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6HDW 6SHHFK RQ VWDJH LQ WKH SUHVV conference. 5 VIP seats in the main events. 5 seats in the VIP Vehicle to the camel races. 5 VIP car parks . • To be Honored in the Final Ceremony . 5 VIP invitations. 50 copies of the event’s book. • Using the club facilities : ( AD Theatre 3 times a year - Activites theatre -Swimming 3RRO LQ $' 6DPPDOL\DK ,V 6SRUWV +DOO

6HDW 6SHHFK RQ VWDJH LQ WKH SUHVV FRQIHUHQFH 3 VIP seats in the main events . 2 seats in the VIP Vehicle to the camel races. 3 VIP car parks . • To be Honored in the Final Ceremony . 3 VIP invitations. 30 copies of the event’s book. • Using the club facilities : ( AD Theatre 2 times a year $FWLYLWHV WKHDWUH 6ZLPPLQJ 3RRO LQ $' 6DPPDOL\K Is1. - Sports Hall).



‡ /RJR 1DPH RI WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQ WR EH SULQWHG RQ DOO WKH HYHQW SXEOLFDWLRQV Prints. • To be mentioned in all press releases and newsletters. • Big roll-up banner to be put in the press conference and all the events . ‡ 6SHHFK 6HDW RQ WKH VWDJH LQ 3UHVV Conference . • Logo and name to be mentioned on the screen 5 times within the live streaming. 5 VIPs Invitations.

‡ /RJR 1DPH RI WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQ WR EH SULQWHG RQ DOO WKH HYHQW SXEOLFDWLRQV 3ULQWV • To be mentioned in all press releases and newsletters. • Big roll-up banner to be put in the press conference . ‡ 6SHHFK 6HDW RQ WKH VWDJH LQ 3UHVV &RQIHUHQFH • Logo and name to be mentioned on the screen 3 times within the live streaming. 3 VIPs Invitations.

3 Chances to use the EHC sports facilities. ‡ ([FHSW WKH 7KHDWUHV $EX 'KDEL $FWLYLWLHV ‡ 0D\ XVH WKH VSRUWV SOD\JURXQGV 6ZLPPLQJ SRROV LQ $EX 'KDEL 6DPPDOL\DK ,VODQG • Visit to Sammaliyah Island for 50 PAX only. • Chance to attend the other events in EHC.

3 Chances to use the EHC sports facilities. ‡ ([FHSW WKH 7KHDWUHV $EX 'KDEL $FWLYLWLHV ‡ 0D\ XVH WKH VSRUWV SOD\JURXQGV 6ZLPPLQJ SRROV LQ $EX 'KDEL 6DPPDOL\DK ,VODQG • Visit to Sammaliyah Island for 30 PAX only. • Chance to attend the other events in EHC.

Silver • Invitation to the press conference. 2 VIP seats in the main events . 1 seat in the VIP Vehicle to the camel races. 2 VIP car parks . • To be Honored in the Final Ceremony . 2 VIP invitations. 20 copies of the event’s book. • Using the club facilities : ( AD Theatre 1 time a year - Activites theatre -Swimming Pool LQ $' 6DPPDOL\DK ,V 6SRUWV +DOO


2 Chances to use the EHC sports facilities. ([FHSW WKH 7KHDWUHV $EX 'KDEL Activities). 0D\ XVH WKH VSRUWV SOD\JURXQGV 6ZLPPLQJ SRROV LQ $EX 'KDEL 6DPPDOL\DK Island.• Visit to Sammaliyah Island for 20 PAX only. • Chance to attend the other events in EHC.

/RJR 1DPH RI WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQ WR EH SULQWHG RQ DOO WKH HYHQW SXEOLFDWLRQV 3ULQWV • To be mentioned in all press releases and newsletters. • 2 invitation for the press conference . • Logo and name to be mentioned on the screen one time within the live streaming. 2 VIP Invitation to the events.

