78, 166 Brown, Kevin .. 218, 244 Brown, Rob .... 163, 168 Brown, Ryan ..... ...... 105 Brown, Tallis .......... 121 Brownell, Chris. 39, 172 Brubaker, Sarah ..... 127 Brueggeman, Jamie . 50, 54,56,57 Bruno, Dan ... 103, 218, 244 Bruns, Tim ............. 191 Bryan, Jennifer ........ 45 Bryant, Christopher 218, 244 Bryant, Matt. 68, 70, 71 Bryson, Tom (FAC) .. 202 Buedel, Josh .......... 160 Buesch, April. .... 73, 7 4, 218 Buford, Herbert ...... 218 Buie, Kevin ............... 99 Bumgardner, Tom .. 163 Bunch, David ......... 103 Bundy, Greg ........... 173 Burd, Patrick ......... . 191 Burgard, Bill ........... 164 Burgener, Ryan 71, 103 Burke, Sadie ........ .. . 180 Burkemper, Rick ...... 98 Burkemper, Scott .. 218, 244 Burkhart, Theresa .. 130 Bumett, Cory ... ...... 124 Bumett, Jeff ... 141 , 142 Buswell, Bruce ..... .. 1 73 Buswell, Gordon ..... 218 Buttimer, Amy ... 73, 7 4, 75, 172 Button, Ted ...... .. ...... 39 Byrd, Sam ...... 128, 142
Bytnar, Laura 108, 218, 244
Cadoff, David .... 65, 172 Cagle, Chad ............ 1 72 Cai, Weiping ........... 218 Cain, Jim ............... 1 73 Caldwell, Brian ....... 169 Callahan, Patricia (FAC) 203 Callaway, Lance ...... 168 Campbel, Allison .... 110 Campbell, Jen .... .... 110 Campbell, Jim .... ... . 105 Canlas, Benjamin .. 103, 219,239,244 Canon, Jason ......... 219 Carda, Mike ............ 102 Carlson, Jennifer .... 108 Carlson, Michael ..... 191 Camey, Ed (FAC) .... 202 Carr, Darrell ........... 103 Carroll, Doug (FAC) 202 Carroll, Julie ...... ... . 127 Carroll, Kim ............ 122 Carter, Craig ............ 39 Carter, Jeff ............... 39 Cash, John ............. 176 Casserilla, Brian39, 104 Castor, Josh ....... 46, 4 7 Catlett, Rob .......... . . 1 73 Caw, Matt. ............ . . 1 77 Cayle, Chad .............. 39 Cesaric, Bob ........... 106 Chadwick, Stephen. 238 Chalmers, Matthew 238 Chapman, Deena ... 110, 164, 219, 244 Chapman, Jim ... 46, 47, 105 Chen, T.S. (FAC) ..... 210 Chevalier, Terry ...... 183 Chism, Jennifer ...... 130 Cho, Susan ............ 110 Chowning, Matt .. ... . 102 Christensen, Kim ... 110, 171,219,239,244 Christensen, Tyler ... 63, 65 Chypka, Mike ......... 121 Clapp, Deanna ....... 108 Clark, Adam ... .. 39, 104 Clark, Hilary ... 122, 180
Clark, Steph en (FAC) 209 Clark, Vickie ........... 191 Clayton, Pamela ..... 108 Clemenson, Laura . 166, 167, 219 Clinton, Eric ... 219,245 Clipper, Matt .......... 106 Cloud, Eric . .... 106, 168 Cobum, Tony ......... 124 Cohen,Loma .. 108,191 Cole, Jon ................ 187 Cole, Walker ........... 123 Coleman, Aaron ...... 1 73 Collier, Jim ............. 191 Collingham, Brian ... 52, 78,172,176,219,239, 245 Collins, Erin ..... 74, 127 Collins, Travis ........ 181 Como, Kevin ........... 103 Como, Vince 69, 71 , 120 Comstock, Marc ..... 101 Conner, Monte .......... 39 Conway, Steve 104, 219 Cool, J effrey ....... .... 219 Cooper, Cheryl219, 239, 245 Cooper, Clay ........... 219 Cooper, Jesse ......... 173 Cooper, Katie .. 122,142 Corzine, Barbara ... 214, 219, 245 Cotriss, Scott .......... 102 Counsil, Jeffrey ...... 219 Courtin, Jodie 108, 160, 171 Cowell, Mandi ..... ... . 125 Cowell, Mark .......... 130 Cox, Dennis .... 173, 183 Cox, Steve .............. 126 Cozad, Brad 64, 65, 172 Cranmer, Stacey .... . 110 Craven, Paul ........... 162 Crawford, Eric ........ 1 73 Crawford, Jason .... . .. 39 Crawford, Mark ........ 99 Crenshaw, Amy ..... 173, 219 Cresswell, Mark ....... . 65 Cronin, D.L. (FAC) .. 210 Croslin, Laurie ........ 1 73 Cross, Kelly ............ 130 Crossfield, Shawn . .. 187 Crow, Mariessa ....... 174 Crowe, James . ...... .. 219
Crowe, Richard . 39, 124 Cruse, Terry ......... .. 191 Crutchley, Jamie .... 102 Culp, Archie (FAC) .. 202 Cureau, Lionel .......... 99 Cutler, Lisa .... 161, 170
Steve ..... 191 Dabrowski, Derek ... 104 Daffron, Ryan ... ..... . 105 Dagli, Cihan (FAC) .. 207 Dake, Traci. ............ 108 Dalton, Richard ...... 191 Dampf, Christopher 103 Damron, Jen .... 74, 127 Dancey, Tom .......... 219 Danley, Kristen220, 245 Dare, Andy ............. 1 73 Dare, Charles (FAC) 204 Daris, Sazalee ... .. .... 1 75 Daud, Abu Hassan 168, 175 Daugherty, Rachel .. 110 Daugherty, Rick ....... 71 Davenport, Julie ..... 170 Davenport, T.J ....... 108, 171,220,245 Davenport, Tracy .... 171 Davids, Drew .......... 106 Davis, J .................. 220 Davis, J. Michael .... 245 Davis, Rich .... 163, 168, 220, 245 Davis, Robert (FAC) 202 Davis, Scott ............ 103 Davis, Steve ........... . 191 Davis, Tracey. 110, 149, 220, 245 Davison, Doug ........ 117 Dawson, Daniel ........ 98 Dawson, Steve ...... .. 102 Day, Angie .............. 110 de los Santos, Alan. 123 d e los Santos, Marites 108, 161 Dean, Doug ............ 123 DeArriba, Cory ....... 104 DeBons, Chris .. .. ... . 142 DeGeare, Denise 66, 路77, 78 Deis, Jennifer ......... 220 Delancey, Jennifer .. 122 D~Arche,
Delapp, Ryan ..... ..... 191 Delong, Bill .... ... .... .. 181 Denison , Cameron .. 121 De Ornellas, Brent .. . 126 Derhake, Katheryne108, 171 Deters, John ........... 105 Deutscher, Heather 142 Devereux, Jenny ..... 108 DeVeydt, Todd ........ 220 Dharani, L.R. (FAC) 210 Dial, Andy ... ............. 71 Dickerson, Tressa ... 1 08 Dickherber, Julie ... 110, 238 Dicus, Deborah ...... 220 Diebold, Chris ........ 104 Dill, Karla ................ 1 09 Dillingham, John .... 1 73 Din grando, Jeff ....... 120 Dinkins, Thomas ... 105, 220, 245 Dixon, Natalie 125, 133, 135, 142, 143, 161 Dodge, Michael ....... 101 Doherty, Jason ....... .. 39 Doing, Stacy ........... . 23, 109,220 Donley, Laura .......... 109 Donnelly, Julie 49, 220, 245 Dooley, Andy .......... 160 Doris ......... .......... ... 110 Douglass, Stephen (FAC) ...................... 206 Doupe, Robert ........ 1 77 Dove, Michael 220, 239, 245 Downard, Ian ......... 191 Downes, Jennifer ... 110, 171 Downs, Tracy ......... 238 Doyle, Chris ..... ... ... 120 Drallmeier, J .A. (FAC) 210 Drexelius, Amy ....... 122 Dubois, Genevieve .. 122 Duker, Christina .... 220 Dumort ier, Steve .... 104 Dunham, Tom ... ..... 105 Dunn-Norman, Shari 168, 175 Durako, John. 123, 187 Dural, Jessica .......... 49 Durst, Rach e l ......... 12 7 262
