CONTENTS Continued Carbon Chaos How Labeling Groceries Based on Their Carbon Footprints May Change the Game for Producers The Beginning Rancher: A Success Story With Grit and Determination, One Young Producer Finds His Place in the Missouri Cattle Industry 26 48 FEATURES MCA President’s Perspective Spring is Here CattleWomen’s Corner Looking Ahead Straight Talk: Mike Deering A Mandated Relationship Regional Range Report Coffee Shop Talk vs. Real Results What’s Cooking at the Beef House BTC Bank Event Capitol Update No Good Deed 8 10 12 14 16 92 Association Update Beef Checkoff News County News 6 18 32 The Missouri Beef Cattleman is an official publication of the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association. April 2023 MEMBER NEWS COLUMNS 26 Continued Carbon Chaos The Beginning Rancher 48 Cover Photo by Sebastian Mejia Turcios
Volume 52 - Issue 4 (USPS 890-240 • ISSN 0192-3056)
Magazine Publishing Office
2306 Bluff Creek Drive, #100, Columbia, MO 65201 Phone: 573-499-9162 • Fax: 573-499-9167
Andy Atzenweiler: Editor/Production/Ad Sales
P.O. Box 480977 • Kansas City, Missouri 64148 816-210-7713 • E-mail:
Missouri Cattlemen’s Association
MCA Website:
Mike Deering • Executive Vice President - Ext 230
Macey Hurst •MBC Editor/Production Artist
Courtney Collins, Manager of Membership– Ext 231
Lisa Stockhorst, Administrative Assistant – Ext 234
Missouri’s Cattlemen Foundation
Missouri’s CattleWomen
2023 MCA Officers
David Dick, President 660-826-0031 • 23529 Anderson School Rd., Sedalia, MO 65301
Chuck Miller, President-Elect
573-881-3589 • 393 Spring Garden Road, Olean, MO 65064
Jeff Reed, Vice President
903-279-8360 • P.O. Box 35, Williamsville, MO 63967
Marvin Dieckman, Treasurer
660-596-4163 • 28998 Hwy JJ, Cole Camp, MO 65325
Charlie Besher, Secretary
573-866-2846 • RR 5, Box 2402, Patton, MO 63662
2023 MCA Regional Vice Presidents
Region 1: Joe Lolli, 30019 Klondike Pl Macon, MO 63552 660-346-9711
Region 2: Anita Vanderwert, 4902 Cochero Ct., Columbia, MO 65203 • 573-808-3000
Region 3: Blake Crow, 1910 W. Broadway St., West Plains, MO 65775 • 417-293-9525
Region 4: Deb T hummel, 12601 Hwy. 46
Sher idan, MO 64486 • 660-541-2606
Region 5: Alex Haun, 1031 SW 600 Rd
Holden, MO 64040 • 816-345-0005
Region 6: War ren Love, 8381 NE Hwy ZZ
Osceola, MO 64776 • 417-830-1950
Region 7: Josh Wor thington, P.O. Box 246
Dadeville, MO 65635 • 417-844-2601
APRIL 2023 5 Missouri Beef Cattleman, (USPS 890-240 • ISSN 0192-3056) is published monthly (12 times a year) and is the official publication of the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association, 2306 Bluff Creek Drive, #100, Columbia, Missouri, 65201. PERIODICALS postage paid at Columbia, Missouri and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is included as a part of the minimum membership dues of $70.00 per year in Missouri Cattlemen’s Association. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Missouri Beef Cattleman, P.O. Box 480977, Kansas City, Missouri 64148 New MCA Members Missouri Leopold Award News NCBA News Obituary: Ron McBee Missouri Junior Expo Weekend MCA’s County Leadership Conference Highlights USMEF Update 7 20 22 54 57-63 64 72
Saleena Barrett, West Plains, MO
Mason Bergthold, Paris, MO
Josh Brandt, R&L Brandt Farms Inc, Concordia, MO
Austin Walker, Central Commodities LLC, Albany, MO
Branson & Regina Dunlap, Dunlap Farms, Boss, MO
Makenzie Fike, Odessa, MO
Paul & Debbie Frisella, Wildwood, MO
Ty Gann, Cuba, MO
Madison Imhoff, Jamestown, MO
Hadlee Ketcherside, Cuba, MO
Kelly Kimble, Judas Farm, New Boston, MO
Jersey Rowe, New Cambria, MO
Riley Rowe, New Cambria, MO
Parker Sears, Garden City, MO
Kenny Wandfluh, Savannah, MO
Terry Wills, Dexter, MO
Dakota & Mariah Wright, Wright Farms, Cuba, MO
See the MCA Membership Form on page 85
President’s Perspective
with David Dick
Spring is Here
As I write this, we are somewhere nearer to spring! For some, it is a time of concluding a good calving season, while for others, it is a step closer to not feeding scarce and pricey hay. Maybe it is prep time for weaning fall calves. It could also be the time of preparation for spring planting for those of us who are still in the row crop business. It is obviously a time of renewal, planning, and looking forward to improved weather, better calf prices, and preparing to produce an abundant forage crop of both the hay and pasture necessary to do nearly everything we do as cattlemen.
County meetings are in full swing, which is always fun and fundamental to what we do as an association. New leaders and many new members are making decisions to move their county associations forward in a stronger and better way. Those choices will reflect their core beliefs, which the individuals elected to be county delegates to the MCA state board of directors bring with them to the state board meeting, which occured March 30. These quarterly gatherings are a necessary part of doing business for the state organization, done by the delegates elected by the counties they represent. They are also gatherings where issues are discussed, and in some instances, decided. It is where they learn of events and issues occurring around the state, which they can take home and share. This is also the venue for discussing state and national issues and setting direction for the officers and staff to proceed in the various arenas. I have always welcomed that input. As I have said before, MCA members are not wallflowers! That is a benefit to us all as members. It is what grassroots means. Now, that doesn’t always mean that it is comfortable or a direction I would have chosen, but it isn’t my choice
to make. It is also my job to carry that out to the best of my ability! It is my job to support the staff in executing those decisions to the best of our ability and dedicate the resources necessary to do so!
We must also be proud that we have two new Cattlemen’s Beef Board members to represent us, Patty Wood and Marsha Corbin. Both will have attended their first orientation and training in early April. They replace two members to whom we owe a thank you. Bill McClarren and Tammy Batholmew have reached their term limits and have our appreciation for their service!
Spring also brings the NCBA Legislative Conference, which is in late April in Washington, D.C. This year is a catch-up year for MCA as we take the previous participants of the MCLC to DC as this is their completion of their class experience. We are catching up from the previous NCBA Legislative Conferences being canceled thanks to COVID. We will take them to D.C. where they will meet with other NCBA members from across the U.S., as well as learn of the current issues going on at the national level which pertain to our association and cattlemen everywhere. This group will meet with our Missouri delegation, as well as certain other regulators from other agencies as arrangements allow.
As we embrace spring and all that it entails, we must always be prepared for the unexpected — weather related or life related. Seasons change, and so do we!
APRIL 2023 8
MCA President
APRIL 2023 10
Straight Talk
with Mike Deering
A Mandated Relationship
On June 11, 2023, the Food and Drug Administration’s directive (Guidance for Industry #263) is planned for implementation, which means any antibiotics currently available over-thecounter will no longer be available without a prescription from a veterinarian. This is the final phase of FDA’s efforts to bring all antimicrobials for use in animals under veterinary supervision, with the first phase occurring in 2017, when we had the Veterinary Feed Directive thrown at us.
While I most certainly believe producers, like me, should maintain a strong relationship with their veterinarians, cattle producers are essentially being mandated to have that relationship. The problem for many producers becomes having a relationship with someone that may not exist in their area.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture, 24 counties in our state are labeled “underserved” when it comes to large animal veterinarians. The counties listed are major cattle counties in our state and collectively represent 985,700 head, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service and my calculator. Some quick math brings us to roughly 27,000 cattle producers impacted.
There are funds available to help address this issue. USDA’s Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program helps qualified veterinarians offset a significant portion of the debt incurred in pursuit of their degrees in return for their service in shortage areas.
On top of this, Missouri has the Dr. Merrill Townley Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Program, which our association has supported since the program’s conception in 2007. The program was established to assist students currently enrolled or students that have been accepted into the University of Missouri’s College of Veterinary Medicine with their financial burden. The loan provides $20,000 for living and educational expenses incurred during the veterinary education process for six individuals per academic year. The loans are forgiven,
Executive Vice President
provided the students practice large animal veterinary medicine in a defined area of need ($20,000 for each year of service provided).
This year, MCA has made it a priority to take this program to the next level by pushing for the passage of SB 529 and HB 403, sponsored by Rep. Kent Haden and Sen. Justin Brown. The legislation would increase the loan amount from $20,000 to $30,000 for each academic year and the number of students eligible from six to 12. Authority is given to the Missouri Department of Agriculture to go beyond a dozen if funds are available, which is a possibility if this legislation becomes law because it also expands the sources of funding to include grants and donations.
This program has almost 16 years under its belt and a solid track record of success that is simply indisputable. However, it doesn’t fix the issue in its entirety. That’s rarely the case with any legislation. We must continue pushing back on scientifically unfounded rules and regulations that do nothing to help the animal or the producer. The other thing we need to do is hold our educational institutions accountable and make sure that they recognize this issue and are bringing in students who want to work as large animal veterinarians. This also means pushing these institutions to put more emphasis on reproduction (theriogenology) and other programs that attract the best and the brightest students, and ultimately, benefit the cattle producer.
We need to get these bills passed, and you can help by participating in Cowboys at the Capitol. Flip to page 81 for a full schedule.
Regional Range Report
by Jeff Reed, MCA Vice President
Coffee Shop Talk vs. Real Results
In most rural towns across the state of Missouri, there are breakfast diners where the resident experts on any given topic consume their morning coffee and discuss world happenings. A lot of opinions are given here; however, the action seems to fall short. In our small town, cattle production issues tend to be a common conversation piece. While the coffee shop is a place to learn all of the local happenings, an alternative actionfocused approach is to fix or create better options for cattle producers through the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association and its affiliates.
MCA is a grassroots association, meaning if a local producer has a problem, they can bring it to the association for assistance. MCA’s political action is well known within the capitol, throughout the state of Missouri and even in Washington, D.C. Through events such as Cowboys at the Capitol, producers can have one-on-one conversations with legislators and share their stories. While we have the two best lobbyists in the state – Nancy Giddens and Shannon Cooper – even they repeatedly state the importance of hearing directly from the producers on the issues they face.
The process for our members is fairly simple: once the issue arises, policy is presented to the association to bring forward to be voted on by the membership. If the membership sees value and agrees with the policy, it is voted on to become a priority of the association, and it will carry that policy forward with agencies, the legislature, or whichever may have the most effect.
There are several examples of this grassroots involvement. Recent passage of laws through the house and senate concerning eminent domain reform protecting private property rights is one such example.
Black vulture predation was brought forward by producers and began with a lengthy paperwork application to obtain predation permits. Now, through the work of the association with trips to Washington, D.C. and work with USDA APHIS, producers can now call Farm Bureau within any state and obtain predation permits. Recently, the state of Missouri allocated $1 million to assist producers with black vultures. Additionally, USDA APHIS increased its involvement with predation mitigation. This all occurred from a producer bringing forth a problem and the association working to better empower all producers.