Bronze 1 Invitation to the press conference. 1 VIP seats in the main events . 1 seat in the VIP Vehicle to the camel races. 1 VIP car parking . To be Honored in the Final Ceremony . 1 VIP invitation. 20 copies of the event’s book.


• A chance to use the EHC sports facilities. ([FHSW WKH 7KHDWUHV $EX 'KDEL $FWLYLWLHV 0D\ XVH WKH VSRUWV SOD\JURXQGV 6ZLPPLQJ SRROV LQ $EX 'KDEL 6DPPDOL\DK ,VODQG • Visit to Sammaliyah Island for 20 PAX only. • Chance to attend the other events in EHC.

/RJR 1DPH RI WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQ WR EH SULQWHG RQ DOO WKH HYHQW SXEOLFDWLRQV 3ULQWV • To be mentioned in all press releases and newsletters. • Speech in Press Conference .(not on the stage). • One VIP Invitation.


‫راﻋﻲ ﺑﺮوﻧﺰي‬


‫راﻋﻲ ﻓﻀﻲ‬

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‫راﻋﻲ ﻣﺎﺳﻲ‬

‫اﻟﻤﺰاﻳﺎ ا ﻋﻼﻣﻴﺔ‬

‫راﻋﻲ ذﻫﺒﻲ‬


‫اﻟﺮﻋﺎﻳﺔ واﻟﻤﺰاﻳﺎ ا ﻋﻼﻣﻴﺔ‬



Emirates Sailing School ,Q LW ZDV HVWDEOLVKHG LQ $EX 'KDEL DI¿OLDWHG WR WKH (PLUDWHV +HULWDJH &OXE ZLWK ELJ number of sailors Young – Juniors – and Cadet. Its Sailing Team includes high class sailors. The WHDPV DFKLHYHG VHYHUDO *ROG ± 6LOYHU %URQ]H PHGDOV $ZDUGV LQ WKH *&& FRPSHWLWLRQV ± $UDEV – Asian – and Olympics too. most participations.

Local Regattas Agenda : • UAE National Day Sailing Regatta. • UAE Open Regatta . ‡ 8$( &KDPSLRQ 6DLOLQJ 5HJDWWD UDFHV

External Regattas Agenda : • All Arab Games - Sailing Competition. • Arab Sailing Regattas – every 2 years. • GCC Sailing Competition.

International Regattas Agenda : • European Sailing Competitions. ‡ 2O\PSLFV 6DLOLQJ 5HJDWWD %HLMLQJ LQ ‡ 2O\PSLF 6DLOLQJ 5HJDWWD IRU - < VDLORUV

Awards & Achievements : ‡ 2O\PSLFV 6DLOLQJ 5HJDWWD %HLMLQJ LQ ‡ *ROG 6LOYHU PHGDO DZDUGV LQ $OO $UDE *DPHV ± (J\SW • Gold Medal award in the UAE Sailing Regatta on the National Day . • Gold Silver and Bronze Medal awards in GCC Sailing Regatta .


Sailing Activites in Al Samaliyah Island


‫ﻣﺪرﺳﺔ اﻻﻣﺎرات ﻟﻠﺸﺮاع‬ ^1 ­ _1 G= Ô¹C; ± ý E C4 ñR/9 ´±»C ± E »P R 4 Ò Ï 2000 ÏC ý F ? ¼R ­Ò E= êÒM±Ò E b= M±Ò E= R4 ±Ò E= =9(± ^ C*± ý E ÒP ± ^ ñ ñR/9 d; Ò \ R E P7 D ±R

: ‫أﻫﻢ اﻟﻤﺸﺎرﻛﺎت‬

E=9*± ´C C ± • d; b ± Ïb= ± ÌC • E P'± E= ±R/ ± ²»±b79 E b 6ê± E= ÒP ± ´±»C ± E b2 • E ÒP ± ´±»C ‫ ^ إ‬ý ´ b 8 ñR/9 ´±»C ± ^2 E b2 H C R • a= »C(± ´C C ± • ñR/9 E= R4 ± ²C4 M± E b2 • õ C ^ ÏC7 ñR/9 E= R4 ± E b2 ± • ñR/9 d =9(± ÐÒC4 ± T9 E b2 • E= Ò»Ò­ ´ b2 Ò ´C »C/ • E= êÒM± ²C4 M± ´±»Ò¹ ý E »C/ê± • õ C; ± ¹C= êÒ­ ý E »C/ê± •

