The Rollamo 2011

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Clockwise from top: Looking over a sea of graduation caps to see speakers at Missouri S&T December Commencement ceremony. Stephany Rae Rich. the student chosen to represent the student body on the commencement platform. Catherine Beckerle accomplishment.



Graduates showing off their Student D1versity Programs stoles.

Chancellor Carney speaking at Student Diversity Programs' Graduabon Reception.

2 Seniors

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Edited By Claire Persons



"What lies behind us and what.lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ~~

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-Ralph Waldo Emerson


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Flag bearers beginning the Commencement ceremony.

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J (Right) Group of May Graduates from the Missouri S&T offshore campus in Sri Lanka.




Seniors 3

Right: Graduates from the Engineering Management Department waiting for their names to be called.

Above: Jennie Murphy being congratulated by Dr. Harvest Collier.

immediate right: Walter Scott-Williams shaking hands with Chancellor Carney, after receiving his diploma. Far right: Some graduates opt out of the traditional cap and gown.

Graduates admiring their hard-earned diplomas.

4 Seniors



Rtght: Aerospace Engtneenng graduates gather for a ptcture before the ceremony. Left: Lisa Stine walktng across the stage after receiving her dtploma. Below: Ketth Batley, former prestdent and CEO of The Wtlliams Compantes. speaktng dunng Oecember Commencement.

Top above Some graduates get crea!lve with thetr gradualton caps.

Graduates stopptng to congratulate each other and chat after the Commencement ceremony.

Top below: Dr. Henry Petroski, Civtl Engtneer, htstorian. and author from Duke Untverstty. speaktng dunng the May Commencement ceremony.

Seniors 5

Mechamcal Engineering Organizations: Formula SAE, Cycling Club

Dan Amos

Brooke Beeson

Mark Bendorf

Chemical Engineering Organizations: AIChE, Chemical Car Design Team, ISPE

Business & Management Systems Greek Affiliation: Kappa Delta Favorite Professor: Stephanie Fitch

Mechanical Engineering, Physics Organizations: Restoration Campus Ministries Favorite Professor: Dr. Koylu

Brandon Bier

Isaac Bond

Engineenng Management Favorite Professor: Dr. Murray Favorite Music: Hip Hop Favorite S&T Memory: St. Pat's

Chemical Engineering Organizations: Alpha Chi Omega, Omega Chi Sigma Favorite Professor: Dr. Ludlow

Casey Brennan

Michelle Brosnahan

Mechanical Engineering Organ1zat1ons: SWE, Pi Tau Sigma Favorite Professor: Dr. Du

Biological Sciences M1nor: Physics, Chemistry Favorite Professor: Dr. Frank Favorite Music: Oldies

6 Seniors

Justin Brower

Kelly Burnett

Mechanical Engineenng Organizations: TIES, SME Favorite S&T Memory: Graduating

Business & Management Systems Organizations: FBLA-PBL, PRO Favorite Professor: Stephanie Fitch Favorite Music: Country

Kiley Bush Mathematics Favonte Professor: Cot. Akers Favorite S&T Memory: Spelunkin' in the Rubby-Dux!


Nicole Buxton

George Chafin

Sc1ences, Psychology Organizations: SCRUBS, Joe's PEERS Favorite Music: Hip Hop, R&B

Information Sc1ence & Technology Organ1zat1ons: Bowling Favorite Professor: Bill Kehr Favorite Music: Classic Rock


Engineenng Management Greek Affiliation Delta Sigma Ph1 Organizations: ASEM, SME, STAT Favorite Mus1c: Class1cal, Oldies

Paul Conrad

Michael Crance

Charles Curtis

Mining Engineering Favonte Professor: Dr. Worsey Favorite Music: Classic Rock

Aerospace, Mechanical Engmeering Favorite Professor: Dr. Riggens Favorite Memory: lOOth St. Pat's

Civil Eng1neenng Orgamzahons: CCF Favorite Professor Hod Wagner Favonte Music. lndie

Amanda Dewrock

Ayman Faza

Architectural Engineering Greek Affiliation: Ch1 Omega Organ1zat1ons: Cheerlead1ng Favonte Music: Country

Computer Engineering Organizations: International Students Club Favorite Music: Pop

Caroline Fernandez

Danielle Foley

Geology Favonte Professor: Dr. Hogan

Mechanical Engineering

Aerospace Engmeering Greek Affiliation: Delta Sigma Ph1 Favorite S&T Memory: Founding Delta Sigma Phi

Hillary Griffith

Ed Harster

Gregory Hoernig

Metatlurg,cal Engineenng Orgamzations: M.Ciub, Alpha S1gma Mu Favorite Professor: Dr. O'Keefe

Civil & Architectural Engineenng Greek Affiliation: Delta Sigma Ph1 Favorite S&T Memory: Everything from being in my fraternity

Mechamcal Engineering Organizations: Rugby Club Favorite Music: Rock, J-Pop

Terrence Holderby

Victoria Holderby

Chemical Engineering

Jonathan Hornung

Mechamcal Engineering

Information Sc1ence & Technology Favorite Professor: Dr. Kehr Favorite S&T Memory: Hanging out with friends

Megan Huchingson

Douglas Kinkenon

Justin Kolker

Abby LaPreze

Architectural Engineering Greek Affiliation: Zeta Tau Alpha Organizations: AEI, ASCE Favonte Professor: Dr. Showalter

Ceramic Engineering Greek Affiliation: Phi Kappa Theta Favonte S&T Memory: St. Pat's

Information Science & Technology Orgamzations: S&T-JT. SUB Comedy Comm1ttee Favonte Memory: Bruno's Night!

Mechanical Engineenng Greek Affiliation: Zeta Tau Alpha Favonte S&T Memory: ZTA Pink Week or Greek Week

8 Seniors

Logan Meyer

Matthew Mitchell

Jeremy Morris

George Obeldobel

Archrtectural Engineering Organizations: Delta Lambda Phi Favorite Professor: Dr. Schramm

Computer Scrence, Mathematrcs Greek Affllratron: Delta Sigma Phi Organizatrons: KMNR, Blue Key, Rugby Club, St. Pat's, StuCo

Ceramrc Engmeering Greek Affiliation: Sigma Pr Favorite Professor: Jeff Smith Favorite Music: Country

Chemrcal Eng~neenng, Economrcs Favorite Professor: Dr. Henthorn Favorite Musrc: Alternative

Michael Owens

Casey Patterson

Mechanrcal Engineenng Organizations: Tau Beta Pr, Pr Tau Sigma, NSBE, Phi Kappa Phi, SHPE

Michelle Patz

Environmental Eng~neenng Organtzatrons: Delta Lambda Phi, DaVincr Socrety, Free Thinkers Favorite Professor: Dr. Fitch

Computer Scrence Favonte S&T Memory: Meeting my future husband



I Erin Ramey

Frank Sauer

Computer Engineenng Organizations: Rollamo Favonte Professor: Or. Vi Lee

Engrneenng Management, Economics Favonte Professor: Or. Gelles Favorite Music: Ska

Mark Scabarozi Eng~neenng

Management Greek Affiliation. Delta Sigma Phi Favorite Professor: Dr. Htggtnbotham

Andrew Schott Brochemrcal Eng~neenng Organizabons: Alpha Chr Sigma, AtChE, Omega Chi Epsilon, ISPE

Seniors 9

Shaunda Scott Mechanical Engmeering Favorite Professor: Dr. Pringle Favorite S&T Memory: Opening Week & every Best Ever St. Pat's

Civil Engineering Minor: Psychology Greek Affiliation: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.

Daniel Segert

Alex Silva

Metallurgical Engineering Mtnor: History

Information Sctence & Technology, Business Organizations: SAB, FBLA Favorite Professor: Dr. Kehr

Organ1zat1ons: Human Powered Vehicle

Favorite Music: Rock, Electronica

Joe Slattery

Drew Taylor

Christopher Tutza

Engtneering Management. Economtcs Favorite Professor: Dr. Gelles

Mintng Engineering Organizations: Tau Beta Sigma Favorite Professor: Dr. Worsey Favorite Music: Classic Rock

Aerospace Engineering Organizations: Tau Beta Sigma, M-SAT Team, S&T Bands and Orchestra

Mechanical Engineering Organizations: Wesley Campus Ministry, Robotics Competition Team

10 Seniors

Ashley Wallingford

Rebecca Wentz

Andrew Wessel

Engmeering Management Orgamzabons: S&T Softball, M-Ciub Favonte Professor: Dr. Murray

Biological Sciences, Psychology Organizations: Kappa Kappa Ps1 Favonte S&T Memory: Football games wtth the marching band

Biological Sc1ences, Chemistry Organizations: Tau Beta Sigma, Da Vinci, Rollamo Favorite Music: Classical Piano

Sean Albillar

Jacob Alyea

Dhya Alzin

Kevin Armendariz

Business Minor: Psychology of Leadership, Information Science & Technology Organizations: Circle K, Rollamo

Computer Science Organizations: ACM Favorite S&T Memory: Guitar Hero on a projector in the dorms

Petroleum Engineering Organizations: Interna tional Student Club, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Petroleum Engineering Honor Society

Mechanical Engineering, Interdisciplinary Engineering Favorite Music: Blues Favorite S&T Memory: St. Pat's

Collin Bahr

Piotr Baidas

History Organizations: S&T Football, Phi Alpha Theta, History Club Favorite Music: Rock

Engineering Management Organizations: Yoga Fitness Club, KMNR Favorite Music: KMNR

Courtney Barber

Catherine Beckerle

David Beech

Mesay Belayneh

Engineering Management

Architectural Engineering

Greek Affiliation: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Favorite S&T Memory: Passing Clac 3 & HGR

Greek Affiliation: Chi Omega Favonte Professor: Dr. Schramm Favorite Music: Anything I can dance to

Geology Favorite Professor: Dr. Yang Favorite Music: Oldies

Electrical Engineering Organizations: Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Kappa Phi

Gracia Biayi

Robert Bostic

Bethany Bray

Chemical Engineering

Petroleum Engineering Greek Affiliation: Tnangle Organizations: CCF Favorite Professor: Dr. Bayless

Aerospace Engineering Favorite Professor: Dr. Riggins Favorite Music: Techno Favorite S&T Memory: St. Pat's

Biology Organizations: Volleyball Favorite Professor: Dr. Aronstam Favorite Music: Country

Veronica Breen

Emily Briggs

Blair Brown

Ryan Brunkhorst

B1ology Organ1zabons: Helix, Phi Sigma, Alpha Psi Omega, Newman, Miner League Theater Players

Mechamcal Engineenng Organizations: S&T Orchestra, BSU, Robotics

Chemical Engineenng Greek Affiliation: Ch1 Omega

Petroleum Engmeenng Greek Affiliat1on: Pi Kappa Alpha Organizations: Student Council Favorite Professor: Dr. Eckert

Kathryn Bryant

Emily Buchmeier

Alexander Burge

Ashley Byerley

Bus1ness & Management Systems Orgamzatlons: Alpha Psi Omega, M1ner League Theater Players

Chem1cal Engineenng Greek Affiliaton: Zeta Tau Alpha Organizations: AIChE, SWE, Omega Chi Epsilon

Computer Sc1ence Organizations: Robotics Team

Geology Organizations: S1gma Gamma Epsilon, C.L. Dake Geological Society

12 Seniors


Michael Carte

Andrew Clum

Eboni Conners

Computer Engineering Minor: Computer Science Organizations: Kappa Kappa Psi, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Mu S&T Band

Applied Mathematics Greek Affiliation: Alpha Epsilon Pi Organizations: MVG, SPS, ANS Favorite Music: Rock, Techno

Engineering Management Minor: Mechanical Engineering Favorite S&T Memory: The friendships & bonds I've made

Engineering Management Organizations: Omega Sigma Favorite Professor: Dr. Gelles

Rachel Cook

Robert Cornett

Cody Cox

Matthew Dahl

Aerospace Engineering Organizations: SUB Favorite S&T Memory: Rock Ball trip that SUB sponsored

Engineering Management Organizations: ASEM, Concrete Canoe, KMNR, Tau Beta Pi, Blue Key, Epsilon Mu Eta

Mechanical Engineering Greek Affiliation: Sigma Phi Epsilon Organizations: IFC, Kappa Mu Epsilon

Chemical Engineering Organizations: AXE, OXE, AIChE, Chemical Car Team Favorite S&T Memory: St. Pat's '09

Corey Dahlberg

Kevin Dennis

Jeffrey Divis

Kelly Dowdy

Mechanical Engineering Favorite Professor: Dr. Stutts Favorite Music: Rock

Civil Engineering Greek Affiliation: Beta Sigma Psi Favorite Professor: Wagner Favorite S&T Memory: Graduation

Nuclear Engineering Organizations: American Nuclear Society, Women in Nuclear Favorite Professor: Gary Mueller

Favorite Professor: Dr. Pernika Favorite Music: Rock

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Daniel Edwards

Philip Egan

Kyle Ensign

Allen Ernst

Architectural Engineering Greek Affiliation: Alpha Pi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Organizations: NSBE, SHPE, Toast Master's

Engineering Management Organizations: Cycling Club, liE

Computer Science Organizations: ACM Favorite S&T Memory: Miner Mayhem 2010

Mechanical Engineering Favorite Professor: Sterling Martin Favorite S&T Memory: Breaking the school record in Steeplechase



Austin Ferguson

David Finke

Savannah Fitzwater

Scott Follmer

Aerospace Engineering Organizations: M-Sat Favorite Professor: Dr. Pernika Favorite Music: Big Band

Mechanical Engineering Organizations: ASME, SME Favorite Professor: James Drallmeier

Nuclear Engineering Organizations: Women in Nuclear, American Nuclear Society, Tau Beta Pi

Computer Science Organizations: ACM, IEEE Computer Society, CL.AA Favorite S&T Memory: Dorm life

Katherine Fritts

Brian Fuqua

History Favorite Professor: Dr. Ahmad Favorite Music: Rock

Mechanical Engineering Organizations: EWB, SUB, Blue Key, Perfect 10 lmprov

John Furby

Aerospace Engineering Organizations: MVG Favorite Professor: Dr. Pernika Favorite Music: Rock

Mechanical Engineering Organizations: Free Hugs

14 Seniors

Mustafa Ghazwi

Morgan Goldammer

Michael Gonzalez

Alyson Habermehl

Petroleum Engineering Organizations: SPE, Saudi Students Association, International Students Club

Chemrcal Engineering Greek Affiliation: Chi Omega Favorite S&T Memory: Studying Abroad in France

Electncal Engrneenng

Business & Management Systems Mrnor: lnformatron Science & Technology, Economics Organizations: Omega Sigma, EWB

James Hachmuth

Airin Haselwander

Robert Haselwander

Amanda Heady

Nuclear Engineering Favonte Professor: Dr. Gary Mueller Favorite Music: Country

Geology Organizations: CL Dake Geologrcal Society, Sigma Gamma Epsrlon Favorite Music: Christian

Geology Organizatrons: CL Dake Geologrcal Society, Srgma Gamma Epsrlon Favorite Musrc: Classical Guitar

Architectural Engrneenng Greek Affiliation: Chi Omega Favonte S&T Memory: Dance Parties

Seth Helmich

Ryan Hicks

Daniel Hillis

Rebecca Hilsher

Mechanical Engineering Orgamzations: Pi Tau Srgma Favonte Professor: Dr. Drallmerer Favorite S&T Memory: Physics I

Geology Favorite Professor: Dr. Hogan • Favorite Music: 90's Grunge Favorite S&T Memory: 311 concert

Aerospace Engrneering Greek Affiliation: Delta Sigma Phi Favonte Professor: Dr. Dewitt Favorite Music: Hip Hop

Enwonmental Engrneering Greek Affiliation¡ Kappa Delta Favorite S&T Memory: All my sorority memories

Seniors 15

Luke Hogan

Forrest Huebner

Thomas Hulsey

Architectural Engineering Organizations: AEI Favorite Music: Avenged Sevenfold

Metallurgical Engineering Organizations: MA, FEF, AFS Favorite Professor: Dr. Kosber Favorite Music: Rock

Aerospace Engineering Organizations: AIM, MAS, AFROTC Favorite S&T Memory: Graduation

Latesha Humphrey

Corey Ipock

Nick Jensen

Matthew Jincks

Bus1ness & Management Systems, Economics Greek Affiliation: Kappa Delta Favorite S&T Memory: Meeting my fiance

Interdisciplinary Eng1neenng Organizations: RHA, NRHH Favorite S&T Memory: Powdered Sugar Day

Architectural Engineering Organizations: CCF, Chi Epsilon Favorite S&T Memory: Kayaking on the Little Piney

Civil & Architectural Engineenng Organizations: WEF, Chi Epsilon, Spelunking, Trap & Skeet Favorite Professor: Dr. Stephenson

Mechan1cal Engineering, Material Science Organizations: Formula SAE Favorite Professor: Dr. Nisbett

Peter Joplin

Kirtesh Khengar

Ellen Kirk

CIVil Engineering Greek Affiliation路 Beta Sigma Ps1 Organizations: Chi Epsilon Favorite S&T Memory: St. Pats

Mechanical Engmeering Minor: Business Favorite S&T Memory: Being nominated for Homecoming King '10

Brian Koenig

Chemical Engineenng Organizations: Alpha Chi Sigma, AIChE, OXE, S&T Ballet Club, Chemical Car Team

Aerospace Engineering Orgamzabons: Campus Crusade for Christ, Intramural Managers Association, Miner Challenge, ASB

16 Seniors

Hilary Kuehn

David Landstra

Jason Lange

Civil & Architectural Engineering Greek Affiliation: Chi Omega Organizations: STAT, IK Favorite Professor: Dr. Sneed

Computer Engineering Organizations: Miner Threat

Mechanical Engineering

Civil Engmeering, Mining Engineering Organizations: Chi Epsilon, Wesley Campus M1nistry, CCF

Sarra Zheng Li

Austin Long

Cheng Alan Lu

Matthew Lyons

Chemical Engineering Organizations: Alpha Chi Sigma, OXE

Mechanical Engineering Minor: Aerospace Engineering Organizations: Pi Tau Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi

Electrical Engineering Organizations: IEEE Favorite S&T Memory: St. Pats & Spnng Break '11

Electrical Engineering Greek Affiliation: Kappa Sigma Organizations: Theta Tau Omega, IFC

Andrew Mann

Joshua Manthei

Patrick Martin

Zachary Martin

Metallurgical Engineering Organizations: Alpha Chi Sigma, Wesley Campus Ministry Favorite Professor: Dr. Okeefe

Mechanical Engineering Greek Affiliation: Sigma Chi Organizations: Blue Key, IFC, ASME Favorite Professor: Leo Soisson

Biology, Chemistry Organizations: Phi Sigma Favorite Music: Rock

Civil Engineering Organizations: Chi Epsilon, CCF Favorite S&T Memory: SUB Easter Egg Hunt

Seniors 17



Marc Mastrantuono

Thomas McCormick

Brandon Meadows

Andrew Merritt

Civil & Architectural Engineenng Organizations: AGC, ASCE, AEI Favorite S&T Memory: Winning a TV & PS3 at the Sub Easter Egg Hunt

Civil & Architectural Engineering Organizations: S&T Baseball, AGC, ASCEm ASHRAE Favorite Professor: Hod Wagner

Chemical Engineering Organizations: ISEE, ASUM, AIChE Favorite Professor: Paul Worsey Favorite Music: Rock

Metallurgical Engineering Organizations: MA, AFS/FEF Favorite Professor: Dr. Von Richards

Whittney Metcalf

Brandon Mikel

Rebecca Miller

Scott Miller

Petroleum Engineering Minor: Geology

Computer Science Favorite Professor: Dr. Martin Favorite Music: Funk Favorite S&T Memory: Lunch

Mechanical Engineering Organizations: Restoration Campus Ministry, Aerial Swing Dance Club Favorite Professor: Dr. Drallmeier

Mining Engineering Organizations: SME, Swing Dance Favorite S&T Memory: Danc1ng during Diwali Night

Renee Moreland

Adam Morgan

Jennie Murphy

Civil Engineering Organizations: Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, NRHH, Concrete Canoe

Civil Engineering

Metallurgical Engineenng Favorite Professor: Dr. Von Richards Favorite S&T Memory: Hanging out with all these awesome people!

Electrical Engineering Favorite Professor: All Electrical Eng~neering Professors Favorite Mus1c: Country

Nurul Hanani Tajul Nahar

Matt Nickols

Jeff Nye

Geology, Geophysics Favorite Professor: Or. Hogan & Dr. Wronkiewicz Favorite Music: lndie

Mechanical Engineering Favorite S&T Memory: Friends, shenanigans, & all-night study sessions (add humor & mix liberally)

Biology Organizations: NRHH, Phi Sigma Honor Society Favorite Professor: Or. Niyogi

Management & Information Systems Favorite S&T Memory: Organizing the 1st Miner Mayhem Concert with

Carolyn Pearson

Claire Persons

Michelle Price

Thulaganyo Rahube

Civil Engineering Favorite Music: Christian Rock Favorite S&T Memory: Laughing at nerdy jokes in the Civil computer lab

Engineering Management Minor: 1/0 Psychology Greek Affiliation: Chi Omega Favorite Professor: Dr. Cudney

Geological Eng1neering Organizations: Campus Missionary for Baptist Student Union

Mining Engineenng Orgamzahons: Afncan Student Association, Women 1n M1ning, SME Favonte Professor: Or. Frimpong

Adam Randles

Justin Ray

Frederick Reineke

Michael Renkoski

Mechanical Engmeering Favorite Professor: Or. Nisbet & Or. Orallmeier

Information Science & Technology Organizations: ACM Favorite Professor: Dr. Kehr Favorite Music: Rock

Electrical Engineenng, Computer Engineering Organizations: PKA, HKN, IEEE, STAT

Metallurgical Eng1neenng Organizations: EWB, Tau Beta P1 Favorite S&T Memory: Winning indoor & outdoor conference in track

Seniors 19

Veronica Ritchey

Benjamin Rola

Ryan Roth

Chemical Engineering, Physics Favorite Professor: Or. Ludlow Favorite S&T Memory: St. Pats

Chemical Engineering Organizations: AIChE Favorite S&T Memory: Late nights in the study lounge

Mechanical Engineering Organizations: CLA Favorite Music: Rock

Civil Engineering Organizations: ASCE, Concrete Canoe Team

Thomas Russell Jr.