Easley, Erica .......... 220 Eckert, Jason ......... 104 Eckhoff, Christina . 172, 180 Eckhoff, Cristina 48, 49 Eckstein, Jennifer .. 127 Edwards, Cathy .... . . 125 Edwards, Derek ...... 120 Edwards, Talion ....... 39 Eftink, Sandy .. 23, 143, 170 Eggers, Chris .......... 220 Ehlers, Da rryl. 130, 191 Elder, Chad ...... ...... 105 Eldred, Ben .. .......... 126 Elliot, Brent ............ 103 Elnicki, Eric ........... 120 Ely, Mark ....... 220, 245 Engeman, Joe 102, 220, 221 Engle, Jennifer ....... 125 Englehom, Blu 130 , 164 . ~pstein, Russell ...... 104 Ercal, Nuran (FAC) . 203 Espinosa, Lazaro ... 220, 221 Essig, Chris ............ 106 Estep, Jeremy ......... 102 Etien, Bob ... 36, 42, 43, 77, 78, 172 Evans, Brian .......... 1 06 Evans, Rachel. 163,168 Everritt, Christy ..... . 110 Evers, Matt. ........ .... 102 Evers, Tim ............ .. 1 02 Eyerkuss, Carrie ...... 49, 172, 180
Falbe, Winchester .. 220, 221 Fa letto, Laura . 122, 167 Fallon, Steve ........... 121 Fannin, Ron (FAC) .. 202 Farley, Chris ........... 120 Farmer, Aaron .... ... . 173 Farmer, Jesse .... ..... 104 Farrenbu rg, Chad .. 214, 220,22 1,245 Farwig, Gary ........... 106 Farwig, Mike ........... 105
Fausett, Larry 220, 221, 245 Feaster , Cedric ....... 123 Fedel, Yahia ........ .... 187 Fellows, Bill .... 123, 142 Fennel, Mark .......... 176 Ferguson, Justin .... 160 Fermanek, Dan ....... 121 Fesperman, Stacy ... 125 Fickle, John ........... 104 Fiechtl, Jim ............ 103 Findley, Craig ... .. .... 1 06 Finke, Karl ............. 1 76 Finke, Kim .......... 77, 78 Finkel, Jen ............. 122 Finley, Charles .. ...... . 39 Fisch er, Amber .. 36, 48, 49, 58,59 Fischer, Douglas ..... 10 1 Fischer, Marla ........ 110 Fischer, William ..... 187, 220,221,245 Fish, Ben .......... 78, 102 Fisher, Marla .......... 1 71 Fisher, Ryan ........... 1 06 Fitzpatrick, Willetta 187 Flagg, Lelia ..... ....... . 108 Flaherty, Pat.. 186, 220, 221,245 Fleetwood, Kelly ........ 71 Florence, Lister ......... 99 Flori, Ralph (FAC) ... 202 Flowers , Karen ....... 108 Flynn, Lauriane ....... 109 Folkerts, Carla ... ... .. 1 71 Ford, Dean ..... 220, 221 Ford, Scott .. .......... . 106 Fordemwalt, Jeremy 39, 124 Forrester, Jamie ..... 121 Fort, Kevin ..... .... 54, 57 Fortelka, Brian ....... 160 Foster, Price ........... 123 Fox, Elizabeth .. 23, 220, 221,239,245 Frank, Mary ... 164, 173 Frank, Steven 220, 221, 239, 245 Franklin, Clarence . 220, 221,245 Franklin, Todd .. .. 54, 81 Franz, Ryan ... .. .... .. . 1 73 Franzen, Alyssa .. .... 110 Fraser, Nathan ..... .. 103 Frazer, Jennifer . 36, 44, 45, 78, 79, 173
Freeman, Heather .. .. 23, 187,2 15,220 ,221,245 Friesner, Jack ........ 176 Frisbee, Paul ............ 78 Fritsch, Eric ... ... ..... 168 Frost, Gregory ... ..... 191 Frost, Leslie ..... 23, 110, 171 Fuesting, Chad .. 68, 70, 71 , 220, 221 , 245 Fugate, Jeff ... 220, 221 , 245 Fuhr, Ryan .......... ... 105 Fulks, Jeff ................ 39 Fulton, Doug ... ...... .. . 39 Furman, Frank ....... 176
Gambill, Angie 109, 161 Ganley, Bridgette ... 125, 133, 134, 135, 141, 142 Ganley, J ason ......... 120 Gann, Rebecca ....... 122 Gannon, Julie 108, 117, 164 Gardner , Mindy ..... 109, 220, 221 , 245 Garfield, Stacy. 23, 109, 116, 171 , 180 Garnett, Kevin .......... 39 Gary, Joshua ...... .... 173 Gasmire, Tim .... ... ... 184 Geels, Jon .. ............ 142 Geiger, Jason ......... 134 Gerdes, Rick .. 173, 220, 221 Gerfe n , John .... 98, 222 Gertken, Kate ......... 110 Gertsch, Richard .... 211 Gettinger, Brian ... ... 124 Giacolone, Tony .... .... 39 Gideon, Casey 110, 171 Giesmann, Craig .. ... 102 Giles, J ason .... 187, 222 Gilmore, Brian ... 39, 41, 172 . 路 AI ex ......... .... . 105 G101a, Glamann, J ames ... 222, 245 Glaser, Craig .......... 104 Glastetter, David .... 246 Glastetter, Dean ..... 222 Glick, Jeffrey .. ... .... . 222 Goebel, Tom ........... 176
Goldak, Dan ............ . 65 Goldammer, Rick .... 104 Goldsmith, Chris .... 173 Gomez-Gudino, Luisa 222, 246 Goo, Christopher .... 160 Goodman, Albert (FAC) 209 ¡ Goodman, Kelly ..... 108, 222 Goodman, Susan ... 109, 222, 246 Goodwin, Vanessa. 122, 167, 180 Gordon, Chris ........... 54 Gordon, Emily .. 29, 110 Gorg, Steven ........... 166 Gorman, Brian ... 77, 78 Gorman, Jessica .... 128, 170 Gorton , Randall ...... 222 Gosnell, Brian ........ 105 Goss. Matt ...... ........ 120 Govro, Jon .............. 222 Graham, Brandon ... 222 Grahmann, Ryan .... 239 Grant, J arrod ......... 173 Grant, S. Ke rry (FAC) 208 Graves, Rob .... 1 72, 176 Gray, Bill ............ .. .. 187 Green , Nathan 222, 246 Greene, Bill ............ 163 Greenwald, Jas on . .. 102 Greenway, Jerry (FAC) 207 Greer, Scott ........ .. .. 131 Gregg, J ay (FAC) ..... 208 Griesel, Karen ......... 110 Griffin, Karyn ......... 177 Grimm, Louis ........ 209 Griwach, Christy .... 108 Grohmann, Ryan ... 222, 246 Grohs, J .R .............. 120 Grooms, Doug .... 39, 65 â&#x20AC;˘ Gross, Cameron ...... 101 Grossmann, Jenny . 122 Grote, Kathy .......... . 191 Grove, Christopher ... 99 Grubbs, Angie ........ 170 Grubbs, Ann .... ....... 125 Gruss, J ennifer ...... 108 ' Guerriero, Henry ... 222, 246 Guidry, Bryan 103, 239
Gunning, Drew. 47, 102 Gwinnup, Laura .... 108, 125, 191