‫إﻧﺠﺎزات وﺑﻄﻮﻻت‬

2008 õ8 ý E= êÒM± ²C4 M± ý ´C »C/ê± \ R ` E=êC4 ± c ¯ Îbjb ± • E= R4 ± R0 E »b<: ý E= R4 ± ²C4 M± ³»Ò¹ ý E=1 Ò E= º õ = ±P= c9 Îb0'± • 2007 R=: b E P'± ´b =9 E= ÒP ± ´±»C ± E b2 Ò d; b ± P=4 ± ÌC ` ^ ý c Ò­ S ±R \=7$ • C b;

E= C ±Ò c Ò ± d =9(± ÐÒC4 ± T9 E b2 ý E=1 Ò E= º õ = ±P= c9 Îb0'± • d ±b ± c9 E C(±Ò E4 ±R ±Ò E C ±Ò


E P'± E= ±R/ ± ²»±b7 ± ÃŒC `


Al Samha Heritage Festival It is being organized every year under the patronage of H.H. Shk Sultan Bin Zayed AL Nahyan the Represntative of HH the President – Chairman of the Emirates Heritage Club. The event takes place at Al Samha Area , 50 km. north east of Abu Dhabi . Many of the heritage activities are being carried out in AL Samha +HULWDJH &HQWUH WKDW LV EHLQJ DI¿OLDWHG WR WKH (+& It is attended by several people in UAE with all society categories. Full media coverage by local and international TV Channals, social PHGLD UHSRUWHUV ,W ZDV DOVR DWWHQGHG E\ PDQ\ RI WKH RI¿FLDOV LQ WKH educational and cultural sectors.

Heritage Activities


‫ﻣﻬﺮﺟﺎن اﻟﺴﻤﺤﺔ اﻟﺘﺮاﺛﻲ‬ EÊÊ= b8'‫´ ا‬CÊÊ<&± `ÊÊ PÊÊ P4 ± ZÊÊ ÐÒCÊÊ4 C ´±»CÊÊ ± µ±RÊÊ Ô¹CÊÊ aÊÊ:3; Ôb;ÊÊ ÐCÊÊ R< cÊÊ3$Ò ÏCÊÊ ^ `ÊÊ RÊÊ= M± ZÊÊ R ± ý E :ÊÊ ± SÊÊ Rð ´C RÊÊ/ ±Ò E=4: ê± ´CÊÊ @ê±Ò ¿CÊÊ(±Ò dÊÊ b8'± ÃCÊÊ27 ± `ÊÊ E4ÊÊ ±Ò E »CÊÊ/ Ò RÊÊ= ÔRÊÊ= C: »bÊÊ1 ÐCÊÊ R<ê± ´CÊÊ= C4 EÊÊ R ± E :ÊÊ ± CÊÊ<; \ÊÊ C; ³PÊÊ ÏPÊÊ aÊÊ b8 Ï ÊÊ ± ^gCÊÊ Ò `ÊÊ ZÊÊ ±Ò ÏCÊÊ: ±Ò `ÊÊ PÊÊ P4 ±Ò ½CÊÊ dÊÊ; ¼SÊÊ4 · ÊÊ6 ± O ±bÊÊ/ ± E CÊÊ/ ± EÊÊ= C ± E9=9ÊÊ/ ± ³»ÒCÊÊ ê± ÓRÊÊ M± \ÊÊ C;ê±

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E= C: ± c7 9 ý ³¼»C ê± ´C= C4 `


d ±R ± E= C: ± c7 9 E2/ ­ `


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³R=3'± ý E= R4 ± Ñb<7 ± îP7 Ã’ E C;j ˜˜ E= ±R ± E2/ M± `