Karen Schilli

Stephen Schrock

Walter Scott-Williams

Aerospace Engineering Organizations: Sigma Gamma Tau, Satellite Team, Rollamo Favorite Professor: Or. Pernicka

Biology Organizations: Helix, Phi Sigma, SCRUBS Favorite Professor: Dr. Frank

Architectural Engineering Organizations: ASH RAE, AEI Favorite S&T Memory: Movie Nights with friends

Engineering Management Greek Affiliation: Phi Beta Sigma Favorite S&T Memory: Group projects

Sara Shafer

Alexander Shirley

Brian Shryock

Civil Engineering Organizations: AGC, ASCE Favorite Professor: Hod Wagner Favorite Music: Country

Architectural Engineering Organizations: Chi Epsilon, AEI, Habitat for Humanity, Gold Miners, Solar House, Phi Eta Sigma

Interdisciplinary Engineering Organizations: KNOWNS, IOSA Favorite Professor: Robert Stone Favorite S&T Memory: Pearl Harbor

Nuclear Engineering Organizations: ANS Favorite Professor: Dr. Pringle & Dr. Story

20 Seniors

Jared Simon

Frank Smith

Kristyn Smith

Computer Science Organizations: BSU Favorite S&T Memory: Watching my RA's door get stolen

Civil & Architectural Engineering Organizations: Ch1 Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, AEI, ASCE, KMNR Favorite Professor: Dr. Lesley Sneed

Engineering Management Greek Affiliation: Chi Omega Favorite S&T Memory: Being a Ch1 Omega & Goddess Greek Week '10

Chem1cal Engineenng Organizations: Campus Crusade for Chnst Favorite S&T Memory: Graduatmg

Julie Speer

John Stanek

Daniel Stanfill

Nathan Stodghill


Metallurgical Engineering Orgamzatlons: AFS, FEF Favorite S&T Memory: The Bull Party

Information Sc1ence & TechnologyFavorite Professor: Dr. Kehr

Nuclear Engineenng Organizations: Vars1ty Football, ANS Favonte Professor: Dr. Gary Mueller

David Strautmann

Matthew Strautmann

Lauren Summerville

Sarah Sutterer

Electncal Engineenng

PsychologyOrganizations: Ps1 Chi, S&T Volleyball, PsyCo Favorite Music: Metal

Chem1cal Eng1neering Greek Affiliation: Ch1 Omega

Mechan1cal Engmeenng

Seniors 21

Electrical Engineering Organizations: KMNR Favorite Professor: Cheng-Hsiao Wu Favorite Music: EDM

Thea Tadlock

Jordan Taillon

Merkeb Teame

Nuclear Engineering Organizations: Women in Nuclear, Alpha Nu Sigma, American Nuclear Society

Computer Engmeering

Mechanical Engineering Organizations: BSU Favorite Professor: MacSithigh Favorite Music: Jazz

Natalie Tedford

Ryan Trulli

Crystal Twenter

Petroleum Engineering Greek Affiliation: Chi Omega Favonte S&T Memory: Chi Omega, all four years

Cassie Unruh

Mechanical Engineenng Greek Affiliation: Sigma Chi Favorite Professor: Lucille Myers Favorite Music: Rap

Geology Favorite S&T Memory: Performing Beauty & the Beast with the Minor League Theater Players

Electrical Eng1neenng Favorite Professor: Dr. Cox Favorite S&T Memory: Meeting my boyfriend

Avery Watkins Jr.

David Wehner

Civil & Architectural Engineering Greek Affiliation: Sigma Chi Favorite Professor: Dr. Lesie Sneed Favorite S&T Memory: Alex's Pizza

Computer Engmeenng Organizations: NSBE, ABS, BMTI Favorite S&T Memory: ABS Paint Ball Event

Alex Weidenbrenner

Electrical Engineenng, Computer Engineering Organizations: Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, KME

Civil Engmeering Organizations: ACI Favorite Professor: Dr. Volz Favorite Music: Rock

22 Seniors

Andrew Westermier

Alexander White

Jason White

Civil Engineenng Greek Affiliation: Beta Sigma Psi Favorite Professor: Genda Chen Favorite Music: Country

Chemical Engineering

C1v1l & Architectural Eng~neering Greek Affiliation: Sigma Ch1 Favorite Professor: Dr. Sneed Favorite S&T Memory: Sigma Chi

InterdiSCiplinary Engmeenng Favorite Mus1c: Heavy Metal, Rock Opera

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Rexann Whorton

Nicholas Wiehe

Kristina Wilder

Kyle Williams



Organizations: RHA, NRHH, Freethinkers Favorite Professor: Dr. Bichsel

Organ1zations: AFROTC Favonte Professor: Dr. Martin Favorite Music: Orchestral Rock

Ceramic Engineenng Greek Affiliation: Zeta Tau Alpha Organizations: Tau Beta P1, Keramos

Physics Organizations路 SPS, AFROTC. Track & F1eld Favorite Professor: Dr. Story

Patrick Williams

Amanda Wollenberg

May Yee Wong

Hui Zhu

Civil Eng~neering Greek Affiliation: Kappa Sigma Favorite S&T Memory: Traveling to D.C. with Solar House Team

Civll & Architectural Engineering Organizations: Habitat for Humanity, EWB, SWB, AEI Favorite Professor: Dr. Bayless

Chem1cal Eng~neering Organizations: International Students Club, AIChE Favorite Professor: Dr. Henthorn

Metallurg~cal Eng~neenng

Orgamzat1ons: ISC Favorite Professor: Dr. Kohser

Seniors 23

(Above) 20 II Greeksing at the Taterpatch

(Above) PlaYJng pool at SUB's Welcome Back N1ght. (R1ghl) Student en]oymg a massage dunng Relaxation Day wh1le other's sign up. (Far R1ghl) P1ng.Pong dunng Welcome Back nrght. (R1ght) Garrick Johnson. II performrng at the Alpha Ball during the rnterm1ssion. )


(M1ddle R1ghl) ~~denrs pegorm1ng at Open M1c N1ghf,'~sored"by ABS


Edited By Chris Sample



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(Below) Student's participating 1n the watch1ng of "The Rocky Horror P1cture Show: An Interactive Expenence". sponsored by the DaVinc1 Society and KMNR.

(01rectty Below) Students \VOrk1ng the Haunted Mme. (Far Below) Group enJoying donuts and m1lk at

Student Life 25

sua Presents...

coffeeHous e series

Th1s year's Coffeehouse Senes k1cked off With FIVe Tunes August and brought •n great mus•cal talents such as W1l Oeynes, The S1lent Partner. Cheryl B Engelhardt. Jared Mahone. and Ch1nua Hawk.



Student ,.. Life


Brad Skist1mas of F1ve Times August.


(Directly Above) Cheryl B. Engelhardt singing while she plays the piano. (Far Above) The Silent Partner performing with lead vocalist Brad Shaw.


With Diversit y Arts commit tee Present s...

Pie & Poe try Th1s year's events brought m art1sts such as poets Andrea G1bson (directly above) and George Watsky (m1ddle left). Audiences filled to the area and only crumbs where left of the delicious pies from Rolla's own Slice of Pie; provided for free by SUB Performing & Diversity Arts Committee.

ABS Presents...


The Association of Black Students hosted Open M1c N1ghts to allow students to showcase the1r talents; such as rec1tmg poetry, smgmg or playmg songs, comedy, or dancmg.





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Black & Gold Ball and Neophyte stepshow The gentlemen of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc hosted their annual Black & Gold Ball. Six beautiful ladies participated in this year's event. Each had their own talents, which included do1ng magic, comedy, baking, painting. singing, and swing dancmg. Daniel Edwards (below) was the MC of the event and kept the audience laughing. The men of the fraternity also stepped during the show for guest entertainment.

In the end, Vicki McKinney (direct left) won the title of Miss Black & Gold. She sang a lovely song written by herself and looked stunning in her ball gown. (Below) Mayela Roa-Correla displaying her cooking talent with event king, Akil Hutchins. (Far Below) Daniel Edwards leading into the next competition after the girls performed a dance.

28 Student Life

Freaker•s Ball KMNR 89.7 hosted the 2010's Freaker's Ball at the Rolla Moose Lodge. The concert was free. Local band FISHMissle will be played, as well as VoiHolla and We Landed on the Moon. Prizes for the best costumes were awarded.

(Below) Jenny Page introducing the next band to perform. (Below Middle) Guests entenng the Freaker's Ball dressed in their costumes and mingling with friends.

The night was one to remember as the wide variety of costumes shocked and amazed those in attendance. Costumes ranged from corpses to cigarettes and characters such as Gumbi and Waldo.

(Below Middle) Two members of the band FISHMissle performing with their trumpets.

Student Life 29

In Celebration of Women's History Month 2011, students and faculty were invited to attend "The Chocolate Lounge" for an evening of fun and inspiration. They sampled fine chocolate and sipped hot chocolate or coffee while nominees and winners of the 2011 Inspirational Woman Awards were honored. Organizers say the event is intended "to create the perfect experience, a place to saturate the senses with pure, intense, decadent chocolate, and warm conversation with others."

Dinner to Jazz The Assoctatton of Black Students (ABS) hosted their annual Dinner to Jazz in the spring. Guests enjoyed an eventng of great food, wonderful music, and networktng Wlth the ABS executive board as well as wtth Mtssoun S&T alumm members.

Htgh school students of the NSBE's Pre-College lnttiative also attended Dinner to Jazz as part of the ftnal event of their weekend long VISit to the Missouri S&T campus.

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5TH ANNUAL DANCE XXXPLOSION The gentlemen of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. held their annual Dance Xxxplosion which brought in schools from throughout Missouri. School The host was Mike Smith, a comedian, and the guest performer was Cameron. The winning school was Essence of Hip Hop from Missouri State University (Left). Images courtesy of the hosting fraternity and taken by Brent Scarbrough.

Mike Smith (Left) Cameron (Close Left) Guests and performers gathered at the "Moose's Lodge" for more dancing and festivities. (Below and Far Left)





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Haunted Mine During the Fall season. students and faculty hosted their annual Haunted Mine event. Visitors went beneath the earth and traveled through the labyrinth, torture chambers. Bubbles the Clown, and more. Non-perishable food items were also accepted and were donated to charity. Looking at the photos below, one can see how terrifying it was this year. The students were detailed in their setup and makeup and it really showed as guests ran screaming.

32 Student Life

It has become an annual event where zombies sweep over the campus, forcing humans to unite together to survive the overtaking. There was a Zombie Apocalypse in both the Fall and Spring semester. This event always fills the campus with the most awesome type of craziness as the students really get into it. Although from the outside looking in HVZ appears it is about how to react in the event of zombies attacking, it is actually just a game. An epic game of epidemic proportions, an award winning game, but a game nonetheless.

Hu111ans vs ZOIIIbies

(Above) Zach and Nic leading the way to safety for the humans.

and Doug providing these epic

Student Life 33

Students were given the opportumty to conquer the IDE building with lhe1r Nerf skills. The Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) hosted the Nerf Wars Tournament.

Students came prepared for battle as several of them carried multiple

(Above) Two students SIZing up their targets enby point to prepare an ambush.

v_ 1 .....-.. . (

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(Above) A student takmg precautions before takmg the stairs to the next floor.

Tipsy Olympics & LAWL (League of Legends Toumament) Alcohol awareness program 10 TJ South lounge wh1ch mcluded Mlnute-to-W1n-1t games played wearing fatal VISIOn goggles. There was also a League of Legends Tournament w1th cmr 20 students and computers.

ACM Presents ...


The Association for Comput1ng Machmery presented 1ts biannual event. MmerLAN. Players competed 10 several rounds of play w1th randomly chosen teams across a small variety of popular maps and game modes. Player slats were tracked throughout the rounds and at the end of the tournament the top players were chosen based on several different cntena to receive pnzes

Games and Events Fnday • 6:00PM - Doors Open: Show up and set up. • 6:30PM - Dinner: Dominos Pizza • 7:00PM- DotA Tournament (Part 1) Saturday • 9:00AM - Breakfast: Panera Bagels • 12:00PM- Lunch: Sub Sandwiches • 1:00PM- DotA Tournament (Part 2) • 6:00PM - Dmner: Papa Johns Ptzza • 7:00PM- Team Fortress II Tournament • 9:00PM- Armagetron Tournament Sunday • lO:OOAM - Breakfast: Donuts • 2:00PM - The End: Clean up and get out

(D1rect Left) Doug McGeehan With h1s "No t1me for nonsense" look. (R1ghl) Lots of p1zza and soda pop was en,oyed by the garners.






ABS Presents ...



z m • - • ••

.. Held at the ROTC field area, the Association of Black Students hosted their 2nd Annual Paintball Tournament. Attendance was high and the rounds that took place were intense to say the least. (Below) After hearing the rules and safety guideline, students received their helmets and paintball guns then headed to the field.


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Breenae Washington and ..1VM:ic~h: el:le McClure posing in style.

(Above) Preparing for round one after separating in Team Yellow and Team Red. (Lower Right) Students receiving advice from ROTC student following round two. (Middle Left) Jonathan Sanders anxiously awaiting to ambush the opposing team.

36 Student Life

Solar Hous e Team Decathlon.D ecath lon

The Solar House Team is once again hosted the Campus Featuring events like Big Jenga, Bucket Bngade, and Dodgeball.

The funds from partictpants regJstrahon went to benefit the Solar House Team's research.

Flag Footb all Sigma Nu and Chi Omega are hosted a flag football tournament 1n the fall. Teams registered for $16 per member were treated to food and t-shtrts. All proceeds went to cancer research and the Boys and Girls Town

Student Life 37


Earth On the 22nd of April , Earth Day is celebrated internationally as a way to foster awareness and concern for the environment and Earth in general. This is done through educational outreach as well as civic programs.

Being a campus geared towards the sciences, Missouri S&T serves as a venue for the region. School kids from around southcentral Missouri come to the campus to get educated by various organizations, including academic and student design teams.

Renovations (Kappa Delta Below)

Over the past year, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Kappa Sigma, and Kappa Delta have been working on renovations to their houses.

(Sigma Ph1 Epsilon Above) (Kappa S1gma to the right)



38 Stud ~t Life



Greeks Helping the Community Chi Omega holds thetr 19th annual spaghetll dtnner to ratse money: for the Make a Wtsh foundation.

leta Tau Alpha ratses money for Breast Cancer duri They !Jed pink ribbons around campus. sold T¡Shtrls. and held a volleyball toumament (AboVe).

Kappa Delta and Della Sigma Phi raise money by holding a brunch and performing music outstde. Delta Sigma Pht enterlatns anyone walktng by for the Kappa Delta/Delta Sigma Pht brunch by playtng music (Left).

Greek Week Every Spring Semester the fraternities and sororities get celebrate by having contests, events, performing community service as well as various other social activities.

In Havener. Kappa Delta held a self defense semtnar lead by Sergeant Letha Young (Above).

The GODZ judge the ldi-Odyssey during Greek Week. They pick the OVOOJII winners for categories such as, Queens candidates. Jloat. and skits (left)

Cht Omega stngs the Grady Bunch to the tune of the TV show. The Brady Bunch. During Tnang1e's skit. they performed a scene from Ntght at the Roxbury. The fratemtttes compete tn the hot dog ea!tng contest durmg ldi-Odysseys.

. __.a .a


' -.. .

This year's Block Party, sponsored by SUB and Blue Key, featured games, inflatables, live music, BBQ, a student carnival, fireworks, comedian Josh Sneed and much more.

40 Student Life

SUB Egg Hunt Every year the Student Union Board sponsors a campus-wide Easter Egg Hunt. Prizes ranged from tons of candy to tv's and games systems. This year's event started off with a fireworks show which also indicated the end of the Block Party.

Student Life 41


. . --Quadrangle Hall Assoc1at1on

Colleen Conrad, Stephen Moerer, Amber Shrader, Usa Barrett, Brenda Ellis, RIChard Keen. Dale. Paul P1ckett. Damon Guthne (Note: Some p1ctured may not be named)

Thomas Jefferson Hall Association

Zach LaRue, Brian Buccellato, Lukas Mueller, John Hilsher, Eric Doutey, Patnc1a Mull1gan, Josh Fagnant. Scott Jemison, Clayton McCowen, Rachel LaFiore, Derek Huang. Forrest Carrthers, Ph111ip Kosi (Dr. Phil), Brandel Luebbert, Cameron Pans, Grant DeShon, Clayton Jenn1ngs, Alex Lee. Ryan MeSSick, Garrett Gabel, N1ck Dohterman. Sean McNulty, Njomba Arrey, Brad Trapp

Vegas night Below and Right)

Residential College Association

--Alyssa Packard, Melissa Heskett. Courtney Cocks, Sean McGovem, Rita Lopez, Matt Tantillo. Greg St1pes, Ben Coffey, Andrew Bruno, Jack Rose, Garrett Moylan, Jon Flemming. James Middleton, Warren Hall. Josh Schatdenbrand, Dustin Specker, Brian Hahn, Derek Schloemann, Allan Clements, Charlie Gardner, Ben Prewitt, Charlie Moore, Brenn! Courtney



Blarney Bash Blarney Bash is a St. Pat's alternative event sponsored by the Late Night Alcohol-Free Committee, Residential Life, SUB, and the Residence Hall Association. It features a series of events such as Casino with Mazzini & Perfect 10, Late Night Breakfast, a dodgeball tournament, and Humans vs. Zombies. There was also a carnival, where many students came and enjoyed themselves.



t*4 AN



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Missouri S&T Design Tea111s =路 g

Missouri S&T offers a variety of student run design teams aimed at getting students experience in their major while having a great creating something with a team. Some of our design teams are Advanced Aero Vehicle Group, Baja SAE, Concrete Canoe, Engineers Without Borders, Formula SAE, Human Powered Vehicle, Robotics, Solar Car, Solar House, and Steel Bridge.

Solar House Team Formula SAE

Solar Car Team

44 Student Life

(Below: EcoCar photos compliments of John Sheffield)

EcoCar Team

Miner Baja Car

Concrete Canoe Team

Student Life 45

46 Sports

":- ~ ~l


Edited By Thomas Russell

... ~ ',

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. "I've alwa~s made~ total effort, even when .,

. ..l, .

the odds seefn~d entirely against me. I never quit trying; I never felt that I didn't have a chance to win." -Arnold Palmer



路-- I.

Chad Shockley (nght) had an Impressive 10 touchdowns and 87 catches for l, 198 yards this season.

Steve Watson (below) break1ng a tackle 1n the game agamst Urbana.

Ra1sing up Joe Drahos after puttmg the game winning kick through the uprights!

48 Sports

Celebrating a "Miner Victory"

• The Miners finished the year with a 3-8 record and an impressive 2-0 conference record. Probably the most impressive win of the season was a 38-35 victory over Kentucky Weslyan in overtime. Chad Shockley was named an ESPN Academic AllAmerican First Team and six other Miners were named to the GLFC's all-league team this season.

Vy1ng for the mterception aga1nst Urbana.


You can't pull this Miner down!




.. .

en's soccer

What an amazing year for the men's soccer team! For the first time in school history, the team made it to the NCAA Division II Tournament. They entered the tournament with a record of 10-5-3 and ranked 16th in the Division. The Miner's won the opening match of the tournament with a 3-1 win over Ashland but fell to Northern KY 2-3. Closing out the season, the men were ranked 13th in the Division by NSCAA and received the GLVC Sportsmanship Award. Two final honors were given to the Miners as goalkeeper Pat McNamee was named to second team AllAmerican and head coach Joe Ahearn was named as the Midwest Region's "Coach of the Year." 50 Sports

#20 Brian Seawright (left) waiting for the cross from the corner kick to come in.

(Above) An ecstabc team after a victory. (Left) Ummm, somethtng tells me that this might be a foul??? What do you thtnk Jervts?

(Above) J.J. Bilyeu takes the throw-in tn the game against Quincy.

Sports 51

{Below) Melissa Young celebrates after one of her

five goals thts season. (Far below) A group of Lady Mtners stt huddled together dunng one of the cold ntght games.

Kelsey Kunlla punts the ball after a save.

52 Sports

Lady M1ner Rachel Wille slides in to steal the ball.

wo me n's soccer

(Below) Kelsey Salzman waits for her teammates to get into position for the throw 1n.

Joining the men in writing school history, the Lady Miners soccer team made it to the postseason for the first time. They closed out their season after falling to Quincy in the GLVC tournament with a winning record of 8-7. An impressive 6 out the 8 wins were shutouts. Senior Joanna Kovarik was named to the ESPN 2010 College Division All District 7 First Team as well as the AII-GLVC Women's Soccer Team. This season also proved to be the end of a 10 year losing streak against the Rockhurst Hawks as the Lady Miners defeated them at home with a final score of 1-0.

Young beating out the opposition to win the header.

Stacey Luquette makes the save 1n the 2.0 shutout against KY Weslyan.





Continumg the M1ner streak of record setting seasons, the Lady Mtner Volleyball team ended the season w1th a winmng record for the first time in school franchise history. They ended the season w1th a 14-13, 9-3 at home. Lady Miner Sen1or m1ddle h1tter Samantha Klump was named to the AII-GLVC Volleyball second team contmumg the streak of an S&T volleyball player being named to the team. Jennifer Costello was also named to the 2010 ESPN the Magazme College Division AII-Distnct 7 Second Team.

54 Sports

"f '

(left) Kit Spears d1v1ng for the d1g during one of the Lady Miners home games. (Above) Kat1e Herington goes up for the block.

(Above) Samantha Klump the serve durtng the Lady M1ners home game

(left) Enn Bekebrede warmmg up and pract1c1ng a dMng d g before a game

(Far Abol.e) Ern Bekebrede settu1g up the ball for a sp1ke (Above) Jess1ca Laugnary wa1ts for the serve to come from her teammate.

Sports 55

(Right) Carlton Westbrook going up for the lay-up.

(Below) Makmg the dunk 1s guard and forward Tommy Pelczynsk1

(Above) Missouri S&T senior M1ke Malat defends off an MBU player dunng a Miner 72-51 victory.

56 Sports

(Above) From left to nght, Aaron Hays, Carlton Westbrook, and Mike Malat catch a breather dunng some free throws.

• .... .

(Below) Bryce Foster wins the tip-off for the Miners

Basketbal The men's basketball team closed the season out with a 7-18 record in nail bitting fashion. With just 5 seconds left in regulation of their final game, Bryce Foster sinks a three to tie the game up and send it into overtime. Foster was also named to the Capital One All-Academic Third Team this season and averaged 14.6 ppg. This season marked head coach Jim Glash's second season as the Miner's Head Coach and they fell just short of making it to the Great Lake Valley Conference (GLVC) Tournament, which would have been only the second time in school history.

(Above) Bryce Foster, Missouri S&T sophomore, going up for one of his many lay-ups during the season.

(Above) Aaron Hays fending off the defender wh1le looking for an open man to pass to.

~ -.rr



women's Basketball

Finishing the season with a record of 20-8, the Lady Miners advanced to the NCAA tournament for only the third time in school history. This was also only the third season that the Lady's had at least 20 wins in a single season. Leading the team this year was Julie Meyer and Hailee Parks, both of whom were named to the AII-GLVC Third team. They averaged 11 and 11.2 ppg respectively. The Lady's also set a school record setting winning streak this season of 11 straight wins.

58 Sports


(Above Rigtlt} Karh Sample IS set to block out and get the rebound dunng a free throw

(Above) Teammates Taylor Jensen and Courtney Kemp watch on as a teammate takes some free throws

(left) Ton• Knar holds onto the ball as she searches for an open teammate

(Above) Julie Meyer plays some hard offense as she sends an opponent to the Hoor

Sports 59

(Right) Andrew Hall makes the diving catch to get the out at first. (Below) Dunn ponders which pitch to throw.

