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CCCRPCA Board Meeting Minutes

December 7, 2022 Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:02 pm at Piadina’s.


Our Board:Attending were Andy Winterbottom, Ron Green, Chuck Jennings, Bob Kitamura, Bob Bruington, Joe Shubitowski, Carol Walker, Bill Chadwick, Gil Igleheart, Joe Kuntze, Jeff Bartel, and Mark Schilling.

Absent was Sanja Brewer.

President: Andy discussed our meeting venue. The January meeting will be here at Piadina’s. In the future, the SLO Country Club room is too small and the new Porsche dealership is a possibility. Sanja will inquire as to a larger room here at Hotel SLO. Joe Kuntze likes the Porsche dealership.

As for accounts receivable, we have received no money from the 356 Registry to date. Also, we may consider alternate venues for the Holiday Party.

Vice President: Ron Green needs emails and phone numbers of new board members for the RPM.

Secretary: Carol sent the minutes by email. Bill Chadwick moved to accept the minutes. Joe Kuntze seconded and all approved.

Treasurer: Bill Chadwick reported that total club income for 2022 was about $120,000. We are allowed 15% of that amount in non-member income, and we are very close to that limit. However, we can offset some non-member income with our 2022 donations ($5,000 to NOOR Foundation and $1,000 to the Multiple Sclerosis Society) which will put us well in the clear for non-member income. Autocross received 37% from non-members, while DE received 15% from non-members. Dine/drives made $104 in profit this year. The end of the year projection is for around $40,000 as compared to $27,500 at the beginning of 2022. Chuck asked if we are paying Zone 8 for Autocross? Yes. And Bob Kitamura asked if we are invoicing Hotel Butler (George Garcia) for advertising? Yes. Bill has not initiated a tax CPA agent yet. Joe Kuntze moved to accept the report, Gil Igleheart seconded, and all approved.

Membership: Joe Shubitowski reported for Sanja there are five new members, 1 transfer in, two transfers out, for a total of 420 primary members, 282 affiliates, to total 702 members. Sanja will call the new members.

Activities: Gil Igleheart said someone suggested that at the New Member BBQ we offer them leis and name tags. It was suggested to have a check in table as well. There are some of the drive/dine events that are coming up short of money, there were four at the Gimmick Rally who didn’t pay. We will go to Brooks Burgers on Dec. 17; the Longbranch on Jan. 28; Feb. 25 San Simeon BB&G. We are going to try having one event a month with one cars & coffee meet up.

Safety: No report.


Autocross: Chuck Jennings talked about resurfacing the Autocross track, stating that we have to order a minimum quantity of materials and if there are leftovers, we can possibly use it in other areas. The Autocross schedule is set except for one month that conflicts with a DE event. There are three Zone 8 Autocross dates, which is what they requested. Last year the Autocross school was very successful and he would like to hold another one this year. If we repave the track, the curing period is probably 24-48 hours. The Corvette club could potentially contribute a third of the cost but they haven’t approved that yet.

Driver’s Education: Bob Bruington set the date for Buttonwillow for May 5, 2023, which coincides with the GGR event on Sat/ Sun. GGR may not hold theirs because they keep losing money. We could offer them a kickback and if we go to their event, we would get it back. Laguna Seca is set for June 26. Late October we will go to the new track at Buttonwillow. Laguna Seca budget is going up to $30,000. The track is newly resurfaced and he’s sure people will want to attend. The estimates for track resurfacing at Santa Maria are $15000-$29000 with the higher estimate having the wrong square footage. He will report in January on the final estimate and is hoping for the $15,000 range. Bob stated he would like to be Vice President next year and suggested we need to review the By-laws. Gil, Joe S, Bob B. and Ron will be the committee to review them.

Newsletter: Bob Kitamura said our next print issue will be in January. Gil will ask the new SLO Porsche dealership for advertising and to sponsor the New Member BBQ. Bob will compose an article in the newsletter on both the Santa Barbara and SLO dealerships. Gil will work with Bob K.and Bill on advertising from the dealerships.

Website: Joe Shubitowski stated the calendar is up to date. He has published an email for Brooks Burgers next week. He is meeting with Scott Burns about the web page updating for more social media information. He will compose the nomination article for Alfred Abken for Enthusiast of the Year.

Director at Large: No report.

Old Business: None

New Business: Andy introduced our two board members, Jeff Bartel and Mark Schilling.

The next meeting will be January 4 at Piadina’s, Hotel SLO. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Walker Secretary, CCCR-PCA

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