Coastalaire - October 2022 Issue

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California Central Coast Region Porsche Club of America

October 2022 Issue
The Coastalaire October 2022 2
The Coastalaire October 2022 3 Coastalaire October 2022 D&D - San Simeon Bar & Grill Santa Barbara Porsche Oktoberfest Club Information 4 Member Services 5 Board of Directors 6 Prez’s Corner 7 Get Out & Drive 41 Anniversaries 42 Advertiser Information Club Events 10 Club Events 12-15 Club / PCA Events 16 Autocross 2022 17 Drivers Education 2022 PCA / Zone 8 News / Porsche Items 7 Kit’s Kar-tune 38 Porsche Tech 40 CCCR Board Minutes 43 Zone 8 Staff - Officers 43 CCCR Clothing Porsche Tech - Pedro’s Garage DE WeatherTech Laguna Seca 18 22 28 38 A Porsche Club of America Award Winning Publicationn 356 Registry - West Coast Holiday 30 36 Bonneville National Speed Week 34 18 22 28 34 36 38

California Central Coast RegionCover Story of the Porsche Club of America


Creative Editing and Layout

Chris Kitamura

The Coastalaire is available on the CCCR website at http//

The Coastalaire is published online every month and printed in January, April, July and October

Member Services

Classified Ads

This month’s cover shows a few of the classic 356’s that were on the tarmac at the Estrel la Warbird Museum at this year’s West Coast Holiday Car Show

Classified ads are posted in the CCCR PCA website at Submit your text and photo (if required) by email to: Joe Shubitowski at

The editor reserves the right to edit the ad if it is over 40 words. The ad is Free To Members.

CCCR Name Badge


Alfred Abken

Pedro P. Bonilla

Bob Bruington

Bill Chadwick

Ken Finney

Ron Green

Gil Igleheart

Chuck Jennings

Joseph Kuntze

Joe Shubitowski

Bern Singsen

Carol Walker

Andy Winterbottom


Alfred Abken


Dave Jeffords

Chuck Jennings

Jeff Koskie

Bob Kitamura

CCCR / PCA Mailing Address:

California Central Coast Region of Porsche Club of America (CCCR/PCA)

3030 Johnson Ave.

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

California Central Coast Member Name Badges. Cost for your beautiful 5-color CCCR standard badge with pin, swivel clip or magnet closure: $20.00. First Name, Last Name, optional 2nd line, for example, your club office within the club, your Porsche model. To order contact Joe Shubitowski at

Coastalaire is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, California Central Coast Region. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the of ficial position of the California Central Coast Region of the Porsche Club of America, its officers or members. Permission is granted to charter regions to reprint if appropriate credit is given to the author and Coastalaire, with the exception of copyrighted material. Any material appearing in the Coastalaire is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the California Central Coast Region, its Board or Appointees, the Coastalaire Editors, or its staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication.

The deadline for submission of articles is the 5th of the month preceding the month of publication.

The Coastalaire October 2022 4

The Prez’s Corner

Dear loyal Porsche colleagues,

This is my October missive and there shall be two more for my final term as “El Presidente”. From here, I may graduate to "Past (but not too far gone) President". Once again, I would like to call out some of the outstanding board member contributors in no particular order. I'd like to group Carol Walker and Gil Igleheart together first:

CAROL AND GIL: Gil as our never faltering activities di rector and doer. Carol, for not only being an activities doer, she is also our steadfast secretary whose minutes capture the essence of our board meetings. Coming up soon is the New Members Bar-B-Que on November 12th at the estate of Bonnie and Jason Len. This event is free to members of the California Central Coast Region because it is fully subsidized by the revenue from the Autocross and Drivers Education events, which means Chuck and Bob spent less then they brought in!

CHUCK "CONCOURS" JENNINGS: Chuck has for the past several years been our “Autocross General” and has organized the Autocross School and six autocross events an nually at the Santa Maria Airport Jet Center. We "inherited" the teststrecke that Porsche constructed about ten years ago to host the North America introduction of the 991 series Porsche. Chuck leads the hard-working team of contributors who make the autocross events a sellout almost every time. These autocross events are also a significant profit center for our California Central Coast Region. Chuck is also a CCCR past president and labored for four years as such to keep us better organized.

SANJA BREWER: Sanja has held a number of CCCR board positions including being our past-president. She is presently is our Historian/Membership Director and orga nizes our Christmas/Holiday Party each year which this year will again be at the San Luis Obispo Country Club on December 3rd. Notably, this event too is significantly sub sidized by the "profit" from the CCCR motorsports events. Sanja is our longest serving board member.

