Coast November 2012
top Toys
for cHrIsTmas!
hEaLthy sNaCks uPsKilLiNg in the oNlIne age
Swim Safe
2 | Coast Kids GC
Coast Kids GC | 3
From the Editor…
I love this time of year, the days are full, weekends buzzing with socialising and the weather rocks! We’re all amped counting down to the holidays (they are so close!) and the hot days make for perfect pool or beach days! So what better time to dive into some facts and tips on keeping your family pool safe. CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs Berry and her Prep Red class at St. Francis Xavier College in Runaway Bay who won our “Win a Safari Excursion to Dreamworld”! They did such a great job on their tiger project (you can see a snapshot on page 9), had lots of votes behind them and will enjoy an awesome day out at Dreamworld in the coming weeks! Thank you to all the schools that took the time to learn about our Aussie wildlife and support our promotion. Make sure you take a peak at our growing All About Her and Lifestyle pages – yes we are intoxicated by raising our children however we are still our own person and need to look after h, ourselves. We can all use tips on health, d beauty, how to nurture ourselves and d keep up with the latest products and trends for her and home. d The Coast Kids GC team are delighted to expand our issue this month and youu will find sixty pages of tips, treasures and tales about Gold Coast parenting. Enjoy the extra read and as always send us any feedback or ideas to Happy days!
feAtureS The Winner Is?
Who won the CKGC promotion to take their class on a Safari Excursion to Dreamworld Island?
Taming Teenage Tantrums
Swim Safe
Kids do the Five, Swimming Lessons and Life Saving skills
Kids Tell
What did you love about the Kids Weekend in Surfers Paradise?
Santa’s Check List
Fresh toy ideas and give-aways
The brave new world of work and study
reGularS Reviews
Sea Change
What we love, love, love
Life Skills
Daddy Diaries
Health & Wellbeing
Keeping it Real
Keeley O’Connor l Leanne Gibbs l Jenni Johnson l Skye Miller l Marissa Harding-Smith l
Family Health
What’s On Calendar
Coast Kids GC Magazine
The team…
EDITOR/OWNER: Keeley O’Connor l ART DIRECTOR: Emma Mardaine l
Mamas That Rock!
Eco Living
Ph: 0433 808 257 l Fax: 07 5610 2035
No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without the written consent of the publisher. Content in Coast Kids GC is for general information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. The publisher, contributors and related parties are not engaged in providing legal, financial or professional advice or services. The publisher, contributors, editors and related parties are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken any person, organisation or any party on basis of reading information, stories or contributions in this publication, website or related product.
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Published by: Coast Kids GC Pty Ltd. PO Box 5366 Q Super Centre QLD 4218
All About Her
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Cover… © Lizzie Savill /
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Little Snappa fun underwater photos for kids!
Online… Check us out online and find our latest issues and join us on Facebook.
Write to us… You can write to any of our expert contributors asking for guidance, or contact me with feedback or story ideas at 4 | Coast Kids GC Contact 0417 881971
Jeni Bone Features Editor Jeni Bone has been writing professionally for 24 years, across newspapers, magazines, TV and online media, covering business, lifestyle and news, as well as in PR and marketing for global brands and media for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. With hubby Carlton, she does her best to raise Alex and Sophie with inquisitive minds, a love of learning and sense of community.
fe tAyLoR Health & Wellbeing Fe is the director of Leaps & Bounds Children’s Fitness Centre, Fe Taylor Fitness and also the Children’s Health & Wellbeing Expo, held annually on the Gold Coast. Fe’s health and wellbeing programs are associated with the GCCC Active & Healthy Program.
Jane wHiTtred Arts & Creativity Jane’s most rewarding role is that of a teacher. Having been artistic for as long as she can remember and now being a Mum to 3 young children. Jane is also a qualified Graphic Designer, registered School Teacher and owner of Mrs Red’s Art room.
aMaRdy dHaNoya Keeping It Real A proud stay at home mother of three beautiful children, daughter Marley 4yrs, son Kaius 3 yrs and newborn daughter Vienna. With a background in media and publishing she now enjoys the fun and adventures her children bring into her life.
dEbBie Hogg Life Skills One of Australia’s leading Coaches & ANZI Coaching Coach of the Year 2010 Debbie is co-creator of ‘Life Skills Programs’ Social & Emotional learning programs for parents, she is passionate about ‘Enriching the Lives of Children’ and is a specialist in family coaching. Debbie is a trainer, NLP Master, author, mum to two girls and is a spirited & passionate coach who will encourage you to shine.
tan cUrTis
Behaviour Specialist, Counsellor & Facilitator
Tan is Managing Director of Fabic - a behavioural specialist centre offering clinical services, personal assessment, group training and public workshops. Tan is author of the highly acclaimed book ‘Challenging Change’ as well as creator of useful take-home tools and programs to support managing behaviour issues and creating positive behavioural interventions for people of all ages.
John bUrChell Naturopath/Homeopath John Burchell N.D Hom. R.M. C.I. is a proud father of three children and has 25 years clinical experience as a naturopath and homoeopath. John practices at The Medical Sanctuary in Benowa and has been practicing on the Gold Coast since 2004 after moving here from Victoria.
aNtHony sHeRratt Daddy Diaries Anthony Sherratt is a full-time stay-at-home dad who juggles looking after his twin girls, lecturing at university and contributing to a variety of websites and publications. He’s finally thankful for his insomnia.
Dana sTrOng Communication Dana traded in international corporate communication positions with the likes of Motorola and IBM to launch her own strategic copywriting business so she could have the flexibility to make her family her #1 priority. Dana believes that clear communication is vital to parenting and to business, and she makes it her business to share her skills and experience with others.
Coast Kids GC | 5
Reviews Apps for Healthy Kids
coasT kidS gc reViews thE laTest iN booKs, appS & enTertaInmenT
Apps and activity, they can work together and this phenomenon has become known as “gamification” – conversion of online games into real life rewards. Here are our top 3 apps for getting kids motivated and making healthy eating and exercise informative and fun!
orgaN wisE Developed by The Organ Wise Guys with the desire to teach small kids (and their parents) how to adopt a healthy lifestyle, this app delivers small video lessons (one or 2 minutes long) where funny characters explain how our body organs function and what exactly do they need to keep us healthy and full of energy.
moNumentaL The Monumental app lets your child choose a monument to climb like the Eiffel Tower or Pyramid of Giza and expands on the adventure based on how many steps they climb in real life. Through the magic of smartphone motion-sensor technology, this little program keeps track of your kid’s activity and won’t let them check out the view or collect souvenirs unless they get moving!
i aM loVe: kiDs’ yogA joUrney ...gets kids healthy! y!
Fun, nutrition education and activities for healthier kids!
Louise A. Elliott L tt Illustrated by Peter McDonald Illus onald
onE for the Boys . . . Finally, a book for blokes who just don’t get what all this Fifty Shades malarkey is all about. Big Sky Publishing presents the Fifty Shades of Blokes Trilogy: Fifty Shelves of Grey, Fifty Spades of Grey and Fifty Shades of Grass. These hilarious gift books follow the story of handyman Dave who does some work for a young entrepreneur named Christina, and discovers her desire for something ‘a bit rough’. The unworldly, innocent Dave – like almost every man before him – has no idea what’s going on, and believes Christina simply shares his passions for sports, DIY and gardening. With every story written the way men would like it – incredibly short – this series is a parody that will leave you asking, “How do men and women ever get together?” ($14.99, all available November)
For younger children, this iPad or iPhone app take them on a magical journey through the land of ancient Egypt to tell a story designed just for them complete with 13 yoga poses presented by the kids in the story. This app caters to a variety of learning styles to fully engage your child. If your child is a visual learner, they can read the story while auditory learners can listen.
Books mifFy Holland ’s most famous rabbit, and Dick Bruna’s most well known character has been a much loved pre-school brand for over 50 years! With simple stories, and a deceptively simple emotional depth, Miffy is perfect for pre-schoolers and reflects the world and new experiences. The Miffy range includes the Miffy Classic Library books, as well as some Miffy novelty that centres around learning. RRP $12.95. Hardie Grant Egmont.
heY jaCk! thE losT reIndeer By Sally Rippen Jack can’t wait to give his best-friend, Billie her Christmas present. He made it himself! But what will happen when Billie’s present for him is way cooler? RRP $7.95. Hardie Grant Egmont.
thE amAzing armY By Louise A. Elliott The Amazing Army delivers persuasive nutrition education to young children – just in time for festive Christmas diets! Author of The Superfruit Juice Book, Louise Elliott embraces children’s fascination for ‘good against evil’ in this engaging story that promotes fruits and vegetables from ‘Major Energy’, and the avoidance of sweets and treats from ‘Sneaky Sweetie’. Readers will enjoy fun activities, a healthy-eating Goal Chart and Major Energy Award, plus there’s recipes and health education for parents, too!
treE Tree is a stunning debut picture book from Danny Parker, illustrated by Matt Ottley. This is a modern tale about life’s cycles, how everything is intrinsically linked, and how everything happens for a reason. Tree is a raw, natural embossed hardcover with a jacket that folds out to be an impressive poster which showcases Matt Ottley’s artwork. RRP$24.95. Little Hare.
6 | Coast Kids GC
Coast Kids GC
e g n a h C Sea onE in Four golD coAst rEsideNts iS borN OverseAs. heRe, breE evE shaRes hEr famiLy’S Story of mIgratiOn, the ChallEnges oF MakinG a nEw hoMe on the Other side oF The worLd, and The tRansfOrmatIons She iS HopinG theIr seA chaNge wIll briNg. waRdrobE detoX There comes a point in every woman’s life, where there is no room in her wardrobe. I am at that point at the moment. While I was looking for somewhere to put my four new deep-vee T-shirts I discovered what the problem is. I have no room for gorgeous new summer clothes because my wardrobe is full of London work clothes, which have no place in my lovely new coastal life. For starters, I have an entire drawer of thick tights; brown tights, black tights and purple tights. None of which I have worn since leaving the UK and I really don’t think I will. But they occupy an entire drawer. Then there are the coats. I have so many coats they don’t even fit in my wardrobe. Will I ever wear those thick, dark wool coats on the Gold Coast? Never. But I am strangely sentimental about them because they represent another life, my London life. The problem is, I am also sentimental about the winter boots, hats, gloves and scarves. As you can imagine, that amount of sentimentality takes up quite a bit of space. But I am hanging on to some things I do not feel sentimental about. My unofficial work ‘uniform’ in the UK was black trousers, a black and white top and black ballet pumps. I had lots of variations on this theme, but you would have to have a keen eye to even spot the difference in these bland combinations. Occasionally, I would do something crazy like wear red shoes or
I now call Australia Home! caRolinE roBerts, muM to maTty (3 ½ yrS ) and islA (9 montHs) froM keNt, enGland to thE golD coasT (viA syDney anD tokYo) moVed tO the golD coAst iN juNe. How did you come to be living on the Gold Coast? I never expected to move to Australia. I was living in London when I met my husband Chris. He’s South African and was in the process of immigrating to Australia. We had dated for eight months when he left the UK. We kept the relationship going long distance for a couple of months and then decided it was all or nothing, We were in love, so we got engaged a year after we met. I joined him in Sydney in 2003 and we started building our life together. In 2010 while I was on maternity leave with Matty, Chris got a job opportunity in Tokyo. We were there for two years, before taking a new role in the Gold Coast earlier this year.
What were you expecting life to be like on the Gold Coast? navy trousers, but I pretty much stuck to my black rule. The sky was so often grey and dreary and that is how I felt in my sombre look. But on the Gold Coast my all black dress code just doesn’t feel right. I have worn those clothes once or twice, and I just felt like a stick in the mud. What I really want to wear on the coast are crisp white t-shirts, brightly coloured trousers and short shorts. I also want to wear too many colours at once and bright accessories like colourful bags and scarves. And I know it is a cliché, but I also want to wear T-shirts with palm trees on them. I blame the heat... When I was growing up in Australia, I always had a drawer just for swim wear. I had to, I had so many pairs. So maybe that’s my goal for the summer: to reinvent my thick tight drawer as my bikini drawer. It’s pretty clear I need to sort out my wardrobe and I am proud to say I have already made a bit of a start. I cut up two pairs of thick tights, filled them with scrunched up newspaper, and made my son a dog’s tail and some floppy dog ears out of them. Admittedly, I still have quite a bit to sort if I am going to make space for some tropical print skinny jeans and an Aztec skirt this summer.
We were expecting a great lifestyle. My husband is a real outdoorsy person; he surfs, cycles and runs. He found that really hard in Tokyo as it just wasn’t the same for him. Matty is nearly three and a half now and loves running along the beach for miles, splashing in the water. You can really see the freedom and the happiness it brings him. It’s been a good move for him especially.
What have you found challenging about the move? I think for us it is just starting again... again. In Sydney, we have lots of friends; we got married, we got mortgages, we had kids there – we went through those life events with our friends so developed strong bonds. And in Tokyo, being in an expat community, you build solid friendships quickly. We have really great friends in Sydney and Tokyo and now have to build that from scratch again here. It’s a bit of a challenge but it comes in time, especially having kids. It is just about getting out there and meeting people. The other thing is, neither of us have any family here and that’s more of an issue now that we have kids. My husband’s family are in South Africa and mine are in the UK. I am conscious of making sure the children have a strong relationship with their family. We’re going to have to do some big trips!
Is there anything else you have found challenging? No, I think life is pretty easy here. We appreciate what the Gold Coast has to offer. It has the conveniences of a city but with so many lifestyle benefits. For example, my husband’s commute to work is 10 minutes, which is divine. We would spend an hour in the car or on public transport previously. Now he is often home for dinner, to give Matty a bath and to have some evening time together. In many ways, life is a bit easier, a bit less stressful.
What has been the highlight for you? Just discovering what the Gold Coast has to offer. I had never been to the Gold Coast before we moved here and all I knew of it was the Surfers Paradise skyline. I have just been so blown away by how gorgeous it is, how amazing the beaches are and how friendly everyone is. The hinterland is so close and so beautiful; the mountains and the rainforests are just stunning. I feel like everything you could possibly want is right here on your doorstop – you just need to go and find it.
Coast Kids GC | 7
Post-nAtAl pAmPeRing
nAtIonal sUnNies day Schools are being encouraged to “Protect Your Pupils”, especially on Thursday 8 November which is National Sunnies Day, organized by the Queensland Eye Institute. Excessive exposure to the sun’s UV rays during childhood can lead to major eye problems later in life. National Sunnies Day aims to teach kids the importance of protecting their eyes and raise funds for research that will benefit the whole community. By registering for National Sunnies Day kids can win great prizes for themselves or their school. More at
Christmas can be a particularly tough time for families in need. The Salvos, this year celebrating “100 Years of Changing Lives”, opens its Christmas Appeal from 1 November.
