The Coalfields Express
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Gladstone Harbour investigation by Sherry Barnes Federal Environment Minister, Greg Hunt has ordered an independent commission of inquiry into Australia’s biggest dredging project at Gladstone which coincided with mass deaths of fish, turtles, dolphins and dugongs inside the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage area.
State Member still questions previous results
He said it will investigate the failure of a “bund” wall, designed to contain dredge spoil, dating back to 2011.
Mr Hunt indicated it will be a wideranging investigation into the approval process, the design of the bund wall and the management of the 26 million cubic metre dredge program. While welcoming the inquiry the Capricorn Conservation Council’s Michael McCabe told ABC Rural he wants to see action. “Until someone looks comprehensively at this complex issue there will be no trust at all from the public in regard to any scientific studies that come out.”
Independent Member for Gladstone, Liz Cunningham (pictured) says she hopes the inquiry will provide new information, particularly for families whose livelihoods depend on the Harbour. She said she still questions the results of previous Queensland Government-led studies that found the dredging project to have minimal, if any, effect on the environmental health of the Harbour in relation to the diseased fish outbreak in late 2011. “I’ve always felt that it required everybody
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to suspend their logic,” she said. Queensland Government scientists and the state-owned Gladstone Ports Corporation maintain flooding was the main contributor to the fish ill-health.
Gladstone devastation cannot be repeated Senator Larissa Waters from Australian Greens said the need for this inquiry shows that Abbot Point dumping should be refused.
“We can’t allow the Gladstone destruction which tourism and fishing operators are still suffering from, to be repeated anywhere else in the Great Barrier Reef.”
“This inquiry must be free from political and industry influence, open to the public and have the power to compel witnesses to appear and documents to be made public; otherwise it will just be a political band aid,” she said. (More reactions to inquiry page 4)
The kids can win some craft packs in our Easter drawing competition.
“We have a responsibility to make sure we understand what happened, why it happened and what are the lessons to be learned.”
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COASTLINE NEWSPAPER PTY LTD. Managing Director/Editor: Michael McRae, 32 Takalvan Street, Bundaberg, PO Box 1775 Bundaberg 4670. Phone 07 4153 1133 Fax 07 4153 3821 ACN 010897542 ABN 96 101 897 542. Est. 1986 - an independent Bundaberg owned family newspaper. Typeset and additional layout by jpg Design & Print P/L, Sunshine Coast. Printed by Fairfax, Brisbane. Copyright © Coastline Newspapers. Reproduction of any portion including advertisements or photographs without permission is not permitted and may render one liable for damages. DISCLAIMER: This publication is designed to provide authoritative information with regard to the subject matters covered. Whilst every effort has been made to present all information accurately, the Publisher accepts no liability for the accuracy of any inclusions, or any advice given, or for omissions from the publication. NOTE: All charges, facilities and timetables show in this issue are subject to change without notice. Coastline thanks Tourism Queensland for supplying some photographs used in this publication.
2 The Coalfields EXPRESS
The only way to travel is as a couple! There are those who insist that the only way to travel is as a couple. Couples, they insist, are mutually supportive and they will remind you that two people sharing costs can travel more cheaply than when solo. There are drawbacks, however, when travelling in tandem and the most serious of these is that posed by other couples that presume that you are just dying to meet guess who? Other couples! It is not unknown, for example, for couples to become bored with each other’s company, particularly honeymooners newly arrived at the realization that they have just made the biggest mistake of their lives. When this occurs, they will inevitably seek out the company of other couples – you, for example – in the desperate hope that you will relieve the relentless tedium of their partner’s company. They will also hope that you will reassure them that marriage is wonderful and that while there is always a period of adjustment, things will ``work themselves out.’’ Some people, married for 50 years, have been known to pass into the hereafter still wondering when it was that things were going to ``work themselves out.’’ If you are alone you are safe from these marauding twosomes but if you are a couple, the cheery ``Good morning!’’ shouted across the width of several breakfast tables can presage conversational misery on a grand scale. Their next step is to ask from where you hail and then suggest meeting for a drink. At this point, the wise travellers will reveal that they are suffering from haemorrhagic fever
and excuse themselves. Failure to do this will see them exchanging addresses, a fraught process when dealing with people who can’t stand each other’s company. These are also precisely the sort of people who six months after your holiday, will email you with the joyous news that they will be arriving in your city in three weeks time. And the other good news? They have decided to take you up on that generous offer you made the night you drank 10 gin slings, the night you said they could stay with you for as long as they liked.
six pairs of shoes. Returning to the ship she announced this news to the French couple which had attached themselves to us. Alas, her imperfect French translated as ``I went shore and bought six young men.’’ The husband regarded her with awe but not the wife. They fled and never spoke to us again. If travelling with a mate, ensure there is no hidden agenda. I once left Australia with a male friend who somehow forgot to tell me that he had arranged for his girlfriend to meet us halfway through our driving holiday across the United States. We were camping which meant once she arrived, I was evicted from our two man tent and slept in the back of our station wagon. Each night I’d lie there in my sleeping bag staring at the roof lining while stuffing things in my ears – tissues, cotton wool, half eaten Minties – it didn’t matter – anything to try and block out the moans and groans rattling the walls of the nearby tent. We parted company after a week and my Minties and I went our separate way. My partner has accused me of being anti-social when we travel. I have pointed out that this is untrue. It’s just that I don’t like meeting people.
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I once travelled with a woman who drew couples to her like moths to a flame. Language was not a constraint, a barrier she overcame by speaking broken English very slowly. She did, however, speak French very badly and so it was that while we were on a cruise, she went ashore and bought
Cruise specialist ecruising.travel has released a 15-night fly/cruise package from Singapore to Sydney on board Voyager of the Seas from $2229 from Brisbane per person including one-way airfares. Price includes two nights at the Shangri La hotel in Singapore before boarding and 13 nights cruise accommodation with main meals and entertainment. Ph:1300-369-848. See www.ecruising.travel
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The Coalfields EXPRESS 3
GVK Hancock welcomes
by Sherry Barnes
New CEO Darren Yeates (left) is congratulated by outgoing Managing Director, Paul Mulder.
Newly appointed Chief Executive Officer, Darren Yeates brings a depth of experience to the final development states of GVK Hancock’s Galilee Basin mining projects. His previous roles were Chief Operating Officer and Acting CEO for Rio Tinto Coal Australia, bringing over 30 years’ experience in coal mining operations, mine infrastructure and resource sector industries. Mr Yeates played a critical role in managing ports and infrastructure in the Pilbara and will ensure a seamless transition in the Galilee Basin coal and infrastructure projects. “I am astutely aware of the strong positions the projects are in today and of the significant progress the project team has achieved throughout the approvals and planning process for the Galilee Basin,” said Mr Yeates. “Our projects will deliver one of the most significant pieces of regional and economic development Queensland has seen for decades, and I’m proud to play a key role in such a significant suite of projects in my home state.” GVK Vice Chairman, Mr Sanjay Reddy expressed thanks to outgoing Managing Director, Paul Mulder and also to Hancock Prospecting for making Mr Mulder available to GVK on secondment for the past two years. “Our two organisations as partners have a strong and long-term future ahead in the Galilee Basin,” said Mr Reddy.
Bundaberg protestors declare “No fracking way” Members of the Coal Free Wide Bay Burnett and Beyond, some clad in T-shirts declaring “No Fracking Way” and made up of residents of the small communities of Avondale and Winfield held a protest meeting declaring to Bundaberg Regional Council their opposition to mining on their land. Spokeswoman,Vicki Perrin from Lock The Gate Alliance told media a survey of several hundred residents showed the majority wanted their communities coal mine and gasfield free. “They’ve seen what’s happened in other parts of the state and don’t want the same thing here,” she said, listing contaminated water, destruction of bushland, people forced out of homes and children developing illness as results of living near coal seam gas fields.
Resource near Bundaberg increased by 33% International Coal told the ASX the results of recent drilling at the Bundaberg Project had yielded an increased resource of 37.9 million tonnes with the in-ground value likely to be measured in billions, although this does not guarantee that International Coal will be able to fund construction of a mine.