RON GREEN: Ron is our vice-president of "this and that"; I know because I was formerly the vice president. Ron has been a strong contributor and among other duties organized and updated our bylaws keeping us current with the national PCA leadership.

BOB BRUINGTON: Bob is our Drivers Education Events Director and Chief Driving Instructor. We put on three D.E. events each year at venues such as WeatherTech Laguna Seca, Buttonwillow, Big Willow and Streets of Willow race

ways. Our last event at WeatherTech Laguna Seca attracted 71 drivers (of which 21 were ladies) with a full complement of D.E. instructors. It has been important to Bob to substantially increase the number of female participants in our DE’s. At the same time he recently organized a "Parade" session on the WeatherTech Laguna Seca circuit to promote more potential DE participation.

JOE SHUBITOWSKI: Joe is our Webmaster and Database Administrator; I don't know of anyone else on the board who has the technical chops to do this as well as Joe does. The recent 356 "Registry" West Coast Holiday, organized by Joe Kuntze, was successful in large part because of Joe’s vigorous efforts. Joe came to us from the Los Angeles Region and their loss is our gain.

BILL CHADWICK: Bill is our Treasurer and has kept us sol vent and in good standing as a non-profit with Sacramento and the I.R.S. Bill is a former C.E.O. who can be and is a C.F.O. as well for our benefit. You can find Bill at our motorsports and social events making sure everything is copacetic.

JOE KUNTZE: Joe K. is our Director-at-Large and was re sponsible for organizing the recent 356 "Registry" West Coast Holiday event. It turned out to be very successful and attracted more than a hundred Porsche 356s for a multi-faceted event around San Luis Obispo County. Joe is now helping to orga nize our activities.

BILL GIBSON: Since Bill is our Safety Director, it is no coincidence that all of our motorsports and social events have been "safe" so far. Even COVID has stayed away from our events as far as we know.

BOB KITAMURA: “Kit” is our Coastalaire Editor-In-Chief. Bob works tirelessly to bring to print four Coastalaire maga zines per annum along with the companion digital versions. Bob has CCCR in the Panorama national PCA magazine "From the Regions" on a regular basis. Our high quality glossy magazines and digital issues attract many advertisers for the benefit of our membership and the advertising con cerns as well. Again, given our finite bandwidth and talent, I commend Bob and all of our board members for their selfless contributions on behalf of our 700-plus membership. We are a volunteer organization after all.


Andrew Winterbottom

The Coastalaire October 2022 6

Get Out & Drive ........

Not that I was bored before, but this has been a very busy month for our club as you will see from this October issue. As you well know by now, we do not do anything 2nd rate, if we do anything, we do it to be the best. That’s because you as members deserve the best since you own the best car in the world, a Porsche!

Next year will even be a busier year than this one with a lot of opportunities to participate, show, compete, help with Porsche events. Besides all of our great club events there is the Porsche Parade in June in Palm Springs, the Werks Re union during Car Week in August, the Rennsport Reunion VII at WeatherTech Laguna Seca in September and many more Porsche-related gatherings in between. I will try to keep you informed as to what is going on.

Many of you new to Porsche probably do not know too much about the legacy that comes with owning a 356. I was fortunate enough to own and completely restore one. The recent West Coast Holiday 356 event we had in San Luis Obispo County was a great event thanks to many in our club. A great big thanks goes to Joe Kuntze and Joe Shubitowski for their unrelenting energy and hours of time spent on mak ing sure this event was the best ever. You will see a snapshot of the events in this issue.

If you haven’t seen it yet, we were in the September Panorama in the From the Regions section again.

As you can see from your local newspaper, TV and radio ads it is election time again. It is the same for us here at Cali fornia Central Coast PCA. You will be sent a ballot for those who will be running for the 2023 CCCR Board soon, along with their background information.

Make sure you check out our major upcoming activities. On page 13 is our annual New Members’ Bar-B-Que at the Len Ranch and on page 14 is our annual Holiday Party at the Country Club.

