CODE M Magazine 2024 August Issue

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CEO and founder of Xtreme Hip Hop, saves lives by getting millions of Americans into mental and physical shape.




Dating a high-value woman comes with understanding how she thinks, how she moves, and why she will stay masculine until she feels protected enough to become feminine.


Phillip Weeden, CEO and founder of Xtreme Hip Hop is saving lives by getting ON

millions of Americans into mental and physical shape.


Get to know people who are making a difference in their careers and changing the world!




Wars have been waged between those who dare eat the cherished leftovers from a great meal or night out. The rules on when leftovers are open for consumption are unclear until now.


“If you don’t own a dog, at least one, there is not necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life.” – Roger Caras


A self-care guidebook full of activities for Black men everywhere pursuing joy,

creating connections, confronting racism, and working through intergenerational trauma.


Being intentional about building and maintaining friendships is a crucial aspect of self-care and relational health for men.


AI has already transformed the music industry into an awesome technological music platform.


Millions of Americans struggle with diets and exercises that do not work. Juan Ton-


How do you overcome a long-term challenge, like a marathon, to achieve your goals?

ey goes into detail the steps that you need to take in order to guarantee results.


If you are new to online dating it can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you attract and court that special someone with the hopes going from a date to a relationship.


Prince Marc Jakob is touring the country at music festivals and concerts to promote his brand of clean, lyric -driven rap for those who still take pride in good music.


August means summer, and summer means swimsuits. Enjoy summer with CODE M as we celebrate beautiful women and the amazing swimsuits that they wear.


Blacks influence the latest trends of popular culture, fashion, and music more than any demographic. Reach them when you advertise with CODE M Magazine. With over 1.4 million viewers monthly, we have your audience.


Bilal S. Akram


Brad J. Bowling


Alexandria Johnson Boone


David Christel


Anita G. Butler


LaRese Purnell-Chief Financial Editor

Laron Harlem-Fashion Editor

Paris Lampkins-Movers & Shakers Editor

Randall Sylvertooth-Tech Editor

Juan Toney-Health Editor


Stiff Arm Media


Carole Anthony



Ladonna “Lala” Dicks


Imari Hill


Rachel Woods


Anthony Jones

Digital Jetstream, LLC


David Christel

Leslie Logan

Brad J. Bowling

Bilal S. Akram

Laron Harlem

Bolling Smith

Chris Matthews

India Gardener

Randall Sylvertooth

LaRese Purnell

Juan Toney

Sharif Akram

Darrell Scott

To submit comments, feedback or to inquire about advertising please contact us at



As a mother daughter coach and chief of probation, Tierra Banks excels in relationship reconciliation through her unique ability to make everyone she engages with feel seen, heard, and understood. This distinct approach, used in her work with Mended Inc. foundation and the court system, creates a transformative experience for those she interacts with.

Central to Tierra's method is her commitment to genuine connection. She goes beyond surface-level solutions, deeply understanding individ-

Get to know people who are making a difference in their careers and changing the world!
by Paris Lampkins

uals' perspectives, experiences, and emotions. This dedication fosters lasting change and sets her apart in a field often focused on superficial fixes.

Her empathetic communication style is crucial to her success. She actively listens and acknowledges feelings and concerns, validating experiences and creating trust. This validation encourages individuals to share their vulnerabilities, facilitating healing and growth.


After serving as an executive leader in Higher Education for the last 20 years, Anthony Williams made the difficult, and scary decision to pursue his dreams of launching his own financial planning venture! He wanted to leave a legacy to his children that was based on helping others and promoting financial literacy, so he gravitated, or inertia pulled him towards establishing his own Financial Advisory practice within Northwestern Mutual.

Williams has always enjoyed helping people by leveraging his prior experience as an adjunct professor. “We all must run the same race in this game of life. I simply want to play a role in ensuring everyone is exposed to the same strategies,” Williams said.

Sound financial planning is paramount to wealth generation and legacy building.


Meet Chris Westbrooks, widely recognized as DJ Kristyles, a multifaceted DJ making waves across the country. Originally hailing from Cleveland, Ohio, DJ Kristyles embarked on his academic journey at John Marshall High School, where he not only excelled in the classroom but also showcased his athletic prowess. This dedication earned him a scholarship to Ashland University, leading to subsequent transfers to Hagerstown Community College in Maryland and, eventually, Shippensburg University.

During his college years, he garnered attention as an on-air personality on the college radio station at Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania. Kristyles made a significant impact by orchestrating the inaugural Urban Music Conference in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.


A committed teacher, midnight believer, and a slow jam in a Hip Hop world, Dr. Adam Banks is Professor and Faculty Director of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric and the Institute for Diversity in the Arts at Stanford University.

He also serves as an affiliate faculty member of the programs in African and African American Studies and Science, Technology and Society. Prior to arriving at Stanford he served on the faculty of the Department of Writing, Rhetoric and Digital Studies at the University of Kentucky and the Syracuse University Writing Program.

In addition to these academic appointments he served as the Langston Hughes Visiting Professor of English at the University of Kansas, and jointly with Andrea Lunsford as the Inaugural Rocky Gooch Visiting Professors for the Bread Loaf School of English.


“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”

- Roy T. Bennett

“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”

- Victor Hugo

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

“I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.” - Nelson Mandela

“You'll never find a rainbow if you're looking down.”

- Charlie Chaplin

“Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream.” - Lao Tzu

“Some days are better than others, for human optimism has no limits.” - Max Nowaz

Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” NIV

Ralph Waldo Emerson.



do you overcome a long-term challenge, like a marathon, to achieve your goals?

David has been ghostwriting books for well-known people since 1995. He is also the author of Married Men Coming Out: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming the Man You Were Born to Be.

here are many ways to describe life: It’s a journey, a voyage, a process of discovery, or a marathon. However one defines it, it’s going to have its ups and downs, challenges and obstacles, opportunities and celebrations. What it takes to reach the finish line is all about perception and setting goals.

For serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, producer/director and marathon runner Temeko Richardson knows that goal setting is imperative with any endeavor and in any arena. “I think people believe in life there is an end game. In reality, at the end of one finish, you’re actually starting a new course to get to another finish line. You always need to have objectives or goals to do something bigger and better because it’s never over. Life doesn’t end until it’s really the end.

ments to not only appreciate the good parts within challenges and goals, but to also be able to handle the bad parts as well. It’s about understanding there’s always a bigger picture, a more expansive vision, and always understanding there is more beyond the end game.