(Above) Clint Wobbe makes the catch and the out at second base.

60 Sports

(Above) Rounding third base on the run to home.


se (Below) Catcher Josh Caffrey makes the throw to second base.

The Miner's Baseball team finished off a winning season with a 29-17 record, 11-3 at home. They ended the season with an impressive 10 game winning streak that carried into the Great Lakes Valley Conference Tournament. The Miners entered the tournament holding the GLVC West Division title. This was the team's first appearance in the tournament in 14 seasons. Just prior to the tournament, two Miners were named to the AII-GLVC first and third teams. Pitcher Zack Gronek was named to the first team while catcher Josh Caffrey was named to the third team. Pitcher Alex Dunn was also named to the Capital One Academic All District team and in his career with the Miners has racked up a total of 61 appearances as pitcher, the third most by any Miner in history.

(Above) Teammates congratulate third baseman Zach Carter after scoring a run.

(Above) Alex Dunn p1tches as the opponent goes to steal second.


At the close of their season, the Lady Miner Softball team was pleased to have four team members get recognized for their achievements both on and off the field. Kaylea Smith, Kristen Drage and Kassi Deibert earned third team AIIGLVC honors while Kate Runyan was named to the Capital One Academic AllDistrict third team. The Ladies finished the season on a high note with a 1-0 shut-<>ut against Maryville University. This brought their record to 13-29 with a 9-7 record at home.

62 Sports


(Left) Catcher Kaylea Sm1th warms up between innings.

(Above) Sophomore p1tcher Taylor Keal starting the game aga1nst UMSL. (Left) Freshman Cass1e R1zzo slides mto third base. (Far Above) Team huddle on the pitchers mound as the coach comes up w1th a new strategy (Above) Coach Don Kennedy takes h1s place at th1rd base as the lad1es go up to bat.

Sports 63

(Below & Far Below) M1ners awa1t nervously for t11e1r bmes to appear after complet1ng a race.

(Above) And they're off! M1ners d1ve 1nto the pool at the start of a race.

64 Sports

(Above) LUIS Nesrala do1ng the butterfly dunng one of his races.



mi The Miners finished out their swimming season by placing ninth at the NCAA Division II National Tournament. In a classic going out with style and fashion, Missouri S&T swimmer Zlatan Hamzic's final race as a Miner resulted in a third place finish in the 200-yard breaststrcJ\e. His '¡ finish was the highest placement at the tournament by a Miner. Another highlight at the tournament was the breaking of the school record in the 400 meter medley relay. Sean Deegan, Zlatan Hamzic, Andrew Schranck and Jacob Dole broke the old school record of 3:17:86 with their time of 3:17:48. Earlier in the year, the men won the New South Intercollegiate Swimming Championships (NSISC) for the fifth straight year. They dominated the events and won with an almost 100 point lead over the second place university. During this season, the men also gave back to the community by offering free swimming lessons to some lucky kids four years and older.

(Above) Getting some advice at the end of a race.

(Above) Waiting anxiously for the starting gun to fire.


Track & Field

Finishing the year out at the Great Lakes Valley Conference Championship meet, Lady Miner Aubrey Moore and Taylor Cipicchio both won their events with first place finishes in the 400m dash and the pole vault, respectively.

As for the guys, Adriel Hawkins in the lOOm dash, Bryan Kluge in the 800m, and Elijah Thomas in the long jump also finished with a first place win. This allowed the Miners to take third place overall in the meet which was held at home. Other noteworthy performances from the men include McClellan's lO,OOOm win, 11 top 10 finishes at the LSU relays, and a new school record in the 4x100m relay. As for the ladies, they stole eight top three performances at the Allgood Invitational, had an all-Midwest region squad member, and several scholar-athlete team members as well as GLVC athlete of the week.

66 Sports

(Left) Two miners take the plunge Into the water hazard dunng the steeple chase.

(Above) Alec Hackett tackmg h1s turn at the 1avehn throw.

(Left) Lady Mmer Lmdsay Crutcher takmg the hurdles one leap at a t1me.

(Above) Sarah Stach flymg through the a1r on one of her long 1umps.

Sports 67

(Below) The guys take a warm-up jog before their run. (Far Below) The mass exodus at the start of the race.

(Above) The girls hang out and cool down after their race.

68 Sports

(Above) And their off, the ladies take off on their 5K run.

cross coun try

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The Miner's cross country season started off on a high note with a women's third place finish and an individual second place finish for the men at the Southwest Baptist Twilight Invitational. The ladies continued on to finish seventh and eighth at other meets while the men took home the top prize at the Emporia State/ Planet Sub Invitational. Both men and women's teams were awarded team academic awards and Miner David Huskisson was selected to the United States Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association's all-academic team for the 2010 season.

(Above) Enc Fa1rba1rn

IS well

on his way to f1n1shmg the race.

(Above) Mapping out the course before the run.

heer eaders

70 Sports



This year's squad consisted of Alanna Brallier, Sarah Null, Abbigail LaPreze, Katherine Reid, Sarah Lee, Coti Bova, Samuel Haberberger, Trish Reifenstahl, Katie Tucker, Ross Brutsman, Candace Jones, Amanda Dewrock, and John Hillerman.

Sports 71

72 Sports

The talented ladies of the Missouri S&T Gold Miners for the 2010-11 year were Myah West, Aimee Snell, Cassie Nichols, Lindsey Schobert, Shannon Loyet, Jessica McKinney, Adeline Hellebusch, and Christina Els.

(Above) The Missouri S&T Ballet and Dance Club

• :o ;,.. showcasing their adaptation of Disney's Sleeping ,~.,,.


• . eeauty. ' •• . Vafio~s styles of dance ballet, tap, jazz. and ; contemporary.


74 Events


Edited By Kendall Slaughter J





"One of the events is thai the Lin C>



things about human inkable becomes thinkable" -Salman Rushdie,


Events 75



,, .





-For the 2010, over 1,100 freshmen have enrolled into Missouri S&T, cumulating in a total enrollment of about 7,000 students this year. This has been the largest enrollment in a long time, even with a freshman cap put in place. The freshmen started their school year by gathering in groups and creating a little RC vehicle that would perform tasks in a race-type competition.


76 Events

The following week would have host to Minerama, an event where student organizations would solicit freshmen, as well as established students. Activities are set up for the sake of recreation and settling·in as well.

• •


Events 77


, .... _,


The annual Remmer Special Artist/Lecturer Series is a program where well-known people visit the school to talk about various subjects. Past lecturers have included Henry Kissinger, Margret Thatcher, and Colin Powell. For the 30th installment of the series, journalists David Brooks and Mark Shields came to campus. Brooks is a columnist for the New York Times, as well as a commenter for PBS and NPR. Shields is a commentator on PBS and CNN, as well as a former presidential journalist. The journalists came to speak about current events in this nation, namely in the political and economic scene. Of immediate concern was the fact that the deficit was so bad that, unless an agreement could be made about the amount of spending that would be cut, a government shutdown would be on the horizon.

(Above) Mark Shields

On the subject of general American culture, they made their points about what was going wrong about the country. Brooks commented that, in these days, Americans have a habit of inflating their accomplishments to the point of hubris, as well as underemphasizing the predicament of generations after them. Shields mentions that the fact that the draft was abolished took a lot of responsibility off the shoulders of younger people. The journalists closed by evaluating President Obama.

Before the lecture, there was an Informal get-together with the organizers, chancellor, and media where the two journalists can directly answer off-the-cuff questions as well as ask questions about the campus/student body.

78 Events

s & 'Shie ds Lecture and • veteran s Day .~·

On November 11, the university and community observed Veterans Day in honor of the hard work and sacrifice of those who have served the United States of America. The Air Force ROTC and Army ROTC was in attendance to post the colors as well as to help the service run smoothly. The service itself was held on what was to be a memorial garden that was in th process of being built. The keynote speaker was General David Petraeus, the then commander of Central Command . Afterwards, he had an informal Q&A with the media in which he talked about, among other things, the role of our generation in combat and foreign policy.

(Below) David Petraeus

Events 79

Smith was voted Homecoming Queen, while Curtis McDonald was 1-lnmAI路nrroin<l King.

~:.~ for voeen: Colleen Conrad ' Ashley Hampton Grace Harper Jill Hecht Caitlyn Moser Ashley Smith Maggie Sta1ger Ashley Taylor Natalie Tedford Rexann Whorton

~.,..,.,.,. ,.,."~


Nominees for King: Alex Bennett Dom1nic Clucas Kirtesh Khengar Stephen Moerer Kenneth Moore Kevin Newbern Chris Philpy Justm Schlechte Kevin Williams Nicholas Wilson

Solar Car and Miner Baja showing off their respective vehicles.

80 Events

The 2010 Homecoming festivities consisted of just more than a home football game and the selecbon of the king and queen. That time was taken to dedicate and open the new Miner Dome. the main indoor practice facility for the sports teams. The previous Miner Dome was across 1Oth street from the multipurpose facility and was converted to what is now the new Student Design Center. The dedication w<:~s presided not only by Chancellor Carney and Athletics director Mullen, but by the city and notable alumni. During halftime, the king and queen were announced, along with recognition towards past teams. Prior to Homecoming Day, there were festivities for alumni and students including a pep rally, banquets, and a showcase of the student design teams.

Cutting of the ribbon at the Mmerdome.

-· •. . • •Ho ~· · " -:



' '


Alumni recognition.

Events 81




International tdol was a contest that served as a form of entertainment and cultural exposition.

82 Events

• Bes1des vendmg out food and information, many student took the opportunity to get elaborate w1th the1r sett1ng such as bnng1ng over an authenttc Arabtan tent. Both the booths and performances took place in downtown Rolla, between 8th and lOth St. and just to the east of Pine.

-/ cele ra't ion of Nation s



October of 2010 saw the b1rth of the Celebration of Nations. Th1s event was created as a way to not only educate about d1fferent cultures around the world, but to create a bndge between the umversity and commumty. The event started off w1th a parade cons1st1ng of national flags being earned by representatives of each nation, along w1th cultural themes. The bulk of the festival was an area consistmg of booths and exh1b1ts conta1nmg food, crafts, and Information about other countnes. Alongs1de the booth were performances to entertam v1s1tors.

Bes1des the flags. the parade contamed other cultural 1tems such as a Ch1nese dragon and an lnd1an wedd1ng s1mulatlon w1th groom on horseback and bnde earned 1n a littler The St Pats wagon even made an early debut

Events 83

....... Jhelall-ef 2010 was notable for being the 2010 mid-term elections. ' '"'ROllQ.wayed host to a debate among House candidates for the 8th Congressional District of Missouri. .. - idates vtere (from left to right in photo below) Independent Larry Bill, Republican incumbent Jo Ann Emerson, Libertarian Rick af\d Democrat Tommy Sowers. ~s\ed questions dealing with local issues such as jobs, national issues such as immigration, and international issues such as the istan. t'\£'1 -,.t•t..,

The debate was opened by ASUM S&T Chapter Cha1rman, Andrew Meyer. The Assoc1ated Students of the Umvers1ty of M1ssoun IS a student lobbying group for the UM system The debate was moderated by Dr. larry Gragg.

Sowers, a Rolla native, later appeared on KMNR to answer questions posed by students (Right).

84 Events

December graced us w1th the arnval of actor and musician. Jeff Daniels. Daniels brought not only musical talent to Rolla, but a healthy dose of sarcast1c humor. Many times dealing with subjects we approach to a day-today basis, reinforced with his guitar playing.

• •

Of note was h1s partner, Brad Phillips, who supplemented some of Dan1els songs wtth mstrumentals. Playmg the mandolin and fiddle, Ph1ll1ps almost stole the show with his Skill, especially when he adapted to a stnng breakmg on his fiddle.

Dan •

Early mto the show, there were technical diffiCulbes dealing wtth the m1crophone, necess1taling severalmterrupling VISits by a techmc1an. Suff1ce to say, 1t became snark bait for Daniels.

Dan1els (left) and Phillips (left)..

Events 85


Snowpocalypse In the opening of February 2011, a combination of sleet, freezing rain, and snow (lots and lots of snow) slammed into Rolla along with the rest of the Midwest. This, combined with temperatures that plummeted to the single digits, forced schools and businesses to close for long periods of time. For 2 days, school would be out. Naturally, many people took advantage of that with activities ranging from indoor gaming to outdoor sledding.

Even with the reopening of school, treks to and through campus were something that would be considered challenging to say the least

86 Events

路students Protests against violence in Libya

In response to the recent 1ssues and v1olence that have arisen 1n L1bya coupled with Missouri S&T's high Middle Eastern student population, students made themselves heard about the 1ssue They spread awareness to the student body by standing 1n from of the Havener Center and passing out mformat1on hold the1r Hags and s1gns They continued for several days and the~r pass1on. concern, and support for the people vlho are There was also a round-table diSCUSSIOn to help drstnbute more facts to students who were mterested and wanted to speak more on the subject.

libyan students, faculty, and members of the commun1ty protest the way 1n wh1ch the Qaddaf1 reg~me has been treahng the oppos1hon as well as the people 1n general


UN Sile~~t < Due to the Egjphan protests agamst President Musharaf. a student d1scusSlon was held to see the role of the US 1n such disputes

Events 87

Diwali Night ~----

Chinese Spring Festival 88 Events

International Events Whether at a graduate or undergraduate level, it is hard to deny that this school has an extremely powerful international student presence. Many of these different national groups coalesce into different cultural organizations to represent their nationalities and to support new students in this country. Other than the newly formed Celebration of Nations, these organizations have found ways to create events that celebrate and showcase their culture. Some are large singlenation events that are annual and well-established such as the Indian Diwali Night, Chinese Spring Festival, Saudi Night, and African Gala. Usually these will consist of skits, dances, music, and ethnic cuisine. Others are 路simply one-time occurrences such as the Kuwaitis celebrating the 60th anniversary of their country's independence. And every March, all of the groups get together and organize International Students' Day, where there are exhibitions from different countries, followed by performances, and delicious food.

Kuwaiti Independence Day

Events 89

International Students' Day

90 Events

Events 91

~lUes, snakes, and-pre-festivity actions.

92 Events

• •

1D3rd Best Ever Like the 102 previous limes smce its inception, the l03rd annual Best Ever St. Pats celebration brought the campus to levels of extreme revelry. the theme was t~at of video

Breezy Anderson named 2011 Queen of Love and Beauty Her ma1ds were Sara Ren, Pnncess of Peace and Happmess; Apnl Pummill, the Countess of Chastity and V1rtue; Enca Bay, the Duchess of Desire and Ecstasy; and Courtney St. Peters, the Lady of Honor and Devotion.

Events 93


I ~~ ~ ~ -· ' 'f! II


(Above) Street painting in preparation of the St. Pats parade. (Below) This year's parade theme of retro video games brought fantastic float designs.

94 Events





Reel Big Fish was the keynote band for the St. Pats Concert, with several other bands opening..

Events 95

Miner Mayhem

Three Days Grace (Below)

In the spring of 2010, extenuating circumstances forced the SUB-run Sl. Pats' concert, which has been known for attracting big-name bands to Rolla, to move its schedule and rename itself Miner Mayhem. The leading band for the 2011 concert was Three Days Grace, an alternative rock band from Canada. Other bands were My Darkest Days and Shaman's Harvest, a local band from Jefferson City. [Credit for photographs of the concert itself goes to Katie Fritts and Darren Hohl.]

The best part? There is till more than a half hour till the doors open, and people are still flocking to the line.

96 Events

University Choir concert Choirs tend to be a staple of schools from the k-12 level, all the way to higher education. The Missouri S&T University and Chamber Choirs are no different. They do things ranging from simple entertainment for events on campus, all the way to hosting concerts. In the case of the Chamber, this takes the form of formal certs that span different genres.

Events 97

Teams compete in the Zeta Tau Alpha volleyball tournament held during Pink Week. Kappa Sigma performs a scene from the movte, 40 Year Old V1rg1n during the Greek Week ldi-Odyssey.



Pi Kappa Alpha performs their skit during Greek Week.

-~., 'J .~ . ;

Delta S1gma Phi prepares for the Kappa Delta/Delta Sigma Phi brunch.

98 Greeks

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Edited By Sarah Diehl


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"Fraterni!ies. . i(t~ symbolize all that s!~our lives. They we wish to represent th Oggl we all face as we grow. Why we cling to hem no one can explain, but in the end, we are all stronger for it." -Unknown

I .,

Alpha Phi Alpha steps during the Homecoming Pep Rally.


Front Row Oamel R Edwards, Oelvrick J. Bozeman, Nickolas A. McFowtand, and Ronald C. Lytle II. Second Row: Akil J. Hutchins, Ernest A. Nwanagu, T1mothy R McK1nnte, Steven J. Franklin, Jerry K. Thomas Jr.• and Bryan K. Hogan.

• •


100 Gree~


Abby :Jonson, Brandon Mikel, David Oldroyd, Patrick Harder, Trey Matzes, Joshua Snodgrass, and Logan Meyer

First Row: Derek Rosen, Matt Lindsey, Austin White, Matt Bramme1er, Josh Davis, Calvin Pentland, Ryan Merkel, Mark McBnde. Chns Markus. Matt Mareschal, Andrew Phillips, Paul Rosemann, Zach Ridenour. Karl Bittner, Anthony Nosbush. Mike lsom. Jason Saba. Tommy Burrows, and Jake McConnell. Second Row. Kyle Schutte, Derek Troutman, Zach Sample, NICk Angles. Gabe lsom, Eddie Wiegers, Adam Reab. lan Kmg, and David Hengst. Last Row. Thomas Bowen, lan Christ1an, Alex Porter. Jordan Boulden, Jack Watts. Ray Taylor, Ben Tatman. David Marttn, Taylor Plier. Tom Stortz. Terry Feldewerth, Alex Kaveler. Zach Brom. and Evan Th1baud

First Row: Nathan Faust. Corey Brown, Kyle Acker, Mark M1kecin, Austin Nennmger, Matt VanHooser, Grady Porter. Mike Blaker, Bryant Welch, and Ken Harkms. Second Row: Grant Wehmeyer, Andrew Gieselmann, Matt Coyle. Matt Fredenck, Adam Meyer. Ryan Johnston, Pat N1chols, T1m Hackenwerth. Enk Aubuchon, Jake Duvall, Ryan Carpenter. KeVIn Roethemeyer, Caleb Martmg, and Paul Mallmann. Th1rd Row: Dan Perott•. Anthony Null, Tom Schaefer, Matt Archuletta, Chff Hagenhoff. M1ke Larson, Steve Taul, Dave Welch, Cameron Stover, Doug Kinkenon. Kyle Kaplan, Cohn Hams, N1ck Wilson. and Mitchell Duffield. Fourth Row: Zach Klump, M1ke Throm, Andrew Loeffelman, Jeff Keener, KeVIn Hackenwerth, and Zach Troesser. Last Row Shaun Wieman, Mike Schmitt, and Justm Schell.

• __.a .1





Row: Nick DetriCh, John Pace, Jake Spooler, Jake Saxton, David Malawey, Ben McKinley, and Justin Ht8&Jnbotham. Second Row: Andrew Menner, Justin Whittemore, Ray Kellison, Josh Czerniewski, Justin Hlinak, Sage Garretson. Jordan Hindman, and Matt Brooks. Standing: Angelo Tuano, Kyle Moellering, Tyler Herrell, Matt Finley, Atallah Alyabm, Jeff Mundshenck, Trenton Wesche, Blake Thomure, Cole Vansell, Mike Stasiak. Luke Walker. Josh Busche, Zach Davis. Jonathan Leur, Alex Presnell. Mtke McCrum, Boris Semenok, Thomas Laster, Andrew Kennon, Brandon McCord, Phil Schneider, Jacob Robinett. Will Burchfield, Joshua Dautenhahn, and Davtd Reilly.



Ftrst Row: Derek Sech1, Jonathon Stomp, and Jacob Ivy. Second Row: Mac Lamken, Brandon Botes. Nicholas Jentsch, Tyler Wolk, Brad Richardson, Samuel Gard, Michael Ltttle, and Courtney Tobin. Third Row: Dylan Jones and Daniel Thompson. Fourth Row: Cullen Bruckerhoff, Justin Vavak, Daniel Wooten, Travis Dunbar •. Kenneth Ferkel, Alex Havermann, and Alex Vtlale. Fifth Row: Roman Forthaus, Matthew Livingston, Andrew Harrison, Ryan Hoffman, George Boyd, and Dennis ~lan_nigan .

102 Gree~

F1rst Row: Tim Chapman, Adam Weatherford, Josh Howard, Aney Dunng. Russel Valleroy, Andrew Ge1selmann, N1ck Sandv1g. Jerry Kayes, Max Jackson, W1ll L1ngo, Jace Mcguire, Brandon Wodrich, Joe Faller, Steven Sumpter, and Heath Dreyer. Second Row: Stuart Schne1der. Trav1s Boysen, Matthew G1bson. Joe Poertner, Frank Maloy, Tom Bereitschatt, Charles Conway, N1ck Conrad. T1m Lukas1ewii<Z, alumm, alumn1, alumn1, Drew Hall, Clayton Kolkmeter, Aaron Demoss, Andrew Jabranl, Parker Kessler, and alumni.

First Row: Aaron Trenshaw, Shadow, and Dylan Stevens. Stand1ng Edward Noonan, Josh Mahan, Jusbn Betz, Lewts Buchanan. Nathan Cannon, N1cholas Kahmke, Landon Goldstein, Cody Bahr, Joshua Juergens, Joshua Warner, Dean Spaay, Jacob Bryant, Matthew Struemph, Cory Gilliam, Stephen Banks. Gabnel Olivo, Glennon Watts, Kennan McKamey, Sean Dietz, Lucas Laughery, Christopher Hutson, and Jesse Whitledge.


Freshmen John Armstrong. Jared Backues. Drew Barfield. Steven Bearden. Matt Beasley, Andrew Chnstian, Ethan Cusack, John OeMartmo, Kyle Dibler, Jeff Fntzmeyer, Josh Grobe, Andrew Hennessy, Braxton Hoenes, Patnck Hope, Adam Hussey, Jermy Jam1son. Kyle Jamison, Sam Jansen, Joseph Kurtz, Enc LaP1etra. Jacob Me1er, Chnstopher Parks, Brendan Proske, Ben Prueter, and Chns R1ce. Sophomores: Dylan Chorice, Tommy Davis, M1chael Elghussem. Robert Foote. Patnck Hernandez. Zach Husmann, Alex Korff, Johnny Kraus, Drew Krump, Neal Mahoney, Josh Manescalco, Chase Martin, Dav1d Muller, Samuel Rothove, Trav1s Stewart. Andrew Straus, and Reese W1gg1ns. Jun1ors: Elias Borton, Matthew Burkett, David Cashier, Tyler Duffy, Nick Faria, Chris Ferguson, Ryan Foshage, Tyler Gach, Chns Garner, Andrew Glover, Scott Hacker, Chris Healy, Brandon Luebbenng, Aaron McClanahan, Nathan McGee, Austin Mehner, Andrew Mueller, Zach Purol, Jeremy Schoor, Jake Shults, Otha Stone, Jason Stumfoll, and Trav1s Winkelmann. Seniors: Max Boeh, Brock Curt1s, Brian Garber, Grant Gerlach, Mike Hall, Benjamin Heiman, Michael Lyons, Tayler Perrey, Nolan Rasmussen, Matt Shell, Rob Simpson, Clint Streiker, Mark Acree. Nick Cochran, John Kemper, Conrad Miner. Brandon Schweitzer, Chris Smith, Ryan Thomas, and Peter Williams.


