December 2014 (11.14)
The Coalfields Express The voice of the Coalfields!
Delivered to homes in most Queensland mining towns & mining camps.
Coastline Newspapers
LGAQ delegates back FIFO change by Sherry Barnes Delegates at the Local Government Association Conference in Mackay unanimously endorsed a motion from Isaac and Central Highlands Regional Councils, seeking implementation of the recommendations in the “Cancer of the Bush” report.
to work in a mine and live locally,” said Mayor Baker. The Federal Report Committee Chair, MP Tony Windsor wrote in the report’s foreword that governments of all levels need to act on issues impacting communities hosting large FIFO workforces.
Delegates backed the urgent need for the state and federal governments to provide protection for established resource communities and regional centres.
“The work practice is eroding the liveability of some communities to such an extent that it is removing the choice to “live in” rather than simply “cash in”.
“Our communities are feeling impacts of recent job losses and it’s more important than ever that people have the chance
He also said a policy mix was needed to ensure FIFO did not lead to a “hollowing out of established regional towns”.
Representatives from Isaac and Central Highlands Regional Councils whose motion was unanimously endorsed at the Local Government Conference in Mackay.
FIFO Man’s Facebook takes off Joining the team of columnists at awardwinning website Mining Family Matters is Luke Baker, creator of the Facebook page, FIFO Man. He had the idea while working in the gas fields around Roma on a three on/one off roster and is now in the Bowen Basin coalfields doing varying rosters across a number of mines. On days off he returns home to Coral Cove by the sea in Bundaberg, to fiancé Mellisa, Ethan 8, Zahli 5 and Sunni 2. “I started my page because I was having trouble with the emotional side of working away from home and remembered reading that writing down your thoughts could be very therapeutic,” he said. “This was after a particularly hard goodbye to family at the airport where my step daughter was crying uncontrollably saying she hated my work and wanted me to stay home forever.” “The thought hit me I could start a Facebook page about my story and the emotional toll this life can take on you – the
response blew me away.” Luke said people were glad someone was talking from the worker’s point of view. “They see plenty of articles about support groups for those back home, but the ones working away felt left out.”
“Just harden up” – easy to say Within a week Luke’s page had 10,000 likes, with requests from print and broadcast media. “Then something I didn’t expect happened. People started telling me their stories – of hardship and triumph over depression, that someone in their camp had committed suicide.” “That’s when I tried to get them to realise they can get help and they’re not alone with what they’re feeling.” There’s a stigma about talking about our feelings in this country and it’s about time we all stood up to it and those who perpetuate it.” Luke said one thing he has learned since starting his page is that this stigma is perpetuated by a very small minority. “The
Luke with fiancé Mellisa Endres, Zahli and Sunni. only problem is, that minority has it easy.” “It’s a lot easier to tell someone to harden up, than it is to speak up and say you’re struggling too.” Luke says on his Facebook page “I hope I can help you all to reduce this stigma and maybe even eliminate it. Along the way I’ll give you my take on certain aspects of this lifestyle and hopefully help you to either understand FIFO workers more, or deal a little easier with working away from the ones you love.” (find Luke at fifoman007).
Merry Christmas to our readers and sponsors from the team at Coastline Newspaper Group publishers of Coalfields Express.
Magnetic Island – sharing the magic
Alan Jones joins protest
Your wedding day. See pages 8&9
• Pirates of the Whitsundays • Go fishing for flathead and whiting • New speedway for Benaraby • Mike O’Connor takes off for Las Vegas
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