October 2012
Happy HalloWeen
What’s it all aBout?
boND BY THe lAKE Culture & Creativity
WHite Hot
Brighte n up your h ome th summer is
Family Travel
near, far, just dreaming…
HealtH & Wellbeing | art | give aWays | MaMaraZZi | education | WHat’s on | Food Coast Kids GC | 1
2 | Coast Kids GC
From the Editor… We are gearing up for a massive weekend October 6/7 as we join in the fun at the Surfers Paradise Kids’ Weekend! Come and visit our Coast Kids tent on the foreshore, where the kids can be real Coast Kids GC Cover Stars! That’s right – we are choosing a future coverstar that weekend plus for fun, the kids can have their very own cover shot to keep! Check out our What’s On calendar for heaps more fun this month, like the Bond by the Lake music event, a super special day out and great meeting spot to catch up with friends and family over a picnic.
FeaTures 9
Camp Out with the Dogs raising money for aWlQ – dedicated to helping animals
Halloween how to love it!
This issue we are talking travel, near, far and just dreaming of all the options we have – we go up in the air, into the bush, take in a day trip and more, so enjoy and we hope you get inspired to plan your own family adventure!
Gold Coast Parks
Growing up in Canada, Halloween was a huge event – almost as good as Christmas! Candies galore, dressing up and getting to stay up past dark – all highlights and we sense that the spooky trend is being embraced by all your little ghouls and goblins – what now? Read more and feel free to share any family friendly trick – or – treating streets or parties on our Facebook page.
the pathway to Wealth™
We also draw our top classes for the Dreamworld promotion ‘Win your class a Safari Excursion’ so make sure you keep voting for your class online www. who wouldn’t like a day off school at Dreamworld? Have a fab month!
movies under the stars and music in the park
Insurance / Finance
Bond by the Lake Celebrating culture, community and creativity
Travel near, far and just dreaming…
Home White hot items to brighten your home this summer
Regulars Sea Change
Life Skills
What we love, love, love
Eco Living
Editor: Keeley o’Connor l
Health & Wellbeing
Art dirEctor: emma mardaine l
AdvErtising sAlEs:
Daddy Diaries
Family Health
What’s On Calendar
The team…
Keeley o’Connor l leanne gibbs l jenni johnson l skye miller l marissa harding-smith l published by: Coast Kids gC pty ltd. po Box 5366 Q super Centre Qld 4218
Ph: 0433 808 257 l Fax: 07 5610 2035
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no part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without the written consent of the publisher. Content in Coast Kids gC is for general information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. the publisher, contributors and related parties are not engaged in providing legal, financial or professional advice or services. the publisher, contributors, editors and related parties are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken any person, organisation or any party on basis of reading information, stories or contributions in this publication, website or related product.
All About Her…
Nanas That Rock!
Art & Creativity
Coast Kids GC Magazine
Cover… styling by Bec Watts, photography by julie Willis photography Cover tent supplied by madison jane, 2 dawn pde, miami
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Online… Check us out online and our latest issues and join us on facebook.
Write to us… you can write to any of our expert contributors asking for guidance, or contact me with feedback or story ideas at Contact 0417 881971 Coast Kids GC | 3
JeNi boNE Features Editor jeni Bone has been writing professionally for 24 years, across newspapers, magazines, tv and online media, covering business, lifestyle and news, as well as in pr and marketing for global brands and media for the sydney 2000 olympic games. With hubby Carlton, she does her best to raise alex and sophie with inquisitive minds, a love of learning and sense of community.
Fe TaYlor Health & Wellbeing fe is the director of leaps & Bounds Children’s fitness Centre, fe taylor fitness and also the Children’s health & Wellbeing expo, held annually on the gold Coast. fe’s health and wellbeing programs are associated with the gCCC active & healthy program.
JANE WHittred Arts & creativity jane’s most rewarding role is that of a teacher. having been artistic for as long as she can remember and now being a mum to 3 young children. jane is also a qualified graphic designer, registered school teacher and owner of mrs red’s art room.
Debbie Hogg life skills one of australia’s leading Coaches & anZi Coaching Coach of the year 2010 debbie is co-creator of ‘life skills programs’ social & emotional learning programs for parents, she is passionate about ‘enriching the lives of Children’ and is a specialist in family coaching. debbie is a trainer, nlp master, author, mum to two girls and is a spirited & passionate coach who will encourage you to shine.
TAN Curtis
Behaviour specialist, counsellor & Facilitator
tan is managing director of fabic - a behavioural specialist centre offering clinical services, personal assessment, group training and public workshops. tan is author of the highly acclaimed book ‘Challenging Change’ as well as creator of useful take-home tools and programs to support managing behaviour issues and creating positive behavioural interventions for people of all ages.
Dr elen apTHomAs Family Health dr apthomas is a gp with over 18 years of private clinical experience. she is a graduate of the university of adelaide with a Bachelors in both medicine and surgery, along with a diploma of obstetrics and gynaecology, and a fellow of the australasian College of nutritional and environmental medicine.
anTHonY SHerRaTt daddy diaries anthony sherratt is a full-time stay-at-home dad who juggles looking after his twin girls, lecturing at university and contributing to a variety of websites and publications. he’s finally thankful for his insomnia.
dANa StroNg communication dana traded in international corporate communication positions with the likes of motorola and iBm to launch her own strategic copywriting business so she could have the flexibility to make her family her #1 priority. dana believes that clear communication is vital to parenting and to business, and she makes it her business to share her skills and experience with others.
4 | Coast Kids GC
Coast Kids GC
e g n a h C Sea one in Four gold CoaSt reSiDenTs is born overseas. Here, bree eve sHArEs Her FAmily’s sTorY oF migRaTioN, THE cHallengEs oF MaKing a neW HoME on THE oTHEr SiDe oF tHe world, aND tHe TraNSformaTioNS sHe is Hoping tHeir Sea CHAnge will bring. spoilT For CHoiCE some things have certainly changed for me since the beginning of the year when i was still finding my feet and looking for ways to fill the day. our days seemed to revolve around Broadwater park and its alluring combination of caffeine, spectacular views and happy children. as the year progressed, i discovered lots of different activities, signed up for classes, put my name on waiting lists and created a ‘bucket list’ of places to visit. But our days remained quite free and relaxed. and then, i started getting calls, one after another, that i had made it into classes. fast forward to now and i am frankly, a little run off my feet! an average week consists of swimming, playgroups, soccer, literacy class, numeracy class, book reading, crafts, singing and Kindy. yikes! on top of this, there are the things we just like to do every week, like cooking, painting, the beach and going to our beloved Broadwater park. it has to be said, we’re pretty busy! and i have also just started studying again for the first time in 17 years! i have a spreadsheet on the fridge of where we need to be and every week i have an over ambitious ‘to-do’ list. But as anyone with a four-year old will know, you can’t schedule everything and sometimes they just cannot be rushed. my son can lose himself in a game of lego for hours, spends large periods of time just roaring like a lion
and never tires of setting up a rescue missions in the garden. so, i’m quickly learning that there are just not hours in the day to do everything we want to do. i bet a lot of people cannot believe i am only just working that out, but i am. Where we lived in the uK, by no means a small town, there was time to do everything we wanted to do. there was something great on for children every day; between the library, the park, music class, swimming and playgroup. But the gold Coast is in a whole other league. i have never, ever been anywhere where there’s just so much on offer for children. and such a great mix of things too; from sporting, to educational, to cultural activities, to musical activities: we have experienced it all this year. i cannot believe how lucky we are to be living on the gold Coast surrounded by such fantastic opportunities for family fun! at times, i have wondered if i should cut back on the planned things that we do, after all we did move for a more relaxed lifestyle. But Woody is just thriving. i can see him growing fitter, stronger, more confident and happier by the day. so, i guess whilst that is the case i can continue planning crazy busy weeks full of fun. Bring it on!
I now call Australia Home! tAmmy VAgo, muM to alex, 3. telEComMutEs For An isp in ameriCA FroM seaTtle To VArSiTY lAkes, lived on THe gold CoaSt for THrEe YeaRS What brought you to Australia? my husband, philip is australian and we met playing scrabble and it just bloomed from there. We did the trips back and forth, one thing led to another, and he had a ring on my finger a year later! We started the process of getting philip into america and that took time. once his green Card was granted he had to be in america and married within 90 days. so, we started our life in america.
At what point did you decide your life was going to be in Australia? philip really wanted to do america first, so we started ticking his bucket list. We decided before our son, alex, was born that we’d move to australia when he was about six months old. We wanted the quality of life australia offered. things are a little bit laid back here. in that sense, i think australians have got it right.
What was the process of moving? i had to pack up our house whilst i was very pregnant. We started looking for a house and we found one in varsity lakes. We shipped some stuff over to make it feel more like my home - it was a costly move! We moved in to our house when alex was seven months old and really started making it our home. it’s beautiful here; i think we picked a really good place to land in varsity lakes.
How have you found such a big move? the first six months were very hard. it has been an adjustment, even learning where to shop and what to ask for. it was just transitioning for me. i would reminisce about america, being in the office or downtown seattle. i do not reminisce as much anymore as we have developed our life here.
What is an average day like for you here? in the mornings, i work from 6am to10am because that is 1pm to 5pm pacific standard time in seattle. so i have about four hours face time with my customers. alex is home with me at this time. he is awake at 7am, so i have an hour to work before he’s awake. i am not tied to my desk, so when i have do something with him, i can. i normally work another two hours throughout the day or evening. i always preempt new clients that i telecommute from the gold Coast and that i have a three-year old son at home with me. most people think that is wonderful. they understand. people say, “i wish i had that when my kids were growing up”. it has really worked out well because i feel i am able to raise our son and work.
How has the move changed you? i grew as a person in that first year. i am a better wife, better mother, better friend and better at work because i learnt a lot about myself that i didn’t know. as a couple, we have evolved so much in the nearly three years we’ve been here. at the end of the day, we only have each other. you learn to love someone much more when you do not have any other distractions in life. for us to experience this together was good. life is good. life is what you make it!
Coast Kids GC | 5
Reviews Apps
Coast Kids gC RevieWs THe lAtEsT in books, apps & entERTAinmEnt
apps can be a holiday life-saver for parents, particularly if you’re working, on the phone, trying to enjoy the rest of your meal, or have an appointment, all with junior in tow! here are two you may not have discovered which are recommended by the CK team.
Counting wiTH tHe Very HungRy CAtERpillar eric Carle’s famous book about a fruit-munching caterpillar has been turned into a fun educational game with a mathematical skew. your child identifies, counts and adds the foods over five levels, ensuring it appeals to a range of ages.
mAgic piano from Bruno mars to mozart, play the hottest songs effortlessly on the #1 piano game. this app by smule is a virtual piano that warps into magical shapes, with over 500 songs and more added each week. as kids get older, it will teach them to play an array of songs too, from pop hits to classics. free.
Books leMoNy sniCKET this is the first new series by lemony snicket since his phenomenally successful “a series of unfortunate events”, which has sold over 60 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 39 languages. “all the Wrong Questions” is lemony snicket’s first authorised autobiographical account of his childhood and will be told in four volumes featuring illustrations throughout by critically acclaimed artist, seth. “Who Could that Be at this hour?” is the first volume in the series, launching internationally in e-book and print formats 23 october. Hardie Grant Egmont, RRP $16.95.
ausTRalia’s greatEst invENTions & innoVaTions Christopher Cheng and linsay Knight the whole family will love this complete compendium of aussie ingenuity. We know about vegemite, the hills hoist and victa lawnmower, but did you realise australians also invented wi-fi, the ultrasound, plastic bank notes, dual flush toilets, spray-on skin for burns patients and the baby safety capsule? this fascinating book covers the inventions, their creators and how their creativity solved the problem. Random House, RRP $24.95.
tHe will To live, THE Courage To die tracey roberts
tHe elF on THe sHElF arriVEs in austRalia! since its launch in 2005, the elf on the shelf® has sold over 2.5 million copies in the us, capturing the hearts of children who have embraced the magic of adopting their very own scout elf, sent by santa Claus. this november makes the first time the gift set will be available in australia. at the start of each Christmas season, the elf appears to serve as santa’s eyes and ears, and every night it travels back to the north pole to report in. the gift set includes a north pole pixie-elf, hardbound children’s book and keepsake box. Children can register their elf online to receive an official adoption certificate as well as a special letter from santa. this special hide-and-seek game creates fantastic, fun-filled family memories in the lead up to Christmas. More at
WIN: We have 2 Elf on the Shelf kits for your family to start this wonderful tradition. To be in with a chance, go to and enter via the competition section.
6 | Coast Kids GC
this is the true story of sydney man, peter Bilsborough, who after a tragic surfing accident on easter sunday in 2010, suffered permanent spinal cord injuries. the book accounts peter’s life before and after the accident, and tells of his ultimate brave decision to turn off his life support system. though confronting, this book is a joyous celebration of peter’s life. Written by his niece, tracey roberts, it also helps educate people on the difference between spinal injuries and spinal cord injuries. A&A Publishing RRP $34.99.
Food sHocK dianne loughnan everyone wants to eat fresh, clean, nutrient-rich food that is ethically produced as well. But the vast majority of food in australia is mass-produced in an industrialised system and the results are not as palatable as the everyday shopper might imagine. our fruit and vegetables are sprayed with pesticides and herbicides, many of which have been banned overseas for years. our beef is more often than not produced in feedlots, where cattle are dosed with antibiotics. our chickens are ‘spin chilled’ in a chlorine solution to help preserve them, and also to whiten the meat. then there are genetically modified crops… the list goes on! in food shock, author dianne loughnan, former journalist and now commercial beef producer, investigates the issues surrounding food production and encourages us to ask some important questions. More at RRP$29.99.
