Scholarly Productivity Report Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
2015 2015 Scholarly Productivity -- 1
Making progress The CArE Department’s 2015 Scholarly Productivity Report is a collective effort by our team of faculty, staff and students. Our team has been hard at work promoting the S&T brand, as well as our reputation as a top educational research university. As a result of this hard work, we have over 90 journal publications and book chapters from our 24 faculty members in the department. In addition, our faculty and students delivered over 140 presentations at conferences around the world, including many that were invited as keynote speakers (see Dr. John Myers pg. 18). Great things are happening in our department and that is being projected around the globe. As always, we are excited by the potential the future brings. In 2015, we welcomed two new members of the CArE team and plan for them to be strong contributers long into the future. Dr. Nicolas Libre (pictured below, second from left) was hired as an assistant teaching professor, bringing novel instructional methods and also previous experience as a director of research for the Construction Materials Institute (CMI) at the University of Tehran, Iran. Also, joining our team was Dr. Hongyan Ma from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Dr. Ma brings a strong research record to Missouri S&T and perhaps most exciting, his position was created as part of the S&T signature area of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure.
This signature area links to campuswide efforts and investment in the advanced interdisciplinary research and educational programs and was initiated by Dr. Kamal Khayat, the Vernon and Maralee Jones Professor of Civil Engineering. For the Advanced Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure area, hires were also carried out in materials science and engineering, where Dr. Aditya Kumar, assistant professor of ceramic engineering, was hired. So looking to the future, you will see Dr. Kumar’s name along with others across the S&T campus included often in our Scholarly Productivity as our team expands and grows. The focus in infrastructure materials tracks directly to our departmental plan, Vision 2020, where we looked to leverage our current strengths and campus investment to project these strengths even farther in increasing our scholarly reputation among peers, our alumni and our current and future students. We look to the future with great expectations, as well as new efforts to broaden the expertise of our team, including six new faculty hires planned before the 2016-17 academic year. So please take a look at our Productivity Report and keep an eye on the future, as we continue to advance and also engage the next generation of engineering students with programs like our Greenberg Scholars (pg. 21) — where the program is helping undergraduate students attain both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Missouri S&T and integrating classroom, laboratory and field experiences, as we build our next generation of S&T alumni to go out and change the world. Follow our progress as we have exciting news, events and activities posted on our Facebook page (link on pg. 24) and on our website (
Signature Area – Advanced Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure More on our faculty and students active in the Advanced Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure Signature Area can be viewed on YouTube at:
2 -- 2015 Scholarly Productivity
faculty profiles
▶ Dan Abbott
Lecturer, Mechanics
Education: M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Missouri S&T Courses Taught: Engineering Mechanics: Statics, Materials Testing, Introduction to Engineering Design
▶ Bate Bate, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Geotechnical Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology Research Interests: Bender element study on Vs anisotropy of geomaterials, Spectral induced polarization in geomaterials, Complex dielectric conductivity of surfactant modified soils, High volume reuse of fly ash in geotechnical engineering, Effects of biopolymers on the water retention behavior (soil water characteristic curve)
▶ Stuart Baur, Ph.D., A.I.A.
Assistant Chair, Architectural Engineering Associate Professor, Architectural Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Missouri S&T Research Interests: Design cost effective clean alternative energy, Develop new building technologies and practices through the use of materials and methodology, Generate intelligent responsive building systems
▶ Jerry Bayless, P.E., F.ASCE
Associate Professor, Structural Engineering
Education: M.S. Civil Engineering, Missouri S&T Courses Taught: Structural Analysis, Reinforced Concrete Design, Elementary Fluid Mechanics
▶ Joel Burken, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, AAEE
Interim Department Chair and Curators’ Professor, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iowa Research Interests: Phytoforensics, Phytoremediation and natural treatment systems, Biological wastewater treatment, Constructed wetlands, Green remediation
▶ Genda Chen, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE
Robert W. Abbett Distinguished Professor, Civil Engineering Assistant Chair, Civil Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo Research Interests: Structural health monitoring, Interface mechanics and deterioration of composite structures, Adaptive passive dampers and systems, Multi-hazards assessment and mitigation, Forensic study, Seismic analysis and retrofit, Soil-structure interaction, Bridge engineering
2015 Scholarly Productivity -- 3
faculty profiles
▶ Wen Deng, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Geotechnical Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Geosciences, Iowa State University Research Interests: Multiphase flow, Chemical and thermal transport, Microbial growth in porous and fractured media, Areas of geo-energy recovery, Waste sequestration, Environmental remediation
▶ Mohamed ElGawady, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Stirrat Faculty Scholar, Structural Engineering
Education: Ph.D., Structural Engineering, EPFL, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland Research Interests: Seismic behavior of unreinforced masonry (URM) structures, Application of Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) in strengthening and repair of masonry/reinforced concrete structures, Seismic behavior of reinforced concrete bridges, Damage-free bridge columns, Segmental construction, Rocking mechanics and the use of sustainable materials in seismic prone regions
▶ Dimitri Feys, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Materials Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium Research Interests: Behavior of highly workable concrete in the fresh state, Rheology of complex materials and suspensions, Suspension flow and sedimentation, Fluid mechanics and flow modeling, Concrete made with recycled materials and advanced sustainability
▶ Mark Fitch, Ph.D.
Assistant Chair, Environmental Engineering Associate Professor, Environmental Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin Research Interests: Constructed wetlands/Biochemical reactors for metals removal, Biofiltration/Membrane biofiltration, Nutrient uptake in streams
▶ Kamal Khayat, Ph.D., P.E., F.ACI, F.RILEM
Vernon and Maralee Jones Professor, Materials Engineering Director, Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies Director, Center for Transportation Infrastructure and Safety
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley Research Interests: Design and performance of advanced structural materials, including high-performance concrete with adapted rheology, self-consolidating concrete, Repair and rehabilitation of civil engineering infrastructure, Rheology and workability of cement grout, mortar and concrete, Physico-chemical interaction of chemical admixtures and modern hydraulic binders, Microstructure and properties of cement-based materials, Mechanical properties, visco-elastic properties and structural performance of specialty concrete, Durability and deterioration of cement-based materials in aggressive environments, Use of chemical admixtures, supplementary cementitous materials and fibers in concrete
4 -- 2015 Scholarly Productivity
faculty profiles
▶ Nicolas Ali Libre, Ph.D.
Assistant Teaching Professor, Structural Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran Research Interests: Computational mechanics and applied mathematics Meshfree numerical methods for partial differential equations, Radial Basis Functions collocation method, Ill-conditioned systems of linear equations, Wavelet-based adaptive methods, Advanced cement based materials for sustainable construction, Durability of cement-based materials in aggressive environments, Rheological and mechanical properties of fiber reinforced concrete, Non-destructive evaluation of concrete properties
▶ Hongyan Ma, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Materials Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Research Interests: Hydration kinetics of (blended) cementitious materials, Microstructural characterization and modeling of cement paste, interfacial transition zone and mortar/concrete, Measuring and multi-scale modeling of transport properties of concrete, Mechanisms and properties of novel construction/ rehabilitation materials, Magnesia-phosphate cement (MPC) and MPC-based functional materials, Deterioration mechanisms of sea sand concrete and marine concrete structures, Molecular simulation of C-S-H, Acoustics-based NDT
▶ Cesar Mendoza, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Water Resources Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Colorado State University Research Interests: Hydraulics, Hydrology, Fluid mechanics, Sediment transport, Stream mechanics, Environmental hydraulics, Mathematical modeling
▶ Glenn Morrison, Ph.D., F.ISIAQ
Professor, Environmental Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley Research Interests: Indoor air pollution, Indoor surface chemistry, Pollutant transport, Exposure analysis, Building science
▶ John Myers, Ph.D., P.E., F.ACI, F.ASCE, F.TMS
Professor, Structural Engineering Acting Vice Provost and Dean, College of Engineering and Computing Director, Structural Engineering High-Bay Laboratory
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin Research Interests: Structures/high performance concrete (HPC) behavior and durability performance, Fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) in structural repair and strengthening applications with an emphasis related to concrete and masonry structures, and their durability performance, Development of environmentally sensitive construction materials, Hybrid materials and enhanced systems for blast resistant structures 2015 Scholarly Productivity -- 5
faculty profiles
▶ Daniel Oerther, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, AAEE, F.ASCE
John and Susan Mathes Professor, Environmental Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois Research Interests: Environmental biotechnology and sustainable development with a special emphasis on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH); food safety, security and nutrition; and poverty alleviation using design thinking and social entrepreneurship
▶ Timothy Philpot, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor, Structural Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Purdue University Research Interests: Development of interactive educational software for the introductory engineering mechanics courses
▶ Hefu Pu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Geotechnical Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Geotechnical Engineering, University of California, San Diego Research Interests: Energy-related geo-engineering, Coupled thermo-hydromechanical analysis, Numerical simulation in geomechanics, Ground improvement, Slope stability and retaining walls, Coupled flow and contaminant transport in deformable porous media Geo-environmental remediation
▶ William Schonberg, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, F.ASME, Assoc F.AIAA Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Northwestern University Research Interests: Armor/anti-armor and penetration mechanics, Spacecraft vulnerability/survivability, Spacecraft shielding against meteoroid and orbital debris impacts, Hypervelocity impact phenomena, Building collapse/ rubble modeling
▶ Eric Showalter, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Teaching Professor, Construction Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Purdue University Research Interests: Information technology applications in construction, Environmental remediation, Productivity simulation, Cost effectiveness of technology
▶ Lesley Sneed, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor and Stirrat Faculty Scholar, Structural Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Purdue University Research Interests: Reinforced and prestressed concrete structural members and systems, Structural models and experimental methods, Innovative methods of repair and strengthening of structures subjected to seismic loading or other extreme hazards, Structural hazard mitigation, Design codes and construction specifications for structural concrete
6 -- 2015 Scholarly Productivity
faculty profiles
▶ Jeffery Thomas, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Teaching Professor, Mechanics
Education: Ph.D. Engineering Mechanics, Missouri S&T Research Interests: Engineering education, Mechanics of biological materials, Design of percussion instruments, Residential construction
▶ Jianmin Wang, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor, Environmental Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, University of Delaware Research Interests: Sustainable technologies for advanced wastewater treatment, Synergistic toxic effect of nanoparticles and heavy metals, Fate and transport of heavy metals in natural and engineered systems
▶ Grace Yan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Structural Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Engineering Mechanics, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Research Interests: Resilient infrastructural systems in multi-hazard environments, Structural health monitoring, Structural damage detection, Wireless sensor networks, Advanced signal processing, Nonlinear system identification and damage detection, Model updating of structural FEMs, Structural vibration control, Smart materials and structures
emeritus faculty profiles
▶ Roger LaBoube, Ph.D., P.E.