Hartwig, Troy. 214, 223, 246 Harvey, Brad. 11 7, 223, 246 Hasan , Riazu l ......... 187 Has nah, Noor ......... 1 75 Hatfield, Tony ......... 164 Haas, Charles (FAC) 2 11 Hauptli, Deanna ... .. 110 Haas, Jason ........ ... 123 Hayden, Ethan. 47, 172 Haddock, Mark222, 246 Hayden, Pat. ......... .... 42 Hagan, Rob ...... 65, 172 Hayes, Greg .............. 39 Hageman, Brian ..... 102 Hays, Brady ............ 103 Haggstrom, Wade .... 63, Hazlina, Nur ........... 175 Heap, Andrew ......... 103 65, 172 Heavin, Lorna ......... 122 Hagni, Richard (FAC) Heck, J ason ........... 102 176, 208 Hahn, Bill ................. 42 Heide, Susan .......... 109 Hahn, Jim .............. 106 Heitsch, Charles (FAC) Hahn, Philip ..... 4 7. 222 203 Haines, Angela .... ... 117 Held, Steph anie ...... 130 Haines, Jeremy .... ... 102 Heiden, Will ............ 121 Hellmueller, Jennifer Haji Abdul Rahman, Haji Ahmad Fatani 175, 108 Helm, Jonathan ...... 1 73 246 Ha ley, Craig ............ 223 Hembrock, Bob ....... 120 Ha ll, Erica .............. 11 7 Henry, Matt. 39, 66, 83, Ha ll, Matt ... ......... ... 120 172 Ha lliburton, Willie ... 39, Henry, Matthew T .. 101 , 223,246 104 Halter, Darin .. 223, 246 Herbold, Carl. ......... 191 Haman , Lance ........ 1 77 Hertford, Brian 184, 223 Hamlin, Matt ....... .. ... 81 Herigodt, Jay ............ 98 Hammish, D ........... 211 Hering, Roger (FAC) 209 Ha mmontree, Holly . 130 Herion, Keith .. 223, 246 Han, Eunkyu .......... 223 Herman, Karlynn ... 109, Hang, Tony ............. 123 137 Hanks, Theresa ..... 128, Herzog, Angie ......... 108 Hesemann, John ...... 8 1 161 , 170 Hanlin, Sam .......... . 164 Hibdon, Eric ........... 101 Hanna, Samir (FAC) 203 Hickman, Jeff. 223, 246 Hansen, J eff ........... 181 Hicks, David ........... 105 Hargis, Erica .......... 108 Hicks , Troy (FAC) .... 209 Hargrove, Christy ... 125 Hilding, Francie ...... 110 Harles, Bret ............ 102 Hillman, Tonya ...... . 122 Harness, J ennifer.... 109 Hilse, Tara .............. 223 Harper, Matt46, 47, 102 Himes, Mirana ........ 108 Harris, Tavis .... ... .... 126 Himstedt, Brian ...... 143 Harrison. Lisa ......... 223 Himstedt, Melissa .. . 143 Harrison, Scott ... 46, 4 7 Hinson, Jason .......... 71 Hart, Bobby .... 223, 246 Hise, Mandy ........... 142 Hart, Dave ....... ..... .. 126 Hobson-Riley, Daisie Hart, Shawn ........... 102 108 Hartman, Heather .... 58 Hodson, Steve ........... 39 Hartman, Jimmy ...... 39 Hoepker , Rebecca ... 223 Harton, Terry ..... ..... 223 Hoer , Chris ... ... ....... 191 Hoerner, Ann-Marie 161
Hoffman, Sean ..... . .. 126 Hollins, Tressie ....... 223 Holloway, Tim54, 56, 57 Holm, Michael ........ 223 Holsch en , J ason .... 165, 166 Holthaus, Brad ....... 102 Holtha u s, Ellen ....... 110 Hoog, Ted ............... 104 Hoppe, Brad ........... 224 Hoppe, Gayle .......... 161 Hopper, Fred .. 174,224 Homsey. Ed (FAC) .. 202 Horrighs, Brande .... 130 Houchins, Rachel .. 164, 183,224,246 Hoven, Derek .. 140, 142 Howard, Joshua ..... 123 Howell, Ryan .......... 103 Howord, Steve .......... 99 Hubbard, Joe lla ..... 128, 142 Hudson, Chris ........ 105 Hudson, Jason 224, 246 Hudson, Tric ia 110, 171 Huebert, Kayleen .... 125 Huff, Julie .............. 224 Huggans, Marcus .. 224, 246 Huggans, Sean 224, 246 Huggett, Ellen ........ 130 Hughes, Jason ........ 224 Hughes, T ............... 224 Hughes, Tim ........ . .. 121 Hummel, Sarah ...... 144 Humphrey, Adam ... 105 Humphrey, Jimmie. 224 Hunt, Karen ..... ...... 128 Hunt, Mike ............. 160 Hunt, Ryan ............. 101 Hunter, John .......... 142 Huonker, Kimberly. 110 Hurley, Kevin .......... 101 Hurt, Wayne ...... ....... 98 Husman, Eric ......... 105 Huther, Sheri . 224, 246 Hutson, Sam ............ 99
Iles, Brian . ..... ......... 187 Ingalls, Stephanie .... 48, 49, 74, 75, 172 Ingalls, Te d .............. . 71 263
Ingram, William (FAC) Johnson, Nancy ..... 180, 209 191 Irvin, Travis ... 224, 239, Johnson, Nicole .. ... 108, 246 225.239,246 Irwin, Michelle 122, 180 Johnson. Reginald ... 99, I saacson, Jon ......... 191 225,246 Isgrig, Brian ........... 116 Johnston. Amy ....... 108 J onas, Jason .. ..... .. . 105 Jones, Allen . .. .. ... 70, 71 Jones, Anthony ... ... 121 Jones, Brian ... .. ...... 103 Jones. M att ............ 102 Jaapar, Muhamad Ali Jones, Mike .... 121, 191 175,214,224,246 J ackson, Elliot .. 39, 172 Jones, Sharon ........ 191 Jack son , Ernestine 224, Jones, Steven ......... 225 Jones, Torrance ..... 100, 246 Jackson, Rod50, 54, 56, 225 Jones, Tracy 44, 45, 66, 57, 100 Jaegers, Andi. ......... 187 77, 78,80, 167, 172 Jagtiani, Serena 49, 78, J ordan, David . 128, 173 Jordan, Jay .... 128, 173 172 J am es, Carl ............ 128 Joiner, James (FAC) 209 J ames, Steve .......... 191 Jumps, Tim ............ 123 Junker , Kirk ........... 121 James, William (FAC) Junkins, Mark 173, 225 203 Janes, Mike .. .... ...... 1 77 J ansen , Connie ...... 169, 224, 246 Jarboe, Steve .......... 105 Jarvis, Joshua ........ 224 Kacer. Christa 2 14, 225, Jasmani, Mohd ....... 225 246 Jedrzejewski , Nik ..... 4 7. Kadyk, Steve ............. 81 103 Kaneko, Patrick ...... 181 Jefferson, Eric .......... 39 K amowski, Tonya .. 161, Jelinek, Eric . 63, 64, 65 170 Jenkins, Andy ... 46, 47, Katschman, Amy .... 170 102 Kaufman, Ingrid ..... 122 Jennings, Tara . 23, 110 K aus, Ingeborg ....... 191 Jensen. Amy ... 225, 246 K ayadarma, M artin 225, Jensen, Darrick ..... 225 246 Jernigan, Alex ........ 184 Keel, Chip ................. 39 Jett, David .............. 164 Keeling, Kasie .......... 109 Jilg. John ... ............ 106 K eilholz, Shell a ....... 108 Joaquin, Donna ...... 238 Keith. Brandon ....... 173 J oer sz, Mark .. 101 , 214, Kellar, Shelley 225, 24 7 225,246 Keller, Eric .......... .. . 104 John, Sam .............. 130 Kelley, Consu el a ..... 108 Johnsen. Matt ........ 105 Kelly, Jamie ............ 225 Johnson. D amien .... 4 7 , Kelly, M ark .. ........... 186 78, 80 Kemp, D avid ... 225, 24 7 Johnson, Eric ......... 120 Kempf, Lynnae ....... 108 Johnson, Gerald ..... 102 K en ch el , Larry ........ 123 Johnson, Kelly ........ 225 Kenney. Erin . 122, 137, Johnson, Marvin ...... 99 142 Johnson , Mike ........ 191 Kershaw, Kyl e ..... 46, 47 264
Kersten, Katherine ... 50, 58,60,225 Keuss, Bill .. 82, 83, 102 Key, John ................. 39 Khanna, S. (FAC) .... 2 10 Khazai, Bijan .......... 176 Kiefer, Jen .............. 109 Kiefer, Matt ............ 106 Kilmer, Justin ........ 124 Kim, Yong ...... ... ........ 98 Kimbel, James 238, 24 7 Kimmell, Darren ....... 4 7 Kincaid, John (FAC) 204 King, Ch eryl .. 226, 239, 247 King, Jon .... .... .......... 99 King, Kri stan ... 7 4, 172, 226, 247 King, Kristen ... 23, 110, 171, 226 King, Leia ................ 109 Kinhe, Patrick ......... 239 Kirchoff, Bryan ....... 128 Kirkland, Shiloh .... 122, 177 Kixmiller, Randy .... 214, 226, 247 Kjar, Mike ............... 174 Klein, Steve .... 102, 226 Kleine, Angela ......... 191 Klemme, Karen ....... 109 Kliewer, Lynda ... .. ... 226 Klinkenberg, Ralf ...... 78 Klipp. Marty ........... 142 Knapp, Joe ............... 39 Knapp, Steve ............ 98 Knaup, Lucy ... 122, 180 Knoepflein, Shannon 121 Knott, Kerry .... ... ..... 105 Knowski, Mike ....... ... 78 Knudson,Shannon.110 Kocher, Jim ............ 1 76 Koederitz, Kyle ........ 101 Koederitz, L .F........ . 163 Koeller, Susan ........ 108 Koelling, Brian ..... ... 103 Koelpin, Nancy ....... 110 Koenig, Ian ............. 142 Kogut, Ari ... .. .......... 176 Kokal , Jeff ... 50, 54, 56, 57 Kolb, Doug ....... ...... 102 Kolta, J essie .. ...... ... 122 Kombokis, Alexander 226