WiN your ClAss a SafaRi EXCuRsion To DreamWorld! Coast Kids along with dreamworld are giving away a Class eXCursion to dreamWorld! go wild at dreamworld for a year end reward, explore over 500 animals including endangered and vulnerable species. if you go to school or kindy on the gold Coast, gather your classmates get voting online and choose a project to explore around these animals: • save the Bilby • saving the tasmanian devil • saving the Kroombit tinkerfrog • Wombat husbandry and research • save the Koala • tiger fund
some ideas are to write a short paragraph comparing the life of a tiger at tiger island or the zoo versus the life of a tiger in the wild. how do zoos help tiger conservation? or plan a fundraiser/ gold coin day to raise money to research how to help save these animals. you can do an art project and draw/paint Koalas, or research joeys and make a joey poke it’s head out of the pouch by using dreamworld’s template online. visit http:// for templates and more ideas. get clicking to win - encourage your teachers, parents, neighbours, grandparents and friends to vote online and list your school name and class, remember entries close 15 october at midnight. the five classes with the most votes will be shortlisted and given the opportunity to showcase their projects by photos/summary by october 22, 2012.
for Babies, Tots, Teens..... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
5a/2 CLASSIC WAY BURLEIGH WATERS and more information about our contest plus the terms & conditions: Enter online at today: www.coastkidsgc.
Quality, one-on-one, same therapist treatment DETAILED HISTORY TAKEN FIND THE CAUSE of your PAIN Whole body, Visual and Hands-On Assessment – NOT JUST A BODY PART Individually designed treatment programs FIVE UNIQUE METHODS OF SPECIFIC HANDS-ON TREATMENT TECHNIQUES to bring relief to and realignment of all your joints, tight muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and organs. First establish GOOD TISSUE & BONE ALIGNMENT with increased muscle length…then increase muscle strength Acute and chronic pain can be resolved Increase the range of motion of your joints Improved stability, balance and co-ordination Personalised, ongoing EXERCISE PROGRAMS Very experienced individual and team SPORTS INJURY physiotherapist Treatment for HABITUAL POSTURAL & MOVEMENT PATTERN INJURIES POST - SURGICAL shoulders, hips & knees POST - MASTECTOMY WOMEN’S & MEN’S PROBLEMS
BIRTH TRAUMA Brachial Plexus Palsy...nerve injury at birth, Torticollis Clumsy Kids, Walking on Toes, Lower Limb Re-Alignment Chronic Ear Infections & Pain, Glue Ear, Closed Ear Drum Pigeon-Toed, Post-Surgical Club Feet, Flat Feet Developmental Dysphasia of the Hip Joint, Congenitally Dislocating Hips Sprained Knees and Ankles Chondromalacia Patellae, Osgood Slatters Disease, “Growing Pains” Falling Down Injuries, Coccydenia (tail bone pain), Sore Neck & Backs Poor Posture, Kyphosis, Scoliosis Headaches, Head Injuries, Malshaped Cranium... Plagiocephy FREE INTITAL CONSULTATION FOR Temporomandibular Joint Pain (jaw), Babies, Tots & Teens when Orthodontic Problems mentioning this advert Post-Orthodontic Pain (braces)...jaw pain, 50% DISCOUNT INITIAL CONSULTATION FOR headaches, neck and back pain MUMS & DADS Colic, Reflux Babies, Constipation, Wind 10% FAMILY DISCOUNT FOR ALL OTHER Difficulty Concentrating, Sleeplessness TREATMENT SESSIONS Breathing Difficulties, Asthma & Bronchitis
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You can find animal fact sheets and ideas on the Dreamworld website:
and so much more…
EASY FREE PARKING, AFFORDABLE RATES, HICAPS All Welcome: DVA, Workcover, Private, MVA, Medicare CLINIC HOURS: Mon - Fri 7am to 7pm Saturdays from 7am until finish Coast Kids GC | 7
DorotHY THe DinosauR To get StoMpy aT THe kidS’ Weekend in SurFers paradise Help kidS Boost ConFiDence in THe ClAssroom and BeYoNd BrAveHeArts: StratEgy To keep kidS sAFE during national Child protection Week, 3 to 7 september, Bravehearts launched its strategic plan titled ‘the 3 piers to prevention’ – the culmination of 16 years of intensive research into how to reduce the incidence and ultimately, prevent the occurrence, of child sexual assault across australia. government statistics confirm the reality that one in five (59,000) australian children are sexually assaulted before their 18th birthday. ‘the 3 piers’ - educate, empower and protect - are solid foundations identified by Bravehearts to fulfil its pledge to make australia the safest place in the world to raise a child by 2020. the australian-first findings estimate it will cost $8 million per year for Bravehearts to deliver on its pledge whilst saving $5.22billion each year and preventing around 28,000 children from enduring sexual harm. tougher sentencing for repeat child sex offenders and mandatory reporting obligations for childcare providers are just two of the key recommendations outlined. Queensland is currently the top performing state across all 3 piers, closely followed by nsW and victoria. More at
talking heads public speaking offers after school and school holiday workshops featuring a variety of topics from confidence building right through to specialised programmes for experienced public speakers. talking heads director Karen smith says there are workshops for primary school students and teenagers. “our seven week workshops focus on confidence building using games, activities and practical exercises to teach the art of public speaking. each week has a focus which introduces participants to a topic like persuasive speaking, introductions or voice and movement,” said Karen. “for the more advanced students, workshops include things like debating, impromptu speaking and speech form and structure. teenagers will also find the workshops entertaining and informing. they will help teens improve their oral communication and harness some of the elusive skills that employers are looking for. term 4 after-school classes commencing 15 october will be held at robina Community Centre and st Kevin’s Catholic school Benowa and a series of holiday workshops will be launched soon for december/january. More at or Tel: 1300 650 198.
Wiggles star dorothy the dinosaur will headline a very stompy-wompy show full of super sandy songs when paradise resort presents the Kids’ Weekend in surfers paradise from october 6-7, an initiative of surfers paradise alliance. dorothy the dinosaur’s Beach party will set little feet stomping to a cavalcade of hits including Can you (point your fingers and do the twist?), having fun at the Beach and monkey dance. dorothy will be joined by her superstar friends, Captain feathersword, Wags the dog, fairy Clare and henry the octopus as the surfers paradise foreshore is decorated by the dancing and laughter of children. the weekend will offer a variety of attractions, workshops and entertainment, equally thrilling for parents as they watch their kids revel in the festivities during the warm spring school holidays. Kids will be presented with opportunities to play chef, street dancer, circus performer or magician, learning from the experts at free workshops including the mini Chefs, Beat the street dance workshop, Build-a-Bear teddy bear making, juggling and circus training and magician workshops. mini golf, a spiderman jumping castle, juggling lessons, arts and crafts and market stalls are all part of the offering. the free event, which is presented by paradise resort and is an initiative of surfers paradise alliance, will be held on the surfers paradise foreshore and the high street (underneath the hilton) october 6-7 from 11am both days. More at
Maria Nixon
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8 | Coast Kids GC
Sharon Dalton
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Coast Kids GC
CAmp ‘ouT WitH THe dogs’ Kids across south east Queensland are being urged to ditch their beds in favour of the backyard october 26 and 27 to raise money for the homeless cats and dogs of the animal Welfare league of Queensland. “out with the dogs 2012” is a fundraising event held by the aWlQ, a non for profit organisation dedicated to the rehoming of stray and abandoned animals. the inaugural event in 2011 raised $9000 and the aWlQ aims to double that figure in 2012. all money raised will go towards rehoming the animals at the aWlQ’s three rehoming centres located in ipswich, Beenleigh and on the gold Coast. Kids have the chance to win great prizes generously donated by local businesses including the titans football club, go Camping City farmers, ryan the lion and loads more. Register online at
Coast Kids GC | 9
Chocs & Pops
sTrEtCH like a RubbER band
“mAn NEver mAdE any MatErial As REsiliEnt aS THe Human Spirit.” bernard williams Words: Debbie Hogg
Resilience: is THE poWER or aBility to retuRn to THe origiNal Form oR poSiTion aftER beiNg Bent, ComprEsSed or sTRETCHed. (likE an ElastiC bAnd).
Chocs & Pops
can cater for any celebrations including: BaBy showers, Birthdays, Bridal showers, CorPorate events, high teas, weddings and Fundraisers. we stock specialised products including: dairy Free, gluten Free, Fair trade & organic
Chocs & Pops
e! happy for everyon a little Piece of leigh heads, Qld ur 3/27 Park ave, B
Ph: 07 5535 5023 10 | Coast Kids GC
as parents we sit back and contemplate how our children will grow up, where they will go and what they will do. We wonder if they have the confidence and skills to muster their way through the road works of life, make the right friends, do the right thing and have the skills to be able to say ‘no’ to things they need to say no to. We wonder how to help them more. What can we do as parents? Where is the text book? Were we supposed to learn this in school or from our parents? the challenges today seem more than yesteryear, bullying seems to be an ongoing occurrence for some, often children can have trouble making friends; things will be going well and then there are tears. it’s exhausting for parents because all we want is for our children to be happy, confident, resilient and settled. from a parent’s point of view it can give us a sad sinking feeling and a wondering of how we can assist them to ‘be more able’. the effect that it has on our children to not have these resilience skills of being able to ‘cope’ could leave them with bottled up feelings that can lead to misunderstandings, anxiety, anger and depression. When our children are unable to express their emotions naturally they are more likely to have angry outbursts that may come from being sad, embarrassed or frustrated. sometimes the inability to deal with
various stresses in a balanced way stems from a lack of understanding their own emotions and the feelings and emotions of others; also they can lack the abilities or skills to express what is going on emotionally for them. this leads to that merry-goround saga which can make everyone involved sad, unhappy and exhausted. some emotional fragility signs to keep an eye out for can be; bedwetting, extreme clinginess, withdrawal, regression of behaviours, nightmares and aggression. having the ability to ‘Bounce Back’ and turn things around is a good tool to introduce here. one of the most important things as parents we can do is nurture our children’s emotional development and start with supporting positive family communication. this includes positive reinforcement and praising our children for the positive behaviour and actions that they do and avoiding any negative criticism when something doesn’t go according to plan. a recommended book for this is “Whale done”, Ken Blanchard. providing consistency is vital for our children’s emotional health as it helps in avoiding confusion and uncertainty. as adults we like to know what is expected of us, the same goes for our children, when they know what is expected of them they will give it their best shot to comply thus avoiding any negative feelings.
Life skills an ExErcisE to Do WiTH your CHilDreN: tHinKing on THe brigHT siDe When something sad or difficult has happened, it doesn’t mean that it will stay that way. it depends on your attitude to the problem. When we look on the bright side things instantly look and feel easier. problems will often go away by themselves and many will go away by problem solving. Q. how do you solve problems that come across your path? Q. What does thinking on the bright side give to you? look at the situations in the table and turn the red thoughts into green thoughts.
Becoming emotionally resilient in childhood will provide a basic foundation for our children’s emotional health; now, in adolescence and into adulthood. resilience is the way we and our children cope with the ‘road bumps and hiccups’ in life. this is critical to a child’s development and in them leading a productive, successful and satisfying life.
“tHaT WHiCH doEs noT kill me MaKEs me strongeR”
FriEdriCH NieTzSCHE ninEtEenTH Century pHilosopHer
red thoughts
You do badly on a maths test
i will never be any good at maths.
You have an argument with a friend You make a mistake presenting to your class and get embarrassed
he/she will never play with me again.
You fall off your bike and hurt yourself You miss a goal and your team loses You get teased by someone at school
green thoughts i can get better at maths by practising and working at it. if i talk to him/her, we can work it out.
Everyone thinks i am silly. i’m so clumsy all the time. Why can’t i do anything right? i always get it wrong. Nobody likes me. What they say about me must be true.
Dont miss out.
Building a new home is now more affordable, take advantage of the new Government grants and discounts, talk to us about building a new home to suit your lifestyle. Sanctuary 28 is the builder of choice for home owners seeking quality, experience and flexibility that meet the needs of the great Australian lifestyle. Call Peter Hamlyn to discuss your needs - 0409 562 377 House and land packages available, over 100 standard designs to choose from or custom designs.
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Coast Kids GC | 11
What we…
carry all, covEr up
new from terry rich, the family amily Beach t tote ote made from the finest canvas that is water resistant, rot resistant, mildew resistant and uv treated! and nd it is big enough for all the families beach essentials. rrp $189.90 Available online at and nationally at David Jones. and one for the kids. terry rich’s erry r ich’s new sundowner cover-ups in upf50+ upf50+ sun protective fabric. rrp $49.90.
smoozE FruiT iCE
individually-packaged icy fruit treats, smooze fruit ice contain only 66 calories per serve and is made with a base of coconut milk, with real fruit added to create four delicious flavours – pineapple + Coconut, pink guava + Coconut, mango + Coconut and simply Coconut. Box of 10 rrp $6.49. More at
WEEgoamigo MuSlin Wrap
most mothers will attest to the usefulness of the (once) humble muslin Wrap… and in keeping with their necessity, are readily available in a host of colours, patterns, prints and plains. But now, thanks to the insightful designers at Weegoamigo, this ‘must-have’ item has emerged as a ‘storybook spectacle’ in a gorgeous selection of ten vibrant, digitally printed themes – sure to capture the imagination of babies everywhere. Whether it’s ‘World peace’ or ‘science’ or perhaps a modern take on the classic ‘paper dolls’ – every mother is sure to find a Weegoamigo muslin Wrap that brings a smile to her face. Available for purchase at The Baby Closet RRP $39.95
• Orthodontic treatment for all ages • Interceptive and early treatment • Adolescent treatment with fully bonded braces • Clear, Gold or Metal braces, colours available • Adult treatment - conventional and surgical • Incognito and Invisalign - Invisible Braces • Dentofacial orthopaedics for jaw discrepancies • Registered specialist with the Australian Dental Board • Flexible interest free monthly payment plans
12 | Coast Kids GC
AOB Australasian Orthodontic Board
CoMpoSTing At Home did you know about half of what we throw into the garbage bin is food and garden vegetation? making your own garden compost is a lot easier than most people realise. With a simple heap you can recycle most of your organic household and garden waste and enrich your garden soil at the same time. it’s also an extremely satisfying way to help the environment. and it’s fun (especially if you add worms!)
a composting system confines the organic material and often controls the conditions in the material so that the breakdown is accelerated. a composting system can be started in old garbage bins, wooden boxes, or in a simple heap.
your Four sTep guiDe To Creating grEAt CoMpoST
1. Choose a Site: place your compost heap or bin in a well-drained area that has some shade. too much sun will dry out your compost. 2. What to Compost: • green ingredients: Compost needs a mixture of nitrogen rich organic materials such as fruit and vegetable peelings, and green garden vegetation such as fresh grass clippings and green leaves. • Brown ingredients: nitrogen-poor, carbon rich materials such as dry leaves, woody twigs, paper and straw. • Water • some soil or completed compost to introduce composting micro-organisms 3. Layering: start with a thick layer of coarse material (15cm), such as twigs or mulch, this is used for drainage. then follow with a layered a,B,C system using the materials above a. garden clippings and kitchen scraps, B. dry leaves and paper (wet). C. add water after each layer to keep the heap moist but not wet. then repeat steps
ECo liviNg
Words: Jeni Bone
aBC. finish with step d. sprinkling soil or finished compost on top of food scraps will make a richer compost and help reduce odours. 4. Maintaining Your Compost: Keep your compost well aerated to prevent foul odours or methane. turn your compost with a garden fork on a weeky basis. otherwise place garden stakes or pipes through the heap to allow air in. depending on the mix of ingredients the duration for the compost to turn into a rich soil can be anything from six weeks to six months.