Feral swine issues were another instance of this process in action. I brought forward concerns and the association adopted policy enabling it to work toward logical solutions. In a couple of years’ time, we went from an almost nonexistent penalty for releasing feral swine to a felony to release for repeat offenders. This has drastically reduced the damages and number of feral swine we have had to remove from our property, and there are similar results with our neighbors.
In the coming months’ articles of this Regional Range Report, each Regional Vice President will be writing about a topic of their choosing. You will see the diversity in each of our regions and, hopefully, although we are similar in many ways, how each region faces different challenges.
This all leads to the take-home message: GET INVOLVED! Get to know your legislators, become a member of MCA and bring your neighbors along with you. Make sure your affiliate is sending representation to board meetings, County Leadership Conference and Cowboys at the Capitol. This is where solutions are created to the ever-evolving issues facing Missouri beef producers.
Region 1 VP - Joseph Lolli
Region 2 VP - Anita Vanderwert
Region 3 VP - Blake Crow
Region 4 VP - Deb Thummel
Region 5 VP - Alex Haun
Region 6 VP - Warren Love
Region 7 VP - Josh Worthington
At-Large Rep. - John Cauthorn
APRIL 2023 14
What’s Cookin’ at the
Missouri Beef House
By Beef House Team
BTC Bank Event
On Thursday, February 14, 2023, the Missouri Beef House Team prepared and served the evening meal at the Mike Brown Family Farm in Beaman, Missouri, for BTC Bank at one of their 2023 Agriculture Outlook meetings. Attendees listened to Scott Brown, PhD, associate professor of agricultural economics with MU Extension, discuss the effects of inflation, supply bottlenecks, and other factors on crops, livestock, and other agricultural inputs. It was indeed our honor to serve this group of approximately 50 individuals who took the opportunity to stay on top of the ever-changing market trends and issues affecting the industry today.
A BIG thanks goes out to MCA volunteers Jim Fairfax; Anthony Schwartz; Ted and Merrilyn Williams; and Pat and Patty Wood who graciously accepted the Beef House challenge to cook and serve the delicious shredded roast beef meal.
On a sad note, we want to express our deepest sympathy to the Paul Stockhorst family. Paul began working as a meat cutter for the Beef House at the 2000 Missouri State Fair, serving for 17 years. Even when his health declined, he still kept in touch and was always interested in knowing how the Beef House was doing. Paul J. Stockhorst of Sedalia, Missouri, passed away on February 23, 2023. As a valued member of our dynamic work team, we will miss Paul’s soft-spoken voice, sense of humor and knowledge of meat cutting. Rest in peace dear friend.
Thought for the month: “Rain, rain, go away…We’ve got Beef to serve today!”
APRIL 2023 16
On the right is Paul Stockhorst busy cutting beef at the Missouri Beef House during the State Fair.
Missouri Beef Industry Council Director Election Legal Notice
Notice is hereby given that the Director of Agriculture will be conducting an election to fill three positions on the Missouri Beef Industry Council Board of Directors. One regional council member is to be elected in each Region 2, 3 and 4. Terms of office are three years.
Any cattle producer within the specified regions of the State of Missouri who is producing cattle for market and the legal owner of one or more head of cattle becomes eligible to vote in the election by registering at his/her respective Farm Service Agency (FSA), or electronically at prior to July 20, 2023. Cattle producers who have voted in any of the previous three elections are not required to register unless their address has changed.
The Missouri Department of Agriculture will mail ballots to registered producers on August 15, 2023. Ballots must be postmarked no later than August 31, 2023, to be valid.
Any qualified producer may be nominated and have his/ her name placed on the ballot provided the independent nomination is accompanied by petition of not fewer than 100 producers in the nominee’s region and written permission of the candidate. Petitions must be delivered to the Director of Agriculture on or before July 20, 2023. Petition forms are available from the Missouri Department of Agriculture by calling 573-751-5611.
Scott Cape, Owner of Jim’s Motors in Cuba, Missouri. All I have ever done is sell and trade trailers. Give me a call for your next trailer 800-897-9840
Commodity Trades Welcome
Make Every Bite Count with Beef
Every bite your baby takes counts, especially in the first 24 months of life. Starting your baby with beef as a complementary first food can ensure they get the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development.
The American Academy of Pediatrics, the Women Infants and Children’s Program (WIC) and now for the first time ever, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend introducing solid foods, like beef, to infants and toddlers, in order to pack in every bite with protein, iron, zinc and choline.
Introducing Solid Foods to Infants
A baby’s body grows tremendously in the first year: body weight triples, length more than doubles and the brain increases by 40 percent. A focus on food, nutrients and feeding skills are a high priority.
Experts agree that breastfed infants need a good dietary source of iron and zinc by 6 months of age, as their requirements for these nutrients cannot be met by breastmilk alone. One way to boost iron and zinc intake for your child is by introducing pureed beef as a complementary food, while continuing to breastfeed. Doing so may provide long-lasting benefits for your baby, such as developing a healthy immune system, improving recall skills and reasoning, as well as promoting growth and learning milestones.
Around 6 months of age, it is important to introduce nutrient-rich solid foods along with breastmilk or formula. The introduction of these first foods, also known as complementary foods, provides babies with the opportunity to experience new tastes, textures, colors and also teaches them how to enjoy food. Foods like beef can provide babies with a good source of iron, zinc, choline, B vitamins and protein, and can also provide them with a unique taste and texture experience.
Babies are ready for solid foods if they:
• are about 6 months old
• sit up, with or without support
• have good head control
• seem interested in food
• no longer spit out solids
Infant Preparation and Feeding Tips
At around 8-10 months of age, babies develop a pincer grasp and learn to self-feed, making food textures, flavors and feeding methods -- like traditional parent-led spoon feeding, baby-led weaning or a combined method -- important considerations. For optimal health, make sure babies are meeting their nutrient needs, learning new feeding skills, and enjoying food. Sit with your baby when eating and monitor for choking.
Babies will start with thin pureed foods at around 6 months and advance to complex textures including chopped foods, finger foods and family food by the end of the first year.
APRIL 2023 18
Around 6 Months
When your baby is 6-8 months, they may be ready to make the transition from watery purees to smooth, pureed, single-ingredients foods such as pureed beef, pureed squash or pureed pears.
6 - 8 Months
In this stage your baby may be ready to transition to mashed, lumpy texture foods and combinations of single-ingredient foods. These include mashed banana or avocado, pureed beef and pureed green beans. Your baby may also be ready for soft, dissolvable finger foods like puffs, buttery toast or crackers.
8 - 10 Months
During 8-10 months of age your baby can transition to chopped table foods such as shredded or chopped beef, well-cooked pasta, chopped cooked veggies or softcooked beans.
10 - 12 Months
Between 10-12 months of age babies can start transitioning into chopped family food and practice with self-feeding using the spoon.
Toddler Feeding Tips
Toddlers (1-3 years old) can be both a challenge and a joy to feed. Their growth slows after the first year, making their appetite large one day and non-existent
the next. Toddlers also begin to understand the power of “no” and may test it with food. Fear of new food, food jags (eating the same foods) and picky eating are commonly seen during this stage of childhood.
During this stage, it’s important to expose toddlers to a variety of nutritious foods so they learn to eat a balanced diet. It’s also important to meet nutrient requirements and transition to an eating routine. Some suggestions when feeding a toddler are:
• Include your toddler at the family table as often as possible. Research consistently supports the value and importance of family meals.
• Avoid making a separate meal for your toddler. Rather, plan meals and snacks with food variety in mind, including one or two foods you know your toddler enjoys eating.
• Offer a variety of foods from all food groups. Vary cooking methods, presentation, and flavor components. Repeated exposure without pressure to eat is the best way to encourage your toddler to taste and like new foods.
• Let your toddler decide between two food items (e.g., apple or banana, roast beef or turkey, cheese or yogurt), so they can contribute to decision making.
• Don’t sweat it if your toddler refuses food. Stay positive and consistent with the meal you have planned and try again another time.
APRIL 2023 19
Missouri’s 2023 Leopold Conservation Award Seeks Nominees
Source: Missouri Farmers Care
Nominations and applications are now being accepted for the 2023 Missouri Leopold Conservation Award®.
Sand County Foundation, national sponsor American Farmland Trust, and state partners present the Leopold Conservation Award to private landowners in 25 states for extraordinary achievement in voluntary conservation. In Missouri, the $10,000 award is presented annually with state partners: Missouri Farmers Care Foundation, Missouri Corn Merchandising Council, and Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council.
“Missouri farmers and ranchers are continually striving through their stewardship to support long-term viability and productive capacity of their operations,” said Jeff Houts, chairman of Missouri Farmers Care. “We are honored to highlight innovative leaders utilizing stewardship practices to meet an ultimate goal: improving land, air, water, habitat and land for the future generations of land stewards.”
“As a national sponsor for Sand County Foundation’s Leopold Conservation Award, American Farmland Trust celebrates the hard work and dedication of farmers, ranchers and forestland owners,” said John Piotti, AFT President and CEO. “At AFT we believe that conservation in agriculture requires a focus on the land, the practices and the people and this award recognizes the integral role of all three.”
Given in honor of renowned conservationist Aldo Leopold, the award recognizes those who inspire others with their dedication to land, water and wildlife habitat management on private, working land. In his influential 1949 book, “A Sand County Almanac,” Leopold called for an ethical relationship between people and the land they own and manage.
“Recipients of this award are examples of how Aldo Leopold’s land ethic is alive and well today. Their dedication to conservation shows how individuals can improve the health of the land while producing food and fiber,” said Kevin McAleese, Sand County Foundation President and CEO.
Nominations may be submitted on behalf of a landowner, or landowners may nominate themselves. The application can be found at or
Applications can be submitted online at www. (preferred) or mailed to Missouri Farmers Care Foundation, 19171 State Highway 11, Kirksville, MO 63501. All applications must be submitted or postmarked by June 30, 2023.
Finalists will be announced in September with plans to present the award in November 2023 at the Missouri Governor’s Conference on Agriculture.
The Leopold Conservation Award Program in Missouri is made possible thanks to the generous support of American Farmland Trust, Missouri Farmers Care Foundation, Missouri Corn Merchandising Council, Missouri Soybean Association, Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council, Sand County Foundation, Missouri Cattlemen’s Association, MFA, Inc., Missouri Fertilizer Control Board, FCS Financial, Missouri Department of Conservation, Missouri Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Missouri Soil and Water Conservation Program, Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives, The Nature Conservancy in Missouri, and McDonald’s.
The first Missouri Leopold Conservation Award was presented in 2017. Ryan Britt with Britt Farms of Clifton Hill received the award in 2022. The Britt’s land stewardship story can be viewed at:
For more information on the award, visit
APRIL 2023 20
NCBA Welcomes Introduction of Black Vulture Relief Act
Source: NCBA
WASHINGTON (March 9, 2022) – Today, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) welcomed the introduction of the bipartisan Black Vulture Relief Act, led by Rep. John Rose (R-TN) and Rep. Darren Soto (D-FL).