Koopman, Rayna M. 24 7 Koopmann, Rayna . 110, 171, 226 Koscielski, Dennis . 102, 226 Kossmann, Matt ..... 105 Kostecki, Dan ........... 47 Kostedt, Ken ........... 173 Kovace, Steve ......... 126 Koval, L.R. (FAC) .... 210 Kozlowicz, Denise ... 170 Kramer, John ......... 120 Kremer, Greg. 102, 226, 247 Krishnamurthy, Rajesh (FAC) .. .................... 210 Krueger, Lee .......... . 177 Krueger, Michael .... 187 Kruep, Tara ............ 164 Krzeminski, Brian ... 10 4 Kuen z, Beth ............ 108 Kuen zel , Chrissy ..... 110 Kuethe, Todd .......... 191 Kuethe, Wayne ..... .. 191 Kuhlmann, Keith .... 166 Kuhne, Pat .... 102, 226, 247 Kump, Christine .... 109, 226 Kunz, Chris .............. 52 Kutz. Greg .............. 102 Kvetensky, Joee 58, 226 Kw i ecinski , Amy ..... 108
Lach ance, Jeff ........ 226 Lacy. Larry ... . . 226, 247 Lagoviyer, Oleg ....... 181 Lamar, Holly .. 122, 226, 247 Lamar, Martin 227, 247 L amb, David .. . 227, 247 Lamb, Tim ......... ..... 227 Lambert, John ........ 124 Lanasa, Gino .......... 123 Land, Christy .. 25, 110. 171,227,247 Land, Liana ............ 227 Landis, James ........ 101 Landwehr, Eric ..... .. 102 Lane, Melissa 125, 141 , 142 Lange, Cary ...... ........ 39 Lansberry, Mark ..... 227
Lapinski, Larry. 29, 105 Laramore, Chad ...... 164 Larson, Mike .......... 22 7 Lasater, Evalee (FAC) 206 Lasey, Brian .. ........ . 101 Lasswell, Scott ........ 102 Laudon, Peter ... .. .... 168 Laudon,Robert(FAC) 208 Lawson, Rick. 173, 227, 239, 247 Layne, Mark ........... 163 Lee, George ......... 54, 56 Lee, Ji Yon .............. 227 Lee, Richard . .. 123, 173 Lee, S.C. (FAC) ....... 210 Leeftink, Gerrit ....... 142 Lehnhoff, T.F. (FAC) 210 Lenoir, Dominic ..... ... 99 Lenox, Wendy .. 109, 177 Lercher, Brock .......... 71 Lerman, Benjamin .. 184 Leslie, Jolyn ........... 227 Leventis, Nicholas (FAC) 203 Lewandoski, Mark .. 105 Lewis, Jared ........... 102 Lewis, Kevin ........... 123 Lewis, Rachel .... 48, 49, 122, 172, 180 Lierz, Michael ......... 103 Lierz, Randy .......... . 104 Light, Rebecca 109, 116, 174,227 Lightbody, Heather. 122 Lightfoot, Brian ..... 227, 247 Lilly, David .... 191 , 227, 247 Limbaugh, Rachel. .. 160 Lind, Brad .. .. .... 39, 172 Lindner, Valarie ..... 227, 247 Lindsey, Bret ......... ... 39 Lindsey, Ken .... . ...... 1 73 Link, Eric 12 1, 141 , 142 Link, Mich elle ......... 22 7 Linnebach , Steven .. 227 Liou, F. (FAC) .. ....... 2 10 Listerud, Eivind ........ 49 Litchfield, Barry ..... 121, 132, 142, 143, 144 Litle, Robyn ... ..... .. .. 187 Littlefield, Philip ....... 78 Lloyd, Keri .. .......... ... 109
Loa dholtes, Nick ..... 123 Loddeke, Adam ....... 105 Lofton, Charles ....... 105 Lofton, Sharon ........ 108 Logan, Jill ............. . 108 Lobe, Diane ............ 108 Long, Bryan ............ 104 Long, Matt .............. 174 Longwell, Ron .... ... .. 164 Longwell, Ronald .... 103 Look, D.C. (FAC)39, 210 Love, Tammy. 227, 239, 247 Lowery, Josh ............ 39 Lozano, Ruben ..... ... 102 Lu, W.F. (FAC) ....... . 210 Ludiker, Allan .... ..... 227 Ludlow, Jon ............ 104 Ludwick, Noel ........ . 131 Ludwig, Eric ......... .. 228 Luebbert, Jayne ...... 109 Lueddecke, Jeffry ... 227 Lueders, Chad ........ 121 Lundeen, Maja ... 58, 78, 108 Lundstrom, David ..... 42 Lutz, Karenda ......... 173 Ly, Phanna ...... ... .... 110 Lynch, Suzanne .... .. 125 Lynn, Kimberly ......... 23
Madden, Michael .. .. 173 Maddox, Patrick ..... 184 Madrid, Christina .. . 108 Malin, Brian .......... . 10 1 Maloney, Shawn ..... 123 Manuel, Oliver (FAC) 203 Ma rco, Kristin ........ 130 Marin, Chris .... .. ....... 98 Markell, Josh ..... .. .. 184 Marks, Brian ... .. 46, 4 7, 102 Marks, Jennifer ...... 170 Marks, Kevin ..... 46, 47, 102 Markum, Jeremy ..... 39, 130 Marler, Tammy228, 247 Marlow, Chris ....... ... . 39 Marshall, Kelli ........ 122 Mars tall, Michael .. .. 228
Martel, Erik .......... .. 121 Martens, Jamie ... 58, 59 Martin, Dale ............. 54 Martin, Fontrae ........ 54 Martine, Andy 102, 228, 247 Mart inez, Ken . 105 , 228 Martychenko, Jennifer 170 Marvich, Teri ..... 73, 74, 172 Mason, Chris .......... 124 Mason, Nicole ......... 187 Massey, Brent 173, 228, 247 Mass man, Mark .... .. 124 Mas terman, Date .. ... . 49 Masterman, Katie .... 48, 172 Mathes, Chad . 142, 143 Matthews, Mark .... .. . 54 Matthews, Ryan ........ 54 Mattox, Janice 174 , 228, 247 Mauntel, Derek ..... .. 166 Mauntel, Doug ...... .. 166 Maurer, Julie .... 58, 172 Maxon, Sarah. 180, 191 May, Ed .................. 163 Mayberry, Chris ........ 52 Mazines, Tony ........ 102 Mazurkiewicz, Marian (FAC)211 McBane, Amanda .... 23, 109 McCarron, Pat ........ 102 McCauley, Craig 42, 76, 78, 172 McClellan, Michael . 228 McCloud, Terry ....... 120 McCorm ack, David ... 39 McCoy, Dawn ... 23, 110 McCoy, Gevan ... 46, 47, 103 McCoy, Jaime ......... 228 McDonald, Aaron .... 173 McDonald, Tauquincy 169 McDowell, Barb ...... 144 McEnery, Mike . 39, 104 McGee, Ross .... ...... .. . 98 McGee, Travis .. 65, 184, 228 McGinnis, Dan .. 66, 68, 70, 71 McGriff, Jessica 109,127