For Temeko, that approach lends itself to every facet of life. Goals come in all shapes and sizes. Some goals are to just have fun. Other goals are more intense and require greater input and energy. Basically, it’s about how to overcome an immediate obstacle in order to get to the final goal or objective and how do you do that? How do you train your mind to do that? How do you overcome a long-distance challenge in order to reach your final goal?

“You have to have a mindset for that. Basically, it’s all about making mental adjustments. You have to use mental adjust-

In a general sense, she’s found that in life so much of what people do is based on doing things that are relatable to others, relatable to some societal mechanism rather than being focused on their purpose in life. She has seen that lead to a lack of authenticity because sometimes the purpose being pursued has nothing to do with who we really are.

“What I’ve always tried to do is see the bigger picture in terms of how I can help people. It’s not just about being successful, having degrees, and having money. Instead, it’s about what you do with the resources once you get them. Sometimes, the reach is more important to touch and connect with people you

ordinarily wouldn’t relate to, other than just through your innate humanity.”

The striving to relate to and connect with the vicissitudes and experiences of life is a primary focus for Temeko in business especially with the movies and documentaries she’s involved in.

“I create content, film, and series, for more than just entertainment. Once you entertain people, they laugh, and then what? They go on about their life. But if you make content in such a way that it’s inspiring enough for people to want to help themselves and others, problems get solved. In one of the premieres of my last feature, At the Cross, people were excited about a renewed perspective on the church, forgiveness, and their relationship with God. In the upcoming series, I Am Him, it’s imperative to highlight issues that create uncomfortable conversations in male circles to reduce the stigma around mental health and hopefully encourage someone to get help when life feels overbearing. From that perspective, I think it’s a greater feat and a greater victory in terms of doing that type of content production.”

This also relates to Temeko’s philanthropic endeavors and focuses on needs not being addressed completely in the political, societal, and corporate landscape She wants to shine a light on issues such as DEI, aging, mental health, poverty, and homelessness that in the past have created disconnection and division, and that have taken the humanity and humanness out of people’s attitudes and beliefs towards each other.

In her work, Temeko wants to reach across generations, to help us remember that no matter what field a person is in, they’re still human beings not to be dismissed or discarded because of their


Temeko Richardson is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, producer/director and marathon runner.

profession, gender, race, or age. It’s also remembering that no one is an island; we need support systems through shared stories and life experiences.

Life is like a marathon, and there are plenty of times we believe we can’t reach the finish line. Temeko advocates that you don’t want to try to sprint through the marathon, lose your stamina, and not be able to finish.

“And that’s just like life. You’ll have another chance to run a marathon, but you won’t get another chance to run this course called life. Focus on what you can do and have big dreams. Act on your dreams and the finish line of realizing them.” ●


Dating understanding moves, until she become

killing high price of losing their

Dating a high-value woman comes with understanding how she thinks, how she moves, and why she will stay masculine she feels protected enough to become feminine.

Brad Bowling is the President of CODE Media Group, LLC. Bowling has his BA in mass media communication and an MBA in marketing. He contributes articles to the magazine continuing his love for writing.

High-value women (HVW) are some of the most attractive people to pursue. They are often wellspoken, well-dressed, and well-mannered. They live very well and have some of the best assets you can have. They are quite picky when it comes to what they put in their body, and they don’t skimp on the things that make them feel special.

If you’re a man who’d like to date a high-value woman, you better be prepared as to what it takes to date one successfully. It won’t be simple. You can’t go into the dating process uninformed you’ll have your feelings hurt.

One would expect that a high-value man is qualified to date a highvalue woman. But simply being a high-value man doesn’t guarantee success when it comes to dating an HVW. A man must be on his Agame when seeking the companionship of an HVW because she doesn’t have time to waste.

Her schedule is one of the factors that any man must consider when attempting to court an HVW. She gets up early and prepares for the day. Her schedule is jam-packed with business and maintenance. Her job is important to her, so she’s going to excel at her craft. In addition to a hectic work schedule, her it’s also filled with maintenance. Hair, nails, the workout, massages, pedicures, and Pilates.

Those activities are critically important to her ability to function at a high level. They exist for two reasons: 1) It makes her look pretty and she likes to pamper herself, and 2) it comes with the territory of being an HVW. So don’t ask her to change her schedule to sit next to you doing nothing.

When an HVW describes her goals, she doesn’t display a sense of urgency when it comes to being in a relationship. She knows she’ll find the right partner, and she isn’t going to compromise her values and goals just for the sake of dating someone. So don’t ask her to.


The number one complaint men have about HVWs is the fact that they won’t follow his lead. This is a falsehood because HVW do understand the importance of what it means to behave in the natural order when it comes to being in a healthy relationship. However, they will not take a back seat to a man who doesn’t know

Men who want to date a highvalue woman must be prepared to engage them by being authentic.

how to lead. HVWs, and women in general, must maintain a certain level of masculinity to navigate their world.

When it comes to their jobs, if they’re going to command a team, they must have a certain level of type A personality to lead well. If they’re going to grow in their positions, they must be able to champion themselves to get to where they want to be.

HVWs would prefer to bask in their feminine energy all the time. But being in their feminine energy wouldn’t have allowed them to get to where they are. For them to bask in their feminine energy, they must feel like the man they’re with can protect them.

Protection comes in several forms:

Societal protection – Women are not going to play games with the things they own. So many HVWs will only drive a new car with a fully covered warranty. They don’t want to have to find a backyard mechanic to explain repairs that they don’t understand. They’ll also buy new products that come with warranties, so everything they own is top-shelf and covered.

Physical protection – Women know that the world can be a dangerous place. If her man can’t make her feel safe when they’re out, she’s going to remain masculine to protect herself. Men must understand that protection is paramount to dating success for HVWs.

Home Protection – An HVW, because she lives by herself or with her children, will always have a home security system. She’s going to have all the doors monitored, cameras that can see inside and outside the home, and she’s going to want all the doors locked and the garage always closed so access to the home is limited. Her safety is first and even if you date her, she won’t give up the feeling of being protected. You will have to confirm and deal with these security measures.

The word “submission” is relative to an HVW. She’ll work to weave her man into her life, but she’ll also continue to use some tactics to remain safe until she’s totally comfortable with the man she’s dating. As a man, those safety measures might be overkill, so men will have to adapt to date an HVW.


Income will always play an important role in dating an HVW. Most likely, the man she dates will not make as much as she does. If you’re the kind of person who must make more than your partner, you’ll not want to date an HVW.