“Across the country, cattle producers are coping with extreme input costs and the worst inflation rate in 40 years. Livestock deaths due to black vultures are a financial loss that no one can afford right now,” said NCBA Director of Government Affairs Sigrid Johannes. “Giving producers greater flexibility on black vulture management means one less financial burden to worry about. We appreciate Congressman Rose and Congressman Soto’s leadership and commonsense approach to controlling this abundant predator species.”
The bill would allow a cattle producer to “take” (capture, kill, disperse, or transport) black vultures that pose a risk to livestock. Additionally, the bill reduces permitting burdens and red tape by instituting a simple report that producers submit once per year detailing the number of black vultures they took. Streamlining the system and lifting the cap on number of black vultures that producers can take is a commonsense approach to managing a fully recovered, aggressive, predator species.
“Black vultures have developed into a lethal predator for newborn calves, costing Tennessee cattle producers thousands of dollars in lost revenue each year. We appreciate Congressman Rose’s bill as a significant tool to help control the over-population of these predators,” said Tennessee Cattlemen’s Association Executive Director Charles Hord.
Black vulture depredation rates have increased across the Southeast in recent years, surpassing 30 percent in some states like Florida.
“The Florida Cattlemen’s Association appreciates Congressman Soto’s co-sponsorship of this commonsense bill,” said Jim Handley, executive vice president of the Florida Cattlemen’s Association.
“The economic loss to Florida cattle ranchers from black vultures is significant every year, and we thank Congressman Soto for taking action to assist our industry with this legislation.”
Cattle producers have experienced firsthand the devastating effects of vulture depredation:
Danny Clark, Lawrenceburg, TN: “Lawrence County livestock producers have been experiencing issues with black vultures preying on newly born calves for some time. Economic loss in addition to the time and labor spent during calving season for these producers is devastating. Government approved permits…allowing producers to use lethal means to control these preying birds is also a challenge…I know this year these black vultures have been the cause of [death for] at least one calf and damage to one cow as well, along with others in previous years.”
Laura Wallace, Spencer, TN: “These buzzards have gotten four calves in one season, putting tremendous strain on my little 97-acre operation…The [price of] diesel, fertilizer, fencing, feed, 24D [herbicide] have all gone up.”
Mark Russell, DVM, Tullahoma, TN: “Last year I found one newborn dead [calf] with its eyes eaten out. This year I came up on over 30 vultures in the field behind my house.”
Jeff Russell, Kingston, TN: “During calving season… we have constant problems with vultures loitering in our pastures. I did lose one calf so far this year. When I found it there were 40-50 vultures in the pasture and in surrounding trees. Every time a cow gives birth the vultures are surrounding it and pestering the cow. We attempt to scare them off, but they have become more brazen and will return within minutes. The population appears to be out of balance. There are too many and the stress it is causing my cows is affecting their wellbeing and the safety of my newly born calves. Help is needed with this issue as it continues to get worse.”
A. T. Burchell, Columbia, TN: “I have a 200 head beef cattle operation in Columbia, Tennessee, and we have had a continual problem with black vultures attacking newly born calves.”
APRIL 2023 22
NCBA Hails House Passage of Resolution to Stop WOTUS Rule
Urges Senate to Adopt Resolution
WASHINGTON (March 9, 2022) – Today, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) hailed the passage of H.J. Res. 27, a joint resolution that would invalidate the Biden administration’s new Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule through the Congressional Review Act.
“This vote is a win for America’s cattlemen and women and NCBA is thrilled to see a majority of House members reject the Biden administration’s burdensome WOTUS rule,” said NCBA President Todd Wilkinson, a South Dakota cattle producer. “Shifting WOTUS rules have plagued cattle producers for generations and this latest rule only continues the decades of uncertainty. We urge the Senate to pass this resolution as well so it can take full effect. At the same time, we look forward to the Supreme Court’s verdict in the WOTUS case Sackett v. EPA and hope that this ruling finally places guardrails
on the federal government’s attempt to regulate small, isolated bodies of water on private farms and ranches.”
The Biden administration’s WOTUS rule creates more uncertainty for cattle producers by putting the burden on individual producers to determine if a water feature on their land is considered federally regulated. Additionally, NCBA has expressed strong opposition to the Environmental Protect Agency (EPA) finalizing this rule in the middle of a Supreme Court case that addresses this very issue. NCBA is also pursuing litigation against this rule to prevent it from taking effect and harming cattle producers.
The Congressional Review Act allows Congress to invalidate an executive agency’s rule by passing a joint resolution through both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The resolution will now go to the Senate for consideration.
USDA Awards Funding to Protect U.S. Cattle Herd From FMD
Source: NCBA
WASHINGTON (March 16, 2022) – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced this week that they are awarding the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) with $445,396 in funding to advance the Secure Beef Supply Plan (SBS) in the event of a foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak in the U.S.
“NCBA thanks USDA for awarding this critical funding to help continue defending the U.S. cattle herd from the threat of foot-and-mouth disease. The Secure Beef Supply Plan combined with USDA’s national vaccine bank provides a strong safety net for cattle producers and multiple tools to mitigate risk from a potential outbreak,” said Allison Rivera, NCBA executive director of government affairs. “This funding was made available through the 2018 Farm Bill, showing why continued support and further funding for animal disease preparation measures like the Secure Beef Supply Plan and the National Animal Vaccine and Veterinary Countermeasure Bank are so important as Congress works on the 2023 Farm Bill.”
The SBS Plan provides guidance on workable business continuity measures for beef cattle operations with no evidence of FMD infection during an FMD outbreak. The SBS Plan is the result of a multi-year collaborative effort by industry, state, federal, and academic representatives to provide guidance on moving uninfected cattle to continue beef cattle production and keep grocery store shelves stocked.
APRIL 2023 24
Kingsville Livestock Auction Kingsville, Missouri Hwy. 58 • 45 Miles SE of Kansas City, MO Special Cow & Bull Sale Saturday, April 15 • 11:00 a.m. For information call Rick, Jeremy, or Jared Anstine 816-597-3331 Visit our website or E-mail us at: Cattle Sale Every Tuesday 10:30 a.m.
South Central Cattlemen
The South Central Cattlemen met for their monthly meeting on Thursday, February 23, at the Extension Office in West Plains. Members dined on a pizza and salad dinner provided by members. There were approximately 75 members present.
President Janet Crow opened the meeting with highlights of the National Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show that took place in New Orleans, Lousiana, in February. A video introducing the new NCBA president, Todd Wilkinson, was played. Minutes and financials from the December meeting were presented and approved as written.
Region 3 VP Blake Crow discussed eminent domain and Cowboys at the Capitol. He explained to the group that eminent domain was still a “hot topic” in Jefferson City, and that we as cattle producers and MCA members should make sure our legislature knows our thoughts. He further explained that Cowboys at the Capitol was a great way to get the message to our representatives and senators. Region 3’s date to be at the Capitol was March 1, but Cattlemen are encouraged to participate any Wednesday throughout session.
Secretary Elizabeth Picking discussed upcoming programs that the Extension Office had available. She also presented this year’s grazing school dates.
The floor was opened up to upcoming Bull Sales: Spreutels Farms will be selling 6 Red Angus bulls in Heber Springs, Arkansas on March 25 New Day Genetics will be selling 90 bulls and 60 bred heifers in Salem, MO on April 15
See What’s Happening in Your County
Stan Smith will be selling Black Angus bulls at the Heart of the Ozarks Black Angus Sale in West Plains, MO on April 22
Nominating committee chair Jenny Poor presented the following nominations for the 2023-2025 executive board:
President: Dan Corman
Vice-President: Tyler Osborn
Secretary: Elizabeth Picking
Treasurer: Jenny Poor
Board of Director: Jordan Kinder
Board of Director: Jeff Ward
Board of Director: Tom Asher
Board of Director: Jason Poor
A call of nominations from the floor was requested with none given. A vote was taken with all in favor of the nominations as presented. SCCA members voiced their appreciation and gratitude for Janet and all of her hard work for our association, both local and state.
At this time, the meeting was turned over to newlyelected President Dan Corman. Dan voiced his appreciation to Janet for all of her hard work and thanked her for everything she has done for our association. He then encouraged our group to make a point to go to Cowboys at the Capitol.
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Front row L to R: Treasurer Jenny Poor; Board of Director Tyler Osborn. Back row L to R: MCA Region 3 VP Blake Crow; Past President Janet Crow; Board of Director Jordan Kinder; Board of Director Jason Poor; Secretary Elizabeth Picking; Current President Dan Corman. Not pictured: Board of Directors Jeff Ward and Tom Asher.
Missouri Angus Breeders
The #1 State For Angus!
Joann 417.827.2756
Bulls & Females | Quality Angus Beef
21658 Quarry Lane • Barnett, MO 65011 Office: 573-302-7011 • Fax: 573-348-8325
Russel and Randy Miller 21146 400th Street Graham, MO 64455
660-254-0137 • 660-415-6339
APRIL 2023 33
WEIKER Angus Ranch Fred Weiker
Bulls are our Business!
660-248-3640 • 660-728-3700 1339 Hwy 124, • Fayette, MO 65248
“Where the Extraordinary are Available”
Julie Conover, Executive Director 634 S.W. 1201 Rd • Holden, MO 64040 734-260-8635
1942 May
All Your Angus Needs! Our Next Sale is April 20, 2023 Russell & Susan Coon 1318 Shelby 169, Bethel, MO 63434 660-284-6518 h • 660-341-2705 c Larry Coon 1284 Shelby 169, Bethel, MO 63434 660-284-6473 h • 660-342-3889 c
703-587-9959 Visit us online:
Alan Mead, Owner 573-216-0210 Since
13 Female & Bull
Saline 127 Hwy • Malta Bend, Mo 65359
Marshall • (660) 641-4522
Doug & LaRee Frank
Brent & Keri Hazelrigg
14, 2023 9770 W. State Hwy 266 • Springfield, MO 65802 Jim 417.827.0623
Registered Angus Cattle For Sale Drew & Tasha Busch 10761 Maries Co. Rd. 424 • St. James, Mo 65559 Office 573-699-4085 • Cell 573-864-6896
SEMO Cattlemen’s Association
On Thursday, January 19, 2023, the SEMO Cattlemen’s Association met at the University of Missouri Extension in Jackson. After a meal, the program for the evening had several presenters. Steve Daume and Taylor Gilmore of MFA, Inc., discussed livestock risk protection and nutrient management. Neal Franke of SEMO Livestock Sales talked about ways to help your cattle bring more at auction. Geoff Shinn of Performance Blenders spoke about their services and things producers can do to determine the quality of beef they will produce.
The SEMO Cattlemen’s Association co-hosted an Equipment Showcase with Sydenstricker Nobbe Partners on Tuesday, January 31, 2023. The event was held at Bavarian Halle in Jackson. A social hour and supper were provided. Gregg Zurliene with Sydenstricker Nobbe Partners discussed the new 2023 Hay Line-up equipment. Perry Cunningham of ShowMe Shortline talked about the Jay-Lor mixer. Both had equipment displayed for guests to see.