104 Greers






Jamie McNeely, Cera Thomason, Vactoria Hartsock, Amber Dobbs, Sara Funk, Kathy Withrow, Kourtney Hicks. Tisha Johnson, Lauren Behrle, Bnttany Coble, Yetunde Oladapo, Jenna Freese, Ali Glazer, Breezy Anderson, Enn Strampp, Erica Bay, Meghan lmes, Kathenne Stockdale, Alannah Duley, Jennte Murphy, Courtney Ashbaker, Cathy Walker, Kala Longman, Kayla Scharr, Sara Stephans, Beth Yount, Camille Anderson, Brittany Kendnck, Jacci Frazter, Julie Sullivan, Emily Triptow, Cindy Kretzer, and Janet Strange.

Front Row: Ellen Richardson, Krista Corvey, Kim Wilken, Annessa Griffen, Lauren Reinhard, Amber Carver, Katrina Nolte, Sarah Prow, Brooke Beeson, Kathryn Krev, Laura Meyer, Sarah Kirkendoll, Rachel Corey, Josshe' Palm, Shelby Walsh, Chnstina Mercer, Meghan Ray, and Maggte Chesler. Second Row: Angela ller, Heidi Soderstrom, Kasih Hoch, Nancy Janssens, Cassie Vogt, Kelli Albrecht, Jesse Sandhaus, Brittany Hunn. Ashley Schlegel, Lmdsey Chaffin, Miriah Anderson, Shannon Kelly, Hannah Teague, Rebecca Hilsher, and Latesha Humphrey. Third Row: Michaela Kuzara, Jessica Myers, Nancy Kelley, Maggie Staiger, Misha Miller-Gilmore, Melissa Mahoney, Sonya Rhine, Deirdre Braun, Monica Folk, and Emil~ikert.


F1rst Row: Nathon Vandeloo, Josh Manthei, Athena, Alex Pellmann, Kevin McCowan and Joseph Steurer. Second Row: Danielle Juenger, Chad Delgado, John Tomaszewski, Ryan Wade. Chris Dodge, Jason Wh1te, Zach Houska, and Roxy. Third Row: Seth Vriezelaar, Carter Wilson, Joseph Booth, Dane Greer, Jake Phelps, Bill Akngde, Garrett Palm, Brad Higgms, Jacob Grapperhaus. Matt Lange and Cody Coe.



F1rst Row: Stephen Schwartz, Andrew Bertels, Sean Wilferd, Bobby Folk, Jonathan Koe, Alex Carter, Adam Hughes, and John Carboneau. Second Row: Dav1d Chang, Steven Grott. N1ck D'Ernco, Mark Scabaroz1, David Buttig, Dr. Paul Hirtz, Tim Gowan, Lyndon Chen, David Lecko, and Steven Applegate. Back Row: Jayson Carey, Matthew Magu1re, Donta Manley, Matthew Mitchell, Dan Kuehl, Devin DuMont, Jack Savage, JJ Lmdsey, Alex Wilmot, Dav1d Pohlman, Bnan Charles, Bnan Tngg, Nate Dowd, Levi Runyon, Ryan Beck, Nate Dickmson, Dommie Clucas, Enc Callanan, Steve Beetz, Nick Baum, Nate Hay, Rob Kayser, Jon Fauser, Nicholas Schweissguth, Sam Hay, Jordan England, Phil Matt, D1ck Gorski, Sam Nichols, Joe Schroeder, Logan Ewigman, Kyle Crane, Trevor Swearengm, Adam Maxwell, Jason Dietrich, Jeff Josken, Ty Morrow, Ed Harster, Matt Wlllmerlng, Aaron Toczylowski, and Dominique Nocito.

106 Gree~



Left to R1ght: Ronetta Morns, T1ara Brown-Crosen, Amanda Cook, Andrea Hutson, Jam1la Monet McNa1r. and Courtney Barber.


F1rst Row T1m Bateman, Mathew Vogel, Brandon Clark, Dan Elliot. Christopher Denny, Gabe Ell1s, Jeremy Schalnus. Kev1n Gill. and Derek Dixon. Second Row. Wade Waldmann, Joshua Allen, Joshua Parks, Joseph Jacobi, Greg Katterhenry, Mark Mueller, Justm Lovelady, Jeremy McBride, Bnan Schre1ber, BenJam1n Everly, Trevor O'Bryan, Joshua Dissen, Zach Widdicombe, Coll1n Kelly, Andrew F1ndley, TJ L1ttle, and Joshua Hagee.

. .J .a .. a

F1rst Row: Evan Fox, Arldy Terbrock. Trenton Walters, Curt McDonald, Joe Jordan, Mhur Hartt, Mason Brown, Eric Jones. Second Row: Arldrew Ptyler, Bnan Kierath, Jake Shaw, Brian Phagan, Dustin Hale, Joe Graff. M1ke Weber, M1chael Hiese, Matt Meglio, Peter Vaccaro, Kyle Schraier, Jake Roth, Enk H1nze, Greg Kabak, Cadence K1rchner Th1rd Row: Troy Terrill. Spencer H1estand, JJ B1lyeu, Bnan Van Booven, Marc Siebers, Parth Shah, Adam Altmann. Clark Gould. Bnan Seawnght. Joe Macke, Corey Hale, Ben Raulston, Michael Arch1bald, Chns Weischhaus. Fourth Row: Brandon Shipman. Bnan Darning, Jordan Wengler, Doug Porter, Dan Stokes, Jake Luetzow, Jake Nut!. Robert Ch1sholm, Raheel Hassan.



Flfst Row: Jessica McKinney, Shannon Loyet, Katie Murphy, Sharon Finch. Belinda Choi, Courtney Johnson, Marissa Gesualdi, Mireille Paquette, Kriwa Castro. Amanda O'Dell, Mackenszee Roberts, Katherine Ramsay, and Melody Franks. Second Row: Holly Haywood, Jodi Wurm, Kaithn Sch1kore. Shelbey Tucker. Ashley NJckola1sen, Colleen Lew1s. Jesstea Kress1g. Karen D1Ck1nson, Madalyn Elliott, Jenn1fer Drost, Manssa Bergthold, and Nma Christensen. Third Row: Megan Cox, Maddy Rembold, Alina lor, Savannah S1gna1go, Meg Riley, Brittney Jahr, Marn1 Thomas, Kylee White. Jesstea Burns, and Janel! Woolsey. Fourth Row: Damelle Young, Bnttany Saulnier. Ally N1ssen. Alex McCorm1ck. Thea Plattner. Sarah Bax. Ashley Sacco, Fawn Kostal, Sarah D1ehl, Bentley Kellogg. Katie Siebert, and Loren Rodenberg. Fifth Row: Jen Glotz. Melissa ElliOtt, Brooke Taylor, Katy Beckerle, Ashley Taylor, Hilary Kuehn, Leslie Petllt, Sarah Hunter. Magg,e Bowman, and Sam Nutt. S1xth Row: Addle Pntchard,Danielle Juenger, Ann Corcoran, Soph1e Russo, Morgan Goldammer, and Sarah Sutterer. Seventh Row Natalie Tedford, Kristyn Smith, Clalfe Persons, Kat1e Clark, Samantha Schoemehl, Enca Collins. Dena Valenc1a, and Megan Rodenberg.

108 Gree~





.ll v ~~

First Row: Paul Brune, Kegan Higgerson, Tyler Sherman, Casey Zimmerman, Brandon Baber, and Brei Hagler. Second Row: Ke1th Maxwell, Bram Bakala, Mark Shaw, Seth Marton, John Belshe, David Turner, and Kyle Kobel. Th1rd Row: Branden Goad, Dan Fhng, T1radeJ Bunyarattaphantu. Robert Me1er. Dernck Callahan, Cody Cox, Logan Wesley, Wilham Everett, Adam Eyerly, Mason Sm1th, Ryan Wilkerson, lan Langan Matthew Rost. Dustin Schroer, Trav1s P1tts. Xavier Naeger, Jacob Eshenroder. JaMs Jones, Justin O'Bnen, and Alex Miles.

First Row路 Jessica Harvey, Bnttany Davis, Rachel Guthne, Julia Huck, Wh1tney Lew1s, Cathenne Farns, and La1ney Ross. Second Row: Lacey Lew1s, Eleanor Kester, Kaly Mcla1n, Joy Wunderlich, Bnttney Voss. Ashley Fisher, and Lindsay Golem Th1rd Row: Laura W1er, Kelly Prater, Ca1thn Chester, Kat1hn Travous. Kelsey Rutlidge, Julia Valles. and J1lhane Cahll. Fourth Row: Shauntay Coleman, Kelly Schlattman, Abb1e Frahcx. Andrea Clements, Cass1e Robmson. Jess1ca Games, and Lansa Boehm'. F1fth Row: Jenny Heggemann, Kalle Rod house, Krisbna W1lder. Megan Rose. N1kki Kowalewski, Sam Somers, Mana VegaWesthoff, Lydia Frey, and Hollyn Benson. Sixth Row: Emma Johannes, Cheyenne Mornssette, Joslyn Arthur. Sam Mollet, Emily White, and Megan Will.

' -.. .

First Row: Jos1ah Perisho. Second Row: Ryan Potts and Andrew Browne. Th1rd Row· Scott Yeager, Jack McBee, Slddhant Menon. and Zach Maxwell.

f1rst Row: Bnan Hartmann, Joe Long. Kyle Daniels, Aaron Lammers, Will Schroeder, Stan Fowler, Peter Joplin, Michael Stuckey, Nathan Leezer, R1ck Linch. and Zach Weber. Second Row: M1tch P1lliard, Scott Holcomb. Sean Connelly, Josh Poole, Dame! Me1er, Bryan Murphy, Paul Schmidt, Tim Arrington. Daniel Schrader, Kyle Weldon, Cody Niles, Luke Jones, and Bobby Givens. Third Row: Alex He1msoth, Kevin Dennis, Sean McQuay, Austin Crisafulli, Casey Bollmann, Jeff Severson, Kyle Pfitzinger, Wade Leible, Adam Miller, Andrew Westermeier, Taylor Engel. Clayton Akers, Luke Bellamy, and Chris Philpy.

• 110 Greele


First Row: Jim Meyer. Second Row: Steven Bacon, Alex Gibbs, lt. Bear PM. Jones II, John Ross, Tommy Forman, M1ke E1chenseer. Duncan Baker, and Steve Roth. Third Row: Matt Kmg. Artem Chernyak, Matt Wicklund, Matt Naghch, J1m Buckley, Ryan Heckman, Aaron Hanewmkle, Matt Callaway, and Josh Noeldner. Fourth Row: Nick Cosentmo, Mart1n Atwater, Matt Langenfeld, Anthony DigUida, Brad Georgen, Graham Blankenship, Dav1d Taylor. John Baumgardner, Scott Huber, Justin Kutay, Danny Shea, Jake L1vergood. and Karch Mccoy.

Don Mertens, DJ Howard, Daryn Thomas, Chns Marhn, Billy Slater, Matt Kuelker, Kns Flath. Brett Mertens, Joe Arsenault. Kelly Walsh, Sam Thebeau. Drew Bromet. John Petrovic, Aust1n Markey, Ben,amln Weldin, Michael Schwartz, Tom Markowski, Steven Nieto. David Kuelker, NICk Parlow. Steve Buck, Nick Eshelman, Kris Martin, Josh maty1, Justin Auer, Jason Matti, Evan Shippee, Todd M1ller.

Greeks 111

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Wrll Philips. Nate Morns, Mark Spanrel, Colin Polleys, Jeremy Moore, Andrew Lindner, Sam Thompson, Clinton Joslyn, Drew Amidei, Ryan Holsman, Dave Besand, Jake Proehl, Jordan Versules, Chris Steger, Kyle Mrtchell, Bob Bentzrnger, George McCandlrss, Matt Chalmers, Kris Gummrnger, Alan Snyder, Kyle Ogle, Evan Tabor. JJ Bacon, Davrd Mast, Kevin Simmons, Dan McBnde, Max Morgan, and Charles Ward.

INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL Josh Parks, Andrew Busby, Evan Thrbaud, Josh Sherman, Paul Schmrdt. Garret Cozad, Andrew Mueller, Nathan Leezer, Mike Condell, Steven Grott, Derek Dixon, Trm Perkins, Oylon Chorice, Karl Dachroeden. Dean Spaay, Ivan Matthews, Kevin Steward, Mathew Coyle, Erik Hinz, Dennis Flannigan, Vincent Sanchez, Thomas Bowen, Etah Piatt, Bryan Murphy, Levr Runyon. Braxten Hoenes, Duncan Baker. Matt VanHooser, Robert Chrsholm, Jake Proehl. Jacob Phelps, Ethan Margheno, Brandon Goad, Brandon Boies, Ivan Matthews, and Clayton Kolkmerer

112 Greeks

F1rst Row: Jacob Breneman, David Cherry, Andrew Clum, Aaron Pavlowsky, Luke Holl1day, Peter Moore, DaVId Norton, Enc Larsen, and Shaun Catlett. Second Row: Scott Ketcherside, David Potts, Kamireon Douglas, Matt Friedman, Kev1n Jablonski, T1m "Boston" Perk1ns. Robert Longwell. Ethan P1att. and Jacob Cantrell

First Row: Ashley Sacco, Tom Steagal. Rachel Guthne, Sam Nut!. Second Row: Sonya Rh1ne. Bnttney Jahr. Anna Neubert, Destmee Rea. Fawn Kostal, Bentley Kellogg. Th1rd Row路 Kristyn Smith, Shannon Kelly, Meg R1ley, Alexandra N1ssen, Sarah Bax, Savannah S1gna1go, Maggie Bowman, Bnttany Copptelli, Enca Ronchetto, Jenny Kelly, Katie Koffman, and Natalie Tedford. [Note: Some individuals in the photo may not be named]

Greeks 113

Student Missouri State Teachers Association

(Below) Dance during Diwali Night (Far Below) Markell playmg drums at ASS' Dinner to Jazz

Em1ly Burns.Amanda McBee, Debra Edens, Michelle Pearson, Nancy Dav1s. Sarah Prow. Ka1thn Carson, Sarah Brines, Andrew Lott, Amy Cady,Athena Carey, Sarah Lewey, Kam1reon Douglas. Suzanne S1mpson. Kev1n Cre1ghton

Student Activity Finance Board

:Rooney (Chair). Selin Acar. Bader Alotaibl (EFC Director)

114 Clubs and Organizations

Paintball Club

Jacob Robinson, Douglas Kinkenon, Kevin Ben01dict. Anthony Nuii,Andrew Trainor, Kane Webb, Mitch Miller, Max Schram


Edited By Tiara Brown-Crosen








ZATIONS ~ "We cannot a ild the future for our youth, but (.ve~an ~uild our youth for the future." ->


·r •r :... ·,.• I


-Franklin D. Roosevelt I


I ...


Jessica McKinney, Alexa Rooney, Renee Parks, Hannah Myers, Alyssa Steinert

Restoration Campus Ministries

Mark Bendorf, Caleb Baumgart, Carolyn Pearson, Ben Anderson, Chris Wtlliams, Glenn Wiskur

Clubs and Organizations 115


Derek Welty, Justin Adams, Jonathan Hornung, M1chael Kennedy, Stephame M1elh, Kat1e Fritts, Jordan Wengler, Quentin Ortega, T1na Goolsby, Kurt1s Kammsk1, Rachel Cook, Laura Meyer, Mor1ca Folk

Arch Creasy, Luke Jones, Scott Richardt, Andrew Mann, George Obeldobel , Tom M1lls, Alex Pearson, Dr. Douglas Ludlow, Allen Ltu, Matt Gill, Matt Dahl, Devang Dasam, Sarah Sutterer, Matt Jones, John Bartow, Aline Collin,Michelle Brosnahan, Blair Brown, Melissa Elliott, Nick Po!Je, Andrew Schott, Rachel Naeger, Sehn Acar, Sarra U, Ellen Kirk, Brandon Basler, Stephanie Judd, Amanda Schlender, Apnl Sloan


116 Club~and Organizations




Peter Williams, Dommtc Clucas. Patnck Stanley, Mark Scabarozt, Jos1 Manthet, Katte Fntts. Jason Whtte. Matt Mttchell , John Van Gels, Jtll Hetch, John Carboneau. Scott Kalwet. Knsten Smtih, Bnan Phagan

Alex Satontk. Alex Harns. Chadwyk Homer, Peter Tushar, William Kaspersen. Derek Bell, Nathan Semrow, Mason Vrobel. Robert Metnders. Ntck Conrad. lan Wasser,George Turba, Philp Atktns



Jess1ca Myers, Rebecca Pooker, Michaela Kuzara, Sara Ren. Leanna Cartwnght. Emma Kessler, Ashley Moore, Courtney St. Peters, Kaitlin Parker. Karissa Culp, Kathy Burau, Jordan Swmg. Ally Polk, Shahd Alassad1, Wendy Salabay, Adnenne Comage

Just10 Adams, Pam Ryder, Dorothea Plattner, Dan Hudacek, Quentm Ortega, Andy Hennessy, Joe Pieczynski, Shelbey Tucker, Christopher Denney


118 Club~and Organizations

John Tyler, Robert Preston (no longer on team),Andrew Cudd, Ryan Kothe,Dan Leafblad, Clinton Guenther. Justin Dobrynski, Mocara Rice, Wesley Hackett. Erick Cummings, Nick Marik, Daniel Chan

Stephen Moore, William Welch, Jonathan Peitz, Rita Lopez, Codee Pedersen, Carlos Rivera, Shauntay Coleman, Turquoise Hamilton, Christopher Sample, Alexander Carter

Sean Fennell. Mondae Atughonu, Enc Barsh, Marcus-Tor Stnckland, Tanyek1a Hale, Deron Johnson, Breenae Washington

• •

Emma Bradford, lauren Todd. Abby Lunn, Madison Gibler, lindsey Schmucker, Kon Louvall, Stefam Moore, Morgan Lockowitz, Nicole French, Cat Bohanon, M1chelle Ekholm, Heather Ferstl, Melissa Mooref1eld. Janelle Lew1s, Paige Smothers, Courtney Froelich, Erin Hellebusch, Alicia Pa)da, Kanssa Culp, Ashley Moore, Abbey Campbell, Jamie Hatlan, Katie Clark, Sam O'Brien, Lon Bindner, Kayla O'Brien, Katie Smith, Aubrey Moore, Kassl Deibert Kate Runyan,Adrienne Walter, Sam Sweeney

120 Club~and Organizations

Matt Jones, Charles Gardner, Edward Norris, Derek Schloemann, Zach LaRue, Brendan Laiben, Chris Lupardus, Matthew Glasscock, Garrett Gabel, Lukas Muller, Thomas Clay, Dustin Harrelson, Joe Jackson, Eric Rose, Michael Jolley, Grant Deshon, Sean McNulty, Josh Heaton, Katelyn Boushon, Courtney Cox, Allyssa Packard, Matthew Tantillo, Brett McPherson, Jamie McNeely, Ranell Cavitt, Jon Hilsher, Jacob Patterson, Usa Barrett. Gamon Guthrie. Brian Buccellato. Stephen Moerer, Julie White, Amber Shrader, Mark Winseck, Richard Keen, Jeni Crowe, Alex Willis, Tim Breuer, Rex Whorton, Amy Hymer

Sean Klaver, Klrtesh Khengar, Matt Rad1, Mike Carle, Ben Tullis, Ben Roberds, Rebecca Wentz,James McCoy, Wade Waldmann, Em1ly Holden, Mark Winseck, Kathleen Weston, John Edwards, Joe Merod, Robert Link Ill, Andrew Cudd, Derek Anderson, Nick Santoro, Darrick Hilburn, Nick Musterman, Jarell Crutcher, Emily Likert, Emily Vandiver!, Katy Satterfield, Teresa Rose, Adam Mikulus, Zach Lorentz, Teresa Wilk, Brian lvie

Rtchard Perktns, Brian Locke, Megan Rose, Tabttha Ftske, Josh Cawthon, Jackte Mcbee, Chns Lane, Patnck Nichols, Matthew Struemph, Ntck Unnerstall, Adam Ktng. Chad Wettekamp, Ntck Davts, Andrew Velders, Bnan Shepard, Damel Schneider, Dantel Perottt, Caleb lves, Andy Orf, Nick Kahmke, Jason Newman. Matt Lange, Aaron Wundrack, Alex Ntner.

Keenan Mckamey, Ntck Baum, Dan Johnson, Peter Hungiapuko, Aaron Toczylowski, Tom Markowski, Ali Glazer, Evon Frazier, Kala Longman, Alex Cambiano, Chns Morris. Ryan Johnston. Rob Foote, Chance Albertson, Andrew Hoffmann, Caleb Marting, Davtd Buttig. John Petrovic, Davtd Potts, Amtel Weeraslnghe, Mike Megl, Dr. Lance Haynes

• •

122 Club~and Organizations


Veronica Breen. Jill Wildhaber. Daniel Roush, Jeffrey Nye, Nichole Hurd, Dr. Ron Frank, Shalyn Lollar, Stacy Bradfield, Josh Erickson. Karen Schtlli. Tyler Johnson, Stephanie Voertman

Brett Forthaus, Matt Limmer. Mlkhil Shetty, Christopher McGauley, Seth Lambie, Dale Miller, Casey Zimmerman, Charles Beauvais. Jacob Latham. Kyle Thompson, Matthew Jincks, Connie Rozycki , Samantha Markus, Alexandra Rasband, Rebecca Hilsher

Davrd Hengst, Amanda Gober, Eric Hallstrom,Megan Grlbert. Calum Learn, Andrea Els, Sarah Hunter, Kathryn Krev.Derek Kmg. Catie Mohrmann, Andrew Merntt. Jamre Frtzgerald, Stephen Edgar,Brrtnr Snow, Joe Gordon, Jeff Bntton, Ben Lai, Lee Swaim, William Merr,Ryan Wilkerson. Dr Brll Farenholtz, Dr. Wayne Huebner, Dr. Greg Hrlmas. Allyson Buchelt.