New mums can recuperate in the lap of luxury at the luxurious Palazzo Versace, with the launch of the Pindara Palazzo Platinum Package. The Pindara Palazzo Platinum Package is offered by Pindara Private Hospital to give new mothers the opportunity to recover after giving birth and to bond with their baby in style and comfort at Palazzo Versace, while enjoying the support of a trained midwife. The package is for two nights and includes accommodation in a Superior Room for two adults and their baby – 24 hour midwife support is included. As guests of the Hotel, the new parents will have access to all Hotel services and facilities including special postnatal spa treatments for the mother; special menu and rates for partner’s meals; and extended stay and extended family rates.
They are asking the community for donations of new toys, especially for 10-15 year olds who generally miss out, and non-perishable food items. All goods can be delivered to the Salvos store, Public Relations office, 3-9 Precision Drive, Molendinar.
To enhance the whole experience, James Frizelle’s Automotive Group has partnered with Pindara Private and Palazzo Versace, to provide a complimentary private transfer service, to deliver new mothers and the Gold Coast’s smallest and newest VIP arrivals, safely into the lap of luxury
Call Patrick Walsh on 0407 142 014.
More at
sAlVoS’ toy aPpEaL
Bulk bIlLing for Kids’ bReAtHing tEsTs November is Lung Awareness Month and the John Flynn Respiratory Centre aims to raise community awareness about this year’s initiative to improve children’s respiratory health. In response to the rise in asthma related deaths, The John Flynn Respiratory Centre within the grounds of the John Flynn Private Hospital will offer bulk billing for children aged six to 12 years with cough, wheezing or breathing difficulties who may have asthma and require a breathing test (spirometry). This test is only indicated for children who have cough, wheeze or breathlessness and a GP referral is required. Respiratory Physicians (Lung Specialists) Dr Rob Nickels and Dr Iain Feather report Queensland has the highest incidence of asthma in Australia. “With easier access to paediatric bulk billed breathing tests, we hope to enhance children’s health on the Gold Coast.” More at
Maria Nixon
Private midwifery care from early pregnancy to 6 weeks after birth. Now with admitting rights to birth at Gold Coast Hospital 24 hour support l Home Visits l Birth at Home or Hospital l Water birth Breastfeeding support l PND Screening l Medicare rebates apply Rosie Blyth
8 | Coast Kids GC
Sharon Dalton
Ph: 5631 4222 l website: Ph
A bb
whO is Going oN An adVentuRous saFari exCursiOn to drEamworlD islaNd? coNgratUlatiOns tO preP reD at st. frAncis xaVier prImary schoOl!
Coast Kids GC
r fact: ite tige r u o v im in a F to swthey are e k i l They ater and the wngered. enda
Tiger Investigation
Thank you to all the children, parents, teachers and supporters who entered to win one exciting, adventurous prize to Dreamworld Island! Prep Red at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Primary School in Runaway Bay gathered the most votes from class mates, family and neighbours to put them in the lead seat and ‘Win a Dreamworld Safari Excursion’!
Favourite tiger fact: They have shar really sharp teetp claws and h.
They sure impressed the team at Coast Kids GC with their Tiger Investigation – what colourful artwork, creativity and beautiful words were used to tell us what they loved about tigers.
The class will showcase their display in the school’s Resource centre so that their whole school community can share their project and now they can boast they have a super fun excursion to look forward to!
r fact: ng. ite tige r u o v a very lo F e r a tails Their
The children drew their own tigers and then painted them and cut them out. Mrs. Berry tells us the class discussed where tigers lived and that is why they decided to put our tigers on a jungle background. She photographed each child with their artwork and they were interviewed and asked to give their favourite tiger fact or their favourite thing about tigers. These photos and answers were then compiled into a blog – wow, what a great effort Prep Red!
fact: the e tiger t i r u o im in v Fa to sw e k i l Tigersr. wate
Amy Berry, Prep Red’s teacher told us, “Once we found out we were in the running to win the class trip to Dreamworld, the children and I looked at their website to find out what animals they had at the theme park. After a bit of discussion, it was decided that we would really like to know more about the tigers. We started by discussing what we already knew about tigers and looking at some pictures. This led to more questions by the children and we were soon off searching the web for the answers and finding some very interesting facts along the way.”
fact: y e tiger t i r u se the o v Fa becautheir food m e h I like kt up to getn the dark. snea hey hunt i roar and and t when they em too. I like an hear th you c
Favourite tiger fact: Tigers sneak up on other animals.
Congratulations Prep Red!
Call for your free trial now! 07 5535 8640
ages 2 1/2 to 5
You are never too young to start playing Soccer with classes available at these locations: 2UNAWAY "AY s 0ACIlC 0INES s 3OUTHPORT #ARRARA s "URLEIGH s #URRUMBIN s 6ARSITY ,AKES AND /RMEAU
Taming Teen
tAnTrums Words: Dana Strong
“heY sweetIe, did You rEmembEr to unloAd thE hoRmoneS DishwAsher?” i CalmlY askEd my tweeNage DaughtEr. Raging “whY are you AlwayS yelLing At me? she RepliEd. ”i Hate This Family!” she Threw in bEfore she StompeD Off tO her room and SlammEd thE door. For my daughter’s sake, I have to admit this is a fictional scenario. It’s based on experiences that are common for me, and other parents of tweens and teens, to encounter in our daily lives, though. Now that our ‘babies’ have grown into ‘almost adults’, we find we’re dealing with a whole new type of temper tantrum, and we need some new strategies for parenting before we lose our cool! First of all, know that you’re not alone. Parents of most teens are jumping over the same hurdles and meeting the same obstacles – to some degree or another – as you are. Understanding what’s behind these temper tantrum is the first step in figuring out how to handle them.
whAt’S behInd tHe moOd swIngs And oUtbursTs? It’s easy to feel like our teens are deliberately misinterpreting situations or purposely trying to drive us crazy. In most cases, though, biological reasons are the drivers behind your teen’s behaviour.
10 | Coast Kids GC
hormones are the common explanation for teens’ irrational behaviour, and it’s true: puberty is an extraordinary hormonal event. During puberty, a part of the brain called the hypothalamus releases an adrenal steroid which produces testosterone (in males) and estrogen and progesterone (in females). These hormones race around teens’ bodies and can certainly affect their personality and moods. Adrenal steroids can cause feelings of depression; testosterone can increase feelings of aggression; progesterone can cause feelings of anxiety; estrogen can cause fluctuations in mood.
The prefrontal cortex of teenagers’ brains are ‘under construction’: not only are they not yet fully formed, they are also undergoing remodelling as some neurons actually die and are replaced by new cells during adolescence.
Recent studies are showing, however, that brain development is a stronger influence on teens’ behaviour than hormones.
This development and these changes are proven to be key factors driving common teen behaviours including mood swings, conflict with authority, risk taking, lack of impulse control, disorganisation and the inability to set goals and priorities.
prEfronTal cOrtex
This is the area of the brain that is responsible for moderation, impulse control and the understanding of consequences.
The Amygdala is the part of the brain that teens rely on to interpret facial expressions and others’ emotions. It basically causes teens to interpret
Communication emotions with a gut reaction. Adults, on the other hand, rely on the prefrontal cortex to read these same signals and, as a result, tend to react rationally. That’s why a teen is apt to think you are yelling at them when you’re not or to think someone is insulting them when it’s not the case. It is also a reason why teens can seem to have no appreciation of the impact of their actions on those around them.
anger, taunting you or throwing a tantrum, remain calm and impassionate.
be confIdent Even if you don’t feel in control, act like you are. If your teen senses that inside you are a quivering mess, they’ll be sure to take advantage of it.
be brief keeP caLm anD coMmunicaTe Now you can relax, knowing that it’s probably not your fault, your parenting style or your teens’ personality shortcomings that are driving the parentteenage conflict in your home.
Say what you need to say, and then keep quiet. When your teen is having a tantrum, they’ll be better able to take in your instructions and understand what you are saying if you are clear and concise.
waTch yOur worDs buT whaT can you Do to tame the TantruMs? hoW Can yOu maNage The uNcoopEratiVe beHavioUr? whaT ParenTing TechnIques will get The bEst rEsults? Keep in mind that although it may not be your teen’s ‘fault’ that they are erratic, impulsive or volatile, it does not absolve them of responsibility. It’s your job, as a parent, to help them learn how to control their behaviour. Keep calm, communicate and get results by trying these techniques:
It’s easy to respond emotionally to your teen’s rudeness or disrespect. Be careful not to let your emotions take over your mouth!
miNd yoUr toNe Again, keep your emotions is check. When your teen pushes your buttons, try to be directive, calm and impassionate. Don’t respond by yelling, shouting or even nagging.
giVe reAsons
Don’t be drawn into an emotional game with your teen. When they are experiencing a moment of
Sometime after an outburst – or better yet before there even is an incident in the first place – sit down
with your teen and give them some reasons why they should be cooperative and some reasons why they shouldn’t be uncooperative. Make the consequences clear so you don’t get caught coming up with something unfair or unwarranted in the heat of the moment.
praiSe Look for and acknowledge your teen when they are behaving well. Don’t fall into the habit of overshowering them with compliments, but do give them kudos when it really is warranted. Praise is probably the most powerful tool you have for improving your teen’s behaviour – even when they pretend not to care!
stIck wIth it Be warned, you teen will probably test you to see if you mean business. If you consistently respond in the same calm manner, they won’t be as tempted to try you. Good luck! Parenting teens is tricky business. Know that you are not alone in your struggle. Remember to look after yourself and take time out for yourself so you have the energy and stamina to deal with the challenges you face.
Slide in for happiness this summer! *$29.99 is the child price to WhiteWater World. Conditions apply.
Get wiggly and wet at Wiggle Bay, relax in your own private Cabana or get soaked in The Pipeline Plunge – the ultimate water playground! It’s the most fun you will have this summer from only $29.99.*
Coast Kids GC | 11
What we…
Babiators Babiators are virtually indestructible, aviator-style rubber sunglasses for kids ages nine months and up that provide 100 percent UVA and UVB protection from the sun’s harmful rays. Babiators are also 100 percent BPA-free, and they meet or exceed CPSIA safety standards for children’s products – so they’re safe for kids curious to know how cool tastes! They rock two sizes and four awesome colours plus they have a wear and tear guarantee! RRP $29.95 available at Madison Jane, 4 Dawn Pde, Miami.
WOW – sugar free In the come down from Halloween and lead up to Christmas, treat your family to some sugar-free sweets. Available in a wide range of flavours, WOW ‘Wonderland Of Wellbeing’ ticks all the boxes, as well as being low GI, free from artificial colours and flavours, dental friendly, low in fat and cholesterol free. Australian-owned and Australian-made sugar-free confectionery, the WOW ‘Wonderland Of Wellbeing’ brand is committed to increasing awareness of the health dangers associated with sugar. Available flavours include Buttered Candy Drops, Chewy Mints, Fruit Candy, Ice Mints, Buttered Candy with Choc Centre, Eucalyptus Drops, Chewy Caramel, Lemon & Lime Drops and Chewy Fruits.
Get the Scoop Scoops Designs specialises in kids’ room décor, including shatterproof mirrors in charming themes, and cosy cushions that are hard to resist.
Pure Poppet Pure Poppet New Natural Play Makeup Lip Balm Pack! ng Pure Poppet are making Christmas shopping for your little girls balmy this year with the ip New Pure Poppet Natural Play Makeup Lip Balm Pack. Perfect as a stocking filler or as erent an extra little surprise, there are five different flavours to choose from and all feature urs 100 per cent natural ingredients. Flavours anilla, nil nill include Succulent Strawberry, Very Vanilla, e m eamy Perfect Peach, Groovy Grape and Creamy Play Chocolate. The Pure Poppet Natural P le Makeup Lip Balm packs are available 95 now, so you can get in early. RRP $19.95
12 | Coast Kids GC
DwellStudio Shape Sorter We love a sturdy, colourful toy and The DwellStudio Shape Sorter ticks those boxes. It is designed to develop coordination and spark the imagination, with charming animal shapes and brilliant colours. Using both shape and colour, little ones will enjoy matching the animal shapes to their cutouts in the beautiful wooden box. This quality wooden toy also encourages the use of imagination through free play. RRP $46.50
Working for our future – today
(unless otherwise stated)
JUMANJI Saturday 3
THE POLAR EXPRESS Friday 7 Valley Dr, Upper Coomera
ICE AGE 3 Saturday 8
Lawrence Hinde H Park,
Marine Pde, Southport
The Observatory Park, Th Pa
Southern S Skies Ave, R Reedy Creek
HUGO HUGO H S 17 Saturday
Paradise Point Pa Parklands,
The Espl Esplanade (op (opposite shops)
Davenport P Park,
Jackmans Rd, Rd d, Bonogin
REMEMBER REMEM MBER THE TITANS Saturda day 24 Saturday PG n Leeding Damian Memorial Memo orial Park
d PacciĮc Hwy, Oxenford Old PaciĮc
THE D DOLPHIN HIN TALE T PG Satu tu urday urda ay 24 Saturday Laguna La gu una Park Paark
Laguna Lag gu una Avenue, Aven nue, Palm Beach
Cnr Government Rd & WŚŝƟŶg St, Labrador
Marinde arinde Pde, Southport
ET urday 12 Saturday
Palm Beach Parklands
Paradise Point Parklands, The Esplanade (opposite shops)
Gold Coast Hwy, Palm Beach
MEET THE ROBINSONS PG G Friday 18 Lansdowne wne Park ark
Lansdownee Dr, D Ormeau Hills
Your Park Gidgee Crt, Molendinar Gidge
ELF Saturdayy 22
PUSS IN BOOTS Saturday 12
Broadwater Parklands
Hotham Dr, PaciĮc Pines
PLANET 51 Saturday 5
Norm Rix Park
BRAN NUE DAE Saturday 15
Halfway Park, Ormeau
Central Park,
RANGO Saturday 5 Norfolk Park
Cova Blvd, Hope Island
Broadwater Broadw water Parklands,
THE LORAX Sa aturday 10 Saturday
Cova Park,
Explorers Way, W Worongary
FOOTLO FOOTLOOSE OOSE Saturda ay 10 Saturday
Tallowwood Park, Rose
Norm Rix Park, Cnr Government Rd & WhiƟng St,, Labrador
MEN ME IN BLA BLACK ACK 3 Satu 19 Saturday
JusƟns Park JusƟ
The EEsplanade, Burleigh leigh Heads
Broadwater Broadw adwater Parklands Paarklands
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Coast Kids GC | 13
Life skills
ch ch ch chAnges Words: Debbie Hogg
daviD boWie sinGs, “tiMe caN changE Me buT i cAn’T Trace time”.