Curators’ Teaching Professor Emeritus
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Missouri S&T Research Interests: Behavior and design of cold formed steel structures, Load and resistance factor design of steel structures, Design and behavior of light steel construction, Behavior of bolted and welded connections, Structural stability
▶ David Richardson, Ph.D., P.E.
Chancellor’s Professor, Materials Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Missouri S&T Research Interests: Properties of pavement materials (asphalt, concrete, granular base, stabilized soil, subgrades), Properties of building materials (concrete, masonry, aggregate), Pavement design and analysis, Materials testing (methods and evaluation)
▶ Richard Stephenson, Ph.D., P.E.
Chancellor’s Professor, Geotechnical Engineering
Education: Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Oklahoma State University Research Interests: Foundation design, Engineering behavior of soils, Embankment dams, Foundation engineering, Geotechnical engineering
2015 Scholarly Productivity -- 7
Journals Bate, B. Choo, H.W., Bate, B., and Burns, S.E., “Effects of Organic Matter on Stiffness of Overconsolidated State and Anisotropy of Engineered Organoclays at Small Strain,” Engineering Geology, Vol. 184, pp. 19-28, 2015.
Burken, J.G. Limmer, M.A., and Burken, J.G., “Phytoscreening with SPME: Variability Analysis,” International Journal of Phytoremediation, Vol. 17, No. 11, pp. 115-1122, DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2015.1045127, 2015. Farrow, E., Wang, J., Burken, J.G., Shi, H., Yan, W., Yang, J., Hua, B., and Deng, B., “Reducing Arsenic Accumulation in Rice Grain through Iron Oxide Amendment,” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Vol. 118, pp. 55-61, 2015. Limmer, M.A., West, D.M., Mu, R., Shi, H., Whitlock, K., and Burken, J.G., “Phytoscreening for Perchlorate: Rapid Analysis of Tree Sap,” Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, Vol. 1, pp. 138-145, (feature, cover article), 2015. West, D.M., Mu, R., Gamagedara, S., Ma, Y., Adams, C.D., Eichholz, T., Burken, J.G., and Shi, H., “Simultaneous Detection of Perchlorate and Bromate using Ultra-fast Ion Exchange Chromatography – Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Perchlorate Removal in Drinking Water,” Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 8594-8602, pp. 1-9, 2015.
8 -- 2015 Scholarly Productivity
Harper G.E., Limmer, M.A., Showalter, E., and Burken, J.G., “Green Roof Water Impacts and Climate-based Modeling,” Journal of Ecological Engineering, Vol. 78, pp. 127-133, 2015.
Chen, G. Fakharifar, M. and Chen, G., “Collapse Vulnerability of Substandard RC Bridge Piers Rehabilitated with Different Repair Jackets under Post-mainshock Cascading Events,” International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, DOI: 10.1007/s40069-015-0107-6, 2015. Fakharifar, M., Chen, G., Arezoumandi, M., and ElGawady, M.A., “Hybrid Jacketing for Rapid Repair of Seismically Damaged Reinforced Concrete Columns,” Journal of Transportation Research Record, No. 2522, pp. 70-78, DOI 10.3141/ 2522-07, 2015. Fakharifar, M., Dalvand, A., Sharbatdar, M.K., Chen, G., and Sneed, L.H., “Innovative Hybrid Reinforcement Constituting Conventional Longitudinal Steel and FRP Stirrups for Improved Seismic Strength and Ductility of RC Structures,” Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 44-62, DOI 10.1007/S11709015-0295-9, 2015. Wu, C., and Chen, G., “Unified Model of Local Bond between Deformed Steel Rebar and Concrete: Indentation Analogy Theory and Validation,” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889. 0000945, 2015.
Yan, D., Li, J., and Chen, G., “Seismic Performance Evaluation of the Highway N High-voltage Substation,” International Journal of Steel Structures, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 153-163, 2015. Bao, Y., Meng, W., Chen, Y., Chen, G., and Khayat, K.H., “Measuring Mortar Shrinkage and Cracking by Pulse Pre-pump Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis with a Single Optical Fiber,” Materials Letter, Vol. 145, pp. 344-346, 2015. Fakharifar, M., Chen, G., Sneed, L.H., and Dalvand, A., “Seismic Performance of Post-mainshock FRP/steel Repaired RC Bridge Columns Subjected to Aftershocks,” Composites B: Engineering, Vol. 72, pp. 183-198, 2015. Tang F., and Chen, G., “Chemically Reactive Enamel: A Steel Rebar Coating for Enhanced Durability of Concrete Structures,” International Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 56-72, 2015. Yan, D., Chen, G., Tang, F., and Wu, C., “Recent Advances in the Development and Application of Chemically Reactive Enamel Coating for Steel Bars,” China Science: Technology Science, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 293-305, 2015 (in Chinese). Huang, Y., Tang, F., Liang, X., Chen, G., Xiao, H., and Azarmi, F., “Steel Bar Corrosion Monitoring with Long Period Fiber Grating Sensors Coated with Nano Iron/Silica Particles and Polyurethane,” Structural Health Monitoring, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 178-189, 2015.
Deng, W. Deng, W., Balhoff, M.T., and Cardenas, M.B., “Influence of Dynamic Factors on Nonwetting Fluid Snap-off in Pores,” Water Resources Research, Vol. 51, No. 11, pp. 9182-9189, 2015. Jeong, C., Kallivokas, L.F., Kucukcoban, S., Deng, W., and Fathi, A., “Maximization of Wave Motion within a Hydrocarbon Reservoir for Wave-based Enhanced Oil Recovery,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 129, pp. 205-220, 2015.
ElGawady, M.A. Tuwair, H., Volz, J.S, ElGawady, M.A., Mohaned, M., Chandrashekhara, K., and Birman, V., “Testing and Evaluation of Polyurethane-based GFRP Sandwich Bridge Deck Panels with Polyurethane Foam Core,” Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 04015033-1: 04015033-13, 2015. Hassanli, R., ElGawady, M.A., and Mills, J.E., “Experimental Investigation of Unbonded Post-tensioned Masonry Walls,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943541X.0001450 , 04015171, 2015. Hassanli, R., ElGawady, M.A., and Mills, J.E., “Strength and Seismic Performance Factors of Posttensioned Masonry Walls,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 141, No. 11, 04015038-1: 04015038-15, 2015.
Abdelkarim, O., and ElGawady, M.A., “Concrete-filled-large Deformable FRP Tubular Columns under Axial Compressive Loading,” Fibers Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 432-449, 2015. Youssf, O., and ElGawady, M.A., and Mills, J., “Displacement and Plastic Hinge Length of FRP-confined Circular Reinforced Concrete Columns,” Engineering Structures, Vol. 101, pp. 456-476, 2015 . Youssf, O., ElGawady, M.A., and Mills, J., “Experimental Investigation of Crumb Rubber Concrete Columns Under Seismic Loading” Structures Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 13-27, 2015. Hassanli, R., ElGawady, M.A., and Mills, J.E., “Effect of Dimensions on the Compressive Strength of Concrete Masonry Prisms,” Advances in Civil Engineering Material, ASTM, Vol., 4, No. 1, pp. 1-27, 2015. Moustafa, A., and ElGawady, M.A., “Mechanical Properties of High Strength Concrete with Scrap Tire Rubber,” Construction & Building Materials, Vol. 93, pp. 249-256, 2015. Tuwair, H., Hopkins, M., Volz, J.S., ElGawady, M.A., Mohaned, M., Chandrashekhara, K., and Birman, V., “Evaluation of Sandwich Panels with Various Polyurethane Foam-cores and Ribs,” Journal Composite: Part B, Vol. 79, pp. 262-276, 2015.
Fakharifar, M., Chen, G., Arezoumandi, M., and ElGawady, M.A., “Hybrid Jacketing for Rapid Repair of Seismically Damaged Reinforced Concrete Columns,” Journal of Transportation Research Record, No. 2522, pp. 70-78, DOI 10.3141/ 2522-07, 2015.
Feys, D. Wallevik, O.H., Feys, D., Wallevik, J.E., and Khayat, K.H., “Avoiding Inaccurate Interpretations of Rheological Measurements for Cement-based Materials,” Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 78, Part A, pp. 100-109, article/pii/S000888461500126X, 2015. Feys, D., and Khayat, K.H., “Recent Developments in Evaluating Pumping Behaviour of Flowable and Selfconsolidating Concrete,” Journal of Sustainable Cement-based Materials, Vol. 4, No. 3-4, pp. 238-251, 2014.997321, 2015. Feys, D., and Khayat, K.H., “Prediction of Pumping Pressure by Means of a New Tribometer for Highly-workable Concrete,” Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 57, pp. 102-115, 2015.
Khayat, K.H. Bao, Y., Meng, W., Chen, Y., Chen, G., and Khayat, K.H., “Measuring Mortar Shrinkage and Cracking by Pulse Pre-pump Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis with a Single Optical Fiber,” Materials Letter, Vol. 145, pp. 344-346, 2015. Arezoumandi, M., Smith, A., Volz, J.S., and Khayat, K.H., “An Experimental Study on Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams with 100% Recycled Concrete Aggregate,” Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 88, pp. 154-162, 2015.
Dr. Dimitri Feys is studying ways to make self-consolidating concrete suitable for bridge building and other construction projects. 2015 Scholarly Productivity -- 9
Pei, H., Zhang, B., Li, Z., Ma, H., and Zhang, J., “Measurement of Early-age Strains in Mortar Specimens Subjected to Cyclic Temperature,” Materials Letters, Vol. 142, pp. 150-152, 2015.
Journals (Continued) Wallevik, O.H., Feys, D., Wallevik, J.E., and Khayat, K.H., “Avoiding Inaccurate Interpretations of Rheological Measurements for Cement-based Materials,” Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 78, Part A, pp. 100-109, article/pii/S000888461500126X, 2015. Soliman, N., Khayat, K.H., Karray, M., and Omran, A., “Piezoelectric Ring Actuator Technique to Monitor Early-age Properties of Cement-based Materials,” Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 63, pp. 84-95, 2015. Arezoumandi, M., Drury, J., Volz, J.S., and Khayat, K.H., “Effect of Recycled Concrete Aggregate Replacement Level on Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams,” ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 112, No. 4, pp. 559-568, 2015. Feys, D., and Khayat, K.H., “Recent Developments in Evaluating Pumping Behaviour of Flowable and Selfconsolidating Concrete,” Journal of Sustainable Cement-based Materials, Vol. 4, No. 3-4, pp. 238-251, 2014.997321, 2015. Long, W., Khayat, K.H., Lemieux, G., Xing, F., and Wang, W.-L., “Factorial Design Approach in Proportioning Prestressed Self-compacting Concrete,” Materials, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 1089-1107, 2015. Feys, D., and Khayat, K.H., “Prediction of Pumping Pressure by Means of a New Tribometer for Highly-workable Concrete,” Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 57, pp. 102-115, 2015. Aïssoun, B., Hwang, S.D., and Khayat, K.H., “Influence of Aggregate Characteristics on Workability of Superworkable Concrete,” Materials and Structures, pp. 1-13, 2015.
