The Rollamo 1996

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UMR When you look back at your college years at UMR what will you talk about? Will it be academics and studying and reachers and rests? Will ir be student life and organizations and your senior year? Or will it be sporting evenrs and special activities? Chancellor John 1'. l'ark .u the Winter Leadership Workshop.

No maner where your interests lie the 1995 1996 school year held many potencial memory makjng evems. Colin Powell gave an excellenr lecwre. SL Pat's, greek week, and Homecoming were fu n-fiJled weeks as usual. The basketball team won the MIAA Division II championships. There were many job interviews and employment for graduating seniors seemed to be on the rise. The Missouri School of Mines I University of Missouri -Rolla celebrated it's 125rh anniversary. Aleman

A difli:rcnt view t>f the


Ccnrcr f'.t\t .

Hall was made into a residence hall. Ground broke for the electrical engineering building expansion. UMR won tbe 1995 Missouri Quality Award. Greek week was held in the fall semester instead of rhe spring semester. And through it all classes were held, rests were given, and the students learned. The 1995-1996 school year was something to talk about.

The UMR Cheerleaders at one of their man)' practices.



The EE Expansion The elccrrical engineering building expansion progressed as promised chis year. When completed, rhe building will have a walkway through it, bur in rhe meantime rhe residenrs of Thomas JefFerson and surrounding areas complained about having ro walk around the buildingar night when it was locked. The orhcr hig com plaine was rhat the expansion rook out most of rhe parking lot between the decrrical engineering building and rhe civil engineering building, one of rhe most convenient parking lots on campus. Despite rhesc drawbacks, rhe expansion is a much needed resource for rhe electrical engineering department and the electrical engineering majors.




Classes Although the Rollamo always covers Homecoming. St Pat's, sports and organizations, the book doc:.n 't always picture what UMR is all about - classes. That is chc one subject that studcnrs can ralk about wirh anyone on c.1mpu' as well a!> with alumni. Everyday topics included how hard classes were. how much srudying rhcy did the night before, which professors ro try m get classes wirh (and which to avoid), and how little sleep they got the night before. This is che link rhar bonds the alumni ofUMR. The photographs show physics rccirarion, physics lecrure, chemistry lab, and mechanics of materials lab.



Homecoming The rbemc for this year's homecoming wa\ Dazed and Confu,ed for 125 Years. c.tken from rhe movie "Dazed and Confused". During chat week it was commonplace ro see tiedyed t-shirrs and scenes right out of rhe sixties taking place .u the puck. The games rhat cook place at rhc puck ~parked many creative idea~ by chc studentS so that the organization rhcy were represenring could have a chance ro win. The events shown are chc lemon eating conrc:st. the queen conccstanrs serving ice cream, the fry like bacon contest, and the queen contestants and rheir escorts at che llomecoming foocball game.




Greek Week The greek houses, alrhough rushed ro get r~:ady because it fell so close ro rhc beginning ofcheschool year, wdcomcd a week ofcelebrating being greek and having fun participating in the games. lr wa~ undecided whether greeks liked gn:ek week berrer in the spring or tn t:he fall, bur afrcr a year .md a half wirhour having rhe fesriviries, rhe games and partie~ came back in full force. The photographs shown arc rhe greek week queen competition which was held ar Beta Sigma Psi, rhc chariot of rhe godz which drove t:hc godz from place ro place all week, and the crests of rhe fraternities and sororities which were displayed ar greek week fields.



Z'u epue ~ a&ua...

St. Pat's

The St. PJt's Court judgcJ the follies participants.

One of the tillite'




the greenest



The ~l. Pat\ rcpre~cru.uivcs threw the student knights into Alice.

Freshmen carried on the snake inva$ion tradition.

Photog,.. ph by Amy Rogm

The court tried to get the whole town into the St. Par's spirit.

PhoÂŤ>ttroph by Ncl>on Noh<

The St. Pat's q ueen sa t awp the queen's float.

Sigma Tau Gamma freshman had the largest shillelaghs.

l'hooogr.oph by Nelson Noh<



Organizations There were campus organizations for just about any subject a student might be interested in. Some organizations were very acrive and some held only a couple meetings a year. Similarly, some students were very involved with the organi1.arions they were members of while some just belonged to have a resume filler. Some of the activities srudenrs were involved in were: Top: The juggling club practiced often on campus and gladly performed in from of an audience. Middle Left: The Newman Center hosted the sixth annual Fabulous February Fluffy H1pjack Festival. Middle Right: Jennifer Schoncl delivered newspapers every week for the Miner. Bonom: Circle K service organization held ir'~ annual Bone Marrow Registry Drive.



l'h<Hog,.ph hy 1hr Rollamo \ u tl

Top: Student Council and KMNR radio station worked cogether on the "Ask Mr. STUCO" radio call-in show. Middle Left: Mart McKeon, Bill Bridegroom,James Strange, Gretchen Goeckner, and Jessica Marshall participated in the Newman Center's Christma.~ caroling at Phelps Councy Regional Medical Center. Middle Right: KMNR recruits students each semester to be disc jockeys at the radio starion. Bonom: Jason Buchek, a D.J. at KMNR, worked at the ST UCO blood drive playing music that kept the donor's minds off the needle in their arms.

l'howgro1plt hy thr Rolbmo Staff

Openi ng


Unfonunacdy, classes were hdd even in the worse of weather.

The M iners won rhe MIAA Div1sion II championships.



Phoooguph hy

na .. d


The freshmen bic che head off of che snakes aFter •killing" Lhem.

The scudcm s goc into che baskc1ball spirit as the Min ers won more and more gdmcs.

Phor"&raph by l)nrd R<pp

... Colin Powell


In September, I 995. General Colin L. Powell, USA (retired) embarked on a cross-country book tour ro promote his autobiography, "My American Journey." On Wednesday, April 24, 1996, the Remmers Special Artist I Lecture Series brought him co the University ofMissouri 路Rolla where he packed the Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose Building. Colin Powell was stationed in Germany, Viernam, and Korea among many other places before he served as the twelfth Chairman of rhe Joinr Chiefs of Staff. DepartmentofDefcnsc. Hcserved in this capacity from October I, 1989, to September 30, 1993 under both President George Bush and Presidenr Bill Climon. General Powell spoke about his life from the beginning to the present, his family, ~orne of his political beliefs, and where he sees the U nired Stares today and where it should be. The lecture was educational and inspiring. J~hocosr"'phs

by th~



The nurch1ng b.tnd performed at the home football game~.

A demonstration was held on c.lmpu~ to have an IMPACf.

Photognph bv Omd R<pp


The News

President Bill Clinton entered rhc third yearofhis rerm as no president has done for40year~-- with a Republican Congre~~. As he began this new year, he resolved to "put Jside panisan differences." On April 14, 1995. Clinron filed the necessary documents with the Federal Election Commission and made formal his candodacy for re-election.

"Why do you want to be pre~idcnt?" asked the TV hosr. "Every country needs a prcsidem." replied Republican Senator Bob Dole. In April 1995 the Kansas Senator became the sixth Republican to formally dedare his candidacy for a move into the Whire I louse in 1996. This is the third presidential anempt for Dole, who umuccessfully ran in Republican primaries in 1980 and 1988. llis intention is to cur taxes, balance the budget and "lead America back 10 her place in the sun."

The gathering in Washing10n, D.C. on October 16, 1995, for rhe million man march was 1rcmcndous. l lundreds of thousands ofAfrican-American men converged on the nation's capital in response to rhc call from Louis Farrakhan, the NJtion oflslam'sleader. to rally for unicy and brotherhood. The rally's climax was Famkhan's speech in which he led the men in a pledge to "never raise my hand with a knife or gun 10 bear, cur or shoor... :lilY human being."


The firsr U. S. Apache and Blackhawk helicopt~r roa~d into Bosnia on December 24, 1995. a tangibl~ sign of a NATO mission commanders said wa~ on target and raking conrrol of front-line positions.

On October 3. 1995. the long-running, real-life soap opera played its final episode. In rhe "rrial of the century," 0.). Simpson w~s acquitted in the june 12, 1994, stabbing murder of his former wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman. The jury reached its verdict in less than four hours deliberarion, after listening to 133 days of testimony and considering more than 800 pieces of evidence.

Despite playing nowhere near rheir best, the Dallas Cowboys won their third Super Bowl in four seasons on January 18, 1996, beating Pirrsburgh 27-17. With this win. the Cowboys placed themselves in elite company. No ream has gotten that many Super Bowl titles in such a short span.



Walt Gajda Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on the future of UMR: I can say with nearly 1OOo/o confidence that the future ofUMR will be different and better. I am unable to predict what detailed differences the future will bring. However, the core concept of the university will persist. UMR will remain a community in which women and men gather in residences and share the growth intrinsic to a university education. The students will be brighter and the faculty; staff and administration will be more effective. I suspect that UMRwill bemoreandmoredependent upon private support for the well being ofits students. I hope that graduates who read these words in future years will reflect upon how much their educations were enriched by private support and will, when personal circumstances allow, support UMR in whatever ways are appropriate.

~d me tett tpUe ~ • • •

Greek Week A roaring crowd, each student was cheering for a different house. A dozen or more chariots, each was embellished differently. Groups of students competed in eventS such as best mythological char'acter, best story about a god and even an obstacle course. There was miniature golf, Plinko and sumo-wrestling at the carnival. 111ere were also studentS walking around in the evening wearing togas. Last but not least, there were godz, goddesses, queens and a ton of fun. The Interfraternity Council (IFC) held their annual Greek Week on September 14-25, 1995. Each house participated in games, competitions and other eventS. PointS were given out to each house for either placing or participating. At the end of the week overall places were announced, as well as the 1995 Greek Week Queen. "I felt honored just to be able to represent rlw greek system," Kasie Keeling, Greek Week Queen said. "It was a huge honor. I did it for a house that I was proud to represent. I was glad that I got to do it for them."



Participating in Greek Week allowed everyone to be themselves, but for Dawn McCoy there was a little twist. She played Briareus, a Greek god. "They [IFC] didn't have enough guys to be godz. They thought that I had done enough work in the greek community, so they made me an honorary god. It was the first time that a female has been a god." Not only was it the first time for a female to play a god, but it was also the first year that "uncle" was an offidal character. "I am glad r got to be 'uncle.' Since I am graduating before I could be a god, it might be as close as I get!" Steve Dumortier explained. Everyone agreed that the best part about playing a significant role in Greek Week was the honor and respect that they received. Apollo, Jeff · Erker, and "dad," Zeph Wester, also contemplated more ideas. "I liked wealing the cool outfitS!" Jeff said. "The best part about being 'dad' was closing games," Zeph said, "because after closing games were over, my job was done!'


jennifcr Scholle) prepares to rake on he opponem at rhc umo Wrestling booth ~ the cami\'al.

Pho tograph by KaU SMWng

Greek Week Queen Candidates Jessica Adams - Beta Sigma Psi Tara Algreen - Sigma Tau Gamma Stefanie Arndt - Theta Xi JenHer Binder - Sigma Nu Theresa Burkhart - Kappa Alpha Jenny Lynn Devereux - Tau Kappa Epsilon Kate Gertken - Lambda Chi Alpha Tonya Karnowski - Sigma Chi Kasie Keeling - Sigma Phi Epsilon Christy Land - Zeta Tau Alpha Dionne Roberts - Triangle Chris Scheid - Chi Omega Andrea Sebaugh - Pi Kappa Alpha Amy Swanson - Alpha Epsilon Pi Jessica Thomas - Kappa Delta Christina Willard - Kappa Sigma Fans cheer a:. Sigma Plu Ep~ilon attemplS to wrench aw:~y the rope dunng <1 game of Tug-of-\X1ar.


Pho tognph by Nlcho le Sloan



At Beta Sig ma Psi, Jessica Thomas disuibutes roses to all the godz and goddesses.


Brett Dooley juggles flaming batons at Lion's Club Park after the carnival.

Photograph by Kali Snelling

Photograph by Pam Searborough

Photograph by Kali Sndling

Greg Kemner shows off his muscles to the ladies as he tries to win [he Strong Man Competition.




Rolling, roll ing, rolling!

Photograph by David Repp


Photograph by Nicholr Sloan

Andy Rothweil cl imbs to the top of the pyramid in order to finish the mini olympics.

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H ow low ca n you go?




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·.:...... Photograph by Da.·id R<pp



"Dazed and Confused for 125Years" Ocrober 2, 1995 kicked off the beginning of SUB's annual Homecoming. The week was fLiled with fun and games; and there was always something for rhe students ro participate in. Throughout the weekstudencs were at the puck ro cheer on friends and other participants during the games. Students enjoyed the traditional games such as Egg Catapult, Jello Wrestling, eating contests, Mocktails and Joe Miner Looka-Like Contest. Along with those there were also new games such as Fry Like Bacon, Stupid Engineering Tricks and the Paddle Game. ln addition co rhe games, there were orher activities. Comedian Pablo Francisco was at rhe puck on Monday ro give a special show ro UMR students.

Homecoming Queen Candidates Diana Alt - Stuco Jennifer Carlson - Lambda Chi Alpha Rachel Daugherty- Kappa Alpha Christina Duker - G.D .I Carrie Eyerkuss - Omega Sigma Willetta Fitzpatrick- Triangle Julie Gannon - Tau Kappa Epsilon Kate Gertken - Zeta Tau Alpha Karlynn Herman - Pi Kappa Phi SerenaJagtiani- M-Club Lynda Kliewer - Sigma Pi Melissa Lane - Thomas Jefferson Hall Association Maja Lundeen - Chi Omega Amanda McBane - Kappa Delta Dawn McCoy- Panhellenic Kimberly Moore - Alpha Epsilon Pi Michelle Nowak- Sigma Nu Kelly Peck - Sigma Chi Tanya Peters - Sigma Phi Epsilon Kelly Rau- Phi Kappa Theta Kristen Ringkor - Theta Xi Tonya Reuck - Society ofWomen Engineers Dawn Sharp - Lambda Sigma Pi Christina Steck - Gamma Beta Sigma Amy Stewart - Pi Kappa Alpha Brenda Wieseler - Residence Hall Association ~


On Friday, there was a free ice cream social and the annual M-Ciub Bonfire. While watching the blazing fire, scudencs also played musical chairs and namethat-rune. As the "daze" of confusion drew nearer co the end, rhe Miners faced the Emporia State Hornets for the Homecoming game. At halftime Amanda McBane, Kappa Delta's candidate, was crowned as 1995's Homecoming Queen. The overall competition winners were announced as well. Beta Sigma Psi came in first, second place went co Sigma Pi and third place was Pi Kappa Alpha. The day ended wirh the Hornets defeating the Miners with a score of


Phocogr•ph by Nichol< Slo•n

Comesranrs of rhe marshmallow eating comest pack their mourhs full trying to




Students partic ipated in a vo ll eyba ll rournamem as parr of Greek Week games.

l'hocograph by David R<pp




Jared Voelkerdingandjack Donze prepare to usc their egg catapult.

Fans gather as participants compete in the Belly Flop Competition. Photogr•ph by K.ali Snelling

Photognph by Kali Snelling


Different concoctions were being made as judges taste-tested various mocktails.



Photograph by Niehole Sloan


Amand:1 McBane Mand> before the crowd :1fter being crowned 1995 Homecoming Queen.


All the queen c-andidates wait for the flnJI ten to I'><;' announced.

Pho tograph by David Repp

Photograph by David Repp



Halloween, 1995, some UMR students had a special treat for Rolla children. Local youngsters were invited to go trick-or-treating at Thomas jefferson Residence Hall. After gathering their bags of sweets, they could also have a scare in the haunted house set up in the TJ South Lounge. The trick-or-treat night for Rolla kids began as an annual event for ine outh, but was expanded to include the entire building in 1995. This addition was implemented by a former ine South resident and current TJilA social committee advisor, Bridgene Ganley, and the governor of ine South, Beth Kuenz. For Beth, organizing the activity was "a good experience and a lot of hard work." All of their hard work paid off. Approximately 100 residents of Thomas jefferson volunteered to hand out candy to the kids in costumes. Money was raised by TJHA members who instigated various fundraisers within the halls to purchase the candy. In addition to raising cash, a servant auction was set up so that pounds of candy were the payment for a rented resident. Community members were informed about the event by fliers that were

distributed to and displayed in local businesses. The males were the escorts for the children during the trick-or-treatjng and "the guys w ho took the kids through had a lot of fun," Bridgette claimed. The TJ Haunted House was the product of Four orth, Six orth and Eight outh. It was set up for the community to tour on Saturday night, October 29. Only the bravest children were escorted through the haunted house. In the house, the kids were scared by me body parts falling out of me ceiling, the zombie buried under the leaves which surprised children with silly string as they proceeded. the dark tunnel, me walking plank, the meat locker (complete with a hung person w ith its legs cut off), and the torture chamber. The Halloween night was voted as the Regional Community Service Activity of the month by the MACURH Regional Associate for NRHH. Between 175 and 200 kids auended the TJ Halloween festivities with their parents. Although they enjoyed the candy and the scare, it may have been the studems who received the most benefit. As Miles Propp said, "II was a great experience to put on something nice for all the little kids.r


In preparation for the outhOU>e burning, the outhou~c was saturated in gasoline.


Pho togra ph by Gary Smith

Activi ti es

Aft~r taking all prc:cauuon,, 1hc: l)UI路hou.,c: a1 Chancellor Park-. \\J' '>CI ahl.11e


S1udem~ at '1:1 waall.'d for 1he duldrcn 10 come and 1nck-or-1rea1

Photograph by Gary Smllh

r~::.idt:nh drc~'l'd

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up an llallowccn

Phot011r芦ph by Karl Wojtkows k i

C0Sillll1C'>I0 p:l;.\ OUI Clrld)' IOChildrt:n.

Photograph b y Karl Wojtko ws k i

A c tivities


St. Pat's "2001: A St Pat's Odyssey" The ' t. Pat's Committee began preparing for lhe 1996 celebration as soon as the 1995 festivities were over. Their hard work paid off as St. Pat's ·96 went fairly smoothly. One of the biggest problems they encountered was their inability to decorate the gym for the coronation ceremony... because of the men's basketball Division II South Regional tournament, which cut into thei r planned decorating rime. The St. Pat's crew came through anyway. By the stan of the coronation ceremony, the gym looked great. The freshmen and their shillelaghs protected the campus from the annual snake invasion the entire week before t. Pat's. Monday and Tuesday were the days for Follies at the Puck. Wednesday, studenrs welcomed the arrival of t. Pat and his court to the Bandshell, which was followed by more follies.

St. Pat's Queen Candidates Cassie Alsop - Lambda CW Alpha Tami Bowman - PW Kappa Theta Jodie Courtin - Sigma Nu Jenny Lynn Devereux - Sigma Pi Natalie Dixon - RHA Willetta Fitzpatrick - Triangle Carla Folkerts - Lambda Sigma Pi Trlna Fox - Alpha Epsilon Pi Bridgette Ganley - NRHH Jessica Gorman - Gamma Beta Sigma Angela Haines - Kappa Alpha Miranda Himes - Delta Tau Delta Tara Jennings - Pi Kappa Alpha Amy Johnston - Chi Omega Kasie Keeling - IFC Maja Lundeen - Blue Key Christina Madrid - Beta Sigma Psi Stacy McNeil - Kappa Delta Kimberly McWard - Sigma Chi Lori Nichols - Panhellenic Council Ashley Peifer - SUB Natalie Sanders - Tau Kappa Epsilon Jennifer Schwager - Kappa Sigma Amy Strous<.. - KMNR Nikki Washburn - QHA J enniter Wengler - TJHA Carrie Williams - Theta Xi Laurie Wilman - Missouri Miner Wood - Sigma Tau Gamma Amy Yaiser - Zeta Tau Alpha Candice Yoder - StuCo


Ac tiviti es

Instead of going to classes on Thursday and Friday. students tra\'elled to the Fraternity Row Fields for Gonzo and Games. Friday night saw the St. Pat's Queen coronation, in which Jenny Lynn Devereux was crowned. Thirty-fou r graduating seniors were honored as Student Knights. These knights were then tossed into Alice by St. Pat's commiuee members on aturday afternoon at the football field. EarUer Saturday morning, the community anended and participated in the annual St. Pat's parade. Sarurday night, students were entenained by the Violent Femmes at the Multi-Purpose Building. The overall conteM winners were Alpha Epsilon Pi for the men and Chi Omega for rhe women.

l'hotOIJraph by Kall SneUinl!


Zeta Tau Alph.t p<'rforms their jingle at the puck .

Two contcst;tnh of Four on the Floor chug whtk keeping one arm positioned on the ground.


Pho to11r•ph b y David Repp

A c tiviti es


Arnie Wood ~ips jdlo 1hrough a s1raw during the Jello Slurping Comest


The St I'll's court cany 3\"\'3)' a Srudl'lll Krugh!

10 lOSS him 11110 Alice.

Photogr.aph by Oavld Repp

A criviti es

P hotograp h by Oavls Repp


St. Pal and pan of his court arrive at the Bandshell.

Pho tograph by


Chris Day passes a paper shamrock teammate.



Photograph by David Rcpp


A Lambda Chi Alp ha freshman protects the campus ~1gainst lhe snake invasion.

Photograph by David Repp




Shrint:rs drove go-cans in the: St. l'at"s parade. A Student Knight gets help to pulllllm out of Alice.

(0 Activities

PhOIOJiraph by David



" \X'atch out helow!"


Follies at the Puck allo\\ cd show orr their novehr beard>.

l'hotogroph by



Bry••n Long concentrate~ a~ he gets ready for tht• St. Pat\ fcMil'ltic> hy W()rking on the cudgel.



Phot o~tra ph


b y Ka ll Sn elli ng

Photo11ra ph b y Chad Co rnwe ll

St. Pa t'~ coun p rcp:1rinK for Follic~.

Photograph by Kall S nell ing

A cti v iti es


Mark Mullin Director of Athletics on the past year: It was a great honor for UMR and our department to be selected by theNCAA to serve as hostforthe men's South Central Regional Basketball Championship . For the event to be a success, it was necessary to have a great deal of support from UMR students, faculty, staff, and the local community. We were not disappointed. The support was tremendous. In fact on at least one night we led all regions nationally in attendance. To all of those who volunteered or attended the games, a big THANK YOU! Let's do it again • sometune.

Fall Sports The fa ll sports season could be summed up like most other UMR sports seasons. There were highs, there were lows, there were injuries and there were freshman and sophomores performing beyond expectations. For highs, the men's soccer team started out the season 6-1-1 and ended the season with the first winning record since 1989. The men's and women's cross country teams were also recognized for academic excellence with the men's team having the fourth highest ream g.p.a. in the nation. For lows, the football team experienced one of irs worst seasons ever. Losing severa l games by over thirty points and winning only one game all season, it was not a season to be remembered. Injury was the word that summed up the women's soccer season. After the first week of the season they had lost four of their starters. This left the team way short on players and their below .500 record showed it. ln the freshman and sophomore category there were several stories. Freshman Gevan McCoy earned all-American honors on the men's soccer team . Freshman Steve Hodson set a new rushing yardage record on the varsity football team. The men's soccer team also earned a winn ing season with a starting lineup that was over half freshman. Veteran athletes like senior cross country runner Bob Etien , junior cross country runner jennifer Frazer and junior linebacker Brian Gi lmore also experienced continued success.

~Spo rts

Phorograph• By One Rcp p



Savi ng the Best for Last After nine games, three quarters and thirteen minutes, with only two minutes left in their season, the UMR Miners finally caught a break. Thm break came in the form of a 93 yard scoring pas from joe Knapp to Elliot jackson. Not onJr did it et a new school record for yards on a single play, but it also capped a fourth quarter comeback that knocked the Missouri Western Griffons out of playoff contention. That comeback saw the Miner core on four of their last five possessions and recover two fumbles. Unfortunately up to that point, the Miners' season had been preuy dismal. Over the course of their first nine games they were unable to manage a single win. That included six losses by more that four touchdowns and one game in which the Miners set a new mark for kickoffs returned in a game. As always there were some individual bright spots. Redshirt freshman teve Hod on set a new freshman yardage mark with 651 for the season. Freshman punter David McCormack. who also saw some playing time at quarterback and defensive back, had the second highe 1 punting average in the MIAA. Thb earned him ~econd-team honors along with senior offensive tackle jim VanAcker. Despite these indi\'idual efforts the Miner~ finished with a 1-9 record saving their best efforts for the last, or showing too little too late, depending on your point of view.

)un1or cran.,fer Lance Pm•cu k!Ch off che hJII l'ri\·cn abo M'l a ne"· mark for field goal dbcanrc by hilling from ·54 yarch.


llhoro_graph hy l)a,c lkpp

Junior Gary Tomlin~on and sophomor(! Greg Hay<'s struggle to ca tch the opposing quarterback.

l'h<>t<J!troph b)



Stt!VC Hodson is quickly hit :tfler '3trhing short pa~~ in the flat>.


Freshman defensive back jdT Fulks tackles an oppo~ing pla)'er by the shoestrings.

Photogmph by l)avc Repp




Showing great dexterity and leaping ability. sophomore Brian Vallely catches a p<tss by the finger tip~.

\\hen not ~nmg .1 n~>\\路 record for punung} ar1.h ma <oc;l,on. freshman Da\ e McConnack prepare' II.> hand the hall oiT as quanerhack.

Freshman running back Steve Hodson 1s wekomed mto college football by two oppo~ing dcfl.'n.,ivc player'>.




Z>td tpJ«-

~•. •

varsitv Football Statistics Final Record 1-9-0

Team leaders

UMR Missouri vanev Nonheast Missouri State Missouri southern Emporia State washburn central Missouri State Southwest Baptist Pittsburg State Missouri southern


3 11 14 10 19 1 10 25

OPP 3 63 56 45 21 50 12 60 21

Rushing Yards Steve Hodson 651 Receiving Yards Jav Morrison 298 Passing Yards Joe Knapp 412 Touchdowns Steve Hodson 4 Tackles 1 Brian Gilmore 137 2 Richard Crowe 73 3 Ed Relchen 61

Phocottr>ph In I>J\c lkpp

Varsity FootbaU. RO\\ I, Tr.tvi' Shan. Kt:\ an 0'\eal. ~lark '>mil h. '•llhan \lurphy Lmrt: Pm ell.

Bry:m Tille). Ru!>~ll Zun11. Counncy Poner. Brian Gilmore. Brandon Rt,nt·r. Janw' Bnd~te', jtm Will, Btll Urmm, Roy Cox: Row 2. Willie llallibunon. Trans Dc~loll. ~am l'tll)', A,,t,t.tnt C<><Kh Doug Grooms. A''"t.tnt Coach Brad Mopptns. Assistant Coach Tra' '' Bouh\ .1re, A""lant Co.tdt Cal') Lange. llcad Co;tch jtm Atl<k:r:.on. graduate assistant Gtl SJnder,, 'tudent ·"'t't;tnt Jeri) \\'all<x-k. A.,Mst<lnt C.oach Charlie Finely, Assistant Coach D.C Look. A,,,.,tant Co;tdt Le' Boyum. [);wid f-kCornuck, Wcs Prothe. Colin Miller; Row 3. Elltotjackson. Bret Ltnd,cy . .\latt ~tedman . Chris Hewouk. jeff Sh;tffcr, Jeff Fulk'>, Arnell l110mas, J.hon W:tgoncr, ,11111 Younn:, llobh) Barton. RIChard Crowe, Ed Rcichcn. Travb Young, William Feickert, Jcn.'tn)' ~l arkum: Row 1. !'>tevc IIOd'-011, Andy Singkton. j:unc' ~kL1rrcn. James Blackwood. Erir ,l dfcr~on, Ch.trlc' Varadtn, Joe Knapp, Andy Ea:-.on, Stt'Vl' Smith. Greg ll <i}'C~. J :~~· Morrh.on. ,John 'ldlf<tder, l're,ton Kramer, Rob Langford: Rcl\\ 'i, Scotl Sd1Untllrhc·r. Cli nt Hotard, J;uncs Wh itc. c;ary TomluNm, jcrcmy Fortkmwa lt. Jon l>lorg;m, Robert D<.:t7.. Kp n L<.:wis, Coopcr :-.nyd~r. l.tnd. l<ick Wabworth, j:Kkll' Grccn, Krb Potzmann: Row 6, ~ l ike McEnery. Kc1·in Garnctl. Ja~on lknnt·, Dc;ln D<:slwrli:l. llrian Va lldy . .Joe Wilson, josh lowery, Ryan ~kCarrkk, John Dol', jun Vani\rkcr, We~> Tull . .Jason Poliuc.

In the


dcfen~i\'C oppo~ing

PhocOjtr.>ph b)

l>a"' Rcpp

only win of the sea:,on a plarer dell\·ers a crushing blow to an runningback

Sp o rts~

Powering hi.> way to 14th place finish at !he .\!mer ln,·itationaliS senior Bob Etien


tpJU ~•••

Men's' Cross countrv StatiSdcs Plac:8 Meet 1 UndeRWOOd SIU-fdWardsVIIe 1 Missouri Southern 2 13 I*Jaboma State Miner •vttauonal 1 5 r.uA Clla. .IOUIIIPS NCAA Great lalla RegiOnal 1

out of

3 2 4 16 10 8 20

Points 31 24 43 322 146 129 235

Top Unlsber Bob men C2niD Bob Eden C51b) Bob men Cltbl Bob Eden C451b) Bob EUenC14tb) Bob Eden C16tll) BOb EUen C38tb)

Photogr•ph by Daw Kcpp

The U.\IR men's var..U)'

tfO\\ COUnlf} tcJm get> together for a It-am huddle (U\1 before the 'tan of their only home meet of the \CN>n

Photo11rarh by [).ovc KcrJ'

ophomorc llcn Mulvaney looks to gain ground on a Pinsburg State runner as they round a tr~:c.


Loosening up on the number three grt:cn of the UMR golf course is sophomore jason Reneau.

Hold ing Thei r n UMR's men's cross country team, led by senior Bob Etien, had an impressive season in 1995. In their first rwo meers of the season, Lion's Invitational at Lindenwood College and Cougar Invitational at JU-Edwardsville, the team placed first with 31 and 24 points respectively. They placed second in the Southern Stampede at ~lissouri outhern and two weeks later finished in the middle of the pack at the Oklahoma tate Invitational against some tough competition. Then on October 7 at the Miner Home invitational the team came in seventh with a total of I46 points at the UMR golf course. As the season drew to an end the team finished fifth in the M!AA Championships and an impressive seventh at the 1 CAA Great Lakes Regional against a field of twenty teams. The 1995 team was led by senior Bob Etien who was the top Miner finisher in every race with times like 26:05 a1 the MIAA Championships and 26:09 at the Miner Invitational. Freshman Matt I lagen was consistently the second Miner to cross the finish line. He ran 26:3 I at the ~ IIAA Championships and 33:56 on the IOK cour e at the Great Lakes Regionals. Sophomore Ben Mulvaney also had a great season. After being injured for over a month, he came back to run 26:32 at the MIAA Championships and finished second at Regionals with a time of 33:48. Other great perfonnances were turned in by junior Ryan Umerreiner, sophomores Craig McCauley and jason Reneau, and freshmen Mike Mollet, josh Sales, and Dan Saylor. Following their season, the men's cross country team was also recognized for having the fourth highest team grade point average among all other division II men's cross country teams in the nation.

Senior Bob Etien and freshm3n ~l:ttt ll:tgcn :tre visible in the pack at the Mart of the Miner Invitation a!. l'hotogr.~ph

subnuned hy John Kc•n

Men's Varsi ty Cross Country, Row I, Mike Mollet, ja~n Reneau, Ben Mulvaney, Bill Hahn: Row 2, Craig McCauley, Bob Etien. teYe Young, llcad Coach arah Preston. jon Andrews, Ryan Unterreiner, jeremy Spencer; Row 3, Dan aylor. Clui~ Cole, Man Hagen, josh Sales.

Spo rts~

Freshman goalkeeper Kevin Levy attempts k ick the ball clear of his goal.


Z'id tpJ«-


Men's' soccer StaUstlcs

Tea• Leaders

Hall Record



UMR 4 SOIItllem COlorado COlorado CbriiUan 2 Hams-stowe 2 COlumbia COllege 1 Central Methodist 2 uncoln 6 3 Bellarmlne 4 Kntuc:Q Weslevan SOIIIIWest MIUolrl State 1 0 llnUY Mcl811dree 5 1 11110111 BaPtiSt 1 SOIIthrest BaPtiSt 2 Sl. Josellll's, lldllll fOitbolll 1 1 MISSOirt soatltenl 11ort11east l'tlaourl Slate 0 MIUourt-SI. LOlls 2 3 leWIS

OPP 4 1 1 2 1 0 2 0 4 3 1 1 0 1

2 4 5 2 2

1-Gevan McCov 13 2-scon Seweii10 3-5 Ued wl1h 3 Aalsts 1-Greg Scbuhe 8 2-Brlan ICoscleiSkl 5 3-Greu SbuhZ. scon sewen. AndV Jenkins 3

Politi 1-Gevan McCov 21 2-scon sewe1 23 3-Greg SCIIuhe 10 GoalS 11181Ut Average levllleVJ 1.11

Phologr:aph submuted by john K~•n

Varsity Men's Soccer, Row I, Ryan Papc:, Kyle Kcr>haw, Tim Btrch,Jason Kruta, Aaron Harrbon, Matt Warhoover, 1\ik JedrzcJCW~ki, Gary Graham, Mike ~hnner,jason Muchacho; Row 2, Student As.\lstant Jim Chapman, Student A.~\istant Philllahn, Brian Marks, John Hennmg, Greg Schulte, Greg Shultz, Andy Jenkins, Bnan Ko~cielsk1, Benton Smahc, As\iStant Coach Terri Schrishuhn. Head Coach Mark Salisbury: Row 3. Gevan McCoy, B. Goble. josh Small, Brian Marks, Kevin Levy, Ethan Hayden. M. Riley, Dan Kostecki, cou ~ewell, Man Thoroughman, josh Castor.

Freshman Greg Schulte looks to steal tht: b<tll from his McKendree opponcnl.



A Season

of It was a season of firsts for the Miners. It was their first winning season since 1989. It was their first non-loss to the University of Missouri- t. Louis. It was also the first time a member of the team was named All-American. The season started out well as the Miners went on a 6- 1-1 tear beating up on teams like Lincoln and Kentucky Wesleyan. This was very impressive for a team that started six freshmen (over half of the lineup) every game. The season closed with a 3-2 O\'ertime win over Lewi!>. This followed the team·s fir t non-loss to UM L. The ~1iners narrowly missed defeating the rivermcn a UM. L scored in the final minutes to tie the game up. Indi\'idually, sophomore Gevan McCoy was a big standout. Leading the MIAA in goals he was eventually named to the Honorable Mention All-American team. cott Sewell was fourth in the M!AA in goals earning him first-team MIAA honors. Making the MIAA second team were Matt Thoroughman and Brian Marks. Big contributions were also made by Brian Koscielski, Ryan Pape, Greg Schulte and Co-Captains Andy j enkins. Greg hultz and Gary Graham.

!>ophomorc ~IJI! Thomujthman sails through the air after d~armg the lull to a teammate.

After scoring :1 goal, scn1or Andy jenkms is

conl(ratulatl'<l hy

Pho10gr:1ph h) l)•vc Rcpp




Just A

Step Ahead The women's cross country team, like the men, were relatively successful in 1995. In their first meet of the season they finished second with 46 poims, then they turned around and took second m SIU-Edwardsville with 42 points. At the Miner home Invitational they placed eighth out of a twelve team field. Then on October 21. they finished eighth again; this time at the MLAA Championships at Missouri Southern. The 1995 team was led by junior jennifer Frazer who finished second at Lindenwood with a time of 20:06 and 18th at the Great lakes Regional with a time of 19:09. ophomore Tracy jone~ also had a great season. She ran a 19:55 at the Southern Stampede and a 19:17 at the Miner Invitational. Sophomores Jamie Benchumc, Serena Jagtiani and Mindy Senles also contributed greatly to the team's success. Following the season the team was recognized for academic excellence. The Lady Miners had the 22nd highest grade point average among other division two women's cross country teams. jennifer Frazer was also named to the Division II nationwide all-academic team.

Frazer XOC~ on 10 nnHoh above ~II other Lady Miner runner~ atthl' Mint•rlnvit:lli(lnal in Rolla

,)Uill()r Jcnnift:r

Awaiting the start of the Miner lnvitation:tl nrc Jamie Benchume. Tmcy jone~:mdjcnnifcr Fm1er.


A~ she approaches th c finish line. 'ophomore Tmcy jone:. fighl.'> to stay ahead of her competitOr.


wom•'s' cross counn


Place Undenwood 2 SllHdWardsvlle 1 MisSouri Southern 3 Oklahoma State NA (30th) Miner lnvttauonaJ 8 MilA ChampionshiPS 8 NCAA Great l.alles Regional NA (18th)

5 NA

Points 46 42 16 NA

Top Hnlsber JennHer Frazer f2niD JennHer Frazer f5th} Jennifer Frazer f8th} JennHer Frazer

12 9 NA

230 201 NA

Jennifer Frazer f8thl Jennifer Frazer (8th) Jennifer Frazer

out of

3 2

Va.r slty Women's Cross Country, Row I , Serena J.tgtiani, Mcl:1nic 01·crhoh. Mindy Scnlc:.. Head Coach S.~rah Preston; Row 2. Stci'C Young, Tr:tcy jom:'l, Jamie lknchumc. Sarah l'uhdo, Jennifer l'r:171.~r. Jon Andrew.,

l'hOIO!!I'OPh h) D:ow Kcpp

Outlasting her compet itor b tc:un MVP jennifer Frazer.



Team It was a spectacular season that did nm happen for the Lady Miners. Following the record-breaking freshman seasons of now sophomores Amber Fischer and Natalie Sanders a lot was expected. But it just wasn't meant to be. The season took a turn for the worse in the first week when the team lost fou r starters to injuries. In addition to this, the young team just couldn't seem to develop a good team chemistry. The team was already low on players and the injuries only made the sinration worse. During most of the season they only had 16 healthy players, which is not even enough to have two scrimmage teams in practice. Still there were some individual bright spots on the team. Sophomores Amber Fischer and Natalie Sanders led the team in goals with eight and five respectively. The team was also not left without leadership as its three cocaptains Stephanie Ingalls, Rachel Lewis and Zachlyn Thompson all remained healthy enough to play in all 19 games. Head coach Mark Sa lisbury pledged that in future seasons his team would not be left shorthanded as it was last season.

Photogr;.l ph hy O~wt: Mc:pp

Handling the b:tlllike a pro, sophomore Natalie S:u1<lcrs trir' to put herself in a position to takt: a <hot.


Spo n s

Freshman Amanda Gilbertson races her opponent to the ball.

Phot4)gr:tph hy Dave llepp

Fn.:~hman Amantl:l Gilbertson ;tllcmpt:. to direct the: hall to o ne of her tcammatc:s.