Isn’t the Internet a wonderful thing? Mining consultant, geologist and marketing expert Chris Hartley (pictured) told The Coalfields Express millions of people can become absolutely convinced about issues because they read about it on the internet. “Just ask them – whether they support or reject the arguments swirling around the subject is irrelevant because they are right. Because they read about it
on the internet – it allows people like me (or you) to appear an expert on almost anything almost instantaneously,” he said. “Emotion certainly generates a lack of objectivity.” “Fracking is not new,” said Chris. “It’s been around since the 1940s but only recently has it become an issue here. Some countries have banned it (because of chemicals used and potential impacts on water tables) and some have subsequently lifted bans.” “Debates mature, emotions subside, facts prevail – we’ll get to the bottom of fracking, and whether it can it be done without adverse effect.” “The lessons are to shelve the placards (don’t burn them) discuss, debate; respect the fact people are entitled to an opinion different to yours and accept that one of you may be proved wrong. And having worked through the cause, understand the resultant effects flowing from various sides of the argument.”
Mixed reactions to Abbot Point decision
by Sherry Barnes Approval by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority ( GBRMPA) to dump three million cubic metres of dredge spoil offshore at Abbot Point, while subject to 47 strict environment conditions, drew emotive and opposing reactions from industry and conservation groups. World Wide Fund spokesman Richard Leck described it as “a sad day for the Reef and anyone who cares about its future” while Felicity Wishart from Australian Marine Conservation Society said people expect GBRMPA to defend the Reef, not approve its destruction.” Gladstone dredging one day, Abbot Point the next Environment group Save The Reef spokesperson, Dr Libby Connors said we don’t yet have the answers about what has gone wrong in Gladstone. “All we know is that more than 27 million tonnes of dredging over two years has left us with a legacy of a bund wall that continues to leak and
cause turbidity problems in Gladstone – now these problems will be repeated in the beautiful northern sections of the reef which are more dependent on tourism.” Impact from dredging “minor, temporary and localised”. Queensland Resources Council CEO, Michael Roche said he backs the decision based on facts and science rather than “slacktivist” campaigns using social media. He also welcomes the release of the Government’s progress report to UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee on the state of conservation of the Great Barrier Reef ( The State Party Report). “Flying in the face of hysterical reactions from some quarters to the granting of a dredging permit at Abbot Point, the State Party report identifies impacts from port development and dredging as minor, temporary and localised,” he said. “I urge everyone interested in the health of the reef to read the State Party
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Report which documents the real threats as being extreme weather events, effects of climate change, crown of thorns starfish infestations and nutrient and sediment run-off from land clearing and broad-scale agriculture.” He said Environment Minister Greg Hunt had imposed a cap of 1.3 million cubic metres of sediment that can be dredged or disposed of in a year and only undertaken between March 1 and June 30 to protect water quality during critical times for seagrass growth and coral spawning. “The dredging project goes hand in hand with the development of new coal reserves in the Galilee Basin where projects have a forecast investment of $28.4 billion, providing more than 15,000 jobs during construction and 13,000 operational jobs,” said Mr Roche.
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4 The Coalfields EXPRESS
Exciting expos planned for March Upcoming industry and resources sector expos include Rockhampton’s CQ Expo now in its third year on March 19, 20 and the inaugural NQ Expo in Townsville on March 27 and 28. Held at Rockhampton Showgrounds the CQ Expo is designed to support the resource sectors of Gladstone and the Southern Bowen and Galilee Basins with exhibits by suppliers, service providers, government agencies and manufacturers. Find the best new products and equipment faster. See live equipment demonstrations and have direct access to product experts. Network with industry colleagues and gain access to employment specialists and apprenticeship networks. Register online free by 4pm March 18 at www. cqexpo.com.au or email admin@cqexpo.com.au. The CQ Expo Welcome Breakfast is on March 19 at 7am at the CQ Leagues Club with guest speakers including Rockhampton’s Mayor Cr Margaret Strelow. For tickets ($60) phone Australian Events 1800 671 588 or cqexpo.com.au.
Inaugural Expo for Townsville and North Queensland Held at the Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre, the NQ Expo registration is free online by March 26 at www.nqexpo.com.au. Townsville is the economic hub and powerhouse for the North with direct sea and air links to Asia and the Pacific including PNG. It’s the home base for a raft of public and private sector industries reflecting solid growth in recent years with over $50 billion in projects in the pipeline. NQ Expo will be a targeted and cost effective opportunity to network, market and generate sales, leads and industry contacts.
Gladstone inquiry expected to be damaging by Sherry Barnes While environment group Save the Reef applauds the decision to initiate a major inquiry into Gladstone Harbour’s dredging program, spokesperson Dr Libby Connors, said that if properly conducted, it would be as damaging to the Bligh Government as the ICAC inquiries into coal mine licences were for New South Wales Labor governments. ‘We have strong evidence from Gladstone Ports Corporation whistleblower John Broomhead that both state and federal administrations knew that a breach of a bund wall was causing massive water pollution,� said Dr Connors ‘So senior public servants at state and federal level misled the public and several ministers also conspired to cover it up.� ‘Those who knew the harbour and followed the water quality monitoring could see there was something seriously wrong that could not be explained away by flood water.� Save the Reef will be making a submission regarding terms of reference for the federal inquiry. Environmental medicine specialist Dr Andrew Jeremijenko who treated fishermen who became sick after contact with harbour waters in 2011 said approval should not have been given for another LNG plant on Curtis Island. ‘We are hoping Mr Hunt’s decision to call this inquiry will mark his
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ministry as one prepared to stand up for the reef and save it from being downgraded by UNESCO to a world heritage “in Danger� listing.’
No engineers on the inquiry panel – why not?
to ensure engineering expertise is adequately represented in the inquiry process.
“We believe it is both logical and necessary that a suitably qualified engineer is represented – to do otherwise risks undermining community confidence in out come of the inquiry,� Mr Harvey said.
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Engineers Australia questioned the lack of engineering experience of the Inquiry with President Queensland Division, Blake Harvey (pictured) saying the clear focus on technical design and construction requires specialized engineering expertise. “Those appointed to the panel are clearly experts within their fields and will add great value. Nonetheless we question why a qualified, experienced professional engineer has not been appointed.� Engineers Australia has written to Minister Greg Hunt seeking clarification on how the panel aims
Gladstone fishermen’s compensation claim adjourned by Sherry Barnes Gladstone fisherman who blamed the dredging project for an outbreak of disease in 2011 which killed fish, turtles, dugongs and other marine life will have to wait for a decision on compensation. The state-owned Gladstone Ports Corporation deny the claims and late last month sought to have the compensation claim by fishermen thrown out of the Planning and Environment Court. The matter has been adjourned to April 15. The GPC’s former environment manager, John Broomhead told media the design and size of the wall retaining the toxic material dredged up was a failure, beginning to leak in 2011 and contributing to elevated turbidity in the harbour.
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Whistleblowers urged to speak up stone fisherman, Trevor Falzon who until three years ago derived 100% of his income from commercial fishing, said more whistleblowers like Mr Broomhead should come forward. “We hope the truth comes out and we will be properly compensated,� he said. “It’s not all about dollars – the environment in Gladstone can’t cope with any more pressure, we need to lay off a bit.� A fisherman for 28 years, Mr Falzon said the disaster put him and many others out of business, and had resulted in relationship and marriage breakdowns and bankruptcies.