Mcintyre, Mitzi .... .. 1 7 1, 2 14,228,247 Mc Kay, Laura ......... 109 Mc Kee, Brian .......... 228 McLarren, James ..... . 39 McManus, Marc 78, 104 McMillan, Cathy ..... 2 38 McMurray, Missy ..... 2 3, 108, 171 , 228, 239,247 McNeely, John ........ 106 McNeill, Caney ........ 110 McVay, Patrick ....... 124 McWard, Kim .......... 110 Meade, Michael. .... . . 102 Meadows, Matt .... .. 183, 229, 247 Medlin, James ........ 229 Medrow, R. (FAC) .... 210 Meinershagen, Kirk 1 73 Meister , Kurt ............ 98 Mella , Rocky ........... 173 Melson, Kent .... ...... 165 Menon, Sajeev ........ 229 Mer cer, Angela .... .. .. 130 Me rcer, Mackenzie. 121, 177 Mertz, Chris ....... .. .. 104 Mertz, Mandy . 122, 170 Mesko, Melissa ... ...... 23 Meyer, John ........... 106 Myers, Don (FAC) ... 207 Meyers, Jay 62, 65, 172 Mickelsen, Dave ....... 39 Midden, Eric ..... 65, 172 Midden, H . Edwa rd .. 65, 172, 229,247 Mikrut, John .... 65, 172 Miles, Pam .............. 164 Milkanin, John ....... 123 Miller, Brandy .... 76, 78 Miller, Christine .... . 125 Miller, Curtis .......... 173 Miller, Danielle ....... 173 Miller, G ................. 101 Miller, Jason ....... ... 102 Miller, Michelle ....... 128 Miller, Scott .... 229, 247 Miller, Tim ............ . . 105 Mills, Amanda ........ 130 Moats, Mike ............ 1 73 Moeckli, Ken ........... 229 Moeller, Enoch .... ... 123 Mohamad Ibrahim, Mohamad Nasir ...... 163 Mohamed Suki, Mohd Shahril ........... 175, 229 265
Mohd Hilmi, Mohd Rodzlan .......... 168, 175 Mohd Yusof, Shahrul Azmi ............ .. ......... 175 Moh dar, Reza . 229, 24 7 Mokhtar, Roslan .... 168, 175 Molchan, Carol. 25, 272 Molchan, John ......... 25 Moll, Scott ...... 130, 183 Monaghan, Rebecca.109 Montefusco, Julie ... 110 Monterastelli, Mike . 124 Moody, Les ............... 39 Mooney, Duffy ........ 123 Moore, Bob ............. 126 Moppins, Brad .. 39, 229 Morak, Lynn ... 167, 170 Moran, Nathaniel .... 229 Morand, Jayson ...... 229 Morgan, Austin ....... 120 Morgan, Ilene (FAC) 209 Morgan, T.K ............ 229 Morris, Don .............. 54 Morris, Ryan ... 229, 247 Morris, Ty ............... 101 Morrow, Greg .......... 105 Muehe, Tara .. .. 23, 108, 184 Mueller, Brian ........ 174 Mueller, Jason ........ 105 Mueller, Mike ......... 105 Mueller, Pete .. 229, 24 7 Mullen, Carl ........... 184 Mullin, Mark 52, 63, 65 Mulvaney, Ben ... 36, 42, 43, 76, 172 Munger, Paul (FAC) 204 Munoz, Mark ... . 65, 172 Murphy, James ...... 103 Murphy, Karen 171, 180 Murphy, Mark ........ 105 Murr, Eric .............. 191 Mustafa, Ahmed ..... 229 Muzammil, Ahmad . 175 Myers, Charles ....... 143 Myers, Jamie .......... 125
Needles, Steve ... ..... 176 Neemann, Jeff ... 66, 83, 104 Neff, Dave ... ... .. .. .... . 126 Neimeyer, Shannon . 23, 108 Nelson, Erika .. .... ...... 58 Nelson, H.F. (FAC) .. 210 Nelson, J . .... .......... . 101 Nester, Jason ... ...... 101 Nestler, Dave .......... 121 Neuner, Mike .......... 102 Neville, Karl ............ 229 Nichols, Lori ........... 110 Niemeier, Fred 165, 230, 248 Nierman, Scott ......... 71 Nikolic, Zvonko ....... 144 Niles, Roger ............ 101 Nix, Darin .... 37, 39, 40, 41, 71, 172 Nizam, Khairul ....... 175 Noh, Mohd .............. 175 Nothaus, Barclay .... 230 Nowak, Michelle ..... 108 Nowell, Julie .. 230, 239, 248 Nursuzlina, Wan ..... 175 Nyamekye, Kofi (FAC) 207
O'Brien, Gina ... 27, 109 O'Flaherty, Joseph. 187, 230 O'Neal, Dan ............ 121 O'Neal, Sherri ... 23, 109 O'Neill, Brian .. 230, 248 O'Neill, Thomas ...... 101 O'Neal, Kevin ............ 39 Oberhelman, Sheri .. 23, 130 Occhipinti, Michelle 108 Oetting, Sonya ........ 1 08 Oglesby, David (FAC) 202 Olson, Dustin ......... 124 Ombalski, Dan ....... 191 Omurtag, Bill (FAC) 207 Nafik, Abdul ........... 175 Omoregie, Harry .... 230, Nations, Heather .... 127 248 Nau, Dr.................. 162 Oncken, Christian .. 120 Nazeem, Mohd ........ 175 Osborn, Dawn ........ 160 Neal, Eric ............... 102 Osborn, Valerie. 74, 172 266
Oshea, Michael ....... 160 Osterloh, Chris ....... 174 Owens, Chad ..... ..... 230 Owens, Todd .......... 105 Ozisik, Deniz .......... 121 Ozuer, Ali ..... .......... 120
Paladin, Nick .......... 191 Pang, Heok-Peng ... 175, 230, 246 Panka, Brian 66, 82, 83 Park, John ............... 52 Parker, Larry .......... 187 Parker, Matthew ..... 230 Parker, Tim ............ 183 Passanise, Angie49, 108 Patel, Jagdish (FAC) 209 Patience, Greg 230, 248 Patterson, Samantha 230,239,248 Paul, Vanessa ......... 108 Pazdera, Thomas .... 230 Peck, Kelly .............. 110 Peifer, Ashley .... 23, 171 Pelikan, Mike ....... ... 121 Penningroth, Chris 173, 230,248 Perkins, David 128, 134, 140,230 Perry, Andrew ........... 98 Perry, Dan .............. 101 Pessina, Mike ......... 104 Peters, Eric ............. 230 Peters, Jason .......... 142 Peters, Matthew ...... 173 Peters, Tanya .. 125, 170 Peterson, Adam ...... 173 Ph am, Lan .............. 128 Phelps, Paul ........... 126 Phillips, Michelle .... 122 Phillips, Valerie109, 180 Pickard, Rodney .... 186, 230 Picolet, Dale ... 104, 231 Pidcock, Craig ........ 103 Piepho, Jason ...... ..... 54 Piepho, Rich .. 131, 134, 140, 142, 143 Pierce, Theresa. 23, 108 Pilgrim, Randy ........ 104 Pimmel, Keith ......... 172 Pinkerton, Mike ...... 121 Pinkerton, Troy ... 82, 83
Poe, Lee .................. 120 Poertner, Jonathan. 105 Pohl, Heather ......... 110 Pohlmann, Becky ... 109, 161 Politte, Jason36, 38, 39, 40, 172 Porter, Courtney ....... 39 Porter, Ron . .. .......... 187 Posten, Gregory ..... . 231 Posten, Rebecca ..... 215, 231,248 Potthast, Andy ........ 105 Potts, Bart .............. 191 Powell, Christina ... 140, 231 Powell, Rich ............ 101 Powell, Sharyn ........ 1 70 Prakash, S. (FAC) ... 210 Presser, Vicky. 128, 167 Preston, Sarah ... 42, 45, 78 Preston, Scott ......... 101 Prichett, Lisa . ......... 108 Prinster, Jeremy ..... 128 Prissovsky, Mike ..... 101 Pritzker, Matthew ... 231 Probasco, Erik ........ 101 Proffitt, Daphne ...... 170 Pruett, Ryan ........... 105 Puckett, Noelle ....... 108 Purvis, Jeff .. . ... .. ..... 102
Quashnock, Bill ...... 184
Rada,Doug 42, 78,130 Ragland, Daniel 42, 173 Ragsdale, Larry .. .... 106 Rahman ..... .. .......... 216 Rahman, Haji ...... ... 231 Raines, Travis .. ....... 142 Rainey, Karen ......... 122 Ramsaroop, T ......... 231 Ramsey, Brian .. 65, 172 Randolph, Tim (FAC) 209 Raper, Steve (FAC) .. 207 Ras torfer, Todd . 71, 1 72 Rau, Kelly ......... 49, 180 Raub, Eric .. ....... ..... 162