However, if you two can communicate an understanding of how money will play a role in your relationship, this concern can be reduced, and you both can enjoy the fruits of your labors in the relationship.

HVWs are willing to share in their earnings to see their man enjoy the best of life, but they’re not going to be happy for long if their partner is lazy and not ambitious. So, you’ll need to have a clear-cut set of goals you’re actively working on. You’ll need to make sure you can contribute in other ways in the home.

Make sure you talk with your partner to set an expectation of what’s going to be done by you, and what’s going to be paid for with a service. Once that’s done, you can both relax and enjoy each other more.


Successful relationships all have one thing in common: great communication. For any relationship to work, how you communicate will often determine your level of success. While communicating, make sure that boundaries are set and rules are put in place to guide how, as a couple, you two are going to navigate difficult situations.

There will be situations where you two might differ, so there needs to be things in place that help you two reach successful outcomes without tearing at the fiber of the relationship. Every day will not be rosy, so take the proper measures to aid in developing the necessary communication style that will ultimately bring about success to the union.

There is no doubt that dating in 2024 is challenging. With men and women both working hard to grow, provide, and create the revenue to live fully satisfying lives, it’s necessary to know each other’s habits, goals, values, wants, and needs.

Dating an HVW can be one of the most gratifying things a man can do. Knowing what to expect so men can get out of their own way is the key. High value comes from better behavior, and that is the real key to landing an HVW. ●

High-value women will not settle for men who cannot add value to their lives.


Wars have been waged between those who dare eat the cherished leftovers from a great meal or night out. The rules on when leftovers are open for consumption are unclear until now.

The clock starts ticking as soon as the leftover box hits the fridge. The smell of some great food just waiting until it can be opened, warmed, and devoured again can be challenging great food is meant to be eaten. The question is: Who has the right to this amazing meal once it’s placed in the fridge for good keeping?

Depending on the family, the question of how long an item can remain claimed is subject to whether any rules have been placed by the family itself. However, for those families where there is no rule, something needs to be done to protect the rights of the purchaser of the item.


The three-day rule is widely considered to be the maximum number of days that a meal placed for future consumption can be considered safe. According to The US Department of Agriculture (USDA), it’s recommended to eat cooked leftovers within three to four days of refrigeration. After that, the risk of food poisoning increases.

So, it only seems fitting that three days is the maximum number of days an item can be claimed. After the third day, the item is up for grabs by whoever gets to it first. So, whether it’s a piece of steak or a slice of cheesecake, the owner has relinquished their right to it if it’s not eaten after the third day.


Before the three-day rule can be enforced, it first must be put into place so that the entire house understands the rules of engagement when it comes to leftover food. The war between those who covet the chance to eat amazingly bought food and those who bought the

food comes down to agreeing that the leftover food can be eaten.

There’s nothing like letting food sit in a fridge, where it gets pushed to the back and left for the mold gods to destroy it. That’s a waste of a good meal, and no one wants that.


Trying to control who eats what in a dorm is considered the easiest to control because college students typically have their own fridge. But for the common snacks that sit out, it’s a little more unclear on who can eat what.

When students are in class, it’s hard to tell how many chocolate chip cookies have been eaten and stolen to avoid leaving the room for the cafeteria.

“I had a roommate who had type 1 diabetes. I could tell he was having a sugar attack because all the sweets I bought were, at some point, ripped open and some were gone,” Charlie from Columbus said. “I didn’t have the heart to tell him to go buy his own food so that when his sugar was low, he would leave my food alone.”

It might be helpful to put any snacks that are high value in a place where they can’t be eaten. This way, the roommate who’s eating the food can’t find it. This will keep any discussion about food down to a minimum.


Black men are starting to open up and seek therapy in order to deal with the stress of

Most kids do not prefer to eat leftovers.


If you don’t own a dog, at least one, there is not necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life.” –Roger Caras

David has been ghostwriting books for well-known people since 1995. He is also the author of Married Men Coming Out: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming the Man You Were Born to Be.

Having a dog in the house is a joy for so many people. But that relationship has its ups and downs, too, from a new little puppy deciding to tear into your most expensive pair of shoes to leaving puddles and piles on beautiful floors and carpets. But still, having a loving, playful character as part of the family overrides mishaps and misdeeds.

As one might expect, there’s a whole dog world out there that many people know very little about. There’s much to consider when adopting or buying a dog: the kind of breed, disposition, whether it’s long hair/short hair, sheds/doesn’t shed, hypoallergenic or not, miniature to giant, weight, longevity of life, breeding and lineage, pet or show quality, lapdog or outdoor/sporting dog, likes people and is good with kids or not, likes digging holes or swimming. There’s a lot to

consider, including why one wants a dog in the first place.

Whatever the decision, just know the dog world is extensive, widespread, and has a lot going on. FYI, 65.1 million people own dogs and there are approximately 89.7 million dogs in the US. By the end of 2024, pet owners are projected to spend $150 billion on pets.

Let’s begin with the “why” behind getting a dog, of which there are a multitude of reasons. Many times, it’s for companionship and/or protection. Sometimes it’s just because someone in the family really, really wants one. Or it may be that a person is in the dog business from dog showing to gain championship status and breeding rights, to training dogs for stage and screen. It could be that a dog is needed as a support or service animal. And, sadly, there are those for whom dog breeding is simply a business to make money from and the health and well-being of the dog and breed as a whole is of little consequence.

One of the reasons for bringing a dog into the family is for the amount of pleasure one can gain from a four-legged pet. When it’s been determined why a dog is wanted, then it’s time to get online and begin the process of determining which breed to get.

In total, there are approximately 195 to 500 dog breeds globally, including those that are recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and other organizations and experimental breeds.

The AKC lists 201 breeds with full recognition.

The Federation Cynologique International (FCI) recognizes 360 breeds.

The United Kennel Club (UKC) in the US recognizes 376 breeds.

Britain’s Kennel Club, the oldest multibreed dog registry, recognizes 222 breeds.

Additionally, there are seven groups of dogs to research: hound, working, sporting, terrier, toy, non-sporting, and herding. Each of these has inherent characteristics that need to be taken into account and whether they fit with the needs of the family. For thosewho like hunting, then a toy breed wouldn’t be appropriate. For those wanting just a family pet, then a working dog that needs plenty of daily outings for exercise might not be a good fit.

