Coastalaire - August 2022 Issue

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California Central Coast Region Porsche Club of CoastalaireAmerica August 2022 Issue

The Coastalaire August 2022 2

The Coastalaire August 2022 3 Coastalaire August 2022 AutoX / Teststrecke 54 Drivers Education & Parade Lap Club Information 4 Member Services 5 Board of Directors 6 Prez’s Corner 7 Get Out & Drive 37 Anniversaries 38 Advertiser Information Club Events 10 Club Events 12,13 Club / PCA Events 14 Autocross 2022 15 Drivers Education 2022 PCA / Zone 8 News / Porsche Items 7 Kit’s Kar-tune 34 Porsche Tech 36 CCCR Board Minutes 39 Zone 8 Staff - Officers 39 CCCR Clothing Porsche Tech - Pedro’s Garage VW-Porsche Electric Bus3026162034 A Porsche Club of America Award Winning Publicationn Drive & Dine to Hardie Park 30 16 20 26 34 7 30

The Coastalaire August 2022 4 Coastalaire is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, California Central Coast Region. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the of ficial position of the California Central Coast Region of the Porsche Club of America, its officers or members. Permission is granted to charter regions to reprint if appropriate credit is given to the author and Coastalaire, with the exception of copyrighted material. Any material appearing in the Coastalaire is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the California Central Coast Region, its Board or Appointees, the Coastalaire Editors, or its staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. The deadline for submission of articles is the 5th of the month preceding the month of publication. CCCR / PCA Mailing Address: California Central Coast Region of Porsche Club of America (CCCR/PCA) 3030 Johnson Ave. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Member Services Classified Ads Classified ads are posted in the CCCR PCA website at Submit your text and photo (if required) by email to: Joe Shubitowski at The editor reserves the right to edit the ad if it is over 40 words. The ad is Free To Members. CCCR Name Badge California Central Coast Member Name Badges. Cost for your beautiful 5-color CCCR standard badge with pin, swivel clip or magnet closure: $20.00. First Name, Last Name, optional 2nd line, for example, your club office within the club, your Porsche model. To order contact Joe Shubitowski at Contributors Alfred Abken Pedro P. Bonilla Bob Bruington Bill AndyCarolBernJoeChrisChuckGilRonChadwickGreenIgleheartJenningsKitamuraShubitowskiSingsenWalkerWinterbottom Photography Alfred Abken JeffTB1 Koskie Bob Kitamura PhotographerTB1 This month’s cover shows Bob Bruington’s 911SC parked at the Drive & Dine to Old Juan’s Cantina. Editor Bob “Kit” coastalaireeditor@gmail.comKitamura Creative Editing and Layout Chris Kitamura The Coastalaire is available on the CCCR website at Thehttp// published online every month and printed in January, April, July and October California Central Coast RegionCover Story of the Porsche Club of America

The Coastalaire August 2022 5 HISTORIAN MEMBERSHIP/ Sanja Brewer SECRETARY Carol Walker DIRECTORSAFETY Bill Gibson PRESIDENT Andy Winterbottom WEBMASTER / DATABASE ADMIN Joe aircooled911sc@gmail.comShubitowski VICE-PRESIDENT Ron Green DIRECTORACTIVITIES Gil Igleheart TREASURER Bill Chadwick DIRECTORAUTOCROSS Chuck Jennings ATDIRECTORLARGE Joe Kuntze DE EVENTS DIR. / CHIEF DRIVING INST. Bob Bruington EDITORCOASTALAIRE Bob “Kit” coastalaireeditor@gmail.comKitamura 2022 BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Andrew W. Greetings fellow club-members, Herein are a few updates on the national and regional PCA meetings: The PCA National Board of Directors meeting was conducted July 18 with Tom Gorsuch, President pre siding. A quorum was reached with 133 of the 147 Region Presidents in attendance as well as the PCA Executive Council and Standing Committee Chairs. Tom noted that the recent Porsche Parade in the Po conos was the largest ever attended. Tom said that the PCA's $11 Million annual budget enables ten National events including the Parade, two Treffens, two Werks Reunions, Unstock, Tech Tactics and there are 21 full time staff. The very special Porsche 996 Club Coupe (with the GT3 drivetrain) will be auctioned off in September. Finally, the attendees approved the minutes from Winter, 2022: 131 Yes, 0 No and one abstention. The Audit Committee completed their review and con cluded the club is in strong financial condition with no significant comments or material weaknesses. Lori DeCristo, our Zone 8 Representative, conducted the Zone 8 Presidents meeting last week. Lori noted that the Werks Reunion 2022 is next month with 59 openings. Treffen (in Oregon) still has availability. "Unstock" is a PCA National Event with the Los Angeles Region providing 20 volunteers. This event is scheduled for November 13th in Burbank from 10AM to 2PM. Registration opens September 28th, with the exact venue yet to be disclosed. Attending members will be required to sign a waiver to tour the facility where it is being held. PCA National is hiring for three positions: Director of Finance or Comptroller, Social Media and Applica tions Developer. Send your application direct to PCA. The November 16th Presidents’ Meeting for incoming and outgoing Zone 8 Region Presidents will be held over Zoom.