If we could trace time what changes could we put into place? Balancing all that life serves up for us is a constant and will range from having routine to there being none, juggling duties, shopping, redundancies, separations, death, pregnancy, bills, communication, misunderstandings, drinking too much, financial issues, de-cluttering, losing weight, eating healthier, job searching, better health/wellbeing, making a new life, planning for Christmas and the list can go on. There is an effect and often it’s not pretty. How do we handle the feelings of despair, overwhelm, sadness and sometimes the feeling of out of control? What is the result when this impacts onto our families and our self-belief? Our thoughts say, “Yes if I could change, of course it would be different”, these conversations go around in our heads and can paralyse us. Still we continue the same old pattern with the same old results, showing up as burn out, anxiety, sadness and hopelessness when things aren’t going to plan. Envy may overcome us when seeing others who are balanced and organised, or appear to have it all. Like a duck, we act calm on the outside however
14 | Coast Kids GC
below the water we’re paddling flat out to make things work. The result is no time for me and often, why me? Draining isn’t it?
yeSterdAy is the paSt, toMorroW is A mysteRy, toDay iS the preseNt, thAt is why They Call It a Gift. Change, although fearful at times is a gift and today could be the day it begins to happen. The definition of change; “to make the form, nature, content, future, course, etc of (something) different from what it is or from what it could be if left alone”. Change can be considered difficult and we often resist it because it can bring discomfort and pain; however all change brings opportunities for growth. We have our own long-standing beliefs about the world, our life and how we show up in it. These inner beliefs can hold us back; just imagine the possibilities if a little bit of change occurred right now. Deciding to make a change means setting an intention, this makes a neurological connection in our brain and connects at a deeper level with our
if you Want To knOw yoUr paSt – Look Into Your PreseNt coNditioNs. if you Want To knOw yoUr fuTure – Look Into Your PreseNt acTions. chInese proveRb.
feelings and our heart, getting in touch with our feelings is paramount. When we see and feel the benefits a change can bring it shifts our whole physiology; and starts the magical process of positive change. In shifting our thinking and visualising the change, it creates the power of possibility which reignites the fire in our belly. A positive mindset alters our energy and lifts our vibration levels, we are fun to be around, calmer and have crystal clear focus. Automatically our confidence and self-esteem is increased as we experience our comfort zone expanding, this is where we grow and development.
guIdeliNes tO impLemenTing PositIve cHange: “You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew”. Albert Einstein. Letting go of the thinking that is keeping us stuck like “I’m not good enough”, “it must be perfect”, “when I have enough time, money, love, etc”. This thinking keeps us trapped. Trusting that our abilities and resources are exactly right for the job now! Make a choice to be in control of our life and trust that things will work out for our benefit. Shift the thinking. A support team! There will be times we feel tired or low in energy and guaranteed to be susceptible to old habits. When using friends/family have clear boundaries in place as often their advice doesn’t serve us. Consider someone neutral to assist in keeping accountability like a coach, counsellor or psychologist. Vision board the change, it’s very powerful. Create a board with pictures, words and encouragements to “Become the change you wish to see” Mahatma Gandhi. Keep it simple and celebrate the wins along the way. Affirmations or positive statements work well: “I am going to…………” whenever we feel ourselves slipping back to the old pattern/behaviour, say one that works well for that moment. Keep going with it and embrace the success. The most successful change will affect every aspect of our lives. Starting with small purposeful steps will create the momentum required to start the shift. Real and lasting change is a journey and our starting point is right now! We are exactly where we are meant to be. Wishing you a joyful journey of change and prosperity. Helpful source of reference: Movie recommendation: Ambition to Meaning by Dr.Wayne Dyer
4 PHONE 07 5526 627 U .A M O .C S K C O R E H T N O S WWW.PANCAKE Coast Kids GC | 15
anYone foR tennIs? teNnis Is an auSsie PassiOn, espeCiallY oveR summEr. it’S a gReat Team Sport, indiViduaL spoRt anD FantaStic For tEachiNg spOrtsmAnship, etiqUette, camaRaderIe, commItmenT and the ThrilLs of winniNg, LosinG and just playIng tHe gaMe. According to the experts at Tennis Gold Coast, Tennis is enjoying massive popularity, buoyed by a compelling international circuit and the success of local legend, Sam Stosur, and promise of rising stars such as 10 year old Alex Furst. Here are a few insights in to the game on the Gold Coast.
hoW accEssibLe is tennIs on the golD coAst iN terMs of CoachiNg/LessoNs? Tennis is very accessible, with courts in most neighborhoods on the Gold Coast. The majority of tennis clubs offer a range of tennis services for children and adults of all ages. The Tennis Australia MLC Hot shots program is specifically designed for children from four years. The Hot Shots program is a fun way for kids to learn how to play tennis. Smaller courts, nets, racquets and low-compression balls make learning easy and give younger players the chance to serve, rally and score right from the first time they play. Group and private lessons are available at all clubs and centres. Children can then progress into the Tennis Gold Coast interclub Saturday junior fixture program where teams play out of clubs from all around the Gold Coast region and enjoy both the social and competitive aspect of the competition.
Clubs range from small one-two court centres to clubs that have over 10 courts and offer on-site cafĂŠ facilities and pro-shop. Club information can be accessed at
whAt’S greAt abOut lEarniNg to play tennIs? Tennis is a good sport for maintaining health and fitness. It is also a game that people can play throughout their lifetime and is an ideal social activity. Tennis can be played as both a sport and as a recreational activity with friends and family. Either way, playing tennis is a good sport to maintain your health, fitness, strength and agility.
whAt arE the beneFits BeyonD heaLth aNd fiTness? Tennis is a great way to meet people and spend time with friends. It’s suitable for all ages and skill levels. Whatever your level, you can find someone with a similar ability to play with. It’s helpful to reduce stress and played all over Australia and the world.
whAt arE the oppoRtuniTies If yoUng pLayers Show PromiSe?
whEre aRe thE tgc locaTions?
Tennis Australia has developed the Training and Competition Pathway to set players on the path to becoming a professional. Their Talent Search is the national identification program that evaluates the skills and abilities of athletes aged between six and 11 years of age.
There are approximately 28 tennis clubs on the Gold Coast between Beenleigh and Tweed Heads.
More at
Alex fUrSt Alex is 10 years old and has already been likened to a young Roger Federer. He is a pocket-sized dynamo on court and at such a young age is working hard to fulfil his dream of one day playing tennis professionally. Currently ranked the number one 10 year old in Australia, he is showing so much promise, that he has already secured a highly sought after sponsorship with tennis giant, Wilson. Alex recently won the 10/U Boys Singles Green ball at the 2012 Rod Laver QLD Junior Championships at the Queensland Tennis Centre. This prestigious tournament brought together 470 leading junior players from Australia and the Asia Pacific. The 2012 event featured players from nine countries and included a touring party of 24 players from the Hong Kong Tennis Association. This year, Alex was selected by Tennis Australia to participate in the Top 16 National Talent Development program at the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra. The four-day intensive camp was a great experience for Alex and he received the coveted ‘Ultimate Competitor Award. After a successful 12 months, where Alex has won 16 singles and 12 doubles titles, playing in his age group in Queensland, he will be venturing into the national tournaments in 2013.
16 | Coast Kids GC
AOB Australasian Orthodontic Board
Daddy Diaries
alL you Need is Hugs
Thankfully Mummy was comfortable with that because in fact it’s quite common for children to favour one parent over another. But parents should remember that this sort of favouritism is just a moment in time and prone to whim. They may love the stay-at-home parent until a discipline moment then the ‘worker’ becomes flavour of the minute. Or the one who plays with them all the time is replaced emotionally the minute they have to do something else instead of dancing to hi-5. Words: Anthony Sherratt It’s often hard for us as parents to not feel rejected but we have to remember that they’re young and we, as
The other day I picked the girls up from daycare. As I walked in, another father appeared to be asking his son for something to no avail but I didn’t pay any attention to it: not judging other
I stayed quiet that time. What could I say? But then it just became farcical when a little boy I’d never seen before decided to join in with the crowd and started hugging me too.
parents is an ingrained motto these days. As usual when one of the twins saw me they came tearing over and threw themselves into my arms for a big hug. This is a regular and very welcome ritual. Then I heard the aforementioned father’s voice. “See? HE gets hugs. Why can’t I get a hug?” Oh. I felt a little sad for him. Then I felt bad as
I really felt for the guy and quickly looked up at him and said “I don’t even know this one!” “YOU’RE NOT HELPING!” While it makes for an amusing story it reminded me that we can’t control our kids’ emotions. And, considering that fifteen minutes later one of them was yelling at me because I wouldn’t stop at McDonalds, that children’s love can be fickle.
twin number two came tearing over and threw her arms around me. Sure enough his voice came out: “Look! He gets two!” Then I felt REALLY bad when Lilyana - the girls’ very close friend who was born on the same day as them - threw herself onto me as well. “Oh come on!”
We’ve had periods where the girls have had a favourite parent. Even very early on Gypsy was noticeably less affectionate with Mummy, preferring to only cuddle and kiss Daddy. It wasn’t that she didn’t love her mother as she’d ask after her and miss her. She just didn’t express her affection physically with mummy for a while.
older and wiser people, shouldn’t need affirmation from those that may not even be toilet-trained yet. As a stay-at-home dad with two girls I wondered whether my role at home would work against the twins becoming “daddy’s girls”. Would my constant
of disciplinarian make Mummy the ‘fun one’? But it was a simplistic view of an ever-changing landscape. I generally get more kisses and cuddles but they truly love both of us and are both highly affectionate it. And they’re passionate like their parents so sometimes their emotion is the complete opposite of love. So I may get more hugs and kisses than Mummy but it doesn’t mean all that much because, to be really frank, if it came down to it both my girls would sell us into slavery if they had to choose between their grandparents and us. They REALLY love grandma and granddad.
Coast Kids GC | 17
Health & Wellbeing
beacH bodS Words: Fe Taylor
we are So foRtunaTe to live in sUch a beauTiful part Of thE worLd anD to Have Such Ease Of acCess tO BeautIful BeachEs anD forEshorEs anD of Course, the Fresh aIr.
I love spring especially as I witness more people come out of hibernation and ease back into their fitness regime. As an all year round outdoor exerciser this means more and more traffic on the walkways, beaches and my beloved Miami stairs – and as a Fitness Professional – this makes me happy! It truly is wonderful to see so many up and out early and watching the sunrise on the beach.
utIlisiNg ouR outDoor SpaceS is A greAt waY to Burn CaloriEs, get Some Fresh air – get thosE endOrphiNs puMping and Grab A Free workoUt! to motiVate yoU i Have ChoseN a fEw of my fAvourIte oUtdooR fit tips.
Sand is not just for sandcastles and the bottom of your swimmers. Utilising sand for a resistance workout is great for the legs and glutes and of course calorie burning. Sand is uneven and shifts under your feet which in turn provides a challenge to your normal walk or run. If you are going to use the soft sand, you will need to adapt your running style slightly by digging the toes into the sand and staying on the balls of your feet. This will assist with traction and stability. Prepare for a demanding workout when on the soft sand – and keep hydrated. Sand can also harbour broken shells, sticks, stones and other nasties – so be aware of your surroundings and avoid the hazards.
Calm Baby Solutions
Julie Davenport a Qualified and Experienced Baby Whisperer/ Mothercraft Specialist can help with all of the following issues…
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Helping your baby gently and lovingly 18 | Coast Kids GC
call Julee on 0415 742 950
Health & Wellbeing oCeAn
jogs are also a great workout using the resistance of the water – and
you don’t need to be in too deep – even knee deep is challenging – again be aware of any “holes” in the sand as these can be hazardous to your ankles.
Body bOaRding will provide a cardio and strength workout whilst staying cool in the water. Stay between the flags if you are a novice (this is OK as long as your board doesn’t have any fins), and have a play on the waves. The added assistance of flippers for your feet will give the legs and butt a super workout and paddling through the waves will work the arms. Gain confidence in the waves closer to shore before venturing out too deep.
wAlKing on the beach is definitely one of my favourites. I love taking on new routes and beaches and I personally use my “Run Keeper” app to keep track of the distance and speed I have travelled. Grab a friend and go for it! A number of our foreshores have FREE exercise stations. Parks along Palm Beach, Burleigh Heads, Broadbeach and Surfers Paradise all have exercise stations that run alongside the parkways. Walking between stations and completing each one will give you a free full body workout. If you are on the beach with the kids – take a ball or Frisbee and get your heart rate up with a game of “catch”. Or take a cricket set down and grab your friends for a beach cricket tournament before sunset. Of course you can always take your normal routine of push ups, squats, lunges and ab workout to the sand – or stretch it out with some yoga by the sea. Don’t forget to slip slop slap and stay hydrated while working out in the sun. Enjoy!
Ph: 5530 1177
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0' 7*4*0/ -&"3/*/( We specialise in TENNIS for 3 – 12 yr olds W
ttention problems may be caused by correctable vision disorders.
3 - 5 yrs RED BALL classes 6 - 10yrs ORANGE BALL classes 8 8yrs+ GREEN BALL classes Develop hand-eye co-ordination, physical development & fitness whilst learning skills for a life-long sport SUPER SPORTS HOLIDAY camps during school holidays for children too!
Your child’s first lesson is FREE! Phone to book today.
ehavioural problems may be a sign of correctable vision disorders. orrection is possible. The earlier a hidden vision problem is found, the less a child will struggle or be frustrated.
Over 60% of children with reading or learning difficulties have a hidden vision problem that may not be detected by regular sight checks. Book online at
Corner of Hope Island Rd & Activa Way, Hope Island
PH 07 5520 5900 Coast Kids GC | 19
Words: Jeni Bone
thIs summEr, coolIng oFf in the Pool Will Be a PopulAr paStime, Just As swImminG at The beaCh. buT wheReas We arE vigIlant (oR Should Be) at tHe beaCh, therE is A tenDency to rElax And lEt ouR Guard down arouNd ouR homE – tHere May bE a fenCe, a chIld-pRoof gaTe, the Kids Know How tO swim, It’S not very deep.
kidS alIve - do thE fiVe!