Kyle Ellman, Steve Wendover, Frank Sauer, Zach Brooks, Matt Rost, Derek Welty, Westrn Sykes, Andrea Unnerstall, Bobby Swain, Rachel Jennerjohn, Sarah Rrchmond, Allison Miller, Joe Gordon, Stephen Benito

• •

124 Club~and Organizations



Jeff Schramm, Remington Winterburg. Abigail Jonson, Nathan Johnson, Thomas Maerz, Stephen Jackson, Brian Schaefer. Tom Knarr. R1chard Mango, M1guel Guzman. Christopher Davis, Auggie Sanders, Trent Mclellan, John Conroy, Franklin Smith. Adam lewey.BenJam1n S1mpson. Scott Hacker. Jack Kauff. Harrison Moenster. Aushn Gerlt. Christopher McGauley, Misha Miller, Karl Stefanski, Thomas Forland, Quentin Hendricks, Em1ha Connolly, Tito Gomez, luke Hams, Caleb Newman. Dan CalllgJun, Taylor Harnage!, Kev1n Tabor, Robert Cornett, Tom Rust, James Veerkamp, Rebecca Mosely, Stephan1e Lew1s. N1cholas Pot1e. Jamey Evans. leanna Cartwnght. Chelsea Englewood, Kathryn Czeschin, Brian Morris, Nicholas Lewandowski, Benjam1n Williams, Jennifer Page, Doug McGeehan, Peter Hung~apuko, James Kuhn, Dustin Daffron, Ryan Womack. Harlan Brown-Shaklee. John Ooughtry, Ben1am1n Raper, Misty Adams, Ethan Ph1lb1n, Margret Powell, Megan R1cherson, Matthew M1tchell, Apnl Pumm1ll, lauren Svoboda. Zachary lorentz, Cameron Paris, Elizabeth Kuba, Kelsey Freedline, Daniel H1llis, Jacob Mueller

Advisor-Joni Burch, Justin Schlechte, Christopher Lupardus, Enca Shannon, VP-Maggie Staiger. Jen1 Crowe, Corey Ipock, Renee Moreland, Steven Tung, Matthew Jones, Secretary/Treasurer-Jeff Nye, President-Derek Crawford, Stacy Bradfield, Sammi Schussele, Amy Hymer, Laura Kraus Not Pictured: Brittany Moreland, Hannah Barber, Victoria Prokop!, Michael Dahm, Jacob Sherry, Rexann Whorton, Ryan Radar, Brandon Mikel

Zach Burke. Matt Tantillo, James Veerkamp, Dr. Anne Cotteriii,AIICia Bradley, Jess1e Hahn

Nevan Himmelberg. Matt Wikowsky, Ben Weideman, Grant Ohlms (back), Wh11tney Metcalf (front), Matt Paradeis, NICk Wilson (back), Mahmoud Elsharafi (front). M1chael AgNu (middle). Dr. Andreas Eckert, Jeff Nicholas, Omar Elmofty (front), Malek Elgmat1, Abdussalam Mohamed, front, Zayd Zakana, m1ddle, and Yerken Khituov. back), Sid Menon, Jia Zhou, Stephen Brugere, Hao Zhang.


126 Club~and Organizations


Dan Abbott. Stuart Baur, Jeny Bayless. SGhulam Bham, Genda Chen, Renaldo Luna. John Myers, T1m Ph1lpot, Dave Richardson. RICk Stephenson. Jeff Thomas. Hod Wagner. J1anmin Wang, Andrew Priest. Jared Simon. Matt Kenmcott. Scott Kapshandy. Stephen Gates. M1kayla Murphy. Jared Gregory, DaVId McK1nnon. Zach Jenn1ngs, Matthew Hercules, Zack Geiser. Tyler Bnnkley, Dan Ferdman. Jared Barnes. Rachel Jones. Skye Ward. Ellen R1chardson. Bethan1e Kenn1cott, Lmdsay Brandt, Blake Brenton, Tyler Payne, Joeseph Koemg. Jacob Patterson. Grant Brown. M1chelle Pnce. Ashley Frek1ng, Merkeb Teame. Kayla and Ehana Pnest. Dan1elle Dav1s, Matt Osborne, Julie MacCianahan. Bnan Barnes. Yu Chen. D1ane Dud1k, Randy Dud1k. Bnan Charles. KeVIn Pence

Clyde Beers. Kyla Gill. Ahmed Ha1dyrah. Melissa Suda. Bryce Down1ng. Joshua Hagee, Dustin Specker, Jeffrey Divis, Bnanne He1smger, Mad1son Nahrup, Nancy Janssens, Courtney St. Peters, Kelly O'Bryant. Brandon Lahmann, Nathan Ward, Dev1n Valmores, Manesa Crow, Stacy Nowak, Katherine Re1d, Thea Tadlock, Samantha Schussele, Lindsay Brandt, Heather Beard, Savannah Avgennos

' -.. .

Greg Romine. Katie Payne. Alex Willis, Alex Lore, Josh Erickson, Kev~n Manahan, Jeremy WilhOite, Dr. Dave Westenberg, Natalie Updyke, Jenn1fer Barclay, Megan Cox, Sarah Williams, Alex1s Martin, Aaron Carson, Karen Schilh Selin Al;ar, Kelsey Hunt, Nicole Vossmeyer. John Armstrong, N1kki Gomez, Amelia S1pe, Krizz1a Castro, Shelby Emmet, Belinda Choi, Nina Christenson, Avery Joseph, Anna Neubert, Olivia Cox, Marissa Gesualdi

Taylor Rmehart. Dr Allan Pnngle, Thanh Nguyen, Sean Alblllar, Melissa Ray, M1ke Sm1th, Bailey Callahan, MackenZie Robmson, Jeremy Robinson

128 Club~and Organizations





Charles Dewsnup, Trey Matzes, Kendall Slaughter, Matt Coates, Rob Kayser, Tara Voyles, Shelby Emmett, Kyle Williams, Kele Thrailkill, Lara Edwards, Laura Townzen, Desirae Lavatai, Quinton Spence, Megan Ottomeyer, Alex Lore, Karen Schill, Sarah Williams, Josh Enckson, Daniel Roush, Veronica Breen, Kyle Clinton, Toni Knar, Tim Kenny, Matt Threadgill, Krizzia Castro, Kristin Kelly, Grace Bay, Nikki Gomez. Marissa Gesualdi, Nina Chnstensen

Officers: (First Row) Selin Acar (Recorder), Ryan Brunkhorst (Treasurer), Michael Schwartz (President), Stephanie Rostad (V1ce Pres1dent of Internal Affa1rs). and Nick Wilson (Vice President of External Affairs) Executive Council: Sean Klover, Cody Kirschner, David Lecko, Courtney Mitchell, Josh Cullom. Elaine Hines. Billy Slater. Bader Alota1b1, Matt Mitchell, Fred Reinke, Veronica Merz, Kevin Puetz, Ashley Hampton, Dominic Clucas, Alexa Rooney, Caleb Marting [Note: Some individuals listed may not be present in photo while others in the photo may not be listed.]

Alex Crook, Andrew Mann, Becca Mullen, Bob Alexander, Cale Madsen, Chris Vincent, Corey Grace, Elame Hines, James Weeks, James Wtnn, Jie Chen, Jenni Lewis, Jenmfer Barclay. Jonathan Winn, Josh Weeks, Josh Whtlaker, Kelsey Hunt, Kiley Bush, Krista Kalac, Landon Day, lara Edwards, Laura Stsken, Mason Vrobel, Matt Limmer, Matt Marbn, Minghan Chen. Mtnah Anderson, Monica LeVan, Nathan Marttn, Netl Rapp, Rachel Kurrelmeyer, Samantha Markus, Samantha Smtih, Shayne Oorrel, Skye Ward, Thomas Reese, Tim Bromley, Trevan Michael


Ryan Pahl, Patnck Nowak, Rtck Szevery, Maria Vega-Westhoff, Alex Wetdenbenner, Ande Colson, Sarah Weaver, Michael Sinclair, Brad Otsteler, Warren Vaz, Libby Bucchhetl, Andrew Ounkman, Nathan Tramel. Luke Maresca, Cory Brennan, Jeremy Lakebnnk, T1m Herbtg, Ethan Wells, John Rossmater, John Hemeck. George Turba, Derek Games. Jeffery Becker, Derek Schloemann, Hannah Teague, Jason Rossmater, Becky Htlsher, Juhe Whitehead, Wilham Maull. Stan Shurdak, Or. Grant. TJ McDonough, luke Gilbert, Ntcct Vossmeyer, Calle Mohrmann, Gabe Ohvo, Angte Snetder, Matt Halligan, Ben Kettler, Cate BanZJger, Bnan Foulks, Kabe Sewester, Ttm Collard, Beth Yount, Patnck Stanley, Sr. Laura Jean Spaeth, Sr. Mary Fran Flynn, Andrew Blatr, Verontca Breen, Margaret Elmer, Becca Mullen, Dante! Peterson, Josh Marshall, Kyle Thtcke, Teresa Rose, Garrett Moylan. Stephen Benito, Tracy Mallette, Tim Mallette, Sam Markus, Oanielle Warchol, Kate Huhman, Adnenne Boettcher

130 Club~and Organizations



DaVId AlthUIS, Mtnah Anderson. Jushn Andrews, Dillon Marc Banks,Jenmfer Anne Barclay. Kayla Leanne Billadeau, Ausbn Douglas Btshop. Allyn Lloyd Bottorff. Bnttany Mechelle Brand,Lauren Janae Bnggs,Tyler Bnnkley,Jordan Bryce Brodnax, Adam Ethan Brodt. Zachery Brom. Andrew James Brumleve, Ryan Wtl am Brunkhorst. Alyssa Bryant, John Campbell. Kaytlyn Carson, Bnan Catron, Mtchael Chnsbanson, Derek Chnst1son, Jenna Clack, Andrea Clements, London Cline. Bentamtn Conley, Matthew Courtney, Alexander Crook, Joshua Cullom, Mtchael Dahm, Kasey DaVIs, Landon Day, Lmdsey DeForest. Anton1a Dtnapoh, Amber Dobbs, Trent Doerner, Nate Dowd, Rachel Downen, Knsten Drage, Alyssa Eggleston, Ktmberly Ekholm, Mark Elders, Madalyn Elhott, Kyle Ellman, Shelby Emmett. Jeffrey Evans, Adam Farquhar, Cathenne Farns, Rachel Fetst, Jaron Fowler, Lauren Fraz1er, Pearson Gann, Austm Gantner, Hanson Garnson, Dante! Ge1ger, Todd Germeroth. Donald Gesell, John Gettemeyer, Mad1son Gtbler, Jared Gohr, Morgan Goldammer. N1kk1 Gomez, Dan Goodman, Megan Gons, Joshua Gorman. Ashley Grace, Davtd Hackney, Jessie Hahn, Karl Hansen, Joshua Hartsock, Regan Helmer, David Hengst. Kyle Henry. Daniel Herr, Joel Hey, Mark Htckle, Rebecca Holrnes, Dan1el Hubert, Caleb Hull, Kelsey Hunt, Bryce Hylton, Rebecca Jacobsen, Juan Ja1me, Nicholas Jensen, Owen Johns. Nathan Johnson, Luke Jones, Clara Jonte. Mtck Kasonga, Joshua Ktentzy, Benjamin Knapp, Matthew Kohrs. Stephanie Koske, Michelle Kropf, Lacey Latrd, Christopher Lane. Julie Langenfeld, Trenton Lauer, Montca LeVan, Lacey Lew1s, Ganon Lov1g, Luke Maresca, Ethan Markley, Daniel Martin, Nathaniel Martin, Zachary Martrn, Magg1e Mawhtney, Mtchael McConnell, Dylan McDaneld, Michael McDantel. Alex McDowell, Tyler Meadows, Emily Menkes, Stephante Mieth, Alek Miller, Mitchell Mtller, Nikolas Moesch, Hope Mooberry, James Moore Ill, Leah Morehead, Bryan Motrts, Garrett Moylan, Rebecca Mullen, Jon Musick, Scott Myers, Isaac Neal, Trey Newsom, James Norris, Aaron Olson, Joshua Owens, Ryan Pahl Cohn Pashia, Katlyn Peterson, Paul Ptckett, Thomas Pnce, Jenmfer Rank, Damel Reames, Lauren Reyland. Knshawn Rtdenhour, Lev1 Runyon. Ellen Ruppert, Robert Russell. Thomas Rust, Pamela Ryder, Jordan Schlechte, Steven Schwalbert, Jonathan Sheldon, Enc Shelton, Warren Shetler, Matthew S1mon. Samantha Smtlh, Mtchael Solan. Edward Speckart. Alyssa Stetnert, Ethan Stram. Davtd Strautmann, Matthew Strautmann, D1ane Strong. Thomas Szalapskt, Wtlham Thompson, Kala Thomson, Jesse Townsend, Derek Troutman, Crystal Twenter, Joshua Vance, Bnttney Voss, Mason Vrobel, Dante! Wagenmaker. Matthew Walker, James Weeks, Cohn Welshymer. Caleb Wtlley, Kev1n Wtlltams, Glenn Wtskur, Kathy Wtlhrow. Alex Wright, Jordan Wnght

' -.. .

132 Academics

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Edited By Catie Josten


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"A teacher affects eternity; hJ can never tell where his influence stops." - Henry Brooks Adams

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Academics 13J

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(Front Row) Kathryn Northcut. Kate Drowne, Kristine Swenson, Kelly Tate, Fred Ekstam (Second Row) Mathew Goldberg. Enc Bryan, David Wright, Jack Morgan, Ed Malone, Anne Cottenll

(Front Row) Dr. Parthasakha Neogi, Dr. Daniel Forciniti (Second Row) Dr. Neil Book, Dr. Muthanna AI-Dahhan, Dr. Douglas Ludlow (Third Row) Dr. Dav1d Westenberg, Dr. Oliver Sitton, Dr. Athanasios Liapis, Dr. Jee.Ching Wang



134 Acacmmics

(First Row) Dr. Richard DuBroff, Dr. Cheng-Hsiao Yu, Dr. Sahra Sedighsarvestani. Dr. Jonathan Kimball, Dr Steven Grant (Second Row) Dr. Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy, Dr. Badrul Chowdhury, Dr. Yahong Rosa Zheng, Dr. Randy Moss, Dr. Medh1 Ferdows1 (Third Row) Dr. Donald Wunsch II, Dr. Theresa Swift. Dr. Normal Cox, Dr. Bijaya Shrestha, (Fourth Row) Dr. Daryl Beetner, Dr. Steve Watkins, Dr. Kelvm Erickson, Dr. Chengshan Xiao

(Left-Right) Cindee Herrick; Larry Gragg (Chair); Shannon Fogg and Elliot; Petra DeWitt; Diana Ahmad; Mike Bruening; Heather P1erce: and Pat Huber

(Left-R1ght) Dr. Roger Brown, Dr. Dev N1yogj, Dr. Melanie Mormile, Dr. Daniel Oerther, Dr DaVld Westenberg, Dr. Ron Frank, Terry Wilson, Dr. Yue-wem Huang. Dr Katie Shannon, and Dr Robert Aronstam (Cha1r).

(Front Row) M1chael Van De Mark, Prakash Reddy, Manash1 Nath, Nuran Ercal, Y1nfa Ma (Second Row) Nicholas Leventis, Philip Whitefield, Paul K1-Souk Nam, Jay Sw1tzer, R1chard Dawes, Ua Sotiriou-Leventis, Klaus Woelk, Pencles Stavropoulos



136 Acad!m ics

(Left-Right) Maochen Ge; Grzegorz Galecki; Jerry Tien (sitting); Samuel Frimpong: Kwame Awuah-Offei and Stewart Gillies

(Left-Right) Dr. Hyoung Koo Lee (with eyeglasses). Dr. Shoaib Usman (in red checkered shirt), Dr. Carlos Castano (in brown shirt), Dr. Gary Mueller (white shirt).



(Second Row) Dr Mart1n, Dr. Bichsel, Dr. Haemmerlie.

(Left-R1ght) Greg Gelles (Cha1r), Eun Soo Park, Michael Davis, Natalie James, Marcy Scott



138 Acaa!mics

(Front Row) Drs. John Sheffield, Jim Drallmeier (Chair), Ashok Midha, Arindam Banerjee. (Second Row) Drs. Anthony Okafor, Keith Nisbett, Joshus Rovey, Serhat Hosder. (Third Row) Drs. Fathi Finaish, Umit Koylu, Lokesh Dharani, K. Isaac, Hank Pernicka. (Fourth Row) Drs. Nishant Kumar. Robert Landers, Gearoid MacSithigh, Walter Eversman, AI Crosbie. Ryan Hutcheson. (Fifth Row) Drs. Xiaoping Du, Ming Leu, Darryl Alofs, Frank Liou. (Sixth Row) Drs. Kelly Homan, K. Chandrashekhara, Dan Stutts, Bassem Armaly, Shun Takai. Drs. S. N. Balakrishnan, Doug Bristow, Dave


Hai-Lung Tsa

(Left-Right) Dan Lin, Sanjay Madria, Daniel Tauritz, Matt Buechler, Fikret Ereal, Chaman Sabharwal, Rhonda Grayson, Bruce McMillin, Jenmfer Leopold, Dave Mentis, All Hurson (Chair), Dawn Davis, Wei Jiang, Clayton Pnce, Frank Uu


(F1rst Row) Dr Li LJ Eng. Dr. Bill Kehr, Dr. Caroline Fisher, Ms. Kathleen Dolan. Dr. Hong Sheng, Dr Cassie Elrod (Second Row) Dr. M1ke H1lgers, Dr. Bih-Ru Lea. Dr. Nobu Fukawa. Dr. Ralph Hanke. Or. Bonnte Bachman, Dr. Richard Hall, Dr. Cra1g Claybaugh (Not PICtured) Dr Barry Flachsbart, Ms. Yu-Hs1en Ch1u, Dr. Vmcent Yu. Dr. Y1ngchou Lin

(Left-Right) Bill Fahrenholtz, Von Richards, Richard Brow, Kent Peaslee, Wayne Huebner, Rar1v Mishra, Ron Kohser, Greg Hilmas, Ufeng Zhang



140 Acacmmics





(Front Row) Dr. DaVld Wronktewtcz, Dr. J. DaVld Rogers (Second Row) Dr Franctsca Oboh-lkuenobe, Dr. Leslie Gertsch, Dr. Runar Nygaard. Dr Rober Laudon, Dr. Andreas Eckert. Dr Kelly Ltu. Dr. Jeffrey Cawlheld [Note: Many staff members were not avatlable on the day thts photo was taken and so are not ptctured.)

Mathematics & Statistics dept.

(Front Row) Xiaoming He, Xuerong Wen, Wlodztmierz Charatonik. John Singler, Ktmberly Kinder, Yanzht Zhang. Ilene Morgan (Second Row) Matt lnsall, VA Samaranayake, Robert Paige, Robert Roe, Leon Hall (Chair), Mary Ellen Kirgan, David Grow

' -


(Front Row) Cesar Mendoza, Jan Prowell, Wilham Schonberg (Second Row) Mark Fitch, Dan Oerther, Jeff Volz. Joon-Ho Choi (Third Row) lesley Sneed, Glenn Mornson, Charles Morris (Fourth Row) Enc Showalter, Joel Burken, louis Ge (Not Pictured) Dan Abbott, Stuart Baur, Jerry Bayless, SGhulam Bham, Genda Chen, Ronaldo Luna, John Myers, Tim Philpot, Dave Rtchardson, Rick Stephenson, Jeff Thomas, Hod Wagner, Jianmm Wang

(Front Row) Steve Coms, Ivan Guardtola, Bill Daughton (Second Row) Katre Grantham. Ruwen Q•n (Third Row) Susan Murray, Suzte long (Fourth Row) Scott Grasman, Abhijit Gosavi (Fifth Row) Cihan Dagli. Zhen Liu (Stxth Row) Ken Ragsdell, Steve Raper


142 Acaa!mics


(First Row) Jerry Peacher, Dan Waddill (Chair), Barbara Hale, Gerald Wilemski, Paul Parris, Greg Story (Second Row) Dan Madison, John Schmitt, Ulrich Jentschura, Allan Pringle (Third Row) Michael Schulz, Robert DuBois, Julia Medvedeva, Thomas Vojta. Yew San Hor. Don Hagen


Arts, Languages, & Philosophy dept. -


(Front Row) Denise Sharp, Adam Potthast. Shelly Plank, Jim Bogan (Second Row) Jonathan Finch, Dick Miller (Chair), Christopher Waller, Bob Cesario, Irina lvliyeva, Jorge Porcel, Jerry Cohen [NOTE: Due to scheduling conflicts, photo from 2009-2010 academic year IS used here.]