10 -- 2015 Scholarly Productivity
Libre, N.A. Emdadi, A., Mehdipour, I., Libre N.A., and Shekarchi, M., “Optimized Workability and Mechanical Properties of FRCM by using Fiber Factor Approach: Theoretical and Experimental Study,” Materials and Structures, Vol. 48, Issue 4, pp. 1149-1161, DOI: 10.1617/s11527013-0221-3, 2015.
Ma, H. Xu, B., Ma, H., Lu, Z., and Li, Z., “Paraffin/expanded Vermiculite Composite Phase Change Material as Aggregate for Developing Lightweight Thermal Energy Storage Cement-based Composites,” Applied Energy, Vol. 160, pp. 358-367, 2015. Ma, H., Hou, D., and Li, Z., “Two-scale Modeling of Transport Properties of Cement Paste: Formation Factor, Electrical Conductivity and Chloride Diffusivity,” Computational Materials Science, Vol. 110, pp. 270-280, 2015. Zhang, J., Fan, T., Ma, H., and Li, Z., “Monitoring Setting and Hardening of Concrete by Active Acoustic Method: Effects of Water-to-cement Ratio and Pozzolanic Materials,” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 88, pp. 118-125, 2015. Hou, D., Ma, H., and Li, Z., “Morphology of Calcium Silicate Hydrate (C-S-H) Gel: A Molecular Dynamic Study,” Advances in Cement Research, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 135-146, 2015. Hou, D., Zhao, T., Jin, Z., Ma, H., and Li, Z., “Molecular Simulation of Calcium Silicate Composites: Structure, Dynamics, and Mechanical Properties,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 98, No. 3, pp. 758–769, 2015.
Ma, H., Tang, S., and Li, Z., “New Pore Structure Assessment Methods for Cement Paste,” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 2, A4014002 (10 pages), 2015. Lu, Y., Ma, H., and Li., Z., “Ultrasonic Monitoring of the Early Age Hydration of Mineral Admixtures Incorporated Concrete Using Cement-based Piezoelectric Composite Sensors,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 280-291, 2015. Xu, B., Ma, H., and Li, Z., “Influence of Magnesia-to-phosphate Molar Ratio on Microstructures, Mechanical Properties and Thermal Conductivity of Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cement Paste with Large Water-to-solid Ratio,” Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 68, pp. 1-9, 2015. Hou, D., Zhao, T., Ma, H., and Li, Z., “Reactive Molecular Simulation on Water Confined in the Nano-pores of the C-S-H Gel: Structure, Reactivity and Mechanical Property,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 119, No. 3, pp. 1346-1358, 2015.
Morrison, G.C. Morrison, G.C., Li, H., Mishra, S., and Buechlein, M., “Airborne Phthalate Partitioning to Cotton Clothing,” Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 115, pp. 149-152, DOI: 10.1016/ j.atmosenv.2015.05.051, 2015. Morrison, G.C., Weschler, C.J., Bekö, G., Koch, H., Salthammer, T., Schripp, T., Toftum, J., and Clausen, G., “Role of Clothing in Both Accelerating and Impeding Dermal Absorption of Airborne SVOCs,” Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, Vol. 26, pp. 113-118, DOI: 10.1038/jes.2015.42, 2015.
Morrison, G.C., “Recent Advances in Indoor Chemistry,” Current Sustainable Renewable Energy Reports, DOI 10.1007/s40518-015-0026-9, 2015. Poppendieck, D., Morrison, G.C., and Corsi, R.L., “Desorption of a Methamphetamine from Wallboard under Remediation Conditions,” Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 106, pp. 477-484, DOI: 10.1016/ j.atmosenv.2014.09.073, 2015.
Myers, J.J. Griffin, A., and Myers, J.J., “Shear Behavior of High-strength Selfconsolidating Concrete in NU Bridge Girders,” Prestressed-precast Concrete Institute Journal, Accepted, (in press), 2015. Hernandez, E.S., and Myers, J.J., “Use of Self-consolidating Concrete and High Volume Fly Ash Concrete in Missouri Bridge A7957,” American Concrete Institute Special Publication, Sustainable Performance of Concrete Bridges and Elements Subjected to Aggressive Environments: Monitoring, Evaluation & Rehabilitation, Vol. 304, pp. 85-100, 2015. Myers, J.J., and Bailey, W.L., “Seven-wire Low Relaxation Prestressing Tendon Subjected to Extreme Temperatures: Residual Properties,” International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, ISSN 2319-5991, pp. 17, 2015. Arezoumandi, M., Volz, J.S., Ortega, C.O., and Myers, J.J., “Shear Behavior of High-volume Fly Ash Concrete versus Conventional Concrete – Experimental Study,” American Society of Civil Engineering – Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 141, No. 3, pp. B4014006-1-4006-11, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE) ST.1943-541X.0001003, 2015. Abeol Seoud, M.A., and Myers, J.J., “Finite Element Modeling of Hybrid Composite Beam Bridge in Missouri, USA,” American Society of Civil Engineering – Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 1-11, DOI: BE.1943-5592.0000635, 2015.
Oerther, D.B.
Richardson, D.N.
Voth-Gaeddert, L.E., Divelbiss, D.W., and Oerther, D.B., “Utilizing Structural Equation Modeling to Correlate Biosand Filter Performance and Occurrence of Diarrhea in the Village of Enseado do Aritapera in Para, Brazil,” Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 164-172, 2015.
Richardson, D.N., Beckemeier, K.W., and Volz, J.S., “Effects of Powder Additives on High Volume Fly Ash Mixtures,” ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 112, No. 4, pp. 535-546, 2015.
Voth-Gaeddert, L.E., and Oerther, D.B., “Measuring Multidimensional Poverty in a Complex Environment; Identifying the Sensitive Links,” Procedia Engineering, Vol. 107, pp. 172-180, 2015. Voth-Gaeddert, L.E., Divelbiss, D.W., and Oerther, D.B., “Utilizing Structural Equation Modeling as an Evaluation Tool for Critical Parameters of the Biosand Filter in a Pilot Study in Para, Brazil,” Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 845-851.
Pu, H. Pu, H., and Fox, P.J., “Consolidationinduced Solute Transport for Constant Rate of Strain. I: Model Development and Simulation Results,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 141, No. 4, 04014127, 2015. Fox, P.J., and Pu, H., “Consolidationinduced Solute Transport for Constant Rate of Strain. II: Comparison with Incremental Loading,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 141, No. 4, 04014128, 2015. Pu, H., and Fox, P.J., “Numerical Investigation of Strain Rate Effect for CRS Consolidation of Normally Consolidated Soil,” Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, DOI: 10.1520/ GTJ20150002, 2015. Fox, P.J., and Pu, H., “Benchmark Problems for Large Strain Consolidation,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.19435606.0001357, 06015008, 2015.
Richardson, D.N., and Davis, C.P., “Particle Size and Specimen Preparation Effects on the Iowa Pore Index,” ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 112, No. 3, pp. 477-485, 2015. Richardson, D.N., and Lusher, S.M., “Prediction of Freeze-thaw Durability of Concrete,” ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 112, No. 3, pp. 439-450, 2015. Lusher, S.M., and Richardson, D.N., “Guayule Plant Extracts as Recycling Agents in Asphalt Mixtures with High Reclaimed Binder Content,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 1-10, 04014269, 2015.
Schonberg, W.P. Schonberg, W.P., and Ratliff, M., “Hypervelocity Impact of a Pressurized Vessel: Comparison of Ballistic Limit Equation Predictions with Test Data and Rupture Limit Equation Development,” Acta Astronautica, Vol. 115, pp. 400-406, 2015.
Showalter, E. Harper G.E., Limmer, M.A., Showalter, E., and Burken, J.G., “Green Roof Water Impacts and Climate-based Modeling,” Journal of Ecological Engineering, Vol. 78, pp. 127-133, 2015.
Sneed, L.H. Fakharifar, M., Dalvand, A., Sharbatdar, M.K., Chen, G., and Sneed, L.H., “Innovative Hybrid Reinforcement Constituting Conventional Longitudinal Steel and FRP Stirrups for Improved Seismic Strength and Ductility of RC Structures,” Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 44-62, DOI 10.1007/S11709-0150295-9, 2015. 2015 Scholarly Productivity -- 11
He, R., Yang, Y., and Sneed, L.H., “Seismic Repair of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns: A Review of Research Findings,” Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 20, No. 12, 13 pages. (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.19435592.0000760), 2015.
Journals (Continued) Fakharifar, M., Chen, G., Sneed, L.H., and Dalvand, A., “Seismic Performance of Post-mainshock FRP/steel Repaired RC Bridge Columns Subjected to Aftershocks,” Composites B: Engineering, Vol. 72, pp. 183-198, 2015. Ren, W., Sneed, L.H., Gai, Y., and Kang, X., “Test Results and Nonlinear Analysis of RC T-beams Strengthened by Bonded Steel Plates,” International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 133-143, (10.1007/ s40069-015-0098-3), 2015. Varnavina, A., Khamzin, A., Torgashov, E., Sneed, L.H., Goodwin, B., and Anderson, N., “Data Acquisition and Processing Parameters for Concrete Bridge Deck Condition Assessment Using Ground-coupled Ground Penetrating Radar: Some Considerations,” Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 114, pp. 123-133, (DOI: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2015.01.011), 2015. Yang, Y., Sneed, L.H., Morgan, A., Saiidi, M.S., and Belarbi, A., “Repair of RC Bridge Columns with Interlocking Spirals and Fractured Longitudinal Bars – An Experimental Study,” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 78, pp. 405-420, (DOI: 10.1016/ j.conbuildmat.2015.01.010), 2015. D’Antino, T., Pellegrino, C., Carloni, C., Sneed, L.H., and Giacomin, G., “Experimental Analysis of the Bond Behavior of Glass, Carbon, and Steel FRCM Composites,” Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 624. pp. 371-378, (DOI: 10.4028/ KEM.624.371), 2015. Ren, W., Sneed, L.H., Yang Y., and He, R., “Numerical Simulation of Prestressed Precast Concrete Bridge Deck Panels Using Damage Plasticity Model,” International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 45-54, (DOI: 10.1007/ s40069-014-0091-2), 2015.