See you at one of our events and in the meantime, “Get Out and Drive”!,


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The Coastalaire October 2022 9

CCCR Events Calendar

Chuck Jennings, Autocross Director - Bob Bruington, Driving Events Director

OCTOBER 8th DRIVE & DINE - Cuyama Buckhorn Restaurant & Bar. Meet @ SLO Chevrolet at 8:30 am

OCTOBER 15th DINE & DRIVE - Harbor Hut Restaurant. Meet @ SLO Chevrolet at 8:30 am

OCTOBER 22nd TESTSTRECKE 56 - See page 14

NOVEMBER 5th DRIVE & DINE - Cypress Ridge Golf Course (Hardie Park @ 8:00 am or earlier

NOVEMBER 12th NEW MEMBER BBQ at the Len Edna Valley Ranch

NOVEMBER 19th DRIVE & DINE - Rustic Fire (meet at Porsche of San Luis Obispo @ 9:00 am

DECEMBER 3rd CCCR HOLIDAY PARTY - San Luis Obispo Country Club

Zone 8 Event

DECEMBER 10th DRIVE & DINE - Brooks Burgers (meet at Porsche of San Luis Obispo @ 8:30 am

FEBRUARY 11th VALENTINE’S - McPhee’s Grill @11:30 am

FEBRUARY 25th DRIVE & DINE - Rustic Fire

JUNE 18-24 2023 PORSCHE PARADE 2023 - La Quinta Resort, Palm Springs


Please note, these activities are planned subject to “clearances” from all PCA, Federal, State and local authorities.

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The Coastalaire October 2022 16 CCCR-PCApresents Details and Registration at or contact Chuck Jennings, Autocross Director @ (805) 459-7416 UTOCROSS 2022 C o m i n g S o o n ! Teststrecke 51 complete Autocross Academy complete Teststrecke 52 complete Teststrecke 53 complete Teststrecke 54 complete Teststrecke 55 complete Teststrecke 56 October 22

Drivers Education

The mission and purpose of the Porsche Club of America's Drivers Education Program is to provide a safe, structured and controlled teaching and learning environment. The PCA DE Program is designed so that participants can improve their driving abilities and acquire a better understanding of vehicle dynamics and driving safety. Participants will experience first-hand the capabilities of high performance automobiles in a controlled, closed-course environment and acquire skills that will enhance safer vehicle operation in all driving situations.


The Coastalaire October 2022 17
For any questions, you can contact Bob Bruington, Drivers Education Events Director at Willow Springs Raceway complete Buttonwillow Raceway complete WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca complete Go to to sign up

Drive ‘n Dine to San Simeon Beach Bar & Grill

On Saturday, September 10th, we had 33 people gather at MercedesBenz and Chevrolet of San Luis Obispo for our drive up the beautiful and “clean” California central coast! We’re very fortunate to have had the tail-end of Hurricane Kay come wash our dusty central coast and inland areas. The last time it rained here was on April 1st and that didn’t amount to much! The roads were vacant of vehicles, except for 17 beautiful Porsches…all years and models.

We were once again hosted by the kind and generous dealerships on Calle Joaquin at the south end of SLO. We have been gathering there for over 2-1/2 years… the coffee and donuts are provided by the kind and always smiling Jonathon Crabtree, our con tact at the dealership. If anyone is in the market for either brand of vehicle, please give them the first opportunity to take care of your needs…please!

After the signing of the driving waivers, safety briefing and some chatting, we headed west on LOVR. For some of our six new members that were present, that stands for Los Osos Valley Road. A very special thanks to Pat and Bob Howard for being our sweep car! Bob Howard did an incred ible job of keeping me informed as to where the last cars were, and his lovely wife, Pat, kept him on the road. This helps to keep the group tight so we can drive as a group and not individuals… much more impressive to the other Porsches that might be going in the other direction. This week there were three or so! I wonder how many of them wonder what it is that they might be missing…at least I hope so!

This week I was a spectator, as

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Photos by TB-1

Carol Walker drove her beautiful ‘87 Cabriolet. I left home without my keys, so she graciously offered to drive! I was going to let her drive my car so I could film the drive, more on that later, maybe! We did do this drive a bit differently. It had been a very warm, no, “hot” few days. I didn’t want to drive in the heat longer than needed, some of us still drive the older air-cooled models, without real good cooling systems! Both motors and interiors. We headed up LOVR to South Bay Blvd to Hwy 41 and then to Hwy101. We then went onto Vineyard and all the way to Adelaida Road. Most of the time we go right into Paso Robles but today we turned left and then on to Chimney Rock Road. A few members made com ments that they had never been on this fabulous stretch of road, it was freshly paved (6 months ago) and cleaned by the recent rain. It was nice, and a bit of a white knuckle ex perience for me! I now see why Carol doesn’t say a lot while I’m driving. We then came back to Adelaida Road, to Vineyard and the roundabout, and then onto Hwy 46 to Hwy 1. The drive was somewhat longer than nor mal (25 minutes or so) but well worth the added time…sorry Mr. G!

