January 2014 (1.14)
The Coalfields Express
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The voice of the Coalfields!
Western Downs Workforce Plan Arrow Energy and Energy Skills Queensland have partnered Western Downs Traditional Owners to develop a plan to boost job prospects for Indigenous people. Arrow CEO, Andrew Faulkner said the company engaged ESQ to undertake planning workshops in the region to consult with Traditional owners on how to create brighter economic futures for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. “Included are key industries where workforce needs are expected to increase over the next five years, what positions will be in demand and the qualifications needed to obtain the roles,” he said. “The clear message from the people was they wanted to be involved in workforce planning from the start and their insight has been invaluable.” Key industries identified to target for jobs are: agriculture, health, accommodation and food services, cultural heritage and services, transport and logistics, teaching, coal seam gas. Western Downs Traditional Owner Zeta Binge said the plan will be enacted by a steering committee and help address the disparity between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians when it came to economic outcomes. “A great advantage of the Western Downs Workforce Plan is we actually have the chance to be actively engaged in addressing economic disparity
Inside this Coalfields Express
which is one of the greatest moral dilemmas Australia faces when it comes to Aboriginal issues,” said Ms Binge. “Another advantage is that Traditional Owners are involved, we know the communities, we know our people.”
Traditional Owner Zeta Binge
• Message from Western Downs Mayor - Ray Brown
• In the swim with Michael Klim
Circulation 25,000
2014 QMEA Student Ambassadors 17 Queensland students are one step closer to a career in the resources sector following a four-day workshop with the Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy in December. Year 11 students participated in industry site tours at Swanbank Power Station and SIMTARS, collaborating to solve challenging problems and working alongside engineers at Hastings Deering, Skills Tech and University of Queensland. “These are our brightest minds and through previous QMEA activities they have developed a genuine intent to pursue a career in the resources sector,” said QMEA Director, Roger Atkins. One of the students, Thalia Jones from Moranbah State High School was selected based on her extensive engagement with the QMEA during the year, including Expand Your MINeD, Mount Isa Mines and BMA challenges. She is also completing a school-based traineeship working towards a Certificate II in Process Plant Operations at Dyno Nobel in Moranbah. “The 2014 Ambassadors will play an important role in promoting the opportunities provided by QMEA and the range of careers that exist in the sector as they return to the regions following this experience.” QMEA is s partnership between Queensland Resources Council, Queensland Government and forward-thinking resources sector companies. Joining Thalia as 2014 QMEA Student Ambassadors are Matt McKillop (Moranbah) Madison Matschoss (Moura) Hannah Kitching (Blackwater) and Banjo Kimber (Emerald).
Matt McKillop, Kym Frost (BMA), Roger Atkins, Thalia Jones
• Clive's Motorama opens at Coolum
• Fishing in summer
• Dalby PCYC put the brakes on • Abbot Point Port Approval - what the locals say • The health benefits of coconuts • Noosa voted best summer holiday spot
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COASTLINE NEWSPAPER PTY LTD. Managing Director/Editor: Michael McRae, 32 Takalvan Street, Bundaberg, PO Box 1775 Bundaberg 4670. Phone 07 4153 1133 Fax 07 4153 3821 ACN 010897542 ABN 96 101 897 542. Est. 1986 - an independent Bundaberg owned family newspaper. Typeset and additional layout by jpg Design & Print P/L, Sunshine Coast. Printed by Fairfax, Brisbane. Copyright © Coastline Newspapers. Reproduction of any portion including advertisements or photographs without permission is not permitted and may render one liable for damages. DISCLAIMER: This publication is designed to provide authoritative information with regard to the subject matters covered. Whilst every effort has been made to present all information accurately, the Publisher accepts no liability for the accuracy of any inclusions, or any advice given, or for omissions from the publication. NOTE: All charges, facilities and timetables show in this issue are subject to change without notice. Coastline thanks Tourism Queensland for supplying some photographs used in this publication.