12 -- 2015 Scholarly Productivity
Carloni, C., D’Antino, T., Sneed, L.H., and Pellegrino, C., “Role of the Matrix Layers in the Stress-transfer Mechanism of FRCM Composites Bonded to a Concrete Substrate,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 141, No. 6, (DOI: 10.1061 /(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000883), 2015. D’Antino, T., Sneed, L.H., Carloni, C., and Pellegrino, C., “Influence of the Substrate Characteristics on the Bond Behavior of FRCM-concrete Joints,” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 101, Part 1, pp. 838-850, (DOI: 10. 1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.10.045), 2015. Sneed, L.H., D’Antino, T., Carloni, C., and Pellegrino, C., “A Comparison of the Bond Behavior of PBO-FRCM Composites Determined by Doublelap and Single-lap Shear Tests,” Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 64, pp. 37-48, DOI: 10.1016/ j.cemconcomp.2015.07.007), 2015. Varnavina, A., Khamzin, A., Sneed, L.H., Torgashov, E., Anderson, N., Maerz, N.H., and Boyko, K., “Concrete Bridge Deck Assessment: Relationship Between GPR Data and Concrete Removal Depth Measurements Collected After Hydrodemolition,” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 99, pp. 26-738, (DOI: 10.1016/ j.conbuildmat.2015.09.008), 2015. Yang, Y., Sneed, L.H., Saiidi, M.S., Belarbi, A., Ehsani, M., and He, R., “Emergency Repair of an Earthquakedamaged RC Bridge Column with Fractured Bars Using Externally Bonded Prefabricated Laminates – An Experimental Study,” Journal of Composite Structures, Vol. 133, pp. 727-738, (DOI: 10.1016/ j.compstruct.2015.07.045), 2015. D’Antino, T., Carloni, C., Sneed, L.H., and Pellegrino, C., “Fatigue and Post-fatigue Behavior of PBO FRCM-concrete Joints,” International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 81, pp. 91-104, (DOI: 10.1016/ j.ijfatigue.2015.06.008), 2015.
Wang, J. Wu, Q., Shi, H., Ma, Y., Adams, C., Jiang, H., Wang, J., Eichholz, T., and Timmons, T., “Removal of N-Nitrosamine Precursors in Drinking Water System using Adsorption Methods,” Separation and Purification Technology, Vol. 156, pp. 972–979, 2015. Liu, G., and Wang, J., “Quantifying the Chronic Effect of Low DO on the Nitrification Process,” Chemosphere, Vol. 141, pp. 19-25, 2015. Liu, G., and Wang, J., “Modeling Effects of DO and SRT on Activated Sludge Decay and Production,” Water Research, Vol. 80, pp. 169-178, 2015. Feng, P., Guan, X., Sun, Y., Choi, W., Qin, H., Wang, J., Qiao, J., and Li, L., “Weak Magnetic Field Accelerates Chromate Removal by Zero-valent Iron,” Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 31, pp. 175-183, 2015.
Yan, G. Yan, G., Chen, P., Hu, H., and Yi, J., “Fast Damage Detection of Cable-stayed Bridges using an Improved Edgedetection Method,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 26, pp. 1711-1722, 2015. Sun, Z., Krishnan, S., Hackmann, G., Yan, G., Dyke, S.J., Lu, C., and Irfanoglu, A., “Damage Detection on a Full-scale Highway Sign Structure with a Distributed Wireless Sensor Network,” Smart Structures and Systems, an International Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 223-242, 2015.
conferences Baur, S.W.
Burken, J.G., “How Can Mother Nature be an Engineer?” School of Engineering Seminar, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, March, 2015, (invited).
Baur, S.W., and Brennan, C., “Analysis of a Fixed Passive Louver Shading Device,” 2015 Architectural Engineering Institute: Building Integration Solutions Conference, Milwaukee, WI, March, 2015.
Burken, J.G., “Value of Mother Nature as a Witness and an Engineer,” Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark, June, 2015, (invited).
Baur, S.W., “Simulation of the 2013 Solar House for Missouri S&T,” 2015 Architectural Engineering Institute: Building Integration Solutions Conference, Milwaukee, WI, March, 2015.
Limmer, M.A., Wilson, J.L., and Burken, J.G., “Advances in Phytoremediation: Calculating the Rooting Volume of Trees, The Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors 2015 Conference, New Haven, CT, June, 2015.
Baur, S.W., and Cheng, V., “Passive Heating and Lighting — A Case Study Using S&T 2009 Solar House,” 2015 Architectural Engineering Institute: Building Integration Solutions Conference, Milwaukee, WI, March, 2015.
Wilson, J.L., Limmer, M.A., and Burken, J.G., “Phytoforensics and Novel Passive Samplers to Assess Vapor Intrusion Risk,” 250th ACS Conference, Boston, MA, August, 2015.
Baur, S.W., and Stanley, R.S., “Missouri Instructor Survey Assessment of Project Lead the Way Programs,” ASEE Midwest Section Conference, Springfield, MO, September, 2015. Stanley, R.S., and Baur, S.W., “Evaluation of High School Pre-engineering Curricula through Missouri University of Science and Technology Student Survey Responses,” ASEE Midwest Section Conference, Springfield, MO, September, 2015. Yildirim, S., and Baur, S.W., “Applicability of Multiple Building Technologies in Building Components’ Design Education,” ASEE Midwest Section Conference, Springfield, MO, September, 2015. Moore, C.M., Yildirim, S., and Baur, S.W., “Educational Adaptation of Cargo Container Design Features,” ASEE Midwest Section Conference, Springfield, MO, September, 2015.
Burken, J.G. Burken, J.G., “What’s the Value of Mother Nature as a Witness and Engineer?” Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering Seminar Series Washington University, St. Louis, MO, February, 2015, (invited).
Wilson, J.L., Schumacher, J., Limmer, M.A., and Burken, J.G., “Phytoscreening for Vapor Intrusion Potential: Comparing Effects of Tree Diameter,” 12th International Phytotechnologies Conference, Manhattan, KS, September, 2015. Limmer, M.A., Wilson, J.L., Westenberg, D., and Burken, J.G., “Estimation of Benzene, Toluene and Chlorobenzene Removal Ratesby a Phytoremediation Plot,” 12th International Phytotechnologies Conference, Manhattan, KS, September, 2015. Burken, J.G., Limmer, M.A., West, D., and Wilson, J.L., “Phytoforensic Detection of Subsurface Geochemistry Reactions: Field, Laboratory and Classroom Applications,” 12th International Phytotechnologies Conference, Manhattan, KS, September, 2015. Burken, J.G., Sukharia, R., West, D., Wilson, J.L., and Goodwin, T., “Novel Plant Sensing of Landfill Flaws,” 12th International Phytotechnologies Conference, Manhattan, KS, September, 2015. Wilson, J.L., Limmer, M.A., and Burken, J.G., “Tree Diameter and Rooting Morphology Impacts on Phytoscreening for Vapor Intrusion Potential,” SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November, 2015.
2015 Scholarly Productivity -- 13
conferences (Continued) Burken, J.G., “Plants as Bio-sentinels to Mitigate Human Exposures: Introducing Phytoforensics,” Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, St. Louis, MO, December, 2015, (invited). Burken, J.G., “Mother Nature as Witness and Engineer?” Plenary Session 2015 Annual Conference, American Society of Consulting Arborists, Tucson AZ, December, 2015, (keynote). Burken, J.G., “Valuation of Phytotechnology and Green Infrastructure Benefits: Much More than Just ‘Aesthetically’ Pleasing,” Annual Conference – American Society of Consulting Arborists, Tucson AZ, December, 2015, (invited).
Chen, G. Chen, G., “Transforming SHM Research into Practice in Bridge Maintenance,” Proceedings of the 2015 SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and NDE, Conference 9427 on Structural Health Monitoring and Inspection of Advanced Materials, Aerospace, and Civil Infrastructure, San Diego, CA, March, 2015, (keynote). Bao, Y., Cain, J.A., Chen, Y., Palek, H.L. and Chen, G., “Strain Distribution in Thin Concrete Pavement Panels under Three-point Loading to Failure with Pre-pulse-pump Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis,” Proceedings of the 2015 SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and NDE, Conference 9427 on Structural Health Monitoring and Inspection of Advanced Materials, Aerospace, and Civil Infrastructure, San Diego, CA, March, 2015. Qu, H., Chen, G., and Ni, Y., “Big Data Extraction with Adaptive Wavelet Analysis,” Proceedings of the 2015 SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and NDE, Conference 9435 on Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, San Diego, CA, March, 2015. Bao, Y., Chen, Y., Tang, F., Meng, W., and Chen, G., “Potential of Commercial Single-mode Optical Fibers as Distributed Sensors for High Temperature Measurement with PPP-BOTDA,” Presented at the 2015 SPIE DSS: Sensing Technology + Applications, Baltimore, MD, April, 2015. Chen, G., and Wu, C., “A Unified Model of Local Bond between Deformed Rebar and Concrete,” Kansas City, MO, April, 2015.
14 -- 2015 Scholarly Productivity
Chen, G., “A Strategic Framework to Extend SHM into Bridge Preservation – towards Sustainable Transportation Network,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructures, Turin, Italy, July, 2015, (keynote). Chen, G., “Hilbert Transform and its Application in System Identification,” Proceedings of the Joint 6th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering (6AESE) and 11th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology (11ANCRiSST), University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, August, 2015, (invited). Chen, G., and Fakharifar, M., “A Ductile and Corrosion-free Design of Bridges with Confined Concrete-filled Polyvinyl-chloride Tubular Columns,” Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Life-cycle Performance of Bridges and Structures, Changsha, China, December, 2015, (invited).
Deng, W. Deng, W., and Fan, J., “Dual Transport Process for Targeted Delivery in Porous Media,” AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2015. Deng, W., “NAPL Droplet Trapping and Mobilization: Mechanisms for Reservoir Seismic Stimulation,” Harvard University, Squishy Physics Seminar, Cambridge, MA, July, 2015.