Al Samaliyah Summer Camping - Al Samaliyah Island It is being organized every year under the patronage of H.H. Shk Sultan Bin Zayed AL Nahyan the Represntative of H.H. the President – Chairman of the Emirates Heritage Club. The event takes place at Al 6DPDOL\DK DQG RWKHU (+& FHQWHUV ,W UHFHLYHV KXQGUHGV RI 8$( VFKRRO VWXGHQWV *LUOV %R\V VHSDUDWHO\ to enjoy the heritage activities. All Activities are related to the Traditions and Heritage of UAE. the camping witnesses several sports traditional and cultural activities plus workshops and educational lectures on the heritage . Competitions in Sailing , Youla , Equestrian eventings. The camping participants enjoy several specialized activities as in the Meqnas (falconry) , Kashta, Young merchant, Sailing dhows , swimming, rowing racing, and Equestrian and camel riding . ,Q $O 6DPDO\LDK ,VODQG WKH SDUWLFLSDQWV HQMR\ (OHFWURQLF NLWWLQJ DQG KHULWDJH ¿VKLQJ JDPHV

Al Samaliyah Spring Camping - Al Samaliyah Island ,W LV EHLQJ RQH RI WKH LPSRUWDQW HYHQWV LQ (+& VLQFH LQ $/ 6DPDO\LDK ,VODQG Many of the UAE school students participate in the camping for 3 weeks during the spring holidays. The HYHQW UHFRUGHG PRUH WKDQ SDUWLFLSDQWV IURP %R\V *LUOV Several events are being carried out there either in AL Samai lyah Isl and or in youth fort in Activities Dept RU LQ WKH RWKHU FHQWHUV DI¿OLDWHG WR WKH (+& The camping also witnesses several sports traditional and cultural activities plus workshops and educational lectures in the heritage . Competitions in Sailing , Youla , Equestrian eventings. The camping participants enjoy several specialized activities as in the Meqnas (falconry), Kashta, Young merchant, Sailing dhows, rowing racing, and Equestrian and camel riding .

« In Al Samaliyah Island the participants enjoy (OHFWURQLF NLWWLQJ DQG KHULWDJH ¿VKLQJ JDPHV ª


Activities through the festival in AL Sammaliyah


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Students Arrival to AL Sammaliyah Island during the Summer Camping


Activities Department The Activities Department is caring out the message of Emirates Heritage Club to preserve and to protect the legacy of popular Heritage in the aim of educating the new generations their ascents traditions and heritage throughout the activities dept youth centers and ladies centers. It is so keen to preserve the national identity via several training programs in Sammalia Island and other centers according to the main traditional themes as in the educational, cultural, social and sports activities. The department includes several divisions care about the activities planning and acting. The agenda starts with Al Sammalia Summer Traditional camping that includes several heritage courses and popular games activities in the aim of qualifying and building the youth personalities in all heritage aspects. This is the way to enhance them with new skills and values. They get new skills for their future life with loyalty and interest of the nation leadership and community valuable values.

Traditional Activities and Popular Games in Al Samha Heritage Festival


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Environmental, Health and Safety Dept. The Department was formed by the name of the Committee for Environmental Research, which was founded in 1996, and then turned into a unit and to the current name due to the divergence Its functions, functions and functions, with the aim of taking an interest in the study of environmental regulations and the conservation and development of plant and animal life And to work to preserve the ecological balance in the island of Samaliya of the club The objectives of the Department are to prepare and implement plans and programs related to environmental research and studies carried out on the island of Samalia and elsewhere $QG WKH HVWDEOLVKPHQW RI VFLHQWLÂżF DQG UHVHDUFK FRRSHUDWLRQ ZLWK WKH UHVHDUFK LQVWLWXWLRQV DQG universities related to the development of the environment in the United Arab Emirates As well as to organize and participate in conferences and events and environmental exhibitions with relevant bodies and organizations locally and internationally, in addition to Preparing annual environmental competitions, developing a reference library for the most important references, sources and periodicals dealing with environmental sciences, and performing health and safety tasks professional staff of Emirates Heritage Club.