We arrived at SSBB&G to a warm welcome by Manny and staff. We were seated on the outside patio and very glad to have the warm sun beat ing on our hungry bodies…donuts don’t last long! Miguel Sandoval, the owner, made his way out and I quick ly introduced him to our members. He made me aware that we could do four “Drive ’N Dines” to SSBB&G a year…thanks Miguel! Our lunch

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Drive ‘n Dine to San Simeon Beach Bar & Grill

was delicious as always. It was nice to have 6 new members present, we introduced them earlier that morning so they wouldn’t feel left out. We must remember this one thing! “It’s not always about the cars, it’s about the people too.”

Your Activities Director and Tour Guide, Gil

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The Coastalaire October 2022 21 continued

356 Registry West Coast Holiday 2022

It all started in high school. I am not sure what for but my English teacher, Mr. Stowell, yelled at me for some thing, I am reasonably sure, I was innocent of from his Porsche 356. As I watched the tach go up and down, I was thinking it was the coolest thing I had ever seen!

Well, 40 years later I bought one. Total restoration on it has been fun. Then I went to the 356 Registry West Coast Holiday in Bend, Oregon last year and on the way back thought ”I can do this”. Down the rabbit hole I went. Ten months later we hosted the Holiday in beautiful Paso Robles thanks to the hard work of our local committee.

Our host hotel was the Paso Robles Inn where we began registra tion about 3:30pm on Wednesday, September 14th. Registration went surprisingly smoothly with each reg istrant receiving a bottle of Paso Ro bles wine and a goodie bag with gifts and a program. The Goodie Store was located on premises with grill badges and magnetic car plaques as well as the usual items. We adjourned for a wine and cheese reception featuring Sculpterra, Dresser and Clesi wines and some beautiful piano music.

The fun started the next day with a continental breakfast featuring baked goods from Cider Creek Bakery. We had a couple of “great” back road drives; one to Parkfield where lunch was catered by the V-6 Ranch and another was a tour of the Paso Robles wine country. The Evening was topped off by an elegant Santa Maria barbeque dinner at Cass Win ery where we were entertained by the beautiful Alice Cass on piano. We

The Coastalaire October 2022 22

had an off road adventure with, fortu nately, no injuries and miraculously no car damage not even a scratch. German Performance Auto was avail able for mechanical difficulties and several folks took advantage of their services.

Friday began with another conti nental breakfast and a drive to Pozo with a catered lunch by the Vintage Cowboy Winery. This “L O N G D R I V E” was for the hardy and fearless. We traveled to Big Sur then to Carmel, across Carmel Valley Road to Arroyo Seco and down Pear Tree Highway. Eight hours of twisty roads and iconic scenery with a stop for lunch at the Baja Cantina.

There were also self-guided tours of the California missions and Hearst Castle that many took advantage of as well as a wine and cheese pairing ses sion taught by Erin Gibson and then a winery tour. Dinner was on your own.

Saturday we were up bright and early at the Warbirds Museum in Paso Robles. We had a “wash and shine” show and six tech sessions including dyno tuning with Dave Ferguson; the Peter Schutz story told by his daughter, Lori; then advantages of LED lighting with Jules Delien; followed by an open mike session with some of the OG (Original Gangsters); then a session on 356 engine upgrades by the Godfather, John Willhoit; a fascinating discussion of Porsche poster art by Tony Singer and a final wrap up that delved into the mysteries of the 356 transmission by Paul Chris tensen.

We ended the evening with a great dinner, door prize raffle, auction of some great items donated by our

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Photos by Chuck Jennings, Jeff Koskie, Joe Kuntze & Alfred Abken

356 Registry West Coast Holiday 2022

generous sponsors, and the car show awards, organized by our very own, Gary Thies. Sunday was the customary swap meet with donuts and coffee before everyone hit the road. All in all a great weekend with very few glitches and no complaints, other than Larry Markham’s beautiful wife conning me out of my vintage Porsche jacket I got on EBay about 15 years ago. I guess I need to start looking for another one!

Many thanks to our donors, volunteers, and our Registry liaisons Debbie Cooper and Lori Schutz for helping us put on a fabulous event. See everyone next year at Rennsport Reunion VII in Monterey!

The Coastalaire October 2022 24
The Coastalaire October 2022 25 continued PARKFIELDCATERED LUNCH BY V-6 RANCH

356 Registry West Coast Holiday 2022

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The Coastalaire October 2022 27 continued SWAP MEET

DE at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca

We had a fantastic Drivers Educa tion Day at Laguna Seca on Septem ber 26th! Seventy-eight drivers attended the day with another sixteen in the Parade Lap Session.