ElGawady, M.A. ElGawady, M.A., “Seismic Behavior of Innovative Bridge Columns for ABC Construction,” The Seismic Design and Performance of Bridges Committee AFF50, Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, January, 2015. Abdelkarim, O.I., and ElGawady, M. A., “Impact Analysis of Vehicle Collision with Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns,” Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, January, 2015. Tuwair, H., Volz, J.S., ElGawady, M.A., Mohamed, M., Chandrashekhara, K., and Birman, V., “Performance of GFRP Bridge Deck Panels with Corrugated Web Layers Filled with Pu Foam,” Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, January, 2015. Abdelkarim, O.I., and ElGawady, M.A., “Analysis of Innovative Hollow-core FRP- concrete-steel Columns,” Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, January, 2015. Ichikawa, S., Matsuzaki, H., Moustafa, A., ElGawady, M.A., and Kawashima, K., “Seismic Behavior of Ultra High Performance Segmental Bridge Columns,” Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, January, 2015.
Abdelkarim, O.I., Gheni, A., Anumolu, S., and ElGawady, M.A., “Seismic Behavior of Hollow-core FRP-concrete-steel Bridge Columns,” ASCE Structures Congress, Portland, OR, April, 2015. ElGawady, M.A., and Abdelkarim, O.I., “Behavior of FRP-concrete-steel Double-skin Tubular Columns under Lateral Loads,” American Concrete Institute Spring Convention, Kansas City, MO, April, 2015. ElGawady, M.A., “Static Cyclic Behavior of Innovative Hollow-core Column,” Missouri Society of Professional Engineers, Jefferson City Chapter, Jefferson City, MO, May, 2015, (invited). Gheni, A., ElGawady, M.A., and Myers, J.J., “Cyclic In-plane Behavior of Unbonded Post-tensioned Masonry Walls,” 12th North American Masonry Conference, Denver, CO, May, 2015. Hassanli, R., ElGawady, M.A., and Mills, J., “Plastic Hinge Length of Unbonded Post-tensioned Masonry Walls,” 12th North American Masonry Conference, Denver, CO, May, 2015. Hassanli, R., ElGawady, M.A., and Mills, J., “Structural Response Parameters of Post-tensioned Masonry Walls,” 12th North American Masonry Conference, Denver, CO, May, 2015. ElGawady, M.A., “Shear Strength Equations for Partially Grouted Masonry Walls,” 12th North American Masonry Conference, Denver, CO, May, 2015. ElGawady, M.A., “Thermal Characterization of Concrete Masonry Units Manufactured Using Recycled Tires as an Aggregate,” NSF/DOE Workshop, Oak Ridge, TN, June, 2015, (invited).
Abdelkarim, O.I., Anumolu, S., Gheni, A., and ElGawady, M.A., “Static Cyclic Performance of Hollow-core FRP-concrete-steel Columns,” 5th International Conference on Construction Materials (ConMat): Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, Whistler, BC, Canada, August, 2015. Tuwair, H., Volz, J.S., ElGawady, M.A., Chandrashekhara, K., and Birman, V., “Finite Element Modeling of Hybrid GFRP Sandwich Bridge Deck Panels Filled with Polyurethane Foam,” 5th International Conference on Construction Materials (ConMat): Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, Whistler, BC, Canada, August, 2015. Hassanli, O., ElGawady, M.A., and Mills, J.M., “Experimental Investigation of Self-centering Masonry Shear Walls,” 5th International Conference on Construction Materials (ConMat): Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, Whistler, BC, Canada, August, 2015. Moustafa, A., and ElGawady, M.A., “Damping Properties of High Strength Concrete with Scrap Tire Rubber,” 5th International Conference on Construction Materials (ConMat): Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, Whistler, BC, Canada, August, 2015. Wang, S., and ElGawady, M.A., “Effects of Combined Environmental Exposures and Axial Load on CFFT and DST Columns,” 5th International Conference on Construction Materials (ConMat): Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, Whistler, BC, Canada, August, 2015. Abdelkarim, O.I., Anumolu, S., Gheni, A., and ElGawady, M.A., “Quick Repair of Innovative Precast Hollow-core FRPconcrete-steel Columns,” The 3rd Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Structures, Antalya, Turkey, September, 2015.
Abdelkarim, O.I., and ElGawady, M.A., “Vehicle Collision with Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns,” PROTECT, 5th International Workshop on Performance, Protection & Strengthening of Structures under Extreme Loading, East Lansing, MI, June, 2015. Youssf, O., ElGawady, M.A., and Mills, J.M., “Behavior of FRP-confined Crumb Rubber Concrete Columns under Seismic Loading,” 5th International Conference on Construction Materials (ConMat): Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, Whistler, BC, Canada, August, 2015. Abdelkarim, O.I., and ElGawady, M.A., “Impact Analysis of Vehicle Collision with Hollow-core FRP-concrete-steel Tubular Bridge Piers,” 5th International Conference on Construction Materials (ConMat): Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, Whistler, BC, Canada, August, 2015.
Dr. Mohamed ElGawady, pictured fourth from the left, and his students test FRP-concrete-steel columns in the High Bay Laboratory. 2015 Scholarly Productivity -- 15
conferences (Continued) Moustafa, A., and ElGawady, M.A., “Shake Table Testing of a Damage-resistant Segmental Double Skin Bridge Column with Self Centering Capability,” The 3rd Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Structures, Antalya, Turkey, September, 2015. Abdelkarim, O.I., and ElGawady, M.A., “Innovative Precast Hollow-core FRP-concrete-steel Bridge Columns Subjected to Vehicle Collision,” The 3rd Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Structures, Antalya, Turkey, September, 2015. Abdelkarim, O.I., and ElGawady, M.A., “Behavior of Confined Concrete Using Large Deformable FRP under Axial Loading,” The 3rd Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Structures, Antalya, Turkey, September, 2015. Anumolu, S., Abdelkarim, O.I., and ElGawady, M.A., “Finite Element Modeling of Hollow-core Steel-concrete-steel Columns Subjected to Pure Torsion,” The 3rd Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Structures, Antalya, Turkey, September, 2015. Tuwair, H., Volz, J.S., ElGawady, M.A., Chandrashekhara, K., and Birman, V., “The Effects of Environmental Exposure on Polyurethane-based GFRP Bridge Deck Panels,” The 3rd Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Structures, Antalya, Turkey, September, 2015. Youssf, O., ElGawady, M.A., and Mills, J.M., “Plastic Hinge Length and Ultimate Drift of FRP-confined Circular Columns under Seismic Loading,” The 3rd Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Structures, Antalya, Turkey, September, 2015. Youssf, O., ElGawady, M.A., Mills, J.M., Xing, M., and Benn, T., “Behaviour of Crumb Rubber Concrete Columns under Seismic Loading,” 27th Biennial National Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia and the 69th RILEM Week Conference, Melbourne, Australia, August/September, 2015. ElGawady, M.A., “Mechanical Characterization of Concrete Masonry Units Manufactured using Crumb Rubber Aggregate,” The Masonry Society Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, October, 2015.
16 -- 2015 Scholarly Productivity
ElGawady, M.A., “Static Cyclic and Dynamic Behavior of Hollow-core Bridge Columns,” ACI Fall 2015 Convention, Denver, CO, November, 2015. ElGawady, M.A., “Seismic Behavior of FRP-concrete-steel Columns,” The Earthquake-resistant Concrete Bridges Committee 341, ACI Fall 2015 Convention, Denver, CO, November, 2015. ElGawady, M.A., “Testing and Evaluation of GFRP Sandwich Bridge Deck Panels with Polyurethane Foam Core,” American Society of Mechanical Engineering, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, TX, November, 2015. Moustafa, A. and ElGawady, M.A., “Shaking Table Testing of a Rubberized Concrete Column,” 14th International Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, December, 2015. ElGawady, M.A., “Segmental Hollow-core Columns for Accelerating Bridge Construction,” Toward Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development at the New Suez Canal Region in Egypt, US-Egypt Workshop, December, 2015, (invited).
Feys, D. Feys, D., “Pumping of Concrete: Recent Developments and Future Challenges,” ACI Quebec and Eastern Ontario Spring Colloquium, Quebec-City, Canada, April, 2015, (invited). Feys, D., “Pumping of Self-consolidating Concrete: Latest Developments and Future Challenges,” ACI Spring 2015 Convention, Kansas City, MO, April, 2015. Zacarias, P., Keller, L.J., and Feys, D., “The Effect of Pumping on the Air Void System of Pumped SCC Mixtures and Methods to Maintain Quality,” ACI Spring 2015 Convention, Kansas City, MO, April, 2015. Ghafari, E., Feys, D., and Khayat, K.H., “Admixture Compatibility of Alternative Supplementary Cementitious Materials,” International Concrete Sustainability Conference, Miami, FL, May, 2015. Feys, D., “Rheology: A Powerful Tool to Predict Concrete Pumping Pressure,” 6th Advances in Cement-based Materials Conference, Manhattan, KS, July, 2015, (keynote). Hernandez, A.M.L., Vanhooser, S., and Feys, D., “How does Dynamic Segregation of Self-consolidating Concrete Affect the Structural Performance of Pre-stressed Beams?” 6th Advances in Cement-based Materials Conference, Manhattan, KS, July, 2015.
Van Der Vurst, F., Grunewald, S., Feys, D., and De Schutter, G., “The Combined Influence of Paste Volume and Volunetric Water-to-powder Ratio on Robustness of Fresh Selfcompacting Concrete,” Proceedings of the Concrete 2015 Conference: 27th Biennial National Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia in Conjuction with the 69th RILEM Week Conference, Melbourne, Australia, September, 2015. Feys, D., “Pumping of Concrete: Recent Developments and Future Challenges,” Workshop on Rheology of Cementitious Materials, Cergy-Pontoise, France, October, 2015, (invited). Vosahlik, J., Riding, K., and Feys, D., “Effects of Pumping on the Quality of the Concrete Air Void System,” ACI Fall 2015 Convention, Denver, CO, November, 2015.
Khayat, K.H.
Khayat, K.H., “Effect of Rheological Properties on Surface Quality of SCC,” ACI Fall 2015 Convention, Denver, CO, November, 2015, (invited). Khayat, K.H., “Performance of SCC Made with Limestone Fillers,” ACI Fall 2015 Convention, Denver, CO, November, 2015, (invited). Wallevik, O.H., Feys, D., Wallevik, J.E., and Khayat, K.H., “Avoiding Inaccurate Interpretation of Rheological Measurements for Cement-based Materials – Part I,” 14th ICCC, Beijing, China, November, 2015, (keynote). Wu, Z., Shi, C., and Khayat, K.H., “Effect of Silica Fume Content on Microstructure Development and Bond to Fiber of Ultra High Strength Cement-based Materials,” 14th ICCC, Beijing, China, November, 2015. Khayat, K.H., “Rheological Properties Optimization – A Key Component in Holistic Design of Eco-SCC,” Green Concrete UAE, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November, 2015, (keynote).