The stats don’t lie. Drowning is the greatest cause of accidental death in children under five in Australia. Each week, on average, one child drowns and many more families are struck by the consequences of a near drowning. The impact of these accidents lasts a lifetime. This warning applies equally to baths, play pools, lakes and dams, even a rain-filled wheel barrow, or any body of water your family has access to. Owning a swimming pool is a big responsibility. Pool owners must ensure that their pool is fenced and complies with local government legislation. And there’s more to it – supervision and ensuring you are aware of the skills required to reduce the risk of drowning.
whY do ChildRen dRown In baCkyarD pooLs? • Inadequate fencing or no fencing • Lack of gate security • Lack of effective water safety skills • Inadequate supervision • Lack of resuscitation skills In 1988 to combat drowning, swimming coach, Laurie Lawrence created the Kids Alive - Do the Five water safety program. The five important steps are:
20 | Coast Kids GC
Fence the pool Shut the gate Teach your kids to swim – it’s great Supervise - watch your mate Learn how to resuscitate
frOm foUr moNths Of agE to Adults, swimMing LessoNs anD traIning are Great for IncreAsing Our sKills, stamIna aNd enJoymeNt of the Water, all Year Round.
liVe anD learN Tammy Ritchie can speak and instruct from personal experience. “We had just moved house and while I was unpacking boxes, my 16 month old son disappeared. I found him floating unconscious in the backyard pool which was fenced but not compliant. My phone hadn’t been connected and I was alone and had to take immediate action. Without the skills, I wouldn’t have been able to resuscitate him.” Fortunately for Tammy and Carson, the events of that day didn’t have permanent impact. They did motivate Tammy to start “First Aid YuCan2” to equip people for any emergency around the home.
Jay Clarke from Rackley Swimming says it’s imperative to have a life-long approach to safe swimming. “A structured program which starts from a young age to teach children how to become strong swimmers, for fun or sport, is important. But it’s not just about swimming. Our aim is to promote education about water safety, wherever that may be so families feel empowered to reinforce those basics at the beach, at home.” From four months of age to adults, swimming lessons and training are great for increasing our skills, stamina and enjoyment of the water, all year round. At Rackley swim schools, every lesson has a safety component, from learners to advanced levels, says Jay. “We can often have a false sense of security around public pools. You can’t expect life guards at pools or the beach to look after every individual. It’s still our responsibility as parents to watch out for our precious children.”
“I realised people were doing CPR courses because they had to – to get a tick in a box – but perhaps not grasping the skills. I want people to be confident to apply the skills when they’re needed. My own experience means the courses are delivered in a powerful and practical, hands-on way.” Tammy points out it only takes 20 seconds to drown. “That’s a matter of answering the phone or going to the bathroom. And drowning is a silent killer – you won’t hear kids scream or splash about. And even strong swimmers can slip in fully clothed in to a cold pool and get in to difficulty.” First Aid YuCan2 offers Certified CPR classes, 2.5 hours, $50, and Certified First Aid course, 7 hours over two sessions, $110. “Or if mums just want a refresher course on the most important skills around the home, we run a 3.5 hour course for a minimum of six people that costs $50 per person.” Source: Kids Alive – Do the Five More at More at
Coast Kids GC | 21
pooL cooL
Cool dude duo
stAy coOl, calm and CollectEd, not To meNtion compLetelY styLish This SummeR witH vibRant AccesSorieS thaT suiT our wateRside lifeStyles.
This range or super smart daddyand-me matching board shorts will take you from beach to barbeque in style. The sturdy, elasticised waist band is comfortable and coupled with a quality braided drawstring for big wave security.
Sublime sun protection The amazing Australian designed beach umbrellas from Basil Bangs scream Summer fun on the beach. Each comes with its own coordinated carry case. RRP $239.
Personalised touch
“Evie” Inflatable Rashie
Those clever ducks at Yellow Duck Designs embroider names onto high quality towels and pack them in gift boxes with bucket and spade.
“Evie” Inflatable Rashie is the World’s first of its kind and is set to make a big difference! From swimming in the backyard pool, fishing with family, kayaking or canoeing with friends or just going to the beach, “Evie” the Sun Smart Inflatable Rashie is a must for sun and water safety protection!
Oceanika Merfins What little girl hasn’t dreamt of being a Mermaid? We saw these at the Kids In Style trade show and love their originality and style! The Oceanika MerFin is a unique and never seen before mermaid mono-fin. Made with recycled rubber, and are one of the first eco friendly fins and a great pool toy! The MerFins are soft, flexible and functional and will give you the speed and agility of any fish in the ocean. Take it to the waves like the mermaids do and be sure to check out their other accessories online.
22 | Coast Kids GC
Sultry sounds Specialising in “oddjects of desire”, Urban Attitude has a collection of products ideal for gifts or everyday items that are out of the box. This Beach sounds iPod stereo is one such groovy gadget. RRP $49.95
Keeping it real
baBy at the beacH Words: Amardy Dhanoya
On any given weekend if you ask my two preschoolers what they would like to do they always say “lets go to the beach!” I love that they love the beach but since having a baby a few weeks ago the beach hasn’t been an option for us, especially on the extremely hot days. Last week we had a gorgeous sunny day so we decided it was time to take my newborn daughter Vienna to the beach – her first time as a three week old. As excited as I was, I knew I had to be very careful with a newborn and sun exposure. It’s not as easy to slip, slop, slap because sunscreen is not recommended on babies before six months old. Once we got to Currumbin Beach my nerves kicked in, we had so much stuff to set up before we could all sit down and relax, for a moment there I thought it might just be easier to jump back in the car and drive home. We had just reached the point with the older two kids where all we had to take to the beach was sunscreen and towels and now with a new baby we were back to loading up the entire car again. It took us 20 minutes to set up! We took a sun tent with great UV protection that we put up for the very first time so as you can imagine there was a lot of “no that pole goes here not over there” and “is there meant to be spare parts?” We had brought along a huge beach umbrella for the older two kids so they wouldn’t be running in and out of the sun tent all wet and sandy. I had a fold out beach chair for myself so I could comfortably breastfeed, along with a large breastfeeding cover. We had extra beach towels, my stroller along with a baby sling for Vienna. I had packed a sun hat for Vienna and made sure she was wearing loose cotton clothing so she wouldn’t overheat It’s always a good idea to head to the beach first thing in the morning or late afternoon with baby, before it gets too hot. On that morning if you walked past
kids haircuts
Kidiz is a hair salon that is specially designed for kids!!! We even have a “first haircut certificate” with a lock of hair and a room for your photo! Enjoy with each Salon Service:
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us, I am sure you would have thought ‘what on earth is going on here, all they need now is the kitchen sink!’ We know how extra careful you need to be when dealing with a newborn baby’s delicate skin. Despite all the preparation and setting up time we had such a great morning, made some great memories and little Vienna had a quick feed and slept the entire time!
heRe arE a fEw faCts froM suN saFety quEenslAnd aBout BabieS and Sun eXposure – • Keep your baby out of direct sunlight whenever possible, even in winter. • Seek shade whenever possible when outdoors. • Use sun protectors over prams and strollers and over the window of your car. • Cover your baby with clothing that offers maximum protection – collars, sleeves darker colours and close weaves to keep out the UVR. • Loose fitting clothing will keep your baby cool. • When swimming, use sun suits that offer UVR protection. • Shade your baby’s face with a broad brimmed hat. More information
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1/38 Thomas Drive, Chevron Island u P Ph: h: 5570 20 2002 002 Coast Kids GC | 23
prEp… to stArt oR noT to staRt, that is tHe quEstioN Words: Kirsty Boniface (BEd/BSpExSc)
I get asked at least once a week by parents whether I think their child is ready to start Prep. It is such a difficult question to answer without knowing a lot of the background of that child, but it’s an important one. Is our child ready? Have we prepared them enough? Are they going to cope? Are they too young? Will they get left behind? What do I do to help get them ready? When making this big decision we need to take quite a few things into consideration. As a teacher, I feel that exposure to various quality learning experiences, development of gross and fine motor skills, speech and social maturity are all key factors when weighing up the options. When meeting with principals and schools, you will also get an idea of whether your child is ready or not. I would strongly recommend taking their thoughts on board, as they know exactly what your child will be expected to do in Prep and have a good understanding of where children should be in order to cope with these expectations. By the end of term one, your child will be expected to write sentences for a
postcard… that’s pretty demanding, and if your child isn’t ready, you may be pushing them into a situation where they may struggle. As a parent, Prep is often the one and only time you will have a say in when your child starts school. I know it sounds harsh, but later down the track, if your child is struggling emotionally or even academically, most schools will not allow your child to repeat other than in exceptional circumstances. Research has shown that repeating a child often does not help them academically, but can actually
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ph: 07 5572 2874 24 | Coast Kids GC
Evans & Company Family Lawyers
be detrimental and can also contribute to social problems with their peers or lower self-esteem. If you decide your little one is isn’t quite ready, it isn’t the end of the world and it definitely does not mean that you have failed as a parent! I hear often from mums that they feel they have let their child down. “My two older children could read when they started Prep, but this one can’t even read his name.’” Let me remind you that every child is different. They will all learn in a different way and on a different day. There are programs which are designed especially for children to prepare them for school. One option is our Smart Squirrels Program designed for children aged three to five who are starting Pre-Prep or Prep the following year. We focus on building confidence, developing motor skills, phonemic awareness, introducing various mathematical concepts and constructing the foundations for reading and writing. Many teachers and principals will also encourage you to enroll your child into some sort of semi-structured program where they are being exposed to quality learning experiences, which prepare them for their first year of formal learning. The first few years of a child’s education is crucial, you want it to be the best it possibly can be. Be proactive and get advice from schools, educators and trust your judgement - you know your child best.
If you are contemplating divorce or separation, the team at Evans & Company Family Lawyers can provide you with expert advice. Dean Evans and Luke Brandon are both partners in the firm and are Queensland Law Society accredited specialists. Please contact us if you would like advice pertaining to any aspect of family law including: - Divorce and separation - Division of property - Parenting matters - De facto relationships - Binding Financial Agreements - The Court process - Family dispute resolution - Inheritances and gifts from parents - Child support - Domestic Violence Fiona Browne, a solicitor experienced in these areas is available to discuss any issues with you (obligation free and confidentially) and if necessary to arrange an appointment for you. Please contact us on (07) 5574 1888 or at Evans & Company Family Lawyers Level 2, Evandale Place 142 Bundall Road BUNDALL QLD 4217
More at
Coast Kids GC | 25
hiGh-teCh, high achiEvers aT roBina statE scHool Robina State School recently celebrated winning “Most Outstanding School in Bands/Orchestra” for the third year in a row at the Gold Coast Eisteddfod. The school’s senior choir also came first in its section. The school has enjoyed the benefits of massive investment during 2012, including construction of a “Centre of Excellence” music building with performance and practice spaces, new library and an upgrade of its broadband and wireless system for faster connectivity. available for hire, a hub for sporting groups, comedy and concerts, election “We have two computer labs for whole class lessons and banks of computers in all classes for smaller group work from Prep to Year 7,” explains teacher, Tracey Cassar. “There are also iPads in each Prep class to extend literacy and numeracy.” The addition of a comfy ‘Reading Lounge’ with six kindle e-readers for students to use before school and at lunch time has won the approval of kids of all ages. The school also has data projectors or interactive whiteboards in all classrooms and very soon, will welcome a high-tech “blue screen” for special effects lessons. An impressive new hall, thoroughly equipped for events and conferences is used by the school for assemblies, discos, performances and displays, and is also
voting and a venue for the Mummy Tree Markets. Sporting facilities have been upgraded too, with the tennis courts recently refurbished, playing host to local professional, Rowan Hollonds for private lessons and as part of a varied before and after-school care program which also features art classes, tennis, Arakan, dancing and football. As part of its Gifted and Talented Program, Robina State School works with various high schools in Science, its “Chatterboxes” club (public speaking),online learning projects and Claymation (animation) workshops. More at Get your own group together private sessions for only $10* each (min.8)
Beginner to Advance students welcome Come and visit us in the heart of Burleigh Heads
Phone-0407 155 227 Level 1, 3/1712 Gold Coast Highway Burleigh Heads 4220 Qld. Conditions apply contact Mel for more information *private session times are outside of the timetable and bookings essential. *unlimited classes are for new students.
26 | Coast Kids GC
AwesoMe giVe-awayS abc for kidS miSter Maker coMes tO toWn: ouT and abouT
wiN 6 weekS at liTtle ruGby on thE golD coAst iNcludIng a liTtle ruGby uNiform. Little Rugby on the Gold Coast is for children aged 2 ½ to 5 years. Little Rugby has devised a comprehensive, fun-packed program that offers a truly enjoyable and involving first introduction to non-contact/tag rugby, that appeals to pre-school boys and girls of all sporting backgrounds and abilities. If you miss out on this great prize then you can still come for a FREE trial call the team on 07 5535 8640. Prize valued at $140
paNcakeS on thE roCks 2 X $50 voucHers
Mister Maker takes to the road in his magical Maker Mobile in search of Mini Makers. In these episodes Mister Maker gets up to some crafty underwater antics, Jurassic fun and games, and plenty of ‘piratey’ pranks. RRP: $16.95.
thOmas & frIends: cuRious carGo All aboard for a wild ride on the Island of Sodor as Thomas and his engine friends deliver some curious cargo – from giraffes and cows to birds and bunnies and more! Thomas meets a tall challenge while taking a giraffe to the animal park, Percy learns to be gentle with the animals of Sodor, and Belle and Toby discover the importance of listening to others. RRP: $19.95
miKe thE knigHt: gaLahad the greAt
Our friends at Pancakes on the Rocks are offering two lucky families the chance to win a $50 dining voucher to be used at their restaurant in Mermaid Beach. Stacks of pancakes to experience or choose from a huge menu that offers breakfast, lunch and dinner. 2488 Gold Coast Hwy, Mermaid Beach (beside Putt Putt)
In ‘Galahad the Great’ Mike is determined to be the best horse trainer in Glendragon. He wants Galahad to look perfect - really knightly! Galahad faithfully wears whatever Mike suggests but the bells on his hooves stop him from “Silent Sneaking” and the new heavy saddle stops him “Tricky Trotting”. When it all goes wrong, Mike learns that Galahad looks better and, of course, very handsome just the way he is! RRP: $19.95. For More information: ABCForKidsForParents and
For your chance to win please register online Click on the prize you would like to win and complete the entry form online to enter. Only winners will be notified and entries close on 20 November 2012. Good luck! Entrants details may be shared with give-away sponsor.
es ss
EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE 11, 43 Tallebudgera Creek Rd, West Burleigh, Australia 4220
ol Readines cho sC rS las Ou
Smart Squirrel! Ou
All classes are kept to a maximum of 6 children Classes are tailored to meet your child’s needs and ability levels You are regularly kept up to date with your child’s progress
We aim to build confidence, social skills, motor skills and the basic academic skills required to start Prep. Classes are taken by fully qualified and experienced teaches and all lessons are hands-on and lots of fun. We help to expose your child to positive, quality learning experiences
Jo in
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Call 07 5535 6926 now to build a brighter future for your child.
