Therapeutic Fostering Assessment Brochure (TFA)

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Therapeutic Fostering Assessment & associated qualifications and training.

The New Therapeutic Fostering Assessment (TFA)

An Overview

The Therapeutic Fostering Assessment (TFA) is an entirely new format for the assessment and preparation of Therapeutic Foster Parents (Foster Carers).


The Therapeutic Fostering Assessment was devised by Sarah Naish and her team at The Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma.

Sarah Naish is a therapeutic parent, best-selling author in the field of therapeutic parenting. She has also worked as a Social Worker in fostering and owned and run exceptional Independent Therapeutic Fostering Agencies. Sarah also offers consultancy to IFAs, Adoption agencies and Local Authorities and is an international keynote speaker.

Sair Penna has written and formulated the Level 2 Award in Therapeutic Fostering. The Level 2 forms an integral part of the TFA process and ensures that training is streamlined, relevant, and interesting. Sair is the Head of School for Therapeutic Parenting Studies, Panel Chair for two therapeutic foster agencies, best-selling author, and is Director of The Haven Parenting and Wellbeing Centre and the National Association of Therapeutic Parents (NATP), which are part of The Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma.


The Therapeutic Fostering Assessment is designed to be a seamless process which:

• Identifies and evaluates applicants who wish to be Therapeutic Foster Parents to ensure they are better able to meet the needs of children from trauma.

• Streamlines the assessment process into a jargon free, nonduplicating, relevant document, giving the reader a real ‘flavour’ of the applicants.

The New Therapeutic Fostering Assessment (TFA)

Presents essential information in a concise format at the beginning of the Assessment.

Avoids jargon and duplication.

Speaks directly to the applicants, creating a clear expectation that the applicants speak directly to the Panel / Agency via the Assessor.

Integrates all initial training and the Therapeutic Fostering Level 2 Award. Training is also all mapped and crossreferenced to the TSD and the All Wales Framework. This enables assessors and applicants to feel confident about the applicant’s ability to foster a child from trauma using therapeutic parenting techniques.

Enables applicants who have no knowledge of therapeutic parenting, to gain a good understanding of the key concepts of this and also the effects of child trauma during the assessment. Where an applicant has a good grasp of therapeutic parenting already, for example where there is significant fostering experience, then organisations may contact the training company for allocation to more advanced training within the Assessment.

Is formatted to allow Assessors to use their own initiative in which areas to expand, and which areas need minimal explanation. Individual IFAS and LA Panels will have their own criteria too regarding their expectations. The TFA meets the criteria for current regulations but removes duplicated information.

Co-ordinates with a training framework for therapeutic foster parents throughout the assessment and with the Personal Development Plan after approval

Pilot- Results and Feedback

The TFA was piloted by two separate IFAs between October 2020 and June 2021. Minor amendments and adjustments were made, and ‘The Assessor’s Guide’ was written as an accompanying document.

The New Therapeutic Fostering Assessment (TFA)

The response of Panel members, Agency Decision Makers and Applicants was overwhelmingly positive. Assessing Social Workers reported that the process was much more user friendly, avoided duplication, and saved a great deal of work relating to signposting and training. Some of the applicants had transferred from other Agencies so they had experience of having been assessed using other formats. These applicants were extremely positive about the differences in the experience and said it had been an influencing factor in their decision to transfer, knowing that the process was more straightforward. Administrators reported positively that gathering information had been seamless and they had felt much more involved in the process. They also found that the integrated training saved a great deal of time for them in sourcing external courses such as Skills to Foster, for example. The fact that the Level 2 training produces a progress report with certificate without any further interaction from the Social Worker, Manager or Administrator was warmly welcomed.


The TFA should be completed by a Social Worker OR competent other, such as an Empathic Listener, experienced support staff with relevant qualifications, under the direct supervision of a qualified and experienced Social Worker. The TFA is designed so that it can be carried out electronically on a platform such as Zoom, thereby cutting down travel time for the assessor. Naturally however, home visits remain a vital part of the assessment process. The TFA ‘speaks’ to the applicants and invites their participation throughout the process. Therefore the process feels open and honest.

The New Therapeutic Fostering Assessment (TFA)

The TFA is designed to give applicants a thorough understanding of what the fostering task entails. The integrated training ensures that applicants understand child trauma and the differences in parenting that are needed. This approach means that when the applicants are ready to accept children they already have a very good grounding in therapeutic parenting, which can be built on in their PDP.

Implementation of the TFA by Independent Foster Agencies and Local Authorities

1) IFAs or Local Authorities identify suitable skilled Social Workers and Managers who would like to be trained in delivery of the TFA

2) Where foundation training is needed in Therapeutic Parenting and Child Trauma, this can be arranged prior to the TFA training.