Interestingly, more breeds are constantly being developed as breeds are mixed to favor specific tendencies that are trending

The German Shepard is considered to be one of the top dog breeds people choose to own.

socially, such as whether a dog sheds or not and is hypoallergenic or not. Some breeds require more effort and energy output than others. Breeds with long hair require constant grooming. Outdoor dogs can get into all sorts of things that could involve extra trips to the vet, like dustups with a porcupine, raccoon, or mountain line. For those on farms, accidents can happen from getting stomped on, bitten, or rammed by large farm animals.

For most people, the choice is going to be based on four things: 1) looks, 2) one’s emotions regarding having a dog, 3) past experiences concerning dogs from television and movies to real life, and 4) the nitty-gritty of taking care of a dog from raising and training it to care and feeding.

Usually, we start with what breeds we’re already familiar with and are attracted to. One’s choices then need to be juxtaposed against why a dog is wanted and what would work best for the family and its needs. Some breeds require a great deal of daily exercise. Others just want a warm lap to nap on while watching soap operas.

What also has to be considered are the physical attributes of the breed and whether, because of overbreeding or heightened breeding standards, there are built-in physical and medical issues that could require additional attention and vet costs. Some physical traits can be a drawback such as with pugs, bulldogs, and American Bully dogs that can snore as loud as a freight train not what you desire when trying to get a good night’s sleep.

One way to find the right breed is to check out what the top breeds are.

Of course, there are a number of exotic breeds to choose

from also. In deciding on a breed, the decision needs to be made whether to purchase or adopt the dog from a reputable breeder, a pet store, the ASPCA or animal shelter, or just the next-door neighbor whose dog had a litter, and they want to give the pups away for free. If choosing a breeder, it’s really helpful if the breeder is local so in-person visits can be made to see the breed live, talk with the breeder about the ins and outs of that particular breed, and to also determine if one particular puppy establishes that all-important connection being looked for in a pet.

Once a dog has been brought into the family, the number one priority is to have the dog trained because a dog that’s bonkers

French Bulldog

Labrador Retriever

Golden Retriever

German Shepherd





German Shorthaired Pointer


that the owners the entire family needs to be trained, too!

Both dogs and humans need to know what’s acceptable and what the dos and don’ts are of having a pet. That also extends to dietary dos and don’ts. Dogs, as much as they give us those sad, puppy eyes when we’re sitting at the dinner table should never have what we’re having. Dogs have their own dietary needs that work for their bodies. What humans put into their bodies is a whole ‘nother story and can seriously affect the dog adversely either now or in the future!

Though the idea of having a dog is often based on pleasure,

25 Most Popular Breeds

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Australian Shepherd

Yorkshire Terrier

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Doberman Pinscher

Cane Corso

Miniature Schnauzer


not only keeps the dog stressed but stresses out the entire fami-

joyable to be around as they could be. What is usually the case is

Great Dane

Shih Tzu

Bernese Mountain Dog Pomeranian

Boston Terrier

Siberian Husky Havanese

they are also an additional responsibility. Since they can’t talk, learning the various signals they use to convey messages is very helpful. A number of videos and books describe the life of dogs, all of which can be helpful in creating a life that works for both animals and humans.

Though dogs are often only with us between seven to twenty years depending on the breed and their size they leave an indelible mark on our hearts. As Erica Jong wrote, “Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love. They depart to teach us about loss. A new dog never replaces an old dog, it merely expands the heart.”

What a gift dogs can be for us to learn ever-greater patience, tolerance, responsibility, spontaneity, playfulness, wonder, and, of course, unconditional love. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Dog owners often say that their canine friends offer emotional support to them.


A self-care guidebook full of activities for Black men everywhere pursuing joy, creating connections, confronting racism, and working through intergenerational trauma.

Black men desperately need care and restoration. But what does that restoration look like when you’re a Black man in today’s world? How do you take care of your mental health when men who look like you die at the hands of police? How do you find peace and refuge when you’re not sure how to keep up with your partner? Or navigate a challenging workplace? While scrolling through social media feeds, you may feel like you don’t have access to wellness like women do. But Black men need a space for self-care too.

In Self-Care for Black Men, you will find practical answers to your questions. This book contains self-care strategies that address some of the most common issues Black men face, such as dealing with racism, navigating prejudice in the workplace, managing romantic relationships, and working through intergenerational trauma.

This is your guide to wellness and self-discovery written specifically for Black men. There will opportunities to learn new skills to manage your mental health, as well as do more deep reflection on your own terms. It’s time to take your health firmly within your own hands and Self-Care for Black Men will help you do that. ●


Phillip Weeden, CEO and founder of Xtreme Hip Hop is saving lives by getting millions of Americans into mental and physical shape.

Brad Bowling is the President of CODE Media Group, LLC. Bowling has his BA in mass media communication and an MBA in marketing. He contributes articles to the magazine continuing his love for writing.

If a book were written about Phillip Weeden, you’d be moved with emotion by the journey he has taken to get to where he is today. So, let’s begin with chapter 13 where Weeden is the CEO and founder of Xtreme Hip Hot and Xtreme Compound. Xtreme Compound has become one of the hottest fitness routines in the country with over 750,000 members on YouTube and followed by over 10 million on various social media websites.

Weeden just celebrated the first year of his Xtreme conference where he hosted over 3,000 people in fitness and wellness classes centered around using exercise as medicine for

same time.

Before we go any further, we need to go back to chapter 4 where we learn that Weeden, who didn’t grow up with a father, struggled to understand his place in life. He was able to graduate high school, find a decent job, and have great friends. However, he always felt empty inside and made bad choices growing up.

“I didn’t have a father in my life, so I struggled with finding my way because I didn’t have a proper guide I learned things the hard way,” Weeden said.

“I want anyone out there to know that I did not have a plan B, I focused all of my energy into making my goals work for me.” Weeden continued, “I had been pretty successful before, so I knew that if I worked hard, and stayed on my grind that anything I wanted to accomplish would happen.”

the body and soul. His following has led to him becoming a national sensation when it comes to creating a safe environment for people who want to lose weight and have fun at the

Being forced to make decisions with no guidance can be difficult for most young Black men because trust can become a real issue. Weeden was no different. He got to the point as a young man where he didn’t want to live anymore and decided to take his own life.

“I was depressed about where my life was headed, and I just didn’t feel like I had a future,” Weeden explained. “So, one day, I sat on my bed and decided to take a bottle of pills and to end my pain and suffering.”