Coast Kids GC | 27
Coast Kids GC
whAt diD the kids thinK oF thE kidS weEkend iN suRfers paRadise?
Gemma and
ele, Gold Coas “We love th t e at great all wee mosphere and the w eather. It’s be kend. There’ played golf, en s games, and heaps to do. We’ve had a look at everything .”
From all over the country, holidaying from interstate and local kids stepping out with their families, kids were ecstatic with the fun and games on offer at The Kids Weekend, 6 & 7 October lining the boardwalk in the heart of Surfers Paradise. urne Eve, Sari and Ryder, Melbo We came to at! gre re we s firework
“The saw the Muppet the beach last night and me!” Movie, which was aweso
Ariel, Armid
“We had ou e r fa with my gran ces painted. I am visi ting dma and co excellent!” usin. It’s
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28 | Coast Kids GC
IImogen, Gold
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Family Health
Words: John Burchell
Have you been woken up at night by your child thrashing around restlessly in their sleep, or by them calling out that they have a sore tummy or an itchy bottom?
bloating, changeable bowel habits, weight loss, recurring genito/urinary tract irritations or infections, bed wetting, irritability, hyperactivity, nausea and vomiting.
Treatment of worms varies depending on the
No group of society is immune to intestinal worms occurring at some time. There is no point in hanging your head in shame thinking that you have neglected to clean the house properly or bathe your children regularly enough. Same too, it doesn’t matter which crèche or school etc your child attends, reality is that one in four children will at some point have worms.
Worms can be identified by checking the anus. Night time is the best time to check, when the adult worms exit the anus to lay eggs. The eggs can be seen as tiny, tiny ivory coloured specks. Worms themselves may be seen protruding from the anus, and dead adult worms may be seen in under clothing or in bowel motions.
hygiene such as always washing hands before
Intestinal parasites have plagued human health for as long as history. The most common inhabitants of our gut are intestinal worms. In Australia the most common form of worms are thread worms (also known as pin worms). They are easily identifiable as they are thin, white crescent or loop shaped and often shiny with a pointy end. They can look like small pieces of white nylon fishing line, 2-12mm or so in length.
Now, worms are clever little things; as they mature in the digestive tract, they produce toxins which act as an irritant. This irritant can cause itching of the nose, ears and lips. This ensures the breeding cycle of worms, because the child will scratch at their bottom, then at their face and so on. For worms to regenerate, they must be ingested through the mouth for the full cycle to start again.
First signs that our kiddies may have worms can be restless sleep, grinding teeth, itchy nose and bottom, tummy aches or even just being fussy about foods. More progressive symptoms can be
The trick with all this is that the eggs can survive days even weeks if conditions are favourable. So, the toilet, bath, shower, clothes basket, bathroom basin, bedding, bench tops, just to name a few, all become potential sources of manifestation.
intensity of the infestation. In many cases, simple home remedies such as garlic, golden seal, cloves, cardamom, and the like combined with sensible eating or touching the face is sufficient. Sometimes though, it is inevitable that families become stuck in cyclical infestations; one of our children will be clear, whilst the other has symptoms, then vice versa and the cycle starts again. Over the counter medications can be useful in these situations, but with a few rules. If the single treatment, with perhaps one follow up resolves the problem long term, then there is not much to worry about. However, should over the counter products be insufficient in preventing reinfestations, it may be necessary to look at over all gut and immune health. In many cases where a healthy child ends up with worms, we may see no symptoms and the child’s immune system effectively eradicates them. That’s the ideal! More at
NEW APPROACH TO FAMILY HEALTH Holistic Medical Doctors l Naturopaths l Homeopath Osteopath l Acupuncture l Massage l Energy Healing Kinesiology l Hypnotherapy l Yoga Choose the Holistic Medical Alternative for your Families Health Finally no longer a need to choose between “Conventional” and “Alternative” medicine when your children are sick. The Medical Sanctuary is a Holistic Medical Clinic where the practitioners understand family health because they too have young families.
General Practitioners practicing Nutritional Medicine
150 Ashmore Rd, Benowa Book today, you will feel better for it
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5564 5013 1 Coast Kids GC | 29
What’s on
What’s on in… 3rd November
3-4th November
4th November
Mamma’s Market 2pm till 6pm Mudgeeraba Memorial Hall Railway Street Mudgeeraba
Lifeline Gold Coast $2 Clothing Sale 8am till 5pm Parklands Showgrounds Smith Street Motorway Southport 0417 764 989
The Healthy Cooking Revolution – Super Smoothies 10am till 11.30am Baden Robin Park Billington Street (park next to hub) Labrador 0410 111 115
Farm Yard Animals 10am till 12pm Currumbin Farm Campus 1226 Currumbin Creek Road Currumbin Valley (07) 5533 0312 Live Music in the Park 1pm till 5pm Gold Coast Regional Botantic Gardens Ashmore Road Benowa GC Parks (07) 5581 6984
6th November
9th November
15th November
17th November
17-18th November
Melbourne Cup
Miami Marketta 5pm till 9pm 23 Hillcrest Parade Miami
Children’s & Teens Self Protection Course 9am till 11am Varsity Lakes Community Resource Centre Mattocks Road Varsity Lakes 0430 695 550
Breakfast with Santa Australia Fair from 7.30am Bookings Essential
From 3pm Kirra Kite Festival Kirra Beach Kirra
24th November
23rd November
Movies Under the Stars – Remember the Titans 7pm till 9pm Damien Leeding Memorial Park Old Pacific Highway Oxenford GCCC (07) 5581 7016
Miracle on 34th Street 7.30pm till 10.30pm The Arts Centre Gold Coast 135 Bundall Road Surfers Paradise (07) 5534 4030
28th November Justine Clarke Pop Up Tour QPAC Concert Hall Brisbane
25th November Movies Under the Stars – Dolphin Tale 7pm till 9pm Laguna Park Laguna Avenue Palm Beach GCCC (07) 5581 7016
Active Fun in the Park 3pm till 4.30pm Roughton Park (meet in the park) Musgrave Street Coolangatta Leaps and Bounds Childrens Fitness Centre (07) 5534 4030
Outdoor 25th Birthday Celebration Event All Day Event The Arts Centre Gold Coast 135 Bundall Road Surfers Paradise (07) 5588 4000
Entertainment… 3 Nov
Movies Under the Stars - Jumanji 7pm till 9pm Norm Rix Park Cnr Government Rd & Whiting Street Labrador GCCC (07) 5581 7016
10 Nov
Movies Under the Stars – Footloose 7pm till 9pm Broadwater Parklands Marine Parade Southport GCCC (07) 5581 7016
18 Nov
2012 Gold Coast Car Show 7am till 3pm Mudgeeraba Showgrounds Mudgeeraba & Worongary Rds Mudgeeraba 0439 170 882
Community… 29th November 25th November
Swing into Summer with John Morrison! ADCO Amphitheatre, Bond University swingintosummer
Savvy Mama Connections Skypoint, LVL 77 of Q1 Surfers Paradise from 9.30am
3 Nov
BeachCare Community Dune Care 9am till 11am – Paradise Point (opposite Abalone Avenue) paradise Point
10 Nov
BeachCare Community Dune Care 9am till 11am –Shearwater Esplanade Runaway Bay
24 Nov
BeachCare Community Dune Care 9am till 11am –beach end of Montana Road (opposite Mermaid Beach SLSC) Mermaid Beach
24 Nov
BeachCare Community Dune Care 9am till 11am – Harley Park (north of Charis Seafood) Labrador
27 Nov
Gold Coast NurtureGroup 10am till 12pm Varsity Lakes Community Centre Mattocks Road Varsity Lakes 1300 622243
If you would like to place your event in our calendar, please email us at and add Calendar of Events in the subject line. 30 | Coast Kids GC
Behaviour Q.
Words: Tan Curtis
My youngest step-daughter is six. She has a few behavioural issues that are making me wonder if there is an underlying problem or if it’s just that this is her unique, little self.
her are almost like they’re not sure what to make of her, so she is often left out.
She has a short attention span. She has trouble with basic things, like counting and has no idea what opposites are. Spelling and alphabet are also a problem, although she has shown improvement in this area in recent times. From what I can gather from her report cards, she likes to do her own thing at school and is often pulled back into line by teachers.
A. With all unwanted behaviours there is ALWAYS an underlying trigger. A trigger is simply any situation a person does not feel equipped to manage… that is any situation the person does not feel like they have the pre-requisite skills to be able to manage.
The most predominant thing that I (and other family members and friends) find unusual, though, are the things that she says. 90% of the time, the questions and statements that come out of her mouth are… odd. They’re mismatched words all thrown together; grammatically, it’s correct - it’s more so the content of what she’s saying that is really unusual. I don’t know if it’s an overactive imagination, a jumbling together of too much information in her head or something else. I find myself often replying with, “That just doesn’t make sense.” or “How did you think of that/Where did that come from?” or “Try saying that again, in a different way.” Her statements and questions are disjointed, vague and irrational! I have watched her, on a few occasions, with her friends and cousins and their reactions towards
Do you have any idea what could be going on here?
Based on the information that you have presented, it is possible that she may experience challenges related to: Learning, Social Interactions and Expressive Communication. She would need to be formally investigated by a professional to either confirm or disregard these hypotheses. To investigate if there is a possible challenges related to learning she would benefit from a psychometric assessment which would involve using a standardised Cognitive Assessment as well as a standardised Academic Assessment. The results of these assessments will highlight her natural learning styles, her strengths and weakness and highlight what she may “naturally” struggle with and therefore require extra support with. These tests are typically performed by psychologists. In relation to challenges related to social interactions and expressive communication. It sounds like she wants to be with other people and her intention behind her behaviours is to be included. However it would appear that she is unable to see the link
between her “intended messages” (the message she is trying to send) and how it is received by other people – the “interpreted message”. When these messages are different, there is likely to be rejection and exclusion rather than the desired acceptance and inclusion. Social skills and knowing how to interact successfully is often one of those skills that we EXPECT people to automatically learn. Is it possible that for some, knowing how to initiate and be included in a successful interaction is a skill that does require teaching? With all people we need to identify that “We are all the SAME in that we are ALL different”. That is, we are all born with natural strengths and natural weakness. Our strengths and weaknesses are all different from our peers. But we are all the SAME in that we all require support to learn to understand and learn to deal with our challenges. The question for each person, including your step-daughter is: “what are my challenging situations that I require support with?”
Send us your questions on children’s behaviour to and put Kids’ Behaviour in the subject line
Behaviour Specialists > Behaviour specialist services
> School training for students & teachers > Anxiety
> Psychology services
> Bullying
> Parent training programmes
> Social skills
> Aspergers & Autism Spectrum Disorder
Call for more information on our upcoming regional workshops FABIC Director Tan Curtis – Author of the highly acclaimed “Challenging Change... Behaviour Strategies for Life” For general enquiries email or call 07 5530 5099 FABIC National Behavioural Centre: Level One Worongary Town Centre, Worongary, Gold Coast QLD. Coast Kids GC | 31
Please in child’s n clude your ame, ag location e and
Brandon 2, Rosser Park, Benowa r 7mths, Charlotte 2 & Xavie ch ea db Broa D Coomominic 2 era R , etrea t
winner $10
Sienna 6, Tugan
Ethan 4, rd rk, Oxenfo Leeding Pa Jenn Surfe ifer 3mths rs Pa radis , e
The best quality homewares at sale prices everyday. Ph (07) 5529 1734 | 32 | Coast Kids GC
kiDs ouT and abouT on thE golD coaSt. emAil uS youR kidS in ActioN enjOying some fun In ouR beaUtifuL citY at Editor@CoastKidsgc.cOm.aU
3, Lillian 4, Frederick 1, Moniqueild Wet n’ W
Nicole 5, Greenmount Nippers H Harb olly 5, our T own
Zac 7, Harbour Town
Lola 5 Broadbeach
2, l Toby Bundal , e l a d n va
Coast Kids GC | 33
Coast Kids GC
sanTa’S checK lisT witH chRistmAs juSt ovEr a Month away, here are Some Fresh ideaS for kids of aLl agEs, whatEver Your Budget.
doGgie doO
baNanagraMs, apPlettErs and paIrs iN peaRs Great travel games for all ages that come in fun and fruity zip-up bags. RRP $25.
Players feed the Daschaund its doggie biscuit, roll the dice and squeeze the leash to take it for a walk. Each squeeze of the leash releases inappropriate and funny sounds until one squeeze results in a doggie doo! The player must then collect the doo in the scoop and the first player to collect three One o f thre e Mic doggie doos wins! RRP $30. ro Ch kits. J ust vis argers www .coas it tkidsg and e nter y .au our d etails comp in the etition sectio n.
micrO chArgerS aquA doOdle draw n’ doOdle The re-usable Aquadoodle Mat allows creative toddlers to doodle, draw and create endless art! The amazing Aquadoodle Pen marks with water - no ink, mess or chemicals! No ink! No paints! No mess! RRP $19.
Exciting toy car racing with tiny supercharged race cars that clock lightning fast speeds. Race tracks include Time Track, Jump Track and Loop Track. All race tracks are inter-connectable. Micro Chargers Time Track RRP $40. Micro Chargers Loop Track RRP $20.
kre-o trAnsfoRmers With Hasbro Kre-O Transformers - Starscream, kids can recreate their favourite Transformers villain in vehicle or robot mode. In vehicle mode, open the jet canopy to fit a KREON figure inside, blast removable rockets and turbo thrusters. Use the retractable wheels to take off or land the fighter jet! Set includes 316 KRE-O pieces and 2 KREON figures. Product does not convert. Ages 8 to 14.