Our miners enjoy the highest incomes in Queensland. The Coalfields Express reaches this prime market. For advertising details phone 1300 758 184 or email ads@coastlinenews.com.au www.coastlinenews.com.au
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The Coalfields EXPRESS 5
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Winners will be contacted in May 2014 and published in the 2014 Winter issue of the Tourist Queensland, Like us on Coalfields the May Coalfields Express and on our website: www.coastlinenews.com.au Entries close Thursday, May 15, 2014 QUESTIONS: (please feel free to select more than one answer if appropriate) 1. Do you live in a: A) Township B) Farm www.watersedgethestrand.com.au
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6 The Coalfields EXPRESS
CRCMining’s Cave Tracking System
Hail Creek Mine continues to deliver support
Rio Tinto has partnered with CRCMining, Newcrest Mining and Elexon Electronics in the development of a cutting-edge realtime cave flow tracking system of caved material within block caves, on target to be operational this year. It uses unique 3D position systems to enable real-time monitoring of sensors in the block cave, which move alone with the ore, optimising the flow of caved material and minimising ore dilution. “The Cave Tracker system is a stepchange technology that will deliver significant benefits to the mining industry, enabling real-time mapping of cave material movement, which can be used to minimise dilution and maximise recover from caves,” said Dihon Tadic, Hard Rock and Surface Mining Program Leader. “Monitoring the material flow in block caves has not been possibly previously leading to poor control of operations and sub-optimal outcomes.” Rio Tinto’s Andre van As said there
Community groups from the Mackay region celebrated the positive outcomes from the Hail Creek Mine Community Development Fund, which will continue to deliver $150,000 this year to eligible projects as part of a three year $450,000 commitment. General Manager Operations, Rowan Munro said last year the fund supported 10 programs in the Mackay, Sarina and Nebo regions to the value of $130,000. “The reach expanded into more remote communities such as Pinnacle, Garget and Finch Hatton, focussing on economic development, environmental value, education and training and social development.” Partner Mackay Engineering College supports training and career opportunities for Sarina, Mackay, Mackay North, Pioneer and Mirani State High Schools, with two students who completed the Try A Trade program in Year Ten, now apprentices at Hail Creek. Mackay Children’s Holiday Camp will receive funding for a fun-filled, action-packed camp
Ground-breaking Cave Tracker is value for the caving industry and mining industry as a whole. “The real value is in preserving the security and integrity of the resource – the technology will also significantly improve safety, and enable better management of the mine.” More information about CRCMining’s Cave Tracker on www. crcmining.com.au/breakthroughsolutions.
Frank Duthler (Mackay Engineering College) Shelley Lewis ( Community Development Fund board) Sylvia Warren (Business Services Manager) at the end of year celebration held at the Conservatorium of Music, CQU.
for young people with special needs, providing essential rest for families and potential for university students to participate as part of their tertiary nursing studies.
Free Business Directory revamped A new, improved online business directory for the Central Highlands will benefit local businesses and the broader community. It has expanded to allow registrants to provide extensive, up-to-date information on their capabilities. General Manager, Sandra Hobbs said the Central Highlands boasts a broad range of businesses with an impressive array of goods and services. “It costs nothing to be listed in the directory, but the benefits are priceless,” she said. Registrants give contact details, identify goods and services, specify locations services, business overview, marketing material and capability
“This is not your standard business directory that only lists the basics, it’s an opportunity to actively promote a business,” said Ms Hobbs.
Join at www.chdc.com.au. The Directory is a complementing component of CHDC’s Business Portal, supported by the BMA Local Buying Community Foundation. The additional component is a weekly Tender Updates List.
Anyone wanting to receive these weekly alerts can contact Alaynia Garnsworthy on 4982 4386 or business@chdc.com.au
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Include your name, age, address, phone number and post to Faber-Castell Comp, Coastline Newspapers, PO Box 1775, Bundaberg Q 4670 or scan and enter on Coalfields Facebook. Entries close March 28 with winning entries displayed on our website for everyone to see. Open to children aged 5 to 10 years.
Stockist information on www.faber-castell.com.au, 1800 677 885.
The Coalfields EXPRESS 7
My Town... Tieri ... by Cathy Truloff Tieri Town is my town. As soon as I drove into Tieri 24 years ago it felt like home. I moved up from Ipswich with my husband and two kids aged 5 and 3. Tieri is a mining town that services the Oaky Creek Coal mines close by. It is situated 87 km North East of Emerald. I grew up on a farm outside a small town and each day before school I helped with milking and other farm chores. Even when I started working at the local bank I still helped before and after work with chores. I have always worked long days. Tieri has offered me many opportunities and running the Caltex service station and more recently the Foodworks businesses has been hugely rewarding. But the thing that is most rewarding about Tieri is the freedom your kids have to be kids. I always knew that my kids were safe here. I knew they would always get home from school in one piece and on the days they fell off their bike or got swooped by a magpie, there was always someone I knew to help them out if I wasn’t there. I think the most important lesson I have learned about living in a mining town is to get involved in the community. I have taken on various roles over my time here. I have even been a local government councillor. Taking an interest in a sport or your kids school is key
Isaac Region’s Cr Kelly Vea Vea, Judy Naumann (Citizen of the Year) Mayor Anne Baker, Cr Peter Freelagus.
to your happiness and well-being in a town like Tieri where the population is very mobile. Being prepared to welcome new people into your life is also important. I have recently begun a battle against breast cancer. While my prognosis is good and my doctors are happy with my progress, it has become a priority of mine to pass on the message about vigilance in regards to this nasty disease. I urge everyone I meet to have their mammograms and pap smears done. This is what is saving my life right now.I have no plans to go anywhere else. My grandkids are in the area and with one more on the way I have a lot to be thankful for right here.
New app for ordering your prescriptions Queensland families now have an easier way to manage their medicines with the launch of a new smart phone app called eRx Express in pharmacies in Brisbane, Surfers Paradise, Gold and Sunshine Coasts and Toowoomba. eRx Express is a free app that lets people scan and
Australia Day Award Winners
pre-order their script medicines wherever they are and whatever they are doing, for pick up at a time and date that suits. The app is part of eRx Script Exchange’s national network which lets GPs and pharmacists exchange electronic prescriptions safely and securely.
Residents across the Central Highlands were recognised for their outstanding contributions to the community at events held in Blackwater, Capella, Emerald and Rolleston. Citizen Of The Year – Alyson Jeynes, Joyce Simmonds (Blackwater, awarded jointly) Lyndal Spackman (Capella and Tieri) Elaine Reid (Emerald) Nicole Upton ( Springsure and Rolleston). Central Highland Regional Mayor Peter Maguire said it’s people like these who work tirelessly to ensure the Central Highlands region is such a great place to live, work and play.
Isaac Region Awards More than 20 recipients were the stars of Australia Day ceremonies held from Clermont to St Lawrence. In Moranbah, London Olympic swimming gold medallist Brittany Elmslie sponsored by BMA presented awards and held a swimming clinic. Citizen Of The Year Award winners – Judy Naumann (Moranbah) Young Citizen Of The Year – Kate Lockyer ( Clermont).
Pharmacist, Jason Bratuskins, eRx Express said “We all know how hard it can be waiting in queues with small children, or when people are sick, and this new app makes a real difference by reducing waiting times and letting people choose the most convenient time to collect their script medicines.”
✓ No drugs, no injections, no fees ✓ Total confidentiality ✓ Natural herbal product with extraordinary success rate ✓ Only $99 + P&P for a bottle of 90 capsules (*approx 1 month supply) Men with heart conditions should consult their doctor.
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It’s ideal for people who are busy, or who might need to plan a trip to a pharmacy, whether because they live regionally, are socially isolated, need the support of a carer, or have other complications such as chronic health issues. The new app is now live in pharmacies in Airlie Beach, Brisbane, Bundaberg, Coolum, Gracemere, Gympie, Maroochydore, Noosa, Noosaville, Peregian, Rockhampton, Southside, Surfers Paradise, Toowoomba, Wyalla and Yeppoon.
Manpower Australia heads our way for another sellout tour. Heralded in the US as Australia’s Thunder from Down Under, the top Male Revue Show in the world also heads over to New Zealand in April for the first time in more than five years.
eRx Express is a free app for iPhone, Android and Windows smart phones. It can be downloaded now at the App Store for iPhone, Google Play for Android, and Windows Phone for Microsoft.
The muscly Manpower Australia troupe will bring their world class costumes, state-of-the-art lighting and dynamic dance routines to entertain you on a night out you’ll never forget. Manpower has performed in over 15 countries to 8 million delighted women. For more than 20 years this home-grown sensation went from humble beginnings in a Gold Coast nightclub to residency at the Excalibur Casino in Las Vegas.