The SEMO Cattlemen’s Association held their annual meeting and banquet at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Jackson on February 16, 2023. A crowd of around 300 people gathered for social hour and a meal, along with a silent and live auction. SCA President Charlie Besher led the meeting. The slate of 2023-2024 officers and board of directors was approved. Elected officials present and their staff were recognized, as well as Jeff Reed, VP of Missouri Cattlemen’s Association, and Blake Crow, Region 3 VP of Missouri Cattlemen’s Association. Rylee Shelton, 2023 Missouri Beef Queen candidate, spoke about her experience in the queen contest. She represented
the SEMO Cattlemen’s Association. Judson Mayfield, SEMO Collegiate Cattlemen’s Association member, spoke about competing and placing second in the Collegiate Cattlemen’s Showdown held by the Missouri Cattlemen’s in Osage Beach.
1st Thursday Nite of Each Month: 6:00 p.m. Bred Cows and Breeding Bull Sale
Jack Harrison 573-999-7197 (owner)
John P Harrison ............... 573-220-1482
Claude Niemeyer 573-470-1017
Roger Temmen 573-680-4538
Justin Oberling .................. 217-440-7724
Glenn Stegman 573-619-8495
APRIL 2023 34
Judson Mayfield
Rylee Shelton
Callaway Livestock Center, Inc. On I-70, 4 miles east of Kingdom City, MO on outer road 573-642-7486
Every Monday: Slaughter Cattle 12:00
Selling All Classes of Cattle 12:30 p.m.
Bates County Cattlemen
Our meeting was held March 18 at the Ohio Street Church in Butler. Sponsors were the American Angus Association, Hertzog Meats and Briarwood Angus Farms. The meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m. The Secretary’s Report was read and approved. The Treasurer’s Report was read and approved. There is $8,497 in our checking account, $7,000 in the Grimes Scholarship, and at the time of the meeting, we had about $1,000 dollars in outstanding bills.
In old business, Katrina Feed welcomed a group of students from Mississippi and gave them a tour of their operation. They were up on a spring break trip sponsored by the Mississippi Cattlemen. Bates County Cattleman sponsored the meal and the kids enjoyed themselves.
We have five FFA chapters that want to participate in the contest at the annual meeting; checks will go out in April so they can get started on building their projects.
The Bates County Cattlemen’s Facebook page is up to 25 followers now. Keep promoting that!
For new business, March 30 will be the Board Meeting for the Missouri Cattlemen, and members were encouraged to represent.
Merck will be giving up to $10,000 to the Missouri Cattlemen for returned Ralgro wheels. The county with the most wheels will be given a $1,000 dollar scholarship to give out.
We need a small committee for new membership. That is going to be Austin, Brad and Katrina. Stickin it to Cancer will be April 8. Cattlemen and CattleWomen have agreed to be elite sponsors by giving $500. We discussed the 50/50 Raffle that we had at the annual meeting, and it was determined that we will start selling tickets throughout the year at cooking events and put up a sign that has a running total of how much will be won at the annual meeting.
Discussion around the new cooker determined that, if you wanted to donate to the cooker fund on your own that is great. Other than that, we are just going to use the money we make cooking to pay off the cooker.
A thank you from Maylin Lawson was read for the scholarship money. April 11 is the next meeting. Y-Tex is going to sponsor, and it will be at the Optimus Building in Adrian. May is Beef Month, and we are going to ask the state for money to help buy the meat and determine the best day to cook for the community.
Katrina and Jesse are going to D.C. in April for the leadership meeting; it’s the first one in three years. If you have any questions, please get them to them. The meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m.
Service age bulls, bred cows, cow/calf pairs, show prospect heifers available. 417-652-3425 417-839-7205
APRIL 2023 35
Polk County Cattlemen
The Polk County Cattlemen’s Association held their monthly meeting at the Citizens Memorial Hospital Community Room on March 9. We were thankful to have 108 members and guests in attendance. We dined on country fried steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, rolls and cobbler for dessert. This was prepared by the CMH Food Services staff and tasted delicious. It was a good thing we had our bellies full, because we had a Grade A lineup of sponsors. Worthington Angus, Joplin Regional Stockyards, and Hills Feed & More, LLC. joined together to teach us about their businesses. Each business shines in its own way, but they all have a common denominator and that is customer service. Each one of these sponsors has a deep-rooted belief that customer service is the driving factor in the success of their business.
We had a brief presentation from Bolivar City Mayor Chris Warwick and Presiding Commissioner Shannon Hancock. They gave us the details on the upcoming April ballot issue, Prop U. This was very educational and helped all to understand the specifics on this proposal.
The first sponsor up was Bailey Moore from Joplin Regional Stockyards. He showed us a video recap from the prior week’s sale. Be sure to check out all the valueadded and co-mingling programs they offer. More than 450,000 head of cattle are marketed through Joplin Regional Stockyards annually. They are dedicated to serving buyers and sellers alike.
Next up was Scott Hill of Hills Quality Feed, LLC. Scott explained that he believes not only in customer service but also bringing you the very best in agricultural products. If you have questions about what you might need, he is happy to help. He has an extensive background in all things agricultural and personally uses what he sells. Give him a call and see how he can help you improve your profit margins and watch your business grow.
Then it was time to hear from Josh Worthington of Worthington Angus. He explained his version of customer service is to get to know people and their plans to best develop the services that work for the customer down the line. Josh taught us that the last guy in line is where our cattle businesses actually end. That is the consumer buying our beef in stores. We produce a protein that feeds the world, which is a unique way to look at it. Worthington Angus asks all the right questions to help market your business. They sell 200 bulls annually and are proud to provide a good, consistent product. Their 8th Annual Production Sale is on March 25, 2023.
The Polk County Cattlemen’s Association Scholarship Committee is collecting donations for the auction that will be May 6 at the Boots & Bling Banquet. This money is raised for our scholarship fund and last year we totaled a whopping $45,000. We really hope to exceed that this year to increase our scholarships. If you are interested in donating an item, service or basket, please call Marla Moreland at 417-399-1349.
After reading this, I know you will want to make sure to join us for our next meeting! It will be April 13, sponsored by Crown Power and Equipment. Check us out on Facebook to see where we will be gathering for this one. We will be awarding our 2023 Polk County Cattlemen’s Scholarships, which is always exciting. We look forward to seeing you.
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Scott Hill of Hills Quality Feed, LLC.
Bailey Moore from Joplin Regional Stockyards.
Barton County Cattlemen
Barton County Cattlemen met March 7, 2023 at the Thiebaud Meeting Rooms in Lamar.
President Brett Faubion opened the meeting with prayer. A brisket dinner prepared by Scott Nolting was enjoyed. Sponsors for the meeting were Superior Genetics and FCS Financial.
Allie Irwin, assistant vice resident crop insurance with FCS Financials, was the speaker. Insurance is offered for crops, pasture and livestock.
Crop insurance is for an interval or until crop is harvested. No premium is paid until the interval is past or the crop is harvested.
For pasture insurance, the farmer chooses what months to insure. If rainfall in that area is below average, then a claim can be made.
Insurance is offered for livestock price protection only. Feeder cattle are covered. A price is locked in based on the date planned to sell the cattle. The feeder index closing price is used to determine what the producer is paid. It does not cover illness, accidental death, etc.
Daryl Kentner spoke about the Superior Genetics upcoming sale March 21. He stated 50 bulls will be offered for sale. He described what to expect from a Superior Genetics bull.
Brett closed the meeting with prayer. Our next meeting will be April 4, 2023, at 7 p.m. at Theibaud Meeting Room.
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Custom Cattle Feeding • 12,000 Head Capacity Family owned & operated since 1917 Steve Sellers 620-257-2611 Kevin Dwyer 620-680-0404
Speaker Allie Irwin
Southwest Missouri Cattlemen
The Southwest Missouri Cattlemen’s Association met on March 7 at the Southwest Research Center. Jay Chism, director of the SW Center, and Patrick Davis, Extension livestock specialist, gave updates on the work occurring within their fields. Brian Worthington, agriculture field representative for U.S. Congressman Eric Burlison, offered the evening’s invocation. The month’s inspiration was found in Zechariah 10:1.
Our association enjoyed a Certified Angus Beef choice strip steak meal, prepared by the Southwest Cattlemen’s Grill Team and Red Barn Cafe; without our generous keynote speakers, this meal would not have been possible. Additionally, I’d like to highlight that our Grill Team invests a large amount of labor and mileage each year to promote beef and the cattle industry; if you’ve not had the opportunity to, join me in thanking them the next time you’re able to visit with one of our Grill Team members.
The keynote portion of our meeting was impactful and thought provoking. Bailey Moore, representing Joplin Regional Stockyards, shared market outlooks for the near and distant future and reiterated the quality services that JRS offers its customers. Scott Hill with Hills Quality Feeds discussed small-scale feed trials that his customers have worked with to minimize feeding costs and maintain animal performance through new products utilizing distillers grain at Hills Feed & More. Finally, Josh Worthington, representing Worthington Angus, discussed quality customer service and the importance of people, product and performance. He shared the following Peter Drucker quote: “The only valid definition of business purpose is a satisfied customer,” to express the importance of product meeting customers expectations, both cattle and beef.
We hope you are able to join us at the Region 7 Cowboys at the Capitol on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. in the Capitol Rotunda. It is recommended you park around 8:30 a.m. Our remaining dates this spring are April 5 and April 26. If you would like to carpool, please let one of the members of the SWMO Cattlemen’s Leadership Team (board members and/or officers) know. MCA does a fantastic job of voicing our values, and this is a great opportunity for us to help them in promoting our mutual interests!
This will be my last opportunity to mention this prior to our April meeting: please join us this April as we create and strengthen essential relationships with our leaders in Jefferson City. I plan to be right by your side both days!
Our association is still seeking an individual to join the
leadership team of the SWMO Cattlemen’s Association as secretary; responsibilities include recording minutes, corresponding via email with the treasurer and president, writing a brief monthly magazine article (like the one you are reading), and submitting annual award applications.
Have some time on your hands? Checkout the Checkoff’s Masters of Beef Advocacy online program/ training:
Friends, I’m sure I’m not alone in my excitement as our seasons begin to transition and the drought’s grasp on our region begins to enter the rearview mirror. For some, calving is coming to a close, fertilizer is hitting the ground, bull buying season is in full swing, and others are beginning their weaning and preconditioning work. For all of us, stronger markets, improved weather cycles and the conclusion of winter seem to be within reach. I look forward to seeing each of you this April, along with early grass!
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Josh Worthington.
Submitted by - Nathan Isakson, Southwest Missouri Cattlemen’s Association President
Bailey Moore.
Dallas County Cattlemen
The March 14 meeting of the Dallas County Cattlemen’s Association (DCCA) was held at Prairie Grove School with 98 members and guests in attendance. The group was briefed on impending livestock antibiotic restrictions and current fence laws.
University of Missouri Extension Veterinarian Craig Payne, DVM, spoke about several livestock antibiotics now available over the counter which will soon require a prescription from a veterinarian. This is the final phase of a Food and Drug Administration ruling to bring all medically important antibiotics approved for animals under veterinary oversight by June 11, 2023. The initial phase, which was implemented January 1, 2017, required a veterinary feed directive (VFD) for feed-grade antibiotics and water soluble antibiotics, which covered 96% of livestock antibiotics.
Covered in the new restrictions are numerous penicillin and oxytetracycline medications, as well as others. Antibiotics won’t necessarily need to be purchased from a vet, but a prescription will be required regardless of where they are purchased. For a vet to issue a prescription, a veterinarian-client-patient relationship (VCPR) must be established. Payne said to check with local veterinarians for further details.