What’s on your Christmas Shopping List? visit us for unique g gifts, toys and accessories
'DZQ 3DUDGH 0LDPL …and so much more
34 | Coast Kids GC
vel the Amazing We have a Mar sbro for t pack from Ha Spider-Man gif ntains er! The pack co one lucky read e Battle Racer, 1 x Spider Strik Spider-Man, 1 x Capture Trap t Lizard and 1 x Reptile Blas gure. eb W Battlers fi 1 x Spider-Man Enter online www.coastkidsg
Star Parties in kids T S E B e h T party ent entertainm er… tt just got be
maRvel thE amAzing spIder-maN Everybody’s favourite web slinger, there’s a host of new Marvel the Amazing Spider-Man toys this year that will keep kids occupied throughout the holidays.
ties Disco Par arty Theme P ers Entertain ters Face Pain uch more and so m
mArVel the aMaZing sPiDer-man mOtOrIzed web sHoOting sPiDer-man “Spin a web” with Hasbro’s biggest SPIDER-MAN action figure yet! This 13-inch, movie-styled figure is the ultimate in web-shooting power: Watch as the motorized web shoots out of SPIDER-MAN’S wrist, then retracts and shoots out the other wrist, all with cool web slingin’ SFX! Batteries not included. RRP$64.99. Ages: 5 & up.
mArVel the aMaZing sPiDer-man Flip & aTtAck asSortmeNt SPIDER-MAN is ready to battle THE LIZARD in an instant with the all-new FLIP & ATTACK figures assortment! Each figure based on characters from the film THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, can convert from vehicle mode to robot mode in an instant—just watch them flip open and get ready to attack! RRP $20.99; Ages: 5 & up. 0422 653 4 88
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mArVel the aMaZing sPiDer-man R/c sPeEd cLiMbing sPiDer-man Finally, kids can control SPIDER-MAN as he wall-crawls! This remotecontrolled toy uses vacuum technology to allow SPIDEY to crawl along the walls, controlled by you! Batteries not included. RRP $79.99; Ages: 5 & up. More at and
See our Nurse for a free cosmetic consult this month & get a free facial voucher worth $100* *Must present advert, offer ends 25th November 2012
Ph 07 5535 5170 Shop 122B Stocklands Shopping Centre Near the Big W entrance on the outside of the building next to Chempro Chemist.
Coast Kids GC | 35
Coast Kids GC
bravE neW woRld oF worK Words: Jeni Bone
There’s an influx of women returning to work, not the work force, per say, and not the jobs they had pre-kids – if those even exist. These women are creative, entrepreneurial and looking for options that fit in with their families, suit their ambitions, interests and passions, and pay the bills. They are upskilling, taking courses and adding to their arsenal of qualifications and skills. Once retraining meant ditching everything and attending college part-time, or a short course, just to keep pace with the changes in your workplace. It meant catching up with computers, software and complicated office procedures, buying a whole new wardrobe of clothes and attempting to get back in with the 9 to 5 rhythm and politics of the office. But no more. Just as the workplace has changed, with progressive companies realizing that productivity and cost-savings are enhanced (up to 20% according to a recent study by
36 | Coast Kids GC
IBM) by flexible working conditions, so too are Universities, colleges and TAFEs – creating courses and degrees that fit in with our lives and livelihoods and complement family routines. Unis such as UNE, Charles Sturt, Bond and Griffith are all seeking student enrolment from around the globe, attracted by the Distance Education courses that allow adults to fit study within their commitments. No classes if you don’t want to attend, open book exams, study at your own pace, feedback from tutors and best of all, you can be at the kitchen sink or climbing Mt Kilimanjaro while you’re completing your course, and nobody needs to know which or what you’re wearing while you’re doing it! Open Universities Australia is a great place to start if you’re keen to advance your tertiary education – from undergraduate to post in Business, Science & Engineering, IT, Health, Education, Law & Justice, Arts & Humanities.
...gets kids
ds! hierr kids f r healthie s for and activitie education Fun, nutrition
iotttt Louise A. Ell L McDonald
e by Peter Illustrated
E FOR JUST IN TAIM RAVINGS! C S M T IS CHR eet ay see their ‘sw year, parents m repelled by – l’ ul At this time of ag se r like a ‘suga child’ behaving d vegetables! an its fru tt y th heal ter Louise Ellio thor and presen au as t, an in fre t es n’ But do n to famili trition educatio y. delivers her nu e Amazing Arm Th d lle ca k oo yb or st ng gi , ga en ivating message ve the self-mot lo or n aj re M d ild an ch t g Youn Goal Char healthy eating ities, tiv ac ng as well as the ni ar le There are fun Energy Award. rents, too! cipes for the pa re us tio tri and nu years & under. Suitable for 8 stores, selected health m Available fro at e onlin bookshops or 95 RRP $16. GoFreshKids.c
or Energye, Meet Maj in Imm’un e and Capta ers com If you are aiming to acquire skills as a hobby or interest – which are just as easily parlayed into commercial enterprises now thanks to the rise of Etsy, ebay and other online marketplaces – you need only Google the courses and myriad of classes delivered by accredited colleges, enterprises or experts conducting workshops in the region. Another option is sales and servicebased industries, from top performing franchises that tidy your house, lawn, car or dog, and sophisticated networking for skincare, cosmetics, cleaning products and homewares. Think party-plan for the 21st century. Body Shop at Home is one such enterprise. With its flexible hours, desirable product range and fun pampering sessions it’s attracting entrepreneurial women in droves. According to Julie Walker-Farrow, who began with the company nearly 10 years ago and is now Senior Team Leader, the brand is a magnet for women of all walks of life. “We have professional women with corporate backgrounds who just don’t want to go back to the confines of an office, as well as stay at home mums who are looking to earn income, socialize and enjoy selfesteem and job satisfaction,” she says. “With Body Shop at Home you are self-employed, free to work your own hours, there’s plenty of support,
free training, personal development and the products are part of a wellknown, ethically sourced free trade system.” And you can earn pin money, or make a million. “I ran a successful children’s wear label 12 years ago which was allconsuming,” Julie explains. “After the birth of my children, I wanted to get back to work for some extra money. We used to joke about my hobby ‘selling soap’, but it has morphed in to a career and now I am mentoring hundreds of other women.” Women today, especially mums, are not prepared to step back on the tread mill of the traditional job, Julie says. “They’re looking for something to which they can dedicate their time, effort and skills that allows them to attend their children’s sport or performances, pick them up each day, take them to the park – whatever they need to do.” So get with the emancipation! Back to work needn’t mean drudge or grind. Acquiring new skills to tackle this brave new world can even be fun! Employers who catch this new wave of motivated mums will harness the power of mentally and spiritually nourished women with creativity and experience to burn.
r pow ables. whose supe and vegetre the t ui fr m tu fro ap c to e They striv o are d BugS, wh germs Bacohort with in
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Contact Louise at or call 0403 493 076
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Come and see the Toothfairy for amazing and fun children’s Dentistry!!! Book now for your exclusive appointment with the toothfairy. Available every Thursday and Saturday. Book early!!
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Coast Kids GC | 37
Mamas that
Photography by: Kayden Doe Photography
38 | Coast Kids GC
Mamas that rock keEley O’coNnor InterViews abbeY maDden oF liTtle kiCkers & liTtle rugbY
Returning to the Gold Coast in 2010 after over eight years in London, Abbey and her husband Brad are the kicking goals as owners of the Gold Coast franchises of Little Kickers and Little Rugby. Their son Rhyder, attended soccer sessions as a little fella back in the UK, so when the couple returned to the Coast and saw nothing like it, they decided to introduce one of the UK’s biggest passions – soccer - to the Gold Coast. They teach children as young as 18 months up to 7 years of age the basics of soccer and teamwork and now have over 35 hours of sessions weekly on the Gold Coast. Only this past August Brad and Abbey decided to take on a Little Rugby franchise and launched Carrara in September. The Rugby program has been hugely popular and is the first of its kind in Australia for Children aged 2 ½ to 5 years. Over the last 2 years Abbey has worked solely in the business whilst Brad has had a full time career plus coached on the weekends. The couple are now working full time in the business together since purchasing the first Little Rugby franchise! They now have over 18 coaches, 12 venues, 40 hours of sessions and 3 businesses to manage on a daily basis! You definitely need to be passionate about what you do to make it work for you.
buSinesS Tell us about your business/current role? My Husband Brad and I own Little Kickers Gold Coast and Little Rugby Gold Coast. We love watching our Little Kickers and Little Rugby stars kids grow and develop through both programs into confident Soccer and Rugby Stars. You can always come and meet our team with a free trial in both our programs.
What time does a typical day start for you? Our two and a half year old daughter, Kalaih, is a very early riser so one of us is at up at 5am and the other is out the door off for a run! We try to rotate it.
Do you have help around the house? We did have a great house cleaner once a fortnight but we have been doing this ourselves for the last month or so. Hubby is a huge help as he does the manly chores and I do the girly ones – although Brad still believes he is better at cleaning the bath and the shower than me!
Who does the cooking and cleaning at your house? Honestly, I am a rubbish cook. I used to do the cooking for the kids and Brad would cook for us as he likes to cook Jamie Oliver recipes. Although now that Brad is working in the business full-time with me, he cooks for the kids too! The cleaning we share. I am a very lucky lady!
If you have 10 minutes to yourself – what do you do? 10 minutes to myself……hmm what is that? I am trying to get at least two runs in a week but have been a bit lazy through winter so trying to get back into it now. I am silently hoping to get one of those cruiser bikes for my birthday coming up so I would love to ride the bike to Commune for a coffee then onto the beach.
Kids What do you do for childcare? Rhyder is in Primary School and Kalaih is in kindy – both at Kings. We only have one drop off point now, which is a time saver. Rhyder also does vacation care once a week and my parents are also a HUGE help as we both have to coach some weekends. We have a team of 16 coaches now and like to ensure they are continuing to do a great job of coaching our Little Kickers and Little Rugby Stars.
Do your kids do many extra curricular activities? Our kids are really active: Rhdyer is very sporty and is always kicking a soccer or ruby ball in the backyard practising his football juggling and skills. He has just finished a season of Soccer, plus a soccer camp and has just started Nippers. Last month was also his last month of Little Kickers as he turned seven. Kalaih does both our soccer and rugby programs plus a toddler dance class once a week with her best mate Ollie. She will also start back at swimming soon too.
Kayden Doe Photography
Mamas that rock What do you do for fun with the kids? Brad and I like to pack the car with the kids, our new puppy, the scooters, skateboards, bikes and beach gear and go to Burleigh. The Kids can have fun at the beach then take their bikes for a ride along the beachfront also. There are also some great parks for the kids along there too.
fun What is your favourite thing to do for date night with your partner? Brad and I really need to get better at date night. Although now we are both working together, we do try to have a meeting once a week at Commune coffee shop at Burleigh. We also love Mexican and going to Pancho’s out the back of Mudgeeraba. They serve really authentic Mexican food and have a great range of imported Mexican beers for hubby and make an amazing Margarita!
What is your favourite Gold Coast place to hang with the family? We love hanging out at Burleigh Beach – loads to do with the kids!
How about favourite place to eat out as a family? The kids love Sushi Train at Burleigh, although last time we went we had that really awkward moment when we went to stop Kalaih from pushing the food off the train as she was getting excited about choosing what she wanted and in the end, Brad ended up bowling about four dishes off the train! There was nowhere for us to hide and Rhyder was the first to point at Brad and say “Daddy did it!”
Girl sTuFf Where do you head to when you get time for a girls night out? I am really bad at this! I haven’t been out with the girls for AGES. When we do get together we love going to Montezumas in Surfers Paradise. We have been going there since we were all in high school. I am going to try to get a few of us together
for a weekly adult beginner silk class at Industry Aerial Arts this term then I would get to see them every week. It looks like so much fun all that flying in the air.
What is your best beauty tip for mums? I think it was Miranda Kerr that said “Don’t take yourself or life too seriously – enjoy life as frowning is one of the most damaging things we can do to our skin.” I also believe you should smile often and feel confident and comfortable in your own skin. Take a multivitamin and make sure you get some sunshine.
Favourite place to shop? I am not really a shopper as prefer to shop online, but I do love buying things from the boutique markets like the Mummy Tree at Sanctuary Cove and Robina and the Mammas Markets at Mudgerreaba.
What celebrity do you see yourself as and why? This is a really tough one. I aspire to be like Richard Branson or Australian Business woman Janine Allis from Boost Juice. Their dedication and passion for their brand in business has made them into incredible business people.
Fantasy Husband…that celebrity dream man? Brad Pitt has always been a favourite but maybe David Beckham. He is a great sports role model for kids, seems like a great guy and would be able to get me free tickets and the best seats to all his soccer matches.
Tips Must have parenting tip or tool? Be yourself and enjoy your time with your children. If you are with them then I believe work can wait till they are in bed. Get down to their level and have fun! I like to dance really silly with my beautiful girl – she thinks it is pretty fun. Luckily noone has filmed it. Rhyder and I like to sit on the bonnet of the car and do cloud dreaming we call it. We making shapes out of clouds with stories to go with them.
Can you share any tips on the finding the right balance and that juggling act? This is tough as a business owner, mum and wife. You just need to plan what you want to achieve each day. Make time for yourself first thing – get up ½ hour before everyone or go for a run. Then after school when the kids are around try to give them your attention as before you know it they will be grown up and out the door. I find it tough to find time with hubby and we work together!
How do you stay motivated? My two children are my biggest motivation – to be able to spend quality time with them is just awesome. We are lucky enough to have a business that Brad and I both love and are truly passionate about. We love seeing the children’s smiling faces every week and I know Brad loves hanging out and coaching some pretty cool and funny kids. Some of the things these children come out with are so funny it keeps us laughing for days. We are lucky that the business also allows is the flexibility to be there for our children which is fantastic as we both use to work long hours in the UK which meant we missed out on a lot of time with Rhyder when he was younger. We agreed that we didn’t want that to happen again when we moved home to Australia. I have also been big on goal setting and making sure we sit down to write and also tick off our goals. It is so important to look at where you have come from otherwise you can’t appreciate just what you have done. Doing this in life has helped us align where we want to go. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people helps you to stay focused and enjoy life too. We are lucky to have met so many parents that are just like this through our programs. We are truly thankful to have so many wonderful parents on the Gold Coast supporting Little Kickers and Little Rugby – if it weren’t for them. we wouldn’t have a business and we remember that each day! More at and
There is something magical about High Tea, it is delicious and fun and the perfect excuse to catch up with the girls!
- Mobile High Tea Service for the Gold and Tweed coasts - Ladies and childrens High Tea events - Perfect for baby or bridal showers, birthdays or whatever you wish it to be!