While Weeden might have felt alone, he wasn’t. A co-worker saw that Weeden wasn’t at work and asked for the police to do a health check on him. The police arrived at Weeden’s home and found him unresponsive on the floor. After getting him proper care, they were able to pump his stomach off the pills and resuscitate him.

As Weeden awoke, he realized that he must be here for a reason. Death, or a lack thereof, seems to influence people. Because Weeden saw it as an opportunity to do something with his life. The fear of failure was gone. If he couldn’t take his own life, then he must be here for a different reason.

Phillip Weeden is the owner of Xtreme Compound.

Phillip Weeden has an audience of over 750,000 Youtube subscribers.

Chapter 7 begins with Weeden getting back on track. He’s working a dead-end job, making okay money but unfulfilled. It’s a Wednesday and as Weeden is sitting in the breakroom he ponders the idea of combining his love for hip-hop and exercise.

In that moment, he decided to quit his job and begin a company that would teach people how to lose weight by dancing to hiphop. The one thing Weeden never lacked was drive and determination. He never once hesitated to develop a plan B. He only looked at life with plans in mind. When he decided to take his own life, there was no other option. So, the decision to start a hip-hop exercise company meant full steam ahead, no other option.

Chapter 8 begins with $400. When Weeden decided to quit his job, he had $400 dollars to his name. He quit in the middle of the week, so he knew he was only going to get half a paycheck. He told his landlord that he might be late with rent the next month, and he came up with a game plan to live his dream.

“I never struggled to make money. As a fitness instructor I could always find ways to make a few bucks,” Weeden said. “What I really wanted to do was impact multiple people at the same time.”

Weeden knew when he tried to commit suicide that he was depressed. He also knew that when he worked out, he felt his sadness go away. So, if working out was his medicine for depression, it could be the medicine for whoever needed it. Exercise could help scores of people deal with whatever was plaguing them.

So Weeden used the knowledge of feeding his depression with exercise to reduce the feelings he had. He worked out three times a day to feel better. With him coaching others to get fit, exercise became his fuel for life and revenue.

Weeden started his business before the internet was hot. He walked around and placed flyers on cars to get business. He slowly started to get more and more women in his class who wanted to lose weight. The appeal of Xtreme Compound is that people can exercise to great music, get yelled at by Weeden, and actively see results at the same time.

In chapter 9, it started to be fun for Weeden. His profile was exploding around the country. His hip-hop exercise classes were catching fire. As the internet became known, so did Weeden.

“I want anyone out there to know that I didn’t have a plan B,

I focused all of my energy into making my goals work for me. I had been pretty successful before, so I knew that if I worked hard, and stayed on my grind that anything I wanted to accomplish would happen.”

Weeden travels the world holding exercise classes for people who can’t travel to Cleveland, Ohio to join his classes. His following commands one of the highest group of followers on the internet and he continues to grow his audience every day. He often thinks back to chapter 6 where he ran into the officer who saved his life.

“When I saw the person that found me, he asked me how I was doing,” Weeden responded by describing all of the things that he had planned and how he was going to change the world. Weeden was stopped mid-sentence by the police officer.

“Naw man! I don’t want to know about that stuff, I want to know how you are doing. How is your mental state? Do you have anyone to talk to? What are you doing to control your depression,” the officer said.

Weeden realized at that moment that he had a friend in the officer. He also realized that in starting his business he would include a component where he would be open about his struggles with depression and that he would incorporate using exercise to help and heal those who struggle with life.

So as the book on Phillip Weeden continues on to chapter 14, it’s understood that greatness can come from all things. In life, opportunities, if you pay attention to them and learn from them, can come from misfortune. Opportunity can come from tragedy. Greatness can come from a kid who struggled growing up, who made some mistakes, but with time figured it out and lived his dream.

There are many stories like Phillip’s, about men who have overcome incredible obstacles to make something of themselves. But what most people can’t do is touch their heroes. Well, Phillip Weeden can be touched. He can be hugged, and he can be seen working people out at his studio and around the world.

“I don’t know what the future holds for me. I just want to continue to inspire people and grow as a person. I love life, I love

Phillip Weeden travels the world to bring hip hop exercise to those who would like the experience.

my kids, and I love my job,” Weeden said.

So, chapter 15 is going to be written as he lives life. Weeden has never been one to forecast anything. He gets up and puts one foot in front of him like any other person. And if anyone is lucky to experience one of his classes, you put one foot in front of the other a little quicker than normal, because he yells at you until you do.

Phillip Weeden delivers medicine to anyone who needs it.

Weeden offers that his classes provide the exercise medicine that people need to heal.


Being intentional about building and maintaining friendships is a crucial aspect of self-care and relational health for men.

Chris A. Matthews is a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT) and approved supervisor for the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. Visit to learn more about his work with couples and families.

In today’s fast-paced world, the essence of male friendship often gets overshadowed by professional commitments and familial responsibilities. However, the importance of these friendships cannot be overstated, especially regarding mental and marital health. Understanding the barriers men face in forming these bonds and recognizing the profound benefits of such relationships is crucial for their overall well-being.

The Challenges of Male Friendships

Many men prioritize work and family, often viewing friendship as an additional burden rather than a vital part of their social life. The demands of daily life can make it seem tedious to invest time in building new relationships. People have their own lives and their own things they’re focused on, creating a sense of isolation despite being surrounded by others.

Moving to a new city or entering a new phase of life can exacerbate these challenges. Long-standing friendships from childhood set high standards, making it difficult to allow new people into one’s life. Men who have established deep bonds over decades often find it hard to be vulnerable with new acquaintances.

Societal conditioning also plays a significant role. The competitive nature of male socialization, where showing vulnerability is often perceived as a weakness, creates an environment where men are constantly on guard. This mentality makes it difficult to build trust and open up to others.

The Benefits of Male Friendships

Finding the right friend to confide in means all the difference in the world.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of male friendships are substantial. Having a safe space to connect with other men can significantly impact one’s mental health. It provides an opportunity to get away from everyday pressures, allowing men to return to their families and work with renewed energy and a clearer mind.

Research supports these observations. Studies have found that men who maintain strong friendships experience better overall health, including lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. This is partly because these friendships provide a sense of security and belonging, reducing stress and its associated health risks.

It is also important not to rely solely on one’s partner for emotional support. By having friendships outside of their intimate relationship, men can avoid the pitfalls of codependency and maintain a balanced emotional life. These friendships create a support network that can help men navigate life’s challenges more effectively.

