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PART III - Exchanging Links Effectivel y

It is believed that Google assigns pages located in other folders a lower score than pages located in the root folder. In general, Google doesn’t like to index sites that are more than about two folder levels deep. Ideally, all pages should live in the same folder as your home page or at most be one level deep.

Don’t Bloat Your Pages With Code


Google generally has a time limit that it sets to crawl sites. If you have a large site, Google may not have time to crawl all pages during the first or second passes. This problem can be minimized if you keep the code of your web pages lean and clean.

This also makes your pages download faster, which improves the visitor experience. Studies show that you lose 10% of your visitors for every second it takes your page to load. After about 5 seconds, you might as well forget it – most people will have left your site. Remember there is a still a large percentage of people who still use dial-up modems – particularly outside of the US. This will not change anytime soon, despite the hype over broadband.

This means try not to have more code than visible content (text) on your page. Frequently web pages are comprised of 80% or even 90% JavaScript code and style code (hard-coded font information or inline style blocks). Right-click a web page and then click View Source – you will be amazed at the amount of code present. Although Google ignores such code, it still takes time for it to wade through to find your content.

Put your JavaScript code in a separate (.JS) file and link to it from the <HEAD> section of each applicable web page, as follows:

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