Also speaking to the group that evening was Dallas County-native, attorney Travis Elliott. Raised on a cattle farm near Plad, Elliott said he has been involved in agriculture all his life. Elliott highlighted the requirements for legal fences and the potential liabilities of failing to build or maintain them. According to him, a legal fence is defined as “posts, wires or boards at least four feet tall with the posts no more than 12 feet apart”. Citing examples of liability cases he has handled, Elliott emphasized, “You have to take responsibility for your
fences.” He urged landowners to practice preventative maintenance.
Earlier in the evening, attendees enjoyed a meal of grilled hamburgers and hotdogs with plenty of sides. We would like to thank O’Bannon Banking Company for sponsoring a great dinner.
Our April 11 membership dinner meeting will be held at Prairie Grove School with Kropf Feeds and Kent Feeds as our sponsors.
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Craig Payne, DVM
Attorney Travis Elliott
St. Clair County Cattlemen
St. Clair County Cattlemen’s Association met on Tuesday, March 14, at Lakeview Barn Venue in Appleton City with 35 members and guests present. Mike Deering, executive vice president of the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association, spoke to the group on the importance of being a Missouri Cattlemen’s Association member. The Missouri Cattlemen’s Association is out working to protect our way of life. Mike explained that we are all in this together. The Missouri Cattlemen’s Association has pushed for price discovery, proper meat labeling, liability signs and private land protection. The Missouri Cattlemen’s Association has also pushed for laws to help beginning farmers get started. Without everyone coming together, paying their dues and fighting for our way of live, the Cattlemen’s Association wouldn’t be as successful as it is today.
Sydney Thummel, executive director of the Missouri Beef Industry Council, spoke to the group about the benefits of being in our industry. MBIC works to education people on where their food comes from as statistics show that most are at least two generations removed from the farm. MBIC has partnered with KY3 and Chiefs Network to get beef ads in front of the public. MBIC is working to bring back Producer Education Quality Assurance this Fall. MBIC has also partnered with Missouri Farmers Care to host Race to the Plate at St. Louis Cardinals games. Sydney encouraged anyone with questions to stop by or call her office any time.
Thank you, Merck Animal Health, for sponsoring our meeting, and thank you, Sydney Thummel with MBIC and Mike Deering with MCA, for speaking at our meeting! Thank you, Rustic Duck, for the delicious meal and Lakeview Barn Venue for letting us meet here tonight!
St. Clair County Cattlemen have successfully sustained the MoBeef for MoKids Program for another school year. Our last round of MoBeef for the schools went on March 3. The Cattlemen are already in the planning stages for next school year. Our first round for the 20232024 school year will go on August 4, 2023. Any person or business interested in donating, please contact Weston Shelby or Lawanna Salmon.
St. Clair County Cattlemen’s Association scholarship deadline is quickly approaching. If you meet the following qualifications, we would love for you to complete the application.
St. Clair County Cattlemen’s Association Memorial Scholarship In Memory of Paul Tom Firestone, Orval Johnson, David Barger, And Larry Moore Criteria
1. The applicant must be a resident of St. Clair County.
2. Applicant must be a high school senior or a full-time college student and have a GPA of 2.5/4.0 or better. Applicant must have been a full-time student (high school or college) the previous year.
3. The applicant must major in an agricultural related field.
4. Scholarships will be presented at the Annual St. Clair County Cattlemen’s Meeting. To redeem scholarship, recipients must provide St. Clair County Cattlemen’s Association with proof of college enrollment.
5. Applicant must submit, with the application, the most recent available high school or college transcript to St. Clair County Cattlemen’s Association for proof of grade point average and enrollment.
6. Applicant must demonstrate leadership potential through extracurricular activities and work experience.
7. Preference may be given to those who have a need for financial assistance but is not necessarily the determining factor. Preference will also be given to students who plan to/are attending Missouri colleges and universities.
8. Applications must be returned to St. Clair County Cattlemen’s Association, Susan Salmon, 5775 NW 651 Rd, Appleton City, MO 64724 and be postmarked by April 1 to be considered.
Email Susan Salmon at to request your application today!
The next meeting is scheduled for April 11, 2023, at 7 p.m. with Appleton City Feed Service as the sponsor.
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Sydney Thummel speaking at the March 14 St. Clair County meeting.
Lafayette County Cattlemen
The Lafayette County Cattlemen held their third educational series meeting Tuesday, February 28, at the Mayview Community Building. Brant Mettler, pasture and rangeland specialist for Corteva Agriscience was the guest speaker. He discussed broadleaf weed control, as well as recommended applications for brush control. A question and answer session was followed by refreshments.
On March 4, LCCA held its annual winter business meeting at Butler Acres Event Center in Dover. The social hour was hosted by Assured Partners/Naught Naught representative Eric Lockard to benefit the Scholarship fund. Plowboys BBQ from Marshall served a brisket and burnt ends dinner to the 100 people attending.
Mike Deering was the first speaker and shared about the representation MCA provides each week at the Capitol. Deering recognized long-time member W.A. Schlesselman who shared a brief history of the organizing of LCCA and MCA. Deering introduced MCA leadership in attendance and announced Patty Wood and Marsha Corbin had been appointed to the Cattlemen’s Beef Board to serve 3-year terms on the national committee representing MCA. MCA President David Dick and Region 5 Vice President Alex Haun both spoke on the importance of membership and participating in state-wide activities. Patty Wood, Beef House co-chair, thanked Lafayette County for always showing up to work their State Fair shifts with a full crew and encouraged everyone to take part again this year.
President Don Schlesselman called the business meeting to order. Minutes were read by Secretary Kathy Harris and the Treasurer’s Report was given by Sherie Neuner; they were presented and approved. A motion was made and approved to make a $500 donation to Lafayette County Extension and a $500 donation to the Lafayette County 4-H and FFA Fair.
Following the election of officers, new President Darrell Neuner conducted the balance of the meeting.
Marsha Corbin presented information about the 19th Annual LCCA Summer Bus Trip, which will be held June 25-28 and will head to Southeast Missouri and the Bootheel, with a stop at Branson on the way home. Abigail Oelrich, Scholarship Chair, gave information about the online application and April 1 deadline.
Meeting information continued in next month’s issue.
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Pasture and Rangeland Specialist Brant Mettler with Corteva Agriscience.
The Case for Composite Commercial Cattle, Part 1
Source: SimTalk - by Rick Bourdon, Colorado State University
“Composite” is one of the more popular buzzwords in the beef cattle industry today. Cussed and discussed, composite cattle have been accused by some of adding to the industry’s product inconsistency woes and touted by others as the solution to inconsistency problems. Composites are alternately considered a threat to and an opportunity for pure breeds. For all the controversy surrounding them, however, composites are little understood. My goal in this two-part series is to explain what composites are (perhaps clearing up some misconceptions along the way) and show why they can be useful to commercial cattle producers.
What are composites?
Composite individuals. Composite cattle, sometimes called synthetics, are hybrids. They have at least two breeds in their background and often more. What distinguishes them from typical crossbreds is not their genetic make-up per se, but rather the way in which they are used. Composites are expected to be bred to their own kind, retaining a level of hybrid vigor we normally associate with traditional crossbreeding systems, but without crossbreeding.
For example, consider the standard black baldy cow. She is a hybrid, typically the result of mating a purebred Angus bull to a purebred Hereford cow or vice versa. In all likelihood she will be bred back to a
purebred bull of one of the parent breeds or perhaps of a third breed. Because she is to be used as part of a conventional crossbreeding system, e.g., a rotation of some kind, we would not consider her a composite animal. However, if her owner decided to breed her to black baldy sires, saving daughters and perhaps even sons as replacements, we would have to consider her a composite. She became a composite (as opposed to simply a crossbred) because the breeder chose to mate her to her own hybrid kind with the expectation of retaining a degree of hybrid vigor without further crossbreeding.
Admittedly, this definition leaves a little to be desired. What if I have a herd of composite animals and one day I decide to breed them to terminal sires or make them part of a conventional rotational crossbreeding system? Are they still composite cows? Whether you answer yes or no depends on how strict you want to be in your definition of a composite. Being fairly liberal in this regard, I would say yes because these cows were bred to be part of a composite breeding system and still have that potential. Others may disagree.
Composite breeds. Most of our experience with composites comes from plants. Plant breeders developed composites as a practical way for farmers in third-world countries to take advantage of hybrid vigor. The new plant populations were termed synthetic varieties. The analogous term in animal populations is composite breeds. In keeping with the definition of a composite
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Continued on page 46
animal, a composite breed is then a breed that is made up of two or more component breeds and is designed to benefit from hybrid vigor without crossing with other breeds.
There are a number of breeds in this country that are made up of component breeds. Brangus, Santa Gertrudis, Simbrah, and RX3 are just a few examples. Whether these breeds have been bred in such a way that they retain significant hybrid vigor (i.e., whether they have successfully avoided inbreeding) remains an open question. If they have, then they can legitimately call themselves composite breeds. If they have not, then they are not composites, but simply newer breeds.
Why Composites?
Perhaps the best way to answer this question is to compare the merits of a commercial breeding program involving composite cattle with the merits of more traditional systems. First, however, we need to decide how to make the comparison to set the criteria by which any given system will be evaluated. Following is a list of the criteria I would use.
Criteria for Judging a Crossbreeding Program
1. Merit of component breeds
2. Level of hybrid vigor produced (HV)
3. Simplicity (EASE)
4. Replacement considerations (REPS)
5. Complementarity (COMP)
6. Consistency of performance (CONS)
Merit of component breeds. For any crossbreeding system to be effective, the breeds in the system must be well chosen. If you were a horse breeder, for example, and were designing the ultimate crossbred stadium jumper, you would be unlikely to include the Shetland Pony as a component breed. Shetlands are simply too small to be viable candidates given the needs of stadium jumpers. The same principle applies to cattle. Every breed included in the system must bring favorable attributes to the mix. Because this is true regardless of the type of crossbreeding system, merit of component breeds is not a very useful criterion for comparing kinds
of systems, and I will not, therefore, use it to compare the use of composites with other crossbreeding systems. It is an extremely important criterion, however, for evaluating any particular crossbreeding program.
Level of hybrid vigor produced (HV). One of the chief reasons for crossbreeding beef cattle is to take advantage of hybrid vigor or heterosis. Any worthwhile crossbreeding system must provide an adequate amount of hybrid vigor, and within the limits of practicality, the more hybrid vigor the better.
Simplicity (EASE). Crossbreeding systems should be relatively simple in terms of resource and management requirements. Expensive systems or systems that require an unrealistically high level of management are unlikely to remain in place very long.
Replacement considerations (REPS). Some crossbreeding systems produce the replacement females needed for the cow herd. Others require replacements to be purchased or bred in a separate population. Producers should evaluate both kinds of systems from the standpoint of economics and personal preference.