Cover your heap so that it is just moist, not wet. if it is wet or saturated mix more dry brown material through it and turn. make sure your material is cut into a small particle size as smaller particles break down more rapidly, and the addition of some soil will encourage the introduction of composting microorganisms which facilitate the breakdown of the material.
adDing worMs
let worms eat your organic waste. they will happily turn it into some of the best fertilizer on earth - worm compost, otherwise known as worm castings or vermicompost. only a few things are needed to make good worm compost: a bin, bedding, worms and worm food. By following the steps listed below, you will learn to make, maintain and use your own worm compost.
worM bins
your bin needs to be only about 30cm deep, since compost worms are surface feeders. you can build your own bin by using a washtub, dish pan, used shipping crate or a commercially available
SPECIAL! 10% off for Coast Kids Readers. To redeem, mention this ad in store or for online orders, enter code: CKVIP
worm bin – check out the options at Bunnings. just be sure your bin has a lid to keep out flies, rats and neighbourhood cats. it also needs holes in the bottom for ventilation and drainage. Because worms like moderate temperatures, place your bin in a shady location where it will not freeze or overheat. there are a lot of things you can add to a compost heap, and plenty you shouldn’t, so make sure you consult the experts, online or at your local nursery. More info at and
Great range of eco gifts Wooden toys & balance bikes Neoflam pots and pans BPA free baby products Handmade jewellery & handbags Books, DVDs & recycled stationery Organic & botanical skincare Free gift wrapping
Eco Vida @ 33 James Street Burleigh Heads Ph: 07 5535 2001 SHOP ONLINE: Coast Kids GC | 13
How To loVE HalloWeen
Words: Dana Strong
Creative, EnTeRTaining, EXCiting, FuN! THose are THe Words tHaT comE To MiND WHen i THinK of HalloWeen. growing up in Canada, we used to work for months thinking up and constructing our costumes. i’ve been everything from a giant papier mache pumpkin to a knitted bowl of spaghetti. our costumes weren’t necessarily about ghosts and goblins and ghouls – they were about imagination and originality. We’d have halloween parties and jack o’lantern carving and costume judging at school. our mums would send in ‘eyeball cookies’ and ‘frankenstein cakes’ and ‘severed finger hot dogs’. We’d drink ‘blood red’ cordial. after school we’d hurry home to do our homework and eat our dinner, get our pillowcases or plastic pumpkins ready for collecting candy, spruce up our costumes and pressure our parents to let us get out trick or treating. our house would be decorated with cobwebs and spiders and home-made headstones (‘here lies jonny yeast – pardon me for not rising’, ‘here lies myra mains’, ‘rip Barry m. deep’) and we’d have a spooky soundtrack playing on the stereo. if a parent couldn’t stay at home to give out candy, we’d just leave a big bowl full at the front door – all the kids knew and respected the rule that you just take a small handful. When we were younger, halloween was a family and neighbourhood social night. We’d stick pretty close to home, chaperoned by our parents, and at the end of the night all the neighbours would gather to let off some fireworks and drink hot chocolate together around a bonfire. as young teenagers, we’d venture further afield, without our parents, but we’d always be home in time for the fireworks and hot chocolate – and to compare our candy stashes with the other kids. as older teenagers and adults, we’d dress up in costumes to stay home answering the door and checking out all the cool trick or treater costumes. oh, sure, times have changed. our society isn’t considered as safe as it used to be. most of us don’t even know our neighbours. some teenagers use the night as an excuse for destructive pranks. and, of course, how can i forget the most common objection i get to my love for halloween – “it’s not australian - it’s a typical hijacked american holiday that’s all about commercialisation and greed”. But halloween Can be fun! if you know what it’s all about – starting with the fact that it’s not american! – how to do it and how to stay safe, you and your kids can enjoy a creative, entertaining, exciting and fun halloween. here’s how:
knoW THe HistorY • originally, halloween was the celebration of a Celtic (irish, scottish, Welsh)
festival called ‘samhain’ celebrating the end of summer, the advent of winter and thus the cycle of death. • in the 7th century, pope Boniface designated november 1st as ‘all saints day’, also called ‘all hallows day’, to honour Christian saints, especially those who had been martyred. the night before was known as ‘all hallows eve’ which became ‘halloween’. • trick or treating is based on the english medieval practice of ‘souling’, when poor people would go door to door offering prayers for all saints day in exchange for food. • halloween was introduced into america by irish settlers in the 1840s. • halloween is growing in popularity in australia. in 2011, 26% of the population planned to participate and 51% of families with children planned to get into the spirit with dressing up, trick or treating or partying.*
EMbraCe Creativity and FuN • 44% of australians who celebrate halloween do it because it’s a lot fun for the kids*. • you don’t have to buy into the commercialisation – make your own costume; bake halloween themed goodies; cut out and colour pumpkins, witches, black cats and other iconic halloween images to decorate; host a party at home. • get crafty: carve jack o’lanterns out of pumpkins, or for a less expensive alternative cut out capsicums; check online for craft ideas like easy egg carton spiders, ghost finger puppets and stringy spider webs. • dress up in costume to answer your door and give lollies to trick or treaters!
Do iT rigHt • Celebrate with your family and friends – host a party at home; serve halloween themed food; play spooky music; play traditional halloween games like bobbing for apples (float apples in a big tub of water and have people ‘catch’ them with their teeth – no hands). • take your kids trick or treating – if you want your neighbourhood involved, do a mailbox drop the week before telling them to expect children at the door. include some black and orange balloons that they can put on their front doors to indicate they are participating.
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14 | Coast Kids GC
• give out lollies – if you want trick or treaters to come to your house, let them know you’re participating by leaving your front door/outdoor light on, decorating your house or putting black and orange balloons on the door. if you run out of lollies, turn off the light and take down the decorations and balloons.
sTay sAFE If your kids are trick or treating: • make sure they carry a flashlight or put reflective tape on their costumes • only let them eat individually wrapped lollies – no homemade or homewrapped goods • instruct them to stay in a group, crossing roads together and not rushing ahead • choose face paints, makeup and hats rather than face masks so their vision is not obscured • make sure they know not to enter anyone’s house – even people they know • only let your kids trick or treat without an adult if they are old enough for you to feel comfortable with them wandering the streets alone at night (for me, that’s probably not until they are adults themselves!) • if you do allow your older children to go on their own, have them plan a route and stick to it so you know where they will be
at Southport Yacht Club Celebrate Halloween with the best water views on the Coast. Southport Yacht Club is welcoming all ghouls and goblins (and their families) to a Halloween-themed evening of fabulous food and freaky fun, Wednesday 31 October, from 5.30pm. It’s Roast Carvery night, priced at just $13.95 per adult and $10 for the kids. There will be face painting, a prize for scariest dressed, lollies and fairy floss for the kids, plus the chance to win a fabulous Hayman Island Holiday and many more prizes. For bookings and more info Tel: 5591 3500.
• if you are out in the car on halloween night, be extra aware of pedestrians if you’ve been holding off on celebrating halloween because it’s not australian, it’s all about american commercialism, it’s unhealthy, it teaches children greed, it’s all about evil and spiritual unrest, it’s an excuse for teenagers to get into trouble, or any other objection, why not throw your negative opinion aside and try celebrating this year….just for fun?! *source: mcCrindle research, october 2011 Will your family celebrate Halloween this year? Why or why not? Let us know at
Coast Kids GC | 15
Health & Wellbeing
tHe leaky valVE Words: Fe Taylor
ok laDies, WHaT Do You THinK oF wHen i MENTion SneEzing, jumping, cougHing, SKippiNg or Worse,sTar jumps? if juST THE tHougHT of THEse MaKEs you cringE, THEn you are noT alone! HealtH For rEportS THaT morE THan THrEe million ausTRaliaN women expEriENCe urinAry incoNTinENCe or ‘lEakAge’. Certainly as a fitness professional i remind my clients regularly of the need to strengthen those pelvic floor muscles to improve control over both bladder and bowel function as well as reducing the risk of prolapse (sagging of internal organs), improved recovery from childbirth and surgery, increased social confidence and quality of life and the bonus, increased sexual sensation. i have a number of clients who experience weak pelvic floors and as such undertake modified exercise programs. however, the good news is that in most cases these muscles, just like any other, respond when strengthened. learning some basic exercises and undertaking them regularly (as my clients know, the trigger i use as a reminder is the red traffic light), will assist in making the pelvic floors stronger and give you a sense of control. in the long term you can prevent prolapse, in the short term you can reduce the leakage and do star jumps with confidence! (yay!) your pelvic floor muscles are located between your legs, and run from your pubic bone at the front, to the base of your spine at the back. they are in the shape of a sling and hold your bladder, urethra (the tube that urine comes out of) and rectum in place. in women, they also support the vagina and the uterus. the pelvic floor muscles are responsible for giving you control over your bladder and are involved in urinating. in men they strengthen the muscles around the penis and can help with erectile dysfunction (impotence), premature ejaculation and can help improve the urinary stream. you can feel your pelvic floor muscles if you try to stop the flow of urine when you go to the toilet (the “stop test”). if you can do this, you are using the right muscles. the feeling is one of “squeeze and lift”, closing and drawing up the
front and back passages. this “stop test” should only be done as a learning exercise to find the right muscles, not as an actual exercise and it should not be done regularly. pelvic floor muscles are weakened by excessive downward pressure on the pelvic floor muscles. lifting heavy weights can in some cases cause lasting damage. this damage can be minimised by tightening the pelvic floor muscles before lifting. other ways to avoid damage is by avoiding excessive downward pressure caused by straining, for example, if constipated or when coughing and sneezing. pregnancy and childbirth, particularly for multiple, large birth weight (over 4kg) or instrument-assisted births, or where there has been severe perennial tearing or long labours are also a huge contributing force. other factors include being overweight or obese, lower levels of oestrogen after menopause or when breastfeeding, pelvic or abdominal surgery, e.g. hysterectomy, and even high impact exercise, eg. running.
Calm Baby Solutions
BaBy Whisperer
Julie Davenport a Qualified and Experienced Baby Whisperer/ Mothercraft Specialist can help with all of the following issues…
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Helping your baby gently and lovingly 16 | Coast Kids GC
call Julee on 0415 742 950
Health & Wellbeing so, now you know where they are and what causes the weakening, what can be done to improve their strength and allow you to skip rope or jump on the trampoline with the kids?
exercising the pelvic floor is not a self-help treatment for incontinence. if you have a problem with bladder or bowel control, it is important to be properly assessed, since weak pelvic floor muscles are just one of the many causes of
• to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, start in a comfortable position such as lying down with knees bent or sitting in an upright chair
• tighten and draw in the pelvic floor muscles around the urethra, vagina and anus. lift up as if stopping your urine flow in midstream. do not push down you need to tighten and draw up the muscles
Tel: 1800 330 066.
• make sure your buttocks, thighs and back are relaxed. you may feel your lower tummy muscles drawing in slightly, as if tightening a low belt • Keep breathing gently as you exercise – don’t hold your breath • Count to five and then relax completely before repeating the exercise • Continue until you can hold this for up to ten seconds and repeat ten times • progress to doing these exercises in other positions, e.g. while standing or walking • this comprises one set • gradually increase the amount until you are able to do four to five sets daily. after a few weeks, you should start to notice the results. your urinary control should improve, as well as the sensitivity you experience during sex. you should carry on doing the exercises even when you notice them starting to work. if you can’t feel anything happening at all, experience difficulty, or there is no improvement over time, you may need help to learn how to work these muscles effectively.
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NeeD a litTlE HElp WitH your pElvic Floor ExerCises? as a fitness professional i see women every day who experience weak pelvic floors from slight leakage to extreme cases. as a mother myself after two natural births i know the annoyance and embarrassment that occur post natal . i now use and promote the jade egg!. jade eggs ggs as the name suggests are made of pure jade and are egg shaped. used in asia sia for decades the jade egg is an easy to use and very effective in regaining and strengthening weak pelvic floor muscles. interested? Come and visit me in the lohas precinct at the Burleigh farmers market on saturday mornings. Mention this article and receive 10% discount.
DO YOU KNOW the Of VisiON & LearNiNg? ttention problems may be caused by correctable vision disorders. ehavioural problems may be a sign of correctable vision disorders. orrection is possible. The earlier a hidden vision problem is found, the less a child will struggle or be frustrated.