The Coastalaire August 2022 6

The Prez’s Corner

........ by Andy Winterbottom, President By the way, PCA has partnered with Princess Cruises and if anyone has interest, I can forward your informa tion to Lori. The types of packages that will be available to Porsche members can be requested. An east coast PCA Region booked a 10-day Mediterranean Cruise out of Florida for $1,000 each. Our California Central Coast Region is "humming" along and our Nominating Committee for the 2023 Board of Directors is launching their drive. Sanja Brewer, Ron Green and Gil Igleheart comprise the com mittee and I expect you'll be receiving their communica tions Sincerely,soon.

The Coastalaire August 2022 7 Get Out & Drive ........

A big summer hello to everyone, This year has been a busy one for our club as we have quickly journeyed out of the last few years of hiber nation. We are going to be even busier the second half of this year with the West Coast Holiday 2022 rapidly approaching. We need everyone’s help with making this a great success for our region.

Contact Joe Kuntze at or Joe Shubitowski at if you are interested in helping with this great event.

Here is our contribution in the July issue of Panorama in the From the Regions section. Thanks to Tony.

by Bob Kitamura, Editor

On top of our great events, we have Monterey Car Week and the PCA Werks Reunion coming up very Wesoon.are very fortunate to have a number of fantastic events to participate in with our club. We do need help from those of you with photo skills and/or are interested in writing short articles in our Coastalaire. I would be happy to show you how easy it is to write a short story about an event and what we are looking for in the photos. If you are interested you can email me at

Another great event is coming up in September, our Drivers Education event at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca. It is your opportunity to experience driving on this iconic track either in the DE or the Parade Lap Session. You should do it at least once in your lifetime, of course 10 to 20 times would be even more fun! You can read more about it on pages 30-31.

I hope all of you are enjoying this great summer on our central coast and always remember to “Get Out and Drive”. Bob “Kit”

The Coastalaire August 2022 8

The Coastalaire August 2022 9

The Coastalaire August 2022 10 Zone Event8 AUGUST 19th WERKS REUNION MONTEREY - See page 33 AUGUST 20th DRIVE & DINE - Laguna Lake to Ragged Point ( AUGUST 27th TESTSTRECKE 55 - See page 14 SEPT. 14-18th 356 REGISTRY WEST COAST HOLIDAY - See pages 12-13 SEPT. 24th DRIVE & DINE to Harbor Hut Lunch (DETAILS TO FOLLOW) SEPT. 26th DRIVERS EDUCATION - Laguna Seca - See page 15 OCTOBER 8th DRIVE & DINE - Buckhorn Restaurant & Bar (details to follow) OCTOBER 15th TESTSTRECKE 56 - See page 14 NOVEMBER NEW MEMBERS BBQ (details to follow) NOVEMBER DRIVE & DINE DECEMBER HOLIDAY PARTY JUNE 18-24 2023 PORSCHE PARADE 2023 - La Quinta Resort, Palm Springs SEPT. 28-OCT. 1 PORSCHE RENNSPORT REUNION VII - LAGUNA SECA 2023 Gil Igleheart, Activities Director Chuck Jennings, Autocross Director - Bob Bruington, Driving Events Director Please note, these activities are planned subject to “clearances” from all PCA, Federal, State and local authorities. CCCR Events Calendar