Mangrove plants in AL Sammaliyah Island


Ostrich farms in AL Sammaliyah Island

Birds farms in AL Sammaliyah Island


‫إدارة اﻟﺒﻴﺌﺔ واﻟﺼﺤﺔ واﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ‬ cÊÊ ¯ FÊÊ b$ _ÊÊ Ï1996 ÏCÊÊ FÊÊ ? dÊÊ ± EÊÊ= = ± µbÊÊ ± EÊÊ;& c:ÊÊ ð ³»±¹ ± F98ÊÊ/ ]ÊÊ ºÒ CÊÊ< C< Ò CÊÊ< C: ­Ò CÊÊ< CjC0 ± D4ÊÊ/ Õ±RÊÊ3 dÊÊ C'± c:ÊÊ ê± cÊÊ ¯ CÊÊ<; Ò ³PÊÊ Ò EÊÊ= ±b='±Ò EÊÊ= C ; ± EÊÊ R26 ± ³CÊÊ='± cÊÊ9 EÊÊ3 C*±Ò EÊÊ= = ± EÊÊ:3 M± EÊÊ ±»P ÏCÊÊ: ± ËPÊÊ< ³RÊÊ S ý dÊÊ = ± м±bÊÊ ± cÊÊ9 EÊÊ3 C*± cÊÊ9 ^ÊÊ:4 ±Ò ÕCÊ ¹C0 ± CÊÊ<; ³¹C6 ÊÊ ±Ò CÊÊ< =:; Ò Ô¹CÊÊ;9 EÊÊ4 C ± E= C:Û Ê Ê ± ´CÊÊ ±»P ±Ò µbÊÊ C EÊÊ794 ê± HÊÊ ±R ±Ò XÊÊ2(± QÊÊ=6; Ò ¹±PÊÊ ¯ ý ³»±¹ ± ˱PÊÊ ­ ^ÊÊ : dÊÊ Ò dÊÊ:9 ÐÒCÊÊ4 EÊÊ C ¯Ò `ÊÊ C M± `ÊÊ CÊÊ R= Ò E= C:Û ÊÊ ± ³RÊÊ S ý C<ÊÊ »Cù dÊÊ ± EÊÊ= = ± ´±»CÊÊ ± EÊÊ Ò¹ ý EÊÊ = ± EÊÊ=:; EÊÊ 4 ± ´±º ´CÊÊ4 C&±Ò µbÊÊ ± SÊÊ ±R Ò ´CÊÊ<&± ZÊÊ ÍR ÊÊ/ ³PÊÊ ê± EÊÊ= R4 ± ´CÊÊ =< ± ZÊÊ EÊÊ= = ± À»CÊÊ4ê±Ò ´CÊÊ= C46 ±Ò ´±RÊÊù@ê± ý E »CÊÊ/ê±Ò _ÊÊ=3; ± cÊÊ9 ^ÊÊ:4 ± ]ÊÊ Q Ò E b;ÊÊ ± EÊÊ= = ± ´C7 CÊÊ ê± ¹±PÊÊ ¯ cÊÊ ¯ EÊÊ Ch C ÕCÊÊ= Ò¹Ò ÕCÊÊ=9 EÊÊ 4 ± ´±º ´CÊÊ:3;ê±Ò ÏbÊÊ7 CÊÊ: EÊÊ = ± ÏbÊÊ94 cÊÊ;4 dÊÊ ± ´CÊÊ »ÒP ±Ò »¹CÊÊ0ê±Ò ZÊÊ ±Rê± _ÊÊ M EÊÊ=4 R EÊÊ 8 RÊÊ b2 Ò ´±»CÊÊ ± µ±RÊÊ Ô¹CÊÊ dÊÊ6 bê EÊÊ=;<ê± E ÊÊ ±Ò EÊÊ 0 ± ÏCÊÊ<ð