Over 60% of children with reading or learning difficulties have a hidden vision problem that may not be detected by regular sight checks. Book online at
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PH 07 5520 5900 Coast Kids GC | 17
aWeSoME givE-awaYs WiN a two NigHt CABin sTay aT big 4
abC dvds
Want to take the kids on an outdoor adventure? then sign up for the charitable camping event of the year; Camp & Care with Big4 on friday 16 november. for one night only, you can join thousands of happy campers at a discounted rate of just $20 for the whole family. all proceeds will be donated to a local cause. Visit to browse participating Parks and to book your site. to celebrate this year’s Camp & Care, Big4 is offering the chance to win a two night cabin stay for two adults and up to two children at any of Big4’s 180 holiday parks across australia. Terms & Conditions online at For your chance to win please register online competitions-giveaways. Click on the prize you would like to win and complete the entry form online to enter. Only winners will be notified and entries close on 20 October 2012. Good luck! Entrants details may be shared with give-away sponsor.
liTtle prinCEss Extra Specially Special
little princess is full of energy, charm and questions about how the world works. in these episodes, little princess throws a party during a blackout, tries her hand at being a vet, and learns how to roller skate with her father. rrp: $19.95
TimMy timE
Timmy’s Seaside Rescue + 5 Timmy-tastic episodes! it’s the nursery’s first ever coach trip and they are off to the seaside! But while timmy and his friends are busy having fun on the beach, timmy’s teddy and Bumpy are swept out to sea. they need a hero to rescue them – and timmy’s the lamb for the job! rrp: $19.95
play ScHool Putting On A Show
join abi, teo, leah, Karen, andrew and sofya as they enjoy the fun of putting on a show! they create costumes and props, and set up a theatre then act out some favourite nursery rhymes and songs. rrp: $19.95 For More information: ABCForKidsForParents and
h know wit e h t in Stay ekly FREE your we wsletter for email ne ast mamas Gold Co
Join Today iT’s Free!
• Weekly What’s On listing… including school holiday fun! • Helpful, hip info every week! • New quarterly events with savvy mama connections 18 | Coast Kids GC
gold Coast CiTy CounCil pREsEnts movieS undEr tHe staRS There is no better way to spend a hot summer night than lying back under the stars watching a movie. We’ll provide the film and the venue, so check out a park near you for a great free family night out. Snacks & food available for sale on the night.
Kick STart 4 HealtH HAVE YOU EVER:
all movies commence at 7pm. in case of wet weather visit or phone 5581 7016 for cancellation information. Sat 06 Oct
norfolk park (ormeau) halfway drive
the ant Bully (g)
Sat 06 Oct
norm rix park (labrador) Cnr government road & Whiting street
the muppets (g)
Sat 13 Oct
paradise point parklands the esplanade (opposite shops)
oliver twist (2004) (pg)
Sat 13 Oct
palm Beach parklands (palm Beach) gold Coast highway (thrower drive)
toy story 3 (g)
Sat 20 Oct
Broadwater parklands (southport) marine parade
alvin & the Chipmunks – Chipwrecked (g)
Sat 20 Oct
lions head park (miami) Chairlift avenue east
soul surfer (pg)
Sat 27 Oct
hessian park (helensvale) discovery drive
rio (pg)
Sat 27 Oct
Cova park (hope island) Cova Boulevard
mr poppers penguins (g)
musiC in tHe pArk
enjoy the smooth sounds of jazz this month at the free concert in the park. a selection of talented local musicians set in idyllic surrounds is a fantastic way to spend a sunday afternoon relaxing and enjoying the great outdoors. entertainment is brought to you by gold Coast jazz & Blues Club and interactive kids activities are also on offer. Sun 21 Oct
paradise point parklands the esplanade (opposite shops)
jazz in the park 2pm to 6pm
• Struggled to stick to your exercise goals? • Tried to lose weight and failed? • Changed your diet and lifestyle only to fall back into the same old habits? • Joined a gym, only to stop going after the first 3 weeks? this program has been specifically designed for you and is your chance to take control of your health, your body and your life! Kick start 4 health is a personal health and lifestyle development workshop that gives you the necessary tools, skills and knowledge needed to create your own personalised lifestyle plan. under guidance from qualified health professionals, you will cover all aspects of healthy lifestyle education, and learn how to create goals and a rock-solid plan on how to achieve and stay accountable to these goals. the program offered by obesity prevention australia is offered in a variety of formats and will provide you with the knowledge to take ownership of your health and make choices that positively affect your future. open to anyone who has a desire to improve their health (14 years minimum)
Dates anD time
Kick Start 4 Health 8 week program
Wed 5pm to 7pm 17 Oct to 12 Dec 2012
Oxenford Coomera Community Centre 25 Tamborine Oxenford Rd
Kick Start 4 Health 8 week program
Thurs 5.30 to 6.45pm 18 Oct to 6 Dec 2012
Broadbeach Library 61 Sunshine Boulevard
Kick Start 4 Health 1 day seminar
Sat 20 Oct 2012 9am to 1pm
Nerang Library Cnr Price and White Streets
Bookings are essential. Call Obesity Prevention Australia on 0412 798 316.
For more information on these great events, or to find out more about the fabulous parks across the coast, visit
Gold Coin donation requested for each session. For more information email
Coast Kids GC | 19
Coast Kids GC
ss a
a your cl
sion r u c x E Safari world Islane d! m fiv to Drea ing and the top are Get click the most votes with ! classes d to WIN shortliste
sTaCKS oF pAnCakes
For a grEaT Family treat, noTHing beatS paNCAkes. and Now, THE gold CoaSt welComeS a sYdney insTitution, pAnCakes on THe Rocks – Serving early biRDs, BRuncHers, lunCHers, grazerS and NigHT owls. With five restaurants in sydney, pancakes on the rocks has pleased generations of movie-goers, revellers and families. now it’s our turn to discover the gamut of goodness that it serves up, “all day” which is its motto. our taste-test family, the johnsons, were champing at the bit to pop in for pancakes. “dad makes pancakes as a special treat on the weekends,” says mum, jenni. “But the kids have been pestering us for ages to try the real thing!” 10am sunday was a popular time, according to the johnsons , but the restaurant is spacious and private booth seating meant the kids could spread out and savour the whole experience, right down to the colouring in sheets and crayons. there are also a handful of tables outside for the al fresco experience.
bout Learn asie Aus e! Wildlif t Extinc s animal
m Get Mu d a D and E TO VOTE! N I L ON
the ambience and extensive menu suit families there as well as couples, young and old. and there’s much more than pancakes! “there are many other options, like cheese burgers, crepes, gourmet pizzas, ribs, fish and salad, as well as every imaginable savoury and sweet pancake. the kids’ menu is very well priced, just $5.95 for more than they can manage and drinks around $1.95.”
Tell your Nana, Tell your Neighbo urs!
according to Zac and holly, who had the “funny face” and “the caterpillar”, the meals were “really cool” – the ultimate praise from the junior set. Zac’s comment was especially telling: “the best pancake i ever tasted. sorry dad!” pancakes on the rocks is licensed and the menu offers an extensive range of sweet pancakes including the devils delight – to die for chocolate pancakes with the works, says jenni. “there are also simple pancake stacks from short, regular or long stacks. plus, there is a big range of extras to choose from to add to your meal so you can customise your meal with everything you like. my husband and i had the pancakes, eggs and bacon and it was a big serving. We didn’t need lunch!” as an added bonus for some awesome family fun, pancakes is located next to putt putt mini golf, so you can guess where the johnsons ended up after brunch!
a StAcK about pancakes
pancakes have traditionally been eaten on shrove tuesday for more than 1000 years. Terms & Conditions: The winning class must be a primary class or kindy class on the Gold Coast. The five classes with the most votes will be shortlisted and judged on their wildlife project. Each entrant (one vote per person/email address) enters online at www. following the competitions link – make sure you list your class name and school! To win your class must submit photos/summary of a Wildlife project you undertook to win (ideas online). The top five classes will be drawn on October 15, 2012 and have until October 22, 2012 to send in information/pictures of their projects. The field trip must be taken the first week of December 2012. Class sizes to not exceed 35 students and 5 guardians.
20 | Coast Kids GC
Before baking soda was invented, cooks often used fresh snow as it contained ammonia which helped the pancakes come out soft and fluffy. Current guinness World record ecord for the most pancakes flipped in 1 minute is 117 achieved by aldo Zilli from italy taly in feb 2009.
Daddy Diaries
ain’t tHAT tHe TrutH!
one unnamed couple has been caught intimately
Words: Anthony Sherratt
by their toddler twice and told them they were “just cuddling”.
soMEtHing i’M VEry sTriCt on iS HoNEsty. i’vE alWayS bEen an Extremely HonEsT pERSon - some friends would even uSe THE Word “blunT”. mAyBe even “painfully”. and i’ve even spent time planning how to be completely honest with the girls when they start asking “those” questions, knowing that being a reliable source of information is more important than any discomfort i may feel. But i was recently quite surprised with myself when, while going through a drive-through late in the afternoon, i heard my voice saying “no, mcdonalds is all out of milk so no milkshakes”. and i realised that dishonesty had somehow crept into my life. sure, in this case i was speaking in response to nagging and i didn’t want them having something with sugar that late but the ease by which the untruth rolled off my tongue was disconcerting. then i remembered some of the other moments of dishonesty. “dora is sad because you hit your sister.” “grandma took the drums to her place.” i can justify some out of protection: “no honey, it’s just sleeping on the side of the road,” or health: “if you don’t eat all your vegetables then team umizoomi will never visit us.” some of the lies were of my own making. saying
and of course, the standard responses of animals on trucks “going to a farm” and of seeds growing in your stomach if you swallow them, or that gum will take seven years to pass or even stay in your stomach forever! that mummy has eyes in the back of her head, nothing to do with the video camera at all. and that peeing in the pool reacts things like “if you don’t do it now i’ll <insert punishment here>”, but i soon learnt i had to follow through threats no matter how stupid. and that i needed to think before making threats. for a while there, my wife had the girls convinced the beach didn’t actually exist, that it was a made up place. and that ice cream is yucky (the grandparents ruined that one). Concerned about my ethic, i turned to my friends to see if they had lies in their children’’s lives. jacqui told her son the tooth fairy doesn’t give money for dirty teeth so you had to brush them every day. lara has told her kids the smoke sensors are actually santa spy-cams so he’s always watching. sophie that santa gets his supplies by taking toys not picked up each night. and naomi kept her younger siblings in line by telling them she could turn them off with the tv remote.
with chemicals that turn the water red/green. the stories get even worse when people start talking about their own parents. faith was told that a mark would appear on her forehead if she lied so spent many years talking with her hand across her forehead. Kara was told the sheep on really steep hills were a special breed that had two legs shorter than the others so they could stand straight while rob was convinced that his face would stay that way if the wind changed. But my mind was truly blown by Cathy’s mother who told her that, although she had two children, she’d originally had 10 but the other eight were naughty so she’d cooked them! having canvassed such a wide spread of opinion i have come to the obvious conclusion: my friends are all much better and more frequent liars than me and i obviously have nothing to worry about.
Coast Kids GC | 21
seeking EVEryDay pEople WHo want To bE Millionaires sTeve And JAnet CulpiTT oF arrow ArE looking For pEople wHo WanT To seCure THEir lifeStyles. tHere is No suCH tHing aS get RiCH quick plaN, BuT iF you want simple, EFFecTive aND praCTiCal sTRaTegiEs For aCHieviNg FiNancial suCCess, THE pAtHwaY To wealtH™ moDel iS a must to enquirE about. you just have to look around on gold Coast and see the mansions, the boats, the cars and new developments to make you dream of living or continuing to live this lifestyle, especially in to retirement. parents are slowly learning to protect their biggest asset, their ability to earn an income, but the thought of planning their finances any further than paying the bills may not seem as important yet. most people spend more time planning a holiday and having a social life than they do worrying about what will happen when their working life comes to an end. insurance offers a financial buffer should something unexpected happen , but planning should not end there. according to australian stats, 80% of people will rely on for the aged pension when they retire – just $27,482 per couple per annum. around 80% of australians get to age 65 with less than $100,000 in assets outside their family home. only 10% of people get to age 65 with more than $500,000 – what would be considered the bare minimum for a decent retirement. and almost 90% of people aren’t achieving that. not much for a lifetime of work! says janet Culpitt, Business manager at arrow: “life doesn’t stop when you retire – it continues for
many years after, an average 30 to 40 years. now you’d better have some assets built up and they’d better be growth assets, because 30 to 40 years is a long time to be poor!” janet knows first-hand how the family are affected when the unexpected happens. her father died suddenly aged only 49. thankfully, he had a good retirement plan underway, a share portfolio, managed investments, and insurance. the combination of these greatly eased the financial burden on janet’s mother who was left to raise both her and her younger brother, from ages 12 and 10. Without this, she would have not been able to continue the lifestyle they had planned or even purchase a home. social security would not have supported them let alone help with education fees. “dad left me with so many great memories and the knowledge that he truly loved and cared about us because he chose to plan ahead while he was young,” says janet. “unfortunately he could not enjoy the results of his planning but i am sure he rests in peace knowing he did his job well by providing for mum and us. it is now my passion to continue his legacy by sharing my experiences even if it means scaring people into action. it is just that important.” janet adds that her mum is still receiving income from those same investments today, some 40 years on.
if you want to be in the 10% who achieve wealth to maintain your family’s dreams, don’t miss free pathway to Wealth™ consultations with arrow, gold Coast based financial and insurance Consultants. • It’s free • It’s information packed, but easy to understand • It could be just what you are looking for you will learn how to put together a plan that is right for you and your individual circumstances and goals.
you sHould enquire iF • You are committed to achieving financial success • You are a home owner who has built up some equity, but not quite sure what to do next • You have the potential to save $150+ per week • You are aged between 28 and 50 and / or you have more than 10 years until retirement • You want to get started on your own pathway to financial success. steve or janet Culpitt of arrow will be happy to take your enquiry. tel: 5530 3500 or 1800 731 328 or email them on More at
A personalised approach to help you understand and create a successful financial future for you, your family and/or your business.
Phone 1800 731 328 22 | Coast Kids GC
Arrow Insurance Consultant Services Pty Ltd ABN 61 982 105 983 is a Corporate Authorised Representative of GPS Wealth Limited ABN 17 005 482 726 / AFSL 254 544 97 Noosa Drive, Noosa Heads Qld 4567
Family Health
ConStipaTion – Don’t ignore iT! as a parent, i anticipated many hurdles to managing children but i must admit dealing with my children’s bowels wasn’t in the forefront of my mind. i knew my grandparents constantly focused on theirs and as i had spent a great deal of effort on changing this topic of conversation, i hadn’t appreciated how much angst they could cause. Constipation is a very common problem in babies and children and can be quite distressing. it often starts on the introduction of solids, but some babies have trouble even while only having formula. it is important that we first discuss what is a normal bowel habit. healthy bowels open at least once daily, (with the exception of breast fed babies) are well formed and require no effort to pass. Within the bowel motion itself, there should be no undigested food, mucus or blood. Breast milk is usually very well tolerated by infants and anywhere from many bowel movements a day to one every five days is acceptable. Constipation in a new born baby is rare and requires immediate attention from your gp or paediatrician as some causes are quite serious.