The Coastalaire August 2022 11

The Coastalaire August 2022 12 West Coast Holiday 2022

The Coastalaire August 2022 13

The Coastalaire August 2022 14 AutocrossorDetailsCCCR-PCApresentsandRegistrationatMotorsportReg.comcontactChuckJennings,Director@(805) UTOCROSS459-74162022ComingSoo n ! Teststrecke 51 complete Autocross Academy complete Teststrecke 52 complete Teststrecke 53 complete Teststrecke 54 complete Teststrecke 55 August 27 Teststrecke 56 October 15

The Coastalaire August 2022 15 The mission and purpose of the Porsche Club of America's Drivers Education Program is to provide a safe, structured and controlled teaching and learning environment. The PCA DE Program is designed so that participants can improve their driving abilities and acquire a better understanding of vehicle dynamics and driving safety. Participants will experience first-hand the capabilities of high performance automobiles in a controlled, closed-course environment and acquire skills that will enhance safer vehicle operation in all driving situations. 2022 Dates Drivers Education For any questions, you can contact Bob Bruington, Drivers Education Events Director at Willow Springs Raceway complete Buttonwillow Raceway complete WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca September 26 Go to to sign up

The Coastalaire August 2022 16 Teststrecke 54 Story by Bob Kitamura California Central Coast Region’s Teststrecke 54 was another success ful autocross. It was a great Saturday at Santa Maria Airport for an auto cross. Everyone was able to have many runs to enjoy their car on the track. We are hoping to see more of you out at our next autocross. Photos by Alfred Abken

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The Coastalaire August 2022 18 Teststrecke 54

The Coastalaire August 2022 19 continued

Story by Bob Kitamura Photos by TB1, Jeff Koskie & Bob Kitamura

For those of you that could not attend, Hardie Park is a four-acre “pocket park” not too far from the Cayucos beach and pier with a children’s play area, horseshoes, two tennis courts and a heated, handicapped-accessible swimming pool with dressing rooms, showers and a tot pool for the toddlers. It is well worth your time to visit if you have never been there. I also had time between photo shoots to enjoy some coffee on the Cayucos pier which is a great spot to spend some time. Many people visit Morro Bay but forget about Cayucos which is a beautiful spot on our central coast. Another great event in the books, we hope to see you at the next one!

The Coastalaire August 2022 20 Drive & Dine to Hardie Park

On Saturday, July 9th, Gil put together another great “Drive & Dine” event. Forty-one California Central Coast Region members of PCA, with 21 of their Porsches, made the trek to Hardie Park in Cayucos for a great lunch provided by the Sea Shanty. After meeting at 8:30 am at SLO Chevrolet for coffee and pastries the group took off for the fun drive up the coast around 9am. The drive took them up 101 to Highway 1 (Santa Rosa Ave.) then up the coast to Old Creek Road then east past Whale Rock Reservoir then towards Paso Robles on the backroads then back to Cayucos on Old Creek Road, ending up at Hardie Park. As with most drives the group started out together and I was able to get some good photos of them at the start of the drive on Old Creek Road near Whale Rock Reservoir. On their return trip a little over an hour later, very few of the group came back together. It was a perfect day for a picnic with the fog clearing out to show off our Porsches in the parking area. There were many picnic tables in a nice, covered area so we could enjoy the great knife and fork meal without having to negotiate our laps in our beach chairs.