Here’s where you can see the gorgeous guys:
March 28:
Allenstown Hotel, Rockhampton. Phone 4922 1853
March 29:
Brothers Sports Club, Bundaberg. Phone 4151 3532
March 30:
Harvey Road Tavern, Gladstone. Phone 4978 7102
April 2:
Magpies, Mackay. Phone 4965 6100
April 3:
Magnums Hotel, Airlie Beach. Phone 4946 6188
Contact us for a range of services including:
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1300 130 277
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WIN A DOUBLE PASS TO SEE THE SHOW! Mention when booking this Coalfields Express to take advantage of this offer
• Roma Street Transit Centre - 200m • Queen Street Mall - 100m • Stroll to Southbank via the Kurilpa Bridge - 100m
Send us your name, address, phone number and the answer to these three questions via our Coalfields Express Face Book page. Entries close Friday March 14. Entry is free. A draw will be held if more than one correct entry. Don’t forget to nominate the town where you want to see Manpower.
BOOK NOW: 1800 064 858
Which country will Manpower tour in April?
Where in Queensland did Manpower have their humble beginnings?
317 - 325 George Street, Brisbane Qld or visit our website www.georgewilliamshotel.com.au
How many women has the No 1 Male Revue Show performed for?
8 The Coalfields EXPRESS
Moranbah on the ‘cusp of next property boom’
Home Exchange – making moving easier
Moranbah is ripe for another property boom with billions of dollars’ worth of projects in the pipeline set to secure the town’s future, according to property research firm Omega Investments. A report commissioned for the new Matson Apartments project said while a perfect storm of events had impacted the mining town’s property market over the last two years, the market appeared to be “reaching its floor” and setting itself up for the next boom. “The Moranbah property market is poised for its next boom with over $17.2 billion in major infrastructure projects planned and $5.6 billion of these approved within a 60km radius of the township,” reads the report. Omega Investments principal Flynn De Freitas said major coking coal projects included the proposed Red Hill Mine which would employ 3,000 contractors during peak construction and up to 1,500 workers and contractors. Half a billion dollars’ worth of liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects were also in the pipeline, he said. “This large number of new mining projects in the Moranbah region is underpinning strong population growth forecasts, with over a 45 per cent
Moving house is usually a time of uncertainty and stress. Concerns are especially real for older folk who want a more relaxing life in a retirement village but the process of downsizing from the family home, coordinating the property sale and purchase can seem too hard.
Carlyle Gardens Retirement Village at Bargara Beach near Bundaberg has partnered with Home Exchange who specialise in stress free moving with their comprehensive relocation package. increase in the town’s population expected in the five years to 2018.
“A misunderstood town” Matson Apartments’ developer Don Moffatt from Moffatt Property said Moranbah has not yet reached its full potential. “With its high quality large reserves and easily accessible resources, Moranbah still has years of investment in new and expansion projects and decades of mining ahead,” he said. Matson Apartments is a 30 unit development with ground floor commercial retail space in the heart of Moranbah’s proposed dining and entertainment
precinct. Mr Moffatt said it offers an ideal lifestyle for the first home buyer or astute investor or SMSF who can see a great value proposition with strong yielding potential. He said the strong yield and rental guarantee are not built into the price. “It is an independent offering from Direct Hotels & Apartments who through a subsidiary have purchased the management rights to Matson Apartments.” “Not only will residents receive exceptional on-site professional management, investors will receive above market returns.” Matson Moranbah is expected to be completed late this year.
They make an offer to buy the existing home based on an independent valuation, then coordinate sorting, packing and moving possessions.
They then use their real estate expertise to prepare the original home for sale, sometimes including renovations and then share any profits. Based on a model in use in RetireAustralia’s New South Wales villages, Home Exchange also advises on de-cluttering and downsizing with specialist packing guaranteed all possessions are safely relocated.
Check out www.homeexchangeaustralia. com.au or retireaustralia.com.au
Architecturally designed 2 Bedroom Home on 600m2 minutes from the beach from $299,000
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North Stradbroke Island “Straddie” is famous for its kilometres of rolling surf, white sandy beaches and crystal clear water. Straddie is the ideal holiday destination for whale watching, surfing, swimming, diving, fishing, feasting on local seafood, bush walking, bird watching, beach yoga or planning a wedding. Owning a Property on Stradbroke Island offers a unique beachside lifestyle right on the doorstep of Brisbane. 139 Dickson Way - $720,000
Listen to the ocean crashing on the beach across the road while you relax on your verandah up among the tree tops. • Located end of cul-de-sac across the road from Home & Adder beach • Short walk to Roadhouse (convenience store), Bowls Club, Park, Straddie pub • Older style large house, 2 self-contained levels • Keep one level, rent out the other or rent as one large holiday home You must inspect to see the POTENTIAL THIS MASSIVE HOUSE HAS TO OFFER Shack 38, Allure Resort - $220,000
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BUILD YOUR STRADDIE DREAM HOME AND ANOTHER TO RENT • Large 835m2 block with views to the North and the West. • Enough room to build 2 houses, backs onto bush • Limited vacant land left at Point Lookout • Walk to Home & Cylinder beach & Straddie pub
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The Coalfields EXPRESS 9
Glut of rental stocks in Gladstone
The REIQ Residential Rental Survey shows the market in mining regions are struggling with both supply and demand imbalances, while the rest of Queensland remains positive as business returns to normal now the holiday season has passed.
In regional Queensland, markets eased substantially with Mackay, Rockhampton and Gladstone’s vacancy rates blowing out to around 7 per cent.
Agents in Gladstone reported a continued glut of rental stock with the market adjusting from a severe lack of supply to an oversupply as multiple new developments have come onto the market.
At the end of December, the vacancy rate came in at 7.7%, up from 5.8% in September and up from 2.1% a year ago.
The story in Mackay is much the same as Gladstone with some job losses and an oversupply of rental stock within new residential developments.
Mackay also recorded a vacancy rate of 7.7% up from 5% three months ago. Local agents report vacancies taking in excess of four weeks to fill and low applicant numbers per listing.
In Toowoomba investor activity is reportedly up, predominantly close to the city area, as is tenant demand with one agency reporting very high numbers of applicants recently.
South East - powerhouse of Queensland
“For the first time in several years the level of building industry confidence in the south east, is well above levels in regional Queensland, underlining its resurgence as the powerhouse of the State’s building industry. Paul Bidwell of Master Builders said the upturn in the residential sector comes on the back of strong approvals and housing finance data during the three months to December and further evidence recovery is under way. Other key points from the survey included an improvement in turnover, despite profitability remaining subdued and employment levels a concern, with 23% of respondents shedding staff during the quarter. “For this reason, very few businesses reported a shortage of skilled workers,” said Mr Bidwell.
Unique time period for RBA rates At its first meeting for 2014, the RBA decided to leave the cash rate at 2.50 per cent for the sixth consecutive month, the longest period of rate stability since 2007. Loan Market Director, Mark De Martino (pictured) said the decision has given the home finance industry the stability to encourage buyers and sellers back into the market. “Homeowners and buyers of this generation haven’t likely seen a period of interest rates this low for this long. It’s been a unique time period,” said Mr De Martino. “For five meeting the RBA has made the right call by watching past cuts bring confidence back. As inflation and employment numbers continue to make cases for rate movements in either direction, it’s not easy to predict where rates may head next.” Mr De Martino said even with six months of stability, there is still competition in the marketplace with lenders using other loan products and features to attract and save homeowners money. “There’s lots of posturing with fixed rates at the moment and with the daily fluctuations of the Aussie dollar, we’re seeing competition open up with lenders trying to correctly predict when this interest rate cycle will bottom out, said Mr De Martino.