Words: Dr Elen ApThomas
for older babies or children it is quite common, especially if starting when solids are introduced into the diet and suggests that the child is having trouble digesting solid foods. a good probiotic or fermented food supplement introducing healthy bacteria that support the digestive process and help the motility of the bowel would be a good place to start. many food intolerances can cause constipation as the bowel is mounting an inflammatory response to the allergens or undigested portions of the food. Bowels require adequate fluid and a mix of soluble and insoluble fibre to soften the bowel motion and give it bulk to help pass through and be moved by the muscles in the bowel wall.
With many children the addition of extra dried fruit, especially prunes (softened with water and blended finely for babies) or pear juice can greatly assist the bowels. if this is going to work you usually get a result within 24 to 48 hours.
situation then a review with a health professional would be advised. there are many gentle treatments on the market such as sorbitol and parachoc but i would stress excluding any serious pathology before using these or especially before using stronger treatments that can stimulate the muscles of the bowel forcing the passage of a motion. these options are fine short term but getting an accurate diagnosis first and addressing the true cause of the constipation is obviously very important.
if using these simple solutions doesn’t relieve the
More at
stress can constrict the sensitive muscles around the bowel and abdominal wall slowing down the movement of the bowel motion.
New APProACH to Family HealtH Holistic Medical Doctors l Naturopaths l Homeopath Osteopath l Acupuncture l Massage l Energy Healing Kinesiology l Hypnotherapy l Yoga Choose the Holistic Medical Alternative for your Families Health Finally no longer a need to choose between “Conventional” and “Alternative” medicine when your children are sick. The Medical Sanctuary is a Holistic Medical Clinic where the practitioners understand family health because they too have young families. • General Practitioners practicing Nutritional Medicine • Children treated for Half Price* * Initial consultation only
150 Ashmore rd, Benowa Book today, you will feel better for it
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5564 501 5013 Coast Kids GC | 23
all CHilDREn aRE unique and So ArE THeiR leaRning STyles Words: Kirsty Boniface our children are all different. they look different, they sound different, they play differently, they laugh at different things and they enjoy different activities. our children are all unique in so many ways, including their styles of learning.
• Learn through watching
just as every child has their own unique hand print, they all have their own ways of learning. there are various types of learning styles (none more ‘correct’ than the others.)
• Prefer to see what they are learning
sometimes our children get put into situations where their learning styles and needs are not met. this can be due to class numbers, limited resources and the restrictions teachers are placed under with the curriculum. if you can understand your child and how they learn best, then you can help to provide effective situations at home with their school preparation, homework, assignments, study and everyday learning. there are three main learning styles that we can look at; auditory, visual and kinesthetic.
auditory or laNguage leaRners
• Need to be able to see, visualise and illustrate their knowledge • More able to remember visual details • May doodle whilst listening
acTiVities FoR partiCulaR leArNing StYles….
• Feel the need to have pen and paper handy • Like to have instructions written down or demonstrated for them
Auditory or language learners
• Effective at creating and recalling images when
singing playing musical instruments listening to music discussions talking things through speaking
reading • Tend to be neat and organised visual learners are believed to be the most dominant, and many traditional classrooms are primarily designed to cater for this learning style. these learners benefit much more from being shown things visually rather than hearing things.
writing poetry playing word games speech and drama debates tongue twisters reading telling stories
Visual learners
KinaeSTHEtiC/taCTilE learNErs
photos essays mind maps mazes puzzles story maps
• Like to be actively involved in the learning process • Learn best through hands-on activities • Often ‘talk’ with their hands • Like to touch things in order to learn about them
• Love listening to others • Enjoy talking about what they have learned • Find it helpful to talk to themselves to study/learn • Respond well to things being explained orally • Prefer group discussions • Can find written work difficult • Often recall words they’ve heard in their mind • Tend to speak written words out loud to themselves due to their listening skills often being more developed than their visual skills, these learners may look like they are not listening or paying attention (this may not the case at all).
• Studies effectively laying on the floor or bed,
Visual lEarnErs
for them. they can actually prefer to stand, walk
• Prefer to think in pictures or movies
about or use gross motor movements while learning.
• Often like to move around frequently
using colour cues watching videos matching activities word searches board games
• Generally a ‘right now’ type of person • Learn through emotions, touch and space
Kinaesthetic/tactile learners
• Master skills through imitation and practice
moving whilst learning touching exercising making things with their hands act out the story whilst you read it sit in a bean bag rather than a hard chair whilst studying or reading
• Learn well from excursions and work experience fidgeting, tapping fingers or touching objects • Prefers participating than watching or reading • Enjoys science, arts and crafts and construction these types of learners can sometimes be misdiagnosed as “trouble makers” because the more traditional types of learning styles don’t work
let your child ‘experience’ the learning situation take constant breaks charades using number lines experiments puzzles felt boards
More at
Call 07 5535 6926 now to build a brighter future for your child. PREPARE YOUR CHILD FOR SCHOOL with our Ô Smart SquirrelsÕ program in a fun, supportive and nurturing environment with qualified teachers.
school readiness classes
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EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE 11, 43 Tallebudgera Creek Rd, West Burleigh, Australia 4220 24 | Coast Kids GC
l R ea din
Behaviour Q.
i recently witnessed three very gifted children (males ages 11 and female 13) in various sports meltdown when it comes to competing in an important sporting event in their lives. all three highly talented and accomplished kids, yet their anxiety and nervousness are like nothing i have ever seen. one of them made themselves physically ill at the thought of playing in the grand final of his rugby game. he is a talented boy and a key member of his team, as they all are. as i write, one of them is thinking of quitting her sport because of this anxiety and overwhelming feeling she doesn’t want to let anyone down or that she is not good enough to go further. this is just so tragic when they love their sport, love training and love being part of a team. all great kids with wonderful personalities, very loving families... What can be done to help these kids so their habits don’t set in and it becomes an even bigger issue in their lives as they grow into adults? life is tough, they will have to compete for jobs etc. What can they learn now to help them deal with this and what can be offered as tools to help them overcome these fears and prosper both on and off the field and not go into meltdown in important events in their lives? any advice or additional reading would be appreciated.
A. the words that come to mind as i read your question: perfectionism, self-Worth, rejection, selfjudgment and rules or eXpeCtations. each person is presented in life with various
Words: Tan Curtis
challenges on an hourly, daily, weekly, yearly basis. it is these challenges that are the “triggers” to our anxiety or use of other unwanted behaviours – remembering anxiety is simply not feeling equipped to deal with whatever is presented to you at any given time. the most consistent challenge for most of humanity is what i call “rules”. other wording for this could include: ideals, expectations, beliefs and shoulds! Basically these mean “the rules/expectations we impose on our own life by creating a picture about the way things should be”. these pictures are not guaranteed but in many people’s endeavour to create the “perfect picture” we set ourselves up for guaranteed failure. for example: “i must play the perfect game or i will let my team down … if don’t play the perfect game i may be rejected and i am not worthy of being on this team. no picture is guaranteed but mostly this “picture” is unconscious and automated. What is also known about these self-imposed rules is that they will generally result in guaranteed failure, thus guaranteed anxiety. “i must play the perfect game” is next to impossible. for all people: as our anxiety levels increase, our skill level will deteriorate. thus the person with the most rules will have the highest anxiety levels and therefore a guaranteed reduction in their current skill level.
Rules = Increased Anxiety = Skill levels reduced Whether it is to do with a sporting venture, academic, mothering, employment, friendship etc… if we have a picture about how this role should be played out, our anxiety levels Will increase. to support any person who has rules (which is all of us) we need to firstly examine these rules and then question “is this rule really supportive of me?” or, could we replace it with a new rule of “first i must be me and remember that no matter what i do, i am always an awesome and amazing person”... it is not what i do that’s important but Who i am! many people require external help to support this process as it can be difficult to identify, understand and respond differently to our own rules.
Send us your questions on children’s behaviour to and put Kids’ Behaviour in the subject line
Behaviour Specialists > Understanding & changing any unwanted behaviour(s) > Adults - Adolescents - Children > Unwanted anger, anxiety, sadness, grief, frustration
> Social skills > Autism Spectrum Disorder > Asperger’s Syndrome
Call for more information on our upcoming regional workshops
> Pervasive Developmental Disorder > Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
FABIC Director Tan Curtis – Author of the highly acclaimed “Challenging Change... Behaviour Strategies for Life” For general enquiries email or call 07 5530 5099 FABIC National Behavioural Centre: Level One Worongary Town Centre, Worongary, Gold Coast QLD. Coast Kids GC | 25
What’s on
What’s on in… 1st -5th October
Free Ice Age 4 Shows 11am and 1pm Harbour Town Cnr Gold Coast Highway & Oxley Drive Biggera Waters
Meet Dorothy the Dinosaur 10am till 12pm Skypoint Observation Deck Level 77 Q1 Surfers Paradise Boulevard Surfers Paradise
The Big Paccosaurus Day Out 12pm, 2pm and 4pm Carpark (near Mitre 10 escalators)
5th October
Drax 4 Kids School Holiday Show 12pm till 2pm Dracula’s 1 Hooker Boulevard Broadbeach Box Office (07) 5575 1000 Nickleby The Magician and His Magical Robot 10am The Arts Centre Gold Coast 135 Bundall Road Surfers Paradise Box Office (07) 5588 4000
The Kids’ Weekend in Surfers Paradise Starts at 10am Surfers Paradise Foreshore Surfers Paradise
The Mummy Tree Markets 3pm till 7pm The Marine Village Sanctuary Cove Masthead Way Hope Island (07) 5577 6549
13th October
Blue Light Disco – Rock N Roll 7pm till 9.30pm Gold Coast PCYC 180 Monaco Street Broadbeach Waters (07) 5538 5201
The Healthy Cooking Revolution – Five Wraps in Five Minutes 10am till 11.30am Broadbeach Library 61 Sunshine Blv Broadbeach (07) 5581 1555
14th October
15th October
Bond by the Lake FREE EVENT 1pm till 5.30pm Bond University’s ADCO Amphitheatre University Drive Robina Sharon Solyma 0420 859 350 events/413739518689964/
Children’s & Teens Self Protection Course 9am till 11am Varsity Lakes Community Resource Centre Mattocks Road Varsity Lakes 0430 695 550
21 Oct
Women’s Running Fun Run Pink 6am till 12pm Runaway Bay Sport & Leadership Excellence Centre Cnr Sports Drive & Morala Ave Runaway Bay Kim Manson 0448 626 766
Roving Elmo 11am till 2pm Australia Fair Shopping Centre 42 Marine Parade Southport
6th October
12th October
31st October Halloween
2nd -6th October
6th - 7th October
Brisbane International of Festival of Tennis 4pm till 6pm Tennis Gold Coast 19 Queen Street Southport and Breakpoint Tennis Radisson Resort Palm Meadows Drive Palm Meadows
21st October
Fun School Holiday Activities T-Shirt Painting 10am, 11am, 12pm
Free School Holiday Fun 11am till 2pm The Marine Village Sanctuary Cove Masthead Way Hope Island (07) 5577 6500
10th-11th October
Coolangatta Gold Coolangatta to Burleigh Heads
1st -6th October
School Holiday Tennis Camp Various Times 24 Pizzey Drive Mermaid Waters (07) 5572 3422
Whispering Gully Childcare Spring Fair 8am till 11am 1-5 Breakwater Drive Robina (07) 5559 1411 Movies Under the Stars – The Ant Bully / The Muppets 7pm till 9pm Norfolk Park Halfway Drive Ormeau Norm Rix Park Cnr Government Rd & Whiting St Labrador 1300 366 659
Movies Under the Stars Alvin & The Chipmunks – Chipwrecked / Soul Surfer 7pm till 9pm Broadwater Parklands Marine Parade Southport Lions Head Park Chairlift Avenue East Miami 1300 366 659
Community… 12 Oct
Miami Marketta 5pm till 9pm 23 Hillcrest Parade Miami
13 Oct
Livingstone Spring Fair 12pm till 7pm Livingstone Christian College 62 Reedmans Road Ormeau
13 Oct
Active Fun in the Park 3pm till 4.30pm - Paradise Point Parklands The Esplanade Paradise Point Leaps & Bounds Childrens Fitness Centre (07) 5534 4030
13-26 Oct
BeachCare Community Dune Care 9am till 11am – Kelly Avenue (beach end) North Burleigh
19-21 Oct
Armor All Gold Coast 600 Starts 7am Throughout Surfers Paradise
27 Oct
Studio Village Children’s Week Family Fun Day 11am till 3pm 87 Village Way Studio Village (07) 5529 8253
28 Oct
Tugun Nippers Family Fun Day Free Event 10am till 2pm 29 O’Connor Street Tugun (beachfront)
If you would like to place your event in our calendar, please email us at and add Calendar of Events in the subject line. 26 | Coast Kids GC
suMmer HolidaYS, SaFely
if you’re heading off on a summer holiday or staying home and enjoying our local beaches or even your home pool, don’t get lax on water safety. Keep in mind that drowning is the leading cause of death among children ages one to four, and the second-leading cause of death in children under 14. Kids are most at risk because they love to explore and are not yet able to understand how dangerous water is. prevention is the best cure!
tipS For KidS and waTeR: • supervise your kids • ensure pool areas are closed off to kids • Keep pool furniture away from fences • learn Cpr • always have a floatation device on hand to rescue patients if your child is the victim of a near-drowning, thinking fast and doing the right thing can prevent a tragedy.
G N I N I TRA Apply First Aid $100 p/p HLTFA301C
CPR, Asthma & Anaphylaxis $7o p/p HLTCPR201B 22024VIC 22099VIC
Asthma & Anaphylaxis $4o p/p 22024VIC 22099VIC
For specials mention Coast Kids at time of booking *Conditions Apply CALL TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION Office: 07 5520 5068 or Email: Visit for course dates
RTO: 32508
FolloW tHeSe StEps in an EmergEncy:
danger for yourself and your children first. get a drowning child out of the water as safely as possible. place the patient in the recovery position (on their side) to drain excess water.