The Coastalaire August 2022 21

The Coastalaire August 2022 22 Drive & Dine to Hardie Park

The Coastalaire August 2022 23 continued

The Coastalaire August 2022 24 Drive & Dine to Hardie Park

The Coastalaire August 2022 25 continued

Horatio’s Drive and The Lincoln Highway Electrified! This trip retraced America’s first road trip and first transcontinental road in an electric powered 1963 Volkswagen bus. On May 4th, 2022, myself and co-driver Mike Adamski set out from Pier 30 in San Francisco to recreate Horatio’s Drive using an electric powered 1963 Volk swagen bus, known the EV West Rust Bus. Our plan was to follow the 1903 route of the first ever crossing of America by automobile by Horatio Nelson Jackson. Although we traveled on much improved roads, we were confronted with the challenge of finding charging stations, just as Jackson was challenged in his search for gasoline. Even our fuel ranges were similar, ap proximately 180 miles. By referencing the documen tary and its companion book, our goal was to discover and document the changes, and also the similarities that exist in America’s landscape and people, one hun dred and nineteen years after Horatio’s journey. Once we reached New York, Mike flew home and I was joined by my lifelong friend, Larry Newland. Our return route followed as closely as possible the

What if Porsche came out with a VW-Porsche Bus? I am guessing but most of you probably never knew this. In 1898, Ferdinand Porsche designed the Egger-Lohner C.2 Phaeton. The vehicle was powered by an octagonal electric motor, and with three to five PS it reached a top speed of 25 km/h. In 1899, Porsche joined the carriage maker in Vienna, k.u.k. Hofwagen fabrik Ludwig Lohner & Co. There he developed the electric wheel hub motor. In 1900, the first LohnerPorsche Electromobile with this innovation was pre sented at the Expo in Paris. With 2 x 2.5 PS it reached a top speed of 37 km/h. The following story by Jack Smith a friend and neighbor of Jeff Koskie was nice enough to share his story about a trip he made with a VW-Porsche Electric Bus with us. Maybe some of you have been lucky enough to see this great creation around the Central Coast.

The Coastalaire August 2022 26 VW - Porsche Electric Bus? Main Story &


Photos by Jack Smith / Intro & Comments by Bob Kitamura


More about Horatio Nelson Jackson’s First Automobile Crossing of America

When I mentioned the idea to Michael, he immedi ately responded “If you want to do this, I’ll loan you any electric vehicle I own”. After a few more conver sations we decided on using the EV West Rust Bus, an iconic 1963 Volkswagen bus that has been converted to modern electric propulsion. The adventure took us six weeks, both legs of the crossing took us twenty one days…and we never ran out of juice! Here’s the reason for the title of Jack Smith’s ar ticle...

In 1903 Dr. Horatio Nelson Jackson was prompted by a barroom bet of fifty dollars to make the first auto mobile crossing of America. This was at a time when automobiles were viewed as unreliable and not suited SAN FRANCISCO

Photos by Jeff Koskie

The Coastalaire August 2022 27 original route of the Lincoln Highway, America’s first transcontinental road. Dedicated in 1913, it winds its way over 3,000 miles between New York City and San Francisco. As with the recreation of Jackson’s drive, we were interested in seeing the change in the land scape and people along the Lincoln Highway.

I’ve pushed a skateboard across America four times (1976, 1984, 2003, 2013) and became the first to ride an electric skateboard across the country in 2018, I was inspired to retrace Jackson’s route after view ing the documentary, “Horatio’s Drive: America’s First Road Trip” produced by Ken Burns and Dayton Duncan. I decided I wanted to make the journey in an electric vehicle. Similar to Horatio, I didn’t have a suitable vehicle for the journey. I immediately thought of my longtime skateboarding friend Michael Bream, who owned Gravity Skateboards one the largest longboard companies in the world, before selling it in the mid-two thousand teens. Having an incredible curiosity for the latest technologies, Michael founded EV West, which quickly became the leader in trans forming sweet classic cars into sweeter classic cars by converting them to run on electricity.