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Zayed Centre for Studies & Research 7KH FHQWUH LV EHLQJ DQ RUJDQL]HG KHULWDJH DQG FXOWXUH UHVHDUFK XQLW KDYLQJ WKH VFLHQWL¿F LPDJH =&65 KDV EHHQ HVWDEOLVKHG XQGHU WKH $GPLQ GHFUHH 1R RI ++ 6KN 6XOWDQ %LQ =D\HG $O 1DK\DQ DV (Zayed Center for Heritage and History) in AL Ain in respect of increasing the role of Emirates Heritage Club in the traditional and heritage activities to preserve the ascents heritage. The center organizes the developments of heritage activities, running out the heritage studies and research in addition to qualifying the local researchers to achieve the club objectives. +LV +LJKQHVV 6KN 6XOWDQ %LQ =D\HG $O 1DK\DQ KDV LQDXJXUDWHG WKH FHQWUH RI¿FLDOO\ RQ WKH VW RI 0DUFK 1999. Since that date the centre is considered as a member in the Secretariat General for centers of Documents and Studies of GCC States. This to achieve the objectives of ZCSR throughout several activities and projects. Ruther than the centre runs training courses to qualify the local researchers and developing their skills. ,Q WKH QDPH KDV EHHQ FKDQJHG LQWR =D\HG &HQWUH IRU 6WXGLHV 5HVHDUFK



Cultural Activities in Zayed Centre for Studies and Research


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Marine Races According to the supreme guidance of H.H Shk. Khalifa Bin Zayed AL Nahyan the UAE President the marine races are carried out in UAE as the legacy of the late Shk. Zayed Bin Sultan AL Nahyan the founder of UAE (MGBH) to enhance the heritage to the citizens , in the same way , the keenness of HH Shk. Sultan Bin Zayed Al Nahyan the Representative of HH the President – Chairman of the Emirates Heritage Club , to support all the EHC activities as for the long ranve view of His Highness Shk. Sultan. The regulations and conditions of the marine races have been set according to HH instructions )RU WKH QDWLRQDOL]DWLRQ RI WKH UDFHV VLQFH ++ KDV SXW WKH YHU\ DFFXUDWH VSHFL¿FDWLRQV RI WKH GKRZV in addition to the names of each part in the dhow. Marine Races represent the unique heritage of UAE traditions as a gulf state to preserve the heritage for the coming generations.

Traditional Rowing Race (40 Feet)


H H the President Cup for Traditional Dhows Race (60 Feet)


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Winners of the Holly Quran Recitation Competitions


Ramadhan Festival in Abu Dhabi Theatre & Heritage Village It is being organized every year under the patronage of H H Shk Sultan Bin Zayed AL Nahyan the Represntative of HH the President – Chairman of the Emirates Heritage Club. The event takes place at Abu Dhabi Theatre on Breakwater , Abu Dhabi corniche. The event takes place within the holly month of Ramadhan where as several cultural and Islamic activities are being carried out. Holly Quran recitation competition in two classes (young and youth) , and girls competition are held. The Ramdan event starts on the 1st week of Ramadan till the 3rd week , usually after the Taraweeh Prayers (Night Prayers) from 10:00 pm till 12:00 Mid. Night. All activities in the theatre as in : Inshaad, Holly Quran Recitation, and other cultural activities are being attended by big number of people who cares and interested in the lectures and other activities. The Honor guests of the event are coming from all over the Islamic world where they are professors , UHOLJLRXV ¿JXUHV 0XVOLP FOHULFV ZLWK WKH FRRSHUDWLRQ ZLWK *HQHUDO $XWKRULW\ RI ,VODPLF $IIDLUV $ZTDI

Holly Quran Recitation Competitions (GWY Committee)

Lectures in the Festival


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Horses Beauty Contest Competitions in BDEV.


Tent pegging Competitions in BDEV.


Equestrian in Boudheib World The interest of UAE in Equestrian is unique act, which is a part of the Heritage and traditions in UAE. Unanimous number of stables and horses are based in UAE with different breeds. The equestrian season usually start from November till March, every year.