Z'id tpJ«-


women's Soccer Statistics Final Record 1-11-1

Team Leaders Goals

Southern Colorado Colorado Christian Wisconsin-Parllstde SIB-EdWardsville Central Missouri State Central Methodist William woods Bellarmlne Kentucky Wesleyan Quincy LeWis


UMR 1 1 0 1 2 4 3 1 2 0


0 McKendree 2 Southwest Baptist 4 St. Joseph's, Indiana 0 washington Universllll 1 Northeast Missouri State 0 Missouri Baptist 0 Missouri-St. Louis 0



1) .1\ L'

OPP 2 2 3 4 0 0 2 2 0 4 3 3

1 0 1 0 1 0 2

1-Amber Fischer 8 2-Natalie Sanders 5 3-AIIson Hanson 3 Assists 1-Natalie Sanders 6 2-Amber Fischer. Carrie Eyerlluss 3 Points 1-Amber Fischer 19 2-Hatalie Sanders 16 3-AIIson Hanson 1 Goals Against Average Rachel lewis 1.53


Varsity Women's Soccer. !low I. Annt· ~brie Coil". Julie: lkachner. Ah~on ll:tnson. Amanda Gilhert~on. Amber Fischer, S~rah Brubaker, C<trric Eyerkuss: Row Coach ~lark Sa li~bury. Kdly Rau. Tami !lowman. Stephanie Ingalls. 1'\atalic ~<tnders. Kauc Ma,tcrman. Jennifer ~pbing:trd, Zarhlrn Thompson, As~bt.tnt Coach Terri Srhrishuhn, !low 3. \lidH.:IIc l'hillips. Shc:rf)· \~'oodward. R:tchd Lc:wis. Sophonwrt· Ambt•r Fiot"ltt•r fights to rct.tin po:•scssion of tlw h:tll.


Win ter Spo rts The big story of the Wimer spotts sea~o n was championships. The basketball teams who usually don't win them. both won. The UMH swimm ing team who has made it a habit of winning their regional championship fell short. All together it wa~ one of the mo~t exciting seasons in U\IR sports. The \len's basketball team was led to the ~IIAA champion~htp by transfer student ~lichael ~lcCiain. lie set a new C~IR record for assists and was near the rop of every statistiral categOI)'. Transfl•r Terl)' Smith and Senior Jamie Brueggeman were also big factors for the te:un. The Miners won the MIAA championship tournament but were eliminated in the NCAA tournament hy the team that eventually lost to the national champion. The lady miners also brought home a ~IIAA championship. Led by perennial starts like Christie Williams and Becky Reichard the) were one of the best teams U.\JR ha-. C\'er had. The L'MR swimming team also had an exceptional season finishing .,econd in their region. Unfortun ately this was sub-par for the Miner swimmers who have taken first in the n.:gion for the preceding three years. lndividuall y Bill l 'nzickcr led the team and wa-; named to the honorable mention all-American team.





Jamie Brueggeman takes the opening tip off to start an away game for rhc Miners. Jeff Kokal looks for a place ro land after one of hi s dunks.

l'ho•ograph by Oavc Rcpp

l'howgraph by D>vc Rrpp

Jamie Brueggeman anticipates the rebound.

Michael McClain passes rhe ball for one of his record breaking 231 assists.

~Sports l'ho10graph by Dave Rcpp

UMR Dream Teatn The 1995-96 baskerball season was rbe besr in UMR history. Winning 13 of rheir lasr 15 games, rbe ream finished wirh a record of 25-6. The season highlighrs included MIAA co-champions with Northwest Missouri State, their first MIAA Posr-Season Tournament ride and first rrip to rhc NCAA Tournamenc in 20 years, where they won their flrsr game. Orher ftrsrs rhis season included rhree wins against Central Missouri State, a win at Missou ri Wesrern, and a win ar Missouri Sourhern for rhe first rime since 1981. The ream also achieved a record tying eighr-game winn ing streak and a No. 8 ranking in the final NCAA Division ll poll. Many new records were ser in rhe 1995-96 season. Senior Michael McClain broke the record for assisrs in a game wirh 12 versus Washburn and rhe record for assists in a season wirh 231, rhe rhird highest single-season roral in conference h istory. Jamie Brueggeman finished his career in sixrh place on rhe career rebounding list with 7 12. Brueggeman along wirh junior Tim Holloway past the I ,000 point mark th is yea r. Holloway repeated as the team's scoring champion with an average of13.5 poinrs per game. Junior Terry Smith helped UMRset a new record for th ree-pointe rs w ith 247 by sinking94 rhroughour the season. Orber players wirh outstanding seasons were JeffKokal, who averaged 11.7 poinrs a game and shor 62.1% from rbe floor, and Marc Tompkins who hit 59.2% from the floor and scored 9.7 points a game. Many awards were besrowed upon this championship ream. Coach Dale Martin was named "Coach of rhe Year" while Michael McClain was named ro rhe All-MIAA first ream and rhe MIAA's co-mosr valuable player. Jamie Brueggeman was named ro rhc Ali-M IAA second ream w hile Tim Holloway, JeffKokal, Terry Smith and Marc Tompkins were awarded honorable memions. Phmogr.aph h)' D.ave Rcpl'

Vars ity Men 's Basketball. Row l. Terry Smith. Marc Tompkins. Sco11 Rush, Ryan Ma11hcws, Jamie Brueggeman, JciT Kokal, Allen Nash. Ryan Wade.; Row 2, Head Coach Dale Martin, Cam Lindsey, Kevin Fort, Michael McClain. Kevin Conkright. Keith Barnes. Tim Holloway, Assistant Co:tch Don Morris. Assistant Coach Todd Franklin.



hr John Kc;an


Z>ut~~ ·· ·

varsnv Men's BaskeDJal

At Missouri Soud1ern, Head Coach Dale Martin pulls aside JefT Kokal during a break in the action.


Team leaders


98 81 83


15 82 14 60 68 12 13 63 69 68 59 11 83 66

91 96 Dnry 59 86 lYON 15 Cllltral WasldnD1on 81 seame Pacific 68 Uncoln* Nortltwelt MIISOirt State* 66 82 ~ST. lOUIS* 81 SOU11IWEST BAP11ST* n Nortllelst I'IIISO•rt State* 81 19 82 Pltllb•l'l State* 15 62 WISIIIURH* 61 C8ITIW MISSOURI STAR* 14 63 13 EniPOrll State 81 91 Mluollrt Sodlem* 63 18 alaHrt Westen* 12 NOR11IWEST ftiSSOURI STATE* 63 59 60 Mlssourt-St. louis* 19 13 SOuthwest Bapdst* 62 NORTHUST MISSOURI STAR* 69 84 16 PITTSIURG STATE* 112 104 WISIIIUIIN 69 14 ~ST. lOUIS 61 STAR 65 C8fTIW AISSOURI 12 61 C8fTIW I'IISSOURI STAR 80 92 NOmAlABIMA *Mill Game

Running down the coun is seni or Michael McClain.



Politi per IIIII 1-nm Hollowavn3.5) 2-Teny Slllltll(13.0) 3-Jamle BrueggemanC12.1)

ReboundS per game 1-Jamle BrueggemanC8.3) 2-Mare To. . .nsC5.8) 3-Jen IOkaU4.6) Assists 1-Michael McctalnC231) 2-cam Undsev03) 3-nm Holtowav02) Blocked Shots Hallie BrueggemaC43) 2-Jen lokaU32) 3-Mare TOIIIPklnsC28) l' by (),._ Repp

Jeff Koka l goes up for a shot as Jamie Brueggeman waits for the possible rebound. Michael McClain pulls up for ashor in front of his Missouri South ern opponent.

Photograph by Dave R<pp

Tim H olloway dueads a pass co Scon Rush who is waiting under the basket.

Photograph by Dave Repp

The Miners get together just before running onto the coun at a U MR home game.



Tim Holloway carries on the rradirion ofcuning down rhe nets after UMR wins the MIAA championship. Defying the laws of gravity, senior Michael McClain seemed to hover above the courr before taking his shot.

Phocoguph by D>v< Rcpp

Photograph by Dave Rcpp

Junior Tim Holloway looks for a way ro make something happen against Cenrral Missouri Stare in Rolla.



J eiT Kobl scores rwo poi nts with aurhoriry at Missouri Southern. Photograph by Dave Rcpp

Photograph by Dave Rcpp

H ead Coach D ale Marrin looks up nervously ar the clock after call ing a rime out.

The M incr bench reacts during a home game.

l'ho10graph by Dove Repp

Photograph by DaY< Rcpp


a favorable call



Champs The Lady Miner ream had an outstanding season of 21-7 record. In rhe MIAA conference they finished 12-4, rhis earned them rhe ride ofMIAA CoChampions. The Lady Miners also had their first appearance in rhe NCAA Division II Tournamem versus the champions of rhc Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference, University of Nebraska-Kearney. The first round for the Miner's was played in Abilene, Texas. The Miner's were given a fourrh seed. The team was lead in scoring by sophomore guard Becky Reichard at 16.4 points per game. She is also ranked among the national leaders in three-point percentage at a 4 1.6 percent from behind the arc. She was also named ninth in the NCAA ran kings of three-point percentage. UMR's second leading scorer, senior Christie Williams, had an average of 13.3 points a game and is rhe school's single-season record holder for assists with 124. Up front you would most likely find Tobi Rees at center. She was averaging 11 points per game and was sixth in rebounding in the MlAA rankings. Heather Hartman at forward had an average of 12.6 poinrs per game and was named MlAA "Player of the Week" for November 27. She finished the season third in field goal percentage and second in blocked shots. In the NCAA Hartman was also ranked twentyfirst in field goal percentage. Other members of rhe ream include Jen Arnason, a Senior, who average 5 points per game. Ondrea Bermudez also saw playi ng rime in rwency-five games during the season. She also had 84 assists. Amber Fischer also played rwency-five games during the season. Jamie Martens, a sophomore guard for the Miners, played rwcncy-eight games and averaged 3.4 rebounds per game. Kerry Quinn , a forward, played in five games for the Lady Miner's ream. Lori White, a senior and forward, played in 17 games. The MVP for the Lady Miners was Becky Reichard. She also made the MIAA second team. Two members, Hartman and Williams, made the academic all district team. The MlAA all-academic reams included Jamie Martens, Tobi Rees, Heather Hartman, Christie Williams, and Amber Fischer.

Taking a jump shot against Hannibal Lagr:~nge is sophomore Kerry Quinn.



Junior Beth Ragsdale shows her disgust as the ball bounces out of bounds.

Senior Ch ristie Williams rakes aim from beyond rhe threc路poin t arc.

Looking to pJ~S the ball is sophomore jJrme Manens.



Varsity Women's Bas ketball , Row I, Jen Amason, Lorie White, Heather Hartman, Tobi Rees, Amber Fischer. Linsey Weigt ; Row 2. Student Assistant Julie Maurer, Assistant Coach Colcne Neal, Beth Ragsdale, O ndrea Bermude-z;, Kerry Quinn, Head Coach Linda Roberts, C hristie Wil liam s. J amie M artens, Bec ky Reichard, Assistant Coach Terri Schri shuhn, Assistant Coach Darlene Bramel .. l'hotoguph Submill<d by john

O ndrea Bermude-z; scans the court in an effort to fond someone open near the basket.


Pho•op•ph by D•vc R<pp

Scoring leader Becky Reichard shoots a th ree point shot against Missouri Southern.


Spons l'

by I)••< Repp

Center Tobi Recs gets ready to grab a rebound on a free throw attempt.

l'howgroph by D•vr Repp

Freshman Linsey Weigt gets ofT a shot over her opponent.

Pho10gnph by Dave Repp



Shooting a jump shot over her opponcnr is junior Heather Han:rnan. Senior Christie Williams dishes off the ball as Tobi Rees attempts to post up.

Phocognph by Kalo Sntlling


VBrsiiV women's' BaskeDJall StatisticS Rnal Record

Teall Leaders

21-J Ul't'll 65 cameron 81 CUIVer-Stocllton MISSISSIPPI UNIV. FOR WOMEN n 72 HENDERSON STAn 11 SRHdwardsvllle 74 cameron 64 Angelo Slate 69 WIWAM JEWEll 106 HINEil-laGRIHGE 39 Kansas Stale 91 uncotn• Norlbwesl Mlssourt Stale* 70 76 IIIISSOlJRI.-ST. lOIIS* 68 SOUTHWEST BAPTIST* 75 Norlbeasl Mlssourt Stare• 78 Phtsburg Slate 73 WASIBIIN 70 COI11W. MISSOURI STAn 73 EMPORIA STAn* 64 Mlssourt SOuthern* 91 Mlssourt Western• NORTHWEST MISSOURI STAn* 80 83 Mlssourt-SI. Louis* 60 southwest Bapdsl* NORTHUST MISSOURI STAn* 82 82 PITTSBURG STAn* 53 MISSOURI SOUTHERN 60 Nebrasu-Keamev



OPP 51

n 64 48 67 68 58 53 40 64 57 86 63 62 70 81

11 59 62 69 80 66 57 74 69 59 55 83

Points per game 1-Bec:Q Reicllanln6.5) 2-Chrtsde Wllllamsn3.3) 3-Healher Hanmann2.6t Rebounds per game 1-Tobl ReesC8.7) 2-Healher HanmanC8.1) 3-Chrtsde Wllllamsc5.5) Assists 1-Chrtslle Wllltamsn24) 2-0ndrea aermudezC84) 3-Becky ReicllardC5»

Juni or T obi Rees attempts a lay up agai nst Central M issouri State. Driving past her opponent is sopho more Becky Rei chard. Phcuogr>ph hy D.-路< R<pp

After a rough loss. Amber l'ischcr, J'obi R('c~. Heather Han man andJen Amason slo" I)路 make thei r way ofT the coun.




Coming up for a breath of air is sophomore Eric Jelinek.


No Cigar PluHognph by Dave R~pp

In recent years the swimming ream has been one of the most successful programs in the UMR athletic department. They won three regional championships in the three seasons previous to last season. Last season they posted a 7-2 dual meer record and were only fifty points shorr of winning their fourth straight regional championship. They ended up finishing second in rhe championship due to points they lacked from diving evenrs in which they did nor compere. Perennial success and near greatness also could be seen in the Miners on the individual level. Senior Wade Haggstrom came within one tenth of a second of qualifying for the national NCAA Division ll championships in Grand Forks, Norrh Dakota. For the rhird srraight year, Bill Unzicker qualified for nationals. The junior also was ranked third in the nation in rhe 400inrermediate for most of rhe year. To cap off rhe entire season he was later named Honorable Mention All-American. Unfortunately rhe Miners lost a lor in seniors Pete Baumstark, David Cadoff, Brad Cozad, Rob Hagan and Wade Haggstrom, bur with a program as good as rhey have, the Miners probably won't skip a beat in the future seasons.

l'horograph by Dave Rcpp

Junior Bill Unzicker pull s away from his compelirors.

Starting a race is junior John Mikrut.



Senior Wade Haggstrom rakes ofr ro starr a race.

Relay ream partners Craig Phillips and Dave Pederson walk around the UMR pool in between races.

l'hou> by D>v< Rcpp

The ream huddles before rhc start of one of rhcir home meers.


l'hocog"ph by ()ovc Repp

tpJÂŤ- ~...

varsnv SWimming Statistics Dual meet record: 1-2 washington University DePaul UniVersity Nonheast Missouri State SOUTHWEST MISSOURI STAn Missouri-St. Louis Allansas-ume Rock lnVItadonal Hllnols Wesleyan cat venice, RaJ NORTHEAST MISSOURI STAn DRURY Washington Unlv. lnvltadonal MISSOURI-ST. LOUIS Mideast Regional ChamPionshiPS

Phowgr.aph by Dave Rcpp

UMR OPP 126 79 141 93 106 99 90 115 11 38 3rd/11 397 POints 70 50 127 76 89 134 1stl10 907 points 113 69 2nd/8 699 POints


Spring Sports It was a pretry average season for spring sports. The baseball ream saw the graduation ofNarhan Wade, Dan McGinnis, Mike Banfield and Pete Mueller. This would be a great loss to the Miners, bur losing only four seniors was promising for the furure. The softball ream was led into the MIAAchampionships by junior AngieBax and Jaime Ostmann. In rhe season rhe two combined ro hit seven home runs and drive in 80 runs. The tennis ream continued ro play well, posing another winning record. Their major standout was Mcchi Bengisu who was 11 -8 in number one singles in rhe MlAA. Perhaps non-varsiry spores had the best seasons for rhe Miners. The UMR rugby club played a good season posting wins over such reams as Mizzou. The in-line hockey dub, led by ream captain Bryan Long, won rhe championship in their first year in the Midwest Collegiate Hockey League.




Watching o ne of hi s drives is J eff Neemann at the Oak M cadow Country Club in Rolla. Freshman Dale Missey watches his put in the UMR BeSI Ball Tournament.

Phor"'lraph by Chad Com,.cll


~ ~...

varsnv oon


Nortlleaiii'IIIIOirt Stale*

811 (45) 1V15 overall, T8/10


640 (36) 9/12 overall, 8/10 Mill

MISSOUri SOuthern*

1002 (54) 15116 overall. 9/10


692 (36) 13/16 overal

Gelllrll Missouri Stale*

501 (21) 16/20 overall, 9/10

Mlslouri-SI. louis*

333 (18) 12115 overal, 8/10

Missouri Weslem*

6n (36) 14/22 overal, 9/10


424 (36)** 2/3 overall

Mill Championships* (Oiage BeaCh. MoJ

999 (54) 9110 overall

Se nior Troy Pinkerton of Sikeston, Missouri gets out a driver in preparation


10 ICC:

off. l'hor 011uph by Chad Co•n"<ll

Grip It

and Rip It This year rhe Miner Golf ream moved up from lasr year's place of cenrh in che conference to eighth in the conference overall. Over rhe 95-96 season rhe Miner's participated in nine golf tournaments including rhe Conference at Osage Beach. Senior Man Henry, a former football player from the UMR ream, had a stroke average for 18 holes of86.4. JeffNeemann, a senior from Kansas Ciry, Missouri, had an overall stroke average of86.2 and was named ro the MLAA allacademic ream for rhe second consecutive rime. T roy Pinkerton, a senior, who had one of the better stroke averages of85.2, will be missed greatly by rhe ream in rhe years ro come. Brian Panka, rhe MVP, had an overall stoke average of 79.5 . Brian was also named to the MLAA all-academic ream for rhe second consecutive rime. Aaron Mehrer finished rheyearwirh a 90.2 srroke average and was also on rhe MlAA all-academic ream. Byron Bryant, who looks ro be a promising ream player for the fururc, had a stroke average of86.4. Dale Missey, who played in rhe UMR Best Ball rournamenr, will give more ro the ream in years ro come. Last, but certainly nor least, is Sean Wallingsford. He has eligibiliry left and rhe ream will benefit from rhar in future years. The golf ream will be losing rhree great players and will have ro adjust next year. Pllowgr.arh by Chad Cornwell

Varsiry Golf,JefTNeemann, Dale Missey, Byron Bryant, Troy Pinkerton, Aaron Mehrer. Sean Wallingsford, Brian Panka.

l'hocograph by Chad Comwdl


Maja Lundeen throws the javelin ar an away meet. Sprinter David Wells looks ro pass his opponent ar an indoor track meet ar Central Missouri Srare.

Photogr:aph :.ubmiucd by Sar::~h l"rcsron

rhooognph submiu<d by Sarah Pre>1M

Sophomores Jamie Berrchumc and Serena Jagtiani round the corner ar an away track meer.

Bob Ericn challenges his opponem ar Cenrral Missouri Stare.


Go for the

Gold W hile mosr of rheir meers were not scored, the UMR men's and women's rrack teams were still able ro put up some impressive individual numbers. On rhe men's side, Mike Weinkauf was rhe top point geHer and MVP in both the outdoor and indoor season. He finished his season by placing fifth in the 55 meter hurdles at the MIAA championships. Also at the M1AA championships, senior Jason Carter placed third in rhe high jump, Jamie Brueggeman placed sixth in the high jump and Ben Fish placed sixth in the 400 meter hurdles. Ben Mulvaney also set a school record while finishingsixth in the I0,000 merer run. Junior Brian Gorman placed sixrh in rhe hammerwirh a throw that left him only one and a half inches short of qualifying for rhe national championship. Gorman had earlier set rhe school record in char event ar the Kansas Relays. At the indoor championships at CenrraJ Missouri Stare University, senior Bob Erien placed fifth in the 5000 meter run. On rhewomen'sside,Jennifer Frazer was rhe indoor MVP. She placed fifrh at the championships after raking ftrsr in rwo earlier meets. The outdoor MVP was high jumper Kim Finke. She finished in the rop three ar every meet and came in firsr ar Central Missouri State and Missouri Southern. Two other very consistent comperirors were Tracy Jones and Maja Lundeen. Jones placed fourth in rhe 800 meter ar rhc championships. This was after she had broken the UMR record in rhc preliminaries. Lundeen placed fo urrh in rhe javelin. Freshman Maricl T riggs also showed promise by fi nishing fi fth in the I 00 merer hurdles. l'hotog,ph by 0~>< Repp

Varsi ty Track. Row I . Craig McCauley, Chris Wildschuen. Robin Paarlbcrg. Tracy Jones. Scren.1 Iamie Bcnchumc, Br.mdy Miller, Kevin Schwalje, Hc•d Coach S:trah Prc~wn: Row 2. Head Cuach l.cs Boyum. Chris Ro~s. Brian Gorman. Ben Fish, Eric C.trleton. Mart McManus, Mike Know~ki, Maja Lundeen, Jamie Brueggeman. Marie! Triggs. jason Caner. Kim l·inkc.Josh Sales. Alicia Klusmeycr, 1\ob Elicn, Ann Papke. Mau Hagen.


Sophomore Ben Mulvaney is all alone at Lincoln Univcr~ity in JcfTcrson Cicy.

Ph<><ogr>ph suhmoncd b)• Sarah Prnton



Z'u fP'4


VarsiiV Tennis Stallsdes Rnai Reconl 8-6




1 6 3 4 1 0 3 4 4 3 5UU6



Harding 0 1 Marvvtle 1 0 Northwest Mlssou~ State* 0 1 Drury 2 5 C8nll'al Methodist 1 0 MISSOURI-Sf. LOllS* 6 1 Bnsda 5 2 leallelly WesleJu 1 o MIU CltaiiPIOtSIIIPs (SI. LoUis> 511l/1


No. 6 slnutes: 14·5 No. 3 doUbles (WIIh Man Hamllru: 13·5

Mau Salven watches his shot sa il ov(r the ner.

No.3 doubles (WIIh Jorge vane>: 0-1

MnHI BEHGISU No. 1 singles: 11·8 No.1 doubles (wilh Steve ladJIO: 13-5 CHRIS BRANNAN No. 4 sinGles: 10·8 No. 2 dOubles (With Wlllamzunu>: 12· 6 No. 2 dOubles (With Jorge vane>: 0-1

unHDUt No. 5 slnUieS: 10-1 No. 3 doubles (WIIh Man Bliven>: 13-5

*IUAMatcb SlMUDYI No. 3 singles: 11·9 No. 1 doubles (With Melhl Benutsu>: 13·5 JORGIVAW No. 2 singles: 4-6 No. 2 doubles (with Chris Brannan>: 01 No. 3 doubles (wilh Man Balven>: 0-1

l'howgroph by Dave R<pp

JOB WEINHOlD No. 5 singles: 0-1

Varsity Softball . Row 1. M(thi B(ng•su. Chris Brannan, Mall Balvcn, Mall llamlin. Steve Kadyk,John HescmJnn; Row 2,Jod Wc•nhold, William Zung. Kevin Kroeger. Pradecp Wilfred, Jorge Valle.

WIIJAMDJNG No. 2 singles: 4·4 No. 2 dOUbles (With ChM Brannan): 12-6

Phooos,.ph >ubmonnl by John Kcan


Joel Weinhold concentrates on th( ball before hitting a for(hand.

Will Zung delivers a powerful fore hand.

Steve Kadyk and Methi Bengisu show the teamwork that made them the rhi rd best doubles ream in rhe conference.

-- -





I~ l'hotogr.~ph by

D.-¡c Rcpp

Another Wmning Season Playing in one of rhe roughesr division 11 tennis conferences in the nation , the Miner tennis ream posted their fourth winning season in four years. The ream starred out slow but really came together on their trip to Kentucky where they bear Brescia and Kentucky Wesleyan. They then wem on ro the MlAA Championships at rhe Dwight Davis Tennis Center in Sr. Louis where they p laced fifth out of seven reams. Individually there was a lor to be said about rhe ream as well. Freshman Matt Salven showed a lor of promise finishing fourth in rhe conference in number six singles. Junior William Zung and sophomore Chris Brannan finished fourth in number2 doubles. The biggesrsrandourofall was junior Merhi Bengisu. He finished third in the conference in number one singles and third in rhe conference in number one doubles with the aid of sophomore Steve Kadyk. Probably rhe mosr impressive aspecr of rhe Miners' season is thar rhey graduated no seniors, so everyone will be back for rhe next season .

Photogroph by Dave Rcpp

Chris Brannan shows his speed and agiliry by making a tough shot.


Kevin H ill delivers a faMballco che plate as first baseman Jeff Ulri ch gets ready in che background.

Record • B Season Withouradoubr, irwasa disappoinringseason forrhe baseball miners. Wirh a very ralenred ream, a lor was expected ar rhe beginning of the year. T he season starred our well for rhe Miners. Upon returning from rheir annual trip to Florida, rhey had an even .500 record. Unfortunately, they turned inro a different ream after rhar point. They losr games they should have won against Lindenwood and HarrisSroweand it seemed like rheywere jusrdestined co lose. Despite these losses, going into rhe last week of the season they had a chance ro make ir imo theM IAA tournament. Bur the explosive bars of the University ofMissouri-Sr. Louis destroyed thar chance by handing the Miners rwo losses. Srill, rhere were many high points w the season. Despite losing badly ro UMSL twice in one day, they came back the nexr day to beat the Rivermen who ar the rime were ranked fifth in the nation. Transfer srudenrs like L1nce Privett, Keith Eisenbarh, Chris Kohnz and Rob Tiemann stepped up ro perform well for the Miners. Senior pitcher Mike Banfield sera new mark for strikeouts in a season. Dan McG innis sera new record for rhe longest hirring streak in the school's h isrory. But in the category of record breaking, sophomore Matt Bryan topped all. He set new records for runs barred in and tied his own record for home runs in a season. Also adding pop to rhe line up was senior Nathan Wade who hit some of rhe hardest line drives all season. Most valuable freshman Dwight Ipock and major league prospect Mike Williams made big contributions and would hopefully make more as rhe miners looked to the future.


- -¡ After reaching base during chc cour~e of hi~ record hitting srreak, senior ()an McCinnis rounds third and prepares co score.

*Did~~· ··

Sophomore first baseman Jeff Ulrich loosens up in the on-deck circle during a Miner home game.

varsnv Baseball Statistics Final Record 14-23-1

rhotograph by D•ve Rcpp

1•ho1ograph b) lhvt' RcJ'p

UMR OPP NORTHEAST MISSOURI STATE 0 2 NORTHEAST MISSOURI STATE 3 1 Undenwood 1 6 Undenwood 9 2 Harris-Stowe 9 0 Harris-Stowe 0 5 College of the Ozarlls 9 0 1 COllege otthe ozarlls 9 2 Charleston 1 West Va. Tech 3 6 1 4 Marlena wavne st.. Mich. 6 5 wavne St., Mich. 1 4 2 Grand VIew 0 Grand View 8 9 Beloit 3 4 1 uncoln* 14 1 1 uncoln* 9 8 Missouri Southern* MISSOUri Southern* 12 1 Missouri Southern* 4 5 0 4 Missouri southern* 14 PITTSBURG STATE* 15 PITTSBURG STATE* 4 3 4 PITTSBURG STATE* 16 PITTSBURG STATE* 2 6 2 liNDENWOOD 12 UNDEHWOOD 9 11 HARRIS-STOWE 2 4 HARRIS-STOWE 1 6 Southwest Baptist* 10 13 southwest BapUst* 10 1 Southwest BapUst* 16 15 Southwest Baptist* 12 4 MISSOURI-ST.lOUIS* 21 1 MISSOURI-ST. lOUIS* 0 19 MISSOURI-ST. lOUIS* 6 4 MISSOURI-ST. lOUIS* 0 6

Team leaders Bamna Average 1-Todd Rastorfer (.342) 2-Ketlh Elsenbath t314l 3-MIIle WIIDams (.306) Home Runs 1-Man Bryant t5> 2-Andv mal U> Ketlh Elsenbath t1> Kevin Hill U> Nathan Wade (1) Runs Baned In 1-Man Bryant t35l 2-Nalhan Wade t23> 3-MIIle Williams n6> Runs SCOred 1-Nathan Wade t26> 2-Dan McGinnis (23) 3-Man Bryant t21> Wins 1-MIIle Bannetd «4> 2-Chris Kohnz «2> Kevin Hill (2) Earned Run Average 1-MIIle Williams n .04> 2-Kevtn Hill (2.89> 3-MIIle Bannetd (3.89> Strike Outs 1-MIIle Banfield (52> 2-Broclllercher (34> 3-lance Prlven (25>

*MIAA Game Transfer student Keith Eiscnbath takes a monstrous swing against Harris Srowe. Varsicy Baseball, Hans Thullesen, Lance Privett, Chris Kohnz, Josh Allen, Jeff Ulrich. Ry.m Burgener, Vic Buehler, Mike Williams, Vince Como, Ted Ingalls, Todd Rasrorfer, Mike Weber, Perc tvluellcr, Brock Lcrchcr, Kelly Fleetwood. Mike Banfield. Tom Winkelman, Dan McGinnis, Eric Gamble. Nathan Wade. Keith Eisen bath, Kevin H iii,John Blazic, Andy Dial, Dwight Ipock. M:m Bryanr, Rob Tiemann and Dale Carr.



Nicki Wray peers in ar home plare.

lady ers

Post Record The Lady Miners Softball team finished their season with a 29-21 record. They had a tough season with their conference finishing with a6-1 0 record. They are going robe losing some outstanding seniors but the future still looks bright for them. Amy Buttimcr, a senior infielder, had a .366 batting average and had 14 RBis. This is an improvement to her lasr year batting average of .248. Another senior, Valerie Osborn , had a batting average of .205 and 2 RB!s and played in rhe out field. Nicki Wray, a senior from O 'Fallon, Illinois had a batting average of.l79 and had II RBls. Wray played in the our field. Teri Marvich, rheMVP chis year, is also a senior. She played an infield position. She had a barring average of .331 and 29 RBls. There were four juniors on the Miner's Softball ream. Among rhe four was Melanie Rohrer, a record holder on rhe ream. She had a bartingaverageof.313, had 22 RBlsand 7 Stolen Bases. The Lady Miners look forward to her senior year. Brandy Broeckling, an in fielder, had a batting average of .295 and 13 RBis. Melissa Rohrer had a barring average of. III and had I RBI. Angie Bax, who played pitcher and outfield, had a batting average of.378. She had 3 homerunsand 45 RBis. She pirched31 games and her record was 15-14 with a 2.55 earned run average. There were also four sophomores on the team. Becca Alt had an outstanding season. She had a barring average of .398, 7 RBls and 22 stolen bases. Jen D armon, catcher for the miners, had a .077 average and 4 RBis. Shari Wesrbrock has a batting average of.500 and I RBI. Erin Collins, an our fi elder and pitcher, had a barring average of.220 and 11 RBls. She pitched 23 games and had a 14-7 record with a 2.94 earned run average. There was only one freshman and that was Jaime Ostmann. She played an infield position and had a bani ng average of.368, 4 home runs, and 35 RB ls. Melanie Rohrer and Tcri Marvich were named to rhe MIAA al l-academic ream. Jaime Osrmann was named to rhe MlM first team. Angie Ba.x, Tcri Marvich, Bccca Alt, and Melanie Rohrer were also honorable mentions.


Z'u tpJ«-


VarsiiV SOIIball Statistics Team Leaden Senior Tcri Marvich waits for the pitch.

William Jewell WIHiam Jewel Missouri Valley MIUOUrl ValleY Winona State Central Arkansas MISS. COllege WHmlnuton Wllmlnuton Nonhern Kentucll.v Nonhem Kentucllv St. Francis, II. St. franciS, Ind. St. Francis, Ind. Beloit Ollaho• CitY St. Mary's, Texas

Lee Belhaven PittSburg State* PittSburg State* MISSOURI-ST. LOUIS* ftiSSOURI-ST. LOUIS* Southwest Baptist* Southwest Baptist* Missouri Southen* Missouri Southern* McKendree McKendree

EVANGll EVANGEL central MethOdist central Methodist LINCOl.H* UNCOlN*

u.NWOOO Varsiry Softball. Row I. Erin Collins, Shari Wc>tbrock; Row 2. Brandy Brocckling, Tcri Marvich. Jcn Damron. Nicki Wr.•y. Jaime Osun.111n. Amy Butcimcr: Row 3. i\ngic Bax, Melissa Rohrer, Melanie Rohrer. Andrea S.tgcr. Valerie Osborn, Becca Alt. Junaor Angie Bax delivers a pitch in a UMR home game.

COlUMBIA COWGE COLUMBIA COUEGE Missouri Western• Washburn* central Missouri* Emporia State* Nonheast Missouri* Nonhwest Missouri*

SIU-BJWIRDSVIU SIU-BJWIRDSVIU central Missouri Pittsburg State *MIAAGame

rho1oguph by Dove Rcpp

UMR OPP 14 3 13 0 6 1 6 1

5 16 1 11

3 2 0 2 5 5 2 5 5 6

2 13 1 2 1 5 0

5 0 2 8 9 11

5 4 11


3 2 0 0 0 2 1

6 1 1 1 6

8 4 0 11 14 0 1 4 4 13 15

4 0 2

Batting Average 1·BIICC8 All (.398) 2-Angle Bu t318) 3-.1111111 Ostman• t368)

Holle Runs 1-Jaltne OStmannl4) 2-Anule BaX(3) Runs Baned In 1-Angle Bax C45) 2-Jalme Ostmann 135) 3-Terl Marvtch C29) Stolen Bases 1-Becca An (22) 2-BrandY Broeckllng C8) 3-Melallle Rollrer Valerte OSborn m Wins 1-Angle Bax C15) 2-Erln COllins C14) Earned Run Averaue 1-lnUie Bu (2.55) 2-Ertn COIIInsl2.94) fielding Percentage 1-Jatnte ostntann 11.000) 2-Jen Damron (.962) 3-Anute Bax (.956)


2 6 2


3 11


4 6 0 1 5

1 12


4 5 11





3 0 3

2 2 10


2 Brandy Broeckling ca lls off Valerie Osborn make the catch




Cinderella Story For ers The year started out slow for the Miners as they posted a first semester record of only 6-8-1. Bur they picked up steam in the second semester and were able ro make their inaugural season in the Midwestern Collegiate Roller Hockey League a memorable one. The league, which included other teams from schools such as Purdue, Ball State and Michigan Stare, provided some pretty rough competition for the Miners, bur rhe newcomers managed to play well. They finished with a 14-5- 1 record in the second semester and in their first season in the league the cinderella story Miners won the MCRHL championship rournamenr. Leading the ream was captain Bryan Long. Long's influence allowed rhe team ro fu lly utilize the talents of p layers like goal ie Nathan Frankenberger. He was rated the besr goalie in the MCRHL and also recorded over ren shutouts during rhe course of the season. Rookie Matt Houser also showed a great deal of poise and managed ro lead the team in scoring. Another big factor was rhc man assisting Bryan Long, assistant ream captain Mark Lewandoski. Finishing a great season, rhe Miner in-line hockey club still had higher goals of soon becoming an official varsity sport. Bur for rhe rime being they would just be content with being league champions in their rookie season.

l'hm<>gr•ph by Clud Co1nwdl

In-line H ockey Club, Row I, Mall Houser, Ryan Brown, Bryan Long, Mark Lewandoski, David Bohnenstiehl, Chris Sncuk: Row 2. Coach Niel Anderson. Bill Kuess , Steve Gorg, Brian Koscidski, David Tijerina. John Thien.


Joe Kraus and Steve Gorgskatc down che rink.

During practice ar the TLC skate center in Rolla, Mark Lewandoski and Sean Coou.onc ger rough ncar rhe wall.

f>hot"t\"Ph hy

1),,. R<i>P

Fighring off the stick of his opponent is Steve Gorg.

Maneuvering rhc puck is Mark Lewandoski whose move from defense w offense greatly helped the Miner.>. Taking a wide open shor is Joe Kraus.


epJU ~•••

In-line Hockev StatiStiCS Final Record 23-13-1



University of Illinois Tournament Qunlcv Illinois Tournament MCRHl ChampionshiP Tournament

1st 1St lSI

Photognph by 0»< Rtpp

Nathan Frank~nbcrgcr gees ready to show why he is the top rared goalie in rhe Midwest Collegiate Roller H ockey League.


Tw-entys even

Body Pileup As usual rhe season for rhe UM R Ruby club was very evenrful. They started their fall season with a scrimmage against rhe ream from Fort Leonard Wood. With rhe help ofspeedy players like Eric Schneider and rhe power of players like Gino Lanasa, Jared Voelkerding, Mike Thomas and Ashley Govero rhey managed ro post a few wins. The highlight of rhe fall season was a 24-0 shu rout victory over rhe University of Missouri rugby club. The end of the semester saw rhe graduation of several key players. Missed greatly was Kalan MacGinley who along wirh Robin Winslen created most of the team's scoring chances. The ream also lost John Firzsimmons who had coached the team for rhe pasr couple of years. Also graduating was rhe ream 's equivalenr ofJose Oquendo, in Rob Hormell. Arone rime or another Hormell played every position on the field. The winrer semester schedule saw rhe club travel co tournaments in Bacon Rouge, Louisiana and Sr. Louis. T hey won several games bur their best game of the semester came in the Sr. Par's Tournament againsrJefferson City. They lost the game but it was a hard fought loss and rheir best played game of the season. PauickShaw loosens up bc(ore a game in Rolla.

Team C:1pr.1in Rick Goldammer gers ready to pum the ball during the St. Pat's Tournament.


In a game against Be nedicti ne College. sophomore Ed Walch looks for some room ro run.

In a game against Forr Wood Dave Akers arrempts to evade an opposing player.

z:>u~~路 路 路

RUGBY Statistics Fall Semester September 9, won against Ramblers September 30, SMIIRT Tournament lost against SLU 3-0 won against Macoupln countv losl againsl Mluou Oclober 8. won agalnsl sundav Morning Men's Club 15-12 October 21. Hean of America Tournament won 21osl1 November 4, won against Miuou 24-0 November 11. won agalnsl Homers Wlnler Semesler Februarv 10. Iosito Fon Leonard wood l'hocograph b) D.-路e Rcpp

Februarv 11. Mardi Gras Toumamenlln Balon Rouge, Louisiana losl against Rice lost against Minnesota won against Oklahoma Februarv 24, won one and 1os1 one against Mluou March 2. Union Toumamenlln Sl. Louis 1os1 agalnsl Mlzzou won against Principia March 9, lost agaJnsl Principia March 10. losl against Sundav Morning Men's Club March 16, Sl. Patrick's oav Tournament won agalnsl BenedlcUne lost agalnsl Jenerson CiiV March 23, 1os1 against Carbondale

l'horogr>ph By Oave Repp

A lumni Kalan MacGinlcy prepares to kick for the post.