Setting out from the Palace Hotel in San Francisco on May 23, 1903 in a Winton automobile, along with his mechanic, Sewall Crocker and eventually a dog named Bud, they soon found themselves confronted with innumerable obstacles. Inaccurate maps, break downs, waiting for spare parts to arrive by stagecoach, fording streams and rivers with no bridges, miles and miles of mud, endless days of dust, lack of lodging and backtracking after being given incorrect directions were amongst the many challenges they faced. Sixty three days and eight thousand dollars of the good doctor’s money later, they arrived in New York City, winning the bet, of which Horatio never collected.


The Coastalaire August 2022 28 VW - Porsche Electric Bus?

The Lincoln Highway is the first road for automo biles across the United States of America. Conceived in 1912 by Indiana automobile entrepreneur Carl G. Fisher, and formally dedicated October 31, 1913, the Lincoln Highway runs coast-to-coast from Times Square in New York City west to Lincoln Park in San Francisco, originally through 13 states: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, and California. In 1915, the “Colorado Loop” was removed, and in 1928, a realignment relocated the Lincoln Highway through the northern tip of West Vir ginia. Thus, there are a total of 14 states, 128 counties, and more than 700 cities, towns and villages through which the highway passed at some time in its history.



More about The Lincoln Highway

for long journeys. They weren’t even considered to be much of a threat to the horse. Paved roads were scarce, being barely 150 miles of paved roads throughout the entire United States. There was no such thing as a gas station. Fuel for his adventure was bought from hard ware stores and farmers along the route.


The Coastalaire August 2022 30 Drivers Education & Parade Lap California Central Coast Region Porsche Club of America Drivers Education & Parade Lap at Laguna Seca on September 26th is Now Open for Registration By Bob Bruington

The Coastalaire August 2022 31 enced driver showing you the racing line. Friends and family can join you in the car for the 25 minute session. This is so safe, helmets or other safety equipment are not required. The speed will be perfect for your classic 356 or seventies 911. To see 30 or so beautiful classic Porsches running down the track would be fantastic! The price is only $50.00 per car. You can register on under CCCR Laguna Seca Parade Lap Session and CCCR Laguna Seca DE for the DE portion. This is not a Porsche only event, if you have other cars you want to bring, please do so. All of the PCA Regions are encouraging more women to come to the track events. To do so, we are giving a 50% discount for all women who would like to join us for the DE. As of this date, we have 13 women registered for the event, a record for our events! CCCR will be holding a Drivers Education event at Laguna Seca Raceway in beautiful Monterey, September 26th. Ever want to know how it feels to drop three stories in the infamous Corkscrew? Turn in at the Andretti Hairpin? Now is the opportunity to do just that. The DE portion of the day will have four run groups, novice through expert as usual. Instructors are in high demand. Laguna Seca will be closed for most of 2023 for resurfacing and repair of the track, this may be the last opportunity we will have to rent this fantastic layout until 2024. Please sign up early, it is first come first served for instructors. Ready to get that classic 356 or early 911 on the track but don’t want to drive at the higher speeds of the DE session? During the lunch period of the Drivers Education event, we will have a Parade Lap for those who would like to drive this famous racetrack at very moderate speeds. You will follow a pace car driven by an experiSee You On the Track !

The Coastalaire August 2022 32 Porsche Santa Barbara Event RSVP to 805.682.2000 to Receive Your Ticket for Entry to the Event Location: 402 South Hope Ave., Santa Barbara SantaPorscheBarbara

10:00 - 4:00 PM Bars stocked with variety of alcoholic beverages for purchase

The Coastalaire August 2022 33 Werks Reunion Monterey Monterey, CA August 19, 2022

7:00 - 9:00 AM Registered Judged Cars placed on judging field

11:30 - 1:00 PM Lunch available for purchase from onsite Food Trucks

2:00 - 3:00 PM Awards Ceremony

ALL DAY Porsche Corral & Spectator Lot open

1) Porsche Corral — Display your cherished Porsche proudly alongside others of its model type. Corral participants are not considered in judged competition.