(left to right) Ms. Norma Jane Harris, Capt Lee Ellwanger, Capt Jeremy Bolin, Lt Col Gretchen Brockfeld, Sgt Laura Ross, Sgt Bradley Benham

(Front Row) Master Sergeant Shane Aki, Ms. Stephanie Lewis, Ms. Angela Combs, First Lieutenant Netanya Martin, Sergeant First Class Michael Moore (Second Row) Mr. Justin Prosser, Lieutenant Colonel Brendan Burke, Major Chad Pense

• •

144 Acad!mics

(Front Row) Richie Myers. Brad Rupert, Dr. Bob Cesario (Second Row) Lone Francis, Shelly Morgan. Luce Myers, Jeanne Stanley (Third Row) Christopher Waller, Dave Cress (Not Pictured) Dr. J1m Bogan, Leo Soisson

(Front Row) Mark Mullin, Pam Hemme. Patt1 Peterson. Sarah Moore (Second Row) Joe Ahearn. Ken Hessel. Sue Melton (Third Row) Debbie Hickey. Megan Laws. Elizabeth Sisemore. Sterling Martm (Fourth Row) Samantha Welter. Justin Drake. Kyle Rutledge (Fifth Row) John Kean. Doug Grooms. Joe McCauley, Andy Scholl. Jim Glash (SIXth Row) Todd DeGraffenreid, Don Kennedy. Nate Saum (Seventh Row) Joey Goodson. DaVId Brown. Trav1s Boulware (Eighth Row) Brett Sykes. Andrew Ravadge (Not P1ctured) Alan Eads. Kyle Essman . M1ke Hetberg. Jason Holt. Steve Olds. M1ke Perkins. Luke Rmne and N1ck White

Awuah-Offei, Kwame 137

A Abbott, Dan 127, 142 Acar, Selin 114, 116, 129 Acker, Kyle 101 Acree, Mark 104 Adams, Henry Brooks 133 Adams, Justin 116, 118 Adams, Misty 125 Adey, Robin 156 A~u. Michael 126 Ahearn, Joe 50, 145 Ahmad, Dr. 14, 135 Akers, Clayton 110 Akrigde, Bill 106 AI-Amody, Omar 6 Alan, Cheng 150 Alassadi, Shahd 118 Albertson, Chance 122 Albillar, Sean 11, 128, 156 Albrecht, Kelli 105 AI-Oahhan, Or. Muthanna 134 Alexander, Bob 130 Allan, Dr. 152 Allen,Joshua 107 Alofs, Darryl 139 Alotaibi, Bader 114, 129 Altmann, Adam 108 Alyatim, Atallah 102 Alyea, Jacob 11 Alzin, Ohya 11 Amidei, Drew 112 Amos, Dan 6 Anderson, Ben 115 Anderson, Breezy 93, 105 Anderson, Camille 105 Anderson, Derek 121 Anderson, Miriah 105. 131 Andreas, Dr. 148 Andrews, Justin 131 Angles, Nick 101 Anne, Dr. 147 Applegate, Steven 106 Archibald, Michael 108 Archuletta, Matt 101 Armaly, Bassem 139 Armendariz, Kevin II Armstrong, John 104. 128 Aronstam, Or. Robert 12, 136 Arrey, Njomba 42 Arrington, Tim 110 Arsenault, Joe 111 Arthur, Joslyn 109 Ashbaker, Courtney 105 Athanasios, Dr. 150 Atkins, Phlip 117 Atughonu, Mondae 120 Atwater, Martin 111 Aubrey, Lady Miner 66 Aubuchon, Erik 101 Auer, Justin 111 Avgerinos, Savannah 127

146 Index

B Baber, Brandon 109 Bachman, Dr. Bonnie 140 Backues, Jared 104 Bacon, JJ 112 Bacon, Steven 111 Badrul. Dr. 147 Bahr, Cody 103 Bahr, Collin 11 Baidas, Piotr 11 Bailey, Keith 5 Bakala, Brain 109 Baker, Duncan 111, 112 Balakrishnan, S. N. 139 Banerjee, Arindam 139 Banks, Dillon Marc 131 Banks, Stephen 103 Banziger, Cate 130 Barber, Courtney 11, 107 Barber, Hannah 125 Barclay, Jennifer Anne 128. 130, 131 Barfield, Drew 104 Barnes, Brian 127 Barnes, Jared 127 Barrett, Usa 42, 121 Barry, Or. 148 Barsh, Eric 120 Bartow, John 116 Basler, Brandon 116 Bateman, Tim 107 Baum. Nick 106, 122 Baumgardner, John Ill Baumgart, Caleb 115 Baur. Stuart 127, 142 Bax, Sarah 108, 113 Bay, Erica 93, 105 Bay, Grace 129 Bayless, Dr. 12. 23. 127, 142 Beard, Heather 127 Bearden, Steven 104 Beasley, Matt 104 Beauvais, Charles 123 Beck, Ryan 106 Becker. Jeffery 130 Beckerle, Catherine 2, 11, 108 Beech. David 11 Beers, Clyde 127 Beeson, Brooke 6, 105 Beetner, Dr. Daryl 135 Beetz, Steve 106 Behrle, Lauren 105 Bekebrede, Erin 55 Belayneh. Mesay 11 Belfield, Thomas 12 Bell, Derek 117 Bellamy, Luke 110 Belshe, John 109 Bendorf, Mark 6, 115 Benham, Sgt Bradley 144 Benito. Stephen 124, 130

Bennett, Alex 80 Bennidict. Kevin 114 Benson, Hollyn 109 Bentzinger, Bob 112 Bereitschaft, Tom 103 Bergthold, Marissa 108 Bertels, Andrew 106 Besand, Dave 112 Betz, Justin l 03 Bham, SGhulam 127, 142 Biayi, Gracia 12 Bichsel, Or. 23, 138 Bier. Brandon 6 Bih-Ru, Dr. 150 Bijaya, Dr. 153 Bill, Dr. 148, 150 Billadeau, Kayla Leanne 131 Bilyeu, J. 51. 108 Bindner, Lori 120 Bishop, Austin Douglas 131 Bittner, Karl 101 Blair, Andrew 130 Blaker, Mike 101 Blankenship, Graham lll Bob, Or. 147 Boeh, Max 104 Boehm, Larisa 109 Boettcher, Adrienne 130 Bogan, Dr. Jim 143, 145 Bohanon, Cat 120 Boies, Brandon 102. 112 Bolin, Capt Jeremy 144 Bollmann, Casey 110 Bond, Isaac 6 Bonnie. Or. 146 Book, Dr. Neil 134 Booth, Joseph 106 Booven, Van 154 Borton, Elias 104 Bostic, Robert 12 Bottorff, Allyn Lloyd 131 Boulden, Jordan 101 Boulware. Travis 145 Boushon, Katelyn 121 Bova, Coti 71 Bowen, Thomas 101, 112 Bowman, Maggie 108, 113 Boyd, George 102 Boysen. Travis 103 Bozeman, Delvrick J. 100 Bradfield. Stacy 123, 125 Bradford, Emma 120 Bradley, Alicia 126 Bradley, Sgt 146 Brallier, Alanna 71 Brammeier, Matt 101 Brand, Brittany Mechelle 131 Brandt, Lindsay 127 Braun, Deirdre 105 Bray, Bethany 12 Breen, Veronica 12, 123, 129, 130 Brendan, Lieutenant Colonel 144 Breneman, Jacob 113 Brennan, Casey 6

Brennan, Cory 130 Brenton, Blake 127 Breuer, Tim 121 Briggs, Emily 12 Briggs, Lauren Janae 131 Brines, Sarah 114 Brinkley, Tyler 127, 131 Bristow, Doug 139 Britton, Jeff 124 Brodnax, Jordan Bryce 131 Brodt. Adam Ethan 131 Brom, Zach 101, 131 Bromet. Drew 111 Bromley, Tim 130 Brooks, David 78 Brooks, Henry 146 Brooks, Matt 102 Brooks, Zach 124 Brosnahan, Michelle 6, 116 Brow, Richard 140 Brower, Justin 6 Brown, Blair 12, 116 Brown, Corey 101 Brown, David 145 Brown, Dr. Roger 136 Brown, Grant 127 Brown, Mason 108 Brown. Will 104 Brown-Crosen, Tiara 107, 155 Browne, Andrew ll 0 Brown-Shaklee, Harlan 125 Bruckerhoff, Cullen 102 Bruening, Mike 135 Brugere, Stephen 126 Brumleve, Andrew James 131 Brune, Paul 109 Brunkhorst, Ryan 12, 114, 129, 131 Bruno, Andrew 42 Brutsman, Ross 71 Bryan, Eric 134 Bryant, Jacob 103 Bryant, Kathryn 12 Bryce, Jordan 146 Buccellato, Brian 42, 121 Bucchheit, Libby 130 Buchanan, Lewis 103 Buchelt, Allyson 124 Buchmeier. Emily 12 Buck, Steve 111 Buckley, Jim 111 Buechler, Matt 139 Bunyarattaphantu. Tiradej 109 Burau. Kathy 118 Burchfield, Will 102 Burge, Alexander 12 Burke, Zach 126 Burken, Joel 142 Burkett. Matthew 104 Burnett, Kelly 6 Burns, Jessica l 08 Burris, Emily 114 Burrows, Tommy 101 Busby, Andrew 112 Busche,Josh 102

Bush, Kiley 7. 130 Buttig, David 106, 122 Buxton. Nicole 7 Byerley, Ashley 12

c Cady, Amy 114 Caffrey. Josh 61 Cahil, Jilliane 109 Callahan, Bailey 128 Callahan, Derrick 106. 109 Callaway, Matt 111 Calligiuri, Dan 125 Cambiano, Alex 122 Campbell, Abbey 120 Campbell, John 131 Cannon, Nathan 103 Cantrell, Jacob 113 Carboneau, John 106, 117 Carey, Athena 114 Carey, Jayson 106, 155 Carithers, Forrest 42 Carlos, Dr. 147 Caroline, Dr. 148 Carpenter, Ryan 101 Carson, Aaron 128 Carson, Kaytlyn 114, 131 Carte, Michael 13, 121 Carter, Alex 106, 119 Carter, Zach 61 Cartwright, Leanna 118, 125 Carver, Amber 105 Cashier, David 104 Cassie, Dr. 148 Castano, Dr. Carlos 137 Castro, Krizzia 108, 128, 129 Catlett, Shaun 113 Catron, Brian 131 Cavitt, Ranell 121 Cawlfield, Dr. Jeffrey 141 Cawthon, Josh 122 Cesario, Dr. Bob 143, 145 Chaffin, Lindsey 105 Chafin, George 7 Chalmers. Matt 112 Chan, Daniel 119 Chandrashekhara, K. 139 Chang, David 106 Chapman, Tim 103 Charatonik, Wlodzimierz 141 Charles, Brian 106, 127 Chen, Genda 23. 127. 142 Chen, Lyndon 7. 106 Chen, Yu 127 Cheng-Hsiao, Or. 155 Chengshan, Dr. 155 Chernyak. Artem Ill Cherry, David 113 Chesler, Maggie 105 Chester, Caitlin 109 Chisholm. Robert 108. 112 Chiu, Ms. Yu-Hsien 140

Choi. Belinda 108. 128 Choi, Joon-Ho 142 Chorice. Dylan 104. 112 Chowdhury. Or. Badrul 135 Christensen, Nina 108, 128. 129 Christian, Andrew 104 Christian, Ian 101 Christianson. Michael 131 Christison, Derek 131 Cipicchio, Taylor 66 Clack. Jenna 131 Clark, Brandon 107 Clark, Katie 108, 120 Clay, Thomas 121 Claybaugh. Or. Craig 140 Clements, Allan 42 Clements, Andrea 109, 131 Cline, London 131 Clinton, Kyle 129 Clucas, Dominic 80, 106, 117, 129 Clum, Andrew 13, 113 Coates, Matt 129 Coble, Brittany 105 Cochran, Nick 104 Cocks, Courtney 42 Coe, Cody 106 Coffey, Ben 42 Cohen, Jerry 143 Coleman, Shauntay 109, 119 Collard. Tim 130 Collier, Or. Harvest 4 Collin, Aline 116 Collins, Erica 108 Colson, Ande 130 Carnage, Adnenne 118 Combs, Ms. Angela 144 Commencement, May 5 Condell, Mike 112 Conley, Benjamin 131 Connelly, Sean 110 Conners, Eboni 13 Connolly, Emilia 125 Conrad, Colleen 42, 80 Conrad, Nick 103, 117 Conrad. Paul 7 Conroy, John 125 Conway, Charles 103 Cook. Amanda 13, I07 Cook, Rachel 13, 116 Copptelli. Brittany 113 Corcoran, Ann 108 Corey, Rachel 105 Cornett. Robert 13. 125 Corns, Steve 142 Carvey, Krista 105 Cosentino, NICk Ill Costello. Jennifer 54 Cottenll, Dr. Anne 126. 134 Courtney, Brenn! 42 Courtney, Matthew 131 Cox, Cody 13, 109 Cox. Courtney 121 Cox. Dr. 22, 135 Cox, Megan 108, 128

Cox. Olivia 128 Coyle, Matt 101, 112 Cozad, Garret 112 Cragg. Dr. Larry 78, 147 Crance, Michael 7 Crane, Kyle 106 Creasy, Arch 116 Creighton. Kevin 114 Cress, Dave 145 Crisafulli, Austin 110 Crook, Alex 130, 131 Crosb1e, AI 139 Crow, Mariesa 127 Crowe, Jeni 121, 125 Crutcher. Jarell 121 Cudd, Andrew 119, 121 Cudney, Dr. 19 Cullom. Josh 129, 131 Culp, Karissa 118, 120 Cummings, Erick 119 Curtis, Brock 104 Curtis. Charles 7 Cusack, Ethan 104 Czerniewski. Josh 102 Czeschin. Kathryn 125

D Oachroeden, Karl 112 Daffron, Dustin 125 Oagh, Cihan 142 Dahl, Matthew 13, 116 Dahlberg, Corey 13 Dahm. M1chael 125, 131 Darning, Brian I 08 Daniel. Dr. 148. 152 Daniels, Kyle 110 Daryl, Or. 146 Oasani, Devang 116 Daughton, B1ll 142 Dautenhahn, Joshua 102 Dave, Dr. 154 David. Dr. 141. 154 Davis. Brittany 109 Davis, Christopher 125 Davis, Dan1elle 127 Davis, Dawn 139 Dav1s, Josh I 0 I Dav1s, Kasey 131 Davis, Michael 138 Davis. Nancy 114 Davis. Nick 122 Dav1s, Tom my 104 Davis, Zach 102 Dawes. Richard 136 Deegan, Sean 65 DeForest. Lindsey 131 DeGraffenreid, Todd 145 Deibert, Kassi 62, 120 Delgado, Chad 106 DeMartino, John 104 Demoss, Aaron 103 Denney, Christopher 107. 118

Dennis, Kevin 13. 110 DeShon, Grant 42, 121 Detrich. Nick 102 Dev. Dr. 151 Dewitt, Dr. 15, 135 Dewrock, Amanda 7, 71 Oewsnup. Charles 129 Oeynes, Wil 26 Dharani, Lokesh 139 Dibler, Kyle 104 Dickinson, Karen I 08 Dickmson. Nate I 06 Diehl, Sarah I 08, 155 Dietrich, Jason 106 Dietz, Sean I 03 Oigu1da, Anthony Ill Dinapoli, Anton1a 131 Dissen, Joshua I 07 Disteler, Brad 130 Divis, Jeffrey 13, 127 Dixon, Derek 107. 112 Dobbs. Arnber 105. 131 Oobrynski, Justin 119 Dodge, Chris 106 Doerner. Trent 131 Dohterman, Nick 42 Dolan, Ms. Kathleen 140 Dole, Jacob 65 Donald. Or. 155 Darrel, Shayne 130 Daughtry. John 125 Douglas, Dr. 150 Douglas, Kamireon 113, 114 Doutey, Enc 42 Dowd, Nate 106. 131 Dowdy. Kelly 13 Downen, Rachel 131 Downing, Bryce 127 Drage, Kristen 62, 131 Drahos. Joe 48 Drake, Justin 145 Drallme1er, Dr. 14. 15, 18. 19, 139 Dreyer, Heath 103 Drost. Jenn1fer 108 Drowne. Kate 134 DuBOIS, Robert 143 DuBroff, Or. R1chard 135 Dudik, D1ane 127 Oud1k, Randy 127 Duff1eld, M1tchell 101 Duffy Tyler 104 Duley. Alannah 105 DuMont. Devin 106 Dunbar. Trav1s 102 Dunkman, Andrew 130 Dunn. Alex 61 Duvall, Jake 101

E Eads, Alan 145 Eckert, Dr. Andreas 12, 126, 141 Edens, Debra 114

Index 147

Edgar, Stephen 124 Editor, Academics 155 Editor. Advising 156 Editor, Events 155 Editor, Greeks 155 Editor, Managing 156 Editor, Orgs 155 Editor, Seniors 155 Editor, Sports 155 Edwards. Daniel 14, 28, 100, 156 Edwards, John 121 Edwards. Lara 129, 130 Egan. Philip 14 Eggleston. Alyssa 131 Eichenseer, Mike Ill Ekholm, Kimberly 131 Ekholm, Michelle 120 Ekstam, Fred 134 Elders, Mark 131 Elghussein, Michael 104 Elgmati, Malek 126 Ellen, Mary 150 Elliot, Dan 107 Elliott, Madalyn 108, 131 Elliott, Melissa 108, 116 Ellis, Brenda 42 Ellis, Gabe I 07 Ellman. Kyle 124 Ellwanger, Capt Lee 144 Elmer, Margaret 130 Elmofty, Omar 126 Elrod, Dr. Cassie 140 Els, Andrea 124 Els, Christina 73 Elsharafi, Mahmoud 126 Emerson, JoAnn 84 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 3 Emmett. Shelby 128. 129. 131 Eng, Dr. Li Li 140 Engel, Taylor 110 Engelhardt. Cheryl B. 26 Engineer, Civil 5 England. Jordan 106 Englewood, Chelsea 125 Ensign. Kyle 14 Ercal, Nuran 136 Ereal, Fikret 139 Erickson, Dr. Kelv1n 135 Erickson, Josh 123, 128, 129 Ernst, Allen 14 Eshelman. Nick 111 Eshenroder, Jacob 109 Essman. Kyle 145 Ethan, Adam 146 Evans, Jamey 125 Evans. Jeffrey 131 Everett, William 109 Everly, Bentamm 107 Eversman. Walter 139 Ewigman, Logan 106 Eyerly, Adam I 09

148 Index

F Fagnant, Josh 42 Fahrenholtz, Bill 140 Fairbairn. Eric 69 Faller, Joe 103 Farenholtz, Dr. Bill 124 Faria, Nick 104 Farquhar, Adam 131 Farris, Catherine 109, 131 Fauser, Jon 106 Faust, Nathan 101 Feist, Rachel 131 Feldewerth, Terry 10 l Fennell, Sean 120 Ferdman, Dan 127 Ferdowsi, Dr. Medhi 135 Ferguson, Austin 14 Ferguson. Chris 104 Ferkel, Kenneth 102 Fernandez, Caroline 7 Ferstl, Heather 120 Finaish, Fathi 139 Finch, Jonathan 143 Finch, Sharon 108 Findley, Andrew 107 Finke, David 14 Finley, Matt 102 Fisher, Ashley 109 Fisher. Dr. Caroline 140 Fiske, Tabitha 122 Fitch, Dr. 6, 9, 142 Fitzgerald, Jamie 124 Fitzwater, Savannah 14 Flachsbart, Dr. Barry 140 Flannigan, Dennis 102, 112 Flath, Kris Il l Flemming, Jon 42 Fling, Dan 109 Flynn. Mary Fran 130 Fogg,Shannon 135 Foley, Danielle 7 Folk. Bobby 106 Folk, Monica 105, 116 Follmer, Scott 14 Foote. Robert 104, 122 Forciniti, Dr. Daniel 134 Forester. Rachel 14 Forland, Thomas 125 Forman, Tommy Ill Forthaus. Brett 123 Forthaus, Roman 102 Foshage, Ryan 104 Foster, Bryce 57 Foulks, Brian 130 Fowler, Jaron 131 Fowler, Stan 110 Fox, Evan 108 Fralicx, Abbie 109 Fran, Mary 148 Francis, Lorie 145 Francisca, Dr 152

Frank. Dr. Ron 6, 20, 123, 136 Franklin, Steven J. 100 Franks, Melody 108 Frazier, Evon 122 Frazier, Jacci 105 Frazier. Lauren 131 Frederick, Matt 101 Freedline, Kelsey 125 Freese. Jenna 105 Freking, Ashley 127 French, Nicole 120 Frey, Lydia 109 Friedman. Matt 113 Frimpong, Or. 19, 137 Fritts, Katherine 14, 96, 116, 117 Fritzmeyer, Jeff 104 Froelich, Courtney 120 Fukawa. Dr. Nobu 140 Funk, Sara 105 Fuqua, Brian 14 Furby, John 14

G Gabel, Garrett 42, 121 Gach, Tyler 104 Gaines, Derek 130 Gaines, Jessica 109 Galecki, Grzegorz 137 Ganesh, Dr. 154 Gann, Pearson 131 Gantner, Austin 131 Garber, Brian 104 Gard, Samuel 102 Gardner. Charles 42, 121 Garner, Chris 104 Garretson, Sage 102 Garrison, Hanson 131 Gates, Stephen 127 Ge, Louis 142 Ge. Maochen 137 Geiger, Daniel 131 Geiselmann, Andrew 103 Geiser, Zack 127 Gelles, Dr. 9, 10, 13, 138 Gels, Van 154 Georgen, Brad Ill Gerlach, Grant 104 Gerlt, Austin 125 Germeroth, Todd 131 Gertsch. Dr. Leslie 141 Gesell, Donald 131 Gesualdi, Marissa 108, 128, 129 Gettemeyer, John 131 Ghazwi, Mustafa 15 Gibbs, Alex 111 Gibler, Madison 120, 131 Gibson, Andrea 27 Gibson, Matthew 103 Gieselmann, Andrew 101 Gilbert, Luke 130 Gilbert, Megan 124 Gill, Kevin 107

Gill, Kyla 127 Gill, Matt 116 Gilliam. Cory 103 Gillies, Stewart 137 Givens, Bobby 110 Glash, Jim 57, 145 Glasscock, Matthew 121 Glazer, Ali 105, 122 Glotz, Jen 108 Glover, Andrew 104 Goad, Branden 109, 112 Gober, Amanda 124 Gohr, Jared 131 Goldammer, Morgan 15, 108, 131 Goldberg, Mathew 134 Goldstein, Landon 103 Golem, Lindsay 109 Gomez. Nikki 128, 129, 131 Gomez, Tito 125 Gonzalez, Michael 15 Goodman, Dan 131 Goodson, Joey 145 Goolsby, Tina 116 Gordon, Joe 124 Goris, Megan 131 Gorman, Joshua 131 Gorski, Dick 106 Gosavi, Abhijit 142 Gould, Clark 108 Gowan, Tim 8, 106 Grace, Ashley 131 Grace, Corey 130 Graff, Joe 108 Gragg, Dr. Larry 84, 135 Grant, Dr. Steven 130, 135 Grantham, Katie 142 Grapperhaus, Jacob I 06 Grasman, Scott 142 Grayson, Rhonda 139 Greer, Dane 106 Greg, Dr. 149 Gregory, Jared 127 Gretchen, Lt Col 144 Griffen, Annessa 105 Griffith, Hillary 8 Grobe, Josh 104 Grooms, Doug 145 Grott, Steven 106. 112 Grow, David 141 Guardiola, Ivan 142 Guenther, Clinton 119 Gumminger, Kris 112 Guthrie, Damon 42, 121 Guthrie, Rachel 109, 113 Guzman, Miguel 125

H Haberberger, Samuel 71 Habermehl. Alyson 15 Hachmuth, James 15 Hackenwerth, Kevin 101 Hackenwerth, Tim 101

Hacker, Scott 104, 125 Hackett, Alec 67 Hackett, Wesley 119 Hackney, David 131 Haemmerlie, Dr. 138 Hagee, Joshua 107, 127 Hagen, Don 143 Hagenhoff, Cliff 10 l Hagler, Brei 109 Hahn, Brian 42 Hahn, Jess1e 126, 131 Ha1dyrah, Ahmed 127 Hale. Barbara 143 Hale, Corey 108 Hale, Dustin I 08 Hale, Tanyekia 120 Hall. Andrew 60 Hall, Drew 103 Hall, Dr. Richard 140 Hall, Leon 141 Hall, Mike 104 Hall, Warren 42 Hall1gan, Matt 130 Hallstrom, Eric 124 Hamilton, Turquoise 119 Hampton, Ashley 80, 129 Hamzic, Zlatan 65 Hanan1, Nurul 154 Hanewmkle, Aaron 111 Hanke, Dr. Ralph 140 Hansen, Karl 131 Harbor, Pearl 20 Harder, Patrick 100 Harkins, Ken 101 Harnage!, Taylor 125 Harper, Grace 80 Harrelson, Dustin 121 Harris, Alex 117 Hams, Colin 101 Hams, Luke 125 Hams, Ms. Norma Jane 144 Harnson, Andrew 102 Harster, Ed 8, 106 Hartmann, Brian 110 Hartsock, Joshua 131 Hartsock, Victona 105 Hartt, Arthur 108 Harvey, Jessica 109 Haselwander, Ainn 15 Haselwander, Robert 15 Hassan, Raheel 108 Hatlan, Jamie 120 Havermann, Alex 102 Hawk, Chinua 26 Hawkins, Adriel 66 Hay, Nate 106 Hay, Sam 106 Haynes. Dr. Lance 122 Hays. Aaron 56, 57 Haywood, Holly 108 He, X1aoming 141 Heady, Amanda 15 Healy, Chris 104 Heaton, Josh 121