Phorogr>ph By KaH SntiHng


Intramural Sports



PhO<Ofir.tph by Kalo Sncllons


SOliball Intramural Champions


Men's Division 1-TEC Division 11-QHA Women's

Zeta Tau Alpha Z'td~~··· by Kah Sndlong

GoI Intramural Champions



l1hotoguph by Jl.un Surborough

Phorograph by T r.a<cy



Phoc"«uph by Kale

Z'td tpJU



SWimming Intramural Champions

Men's SigmaNu Women's Zeta Tau Alpha

Z'u tpJU ~•••

Cross coumrv Intramural Champions

Men's Sigma Phi Epsilon Women's Zeta Tau Alpha and





by Kori


Football Intramural Champions

Men's Division I-Phi Kappa Theta Division II-Tribe

Phocosraph by Dave Repp

Women's M-Club Phorograph by Kari Wojrkowski

Z'u~~··· Pho<osraph hy Dave Repp

Pool Intramural Champions

Men's Phi Kappa Theta Women's Zeta Tau Alpha rhocograph by Repp

l'hocosraph by Kari Woj<

@Sports Phorograph by Chad Cornwdl


Table TenniS Intramural Champions

Men's Phi Kappa Theta Women's Chi Omega

Z>ut~~· · ·

Racquelball Intramural Champions by Kari WoJoko"sk•

Men's BetaSig Women's Zeta Tau Alpha and M-Club by I r>«y

Pho<osnph by Dn• R<pp



Phocogr11ph by Nicholc Slo•n


~ ~• ••

VolleVball Intramural Champions


Men's Division 1-Kappa Sigma Division II-Tribe Women's M-Club Phocog,.ph by Dave Rcpp



l'hocogr.tph by Nichol< Slo•n

Intramural Champions

Men's Phi Kappa Theta Women's Zeta TauAlpha Phocog<>ph by Koli Snelling

Phocogr:aph by Snelling

~Sports l'hocograph by Kali Snelling


fiDU ~•••

Bowling IndiVIdual Results

Men's High game Jason Haynes TJ 7-N l'howgnph by Nothol< Sloan

High Average JasonH aynesT J7-N Women's High game Marites de los Santos Chi Omega


High Average Anna Saindo n TJ Ph"'0J"Ph by Kali Sn<ll111g




BoWling Intramural Champions

Men's SigmaN u Women's Zeta Tau Alpha l'hooograph b) No<hol< Slo•n

11hocograph by r ra«y


Phooognph by P•m Sc:ubooough


Wrestling Intramural Champions

Silver Bullets

l Phooogr.~ph

by O..d Corn,.dl

Phoooyaph by O.v< R<pp

Z'ut~~··· rhooogr.~ph



by Chad Coonw<ll

Baskelball Intramural Champions

Men's Division I-Sigma Phi Epsilon Division II-Tribe Women's


~Sports Phooosroph by Dav< R<pp

Z'td tpUt-


Wrestling Individual resuns weight winner 123 de los Santos 130 Frankenberger 137 Bertelsmeyer 145 Yount 152 H awks 160 Wank 167 Tyhurst 177 Kunze 191 Hoven 215 Halliburton 275 Garnett

T earn Silver Bullets Lambda Chi Lambda C hi Silver Bullets CCF Silver Bullets Sigma Pi Tribe QHA Sig Ep Sig Ep


Z'td tpUt-



Tennis lntnmural Champions


Pi Kappa Alpha Women's

M-Club Phocoguph bv l';am Scarbou,.ugh

Sports by Chad Cornwell


Z'td fPJ" ~•••

Track Intramural Champions

Men's Sigma Phi Epsilon Women's Chi Omega Z'td fPJ" ~•• • l'hmo~raph


by n,.c Rcpp

Intramural Champions

Sigma Phi Epsilon

Ph111og<>1'h by (hod Corn" til


Sporrs PhorQ&r.tph by Ch>d Cornwdl

Z'td epue


Horseshoes Intramural Champions

Men's Sigma Phi Epsilon

l'hotogr>ph by Chad Cornwell

Women's Chi Omega Photoguph by Dave Rcpp

Z'td epue


Soccer Photogr2ph by Dave Repp

Intramural Champions

Men's Division I Sigma Nu Divisionll Tribe hy Chad Cornwell

Women's Zeta Tau Alpha

Photograph by Chad Cornwdl


Photogroph by Ch•d Cornwell

Photograph by Chad Cornwell

Photogr>ph by Chad Cornwdl


Intramural Champions

Sigma Phi Epsilon

l'hocograph by Chad Cornwell



Intramural Champions

Zeta Tau Alpha

~~ ! - ·· .


Photogr>ph by Ch>d Corn,.<ll

Photoguph b) K•h \nclltng



Keith Stanek Chairman, Department of Electrical Engineering on the past year: The Department of Electrical Engineering sees a bright future for its faculty; students, staff and degree programs. This year has seen continued progress on enrollment, with the Fall '96 freshman class again one of the largest on campus. The construction has begun on the EE Addition. We have had the best year in the Department'shistoryinterms ofnewgrantsandcontracts. The campaign to raise funds for the new laboratories in the EE Addition is off to a fine start. Finally, the new BSEE curriculum is being phased in, starting with the freshmanclassof1995. Thus, theDepartmenthasmade progress, in some cases spectacular progress, in all of the primary emphasis areas.

I e•




Srudenr Life

Alpha Kappa Alpha

Photograph •ubmin<d by Alph> K>pp• Alph>

Members: Tamiko Youngblood, Nicholejohnson, Sarah Palmer, Karrina Tarum, Allyson Taylor, 3nd Lisa Prichett. (Not picrured: Consuela Kel ley, Sharon Lofton, and Faculry Advisor Lelia Flagg.)

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is the oldest Greek letter organization esrablished in America by black college women. lr is a college-based sororiry which was organized and conrinues ro exist as a channel and an insrrumenr for the rangible expression of human friendship. The purposes of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sororiry, Inc. arc to cultivare and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, to promote uniry and friendship among college women, to mainrain a progressive interest in college life, and to be of human service in the study and alleviarion ofsocial problems particularly as such problems relare to women and ro girls. To carry our rhe purposes of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sororiry, Inc., our national president has devised creative srraregies for acrion, "Building the Future: The Alpha Kappa Alpha Strategy: Making rhe Ner Work." In an attempt to do our parr as a service organization, we have targeted six areas ofi merest: marhematics

and science lireracy, a Washington D .C. presence, a senior residence cemer, partnership with the American Red Cross, the black family, and the business round rable. The charrering of rhe Xi Delra Chaprer of Alpha Kappa Alpha here on the campus of the UniversiryofMissouri- Rolla on December 8, 1981, exemplifies the derermination and dedication found in rhe original founders of the first chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha. The Xi Delta chapter actively supports and parrakes in creative strategies for acrion. Although small in numbers, the members of Xi Delta continue to supporr Universiry activities as well as communiry funcrions. During rhe 1995-1996 school year, we parricipated in the Wellness Bash sponsored by Srudenr Health Services, rhe Big Brothers Big Sisters "Bowl for Kids' Sake," and various other communiry service activities including celebrating Halloween wirh the children at the Ginger Bread House.

Student Life


• •

Alpha Phi Alpha

Phowgrorh •ubmitced by Alpha l'hi Alph>

First Row: Henry Woods, Jr. and William Allen. Second Row: Demon Parker, Jon King, Dominic Lenoir, and Lionel Cureau. Back Row: Torino Johnson, Donnell Sridhum, William Brown, and Mark Crawford.


Srudem Life

• •

Beta Sigma Psi

Front Row: Onyx. Second Row: Mau Schaefer, Dave Ferkel, Andy Herzog. Third Row: James Klotz. Steve Truemper, Scou Seehausen, Keirh Kuhlmann, Jeremy Murrish, Ryan Casey. Bryan Buethe, Eric Held, Matr Breitenbach. Jason Welker. Founh Row: Jon Dierking, Dan Sauer, Dave Meyer, Paul Mueller. Fmnkie Garza, Eric Breitenbach, Andy Bauer. Not Pictured: M:Ht Bacon. Lee Hahnel. Mike Luebke, Steve Kiso, Man Wehmeyer, Nathan Dennett, Jeff Dawson, Kevin Trapp. Tim Kau11, Mike: O ' Dell. Dave Dcllean. Cuyler Larson. Charlie Hummer.

The 1995- I 996school year was a very successful year for the brothers ofBcra Sigma Psi. We enjoyed much success in inrramurals, placing fourrh in Division 1 Aag football; third in Division 2 softball, volleyball, and basketball; and first in racquetball. Also, over Homecoming we burned the mortgage ro our house along with placing first in the overall Homecoming competition. As bringing new members into the house is one of our highest priorities, Beta Sig worked hard on rush in the spring ro recruit a large pledge class for the new school year.

Srudenr Life


• •

Chi Omega

Photograph ~ubrniucd by Chi Orncg.1.

First Row: Carey Hudgins, Ann Davies, L1ura Bandy,Sa rah Pul ley. Amy Carr, Mary Grass, Kym Kohser, and Lisa Winstead. Second Row: Jill Logan, Traci Dake, Miranda Himes, Deanna Clapp. Jennifer Lirde, Stefanic Arndt, Jessica Adams, Jenny Lynn Devereux, Lorna Cohen. Jennifer Carlson, and Crissic Eckhofl'. Thi rd Row: Amy Kwiecinski, Amy Johnsron, Karen Flowers. Erica Hargis (Rush Chairman), Jennifer Rem ley. Dec Schcman (Pledge Educator), Laura Gwinnup, Laura Brave, and Jennifer Hel lmueller. Fourth Row: Tressa Dickerson, Tracy Davenport, Kathcrync Derhakc. Christina Madrid, Sheila Keilholz, Maja Lundeen (Vice-president, Spring), and Cathy Vornberg. Fifth Row: Maritcs de los Santos, Mindy Richardson, Debbie Black (Vice-president, Fall), Vanessa Paul, Julie Gannon, Jennifer Gruss. Jodie Courtin. Andrea Sebaugh (Personnel Chairman). and Amy Ruhland. Sixth Row: Susan Koeller, Lisa Rothley, Becky Wakely (President), Chris Scheid (Treasurer), Angie Herzog. Christy Griwach (Secretary), Rachel Limbaugh, and Michelle Nowak. Not Pictured: Carrie Williams, Nina Woods, Angie Todtenhaupt, Julie Achurch. Diane Lohe, Lynda Kliewer, Theresa Pierce, Mindy Moses, and Heather McBride.

~ S[udent Life

• •

Delta SigmaTheta


PhatOguph \llhnutiC'c.l by DC'II.1 S igmo~ I ht•t.a

First Row: Carmen Murrell, Nakia Curtis. and Cassandra Green. Second Row: Janice Johnson, Monya Ortega. and Renee Penerman. Nor Shown: Cheryl Cooper and Lisa James.

This pasryear was another busy one for the ladies of rhe Sigma Delta chapter of Delta Sigma Thera Sorority, Inc. Chapter members worked diligently throughout the school year on several evenrs, especially those in the area of public service. Throughout rhe school year, our members actively volunreered for the following evenrs: Uniry Day, UMR blood drives, Trick -or-Treat service, rrash pickup, Meramec Hospice Yolunreer Services, clothing drive,

health forum, Breast Cancer Awareness Month activities, volunreer services for the elderly, and a voter registration drive. The Sigma Delta chapter was honored ro receive rhe "Award or Excellence in rhe Area of Public Service," from rhe University's Office ofSrudenr Activities. We also placed second in UMR's flrsr semi-annual chalk the walk conresr. Delta Sigma Theta hopes everyone had a fulfilling year, and we look forward to another prosperous semester.

Student Life


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DeltaTau Delta

Photoguph submitted by Keith Dandunnd

Picrured: Brian Miller, Cong Do, John Tucker, Aaron Hankhammer, David Grabbe, Sean Teitelbaum, Brad Buder, Presron Kramer, Chris Hubbell, Jeffrey Heckman, Phillip Courtney, Dale Lord, Jason Carter, Clinr Napron, CJ Monzyk, Brad Zerr, and Gary Roberrs.


Srudem Life

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Lambda Chi Alpha


by Cory Smith

First Row: DougSholte, David Boles, and Scott Preston. Second Row: Ryan Miller, Jason Devereaux, Rob Surton, Scott Bertelsmeyer,Jon Schmidt, Josh Beaman, Josh Colwell, Allen Reisinger, and Kyle Koederirz.. Third Row: Kevin Hurley, Ryan Hunt, Brian Malin. Troy Williams, Don McMillan. Byron Schaeffer, Zcphiron Wester. Mike Sarra in. Damon Swain, Nathan Frankcnbtrgcr, David Roeno, and Kevin Schwalje. Fourth Row: Eric Jensen, Scon Green , Mike Ri ley, Jason George, Jeremy Lines, and Don Perry. Fifth Row: James Casde, Kris Potzmann, Brian L1sey, Christ Hammond, Ty Morris, Jack Phipps. Bryaq Olsen, and Tom O'Neill.

The men of Lam '?;Ia Chi Alpha continue ro play an acrive roll borh on campus and in the comrnuniry. Our year started off wirh a solid third place in Greek Week. lny amural f'oorball again madeasrrongshowing by going ro rhe playoffs. A good time was had by all ar ur Christmas-Formal in December and White Rose Formal in March. As always, St. Pat's was an enjoyable experience. Ou.r.,.-annual <::hicken Benefic Dinner was a success for L.O.V.E., rhe food was all year e for Lambda Chi

The men of Lambda Ch i Alpha showed their spirit during homecoming with their "Dazed and Confused" yard decorations.

Pho•ogr;aph 'ubmiuc.·d by l.:unbd.1 Chi Alph<l

Student Life


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Kappa Alpha

Pictured: JeiTRicpc. Dave Pederson. Eric Pringcr,Jon Thomas, Mark Watson, Brandon Reynolds, Cody Sexton, George Scsscn, Ch ris Forsman, David Glover, Mark Tschopp, Paul Donnelly, Jason Doyle, Chris Maupin, Nelson Nolle, Matt Grundy, Jeff Lures, Chip Crossman, Rob Bordenave, Brian Cun neen, JcfTShiner, Joe Monon, Dale McCarthy. Man Brandes, JeiTManin, Eddie Gri ffey. Brian Clay, Brcrr Dooley, Ethan Walker. John Lucian


Student Life

Benton Schmah2 represented his house at the bandshdl durong St. Pat's.

The men of Kappa Alpha delivered invitations to their Old South Ball.

Plwtogrnph suhmiued hy K:tpJM Alph-.

Phocogr•1•h <ubnuucd by K•pp• Alplu

The brothers of Kappa Alpha pitch in to rehab a home for Habitat for Humanity.

Every year the men of Kappa Alpha throw an Easter party for the children of L.O.V.E.

Srudcnt Life Phocognph >ubmiucd by Kapp• Alph•


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Kappa Delta

I ·· ~·-

First Row: Meg Dolan. Second Row: NicholcSioan, Eva Goss. Casey Milward, Katie Wasem, Cheryl Barnum, Katie Schoenberg, Martha Phariss and Robyn McCarry. Third Row: Jennifer Schoucl. Diana Air. Kasie Keeling, Susan Heide, Mary Hutchison, Anika Smckcnschneider, Jenny Pearson, Becca Monaghan, Shcrri O'Neal, Angie Gambill and Jen Kiefer. Fourrh Row: Stacy McNeil, Karen Henderson. Valerie Phillips. Aimee Tilling. Jessica Thomas. Becky Pohlmann, Kristen Stroik, Heather Vaughn, LeiJ King, Brandi Smith, Karlynn Herman, Tricia Rudloff and Lauriane Flynn. Fifth Row: Angie Haines, Lynn Taber, Amy Rogers, Karen Klemme. Gina O'Brien, Kim Benson, Amy Adams and Amanda McBane. Not pictured: Abbi Wirhousc. Heather Kozlowic1, Rachel Durst, Angela Hanwig, Dawn Gome1, Julie Bell, Cathy Holobaugh, Amanda Holman, Tiffany Swovdand, Jen llarncss, Amy Strouse, Stacy Garfield and Karla Dill.


Srudenr Life

Sracy Garfield accepted rhe trophy for our Kappa Oelra walking stick.

The Kappa Delta main house, our home during the school year.

l'hotag,.ph by Amy Rog<rs

Phoaoguph by Amy Rogt"n

Tricia Ruma, last year's homecom ing queen , congramlares Amanda McBane, this year's homecoming queen. They are borh Kappa Deltas.

Graduating seniors Angie Gambill, Karlynn Herman and Sherri O'Neal embarrassed each other almost as much as they em barrassed everyone else ar sen ior wi lls .

The ladies of the Epsilon Alpha chapter ofKappa Delrakepr vecy busy this year. In the fall rhey had a "Kaydeegruvin" theme parcy. The girls and their dates dressed up like hippies and "gruvcd" ar rhe Ramada Inn. They carved pumpkins for Halloween and delivered them to the other greek houses. Kappa Delta took second overall in Homecoming, and their candidate, Amanda McBane, was crowned Homecomjng Queen. They also had fun at Greek Week where KD Kasie Keeling was crowned queen. Throughout the fall semester, they sold Kappa Delta Gold Cards to benefit the Children's Hospital in Richmond, Virginia. Last spring ladies attended several basketball games to cheer on rhe Miners. They hosted their White Rose formal with a theme, "Kappa Delta Puts on the Ritz." Once again, they held the annual "Kappa D elta Campus Man" competition, raising around $1000 for the National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse. Kappa Delta was proud to earn the scholarship trophy for being number one in grades. Graduating Senior Sherri O'Neal was named "Greek Woman of the Year," and Jennifer Kiefer won the PanheUenic Scholarship. Congratulations, ladies! Overall, it was a wonderful year for the ladies of Kappa Delta. T hey excelled in many areas and were especially proud of their 17 pledges. Srudenr Life


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Phi KappaTheta

l'ho10graph S\lbrnined by Phi K>ppa Thm

First Row: Lewis Griffith , Mark Daffron, Ben Borgmeyer, Kevin Wieberg, John L1ngan, Mark Winschel, Tom Smith, Shan non Binns, Kevin Reeves, JeffKopp. Nick Andres, Vic Buehler, Narhan Schwarrze, ChrisTruii, Jam ison Case, Mike Meade, Tom Wigingron and Jamie Cru tchley. Second Row: Jeremy Haines, Tim Evers, Shawn Harr, JeffPurvis,Jon Blazie, JeffSmith, Chris Bix, C hris Stergos. Domin ic Veir, Eric Neal, Srcve Dawson, G reg Kremer, Craig Gcisman, Ruben Lozano, Mike Nuener, Steve Roper, Dan Shepard and M ike Carda. Th ird Row: Ben Fish, Doug Airkens, Andy Wegman, Jason Miller, Rob Ridle, Tom Winkelman, Matt Jones, Brian Hageman, Matt C howning,JeffBoyd, Par McCarron, Jason H eck, Terry Kliethermes, Jared Lewis, John Schaefer, Marr Evers, Tony Mezines, Joseph Wokurka, Eric Landwehr, Scon Borman and Joe Skeri k.

Phi Kappa Thera currendy has sixry-eightacrive members with five away on coop jobs. T he brothers of Phi Kappa Thera have been very acrive with com muni ry service projects around rhe Rolla area. Different projects include


Student Life

Big Brothers, Big Sisters, chariry benefit dinners and highway cleanups. T he brothers of Phi Kappa Thera have had a busy and enjoyable 95-96 school year, and wish everyone the best ofluck in rhe upcoming school year.

• •

Pi Kappa Phi


>Ubtnitt«< by l'i Kappa l'ht

First Row: 13cn Stcltcnpohl, Score Rurenkrogcr, Steve Winscn, Kelley Ireland, Brad Molander, Eric Achclpoh l, Chris Steger, George McCandliss. Second Row: signilicdiH others, K.C. Snyder. Third Row: significant others, Ed Burkey, Mike Whitccoucn, significant ocher, Nick Hamilton, Dennis Jenkins. Kyle Mitchell. Fourth Row: Jon Stelrenpohl, Kcirh Phelps. Paul Phelps. Aaron Bolch. Ted Vcrren, Josh French, Mike Jackson, Pa~rick Simpson, Rob Jackson, Mike Estes.

Srudenr Life


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Sigma Chi

Pictured: Eric Adams, Jason Dake, Matt Mooney, Brett Saunier, Chris Kunrt, Corey Steinman, Tracey Walling. Kirk Livin g:.tone,Jim Spradling, Craig Weltig. AndyCh:1pman, Lance Haman, Bill Foley. Mark Doan, Corey Schroder, Jeff Densmore. Joe Benson, John Franks. Erik Martel, J uslin Lien, George Bultmann, Brandon Reneau, Paul Otto, Greg Kumt, Erik Oberhaus, Josh Berens, Dave Pobs1. John Bachert, David Repp.


Srudcnr Life


~ I e (]13"1 Student L 路r.

• •

Sigma Phi Epsilon

Fim Row: Mark Gardner, Victor Bumc, Brian Giesler, Ma11hew Gaw, Brad Williams, Travis Althoff, James Dent, Matt Schottcl, Cooper Snyder, Chad Cornwell and Toby Kemper. Second Row: Jesse Blair. Kevin Garnw, Greg Haye1, Andy Rothwei l, Steve Dumonier, Travis Crain, Bill Richard~on, Adam Clark, August Altcnbaumer and Adam McA ll ister. Th ird Row: William Lyle Simonton, John Recar, Dale Picolct. Ru1sdl ~p~tcin, Michael Schlueter, Brian Krzem inski, Eric Wooden, James Eckrich, Sterling Wainscott, Chris Mem. Chris Diebold, Randy Lierz, Ty Sander, Rick Goldammer, Mike Pcssina and Jared Voclkcrding. Fourth Row: Patrick Smith, Jason Eckert, Scon Moeller, Don Richards, JefTNeemann, Jon Ludlow and Bryan Tilley. Not pictured: Ben Wei ler. Eric Springs, Brian Casscrilla, John Caner, Jason Mycr1, Mat Twiehaus, Sreve Conway, Ralph Meyer, Robin Winslett, Todd Althoff, Marc McManus, Greg Hermann, Soon Steiger, Vance Buauc, John Sclicbc, Danny Simpson, M ichacl Grass. William Halliburron. Eric Keller, Bryan Long, Neal Chapman, Scou Fallen, Steve Bcaujc !I, Ted Hoog, Bren Williams, Michael McEnery. 'con Perry. Jack Don~. Richard Ford, Brian Billingsley.

The 1995-1996 school year was a good one for the men of the Missouri Gamma chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon. The year sraned strong when we were awarded the Buchanan Cup at our National Conclave in Orlando, FL during Augusr. The Buchanan Cup is the highest award rhar a Sigma Phi Epsilon can receive for overall excellence. Less than ten percent of nearly 300 chapters across the country received this honor. After finishing first overall in intramuraJs during 1994-1995, we were looking ro repeat in 1995-1996 with victories and strong finishes in all of the


Srudenr Life

events. Sig Ep was also strong in the classroom this year with a chaprer G PA of 2. 96 in the fall which was second among fraternities and above rhe all greek, all campus and all men's CPA's. Sig Ep also finished strong in Greek Week, Homecoming and Sr. Par's. Our Greek Week Queen candidate, Kasie Keeling, was crowned queen. Homecoming was a big success with a strong showing of alumni joining us for the Homecoming festivities. Five Sig Eps played in rhe homecoming game includingseniorcaprain Bryan Tilley. Our Sr. Par's cudgel finished second this year based on rhe theme "200 1: A Sr. Par's Odyssey."

Sig Eppanicipated in rhccudgd carryingconresr during St. Pat's.

Jack Donze kicks at Toby Kemper during Wrestle Mania.

Mark McM.tnm rcprc~clll; hi;. house at Greek Sing. Th..: men ofSigrn.t Phi Ep~i lon hosted a dinner rhe nighr before 1 heir fornul.

Ph<><ognph >ubmontd b)· \o(l.m• flho Fpsolon

Srudenr Life


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Sigma Pi


First Row: Dave Capelle, Chad Ireland, Chris Rahn, Sreve Hicks, Alex Huber, Schrameycr, John Stewan, Chris Brannan, Jeff Mockaitis, Steve Squibb and Mark Zerr. Second Row: Andy Carr, Mike Vishy, Chris Capelle, Kurt Steinmann, Bob Kossina, Bill Malone, Josh Williamson, Zach Sadecki, jason Dohrmann. Mark Burton and Dustin Pogue. Third Row: Rob Lundberg. Bryson Burron, Cary Smith, Randy Canis, Rich Steurer. Sam Abernathy. Adam Dorrell, Ryan Elder, Ramon Miranorcs, Chris Pundmann, Sam Wood, Craig Wakeman, Ben Waggoner, Robbie Doupc, Matt Barrows, Mark Haustcin. John Brocke and Eric Meyer.

This year has been a busy one for the men of Sigma Pi. We have placed second in Homecoming and in Sr. Pars. Another area we have been busy in is philanchropy. This year alone we have parricipated in a crop walk, had an MS


Studenr Life

drive in Sc. Louis and participated in, individually or as a house, many service projects through various organizations. Ir should also be noted that members of our house currently are officers of many organizations sponsored by campus.

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Tau Kappa Epsilon

Firsr Row: As ran Schnelle, Brian Polis, Jim Craig, 13illl31umm, Eric Nielsen, T im Howerton, JefTPusczek, Greg McFarland and John Robem. Second Row: Brian Gosnell, Kerry Knott. Ryan Fuhr and Jason Mueller. Third Row: Greg Morrow.Jon Derers. Tom Dunham. Andy Pouhasr. Mike Farwig. Bill W.tcker. Mike Vince111. Man Johnsen. Sreve Becher, Mike Mueller, B.trt Srocs<d. I arrr Lapinski, Ken Martinez and Scan Perers. Forll!h Row: Mark Lewandoski, Kevin Brendel, David I licks, Chad Elder, Ryan Prueu, Ryan Daffron, Jim Chapman, Jason Wengler, Man Stcrgos. Tad Dinkins, Todd Owens and Adam Loddeke.

Student Life


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Theta Xi ofTheta Xi put the final touches on . St · Pat's float. IhClr

L-rs iMemuc

Phncognph \uhnuuN hr thw x;

The float is lo.tded up a ndsccuredd0 wnonthe day of the par,ldc.



Some Theta Xi 's get in position to cheer on their volleyball team.



Theta Xi also participated in the H omecoming Yard Decoration competition.

by I hcu X1

A few Theta Xi"s l11cr.11ly hang around.

f mbnun<d bv Th<IA Xi

Srudenr Life


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Zeta TauAlpha

l'hotogroph >ubmutcd by Ztta hu Alpha

Fim Row: Marisa McGregor, Lis Maguire, Cassandra Srahl, Jennifer Shay, Alisa Mandachir, Leigh Grundy, Kelly Fuge, Melissa McGuire, Kelly Morris and Anne Heltibrand. Second Row: Tara Algreen, Amie Wood, )en Campbdl, Brooke Beville, Nancy Kodpin, Phanna Ly, Lori Nichols, Janice Wingrove, Donna Smirh,Jessica Duval, Kim VanHorn, Kali Snelling, Rachel Ragland, Teresa Tamburello and Mozow Yusof. Third Row: Kristen Ringkor, Pam Scarborough, Ellen Holrnaus, Chrissy Kuenzel, Stacey Cranmer, !leather Thompson, Angie Anderson, Kim Srewarr, Bridger Hamman, Theresa Burkhart, Valerie Green, Amy Hanneken. Amanda Mills, Deanna Haupdi and Amy Bremer. Fourth Row: Cassie Alsop, Francie Hilding. Tracey Davis, Jessica Sanson and Anica Winkle. Fifth Row: Emily Cordon, Hcarher Pohl, Dawn McCoy, Tara Jennings, Kim Me Ward, Marla Fisher, Doris Flock, Shannon Knudson and Tara Kruep. Sixth Row: Nicole Winrers, Christi Rives, Leslie Frosr, Chris Zimmer, Kare Genken. Deena Chapman, Dawn Sharp. Candy McNeill, Chrisry Land, Rayna Koopmann, Kelly Peck, Amy Yaiser, Sracy Walker, Jeanne Barkley. Rachel Daugherty and Shanon Aymond. Nor Pictured: Jeanne Barkley, Susan Cho, Lisa Madison, Mary Rohrbacker, Stacy Walker and Mary Ewig.

The ladies of rhe Era Theta Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha had an excellent and busy rwo semesters this year. Coming back from National Convention with the Crown Chapter Award and the addition of eleven cool new members from formal rush sraned the fall semester off great for Zeta Tau Alpha. In rhe past rwo semesters, we have participated in multiple service projects, including highway clean up and social acriviries. Our participation in rhe blood drive and collection of canned goods helped us rake firsr in rhe women's overall competition for Greek Week for the tenrh rime in the last eleven years. In October, we held our annual volleyball rournamenr hosted by Sigma Nu and


Srudenr Life

Sigma Pi, with our proceeds going ro the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, our national philanthropy. We are also very proud rhat we attained a substantially higher G PA than we have had in previous years, with the help of our awesome new initiates. We are very proud of one of our distinguished members, Kristen Ringkor, for all her hard work and dedication on the SL Par's Committee. Kristen was elected Herald on the Sr. Pat's Court. She is rhe first female ever ro hold a _ position on this courr for rhe past 88 years. Overall, the 1995-1996 year was very successful and we look forward roan even more promising 1996-1997 year.

Some of the fall semester ZTA pledges show off their pyramid build ing skills.

Every year the /.TA's get inro the Hdllowcen spirit by carving pumpkins.

l'hf)togr;aph ~ubnutctd br l.tu t .w Alph.a

l1hotogr.aph subm111cd by leu l'.tu Alphl

One of Zeta Tau Alph a's philanthropy projects was making the campus aware of breast 'anccr.


submmcd hy Zcu r .IU AlphA

Student Life




~ SrudenrLife

• •

Pick a Roommate lr isn't always easy ro get che "perfect" roommate. Sometimes we are stuck with people who have weird habits or arc just nor the type ofpersonwewan trolivewith. Not everyone is compalible, which makes it rough especially during your freshman year in college ro get along with someone who has a cockroach collection or biases their music rwenry four hours a day. The Aip side of that, though, is char occasionally people are paired up wirhsomeonewh o is just like them. Or, in the case of a fraternity or sorority. the pledge or new initiate rooms with an older person who can pass on knowledgeable advice and experience. Now, notevetyone can get along all the time, but ir

would definitely make the college complained of her roommate experience a lot easier as well as more coming back late one night with a fun if we could find people to room friend, jumping on the bed, and with who had rhe same interests, tastes putting roothpasre on her. She in music, sleeping schedules, ere. After changed rooms very soon after. one's freshman year in college. picking Another person complained of his a roommate gets significantly easier roommate being so clean rhar he because rhe srudem has made a circle dusted every day and sprayed the offriendswirh similar ideals, interests, phone with disinfectant after every and habirs. However, going to a school rime someone used ir. Another big and not knowing anyone can place the topic ofcontroversy is the television. new students in uncomfortable Some people love ro study wirh it on, some like ro sleep with it on, positions. There is one resident ofNineSouth and orhers just find it a huge in the Thomas Jefferson Residence distraction. The situation is a little different Hall, Paula Sue Nash, who has switched roommates, rooms, Aoors, in ftarernities, where freshmen live and even rowers several rimes ro find with young active members. The the best possible room and roommate idea is for the older students ro give combination. Another student support and guidance to rhe

Members of Sigma Phi l: p;ilon got together to w.nch the superhowl.

PhocOj;r>ph submmcd b) ScJIIU Phc Epsilon

pledges. Depending on the behavior and arcitudeoftheact ive member, chis situation can be helpful or even more stressful for the freshman. Sometimes it can be very difficult to get along with someone you are living with. The only way co resolve problems is to be able ro communicate and ler others know how you feel about something. There was one pair of roommates who even agreed on designated sleeping schedules and rimes to use the phone. This may seem drastic, but it might actually work if nothing else will. College is about having fun and getting an education, not always fighting with your roommate. Speak your mind, bur remember to be considerate ar the same rime.

Quad resident; got into the Chri;tmds spirit,,

lin lc early.

Srudenr Life




@Student Life

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Thomas Jefferson

3 North North

l'hotogr>ph by Nichol< Slo>n

First Row: Zachary Kalter. Second Row: Mitch Wagers, Ben Galmiche, Sean Kautzman, Charles Rudkin. Back Row: Eric Keebler, John Biesen, Rob Viehland, Josh Dalton , Brian Groff, Scon Schumacher, James Steinke, John Morgan, Adam Cunningham, "Ted", Bobby Barton.

Srudem Life


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5 North North

l l'ho<og,.ph >ubmined by 5NN

l'ho«.groph suhmined by 5NN


Studenr Life

Becky Bown, Vanessa Goodwin, Katie Cooper, Becky Sheidt and Genevieve Dubois perform in Club Cafe.

• •

Thomas Jefferson


('hoooguph •uhmiucd by 6NW

First Row: Mark Allen, Dan Fields. Craig Phil lips. Jason Schoeneberg (R.A.), Dave Flowers. To C hcun, Greg Presti (Governor). Seco nd Row: Justin Miller,JcffBurnw. Chris Olsen, John Schroeder, Rob McDonald, Eric Grelle, Devin Hess, Tom Wilson. Back Row: Steve Shiffman, James White, Andrew Van Brunt. Ray Bolte, Josh Sales, Brcu Adams, Justin Ryan (Lt. Governor). ShJne Landry. Mike Fondaw, Kris Hammond, Jared Huckabee, Taylor Lewick, Josh Fletcher, Brandon Chapman, Brad Swink, Shawn HJn ff.

Srudenr Life


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Make It Better There have been quite a few changes in the Thomas Jefferson residence hall of UMR since the 1994-95 school year. Cable and erhemer were added to three floors of the south rower of the dorms, which people are definitely enjoying. The rest of the residents are still waiting for it, however. The male and female floors of the south rower have also been switched around slightly. T he female floors this year in the south tower were two, nine, and eleven. The fifth floor of the north rower was still the female floor on that side. Another change has taken place within the meal plans. This year,

residential life added another option called Carre Blanche. This plan offers the studentS "fast food" at the grill after the cafeteria has closed simply by presenting an i.d. card. Many students seem very satisfied with this plan since they are able to eat whatever they want whenever the grill is open without having to "pay" for it. Another benefit ofhaving the grill is that it provided an area for students to study or watch TV in a large, open space. Anothereventhas been the painting of murals on different floors. The ninth floor has been very active in this. They have painred murals of Cinderella, Beaury and the Beast, the


Ann Papke catches up on her studying in her room on I I South.

Scudenr Life

Animaniacs, Precious Moments, and various other creative works of art. Once again, movie nights seemed to be the big thing this year. The ninth floor was known for their Thursday night movie nights which nor only attracted residentS of that floor, bur studentS from all over. The sixth floor of the south tower was famous for rheir six movies for six nights for six bucks deal from Forum Videos. Just think, what could be more fun than a TV lounge packed full of the crazy guys on that floor? Air Force ROTC has also been known to hold movie nights down in the south lounge. The size of the south lounge compared to

rhe TV lounges on the individual floors encouraged more people ro attend and to also bring along a pillow or two. Overall, ir seemed as if the residentS of Thomas Jefferson residence hall were participating in events that brought rhem together in various ways. Many floors are dinner together and held different events for the residents to participate in. A number of floors had sister or brother floors. The brother/sister floor program has been involved in exchanging inexpensive giftS such as flowers or candy and also holding dances and other aCtivities to bring people of the residence halls together.

Two residenu of 5 North North. Erica Bobo and Khara Brock are caught taki ng a brea.k.

Smdemscould play pool :neither the Un iversity Center East or Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall.

Photograph by Ph:mna Ly

Aerobics classes were held regularly ar rhe Multipurpose building for any srudenr who wanred ÂŁO attend.

Photograph by Ph:anna l.y

Kelly Fleetwood performed for the aud ience in the breakdance compet ition ar the Big 80's Dance.

l'howgraph by Nikki Wa,hburn

As usual, STUCO held bl ood drives several

l'ho10graph by ohc Rollamo

rimes throughout rhe year.

Student Life


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Thomas Jefferson

5 South

l'hooograph •obmined by 5S.

Fim Row: Jason Fricrdich, Doug Hafley, Tony Hafner, Cus Ray, Kenan Fears, Kevin Kroeger, Man Lazier. Second Row: JefTHabcrl, Keith Cooker, Patrick Painter, Mike Miskovic, Ryan Redshaw, Rob Young, Shawn Walker. Back Row: Barry Litclllleld, Mike Hunter, William Froning, )ciT Fischer, Travis Burke, Jeff Massman, Cameron Firzanko.


Swdenr Life

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TJ 9 South

Photo by TJ 9 South

First Row: Chrisry Hargrove, Li7, Dixon , Christine Miller, Crystal Leroy and Alisa Duncan. Second Row: Natal ie D ixon, Abbie Meador, Mandy Cowell and C hriscy Collins. Third Row: Melinda Lambeth, Beth Kuenz and Sarah Hummel. Fourth Row: Jamiee Whitehouse. Jennifer Wengler. Kammy Barrz, Stacy Fesperman, C hri s Warrington. Jennifer Duff. Michelle Meyer and Stephanie Scbacher.

Student Life


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ThomasJefferson 11 South

l' submmnl by 115

First Row: Priscilla ~chulu:, Julie Bell, Erika Middleton, Shannon Miller, Laura Sutherland and Melinda Collins. Second Row: Candice Yoder, Crystal Morrison. Cmandra Stahl. Rosemary Harris. Stephanie Birkcnmcicr and Sarah Summer~. Third Row: Jamie Sokolis. Chcrissa Wicker. Maltika Panerson, Mandy Wcdenz, Ann Papke, Marid Triggs and Nichole Sloan


Srudenr Life

Ann Papke, Laura Sutherlan d and Anne Heltibrand discuss rh e da)''s even ts.

Phoroguph ,ubcnint.-d by I I S

Jenn)' Parron and Sarajane Kroupa aerobicize in the eleven sourh TV lounge.

Photognph submitted b) I IS

Ann Papke. Anne 1-lcltibrand. Maricl Triggs. Malcika Patterson. Jamie Sokolis. and Erika Middleton strut their stuff and show Ooor spirit at TJ HA 's annual Club Cafe.