Ray, Chris ...... 121, 142 Recar, John ............ 104 Reed, April ...... 167, 171 Reed, William ......... 164 Rees, Tobi. ................ 58 Reese, Kathy ........... 191 Reichard, Becky 50, 51, 58,60,61 Reichert, Ed ..... 39, 172 Reimann, Jerome . .. 105 Rein, Amy ... ............ 110 Reisinger, Allen ...... 10 1 " Reiter, Chris ... 105, 231 Rejal, Khairul ...... . .. 175 Remley, Jen . ....... .. .. 108 Rendic , Dikan .... 63, 65, 231 Reneau, Jason .......... 42 Renner, Charles ... . . 231, 248 Retzinger, Ben ........ 121 Reuck, Tonya ...... . .. 167 Reynolds, J. Scott ... 231 Reynolds, Kathy ..... 191 Ribbing, Robert ...... 164 Rice, Katie .. ........ .. .. 130 Rice, Ken .................. 99 Richards, Don ........ 104 Richards, Jon ...... . .. 173 Richardson, David (FAC) ...................... 204 Richardson, Brian .. 186 Richardson, Gerry .. 105 Richardson, Mindy . 108 Rickman, Joel ......... 104 Ridle, Rob ............... 102 Rief~Joanne .. 161,170 Riemann, Chris ...... 231 , Riemann, Jerome .. 231, 248 Riggins, D. (FAC) .... 210 Riggs , James .......... 106 Riley, Mike ............. 101 Ringkor, Kristen ..... . 21, 110, 171 Rishell, Susan 122, 180 Risner, Brandon 39, 41, 172 Ritchey, Kathleen .... 74, 172 Ritzen, Randy ......... 168 Rives, Christi .. 110, 171 Roberts, Dionne ...... 170 Roberts, Linda .......... 58 Robertson, Ken (FAC) 203
Robertson, Kevin .... 121 Robinson, Christina 165 Robinson, Polly .. 23, 66, 76, 77, 78,172,231 Rodriguez, Jesus .... 163 Roe, Robert (FAC) ... 209 Roetto, David .......... 101 Rogers, Amy ... 109, 161 Rogerson, Christian 105 Rohrbacker, Mary .... 72, 74, 110 Rohrer, Melanie . 66, 73, 74, 75, 172 Rohrer, Melissa 74, 127, 172 Rollins, Dempsey ... 128, 142, 143 Rollins, Mark .......... 238 Rooney, Mark ......... 121 Roos , Matt ..... 17 4, 239, 248 Roper, Janet.. 168, 214, 231, 248 Roper, Steve ........... 102 Ross, M .................. 231 Ross, Natalie ........ .. 170 Roth, Carla ............... 52 Rothley, Lisa ........... 108 Roy, S. (FAG) ........ .. 210 Rozaini, Mohd ........ 175 Ruczhak, Noreen .... 170 Rudloff, Tricia . . 109, 1 71 Ruehling, Stephanie 232, 248 Ruether, Jason ....... 103 Ruhland, Amy 108, 171 Ruiz, Robin .... ......... 232 Ruma, Tricia ...... 18, 23, 109,171 Rush, Scott .............. 54 Russell, Randy ....... 232 Russell, Steve 164, 232, 239,248 Ruth, Thomas ......... 238 Ryckman, Dave ...... 176
Salamon, Bahtiar ... 175 Sallee, Jason. 214, 232, 248 Sanchez, Irene ........ 176 Sander, Ty .............. 104 Sanders, Darin 173, 232
Sanders, Natalie 36, 48, 49, 172, 180 Sandifer, Jill ........... 110 Sandin, Duane 232, 248 Sanson, Jessica ...... 110 Sarchet, Bernie (FAC) 207 Sartain, Amanda .... 167 Sartain, Mandy ....... 1 71 Sartain, Mike .......... 10 1 Sauer, Amy ............. 232 Sauer, H.J. (FAC) .... 210 Sauer, Steve ........... 124 Scammacca, Mike ... 176 Scarborough, Pam .. 110 Schaefer, John ....... 102 Schaefer, Kevin ....... 232 Schaeffer, Byron .. .. . 10 1 Schafluetzel, Carrie 170 Schaller, Justin ... .. ... 39 Schanuel, Brian ..... 232, 248 Scheiblhofer, Chris 102, 232,248 Scheid, Chris . 108, 232, 248 Scheidt, Becky ........ 122 Scheidt, Ericka ....... 187 Scheman, Dee ...... .. 108 Schiebel, Steve ....... 124 Schillie, John ... 39, 124 Schliebe, John ........ 104 Schlueter, Brett ...... 103 Schlueter, Mike ...... 104 Schmid, Kelly ...... . .. 122 Schmidt, April ........ 125 Schmidt, Dave ........ 124 Schmidt, Mark ........ 162 Schmitt, Aaron ....... 123 Schneider, Craig ..... 184 Schneider, Jay ........ 121 Schneider, Scott .... . 176 Schoeck, Kirk .. ..... .. 232 Schoer, Jeffrey ........ 120 Scholl, Chris RaKris 121 Scholl, Jeff ............. 1 76 Scholl, Kris .... 121, 141 , 142 Schottel, Jennifer ... 177 Schrick, Steven232, 248 Schrishuhm, Terri .... 58 Schroeder, Jeff ...... 132, 137, 143, 144, 215, 232,248 Schroeder, Pat ........ 106 Schuelen, Matt ...... . 102
Schuler, Elizabeth .. 130 Schulte, Alan .. 102, 233 Schulte, Doug ......... 101 Schultz, Scott ......... 121 Schwager, Jenny .... 108 Schwalje,Kevin 78,101 Scott, Corey .............. 39 Scott, Michael .. ... .. .. 1 73 Sears, Andrew 233, 248 Seavey, Geoff ... ........ . 71 Sebacher, Stephanie 125 Sebaugh, Andrea .... 108 Sebright, Jason ...... 121 Selinger, Rebecca ... 233 Sellmeyer, Julie ...... 109 Sessen, George ....... 165 Settles, Mindy .... 44, 45, 78, 125, 172 Sevier, Claire-Nechol 187 Seville, James ......... 143 Sewell, Scott ......... . . 120 Sexton, William ...... 121 Seyer, Nathan ......... 103 Shaffer, Jeff .............. 39 Shanholtzer, Daren 233, 248 Shank, Shannon ....... 98 Sharaf, Shady ......... 124 Sharp, Brian ........ ... 128 Sharp, Dawn .. 110, 171 Sharum, Mohd ....... 175 Shaw, Aaron .. 165, 238, 248 Shawgo, Ryan ......... 160 Sheehan, Lori ... .... . . 12 7 Shepard, Dan ......... 102 Shepard, Scott214, 233, 248 Shepardson, Tim .. .. 121 Shockley, Terry ....... 103 Shore, Chris ....... 38, 39 Shores, Brad .......... 123 Shores, Erik ........... 233 Sidik, Zamri .. 175, 233, 249 Silver, Matt. ............ 124 Simmons, D.J ......... 124 Simones, Joe. 132, 133, 143, 144 Simones, Joseph .... 233 Simonton, Lyle ...... . 104 Simpson, Danny .... ... 39 Simpson, Sean ....... 124 Sinasa, Luck .. ........ 120 Singer, Lindsey 110, 177 267
Sitathani, Krib ........ 187 Skaggs, Josh .. 121,142 Skaggs, Robert 233, 249 Skerik, Joe ............. 102 Skelton, Jennifer .... 233 S laughter, Chad ..... 160 Small, Josh ...... 47, 102 Smith, Amy ............ 130 Smith, Bill ........ 39, 172 Smith, Brandi. ......... 1 09 Smith, Charlie ........ 233 Smith, David ............ 4 7 Smith, Donna ......... 122 Smith, Gregory ....... 233 Smith, J ................. 233 Smith, J eff. .... 102, 233, 249 Smith, Michael ... ... . 100 Smith, Nanette ..... .. 167 Smith, Pat ... .. ...... .. . 104 Smith, Paul (FAC) ... 207 Smull, Brad ............ 173 Snelling, Kali .......... 125 Snyder, K.C ............ 160 Sobery, Doug .......... 160 Sokolis, Jamie ........ 167 Solofra, Kevin . 136, 142 Sorensen, Craig . 39, 41, 233, 239, 249 Sorina, Edwin ......... 121 Spaethe, Matt. 174, 233 Spence, Dale .......... 103 Sphar, Leslie .......... 108 Spidle, Miguel . 234, 249 Spindel, Lisa ........... 234 Spindler, Kevin ....... 128 Spitzmiller, John ... 173, 234 Spiva, Jason ........... 103 Springs, Eric .......... 104 Springs, Meredith .. 164, 167 Sripongtanakul, Tana 168 Standridge, Christina 170 Stanfield, James ....... 42 Stange, James ........ 181 Stanley, Cori ...... ... .. 234 Starbuck, Linda ..... 108, 160, 171 Steck, Tina ..... 167, 170 Steinhour, Bi~l .... .... 124 Stelzer, Chrissy ...... 109 Stephenson, Richard (FAC) ...................... 204 268