Hecht, Jill 80 Heckman, Ryan Ill Heggemann, Jenny 109 Heiberg, Mike 145 Heiman, Benjam1n 104 He1msoth. Alex 110 Hemeck, John 130 Heisinger, Bnanne 127 Hellebusch, Adeline 73 Hellebusch, Erin 120 Helmer, Regan 131 Helmich, Seth 15 Hemme, Pam 145 Hendricks, Quentin 125 Hengst, Dav1d 101, 124 Hennessy. Andrew 104, 118 Henry, Kyle 131 Henslee, Dr. 138 Henthorn, Dr. 9, 23 Herbig, T1m 130 Herington, Kat1e 55 Hernandez, Patrick 104 Herr, Dame! 131 Herrell, Tyler 102 Herrick, C1ndee 135 Heskett, Melissa 42 Hessel, Keri 145 Hetch, Jill 117 Hey, Joel 131 H•ckey, Debb1e 145 H1ckle, Mark 131 Hicks, Kourtney I 05 H1cks, Ryan 15 H1ese. Michael 108 H1estand, Spencer 108 H1ggerson. Kegan 109 Higginbotham. Dr. 9 Higginbotham, Just1n 102 Higg~ns, Brad 106 Hilburn. Darnck 121 Hilgers, Dr. M1ke 140 Hillerman, John 71 Hillis, Daniel 15, 125 H1lmas, Dr. Greg 124. 140 Hllsher, Jon 42, 121 Hilsher, Rebecca 15. 105, 123. 130. 155 H1mmelberg, Nevan 126 Hindman, Jordan I02 H1nes. Elaine 129, 130 H1nze. Enk 108, 11 2 H1rtz, Dr. Paul 106 Hlinak, Justm 102 Ho, Mike 16 Hoch, Kasih 105 Hoenes. Braxton 104, 112 Hoern1g, Gregory 8 Hoffman. Ryan 102 Hoffmann, Andrew 122 Hogan, Bryan K. 100 Hogan, Dr. 7, 15, 19 Hogan, Luke 16 Hohl, Darren 96 Holcomb, Scott 110

Holden, Emily 121 Holderby, Terrence 8 Holderby. V1ctona 8 Holl•day, Luke 113 Holmes. Rebecca 131 Holsman. Ryan 112 Holt, Jason 145 Homan. Kelly 139 Hong, Dr. 153 Hope. Patnck 104 Hor, Yew San 143 Horner, Chadwyk 117 Hornung, Jonathan 8, 116 Hosder, Serhat 139 Houska.Zach 106 Howard, OJ Ill Howard. Josh 103 Huang, Derek 42 Huang, Dr. Yue-wern 136 Huber, Pat 135 Huber, Scott Ill Hubert, Dan1el 131 Huch1ngson, Megan 8 Huck, Julia I09 Hudacek, Dan 118 Huebner, Dr. Wayne 124, 140 Huebner, Forrest 16 Hughes, Adam 106 Huhman. Kate 130 Hull. Caleb 131 Hulsey, Thomas 16 Humphrey. Latesha 16. 105 Hungiapuko. Peter 122. 125 Hunn, Bnttany 105 Hunter, Sarah 108. 124 Hurd. N1chole 123 Hurson, All 139 Husk1sson, Miner David 69 Husmann, Zach 104 Hussey. Adam 104 Hutcheson, Ryan 139 Hutchtns, Akil 28, 100 Hutson, Andrea 107 Hutson, Chnstopher 103 Hylton. Bryce 131 Hymer, Amy 121, 125 Hyoung, Dr 150

I ller, Angela 105 lmes, Meghan 105 In, T. 156 lnsall, Matt 141 Ipock. Corey 16. 125 Isaac, K 139 lsom, Gabe 101 lsom, M1ke 101 lves, Caleb 122 lv1e, Brian 121 lvhyeva, Irma 143 Ivy, Jacob 102

J Jablonski, Kevm 113 Jabran1, Andrew 103 Jackson. Joe 121 Jackson. Max 103 Jackson. Stephen 125 Jacobi, Joseph 107 Jacobsen. Rebecca 131 Jahr. Bnttney 108, 113 Ja•me, Juan 131 James, Andrew 146 James, Natalie 138 Jam1son. Jermy 104 Jam1son. Kyle 104 Janae. lauren 146 Jane. Ms Norma 149 Jansen, Sam 104 Janssens. Nancy 105, 127 Jean, Laura 153 Jee-Chmg. Dr 154 Jem1son, Scott 42 Jenneqohn. Rachel 124 Jennmgs, Clayton 42 Jennmgs, Zach 127 Jensen. N1cholas 16. 131 Jentsch. N1cholas 102 Jentschura, Ulnch 143 J1ang. Wei 139 Jincks, Matthew 16. 123 Johannes, Emma 109 Johns. Owen 131 Johnson. Courtney 108 Johnson. Dan 122 Johnson, Deron 120 Johnson, Garrick 24 Johnson. Nathan 125. 131 Johnson. T1sha 105 Johnson. Tyler 123 Johnston. Ryan 101. 122 Jolley, M1chael 121 Jones. Candace 71 Jones. Dylan 102 Jones. Enc 108 Jones. Jarv1s I09 Jones. Luke 110, 116, 131 Jones, Matt 116, 121 Jones. Matthew 125 Jones. Rachel 127 Jones II. M. Ill Jonson, Abby 100, 125 Jonte. Clara 131 Joplin. Peter 16. I 10 Jordan. Joe I 08 Joseph. Avery 128 Josken. Jeff 106 Joslyn, Clinton I 12 Josten, Catie 155 Judd. Stephame 116 Juenger, Dan1elle 106, 108 Juergens, Joshua 103

Index 149

K Kabak, Greg 108 Kahmke. Ntck 103, 122 Kalac, Knsta 130 Kalwet, Scott 117 Kaminski, Kurtis 116 Kaplan, Kyle 10 I Kapshandy, Scott 127 Kasonga, Mick 131 Kaspersen, William 117 Katterhenry, Greg 107 Kauff. Jack 125 Kaveler, Alex 10 I Kayes, Jerry 103 Kayser, Rob 106. 129 Keal, Taylor 63 Kean, John 145 Keen, Richard 42, 121 Keener. Jeff 101 Kehr, Dr. Btll 7, 8, 10, 19, 21. 140 Kelley, Nancy 105 Kellison. Ray 102 Kellogg. Bentley 108, 113 Kelly, Collin 107 Kelly, Dr. 150 Kelly, Jenny 113 Kelly, Knstm 129 Kelly, Shannon 105, 113 Kelvin. Dr. 148 Kemp, Courtney 59 Kemper. John 104 Kendnck. Brittany 105 Kennedy, Coach Don 63, 145 Kennedy, Mtchael 116 Kenntcott. Bethante 127 Kenmcoll, Mall 127 Kennon. Andrew 102 Kenny, Tim 129 Kessler, Emma 118 Kessler, Parker 103 Kesler, Eleanor 109 Ketcherstde, Scott 113 Kettler, Ben 130 Khengar. Ktrtesh 16. 80. 121 Khttuov, Yerken 126 Ktentzy. Joshua 131 Kterath, Bnan 108 Ktmball. Dr. Jonathan 135 Ktnder, Ktmberly 141 Ktng, Adam 122 King, Derek 124 King, lan 101 Ktng, Matt Ill Ktnkenon, Douglas 8, I 0 I, 114 Ktrchner. Cadence 108 Ktrgan, Mary Ellen 141 Ktrk, Ellen 16, 116 Ktrkendoll, Sarah 105 Ktrschner, Cody 129 Kt-Souk, Paul 151 Kissinger, Henry 78

150 Index

Klover, Sean 121. 129 Kluge, Bryan 66 Klump, Samantha 54, 55 Klump. Zach 101 Knapp, Bentamtn 131 Knar. Toni 59, 125, 129 Kobel, Kyle I 09 Koe, Jonathan 106 Koenig, Brian 16 Koenig, Joeseph 127 Koffman, Katie 113 Kohrs, Matthew 131 Kohser, Dr. 23, 140 Kolker, Jusltn 8 Kotkmeter, Clayton 103, 112 Koo, Dr. Hyoung 150 Korff, Alex 104 Kosber, Dr. 16 Koske, Stephanie 131 Kost, Phillip 42 Kostal, Fawn 108, 113 Kothe, Ryan 119 Kowalewski, Nikki 109 Koylu, Dr. 6, 139 Kraus, Johnny 104 Kraus, Laura 125 Kresstg, Jessica I 08 Kretzer, Ctndy 105 Krev, Kathryn 105, 124 Kropf, Michelle 131 Krump, Drew 104 Kuba, Elizabeth 125 Kuehl, Dan 106 Kuehn, Hilary 17, 108 Kuelker, David 111 Kuelker, Mall Ill Kuhn, James 125 Kumar. Ntshant 139 Kunlla, Kelsey 52 Kurrelmeyer, Rachel 130 Kurtz,Joseph 104 Kutay, Justin 111 Kuzara, Mtchaela 105, 118

L LaFtore. Rachel 42 Lahmann, Brandon 127 Lat, Ben 124 Latben, Brendan 121 Latrd, Lacey 131 Lakebrtnk, Jeremy 130 Lambie, Seth 123 Lamken, Mac 102 Lammers, Aaron 110 Landers, Robert 139 Landstra, David 17 Lane, Chns 122, 131 Langan, tan 109 Lange, Jason 17 Lange, Matt 106, 122 Langenfeld, Julie 131 Langenfeld, Mall Ill

Lanka, Sri 3 LaPtetra. Eric 104 LaPreze, Abby 8, 71 Larsen, Eric 113 Larson, Mike 101 LaRue, Zach 42, 121 Laster, Thomas 102 Latham, Jacob 123 Laudon, Dr. Rober 141 Lauer, Trenton 131 Laughary, Jessica 55 Laughery, Lucas 103 Laura, Sgt 152 Lavatai, Desirae 129 Laws, Megan 145 Lea, Dr. Bih-Ru 140 Leafblad, Dan 119 Leanne, Kayla 146 Learn, Caiurn 124 Lecko, David 106, 129 Lee, Alex 42 Lee, Dr. Hyoung Koo 137 Lee, Dr. Vi 9 Leezer, Nathan 110, 112 Letble, Wade 110 Leopold, Jennifer 139 Lesley, Dr. 153 Leu, Ming 139 Leur, Jonathan 102 LeVan, Monica 17, 130, 131 Leventis, Nicholas 136 Lewandowski, Nicholas 125 Lewey, Adam 125 Lewey, Sarah 114 Lewis, Colleen 108 Lewis, Janelle 120 Lew~s, Jenni 130 Lew~s, Lacey 109 Lew~s, Stephanie 125, 144 Lewis, Whitney I 09 Li, Sarra 116 Li, Sarra Zheng 17 Liapis, Dr. Athanasios 134 Likert, Ernily 105, 121 Limmer, Matt 123, 130 Lin, Dan 139 Lin. Dr. Yingchou 140 Linch. Rtck 110 Lmdner, Andrew 112 Lindsey, JJ 106 Lindsey, Matt 101 Lingo, Will 103 Link Ill, Robert 121 Liou, Frank 139 Little. Mtchael 102 Little, TJ 107 Liu, Allen 116 Liu, Dr. Kelly 141 Ltu, Frank 139 Ltu, Zhen 142 Ltvergood, Jake 111 Livingston, Matthew I 02 Lloyd, Allyn 146 Locke, Brian 122

Lockowitz, Morgan 120 Loeffelman, Andrew 101 Lollar, Shalyn 123 Long, Ausbn 17 Long, Joe I 10 Long, Suzie 142 Longman, Kala 105, 122 Longwell, Robert 113 Lopez, Rita 42, 119 Lore, Alex 128, 129 Lorentz, Zach 121, 125 Lott. Andrew 114 Louvall. Kori 120 Lovelady, Justin 107 Lovig, Ganon 131 Loyet, Shannon 73, 108 Lu, Cheng Alan 17 Ludlow, Dr. Douglas 6, 20, 116, 134 Luebbering, Brandon 104 Luebbert, Brandel 42 Luetzow, Jake 108 Lukasiewikz, Tim 103 Luna, Ronaldo 127, 142 Lunn, Abby 120 Lupardus. Chns 121, 125 Luquette, Stacey 53 Lyons, Matthew 17 Lyons, Michael 104 Lytle II, Ronald C. 100

M Ma, Yinfa 136 MacCianahan, Julie 127 Macke, Joe 108 MacSilhigh, Gearotd 139 Madison, Dan 143 Madria, Sanjay 139 Madsen, Cale 130 Maerz, Thomas 125 Maguire, Matthew 106 Mahan, Josh 103 Mahone, Jared 26 Mahoney, Melissa 105 Mahoney, Neal 104 Matat, Mtke 56 Malawey, Davtd 102 Mallette, Ttm 130 Mallette, Tracy 130 Mallmann, Paul 101 Malone, Ed 134 Maloy, Frank 103 Manahan, Kevin 128 Manescalco, Josh 104 Mango, Richard 125 Manley, Donta 106 Mann, Andrew 17, 116, 130 Manthei, Josh 106. 117 Manthei, Joshua 17 Marc, Dtllon 146 Maresca, Luke 130, 131 Mareschal, Matt 101 Margherio, Ethan 112


Marik, Nick 119 Markey, Aust1n Ill Markley, Ethan 131 Markowski, Tom Ill. 122 Markus, Chns 10 I Markus, Samantha 123, 130 Marshall. Josh 130 Martin, Alexis 128 Martin, Chase 104 Martin, Chris Ill Martin. Daniel 131 Martin, David 101 Martin, Dr. 18, 23, 138 Martin, Kris Ill Martin, Matt 130 Martin, Nathan 130 Martin, Patrick 17 Martin, Sterling 14, 145 Martm, Zachary 17, 131 Marting, Caleb 101, 122, 129 Marton, Seth 109 Mast. David 112 Mastrantuono. Marc 18 Matt, Phil 106 Matthews, Ivan 112 Matt1, Jason Ill Maizes. Trey 100, 129 Maull, W1lham 130 Mawhiney, Maggie 131 Maxwell, Adam 106 Maxwell, Keith 109 Maxwell, Zach 110 McBee, Amanda 114 McBee, Jack 110 Mcbee, Jackie 122 McBnde, Dan 112 McBride, Jeremy I 07 McBride, Mark 101 McCandhss, George 112 McCauley, Joe 145 McClanahan, Aaron 104 McClure, Michelle 36 McConnell, Jake 101 McConnell, Michael 131 McCord, Brandon 102 McCorm1ck. Alex 108 McCorm1ck, Thomas 18 McCowan. Kev~n I 06 McCowen. Clayton 42 McCoy, James 121 Mccoy, Karch 111 McCrum, M1ke 102 McDaneld, Dylan 131 McDaniel, Michael 131 McDonald, Curtis 80, 108 McDonough, TJ 130 McDowell, Alex 131 McFow1and, Nickolas A. I 00 McGauley, Chnstopher 123. 125 McGee, Nathan 104 McGeehan, Doug 33, 35. 125. 155 McGovern, Sean 42 Mcguire, Jace 103 McKamey, Kennan 103. 122

McKmley, Ben 102 McKmney, Jessica 73, 108, 115 McKmney, VICk1 28 McK1nn1e, T1mothy R. 100 McKinnon, David 127 Mclain, Kaly 109 Mclellan. Trent 125 McM1Iiln, Bruce 139 McNair, Jamila Monet 107 McNamee. Pat 50 McNeely, Jamie 105, 121 McNulty, Sean 42, 121 McPherson, Brett 121 McQuay, Sean 110 Meadows, Brandon 18 Meadows, Tyler 131 Mechelle, Bnttany 146 Medh1, Dr. 148 Medvedeva, Julia 143 Megl, Mike 122 Meglio. Matt 108 Mehner, Austin 104 Me1er, Damel 110 Me1er, Jacob 104 Me1er. Robert 109 Me1nders. Robert 11 7 Me1r, Wilham 124 Melan1e, Dr. 151 Melton. Sue 145 Melton Jr., Charles 104 Mendoza, Cesar 142 Menkes, Emily 131 Menner, Andrew 102 Menon. S1ddhant 110. 126 Menhs, Dave 139 Mercer. Chnstina 105 Merkel. Ryan 101 Merod, Joe 121 Merntt, Andrew 18, 124 Mertens, Brett Ill Mertens, Don 111 Merz, Veronica 129 MeSSICk, Ryan 42 Metcalf, Wh1ttney 18. 126 Meyer. Adam 101 Meyer. Andrew 84 Meyer. J1m 111 Meyer. Juhe 58, 59 Meyer, Laura 105. 116 Meyer, Logan 9, 100 Michael, Trevan 130 Middleton. James 42 Midha. Ashok 139 Mieth, Stephanie 116, 131 M1kec1n, Mark 101 M1kel. Brandon 18, 100. 125 M1kulus. Adam 121 M1les. Alex 109 M1ller, Adam 110 M1ller, Alek 131 M1ller, Allison 124 M1ller. Dale 123 Miller, Dick !43 Miller, Mitchell 114, 131

M1ller, Rebecca 18 M1ller. Scott 18 M1ller. Todd Ill M1ller-GIImore, M1sha 105, 125 M1lls, Tom 116 M1ner. Conrad 104 M1shra, RaJIV 140 M1ssoun, Dear 156 Mitchell, Courtney 129 Mitchell. Kyle 112 Mitchell, Matthew 9, 106, 117, 125, 129 Moellering, Kyle 102 Moenster, Harrison 125 Moerer. Stephen 42, 80. 121 Moesch, N1kolas 131 Moges, Teshome 18 Mohamed, Abdussalam 126 Mohrmann, Catie 124, 130 Mollet. Sam 109 Monet.Jamila 151 Montgomery, Dr. 138 Mooberry, Hope 131 Moore. Ashley 118, 120 Moore. Aubrey 120 Moore, Charlie 42 Moore, Jeremy 112 Moore, Kenneth 80 Moore, Michael 144 Moore. Peter 113 Moore, Sarah 145 Moore, Stefani 120 Moore. Stephen 119 Moorefield, Melissa 120 Moore Ill. James 131 Morehead, Leah 131 Moreland, Bnttany 125 Moreland. Renee 18, 125 Morgan, Adam 18 Morgan. Ilene 141 Morgan, Jack 134 Morgan, Max 112 Morgan. Shelly 145 Mormile. Dr. Melanie 136 Morns, Bryan 125, 131 Morns. Charles 142 Morns. Chns 122 Morns. Jeremy 9 Morns. Nate 112 Morns. Ronetta 107 Mornson. Glenn 142 Mornssette. Cheyenne 109 Morrow, Ty 106 Mosely, Rebecca 125 Moser, Caitlyn 80 Moss. Dr Randy 135 Moylan. Garrett 42. 130, 131 Mueller. Andrew 104. 112 Mueller. Dr. Gary 13, 15. 21. 137 Mueller. Jacob 125 Mueller. Mark 107 Mullen, Rebecca 130, 131 Muller. Dav1d I 04 Muller, Lukas 33, 42, 121

Mulligan. Patnc1a 42 Mullin, Marl< 145 Mundshenck, Jeff 102 Murphy. Bryan 110, 112 Murphy. Jenme 4. 18. 105 Murphy, Kalle 108 Murphy, Mikayla 127 Murray. Dr. 6, 10, 142 Musterman. N1ck 121 Mulhanna, Or. 146 Myers. Hannah 115 Myers. Jessica 105. 118 Myers, John 127. 142 Myers, Lucille 22, 145 Myers. Riehle 145 Myers. Scott 131

N Naeger. Rachel 116 Naeger, Xavier I 09 Nagl1ch. Matt Ill Nahrup, Mad1son 127 Nam. Paul Ki-Souk 136 Nath. Manash1 !36 Neal. Isaac 131 Nell, Dr 146 Nennmger, Austin 10 I Neog,, Or. Parthasakha 134 Nesrala, LUIS 64 Netanya, Flfst L1eutenant 144 Neubert, Anna 113. 128 Newbern, Kevm 80 Newman, Caleb 125 Newman. Jason 122 Newsom. Trey 131 Nguyen. Thanh 128 N1cholas. Jeff 126 N1chols, Cass1e 73 N1chols,Patrick 101,122 N1chols. Sam 106 NICkolaisen. Ashley 108 Nickols. Matt 19 N1eto. Steven I ll N1les. Cody 110 N1ner. Alex 122 N1sbett. Dr. 16. 19 Nisbett. Keith 139 N1ssen. Alexandra 113 N1ssen. Ally !08 NIYO&J. Or. Dev 19, 136 Nobu, Dr. 148 Noc1to. Domin1que 106 Noeldner. Josh Ill Nolte. Katnna !05 Noonan. Edward 103 Norns. Edward 121 Norns. James 131 Northcut. Kathryn 134 Norton, Dav1d 113 Nosbush, Anthony 101 Note, Editor's 156 Nowak, Patrick 130

Index 151

Nowak, Stacy 127 Null, Anthony 101, 114 Null, Sarah 71 Nutt, Jake 108 Nutt, Sam 108, 113 Nwanagu, Ernest A. 100 Nye, Jeffrey 19, 123, 125 Nygaard, Dr. Runar 141

0 Obeldobel, George 9, 116 Oboh-lkuenobe, Dr Francisca 141 O'Brien, Justin 109 O'Brien, Kayla 120 O'Brien, Sam 120 O'Bryan, Trevor 107 O'Dell, Amanda 108 Oerther, Dr. Daniel 136, 142 Ogle, Kyle 112 Ohlms, Grant 126 Okafor, Anthony 139 O'Keefe, Dr. 8, 17 Oladapo, Yetunde 105 Oldroyd, David 100 Olds, Steve 145 Oliver. Dr. 153 Olivo, Gabriel 103, 130 Orf, Andy 122 Ortega, Quentin 19, 116, 118 Osborne, Matt 127 Ottomeyer, Megan 129 Owens,Joshua 131 Owens. Michael 9

p Pace, John 102 Packard. Alyssa 42, 121 Page, Jennifer 29. 125 Pahl, Ryan 130, 131 Paige, Robert 141 Pajda, Alicia 120 Palm, Garrett 106 Palmer. Arnold 47 Paquette, Mtreille 108 Paradeis, Matt 126 Paris. Cameron 42, 125 Park, Eun Sao 138 Parker, Kaitlin 118 Parks, Chnstopher 104 Parks, Hailee 58 Parks, Joshua 107, 112 Parks, Renee 115 Parlow, Nick 111 Parris, Paul 143 Parthasakha, Dr. 151 Pashia, Colin 131 Patterson, Casey 9, 100 Patterson, Jacob 121. 127 Patz, Michelle 9 Pavlowsky, Aaron 113