Scudenr Life


• •

Kelly House B

r't!Otogr.. pll

"'ubmuccd by Krlly llou~c


Pictured: Charles Lorwn, Mike Bcnagc. Eric C3rlcton, Dave Hahn. Jason Kwiatkowski, Alva Wood. Logan. llans Bolsrad. Man Place, Bill Hahn, Craig Buehler, Mike Ziegler. Ben Mycr, Jeremy Maddox, Bryan Strawbridge. Jeremy L3ne. Tom Knaust. Mike Stevinson, Andy Burge, Ryan Shawgo, Jason Stevens, JeiTZ.Dcnek, Patrick Shaw.


Srudent Life

Kelly HouseD

Firsr Row: Jon Hey. Second Row: Scott Pope. Curtis Miller, Ziyad Alic. Tim Johns. Third Row: Josh Welge, Tim Miller, Man Roberrs, Philip Saunders. Zach York, Todd Lippincott. Jess Cooper, Bryan Sokol. Fourth Row: David Tag, Hans Thullcsen, M ike Madden, Ray loggers!. Dan Erickson, Steve Sruckmeyer. Mike Ci.lyburn. Tim Biedcnsrcin. Back Row: Jack Dorsey. Man Oswald.

Srudenr Life


McAnerney House 2

lllwt~r"'ph ~ubmiuC'd

b)' Mc;Annn~y Hou5c 2

First Row: Pete Bachlc, J ulio Garcia. Second Row: Choc Luong, Mark Somrnerhauser, Joe ll a Hubbard, Anne Cannady, Missy McLean, Diane Mocllcnhoff, V icky Presser. Third Row: Kevin Spind ler, Ken Scnnen. Sam Byrd, Carl Jame~: Back Row: Carl Bcrkelman, Dempsey Rollins, Mike Marstall. Kris Porubec. John Henning, Rob Wright, Dorian Deligeorges, Brian Sharp, Chris Newman, Francis Ginther. Robin Paarlbcrg, David Britton, Erin Von Didingen.

~Studen t Life

• •

Farrar House 3

First Row: Bri:1n Mensch, l).J . Carlile, Nikki Wiley, Andy Fiehler, Julie Bongiovann i. Second Row: Susie Rishell, Ryan Polka. Sam Groves. Joel Asun skis. Kerry Risser. Lancresha Salmon. Back Row: Ahmad Latifzai, Ben McCabe, Man Parmeter, Todd Flauaus, Micha el Hernk c, Jeff Sirois, Jaso n Ro use. Narhan H iggerso n. Laura Tomaja.

s Student Life


• • •

Farrar House 4

Photognph by lh•id Rcpp

Firsc Row: Laura Anderson, Cari Bryanr. Second Row: Chri s Keifer. Steve Larson, Mark Kcnniston, Laura Butler. Kate Wintjcn , Julie Nowakowski, Elaina Evans, Tonica lgl eha rr. Third Row: Tony Sirignano. Stephan Magenta, Kris Schumacher, Ryan Uptmor, Melanie Claxton, Bugra Cankaya, Rhiannon Thalacker. Back Row: Derek Hoven, John Mikrut, Ethan Hayden, Jason Sherman, Man Ryan, Joe EdingtOn, Adam Madlinger. Not Pictured: Larry Parker, Kelly Fleetwood, Andrew Dial, T ed Ingalls. Brian li es, Gina Blake, Amy LesicwiC7. Allison Vriez.e. Missy Ortman, Andrea Duncan, Misry Tidwell, Chia Yin Ko. David Akers, Greg Kennedy. Miguel Teran. Eric Jelinek, Ez Kad1oglu. Andy Petri, Jared Strasburg, Brandon Monnig. Chris Davis, Matt Salven, Kevin Waldron, Steve McColl, Dan Dofter.


Srudenr Life

• •

Altman House 5

This year has been a fun and productive year for House 5. We have had a spaghetti dinner, made house t-shirts, decorated rhe third floor walls and participated in the toy drive, canned food drive and rhe quad bowl. House 5 plans to end the year wirh even more fun and excitement.

Photograph submin<d by Alm»n Hou>< $

Student Life


• •

Holtman Hall

Photuguph submiucd by lluhm;tn llall

First Row: Bi ll Gray, Mi ke ll olm, T im Lamb, Sherrie Edwards, Marisela Guillen. Eric Schneider, Man Houser, Angie U rbane, Jason Merryman, Larry Riehl. ccond Row: Kathy Reynold~. Jim Kocher, David Dajc. Bill Heard. Chuck Grimes. Mark Lambros, Ed Sieveking, Mary Grimm, Aya Arakawa. Third Row: Gi lbert Hamling, Ryan Burnen, Alexander Minkin, Phil Steinmett, Joe: S1rong.John O'Connell. Rick Schricwer, DougSolxry. Back Row: Rick Gilliland, Brian Oligschlaeger, Fernando Siso,Jeremy Russell, Pc1e Zimmerman, Aaron Penn. Granr Arnold, Steve Birkholz., Tim Limmer.


Smdem Life



Quadrangle ResidentAssistants


by Pam Scarborough

Student Life



Srudenr Life

rid~ 4aid.

Thomas Jefferson Hall Association

l'hoco&"l'h by D•v;d Repp

First Row: Ben Mulvaney, Karl Schm itt, Melissa Lane. Eric Link, Jeff Burnett. Christy Hargrove , Anne Croston. Second Row: Kelli Marshall. Jennifer Wengler, Soni Wagers, Bridgeue Ganley, Kristie Lund, Jennifer Sigman, Liz Dixon, Elisa Armstrong. Third Row: Joe Kwch, Gus Ray, Patrick Painter. Kenton Williston, David Bodnar, Gen DuBois, Terrance McCloud, Mike Chupka, Chad Lueders, Beth KuenL, Cameron Fitzanko. Fourth Row: Alan Levy, Gceg Presti. Derek Hillstrom. Elliot Pennington, Andy Adrian, JR Grohs, Mike Guadagno, Christopher Robbins, David Glaus, Tim Shepardson, Ivan Hirons, Brian Siedlitz, Ke,•in Birschbach, Jon Pons. Jennifer Duff. Fifth Row: Pete Collins. Stephanie Birkenmeier, Katie Schoenberg, Jamie Sokolis, John Stickley. Mike Raska, Jamie Whitehouse, John Sieffert, Mike Hunter. Tim Baldwin. Brian Little, Robert Moore. Craig Phillips. Back Row: Vanessa Goodwin. Jason Schoeneberg, Ryan Ehrhardt, Scan Kaunman, Zak Caller. Chris Maloney. Jason Williams, Gerrit Lecftink.

Student Life


//lUI ~ 44id . . .

Quadrangle Hall Association

J>howgraph submiu<d by QHA


Srudenr Life

rid~ 44id.

Residence Hall Association . --=--- ,____ -






.._ l'hocoguph •ubmiucd by RliA

First Row: Naralie Dixon, Rich Piepho. Second Row: Ben Mu lvaney. D.J. Carlile, Tiffany Swo,•eland, Sam Byrd, Joclla Hubbard, Jennifer Wengler, 13ridgcne Ganley, Anne Crosron. Third Row: Dempsey Rollins, ian Koenig, Ryan Ehrhardt. Anne Cannady. Jennifer Delancey. Nikki Washburn, Parri ck Painrer. Fourth Row: Bill Hahn, Chris DeBons, Tim Christman, Heather Deutcher, Jeff Burnell, Chrisry Hargrove. Liz Dixon, Amanda Holman. Ryan Benefield. Travis Raines, Kevin Solofra, Chris Ray, Tony Wagner, Melissa Lane. Fifth Row: Tim Miller, Steve Larson, Mike Raska , Troy Caban. Eric "Girnp" Link, Gerrit Leeftink. Mike Chupka, Ivan Hirons, Karl Schmiu. Not Picrured: Erin Kenney, Mike Guadagno, Jon Hey, Eric Pape, Beth Kuenz, JR Grohs, Diane Moellenhoff.

The Residence H all ~ociation has been very busy this year! From Fall Fest, rwo weeks of activities and programs to make new students feel at home, 10 our annual Boar Cruise ro SnowBal l, our winter semiformal dance, first semester was a blast! We were also recognized by the Midwest Associ arion of College and University Residence Halls (MACU RH) as the School of the Year for 1995. MACURH is made up ofabout 50 schools from 7 stares, so it was a great honor. Second semester we have been refocusing on resident needs with the advent ofResidence H all Issues Forums at rhe beginning of our meetings. During this rime we are trying 10 help alleviate any problems people might have in the halls such as food, water pressure and any other general complaints. We also will have our annual Volleyball Marathon to benefit the American Red Cross in conjunction with Beach Blast, which will include a dunking boorh with some of your favorite celeb's from campus. You can always contact your resident assistanr or nearest hall government member for information if you have any questions or want more information!!

Student Life


• •

Panhellenic Council

l'ho1ograph by J)•vid Repp

First Row: Julie Gannon, Jenny Schwager, Lori Nichols, Valerie Phillips, Jessica Thomas. Second Row: Amanda McBane, Dawn McCoy, )en Carlson, Cassie Alsop, Rachel Daughcny. Karlynn H erman. Back Row: Shannon Neimeyer, Stacey Cranmer, Tara Jennings, Dee Sche man, Jennifer Hcllmucller, Kasic Keeling, Stacy McNeil


Studenr Life

• •

Interfraternity Council Members of the I FC set up the stage for greek sing, which was held on April 13th.

J>horogr>ph by Kali Snelling

Rowdy Yates, an I FC baby rep.• helps barbecue during greek weekend.

The I FC and Panhellenic Council spent many hours preparing the fields for greek week.

J>horoguph by Kalo Sntlling

Photograph by Kah Sndlong

Student Life


As ifit wasn 'ecoid enough chiswinrer, members of the Honors Association went icc skating to get even closer wi rh the ice.

These students took a litrle rime out from their studying co arrend rhe 1995 Medieva l Fesrival.

l'ho<og,.ph by N;kk; Washburn

Photogr-aph by Nikkj \X1ashburn

Many of the greek houses formed teams co panicipare in t he games ar greek weekend.


Student Life Photogr.~ph by

Kot; Snelling

• •

Get Me

Out of Here! Every once in a while, when the pressures of Rolla began ro build up, students decided it was time for a change of scenery. Road trips were a popular way to relieve the stress of other and projects, rests, responsibilities. They were also a great source for stories. Some of the mosr popular locations were Lake of the Ozarks (outlet shopping), Columbia (the larger college experience) and St. Louis {everything else). After driving back from their cross country meet against Oklahoma State University, Ben Mulvaney, Josh Sales, and Dan Saylor decided to go to St. Louis for dinner. The trip there was relatively uneventful, bur on the way

Residents ofThomas jdTerson Residence Hall dressed up and gave out candy to kids at Halloween.

back, there was an accidem on I-44. After waiting for an hour, they finally decided to cross the median. This would be nothing unusual, except Ben drives a lirtle Ford Probe. He said, "My car is only 2 inches off the ground!" Danielle Miller rold abour the time theywenrto the LakeoftheOzarks for DaveGraham'sbirthday. Davewanred to eat at a certain restaurant in the Ozarks for his special day. Of course. this day happened to be one of lasr winter's many snowstorms, and nearly everything was closed. While driving around looking for somewhere ro eat, a deer ran out in front of the car. Dave announced, "There's dinner!"

Photograph by Kari WojtkoWJki

MarisaMcGregorwaskindcnough to give Patrick Painter and Gus Ray a ride to Oklahoma one weekend. Marisa Felt sick, so Gus took over the wheel. After dropping Patrick off in Tulsa, Gus noticed that they were getting low on gas. He mentioned it to Marisa, bur they had made the trip on one rank before. so they decided ro keep going. As they started up a hill, Gus pushed on the gas a little harder, bur nothing happened. "The car wouldn't accelerate," he remembered. He pulled over, got our, and stood in the headlights, trying to flag down help. lr wasn't working, so he called "Marisa, we need a girl out here!" As soon as Marisa stepped out to help, a

It seems that those quadrangle residenrs could never get enough voll eyball. This time they were competing in the Q H A Winter Classic.

man pulled over. They used his phone to call the highway patrol. Then another man pulled up. He was driving a truck full of donated blood. While Marisa was in the car turning off the headlights he told Gus that he was an electrical engineer who worked at a waste disposal energy plant where they burned anything, including hospital waste. Marisa walked up just in time to bear him say, "we burn everything but body parts." Finally, the patrolman showed up and took them to the gas station to get gas so they could continue the trip. More happened, but you'll have to ask one of the three travelers. Maybe road trips did not prove to be as relaxing as one might think. ..

l'hotogr.oph by Nokko Wa~hbum

Smdenr Life ®

Wendell Ogrosky Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs on the future of UMR: The future ofUMR is very bright and one of the reasons the future looks good is because UMR has such good students. Our students do well academically and are beginning to understand the need to do well in other areas of their lives. They are looking for experiences that broaden leadership characteristics, develop communication skills, and lead them to an understanding of how international events impact their lives. Our students have the opportunity to experience a variety of activities that will brighten their futures and, in turn, the future of UMR.

All For Love


Fronl Row: Susan Book, Eric D. Banks, Jennifer Marshall, and Todd Fries. Back Row: John Johnson. ]ciT Fischer, Amanda Holman, and Melissa Lane.



uk•n by Karo Woickowski

Aikido Club

Phowgraph submtued hy AikuJo ( 'lub

From Row: Dennis Cox, Joe Lavelle, George Btavins, and Yikang-A n. Back Row: Nathan Ellebrachr, T iffany Helle, William Pcpmiller, 'Doc' Edwards, T homas Ward, and Jason Musgrave. Nor Pictured: Alex Koenig, Terry Chevalier. Chris Marlow, John Powers. John Crick. Ali Alpfcr Tonga. Omar Mcrwal li, and Abu Bakar Khairul Nizam.



Z'ut epue 4ee #He («,•• •

American Ceramic Society

Ph01ognph by Phann> ly

Fim Row: Dr. Wayne Huebner, Kelly Schmid. Becky Scheidt. Ddn Kammlcr, Chad &sary, Josh lloward, Joe Szabo, Ed Birdsell, Z.1ch Byars, Aj Mercer, Josh Wojcik, Ben Eldred. Second Row: Matt Hall, f>aul Comhs. Steve Kclrner, Scon Williarm, Gary Ross, James Hemrick, Kathleen Smirh.Jason Peters. Man Crook. Third Row: Billy Sexron,Jen Remley, Stephanie Burkenmeir, Andrew Rorhweil, Jason ~mith, Eric Carleton. Ryan Shawgo. I aura Cwinnup. Erik Ektermanis. Man Willer.


O rganizations

Z'ut fPJ" 4ee me m...

American Institute ofAeronautics and Astronautics

PhowgrJph suhmiocd b'路 AIAA

First Row: Dr. Nelson, Torn Scou, Sean Da ly, Karen Baker. Rich Pardun, Mike Hudson. Seco nd Row: John Sum ler, Ken Ser\echal. Josh Jarvis. Brandon H aroldson. Dan Trocsscr. Th ird Row: Bill D olcjsi. Man Romnund, Robert Wright, JR Grohs, D erek 1-!illsrrom, Brenda Wieseler, Mike Baysi nger. Srcvc Witherspoon. C hris Gerringer, Eivind Lisrerud.

O rganizations


Alpha Phi Omega

J>ho<ogr>ph by David Rcpp

Members: Brian Ten holder. Steve Kadyk, Eric Breitenbach, Chris Bix, Daphne Proffitt. Barr Scocssd, Steve Lamitola. Oen Rudy, Ryan Purganes, Jeremy Murrish, Jim Dictt.el, Alex Huber, Andy Heap, Derek Shea, Jim Vanacker, M ike Pessin a, Ryan Lasey, Dan Sauer.



Z'ut tpJU 4ee ~ Ut-•••

American Society of Civil Engineers

From Row: Chris Witficld, Jeni Binder, Jeffrey Schroer, John Bueckman. Jarrod Paul. Missy Schahubcr, .111d Mike Fit7hcnry. Second Row: Brian Long. Yvonne Franklin, Aaron Mct7gcr. M.m Eiler, Jolyn Leslie, Mary Grace Cleaver. Chris Zimmer. Susan Harrison, and Paul Prichard. Third Row: Mike Spalding. Bob Hem brock, Tim Saxe. John Smith Ill, Momy Conner. P.n \muh. Joe Dickerson, Amy Tomasccwski, Jerry Vogt. and Allison Lawrence. Fourth Row: Scott Leach, Anne Cole, John F.llk. Jason Blomberg. Todd Dcjournen, Allen Muehlher, Dawn l-Im. t\brk ll.m. Joe Janson, James Harrington. Chm Linneman. Fifth Row: Jeff Kinney, Jon Barranco, Dr. LaBoube. Jerome Riemann. Cr~•g Uphoff. Scan Counois. Steve Miller. Rob Krewson. t\brun lw~oln. Linda Kliewer. Tracy Davenport, Catherine Vornbcrg, Scon Repke, and Larry Ragsdale. Sixth Row: Karl Schoctukc, KcuhJucdemann, Robert Schiffer. Jeff Soyster. Colin l\lallon. J•m Rigg~. ( .ary Hines, Charlie Paucrson. James Bras~cl. and Dr. Tcrkonda. Sevemh Row: Martin Gugel. MichJcl Albcr~wcnh. Marc Sokol. Ra1esh Krishnamoonhy. Amlan Sengupta. Samccr Dc~hmukh . Eric Duden, Dr. Lcmz. Dr. Pemry.Dr. Bcl.ubi. Ethan Bryam, Eric Kirchner. and S~eveJackson. Eighth Row: Scou Seager, Marisda Guillen and Mandy !-lise. 1imh Row· Dave Lilly. Craig D.thlgren, and Jeff Edmonds.


Arnold Air Society

Pho<ogr>pb by Repp

Front: JdTZdcnck, Cathy Vornbcrg, and Jeremy Lane. Back: David Canady, Chris Autrey, Patrick M~ddox, Tim Gasmire. Bill Dergc, Bill Quashnock, Gina O'Brien, and Josh Markell. Nor Pictured: Kev1n Gastkc and Thomas Knausr.



z>ut tpNe 4ee lite ""· ••

Associatio n ofGeneral Contractors

l'hocov•ph hy o•••d



First Row: Todd Dejournen, Steve Jackson, Eric Duden, Roben Daugherty. Melissa Schahuber, Susan Harrison. and James Bra~cl. Second Row: Marc Sokol. Larry Rag\lhlc, Jill Logan. Bob Hernbrock, John Kindaid, Leonard Hopkins. Winchester Falbe. Deborah Black, and M ancn Lincoln. Third Row: Scott Saeger. Tcm Saxe, Man hew Eiler, Aaron Mct7gcr. James llarring10n, Robby Krewson, Allen Muchlhcr, and Neil Brady. Founh Row: james Riggs, Jeff Schroer, Jcnifcr Binder, Sean Courroi~. Eric Kirchner, Ethan Bryam, and David T,tg.



Academic Enhancement !Centers

Students cam~ to the AECs to srudy and to get away from disrracrions such as the TV, the phone, or maybe even their roommate.

A couple years ago there was a new service for UMR srudents- Academic Enhancement Centers (AECs). Since then the centers have grown in resources and popularity. There are currently rwo AECs, one in the lower level of Thomas Jefferson and the other in rhe lower level of Altman. Although both centers are located in the Residence Halls, rheir use is not limited to srudenrs that live in the dorms. According to pamphlets, the AECswere set up where any UMR srudenrs can "assess rheir study skills and strengthen component skill areas in a variety of methods." Basically, the centers were set up w help UMR students do better in their classes. One of the most important ways that the AECs do this is by ftles. The AECs have complete file systems. The assistants can look up whatever you need on the computer, which can tell you exactly what theAECs have in the particular class you need help in. Quickly, you can find old quizzes, tests, and labs. Besides ftles, the Academic Enhancement Centers also provide EIT and GRE review material. Also, if a student needs tucoring, the student assistantS in the AECs may be able to help. Or if a scudenr is just looking for a place to study, the Academic Enhancement Centers offer a quiet place to study individually as well as group study rooms. Each semester the AEC also provides programs on academically related material such as "How to Study Physics" or ''How co Manage Your Stress and Relax". If you are looking for a way to improve your grades, maybe the Academic Enhancement Center is a place to look . The AECs could help you get through UMR intact.

Photograph by •he Rollamo

Photogr11ph by the Roll•mo

T he A EC gives srudems access to files, d iccionarics. thesauruses, a copy machine and orher academically related materials.



There was always someone in the AEC to help srudcnrs find the resources rhey needed.

Photogroph by the Rollamo

Z'ut tpJU 4ee Hie (H,•••

Baptist Student Union

t>hocog.r:tph h)



Fronr Row: James Cai n, Laura Tomaja. Shelly Vickers. Erwin Wardojo. Ryan Long. C urtis Miller. and Amanda Garrison. Second Row: Josh Gary. Chris Olsen. Aaron McDonald. Scon Volner, and Daniel Ragland. Third Row: David Lilly, Carl Sath er. William Bain, Rich Lee, Namlie Ross, Bryon Garrison, and Co nnie Garrison. Fourth Row: Ryan Feeler. Kate Wilkerson. Jonathan Richards, Joe C hambers. and Greg Bundy. Fifth Row: And)' Dare. R)'an Franz. Jon Helm. Ray Henke. Brandon Keith. Jess Cooper. Brad Smull. Michael Madden. Adam Peterson. Andy Tate. Chris Go ldsmith. Hans Thullcsen, Dan Cady, Eric Crawford, and Miya Barr.

The Baptist Student Un ion (BSU) is an organization of Christian students primarily of the Baprist denomination. However, anyone. no marrer what religious preference, is welcome ro join. Weekly activities include bible srudy, choir, prayer lunches, intramural athletics, and worship service. Periodically, additional activities such as dinners and fellowships are held. Many BSU srudcnrs parricipare in mission trips as well as in other mission projects throughout the year. The BSU is also active in UMR's inrramuraJ sporrs. All BSU activities rake place at the Baptist Srudenr Cenrer, 61 0 W. 1Oth Srreer. The building is open daily and offers a study room, TV lounge, pool table and ping- pong.

O rganizations


Blue Key

l' by P•m Souborough

First Row: Ken Martinez, Fred Niemeier, Brandi Smith, Laura Clemcnsen, Kate Gerrkcn, Kelly Peck, Deena Chapman, Rebecca Light, and Sherri O 'Neal. Back Row: Jason Bolcs,JefTErkcr. Jerome Riemann. Brian Bingham, Amanda McBane, Terry Chevalier, Jack Gam by, Brad Suddarth, Maja Lundeen, and Dr. DeKock. Nor Picrured: Man Benz, Gayatri Bhan, Doug Davison, Kyle Loedcrirz, Jason Peters, Ken Voss. Becky W~kely. JefTWright, Diana Air, Jod ie C-ourt in, Jim Fiech tl, Julie Gannon, Jeremy Green, Kasie Keeling, Shawn f(jtchen, Tara Kruep. Julie Maurer, Regina O'Brien, Tom O'Neill. Scott Preston. Zachlyn Thompson, Catherine Vornbcrg. and Steven Weber.


Organizatio ns

Chi Epsilon

Firs1 Row: hie Duden, Colin Mallon, Mark Sommcrhauser. Laura unon, Chri~l)' Worrell. and C.tscy Haynes. ccond Row: April Reed. Dawn McCoy. EliJ.abc1h /ink. dnd 'etl Brady. Third Row: Gary Greene Jr .. Linda Kliewer, Rob Krewson, Amy S.IUcr. Jim Eckrich ••tnd JefT Necm.tnn. Founh Row: David Renellk)·· Amy Swanson, Chris Zimmer. Jolyn l.c:llic .•tnd Aaron Metzger. Fifrh Row: J.mws l larrington,Jarrod Paul. John Bockrnann, Todd Dejourncu. and lohn Smi1h. Si\lh Row: David Lilly. David Bunlh, Su<an Harrison. Melissa SchJhuhcr. J.tson H.tS~. and Jennifer Kiefer. Scvcn1h Row: Dori1ha Ramey. N. Rachakonda. JJwn Richardson, Bob Lhughcny. Jennifer Wrigh1, Bonnie York, and JcfTSchrocr. Eigh1h Row: Rus<ell Reed. Ninth Row: Gary Hinc>.

O rganizatio ns


~ tpNe 4ee Hie ""· ••

Christian Campus Fellowship

First Row: ~us~n Book. Eli1.abcth Hinton, Jennifer Marshall, John Johnson, Paui Rus\cll, and Kevin Sabacky. Second Row: Todd Fries, Neil Amiri, Beth Schlapper, Dave Gil ben, Dan Hawks, and Kev1n WolfT. fhird Row: Willram Wnjoyk. Mall Rich, Kevin Corwin, Wah Akers, Zachary Wiedlocher, Travis Burke, Scou Hawley, Kcirh Cooker, Charles Brock, Ryan Pape. and Elisa Armwong. l'nurth Row: Josh Bissey, Matt Nicnwycr. Jeff Akers, Dan Farmer, )efT t-IJberl, Ben Peterson, Joe Richards. John Tucker, and Eric Chambers.


O rganizations

Circle K

Phologr;aph 'ubmiucd hy Cirdt t\

Members: Amy Rogers. Jim High fill . Dan Berg. Chcreen Agah, Chip Crossman. Vanessa Kohlhepp. Alan Levy, Mark Doan, Shiloh Kirkland, C raig Wclrig. Andy Chapman. Krisrin Hammond. John Howard, Jayne Luebben, and Karla Dill.


Cycling Club



Firsr Row: Tim Air, Chris Osrerloh. Sean Benlley. Janice Mmox, Mark Massman, and Ross Thomasson. Second Row: Mike I owle, Doug Vucich. David WJde. DJlc Lord. Brian Willingham. Parrick Chapman, and Lu Ding. Third Row: Jerry Bradshaw, Kdrh Blackford, Phillip Sr<'inmcrt, Denny Simms, Mike Quinn. Ja>on Treece. Dr. Srevc \XIarkins. and Dr. to.\aricsa Crow.

O rganiz.ario ns


French Club

Photograph submiu«< by the French Club

Front Row: Eric Bomhe, Chris Pundmann, Margaret Snelling, and Susan G ivens. Second Row: Kathleen Reynolds, Tami Bowman, Anthony Hafner, and Peter Sayers. Third Row: Dorian Deligeorgcs, Marco Koegler, Spencer Murphy. Byron Kern, Jason James, Tammy Hudgens, and Ga)•le Senter.

Gamma Beta Sigma

Phowgr.lph ,;uhmittr<l bt GBS

First Row: Tanya Peters, Sandy Eftin k, C hristina Standridge, Sharon Powell (advisor).Jcssica Gorman, Lynn Morak. and Tonya Karnowski. Second Row: Sarah Summers, Melissa Hanson. Kari Woj tkowsk i, Tina Steck, Daphne Proffitt, Natalie Ross, Jessica Barnett, and Mandy Mcnz. Third Row: Elizabeth Bade, Shelly Bauer, Ann Papke. Tyler Querccrmous, Julie Davenport, Jennifer Manychenko, Noreen Ruczhak, and Melinda Doell.



Gold Miners

FALL SEMESTER Front Row: Ann-Marie Hoerner. Shelly Hum, and Jessica Barneu. Back Row: Teresa Tamburello, Gayle lloppe, Tyler Quenermous, Naulie Dixon. and Tonica Iglehart.

WINTER SEMESTER From Row: Maritcs de los Sa mos. Stacy Heather, Teresa Tamburello, Shelly H unl. and Candice Yoder. B.tck Row: Gayle Hoppe, Tonica Iglehart. N.ual ie Dixon. Kathryn Bumside. Elizabeth Dixon, and R;.chel Durs1.



SUB Events

Fall 1995 SUB Concert, featuring "Belly•.



PhotogDph •ubm11t«< by SUB

Fall1995 SUBConcen. Sfl<'Cial guest Catherine Wheel.

Phocoguph 1ubm11t<d b)· SUII

Belly at the Fall 1995 SUB Concert.

Phocog<>ph submin<d by SUB

The Annua l SUD Indoor Soccer Tournament in the Miner Rcc.

Hard core soccer players brave the below Zero temperatures to play in theSUBAnnuallndoor Soccer Tournamen t.

l'hocogr>ph ••hm•u•d h) \Ull

Winter 1996 SUB lndoorSoccerTournamcm.

l'ho•og.,ph •ubmuu:d by SUB

Phocog.,ph •ubmuc<d by ~UB

O rganizations


History Club

Pho<ograph >ubmotttd by ohc lliJIOI}' Club

Members: Dave Clifton, Jason Kinnear, Michael Boyle, Cindy Heimberger, Petra Dewitt, Vinita Smith and Hugh Parsons.


O rganizarions

Juggling Club by Kal1


Fronr Row: Jeff Hansen, Shane Brady, Jeff Book. and Mike Pinkerton. Back Row: C hris Maloney. Alex Silvius, and Tom Evers.

The UMR Juggling C lub provides a crearive ourler for U MR smdents through rhe reaching, development, and productive use of juggling skills. The club provides instruction for first-rime jugglers and offers assistance ro more accomplished jugglers learning new tricks. These skills are rhen used for enrerrainmenr purposes on and off campus. Jugglers are our at the puck for such reasons as Freshman Orienrarions and Parem's Day, as well as being a parr of rhe Madrigral Dinners in December. Shows have also been given at local elementary schools, churches, and libraries in rhe Rolla area.


Kappa Kappa Psi

Pbotogr.tph >ubmiw:d by K>ppo K•PI"' Psi

Front Row: Tom Alleman, Brandon Haroldson, Benira Engle, Ingrid Kaufman. Jason Cassibry, GeoffWillmmh,JeffDingrando, Brent Hedding, and Daniel Bohachick. Back Row: Bryan Kirchoff, Phil Saunders, Jefi' Fosrer. Bob Babcock, Mark Egerle, Man Benz, Jake Brann, and Tony Nelson.

Kappa Mu Epsilon

Firsr Row: Eri c Youm,JeffGahm,Jodie Courtin,Mark Tschopp. and Chrisri na Madrid. Second Row: C hri s Maupin, Christina Miller, Amy Carr, and Brian Paulsmeycr. Third Row: Raymond Abdelmalek, Ben Brown. Eric Pringcr, and Kiley Birmingham. Fourth Row: Karen Bliss, Anika Stuckcnschncider, Jennifer Srewan. Em ily Fosha, David Glover, and Chris Maloney. Nor Pictured: Chad Essary. Sheila Keilholz, Dustin Olsen, and Kevin Mo ll.

Kappa Mu Epsilon ( KME) is an honor sociery for the advancement of mathematics and related fields, primarily on the undergraduate level. Each semester new pledges are inducted into the sociery if they meet the minimum requirements ofgrade poinr average and fulfi ll their communiry service requi rements. KME participates in communiry projects such at Math Counts, Girls Scours 2+2, and GED tutOring. Members of KME also have the opporruniry ro submit papers ro National KME sponsored events and are elligible ro atte nd the National KM E convention . For the Winter 1996 semester Kappa Mu Epsilon inducted 17 new members, congratu lations ro those newesr members of rhe Missouri Zeta chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon.



Photograph submincd by KME



l'hooograph by Kali Sndling

First Row: Tony Shaw, Tim Ford. Kurr Merkle, Geoffrey Willmmh, Eric Shores, Ingrid Kaufman, and Leah El lis. Second Row: Chris Starling, Joe Johnson, Tami Salisbury, Brent Hedding, Mike Pauli, Mike Vincent, Ege Can Kayaarasi,JeffDan iels,Jcnnifcr Kiefer, and Ann Chartrand. Third Row; Todd Owens. Kirk Naninski, Matt Foresman, Rachel Daugherty, Chuck Renner, Lisa Roth ley. Laura Sutton. Eric Hoffmann. Kelly Williams, Jason Kinnear, Simon Crafts, P.J. Gray, and Zvonko Nikolic. Fourth Row: Josh Brown, Joy Sueppcl, Dan Farmer, Gary Mesko. Jason Buchek, Lee Poe, Mike Quinn, Par Berryhill, Roger Kumar, Andre Taylor. Lonny Boring, and Ben Bryan.



Lambda Sigma Pi

Phntog,ph •ubmitted b)' Lambda Sigma l'i

First Row: Skye Studabakcr. Carrie Will iams, Nina Woods, Jodie Courrin, Deanna Wohlgemuth. and Dawn Sharp. Second Row: Mandy Sana in, Karheryne Derhake, Jessica Adams, Stacy Garfield. and Diana Alt. Third Row: Carrie Butler, Jcn Campbell. Jessica Thomas, Carla Folkerts, Ash ley Peifer, and Mozow Yusof. Founh Row: Holly Hammontree. Tara AJgrcen, Natalie Sanders, Stcf.1nie Arndt, Kristen Ringkor, and Heather Thompson.


O rganizations

Z'ut tpNe 4ee lite Ue-•••

Lutheran Student Center

First Row: Tim Koehler, Kathy Grote. Brian McCrary. and Jamie Benchume. Second Row: Benita Engle. Jennifer Wcnglrr, Ann Kruse. Erin Von Oielingen, and Pastor MMk Mcintyre. Third Row: Dan Saylor, Mark Schmtdt, Sean Fears, Steven Thiele, and John Petrikovitsch.




l'howgr.aph •ubmou<d by oh< M Club

Memlxrs: Rebecca Ah, Jon Andrews, Tami Bowman. Bundy Broeckling, Man Bryanr, April Buesch, Amy Buttimer. Brad Cotad, Richard Crowe, Jennifer Damron, Denise DeCeare, Andy Dial, Bob Etien. Ben Fish,Jen Fra1er. Brian Gilmore, Daniel Coldak, Brian Corman, Rob Hagan, E1han Hayden, Greg Hayes, Kevin Hill, Michael Holm, S1ephanie Ingalls, SerenaJagtiani. Eric Jelinek, Traey Jones, Kris1an King, Mou uncer, Brad Lind. Jamie Manens, Teri Marvich. Ka1e Mas1erman, Julie Maurer, Sarah Maxon. Craig McCauley, McErney. Dan McGinnis, Eric Midden. John Mikrm, Brand)' Miller. Benjam an Mulvaney. Mark Munoz, Valerie Osborn. Keirh Pimmd, Jason Poline, Ed Reichen, Karhleen Ri1chey, Polly Robinson, Melanie Rohrer, Melissa Rohrer. Mindy Senles, Keirh Thompson, llans Thullesen, Ryan UmNreiner, Bill Un7icker, Ryan Up1mor, Shari Wesrbrock, Lori Whire, James Whire. Chris Wildschuen, Mike Williams. Nicki Wray, Sheryl Ziccardi, and Russell Zung.



ru 'P'" ue #He Ue•••

Malaysian Student Organization

O rganizations


Z>ut 'PI" ue .e Ut-•••

Mathematics Association ofAmerica

l'ho•ograph uktn by David Repp

First Row: Jacob Owen, Jennifer Finkel, Rachel Morris, and Suzanne Lynch. Second Row: Chris Maloney, Laurie Croslin, Wil liam Wojczyk, and Chris Brown. Third Row: Dr. Leonttall, and Dr. Robert Roe.


O rganizatio ns


Photograph ,~;uhmmcd by 1ht Mao('r

Fronr Row: Nathan Erdman, Andy Dooley, Josh Buedel, Laurie Wi lman, and Doug Sobcry. Second Row: Jason Hansen, Am)• Jones , Jeff Daniels. Karen Henderson. Jcn Schottel, Dave Repp. Ryan Shawgo, and Matr Ryan . Third Row: Sonya Flynn. Carl J3mes, Brian Forrelka, Brian Sharp, KC Snyder, Sean Cordes, C hris Hulfan, and Andy Tare.



Z'ut tpl«- 4ee Hie («,•••


Phocograph by David R<pp




Intercollegiate Knights

Phatogr:aph by Nic'holc <\loan

""··. Service Organizations •

Alpha Phi Omega, Gamma Alpha Delta, and Intercollegiate Knights are three of the several service organizations on the UMR campus. They are involved in a variety of things from highway cleanups co helping the Russell House ro helping with the Wesley House. Alpha Phi Omega, APO, is a national service fraternity. The members perform various nonprofit services for the entire student body and the community.

APO participates in many services including a Bowl-a-Thon for the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Rolla, a Penny Drive for the Russell House, a highway cleanup, and the members also help in the Student Council Blood Drive. "I think the officers are more organized this year," says Vice President, Daphne Proffitt. "We are really trying to motivate everyone by having more activities planned." GamrnaAlpha Delta, GAD, is also a service fratern ity. It is organized to promote general lectures and other

programs within the social fraternity and sorority system. GAD also does random service projects, one of which included helping out a local Rolla man. GAD members received a letter, which he had sene to the Wesley House, stating that he needed help doing various tasks around his house. GAD members kindly cleaned out the gutters, painted partsofhis house, and put rocks around his walkway. Intercollegiate Knights, IK, is an honorary service frarernityescabllshed to foster college spirit and traditions.

Like the other two service organizations, IK does not have a philanthropy and does random service projects. IK has done highway cleanups, helped with Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Rolla, and also helped with Boystown in Sr. James. "This year there are a lot more people interested and that brings in more than the average two members per house. There are also a lor more independents." says Second Vice-President, Ellen Holthaus.



Newman Center

Phowgraph by David Stek<rÂŤ

First Row: Charlie Strauss, Chris Holly,JcffMassman, Barb Corzine, and Becky Rowden. Second Row: Gretchen Goeckner, Susy Medary, Bob Woodley, Steve Eimer, Steve Belarde, and Bill DeLong. Third Row: Andrew Huser, Jessica Marshall, Renee Wolfgeher, Chereen Agah, Dan Chitwood, David Edwards, and Reverend David Buescher. Fourth Row: John Bridegroom and Man McKeon. Fifth Row: Bill Fellows, Adam Swearingin, Kevin Spindler, Torn Evers, Mark Massman. Bill Bridegroom, Erik Anderson, and Brenda Wieseler.

lnrerested in volleyball games and movie night? Tired of srudying in the library? Looking for a comfortable place to relax? Wam a chance ro help others? If so, the Newman Cenrer has what you're looking for! If you are wondering what the Newman Cenrer is, we are the Carholic srudenr cenrer on campus. Throughout the year, we offer a variety of evenrs. Retreats, weekly Masses, and Lenten programs all provide students with opportunities for spirirual growth. Various study areas, as well as weekly Scripture study and seminars, help with the search for wisdom. Fellowship events include ice cream socials, outdoor BBQ's, movie nights, game nights, and hayrides. We also have an intramural team, Alpha Omega. On the service side ofevents, we hold a Halloween Parry for grade school children, complete with a Haunted House, and go Christmas caroling at the hospital and area rerirement communities. So feel free to come help us piece it all together. You can reach us at 2 Vichy Road, by phone at 364-2133, via e-mail at, or on the World Wide Web at lmp://



Omega Sigma

l'hocograph 'ubmic(rtl by 0mcg.a Sigmil

Fronr Row: Jen Eckstein. Al icia Klusmeycr, Sadie Burke. Nancy Johnson, Andi Jaegers, Tricia Messmer, Kali Snelling. Tami Bowman, Deborah Hummel, Kelly Rau. Amy Ca rr, Carla R01h , Lydia Barncord, and Jen Splaingard. Back Row: Susie Rishell, Diane Mocllcnh olf. Jen Rem ley, Jessica Sanson, Lucy Knaup. Rachel Lewis, Natalie Sanders, Amy Drexel ius, Jen Linle, Amy Kwiecinski , Emily Wehmeyer, Brandy Miller, Zachlyn T hompso n. Denise DeGeare. Ca rrie Eyerkuss. Julie Richrer, Michelle Phillips. and Sracey Waggoner.