Friendship and Marital Health

Male friendships can significantly enhance marital health. By having a network of friends, men can prevent the isolation that often leads to marital dissatisfaction. These friendships provide an outlet for discussing issues and gaining perspective, which can be invaluable for maintaining a healthy relationship with a partner.

Communication and boundaries are essential in maintaining friendships alongside a marital relationship. Discussing these

friendships with one’s partner to ensure mutual understanding and respect is crucial. By establishing clear boundaries and having open conversations, men can maintain their friendships without compromising their marital relationship.

Overcoming Barriers and Building Intentional Friendships

Building and sustaining male friendships requires intentionality. Finding shared activities, whether sports, hobbies, or other interests, can help men connect and build lasting friendships. Common interests create a natural bond that can be the foundation of a strong relationship.

Men must be proactive in seeking out these relationships. The sense of community that comes from building friendships enhances personal well-being and supports professional and personal growth. What can be achieved alone is often less than what can be accomplished as part of a group.

Practical Steps for Building Friendships

1. Identify Common Interests: Join clubs, sports teams, or hobby groups that align with one’s interests. This makes it easier to find like-minded individuals.

2. Be Vulnerable: Don’t be afraid to open up about feelings and experiences. Authenticity fosters deeper connections.

3. Make Time: Prioritize friendships by scheduling regular meetups or activities. Consistency is key to maintaining relationships.

4. Communicate Openly: Discussing friendships with one’s partner ensures mutual understanding and respect. Clear communication helps maintain healthy boundaries.

5. Be Supportive: Offering support to friends and being there for them during challenging times is important. Reciprocity strengthens bonds.

The power of male friendship lies in its ability to provide emotional support, reduce stress, and enhance overall health and marital satisfaction. While societal norms and personal barriers may make it challenging for men to form these bonds, the benefits are well worth the effort.

For men navigating the complexities of modern life, investing in friendships can be a transformative step towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling existence. By embracing vulnerability, prioritizing connection, and fostering a supportive community, men can unlock the myriad benefits that come with true friendship. ●


AI has already transformed the music industry into an awesome technological music platform.

Dr. Randall Sylvertooth, is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated was raised in Cleveland, Ohio and is an alumnus of The University of Cincinnati, University of Virginia, George Mason University and Capital Technology University.

Technology can be overwhelming to anyone who is using it to create revenue.

AI has made its way into the music industry where it has created mashes and mix-ups with people’s favorite artists. It’s a music artist’s paradigm shift. It has also presented an extraordinary opportunity for novice, amateur, and professional artists to have a very productive and collaborative platform in producing unique music and exciting atmospheres.

AI spans the entire music industry. It begins from the way music is first created and produced, which provides a new facet in how it’s consumed and experienced. Today, AI-powered tools are assisting musicians in writing, recording, and mixing music more efficiently and creatively. It’s also being used to personalize the listening experience for fans and a way to discover new artists and the various talents they bring to the industry.

There are several AI-powered song composition and video tools, for example, Amper Musics Songwriter, Band Labs, Band in a Box, and Presonus Notion. These apps serve current and future artists in several different ways. There are also apps for virtual instruments and synthesizers. One well-known AI instrument is IBM’s Watson’s Beat, which gives the user or artist the ability to replace and create new sounds. These new AI capabilities in music have given rise to an entirely new wave of artists.

One of the largest music companies in the world, Universal Music Group, has partnered with YouTube to produce a music AI Incubator. The new organization starts off with three (3) underlying principals. According to Forbes, they are.

AI is here, and we’ll embrace it responsibly together with our music partners.

AI is ushering in a new age of creative expression, but it must include appropriate protections and unlock opportunities for music partners who decide to participate.

We’ve built an industry-leading trust and safety organization and content policies. We will scale those to meet the challenges of AI.

Live performances are also under the influence of AI by creating new types of venues. Virtual Reality (VR) and AI technologies have converged to create exciting concert experiences. Several artists and DJs have made their way in the industry by leveraging AI to create hyper-realistic environments that make it possible to reach global audiences.

In these physical venues, AI-driven technologies are enhancing the fan experience in real-time. AI has been used to analyze crowd reactions, thereby dynamically adjusting lighting and visuals. The level of analysis ensures that each concert is unique and can be customized to the level of diverse audiences.

The rise of streaming platforms on cable, television, and online apps has also revolutionized how AI-generated music is distributed and consumed. It has become the leader in creating such experiences. AI algorithms are also used to analyze music lovers’ behavior, preferences, and listening patterns to further customize personalized playlists and to introduce music lovers to new artists and genres.

According to a Forbes article, “Tools like Spotify's Discover Weekly and Apple Music's Personalized Radio use AI to recommend songs to users based on their listening history and preferences.” Music lovers benefit from this type of technology This not only expands their musical horizons, but it also provides a powerful tool for artists who are seeking to reach and engage new audiences.

Although AI is having a huge impact on the music industry, there are some risks that also need to be addressed.

One of the risks immediately presenting itself is that AIgenerated music is so realistic that it cannot be distinguished from human-created music. This raises several legal issues about copyright and ownership. These risks are generating new laws, especially concerning intellectual property and proprietary law.

There’s a creative AI music artist located in the Washington, DC area who goes by DJ DETOXX. He uses and exploits AI in the music industry, and he’s significantly profited in the new AI-generated music genre. He answered a few insider questions regarding AI music creation and collaboration.

“How did you get into using AI for music and DJing?”

DJ DETOXX: “I started using AI in music in 2022. I received a call from a wedding event planner I’d previously DJed a wedding for and he wanted a creative music piece for another event. He gave me an mp3 of a song they wanted the vocals stripped from so they could use the music track as an instrumental for the bride and groom.

I’m a user interface/user experience (UI/UX) software engineer and designer by profession. I’ve been constantly researching technology trends in software development and digital music. As a result, I stumbled upon an online AI platform called, which is a vocal and music separation software package. I purchased credits to use the software to remove the vocals from the soundtrack.

I continued researching different AI software packages and discovered a new version of the DJ software that I had been using called Serato. I downloaded the new version of Serato Stems separation feature and considered what song would

be dope to work on using the Serato software.

At this time, the Usher cover song challenge of track ‘Super Star’ was going crazy on all the social media platforms. So, I took the recording artist Michael Wyatts’ cover version of ‘Super Star’ since it had over a million views at the time. I separated the audio from his track and mashed it up with Usher’s vocals and used the instrumental of 2 Chainz's song ‘It’s a Vibe’ as the music to be layered under the original music track. I not only did the audio version, but I also included the video from each artist. I had mashed up everything and posted it to YouTube on my DETOXX LIVE channel and it went viral. It currently has 47K views and 1.3K likes.