The popular Porsche show, Werks Reunion, is headed back to Monterey, CA on August 19, 2022, showcasing a breathtaking array of Porsches that are sure to excite Porsche enthusiasts! Porsche Club of America (PCA) welcomes all Porsche clubs, owners, and enthusiasts to join us for our eighth Werks Reunion Monterey. Membership is not re quired to participate in this celebration of Porsche automotive engineers. Expect to view a spectacular array of Porsches, from rare classics to current models and everything in between. Display your own cherished car in model specific Porsche Corral or enter the Porsche Judged Field and compete to win a unique Werks Reunion Trophy. Paid Spectator parking is also available for non-Porsches the day of the event. ($40 cash at the gate).

7:00 - 10:00 AM Coffee and breakfast items available for purchase 9:30 - 12:00 PM Judging

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Youth Judging sponsored by Hagerty


Werks Reunion was created by the Porsche Club of America as an event to celebrate both the Porsche marque as well as the camaraderie of be ing an enthusiast. This is not a contest of who has removed dust from the deepest crevices in their Porsche but rather a judged show that rewards a Porsche that has been lovingly maintained and presents itself well on the field.

2) Porsche Judged Field — Compete against other owners to take home a Werks Reunion Award. Register early as this category sells out fast! Youth Judging sponsored by Hagerty will be available at 10:30 AM. To register, please send the child's first name and age to pcajuniors@pca. org with the subject line: Werks Monterey Youth Judging. You do not have to be a PCA Junior to participate.

*Please sign up ahead of time.

The link for registration is available on

Registration for Werks Reunion Monterey Werks Monterey registration will open May 25, 2022 at 9:00 AM (PDT). Porsche owners interested in participating must register in one of two categories:

7:00 AM Event Check-in opens

GCR PCA the incoming air and end up on the Mass Airflow Sensor’s surfaces, eventually damaging it or hamper ing its ability to “read” the correct amount of incoming air which is shared with the car’s computer in order to maintain the optimum mix of air/gas.Theirclaims of better filtration are not real. You can do a simple test. Clean the inside of your car’s air intake system, from the air filter housing to the throttle body. Install a new OEM foam/paper filter and drive normally for 30 days. Inspect the intake system and wipe clean with some white-colored paper towels. Keep the used towels for later comparison. Now, with the intake clean again, install a new Hi-Flow, oiled air filter and again drive normally for 30 days. Go back and wipe clean your intake system with fresh white paper towels and compare with the previously used towels from the previous 30 days. I guarantee that you will clearly see the difference, in favor of the OEM foam/paper filter. As per the more horsepower claims, the ONLY way to make more horsepower in an internal com bustion engine is by passing more air through it. But the filter is NOT what dictates the amount of air that reaches the engine. That’s the func tion of the throttle body. The TB is the limiting or restricting piece in the flow of air. Making that claim is akin to saying that if you drink from a larger container you can drink more water. The amount of water you can drink is restricted by your throat’s size. You can’t drink more than your throat will pass even if you drank from a 5 gallon bucket. So, why would anyone want to install an aftermarket filter that passes more dirt to the engine, fouls the MAF and doesn’t allow more air into the Tandempistons?tothe Air Filters is usu ally a “cold air intake” kit. First of all, all modern Porsches already have a cold air intake, mean ing that the air that reaches the filter and then the engine comes from outside of the engine bay, hence “cold”. Many times these “cold air intakes” actually are the contrary as they allow hot air from the engine bay to get to the engine. The colder the air, the more dense it is and the more power it can make. Termostat My second pet peeve is the Low Temp Thermostat. These claim that it will keep your Porsche’s engine running cooler and hence, better. It will do neither. The thermostat in your house can keep the house cooler when you dial down the temperature. This is so because it keeps the A/C compressor running longer and pumping in more Few things tick me off more than seeing people getting ripped off by falseThispromises.happens every single day and all around us. Every now and then I’ll get a call from someone who wants to find out more about a particular product for his Porsche, or better yet, wants to find out if a vendor’s claims are true, and the three most common are: High-flow air filters, Low-temp thermostats and high HP mufflers. Air Filters Let’s start with the first: HighFlow Air Filters. These are general ly marketed as lifetime filters. They have a metallic screen mesh with woven in cotton fibers that are then impregnated with oil. They claim to improve automotive performance and increase HP because they flow’s the other side of the story. If a filter passes more air than the OEM it means that it has larger holes. Larger holes also let more dirt through which is not good for the engine. Small droplets of the oil that impregnates the filter’s mesh and are supposed to catch the unwanted particles, get picked up by