Excellent Business Opportunity JL SLASHING ... a long standing well established slashing and property maintenance business. • Well established in Whitsundays • Consistent strong profits • Excellent growth opportunities • Well maintained equipment • Loyal customer base • Active or passive business operation
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100% PURE LIFESTYLE – WHITSUNDAY WATERS ESTATE NOW is the time to buy, and Whitsunday Waters is the place to buy. This blue chip development ticks all the right boxes making the Jewel of the Whitsundays the perfect lifestyle for any purchaser. They don’t make coastal estates like this any more for the price. The value of Whitsunday Waters will be further enhanced with the rebirth of Laguna Quays nearby. ENQUIRE TODAY to take advantage of this never to be repeated introductory prices. This is a rare opportunity to live the ultimate work-life balance, where you can become a part of paradise in the making and where coming home is pure pleasure. IF YOU WANT TO BE IN PARADISE,
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10 The Coalfields EXPRESS
A Bright Future with a Mines must superDegree in Hospitality charge productivity
Let the CHARLTON BROWN® Agency y provide care for the whole family! • Nannies, au pairs, babysitters, disability and aged carers • Babysitting/Emergency Care • Flexibility to suit your family’s needs; including FIFO workerss • Approved National In Home Care Association provider • Qualified, experienced and reliable carers
1300 626 643
Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School, (BMIHMS), is the number one hotel school in Australia and Asia Pacific. The school provides internationally recognised hospitality and business degree courses that are highly respected within the global hotel and event management industries. Currently studying a bachelor of business in hotel and resort management, Hannah Vale (pictured) is a BMIHMS student and philanthropist dedicated to using her qualifications for a good. Ms Vale and her family work with Project WAR, a charity dedicated to helping those affected by spinal cord injuries.With BMIHMS she was assured of a wider awareness and commitment to those less fortunate, emphasised by their support of the Sala Bai Hotel School in Cambodia, which provides education and training for those disadvantaged. “The number one hotel school in Australia supporting a charitable hotel school, giving opportunities to a disadvantaged community, reinforced to me I can really help people other there with my hospitality degree” Ms Vale says.
• RRTO Induction – Standard 11 • Supervisor and G2 Courses • Courses structured to suit your needs • Weekend courses available • One on One or classroom environment FOR ALL YOUR TRAINING REQUIREMENTS GIVE US A CALL!
Mention this ad for 10% discount 15% when booking 3 or more people PHONE: 07 49 546 038 Shop 6, Bucasia Gardens, 839 Mackay Bucasia Road, Bucasia, QLD 4750
To remain companies productivity according to and training Resources.
competitive, mining must supercharge from every angle mining development specialist, One Key
“When it comes to training, recruitment and workforce development, adopting standard best practices goes a long way in increasing the overall productivity and profitability of a mine site and keeping Australia competitive on the global stage,” said Managing Director, Grant Wechsel. “The biggest problem we encounter is a lack of agreed operating standards with many sites plagued by lack of communication between operations and corporate management about performance of machinery and staff.” Machinery is often not running at its optimum performance level due to operating skills, maintenance
issues, unproductive processes, and lack of training. One Key Resources, a Brisbanebased specialist provider of workforce recruitment, training and production solutions has developed Australia’s first animated training technology that captures the standardised and best practice mining methods to show each employee in an effort to improve overall production and performance. “Pre-planning to match specific applicants against the machinery or type of work conducted is crucial,” said Mr Wechsel. “Mines should take advantage of training schools and centres to achieve standardisation and best practice in performance.” One Key Resources carries out whole-of-mine operational reviews in open cut mines around the world.
Training programs for the mining and construction industry As a registered training organisation Queensland Training and Development provides a range of nationally recognised training programs that cater for the mining and construction industry.
QTAD understand the needs of industry and offers the flexibility of training seven days a week.
They specialise in Standard 11 Inductions, Supervisor and G2 Courses. However, they can structure courses to suit your industry requirements. QTAD can organise courses to be conducted at your workplace, out on site or at their new Bucasia Training Facility.
Their commitment to you and your employees is to provide quality safety training that enables participants to develop knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their professional goals, improve productivity of your organisation and provide leadership and services to their colleagues.
The Coalfields EXPRESS
Congratulations Class of 2013- Cathedral School Quality training provides care for all the family
Year 12 Boarding students at the Boarders’ Final Dinner held in November 2013. Year 12 students at The Cathedral School in 2013 had an action-packed year, highlighted by outstanding academic, vocational and extracurricular achievements. The majority of students will commence studying at University next month while others will commence employment and traineeships or have a GAP year. Of the students applying to University through the OP pathway, results have been recently released with 25% of students receiving an OP 1-5 and 85% receiving an OP from 1-15.
A private Registered Training Association and employment agency that trains and places graduates, Charlton Brown trains in a range of community service industries including: Early Childhood Education, Aged Care, Home and Community care, Disability and Outside School Hours Care.
The Cathedral School is home to approximately 160 boarding students (girls and boys) from regional Queensland, interstate and overseas and is committed to providing the highest standard in boarding accommodation in the North Queensland region. Anyone interested in finding out more about the dynamic opportunities available at The Cathedral School is invited to contact the School Registrar, Mrs Toni Lanphier on 4722 2000 or registrar@ cathedral.qld.edu.au
As digital devices become more integrated in early learning, it’s important for kids to develop the fine motor skills needed to keep up with technology. Tablets are fast becoming a learning tool for young minds and Faber-Castell has recognised the potential for cohesive creative activities by creating an app for iPads, Creative Kids. The Creative Kids app is free to download from the Apple App Store and offers a step-by-step illustration of how moving images and
Over time activitites will continue to be added to the app to ensure children are constantly encouraged to explore their creativity in different ways.
Kellee said that it was an affordable option to get a nationally recognised qualification. “I was having trouble
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finding a job in the field I wanted to work in, so I decided to enrol to make myself more employable in that area.” she said.
She said that it has certainly helped and enhanced her career! “I feel as though it helped me get my current job!” she said.
If you are interested in completing a qualification through Foundation Education, please contact us on 1300 130 157 TODAY!
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Charlton Brown is an Approved National In Home Care Association provider and can supply qualified, experienced companion carers – with excellence guaranteed.
Advance your career- Complete a Certificate III today!
Children learn how to integrate traditional creative activities with the iPad by bringing their own artworks to life on the screen.
animations can be created with paper, colour pencil and the iPad.
Flexibility is paramount with hours to suit FIFO workers.
All courses have an ideal balance of theory and work experience/on the job training ensuring all students graduate ready for work. For those studying in other disciplines, their team has strong industry links and can assist with networking and interview opportunities.
Kellee Locke started university straight after school but found that university was not for her and when the opportunity arose for Kellee to complete some further study in her current role, she jumped at the chance. She decided to complete the Certificate III in Business Administration offered by Foundation Education under the Government Certificate 3 Guarantee.
Faber-Castell’s new app for creative kids
The Charlton Brown Agency team is passionate and industry experienced when it comes to your family’s needs, with a variety of childcare options including nannies, babysitters, emergency care and au pairs.
Unlock Your Future CRICOS Number 00911E
12 The Coalfields EXPRESS
holiday hot spots... Hervey Bay – Safe family fun in the sun From the ideal family getaway, romantic escape, eco-experience, to action adventure or lifestyle change – this gem on the Fraser Coast truly has it all. You’ll have safe family fun in the sun – or fine dining and moonlight walks by the ocean with your loved one – fantastic fishing and easy access to World Heritage Listed Fraser Island. A water lover’s paradise this is where you can swim, fish, dive, snorkel, find parklands, picnic areas, playgrounds, piers and a vibrant marina all combined with stunning views of the Pacific Ocean coastline. The Esplanade abounds with alfresco cafes,
restaurants, hotels, boutiques, holiday units and resorts. Along its 14km length runs a shared pathway, tracing the entire stretch of sandy beach. Resorts and holiday apartments overlook the busy boat harbour while boutiques and cafes line its shorefront. Charter yachts, fishing boats and pleasure craft call this busy and picturesque marina home as well as the whale watch fleet. Once a string of sleepy seaside villages, it’s now one of Australia’s fastest growing cities – modern and progressive but no matter how popular, it still retains that friendly relaxed feel that many larger holiday destinations have lost.
Just another day in paradise STAY 7 - PAY 5 STAY 5 - PAY 4 Valid until 31st July 2014 Except School Holidays & Easter
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IF YOU PHONE NOW! Call 07 5537 7001 and we will give you a 10% discount for stays of minimum of 3 nights. Valid until August 31, 2014. Quote Coalfields Express when booking.
A regular and popular visitor to Townsville, this is her first appearance at the School Of Arts So book early to avoid disappointment. A spunky, dazzling, brilliant female version of James Galway, who dances while she plays.