Please call Danielle on 0418 743 184 40 | Coast Kids GC
eco lIvIng
thE onlY way iS upCyclinG Words: Jeni Bone A pleasant change from rabid consumerism, and joy to the bower bird’s ear, upcycling is big, helps create a warm home, is a great outlet for creativity and one step towards sustainable living. Upcycling, a term coined by William McDonough and Michael Braungar, authors of ‘Cradle to Cradle’, refers to the act of creating useful products from waste materials. Old things, otherwise destined for the bin, get reused to make products that are both beautiful and functional. The experts at Green Villages recommend that rather than buying new, we get in to the vibe and reuse the old stuff, your own, hand me downs, things at Vinnies, garage sales or auctions, and turn them in to something wonderful to be cherished and admired for their heritage and practical use. So don’t discard, repurpose.
heRe arE somE wayS you can Seek InspiRatioN For uPcycliNg: geT onlinE Crafting is in! There’s a wealth of information available online. Start trawling beautiful design blogs like The Design Files and The Crafty Minx, and you’ll find yourself inspired within moments.
taKe a Course Perhaps you’re not quite the craft master you’d like to be. See if there’s a sewing course you can take, or a knitting circle you can join. Perhaps woodworking is more your bent? A little skill can make all the difference when it comes to creating a finished product that doesn’t just end up in the ragbag again. Keep your eye on upcycling workshops which pop up throughout the year.
foRm a Craft group Forget the book group – how about a craft group? Meeting regularly will keep you on track with projects. You’ll also be able to give advice, get help and swap ideas.
thE rigHt toOl foR the jOb Any craft project is made much easier when you’re using the right tools. If the equipment you need is a little more expensive see if you can buy it as a group, and take turns using it.
kiDs toYs Soft toys are a great way to get started with sewing. And what’s cuter than a sock monkey?
reFashiOning fashiOn Have a look through your wardrobe – is it possible to let that skirt down or put the hem up? Put a few buttons on that cardigan? You might end up with clothing that feels new – and save yourself some money.
paTchwoRk Patchwork can be a lot of fun, and doesn’t have to be particularly complex when you’re starting out. Try a small baby quilt – or why not use old blankets to make a new patchwork blanket?
Before you throw out a piece of furniture, have a think about whether you could change it. Even a lick of paint can do wonders. Or you might want to get a little more adventurous. Sand and oil that table before you decorate its top with a collage of kids’ wooden rulers, or try out some decoupage using old family photos.
shAre yOur oWn ideAs
in the Pantry Are your cupboards full of half used packets of flour, cereal boxes pegged close, and nuts that have lost their crunch? Keep those old jars, clean them up, make yourself some cute labels and get your cupboard organised.
SPECIAL! 10% off for Coast Kids Readers. To redeem, mention this ad in store or for online orders, enter code: CKVIP
When the ideas start flowing, get blogging – tell others about your experiences and join a thriving online community. Who knows, you might even be able to sell some of your successful designs! Source:
Great range of eco gifts Wooden toys & balance bikes Neoflam pots and pans BPA free baby products Handmade jewellery & handbags Books, DVDs & recycled stationery Organic & botanical skincare Free gift wrapping
Eco Vida @ 33 James Street Burleigh Heads Ph: 07 5535 2001 SHOP ONLINE: Coast Kids GC | 41
Don’t mis
“muMpreneuRs�, womeN who launCh thEir oWn buSinesSes aFter HavinG chiLdren are RockinG The fOundaTions of sMall BusinEss iN auStralIa! acCordiNg to the auStraliaN buReau oF stAtistiCs, 33% of sMall BusinEss oWners are Women - a NumbeR thaT is SteadIly gRowinG As moRe anD morE mumS devElop Their passIons Into Money-makiNg veNtures. Mumpreneurs are a powerful force, conquering the online and offline worlds from their kitchen tables while juggling naptimes, school runs and dirty nappies. With their busy lives, though, it’s easy for mumpreneurs to become isolated. Join us and other Mums on the Gold Coast on a regular basis to network, compare strategies, share tips, revel in the joys and even lament the drawbacks of their unique position in the community. Featuring beneficial tips from powerhouse guest speakers, the forums will be a place for mums to talk kids, share connections and create opportunities. Savvy Mama Connections’ are the creation of Keeley O’Connor, owner of Coast Kids GC and founder of who has partnered with Fe Taylor, Director of The Children’s Health & Wellbeing Expo, Leaps & Bounds and her own PT Business, to bring Mums on the Gold Coast these fun, inspiring events. “In my line of work I am in constant contact with local mumpreneurs�, says Keeley. “Isolation is one of the drawbacks they face as they run households, raise kids and manage businesses. Savvy mama connections aims to create a supportive forum for these women to gain knowledge, strength and inspiration.� Our next event welcomes Steven Anderson, three-time Olympic Beach Volleyball Coach, Olympic Gold and Bronze Medal Coach, Corporate Speaker, Entrepreneur, co-founder of two Not-For-Profit organisations, proud Father and the ‘Creator of the Champions Map’. Steven says, “As we get busier and busier
s our nex
your life fo
r Succe
t event!
ss with F Save the ulfilment’ THURSD date AY 29 NO VEMBER Skypoint, FROM 9 .30AM LVL 77 o Early bird f Q1, Surf pricing $3 ers Parad 0 if you re ise gister by All other 15 Novem registratio ber ns are $3 crèche fa 5 and cilities ava ilable for RSVP 26 $ 5 per child Novembe r and sea ts are lim More info ited! rmation a t vvymam
building businesses and achieving results we often find ourselves not having enough time or energy to take care of all of the other important things in life. Like our family, children, friends, health, wealth, recovery time, spiritual, intellectual growth, fun, companionship, sex. This can lead to feeling guilty, overwhelmed, stuck, confused, exhausted and eventually burnt out. The Champions Map aligns and harmonises all areas of your life and injects passion and purpose into your everyday performance. Winning in your career at the expense of sacrificing your health, your family life or your own personal fulfilment is no longer necessary. The Champions Map helps you to build harmony in all areas of life and create peak performance in your career and finances.� More information at and to confirm your ticket phone 0433 808 257 by 26 November.
for Babies, Tots, and Teens up to 19yrs $8675$/,$1
42 | Coast Kids GC
PH: 07 5593 6880
Coast Kids GC | 43
thE heAlthy snAck it is possible (and preferable!) a SuperMarkeT-widE nutRitioNal aNalysiS UnderTaken by nUtritIonisT and chef zoE biNgleypuLlin foR auStraliaN avOcadoS has found A Cache of hIdden nastIes iN the snacK foodS FamilIes rOutinEly bUy foR kids.
Zoe Bingley-Pullin
Key Findings:
The study looked at the contents of products in eight popular children’s snack categories and found most contain a range of hidden sugars and high levels of saturated fat along with a range of additives and preservatives. MSG was also shown to be used to flavour leading savoury biscuit snacks aimed at kids.
roLled fruiT snacKs While the fruit content in these products varies greatly from as little as 1% fruit, it is usually processed and there are high levels of a range of
According to the review, some cheese and cracker snack packs contain more than 100% of a three year olds’ recommended daily sodium intake. Sweet puffed rice bars were also shown to have up to a quarter of a toddler’s daily sugar allowance. Disturbingly, some children’s yoghurts can be higher in sugar than adult options.
sugars, additives and preservatives.
Zoe Bingley-Pullin said that while packaged snacks may seem convenient and even healthy based on face value, many parents are unwittingly purchasing foods with poor nutritional credentials for their families.
read the ingredients lists – better to eat
“Research shows that 70% of food preferences are established at an early age so to ensure a healthy diet later in life, parents need to stop relying on processed snacks and whip up nutritious options with fresh produce instead, involving little ones in the process wherever possible,” she said. “Use a rainbow of ingredients in each meal plus different textures and temperatures to make food interesting and fun. Apart from being a rich source of dietary fibre and low in sodium and sugar, avocados are colourful, delicious and texturally appealing so they are a perfect food to experiment with,” she said. Bingley-Pullin said that along with parents, childcare centres play an important role in guiding the food preferences of toddlers and must help to improve their eating. She pointed to the ‘Eating My Colourful Vegies and Fruit’ resource kit, developed in 2010 by the growers of Australian avocados in conjunction with nutrition 44 | Coast Kids GC
They are not a substitute for fresh fruit.
frUit-fIlled bakeD ceReal baRs Can contain a range of unnatural additives and are very high in energy, carbohydrates, sodium and sugar, both natural and added so small tubs of real fruit packed in natural juice.
puFfed ricE sweeT treaTs
On average
these products are high in energy and contain high GI carbohydrates, high in fat (some products have half the fat from unhealthy saturated fat!), a range and education experts Shelley Woodrow and Nadine McCrea, as an initiative using development-based food exploration activities to help establish good eating habits for life.
of sugars and sodium.
chEese anD crAckerS snacK pacKs On average these contain processed cheese with a high saturated fat and sodium content.
The program has already helped 60,000 preschoolers embrace a variety of plant-based foods and this October, it will launch across another 600 child care centres and be piloted in 10 primary schools nationwide. Along with the resource kit, each participating centre receives a tray of fresh Australian avocados to help support the implementation of a range of sensory activities. More at
The biscuits are loaded with sugar, sodium and processed carbohydrates. A piece of low fat cheddar is a good alternative as a calcium-rich snack.
fruiT juicE drinKs These drinks are high in sugars (natural and added) and are a dentist’s worst nightmare as they can contribute to dental erosion. Water or plain milk are better options for toddlers.
Hulk(Avocado) Avocado) A Smoothies hies Serves: 3 inutes Prep Time: 5 minutes
Ingredients 1/4 avocado 1/2 banana 1 and 1/2 cups milk 2 heaped tablespoons of full cream yoghurt
Method Cut avocado in half, scoop out one half and cut into two chunks before placing in a blender. Peel banana, break in half and add to blender.
KWONDOWORKZ “The Ultimate Martial Arts Studio”” BAEKJUL MARTIAL ARTS
Ing 1
1. ble
Pr Pour the milk into blender and add two heaped tablespoons of full cream yoghurt.
Ing Put a lid on blender and blend until all of the ingredients are combined, with no lumpy bits. Pour into cups to serve to your little monsters!
5 Shop 14/19 Warehouse Road Southport, Qld, 4215 Email:
1 1
(07) 5571 1999 Coast Kids GC | 45
1. 5
2. ba
geT out amonG the Great outdOors With This SelecTion Of coVetabLe piecEs.
avIgnon laNterns As seen on “The Renovators�, these are ideal for all themes and occasions.
(aBoVe) rhUbarb ouTdoor caPri Contemporary tableware experts Rhubarb have launched their latest 2011/12 Summer fresh range called Capri, a range of melamine that is ideal for outdoor Summer table settings, sophisticated yet practical.
(rIgHt) ouTdoor flOwer tablE reD chAirs A light-weight yet sturdy outdoor table in powdercoated aluminium. Being aluminium, it is guaranteed for the life of the product against rusting. Flower panel colour options to match flower chairs White Silver Black Yellow Red Blue. RRP $2700.
46 | Coast Kids GC
bag2bEd By day the Bag2Bed chair is simply the best seat in the house, as it is n both super stylish and sublimely comfortable. By night it transforms into an occasional mattress, by just taking off the cover, flipping it over few times, ready for a very comfy sleepover. From $349-$799.
moRoccaN laNtern m Can be used indoors or outdoors, on the ground on the table or hung from a bracket. Use with candles. Available in 60, 70, 80, 100 and 150cm. RRP $75.
pinK juG These exquisite jugs are painted by hand by skilful Kashmiri crafts people as a fair trade product. A great centrepiece for a summer time BBQ. Made from food safe stainless steel. RRP $65.
P. 5538 0830 E. A. 93 Ashmore Rd Bundall Qld 4217
Coast Kids GC | 47
neW hoMes wIthin reacH The state government’s First Home Owner Construction Grant is great news for families considering buying or building a new home. The $15,000 grant became available from 12 September 2012 and makes new homes even more accessible. “New homes have never been more affordable, particularly with record low interest rates,” says Don Cotterill, Director at Sanctuary 28. But buyers can also save on ongoing costs of running a home by considering sustainable options from the outset. “You are wise to not just focus on a low initial price tag,” says Don. “Looking at the ongoing costs is just as vital. Heating, cooling, design and layout, new technologies and materials – all of these things can be combined at the initial design and specifications stage to ensure you optimise your savings.” As Don explains, “Sanctuary 28 is really the one-stop shop. We can source land if you don’t have your own, design the structure to suit your needs or you can choose from over 100 standard designs. We can advise on materials and complete the build, including all project management.”
“My background is 20 years in building and that’s my passion. All our clients
And you deal with the owner of the company on-site.
More at
Don’t miss out.
can count on me to oversee every facet of the project. We complete around 15 homes per year all over the Gold Coast and northern NSW at all price levels.”
Building a new home is now more affordable, take advantage of the new Government grants and discounts, talk to us about building a new home to suit your lifestyle. Sanctuary 28 is the builder of choice for home owners seeking quality, experience and flexibility that meet the needs of the great Australian lifestyle. Call Peter Hamlyn to discuss your needs - 0409 562 377 House and land packages available, over 100 standard designs to choose from or custom designs.
19 Bradman Drive, Currumbin Valley Q 4223 t 07 5598 8844 f 07 5598 8833
48 | Coast Kids GC
Finan nance
taX tiPs – neW finAnciaL yeaR chaNges Words: Ron Gibson
the new tax rAtEs mEdIcal eXpEnses if you Are eArninG lesS thaN $80,000, the Good News Is yoU can look forwArd tO a taX Another change is the net medical-expenses rebate, which currently allows you Cut tHis yeAr. froM 1 juLy, the Tax-fRee tHreshOld wIll bE treBled From $6,000 tO $18,200, to claim a 20 per cent tax offset on out-of-pocket medical expenses above $2,060 (for you and your family). This is also now means-tested. The means test ResulTing In taX cutS of Up to $600 for Lower-incoMe eaRners. will apply to the same thresholds for private health. So for people with incomes Along with changes to the low-income tax offset, this means lower earners will be able to earn up to $20,542 before they pay any income tax. However, the downside is that the 15% and 30% marginal tax rates have increased (see table) to ensure the tax cuts only go to those on lower-income levels.
over these thresholds, the offset next year will only be available on out-of-pocket expenses in excess of $5,000 and it will be reduced to 10 per cent. Again this may mean you need to review your situation, or if you have or will incur a lot of out-of-pocket medical expenses this year, above the threshold, it
The floods levy also no longer apples.
may be worth considering stocking up on pharmaceuticals or getting that dental
work done before 30 June.
sUpEr cOnTriBuTions
Starting this financial year low income earners will be entitled to, up to a $500
Marginal Tax Rate %
Marginal Tax Rate %
year, this all means you may need to change the way you contribute to get the
same benefits, particularly if you are self-employed. Also something to note is
tax rebate on concessional Super contributions where adjusted taxable income does not exceed $37,000. On the flip side the maximum government cocontribution this year is $500. This co-contribution has halved from the previous
that from 1 July 2012, all individuals have a concessional contributions cap of $25,000.
fAmIly tax bEnEfits pRiVate hEaLth iNsUrAnce There are also threshold changes for Private Health. From 1 July, the full 30% rebate will only apply for singles earning up to $84,000 and couples earning up to $168,000. So if you are going back to work next year or are likely to exceed the thresholds you may need to review your situation or even consider prepaying next year’s insurance this year, as that could have significant benefits.