Khayat, K.H., Presentations with S&T Development Office for fundraising for the Advanced Construction Materials Laboratory (ACML), Rolla, Springfield, St. Louis, St. James, MO, and Anaheim, San Francisco, CA, 2015.
Morrison, G.C.
Khayat, K.H., Introduction to Missouri S&T, CIES, RE-CAST, and BIC Strategic Areas at King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia, February, 2015.
Morrison, G.C., Li, H., Mishra, S., and Holtmeyer, C., “Phthalate Partitioning to Cotton Fabrics,” Healthy Buildings 2015, Europe, Eindhoven, Netherlands, May, 2015.
Khayat, K.H., “Self-consolidating Concrete – A Novel Performance-based Material,” 3rd Performance-toprescription Technical Conference, Saudi Arabia, February, 2015, (invited).
Korff, A., Buechlein, M., Gibler, M., and Morrison, G.C., “Comparison of Advective and Diffusive Transport of SVOCs through Cloth for Indoor Conditions,” Healthy Buildings 2015, Boulder, CO, July, 2015.
Khayat, K.H., “Concrete Thixotropy – A Key Factor in Controlling Form Pressure of SCC,” World of Concrete 2015, Las Vegas, NV, February, 2015, (invited).
Lorber, M., Morrison, G.C., Weschler, C.J., Beko, G., and Gong, M., “A Model to Predict Concentrations of DnBP Metabolites in Urine from a Vapor-phase Exposure,” ISES, Henderson, NV, October, 2015.
Khayat, K.H., BIC Strategic of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure, University of Missouri Board of Curator’s Meeting, Rolla, MO, April, 2015. Khayat, K.H., Assad, J., and Omran, A., “Mix Design and Materials Aspects Affecting Form Pressure Exerted by SCC,” ACI Spring 2015 Convention, Kansas City, MO, April, 2015, (invited). Khayat, K.H., and Hwang S.D., “Performance of SCC Made with Ternary Cements,” ACI Spring 2015 Convention, Kansas City, MO, April, 2015, (invited). Khayat, K.H., and Libre, N., “Automated Measurement and Control of Concrete Properties in a Ready Mix Truck,” ACI Spring 2015 Convention, Kansas City, MO, April, 2015, (invited). Khayat, K.H., “Performance of Fiber-reinforced SCC in Concrete Infrastructure Rehabilitation,” XI Cinpar 2015, Congress of Pathology and Concrete Technology, Porto Alegre, Brazil, June, 2015, (keynote).
Myers, J.J. Myers, J.J., “Monitoring Live-load response of Precastprestressed Self-consolidating Concrete (SCC) Bridge A7957,” ACI Spring 2015 Convention, Kansas City, MO, April, 2015, (co-presenter). Myers, J.J., “Use of Self-consolidating and Sustainable Concrete for the Bridge Industry,” 1st Annual Missouri Bridge Conference, Columbia, MO, April, 2015. Aljaberi, Z., Myers, J.J., and ElGawady, M.A., “Influence of Near-surface Mounted (NSM) FRP on the Out-of-plane Behavior of Reinforced Masonry Walls,” 12th North American Masonry Society (12NAMC), Denver, CO, May, 2015. Hernandez, E., and Myers, J.J., “In-situ Field Test and Service Response of Missouri Bridge A7957,” 16th European Bridge Conference (ECB16), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, June, 2015. 2015 Scholarly Productivity -- 17
conferences (Continued) Alghazali, H., and Myers, J.J., “Monitoring of Total Prestress Losses in the High Strength Self-consolidating Concrete Girders of Bridge A7957, MO, USA Using VWSGs: Field Study,” 16th European Bridge Conference (ECB16), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, June, 2015. Alghazali, H., and Myers, J.J., “High Strength Selfconsolidating Concrete Prestress Losses of Bridge A7957, MO, USA Compared to Code Models,” 5th International Conference on Construction Materials (ConMat15), Whistler, BC, Canada, August, 2015. Myers, J.J., “Opportunities and Challenges for Strengthening Applications,” 7th International Conference on Advanced Composites in Construction (ACIC15), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, September, 2015, (Lead Presenter, International Lecture Panel). Aljazaeri, Z., and Myers, J.J., “Fatigue and Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix,” 7th International Conference on Advanced Composites in Construction (ACIC15), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, September, 2015.
Aljaberi, Z., Myers, J.J., and ElGawady, M.A., “Effect of Nearsurface Mounted (NSM) FRP on the Out-of-plane Behavior of Reinforced Masonry Walls,” 7th International Conference on Advanced Composites in Construction (ACIC15), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, September, 2015. Myers, J.J., “The Use of High-strength Self-consolidating Concrete in Bridge Girders,” ACI Spring 2015 Convention, Committee 363, Denver, CO, November, 2015. Hernandez, E., and Myers, J.J., “Live-load Distribution Factors and Service Response of Missouri Bridge A7957,” 8th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-8), Sydney, Australia, November, 2015. Aljaberi, Z., and Myers, J.J., “Influence of Near-surface Mounted (NSM) FRP with Cementitious Material on the Out-of-plane Behavior of Reinforced Masonry Walls,” 8th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-8), Sydney, Australia, November, 2015. Alghazali, H., and Myers, J.J., “Effect of Accelerated Curing on Abrasion Resistance of High Volume Supplementary Cementitious Material Self-consolidating Concrete (HVSCM-SCC),” 8th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-8), Sydney, Australia, November, 2015. Myers, J.J., “Tier 1 UTC RE-CAST Studies: Use of UHP-FRC and FRCM Products for Infrastructure Renewal,” 4th International Transportation Infrastructure Conference, St. Louis, MO, December, 2015. Aljazaeri, Z., and Myers, J.J., “Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams in Shear with Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix,” 2nd International Conference on Performance-based Life-cycle Structural Engineering (PLSE 2015), Brisbane, Australia, December, 2015. Alghazali, H., and Myers, J.J., “Creep and Shrinkage of Ecological Self-consolidating Concrete,” 2nd International Conference on Performance-based Life-cycle Structural Engineering (PLSE 2015), Brisbane, Australia, December, 2015.
Oerther, D.B. Oerther, S.E., Voth-Gaeddert, L.E., and Oerther, D.B., “A Toilet or a Mobile Phone?: Exploring Interactions and Choices that Influence the Health of Mothers in Kenya using Structural Equation Modeling,” 43rd Biennial Convention of the International Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau, Las Vegas, NV, November, 2015. Dr. John Myers delivered two conference presentations at the Second International Conference on Performance-based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering.
18 -- 2015 Scholarly Productivity
Oerther, D.B., and Oerther, S.E., “From MDGs to SDGs: Nursings Role in Development through 2030,” 43rd Biennial Convention of the International Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau, Las Vegas, NV, November, 2015.
Pu, H. Pu, H., Fox, P. J., and Shackelford, C.D., “Contaminant Transport through GML/CCL Bottom Liner with Consideration of Consolidation Effects,” Proceedings of Geosynthetics 2015, Industrial Fabrics Association International, Portland, OR, February, 2015. Pu, H., and Fox, P.J. “Model for Consolidation Analysis of Layered Soils Under Depth-dependent Loading,” IFCEE: International Foundation Congress and Equipment Expo, San Antonio, TX, March, 2015.
Richardson, D.N. Richardson, D.N., “MoDOT Pavement Preservation Study,” 58th Annual Asphalt Conference, Rolla, MO, November, 2015.
Schonberg, W.P. Schonberg, W.P., “Engineering Ethics and Professionalism,” Chemical Engineering Department Seminar Series, Missouri S&T, Rolla, MO, January, 2015. Schonberg, W.P., “Studies of Hypervelocity Impact Phenomena as Applied to the Protection of Spacecraft Operating in the MMOD Environment,” Distinguished Scientist Award Keynote Address, 2015 Hypervelocity Impact Symposium, Boulder, CO, April, 2015, (invited). Schonberg, W.P., and Ratliff, J.M., “A First-principles-based Model for Crack Formation in a Pressurized Tank Following an MMOD Impact,” Proceedings of the 2015 Hypervelocity Impact Symposium, Boulder, CO, April, 2015; in Procedia Engineering, Vol. 103, pp. 546-552, 2015. Schonberg, W.P., “Engineering Ethics and Sustainable Design,” Special Seminar, College of Engineering, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, April, 2015.
Sneed, L.H. Sneed, L.H., “Repair of Severely Damaged Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns,” University of Padova, Padova, Italy, January, 2015, (invited). Varnavina, A., Khamzin, A., Torgashov, E., Abhishek, K., Sneed, L.H., and Anderson, N., “Bridge Deck Deterioration: GPR vs. Hydro Demolition,” In EEGS SAGEEP 2015 (Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, The Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems), Austin, TX, March, 2015, CDROM no pp.
Li, M., Anderson, N., Sneed, L.H., and Torgashov, E., “In-situ Assessment of Concrete Bridge Deck Using Ultrasonic Acoustic Methods,” In EEGS SAGEEP 2015 (Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, The Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems), Austin, TX, March, 2015, CDROM no pp. Khamzin, A., Varnavina, A., Torgashov, E., Abhishek, K., Sneed, L.H., and Anderson, N., “Comparison of a Groundcoupled and an Air-launched Ground Penetrating Radar System for the Bridge Deck Evaluation,” In EEGS SAGEEP 2015 (Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, The Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems), Austin, TX, March, 2015, CDROM no pp. Torgashov, E., Khamzin, A., Li, M., Varnavina, A., Nwokebuihe, S., Sneed, L.H., and Anderson, N., “Evaluation of Rigid Pavements Using Ground Penetrating Radar,” In EEGS SAGEEP 2015 (Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, The Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems), Austin, TX, March, 2015, CDROM no pp. Sneed, L.H., “Repair of Severely Damaged Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns,” University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, March, 2015, (invited). Sneed, L.H., Carloni, C., D’Antino, T., and Pellegrino, C., “A Comparison of the Bond Behavior of PBO-FRCM Composites Determined by Single-lap and Double-lap Shear Tests,” ACI Spring 2015 Convention, Kansas City, MO, April, 2015. Carloni, C., D’Antino, T., Sneed, L.H., and Pellegrino, C., “Effect of the Inherent Eccentricity in Single-lap Direct Shear Tests of FRCM Composites,” ICCS18 – 18th International Conference on Composite Structures, Lisbon, Portugal, June, 2015. Carloni, C., D’Antino, T., Sneed, L.H., and Pellegrino, C., “An Investigation of PBO FRCM-concrete Joint Behavior using a Three-dimensional Numerical Approach,” In Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing (CC2015), J. Kruis, Y. Tsompanakis, B.H.V. Topping, (Editors), Prague, Czech Republic, 15 pp. (DOI 10.4203/ccp.108.113), 2015. Sneed, L.H., “FRCM Composites for Structural Strengthening Applications,” Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, October, 2015, (invited). Foudazi, A., Ghasr, M.T., Donnell, K.M., and Sneed, L.H., “Application of Active Microwave Thermography for Inspection of Rehabilitated Cement-based Structures,” Transportation Infrastructure Conference, St. Louis, MO, December, 2015. 2015 Scholarly Productivity -- 19
Dr. Jianmin Wang developed a wastewater treatment system that is more efficient and uses less energy than conventional methods.
conferences (Continued) Thomas, J. Thomas, J., “Teaching with Microsoft OneNote and a Variety of Tablets,” Teaching and Learning Technology Conference, Missouri S&T, Rolla, MO, March, 2015.
