COACH - The Professional Coaching Magazine to Empower, Educate & Inspire - APRIL 2020

Page 25

RELAX RELAX RELAX… The mindse to adap


t may sound impossible to be relaxed during the current global crisis but it’s always possible to create your own state by mastering your thoughts and mindset. As a mentor for over 30 years, I have a bank of knowledge help you manage your mind and create solutions within yourself. The world has changed due to the Covid-19 outbreak and unless we accept that and adapt fast, it is going to be a much longer, more painful journey through this crisis. Having your mindset in the right place is the only thing that will serve you and the others around you well at this time and will help you to adapt and relax in terms of what you can and can’t control how we cope with any situation and make a success of it is always entirely up to how we react.

Be strict and take control. Keeping up to date is important and 5-10 minutes of main news a day is sufficient time to absorb any new developments. Make sure you do all you can to filter bad stress and master your internal state.

Get Perspective There can be a natural tendency to think that something is only ever happening to us. In this case, it’s simply not true. The world is suffering and everyone is affected. Understand as fast as you can that we are living in a ‘new normal.’ The ways of weeks ago have ended and we’re in the midst of intense and fast-moving life change. Any situation you face in life needs be put into perspective and there is always another way to look at something, no matter how bad. Looking back, this time could also be one of the greatest opportunities we have had individually and a chance to use our precious time wisely.

The Feeling creates the Result What you think will translate into a feeling and how you make yourself feel will have a powerful impact on how you cope so being relaxed from the core needs to be your one, single goal. All is not bad, it never is. There will always be good, so seek it out and find what you need to help yourself to get into a relaxed state.

Clarity and Goals Trying to get clarity on long term goals is likely to cause more stress in the current situation. The future is going to change rapidly. Not yet knowing what that will look like perpetuates uncertainty and it’s this uncertainty that prevents you from being able to lock in a clear image and create the steps towards that. Creating your clear mental image of your future is what keeps you focused but, with things as they are, your mind can’t settle in the same way as the dominant thought is unclear as to what that mental image looks like. So right now, a series of short-term goals are needed that will take you forward to the other side of this. Then with more knowledge ahead, the medium and longer-term goals can be reconsidered.

Be Grateful This is the time to realise the power of gratitude and being in the moment because we only become truly aware of how grateful we were for something after we lose it. Gratitude is the connection to the universe and this is not a time for envy or wishes, it’s a time to be present, take stock of exactly who you are and who you are going to be - and be it.

The New Beginning You will find your mind adapts quickly once you have reprogrammed it with all the relevant information it needs. The mind is binary and likes to be reprogrammed with yes and no - not if, what’s, maybe’s and ‘don’t knows’ so deal in real and with the truth you face in any given moment. This will keep your mind from ‘scrambling.’ Don’t keep going back to how things were, accept the rules of life have changed and that this is the new beginning.

Croz Crossley is a mindset mentor, author of ‘Tell us Another’ and works with leaders and CEO’s enabling them to master their minds to achieve success and bring their visions to life by following powerful but simple teachings.

Reduce your stress The biggest thing you can do to reduce a great deal of your stress and anxiety is simply this - turn off the news and cut out the noise. There is so much that can easily demand all your time, attention and energy.


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