Stergos, Chris ......... 102 Stergos, Matt .......... 105 Stevens, John (FAC) 204 Stevenson, Marcus ... 99 Stewart, Dave ......... 102 Stewart, Kim . 110, 171, 176, 191 Stiles, Lisa ........ 23, 110 Stock, Jarrod .......... 103 Stoessel, Bart ......... 105 Stoffer, James (FAC)203 Stovall, Danica ....... 161 Stretch, Kerwin ...... 234 Stroik, Kristen ........ 109 Strouse, Amy .... 23, 109 Stuart, Dave .... ....... 162 Stuckenschneider. Anika .... ....... . .. ....... 127 Studabaker, Skye ... 130 Student, Michelle .. .. 234 Stutts, D.S. (FAC) ... 210 S u eme, Joe ............. 120 Suffian, Muhamad .. 175 S ullivan, Darren .... 103, 234 Summa, Cherie ...... 234 Summers, David (FAC) 211 Suttmoeller, Jennifer 234 Swain, Damon .. ...... 101 Swanb eck, Eric (coach) 47,49 Switzer, Jay (FAC) .. 203
Taber, Lynn ...... ...... 109 Talken, Dave . 102, 234, 249 Talley, Chris ... 234, 249 Tambi, Ghazali ....... 168 Tamburello, Teresa 122, 161 , 177 Tan, Teck Leng ....... 175 Tang, Hoa ............... 187 Tayloe, Rob ............. 191 Taylor, Allyson .. ...... 108 Taylor, Andre. 130, 164, 234 Taylor, Chris .......... 128 Terkonda,Purush(FAC) 204 Tessin, Jeff ............. 104 Thambi, Ghazali ..... 175
Thien, John ............ 106 Thomas, Arnett. 39, 121 Thomas, Jeff. .......... 234 Thomas, Jessica 109,171 Thomas, Leta .......... 128 Thomas, Shawn ..... 110, 171 Thomasson, Ross .... 103 Thompson, Cheri .... 234 Thompson, Heather 110 Thompson, Zac 49, 108, 171, 180 Thone, Kim ............. 171 Thorn, Chris ........... 173 Threlkeld, Tom ... ... . 234 Thullesen, Hans 71, 173 Tien, Jerry (FAC) .... 211 Tijerina, Dave .... ..... 121 Tilley, Blake ............ 104 Tilley, Bryan ..... 39, 104 Tilling, Aimee .......... 109 Todtenhaupt, Angie 108 Toebben, Aaron ...... 130 Tokar, Rick ............. 1 03 Tomlinson, Gary39, 172 Tompkins, Marc ....... 54 Tonga, Ali ...... ......... 126 Tonkins, Scott .......... 65 Townes, Malcolm ..... 99, 234,249 Trost, Olivia ....... .... . 164 Trull, Chris ..... .... .... 102 Tsai, H.L. (FAC) ...... 210 Tweedy, Laura 160, 187 Twiehaus, Mat 104, 163, 168 Tyre, Rob ................ 168
Ulrich, Jeff ............... 71 Unal, Ahmet (FAC) .. 211 Unterreiner, Ryan .... 36, 42, 77, 78, 172 Unzicker, Bill62, 63, 65, 172 Uphoff, Craig .. 235, 249 Uptmor, Ryan ..... 63, 65 Urbane, Angela 174, 235
Vallely, Brian .. ......... . 39
Van De Mark, Michael (FAC) 203 Van Hom, Kim 122, 177 Van Iten, Jim ........... . 71 VanAcker, Jim .. 39, 102 Vance, Jim ....... .... .. 235 Vandivort, Kirby ..... 235 Vaughn, Heather .... 130 Vaughn, James ...... 235 Veit, Dominic .......... 102 Venker, Dee ... .... .. ... 171 Ventimiglia, Chris ... 121 Vidauri, Chris ......... 123 Vincent, Mike ......... 105 Vishy, Mike ............ 116 Vizuete, Will .. . ........ 105 Voelkerding, Jared ... 39, 104 Vogt, Mark .... 165, 235, 249 Vollert, Katie .... 23, 143 Vollet, Catherine ..... 235 Vomberg, Cathy ...... 49, 108, 184 Voss, Amy ...... . ....... 108 Voss, Kenneth 235, 249 Voss, Marty ... 103, 235, 249 Voss, Richard ........... 39 Vucich, Douglas ..... 235
Wacker, Bill .... 105, 235 Wade, Nathan .... 66, 67, 68,69, 70,71 Wade, Ryan ........ 54, 56 Wages, Josh ........... 120 Waggoner, Kara ...... 166 Waggoner, Stacey .. 180, 187 Wagner, Tony . 142, 143 Wagoner, Jason ........ 39 Wainscott, Sterling .. 39, 104 Waites, Mark .......... 128 Wakely, Becky 108, 235 Walden, Dyke 214, 235, 249 Waldoch, John ....... 102 Walker, Esther ....... 169 Walker, Stacy ... 23, 110 Wallentine, Todd ..... 106 Wa llis, Vicki ... 142, 143
Wallock, Jerry ... 39, 41, 172 Walsworth, Rick ....... 39 Wand, Brandon ...... 103 Ward, Chris .. 37, 39, 40 Ward, Thomas ... ..... 124 Wardojo, Erwin ....... 173 Warhoover, Matt 46, 47, 102 Warne'r, Erik .. ... 47, 102 Warsnak , Richard .. 235, 249 Wates, W ................ 235 Watkins, Steve (FAC) 165, 174 Wayman , Marsha . .. 2 35 Weatherford , Rex ... . 126 Weaver, Tre n t .... .. ... 106 Webb, Adam ... ........ 101 Webb, Bryan ... ..... . .. 120 Webb, Lisa ..... 176, 236, 249 Web er, Brenda ........ 236 Web er, Mike ......... . . 124 Weber, Shawn 236, 249 Weber , Wayne ........ . 236 Wegman, Andy. 71, 102 Wehmeyer , Emily .... 180 Well, Joe .. .... ....... .... 102 Weiler , Ben ........ .. ... 104 Weiner, Scott ... . 71, 172 Weinhold, Joel ....... ... 81 Welfry, Craig ... ........ 177 Wells, David . 39, 78, 79 ~ Wells, Hea ther .... .. .... 58 Wels h , David .......... 236 Wendeln, Dan ......... 236 Wen gler , J ason ....... 105 â&#x20AC;˘ Wengler, J e nnifer ... 125 Westbrock, Shari ..... 74, 127 Wester, Zephira n .. .. 101 Westph a l, J erome (FAC) 204 Wheeler, Kristine .. .. 236 White, Dan (FAC) .... 202 White, James ............ 39 White, Jeremy ........ 128 White, Lorie ....... . 58, 60 White, Luke .... ........ 120 Whitehurst, Darren 236 Whitfield, C hris ... .. 236, 249 Whitfield, Roxanna 164, 236,249 Whittgrove, Janice .. 110
Wibbenmeyer, Brian 236, 249 Wibbenmeyer, J ason 124 Wiebe, Henry (FAC). 207 Wieseler, Brenda ... 142, 143 Wigington, Tom ...... 102 Wildschuetz, Chris .. 42, 78, 79 Wilfred, Pradeep ....... 81 Wilkerson , Kate ...... 173 Wilkins, Michael .... 236, 249 Willard, Chris ......... 184 Willard, Matt .......... 121 Williams, Brett ....... 104 Williams, Carrie ...... 171 Williams, Chris ......... 39 Willia m s , Christie .... 50, 58,59,60 Williams, Cory ........ 106 Williams, Kelly ........ 117 Williams, Mike ... 69, 71, 172 Willia ms, S ............. 101 Willia m s, Sara ...... .. 122 Williams, Todd ........ 236 Williamson, J oshu a 123 Willmoth, Geoffrey. 2 15, 236, 249 Wilma n , Laurie ....... 160 Wilper , Mark .......... 121 Wilson, Joseph (FAC) 204 Wilson , Becky ........... 45 Wilson, Jeff ............ 172 Wilson , Jeremy ... 42, 78 Wilson , Joe ....... ... .. ... 39 Wils on, John (FAC). 2 11 Wils on, Rusty ......... 124 Wingert, Frances .... 236 Winkelman, Tom .... 102 Winkle, Anica ......... 110 Wins lett, Robin 104, 236 Wins low, Jeff ...... 62, 65 Winter, Jonathan .... 164 Winters, Nicole ....... 110 Wise, Mike ............ .... 38 Witt, Jim ... ...... ......... 39 Wittier, Ross ........... 123 Wittworth, John ..... 133 Wohlgemuth, Brian 123 Wohlgemuth, Deanna 108, 171 Wokurka, John .. .. ... 187