Complementarity (COMP). Complementarity refers to the production of a more desirable offspring from the mating of parents that are genetically different from each other, but have complementary attributes. The classic example in beef cattle is “big bull–small cow” complementarity. The big bull provides growth and leanness to the offspring, the small cow requires less feed to maintain herself, and the result is a desirable market animal economically produced. We can also have growth–milk complementarity and cutability–quality complementarity to list just a couple of examples. Unlike hybrid vigor, which is a sort of gene-level magic causing a boost in the performance of hybrids, complementarity is the logical result of “mixing and matching” different biological types. Some crossbreeding systems — terminal sire systems in particular — make good use of complementarity. Other systems do not.
Consistency of performance (CONS). Ideally, a crossbreeding system should produce a consistent product. It is much easier to market a uniform set of animals than a diverse one. It is also easier to manage a cow herd that is essentially one biological type than a herd made up of several types, each with different requirements. Crossbreeding systems vary in their ability to provide consistency.
In the next article in this series, I will compare composite breeding systems with a more traditional crossbreeding system on the basis of the criteria listed above. The comparison should give you a feeling for the relative strengths and weaknesses of composite cattle.
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Contact: Mike Williams Higginsville, MO 816-797-5450 Specializing in Land Equipment and Livestock For Upcoming Sale Info:
Ronald McBee
Well known Howard County cattleman, Ron McBee, died suddenly in a farm accident east of Fayette on March 15, 2023. He was 71 years of age.
Ronald Rice McBee was born February 19, 1952 in Braymer, Missouri, the son of Lloyd E. and Ramona (Rice) McBee. He was educated in Braymer Public Schools and graduated with the class of 1970. He continued his education obtaining his degree at the University of Missouri, graduating in 1974 specializing in Agriculture Science and Animal Husbandry.
Ron was united in marriage to Teri Bounds on August 16, 1991. Appropriately, the couple chose the Highway Gardens at Missouri State Fair in Sedalia, Missouri as the site of the ceremony. Mrs. McBee survives of the home.
Ron loved his family deeply and had a rooted passion for the cattle business. His interest developed from an early age and continued throughout his life. Early in his career, along with his cattle business, he worked as a Distributor for Gallagher Power Fence. He was well known for the quality of the stock he produced and the specialized breed he raised. Ron was highly recognized as an expert in controlled grazing and established McBee Cattle Company in 1974. The cattle sales that were held regularly at the ranch drew crowds from a wide and diverse area.
Ever interested and involved with other stockmen, Ron had served on many boards in various capacities including the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association and as President of the National Braunvieh Association. Ron led a life of dedication, hard work, humanitarianism, and kindness and will be missed by many.
Along with his wife, Ron is survived by three daughters, Erin McBee Merrrill Davis of Birmingham, AL, Robin (Jack) Thomas of Sweet Springs, MO, and Tara Cuppy of St. James, MO; three sons, Brett Merrill McBee of New York, Jayson (Raylene) Hollrah of Hermann, MO, and Sean (Misti) Hollrah of Columbia, MO. He is also survived by one sister, Toni (Mike) Shrewsbury of Lathrop, MO, and two brothers, Jerry (Joy) McBee of Clark, MO, and Terry “Tiger” McBee of Carrollton, MO. Ron had 9 grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Stoney McBee.
A memorial service for Ronald McBee was be held at 10 AM on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at Faith Family Church near Fayette, with Rev. Jamie Page officiating.
Memorial contributions are suggested to the Family’s Choice, c/o Friemonth-Freese Funeral Service, 174 Hwy 5 & 240 N., Fayette, MO 65248.
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MCA’s County Leadership Conference 2023
Missouri Cattlemen’s Association’s Annual County Leadership Conference was held March 6-7. The conference was held in conjunction with Session 1 of the Missouri Cattlemen’s Leadership College. Each county had the opportunity to send one producer to attend the conference alongside the 2023 MCLC class. On Monday, March 6, participants came to the Missouri Cattle Industry Headquarters in Columbia to attend sessions on topics including MCA Roundtable Discussions - Recruitment, Retention, and Involvement; Advocacy Training – Macey Hurst, Missouri Beef Cattleman; Effectively Running a Meeting – Dr. John Tummons, University of Missouri; Policy – Mike Deering, MCA. In between sessions, participants were treated to lunch sponsored by Culver’s and heard a few words from co-sponsors the Missouri Beef Industry Council – Sydney Thummel; Merck Animal Health –Seth Belstle; Missouri Soybean Association – Baylee Asbury; Protect the Harvest- JP Dunn. S&N Partners, another generous sponsor, was unable to attend. At the conclusion of the day, participants and speakers were served a delicious dinner prepared by MCA staff.
The following day, participants gathered at the Missouri State Capitol to meet with legislators and discuss MCA’s current policy priorities.
Thank you to all who participated in the conference, and a special thank you to the sponsors who made it possible. We look forward to hosting this conference again in 2024!
If you or your county knows of an individual that would benefit from this conference and would be interested in participating next year, please contact Courtney Collins at 573-499-9162 ext. 231. Registration is limited to the first 25 registered and is free of charge.
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Appreciate Your Support and Participation
Thank You to our Generous Sponsors We
Highland Cattle, a Common Household Name
Source: Gloria Asmussen
All you hear nowadays is, “Look at that cute, hairy cow.” That is the Highland cow, or Highland breed of cattle.
Everybody wants one; it’s a household name. The novelty industry is selling Highland cattle souvenirs in Hobby Lobby and Walmart, on Amazon, and in many other stores. BUT, here is my motto: “As cute as they look, that is as good as they taste.”
Not only do people think they are cute, but many breeders have found them to be economical for the homestead farms, the small acreage farms and people wanting to raise their own beef on their own grass for the freezer.
The Highland breed came from Scotland and survived the harsh weather there. Highlands are good foragers and will thrive on fescue and poorer grasses; nevertheless, they are like all other cattle breeds and need substantial minerals and proteins. They need to be wormed and vaccinated. Their thick hide, heavy hair and horns make them stand out from other breeds. Even though they have thick hide and a double coat, they acclimate well to all climates.
Missouri is the fastest growing state when it comes to raising Highland cattle. Not only are breeders raising purebred Highlands, but many breeders are crossing them with another breed to get that hybrid vigor. Highlands are a slow growing breed, not maturing until 6-7 years old, but they will produce into their late teens with very little extra care or nutrition. When breeders have a beef market or take them to a sale barn, the
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For More Information Call…
Patton Office Ross Patton Bill Patton 573-308-6655 573-422-3305 573-308-6657 573-308-6658 Visit our website: or E-mail us: “Make South Central your Livestock Market” Selling All classes of Cattle Wednesday • 10:00 a.m. Featuring ‘Star-Vac Program’ Cattle Weekly DVAuction Service for convenient online viewing & bidding Hwy 42 West • Vienna Missouri 65582 45 Miles South of Jefferson City
crossbreeding is a plus. Many breeders sell their beef by the whole, half, or quarter at a premium price, and some sell retail to health food stores and restaurants. There is a breeder in Eastern Missouri who has his own Highland beef store.
Since Highlands were unknown in Missouri in the 1990s, the Heartland Highland Cattle Association was formed by two breeders living in Ava, Missouri. In 2005, they moved to the Lebanon/Buffalo area and continued to promote Highlands. In 2012, the HHCA started its own Highland Auction in Norwood, Missouri, selling their first 50 consigned Highlands. Later, the auction was moved to Lebanon, Missouri, and the spring auction was selling over 150 animals. In 2016, they started a fall auction in Parsons, Kansas. The popularity of the breed soared after the spring auction in 2022. Yearling bulls averaged $8,500, with one yearling bull selling for $14,000. Heifers averaged $7,800. The highest selling heifer sold for $12,500. Needing a larger sale barn, the 2022 fall auction was held at the Springfield Livestock Marketing Center with 209 Highlands sold. Once again, it was a seller’s market and prices were high.
The 2023 spring auction will be May 6 at the Springfield Livestock Marketing Center. There is a cap on the number bulls to be sold, but there will be over 120 females. They are also promoting sales of Highland and crossbred steers, as well as crossbred heifers and bulls. The auction will be live streamed, and online bidding will be available through DV Auctions. This year, there will be videos of the animals. Check out the website at or go to the Heartland Highland Cattle Association Facebook auction page.
The HHCA has continued to promote and educate people on the Highland breed at Celtic Festivals, Agricultural Events, Homestead Days, and county and state fairs. In 2019, the HHCA formed its own open registry for the Highland breed. It is a foundation-level registry with a Herdbook. The Board of Directors set a goal of five years to register 1,000 animals. The goal was reached in less than three years, and it increased the membership from 300 to 725 members across 42 states. The HHCA has also started a genetic testing program with NeoGen and the University of North Dakota.
The HHCA goal is to educate the public on the benefits of raising the Highland breed, which, indeed, is a beef animal. Their meat is lean, low in fat and cholesterol, higher in protein, and quite tasty. Preparing Highland, grass-finished beef may require some proficiency and patience to get a tender steak, but it is well worth the effort!
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APRIL 2023 71 Missouri Red Angus Breeders MAPLEWOOD ACRES FARM Matt & Jennifer Boatright David & Mariah Boatright 29775 Pony Path Rd, Sedalia, MO 65301 660-287-1341 Mo. Fescue Seedstock Jerry Ellis 660-909-6110 Centerview, MO K Farms Red Angus K Bulls and Heifers Ken & Brenda Keesaman 816-675-2503 • C: 816-390-4988 Kody Keesaman 816-724-1432 Kolten Keesaman 816-808-2846 3803 SW Rogers Rd. • Osborn, MO 64474 Visit us on Facebook at KK Farms Red Angus Cattle Balancing Performance with Maternal Mike and Stephanie Smith Columbia, Missouri 573-881-0395 • 573-449-1809 B/B BRADLEY CATTLE Bulls & Females For Sale Charolais • Red Angus • Blacks Bruce & Janna Bradley Marshfield, MO • 417-848-3457 Slayton Farms Specializing in Only RED ANGUS • RED SIMMENTAL Bulls and Heifers with “Hybrid Vigor” and Performance Sales at NEW DAY GENETICS LLC or the Farm Barry Slayton • 417-293-2214 West Plains, Missouri This Spot is Available Please Contact Andy Atzenweiler For More Information 816-210-7713
Pork Exports Robust in January Slow Start for Beef Exports
Source: USMEF
U.S. pork exports, which posted a strong finish in 2022, maintained momentum in January, according to data released by USDA and compiled by the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF). U.S. beef exports were record-breaking in 2022 but slowed late in the year. This trend continued in January, as shipments were well below the large totals from a year ago.
Record-large shipments to Mexico lead strong month for pork exports
January pork exports totaled 236,767 metric tons (mt), up 13% year-over-year, while export value climbed 16% to $643.4 million. Exports to Mexico, which finished 2022 on a remarkable run on the way to an annual record, set another volume record in January. Exports also trended significantly higher year-over-year to China/ Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Honduras and the ASEAN region.
“While Mexico is certainly the pacesetter for U.S. pork exports, it’s encouraging to see such broad-based
growth,” said USMEF President and CEO Dan Halstrom. “Market diversification is always a point of emphasis for the U.S. industry, and it’s more important than ever to find new opportunities for U.S. pork in both established and emerging markets.”
Challenging month for beef exports, but bright spots emerge
Beef exports declined to several major destinations in January, though shipments increased sharply to Mexico, the Dominican Republic, the Philippines and Africa. January volume fell 15% year-over-year to 100,942 mt, valued at $702.3 million (down 32%).