If you are a young family with children, you would be well advised to forward plan and become familiar with the Family Tax Benefit thresholds. Particularly due to the fact that there are possible scenarios where the primary carer parent working casually or part time can lose 50 cents in the dollar of family benefits and at the same time be taxed at 19%, before even considering out of pocket child care costs.
Tax, Planning & Strategy Business Growth & Profit Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) specialises in providing personal professional tax and financial management solutions for individuals and businesses. We can assist in a broad range of accounting and tax matters from simple tax preparation, to business structure set-up and tax planning, business coaching and audits. Other services include proactive management reporting, budgets, cash flows and assistance with loans and insurance. If you would like to make an appointment (initial consultations are free) please call. (07) 5607 0695
Our office is located on Level 1 in the Big B Arcade, 50 James Street, Burleigh Heads. Coast Kids GC | 49
Online Shopping Directory
Whether you’re pregnant, just had your baby or planning that secret make over, you will find the perfect garment in our beautiful and discrete Contour Garments 2012 collection.
50 | Coast Kids GC
Eco Vida is full of stylish eco-friendly, natural products. Looking for that perfect, unique gift? You will find it here.”
At Spaces Places you can find, artwork, furniture, soft furnishings & homewares. Shop from the comfort of your own home and Enjoy FREE DELIVERY NOW. We are ready to help you stamp your home with YOU!
Whether you’re shopping for yourself, a friend, or that special little someone, you’ll find maternity, children and women’s fashion essentials and accessories, You’ll also find plenty of lovingly handmade items.
F E R T I L I T Y l B E A U T Y l S K I N C A R E l N AT U R A L T H E R A P I E S l H A I R
Being a mum is a great achievement, a joy and a challenge. You are still every bit your own person as well and need to honour your family, by looking after yourself. You are a woman, with interests and needs – health, beauty, social life, career. All About Her showcases the latest news, views, products, treatments that can help you maintain your health and wellbeing from the inside out.
Coast Kids GC | 51
All about her...
pErIods The fActs Words: Gary Swift
meNstruAtion - haVing PerioDs - Is paRt of the FemalE repRoducTive Cycle And fOr maNy, painfUl, irreGular or oTher SymptOms aRe paRt of life. heRe, Our rEsidenT obStetrIcian & gyNaecoLogist, dr garY swIft dEmystIfies and ExplaIns sOme cOmmon compLaints. Women commence having periods when hormone centres in the base of the brain mature and send signals to the ovaries at puberty. Menarche (first menstruation) is usually the last of the five stages of puberty and occurs on average at 12 years of age in Australia and similar Western Countries. The oocytes (eggs) which have populated the ovaries of baby girls during the 20th week of pregnancy respond to the FSH stimulation from the pituitary gland. The eggs are in a dormant state. A batch of eggs starts to mature each month, secreting estrogen as they grow and the dominant or lead follicle eventually is released, available for fertilization. All this is designed for reproduction to perpetuate the species. The first two years after menarche are often unpredictable until regular ovulation occurs. For some girls a regular pattern doesn’t establish and this may be due to genetic or environmental factors or a common condition called Polycystic ovaries (PCOS). Painful periods may be due to Primary Dysmenorrhea (sensitivity to prostaglandin hormones produced in the endometrial lining) or sometimes medical conditions such as Endometriosis. Heavy periods (Menorrhagia) in young women may be hereditary, associated with infections, endocrine disturbance, or occasionally related to disorders in the clotting system such as Von Willebrand’s disease or Haemophilias. Most cases will be in the absence of definable pathology and termed “Idiopathic” or “Dysfunctional”. In older women fibroids, adenomyosis and cancers and precancerous conditions need to be considered. Many women endure such symptoms until they are prescribed the oral contraceptive pill in the late teens or early twenties. Thereafter “periods” are actually “withdrawal bleeds” at the direction of the contraceptive pills. These bleeds will tend to be light and predictable hence the attraction as well as the prevention of unwanted pregnancy. Other medical management options also exist including oral and injectable progesterones and the Mirena IUCD ®. Surgical options are reserved for women who have usually finished their families and vary according to the underlying cause.
52 | Coast Kids GC
When women cease contraceptive pills and embark on pregnancy, periods will generally resume the prepill pattern as oral contraceptives don’t change any fundamentals they just put things in a holding pattern. Most anxieties about the pill and adverse effects on fertility are untrue “wives’ tales”. The pill does not deplete egg supply, alter egg quality or change fertility in any way. It protects against uterine and ovarian cancer in the longer term. When attempting pregnancy 85% of healthy couples should be pregnant within 12 months of regular cycles and intercourse and 93% within two years. Beyond this the monthly chance of pregnancy falls to 2-3% and it is after the 12 month mark in women under 35 years of age a fertility evaluation is recommended to exclude at least the three common causes of infertility: male factor, ovulation defects and tubal/peritoneal abnormalities. Over 35 the recommendation for timing investigation shortens to 6 months due to the relentless negative effect of age on monthly chance of pregnancy. When pregnancy occurs, ovulation and the menstrual cycle stops. Pregnancy hormones block the stimulation and release of eggs. This suppression persists through pregnancy and into the phase of breast feeding. If women don’t breast feed, pregnancy hormone (BhCG) disappears from their bodies within two weeks and the ovulatory mechanisms resume. It is therefore possible to conceive again four weeks after birth if lactation is suppressed. This is the reason that contraception is discussed prior to discharge from hospital ideally or at least at the six week check. Women who choose to breast feed are under the influence of a hormone called Prolactin which suppresses ovarian stimulation initially. As a rough guide half the women who breast feed won’t resume ovulation and be fertile until they wean their babies. The other half will have a variable and often unpredictable return of periods usually from three months onwards. This group is offered progesterone based contraception such as the Minipill or Mirena of which neither will interfere with breast milk quality or quantity.
All about her
Once breast feeding is complete periods will return to their normal pattern between children unless altered by contraceptives. The conditions then that impact on periods to make them heavy and/or painful will depend partly on age and genetic predisposition or the presence of other pathology. Fibroids are benign tumours which grow in the uterine muscle, causing enlargement and distortion and potentially affecting menstrual flow depending on their size and position relative to the endometrial cavity. They are almost unheard of in teens, rare in 20s but become increasingly more common in the 30s with 40% of women over 40 having at least one fibroid (with or without symptoms). They grow in the presence of estrogen and regress after the menopause unless HRT is taken. Some women with fibroids require surgery to remove them for symptoms of heavy bleeding or pelvic pressure. Conservative surgery is available however many women still require removal of the uterus (hysterectomy). Adenomyosis is the other significant condition which causes increasingly painful and heavy periods from mid 30s onwards. The endometrial lining cells get buried
There are other causes of menstrual disturbance and many causes with no identifiable pathology (Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding). Procedures such as hysteroscopy and curettage may be required to rule out cancer and PAP smears should always be checked. Where hysterectomy is required the Gold Standard now is “keyhole” or laparoscopic surgery. This approach is suitable for all but very large uteruses in experienced hands and results in short hospital stays (usually 48 hours) and more rapid return to normal duties and much less pain than traditional open surgery. Ultimately in the presence or absence of bleeding problems periods will cease when a woman passes though the menopause. This means she has effectively run out of eggs which can be stimulated to grow and release. This corresponds with low estrogen hormone production causing a plethora of symptoms (the subject of another article) and occurs at an average age of 51.7 years in Australia with a range of 40-60 years. As a general rule any symptoms of concern should be directed to your GP and appropriate treatment, discussion or referral may be arranged.
in the deeper layers of the uterine muscle so each month there is bleeding into the muscle which causes pain and distortion of the shape of the uterus. This disease may respond to the progesterone containing IUD (Mirena) or oral progesterone therapy but may require hysterectomy if symptoms are severely impacting on quality of life.
Dr Gary Swift is an Obstetrician & Gynaecologist who specialises in many of the treatments to manage period problems. He has been in private practice at Pindara Hospital since 2000 and is a highly qualified laparoscopic surgeon. More at
Dr Gary Swift
fertility IVF
laparoscopic surgery
obstetrics gynaecology
Leading Specialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery 13 Carrara street Benowa, 4217 Suite 4, Level 1 Pindara Place Ph: (07) 5564 6017 Fax: (07) 5564 7940
Coast Kids GC | 53
All about her
Herbal Convert Words: Jeni Bone
in 20+ yearS of Being a joUrnaliSt, i Have Been A guiNea piG More Times than i Care To recaLl. froM ipl to tHe laTest TanninG TechniqUe, i Have Tried everY lotiOn, potiOn anD ungUent Under The sUn. so when i Was oFfered A heRbal aktiV peEl whIch pRomiseD tO “ImproVe thE appEaranCe of wrinklEs, pigmEntatiOn, scarriNg, StretCh marKs, frecKles And acNe” in jUst oNe weEk, i Made Room In my diary. Developed 50 years ago by German skin specialists, Herbal Aktiv Peel by Alex Cosmetic uses 100% natural nutrient-rich herbs which are rubbed into the skin. As Dr Spiller Skin Care Expert and my therapist for the day, Sue Dann explains: “Exfoliation makes the skin appear brighter and more translucent. But deep skin peels using acids and abrasives and even most forms of laser resurfacing are designed to create injury to the skin in order to generate re-growth of new skin cells. “The gentle epidermal action of the salon-only Herbal Aktiv Peel, rather than causing injury to the skin and stimulating it to go into ‘repair mode’, works with the skin’s natural defenses. The concept is quite simple but the technology and research behind this product are incredible.” This is not a relaxing facial – it feels like sand being ground in – but it doesn’t hurt and it’s a means to an end, which is clear, radiant skin. After the one-hour Herbal Aktiv Peel treatment, my face looked like I had been working out (as if!) with a pinkish glow like mild sunburn and no discomfort. In the car, I looked in the mirror and decided I could front the supermarket and school pick up without any embarrassment.
My instructions were to not wash or wet my face forr four days, when the deluxe facial was scheduled,, e instead using the take-home kit of products in the o Alex Cosmetic brand, a herbal Super Lotion to cleanse, then a mix of Herbal BB cream – the firstt in the world and now a cult product among beautyy connoisseurs – mixed with a good dose of Herball Vitamin cream to soothe the tingle. Running a finger over my skin, I could feel the tiny herbal particles embedded there. These slowly dissolve over the next two days, releasing their bioactive vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The third day after the treatment, a smidgeon of peeling was visible, no more severe than a touch of dryness or peeling after mild sunburn. This I covered with the BB cream-Herbal Vitamin cream mix and nobody was any the wiser. Not even my mum or husband noticed and I visited a few people who only commented that I smelled good! At night, I resembled a Geisha because I slathered on the cream duo so I wouldn’t scratch the peeling parts and undo the benefits of the treatment. On the fifth day, I enjoyed the gentle hands of Joy at Active Skin Solutions, Runaway Bay, as she removed the rough old skin and pampered me with steam, oils and lashings of soothing balms. What she revealed was an entirely new skin which I can honestly say belies my 42 years! Family and friends, even strangers, have asked me what I use and I notice the hyperpigmentation on my neck has faded more in one treatment than in a year of using AHA products aimed at diminishing it. “Herbal Aktiv Peel is the result of 50 years of rigorous scientific testing,” says Sue. “Call it the mystery of nature if you like, but decades of testing have found
that it’s the safest way to get glowing, gorgeous skin in less than one week.” For best results, a follow up peel after three to four weeks was recommended and I will be taking up the offer. Not a fan of time-wasting facials, nor am I lining up for surgery just yet, I am utterly convinced this is the way to go. It’s a pleasure to dab on some sunscreen and shoot out the door, knowing my skin is clear and bright! Can’t wait for my next appointment… More at
PLUS IPL is COMING TO BLUSH!! Call your closest salon to register for the special 2 for 1 offer…
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All about her
Summer essentials
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Aviva viva Inspires Shower Glow Keep your tan alive with Aviva w body wash, a Shower Glow oaming cleanser non-drying, foaming d with all natural formulated ingredients that reduce the our sunless tan. washout of your RRP $24.
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ProjeCts witH mrS reD
Words: Jane Whittred
Get the kids to be proud of the clothes they wear by allowing them to have some input into the art works. This month the art project is an easy and mess free tie dying project that any age can give a go. The idea came from a blog I follow and the teacher used coloured Sharpie markers and the results looked better than my own. We used coloured fabric markers, which I thought made sense and the project still worked but didn’t bleed as well as the permanent markers. Once completed, you could then jazz the designs up by adding fabric glitter and stick on/iron on embellishments.
maTeriaLs yoU wilL need Clean fresh white clothing – t-shirts and singlets are the easiest to buy Coloured permanent markers or fabric markers Rubbing alcohol (Isocol) Syringe or dropper Cup and rubber band Thick cardboard (for inside clothing) Extras (embellishments, fabric glitter)
Art projects
did you Know… Tie-dye became so popular in the 1960s that it is now a symbol of trends and movements from that era: hippies, rock concerts, psychedelic drugs, and antiwar marches.
how To…
With the example I saw on the blog, the teacher er ha had d nd create used a cup and rubber band to tighten fabric and e of the a circle effect. It also stopped the bleeding outside se the rubber band. In my photo’s we did this but because fabric pens didn’t bleed as much I don’t know if it was necessary. There are two key points to remember for this to work. The first is that the colours have to be close together, no white patches otherwise the tie-dye effect will not work. Secondly, try to avoid putting colours that don’t mix together as they will create brown. Examples of this would be red & green, orange and purple. Think about rainbows, which may help. Remember to put the thick cardboard inside clothing so design won’t bleed through to other side. If you are using permanent markers I recommend using the cup and rubber band like shown in my examples. If using fabric markers its not so important because it won’t bleed as well. Once design is complete, drip a few drops of rubbing alcohol onto the design and watch the magic happen. Allow the fabric to dry as the bleeding will continue for as long as it can. If you use a hairdryer to speed things up you are stopping the bleeding. Continue as you like on other parts of the clothing. Then if you wish, add extras like fabric glitter and embellishments which are designed for fabric. Once this is all done you need to set the colours. The easiest way to do this is throw clothing in a dryer for half an hour. If this is not an option then you will need to iron you design, most likely from the inside rather than out (especially if glitter glue and embellishments have been used). Enjoy the pleasures of seeing the kids wear their own designs! Please visit for adult, teen and children’s art workshops, birthday parties and other events.
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