I continue to create more AI-generated music mashups, remixes and blends that use other AI software such as Kaibr, Emastered, and others. My work can be found at where my first video mashup using video/ audio separation is posted (https:\\\watch?v=6OIV3X9M1RI).”

“Do you see this the same way as some artists, that its an infringement on their copyrighted music?”

DJ DETOXX: “Yes and no. To have the ability to use AI to separate vocals and song stems allows content creators to recreate, flip, mash-up, or blend two or more different songs. It’s genius for the future of the genre, innovation, and the continuation of music. One thing is that it allows DJs and other AI content creators to bring old classic songs back to life. For instance, I created the existing AI mashup of the MTV classic song “U Can’t Touch This” by MC Hammer and using Busta Rhymes’ beat with partial vocals from his 2005 song “Touch It” to where I was able to bring Hammer’ song back to life. You can listen to my AI song mashup here: https//

In return, this could cause multiple artists to monetize and do a collaboration on stage or in the studio for newly recorded music. I think the artists and labels will say that it’s copyright infringement because it may allow the artist to lose identity with their original song recording, as well as losing a fan base in years to come. However, I also think all proprietary content needs to evolve because there are too many gatekeepers.”

“How are your AI music creations protected from being copied?”

DJ DETOXX: “Anything that’s introduced to the music universe can be copied, but with AI-generated music, the majority of it is already content ID tagged through ASCAP and BMI. So, now it’s up to the record labels, YouTube, Apple, and other streaming and music service platforms to split royalties because AI music-generated content is here to stay and isn’t going anywhere.”

Please check out some of this newly generated AI music and feel free to explore for yourself other software and artists who are using software for their AI music-generated masterpieces. ●

Isaw an infomercial the other day for a weight loss solution targeting the frustrated people who “fail to see results from diet and exercise.” I had to scratch my head on that one. When do diet and exercise fail?

This, of course, is a trick question. Diet and exercise don’t fail. The only way for diet and exercise not to work is if you fail to stick with it long enough for the results to show. Plain and simple. End of story.

I’ve[DC1] seen more clients than I can count transform their bodies through the power of diet and exercise. Without surgery … without gadgets … without pills.

The real question to ask, when you’re not making progress towards your fat loss goal, is not why diet and exercise fail you, but rather why have you not stuck with your plan?

Why it feels like diet and exercise have failed – For many, the frustration of not seeing immediate results can be disheartening. Here are some common reasons why people feel their efforts aren’t paying off:

Unrealistic expectations – We live in a world that craves instant gratification. Many people start a new diet or exercise regimen with the expectation of seeing dramatic results within days or weeks. When those results don’t materialize, it’s easy to feel disillusioned and give up. It’s crucial to understand that sustainable weight loss and body transformation take time.

Inconsistent effort – Consistency is key in any fitness journey. Skipping workouts, indulging in cheat meals too frequently, or failing to adhere to a diet plan can significantly impede progress. A lack of consistency can make it seem like your efforts are in vain when, in reality, you haven’t been following the plan long enough to see results.

Ineffective plans – Not all diet and exercise plans are created equal. What works for one person may not work for another. It’s essential to find a plan that suits your body’s needs, preferences, and lifestyle. Sometimes, people don’t see results because they’re following a plan that isn’t right for them.

Underestimating the effort required – Transforming your body requires hard work, dedication, and a significant amount of effort. Some people may underestimate the commitment needed to see real changes. When the effort surpasses expectations,

it can be tempting to give up, thinking the plan itself is flawed.

How to stick with a diet and exercise plan – I will not downplay the hard work that goes into sticking with a diet and exercise plan, day after day, week-after-week, in order to achieve a stunning body transformation.

It takes dedication, focus, energy, determination, and a stubborn refusal to quit. Make no mistake about it: losing fat is hard work! This is precisely why so many people give up before experiencing the body that they really want to have.

So, you wonder, why are some people able to stick with the process long enough to transform their bodies while others jump ship after a few weeks?

Here are the four steps to sticking with diet and exercise for the long haul.

Mentally and emotionally lock on to the idea of the new, sexier you

You can’t casually date the idea of transforming your body. This isn’t a noncommittal, no-strings-attached relationship you’ve got to go all in, both mentally and emotionally.

Attach yourself to the idea of a brand new you; focus on how you will feel, what you will wear, and how life will improve once you achieve your fat loss goal. The stronger your feelings and mental image become, the more likely you are to succeed.

Visualization techniques

Visualization can be a powerful tool in achieving your fitness goals. Spend a few minutes each day imagining your future self what you look like, how you feel, and the confidence you exude. This mental imagery can strengthen your commitment

and keep you motivated through challenging times. Set clear, attainable goals

Break down your ultimate goal into smaller, manageable milestones. Celebrate each achievement, no matter how small. This approach not only makes the overall goal less daunting but also provides frequent boosts of motivation.

Keep the game plan as simple as possible

There is no need for fancy diet plans or complicated exercise movements when it comes to dropping pant sizes. Keep your game plan as simple and boring as possible, even eating the same meals every day and exercising at the same time for the same length (with varying intensity), until your big fat loss goal has been met.

Until your big fat loss leap has been made, just stick with an uncomplicated game plan that works.

Simplifying your diet

Choose a diet plan that includes a variety of whole foods you enjoy. Meal prepping can help you stick to your diet by having healthy meals readily available. Aim for balance including lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates in your meals.

Streamlining Your Exercise Routine

Find a workout routine that you enjoy and can consistently follow. Whether it’s weightlifting, running, or group fitness classes, the key is to stay active regularly. Consistency is more important than intensity, especially when starting out.

People who struggle to get results often are missing a part of the exercise equation.

Plan for the resistance

It’s naïve to think that your body transformation journey will be all smooth sailing. Realistically, you will run into resistance time and time again.

This resistance will come in the form of tempting cheat meals, tired muscles, lazy friends, and waning motivation. But, most powerfully, the resistance will come from inside of you. It’s natural to resist change, and transforming the shape of your body is a big change. Plan for the waves of resistance. See it coming before it crashes over you, and you’ll be able to stand strong long enough for it to recede without hampering your progress.

Anticipating challenges

Identify potential obstacles that could derail your progress. This could be anything from social events that tempt you to break your diet to periods of high stress that sap your motivation. Having a plan in place for these situations can help you stay on track.