Adventurethon Magnetic Island – March 29, 30 Adventurethon is a multisport outdoor activity incorporating paddling, mountain biking and trail running. Our courses are off road, frequenting areas like national parklands, beaches and hiking trails to enjoy the spectacular sceneries and to experience the alfresco of Magnetic Island. Adventurethon ensures to offer courses to suit all types of fitness levels. Routes can change from one to eight hours, depending on what the competitor believes they can achieve. There are four different Adult courses to choose from and a Junior course. Any Adventurethon challenge can be done as an individual, tag team or side by side team to gain a different experience for the day. www.adventurethon.com.au
Kangaroo Dundee coming to Tinnie and Tackle Show
Australia’s world famous “Kangaroo Dundee” Chris “Brolga” Barns will make guest appearances, sharing stories and information on his wildlife saving efforts, at the Brisbane Tinnie and Tackle Show and National 4x4 & Outdoors Show on April 4 to 6 at the Brisbane Showgrounds.
! Call Now DON’T T! MISS OU
Passionate wildlife ambassadors, Terri, Bindi and Robert Irwin will also spread their message with regular stage appearances, meeting and greeting visitors and fans.
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Jane Rutter is an Australian in Paris. A concert of deliciously French music from la Belle Epoque to the present day Internationally acclaimed darling of the flute, Jane Rutter stars in a lush musical celebration.
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Flickerfest, Australia’s only Academy Award accredited short film festival is thrilled to return to the School Of Arts Theatre with an entertaining award winning selection of Australian and international shorts handpicked from over 2,100 entries all sure to inspire audiences with the freshest short bites of cinema available in the world today.
French Kiss – Townsville, March 16
• New eco units
Flickerfest – Townsville February 27 to March 1
www.soatheatretownsville.com.au, phone 4772 2549
Call: 07 4946 5390 or Email: info@hamorent.com.au www.hamorent.com.au
Stay in Style at The Ramada Hervey Bay Hotel and Resort
what’s on in the region
Pelican CCove Apartments Cnr Back and Burrows Street, Biggera Waters, QLD 4216 PHONE: 07 5537 7001 E: info@pelicancove.com.au
W: www.pelicancove.com.au
To purchase tickets for Australia’s biggest outdoor expo, the one-stop shop for any outdoor enthusiast with exhibitor space almost at capacity and hundreds of thousands of products on display – www.tinnieandtackle.com.au. The Barra Season is on now. Where are they? Go to pages 18 and 19 for Fishing with Foxie.
The Coalfields EXPRESS 13
holiday hot spots...
Shopping and Accommodation Special
things to do at Airlie Beach Airlie itself has a couple of small beaches but this is compensated by the wonderful artificial Airlie Lagoon. The inviting open-air landscaped pool comes with showers and change rooms and located on the foreshore between Shute Harbour Road and the sea. On the eastern side of town, away from the hustle and bustle of Shute Harbour Road is Conway National Park. The area consists mostly of mountains and mangroves and has some excellent walking trails through rainforest.
Have to get wet The main activity is probably sailing through the Whitsundays and there are plenty of cruises, yachts and boats to choose from, particularly at Abel Point Marina and Shute Harbour. Apart from sailing, you can enrol for a dive course, indulge in watersports, go on fishing charters, kayak around the Whitsundays or get the adrenalin flowing with tandem skydives or parasailing.
Must See & Do • Go shopping at the weekend markets or peruse the many boutiques • Get fit and take in the views on the coastal boardwalk from Airlie to Cannonvale Beach • Get pampered and relax and one of the many day spas
SWELL Sculpture entries open
Free upgrade to a spacious fully self-contained 1 Bedroom Apartment. Rate includes a $20 Westfield Shopping voucher and noon checkout. All this for an amazing $189.00 per night.
We have the Kedron Wavell Services Club, 4 minutes walk down the road. Brisbane Entertainment Centre is a 10-15 minute drive. Free buses (for ticket holders) from the major bus interchange across the road at Westfield Chermside to the Gabba and Suncorp to any sporting event or concert.
Artists are invited to submit entries in the 12th annual SWELL Sculpture Festival set between two headlands along Currumbin Beach from September 12 to 21.
Subject to availability. 2 persons only. This voucher must be presented at check in. Westfield Chermside is situated 1 minute walk from Quest Chermside. Valid until 30th June 2014
SWELL supports full freedom of expression for all forms of sculpture and is open to all artists nationally and internationally, working in any medium.
Contact Quest Chermside direct on 07 3363 0100 to make a reservation.
The $15,000 Award has additional prizes of the $3,000 People’s and $3,000 Kids Choice Awards, $2,000 Max Fabre Foundation Environmental Awareness Award and $1,500 Jennie Neumann OAM Emerging Artist Award.
9 Thomas Street, Chermside QLD 4032
An audience of 215,000 visitors is expected to the highly regard exhibition set within a visually stimulating expansive coastal landscape and it’s free to the public.
To submit an entry go to www.swellsculpture.com.au/pages/page.php? With entries closing March 7.
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14 The Coalfields EXPRESS
SUNSHINE COAST Palmersaurus roars into Body Art Carnivale entries open life at Coolum
One of the largest animatronic dinosaur parks in the world, Palmersaurus at Palmer Coolum Resort is home to 160 lifelike moving and roaring dinosaurs to transport visitors of all ages back in time almost 65 million years to the Jurassic era. Resort General Manager, Simon Stodart, said there is no other attraction on the Sunshine Coast or in Australia quite like Palmersaurus. “It includes a 22 metres long Mamenchisaurus, a Ruyangosaurs standing 10 metres tall, a mother and baby Triceratops as well as Stegosaurus’s, Velociraptor’s and many more.� Palmersaurus
project manager, Andrew Miller, said to visit Palmersaurus is the closest you will ever get to seeing real dinosaurs. “160 highly sensitive motion sensors bring the dinosaurs to life with the animatronics capturing every breath, blinking eyes, flicking of the tails, chomping jaws and even hatching eggs,� he said. “At night 160 path lights light the way, while 200 strategically placed movable lights illuminate the dinos creating the spooky feeling you are being stalked like prey in the darkness.� Palmersaurus is open 10am to 9pm seven days a week.
Amateur and professional artists can now register for the 2014 Australian Body Art Carnivale at Eumundi on May 3 and 4 with Event Manager Danielle Taylor saying the Carnivale is centred on competitions in full body art (temporary art, not tattoo) in the categories of brush and sponge, airbrush and special effects as well as face painting. There are also exhibitions and competitions in wearable art, vehicle art and photography. “We encourage artists from a range of backgrounds to get involved – those with experience in fine art and visual art, make up and special effects, textile art, street art, airbrush sign craft, spray painting, graphic art as well as fashion and photography,� said Danielle. “It’s simply a matter of adapting your designs to a different canvas such as the human body or car
Thai-riffic new cooking school
bonnet. For the wearable art, use your skills to create funky fashion using recycled materials.� The theme is Dreams and Nightmares with more than $12,000 in cash and prizes. Artists can supply their own models, or use those provided by the Carnivale free of charge, with car bonnets also provided. The Body Art Carnivale is a free not-for-profit event. For information, registration and sponsorship www. australianbodyart.com.au.
A trip to the Sunshine Coast hinterland is always fruitful, but now you can come home with an arsenal of cooking skills from the new Thai cooking classes at Amytis Gardens Retreat. Head chef Matthew Conroy will put you through your spice blending paces, creating authentic Thai dishes like Tom Yung Goong and Red Duck Curry. The hands-on four-hour classes will leave you feeling every bit the master chef and, with a maximum of eight people in each class, there’s no fighting over utensils.
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Bespoke cooking classes for 10-15 people are also available for larger groups, corporate events and parties. Regular Thai cooking classes $150 per person. Thai street food cooking class (private bookings only) $80 per person. www. amytisgardens.com.au
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The Coalfields EXPRESS 15
say cheese!