Out of the seventy-eight drivers that attended, we had twenty-one student drivers, a record by far. Of course, if you have that many students you need to have the instructors to teach the students. Thankfully, many instructors heard my call of distress and answered the call. I have received many emails with gratitude from students to the instructors for giving their time and expertise. This is how we grow our sport, new driv ers with fantastic instructors. Thank you, instructors!

PCA is encouraging the Regions to have more women involved in the track programs. We at the California Central Coast Region, decided to give a discount to the women drivers who registered for the Drivers Education event. It worked! We had a record 14 women drivers attend the event. Thank you for supporting our event.

As I have stated before, the Driv ers Education events are much more than a day at the track. Social engagement with the other partici pants is just as important and wel come as the time we spend on the track.

Many of us stayed at the same hotel in Marina the night before our day at Laguna Seca. Guy and Alice Ober were gracious hosts for appetizers at the hotel before we walked to dinner at a Korean Restaurant nearby. We had a grand time at the restaurant with twenty of us at one long table. Brian Pritt, the

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A foggy morning, waiting for the track

new owner of The Stable (formerly SGS), by far the best Porsche repair shop around, picked up the tab for dinner that night.The Stable steps up for every Drivers Education event with free tech inspections and now the dinner too. We want to thank The Stable and Brian for the support and generosity they give the California Central Coast Region Porsche Club of America!

The day started early, 6:30 AM at the track, in a very, very dense fog. We made it through the registration and drivers meeting, but the fog still had not lifted by the time the first group was scheduled to be on the track.

As you can imagine, driving a car at high speed on the track in the fog is not allowed. Finally, the fog lifted at 9:20 AM making us only 20 minutes late. The track corner workers helped out tremendously by skipping a break period, which made up the lost time to put us back on schedule.

After the brief fog delay, the rest of day ran smoothly thanks to all of the volunteers who made the day much easier. Alfred Abken stepped up for the “Black Flag Station” as he always does. Joe Schubitowski handled the releases, registration and group announcements. Bill Deviny helped at registration, then had two students to instruct. Alice Ober helped all day at registration and on the grid. Johnny Becerra ran the pre-grid to perfection along with the grid workers; Rick Mareina, David Thompson, Scott Burns, Carol Walker, George Garcia, Bruce Mor genthaler, and Jeff Bartel. It does take a village to run these events smootly.

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Photos by Chuck Jennings, Dave Jeffords & Alfred Abken track to open Guy and Gil talking it over

DE at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca

Thank you all for giving your time and efforts!

The Parade Lap has become very popular with the people who want to experience the race track at a slower speed. Sixteen Parade Lappers joined us on the track at Laguna Seca. The “Parade Lappers” were escorted around the track by three very experienced drivers for thirty minutes at reduced speeds. The smiles after their time on the track said it all.

It is always a pleasure to report that there were no accidents. This is due to the extreme safety measures Porsche Club of America requires at all of the driving events. The track is by far safer than the street at high speeds.

If you want to really see what you and your car are capable of, join us on the track, you will not be disap pointed.

We are working on the schedule for the Drivers Education events for 2023. We hope to have three events as we have had in the past. CCCR will put out an announcement with the dates as soon as we have them secured.

If you ever have any questions about our track events, you can call me for the DE events at (805) 4310919 or email me at Aircooled For the Autocross events, contact our AutoX Director, Chuck Jennings at Hope to see you on the track!

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Alice is ready for a fun day! Alfred and Ken
Meeting A nice dinner the night before
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Klaus and Jeanie Peter, Tom and Jeanie Bruce Jon and Kenny comparing notes Tom and David George, Duane and David ChuckAndy leading the pack Barry headed down the “corkscrew”

DE at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca

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Willem Zahra Vince Jon George Fernanda Henry Nealon Andy Guy Pierre Charles David
The Coastalaire October 2022 33 continued
Bill Chuck Bruce and Ryan Jeanie following Pierre down the Corkscrew Guy Guy

Porsche Santa Barbara Oktoberfest Event

Story & Photos by Bob Kitamura

On Saturday, September 24th, Andy & Susan Winterbottom, Gil Igleheart & Carol Walker, and Jan ice & I were down at Porsche Santa Barbara for their Oktoberfest party. This was their party for thanking us, their customers, for our patronage. There was great food and many, many nice Porsches to see. Porsche Santa Barbara General Manager, Rene Verbrugge, even dressed in his best lederhosen and presented an event mug to Andy for his birthday! Thanks Porsche Santa Barbara for the great food, wine, beer and great service to our club!