3) Training to be delivered in person by COECT (The Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma) to any Assessors or Assessment Team Managers, on the TFA. (Compulsory 1 or 2 days depending on level of need / timescales)

4) Training delivered in person by COECT regarding the implementation and integration of the Level 2 Award in Therapeutic Fostering and / or associated integrated training. (Compulsory 1 day)

5) IFA / LA licensed to carry out TFA process - Given templates of the TFA and also the Assessor’s Guide

6) IFA / LA begin assessments and enrol applicants on to the Level 2 programme.

7) COECT can return for consultancy days at midway points in first assessments and for Panel training where required. (Optional - additional cost as required)

The New Therapeutic Fostering Assessment (TFA)

The Focus Group – Areas of Change

The Focus Group identified some key areas for change which needed to be addressed by the new TFA. The Focus Group consisted of:

Those who have been assessed either as Foster Parents or Adopters AND have carried out assessments

Panel members, including 3 x Panel Chairs, experienced in therapeutic parenting

Former children in care

IFA Team Managers

LA Managers in Adoption and Fostering

Difficulties in the current assessment system were identified by the Focus Group. These difficulties have been tackled directly and resolved within the TFA. Some of the major issues, and how the TFA resolved them, are listed below:

• Differences in expectations. Sometimes using the old method of assessment, applicants were not properly prepared for the fostering task and failed to grasp the fundamentals of the impact of trauma. This meant that expectations were unrealistic and there was a higher chance of a child having to leave unexpectedly. (Placement breakdown). The TFA integrates all basic level training in Child Trauma and Therapeutic Parenting into the TFA process.

• Training and preparation – The former training courses used by some Agencies was felt to be out of date. Furthermore, they created work for the Social Workers in the team who were expected to deliver the training. Alternatively, some teams would bring in external trainers. This created a great deal of work to join up dates and make sure that applicants were ready for Panel and all

The New Therapeutic Fostering Assessment (TFA)

had been completed. Many members of the Focus Group also felt that much of the training was irrelevant. The TFA has integrated all training into the assessment process. This can be accessed online individually or in groups, or can be delivered by a trainer using the pre-made PowerPoints and videos. Either way there is no need for preparation or external courses to be added. The Agency or Local Authority are given reports on progress and certificates are issued at the end of the course. This happens automatically once the applicant is enrolled and there is no need for any further work from the agency.

• Combining different processes – The Focus Group felt there was a need to combine Skills to Foster, TSD and the ‘Form F’ document into one process. This has been achieved by combining the TFA and the Level 2 Award in Therapeutic Fostering.

• Lack of flow with the current previous assessment process, there are bolt-on sections which have become unwieldy and detached. Information can be hard to find and is duplicated. A lot of information that is collected seems quite irrelevant to the fostering task (such as sections on Health and Safety), with an undue amount of attention given to small insignificant factors, whilst important issues, such as the preparedness of the applicants, seems detached. The TFA is a free flowing, logical document which avoids duplication.

• Motivation and expectations should be discussed at the beginning of the process to help Agencies and Local Authorities to properly identify applicants who are unlikely to successfully complete the process. The TFA covers Motivation and Expectations in the first section.

• In the current assessment process, it can be difficult to get a real idea of the applicants as it can all feel a bit ‘piecemeal’. As the TFA speaks directly to the applicant, the Applicant’s voice is clearly heard responding throughout the Assessment. The TFA makes creative use

The New Therapeutic Fostering Assessment (TFA)

of video, voice recordings and photographs to bring the assessment to life. This can then be a useful document to send to placing Social Workers and helps enormously with the matching process.

How much will it cost to get started with the TFA?

NB: costs detailed below are per household completing the Therapeutic Fostering Assessment (either two foster parents in same household or if a single foster parent is being assessed, they may nominate a supporter to complete the Level 2 alongside them if they wish). One foster parent will be awarded the Level 2 Award in Therapeutic Fostering Award and the second learner will be awarded a Therapeutic Fostering Certificate of Learning from Inspire Training Group, to evidence their successful completion of the course.

The start-up package includes:

1 full day training for key staff on implementation of the TFA with Sarah Naish- creator of the TFA

1 half day training for key staff on the implementation of the integrated Level 2 Award in Therapeutic Fostering with Sair Penna - Head of School for Therapeutic Parenting Studies

Enrolment through to certification of the first four applicants on to the Level 2 Award in Therapeutic Fostering with full support and guidance where needed

Mapping of first four applicants’ L2 Award onto the TSD

All associated relevant assessment training

Templates of the Therapeutic Fostering Assessment

The Assessors’ Guide (a step by step manual to help assessors following this new process).

plus VAT
Cost £2,750

The New Therapeutic Fostering Assessment (TFA)

Additional services available

Additional consultancy days can be bought. For example, pre-implementation training if Managers feel that staff need some foundation training in therapeutic fostering, or consultancy days, midway through initial assessments.

Panel and ADM training

Cost £750 per day as required plus VAT

Following the completion of the first four applicant households, each subsequent household is charged at £400 for Local Authorities and not-for-profit/charity organisations and £500 for ‘for profit’ IFAs. NB The primary learner will receive full enrolment certification in the Level 2 Award, with mapping completed to TSD. The Level 2 Award completes approximately 90% of the TSD.