The Coastalaire August 2022 34


The Coastalaire August 2022 35 these low temp thermostats will tell you that the OEM 185 degree thermostat won’t fully open until it reaches 200 degrees and that’s why you need the cooler one. If your thermostat takes that long to open, replace it with another OEM piece. Your car will appreciate it. Muffler


cal work and engineering that goes into designing and manufacturing a sports car muffler and generally the OEM is the one that makes the best exhaust for a particular car.

The original Porsche Sport Exhaust (PSE) is a superior product that I can highly endorse. It has valves that open or close depending on the engine’s performance and allow more gasses to bypass the muffler and thus free up backpressure. When the engine is not being taxed, the valves close and all is quiet.

There are several aftermarket brands that offer excellent exhaust systems as well, but they are very expensive since they are usually made from exotic materials such as carbon fiber, titanium, etc. When purchasing performance products for your Porsche do your homework and don’t get ripped off.

The third (and not the least) of my aftermarket pet peeves is the after market mufflers that claim better horsepower because the have better air Inflow.the exhaust system, the only part that can effectively improve the car’s performance independently of the rest of the system is a set of equal length headers because they can reduce wasted energy from a standard exhaust manifold. But a muffler by itself (the silencers) can only modify the final sound you hear as the gasses flow out into the at mosphere. A super efficient muffler cannot improve your car’s airflow because, as we now know, that can only happen by installing a larger throttle body. What many after market exhausts do for a Porsche is reduce its horsepower and introduce droning. There is a lot of acousti your Porsche (or any water-cooled car for that matter) the thermostat doesn’t work that way. Automotive thermostats are a simple valve that can only be open or closed, period. When you start your cold Porsche in the morning, the thermostat is closed. It stays closed so that the small amount of coolant in the engine is circulated within the engine and can warm up to operat ing temperature quickly. Once this coolant reaches the optimal temp, lets say 185 degrees F, the thermo stat opens and allows the coolant to travel to the radiators and back to the engine and maintain it’s optimal temperature. If you are stuck in traffic and there’s no airflow through the radiators you’ll notice the en gine’s temp will rise a bit, so the car turns on its radiator fans to force air through the radiators and keep the coolant’s temp where it should be. But installing a lower-temp ther mostat, for instance, a 165 degree F, will not keep the engine cooler, in fact the only thing it will do is open before the engine reaches its operating temperature. After it gets to 165 degrees it stays open and has no more temperature-controlling ability. It’s up to the radiator fans and or your speed through the air to maintain the engines temp. So, why would anyone dish out their hardearned money and install a generally more expensive thermostat that will just keep the car from warming up sooner?Some of the vendors that offer

Happy Porsche’ing, Pedro For more information on all things Porsche, please visit my www.PedrosGarage.comwebsite: 2018 Technolab /

Webmaster - Joe reported we are up to date.

Board Meeting Activities Report - Gil’s report is delayed due to Gil’s absence Safety Director’s Report: Nothing to report Driver Education’s Report - Buttonwillow had 69 cars and was a success and was profitable! Laguna Seca cost $27,000 this year. We will need 69 cars to breakeven at Laguna Seca. We’re trying to get more women by offering a discount of 50%. Report was moved and accepted.

Past President: Not present Newletter Editor - Not present Old Business - No report Respectfully submitted, Carol Walker The meeting was called to order at 6:06 PM on June 1, 2022 at San Luis Obispo, CA

President’s Report - Andy asked if the The Regions Procedures Manuals (RPM) of 2021 & 2022 were accounted for. They were. There was a discussion about Laguna Seca. Action item: Chuck Jennings will see what he has to promote for AX. We discussed how to maintain members whose member ship may have dropped off our roster. The discussion continued on, multiple fronts. Andy asks how much money do we have? Answer: $45,000 approx. We agreed we should consider the Dr. Noor Foundation for a donation in 2022. We will donate $5,000. The board agreed to the motion to donate and it was approved.