Check for response from the patient, if no response send for help or Call 000 or 112 from a mobile for emergency assistance, if the patient responds, check air ways and allow coughing in recovery position.
if the patient is unresponsive, check airWays and Breathing, clear the mouth and then check “alive” by looking for rise and fall of the chest, listening to the mouth and feeling the abdomen for rise and fall. dont look for the pulse, it may still be there but it’s now pumping un-oxygenated blood due to water closing the airway.
if the patient is not breathing, start Cpr, 2 breaths and 30 Compressions until breathing resumes or medical professionals arrive with a defiBrillator. tilt the head back and administer 2 breaths and then compress the chest 30 times, 1/3rd chest depth, about 2 per second. if you’re patient is 12 months or under, keep the head in a neutral position with no head tilt, just puffs of breath should be given. research shows giving breaths and compressions to a drowning patient is an advantage as it pushes air into the lungs and this is put into the blood stream, reducing the risk of brain damage.
please note: these instructions are not a substitute for Cpr training. first aid accident & emergency have the best Cpr courses on gold Coast and cover drowning, choking and all the information needed to save a life. Classes run from the sports house located at 337 Christine avenue, varsity lakes. the Cpr course is 2.5 hrs and is available at a special price to all Coast Kids gC readers at only $45p/p. Book now and learn to save a life or call 5520 5068. Get your own group together private sessions for only $10* each (min.8)
Beginner to Advance students welcome Come and visit us in the heart of Burleigh Heads
Phone-0407 155 227 Level 1, 3/1712 Gold Coast Highway Burleigh Heads 4220 Qld. Conditions apply contact Mel for more information *private session times are outside of the timetable and bookings essential. *unlimited classes are for new students.
Coast Kids GC | 27
one lu CKy re ader Will W in a $1 harBo 00 ur toW n gift just f or sen Card din of the
ir Kids
g in a pho in aCtio t0 n!
please in childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s n clude your ame, ag location e and
Nate 16 mths, Banora Point Jasmine 5, Movie World
H Lex Bope 2, ell O val
ths, Nixon 18 m ds Tweed Hea
mths, Isabelle 19 ock Pools R r te a w d a Bro Wi Surfe lko 11mth, rs Pa radis e
The best kids brands at the best prices everyday. Ph (07) 5529 1734 | 28 | Coast Kids GC
KidS out and about on THe gold CoAst. email us your Kids in aCtion enjoying Some Fun in our bEAuTiFul CiTy aT eDiTor@coaSTkidSgC.Com.Au
Kahn 5, Surfers Paradise
Eve 4, Laguna Park
CoomNoah 2, era W aters
winner $10
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Jack 8 & Ka Palm Beach Payla 12, rklands
Ocean 7 mths, Broadbeach 4, phie & So radise 5 Alex fers Pa Sur
Coast Kids GC | 29
Coast Kids GC
bond uni CEleBRaTeS CulTure & CREAtiViTy Words: Jeni Bone
sunday october 14, the roaring 20s will swing into Bond university for the annual “Bond by the lake” creative arts and cultural festival, turning the campus into a playground for the arts, gourmet food and live music. the event gives the community the perfect excuse to bust out their feather boas, dust off their straw hats and join the stellar line up of musicians set to revive the heady days of the golden age of jazz and swing. headlining the live music program is the Woohoo revue who has thrilled their listeners with catchy Balkan, gypsy, swing and jazz compositions at festivals around australia. joining the line-up is melissa Western who will perform her critically acclaimed ‘oh lady Be good’ cabaret, and the les Wilson’s swing force Big Band featuring special guest, local jazz sensation Bec Whitehead. long lunch by the lake will be a ticketed event hosted by my restaurant rules star, simon grigalius. Chef simon will be explaining each part of the sumptuous four course lunch, the matching beer
and wines and their association with the slow food philosophy. tickets are $39.50pp which includes a four course set menu with matched wines. Book at there will be something to ignite the creative spark in everyone, with an array of workshops for children and adults including painting, candle-making, scrapbooking, illustration, card-making and kitemaking. gold Coast favourites, the village markets, will celebrate its fourth birthday at Bond by the lake showcasing their best mix of designer, vintage and jumble fashions and collectables.
by gold spaces; the arthouse project– an exhibit showcasing art, design and photographic works by Bond university students, as well as a design space curated by students from the soheil abedian school of architecture.
the latest retro sensation to hit the gold Coast, California vintage will host a fashion show featuring an exclusive collection of costumes from Baz luhrmann’s the great gatsby, along with handsourced contemporary vintage pieces from los angeles and europe.
there will be 1920s dance demonstrations and classes by empire swing, a-capella performances by the Blenders youth Chorus and vocalescence, face painting and rides, food stalls, antique cars and kite flying.
the areas under the arch will transform into a creative concourse, including an art and photography gallery featuring locally curated works
30 | Coast Kids GC
The event will run from 1pm to 5:30pm, Sunday 14 October at Bond University. More at
oversEAs travel
Evans & Company Family Lawyers
WHat’s involVEd For sEparaTeD Families?
as we swing in to holiday season again, perhaps you are planning an overseas trip with your kids? a family holiday abroad can provide lifelong memories. if you wish to travel with your children, but have separated from the other parent, there are some extra things you must do to ensure your children are not prevented from enjoying such travel. if there are Court orders in place pertaining to the care arrangements for the children, then a parent is not permitted to travel with the children outside of the Commonwealth of australia without first obtaining the consent of the other parent or, in the event that consent is not forthcoming, obtaining a Court order permitting the travel. it goes without saying that good communication with the other parent is key so you should provide plenty of notice to the other parent (at least three to four months), including providing as much detail of the intended travel, such as dates of travel, each intended destination, details of other adults who will be travelling and contact details. if the other parent agrees to the travel, you should have the other parent provide a statutory declaration which contains that parent’s written consent. this should be taken with you on your trip and you should keep it on you with your travel documents. if the other parent withholds their consent to travel, then you will need to file a Court application, seeking an order that permits the overseas travel. the Court takes a fairly robust approach to this issue and providing that the intended
iT goEs WiTHout saying THaT good CommuniCAtion WitH tHe otHer paREnt iS key so you sHould pRoviDe plENTY oF noTiCe To THE oTHER parenT travel destination is reasonably safe (ie. there are no serious travel warnings in place) and there is no unacceptable risk of the parent not returning with the children (for instance the other parent holds assets, employment and/ or has family in australia) the Court will permit the travel. if the other parent unreasonably withholds their consent to overseas travel, then you may apply for the other parent to meet your legal fees. it is important to remember that the Courts are very under resourced and it can take more than two months to have your application listed for determination. it is also important to remember that the children will need a passport to travel overseas and that both parents’ signatures are required. if the other parent refuses to sign the passport application, the Court can make an order compelling the parent to do so or in the alternative have a registrar of the Court sign on behalf of the other parent. remember that adequate time must be allowed for the Court to deal with the matter and then for the passport application to be processed by the government. for interstate travel there are no restrictions whether there are Court orders or not. if you are having any difficulties with obtaining the other parent’s consent for overseas travel or wish to take advice generally about family law matters, get in touch with evans and Company family lawyers. More at
DIVORCE & FAMILY LAW ADVICE If you are contemplating divorce or separation, the team at Evans & Company Family Lawyers can provide you with expert advice. Dean Evans and Luke Brandon are both partners in the firm and are Queensland Law Society accredited specialists. Please contact us if you would like advice pertaining to any aspect of family law including: - Divorce and separation - Division of property - Parenting matters - De facto relationships - Binding Financial Agreements - The Court process - Family dispute resolution - Inheritances and gifts from parents - Child support - Domestic Violence Fiona Browne, a solicitor experienced in these areas is available to discuss any issues with you (obligation free and confidentially) and if necessary to arrange an appointment for you. Please contact us on (07) 5574 1888 or at Evans & Company Family Lawyers Level 2, Evandale Place 142 Bundall Road BUNDALL QLD 4217 Coast Kids GC | 31
Sunshine Coast gold! Words: Luke O’Connor
if you are looKing For a BeaCH HoliDAy tHen iT iS HArD To go paSt our own bEAuTiFul baCkyard. we aRE FoRTunatE to livE in a Beautiful plaCe wiTH A gREAt ClimAte. from camping, to small country towns and big
stayed at the sebel maroochydore which is located
cities, our family has many different holidays they
right across the road from the beach and just near
like to go on and all have pros and cons. the last
the wonderful Cotton tree area of maroochydore.
few trips we have taken have been to bigger cities
the rooms are fantastic with great facilities and
and really small coastal towns so we were after
most have great views.
something on the beach but with all the facilities, scenically beautiful but not overcrowded. We ended up settling on maroochydore and mooloolaba on the sunshine Coast.
you will not be short on activities in this little stretch of gold; the beach is fantastic with great playgrounds dotted around for the little ones. it is a surf beach with some great waves for the bigger kids or if
i have never stayed in maroochydore before and
you prefer some calmer waters the mouth of the
was quite surprised at how well equipped it was. We
maroochy river is close by with great sandy banks
and clear waters. the beaches have a lot more rock formations as well as long sandy stretches so it is great if you have a couple of beachcombing adventurers on your hands. i recommend that you spend a late afternoon/ early dinner at the Boat shed restaurant located right on the maroochy river. there is lots of great seafood, a decent kids menu and a magic location, a great place to have a happy hour and watch the sun go down. the restaurant and café strip at mooloolaba will also keep the whole family happy. great ice cream and
Make spring special at The Sebel Maroochydore With spring almost upon us, enjoy warmer days and balmy nights with your partner, friends or family at The Sebel Maroochydore. • Enjoy spacious, fully self contained 1 or 2 bedroom apartments
• Glorious 25 m podium level pool, children’s pool, rooftop barbeque and spa
• All within minutes from Maroochy surf, restaurants and shopping
From just $229* per night for 2 bedroom pool view apartment PLUS... a kids pack (for up to two kids under 12 years old) including beach towel, frisbee, activity pack and a leap frog game!!
32 | Coast Kids GC
To book call 13 15 15 or visit and quote promo code KidS12 20 Aerodrome Road Maroochydore Queensland *Valid until 14 December 2012. Rates fluctuate and subject to availability. 2 night minimum.
Travel coffee, a huge assortment of eateries (think surf parade Broadbeach but with beach views) and enough shopping to keep the ladies happy. also add to the line up the Wharf area just off the main street and you have days of exploring, eating and shopping to do. if you are looking for a great day out to treat the kids then a visit to underwater World is a must. this great attraction is located at the Wharf in mooloolaba. it is a fantastic and informative day out that kids of all ages will love. they have a funny live seal show, sea otters and interactive kidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aquariums. you can even be kissed by a seal! they have just opened four new underwater ocean walk themed zones, including shark shipwreck, Coral Cove, Bay of rays and turtle temple! here is a tipâ&#x20AC;Ś it is 25% off entry if you book online! a getaway to the maroochydore and mooloolaba can be exactly what you make of it. With great beaches and restaurants you can laze around all day and relax. With great parks, playgrounds, attractions and family friendly activities you can be as active as you wish. one thing is for sure, all the ingredients for a great holiday are here in abundance.
SUBMIT Coast Kids GC | 33
go busH aT binna burra Words: Jeni Bone
make the most of the start of the warmer weather and head to the hills. the “green behind the gold”, lamington national park is rhapsodised and recognised by global authorities as a living treasure, achieving World heritage status for its lush rainforest, ancient trees, spectacular panoramas, extensive walking tracks and exceptional ecological importance. Binna Burra mountain lodge and Campsite has been named one of the world’s top 10 ecolodges and green hotels. you can rough it under canvas, bring your own tent or van, or set up camp in a rustic villa or self-contained cabin. nestled in the heart of national park, with access to more than 160km of graded national park walking tracks, Binna Burra is home to thousands of species of native flora and fauna, some of which are unique to the region and many of them, at ease strutting or scuttling about the lodge and camping grounds. just 50 minutes’ drive from surfers paradise, what better way to get back to nature and share some family fun? More at
34 | Coast Kids GC
twin wAtERS douBle tHe Family Fun!
Open all day
Great Kids Menu
grand mercure apartments twin Waters on the superb sunshine Coast are experts at catering to the large modern family. With spacious two and three-bedroom self-contained apartments as well as three and four-bedroom Beach houses, all with generous outdoor entertaining areas, fully equipped gourmet kitchens, laundry and some with their own private plunge pools, there’s a ‘home away from home’ option to suit every configuration. a stroll or bike-peddle away, there are three swimming pools, BBQ areas, cycling and walking paths and mudjimba Beach and the maroochy river on the doorstep, while at the adjacent novotel twin Waters resort on the opposite side of the lagoon, you can savour all the restaurants and vast range of activities. the Kids Club and babysitting services, Cirque espace trampoline and trapeze classes, bicycle hire, games room, lagoon day spa and golf or tennis at the nearby 18hole twin Waters championship course mean everybody is entertained.
Famous deserts!
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HolidaY At HoMe! there’s a reason the gold Coast is australia’s favourite family fun destination – the variety, choice and nearly unlimited options cater for all interests and age groups. vip passes for the locals are just the ticket for making the most of theme parks over summer, with unlimited entry to newly upgraded parks, all with water activities for those interminably hot afternoons, as well as entertainment programs featuring all the brightest tv characters, new rides and animal displays. Check out and for the best deals in town. then there are the family-focused resorts, among them Zagame’s paradise resort which is a heaven for kids and a parents! With 4-star facilities including the brand new giant Z4K Waterpark, Zone 4 Kids club, lagoon pool and spa, bistro, cafe and bar, and jam-packed daily activity and entertainment program, it’s school holidays every day! More at
Gourmet pizzas steaks & ribs!