Phi Eta Sigma

Phooosuph >ubmoncd by Phi Ea Sig,.,.

Officer5: President-- Susie Rishell ; Vice President-- Jon Hey; T reasurer- Mozow Yusof; Recording Secretary- Laura Brave: CorreSJ>Onding Secrerary- Anika Stuckenschneider; Historian-- Diane MoellenhofT; enior Advisor-- Danid Ragland: Executive Council-- Kyle Kershaw and Mark Tschopp.



• t#e •••

St. Pat's Committee


Phowguph by David Stckc:ttt

First Row: Ryan Fisher, MarrCrundy, and Cregg Rainbolt. Second Row: Brian G ibson. Brian lsgrig. Tressa Dickerson. and Kristen Ringkor. Third Row: Tom Dunham and Jim Camper. Fourth Row: Kevin Stevenson, Dustin Conrad, Dominic Vcit, Chris Essig. Aaron Mueller, and Chad Vincent. Fifth Row: Eric Meyer. Jim Witt, Brian Gosnell, Man Schaefer, Brent Ramsey. and Dan Dawson. Sixth Row: C hris Han.




Phoo...,.ph mbmuotd by Show-Me An om<

First Row: Tim Spellman. Sean Fears, S~n Teitelbaum, and David Ed"'ards. Second Ro"': Brennan Cox, Steve Kovacc,John Jones, Cuanru Huang, Brendon. and Gary Roberts. Third Row: Chris May~rry. Jim Bunk. Sam Groves, Robert Babcock. and Shawn Crossfield. Fourth Row: Jayme Christenson. Karl Seal. John Crick, and Peter Bachle.



~ 'PI" 4ee

#He (H,•••

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

Phowguph •ubmin<d hr SHPE

Front Row: Irene C. Sa nchez. Giu liana Zelda, Genevieve Fabela. Mario Ray, Christina Mad rid, and Victor Gonza lcz-Tait. Back Row: Jorge Valle, Roben Wu -Hung. Christopher Doyle, David Caraballo, Marco Farias, Jose Vi llareal, Gustavo Ray, Josue Cavaws, Cesar Cea. Jacob Wang, Sarah Pulido, M iguel Teran, Trolis Niebla, and Srephen Larson. Not Pictured: Marco Zarate. Javier Valentin -Sivico. Michael Vasquez, Marie! Triggs. Fernando Marin, C raig Gutierrez. D:IVid Tijerina, Mark Munoz. Mariscla Gu illen. Wil liam Vizucte. and Rocio Mi lagros Ubaldo.

Organizatio ns


Spelunkers Club

Members: Angela Hartwig, Thomas Stalcup. Steve Bennett, Dan Ombalski, Denny Woods. Kdly Whitsen, Jon Thomas. David Lilly. Chris Hoer, Kiran Patel, Josh Sndson. Sharon Jones, Greg Kennedy. Jon Isaacson, Mike Scammacca, Ban Pous, and Rob Tayloe.



Student Council

l)hocograph submiutd by Studtm Coundl

Members: Shamsudin Abdul-Rahman, Eric Achclpoh l, William Allen, Shawn Allwcin, Diana Alt, Tim Ah, Shane Anderson, Manuel Arjona, Gregory Atkinson, Bob Babcock, Timorhy Baldwin, Rodney Balke. Aaron Barklage. Franklin Belew, Chris Bellcrs, Joe Benson, Matt Benz. Scon Bcrrelsmeycr, Brian Billingslc)', Keith Blackford, Jessica Prill, Bryson Bunon. David Cadof'f', James Cain, Walter Carr, Jamison Case, Eric Chambers, Mark Coburn, Jonathan Cole. L.P. Cook, Man Cowan, Jennifer Damron, Andy Dare, William DcChent, Ryan DeLapp, Daniel Dofrer. Dan Domer, Jack Dorsey, Chris Doyle, Zermon Drummond. David Edwards. Jason Farmer, Todd Fetter,Karen Flowers, Kelly Fuge, Ryan Fuhr, Michael Futrell. Jerry Gander, Rick Goldammer, Phillip Q. Gong, Brian Gosncii,Josh Grove, Erica Hall, Brian Harris, Mohd Sahrul Harun, David Hasam, Casey Haynes, Anne Helribrand, Lisa Higgins, Daisie Hobson, Kara Hollis, Alex Huber. Deborah Hummel, Dwight Ipock, Thayer Jawhar, Janice Johnson. Amy Johnston, Patrick KaJ1eko, John Keeton, jonathan Keller, Lynn Kempf. Scott King, Terry Kliethermes, Lucy Knaup, Orcun Kolcu, Rajcsh Krishnamoonhy, Roger Kumar, Joe Kweh, James Laeng, Nancy L~mberrson, Ahmad Larifzai, Jeffrey L~wrence, Andy LcCrcn, Josh Lee, Richard Lee, Joshua Lowery, Choc Luong, Suzanne Lynch, Andrew Machens, Jason Marnin, Jennifer Marrychenko, Michael Mayer, Megan McDonough, Marisa McGregor, Melissa Mclean, Kim McWard. Kurt Merkle, Brian Miller, Jusrin Miller, Man Mooney, Carlo Morel lo, Tawanna Morgan, Mindy Moses, Gabriel Murphy. Susmito Naha, Parris Ng, Thuc Nguyen, Michael O'Dell. John O'Connell, Tom O'Neill, jacob Olejniczak, Pau l Ono. Patrick Painter, Sarah Palmer, Maleika Par[erson, Michael Payne, Dave Pederson, Adam Peterson, Christopher Polka, Amy Pousson, Doug Rada, Karhleen Ritchey. Gary Ross, Carla Roth, Jeremy Russell, Joshua Sales, Matthew Sander, Ty Sander, Karl Schmict, Aaron Schrader, Zachary Schulte, Scou Scchauscn. Roy Spirk, David Stckerce. William Strasser, Jill Streifel. codd Stroik. Jeannette Torfin, Sa rah Vehige, Michael Vincent, Kenny Voss. Erwin Wardojo, Katie Wasem, Mike \Xfentul, Joe Wilde, Jason Williams, ElifYasar, and Candice Yoder.

Student Council is the primary representative body of the srudems at UMR, and is the smdents' link ro the administration. Composed of approximately 120 representatives and five officers, StuCo provides numerous services and works with universiry adminisrrarors on a variery of issues affecting students. Students can make a positive difference in the universiry through involvement in Studenr Council.


TaeKwonDo Club

First Row: Chia Yin Ko, Chris Guernsey. Joey Offner, John Le, and Laura Faleuo. Second Row: Hoa Tang, Daniel Yun, Willctta FirLpatrick, Claire Sevier, Lu D ing, Bobby Mathews, and Joe Zang. Third Row: Josh Lee. Bi ll Fray. Nicole Mason , Ron Porter, Stacey Waggoner. Alex Laputz. and Jon Cole.



Bi ll G ray doi ng a jump cresant kick.

Phocograph subonincd by Tackwon Do

Tau Beta Pi

l'howg,ph by K>lo Sndlong

Officers ,1nd Com mince Chairmen: President -- Jeff Hickman; Vice Presidem -- Julie Gannon; Corresponding Secretary -- Jennifer Sunmoellcr; Recording Secretary -- Dc.1nna Wohlgemuth: Treasurer -- Scon Preston: Cataloger -- K:~te Gcnkcn; Membership -- Jamie Crutchley; Invitations/Initiatio ns -- Kathy Reynolds; Socio~ll Banquet-- Dave Bunch; Honors/ Gro~duatc Students-- Bry~n Kirchoff; Special Projects-- April R~d ; Publicity -- Osama Arabi- Katbi; Workday-- T ed ZecfT: B)•bws -- Kate Genkcn.

The Tau Beta Pi National E ngineering Honor Sociery is an ho no rary organization char high scholastic achiev~:mem and exemplary character. Srudenrs in the School of Engineering or rhe School of Mines and Metallurgy chat are in the upper I /8 of thicr junior class or upper l/5 of thicr senior class are scholastically eligible for membership. Moral character is also evaluated before election for membership. Tau Bera Pi sponsors activities rhar benefic not only its acrive members, bur also rhe UMR campus and rhe Rolla community. Such activiries include socials for members. clecree workday co generate money for campus scholarships, and design conresrs ar Rolla public schools to srimulare engineering rhoughr in younger srudenrs. The Missouri Bera chapter, established in 1906, is rhe 17th chaprer ofTau Bera Pi and carries as much tradition as UMR itself. With now 218 collegiate chapters and over 358,000 members, being a member ofTau Beta Pi is a very rewarding experience.




Pho<os<>ph by D.-id R<pp

Front Row: Dr. Stev~ Watkins, Marc Sokol, Barb Corzin~. Ldsa Wayn~. and Lynda Kliewer. Back Row: Kevin Brown, Kurt Grcmmlcr, Rick Russdl, Bill Varadin, and Mike Arbini.



Z>ut tpUe 4ee Hie Ue•••

Turkish Students Association

Phocog.uph submm('d by the: TSA

Members: Tugru l Ozdemir, II han Okay, Basak Uluca. Yasemin Demirci, Scdcn Kalyoncu, Bilgen Kubilay, ElifYasa r, Bugra Cankaya, Tuncay Akbas, and Burgin Poyraz.






i'hotognph by Dav;d SteketÂŤ

First Row: Darrell Liles, Mike Alley, Erik Shores, and Jason Boles. Second Row: Michael Beardsley, Brian Richardson, Eric Carleton, Mark Lansberry, Jamie McCoy, and Chad Linle. Third Row: Rodney Pickard, Aaron Garla nd , Catherine Holobaugh , Kirby Vandivorr, Tim Biedenstcin, Ken Erwin, Andy Tate, Jeff Shelton, Rebecca Steinman. Jason McDaniel, and Alex Silvius.

The American Nuclear Society (A NS), is a professional organization devoted to advancing science and engineering related to the atomic nucleus. Since the founding of this not-for-profit organization in I 954, a primary purpose has been the dissemination of information abour nuclear science and technology. Informing the public concerning the role of nucl, power in assuring adequate energy supply in the U.S. and abroad is now considered a vitally important responsibility of ANS. This effort ro increase public



understanding of rhe promise of nuclear energy is carried our mosrly by the Society members of the 62 ANS Local Sections rhroughour the world, including UMR. The UMR branch of ANS worked with children at the Sr. Louis Science Cenrer. On their last visit ro the science center over 2,000 people saw their display en ti rled "Nuclear Energy Brightens Your Future". Many of these people nor only passed by the display, but they also imeracted by working with their geiger counters and household radioactive items, like radioactive food ("lite salt").

Besides educating youngsters, ANS also works ro educate others. Several of their letters to the editor have been published in the Sr. Louis Post Dispatch, and they have participated in a letter writing campaign to encourage Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary to force the DOE to begin accepringspem nuclear fuel in 1998 as agreed under theN udear Waste Pol icy Act. The ANS chapter also does fundraisingactivities to help fund these education programs. Some of their fundraisers include selling pro-nuclear r-shirts and hosting a local recycling

day. The ANS also keeps a web page on the World Wide Web which can be found at "http:/I nova.nuc. ~ans". At UMR the American Nuclear Society does a lor and rhis has nor been overlooked. For the 1994-95 school year, the UMR chapter of ANS won the Glasstone award. The Glasstone is an award given our by the national ANS each year to the most outstanding college chapter. They judge their award based primarily upon activities rhar the chapter has undertaken during the year.

Wesley House

r•ho1ograph subm1ued br tht" \XIcslcy Houj,('

The Wesley House is a place where students can gather w study, worship, and play. We have Wednesday night srudy breaks rhar vary in acriviries from scavenger hunts ro learning abour different cultures. On Sunday, we have a choir that rehearses songs such as "Lean On Me" and "Swing Down, Swing Low". Later on Sundays we have a dinner and a shorr devorional afterwards. Monday nights contain an interactive bible study rhar usually covers more ropics than were planned. Whenever there is spare time you will always find people ar Wesley playing hacky-sack. Also, we have special evenrs like woodcuts, car washes, rerrears, and a semesterly work projecr. Come find our for yourself what Wesley is all abour.



2'ut 'PI" 4ee lite ""· ••

Student Union Board

Phocogroph •ubm11 1td by SUfi

First Row: Ryan Shawgo. Steven Weber. Ashley Peifer. and Andy Dooley. Second Row: Paul Mueller, Andy Pouhast, Tom Mec, and Lee Hahnel. Third Row: Kirk Narzinski. Shawn Garis. Amy Strouse, and Steve Truemper.



Z>ut tpJ4 4ee #He Ut-•••

Student Missouri StateTeachers Association

l'ho1oguph •ubmouc<l bt


Members: Na1han Hoven, Gayle Hoppe. Cheryl Henson. Dawn Sharp, Sarah Pulley, Chris Shields, Dr. S1cphen Douglas, and Dr. Eva Lee Lasarer.





Photogrnph by P•m Scorborough

Cheer leading

First Row: Stcavcn Meyer, Rachel C hadwick, Erica Hall (capta in - basketball), Dionne Robens (capta in - football), Steve Kunze (captain - football). Back Row: Hickman, (captain - basketball). Lisa Madison, Carolyn Minski, John Themig, Tanya Peters, Jenn ifer Marrychcnko, Missy Ortman, Alex Herr. Not Pictured: Thompso n , Shannon Miller, Sara Sommers, John Snider, Anika Scuckenschneid er.



Lewis Scon


tpJ«- 4ee Hte («,•••

Society of




by Potm Scotrborough




Omeg a


Phocogr>ph by Kalo Sn<lling

Omega Sigma pledgcs .

Emily Wehmeyer and Amy Kwiecinski helping at the Russell House. l'hocograph by Kali Snelling

Kelly Rau , Jenn Splainga rd. and Chrissy Eckhoff helpin g at th e Russell House. by !Uio Snellong




tpJ4 4ee Hie ""· ••



Photograph by David R<pp



Photograph by K:tli Sndling


Yildirim "Bill" Omurtag Chairman, Engineering Management Department on the past year: The Engineering Management Department has maintained its leadership position in this discipline in the world during the past year. When we are compared with all the Engineering Management and Industrial Engineering Departments in the US, according to the statistics ofthe workforce commission ofthe US Congress, we are Number 1 in the PhD, Number 2 in the MS and Number 12 in the BS degree production in the nation. Our Manufacturing Engineering program is also well recognized in the country as a source offacultycandidates for other universities to recruit.

La ~~te ~ tpNt

• • •

Basic Engineering

Photograph by Gary Smith

Row I (Lcf110 Righ1): Tom Bryson, Robert Davis, Mary Ann Koen; Row 2: Ron Fannin, Ralph Flori, Doug Carroll, Ken Osler, David Oglesby; Row 3: Dan While, Ed Carney, Ed Homsey, Archie Culp


• •


Row 1 (Lefr ro Righr): Dr. Nuran Ercal, Dr. Parricia Callahan. Dr. Nicholas Levenris; Row 2: Dr. Michael Van De Mark. Dr. Patricia Kapila, Dr. Ken Roherrson; Row 3: Or. Harvest Colli~r. Dr. Charikli Sot iriou-Leventis, Dr. Oliver Manuel , Dr. Vincent Roach; Row 4: Dr. Donald Beistd. Or. Jay Swiuer. Dr. Charles Heirsch



• •

Computer Science

rhou>g,.ph by Gary Sn111h

Row I (Lefc to Righc): F. Garnett Walrers, Dr. Daniel Okunbor, Dr. Fikert £real, Dr. George Zobrist; Row 2: Pamela Canon, Dr. Howard Pyron, Dr. John Prarer, Dr. Ralph W. Wi lkerson, Dr. Frank X. Q. Liu. Or. Bruce: McMillin; Row 3: Pac Davis, David M. Memis, Dr. Arlan DeKock, Richard Scrandberg; Row 4: Dr. Thomas J. Sager


• •


Row I (Left to Right): Sreve Schroeder, Dr. Linda Manning, Mary Wieland, Dr. Richard Bryant; Row 2: Dr. Davis Hent'lwl, Dr. Philip Thompson , Dr. Gregory Gelles, Dr. Walter D. Johnson

Academics ®

~d nee~ tpJ«- • • •

Electrical Engineering

Pho10gr>ph by Nicholc Slo•n

Row I (Left to Right): Randy Moss. David Cunningham, Paul Stigall, Normon Cox, Janice Spurgeon; Row 2: Harriett Melton, Mary Hotaling, Nancy Hubing, Mariesa Crow, C. H. Wu: Row 3: Jim Drewn iak, Todd Hubing, Bob Dopher, Steve Watkins, Max Anderson; Row 4: Stan Marshall, Dick DuBroff, Jack Boone, Kelvin Erickson, Scott Sudhoff, Keith Stanek, Reta Wehmeier


~et me~ fP'" . • .

Engineering Management




~ fPJ" • • •

History & Political Science submutnJ by Ht)COry rot.crnl ~tc'r\C(" lkpuunent

Row I: Cindy Heimberger; Row 2 (Left


Righ1): Dr. Donald Osrer, Or. Michael Meagher, Or. Lance Williams, Dr. Jack ludley, Dr. Lawrence Chris1ensen, Donna Cogcll

Lefr 10 Rigln: Dr. G.•yl., Koening, Dr. Wayne Bledsoe. Dr. Tseggai Isaac, Dr. Larry Gr.•gg. Dr. I larry Ei,cnman


~et Hee~ tput




Metallurgical Engineering

Row 1: Joyce Erkile1 ian, Dr. Donald Askehtnd, Dr. Mark Schlesinger, Or. Ronald Koh scr, Dr. Thoma\ O'Keefe, Dr. Brenda Crook; Row 2: Dr. Scott Miller, Dr. David Robcnson . Dr. Juhn W.mon. Dr. David VanAken; Row 3: Dr. Kenr Peaslee


• •

Mining Engineering

Phooograph by Ch>d Cornwell

Row I (L~fr ro Righr): Dr. Yungching Ding, Dr. jerry Ti~n. Dr. u~ W. Sapersrein, Dr. David Summers, Dr. john Wilson, Richard Gertsch, Dr. Marian Mnurkiewicz, Dr. Charles j. Haas, Dr. Ahmer Unal; Not Picrured: Dr. Hamish Miller. Dr. Paul Worsey


~dme~~ . ..

Nuclear Engineering

Row 1 (Lefr ro Righr): Dr. Alberr E. Bolon, Dr. Shah Ia Keyuan, Dr. Nicholas Tsoulfanidis, Dr. John Park. Dr. Cary E. Mueller, Dr. Arvind S. Kumar, Dr. D. Ray Edwards

Academ ics~

~d~~ tpUt- • • •


Phoroguph by Nic.hult' S l o~n

Row I (Left


Right): Leonard F. Koederitz, Mendy Kell , Daopu T. Numbere, Shari Dunn-Norman, Philip A. Schenewcrk


• •


Row I (Left to Rignc): Frances Haemmerlie, Connie Meinnoldt; Row 2: Robert Montgomery. Catherine Rjordan , Richard Hall, Ronald Kellogg, Donald Snarpsreen



Jamie Archer Director, Career Opportunities Center on how this school year compares to past years: This year we saw job opportunities take a definite upturn with greater numbers ofcompanies coming to interview on campus and take part in our career fairs and with more participation in our Cooperative Training Program. This trend should continue as companies progress with their re• • engtneertng.

Giving Advice Work hard. Get your priorities in line. And have fun too. Coop- you will definitely need the break by your third -Lonny Boring year. -Carmen Murrell Stick with it, no matter what. The end com es so fast, and Don't stress out so much, ten years from now who will when it does your determination is well rewarded. -Shawn truly care how you did on a test, quiz, presentation, etc.Bogener Kendra S. Bowen Be active in clubs and organizations to make school more You pay the teachers, make them work for their salary. exciring. And, study during the day... keep nighrs open for -Steven R. Kunze more important things. -Kimberly Finke Always find a good file and a good parry. -John J. Don't get over-involved. -Kevin Spindler Schaefer, Jr. Don't come here unless you are serious about getting an Stay awake during classes, what seems unuseful and education. -James E Cain meaningless early will be used later in the areas that really interest you. The world is education. -Wynn M. Hall Focus on your studies, follow the curriculum, find Jesus Christ, because I don't know how one survives without Always remember two heads are better than one. -Jeffrey him. -James Ward L. Ewens Drink, and drink heavily. -Lisa C utler

You can always retake a class, but you can never relive a parry. -Nelson D. Nolte

Always go to class and make your own fun while you are here. -Heather Pohl Take Organic Chemistry somewhere else. -Angie Gambill Run, run, far away. -Laurie Croslin Be alert of and involved in everything UMR has -Chris J. Kaimann Go Greek. -Sterling Wainscott

Don't stay here roo long. -Shamsudin Abdul Rahman tO


Grit your teeth and stick in there. -Krisropher Carl Snyder Study hard, play hard when your studies are done. -Kyle Richard Koederitz

Always be willing tO talk ro everyone no matter what their Take basicclassesarasmallerschool first. -Ken Brockmann appearance. There are a lot of wonderful people, meet as many of them as you can. -Paula J. Bell Enjoy your time here, you won't get a second chance. -Benjamin Steltenpohl Study! Study! Study! Do not procrastmate. -Mark L. Spence Take summer school if you want to get our in four years. -Rebecca L. Steinman 速 S eniors

Eric Adams Matt Adams Azran Adzmi Geoffrey A. Akers

Michael L. Alberswerrh T homas Alleman Michael Alley Catherine A. Alonso

Chris Alrenbernd Nul Whoffal Arselan Jon Christopher Autrey Zanariah Awang

Umar Ab Aziz Yusri Azizan Andrew P. Bachle jesse A. Baker


Sarah Banks Jeanne Barkley Aaron Mark Barnhart Robert Bartel

Christopher Baumgartner Stephen J. Becher Paula J. Bell Denise M. Belton

David L. Bequette Chris Berry Brian S. Bingham Steven Birkholz

Elizabeth Anne Bock Shawn R. Bogener D avid R. Boles Jason L. Boles


Jason Micheal Boles Andrew J. Booth C had W Borah D avid S. Bo ren

Lonny Boring Jeffrey J. Boschert Jason D. Bou risaw Kendra S. Bowen

M atthew D. Breitenbach Ken Brockmann Robe rt Ca rl Brown Aaron Buerge

Aaro n Lee Buie W illiam J. Burgard Eric P. Burkhalter D avid B. Cado ff

Seniors 速

James F. Cai.n Michael Calabrese Kevin Callahan Daniel J. Carbery, III

Chan-Fai Fong Becky Chrisfield Kevin V. Como Amy A. Cook

Lawrence P. Cook, III Jeffrey A. Counsil Jodie M. Courtin Dennis Cox

Mark A. Crawford Cindy C rites Laurie Croslin Lisa Curler


David Dajc Chad Daniel Jeffrey Daniels Julie A. Davenport

Patricia A. Davis Luca DeAn gel is Petra DeWitt Karla J. Dill

Natalie Dixon D rew Donnelli Danny Alan Dowell James Dunajcik

Jennifer Dunger Sandra G . Eft ink Benjamin Eldred Jeffrey W. Erker


Jens M. Erp Rachel A. Evans Matt Evers Jeffrey L. Ewens

Adeniran N. Fajemisin Daniel C . Farmer Michael R. Farwig Diane FiLone

Craig Findley Kimberly A. Finke Allaudin Firuz Douglas R. Fischer

Mike Fitzhenry Carla L. Folkerts Matthew Ryan Foresman Jamie Forrester


Brian M. Forrelka Yvonne Franklin Lai Yee Fung Angela M. Gambill

John N. Gamby Bridgette Ganley Julie Gannon Julio Garcia

Eric P. Gerhardt Kathleen H . Gerrken Chris Gettinger Craig Giesmann

Tomi Gilliam Russell G ish John R. Gladbach Amezaga M. Gonzalo


Steven J. Gorg Ashley Govero Gary S. Graham Jeremy Green

Gary Greene, Jr. Bryan D. Gregory Mary E. Grimm Jon Grodes

Jennifer Gruss Melinda A. Guerrant Marrin Matthew Gugel Rhonda L. E. Gulley

David R. Hamilton Christy Hargrove Leslie Harris Susan Harrison


Ahmad R. Harun Mohd Sahrul Harun Abu Hassen Anthony Hatfield

Kris Hazen Cheryl Ann Henson Angela H erzog Lewis L. Hickman

Frances D. Hilding Eric Hirsch Anthony Hofeling Jason Holschen

Derek M. Hoven Douglas W Howard Guanni Huang Darryl I. Hudson

Senio r s 速

Andrew D. Hueter Todd M. Hughes Brent Powell Humphreys Kelley W Ireland

Dereck Lee Irminger Lawandra L. Jackson Brian S. Jacobs Mohd Rozaini Abdul Jalil

Stephen E. James, II T hayer Jawhar Sheila Jenkins Tara M . Jennings

Scott Jester Matthew L. Johnsen Kevin B. Johnson Michael L. Jones


Pete Joyce Chris]. Kaimann Nathan Kaiser Jeffrey Alan Kalil

James C. Kastler Amy M. Katschman Brandon Garrison Keith Scott Andrew Keran

Gergory T. Kerwin Jason A. Kinnear Eric Kirchner Brian Ki rchoff

Steven J. Kiso Michael Kjar Karen E. Klemme Kerry Knott


Kyle Richard Koederitz Susan L. Koeller Ian Koenig Douglas]. Kolb

Amy Kozlowicz Rob Krewson Brian K. Krzeminski Keith Kuhlmann

BrianT. Kuhn Greg Kurz Steven R. Kunze Nancy Lambertson

Mark A. Lambros Eric S. Landwehr Cary Lange Brian Lasey


Shannon M. Lemme! Dominic L. LeNoir Randy Lierz Bradley Jason Lind

Chad Robert Little Ronald L. Longwell, Jr. Maja K. Lundeen Steven M. Lusher

Scott A. Macey Lisa Erika Madison Brian K. Malin D avid Manche

Peter Manis Jennifer N. Marks Jennifer L. M arshall Teresa Marvich


Mark David Massman Matt D. Masterson Matt Mason Matthews Julie Elise Maurer

Chris R. Maxfield Dawn M. McCoy William McDaniel Regan A. McDole

Aaron W McDonald Dennis M. McDonald Tauquincy K. McDonald Darrel L. McDowell

Laurel Ann McKean Matthew W McKeon Robert S. Mercille John E. Meyers


John J. Meyers Anthony S. Mezines Stephen E. Miller Kyle K. Mitchell

Lynn Rene Morak Samantha Morris Allen F. Muehlher Mark A. Munoz

Carmen Kristina Murrell Jamie R. Myers Jeff Neemann Victoria Nguyen

Nelson Nolte Kelly A. Nowak Michael D. O 'Brien Sherri O 'N eal


Thom as Michael O 'Neill Monya L. Ortega Jeffrey Ostermann Steven Brian Owens

Paul Jarrod Daniel Petrovich Rich Piepho Troy Pinkerto n

Daphne Lien Place Heath er Pohl R. Bart Ports

Shamsudin A. Rahman

April Morgan Reed Chad Hasting Reed W illiam Russell Reed Amy R. Rein


David W Renetzky Brian Repke Donald A. Richards, Jr. Mindy M. Richardson

James D. Riggs Dionne Roberts Christopher Rock Amy Rogers

D empsey Lionel Rollins Andrew R. Rothweil Chad Fredric Runzi Rick Russell

Kevin Sabacky Scott Saeger Bahtiar Salamon Irene C. Sanchez


Timothy J. Sander Rodney Sanders Mdaris Sazalee M ike Scammacca

John J . Schaefer, Jr. Terry K. Shafer Melissa Schahuber John Schliebe

Matthew F. Schoenberg Joseph A. Schomaker Jeffrey W Schroer Kevin J . Schwalje

Jef Seager Dawn M. Sharp Kristi Sharper Eric S. Sheldon


C hris Shore Eric D. Shumate Danny Simpson David R. Sipp

Betsy M. Skiles Charles Scott Sloan Brandi Dawn Smith Patrick Sm ith

Scott Alan Smith Krisropher C . Snyder Kevin Christopher Solofra K. Mark Sommerhauser

Dax T. Sparks Maria Speckhals Mark L. Spence Heather R. Sphar


Kevin Spindler Christina R. Standridge Christina A. Steck Rebecca L. Steinman

Benjamin Steltenpohl Rick Stevrer Amy Renee Stewart

Jennifer Stover

Laura Ann Sutton Brad Swink David H. Talken, Jr. Christopher Taylor

Justin Teiken Sissy J. Theisen Steven R. Thiele Altha Thomas


Darren Alan Thomas Jeff Thornburg Michael T. Tierney Bryan M. Tilley

Michael Douglas Towle Eric Triplett Jason Trussell Michael AJexander Twiehaus

CrysraJ L. Tyler Jorge Valle Michael P. Venneman N ick E. Voris

Kara M. Waggoner Sterling Wainscott Christopher Ward James Ward


Scott D. Wareing Monica Watkins Joe Weil Travis White

Christie L. W illiams Stephen E. Williams Sean Willoughby Laura A. W il man

James M. Wilson Mark Wilson Nickolas Winkelmann Jeffrey A. Winslow

Jonathan E. Winter Deanna Wohlgemuth Renee L. Wolfgeher Dennis Woods


H enry Woods, J r. C urt Woolsey Christy Worrell Patricia A. Wright

Heather A. Wyman Tony Y. T. Yau Bonnie York Giuliana S. Zelada

Christine T. Z immer


Matthew Ballard Jeffrey W Book Garth Brown Carrie Davis

Wynn Mike Hall Brian Manley Jason W Myers David Rodgers

Amy Strouse Steven L. Sruckmeyer Robert S. Tyre Chris A. Upp


Jason M. Boles, Eng. Mgt. Warre nton, MO Triangle, SrudentAmbassadors, Missouri Miner, IFC, Blue Key, Tau Beta PI, ASUM, Rollamo, Azran Adzmi, ME Phi Era Sigma , Phi Kappa Phi, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia N ationa l M erit Schol arship Muslim Stude nt Association, Finalis t Malaysian Studen t Association, Honor Roll Jeffrey Wayn e Book, Physics Cincin nati Michael L. Alberswerth, CE C hristian Camp us Fellowship, New Haven , MO Ju gglin g Club, C hi Alpha , Chi Epsilon, ASCE, Boyd-Warts Theater, Chess Club, Phi Kappa Scholarship, Madrigal Singers Phi, Sigma Pie Sigma


Thom as A. Alleman, ME H ahnville, LA Conc ert Band , Fall Wind Ensemble, Marching Band, Pep Band, Pit Orchestra, Kappa Kappa Psi, Baptis t Stude nt Union , ASME , 1995 Intercollegiate Band

B Rober tS. Bartel, ChE Cleveland, MO Stude nt Ambassador, AIChE, Varsity Soccer, Excel, Tutor, Om ega Chi Epsilo n, ChE Outstanding Senior Award David L. Beque tte, Met. Eng. Festus, MO Amer ican Fo undry m a n's Society, ASM/ TMS, Iron and Steel Society Paula J. Bell, Comp . Sci. Vibur num, MO Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Phi Era Sigma Shawn Bogener, Comp . Sci. Sr. Charles, MO David R. Boles, Geo. Eng. Peculiar, MO Lambda ChiAl pha,A EG, Eagle Scout, Honor Roll

David S. Boren , EE Springfield, MO IEEE Lonny Boring, Geo. Eng. Adrian, MO GDI, KMN R, Living Poets Society, Tau Beta Pi, St. Par's Studen t Knight, Kendr a S. Bowen, Geo. Lincoln, NE Volleyball Club, QHA, TJ HA, RHA, Resid e nt Assist ant , N ariona l Comm unica tion Coord inator , Honor Roll

Aaron L. Buie, ME Gower, MO Pi Tau Sigma , Order of rhe Engineer,ASME, Phi Era Sigma, Boeing Scholarship , Honor Roll

c David B. Cadoff, C hE Gaithersburg, MD Varsity Swimm ing,AI ChE, MCiub, T au Beta Pi, Omeg a Chi Epsilon, Phi Era Sigma

Aaron Buerg e, ME Joplin , MO Interfr aternity Counc il, Delta Sigma Phi, Pi Tau Sigma, Kappa Mu Epsilon, Phi Eta Sigma

Julie A. Daven port, Cer. Eng. Godfrey, IL Gamm a Beta Sigma , ACerS , Keramos Carrie Davis, Eng. Mgt. Festus, MO Society of Wome n Engineers, Amer ican Socie t y for Engin e ering Man age m e nt , lnstitureofln dusuial Engineers, Alpha l ora Delta

James F. Cain, III, EE Sr. Louis, MO Baptist Studen t Union , Stude nt Council, IEEE

Patricia Davis, English Rolla, MO Sigma Tau Delta

Jodie M. Courti n, EE Arnold, MO C hi Omega, IEEE, Lamb da Sigma Pi, KME, Blue Key, Gold Miner s, Misso uri Miner , Studen t Council

Petra Dewit t, Histor y HoustOn, MO Phi Alpha Thera, History C lub , Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Era Sigma, 1995 O utstan din g Hi sto ry Major, US Achievement Award

Laurie Crosli n, Math Muskogee, OK C hi Alpha, BSU , Newm ann Cente r, Kappa Mu Epsilo n, MAA, STD

Drew Donne lli, ME Sr. Louis, MO Sigma Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma , AHSR A E, ASME , Rugby Club

Matth ew D. Breite nbach, Geo. Eng. Lisa Cutler , Geo. Sr. Charles, MO Warsaw, MO Beta Sigma Psi, Interfraternity UMR T heater, Sigma Gamm a Co un c il, Sigma Gamm a Epsilon, Goldm iners, Francis Epsilo n, Assoc iation of Collins Porter Award for Theate r Engineering Geologists Acco mpli shm e nt , Theat er G rant Ken Brock mann, ME Fr. Lauderdale, FL Trap and Skeet Club Rober t C. Brown , Pet. Eng. Springfield, MO Tau Beta Pi, Pi Epsilon Tau, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Intram ural Sports

Jeffrey Danie ls, ME Portage Des Sioux, MO KMN R, Missou ri Miner, FSAE T earn, Studen t Counc il


David R. Dajc, CE W estchester, IL C ircle K, Council of Holtm an Hall , ASCE, AGC, Hono r Roll

E Benjam in Eldred , Cer. Eng. Springfield, MO Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi, Show MeAn ime, Phi Era Sigma, ACerS, Keramos, Hono r Roll Jens M. Erp, ME Trento n, MO Pi Tau Sigma, ASME, Phi Era Sigma, Order of rhe Engineer, Honor Roll


Rachel A. Evans, Pet. Eng. Charlone, NC Society ofPerroleum Engineers, Varsity Softball, Tau Beta Pi, Pi Epsilon Tau, Phi Era Sigma Jeffrey Lee Ewens, ME Oak Grove, MO Pi Tau Sigma, T au Beta Pi, ASME, ASCHRAE, AMSE Outstanding Achievement Award

G Angela Gambill, Life Science Cedar Hill, MO Kappa Delta, Helix, Phi Sigma, Goldminers, Theater, 1996 Winter Workshop Committee

Ronda L. E. Gulley, English Newburg, MO Living Poet's Society, Honor Roll, Plewett Scholarship


J Sheila Jenkins, English Salem, MO Professional Secretaries International, Sigma Tau Delta, French Club

Wynn Michael Hall, Scott Jester, Eng. Mgt. Comp. Sci. John Qack) N. Gamby, ME Peachtree City, GA Alton, MO Chadron, NE Blue Key, Pi Tau Sigma, GDI, Association of Compuring ASEM, liE Tau Beta Pi, Army ROTC, Machinery, Baptist Student Matthew L. Johnsen, AE NRHH, Phi Era Sigma, SAME, Union, Intramural Sports, Kennett, MO Upsilon Pi Epsilon SAE,ASME Tau Kappa Epsilon, American Taekwondo Association, David R. Hamilton, CE Kathleen Gertken, ME Daniel Christopher Farmer, Intercollegiate Knights, UMR Sr. Peters, MO St. Louis, MO EE Theater, AIAA, Phi Era Sigma Zeta Tau Alpha, Newman American Society of Civil St. Louis, MO Christian Campus Fellowship, Center, Blue Key, Tau Beta Pi, Engineers, Concrete Canoe KMNR, Institute for Electrical Pi Tau Sigma, ASME, Kappa Committee and E lectronics Engineers, Mu Epsilon, Omega Sigma, Leslie A. Harris, Eng. Mgt. In tramural Volleyball and Alpha Phi Omega, Phi Kappa Rolla, MO Phi, Phi Eta Sigma Soccer, Student Council Excel Facilitator, Student Nathan Kaiser, CE Chris Gettinger, AE Ambassadors, Leadership Craig Findley, Geo. See. Genevieve, MO Academy, ASCE Ferguson, MO Fenton, MO ASCE, Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, Thera Xi, Intercollegiate AIAA, Sigma Gamma Tau, Susan Harrison, CE Intramural Sports Knights, UMR In-Line Roller Honor Roll Sr. Peters, MO Hockey League, C.L. Dake Craig J. Giesmann, CE Chi Epsilon, American Society Chris J. Kairnann, ME Society, Society of Mining O'Fallon, MO of Civil Engineers, Associated Old Monroe, MO Engineers Phi Kappa Theta, ASCE, AGC, General Contractors, Tau Beta Pi Tau Sigma, Society of Pi, Society ofWomen Engineers Automotive Engineers, Dean's Kimberly A. Finke, Geo. Eng. Order of the Engineer High Hill, MO List Lewis L. Hickman, Gary Greene, Jr. , CE Varsity Track, Association of Independence, MO Amy Michelle Katschman, Comp. Sci. Engineering Geologists, Order Shelbina, MO Met. Eng. ofthe Engineer, TJHA, M-Club, Delta Tau Delta, ASCE, Chi SWE, A.P. Green Medal, Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, Curator's UMR Cheerleading, Varsity California, MO Football, Phi Kappa Phi Scholarship, Phi Kappa Phi Scholar Athlete, Academic All UMR Bands, Tau Beta Sigma, American, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Student Activity Fee Board, Frances D. Hilding, ME Bryan Gregory, ME Gamma Epsilon, Phi Era Sigma Gamma Beta Sigma Local Kansas City, MO Independence, MO Sorority Lambda Chi Alpha, Kappa Zeta Tau Alpha, ASME Jamie Forrester, EE Marionville, M 0 Kappa Psi Jason A. Kinnear, History IEEE, MSM Spelunkers Club Monett, MO Mary E. Grimm, Cer. Eng. KMNR, UMR History Club, Rolla, MO Phi Alpha Theta, Orientation American Ceramic Society, Student Advisory Committee, UMR Techs, Keramos, Phi GDI Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi, Cross Kelley W. Ireland, Comp. Sci. Country, Phi Eta Sigma, Honor Independence, MO Steven K.iso, ME Roll Pi Kappa Phi, Wesley Kansas Ci ry, M 0 Foundation, Chi Alpha, Student Beta Sigma Psi, Alpha Phi ~Seniors Council Omega, ASHRAE




