E008: Deanna Maio – Get More Done by Delegating

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The Coachzing Show E P I S O D E 1 : T H E B A C K S TO R Y


Get More Done by Delegating

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The Coachzing Show EPISODE 8: TRANSCRIPT

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The Coachzing Show EPISODE 8: TRANSCRIPT


Get More Done by Delegating Listen Here: http://www.coachzing.com/podcast/e008-deanna-maio/

! Our Featured Guest: Deanna Maio, delegation specialist, shares her favorite content strategies and how you can use delegation to create more content and decrease overwhelm and grow your business. Deanna guides and supports professional women and entrepreneurs in their ongoing effort to strike the appropriate balance for achieving the success, happiness and fulfillment they desire in their professional lives through innovate coaching and consulting services designed with a strong emphasis on measurable results.

In This Episode, You'll Discover: ✓

What “PLR” content is and why it can save you time and money in your content creation

What creative strategy has helped Deanna get the most likes and feedback and how you can use this strategy in your own business

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The Coachzing Show EPISODE 8: TRANSCRIPT

What 2 things you should NEVER delegate in your business

A powerful lesson from a 90’s pop band and what it means for you

Tips From The Episode: ✓

Create an education based website where you answer the pains and problems of your niche

Always look for how many ways you can repurpose content

Make sure that you are developing content on topic for your brand

Automate your delegation training for maximum results

Use short personal videos that have demonstrate your personality and who you are

Links & Resources: ✓

Delegated to Done

The Mechanics of Making More


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The Coachzing Show EPISODE 8: TRANSCRIPT

Introduction Welcome to the Coachzing show, dedicated to helping you work less, work more and help more people for creative content marketing. This show is brought to you by Coachzing.com, a marketing and publishing company for people who help people. And now here's your host, Doug Foresta.



Hello, welcome back to the Coachzing Show, the show that helps coaches and therapists work less, earn more and help more people, through creative content


marketing. This is your host, Doug Foresta, and very excited to have with me Deanna


Maio. We're going to be talking today about content strategies, but we're also going to be


talking about delegation, which I think is a really important thing. One of the things I hear so much from people is that they just feel overwhelmed, and so I think you'll get a lot out of this episode. Deanna is really a specialist when

! !

it comes to delegation, and I know you'll get a lot out of this episode. I'll just say a little bit about her and bring her right on. Deanna Maio is a speaker, delegation and team strategist, and creator of The


Delegated to Done Formula, and host of Delegated to Done Podcast.

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The Coachzing Show EPISODE 8: TRANSCRIPT

She's the go-to gal for online business owners and entrepreneurs who are getting buried in their work and working in their business and are ready to pull themselves out of the day-day.


They want to be able to work on their business and not in it, and that takes a strategy and the right team, and allows you to get more done without you doing it all. Then and only then can you catapult your income.


She's hired and managed over 150 contractors, freelancers and interns in the last five years, and helped her clients all around the world do the same.


Please help me welcome Deanna Maio. Deanna, thank you for joining me.

! Deanna:

Thanks for having me. I'm really looking forward to it.


Thank you.

! !

Content Strategy (01:17) Doug:

Let me ask you the first question about what your favorite content strategy is.


Well, I actually have two answers, because one is a true strategy.


So I love podcasting. I find myself very auditory. I like to talk, I'm an extrovert, it's easy for me. I can provide great content in audio, much faster than if I had to sit down and write with a blank screen.


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The Coachzing Show EPISODE 8: TRANSCRIPT

! Secondary, I love repurposing what I've already created. I'm kind of crazy about it, like obsessed with how I can get the most out of a piece of content.


So my podcast gets transcribed, we turn that into show notes, turn that into social media posts. We might take several episode transcripts and turn them into a report. Who knows what we might do with it, offer 5 or 10 of them together in a course.


I really like being efficient; I've always been that way. So I'd have to say podcasting, and I'm crazy about repurposing, Doug.

! Doug:

That seems to be definitely a big theme on the show. One of the things I've noticed is that the most successful content marketers are the ones that repurpose, and I love what you said about podcasting, and of course we do that ourselves, but I love that.


It can be a really effective strategy. There are some people that love writing, but there are a lot of people like yourself, where they love speaking more than writing.

! Deanna:

Yeah, I tried the writing way and I found myself procrastinating, I didn't like what came out. It just didn't work for me. And so I finally just had to take a hard look and say, "Okay, what can I do to make me this work for me and my personality?"

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