Wang, J. Wang, J., “Thoughts on Wastewater Treatment Sustainability,” Tongji University, Shanghai, China, June, 2015, (invited). Wang, J., “Nitrification Kinetics under Low DO Conditions,” Tongji University, Shanghai, China, June, 2015, (invited). Wang, J., “Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and its Implications,” St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO, October, 2015, (invited).
Yan, G., “Condition Assessment and Multi-hazard Mitigation of Long-span Structures,” Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, May, 2015, (invited). Yan, G., “Damage and Instability Detection of Large-scale Structures,” Hunan University, Hunan, China, June, 2015, (invited). Yan, G., “Detection of Instability of Civil Space Structures,” Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, June, 2015, (invited). Yan, G., “Buckling Detection in Space-grid Structures,” Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China, June, 2015 (invited). Yan, G., Duan, Q., Fang, R., and Fang, C., “Identification of Overall Buckling of Members in Space Grid Structures,” The 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Sustainable Infrastructure, Kowloon, Hong Kong, July, 2015. Yan, G., Jemison, S., Duan, Q., and Feng, R., “Detection of Pretension Loss of Cable-net Structures,” ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, Colorado Springs, CO, September, 2015.
Yan, G.
Yan, G., Duan, Q., Feng, R., and Fang, C., “Identification of Nodal Snap-through Instability in Civil Space Structures,” ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, Colorado Springs, CO, September, 2015.
Yan, G., “Condition Assessment of Long-span Structures,” Missouri Department of Transportation, Jefferson City, MO, February, 2015, (invited).
Yan, G., “Detection of Instability of Civil Large-scale Space Structures,” International Transportation Infrastructure Conference, St. Louis, MO, December, 2015.
20 -- 2015 Scholarly Productivity
Greenberg scholars The Aaron and Zelda Greenberg Scholars Program incorporates an estimated 10-15 students, annually, who work with their faculty advisors to develop a program of independent research study that weaves through both B.S. and M.S. degree programs. Faculty advisors seek to find meaningful projects and incorporate external internships or other scholarly experiences along this path to enhance not only the Scholars’ academic development, but also their professional skillset. The Greenberg Scholars are expected to obtain both the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the CArE Engineering Department in 5 years, and actively seek to attain national level recognition while doing so (e.g. by securing fellowships or awards from NSF, DOE, etc.). The Greenberg Scholars Program challenges our most talented students to reach their full potential while concurrently attracting prospective students to the challenges and opportunities the program provides. The academic requirements, expectations and eligibility follow the established Master Student Fellowship Program.
2015 Greenberg Scholars (pictured from left to right): ▶ Sarah Jemison » Advisor: Dr. Lesley Sneed
Research: Investigating Bond Behavior of PBO Fiber-reinforced Cementitious Matrix Composites on Low Strength Concrete Interfaces
▶ Christopher Moore » Advisor: Dr. Lesley Sneed
Research: Investigating Anchorage for FRCM-concrete Joints
▶ Alexis Lee » Advisor: Dr. Stuart Baur Research: Climate 'SMART' House
▶ Michael Janke » Advisor: Dr. John Myers
Research: Evaluation of Shear Behavior of Ultra High Performance Concrete
▶ Katherine Bartles » Advisor: Dr. Joel Burken
Research: Green Roof Leachate Water Quality
Monographs ElGawady, M.A.
Richardson, D.N.
Barnett R., ElGawady, M.A., and Peterson, R., “TMS Shopping Center” (Chapter 16), Masonry Designers’ Guide 2013, The Masonry Society, 2015.
Mullarky, J.I., Parkes, N.K., Richardson, D.N., Roberts, J.W., Smith, K.D., and Smith, T.J., ACI 325.9R-15, Guide for Construction of Concrete Pavements, (Richardson: Chapters 5.10 – Opening to Traffic, Chapter 5.11– Quality Control and Quality Assurance, and Chapter 5.12 – Inspection), American Concrete Institute, ISBN 978-1-942727-31-6, pp. 62, 2015.
Fitch, M. Fitch, M., Food, Energy, and Water, 1st Edition, The Chemistry Connection, (Ed.) Ahuja, S., Elsevier, ISBN: 978-012-800211-7, Chapter 13, “Biochemical Reactors for the Removal of Metals from Mine-impacted Water,” pp. 129-159, January, 2015.
Dr. Mark Fitch onsite in Trail, BC
2015 Scholarly Productivity -- 21
Technical Reports Burken, J.G. Burken, J.G., and Usman, S. Westlake Landfill Tree Core Analysis Report, To Missouri Attorney General’s Office. 33 pp., September, 2015.
Chen, G. Bao, Y., and Chen, G., Strain Distribution and Crack Detection in Concrete Overlays with Pulse Prepump Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis, Report No. MATC-25-1121003-292, Mid-America Transportation Center, 2015.
ElGawady, M.A. Abdelkarim, O.I., Anumolu, S., Gheni, A., Wang, S., and ElGawady, M.A., Hollow-core FRP-concrete-steel Bridge Columns under Extreme Loading, Project TR201408, Missouri Department of Transportation, April, 2015. ElGawady, M.A., Abdelkarim, O.I., Anumolu, S., and Gheni, A., Precast Columns for Accelerating Bridge Construction, Report No. 251121-0003-297, Mid-America Transportation Center, May, 2015.
Richardson, D.N. Richardson, D.N., Volume I: Summary Report, MoDOT Pavement Preservation Research Program, MoDOT TRyy1141, Missouri Department of Transportation, Jefferson City, MO, October, 2015.
22 -- 2015 Scholarly Productivity
Richardson, D.N., Lusher, S.M., Boeckmann, A., and Luna, R., Volume II: Data Collection for Pavement Management: Historical Data Mining and Production of Data, MoDOT Pavement Preservation Research Program, MoDOT TRyy1141, Missouri Department of Transportation, Jefferson City, MO, October, 2015. Richardson, D.N., and Lusher, S.M., Volume III: Development of Pavement Family and Treatment Performance Models, MoDOT Pavement Preservation Research Program, MoDOT TRyy1141, Missouri Department of Transportation, Jefferson City, MO, October, 2015. Richardson, D.N. and Lusher, S.M., , Volume VI: Pavement Treatment Trigger Tables/Decision Trees and Treatment Candidate Selection Process, MoDOT Pavement Preservation Research Program, MoDOT TRyy1141, Missouri Department of Transportation, Jefferson City, MO, October, 2015.
Schonberg, W.P. Squire, M., and Schonberg, W.P., et al, Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Micrometeoroid and Orbital Debris (MMOD) Assessment, NASA Engineering and Safety Center, Langley, VA, Report No. NESCRP-14-00948, April, 2015.
Sneed, L.H. Sneed, L.H., Anderson, N., and Torgashov, E., Air-Launched GPR Evaluation for Rapid Assessment of MoDOT Bridge Decks, Report CMR15-009, Missouri Department of Transportation, Jefferson City, MO, 2015.
Anderson, N., Sneed, L.H., Rosenblad, B., and Luna, R., MoDOT Pavement Preservation Research Program. Volume V, Site Specific Pavement Condition Assessment, Report CMR16-004 v5, Missouri Department of Transportation, Jefferson City, MO, 641 pp., 2015. Anderson, N., Sneed, L.H., and Rosenblad, B., MoDOT Pavement Preservation Research Program. Volume IV, Pavement Evaluation Tools – Data Collection Methods, Report CMR16-004 v4, Missouri Department of Transportation, Jefferson City, MO, 102 pp., 2015. Foudazi, A., Ghasr, M., Donnell, K., and Sneed, L.H., Application of Active Microwave Thermography for Inspection of Rehabilitated Cementbased Structures – Final Report, Publication No. 15-01, Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 17 pp., 2015.
Yan, G. Yan, G., “Damage and Instability Detection of Civil Large-scale Space Structures under Operational and Multi-hazard Environments based on Change in Macro-geometrical Patterns/ Shapes,” Annual report for NSF project, March, 2015. Yan, G., “Highly Efficient Model Updating for Structural Condition Assessment of Large-scale Bridges,” Annual report for UTC project February, 2015.
Contracts, Grants & Fellowships Bate, B.
ElGawady, M.A.
Usman, S. (PI), and Bate, B. (Co-PI), “KACARE-Measurement of Soil Retardation Coefficient from Proposed Nuclear Site in Saudi Arabia,” Areva, Inc., July 2015 to March 2016; $50,311.
ElGawady, M.A. (PI), and Schonberg, W.P. (Co-PI), “Accelerated Bridge Column Construction – Phase II,” Missouri Department of Transportation, October 2015 to June 2016; $6,313.
Burken, J.G. Burken, J.G. (PI), Fitch, M. (Co-PI), Wronkiewicz, D. (Co-PI), and Usman, S. (Co-PI), “Collaborative Data Assessment and Phytoforensic Analysis for Organic and Radionuclide Leachate Pollutants,” Missouri Attorney General’s Office, February 2015 to June 2016; $64,532.
ElGawady, M.A. (PI), and Wang, J. (Co-PI), “Mechanical and Environmental Assessment of using Scrap Tires as an Aggregate in Construction,” Department of Natural Resources, August 2015 to July 2016; $205,388.
Feys, D.
Burken, J.G. (PI), Wronkiewicz, D. (Co-PI), Fitch, M. (Co-PI), and Wang, J. (Co-PI), “Potential for Concurrent Mine Tailings Stabilization and Biomass Production at Viburnum Mine 28,” Doe Run Company, June 2015 to January 2016; $23,800.
Feys, D. (PI), “RE-CAST: Optimization of Self-consolidating Concrete to Guarantee Homogeneity during Casting of Long Structural Elements,” Department of Transportation, January 2015 to December 2015; $60,307.