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Bonneville National Speed Week 2022

I decided to attend the 2022 Speed Week at the Bonneville Salt Flats after skipping the 2020 and 2021 events because of Covid-19. I am a member of the Juggers Racing Team in the Bay Area and I contact ed one of the club members to verify that he would be attending the event with his race car and I agreed to meet him and his partner at the Salt Flats on Friday morning, August 5th.

When I arrived at the Salt Flats Friday, the weather was partly cloudy and the salt was in great condition. There were also race cars of two other friends pitted next to the car I was crewing on. We all went to get the cars teched and returned to our pit area. The other two crews left for the day before our crew, since we had a few things to work on. A strong wind came up suddenly, as it is prone to do. So we secured the pit area and equipment of our friends pitted next to us before we left for the evening. I went and checked into my hotel, and some thunder storms hit, so I stayed at the hotel instead of meeting the car owners for dinner.

Saturday morning a notice was put out that the Salt Flats were closed for the day due to mild flooding. So I went to the Wendover Airport, which is a museum. It was the WW II Army Air Corp training base for heavy bomber crews, B17s, B24s and B29s. Then I went to the hot rod car show back in town. I met one of the car owners for dinner Saturday night, while the other car owner went to Salt Lake City to pick up his wife at the airport. When we left the restau rant, there was a slight mist in the air,

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Getting ready to load up the race car My other friends about ready to leave Carrera in the pits Friday


but driving back to my hotel, it began to rain really hard. I waited in my truck for about half an hour for the thunder storms to let up, then went inside the hotel for the evening.

Sunday morning dawned clear and sunny, but a notice was put out that the event had been cancelled due to flooding of the salt flats. The car owners called me and said we were going to go out to the pits and load up the race car. When we arrived at the Salt Flats, it was totally flooded and there was about four inches of water at our pit area. We took off our shoes and socks, rolled up our pants, put on some cheap flip-flops we bought at the Dollar Store and waded out to load up the race car and pack up to leave.

Sunday evening we met to relax, had a couple of drinks and a great dinner.

There was nothing else we could do this year, so the story is short and not so sweet. We didn’t even have a chance to start the engine of the race car this year. Everyone headed home Monday morning. My race car own ers went home to Redwood City and the other two race car teams went home to the Grass Valley area. We may all get together again at the El Mirage Dry Lake in November. Salt flats update. The salt flats re mained flooded two weeks after the event and all further racing events planned for 2022 have been can celled. Hopefully Speed Week will return to normal with racing next year...... hopefully???

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Sunday at our pit area Other racers leaving Sunday leaving the Salt
Old-style hotrod at the car show Crazy style hotrod at the car
show Friday at tech

What’s In a Name?

If you read my articles, you may remember the one titled ‘Numerol ogy’, where we tried to simplify the digital nomenclature that Porsche has utilized to designate it’s models since their inception.

I’m referring to the partial list of Porsches: the 356, 550, 718, 911, 912, 914, 917, 918, 919, 924, 928, 929, 930, 931, 934, 935, 944, 935, 951, 956, 959, 962, 964, 968, 968, 980, 986, 987, 981, 989, 991, 992 ,993 ...... and that’s just the sports cars.

Porsche has also tagged some monikers to some of its icons. Where do those names come from and what is their significance?

Carrera - This name first appeared on a 1955 356A. This moniker makes reference to Porsche’s success in the 1953 Carrera Panamericana endurance road race held in Mexico.

In 1974, the same name was tagged onto the Carrera RS. After that, the name Carrera has become synony mous with 911. In 2004 Porsche again specifically used the name to identify its second supercar: The Carrera GT.

Carrera GT

Targa - In model year 1967, Porsche first tagged a new version of the 911 as a Targa. Like the name Carrera, Targa was used to reference to the Italian (Sicily) Targa Florio openroad race where Porsche had experi enced great success. The Targa was Porsche’s response to the rumors that convertibles could soon be banned in the US market. Therefore they made a convertible with an integrated roll bar. In the Targa’s Owner’s Manual it states: “Someday all convertibles will have an integrated roll bar”. Nowa days they all do.

Taycan Turbo S

Spyder - Meaning a lighter, nimbler version of a sports car. Its first use by Porsche came in 1955 when they introduced the 550 Spyder. The name came from the horse-drawn car riages of the 1800s. The lighter, less cumbersome 2-person carriages with tall wooden wheel spokes somewhat resembled spiders and the name stuck. Later, auto makes would tack Spider or Spyder on their special, lightweight sport cars.

