The Coalfields Express
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Coastline Newspapers
“Battle of the Galilee” by Sherry Barnes “Two years after the strategy document Stopping the Australian Coal Export Boom was leaked to the media, it’s valuable to see how the anti-coal (and coal seam gas) campaign has unfolded in Queensland,” said CEO Queensland Resources Council, Michael Roche. “The strategy of mounting legal challenges to disrupt or delay new projects is well recorded with appeals over the Alpha project in Central Queensland from a Canberra resident and an interest group with a postal address in Brisbane’s West End.” He said tactics for the so-called “Battle of the Galilee” include organising landowners to delay the development of mines and railways, and noting the location of coal ports adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef is seen as a chance for “alliance” building with scientists, fishing and tourism. “Signatories to the strategy document have all contributed to campaigns high on slogans but void of science to support claims that shipping and dredging are major threats to the environmental health of the Reef.” Mr Roche said although the WWF and Australian Marine Conservation Society were not overtly parties to the original anti-coal movement, they appear happy playing both sides of the street. “It is disappointing to see WWF in particular becoming more Greenpeace-like by the day.”
Mining consultant and geologist, Chris Hartley told The Coalfields Express millions of people can become absolutely convinced about an issue from reading about it on the internet.
Mayors talk up Whitsunday message The election funding commitment for the Mackay Ring Road will be honoured in the May Federal Budget; the assurance coming from Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss during the two-day visit to Canberra from the Mayors of Mackay (Deirdre Comerford) Whitsundays (Jennifer Whitney) and Isaac ( Anne Baker). Cr Comerford, who is also Chair of the Whitsunday Regional Organisation of Councils said while the Government faces a tough budget, it’s certainly pleasing that they received confirmation from the Deputy PM that the promise made last year will be honoured. The three Mayors held positive talks with a range of Federal Ministers and senior policy advisors while in Canberra, to push the importance of the Whitsunday region and its infrastructure needs. Whitsunday Mayor Jennifer Whitney said they managed to secure a commitment that Small Business Minister Bruce Billson and Minister for Trade, Andrew Robb will visit the region this year to liaise with business and tourism leaders. “They will provide our operators will the chance to talk directly with key Cabinet Ministers and put local issues on the national agenda,” Cr Whitney said.
Columnist Mike O'Connor ties the knot Page 9
From left – Isaac Mayor Anne Baker, Mackay Mayor Deirdre Comerford, Deputy PM Warren Truss, Whitsunday Mayor Jennifer Whitney.
Positive news on the FIFO issue
Warren Truss also confirmed he had elevated the FIFO Inquiry Report and working with departments to review the 21 recommendations. Isaac Mayor Anne Baker said the feedback was encouraging and eagerly awaits the Deputy PM’s whole-of-government response. He acknowledged there were 162 outstanding reports from the previous government that required attention, but he had elevated the FIFO work practices report and instructed his office to prepare a whole-of-government response to take to Parliament.
Festival Time at Town of 1770. Pages 10 & 11
Visit our Historical Village
The Village has captured and preserved some of the original buildings from the Gladstone Region. • Food, drinks and ice-cream • Driver Reviver site • Admission is $5 Adult & $2 Children under 14 years • No dogs please • Open daily 8am to 4pm
“Emotion certainly generates a lack of objectivity – debates mature, facts prevail, emotions subside – the lesson is to shelve the placards (don’t burn them) discuss, debate, respect other people’s opinions and accept one of you may be proved wrong”
From butcher shop to coal mine - Leah made the move - Page 4
“Shelve the placards”
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PHONE 07 4975 7883 - Email: harveyh@bigpond.com
COASTLINE NEWSPAPER PTY LTD. Managing Director/Editor: Michael McRae, 32 Takalvan Street, Bundaberg, PO Box 1775 Bundaberg 4670. Phone 07 4153 1133 Fax 07 4153 3821 ACN 010897542 ABN 96 101 897 542. Est. 1986 - an independent Bundaberg owned family newspaper. Typeset and additional layout by jpg Design & Print P/L, Sunshine Coast. Printed by Fairfax, Brisbane. Copyright © Coastline Newspapers. Reproduction of any portion including advertisements or photographs without permission is not permitted and may render one liable for damages. DISCLAIMER: This publication is designed to provide authoritative information with regard to the subject matters covered. Whilst every effort has been made to present all information accurately, the Publisher accepts no liability for the accuracy of any inclusions, or any advice given, or for omissions from the publication. NOTE: All charges, facilities and timetables show in this issue are subject to change without notice. Coastline thanks Tourism Queensland for supplying some photographs used in this publication.