Burken, J.G. (PI), and Yin, Z. (Co-PI), “The Missouri Transect: Climate, Plants and Communities (Year 2),” NSF Office of Experimental Program, August 2015 to July 2016; $74,267.
Feys, D. (PI), “RE-CAST: Changes in Workability and Air-void System of Concrete Due to Pumping,” Department of Transportation, May 2015 to November 2016; $44,765.
Chen, G.
Khayat, K.H.
Chen, G. (PI), “Analytical Mode Decomposition of Structural Dynamic Response for the Detection of Damage,” NSF Division of Civil, Mechanical & Manufacturing Innovation, September 2015 to August 2018; $269,252.
Khayat, K.H. (PI), Feys, D. (Co-PI), and Myers, J.J. (Co-PI), “University Transportation Center Tier 1: Research on Concrete Applications for Sustainable Transportation (RE-CAST),” Department of Transportation, September 2015 to September 2018; $923,700.
Chen, G. (PI), “Chemically Bonded Porcelain Enamel Coated Pipe for Corrosion Protection and Flow Efficiency,” Department of Transportation, September 2015 to September 2018; $35,000.
Khayat, K.H. (PI), “Field Implementation of Fiber-reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bridge Deck Panels,” University of Oklahoma, October 2014 to June 2016; $50,148.
2015 Scholarly Productivity -- 23
contracts, Grants & Fellowships (Continued) Khayat, K.H. (PI), and Libre, N. (Co-PI), “MoDOT: Roller Compacted Concrete for Rapid Pavement Construction,” Missouri Department of Transportation, December 2014 to February 2017; $90,000. Khayat, K.H. (PI), and Libre, N. (Co-PI), “RE-CAST: Roller Compacted Concrete for Rapid Pavement Construction,” Department of Transportation, December 2014 to December 2016; $90,000. Khayat, K.H. (PI), “Effect of CarbonCure on Rheological and Early-age Properties of Cement-based Materials,” CarbonCure Technologies, Inc., November 2015 to March 2016; $41,875.
LaBoube, R. LaBoube, R. (PI), “Wei-Wen Yu Center for Cold-Formed Steel Structures,” Steel Deck Institute, January 2015 to December 2015; $5,000. LaBoube, R. (PI), and Yu, W.-W. (Co-PI), “Wei-Wen Yu Center for Cold-Formed Steel Structures,” American Iron and Steel Institute, January 2014 to December 2015; $52,502. LaBoube, R. (PI), “Wei-Wen Yu Center for Cold-Formed Steel Structures,” Metal Building Manufacturers Association, January 2015 to December 2015; $5,000.
Libre, N.A. Libre, N.A. (PI), “Evaluation of Section Properties App for Mechanics of Materials,” The Center for Educational Research and Teaching Innovation, August 2015 to August 2016, $3,500.
Morrison, C.G. Morrison, C.G. (PI), “Workshop: Interactions between Indoor and Atmospheric Chemistry,” NSF Division of Chemical, Biological & Environmental, March 2015 to August 2015; $58,635.
24 -- 2015 Scholarly Productivity
Pu, H. Pu, H. (PI), “Coupled Consolidation and Contaminant Transport in Geo-materials,” UM Research Board, June 2015 to June 2016; $41,433.
Schonberg, W.P. Schonberg, W.P. (PI), “2015 Hypervelocity Impact Symposium,” Army Research Office, May 2015 to December 2015; $7,500. Schonberg, W.P. (PI), “Compendium of Worldwide Research in the Area of Hypervelocity Impact Physics,” Survice Engineering Company, September 2015 to September 2015; $24,801.
Sneed, L.H. Sneed, L.H. (PI), and Donnell Hilgedick, K.M. (Co-PI), “Active Microwave Thermography for Non-Destructive Evaluation of FRP-rehabilitated Concrete Structures,” American Society Nondestructive Test, September 2015 to August 2016; $20,000. Anderson, N. (PI), Grote, K.R. (Co-PI), Torgashov, E. (Co-PI), and Sneed, L.H. (Co-PI), “Geophysical Imaging of Fly Ash Storage Sites,” Geoengineers, Inc., December 2015 to December 2016; $87,038. Anderson, N. (PI), Grote, K.R. (Co-PI), Torgashov, E. (Co-PI), and Sneed, L.H. (Co-PI), “Geophysical Imaging of Fly Ash Storage Sites,” Geoengineers, Inc., December 2015 to December 2016; $375,327.
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Graduate Students Master of Science (with thesis) Baudouin Maïco Aïssoun, “Influence of Rheological Characteristics of Self-consolidating Concrete on Durability,” Dual Ph.D. from the l’Université de Sherbrooke, Canada, and the l’Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France, June 2015, Co-advisor: K.H. Khayat Cain, J.A., “Damage Detection through Acoustic Emission of Fracture Processes in Concrete Masonry Units,” Advisor: G. Chen
Omar Abdelkarim receives his Ph.D. in civil engineering
Gibler, M.R., “Comprehensive Benefits of Green Roofs,” Advisor: J.G. Burken Jing Pan, “Effect of Temperature and Agitation Rheological Proprieties of Flowable Concrete with Adapted Rheology,” Dual Ph.D. from the l’Université de Sherbrooke, Canada, and the l’Université d’Artois, France, June 2015, Co-advisor: K.H. Khayat Krc, K., “An Investigation of Shearfriction of Lightweight Aggregate Concretes,” Advisor: L.H. Sneed
Wermager, S.L., “Shear-friction of Sandlightweight Clay and Slate Aggregate Concretes with Varied Reinforcement Ratios,” Advisor: L.H. Sneed Zhu, J., “Determination of Setting Times by Shear Wave Velocity Evolution in Fresh Mortar using Bender Element Method,” Advisor: B. Bate
Asareh, M.-A., “Dynamic Behavior of Operational Wind Turbines Considering Aerodynamic and Seismic Load Interaction,” Co-advisors: W.P. Schonberg and J.S. Volz Deng, M., “Reliability-based Optimization Design of Geosynthetic Reinforced Embankment Slopes,” Advisor: R. Luna
Doctor of Philosophy
Kang, X., “Mechanical Characteristics of Organically Modified Fly Ash-kaolinite Mixtures,” Advisor: B. Bate
Smith, K.A., “Advanced Sustainable Concrete Materials for Infrastructure Applications,” Advisor: J.J. Myers
Abdelkarim, O., “Behavior of Hollow-core fibert Reinforced Polymer-concrete-steel Bridge Columns under Extreme Loading,” Advisor: M.A. ElGawady
Kayani, W.I., “Shape Based Classification and Functional Forecast of Traffic Flow Profiles,” Advisor: I. Guardiola
Tarsgou, S., “An Investigation on the Efficiency of Self-consolidating Concrete Stability Measurement test Methods,” M.S. from the University of Tehran, Iran, September 2015, Co-advisor: N.A. Libre
Aboelseoud, M.A., “An Integrated Study for Hybrid Composite Bean (HCB) Structures,” Advisor: J.J. Myers
Smith, J.D., “Behavior of Crimped Cold-formed Steel C-section Beams,” Advisor: S.W. Baur
Theinat, A.K., “3D Numerical Modelling of Micropiles Interaction with Soil & Rock,” Advisor: R. Luna
Tuwair, H.R., “Development, Testing and Analytical Modeling of Fiberreinforced Polymer Bridge Deck Panels,” Co-advisors: J.S. Volz and M.A. ElGawady
Annis, N.C., “Performance Anhalysis and Modelling of Hybrid Photovoltaic-thermal Solar Panels,” Advisor: S.W. Baur 2015 Scholarly Productivity -- 25
Honors & Awards Burken, J.G., Curators’ Professor, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering; Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2015.
Oerther, D.B., AEESP Dentel Award for Global Outreach, Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors, 2015.
Burken, J.G., President’s Award for University Citizenship: Excellence in Service, from the President’s Office, University of Missouri System, 2015.
Oerther, D.B., Meritorious Honor Award, United States Department of State, 2015.
Burken, J.G., Faculty Excellence Award – Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2015.
Richardson, D.N., Member – Academy of Civil Engineers, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, 2015.
ElGawady, M.A., Reelected, Board of Directors, The Masonry Society, 2015-2017.
Richardson, D.N., Outstanding Teaching Award, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, 2015.
Khayat, K.H., Arthur R. Anderson Medal, for “energy and perseverance in developing and sustaining world-class research facilities and for solving highly significant problems on concrete design, materials, and construction,” American Concrete Institute, 2015.
Richardson, D.N., Chancellor’s Professorship, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, 2015.
Khayat, K.H., Fellow RILEM (International Union Reunion of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures), 2015.
Sneed, L.H., Missouri University of Science and Technology Inaugural Stirrat Faculty Scholar Award, Rolla, MO, 2015-2018.
Morrison, G.C., Otto Monsted Guest Professorship, Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark, 2015-2016.
Sneed, L.H., Missouri University of Science and Technology Global Learning Outstanding Teaching Commendation Award, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, 2015.
Morrison, G.C., Wilhelm Klauditz Fellowship, Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research, Braunschweig, Germany, 2015. Myers, J.J., Board Reappointed, Technical Activities Committee (TAC), The Masonry Society, 2016-2018. Myers, J.J., Invited Distinguished Panelist “Opportunities and Challenges for Strengthening Applications,” 7th International Conference on Advanced Composites in Construction (ACIC15), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, September, 2015. Myers, J.J., Faculty Research Award – Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2015. Myers, J.J., Graduate Faculty Service Award – Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2015.
26 -- 2015 Scholarly Productivity
Schonberg, W.P., Distinguished Scientist Award, Hypervelocity Impact Society, 2015.
Sneed, L.H., Joseph H. Senne, Jr., Faculty Achievement Award, Academy of Civil Engineers, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, 2015. Sneed, L.H., Erasmus Mundus International Fellow, “SAHC Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions,” University of Padova, Italy, 2015. Wang, J., Chinese-American Professors in Environmental Engineering and Science (CAPEES) Best Paper Award, 2015.
Schonberg and Sneed
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
211 Butler-Carlton Hall, 1401 N. Pine St. Rolla, MO 65409-0030
By the Numbers Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Undergraduate graduate Students: 520+ Students: 130+
full-time faculty: 24
No. 3: College Factual/USA Today list of
top engineering colleges (USA Today, july 2015)
No. 3 and 14th Overall: Public university for annualized return on investment (, March 2015) 28 -- 2015 Scholarly Productivity
Civil Engineers rank No. 5 in Best Engineering Jobs (U.S. News & World Report, 2015) Printed on Recycled Paper