In modern times, Porsche calls the top-of-the-line Boxster, the Spyder which is equivalent in performance to the Cayman’s GT4. And then, there’s the legendary 918 Spyder!


Turbo - In the Spring of 1975 the Porsche 930 Turbo was launched. It was a turbocharged version of the 911. This model quickly rose to the top of Porsche’s lineup and eventu ally the word Turbo even surpassed it’s physical meaning of an internal combustion engine’s forced induc tion, transcending to the full electric 2020 Taycan Turbo.

930 Turbo

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Boxster 987 Spyder 550 Spyder 918 Spyder 356

Boxster - In 1993 Porsche introduced the Boxster prototype at the Detroit Auto Show. It eventually went into production in 1996 as a two-seater convertible. The name Boxster is a contraction of the words “boxer” and “roadster”. Boxer in reference to the “boxer” engine so-called because each pair of pistons move in and out like a boxer’s gloves.

Cayman GT4

Cayenne - Debuting in 2002 the name is in reference to the cayenne pepper. A bold choice for this new SUV with a fiery nature.

Taycan - The first all-electric Porsche takes its name from two terms of Tur kic origin, translating approximately to “soul of a spirited young horse”. Porsche says that the name also re flects the brand’s roots and its future simultaneously, with the ‘horse’ reference reminiscent of the iconic silhouette on the Porsche crest itself. Taikan, in Japanese roughly means ‘physical experience’ – something you won’t fail to agree with once you sit behind the wheel of a Taycan.

718 Boxster

Cayman - The Central and South American Caiman is a powerful yet agile crocodile-like predator. In 2006 the Cayman joined the convertible 987 Boxster as it’s coupe version. They both evolved into the 981 and today into the 982 (718) versions of Porsche’s highly successful 2-seater.


Macan - The name comes from the Indonesian Tiger, acknowledging the fierceness that lies beneath the ve hicle’s elegant exterior. The Macan today is considered the sportiest of the compact SUVs.


Panamera - Again, referring to the Mexican Carrera Panamericana, the name was assigned to Porsche’s 4-door transporter.

987 Cayman

718 Cayman


For more information about Porsches and more, please visit my website:

Happy Porsche’ing, Pedro

The Coastalaire October 2022 39
986 Boxster Panamera
Ⓒ2022 Technolab /

CCCRPCA Board Meeting Minutes

August 3, 2022 Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 5:58 pm at Piadina’s in San Luis Obispo. All board members were in attendance.

President: Andy asked who will be on the nominating com mittee, and Sanja Brewer, Gil Igleheart, Ron Green, and Bob Bruington volunteered.

Vice President: Ron Green reported that upgrading the New Member BBQ with Oak and Vine Catering is pretty expensive. Their bid is $50 per person and adding in the venue charge, tables, chairs, port-a-potties brought the cost up to around $80 per person which just isn’t feasible at this time.

Secretary: Carol sent the minutes by email. Chuck moved to accept the minutes and Joe Kuntze seconded. All approved.

Treasurer: Bill Chadwick stated our bank balance as of the end of the month is $54,360. There are big expenses, around $24,000 or so, coming for Laguna Seca in September. The New Member BBQ is projected at $5,300 and the Holiday party is projected at $5,900. Autocross should make about twice as much as last year. We raised the entrance fee and the number of participants dropped which enabled more runs per driver. The dine/drive have profited about $250. Drivers Ed events aren’t as profitable but will come close to breaking even. We made about $4,000 on Buttonwillow and Big Willow was a loss. Joe Kuntze moved to accept the report and Joe Shubitowski seconded. All approved.

Membership: Sanja reported we have one transfer in from Sacramento.She has sent lapsed members emails to encourage their renewals. We have three new members, one transfer in, two transfers out, for a total of 422 primary members and 282 affiliate members. Our region total is now at 704 members. There is one test drive participant.

Activities: Gil Igleheart agreed that the proposal from Oak and Vine Catering for the New Member BBQ was just too expen sive for the club. He said the BBQ will be held at Jason Len’s home again with Sea Shanty catering. The port-a-potties will be upgraded to include wash stations. There was some talk of changing the date next year to possibly May or June. Gil has been contacted by Doreen Pankow from the Santa Barbara club, about a two week drive Zone 8 is putting on next year, which will start in Riverside and end in Las Vegas. He and Doreen will work together to coordinate a section of that drive from SLO County to Santa Barbara. On Sept. 3, there will be a car show at the Madonna Inn, but we won’t participate. Our next event August 20 will be a lunch at Laguna Lake park, ca tered by Aloha Catering, with a drive afterwards. Sept. 24 will be at Harbor Hut in Morro Bay. The Buckhorn Cafe in Cuyama

will be October 8.