All prices exclude VAT

For more information please email or 01453 519000 (Inspire Training Group, part of COECT)



6-9 Months. - 1-2 hours per week of study using an online learning platform.

Who is the Qualification for?

The Therapeutic Fostering qualification is aimed at foster parents and supporting professionals who work within the agency, and who support looked-after children that have suffered early life trauma through pre or postnatal stress, neglect, domestic violence, and/or abuse. It is used alongside the Therapeutic Fostering Assessment. (TFA)

Qualification Content

The programme includes 8 units which include:

Gain an understanding of Developmental Trauma. Learn how to build the foundations of a trusting relationship.

Understand how to meet the needs of the growing and developing child.

Be able to create a SAfE Parenting Environment.

Look deeper into safe parenting - Looking after ourselves. Explore the role of the professional therapeutic foster parent.

Mode of Learning

Learners have support from a programme tutor and peer support for their studies, through an online forum.

Please note: The qualifications are predominantly studied online through a learning platform; therefore, it is a prerequisite for applicants to be ICT/computer literate.

What our Learners say...

"I wish that we had this training when we first became foster parents. It prepares you for the task of fostering, so that you go into fostering have a realistic, but positive view Easy to use platform and the resources were easy to learn from."

Qualification Benefits

Not only will parents be able to learn and put into practice Therapeutic Parenting strategies, which will help them to develop a trusting relationship with their child, but they will also gain certification for our Level 2 Award in Therapeutic Fostering which is accredited by CACHE. The qualification is mapped into TSD (England) and AWIF (Wales) requirements which can be evident throughout the courses and relevant workbooks the course provides learners with. Quality assurance is also covered through this process, to allow learners to complete their induction workbooks (AWIF or TSD) within the qualification.

Accreditation & Certification

This qualification is accredited by the awarding body CACHE, once completed learners will receive a certificate from CACHE.

Progression route.

There is an opportunity to progress to the Therapeutic Parenting Programme or Diploma in Therapeutic Parenting from this qualification.

Qualification Costs

£400* Per Person for the Therapeutic Fostering Qualification

Therapeutic Fostering Assessment Training and Implementation support is at an additional cost. Contact

*Plus VAT.

Please note: Agencies/Companies who sign up a cohort of 10 learners will get 11th learner free

“Every part of the agency’s approach is underpinned by therapeutic parenting. It starts at the assessment process and flows through every part of the plans, support and care children receive.” Ofsted Inspection for True Fostering rated Ofsted Outstanding Provider, July 2023.

How to apply.

This qualification is specifically used within Foster Agencies and Local Authorities. To implement the TFA and TFQ contact us via

e: t: 01453 519000


6 hours - via online learning platform.

Who is the Trauma-Informed Panel Training for?

This is for all panel members to better support individuals seeking to become foster parents; it is crucial to gain knowledge of a trauma-informed approach to the assessment process. By implementing a trauma-informed approach, the assessment process can be more effective in identifying individuals who are well-suited to be Trauma-informed foster parents.

Qualification Content

The programme includes the following topics:

Understand why panels need to be trauma-informed. Gain knowledge of Developmental trauma and the impact of trauma on the child.

Develop an understanding of therapeutic parenting and the reasons why some children need to be therapeutically parented.

Gain knowledge of the link between Memory Trauma and false allegations.

Recognise the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue in foster parents.

Gain knowledge in preparation for the role of a Traumainformed Fostering Panel member

Mode of Learning

The program consists of video-based learning that is delivered through an online learning platform. Alternatively a, live version of training can also be delivered online with videos and Q & A with Trainer.

Please note: The qualifications are predominantly studied online through a learning platform; therefore, it is a prerequisite for applicants to be ICT/computer literate.


Qualification Benefits

Panel members will gain an underpinning knowledge of Developmental Trauma and the core principles of Therapeutic Parenting. They will be able to draw upon their knowledge in order for them to engage in the panel process, taking a trauma-informed and child-centred approach.

Accreditation & Certification

This course is an Inspire Training Group qualification. once completed, you will receive a certificate from Inspire, which has been endorsed by The Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma (CoECT)

Progression route.

There is an opportunity to deepen knowledge on the subject by studying the Level 3 Advanced Therapeutic Parenting Programme/ Diploma in Therapeutic Parenting or Level 3 Diploma in Therapeutic Parent Coaching.

Training Costs

£99 Per Person* for TFA Centres or NATP Members.

£150 Per Person* for Non TFA Centres. *Plus VAT.

What our Learners say...

Having served as a panel member for a considerable period of time, the course has offered me a fresh insight into the preparation and transferable skills that are essential to become a therapeutic foster parent. Consequently, I now believe that my approach to the panel process has been enriched with a trauma-informed approach.

How to apply. You can apply via our website


01453 519000

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