Achievements :

In 1996, UAE has participated in the World Endurance Ride in USA , followed by several achievements in WKH ¿HOG ,Q 8$( KDV RUJDQL]HG IRU WKH VW WLPH WKH :RUOG (QGXUDQFH 5LGH 8$( KDV DFKLHYHG WKH *ROG LQ :RUOG (QGXUDQFH 5LGH LQ 0DOD\VLD In 2004 Boudheib Equestrian Village was established under the instructions of HH Shk Sultan Bin Zayed AL Nahyan the Representative of UAE President – Chairman of the Emirates Heritage Club, where as the 1st endurance race HH Shk. Hamdan Bin Rashed Al Maktoom Endurance Race was organized .



Boudheib International Endurance Village In 2004 Boudheib Equestrian Village was established under the instructions of HH Shk. Sultan Bin Zayed AL Nahyan the Representative of UAE President – Chairman of the Emirates Heritage Club, where as the 1st endurance race (HH Shk. Hamdan Bin Rashed Al Maktoom Endurance Race) was organized . It is located at AL Khatem Area , 65 km east Abu Dhabi /Al Ain RD. It is considered as one of the specialized Equestrian villages. It has a big responsibility to the new generation in Equestrian and Horse ride. 6LQFH WKDW GDWH WKH YLOODJH RUJDQL]HG VHYHUDO HQGXUDQFH ULGHV TXDOL¿HUV LQWHUQDWLRQDO LQ DGGLWLRQ to rides for the private owners and ladies rides. There in the village every year HH Shk. Sultan Bin Zayed International Equestrian Festival that started in 2006 and still takes place till this date. More HQGXUDQFH ULGHV DUH EHLQJ FDUULHG RXW VXFK DV ++ 7KH 3UHVLGHQW &XS IRU (QGXUDQFH < & NP $O $LQ (QGXUDQFH &XS IRU ORFDO ULGH NP DQG $EX 'KDEL (QGXUDQFH &XS IRU < & NP HYHU\ \HDU Ruther than 240 km Endurance Ride. Boudheib International Village hosts every year many of the Equestrian events as in the Grand Sultan %LQ =D\HG (TXHVWULDQ +DOO 6KRZ -XPSLQJ ORFDOO\ ,QWHUQDWLRQDOO\ %HDXW\ FRQWHVWV IRU KRUVHV competitions , and other equestrian events.

Stables and Hotel in Boudheib International Endurance Village

As for the rides and other events , the club has established in Boudheib International Endurance Village several stables for the other participants in the rides that reached 10 big stables and each one includes 10 horses. The hotel is established for the riders and horses owners who are participating in the rides. More than 12 VIP rooms are well prepared. In the same time the endurance e village includes several endurance loops in the rides reached 30 km MXM.

Veterinary inspection area in Boudheib :

Reference to the FEI the veterinarian area in Boudheib is well prepared to receive 10 horses in the ride the same time for vet. checking. The recovery space is well prepared to host many of horses and riders.


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Sultan Bin Zayed Heritage Festival Sweihan Traditional Festival is being organized in Sweihan every year under the patronage of HH Shk Sultan Bin Zayed Al Nahyan the Representative of H.H the President – Chairman of the Emirates Heritage Club.

H.H. Shk Sultan Bin Zayed Al Nahyan The Representative of H.H UAE President, Chairman of E.H.C.


The Heritage Festival includes : • Camel Beauty Contest. • Traditional Camel Racings. • Milking Competitions. • Arabian Suloki Racing and Beauty Contests. • Heritage Village and Popular Market. • Popular Games and Traditional Events.

The festival became one of the heritage resorts to all visitors in UAE every year. All activities are being organized as per the vision of HH Shk. Sultan Bin Zayed who supports and preserves the National Identity, and the popular inheritance.

H.H. Shk Sultan Bin Zayed Al Nahyan with the Visitors

Camel Milking Competitions


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