Safety: Bill Gibson had no report.

Autocross: Chuck Jennings reported that Autocross #54 went very well. They were short maybe four cars and two people did not show up. He is guessing that maybe the cost of gas is hampering the DE events. Autocross #55 opened registration on Sunday and has 20 drivers signed up so far. Chuck talked about having the paddock swept and determined it will probably be best to wait until the beginning of next season. The Corvette Club will contribute $400 towards the $1200 fee. Then he dis cussed resurfacing and that we should set up a reserve of $500 per autocross event. He will talk to the Corvette Club and get an estimate for resurfacing to present to the board at the September meeting.

Drivers Education: Bob Bruington says that Laguna Seca is the next big event. They have 46 drivers so far and are about $10,400 short fo break even. He will get more aggressive in a month to encourage more sign ups. The women’s group has 13 so far and the parade lap has 7 drivers. The contract has been signed and the deposit was accepted. He will contact Buttonwillow but they will be closed 6-9 months for renovation of the track and buildings. The track fee for Laguna Seca is about $27,000 this year.

Newsletter: Bob Kitamura had no report. The Coastalaire is being printed.

Website: Joe Shubitowski said that Bob Kitamura has the files for all the anniversaries. He will get MSR set up for Laguna Seca. Joe is helping with the 356 West Coast Holiday event. Director at Large: Joe Kuntze is working on the 356 Holiday event. He has $29-$30,000 in sponsorship money. There is $40,000 in registrations. We are probably getting a nice return on this to help with some of our club’s activities. He needs vol unteers to help with drives and other venues.

Old Business: None

New Business: Gil asked about having a band at some of our dine/drives. We may give it a try.

The next meeting will be September 7 at Piadina’s, Hotel SLO. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

The Coastalaire October 2022 40
The Coastalaire October 2022 41 PCA-CCCR Anniversaries 5 Years John Gannon Jeff Richardson Richard Zacky 6 Years Mark Avery 7 Years Gary Enoch Monty Sepulveda 9 Years Joe Geiger 10 Years Andy Wong 13 Years Rich Halvorson Jeff Melton 14 Years Ward Reed 15 Years Kevin Nichols 16 Years Neal Daneman Joe Kuntze 18 Years Gregory Ross 21 Years Frank Skrah Stuart Stewart 25 Years Jack Keely 29 Years Frank Pekar 31 Years Greg La Cava 41 Years Ronald Smith Total CCCR Membership 703 1 Year Vikram Basappa Gary Cutshall James Hendry James Nelson Karyn Planett Christine Pritt Michael Sanden Craig Skeels Russell Smith Eric Spillman Scott Williman 2 Years Robert Howard Ron Palladino 3 Years Miguel Hernandez Charles Hill Brennan Johnson Thomas Reay 4 Years Tracy Liskey Del Ed Schneider
The Coastalaire October 2022 42 All rates are for 12 monthly issues from the date started. Full Page.....$ 950 / year 1/2 page.......$ 600 / year 1/4 page......$ 400 / year 1/8 page or Business Card $ 300 /year PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS and SPONSORS Their support of our club is greatly appreciated, so you are encouraged to make your first call to those advertising in the Coastalaire. Let them know that you saw their ad in our newsletter. We also encourage you to advertise your busi ness in our newsletter. If you are interested please contact Bob Kitamura at Advertising Rates Advertiser Index and Rates 2........ Porsche Santa Barbara 8.........Pedro’s Garage 8 ....... ADARA Med Spa 9 ........Baywood Inn 9.........Vintage Autobody 11........The Stable (formerly SGS) 12........Rock Chip Armor 15........PCA YouTube 42........German Auto 42........The Tire Store Ad Page Location
The Coastalaire October 2022 43 Embroidered Porsche and CCCR Logos available at Poor Richard’s Press in San Luis Obispo. Zone 8 Contacts CCCR Logo Store For more details call Ken Finney at (805) 542-9671 Zone 8 Officers
CCCR Coastalaire 3030 Johnson Ave. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 First Class Mail U.S. Postage Paid New Brunswick, N.J. Permit No. 1 Jennings-Kitamura

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