Breakfast, lunch & dinner!
id BeaCH. a M r e M , y a w H iG H t s 2488 Gold Coa o Putt Putt Mini Golf. loCated next t
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Day Trip’n
KingsCliFF, nsw
shop in the nearby Chinderah on the tweed you won’t bE sHorT oN THiNgs To play:Kingcliff Beach is a great spot to build sandcastles, chips river. skip the waves. despite the recent beach erosion it do WHile AdvenTuring THE sEREne oris still open for business! the beach paths are super sHop: Browse marine parade, visiting Zaculu Zoo a for scooter or bike rides and there are heaps of grassy KingsCliFF, a SHort 15 minutEs driVE favourite, they have top brands for the kids, old school, areas to stop and picnic along the way. durable toys and even a new mummy collection. there souTH oF CoolangaTta. tHiS CoaStal Choux Box, marine pde – we haven’t yet found is also a gorgeous book store, Boardwalk Books that town boaStS goRgeous wHitE saNDs, aEAt:bacon and egg sandwich better than here! a you could easily spend hours in. sWimming, Surf BREAks, FiSHing And great café with delicious breakfast and sweets. can also grab fish n chips on the parade adveNtuRE: Cudgen Creek is glorious, a sleepy little WatEr SportS pluS a pleTHora oF you and head across the street for a picnic or you spot to relax with a picnic creek side or on a hot day can’t pass up the tasty, fresh catch from the fish n float about in the sun’s rays. paRks aND biKE saFE patHwAys.
Living Starts Here
P 07 5556 0693 Homeworld Helensvale, Hope Island Rd, Helensvale
36 | Coast Kids GC
Coast Kids GC
Up in the Air Words: Keeley O’Connor
FoR me iT’s a FACT of liFE, airline TrAvel tHaT is, all THree of mY CHildreN HAVE been oversEAs BefoRe THeiR First BirtHDAy and We HAVE been luCky To Be up in THe aiR eACH year Since. ouR Family reAcHEs near and FAR, all over austRalia, miles away in Wales and Canada pluS We are always EageR FoR a nexT Family adveNtuRE. So what is the secret to happy air travel with children? Here are some of my best tips:
geneRal rules: • pack a ‘just in case’ bag – a light weight bag you can store away which will have spare clothes in the event of a major spill (including a shirt for you) and extra jumpers as planes are generally cool during mid flight. • pre-register your seat online if possible. secondly, ask at check in if the flight is full or if you can have a spare seat, at the least an aisle seat so not to disturb others when moving about. • stay calm – kids can smell ‘stress’ miles away so if you are calm, they will be calm. ask for help if you need it – you are not alone. • expectations – make sure you communicate what you expect of your children while travelling, be specific and let them know the consequences if they do not meet your expectations.
• if it’s a long haul flight pack pj’s and make sure you set up a ‘bedtime’ so the kids (and you) get some sleep. • have fun with the kids - it’s such an exciting time!
• if you can, carry baby in a Baby Bjorn or alternate carrier or take an umbrella stroller that most airports will let you take to the gate.
Bring This coupon To rEcEivE Your FrEE TaTToo/nail painT (valuEd aT $5) For Your nExT haircuT!
Enjoy with each haircut: * Watching a movie or Playing the PlayStation * Sit in our special car seats! * Free styling with organic product for boys & glitter hair spray for girls * Free treat after their service
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TrAvelling WitH Big kidS: including fun for them – colouring pencils, hand
• pack light in general (you can buy, borrow or rent baby equipment at your destination) and especially keep your carry on baggage light – remember you have to carry the baby and whatever you take on the plane yourself. run through the hours of your journey and make sure you have enough food (you can’t rely on the airline food as not age specific), formula, nappies, spare clothes and blankets.
They will be begging you to take them to Kidiz - Cuts for Kids - Why? Because this salon is specially designed for kids!!! We even have a “first hair cut certificate” with lock of hair and a room for your photo!
and landing to ease the ear pressure
• let the older kids carry their own backpack
TrAvelling WitH Babies:
Your kids will be screaming for a hair cut!!! That’s right!
• try to set your routine with a feed during take off
held video games, ds, ipod – break those technology rules as one day won’t hurt for them to entertain themselves digitally. • Wrap mini presents to give to them (ones that are a good distraction while in-flight) that you can use as rewards during your journey. reading books, cool colouring pencils, new ds games, we even gave a small remote control car at the gate when we had a long lay-over and it worked a treat! • it may be worth it to pay extra for a better connection or more direct voyage.
$49 Kids Ear piercing
$18 Kids haircuts
“We have just come for our first hair cut, the car seats, Dora DVD & the playroom certainly helped too - FABULOUSE!” - Rebecca Sanders, Benowa
$5 hair wash
Kids Ear piErcing - Get both ears done at the same time by experience staff, time by experience staff, wide variety of silver and gold earrings to choose from!
1/38 Thomas Drive, Chevron Island Ph: 5570 2002 *offer valid for the month of October only 5570 2002 *offer valid for the month Coast Kids GC | 37
totallY SCream-WorTHy paRTieS aT drax4Kids Words: Jeni Bone
for the uninitiated, dracula’s – one of the gold Coast’s entertainment stalwarts – has been celebrating the bizarre and gruesome for 30 years to more than three million guests, with cabaret shows that demonstrate the best in bawdy, bloody and burlesque. that same talented troupe also put on a more benign performance for the junior set, drax4Kids, ideal for halloween, kids’ birthday parties and any occasion to get together for a good scream! held during family-friendly hours, midday to 2pm on saturdays, the party starts in the queue to enter, with kids and their parents taking the theme to the whacky and weird extreme. my five and a half year old and i in plain clothes felt completely underdressed, jostling alongside harry potters, witches, several skeletons, a family of zombies and the mandatory clutch of Count draculas. on the stroke of midday, the parlour doors opened and we were ushered in. the dark depths were creepy enough, but the ghost train is certainly not for the faint-hearted and after initial nerves (panic on my part), we braved the ride and were relieved that it lasted just a few minutes. Worked wonders to get us in the mood! (you can enter via the gift shop if you’re really spooked by enclosed spaces.)
once within dracula’s abode, the party begins! tables are arranged banquet style, perfect for party groups. it’s a popular venue with 10 year old witches and warlocks, but according to our host, an alice Cooper look-alike, there was a variety of age groups from about six to 12. party food and bubbly beverages are laid on – the kids’ staples of pies, sausage rolls, mini pizzas and chips – and more than eight different cakes to choose from. see for info about the menu options. the staff are animated and gleefully ghoulish, sticking to g-rated humour and not too wicked to freak out the littlies. the show began with segments of audience participation in suitably themed games, tales from ancient egypt, a selection of high-energy magic tricks, singing, aerial antics and cavorting, scaring the kids (and parents from what i could spy through the gloom) silly in a style that is no more frightening than a scooby-doo cartoon, but contains all the high-tech effects and illusions to inspire their imaginations to run wild. Cakes devoured, neon flashing devil horns purchased, it was time to disco! the audience was invited to tread the boards with the actors in a
groovy rendition of “time Warp” and some electro beats. What a spectacle of happy little ghouls! We beat a retreat at that stage, despite young devil’s protestations, mummy craving the daylight. though a bit eerie for the really small or skittish kids, drax4Kids is a sensational option for a thrilling and thoroughly entertaining party. verdict: this festive fright is a delight! More at
Shop 14/19 Warehouse Road Southport, Qld, 4215 Email:
(07) 5571 1999 38 | Coast Kids GC
MGV_CK_OCT_1-4_FA.indd 1
22/09/12 10:19 PM
WHaT’s FoR DineR? FAMily FaVouritEs WiTH a Twist
dj and philanthropist, andrew levins is also head chef and coowner of the dip at goodgod small Club. he has spent years perfecting his recipes for his diner, and now he shares them with us, for those glorious moments when it’s time to indulge! taking the classic bar food that the whole family loves and adding a little twist on each recipe, you’ll find tips for making the perfect hot dogs, burgers and nachos, plus the best dishes to serve alongside them. “diner” is the only cookbook you need to help you prepare menus and snacks that are perfect for entertaining – the best junk food you can get - made with the freshest ingredients. fire up the barbie, let the kids help, then grab some friends and get ready to feast, diner style! new holland rrp $35.00
Classic Cheeseburger start this recipe 1 hour before you want to eat it makes 4 burgers the best cheeseburgers are simple, cheesy and pickle-y. if you are mincing the meat yourself, use steak with around 20 per cent fat. Whatever you do, don’t put breadcrumbs or vegetables through your beef patties. it’s sacrilege!
Ingredients 500g beef mince salt 1 tablespoon butter 1 white onion, sliced into rings 1 teaspoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon olive oil
4 good quality burger buns 2 dill pickles, sliced (see sauces, salsas, salads & sides) Ketchup or tomato sauce american mustard
4 slices sharp cheddar cheese
Enjoy playtime with the kids outdoors… Is there anything more Magical than a Hideaway teepee?
Method place the mince in a mixing bowl and knead it into four burger patties. place the burger patties on a plate and lightly salt them. leave them to sit for 20 minutes to reach room temperature. melt the butter in a pan over low heat. add the onion and cook, uncovered, for 15 minutes, stirring the pan every minute to make sure the onions don’t stick to the bottom. once the onions are nice and soft add the brown sugar and cook for another 10 minutes, until the onions are sticky and browned. remove from heat and set aside. Boil a pan of water over high heat, and place a steamer over the pan. Coat a medium hot barbecue hot plate or large frying pan with olive oil. add burger patties and cook on one side for two minutes. flip each burger patty and place a slice
We also stock: • Gorgeous organic baby wear • ChildrenÕ s trendy accessories • Safe eco-friendly toys • Fun unique gifts • Plus a multitude of brilliant ideas to decorate your little onesÕ environment.
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of cheese on top of each of them. let the cheese melt while you cook each patty for another 2 minutes. remove the patties from the hot plate and keep them warm. halve each bun and place in the steamer and steam for 1–2 minutes until soft and fluffy. transfer the buns to a plate. on the bottom half of each bun place two pickle slices and a spoonful of the caramelized onion. place a beef patty on top of the pickles and onions. smear some ketchup and mustard on the other half of the bun and place it on top.
coGETutu THreE
nd so much more
Coast Kids GC | 39
Online Shopping Directory arkadia is a label for kids and the young at heart. they craft apparel that draws inspiration from the magic of nature, art, music, the joy in new discoveries, simple pleasures, vintage treasures and the nostalgia of our childhoods.
Whether you’re pregnant, just had your baby or planning that secret make over, you will find the perfect garment in our beautiful and discrete Contour garments 2012 collection.
arkadia are offering Coast Kids readers 10% off their first order! simply enter this code: CK712launch at the checkout! Check them out at and
at spaces places you can find, artwork, furniture, soft furnishings & homewares. shop from the comfort of your own home and enjoy free delivery noW. We are ready to help you stamp your home with you!
Whether you’re shopping for yourself, a friend, or that special little someone, you’ll find maternity, children and women’s fashion essentials and accessories, you’ll also find plenty of lovingly handmade items.
Dr Gary Swift
fertility IVF
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40 | Coast Kids GC
Leading Specialist in Reproductive
All about her… SeCoNdARy infeRTility
neWs, iNFo, Tips, gaDgeTs AnD mucH more. Words by: Gary Swift MBBS FRANZCOG MReprodMed
Dr Gary Swift is a highly trained and experienced specialist at Queensland Fertility Group Gold Coast. He has specialty qualifications in Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery and IVF/Infertility with a Masters degree in Reproductive Medicine. He has a particular interest in Endometriosis and minimally invasive surgical treatments of the causes of primary and secondary infertility as well as all facets of IVF and assisted reproductive technologies. This article is the first in a series focusing diseases affecting women in their reproductive years. much is made in the media about couples having difficulties achieving their first successful pregnancy, known as “primary infertility”. there are however a significant number of couples that have one or more children without assistance then have difficulties completing their desired family size. delayed conception after a successful pregnancy is called “secondary infertility” and afflicts many couples. one of the great ironies of modern life is that women who were terrified about accidentally falling pregnant in their teens and twenties find they need assistance to conceive when they defer child bearing to their thirties and forties. the expertise and technology is certainly available to help the majority in this predicament. first line testing to exclude major problems is relatively straightforward and cost effective. sometimes assisted reproductive technologies are recommended. the appropriateness and effectiveness depend on multiple parameters unique to the couple or individual. the causes of secondary infertility are many and varied and overlap with primary infertility causes. generally, the chance of pregnancy each month for a healthy couple under age 35 is 22%, much less than we are perhaps lead to believe. after 12 months of trying, 85% of couples are anticipated to conceive. the remaining 15% warrant investigation and this time frame is reduced to six months when women reach 35 and the biological clock is ticking faster. advancing age of the female partner accounts for a significant number of couples who seek assistance for primary and secondary infertility. Women’s ovaries “fill up” with their lifetime supply of eggs
(oocytes) before they are born and thereafter no new oocytes are formed. the number of oocytes constantly declines until menopause. this occurs whether women take the pill, are pregnant or cycling normally. When cycling naturally the eggs are “rescued” from their decline by hormones from the pituitary gland in the base of the brain. they are then stimulated into the growth phase during which they will mature release and hopefully fertilise. depleted oocyte numbers due to ageing, surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and genetic or unknown causes reduce the potential number of healthy eggs available for conception and implantation. We can now measure the number of eggs in the ovary with a blood test to check the level of a hormone in the bloodstream called amh (antimullerian hormone). this hormone is produced by follicles in the ovary and the test tells us about the number of eggs, but unfortunately not the quality. as women age and egg numbers deplete, damage to the genetic material in the eggs increases, leading to increased chance of miscarriage or chromosomal abnormalities like down’s syndrome (trisomy 21). a reduced amh level due to low egg numbers may explain subfertility and may also assist in timing and guiding assisted reproductive treatments. other causes of secondary infertility include damage or blockage of fallopian tubes due to delivery complications or subsequent infections or surgery. diseases such as endometriosis afflict up to 10% of women and have a negative effect on the chance of pregnancy at all stages of the disease. the effect is often not complete and may increase with age.
fibroids are benign tumours, which enlarge and distort the uterus and become increasingly common with age. ovulation defects due to diseases such as polycystic ovarian syndrome may lessen the frequency of ovulation and therefore reduce the statistical chances of pregnancy even if everything else is working normally. a woman releasing four eggs a year is obviously at a disadvantage compared to a woman releasing an egg every month. this is often easily overcome with tablets or injections in a treatment called “ovulation induction”. there are a host of other disorders, which may be tested for in fertility assessment. they include but are not limited to nutrition, obesity, immune dysfunction, haematologic and endocrine disorders. it is of course also possible to attribute many cases of secondary infertility to the male partner. men maintain their potential fertility on average much later in life. there is a steady decline, which may be also affected by lifestyle (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs), prescribed medications, certain occupations, trauma, surgery and certain medical disorders. there are an increasing number of couples who seek restoration of fertility after vasectomy. More at
Coast Kids GC | 41
All about her...