Beef inventories swelled in some key markets near the end of last year, contributing to a challenging environment for U.S. exports.
“While beef exports are off to a slow start in 2023, we remain optimistic that post-COVID foodservice demand will strengthen in additional markets as the year progresses,” Halstrom said.
Lamb exports open 2023 on high note
January exports of U.S. lamb muscle cuts totaled 222 mt, up 161% from the low year-ago volume, while export value essentially doubled to $1.1 million (up 99%). Growth was led by strong increases to Mexico and the Caribbean, while shipments were also higher to Canada and Guatemala.
A detailed summary of the January export results for U.S. beef, pork and lamb, including market-specific highlights, is available from the USMEF website.
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Womack Ag Outlook Conference Offers Domestic, Global Perspectives
Source: University of Missouri Extension
COLUMBIA, MISSOURI – The University of Missouri’s Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI-MU) will host the annual Abner W. Womack Missouri Agriculture Outlook Conference April 12 at MU Bradford Research Farm near Columbia.
Each spring, FAPRI-MU uses this public forum to unveil its baseline outlooks for agricultural production, prices and consumption for the next nine years.
“Farm income in 2023 is expected to decline from 2022 levels but remain above the 10-year average,” said Ben Brown, senior research associate for FAPRI-MU. “Grain and oilseed prices are expected to soften on better yields increasing production in 2023 with more than a slight recovery in demand.”
Net farm income indicated a strong year for farmers in 2022, but producer anxiety accompanied historically strong income levels. Input prices for row crops increased sharply in the spring of 2022, which raised total operating expenses. To explain the impacts of these factors, FAPRI-MU economist Bob Maltsbarger will provide an outlook for U.S. and Missouri farm income.
Gelbvieh and Balancer® Bulls & Females
Specializing in Balancers® for the Modern Rancher Ertel Cattle Company • 660-234-5265 26694 Anchor Way • Greentop, MO 63546 •
Continued on page 76
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Scott Brown, associate extension professor and interim director of the MU Rural and Farm Finance Policy Analysis Center, will discuss how U.S. beef consumption, for the first time since 2015, is expected to decline this year. FAPRI-MU economist Ben Brown will outline work by University of Missouri researchers on temperature and precipitation stress on the transportation system and its effect on corn and soybean basis.
Buffalo Livestock Market
1 mile west on Hwy 32 • Buffalo, MO 65622 Barn: 417-345-8122
Sale Every Saturday 12:00 Noon
• Selling 1200 to 1700 head Farm Fresh Cattle weekly
• Special Stock Cow and Bull Sale
3rd Tuesday night of each month at 6:30 p.m.
• Pre-Vac Feeder Calf Sales 2nd Saturday of every month in conjunction with Regular Sale (Pfizer Pre-Vac, BLM BPre-Vac, Bayer Program, Mo Quality Assurance. LMA-Vac and MFA Health Track)
Order Buying Service Available
Owners… Lyle Caselman
Leon Caselman
417-345-7876 H 417-345-4514 H
417-533-2944 cell 417-588-6185 cell
In addition to livestock and crop outlooks, Robert Myers, director of the MU Center for Regenerative Agriculture, will discuss climate-smart commodities in Missouri and how conservation practices affect crop insurance claims. MU agricultural economist Ray Massey will provide insight into how leases and other farm management practices deter adoption of conservation practices.
Sarah Sellars of the University of Illinois and Joe Outlaw of Texas A&M University will examine financial performance of conservation practices at the farm level and outline the risks to producers, lenders and industry.
To offer a global perspective for Womack attendees, Ukrainian scholar and consultant Svitlana Synkovska will explore how Russia’s war in Ukraine has affected agricultural production in the country and how Ukrainian producers have adapted.
There will be a barbecue lunch and stories from FAPRIMU founder Abner Womack.
Register for this free event at WomackConference.
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Cheap Hay isn’t Cheap Low Post-drought Supplies Push Producers to Settle
Source: University of Missouri Extension
SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI – Squatty, squishy bales are making their way out of the ditch and into the cow pasture as post-drought supplies dwindle and winter lingers.
Bad bales are costly in many ways, said Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension agribusiness
livestock specialist. Peel spoke at the 39th Annual Southwest Missouri Forage Conference sponsored by University of Missouri Extension and others.
Poor-quality hay robs cow herds of nutrients and producers of profits. So does poor storage and poor management. That’s troubling for Missouri, which ranks second in the nation for hay production and third in beef production. The highest concentration of both is in southwestern counties hard hit by drought in 2022.
Missouri began December with 18% less hay stock than in 2021, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. Nationally, 2022 hay stocks dropped to their lowest numbers since the 1950s.
Past droughts had large regional differences; 2022 took its toll on the entire country’s hay-producing areas. Also, burned-up pastures forced producers to begin feeding hay earlier than normal, compounding shortages.
There have been other changes as well. Hay feeding evolved from small, square bales to big, round bales. The convenience and time saved by feeding large bales often results in higher rates of loss in both storage and feeding.
Producers often unroll a full bale or drop a full bale into a hay ring before the herd has cleaned up the last feeding, said MU Extension livestock specialist Andy McCorkill.
To reduce losses, take a more targeted approach to when and how much is fed, McCorkill says. With improved feeding management, cattle don’t have as much opportunity to trample and soil hay. Feed in well-drained areas and feed outside-store hay before hay stored inside.
APRIL 2023 78 Living the Ritchie Life. The choice of what to cut back on is part of living a busy life. Provide fresh water for your animals, and have more for the other things. Zeitlow Distributing Company 11025 Oo Hwy., Boonville, MO 65233 • 800-530-5158 OmniFount 2 e.g. b. save MONEY c. save WATER d. a. Cuts MADEINsince1921 AmericA MADEINsince1921 AmericA MADEINsince1921 AmericA
Short supplies pushed many producers to turn to whatever hay they could find to get through this winter. But cheap feed isn’t cheap in the long run, said McCorkill.
Not all round bales are equal. Varying sizes, densities and, most importantly, quality affect hay’s true value. When buying, know how and for how long the hay was stored. “Take a look at the hay and get it tested before signing on the dotted line,” said McCorkill. As much as 50% of poorly stored bales are lost.
When buying, don’t be tempted by bales that “have just a little black” on the outside, Peel said. He likens hay bales to rolls of toilet paper, noting that the bulk of the material is on the outer layers. When you near the end of the roll, the supply quickly shrinks.
Feed costs account for 60% of a beef cow enterprise. Knowing the quantity and quality of hay you buy or grow directly affects the bottom line, said McCorkill.
“The lower the nutritive quality, the more supplementation will be needed, and this adds to winter feed costs,” he said.
McCorkill recommends targeting the best-quality hay to the cows that need it most. That requires some sorting.
For starters, keep spring-calving and fall-calving cows in separate herds. One is at the peak of need while the other is nearing the bottom for the year, he said.
“First-calf heifers are still growing, so they need a little extra TLC to compensate for that,” McCorkill said. “I like to keep them separate from the mature cows at least through their second breeding season.”
Tips from McCorkill:
• Test and weigh hay before buying.
• Know the hay’s age.
• Buy by the ton, not the bale.
• Know your herd’s nutritional needs.
• Match stocking rates with hay supplies.
Also, look at your grazing management practices. Make your cows feed themselves by grazing. Put your harvesting machines (cows) to work every day and feed grass still attached to the ground, McCorkill said.
These MU Extension publications, which are available for free download, offer tips on reducing losses:
“Reducing Losses When Feeding Hay to Beef Cattle,” extension.missouri. edu/g4570.
“Making and Storing Quality Hay,” g4575.
The Alliance for Grassland Renewal will hold a pasture renovation workshop March 23 at the MU Southwest Center in Mount Vernon. For details and registration, visit
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No Good Deed
No good deed goes unpunished. Cooper says this regularly. I am now a believer!
To those who may not know me well, my life may appear like a series of unfortunate events and missed opportunities. It isn’t. It is a series of carefully made choices. I’m fully aware of how odd it is for a smalltown farm girl to end up unmarried and childless. I’m weird. What can I say?
So, imagine my simultaneous shock and horror when Deering asked me to babysit his brood. Me! Not Cooper who loves kids. Me. By myself. Alone. This purposefully childless wonder…alone…watching children.
I don’t suffer from obligatory kindness. I say yes when I mean yes and no when I mean no. Directness is not difficult for me. For once, I found myself rendered speechless. I literally couldn’t speak. My mind was screaming no, but my mouth remained silent.
During my silence, Deering explained how he would like to treat Julie to a belated Valentine’s Day date. If I know anyone deserving of a Valentine’s date it is Julie. Whether it was my momentary shock, complete lack of vocabulary, or devotion to the sisterhood, I reluctantly agreed.
To adequately prepare for the evening of terror, I headed to a popular Capitol restaurant and bar, The Grand Café. I’d worked all day and didn’t stop to eat, so I settled in with some rabbit stew and a glass of chardonnay. I had an hour before the Deering crew was to arrive and thought this would be the perfect respite.
I couldn’t have been more wrong! Mid-stew, a couple joins me at the bar. I greet them as I would anyone, only to find two outraged humans who were fuming that rabbit stew was the soup of the day and even more incensed that I would dare to eat it in front of them.
In politics, it is dangerous business to start a fight you don’t want to finish or to ask a question to which you don’t know the answer. My new Los Angeles “friends” didn’t work in politics, and they elected to do both.
Meet Eddie. Eddie was the couple’s house rabbit, and their love for Eddie was evident. The husband showed me more pictures of that one rabbit during our brief interlude than Deering ever has of all his offspring. This man clearly thought these pictures would serve as a
deterrent to eating the stew that proved so offensive to his sensibilities. He then asked how I could eat something so cute. I shared with the couple that my family had two house rabbits when I was younger. They didn’t believe me. After providing details about Tiki and Cujo that proved trustworthy, the woman became even more enraged that I could dine on rabbit.
I then shared with them about my community and my family’s cattle operation – the operation that sent me to Mizzou and allowed me to be sitting at that restaurant as a business owner today. I tried to educate them about commercial animal production and its impact by using my existence as a direct example. They weren’t having it. They couldn’t hear it.
Unlike my momentary lapse of judgment and speech I encountered with Deering, none of my senses failed me this time. Yet, I failed still. The affronted couple remained unconvinced, and I did not get the breather for which I’d hoped. Though, always the competitor and to drive my point home, I made certain to get some rabbit stew to go.
I have replayed that hour in my mind several times. Was there something I could have done differently? Probably. Could I have been more articulate? Absolutely. I am clear there are three distinct takeaways: ag education opportunities are ever-present, never do Deering a favor, and always get extra rabbit stew!