Building mental resilience

Developing a strong mindset is crucial. Practice positive selftalk, stay focused on your goals, and remind yourself of your progress and why you started. Mental resilience can help you push through tough times and stay committed to your plan.

Build in accountability

This is the most important step by far. It is essential to build accountability into your fail-proof fat loss plan. A friend, a coach, or a mentor who has a vested interest in seeing you

succeed will save you from throwing in the towel when things get tough.

The role that I fill for my clients is the accountability to keep them on their path to health and fitness with my support, instruction, and encouragement. I celebrate every inch lost and every ounce of new confidence gained.

Finding an accountability partner

Look for someone who shares your fitness goals or who has successfully achieved their own. This could be a workout buddy, a family member, or a professional coach. Regular check-ins and sharing progress can keep you motivated and accountable.

Joining a community

Being part of a fitness community, whether online or in person, can provide additional support and encouragement. Sharing your journey with others who understand your challenges can make the process more enjoyable and less isolating.

Diet and exercise don’t fail we do, by not sticking with them long enough to see the results. The journey to a healthier, fitter you requires dedication, consistency, and a solid plan. By mentally committing to your goals, keeping your plan simple, anticipating and planning for resistance, and building in accountability, you can overcome the obstacles standing in your way.

Remember, the process of transforming your body is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay the course, be patient, and trust in the power of diet and exercise to deliver the results you seek. The fit and fabulous you is just around the corner stay committed, and you’ll get there. ●

Eating the right foods will help aid in weight loss.


If you are new to online dating it can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you attract and court that special someone with the hopes going from a date to a relationship.

Are you ready to dive headfirst into the mysterious world of dating, only to realize you have the grace of a newborn giraffe on roller skates? Fear not, my friend, for you’re not alone! Embarking on the journey of dating can be both exhilarating and terrifying, but with a little humor and a whole lot of self-awareness, you can stumble your way to dating success. So, buckle up and get ready for a hilarious ride!

The Profile Picture Fiasco

Ah, the first hurdle of modern dating: choosing the perfect profile picture. You’re determined to capture your best angle, but somehow manage to end up with a collection of photos that look like they belong in an FBI most-wanted list. Remember, it’s not about being flawless; it’s about being authentically imperfect. Embrace that double chin or awkward smile, and watch your potential matches appreciate your bravery!

The Awkward Opening Line

Congratulations, you’ve matched with someone! Now, it’s time to craft that ice-breaking opening line. Except your brain goes into full panic mode, and instead of something smooth and charming, you end up typing, “Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at your pictures, everyone else disappears.” Facepalm! But hey, at least you’ve set the bar low for any subsequent conversations. It’s all uphill from here, right?

The Unexpected Awkward Silence

So, you’ve managed to score a date. As you sit across from your potential love interest, the realization dawns upon you that you’re about to enter a minefield of awkward silences.

You scramble to come up with topics, and suddenly, the weather seems like the most fascinating subject in the universe. Embrace the silence, my friend. It’s an opportunity for both of you to bond over the sheer ridiculousness of the situation. Plus, it builds character!

The Food Dilemma

You’re halfway through a fabulous dinner date when it happens a piece of spinach becomes lodged between your teeth, and your date stares at you with an expression of horrified fascination. Remember, this is not the time to panic! Stealthily excuse yourself to the restroom, do some impromptu flossing, and return with a triumphant smile. Nothing says “I’m comfortable with my own embarrassing mishaps” quite like a postspinach victory!

The Goodnight Kiss Disaster

The night is coming to an end, and it’s time for the grand finale: the goodnight kiss. You lean in confidently, only to misjudge the angle and end up planting a peck on your date’s earlobe. Smooth moves, Casanova! But hey, a true connection isn’t measured by lip placement. Laugh it off, apologize profusely, and you might just find yourself with a memorable story to tell at future family gatherings.

Remember, dear reader, dating is an adventure filled with missteps, hilarity, and the occasional triumph. Embrace your imperfections, laugh at your blunders, and above all, never take yourself too seriously. The right person will appreciate your quirky sense of humor and your ability to turn even the most awkward moments into laugh-out-loud memories. So go forth, stumble with pride, and let the dating journey be an amusing and worthwhile experience! ●

Cy Borg is an artificial intelligence writer. Using Open A.I., Cy responds to various prompts with fully-qualified answers using the internet and technology.



Prince Marc Jakob is touring the country at music festivals and concerts to promote his brand of clean, lyric-driven rap for those who still take pride in good music.

Prince Marc Jakob was born Marc Jakob Lewis in Ypsilanti, Michigan on March 7, 2012. The youngest of two, he started showing a strong interest in music early. For as long as his family can remember Marc has been creating songs and raps to entertain his family and friends. Marc has always been a bright and intelligent young man.

Sunday mornings would often find Marc in church. At the tender age of three Marc would attempt to sing with the choir. Often dancing along to the music and impressing church members with his ability to repeat the chorus of the songs. Marc had his first experience in a recording studio with record producer and arranger Michael J. Powell. In 2017 when he was 5 years old Marc's family moved to Atlanta GA. Marc began to explore his other talents. He was featured in his first music video with Lil Zane. He was on the set for the movie "Flip the Script" with Jamal Woolard.

He became a knowledgeable and proficient gamer. He is also a straight "A" student. His love of music grew, and he started making his own beats. Marc began rapping in earnest in 2022. His style and attention to detail is unique for his age. With songs like "Ki to the Street", "Never Never", "Hand on the Bible" and "Tik-Tok".

Prince Marc Jakob is creating lyrics that are both simplistic and realistic. He's showing his age and intelligence while maintaining true to his youth. As a 12-year-old rapper he is clearly making himself a place in rap music. He has combined his childish sense of wonder with a realism unknown to children his age. ● search_query=prince+marc+jakob



August means summer, and summer means swimsuits. Enjoy summer with CODE M as we celebrate beautiful women and the amazing swimsuits that they wear. A

This swimsuit is designed to be comfortable and stylish at the same time. The color matches her skin color.

Floral colors are always a fit for summer. This two-piece swimsuit is fun and colorful for the woman who likes to enjoy mixing her favorite color with fashion.

The color red is such a power print for a swimsuit. The boldness of it creates the confidence to wear this amazing two-piece. Summer definitely looks good on her.

This black swimsuit with white dots extenuates her figure. Its simple design allows her fashion sense to shine in elegance. Summer has never looked better.

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