Golden Locks summer is fast approaching – the ideal time to opt for a new colour for a great summer look. according to the experts, refreshing your colour with a lighter or brighter tone will give your hair a new lease on life. tracey hughes, Creative director at mieka hairdressing, australian salon of the year 2011 and 2012, says blonde remains a very popular trend this summer.
“Bright shine with an all-over platinum blonde is an eye-catching trend. pastel shades of pinks,
apricots, silvers and mints are a huge trend and a great way of revamping a dull blonde for a fabulous new look.” after more than 20 years in the business, her advice is “always ensure your goals are realistic try to avoid going too light if you’re naturally dark, and never attempt to do the colour yourself.”
l i f
e a
“highlights of creamy vanilla blondes with shades of honey and cinnamon provide softer, natural options,” says tracey, just back from directing and styling at ny fashion Week and winner of australian educator of the year for 2012.
e i s b e t t e r i n
t h
FREE MAKEOVER (valued at $55) when you purchase any 2 products from the catalina Geo make-up ranGe valued at $60 or more.
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Four Locations: suite 5 runaway shopping Village. P: 5528 9324 shop 202 tweed city shopping centre. P: 5524 4455 shop 39 Beenleigh Marketplace.P: 3382 0900 shop 3 Pinnacle Pines, Pacific Pines. P: 5665 9119
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All about her...
But leave the lightening to those in the know, she cautions. it’s not worth the risk. “applying your own colour can result in disastrous consequences. firstly, you may have an allergic reaction to the colour or a chemical reaction that will affect the condition of your hair, let alone deliver a colour that you don’t like. expert advice is crucial as you are playing with chemicals and products you know nothing about.” if you choose to colour your hair yourself and it doesn’t deliver the results you expect, you will always end up spending more time and money having it professionally fixed by a hair colourist. as tracey explains: “there are fantastic ammonia-free professional conditioning colours that are gentler on your hair. lightening your hair can put some degree of stress on your hair and if done incorrectly, it can cause some breakage and dryness.”
the lighter you go the more maintenance the color will require. Be prepared to visit your colourist every 6 weeks, tracey adds. “generally when the hair is lighter, the condition of the hair is compromised therefore blonde hair is much more fragile compared to a brunette. it is important for blonde hair to be maintained with high quality products.” receive free advice with a complimentary consultation from the mieka colourists, as to what will suit your skin tone, eye colour and your current style, and what will be best for you for this summer. More at
Credits: Photography Andrew Maccoll Tracey Hughes
Julia Green
Karmyn Pembridge
› Hazel Tea Shop
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A must have for all blondes is Redken Extreme AntiSnap which provides heat protection and works as a leave-in hair fortifier. The Redken Blonde Glam range activates brilliance, clarifies color and reinforces strength on all types of blonde hair. A luxury product that is great for blondes is Kerastase Bain de Force (shampoo) and Cimente Antiusure (conditioner). These fortifying shampoo and conditioning products aid in strengthening coloured hair, and promotes the reconstruction and rebuilding of hair from within. Kerastase also offer Ciment Thermique which coats the hair with a top seal film protectant and has a strengthening technology that is heat-activated. Always use a heat protecting styling product such as GHD Heat Protect, before using any styling equipment such as a blow dryer, irons, or curling tongs.
› Baker’s Delight
Blonde Tips
› Uchouten Japanese Restaurant › Wa-ssam Japanese Dining & Bar › Zanette’s Gelati
3240 Surfers Paradise Boulevard, Surfers Paradise P: 07 5592 5188 |
Coast Kids GC | 43
nothing says summer by the sea like details and statement pieces in stark white, blending through the spectrum to hues of milky beige. draw inspiration from the hamptons and tropical island chic with some of this seasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s white hot pieces.
4 7
1. skyline Ceramic lamp rrp: $79.95 - 03 9474 1300
2. hemisphere round shell ball lamp $399 and large White Clam vase $189. 3. Bon appetit Cupboard rrp: $3699 4. la Chapelle Camera table lamp rrp: $299 - 1300 BeaCon 5. Bridgette side table rrp: $399 6. Christopher guy large swirl Coffee table rrp: from $5,440 - 1300 789 659 7. organic island lip balm in real shells, in six styles. $15.95. 8. Christopher guy oval arm lounge Chair rrp: from $4,380 - 1300 789 659 9. anthropologie tealight holders rrp: $7.95 each - 03 9474 1300 10. glasshouse fragrance large triple scented candles $39.95
44 | Coast Kids GC
Tropical Modern
Words: Jeni Bone
We are so lucky in Queensland, blessed with three quarters of the year doused in bright sunshine and mild to warm weather year round, plus an abiding passion for the al fresco lifestyle. We spend so much time on our verandas, poolside and in the garden that our outdoor décor is as important as our interiors. no matter what your personal style, or what furniture you’ve inherited, acquired or got stuck with, rarely do we have the budget, nor the confidence to ditch everything to adopt a trend. fortunately, blending classic and on-trend pieces is ‘de rigueur’ among the more realistic interior designers/decorators, with experts recommending selecting key hero pieces and then working around those with fabrics and details. Brad sebastiao, principal of Brad sebastiao designs says “it’s about creating a juxtaposition between old and new, making it feel homey and not overworked”. “the home has to be a reflection of the people who live within it, so it’s important not to lose yourself or discard the elements that you have a personal attachment to.” first, explore some themes, he advises, “whether that influence is tribal, nautical or botanical”. then create a story board, like the professionals do. “rip pages out of magazines and highlight your favourite pieces, then write a list. embrace the trend with
the addition of art work, fabrics in cushions, throws and drapes, which can be achieved relatively inexpensively.” if you lack the time or confidence, consult an expert. “it’s not as costly as you might think,” says Brad, adding that a consultation and concept can cost between $500 and $1,000, depending on what you’re trying to achieve. “interior designers have access to the absolute latest and unique sources of wholesale products and art, not available direct. Working with a designer will save you time, money and frustration in the long run.” hot from the uK and europe, fruity, tropical prints were on the catwalks this northern summer and picked up in interiors, where everything from palm leaves and pineapples to exotic flowers and flamingos evoke balmy summer days that stretch into festive nights. Bold prints, bright colours and a base of stark white pieces are reminiscent of the 1970s palm springs’ vibe, and with hibiscus, parrots and pineapples as design details, who wouldn’t raise a smile? if that sounds like too much, take heart: the tropical trend is not solely about wild colours and wildlife. the Colonial villa vibe with all-white elements and natural materials like rattan, bamboo and cotton offers a more tasteful, low-key version of the tropical look.
P. 5538 0830 E. A. 93 Ashmore Rd Bundall Qld 4217
Coast Kids GC | 45
Nanas that rock Keeley o’Connor intErvieWs Julie aCkland oF mAdison JAne bouTique introducing our first nana that roCKs! julie is the owner of madison jane Boutique in miami and moved to the gold Coast three and a half years ago from echuca, victoria. she previously owned a gift and home wares store for six years before moving closer to her family and grandkids, plus of course to enjoy warmer weather.
Nanas that Rock! Photography by: Kayden Doe Photography
busiNEss Tell us about your business / current role? madison jane was inspired by my passion for working with people. my daughter sarah and i recognised a gap in the market that delivered unique, sustainable and affordable products for children. our concept is to provide a range of choices for babies and kids that are exclusive, trendy, practical, affordable and above all environmentally friendly and sustainable for our future. i manage the store and sarah assists with the online and marketing department. sarah’s hand on experience of being a young mum makes for a great combination.
How has life changed for you since you became a grandparent? oh my, that is a hard one, how do you put into words the joy, pleasure and unconditional love that these little people bring. i think to sum it up; there is nothing more rewarding then to visit two gorgeous kids and have them run into your arms saying with sheer delight ‘nana! nana!’ and embrace you with an enormous hug.
What are a few of the biggest changes you see in raising children present day versus when you raised your family? the biggest change i see is that life was so much simpler. fewer choices, less demanding and definitely not as much pressure. With the modern technology we now live in a fast paced world that is constantly changing and modernising. life certainly was less chaotic back then.
grAndkidS How many grandchildren do you have? two, madison and joshua, 4 and 2 years old.
Do you help out with the care of your grandchildren? Is this by choice or are you helping out of necessity? i love to help out with the grandkids when i can and have always been on hand to help when needed. i treasure the time i have with them.
What do you do for fun with the grandkids? We love going to the park where little josh says ‘higher nan higher!’ when i push him on the swing. they love to play with their mum, aunty and uncle’s old toys, the car track being the favourites. going to the beach of course. madison likes to go to the bongo drums at Burleigh beach on a sunday evening, as she loves music and dance, cooking is always a hit. making play dough. madi is craft crazy so we go to the shops and stock up on all sorts of bits and bobs. then we have fun making things.
Kayden Doe Photography $75 Spring Special
Mini photo Shoot (30 MinuteS) all printS/iMageS on cD 0410 747 544 46 | Coast Kids GC
FuN Do you still go out on date night with your partner? If so, where to? a nice night out at the movies and a casual dinner is always a great way to relax with friends.
What is your favourite Gold Coast place to hang with the whole family? that’s easy, the beach!
How about favourite place to eat out? justin lane is my favourite place at the moment but i’m always trying new and interesting places.
giRl StuFF What is your favourite mother/daughter activity? shopping and going out for a coffee at one of the many great cafes we have on the coast. i enjoy a weekend at gwinganna lifestyle retreat when time permits, it is a nice way to recharge with healthy inspiration and relaxation.
What is your best beauty tip for mums and nanas? eat healthy foods, drink lots of water and use organic products as much as possible.
Favourite place to shop? i love a good wander around robina shopping centre, everything under one roof.
tipS If you could share your best parenting tip what would it be? enjoy every moment as they truly grow up to fast. my biggest tip would be to remember that time spent with your little ones will far out weigh anything money can buy.
How do you juggle family life and running a business? i have a fabulous circle of friends and family who are always there to pitch in and help when needed.
Fantasy Husband…that celebrity dream man?
If you could give some words of wisdom to a new grandmother, what would it be?
george Clooney!
give generously of your time and love, as you will be rewarded tenfold.
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CK 0422 653 4 88 Coast Kids GC | 47
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projecTs wiTH mrs Red
Words: Jane Whittred
here is an art project that is fun, easy and has really cool results! We all have some shoe polish somewhere in the house, right? and as for foil, well that is a given, too. just like last month, this project to begin with is going to require a little patience because of initial drying times, but it is kind of cool too watching the pva glue go from white to clear. the kids can choose any kind of drawing or pattern they like, just no small detail and the glue will become a blob. lots of lines will work.
mAtERiAlS you will NEed recycled cardboard (cereal packets will work) pva glue (this is a must) Kitchen foil (the cheaper is best because it doesn’t have a pattern embossed) tissue or paper towel Brush for extra glue Blunt object like back of pen or cutlery shoe polish (the squeezy bottle works best and little to no mess)
“CoMmon oBJECtS BecomE sTRangEly unCommon WHen rEmoveD From THeiR ContExt and oRDinaRy WayS oF Being seeN.” - wAyne tHiEbaud 48 | Coast Kids GC
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Art projects
Claude monet’s father disapproved of his painting, he wanted him to be a grocer.
HoW to…
get the kids to draw up their image onto the recycled cardboard. it doesn’t matter if they make mistakes, as it will be covered by foil afterwards. dribble and squeeze pva glue over all the line work that has just been drawn up. remember, no fine little detail, as it will end up as a blob of glue. as the glue dries (24 hours) you will notice it shrinks. for this reason i applied a second coating of glue so to really bulk it up and make the glue really stand up off the cardboard. again, you need to let this dry. you can use a hair dryer to speed this process up but this will take a long time. the glue needs to be hard before you continue. once you are happy with the glue height the kids now need to put a layer of glue with a brush over the entire picture, making sure they get into every little nook and cranny. they need to work fast because the glue will begin drying very quickly. once this is done put a sheet of foil over the picture, lightly pressing down from the centre outwards to avoid air bubbles the best you can. now take your tissue or square of paper towel, fold it up and use this to rub picture. you can put more pressure on this way and avoid the foil tearing. if you have air bubble areas (the foil won’t stick down) pinprick the centre and you should be able to let air escape that way. if foil does tear where hard glue is this is ok, as you won’t notice it when piece is finished. once you’re happy with your picture so far and you can easily see your drawing embossed it is now time to add further detail with a blunt object. just take your time and increase pressure slowly to see how much the foil will take before it wants to tear. this will create a lot of texture to the end piece. now for the super cool fun part: squeeze the shoe polish onto your picture and watch the amazing effects it will make. the shoe polish will dry fairly quickly and once finished neatly cut the picture out so you don’t have any overlapping foil. you should end up with an antique metal looking drawing! Visit for adult, teen and children’s art classes, birthday parties and events.
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Coast Kids GC Directory The
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Grommet Designs
Foreva Captured Impressions CapturedImpressions.Page
Crazy Kids Shoes
Suka Kids
Ankle-Biters Soft Sole Leather Shoes
PIY Invites
My Marching Ants
Ever After Designs
SponSorS: gold Coast gymnastics Club l Boomerangs play Centre l Curves gym markeT parTner: grommet Designs l markeT phoTography: Forever after photography l
ROBINA Saturday 1 December l 9am-1pm Robina Community and Performing Arts Centre, Glen Eagles Drive, Robina State School
SANCTUARY COVE Saturday 6 October l 3pm-7pm Twilight l
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Coming Soon 2013 gold Coast market dates, markets also run in Brisbane & Toowoomba for more information visit
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