Fight on, Nancy and Cooper
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Byergo Angus Sale 2.18.23 • Savannah, MO 110 Total Registered Bulls Avg. $7,131.00 30 Total Registered Females Avg. $3,335.00 78 Commercial Open Heifers (head) Avg. $1,412.00 14 Commercial Bred Heifers (head) Avg. $2,335.00 140 Reported Sale Total $884,550.00 Galaxy Beef 2.25.23 • Macon, MO 64 Total Registered Bulls.......................... Avg. $5,812.00 8 Open Heifers ......................................... Avg. $7,531.00 8 Total Registered Females....................... Avg. $7,531.00 3 Embryos (no.) Avg. $1,000.00 1 Flush Avg. $8,000.00 3 Pregnancies Avg. $12,000.00 77 Reported Sale Total $479,250.00 Missouri Angus Breeders’ Futurity 2.25.23 • Columbia, MO US 5 Total Registered Bulls............................ Avg. $2,860.00 14 Open Heifers ....................................... Avg. $3,764.00 8 Bred Heifers .......................................... Avg. $2,756.00 3 Spring Pairs ........................................... Avg. $5,416.00 1 Special Lots Avg. $5,750.00 26 Total Registered Females Avg. $3,721.00 64 Embryos (no.) Avg. $973.00 8 Semen (units) Avg. $550.00 52 Reported Sale Total $177,750.00 Express Ranches Spring Bull Sale 3.3.23 • Yukon, OK US 206 Older Bulls ........................................ Avg. $6,483.00 207 Yrlg.Bulls ........................................... Avg. $8,827.00 413 Total Registered Bulls........................ Avg. $7,657.00 413 Reported Sale Total $3,162,750.00 Mead Farms 3.4.23 • Versailles, MO 178 Total Registered Bulls Avg. $4,339.00 178 Reported Sale Total $772,350.00 Sampson Cattle Co. Bull Sale 3.11.23 • Kirksville, MO 31 Older Bulls .......................................... Avg. $5,540.00 10 Yrlg.Bulls ............................................. Avg. $4,625.00 41 Total Registered Bulls Avg. $5,317.00 6 Open Heifers Avg. $1,950.00 6 Total Registered Females Avg. $1,950.00 16 Commercial Open Heifers (head) Avg. $1,881.00 47 Reported Sale Total $229,700.00 Soaring Eagle of the Ozarks Bull Sale 3.11.23 • Springfield, MO 66 Total Registered Bulls Avg. $4,481.00 66 Reported Sale Total $295,750.00 Wright Charolais Spring Bull Sale 3.11.23 • Kearney, MO 67 1/3 Fall Yearling Bulls Avg. $7,979.00 65 Spring Yearling Bulls Avg. $7,200.00 132 1/3 Lots.............................................. Avg. $7,597.00 Total Sale Gross: ....................................... $1,005,250.00 Not reported in above averages: 4 Yearling Angus Bulls ............................. Avg. $4,125.00 Benoit Angus Ranch 3.16.23 • Esbon, KS 10 Older Bulls Avg. $6,300.00 140 Yrlg.Bulls Avg. $7,092.00 150 Total Registered Bulls $1,056,000.00 Henke Farms Bull Sale 3.16.23 • Salisbury, MO 77 Total Registered Bulls.......................... Avg. $5,762.00 11 Open Heifers ....................................... Avg. $3,522.00 11 Total Registered Females Avg. $3,522.00 8 Embryos (no.) Avg. $850.00 88 Reported Sale Total $482,425.00 Marshall & Fenner 3.17.23 • Boonville, MO 43 Total Registered Bulls.......................... Avg. $4,545.00 60 Total Registered Females..................... Avg. $3,105.00 103 Reported Sale Total .............................. $381,750.00 Wild Indian Acres Spring Charolais Bull Sale 3.18.23 • Carthage, MO 56 Bulls Avg. $4,482.00 Total Sale Gross: $250,975.00 April Valley Farms 3.19.23 • Leavenworth, KS 60 Total Registered Bulls.......................... Avg. $4,800.00 28 Total Registered Females..................... Avg. $3,041.00 88 Reported Sale Total ................................ $373,200.00 Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus 3.20.23 • Nevada, MO US 117 Total Registered Bulls Avg. $8,047.00 78 Total Registered Females Avg. $6,001.00 1 Pregnancies Avg. $9,500.00 195 Reported Sale Total $1,409,600.00
April 1 Double A L and and Cattle Red Angus Bull & Commercial Female Sale, Nevada, MO
April 1 Four State Angus Association Sale Springfield, MO
April 1 The Gathering Sale at Shoal Creek, Excelsior Springs, MO
April 1 Andras Red Angus Bull Sale, Manchester, IL
April 1 Gardiner Angus Bull & Female Sale, Ashland, KS
April 3 Brock mere 29th Annual Bull & Female Sale, New Cambria, MO
April 7 Meyer Cattle Co. Sale Bowling Green, MO
April 8 Lucas Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Cross Timbers, MO
April 8 Ozark & Heart of America Beefmaster
Spring Sale & Futurity, Springfield, MO
April 11 Sydenstricker Influence Sale, New Cambria, MO
April 15 Hear t of America Gelbvieh Association
Showcase and Elite Female Sale - online
April 15 McBee Cattle Co Spring Sale, Fayette, MO
April 15 New Day Genetics Spring Bull Sale, Salem, MO
April 20 Valley Oaks/Premier Genetics Embryo & Semen Sale, Online
April 20-21 NextGen 2023 Flint Hills Spring Classic
Bull & Female Sale, Paxico, KS
April 21 Cow Camp Ranch Sale, Lost Springs, KS
April 21 Wild Indian Acres Online Female Sale
April 22 2023 Show Me Reds Bull & Female Sale, Springfield, MO
April 22 Hear t of the Ozarks Angus Assn. Bull & Female Sale, West Plains, MO
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SimAngus Bred Heifers & Bulls For Sale Wayne Vanderwert Anita Vanderwert Ethan Vanderwert 303-506-3508 573-808-3000 573-303-8234 15 min off I-70 from Columbia, MO Cowboys at the Capitol on Wednesdays See Schedule on Page 81
April 29 18th Annual Great American Pie Limousin & LimF lex Bull & Female Sale, Lebanon, MO
April 29 Aschermann Charolais Bull Sale, Car thage, MO
May 1 Gardiner Angus Meating Demand Bull Sale, Ashland, KS
May 6 Hear tland Highland 12th Annual Auction, Springfield, MO
May 5 Sout heast Missouri Show-Me-Select Sale, Fr uitland, MO
May 6-13 Missour i Beef Days, Bolivar, MO
May 7 Bellis Family Herefords Sale, Aurora, MO
May 12 East Missouri Show-Me-Select Sale, Far mington, MO
May 13 Mead Farms Female and Bull Sale Ver sailles, MO
May 19 Sout hwest Missouri Show-Me- Select Sale at JR S, Carthage, MO
May 20 Western Missouri Show-Me-Select Sale, Kingsville, MO
May 20 Sout h Central Missouri Show-Me-Select Sale, Vienna, MO
May 27 National Braunvieh Field Day at McBee Cattle Co., Fayette, MO
June 3 Nor theast Missouri Show-Me-Select Sale, Palmyra, MO
MBC Classified
The MBC Classified column appears monthly. Classified advertising is only 50¢ per word. Send your check with your ad to Missouri Beef Cattleman, P.O. Box 480977, Kansas City, MO 64148. Deadline 15th of month before an issue.
BLACK SIMMENTAL BULLS SINCE 1993: Calving Ease, Attractive, Athletic, Sound Footed and Docile. We Deliver. Mike Williams, Higginsville, 816-797-5450
SYCAMORE CREEK SIMANGUS BULLS & BRED HEIFERS FOR SALE. Great EPDs. Wayne and Anita Vanderwert -15 minutes from Columbia. 573-808-3000 or 303-506-3508
APRIL 2023 89
Advertiser Index
APRIL 2023 90
Alligare ......................................................................... 17 American Angus Association ....................................... 78 American Simmental Association ............................... 45 Aspen 91 Bradley Cattle 71 Brickhouse Farms Red Angus 71 Buffalo Livestock Market 76 Busch Cattle Co. .......................................................... 33 Callaway Livestock Center Inc. ................................... 34 Champion Feeders ....................................................... 76 Classified 89 Clearwater Farm 33 Coon Angus Ranch 33 Cow Camp Sale 47 Double A Land & Cattle ...............................................71 DSG ............................................................................. 69 Ellis Cattle Company Red Angus .................................71 Ertel Gelbvieh ...............................................................74 F&T Livestock Market 41 Feed Train 37 Frank and Hazelrigg Angus 33 Friday - Cartoon .......................................................... 89 Galaxy Beef LLC ......................................................... 33 Gardiner Angus Sale ................................................... 55 Gerloff Farms ............................................................... 33 Green’s Welding & Sales 54 Heart of the Ozarks Angus Sale 28 Heartland Highland Sale 68 Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus ........................................... 33 HydraBed ..................................................................... 30 J.D. Bellis Family Herefords .......................................... 7 Jim’s Motors .................................................................. 17 Joplin Regional Stockyards 92 Kingsville Livestock Auction 24 KK Farms Red Angus 71 Kranjec Valley Angus Farma ...................................... 33 Lacy’s Red Angus .........................................................71 Lamine Valley Red Angus ............................................71 Maple Oaks Red Angus ................................................71 Maplewood Acres Farm 71 Marshall & Fenner Farms 33 MC Livestock Red Angus 71 MCA - All-Breeds Junior Show ........................ 57, 58, 63 MCA - Cowboys at the Capitol ....................................81 MCA - Liability Signs .................................................. 86 MCA - Membership Form ........................................... 85 MCA - Missouri Cattlemen’s Leadership College 66 MCA - Policy Priorities 82 MCA - Presidents Council ........................................... 84 MCA - Top Hand ........................................................ 70 MCA Steak Fry ....................................................... 61, 62 Mead Farms 33 Mead Farms Sale 21 Merck Animal Health 67 MFA 75 Missouri Angus Association......................................... 33 Missouri Angus Breeders ............................................. 33 Missouri Beef Days .................................................42, 43 Missouri Beef Industry Council 19 Missouri Department of Agriculture 23 Missouri Limousin Breeders Association 31 Missouri Red Angus Association 71 Missouri Red Angus Association Sale ......................... 73 Missouri Red Angus Breeders ......................................71 MJCA Points Program................................................. 56 MJCA Replacement Heifer Show & Sale 2023 ..... 59, 60 Ory’s 07 Red Angus 35 P.H. White 72 Pellet Technology USA 79 Premier Genetics ............................................................ 9 Rogers Cattle Co. and Lile Farms Red Angus .............71 Sampson Cattle Co. ..................................................... 33 Sellers Feedlot .............................................................. 37 Shoal Creek Land & Cattle Red Angus 71 Show-Me-Select Sale Credit Program 83 Show-Me-Select Sales 35 Slayton Farms ...............................................................71 South Central Regional Stockyards ............................ 68 Southeast SMS Sale ..................................................... 32 Southwest SMS Sale .................................................... 39 Superior Steel Sales 74 Sycamore Creek 88 Sydenstricker Genetics 33 Sydenstricker Genetics Influence Sale ..........................13 Touchstone Energy/AMEC ......................................... 77 Valley Oaks Angus ....................................................... 33 Valley Oaks Angus ....................................................... 15 Weiker Angus Ranch 33 Westway Feeds 25 Wheeler Auctions & Real Estate 46 Wheeler Livestock Market ........................................... 88 Wild Indian Acres Sale ................................................ 53 Mike Williams ............................................................. 46 Windrush Farm Red Angus..........................................71 Y-Tex 2, 3 Zeitlow - Ritchie Waterers 78