October 2014 (9.14)
The Coalfields Express
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Coastline Newspapers
Kestrel Rescue Team do us proud in Poland by Sherry Barnes The Rescue Team from Kestrel Mine near Emerald won third place in the 9th International Mines Rescue Competition, when they represented Australia in Poland recently. The team from Rio Tinto’s underground coal operation completed against 21 other mines rescue teams from 13 different countries in a series of practical and theoretical tests over two days. Team Captain, Derrin Powell said they were absolutely thrilled with third place, behind the local full-time rescue teams from Poland and Slovakia. “We’ve learnt a lot and grateful for the chance to share best practice with our peers from different mining operations around the world,” he said. “It’s been an honour to represent our colleagues at Kestrel Mine but it wasn’t without its challenges –we needed the help of a translator with the language barrier between English and Polish, and had to familiarise ourselves with different rules and equipment in the days leading up to the competition.” Kestrel Mines General Manager, John Coughlan said the team trained hard to perform at international standards since they were invited to the world competition in 2012, as the first team to win all three Australian rescue competitions open to Queensland mines.
Kestrel Mines Rescue Team at the International Mines Rescue Competition in Poland. (back row) Ben Lang, Anthony Appleton, Derrin Powell, Luke Jaavuo. (front row) Chris Catip, Adroito Xavier, Brendan Iddles.
INSIDE THIS COALFIELDS EXPRESS Discover the thrill of The Lion King! Win tickets for you and three friends to this internationally acclaimed theatrical event at Brisbane’s QPAC…. PLUS two nights accommodation at MacArthur Chambers Apartments. Competition details on page 12
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