E014: Tim Paige – Converting Your Podcast Listeners to Paying Clients

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The Coachzing Show E P I S O D E 1 : T H E B A C K S TO R Y


Converting Your Podcast Listeners to Paying Clients

1 Featured Guest: Your Host: © ACQYR Inc. All rights reserved. 

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The Coachzing Show EPISODE 14: TRANSCRIPT

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The Coachzing Show EPISODE 14: TRANSCRIPT


Converting Your Podcast Listeners to Paying Clients Listen Here: http://www.coachzing.com/podcast/e014-tim-paige/

! Our Featured Guest: Tim Paige is the host of ConversionCast podcast and the Conversion Educator for Leadpages.net


In this episode Tim talks about his favorite content creation strategies, and how you can convert more podcast listeners to paying customers and clients.

In This Episode, You'll Discover: ✓

Tim’s favorite conversion strategy and why it is helping him “crush it” in his business

How a TV star helped Tim go viral with his podcast

What you ABSOLUTELY need to know before you even think about starting a podcast

Specific tips for converting podcast listeners to paying customers and clients

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The Coachzing Show EPISODE 14: TRANSCRIPT

Tips From The Episode: ✓

Have a specific giveaway for your podcast

Focus on getting listeners and readers to taking an action from your content

Don’t be afraid to reach out to podcast guests, even if you think you could never get them on

Make sure to focus on offline strategies as well such as attending in person networking events

Links & Resources: ✓


Conversion Cast Gift

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The Coachzing Show EPISODE 14: TRANSCRIPT

Introduction Welcome to the Coachzing show, dedicated to helping you work less, work more and help more people for creative content marketing. This show is brought to you by Coachzing.com, a marketing and publishing company for people who help people. And now here's your host, Doug Foresta.



Hello, welcome back to The Coachzing Show, the show that helps speakers, coaches, therapists and authors work less, earn more and help more people through creative content marketing. Each day Monday through Friday, we bring you the best of the best, and today is definitely an example of that.


I have Tim Paige with me today. He hosts the podcast, ConversionCast. He's also the conversion educator at LeadPages.


I know that many of you probably use LeadPages, so I'm really excited to have him on and we're going to be talking about conversion.


We talk about creative content marketing, but you could have the most creative content in the world but if it's not converting, if you're not converting people into your world, you're not bringing them into your email list or they're not buying your products and services, then it really negates the entire purpose of having content.


Having said that, I'm really glad to have on Tim Paige, and we're going to talk all about conversion. Tim Paige, thank you for joining me.

! Tim:

Doug, thanks so much for having me. I'm excited to be here. This is going to be hopefully really valuable. I'd love to help some coaches just crush it.

! Doug:

Yes, thank you, and that's what we're here for, is to really get the best of the best.

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The Coachzing Show EPISODE 14: TRANSCRIPT

Content Marketing Strategy (01:14) Doug:

One place to start would be what's your favorite content marketing strategy for getting conversation?

! Tim:

Well, right now I'm crazy about podcasts. We've done a lot at LeadPages. Our content strategy is just insane, YouTube and blog posts and social media and everything.


But I'm really loving the way podcasts are turning into this really effective vehicle for connecting. We're converting extremely well on a per-episode basis, to get them on our email lists to eventually convert them to paying customers.


So yeah, I'm loving podcasts.

! Doug:

! Tim:


I'm pretty partial to them myself. That's awesome. What do you think it is about podcasts that make them so effective? Well, there's so much in terms of the personal connection that you can experience from a podcaster. Somebody listening to a podcast, they are doing something else in their life, whether it's working out or whether it's driving to the office, whether it's doing the


dishes. They're doing something else, but they've got you kind of pumping into their ears and sharing this stuff, and hopefully it's valuable stuff that you're giving them.

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The Coachzing Show EPISODE 14: TRANSCRIPT

! You're just kind of wiring yourself into their brains, and in doing so they hear your voice, they hear your tonality, which is hard to get across in a blog post or even a

! !

social media post. So it makes it so personal. And then they kind of know who you are. Chris Ducker says this all the time. He says people want to do business with people. They don't want to do business with business.

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The Coachzing Show

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