Cooran goes all cheesy
These bikes will turn you on Forget the sweaty scene of cycling and hire a Californian electric cruiser bike from the Electric Bike Centre in Mooloolaba. These colourful contraptions pedal like a normal bike but their motor can take you to speeds of 25-kilometres an hour, taking the sting out of hills and coastal winds. Available in both a single and tandem frame, these bikes are easy to ride and no licences or insurances are required to hop behind the handlebars. Single electric bike: 2-hour hire $35, 4-hour hire $50. Tandem electric bike: 2 hour hire $45, 4-hour hire $60. www.electricbikecentre.com.au
Australia’s largest jellyfish collection Underwater World Mooloolaba SEALIFE has a new accolade to its name - now holding the title to Australia’s largest collection of jellyfish. Fascinated about fromage? Chuffed about cheese? Easy Cheesy offers half-day cheese-making workshops in the Sunshine Coast hinterland village of Cooran. Led by master cheese maker, Dawn Couchman, the 3.5-hour workshops take budding cheese makers through the A-B-Cheese of the dairy world. Walk away with insights into what makes a good cheese, as well as your very own handmade ricotta, lime cheese, mascarpone and yoghurt. Cheese making workshop $90 (includes morning tea and your take home goodies) www.easycheesy.com.au
Packed with blue blubber jellies, moon jellies, upside down jellies, comb jellies and sea nettles Underwater World guests will learn about each species as they move through the interactive zone called Jellyfish Kingdom. Watch these majestic creatures bob along on a self-guided tour or join a daily ocean walk to learn about the ecological significance of jellyfish and the need for their protection. Adults from $34.20, Children $20.70, Family $93.60. www.underwaterworld.com.au
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16 The Coalfields EXPRESS
A Mayor’s Message By Cr Gail Sellars, Gladstone Regional Council Gail is a Life Member and Patron of many organisations and enjoys all aspects of community representation. First elected to the Gladstone City Council as an Alderman in 1988 she held the position of Deputy Mayor from 1997 to 2008. Elected to the new Gladstone Regional Council she was appointed Deputy Mayor by the unanimous vote of fellow councillors and following a 2010 by-election she was elected Mayor; re-elected in 2012. It is no secret that the Gladstone Region has experienced exponential growth due to the emergence of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry and other associated business. But this growth has brought challenges; with the most important being balancing such demand with the lifestyle needs of its expanding community. Billions of dollars has been invested in the region via the three LNG facilities and the construction of the new coal export terminal at Wiggins Island. These projects have led to a number of significant housing developments across the Gladstone Region, particularly in the ‘growth corridor’ immediately surrounding the Gladstone metropolitan area and the towns of Boyne Island/Tannum Sands and Calliope.
The region’s growth during the past two and half years has resulted in about 3000 properties being completed and developed, with the region now boasting 31,000 properties. Our region’s population is expected to grow from its current total of about 70,000 to an estimated 111,000 by 2031 and this anticipated growth will likely generate a continual need for investment in necessary infrastructure. To cater for the current and projected growth expansion, newly constructed and upgraded major trunk infrastructure over the past five years has included Stages 1-3 of Kirkwood Road, Dixon Drive Bridge, Tannum Sands and Calliope waste water treatment plants, and the Lilly Hills Reservoir in Boyne Island.
Trunk infrastructure identified as being required within the next five years includes a second bridge crossing for the Boyne River, new reservoirs and trunk mains in Benaraby, Riverstone Rise and Gladstone and waste water treatment plant upgrades. The management of this growth is a high priority for Council and the development of our new Planning Scheme (titled ‘Our Place Our Plan’) has been, and continues to be, a major priority to ensure that the region’s growth is catered for in a planned and sustainable manner. For those interested in seeing this scheme, visit http://www.gladstone.qld.gov.au/ future-planning
Arrow downsizing in Gladstone by Sherry Barnes Speculation has been on high that Arrow Energy is in trouble following confirmation that hundreds of workers will lose their jobs as major partners pull out of the $10 billion Curtis Island LNG project. Parent-company Shell announced that profits were significantly lower than recent levels and also plans to sell its 8.9% in the Wheatstone LNG project in Western Australia. A spokesman for Arrow said while the company acknowledges this is a difficult time for employees, it is committed to
Cr Gail Sellars
Gladstone Port
Tannum Sands
Toolooa Gardens
supporting them through the transition. Arrow will continue to assess development options, including joint venture opportunities as it looks to develop its gas reserves. Arrow is a 50/50 joint venture between Shell and PetroChina having acquired the group from local entrepreneurs in 2010 for $3.5 billion. The Queensland Government last year gave the proposed 18 tonne LNG plant at Gladstone the green light with EIS approval.
A walk in the park in Gladstone
07 4972 2811 Quote PROMO Code R&R from $155 p/n www.toolooagardens.com.au
Toondoon Botanic Gardens are home to more than 1,500 species of plants from the Port Curtis Region and Tropical North Queensland. They are set on 83 hectares with a wide variety of fauna and flora. Lake Toondoon situated in the centre of the gardens once provided the source of Gladstone’s water supply until 1945. Today the lake provides a habitat for a variety of freshwater birds. Picnic areas, amenities, barbecue, playground and café are located in the gardens, making it the perfect spot for a family day out. Open with free entry weekdays 8.30am to 5.30pm and weekends to 5.30pm, closed Christmas Day and Good Friday. Spinnaker Park was officially opened in 2001, created by the Gladstone Ports Corporation. The award winning park has become the premier recreational area of the city. Two and a half kms of educational walking tracks along the ocean wall, through native wetlands and ponds makes the park excellent for walking, riding or rollerblading. The beached cove is wonderful for a dip on a warm day while the barbecue and picnic areas make it a great place to meet your friends.
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The Coalfields EXPRESS 17
GLADSTONE - AGNES WATER Happenings in the Gladstone Region
Cedar Galleries Farmers Markets – Benaraby
Agnes Water Blues & Roots Festival, February 28 to March 2
Held every Sunday at Cedar Galleries, the Farmers Markets provides locally grown fresh produce, various market stalls, rides and jumping castles for the kids. Come along for breakfast or coffee and cake at the Café. Don’t forget to say “Hello” to their famous alpacas. There’s something for everyone at the Cedar Galleries Farmers Markets.
It’s back! An extra night has been added to make the festival bigger and better. That means over 32 hours of the best blues and roots music they can fit in! They’re bringing back some old favourites, some new old favourites, a spectacular show that wowed the crowd at Byron Bluesfest, headline acts across the weekend as well as up and coming talent from around Australia. If you ever needed an excuse to make a big blues weekend of it in paradise this is it. Tour the region, surf, swim, play and still enjoy some of the best blues on the planet. Phone 4972 2822 for more details.
Reef2Beach Longboard Classic, February 28 to March 2 This is an iconic Agnes Water event bringing awesome talent from around the globe. Drawn by great point breaks and the relaxing atmosphere of the town, surfers, beach lovers, family and friends will converge on the town for a great weekend of sun, sand and surf. Come and cheer on the locals, as they take on some of the big boys of the surfing world. Phone 4974 0972 www.reef2beachsurf.com
Gladstone Entertainmnent Convention Centre (for bookings, phone 4972 2822. www.gladecc.com.au) Jackie Love – February 25. Jackie is first off the mark of the Morning Melodies of 2014 with A Magical Journey With Love. She’s had lead roles in Hello Dolly, Singin In The Rain and is one of Australia’s most awarded and much loved singers – a fabulous entertainer, singing timeless greats and big showstoppers of today. David Strassman – March 22. Careful What You Wish For – a new all comedy sensation from the twisted mind of Strassman. Chuck and Ted E Bare are back, transformed into bizarre alternate selves – the road home may be scary for Strassman but an hilarious night’s entertainment for us. This show is rated MA. Children aged 12 to 15 years must be accompanied by an adult and kids under 12 are not admitted. Ian Stenlake – April 8. The Leading Man stars the popular Ian Stenlake from stage and theatre (plus the hit TV series, Sea Patrol). He’s bringing Gladstone his musical journey with songs from Oklahoma, Guys and Dolls, Pyjama Game, Cabaret and more.
Running from March 1 to October 25, you can browse through the gift shop which carries metwurst, olive products, beef jerky, nougat, brittle, organic Bondi Chai coffee, Silverdale eggs, wine and port, Our Eco Home Cleaning, Scents Alight and much more. www. cedargalleries.com.au , phone 4975 0444.