Treasurer’s Report - Bill advised we have a bal ance of $44,619, up from the year before. We re ceived our refund from taxes paid. We show a profit from Buttonwillow of $4,400 and an AX profit of $3,400 approximately. We pulled the advert for Rock Chip Armor for non-payment. Chuck moved to approved the treasurer’s report and Joe Shubitowski seconded. The board voted to approve.

Membership Report - Joe Shubitowski reported on Sanja’s behalf: We have 716 total members, 429 Primary and 287 Affiliate members.

Autocross Report - Chuck reports that Jon Milledge is very valuable to our Autocross pro ductions. Chuck is his protégée learning how to use MSR. Drivers who change cars must report to Chuck before they drive. Tires are the most impor tant factors in controlling cars in Autocross. They must report the production date of the tires and the tire wear rating on the tech form. This is a new rule.

Vice-President’s Report - Ron advised that there were some missed added board members for 2022 due to a mistake by PCA National. Ron will correct this with Charlotte. Ron also brought the board up to speed on what he’s been working on with a possible chef for our NMBBQ later this year. We discussed a more central location that might draw more mem bers if we can find one. Ron said he would keep Gil up to speed on what’s been discussed with Justin Monson and we will look for venue options.

Director at Large - Joe Kuntze reported CCCR gets 50% of any profits generated by the Porsche 356 registry West Coast Holiday.

Secretary’s Minutes - Carol was absent. Bill Chad wick moved to accept the May minutes and Joe Kuntze seconded. We voted unanimously to accept the minutes.

The Coastalaire August 2022 36 CCCRPCA Board Meeting Minutes June 1, 2022

The Coastalaire August 2022 37 PCA-CCCR Anniversaries 9 Years Ralph Bush 10 Years Richard Nohr 11 Years Christan Striepen 13 Years Bob Bruington 14 Years Alyce Thorp 15 Years Edward Musolff 16 Years CharlesBuzzetti 17 Years Gary Flanagan 19 Years Howard Glidden 20 Years Brian Eddy 22 Years Arthur Chilcote 25 Years James Lokey 27 Years Don Duff 38 Years Gary Ferguson 41 Years Gary Keltz 54 Years Sam Mancino Total 704MembershipCCCR 1 Year Ricardo De Leon Gary Waer 2 Years Nancy Mickel 4 Years Dave Low 5 Years Gordon Goetz Mike Manning Jake Rabon 7 Years Richard Dixon Frank Sances 8 Years Judy DavidJohnGeorgeAlessoGarciaKauffmannTozer

The Coastalaire August 2022 38 All rates are for 12 monthly issues from the date started. Full Page.....$ 950 / year 1/2 page.......$ 600 / year 1/4 page......$ 400 / year 1/8 page or Business Card $ 300 /year PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS and SPONSORS Their support of our club is greatly appreciated, so you are encouraged to make your first call to those advertising in the Coastalaire. Let them know that you saw their ad in our newsletter. We also encourage you to advertise your busi ness in our newsletter. If you are interested please contact Bob Kitamura coastalaireeditor@gmail.comat Advertising Rates Advertiser Index and Rates 2........ Porsche Santa Barbara 8.........Pedro’s Garage 8 ....... ADARA Med Spa 9 ........Baywood Inn 9.........Vintage Autobody 11........The Stable (formerly SGS) 38........German Auto 38........The Tire Store Ad Page Location

The Coastalaire August 2022 39 Embroidered Porsche and CCCR Logos available at Poor Richard’s Press in San Luis Obispo. Zone 8 Contacts CCCR Logo Store For more details call Ken Finney at (805) 542-9671 Zone 8 Officers

Kitamura SeptemberatEducationCCCR-PCADrivers&ParadeLapLagunaSecaon26thNowOpenforRegistration

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