Michael Kjar, EE Crocker, MO Eta Kappa N u, Tau Beta Pi, Jazz Band


Karen E. Klemme, ChE Liberty, MO Kappa Delta, American Insti ture of Chemical Engineers, Intercollegiate Knights, Omega Chi Epsilon, Phi Era Sigma

Eric S. Landwehr, CE Jefferson City, MO Phi Kappa T heta, Chi Epsilon, Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi, Order of the Engineer, Gamma Alpha Delta, Honor Roll

Kyle Richard Koederitz, ME Rolla, MO Lambda Chi Alpha, Blue Key, ASME, Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi, PiTau Sigma, Phi Era Sigma, Kappa Mu Epsilon, Dean's List

Brian Lasey, ME Independence, MO Lambda Chi Alpha, ASME, Gamma Alpha Delta

Susan L. Koeller, Geo. Eng. Chi Omega, AEG, Missouri Miner,APO Ian Koenig, Comp. Sci. Milwaukee, WI RHA, QHA, ACM Rob Krewson, CE Licking, MO Chi Epsilon, ASCE,AGC,ACI, IDC, Tau Beta Pi

Shannon Lemmel, Geo. Eng. Linn, MO AEG, ASPRS, Student Union Board, Student Council, Delta Lambda

Steven R. Kunze, ChE Hutchinson, KS Cheerleader,AIChE, QHA Hall Governor

Peter Manis, CE Northbrook, IL American Society of Civil Engineers, American Concrete Institute Jennifer N. Marks, Geo. Raytown, MO UMR Theater, Gamma Beta Sigma, Goldminers Jennifer L. Marshall, ME Lawrence, KS Christian Campus Fellowship, All for Love, Sigma Tau Delta Jeffrey "Ed" Martin, CE Kirksville, MO Kappa Alpha Order, Jazz Band

Ronald L. Longwell, Jr., ChE Boise, ID Pi KappaAlpha,AIChE, Omega Chi Epsilon, Phi Sigma, Distinguished Honors Award

Mark David Massman, EE Columbus, NE Newman Center, Era Kappa N u, Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Era Sigma

John Lucian, ME Columbus, KS Kappa Alpha Order

Julie Elise Maurer, History Greendale, WI Blue Key, Women's Basketball, Women's Soccer, M-Club, Student Ambassador, History Club, Omega Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Era Sigma, Phi Alpha Thera, UMR Scholar Athlete Award,

Keith J. Kuhlmann, Steven M . Lusher, CE Geo. Eng. Union, MO Cresrwood, MO Beta Sigma Psi, Sigma Gamma ASCE, ACI, AGC, NSPE, Phi Epsilon, Alpha Phi Omega, Kappa Phi Association of Engineering Geologists Brian Thomas Kuhn, EE Sr. Louis, MO IEEE, Tau Beta Pi, PES, TJHA

David Manche, Eng. Mgt. O'Fallon, MO


Lisa E. Madison, Eng. Mgt. Rolla, MO Zeta Tau Alpha, Cheerleader, IOPP, SME, Gamma Alpha Delta, SWE, TJHA, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Era Sigma Brian K. Malin, ME Cedar Hill, MO Lambda Chi Alpha, NSPE, ASME

Dawn M. McCoy, CE Cape Girardeau, MO Zeta Tau Alpha, Panhellenic, ASCE, Student Ambassador Regan A. McDole, EE St. Peters, MO Sazalee Mdaris, Pet. Eng. Kuala Lampur John E. Meyer, Met. Eng. Fenton, MO Theta Xi, Interfraterni ry Council, IK, Theta Tau Omega, Society of Metallurgical Engineers, St. Pat's Student Knight

John J. Meyers, ChE Kansas City, MO Kappa Alpha Order, Varsity Swim Team, American Instiritute of Chemical Engineers, M-Club, Dow Chemical Outstanding Junior Chemical Engineering Award, AIChE Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement, Academic All-MIAA Lynn Rene Morak, Eng. Mgt. Sr. Charles, MO SWE, Gamma Beta Sigma, ASEM, ASCE, Transfer Student Association Carmen Kristina Murrell, Geo. Eng. Warrensburg, MO Delta Sigma Thera, National Society of Black Engineers, Association for Black Students, UMR Peer Techs, Sigma Gamma Epsilon Jamie R. Myers, EE Sr. Louis, MO Spanish Club, Orchestra, IEEE

N Jeffrey J. Neemann, CE Kansas Ciry, MO Sigma Phi Epsilon , UMR Golf T earn, Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, Phi Era Sigma, MIAA AllAcademic T earn, Scholar Athlete Award, Dean's List Nelson D. Nolte, EE Edwardsville, IL Kappa Alpha Order, Intercollegiate Knights, IEEE, Rollamo , SELF Board Scholarship, Honor Active



H eather Pohl, Geo. Eng. Sr. Charles, MO Zeta T au Alpha, UMR Chorus, Madrigal Singers, Collegium Musicum , UMR Theater, Gamma Npha Delta, AEG, Sigma Nu Little Sisters, IMA

David Rodgers, Eng. Mgt. Willow Springs, MO Aikido Club , Army ROTC, Raiders, Ranger Challenge, Society of American Military Engineers, Association of the U.S. Army, Taekwondo, Chess Club

Michael D. O 'Brien, Eng. Mgt. I ME Sr. Louis, MO R. Bart Potts, Geo. Eng. Societ y of Manu factu ring Amy Rogers, Eng. Mgt. Kansas City, MO Engineers, American Society of St. Louis, MO Association of Engineering Engineering Management, Geologists, MSM Spelunkers Kappa Delta, Rollamo, ASEM, UMR Cycling Club, Npha Iota Club, Student Activity Fee liE, ASQC, Circle K, Alpha Iota Delta Board, Student Council, TJHA Delta, Goldminers Thomas Michael O 'Neill, Geo. Eng. Houston, TX Lambda Chi Npha, Student Council, Associa tion of Engineering Geologists, Blue Key, Sigma Gamma Epsilon Jeffrey L. Ostermann, Met. St. Louis, MO Sigma Pi, Inrerfraterna1 Council, Theta Tau 0 mega, Met Society, American Foundryman's Society

p Troy A. Peterson, ME St. Louis, MO Alpha Epsilon Pi, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Alpha Phi Omega Rich Piepho, Eng. Mgt. Lee's Summit, MO RHA, QHA, TJHA, NRHH, AFS,ASUM D aphne L. Place, Min. Eng. Belleville, IL Society of Mining Engineers, Intercollegiate Mining Team, Mine Rescue T earn, TJHA


R Shamsudin Abdul Rahman, Pet. Eng. Malaysia

Andrew Rothweil, Cer. Eng. Sr. Louis, MO Sigma Phi Epsi lon , IF C, Keramos, American Ceramic Society, NICE, J .B. Author Scholarship

Rick Russell, EE Freeport, Bahamas Toastmaster, International Amy R. Rein, CE Morton, IL Student Club, Student Council, Zeta Tau Alpha, ASCE, UMR Solar Car Team, Spanish Club, Womens Track Team, UMR IEEE, Caterpillar Excellence Award Football Ballgirl David W. Renetzky, CE Florissant, M 0 Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, Phi Kappa Phi, UMR Concrete Canoe Team, ASCE Brian H. Repke, Geo. Defiance, MO GDI, Living Poets Society, Phi Eta Sigma, Honor Roll

s Kevin Sabacky, Comp. Sci. Ballwin, MO Christian Campus Fellowship, Upsilon Pi Epsilon

Scott Saeger, CE Mindy M. Richardson, Belleville, IL Eng. Mgt. AGC, ASCE, Wes ley Bonne Terre, MO Foundation, Trap and Skeet Club, Honor Roll Chi Omega, ASEM, Student Council, DOL, Honor Roll John J . Schaefer, Jr., CE Dionne Roberts, Met. Eng. Jefferson City, MO Macon, MO Phi Kappa Theta, ASCE, AGC, Cheerleaders, ASM-TMS, Gamma Alpha Delta, Order of Russell House Volunteer, the Engineer Gamma Beta Sigma Melissa Schahuber, CE Springfield, MO Chi Epsilon, ASCE, AGC, SWE, Intramural Volleyball, Dean's List

Matthew F. Schoenberg, ME Bowling Green, MO Pi Tau Sigma, ASME, Honor Roll Kevin J. Schwalje, ChE Rolla, MO Lambda Chi Alpha, Omega Chi Epsilon,AIChE, M-Club, Track and Cross Country, Phi Era Sigma, All- Academic MIAA Kristi Sharpes, ChE Madison, MO AIChE Eric Shane Shelden, EE Eldon, MO Sigma Phi Epsilon, IEEE, EE Hobby Club, APO, Astronomy Club David R. Sipp, EE I Comp. Sci. I Math St. Louis, MO Wesley Foundation Patrick Smith, CE St. Charles, MO Sigma Phi Epsilon,ASCE,AGC, ACI, Student Council, Student Union Board, Alpha Phi Omega Kristopher Carl Snyder, ME Kansas City, M 0 Pi Kappa Phi, Missouri Miner, UMR Gaming Association, T. R. Beveridge Award

Dax T. Sparks, AE I ME Bernie, MO Sigma Gamma Tau, Pi Tau Sigma, AIAAm ASME, Honor Roll Maria Speckhals, ME Sr. Louis, MO Pi Tau Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, EXCEL UMR, Missouri Miner Mark L. Spence, ChE Pilot G rove, MO Pi Kappa Alpha, Intercollegiate Knights,AIChE, NSPE, St. Pat's Student Knight

Kevin M. Spindler, Geo. Sr. Louis, MO QHA, Newman Center, QHA Governor of the Year Award, NRHH Leadership Scholarship Christina Anne Steck, Eng. Mgt. Sr. Louis, MO Society of Women Engineers, Blue Key, Gamma Beta Sigma, Excel Facilitator, QHA, RHA Rebecca L. Steinman, Nuc. Eng. Sr. Joseph, MO American Nuclear Society, Alpha Nu Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, Souchwinds, SWE, Dean 's Lise, American Nuclear Society, Undergraduate Scholar Benjamin Steltenpohl, Mining Decarur, IN Pi Kappa Phi, Student Council, KMNR, SME, Student Knight Amy Strouse, ME Monroe City, MO Kappa Delta, KMNR, Srudenr Union Board, Student Council, Gamma Alpha Delta, ASME, Blue Key, Pi Tau Sigma Steven L. Stuckmeyer, Chern. Salem, MO Wesley Foundation, QHA, W.T. Schrenk Society, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Era Sigma, Chancellor's Leadership Class, Pietsch Distinguished Scholar, Outstanding Chemistry Scudenr Bradley D. Suddarth, Geo. Eng. O'Fallon, MO Kappa Alpha Order, Theta Tau Omega, Blue Key, Gamma Alpha Delta, IFC Man of che Year, Tau BecaPi, PhiEraSigma Laura Ann Sutton, CE Sr. Charles, MO KMNR, Chi Epsilon, Psi Kappa Psi, Tau Bera Pi, ASCE, Order of rhe Engineer

Varsiry Football, UMR Rugby Brad Swink, EE Farmington, MO Curators University Scholarship Program

T David H. Talken, Jr. , ME Jefferson Ciry, MO Phi Kappa Thera, Phi Era Sigma, Intercollegiate Knights Michael Douglas Towle, EE Poplar Bluff, MO Sigma Pi, Era Kappa Nu, Tau Bera Pi, IEEE, Gamma Alpha De ira Jason Trussell, Biochem. Eng. I Life Sciences Wentzville, MO

u Chris A. Upp, Min. Eng. Springfield, MO Society of Mining Engineers, Mine Rescue T earn, Intramural Sports

w KaraM. Waggoner, Geo. Winfield, MO Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Academic Enhancement Center, Honor Roll

James Ward, ME St.Louis, MO Campus Crusade for Christ, Cycling Club, Volleyball Club, ASHRAE, Honor Roll Scott D. Wareing, ME Sr. Louis, MO Pi Tau Sigma, ASHRAE, ASME,AGC Joe Weil, EE Sr. Louis, MO Phi Kappa Thera, IEEE, Student Council, Intercollegiate Knights Travis White, N uc. Eng. Aurora, MO American Nuclear Society, MSM Spelunkers, MSM Cave Search and Rescue T earn Laura A. Witman, ME Florissant, MO M issouri Miner, ASHRAE, Intramural Spores Nicholas Winkelmann, Geo. Eng. Sr. Louis, MO Groundwater Missouri AEG, Association, Phorogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Baseball Jefferey A. Winslow, Nuc. Eng. Topsham, Maine Varsity Swimming, American Nuclear Society, Solar CarTearn Renee L. Wolfgeher, ChE Independence, MO Newman Center, Omega Chi Epsilon, Kappa Mu Epsilon, Down to Earth, Phi Kappa Phi

Sterling Wainscott, Min. Eng. Bolivar, MO Sigma Phi Epsilon, Society of Mining Engineers, UMR


~tememd.~ ...

Your Professors The seniors have a great advantage. Because of their years of experience with both caring and uncaring reachers, they can easily pinpoint the qualities of an excellent professor. They have shared this knowledge with the Rollamo staff-knowledge that can be passed on. Before the end of classes, surveys were given to the graduating seniors. These surveys included questions about the qualities of a superior professor versus an ordinary professor. When asked this question, the most overwhelming answer for the former was a professor that genuinely cares about his students and their learning of the material. "An excellent professor cares about

his students and is interested in our needs and concerns," said Kara M. Waggoner, geology major. "My favorite professor genuinely cared abour his sruden ts, academically and personally. In addition, he made learning fun, and the course material easily understandable," said Rachel A. Evans, petroleum engineering major. Still, students look for other qualities in an admirable professor. Jennifer Marks, geology major, said that her favorite professor is "very down to earth and always is willing to help our." "An admirable professor treats her students like people who know things and gives them respect," commented Jan Koenig, computer science major.

"He made class fun, rold us what we needed to know, and left our what we didn't," said Jennifer L. Marshall, mechanical engineering major, in reference ro her favorite p rofessor. In addition, the graduating seniors shared what qualities they didn't care for in professors. Kendra S. Bowen, geology major, said in reference to her least favorite professors, "They didn't care about me. Most didn't even know I was there. 1 was only another grade in the class." "He taught over everyone's head. You are perceived ro be inrelligenr if you can communicate with students," said Lewis L. Hickman, computer science major, regarding his least favorite professor.

Dax T. Sparks feels a poor professor "does not enjoy reaching, and makes it clear ro his srudenrs." Overall, seniors at UMR feel an excellent teacher enjoyed teaching, made an effort to make sure his students learn the material, genuinely cared about his students and how they did in class, was well organized, was willing to help stu den rs, Iecru red well, and was knowledgeable about the topic. "They were able to take the material and present it in such a way that 1 looked forward ro every class," said Patricia A. Davis, English major, abour her idea ofexcellent professors. These professors made an impact and will be remembered for years ro come.

Students had the opportunity to get practical exper ience during c lass projects.

l'horogr•ph by Chad Cornwdl

What do the seniors plan to do after grad uating? From the 143 responses we received, this is the breakdown:


6.3% 2.8% I


2nd Major or Law/Med School


3.5% I J



Undecided Between Job and Grad School

Graduate School


The most favorite professors of graduating seniors: Leroy Alt Donald Askeland Abdeldjelil Belarbi Douglas Carroll David Cunningham James Drewniak Ralph Flori Donald Higginbotham James Highfill Wayne Huebner Robert Laudon Terry Lehnhoff Don Madison Clayton Price Oran Pringle Jack Ridley

The May 1996 Graduation Ceremony.

Electrical Engineering Metallurgical Eng. Civil Engineering Basic Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Basic Engineering Eng. Management Eng. Management Ceramic Engineering Geology & Geophysics Mechanical Engineering Physics Mathematics Physics History I Political Science

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Abdelmalek, Raymond ............................ 174 Abdul Jalil. Mohd Rozaini ....................... 230 Abdul Rahman. Shamsudin ..... 191. 220. 236 Abernathy, Sam ....................................... 116 Achdpohl, Eric ................................ Ill. 191 Achurch, Julie .......................................... I 02 Adams, Amy ............................................ I 08 Adams, Brett ............................................ 127 Adams, Eric ..................................... 112, 221 Adams,Jessica ............................ l9, 102, 176 Adams, Matt ............................................ 221 Adrian, Andy ........................................... 143 Adzmi. Azran ........................................... 221 Agah, Chereen ................................. 165. 184 Airkens, Doug ....... ,................................. I I0 Akbas, T uncay ......................................... 195 Akers, Dave ....................................... 8 1. 138 Akers, Jeff ........................................ 164. 221 Akers, Walt .............................................. 164 Alberswerth, Michael ....................... 157. 221 Algreen, Tara ............................. 19, 120. 176 Alic, Ziyad ............................................... 135 Al leman, Tom ................................. 174. 22 1 Allen, Josh ................................................. 75 Allen, Mark ............................................. 127 Allen, William ................................. 100, 191 Alley, Mike ...................................... 196. 22 1 Al lwein. Shawn ........................................ 191 Alonso, Catherine .................................... 221 Alsop, Cassie .............................. 28, 120. 146 Air, Bc:cca ..................................... 76. 77. 178 Alt, Diana .................. 22, I 08, 162, 176, 191 Alt, Leroy ................................................ 251 Alt, Tim .......................................... 167, 191 Altenbaumer, August ............................... 114 Altenbernd, Chris .................................... 221 Althoff. Todd .......................................... 114 Althoff, Travis ......................................... I 14 Amiri, Nei l .............................................. 164 Anderson. Angie ...................................... 120 Anderson, Erik ......................................... 184 Anderson. Jim ............................................ 4 1 Anderson, Laura ...................................... 138 Anderson, Max ........................................ 2 10 Anderson, Niel .......................................... 78 Anderson, Shane ...................................... 19 1 Andres, Nick ............................................ 11 0 Andrews, Jon ............................... 43, 47, 178 Arabi-Katbi, Osama ................................. 193 Arakawa, Aya ........................................... 140 Arbini, Mike ............................................ 194 Archer, Jamie ........................................... 218 Arjona, Manuel ....................................... 191 Armmong. Elisa .............................. 143. 164 Arnason, Jen .................................. 58. 60, 63 Arndt, Srefanie ........................... 19. 102. 176 Arnold, Gr.1nt .......................................... 140 Arselan. Nul WhofTal ............................... 221 Askeland, Dr. Donald ...................... 213. 251 Asunskis, Joel ........................................... 137 Atkinson. Gregory ................................... 191 Autrey, C hris ................................... 158, 221 :.. Awang, Zanariah ..................................... 221 Aymond, Shanon ..................................... 120 Azil:.. Umar Ab ......................................... 22 1, Yusri ............................................ 22 1

B Babcock, Bob ........................... 174. 188, 19 1 Bachert, John ........................................... I 12 Bachle, Andrew ........................................ 221 Bachle, Pete ..................................... 136. 188 Bacon, Man ............................................. 101 Bade, Elizabeth ........................................ 168 Bain, Will iam .......................................... 161 Baker, Jesse .............................................. 221

Bak~r. Karen ............................................ 155 Baldwin, Tim .................................. 143, 19 1 Balke, Rodney ......................................... 19 1 Ballard, Manhew ..................................... 244 Salven. Man ................................ 72, 73. 138 Bandy, Laura ........................................... I02 Banfield, Mike ............................... 66. 74. 75 Banks, Eric .............................................. 152 Banks, Sarah ............................................ 222 Barklage. Aaron ....................................... 191 Barkley, Jeanne ................................ 120, 222 Barncord, Lydia ....................................... 185 Barnes. Keirh ............................................. 53 Barneu. Jessica ................................. 168, 169 Barnhart, Aaron Mark ............................. 222 Barnum, Cheryl ....................................... I 08 Barr, Miya ............................................... 161 Barranco, Jon ........................................... I 57 Barrows, Man .......................................... 116 Barrel, Robert .......................................... 222 Barron, Bobby ................................... 41. 125 Bartz, Kammy .......................................... 13 1 Bauer, Andy ............................................. I 0 I Bauer, Shelly ............................................ 168 Baumgartner, C hrisropher ....................... 222 Baumsmrk, Pete ......................................... 64 Sax, Angie ..................................... 66, 76, 77 Baysinger. Mike ....................................... 155 Beachner, Julie ........................................... 49 Beat. Karl ................................................. 188 Beaman, Josh ........................................... I OS Beardsley, Michael ................................... 196 Beattie, Steve ........................................... 114 Beavi ns, George ....................................... 153 Becher. Steve ................................... 117, 222 Beim:l, Dr. Donald (FAC) ....................... 207 lklarbi, Dr. Abdddjdil .................... 157. 251 lklardc, Steve .......................................... 184 Belew, Franklin ........................................ 191 Bell, Julie ......................................... I 08. 132 Bell. Paula ........................................ 220. 222 Sellers, Chris ........................................... 191 Belton. Denise ......................................... 222 Benage, Mike ........................................... 134 Benefield. Ryan ........................................ 145 Bengisu, Merhi .............................. 66, 72. 73 Benne, Jason .............................................. 41 Benn ett, Steve .......................................... 190 Benson, Joe ...................................... 11 2, 191 Benson, Kim ............................................ I08 Bentley, Sean ........................................... 167 Benz, Man ............................... l62. 174. 191 Bequette, David ....................................... 222 Berens, Josh ............................................. I 12 Berg, Dan ................................................ 165 Berkel man, Carl ....................................... 136 Bermude1., Ondrea ......................... 58. 60, 62 Berry. Chris ............................................. 222 Berryhill, Pat ............................................ 175 Bertchume. Jamie ............ 46. 47. 70, 7 I, 1"'Bendsmcy~r. Scott .......................... IOS. 191 Beville. Brooke ......................................... 120 Shan. Ga)'3t ri .......................................... 162 Biedensrein, Tim ............................. 135. 196 Biesen. John ............................................. 125 Billingsley. Brian .............................. 114. 191 Binder, Jenifer ........................... 19. 157. 159 Bingham, Brian ............................... 162, 222 Binns, Shannon ....................................... II 0 Birch, Tim ................................................. 44 Birdsell, Ed .............................................. 154 Birkenmcier, Stephanie .................... 132. 143 Birkholz, Sreve ................................. 140, 222 Birmingham, Kiley .................................. 174 Birschbach, Kevin .................................... 143 Bissey. Josh .............................................. 164 Bix, Chris ........................................ II 0, 156 Black, Deborah ................................ I02. 159 Blackford, Keith .............................. 167. 191 Blackwood, James ........ ,............................. 41 Blair, Jesse ............................................... 114 Blake, Gina .............................................. 138 Blazic, John ............................................... 75 Blazie, Jon ............................................... II 0 Bledsoe, Dr. Wayne (FAC) ...................... 212

Bli.s. K.1ren .............................................. 174 Blomberg, J.l\on ...................................... 157 Blumm.llill ............................................. ll7 Boho. EritJ .............................................. 128 13<Kk, Eli1abcth Anne ............................... 222 Bodnar, David ......................................... 143 Boekmann, John ...................................... 163 l~ogener, Shawn ............................... 220, 22 Z 13ohathick. Daniel ................................... 1"4 Bohnenstiehl. Dav1d .................................. 78 Bolch. Aaron ............................................ II I 13oles. David .................................... I OS. 222 Boles. Jason ..................................... 162. 196 Boles, Jason 1.. ......................................... 222 Boles, Jason Micheal ................................ 223 Bolon, Dr. Albert ..................................... 215 Bohrad. Hans .......................................... 134 Bolte. Ray ................................................ 127 Bongiovanni, Ju li(• ..... ,............................. 137 Book, Jeff ......................................... 173, 244 Book, Susa n ..................................... 152. 164 Boo ne, Jack .............................................. 210 Booth, Andrew ........................................ 223 Boorhe, Eric ............................................. 168 Borah, C had ............. ,.............................. 223 Bordenave, Rob ....................................... I 06 Boren, David ........................................... 223 Borgmeyer, Ben ....................................... 110 Boring. Lonny ......................... 175, 220, 223 Borman. Scott .......................................... II 0 Boschen, Jeffrey ....................................... 223 Botard, Clinr ............................................. 41 Boulware, Travis ........................................ 4 I Bourisaw, Jason ....................................... 223 Bowen, Kendra ........................ 220. 223. 25 I Bowman. Tami ............ 28. 49. 168. 178. 185 13own. Becky ............................................ 126 Boyd, Jeff ................................................. II 0 Boyle. Michael ......................................... 172 Boysrer, )efT ............................................. 157 Boyum. Les .......................................... 41. 71 Bradsho~w, Jerry ........................................ 167 Brady. Neil ................ ,..................... 159, 163 Brady. Shane ............................................ 173 Bramd. Darlene ......................................... 60 Bro~ndes. Matt .......................................... 106 Brann, Jake .............................................. 174 Br,mnan, C hris ............................ 72. 73. 116 Brassci, Jamcl .................................. 157, 159 Brave, Laura ..................................... I 02. 186 Breitenbach, Eric ............................. 101, 156 Breitcnbo~ch. M:m ............................ I0 I, 223 Bremer, Amy ........................................... 120 Brendel. Kevin ......................................... 117 Bridegroom. Bill ................................ II. 184 Bridegroom. John .................................... 184 Bridges. Jo~mcs ............................................ 41 Briuon. David ......................................... 136 Brock. Charles ......................................... 164 Bra<.k, KhJra ........................................... 128 Brocke. John ............................................ I 16 Brockrno~nn. Ken ............................. 220, 223 Broeckling. Brandy ...................... "'6. 77. 1"'8 Brown, lkn .............................................. 17 4 Brown. Bill ........................................ 41, 100 Brown. Chris ........................................... 180 Brown. Garth .......................................... 244 Brown,Josh ............................................. 175 Brown, Kevin .......................................... 194 Brown, Robert Carl ................................. 223 Brown. R)•an .............................................. 78 Brubaker, Sarah ......................................... 49 Brueggeman. Jamie ...... 50, 52, 53, 54, SS, 71 Bryan, Ben ............................................... 175 Bryan, Matt ............................................... 74 Bryant, Byro n ............................................ 69 Bryant, Cari ............................................. 138 Bryanr. Dr. Richard (FAC) ...................... 209 Bryant, Ethan .................................. 157. I59 Bryant, Man ...................................... 75. 178 Bryson, Tom ........................................... 206 Buatte. Vance .......................................... 114 Buatte, Vieror .......................................... 114 Buchek, Jason .................................... I I, 175 Bueckman, John ...................................... 157

Bucdd. Jo~h ............................................. 181 Buehler. Cra1g ......................................... 134 Buchltr. Vic ....................................... 75. II 0 Buerge. Aaron .......................................... 223 Buesch. April ........................................... 178 Buescher, Reverend David ....................... 184 Buerhe, Bry~n .......................................... I 0 I Bu;c, Aaron Lee ....................................... 223 Buhmann, George ................................... 112 Bunch. David .................................. 163. 193 Bundy. Greg ............................................ 161 Bunk, Jim ................................................ 188 Burgard, William ..................................... 223 Burge, Andy ............................................ 134 Burgener. Ryan .......................................... 75 Burke. Sadie ............................................. 18S Burke. Travis ................................... I 30. 164 Burkenmeir, Stephanie ............................ 154 Burkey, Ed ............................................... I II Burkhaher, Eric ....................................... 223 Burkhart. Theresa .............................. 19. 120 Burnen, Jeff ............................. 127. 143, 145 Burnen, Ryan .......................................... 140 Burron, Bryso n ................................ I 16, I') I Burron, Mark .......................................... 11 6 Butler, Brad ............................................. I 04 Buder, Carrie ........................................... 176 Buder, Laura ............................................ 138 Burnside. Kathryn ................................... 169 Bunimcr.Amy ............................. 76. 77. 178 Byars, Zach .............................................. 154 Byrd, Sam ........................................ 136. 14S

c Caban. Tro)· ............................................ 145 CadofT. David ............................ 64. 191. 223 Cady. Dan ............................................... 161 C'.ain. James ..................... 161. 191. 220. 224 Calabrese, Michael ................................... 224 Callahan, Dr. Patricia (FAC) ................... 207 Callahan, Kevin ....................................... 224 Caller. Zak ............................................... 143 Campbeii.Jen .................................. 120. 176 Camper, Jim ............................................ 187 Canady, David ......................................... 158 Canis. Randy ........................................... 116 Cankaya, Bugra ............................... 1.,8, 1')5 Cannady, Anne ................................ 136, 14'i Canon, Pamela ........................................ 208 Capelle. Chris .......................................... I 16 Capelle, Dave .......................................... I 16 Caraballo, 0Jvid ...................................... 189 Carbery. Daniel ....................................... 224 Carda. Mike ............................................ 110 Carleton. Eric .................... 7 1. 1.34. 1'\4, 1'>6 Carlile. D.J ..................................... U 7. 14'\ Carlwn. Jcn ............................... 22, I 02. 146 Carney. Ed .............................................. .::06 Carr, Amy ................................ I02. 174. 185 Carr. Andy ............................................... 116 Carr, Dale .................................................. 75 Carr. \Valrer ............................................ 191 Carroll, Doug .......................................... 206 Carroll. Douglas ............................. ,........ 251 Caner. Jason ...................................... 71, I04 Caner,John ............................................. 11 4 Case.Jami~on .................................. 11 0. 191 Casey, Ryan ............................................. 10 1 Casserilla, Brian ..................... ,................. I 14 Cassibry. Jaso n ......................................... 174 C1Stlc, James ........................................... I 05 Casror. Josh ............................................... 44 Cavazos, Josue ......................................... I 89 Cea, Cesar .... .. .... ...... ........ .... .... ...... ..... .... 189 Chadwick, Rachel .................................... 200 Chambers, Eric ................................ 164, 191 Chambers, Joe ......................................... 161 Chapman, Andy .............................. I 12, 165

Inde x ®

Chapman, Brandon ................................. 127 Chapman. Deena ............................. 120. 162 Chapman. Jim ................................... 44, 11 7 Chapman, Neal ....................................... 114 Chapman. P:urick .................................... 167 Chanrand, Ann ....................................... 175 Cheun, To ............................................... 127 Chevalier, Terry ............................... 153. 162 Chirwood, Dan ....................................... 184 Cho, Susan .............................................. 120 Chowning. Man ...................................... 110 Chrisfield. Becky ..................................... 224 Christensen. Dr. lawrence (FAC) ............ 212 Christenson, Jayme ...... .... .. ...................... 188 Christman, Tim ....................................... 145 Chupka, Mike ................................. 143, 145 Clapp. Deanna ........................................ 102 Clark. Adam ............................................ I 14 Claxton, Melanie ..................................... 138 Clay. Brian .............................................. I 06 Clayburn, Mike ....................................... 135 Cleaver, Mary Grace ................................ 157 Clcmenscn. L.1ura .................................... 162 Clifton, Dave ........................................... 172 Clinton, President Bill ............................... 14 Coburn. Mark ......................................... 191 Cogcll, Donna ......................................... 212 Cohen. Lorna .......................................... 102 Cole, Anne ........................................ 49. 157 Cole, Chris ................................................ 43 Cole. Jon ......................................... 191, 192 Collier, Dr. Harvest (FAC) ...................... 207 Collins. Christy ....................................... 131 Collins, Erin ........................................ 76, 77 Collins, Melinda ...................................... 132 Collins, Pete ............................................ 143 Colwell, Josh ........................................... I 05 Combs, Paul ............................................ 154 Como, Kevin ........................................... 224 Como, Vince ............................................. 75 Conkright, Kevin ....................................... 53 Conner, Monty ........................................ 157 Conrad, Dustin ....................................... 187 Conway, Steve ......................................... I 14 Conwne. Scan ........................................... 79 Cook. Amy .............................................. 224 Cook. Lawrence ............................... 191. 224 Cooker, Keith .................................. 130. 164 Cooper, Cheryl ........................................ I 03 Cooper, Jess ..................................... 135, 161 Cooper, Katie .......................................... 126 Cordes, Scan ............................... ,...... ... ... 181 Cornwell. Chad ............................... I 14. 270 Corwin, Kevin ......................................... 164 Con.ine, Barb .................................. 184. 194 Counsil, Jeffrey ........................................ 224 Counin. Jodie .... 28. I02. 162. 174. 176. 224 Courtney, Phillip ..................................... I 04 Counois. Scan ................................. 157. I 59 Cowan, Man ........................................... 191 Cowell. Mandy ........................................ 131 Cox, Brennan .......................................... 188 Cox, Dennis .................................... IS.~. 224 Cox, Normon .......................................... 210 Cox. Roy ................................................... 41 Cozad. Brad ....................................... 64, 178 Crafts, Simon .......................................... 175 Craig, Jim ................................................ 117 Crain, Travis ............................................ 114 Cranmer. St"ccy .............................. 120. I -16 Crawford, Eric ......................................... 161 Crawford. Mark ............................... I 00, 224 Crick, John ...................................... I 53, 188 Crites. C indy ........................................... 224 Crook, Dr. Brenda (FAC} ........................ 2 13 Crook, Matt ............................................ I 54 Croslin, Lauric ......................... 180, 220. 224 Crossfield, Shawn .................................... 188 Crossman, Chip ............................... 106. 165 Croston, Anne ................................. 143. 145 Crow. Dr. Mariesa (FAC) ................ 167, 210 Crowe, Richard .................................. 41, 178



Crurchley, JJmie .............................. II 0, 193 Culp. Arch ie ............................................ 206 Cunneen, Brian ....................................... 106 Cunntngham, Adam ................................ 125 Cunningham. David ........................ 210,251 Cureau, Lionel ......................................... I 00 Curtis. Nakia ........................................... I 03 Cutler. Lisa ...................................... 220. 224

D Daffron, Mark ......................... ~ .............. I I 0 Daffron, Ryan .......................................... 1 17 Dahlgren, Craig ....................................... 157 Dajc, David ..................................... 140, 225 Dake, Jason ............................................. I 12 Dake, T raci .............................................. 102 Dalton. Josh ............................................ 125 Daly, Sean ............................................... 155 Damron, Jen .............................. 77. 178, 191 Daniel, C had ........................................... 225 Daniels. Jeff ............................. 175. 181, 225 Dare,Andy ...................................... l61, 191 Darmon, Jen .............................................. 76 Daugherry, Bob ............................... 159. 163 Daugherty, Rachel ............. 22, 120. 146, 175 Davenport, Julie .............................. 168, 225 Davenport, Tracy ............................ 102, 157 Davies. Ann ............................................. I 02 Davis, Carrie ............................................ 244 Davis. Chris ............................................. 138 Davis, Par ................................................ 208 Davis, Patricia .................................. 225. 251 Davis. Robert ........................................... 206 Davis, Tracey ........................................... 120 Davison, Doug ........................................ 162 Dawson. Dan .......................................... 187 Dawson, Jeff ............................................ I 0 I Dawson, Steve ......................................... I I 0 Day. Chris ................................................. 31 DeAngelis, Luea ....................................... 225 DeBons, Chris ......................................... 145 DeChem, William ................................... 19 1 DcGearc. Denise .............................. 178, 185 Dejournerr, Todd .................... 157, 159, 163 DcKock. Dr. Arlan .......................... 162, 208 Delancey, Jennifer ................................... 14 5 DeLapp, Ryan ......................................... 191 Dcligeorges, Dorian ......................... 136, 168 Dcllcart, Dave .......................................... I 01 DeLong. Bill ............................................ 184 Dcmirci, Yasemin .................................... 195 DeMott, Travis .......................................... 41 Dennen, Nathan ..................................... 101 Densmore, Jeff ......................................... 112 Dent, James ............................................. 114 Derge. Bill ............................................... 158 Dcrhakc:. Katheryne ......................... I 02. 176 Desherlsa, Dean ......................................... 41 Deshmukh, Sameer .................................. 157 Deters. Jon .............................................. 1 17 Dcrz, Robert .............................................. 4 I Deutcher, Heather ................................... 145 Devereaux. Jason ..................................... IOS Devereux, Jenny Lynn ................. 19, 28, 102 Dewirr, Perra ................................... 172. 225 de los Santos, Marites ................ 89. I 02, 169 Dial, Andy ................................. 75, 138. 178 Dickerson, Joe ......................................... 157 Dickerson, Trcssa ............................ 102. 187 Diebold, C hris ......................................... 11 4 Dierking. Jon ........................................... I 0 I Dicncl, Jim ............................................. 156 Dill, Karla ................................ I 08. 165, 225 Ding. Dr. Yungching (FAC) .................... 2 14 Ding. Lu .......................................... 167, 192 Dingrando, Jeff ........................................ 174 Dinkins, Tad ........................................... 117 Dixon, Elizabeth .............. 131, 143, 14 5. 169 Dixon, Natalie ........... 28, 131. 145, 169,225 Do, Cong ................................................ 104 Doan, Mark ..................................... I 12, 165

Doell, Melinda ........................................ 168 Doftcr. Dan ..................................... 138, 191 Dohrmann. Jason .................................... 11 6 Dolan, Meg ............................................. 108 Dole. Bob .................................................. 14 Dolcjsi. Bill .............................................. I 55 Domer, Dan ............................................ 191 Donnelli, Drew ....................................... 225 Donnelly, Paul ......................................... I06 Donze, Jack ............................... 24, 114, II S Dooley. Andy .................................. 181. 198 Dooley, Brcu ..................................... 20. I 06 Dophcr, Bob ............................................ 2 10 Dorrdl, Adam ......................................... 116 Dorscy,Jack .................................... 135. 191 Douglas. Dr. Stephen (FAC) ................... 199 Doupc, Robbie ........................................ 1 16 Dowell. Danny Alan ................................ 225 Doyle. C hris .................................... 189, 191 Doyle, Ja>on ............................................ I 06 Drcwniak, James .............................. 210, 251 Drexel ius. Amy ........................................ 185 Drummond. Zermon .............................. 191 Du13ois, Gcn .................................... 126, 143 Dul3rofT, Dick ......................................... 210 Duden, eric ............................. 157, I 59. 163 Duff, Jennifer .................................. 13 1, 143 Duker. Christina ........................................ 22 Dumorricr, Steve ............................... 18, 114 Dunajcik, James ....................................... 225 Duncan, Alisa .......................................... 131 Duncan, Andrea ...................................... 138 Dunger. Jennifer ...................................... 225 Dunham, Tom ................................ 117. 187 Dunn-Norman, Shari .............................. 216 Durst, Rachel.. ................................. I 08, 169 Duval, Jessica ........................................... 120