Woldanski, Jeff. 47, 123 Wolff, Kevin ............ 1 77 Wood, Arnie .... ........ 110 Wood, Doug ............ 12 1 Wooda ll, Chester .... 126 Woods, Henry ........... 99 Woods, Nina .... 30 , 108, 116, 171 Woodward , Sherry. 167, 168 Workorka, Joe ........ 102 Worsey, Paul (FAC). 211 Woytek, Jeff ...... 71, 168 Wray, Nicki. 66, 7 4, 172 Wright, Chris. 165, 238, 249 Wright, Jeffrey ........ 2 3 7 Wright, Patti .......... . 125 Wyatt, Carla .......... . 237 Wyatt, Greg ... 106, 237, 239,249 Wyatt, S ................. 237 Wylie, Andrew ......... 103 Wyman, Heather ..... 164
Ziccardi, S h eryl . 44, 45, 76, 78, 172 Ziegler, Alicia ......... . 122 Zimme r, Chris ........ 110 Zimmerman, Peter .. 166 Zink, Elizabeth ......... 23 Zlatic, Michael 23 7, 249 Zogg, Mike ...... 164, 237 Zung, Joseph ...... . .. . 237 Zung, Russell .. 3 9 , 101 , 172 Zung, Will ................. 81
Yaakub, Surayati ... 168, 175 Yaiser, Amy ............ 110 Yamnitz, Debora h ... 2 3 7 Yates, Wils on .. 239, 249 Yeis ley, Shayne ...... 215, 237, 249 Yotter, Rana ........... 1 0 8 Young, Steve 42, 4 3, 78, 172 Youngblood, Tamiko 108 Yount, Will ....... .... .. 121 Yu, Wei-Wen (FAC) . 204 Yue, Tham Kong ..... 175 Yuen , Ting Ai .. 175, 237 Yusof, Affendy 175, 237, 249 Yusoff, Shuhaily ..... 175
Zainudin, Zairin ..... 1 75 Zakarta, Khairur Rejal 237,249 Zeeff, Ted ................ 120 Zhang, Joe ...... ....... 187 269
-t;c. ca.......,..,-t;137"
Et,'"L'II..,&-i; :l.c.ma.s How can a pers on who has transferred or graduated from UMR get their yearbook?
If the former student paid the Rollamo fee (included in the fall semester studen t activity fee) the person may either have someone currently enrolled in UMR pick the book up for them or send $3.50 payable to UMR to: Rollamo c / o Student Activities 113 UC-West Rolla, MO 65401
Is it possible to get past volumes of the Rollamo?
Yes, there are extra copies of some volumes of the yearbook. However, two years after th e books are printed any extra copies are sent to the alumni office and inquiries about availability m u st go through that office. How can I get a group shot of my organization in the Rollamo?
During the fall semester, a letter is put in each organization's mailbox that may be returned with a date / time / place where a photographer could take the group s hot. This must be done during the fall semester. The organization may also choose to submit their own picture (in color or black and whi te) anytime before spring break. How does the optional fe e work?
Student Council votes on each part of the Student Activity Fee every year. The past two years (the 1994 and 1995 yearbooks ) they have voted to make the Rollamo part of the fee optional. Students may turn in a refund form to the StuCo office by November 1st of the fall semester in which the fee is paid to receive a refund.
~:l.::a1g; C»::a1 -1;~~ .-.,C»~~IEL~C» l!ii-I;~&L:E:E? During the 1995-1996 school year, meetings will be held in 103G Norwood on Thursday nights at 6:00 until approximately 7 :00. Anyone interested in being an assistant editor or photographer is welcome. Call 341-4279 for more information.
The 1995 Rollamo was printed b y Jostens, Inc. Body copy was set in 10 point Bookman, h eadlines in 36 point Blackoak and score boxes and pulled quotes in Impact. Senior pictures were taken by Campus Photo. All color photohgraphs were developed by WalMart and many of the blac k and w hite photos were developed by Picture This.
As some of you know, the RoLlamo staff created lhis yearbook without the help of an advisor. The fact that we made it through lhe year without too many disasters was la rgely due to the help of Carol Molchan. She always either knew or found out the a nswers to all my questions, both financial and non-financial, and was a great sou rce for suggestions. So, tha nk you Carol, and fo r your sake I hope we find a n advisor for next year. On the same note , I would like to thank Nelson Nolte for picki ng up the Rollamo mail over the s ummer, a vitally important job which is usually taken care of by the advisor . I would also like to thank the 1994-1995Rollamostafffo r their hard work this year. Natalie, I love all the creative designs you put on your pages. We'll miss you next year. Pam , thank you for taking over the organizations section so late. I know it wasn't easy. Mike, you did a great job covering sports, and you even got everything done on lime! Bridgette, what can I say? At least next year you'll know not to plan on doing anything early in the morning the day after final deadline. Tracey and Scott. you definitely kept us entertained during meetings. I wish you the best of luck. To the photographers (Rob, Jason , and Kristen): I know your job was not easy. but thanks for trying to keep up. If we haven't scared you all away. I promise you'll have more help next year even if I have to buy everyone on campus a disposable camera. I hope everyone enjoys the book! Amy Rogers. Editor-in-Chief
l'hOIOI(ruph by N~I'IOn Nolle
Pnmt'la Left: Top Scarborough (OrganiY.atlons Editor) Top Right: Brtdgette Ganley (Senior:s Editor) Tracey Davis Middle: (AcUvitles & Academics Editor) and Mtke Weber (Sports Editor) Pamela Bottom Left: Scarbm路ough {Organll'.ations Editor) Bottom Right: Scott Ashwell (Assistant Editor) Not Pictured: Kali Snelling (Assistant Editor). Jason Ainslie {Photographer). Rob Bordenave (Photo.l-(raphcr), Patrick Kaneko (Organizations Editor 1st Semestel'). Krts1en Stroik (Photo~rapher)