Calliope Historical Village Markets They are one of the largest in Queensland and run seven times a year along the banks of the Calliope River with its shady trees and birdlife. Bring the kids along for a trip on their famous miniature train or just view the abundance of homewares, fresh produce, plants and bric-a-brac for sale. While at the markets, don’t forget to visit the Village’s historic buildings including Raglan Hall, Curtis House, Hazeldean Church, Clyde Hotel, Barmundoo Homestead and the Larson Cottage. www.callioperiverhistoricalvillage. com, phone 4975 7883.
18 The Coalfields EXPRESS
Skyringville river access blocked to fishermen .... by Shery Barnes Famous for decades as one of Bundaberg’s most exceptional fishing spots, Skyringville is the original mouth of the Burnett River with three access routes. Charlie Grainger, 80 who has been fishing there regularly for about 70 years said direct access from Burnett Heads is not advisable and can only be undertaken in good weather at the right tide. “It can be very dangerous with 5ft waves coming over the sandbar,� he said. “Shack owners at Skyringville also have a gate-key to an access road through a Fairymead property but for the amateur fisherman in a small tinnie, the best, safest way has been through a hole in the North Wall in the Burnett River just opposite the Bulk Sugar Terminal,� he said. “ “It was made nearly 20 years ago, a small passageway through lots of trees and mangroves with the way marked to get through – now it’s been blocked off, no-one can get through.�
Larking about at Caloundra
Mangroves destroyed Charlie said a chainsaw had obviously been used, destroying huge mangroves to block off the entry with tree branches and debris. “The conservationists wouldn’t be happy at the destruction – most of the local fishermen know about it by now, so you can forget about getting through to Skyringville through the Burnett River hole in the wall.� Charlie said the destruction was recently discovered by a woman leaving crab-pots in the area . “When she went back a few days later she couldn’t get through to pick them up.� “I remember going to Skyringville as a kid nearly 80 years ago – there was a rotunda in those days and dances every Saturday night with a couple of hundred people there – now you can’t get your tinnie through.�
Have a go on Caloundra’s first amphibious environmental tour, which takes guests into the Pumicestone Passage to discover the 350 species of birds, sea animals and marine life that inhabit the region. The two-hour morning and afternoon tours are conducted in a LARC vehicle, which traverses both water and land, treading lightly, with minimal impact on the natural environment. The war-veteran LARC’s wide platform is suitable for mobility-challenged passengers, offering increased accessibility to the water. Adult $45, Children $25. The LARC is also available for private charter. www.larcabout. com.au
Far North’s Barra season well under way
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Far North Sports Fishing’s Remote Barra Expeditions between February and April have filled fast with two five day, five night packages still available at a special discount.
These depart on March 30 and April 4 from Princess Charlotte Bay in Lakefield National Park.
Director Tony Fyfe said their luxury yacht, Blue Martini will be based in this area as the remote location offers anglers some of the best barramundi sport fishing in the world as well as excellent blue water fishing.
Far North Sports Fishing Charters on the luxury vessel Blue Martini include the use of custom-made 20 foot console vessels with personal fishing guides; premium custom tackle, air-conditioned accommodation for up to six; on-board chef and hostess, premium beers and wines, full housekeeping.
Charters are also taken throughout the year from Port Douglas or embark from other ports or islands along the far north coast.
The team are now gearing up for Billfish Mania in September/ October. More information www. farnorthsportsfishing.com
The Coalfields EXPRESS 19
Fishing with Foxie BY JOHN FOX
Barra’s are back Midday February 1st is the date and time that all central Queensland anglers dream about and wait for, as it is the end of the barramundi closure on the east coast of Queensland. Edwina Adcock and the one that didn’t get away!
Around Gladstone try the Boyne River as it is holding a lot of bait fish and the bait fish bring in the barra. Anywhere from Pikes Crossing to the mouth is worth a fish and casting to the rocks and snags usually sees you hooked up. Pikes Crossing is a great launching spot for kayak anglers and there is nothing more exciting than hooking and landing a barra from a yak.
One lure that is proving itself very popular with kayak anglers chasing barra is the Killalure 2 ….deadly. This lure is a cross between a popper and a shallow diving minnow and as it stays on or just below the surface is best fished early morning or just on dark. For the land based angler try fishing around the pylons on Boyne River Bridge on the highway as this a get spot to get amongst the barra and tarpon. Other places to try around Gladstone are the hot water outlet on the Calliope River near the power station, the rock walls near the coal port and Devil’s Elbow.
Try Curtis Island for whiting If you’re chasing a feed of whiting try fishing the sandbars on the inside of Curtis Island. Yabbies have been the best bait on the incoming tides. Along the edges of these sandbars is always worth a fish for flathead, salmon and queenies. If you are in the Rockhampton area, the Fitzroy River has been producing some good barra and threadfin salmon with lures and live bait both working well. Some nice fingermark, queenfish and barra have been coming out of the deeper water around the junction of Coorooman Creek. Good reports of reasonable catches of whiting, trevally, flathead and bream are coming in from Corio Bay.
Muddies on the menu! Queensland Mud Crabs or “muddies” should be on the move in the creeks and it is well worth the effort to set a few pots.
The best spots are around the mouths of the smaller creeks and drains that run into the rivers. Fish frames or mullet is the best bait and if you are using rectangular pots with only two entrances make sure when you set them that they are facing into the current not towards the bank. Doing this will improve your catch rate and you will end up with more crabs in the cooking pot at the end of the day. Offshore just outside Corio Bay it is worth a troll as there have been a few school and Spanish mackerel being boated. When trolling for mackerel make sure to use a wire trace and if you are trolling a spoon use a good quality black ball bear swivel to stop your line from twisting. Around all the islands and outer reefs your usual mob of characters like sweetlip, trout and red emperor should be prowling round. On the smaller tides try drifting out some lightly weighted fresh flesh or squid baits and as the tides increase use heavier sinker and fish the bottom. All in all fishing should be great over the next month so get out there, relax, explore and enjoy the great fishing that this part of Queensland has to offer. Like us on - Coalfields Express Caught a good one lately? Send us your fishing photos. Go to Coalfields Facebook and send us a photo and if we use in the Coalfields Express we will post you a prize. John has had years of experience fishing for wild barra in the Northern Territory and Queensland as well as over ten years experience catching impoundment barra at Lake Monduran and Lake Awoonga. He has had over 18 years in the tackle industry working in and managing tackle stores.
Come to the Capricorn Coast YEPPOON is the Coast’s major town, which has retained its village style appeal, yet offers a variety of wonderful restaurants and shops.
Lammermoor, Kinka, Mullambin , Kemp beaches, Cooee Bay the Causeway Lake, and Emu Park all line the Capricorn Coast
You can still enjoy a beach to yourself at the Capricorn Coast with views of Great and North Keppel Islands and the many smaller islands, which act as stepping-stones to the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef.
Yeppoon is the Coast’s major town, which has retained its village style appeal, yet offers a variety of wonderful restaurants, accommodation and shops. Just north of Yeppoon is the Capricorn Resort, set on 22,000 acres of nature and offers two world standard golf courses, whilst to the south at Zilzie, the Reef Palms Complex offers night-time golf with a floodlit course, featuring a world-first synthetic golf course.
Great Keppel Island is a popular island to visitors and is accessible by a 30-minute ferry ride. The beaches along the Capricorn Coast include
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High in the magnificent Montville rainforest, Secrets treehouses overlook the tranquil waters of Lake Baroon and now feature a perfect setting for wedding ceremonies called The Secrets Garden. These delightful retreats are inspired by nature, and designed to provide the perfect setting for romance and relaxation. Elevated timber walkways wind through the rainforest to ten treehouses, which offer the best in blissful indulgence – individually themed with names like Wait-a-While, Possums and Dragonfly. A complimentary champagne breakfast basket, flowers and scones on arrival are just the beginning of the delights on offer. Each retreat features hand carved cedar furniture, a double shower, kitchen facilities, a toasty log fire, your own balcony and barbeque, and an enormous double spa. For the more adventurous, canoeing and fishing gear are available, and the spectacular Sunshine Coast walking trails are just a short stroll away. The silence at Secrets on the Lake is profound, broken only by the activities of the local wildlife.
This is a world of its own, where couples can really commune in peace and privacy.