E Eason, Andy .............................................. 41 Eckert, Jason ............................................ I 14 EckhofT, C hris1i n.1 ........................... 102, 202 Eckrich.Jim ..................................... ll4. 163 Eckstein, Jcn ............................................ 185 Edington, Joe ........................................... 138 Edmonds, JcfT .......................................... 157 Edwards. David ....................... 184, 188, 191 Edwards. Sherrie ...................................... 140 Eft ink. Sandy ................................... 168, 225 Egcrle, Mark ............................................ 174 Ehrhardt, Ryan ................................ 143, 145 Eiler, Mau ....................................... I 57. I 59 Eimer, Steve ............................................. 184 Eixnbath. Kc11h .................................. 74, 75 Ei\cnman. Dr. Harry (FAC) .................... 212 rktermanis, Erik ...................................... I 54 Elder, ChJd ............................................. I 17 Elder, Ry.m .............................................. 116 Hdred. Ben ...................................... 154, 225 Ellebracht, Nathan .................................. I 53 Ellis. l.c:ah ........................................ 175, 270 Engle. 13enita ................................... 174, 177 F pstein, Russell ........................................ 1 14 Ereal. Dr. Fikcn (FAC) ............................ 208 Ercal, Or. Nuran (FA C) ........................... 207 Erdman, Nathan ...................................... 181 Erick~on, Dan .......................................... 135 Erickson, Kelvin ...................................... 2 10 Erker, JcfT .................................. 18. 162. 225 Erkilctian, Joyce ....................................... 213 Erp, Jen~ .................................................. 226 Erwin, Ken .............................................. 196 Essary, Chad .................................... 154, 174 Essig, Chrb .............................................. 187 Estes, Mike .............................................. I ll Etien, Bob ................. 36. 42. 43. 70, 7 1, 178 Evans, Elaina ........................................... 138 Evans. Rachel ................................... 226, 251 Evers, Man ...................................... II 0, 226 Evers. Tim ............................................... 110 Evers, Tom ...................................... 173, 184

Ewcns. Jeffrey .................................. 220, 226 Ewig, Mary .............................................. 120 Eyerkuss. Carrie ........................... 22, 49, 185

F Fabela, Genevieve .................................... 189 Fajemisin, Aden iran ................................. 226 Falbe, \'<'inchester .................................... 159 Faleno, laura .......................................... 192 Falk, John ................................................ 157 Fallen, Scon ............................................ I 14 Fannin. Ron ..................................... ,...... 206 Farias, Marco ........................................... 189 Farmer. Dan ............................ 164, 175. 226 Fanner, Jason .......................................... 191 Farwig, Mike ................................... 117, 226 Fears, Kenan ............................................ 130 Fears, Sean ....................................... 177. 188 Feeler, Ryan ... .. .... .. .. ... .... . ..... .. ...... ... .. .... .. 16 1 Feickert, William ....................................... 4 I Fellows, Bill ............................................. 184 Ferkel, Dave ............................................ I 01 Fesperman, Stacy ..................................... 13 1 Fener, Todd ............................................ 191 Fiechd, Jim .............................................. 162 Fieh.ler, Andy ........................................... 137 Fields, Dan .............................................. 127 Filone, Diane .......................................... 226 Findley, Craig .......................................... 226 Finely, Charlie ........................................... 41 Finke, Kim ................................ 71,220, 226 Finkel. Jennifer ........................................ 180 Firuz, Allaudin ......................................... 226 Fischer, Amber .................. 48, 49. 58. 60, 63 Fischer, Douglas ...................................... 226 Fischer. Jeff ...................................... 130. 152 Fish, Ben ................................... 71, 110, 178 Fisher, Marla ........................................... 120 Fisher, Ryan ............................................. 187 Fitzanko, Cameron .......................... 130. 143 Fin.henry, Mike ............................... 157. 226 Fitzpatrick, Willwa ..................... 22, 28. 192 Firzsimmons. Joh n ..................................... 80 Flagg, Lelia ................................................ 99 Flauaus, Todd .... ... ...... . .... .. .... ..... .... .... ..... 13 7 Flcerwood, Kelly ........................ 75. 129, 138 Fletcher, Josh ........................................... 127 Flock, Doris ............................................. 120 Flori. Ralph ..................................... 206, 251 Flowers, Dave .. ........ ... ... ... ................ ..... . . 127 Flowers, Karen ................................. I 02. 191 Flynn. Lauriane ....................................... I 08 Flynn,Sonya ............................................ 181 Foley, Bill ................................................ 11 2 Folkerts, Carla ........................... 28. 176. 226 Fondaw, Mike ......................................... 127 Fong, Chan-Fai ....................................... 224 Ford, Richard .......................................... 114 Ford. Tim ................................................ 175 Fordemwalt, Jeremy ................................... 41 Foresman, Mau ............................... 175, 226 Forrester, Jamie ....................................... 226 Forsman. Chris ........................................ 106 Fort, Kevin ................................................ 53 Fortelka, Brian ................................. 181, 227 Fosha, Em ily ............................................ 174 Fosrer. Jeff ............................................... 174 Fox, Trina ................................................. 28 Frankenberger, Nathan ...................... 79. 1OS Franklin, Todd .......................................... 53 Fronklin, Yvonne ............................. I 57. 227 Franks, John ............................................ I 12 Franz, Ryan ............................................. 16 1 Fray, Bill .................................................. 192 Frazer, Jen ............................. 36. 46, 47, 178 French, Josh ............................................ Ill Frierdich, Jason ........................................ 130 Fries, Todd ...................................... 152. 164 Froning, William ..................................... 130 Frost, Leslie ............................................. 120 Fuge, Kelly ...................................... 120. 191

Fuhr, Ryan ...................................... 11 7. 191 Fulks. Jeff ............................•............... 39, 41 Fung. Lai Yee ........................................... 227 Futrell, Michael ....................................... 191

G Gahm,Jcff ............................................... 174 Gajda, Walter ............................................ 16 Galmiche. Ben ......................................... 125 Gambill, Angie ................ I 08, I09, 220, 227 Gamble, Eric ............................................. 75 Gam by, Jack .................................... 162, 227 Gander, Jerry ........................................... 191 Ganley, Bridgene ......... 26, 28, 143, 145, 227 Gannon, Ju lie .... 22. 102, 146, 162. 193. 227 Garcia. Julio .................................... 136, 227 Gardner, Mark ......................................... 114 Garfield, Stacy ......................... 108, 109, 176 Garland, Aaron ................................ 196. 270 Garis, Shawn ........................................... 198 Garnerr, Kevin ................................... 41, I 14 Garrison, Amanda ................................... 161 Garrison, Bryon ....................................... 161 Garrison, Connie ..................................... 161 Gary, Josh ................................................ I 6 I Garza, Frankie ......................................... I0 I Gasmi re, T im .......................................... 158 Gastke, Kevin .......................................... 158 Gaw, Manhew ......................................... 11 4 Geisman. Craig ........................................ I I 0 Gelles, Or. Gregory (FAC) ...................... 209 George, Jason .......................................... I 05 Gerhardt, Eric .......................................... 227 Genken, Kate ...... 19, 22, 120. 162, 193, 227 Gensch, Richard ...................................... 2 14 Geninger, Chris ............................... 155. 227 Gibson, Brian .......................................... 187 Giesler, Brian ........................................... 114 Giesmann, Craig ...................................... 227 Gilbert, Dave ........................................... 164 Gilbertson, Amanda ............................ 48, 49 Gill iam. Tomi ......................................... 227 Gill iland, Rick ......................................... 140 Gilmore, Brian ............................. 36, 41, 178 Ginther. Francis ....................................... 136 Gish, Russel l ............................................ 227 Givens, Susan .......................................... 168 Glad bach, John ........................................ 227 Glaus, David ............................................ 143 Glover, David .................................. 106, 174 Goeckncr, Gretchen ........................... II. 184 Goldak, Daniel ........................................ 178 Goldammer, Rick ...................... 80, 114, 191 Goldsmith, Chris ..................................... 16 1 Gomez. Dawn ......................................... 108 Gong. Phillip ........................................... 19 1 Gonzalez-Tail, VictOr .............................. 189 Gonzalo, AnKozaga ................................... 227 Goodwin, Vanessa ........................... 126, 143 Gordon, Emily ........................................ 120 Gorg, Steve .................................. 78, 79, 228 Gorman, Brian .................................. 7 1, 178 Gorman. Jessica ................................. 28, 168 Gosnell, Brian .......................... 117, 187, 191 Goss, Eva ................................................. I 08 Govero, Ash iC)' .................................. 80, 228 Grabbe, David ......................................... I04 Gragg, Or. Larry (FAC) ........................... 212 Graham. Dave ......................................... 149 Graham, Gary .............................. 44, 45, 228 Grass, Mary ............................................. 102 Grass. Michael ......................................... 114 Gray, Bill ................................................. 140 Gray. P.J .................................................. 175 Green, Cassandra ..................................... I03 Green, Jackie ............................................. 41 Green, Jeremy .................................. 162. 228 Green, Scott ............................................. 105 Green, Valerie .......................................... 120 Greene, Gary ................................... 163. 228 Gregory, Bryan ........................................ 228

Grelle, Eric .............................................. 127 Gremm ler, Kun ....................................... 194 Griffey, Eddie .......................................... I06 Griffith, Lewis ......................................... I I0 Grimes, C huck ........................................ 140 Grimm, Mary .................................. 140, 228 Griwach, Chrisry ..................................... I 02 Grodes, Jon ............................................. 228 Groll', Brian ............................................. 125 Grohs,JR ................................ 143, 145,155 Grooms, Doug .......................................... 41 Grote, Karhy ............................................ 177 Grove, Josh .............................................. 191 Groves. Sam .................................... 137, 188 Grundy, Leigh ......................................... 120 Grundy, Man .................................. 106, 187 Gruss, Jennifer ................................. 102, 228 Guadagno, Mi.kc .............................. 143. 145 Guernsey, Chris ....................................... 192 Guerrant, Melinda ................................... 228 Gugel, Martin .................................. 157, 228 Guillen. Marisela ..................... 140, 157, 189 Gulley, Rhonda ....................................... 228 Gurierrez, Craig ....................................... 189 Gwinnup. L1ura .............................. I02, 154

H Haas, Or. Charles .................................... 214 Haberl. Jeff ...................................... 1.30, 164 Hacmmcrlie, Frances ............................... 217 Halley. Doug ........................................... 130 Hafner, Tony ................................... 130, 168 Hagan, Rob ....................................... 64, 178 Hageman, Brian ...................................... 1 I0 Hagen, Matt ........................................ 43, 7 1 Haggstrom, Wade ................................ 64. 65 Hahn, Bill .................................. 43. 134, 145 Hahn, Dave ............................................. 134 Hahn, Phil ................................................. 44 Hahncl, Lee ..................................... 101. 198 Haines, Angela ................................... 28, I08 Haines, Jeremy ........................................ II 0 Hall, Erica ....................................... 191 , 200 Hall. Mart ............................................... 154 Hall, Richard ........................................... 217 Hall, Wynn ..................................... 220, 244 Halliburton, Wi ll iam ......................... 41, 114 Haman, Lance ......................................... I 12 Hamilton. David ..................................... 228 Hami lton, Nick ....................................... 1 11 Hamlin, Marr ............................................ 72 Hamling, Gilberr ..................................... 140 Hamman, Bridget .................................... 120 Hammond. Christ ................................... IOS Hammond, Kris .............................. 127. 165 Hammonrrec, Holly ................................ 176 Hanff; Shawn .......................................... 127 Hankhammer, AHon ............................... 104 Hanneken, Amy ...................................... 120 Hansen, Jason ............................ .............. 181 Hansen. Jell¡ ............................................. 17.3 Hanson. Alison .......................................... 49 Hanson, Melissa ...................................... 168 Hargis, Erica ............................................ I02 Hargrove, Christy ............ 131, 143, 145,228 Harness, Jen ............................................ I 08 Haroldson, Brandon ........................ 155. 174 Harrington, James ................... 157. 159, 163 Harris, Brian ............................................ 191 Harris, Leslie ............................................ 228 Harris, Rosemary ..................................... 132 Harrison, Aaron ......................................... 44 Harrison, Susan ............... 157. 159, 163. 228 Han, Chris .............................................. 187 Han, Dawn ............................................. I )7 Han, Mark .............................................. I )7 Han, Shawn ............................................ 110 Hartman, Heather ................... 58, 60. 62, 63 Harrwig, Angela ............................... 108, 190 Harun. Ahmad ........................................ 229 Harun, Mohd Sahrul ....................... 191, 229

Hasam, David .......................................... 191 Hass, Jason .............................................. 163 Hassen, Abu ............................................ 229 Hatfield. Anthony ................................... 229 Hauprli, De-anna ...................................... 120 Haustein, Mark ....................................... 116 Hawks, Dan ............................................ 164 Hawley, Scon .......................................... 164 Hayden, Ethan .......................... 44, 138, 178 Hayes, Greg ......................... 39. 41, 114, 178 Haynes, Casey ................................. 163. 191 Haynes, Jason ............................................ 89 Hazen, Kris .............................................. 229 Heap, Andy ............................................. 156 Heard, Bill ............................................... 140 Heather, Stacy ......................................... 169 Heck, Jason ............................................. II 0 Heckman, Jeffrey ..................................... 104 Hedding, Brent ................................ 174, 175 1-leide, Susan ............................................ I08 Heimberger, Cindy .......................... 172. 212 Heitsch, Or. Charles (FAC) ..................... 207 Held, Eric ................................................ I0 I Helle, Tiffany .......................................... 153 Hellmucllcr, Jennifer ....................... I02, 146 Hdm,Jon ................................................ 161 Heltibrand, Anne ..................... 120, 133. 191 Hem brock, Bob ............................... I S7, 159 Hemrick, James ....................................... 154 Henderson, Karen ........................... 108, 181 Henke, Ray .............................................. 161 Henning, John ................................... 44, 136 Henson, Cheryl ............................... 199. 229 Hennwl, Or. Davis (FA C) ....................... 209 Herman, Karlynn .............. 22, 108. 109, 146 Hermann, Greg ....................................... 114 Hernke, Michael ...................................... 137 Herr. Alex ................................................ 200 Henog, Andy .......................................... I 0 I Herzog. Angie .................................. I02. 229 Hesemann, John ........................................ 72 Hess, Devin ............................................. 127 Hey, Jon .................................. 135, 145,186 Hickman, Jeff .......................................... J93 Hickman, Lewis ....................... 200. 229. 25 I Hicks, David ........................................... 117 Hicks, Steve ............................................. 116 Higgerson, Nathan .................................. 137 Higginbotham, Donald ........................... 251 Higgins, Lisa ............................................ 191 Highfill, James ......................................... 251 Highfill, Jim ............................................ 165 Hilding, Francie .............................. 120, 229 Hill, Kevin ................................... 74, 7), 178 Hillsrrorn.Derek ............................. 143, 155 Himes, Miranda ................................ 28, 102 Hines, Gary ..................................... 157. 163 H inron, Eli?.abeth .................................... 164 Hirons, Ivan .................................... 143. 145 Hirsch. Eric ............................................. 229 1-lisc, Mandy ............................................ 157 Hobson, Daisie ........................................ 191 Hodson, Steve ................... 36. 38, 39, 40, 41 Hoer. Chris ............................................. 190 Hoerner, Ann-Marie ................................ 169 Hofcling. Anthony ................................... 229 Hoffmann, Eric ....................................... 17) Hollis. Kara ............................................. 191 Holloway. Tim ........................ 53. 54. 55, 56 Holly. Chris ............................................. 184 Holm, Mike ..................................... 140. 178 Holman, Amanda .................... 108, 145, JS2 Holobaugh, Cathy ........................... I08, 196 Holschcn, Jru.on ....................................... 229 Holthaus. Ellen ................................ 120, 183 Hoog, Ted ............................................... 114 Hopkins, Leonard .................................... 159 Hoppe. Gayle .................................. 169. 199 1-lormell, Rob .......... ~ ................................ 80 Homsey, Ed ............................................ 206 Hotaling, Mary ........................................ 2 10 Houser, Matt ..................................... 78. 140 Hoven, Derek .................................. 138, 229 Hoven, Nathan ........................................ 199 Howard, Douglas .................................... 229

Howard,John .......................................... l65 Howard, Josh .......................................... 154 Howenon, Tim ....................................... I 17 Huang. Guanni ....................................... 229 Huang, Guanru ....................................... 188 Hubbard, Joella ............................... 136, 145 Hubbell, Chris ......................................... I04 Huber, Alex ............................. 116, 156, 191 Hubing. Nancy ........................................ 210 1-lubing, Todd ......................................... 210 Huckabee. Jared ...................................... 127 Hudgens, Tam my .................................... 168 Hudgins, Carey ....................................... 102 Hudson, Darryl ....................................... 229 Hudson, Mike ......................................... 155 Huebner. Dr. Wayne (FAC) ............ 154. 251 Hueter, Andrew ....................................... 230 Hughes. Todd ......................................... 230 Hulfan, Chris .......................................... 181 Hummel. Deborah .......................... 185, 191 Hummel. Sarah ....................................... 131 Hummer, Charlie .................................... 101 Humphreys. Brent Powell ........................ 230 Hunt, Ryan ............................................. 105 Hum, Shelly ............................................ 169 Hunter, Mike .................................. 130, 143 Hurley, Kevin ........ ,................................. 105 Huser, Andrew ........................................ 184 Hurchison, Mary ..................................... 108

I Iglehart, Tonica .............................. 138, 169 lies. Brian ................................................ 138 Ingalls. Stephanie ......................... 48. 49, 178 Ingalls. Ted ........................................ 75. 138 Ipock, Dwight ............................. 74. 75, 191 Ireland. Chad .......................................... 116 Ireland. Kelley ................................. Ill, 230 lrminger, Dereck Lee ............................... 230 Isaac. Dr. Tscggai (FAC) ......................... 212 Isaacson, Jon ............................................ 190 lsgrig. Brian ............................................. 187

J Jackson, Elliot ...................................... 38, 41 Jackson, Lawandra ................................... 230 Jackson, Mike .......................................... 11 I Jackson, Rob ............................................ Ill Jackson. Steve .................................. I )7, I)9 Jacobs, Brian ............................................ 230 Jaegers, Andi ............................................ 18) jagtiani, Serena .......... 22. 46, 47, 70. 71, 178 James, Carl ...................................... 136, 181 James. Jason ............................................. 168 James, Lisa ............................................... 103 James. Stephen ........................................ 230 Janson, Joe ............................................... 157 Jarrod, Paul ............................................. 236 Jarvis. Josh ............................................... ISS Jawhar, Thayer ................................ 191 , 230 Jcdn;ejcwski, Nik ....................................... 44 Jefferson. Eric ............................................ 41 Jelinek. Eric ............................... 64, 138. 178 Jenkins, Andy ...................................... 44, 45 Jenkins. Dennis ....................................... 11 1 Jenkins. Sheila ......................................... 230 Jennings, Tara ................... 28, 120. 146, 230 Jensen. Eric .............................................. I05 Jester, Scon .............................................. 230 Joggers!, Ray ............................................ 135 Johns, Tim .............................................. 13) Johnsen, Matt .................................. 11 7, 230 Johnson, Dr. Walter ................................ 209



Johnson.Janice ................................ 103. 19 1 Johnson. Joe ............................................ 175 Johnson, John .................................. 152. 164 Johnson. Kevin ........................................ 230 Johnson, Nancy ....................................... 185 Johnson, Nicholc ....................................... 99 Johnson, Torino ...................................... 100 Johnston, Amy ........................... 28. I02, 191 Jones, Amy .............................................. 181 Jones, John .............................................. 188 Jones, Matt .............................................. II 0 Jones, Michael ......................................... 230 Jones, Sharon ........................................... 190 Jones, Tracy ........................... 46, 47, 71. 178 Joyce. Perc ............................................... 23 1 Juedemann, Keith ........... ,........................ 157

K Kadioglu, Ez ............................................ I 38 Kadyk, Sreve ................................ 72, 73, 156 Kaimann, Chris ............................... 220, 23 1 Kaiser, Nathan ......................................... 23 1 Kali l, Jeffrey Alan ..................................... 23 1 Kaller, Zachary ........................................ 125 Kalyoncu, Seden ...................................... 195 Kammler, Dan ......................................... 154 Kaneko, Patrick ....................................... 191 Kapila, Dr. Patricia (FAC) ....................... 207 Karnowski, Tonya ............................. 19, 168 Kastler, James .......................................... 231 Karschman, Amy ..................................... 231 Kaufman , Ingrid .............................. 174, 175 Kaur:z, Tim .............................................. 101 Kaurzman , Sean ............................... 125. 143 Kayaarasi, Ege Can .................................. 175 Keebler. Eric ............................................ 125 Keeling, Kasie 18. 19, 28, I08, I09, 114, 146, 162 Keeton, John ........................................... 19 1 Keilholz. Sheila ................................ 102, 174 Keith , Brandon ................................ 161 , 23 1 Kell, Mendy ............................................. 2 16 Keller, Eric ............................................... I 14 Keller, Jonathan ....................................... 191 Kelley, Consuela ........................................ 99 Kellogg. Ronald ....................................... 217 Keltner. Steve .......................................... 154 Kemner, Greg ............................................ 20 Kemper, Toby ................................. 11 4, 115 Kempf, Lynn ........................................... 191 Kennedy, Greg ................................. 138. 190 Kenney. Erin ........................................... 145 Kennisron , Mark ..................................... 138 Kcran , Scott And rew................................ 23 1 Kern, Byron ............................................. 168 Kershaw, Kyle .................................... 44, 186 Kel"\vin, Gergory ...................................... 23 1 Kcyua n, Dr. Shahla (FAC) ...................... 2 15 Khairul, Abu Bakar Nizam ...................... 153 Kiefer, Chris ............................................ 138 Kiefer, Jen ........................ I08, 109, 163, 175, John .......................................... I 59 King, Jon ................................................. I00 King, Krisran ........................................... 178 King. Leia ................................................ I08 King, Scott .............................................. 191 Kinnear, Jason ......................... 172. 175. 23 1 Kinney. Jeff ............................................. I 57 Kirchner, Eric .......................... 157, I59. 23 1 Kirchoff. Bryan ........................ 174, 193. 23 1 Kirkland, Shiloh ...................................... 165 Kiso, Steve ....................................... I0 I, 231 Kitchen , Shawn ....................................... 162 Kjar, Michael ........................................... 231 Klemme, Karen ................................ I08, 231 Kliethermes, Terry ........................... l10, 191 Kliewer, Lynda .......... 22, 102, 157, 163, 194 Klo12, James ............................................. I 0 I



KJusmeye r, Alicia ............................... 7 1. 185 Knapp. Joe ........................................... 38, 41 Knaup. Lucy .................................... 185, 191 Knausr , Tom ................................... 134, 158 Knott. Kerry .................................... 11 7. 231 Knowski, Mike .......................................... 71 Knudson, Shannon .................................. 120 Ko, Chia Yin ................................... 138. 192 Kocher. Jim ............................................. I 40 Koederi12, Kyle ........................ 105, 220. 232 Koederi12, Leonard F. (FAC) ................... 2 16 Koegler, Marco ........................................ 168 Koehler, T im ........................................... 177 Koeller, Susan .................................. I02, 232 Koelpin. Nancy ....................................... 120 Kocn, Mary Ann (FA C) ........................... 206 Koen ig, Alex ............................................ 153 Koenig, Ian .............................. 145,232,251 Koerting, Dr. Gayla (FAC) ...................... 212 Kohlhepp, Vanessa .................................. J 65 Kohnz, C hris ....................................... 74. 75 Kohser, Dr. Ronald (FAC) ...................... 2 13 Kohser. Kym ........................................... I 02 Kokal. Jeff.......................... 52, 53, 54, 55, 57 Kolb, Douglas .......................................... 232 Kolcu, Orcun ........................................... 19 1 Koopmann, Ra)•na ................................... 120 Kopp. Jeff ................................................ II 0 Koscielski, Brian ............................ 44, 45, 78 Kossina. Bob ............................................ I 16 Kostecki , Dan ............................................ 44 Kovace, Steve ........................................... 188 Kozlowi~-z, Amy ....................................... 232 Kozlowicz, Ht-athet .................................. 108 Kramer, Preston ................................. 4 1, 104 Kraus, Joe .................................................. 79 Kremer, Greg ........................................... 110 Krewson, Rob .................. l57, 159, 163,232 Krishnamoorrhy. Rajcsh .................. 157. 19 I Kroeger. Kevin ................................... 72, 130 Kroupa, Sarajane ..................................... 133 Kruep, Tara ..................................... 120, 162 Kruse. Ann .............................................. 177 Kruta, Jason ............................................... 44 Krzeminski , Brian ............................ I 14, 232 Kubila)'• Bilgen ........................................ 195 Kuenz. Beth ....................... 26. 131, 143, 145 Kuenzel, Chrissy ...................................... 120 Kuess, Bill .................................................. 78 Kuhlmann, Keith ............................. I01, 232 Kuhn, Brian ............................................. 232 Kumar, Dr. Arvind S............................... 2 15 Kumar, Roger .................................. 175, 191 Kunrz, C hris ............................................ 11 2 Kunrt. Greg ............................................. 1 12 Kunze, Steve .................................... 200, 220 Kunze, Steven .......................................... 232 Kun, Greg ............................................... 232 Kweh ,Joe ........................................ 143, 19 1 Kwi atkowski , Jason .................................. 134 Kwieci nski. Amy ...................... 102, 185, 202

L LaBoubc, Dr............................................ 157 Laeng, James ............................................ 191 Lamb, Tim .............................................. 140 Lamberrson, Nancy ......................... 191. 232 Lambeth, Melinda ................................... 13 1 Lambros. Mark ................................ 140, 232 Lami tola, Sreve ........................................ 156 Lanasa, G ino ............................................. 80 Lancer, Mon ............................................ 178 L1nd, C h risry ..................................... 19, 120 Landry, Shane .......................................... 127 Landwehr, Eric ................................ 110, 232 Lane, Jeremy .................................... 134, 158 Lane, Mel issa ..................... 22, 143, 145. 152 Langan, John ........................................... I I 0 Lange, Cary ....................................... 4 I, 232 Langford, Rob ........................................... 41 L1nsberry, Mark ...................................... 196

Lapinski, L1 rry ......................................... 117 Lapu tz, Alex ............................................. 192 Larson, Cuyler ......................................... 10 I Larson, Steve ........................... 138. 145, 189 Lasater, Dr. Eva Lee ................................. 199 Lasey. Brian ..................................... 105. 232 Lasey, Ryan .............................................. 156 Latiftai. Ahmad ............................... 137. 191 Laudon, Roben ....................................... 251 Lavelle, Joe .............................................. 153 Lawrence, Allison ..................................... 157 Lawrence, Jeffrey ..................................... 191 Lazier, Mart ............................................. 130 Le, John ....................................... ,........... 192 Leach, Score ............................................. I57 LeCren, Andy .......................................... 19 1 Lee, Josh .......................................... 191 , 192 Lee, Rich ......................................... 161 , 19 1 Leefrink. Gerrie ................................ 143. 145 Lehnhoff, Terry ....................................... 25 1 Lemme), Shannon ................................... 233 LeNoir, Dominic ............................. 100, 233 Lcnrt, Dr................................................. 157 Lconrrall, Dr............................................ 180 Lercher, Brock ........................................... 75 Leroy, Crystal .......................................... 13 I Lesiewicz, An1y ........................................ 138 Leslie, Jolyn ..................................... 157. 163 Levcnris, Dr. Nicholas (FAC) .................. 207 Levy, Alan ...............:........................ 143, 165 Levy, Kevin ................................................ 44 Lewandoski, Mark ....................... 78, 79. I 17 Lcwick, Taylor ......................................... 127 Lewis, Jared ............................................. I I0 Lewis, Rachel ............................... 48, 49, 185 Lewis, Ryan ............................................... 4 I Lien, Justin .............................................. I 12 Lierz, Randy .................................... I 14, 233 Light. Rebecca ......................................... 162 Liles, Darrell ............................................ 196 Lilly, Dave ....................... l 57, 16 1, 163, 190 Limbaugh, Rachel .................................... 102 Limmer, Tim ........................................... 140 Lincoln, Marrin ............................... 157. 159 Lind, Brad ................................. 41, 178, 233 Lindsey, Bret ............................................. 4 1 Lindsey, Cam ...................................... 53, 54 Li nes, Jeremy ........................................... IOS Link, Eric ......................................... 143, 145 Li nneman, Chris ...................................... 157 Lippincott, Todd ...... ,.............................. 135 Lisrerud, Eivi nd ....................................... I 55 Litchfield , Barry ....................................... 130 Little, Brian ............................................. 143 Lirtle, C had ..................................... 196, 233 Liule, Jen ......................................... 102, 185 Liu, Dr. Frank Q ..................................... 208 Li vingstone, Kirk ..................................... I 12 Loddekc, Adam ...... ........ .. .... ... .... .... .... .... I 17 Locderirz, Kyle ......................................... 162 Lofton, Charles ........................................ 134 Lofton, Sharon .......................................... 99 Logan, Jill ........................................ 102, 159 Lohc, Diane ............................................. I02 Long, Bryan ................... 33. 66, 78, 114, 157 Long, Rya n .............................................. 161 Longwell, Ronald .................................... 233 Look, D.C ................................................. 41 Lord, Dale ....................................... I04, 167 Lowery, Josh ...................................... 41, 191 Lozano, Ruben ........................................ I 10 Lucian, John ............................................ I 06 Lud low, Jon ............................................. I 14 Luebbert. Jayne ........................................ 165 Luebke, Mike .......................................... 10 1 Lueders, Chad .... .... .... .. .. .. ....... .... .... .... .... 143 Lund, Krisrie ........................................... 143 Lundberg. Rob ........................................ I 16 Lundeen, Maja 22, 28, 70. 71, 102, 162, 233 Luong, C hoc .................................... 136. 19 1 Lusher, Stc,•en ......................................... 233 Lures, Jeff ................................................ I06 Ly, Phanna ...................................... 120. 270 Lynch, Suzanne ............................... 180. 191

M Macey, Scorr ............................................ 233 MacGinley, Kalan ................................ 80, 81 Machens, Andrew .................................... I 91 Madden, Mike ................................. 135, 161 Maddox, Jeremy ...................................... 134 Maddox, Patrick ...................................... 158 Mad ison, Don ......................................... 251 Mad ison, Lisa .......................... 120,200. 233 Madlinger, Adam ..................................... 138 Madrid, Christi na .............. 28, 102, 174. 189 Magema, Stephan .................................... 138 Maguire, Lis ............................................ 120 Malin, Brian .................................... I05, 233 Mallon, Colin .................................. 157, 163 Malone, Bill ............................................. I 16 Maloney,Chris ................ l43, 173. 174, 180 Manche, David ........................................ 233 Mandachit, AJisa ...................................... 120 Manis, Peter ............................................ 233 Manley, Brian .......................................... 244 Manning, Dr. Linda (FAC) ..................... 209 Manuel, Dr. Oliver (FAC) ....................... 207 Marin, Fernando ..................................... 189 Markell, Josh ........................................... 158 Marks, Brian ........................................ 44. 45 Marks, Jen nifer ................................ 233, 251 Markum, Jeremy ........................................ 41 Marlow, Chris ......................................... 153 M.arnin, Jason .......................................... 191 Marshall, Jennifer ............ 152. 164. 233. 251 Marshall, Jessica ................................. II, 184 Marshal l, Kelli ......................................... 143 Marshall, Stan .......................................... 210 Marstall, Mike ......................................... 136 Martel, Erik ............................................. 1 12 M:mens, Jamie ...................... 58. 59. 60, 178 Martin, Dale .................................. 53, 54, 57 Martin, JeiT .............................................. 106 Marrinc4, Ken .................................. 117. 162 Marrychenko, Jennifer ............. 168, 191 , 200 Marvich, Tcri ...................... 76, 77. 178, 233 Mason, Nicole ......................................... 192 Massman, Jeff .................................. 130, 184 Massman, Mark ....................... 167. 184. 234 Masterman , Kate ............................... 49, 178 Masterson, Man ...................................... 234 Mathews, Bobby ...................................... 192 Man hews, Matt Mason ........................... 234 Matthews, Ryan ......................................... 53 Marrox, Janice ......................................... 167 Maupin, Chris ................................. 106, 174 Maurer, Ju lie ..................... 60, 162, 178, 234 Maxfield, C hris ........................................ 234 Maxon, Sarah .......................................... 178 Mayberry, Chris ...................................... 188 Mayer. Michael ........................................ 19 1 Mazurkiewicz, Dr. Maria n (FAC) ............ 2 14 McAllister, Adam ..................................... I 14 McBane. Amanda 22, 25, 108, 109. 146, 162 McBride, Heather .................................... 102 McCabe, Ben ........................................... 137 McCandliss. George ................................ Ill McCa rrick, Ryan ....................................... 4 1 McCarron, Pat ......................................... I J 0 McCarthy. Dale ....................................... I06 McCarey, Robyn ...................................... 108 McCauley, Craig ......................... 43, 7 1. 178 McClain, Michael ........ SO. 52, 53. 54. 55. 56 McCloud, Terrance ................................. 143 McColl, Steve .......................................... 138 McCormack, Dave ........................ 38. 40. 41 McCoy. Dawn ..... 18, 22, 120, 146, 163, 234 McCoy. Gevan .............................. 36, 44, 45 McCoy, Jamie .......................................... 196 McCrary, Brian ........................................ 177 McDa niel, Jason ...................................... 196 McDaniel, William .................................. 234 McDole, Regan ....................................... 234 McDonald, Aaron ........................... 161,234 McDonald, Dennis .................................. 234

McDonald, Rob ...................................... 127 McDonald, Tauquincy ............................ 234 McDonough. Megan ............................... 191 McDowell, Darrel .................................... 234 McEnery, Mike .................................. 41, 114 McFarland, Greg ..................................... 117 McGinnis, Dan ..................... 66, 74, 75. 178 McGregor, Marisa ................... 120, 149, 191 McGuire, Melissa .................................... 120 Mclnryre, PastOr Mark ............................ 177 McKean, Laurel Ann ............................... 234 McKeon, Man ........................... I I, 184, 234 Mcl.arren , James ........................................ 41 McLean , Melissa .............................. 136, 19 1 McManus,Marc ........................ 7 1. 11 4, 11 5 McMillan, Don ....................................... 105 McMi llin. Dr. Bruce (FAC) ..................... 208 McNeil , Stacy ............................ 28, 108, 146 McNeill , Candy ....................................... 120 McWard, Kim ........................... 28, 120, 191 Meade, Mike ........................................... 110 Meador, Abbie ......................................... 13 1 Meagher, Dr. Michael (FAC) .................. 212 Mec, Tom ............................................... 198 Medary. Susy ........................................... 184 Mehrer, Aaron ........................................... 69 Meinholdt, Conn ie .................................. 2 17 Mel ron, Harricrt ...................................... 2 10 Mensch, Brian ......................................... 137 Mentis, David M. (FAC) ......................... 208 Mercer. Aj ............................................... 154 Mercille, Robert ....................................... 234 Merkle, Kurt .................................... 175, 191 Merryman, Jason ..................................... 140 Mertt, Chris ............................................ I 14 Mern, Mandy .......................................... 168 Mesko, Gary ............................................ 175 Messmer, T ricia ....................................... 185 Metwalli, Omar ....................................... 153 Metzger. Aaron ........................ 157. 159. 163 Meyer, Dave ............................................ 10 I Meyer, Eric ...................................... 116, 187 Meyer, M ichelle ....................................... 131 Meyer, Ralph ........................................... I 14 Meyer, Steaven ........................................ 200 Meyers. John ................................... 234, 23 5 Mezincs. Tony ................................. 110. 235 Midden , Eric ........................................... 178 Middleton. Erika ............................. 132, 133 Mikrut, John ............................. 64, 138, 178 Miller, Brandy ........................... 7 1, 178, 185 Miller, Brian .................................... 104, 191 Miller, Christine .............................. 131, 174 Miller. Colin .............................................. 4 1 Miller, Curtis ................................... 135, 161 Mi ller, Danielle ....................................... 149 Miller, Dr. Hamish (FAC) ....................... 214 Miller, Dr. Scott (FAC) ........................... 213 Miller, Jason ............................................ I I 0 Mi ller, justin ................................... 127, 19 1 Mi ller, Ryan ............................................ 105 Mi ller, Shannon ............................... 132. 200 Miller. Srevc .................................... 157, 235 Millcr,Tim ...................................... l 35. 145 M ills, Amanda ......................................... 120 Milward. Casey ........................................ 108 Minkin, Alexander ................................... 140 Minski, Carolyn ...................................... 200 MiraOores, Ramon ................................... 116 Miskovic, Mike ........................................ 130 Missey, Dale ........................................ 68, 69 Mitchell. Kyle .................................. I I l. 23 5 Mockaitis, Jeff ......................................... I 16 Moellen hoff. Diane ......... 136. 145. 185. 186 Moeller, Scon .......................................... I 14 Molander, Brad ....................................... Ill Moll, Kevin ............................................. 174 Mollet, Mike ............................................. 43 Monaghan. Becca .................................... I 08 Monnig, Brandon .................................... 138 Montgomery, Roben ............................... 2 17 Monzyk, CJ ............................................. I 04 Mooney, Matt ................................. 11 2, 191 Moore, Kimberly ....................................... 22 Moo re, Robert ......................................... 143

Moppin s, Brad ........................................... 4 I Morak, Lynn ................................... 168, 235 Morello, Carlo ......................................... 191 Morgan , Jon ...................................... 41, 125 Morgan, Tawanna ................................... 191 Morris, Don .............................................. 53 Morris, Kelly ........................................... 120 Morris, Rachel ......................................... 180 Morris, Samantha .................................... 235 Morris, Ty ............................................... 105 Morrison, Crystal .................................... 132 Morrison, j ay ............................................. 4 1 Morrow, Greg .......................................... 11 7 Morton, Joe ............................................. I 06 Moses, Mindy .................................. 102, 191 Moss, Randy ............................................ 2 10 Muchacho, Jason ....................................... 44 Muehlhcr. Allen ....................... 157, 159. 235 Mueller, Aaron ........................................ 187 Mueller, Dr. Gary .................................... 215 M udler, Jason ......................................... I 17 Mueller. Mike .......................................... 117 Mueller, Paul ................................... I 0 I , 198 Mueller, Perc ....................................... 66, 75 Mullin, Mark ............................................. 34 Mulvaney, Ben .... 42, 43, 143, 145, 149, 178 Munoz, Mark .......................... 178, 189. 235 Murphy, Gabriel ...................................... 191 Murphy, Nathan ....................................... 41 Murphy, Spencer ..................................... 168 Murrell, Carmen ...................... I 03. 220. 235 Murrish, Jeremy .............................. I 0 I , I 56 Musgrave, Jason ....................................... I 53 Myer, Ben ................................................ 134 Myers, Jamie ............................................ 235 Myers, Jason .................................... 114, 244