152 Index

Payne, Katie 128 Payne, Tyler 127 Peacher, Jerry 143 Pearson, Alex 116 Pearson, Carolyn 19, 115 Pearson, Michelle 114 Peaslee, Kent 140 Pedersen. Codee 119 Peitz, Jonathan 119 Pelczynski, Tommy 56 Pellmann, Alex 106 Pence, Kevin 127 Pense, Major Chad 144 Pentland, Calvin 101 Perisho, Josiah 110 Perkins, Mike 145 Perkins, Richard 122 Perkins, Tim 112 Pernicka, Dr. 13, 14, 20, 139 Perotti, Daniel 101 , 122 Perrey, Tayler I 04 Persons, Claire 19, 108, 155 Peterson, Daniel 130 Peterson, Katlyn 131 Peterson, Patti 145 Petraeus, General David 79 Petroski, Dr. Henry 5 Petrovic, John 111, 122 Pettit, Leslie 108 Pfitzinger, Kyle 110 Phagan, Brian 108, 117 Phelps, Jacob 106, 112 Philbin, Ethan 125 Philips, Will 112 Phillips, Andrew 101 Phillips, Brad 85 Philpot, Tim 127, 142 Philpy, Chris 80, 110 Piatt, Ethan 112, 113 Pickett, Paul 42, 131 Pieczynski, Joe 118 Pierce. Heather 135 Pilliard, Mitch 110 Pitts. Travis 109 Plank, Shelly 143 Plattner, Dorothea 108, 118 Plier, Taylor 101 Plyler, Andrew 108 Poertner,Joe 103 Pohlman, David 106 Polk, Ally 118 Polleys, Colin 112 Pooker, Rebecca 118 Poole, Josh 110 Parcel, Jorge 143 Porter, Alex 10 I Porter, Doug 108 Porter, Grady 101 Potje, Nicholas 116. 125 Potthast, Adam 143 Potts, David 113, 122 Potts, Ryan I 10 Powell, Colin 78 Powell, Margret 125

Powers Ill, John 104. 152 Prater, Kelly 109 Presnell, Alex 102 Preston, Robert 119 Prewitt, Ben 42 Price, Clayton 139 Price, Michelle 19, 127 Price, Thomas 131 Priest, Andrew 127 Priest, Eliana 127 Pringle, Dr. Allan 10, 20, 128, 143 Pritchard, Addie 108 Proehl, Jake 112 Prokopf, Victoria 125 Proske, Brendan 104 Prosser, Mr. Justin 144 Prow, Sarah 105, 114 Prowell, ian 142 Prueter, Ben 104 Puetz, Kevin 129 Pummill, April 93, 125 Purol, Zach 104

Q Qin, Ruwen 142

R Radar, Ryan 125 Radi, Matt 121 Ragsdell, Ken 142 Rahube, Thulaganyo 19 Ralph, Dr. 149 Ramey, Erin 9 Ramsay, Katherine 108 Randles, Adam 19 Rank, Jennifer 131 Raper. Benjamin 125 Raper, Steve 142 Rapp, Neil 130 Rasband, Alexandra 123 Rasmussen, Nolan 104 Raulston, Ben 108 Ravadge, Andrew 145 Ray, Justin 19 Ray, Meghan 105 Ray, Melissa 128 Rea, Oestinee 113 Reab, Adam 101 Reames. Daniel 131 Reddy, Prakash 136 Reid, Kathenne 71, 127 Reifenstahl, Trish 71 Reilly, David 102 Reineke, Frederick 19 Reinhard, Lauren 105 Reinke. Fred 129 Rembold, Maddy 108 Ren, Sara 93, 118 Renkoski, Michael 19 Reyland, Lauren 131, 155

Rhine, Sonya 105, 113 Rice, Chris 104 Rice. Mocara 119 Rich, Stephany Rae 2, 152 Richard, Dr. 147, 149 Richards, Von 140, 154 Richardson, Brad 102 Richardson, Dave 127, 142 Richardson, Ellen 105, 127 Richardson, Nicholas 104 Richardt, Scott 20, 116 Richerson, Megan 125 Richmond, Sarah 124 Ridenhour, Krishawn 131 Ridenour, Zach 101 Riggins. Dr. 7, 12, 139 Riley, Meg 108, 113 Rinehart, Taylor 128 Rinne, Luke 145 Ritchey, Veronica 20 Rivera, Carlos 119 Roa-Correla, Mayela 28 Roberds. Ben 121 Roberts. Mackenszee 108 Robinett, Jacob I 02 Robinson, Cassie 109 Robinson, Jacob 114 Robinson, Jeremy 128 Robinson, Mackenzie 128 Rodenberg, Loren 108 Rodenberg, Megan 108 Rod house, Katie 109 Roe, Robert 141 Roethemeyer, Kevin 101 Roger. Dr. 146 Rola, Benjamin 20 Romine, Greg 128 Ron, Dr. 148 Ronchetto, Erica 113 Rooney, Alexa 114, ll5, 129 Rosa, Dr. Yahong 155 Rose, Eric 121 Rose, Jack 42 Rose, Megan 109, 122 Rose. Teresa 121. 130 Rosemann. Paul 101 Rosen, Derek 101 Ross. John I ll Ross, Lainey 109 Ross. Sgt Laura 144 Rossmaier, Jason 130 Rossmaier, John 130 Rost. Matthew 109, 124 Rostad, Stephanie 129 Roth. Jake 108 Roth, Ryan 20 Roth, Steve 111 Rothove, Samuel 104 Roush, Daniel 123, 129 Rovey, Joshus 139 Rozycki, Connie 123 Runar, Or. 152 Runyan, Kate 62, 120 Runyon, Levi 106, 112, 131

Rupert, Brad 145 Ruppert, Ellen 131 Rushdie, Salman 75 Russell, Robert 131 Russell Jr., Thomas 20 Russell, Jr., Thomas 155 Russo, Sophie 108 Rust. Thomas 125, 131 Rutledge, Kyle 145 Rutlidge, Kelsey 109 Ryder, Pamela 118, 131

s Sabharwal. Chaman 139 Sabo, Jason 101 Sacco, Ashley 108, 11 3 Sahra, Dr. ! 53 Salabay, Wendy 118 Salzman, Kelsey 53 Samaranayake, A. 141 Sample, Christopher 119. 156 Sample, Karli 59 Sample, Zach 101 San, Yew 149 Sanchez, Vincent 112 Sanders, Auggie 125 Sanders, Jonathan 36 Sandhaus. Jesse 105 Sandvig, Nick 103 Santoro, Nick 121 Satonik, Alex 117 Satterfield, Katy 121 Sauer, Frank 9. 124 Saulnier, Brittany 108 Saum, Nate 145 Savage, Jack 106 Saxton, Jake 102 Scabarozi, Mark 9, 106, 11 7 Scarbrough. Brent 31 Schaefer, Brian 125 Schaefer, Tom 101 Schaldenbrand, Josh 42 Schalnus, Jeremy 107 Scharr, Kayla 105 Schell, Justin 101 Schikore, Kaitlin 108 Schilli, Karen 20, 123, 129, !53 Schlattman, Kelly I 09 Schlechte, Jordan 131 Schlechte, Justin 80. 125 Schlegel, Ashley 105 Schlender, Amanda 116 Schloemann, Derek 42, 121, 130 Schmidt, Paul II0. 11 2 Schm1tt, John 143 Schmitt, Mike 101 Schmucker, Lindsey 120 Schneider, Dan1el 122 Schneider, Ph1l 102 Schneider, Stuart I 03 Schobert, Lindsey 73 Schoemehl, Samantha 108

Scholl, Andy 145 Schonberg, William 142 Schoor, Jeremy 104 Schott, Andrew 9, 116 Schott, Eric 10 Schrader, Daniel 110 Schraier, Kyle 108 Schram. Max 114 Schramm, Dr. 9, 11, 125 Schranck, Andrew 65 Schreiber, Brian I 07 Schrock, Stephen 20 Schroeder, Joe 106 Schroeder, Will 110 Schroer. Dustin 109 Schulz, Michael 143 Schussele. Samantha 125. 127 Schutte, Kyle 101 Schwalbert. Steven 131 Schwartz, Michael 111. 129 Schwartz, Stephen 106 Schweissguth, Nicholas 106 Schweitzer. Brandon 104 Scott, Marcy 138 Scott, Shaunda 10 Scott-Williams. Walter 4, 20 Seawright, Bnan 51. 108 Sechi, Derek 102 Sedighsarvestani, Dr. Sahra 135 Seger\, Daniel 10 Selin, Karen Schilli 128 Sellers. Alex 20 Semenok, Boris 102 Semrow, Nathan 117 Severson, Jeff 11 0 Sewester. Katie 130 Shafer, Sara 20 Shah, Parth 108 Shannon, Dr. Katie 136 Shannon, Erica 125 Sharp, Denise 143 Sharpsteen. Dr. 138 Shaw, Brad 26 Shaw, Jake 108 Shaw, Mark 109 Shea, Danny Ill Sheffield, John 45. 139 Sheldon, Jonathan 131 Shell, Mall 104 Shelton, Eric 131 Sheng, Dr. Hong 140 Shepard, Brian 122 Sherman, Josh 112 Sherman. Tyler 109 Sherry. Jacob 125 Shetler, Warren 131 Shelly, Mikhil 123 Shields, Mark 78 Shipman, Brandon I 08 Shippee, Evan Ill Shirley, Alexander 20 Shoaib, Dr. 154 Shockley, Chad 48, 49 Showalter. Or. 8, 142

Shrader, Amber 42, 121 Shrestha, Dr. Bijaya 135 Shryock, Brian 20 Shults, Jake 104 Shurdak, Stan 130 Siebers, Marc 108 Siebert, Katie 108 Signaigo. Savannah 108, 113 Silva, Alex 10 Simmons, Kevin 112 Simon, Jared 21, 127 Simon, Matthew 131 Simpson. Benjamin 125 Simpson, Rob 104 Simpson, Suzanne 114 Sinclair, Michael 130 Singler, John 141 Sipe, Amelia 128 Sisemore, Elizabeth 145 Sitton, Dr. Oliver 134 Skistimas, Brad 26 Slater. Billy 111. 129 Slattery, Joe 10 Slaughter, Kendall 129, 155 Sloan, April 116 Smith, Ashley 80 Smith, Chris I 04 Smith, Frank 21 Smith, Franklin 125 Smith. Jeff 9 Smith, Katie 120 Smith, Kaylea 62, 63 Smith. Kristyn 21, 80, 108, 113, I 17 Smith, Mason 109 Smith, M1ke 31. 128 Smith, Samantha 130, 131 Smothers. Pa1ge 120 Sneed, Dr. Lesley 17, 21, 22, 23, 142 Sneed, Josh 40 Sneider, Angie 130 Snell, Aimee 73 Snodgrass, Joshua 100 Snow, Britni 124 Snyder, Alan 112 Soderstrom, Heidi 105 Soisson, Leo 17, 145 Solari, Michael 131 Somers, Sam 109 Soo, Eun 152 Sot1nou-Levenhs, Lia 136 Spaay, Dean 103, 112 Spaeth, Sr., Laura Jean 130 Spaniel, Mark 112 Spaw, Mark 21 Speckart, Edward 131 Specker, Dustin 42. 127 Speer, Julie 21 Spence. Qumton 129 Spooler, Jake 102 Stach, Sarah 67 Staiger, Maggie 80. 105. 125 Stanek, John 21 Stanfill, Daniel 21 Stanley, Jeanne 145

Stanley, Patrick 117. 130 Stasiak, Mike 102 Stavropoulos, Pericles 136 Steagat, Ton1 113 Stefanski, Karl 125 Steger, Chns 11 2 Steinert, Alyssa 11 5, 131 Stephans, Sara 105 Stephenson, Dr. 16, 127, 142 Steurer, Joseph I 06 Stevens, Dylan 103 Steward, Kev1n 112 Stewart, Trav1s I 04 Stine, Lisa 5 Stipes. Greg 42 Stockdale, Katherine 105 Stodghill, Nathan 21 Stokes, Dan 108 Stomp, Jonathon 102 Stone, Dr. 138 Stone, Otha 104 Stortz. Tom 101 Story, Dr. 20. 23. 143 Stover, Cameron I 01 St. Peters, Courtney 93, 118, 127 Strain, Ethan 131 Strampp, Enn 105 Strange, Janel I 05 Straus, Andrew 104 Strautman n. David 21. 131 Strautmann. Matthew 21, 131 Streiker, Clint 104 Strickland, Marcus路Tor 120 Strong, D1ane 131 Struemph, Matthew 103, 122 Stuckey, Michael 110 Stumfoll. Jason 104 Stutts, Dr. 13. 139 Suda, Melissa 127 Sullivan, Julie 105 Summerv1lle, Lauren 21 Sumpter. Steven I 03 Sutterer, Sarah 21,108,116 Svoboda. Lauren 125 Swaim. Lee 124 Swain. Bobby 124 Swearengin. Trevor 106 Sweeney, Sam 120 Swenson, Knsline 134 Sw1ft. Dr. Theresa 135 Swmg. Jordan 118 Sw1tzer. Jay 136 Sykes. Brett 145 Sykes. Westu1 124 Szalapski. Thomas 131 Szevery, RICk 130

T Tabor. Evan 112 Tabor, Kevin 22. 125 Tadlock, Thea 22, 127 Ta1llon, Jordan 22

Index 153

Tajul, Nurul Hanani 19 Takai, Shun 139 Tantillo, Matthew 42. 121. 126 Tate, Kelly 134 Tatman, Ben 101 Taut, Steve 101 Tauritz, Daniel 139 Taylor, Ashley 80, 108 Taylor, Brooke 108 Taylor, David Ill Taylor. Drew 10 Taylor, Ray 101 Teague, Hannah 105, 130 Teame, Merkeb 22. 127 Tedford, Natalie 22,80,108, 113 Terbrock, Andy 108 Terrill, Troy 108 Thatcher, Margret 78 Thebeau, Sam Ill Thibaud, Evan 101, 112 Thicke, Kyle 130 Thomas, Daryn 111 Thomas, Elijah 66 Thomas, Jeff 127, 142 Thomas. Marni 108 Thomas. Ryan 104 Thomas Jr.. Jerry K. 100 Thomason, Cera I 05 Thompson, Daniel 102 Thompson, Kyle 123 Thompson, Sam 112 Thompson, William 131 Thomson, Kala 131 Thomure, Blake 102 Thrailkill, Kele 129 Threadgill, Matt 129 Throm, Mike 101 Tien. Jerry 137 Tobin, Courtney 102 Toczylowski, Aaron 106, 122 Todd, Lauren 120 Tomaszewski, John 106 Townsend, Jesse 131 Townzen, Laura 129 Trainor. Andrew 114 Tramel, Nathan 130 Trapp, Brad 42 Travous, Katilln 109 Trenshaw, Aaron 103 Trigg, Brian 106 Tnptow, Emily 105 Troesser, Zach 101 Troutman, Derek 101, 131 Trulll, Ryan 22 Tsa. Hai-Lung 139 Tuano, Angelo 102 Tucker. Katie 71 Tucker, Shelbey 108, 118 Tullis, Ben 121 Tung, Steven 125 Turba, George 117, 130 Turner, David 109 Tushar, Peter 117 Tutza, Christopher 10

154 Index

Twenter, Crystal 22 Tyler, John 119


University, Duke 5 Unnerstall, Andrea 124 Unnerstall, Nick 122 Unruh, Cassie 22 Updyke, Natalie 128 Usman, Dr. Shoaib 137

v Vaccaro, Peter 108 Valencia, Dena 108 Valleroy, Russel 103 Valles, Julia 109 Valmores. Devin 127 Van Booven, Brian 108 Vance.Joshua 131 Van De, Michael 136 Vandeloo, Nathan 106 Vandiver!, Emily 121 Van Gels, John 117 VanHooser, Matt 101, 112 Vansell, Cole 102 Vavak. Justin 102 Vaz. Warren 130 Veerkamp, James 125, 126 Vega-Westhoff, Maria 109, 130 Velders, Andrew 122 Venayagamoorthy, Dr. Ganesh K. 135 Versules, Jordan 112 Vincent, Chris 10, 130 Vincent, Dr. 155 Vitale, Alex 102 Voertman. Stephanie 123 Vogel, Mathew 107 Vogt, Cassie 105 Vojta. Thomas 143 Volz, Dr. 22, 142 Von Richards, Dr. 18 Voss. Brittney 109. 131 Vossmeyer, Nicole 128, 130 Voyles, Tara 129 Vriezelaar, Seth 106 Vrabel. Mason 117,130,131

w Waddill, Dan 143 Wade, Ryan 22, 106 Wagenmaker, Daniel 131 Wagner. Hod 7, 18, 20, 127, 142 Waldmann, Wade 107, 121 Waldo, Ralph 148 Walker, Cathy 105 Walker, Gary 104 Walker, Luke 102 Walker, Matthew 131

Waller, Christopher 143, 145 Wallingford, Ashley 10 Walsh, Kelly Il l Walsh, Shelby 105 Walter, Adrienne 120 Walters, Trenton 108 Wang, Dr. Jee-Ching 134 Wang, Jianmin 127. 142 Warchol, Danielle 130 Ward, Charles 112 Ward, Nathan 127 Ward, Skye 127, 130 Warner, Joshua 103 Washington, Breenae 36, 120 Wasser, !an 117 Watkins, Dr. Steve 135 Watkins Jr., Avery 22 Watsky, George 27 Watson, Steve 48 Watts, Glennon 103 Watts, Jack 101 Weatheriord, Adam 103 Weaver. Sarah 130 Webb, Kane 114 Weber, Mike 108 Weber, Zach ll 0 Weeks, James 130, 131 Weeks, Josh 130 Weerasinghe, Amiel 122 Wehmeyer. Grant 101 Wehner, David 22 Weideman, Ben 126 Weidenbenner, Alex 22, 130 Weischhaus, Chris 108 Weitekamp, Chad 122 Welch, Bryant 101, 119 Welch, Dave 101 Weldin, Benjamin 111 Weldon, Kyle 110 Wells, Ethan 130 Welshymer, Colin 131 Welter, Samantha 145 Welty, Derek 116, 124 Wen. Xuerong 141 Wendover, Steve 124 Wengler, Jordan 108, 116 Wentz, Rebecca 10, 121 Wesche. Trenton 102 Wesley, Logan 109 Wessel, Andrew 10, 156 West, Myah 73 Westbrook, Carlton 56 Westenberg, Dr. Dave 128, 134, 136 Westermier, Andrew 23, 110 Weston, Kathleen 121 Whitaker, Josh 130 White. Alexander 23 White, Austin 101 White, Emily 109 White, Jason 23, 106, 117 White. Jerron 23 White. Julie 121 White, Kylee 108 White, Nick 145

Whitefield, Philip 136 Whitehead, Julie 130 Whitledge, Jesse 103 Whittemore, Justin 102 Whorton, Rexann 23, 80, 121, 125 Wicklund, Matt 111 Widdicombe, Zach 107 Wiegers, Eddie 101 Wiehe, Nicholas 23 Wieman, Shaun 101 Wier, Laura 109 Wiggins, Reese 104 Wikowsky, Matt 126 Wilder, Kristina 23, 109 Wildhaber, Jill 123 Wilemski, Gerald 143 Wilferd, Sean 106 Wilhoite, Jeremy 128 Wilk, Teresa 121 Wilken, Kim 105 Wilkerson, Ryan 109, 124 Will, Megan 109 Willey, Caleb 131 Williams, Benjamin 125 Williams, Chris 115 Williams, Kevin 80 Williams, Kyle 23, 129 Williams, Patrick 23 Williams, Peter 104, 117 Williams, Sarah 128, 129 Willis, Alex 121, 128 Willmering, Matt 106 Wilmot, Alex 106 Wilson, Carter 106 Wilson, Nicholas 80, 101, 126, 129 Wilson, Terry 136 Winkelmann, Travis 104 Winn. James 130 Vflnn, Jonathan 130 Winseck. Mark 121 Winterburg, Remington 125 VV!skur, Glenn 115, 131 Withrow, Kathy 105 Wobbe, Clint 60 Wodrich, Brandon 103 Woelk. Klaus 136 Walk, Tyler 102 Wollenberg, Amanda 23 Womack, Ryan 125 Wong, May Yee 23, 154 Woolsey, Janel! 108 Wooten, Daniel 102 Worsey, Dr. 7, 10, 18 Wright, Alex 131 Wright, David 134 Wright, Jordan 131 Wronkiewicz. Dr. David 19, 141 Wu, Cheng-Hsiao 22 Wunderlich, Joy 109 Wundrack, Aaron 122 Wurm, Jodi 108 Wyatt, Michael 104

X y

Xiao. Dr. Chengshan 135

Yahong, Dr. 152 Yang, Dr. 11 Yeager, Scott 110 Yingchou, Or. 150 Young, Danielle 108 Young, Melissa 52 Young, Sergeant Letha 39, 155 Yount, Beth 105, 130 Yu, Dr. Cheng-Hsiao 135 Yu, Dr. Vincent 140

Claire Persons seniors Editor


Thomas Russell, Jr. Sports Editor

Kendall Slaughter Events Editor


~- -'


Zack, Pitcher 148 Zakaria, Zayd 126 Zhang, Hao 126 Zhang, Lifeng 140 Zhang, Yanzhi 141 Zheng, Dr. Yahong Rosa 135 Zheng, Sarra 150 Zhou, Jia 126 Zhu, Hui 23 Zimmerman, Casey 109, 123 Zor, Anna I 08

Doug McC:eehan Webmaster

sarah Diehl creeks Editor

Lauren Reyland Photographer

Tiara Brown-crosen CIUbS/Orgs Editor

Rebecca Hllsher Photographer

catle Josten Academics Editor

Jayson carer Photographer

Editor's Note Dear Missouri S&T Students, It is my pleasure to present to you the Rollamo yearbook. This is my first semester as the Editor in Chief and although the transition was a little rough at times, I am proud to have had a supportive staff to help bring me up to speed on the process. This year we experimented with new methods and layouts in order to better implement some of the suggestions students have recommended. Our goal on the yearbook staff is to produce a book that you can look at years later and instantly remember your time here at Missouri S&T. In the future, I look forward to giving you more of a presence in the production of the yearbook using more modern methods at our disposal. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or additions you would like to see in next years book, please email us at rollamo@mst. edu. I would like to thank everyone over this past year who worked with us when it came to scheduling photos, finding images, meeting deadlines, and anything else. Special thanks to those who donated pictures to the book and to Robin Adey for taking senior pictures. Thank you to all and I look forward to working with all ofyou on next years book.' Sincerely, Christopher sample Editor In Chief

sean Alblllar Managing Editor

Andrew Wessel Advising Editor

Daniel Edwards cover Designer


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