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November 2013 (8.13)

The Coalfields Express

Delivered FREE to homes in most Queensland mining towns & mining camps

The voice of the Coalfields!

Circulation 25,000

Mining boom or bust?

GVK Hancock, partners with Thiess in development of the Alpha Coal Mine in the Galilee Basin shared these views of Chris Hartley, geologist, marketing expert and consultant in their latest newsletter. “We hear politicians and economists telling us the resources boom is over. Why is the so called resources boom over? Is China on holidays? Did all the world’s 2,300 coal fired power stations suddenly shut down? Are the 1,000 new ones under construction or on the drawing board being cancelled? Don’t the two billion people in the world with no access to power want to live an easier and healthier life any more? To put things in context, more thermal coal was used this year than last. The same applies for coking coal, copper, aluminium and iron ore. Demand of these things will go up again next year. Because Australia’s car manufacturing industry is going backwards doesn’t mean the same is happening elsewhere – far from it. And cars contain lead, chrome, copper, zinc, steel, aluminium, titanium, silica and the list goes on. The reason we had the so called “boom” is because demand of the above went up faster than we could produce it.

Inside this Coalfields Express JUST PERFECT -

It took a few years but we eventually caught up. We’re not experiencing the bust after the boom, just a rebalancing. People will continue to draw on coal for everyday life. With forecasts of 1.5 billion people to be added to the middle class by 2030, they will want all of life’s essentials along with whatever new technology is available. To power this, energy has to be provided from somewhere and with coal being the cheapest form of energy, it will continue to play its part. “

GVK Hancock’s Alpha Test Pit

“Is China on holidays?”….Chris Hartley

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COASTLINE NEWSPAPER PTY LTD. Managing Director/Editor: Michael McRae, 32 Takalvan Street, Bundaberg, PO Box 1775 Bundaberg 4670. Phone 07 4153 1133 Fax 07 4153 3821 ACN 010897542 ABN 96 101 897 542. Est. 1986 - an independent Bundaberg owned family newspaper. Typeset and additional layout by jpg Design & Print P/L, Sunshine Coast. Printed by Fairfax, Brisbane. Copyright © Coastline Newspapers. Reproduction of any portion including advertisements or photographs without permission is not permitted and may render one liable for damages. DISCLAIMER: This publication is designed to provide authoritative information with regard to the subject matters covered. Whilst every effort has been made to present all information accurately, the Publisher accepts no liability for the accuracy of any inclusions, or any advice given, or for omissions from the publication. NOTE: All charges, facilities and timetables show in this issue are subject to change without notice. Coastline thanks Tourism Queensland for supplying some photographs used in this publication.

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