N Naha. Susmiro ......................................... 19 1 Napton, Cl im .......................................... I 04 Narzinski , Kirk ................................ 175. 198 Nash. Allen ................................................ 53 Nash, Paula Sue ....................................... 123 Nea l, Colerre ............................................. 60 Neal, Eric ................................................ I I 0 Neemann, Jeff ............. 68, 69. 114. 163. 235 Neimeyer, Shannon ................................. 146 Nelson, Dr ............................................... ISS Nelson, Tony ........................................... 174 Newman, Chris ....................................... 136 Ng, Parris ................................................ 19 1 Nguyen, Thuc ......................................... 191 Nguyen, VictOria ..................................... 235 Nichols. Lori ............................. 28, 120, 146 Nicbla. Trolis .......................................... 189 Nielsen , Eric ............................................ 117 Niemeier, Fred ......................................... 162 Niemeyer, Man ....................................... 164 Nikolic, Zvonko ...................................... 17 5 Nolte, Nelson .................. I 06, 220, 235. 270 Nowak, Kel ly ........................................... 235 Nowak. Michelle ............................... 22, 102 Nowakowski, Julie ................................... 138 Nuener, Mike .......................................... 110 Nltmbcre, Daopu T. (FAC) ..................... 216

0 O'Brien. Gina .......................... I 08. 158. 162 O'Brien. Michael ..................................... 235 O'Connell. John .............................. 140, 191 O ' Dell, Mike ................................... 101 , 191 O' Keefe, Dr. Thomas (FAC) ................... 2 13 O'Neal. Kevin ........................................... 41 O'Neal, Sherri ................. 108, 109, 162. 235 O'Neill, Tom .................. 105. 162, 19 1. 236 Oberhaus, Erik ........................................ I 12 Offner, Joey ............................................. 192

Oglesby. David ........................................ 206 Ogrosky, Wendell .................................... 150 Okunbor. Dr. Daniel (FAC) .................... 208 Olcay. II han ............................................. 195 O lejniczak. Jacob ..................................... 191 O ligschlacger, Brian ................................. 140 Olsen, Bryan ............................................ I 05 Olsen, C hris .................................... 127. 161 Olsen, Dustin .......................................... 174 Ombalski, Dan ........................................ 190 Omurrag. Yildirim ................................... 204 Orrega, Monya ................................ I 03, 236 Ortman. Missy ................................ 138, 200 Osborn. Valerie ........................... 76. 77, 178 Osrer, Dr. Donald (FAC) ........................ 2 12 Osrer, Ken ............................................... 206 Osrcrloh. Chris ........................................ 167 Ostermann, Jeffrey ................................... 236 Osrmann, Jaime ............................. 66. 76, 77 Oswald, Marr ........................................... 135 Orro, Paul. ....................................... I 12. 19 1 Overholt, Melanie ..................................... 47 Owen, Jacob ............................................ 180 Owens, Steven Brian ................................ 236 Owens, Todd ................................... 117, 175 Ozdernir. Tugrul ..................................... 195

p Paarlberg, Robin ................................ 7 1, 136 Painter, Patrick ........ 130, 143, 145, 149. 191 Palmer, Sarah ..................................... 99, 191 Panka, Brian .............................................. 69 Pape. Eric ................................................ 14 5 Pape, Ryan ................................... 44. 45, 164 Papke. Ann ................ 71, 128. 132. 133. 168 Pardun, Rich ........................................... 155 Park, John T . ....................................... 3, 215 Parker. Demon ........................................ I 00 Parker. Larry ............................................ 138 Parmeter, Marr ........................................ 137 Parrott, Jenny .......................................... 133 Parsons, Hugh ......................................... 172 Patel, Kiran .............................................. 190 Patterson. Charlie ........................... ......... 157 Patterson, Maleika ................... I 32, 133, 191 Paul, Jarrod ..................................... I 57 . 163 Pau l, Vanessa ........................................... I 02 Pau li. Mike .............................................. 175 Paulsmeycr. Brian .................................... 174 Payne, Michael ........................................ 191 Pearson, Jenny ......................................... I 08 Peaslee, Dr. Kem (FAC) .......................... 213 Peck. Kelly ................................. 22. 120, 162 Pederson. Dave .......................... 65. I 06, 191 Peifer. Ashley ............................. 28. 176. 198 Penerman, Renee ..................................... I 0.7 Penn. Aaron ............................................. 140 Penningron, Elliot ................................... 143 Pentl')'路 Dr ............................................... 157 Pepm iller, Wi lliam ................................... I 53 Perry. Don ............................................... I 05 Perry. Scott .............................................. 114 Pessina, Mike ................................... 11 4, 156 Peters, j ason .................................... 154, 162 Pcrers, Sean .............................................. I 17 Peters, Tanya ............................. 22. 168. 200 Peterson, Adatn ............................... 161, 191 Peterson, Ben ........................................... 164 Petri. Andy .............................................. 138 Petrikovirsch. John .................................. 177 Petrovich, Daniel ..................................... 236 Perry. Sam ................................................. 4 1 Phariss. Martha ................................ I 08, 270 Phelps. Keith ........................................... I II Phelps. Paul ............................................. Ill Phillips. C raig .......................... . 65. 127. 143 Phil lips, Michelle ............................... 49. 185 Phillips, Valerie ................................ 108. 146 Phipps, Jack ............................................. I 05 Pickard, Rodney ...................................... 196 Picolet, Dale ............................................ 11 4

Piepho, Rich .................................... 145, 236 Pierce, Theresa ........ .... .. ......... ...... .. .... .. .... I 02 Pimmel. Keith ......................................... 178 Pinkerton, Mike ...................................... 173 Pinkenon, Troy ........................... 68. 69. 236 Place, Daphne Lien .................................. 236 Place, Mart .............................................. 134 Pobst. Dave ............................................. 112 Poe. Lee ................................................... 175 Pogue, Dustin .......................................... I 16 Pohl. Heather .......................... 120. 220, 236 Pohlmann, Becky ..................................... I 08 Polis, Brian .............................................. 117 Polirre, Jason ..................................... 41 , 178 Polka. Christopher ................................... 191 Polka, Ryan ............................................. 137 J>ope, Scon .............................................. 135 Poner, Courrney ........................................ 41 Porter, Ron .............................................. 192 Porubec. Kris ........................................... 136 Ponhasr, Andy ................................. 117, 198 Potrs, Bart ........................................ I 90. 236 Pons, Jon ................................................. 143 Porzmann. Kris .................................. 41, I 05 Pous.~on, Amy .......................................... 191 Powell, General Colin ................................ 13 Powel l, Sharon ......................................... 168 Powers. John ............................................ 153 Poyraz, Burgin ......................................... 195 Prater. Dr. john (FAC) ............................ 208 Presser. Vicky .......................................... 136 Presti. Greg ...................................... 127, 143 Presron. Sarah ................................ 43, 47, 71 Preston, Scorr .......................... I 05, 162, 193 Price, Claywn .......................................... 25 I Prichard, Paul .......................................... I 57 Prichen, Lisa .............................................. 99 Prill, Jessica .............................................. 191 Pringer, Eric .................................... I 06. 174 Pringle, Oran ........................................... 251 Privcu, bnce ........................... 38. 4 1, 74, 75 Proffitt. Daphne ...................... 156. 168. 183 Propp, Miles .............................................. 26 Prorhe. \'i/es ............................................... 41 Pruett, Ryan ............................................ I 17 Pulido, Sarah ..................................... 47, 189 Pulley, Sarah .................................... I 02, 199 Pundmann. Chris ............................ 116. 168 Purganes, Ryan ........................................ 156 Purvis, Jeff ............................................... I I 0 Pusctek, Jeff ............................................. I I 7 Pyron , Dr. Howard (FAC) ...................... 208

Q Quashnock, Bill ....................................... 158 Quenermous, T ylcr ......................... 168, 169 Quinn. Kerry ...................... ,...... ,......... 58. 60 Quinn. Mike ................................... 167, 175

R Rachakonda. N ........................................ 163 Rada , Doug ............................................. 19 1 Ragland . Daniel ............................... 161 , 186 Ragland , Rachd ....................................... 120 Ragsdale. Beth ..................................... 58, 60 Ragsdale, Larry ................................ 157, 159 Rahn, Chris ............................................. 116 Rainbolt. Gregg ....................................... 187 Raines, Travis .............. ............................ 14 5 Ramey. Dorirha ....................................... 163 Ramsey, Brem ......................................... 187 Raska.Mike ..................................... l 43. 145 Rasrorfer. Todd ......................................... 75


Rau, Kelly ............................ 22, 49, 185. 202 R.~y. Chris ................................................ 145 Ray, Dr. D. Edwards (FAC) .................... 215 Ray,Cus .......................... I30,I43,149,189 Ray, Mario .............................................. 189 Recar, John .............................................. I 14 Redshaw, Ryan ........................................ 130 Reed, April .............................. 163, 193. 236 Reed, Chad Hasting ................................ 236 Reed. Russell ........................................... 163 Reed, William Russell .............................. 236 Rces, Tobi ......................... 58, 60, 61, 62, 63 Reeves, Kevin ........................................... I I 0 Reichard, Becky ................. 50, 58, 60, 62. 63 Reichert, Ed ....................................... 41, 178 Rein, Amy ............................................... 236 Reisinger, Allen ........................................ I OS Remley,Jen ............................. 102, 154, 185 Reneau. Brandon ..................................... I 12 Reneau. Jason ...................................... 42, 43 Renenky, David .............................. 163. 237 Renner, Chuck ........................................ 175 Rcpkc. Brian ............................................ 237 Repke. Scott ........ ,................................... IS7 Repp, Dave .............................. 112, 181. 270 Reuck, Tanya ............................................ 22 Rewcwk, Chris .......................................... 4 I Reynolds, Brandon .................................. I 06 Reynolds, Kathy ...................... 140, 168, 193 Rich , Matt ............................................... 164 Richards, Don ................................. 114, 237 Richards. Joe ............................................ 164 Richards, Jonathan .................................. 161 Richardson, Bill ....................................... 1 14 Richardson, Brian .................................... 196 Richardson, Jason .................................... 163 Richardson, Mindy .......................... I 02, 237 Richter, Julie ............................................ 185 Ridle, Rob ............................................... II 0 Ridley, Dr. Jack (FAC) .................... 2 12, 251 Riehl, Larry .............................................. 140 Riemann, Jerome ............................. 157, 162 Riepe, Jeff ................................................ I 06 Riggs.Jamcs ............................. l57. 159,237 Riley, Mike ........................................ 44, 105 Ringkor, Kristen ................ 22. 120. 176. 187 Riordan, Catherine .................................. 217 Rishell, Susie ............................ 137, 185, 186 Risner, Brandon ......................................... 41 Risser, Kerry ............................................ 137 Ritchey, Kathleen ............................ 178. 191 Rives, Christi ........................................... 120 Roach, Dr. Vincent (FAC) ...................... 207 Robbins, Christopher .............................. 143 Roberts. Dionne ........................ 19, 200, 237 Roberts, Cary .................................. I 04, 188 Roberts, John ........................................... I 17 Robens, Linda ........................................... 60 Robens, Matt .......................................... 135 Robemon, Dr. David (FAC) ................... 2 13 RobertSon, Dr. Ken (FAC) ...................... 207 Robinson, Polly ....................................... 178 Rock, Christopher ................................... 237 Rodgers, David ........................................ 244 Roe, Dr. Robert (FAC) ............................ 180 Roetto, David .......................................... I 05 Rogers, Amy .................... 108, 165, 237, 270 Rohrbackcr, Mary .................................... 120 Rohrer, Melanic ........................... 76, 77. 178 Rohrer, Melissa ................... ......... 76, 77. 178 Rollins, Dempsey ..................... 136, 145.237 Roper. Steve ............................................. II 0 Ross, Chris ................................................ 7 1 Ross, Gary ....................................... 154, 191 Ross, Natalie .................................... l61 , 168 Roth, Carla ...................................... 185, 191 Rothley. Lisa .................................... I 02, 175 Rothweii,Andy .................. 21, 114, 154,237 Rottmund, Matt ...................................... 155 Rouse, Jason ............................................ 137 Rowden, Becky ........................................ 184 Ructhak. Noreen ..................................... 168



Rudkin, Charles ....................................... 125 Rudloff, T ricia ......................................... I 08 Rudy. Oen ................................ ,.............. 156 Ruhland, Amy ......................................... I 02 Ruma, Tricia ........................................... 109 Runzi, Chad Fredric ................................ 237 Rush, Scon .......................................... 53, 55 Russell, Jeremy ................................ 140, 191 Russell. Patti ............................................ 164 Russell, Rick .................................... 194, 237 Rutenkroger, Scon ................................... I 11 Ryan,Jusrin ............................................. 127 Ryan, Mart ...................................... 138, 181

s Sabacky, Kevin ................................ 164, 237 Sadecki, Zach .......................................... I 16 Saeger, Scon .................................... 159, 237 Sager, And rea ............................................. 77 Sager, Dr. Thomas ................................... 208 Saindon, Anna ........................................... 89 Salamon, Bahriar ..................................... 237 Sales, Josh .................... 43, 71, 127, 149. 191 Salisbury, Mark ............................. 44, 48, 49 Salisbury, Tami ........................................ 175 Salmon, Lancresha ................................... 137 Sanchez, Irene .................................. 189. 237 Sander, Matthew .. .............. .... .. .... ........... 191 Sander, Timorhy ...................................... 238 Sander, Ty ....................................... 114, 191 Sanders, Gil ............................................... 4 1 Sanders, Naralie ............. 28, 48, 49, 176, 185 Sanders, Rodney ...................................... 238 Sanson, Jessica ................................. 120, 185 Saperstein, Dr. Lee .................................. 2 14 Sarrain, Mandy ........................................ 176 Sartain, Mike ........................................... 105 Sather, Carl .............................................. 161 Sauer. Amy .............................................. 163 Sauer, Dan ....................................... I 0 I , 156 Saunders, Phil .................................. 135, 174 Saunier, Brett ........................................... 11 2 Saxe. Tim ........................................ 157, 159 Sayers, Perer ............................................. 168 Saylor, Dan ................................ 43, 149, 177 Sazalee, Mdaris ........................................ 238 Scammacca, Mike ............................ 190, 238 Scarborough, Pam ........................... 120, 270 Schaefer, John .......................... I I 0, 220, 238 Schaefer, Mart ................................. I 0 I, 187 Schaeffer, Byron ...................................... I 05 Schahuber. Melissa .......... 157, 159. 163,238 Scheid, Chris ..................................... 19. I 02 Scheidt. Becky ......................................... 154 Schcman, Dee .............................. .... I 02. 146 Schenewerk, Philip A. (FAC) ................... 2 16 Schiffer, Robert ........................................ 157 Schlapper. Beth ........................................ 164 Schlesinger, Dr. Mark (FAC) ................... 2 13 Schlicbc. John .......................................... 238 Schlueter, Michael ................................... I 14 Schmalt~. Benton ..................................... I 07 Schmid. Kelly .......................................... 154 Schmidt, Jon ............................................ 105 Schmidt, Mark ........................................ 177 Schmin, Karl ........................... 143, 145, 191 Schneider, Eric ................................... 80. 140 Sch nclle, As ran ........................................ I 17 Schoenberg, Katie ............................ I 08, 143 Schoenberg, Matthew F........................... 238 Schoencbcrg,Jason .......................... 127, 143 Schoeni ke. Karl ........... .... .. .. .. . .... .. ....... ..... 157 Schomaker, Joseph A. .............................. 238 Schonel, Jennifer ......... I 0, 19, I 08, 181, 270 Schonel, Matt .......................................... I 14 Schrader, Aaron ....................................... 19 1 Schrader, John ........................................... 41 Schramcyer, Brian .................................... I 16 Schriewer, Rick ........................................ 140 Schrishuhn, Terri ........................... 44, 49, 60 Schroder, Corey ....................................... I 12

Sch roeder, John ....................................... 127 Schroeder, Steve ....................................... 209 Schroer, Jeff ..................... 157, 159, 163, 238 Schulte, Greg ....................................... 44, 45 Schulte, Priscilla ....................................... 132 Schulte. Zachary ...................................... 191 Schumacher, Kris ..................................... 138 Schumacher, Scort ............................. 4 I. 125 Schwager, Jen nifer ............................. 28, 146 Schwalje, Kevin ......................... 71, I 05, 238 Schwarrze, Nathan ................................... II 0 Scliebe, John ............................................ I 14 Scott, Tom .............................................. 155 Seager, Jef ................................................ 238 Seager, Scott ............................................ 157 Scbacher, Stephanje ................................. 131 Sebaugh, Andrea ................................ 19, 102 Seehausen, Scott .............................. I01, 191 Senechal, Ken .......................................... 155 Sengupta, Amlan ..................................... 157 Sennerr, Ken ............................................ 136 Senter, Gayle ........................................... 168 Sessen, George ......................................... I 06 Settles, Mindy .............................. 46, 47, 178 Sevier, Claire............................................ 192 Sewell, Scott ........................................ 44, 45 Sexton, Billy ............................................ 154 Sexton, Cody ........................................... I 06 Shafer, Terry ............................................ 238 Shaffer, Jeff ................................................ 41 Sharp. Brian ..................................... 136, 181 Sharp, Dawn .............. 22, 120, 176, 199. 238 Sharper, Kristi .......................................... 238 Sharpsteen, Donald ................................. 2 17 Shaw, Patrick ..................................... 80, 134 Shaw, Tony ............................................. 175 Shawgo, Ryan .................. 134. 154, 181, I 98 Shay, Jennifer .......................................... 120 Shea, Derek ............................................. 156 Sheidt, Becky ........................................... 126 Sheldon, Eric ........................................... 238 Shelton, Jeff ............................................. 196 Shepard, Dan ........................................... I I 0 Shepardson, T im ..................................... 143 Sherman, Jason .. ........... .... .. .. .. .. .... .. ......... 13 8 Shields. Chris ........................................... 199 Shiffman, Steve .................... ,................... 127 Shiner, Jeff ............................................... I 06 Sholre, Doug ........................................... I 05 Shore, Chris ............................................. 239 Shores, Erik ..................................... 175. 196 Short, Travis .............................................. 41 Shriner. Mike ............................................ 44 Shultz, Greg ......................................... 44, 45 Shumate, Eric .......................................... 239 Sied litz, Brian .......................................... 143 Siefien, John ............................................ 143 Sicveking, Ed ........................................... 140 Sigman, Jennifer ...................................... 143 Silvius, Alex ..................................... 173. 196 Simms, Denny ......................................... 167 Simon ton, William Lyle .......................... 114 Simpson, Danny .............................. 114, 239 Simpson, O.J ............................................. 15 Simpson, Patrick ...................................... I I I Singleton, Andy ......................................... 41 Sipp, David ............................................. 239 Sirignano. Tony ....................................... 138 Si rois, Jeff ................................................ 137 Siso, Fernando ......................................... 140 Skerik, Joe ............................................... I I 0 Ski les, Betsy ............................................. 239 Sloan, Charles Scott ................................. 239 Sloan, Nicholc ......................... 108, 132, 270 Small, Josh ................................................. 44 Smalte, Benton .......................................... 44 Smith, Brandi .......................... I 08, 162, 239 Smith, Donna .......................................... 120 Smith, Gary ..................................... 116, 270 Smith, Jason ............................................ 154 Smith, )efT ............................................... I I 0 Smith, John ..................................... 157, 163 Smith, Kathleen ....................................... 154 Smith, Mark .............................................. 4 I Smith, Pat ................................ 114, 157, 239

Smith, Scott Alan .................................... 239 Smith, Steve ............................................... 41 Smirh, Terry .................................. 50. 53. 54 Smith, Tom ............................................. 110 Smith, Vinita ........................................... 172 Smull, Brad ............................................. 16 1 Snelling, Kali ........................... 120, 185, 270 SneWng, Margaret ................................... 168 Snelson, Josh ........................................... 190 Snider, John ............................................ 200 Snyder, Cooper .................................. 4 1, 114 Snyder, KC ...................... Il l , 181,220,239 Sobcry, Doug ................................... 140, 181 Sokol, Bryan ............................................ 135 Sokol, Marc ............................. 157, 159, 194 Sokolis,Jarnic .......................... 132, 133, 143 Solofra, Kevin .................................. 145, 239 Sommerhauser, Mark .............. 136, 163, 239 Soririou- Levcmis, Dr. Charikli (FAC) ..... 207 Spalding, Mike ........................................ 157 Sparks. Dax T. ................ ,................ 239, 25 I Spcckhals, Maria ...................................... 239 Spellman, Tim ......................................... 188 Spence, Mark L. .............................. 220, 239 Spencer, Jeremy ......................................... 43 Sphar, Heather R..................................... 239 Spindler, Kevin ................ 136, 184, 220, 240 Spirk, Roy ............................................... 191 Splaingard, Jenn ifer ................... 49, 185, 202 Sprad ling, Jim .......................................... 11 2 Springs, Eric ............................................ I 14 Spurgeon, Janice ...................................... 210 Squibb, Steve ........................................... 116 Stahl, Cassandra .............................. 120, 132 Stalcup, Thomas ...................................... 190 Standridge, Christina ....................... 168. 240 Stanek, Keith ..................................... 96, 2 10 Starling, Chris ......................................... 175 Steck, Christina ......................... 22, 168, 240 Sreclman, Matt .......................................... 41 Steger, Ch ris ............................................ I I I Steiger, Scott ............................................ I 14 Steinke, James .......................................... 125 Steinman, Corey ...................................... I 12 Steinman, Rebecca ................... 196, 220, 240 Steinmann, Kurt ...................................... 11 6 Steinmetz, Phil ................................ 140. 167 Stekercc, David ................................ 191, 270 Stcltenpohl, Ben ...................... Ill , 220, 240 Sreltenpohl, jon ....................................... I II Stcrgos, Chris .......................................... I I 0 Srergos, Man ........................................... 117 Steurer. Rich ............................................ I 16 Stevens, Jason .......................................... 134 Srevenson, Kevin ..................................... 187 Stevinson, Mike ....................................... 134 Stevrer, Rick ............................................ 240 Stewart, Amy ..................................... 22. 240 Srewan, Jennifer ...................................... 174 Stewart, John ........................................... I 16 Stewart, Kim ............................................ 120 Stickley, John .......................................... 143 Stidhum, Donnell .................................... I 00 Srigall, Paul .............................................. 210 Stoessel, Bart .................................... 11 7, 156 Stover, Jennifer ........................................ 240 Strandberg, Richard ................................. 208 Strange, James ........................................... I I Strasburg, Jared ....................................... 138 Srrasser, William ...................................... 191 Strauss, Charlie ............................ ,.... ....... 184 Strawbridge, Bryan .................................. 134 Srreifel, Ji ll ............................................... 191 Stroik, Kristen ......................................... I 08 Stroik. Todd .... .... .... ........ .... .. .. .. .. .. .... ... ... I 91 Strong, Joe ............................................... 140 Srrouse, Amy ..................... 28, 108, 198, 244 Sruckcnschncidcr, Anika .. I 08, 174. 186, 200 Sruckmcyer, Steve ............................ 135. 244 Srudabaker, Skye ..................................... 176 Stzcuk, Chris ............................................. 78 Suddarth, Brad ........................................ 162 Sudhoff, Scon .......................................... 210 Sueppel, joy ............................................. 175 Sumler, John ........................................... 155

Summers, Dr. David (FAC) ..................... 2 14 Summers. Sarah ....................... 132. 168, 200 Sutherland, Laura ............................ I 32, I 33 Sunmodler, Jennifer ................................ 193 Surton. Laura ........................... 163, I 75, 240 Sunon, Rob ............................................. 105 Swain, Damon ......................................... 105 SW:Inson, Amy ................................... I 9, 163 Swearingin, Adam .................................... 184 Swink, Brad ..................................... 127, 240 Switzer, Dr. Jay (FAC) ·····w······················ 207 Swoveland. ......... ,................ I 08, I 45 Szabo. Joe ................................................ 154

T Taber. Lynn ............................................. 108 Tag, David ...................................... 135. 159 Talken. David .......................................... 240 Tamburello, Teresa .......................... 120, 169 Tang, Hoa ............................................... 192 Tate, Andy ............................... 161. 181. 196 Tarum, Katrina .......................................... 99 Tayloe, Rob ............................................. 190 Taylor, Allyson .......................................... 99 Taylor. Andre .......................................... 175 Taylor, Christopher ................................. 240 Teiken, Justin .......................................... 240 Teitelbaum. Son ............................. 104. 188 Ten holder. Brian ..................................... I 56 Teran. Miguel .................................. 138, 189 Terkonda, Dr. ......................................... 157 Thalacker, Rhiannon ............................... 138 T heisen, Sissy .......................................... 240 Themig. John .......................................... 200 Thiele, Steven .................................. I77, 240 Thien, John ............................................... 78 Thomas. Altha ......................................... 240 Thomas, Arncu ......................................... 4 I Thomas, Darren Alan .............................. 241 Thomas, Jcffrey ....................................... 270 Thomas, Jessica ........... 19. 20, I 08. 146. 176 Thomas. Jon .................................... I 06, I 90 Thomas. Mike ........................................... 80 Thomasson, Ross ..................................... 167 Thompson, Dr. Philip (FAC) .................. 209 Thompson, Heather ........................ 120. 176 Thompson, Keith .................................... 178 Thompson, Scou ..................................... 200 Thompson, 7..achlyn ............ 48, 49, 162, 185 Thornburg, Jeff ....................................... 241 Thorough man, Matt ............................ 44, 45 Thullesen, Hans ................ 75, 135.161.178 Tidwell, Misty ......................................... 138 Tiemann. Rob ..................................... 74, 75 Ticn. Dr. Jerry (FAC) .............................. 214 Tierney, Mil hacl ...................................... 24 1 Tijerina, David .................................. 78. 189 Tilley, Bry.m .............................. 41 , 114, 241 Tilling, Aimee .......................................... 108 Todtenhaupt. Angie ................................. 102 Tomaja, Laura ................................. 137. 161 Tomasn·wski. Amy .................................. I 57 Tomlinson, Gary ................................. 39. 41 Tompkins. Marc .................................. 53. 54 Tonga, Ali Alpfer ..................................... I 53 Torfln. Jean neue ..................................... 191 Towle, Mike .................................... 167,241 Trapp. Kevi n ........................................... 101 Treece, Ja~on .............•............................. 167 Triggs. Maricl .................... 7 1, 132, 133, 189 Tripleu, Eric ............................................ 241 Troesser, Dan .......................................... 155 Tmemper, Steve .............................. 101, 198 Tmll, Chris .............................................. 110 Trussell, Jason ......................................... 241 Tschopp, Mark ........................ 106, 174, 186 Tsoulfanidis, Dr. Nicholas (FA C) ............ 215 Tucker,John ................................... 104, 164 Tuii,Wcs ................................................... 41 Twiehaus, Mat ......................................... 114 Twiehaus, Michael Alexander .................. 241

Tyler, CryStal ..................................... ,..... 24 1 Tyrc, Robert ............................................ 244

\Xfalsworrh, Rick ........................................ 4 I Walrers, F. Garnett (FAC) ....................... 208 Wang. Jacob ............................................ 189 Ward, Christopher ................................... 241 Ward, James .................................... 220. 241 Ward, Thomas ........................................ I 53 Wardojo, Erwin ............................... 161. 191 Wareing, Scott ......................................... 242 Ubaldo, Rocio Milagros ........................... 189 Warhoovcr, Man ....................................... 44 Warrington, Chris ................................... 131 Ulrich, Jeff ........................................... 74, 75 Wasem. Katie .................................. I 08, 191 Uluca, Basak ............................................ 195 Washburn, Nikki ....................... 28, 145, 270 Unal, Dr. Ahmer (FAC) .......................... 2 14 Watkins, Dr. Steve (FA C) ................ 167, 194 Unterreiner, Ryan .............................. 43, 178 \Xfatkins, Monica ..................................... 242 Unlicker, Bill ............................... SO. 64, 178 Watkins, Steve ......................................... 210 Uphoff, Craig .......................................... 157 Warson, Dr. John (FA C) ......................... 213 Upp, Chris .............................................. 244 Watson, Mark ......................................... 106 178 138. Uptmor, Ryan ................................. \Xfayne, Leisa ........................................... 194 Urbane. Angie ......................................... 140 Weber, Mike ...................................... 75. 270 Weber, Steven .................................. 162, 198 \Xfedem. Mandy ...................................... 132 \Xfcgman, Andy ........................................ II 0 Wehmeier, Reta ....................................... 210 Wehmeyer, Emily ............................ 185,202 Wehmeyer, Mart ..................................... 101 189 Va lemin-Sivico, Javier ............................. Weigt, Linsey ....................................... 60, 61 Valle, Jorge ................................ 72, 189, 241 Weil, Joe .................................................. 242 41 40, ....................................... Va llely, Brian Weiler, Ben .............................................. 1!4 VanAcker. Jim ............................. 38. 4 I. 156 Weinhold, Joel .......................................... 72 VanAken, Dr. David (FAC) ..................... 213 Welge,Josh .............................................. l35 Vandivon, Kirby ..................................... 196 \Xfelker, Jason .......................................... I 0 I Van Brunt, Andrew ................................. 127 Wells, David .............................................. 70 Van De Mark, Dr. Michael ..................... 207 Wdrig. Craig ................................... 112. 165 Van Horn. Kim ............................... 120. 270 Wengler,Jason ........................................ 117 Varadin, Bill ............................................ 194 Wcnglcr.Jennifcr ....... 28. 13 1. 143, 145, 177 Varadin, Charles ........................................ 41 Wenrrel, Mike ......................................... 191 Vasquel, Michael ..................................... 189 Wesrbrock, Shari ......................... 76, 77, 178 Vaughn, Heather ..................................... 108 Wester, Zcph ..................................... 18, lOS Vchige. Sarah ........................................... 191 Whire, Dan ............................................. 206 Veir, Dominic .................................. 110, 187 White, James ............................. 41, 127, 178 Venneman, Michael ................................. 241 White, Lorie ................................ 58. 60, 178 Verrcn, Ted ............................................. Ill \Xfhite, Travis ........................................... 242 Vickers, Shelly ......................................... 161 \Xfhiteconen. Mike .................................. I I I Viehland, Rob ......................................... 125 \Xfhitehousc,jamiee ......................... l31. 143 Villareal, Jose ........................................... 189 Whirsen, Kelly ......................................... 190 187 Vincem. Chad ......................................... Wicker, Chcrissa ...................................... 132 Vincent. Mike .......................... 11 7. 175. 191 \Xficberg, Kevin ........................................ I I 0 Vishy. Mike ............................................. 116 Wiedlocher, Zachary ................................ 164 Vizuctc, Wil liam ...................................... 189 Wieland, Mary ........................................ 209 Voclkcrding, Jared ....................... 24, 80. 114 Wieseler, Brenda ........................ 22, 155. 184 Vogt, Jerry ............................................... 157 Wigingron, Tom ..................................... 110 Volner, Scon ........................................... 161 Wilde. Joe ................................................ 191 177 136, Von Dielingen, Erin ........................ Wildschum, Chris ............................ 7 I. 178 Voris, Nick .............................................. 24 1 Wiley. Nikki ............................................ 137 162 158, 157, 102. .............. Cathy Vornberg, \Xfilfrcd, Pradeep ........................................ 72 Voss, Ken ........................................ 162. 191 Wilkerson, Dr. Ralph .............................. 208 Vriele, Allison ......................................... 138 \Xfilkerson, Kate ....................................... I 61 Vucich. Doug .......................................... 167 Willard. Christina ...................................... 19 \'<filler. Man ............................................. 154 \Xfilliams, Brad ......................................... 11 4 Williams, Brett ........................................ 114 Williams, Carrie ........................ 28. I 02, 176 Williams. Christie ...... 50. 58. S?. GO, 62. 242 Williams. Dr. Lance (FAC) ...................... 212 Wacker, Bill ............................................. 11 7 Williams, Jason ................................ 143. 191 Wade. David ........................................... 167 Williams. Kelly ........................................ 175 Wade, Nathan ............................... 66. 74, 75 Williams. Mike ............................ 74. 75. 178 Wade, Ryan ............................................... 53 \XIilliams, Scon ........................................ I 54 \Xfagers. Mitch ......................................... 125 Williams, Stephen .................................... 242 \Xfagers, Soni ............................................ 143 Williams, Troy ........................................ 105 Waggoner, Ben ........................................ 116 Williamson, Josh ..................................... 116 Waggoner. Kara ............................... 24 1. 25 1 Willingham, Brian ................................... 167 Waggoner. Stacey ............................ 185, 192 Williston. Kenton .................................... 143 Wagner, Tony ......................................... 145 Willmoth, Geoffrey ......................... 174. 175 Wagoner, Jason ......................................... 41 Willoughby, Scan .................................... 242 Wainscon, Sterling .................. 114 , 220. 24 1 Wi lman, L1ura .......................... 28. 181, 242 Wakely, Becky ................................. 102, 162 Wilson, Dr. John (FAC) .......................... 214 Wakeman, Craig ...................................... 116 \XIilson, James .......................................... 242 Walch, Ed .................................................. 81 Wilson. Joe ................................................ 4 I Waldron, Kevin ....................................... 138 \Xfilson, Mark .......................................... 242 Walker, Ethan ......................................... I06 Wilson, Tom ........................................... 127 Walker, Shawn ........................................ 130 Winkelman, Tom .............................. 75. 110 \Xfalkcr, Stacy ........................................... 120 Winkelmann, Nickolas ............................ 242 Walling, Tracey ....................................... 112 Winkle, Anica .......................................... 120 Wallingsford, Scan ..................................... 69 Winschel, Mark ....................................... I I 0 \Xfallock. Jerry ............................................ 41




Winseu, Steve .......................................... Ill Winslen. Robin ................................. 80, I 14 Winslow, Jeffrey ...................................... 242 Winstead. Usa ......................................... 102 Winter, Jonathan ..................................... 242 Winters, Nicole ....................................... 120 Wintjcn, Kate .......................................... 138 Wit field. Chris ......................................... 157 Witherspoon, teve .................................. 155 Wit house. Abbi ....................................... I 08 Win, Jim ........................................... 41 , 187 Wingrove, Janie~ ..................................... 120 Wohlgemuth, Deanna ............. 176, 193. 242 Wojcik. Josh ............................................ 154 Wojczyk. William ............................ 164, 180 Wojtkowski. Kari. ............................ 168, 270 \Xfokurka. Joseph ..................................... I I 0 Wolff, Kevin ............................................ 164 Wolfgeher, Ren~ ............................ 184, 242 Wood, Alva ............................................. 134 Wood. Arnie ................................ 28, 30. 120 Wood, Sam .................................. ............ 116 Wooden, Eric .......................................... I 14 Woodley, Bob .......................................... 184 Woods, Dennis ................................ 190, 242 Woods, Henry ................................. 100, 243 Woods, Nina ................................... 102, 176 Woodward, Sherry ..................................... 49 Woolsey, Cun ......................................... 243 Worrell, Christy ............................... 163. 243 Worsey, Dr. Paul (FAC) .......................... 2 14 Wray. Nicki ................................. 76, 77, 178 Wright, Jeff ............................................. 162 Wright, Jennifer ....................................... 163 Wright, Patricia ....................................... 243 Wright, Rob .................................... 136, ISS Wu. C. H . (FAC) .................................... 210 Wu-Hung. Robcn ................................... 189 Wyman, Heather ..................................... 243

y Yaiser, Amy ....................................... 28. 120 Yasar, El if ........................................ 191 , 195 Yates, Rowd)• ........................................... 147 Yau, Tony ................................................ 243 Yoder, Candice .................. 28, 132, 169, 19 1 York, Bonnie ................................... 163. 243 York, Zach ............................................... 13S Younce, Jim ............................................... 41 Young, Rob ............................................. 130 Young. Steve ........................................ 43.47 Young, Travis ............................................ 41 Youngblood. TJnuko ................................. 99 Yount. Eric .............................................. 174 Yun, Daniel ............................................. 192 Yusof.Mozow .......................... l 20.176. 186

z ~~/~~;~~·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~~ ZDenck, Jeff .................................... 134. 158 ZcciT, Ted ................................................ 193 Zelda, Giuliana ................................ 189. 243 Zcrr, Brad ................................................ I04 Zerr. Mark ............................................... 116 Ziccardi, Sheryl ........................................ 178 Ziegler, Mike ........................................... 134 Zimmer. Chris ................. 120. 157. 163. 243 Zimmerman, Pete .................................... 140 Zink, Eli1.abeth ........................................ 163 Zobrist. Dr. George (FAC) ...................... 208 Zung. Russell ..................................... 4 1, 178 Zung, William ..................................... 72, 73

I ndex~

Interested in helping put together the 1997

Rollamo? The Rollamo is always looking for new staff members and photographers. Come byoneofour • meettngs at 6:00 on Thursdays in 103G Notwood.


{ 1

Front Row: Nicholc Slo.1n, PJmela Scarborough. Kan WOJikowski, Martha Phariss. Back Row: Nikki Washburn, Amy Rogers. Mike Weber.

rho<"">ph bv <"h.wl Corn .. dl

From Left to Right: Chad Cornwell, Kali Snelling. David Stekcu:e.


Colophon The 1996 Rollamo was printed by Jostens, Inc. Body copy was set in 10 point AGaramond, headlines in Brushscript and AGaramond, and pulled quotes in DomCasual. Senior pictures were taken by Brown's Photography. All color pictures were developed by Wal-Mart.

Editor's Note Well, the 1996 Rollamo is finally done. And I'm finally finished with the Rollamo. Congratulations ro Nichole Sloan on being elected Editorin-Chief for the I 996- I 997 year. l know you'll do great, just watch our for chose pushy people who chink they have control over you and nasi): e-mail from organizations who chink they weren't covered enough in the book. A special rhank you ro Jen Schorrel, Marrha Phariss, and Nichole Sloan for helping to do rhe Student Life section after the editor decided to quit during dead week wirhour having done anyth ing. Mike, Kali, and Pam ir's been fun workjng wirh you for the past rwo years. I hope you found some enjoymenr our ofir all roo. Pam, J hope rhar eventually convention will be on a weekend you can leave Rolla. Nelson, I'm not sure whar ro say except that l hope we get along as well for the nexr 80 years as we do right now. I will always remember you trying ro finish your deadline afrer you had been ro the Grotto fora couple of hours. I guess I'm off ro find a real job now. For my last words of wisdom: find a happy mix berween fun and grades. don't ler anyone trear you bad, don'r rreat yourself bad, join rhe Rollamo staff, and go greek!


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